Contributions to Paléontology 1964 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503 T/zz's valame was pua/z's/zea’ as separate c/zapters fl—F UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director 5' (1 \T/ //(V EARTH SClENCES LIBRARY CONTENTS [Letters designate the separately published chapters] (A) Paleozoic gastropods from the Moose River synclinorium, northern Maine, by Arthur J. Boucot and Ellis L. Yochelson. (B) Some western American Cenozoic gastropods of the genus Nassarius, by W. O. Addicott. (C) Early Permian vertebrates from the Cutler Formation of the Placerville area, Colorado, by George Edward Lewis and Peter Paul Vaughn. (D) Marine Jurassic gastropods, central and southern Utah, by Norman F. Sohl. (E) Revision of some Paleozoic coral species from the western United States, by William J. Sando. (F) The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) ammonite genera Leconteites and Brewericeras, by David L. Jones, Michael A. Murphy, and Earl L. Packard. ' U,S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: l965 0—776-689 75 7 DAY ‘ «Pr :chtgéB/W Paleozoic Gastropoda 0:52 V 50.3) EARTH SCIEN CES from the Moose River 1 Synclinorium, Northern Maine 4- LE‘ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—A "" ~— Paleozoic Gastropoda from the Moose River Synclinorium, Northern Maine By ARTHUR J. BOUCOT and ELLIS L. YOCHELSON CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—A 1472 investigation offassi/s primarily (yr Dewm'an age UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1966 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director EARTH SCIENCES For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price 50 cents (paper cover) Abstract ___________________________________ Introduction _______________________________ Occurrence and distribution of the gastropods__ Systematic paleontology _____________________ PLATE 1. 2~3. FIGURE 1. 2. CONTENTS Page ________ 3 Index______-_-________ ________ 3 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] Gastropoda and miscellaneous fossils Gastropoda Correlation table ______________________ Sketch of “Euomphalopterus” ____________ TABLE TABLE 1. Distribution of gastropods in Paleozoic rocks of the Moose River synclinorium _______________________________ 856 A1 Register of localities _____ 1 References cited _________ C} E? 75 H; v. 50: L EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY Page A15 17 19 Page A2 17 Page A4 III CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA FROM THE MOOSE RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, NORTHERN MAINE By ARTHUR J. BOUCOT and ELLIS L. YOCI—IELSON ABSTRACT Large-scale collecting in the middle Paleozoic strata of the Moose River synclinorium has yielded a few gastropods—one Ordovician species, six species from the Silurian, and two from rocks of Silurian or Devonian age, one of these also occurring in rocks of undoubted Silurian age. The Devonian rocks yielded 17 species, one of which also occurs in the Silurian rocks, and by far the bulk of the specimens. The few specimens and their unsatisfactory state of preser- vation have resulted in use of open nomenclature for the most part. Eleven taxa are identified only to the generic level, and six are tentatively compared to previously named species. The generic assignment is questioned in four of the identified spe- cies; in only one taxon is the generic and specific designation of common usage accepted without question. The new bellerophontacean subfamily Plectonotinae is diag- nosed. Orossoceras is proposed as a new genus of Devonian age with 0. belomdi, new species, as the type. The genus is placed within the Platyceratacea. Platycems (Orthongchia) aroostookcnsis is proposed as a replacement name for P.? (0.) compressa Williams and Breger, 1916, not P. compressum Net- tleroth, 1889. The occurrence of ophiuroid remains and “Nidul- Hes,” two faunal elements which do not fit conveniently into other faunal studies, is noted. INTRODUCTlON This paper describes and illustrates gastropods ob- tained for the most part by Boucot during several years of field investigation in the Moose River synclinorium of northern Maine. Boucot (1961) has delineated the general stratigraphy of the area; Oliver (1960) has described the Early Devonian corals. With the excep- tion of one pleurotomariacean gastropod, all specimens discussed are from rocks of Silurian and Devonian age. One new Silurian bellerophontacean is reserved for publication elsewhere by Boucot. Although John M. Clarke described specimens from this area in 1909, no other work has been done on these mollusks in the inter- vening years. In general aspect, the gastropod faunas resemble those of similar age known from the Appalachians, both to the north and to the south. Although the gas- tropods are of limited stratigraphic utility because of their rarity, occurrences support the correlation of rock units which has been determined from study of other fossil groups (chiefly brachipods and corals). Except where indicated, the taxonomic classification follows that published by Knight, Batten, and Yochel- son (1960). Specimens are rare and some are not well preserved; an open nomenclature has been used for most of the taxa. Future detailed study of middle Paleozoic gastropod faunas will undoubtedly increase the degree to which material can be identified, but be- cause of limited present knowledge in this particular field, a conservative taxonomic approach is warranted. The morphologic terms used follow those given by Cox (1955). With the exception of a few specimens in limestone, the fossils occur in indurated, cleaved, slightly meta- morphosed (chlorite zone) mudstone and siltstone. Most of the specimens were obtained by splitting slabs of matrix on a rock trimmer. These slabs were then soaked in hydrochloric acid and, after all shell material had been dissolved, latex rubber impressions were made from the internal and external molds. These impres- sions have been figured, though for a few species they have been supplemented by illustrations of the mold, or of the steinkern if it was not destroyed during prep- aration. The original specimens commonly are in sev- eral pieces. More than 8 tons of rock were split to ob- tain the specimens described herein. In addition to the gastropods, the occurrence of N fidu- lites and ophiuroid remains is noted. These uncommon fossils do not fit well with any of the major faunal studies, but it seems worthwhile to report their occur- rence in Maine. The locality numbers and the register of localities are in the Silurian—Devonian (SD) catalog of the US. Geo— logical Survey. A stratigraphic table prepared by Boucot (1961) is reproduced here as figure 1. All the formations mentioned in the text are shown in this fig- ure except an unnamed conglomerate, an approximate equivalent of the Silurian Hardwood Mountain Forma— tion, that occurs in the Attean quadrangle of northern Maine. A1 A2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY WEST SIDE DEER ISLAND LOBSTER 0F AREA SPENCER ENCHANTED LITTLE BIG AGE LAKE MOOSEHEAD MOOSEHEAD STREAM “M POND BECK POND POND wooo POND LAKE LAKE 7 'i" // 1 § Tomhegan / o . 5 Formation Tomhegan ‘0 Formation // / Tarratine 5 >_ Formation E E Seboomook Tarratine Seboomook Seboomook Seboomook Seboomook E 3 Formation Formation Formation Formation Formation Seboomook Seboomook Formation D 0 Formation Formation ‘/ g f / E Parker Bog g Whisky Formation B?“ Pond : Quartzite Limestone Lu u. 3 O m g Hobbstown § E Capens Formation ’ F: g Formation / :> / a: 5 Lobster g i Hardwood Hardwood E E Lake 5 E Mountain Mountain 1:. 3 r *-' w a . . = 5 Formation E, *5 g Formation Formation :J E E / ‘E D E :1 E E g g E E / 5,‘ E g 5 z / Volcanic Volcanic / . rocks / / rocks / z “”03"” undiffer- / undiffer- 5 m“ t' t d t' t d E undiffer- Kennebec en ra e en la 9 8 entiated Formation (/9 s . . // Sedimentary Sedimentary _ and volcanic and volcanic Sedimentary c: Sedimentar Sed'menta'y rocks, undif' rocks, undif- and volcanic / , g .y and V°|°a"_'° ferentiated ferentiated rocks, undif- E and volcanic rocks, undlf. fer t' td g HICKS, ”fidif' ferentiated en '3 e / ', 5 ferentiated 1 /7// , // ,////, E 3; Basement Basement Basement Basement E complex complex complex complex (J E FIGURE 1.—Correlation table of Paleozoic strata in the Moose River synclinorium of northern Maine (after Boucot, 1961). PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA, MOOSE RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE GASTROPODS Mollusks constitute but a small fraction of the fossils collected from the Moose River synclinorium. At most localities brachiopods are the dominant faunal element; in some localities corals are dominant. Mollusks, the third most common group, are much less abundant than either of these phyla. Pelecypods and gastropods con— stitute Virtually all of the molluscan fauna, the pele- cypods being more common than the gastropods. We estimate that there were about one thousand brachio- pods collected for each gastropod obtained. Among these few gastropod specimens, the platycera- tids are, by far, the most abundant; members of this family areseveral times as abundant as all other gastro- pods combined. Among the remaining specimens, four groups—bellerophontaceans, pleurotomariaceans, all other archaeogastropods combined, and all high-spired gastropods combined—are subequal in abundance, pleu- rotomariaceans being the most common of the four. So few specimens are involved, however, that the number of specimens within each group cannot be considered significant. The gastropods commonly do not appear to have been collected from former life assemblages; at a few localities there is fairly definite evidence that they were part of death assemblages. Some inferences about the ecology of the platycera- tids can be drawn. Most specimens of the family were collected from localities in the Tarratine Formation where there is an indication that some were from former life assemblages. The Tarratine is divisible into three parts: a limestone lower member (McKenney Ponds Member), the main body of interbedded subgraywacke and slate, and an upper quartzite (Misery Quartzite Member). Except for a few from the limestone, the platyceratids were collected from the main part of the formation. In both parts of the formation the original matrix may have been a soft mud. In spite of the fact that platyceratids are assumed to have lived on crinoid calyxes throughout their lives, none was found attached. Indeed, crinoid debris is rare in the subgraywacke and slate. This evidence is clearly not enough to abandon the traditional idea regarding the life habit of this group, but it does suggest that not all platyceratids were necessarily restricted at maturity to the substrate of a crinoid host. Other areas may yield information to reinforce the suggestion that some platyceratids were free living in the adult stage. Not only platyceratids, but all other gastropod speci— mens are most common in the Tarratine Formation. The faunal distribution is summarized in table 1; of the 22 Silurian and Devonian taxa identified, 10 occur in the Tarratine. Curiouslyenough, the overlying Tom- l A3 hegan Formation, which has been collected about one- fourth as intensively as the Tarratine, has yielded fewer specimens but 11 taxa. Only three taxa are common to the two formations. The two formations thus con- tain the bulk of the taxa discussed in this paper. The Seboomook Formation, the lateral equivalent of the Tarratine, contains only two species, both of which are common in the Tarratine. The slightly older Beck Pond Limestone has yielded only a few platyceratids. These are identified as Platycems (Platyostoma) ven- trécosum, the same species as in the younger beds, but that particular species category is admittedly broad. Less than a dozen specimens are known from the Silurian, but they are quite distinct from those of the Devonian. E uomphalopterus, Polemm'ta, and Orio- stoma are characteristic Silurian gastropods. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 1 Class GASTROPODA Subclass PROSOBRANCHIA Order ARCHAEOGASTROPODA Suborder BELLEROPHONT‘INA Ulrich and Scofield, 1897 Superfamily BELLEROPI—IONTACEA M’Ccy, 1851 2Family SINUITIDAE Dall in Zittel-Eastman, 1913 ?Subfami1y SI'NUITINAE Ball in Zittel-Eastman, 1913 Genus PATELLOSTIUM Waagen, 1880 Patellostium? revolvens (Williams and Breg‘er) Plate 1, figures 1—4 Bellerophon (Patellostium) revolvens Williams and Breger, 1916, p. 265, pl. 14, figs. 14, 15, 2/0, 27. Description—These shells are moderately large, are phaneromphalous, and have an explanate aperture. Early growth stages are unknown. Because the whorls expand at a rapid rate, few whorls are completed. The mature state is marked by an expansion of the aperture. The lip expands nearly equally in both lateral and an- terior directions. The aperture may have an extremely shallow sinus near the dorsum or may be straight, but neither a deep sinus nor a slit is present. The umbilici are narrow but deep, their upper edges being steeply rounded. From the edges of the umbilicus, the profile is a low smooth curve not interrupted at the dorsum. Ornament is limited to obscure growth lines. anarka—This description is based on a restudy of Williams’ and Breger’s type lot from glacial drift, prob— ably derived from the Tarratine Formation at Detroit, Somerset County, supplemented by three additional specimens. One of the new specimens is larger than any of the syntypes and shows a few of the growth lines. 1 In the synonymles in this section, names of founders of species are given for the original reference, but, for brevity, are not repeated in subsequent citations to the same species. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONT‘OLOGY A4 mmmm mmmmm HHMHH .XXHXH X NH ....X MMHHMWMHKMH mHHHHHHHHH MHHHHHHHHM NA. X. m m: m: HH m: m: HHHHHHH HHHHH m H H HH .HH HH HH HH HHHHHHH HHHHH X r : ..................... t : : X .......... m H H HH HH HH HH HH HHHHHHH HHHHH X : -. ....................... .. . .Swflm can WEEEB getmfius Q as 3:25:65 5855520on ............................... am £E§£€§§~v ............... - . . .am SESEUESC $253533 “$333525: .......... 99.5.8 Z awngwficgg :mSBEoNgaESE: Hawuahcnaowdomm ..................................... am SEESEAN ..................... . . . .Eflafiono EamEBmoio .................................. qm 553325 ”awofiafigmoto .............. 33$: 533:qu .N do usageEmaE ”33358822 ............................ aw .: €§ES metuenmfib ........................... .dw AES‘EQSSV ............. 85:08 Esneoggg 958835.": ........................... am 93833.5 2:3qu ................................. . . . . .% Sagom 68380333 ............................ aw ghfiasgasgfix ................... 93% ESE .m. do gEeNegam. ................................. am 3:535. 3.“ ....................... aw Stamefioqv 333 39H ................... 53d 33%: Nam Ho «SaueEum .................... 83$ 3:3: .3 do 5:35:82 ”amomiaESoEo—m ............... A3129 gaging .nw do ”523283 .................................. am «.5333938 11.2am2m wax 355:3 SESEE. $33355an .................. €859 233:3?»3 :Efiguafi: ....... Qomfim can 255$: mfissmozwwsk ”aeoaazonao‘szom 6983 038% 618% OQLZ 811.3 8!. {’8 0608 OGSZ ZLSZ I986 ZSBZ ossz SISZ SGLZ SSLZ [LLZ LBLZ 99LZ [2L6 GZLZ LZLZ IZLZ OZLZ GILZ SILZ 901.3 [01.6 OOLZ 18??! 62.88 498% 66% 6.58 9669 68%: 68W QVLS 812? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu n.0— anflo>wgufidisfim mg mb :ozafiuom guonfiofi :eSaEuom 2:2be 0:ch .055 each xoem 32o .Efiunoc voimaab Hosanioh gooEoonwm Sigh—oh E58 -mfiom :oSmEuom 53352 cooBEam :Sfiwfiue 3:855 nos .aESm 8925M ZHQ ZHQ .5 ZAJMDAHm Z -OQMHO $6QO Sgscfigo‘sam saga 33% 22 use 333 RSuamEM § mvcaoémSu 98 gcfigfitfiglé Ema. PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA, MOOSE RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE The primary types, catalogued under USNM 59843, consist of five specimens. The original of Williams’ and Breger’s plate 14, figure 20, an external mold, is here designated lectotype and is reillustrated on our plate 1, figure 1. The steinkern illustrated by Williams and Breger as figure 15, the counterpart of figure 20, the steinkern illustrated as figure 14, and two fragments, are all designated paralectotypes; the original of their figure 27 is missing. Bellerophon plenus Billings, as figured by Clarke (1909, p. 153—154, pl. 17, figs. 27—28) from Gaspé, may be the same as this taxon. Clarke’s material has not been investigated, and the illustrations, though suggestive of this interpretation, are not conclu— sive. The type species of Patellost’éum was redescribed by Knight (1941, p. 236), who showed that it was a stein- kern. Consequently, it is difficult to place the genus in any family, and in the last major revision of Paleozoic Gastropoda (Knight, Batten, and Yochelson, 1960, p. I184), the genus was not assigned. The steinkern of Patellostz'u‘m? revolve/LS closely resembles that of the type species, P. macrostoma (Roemer). If these spe— cies are congeneric, something more can be deduced of the characters of the genus. P.? revolvens appears to have neither a slit nor a well-developed selenizone. Recent work by Radvan Horny (1962; 1963; oral commun., 1962) has shown that several species from the Silurian and Devonian of Czechoslovakia are character— ized by flaring apertures at maturity but that Virtually no apertural reen‘trant is present in the flare. This new information suggests that the interpretation of Patello- stium presented here is not anomalous. It suggests further that the genus may be related to Ptomatz's Clarke, 1899, and Urenistm'ella Knight, 1945. There is every likelihood that these genera form a distinct sub- familial 0r familial group. Pending more detailed in- vestigations, Patellostz'um is here placed questionably within the Sinuitidae. Occurrence—Tarratine Formation: U‘SGS loc. 2705—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle; 2720—SD, Long Pond quadrangle; 2890—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Tomhegan Formation: USGS loc. 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimens.—USNM 59843, 126285. Subfamily BUCANELLINAE Koken, 1925 Genus BUCANELLA Meek, 1871 “Bucanella” brevilineatus (Conrad) Plate 1, figures 5, 6 Bellcrophon brcvilmeatus Conrad, 1842, p. 269, pl. 16, fig. 6: Hall, 1879, p. 107, pl. 26, figs. 5—7. Tropidocyclus brcvilineatus, Clarke, 1908, p. 229, pl. 17, figs. 7—16; Clarke, 1909, p. 139, pl. 32, figs. 4—7. Desom‘ption.—A medium-sized compressed phanerom- phalous bellerophontoid gastropod which has a promi- A5 nent median lobe. The overall shape is compressed, but the median lobe of the shell is high and relatively wide, and has a well-rounded upper surface; its lateral slopes are steep. The upper surface of the lateral lobes are strongly curved and turn rapidly into the flattened outer whorl faces. The umbilical shoulders are rounded, the umbilici are wide, and the umbilical sutures are sharp. Growth lines are prominent and are raised, though not sublamellose; the interspaces are about twice as wide as individual lines. The growth lines' are ortho- cline within the umbilici and across the umbilical shoul- ders, then curve only slightly prosocline to the median lobe. The upper surface of the median lobe bears curved growth lines slightly finer and possibly more closely spaced than those on the lateral slopes. The relationship of the growth lines on the dorsum to those on the slope is not known. The ornamentation is con- fined to the coarse transverse collabral lines. Remarka—Narrow trilobed bellerophontoids orna— mented by prominent growth lines occur in strata of the Hamilton Group (Hall, 1879, p. 107, pl. 26, figs. 5—7), the Gaspé Sandstone (Clarke, 1908, p. 229, pl. 17, figs. 7—16), and beds of late Early Devonian age at Highland Mills, Orange County, N.Y. In the past these bellerophontoids have been assigned to “Tropi— docyclus brevilz'neatus (Conrad).” The few specimens from the Tomhegan Formation in Somerset County, Maine, are also judged to be conspecific. All citations in the synonymy are from the literature, and no com- parison has been made of the Maine specimens with the types. For the past several decades, it has been customary to assign most trilobed middle Paleozoic bellerophonta- ceans t0 Bucanella. At the same time, it has been recog— nized informally that, fundamentally, these taxa prob- ably have little in common with this genus except gen- eral shape. Buccmella mm, the type species of the genus, is from beds of Early Ordovician age. There is a distinct possibility either that the morphol- ogy of this form may be reinterpreted by other work- ers, or that better material may demonstrate conclu— sively a slit in the aperture of this species. In the past, the aperture always has been interpreted as sinuate. The supposition of a slit in the aperture parallels the findings presented below for Plectonotus. Were the presence of a selenizone more strongly inferred, the writers would propose a new genus, but the available material does not yet warrant such a step. Occurrence—Tomhegan Formation : USGS loc. 2750—SD, 2820— SD, 2852—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126369. A6 Family BELLEROPHONTIDAE M’Coy, 1851 Subfamily TROPIDODISCINAE Knight, 1956 Genus GAMMADISCUS Horny, 1962 Gammadiscus? somerseti (Williams and Breger) Plate 1, figures 7, 8 Tropidodiscus (Temnodiscus) somerseti Williams and Breger, 1916, p. 271~272, pl. 14, fig. 22. Description—These shells are medium sized lanceo— late phaneromphalous bellerophontaceans; growth lines form a narrow V-shaped sinus in the outer lip which does not give rise to a selenizone. The whorl profile is lanceolate, being angular at the dorsal crest, gently con- vex between the dorsum and the umbilical shoulders, and angulated at the umbici, with only the slightest rounding of the shoulders. The sutures are distinct and give a stair—step umbilical profile. The umbilici are moderately wide and occupy more than one—fourth of total width. The growth lines are closely spaced. They are normal to the umbilical angulations, but then curve smoothly to the posterior and rise until, at the dorsum, they make an angle of about 30° with the center of the crest. Remarks—Williams and Breger (1916, p. 271—272) based Tropidodiscus (Temnodz'scus) somersetz‘ on two steinkerns collected at Detroit, Somerset County, Maine; the two are catalogued under USNM 59852. Because the types show few critical features, they are not reillustrated. The larger figured specimen is here designated lectotype, the smaller paralectotype. Beds of Tarrautine age are not known to crop out in or near Detroit. Williams’ and Breger’s specimens un- doubtedly were collected from glacial drift. Brachio- pods associated with the types clearly indicate that the matrix was derived originally from the Tarratine Formation. The description of Gammodiscus? somersetz' given above is based almost entirely on several specimens col- leoted from outcrops of the Tarratine Formation in Somerset County. The new material is considered con- specific with the types; one of the specimens has the ex- terior preservedand shows a sinuate periphery, rather than a slit as in T ropidodisous. The generic descrip- tion of Gammodz’smm was published in a preliminary note (Horny, 1962) but was later given in detail (Horny, 1963, p. 88). The type species is lanceolate in profile and has sinuate growth lines; “lilliams’ and Breger’s species is provisionally transferred to Gam- modz‘scus. Pending further information on the limits of the genus, the generic reference is here used ques- tionably, inasmuch as the type of the genus is of Ordo- vician age, and no other species have yet been assigned. The gap in record between the Ordovician type and CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY this Devonian occurrence suggests a need for caution in the generic assignment. The specimens identified by Williams and Breger (1916, p. 270—271) from the Chapman Sandstone in Aroostook County, Maine, as Tropidodz'sous obem Clarke differ from this species in being wider and ex- panding slightly less rapidly. The illustrations of the type (Clarke,190‘7,p.193) are not. outstanding, and from neither source is it possible to determine if this species has a sinuate periphery rather than a true apertural slit. T. curvilineatus (Conrad) has a similar lanceolate cross section but does have a narrow silt. So little is known about the presence of a slit versus a sinus in the lanceolate Silurian and Devonian bellerophontaceans that meaningful comparison cannot be made with other species. Occurrence—Tarratine Formation : USGS 10c. 2705—SD, 28134 SD, 2832—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle; 2718—SD, 2719—SD, 272OASD, 3090—SD, Long Pond quadrangle; 2861—SD, Moose head Lake quadrangle. Figured specimens.—USNM 126282. Genus TROPIDODIS‘CUS Meek and Worthen, 1866 Tropidodiscus sp. Plate 1, figure 13 Remarks—A single specimen of Tropidodiscus was collected from a crinoidal limestone in the lower con- glomerate member of the Hobbstown Formation. The specimen is a juvenile and is too immature to be as— signed to any particular species. It differs from Gam— mwdz'sous? somerseti (Williams and Breger) in showing a selenizone on the crest. The crest is raised and flat- tened rather than steeply rounded. This species also appears to have slightly coarser growth lines which are more widely spaced than in 6’. somerseti. Tropidodiscus cureilz’neatus (Conrad) is closely re- lated but is distinct. That species has finer growth lines, a more inflated profile, and a less pronounced crest upon which the selenizone is borne. The species cannot be compared with T. amem'canus, a species described by Williams and Breger (1916, p. 272) as T. minimus var. amem'canus and based on a single specimen from the Chapman Sandstone in Aroostook County, Maine. That holotype is more than three times as large as this form and is a steinkern. The steinkern shows one detail of general interest in that the trace of the slit is preserved. The slit is more than one-fifth of the body whorl circumference in depth. Occurrence—Hobbstown Formation: USG‘S loc. 3479—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126297. PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA, MOOSE RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE Subfamily PLECTONOTINAE, Boucot and Yochelson, new subfamily Diagnosis.—Moderately large slit-bearing beller— ophontid gastropods having a prominent raised median lobe that forms a trilobed cross section. Remarks—Some of the specimens from Maine, stud— ied by Boucot in 1955, so strongly suggested that the aperture of this genus had a slit that a cast of the type species was reexamined. Study of this cast indicates that the V-shaped sinus described by Knight (1941, p. 255—256) in the holotype might better be interpreted as an artificial break. Although Clarke suspected the presence of a selenizone, his original material was too poor to demonstrate this point. The presence of a slit and a deep U—shaped sinus has been confirmed in speci- mens from widely separated areas. In particular, Boucot and Saul (in Saul, Boucot, and Finks, 1963, p. 1048—1049) have described significant material from the Devonian of Ghana; they also illustrated Maine and Gaspé specimens showing a slit. Undescribed material of Plecto’notus from Saudi Arabia and Antarctica also shows the slit and selenizone particularly well. Knight, Batten, and Yochelson (1960, p. 1175) had no knowledge of this slit, and they considered Plecto- notus to be a subgenus 0f Buccanella‘. Because Baca— nella lacks a slit, the two generic taxa were placed in the Sinuitidae, and in the subfamily Bucanellinae. This new finding necessitates the removal of Photo— notm to the Bellerophontidae. The subfamily Plecto— notinae is proposed here to include bellerophontids hav- ing a trilobed cross section. Boucot and Saul (in Saul, Boucot, and Finks, 1963, p. 10—16—1047) indicated the need for this subfamily but did not formally propose it. This new interpretation will probably lead to the re- classification of several species of middle Paleozoic bel- lerophontaceans and may result in the establishment of new genera to be included in this subfamily. So far as is known, however, none of the described Beller- ophontidae genera should be transferred to this sub— family. Genus PLECTO‘NOTUS Clarke. 1899 Type species.—Plectonotus derbyz' Clarke, 1899. Description—A narrowly phaneromphalous, wide, bilaterally symmetrical gastropod having a trilobed whorl profile and a U-shaped sinus in the anterior lip which gives rise to a short but distinct slit. The me- dian part of the whorl profile is raised, relatively broad, and only slightly arched; it slopes off sharply on each side. The lateral parts of the shell are narrower than the median lobe and curve sharply into the umbilicus. The umbilical sutures are sharply defined. A broad, raised flat selenizone, set off by two narrow revolving A7 grooves, occupies the center of the dorsum. Ornamen- tation consists of very faint growth lines and rare spiral lirae. Remarka—This redescription of Plectonotus is based upon study of an impression of the holotype, a stein- kern, of Plectonotus derby/i Clarke, 1899, from the Maecuru Group of Brazil, many specimens of Bellam- phon (Plectonotus) tm'lobatus Sowerby, as figured and described by Williams and Breger, 1916, from the Chapman Sandstone of northern Maine, and specimens from the Tarratine Formation in Somerset County, Maine. As redefined, Plectonotus is confined to beds of Early and Middle Devonian age.- Species are known from Antarctica, Africa, Asia, North America, and South America; specimens from the Antarctic and Asia have been seen by the writers but are not described. The genus may occur in Europe, but specimens which clearly show the selenizone have not yet been described. The median lobe of Plectonotus is broad as contrasted with the median lobe of Bucanella. A smaller but generally similar bellerophontacean is common in the Silurian of Maine but is distinguished by having prominent spiral lirae; this new form is not described herein. Many of the Silurian specimens re- ferred by American authors to Bellerophon trilobatus Sowerby probably fall within the undescribed taxa. The enigmatic Tritonophon Cpik from the Silurian of Australia is clearly distinguished from Plectonotus by its abundant spiral lirae. It is not evident, how- ever, whether Tm‘tonophon possesses a slit or simply an apertural sinus. In addition to the type, Plectonotus derbyi Clarke (1899a, p. 70, pl. 3, figs. 14—17), three species are as- signed to the genus. These are Plectonotus? saltem' Clarke (1899a, p. 71, pl. 3, figs. 12—13), also from the Devonian of Brazil; Bellerophon (Plectonotus?) gas- pensz's Clarke (1907, p. 194) from Grand Greve, Gaspé peninsula; and Bellerophom (Plectonotus) flaw-mus Reed described from the Devonian of South Africa and redescribed by Boucot and Saul (in Saul, Boucot, and Finks, 1963, p. 1048). Bucaniella tfilobam var. m‘m- mmwlo Clarke (1899, p. 37, pl. 2, figs. 20—22) is only questionably assigned. Finally, Plcmorbz's trilobatus Conrad (1838, p. 113) may be a representative of this genus but is so poorly known that it definitely falls into the category of a nomen inquirendum. Though the species is obviously not a Planorbis, it is not evident that the species is better assigned to Plectonotus than to other bellero- phontacean genera. The most practical course is to leave this name in the genus in which it was originally placed to avoid creating any secondary homonomy. A8 Plectonotus cf. P. gaspensis (Clarke) Plate 1, figures 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 Bellerophou (Plectouotus?) ga‘speusis Clarke, 1907, p. 194, figs; Clarke, 1908, p. 154, pl. 17, figs. 17, 18. Belleroiphou (Ple‘ctouotus) trilobatus Sowerby, Williams and Breger, 1916, p. 266—269, pl. 14, figs. 1a, 1b, 12, 13, 17—19, 28. Remarks.—Williams and Breger (1916, p. 266—270) present an elaborate synonymy for the specimens which they identified as Bellerophon (Plectonotus) trilobutus Sowerby. They included P. gaspensz's (Clarke) within Sowerby’s species. Because this synonymy includes both Silurian and Devonian trilobed forms under the one specific name, the apparent limited stratigraphic range as shown by Plectonotus in the restricted sense is masked. Except for their specimens, the material referred to in their synonymy listing has not been in- vestigated. Though it seems probable that several taxa have been confused under the name of Sowerby’s spe- cies, it seems equally probable that the tangle cannot be unravelled without excellently preserved material. The illustrations provided by earlier authors are not particularly useful. It is a reasonable assumption that both the new ma- terial from Maine and the Devonian specimens de- scribed earlier by Williams and Breger belong to Clarke’s species. The Maine specimens are steinkerns and, though they show the general characters well, they are not particularly informative as to the nature and individual variation of the specific characters. Occurrence.—Tarratine Formation: USGS loc. 2705—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle; 2718—SD, 2719—SD, 2727—SD, 2783— SD, Long Pond quadrangle; 2830—SD, Moosehead Lake quad- rangle; 2813—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle; 2729—SD, 3478—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Tomhegan Formation: USGS loc. 2819— SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimeu8.—USNM 59843, 126290, 126370. Suborder PLEUROTOMARIINA Cox and Knight, 1960 Superfamily PLEUROTOMARIACEA Swanson, 1840 Family EOTOMARIIDAE Wenz, 1938 Subfamily EOTOMARIINAE Wenz, 1938 Tribe PTYCHOMPI-IALIDES Wenz, 1938 Genus MOURLONIA Koninck, 1883 Mourlonia cf. M. lucina (Hall) Plate 2, figures 1—3 Euomphalus? rotundus Hall, 1843, p. 172, fig. 4. Plcurotomiaria lucmu Hall, 1861,2 p. 14; Hall, 1862, p. 42, pl. 5, fig. 12; Hall, 1876, pl. 18, figs. 5—11; Hall, 1879, p. 67, pl. 18, figs. 1—11, pl. 30, figs. 10, 11. Pleurotomaria rotunda (Hall) not Miinster, Hall, 1876, pl 18, figs. 1—4. Eotomuria (Plcurortma) luomu, Grabau and Shimer, 1909, p. 645, fig. 879C. Mourlouia lucmu, Knight, 1944, p. 457, pl. 184, fig. 35. 2Listed in Hall’s synonymies of 1876 and 1879, but seems to be in error inasmuch as this species name does not occur in the work cited. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY Description—~14 low—spired rounded gastropod that has a selenizone on the periphery at midwhorl. The nucleus and the early whorls are unknown. The sutures are distinct, though not impressed. The body whorl embraces the penultimate whorl well below the seleni- zone. The upper surface is flattened near the suture but is not clearly set off and crosses an obscure angulation before it arches into the curved outer face. This curve is interrupted by the relatively wide peripheral seleni- zone. Below the selenizone, the profile is curved strongly inward to the curved base and then upward and inward, though it is not certain whether there is a narrow umbilicus. Growth lines are steeply prosocline and slightly curved above the selenizone, but they are almost orthocline below. They are distinctly spaced, the distance between them being approximately the width of a lira. The selenizone is slightly raised and is flattened between the two revolving lirae. Lunulae are more closely spaced than the growth lines. Bernarks.—Although a few specimens are available, most are incomplete or poorly preserved juveniles. The type of the species seems to possess spiral ornament that gives it a cancellate appearance unlike the Maine speci- mens; thus reference to the species can be only provi- sional. For both the typical representatives and the Maine specimens, there is some question whether the characteristics of the selenizone are truly those of M ourlom'u. Pending further studies of Devonian gas— tropods, the generic concept is here used in an expanded manner. Oocurrence.—Tarratine Formation : U‘SGS loc. 2718ASD, 2719— SD, 2720—SD, 2766—SD, Long Pond quadrangle; 2813-SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle. Figured spectmcn-.——U SiN M 126288. Tribe EOTOMARIIDES Wenz, 1938 Genus BEMBEXIA Oehlert, 1888 Bembexia? cf. 3.? adjutor (Hall) Plate 2, figures 6—10 Plcurotomaria adjutor Hall, 1879, pl. 21, fig. 16; pl. 30, fig. 1. Pleurotomaria (Lophospira) adjutor, Grabau, 1913, p. 354. Bembem’a adjutor, Knight, 1944, p. 457, pl. 184, fig. 29. Description—A moderately low spired gastropod having a raised concave—bordered selenizone on the outer whorl face. Sutures are distinct, though not impressed. The body whorl embraces the penultimate whorl a slight distance below the selenizone. The upper whorl sur- face is inclined at about 30° from the horizontal con- tinuing straight to a spiral lira at its outer edge. Be— low this lira the profile is slightly concave and nearly vertical to another lira, this one marking the upper edge of the peripheral selenizone. The lower edge of the selenizone is also strongly bordered, below which the PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA, MOOSE RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE outer whorl face is nearly vertical for a short distance to a slightly finer lira that is embraced except on the body whorl. Below this fourth lira, the outer face continues nearly vertical for a short distance, but then curves abruptly into the flattened base. The base may be narrowly phaneromphalous, but this detail is not known with certainty. The inner lip is slightly reflexed. The selenizone is strongly bordered, raised well above the general surface of the outer whorl face, distinctly concave, and ornamented with nearly straight, closely spaced lunulae having a finer texture than that of the growth lines. Growth lines are straight and are proso- cline on the upper surface, but bend to more strongly prosocline just above the selenizone. Their course be— low the selenizone is unknown; they appear to be straight, opisthocline on the base. They are widely spaced and coarsely lirate; the interspaces are about five times as wide as the lines. Ornament consists of the four spiral threads and the colabral lira. Remarks.—The description above is based on four juvenile specimens. Several are distorted but, as near as can be determined, all are conspecific. The illustra- tions of Pleurotomamla adjutor Hall suggest characters closely similar to, and possibly identical with, the taxon described above. No authentic specimens of that spe- cies are available for comparison, and it seems wiser to delay definite identification until a comparison can be made with the Maine specimens. The elaborate ornament of this species is certainly not characteristic of the genus Bembem’a; the species may be the representative of a new genus. Bembem'a has been used for other elaborately ornamented species, however, for example, B. ellenae Conklin, from the Mississippian New Providence Shale. With the ma.- terial now available, no particular purpose is gained in naming a new genus, and the expanded use of Bembewia will be continued. Occurrence—Tarran‘tine Formation: USGS 10c. 2705—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimens.—-USNM 126280, 126293, 126371. Family LOPHOSPIRIDAE Wenz, 1988 Subfamily LOPHOSPIRINAE Wenz, 1938 Genus LOXOPLOCUS Fischer, 1885 Subgenus LOPHOSPIRA Whitfield, 1886 Loxoplocus (Lophospira) sp. Plate 2, figures 4, 5 Remarks.—Only two gastropods were obtained dur- ing the field investigation from rocks of Ordovician age. Both are moderately high spired and have an angulate periphery. The upper whorl surface is flat— tened and inclined downward. The angulation at the prominent carinate periphery is the most striking fea— ture of the profile. A second angulation is at the point 795-886 o—ee——2 A9 of the juncture of the penultimate whorl and is covered except on the body whorl. The sutures are distinct but not impressed, and the surfaces between the angulations are little arched. Remnants of growth lines are pre— served only near the umbilical region; the umbilicus is possibly anomphalous. The nature of the aperture is not lmown, but the presence of a selenizone at the peripheral angulation is a likely possibility. In spite of the paucity of detail, there is little question as to the generic affinities of this form, though, of course, specific identification is impossible. Occurrence.—Kennebec Formation: USGS 10c. 4317—00, Bras- sua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimcn8.—USNM 126277, 126281. Subfamily RUEDEMANNIINAE Knight, 1956 Genus RUEDEMANNIA Foerste, 1914 Ruedemannia’l sp. Plate 2, figures 20, 21, 24, 25 Remarks.—-A medium-sized turbiniform gastropod is known from three external molds. The sutures are dis- tinct, and the body whorl embraces about the midwhorl. The upper whorl surface is steep and sigmoidal in sec- tion, being curved outward at its lower edge. The junc— ture of outer and basal whorl face is marked by a wide, raised and lightly rounded band. Even though growth lines cannot be observed, there is every likelihood that this band is a selenizone. The outer whorl face is con- cave from below the presumed selenizone to midwhorl, below which it becomes convex but gradually curves in- ward. Growth lines are prosocline, sweeping strongly backwards on the upper surface; their course on the outer whorl face is unknown. Ornament is confined to the fairly fine, closely spaced growth lines The specimens possess the general shell form charac- teristic of Ruedemannia though they lack spiral orna- ment near the selenizone. The poor preservation, the small amount of material, and, above all, the lack of recent studies of Devonian pleurotomariacean gastro- pods prevent positive identification on both the specific and generic levels Occurrence.—Tarratine Formation: USGS 10c. 2705—SD Bras- sua Lake quadrangle; 2813—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle. Figured specimens.—USNM 126278, 126368. Family GO'SSELETINIDAE Wenz, 1938 Subfamily GOSSELETININAE Wenz, 1938 Genus STENOLORON Oehlert, 1888 Stenoloron cf. S. plena (Hall) Plate 1, figure 11 Pleurotomaria plcna Hall, 1876, pl. 17, figs. 11—13; Hall, 1879, p. 66, pl. 17, figs. 11—13. Description—A medium-sized, phaneromphalous, rotelliform gastropod possessing a narrow selenizone A10 on the upper half of the whorl just above the periphery. The nucleus is not known, but probably is ortho— strophic; sutures are distinct, though not impressed. The upper whorl surface profile is flattened to near its outer limit where it curves smoothly into the outer whorl face, which apparently is moderately well rounded. The body whorl embrams the penultimate whorl at the periphery, a short distance below the selenizone. The base is rounded and narrowly phaneromphalous. Growth lines are straight; they are prosocline above the selenizone and opisthocline below, arched only for an extremely short distance just below the selenizone. The lines are closely spaced, interspaces being only three to four times the width of the lines; they are dis- tinctly raised, though not sublamellose. The selenizone is above the periphery; it is narrow, depressed, and dis- tinctly concave. The lunulae of the selenizone are more closely spaced than are the growth lines. Remarks.——Only one distorted specimen of this taxon was found in Maine. It closely resembles Pleuroto- maria plena Hall, 1876, from the Onondaga Limestone of Albany County, NY. No specimens of Hall’s species are available for comparison, but his illustrations show the Maine form to be identical in nearly all respects, except that the selenizone of the type is apparently somewhat wider than that of the Maine specimen. Un- til the amount of individual variation in this feature is better known, only a comparison can be made with Hall’s species. Occurrence.——Tomhegan Formation: ITSGS loc. 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimen—USNM 126307. Family EUOMPHALOPTERIDAE Koken, 1896 Genus EUOMPHALOPTERUS Roemer, 1876 Euomphalopterus sp. Plate 1, figure 18 Remarks—Half a dozen specimens have been found which possess the prominent marginal frill, model" ately phaneromphalous umbilicus, and trochoid shape of Euomphulopterus. The material is inadequate for specific identification, but seems to be more similar in overall shape and size of umbilical region to the type species, E. alatus Wahlenburg, common in the Silurian of northern Europe, than it does to E. ’valeria (Bil- lings), a species common in the Guelph faunal zone. Both species have been reported from Gaspé. Occurrence.—Hornfels of late Llandovery age: USGS loc. 3475—SD, Stratton quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126274. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALE‘ONTOLOGY Suborder TROOHINA Cox and Knight, 1960 Superfamily PLATYCERATACEA Hall, 1859 Family HOLOPEIDAE Wenz, 1938 Genus HOLOI’EA Hall, 1847 Holopea sp. Plate 3, figure 16 Remarks.—This identification of Holopea sp. is based on a single broken external mold. The shell is globose and low spired. This form may have had a narrowly phaneromphalous umbilicus. Growth lines are straight and nearly orthocline. Though the speci- men is well preserved, its species cannot be identified because it is incomplete. It bears some resemblance to the form from Gaspé identified by Clarke (1908, p. 148) as Holopea cf. antiqua (Vanuxem). Occurrence.—Tomhegan Formation: USGS“ loc. 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126284. Family PLATYCERATIDAE Hall, 1859 Genus PLATYCERAS Conrad, 1840 Subgenus PLATYCERAS Conrad, 1840 Platyceras (Platyceras?) sp. Plate 3, figures 17, 19, 20, 25 Remarks—A medium-sized gastropod, probably hav- ing only the first whorl in contact, is represented by three somewhat distorted specimens. The form of the apical whorl is not known with certainty, though it probably is globose. Because the uncoiled body whorl is compressed, the cross section is almost rectangular in outline rather than ellipsoidal. The shell is nearly bi- laterally symmetrical, the early whorls appearing to be sunk below the level of the upper whorl surface. The mature outer whorl face is flattened, horizontal for much of the distance; it then drops outward and down- ward to the periphery and the whorl cross section is therefore almost triangular. The basal surface of the whorl is flattened and produced gently upwards from the fairly sharp periphery to the shallow umbilicus. The ornament is limited to transverse growth lines which are apparent only in the region of the aperture. The compressed shape of the shell and the apparent closed coil of the earliest whorl removes this form from close association with the subgenus Orthortychia. The subtriangular cross section is most uncommon, and it is a question whether the specimens are properly referred to Platyceras. The most similar described species are Platyceras compressum Nettleroth, from the Devonian of the Falls of the Ohio River, and P. currinatum Hall, from the Devonian of New York State. The Maine PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA, MOOSE RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE material is too incomplete for a close comparison with either. Further speculation as to the placement of these three species must be delayed until better material is available. 000urrcuce.—Tomhegan Formation: USGS loc. 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimens.—USN M 126296, 126305, 126306. 27 50—SD, Subgenus PLATYOSTOMA Conrad, 1842 Platyceras (Platyostoma) ventricosum (Conrad) Plate 3, figures 18, 21, 22 Platyostomd veutm‘cosum Conrad, 1842, p. 275, pl. 17, fig. 5; Williams and Breger, 1916, p. 262—263, pl. 13, fig. ‘315, 18 (these authors cite numerous earlier references in their synonymy which is not repeated here); Knight, 1941, p. 253—254, pl. 85, figs. 3a—d. Pldtyoeras ventrilcoisum, Nettleroth, 1889, p. 168, pl. 25, fig. 10. Pldtgceras (Platgostoma) ventricosum, Knight, 1944, p. 473, pl. 193, figs. 3—4; Knight, Batten, and Yochelson, 1960, p. 1240, fig. 153—13. Remarka—Although this species is the most abun— dant one in the collections, none of the Maine specimens of Pldtycems (PZdtgostomd) ventricosum are particu- larly well preserved. Insofar as they are preserved, they agree in all respects with the redescription and reillustration of the type of this species (Knight 1941, p. 253—254). Williams’ and Breger’s specimens also are distorted. All references in the synonymy given by them (Wil- liams and Breger, 1916, p. 262) could not be checked, but the probability is great that the references all apply to the same general sort of large, rapidly expanding low-spired globose shells. This specific name has been used for years as a “dumping ground,” but although good specimens of this species are rare, there is no reason to believe that strikingly different material has ever been assigned to this taxon. The species concept used for this form probably approximates the concept of a Recent species almost as well as any other paleon- tologic species for which excellently preserved speci- mens are not available. No Specimens were found attached to crinoid calyxes. In spite of the presumed coprophagous life habitat of this gastropod on crinoid calyxes, crinoidal debris is rare in the beds from which most specimens were obtained. Occurrence—Beck Pond Limestone: USGS 10c. 3499—SD. 3500—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Seboomook Formation: USGS loc. 2879—SD, 3481—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Tarratine Formation: USGS 10c. 2700—SD, 2701—SD, 2705—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle; 2721—SD, 2731—SD, Long Pond quadrangle; 2767—SD, 2771—SD, 2813—SD, 2872—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle; 2729—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Tomhegan Formation: USGS 10c. 2713—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimens.—USN M 126294, 126300, 126308. A11 Subgenus ORTHONYCHIA Hall, 1843 Platyceras (Orthonychia) sp. Plate 3, figures 23, 24 Remarka—One specimen of a large cornucopia-horn- shaped uncoiled gastropod was found. The ornamen— tation is limited to sinua‘te growth lines paralleling the irregular aperture. The earliest growth stages are not preserved. Many species of this subgenus have been described. Williams and Breger (1916) described three species from Maine, in one of which they distinguished two varieties. Each form is based on a single small speci- men; none appear to be closely related to this species. In detail, Pldtyceras (Orthonychéd) compressu Wil- liams and Breger is flattened, P. (Orthtmgchid) amas- tooki Williams and Breger is not twisted, and P. (Orthouychéu) hebes (Clarke) as recognized by these two authors, and including the two varieties they dis- tinguish, is a low, rapidly expanding cone. The species figured has more in common with such named Devonian taxa as Platycems (Orthouychia) deutdh'um (Hall),P. (0.) tortuosa (Hall) and P. (0.) sprimle (Hall), all of which were described originally from Helderberg or Oriskany strata of New York. All have in common a rapidly expanding shell which is clearly an open coil twisted in three dimensions. The superficially similar P. millem' Nettleroth, from the Devonian of the Falls of the Ohio River, bears numer- ous large spines and almost certainly represents another stock. These three named forms and the single Maine speci- men might be distinguished as a subgenus distinct from Outflow/chm. However, until sufficiently large popula— tions of each species are available to permit some basis for judging the amount of individual variation in what is clearly a highly variable group, any revision of the platyceratids should be deferred. During this investigation, it was noted that Plutycems (Orthougchid) compressd Williams and Breger is a junior homonym of P. compressum Nettleroth, 1889 (p. 162, pl. 25, figs. 8, 9), from the Devonian strata exposed at the Falls of the Ohio River. The types of both forms have been examined, and there is no question that they are distinct. Therefore, the name Pldtyce’ras (Orthonychia) droostookensés is proposed as a replace- ment name for P. (Orthouychia) compressu Williams and Breger. Occurrence—Tarratine Formation: Pierce Pond quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126292. Genus CROSSOCERAS Boucot and Yochelson, n. gen. Type species.—0rossocems belcmdi Yochelson, n. sp. USG‘S 100. 2813—S‘D. Boucot and A12 Diagnosis.—Flattened, rapidly expanding platycera- tid gastropods ornamented with revolving striations and widely spaced growth lines that extend as trans- verse frills; apical whorl in contact; body whorl open coiled. Discussion—This new genus has a shape similar to Platycems (Platyostoma) but that form lacks the prom- inent transverse frills. No reason for the periodic ex- pansion :of the aperture in this genus is apparent. In addition to the type, only one other species is as— signed to Crossyo‘cems. This is Platyceras newbewyz‘ Hall (1859, p. 333—334, pl. 68, figs. 14 a—c). Crossoceras belandi Boucot and Yochelson, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 6-15 Description—A medium-sized, closely coiled horn- shaped gastropod of 11/2 or more whorls. The nucleus and the first whorl are coiled discoidally and are in contact, whereas the later whorls are free. The aper- ture expands rapidly. The outer lip is steeply proso- cline in all growth stages, but is slightly irregular. The expansion of the whorl is not uniform, being re— stricted by growth ridges. The upper surface remains subdiscoidal at all growth stages, and most expansion is below midwhorl. Atop each growth ridge, a central growth line is expanded into an elaborate frill. Almost every fill is irregularly fluted or crenulated. The frills have their maximum width on the outer whorl face and diminish in size toward the umbilicus; the um— bilical region itself is free of frills. Other ornamenta- tion consists of fine revolving striations. Grooves on the interior of the shell are the internal reflections of the low rounded transverse ridges upon which the frills are located. Remarks. Crossocems belomdi is related to 0. new- bewyi (Hall), but can be distinguished from that spe— cies by its more rapidly expanding aperture and its smaller degree of open coiling. Other described globose platyceratids lack the impressive ornaments of this species. The species is based on five silicified specimens from near Glenerie, N.Y., supplemented by three specimens from Somerset County, Maine. The Glenerie material is beautifully silicified, but the Maine specimens are less well—preserved steinkerns and external molds, which, however, show enough detail to permit certain identification with the first group. Most of the type lot was collected from the Glenerie Limestone of Chad— wick (1908) along New York Highway 9W, 1 mile north of Glenerie and 1 mile south of Cockburn, NY. The species is named for Dr. Jacques Beland, De— partment of Geology, University of Montreal, who also found specimens of this species in the lower part of the CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY Grand Greve Limestone. That locality is 500 feet south of the Petite Neigette River near the boundary of lots 43 and 44 and the boundary of ranges III and IV of Neigette Township, Rimouski County, Quebec; the ap- proximate latitude is 48°22’ N. and the approximate longitude 68°22’ W. (written commun., J. Beland, 1963). Holotype.—USN M 12628319. 126283D, 126286A—126286C. Occurrence—Tarratine Formation: Moosehead Lake quadrangle. Figured specimens.—USNM 126286A. Paratypes USNM 126283A— USGS lOC. 2767—S‘D, 126283A, 1262830, 12628314], Superfamily MICRODOMATACEA Wenz, 1988 Family ELASMONEMATIDAE Knight, 1956 Genus ELASMONEMA Fischer, 1885 Elasmonema cf. E. bellatulum (Hall) Plate 3, figures 1—5 Lomonema bellatulum Hall, 1861, p. 104; Hall, 1862, pl. 4, figs. 4, 5. Lowmema (Isonema) bellatula, Hall and Whitfield, 1872, p. 200 (list only). Isonema bellatula, Meek and Worthen, 1865, p. 252; Meek and Worthen, 1868, p. 443; Hall and Whitfield, 1875, pl. 13, fig. 12; Hall, 1876, pl. 14, figs. 10—15. Calloncma bellatulum, Hall, 1879, p. 51, pl. 14, figs. 10—15, pl. 28, figs. 18, 19; Nettleroth, 1889, p. 175, pl. 20, figs. 4—7; Kindle, 1901, p. 698; Grambau and Shimer, 1909, p. 692, fig. 986; Stauffer, 1911, pl. 10, fig. 10; Grabau, 1913, p. 358; Hubbard and others, 1915, p. 5, Illus. sheet II, fig. 38. Callonema cf. bellatulum, Clarke, 1908, p. 299, pl. 15, fig. 8. Elasmonema bellatulum, Knight, 1941, p. 110, pl. 52, figs. 5a—c; Knight, 1944, p. 469, pl. 192, fig. 24; Knight, Batten, and Yochelson, 1960, p. 1243, fig. 155—3. Remarks.—Some half dozen specimens in the collec- tion agree with ‘the redescription and reillustration of this species given by Knight (1941, p. 110). One of the best specimens available has the inner lip and the im- mediately adjacent basal area preserved. This speci— men has an indentation in the area of the columella and, presumably, is minutely phaneromphalous. Knight’s illustrations indicate that the type of the species is nar- rowly phaneromphalous. None of the type lot or topo- typical specimens are available for comparison. Until the individual variation in the width of the umbilicus is better known, the Maine material can be only tenta- tively referred to the species. There is considerable variation among the Maine specimens, particularly in the shape of the whorls, but this variation is all attrib— uted to deformation by diagenetic and postdiagenetic events. Occurrencc.—Tomhegan Formation: USGS loc. 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimens.—U‘SN M 126302, 126303, 126316. 2819—SD, PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA, MOOSE Superfamily ORIOSTOMATACEA Wenz, 1938 Family ORIOSTOMATIDAE Wenz, 1938 Genus ORIOSTOMA Munier-Chalmas, 1876 Oriostoma sp. Plate 2, figures 18, 22 Remarks—Three specimens, a steinkern, a flattened external mold of the upper whorl surface of a mature specimen, and an external mold of the outer whorl face of a juvenile specimen, indicate the presence of Orio- stomvd in the Moose River area of northern Maine. The material is inadequate for anything more than generic identification. The specimens are low spired and have a distinct, slightly inclined upper whorl surface. Three spiral cords, the most prominent of which is just below the suture, ornament this surface. The outer whorl face is steeply inclined above the periphery and nearly verti- cal below this point; the periphery is at or below the midwhorl. This surface is ornamented by five spiral cords. The basal surface and umbilical features are unknown. Growth lines are distinct and sublamellose; they are prosocline on the upper surface and nearly orthocline on the outer whorl face. Other Oriostoma occur in Maine. In the U.S. Na- tional Museum collection are specimens from the Silu- rian of Whiting Bay and Field Point, Edmonds Town- ship, Washington County, Maine. These specimens were generically identified and named in manuscript by H. S. Williams, but descriptions were never published. The specimens are larger and have more closely spaced growth lines; they may represent another species. Occurrence—HornfeIS of late Llandovery age: USGS loc. 347548D, Stratton quadrangle. Figured specimens—USN M 126314, 126315. Oriostomatid operculum Plate 2, figure 23 Remarks—The impression of one multispiral oper— culum is available. Only the outer surface is preserved, but this surface shows the operculum to be a low cone. Sutures are distinctly incised. The individual whorls are wide for a multispiral operculum. The specimen cannot be referred to any particular species of 07*2'08- toma. One specimen in the collections of the U.S. National Museum was identified by H. S. Williams as the oper- culum of a gastropod. This specimen, from the Silu- rian at Whiting Bay, Edmonds Township, Washington County, Maine, appears to be identical with the form noted here. Other opercula from Burnt Cove in the same township clearly represent another species or genus. Occurrence—Hardwood Mountain Formation: USGS loc. 3469—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126312. RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE A13 Genus POLEUMITA Clarke and Ruedemann, 1903 Poleumita sp. Plate 2, figures 17, 19 Remarks—Several Silurian gastropods are sugges- tive of Poleumz'ta, but the specimens are too fragmen- tary for identification to species level. The best speci- mens are so low spired as to be nearly planispiral. The growth lines are steeply prosocline and are foliaceous; they form incipient spines at four places on the upper and outer whorl face. Other ornament consists of seven or more spiral lirae on the outer whorl face and at least four lirae on the upper whorl face, only one of which is prominent. No information is available on the possible presence of septa in juvenile stages. Poleumz'ta is here placed close to Om'ostoma rather than with the Euomphalacea (Knight, Batten, and Yochelson, 1960). This genus may not have had an outer calcitic shell and hence should not be placed in that superfamily. The evidence for neither placement is strong. Occurrence.—Hornfels of late Llandovery age: USGS 10c. 3475—SD, Stratton quadrangle, 3483—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126279. Suborder UNCERTAIN Superfamily PSEUDOPHORACEA Miller, 1889 Family PSEUDOPHORIDAE Miller, 1889 “Euomphalopterus” gasconensis Northrop Plate 1, figures 19, 21, 22; text figure 2 Euomphdlopterus ga-scouensis Northrop, 1939, p. 212, pl. 22, figs. 3, 4; ?v‘ariety p. 212, pl. 23, fig. 4. Remarka—The two available specimens do not par- ticularly add to the original species description. The first specimen is a crushed fragment of about one-third of two whorls which originally had a trochiform out- line. These whorls show peripheral scooplike spines and prosocline growth lines. The base of the shell, as judged from the internal impressions, was ornamented with transverse growth lines of about the same weight as those on the upper surface of the whorl (fig. 2). In this respect the specimen differs from the holotype, but this difference is not considered significant. The second specimen is a small fragment that only shows the peripheral spines. This species is generically distinct from any previous- ly described ferm, but the available material is too poor to form the basis for satisfactory description of a new genus. The holotype, with which the Maine specimens have been compared, is partly buried in a hard matrix and cannot be prepared easily for future study. Troohus astrdliformis Lindstrom, 1881, from the Silu- rian of Gotland, is probably congeneric with “Euom- phalopterus” gascommis. The Gotland species has coarse collabral ornament on its base. The spines of A14 CONTRIBUTIONS FIGURE 2.—Artist’s rendering of “Euomphalopterus” gdsconensis Northrop, shown with part of the shell removed to reveal the growth lines on the basal surface. that species extend out at an angle from the whorl, whereas in “E.” gdsconensis the spines appear to be sub- parallel to the whorl surface. Williams and Breger (1916, p. 278) described two Devonian species from the Chapman Sandstone as Pseu- dotectus, which may be an allied genus. Neither of their species has anything in common with this species Occurrence—Hobbstown Formation: USGS 10c. 3479—SD; Spencer quadrangle. Unnamed conglomerate: USGS Ice. 5995— SD, Attean quadrangle. Figured specimens.—USNM 126316, 144479. Order MECHAEOGASTROPODA Suborder MURCI—IISONIINA ‘Cox and Knight, 1960 Superfamily MURCHISONIACEA Koken, 1896 Family MURCHISONIIDAE Koken, 1896 Genus MURCHISONIA Archiac and Verneuil, 1841 Subgenus MURCI-IISONIA Archiac and Verneuil. 1841 Murchisonia (Murchisonia) sp. Plate 2, figures 11, 12 Description—A high-spired gastropod having a con- cave selenizone 0n the periphery bounded by revolving carinae. Sutures are distinct but not impressed. The whorl profile is flattened from the suture to a revolving carina near midwhorl. A lower carina is parallel with the upper one; both border the selenizone and are pe- ripheral. The whorl face below the selenizone pro- ceeds steeply downward for only a short distance to the next suture. The selenizone is distinctly concave be- tween the bordering carinae and apparently is smooth. The growth lines are steeply prosocline above the upper carina and are unknown below. Other ornament is lacking. The base and umbilical condition are un- known, as are all details of the aperture. TO PALE ON TOLOGY Remark8.—Three specimens are available, though only one shows much detail. The single specimen upon which most of the above description is based, although moderately well preserved, is too incomplete to be com— pared in detail with any of the named species of De- vonian Murchisonid. The species named Gomlostmpha chdp'mmu' by Wil- liams and Breger (1916, p. 276) is based on a steinkern. Details of the selenizone and whorl profile cannot be compared. That species is probably not conspecific, for it seems to be higher and wider than this species. Occurrence.—Tarratine Formation: USGS loc. 2798—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle. Tomhegan Formation: USGS loc. 2713—SD, 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126299. Murchisonia (Murchisonia?) sp. Plate 2, figure 13 Remarka—High-spired specimens from several 10- calities and horizons may be referred to Murchisom'd. All specimens are slightly to badly distorted; the fig- ured one is the best preserved. The whorl profile is more swollen at the periphery and has the periphery higher on the whorl than in the previous species. The selenizone is lower and is less prominent. As a result of the inflated whorl profile and the obscure selenizone, the shells superficially resemble Lowonemd. One or two poorly preserved Maine specimens of that genus may have been confused with Murchisom'd. In fact, whether this form occurs in the two formations listed or whether material is being combined under one name merely because it is all poorly preserved is an open question. It is unlikely that this taxon is actually the same as Gom'ostropha chapmdm' Williams and Breger, although both forms have features in common. Their species may be somewhat more angular at the periphery, but the fact that the single known specimen is a steinkern, makes precise comparison impossible. Occurrence—Hardwood Mountain Formation: USGS loc. 3469—SD, Spencer quadrangle. Tomhegan Formation: USGS 10c. 2750—S'D, 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Figured specimen.—USNM 126298. Order CAENOGASTROPODA Cox, 1959 Superfamily LOXONEMATACEA Koken, 1889 Family LOXONEMATIDAE Koken, 1889 Genus LOXONEMA Phillips, 1841 Loxonema cf. L. welleriana Williams and Breger Plate 2, figures 14, 16 Lad-(meme wiellevridna Williams and Breger, 1916, p. 279—280, pl. 13, figs. 2, 3, 5. Description—A very highsp‘ired gastropod with shallow sutures. The whorl profile is moderately PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA, MOOSE RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE rounded, and the sutures, while distinct, are not deep. The base is rounded and anomphalous. The columel- lar lip is slightly reflexed, but is not thickened. The growth lines are unknown, though there is slight evi- dence of an extremely shallow sinus extending between the sutures. Ornament is unknown. Remarka—Several high-spired gastropods of me— dium size are available; one has the whorl profile well preserved. Williams and Breger (1916, p. 279—280) identified two species of Lomonema from glacial drift boulders which had the lithology of the Tarratine Formation and contained the brachiopod fauna characteristic of that formation. Three specimens were assigned by them to Lowanema jemeyeuse Weller, 1903, and nine specimens to a new species, L. welleriaua. Several specimens in each group retain growth lines, and though most of the specimens are not well preserved, there is some basis for the distinction drawn by these authors. The original of their plate 15, figure 5, is here designated the lectotype of L. welleriaua; it is figured for comparison on plate 2, figure 15. Assuming that the two species do exist and that the original work did not simply distinguish end members of a variable series, the specimens from the Moose River district. are more similar to L. welleriam. Though the presence of a shallow sinus cannot be con— firmed, the whorl profile is similar in that the sutures are shallow and the whorls are not sharply inflated. In contrast, the specimens assigned to L. jerseyeme, although also extremely high spired, have a more in- cised suture and a more inflated whorl. The specimens described by Williams and Breger (1916) as Mesoooelia teuuella constitute an enigma. No growth lines are evident, nor is a selenizone clearly displayed. Perhaps these specimens should also be placed within Loxonema wellericma, but that particular problem is beyond the scope of this study. Occurrence—Seboomook Formation: USGS loc. 2857—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. Tarratine Formation: USGS loo. 2701—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, 2813—SD, Pierce Lake quad- tangle. Figured specimens.—USNM 59863, 126309, 126310. A15 Phylum ECHINODERMATA Class STELLAROIDEA Order OPHI'UROIDEA Unidentified ophiuroid Plate 1, figures 20, 23 A block of sandstone used as part of a garage founda- tion in the village of Long Pond, Long Pond quad- rangle, Somerset County, Maine, contained the impres- sions of three ophiuroids, together with those of brachiopods characteristic of the Tarratine Formation. This block was collected and is figured here because of the rarity of fossil ophiuroids. Identification and de- scription of the specimens is deferred pending their examination by a specialist in this group. Stratigraphic positiou.—Tarratine Formation. Figured specimeu.—USN M 126099. Dasycladacean Alga Genus MASTOPORA Eichwald Mastopora sp. Plate 1, figures 16, 17 Remarks.—Fragmentary subspherical, calcite-filled bodies from the Kennebec Formation, while incomplete, are characteristic of fossils usually referred to N'z'du- lites. The external surface bears the characteristic ornament of a honeycomblike surface in which each hexagon is deeply indented by an almost hemispherical concavity. Although the material is not of particular biological significance, this occurrence is useful for rec— ords of geographic distribution of Ordovician fossils. Osgood and Fischer (1960) have demonstrated that the Middle Ordovician fossil commonly cited in the literature as Nidulz'tes pyriformis Bassler, and vari- ously classed as a sponge, a receptaculitid, or as incertae sedis, seems to be a dasycladacean alga of the genus Mastopom. Occurreme.—Kennebec Formation: Loc. U’S‘GS—4318—CO, Brassu‘a Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. Figured specimens.—USNM 126471, 126472. REGISTER OF LOCALITIES All collections were obtained from Maine. All the numbers are in the permanent register of Silurian- Devonian locality numbers maintained by the US. Geo- logical Survey except for 4318—CO which is in the Cam- brian-Ordovician register. A16 CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY USGS Formation Age locality description Collector, USGS Formation Age Locality description Collector, locality date locality date 2700-SD- . Moose River Early Edge of central and east- A. J. Boucot, 2813—SD. . Moose River Early De- Northwest ninth of Pierce A. J. Boucot, roup Devonian. central ninths of Bras- July 14, Group Tar— vonian. Pond quadrangle, 0.11 August 27, Tarratine sua Lake quadrangle, 1949. ratine mile upstream from the 1949. Forma- Somerset County. Formation. stream which flows tion. through the camp at 2701—SD- . _____ do _______ ._do_ _ . _ Do. the north end of En- 2705—SD- - _____ do- . . .__ . ..... do .................... D0. chanted Pond, in the 2713-SD_ . Moose River Central ninth of Brassua A. J. Boucot, first outcrop on the Group Lake quadrangle, July 6, north bank of the Tomhegan Somerset County. 949. stream. Formation. _ 2819—SD. . Moose River Devonian. .. West-central ninth of A. J. Boucot, 2718-SD_ _ Moose River _____ do ______ Southeast ninth of Long A. J. Boucot, Group Brassua Lake quad— 1949. Group Pond quad- 1948. Tomhegan tangle, Somerset County. Tarratine rangle. Formation, This outcrop is 0.7 mile Formatiln. Kineo N. 10° W. of “M” in 2719-SD . _ ..... do. . . ._ . Do. Volcanic Misery Gore. It is on 2720-SD - . ..... do- . . Do. Member. east bank of stream 2721—SD _ _ _____ do. _ . - ..... do ................. D0. which crosses Route 15 2727—SD . _ ..... do . . . .. .. East-central ninth of Long A. J. Boucot, (J ackman-Rockwood Pond quadrangle,about July 4, road) about 500 feet 200 ft east of Jaekman- 1949. north of road. Rockwood road (Route 2820—SD_ . Moose River ..... do ....... Northeast ninth of A. J. Boucot, 15), about 3.9 miles east Group Brassua Lake quad- June 20, of the J ackman-Long Tomhegan rangle, Somerset County. 1948. Pond Township bound- Formation. 0n Blaine School- ary by odometer. Tenmile Swing road, 2729—SD . . ..... do ............. do ....... East ninth of Spencer H. Woodard, about 3.5 miles north of quadrangle, on south 1949. the bridge over Moose shore of Spencer Lake, River. This locality is 2,675 ft northeast from in the ditch on the east the top of the 1,540-ft side of the road and is hill. usually covered by earth 2731—SD - . ..... do ............. do ....... Central ninth of Long A. J. Boucot, except when heavy Pond quadrangle in July 8, rains have deepened the railroad out about 1949. the ditch. half a mile from point 2830—SD. . Moose River Early De- Northwest ninth of A. J. Boucot, where the railroad Group vonian. Moosehead Lake quad- August 1, crosses the Jackman— Tarratine rangle. 1949. Long Pond boundary Formation. to the west, and di- 2832—SD. . ..... do ............. do___._.. Southwest ninth of A. J. Boucot, rectly north of the Brassua Lake quad- July 9, Route 15 symbol. rangle, on the south- 1950. 2750-SD - . Moose River ..... do ....... Northeast ninth of Bras- A. J. Boucot, west side of Knob (ele- Group . sua Lake quadrangle, 1949. vation 2,020 ft) on the Tomhegan Somerset County, ridge en echelon to the Fonna— Maine, on end of Baker northwest with William tion. Brook Point. The Mountain. . actual outcrops are 2852—SD. . Moose River Devonian- .. North-central ninth oi ‘ J. Bridge ledges about 100 ft in Group Brassua Lake quad- , and P. E. from the point. From Tomhegan tangle, Somerset Cloud, them blocks have been Formation. County. 0.6 mile N. Sept. 28, moved to the shore, 47" W. from southeast 1941. where much of the col- corner of most promi- lection was made. nent point near north,» 2766—SD . . Moose River ..... do ....... Central ninth of Long A. J. Boucot, west end of Brassua . Group Pond quadrangle,about July 29, Lake. Locality is 320 Terratine 700 feet north of the “F” 1949. feet S. 30° E. from tip. Formation. in Fogg Pond. of point at high-watch 2767-SD- _ ..... do ............. do ....... Northwest ninth 01‘ A. J. Boucot, mark. and consists of Moosehead Lake quad- July 30, several large slabs of rangle. 1949. platy, noncalc., greenish- 2771—SD . . ..... do ............. do ............ do _____________________ A. J. Boucot, to bluish-gray, buff- August 1, gray-weathering fine- 1949. grained sandstone. 2783—SD _ - _____ do _____________ do _______ Central ninth of Long A. J. Boucot, These slabs are prob- quadrangle. North August 10, ably very nearly in shore of Long Pond, 0.1 1949. place, but are so mile from the point slumped that the dip where the 70° 05’ West means nothing; they are meridian crosses the alined along the trend shore. N. 45° E. which approx- 2798—SD _ . ..... do ............. do ....... Northwest ninth of Pierce A. J. Boucot, imates the strike. Pond quadrangle. On August 19. 2857—SD- _ Moose River _____ do _______ Southwest ninth of A. J. Boucot, Enchanted Stream, 0.8 1949. Group Brassua Lake quad- August mile below the outlet of Seboomook rangle, Somerset County, 1950. . Little Enchanted Pond. Formation. 0.12 mile S. 40" E. from 2806—SD_ . Moose River ..... do ....... Northwest ninth of Pierce A. J. Boucot, the outlet of Chase Group. Pond quadrangle, in August 22, Stream Pond. Tarratine old sluiceway running 1949. 2861—SD . . Moose River ..... do ....... Moosehead Lake quad— A. J. Boucot, Formation southwest from McKen- Group rangle. Scattered out- Sept. 17, MeKen- ney Ponds, at the foot Tarratine crops on west Moose 1950. ney Ponds of the ridge formed by Formation. Brook Island (island is Limestone the basement complex. about 50 by 100 ft) Member. Clastic limestone lies north of Soccatean against the ridge from Point. the Ponds to the south- 2872—SD_ _ _____ do _____________ do _______ Northwest ninth of Pierce A. J. Boucot, west for about a quarter Pond quadrangle, in AuguSt of a mile, following the streambed of En- 19, 1949- course of the under- ground stream and caves. In scattered outcrops and loose slabs which can have come only from this horizon. chanted Stream 0.15 mile downstream from “S" in “Stream," just above the trail to Little Enchanted Pond. PALEOZOIC GASTROP‘ODA, MOO‘SE USGS Formation Age Locality description Collector, locality date 2879-SD_ _ Moose River Early De- Northeast ninth of Bras— A. J. Boucot, Group vonian. sua Lake quadrangle, July 19, Seboomook Somerset County. On 1949. Formation. shore of Tomhegan Cove, on the west side of the small point above the “'1‘” in “Tomhegan Cove." 2890-SD. _ Moose River _____ do _______ East—central ninth of P. Hurley Group Spencer quadrangle, or and J. Tarratine west-central ninth of Thomp- Formation. Pierce Pond quad- son, 1948. rangle. Loose boulder on Hedgehog Moun- tain, Somerset County. 3090—SD _ _ _____ do... ___________ do ....... Long Pond quadrangle. A. J. Boucot, Looge block at Parlin 953. Township, Somerset County. 3469—SD_ _ Hardwood Late Silu- About 0.5 mile west of A. J. Boucot, Mountain rian Hardwood Mountain 952. Formation. (Early and 2 miles north-north- Ludlow). east of Baker Pond, Spencer quadrangle, Somerset County. 3475—SD_ _ Unnamed L. Llando- Limestone Hill, Stratton 0.13%.2 Wolfe, horniels. vory (pos- uadrangle, Somerset séb)ly C4- ounty. 5 . 3478—SD. _ Tarratine Early De- Baker Pond area, Spencer A. J . Bou- Formation. vonian. Euadrangle, Somerset cot. Au- ounty. gust 11, 1952. 3479—SD. _ Hobbstown Late Silu- Puddingstone Hill about A. J. Bou- Formation. rian to 1.2 miles northeast of cot, Au- Early De- Baker Pond, Spencer gust 26, vonian. quadrangle, Somerset 1952. County. 3481—SD_ _ Seboomook Early De- Baker Pond area, Brassua A. J. Bou— Formation. vonian. Lake quadrangle, Som- cot, 1952. erset County. 3483-SD. _ Hardwood Late Silu- Baker Pond area, Spencer Do. Mountain rian. . uadrangle, Somerset Formation. unty. About 2.5 miles southwest of Baker Pond, 0.4 mile west of Spencer Stream. 3499—SD. _ Beck Pond Early De- Center of Spencer quad- Do. Limestone. vonian. rangle. About 500 ft south of outlet of Beck Pond. 3600—SD_ . -_.. _do _____________ do ....... Central ninth of Spencer quadrangle, Somerset County. 5995—SD_ _ Unnamed Late Silu- East side of Sally conglom- rian. Mountain, Attean quad- erate. rangle, Somerset County. 4317—00. _ Kennebec Middle East-central ninth of Do. Formation. Ordovi- Brassua Lake quad- cian. tangle, Somerset County, about 0.4 mile north- east Irom railroad over- pass at Somerset J unc— tion on northwest side of abandoned railroad (now surfaced for auto- mobile road). REFERENCES CITED Boucot, A. J., 1961, Stratigraphy of the Moose River synclino- rium, Maine: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1111—E, p. 153—188, pl. 34. Chadwick, G. H., 1908, Revision of “the New York series”: Science, new ser., v. 28, p. 346—348. Clarke, J. M., 1899a, Fauna Siluriana superior do Rio Trombe— tas, Estado do Para, Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Mus. Nac. Archivos, v. 10, p. 1-48, pls. 1—2. 1899b, Molluscos devonianos do Estado do Para, Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Mus. Nac. Archivos, v. 10, p. 49-179, pls. 3—8. 1907, Some new Devonic fossils: New York State Mus. Bull. 107, p. 153—291. 1908, Early Devonic history of New York and eastern North America: New York State Mus. Mem. 9, 366 p., 48 pls. RIVER SYNCLINORIUM, MAINE A17 Clarke, J. M., 1909, Early Devonic history of New York and eastern North America: New York State Mus. Mem. 9, pt. 2, 249 p., 34 pls. Conrad, T. A., 1838, Report on the palaeontological department of the Survey: New York Geol. Survey, Ann. Rept. 2, p. 107—119. 1842, Observations on the Silurian, Devonian, and Car- boniferous systems of the United States with descriptions of new organic remains: Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Jour., v. 8, pt. 2, p. 228—280, pls. 12-17. ‘ Cox, L. R., 1955, Observations on gastropod descriptive termi- nology: Malacolog. Soc. London Proc., v. 31, p. 190—202. Grabau, A. W., 1913, Preliminary report on the fauna of the Dundee limestone of southern Michigan, in Sherzer, W. H., Geological report on Wayne County: Michigan Geol. and Biol. Survey Pub. 12, Geol. Ser. 9, p. 327—378. Grabau, A. W., and Shimer, H. W., 1909, North American index fossils, v. 1: New York, A. G. Seiler and Co., 853 p. Hall, James, 1843, Geology of New York, part IV, comprising the Survey of the fourth Geological District: New York State Geol. Survey, 683 p., 19 pls. 1859, Descriptions and figures of the organic remains of the lower Helderberg group and the Oriskany Sandstone, 1855—1859: New York State Geol. Survey, Palaeontology, v. 3, 532 p., 120 pls. [Knight (1941, p. 393) notes that this work appeared in 1860 and 1861]. 1861, Descriptions of new species of fossils from the upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung groups, with observations upon previously described species: New York State Cabinet Nat. History, 14th Ann. Rept. Regents Univ., p. 99—109. 1862, Contributions to paleontology, comprising descrip— tions of new species of fossils from the upper Helderberg. Hamilton and Chemung groups: New York State Cabinet Nat. History, 15th Ann. Rept. Regents Univ., p. 29—198, 11 pls. 1876, Illustrations of Devonian fossils: Gasteropoda, Pteropoda, Cephalopoda, Crustacea and corals of the upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung groups: New York State Geol. Survey, Palaeontology [Issued in 100 copies, plates reproduced in 1879]. 1879, Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of the upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and C‘hemung groups: New York State Geol. Survey, Palaeontology, v. 5, pt. 2, 492 p., 113 pls. Hall, James, and Whitfield, R. P., 1875, Plates for descriptions of new species of fossils from the vicinity of Louisville, Kentucky, and the falls of the Ohio: New York State Mus. Nat. History, 27th Ann. Rept. Regents, p. 181—200 [text published in 24th Ann. Rept. 1872]. Horny, Radvan, 1962, New genera of Bohemian lower Paleozoic Bellerophontina: Czechoslovakia, l'lstredni Ustav Geolo— gicky, Vestnik, v. 37, p. 473—476. 1963, Lower Paleozoic Bellerophontina (Gasteropoda) of Bohemia: Czechoslovakia, Sbornik Geologickych Véd. Pale— ontologie, rada P. v. 2, p. 57—164, pls. 1—44. Hubbard, G. D., and others, 1915, Description of the Columbus [Ohio] quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey Atlas, Folio 197. Kindle, E. M., 1901, The Devonian fossils and stratigraphy of Indiana: Indiana Dept. Geology Nat. Resources, 25th Ann. Rept., p. 529—758, 31 pls. Knight, J. B., 1941, Paleozoic gastropod genotypes: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 32, 510 p., 96 pls. A18 Knight, J. B., 1944, Paleozoic Gastropoda, in Shimer, H. W. and Shrock, R. R., Index fossils of North America: New York, John Wiley & 00., p. 437—479. Knight, J. B., Batten, R. L., and Yochelson, E. L., 1960, [De- scriptions of Paleozoic Gastropoda] in Moore, R. 0., ed., Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, pt. I, Mollusca 1: New York and Lawrence, Kan., Geol. Soc. America and Kansas Univ. Press, 350 p. Meek, F. B., and Worrthen, A. H., 1865, Contributions to the palaeontology of Illinois and other western States: Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Proc., 2d ser., v. 9, p. 245—273. 1868, Palaeontology: Illinois Geol. Survey. V. 3, p. 291— 572, pls. 1—20. Nettleroth, Henry, 1889, Kentucky fossil shells: Kentucky Geol. Survey, 245 p., 36 pls. Northrop, S. A., 1939, Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Silurian rocks of the Port Daniel-Black Cape region, Gaspé: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 21, 302 pt, 28 pls. Oliver, William A., Jr., 1960, Devonian rugose corals from CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALE ON TOLOGY northern Maine: U.S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 1111—A, p. 1—23, pls. 1—5. Osgood, R. H., Jr., and Fischer, A. G., 1960, Structure and preservation of Mastopora pyriformis, an Ordovician dasy- cladacean alga: Jour. Paleontology, v. 34, p. 896—902, pls. 117—118. Saul, J. M., Boucot, A. J., and Finks, R. M. 1963, Fauna of the Accraian Series (Devonian of Ghana) including a revision of the gastropod Plectonotus: Jour. Paleontology, v. 37, p. 1042—1053, pls. 135—138. Stauffer, C. R., 1911, Historical or areal geology, in Stauffer. C. R., Hubbard, G. D., and Bownocker, J. A., Geology of the Columbus quadrangle: Ohio Geol. Survey, 4th Ser., Bull. 14, p. 11—50. Williams, H. S., and Breger, C. L., 1916, Fauna of the Chapman sandstone of Maine including descriptions of some related species from the Moose River sandstone: U.S. Geo]. Survey Prof. Paper 89, 347 p, 27 pls. A Page adjutor, Bembezia _________________ 1 A4, 8; pl. 2 Pleuratomaria. _ . 7 . . ,. 8,9 (Lophospira) _________________________ 8 alatus, Euomphaloptems ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 Alga, dasycladacean ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 15 americanus, Tropidodiscus ________ 6 Tropidodiscus minimus ________ . _ . . 6 antiqua, IIolopea ______________________________ 10 Archaeogastropoda ___________________________ 3, 14 araostooki, Platyceras (071h0nychia). , 11 astraliformis, Trochus ________________________ 13 B belandi, Crossaceras ___________________ 4, 11, 12; pl. 3 bellatula, Isonema _______ , 12 Loxonema (Isonema) ______________________ 12 bellatulum, Callonema. ___________________ 12 Elasmonema _________________________ 4, 12; pl. 3 Lozonemanvuhn; _____________________ 12 Bellerophon (Patellostium) revolvem. . 3 (Plectonotus) fratmnus. __________________ 7 gaspensis _____________________________ 7,8 trilobatua _________________ ._ 7, 8 plenus ________________________ _1 5 trilobatus _____________ __ 7 Bellerophontacea _____________________________ 3, 4 Bellerophontidae _____________________________ 6 Bellerophontina ________________ _ 3 Bembezia _______________________ ___. 8, 9 adjutor 4, 8; pl. 2 ellenae ____________________________________ 9 brevilineatus, Bucanella ___________________ 4, 5; pl. 1 Tropidocyclus ______________ 5 Bucanella _______________________ 6, 7 brevilimatus ___________ 4, 5; pl. 1 nana ____________________________________ 5 Bucanellinae _________________________________ 5 Bucam‘ella trilobata yiramundo. _______________ 7 C Caenogastropoda _____________________________ 14 Callomma bellatulum _________________________ 12 carinatum, Platyceras... 10 chapmani, Goniostropha... , 14 compressa, Platyceras (Orthonychia) ___________ 11 compressum, Platyceras _______________________ 10, 11 Crenistriella __________________________________ 5 Crossoceras _ _________ 11, 12 belandi... ______________________ 4, 11, 12; pl. 3 newberryz‘ _________________________________ 12 curvilineatus, Tropidodiscus ___________________ 6 D Dasycladacean alga __________________________ 15 dentalium, Platyceras (Orthonychia) ___________ 11 derbyi, Plectonotus ____________________________ 7 E Echinodermata _______________________________ 15 Elasmonema __________________________________ 12 bellatulum._ 4, 12; pl. 3 Elasmonematidae ____________________________ 12 ellenae, Bembezia _____________________________ 9 Eotomaria (Pleurorima) lucina... 8 Eotomariides _________________________________ 8 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate descriptions] Page Euomphalopteridae __________________________ A10 Euomphalopterus. _, ______________ _ 3,10 alatus ___________ 10 gasconensis _____________ 4, 13,14; pl. 1; text fig. 2 valeria. _ __ sp ____________________ Euomphalus rotundus ________________________ 8 F fratumus, Bellerophon (Plectzmotus) _____________ 7 G Gammadz’scus _________________________________ 6 somerseti ______________________________ 4,6; pl. 1 gasconensis, Euomphalopterus ______ 4, 13, 14; pl. 1; text fig. 2 gaspensis, Bellerophon (Plectonotus) ___________ 7,8 Plectonotus ____________________________ 4, 8; pl. 1 Gastropoda ___________________________________ 3 Goniostmpha chapmani. __ 14 Gosseletinidae_ __________________________ 9 Gosseletininae ________________________________ 9 H hebes, Platyceras (Orthonychia) ________________ 11 Holopea ______________________________________ 10 Holopeidae ___________________________________ 10 I Isonema bellatula ______________________________ 12 12 J jerseyense, Lozonema __________________________ 15 L Lophospira. __________________________________ 9 (Lophospim) adjutor, Pleurotomaria ___________ 8 sp., Lozoplocus ________________________ 4, 9; pl. 2 Lophospiridae ___________ 9 Lophospirinae _____________________ 9 Lozonema _______________________ 14, 15 bellatulum ________________________________ 12 (Isonema) bellatula ________________________ 12 jerseyense ........ 15 wellerianm. ___________________ 4,14,15; pl. 2 Loxonematacea. _______________________________ 4, 14 Loxonematidae ___________________________ _ 14 Lozaplocus _________________________ - _ _ _ 9 (Lophospira) sp _______________ _ 4,9; pl. 2 lucina, Eotomaria (Pleurorima) ________________ 8 Mourlom‘a ____________________________ 4, 8; pl. 2 Pleurotomaria _____________________________ 8 M McKenney Ponds Member, Tarratine Forma- tion ______________________________ 3 macrostoma, Patellostium ______________________ 5 Mastopora ____________________________________ 15 Sp ______________________________________ 15; pl. 1 Page Mesocoelia, tenuella ____________________________ A15 Microdomatacea _________________ 4,12 milleri, Platyceras ________________________ 11 minimus americanus, Tropidodiscus ___________ 6 Misery Quartzite Member, Tarratine Forma— tion _______ 3 Mourlom’a _________ 8 lucina _______ Murchisom’a. _ fl - __________________ (Murchisom'a) sp _____________________ 4, 14:131. 2 (Murchisonia) sp., Murchisom‘a ___________ 4, 14; pl. 2 Murchisoniacea ________________ _ _ _ 4, 14 Murchisoniidae , , ____________________ 14 Murchisoniina ________________________________ 14 N mma, Bucanella ______________________________ 5 newberrm‘, Crossoceras. _______________________ 12 Platyceras ________________________________ 12 Nidulites _________________________ _ 1, 15 pyriformis _____________________________ _ 15 O obez, Tropidodiscus ___________________________ 6 Ophiuroid ____________________ __ 15; pl. 1 Ophiuroidea _________________________ 15 Oriostama , _ _ _______ 3, 13 sp ___________________________________ 4,13; pl. 2 Oriostomatacea _______________________________ 4, 13 Oriostomatic operculum. _ _ 4,13; pl. 2 Oriostomatidae ____________________ 13 Orthonychiann, _________________________ 10, 11 (Orthonychia) aroostooki, Platyceras ___________ 11 compressa, Platyceras _____________________ 11 dentalium, Platyceras- _ . _________ 11 hebes, Platyceras__ __ 11 spirale, Platycerus... ___________ 11 tortuosa, Platyceraa _______________________ 11 sp., Platyceras _______________________ 4, 11; pl. 3 P Patellostium ____________ 3, 5 macrastoma _______________________________ 5 revolvens ______________________________ 3, 4; pl. 1 (Patellostium) revolvens, Bellerophon.. 3 Planorbia _________ 7 trilobatus ..... 7 Plutyceras _______________________________ - 10 carinatum ____________________________ _ 10 compressum ______ ___ 10,11 milleri1_.-__ _ _____________________ 11 newberwi_-_._1_._.._-_; __________________ 12 (Orthonychia) aroostookt _ 11 compressa ____________________________ 11 11 11 11 tortuosa _______ 11 31) _________________________ 4, 11; pl. 3 (Platyceras) sp. ____________ 4, 10,- pl. 3 (Platyostoma) _____________________________ 12 ventricosum ____________________ 3, 4, 11; pl. 3 (Platyceras) sp., Platyceras. __._ 4, 10; pl. 3 P1atyoerataoea..._ 4, 10 Platyceratidae . ______________________________ 10 A19 A20 Platyostoma._ ventricosum ________ _ 11 (Platyostama), Platyceras. ___ 12 ventricosum, Platyceras _ 3, 4, 11; pl 3 Plectonotinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Plectonotus _______________ derbyi ________________ gaspensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 8; pl. 1 salteri _______ 7 (Plectonotus) fraturnus, Bellerophon _____ , 7 gaspensis, Bellerophtm; ___________________ 7, 8 trilobatus, Bellerophon ______________ 7,8 plena, Pleurotomaria _____ _ 9, 10 Stenoloron ........... 4, 9; pl. 1 plenus, Bellerophon ___________________________ 5 (Pleurorima) lucina, Eotomaria __________ 8 Pleurotomaria adjutor ___________________ 8, 9 lucina ____________________________ 8 puma“. _ 9,10 rotunda _________________________________ 8 (Lophospira) adjutor ____________________ 8 Pleurotomariacea ______________________ 4, 8 Pleurotomariina _______________________ , . _ 8 Polemm‘tu _____________________________ 3, 4, 13; pl. 2 sp _____________________________________ 13; pl. 2 Prosobranchia ________________________________ 3 Pseudophoracea ___________ 4, 13 Pseudophoridae ___________ 13 INDEX Ptomatis _________________________ Ptychomphalides _______________ pyriformis, Nz'dulites __________________________ 15 R revolvem, Bellerophon (Patellostium). __ ___... Patellostium ___________________ rotunda, Pleurotomaria ________________________ rotundus, Euomphalus _______________________ Ruedemannia ______________________ sp __________________ Ruedemanniinae. _ h _ _ _ comtooomnw salten’, Plectonotus __________________ Seboomook Formation _ ______ Sinuitidae _______________ Sinuitinae ____________ somerseti, (‘ammadiscus__ Tropidodiscus (Temnodzscus)-.. spirale, Platyceras (0rthonychia).-.. Stellaroidea. Stenaloron- __ Tarratine Formation _________________________ 3 (Temnodiscux) somerseti, Tropidodiscus ________ 6 Page tenuella, Mesocoelia __________________________ A15 Tomhegan Formation ________ 3 tortuosa, Platyceras (Orthonychia) ________ - 11 trilobata viramundo, Bucam’ella ________________ 7 trilobatus, Belleraphon _______________________ 7 Bellerophon (Plectonotus) ________________ 7,8 Planorbis ______ 7 Tritonophon _______ 7 Trochina ___________________________________ 10 Trochus astraliformis ___________ 13 Tropidocyclus brevilimatus. . Tropidodiscinae ______ Tropidodiscus ______________ americanus ______ curvilineatus _____ minimus americanus ________ ober ________________________ (Temnodiscus) somerseti _____ 8p __________________________ V valeria, Euomphalopterus ______________________ 10 ventricosum, Platyceras (Platyostoma)__ 3, 4, 11,- pl. 3 Platyostoma __________________ 11 viramundo, Bucam‘ella trilobata _______________ 7 W welleiiana, Lozonema ______________ 4, 14, 15; pl. 2 PLATES 1—3 FIGURES 1—4. 5, 6. 7, 8. 9, 10, 12, 14, 15. 11. 13. 16, 17. 18. 19, 21, 22. 20, 23. PLATE 1 Patellostium? revolvens (Williams and Breger) (p. A3). 1. The lectotype, an external impression (X 1.5). Moose River Group, Detroit, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 59843. 2. Side View of latex replica (X 1). Tarratine Formation. Locality 2705—SD, Brassua Lake quad- rangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126285. 3. Adapertural view of same replica. 4. External view from which this replica was cast, showing flaring aperture and absence of a slit. “Buccmella” brevilineatus (Conrad) (p. A5). Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 5. Left side of latex replica (X 4). 6. Adapertural View of same replica showing sinuate periphery (X 4). USNM 126369. Gammadiscus? somersetz' (Williams and Breger) (p. A6). Tarratine Formation. Locality 2718-SD, Long Pond quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 7. Adapertural View of latex replica showing periphery. USNM 126282. 8. Right side View of same replica (X 3). Plectonotus cf. P. qaspensis (Clarke) (p. A8). 9, 10. Dorsal and side Views of compressed juvenile steinkern (X 4). Tarratine Formation. Locality 2705—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126290. 12. Juvenile steinkern (X 3). Tarratine Formation. Locality 2718—SD, Long Pond quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126370. 14. Mature steinkern showing general profile (X 2). Chapman Sandstone. Presque Isle Stream, Chapman Plantation, Aroostook County, Maine. USNM 59845. 15. Latex replica of exterior clearly showing position of selenizone (X 6) suggested in figure 12. Tarra- tine Formation. Locality 2718—SD, Long Pond quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126370. Stenoloron cf. S. plena (Hall) (p. A9). . Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820—SD, Brassua quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 11. Latex replica of slightly distorted exterior (X 2). USNM 126307. Tropidodiscus sp. (p. A6). Lower conglomerate member of Hobbstown Formation. Locality 3479~SD, Spencer quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. Left side View of latex replica of exterior (X 4). USNM 126297. Mastopora sp. (p. A15). Kennebec Formation. Locality 4318—CO. Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 16. Latex replica of part of a “Nidulites” (X 3) USNM 126471. 17. Latex replica of a more complete specimen (X 3). USNM 126472. Euomphalopterus sp. (p. A10). Hornfels of late Llandovery age. Locality 3475—SD, Stratton quadrangle, Maine. 18. Latex replica of incomplete upper surface, showing the frill (X 1). USNM 126274. “Euomphalopterus” gasconensis Northrop (p. A13). 19. Whorl fragment showing the peripheral spines (X 3). Unnamed conglomerate. Locality USGS— 5995—SD, Attean quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 144479. 21. External mold of basal surface and spines (X 1). 22. Latex replica showing upper surface of spines (X 1). Lower conglomerate member of Hobbstown Formation. Locality 3479—SD, Spencer quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126316. Unidentified ophiuroid (p. A15). Tarratine Formation. Loose block from village of Long Pond, Long Pond quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 20. Latex replica (X 3). USNM 126099. 23. Impression of another specimen (X 3). USNM 126099. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503-A PLATE 1 . » g: . , PALEOZOIC GASTROPODA AND MISCELLANEOUS FOSSILS PLATE 2 FIGURES 1—3. Mourlom‘a cf. M. lucina (Hall) (p. A8). Tarratine Formation. Locality 2718—SD, Long Pond quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 1—3. Latex replica of exterior in side, basal and apical Views (X 3). USNM 126288. 4, 5. Loxoplocus (Lophospira) sp. (p. A9). Kennebec Formation. Locality 4317—00, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 4. Slightly oblique side View of latex replica (X 2). USNM 126277. 5. Latex replica of exterior of slightly distorted specimens (X 2). USNM 126281. 6—10. Bembexia? cf. B.? adjutor (Hall) (p. A8). Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 6, 7. Latex replica of exterior in side and oblique basal Views (X 3; X 4). USNM 126371. 8, 9. Latex replica of exterior in side and in slightly oblique Views (X 3). USNM 126280. 10. Latex replica of exterior (X 4). USNM 126293. 11, 12. Murchisom'a (Murchisonia) sp. (p. A14). Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 11. Side view of latex replica (X 3). USNM 126299. 12. Side View of latex replica of juvenile stage, the opposite side of the preceding View (X 3). USNM 126299. 13. Murchisonia (Murchisom'a?) sp. (p. A14). Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 13. Side view of latex replica (X 1). USNM 126298. 14—16. Lomonema cf. L. welleriana Williams and Breger (p. A14). Somerset County, Maine. 14. Latex replica of exterior (X 1). Tarratine Formation. Locality 2813—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle. USNM 126309. 15. Latex replica of exterior of lectotype; this is taken from the mold figured by Williams and Breger as pl. 13, fig. 5 (X 1). Tarratine Formation. Glacial drift in vicinity of Detroit. USNM 59863. 16. Latex replica of exterior (X 2). Seboomook Formation. Locality 2857—SD, Brassua Lake quadran- gle. USNM 126310. 17, 19. Poleumita sp. (p. A13). Hardwood Mountain Formation. Locality 3483—SD, Spencer quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 17, 19. Side and apical Views of fragment (X 1). USNM 126279. 18, 22. Oriostoma sp. (p. A9). Hornfels of late Llandovery age. Locality 3475—SD, Stratton quadrangle, Maine. 18. Latex replica of upper surface of a strongly distorted specimen (X 2). USNM 126314. 22. Latex replica of slightly distorted specimen in oblique side View (X 2). USNM 126315. 20, 21, 24, 25. Ruedemannia? sp. (p. A9). Tarratine Formation, Somerset County, Maine. , 20, 21. Latex replica of exterior in side and oblique top Views (X 2). Locality 2813—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle. USNM 126278. 24, 25. Latex replica of exterior in oblique top and oblique basal views (X 3). Locality 2705—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. USNM 126368. 23. Oriostomatid operculum (p. A13). Hardwood Mountain Formation. Locality 3469—SD, Spencer quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 23. Latex replica of exterior (X 2). USNM 126312. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 5034A PLATE 2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PALEOZOIC GASTROPO DA PLATE 3 FIGURES 1—5. Elasmonema of. E. bellatulum (Hall) (p. A12). Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 1. Apertural view of latex replica showing the narrow umbilical im Kineo Volcanic Member of Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2819—SD. USNM 126313. 2, 3, 4. Latex replica of exterior in adapertural View, oblique View, and side view (X 2; X 3; X 3). Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820~SD. USNM 126303. 5. Side view of somewhat compressed latex replica (X 2). Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820—SD. USNM 126302. 6—15. Crossocems belcmdz' Boucot and Yochelson, n. gen. and sp. (p. A12). 6—9. Apical, apertural, adapertural, and basal views of holotype (X 2). Glenerie Limestone of Chadwick (1908). New York 9W 1 mile north of Glenerie and 1 mile south of Cockburn, N.Y. USNM 126283E. 10—13. Basal, apical, adapertural, USNM 1262830. 14. Adapertural view of a juvenile paratype (X 3). Same locality as above. USNM 126283A. 15. Latex replica of paratype in adapertural view exterior (X 3). USNM 126286A. Tarratine Forma- tion. Locality 2767—SD, Moosehead Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 16. Holopea sp. (p. A10) Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820-SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. 16. Side View of latex replica (X 2). USNM 126284. 17, 19, 20, 25. Platycems (Platyceras?) sp. (p. A10). 17. Latex replica of exterior (X 2). Tomhegan Formation. rangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126305. 19,20. Latex replica of exterior, and oblique apical views of steinkern (X 2). Tomhegan Formation. Locality 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126306. 25. Side view of compressed and distorted specimen (X 2). Locality 2750—SD, Tomhegan Formation. Brassua Lake quadrangle, Somerset County, Maine. USNM 126296. 18, 21, 22. Platyceras (Platyostoma) ventricosum (Conrad) (p. A11). Tarratine Formation, Somerset County, Maine. 18. Apical view of latex replica (X 1). Locality 2767—SD, Moosehead Lake quadrangle. USNM 126300. 21. Latex replica of distorted exterior mold (X 1). 126294. 22. Apical View of steinkern (X 1). 23, 24. Platyceras (Orthonychia) sp. (p. All). Tarratine Formation. Locality 2813—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle, 23. Latex replica of exterior; the center latex (X 1). USNM 126292. 24. Side view of steinkern of same specimen (X 1). USNM 126292. pression behind the reflexed lip (X 3). and apertural views of paratype (X 1). Same locality as above. Locality 2820—SD, Brassua Lake quad- Locality 2872—SD, Pierce Pond quadrangle. USNM Locality 2701—SD, Brassua Lake quadrangle. USNM 126308. Somerset County, Maine. prong of the sinuous aperture is partially obscured by a flap of GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 5034A PLATE 3 PALEOZOIC GASTROPO DA 7 DAY A. Some Western American Cenozoic Gastropods of the Genus N 455477215 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—B - ,/ ""fi‘br” ~ \ JUN 25 1965 ’7 <6 x 4? vi: ’7/ SCIENCE 9%3/ Some Western American Cenozoic Gastropods of the Genus Nassarius By W. O. ADDICOTT CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—B Pacific coast nassariia’s, useful in oiostratigrapflic correlation of upper Cenozoic formations, are reviewed ana’ classified suogenerically. One new suogenus is clescrioea’, ana’ one is newly namea’ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON :1965 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director The U.S. Geological Survey Library has cataloged this publication as follows: Addicott, Warren 0., 1930- Some western American Cenozoic gastropods of the genus Nassaréus, by W. O. Addicott. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Ofl’., 1965. 24 p. plates. 30 cm. (U.‘S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 503—B) Contributions to paleontology. Bibliography: p. 19—21. 1. Gastropoda, Fossil. 2. Paleontology~Cenozoic 3. Paleon- tology—The West. I. Title. (Series) For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 — Price 35 cents CONTENTS Abstract ___________________________________________ Introduction _______________________________________ Acknowledgments ___________________________________ Systematic paleontology _____________________________ Genus N assarius Duméril ________________________ Key to some fossil western American subgenera of N assarius _____________________________ Subgenus Demondia Addicott, n. name ____________ Key to some western American species of Demandia ________________________________ N assarius (Demondia) califormTomus (Conrad)--- N assarius (Demondia) lincolnensis (Anderson and Martin) _____________________________ Subgenus Caesia H. and A. Adams ________________ Key to some western American species of Caesia- N assan’us (Caesia) grammatus (Dall) __________ N assarius (Caesia) moram‘anus (Martin) _______ N assarius (Caesia) coalingensis (Arnold) _______ N assarius (Caesz'a) whitneyi (Trask) ___________ N assar’ius (Caesia) delosi (Woodring) __________ N assarius (Caesia) rhinetes Berry _____________ Page B1 1 2 2 3 03 OD OOEDGWQCHO‘C.“ Hp... Systematic paleontology—Continued Subgenus Catilon Addicott, n. subgen _____________ Key to some western American Tertiary species of Catilon ________________________________ N assarius (Catilon) churchi (Hertlein) _________ N assam'us (Catilon) amoldi (Anderson) ________ N assarius (Catilon) smooti Addicott, n. sp ______ N assarius (Catilon?) antiselli (Anderson and Martin) _________________________________ N assarius (Catilon) pabloensis (Clark) _________ N assarius (Catilon) stocki Kanakofl ___________ N assarius (Catilon) andersoni (Weaver) ________ N assan’us (Catilon) hamlim' (Arnold) __________ N assarius (Catilon?) salinasensis Addicott, n. sp- N assarius (Catilon) hildegardae Kanakofl' _______ N assarius (Catilon) iniquus (Stewart) _________ Subgenus? _____________________________________ N assarius ocoyanus (Anderson and Martin)- - __ Locality descriptions ________________________________ References _________________________________________ Index _____________________________________________ ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE [Plates follow index] 1. Late Cenozoic species of Demondia and Caesia. 2. Late Cenozoic species of Caesia. 3. Late Cenozoic species of Catilon, Caesia, and subgenus?. FIGURE 1. Stratigraphic occurrence and possible evolution of species of Caesia ________________________________________ III Page B11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 19 23 Page B7 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS __L_ By W. O. AfiDIcorr ——l— ABSTRACT The gastropod genus Nassam‘us, characteristic of late Ceno- zoic molluscan faunas of the Pacific Coast States, is among the most useful molluscan taxa for stratigraphic correlation of ma- rine Tertiary and Quaternary formations of western North America. It first appeared in California during the early Miocene and by middle Miocene time had diversified into at least three supraspecific groups, defined on apertural morphol- ogy. These groups, which have continued into Recent time as the principal nassariid subgenera in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, are: Demondia, new name for Schizopyga Conrad, 1856 (not Gravenhorst, 1829) (type: Schizopyga californiana Con- rad); ansia (type: Nessa perpingm‘s Hinds); and Catiltm, new subgenus (type: Nessa amoldt Anderson). Demomlm, the smallest of the three subgenera, is first represented in strata of middle Miocene age by Nassam‘us lin- comensis from the Astoria Formation of coastal Oregon and Washington. Other Itaxa referable to this subgenus are: cali- fornicmus, mendicus, mendicus forma coopem‘, and mendicus forma indisputabms. Taxa included in the subgenus Caesia are: whimem‘, gram- matus, grammatus n. subsp.?, coalingensis, perpingm‘s, momm- icmus, delosi, fossatus, cerritensis, and rhinetes. An evolu- tionary sequence useful in stratigraphic correlation in Cali- fornia is formed by the species whitnem’, grammatus, and m-oraniamls. Nassarius Whitney/i ranges from middle to late Miocene. N. ymmmatus (Dall, 1917), a poorly known species long treated as a synonym of N. mwanianus (Martin, 1914), is characteristic of Pliocene formations. It can be distinguished from the descendent late Pliocene to early Pleistocene species, N. moraniamw, by its nonangulated, uniformly sculptured body whorl. The modern species representing this lineage, N. fos- satus, first appears in beds of early Pleistocene age. Fossil species included in the subgenus Oatilon are: churchi, amoldi, smooti, antiselli, andersom', pabloensis, stocki, hamlim‘, salinasensis, im'quus, and Mldegardac. The subgenus first ap- pears in beds of early Miocene age in California. It becomes locally extinct after the Pliocene ‘but is well represented in the modern Panamic molluscan province of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. Nassam‘us ocoyanus, a middle Miocene species not referable to any of the preceding subgenera, is tentatively placed in a fourth, unnamed subgenus. INTRODUCTION A review of some fossil species of N assam’us from the Pacific coast was undertaken as an adjunct to the iden— tification and biostratigraphic classification of Pliocene mblluscan assemblages from central California. Two nassariids that characterize many of these assemblages, N californicmus (Conrad) and N. grammatus (Dall), a peared to be diagnostic of Pliocene strata. Yet their ac .ual stratigraphic ranges were obscured because of th identification of the species under other names and th use of N. caléfomz'anus for a number of Pliocene to R cent nassariids belonging to three subgenera. At one ti e N. grammatus was commonly identified as N. cali- fo menus, and N. caliform'amos presumably was iden- ti ed as the Pleistocene to Recent species N. mendicus. A ‘systematic review of these and related species be— ca e requisite to determining their actual stratigraphic di tribution. As a result, perhaps half of the named fojsil species of N assuring were studied and compared with these species. The resulting compilation empha- sized the potential usefulness of nassariids in strati- graphic correlation of upper Cenozoic strata and thereby pr mpted expansion of the study to a general review ofcihe known fossil western American species. lin terms of their known stratigraphic distribution and an apparent evolutionary sequence within one sub- ge us, the fossil nassariids can be ranked with the pec- tin ds and turritellas as one of the more useful mo luscan genera in correlation of upper Cenozoic str: ta of the Pacific coast. The genus first appeared in southern California during the early Miocene and by middle Miocene time had diversified into several species of ‘restricted stratigraphic distribution. The strati- graphic utility of many of the nassariids is favored by their intricate sculpture, which permits an unusual deg cc of refinement in species recognition. Most species also are sufliciently numerous, in at least a few collections, to give a reasonably good idea of the amount of i dividual variation. V ith but one exception—an unusual species from the middle Miocene of California, N assam’us ocoyanus (Ariderson and Martin)—the known fossil nassariids from the Pacific coast can be classified in three taxo- nomlic units. These taxa, defined wholly on apertural \ B1 B2 morphology, are recognized under the following sub- generic names: Dmnondia, new name, Uaesia Adams, and Uatz'ion, new subgenus. Stratigraphic allocation of collections in which nas- sariids occur is based primarily upon the Pacific coast provincial metazoan chronology of Weaver and others (1944). Use of the epoch names Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene, and subdivisions thereof, is made in a provincial sense, with eXplicit reference to the Weaver chart as modified by Durham (1954, p. 24). Although nowhere defined in detail, the early and middle Mio- cene molluscan stages of this scheme are based, in large part, on biostratigraphic data compiled by Loel and Corey (1932) and, in particular, on the biozones of cer- tain pectinids and turritellas. The biostratigraphic data of Clark (1915), Nomland (1917b), and Weaver (1949) form a composite basis for recognition of a gen- eralized upper Miocene stage. Subdivisions of this upper Miocene stage have been made upon the basis of clypeasteroid echinoids, including Astrodapsis, but the subdivisions cannot be recognized, at least at present, on the basis of late Miocene mollusks. The data of Nomland (1917a) and of Woodring and others (1940) form the primary basis for correlation of deposits of Pliocene age in California. Although superpositional control for these stages is not nearly as objective as for the Pacific coast foraminiferal sequence and although the stages have nowhere been formally defined as time- stratigraphic units, their intrinsic value in correlation and classification of shallow marine strata of the Pacific coast is manifested by their generally successful use over the years and by their agreement with the chronologies based upon other fossil groups. The standard of ref- erence generally used for the Pleistocene of the Pacific coast is the Los Angeles Basin section at San Pedro, most recently studied by Woodring and others (1946). Although the relationship of this section to the Pliocene section of the San Joaquin Valley is speculative, there is suificient evidence for recognizing provincial mollus- can faunas of each epoch (Woodring, 1952). The re- quirement of superpositional control could perhaps be satisfied by a thorough biostratigraphic study of the Pliocene and Pleistocene mollusks of the western Ventura basin. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Parts of this report have been reviewed by A. M. Keen and L. G. Hertlein. Their comments and infor- mal discussions of taxonomic problems are greatly appreciated. I am indebted to J. H. Peck, J r., of the Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, for granting access to the Cenozoic collections CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY and making available several specimens for figure illus- trations. L. G. Hertlein and A. M. Keen kindly pro- vided access to the collections of the California Acad- emy of Sciences and Stanford University, respectively. W. P. Popenoe, of the University of California, Los Angeles, and G. P. Kanakofl, of the Los Angeles County Museum, furnished specimens of Nassam'us for figure illustrations. George Hughes, of the University of California, Santa Barbara, loaned specimens from his collections from the Santa Barbara Formation. J. A. McLean loaned negatives of photographs of some Re- cent nassariids, and these negatives have been used in the preparation of this paper. All the fossil specimens were photographed by Kenji Sakamoto, of the U.S. Geological Survey. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY With few exceptions the Tertiary and Quaternary species of N assarius from the Pacific coast of the United States can be placed in three distinctive supraspecific groups on the basis of apertural characteristics. These groups are treated as subgenera in the following discus— sion. All the exclusively fossil species of Nassarius from upper Cenozoic strata of the Pacific coast of the United States are treated systematically in the following sec- tion. Most of the living western American species that also are known from the fossil record are figured and discussed briefly. The Recent nassariids of the Pa- cific coast of North America have been figured and re- viewed by Demond (1952). Most synonymies herein are limited to citations accompanied by figured speci— mens. References to institutions at which type material or important collections are housed are abbreviated as follows: GAS—California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. LACMIP—Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, Calif. SDSNH—San Diego Society of Natural History, San Diego, Calif. SU—Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. UCLA—University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. UCMP—University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, Calif. USGS—U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC. USGS M—U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif. (coll. and loc. data). USNM—U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC. UW—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. An age designation accompanying a locality descrip- tion or plate explanation refers to the rocks at the speci- fied locality and not necessarily to the formation in its entirety. SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS Class GASTROPODA Order NEOGASTROPODA Family NASSARIIDAE Genus NASSARIUS Duméril N assari as Duméril, 1806, Zoologie Analytique, p. 166 [new name for Nassa Lamarack (1799), not Bolten (1798)]. Type (of N assa Lamarck, by monotypy) .—Baccz'num mutabile Linné. Recent, Mediterranean. Key to some fossil western American subgenera of Nassarius 1. Outer lip of aperture thickened externally by a varix____ 2 Outer lip not varicose ________________________________ 3 2. Body whorl has narrow incised basal fossa ; whorl profile rounded; sculpture cancellate or papillose ________ Catriloa Body whorl has broad, nearly obsolete basal fossa; whorl profile turreted; sculpture obsolete on body whorl ______________________________________ Subgenus? 3. Apertural callus narrow, parietal border sharply defined. Callus has a single posterior tooth and one or two anterior denticles ____________________________ Demondia Apertural callus spreading outward onto parietal wall, parietal border not sharply defined. Callus has many irregular spiral plaits ___________________________ ansia Subgenus DEMONDIA Addicott, n. name Type (of Schizopyga Conrad, 1856, not Graven- horst, 1829, by monotypy).——Schizo,pyga califomz'ana Conrad. Pliocene, western Santa Clara County, Calif. This taxon is characterized by a rather small, slender shell that shows reticulate or papillose sculpture and has a subciroular aperture. The inner margin of the aperture is bordered by a narrow, well-defined callus. There is a prominent parietal tooth near the posterior edge of the callus and, on some species, one or two den- ticles just above the anterior margin. The outer lip is thin but generally denticulate and slightly thickened within. Western American species of Demondz'a include N as- sam’us Zincolnensz's (Anderson and Martin), a middle Miocene species from Oregon (pl. 1, figs. 20—22) ; cali- fomz'anas (Conrad) from the Pliocene of California (pl. 1, figs. 1—10, 31); N. mendicas (Gould) (pl. 1, figs. 14—16) and N. mendicus forma cooperi (Forbes) (pl. 1, figs. 17—19), living taxa which appear in the late Pliocene of Southern California; and N. mendicus forma indisputabz'lis (Oldryod) (pl. 1, figs. 11—13), a variant of N. mendicus that ranges from late Pleistocene to Recent. Key to some western American species of Demondia 1. Body whorl angulated near midpoint, flat or concave above, convex below; axial sculpture of widely spaced nodes _______________ Nassarius mendtcus fornia cooperi1 1Generally treated as variants of N. mendicus but seem to have at least local stratigraphic significance. 753—170 0—65—2 B3 Body whorl not angulated near midpoint; axial sculpture ontinuous across body whorl _______________________ 2 2. Axial sculpture of coarse folds; spiral sculpture subdued ____________________________________________ 3 A): ial and spiral ribs about equal in strength ___________ 4 3. Spire slender; body whorl evenly rounded, secondary spiral ribs generally present on upper part"- N. meridians Spire broad and short; summit of body whorl sub- tabulate, tabulation sculptured by row of enlarged nodes ___________________________________ N. lincolnensis 4. Sculpture evenly papillose or closely cancellate, no sec- ondary spirals; spire of medium height__ N. califomianas Axial sculpture becoming obsolete on final whorls, second- ary spirals on body whorl; high spired_ N. mendicas forma indisputabilis 1 Nassarius (Demondia) californianus (Conrad) Plate 1, figures 1—10, 31 Schizopyga califormaaa Conrad, 1856, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia Proc., v. 8, p. 315. Conrad, 1857, U.S. 33d Cong, 2d sess., Senate Exec. Doc. no. 78, v. 6, pt. 2, no. 2, p. 69, pl. 2, fig. 1. Schizopyga califomica Conrad. Tryon, 1882, Manual of Con- chology, v.4, p. 55, pl. 3, fig. 32. Nassam‘as caliform'aaas (Conrad). Hanna and Hertlein, 1943, California Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 176, text fig. 65, nos. 8, 9. N assa waldorfensis Arnold, 1907, Smithsonian Misc. C‘olln., v. 50, p. 434, pl. 54, fig. 17. Figure reprinted in Arnold and Anderson, 1907, U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 322, pl. 21, fig. 17. “Nassa” cf. “N.” waldorfcnsis Arnold. Stewart in Woodring, Stewart, and Richards, 1940, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 195, p. 87, pl. 39, fig. 4. “Nassa” waldorfensis Arnold. Woodring and Bramlette, 1950, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 222, p. 75, pl. 8, fig. 14; pl. 10, fig. 9; pl. 15, fig. 4;pl. 19, figs. 3, 5. ?Nassam‘us cf. N. paroi'ngu'ls (Hinds) [typographical error for N. perpmgm's (Hinds) ]. Touring m Touring, Cummings, and Brabb, 1962, California Div. Mines Bull. 181, photo 16, fig. 2. Shell of medium size, moderately slender and high spired. Spire of four whorls, including slightly sub- merged nucleoconch of about 11/2 whorls. Sculpture of first postnuclear whorl eroded; final two whorls of spire gently rounded, sculptured by four or five coarse spiral cords crossed by slightly retractive axial ribs of lesser strength. Intersection of ribs papillose, inter— spaces pitted. Suture impressed, minutely undulatory. Body whorl large, gently rounded; summit subtabulate on some specimens; base bordered by a deep fossa. Exterior sculptured by nine papillose spiral cords and narrower, channeled interspaces; axial ribs are relatively weaker and more widely spaced. Aper- ture ovate, has seven internal spiral cords which ter- minate as denticles a short distance from the thin outer lip. Base truncate, inner lip bordered by conspicuous narrow callus that has a spiral plait near the posterior edge and a weaker plait near the base of the columella. Anterior canal short, bordered by a strong denticle B4 within the base of the outer lip and by a smooth spiral ridge at the base of the columella. Siphonal fasciole sculptured by concentric growth ridges and weak. radial ribs. Height 14 mm, width 7.5 mm. Neotype (here designated) : USNM 648596. Neotype locality: USGS Cenozoic 10c. M1715. Poorly con- solidated sandstone unconformably overlying Miocene siltstone in trench on north side of Arastradero Road, 1,200 ft. west of Page Mill Road, Palo Alto 71%rminute quadrangle. Merced( ?) Formation, late Pliocene. The name N assom'us califomitmus has been applied to at least six other late Cenozoic nassariids from Cali- fornia: N. coalingensis (Arnold), N. delosi (VVood- ring), N. grammatus (Dall), N. iniguus (Stewart), N. moranianus (Martin), and N. rkinetes Berry. These nassariids, however, can be differentiated at the sub- generic level, as well as specifically, from the taxon that is here identified as N. califomianus (Conrad). In western Santa Clara County, Calif, two species of N assam'us occur in Pliocene strata probably strati— graphically equivalent to, if not identical with, the type locality of Schizopyga califmm'ana Conrad, “12 miles back from Santa Clara” (Newberry, 1857, p. 67). Comparison of these species with Conrad’s figure and description (1857, p. 69, pl. 2, fig. 1) reproduced herein (pl. 1, fig. 3), suggests that the smaller, more slender of the two species should be identified as N. califomz'anus. The other species (pl. 2, figs. 15, 16, 26) is identified as N. grammatus (Dall). The axial ribbing of N wsarz'us califomiamus varies in strength and spacing, the resultant sculpture ranging from fine papillae to coarse knobs that are somewhat elongate in a horizontal direction. N. califomianus can be easily distinguished from N. grammatus, with which it frequently occurs, in all stages of growth. It has a more slender spire, relatively smaller body whorl, and coarser axial sculpture. It is a smaller species than the Pleistocene and Recent N. perpz'nguz’s (Hinds) (pl. 3, figs. 29, 32), which it seems to resemble most closely in sculpture. Further differences from N. perpz'nguis are its coarser sculpture, the presence of 9 rather than about 12 spiral ribs on the body whorl, and a narrow apertural callus having only two or three plaits. From N. mendious (Gould) (pl. 1, figs. 14—16), which it resembles closely in size and apertural characteristics, N. califomiamus can be distinguished by its more numerous, much finer axial ribs and broader profile. It is closer in some respects to the finely sculptured, high- spired variant of N. memiz‘cus (pl. 1, figs. 11—13) which has been named N. mendicus indisputabz'lz’s Oldroyd CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY (1927, pl. 26, fig. 4) .1 Nassam'us califomianus difl'ers from this taxon by having evenly formed sculpture on all whorls as well as fewer primary spiral cords. Certain of the early identifications of N. mendicus, and possibly N. perpdnguz's, from Pliocene strata in central California (Arnold, 1908; Martin, 1916) almost cer- tainly refer to N. califomianus. It is difficult, however, to relate some of the early check-list occurrences to original material. Probably N. califomz'anus is the lineal antecedent of N. mendicus. Hanna and Hertlein (1943, p. 176, figs. 65—8, 65—9) are the only authors to clearly identify Conrad’s species with published figures. Their specimens from a well core of the Etchegoin Formation near T‘ipton, Tulare County, Calif, are very similar to material from the neotype locality near Stanford, Calif, although one specimen has 10 spiral cords on the body whorl. This characteristic was observed in only one of the specimens from the neotype locality. Hanna and Hertlein’s speci- mens are sculptured much like N. iniquus (Stewart), which was found in a core 80 feet higher in the same well (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 679, pl. 26, figs. 28a, b, as N. amoldz' var. whitneyz' (‘Trask) ). Their specimens of N. califomianus difler, however, from N. iniguus by having a larger rib count and by lacking a varicose outer lip. The sculpture and profile of a small, rather high— spired species from the basal part of the Quinault Formation, western Washington, Nassam'us andersoni (Weaver) (pl. 3, figs. 16—18), approach N. califomianus very closely. This Pliocene nassariid can be difi'er- entiated from N. oaliform'anus by its varicose apertural lip and the absence of regularly spaced lirations within the outer lip. Although specimens from the Quinault Formation do not seem to have been confused with N. califomitmus, they have been identified as N. mndz'cus (Gould) by Arnold and Hannibal (1913, p. 594) and as N. amoldz‘ (Anderson) by Weaver (1916, p. 216). N assam'us waldorfensz's (Arnold, 1907a, p. 434, pl. 54, fig. 17) from the Pliocene of Santa Maria Basin is a synonym of N. caliform'anus. The most southerly re- corded occurrence of this species is in the eastern Ven— tura basin (Woodring and Bramlette, 1950, p. 105), although Arnold (1907, p. 434) states that this species is “found abundantly in the Pliocene throughout south- ern California.” Incomplete external molds of a very small nassariid characterized by eight finely noded spiral ribs and a simple outer apertural lip occur at a few localities in 1This figured, but otherwise undescribed, taxon is characterized by progressively finer axial sculpture on the final whorls that is subordinate to the spiral sculpture on the body whorl. The spiral sculpture con- sists of about 11 primary cords and random secondaries. The variant is as distinct sculpturally from N. mendicus as is N. mendicus forma coopem‘ (Forbes) and should be considered a complementary end member. SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE G'ENUS NASSARIUS the lower Pliocene Pancho Rico Formation of the south- ern Salinas Valley, California (USGS Cenozoic loc. M982, MQ96, and Ml455). These specimens are tenta- tively identified as N assarias aff. N. ealz'form'anus. As far as is known N assarius calr'fornianns is re- stricted to beds of Pliocene age in the standard Pacific coast mega—invertebrate chronology (Weaver and oth- ers, 1944). Glen’s N. cf. N. californianas (1959, p. 157) from a locality in the upper part of the Merced Forma- tion, considered by most investigators to be of early Pleistocene age, is probably a coarsely sculptured, immature specimen of N. moranianns (Martin). The Nassarias ealz’fornianus of Dickerson (1922, p. 550) and Weaver (1949, p. 95) from the Merced For- mation on Wilson Ranch near Forestville, Sonoma County, Calif, is presumed to be correctly identified. This species (pl. 1, fig. 1) and N. grammatns (identi— fied as N. moranianas) are the only N assarz'as in collec- tions from Wilson Ranch at the University of Califor- nia and Stanford University. Range: Pliocene. Occurrence: Merced Formation: Sonoma County to northern San Mateo County (UCMP, SU, and CAS colln.), Merced(?) Formation, south of Stanford, Santa Clara County. Purisima Formation: east of Afio Nuevo Creek, San Mateo County, and Capitola, Santa Cruz County (SU colln.) ; Pajaro River, north- ernmost San Benito County (USGS Cenozoic loc. M1805). Etchegoin and San Joaquin Formations: Kettleman Hills (Woodring and others, 1940). Etchegoin Formation: subsur- face near Tipton, Tulare County (Hanna and Hertlein, 1943). Foxen and Careaga Formations: Santa Maria Basin (Woodring and Bramlette, 1950). Middle or upper Pliocene strata : eastern Ventura basin (Woodring and Bramlette, 1950). Nassarius (Demondia) lincolnensis (Anderson and Martin) Plate 1, figures 20—22 N assa lincolnensis Anderson and Martin, 1914, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, v. 4, p. 77, pl. 7, figs. 14a, b. Nassarias lincolnensr's (Anderson and Martin). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. Pub. Geology, v. 5, p. 462, pl. 89, fig. 25‘. Hrinia? l’incolnensis (Anderson and Martin). Moore, 1963, US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 419, p. 38-39, pl. 5, figs. 8—10, 13, 15. Holotype: OAS 167. Type locality: C‘AS Ice. 39. Sea clifl exposure immediately south of Nye Beach or a short distance north of the entrance to Yaquina Bay, Lincoln County, Oreg. (probably equivalent to locality A—14 of Vokes and others, 1949). Astoria Formation, middle Miocene. Nassarz'us ZZneoZnensz's is a small, stout species that has a strongly noded spiral cord that defines a sub- sutural tabulation on the body whorl. There is a slight constriction in the body-whorl profile below the noded posterior spiral. It should be noted that the four different Miocene localities from which Anderson and Martin (1914) de- B5 scribed eight new species of gastropods were incorrectly equated to University of \Vashington locality 691 “on south side of Yaquina Head * * * 51/2 miles north of the entrance to Yaquina Bay” by \Veaver (1942, p. 626). Yet Anderson and Martin’s original descriptions indi- cate that two of the localities are north of Yaquina Head and that the other two are south of the head. Range: Middle Miocene. Occurrence: Astoria Formation: western Washington (Moore, 1963), Clatsop and Lincoln Counties, Oreg. (Anderson and Mar- tin, 1914; Moore, 1963). Subgenus CAESIA H. and A. Adams Caesia H. and A. Adams, 1853, The genera of Recent Mollusca, v. 1, p. 120. T ype (by subsequent designation, Wenz, 1943, Hand- buch der Palaozoologie, v. 6, p. 1235).—Nassa perpen- guis Hinds. Recent, northeastern Pacific Ocean. Zaphon H. and A. Adams (type, by monotypy: Bac- einum elegans Reeve=Nassarius fossatas (G0uld)) can be treated as a synonym of Caesz'a. The two names were proposed in the same publication. Caesia is here selected on the basis of page priority. Cossmann’s placement (1901, p. 205—207) of these names under U aim is not justified on morphologic grounds. The apertural characteristics clearly differ from those of the type of Ueita (Baccinnm migam Bruguiere). “Buccinnm” migam has a narrow, sharply delimited parietal callus, whereas the callus of Uaesia covers an extensive area of the body whorl as a thin film. A further difi'erence is the externally thickened outer lip of “Buccz'num” migum. The subgenus Caesz'a first appears in middle Miocene strata of the northeastern Pacific Ocean area. It is represented by a very few species until about the begin— ning of the Pleistocene. Key to some western American species of Caesia 1. Axial sculpture limited to upper part of body whorl_-__ 2 Axial sculpture continuous across body whorl __________ 4 2. Body whorl angulated near midpoint; adult shell large (> 25 mm) _______________________________________ 3 Body whorl not angulated near midpoint; adult shell small (generally < 15 mm) ________ Nassarins whitncyi 3. Angulation sharp; axial sculpture of coarse, widely spaced folds which ‘are swollen on the angula- tion _______________________________________ N. fossatas Angulation rounded; axial sculpture of closely spaced, nodose ribs which are not swollen on the angula- tion ____________________________________ N. moranianas 4. Axial ribs widely spaced, interspaces between ribs on body whorl rectangular with long dimension per- pendicular to axis of shell __________________________ 5 Axial rivbs closely spaced, interspaces nearly square or rectangular with long dimension parallel to axis of shell _______________________________________________ 6 B6 5. Interspaces about twice as wide as high ; axial and spiral ribs of about equal strength ___________________ N. delosi Interspaces about three times as Wide as high; axial sculpture of coarse folds, spiral ribs subdued- N. cerritensis 6. Profile smoothly tapered from base of body whorl to apex; sutures usually tabulate ___________ N. coalingensis Whorl profile rounded; sutures not ta'bulate ____________ 7 7. Aperture smooth within _______________________ N. rhinetes Aperture has strong internal spiral ribs _______________ 8 8. Spiral sculpture of coarse, straplike primary ribs, no secondary ribs; axial ribs subdued, frequently obsolete on body whorl ____________________________ N. grammatus Spiral sculpture of primary and secondary ribs _________ 9 9. Secondary spiral ribs present on upper part of body whorl of mature specimens; adult shell of medium size (< 25 mm), relatively slender _________ N. pcrpinguis Three—fourths or more of body whorl sculptured with alternating primary and secondary spiral ribs; adult shell large (> 30 mm), body whorl inflated, spire short _____________________ N. grammatus n. subsp.? Nassarius (Caesia) grammatus (Dall) Plate 2;figures 1, 2, 7, 8, 13—16, 26 Nessa califomwna Conrad. Arnold in Arnold and Anderson, 1907. US. Geol. Survey Bull. 322, p. 150, pl. 24, fig. 4. Arnold, 1908, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 34, pl. 36, fig. 6. Arnold m Branner, Newsom, and Arnold, 1909, US. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Santa Cruz Folio, no. 163, illus. 2, fig. 73. ?Ncssam'us (Schizopyga) califormanus (Conrad). Grant and Gale, 1931, San Diego Soc. Nat. History Mem., v. 1, p. 672—673, in part, pl. 26, fig. 49. ?Nassam'us califomianus (Nassa). Howard, 1935, California Oil Fields, v. 20, no. 4, pl. 9, fig. 6. N assa mommitma, Martin. Martin, 1916, California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 9, p. 229?, 231, 233, 243, not p. 230. “Nessa” mommana Martin. Stewart in Woodring, Stewart, and Richards, 1940, US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 195, p. 86—87, pl. 34, figs. 5, 6. Woodring and Bramlette, 1950, US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 222, p. 74—75, pl. 14, figs. 13, 14; pl. 17, figs. 7, 8; pl. 19, fig. 4. Schizopyga moram‘ana (Martin). Schenck and Keen, 1940, 1950, California fossils for the field geologist, pl. 51, fig. 2. Alectm‘on grammctus Dall, 1917, US. Natl. Museum Proc., v. 61, p. 575. Original description—“About the same size as [N as- sarius] fossatus, but more regular and compact, with a uniform sculpture of flat spiral cords separated by nar— row channels without intercalary minor spirals” (Dell, 1917, p. 575). Supplementary descm'ption.—( Based on syntypes labeled USNM catalog No. 101721.) Moderately large, inflated; strong spiral sculpture. Spire of about five convex whorls. Protoconch and earliest whorls of spire worn smooth. Body whorl large, profile smoothly rounded, about two-thirds height of shell. Sculptured by 14 evenly spaced, straplike spiral cords crossed by closely spaced, retractive axial threads. Rib intersec- * CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY tions faintly noded on penultimate whorl but generally smooth on body whorl. Base of body whorl set 01f by a deeply channeled fossa. Aperture subovate, broadest near base. Outer lip relatively thin, sculptured inter- nally by about 12 strong, frequently papillose spiral ridges, which correspond to the interspaces between ex- ternal spiral cords. Inner lip bordered by broad deposit of callus extending upward onto parietal wall. Lower part of the callus border conceals about half of the siphonal fascicle. Callus armed with many irregularly spaced spiral plaits. Anterior canal short, deeply notched. Siphonal fasciole very broad, depressed medially. Height 35.9 mm, width 25.3 mm (type). Lectotype (here selected from four syntypes constituting USNM catalog No. 101721) : USNM 648566. Type locality: Pleistocene . (Dall, 1917) [Pliocene], Santa Barbara, Calif. (presumably from the lower part of the Santa Barbara Formation). Although Dall’s obscure name “Alectm'on gram— matus” (1917, p. 575) may not seem particularly well suited as a standard bearer for this important Pliocene species, it is available and must be used. The type ma- terial consists of four specimens labeled “Santa Bar— bara, Cal, Pleistocene, Stearns Coll.” One of the syntypes is here selected as lectotype and figured on plate 2 (figs. 1, 2). Woodring and Bramlette (1950, p. 74) express doubt that the type material is from the Santa Barbara Formation because, in 1950, no addi- tional specimens were known from this formation. The presence of N assarz'us grammartu‘s in the Santa Barbara Formation, however, has been definitely established by a few small specimens collected recently from exposures north of Goleta (USGS Cenozoic 10c. M1918). The largest of these specimens (pl. 2, figs. 7, 8) .has 13 nodose spiral cords on the body whorl. Other smaller speci- mens from this formation which seem to represent N. grammatus are in the collection of George Hughes of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Because of the disparity in size between the small specimen of N. grammatus definitely known to be from the Santa Barbara Formation and the much larger syntypes, there still remains an element of doubt as to the origin of the syntypes. N assarius grammatus is characterized by a large, glo- bose body whorl having uniform spiral and axial sculp- ture, the latter being somewhat variable in strength but always weaker than the the spiral sculpture. It is an- cestral to the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene species N. mommienus Martin (1914, p. 183—184, pl. 22, figs. 1a—c) with which it has been generally identified in recent years. Specimens constituting the type lot of N. moranianm from the Merced Formation at Bolinas SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS Bay, Marin County, Calif, moreover, difl'er signifi- cantly from N. grammatus. They have a medially angulated body whorl sculptured by coarse axial ribs and secondary spiral ribs on the upper half but only smooth spiral cords on the lower half (pl. 2, figs. 3, 4). The presence of these characters on the type material links N. mommamus more closely with the Pleistocene and Recent species N. fossatus than with Pliocene speci— mens of N. grammatus. Although identification of immature specimens is usually difficult, juvenile speci- mens of N. moranianus from the type locality have rela— tively coarser axial ribs than immature specimens of N. grammatus from western Santa Clara County ( pl. 2, fig. 26) ; in addition, they have the medial angulation on the body whorl. Grant and Gale’s figure of N. cali- fomz'omus (1931, pl. 26, fig. 49) appears to be an imma- ture specimen of N. grammatus. Specimens identified as “N assam'us mommanus” (N. grammatus) but having well—rounded, nonangulated body whorls sculptured by regularly alternating pri- mary and secondary spiral ribs are sculpturally distinct and may warrant a new name. They seem to be closely related to N. grammatus but are here referred to as N. grammatus n. subsp? (pl. 2, fig. 12). There are insufficient specimens from localities where this taxon occurs, however, to confidently rule out the possibility that it is a sculptural variant rather than a subspecies. Crushed specimens of N. grammatus n. subsp.? are fairly common in the Merced Formation southeast of the type area (USGS Cenozoic 10c. M1661). Other specimens in the Pliocene collections at the University of California, Berkeley, are from the basal part of the type Merced Formation south of the San Andreas fault; Coalinga quadrangle (UCMP loc. A1304) ; and the Rio Dell Formation of Ogle (1953), Humboldt County, Calif. (UCMP loc. B7642; pl. 2, fig. 12). There are three specimens referable to this taxon in a collection at Stanford University labeled “Pacific Beach” (San Diego Formation, Pliocene). The fossil from the Tina- quaic Sandstone Member of the Sisquoc Formation of the Santa Maria basin, California, figured by Wood- ring and Bramlette (1950, pl. 7, figs. 3, 4) as “Nessa,” sp. probably is referable to this taxon, judging by the strong, alternating primary and secondary internal spiral ribs on the internal mold. “N aesa” sp. is wide— spread in this member of the Sisquoc Formation and reportedly does not range into younger strata. Most of the known occurrences of N. grammatus n. subsp.? are from strata which have been classified in part as “middle” Pliocene by various workers on differing criteria, principally stratigraphic position. This species probably evolved from the small Mio- cene species, Nafls'sarius whitneyi (Trask, 1922, p. 154, B7 pl. 7, figs. 3, 6) from the Sobrante and Briones Sand- stones of Contra Costa County, Calif. A suggested lineage of the late Cenozoic species of Caesz'a from the Pacific coast of North America which are believed to have evolved from N. whitney‘i through N. grammatus is outlined in figure 1. A broad callus deposit borders the inner lip of the aperture of these species and in mature individuals is characteristically armored with several spiral plaits. The outer lip is usually strongly lirate within. A slender Pliocene species from the San Joaquin Val- ley, N assam'us coalingensz's (Arnold, 1909, p. 88—89, pl. 27, fig. 9), was originally described as a variety of “Nassa californicma” (N. grammatus). This species (pl. 2, figs. 17, 18) is similar to N. grammatus but can be distinguished from it and other related late Cenozoic nassariid gastropods by its smoothly tapered, bullet- shaped profile and tabulate sutures. l N. rhinetes // L” N. cerritens’is \ Recent Upper \ . . \ N. delost Pleistocene a”’ ,..- Lower // N. fossatus -____.._ N . moranianus I N. perpinguis \ \ \ \\ // ’z N. coalmgensts \§‘ \\ Pliocene N. grammatus [N . mommlanus of authors ] \ \\ \ \ N. whimey'i Upper Miocene Middle FIGURE 1.—Stratigraphic occurrence and possible evolution of western American Cenozoic nassariid gastropods of the sub- genus ansia. Subdivisions of the Tertiary and Quaternary Systems are those of Weaver and others (1944). A Pliocene record of “A lectm'on caliform'ca var.” (B. L. Clark in Santillan and Barrera, 1930) from an un- specified locality north of El Rosario in northwestern Baja California, Mexico, may represent N. gramme/ms. A recent investigation of Pliocene strata of this area (Hertlein and Allison, 1959), however, failed to recover additional specimens or to locate the material upon which Clark’s identification was made. N assarius grammatus is one of the more widespread and characteristic mollusks which occur in formations generally considered to be Pliocene in the standard Pa— B8 cific coast provincial classification of Weaver and others (1944). Its presence in the Santa Barbara Formation can be regarded, therefore, as evidence for placement of part of the formation in the Pliocene, as that term has been used in the Pacific coast molluscan chronolgy. Another important Pliocene species, Patinopecten healyz' (Arnold), has been recently collected from near the base of the formation (USGS Cenozoic loc. M1717). These and other previously unreported Pliocene taxa are in stratigraphic collections made by George Hughes of the University of California, Santa Barbara, from new exposures of the Santa Barbara Formation north- west of the type locality. These collections are from strata that conformably underlie a bryozoan biostrome which may be correlative with the lowest strata exposed in the type area, a bryozoan~rich mudstone and marl. The age of the Santa Barbara Formation, considered to be early Pleistocene by some workers, can therefore be regarded as late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. Range: Pliocene. Occurrence: Characteristic of Pliocene formations from Hum- boldt County, northern California (W. G. Cooper Colln., SU) to San Diego (F. Stephens Colln., SU) and possibly northern Baja California, Mexico (Santillan and Barrera, 1930). Nassarius (Caesia) moranianus (Martin) Plate 2, figures 3, 4, 9—11, 29 Nassa moraniana Martin, 1914, California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 8, p. 183—184, pl. 22, figs. la—c. Martin, 1916, California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 9, p. 230. Nassarius (Schizopyga) moranianus (Martin). Grant and Gale, 1931, San Diego Soc. Nat. History Mem., v. 1, p. 676, in part. Glen, 1959, California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 36, p. 180. Nassarins moranianus (Martin). Hertlein, 1951, California Div. Mines Bull. 154, p. 191, text fig. 2, no. 9. Nassarius (Schizopyga) cf. N. (S.) californianus (Conrad). Glen, 1959‘, California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 36, p. 180. Holotype: UCMP 12338. Type locality: UCMP Ice. 1549, Bolinas Bay, Marin County, Calif, Merced Formation, late Pliocene. This species closely resembles Nassam'us fossatus (Gould), a common Pleistocene and Recent species in California and Oregon. It has a stouter, less high spired shell than that species and a generally more finely sculptured, less strongly angulated body whorl. Adult specimens of N. fossatus characteristically have widely spaced axial folds on the later whorls, which are strongest on the angulation (pl. 2, figs. 5, 6). Dif- ferentiation of N. moram'anus from the Pliocene species N. grammatus is less difficult owing to the uniform sculpture on the body whorl of N. grammatus as well as to the absence of a medial angulavtion. Most Pliocene CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY records of N. moranianus can be referred to N. gram- matus. N assam'us moram'anus probably evolved from N. grammatus near the end of what in California is gen- erally considered by most workers to be Pliocene time. N assarz'us fossatus may have evolved from N. morani- anus shortly thereafter (fig. 1). The presence of sec— ondary spiral cords on the upper part of the body whorl of juvenile and adult specimens of N. moranianus from the upper part of the type Merced Formation (pl. 2, figs. 3, 4) seems to link this species with similar Pleis- tocene specimens of N. fossatus on which secondary spiral cords are nearly as strong as the primaries. An- other point of similarity is the frequent absence of strong axial folds on early Pleistocene species of N. fos— satus. There are very few Pliocene records of N. fos- satus. Most are either tentative identifications (Howe, 1922; Woodring and Bramlette, 1950) or identifications that preceded the recognition of N. moram'anus as dis- tinct from N. fossatus (Cooper, 1888, p. 253). Coop- er’s Miocene records of N. fossatus (1888) presumably are of N. whitneyi (Trask, 1922). The age of the small Merced assemblage from the type locality of N assam'us moram'anus (Martin, 1916, p. 230) at Bolinas Bay is Pliocene as used in the Pacific coast molluscan chronology. Scutellaster interlineatus, Olin— ocardium meekz'anum, and Ophiodermclla mercedensis, three of the eighteen invertebrate taxa listed by Martin, are generally regarded as Pliocene species. The as- semblage occurs about 20 miles to the northwest of the type area of the Merced Formation. A large specimen in the type lot (pl. 2, fig. 29) approaches the slender, high-spired late Pleistocene variant of N. fossatus (pl. 2, figs. 30, 31) named N. fossatus forma coiloterus (VVoodring). There are two known early Pleistocene occurrences of N assarius moranianus. One is from the upper part of the type Merced Formation near San Francisco, Calif. (pl. 2, fig. 11). The other is from the Saugus Formation (Waterfall, 1929, chart opposite p. 78) of the western Ventura basin (pl. 2, fig. 10). The Recent occurrence of N assarius moranianus re- ported in Grant and Gale (1931, p. 676) is not neces— sarily a range extension, as it is based upon fossil material in the Stanford University collections labeled with the manuscript name “N. gouldiz',” according to Keen (in Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 7). Range: Upper Pliocene to lower Pleistocene. Occurrence: Upper Pliocene: Merced Formation, Bolinas, Calif. (Martin, 1914). Lower Pleistocene: upper part of Mer- ced Formation, San Francisco area (Glen, 1959) ; Saugus For- mation of Waterfall (1929), western Ventura basin UCMP Ice. 7071, 7078, 7091, 7092. SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS Nassarius (Caesia) coalingensis (Arnold) Plate 2, figures 17, 18 N assa caliform‘ana Conrad var. coalingensis Arnold, 1909, US. Geol. Survey Bull. 396, p. 88—89, pl. 27, fig. 9. Arnold and Anderson, 1910, US. Geol. Survey Bull. 398, pl. 49, fig. 9. “Nessa” coalingensis Arnold. Woodring, Stewart, and Rich- ards, 1940, US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 195, p. 87, pl. 15, fig. 3. Holotype: USNM 16551. Type locality: USGS Ice. 4758. Bed C, near top of section at Henry Spring, 4 miles south of Coalinga, Calif, in SW14 sec. 18, T. 21 S., R. 15 E. Etchegoin Formation (unrestricted) of Arnold (1909), Pliocene. This species is characterized by a smoothly tapered profile which can be described as bullet shaped. The point of maximum diameter of the body whorl is near the base. The sculpture is most similar to that of N. grammatus but the sides of the whorls are nearly flat and the summits are generally tabulate. Range: Pliocene. Occurrence: Etchegoin Formation (unrestricted) of Arnold (1909) (including San Joaquin Formation of later workers), Coalinga district, California. San Joaquin Formation, Kettle- man Hills, Calif. (Woodring and others, 1940). Pancho Rico Formation, Salinas Valley, Calif. (USGS Cenozoic loc. MQ79). Nassarius (Gaesia) whitneyi (Trask) Plate 2, figures 19—25, 27 Nessa whitncyi Trask, 1922, California Univ., Dept. Geo]. Sci. Bull., v. 13, p. 154, pl. 7, figs. 3, 6. Nayssarius whimeyi (Trask). Clark, 1929, Stratigraphy and faunal horizons of the Coast Ranges of California, pl. 34, fig. 9. Schenck and Keen, 1940, California fossils for the field geol- ogist, pl. 45, fig. 1, 2. Lutz, 1951, California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 28, p. 392, pl. 18, fig. 8. ?Nassa sp. Whiteaves in Mackenzie, 1916, Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 88, p. 75. Macaw sp. K. Arnold m Mackenzie, 1916, Canada Geol. Survey ‘Mem. 88, p. 76. ?Nassam'us antiselli (Anderson and Martin). Washington Univ. Pub. Geology, v. 7, p. 64. Type: UCMP 12387. Type locality: UCMP 10c. 3524. On west side of San Ramon Valley, 281 m E., 223 mm S. from northwest corner Concord 15 minute quadrangle (coordinates meet in sec. 2, T. 1 S., R. 2 W.), Contra Costa County, Calif. Briones Sandstone, late Miocene. Weaver, 1953, Although N assarius whimeyi does not seem to have been recorded in the literature as Nassom'us califor— Mamas, it has been confused with the middle Miocene species N. amoldz', presumably because of poorly il— lustrated and incomplete type material. The species is here reviewed to record new data on its stratigraphic range and geographic occurrence. 753—]70 0—65—3 B9 N assam'us whimeyi is one of the more distinctive fos- sil nassariids from the Pacific coast of North America. It has a unique combination of small adult size, weak axial sculpture confined to the upper one-third of the body whorl, and numerous, closely spaced spiral ribs. These characteristic are not present, as a group, in any other known western American species of 00.68271. Specimens from the upper Miocene of Contra Costa County, Calif, in collections at the University of Cali- fornia, including type material, are internal and ex- ternal molds, completely devoid of shell material and frequently deformed. It should be noted that the types and other specimens of N. whitneyi show no evidence of the originally described varicose outer lip, although the mold from which the holotype was cast was excavated in such a manner that a false swelling is present. The reported varix may have led some workers (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 679) to include this taxon in the sub- genus Uez'ta. The strong spiral ribs on internal molds of N. whitneyi, the deep fossa, and the general profile are characteristic of some subsequent species in the west- ern American lineage of Caesz'a, namely, N. grammctuc, N. mommomus, and N. fossatus (fig. 1). ‘The earliest occurrence of this species is from the “Sobrante” Formation (Lutz, 1951, p. 392, pl. 18, fig. 8) of the Pacheco syncline, Contra Costa County, Calif, a unit which contains a small but characteristic middle Miocene fauna. Weaver’s identification (1953, p. 64) of N assam'us antiselli (Anderson and Martin) from this formation presumably is N. whitneyi. The type local- ity of N. whitneyz' is in the Briones Sandstone, a unit which has been included as the lowest of three forma- tions in the San Pablo Group. In a recent study of the San Pablo Group in western Contra Costa County,2 the range of N. whimeyi has been extended upward to a position near the top of the overlying lower member of Doumani’s San Pablo Formation (UCMP loc. B4739). This unit presumably is equivalent to the Cierbo Sand- stone of some workers. Considerable variation in the number of spiral ribs has been noted in specimens of N assom'us whitneyi from the Briones Sandstone of Contra Costa County. Ac- cording to Trask (1922, p. 154), spiral ribs range from 11 to 13 on the body whorl, yet small specimens from UCMP locality B4749 (pl. 2, figs. 25, 27) have from 12 to as many as 17 spirals on the body whorl. Specimens from the “Sobrante” Formation and Briones Sandstone of the Pacheco syncline (pl. 2, figs. 23, 24) , several miles north of the type locality, have a fairly constant count of 15 spirals on the body whorl. 2 Doumani, G. 1., 1957, Stratigraphy of the San Pablo Group, Contra Costa County, California: California Univ., Berkeley, M.A. Thesis, 72 p. B10 A small nassariid from the Skonun Formation (Mac— Kenzie, 1916, p. 73) of northern Graham Island, British Columbia (pl. 2, figs. 19—22), is here identified as N as— sam'us whitncyz'. Of the six specimens in a collection from Skonun Point (UCLA loc. 4674), five have 12 spiral cords on the body whorl, and one has 13. They cannot be differentiated from some of the smaller, coarsely ribbed specimens of N. whimeyi from Contra Costa County, Calif. The fauna of the Skonun Forma— tion is poorly known, and the age is uncertain, although probably within the range of Miocene or Pliocene as given by MacKenzie (1916) , if one judges by the collec- tion from UCLA locality 4674. Range: Middle to upper Miocene. Occurrence: Middle Miocene: Sobrante Formation of Lutz (1951), Contra Costa County, Calif. Middle or upper Miocene: upper part of Branch Canyon Formation of Hill and others (1958), eastern San Luis Obispo County, Calif. (J. G. Vedder field loc. F28 7K—34). Upper Miocene: Briones Sandstone, Contra Costa County, Calif. (Trask, 1922; Weaver, 1949, 1953; Ham, 1952); lower member of the San Pablo Formation." Upper Miocene or Pliocene: Skonun Formation, Skonun Point, northern Graham Island, British Columbia (UCLA 10c. 4674). Nassarius (Caesia) delosi (Woodring) Plate 1, figures 23—25, 28—30 Nessa califomiana (Conrad). Arnold, 1903, California Acad. Sci. Mem., V. 3, p. 231, in part, pl. 4, fig. 3. _ “Nessa” delosi Woodring m Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 207, p. 74, pl. 35, figs. 12—15. H olotype: USNM 498653. Type locality: USGS 10c. 12135. East side of 48~foot mesa, 1,000 ft southeast of intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Pa- cific Electric tracks, San Pedro, Calif. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene. Nassaréus dclosz' (Woodring) is a large high-spired species that has a broadly cancellate sculpture. It most closely resembles N. rhinetes Berry (1953, p. 415— 416, pl. 28, fig. 7), a Recent species long known as N. califomz'anus (Conrad) of Dall (1921). From N. rhinetes, N. delosz' differs by being more slender and by having widely spaced, stronger axial ribs which inter- sect the spiral ribs to form rectangular interspaces. The interspaces on the body whorl of adult specimens of N. rhinetcs are nearly square. Very young individuals of the two species are difficult to differentiate (Wood- ring and others, 1946, p. 74). Another species sculp- tured somewhat like N. delosz' is N. cewitemis (Arnold, 1903, p. 231—232, pl. 4, fig. 1). This late Pleistocene to Recent taxon (pl. 1, figs. 26, 27) differs from N. delosz' by being more slender and by having coarser, extremely widely spaced axial folds on the later whorls. Since N assarius delosi was originally described, it has been found in most of the known upper Pleistocene ter- 3 See footnote 2. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY race deposits in Southern and Baj a California, although it is commonly represented by only a few individuals at any one locality. Some records of N. caléfomz'anus from late Pleistocene faunas of California prior to about 1946, such as occurrences in the Millerton Forma— tion at Tomales Bay, Calif. (Dickerson, 1922; Weaver, 1949), probably represent N. delosé. Recently, individ- ual specimens of N. chosz' have been found living in the intertidal zone at Balboa (Newport Beach) and Mis- sion Bay, Southern California (Chace, 1957, 1962). These specimens are here figured (pl. 1, figs. 23, 30) through the kindness of James McLean of Stanford University, who photographed them at. the San Diego Museum of Natural History. Range: Lower Pleistocene to Recent. Occurrence: Lower Pleistocene: Saugus Formation west of Ventura, Calif. (USGS Cenozoic 10c. M1723). Upper Pleisto- cene: marine terrace deposits from Tomales Bay, Calif. (Valen- tine, 1961), to Punta Baja, Baja California (Emerson and Ad- dicott, 1958). Recent: Balboa (Newport Beach), Calif., to Mission Bay, Calif. (Chace, 1962). Nassarius (Caesia) rhinetes Berry Plate 2, figure 28 Nessa californiana (Conrad). 1 text fig. Berry, 1907, Nautilus, v.21, p. 40. Schizopyga caliform'ana Conrad. Dall, 1921, U.S. Natl. Museum Bull. 112, p. 102, pl. 11, fig. 4. Figure reproduced by Oldroyd, 1927, as Alectrion caliform‘anus (Conrad), Stanford Univ. Pub., Univ. Ser. Geol. Sci., v. 2, pt. 1, p. 264, pl. 26, fig. 13. Nassarius califomianus (Conrad). v. 6, p. 306—307, pl. 2, fig. 6. Nassarius (Schizopyga) rlimetes Berry, 1953, San Diego Soc. Nat. History Trans, v. 11, p. 415—416, pl. 28, fig. 7. Holotype: S. S. Berry personal collection No. 1182 (Redlands, Calif). Type locality: Dredged from 40 fathoms off Moss Landing, Monterey Bay, Calif. Rivers, 1891, Zoe, v. 2, p. 70—72, Demond, 1952, Pacific SOL, This species is similar to both N assafius delosz' (Woodring) and N. pcrpinguis (Hinds). It has more numerous, weaker axial ribs than N. delosi. To dis- tinguish it from N. perpmguis is more difficult. The body whorl of N. rhinetes appears to be relatively larger than that of N. pcrpinguis, and specimens of N. rhinetcs at hand and published figures show no evidence of secondary spirals on the body whorl such as are present on many of the larger specimens of N. perpz'n- gulls: (pl. 3, fig. 29). The number of primary spiral ribs, 11 or 12, is the same on both species. There are no verified late Pleistocene occurrences of Nassaréus rhinetes. Burch’s statement (1945, no. 51, p. 7) to the effect that this species ( “N. caléform'anus”) is characteristic of “the Del Rey Pleistocene deposit in the Baldwin Hills” probably refers to the later named SOME ‘VESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS N. delosi. Most bathymetric records of this species (Rivers, 1891, p. 71; Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 187; Demond, 1952, p. 307; Berry, 1953, p. 416) are from moderate depths, 25—40 fathoms, in the sublittoral zone. This is a far greater depth than the maximum measur- able reliefof the terrace platforms upon which late Pleistocene mollusks lived and may account for its ab- sence in these assemblages. There is, however, one occurrence in moderately shallow water (15 fathoms) in Monterey Bay, listed by Burch (1945, no. 51, p. 7). Range: Recent. Occurrcncc: Squaw Creek, Oreg., to Magdalena Bay, Baja California (Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 7 ). Subgenus CATILON Addicott, n. subgen. Type—Nasser arnoldz' Anderson. Middle Miocene, California and Oregon. Shell commonly small, rather low spired. Body whorl stout, smoothly rounded, relatively large. Sculp- ture reticulate to somewhat papillose; closely set axial and spiral ribs of variable strength; axial sculpture retractive. Aperture ovate, interrupted anteriorly by fairly wide siphonal notch, base subtruncate. Outer lip thickened externally by varix, bearing about seven recessed denticles. Parietal callus narrow, leading edge broadly rounded and clearly delimited from sur- face of body whorl. Callus armed with a strong pos- terior parietal plait and, usually, one weaker plait above the basal spiral fold. The name Catalan is formed by an arbitrary combination of letters. Several small Miocene and Pliocene nassariids from the Pacific coast of the United States form a. natural group typified by N assarius arrwldz'. Living species of Oatilon seem to be restricted to the Panamic molluscan province of the eastern Pacific Ocean (southern Baja California, Mexico, to Peru). These species are char- acterized by a narrow, sharply delimited apertural cal- lus, an externally thickened outer lip, and reticulate 0r papillose sculpture. Many of these species have been placed in U Zita H. and A. Adams, presumably because of similarity to well-illustrated late Cenozoic nassariids from the tropical western Atlantic Ocean area, which are customarily placed in that taxon. Western Ameri— can species of Oatilon differ from these species placed in Uzita and from specimens of the type of Uaita, “Buc- cimtm” migum Bruguiere, in the Recent collections at Stanford University by lacking the row of fine plaits on the inner lip of the aperture, the numerous fine spiral plaits within the outer lip, and, in anterior view, the constricted opening for the anterior siphon at the aper— tural face. More importantly, “Biwez'num” migum dif— fers from species here included in C’atilon by having coarse protractive axial folds, which are rather strongly B11 curved on the spire and sinuous on the body whorl, and an attendant wavy suture. A highly variable late Pliocene to Recent nassariid which may be referable to U Zita. is N ass-(trim imaulptus (Carpenter). A variant or subspecies of this normally smooth species, N. insculptus capleara (Dall) figured by Demond (1952, pl. 2, fig. 1) , has fairly strong, coarse axial folds which resemble those of “Buccimnn” migmn in appearing to be both sinuous and protractive. The outer lip of N. inscalptus is thickened and the inner lip bears a vertical row of fine spiral plaits. This species and its subspecies or variants, N. insculptus forma eupleura and N. insculptus forma gordcmus (Hertlein and Strong, 1951, p. 81—82, pl. 8, fig. 6), range from Point Arena, northern California, to the southern part of the Gulf of California, Mexico. The subgenus first. appears in strata classified as lower Miocene in the Pacific Coast molluscan chronology. It seems to have become extinct on the west coast of the United States after the Pliocene Epoch. A living rep- resentative of Uatilon originally described from mate- rial dredged from deep water off Panama, Nassarz'us catallus (Dall), is known to range as far north as the west coast of Mexico (A. M. Keen, written commun. 1963). N. eatallus has been recorded from moderately deep water in the vicinity of San Miguel Island (lat 34° N.) off the coast of Southern California (Strong in Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 4; Demond, 1952, p. 312); however, this record is regarded as doubtful by some workers. Several nassariids from the modern Panamic mollus- can province of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean seem to belong in this subgenus. They are: N assarz'us catal- Zus (Dall), N. gallegosé Strong and Hertlein, N. guay- mase’nsis (Pilsbry and Lowe), N. miser (Dall), N. polistes (Dall), N. oersz'color (C. B. Adams), and N. wilsoni (C. B. Adams). Key to some western American Tertiary species of Catilon 1. Body whorl sculptured by 10 or more spiral cords ______ 2 Body whorl sculptured by nine or fewer spiral cords____ 6 2. Spiral sculpture of irregularly alternating straplike ribs ____________________________ Nassarias salmasensr’s ’ Spiral sculpture of uniform spiral cords _______________ 3 3. Axial sculpture stronger than spiral sculpture __________ 5 Axial and spiral sculpture about equally strong ________ 4 4. Stout, spire much shorter than body whorl _____ N. arnoldi Slender, spire nearly as high as body whorl__ N. pabloensis *‘ 0. Axial ribs narrow, widely spaced; spiral ribs subdued; moderately high spired, apex blunt __________ N . hamlim Axial sculpture of broad folds which become obsolete to- ward base; spiral ribs strong; low spired ______ N. smooti 6. Sculpture papillose or of strong axial ribs, eight or less spiral cords on body whorl _________________________ 7 Sculpture reticulate, nine spiral cords on body whor1___ 9 See foot-notes at end of table. B12 7. Basal fossa weak or indistinct _______________________ 8 Basal fossa strongly incised ___________________ N. lint-anus 8. Very small (<5 mm), stout; body whorl with anterior tabu- lation and basal fossa; sculptured by coarse axial ribs and finer spiral cords _______________________ N. churchl Small, rather slender; body whorl not tabulate, basal fossa indistinct; sculpture papillose ______________ N. antisclll1 9. Shell medium— to high-spired _________________________ 10 Shell, low spired; aperture characteristically sculptured by paired anterior and posterior parietal denticles__ N. stockl 10. Body whorl evenly rounded; high spired ______________ 11 Body whorl with narrow subsutural tabulation, spire of medium height ____________________________ N. andcrsoni 11. Adult shell of medium size (about 15 mm or larger); rib intersections coarsely noded, interspaces deeply pitted __________________________________ N. pablocnsls 2 Adult shell small (<10 mm); rib intersections weakly noded, interspaces not deeply pitted ______ N. hildegardae 1 Species questionably assigned to Oatllon. 2Although Nassarlue pabloensls commonly has 9 spiral cords, a few large specimens have 10 spirals. NaSsarius (Catilon) churchi (Hertlein) Alectrion charchl Hertlein, 1928, J our. Paleontology, v. 2, p. 156, pl. 22, fig. 2. Nassarins chnrchi (Hertlein). Loel and Corey, 1932, California Univ., Dept. Geology Sci. Bull., v. 22, p. 241, pl. 48, fig. 2. Holotyyc: CAS 4149. Type locality: CAS 100. 1150, sea cliff exposure about 0.5 kilo- meter west of mouth of Arlington Canyon, Santa Rosa Island, Calif. Vaqueros Formation, early Miocene. This minute species is known only from the holotype, a slender specimen that has strong axial ribs crossed by about nine finer spiral threads. A specimen from the shale member of the so-called Temblor Formation of Santa Cruz Island figured by Bremner (1932, pl. 2, fig. 4) as Nassarz'us churchi (Hertlein) is a small, ro- tund species of Cancellaria that has cancellate sculpture quite unlike that of the holotype of N. church/i. Occurrence: Vaqueros Formation, early Miocene, Santa Rosa Island. Nassarius (Catilon) arnoldi (Anderson) Plate 3, figures 1—3, 10, 15 Nassa arnoldl Anderson, 1905. California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 3, v. 2, p. 204, pl. 16, figs. 70, 71. Nassarius (Elma) arnoldl (Anderson). Etherington, 1931, California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 20, p. 99. pl. 12, figs. 15, 19. Nassarius arnoldl (Anderson). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. Pub. Geology, v. 5, p. 461, pl. 89, fig. 14. L’zlta? arnoldi (Anderson). Moore, 1963, US. Geo]. Survey Prof. Paper 419, p. 39, pl. 5, figs. 14, 16-20. Small, commonly low spired; sculpture cancellate. Spire conical, consisting of about four whorls. Nucleo- conch of about two smooth whorls. Body whorl globose, sculptured by 10—13 spiral cords crossed by slightly retractive axial ribs of variable strength. The sub- sutural pair of spiral cords are more sharply noded CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY than the lower spirals. Base of body whorl bordered by a narrow, incised fossa. Aperture subovate, base subtruncate. Outer lip thickened externally by a varix, coarsely denticulate within. Columellar lip has a nar- row, fairly thick callus bordered anteriorly by a strong fold and bearing an anterior and a posterior spiral plait. Siphonal fasciole sculptured by about five spiral cords. Height 7.4 mm, width 4.6 mm (neotype). Holotype lost during the 1906 San Francisco fire. (here designated) : USNM 648577. Type locality: In the vicinity of Barker’s Ranch (formerly located near the center of sec. 5, T. 29 S., R. 29 E., Bakersfield quad). This and other newly described species were collected “chiefly north of the [Kern] river” (Anderson, 1905, p. 187). The neotype is from USGS Cenozoic loc. M1597, which is Within Anderson’s generalized description of the original type locality. Olcese Sand of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene. N assarz'ns arnoldz' is characterized by its small, stout shell and finely reticulate sculpture and by the pair of strongly nodose spiral cords at the top of the body whorl. The outer lip is always thickened by a varix, and other varices appear randomly at earlier resting stages on a few specimens. Specimens from the vicinity of the type locality are characteristically very small, low spired, and not particularly variable. At other localities, however, there is considerable variation in ornamentation and spire height. The axial sculpture ranges from very strong on some specimens to nearly obsolete on the body whorl of other specimens. Occa— sional high-spired specimens are present in collections from the Kern River area, California. Middle Miocene species with which N assarz'us arnoldz' occurs are N. antisellz’ (Anderson and Martin) and N. smooti Addicott, n. sp. N. antiscllz' differs from N. arnoldi by having eight coarsely papillose spiral cords on the body whorl and only three spirals on the penul- timate whorl. The base of N. antisclli is not strongly constricted as in N. amoldz' nor does it have a partic- ularly well-defined fossa. N assarius smooti differs from N. arnoldi by having a thick apertural callus, excavated sutures, and coarse axial folds. This species occurs in the Astoria Formation in Oregon and Washington and is one of the taxa used to correlate that formation with deposits of middle Miocene age in California. It also occurs with middle Miocene species in strata conformably underlying the Astoria Formation; these strata have been mapped as the Lincoln Formation of Weaver (1912) (Gower and Pease, 1964) in the Montesano Quadrangle, Grays Har- bor County, Wash. (pl. 3, fig. 15). In California, Nas- sam'us arnoldz' is known only from strata that are classi- fied as middle Miocene. Range: Middle Miocene: Occurrence: Uppermost part of Lincoln Formation of Weaver Ncotype SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GAS‘TROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS (1912), Grays Harbor County, Wash. (USGS Cenozoic locs. )11496, M1514). Astoria Formation: Grays Harbor County, southwestern Washington (Etherington, 1931; Weaver, 1942) ; coastal Oregon (Arnold and Hannibal, 1913; Moore. 1963). Monterey Group: Point Reyes area, Sonoma County, and San Pablo Bay area, both in California (Weaver, 1949). Temblor Formation: La Panza area, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. (Loel and Corey, 19132), Reef Ridge area, California (Stewart, 1946). Round Mountain Silt and other Olcese Sand of Diepen- brock (1933), Kern River district, California. Altamira Shale Member of Monterey Shale, Palos Verdes Hills, California (Woodring and others, 1946, p. 27) as “Nassa” aff. “N.” amoldl‘. Nassarius (Catilon) smooti Addicott, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 7—9 Shell small, stout, low spired. Nucleus consisting of two smooth whorls. VVhorls of spire slightly convex, sculptured by 10 or 11 broad axial ribs and 5 spiral cords. Sutures deeply excavated, wavy. Body whorl sculptured by coarse axial folds and 12 or more spiral cords separated by narrow interspaces. Basal fossa separated anteriorly from siphonal fasciole by strong spiral cord and groove. Apertural lip varicose exter- nally, denticulate within. Very thick, narrow parietal callus bearing a posterior plait and a single denticle above the spiral fold at the base of the columella. Base of aperture subtruncate. Height 7.2 mm, width 4.3 mm (type). Holotype: USNM 648578. Type locality: USGS Cenozoic 10c. M1597. In abandoned roadbed at mouth of small gully, 1,300 ft S., 350 ft W. from NE. cor. sec. 5, T. 29 S., R. 29 E” Oil Center quadrangle. Upper part of Olcese Sand 0f Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene. This species differs from the known eastern Pacific nassariids included in Oatilon by its distinctive sculp- ture, extremely thick yet narrow parietal callus, and wavy, deeply excavated sutures. On the three available specimens, all from the type locality, there seems to be considerable variation in spiral sculpture. A fragmen— tary specimen has wellformed secondary spiral threads on the body whorl. The axial folds become obsolete on the lower half of the body whorl. Nassam'us smooti most nearly resembles N. apnoldi, with which it occurs at. the type locality. Occurrence: Upper part of Olcese Sand of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene, Kern River area, Kern County, Calif. Nassarius (Catilon?) antiselli (Anderson and Martin) Plate 3, figures 13, 1-1 Nassa antiselll Anderson and Martin, 1914, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, v. 4, p. 76—77, pl. 7, fig. 16. Nassarius pabloensls (Clark). Clark, 1929, Stratigraphy and faunal horizons of the Coast Ranges of California, pl. 34, fig. 13. Holotype: CAS 165. B13 Type locality: CAS loc. 126, in the bed of a small creek near the center of sec. 34, T. 28 S., R. 15 E., San Luis Obispo County, Calif, Middle Miocene. Nassay/m antiselli is a small, rather slender species characterized by coarsely papillose sculpture, a very weak basal fossa, and fewer spi ’al cords than in similar species from the Miocene of the Pacific coast. There are three spiral cords on the penultimate whorl of the type specimen and 8 on the body whorl. It differs in this respect from N. amoldi, with which it sometimes occurs, which has 4 or 5 spirals on the penultimate whorl and 10—13 on the body whorl. The coarse sculpture and rather slender profile of N. antiselli might be taken to suggest a link with the early Miocene species, N. chapchz' (Hertlein) , but speci- mens of the latter are insufficient to permit more than speculation as to possible relationships. This middle Miocene species is questionably placed in Oatilon because of the lack of a well—defined basal fossa and the uncertainty of the apertural characteristics. Clark (1929, pl. 34, fig. 13) reproduced Anderson and Martin’s original figure of N assa antvz'sellz' (1914, pl. 7, fig. 16) as Nassam'us pabloensis (Clark). Range: Middle Miocene. Occurrence: Monterey Group or Monterey Shale: Sonoma County and northern Contra Costa County, Calif. (Weaver, 1949)‘; Sobrante Sandstone, Contra Costa County, Calif. (Weaver, 1953).‘ Temblor Formation, La Panza Range, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. (Anderson and Martin, 1914). Branch Canyon Formation and Saltos Shale Member of the Monterey Formation (Hill and others, 1958), C‘aliente Range, San Luis Obispo County, Calif. (Repenning and Vedder, 1961). Round Mountain Silt of Diepenbrock (1933), Kern River area, Calif. (Keen, 1943). Nassarius (Catilon) pabloensis (Clark) Plate 3, figures 22—25 Nassa pabloensls Clark, 1915, California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 8, p. 493—494, pl. 65, figs. 8, 9. N assam‘as pabloensis (Clark). Clark, 1929, Stratigraphy and faunal horizons of the Coast Ranges of California, pl. 34, fig. 17, not fig. 13. Holotype: UCMP 11637. Type locality: UCMP Ice. 1947, south side of highest hill south of and parallel to Shell Ridge, southeast of the town of Walnut Creek, alt 500 ft, Concord quadrangle, Contra Costa County, Calif. Upper part of San Pablo Group, late Miocene. Nassam'us pabloensz’s is a slender, high-spired nas— sariid of medium size. It has equally strong spiral and axial sculpture that varies from coarsely cancellate b0 nodose. The body whorl commonly has nine spiral cords. 4These occurrences have not been verified and may possibly be mis- identifications of Nassam‘ua whitneyi (Trask), a locally abundant species in middle Miocene strata in this part of central California. B14 This species is similar to some of the high-spired variants of Nassarius (1711197290711 (NVeaver) from the Quinault Formation of western )Vashington (pl. 3, figs. 17, 18). It. is, however, generally more slender and lacks the tabulate whorl profile of the northern species. From N. iniguus (Stewart), a Pliocene species from central California, it can be readily differentiated by its finer sculpture and well-rounded, nontabulate whorls. Some large specimens from the Santa Marga— rita Formation at Comanche Point, Kern County, Calif, have 10 spirals and a deeply excavated interspace between the two uppermost cords (pl. 3, fig. 24). The suggested inclusion of this species and N assarius (ta/lemon; in the synonymy of N. antiselli (Anderson and Martin) (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 678), a species questionably included in the subgenus Catilon, can be disregarded. N. antiselli, has only a vague indication of a basal fossa, virtually no siphonal fasciole, and very coarsely nodose sculpture very different from that of either N. pabloensis or N. (indemoni. In View of this treatment, it seems probable that Gale’s identification (in Preston, 1931, p. 16) of “Nassarius (Uzita) antisellz' (Anderson and Martin) (pabloem/s Clark)” from well cores of the Santa Margarita. Formation near Bakers- field, Calif., is in fact, N. pablocnsis. Range: Upper Miocene. Occurrence: Upper part of San Pablo Group (Clark, 1915), or Neroly Formation (Weaver, 1949), northern Contra Costa County, Calif. Santa Margarita Formation: well cores from Fruitvale oil field, Bakersfield, Calif. (Gale in Preston, 1931) ; Comanche Point, Kern County, Calif. (Addicott and Vedder, 1963). Nassarius (Catilon) stocki Kanakofi' Plate 3, figures 4, 5 Nassarius stocki Kanakofi, 1956, Southern California Acad. Sci. Bull., v. 55, p. 110—112, pl. 30, figs. A—C. Halon/1w: LACMIP 1109. Type locality.- LACMIP 100. 291, gully in center of the S15 sec. 27, T. 4 N., R. 15 W., exactly one-half mile south of Hum- phreys Station of the Southern Pacific RR., Los Angeles County, Calif. Pico Formation [:Towsley Formation (Jahns and Muehlberger, 1954)] early Pliocene. This small, stout species is characterized by a well- rounded body whorl, short spire, and evenly cancella‘te sculpture. There is a narrow excavated area at the base of the whorls of the spire. N assarius stocké seems to be most similar to the middle Miocene N. amoldi (Anderson) but it differs from that species by having only nine 'spiral cords on the body whorl and by having four fine denticles on the parietal callus which characteristically occur as anterior and posterior pairs (Kanakoff, 1956, p. 111). A Species that has been named N. hildegardac Kanakof‘f (1956) (pl. 3, figs. 11, 12) from the same locality may be a slender, high—spired variant of this species. CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY This species has been recognized in two localities in the eastern part of the Ventura basin, Calif. The type locality of Nassarius stocké occurs in a unit that has been recently mapped as the Towsley Formation by J ahns and Muehlberger (1954). The age of the Tows— ley Formation in this area is early Pliocene based upon the record of Trophosycon ocoyoma var. and Patinopecten lohm' that Grant and Gale (1931, p. 30) reported from exposures on the first ridge west of the type locality of N. stocki. Range: Upper Miocene to lower Pliocene. Occurrence: Upper Miocene: Castaic Formation of Crowell (1955), eastern Ventura basin, California.5 Lower Pliocene: Pico [Towsley] Formation (Kanakoff, 1956), eastern Ventura basin, California. Nassarius (Catilon) andersoni (Weaver) Plate 3, figures 16—18 Nassam‘us andersoni Weaver, 1912, Washington Geol. Survey Bull. 15, p. 75, pl. 6, fig. 56. Nassam‘us (Hima) andcrsoml (Weaver). Etherington, 1931, California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 20, p. 100, pl. 12, figs. 4, 16. Nassam‘us andersom‘ (Weaver). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. Pub. Geology, v. 5, p. 461—462, pl. 89, figs. 15—18. Holotypc: UW 75. Type locality: UW 10c. 117. in bank of Wishkah River, sec. 30, T. 20 N., R. 8 W., Grays Harbor County, Wash. (locality occurs in area mapped as Montesano Formation by Weaver (1916) and as undifferentiated Miocene-Pliocene on the Wash- ington State Geologic Map, 1961). Nassarius antlers-0m. is characterized by strongly retic- ulate sculpture, tabulate whorls, usually nine spiral ribs on the body whorl, and an ovate aperture. The holotype and species figured by Etherington (1931, pl. 12, figs. 4, 16) are moderately low spired and vary from nodose to evenly cancellate in sculpture. Other speci- mens from the Quinault Formation of western Wash- ington (pl. 3, figs. 17, 18) are moderately high spired and characteristically have rather coarse axial ribs. The species from the type section of the Quinault Forma- tion between Point Grenville and the Quinault River has been incorrectly identified as N. mendicus (Gould) by Arnold and Hannibal (1913, p. 594) and as N. amoldi (Anderson) by Weaver (1916, p. 216). It differs from these species by having a subsutural tabu- lation, only nine spiral ribs on the body whorl, and, in the specimen identified as N. mendicus, a varicose apertural lip. Similar late Miocene and early Pliocene species from California, such as N assarius pabloem‘is and N. hilde- {/ardae. also have nine spiral ribs on the body whorl but can be differentiated from N. andersom by their evenly 5 Stanton, R. J., Jr., 1960, Paleoecology of the Upper Miocene Castaic Formation, Los Angeles County, California: California Inst. Technology, Pasadena, Ph. D. Thesis, 332‘ p. . SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS rounded, nontabulate whorls and generally more slender, higher spired shells. Until a definitive investigation of the molluscan bio— stratigraphy of lVeaver’s Montesano Formation (1912) and related strata of presumed late Miocene to Pliocene age in western “7ashington is made, the chronologic- stlratigraphic range of Nassarius andersoni will remain uncertain. As far as is known, this species has not been collected from the lowermost conglomeratic sandstones of the type Montesano Formation in the Aberdeen- Montesano area. The fauna from this part of the formation has stronger affinities to the middle Miocene molluscan fauna of the Astoria Formation than to Pliocene mollusks of the Empire Formation 6 of Oregon and therefore is tentatively considered to be late Miocene. Collections that are presumed, however, to be stratigraphically higher in the Montesano Forma- tion, such as those from the \Vishkah River in the vicin- ity of the type locality of N. andersom‘, have many species in common with the Empire Formation and, ac- cordingly, have been classified as Pliocene.7 Inasmuch as the known occurrences of N. andersoni seem to be from strata above the basal sandstone beds, the range is tentatively considered to be Pliocene. An incomplete external mold of a small Nassarius in a beach stone collected by George Moore (loc. AMe 62—154) from the northern part of Chirikof Island, southwestern Alaska, is tentatively referred to this species. It has the slightly angulated body whorl, similar sculpture, and the same number of spiral ribs as specimens of N. andersoni from the Quinault Forma— tion of western Washington. It cannot be classified, however, subgenerically because the apertural side is missing. If, as seems most likely, the Alaskan speci- men is correctly assigned to Oatilon, then it is the northernmost occurrence of the subgenus in Cenozoic strata of Western North America. Range: Pliocene? Occurrence! Pliocene?, Montesano Formation, Grays Harbor County, Wash. (Weaver, 1912, 1916; Etherington, 1931) ; Quin- ault Formation, J efierson County, Wash., (USGS Cenozoic 10c. M1827). Beach stone of unknown age, Chirikof Island, Alaska (collected by George Moore, loc. AMe 62—154). Nassarius (Gatilon) hamlini (Arnold) Plate 3, figures 20, 21 Nessa hamlim‘ Arnold, 1907, US. Natl. Museum Proc., v. 32, p. 537—538, pl. 50, fig. 9. 6 The molluscan fauna of the Empire Formation was considered Plio- cene by Howe (1922), an age that has been generally accepted by sub- sequent investigators. 7Nassarius andersom’ occurs in the basal sandstone beds of the type section of the Quinault Formation immediately north of Point Gren- ville. Foraminifera that have been classified as Pliocene by Cushman and others (1949) are from localities higher in the motion. B15 Eldridge and Arnold, 1907, US. Geol. Survey Bull. 309, pl. 40, fig. 9. “Nessa” hamlim‘ Arnold. Woodring, 1938, US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 190, p. 2.5«26, pl. 5, fig. 16. Holotype: USNM 164946. Type locality: USGS 100. 3426, Third Street tunnel, Lois An- geles, Calif. Repetto Formation of common usage, early Pliocene. This species can be readily distinguished from other late Cenozoic nassariids of the subgenus Oatilon by its blunt apex and its prominent, widely spaced axial ribs that are nearly vertical. The spiral ribs are much sub- dued; they number 10 or 11 on the body whorl of most specimens and are much more closely spaced than the sharp axial ribs. Range: Lower Pliocene. Occurrence: Towsley Formation and Pico Formation, eastern Ventura basin, California (Winterer and Durham, 1962). Repetto Formation, Los Angeles Basin, Calif. (Arnold, 1907b; Woodring, 1938). Unnamed sandstone (Vedder and others, 1957), east of the Narrows, Newport Bay, Calif. (USGS Ceno- zoic loc. Ml921). Nassarius (Catilon’!) salinasensis Addicott, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 30, 31 Shell of medium size, moderately high spired. Nu— clear whorls missing. Whorls of spire gently convex, sculptured by about four straplike spiral ribs and ran- dom secondaries. Suture impressed, subtabulate on later whorls. Body whorl sculptured by sinuous axial folds of variable strength that become obsolete toward base. Spiral sculpture of 14 or more irregularly alter— nating straplike ribs. Base bordered by well-formed fossa. Siphonal fasciole sculptured by three strong cords. Aperture missing. Height (incomplete) 16.9 mm, width 9.6 mm. Holotype: USNM 648597. Type locality: USGS Cenozoic 10c. M977. On south side of Pancho Rico Creek, 100 ft N., 3,100 ft W. of SE cor. sec. 11, T. 22 S., R. 10 E., San Ardo quadrangle, Monterey County, Calif. Type Pancho Rico Formation, early Pliocene. N assaying salinasemz's is represented by three incom- plete specimens from the type locality. All are exter— nal molds from which latex rubber casts have been prepared. Although the apertural characteristics are preserved in none of the specimens, this species is tenta- tively assigned to Oatilon on the basis of the varicose outer lip of one specimen (pl. 3, fig. 31). The sculpture of irregular straplike spiral cords upon which are superimposed broad, sinuous axial folds is unique among the known late Cenozoic nassariids 0f the Pacific coast. Considerable variation in the num- ber and arrangement of spiral cords and the strength of axial folds is suggested by the three specimens from the type locality. B16 This species occurs with an early Pliocene molluscan assemblage that includes Turritella cooperz', T. mm- rlecki, F arreria belcheri, Calécantharus kettlemanensis, Ostrea aftcoodi, Lyropecten terminus, and other species. Occurrence: Pancho Rico Formation, early Pliocene, Pancho Rico Creek, Monterey County, Calif. Nassarius (Catilon) hildegardae Kanakofi‘ Plate 3, figures 11, 12 Nassarlus hildegardae Kanakoff, 1956, Southern California Acad. Sci. Bull., V. 55, p. 112—113, pl. 31 (two views). Holotypc: LACMIP 1110. Type locality: LACMIP loc. 291, gully in center of the SV; sec. 27, T. 4 N., R. 15 W., exactly one-half mile south of Hum- phreys Station of the Southern Pacific Railroad, Los Angeles County, Calif. Pico Formation [:Towsley Formation (Jahns and Muehlberger, 1954) ], early Pliocene. This small, slender nassariid is known only from the type locality at which it occurs with N assarius stocki (Kanakoff). Although smaller and somewhat higher spired than N. stocki, it has the same number of spiral cords on the body whorl, nine, and a similar whorl pro— file. In view of the known variation in spire height of other species of N assarius, there is a strong possibil- ity that N. hildegardae should be treated as a high- spired variant of N. stocki. Occurrence: Pico [=Towsley] Formation, early Pliocene, east- ern Ventura basin, California (Kanakofl’, 1956). Nassarius (Catilon) iniquus (Stewart) Plate 3, figure 6 Nassa callformana (Conrad). Arnold, 1910, US. Geol. Survey Bull. 396, p. 160, pl. 27, fig. 8. Figure reprinted in Arnold and Anderson, 1910, US. Geol. Survey Bull. 398, p. 334, pl. 49, fig. 8. Figure reproduced in Roberts, 1927, Cali- fornia Oil Fields, v. 12, no. 10, pl. 3, fig. 1. Nassam‘us (Uzlta) amoldi (Anderson) var. whitneyl (Trask) Grant and Gale, 1931. San Diego Soc. Nat. History Mem., v. 1, p. 679, pl. 26, figs. 48a, b. “.Vassa” miscr (Dall) var. iniqua Stewart in Woodring, Stewart, and Richards, 1940. US Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 165, p. 87, pl. 34, fig. 8. Holotypc: USNM 495836. Type locality: USGS 100. 14129, below road west of El Tolete, 900 ft northwest of USGS 100. 14131 (1,200 ft N.. 1,840 ft W. from SE cor. sec. 7, T. 22 S., R. 18 E., MDB&M, Kettleman Hills, Calif.), Patlnopecten zone, Etchegoin Formation, Pliocene. The body whorl of N assarius £715un is sculptured by seven coarsely papillose spiral cords. Occasional speci- mens have eight spirals. The summits of the whorls are tabulate, and there is a deep spiral fossa at the base of the body whorl. Other species of Oatilon from the late Miocene and Pliocene of California and Washing- ton are much more delicately sculptured than N. iniquus and have a larger number of spiral ribs. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY A Pliocene nassariid from a well core near Tipton, Calif, figured by Grant and Gale (1931, pl. 26, figs. 48a, b) as N assam'as amoldi var. whitneyz' (Trask) has the tabulate whorl profile and sculpture of N. im'gmw and is here included in the synonymy of this species. It need not be compared with N. whimeyi, a species that has been incorrectly diagnosed as having a varicose outer lip. The suggested varietal relationship with N. amoldi seems doubtful in View of the thick, coarsely papillose shell which is characteristic of N. iniquus. A variant of N assarius iniquus occurs in a collection of early Pliocene mollusks from Elsmere Canyon, Los Angeles County, Calif. (C. M. Carson Colln., SU). These specimens are more weakly noded and consider- ably more elongate than is typical of N. iniquus. The varietal relationship to Nassarius miser (Dall) suggested by Stewart (in Woodring and others, 1940) is doubtful. The bathymetric range of that species, 140—320 fathoms (Keen, 1958, p. 410), is not compatible with the relatively shallow water aspect of molluscan assemblages of the Etchegoin Formation in which N. iniquus occurs. Range: Pliocene. Occurrence: Etchegoin Formation: Alcalde Canyon south of Coalinga, Calif. (Arnold, 1909) ; Kettleman Hills (Woodring and others, 1940), well core near Tipton, Calif. (Grant and Gale, 1931) ; Diablo Range, San Benito quadrangle (UCMP collni), Towsley(?) Formation, Elsmere Canyon, Los Angeles County (C. M. Carson Colln., 10c. 16; SU). SUBGEN’US? Nassarius ocoyanus (Anderson and Martin) Plate 3, figures 19, 26-28 N assa ocoyana Anderson and Martin, 1914, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, v. 4, p. 75-76, pl. 7, fig. 17. ?Nassa blakel Anderson and Martin, 1914, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, v. 4, p. 76, pl. 7, figs. 15a, b. N assare'us oeoyamw is a distinctive but variable spe— cies of rare occurrence at a few middle Miocene locali- ties in California. The turreted spire is sculptured by coarse axial folds. The body whorl is slender and has relatively smooth, parallel sides. Most specimens have weak spiral cords on the anterior and posterior shoul- ders of the body whorl. On some individuals there are faint axial folds on the uppermost part of the body whorl. The basal fossa is broad and nearly obsolete on most specimens. The aperture is bordered internally by a thick parietal callus bearing a spiral plait anterior to the strong posterior notch. There are weak denticles within the varicose outer lip on at least one specimen. Holotypc: CAS 163. Type locality: CAS 100. 64, in bottom of small creek, 1% miles due north from Barker’s Ranch House (near top of Olcese Sand SOME WESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene). Probably in SE14 sec. 31, T. 28 S., R. 29 E., Oil Center quadrangle, California. Holotypc of “Nassa” blakei: CAS 180. Type locality: CAS 100. 65, on west bank of small canyon 114 miles northeast of Barker’s Ranch House (near top of Olcese Sand of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene). This species appears to show considerable variation in the height of the spire and inflation of the whorls. The body whorl profile varies from gently convex to parallel sided in specimens from UCMP locality B1637 near the top of the Olcese Sand. Specimens from Diepenbrock’s (1933) overlying Round Mountain Silt, UCMP locality B1639, which are somewhat abraded and mildly deformed, have parallel to concave sides. The degree of variation in whorl profile and spire height seems to be sufficient enough to include N assarius blakei (Anderson and Martin, 1914, p. 76, pl. 7, figs. 15a, b), a low-spired species described from a single specimen, as a synonym. N. blakei was collected from a locality less than a mile southeast of the type locality of N. ocoyanus and is from approximately the same stratigraphic position. Range: Middle Miocene. Occurrence: Round Mountain Silt and upper part of Olcese Sand of Diepenbrock (1933), Kern River district, California. Temblor Formation, eastern San Luis Obispo County, Calif. (Loel and Corey, 1932). Saltos Shale Member of the Monterey Formation (Hill and others, 1958), Caliente Range, eastern San Luis Obispo County (USGS Colln.). LOCALITY DESCRIPTIONS WASHINGTON LOCALITIES USG'S Cenozoic locality: M1496. Cut on south side of logging road at topographic saddle west of small hill near E1/4 cor. SEM sec. 23, T. 17 N., R. 7 W., Montesano quadrangle. Astoria Formation, middle Miocene. Collected by H. D. Gower and W. O. Addicott, 1962. M1514. 1,800 ft W., 2,700 ft S. of NE. cor. sec. 1, T. 16 N., R. 8 W., Montesano quadrangle. Immediately below top of Lincoln Formation of Weaver (1912), middle Miocene. Collected by H. D. Gower, 1959. Ml545. Cut on south side of Still Creek logging road, 2,200 ft W., 400 ft N. of SE. cor. sec. 5, T. 18 N., R. 7 W., Wynoochee Valley quadrangle. Montesano Forma- tion of Weaver (1912), Pliocene(?). Collected by W. 0. Addicott, 1962. MlS27. Sea clifl exposure on beach north of Point Grenville, 3,450 ft W., 1,250 ft S. of NE. cor. sec. 13, T. 21 N., R. 13 W., Taholah quadrangle. Quinault Forma- tion, Pliocene. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1962. OREGON LOCALITIES USGS Cenozoic locality: 18284. Dredgings from ship channel between mile 3.5 and mile 4.0, Coos Bay, Oreg., deposited northwest of the channel alongside of North Spit opposite Cape Arago Pulp Mill, about 1% miles southwest of Empire, Oreg. Miocene. Collected by E. J. Moore, 1949—54. B17 18907. Shale and siltstone exposed in beach at low tide just south of Yaquina Head, Yaquina quadrangle. Astoria Formation, middle Miocene. Collected by M. P. James, 1953. University of Washington (UW) locality: 691. Stratified medium-grained sandstone exposed on beach on south side of Yaquina Head, 5% miles (3% miles) north of entrance to Yaquina Bay, Lincoln County. Astoria Formation, middle Miocene. California Academy of Sciences (CAS) locality: 39. Sea clifl' immediately south of Nye Beach and a short distance north of entrance to Yaquina Bay, Lincoln County. Astoria Formation, middle Miocene. CALIFORNIA LOCALITIES USGS Cenozoic locality: M979. Pancho Rico Creek east of San Ardo, 700 ft S., 1,200 ft W. of NE. cor. sec. 15, T. 22 S., R. 10 E., San Ardo quadrangle. Type area of the Pancho Rico Forma- tion, early Pliocene. Collected by D. L. Durham, 1960. ~ Cut on west side of US. Route 101, 150 ft N., 2,525 ft W. of SE. cor. sec. 25, T. 23 S., R. 10 E., Wunpost quadrangle. Pancho Rico Formation, early Pliocene. Collected by Vedder and Re- penning, 1960; Vedder and Addicott, 1963. Pine Creek east of San Lucas, 900 ft S., 150 ft E. of NW. cor. sec. 15, T. 21 S., R. 10 E., San Ardo quad- rangle. Pancho Rico Formation, early Pliocene. Collected by Charles Rice. Marine terrace deposit now covered by houses, approx- imately 19,850 ft N., 19,750 ft W. of SE. cor. Laguna Beach quadrangle (1949 ed.) or approximately 1,125 ft east-northeast of Abalone Point triangulation station. Late Pleistocene. Alt 50—60 ft. Collected by J. G. Vedder, 1954. Cut on west side of San Antonio River road, 2,975 ft N., 650 ft E. of SW. cor. sec. 36, T. 23 S., R. 8 E., Williams Hill quadrangle. Pancho Rico Formation, early Pliocene. Collected by D. L. Durham, 1962. 1,300 ft 8., 350 ft W. of NE. cor. sec. 5, T. 29 S., R. 29 E., Oil Center quadrangle. Upper part of the Olcese Sand of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene. Collected by W. o. Addicott, 1962. Same as UCMP loc. B1598. Near head of second Ely-trending gully due north of Hill 1039, in NW‘ASW‘A sec. 24, T. 32 S., R. 29 E., Arvin 7 }é—minute quadrangle. Santa Margarita Formation, late Miocene. Collected by J. G. Vedder and W. O. Addicott, 1962, 1963. Large cut in hillside 950 ft S. 61° W. of intersection of Junipero Serra Boulevard and Arroyo Drive, 1,434,850 ft E., 423,600 ft N. (California coordinate system, zone 3), San Francisco South quadrangle. Merced Formation, late Pliocene. Collected by M. G. Bonilla and G. 0. Gates, 1962. Sea cliff exposure of upper Pleistocene marine terrace deposit above small sandy beach 0.5 mile east- northeast of Point Afio Nuevo and 1,100 ft south of road head shown on map, in projected T. 9 S., R. 4 W., Ano Nuevo quadrangle. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1962. M982. M996. M1017. M1455. M1597. M1619. M1661. M1690. B18 Ml715. M1717. M1720. M1723. M1728. M1733. M1805. M1918. M1921. M1922. M1923. 4758. CONTRIBUTIONS ‘TO PALEONTOLOGY Cut and pipeline trench on north side of Arastradero Road, 1,200 ft west of intersection with Page Mill Road, Palo Alto 7V—minute quadrangle. Merced(?) Formation, late Pliocene. Collected by E. H. Pampeyan, J. G. Vedder, and W. O. Addicott, 1963. Cut in hillside at northernmost edge of Santa Barbara County dump on south side of Foothill Boulevard approximately 1,000 ft due west of entrance to Federated Sportsmans Field and three—fourths of a mile west of intersection of Foothill Boulevard and State Highway 150, Goleta quadrangle. Santa Barbara Formation, late Pliocene. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1963. Cut on south side of highest building site for American Institute for Research buildings on southwest side of Arastradero Road, 2,200 ft due east of intersection with Alpine Road, Palo Alto 7}é-minute quadrangle. Merced(?) Formation, late Pliocene. Collected by M. Crittenden and W. 0. Addicott, 1962. ”New lumber yard” across from Sun Lumber Co., 1800A Wilmington Road, San Pedro, Calif. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene. Mark Rogers. Arnold’s lumber yard locality (1903) on Harbor Boule- vard, San Pedro, Calif. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene. Collected by Mark Rogers. Cut on north side of Highway 101, 6,000 ft west- northwest of east boundary of Rancho Canada de San Miguelito. West edge of exposure is due north of BM 26, east edge truncated by Pleistocene terrace gravels, Ventura 7}é-minute quadrangle. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene. Collected by W. O. Addicott and J. G. Vedder, 1962. Cut on south side of Riverside Road approximately 6,000 ft east-southeast of Chittenden Station, San Juan Bautista 15-minute quadrangle. Purisima Formation, Pliocene. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1962. Probably same as UCMP loc. 1766. Cut on west side of Fairview Road immediately north of high-angle reverse fault, 1,050 ft S., 100 ft E., of of NW. cor. of Rancho La Goleta land grant, Goleta quadrangle. Santa Barbara Formation, late Pliocene. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1963. Near base of bluff on east side of Palisades Road, 2,625 ft SE., 2,975 ft of NE. cor. Irvine block 52, Newport Beach quadrangle (1951 ed.). Alt about 15 ft. Unnamed sandstone of Pliocene age. Col- lected by J. G. Vedder, 1954. On southwest side of northwest-trending gully near intersection of State Highway 55 and US. Highway 101 alt., 2,150 ft E., 1,875 ft S. of NW. cor. sec. 28, T. 6 S., R. 10 W., Newport Beach quadrangle (1951 ed.). Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene. Collected by J. G. Vedder, 1961. Concretionary bed 3,025 ft S., 850 ft W. of NE. cor. sec. 30, T. 11 N., R. 26 W., Wells Ranch quadrangle (1954 ed.). Saltos Shale Member of Monterey Formation (Hill and others, 1958), middle Miocene. Alt about 2,850 feet. Collected by J. G. Vedder, 1960. Bed C near top of section at Henry Spring, 4 miles south-southwest of Coalinga, on east side of 1,900-foot hill in SW% sec. 18, T. 21 S., R. 15 E. Etchegoin Formation, Pliocene. Collected by Ralph Arnold and Robert Anderson. 12359. Arroyo Degollado, North Dome, Kettleman Hills, 320 ft S., 780 ft W. of NE. cor. sec. 22, T. 22 S., R. 18 E. Pecteu zone and Trachycardium zone of the San Joaquin Formation, Pliocene. Collected by Ralph Stewart. USNM Catalog Number: 101721. Pleistocene [Pliocene], Santa Barbara, Calif. Stearns colln. University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, (UCMP) locality: 1549. 7033. 7071. 7078. 7091. 7092. A1304. A3166. A4920. A4925. B1639. B4739. B4749. Exposures on beach south of Bolinas, Marin County, Calif. Merced Formation, late Pliocene. On east bank of Russian River at Wilson Ranch, 3% miles southwest of Windsor, Sonoma County, Calif. Merced Formation, Pliocene. In creek bottom 1% miles north of mouth of canyon located 1 mile east of Harmon Canyon, Santa Paula quadrangle. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene(?). Collected by L. N. Waterfall. From about M-mile zone extending northward from mouth of first large canyon east of Ventura River, located at head of Kalorama Street, Ventura, Calif., Ventura quadrangle. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene(?). Collected by L. N. Waterfall. Artificial cut in low ridge near SW cor. sec. 34, T. 3 N., R. 21 W., Ventura County. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene(?). Collected by L. N. Waterfall. Second ridge east of farmhouse on south side of South Mountain near NW cor. sec. 3, T. 2 N., R. 21 W., Ventura County. Saugus Formation, early Pleisto- cene(?). Collected by L. N. Waterfall. Roadcut in Alcalde Canyon, southwest of Coalinga, in SEMSEM sec. 7, T. 21 S., R. 15 E., Glycymeris zone of the Etchegoin Formation, Pliocene. “Merriamaster coalingensis zone” in NW}£ sec. 8, T. 22 S., R. 18 E., La Cima quadrangle, San Joaquin Formation, Pliocene. In large rock quarry 1 mile south of Pacheco, 1,400 ft W., 200 ft S., of junction of quarry road with Pacheco Boulevard, Concord quadrangle. Briones Sandstone, late Miocene. Collected by G. C. Lutz. In subcanal 30 ft west of main canal at point where canal swings eastward to bypass small hill, Concord quadrangle (locality subsequently covered by con- crete). Sobrante Formation of Lutz (1951), middle Miocene. Collected by G. C. Lutz. Polim’ces biostrome 31 ft stratigraphically below B1613, SW}£SE% sec. 26, T. 28 S., R. 29 E., Caliente quad- rangle. Round Mountain Silt of Diepenbroek (1933), middle Miocene. Collected by W. O. Addicott, 1954. One and seven-tenths miles north of northeast end of spillway 456, Lafayette Reservoir and 1,700 ft north of intersection of Happy Valley Road and Panorama Drive, Briones quadrangle (1949 ed.). Alt 925 ft. San Pablo Formation, late Miocene. Collected by G. I. Doumani. Two and one-fourth miles north of northwest erid of spillway 456, Lafayette Reservoir below the 1,345-foot peak on Lafayette Ridge, Briones quadrangle (1949 ed.). Alt 1,250 ft. Lower part of Briones Sandstone, late Miocene. Collected by G. I. Doumani. SOME W'ESTERN AMERICAN CENOZOIC GASTROPODS OF THE GENUS NASSARIUS B4810. Exposures in long landslide on Seven Mile Beach, about 2,000 ft N. 75° W. of intersection of Alemany Boule- vard and Skyline Boulevard, San Francisco South quadrangle (1947 ed.). Upper part of the type Merced Formation, early Pleistocene. Collected by William Glen, 1957. B7642. Railroad-cut 2,011—2,219 ft southwest of Nanning Creek crossing, between 2,163 ft and 2,309 ft strati- graphically above the base of the Rio Dell Formation (2,142—2,288 ft below top of Rio Dell Formation), Scotia quadrangle (1951 ed.). Rio Dell Formation of Ogle (1953), Pliocene. Collected by W. Faustman, Jr., 1960. California Academy of Sciences (CAS) locality: 36827. Gully in center of S% sec. 27, T. 4 N., R. 15 W., half a mile south of Humphreys Station, Los Angeles County, Pico Formation [=Towsley Formation], early Pliocene. Collected by G. P. Kanakofi, 1954. Same as LACMIP loc. 291. Los Angeles County (LACMIP) locality: 59. Immediately south of point where Lincoln Avenue crosses the Los Angeles Outfall Sewer, about 2 miles northeast of Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles County. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene. Collected by George Willett, 1935, 1936. Gully in center of S% sec. 27, T. 4 N., R. 15 W., one- half mile south of Humphreys Station, Los Angeles County. Pico Formation [=Towsley Formation], early Pliocene. Collected by G. P. Kanakofi, 1954. Museum, Invertebrate Paleontology 219. BRITISH COLUMBIA LOCALITY University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) locality: 4674. Skonun Point, 5 miles east of Masset on north coast of Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Skonun Formation, Miocene or Pliocene. Collected by Rich- field Oil Co. field party, 1958. REFERENCES Addicott, W. 0., and Vedder, J. G., 1963, Paleotemperature in- ferences from late Miocene mollusks in the San Luis Obispo—Bakersfield area, California, in Short Papers in Geology and Hydrology: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 475—0, art. 77, p. 063—068. Anderson, F. M., 1905, A stratigraphic study in the Mount Diablo Range of California: California Acad. Sci. Proc., 3d ser., Geology, v. 2, p. 155—248, pls. 13—33. Anderson, F. M., and Martin, Bruce, 1914, Neocene record in the Temblor basin, California, and Neocene deposits of the San Juan district, San Luis Obispo County: California Acad. Sci. Proc., 4th ser., v. 4, p. 15—112, pls. 1—10. Arnold, Ralph, 1903, The paleontology and stratigraphy of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene of San Pedro, California: California Acad. Sci. Mem., v. 3, 420 p., 27 pls. 1907a, New and. characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary formations of Santa Barbara County, California: Smithsonian Misc. 0011., v. 50, p. 419— 447, pls. 50—58. 1907b, New and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary formations of southern Cali- fornia: U.S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 32, no. 1545, p. 525—546, pls. 38—51. B19 Arnold, Ralph, 1908, Descriptions of new Cretaceous and Ter- tiary fossils from the Santa Cruz Mountains, California: U.S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 34, no. 1617, p. 345—390, pls. 31—37. 1909, Paleontology of the (Joalinga district, Fresno and Kings Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 396, 173 p., 30 pls. Arnold, Ralph, and Hannibal, Harold, 1913, The marine Tertiary stratigraphy of the north Pacific Coast of America: Am. Philos. Soc. Proc., v. 52, p. 559—605. Berry, S. S., 1953, Notices of new west American marine Mol- lusca: San Diego Soc. Nat. History Trans, v. 11, no. 11, p. 405—428, pls. 28, 29. Bremner, C. St. J ., 1932, Geology of Santa Cruz Island, Santa Barbara County, California: Santa Barbara Mus. Nat. His- tory Occasional Paper 1, 33 p., 5 pls. Burch, J. Q., ed., 1945, Distributional list of the west American marine mollusks from San Diego, California, to the Polar Sea: Conchological Club Southern California Minutes, no. 51. Chace, E. P., 1957, Nassa delosi Woodring: Nautilus, v. 70, no. 3, p. 108. 1962, A living fossil: The Veliger, V. 4, p. 161. Clark, B. L., 1915, Fauna of the San Pablo Group of middle California: California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 8, no. 22, p. 385—572, pls. 42—71. 1929, Stratigraphy and faunal horizons of the Coast Ranges of California: Ann Arbor, Mich., University Micro- films, Inc., 30 p., 50 pls. Conrad, T. A., 1857, Description of the Tertiary fossils collected on the survey in Abbot, H. L., Report upon explorations for a railroad route from the Sacramento Valley to the Colum- bia River: U.S. 33d Cong, 2d sess., Senate Exec. Doc. no. 78, v. 6, pt. 2, no. 2, p. 69—73, pls. 2—5. Cooper, J. G., 1888, Catalogue of California fossils: California Mining Bur. 7th Ann. Rept. State Mineralogist, p. 221—308. Cossmann, A. E. M., 1901, Essais de paléoconchologie comparée, V. 4 : Paris, Chez l’Auteur, 293 p., 10 pls. Crowell, J. G., 1954, Geology of the Ridge Basin area, Los An- geles and Ventura counties, in J ahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: California Div. Mines Bull. 170, map sheet 7, scale about 1 inch to 11/2 miles. Cushman, J. A., Stewart, R. E. and Stewart, K. C., 1949, Quinault Pliocene Foraminifera from- western Washington: Oregon Dept. Geology and Mineral Industries Bull. 36, pt. 7, p. 148— 163, pls. 17, 18. Dall, W. H., 1917, Summary of the mollusks of the family Alec- trionidae of the west coast of America: U.S. Natl. Museum Proc., v. 51, p. 575-579. 1921, Summary of the marine shellbearing mollusks of the northwest coast of America, from San Diego, California, to the Polar Sea, mostly contained in the collection of the United States National Museum, With illustrations of hitherto unfigured species: U.S. Natl. Museum Bull. 112, 217 p., 22 pls. Diepenbrock, Alex, 1933, Mount Poso oil field: California Oil Fields, v. 19, no. 2, p. 5—35. Demond, Joan, 1952, The Nassariidae 0f the west coast of North America between Cape San Lucas, Lower California, and Cape Flattery, Washington: Pacific Sci., v. 6, no. 4, p. 300— 317, 2 pls. Dickerson, R. E., 1922, Tertiary and Quaternary history of the Petaluma, Point Reyes, and Santa Rosa quadrangle [Cali- fornia] : California Acad. Sci. Proc., 4th ser., v. 11, no. 19, p. 527-601. B20 Durham, J. W., 1954, The marine Cenozoic of southern California [Pt.] 4 in chap. 3 of Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: California Div. Mines Bull. 170, p. 23—31. Emerson, W. K., and Addicott, W. 0., 1958, Pleistocene inverte- brates from Punta Baja, Baja California, Mexico: Am. Mus. Novitates, no. 1909, 11 p. Etherington, T. J ., 1931, Stratigraphy and fauna of the Astoria Miocene of southwest Washington: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 20, no. 5, p. 31—142, 14 pls. Glen, William, 1959, Pliocene and lower Pleistocene of the west- ern part of the San Francisco peninsula: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 36, no. 2, p. 147—198, pls. 15—17. Grower, H. D., and Pease, M. H., Jr., 1964, Geologic map of the Montesano quadrangle, Washington: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ—374. Grant, U. S. IV, and Gale, H. R., 1931, Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of California and adja- cent regions: San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., v. 1, 1036 p., 32 pls. Ham, 0. K., 1952, Geology of Las Trampas Ridge, Berkeley Hills, California: California Div. Mines Spec. Rept. 22, 26 p. Hanna,‘G. D., and Hertlein, L. G., 1943, Characteristic fossils of California: California Div. Mines Bull. 118, pt. 2, chap. 6, p. 165—182, figs. 60—67. Hertlein, L. G., and Strong, A. M., 1951, Eastern Pacific expedi- tions of the New York Zoological Society, XLIII, Mollusks from the west coast of Mexico and Central America, Pt. 10: Zoologica, v. 36, pt. 2, p. 67—120, pls. 1—11. Hertlein, L. G., and Allison, E. C., 1959, Pliocene marine deposits in northwestern Baja California, Mexico, with the descrip- tion of a new species of Accmthma, (Gastropoda) : Southern California Acad. Sci. Bull., v. 58, pt. 1, p. 17—26. Hill, M. L., Carlson, S. A., and Dibblee, T. W., J r., 1958, Stratig- raphy of Cuyama Valley-Caliente Range area, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 42, no. 12, p. 2973—3000. Howe, H. V., 1922, Faunal and stratigraphic relationships of the Empire Formation, Coos Bay, Oregon: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 14, no. 3, p. 85—114, pls. 7—12. Jahns, R. H., and Muehlberger, W. R., 1954, Geology of the Soledad basin, Los Angeles County, in Jahns, R. H., ed., Geology of southern California: California DIV. Mines Bull. 170, map sheet 6, scale about 1 inch to 11/3 miles. Kanakoff, G. P., 1956, Two new species of Nassam'us from the Pliocene of Los Angeles County, California: Southern Cali- fornia Acad. Sci. Bull., v. 55, pt. 2, p. 110—113, 2 pls. Keen, A. M., 1943, New Mollusks from the Round Mountain silt (Temblor) Miocene of California: San Diego Soc. Nat. History Trans, v. 10, no. 2, p. 25—60, pls. 3—4. 1958, Sea Shells of Tropical West America, marine mol- lusks from Lower California to Colombia: Stanford, Calif, Stanford Univ. Press, 624 p. Loel, Wayne, and Corey, W. H., 1932, The Vaqueros formation, lower Miocene of California; I, Paleontology: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 22, no. 3, p. 31—410, pls. 4—65. Lutz, G. C., 1951, The Sobrante sandstone: California Univ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull.,, v. 28, no. 13, p. 367—406, pls. 15—18. MacKenzie, J. D., 1916, Geology of Graham Island, British Columbia: Canada Dept. Mines Mem. 88, 221 p. Martin, Bruce, 1914, Descriptions of new species of fossil Mol- lusca from the later marine Neocene of California: Cali- fornia Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 8, pl. 181—202, pls. 19—22. 1916, The Pliocene of middle and northern California: California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 9, p. 215-259. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY Moore, E. J., 1963, Miocene mollusks from the Astoria Forma- tion, Oregon: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 419, 109 p. Newberry, J. S., 1857, Report upon the geology of the route in, Abbot. H. L., Report upon explorations for a railroad route from the Sacramento Valley to the Columbia River: U.S. 33d Cong, 2d sess., Senate Exec. Doc. no. 78, v. 6, pt. 2, no. 1, p. 9—68. Nomland, J. 0., 191721, The Etchegoin Pliocene of middle Cali- fornia: California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 10, no. 14, p. 191—254, pls. 6—12. 1917b, Fauna of the Santa Margarita beds in the north Coalinga region of California: California Univ., Dept. Geol- ogy Bull., v. 10, no. 18, p. 293—326, pls. 14—20. Ogle, B. A., 1953, Geology of the Eel River Valley area, Hum- boldt County, California: California Div. Mines Bull. 164, 128 p. Oldroyd, I. S., 1927, The marine shells of the west coast of North America: Stanford Univ. Pubs, Univ. Ser., Geol. Sci., v. 2, pt. 1, 297 p., pls. 1—29. Preston, H. M., 1931, Report on Fruitvale oil field: California Oil Fields, v. 16, no. 4, p. 5—24. Repenning, C. A., and Vedder, J. G., 1961, Continental verte— brates and their stratigraphic correlation with marine mol- lusks, eastern Caliente Range, California, in Short papers in the geologic and hydrologic sciences: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424—0, art. 235, p. 0235—0239. Rivers, J. J ., 1891, Occurrence of a Miocene shell in the living state: Zoe, v. 2, p. 70—72, 1 text figure. 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B2 Alectrion call/armour. 7 churchi ___________________________________ 12 arammatus ................................ 6 andersoni, Nassarius.. 4,12, 14, 15 Nassurtua (Outflow) ______ _ 14; pl. 3 (Himu) ...... .. ___. 14 antlselli, Nasaarim _________________________ 9,12, 14 Nassarlua (Catilon) ____________________ 13; pl. 3 (Uzlta) ..... __ _. 14 amoldl, Nasaa ________________________________ 11, 12 Nassuriua ___________________ 4, 9, 11, 12,13, 14, 16 (Catilon). __________________ 12; pl. 3 (Hima). _____________________ 12 Uzita ___________ 12 whitneul, Nassarius _______________________ 4,16 Nassariua (Uzita) ..................... 16 Astoria Formation ____________ Aatrodapm. . . _ utwoodl, Ostrea _______________________________ B belcheri, Forreria ______________________________ Bibliography_- blakei, Nassa. Nauariua ________________________________ Briones Sandstone- __________________________ 7, 9 sp __________________ . 9 (Caesar) cerrz‘tensls, Naesarius ______ _ pl. 1 coalingemis, Nassarma ................. 9; pl. 2 delosl, Naaaarms _______________________ 10; pl. 1 fosaatus collaterus, Nassarius._ ___ pl. 2 Nasaarlus _________________ . pl. 2 grammatus, Nauarius. ____________ 6; pl. 2 moranianus, Nassarius _________________ 8: pl. 2 perpinauis, Nassariua _____________________ pl. 3 rhinetex, Nassariua“ __________ 10; pl. 2 whimeyi, Naaaarius _____________________ 9; pl. 2 Calicanthams kettlemanemis __________________ 16 califomiana coalinaemia, Nassa _______________ 9 Nana _______________ 6, 7, 10, 16 Schizopwa..._ ____________ 3, 4, 10 califomianus, Naaaarius ___________ 1, 3, 4, _5, 6, 7, 9, 10 Nasaarius (Demandia) __________________ 8; pl. 1 (Schizopwa) . . . . ___________ 6, 8 callfarm'ca, Alectrion. - __________ 7 Camellarla ____________________ 12 GAS _________________________________________ 2 catallus, Nassarlua ____________________________ 11 Cattle?» _____________________ 11, 13,14,15, 16 (Cattlo’n) andersom, Naasarlus.. ._ 14; pl. 3 antiselli, Nanan‘us _______ . 13; pl. 3 amoldi, Naemrius ______________________ 12; pl. 3 churchi, Nassariua ________________________ 12 hamlini, Nassarms ______ . 16; pl. 3 hildegardae, Nassariua __________________ 16,- pl. 3 iniquus, Nassariue. ____________________ 16’; pl. 3 pabloemis, Nasaariua-.- .-- 13; pl. 3 salmusemis, NassariuL. .__ 16,- pl.3 smooti, Nassarius _______ . 1.3; pl. 3 atocki, Nanarius. ______________________ 14; pl. 3 INDEX [Italic numbers indicate major references and descriptions] Page cerritemis, Nassarius.. _ _ B6,10 Nassariua (Caesia) .. pl. 1 churchi, Alectrion _____________________________ 12 Nassarlus _________________________________ 12, 13 Cierbo Sandstone. 9 C'linocardmm meekianum 8 coalingeusis, Nassa _____ 9 Nassa callfomiana ________________________ 9 Nassarius ................................. 4, 6, 7 (Comic) _____ ___ 9; pl. 2 zone, Merriamaster ________________________ 18 coiloterua, Nasearius (Caeaia) fossatus ..... _ pl. 2 Nassarius fossatus ________________________ 8 cooperi, Nasaarlua (Demondia) mendicus _______ pl. 1 Naosarlus mendicus _______________________ 3 Turritella _________________________________ 16 D Demondia. ___________________________ ._ 2, 3 (Demondia) califormanua, Nassartus- .- 3; pl. 1 lincnluensia, Nassarius ___________________ 5; pl. 1 mendicus indisputabliis, Nasaarius . . .. .. _. pl. 1 Nasaarius _____________________________ pl. 1 cooperi, Naaaarius-... ________ pl. 1 delosl, Nassa _______________________ 10 Nassarlua _____________________________ 4, 6, 10, 11 (Gama) ___________________________ 10; pl. 1 E elegam, Buccinum-. _. _ ........ 5 Empire Formation. . ._ ______ 15 Etchegoln Formation ________________________ 4,16 eupleura, Nassarlua insculptus ________________ 11 F Forren'a belcheri ______________________________ 16 fossatus coiloterus, Nasaarius. _. 8 coilotems, Nassarlus (Caesia) ______________ pl. 2 Nassariue _____________________________ 5, 6, 7,8, 9 (Caesia) ______________________________ pl. 2 G oallegosi, Nassartuo ........................... 11 Gastropoda ___________________________________ 3 Glycymeris zone _______________________________ 18 gordarms, Nassarius insculptm ________________ 11 gouldii, Nassarius ____________________________ 8 grammatua, Alectrlon.... 6 Nasaarius _________________________ 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Caeala) _____________________________ 6; pl. 2 guaymasemis, Nassarius ...................... 11 H hamlim, Nassa ________________________________ 15 Nassarius ________________________ .. 11 (Catilon) ___________________________ 15,- pl. 3 healyl, Patinopectm ___________________________ 8 hildegardae, Nassariua ______________________ 12, 14,16 Nassarius (Catilon)..-. (Hima) andersoni, Nassariua __________________ 14 arnoldi, Nassarius ________________________ 12 Hinla lincolnemis _____________________________ 5 I indieputabilis,Naasariua (Demondia) mendlcus- pl. 1 Nassariue mendicus ....................... 3, 4 Page iniqua, Nassa miser ___________________________ Blfi im’quus, Nassarius ______ .. 4, 12, 14, 16 Nasxarius (Cutilon) _____________________ 16,- pl. 3 insculptus eupleura, Nassariua ________________ 11 yordanus, Nassarius _______________________ 11 Nasaarius _________________________________ 11 interlineatus, Scutellaater.- . 8 Introduction __________________________________ 1 K kettlemanensis, Calicamharus __________________ 16 Keys, species of Caesia ______ .. species of Catilon _________________________ 11 species of Demondia ______________________ subgenera of Nasaarius ___________________ 3 L LACMIP ____________________________________ 2 Lincoln Formation ___________________________ 12 lincolnemia, Him‘a ____________________________ 5 Nassa ____________________________________ 5 Nassarius _________________________________ 3, 5 (Demondia). lolm', Patinopecten ____________________________ 14 Lyropecten terminus ___________________________ 16 M meekianum, Cliuocardium _____________________ 8 mendicus cooperi, Nassarius _____ . 3 coopen', Nassarius (Demondia).. pl. 1 indisputabilis, Nassarius. . 3, 4 Nassarius (Demomlla) ________________ pl. 1 Nassarius ______________________________ 1, 3, 4, l4 (Demondia)... Merced Formation _________ mercedensis, 0phiodermella..-- _________ 8 Merriamaater coalinqmsis zone ________________ 18 mlaum, Buccmum ____________________________ 5, 11 Millerton Formation. ........ . 10 Miocene molluscan stages ....... . 2 mixer inlqua, Nessa ........... . 16 Nassariua ................................. 11, 16 Montesano Formation ........................ 15 marry/Liana, Nassa. . .. 6, 8 Schizopwa._ 6 moram‘anus, Nassurme __________________ 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9 Nassarius (Cassia) ..................... 8; pl. 2 (Schizopyga) .......................... 8 mutabile, Buccimtm ........................... 3 Nassa amaldl" bla kei ______ californiana ........................... 6, 7, 10, 16 coalirwemla ........................... 9 caalingensia. _ 9 delosz. . 10 hamlim. . 15 lincolnensis ............................... 5 mixer im'qua .............................. 16 moramana- 6, 8 ocoyana_. 16 pabloensia" ........................ 13 perpmauls .......................... 5 waldorfemis ......................... 3 whitneyl. . . 9 7, 9 B23 B24 Page Nassariidae ___________________________________ B3 Nassariids, known stratigraphic distribution._ 1 Nussariua _____________________________ 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16 ___ 4, 12, 14, 15 antiselli __________ - _ . - 9, 12, 14 amaldi ___________ . 4, 9, 11, 12,13,14, 16 whitneyi ______________________________ 4, 16 blakei _____________________________________ 17 californiunus ..... _ 1,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 catallua ________________________ 11 cerritemia ____________________ 6, 10 churchi ___________________________________ 12, 13 coalinaemis _______________________________ 4, 6, 7 delosi ________ ___- 4, 6, 10, 11 fossatus _______ coiloterus. _ _________________ 8 pallegosi __________________________________ 11 oouldii ____________________________________ 8 __ 1,4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9 auaumaeensis _____________________________ 11 hamlini __________ Mldeyardae _______ miquus .......... maculptus. _ _ eupleura .............................. 11 aordanus .............................. 11 limolmnsis. . 3, 5 mendicua- _ ._ _________ 1 3, 4, 14 coaperi _____ 3 indisputabilis _________________________ 3, 4 mixer _____________________________________ 11, 16 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ._ 1, 16; pl. 3 11, 12, 13, 14 paroinguis ________________________________ 3 perpinauis ............................. 3, 4, 6, 10 smooti ____________________________________ 11, 13 stocki .................................. 12, 14, 16 waldorfensis._ 4 whitneui ............................. 5, 7, 8, 9, l6 wflsoni ___________________________________ 11 (Caesia) cerritemis pl. 1 coalinaensm... _______ 9; pl. 2 delosi ______ ._ 10; pl.1 foesatua _______________________________ pl. 2 coiloterua ........................... pl. 2 arammatua.. . 6; pl.2 moranianus. _______ 8: pl. 2 perpinauia. .-_- pl. 3 rhinetes _____________________________ 10: pl. 2 whitmm' ......... - _ (Catilon) amicrsoni ______ 14; pl. 3 anflselli--. - __________ 13,- pl. 3 amoldi. _ .......... 12; pl. 3 churchi _______________________________ 12 hamlim' _____________________________ 16; pl. 3 Mldeaardac _________________________ 16; pl. 3 INDEX Nassarius—Continued (Catilon) andersvmi—Continued Page iniquus._ __ _ _ _. B16: 131.3 (Demondia) califomlanus ___________ limolnensis _________________ mendicus _____________________________ pl. 1 cooperi .............................. pl. 1 indisputabilis. . . _ pl. 1 (Hima) andersoni ......................... l4 amoldi ________________________________ 12 (Schizopyga) califomianus ................. 6, 8 maram’anus ___________________________ 8 rhinetes ....... . 10 (Uzita) antiselli ___________________________ 14 amoldi whitnez/i ....................... 16 Neogastropoda _______________________________ 3 0 ocoyamz, Nassa _______________________________ 16 Trophosycou .............................. 14 ocoz/anus, Nassarius ..... __ 1,16; pl. 3 Olcese Sand ..................... 17 Ophiodermella mercedensis ..... 8 Ostrea atwoodi ________________________________ 16 P pabloensis, Nassa ............................. 13 Nassarius __________________________ 11, 12, 13, 14 (Catilon) ......... .4- 13;p1. 3 Panamic molluscan province _________________ 11 Pancho Rico Formation ...................... 5 paroinguz‘s, Nassurius ......................... 3 Patinopecten healyi ___________________________ 8 lolm‘ ______________ 14 zone ______________________________________ 16 Pecten zone ___________________________________ 18 perpinguis, Nassa... Nassarius. _ _ ___ ( Cassia) . _ _ _ polistes, Nassarius ............................ 11 Q Quinault Formation ________________________ 4, 14,15 R rhinetes, Nassarius ___________________________ 4, 6, 10 Nassarius (Caesia). ............ 10; pl. 2 (Schizopyga)..._ ........... 10 Rio Dell Formation .......................... 7 Round Mountain Silt ________________________ 17 S salinaaemia, Nassariua“ . _ ___ ___..- 11,15 Naasurius (Catilan) _____________________ 16; pl. 3 Page San Diego Formation ........................ B7 San Pablo Formation. _ ______ 9 San Pablo Group__ ............ 9 Santa Barbara Formation _______ 6, 8 Santa Margarita Formation __________________ 14 Sangus Formation ____________________________ 8 Schizopyga californiana- _ 3, 4, 10 moram‘ana..-. 6 (Schizopyga) californianus, Nassariua 6, 8 moranianus, Nassarius ____________________ 8 rhinetes, Nassarius ........................ 10 Scutellasler interlineatus. _ 8 SD SN H _____________________ 2 Sisquoc Formation __________ 7 Skonun Formation ______________ 10 smoati, Nassarius ............................. 11, 13 Nassarius (Catilon), _ 13; pl. 3 Sobrante Formation __________________________ 9 stocki, Nassarius ___________________________ ‘12, 14, 16 Nassarius (Catilon) ..................... 14; pl. 3 SU ___________________________________________ 2 Systematic paleontology ______________________ 2 T Temblor Formation __________________________ 12 terminus, Lyropecten __________________________ 16 Tinaquaic Sandstone Member _____ 7 Towsley Formation __________________________ 14 Trachycardium zone ___________________________ 18 Trophosycon ocoyuna. 14 Turritella cooperi. 16 amoldi ____________________________________ 12 ( Uzita) amiselli, Nassarius. __ _ 14 amoldi whimeyi, Nassarms. _ 16 V vanvlecki, Turritella ___________________________ 16 W waldor/emis, Nuasa ___________________________ 3 Nasaarius ........................ 4 whimeyi, Nassa 9 Nussarius ____________________________ 5, 7, 8, 9, 16 amoldi ________________________________ 4,16 (Caesia) _ _ _ _ 9; pl. 2 (Uzita) amoldi... ______ _ 16 wilsom’, Nuasurius ____________________________ 11 Z Zaphon _______________________________________ 5 PLATES 1—3 PLATE 1 FIGURES 1—10, 31. Nassarius (Demondia) californitmus (Conrad) (p. B3). 1. Height 16.3 mm, width 9.8 mm, UCMP 30809. Merced Formation, Plioeene, Wilson Ranch, Sonoma County, Calif., UCMP 100. 7033. 2, 4—6, 9, 10. Merced(?) Formation, late Pliocene, Santa Clara County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1715. 2. Height 16 mm, width 8.6 mm, USNM 648591. 4. Height 15.8 mm, width 8.6 mm, USNM 648548. 5, 6. Neotype. Height 14 mm, width 7.5 mm, USNM 648596. 9. Height 4.9 mm, width 3.2 mm, USNM 648549. 10. Height 15 mm, width 8.3 mm, USNM 648550. 7, 8. Cebada Fine-grained Member of the Careaga Sandstone, late Pliocene, Casmalia Hills, Santa Barbara 11—13. 14—16. l7—19. 20—22. 23—25, 28—30. County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic 100. 14608. 7. Height 12 mm, Width 6.4 mm, USNM 649001. 8. Height 9.8 mm, Width 5.8 mm, USNM 649002. 3. Reproduction of original figure of Schizopyga californiana Conrad (Conrad, 1857, pl. 2, fig. 1). Santa Clara, Calif., specimen lost. 31. Height 13.8 mm, width 7.7 mm, USNM 648551. Merced(?) Formation, late Pliocene, Santa Clara County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1720. N assam’us (Demondia) mendicus forma indisputabilis Oldroyd (p. B3). Unnamed marine terrace deposit, late Pleistocene, Point Afio Nuevo, San Mateo County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1690. 11. Height 20.1 mm, width 9.2 mm, USNM 648552. 12, 13. Height 19.7 mm, width 9.7 mm, USNM 648553. N assam‘us (Demondia) mendicus (Gould) (p. B3). 14, 15. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene, San Pedro, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1723. 14. Height 14 mm, width 7.4 mm, USNM 648554. 15. Height 13.4 mm, width 6.8 mm, USNM 648555. 16. Height 16.6 mm, width 7.8 mm, UCMP 15108. Upper part of Merced Formation, Early Pleistocene, one-fourth mile west of Thronton Station, San Mateo County, Calif., UCMP 100. 1727. N assam'us (Demondia) mendicus forma coopen' (Forbes) (p. B3). 17, 18. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene, Arnold’s lumber yard locality, San Perdo, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1728 (same as USGS loc. 12135). 17. Height 13.8 mm, width 6.7 mm, USNM 648556. 18. Height 17 mm, width 8.2 mm, USNM 648557. 19. Height 12.7 mm, width 7.2 mm, USNM 648558. Santa Barbara Formation, late Pliocene, about 1% miles north of Goleta, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1918. N assarius (Demondia) lincolnensis (Anderson and Martin) (p. B5). 20, 21. Height 10.2 mm, width 6.5 mm, USNM 648559. Astoria Formation, middle Miocene, south side of Yaquina Head, Lincoln County, Oreg., USGS loc. 18907. 22. Height 8.3 mm, width 5.4 mm, USNM 648560. Astoria Formation, middle Miocene, Lincoln County, Oreg., USGS Cenozoic 100. 18284. N assarius (Caesia) delosi (Woodring) (p. B10). 23. Height 29 mm, width 17 mm, SDSNH 42927. Recent, Mission Bay, San Diego County, Calif. Photographed by James McLean. 24. Height 28.5 mm, width 17.4 mm, USNM 648561. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene, 1 mile west of Ventura, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1733. 25. Height 34.4 mm, width 19.5 mm, USNM 648562. Marine terrace deposit, late Pleistocene, Laguna Beach, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1017. 28, 29. Height 36 mm, width 19.1 mm, USNM 648563. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene, Newport, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1922. 30. Height 36.5 mm, width 19.5 mm, SDSNH 11485. Recent, Balboa [Newport Beach], Calif. Photo- graphed by James McLean. - 26, 27. Nassarius (Caesia) cerritensis (Arnold) (p. B6). Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene, San Pedro, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1723. 26. Height 21.5 mm, width 11.7 mm, USNM 648564. 27. Height 22.2 mm, width 13.4 mm, USNM 648565. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—3 PLATE 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY NASSARIUS PLATE 2 FIGURES 1, 2, 7, 8, 13-16, 26. Nassarius (Caesia) grammatus (Dall) (p. B6). 1, 2. Lectotype. Height 35.9 mm, width 22.6 mm, USNM 648566. Santa Barbara Formation, late Pliocene, Santa Barbara, Calif., USNM catalog No. 101721. 7, 8. Height 16.3 mm, width 1] mm, USNM 648567. Santa Barbara Formation, late Pliocene, 1% miles north of Goleta, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1918. 15, 16, 26. Merced(?) Formation, late Pliocene, Santa Clara County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1715. 15. Height 27.9 mm, width 7.9 mm, USNM 648569. 16. Height 29.3 mm, width 18.7 mm, USNM 648570. 26. Height 6.1 mm, width 4.4 mm, USNM 648571. 13,14. Syntype. Height 28.1 mm, width 18.4 mm, USNM 648572. Santa Barbara Formation, late Pliocene, Santa Barbara, Calif., USNM catalog No. 101721. 3, 4, 9—11, 29. N aswrius (Caesia) moram'anus (Martin) (p. B8). 3, 4, 9, 29. Merced Formation, late Pliocene, Bolinas, Calif., UCMP loc. 1549. 3. Topotype. Height 17.3 mm, width 12.4 mm, UCMP 15069. 4. Topotype. Height 25.4 mm, width 16.2 mm, UCMP 15070. 9. Holotype. Height 30.6 mm, width 20.2 mm, UCMP 12338. 29. Topotype. Height 44.4 mm, width 26.5 mm, UCMP 15071. 10. Height 31 mm, Width 18.7 mm, UCMP 15072. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene(?), Ventura County, Calif., UCMP loc. 7091. 11. Height 26.8 mm, width 19.8 mm, UCMP 15073. Upper part of the Merced Formation, early Pleistocene, northwestern San Mateo County, Calif., UCMP loc. B4810. 5, 6. N assarius (Caesia) fossatus (Gould) (p. B5). 5. Height 31.7 mm, width 18.3 mm, USNM 648573. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene, 1 mile west of Ventura, Calif., USGS Cenozoic 100. M1733. 6. Height 29.7 mm, width 17 mm, USNM 648574. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene, San Pedro, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1723. 12. Nassarius (Caesia) grammatus (Dall) n. subsp(?) (p. B7). Height 26.6 mm, width 20 mm, UCMP 15074. Rio Dell Formation of Ogle (1953), Pliocene, Humboldt County, Calif., UCMP 10c. B7642. 17, 18. N assam'us (Caesia) coalingensis (Arnold) (p. B9). 17. Reproduction of holotype figured by Arnold (1909, pl. 27, fig. 7), about X 1%» natural size, USNM catalog No. 165508. Etchegoin Formation of Arnold (1909), Pliocene, 4 miles south of Coa- l'inga, Calif., USGS 100. 4758. 18. Reproduction of specimen figured by Woodring and others (1940, pl. 15, fig. 3), height 33 mm, width 16 mm, USNM 495757. San Joaquin Formation, late Pliocene, Kettleman Hills, Calif., USGS loc. 12359. 19—25, 27. N assam’us (Caesia) whitneyi (Trask) (p. B9). 19—22. Skonun Formation, Miocene or Pliocene, northern Graham Island, British Columbia, Canada, UCLA loc. 4674. 19. Height 8.1 mm, width 5.2 mm, UCLA 34540. 20, 21. Height 10 mm, width 6.4 mm, UCLA 34541. 22. Height 10.1 mm, width 6 mm, UCLA 34542. 23. Height 12.5 mm, width 7.6 mm, UCMP 15075, a rubber cast. Briones Sandstone, late Miocene, Contra Costa County, Calif., UCMP loc. A4920. 24. Height 11.7 mm, width 7.1 mm, UCMP 15076, a rubber cast. Sobrante Formation of Lutz (1951, middle Miocene, Contra Costa County, Calif., UCMP loc. A4925. 25, 27. Briones Sandstone, late Miocene, Contra County, Calif., UCMP loc. B4749. 25. Height 9.2 mm, width 5.9 mm, UCMP 15077, a slightly crushed internal mold. 27. Height 10.3 mm, width 6.8 mm, UCMP 15078, a slightly crushed internal mold. 28. Nassam‘us (Caesia) rhinetes Berry (p. B10). Holotype. Height 28 mm, width 19 mm, S. S. Berry, personal collection No. 1182. Recent, dredged from 40 fathoms in Monterey Bay, Calif., photo- graphed by James McLean. 30, 31. N assan’us (Caesz'a) fossatus forma coiloterus (Woodring) (p. B8). Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene, Playa del Rey, Calif., LACMIP 100. 59. 30. Height 52.3 mm, width 27.5 mm, LACMIP 1129. 31. Height 62.6 mm, width 34.1 mm, LACMIP 1130. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—B PLATE 2 NASSARIUS FIGURES 1-3, 10, 15. 7—9. 11, 12. 13, 14. 16—18. 19, 26—28. 20, 21. 22—25. 29, 32. 30, 31. PLATE 3 Nassam'us (Catilo'n) arnoldi (Anderson) (p. B12). 1, 2. Height 7 mm, width 4.5 mm, USNM 648575. Round Mountain Silt of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene, Kern County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1604. 3, 10. Upper part of the Olcese Sand of Diepenbrock (1933), Kern River district, California, USGS Cenozoic loc. M1597. 3. Topotype. Height 7.1 mm, width 4.6 mm, USNM 648576. 10. Neotype. Height 7.2 mm, width 4.6 mm, USNM 648577. 15. Height 4.9 mm, width 3.7 mm, USNM 648949. Uppermost part of the Lincoln Formation of Weaver (1912), middle Miocene, Grays Harbor County, Wash. USGS 10c. M1514. . Nassarius (Catilon) stocki Kanakoff (p. B14). Topotypes. Pico Formation [=Towsley Formation], early Pliocene, eastern Ventura basin, California, CAS loc. 36827. 4. Height 9 mm, width 5.6 mm, CAS 12599. 5. Height 8.4 mm, width 5 mm, CAS 12600. . Nassarius (Catilon) iniquus (Stewart) (p. B16). Height 17.7 mm, width 9.3 mm, UCMP 15079. San Joaquin Formation, Pliocene, Kings County, Calif., UCMP loc. A3166. Nassan'us (Catilon) smootz' Addicott, n. sp. (p. B13). Upper part of the Olcese Sand of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene, Kern River district, California, USGS Cenozoic loc. M1597. 7, 8. Holotype. Height 7.3 mm, Width, 4.2 mm, USNM 648575. 9. Topotype. Height 8.9 mm, width 5.3 mm, USNM 648579. Nassarius (Catilon) hildegardae Kanakoff (p. 316). Topotypes. Pico Formation [=Towsley Formation], early Pliocene, eastern Ventura basin, California, LACMIP loc. 291. 11. Height 6.2 mm, width 3.2 mm, LACMIP 1131. 12. Height 5.7 mm, width 3.1 mm, LACMIP 1132. Nassam'us (Catilon?) antiselli (Anderson and Martin) (p. B13). Height 8.5 mm, width 4.4 mm, USNM 648580. Saltos Shale Member of Monterey Formation of Hill, and others (1958), middle Miocene, San Luis Obispo County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1923. Nassarius (C'atz'lon) andersoml (Weaver) (p. B14). 16. Height 9.6 mm, width 6.4 mm, USNM 648581. Montesano Formation of Weaver (1912), Pliocene(?), Grays Harbor County, Wash., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1545. 17, 18. Height 12.8 mm, width 7 mm, USNM 648582. Quinault Formation, Pliocene, north of Point Grenville, Wash., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1827. Nassam'us (subgenus?) acoyanus (Anderson and Martin) (p. B16). Near base of the Round Mountain Silt of Diepenbrock (1933), middle Miocene, Kern River district, California, UCMP loc. B1637. 19. Height 12.9 mm, width 6.5 mm, UCMP 15080. 26, 27. Height 10.2 mm, width 5 mm, UCMP 15081. 28. Height 10.5 mm, Width 4.9 mm, UCMP 15082. Nassam'us (Can'lon) hamlim' (Arnold) (p. B15). Unnamed sandstone of Pliocene age, upper Newport Bay, Orange County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1921. 20. Height 16.7 mm, width 9.3 mm, USNM 648583, a rubber cast. 21. Height 13.4 mm, width 6.0 mm, USNM 648584, a rubber cast. Nassarius (Catilon) pabloensis (Clark) (p. B13). Santa Margarita Formation, Comanche Point, Kern County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1619. 22. Height 9.4 mm, width 5.5 mm, USNM 648585, a rubber cast. 23. Height 9.1 mm, width 6 mm, USNM 648586, a rubber cast. 24. Height 15 mm, width 7.6 mm, USNM 648587, a rubber cast. 25. Height 11.7 mm, width 5 mm, USNM 648588, a rubber cast. Nassam'us (Caesia) perpingm's (Hinds) ( p. B6). 29. Height 20.4 mm, width 11.9 mm, USNM 648589. Palos Verdes Sand, late Pleistocene, San Pedro, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1723. 32. Height 14.5 mm, width 8.7 mm, USNM 648950. Saugus Formation, early Pleistocene, 1 mile west of of Ventura, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M1733. Nassarius (Catilon?) salinasensis Addicott, n. sp. (p. B15.) Pancho Rico Formation, early Pliocene, Monterey County, Calif., USGS Cenozoic loc. M977. 30. Holotype. Height 16.9 mm, width 9.6 mm, USNM 648597, a rubber cast. 31. Height 17.8 mm, width 8.9 mm, USNM 648598, a rubber cast. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503-B PLATE 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY NASSARIUS 7 DAY Early Permian Vertebrates 75' [23 from the Cutler Formation goof the Placerville Area ISPLAY ‘ Colorado GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—C /§5\TY CFC/JUN ' % 7 em] 1955 ) ‘\ § (‘ . \4? V“ \I’isrczsrgtag” Early Permian Vertebrates from the Cutler Formation of the PlacerVille Area Colorado By GEORGE EDWARD LEWIS and PETER PAUL VAUGHN W it}: a section 072 Footprints from the Cutler Formation By DONALD BAIRD CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER SO3—C Tfle typical Cat/er Farmaz‘z'oa of Calorado correlater wit/z classic European ana’ mm ot/zer Nari/2 flmerz'caa Lower Permian comz'aenta/formaz‘z'om UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON :1965 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 — Price 50 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Abstract ___________________________________________ Cl Vertebrate fauna—Continued Introduction _______________________________________ 1 Systematic descriptions—Continued Early work on the Cutler Formation ______________ 1 Ophiacodon sp ______________________________ Present study __________________________________ 1 Cutleria wilmarthi Lewis and Vaughn, n. gen., Acknowledgments _______________________________ 2 n. sp ____________________________________ Geography _________________________________________ 2 M ycterosaurus smithae Lewis and Vaughn, n. sp- Location and extent of area ______________________ 2 Age and correlation 0f the fauna ______________________ Surface features and areas of outcrop ______________ 2 Comparison with Early Permian faunas of North Geology ___________________________________________ 2 America _____________________________________ Stratigraphy and structure of the Placerville area--- 2 Comparison with European Early Permian faunas-- Cutler Formation of Colorado ____________________ 3 Paleogeographic considerations _______________________ Cutler Formation of nearby States ________________ 5 Selected references __________________________________ Vertebrate fauna ----------------- i ------------------- 5 Footprints from the Cutler Formation, by Donald Baird- Systematic descriptions __________________________ 7 Abstract _______________________________________ ETyOPS cf-'E- amndis (Marsh, 1878) ——————————— 7 Systematic descriptions __________________________ Platyhystrw rugasus (Case, 1910) _____________ 8 . . . New (but unnamed) genus and species ________ 12 Ltmnopus cutlerensts Baird, n. Sp """"""" Diadectes sanmiguelensis Lewis and Vaughn, n. Genus 1ndet., Cf' B rachydactylop us Toepelman Sp ______________________________________ 13 and Rodeck, 1936 _________________________ Limnoscelops longifemur Lewis and Vaughn, n. Prospectus and problems ------------------------ gen., n. sp _______________________________ 21 References cited ------------------------- _ _______ ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE 1. Index map of Colorado ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Diagrammatic section showing geologic formations of the Placerville area ________________________________ 3. Profile and section, Cutler Formation, Placerville area _________________________________________________ 4. Fossil vertebrate locality map, Placerville area ________________________________________________________ 5—6. Photographs: 5. Platyhistrix rugosus, natural mould __________________________________________________________ 6. Platyhistrix rugosus, latex cast ______________________________________________________________ 7—13. Drawings: 7. Diadectes sanmiguelensz‘s, n. sp., type skull ____________________________________________________ 8. Diadectes sanmiguelensis, n. sp., type lower jaw and lower left front leg ___________________________ 9. Limnoscelops longifemur, n. gen., n. sp., elements of type and referred specimen ____________________ 10. Ophz‘acodon sp., vertebrae ________________ 11. Cutleria wilmarthz', n. gen., n. sp., type__-_ 12. Cutleria wilmarthi, n. gen, n. sp., type skull and referred snout __________________________________ 13. M ycterosaurus smithae n. sp., type ________ 14. Sketches of footprints of Limnopus vagus, Limnopus cutlerensis, and korynichniid cf. Brachydactylopus ------- TABLE TABLE 1. Fossil localities _______________________________________________________________________________________ III Page 026 27 34 39 39 42 43 44 47 47 47 47 47 49 49 Page C3 4 6 9 10 11 15 16 22 27 28 29 35 48 P330 C7 CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY EARLY PERMIAN VERTEBRATES FROM THE CUTLER FORMATION OF THE PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO By GEORGE EDWARD LEWIS and PETER PAUL VAUGHN 1 ABSTRACT Fossil vertebrates in the Cutler Formation of Colorado were first found in the Placerville area in the upper 885 feet of the 1,100 feet of outcrops. Total thickness of the Cutler in this area is estimated at 4,000 feet. Two genera of labyrinthodont amphibians, four genera of cotylosaurian reptiles, and three genera of pelycosaurian reptiles——in all, nine distinct genera— were found. In this assemblage only one animal, Platyhystm‘w rugosus, can be confidently assigned to an already known species.- The species of Eryops is probably close to, if not identical to, E. grandis. The species of Ophiacodtm may be either 0. navajovicus or 0. mime. A seymouriid represents an unknown genus and species. A captorhinomorph is indeterminate below suborder. Two new genera, a limnoscelid and a sphenacodontid, and two new species, one of Diadectes and one of Mycterosaurus, are described and named. The age of this fauna is Early Permian, comparable to that of part of the Dunkard’ Group and part of the Wichita Group (Moran, Putnam, and Admiral Formations) of the United States, and to that of the Autunian and lower Rotliegende of Europe. These American and European faunas lived in remarkably similar environments. Early Permian continental sedimenta- tion in North America and Europe was only rarely and partially interrupted by marine transgressions that were of short duration. INTRODUCTION EARLY WORK ON THE CUTLER FORMATION Most of the Permian and Triassic rocks of the Four Corners and nearby areas are red sandstone, siltstone, and shale that were laid down in continental or shallow- marine environments. These rocks were known gen- erally as the Red Beds for about 60 years after their first geologic description. Jules Marcou (1856, p. 140— 153, map) worked in the areas of outcrop of the later named Abo, Chinle, and Wingate Formations in 1853; he correlated them with the New Red Sandstone of Europe, and included them in his Gypsum Formation of Triassic to Jurassic age. W. H. Holmes (1877a, p. 266, 267; 1877b; 1878, p. 194) was the outstanding pioneer explorer who mapped and studied the areas of outcrop of the later named Cutler and Dolores Formations of 1 University of California, Los Angeles. southwestern Colorado; he called them the “Jura- Trias * * * Red Beds.” This name was in vogue for some four more decades: for examples, Scott (1907, p. 647) wrote of “The Permian and Triassic members of the Red Beds”, and Tomlinson (1916, p. 245), of “Red Beds time” in his work on “The origin of the ‘Red Beds’.” Although correlative rocks in nearby States have yielded fossil vertebrates for many years, the Cutler Formation of Colorado had been thought to be un- fossiliferous before the present study. PRESENT STUDY V. R. Wilmarth and R. C. Vickers of the US. Geolog— ical Survey (Wilmarth and Hawley, unpub. data) were the first, to our knowledge, to discover fossils in the Cutler Formation of Colorado. They collected a few weathered-out fragments from two localities. After study showed that the fragments had bony structure, G. E. Lewis went to the localities with Wilmarth and col— lected two partial skeletons in 1952. Further search at that time yielded more specimens of fossil vertebrates and plants. Still more fossil vertebrates were found in 1953, when A. S. Romer, S. J. Olsen, and A. D. Lewis of the Museum of Compartive Zoology at Harvard Col- lege joined G. E. Lewis of the US. Geological Survey for several weeks of collecting. Preparation of the col— lections was begun at Harvard, where G. E. Lewis and A. S. Romer made preliminary determinations of the vertebrate fauna insofar as was possible at that stage of preparation. Their preliminary report, cited in Bush and others (1959, p. 313), was necessarily inconclusive. A. S. Romer turned over his share of this joint study to P. P. Vaughn in 1958, when the latter completed preparation of the specimens and joined G. E. Lewis in the preparation of the present report. Although no other work has been done on the paleontology of the Cutler Formation of Colorado, Bush and others (1959; 01 C2 1960) have published the first two of five planned re- ports on the areal geology of the Placerville and four adjoining 71/2-minute quadrangles which they have mapped geologically; the published scale of these quad— rangles is 1 : 24,000. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the kind help of all who contributed materially to this study: V. R. Wilmarth and R. C. Vickers not only made original discoveries and helped in the preliminary fieldwork but also gave advice on the geology of the Placerville area. VVilmarth and C. C. Hawley helpfully put unpublished informa- tion at our disposal; we have drawn on it for our para- graphs on the geology of the area. A. S. Romer, who was active in the early stages of this project, graciously gave us the results of his study and arranged for much of the technical preparation of the fossil vertebrates; his preparators, S. J. Olsen and A. D. Lewis, lent their considerable talents to both the field and laboratory work. The late Mrs. Stockton Smith and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lambert of Placerville all helped to make our stay in the area pleasant and successful. Figures 1 through 4 were drawn by Mrs. Mary Wagner, and the photographs of Platyhystrz'm rugosus were made by Mr. E. P. Krier. All other illustrations of the Cutler fauna were drawn by Mrs. H. N. Kavanau of the University of California, Los Angeles. P. P. Vaughn’s participation in this study was sup- ported in part by National Science Foundation grants G—12456 and GB—1014. GEOGRAPHY LOCATION AND EXTENT OF AREA This report describes the Placerville area where the Cutler Formation crops out in a band from 1/10 t0 % mile wide on both sides of the San Miguel River for 4 miles upstream and 4 miles downstream from the town of Placerville. The town, in San Miguel County, Colo., is at the mouth of Leopard Creek, where Colorado State Highways 62 and 145 meet 3 miles west-northwest of the intersection of 38° N. lat and 108° W. long (fig. 1). No common carrier serves the town, formerly a station on the abandoned Rio Grande Southern narrowgage railroad. SURFACE FEATURES AND AREAS OF OUTCROP Most of the country around Placerville is a high plateau having a rolling surface from 9,000 to 9,500 feet in altitude. The sheer and craggy peaks of the San CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOG'Y Miguel and San Juan Mountains jut high above the plateau’s surface; streams that have their sources in these mountains have cut canyons a thousand or more feet deep into the plateau. Less than 20 miles from the Placerville area, where the channel of the San Miguel River has cut down to about 7,000 feet above mean sea level, there are 4 peaks whose altitudes exceed 14,000 feet, and more than 50 peaks whose altitudes exceed 13,000 feet. At the upstream and downstream limits of the area described in this report, the contact between the base of the bright-red Dolores Formation and the top of the dark-red Cutler Formation is at river level. Be- tween these limits, the Dolores generally ranges in thick- ness from 465 to 575 feet; as much as 1,100 feet of the upper part of the Cutler is exposed in outcrops as much as three-quarters of a mile wide on both sides of the river. As much as 1,300 feet of brilliant red cliffs of Permian and Triassic rocks makes up the lower slopes of the abrupt, almost inaccessible, spectacular canyons of the San Miguel and its tributaries; as much as 1,000 feet of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks makes up the equally steep upper slopes. The difliculty of access no doubt explains the many years that passed before the discovery of the first fossil vertebrates in the Cutler, and the fossil “palmlike” forest of Sanmiguele'a lewisi (Brown, 1956), the oldest known angiospermous flower- ing plant, in the Dolores. It is entirely probable that further systematic exploration of these cliffs from year to year would yield a rich harvest of‘new faunal and floral elements. GEOLOGY STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE PLACER- V'ILLE AREA Nearly flat-lying Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks crop out in the canyon walls of the Placerville area. Figure 2 shows all the formations in stratigraphic order, to- gether with a diagrammatic section made near the old Fall Creek Post Office, 214 miles upstream from Placer- ville. V. R. Wilmarth (Wilmarth and Hawley, un- pub. data), A. L. Bush (Bush and others, 1959, 1960), and their parties found these formations to be complexly faulted by three systems of steeply dipping faults that trend northwest, north, and northeast. They describe Tertiary( ?) elastic and basalt porphyry dikes that intrude fractures parallel to the northwest-trending fault system. The river has recut its present-day channel in an old fill of Quaternary sands and gravels, remnants of which are plastered against the lower walls of the canyon. It is in these remnants that the placers that gave the town its name were mined. PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO I08° |06° [04° 2’ FA/ 40° Cache La ’°o (/ “a: 38° O 50 l l 1 IOIO ISO 200 MILES l l FIGURE 1.—Locations of Placerville and Ouray. CUTLER FORMATION OF COLORADO The oldest rocks that crop out in the Placerville area are those of the Cutler Formation into which the San Miguel River has cut its canyon. The base of the for- mation is not exposed in this area, where the thickness of outcrop ranges from about 250 to 1,100 feet down- ward from the top of the formation to the lowest ex- posures. The Upper Triassic Dolores Formation dis- conformably overlies the Cutler here, but the discon- formity is not apparent at close range. Figure 3 is a profile made across the San Miguel Canyon, half a mile upstream from Placerville, where the greatest thickness of the Cutler Formation in the report area is exposed. Whitman Cross and his associates named and gave us our first specific knowledge of the Cutler Formation. Cross (1899, p. 2—3) originally included these rocks as part of the Triassic Dolores Formation exposed in the Dolores River of the Rico area, but he suspected that the more somber, seemingly unfossiliferous lower part of the formation might be a separate rock unit: “Whether or not all the beds now associated with the fossiliferous series in the Dolores Formation are really of Triassic age remains to be determined by further discoveries” (p. 2) . “As known between the Animas and San Miguel Valleys, the Dolores Formation may be roughly divided into a lower, coarser-grained part * * * and an upper, finer-grained portion * * * often fos- siliferous” (p. 3). Later, Cross and Howe (1905, p. 5) found an angular unconformity between these upper and lower parts in the valley of Cutler Creek, a tributary of the Uncom— pahgre River only 20 miles east of Placerville. They redefined the Dolores Formation to include only the upper part and proposed the name Cutler Formation O as CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY A. E d L0 E 2‘; A D “J > i— 3—: — E : as me < ._ m E< 5 2 Top of 2’ <5 mgo g Hastings 0) ‘L La— Mesa 9400'1 m m ' z D O n: O E Lu '3 3: From 160 to 200 ft thick; light-brown, well-cemented sandstones inter- 3' q u) bedded with dark shales. }_ 3 Lu i‘—‘ 9200' 0‘ 3 <1 i Q o EROS/OM41. : UNCO/VFORM/TY 9000'— San Miguel Canyon —: E L; “'_ Q E ._“‘ _ From 675 to 750 ft thick; upper 350 to 400 ft, Brushy Basin Shale Mem— -- 8 : g ber, made up chiefly of varicolored shales and siltstones; lower 300 to 8800'— 8 ~ _ 350 ft,Sa|t Wash Sandstone Member, made up of massive sandstones <1 <2, —_ _ _ _ as much as 50 ft thick interbedded with shales and siltstones. n: 2 _ — — ~— 3 ‘z _ (I Lu & I 8600- D From 75 to 110 ft thick; upper 40 to 65 ft, marl member, made up of vari- 8400'“ WANAKAH colored limy shales and thin sandstones; overlies Bilk Creek Sandstone FM Member of 15 to 30 ft of shaly sandstone, Pony Express Limestone ‘ Member of O to 9 ft of black, thin-bedded limestone at base. ENTRADA \ 53~ . . . . . From 40 to 70 ft of masstve, crossbedded light-tan, fine- to medium-grained sandstone. . U/VCO/VFORM/TY —— 8200- .1 -‘ o 4—4'T)~J—o_'?—l—_,'3—l—fi_ 3 E 2 S g From 465 to 575 ft thick; upper 15 to 75 ft made up of massive, fine- . 11: LL grained, bright-red and reddish-tan sandstone that overlies from 400 to 8000— ’— 0, 460 ft of interbedded fine-grained, bright—red sandstone, siltstone, shale, {I g; \ ‘ ‘ __ . ‘ and limestone conglomerate; from 10 to 40 ft of massive white conglom- Lu 3 g 093' _g_ 4; :_—‘°jv_—V—o_'g_'—‘-a eratic sandstone at base. (Diagrammatic section adjusted to disregard & g g _'_. .°. :. ° ‘4" °__‘_.. : minor faults that cut the Dolores here.) :> f) g . a; 7800* 5: E \ >. g ,3 U/l/CO/VFO/PM/f)’ E! r: a s E 2 2 § 3 . 7600'—- 0: <1 5 V) 0 Not more than the uppermost 1,100 ft of formation exposed; made up of Lu E o interbedded clastic sedimentary rock having a textural range from shale B [1: u' to coarse conglomerate, chiefly dark red, but contains lesser amounts 0 Lu 33 of gray to greenish gray. .1 0. : D U Bases o‘ Cutler Fm. and olluvium not exposed FIGURE 2.—Geologic formations of the Placerville area, and diagrammatic section A—A’ near 01d Fall Creek Post Oflice. See figure 4 for location of section. PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO C5 for the lower part of the Dolores as originally defined. They provisionally referred the Cutler to the Permian, but stated that it might belong, wholly or in part, to the Pennsylvanian, and added that. no fossils had been found in the Cutler, which, according to Luedke and Burbank (1962), is about 2,000 feet thick in the type area. The Cutler Formation thickens northwest and west of the type locality, and reaches a thickness of 4,000 feet in the Placerville area (Bush, Marsh, and Taylor, 1960, p. 431). The thickest section we measured here was about 1,100 feet thick in the virtually flat-lying outcrops in the Sl/Z sec. 2, T. 43 N., R. 11 W., above the contact with Quaternary alluvium at 7,350 feet altitude above datum as shown in figure 3. Thus, only about the upper fourth of the Cutler Formation crops out in the Placer- ville area, and all the vertebrate fossils described in this report found from 80 to 885 feet below the top of the Cutler come from the upper four—fifths of the outcrops. (See table of fossil localities.) In the Placerville area, the Cutler Formation is made up of interbedded, interlensing conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale. The coarse components of the con- glomerate, as large as small boulders but usually not larger than cobbles, consist of well-rounded granite, quartz, greenstone, metasedimentary rocks, and a few limestone fragments. The matrix is fine- to coarse- grained limy arkosic sandstone. Fine- to coarse-grained arkosic sandstone, in beds as much as 30 feet thick, add up to a greater aggregate thickness than do the beds of conglomerate, which make up about one-third of the total thickness of outcrop. There are some beds of quartz arenite. The coarse clastic rock outcrops are generally a dark red to maroon, but they are gray to greenish gray in some places. Bleaching has resulted in irregular gray, green, or white blotches. Crossbed- ding is common. Torrential deposition took place, as shown by lateral gradation, interlensing, and interbed- ding between sandstone and conglomerate. No indi- vidual beds of conglomerate can be traced laterally for more than a few hundred feet. Finer grained micaceous sandstone, siltstone, and shale that weather to hematite red commonly contain bleached zones from 1 to 7 5 mm in diameter; these zones seemingly have organic centers. These finer clastics yielded almost all the fossil verte- brates; they contain many mud cracks and raindrop and other impressions including foot-prints. (See section by Baird, p. C47—C50.) CUTLER FORMATION OF NEARBY STATES The Cutler Formation, as now defined by the US. Geological Survey, reaches southward for some 65 miles beyond the Colorado—New Mexico boundary to lat 36° N., south of which the Abo Formation and the lower part of the Yeso Formation replace the Cutler by in- tertonguing. Lee (1909, p. 12) named the Abo and Yeso Formations from localities more than 100 miles south of the 36th parallel; he believed them to be part of the Pennsylvanian Series. The Cutler Formation has not been subdivided in Colorado and New Mexico, but has been divided in nearby southeastern Utah and northeastern Arizona, where, from oldest to youngest, five such units are recog- nized: The Halgaito tongue, the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member, the Organ Rock Tongue (all three, and the Hoskinnini Member, of Baker and Reeside, 1929, p. 1421—1422), the De Chelly Sandstone Member (of Gregory, 1917, p. 31), and the Hoskinnini Member. VERTEBRATE FAUNA The fossil vertebrates from the Cutler Formation of the Placerville area .include several specimens of new, interesting, and important forms, but the basic aspect of the collection is that of an assemblage from beds of Early Permian age in a new geographic area. Figure 4 is a map that shows 14 numbered localities where verte- brate fossils were found; one of these locality numbers is listed for each specimen described below. Table 1 gives additional data on fossil localities. The follow- ing systematic faunal list includes only the animals that are determinable at least to suborder, but the collection also includes indeterminate fragments of which some may represent additional genera and species. Class Amphibia Subclass Apsidospondyli Superorder Labyrinthodontia Order Temnospondyli Suborder Rhachitomi Family Eryopsidae Eryops cf. E. grandis Family Dissorophidae? Platyhystm‘m rugosus Class Reptilia Subclass Anapsida Order Cotylosauria Suborder Seymouriamorpha Family Seymouriidae New, but unnamed, genus and species Suborder Diadectomorpha Family Diadectidae New species of Diadectes Suborder Captorhinomorpha Family Limnoscelidae New genus and species Family Captorhinidae? Genus and species indeterminate C6 CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY ALTITUDE B ' 3' U ABOVE sw NE E SEA < E LEVEL E E 9200— 5 § Top of 5 Hastings Mesa en 8 . n: 9000— E 8 <1: 0— +— 3 Lu :1: o 8800'— 8600'4 2 U) DOLORES 2 FORMATION g 8400'— -; 0: Lu 0. o. I) 8200‘— 8000'— E E 2 E ‘3 L) 3 _ k '; 3 g 7800L .3 2 s U) Q T: f» ‘ " ' w E , 5 have; 5- E a ‘- OLORESAj- Q: .9 S .8 ' ’ |-— " o E E a c: . D 3 "5 31' 7600- ‘0 O 0 a. D 7400'- .‘ l 2 i E :11 é . 2 _ a ,. g [I Bases of Quaternary alluvium and Cutler Formation not exposed —1 E 7200' l I I I 0 V4 V2 I . “/2 MILES FIGURE 3.—Proflle and section B—B’ near greatest exposed thickness of Cutler Formation in Placerville area. See figure 4 for location of section. PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO C7 Class Reptilia—Continued Subclass Synapsida Order Pelycosauria Suborder Ophiacodontia Family Ophiacodontidae Ophtacodon sp. Suborder Sphenacodontia Family Sphenacodontidae Subfamily Haptodontinae New genus and species Suborder Edaphosauria Family Nitosauridae New species of M yctero‘saurus SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS The following abbreviations are ,used in this section of the text to refer to collections of vertebrate fossils: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History; CNHM, Chicago Natural History Museum; MCZ, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College; UMMP, University of Michigan Museum of Paleontol- ogy; and USNM, United States National Museum. TABLE 1.—Fossil localities [All localities are on north wall of San Miguel Canyon. Localities 15 (about % mile south by east of Placerville) and 16 (about % mile south of Placcrville) correspond to those of MCZ field Nos. 12 and 11 respectively; both 15 and 16 are imprecisely located and are on the south wall of San Miguel Canyon] , Distance True bearing. Locality Permanent below top distance. in (fig. 4) catalog No. Field No. of Cutler miles, from Formation Plecerville (feet) MCZ 2977 _________ GELH—53-13 ______ 450470 290°; 4. 13 GELH—53—14 ...... 250-260 291°; 3. 63 GELW—52—2 ....... 80-90 072°; 0 45 80—90 072°; 0. 48 860—880 136°; 0.88 865-885 138°; 0. 90 550-570 125°; 1 20 600 20 127°; 1 19 500- 20 129°; 1 30 500—520 129°; 1 38 100—200 135°; 1 80 100-200 134“; 1. 80 GELH-53—8. 100—200 135°; 1. 82 MCZ 2989 _________ GELH-53—10 ...... 550—575 125°; 2. 68 These abbreviations are used in figures 7, 8, 12, and 13: ACET, acetabulum ANG, angular AR, articular C, centrale, coronoid D, dentary D01, distal carpal 1 F, frontal FCHT, foramen for chorda tympani FOBT, obturator foramen FSGL, supraglenoid foramen GLEN, glenoid cavity I, intermedium IT, intertemporal J, jugal L, lacrimal LLJ, left lower jaw MX, maxilla N, nasal P, parietal, pisiform PF, postfrontal PM, premaxilla PO, postorbital PP, postparietal PRA, prearticular PRF, prefrontal QJ, quadratojugal R, radius RL, radiale SANG, surangular SM, septomaxilla SP, splenial SQ, squamosal ST, supratemporal '1‘, tabular TM, tympanic “membrane" To, unerupted tooth U, ulna X, indeterminate element Class AMPIIIBIA Subclass APSIDOSPONDYLI Superorder LABYRINTHODONTIA Order TEMNOSPONDYLI Suborder BHACHITOMI Family ERYOPSIDAE Eryops cf. E. grandis (Marsh, 1878) Specimen MCZ 2980 (from loc. 6), which consists of a partial skull and mandible, a series of several ver- tebrae, and fragments of a pectoral girdle, is tentatively referred to Eryops grandis (Marsh, 1878). The cranial skeleton is well-enough preserved to show, roughly, the proportions characteristic of Eryops. Most of the roof and palate are missing, and what is left is poorly preserved. It is possible to measure, ap- proximately, the longitudinal distance from the tip of the snout to the angle of the lower jaw: about 255 mm. This is very close to what the corresponding distance must have been in a specimen of E. grandis, from the Cutler Formation of northern New Mexico, of which Langston (1953, fig. 11) has figured the lower jaw. Few details can be made out on the skull, but it is interesting that a part of the shagreen of denticles on the coronoid bones of the lower jaw can be seen. The series of several vertebrae is fairly well pre- served; these vertebrae are of the construction char- acteristic of Eryops. The height of the neural spine above the zygapophyses is about 52 mm, perhaps more— the best preserved spine is not complete. Langston (1953, fig. 116) has figured a neural spine having a height of 44 mm above the zygapophyses, but this spine is from a different specimen than the lower jaw figured by him. There are no diagnostic features in the frag- ments of the pectoral girdle from locality 6. There is very little basis for determination of species of Eryops. Eryops specimens from Texas are gen- erally included in the genotypic species E. mega— cephalus Cope, and the New Mexican forms are somewhat arbitrarily included in E. grandis. It is pos- sible that several species will eventually be distin- guished in both these areas (Langston, 1953, p. 380; Romer, 1947, p. 131), but at present no good diagnostic character is known to separate the Texan and New Mexican forms, and Romer (1952, p. 63—64) assigns even the forms from the Dunkard of eastern North America to E. megaoephalus. The New Mexican ani- mals tend to be smaller than the typical Texas speci— mens of E. megacephalus (Langston, 1953, p. 377—379). This difference, of course, may be due to the equivalence in age of the New Mexican Cutler to the lower part of the Lower Permian Wichita of north-central Texas: in Texas, the specimens of E. megacephalus low in the Wichita Group are smaller than those higher in the CS group. (See Romer, 1952, p. 62). For the present, it is perhaps best to refer tentatively the specimen from Placerville to E. grandis, because of the nearness of its geographic occurrence to that of typical E. grandis of New Mexico and because of its morphological similarity to the specimen figured by Langston (1953) . Order TEMNOSPONDYLL Suborder RHACHITOMI Family DISSOROPHIDAE? Platyhystrix rugosus (Case, 1910) Figures 5 and 6 The important specimen MCZ 2982 (from loo. 8) is referred to the long-spined rhachitomous amphibian Platyhystm’m mgosus (Case, 1910), known heretofore only from the Cutler (“Abo”) Formation of northern New Mexico. When better specimens are known, per- haps the Coloradan and New Mexican animals will prove to be specifically distinct, but the materials on hand offer no basis for separation. The complicated taxonomic history of Platyhystfiw mgosus has been summarized by Langston (1953, p. 403—404) : Long flat sculptured neural spines of the Platyhystriw type seem to have been recorded first by Cope (1881), who included them together with vertebrae of another form in the type of Zatmchys apicalis. Case (1910) separated Cope’s material, designating part as type of Aspidosaurus apicalis (Cope) ; the elongate spines were referred to the pelycosaur Ctenosaurus Huene and served as type of Case’s 0. rugosus. Williston (1911 a, b) recognized their generic distinctness from Ctenosaurus and proposed the name Platyhystm’w to receive the long orna- mented spines. Like Case he at first regarded them as pely- cosaurian in nature, but in 1916 he correctly recognized the amphibian affinities of the material. His basis for this con- clusion was, however, erroneous, since he mistook a skull of Zatmchys found associated with characteristic Platyhystrix neural spines in New Mexico for that of the latter. As a result, statements that Zatrachys and Platyhystriw are closely related are common in subsequent literature. Several vertebrae as- sociated with Zatrachys skulls in the Welles quarry [in north- ern New Mexico] are of the usual rather low-spined normal rhachitomous construction, and there is no suggestion of sculp» ture or ornamented apices. Morphologically, the specimen in every way resem- bles comparable material of Platyhg/stm'm mgosus. Comparisons have been made with a number of speci- mens of P. mgosus: UMMP 9770, a neural spine; UMMP 9771, a proximal part of a rib; and CNHM UC 742, parts of neural spines and ribs mixed with skull fragments referable to Zatmchys. The figures and description published by Langston (1953) have been especially useful. The new material consists mostly of the impressions, and some few bony remnants, of a series of 10 neural spines, on slab and counterslab. Most of these spines are incomplete proximally, but the seventh and eighth CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY have connected to them impressions of the neural arches and zygapophyses. When the slab and counter— slab were parted, many bony fragments of the spines were found, but the bone was badly leached away and the tubercular ornamentation had been lost from the spines; fairly good pieces of bone are included with the impressions of the seventh and eighth spines, but the tubercles are not complete even on these. The size and pattern of the tubercles can readily be made out in the impressions (fig. 5) and on a latex cast (fig. 6) taken from them. Also included are an impression of the proximal part of a rib and fragments of other bones, but these bones too are very poorly preserved. The neural spines are undoubtedly from the dorsal region. They and the pattern of their tubercles are like those described and figured by Langston (1953) and Williston (1911b), and the complete description need not be repeated here. The neural arch, as noted by Langston (1953, p. 402), is of rhachitomous structure. There is no sign of transverse barbs of the kind figured by Langston (1953, fig. 21?), c), on a presumed mid- dorsal spine, just above the junction between the smooth proximal part of the spine and the much longer tuber- cular part. The only spines in MCZ 2982 that have preserved proximal parts seem to be from a region pos- terior to the middorsal region. A presumed anterior dorsal spine figured by Langston (fig. 21a) has no transverse barbs. The preservation of two attached impressions of neural arches allows anteroposterior orientation, and we now see, in this first known series of spines of P. mgosus, that Langston’s hypothetical assignation of specific spines to specific vertebral regions is correct. To quote Langston (1953, p. 402) : “Presumed anterior dorsal spines arched gently forward, expand gradually upward toward broad platelike summit, which is sharply truncated with upper edge slanting strongly downward anteriorly. Presumed middorsal spines longer, straighter, more nearly parallel—sided, with summits more or less expanded anteroposteriorly and rounded above from front to back * * * Presumed anterior caudal spines acutely bent backward distally * * * very broad and platelike distally, narrower be— low.” We would narrow Langston’s diagnosis only to this extent: the “presumed anterior caudal spines” seem really to be spines from the region immediately anterior to the sacrum; Langston himself (1953, fig. 21d) labels one of his specimens as a “posterior dorsal or anterior caudal * * * spine” (italics ours). The first spine of the series, as may be seen in the photograph, is dis- placed from its original position with respect to the others. The fourth of the series is the tallest and straightest; the tenth spine of the series is a recurved spine of the kind thought by Langston to be a possible anterior caudal spine. 09 PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO cme 9:. End maofioom we 5°5me as» was eEEwod—m 5 $32.83 flaps“? ammohld Earn .fi>m._ (mm Zmwhz_ ”50.7200 _ _ _ _ fi . _ _ _ _ < _ _ Humu Coon Doom 000m 80? 000m oooN 80— o 09: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ mnmE oEnEmoao— £80 2:: ucm m.__s_ _ o ~\_ ~ 2 2:383". >955 Kama—emu ‘mj E9: 33 ww2_hm <2 cm—and so poorly preserved that it is unin- formative. The distal tips of two teeth about 11/2 mm long, and impressions of two more tips, occur in the matrix adhering to this fragment. The better preserved of the two tips is round in cross section; its diameter at its proximal end is 3 mm, and it tapers to a blunt point. A ground section shows no sign of labyrinthodonty. Of the parts of vertebrae present, only a single dorsal vertebra approaches completeness, and even in this the 'zygapophyses, the neural spine, and the ventral half of the centrum are missing. The centrum is notochordal, has a canal of the typical hour-glass shape, and must have been roughly circular in anterior or posterior as— pect. The greatest width of the centrum, measured at the anterior end, is 25 mm. The centrum is about 16.5 mm long, measured along the lateral side on the level of the notochordal canal. This centrum is similar in both proportions and absolute size to a dorsal centrum of Limnosceloides dunkardensis measured by Romer (1952, p. 89) , in which the corresponding dimensions are 26 mm and 16 mm. The dimensions of a dorsal centrum in a specimen of Lém/noscelz's pahzdz's figured by Willis- ton (1912, p. 462) are about 25 mm by 18 mm (calcu- lated from Williston’s figure). The ratio of the width of the centrum to the distance between the centrum and C22 CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY FIGURE 9.—Limnoscelops longifemur, n. gen, n. sp., elements of the type specimen, MCZ 2984. A, B, 0', Lateral, ventral, and anterior views of the preserved part of the innominate bone; D, E, ventral views of the proximal and distal parts of the left femur; F, G, anterior and posterior views of a dorsal vertebra; H, MCZ 2979, a series of articulated vertebrae referred to Limnoscelops longifemur; I, MCZ 2981, a part of the left scapulocoracoid of an undeter- mined captorhinomorph. Unshaded areas represent matrix. All X 0.67. PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO the base of the neural spine, measured along the pos— terior surface, is about 1.1 : 1 in both MCZ 2984 and the specimen of Limnoscelz's pa-Zudz's figured by Williston. The vertebrae of Limnoscelops Zongifemvur are typi- cal of limnoscelids in general; they resemble most closely those of Limosceloz'des dunkardensis. The neurocentral sutures in the vertebrae are not visible, in contrast to the lumbar vertebrae of Limmsceloz'des dwnkardensis figured by Romer (1952, fig. 10). The neural arch in Limnoscelops longifemm- has the “swol- len” appearance of such typical cotylosaurs as Limno- 806153 and Lim’nosceloz'des. A broad, wedge-shaped process projects downward to end at the dorsal border of the neural canal on the posterior surface of the neural arch. The ventral end of this process, whose two ven- trolaterally facing surfaces are continuous with the ar- ticular surfaces of the postzygapophyses, is notched in the midline. Such a process is found also in Limnoscelz's palatial; (Williston, 1912, fig. 15), and we have found it on vertebrae of the only known specimen of Limnosce- loides dunkardensz's (USNM 12166). The hyposphenes are connected to a similar process in Diadectes, but Lim— noscelops, Limnoscelis, and Limnosceloides lack hypo- sphenes. Captorhinus, Uaptorhinikos, and Labidosau- ms lack such a process, and it probably did not occur in any of the Captorhinidae. Because the lateral parts of the zygapophyseal proc- esses and their articular surfaces are missing, it is not possible to measure the greatest width of the neural arch on this specimen, but a referred specimen (see below) shows that the zygapophyses were widely sepa- rated and the articular surfaces were in a nearly hori- zontal plane as in Limnoscelis and Limnosceloz'des. The costal articular surface is not well preserved, but there seems to have been a ridge passing from about midway on the anterior edge of the centrum upward to the diapophyseal area behind the prezygapophysis as in Limnoscelz's. A small notch occurs between the areas for the capitular and tubercular parts of the rib. There is a dimple about 4—5 mm in diameter behind the cost-a1 ridge and immediately dorsal to the probable line of the neurocentral suture. This depression is not as deep on the best preserved vertebra as it is on a fragment of another vertebra. Such dimples occur also in a series of four articulated vertebrae of Limnoscelm'des dun- kalrdens‘z's (see Romer, 1952, fig. 10) where the dimples are deeper in the posterior than in the anterior vertebrae (personal examination). Probably the best preserved vertebra is a more an- terior one than the more deeply dimpled fragment that articulates with a partial vertebra that includes part of the centrum. The ventral surface of this centrum is flattened in a longitudinal strip about 5 mm wide. Wil- C‘23 liston (1911a, p. 387) has described such a flattened sur- face on the centrum in Lémnoscelis paludz's, in which it apparently is not a constant feature (Williston, 1912, p. 458). There are several partial caudal vertebrae similar to those figured for Limnosceloides dunkardensz’s by Romer (1952, fig. 10). The preserved part of the left innominate bone con- sists of the acetabular parts of the pubis and ischium and a bit of the posterior acetabular part of the ilium, and of the thickened, symphyseal parts of the pubis and ischium below the acetabulum on both sides. The blade of the ilium, which in Diddectes and Limnoscelis contains the external shelf apparently characteristic of the most primitive cotylosaurs, is totally lacking as it is in the specimen of Limnosceloz'des dunkardemis. Ma- turity is indicated by the lack of Visible sutures between the pelvic elements. The length of the acetabulum is 43 mm, measured from the anteroventral corner to a point midway on the rim of the acetabular part of the ischium, about equal to the corresponding distance in the specimen of Limnosceloz'des dunkardemz's (calcu- lated from Romer, 1952, fig. 11) and about two-thirds as great as in the specimen of Limnoscelz's paludis fig- ured by Williston (1911a, fig. 6) . Limnoscelops longifemur, Limnoscelz's paludz's, Lim- nosceloides dunkardensis, and the captorhinid cotylo- saurs (see Romer, 1956, fig. 150—I for Labidosaums) all have a thickened ridge passing from the internal surface of the acetabular part of the pubis to end at the thickest part of the pubic symphysis, which is greatly thinned anterior to this ridge. In Limnoscelz's paladis and Limnosceloides dunkardensis, the pubic symphysis is considerably thinned posterior to this ridge also. (See Romer, 1956, fig. 150—H; 1952, fig. 11.) In Lim- noscelops Zongifemm" there is some thinning posterior to the ridge, but it is much less pronounced than in the other two animals. The thickest part of the pubic sym— physis is about 29 mm; this is about twice the thick- ness of Limnosceloz'des dunlcardemis and slightly less than that of the specimen of Limnoscelz's palude's figured by VVilliston (1911a, fig. 6). Two cm posterior to this thickest part the depth of the symphysis has decreased only to 22 mm; and 3 cm posterior to the thickest part the depth of the (probably ischiadic) symphysis has de- creased only to about 17 mm. The acetabular length is about two-thirds that of the same specimen of Lim- noscelis pale/dis. Limnoscelops Zongc’femm“ has a conspicuous circular depression, about 18 mm in diameter and about 4 mm deep at the center, on the anterior face of the thickest part of the pubic symphysis, the anterior surface of the conjoined internal ridges of the pubes. This fea— ture is unmatched in any other known cotylosaur. The C24 depression on the anterior face of the conjoined internal ridges of the pubes in Limnoscelops longifemm" makes this face more nearly vertical than it is in Limnoscelis or Lim/nosceloides. In this, Limnoscelops is more like the captorhinids than are the other two genera. The external opening of the obturator foramen is similarly placed in Limnoscelops, Limnoscelis, and Lim— nosceloides. In Limnoscelis, as in Labidosaurus, the internal opening of the foramen lies anterior to the internal ridge of the pubis, but in Limnoscelm'des, the opening lies at the upper end of the ridge (Romer, 1952, p. 90). Limnoscelops longifemw' shows a somewhat in- termediate condition in that the opening lies immedi- ately anterior to a crest above the greatest depth of the ridge, but the position of the opening is more like that in Limosceloides than it is like that in Limno- welds. The proximal fragment of an ulna is about five- sevenths the size of the corresponding part of Lim— noscelis paladis figured by Williston (1912, fig. 27), but the two are morphologically indistinguishable. The hind led of Limnoscelops Zongz'femur is repre- sented in the type by only the proximal and distal ends of the left femur; they are very similar to those of Labidosaum, but what is left of its stumps seems to indicate that the shaft was more slender and more like that of Uaptorhinus. The relative slenderness in Lim- noscelops is a significant diflerence from Labidosam-us, a much smaller reptile by comparison of the proximal and distal ends. (See Case, 1911a, fig. 48.) The complete femur may have been at least 130 mm long from the most proximal point on the head to the end of the posterior condyle, and at least 122 mm long from the most proximal point on the head to the center of the intercondylar notch. This calculated distance from head to intercondylar notch is about one and one- fourth times the comparable length in Limnosceloides dunkardensis (USNM 12166). The pelves are about the same size in these two; therefore, Limnoscelops longifemw had proportionally much longer femora, and probably also had proportionally longer hind legs and slenderer shaft than Limosceloz’des dun/cardensis: The stump of the shaft on the proximal fragment of Limnoscelops Zongifemur is about 17 mm thick (meas— ured in the plane of the head of the femur) as com— pared to about 25 mm in Limnosceloz'des dunkardensz's (calculated from Romer, 1952, fig. 12). The proximal and distal ends of the femur in Limnosceloz'des are not so wide in comparison with the shaft as in Limnoscelis whose femur is short, stoutly built, and in general com- parable to the femur in Seymouria. (See Romer, 1952, fig. 12; 1956, figs. 171A, B, 0, F.) The trochanteric crest is set off from the head by a CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALE ONTOLOG‘Y distinct notch as in Labidosaums (Romer, 1956, fig. 171G), but in contrast to Limnoscelz's, makes almost a right angle with the head, and does not flare widely at the front. The trochanteric crest in Labidosaums and Limnoscelis is directed anteriorly as well as ven- trally, so that it makes an obtuse ventral angle with the head; only the base of the crest is preserved in Lim- nosceloides dun/cardensz's (USNM 12166). There is a prominent excavation on the posterior side of the pos— terior condyle as in Labidosaum and Limoscelis, but in contrast to Limosceloz’des. To sum up the significant morphologic features of Limnoscelops Zongifemm': The vertebrae are typically limnoscelid, the preserved parts of the pelvis are much like those in Limnosceloides except for the thicker sym- physis, and for the almost vertical, captorhinomorph- like face of the conjoined internal ridges of the pubes. Romer (1956) recognizes three families of capto- rhinomorph cotylosaurs : the Limnoscelidae, the Romeri— idae, and the Captorhinidae. The consensus seems to be that vertebral structure is more conservative than the structure of the appendages, as illustrated by the cur- rently accepted classification of labyrinthodont amphib- ians; thus, the classification of Limnoscelops must de- pend more on its vertebrae than on the other materials available to us. We therefore tentatively assign Lim- noscelops to the family Limnoscelidae. Romer’s as— signment of Limnosceloz’des to this same family was also only tentative. Limnoscelis, known only from the Cut— ler (El Cobre Canyon) of New Mexico, has heretofore been the only unquestioned representatiVe of this fam- ily. Lim/noscelops, for the time being, is best thought of as a limnoscelid advanced in the direction of the captorhinids. The romeriids and captorhinids are closely related, the captorhinids having apparently been derived from the romeriids. The postcranial skeleton of the romer- iids is, unfortunately, still unknown. Protorothym's and Romeria of the romeriids are known from the lower part of the Wichita Group in Texas, Melanothym's is known from the lower part of the Dunkard Group in the eastern United States, and Uephalerpeton may be a romeriid from the Allegheny Formation of Illinois. The Wichita Group has yielded only a few primitive captorhinids, but the advanced Captorhinus and La- bidosaums are common in the over-lying Clear Fork Group. The known limnoscelids could not have been the ac— tual ancestors of the romeriids or captorhinids if we consider their respective ages. The phylogenetic di- vergence must therefore have occurred no later than Middle Pennsylvanian time. PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO Limnoscelops longifemur Lewis and Vaughn, referred specimen Figure 9H We refer an articulated series of four vertebrae (MCZ 2979 from 100. 4) to the new cotylosurian species Lim— noscelops Zo’ngz'femur Lewis and Vaughn. It has not been possible to prepare fully these vertebrae owing to an extremely difficult matrix, but diagnostic characters are clearly evident. The second vertebra in the series has a centrum 12.5 mm in length. This is considerably less than the length, 16.5 mm, of the centrum of the best preserved, appar— ently dorsal, vertebra of the holotype. In the specimen of Lim/nosceloz'des dunkardensis, the centra increase in length passing posteriorly, from 16 mm in a dorsal ver- tebra to about 19 mm in the five vertebrae immediately anterior to the sacrum. There is a similar increase in the holotype of Limnoscelops longifemzur: In one of the vertebrae determined as posterior to the best preserved vertebra (on the basis of a more pronunced dimple above the junction of centrum and neural arch), the centrum is about 18 mm long. The dimples on the referred vertebrae are deeper than any in the holo- type and are very much like those in the specimen of Lém/nosceloides dunkardensis; if the correlation, derived from the materials of the latter animal, of farther pos- terior position with deeper dimples is correct, the re- ferred vertebrae are from a posterior position. The small size of the centra may be due to immaturity: traces of a persistent neurocentral suture can be seen immediately below the dimple on several of the vertebrae. The centrum of the second vertebra in the series has a transverse width of approximately 15 mm at the an- terior end. The ratio of Width to length for this cen- trum, 1.2: 1, is not greatly different from the same ratio for the posterior vertebra of the holotype whose length was measured as 18 mm and whose width is about 20 mm, 1.1: 1. It will be noted that this posterior centrum of the holotype is narrower than the holotype’s dorsal centrum. In the specimen of Limnosceloides dun/lear- densz's too, the centra not only become longer posteriorly, but they also decrease somewhat in width, although not as markedly as in the materials of Limnoscelops longi— femm'. The decrease observable in the holotype of Limoscelops Zongifemm- is 5 mm (from 25 mm to 20 mm) ; Romer (1952, p. 89) records a maximum decrease of 3 mm (from 26 mm to 23 mm) passing posteriorly in Limnosceloides dunkardensis. In the first vertebra of the referred series, the dis- tance between the most lateral points of the postzyga- pophyses is about 33 mm. The ratio of this distance to the width of the centrum is about 2.2: 1, assuming that the first and second centra have the same Width; this 025 ratio is greater than the ratio 2: 1 calculated for Lim- noscelz's pally/dis from Williston’s illustration (1912, fig. 15). The transverse distance across the waist of the neural arch of the referred first vertebra is 25 mm. This distance is 28 mm in the best preserved vertebra of the holotype. The zygapophyses lie in a nearly hori- zontal plane. The costal facets of the vertebrae are too poorly preserved to add to the description of the holo- type. This referred specimen might have been made the type of a new species assigned to Liminosceloz'des if the holotype of Limmoscelops longifemur were not known, but the geographic proximity of this specimen to the latter makes it highly probable that the referral to Lim— noscelops longifemm' is correct. Order COTYLOSAURIA Subordel‘ CAPTORHINOMORPHA Family CAPTORHINIDAE? Genus and species indeterminate Figure 91 Almost an entire scapulocoracoid (MCZ 2981 from 100. 7) is questionably referred to the Captorhinidae. It consists of the parts in the vicinity of the glenoid cavity, including the scapular blade up to a short dis- tance above the supraglenoid buttress, and a large part of the coracoid plate. This specimen probably came from a mature animal, as indicated by the lack of visible sutures. The glenoid cavity has the screw—shaped articular surface common in cotylosaurs. The supraglenoid but- tress has the outline of an isosceles triangle; the sides are slightly shorter than the base along the dorsal border of the glenoid cavity. The buttress faces more posteri- orly than it does laterally. The supraglenoid foramen pierces the buttress immediately below the apex of the triangle, nearer the blade of the scapula than the pos— terior border of the buttress. There is a large supra- coracoid foramen. The coracoid plate is incomplete posterior to the glenoid cavity; hence, it is not possible to say whether there was a process for the coracoid head of the triceps muscle as in pelycosaurs. The scapulocoracoid is very close in size to that of a specimen of Captorhém'kos chozaensz's (U SNM 21275) which it closely resembles, especially in details of the supraglenoid area. In both, the supraglenoid buttress has the isosceles outline described, and the supraglenoid foramen lies near the scapular blade. Both specimens resemble Labidosaums in this characteristic (Rome-r, 1956, fig. 143—0) ; in Captorhinus, the foramen lies even farther forward, almost on the blade. The resemblance to the scapulocoracoid in Captorhz'nikos is so close that this bone from the Cutler (MCZ 2981) probably repre- C26 sents a captorhinomorph cotylosaur, if not actually a captorhinid. If we may attempt a comparison with other known cotylosaurian components of the fauna described in this paper, we see at once that MCZ 2981 could not have belonged to the seymouriid (MCZ 2983) assumed to have had a pectoral girdle like that in Seymoum'a bay— Zorensis (White, 1939, fig. 17) : the glenoid cavity in Sey- moemla is too narrow from top to bottom and is not well developed as a screw—shaped socket. The scapulo— coracoid of the holotype of Diadectes sanmz'guelensis is of roughly the same size but has the supraglenoid fora- men nearer the glenoid cavity, and a supraglenoid but- tress that passes smoothly into the posterior edge of the scapular blade without an abrupt decrease in thickness. It is doubtful that MCZ 2981 could have belonged to the limnoscelid Limnoscelops longifem/ur, represented by MCZ 2984 and MCZ 2979, assuming that Limnoscel- ops longifemur had a pectoral girdle whose size relative to its pelvic girdle was roughly similar to the ratio of the pectoral to pelvic girdle in Limnoscelis paladis. The individual of Lim/noscelops Zongz'femur represented by MCZ 2984 is estimated to have had a glenoid cavity in which the straight-line distance between the most anterior and most posterior points on the rim was about 33 mm based on the ratio of the length of the acetabulum to the length of the glenoid cavity in Limnoscelz's pala- dz's, as calculated from Williston (1911a, figs. 4, 6), and on the acetabular length of 43 mm in MCZ 2984. This is considerably larger than the distance of 20 mm seen in MCZ 2981. We conclude that this scapulocoracoid represents a captorhinomorph cotylosaur, possibly a captorhinid. SUBCLASS SYNAPSIDA Order PELYCOSAURIA Suborder OPHIACODONTIA Family O‘PI-IIACODONTIDAE O‘phiacodon sp. Figure 10 An articulated string of three whole and two half ver- tebrae and intercentra (MCZ 2977 from loc. 1) repre- sents a species of Ophiacodon Marsh, 1878. None of the neural spines are completely preserved. These verte- brae are from the posterior dorsal region as shown by the narrow separation of parapophysis and diapophysis and by the presence on the ventral side of the centrum of a flattened area bounded by a pair of longitudinal ridges. The vertebrae fit Ophiaooden in that: (1) The neural arches are not excavated on the lateral sides of their laminae; (2) the centra lack a sharp ventral keel in these posterior dorsal vertebrae; (3) the neural canal CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY sends a narrowed extension far ventrally, almost to the notochordal canal, as seen in a cross section of the cen- trum ground to approximately the plane of minimal area of the notochordal canal—such an extension is found in ophiacodonts and edaphosaurs, but not in sphe- nacodonts (Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 17); and (4) the sides of the centrum converge ventrally toward the ridges bounding the narrow, ventral flattened area, with only the slightest suggestion of concavity. The only genus of ophiacodontids that fits the above description is Ophicwodon. The margins of the ventral surface of the centrum are rounded in Olepsydrops and Varanosaums (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 214). The nomenclatorial history of the genus Ophiacodon is complicated, having seven synonyms; Romer and Price (1940, p. 225) have reviewed this history. The two species of Ophiacodtm known from the Cutler For- mation of northern New Mexico are 0. navajovicus (Case, 1907) and 0. mims Marsh, 1878. Ophz'acodon mims is very similar to 0. unifomis from Texas, and it is difficult to distinguish the posteranial skeleton of 0. mims from that of 0. navajovicus except that 0. nava- jovicus is a somewhat smaller animal (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 233, 237). The greatest length of each of the complete centra is 16.5 mm. This may be compared with the known lengths of posterior dorsal vertebrae in Ophiacodon nowajowicus, 12—18 mm; 0. mz'ms, 18—22 mm; and 0. uniformis, 15—19 mm. (See Romer and Price, 1940, ta- ble 3; these authors also list a questionable specimen of 0. uniformvls, which has a “lumbar” vertebra 13 mm long.) The ratio of the length of the centrum to the width of the posterior end of the centrum is 1.1 :1; in both 0. navajovicus and 0. mims this ratio varies from 0.9 :1 to 1.2 :1 for posterior dorsal vertebrae. The height from the bottom edge of the centrum to the top of the posterior zygapophysis is 25.5 mm; this height would fit 0. navajovécus, in which the range, for mid-dorsals through “lumbars,” is about 22—26 mm; 0. mims, in which the same range is about 26—31 mm; or 0. uni— formis, in which the range is about 26—31 mm, accord- ing to Romer and Price (1940) The least height re- corded for 0. retroversus, from Texas, is 36 mm, and 0. major, also from Texas, is an even larger animal. The facts of similarity in size, similarity in geo- graphic location, and presence in the same geological formation would seem to indicate that the species rep- resented may be either 0. navajom'cus or 0. mims. The size actually fits into the size range of 0. navajom'cus, but we feel that it misses fitting into the range of 0. mime by too narrow a margin to allow a choice between the species on the basis of these vertebrae alone. PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO 027 FIGURE 10.—0phiacodon sp., MCZ 2977. A, Ground transverse section through the first vertebra in the string; B, the-string of vertebrae in lateral view. Un- shaded areas represent matrix. X 1. Order PELYCOSAURIA Suborder OPHIACODONTIA? Genus and species undetermined A left tibia and an articulated fragment of a femur (MCZ 2991 from 100. 16) are thought to be those of an ophiacodont. The dimensions of the tibia are: length, 90 mm; estimated proximal width, 36 mm (the posterior condyle is incomplete) ; distal width, 22 mm; diameter of narrowest part of shaft, about 11.5 mm. The tibia is obviously pelycosaurian. Because it does not have the stocky shape of the edaphosaurian tibia, compari— sons may be restricted to specimens of ophiacodonts and sphenacodonts having tibiae of roughly comparable length. The ratio of the length of the tibia to the narrowest part of the shaft is 7.8: 1, greater than in some species of ophiacodonts. For example, in Varanosaums acu— tz'rostm's it is 6: 1; in Ophz’acodon navajom'cus, 6 : 1; in 0. wm'fomz's, 7 .7: 1. The ratio may be the same as in 0. mims, or it may be greater as in Olepsydrops collettii where it is 8.8: 1. This ratio is greater in sphenaco- donts: Varanops brevirostm, 9.5: 1; Dimetrodon nata- lz's, 9.4: 1 ; D. millem', 11.5: 1 (approximate figures based on Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 38). The figures for the ratio of the length to the proximal width overlap when ophiacodonts are compared with sphenacodonts, and in both these groups are found tibiae from 61 to 114 mm in length where the ratio (based on Romer and Price, 1940, table 4) is very close to that for MCZ 2991. These pelycosaurian limb bones may be part of an ophiacodont, considering the ratio of the tibial length to the narrowest part of the shaft. The ratio of the length of the tibia to the length of posterior dorsal vertebrae has a considerable range in the two known ophiacodonts from the Cutler Formation of northern New Mexico: for Ophz'awodon navajom'cus, 4.9: 1 to 7: 1, for 0. mime, 4.5: 1 to 5.6: 1 (based on Romer and Price, 1940, tables 3 and 4). The length of the tibia of MCZ 2991 is 5.5 times as great as the length of each of the posterior dorsal vertebrae in MCZ 2977, described on page C26 as belonging to Ophiacodon sp.; this ratio fits easily into the range of the ratio of the length of the tibia to the length of posterior dorsal vertebrae for the New Mexican ophiacodonts. Possibly, MCZ 2991 be- longs to the species of Ophiacodon represented by MCZ 2977. Order PELYCOSAURIA Sub order SPHEN AC ODON TIA Family SPHENACODONTIDAE Subfamily HAPTODONTINAE Cutleria wilmarthi Lewis and Vaughn, n. gen. and n. sp. Figures 11, 12.4 We here name Cutler-ion wilmarthi, a new species of a new genus of haptodontine pelycosaurs, and designate as the type USNM 22099 from locality 3: a fractured skull that is fairly complete except for parts of the bones of the snout, the mandible, the first 12 vertebrae, several additional presacral and caudal vertebrae, parts of the rib cage, the pectoral girdle, the incomplete left humerus, the right epipodials, and the right carpus. The specific name is given in honor of V. R. Wilmarth, who found the holotype and who was the first, to our knowledge, to discover fossils in the Cutler Formation of Colorado. Because Outlem'a wilmarthi is the only known species of the new genus7 the following diagnosis does not dif- ferentiate between generic and specific characters: Skull has the diagnostic characters of the Sphenacodontidae (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 283—284), including a flange on the angular bone, and having the proportions of the nonsecondontosaurine sphenacodontids. Temporal fe- CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY C28 and X .555: «momma? mafia 3623b .gcmu SZmD .58“...on 093 05 «c 35m 3:: on» «a 33> in d .48» d .efisagfig s?£§blu5 mascara w_u_>o_U EmEBm " 3:255 2898 5:28; PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO C29 FIGURE 12.—0utleria wilma/rthi n. gen., n. sp. A, right lateral View of the skull of the type specimen, USNM 22099; B, MCZ 2987, a snout fragment referred to Cutleria wilmarthi. nestra is narrow from front to back, elongated verti- cally, narrower ventrally than dorsally, and has its long axis steeply inclined to the horizontal axis of the skull. The largest maxillary teeth lie about one-third of the way back in the length of the maxilla and are not markedly developed as canines. No “step” in the an— terior part of the alveolar border of the maxilla. Unshaded areas represent matrix. Both X 1.125. Known postcranial skeleton of same general proportions as that of the varanopsid Varanops brevirostm's, except that the limbs of 0. wihnarthi are proportionately some- what longer and the postcranial skeleton of 0. wilmarthz' is closer in some respects to the sphenacodontid pattern than it is to the varanopsid pattern, as in the more pos— terior position of the supraglenoid foramen and the C30 absence of an incisure in the anterior border of the coracoid plate. The sphenacodontid characters of the skull will dis— tinguish 0. wiZ/nmrthi from all nonsphenacodontid pely- cosaurs in this diagnosis. The “normal” proportions of the skull will distinguish 0. wilmarthi from the species of Secodontosaumw within the Sphenacodontidae. The lack of pronounced canines, the lack of a “step” in the maxilla, and the varanopsidlike proportions of the post- cranial skeleton will distinguish it from the members of the Sphenacodontinae; and the shape of the temporal fenestra will distinguish it from other known members of the Haptodontinae. Romer and Price (1940, p. 260) listed the following characteristic sphenacodontian features: (1) The pos- terior region of the skull is broad. (2) The dorsal and lateral surfaces of the skull are sharply demarcated in the preorbital and temporal regions; the temporal open- ing is barely visible in dorsal view. (3) The postero- dorsal corner of the orbit, where the postfrontal and postorbital bones meet, projects lateralward as a boss that distinctly sets off this region of the lateral margin of the dorsal surface of the skull from the more pos- terior part of the margin. (4) The articular surface of the quadrate is well posterior to the occipital c‘ondyle as shown by the position of the first vertebra; the occi- put is concave in dorsal View. (5) The cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae have sharp ventral edges, and a cross section of a dorsal vertebra shows no extension of the neural canal reaching toward the notochordal canal. (Such an extension does exist in ophiacodonts and edaphosaurs; see Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 17.) (6) The lateral surfaces of the neural arches are exca- vated between the transverse processes and the base of the neural spine. (7) The clavicles are expanded ven- trally. (8) The scapula is tall and narrow. (9) The supraglenoid foramen lies anterior to the supraglenoid buttress of the scapula. (10) The supraglenoid buttress faces as much sideward as it does rearward. (11) There is an open suture between the posterior coracoid and the anterior elements of the primary shoulder girdle; it is characteristic of the sphenacodonts that the cora- coid ossified slowly. Outlaw); wihmwthi clearly belongs to the suborder Sphenacodontia because this new genus and species shows all eleven of the preceding easily observable characters; within the suborder, it is a sphenacodontid easily distinguished from the more primitive varanop— sid Sphenacodontia. We place it in the family Sphena- codontidae on the basis of the presence of a well-devel- oped, posteroventrally directed flange that forms the ventral and posterior edges of the angular bone and has a posterior notch somewhat like that of therapsid CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALE ONTOLOGY reptiles. The Sphenacodontidae, alone among pelyco- saurs, have such a flange (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 284). Outlem'a is a primitive haptodontine sphenaco- dontid. It lacks the secodontosaurine elongation of the snout, the sphenacodontine enlargement of the ca- nine teeth, and the formation of a “step” in the anterior part of the alveolar border of the maxilla. The lacrimal bone probably reached the narial border in primitive style as suggested by the arrangement of the fragments of bone in the anterior region of the snout; this arrange— ment would distinguish 0. wiZ/marthi from both the secodontosaurine and the sphenacodontine pelycosaurs. The lack of lacrimal entry into the narial border in Seoodontosams may be related to the extreme length of the snout. The shortness of the lacrimal in the sphen- acodontines may be related to great dorsalward enlarge- ment of the maxillary bone associated with the develop- ment of large “canine” teeth. ' Outlem'a differs from the advanced sphenacodontids in these cranial features as well as in the rest of its os- teology, particularly the lack of elongation of the neural spines, but resembles H wptodus, the only known genus of the primitive subfamily Haptodontinae. Outlem'a is therefore assigned to this subfamily that contains its nearest relatives, the species of Haptodus from the Eu- ropean Autunian and Rotliegende. The following description of 0. wihnarthi Will not re- peat many of the characters already described except for elaboration on some points. The comparisons of Out- Zem‘a with H aptodus are based on the revised description of this latter genus by Romer and Price (1940, p. 297— 309) who consider the five Autunian-Rotliegende forms, Haptodus, “Palaeohattem'a,” “Pantelosaums,” “Calli- bmchion,” and “Datheosaum” as congeneric. The skull was crushed in such a way that the pos- terior half of the right side has been forced upward and somewhat forward, and the posterior half of the left side has been forced downward and somewhat back- ward. In this way, the left maxilla has been torn away from the more dorsal part of the snout, and the right orbit has been narrowed dorsoventrally. The snout was crushed in such a way that a line drawn along the dorsal surface of the anterior part of the nasal bones may be projected into the center of the orbit, while the posterior parts of the nasal bones remain in their original position anterodorsal to the orbits. The parts of the premaxillae anterior to the nares are lacking. The length of the skull, as preserved, measured along the left side from the most anterior point of the specimen to the posterior end of the quad— rate, is 137.5 mm. The right quadrate is not present, but if the right and left quadrates were similarly lo- cated, the same measurement on the right side would PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO give a length of about 125 mm. If we take the average of these measurements and add 5 mm for the approxi- mate length of the missing part of the premaxilla (and the preserved cross sections of the anteriormost premax- illary teeth indicate that this is a safe approximation), we arrive at a skull length of about 136 mm. This skull length is very close to that of a specimen of Dime- trodtm natale's (138 mm) figured by Romer and Price (1940, fig. 5B). This comparison accentuates the non- sphenacodontine appearance of the dentition of 0. we'l- marthi; D. natalz's has a relatively enormous “canine” tooth. The left orbit of USNM 22099 seems to have pre— served its original, nearly circular outline. It is 42.5 mm in greatest length and 38.4 mm in greatest height. Crushing has reduced the height of the right orbit to about 30 mm. The orbits, whose centers lie about seventh-tenths of the way back in the length of the skull, bulge above the general plane of the interorbital re- gion. The temporal fenestra, which has a narrow, rounded triangular shape and its anteroventral apex lying anterior to its anterodorsal angle, is about 11 mm long along its dorsal base and about 21 mm long along its slanted long axis. The ventral edge of the lateral surface of the skull is concave in the region below the orbit and temporal fenestra as in all sphenacodontids. As in Haptodus, the alveolar border of the maxilla is gently convex, but not so convex as in Dimetmdo'n and Sphenacodon, where the convexity is accentuated by a “step” into which the large anterior teeth of the dentary fit in the anterior part of the maxilla. The pattern of sutures in the skull in 0. wilmarthi is mostly like that of the sphenacodontids generally and deserves little attention here. Figure 12A shows our identifications of the bones and fragments. The nature of the specimen will not permit a statement as to whether or not the frontal bone enters the orbital mar- gin. The preserved part of the jugal ends anteriorly somewhat behind the anterior edge of the orbit, but this is probably due to postmortem loss of the anterior part; the jugal seems to have overlapped the lacrimal and probably terminated in an anterior angle wedged between lacrimal and maxilla, as in other sphenaco- dontids. Bones of the lateral surface of the snout are present only on the right side, except for the maxilla. The area of the lacrimal bone is worthy of special attention. We have identified a large, somewhat crescent-shaped frag— ment of bone at the anterior edge of the orbit as the posterior part of the lacrimal. Anterior and dorsal to this lies another fragment that we have identified as the major part of the prefrontal. The prefrontal has a C31 longitudinal fissure running through it in the specimen, but the bone can be traced around the junction of the lateral and dorsal surfaces of the skull onto the dorsal surface, where it meets the nasal and frontal. The prefrontal hides the junction of nasal and frontal from lateral View, as it does also in at least Sphemwodon ferom and Dimetmdon milleri among other sphenaco- dontids. (See Homer and Price, 1940, figs. 4E, 5A.) The rather limited entry of the prefrontal into the orbital margin in the specimen, as compared to the much more extensive entry of the lacrimal, is probably due to the same crushing that decreased the height of the right orbit; the prefrontal probably formed a larger part of the orbital margin in life than it does in the fossil. The distortion that displaced the prefrontal was probably also the cause of the longitudinal fissure in this bone. Directly anterior to the described fragments of lacri- mal and prefrontal lie several smaller fragments. The more ventral of these, and probably a fragment antero- ventral to the body of the prefrontal, are probably parts of the lacrimal; the pelycosaurian lacrimal characteris— tically expands a short distance anterior to the orbit. A larger fragment anterior to these, above and immedi- ately behind the part of the maxilla that bears the largest teeth, is probably part of the maxilla, although it is broken away from the rest of this bone; this is shown by the presence behind this fragment of a part of an unerupted replacement tooth. The maxilla ap— parently was shallow below the orbit, expanded to a depth of about 18—19 mm in the region of the largest teeth, and became shallow again as it approached the naris. Immediately behind the naris, entering the narial margin and bordered by maxilla below and nasal above, lies an incompletely broken fragment of bone that we have identified as the anteriormost part of the lacrimal. Crushing destroyed the connecting piece be— tween this anteriormost part and the large orbital part of the lacrimal, caused the proximity of the nasal to the deepest part of the maxilla, and greatly altered the proportions of the snout in the specimen. VVell-preserved teeth are visible only on the right side. The premaxillary bone is not preserved except for very small fragments, but its teeth are present, although the anteriormost are not complete. There are two recurved teeth in the premaxilla, each about 6 mm long from alveolar border to tip. Behind these, there is a cross section of a much smaller tooth that probably also be- longed to the premaxillary series. The first maxillary tooth lies posterior to a diastema of about 3.5 mm; this tooth is 4 mm long. The teeth gradually increase in size for about one-third of the way back in the maxilla; the two largest teeth are here, as in Haptodus. (See C32 Romer and Price, 1940} figs. 40, 4D.) The posterior one, fairly well preserved, has a length of about 9.5 mm and an anteropo'sterior diameter, measured at the al- veolar border, of 4 mm. The anterior one, whose tip has been broken away, may have been slightly longer. These two largest teeth, like all the maxillary teeth, are gently recurved and somewhat flattened from side to side; posterior to them the maxillary teeth gradually decrease to a least diameter of only about 1.5 mm near their bases. Crushing, with the loss of parts of the maxilla, makes it impossible to state accurately the number of maxil- lary teeth, but a rough estimate would be 20—22; a space immediately anterior to the largest teeth may represent a missing tooth, so that the largest teeth are either the fourth and fifth or the fifth and sixth in this series. This estimate may be compared with estimates of 22 maxillary teeth (including empty sockets) for Hap- todus Zongicaudatus, skull length 70 mm; and 18 for Haptodus sawom'cus, skull length 180 mm. The two largest teeth are the sixth and seventh in the maxillary series in both H. longicwudatus and H. saxonic'ws. H. longicaudatus is pictured having three premaxillary teeth, the third about half the length of the anterior two, and H. smonicus is pictured having five premaxil— lary teeth, the last somewhat shorter than the others (Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 40, D). The depth of the mandible is greatest below the orbit in the region of the coronoid elevation, just behind the posterior termination of the dentary bone. Anterior to this, it becomes slimmer. Posteriorly, owing to the presence of the angular flange, the depth remains about the same as in the coronoid region until the articular area is reached. The flange on the angular bone and the posterior notch generally look like these structures in sphenacodontids; excavation of the matrix medial to the flange has demonstrated the platelike structure of the angular in this region. The surangular seems to play a somewhat more direct role in the dorsal border of the notch than it does in the sphenacodontines; in this, 0. wilmarthi resembles the condition figured for Haptodus samom'cus by Romer and Price (1940, fig. 41)) . The articular bone has been displaced posterior— ward. Poor preservation of the bone makes analysis of the articular area difficult, but the articular seems to have carried away with it a lateral dermal cover prob— ably consisting of the inturned part of the angular and the turned—out part of the prearticular. A large open- ing in the right mandible, bounded by surangular, den- tary and angular, is probably not a true fenestra but is more likely a postmortem effect of crushing. Of the mandibular dentition, only a few small posterior teeth are visible. CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY The first 12 vertebrae, a few additional presacral vertebrae, and a few caudal vertebrae are preserved. Diagnostic sphenacodontid characters—a sharp ventral edge on the centrum, lack of extension of the neural canal towards the notochordal canal, and excavation of the lateral surfaces of the neural arches—have already been noted. The fourth vertebra has a length, measured along the ventral edge in a straight line, of about 12 mm. The transverse diameter of the posterior end of the centrum is 11.9 mm. The height of the neural spine, measured from the zygapophyses, is about 23.5 mm. By Romer’s system of linear units, where the unit, based on the radius of the centrum, is equal to 7'2/3 (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 8), the spine has a length of about 7.2 units. The posterior diameter of the centrum of the ninth vertebra is about 12 mm, and the height of the neural spine of this vertebra is about 26 mm; in linear units, the height of this neural spine is 7.9. The spines of vertebrae 10, 11, and 12 are of about the same height as that of vertebra 9; rearward, there seems to be no trend to increase in elongation. The 12th vertebra, as shown by its position relative to the pectoral girdle and by the attachment to it of a long rib, is part of the dorsal series and well posterior to the cervical region, as is the 12th vertebra in all pelycosaurs. We may, there- fore, take the length of 7.9 units as approximately that of the tallest spines, and this measurement may be com- pared with lengths in other pelycosaurs. According to Romer and Price (1940, p. 104) , “Leav— ing aside * * * genera in which these structures are unusually elongated, the spine in many ophiacodonts and sphenacodonts tends to have a length (measured from the zygapophyses) of 8 to 10 units. In some edaphosaurs, the spines appear to have been but half this height.” The neural spine length is about 8 units in the primitive sphenacodont Varanops. (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 274). Exact data on the sizes of adult vertebrae in H aptodus are not available, but a compari- son of reconstructions of Varanops brevirostm's and H aptodus samonicus (Romer and Price, 1940, figs. 55, 58) shows that the proportionate lengths of the spines in these animals must have been much the same. Imma- ture specimens referable to H aptodus have shorter spines (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 306). Among the sphenacodontines, the length of the spines in Sphena— codon ranges from 14 to 20 units and in D'imvetrodon from 91 to 157 units (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 325, 333). The length is not known with certainty for Se- codontosaum, but Romer and Price (p. 313) think it probable that this genus paralleled Dimetrodon in the development of its spines. Outlem'a wilmarthi has thus retained, in the length of PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO its neural spines, a primitive feature in which it re- sembles the varanopsids; this feature is consonant with the other haptodotine features of this species. The neural spines in 0. wilmarthi are longer from front to back at the top than they are at the base. They resemble the spines of Varanops brevirost'ris in lateral outline and length but are thicker from side to side (about 5 mm) than those of V. brevirostm's (CNHM UR 348, about 2 mm). The atlantal centrum is similar to that in Dimetrodon limbatus. (See Romer and Price, 1940, pl. 23E.) There is no line of junction with any underlying element on the anterior face, and the depth is about equal to that of the axial centrum; therefore, the atlantal centrum seems to have reached the ventral line of the vertebral column as in other sphenacodonts, but is unlike the condition in ophiacodontids where the axial intercentrum under- lies the atlantal centrum. The neural spine of the axis is longer from front to back than in the more posterior vertebrae. The anterior edge of the forward-projecting part of the axial neural spine is vertical as in Varanops brevirostm's (Williston, 1911b, pl. I—2) and Dimer/radon Zimbatus (Romer and Price, 1940, pl. 233). The spine is not continued dorsally above this forward projection in Outlem'a or in Varanaps, but is in Dimetrodon. In Ophiacodon (Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 44A), the an- terior and dorsal edges of the axial neural spine meet at an acute angle. In the rest of its structure, including the zygapophyses and diapophyses, the axis of 0. wil- marthz’ is much like that of D. Zambatus. Few proximal ends of ribs are preserved. Well-de— veloped capitular and tubercular processes are both present; however, the separation of these processes is imperfect, and the condition is therefore intermediate between holocephaly and dichocephaly. The capitular and tubercular processes are thickened; the bone be- tween them is thin and has a broadly concave notch at its proximal edge. The ribs, in their general configura- tion as well as in their proximal ends, resemble those of Varanops brevirostm's figured by Williston (1911b, pl. I—l). The proximal ends of the ribs are not well known in H aptodus. The stage of development of the ribs in 0. wihnarthi is that which would be expected in a primitive sphenacodontid. There is nothing distinctive about the cleithrum. The ventral part of the clavicle is broadly expanded as in all sphenacodonts. The general character of the scapulo- coracoid has already been described. The supraglenoid foramen is small and on the blade of the scapula, but very near the supraglenoid buttress, as in other sphena— codontids such as Sphenacodon ferox and Dimetrodon limbatus. This position contrasts with Varanops brevi- rostm, in which the foramen is far forward on the 033 blade (Williston, 1911b, pl. V—l. Note: Williston has labeled all his figures of Varanops brevdrostm's as “Vam- nosaums brevirostris,” because of mistaken referral of the species). The foramen also lies far forward in Aerosaurus greenleorum (Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 22); this position is a useful distinction, because A. greenleomm, a probable varanopsid, occurs in the Cut- ler Formation of northern New Mexico, and, being of about the same size as 0. wihnarthi, might be confused in isolated postcranial elements with this species. We have examined a cast of a skull of Aerosam'us sp., taken from a specimen at the University of California at Berkeley, and it is obvious that this animal is, in its cranial struc- ture, quite different from 0. wilmamthz'. V. brevirostm’s has a large incisure in the anterior border of its coracoid plate; no such incisure is present in U. wime-tki or in other sphenacodontids for which this part of the girdle is known (Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 23). The left humerus is present, but its ends are poorly preserved. It is about 82 mm long. The right radius and ulna are each about 67 mm long. The fact that the olecranon is missing probably indicates immaturity; it is interesting here that the only known specimens of Van-(mops brevirostm's are also immature (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 270) and that they show little develop- ment of the olecranon. Outlem'a wilmamthi was of about the same size as Vamvas breviroistris: the skull length is about 136 mm as compared to 140 mm in a specimen of V. brevi- rostm’s listed by Romer and Price (1940, table 1). The average lengths of the humerus, radius, and ulna in V. brevirostm's are, respectively, 73 mm, 62 mm, and 57 mm (Romer and Price, 1940, table 5). The limbs of Out— Zeria wihnarthz' are thus proportionately longer than those of V. breoirostm's. In this respect Outlem'a fits a sphenacodontid rather than a varanopsid pattern. (See Romer and Price, 1940, p. 268, 284.) The incompletely preserved right carpus consists of a fragment of the pisiform, the ulnare, a part of the intermedium, both centralia, and traces of the third and fourth distal carpalia. Both centralia are in con- tact with the third distal carpal, and the preaxial cen- trale overlaps the third distal carpal as in Dimetmdon but in contradistinction to the condition in Ophiacodon (Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 40) ; this overlap may be associated with the narrowing of the carpus characteris- tic of sphenacodontids. (See Romer and Price, 1940, p. 284.) The ulnare is about 21 mm long, somewhat more than 1.5 times as long as that of a specimen of V. brevimstm‘s figured by Williston (1911b, pl. VIII) ; this measurement is in keeping with the sphenacodontid elongation of the limb. C34 Cutleria wilmarthi Lewis and Vaughn, referred specimen FIGURE 12B We also refer a skull fragment (MCZ 2987 from 100. 13) to the new species Outlem'a wilmarthi Lewis and Vaughn. The specimen includes right and left pre— maxillae, the anteriormost parts of the left nasal and lacrimal bones, the anterior part of the left maxilla, the left septomaxilla, the anterior part of the left mandible, the left premaxillary dentition, and the anterior parts of the left maxillary and mandibular dentitions. The premaxillae of the two sides are in contact throughout their entire height. The dorsal process of the premaxilla fits into a rectangular indentation in the anterior and medial part of the nasal; it ends pos— teriorly at a point above the middle of the naris. The premaxilla is overlapped by the maxilla below the naris. The nasal occupies almost the entire dorsal border of the naris. The anterior part of the lacrimal lies pos- terior to the fragment of the nasal bone. The suture between lacrimal and nasal is easily seen in the ventral part of the junction of the two fragments; although it is not so clearly evident dorsally, a ground section of the dorsal part of the junction proves that the two fragments are from distinct elements. The lacrimal overlaps the nasal in this ground section; this relation- ship is also seen ventrally, where the thin lacrimal oc- cupies a plane a fraction of a millimeter lateral to the planes of the nasal and maxilla. The lacrimal probably reached the naris in life but now misses the narial border by about 5 mm; consider— able breakage in this area also affects the maxilla. If the referral to 0'. wilmarthz' is correct, and it seems to us to be clearly justified, this specimen ofl'ers additional evidence for the entry of the lacrimal into the narial border in this species of pelycosaur. The overlap of the lacrimal on the maxilla is obvious. The maxilla forms the posterior half of the ventral border of the naris and the posteroventral corner externally, and apparently took part in most of the posterior border of the naris underlapping the lacrimal. The septomaxilla is well preserved and divides the naris into an anterior main opening and a smaller pos- terior septomaxillary foramen as in Dimetradon Zim- batus (Romer and Price, 1940, pl. 16A—D). The foot of the septomaxilla rests on the premaxilla and maxilla where these two elements meet; its posterior arm reaches the nasal and maxilla and probably underlaps the lacrimal. There are four premaxillary teeth. The first is small, about 4 mm long and 1.5 mm thick at the base, but it is set in a large socket, almost 3 mm wide, and probably represents the tip of a partially erupted replacement tooth. The second is about 9 mm long and 4.5 mm thick CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY at the base. The third and fourth lie posterior to a disastema of 4.5 mm, and each is about 4.5 mm long. These two teeth, set in a posterior prolongation of the premaxilla under the maxilla and pressed closely to- gether, must have functioned as a single tooth. The first maxillary tooth, posterior to a diastema of 4.5 mm, is about 5 mm long and 2.7 mm thick at its base; behind it the teeth gradually increase in size to the fifth maxillary tooth (the most posterior tooth pre- served). This tooth, whose tip has been lost, was at least 10.5 mm long and is 5.1 mm thick at its base. The tooth immediately anterior to it is 6.1 mm long (from projected alveolar border to tip; part of the root is ex- posed in the specimen). The first of the largest teeth in the type is either the fourth or the fifth maxillary tooth. Nine teeth of the mandibular dentition, fairly uniform in appearance, are visible. The last two premaxillary and the first four maxil- lary teeth are recurved, as are these teeth in the type. Recurvature is not evident in the anterior premaxillary teeth or in the fifth maxillary tooth. The recurvature of the premaxillary teeth in the type may have been ac— centuated by the crushing of the anterior part of the snout. Further, the recurvature of the first of the larg- est maxillary teeth in the type is less than that of the other teeth; the tooth has been broken in such a way that it seems more recurved than it probably actually was. Thus, the apparent small differences in dentition between the type and the referred specimen may not be real; they are very much alike. The larger size of the dentition of MCZ 2987 indicates an individual of more advanced age than the type. Order PELYCOSAURIA Suborder EDAPI-IOSAURIA Family NITOSAURIDAE Mycterosaurus smithae Lewis and Vaughn, n. sp. Figure 13 We name a new species of Mycterosaums Williston, 1915, Mycterosamvus smithae, and designate MCZ 2985 from locality 11 as the type. The type consists of the most of a skull, lacking the snout; a string of five poorly preserved vertebrae and their ribs; the proximal half of a femur; the proximal half of a tibia; and other, poorly preserved fragments. This new species is best diagnosed by comparison with the genotype, Mycterosaum longiceps Williston, 1915, as follows: Skull and postcranial skeleton of same size as those in M. Zongiceps; temporal fenestra of only three—tenths as much area as that in M. longi- ceps; zygomatic arch more than twice as deep, and dis- tance from posterior border of temporal fenestra to PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO Right side C35 FIGURE 13.—Skull of type specimen of Mycterosaurus smithae n. sp., MCZ 2985. A, Right lateral; B, left lateral; 0, dorsal views. Unshaded areas represent matrix. ribs are visible behind the skull. posterior border of squamosal about one and one—half times as long as in M. longiceps; largest maxillary teeth about two-thirds as thick at base as in M. longiceps. This new species is named in honor of the late Mrs. Stockton Smith, of Placerville, 0010., from whose prop— erty and with Whose generous cooperation many of the fossils described here were collected. Mycterosaums longiceps Williston, 1915, is known only from the Mitchell Creek nodular deposit of the Clyde Formation of north-central Texas (the synonym Eumatthem’a bolli Broom, 1930, is based on a specimen, AMNH 7002, that probably came from the same 10- cality). (See discussion in Romer and Price, 1940, p. 409.) Homer and Price (1940, p. 408—412) give a full description of the osteology of M. longiceps. Their description is based not only on Williston’s type (CNHM UC 692) but also on Broom’s materials and on additional specimens (CNHM UR 90 and CNHM UC 169). The holotype of M. longiceps consists of a skull and a few postcranial fragments. The greater part Fragments of a limb bone and of X 1. of the description of the postcranial skeleton is based on CNHM UR 90 and UC 169, which include no cranial materials. There is some reason to suspect that CNHM UR 90 and UC 169 might really belong to Glaucosaums megalops Williston, 1915, a species based on a skull found in the same Mitchell Creek nodular deposit: (rlvlmwosaums megalops seems to have affinities with the caseid pelycosaurs; Romer and Price (1940, p. 421) consider 0. megalops as “probably representing an early stage in the evolution of the caseids.” One of us, in discussing the origin of the family Caseidae, commented on the possible caseid connections of G. megalops but noted that, unlike the caseids, the dermal roof of the skull in G. megalops was not pitted (Vaughn, 1958b, p. 988) ; this statement was based on published descriptions of G. megalops (for example, Romer and Price, 1940, p. 422). Since that time, an examination of the type of G. megalops (CNHM UC 691) has demonstrated that this small pelycosaur does have a markedly pitted skull roof that heightens its C36 resemblance to the caseids. The postcranial materials assigned to Mycterosaums Zongiceps have a definitely caseidlike appearance, as noted by Romer and Price (1940, p. 412). The pelvis, with its remarkably long anterior extension of the iliac blade, is particularly caseidlike. The skull in G. megalops is only about three- fifths as long as the skull in M. Zongz'ceps. The ratio of the' size of the skull to the size of the postcranial skeleton in the reconstruction of M. Zongiceps by Romer and Price would seem to be a ratio proper for the “nor- mally” proportioned pelycosaurs. To put the skull of G. megalops onto this postcranial skeleton would seem to produce a pelycosaur having a disproportionately small head; but exactly this deviation from the “nor- mal” pelycosaurian proportions is characteristic of the caseids—and we are left with our problem. Unfortunately, the holotype of M. smithae does not include really helpful evidence. The vertebrae and ribs are too poorly preserved to be useful here. The pre- served parts of femur and tibia are near in size and proportions to those assigned to M. longiceps, but it is not possible to say whether or not the femur in M. smithae had the unusually prominent adductor crest seen in the femur assigned to M. longiceps. (See Romer and Price, 1940, p. 412.) The most that can be said of the type of M. smithae is that there is no evidence to dispute the reconstruction given by Romer and Price. Probably the best evidence for the correctness of their reconstruction is the similarity between the scapulocora- coid included in CNHM UC 169 and the scapulocoracoid associated with Broom’s skull of M. Zongiceps (“E umat- the/via bolli”). We note that there is no trace of a supra- glenoid foramen in either of these scapulocoracoids. The caseids also lack the supraglenoid foramen; this may further confuse or may indicate, as Romer and Price believe, that both M ycterosaum and Glaucosau- ms are related to the caseids. This problem may be resolved in the future, because it is now possible to compare the skulls of M. smithae and M. longiceps and so contribute to our knowledge of the skull of M ycterosaums. ‘The similarity of M. smithae to M. Zongiceps con- vinces us that MCZ 2985 represents a species of M yctero- sums. All the snout anterior to the orbit is lacking, but measurements taken posterior to the anterior border of the orbit, including distance from anterior border of orbit to posteroventral corner of cheek, dimensions of orbit, height of temporal region, interorbital width, and width of parietal region, are so much like the cor— responding measurements taken on the type of M. longi— ceps that the small discrepancies cannot be distinguished from possible slight changes due to distortion, and the estimated total length of the skull for M. Zongiceps CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOG'Y (about 89 mm, Romer and Price, 1940, p. 433) corre- sponds to the estimate for the total length of the skull in M. smithae, assuming that the snout in M. smdtkae was as long as that in M. longiceps. There is little possibility that M. smithae may belong to any other known genus of pelycosaurs. Baylom'a morei Olson, 1941, T etrcwemtops insignis Matthew, 1908, E Zlio‘tsmithz'a longioeps Broom, 1937, Anningia megalops Broom, 1927, H aptodus longicaudazms (Cred- ner, 1888), Casea broélz'i Williston, 1910, E othym's par- keg/z' Romer, 1937, Oolobomycter pholeter Vaughn, 1958, Glaucosaumos megalops Williston, 1915, Basicmnodon fortsz'llensz's Vaughn, 1958, and 1V itosaums jacksonorum Romer, 1937, are other small pelycosaurs with which M. smithae has been compared by examination of speci- mens or published descriptions. All these are signifi- cantly different from M. smithae in known features of the skull except for Basicmmodon fortsillensz's and N {to- saums jacksonorum. Basicromodoa fortsillensis is known only from a fragment of the brain case and may prove to belong to Mycterosaums when better known. The parts that are known of the skull of Nitosaums jacksonomm (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 406), the premaxilla, maxilla, and dentary, with a dentition, are about the size and char- acter of that in M. smithae; therefore, we could expect the skulls of both to be about equal in size. The post- cranial elements found in the same nodule with the skull of MCZ 2985 are, however, of about the same size as the corresponding postcranial elements assigned to M. Zongice‘ps—the femur and tibia seem to be of the same dimensions, and the central lengths of the vertebrae are about the same—Whereas both the central lengths of the vertebrae and the length of the tibia in N. jacksonomm are about one and one-half times those in M. longiceps (Romer and Price, 1940, table 5). The skull in N. jacksonomm therefore seems to have been much smaller in proportion to total body size than was the skull in M. smithae. Postmortem crushing has somewhat distorted the skull, especially in the region of the left cheek where forward displacement of the squamosal has shortened the anteroposterior length of the temporal fenestra; the fenestra of the right side seems to have been preserved unaltered. The large orbits bulged above the general level of the roof of the skull, as in M ycterosaurus longi- ceps. The interorbital region is narrow as in M. longi- ceps, and the roof widens gradually as it passes into the parietal region, without the abrupt post-orbital widen— ing seen in Varanosaurus and more markedly in Vam- nops. It is not possible to say Whether or not the frontal entered the orbital margin. There is a large parietal foramen as in M. longiceps. PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO The supratemporal is remarkably large, about 4.4 mm wide and a little more than twice the width of that restored for M. Zongz'ceps, and has an extensive contact with the postorbital; nothing has been known of the supratemporal in M ycterosaums until now; Romer and Price (1940, p. 21) restored it in dotted outline. This wide supratemporal seems to corroborate the opinion of Romer and Price that M ycterosaums is related to the caseids: the supratemporal is wide in Oasea and Ooty- Zorhynchus, and in Uolobomycter pholeter, an eothy— ridid relative of the caseids (Vaughn, 1958b, p. 982). The posteroventral corner of the cheek cannot be com- pletely determined, but the rough outline preserved on the right side suggests that the posterior border of the cheek sloped downward and backward, that the artic- ular end of the quadrate was nearly in line with the maxillary tooth row, and that there was no pronounced concavity of the border of the cheek between the mar- ginal dentition and the quadrate; all these features are in M. longiceps. The presumably long snout has not been preserved; therefore, the inclusion or exclusion of the lacrimal from the narial border cannot be deter- mined: in M. Zongiceps, Colobomycter pholeter, and in advanced sphenacodontids it is excluded, probably as a result of the enlargement of maxillary “canine” teeth. The maxilla in M. smithae enters the orbital margin as in M. longiceps and prevents a contact between lacrimal and juga]. This lack of contact is a rare condition in pelycosaurs but is found also in Cased, Ootylwhynchus (Romer and Price, 1940, figs. 3—7, pl. 20), and the re- lated Eothym's (Vaughn, 1958b) : this common condi— tion is further evidence of affinity between Myotero- saurus and the caseids. The temporal fenestra is much smaller in M. smithae (8 mm deep by 5 mm long) than in M. Zongiceps (14 mm deep by 10 mm long), but the shape of the fenestra, a vertical ellipse, is the same in the two species. The postorbital bar is about 3 mm thick in both species, the smaller size of the fenestra in M. smitlwe being associ- ated with a thicker zygomatic arch and a greater post- fenestral width of the squamosal. The smaller fenestra probably is a more primitive character than is the larger fenestra; it is likely that fenestra] expansion in Myc— temsaums took place by thinning of the zygomatic arch and reduction of the postfenestral area of the squamosal. There is no appreciable difference in the structure of the lower jaw as compared with that of M. Zongz'ceps. The lower jaw is rather shallow anteriorly, is deep in the region of the coronoid elevation, and tapers rapidly to be shallow again in the articular region in both species. The figures in this report would give the ini- pression of a lower jaw more shallow in the coronoid C37 region than that of M. Zongz’ceps, but this appearance results from the separation of a fragment from the jaw. This fragmentary film of bone with a backing of matrix fits perfectly into place over the rest of the jaw and shows that the depth of the lower jaw near the coronoid elevation is about 12 mm in both species. The lower jaw is not well enough preserved to permit discussion of its individual elements. Only a small part of the dentition is preserved; most of this can be seen in the figure. A longitudinal section through a tooth in the right maxilla about a quarter of the way back in the length of the orbit shows that this tooth projected 4 mm beyond its socket. This pro- jection is almost twice as long as the tooth figured in the same region of M. longiceps as reconstructed by Homer and Price (1940, pl. 21), but the teeth in this region of the type of M. longiceps are not completely preserved; from an inspection of their thickness at the lines of breakage, they seem to have been 4 mm long—or longer. A right maxillary tooth 15.7 mm in front of the anterior border of the orbit in MCZ 2985 projected at least 3.5 mm beyond its socket; the tip of this tooth was broken away, and the tooth may have been as much as 5 mm long. This is the region of greatest elongation of the teeth in M. Zongz'ceps (in which the longest tooth has an estimated length of 6.5 mm, according to Romer and Price, 1940, pl. 21; the tips of the teeth are lacking in this region in the holotype). The bases of the maxil- lary teeth of M. smithae (about 2 mm) are thinner than those of M. longiceps (about 3 mm) some 15.7 mm in front of the orbit. The considerable battery of palatal teeth is shown in the figure. Palatal teeth are not exposed on the holo- type of M. Zongiceps, but Broom (1930, p. 3) noted that “the pterygoids show a considerable number of small pomted teeth in both the anterior and middle parts” of the type of Eumatthem'a bollz' (AMNH 7002). We con- clude that the upper dentitions in M. smithae and M. longiceps are similar but thicker and probably longer in M. longioeps. Several lower teeth are preserved on the left side near the anterior border of the orbit, and on the right side a short distance in front of the orbit; the longest on the better preserved left side are 4 mm in length and about 1.2 mm thick at their bases. They taper toward their bluntly pointed tips and are gently recurved. Two associated small fragments of bone having teeth of sim— ilar shape are included in the type, but these fragments cannot be fitted onto the rest of the skull. The denti— tion of the lower jaw is not known in M. Zongiceps. The remains of the postcranial skeleton are so poorly preserved that nothing significant can be added to the comments already given. There is no evidence in these C38 materials to indicate that Romer and Price have not correctly assigned the postcranial elements in their re— construction of Mycterosawus longiceps. It must be noted that although the skull of MCZ 2985 was not found in actual articulation with the postcranial re— mains, all the parts were found in the same nodule, with the skull lying at a right angle to the vertebral column and about a centimeter away from it. Mycterosaurus smithae Lewis and Vaughn, referred specimen The first vertebrate fossil found in the Cutler Forma- tion at Placerville (USNM 22098 from loo. 5), a string of seven or more poorly preserved posterior dorsal ver- tebrae, a partial left femur, and fragments of other bones, is referred to the new pelycosaurian species Myc- terosaums smithac Lewis and Vaughn because of the similar size of the vertebrae, shape and dimensions of the femur, and the occurrence in the same formation and area as the type. The length of one vertebral cen— trum is about 8.5 mm compared to central lengths of about 6.8 mm in an ?anterior dorsal vertebra of the type of M. smithae, about 6.0 mm in an anterior dorsal verte- bra of the type of M. longiceps (CNHM UC 692) , and about 8.5 mm in posterior dorsal vertebrae of another specimen referred to M. longiceps (CNHM UC 169). The preservation of the vertebrae is not good enough to permit further comparisons. The femur is fairly well preserved in its proximal part, and is of exactly the same dimensions and pro- portions as in the type of M. longiceps. Part of the shaft of the femur is preserved; it has the same dimen- sions and shape as the corresponding parts of the femora of M. longiceps (CNHM UC 169). The length of the femur probably was about equal to that of one femur of M. longiceps (49 mm) measured by Romer and Price (1940, table 4) ; they record a length of 55 mm for an- other such femur. No further comparisons can be made. Order PELYCOSAURIA Incertae sedis Several additional specimens from the Cutler Forma- tion of the Placerville area probably represent pelyco- saurs, but it has not been possible to assign these mate- rials to definite suborders. Two recognizable fragments and several poor scraps (MCZ 2978 from loo. 2) include a fair impression of what seems to be the posterior part of a pterygoid and three of the teeth of the transverse row and a large part of the quadrate process. Another fragment may be part of the shaft of an epipodial of a pelycosaur of the same size. These fragments seem to represent a pelycosaur about the size of Dimetrodon Zimbatus. Two fragments of an interclavicle (MCZ 2988 from CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY 100. 13) consist of the anterior part (the bowl and part of the shaft) and the posterior part (of the shaft). The medial part is missing so that the total length is not known, but it was at least 77 mm long from the center of the bowl to the distal end of the shaft. The bowl is about 18 mm long and about 47 mm wide. The shaft is 8 mm wide, is elliptical in cross section, and has a thickness of about 3 mm. The distal end of the shaft is tapered and forked, having two prongs. The propor- tions of the bowl suggest that this interclavicle may have belonged to an ophiacodont. A left tibia 0f pelycosaurian aspect (MCZ 2986 from 100. 12) is about 63 mm long, 18 mm wide at its proximal end, 12.5 mm wide at its distal end, and 5 mm wide at the narrowest part of the shaft. The proximal end is not well preserved. This tibia resembles the tibiae of sev- eral kinds of pelycosaurs (Romer and Price, 1940, fig. 38) in its proportions, but we are unable to suggest a more definite identification. The incomplete distal end of a femur (MCZ-no num- ber) found 50 feet below the seymouriid vertebra (MCZ 2983 from loc. 9) must have been at least 35 mm wide, and seems referable to a small pelycosaur. Indeterminate remains A small, poorly preserved lower jaw having both rami was found at the same locality as the vertebrae (MCZ 2977 from loc. 1) identified as Ophiacodon sp. These vertebrae suggest a pelycosaur about equal in size to a mature specimen of Ophiacodon navajom’cus,‘ this jaw is much too small to have belonged to the same skeleton as the vertebrae. The jaw bears many small, conical teeth and tapers towards the symphysis; it may not be complete posteriorly, but is about 41 mm long as preserved. The depth 5 mm behind the anterior end of the jaw is about 4 mm, but in the coronoid region is about 7 mm. The best preserved tooth, some 8.5 mm posterior to the anterior end of the jaw, is about 1 mm long from alveolar border to tip. A section through one of these teeth shows no sign of labyrinthodonty. This jaw is too small to warrant even tentative assignment to Mycterosam’us smithae, but is probably reptilian, possibly pelycosaurian, and must remain indeterminate until better specimens of the same animal are known. One poor, unidentifiable fragment of bone (MCZ 2990 from 100. 15) probably is part of a dermal skull roof. Several other scraps of bone were found with the dis- tal part of the probably pelycosaurian femur described in the last section. One scrap is probably part of a dermal skull roof. Two others are fragments of either one or two vertebrae that indicate a centrum about 15 mm Wide and a neural arch in which the lateralmost PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO points on the postzygapophyses are about 23 mm apart. This vertebra may be that of a captorinomorph cotylosaur. AGE AND CORRELATION OF THE FAUNA COMPARISON WITH EARLY PERMIAN FAUNAS OF NORTH AMERICA Analysis of the significance of the several faunal ele- ments from the Cutler Formation of the Placerville area and consideration of the fauna as a whole make possible the correlation of the upper part of the Cutler of Colorado with other stratigraphic units in the United States beyond much reasonable doubt. The presence of E ryops cf. E. gmmiz's in the fauna of the Cutler at Placerville is of no great help in precise correlation: although the specimen corresponds most closely to E. grandis of the Cutler of New Mexico, the genus is known to have existed from early Conemaugh time to late Arroyo time (Vaughn, 1958a). The most that can be said is that specific differences in this genus are based largely on size differences, and the specimens from the Cutler, both of Colorado and New Mexico, tend to be smaller than those from the Wichita and Clear Fork Groups of Texas. The monotypic genus Platyhystmlw has been un- known until this time from anywhere except the Cutler Formation outcrops near Arroyo de Agua, Rio Arriba County, N. Mex., and from the Halgaito Tongue in San Juan County, Utah (Platyhystm'w cf. P. mgosus, Vaughn, 1962, p. 534—535). Langston (1953, p. 409— 411) concluded that the vertebrate fauna from the Cut— ler near Arroyo de Agua is equivalent in age to the faunas from the Moran and Admiral Formations of the Wichita Group of north-central Texas, which are the continental equivalents of the uper part of the marine Wolfcamp to the west and southwest. Vaughn (1962, p. 538) believes that the Halgaito Tongue also is of Wolfcamp age. The presence of P. rugosus in the Cut- ler at Placerville is excellent evidence of a late Wolf- camp age. We believe that the new but unnamed seymouriid from the Cutler of the Placerville area represents a mor- phologically more primitive genus than Sag/mound, probably of about the same age as that of the faunas of the lower to middle part of the Wichita Group of Texas. This unnamed seymouriid has been compared to the somewhat younger Seymomv'a baylorense's of the Clear Fork Group of Texas, but not to the inadequately known Seymouria of the Moran, Putnam, and Admiral For- mations in the Wichita Group. Diadectes sanmiguelensis is not the first diadectid to be reported from Colorado: one was found in the San- gre de Cristo Formation in Fremont County (Brill, C39 1952, p. 834). The known diadectids from the Cutler (formerly designated “Ab0”) Formation of northern New Mexico are Diadectes lentus and Diaspamctus 2671.08. The immaturity of the type makes Diadectes sanmz'guelensis of little value in stratigraphic correla— tion because of the uncertainty of its taxonomic aflini- ties; its resemblance in some respects to Desmatodon might suggest the possibility of an age near the Penn- sylvanian—Permian boundary. But Dz'adectes sensu stricto is restricted to Early Permian time, and there is no cogent reason to suggest that D. samm'guelemis is pre-Permian in age, older than the Cutler of New Mexico. We have named and described Limnoscelops longi- fem/ma as a member of the Limnoscelidae, a family oth- erwise known only from the Cutler of northern New Mexico, the Halgaito Tongue of southeastern Utah, and from the Dunkard Group of the Ohio-Pennsylvania- West Virginia area of the Eastern United States. L. longéfemxm seems to indicate an Early Permian age and a stratigraphic position that corresponds to that of the Cutler Formation of New Mexico, whence comes Lim- noscelis, and the Dunkard Group of West Virginia where the new limnoscelid’s nearest known relative, Limnosceloides dunkardensz’s, was found (Romer, 1952, p. 88—92, 99—100). Both the Cutler of New Mexico and the Dunkard correlated with the lower to middle parts of the Wichita Group of Texas. The captorhinomorph cotylosaur of undetermined genus and species belongs to a suborder that ranges from Upper Pennsylvanian to middle Permian rocks in North America. If it is a member of the captorhinid family, as we believe, then it belongs to a family that ranges from Lower to middle Permian in North Amer- ica; it most closely resembles Captorhiné/cos chozaensis, a species from the upper part of the Clear Fork Group of Texas. Therefore its age probably is Early Permian. Ophiacodontids, in the form of Ulepsydrops, first appeared in Late Pennsylvanian time (Romer, 1961, p. 1, 4; Romer and Price, 1940, p. 212; Peabody, 1957, p. 947), but Ophiacodon apparently was restricted to the time of deposition of the Cutler Formation in Colorado and New Mexico, and of the Wichita Group of Texas. The vertebrae of Ophicwodon from the Cutler at Placer- ville, insofar as their size and morphology are concerned, agree with those of 0. navajom'cus and are very similar to those of 0. mims, both from the Cutler of New Mex- ico. Ophiacodon uniformis, the Texas species most closely related to O. navajom'cus and 0. mime, ranges from the Putnam Formation to the Clyde Formation of the Wichita Group (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 242). Accordingly, the Ophiacodon in the Cutler Formation at Placerville is still another item of evidence for cor- C40 relating the upper part of the Cutler of Colorado with the Cutler of New Mexico and the middle part of the Wichita Group of Texas. The nearest relatives of Outlem'a wihnm’thi are the species of H aptodus from the European Autunian and Rotliegende. Because the new genus and species from the Cutler of the Placerville area of Colorado represent the first-recorded non-European haptodontine, this spec— imen offers no chance for direct comparisons with other North American faunal elements. Sphenacodon, known only from the Cutler of New Mexico, is very similar to the short-bodied species of Dimetrodon from the lower to middle part of the Wichita Group of Texas (to which they are restricted; the more advanced species of this genus are known only from younger formations of Texas) except for the much less elongate neural spines and the slightly less specialized dentition of Sphena— codon. The morphological evolutionary sequence lead- ing to the more advanced species of Dimetrodon prob- ably paralleled the stages shown by the series of con- temporaries Outlem'a of the Cutler of Colorado to Sphenacodon of the Cutler of New Mexico to Dimetro- don of the Wichita of Texas. Myctcrosaums smithae, the new species from the Cut- ler at Placerville, seems to be more primitive than its nearest relative M. Zongiceps from the Clyde Forma- tion of Texas, whose thicker teeth and larger temporal fenestra may reasonably be considered as more ad- vanced. This evidence, although inconclusive, does suggest a somewhat older age than that of the Clyde, and, once more, possible equivalence with the Moran and Admiral Formations of Texas. Brill (1952, p. 834, 870) reported the discovery of Diadectes sp. and pelycosaurs in the Sangre de Cristo Formation in westernmost Fremont County, Colo., about 120 miles eastward from the Placerville area across the old Uncompahgre highland area of Early Permian time. It is entirely probable that the two faunas and those parts of the Cutler and Sangre de Cristo Formations in which they occur are virtually contemporaneous. The area of outcrop of the vertebrate-bearing Per- mian formations of Texas has been the classic collect-- ing ground for what are perhaps the best known Per- mian vertebrate faunas in the United States. Just as Marsh is remembered for having pioneered in research on the Baldwin collection from the New Mexican Per- mian red beds, Cope is remembered for having pioneered in research on the B011 collection from the Texas red beds, and both continued their researches for some two decades. We have known of these faunas for some 85 years because of these rival pioneers, each having first published reports on the Permian age and the paleontol— CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY ogy of these respective areas of interest in the same year (1878). Case (1908, 1911a, 1911b) and Williston (1911a, 1911b, 1912) both collected and studied Permian vertebrates after the deaths of Marsh and Cope. Wil- liston’s successor at the University of Chicago, Romer, and the latter’s students both at Chicago and Harvard, have devoted many years to extremely informative and useful work on the American Permian vertebrate fau- nas and related subjects. We have made frequent reference to faunal elements of the Texas Permian red beds. The general informa— tion on the geology (Moore, 1949) and paleontology (Romer, 1958) of these rocks has been so well summa- rized by others that only an outline, and some of the more pertinent details, need be repeated here. Moore (1949) considered that the Pueblo, Moran, Putnam, Admiral (these four of Wolfcamp age), Belle Plains, Clyde, and Lueders (these three of Leonard? age) make up the Wichita Group, and that the Arroyo Formation is at the base of the Clear Fork Group; this is the usage now accepted and used by us in this report. So recently as 1935, Romer (1935, fig. 2, p. 1604, and fig. 5, p. 1654) considered that the Wichita Group (including the Moran, Putnam, Admiral, and Belle Plains Formations) marked the top of the Pennsyl- vanian, and the Clear Fork Group (including the Clyde, Lueders, Arroyo, Vale, and Choza Formations) the base of the Permian. Romer and Price (1940, p. 23) showed the definitely “Pennsylvanian” Cisco Group as includ- ing the Pueblo Formation, overlain by the “Permian 0r Pennsylvanian” Moran, Putnam, Admiral, and Belle Plains Formations to make up the Wichita Group, over- lain by the definitely “Permian” Clear Fork Group in- cluding the Clyde and Arroyo Formations in north— central Texas. Olson (1955, p. 226) believed the Permian sequence involved to be, in ascending order, as follows: the Moran, Putnam, Admiral, Belle Plains, and Clyde For- mations making up the Wichita Group; the Lueders, Arroyo, Vale, and Choza Formations, the Clear Fork Group. Seltin’s interpretation (1959, p. 498) of these Permian stratigraphic divisions is, in ascending order, as follows: the Early Permian Admiral, Belle Plains, and Clyde Formations comprising the Wichita Group; the Lenders [sic], Arroyo, Vale, and Choza Formations, the Clear Fork Group. Omitting those genera which offer no basis for corre— lation, what fauna] elements of the upper Paleozoic red beds of Texas are pertinent for comparison with the fauna of the Cutler Formation in the Placerville area of Colorado? Of a score of amphibians, only E ryops is common to the Cutler of Placerville and the Wichita and Clear Fork of Texas; we have already pointed out PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO that this genus ranges throughout the Wichita and Clear Fork, and that the smaller individuals that tend to occur in the lower parts of the Wichita are closer to the Cutler specimen than are those from the upper part of the Wichita and from the Clear Fork. The Cutler sey- mouriid seems more primitive than Seymourria bay— Zorensz's of the Clear Fork; we have not had the opportunity to compare it with the inadequately known Seymoum'a from the Wichita. The immature Diadectes sanmiguelensis, though smaller, more closely resembles D. Zentus from the Cutler of New Mexico than it does any of the even larger adults of the two Texan species, D. sideropelicus and D. tenuitectus, with which mean- ingful comparisons of stratigraphic implication cannot be made bceause of the immaturity of the specimen. Limnoscelops Zongifemur is nearer to the limnosce- lids—especially to Limosceloides—than any other cap- torhinomorphs; Limnosceloides of the Dunkard and Limoscelis of the New Mexican Cutler are of Wolf- camp age. The femur of Limoscelopg does, however, show a morphological approach to that of Captorhz'nus, a genus that appears in the middle part of the Wichita. The captorhinomorph of undetermined genus and spe- cies from the Cutler at Placerville most closely resem— bles Captorhz'm'kos of the Vale and Choza Formations of the Clear Fork Group, but we are not certain that it belongs to the same family. The Ophiwcodon is closest to 0. uniformis if com- pared to the Texan species of this typically Wichita genus (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 230) ; 0. uniformis first appears in the Putnam Formation. Myctemsaums smithae from the Cutler at Placerville seems to be more primitive than its nearest relative, M. longiceps of the Clyde Formation; this feature suggests an age for M. smithae equivalent to that of the Moran or Admiral Formations. After weighing all this evidence, we conclude that the upper part of the Cutler Formation, exposed in the Placerville area of Colorado, probably is equivalent in age and stratigraphic position to the Moran, Putnam, and Admiral Formations of Texas. The fauna of the Cutler at Placerville is not compa- rable to that of the Hennesey and other formations of Oklahoma which seem without exception to be of Clear Fork age (Romer and Price, 1940, p. 28). Marsh (1878, p. 409) was the pioneer who placed the Cutler of New Mexico in the Permian, but opinion has varied. Williston and Case (1912, p. 4, 12) believed it to be “in part at least of upper Pennsylvanian age.” Darton (1928, p. 158, pl. 37) stated that the age is Permian and published a reconnaissance geologic map that shows the chief areas of outcrop of the vertebrate- bearing Cutler of New Mexico. Not many years ago, C41 Romer (1935, p. 1629, 1633—1635, 1650—1653) believed the Cutler of New Mexico to be Pennsylvanian, even lower than the Wichita Group of Texas, which he re- ferred to the top of the Pennsylvanian. Romer and Price (1940, p. 23—24, 28—30, 33—34) placed the Pennsyl- vanian-Permian boundary “between lower and upper Wichita” and correlated all the Cutler of New Mexico with the Wichita except for the Cutler at El Cobre Canyon which they considered provisionally to be Up— per Pennsylvanian. Romer (1946, p. 186) continued to believe that the El Cobre Canyon fauna “may well be of uppermost Pennsylvanian rather than lower Per- mian.” Later he (Romer, 1958, p. 164) stated: “It has been frequently assumed that the base of the Permian in Texas was the base of the Wichita Group, although some workers, as the writer on occasion (1935), have ad- vocated a higher position * * * the whole question of the boundary is as yet unsettled.” A diflerent opinion was held by Langston (1953, p. 409—410, 412), who considered that the evidence from most of the fish, amphibian, and reptilian faunas of the New Mexican Cutler indicated an age about the same as the comparable faunas “from the lower and middle Wichita (Moran-Admiral) beds of Texas,” and that there was little value in assigning the El Cobre Canyon fauna of the Cutler to the Pennsylvanian on morphological grounds alone, the conservative course being to consider it also as Permian. But the senior writer joined Romer only a few years ago (in Bush and others, 1959, p. 313) when the fossils had “not been completely removed from the rock matrix and fully prepared,” to make a tentative correlation of the Cutler at Placerville with that (“Abo”) at El Cobre Canyon. They pointed out the moot question of the position of the Wichita Group, and reached the tentative conclu- sion that the Cutler at Placerville might be either very low Permian or uppermost Pennsylvanian. But the present, more detailed study after the fossils have all been fully prepared has necessitated considerable revi- sion of the 1959 faunal list, and has convinced us that the age is Early Permian beyond all reasonable doubt, equivalent to that of the Moran, Putnam; and Admiral Formations of Texas. We reached the same conclusion with regard to the Cutler of El Cobre Canyon, N. Mex. One of us (Vaughn, 1963, p. 286) has now made further collec- tions there and, after studying all the old and new evidence, concluded once more that it “would seem to demonstrate equivalence in age of the El Cobre and the Arroyo de Agua beds * * * to the lower and middle parts of the Wichita Group * * * (Wolfcampian) * * * Early Permian.” C42 The basic similarity of the Cutler faunal assemblages from Placerville and New Mexico is to be expected when we consider their apparent equivalence in age, their proximity, and their similar paleogeographic situa— tions: both assemblages lived during about the same time near the southwestern edge of the ancient Uncom- pahgre highland (Baker, Dane, and Reeside, 1933, p. 975). Erosion of this highland yielded the elastic sedi- ments of the continental area where these land-dwelling vertebrates lived in Early Permian time. To a somewhat lesser degree, a similar situation ob- tains in the more distant Monument Valley area of northeastern Arizona and southeastern Utah, Where Baker (1936, p. 29, 30, 35) reported the discovery of fragmentary remains of fossil vertebrates in the Cutler Formation, where it is divided into subordinate units named (in ascending order) the Halgaito Tongue, the Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member, the Organ Rock Tongue, the De Chelly Sandstone Member, and the Hoskinnini Tongue. The Halgaito and Organ Rock Tongues yielded Baker’s very fragmentary fossil vertebrates, determined by Case to be of Permian age; they were Ophz'acodon? [“Ephicwodon” (sic) ] -or Sphe- nacodon? of the Halgaito, Diadectes? [“Notodon” (sic)] and Sphenacodon? of the Organ Rock. Fossil plants from the Organ Rock Tongue were also deter- mined to be of Permian age by White. No vertebrate fossils were reported from the typical sandstone members. Recently, Vaughn (1962, p. 532—538) reported the discovery of much better material from the Halgaito Tongue, including E 73/0208 sp., Platyhystm'm cf. P. mgosus, Diadectes sp., a limnoscelid that may be spe- cifically identical to Lim/noscdops Zongz'fem/ur, Ophia- codon cf. 0. navajovicus, and a sphenacodontid pely- cosaur close to if not generically identical to Sphemwo- don. On the basis of this faunal evidence, he believes “the Halgaito Tongue * * * in the vicinity of Mexican Hat, Utah is Wolfcampian in age * * * clearly * * * of Early Permian age, but greater in age than the Clear Fork Group of northcentral Texas.” This is the same conclusion that we have reached about the upper part of the Cutler Formation where it crops out in the Placer- ville area of Colorado. Moreover, our faunal list from the latter, when compared to Vaughn’s faunal list from the Halgaito Tongue of the Cutler, and with the prob- able Diadectes [”Noz‘odon” (sic)] and “Sphenacodon?” reported by Baker (1936, p. 35) from the Organ Rock Tongue, an association characteristic of the Cutler of New Mexico, clearly indicates virtual contemporaneity. It has been shown that Diadectes sanmiguelensz’s, although having some points in common with Desmato— don hollcmdi of the Conemaugh, is nevertheless prob— » CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY ably referable to Diadectes and closest to the Early Permian species D. Zentus of the Cutler of New Mexico. Lim/noscelops Zongifemm", however, has as its nearest demonstrable relative Limnosceloides dunkardensz’s from the Dunkard of West Virginia, a group of rocks that has also yielded an Ophiacodon—like animal (Romer, 1952, p. 88, 96). Ophiacodon is a genus typical of the Wichita Group of Texas and of the Cutler For- mation of New Mexico. Romer (1952, p. 100) con- cluded that “the Dunkard, as a whole, is essentially com— parable to the Wichita Group of Texas” in spite of the difference in faunal facies. We agree with Romer, and believe that the ages of the faunas from the Cutler of Placerville, Colo., the New Mexican Cutler, the lower and middle parts of the Wichita of Texas, and the Dunkard of the Ohio River valley are virtually the same. The most recent report on the fauna of the red beds of Prince Edward Island, Canada, is by Langston (1963), Who lists: two genera of fish; Eryops mega- cephalus; a brachyopid; a small Seymoum'a sp., a very small diadectid; a Diadectes spa. similar to the diadectid of the species of the Admiral Formation; an ophiar codont; the sphenacodontid Bathygnathus borealis; a nitosaurid close to M ycterosaums ,' and the caseid Tm:— chasaums sp. The fauna shows relationship to the Cut— ler, Wichita, and early Clear Fork faunas and to the Autunian—Rotliegende faunas, which is not surprising when we consider that Prince Edward Island is about midway between these other occurrences. These Early Permian faunal assemblages probably had a fairly con- tinuous holarctic distribution. COMPARISON WITH EUROPEAN EARLY PERMIAN FAUNAS Uutlem'a wilmarthi is the first haptodontine pelyco- saur to be described from North America. H wptodus, of the Autunian of France and the lower Roliegende of Germany, is closely comparable to the new genus from the Cutler except for the shape of the temporal fenestra. Outlem'a, like H aptodus, is a morphologically primitive sphenacodontid that differs from the more advanced but contemporary sphenacodontines in the lack of a “step” in the upper jaw, in the lack of development of “canines,” and in the short neural spines of the vertebrae. Outleria, very close in morphology and stage of evolu— tion—and therefore also very close in age—to Haptodus of the Lower Permian Autunian and Rotliegende of western Europe, is the newest link in the chain of evi- dence that shows the virtual contemporaneity of these two European stratigraphic units to the Cutler, Moran, Putnam, and Admiral Formations. As they are be— coming better known, it becomes increasingly clear that PERMIAN VERTEBRATE‘S, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACERVILLE AREA, COLORADO the Early Permian European and North American ver- tebrate faunas were much alike. Among the reptiles, we may cite the similarity of the following North Amer- ican and European genera respectively : the captorhinids Captorhinikos and Gecatogomphius, the areaeoscelids Ameoscelis and Kadaliosaums, the diadectids Diadectes and Phanerosaums, the pelycosaurs Cotylorhynchus and E nnatosaums, E daphosam'us novomexicanus and E. crednem', Uutlem'a and Haptodus. The plants, fish and amphibians show comparable resemblances. The Autunian and lower part of the Rotliegende of Europe (Gignoux, 1960, p. 174—176, 244—252) , the Dunk- ard of Ohio and West Virginia, the Cutler and Sangre de Cristo of Colorado and New Mexico, the Pueblo, Moran, Putnam, and Admiral of Texas, and their cor- relatives in nearby States are continental facies and age equivalents of the marine Wolfcamp of Texas and the Sakmarian Stage of Russia. PALEOGEOGRAPHIC CONSIDERATIONS The geologic and paleogeographic environments of the western and central European areas where Lower Permian continental vertebrate-bearing rocks crop out are so similar to those of comparable North American rocks that they lead to an inescapable conclusion: the Early Permian fish, amphibians, and reptiles lived in remarkably similar environments in these two parts of the world. The Early Permian animals and plants of what is now the Placerville area of Colorado lived in a—for those times—fairly typical continental environment, just south of the ancient Uncompahgre highlands of Precambrian crystalline rocks. The erosion of these rocks, under climatic conditions of at least seasonal aridity, produced highly arkosic sediments. The Cut- ler Formation increases in thickness from the type 10— cality on Cutler Creek (about 2,000 ft) to the Placer- Ville area (about 4,000 ft) 20 miles to the west. Some 60 miles farther west-northwest, in the Paradox Basin, the Cutler Formation ranges from O to 8,000 feet in thickness near the Uncompahgre front. “In late Paleo- zoic time the Uncompahgre uplift * * * was bordered on the southwest by the deep Paradox Basin * * * About 16,000 feet of Pennsylvania, Permian, and Lower to Middle( ?) Triassic strata fill the trough and pinch out abruptly against the Uncompahgre front” (Elston, Shoemaker, and Landis, 1962, p. 1858, 1861). The Early Permian uplands and highlands of Colo- rado (Uncompahgre and Front Range), New Mexico (Bravo, Defiance, Pedernal, Sierra Grande, and Zuni), Arizona (Defiance), and Texas (Amarillo, Cimarron, Matador, and Wichita) are all ancient positive areas of Precambrian crystalline rocks, across some of which Pennsylvanian or older Paleozoic rocks overlap. Early C43 Permian detritus from these high areas flooded into the basins and troughs that flank them to become the Lower Permian fanglomerates, arkosic and other continental clastic rocks that reflect increasing semiaridity and arid- ity. The occasional transgressions of shallow arms of the seas that lay to the south and west were of limited extent and duration before regression; they probably took place first in one area, then in another, and so on, never flooding more than a part of some of the basins or troughs at any one time. But the paleogeographic and paleotectonic situatidn was prObably such that many land—dwelling vertebrate genera and species were able to migrate from one region to another. The supposed Early Permian sea often postulated (for example, Hills, 1942, fig. 3) as a continuous barrier between the “four-‘ corners” area and the north-central Texas area prob- ably never existed. Gilluly (1963, p. 143—144, fig. 7) recently outlined the Pennsylvanian and Permian structural evolution that produced this paleogeographic environment in the Rocky Mountain area: The best known of the * * * orogenies took place in Colo- rado and Wyoming, where the former shelf area was broken by huge normal faults and block uplifts to form the Ancestral Rockies * * * Most of these tilted horsts and trap—door uplifts exposed Pre-Cambrian plutonic bodies from the beginning, and some of those that originally had thin carapaces of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks were soon denuded. From the uplifts huge volumes of coarse arkose spilled into the bordering lowlands, to form deposits, partly continental, partly marine * * * In some of the deeper basins the total thickness, which includes an unknown thickness of Permian beds, is as much as 13,000 ft * * * The uplifts began in Early Pennsylvanian times and continued through Early Permian times, at different rates in different places. In western and central Europe, there were several large dry-land areas of older rocks formed by Variscan and Sudetian folding during Carboniferous time. They were flanked by basins and troughs into which poured the detritus eroded from the uplands and highlands of ancient rocks. These areas of dry land, having Pre- cambrian rocks at their (cores, existed in France (Massif Central and Vosges), Gtermany (Black Forest, Rhenish Massif, Fichtelgebirge‘, Erzgebirge, and Schieferge- birge), and Czechosloy‘rakia (Sudeten Mountains and Bohemian Massif). The flanking troughs were conti— nental geosynclinal areas formed by the coalescence of Stephanian basins. Brinkmann (1954, p. 125) has pointed out that the noteworthy Autun and Creusot troughs of the Massif Central area can be traced to the upper Rhine, along both sides of the Black Forest and Vosges Massifs, and onward into central Bohemia. The Autunian (France) and lower Rotliegende (Ger- many) sediments flooded into the troughs as piedmont, flood—plain, and littoral deposits; the isostatic response C44 to the weight of these deposits permitted their accumu- lation to thicknesses as much as 2,000 m during Early Permian time, when the sea transgressed southward during only a short interval and never extended farther than the North German Basin. Increasing aridity, indicated by the record in the rocks, progressed from Stephanian (Late Carbonifer- ous) time through Autunian (Early Permian) and became intense in Saxonian (middle Permian) time when the upper part of the Rotliegende accumulated to thicknesses of as much as 800 In. Early in the Per- mian, deposition of some carbonaceous clastic sediment and a few thin coal seams, as well as brown and red arkosic sediments, shows that there was some alterna- tion between times of humid, semiarid, and arid climate. The Indo-Gangetic alluvial area of India today may show us analogous environmental situations Where pre- viously existing seaways have been silted up in the not very remote past. Near the coast, the Lower Permian probably was deposited in an environment most closely paralleled today in the Kathiawar-Cutch area with its monsoon climate: Some 46,000 sq mls between the Rann of Cutch and the Gulf of Cambay is a world apart * * * The Rann is a vast expanse of naked tidal mudflats * "‘ * here and there the banks of dead creeks are picked out in a white skeletal outline of salt or scum. To the N the desert of mud and the desert of sand in the Thar merge almost imperceptibly. The normal dendritic pattern of the creeks has been interrupted by earthquakes * * * prolonged silting by the mainland rivers *and tectonic uplift have attached it to the mainland * * * The old channel (doubtless tidal or seasonal) joining the Little Rann * * * and the Gulf of Cam- bay is marked by the lakes and marshes of the Nal depres- sion * * * Physically it is an alternation of little * * * pla- teaus * * * and tiny alluvial basins * * V“ The environment is generally arid enough, but * * * there is some climate varia- tion. Cutch averages 12—15 ins., and as little as 1.4 have been recorded; from thelair, the arid aspect of its erosional features is striking. The Kathiawar coastlands, except in the SE, re.- ceive 15-20 ins., but the highland centre and the Cambay coast have over 25 and Junagadh * ‘ * about 40 * * * The natural cover of most of the region is * * * very open andstunted * * ‘ almost desert in places (Spate, 1954, p. 595—598). The more inland areas could have resembled more inland parts of the Indus or Ganges—Brahmaputra Valleys: The western valley section * * * of Sind * * * is probably an old Indus course; it expands in the S into the marshy Lake Manchar, which when full covers some 200 sq mls and is then the largest fresh-water lake in India. It is alternately fed and drained by the Aral, a stream reversible as the Indus is high or low. At low water Manchar covers only 14 sq mls * * * The Assam or Brahmaputra Valley is an extension of the Indo-Gangetic trough * * * extends for over 400 mls * * * most of this great area is formed of the detrital terraces of the Brahmaputra and its numerous tributaries * * * The channel is of course braided and shifting * * * The climate shows some slight modification of the standard monsoonal type * * * Large CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOG’Y areas are covered with sal forest and with tall reed-jungle in the swamps and jhils of the immense floodplain (Spate, 1954, p. 551—553). Similar conditions are found today in the Orinoco and Amazon Basins. Given these paleogeographic similarities, it is no ac- cident that there are striking stratigraphic, paleonto- logic, and paleobotanic resemblances between not only the American and European continental Permian, but also Lower and Upper Triassic, the time of deposition of which saw a continuation of similar environments on both continents. SELECTED REFERENCES Baker, A. A., 1936, Geology of the Monument Valley—Navajo Mountain region, San Juan County, Utah: US. Geol. Survey Bull. 865, 106 p. Baker, A. A., and Reeside, J. B., Jr., 1929, Correlation of the Permian of southern Utah, northern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado: Am. Assoc. Petro- leum Geologists Bull., v. 13, p. 1413—1448. Baker, A. A., Dane, C. H., and Reeside, J. B., J r., 1933, Paradox formation of eastern Utah and western Colorado: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 17, p. 963-980. Brill, K. G., J r., 1952, Stratigraphy in the Permo-Pennsylvam'an zeugogeosyncline of Colorado and northern New Mexico: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 63, no. 8, p. 809—880. Brinkmann, Roland, 1954, Abriss der Geologic: 7th ed., Stutt- gart, F. Enke, v. 2, 359 p. Broom, Robert, 1930, On a new primitive theromorph (Eumat- them‘a bolli) : Am. Mus. Novitates, no. 446, p. 1—4 Brown, R. 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C., 1947, The family Diadectidae and its bearing on the classification of reptiles: Fieldiana, Geology, v. 11, p. 1—53. 1950, The temporal region of the Permian reptile Diadec- tes: Fieldiana, Geology, v. 10, p. 63—77. 1954, Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 7, Pelycosauria: Family Caseidae: Fieldiana, Geology, v. 10, p. 193—204. 1955, Fauna of the Vale and Choza: 10, Trimerorhachis— including a revision of the pre-Vale species: Fieldiana, Geol- ogy, v. 10, p. 225—274. Parrington, F. R., 1958, The problem of the classification of rep- tiles: J our. Linnaean Soc. London, Zoology, v. 44, and Botany, v. 56, p. 99—115. Peabody, F. E., 1957, Pennsylvanian reptiles of Garnett, Kansas : edaphosaurs: J our. Paleontology, v. 31, p. 947—949. Romer, A. S., 1935, Early history of Texas red-beds vertebrates: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 46, p. 1597—1658. 1944, The Permian cotylosaur Diadectes tenuitectus: Am. J our. Sci., v. 242, p. 139—144. 1946, The primitive reptile Limnoscelis restudied: Am. J our. Sci., v. 244, p. 149—188. 1947, Review of the Labyrinthodontia: Mus. Comp. Zool. Bull., v. 99, p. 1—368. 1948, Relative growth in pelycosaurian reptiles: Roy. Sci. South Africa Spec. Pub., Robert Broom Comm. Vol., p. 45—55. 1952, Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian vertebrates of the Pittsburgh-West Virginia region: Carnegie Mus. Annals v. 33, p. 47—113. 1956, Osteology of the Reptiles: Chicago Univ. Press, 772 p. 1958, The Texas Permian red beds and their vertebrate fauna, in Westoll, T. S., ed., Studies on fossil vertebrates. Essays presented to D. M. S. Watson: London, Athlone, p. 157— 179. 1961, A large ophiacodont pelycosaur from the Pennsyl- vanian of the Pittsburgh region: Mus. Comp. Z001. Brev., no. 144, 7 p. Romer, A. S., and Price, L. I., 1940, Review of the Pelycosauria : Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 28, 538 p. Scott, W. B., 1907, An introduction to geology: 2d ed., New York, MacMillan, 816 p. Seltin, R. J ., 1959, A review of the Family Captorhinidae: Field- iana, Geology, v. 10, p. 461—509. Spate, O. K. H., 1954, India and Pakistan: New York, Button, 827 p. Stevenson, J. J ., 1906, Carboniferous of the Appalachian basin: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 17, p. 65—228. Tomlinson, C. W., 1916, The origin of the red beds; a study of the conditions of origin of the Penna-Carboniferous and Trias- sic red beds of the western United States: Jour. Geology, v. 24, p. 153—179, 238—253. Vaughn, P. P., 1958a, On the geologic range of the labyrinthodont amphibian Eryops: J our. Paleontology, v. 32, p. 918—922. 1958b, On a new pelycosaur from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma, and on the origin of the family Caseidae: Jour. Paleontology, v. 32, p. 981—991. C46 Vaughn, P. P., 1962, Vertebrates from the Halgaito tongue of the Cutler formation, Permian of San Juan County, Utah: J our. Paleontology, v. 36, p. 529—539. 1963, The age and locality of the late Paleozoic vertebrates from E1 Cobre Canyon, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico: J our. Paleontology, v. 37, p. 283~286. Watson, D. M. S., 1954, On Bolosaurus and the origin and classi- fication of reptiles: Mus. Comp. Zoology Bull., v. 111, p. 297— 449. Welles, S. P., 1941, The mandible of a diadectid cotylosaur: Cali- fornia Univ. Pub., Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 25, p. 423—432. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY White, T. E., 1939, Osteology of Seymourm baylorensis Broili: Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoology, v. 85, p. 325—409. Williston, S. W., 1911a, A new family of reptiles from the Per- mian of New Mexico: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 31, p. 378—398. 1911b, American Permian Vertebrates: Chicago Univ. Press, 145 p. 1912, Restoration of Limnoscclis, a cotylosaur reptile from New Mexico : Am. J our. Sci., v. 34, p. 457—468. 1915, A new genus and species of American Theromorpha, Mycterosaurus longiceps: Jour. Geology, v. 23, p. 554—559. Williston, S. W., and Case, E. 0., 1912, the Permo-Carboniferous of northern New Mexico: Jour. Geology, v. 20, p. 1—12. FOOTPRINTS FROM THE CUTLER FORMATION By DONALD BALRD2 ABSTRACT Footprints occur in the Lower Permian Cutler Formation near Placerville, Colo. Limnopus cutlerensis n. sp., a small species similar to the Late Pennsylvanian L. vague of Kansas, is ascribed to an eryopoid labyrinthodont. A korynichniid pes imprint sim- ilar to that of Brachydactylopus represents a small diadectid cotylosaur. Early Permian red beds ichnofaunas are quite differ- ent from contemporaneous dune-sand ichnofaunas; the latter represent tetrapod faunas of which skeletal records are lacking. Three specimens of fossil footprints in the Museum of Com- parative Zoology provide supplementary information on the tetrapod fauna of the Cutler Formation. I am indebted to George Edward Lewis, Peter Paul Vaughn, and Alfred S. Romer for the opportunity to study these specimens, and to Albert E. Wood and Joseph T. Gregory for access to comparative material at Amherst and Yale. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Genus LIMNOPUS Marsh, 1894 Limnopus cutlerensis Baird, n. sp. Figure 14 B, 0' Type—A trackway of five manus-pes sets on a chan- neled surface of reddish-brown micaceous siltstone; trackway preserved as a natural mold; MCZ 233. Source—Cutler Formation, Lower Permian. Local- ity 20, 80 feet above road level, north of mouth of Fall Creek, Mrs. Stockton Smith property, San Miguel County, Colo. Collected by S. J. Olsen, 1953. The form—genus Limnopus as redefined (Baird, 1952) differs from 02674823068 in having shorter digits and a prominent rounded pad at the base of digit I in manus and pes. In pes structure Limnopus resembles Saum'ch- m'tes salamandroides Geinitz from the Rotliegende of Bohemia, but the manus of Saurz'chnites is pentadactyl rather than tetradactyl (cf. a topotypic specimen at Yale, YPM 3764). As text figure 14 demonstrates, Limnopus cutlerensis shows close affinities with the type species, L. vagus Marsh, from the Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgil Series) of Kansas. Although the difi’erences— smaller size, disproportionately smaller manus, more turned—out manus and pes, more posterior position of pes digit V in L. cutlerensz‘s—are not great, they justify a specific distinction. Measurements of the type track- Way are as follows: Stride: 55—7 5 mm; mean of six, 62 mm. Pace of manus : 38—44 mm; mean of four, 41 mm. Pace of pes: 41—54 mm; mean of four, 49 mm. Trackway Width : 55—57 mm. Pace angulation between pedes: 75°—91°; mean of three, 79° The trackmaker had a gleno—acetabular length (or “wheelbase”) of about 48 mm—slightly more than half that of the type individual of Limnopus bogus—and a total length estimated at 140 mm. By its morphology and proportions the trackmaker seems to have been a small temnospondylous amphibian, probably an eryo- poid rhachitome. The known distribution of Limnopus footprints, last summarized in 1952, is enlarged by this and other addi— tional records. A slab at Amherst (Hitchcock colln. 26/14) demonstrates that Thenampus heterodactylus King (1845) from the Conemaugh Group (early Virgil?) near Greensburg, Pa., is a valid species of Limnopus and closest in form to L. Zittomlz's (Marsh) from the Virgil of Kansas. The earliest known occur- rence of the genus is in an equivalent of the Cow Run Sandstone of Stevenson (1906) (Conemaugh Group, Missouri) in Jefferson County, Ohio, where my field party found trackways of Limnopus heterodactylus (MCZ 253) in 1955. Of course, we cannot determine how many amphibian genera are represented by the various Limnopus track- ways, or whether these genera formed a natural taxo- nomic group. The ichnological record tells us only that trackmakers of varied size but of similar foot structure and body proportions ranged from Colorado east to Pennsylvania and persisted from Late Pennsylvanian into Early Permian time, that is, from the Missouri into the \Volfcamp. Genus indet., cf. BRACHYDACTYLOPUS Toepelman and Rodeck, 1936 Figure 14D Material.——Isolated imprint of right pes, preserved 3 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. as a natural mold ; MCZ 231. C47 C48 B PACE ANGULATION [9—— STRIDE ——-——-—>| CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY ,0 4 06» gv‘ CROSS AXIS [(—— WIDTH I 1 n I l a I L I l 012345678910CM 0 5 IOCM FIGURE 14.—A, Limnopus vagus Marsh, trackway with hypothetical reconstruction of trackmaker in walking pose (from Baird, 1952). B, Limnopus cutlerensis n. sp. (type trackway, MCZ 233); footprint outlines restored. 0. L. cutlerensis, com- posite restoration of right manus-pes set, enlarged. D, korynichniid right pes imprint, of. Brachydactylopus (MCZ 231). Source.—Micaceous reddish-brown siltstone near top of Cutler Formation. Locality 21, west side of the second side-canyon east of Placerville, a quarter of a mile south of San Miguel River, San Miguel County, Colo. Collected by A. D. Lewis, 1953. This footprint, although too indistinct for generic identification, is evidently referable to the form-family Korynichniidae, a widely distributed group of Permian and Carboniferous footprint genera. The pes is penta- dactyl with digits I to IV forming a sequence of increas- ing length; digit V is small and set well back on the lateral margin of the foot. The digit tips made deep oval impressions and there is no evidence of claws. The tarsal area is marked by the deep impression of an ovoid plantar pad, the long axis of which is somewhat obliquely inclined toward the direction of motion and forms a right angle with the axis of digit IV. Such a pad is characteristic of korynichniid footprints. The small size and posterior, offset position of digit V distinguish this footprint from I chm'othem'um and Korym'chnium of the German Rotliegende and the Eng- lish Lower Permian. (See Korn, 1933, and works cited in Korn.) Megabampus from the Upper Pennsylva— nian (Benwood Limestone Member, Monongahela For- mation, Virgil) of Ohio (Baird, 1952, p. 839) has a similar fifth digit but differs from the Cutler footprint in its heavy, splayed digits and reniform tarsal pad. Closer comparisons can be made with Brachydactylopus PERMIAN VERTEBRATES, CUTLER FORMATION, PLACE‘RVILLE AREA, COLORADO fontis Toepelman and Rodeck (1936) from the Permian and Pennsylvanian Fountain Formation of the C010- rado Front Range. Another similar form is Triden- tz'ckmos wpaz'emz's (Gilmore (1927) (with which I syn- onymize Ammobatrachus turbatoms Gilmore, 1928), from the Supai Formation of the Grand Canyon, Ariz. Another species of korynichniid footprints, left unde- scribed at the untimely death of Frank E. Peabody, occurs in the Upper Pennsylvanian (Rock Lake Shale Member, Stanton Limestone, Virgil) of Garnett, Kans. All the American forms just listed are here referred for the first time to the form-family Korynichniidae. Until they can be comprehensively restudied, and until better material of the Cutler species is available, further com- parisons are unprofitable. Korynichniid footprints have been correlated with diadectid cotylosaurs by Nopcsa (1923) and Lotze (1928), although Korn (1933) believed the afiinities of Korym'chm'um to lie with the procolophonids rather than the diadectids. (See, however, the recent summary by Schmidt, 1959, p. 116.) In my opinion the direct correspondence of korynichniid manus imprints to the articulated manus of Diadectes described in the preced- ing section, and the long-known similarity of the pes imprints to the pes of Diadectes as described by Romer and Byrne (1931), leave little doubt that the kory- nichniid footprints are of diadectid origin. The con- spicuous imprint of a tarsal pad in all korynichniid pes tracks correlates well with the massive diadectid astra- galus (cf. Schaeifer, 1941, p. 431). The isochronous distribution of korynichniid footprints and diadectid skeletons is supporting evidence. A third footprint specimen from the Cutler (MCZ 232), found near locality 6 by G. E. Lewis in 1953, con- sists of an arc of four round digit-tip impressions which measures 75 mm in span. This footprint may be that of a korynichniid but it might equally well have been made by an amphibian such as Emops. Some hundreds of footprints from the Cutler (“Abo”) Formation of New Mexico were collected for the University of Missouri in 1946 by Carl C. Branson (Branson and Branson, 1946). I have not, unfortu- nately, had the opportunity to accept Dr. Branson’s generous invitation to examine this noteworthy collec- tion and to make comparisons with the Cutler speci- mens described above. PROSPECTUS AND PROBLEMS Except for a few piecemeal descriptions of species, footprints from red beds facies of the Lower Permian have been little studied in recent years. The classic ichnofaunas from North American red beds—those of C49 the Supai and Hermit Formations in the Grand Canyon of Arizona (Gilmore, 1926—1928) and the Clear Fork Group at Castle Peak, Tex. (Moodie, 1929, 1930)—were gravely misunderstood by their describers and need ex- tensive redescription and taxonomic revision before they can be compared fruitfully with contemporary foot- prints and skeletal material. (I have assembled, in the form of latex molds, the material for such a study.) In Europe the situation is somewhat better. The Rotliegende ichnofauna of Central Europe has been ex- haustively studied by Pabst (1908 and earlier) and re- interpreted by subsequent authors, although its nomen- clature is still confused through Pabst’s arbitrary use of a pseudo-Linnaean system of names. This Rotlie— gende fauna also occurs near Birmingham, England (Hardaker, 1912). There is thus a useful European standard of comparison for further work on the ich- nology of Permian red beds in this country. Another major task is the tracing of Permian footprint genera back into the Pennsylvanian; much undescribed Penn- sylvanian material awaits study and nearly all the de- scribed forms need restudy. Quite a different set of problems are presented by the trackways recorded in Permian beach and dune sands. Footprints made in this environment—for example, those from the Coconino Sandstone, the De Chelly Sand- stone Member of the Cutler Formation of Arizona, and the Lyons Sandstone of Colorado—are quite unlike those from Cutler and other contemporary red beds; their affinities lie rather with Permian dune-sand foot- prints from Great Britain (reviewed by Hickling, 1909) and the Cornberger Sandstein of Germany (Schmidt, 1959). Footprints made in sloping sand are much more difficult to interpret than those made on mudflats, but so far as I can see the ichnofaunas of red beds and dune sands have nothing in common. To add to our difli- culties, the dune-sand environment rarely preserved skeletal remains. Thus one contribution of ichnology to Permian faunistics is to remind the student—of-bones that an evolving facies-fauna quite different from his familiar red beds fauna was lurking offstage, so to speak, ready to supply taxonomic novelties whenever changing conditions in the red beds area favored their introduction. REFERENCES CITED Baird, Donald, 1952, Revision of the Pennsylvanian and Per- mian footprints Limnopus, Allopus and Bar-opus: Jour. Paleon- tology, v. 26, no. 5, p. 832—840, pls. 122—124, 4 text figs. Branson, E. B., and Branson, C. 0., 1946, Footprints from the Abo formation of New Mexico [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 57, p. 1181. C50 Gilmore, C. W., 1926, Fossil footprints from the Grand Canyon: Smithsonian Misc. Colln., v. 77, no. 9, 41 p., 12 pls., 23 text figs. 1927, Fossil footprints from the Grand Canyon: second contribution: Smithsonian Misc. Colln., v. 80, no. 3, 78 p., 21 pls., 37 text figs. 1928, Fossil footprints from the Grand Canyon: third contribution: Smithsonian Misc. Colln., v. 80, no. 8, 16 p., 5 pls., 7 text figs. Hardaker, W. H., 1912, On the discovery of a fossil-bearing horizon in the ‘Permian’ rocks of Hamstead Quarries, near Birmingham: Geol. Soc. London Quart. Jour., v. 68, pt. 4, p. 639—681, 30 text figs. Hickling, George, 1909, British Permian footprints: Manchester Lit. Philos. Mem., v. 53, pt. 3, no. 22, 31 p., 4 pls. King, A. T., 1845, Description of fossil footmarks, found in the Carboniferous series in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania: Am. J our. Sci., v. 48, no. 2, p. 343—352, 9 text figs. Korn, Hermann, 1933, Eine fiir die Kenntnis der Cotylosaurier des deutschen Perms bedeutsame Schwimmfahrte von Tam- bach [A significant trackway from Tambach for knowledge of the Cotylosauria of the German Permian] : Palaeobio- logica, v. 5, no. 2, p. 169-200, pl. 15, 4 text figs. Lotze, F., 1928, Die Tambacher Sphaerodactylum-Ffihrten [The Sphaerodactylum tracks from Tambach] : Palaont. Zeitschr., v. 9, p. 170—175. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY Marsh, 0. C., 1894, Footprints of vertebrates in the Coal Meas- ures of Kansas: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, v. 48, p. 81—84, pls. 2—3. Moodie, R. L., 1929, Vertebrate footprints from the Red Beds of Texas: Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, v. 17, p. 352—368, 9 text figs. 1930, Vertebrate footprints from the Red Beds of Texas, II : J our. Geology, v. 38, p. 548—565, 16 text figs. Nopcsa, Franz, 1923, Die Familien der Reptilien [The families of the Reptilia]: Geologie u. Pal'aontologie Fortschr., no. 2, 210 p., 6 pls. Pabst, Wilheim, 1908, Die Tierfiihrten in dem Rotliegenden “Deutschlands”: Acad. Leap-Carol. Nova Acta, v. 89, no. 2, p. 313—481, 35 pls., 36 text figs. Romer, A. S., and Byrne, Frank, 1931, The pes of Diadectes: Notes on the primitive tetrapod limb: Palaeobiologica, v. 4, p. 25—48, 9 text figs. Schaeffer, Bobb, 1941, The morphological and functional evolu- tion of the tarsus in amphibians and reptiles: Am. Mus. Nat. History Bull., v. 78, art. 6, p. 395—472, 21 text figs. Schmidt, Hermann, 1959, Die Cornberger F'ahrten im Rahmen der Vierfiissler-Entwicklung [The trackways from Cornberg in the frame of the evolution of the tetrapods]: Hessisches Landesamt fiir Bodenforschung Abh., no. 28, 137 p., 9 pls., 57 text figs. Toepelman, W. C., and Rodeck, H. G., 1936, Footprints in Late Paleozoic red beds near Boulder, Colorado: Jour. Paleon- tology, v. 10, no. 7, p. 660—662, 2 text figs. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1965 0—761-369 a); 7i Pé . 503— . - DNIELI‘IIIB Jurassm Gastropods, 7 DAY Central and Southern Utah GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—D Marine Jurassic Gastropods, Central and Southern Utah By NORMAN F. SOHL CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—D 14 description of [9 species ofgan‘ropoa’y from tfle Bajocz'cm to Cal/avian rocks of Umfi, supplemented 5}! a dz'scmyz'm 0f #28 lurassz'c gastropoa’fazma of N art/z flmerz’m UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1965 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 — Price 45 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ D 1 Introduction _______________________________________________________________ 1 Analysis of the gastropod fauna ______________________________________________ 4 Abundance _____________________________________________________________ 5 Preservation of the fossils, and notes on ecology ____________________________ 6 Geographic and stratigraphic distribution __________________________________ 7 Survey of Jurassic gastropods of North America ________________________________ 8 Mexico ________________________________________________________________ 8 United States (conterminous) ____________________________________________ 8 Gulf coast _________________________________________________________ 8 West Texas ________________________________________________________ 9 Western interior ____________________________________________________ 9 Pacific coast _______________________________________________________ 12 Canada ________________________________________________________________ 12 Alaska ________________________________________________________________ 12 Summary ______________________________________________________________ 13 Systematic paleontology _____________________________________________________ 15 References cited ____________________________________________________________ 24 Index _____________________________________________________________________ 27 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] PLATE 1. Trochacea?, Teinostomopsis?, Ooliticia?, Pleurotomaria?, Nododelphinula?, Amberleya?, Cylindrobullina?, Neri- domus?, and Symmetrocapulus? 2. Lyosoma. 3. Rhabdocolpus, Pseudomelania?, Procem'thium? and Neritina? 4. Cossmannea, Globularia?, Tylostoma? 5. Specimens of Carmel limestone. Page FIGURE 1. Index map of central and southwestern Utah ____________________________________________________________ D 2 2. Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the Gastropoda of the Carmel Formation ________________________ 5 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Localities at which marine gastropods of Jurassic age have been collected in central and southern Utah __________ D 3 2. Abundance of the Gastropoda of the Carmel Formation-________________-__________-______________f ______ 6 III CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY MARINE JURASSIC GASTROPODS, CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN UTAH By NORMAN F. SOHL ABSTRACT This paper describes a gastropod fauna of 19 species assigned to 17 genera from the lower limy units of the Carmel Forma- tion and from the Twelvemile Canyon Member of the Arapien Shale (Bajocian to Callovian) in central and southwestern Utah. These descriptions constitute the first report for most of the genera from the Jurassic of North America. The Carmel gastropod fauna is a shallow-water one dominated by Archaeo- gastropoda and Mesogastropoda, primarily the cerithiaceans, naticaceans, and neritaceans such as Lyosoma. Neogastropoda are absent, and Euthyneura are represented only by the nerineids and the cephalaspid genus Cylindrobullma. Of special note is the neritid Lyosoma, which heretofore has been thought to lack an inner lip septum. Silicified specimen-s retain such a lip and show that its loss is probably due to differential replacement of shell layers. Gastropods are most common in the central area of outcrop of the Carmel Formation and lessen in diversity and abundance in the thinner sandier, nearer shore sediments to the east. The fauna is most similar to that found in member B of the Twin Creek Limestone of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming; but it also has a close relationship to that in the Gypsum Spring Formation and “Lower Sundance Formation” of Wyoming. A survey of the Jurassic gastropods of North America indi- cates that they are not so diverse as are those of Europe. Taxonomically, they are dominated by the Archaeogastropoda (especially Neritacea and Amberleyacea) and Mesogastropoda (primarily Pseudomelaniacea and Ceritheacea). No Neogas- tropoda are present. The Jurassic gastropods are very provincial. The gulf coast and west Texas gastropod faunas are similar in some respects, but have no species in common with those of the western interior. Similarly, the Alaskan gastropod fauna is distinct from those faunas to the south. Such differences are seen even at the family level where the Neritidae and Nerineacea, so common in the southern faunas, are absent or poorly represented in Alaska. In Alaska the Purpurinidae and Amberleyiidae are common but decrease in abundance southward to Mexico. In terms of age the Late Jurassic is the time of greatest gastropod diversity in the gulf coast and west Texas, but in the western interior and Alaska, the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian- lower Callovian) interval shows the greatest flowering of gastropod faunas. INTRODUCTION Little information on the nature of the molluscan fauna of the Carmel Formation of central and southern Utah has been published. Fieldwork, primarily by geologists of the U.S. Geological Survey, during recent years has provided sufficient collections and detailed stratigraphic information to make a study of this fauna especially profitable. This report on the gastropods of the Carmel Forma— tion and the Twelvemile Canyon Member of the Arapien Shale supplements the report by Imlay (1964) on the pelecypods. He provided an outline of the stratigraphy, age, and correlation of the Carmel Formation and dis— cussed the relationships of the collecting localities. The stratigraphy and lithology of the units of the formation were described by Baker, Dane, and Reeside (1936) and summarized by Wright and Dickey (1958, 1963). The Carmel Formation may be divided into two units. A lower limy unit is dominated by gray limestone and shale and, according to Imlay (1964, p. C3—C5), is of Bajocian age. An upper unit is dominated by clay- stone, siltstone, and gypsum but locally includes some sandstone. The Whole formation becomes thinner, sandier, and redder toward the east and finally changes into red beds. From the featheredge in southeastern Utah, the formation thickens and becomes increasingly calcareous to the northwest, and in Sanpete and J uab Counties the total thickness of the equivalent Arapien Shale may reach 3,000 feet or more (Wright and Dickey, 1963). All the gastropods have come from the lower limy unit of the Carmel Formation, and like the pelecypods (Imlay, 1964), they are most abundant in the middle area (fig. 1), which is approximately 40 miles wide and trends southwestward along the west side of the San Rafael Swell. Abundance of fossils diminishes to the east as the units thin and to the west as they thicken. The Arapien Shale consists of a lower gray cal- careous shale called the Twelvemile Canyon Member and an upper red and gray siltstone and shale mem‘ber called the Twist Gulch Member. In aggregate thick- ness they may reach 10,000 feet. Gastropods are rare in the formation and occur only in the Twelvemile Canyon Member. Correlation with the Carmel Forma- tion must rest primarily on fauna other than gastropods. The gastropod fauna of the Carmel Formation is D1 D2 small, consisting of 19 species assigned to 17 genera. There are a few other gastropods in the fauna, but they are too poorly preserved to merit even generic assign- ment. The gastropods all come from the lower limy unit of the Carmel Formation (Imlay, 1964) and from equivalent units of the Arapien Shale. This unit of the Carmel Formation has yielded an abundance of fossils, but the gastropods usually are poorly preserved. ‘ As is shown on figure 1 and table 2, gastropods have been collected at 42 localities in the Carmel Formation and Arapien Shale. (See table 1.) Sixty-one collec- CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY tions, many representing different stratigraphic levels at the 42 localities, are reported on herein. Special thanks are due my colleague R. W. Imlay of the US. Geological Survey, who first interested me in the present study. He has not only aided as a critical reviewer but has also guided me to many of the collect- ing localities and tutored me in Jurassic stratigraphy. James C. Wright, also of the Survey, Whose fieldwork precipitated the present paper, is also due many thanks for serving as a field companion, guide, and technical reviewer. 114° 113° 112.’ 1 1' _/ Z- —____ —d--- I ‘- 3x 1 El i I fl,- l JUAB COUNTY Neph?$’ CA I— D I '5; < l I———-—-—-—-—-—--—-——————- ' Levano 53' El I 2' ° Tylostoma? sp. Plate 4, figures 16, 19 Discussion—A moderate number of internal molds generally conforming in shape to the figured specimens occur at 11 localities in the Carmel formation. All 10- calities are in the middle area (fig. 1) of outcrop of the Carmel Formation. None of the molds show surface or umbilical charac- ters; and as some are distorted or fragmental, it is im- possible to say that they all represent the same species CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY In all specimens the whorls are well rounded and have some indication of a subsutural flattened or ramplike area. One specimen shows the inner lip to be strongly excavated medially, as one would expect in shells hav- ing globose whorls. No trace of external ornament is known except for a faint suggestion that there may have been several transverse rugae near the aperture. Types: Figured specimens USNM 132641, 144844. Occurrence: Utah: Carmel Formation at locs. 15A, 17A, 17B, 18B, 180, 33, 35, 37B, 38A, 38B, 41; Wyoming: questionable similar species occur in the Gypsum Spring Formation, Canyon Springs Sandstone Member of the Sundance Formation and the “Lower Sundance Formation.” Subfamily GLOBULARIINAE Wenz, 1941 [Ampullininae] Genus GLOBULARIA Swainson, 1840. Type by subsequent designation (Hermannsen, 1847 ), Ampullaréu sigaretina. Lamarck, 1804. Discussion—In general, it is somewhat questionable whether any Jurassic shells assigned here actually be- long in Globulariu. For example, the species from the Great Oolite assigned by Cox and Arkell (1950, p. 83, 84) all have a proportionally higher spire and an aper- ture that is more expanded laterally than is typical of the type and other associated Eocene species. The speci- mens from the Carmel Formation treated in the fol- lowing description are similar in character to those from the British Jurassic. Globularia? sp. Plate 4, figures 10—15 Discussion—Nine specimens from the Carmel For- mation on Deep Creek in Garfield County, Utah (loc. 31B), preserved sufficient character to allow at least a tenuous placement. They are all partially silicified, but the replacement is coarse and is of a beikitic nature that does not allow for the preservation of fine detail. The shell is globose and moderately small for the genus and has a spire proportionally higher than is typical for the genus. The aperture is broad and well rounded anteriorly. The inner lip is incompletely preserved on all specimens, but an umbilical chink is present. Some specimens suggest that this chink is covered by an um- bilical sheath in complete specimens. Types: Figured specimens USNM 144871—144875. Occurrence: Utah: Carmel Formation at locs. 15A, 31B, 37B, 38B. Naticiform gastropods Generically indeterminate naticiform gastropods occur in the Carmel Formation at localities 1, 6, 9C, 9D, 12, 16, 31A, and questionably at locality 20. For the most part they are preserved as internal molds of rather MARINE JURASSIC GASTROPODS, small size. Some may represent additional specimens of those herein assigned to Globulam'a? sp. Subclass EUTHYNEURA Spengel, 1881 Order ENTOMOTAENIATA Gossmann, 1896 Superfamily NERINEAGEA Wenz, 1940 Family NERINEIDAE Zittel, 1873 Nerineid gastropods are among the most common snails found in the Jurassic rocks of the western inte- rior. In the Carmel Formation they are represented by at least two and perhaps three, species; and in terms of abundance they are the most numerous of the larger snails. Although these species, because of their simple arrangement of internal plaits, seem best placed in 0088- mamnea, most other North American Jurassic described species seem to belong in other genera. Genus COSSMANNEA Pchelintsev, 1931 Type by original designation, Nem'nea desooz’dyi d’Orbigny, 1850. Discussion—This genus is characterized by elongate, rather slender shells whose whorl sides are strongly to moderately concave and have a swollen or weltlike sutural area. The aperture is rhomboidal and has a short anterior canal. Cox (1948, p. 250) stated that two folds are present internally, one on the columella and one on the labial wall. The type species, Cossmamwa desvoidyz‘ (d’Orbigny) (1850, pl. 261) as originally figured, shows a rather weak columellar fold low on the columella, plus one fold on the outer wall. Pchelintsev (in Pchelintsev and Korobkov, 1960, pl. 12, fig. 8B) figured 0. subdesvoz’dg/i as having only the most faint and broad plications. The Carmel species described below fit well within this prescribed range. Species other than those treated in the following description occur in the western interior Jurassic. They are especially abundant in the Gypsum Spring Forma- tion but also occur in the “Lower Sundance Formation,” the Preuss Sandstone, and questionably in the Piper and Sawtooth Formations. Cossmannea imlayi Sorl, new species Plate 4, figures 1—8 Diagnosis—“Merl sides concave, having greatest constriction at lower one-third of whorl; columellar fold developed late in growth as a faint, low swelling. Description.—Elongate, slender, multiwhorled shells. Protoconch unknown, pleural angle 9°—15°. Whorls concave sided having deepest part of concavity about two-thirds of the distance between upper and lower suture; sutural area swollen, suture being in a narrow groove. Body whorl basally carinate; on spire, basal CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN UTAH D23 carination slightly protruding over succeeding whorl. Growth lines sigmoidal on whorl sides Aperture in- completely known, rhomboidal in outline; internally one plait on the midlabial surface persisting from the earliest whorls, but the low, rounded obscure columellar fold did not develop until a late growth stage. M easurements.——One specimen that lacks about 12 mm of its apical tip measures 62.5 mm in length and 15 mm in diameter. Less complete specimens indicate that this species grew to a larger size. These specimens have a maximum diameter of about 19 mm and, by extrapola- tion from known proportions of smaller specimens, may have attained a length of 90—100 mm. Discussion—This species is abundant at its type locality on Deep Creek, Garfield County, Utah (loc. 31B, 310); more than 100 incomplete specimens are available for study. Variation within the type lot is difficult to measure because the coarse beikitic replace- ment of the shell material masks the finer features of ornament and because of wear and the effects of com- pression on some specimens. For example, it is difficult to ascertain whether the variation in the amount of swelling at the sutural area is natural or if it is a func- tion of the amount of wear or abrasion thatthe shell has undergone. Moderate variability in shell outline is shown by the apical angle range of 9°~15°. Internally the strength of the plait on the labial surface (pl. 4, compare figs. 7 and 8) is variable. Some specimens (pl. 4, fig. 5) possess a faint subsutural spiral cord sim- ilar to that on the type species Uossmannea desvoidyi. Other specimens do not show this feature, but it may be obscured because of the coarse silica replacement. The specimens assigned to this species from localities other than the type locality are invariably smaller. This leads one to question their assignment to the species They do, however, possess the same internal plication plan and swollen subsutural area and compare well in shape with the early growth stages of the larger specimens from the type locality. ’ I place this species in the genus Uossmamzea with some misgivings. It compares closely with the type species 0. desooz’dyi from the Oxfordian of France in shape, sutural character, and growth line; but, inter- nally, it lacks the strong columellar plait. However, 0. subdesvoidyz' Pchelintsev (1960) shows a similar weak fold low on the columellar surface. If 0. sub- desvoidyi is properly assigned, then 0. z'mlayz' falls well within the range of Cossmannea. The species is named in honor cf R. W. Imlay of the U.S. Geological Survey. Types: Holotype USNM 144864; paratypes USNM 14861— 14863, 14865—14867. Occurrence: Utah: Carmel Formation at locs. 12, 13A, 13B, D24 18A, 21, 30, 31A, 31B, 310, 34A, 34B, and questionable occur- rence at locs. 16, 25, 33, 40; Idaho: Twin Creek Limestone at loc. USGS 28586, Bingham County; Wyoming: Twin Creek Limestone (member B) at 10c. USGS 16036, Afton quadrangle. Cossmannea’! kanabensis Sohl, new species Plate 4, figures 9, 17, 18 Diagnosis. VVhorl sides flat, lacking a pronounced sutural welt. Description—Shells small for genus, multiwhorled, elongate, having a slender, even tapering spire. Pleural angle about 15°—18°; suture in a shallow groove. VVhorls flat sided, covered by faint microscopic spiral threads of which the immediate ’subsutural thread is the finest. Body whorl basally carinate. Aperture rhomboidal, anterior canal moderately short and in- clined; outer lip having a strong plication situated medially, columellar lip slightly swollen above canal. Measurements.—The holotype (USNM 144864) meas- ures about 25 mm in height and 6 mm in diameter. A paratype (U SNM 144863) has almost exactly the same measurements. Discussion—This species is readily distinguishable from Uossmmmea imlayz', which also occurs in the Car- mel Formation, by its flat-sided whorls; but because of this same feature, its placement in Cossmannea is very tenuous. The arrangement of the internal plications is, however, very similar to that of 0. imlayi. Types: Holotype USNM 144869; paratypes USNM 144868, 144870. Occurrence: Utah: Carmel Formation at locs. 34A, 37B, 40. Undetermined nerineids Disoussiom—Nerineid gastropods occur at other 10- calities in the Carmel Formation, Utah. Unfortunately, they are so poorly preserved that they cannot be as- signed to one of the species described here. Such gas- tropods have been found at localities 22, 28, 34A, 34B, 38B, and 42. Order CEPHALASPIDEA Fischer 1883 Superfamily ACTEONACEA d’Orbigny, 1842 Family ACTEONIDAE d’Orbigny, 1842 Genus CYLINDROBULLINA von Ammon, 1878 Type by original designation, Acteom’nu fragilis Dunker. Discussion—The most recent comprehensive classifi- cation of the family Acteonidae is that of Zilch (1959). He included Cylindrobullé’na as a synonym of A0156- on'im d’Orbigny. Acteom'na, however, is character- ized by having a low fold on the columella, a low spire, and a collar above the suture. Cylindrobullina has a smooth columella and a subsutural collar. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY Part of the confusion regarding these genera may have arisen because both Fischer (1883) and Cossmann (1895) ignored Meek’s (1863) designation of Chem- mltzz‘a carbonarz’a Koninck (1843) as the type species of Acteom'na. This led Cossmann to consider a smooth columella as typical of Acteom'na. Knight (1941, p. 31) showed that this is not characteristic of the type species. Other authors (Cox and Arkell 1948; Walther, 1951) considered Cylindrobullina as either a separate genus or a su-bgenus of Acteom'na. Cylindrobullina? sp. Plate 1, figures 15—17, plate 5, figure 1 Discussion—Small opisthobranch shells that are close to Cylindrobullina in terms of their stair-stepped spire, broadly globose whorls, and well developed shoulder are abundant in the Carmel Formation. Un- fortunately, no specimens preserve the characters of the aperture sufficiently well to ensure generic place- ment. The surface of the shells is devoid of sculpture, and the shoulders are rounded. In these features they are similar to Uglindrobullz‘na. bulimoz'des (Morris and Lycett) from the Great Oolite of Great Britain, but have less convex-sided whorls and a more elongate aperture. The lack of sculpture may be due to the type of pres- ervation. However, the group of opisthobranchs to which Cylindrobullz'na 'belongs usually have very sub- dued sculpture that is commonly restricted to the ante- rior part of the shell. Cut sections of the species show no evidence of columellar plications. Although the generic position of these specimens is doubtful, they are among the more widespread and abundant gastropods in the Carmel Formation of Utah. They apparently also occur in the Twin Creek Limestone in northern Utah. Types: Figured specimens USNM 132640, 144849, 144850. Occurrence: Utah: Carmel Formation at locs. 3, 7B, 8, 9A, 90, 9D, 9E, 11, 14B, 15B, 16, 19A, 19B, 25, 26A, 26B, 29, 33; Twin Creek Limestone at locs. USGS 28457—28459 on Crab Creek near Thistle, Utah County; Idaho: questionable occur- rences in the Twin Creek Limestone (member B) at locs. U‘SGS 28500, 28506. Willow Creek, Bingham County. REFERENCES CITED Baker, A. A., Dane, C. H., and Reeside, J. B., J r., 1936, Correla- tion of the Jurassic formations of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 183, 66 p., 33 p1s., 16 figs. Binckhorst, J. T., 1873, Monographie des gastéropodes et des céphalopoldes de la craie superieure du Limbourg: Brussels- Leipzig, 83 p. 10 pls. Bohm, Johannes, 1900, Ueber cretaceische Gastropoden vom Libanon und vom Karmel: Deutsche geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 52, p. 189—219, pls. 5-7. MARIN‘E JURASSIC GASTROPODS, CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN UTAH Burckhardt, Carl, 1930, 1931, Etude synthetique sur le Mesozoi- que mexicain: Soc. Paléont. Suisse Mem.; 1930, v. 49, p. 1—123; 1931, v. 50, p. 123—280. Cossmann, Maurice, 1895—1925, Essais de paléoconchologie com- parée: Paris, Presses Universitaires de France; 1895, v. 1, 159 p., 41 text figs, 7 pls., table; 1896, v. 2, 179 p., 48 text figs, 8 pls.; 1899, v. 3, 201 p., 34 text figs, 8 pls.; 1901, v. 4, 293 p., 31 text figs, 10 pls.; 1903, v. 5, 215 p., 16 text figs, 9 pls.; 1904, v. 6, 151 p., 14 text figs, 9 pls.; 1906, v. 7, 261 p., 22 text figs, 14 pls. ; 1909, V. 8, 248 p., 87 text figs, 4 pls.; 1912, v. 9, 215 p., 18 text figs, 10 pls.; 1915, v. 10, 292 p., 63 text figs, 12 pls.; 1918, v. 11, 388 p., 128 text figs, 11 pls.; 1921, v. 12, 349 p., 121 text figs, pls. A—D and 1—6; 1925, v. 13, 345 p., 11 pls. Cox, L. R., 1948, On the genotype of Nerinea, with the proposi- tion of a new subgenus Eunermea: Malacolog. Soc. London Proc., v. 27, p. 248—250. Cox, L. R., and Arkell, W. 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D21 Abundance of the gastropod fauna ____________ 5 Acknowledgments ____________________________ 2 ' Acteonaoea _____ 9, 14, 24 Acteonidae ____________________________ _ 9,14, 24 Acteonma _____________________________________ 24 fragilis ___________________________________ 24 malmriana ____________________________________ 9,14 Alaska _____ _ 12 Amberleua ____________________________________ 12,20 bathonica .................................. 20 delta ______________ __ 13,14 densinodosa. ________ 12, 14, 20 dillerl... ........ .. 12, 14 amata _____________________________________ 12, 14 sp ..................... 6, 12, 13, 14, 20: pl. 1 .............. 9, 13, 14, 19 22 Analysis of the gastropod fauna ______________ 4 anglicus, Trochus _____________________________ 15 angulata, Phaneroptytis Aporrhaidae __________________________________ l4 Aptyziella circumvoluta ________________________ 14 (Nermoides) stantom‘ ______________________ 9 Arehaeogastropoda ........................ 13, 14, 15 arcuiferum, Cerithium _________________________ 9,14 13 bathonica, Amberleva _________________________ 20 benahemls, Lisachilus- _ 17 beneclathratua, Turbo. . 9,13 bicarmata, Stomatia ___________________________ 17 bilabiata, Globularia ___________________________ 14 Natica _____________ borealia, Pleurotamaria. buckmani, Delphinula. Nododelphinula ........................... Buckmanma sp _______________________________ 10, 13 bulimoides, Cylindrobullina. _ 24 burckhardti, Turritella _________________________ 9, 14 C califomlca, Itim'a ______________________________ 12,14 Camptonectes. _ - 7 Canada ___________ 12 cancellata, Purpurina __________________________ 11,14 Canyon Springs Sandstone Member of the Sundance Formation ............ 11 capduri, Neritina _____________________ 17 carbonaria, Chenmitzia ........................ 24 Carmel Formation ........................... l Cephalaspidea _____ Ceritella tindenensia. sp __________ Ceritellidae .............................. 14 Cerithiaeea .............................. 9, 13, 14, 20 Cerithiidae.-. _ 14 Cerithium abbas _______________________________ 21 arcui/erum ............................... 9, l4 paskentaensis ....... 12 Chaetopoda ____________ 9 Chemm‘tzia carbonaria 24 Chinltna Formation __________________________ 13 INDEX [Italic numbers indicate major references and descriptions] Page circumtrunca, Pleurotomaria ______________ D9,13,15 circumvoluta, Aptwiella ..... N erinea ............... Clouohtonia pyramidala. sp ________________________________________ 12,14 cornejoi, Vermetus ____________________________ 9 corruautus, Symmetrocapulus-. 6, 13, 16,- pl. 1 Cassmannea ..... ___- _. 10,11,14,23 dewoidyi. __________________ 23 imlayi ..................... 6,8, 10, 14, 23, 24; pl. 4 kanabemis ....................... 6, 14, 26; pl. 4 subdesvoidm‘ 23 sp ..... 11 spp.-__ l4 Cryptoptwia __________________________________ 21 diveraicoatata ______________________________ 9, 14 formaaa ...... arimaldi ..... Cyclostrematidae.. Cylindrobullim ............................... 6, 24 bulimoides ________________________________ 24 SD ................... 6, 10, 11, 13,14, 21,94; pl. 1 D delia, Amberleya .............................. 13, 14 Delphinula buckmani _ 19 stuntom' ___________ deminodosa, Amberleya. . ___ Desmieria (Lyocoma) powelli .................. deauoidyi, Cossmannea ......................... 23 Nerinea ________ Dwroloma. _ . sp....___.-__ dilleri, Amberleya ______ dirersz’coetata, Cryptoptyzia .................... 9,14 Division of Carmel Formation ________________ 1 E elaborata, Purpurina __________________________ 12,14 enoda, Lyosomu _____ 6, 7, 10, 11,14, 17,18; pl. 2 Entomotaenlata.-. _____________ _ 14,23 . eudesii, Nermea" ........ u 9, 14 Euthyneura _______________________________ 13, 14, 23 Ezelissia sp ___________________________________ 11, 14 F Fernie Shale _________________________________ 12 femiemia, Turbo _______ 12 Ooliticia _________ 14 finlayensia, Globularia- _______________________ 14 Notice ___________________________________ 9 Nen'ta ___________ 9,14 formosa, C‘ryptoptyxis__ 9,14 fragilia, Acteom‘na ............................. 24 G Gastropoda __________________________________ 15 Geographic distribution ______________________ 7 globosum, Tyloatoma“. 2 Globularia _______ 9, 22 bilabiatau 14 finlayeusis. . ............................. 14 Page Globularia infleda ____________________________ D14 w illiamsi- _ sp ______ Globulariinae _______________ 22 goodelli, Nerinea ______________________________ 9, 14 Pseudomelania ___________________________ 9, l4 _ 12 greeslyi, Paeudomelam'a _______________________ 21 Grey Beds 01 the Fernie Shale ________________ 12 grimaldi, C‘ryptoptyzis ___________________ _ 9,14 Gulf coast of United States ______________ _ 8 Gypsum Spring Formation __________________ 10 H hamptmemia, Metriomphalua- _____________ 12, 14 Harpaaodes _______________ . 14 sp ________________________________________ 8 helltma, Purzmrma ____________________________ 13, 14 hemisphaerica, Nerita . 19 hinchmanemis, Trochus _______________________ 12, 13 Hulett Sandstone Member of the Sundanoe Formation ________________________ 11 Hypaipleura accident-Ilia. _____________________ 12 I imlaui, Coasmannea ______ ._- 6, 8, 10, 14, 2.3, 24; pl.4 infiecta, Globularia ____________________________ 14 Natica ____________________________________ 9 Introduction. _ _ ______ _ I Itieria, califomica__ ________________________ 12, 14 Itieriidae _____________________________________ 9, 14 J Jurassic gastropods of North America, survey of _________________________________ 8 K ktmabenais, Cosamannea ______________ 6, 14, 24; pl. 4 Kialagvik Formation _________________________ 12 L Leptomaria ___________ leymeriei, Oonia _______________________________ 14 Pseudamelania (Ooma) ____________________ 12, 13 Lias Formation _________ _ 8 liceinus, Scalaria__ 1 9 Lissochilus ______ 1 16 benahemia _________________________________ 17 Littorinaoea __________________________________ 14 Lower Sundance Formation. 10 Lyosoma ____________________________ 6, 8, 11, 16; pl. 2 mode ________________ 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18: pl. 2 phaaeolaris ______ 19 powelli ............. 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18; pl. 2 squamosum _______________________________ 17 (Lyosoma) powelli, Desmierta __________________ l7 powelli, Otostama _________________________ 17 M Malone Formation ...... 9 maloninma, Adetmina _________________________ 9,14 D27 D28 Page Margarita sp.._.________...______.__1,1__.~_ D12,13 Melamia acalariformis __________________________ 20 Mesogastropoda _____________________________ 14, 20 Metriomphalus, _ . _ _ _ _ _. 9 hamptonemis _____________________________ 12, 14 stantoni ___________________________________ 14 Mexico ________________________ 8 michinhamptomnse, Procerithium... Monodowta _____________________ Morrison Formation __________________________ 10 N Naknek Formation, lower part of ____________ 13 upper part of _____________________________ 13 Natica bilabiata _______________________________ 9 finlauemis . 9 infiecta _ _ _ 9 w1lliamm _ 9 Naticaoea ________________________________ 9, 13, 14, 22 Naticid gastropods ___________________________ 8, 22 Naticidae ....... 9, 14, 22 Naticids _____________________________ ___ l4 Naticiform gastropods _______________ 6, 10, 11, 22 Neridomus ____________________________________ 19 sp ___________________________________ 6, 19; pl. 1 Nermea circumvoluta. ._ 9 desvoidyi ___________________________________ 23 eudeaii ____________________________________ 9, 14 goodelli _____________ thompeonensis ______ turbatric __________ . - 9, 14 Sp ______________________________________ 10, 13, 14 Nerineaoea ______________________________ 9, 13, 14,23 Nerineid gastropods. ....... 6 Nerineidae. _____ 9, 14, 23 Nerineids ..... 8, 10, 14, 24 Nerinello stantoni _____________________________ 9 sp ________________________________________ 9 Nerinoides stantoni. 14 sp ____________ _ _ _ . _ 14 (Nen'noides) atantom', prziella.. 9 Nm'to ........................................ 16 finlayemis ________________________________ 9,14 19 nodolirata __________________________ 9 parable/ta ___________________________ 9, 14 ___________________ 19 ______________ 9, 13, 14, 16 Neritid gastropods. _______________ 6,19 Neritidae ________________________________ 9, 13, 14, 16 Neritino ______________________________________ 16,19 capduri.-. ................. 17 phaseolariap 6, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19; pl. 3 powelli _______________________ 9, 16, 17 wyomingemis ________________________ 9, 11, 14, 19 sp ..................................... 10, 11, 14 Neritininae ....... _ . . _ 16 Neritoma (Oncochilus) occidentalis _________ 9 Neritopsidee ________________________ 14 Neritopsis sp __________________________________ 9, 14 Nododelphinula _______________________________ 6, 1.9 buckmam’-.- _____________ 20 Sp ..................... 6,10, 11,14,19; pl. 1 Nododelphinulidae __________________ 9, 14, 19 nodolirata, Nerita _____________________________ 9 Trachzmerita ______________________________ 14 Nordegg Member of the Fernie Shale 12 Notes on ecology _____________________________ 6 O occidentalis, Hypsipleura ______________________ 12 Neritoma (Oncochilus) .................... 9 Otostomo _____________ __ 14 Parocerithium ________ ._ 14 (Oncochilus) occidemolis, Neritomu.. _____ 9 Ooliticio ____________________________________ 6, 12, £0 femiensis __________________________________ 14 INDEX Page Oolitz‘cia paskemoensis _________________________ D14 ___. 20 6, 14, 20; pl. 1 _____________________________ 14 (Oom'a) leumeriei, Pseudomelcmia ________ subglobosa, Pseudomelanio __________ 12 ornata, Amberleya _____________________________ 12, 14 ornatissimo, Stomatia. _ 17 Otostoma ____________ 16 occidentolis ________________________________ 14 (Lyosoma) powelli _________________________ 17 P Pacific coast of United States _________________ 12 Paracerithium ............... _ 12 occidemolis __________________ _ 14 paskentaensis ______________________ 14 paskentaensis, Cerithium ______________________ 12 Ooliticia ___________________________________ 14 Paracerithium. 14 Turbo _______________________________ 12 Patella rugosa ___________________________ 15 Patellaeea ____________________________________ 13, 15 perobluta, Nerz'to ______________________________ 9, 14 Phoneroptyzis anyulata phaseolaris, Lyosoma __________________________ 19 Neritina _____________ 6, 9, 14, 16, 17,18, 19; pl. 3 phillipsii, Turbo _________ 20 Piper Formation ________________ 11 Pleurotomariae _. ___- 6, 12, 15 boreulis ____________________________________ 13, 15 circumtrunca ____________________________ 9, 13, 15 rozete ________________ 15 skidegatemis ____________ 12, 13, 15 subarenosa ______________ 12, 13 sp. A ____________________________________ 12 sp. B ____________________________________ 12 sp spp .................. 1... 13 Pleurotomariaoea __________ ._ 9, 13, 15 Pleurotomariidae ___________________________ 9, 13, 15 powelli, Desmien’a (Lyosoma) _________________ 17 Lyosoma _________ 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18; pl. 2 Neritimz ________________________________ 9, 16, 17 Otostoma (Lyosoma) ___________ l7 Preservation of the fossils ._ 6 Preuss Sandstone _____________________________ 11 Procerithiidae _____________ 9, 14, 20 Procerithiinae ________________________________ 20 Procen'thium ___________________ 10, 11, 14, 20, 21; pl. 3 michinhamptonense __________ 13, 14 quinquegranoaum . _ . _ tustum __________ sp ............................. 6, 11, 13,21; pl. 3 spp _____________________________ Pseudomelaniaoea. Pseudomelania _________________ goodelli ________ oresslyz‘ ..... (Oonia) leymeriei _________________________ 12,13 (Oom‘a) subglobosa" 12 sp __________________________ 6,10, 11, 14, 21; pl. 3 Pseudornelaniidae _________________ __ 9, 14, 21 puligera, Nerita__ _________________________ 19 Purpurina.. _________________________ 9 cancellata __ 11,14 elaborata _________________________________ 12, 14 hellona ___________________________________ 13, 14 sp ________ ._ 12,14 Purpurinidae _ ..... . _ _ 14 pyramidata, Cloughtonia ___________________ 10,13, 14 Q quinqueqranosum, Procerithium _______________ 21 R Page Rhobdocolpur .......................... D6, 10, £0, 22 scalariforme ............................... 21 viriosus... 6, 10, 14, 21,- pls. 3, 5 Rierdon Formation ______________________ Rock Creek Member of the Femie Shale _____ rozete, Pleurotomaria __________________________ 15 rugosa, Patella ________ _ 15 Symmetrocapulua ________________________ 15 S saharae, Temoetompeis ________________________ 15 Sawtooth Formation _________________________ 11 Scalaria liasinua ______________________________ 9 scalariforme, Rhabdocolpus. _ ....... 21 acalarijormia, Mclzmia _________ 20 sedgm‘ci, Tomatellaeu.. _______ 13, 14 Shelikof Formation __________________________ 13 Skeneidae ____________________________________ 13 skidegatenais, Pleurotomaria. ._ 12, 13, 15 Smackover Formation ........ _ 9 squamosum, Lvosoma _________ __ 17 stantoAptytiella (Nerinoides) __________________ 9 m‘, Delphinula ____________________________ 9 Metriomphalus" 14 Nerinella _________________________________ 9 N erinoides ________________________________ 14 Stomatia bicarinata ____________________________ 17 ornatissimu _______________________________ 17 Stratigraphic distribution 7 Streptoneura ______________________________ 13, 14, 15 Strombacea ___________________________________ 14 subarenoaa, Pleuratomaria. subdesvoidyi, Cossmanneo _____ subglobosa, Oonia _____________ Pseudomelanio (Oonio) ___________________ 12 subpyramidalia, Turbo ________________________ 13 sulcato, Ooliticia __________ __ 20 Swift Formation ____________ _. 11 Symmetrocapulidae ________ .__ 13, 15 Symmetrocapulus _____________________________ 6, I5 corrugatus ________________________ 6, 13,15; pl. 1 rugosa ____________________________________ 15 T Talkeetna Formation _________________________ 12 Teinostomopsia. . . . saharae ____________________________________ l5 sp ____________________________ 6, 10, 13, 15,- pl. 1 thompsonemis, Nerima. .............. 12, 14 tindonemis, Ceritella.. Tomatellaea sedgvici. Trachymrita __________________________________ nodolirata _________________________________ 14 Trochma..._ sp __________________________________ 6, 16; pl. 1 Trochidae ____________________________________ 13 Trochiform gastropods ________________________ 10 Trochus anglicus ______________________________ 15 hinchmanemt’s . ._ 12,13 turbatric, Nerinea _____________________________ 9, 14 Turbinidae ____________________________________ 9, 13 Turbo beneclathratus. ________________ 9, 13 feminists“ 12 paskentaeusrs. . 12 phillipsii _________________________________ 20 aubpyramidalis ___________________________ 13 Turriculale gastropods _ 10, 22 Turritella burekhardti. _ 9, 14 Turritellidae ______ 9, 14 Tuxedni Group _______________________________ 12 Twelvemile Canyon Member of the Arapien Shale _____________________________ 1 Twin Creek Limestone _______________________ 10 Twist Gulch Member of the Arapien Shale. _ 1 Tylostoma ____________________________________ 22 Tylostoma globosmn ........................... 22 Tylostoma sp __________________ 6, 10, 11, 14, 22: pl. 4 V Page Vermetidae ___________________________________ D9 Vermetus cormjm‘ _____________________________ 9 vetustum, Procerithium“ ............... 12,14 viriosus,Rhabdocolpus ..... 6, 10, 14, 91: pls. 3, 5 INDEX W Page West Texas ______________________ D9 Western interior of United States" . 9 williamai, Globularia .......................... l4 Nation ____________________________________ 9 wyomi'ngemia, Neritina .................. 9,11, 14,19 D29 x Page X ystrella __________________________ D14, 21 papillosa __________________________________ 9, 14 Y Yakoun Formation __________________________ 12 PLATES 1-5 FIGURES 1, 6, 8. 2—4, 7. 14. 15—17. 18—21. 22—24. PLATE 1 Trochacea? sp. (p. D16) 1. Apical view (X 5) of a specimen from loc. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144828. 6. Oblique view (X 8) of a specimen from 10c. 83.. USGS 19428, USNM 144832. 8. Apical view (X 8) of a specimen from loc. 8a. USGS 19428, USNM 144833. Teinostomopsis? sp. (p. D15) 2. Composite reconstruction (X 8) of a specimen from the Carmel Formation of Utah. 3. Front view (X 8) of a specimen from loc. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144829. 4. Drawing of the basal view (X 6) of a specimen from 100. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144830. 7. Apical view (X 5) of a specimen from loc. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144831. . Ooliticia? sp. (p. D20) Drawing (X 3) of a rubber squeeze of a fragmentary external mold from 100. 34a. USGS 28473, USNM 144847. . Pleurotomaria? sp. (p. D15) Basal and back views (natural size) of a specimen from Ice. 33. USGS 16624, USNM 144826. . Nododelphinula? sp. (p. D19) 10, 12. Drawings of top (X 5) and back (X 4) views of a rubber cast of specimen from 10c. 33. USGS 16624, USNM 144848. 11. Drawing of an oblique view (X 5) of a worn specimen showing bicarinate whorls from 100. 39. USGS 28479, USNM 132637. Amberleya? sp. (p. D20) View (X 3) of a rubber impression of part of a body whorl of an external mold from loc. 16. USGS 28470, USNM 132639. Cylindrobullina? sp. (p. D24) 15. Front view (X 10) of a specimen from the Twin Creek Limestone locality near Thistle, Utah. USGS 28458, USNM 132640. 16. Front view (X 10) of a specimen from the same locality. USGS 28458, USNM 144849. 17. Back view (X 10) of a specimen from the same locality. USGS 28458, USNM 144850. Neridomus? sp. (p. D19) Profile, apical, front, and back views (X 4) of a specimen from 100. 2. USGS 21448, USNM 144851. Symmetrocapulus? corrugatus Sohl, n. sp. (p. D15) Apical and side views (natural size) of the holotype from 10c. 21. USGS 16202, USNM 144827. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*D PLATE 1 TROCHACEA?, TEINOSTOMOPSIS?, OOLITICIA‘3, PLEUROTOMARIA?, NODODELPHINULA?, AMBERLEYA?, CYLINDROBULLINA?, NERIDOMUS?, AND SYMMETROCAPULUS? \ PLATE 2 FIGURES 1—3, 7—10, 14. Lyosoma powelli White (p. D17) 1—3. Front, apical, and back views (X 2) of a silicified specimen, that retains (fig. 1) the median inner lip septum, from member B of the Twin Creek Limestone, Afton quadrangle, Wyoming. USGS 16036, USNM 144834. 7—9, 14. Back, front, top, and side views (X 2) of the lectotype from mouth of Thistle Creek, Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah. USNM 144835. 10. Top View of a syntype (X 2) from the same locality. USNM 144836. 4—6. Lyosoma n. sp. (p. D17) Back, top, and front views (X 2) of a specimen mentioned by Stanton (1899, p. 630), from the Rierdon Formation on Fawn Creek, Yellowstone National Park, Mont. USNM 30591. 11—13, 15—24. Lyosoma enoda Sohl, n. sp. (p. D18) 11—13. Top, front, and back views (X 4) of a specimen from the cotype lot of Nen'tz'na phaseolaris from Salt Creek near Nephi, Utah. USNM 144837. 15, 16, 19. Back, top, and profile views (X 3) of the holotype from 10c. 23. USGS 17412, USNM 144838. 17, 20. Front and back views (X 4) of a specimen from the cotype lot of Nen'tina phaseolaris from Salt Creek, near Nephi, Utah. USNM 144839. 18. Back View (X 2) of a worn specimen, showing two major color bands, from loc. 25. USGS 24258; USNM 144840. 21. Apical view (X 3) of a paratype from locality 23. USGS 17412, USNM 144841. 22. Enlargement (X 3) of two specimens (shown in fig. 24) from Ice. 4. USGS 21446, USNM 144842. 23. View (natural size) of an incomplete specimen, showing two strong color bands, the “Lower Sundance Formation” of Wyoming. USGS 20369, USNM 144843. 24. View (natural size) of a small hand specimen, showing association of Lyosoma enoda with coarse rounded shell and limestone pebbles, from 100. 4. USGS 21446, USNM 144842. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503~D PLATE 2 L YOSOMA LATE 3 FIGURES 1—6. Rhabdocolpus viriows Sohl, n. sp. (p. D21) 1. Back view (X 8) of a paratype, showing alinement of transverse ribs, from the Twin Creek Limestone, near Thistle, Utah. USGS 28458, USNM 144852. 2. Drawing of a front view (X 14) of a paratype from 100. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144853. 3. Drawing (X 5) of a worn paratype, showing development of spiral sculpture, from 106. 33. USGS 16624, USNM 144854. 4. Back view (X 10) of a worn paratype, showing alinement of ribs, from 100. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144855. 5. Back view (X5) of a specimen from the Twin Creek Limestone near Thistle, Utah. USGS 28458, USNM 144846. 6. Back view (X 8) of the holotype, showing coronate ribs of the body whorl, from the Twin Creek Limestone near Thistle, Utah. USGS 28458, USNM 144856. 7. Pseudomelam‘a? sp. (p. D21) Back View (X 4) of a specimen from 10c. 26A. USGS 25669, USNM 144857. 8—11. Procerithium? sp. (p. D21) 8. Front view (X 5) of a specimen from 100. 2GB. USGS 28456, USNM 144858. 9. Drawing (X 7) of a worn specimen from 100. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144859. 10. Back View (X 6) of a specimen from 100. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144860. 11. Front view (X 6) of a Specimen from 100. 26B. USGS 28456, USNM 144861. 12—21. Neritina? phaseolaris White (p. D19) 12, 14, 15. Top, back, and profile views (X 4) of a syntype from Salt Creek, near Nephi, Utah. USNM 8587. 13. Top view (X 2) of a specimen, showing color markings from the Carmel Formation at 10c. 25. USGS 24258, USN M 132843. 16, 17. Back and top views (X 4) of a specimen from the Carmel Formation at 100. 32. USGS 24258, USNM 144844. 18—20. Top, front, and profile views (X 4) of the lectotype from Salt Creek, near Nephi, Utah. USNM 144845. 21. Back View (X 4) of a specimen from the Carmel Formation at 100. 25. USGS 24258, USNM 144846. PROFESSIONAL PAPER SOB-D PLATE 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RHABDOCOLPUS, PSEUDOMELANIA?, PROCERITHIUM? AND NERITINA? PLATE 4 FIGURES 1—8. Cossmcmnea imlayi Sohl, n. sp. (p. D23) 1. Back view (natural size) of a paratype from 100. 310. USGS 28468, USNM 144861. 2, 3. Front and back views (natural size) of a paratype from 100. 31C. USGS 28468, USNM 144862. 4. Front view (natural size) of a paratype from 100. 310. USGS 28468, USNM 144863. 5. Back view (natural size) of the holotype from 100. 310. USGS 28468, USNM 144864. 6. Back view (natural size) of a paratype from 100. 31C. USGS 28468, USNM 144865. 7. Polished longitudinal section (X 1%) of a paratype from 100. 31C. USGS 28468, USNM 144866. 8. Polished longitudinal section (X 11/2) of a paratype from 100. 310. USGS 28468, USNM 144867. 9, 17, 18. Cossmannea? kanabensis Sohl, n. sp. (p. D24) 9. View (X 3) of a paratype, showing whorl cross section, from 100. 34A. USGS 28473, USNM 144868. 17. Back View (X 3) of the holotype from 100. 34A. USGS 28473, USNM 144869. 18. Front view (X 3) of a paratype from 100. 40. USGS 17351, USNM 144870. 10—15. Globularia? sp. (p. D22) 10. Apical View (X 2) of a specimen from 100. 38B. USGS 28495, USNM 144871. 11, 12. Front and back View (X 2) of a specimen from loc. 31B. USGS 26307, USNM 144872. 13. Back View (X 2) of a specimen from 100. 15A. USGS 28463, USNM 144874. 14. Front view (X 2) of a specimen from 100. 38B. USGS 28495, USNM 144873. 15. Front View (X 2) of a specimen from 100. 15A. USGS 28463, USNM 144875. 16, 19. Tylostoma? sp. (p. D22) 16. Back view (natural size) of a specimen from 100. 15A. USGS 28463, USNM 132641. 19. Back view (natural size) of a specimen from 10c. 17B. USGS 25684, USNM 144844. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503-D PLATE 4 y} 1..“ Fury” 5%) 5%! 17 COSSMANNEA, GLOBULARIA‘L TYLOSTOMA? PLATE 5 FIGURES 1—3. Views of weathered limestone surfaces from the Carmel Formation and Twin Creek Limestone showing concentrations of small gastropod species. 1. Specimens (X 2) of Cylindrobullina? sp. and an indeterminate tur- riculate snail from 100. 7B. USGS 18671, USNM 144845. 2. Concentration of turriculate gastropods (X 2) from mouth of Thistle Creek. Surface of specimens too worn for positive identification. USNM 19965. 3. Enlarged view (X 5) of a section of a hand sample, showing inter- mixture of Cylindrobullina? sp., Rhabdocolpuc viriosus, indetermi- nate gastropods, and crinoid debris, from the Twin Creek Lime- stone near Thistle, Utah. USGS 28458, USNM 144846. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*D PLATE 5 ma“ , 55W I my * SPECIMENS OF CARMEL LIMESTONE 4575 7% 7”” 0.503-5 ’ eVision of Some Paleozoic Coral. Species from the Western United States GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—E / \TY 0F c , 3&3 AUFQQ; / NOV 161965 R <9, ~x % \4’7/ SCIENCE LR,“ Revision of Some Paleozoic Coral Species from the Western United States By WILLIAM J. SANDO CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—E Rea’escrz'pz‘z'om of 12 species arigz'nally a’escrz'éea’ a} Hall, M eelz, and W/zz'z‘efrom material collecteaI a} t/ze Seawater}, Hayden, W/zeeler, King, aaaI Powell expeditiom UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1965 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent. of Documents, 17.8. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20MB - Price 65 cents CONTENTS Page Page Abstract ——————————————————————————————————————————— E1 Systematic paleontology—Continued Introduction _______________________________________ 1 Genus Caninia Michelin in Gervais _______________ E21 Systematic paleontology _____________________________ 2 Cam'm'a, excenm'ca (Meek) ___________________ 22 Genus Laphophylh‘dium Grabau ___________________ 2 Caninia nevadensis (Meek) ___________________ 25 Lophophyllidium sauridens (White) ____________ 3 Genus Faoiphyllum Hall ------------------------- 27 Genus Barytichisma Moore and J eflords ___________ 7 “Favtphyllum rugosum” Hall ----------------- 28 Barytichisma zaphrentiforme (White)___' _______ 7 Genus Scwz’hyllum 33“?“ and MFLaren ---------- 29 . . Scwphyllum adjunctwum (White) _____________ 29 Genus Dorlodotw Salée __________________________ 11 . . . Genus Syrmgopora Goldfuss ______________________ 31 Dorlodotw subcaesmtosa (Meek) ............... 11 Syn-”gopm occidentalis Meek ________________ 31 Genus Orygmophyllum Fomichev ------------------ 15 Order Tabulata, position uncertain _______________ 32 Orygmozwhyllum? whitneyi (White) ————————————— 15 “Leptopora winchelli” White _________________ 32 Genus Faberophyllum Parks ______________________ 18 References cited ____________________________________ 33 Faberophyllum stansburyi (Hall) _____________ 18 Index _____________________________________________ 37 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] PLATE 1. Lophophyllidium sauridens (White). 3. Barytichisma zaphrentiforme (White). 4. Dorlodotia subcaespitosa (Meek). 5. Orygmophyllum? whitneyz’ (White). 6. Durhamina cordillerensis (Easton) and Orygmophyllum? whitneyi (White). 7. Lithostrotion (Siphonodendron) sp. 8. Faberophyllum stansburyi (Hall) and Syringopora occidentalis Meek. 9. Faberophyllum stansburyi (Hall). 10—12. Camim'a excentrica (Meek). 13. C’am‘m‘a trojana Easton and Cam'm'a nevadensis (Meek). . 14. “Fam’phyllum rugosum” Hall and “Leptopora winchelli” White. 15. Sciophyllum adjunctivum (White). Page FIGURES 1—7. Scatter diagrams showing relation between—— 1. Alar diameter and maximum diameter of columella in Lophophyllidium sauridens (White) _________ E5 2. Alar diameter and number of major septa in Lophophyllidium sauridens (White) and L. proliferum (McChesney)--_-______-_-________-___-___________. ____________________________________ 5 3. Alar diameter and number of major septa in Barytichisma‘Zaphrentiforme (White) _________________ 9 4. Corallite diameter and number of major septa. in Dorlodotia subcaespitosa (Meek) _________________ 12 5. Corallite diameter and number of major septa in Orygmophyllum? whitneyi (White) ________________ 16 6. Alar diameter and number of major septa in Canim‘a excentrica (Meek) __________________________ 23 7. Alar diameter and number of major septa in Caninia enormis Easton and Cam'm'a nevadensis (Meek)- _ 27 TABLE Page TABLE 1. Disposition of described coral taxa ________________________________________________________________ E2 in CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES FROM THE WESTERN UNITED STATES By WILLIAM J. SANDO ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of a restudy of the type specimens of coral species described as Carboniferous forms in the various reports of the Federal geological surveys of the Western United States made in the latter half of the 19th century. The specimens were collected from localities in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, and New Mexico from strata of Ordovician or Silurian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and possibly Permian age. The classification of corals has changed so profoundly in the last hundred years that only 2 of the 12 species considered retain the same generic names under which they were originally described. Zaphrentis multilamellata Hall is considered to be a junior subjective synonym of Zaphrentis stansbwyi Hall, which is redescribed as a species of Faberophyllum Parks and regarded as a nomen dubium. Faviphyllum? rages-um Hall is an available name but has been referred to the International Commission on Zoological Nomen- clature for suppression because retention of this binomen would not serve the best interests of stability in nomenclature. Zaphrentis ewcentrica Meek and Oyathophyllum (Campophyl- lam?) neoadense Meek are regarded as closely related species of Cam'm‘a Michelin. Oyathophyllum subcaespitosum Meek is re- described as a species of Dorlodotia Salée. Syringopora 000i- dentalis Meek is considered to be a nomen dubium. Lithostrotton whimeyi White (not Meek) is questionably placed in the genus Orygmophyllum Fomichev and considered as a nomen dubium. Lophophyllum proliferum var. saum’dens White is elevated to species rank and allocated to the genus Lophophyl- lidium Grabau. White’s Amplezus zaphrenttformis is rede- scribed as a species of Barytichisma Moore and Jeffords. Acervulam‘a adjunctiva White is referred to the genus Sciophyl- lum Harker and McLaren. White’s Leptopora winchem is probably a favositid coral of Ordovician or Silurian age, but the type material is so poorly preserved that the name is regarded as a nomen dubium. INTRODUCTION In the 15 years immediately following the Civil War, extensive geological exploration of the western terri- tories was sponsored by the Federal Government. It was during this time that the Hayden, King, Wheeler, and Powell expeditions laid the foundations that led to the establishment in 1879 of the present U.S. Geo- logical Survey. Among the fossils collected by these expeditions were specimens that became the types of some of the first Paleozoic coral species to be described from the Western United States. This paper presents the results of a restudy of type specimens of species originally described as Carboniferous forms from the western territories by the distinguished paleontologists C. A. White and F. B. Meek. The study also includes three Carboniferous species described by James Hall in 1852 from material collected by the Stansbury expedition to the Great Salt Lake. When these species were first described, paleon- tologists had just begun to appreciate the importance of internal morphology in the taxonomy of Paleozoic corals. Thin-section techniques were not used by these early American investigators, and observations of inter- nal details were made on broken specimens or, rarely, on polished surfaces. The specimens were illustrated by means of sketches and line drawings. Because the studies were published before the advent of modern rules of zoological nomenclature, many decisions re- mained to be made concerning designation of type specimens. In spite of these difficulties, some of the species names have come into wide use, extending even into the literature of recent years. Meanwhile, the type specimens have laid virtually untouched in the collections of the US. National Museum, some for nearly a century, others longer. R. S. Bassler made a few thin sections from some of the type material, but these sections were never illustrated or described. A dozen species are dealt with in this paper (table 1) . Six of these are retained as useful taxonomic concepts, one is placed in the synonymy of another species, four are regarded as nomina dubia, and one is rejected (ICZN action pending). Thin sections of the type material are herein described and illustrated for the first time, and lectotypes are selected. Various speci- mens that were incorrectly assigned to the species under consideration are also discussed and illustrated. Syn- onymies compiled for each species hopefully include E1 E2 Original designation CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY TABLE l.—Disposition of described coral tam Recommended designation Age Type locality Acervularia adjunctiva White, 1880 ______ Sciophyllum adjunctz'vum (White) ______ Late Mississippian ___________ Idaho. Amplexus zaphrentiformis White, 1876--- Barytz'chisma zaphrentifarme (White)-__ Middle Pennsylvanian _______ Colorado. Cyizgégphyllum subcaespitosum Meek, Dorlodotz'a. subcaespitosa (Meek) ------- Late Mississippian ----------- Idaho. Cyathophyllum (Campophyllum?) C’cm’m’a nevadensis (Meek) ----------------- do _____________________ Utah. nevadense Meek, 1877. Faviphyllum? rugosum Hall, 1852 _______ “Faviplt)yllum rugosum” Hall (rejected Early Mississippian __________ Do. name . Leptopora winchelli White, 1879 ________ “Ldepéqparsz winchelli” White (nomen Ordovician or Silurian -------- Do. u ium . Lithostrotion whitneyi White, 1875 (not Orygmophyllum? whitneyi (White) Pennsylvanian? _____________ Nevada. Meek, 1877). (nomen dubium). Lo‘péigphylllggn proliferum var. sauridens Lophophyllidium sauridens (White)-___ Early Pennsylvanian --------- New Mexico. ite, 5. Syringopora occidentalis Meek, 1877 ----- dubium). Zaphrentis excentrica Meek, 1873 _______ Zaphrentis multilamellata Hall, 1852 ----- (nomen dubium). Zaphrentis stansburyi Hall, 1852 ________ (nomen dubium). Syringopora occidentalis Meek (nomen Cam'm‘a excentrica (Meek) ____________ Faberophyllum stansburyz' (Hall) Faberophyllum stansburyi (Hall) Pennsylvanian or Permian-___ Utah. Late Mississippian ----------- Montana. _____ do_________-_--_---____ Utah. _____ do-_-__-_---__--__--__- Do. every important usage of the species name and its synonyms through the year 1963. The geographic lo- cation, stratigraphic position, and geologic age of the type localities have been reevaluated in modern terms. The primary type specimens of all species described are in the collections of the US. National Museum, Wash- ington, D.C. Morphologic terminology follows that of Hill (1956, p. 234—251), with the exception of the terms alar diameter and calicular angle, which are defined in another paper (Sando, 1961). The terminology of microstructural elements is that of Kato (1963) . Almost all the lectotypes were photographed before thin sections were cut from them. Plaster replicas of the primary types were also made before the thin- section operation, and the positions of thin sections are indicated on these replicas. Serial peels were made from some of the primary and secondary type material. Inasmuch as supraspecific revisions are beyond the scope of this paper, a conventional treatment has been followed in the taxonomic hierarchy above the species level. The classification is generally that of Hill (1956), with the exception of minor changes in the composition of some of the genera. Generic synon- ymies are designed to show conventional usage and are intentionally abbreviated. I am indebted to G. A. Cooper and R. S. Boardman of the US. National Museum for making the type specimens herein described available to me for study. I am also grateful to W. H. Easton, P. K. Sutherland, E. C. Wilson, and R. H. Hansman for the loan of speci- mens and for important information on the occurrences of some of the species. Mackenzie Gordon, J r., Betty Skipp, and L. G. Henbest identified some of the fossils associated with the types and contributed information on the ages of the collections. R. L. Langenheim, J r., R. H. Olson, Walter Sadlick, A. H. Coogan, and C. B. Read provided various data pertaining to the occur- rences of some of the species. The paper has benefited from the technical criticism of Helen Duncan and W. A. Oliver, Jr. Thin sections were prepared by W. C. Pinckney, J r., and K. R. Moore. The photographs are the work of D. H. Massie (thin sections) and Jack Scott (exteriors). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Phylum COELENTERATA Class ANTHOZOA Order RUGOSA Suborder STREPTELASMATINA Superfamily CYAT‘HAXONIICAE Family LOPHO‘PHYLLIDIIDAE Genus LOPHOPEYLLIDIUM ,Grabau Lophophyllidium Grabau, p. 98—99. Lophophyludium Grabau. J effords, p. .211—213. Lophophyllidium Grabau. Moore and Jeffords, Lophophyllidium Grabau. J efifords, p. 21—23. Lophophyllidium Grabau. Hill, p. 256. 1928. 1942. 1945. 1947. 1956. p. 93. Type species.—0yathamonia. prolifem McChesney, (1860, p. 75). Pennsylvanian (Missouri), Illinois. Diagnosis.—Straight or slightly curved conico- cylindrical solitary corals having a relatively large axial columella composed of a median plate which arises from the counter septum and radiating lamellae sur- rounded by dense deposits of stereoplasm. Major septa long and rhopaloid. Tabulae present. Dissepiments absent. (Summarized from Jefi'ords, 1947, p. 21.) REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES Lophophyllidium saurldens (White) Plate 1 1875. Lophophyllum proliferum Mc-Chesney, sp., var. sauridens White, p. 101, pl. 6, figs. 4a—d (preprint of White’s 1877 report). 1877. Lophophyllum proliferum McChesney, sp., var. sum-ideas White, p. 101, pl. 6, figs. 4a—d. 1881. Lophophyllum sauridens White, p. xvi. 1898. Lophophyllum profundum var. sauridens White. Weller, p. 334 (bibliographic citation). 1905. Lophophyllum proliferum sauridens White. Schuchert, p. 369 (bibliographic citation). 1937. [not] Lophophyllum profundu/m var. sauridens White? Girty, in King, p. 82. 1942. Lophophyllidium? proliferum var. sauridens (White). J effords, p. 253. 1945. Lophophyllum proliferum var. sauride'ns White. Moore and J effords, p. 109. 1947. Lophophyllum profundum saw-ideas [= Lophophyllidium sauridens] White. Jeffords, p. 9. 1950. Lophophyllidt‘um profumtum sauridens (White). Bassler, p. 234 (bibliographic citation). Type materiaZ.—The syntype lot consisted of five specimens cataloged under USNM 8499. Two of White’s illustrated specimens were partly destroyed by him in order to show internal features by means of pol- ished surfaces. One of these specimens, the original of White’s figure 40, is retained under USNM 8499. The other specimen, the original of White’s figure 4b, has been given the new USNM number 144764. A third specimen that has a broken calice, illustrated by White as figure 4d, has been given the new USN M num- ber 144765. These specimens are all regarded as paralectotypes. Two nearly complete specimens were not figured by White. One of these, here designated lectotype for the species, has been given the new USNM number 144762. The other, a paralectotype, now bears USNM number 144763. An additional suite of 21 uncataloged specimen of the species was found in the US. National Museum collec- tions. The locality label reads: “Carboniferous, near Santa Fe, N.M., Wheeler Survey.” Although these specimens, now cataloged under USNM 144767, may have been a part of the original collection, I cannot be certain that White included them in the type lot. Therefore, I regard these specimens as topotypes. One of the topotypes, figured in this paper, has been removed from the original lot and is now cataloged under USN M 144766. Description of Zectotype.—The corallum is a very slightly curved cone and has maximum curvature slightly to one side of the cardinal-counter plane. The cardinal septum is on the concave side of the corallum. The length of the corallum is 22 mm, and its maximum diameter is 10.6 mm, measured at the top of the calice. The calicular angle is approximately 25°. The caliee E3 is at least 10 mm deep, but because the top of the speci- men may be incomplete, the exact depth of the calice is uncertain. The columella projects about 9 mm into the calice. The exterior of the corallum is marked longitudinally with moderately coarse interseptal ridges and deep septal grooves. Transverse ornamen- tation consists of fine growth lines and a few low wrinkles. Internal features were studied by means of four transverse thin sections. The earliest transverse section (pl. 1, fig. 7) was cut approximately 3 mm above the tip of the corallum at a corallum diameter of 3 mm. This section reveals 19 wedge-shaped major septa which, together with a poorly defined columella, occupy almost all the space within the corallum. The arrangement of septa is, in clockwise order, 'as follows: cardinal septum, two cardinal lateral septa, alar septum, five counter lateral septa, counter septum, six counter lat- eral septa, alar septum, two cardinal lateral septa. The cardinal septum is only slightly shorter than most of the septa of the counter quadrants, but it is longer than the two adjacent cardinal lateral septa. The columella appears as a dark mass of stereoplasm approximately half a m in diameter and has obscure boundaries. Within this mass is a sinuous dark line which appears to be connected with the median line of the counter septum. The next section (pl. 1, fig. 8) was cut approximately 4 mm above the tip of the corallum at a diameter of 5 mm. As in the previous section, the corallum is almost entirely filled by the major septa and the columella. The 21 major septa are all of approximately equal length and thickness so that the protosepta are not readily distinguishable. However, the alar septa can be identified by their positions on the cardinal sides oftwo slightly shorter septa, which represent the newest additions to the counter quadrants. The colu- mella is now moderately “well defined and appears in cross section as an ellipse 1.0 by 1.3 mm, oriented with its long axis parallel to the cardinal-counter plane. A sinuous dark line along the long axis of the ellipse marks the median lamella of the columella. The traces of six lateral lamellae can now be seen joining the median lamella of the columella. There is no longer any evidence of continuity between the counter septum and the columella. The third section (pl. 1, fig. 9) was cut approximately 9 mm above the tip of the corallum at a diameter of 7.3 mm. There are 24 major septa at this stage. The cardinal septum is thinner and somewhat shorter than the other major septa, which are all rhopaloid and terminate against the columella. Cardinal and alar fos- sulae are poorly defined. The counter septum is slightly longer than its neighbors but is not connected to the E4 columella. The columella is well defined, elliptical in cross section (1.4 by 1.9 mm) and oriented as before with its median lamella in the cardinal—counter plane. Five lateral lamellae join the median lamella. Traces of tabulae can be seen between the attenuated peripheral segments of the major septa. The fourth section (pl. 1, fig. 10) was cut through the calice approximately 16 mm above the tip of the corallum at a diameter of 9.5 mm. The 26 major septa have all withdrawn varying distances from the columella, and short minor septa appear for the first time. The cardinal septum is very short, represented by a low ridge on the interior of the corallum wall. The counter septum is also short, but not as short as the cardinal. The columella is a completely independent structure 2.4 by 3.0 mm in cross section. The median lamella and traces of five lateral lamellae are readily seen. Faint concentric layers of stereoplasm are also evident within the columella. The septa consist of an inner part dominated by para-feather structure, which may be superimposed on a pseudo-trabecular structure, and an outer fibro- lameller layer. Description of paraleototypes.—The four paralecto- types are all incomplete coralla. The largest specimen (pl. 1, fig. 11) is 35 mm long and 12 mm in maximum di- ameter. The coralla are slightly curved cones, some showing more curvature than the lectotype in the lower 10 mm of their length. Maximum curvature of the corallum is mainly in the cardinal-counter plane, and the cardinal septum is on the concave side. The calicu- lar angle is between 20° and 25°. Ornamentation is similar to that of the lectotype. In two specimens, the columella projects 5—7 mm into the calice, the depth of which cannot be determined. A longitudinal section (pl. 1, fig. 12) of one of the paralectotypes, the original of White’s (1875) figure 4b, reveals the structure of the columella and the nature of the tabulae. This section appears to be in or near the cardinal-counter plane. The columella is composed of a series of nested cones consisting of thin layers of fibro-lamellar stereoplasm. Vertical zigzag dark lines within the columella represent the traces of the medium lamella and lateral lamellae on the plane of section. Small irregular areas of ’sparry calcite, representing open spaces in the structure, are also evident. The tabulae are generally complete, slightly sigmoidal in cross section, and inclined from the columella at an angle of approximately 45° from the horizontal. Tab- ulae are regularly spaced at approximately l-mm intervals. In vertical section each tabula appears to consist of a thin dark line overlain by a layer of seem— ingly amorphous stereoplasm. The dark lines termi- nate abruptly at the columella and the inner face of the CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY theca, but the layers of stereoplasm are continuous with the conical layers of the columella. Two transverse sections cut from the other specimen not figured by White (USNM 144763) show interesting variations from the lectotype. The lower section (pl. 1, fig. 2) was cut about 6 mm above the tip of the corallum at a diameter of 5 mm. This section shows 22 major septa arranged in clockwise order, as follows: cardinal septum, 3 cardinal lateral septa, alar septum, 6 counter lateral septa, counter septum, 6 counter lateral septa, alar septum, and 3 cardinal lateral septa. The axial region is filled with stereoplasm, but a discrete columella is not evident. The counter septum and second cardinal lateral septum are very long and extend into the axial region. The other transverse section (pl. 1, fig. 1), cut ap- proximately 16 mm above the tip of the corallum at a diameter of about 9 mm, was broken during preparation and does not show all the internal features of the coral- lum. This section is of interest because it shows a complex columella with an irregular outline and open spaces within the columellar structure. Dark lines within the columella mark the traces of columellar lamellae which form an irregular network. One sep- tum in the counter half of the corallum, presumably the counter septum, appears to be continuous with this network. Other features are similar to those seen in the third transverse section of the lectotype. Description of topotypesr—The topotype suite in- cludes coralla whose size and shape generally ranges within the same limits as those observed in the primary type specimens. The largest specimen in the topotype assemblage is a fragmentary corallum more than 35 mm long and 13 mm in maximum diameter, but most of the specimens are less than 25 mm long and attain a diam- eter of less than 12 mm. The calicular angle is 20°—25°. The coralla are slightly curved in the cardinal-counter plane and the cardinal side is invariably concave. Subcalicular features were not studied on most of the topotypes. However, measurements of alar diameter, columellar diameter, and number of major septa were made on broken calices of mature topotype coralla. These data are presented, along with similar data obtained from the primary types and from hypotypes from the collections of P. K. Sutherland, in the varia- tion diagrams (figs. 1 and 2). An ontogenetic series was made by means of cellulose acetate peels on one topotype and is presented on plate 1, figures 13—22. T ype locality—Locality data given by White (1875, p. 103) are “strata of the Carboniferous period; near Santa Fé, New Mexico, and at Rook Creek, Lake County, Colorado.” The same information appears on locality labels that accompany the primary type speci- mens. A penciled note by G. H. Girty found with the REVISION OF SOME 4 I I I 3 . A o 5 . ' fl 0 E 3 o _l O ow3— o o o — LLE ' 2% ' L|J— A a: ‘ E2 o. DZ2_ — E o 3 E x < E 1 l | I 7 8 9 10 11 ALAR DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS FIGURE 1.—-Scatter diagram showing relation between alar diam- eter and maximum diameter of columella in mature stages of lectotype (open circle), 13 topotypes (solid circles), and 3 hypotypes (solid triangles) of Lophophyllidium sauridens (White). specimens states: “It is my belief that all these speci- mens are from Santa Fe.” Inasmuch as the specimens 12 PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES .E5 are all very similar in preservation and closely resemble other specimens from Santa Fe in the U.S. National Museum collections, I agree with Girty’s interpretation that the Colorado locality is not represented in the type material. The type collection was probably made by the Wheeler Survey expedition of 1873, for which G. K. Gilbert was the geologist. Unfortunately, Gilbert (1875, p. 520) did not give a description of the geology around Santa Fe, although he mentioned a collection of “Coal- Measure fossils made by Mr. Keasbey, near Santa Fe” in his report. I have found no other information in the literature or with the type specimens that could aid in establishing the exact location and age of the type locality. Inasmuch as direct evidence bearing on the type 10- cality is lacking, I have attempted to arrive at a reason- able approximation by indirect means. The disco'very of a suite of 21 uncataloged specimens considered to be topotypes of the species in the U.S. National Museum collections provided a key to the age of strata at the type locality. These specimens, identical with the types L. proliferum ALAR DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS 1 I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I + __.__————-——A ‘ A 10- A A A A X + A A A AX EX PLA N ATION A L. proliferum + Neotype >< Hypotype L. sauridens L. so u ridens _ A Topotype o Lectotype o Para lectotype A Hypotype o I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 NUMBER OF MAJOR SEPTA FIGURE 2.—Scatter diagram showing relation between alar diameter and number of major septa by means of 32 measurements on lectotype, paralectotype, 13 topotypes, and 3 hypotypes of Lophophyllidium sauridens (White). Similar data based on 10 measurements of neotype and 2 hypotypes of L. proliferum (McChesney) plotted for comparison (data from Jeffords, 1947, pl. 1) . E6 in morphology, preservation, and general appearance, were accompanied by a label indicating that they were collected by the Wheeler Survey “near Santa Fe.” In the same drawer, and bearing locality labels similar to that of the topotypes, the following brachiopods were found (identifications by Mackenzie Gordon, Jr.) :Sche'zophom'a Oklahomae Dunbar and Condra, Spirifer occiduus Sadlick, Linopmductus nodosus (Newberry), Jiwesamia sp., and an indeterminate dic- tyoclostid. According to Gordon (oral commun., 1963), these forms indicate an Early or Middle Pennsylvanian (Morrow 0r Atoka) age. P. K. Sutherland, who has recently studied the Penn- sylvanian strata in the vicinity of Santa Fe, provided me with the following information (written commun., 1963) : Most of the [Santa Fe] area is covered by gravels of the Cenozoic Santa Fe Group which rests directly on the Precam- brian along most of the Sangre de Cristo Mountain front. How- ever, there are a few windows in the gravels Where limited thickness of Pennsylvanian rocks are exposed. The only such exposure “near Santa Fe” is on the northeast edge of the city at some long abandoned, shallow quarries. The sequence here exposes about 50 feet of Morrowan strata (base covered) which are faulted against about 175 feet of “Atokan” strata (top cov- ered by Cenozoic). No corals occur in the “Atokan” interval but I have found corals uncommonly at two horizons in the Morrowan interval. Almost all of the other Pennsylvanian out- crops near Santa Fe, most of which are small and poorly ex- posed, are of Morrowan rocks. Dr. Sutherland kindly allowed me to study the lopho- phyllidid corals that he collected at two localities near the eastern edge of Santa Fe. I was able to identify the following material as Lophophyllt'dz'um saum'dens: (1) Four specimens from Sutherland’s unit 11 (Mor— rowan) of his section 61, La Pasada Formation of Sutherland (1963), 36—51 feet above the base of the section (covered interval at base), at the northeast edge of abandoned Sante Fe quarries, about two-tenths of a mile northeast of Gonzales Road and Cerro Gordo Road; (2) three specimens from Sutherland’s unit 5 (Morrowan) of his section 90, La Pasada Formation near the base of the section (covered interval at base), in the east bank of an unnamed tributary of the Sante Fe River where the creek is crossed by Cerro Gordo Road, 1.2 miles east of the intersection with Gonzales Road. At the quarry locality, the corals are associated with Schz'zophom'a, oklahomae Dunbar and Condra, Neo- spim’fer? goreéi (Mather), and “Productus” wellem' (Mather) and occur above beds that contain N eospiri- fer? 90746573 (Mather), Schizophom'a teacoma Girty, Lino- productus nodasus (Newberry), and Chonetes Miam— sanus Mather (Sutherland, written commun., 1963). At the Sante Fe River valley locality, the corals. occur in the same bed with Schizophom’a Oklahoma Dunbar CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY and Condra and Neospirifer gorez'z’ (Mather); brach— iopod faunules collected above and below the coral horizon include Neospz’m’fer? goreiz' (Mather), Lino— productus nodasus (Newberry), Jhonetes arkansa'rms Mather, “Prodtwtus” wellem' (Mather), Kmtom'a glob- bosa (Mather), and Schizopho'ria, tewoma Girty (Suther- land, written commun., 1963). According to Suther- land, the two intervals from which fossils were collected correlate approximately with beds 50—125 feet above the base of the La Pasada Formation at N ambe Falls, where the Pennsylvanian rests unconformably on rocks of mid-Mississippian age. Unfortunately, Sutherland’s specimens of Lophohyl- Zidéum- sauridens do not compare favorably in preserva- tion and general appearance with the type material. The type specimens are almost entirely calcareous, whereas Sutherland’s specimens are completely silici— fied, and the color of specimens and matrix is not the same in the two groups of specimens. Although the Sante Fe quarry locality has probably been accessible for the past one hundred years and is therefore a logical choice for the site of the type locality, differences in preservation and color of the specimens leave considerable doubt. In summary, the available evidence does not reveal unambiguously the precise geographic location of the type locality. It does suggest, however, that the type material was collected from a horizon of Early Penn- sylvanian (Morrow) age in the La Pasada Formation of Sutherland (1963) somewhere in the vicinity of Sante Fe. Discussion—White (1875, p. 101) originally proposed this taxon as a variety of Lophophg/Zlum prolifemm (McChesney), but later (White, 1881, p. xvi) regarded it as a distinct species. Subsequent authors (see synon— ymy) have treated it variously as a variety of Lopho— phyllmn prolifemm (McChesney) or L. profundum (Milne-Edwards and Haime) or as a separate species. When J effords (1942) revised Lophophyllidium Grabau and demonstrated that this name was applicable to many upper Paleozoic corals previously assigned to Lophophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime, he correctly assigned “Vhite’s species to Lophophyllidium. A study of descriptions and illustrations of North American species of Lophophyllt’dium indicates that White’s specimens are most similar to Lophophyllidium prolifemm. I have examined the question of the exact relation of White’s material to Lophophgllz’dium pro- liferum by comparing White’s specimens with J efl‘ords’ (1942, p. 213—219; pl. 1, figs. 1—3; pl. 8, fig. 2) descrip- tions and illustrations of the neotype and topotypes of L. prolifemm. I conclude that White’s specimens constitute a distinct species. REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES Lophophyllidium saupidens and L. proliferum in- clude coralla of approximately the same size and shape, and in both species the cardinal septum is generally on the concave side of the corallum; however, the corallum of L. sauridens is generally straighter than that of L. pmlifemm. L. sauridens lacks the extreme curva- ture in the lower part of the corallum, which charac- terizes L. prolifemm. The columella has approximately the same diameter in the two species, but it projects several millimeters farther into the calice of L. sauri- dens. Furthermore, continuity between the counter septum and the columella beyond the earliest stages seems to be less prevalent in L. saw-ideas than in L. prolifemm, and the internal structure of the columella may be more complex in the former. L. sci/Widens has a larger number of major septa than L. prolifemm at all corallum diameters (fig. 2). The tabulae of L. mum'dens are spaced more regularly and slightly closer, and the minor septa are shorter than in L. proliferum which has a more distinct cardinal fossula. In addition to the type material, my concept of Lophophyllidium sauridens includes two specimens (USNM 9459) listed by White (1881, p. xvi) from a locality near Taos, N. Mex., and four specimens (USNM 41242) from Santa Fe in the collections of E. O. Ulrich. Also included in the species are seven specimens from two localities on the outskirts of Santa Fe collected by P. K. Sutherland. Two specimens (USGS loc. 6923) from the Gaptank Formation of the Marathon region, Texas, referred to the species by Girty (in King, 1937, p. 82) appear to belong to an undescribed species of Stepeocorypha Moore and J effords. Family HASPSIPHYLLIDAE Genus BARYTICHISMA Moore and J'efi’ords 1945. Barytichis’ma Moore and Jeffords, p. 131. Type species.—Barytichisma crassum Moore and Jeifords (1945, p. 131—132, figs. 111—113, 123). Penn- sylvanian (Morrow), Texas. Diagnosis.—Slightly curved conico—cylindrical soli- tary corals that have a thick tlieca. Major septa are pinnately arranged and axially confluent in early stages but become radially arranged and amplexoid in mature stages. Tabulae generally flat but with downturned margins. Dissepiments absent. Barytichisma zaphrentiforme (White) Plates 2 and 3 1876. Amplepus zaphrentiformis White, 1). 88, 107. 1880b. Amplewus zaphrentiformis White, 1). 120, pl. 33, figs. laid. 1889. Ampleams zaphrentiformis White. ographic citation). Miller, p. 172 (bibli- E7 1898. Amplewus zaph'rentiformis White. Weller, p. 84 (bibli‘ ographic citation). 1903. Amplewus zaphrcntiformis. Girty, p. 34. 1905. Amplewus zaphrentiformis White. Schuchert, p. 41 (bibliographic citation) . 1950. Amplemus zaphrentiformis White. Bassler, p. 219 (bibli— ographic citation) . Type material—The syntype lot consisted of 102 specimens cataloged under USNM numbers 8064 and 35696. USNM 8064, cataloged in 1879, consisted of 41 specimens, including the 4 illustrated by White (1880b, pl. 33, figs. 1a—d). USNM 35696 included 61 specimens cataloged in 1906. White (1876, p. 108) stated that there were “nearly one hundred examples” in the original collection. Moreover, specimens cataloged under both USNM numbers bear old specimen numbers that are very similar, and both collections have old locality labels numbered 8064. For these reasons, I re- gard both lots as syntypes. I have chosen )Vhite’s principal illustrated specimen (1880b, pl. 33, fig. 1a) as lectotype and given it the new USNM number 144776. Figured paralectotypes are now cataloged under USN M numbers 144777—1447 80. I have identified two of the unfigured specimens cata- loged under USNM number 35696 as Uam'nia sp. and Stereostylus sp.; these have been assigned USNM 144781 and 144782, respectively. The remaining un- figured paralectotypes are retained under USNM num— bers 8064 and 35696. Description 0 f lectotype—The lectotype (pl. 2, fig. 3) is an almost perfect corallum 80 mm long and 32 mm in maximum diameter. The corallum is a moderately curved cone that expands rapidly in the lower 50 mm of its length but becomes nearly cylindrical in the upper 30 mm. Three periods of slight rejuvenation are evident in the subcylindrical part of the corallum. Although the lower 20 mm of the corallum is somewhat twisted, the plane in which maximum curvature occurs generally deviates approximately 20° from the cardinal- counter plane, and the cardinal septum is on the con- cave side. The calice is between 15 and 17 mm deep. The corallum is approximately circular in cross section throughout growth (alar diameter = cardinal-counter diameter). The exterior of the corallum is marked by an un- usual ornamentation pattern. Moderately coarse trans- verse rugae, some marking periods of slight rejuvenation, are spaced 1~3 mm apart. The longitu- dinal ornamentation is dominated by deep discontinuous grooves about 0.1 mm wide, spaced 1—3 mm apart. Be- tween the grooves, the epitheca is marked by fine trans- verse striae (as many as 20 per mm) arranged in a lobate pattern. The lobes are convex upward, and their ends terminate in the grooves. In the lower third E8 of the corallum, this ornamentation pattern is super- imposed on a pattern of shallow septal grooves and low rounded interseptal ridges, but the septal pattern is gradually obscured as the epitheca thickens in the upper part of the corallum. Internal details were studied by means of five trans- verse thin sections and one longitudinal thin section. The earliest formed section that was studied (pl. 2, fig. 4) , was cut 5 mm above the tip of the corallum and shows 22 major septa at an alar diameter of 4.5 mm. The septal complement (clockwise) is: cardinal, three cardinal laterals, alar, six counter laterals, counter, five counter laterals, alar, four cardinal laterals. The four protosepta (cardinal, alars, and counter) are longer than the metasepta and meet at the axis of the corallum. The cardinal septum is in a well-marked fossula. Alar fossulae are pronounced. A peripheral stereozone com- posed of epitheca five-tenths of a mm thick had developed at this level. A thin section cut 15 mm above the tip of the corallum (pl. 2, fig. 5) shows 29 major septa at an alar diameter of 9. 7 mm. The septal complement (clockwise) is: cardinal, five cardinal laterals, alar, seven counter lat- erals, counter, eight counter laterals, alar, five cardinal laterals. The cardinal septum is short and is in a pro- nounced axially expanded fossula. The counter septum is long and abuts against the axial termination of the cardinal fossula. Alar fossulae are reduced from the previous stage. The peripheral stereozone, now 1 mm thick, is composed almost entirely of septal deposit-s. A thin section cut 28 mm above the tip of the corallum (pl. 2, fig. 6) shows 38 major septa at an alar diameter of approximately 17 mm. The septal complement (clockwise) is: cardinal, 6 cardinal laterals, alar, 11 counter laterals, counter, 11 counter laterals, allar, 6 cardinal laterals. This section marks the beginning of the amplexoid phase. All the septa have withdrawn from the axial region and most of them have become rhopaloid. The cardinal septum is short and thin and is in a pronounced fossul‘a as before. The counter se‘p- tum is slightly longer than adjacent metase‘pta. Alar fossulae are nearly obliterated. The peripheral stereo- zone is as much as 3 mm thick, of which the inner 1/2—% is septal deposits and the remainder is epithecal deposits. A thin section cut 58 mm above the tip of the corallum ('pl. 2, fig. 7) shows 43 major septa at an alar diameter of 25 mm. This section was cut just below the base of the calice. The septal complement (clockwise) is: cardinal, 8 cardinal laterals, alar, 12 counter laterals, counter, 11 counter laterals, alar, 8 cardinal laterals. As in the previous stage, the septa do not reach the axial region; each one extends about 1/2—2/3 ‘the radius of the corallum. CONTRIBUTIONS T‘O PALEONTOLOGY Most of the septa in the counter quadrants are rhopa- loid, whereas those in the cardinal quadrants are axi- ally attenuated. A conspicuous fossula marks the cardinal position, but the cardinal septum is buried in the peripheral stereozone. The counter septum is again slightly longer than adjacent metasepta. The alar po- sitions are distinguished with difficulty. The periph— eral stereozone ranges from about 4.5 to 7 mm thick (thickest in cardinal quadrants) and appears to consist almost entirely of septal deposits. ‘ A thin section cut 65 mm above the tip of the corallum (pl. 2, fig. 8) illustrates calicular features. There are 45 major septa at an alar diameter of 25 mm in this section. Protosepta cannot be identified except by tracing their positions from subcalicular sections. The major septa are all very short, and the free axial ex- tentions are thin. Minor septa appear for the first time; they are buried in the peripheral stereozone in the counter quadrants and project very slightly into the caliice in the cardinal quadrants. The peripheral stereozone ranges from 2.5 to 3 mm in thickness and is composed principally of septal deposits. A thin section cut in the cardinal—counter plane be- tween 28 and 58 mm above the tip (pl. 2, fig. 9) illus- trates internal features in longitudinal section. The tabulae are mostly incomplete, flat to slightly convex upward, have generally down-turned edges, and are in- clined at an angle of about 45° from the horizontal into the cardinal fossula, where their edges are reflexed up- ward against the inner wall of the corallum. Many of the tabulae appear to be thickened by stereoplasmic deposits. Tabulae are irregularly spaced but generally occur at intervals of 1 mm. The traces of amplexoid septa appear as wedges resting on the tabulae; the septa decrease in height from the periphery toward the axis of the corallum. In the earliest transverse section studied, some of the thinnest septa appear to have lamellar mic-restructure, whereas others are characterized by feather structure. Thicker septa in the same section have a second layer of oblique fibres whose direction is reversed from that of the feather structure layer so as to produce a zigzag structure. In later transverse sections, only the zigzag structure was observed. As the septa become thicker, the number of reversals of fibre directions becomes greater, until as many asthree reversals may be present. Each reversal seems to represent a distinct layer of skeletal material. Description 0 f paralectotypes.—Observations on most of the paralectotypes were confined to features of the exterior and the calice. However, 2 specimens were studied by means of 20 serial transverse sections, and 19 transverse sections from various parts of 11 REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES specimens were also examined. Longitudinal sections of 11 specimens, mostly fragmentary, were studied. The overwhelming majority of coralla are slightly to moderately curved cones. Only 2 of 90 specimens complete enough for evaluation showed no curvature. Although some specimens are characterized by tortion through an angle of as much as 180° in neanic stages, the position of the plane containing maximum curva- ture with respect to the cardinal-counter plane is re- markably constant beyond the early growth stages Of ' 61 neanic and ephebic specimens, 7 5 percent show an angular deviation between the 2 planes of 10° or less, whereas 18 percent show a deviation of 10°—45°, and only 10 percent show a deviation of 45°—90°. The car- dinal septum is located uniformly on the concave half of the corallum. In 40 specimens that have 31—39 major septa in the calice, the calicular angle ranges from less than 10° to 33°. Approximately 50 percent of the specimens have a calicular angle of 25°—28°. Specimens that have calicular angles less than 18° are characterized by cylindrical or subcylindrical coralla in the late ephebic stage and are commonly marked by rejuvenation. Evi- E9 dence of rejuvenation was observed in 24 of 7 4 specimens studied; this phenomenon appears to be restricted to the amplexoid phase of the corallum. The length of the corallum was measured on 45 of the most complete specimens. Although imperfect apices and calices make these measurements inexact, they serve to illustrate the order of magnitude of size distribution in the sample. Measured length ranges from 22.2 mm (28 major septa in calice) to 65.0 mm (36 major septa in calice) ; the average length is 40.1 mm. The ornamentation of the corallum is generally like that of the lectotype. Several specimens appear to be crudely pustulose, a feature not seen on the lectotype. Attachment scars were observed in the lower 5 mm of a few specimens that have perfectly preserved, un— abraded tips. The relatively small area. of attachment as compared with the size and weight of the mature corallum suggests that attachment was a feature confined to the early life of the animal. The relation between alar diameter and the number of major septa in the lectotype and paralectotypes is shown in figure 3. This scatter diagram illustrates 28 IWIIIIllllllllllllllFFllllllTllllllllllejll F X _ 26~ _ 24- __ EXPLANATION o 22 ‘ Lectotype, serial section _ A 20 _ Paralectotype, serial section V) — A a: . . ii—J 18 ,_ Paralectotype, serlal section I.|J X E ' Paralectotype,in calice :‘16" + : _ Paralectotype, below calice -_14— a: M _ L1 1‘ _ o [110“ < _. _ < 8r- 6— 4- 2-— A/A/A/ A——— _ 0ILIIJiJlJlllllllllllllllllllllilJllLlllllllJ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 3O 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 NUMBER OF MAJOR SEPTA FIGURE 3.—Scatter diagram showing relation between alar diameter and number of major septa by means of 87 measurements on 56 specimens of Barytichisma zaphrentifome (White). of lectotype and two paralectotypes. ‘7‘65—3‘21 O—-65——2 Straight lines connect measurements made from serial sections E10 both ontogenetic variation and individual variation at various ontogenetic stages. Other aspects of ontogenetic development, illustrated by serial sections of two paralectotypes (pl. 3, figs. 1—19), may be summarized as follows: (1) Brephic stage: characterized by development of six protosepta (cardinal, counter, alars, and first counter laterals). Composes earliest 2 mm of the corallum length and includes alar diameters up to 2 mm. (2) Neanic stage: characterized by addition of meta— septa up to a total septal complement of 29 or 30. Composes that part of the corallum from 2 mm to approximately 25 mm from the tip and includes alar diameters from 2 to about 1W12 mm. The septal plan is zaphrentoid except for a temporary amplexoid phase of short duration between insertion of 14 and 25 major septa in some specimens. (3) Ephebic stage: characterized by about 30—44 amplexoid major septa; the principal amplexoid phase of the corallum. Composes that part of the corallum from approximately 25 mm above the tip to the calice (as much as 80 mm from tip) and includes alar di— ameters from about 10—12 mm to as much as 32 mm. Evidence bearing on the order of insertion of the six protosepta was obtained with difficulty owing to poor definition of the septa in the earliest stages of the coral- lum even in the few specimens with perfect tips where preservation is good enough to permit observation of this feature. However, a successful determination of early septal development was accomplished in Serial transverse peel sections of one of the paralectotypes (pl. 3, figs. 1—5). The tip of this specimen (not illus- trated) consisted of the floor of the cup which was occupied by the polyp in its earliest developmental stage. This cup was aseptate to a distance of approxi- mately 0.2—0.3 mm above the basal disk, where a parti— tion separating the cup into two chambers appeared (pl. 3, fig. 1). A single septum appeared as a low ridge on one wall of the larger chamber at this stage. J udg- ing from the orientation of this septum with respect to later septal development, the septum was one of the alar septa. Approximately six-tenths of a mm above the basal disk, three additional septa were seen as low ridges on the walls of the larger chamber (pl. 3, fig. 2). The four septa of this stage were identified as cardinal, counter, and two alars. The partition between the two chambers in the corallum disappeared a short distance above this level. A section about nine- tenths of a mm above the basal disk revealed an enlarged cup characterized by further growth of the four princi- pal septa (pl. 3, fig. 3). Between 0.9 and 2.1 mm above the basal disk, the four principal septa joined at the axis of the corallum, and two counter lateral septa were CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY added. A section 2.1 mm above the basal disk revealed the six protosepta and an additional counter lateral septum (pl. 3, fig. 4). Type locality—The locality data given by White (1876, p. 108) are: “Lower Aubrey Group; Split Mountain Canon, and near Echo Park, Utah.” Inas— much as old locality labels with the specimens read “near Echo Park,” the Split Mountain locality does not seem to be represented in the type lot. Echo Park is just south of the confluence of the Green and Yampa rivers in NEIA sec. 32, T. 3 S., R. 103 W., Mofl'at County, Colo. The bedrock in the immediate vicinity of Echo Park is mapped as Weber Sandstone by Untermann and Untermann (1954, pl. 2, fig. 5), but evidence bearing on the identity of the beds from which White’s specimens were collected suggests that the material came from the Morgan Formation. Thus, the most probable location of the type locality is the area approximately 1 mile north of Echo Park, where a faulted belt of the Morgan Formation crosses the Green River. Powell’s report includes a stratigraphic section of the Paleozoic rocks in the Uinta Mountains by J. F. Steward (Powell, 1876, p. 57, fig. 10). Steward re- corded abundant cup corals in a mottled dark drab and buff limestone 90 feet thick which composes unit 3 in the lower Aubrey Group of the Uinta Mountains sec- tion. A comparison of Steward’s description of the lower Aubrey Group with a description of the Morgan Formation near Island Park by Untermann and Unter- mann (1954, p. 118—120) suggests that Steward’s unit 3 corresponds to the lower part of the middle member (Atoka age) of the Morgan as mapped by Untermann and Untermann. The grayish-red siltstone and lime- stone matrix of White’s specimens seemingly confirm this determination. A collection of fossils made by Keyte and Heaton (USGS loc. 15050—PC) approximately 1,500 feet below the top of the Weber Sandstone in Split Mountain Can- yon has an important bearing on the age and strati- graphic position of the species in the type area. The approximate stratigraphic position given for the col- lection indicates that the material is from either the lower part of the Des Moines or the upper part of the Atoka age equivalents of the Morgan Formation in the Split Mountain section of Untermann and Untermann (1954, p. 102—103). The collection contains specimens of Amplewus zaphrentifwmis virtually identical With White’s types in preservation and included matrix. Along with the corals are specimens of Hystriculz'na aff. H. wabashensis (Norwood and Pratten) and In- flatia? sp., which indicate a Middle Pennsylvanian REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES (Atoka or Des Moines) age for the collection (M. Gordon, Jr., 1963, oral commun.). I conclude that the available evidence clearly indi— cates a stratigraphic position near the middle of the Morgan Formation for the type material. The speci- mens are of Middle Pennsylvanian age, either Atoka or Des Moines, but most probably Atoka. Discussion—The abundant well-preserved specimens in the type collection provide an excellent foundation for the species concept. The geographic location and stratigraphic level of the type locality have been established within practicable limits. Barytichisma zaphrentifo'rme is distinguished from other described species of Barytz'chz'sma by its large, robust corallum, extraordinarily thick peripheral stereo- zone, and unusual ornamentation. It appears to be most similar to B. callosum Moore and J efl’brds (1945, p. 134—137, text figs. 115, 116, 120—122) but differs in the features mentioned above and also in having fewer major septa at the same corallum diameter in the ephebic ' stage. B. zaphrentifome and B. callosum are distin— guished from other species referred to the genus by Moore and Jefi'ords (1945, p. 131—134) by having the cardinal septum on the concave side of the corallum. Superfamily ZAPHRENTIG‘AE Family LITHOSTROTIONIDAE Genus DORLODOTIA Salée 1920. Dorlodotia Salée, p. 145,.149—150. Type species.—Dorlodot2'a briartz' Salée (1920, p. 150— 154, figs. 5, 6). Lower Carboniferous (Viséan), Belgium. Diagnosis.—Fasciculate colonial corals that have an axial columella that consists of a medial plate which may be attached to the counter septum. Tabulae or— dinarily complete, conical. Major septa mostly con- fined to the tabularium, although some reach the epitheca, and the counter septum,may reach the axis. Minor septa short or absent. Dissepimentarium mostly lonsdaleoid. Dorlodotia subcaespitosa (Meek) Plate 4 1873. Cyathophyllmn subcaespitosum Meek, p. 470, footnote. 1877. [not] Diphyphyllum subcespitosum. Hague m Hague and Emnionis, p. 547. 1877. [not] Oyathophyllum subcaespitosum Meek, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 4, 4a, b. 1878. [not] Diphyphyllwm subcespttosum. King, p. 208. 1881. [?] Oyathophyllum subcaespitosum. Miller, 1). 308. 1889. [part] Oyathophyllum subcaespitosum Meek. Miller, p. 182 (bibliographic citation) . 1898. [part] Oyathophyllum subcaespitosum Meek. Weller, p. 204 (bibliographic citation) . 1905. [not] Cyathophyllum submepitosum Meek. Schuchert, p. 191 (bibliographic citation). E11 1917. [not] Oyathophutlum subcaespitosum? 1917, p. 30. [not] Oyathophyllum subcaesm'tosum Chapman, p. 112, pl. 13, figs. 15, 16a, b (junior homonym. Silurian of Australia). [not] Oyathophyllum subcaespitosum Girty m Hewett, p. 24. [not] Oyathophyllum subcaespitosum? Girty m Westgate and Knopf, p. 22. [not] Oyamophyllum subeaespitosum? 38. [not?] Oyathophyllwm subcaespitosum? lin and Koschmann, 1942, p. 20. 1950. [part] Cyathophyllum wbcaespHoeum Meek. Bassler, p. 220 (bibliographic citation) . Girty m Umpleby, 1925. 1931. 1932. 1935. Girty m Nolan, p. 1942. Girty in Lough- Type material—Although the type material was cataloged in 1875 or 1876, it apparently was misplaced or forgotten by the time Schuchert and his colleagues (1905) published their catalog of type specimens of fossil invertebrates in the US. National Museum. Schuchert (1905, p. 191) erroneously designated Meek’s hypotype from the White Pine District, Nev., as holo- type of the species. I am very fortunate to have re— discovered Meek’s original collection from Idaho in a drawer of Hayden Survey fossils. The collection is unquestionably the one that Meek had before him when he described the species for the first time in 1873. The specimens agree with Meek’s (1873, p. 470, footnote) brief diagnosis and are accompanied by a label written by Meek’s hand. Other fossils in the same drawer can be identified with those in Meek’s list for the Ross Fork—Lincoln Valley locality. The syntype lot consisted of 11 specimens cataloged under USNM 7783. The specimens are all fragmen— tary; they include single, disassociated corallites and clusters of two to four corallites. I have chosen the largest specimen in the type lot as lectotype and given it the new USNM number 144783. 'The figured para- lectotype is now cataloged under USNM number 144784. Unfigured paralectotypes retain the original catalog number USNM 7783. A large indeterminate horn coral found with the type lot has been removed and is now cataloged under USNM 144785. Description of lectotype—The lectotype (pl. 4, fig. 4) consists of a mature corallite which has given rise to about eight offsets. The specimen and the limestone matrix in which it is imbedded form an approximately tabular slab 6.5 by 11 by 2 cm. The growth form of the colony appears to be dendroid. Budding is verticillate. Serial transverse thin sec- tions (pl. 4, figs. 7—9) show the origin of at least eight offsets but only three of these are preserved in the upper part of the specimen. The epitheca is thin and longitudinally marked by low rounded interseptal ridges and shallow septal E12 grooves. Transverse ornamentation consists of fine growth lines, as many as 10 per millimeter. Alternate expansion and contraction of the corallites at intervals of 5—10 mm is due to variation in the width of the dissepimentarium. The parent corallite expands from a diameter of 14.5 mm to 19.5 mm in a longitudinal distance of 65 mm but maintains a constant major septal number of 30 throughout its preserved length (fig. 4). A thin section cut near the top of the principal coral- lite (pl. 4, fig. 5) illustrates the ideal features seen in transverse section. The major septa are thin (0.05— 0.1 mm) and slightly sinuous; many of them extend continuously from the periphery toward the axis for a distance of half the radius, whereas others are inter— rupted by lonsdaleoid dissepiments in the outer half of the dissepimentarium. The major septa are slightly dilated in the tabularium. The cardinal septum is about half as long as adjacent major septa and is in a moderately well marked fossula defined by incurved adjacent cardinal lateral septa and tabular intercepts. The counter septum is slightly shorter than adjacent major septa. Minor septa are thin and variably developed; they may be absent or extend to a length of as much as one—fifth the length of the major septa. The columella appears in transverse section as a discrete plate 3.5 by 0.1 mm, elongated in the cardinal-counter plane. The plate is surrounded by concentric tabular and tabellar traces. The dissepimentarium is between 4 and 5 mm wide and consists of an inner half composed of regular and herringbone dissepiments and a variable outer half of regular, herringbone, and lonsdaleoid dissepiments. In two of the thin sections cut lower in the corallite (pl. 4, figs. 7 and 8), no trace of a columella appears in transverse section. However, the lowest transverse sec-- tion studied (pl. 4, fig. 9) shows a columella 0.8 by 0.1 mm. These observations, supported by study of a longi- tudinal section (see below), indicate that the columella is vertically discontinuous. Other features observed in the uppermost transverse section are constant in under- lying sections, with the exception of the length of the major septa and nature and Width of the dissepimen- tarium in the section where offsets originated (pl. 4, fig. 9). A longitudinal thin section out between the level of the uppermost transverse section and the next underly- ing transverse section and in the cardinal-counter plane (pl. 4, fig. 6) illustrates vertical discontinuity of the columella. The columella is represented by a very sin— uous plate that is present only in the upper 7 mm of the section. In the acolumellate part of the corallite, the tabulae are complete or incomplete and flat or gently CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY ,_. no I l> I p.- \l | b l ._. m I l> I EXPLANATION _ o Lectotype, columellate ,_- w l o Lectotype, acolumellate _ A Paralectotype, columellate CORALLITE DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS I I A Paralectotype, acolumellate 9 I I I I I I l I I I I 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 NUMBER OF MAJOR SEPTA FIGURE 4.—Scatter diagram showing relation between corallite diameter and number of major septa in transverse sections of two lectotype corallites and nine paralectotype corallites of Dorlodotw subcaespitosa (Meek). Straight line connects measurements made on the principal lectotype corallite. convex in the axial region. On the left-hand side ‘of the section, the tabulae slope into the cardinal fossula at an angle of about 30° from the horizontal. On the right—hand side of the section, the tabulae slope more steeply, on the order of 45° from the horizontal. Tabu- lar shoulders adjacent to the cardinal fossula are broadly rounded, whereas those on the opposite side of the corallite are relatively abrupt. In the columel- late part of the corallite, the tabulae are complete and broadly tent shaped; they may be augmented by incom- plete tabulae or tabellae at the axis of the corallite. Globose tabellae occur sparsely on the flanks of some of the tabulae. Tabular spacing ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 mm but averages about 1 mm. The dissepimentarium ranges from 4 to 5 mm in width and consists of two to four rows of steeply inclined globose to elongate dissepiments of variable size. The septal microstructure has been altered by recrys- tallization. Several patterns illustrated by Kato (1963, text fig. 16 a, c, f) can be identified, but none of these are primary structures. Description of paralectotypes.——The paralectotypes consist of vdisassociated single cylindrical corallites and clusters of two to four cylindrical corallites. Although they are all similarly preserved and contain similar rock matrix, I cannot certainly determine whether they are fragments of the same corallum as the lectotype or represent more than one corallum. Most of the obser- vations on the paralectotypes were made by means of REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES polished transverse sections (1 section on each of 10 corallites). These observations were supplemented by study of one longitudinal thin section (pl. 4, fig. 1) and one transverse thin section (pl. 4, 'fig. 2) made from the largest and best preserved corallite in the paralectotype lot. The scatter diagram (fig. 4) shows the variation in corallite diameter in relation to number of major septa in measurable paralectotypes as compared to the same parameters measured in the lectotype. These data indicate a maximum corallite diameter of 20 mm cor- responding to a maximum major septal number of 36 in the type material. Columellate and acolumellate sections are also indicated on the diagram, illustrating the incidence of these features in random transverse sections. The paralectotypes show Virtually the same internal features that are observed in the lectotype, with a few notable exceptions. In six of the transverse sections, no lonsdaleoid dissepiments were observed; lonsdaleoid dissepiments are also absent in the two daughter corallites of the lectotype (pl. 4, fig. 7). Nonlonsdale— oid corallites range from 9.2 to 17 mm in diameter and possess 24—33 major septa; all but 2 corallites in this group are 15 mm or less in diameter and have no more than 28 major septa. These data suggest that absence of lonsdaleoid dissepiments is either a preeadult feature or is associated with the periodic constriction of the corallite. Two corallites in a cluster of three that make up one of the paralectotypes show a feature not observed in any of the other type specimens. In each of these corallites, one of the major septa in the counter quadrants is flanked by two unusually long minor septa. Symmetry considerations indicate that in each one, the major septa in question are merely counter lateral septa, not the counter septum. The longitudinal thin section of one of the para- lectotypes (pl. 4, fig. 1) shows a thin discontinuous sinuous axial plate through most of the corallite. The tabulae are tented where the columella is present but flat where this structure is absent. Tabulae are some- what more closely spaced than in the lectotype. Type locality—The type material was collected by the Hayden Survey at a locality described by Meek (1873, p. 470) as the “divide between Ross Fork and Lincoln Valley, Montana.” Actually, the area referred to is in Idaho, not Montana as stated in Meek’s report. The geology of the Ross Fork-Lincoln Valley divide is described in detail by Bradley (1873, p. 206—207). Meek (187 3, p. 433—434) compared the associated fauna from the type locality with the well-known Spergen E13 fauna of Indiana, which was at that time included in the St. Louis Limestone. Unfortunately the exact geographic location of the type locality is cloaked in mystery. Although Mans- field’s (1920, pl. 3) geologic map of the Fort Hal] Indian Reservation includes the Ross Fork-Lincoln Valley divide, Mansfield’s mapping does not concur with many of Bradley’s (1873, p. 206—207) statements on geographic distribution of the various stratigraphic units in this area. Meek’s Spergen fauna unquestion- ably came from beds that Mansfield (1920, p. 35—36) included in the Brazer Limestone. Girty (in Mansfield, 1927, p. 69—7 1) discussed this fauna at great length in his evaluation of the Brazer faunas of southeastern Idaho. According to Mansfield’s map (1920, pl. 3), the Brazer crops out in two small areas on the Ross F ork-Lincoln Valley divide: on a hill in sec. 6, T. 4 S., R. 37 E., and on an east-facing slope in sec. 31, T. 4 S., R. 37 E., and sec. 6, T. 5 S, R. 37 E. However, Mansfield (1920, p. 36) stated that Girty attempted to rediscover Meek’s locality but found “that the descriptions of the locality were inadequate and that the locality probably lay outside of the Ross Fork drainage basin and outside the limits of the [Fort Hall] reservation.” Although the exact geographic location of the type locality is in doubt, the stratigraphic level is deter- minable within reasonable limits. Inasmuch as the term Brazer Limestone is no longer considered appro- priate for the Upper Mississippian strata of south- eastern Idaho (Sando and others, 1959, p. 2768), a new nomenclature has been proposed for those beds in the Chesterfield Range (Dutro and Sando, 1963b), approx- imately 25 miles southeast of the Ross Fork—Lincoln Valley divide area. Meek’s (1873, p. 470) fauna] list includes Zaphrentz's stamburyi Hall, a coral which is now referred to the genus Faberophyllum. Fabero- phyllum is restricted to a zone that spans approximately the lower half of the Monroe Canyon Limestone of the Chesterfield Range Group. Large fasciculate litho- strotionoid corals similar to Dorlodotia subcaespitosa but apparently not conspecific and possibly not con- generic are abundant in beds immediately above and below the top of the massive limestone member of the Monroe Canyon Limestone. These beds are regarded as Late Mississippian (Meramec) in age. Foraminifera in the lectotype slides are indicative of a late Meramec age and support correlation with the Monroe Canyon Limestone (Betty Skipp, written commun., 1963). According to Skipp, the foraminif— eral assemblage includes Endothym cf. E. pseudo- globulus, E. cf. E. disca, E. scétula?, and undetermined species of Tetratam’s, E arlomdia, F amok/la? and Tour- nayella or Septatoumayellu. Several elements of this E14 assemblage occur in the Monroe Canyon Limestone of the Bancroft quadrangle, southeast Idaho. Discussion—The name Oyathophyllum subcaespi- tosum first appeared in a faunal list (Meek, 1873, p. 470). Meek gave a superficial description of the species in a footnote on the same page, contrasting it with 0. caespi- tosum Goldfuss and referring to his unpublished de- scription and illustration of the species, which appeared in 1877 in a report on the survey of the 40th parallel. The type material was never illustrated or described in detail, and subsequent concepts of the species were based on Meek’s ( 1877, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 4, 4a, b) description and illustrations of a specimen from the White Pine District, Nev. Schuchert (1905, p. 191) erroneously listed the Nevada specimen (USNM 24545) as the holo— type of Oyathophylhun mbcaespc'tosu‘m Meek. Meek’s original material is clearly of Late Mississip- pian age and belongs to the genus Dorlodotéa‘ S‘alée. The White Pine specimen, on the the other hand, is from the Ely Limestone of Early and Middle Pennsyl- vanian age and represents a species apparently related to the Pennsylvanian species of the Russian genus Onygmophyllum Fomichev. This specimen, identified herein as Drygmophyllum? whimeyi, is illustrated on plate 6, figures 6—11, in order that the reader can compare it with the type material of Dorlodotia subcaespitosa. G. H. Girty used the name Uyathophyllum subcaespé- tosum in various faunal lists from the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian of Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexi- co. I have studied most of the material upon,which Girty’s identifications were based and conclude that none of the specimens belong in Meek’s species. My find- ings are summarized as follows: 1. Uyathophyllum subcaespitosum? Girty (in Um- pleby, 1917, p. 30) is based on one specimen (USGS loc. 1141a) from the Mississippian of the Mackay region, Idaho. This specimen has fewer major septa and smaller corallites than the types of D. swbcaespz'tosa. Moreover, the absence of a colu- mella in all parts of all corallites in the colony indicates that the specimen represents a species of Pseudodorlodotz’a Minato. 2. Uyathophyllum suboaespitosum Girty (in Hewett, 1931, p. 24) is based on specimens (U‘S‘GS locs. 4218, 4219, 4220a, 4226) from the Bird Spring For- mation, Goodsprings quadrangle, Nev. The ma- terial is Upper Mississippian not Pennsylvanian as listed. The specimens are all very poorly pre- served. Most of them have smaller corallite diam- eters than the types of D. subcaespitosa and all specimens are acolumellate, indicating that they belong to Pseudodwlodotia Minato. CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY 3. Uyathophyllum subcaespitosum? Girty (in West- gate and Knopf, 1932, p. 22) is based on specimens (USGS 1008. 5478, 5479, 5481) from the Bailey Spring Limestone (Mississippian and Penn- sylvanian) of the Pioche District, Nev. The material consists of poorly preserved horn corals, most of which appear to belong to Vesiculophyl- lwm Easton. 4. Cyathophyllum subcaespétosum? Girty (in Nolan, 1935, p. 22) is based on specimens '(USGS locs. 6344, 6364) from the Oquirrh Formation, Gold Hill District, Utah. The material may be Missis- sippian rather than Pennsylvanian as listed, and appears to belong to a species of Lithostrotion (Siphonodendron) . 5. Cyathophyllum subcaespz'tosum? Girty (in Lough- lin and Koschmann, 1942, p. 20) is cited in a faunal list for the Madera Limestone (Pennsylvanian), Magdalena District, N. Mex. The identification is probably incorrect but it was not checked because I was unable to locate the specimens. Dorlodotia subcaespz'tosa is similar to D. am'zelum (Crickmay) (Crickmay, 1955, p. 11, pl. 1, figs. 5, 7; see also Nelson, 1960, p. 124, pl. 25, figs. 5—10), from the Mount Head Formation (Upper Mississippian) of A1- berta, Canada. The two species have similar corallite diameters, numbers of major septa, cardinal fossulae, dissepimentaria, and major and minor septa. Meek’s species is distinguished from the Canadian species by its short counter septum which is not continuous with the columella, vertically discontinuous columella, and generally flatter tabulae. Dorlodotia subcaesp’itosa differs from D. inconsta’ns (Easton and Gutschick) (Easton and Gutschick, 1953, p. 20, 21, pl. 2, figs. 10—12), from Upper Mississippian beds in the Redwall Limestone of northern Arizona, by its larger corallites and larger maximum number of major septa. D. inconstans also has a narrower dis- sepimentarium with fewer and larger dissepiments and poorly differentiated cardinal and counter septa. D. subcaespz’tosa is undoubtedly related to some of the forms from the Upper Mississippian of Utah and Canada that have been erroneously referred to Litho- strotion whitneyz’ by various authors. Meek’s (1877, p. 58, pl. 6, figs. 1, 1a—c) specimens from Utah, upon which the erroneous concept of L. whitneyi was found- ed, are illustrated on plate 7. These specimens are readily differentiated from the types of D. subcaespz'tosa by their thick continuous columella that is commonly connected to the counter septum, dissepimentarium com- posed of only one or two rows of nonlonsdaleoid dis- sepiments, smaller maximum number of major septa (31), and smaller maximum corallite diameter (8.5 REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES mm). Sutherland’s (1958, p. 93, pl. 31, fig. 3) speci- men from British Columbia and Nelson’s (1960, p. 123, pl. 25, figs. 1—4) specimens from Alberta are very simi- lar to Meek’s Utah material. On the other hand, spec— imens from Utah illustrated by Kelly (1942, p. 359, pl. 51, figs. 2, 5) and Parks (1951, p. 180, pl. 33, figs. 3~ 5) under the name of L. whimeyz' Meek may belong to a different species, which differs only slightly from D. subeaespitosa. These specimens have a maximum ma- jor septa] number of 31—33 and a maximum corallite diameter of 12 or 13 mm, which is only slightly less than the types of D. subeaespz’tosa. The columella is thin and discontinuous and not connected to the counter septum. The dissepimentarium is weakly lonsdaleoid and consists of two to four rows of dissepiments. Genus ORYGMOPHYLLUE Fomichev 1953. Orygmophyllum Fomichev, p. 304—306. Type speeies.——07‘ygmophyllum conveamm Fomichev (1953, p. 312—314, pl. 18, figs. 11a—d, 12a, b, 13). Upper Carboniferous (Ca) , U.S.S.R. Diagnosis.—Solitary( ?) and fasciculate colonial cor- als with an impersistent weakly developed variable axial structure composed of an axial plate, septal lamellae, and tabellae. Tabulae flat to vesicular. ' Dis— sepimen'ts abundant, ordinarily of the regular and herringbone type. Orygmophyllum? whitneyi (White) Plate 5; plate 6, figures 6—11 Lithostrotion Whitneyi Meek. White, p. 103, pl. 6, figs. 1a~c (preprint of White’s 1877 report). [not] I/ithostrotion Whitneyi Meek, p. 58, pl. 6, figs. 1, la—c. Lithostrotion Whitneyi Meek. White, p. 103, pl. 6, figs. 1a-c. [not] Lithostrotiorn Whitneyi. Emmons, p. 405. Diphyphyllum subeespitosum. Hague Emmons, p. 547. Oyathophyllwm subcaespitosum Meek, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 4, 4a, b. Diphyphyllu/m. suboespitosum. King, p. 208. [part] Lithostrotion Whitneyi Meek. King, p. 181, 239, 242, 245. [not] Lithstrotion Whitneyi. Walcott in Diller, p. 11. Lithostrotion whimeyi Meek. Miller, p. 194 (biblio— graphic citation). [part] Mthostrotm whimeyi Meek. Weller, p. 330 (bib- liograph citation). [not] Lithostrotio’n. whitnew}. Lindgren, p. 2. [part] Lithostrotion whitneyi Meek. Schuchert, p. 369. [not] Dithostfotitm whitnem‘. Girty in Umpleby, p. 29, 30. [not] Lithostrotion whimem‘ Meek. Girty p. 650, pl. 52, fig. 5. [not] Lithostrotion whitnem‘ Meek. Shimer, p. 26. [not] Lithoetrotion whitneyi Meek. Kelly, p. 359, pl. 51, figs. 2, 5. 1875. 1877. 1877. 1877. Hague in Hague and 1877. m Hague and 1877. 1878. 1878. 1886. 1889. 1898. 1900. 1905. 1917. 1920. 1926. 1942. E15 1943. [not] Lithostrotton whttneyi Meek. Williams, p. 596. 1944. [not] “Lithostrotio’n.” whitneyi Meek. Shimer and Shrock, , p. 89, pl. 26, figs. 4, 5. 1945. [not] Lithostrotion whitneyi Meek. Williams and Yolton, p. 1146, 1148. 1950. [part] Lithostromm [Lithostrotionella] whitneyi (Meek). Bassler, p. 220 (bibliographic citation). 1951. [not] Limostrotion whitnem‘ Meek. Parks, p. 180, pl. 33, figs. 3—5. 1956. [not] Lithostrotion whitneyi Meek. Davis, p. 32, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8. 1958. [not] Lithostrotion cf. whtmem‘ Meek, Sutherland, p. 93, pl. 31, fig. 3. 1959. [not] Lithostrotion whitnem’ Meek. Nelson, p. 21—25. fig. 1. 1960. [not] Lithostrotion whimem‘ Meek. Nelson, p. 123, pl. 25, figs. 1—4. 1960. [not] Lithostrotmn cf. L. whitnem‘ Meek. Langen‘heim and Tischler, p. 115, figs. 10a—c. 1961. [not] Lithostrotitm whimeyi Meek. Nelson, p. 25, 26, 33; pl. 16, figs. 6, 7; pl. 20, figs. 3, 4. 1961. [not] Lithostrotitm (Siphonodendron) whitneyi Meek. Sando in Ross, p. 224. Type matem’aZ.—The syntype lot consisted of two specimens cataloged under USNM number 8480. The specimen figured by White (1875, pl. 6, fig. 1a) is here designated lectotype and given the new USNM number 144774. White polished one side of this speci- men in order to study longitudinal sections. Two coral- lites on the polished face are the sources of White’s figures 1b and lc. The other syntype, not figured by White, is regarded as a paralectotype and is given the new USNM number 144775. Bassler made one transverse and two longitu- dinal thin sections, mounted on a single slide, from this specimen. Description of leetotype.—This specimen (pl. 5, figs. 1 and 2) is a fragment of a dendroid corallum approxi- mately 6 by 4.5 by 7.5 cm. The size and shape of the complete corallum are unknown. Budding by lateral increase is common (pl. 5, fig. 8). Spacing between corallites is extremely variable, ranging from less than 1 mm to 16 mm. Internal features were studied by means of two trans verse and four longitudinal thin sections (pl. 5, figs. 3—9). The corallites range from 5.5 to 14.0 mm in diameter and contain 16—27 major septa in 12 corallites in the transverse sections studied (fig. 5) ; this variation in diameter and septa] number is principally onto- genetic, the smaller corallites having the fewer septa. The major septa are generally thin and slightly sinuous and occupy 1/2—% of the radius of the corallum. They are slightly dilated in the tabularium. An off-center longitudinal section of one of the corallites (pl. 5, fig. 3) indicates that the major septa are vertically discon- tinuous (amplexoid) in the tabularium. Minor septa are thin and sinuous and as much as half as long as the E16 I l I | l l | l l W .013- u — n: LIJ )— E' — o o — 3 0 :‘ 211— — E of ._ _ L|J I— E 9— o q ‘5‘ 0 Lu P _ ’2 j < 7— _ g o .0 O L— _ 5 I m I I I L L I I l 16 18 20 22 24 26 NUMBER OF MAJOR SEPTA FIGURE 5.—Scatter diagram showing relation between corallite diameter and number of major septa in 12 corallites of the lectotype of Orygmophyllum? whitncyi (White). major septa. Both major and minor septa are rarely interrupted by lonsdaleoid dissepiments in the periph- eral region of the corallite. The cardinal septum is slightly shorter than the other major septa but does not occupy a distinct fossula. The counter septum is in- variably long and is continuous with the axial plate of the columella when the latter is present. One or both of the minor septa on either side of the counter septum are commonly longer than neighboring minor septa. The dissepimentarium may be absent locally or as much as 3 mm in width (ordinarily a little less than half the radius) and, where present, consists of one to five (ordinarily four) rows of globose to elongate dis- sepiments (as seen in longitudinal section). The dis- sepiments are mostly regular or herringbone types; lonsdaleoid dissepiments are scarce and may be associated with budding. The structure of the tabularium is extremely variable. 1V here the columella is absent or weakly developed, the tabulae are flat or slightly convex upward and have nearly straight to down—turned margins. The marginal shoulders in these forms are ordinarily rounded, and the tabulae commonly rest on underlying tabulae. Where a strong columella is present, the tabulae may be complete and tent shaped or the entire tabularium may be composed of incomplete tabulae and axial tabellae. Tabulae are most commonly spaced about 1 mm apart. The columella is impersistent and extremely variable within individual corallites. In some parts of the cor- allite there may be no columella. Elsewhere, a thin sinuous axial plate connected to the counter septum is CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEON‘TOLOGY developed. In some corallites, the axial plate appears to be simply the axial end of an amplexoid counter septum developed discontinuously on successive tabulae. A more complex axial structure is commonly produced by the introduction of steeply inclined axial tabellae. The most complex axial structure consists of two to four septal lamellae in addition to the axial plate and tabellae. Transverse thin sections show an interesting and un- usual septal microstructure in parts of the corallum where silicification has not obliterated fine details. In many septa the medial plane is marked by a series of dark horseshoe-shaped or hairpin-shaped structures whose closed ends are directed toward the axis of the corallum. In other septa the medial plane is charac- terized by two parallel dark dashed lines, possibly the result of destruction of the closed ends of the horseshoes. In both types, most of the calcite that makes up the septum is fibrous and the fibres are arranged more or less normal to the axial plane. Although this phenom— enon deserves further study, I am inclined to regard it as a function of recrystallization. Such patterns might be produced by the development of centers of recrystallizationalong the dark medial septal line that characterizes many rugose corals. This interpretation is supported by the presence of a solid dark medial line in some septa near their junction with the wall of the corallum. Type locality—According to White (1875, p. 103), the type material was collected from “strata of the Carboniferous period; Fossil Hill and Ice Creek, Steptoe Valley, “Vliite Pine County, Nevada.” Ice Creek is shown on sheet 49 of the topographic atlas published by the Wheeler Survey (Wheeler, 1876). The creek flows eastward down the east flank of the Egan Range and enters Steptoe Valley at a point about 15 miles south of Mineral City (now called Ely). I have not found the name Ice (‘reek on recent maps of the area, but comparison of VVheeler’s map with the US. Geological Survey Ely quadrangle map (1: 125,000 series, 1952 edition) indicates that VVheeler’s Ice Creek is probably the stream now called Willow Creek. The bedrock within the drainage area of Willow Creek is of Pennsylvanian and Permian age, assigned to the Ely and Arcturus Limestones and to the Rib Hill Formation of Pennebaker (1932) by Langenheim and others (1960, fig. 2). Wilson and Langenheim’s (1962, text fig. 3) Charcoal Ovens section illustrates the Pennsylvanian and Permian sequence in the Willow Creek area. A thorough search of the maps and reports published by the \Vheeler Survey failed to reveal the location of the Fossil Hill locality referred to by White. How- ever, the name appears on Spencer’s (1917, pl. 2) REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES geologic map of the Ely quadrangle and on the Ely quadrangle topographic map, 1952 edition. On these maps, the name is used for a hill located in SW14, sec. 14, T. 16 N., R. 62 E., about a mile southeast of Ruth, Nev. Inasmuch as this locality is very close to the route taken by several parties of the Wheeler Survey, it seems reasonable to assume that it is the one referred to by White. Fossil Hill is made up of complexly faulted Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks, including outcrops of the Ely, Rib Hill, and Arcturus Formations (Langenheim and others, 1960, fig. 2). White’s two syntypes are not separately identified as to locality. The paralectotype is a specimen of Dur- hamz'na cordillerensés (Easton) which is very similar to the small corallite forms that are abundant at the base of the Arcturus Limestone (Zone 2 of Easton, 1960, p. 573) in the Ely district. A stratigraphic position at the base of the Arcturus is also indicated by the pres— ence of Schubertella icingi (identification by L. G. Henbest) in a thin section of the paralectotype. Schu- bertella kingz' was reported from the basal Arcturus in the Ely area by Wilson and Langenheim (1962, p. 501. Other foraminifers found in the matrix of the paralectotype are Spandelinoédes sp., Endothym sp., and Globioalouh’na 8p. Henbest interprets the foraminiferal assemblage as definite Early Permian. The lectotype probably was collected from the Ely Limestone, inasmuch as similar corals have not been found in other formations in the Ely area. The rock matrix of the lectotype contains a foraminiferal assem- blage consisting of E arlandz'a aff. E. perpamm Plummer, sedentary cornuspirids, and Bradyina sp. (identifica- tions by L. G. Henbest). According to Henbest, these forms range from Mississippian to Early Permian and, consequently, neither confirm nor deny identification of the rock as Ely Limestone. Thus, the available evidence suggests that the lecto— type was derived from the Ely Limestone of Pennsyl- vanian age but does not indicate whether the specimen was collected at Fossil Hill or the Ice Creek locality. Disoussioa—In 1875, C. A. White published a pre— print of a report on invertebrate fossils collected by the Wheeler Survey which was later combined with Cope’s report on the vertebrates and published in 1877 as Volume IV of theWheeler Survey Reports. Among the specimens studied by White were colonial corals from the Carboniferous of White Pine County, Nev., which he described and illustrated under the heading of Lithost'rotion whitneyi Meek, citing a manuscript by Meek as reference for the name. Because Meek’s manu— script was not published until 1877, the original usage of the specific name must be credited to White’s 1875 E17 preprint, and the concept of Lithostrotion whit/new must be based on White’s Nevada material. Lit/2,0- strotion whz‘tneyi White pertains to a coral of probable Pennsylvanian age whose affinities are with the Russian genus Orygmophyllum Fomichev, whereas Lithostro— tion whitmyz‘ Meek, based on material from the Upper Mississippian of Utah, belongs with the group of corals now referred to Siphonodendron McCoy. Unfortu- nately Meek’s usage of the name was perpetuated by all subsequent authors. The paralectotype of VVhite’s species (pl. 6, figs. 1—5) is actually a characteristic example of Durhamina cordillerensis (Easton). Although available evidence does not indicate which of the two possible geographic localities was the source of this specimen, its Early Permian age and occurrence in the lower part of the Arcturus Limestone are confidently established (see discussion on type locality above). On the other hand, the age and stratigraphic level of the lectotype, as well as the geographic location of its source, cannot be es tablished with certainty. Attempts to find comparable corals from eastern Nevada have met with limited suc~ cess. I have seen only three specimens that may be conspecific with the lectotype: (1) Meek’s (1877, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 4, 4a., b) Oyathophyllum subcaespétos'wm was collected near the old mining camp of Swansea in the White Pine District, Nev. Hague’s (1870, pl. 14) geologic map of the White Pine District shows a small outlier of Carboniferous limestone just north of Swan- sea. Hague’s Carboniferous limestone is now included in the Ely Limestone of Pennsylvanian age. The spec- imen (USNM 24545) described and illustrated by Meek from this locality is shown herein on plate 6, figures 6— 11, for comparison with the lectotype of 0wgmophyl- lam? whit’neyi. (2) The coral that Coogan,1 (p. 22‘) listed as Caninostrotion sp. A appears to belong with the Orygmophyllum? whitneyi group, judging from photographs that Coogan sent me. Coogan’s specimens are from his Millerella marblensz's-Stafella empansa— Caninostrotion sp. A faunizone in the Bird Spring Formation at Kane Springs Wash, sec. 33, T. 9 S., R. 64 E., Lincoln County, Nev. The specimens are from units 66 and 67 of Coogan’s stratigraphic section. According to Coogan, the coral horizon is of Early Pennsylvanian (Morrow) age. Coogan (p. 56, 57) also recorded these corals in units 57, 79, and 81 in the Bird Spring Formation of his Arrow Canyon section, sec. 12, T. 13 S., R. 64 E., Clark County, Nev. Coogan identi— fied this faunizone in the lower and middle parts of the Ely Limestone in the Ely Basin. (3) A specimen col- 1Coogan, A. H., 1962, Early Pennsylvanian stratigraphy, biostratig- raphy, and sedimentation of the Ely Basin, Nevada: Illinois Univ. unpub. Ph. D. thesis, 88 p., 2 pls., 26 figs. E18 lected by Arnold Brokaw in 1960 is the only fasciculate colonial coral that he had found in the Ely Limestone of the Ely district at the time. The material is from USGS loc. 20938—PC in sec. 8, T. 14 N., R. 63 E., White Pine County, Nev. Orygmophyllum? whitneyz' is evidently an uncdmmon element in the Pennsylvanian faunas of eastern Nevada. The exact geographic locality of the lectotype is un- known. The probable age and stratigraphic position of the lectotype have been established only by compar- ison with a few specimens of similar forms. The frag- mentary specimen upon which the species is based does not permit an adequate characterization of the species nor a decisive determination of its taxonomic affinities. In View of the widespread incorrect usage of the name whitneyi for a different concept, it might be Wise to simply allow the name to lapse. Consequently, I rec- ommend that the species name be regarded as a nomen dubium that should not be used unless the species is soundly established on supplementary material from the area of the type locality. The specimens (USNM 144799 and 144800, formerly USNM 24546) that formed the basis for Meek’s (1877) usage of Lithostmtian whitneyi are herein illustrated on plate 7 so that the reader may compare them with White’s specimen. The morphology of Meek’s speci— mens suggests reference to Siphonodendmn McCoy, which I am using as a subgenus of Lithostrotion Flem- ing. Material referred to Lithostrotion whimeyz' Meek by various authors (see synonymy) includes a wide variety of Upper Mississippian forms actually referable to Siphonodendmn McCoy, Dorlodotz'a Salée, and Pseudodorlodotia Minato. No new species to include these forms are proposed in this paper because existing specimens are too imperfect and their locality data too vague to provide an adequate basis for new taxonomic units. Family AULOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily AMYGDALOPHYLLINAE Genus FABEROPHYLLUM Parks 1951. Faberophyllum Parks, p. 177. Type species.—Faberophylbum occultum Parks (1951, p. 177—178, pl. 31, figs. 1 a, b, 4 a, b; pl. 32, figs. 3 a, b). Upper Mississippian, Utah. Diagnosis.—Solitary, large moderately curved, tro- choid to subcylindrical corals, with numerous septa tending toward radial symmetry except near the promi- nent closed cardinal fossula where they are pinnately arranged; dissepimentarium wide; tabulae incomplete; axial structure varying among species from a complex of one or more lamellae and tabellae, to no axial structure and sagging tabulae (Parks, 1951, p. 177). CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY Faberophyllum stansburyi (Hall) Plate 8, figures 1—9; plate 9 1852. Oyathophyllum’. Stans‘bury, p. 173, 196. 1852. Faphrentis stansbwrti Hall, p. 408, pl. 1, figs. 3a, b. 1852. Faphrentis? multilamellata Hall. p. 408, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1858. [not] Zaphrc’ntis stansbu/rm‘ Hall. Marcou, p. 52, pl. 7, fig. 7. 1860. Zaphrentis Stan-aburryi Hall. Milne-Edwards, p. 347. 1860. Zaphrentis? multilamella Hall=Z. Stansburm Hall. MilneEdwards, p. 347. 1873. [?] Zaphrentts Stambm‘yt Hall (?). Meek, p. 470. 1877. [?] Zaphrentis multilamella Hall. Emmons m Hague and Emmon‘s, p. 465. 1877. [?] Zaphrcntis Stamsburyi Hall. Emmons in Hague and Emmons, p. 385, 465, 600. 1877. [?] Zaphrentis multilamella Hall. Hague m Hague and Emmons, p. 458, 460. 1877. [?] Zaphrentts Stansburyi Hall. Hague in Hague and Emmons, p. 404, 423, 460. 1877. Zaphrentis? multilamella Hall? Meek, p. 53, pl. 6, figs. 4, 4a, ‘b. 1877. [?] Zaphremis? Siambum‘i Hall? Meek, p. 54, pl. 6, figs. 3, 3a—c. 1878. Zaphrentis multilamella Hall. King, p. 199. 1878. [?] Zaphrentt‘s Stansburyi Hall. King, p. 181, 199, 239. 242, 245, 255. 1889. Zaphrentts multilamella Hall. Miller, -p. 209 (biblio- graphic citation). 1889. Zaphrentis stamburw‘ Hall. Miller, p. 210 (biblio- graphic citation). 1898. Zaphrentis multilamella Hall. Weller, p. 648 (biblio- graphic citation and synonymy). 1898. Zaphrentt's stansburm' Hall. Weller, p. 649 (biblio- graphic citation and synonymy). 1900. [ ‘3] Zaphrcntts stansbm‘yi Hall. Knight, pl. 3, fig. 4. 1905. Zaphremtis? multila/mclla Hall. Schuchert, p. 703 (‘birb‘lio- graphic citation). 1905. Zaphrentis? mu-ltilamella Hall. lSchuchert, p. 704 (biblio- graphic citation). 1905. Zaphrentis stansburyi Hall. Schuchert, p. 704 (biblio- graphic citation). 1905. [?] Zaphrentts? stansburii Hall? Schuchert, p. 704, biblio- graphic citation). 1917. [?] Zaphrentis m-ultilamella? Girty in Umpleby, p. 29. 1917. [?] Zaphrentis stansbwmfi? Girty in Umpleb'y, p. 29, 30. 1920. [?] Zaphrentis stansburm Hall. Girty, pl. 52, fig. 1. 1920. Zaph-rentis? multilamella Hall? Girty, pl. 52, figs. 2, 2a. 1929. [?] Oyathophyllum? multilamella. Girty in Mansfield, p.25. 1941. [?] Zaphrentis multilamella? Girty, in Richardson, p. 23. 1943. [?] Zaphremtis stansbum/i Hall. Williams, p. 596. 1945. [?] Zaphrentis stansburm‘ Hall. Williams and Yolton, p. 1146, 1148. 1950. Zaphrentis multilamella Hall. Bassler, p. 220 (biblio- graphic citation). 1950. Zaphrentic stambm‘yi Hall. Bassler, p. 220 (biblio- graphic citation). 1951. Zaphrentis? multilamellata Hall. Parks, p. 171. 1951. Zaphrentis stansbm‘ii Hall. Parks, p. 171. Type material—The syntype lot consisted of four specimens cataloged under USNM number 15055. The incomplete specimen figured by Hall (1852, pl. 1, fig. REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC C‘ORAL SPECIES 3b), presumably from the Cloth Cap locality, is here designated paralectotype and given the new USNM number 144771. A more complete specimen, not illustrated by Hall, from Flat Rock Point is chosen as lectotype and given the new USNM number 144770. The two additional specimens, one of which was figured by Hall (1852, pl. 1, fig. 3a) are too immature and imperfect for generic and specific determination. These are retained under the original syntype number, USNM 15055. Description of lectotype—«This specimen (pl. 8, figs. 1 and 2) is a free trochoid corallum that. has a calicular angle of approximately 50°. The tip of the corallum was broken off at a diameter of about 15 mm, but the corallum is quite clearly curved in the cardinal-counter plane, and the cardinal position is on the convex side. Most of the calice rim has been broken away but enough remains to establish a calice depth of about 15 mm. The observed length of the corallum (incomplete) is approximately 35 mm. The maximum diameter, measured at the top of the calice is about 40 mm. The youngest transverse section (pl. 8, fig. 4), cut at approximately 4 mm above the imperfect lower extrem- ity of the corallum, has a diameter of 19 mm. At this stage, 47 radially arranged dilated major septa extend to the axial region of the corallum, where their atten- uated axial ends are slightly deflected in a counterclock- wise direction and join a columella. The columella is ovate in cross section (1.5 by 2.5 mm in diameter), oriented at a slight angle to the cardinal-counter plane, and appears to be composed of a single dilated sinuous axial plate. The cardinal septum extends halfway to the axis of the corallum and is in a long, narrow fossula, which extends to the axis and is slightly inflated at its axial terminus. The fossula is bounded by fibro-lamel- lar deposits of stereoplasm plastered against the axial ends of the major septa. The counter septum is slightly shorter than the other major septa. Minor septa are approximately one—third the length of the major septa. A difl'uso-trabecular septal microstructure is well pre- served in this section. A transverse peel section (pl. 8, fig. 5) made at ap- proximately 15 mm above the imperfect lower extrem- ity of the corallum has a diameter of about 29 mm and has 66 major septa. Major and minor septa are much thinner than in the previous section. The cardinal septum is now very short; the counter septum is about the same relative length as before. Minor septa are approximately half the length of the major septa. The columella is approximately circular in cross section and 2.0 mm in diameter and although its internal structure E19 is somewhat obscure, there is evidence of open areas within it. A transverse section (pl. 8, fig. 6) cut 2 mm above the preceding section has a diameter of 33 mm and has 70 major septa. This section was cut virtually at the floor of the calice. With the exception of the columella, most of the internal features are similar to those of the previous sections. The solid columella of previous sections is here replaced by an axial complex of inter- twined plates, whose traces on the plane of section are sinuous. The cardinal septum remains very short and in a narrow pronounced fossula. The counter sep- tum, although not in a fossula, is well marked by being conspicuously shorter than adjacent major septa. The dissepimentarium consists of six to eight rows of regular dissepiments confined to the zone of minor septa. A longitudinal section (pl. 8, fig. 3) was cut in the cardinal—counter plane between the upper two trans- verse sections. This section shows four to six series of elongate dissepiments inclined parallel to the epitheca of the corallum. Tabulae, not well displayed in the sec- tion, appear to be discontinuous and mostly horizontal but inclined away from the columella. The axial complex is made up of tabulae and septal lamellae. Description of paraleczfotype.—This specimen (pl. 8, figs. 7—9) is a free decorticated silicified corallum lack- ing the entire left counter quadrant. The observed length of the corallum is about 40 mm, but the rim of the calice is not preserved. The maximum diameter, measured near the floor of the calice, is approximately 31 mm. The calicular angle is approximately 45°. Silicified structural elements are well displayed at the naturally etched floor of the calice in this specimen. Although the corallum is incomplete, the estimated sep- tal complement is 70 major septa at a corallum diameter of 31 mm. The axial region of the corallum is occupied by a complex axial structure similar to that seen in the latest transverse section of the lectotype. The tabulae slope away from the axial complex. Type specimens of Zaphrentis multilamellata H all.— The original syntype lot of Z. multilamellata consisted of two specimens cataloged under USNM number 15054. The incomplete specimen from Flat Rock Point figured by Hall (1852, pl. 1, fig. 2) is here designated lectotype and given the new USNM number 144772. Hall’s un- figured specimen from Cloth Cap is designated paralectotype and now bears USNM number 144773. Thelectotype (pl. 9, figs. 8 and 9) consists of the right half of a corallum approximately 40 mm long (incomplete) that has a maximum diameter of 43 mm, measured near the top of the calice. The calicular angle is between 50° and 60°. E20 A longitudinal section (pl. 9, fig. 10) cut from this specimen is close to the cardinal-counter plane. How- ever, this section is slightly oblique, so that the lower half is to one side of the axial plane. Evidence for a solid axial plate in the earlier stages is ambiguous, but the section clearly shows the complex axial structure of later stages. The axial structure is manifested in the calice as an axial boss which projects 5 mm above the calicular floor. The tabularium consists of numerous incomplete vesicular tabulae slightly inclined from the axial complex. The paralectotype (pl. 9, figs. 6 and 7) is a decorti- cated, partly silicified corallum having a calicular angle of about 45°. The corallum is curved in the cardinal— counter plane and the cardinal side is convex. Most of the lower part of the corallum was broken off at a diameter of approximately 18 mm. The observed length of the corallum (incomplete) is approximately 45 mm. The calice is about 20 mm deep. The maxi- mum diameter, measured at the top of the calice, is 36 mm. I have out four transverse sections and one longi- tudinal section from this specimen. The transverse sections (pl. 9, figs. 1—4) show 51 major septa at a diam- eter of 23 mm and 58 major septa at diameters of 30, 32, and 36 mm. Internal features displayed by these sections and the longitudinal section (pl. 9, fig. 5) are virtually the same as those seen in the lecto- type of Zaphrentis stansburyi. However, the paralec- totype of Z. multilamellata has fewer major septa at approximately the same corallum diameter (58 at a diameter of 32—36 mm vs. 70 at a diameter of 33 mm. The paralectotype of Z. multilamellam has an axial structure like that seen in the intermediate transverse section (pl. 8, fig. 5) of Z. stansburyi. The observed differences between the types of Z. multilamellam and Z. stomsbm'yz' are within my concept of the expectable limits of individual variation for a species. Therefore, I regard Z. multilamellata as a junior synonym of Z. stamsburgé. Type locality—Hall (1852, p. 408) listed three local- ities for Zaphrentz's stambm‘yi: Stansbury Island, Cloth Cap, and Flat Rock. An old label pasted on the lectotype reads “from debris of Flat. rock pt.” One of the specimens figured by Hall (1852, pl. 1, fig. 3a) is similarly designated. The paralectotype is not labeled; this specimen is presumably from Cloth Cap, because it is very similar in preservation and general aspect to the paralectotype of Zaphrentz's multilamellam which is so labeled. The lectotype of Z. multilamellata, al- though unlabeled, is presumed to be from Flat Rock Point because it compares favorably in preservation and general aspect with the lectotype of Z. .s'tansburyz'. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY Thus, Stansbury Island seems to be unrepresented in the collections. Flat Rock Point is described by Stansbury (1852, p. 172—173) and is on his map of the Great Salt Lake. According to Stansbury, the specimens were collected from loose blocks of dark fine-grained limestone 0n the shore of the small cove just. south of the point. The area at the mouth of North Canyon near the NE. cor. sec. 15, T. 7 N., R. 6 W., Box Elder County, Utah, shown on Olson’s (1956, fig. 11) preliminary geologic map of the Promontory Range, best fits ‘Stansbury’s descrip- tion of the type locality. According to Olson (unpub. data, 1961) the hills immediately surrounding the cove are composed of rocks of Cambrian to Devonian age. Therefore, the most likely source of Hall’s specimens is the area of Mississippian rocks at the head of North Canyon, approximately 2 miles from the shore of the cove. Olson originally assigned these rocks to the Madison Limestone but now (unpub. data, 1961) re- gards them as Great Blue( ?) Formation. Collections from the headlands of North Canyon referred to me for study by Olson contain corals that I regard as conspecific with Hall’s material. The Cloth Cap locality is not marked on Stansbury’s map, but Stansbury’s (1852, p. 195—196) description of the locality indicates that Cloth Cap is the first promi- nent peak at the north end of the mountain range south of Strong’s Knob, on the west side of the Great Salt Lake. The peak marked with altitude of 4,985 feet on the US. Geological Survey Brigham City quadrangle map (1: 250,000 series, 1962 ed.), about 2 miles south- west of Lakeside, Box Elder County, Utah, would seem to be the most logical choice for the Cloth Cap locality. The corals were collected from very fossiliferous lime- stone at the summit of this peak. Although no geo- logic maps including the type locality have been published, corals of the F abemphgllum staasburyé type have been reported from the Great Blue Formation in the southern part of the Lakeside Mountains, approx- imately 25 miles south of the type area (Young, 1955, p. 32). Discussions—The poor preservation, paucity of speci- mens, and lack of precise stratigraphic position of the original type material (including that of both Zaphren- tis stamburyz' and Z. multilamellata) make it very difficult to construct a realistic species concept. More— over, Hall’s specimens are all short trochoid coralla that lack a cylindrical stage. Inasmuch as the presence of a cylindrical stage is characteristic of the genus Faberophyllum, these specimens may represent merely the early stages of the species. Among the collections referred to me for study during R. H. Olson’s investigation of the geology of the Prom- REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES ontory Range are several suites of corals collected from the area of Mississippian rocks in the headlands of North Canyon. At least some of these are probably topotypes, inasmuch as the lectotypes of Zaphrentz's sta/nsburyz' and Z. multilamellam were probably derived from this area. Approximately a dozen specimens are from three localities in the drainage area of North Canyon. These specimens compare very favorably with Hall’s types in size, shape, 'septal number, and nature of the columella. None of the specimens attain a cylindrical stage. Two of Olson’s collections are from the drainage area of Miller Canyon, immediately north of North Canyon, and two additional collections are from an area that drains into the Boothe Valley, on the east side of the Promontory Range. Although these collections cannot be regarded as rigorously topotypic, they are of some interest because they may represent approximately the same stratigraphic level as the types. Sixteen speci- mens are present in the collections. Twelve of these specimens, all fragmentary coralla, have a cylindrical stage and attain a length of as much as 140 mm. Although the earliest stage of development is not seen in most of these specimens owing to imperfect lower extremities, the axial structure compares favorably with the types in later stages. However, there is considerable variation in the rate of expansion of the corallum, the maximum diameter in the cylindrical stage, and the maximum number of major septa. In the cylindrical stage, the maximum observed variation is from a coral- lum 36 mm in diameter that has 69 major septa to a corallum 50 mm in diameter that has 92 major septa. The lack of precise stratigraphic data makes it im- possible to evaluate the significance of the observed variations. The area is complexly faulted, and Olson informs me that he was unable to determine the relative stratigraphic positions of the various collections. Inas- much as I cannot confidently determine the limits of the species, I am restricting the species name to the abbreviated coralla represented by Hall’s types, the topotypes from the North Canyon drainage, and Meek’s (1877 , p. 53, pl. 6, figs. 4, 4a, b) specimen from Strong’s Knob. Although I have not seen the specimen that Marcou (1858, p. 52, pl. 7, fig. 7) referred to the species, his illustrations indicate that the specimen is probably not even congeneric with the types. Most of the other citations of the species in my synonymy (exclusive of bibliographic references) occur in faunal lists pertain- ing to various localities in the Mississippian of Utah, Nevada, and Idaho. Meek’s (1877, p. 54, pl. 6, figs. 3, 3a—c) specimens (USNM 24541) from Box Elder Peak, Utah, cannot be referred unequivocally to the species 765—321 0—65——-—-—3 E21 because of the reasons stated above. Similarly, Girty’s (in Umpleby, 1917, pl. 29, 30) specimens (USGS locs. 537, 545, 546, 1138, 1141a) from the Mackay region, Idaho, are also provisionally referred to the species. In view of the difl‘iculties in establishing practical limits for the species, decisions as to the identity of various specimens referred to the species must be deferred until new taxa are established on better type material. The morphology of the later stages of the type speci- mens of Zaphrentis stemsburyi place it unquestionably in the genus Faberophyllum Parks. The discovery of a solid styliform columella in the earlier stages of Hall’s species is an important contribution to our knowledge of the genus. Parks (1951, p. 175) proposed the genus Ekvasophyllum for corals that differ from Faberophyl- lwm principally by having a solid styliform columella in the mature stages. Both genera were erected on ma- terial in which the earlier growth stages are not pre- served. However, Parks was able to construct a phylo- genetic sequence from Ekvasophyllum to Faberophyl- Zum based on the stratigraphic occurrence of mature forms. The type specimens of Faberophyllum sta/ns- buryz’ Hall, which include early stages not present in Parks’ material, support Parks’ interpretation of the phylogeny. ’ When Parks proposed the genus Faberophyllum, he recognized five species, all based solely on mature (cylindrical) growth stages. Because F. stansburyz' Hall may represent only the early trochoid phase of a cylindrical form, I cannot establish its exact relation- ships to any of Parks’ species. Lack of complete type specimens is a serious deterrent to the identification of Park’s species. Family CYATHOPSIDAE Genus CANINIA Michelin in Gervais 1840. Gamma, Michelin in Gervais, p.‘ 485. 1844. Siphonophyllia Scouler m McCoy, p. 187. 1850. Oyathopmls d’Orbigny, ‘p. 105. 1904. Pseudozaphrentoides rStuckenburg, p. 90—91. 1924. Peetzia Tolmachev, p. 309. 1939. Camlm‘a Michelin. Hill, p. 105—106. 1944. Caniwia Michelin. Easton, p. 123-124. Type species.——0anim'a comucopiae Michelin (in Gervais, 1840, p. 485). Lower Carboniferous, Belgium. Diagnosis.—Trochoid to scolecoid solitary corals having amplexoid major septa in mature stages. Car— dinal fossula variably developed and variable in position with respect to curvature of corallum. Tabulae well developed, ordinarily complete, flat axially but turned down at margins. Dissepimentarium vertically discon- tinuous in some species, variably developed in others, composed of regular, herringbone, or lonsdaleoid dissepiments. E22 Discussion—The diagnosis given above reflects the broad definition commonly given to this genus (Hill, 1939, p. 105—113; Easton, 1944, p. 123—124). Hill (1939, p. 102—104) segregated the species into several groups which may ultimately be recognized as genera or sub- genera when a comprehensive study of Utmima is undertaken. The species described below have a dis- sepimentarium composed of lonsdaleoid as well as non- lonsdaleoid dissepiments. Inasmuch as the distinction between the Uaninia cylindrica species group and the Gamma juddi species group is based largely on the lonsdaleoid vs. nonlonsdaleoid nature of the dissepimen- tarium, an unequivocal reference to either group can- not be made. Caninia excentrica (Meek) Plates 10—12 1873. 1875. Zaphremis emcentm’ca Meek, p. 468. [not] Zaphrentis ewcentm‘ca Meek. White, 1). 101, pl. 6, fig. 3a. Zaphr‘entis eweentm‘ca. p. 404. Zaphrentis eweentm‘ca Meek, p. 52, pl. 4, figs. 1—1d. [not] Zaphrentis ewcentm‘ca Meek. White, p. 101, pl. 6. fig. 3a. Zaphrentis eweentrica. King, p. 181, 238, 239, 244. [part] Zaphrentis eweentm'ca Meek. Miller, (bibliographic reference) . [part] Zaphrentis emcentMca Meek. Weller, p. 647 (bib- liographic reference). [part] Zaphrentis emcentm‘ca Meek. Schuchert, p. 703 (blbliographic reference) . [not] Zaphrentis emcentm’ca? Girty in Umpleby, p. 30. Zaphrentis ewcentm‘ca Meek. Girty, pl. 52, fig. 4. [‘2] Zaphrentis emcentm‘ca. Girty m Hewett, p. 28. Zaphrentis emcentrica Meek. Williams, p. 596. [‘2] Cam'm'a juddi (Thomson). Sloss, p. 311, pl. 48, figs. 1—4. Zaphrentis eweentrica Meek. p. 1146, 1149. ['3] Cam'nm sp. A. Parks, p. 181, pl. 29, figs. 63., b. ['3] Cam'm'a sp. B. Parks, p. 182, pl. 29, figs. 7a, b. [not] Gamma ween-trim (Meek). Duncan m Crittenden. p. 71, 72. 1963b. Gamma cf. 0. ewcentm’ca (Meek). Sando, p. 1974, 1982. 1877. Hague in Hague and Emmons, 1877. 1877. 1878. 1889. p. 209 1898. 1905. 1917. 1920. 1931. 1943. 1945. 1945. Williams and Yolton, 1951. 1951. 1959. Sando m Dutro and Type material—Meek’s original material, cataloged in May, 1882, was apparently overlooked or lost when Schuchert and his colleagues (1905) published their catalog of type specimens of fossil invertebrates that are in the U.S. National Museum. Schuchert (1905, p. 703) erroneously listed Meek’s cotypes of the species. The actual type material from Montana was rediscovered in 1961 in a drawer in one of the old offices of the US. Geological Survey in the US. National Museum. These specimens agree with Meek’s (1873, p. 468, footnote) diagnosis and are accompanied by a label written by Meek’s hand. Utah specimens as. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY The syntype lot consisted of 13 specimens cataloged under USNM 11664. Four of these are identified as Zaphrent‘ites cf. Z. spinulosa (Milne-Edwards and Haime) and have been mgregated from the type lot under USNM 144792. The specimen now cataloged under USNM 144791 is here chosen as the lectotype of Uaninia emcentm'ca. The paralectotypes, unfigured, are retained under USNM 11664. The species concept has been fortified by study of approximately 30 well-preserved topotypes from USGS locality 17498—PC collected in 1957 by me and J. B. Hadley. Figured topotypes are cataloged under USNM 144793—1447 96. The remaining unfigured topo- types have been retained in the collections ’of the US. Geological Survey under USGS locality 17 498—PC. Description of lectotype.——This specimen (pl. 10, figs. 4—6) consists of a slightly crushed decorticated mature corallum. The measured length is about 10.5 cm from the top of the calice to the imperfect tip of the corallum. The corallum is moderately curved in the cardinal-counter plane, and the cardinal side is convex. Maximum diameter is approximately 10 cm, measured at the top of the calice, which was at least 6 cm deep. The calicular angle is approximately 70°. Longitu- dinal ornamentation consists of rounded interseptal ridges and sharp septa] grooves. Transverse ornamen- tation consists of fine growth lines (2 per mm) and broad irregular rugae spaced 2—4 mm apart. A transverse section (pl. 10, fig. 2) cut 8 mm above the imperfect tip of the corallum shows approximately 40 major septa at an alar diameter of approximately 26 mm. Septa of the cardinal quadrants are well preserved in this section by virtue of their strong dila- tion, whereas those of the counter quadrants have been largely crushed. The cardinal septum is about three— fourths the length of the other major septa and is in a poorly defined fossula. A transverse section (pl. 10, fig. 3) cut 45 mm above the tip of the corallum shows about 60 major septa at an alar diameter of approximately 66 mm. Approxi- mately the central half of the corallum is occupied by the septum-free tabularium, which in this specimen has been broken and filled in by matrix. The periph- eral half of the corallum is occupied by septa and dissepiments. In the counter quadrants, the dissepi— mentarium is divided into three zones of approximately equal Width. The peripheral zone consists of major and minor septa that project inward from a thin epi- theca and are combined with regular and herringbone dissepiments. The peripheral zone is succeeded by an intermediate zone of lonsdaleoid dissepiments Where the septa, if present at all, are represented only by short discontinuous crests on some of the dissepiments. In REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES the inner zone, major septa are again continuously de- veloped and dissepiments are of the herringbone and regular types, confined to the interseptal loculi. Car- dinal quadrants are characterized by the same tripartite division, but the inner zone is much broader than it is in the counter quadrants, and the major septa are dilated in this zone. The cardinal septum is moderately long and is in a moderately well defined fossula whose axial terminus is bounded by tabular traces. A longitudinal section (pl. 10, fig. 1) cut in the car— dinal-counter plane between the two transverse sections described above illustrates features of the tabularium and dissepimentarium. The tabulae are very thin and slope into the cardinal fossula at an angle of about 45° from the horizontal. The dissepiments are steeply inclined, small and globose at the periphery, but mostly large and elongate in the inner parts of the dissepimentarium. The septal microstructure is diffusotrabecular and has fibro-lamellar dilation. Description of paralectotypes.—The paralectotypes are slightly crushed coralla exhibiting mainly the same features seen in the lectotype. Two of the paralecto- types are mature coralla approximately the same size and shape as the lectotype. The remaining specimens are immature‘forms that have a maximum diameter of 50 mm or less and a length not exceeding 8 cm. The coralla are all slightly curved in the cardinal-counter plane, and the cardinal side is convex. Calicular angles in the mature specimens range from about 40° to 60°, and calices are as much as 6 cm deep. Septal comple- ments at several stages in one of the paralectotypes are plotted in figure 6 along with data from the lectotype and topotypes. Description of topotypes.—The topotype coralla are mostly mature specimens rather strongly curved in the cardinal-counter plane, and their cardinal sides are convex and somewhat flattened. In some of the speci— mens, the cardinal-counter plane is twisted through an angle of as much as 90° with respect to the plane con- taining maximum curvature. The calicular angle for most of these specimens ranges from about 40° to 65°. A few coralla are principally straight cones that have flaring calices producing a calicular angle of as much as 78°. Rejuvention is evident in the late stages of some of the larger specimens. The maximum alar di— ameter of the largest specimens is 10.6 cm. Measured length is as much as 13.5 cm. Calices are as much as 6 cm deep. Characteristic exterior and calicular fea- tures are well illustrated by the etched specimen shown on plate 11, figures 1—3. This specimen has a broad scar of attachment near the tip. Septal complements at various alar diameters in nine topotypes are plotted E23 llllllllllllIllll]llll||l|l||lll|l||lllll||l 80 75 Illlllllllili‘ 70 EXPLANATION o Lectotype 65 . Paralectotype 60 A Topotype 55 50 45 40 ALAR DIAMETER, IN MILLIMETERS 35 30 25 20 15 ‘ II|l|lllllll[ll|l|llll|llll[llIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIH[Illlillll||lll|l "IlLLlLlIIllllllllllllllllllllilHIillLlIlllllillIIILlIIIIII 10 ALLIHIIIllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 NUMBER OF MAJOR SEPTA FIGURE 6.——Scatter diagram showing relation between alar diameter and number of major septa by means of 20 measure- ments on 11 specimens of Gamma cmcentrica (Meek). Straight lines connect measurements made on the same specimen. in figure 6 along with similar measurements made on the lectotype and a paralectotype. This graph does not include the maximum number of major septa, which could not be counted at the top of the calice in the largest specimens. Thin sections of the topotypes serve to illustrate characteristic features of the species better than the primary type material owing to less pronounced crush- ing of internal structures. Although the earliest growth stages are not preserved in any of the specimens studied, serial transverse sections (pl. 12, figs. 1—6) of a young individual illustrate internal features from an alar diameter of approximately 10—33 mm. These sections exhibit a breviseptal stage throughout the part of the corallum represented. Septa of the cardinal quadrants are dilated, whereas those of the counter quadrants are very thin. The cardinal septum is short and is in an ill-defined fossula. Dissepiments first become evident E24 at a stage represented by 43 major septa at an alar diameter of 19 mm. Transverse sections (pl. 12, figs. 7 and 8) of an— other topotype illustrate characteristic internal features of the mature corallum. The dissepimentarium con- sists of a broad zone of lonsdaleoid dissepiments between two narrow zones of herringbone and regular dissepi— ments. The dissepimentarium may occupy as much as half the radius of the corallum, although it is notably constricted at the points of septal insertion (cardinal and alar positions). The central tabularium is approx- imately rhomboid in transverse section, and has an acute cardinal angle and a broadly rounded counter side. Short major and minor septa are present in the narrow peripheral zone of the dissepimentarium. The major septa are represented by sporadic crests on some of the lonsdaleoid dissepiments and their axial extensions pro- trude for short distances into the tabularium. Major septa of the cardinal quadrants are strongly dilated; those in the counter quadrants are thin. The cardinal septum is short and is in a moderately well defined fossula. A longitudinal section (pl. 11, fig.4) cut in the cardinal-counter plane of another topotype shows other features of the dissepimentarium and tabularium. The tabulae are complete and incomplete, generally horizon- tal, but ranging from flat to slightly concave or convex and turned down at the cardinal side of the corallum. The tabular plates are Very thin, 0.1—0.2 mm in thickness, and variably spaced from less than 1 mm to as much as 6 mm apart. Dissepiments on the cardinal side of the corallum are small, globose, and steeply inclined. On the counter side of the corallum, the dissepiments are steeply inclined at the inner and outer sides of the dis- sepimentarium but become more nearly horizontal in the intermediate zone. Inner and outer parts of the dis- sepimentarium are characterized by small globose dissepiments, whereas the intermediate (lonsdaleiod) zone consists of large elongate dissepiments. Type locality.—Meek’s specimens were collected on “Old Baldy” mountain which is at the head of Alder Gulch, famous for its placer gold, south of Virginia City, Mont. The locality is described briefly by Hayden (1873, p. 64) in his report on the expedition of 1872. Meek (1873, p. 434) recognized Chester and pre-Chester equivalents in the faunas collected from Old Baldy. It was my good fortune to visit the area of the type locality in 1957 with J. B. Hadley, who was at that time mapping the Varney quadrangle. The name Baldy Mountain is now applied to the 9,600-foot prom- ontory at the culmination of an eastward-trending ridge and a northwestward-trending ridge at the head of CONTRIBUTIONS T‘O PALEONTOLOGY Alder Gulch in the Gravelly Range. Baldy Mountain proper is made up of rocks which belong to the Mission Canyon Limestone, but younger rocks mapped as Big Snowy Group by Hadley (1960) crop out at the head of Arasta Creek on the southeast flank of a large cirque bounded by the high ridges. A stratigraphic section including the Big Snowy Group was measured here in NEML sec. 35, T. 7 S., R. 3 W., Madison County, Mont. A bed containing abundant Gamma emcentmlca was found in the upper part of a 20-foot cherty limestone unit that occurs approximately 430 feet above the top of the Mission Canyon Limestone. Specimens collected at this locality are virtually identical in morphology, preservation, and matrix to Meek’s types. Conse- quently, I regard the specimens collected in 1957 as topo- types. Associated brachiopods indicate that the topo- types occur in strata of Late Mississippian (Middle Chester) age (Dutro and Sando, 1963a, p. 94). Discussion—Meek (1873, p. 468) founded this species with a footnote diagnosis appended to a faunal list for a collection made in Montana. The original type material was then evidently misplaced until redis- covered during the present study. Subsequent concepts of the species were based on Meek’s (1877, p. 52, pl. 4, figs. 1—1d) illustrations and description of a specimen from Utah, which Schuchert (1905, p. 703) incorrectly listed as a cotype. The lectotype, paralectotypes, and topotypes de- scribed and illustrated in the present paper provide an excellent basis for the species concept. Judging from this material, the species is characterized by its large curved rapidly expanding trochoid corallum having the cardinal septum generally on the convex side, broad tabularium approximately rhomboid in cross section, septal dilation confined to the cardinal quadrants, and dissepimentarium composed of a lens- daleoid zone between inner and outer zones of herring- bone and regular dissepiments. Cantata neeadensz's (Meek) (1877, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 3— 3b) and Uam'm'a enomis Easton (1945, p. 524, figs. 3—7) differ from 0. emcentm'ca by their smaller calicular angle and their cylindrical corallum at maturity. A discussion of the relationships of these similar taxa is given elsewhere in this paper under the heading of Ocmz'm'a. neeadensis. Although future studies may prove that. the three species are merely variants of a single biologic unit, present evidence favors continued separation. I have found several recorded occurrences of Uam’nia emcentrica that I regard as incorrect identifications of the species. White (1875, p. 101, pl. 6, fig. 3a) illus- trated and described a Specimen (USNM 8464) from Fossil Hill, Nev. This specimen, illustrated herein REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC OORAL SPECIES for comparison (pl. 13, figs. 1—6), appears to be a decorticated example of Gamma trojoma. East-on (1960, p. 574, text figs. 2—4) and probably was derived from beds of Pennsylvanian age (Easton, 1963). A specimen from the Mississippian of the Mackay region, Idaho (USGS loc. 1145—PC) assigned questionably to the spe- cies by Girty (in Umpleby, 1917, p. 30) is a large horn coral of uncertain affinities, definitely not Cam'm'a em- centm'ca. Girty’s (in Hewett, 1931, p. 28) specimen from the Bird Spring Formation, Goodsprings quad— rangle, Nevada (USGS loc. 4260B—PC) is a large horn coral of approximately the right size and shape for 0. emcentm'ca, but complete destruction of internal details by recrystallization makes generic and specific determi- nation impossible. Duncan’s (in Crittenden, 1959, p. 71, 72) usage of the name refers to a large suite of specimens from an Upper Mississippian black shale unit in the western Uinta MOuntains, Utah (USGS 100. 10390— PC). These specimens differ from the types of C. excmtm’ca by their weakly colonial habit, ordinarily nonlonsdaleoid dissepimentarium, narrower tabularium, and smaller maximum diameter. The presence of Caim'm'a meant/rice has been con- firmed at several localities in Utah and Idaho. A specimen (USNM 24539) from the Upper Mississippian at Boxelder Peak, Utah, was correctly referred to the species by Meek (1877, p. 52, pl. 4, figs. 1—1d). This specimen, which shows strong rejuvenation in the calice, is illustrated herein (pl. 12, figs. 9—13) for comparison with the types. The species has been recorded in the Upper Mississippian at Dry Lake, Utah, a few miles from the Boxelder Peak locality, by Williams (1943, p. 596) and Williams and Yolton (1945, p. 1146, 1149). Although I have not examined Williams’ material, specimens (USGS locs. 15178, 15179—PC) collected by Mackenzie Gordon, J r., from the same locality compare very favorably with the types and are here included in the species. Parks’ (1951, p. 181, 182, pl. 29, figs. 6a, b, 7a, b) Commie sp. A and 0mm sp. B from the Dry Lake section, although based on fragmentary and probably immature specimens, may also belong in the species. A large suite of specimens from the Monroe Canyon Limestone of the Chesterfield Range, southeast Idaho (USGS locs. 18715, 18718, 18‘719—PC) , which was provisionally identified previously (Sande in Dutro and Sando, 1963b, p. 1982) is now confidently assigned to the species. The specimen that Sloss (1945, p. 311, pl. 48, figs. 1—4) described and illustrated under the heading of Gamma, juddz' (Thomson) may belong in 0. amen- tm'ca, but I have not examined this material and could not determine all the species characters from S‘loss’ paper. Attention has been drawn recently to the widespread E25 occurrence of Commie in beds of Late Mississippian (Chester) age in the northern Cordilleran region (Parks, 1951, p. 183; Duncan in Crittenden, 1959, p. 72; Dutro and Sando, 1963a, p. 94; Dutro and Sando, 1963b, p. 1974). The known occurrences of Canim'a ewcentm’ca are confined to this Upper Mississippian zone. At present two other species of Gamma, 0. ne/uadensz's and 0. enormis are recognized in the zone. Because these species are both rather similar to 0. excentrz’ca, future studies should be directed toward establishing the range of variability in the species in order to determine whether they are actually distinct. Caninia. nevadensis (Meek) Plate 13, figures 7~11 1877. Oyathophyllum (Campophyllum?) Newadense Meek, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 3—3b. 1877. Oyathophyllum Nevadensis. Hague in Hague and Emmons, p. 405. 1878. Oyathophyllum Nevadensis. King, p. 181. 1878. Oyathophyllum (Campophyllum) Neva‘densis Meek. King, p. 239, 244. 1889. Oyathophyllum nevadensc Meek. Miller, p. 182 (biblio- graphic reference). 1898. Cyathophyllum nevademe Meek. Weller, p. 204 (biblio- graphic reference). 1905. th'hophyllum (Campophyllum?) nevadense Meek. tSchuchert, p. 191 (bibliographic reference). 1920. Cyathophyllum nevademe Meek. Girty, p. 650, pl. 52, fig. 3. 1943 [?] Campopha/llum Nevadense? Girty in Calkins and Butler, p. 28. 1944. Gamma nevadensis (Meek). Easton, p. 124, figs. 1a, b. 1950. Gamma nevadensis (Meek). Bassler, p. 219 (biblio- graphic reference). 1959. [?] Gamma nevademis (Meek). Duncan in Crittenden, p. 72. 1961. [?] (Jan/into, ne’vadensis and Roberts, p. 25. (Meek)? Duncan in Tooker Type matem'aZ.—The species was founded on a single specimen, the holotype, cataloged under USNM 24544. The original specimen illustrated as Meek’s (1877, pl. 5) figure 3 was evidently partly destroyed by the author of the species in order to examine internal details. All that remained when I examined the material was the upper half of the specimen. This was broken longitu- dinally lby Meek and half of the specimen was illus- trated as his figure 3a. I cemented the broken halves together in order to make transverse thin sections. Description of h0l0type.—T he fragmentary corallum (pl. 13, figs. 10 and 11) is seemingly nearly cylindrical, expanding from a diameter of 38 mm to a maximum diameter of 52. 5 mm in an observed length of 70 mm. Judging from Meek’s (1877, pl. 5, fig. 3) illustration, this specimen was originally about twice as long as it is now, and the corallum was strongly curved. The cardinal side is convex. E26 Two transverse sections (pl. 13, figs. 7 and 8) cut 50 and 60 mm below the top of the calice show internal features of the mature corallum. These sections show 49 and 50 major septa at diameters of 43 and 44 mm, respectively. In both sections, the septa of the cardinal quadrants are dilated, whereas those of the counter quadrants are undilated. The cardinal septum is short and is in a moderately well defined fossula. The counter septum is also shorter than neighboring major septa. Minor septa are confined to the peripheral region of the corallum. The dissepimentarium com— poses approximately a third to half the radius of the corallum and consists of an inner zone of herringbone and regular dissepiments, an intermediate zone of lonsdaleoid dissepiments, and an outer zone of regular and herringbone dissepiments. A longitudinal section (pl. 13, fig. 9) cut .in the cardinal-counter plane shows only a few thin tabulae (6 in 5 mm) , but there is evidence that many tabulae at higher levels in the corallum were removed during or before deposition of the enclosing sediment, so that the calice appears deeper than it actually was. The tabulae are mostly flat and horizontal and have slightly down-turned edges. The dissepiments are globose to elongate and steeply inclined. The septal microstruc-ture is difl'uSotrabecular and has fibrolamellar dilation. Type locality—The type locality as stated by Meek (1877, p. 60) is: “Boxelder Peak, Wasatch Range, Utah ; Carboniferous.” The locality is described briefly by Hague (in Hague and Emmons, 1877, p. 404—405). According to Williams (1948, p. 1126), Boxelder Peak marks the highest point of Wellsville Mountain, an altitude of 9,355 feet. Although there are no published geologic maps of the area including Boxelder Peak, the species listed by Hague (in Hague and Emmons, p. 404, 405) are the same as those found in the “Brazer” Lime- stone as mapped by Williams and Yolton (1945) at Dry Lake in the Logan quadrangle, approximately 5 miles southeast of the peak. Inasmuch as Cam'm'a is restricted to Williams and Yolton’s units 4 and 5 of the Dry Lake section, the type material of Canim'a nevadensz's was probably collected from the same strata on Boxelder Peak. According to Williams and Yolton ( 1945, p. 1149—1150) , their units 4 and 5 of the “Brazer” Limestone are of Late Mississippian (Chester) age. Discussion—The exact relationship of Cam'm'a nevadensis to two contemporaries, 0. emcentm'ca Meek and 0. mama's Easton, remains to be determined. Although the three taxa are very similar, the available type material does not permit a final decision as to whether they are conspecific or merely closely related species. CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY Canim'a enormis Easton (1945, p. 524, figs. 3—7) was founded on material collected from the Big Snowy Group (Otter Formation equivalent) at Lombard, Mont. My knowledge of this taxon is based on studies of the primary type lot, which consists of 39 mostly fragmentary and immature individuals, and a suite of 36 topotypes collected at the precise stratigraphic level and geographic location of the primary types. Several misconceptions concerning the morphology and growth habit of Cam'm‘a enormis need clarification. Although Easton (1945, p. 526) did not find lonsdaleoid dissepiments in the type material, many of the mature specimens in the primary type lot as well as the topo- types show a lonsdaleoid zone between outer and inner nonlonsdaleoid zones in the dissepimentarium. The transverse sections, including those of the holotype, illustrated by Easton represent immature stages Ac— cording to Easton (1945, p. 524) the cardinal side of the corallum is convex in this species. My study of the primary types revealed that the cardinal side is convex on the holotype and six paratypes but concave on four paratypes. Moreover, on three topotypes the cardinal side is concave and on one topotype the cardinal septum is 90° from the plane of curvature. Many of the speci- mens are vermiform or uncurved so that the cardinal position cannot be related to curvature of the corallum. I conclude that 0mm enomis is characterized by a cardinal position that is variable with respect to cur- vature of the corallum. Easton (1945, p. 524, 526, 528) also emphasized the presumed colonial tendency of this species. Two etched silicified paratypes are cemented together near their tips and along a distance of 4 cm higher in the corallum, but I can find no evidence of skeletal confluence and regard this phenomenon as the result of silicification. A block of matrix contains several immature individuals lying in a parallel posi- tion, but other individuals in the same block are in various positions at large angles to the parallel ones. Moreover, the topotypes show no evidence of colonial habit. I conclude that a colonial habit remains to be conclusively demonstrated in 0mm enormis. The holotype of Gamma. nevadensz's falls well within the limits of variation seen in the type lot of Cam'm'a mama's with regard to both internal and external morphology. Figure 7 shows the close correspondence in the ratio of alar diameter to number of major septa in the two taxa. However, I am reluctant to regard 0. eno’rmz's as a junior synonym of 0. nevademz's be— cause the latter is known only from a single specimen, which does not permit an evaluation of the variability of Meek’s species. A final decision concerning the exact relationship of the two taxa must await a study of topotype material of 0. nevadensz's. REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES 01 O I I_r1 I I'TI 1’1 I I I I ‘I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I | I I I I I I I I- 55 ’— EXPLANATION ‘ _‘ : Caninia enormis : i 0 1 5o — Holotype .— : o : : Paratype - 45 — ‘ _' : Topotype 2/] - (n : Caninia nevadensis : K 40 _ D —— I'—J _ Holot e ' m — yp _ z : . '=," 35 :— j E — Z z _ I I; 30 — o ‘ _ f—J : // - Lu 0 - E 25 '_ A __ D Z Z I " _ : A I - o _ 15 :— / _ Z A I _ o _ 10 _— — - I - -1 0-],IlIlll|IIlIIIJIllIIIlllllllIIlIlIlIlAI 15 35 40 45 50 55 NUMBER OF MAJOR SEPTA FIGURE 7.—Scatter diagram showing relation between alar diam— eter and number of major septa by means of 13 measurements on 8 specimens of Cam‘m'a enormis Easton and 2 measurements on the holotype of Gamma neoadcnsis (Meek). Straight. lines connect measurements made on the same specimen. Camim'a eweentm'ca (Meek) pertains to curved conical rapidly expanding (calicular angle ordinarily 45°— 70°) coralla having an internal morphology like that of Cam'm'a macadamia 0. neoadensz's and 0. enormis differ from 0. emcentrica only by the form of the coral- lum, which is narrowly expanding (calicular angle generally about 30°) in early stages and cylindrical in later stages. In spite of this difference in the form of the corallum, specimens of 0. macadamia and 0. enormas‘ show similar trends in the ratio of alar diameter to number of major septa (compare figs. 6 and 7). Nei- ther the primary type lot nor the topotype collection of 0. emcentrica contain cylindrical forms. In the ab- sence of accessory type material, the presence of rapidly expanding coralla at the type locality of 0. neoadensz's has not been established. Consequently, present evi- dence favors continued separation of these two similar taxa. Specimens questionably referred to 0mm nervaden- 82's by Girty (in Calkins and Butler, 1943, p. 28) from USGS locality 3982a—PC, Humbug Formation, Cotton- E27 wood quadrangle, Utah, and by Duncan (in Tooker and Roberts, 1961, p. 25) from USGS locality 16329—PC, Oquirrh Formation, Oquirrh Mountains, Utah, are too fragmentary and immature for specific identification. Genus FAVIPKYLLUM Hall 1852. Fa/viphyllum? Hall, p. 407. 1889. Faviphyllum. Miller, p. 187. 1940. Faviphyllum Hall. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 60. Type species.—Faoiphyllum? mgosum Hall (1852, p. 407, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b). Lower Mississippian, Utah. Diagnosis.—Conico-cylindrical solitary corals having major septa which may or may not reach the axis of the corallum but do not unite to form an axial structure. Septal plan may be radial or septa may be arranged bilaterally with respect to cardinal-counter plane. Tabulae concave or bowl shaped. Dissepimentarium composed mainly of lonsdaleoid dissepiments. Discussions—Hall described a single species under the heading of Faviphyllum? The genus was neither described, diagnosed, nor discussed. Neither the ge- neric name nor the specific name has ever been applied to specimens other than Hall’s types. The presence of a question mark after the generic name in the original citation adds to the ambiguity of Hall’s intent in using the name. The possibility that Fewz'phyllum is merely a Zapsus for Faoosz'tes Lamarck seems unlikely because in his discussion Hall (1852, p. 408) pointed out features which differentiated his coral from chosites. Lang, Smith, and Thomas (1940, p. 60) regarded Faoiphyllum as a nomen nudum. Their reasoning was based on the interpretation that the species was only doubtfully re- ferred to the genus and hence could not serve as type species by monotypy. Therefore, the genus was with- out a type species and the generic name must lapse. It seems extremely unlikely to me that Hall would questionably refer his new species to his own new genus. I can conceive of no logical reason for taking such an action, even at a time when the system of zoological nomenclature was in its infancy. Therefore, I do not agree with the interpretation of Lang, Smith, and Thomas that Fam'phyllum is a nomen nudum. Instead, I offer two alternative interpretations: (1) Faoiphyl- Zum was proposed as a provisional genus; this inter- pretation is consistent with taxonomic practice of Hall’s time, when taxonomic relationships were much more poorly known than they are today; or, (2) The question mark following the generic name is a typo— graphical error; this interpretation is supported by the appearance of the name without a question mark in the index to Stansbury’s report, and by the fact that there are numerous editorial discrepancies in Hall’s paper. In either case, it seems to me that the generic E28 name meets the criteria of availability stated in Chap- ter IV of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1961). In spite of the availability of F aviphg/Zlum as a ge- neric name, there are cogent reasons for invalidating it. Aside from the original reference, this name has been published only in compilations such as those cited in the present synonymy. No specimens other than the type specimens of the type species have been referred to it. Although the type material is poorly preserved and fragmentary, the type species exhibits generic charac— ters which link it unquestionably with Vesiculophg/llum Easton, a well—established and widely used genus. If F aviphg/Zlum Hall,‘ 1852, were regarded as a valid ge- neric name, it would preoccupy Vesiculophyllum Eas- ton, 1944. Inasmuch as Faviphyllum is based on limited and poorly preserved material of uncertain strati- graphic position and the name has not been used in the primary zoological literature for more than a hundred years, I can find no logical reasons for retaining it in the taxonomic hierarchy. Therefore, I have petitioned the International Commission on Zoological Nomen- clature to suppress F aviphyllum Hall under the provi- sions of Article 79 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1961). “Faviphyllum rugosum” Hall Plate 14, figures 1~9 1852. [‘2] Fuvosites, Stansbury, p. 211. 1852. Faviphyllum? rugosum Hall, p. 407, pl. 1, figs, 1a, b. 1898. Faviphyllum? rugosum Hall, Weller, p. 271. 1905. Faviphyllum? rugosum Hall, Schuchert, p. 268. 1940. Fam‘phyllum? [sic] rugosum Hall. Lang, Smith, and Thomas, p. 60. 1950. Famlphyllum rugosum Hall. Bassler, p. 220. Type material.—The syntype lot consisted of the two specimens illustrated by Hall and cataloged under USN M number 15056. I have chosen the specimen illustrated by Hall (1852, pl. 1, fig. 1b) as lectotype and given it the new USNM number 144768. Hall’s other specimen was partly destroyed by Bass— ler, who made three longitudinal sections and one transverse section from it. The specimen, now regarded as paralectotype, has been given the new USN M number 144769. Description of lectotype—This specimen (pl. 14, figs. 5 and 6) is a decorticated silicified mainly cylindrical corallum approximately 90 mm long. Neither the tip of the corallum nor the top of the calice is preserved. The corallum expands from a diameter of approxi— mately 20 mm at its imperfect lower extremity to a maximum observable diameter of approximately 35 mm. Rejuvenation occurs approximately 50 mm above the lower extremity. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALE ONTOLOGY A transverse section approximately 20 mm in diam- eter cut 7 mm above the lower extremity (pl. 14, fig. 2) shows 33 thin slightly sinuous major septa arranged mostly radially with respect to the axis of the corallum. This is not the true septal complement because one sec- tor of the corallum is not preserved in this section. Neither cardinal, counter, nor alar septa can be identi- fied. Minor septa are not present. Straight to inwardly convex intercepts of regular dissepiments occur in the interseptal loculi. No lonsdaleoid dissepiments were noted, but their absence at this stage cannot be con- firmed, because an undeterminable amount of the outer corallum is not preserved. A septum-free axial zone occupies approximately one-fourth the diameter of the corallum. The axial zone is bounded by concentric traces of incomplete tabulae, interrupted in places by the axial ends of some of the major septa, which project into the tabularium. In a transverse section approximately 25 mm in maxi- mum diameter cut 25 mm above the lower extremity of the corallum (pl. 14, fig. 3), only about half the lumen is preserved. Twenty-one major septa (approximately half of the true septa complement) can be observed in this section. As in the previous section, the major septa are thin and somewhat sinuous, and the primary septal elements cannot be determined. The septal pat- tern is difficult to determine owing to the incomplete- ness of the section, but there is evidence of palmate groupings of three or more septa. The major septa extends almost to the axis of the corallum so that the open axial zone of the previous section is no longer evi— dent. The major septa terminate peripherally against a zone of large lonsdaleoid dissepiments whose true width cannot be determined owing to the absence of preserved epitheca. Minor septa are absent. A transverse section about 35 mm in maximum diam- eter cut 45 mm above the lower extremity of the co- rallum (pl. 14, fig. 4) presents a pattern of internal elements similar to that of the preceding section. How— ever, the septa now appear to be somewhat regularly arranged with respect to an axial plane of bilateral symmetry. Approximately two—thirds of the lumen is preserved in this section. Thirty-two major septa can be seen in the incomplete section. Minor septa were not observed. The lonsdaleoid dissepimentarium is about twice as wide as in the previous section, but the true width of this zone is indeterminate owing to incomplete preservation. A longitudinal section cut between the second and third transverse sections described above (pl. 14, fig. 1) shows a dissepimentarium approximately 13 mm wide and an axial tabularium 9 mm in diameter. The dis- sepiments are large, elongate, and steeply inclined. The REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES tabulae are incomplete and generally bowl shaped; they are flat or concave in the axial region and steeply in- clined peripherally, where they tend to merge with the dissepiments. Septal microstructure has been obliterated by recrystallization. Descwlptz'on of paralectotg/pe.—The preservation of this specimen is similar to that of the lectotype. J udg— ing from Hall’s illustration (1852, pl. 1, fig. 1a), it consisted of a fragmentary cylindrical corallum approx— imately 65 mm long and 25 mm in maximum diameter. Only the lower 30 mm of the specimen remained intact when I examined it. Two transverse sections, one cut 11 mm above the lower extremity of the corallum (pl. 14, fig. 7) and the other cut 28 mm above the lower extremity (pl. 14, fig. 8) , reveal an internal structure similar to that seen in the lowest transverse section of the lectotype (pl. 14, fig. 2). These sections exhibit 37 major septa at a maximum diameter of 12 mm and 38 major septa at a maximum diameter of 15.5 mm. The septa in the lower section are slightly dilated and wedge—shaped. In both sections, the axial zone is virtually open, and only a few septa project into the tabularium. Lons- daleoid dissepiments are not evident, but their absence cannot be confirmed owing to decortication. The major septa are mainly radially arranged. Minor septa are absent. Bassler’s longitudinal section (pl. 14, fig. 9), cut from an unknown position in the corallum, shows a series of elongate nearly vertically inclined dissepiments sur- rounding an axial tabularium approximately 2—3 mm in diameter. The tabulae are bowl shaped. Type locality—Hall did not state the locality from which his specimens were collected. However, the lec- totype bore an old label upon which was written “Stansbury’s 1.,” and Bassler’s slides out from the para- lectotype are similarly designated. The locality is unquestionably Stansbury Island, a mountainous prong which is actually connected by salt flats to the southwest shore of the Great Salt Lake, Tooele County, Utah. Stansbury (1852, p. 211) described a coralliferous black and gray limestone that occupies the summit of the highest peak on the island, near the center of the mountain range. According to Stansbury, the lime- stone is underlain by 200 feet of “white siliceous sandstone.” Inasmuch as this is the only mention of fossiliferous outcrops on Stansbury Island in Stans- bury’s report, it seems likely that Hall’s specimens were collected at this locality. The known stratigraphic range of the genus Vesiculophyllum, which is synonymous with F aviphyl- lum, is restricted to the Madison Group and its E29 equivalents in the Western United States. Corals that belong to this genus occur in the Gardner Dolomite as used by Rigby (1958) in the Stansbury Mountains, immediately south of Stansbury Island. According to Walter Sadlick (written commun., 1963), the most likely source of Hall’s specimens on Stansbury Island is the Gardison Limestone, which is exposed near the center of R. 6 W. on both sides of the boundary between T. 1 N. and T. 2 N. Judging from Stansbury’s (1852, p. 211) description of the locality, the corals were prob- ably collected on one of the two peaks which are located on either side of the boundary between T. 1 N. and T. 2 N. (U.S. Geo]. Survey, Tooele quadrangle map, 1:250,000 series, 1962 ed.). Dismsion.—The status of Hall’s species is as tenuous as that of his genus. The two specimens that form the basis for the species concept are so poorly preserved and incomplete that specific characters are at best only doubtfully ascertained. The type locality is obscure, and it is questionable whether anyone searching for topotype material could ever be sure that he had located the exact type locality. This name, like the generic name, has not been used in the primary zoological liter- ature for more than a hundred years. Therefore, I have made application to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to have Hall’s species name suppressed under Article 7 9 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1961). Suborder OOLUMNARIINA Family LONSDALEII'DAE Subfamily LONS'DALEIINAE Genus SCIOPHYLLUM Barker and McLaren 1950. Sciophyllum Harker and McLaren, p. 31. Type species.—Sciophyllum Zambm'tz' Harker and Mc- Laren (1950, p. 31—33, pl. 4). Mississippian, Canada. Diagnosis.—Cerioid rugose corals of basaltiform habit, without columella; complete corallum unknown; dissepimentarium of one or more series of dissepiments, the inner margin forming a well-marked inner wall; tabulae strong, well-spaced and regular, flat or slightly arched; septa absent or reduced to fine vertical striations on the inner side of the epitheca or inside the inner wall; gemmation lateral (Harker and McLaren, 1950, p. 31). Sciophyllum adjunctivum (White) Plate 15 188021. Acervulam'a adjunctiva White, p. 255, pl. 1, figs. 1~3. 1880b. Acervulam'a adjunctiva White, p. 120, pl. 35, figs. 1a—d. 1889. Acervularia adjunctiva White. Miller, p. 170 (biblio- graphic citation). 1898. Acervularia adjunctiva White. Weller, p. 53 (biblio- graphic citation). 1905. Acervulam'a adjunctiva White. Schuchert, p. 20 (biblio- graphic citation) . E30 1950. Acervulariafl adjunctiva White. liographic citation). Bassler, p. 219 (bib- Type material—The syntype lot consisted of 30 frag- ments of coralla cataloged under USNM 8030. Bassler made eight thin sections from these specimens. One specimen, partly destroyed by Bassler, was segregated from the other syntypes and bore the USNM desig- nation for holotype. This specimen appears to be one of the specimens figured by White (1880b, pl. 35, fig. 1a) . I could not identify any of the other specimens illustrated by White in the syntype lot. The holotype designation is undoubtedly invalid and may have been added erroneously by a recent curatorial assistant. However, White’s figured specimen is the logical choice to serve as lectotype and is so designated. This specimen is now cataloged under USNM 144786. The figured paralectotype is now cataloged under USNM 144787. The unfigured paralectotypes are retained under USNM 8030. Description of Zectotype.—The lectotype (pl. 15, fig. 1) is a fragment of a cerioid corallum approximately 5 by 5 by 2 cm. The prismatic corallites separate readily, displaying both longitudinal and transverse corrugations on their external faces. There are com- monly four to seven evenly spaced longitudinal cor- rugations on a corallite face. Transverse corrugations are broader and less regular; there may be as many as four or five in 1"‘cm. Fine transverse striations (three to five per millimeter) apparently represent increments of vertical growth of the corallite walls. Corallites are inequidimensional, probably owing to distortion of the corallum by deformation which affect- ed the enclosing rock. Short corallite diameters range from 3.7 to 6.0 mm (average 4.8 mm) and long corallite diameters range from 7.0 to 10.5 mm (average 9.0 mm). Budding is intermural. Delicate internal features are remarkably well pre- served despite coarse recrystallization of sparry calcite that fills open spaces in the corallum. In transverse section (pl. 15, figs. 2 and 3), the tabularium appears as a well—defined ellipse (owing to deformation), whose long axis ranges from 2.5 to 5.5 mm and whose short axis ranges from 2.0 to 3.5 mm. The traces of two to four dissepiments are commonly visible in transverse section. The dissepimentarium occupies approxi- mately half the radius of the corallum. Vestigial septa were identified in 6 out of 16 corallites; as many as 8 septa were found in a single corallite. None of the septa are more than 4 mm long, and they invariably arise on the inner wall of the tabularium where they project inward toward the axis of the corallite. The epitheca is approximately two-tenths of a millimeter thick. CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEON'TOLOGY In longitudinal section (pl. 15, figs. 4 and 5) the dis- sepimentarium is seen to consist of a single series of large inflated steeply inclined dissepiments. There are ordinarily two to three dissepiments in 5 mm. Tabulae are mostly concave and many are disposed at angles of as much as 45° from the horizontal. There are three to five tabulae in 5 mm. Description of paralectotypes.—The paralectotypes are all fragments of coralla; the largest specimen is about 9 by 4.5 by 5 cm. Like the lectotype, these speci- mens are deformed and break readily between corallites. Available evidence does not indicate how many coralla are represented by these fragments. Longitudinal and transverse thin sections cut from two of the paralecto- types show mainly the same features seen in the lectotype. Type locality—The material was collected by Orestes St. John from Carboniferous strata in the “Blackfoot Range, south of Yellowstone National Park” (White, 1880a, p. 255). The mountains referred to are located in Bingham County in southeastern Idaho. St. John (1879, p. 342—344) mentions “Lithostrotion” at his topo— graphic stations 8 and 9 in the Blackfoot Range. ‘ One of these stations is presumably the type locality, be- cause lithostrotionoid corals are not mentioned else- where in St. John’s description of the geology of the Blackfoot Range. Location of the localities in terms of modern geo- graphic coordinates was made by studying positions of the stations as shown on St. John’s (1879, pl. 7) drain- age sketch, his geologic cross sections (187 9, pls. 13 and 14) , and his descriptions of the areas (187 9, p. 342—344) and comparing them with Mansfield’s (1952, pl. 1) geo— logic map of the Amm'on and Paradise Valley quad- rangles. The most logical location for St. John’s Station 8 is somewhere within the area mapped as Brazer Limestone by Mansfield on Blue Ridge in secs. 2, 3, 11, and 12, T. 3 8., R. 39 E. A probable location for St. John’s Station 9 is in the continuation of the same Brazer belt southeast of Horse Creek in secs. 17, 20, 29, and 28, T. 3 S., R. 40 E. The rocks mapped as Brazer by Mansfield in south- eastern Idaho are now assigned to the Chesterfield Range Group, of Late Mississippian age (Dutro and Sando, 1963b, p. 1967) Judging from Mansfield’s (1952, p. 20) description of the lithic sequence in the type area of White’s species, the type material was probably collected from the Monroe Canyon Limestone (Dutro and Sande, 1963b, p. 1967). Evidently White’s species is rare because I did not find other specimens in the many collections made by Mansfield and his co- workers or by Dutro and myself from the Mississippian of southeastern Idaho. REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES Discussion—White’s coral appears to be closely re- lated to the type species of Sciopkyllum, S. lambarti Harker and McLaren (1950, p. 31, pl. 4). However, Sciophyllum adjunctivum has a narrOWer tabularium relative to the corallite diameter and fewer and larger dissepiments arranged in only one series. Moreover, in White’s species the tabulae are mostly concave and inclined, rather than flat or arched and horizontal as they are in the type species. 8. adjunctivum also has fewer septa, and the septa are confined to the tabularium. Order TABULATA Family AULOPORIDAE Subfamily SYRINGOPORINAE Genus SYRINGOPORA Goldfuss 1826. Syriagopom Gol-dfuss, p. 75. T ype species.—Syringopom ram/ulosa G 0 l d f u s s (1826, p. 76, pl. 25, fig. 7). Carboniferous, Germany. Diagnosis.——Erect fasciculate coralla composed of cylindrical corallites connected by hollow connecting tubes. Septa absent or represented by septal spines. Tabulae infundibular, commonly incomplete, coalesced in some species to form an axial tube which may be continuous or interrupted by horizontal tabulae. Syringopora occidentalis Meek Plate 8, figures 10—14. 1877. Syringopora occidentalts Meek, p. 51, pl. 6, figs. 2, 2a. 1898. Syringopom (undet. sp.) Meek. Weller, p. 619 (biblio- graphic citation). 1905. Syringopom occidentalis Meek. Schuchert, p. 637 (bib- liographic citation). 1950. Syringopom occidentalis Meek. Bassler, p. 220, (bib- liographic citation). Type material.—The holotype is the specimen figured by Meek (1877, pl. 6, figs. 2, 2a) and cataloged under USNM 24547. Description of holotype—The holotype (pl. 8, fig. 11) is a fragment of a colony approximately 4.5 by 3 by 2.5 cm. The corallites are silicified and partly imbedded in yellowish limestone. Corallites are sinuous and erect, except for several horizontal branches at the base of the specimen, which apparently represents a level at or near the base of the original colony. Mature corallite diameters range from 2.0 to 2.3 mm, averaging 2.1 mm in 17 corallites. Cor- al'lite frequency ranges from six to eight corallites per square centimeter (average 6.8) in five measurements. Corallites are thick walled; walls range from 0.25 to 0.35 mm in thickness. Connecting tubes are abundant and occur at 2—5 mm intervals; three or four commonly arise at the same level. In transverse section (pl. 8, figs. 12 and 14), the tabu— lae appear as nearly straight or slightly curved traces E31 arranged more or less concentrically around a central or slightly eccentric axial canal except in the vicinity of connecting tubes, where the axial canal is modified by its junction with the connecting tube structure. No sept-al spines or ridges are evident in any of the corallites. Longitudinal sections (pl. 8, figs. 10 and 13) are mostly oblique cuts owing to sinuosity of the corallites. They show, rather poorly, an axial canal bounded by one to three rows of infundibular tabulae and transected by a few horizontal tabulae in some places. Type locality—Locality data given by Meek (187 7, p. 51) are: “Southwest of Bald Mountain, Uinta Range, and at Morgan Peak, Wasatch Range, Utah; in a dark Carboniferous limestone.” An old locality label with the holotype reads: “From the S. W. of Bald Mt. (Loose), Carb.” The Morgan Peak locality is not represented in the available type material. Inasmuch as S. F. Emmons Surveyed and described (in Hague and Emmons, 1877, p. 311—325) the geology of the western Uinta Range for the King Survey, Meek’s specimen was probably collected by the Emmons party. Emmons (in Hague and Emmons, 1877 , p. 313) listed a fauna including Syringopom multattenuata and Syringopom? from “drab limestones of the Upper Coal- Measures” on Rhodes’ Spur at the junction of Stanton Creek (now called Wolf Creek or West Fork) and the Duchesne River. Although this locality is almost due south, rather than southwest of the Baldy Mountain, it is the only place from which Emmons recorded a collection containing Syringopom. Rhodes’ Spur is composed of rocks mapped as Weber Sandstone and Park City Formation by Huddle and McCann (1947). According to Huddle and McCann, limestone occurs sparingly in the upper part of the Weber and the lower member of the Park City. The upper member of the Park City is mostly sandy and silty dolomitic limestone. Judging from Huddle and McCann’s descriptions of the lithologies, Meek’s speci— mens could have come from either the upper part of the Weber or the lower or upper member of the Park City. The entire Park City Formation is now considered to be Permian, and all of the Weber is regarded as Pennsylvanian in the area concerned (Helen Duncan, oral common, 1964). Meek’s specimen may be of upper Weber or Park City origin and is probably of Pennsylvanian or Permian age. Discussion—Although Meek (1877 , p. 51) proposed the name Syrrz'ngopom occidentalis conditionally, it nevertheless fulfills the criteria of availability of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (In- ternational Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1961, article 17). Unfortunately, the type specimen E32 is not well preserved and appears to represent the immature part of a corallum. These circumstances make it diflicult to characterize the species. The possi- bility of collecting topotype material seems unlikely in view of the inadequate data on type locality. Meek’s name has never been applied to any specimen other than the holotype and has not appeared in the primary zoological literature since 1877. In View of the uncer- tainties surrounding the type material I belive it best to regard Syringopom occidentalis as a nomen dubium. Meek’s coral appears to be related to Syringopom multattenuata McChesney (1859, p. 75; 1867, p. 2, pl. 2, figs. 4, 4a). I have made my comparison on the basis of McCutcheon’s (1,961) description and illustrations of the neotype of McChesney’s species. The two species have about the same corallite diameter and density, wall thickness, and connecting tube spacing. The absence of septal processes and presence of an axial tube are other features that indicate close relationship. How- ever, in Sym'ngopom m/ultattenuata the axial tube is more clearly defined and the incomplete tabulae are more numerous, more variable in size, and generally more inflated than in S. occidentalis. Order TABULATA, position uncertain “Leptopora winchelli” White Plate 14, figures 10—16 1879. Leptopora sp.? Peale, p. 599, 620. 1879. Leptopora wimhelli White, p. 211. 1880b. Leptopom winchelli White, p. 121, pl. 34, fig. 113.. 1889. Leptopo’ra Mmhelli White. Miller, 1). 194 (bibliographic citation). 1898. Leptopora winchelli White. Weller, p. 323 (bibliograph— ic citation). [not] Leptoporo Whelli White. 259, 327. 1905. Leptopora winchelli White. graphic citation). 1917. Leptopora winchelli White. graphic citation). _ 1950. Oleistopom winchelli (White). Bassler, p. 219 (biblio- graphic citation). 1955. Oleistopora typa winchelli (White). 1903. Girty, p. 249, 250, Schuchert. p. 351 (biblio- Robinson, p. 164 (biblio- Jeffords, p. 7, fig. 2. Type material—The syntype lot consisted of three specimens cataloged under USNM 8230. The largest specimen, not figured by White, is here designated as lectotype and now bears U SNM number 144788. White’s (1880b, pl. 34, fig. 11a) figured specimen, partly destroyed in making thin sections, is regarded as a para— lectotype and is now cataloged under USNM 144789. White’s other unfigured specimen, another paralecto- type, is now cataloged under U SNM 144790. Description of lectotype—This specimen (pl.14, figs. 10 and 14) consists of a thin sheetlike corallum having imperfect margins so that the original size is indetermi- CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY nate. The specimen is approximately 4 by 2.5 by 1 cm and nearly completely covers the piece of brown dolo— mite matrix to which it adheres and which obscures the underside of the corallum. The entire corallum is com- posed of coarse silica. The corallum is composed of approximately 75 polyg- onal corallites. Mature corallites are 2.5—3 mm in diam- eter and 1—2 mm deep. Tabulae are either absent or not preserved, and no other internal deposits can be identified. Corallite walls are 0.1—0.4 mm thick. Mu- ral pores 0.1—0.2 mm in diameter were observed in the walls of some of the corallites; no pores were seen along the angles of the walls. Septa, septal spines, or septal ridges are either absent or not preserved. Description of paralectotypes.—White’s (1880b, pl. 34, fig. 11a) illustrated specimen (pl. 14, figs. 11 and 13) is very similar to the lectotype in all essential de- tails. It appears to represent a somewhat smaller frag- ment of a corallum and contains about half as many corallites as the lectotype. Two thin sections were cut from this specimen. One of these (pl. 14, fig. 15) is an oblique longitudinal out which shows very little other than the general outline of the walls owing to coarse silicification of wall structure. The other section (pl. 14, fig. 16) is a transverse cut made near the base of the corallum. Here again, silicification is so crude that only vague outlines of the corallites are discernible. White’s other unfigured specimen (pl. 14, fig. 12) is probably an immature corallum. The corallum is cir- cular in outline and has a diameter of 5. 5 mm. A cen— tral corallite 1. 5 mm in diameter is surrounded by 11 radially arranged corallites. Corallite walls rise to a maximum height of 1. 5 mm above the basal disk near the center of the corallum. Type locality—According to White (1880b, p. 121), the type material was “brought in by Dr. A. C. Peale, in the autumn of 1877, from near the forks of Logan River, in Bear River range, near the northern boundary of Utah.” Peale (1879, p. 599) mentions Leptopom at his station 125 located on top of a hill on the east side of the North Fork of Logan River. The fossil was collected from westward-dipping “white saccharoidal limestone” that caps the hill and overlies “massive blue limestone.” Peale’s description indicates that the locality is on top of the 7,000—foot hill in SW14 sec. 8, T. 12 N., R. 3 E., Cache County, Utah. This area was mapped as Laketown and Fish Haven Dolomites by Williams (1948, pl. 1). The matrix of the specimens is fine- grained brownish gray dolomite very similar to a rock type that is common in both the Laketown and Fish Haven Dolomites. Therefore, I believe that Peale’s identification of the locality as Carboniferous is erro- REVISION OF SOME PALEOZOIC CORAL SPECIES neous and that the material was actually collected from rocks of Ordovician or Silurian age. Discussion—The type material of this species is so poorly preserved that even generic identification is vir- tually impossible. Although the material has many features suggestive of Favosites and allied genera, the apparent absence of tabulae makes it impossible to refer the specimens unequivocally to this group. Reference to Uleistopom is neither supported by the morphology of the specimens nor by the probable Ordovician or Silurian age of the rocks from which they were collected. In view of the existing uncertainties concerning the type material, the best interests of taxonomy would be served by avoiding the use of White’s taxon. I suggest that Leptopom winchelli White be relegated to the status of nomen dubium. Only one specimen outside of the type lot has ever been allocated to White’s species This specimen is the one described by Girty (1903, p. 327) from the Hermosa Format-ion of Colorado. I have examined Girty’s specimen (USGS loc. 2279—PC) and find it to be a species of Michelinia, similar to M. Zateb’rosa Moore and J effords. REFERENCES CITED Bassler, R. S., 1950, Faunal lists and descriptions of Paleozoic corals: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 44, 294 p., 20 pls. Bradley, F. H., 1873, Report [on the Snake River region]: U.S. Geol. Survey Terr. (Hayden), Ann. Rept. 6, p. 189271, figs. 44—51. Calkins, F. C., and Butler, B. S., 1943, Geology and ore deposits of the Cottonwood-American Fork area, Utah: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 201, 152 p., 51 pls., 8 figs. Chapman, F., 1925, New or little known fossils in the National Museum. Part XXVIII, Some Silurian rugose corals: Royal Soc. Victoria Proc., new ser., v. 37, pt. 1, p. 104—118, pls. 12—15. Crickmay, C. H., 1955, The Minnewanka section of the Missis- sippian: The author, (Imperial Oil Ltd., Calgary, Alberta), 15 p., 2 pls., 3 charts. Crittenden, M. 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H., 1944, Revision of Campophyllum in North America: Jour. Paleontology, v. 18, no. 2, p. 119—132, pl. 22, 4 text figs. 1945, Corals from the Otter formation (Mississippian) of Montana: Jour. Paleontology, v. 19, no. 5, p. 522—528, 10 text figs. 1960, Permian corals from Nevada and California: J our. Paleontology, v. 34, no. 3, p. 570-583, 18 text figs. 1963, Stratigraphic position of some coral localities in Nevada: Jour. Paleontology, v. 37, no. 3, p. 723—724. Easton, W. H., and Gutschick, R. C., 1953, Corals from the Redwall Limestone (Mississippian) of Arizona: Southern California Acad. Sci. Bull., v. 52, pt. 1, p. 1—27, 3 pls., 2 figs. Fomichev, V. D., 1953, Korally Rugosa i stratigrafiya sredni- i verkhnekamennougolnykh i permskikh otlozhenii Donets~ kogo basseina [Rugose corals and stratigraphy of middle and upper Carboniferous and Permian deposits of Donets basin]: Vses Nauchno.-Issled. Geol. Inst. Trudy, 622 p. 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S., 1945, Brazer (Missis- sippian) and lower Wells (Pennsylvanian) section at Dry Lake, Logan quadrangle, Utah: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 29, no. 8, p. 11434155. 2 figs. Wilson, E. 0., and Langenheim, R. L., Jr., 1962, Rugose and tabulate corals from Permian rocks in the Ely quadrangle. White Pine County, Nevada: Jour. Paleontology, V. 36, no. 3, p. 495—520, pls. 86—89, 4 text figs. Young, J. 0., 1955, Geology of the southern Lakeside Mountains, Utah: Utah Geol. Mineralog. Survey Bull. 56, 116 p., illus., incl. geol. map. A Page Acervularia adjunctiva ..................... E2, 29, 30 adjunctioa, Acervularia ................. _. 2, 29, 30 adjunctimtm, Sciophyllum ............ 2, 29, 31; pl. 15 Alar diameter ................................ 2 Ampletus zaphrentiformis ____________________ 2, 7, 10 Amygdalophyllinae ____________ Anthozoa ................................. Arcturus Limestone .................... arizelum, Dorlodotia ........................... 14 arkamanue, Chomtea ......................... 6 Aubrey Group.__. _ 10 Aulophyllidae ................................ 18 Auloporidae __________________________________ 31 B Barytichiama __________________________________ 7, 11 callowm __________________________________ 11 crauum ..... ._ _. _ 7 zaphrentiforme ............ . 2, 7, 11; pls. 2, 3 Bibliography ....... . . _ _ 33 Big Snowy Group ____________________________ 24 Bird Spring Formation _______________________ 17, 25 Brachiopods ........ _ 6 Bradvim sp .......................... _ 17 Brazer faunas ......................... . 13 Brazer Limestone ____________________________ 13,30 Brephio stage _________________________________ 10 briam', Dorlodotiu _____________________________ 11 C caespitaaum, Cyathophyllum ................... 14 Calloular angle ___________________ _ 2 cullosmn, Barytichisma ........................ 11 Campophullum Nevademe ..................... 25 (Campophullum) N evademe, Cyathophyllum... 2, 25 Nevademie, Cuathophvllum ________________ 25 Caninia .......................... 21, 22, 25, 26 cornucopiae _______________________________ 21 cylindrica _________________________________ 22 24, 25, 26, 27 _ 2, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27; pls. 10-12 ____________________ 22, 25 mademie ................. 2, 24, 25, 26, 27; pl. 13 trojana ................................ 25; pl. 13 22,25 _ 22,25 7 Caniuoatrotion sp. A .......................... 17 Chesterfield Range Group ____________________ 13, 30 Chonetes urkamonua. . 6 Cleistopora _______________________________ . 33 typo winchelli _________________________ _ 32 32 2 Columneriina ________________________________ 29 convezum, Orygmophyllum ____________________ 15 cordillerensia, Durhamina __________________ 17; pl. 6 cornucopiae, Comma __________________________ 21 crasaum, Barytichisma ________________________ 7 Cyathazonia prolifem __________________________ 2 Cyathaxoniicae _______________________________ 2 INDEX [Italic numbers indicate delcriptlons] Page Cyathophyllum ................................ E18, 25 caespz‘towm __________________ (Campophyllum) Nevademe._ N evademia ............................ 25 multilamella ______________________________ 18 mvademe .................... 25 aubcaeapitoaum.. ..... 2, 11, 14, 15, 17 Cyathopsidae. - _ _ ___________ 21 Cyathopm ________________________________ 21 cylindrica, Caninia ________________________ 22 D Dictyoclostid _________________________________ 6 Diphyphyllum subwapitmum __________________ 11, 15 diaca, Endothyra ______________________________ 13 Dorlodotia ________________ I I , 14, 18 arizelum ........ 14 briam' ________ 11 aubcaecpitosa.._. ...- 2, 11, 13, 14, 15; pl. 4 Durhamina cordilleremia ___________________ 17; pl. 6 E Earlamiia _______________ 13 perparva .................................. 17 Ekvaaophyllum ................................ 21 Ely Limestone... ........ 14, 16,17 Endothvra disco ............................... 13 pseudoglobulus ....................... 13 acitula .................................... 13 sp ________________________________________ 17 enormis, Gamma" _____ 24, 25, 26, 27 Ephebic stage ________________________________ 10 etcentrica, Comma _____ 2, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27; pls. 10—12 Zaphrentis ________________________________ 2, 22 expanse, Stafella .............................. 17 F Faberophyllum .......................... 13, 18, 20, 21 occultum __________________________________ 18 stamburyi ...................... 2, 18; pls. 8, 9 Faphrentia multilumellata. 18 stamburii _________________________________ 18 Faviphullum ............................... 27, 28, 29 ruaosum ................. 2, 27, 28; pl. 14 Favositea .............................. 27, 33 Forarninifera. - _ _________ 13 Forschiu ______________________________________ 13 G Gardison Limestone. 29 Gardner Dolomite..- 29 globbosa, Krotovia _____________________________ 6 Glabivalvulina sp ______________________________ l7 qoreii, N cospiri fer ............ 6 Great Blue Formation.... ................ 20 H Hapsiphyllidae _______________________________ 7 Hayden expedition .......... 1, 13 Hystriculina wabushemis._ . _ 10 I Inflatia sp ____________________________________ 10 J Page juddi, Commie ................................ E22, 25 Juresam’a sp _____________ 6 K King expedition ______________________________ 1 kingi, Schubertellu ............................. l7 Krotovia alobbosa .............................. 6 L lambarti, Sciophullum ......................... 29, 31 latebrdsa, Michelinia .......................... 33 Leptopora ..................................... 32 wimhelli. . 2, .32, 33; pl. 14 sp ......................... 32 Linoproduclus nodosus. ________ 6 Lithostrotion ........................ 14, 18, 30 (Lithostrationella) whitmyi ............... 15 (Siphonodendron) whitmyi. ________ 15 (Lithoatrotionella) whitmyi, Lithoatrotion ....... 15 Lithostrotionidae ............................. 11 Lithostrotionoid corals. . __.- 13 ______ 29 _ Lonsdaleiinae ............... 29 Lophophyllidid corals ________________________ 6 Lophophyllidiidae ____________________________ 2 Lophophyllidium ......... . . . _ .9, 6 profundum aauridem. ...... 3 proliferum ................. 6, 7 sauridem .......................... 2, 3, 6, 7; pl. 1 Lophophvllum ................................ 6 profundum ________ 6 mmidem ............................. 3 proliferum ________________________________ 3,6 aauridem ............................. 2, 3 aauridem ................................. 3 M Marblemis, Millerella ......................... 17 M ichelinia ___________________ 33 latebrosa .................................. 33 Microstructural elements ..................... 2 M illcrella marblemia _________ Mission Canyon Limestone... Monroe Canyon Limestone. Morgan Formation ........................... 10, 11 Morphologic terminology ..................... 2 multattemmta, Syringopora... __ 31,32 multilamclla, Cyathophyllum .................. 18 Zaphrentia ................................ 18 multilamellutu, Faphremia .................... 18 Zaphremia ........................ 2, 18, 19, 20, 21 N Neanic stage...- 10 Neospirifer goreii. 6 Nevadense, Campophyllum .................... 25 Cyathophyllum (Campophullum) .......... 2, 25 mvadense, Cyathophullum .............. _ 25 moademis, Canim'a ...... Nevademis, Cyathophyllum . Cyathophyllum (Campophyllum) __________ 25 nodoaus, Limproductua _______________________ 6 E37 E38 o Page occidental“, Suringopora .............. E2,31,32; pl. 8 occiduus, Spirifer ............................. 6 occultum, Faberaphyllum ...................... 18 oklahomae, Schizophoria. 6 Orwmophyllum ............................ 14, 16, 17 converum ................................. 15 whitmui...____-_-_..-.__._ 2,14,16,17,]8; pls. 5,6 P Park City Formation“ 31 Peetzia _______________________________________ 21 perparva, Earlandia ___________________________ 17 Powell expedition ____________________________ 1 Productua welleri _____________________________ 6 profundum, Lophophyllum. _ 6 aauridem, Lophophyllidium _______________ 3 Lophophyllum ________________________ 3 prolifera, Cuathaxonia.. 2 proliferum, Lophophyllidium __________________ 6, 7 Lophophullum ___________________ _ 3, 6 sauridena, Lophophullum __________________ 2, 3 Paeudodorlodotia ______________________________ 14, 18 pseudoglobulus, Endothyra.. 13 Pseudozaphrentoides _ . . 21 R ramuloaa, Syringopora ________________________ 31 Rugosa ....................................... 2 rugosum, Fam‘phyllum ________________ 2, 27, 28; pl. 14 S St. Louis Limestone __________________________ 13 sauridem, Lophophyllidium.. ._- 2, 3, 6, 7; pl. 1 Lophophyllidium profundum. _________ 3 Lophophyllum ____________________________ 3 profundum ____________________________ 3 proliferum ____________________________ 2, 3 INDEX Page Schizophoria oklahomae ________________________ E6 textma ____________________________________ 6 Schubertella kiwi _____________________________ 17 Sciophyllum ___________________ 29, 31 adjunctivum __________ . 2, 29, 31; pl. 15 lambarti ___________________ 29, 31 acitula, Endothyra _____________________________ 13 Septatoumayella ______________________________ 13 Siphonodendran ______________ .. .. 17,18 (Siphonodendron) whimeyz’, Lithostrotion. 15 sp., Lithostrotion ________________ _. pl. 7 Siphonophyllia ________________________________ 21 Spandelinoides sp _____________________________ 17 Spergen fauna ________________________________ 13 spinulosa, Zaphremites ________________________ 22 Spirifer occiduus ______________________________ 6 Stafella expanse _______________________________ 17 Stansbury expedition... 1 atamburii, Faphrentis _________________________ 18 stamburyi, FaberopM/llum ............. 2, 18; pls. 8, 9 Zaphrentis ____________________________ 2, 13, 18, 20, 21 Stereocorypha _________________________________ 7 Stereostylus sp ________________________________ 7 Streptelasmatina _____________________________ 2 subcaespitoea, Dorlodotia _____ _ 2, 11, 14, 15; pl. 4 aubcaespitosum, Cyathophyllum ________ 2,11, 14,15, 17 subcespitosum, Diphyphyllum .................. 11,15 Sutherland, P. K., quoted ____________________ 6 Syrinqopora ___________________________________ 31 multattenuata ___________________________ 31, 32 occidentalis ______________________ 2, 31, 32; pl. 8 ramulosa .................................. 31 Syringoporinae ___________________ 31 Systematic paleontology ..................... 2 O T ‘Page Tabulata ..................................... E31, 32 Tetratazis .............. _ 13 tezana, Schizophoria... ________ _ 6 Tournayella ............................. _ _ . 13 trojana, C'am'nia __________________________ 25; pl. 13 typa winchelli, Cleiatopora _____________________ 32 V Vesiculophyllum ........................... 14, 28, 29 W wubashensia, Hystriculina ..................... 10 Weber Sandstone .............................. 10 welleri, Productus... 6 Wheeler expedition ___________________ 1, 3, 5, 6, 16, 17 whitneyt, Lithostrotion _________________ 2, 14, 15, 17, 18 Lithostrotion (Lithostrotionella) ............ 15 (Siphonodendron) ..................... 15 Orwmophyllmn _________ 2, 14, 16, 17, 18: pls. 5, 6 winchelli, Cleistopora __________________________ 32 Cleiatopora type... ______ 32 Leptopora _______________________ 2, 82, 33; pl 14 Z Zaphrenticae _________________________________ 11 zaphreutiforme, Barytichmna ........ 2, 7, 11; pls. 2, 3 zaphremiformis, Amplexus .................... 2, 7, 10 Zaph remia excenmca .......................... 2, 22 multilamella .............................. 18 multilamellata. 2, 18, 19, 20, 21 stamburii _________________________________ 18 stamburyi ........................ 2, 13, 18, 20, 21 Zaphrentites spinuloaa ........................ 22 PLATES 1-15 PLATE 1 FIGURES 1—22. Lophophyllidium sauridens (White) (p. E3). 1, 2. Serial transverse thin sections (X 4); paralectotype; USNM 1447630 and 144763d, respectively. 3, 4. Alar and calicular views, respectively (X 1) ; paralectotype; USNM 144763; arrows in fig. 3 indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 1 and 2. 5, 6. Calicular and alar views, respectively (X 1); paralectotype, original of White, 1875, pl. 6, fig. 4d; USNM 144765. 7—10. Serial transverse thin section (X 4); lectotype; USNM 144762a—d, respectively. 11. Alar View (X 1); paralectotype, original of White, 1875, pl. 6, fig. 4a; USNM 144764. 12. Longitudinal thin section (X 3); paralectotype, original of White, 1875, pl. 6, fig. 4b; USNM 144764. 13—22. Serial transverse peel sections (X 8); topotype; USN M 144766a—g, i—l, respectively; photographs slightly retouched. PROFESSIONAL PAPER SOS—E PLATE 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LOPH OPH YLLIDI UM SA URIDENS (WHITE) PLATE 2 FIGURES 1—9. Barytiahisma zaphrentiforme (White) (p. E7). 1. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); paralectotype, USNM 144778a. 2. Alar view (X 1) ; paralectotype, original of White, 1880a, pl. 33, fig. 1b; USNM 144777. 3. Alar view (X l); lectotype, original of White, 1880a, pl. 33, fig. 1a; USNM 144776; arrOWs indicate positions of serial transverse thin sections shown in figs. 4—8. 4—8. Serial transverse thin sections (X 3); lectotype; USNM 144776a—e, respectively. ' 9. Longitudinal thin section (X 3); lectotype; USNM 144776f; section cut in the cardinal-counter plane between transverse sections illustrated in figs. 6 and 7. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 5037E PLATE 2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BAR YTICHISMA ZAPHRENTIFORME (WHITE) PLATE 3 FIGURES 1—19. Barytichisma zaphrentiforme (White) (p. E7). 1—5. Drawings traced from photographs of serial transverse peel sections (X 10); paralectotype; USNM 144780a—e. 6—19. Serial transverse sections (X 3); paralectotype; USNM 14477Qa—n; figs. 6—8 are drawings traced from photographs of peel sections; figs. 9—18 are slightly retouched photographs of peel sections; fig. 19 is a photograph of a thin section. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503-13 PLATE 3 K K K KL KI.1 KI.1 KL1 1 A A A KL2 A KL KL 2 1 c A KL2 3 A A 2 c 3 A 0L1 c 0L2 BARYTICHISMA ZAPHRENTIFORME (WHITE) PLATE 4 FIGURES 1—9. Dorlodotia subcaespitosa (Meek) (p. E11). 1. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); paralectotype; USNM 144784b; section cut above transverse section shown in fig. 2. 2. Transverse thin section (X 2); paralectotype; USNM 144784a. 3. Lateral view (X 1); paralectotype; USNM 144784; arrow indicates position of transverse section shown in fig. 2. 4. Lateral View (X 1); lectotype; USNM 144783; arrows indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 5, 7—9. 5. Transverse thin section (X 2); lectotype; USNM 144783d. 6. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); lectotype; USNM 144783e; section out between transverse sections shown in figs. 5 and 7. 7—9. Serial transverse thin sections (X 2); lectotype; USNM 1447830, b, and a, respectively. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 4 DORLODOTIA SUBCAESPITOSA (MEEK) PLATE 5 FIGURES 1—9. Orygmophyllum? whitneyi (White) (p. E15). Lectotype USNM 144774. 1, 2. Top and lateral views, respectively (X 1); original of White, 1875, pl. 6, figs. la—c; inscribed lines indicate the sources of White’s figs. 1b and 1c; arrows indicate positions of transverse sections illustrated in figs. 5 and 8. 3, 4. Longitudinal thin sections (X 2); USNM 144774f and 144774d, respectively. Transverse thin section (X 2); USNM 1447740. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); USNM 144774b; original of White, 1875, pl. 6, fig. 1b. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); USNM 144774e. . Transverse thin section (X 2); USNM 1447743. . View (X 4) of two of corallites shown in fig. 8. wwsew PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 5 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3'. V“ ‘1‘ -.-I . ‘ \ .\\\.;-:u “a: \\n\\\ ) OR YGMOPH YLL UM? WHITNEY] (WHITE PLATE 6 FIGURES 1—5. Durhamina cordillerensis (Easton) (p. E17). Hypotype (paralectotype of Lithostrotion whimeyi White), USNM 144775. 1. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); USNM 144775c. 2. Longitudinal thin section (X 4); USNM 144775d. 3. Transverse thin section (X 2); USNM 144775a. 4. Enlarged View (X 4) of one of corallites shown in fig. 3. . External view of corallum (X 1). 6—11. Orygmophyllum? whitneyi (White) (1). E15). Hypotype (hypotype of Cyathophyllum subcaespitosum Meek), USNM 24545. Figs. 7—11 are arranged on plate in approximately same relative positions as corresponding sections were taken from specimen. 6. Lateral view (X 1); original of Meek, 1877, pl. 5, fig. 4; arrows indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 8, 9, and 11. 7. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); USNM 24545e. 8, 9. Transverse thin sections (X 2); USNM 24545d and 245450, respectively. 10. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); USNM 24545b. 11. Transverse thin section (X 2); USNM 24545a. 01 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 6 IAL SURVEY GEOLOGK . .. u 3&0. xi» ) WHITE ( WH I TNE YI MINA CORDILLERENSIS (EASTON) AND ORYGMOPHYLLUM? DURHA PLATE 7 FIGURES 1—7. Lithostrotion (Siphonodendron) sp. (p. E18). Hypotypes of Lithostrotion whimeyi White. 1. Longitudinal thin section (X 4); USNM 144799g. 2, 3. Transverse thin sections (X 4); USNM 144799h and 144799b, respectively. 4. Lateral view (X 1); USNM 144799. 5. Longitudinal thin section (X 4); USNM 1448000. 6. Transverse thin section (X 2); USNM 14480021. 7. Lateral View (X 1); original of Meek, 1877, pl. 6, figs. 1, la; USNM 144800. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LITHOSTROTION (SIPHONODENDRON) SP PLATE 8 FIGURES 1—9. Faberophyllum stansburyi (Hall) (p. E18). 1, 2. Alar and cardinal views, respectively (X 1); lectotype; USNM 144770; arrows in fig. 1 indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 4—6. 3. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); lectotype; USNM 144770d; section out just below transverse section shown in fig. 5. 4—6. Serial transverse sections (X 2); lectotype; USNM 144770a—c, respectively; fig. 5 is peel section, others are thin sections. 7—9. Oblique alar, calicular, and alar views, respectively (X 1); paralectotype, original of Hall, 1852, pl. 1, fig. 3b; USNM 144771. 10—14. Syringopora occidentalis Meek (p. E31). Holotype, USNM 24547. 10. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); USNM 245470. 11. Lateral view (X 1); original of Meek, 1877, pl. 6, figs. 2, 2a. 12. Transverse thin section (X 2); USNM 24547b. 13. Longitudinal thin section (X 5); USNM 24547d. 14. Enlarged view (X 5) of some of corallites shown in fig. 12. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RA OCCIDENTA LIS MEEK URYI (HALL) AND SYRINGOPO YL L U M STA NS B ROPH FABE PLATE 9 FIGURES 1—10. Faberophyllum stansburyi (Hall) (p. E18). Hypotypes. 1—4. Serial transverse sections (X 2); paralectotype of Zaphrentz's multilamellata Hall; USNM 144773a—d, re- spectively; section shown in fig. 2 is peel section, all others are thin sections. 5. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); paralectotype of Zaphrentis multilamellata Hall; USNM 144773e; section out just below transverse section shown in fig. 2. 6, 7. Alar and cardinal views, respectively (X 1); paralectotype of Zaphrentz's multilamellata Hall; USN M 144773; arrows in fig. 6 indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 1—4. 8, 9. Alar views (X 1); lectotype of Zaphrentis multilamellata Hall, original of Hall, 1852, pl. 1, fig. 2; USNM 144772. 10. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); lectotype of Zaphrentis multilamellata Hall; USNM 144772a. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 9 ’1 \ é 7 g FABEROPHYLLUM STANSBUHYI (HALL) PLATE 10 FIGURES 1—6. Caninia excentrica (Meek) (p. E22). Lectotype, USNM 144791. 1. Longitudinal thin section (X 1.5) ; USNM 14.47910; section cut in the cardinal-counter plane between transverse sections illustrated in figs. 2 and 3. 2, 3. Transverse thin sections (X 1.5); USNM 14479111 and b, respectively. 4—6. Counter, alar, and cardinal views, respectively (X 1) ; arrows in fig. 5 indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 2 and 3. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503-E PLATE 10 CA NINIA EXCENTRICA (MEEK) PLATE 11 [All figures natural size] FIGURES 1—4. Cam’m'a, excentrica (Meek) (p. E22). Topotypes. 1—3. Oblique calicular View from counter side, alar, and calicular views respectively; USNM 144793. Specimen is silicified and was etched from limestone matrix with hydrochloric acid; white area around calice rim is plaster used to fill in unsilicified parts of skeleton which were dissolved during etching. 4. Longitudinal thin section; USN M 144796a; section cut in cardinal- counter plane. \. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ,PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503‘E PLATE 11 CANINIA EXCENTRICA (MEEK) PLATE 12 [All figures natural size] FIGURES 1—13. Cam'm‘a excentrica (Meek) (p. E22). 1—6. Serial transverse thin sections; topotype; USNM 144794a—f, respectively. 7, 8. Serial transverse thin sections; topotype; USNM 144795a and b, respectively. 9, 10. Serial transverse thin sections; hypotype; USNM 245399. and b, respectively. 11. Longitudinal thin section; hypotype; USNM 245390; section cut in cardinal-counter plane between transverse sections shown in figs. 9 and 10. 12, 13. Cardinal and alar views, respectively; hypotype, original of Meek, 1877, pl. 4, figs. 1, lb, lc; USNM 24539; arrows indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 9 and 10. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 12 1:. 2' . L IN L“ . - - . 1Q ; , l Rf“ fir.» KY ah CANINIA EXCE1 ’TRICA (MEEK) PLATE 13 [All figures natural size] FIGURES 1—6. Caninia trojana Easton (p. E24). Hypotype (hypotype of Zaphrentis excentrica Meek), USNM 8464. 1, 2. Cardinal and alar views, respectively; original of-White, pl. 6, fig. 3a; arrows in fig. 2 indicate positions of trans- verse sections shown in figs. 3—5. 3—5. Serial transverse thin sections; USNM 8464a—c, respectively. 6. Longitudinal thin sction ; USNM 8464d; section cut in cardinal-counter plane between transverse sections shown in figs. 3 and 4. 7—11. Cam'm'a nevadensis (Meek) (p. E25). Holotype, USNM 24544. 7, 8. Transverse thin sections; USNM 2454421 and b, respectively. 9. Longitudinal thin section; USNM 24544c; section cut slightly to one side of cardinal-counter plane above trans- verse section shown in fig. 8. 10, 11. Alar and cardinal views, respectively; part of original of Meek, 1877, pl. 5, fig. 3; arrows in fig. 11 indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 7 and 8. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 13 CANINIA TROJANA EASTON AND CANINIA NEVADENSIS (MEEK) PLATE 14 FIGURES 1—9. “Fav'iphyllum rugosum” Hall (p. E28). 1. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); lectotype; USNM 144768d; section out between transverse sections shown in figs. 3 and 4. 2—4. Serial transverse thin sections (X 2); lectotype; USNM 144768a—c, respectively. 5, 6. Lateral views (X 1); lectotype, original of Hall, 1852, pl. 1, fig. 1b; USNM 144768; arrows indicate positions of transverse sections shown in figs. 2—4. 7, 8. Transverse thin sections (X 2); paralectotype; USNM 144769a and b, respectively. 9. Longitudinal thin section (X 2); paralectotype; USNM 1447690. 10-16.“Leptopora winchelli” White (p. E32). 10. 11. 12. l3. 14. 15. 16. Top view (X 1); lectotype; USNM 144788. Top View (X 1); paralectotype, original of White, 1880a, pl. 34, fig. 118.; USNM 144789. Top view (X 3); paralectotype; USNM 144790. Enlarged top View (X 3); paralectotype; USNM 144789. Enlarged top View (X 3); lectotype; USNM 144788. Longitudinal thin section (X 5); paralectotype; USNM 144789a. Transverse thin section (X 5); paralectotype; USNM 144789b. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY “FAVIPHYLLUM RUGOSUM” HALL AND “LEPTOPORA WINCHELLI" WHITE PLATE 15 FIGURES 1—7. Sciophyllum adjunctivum (White) (p. E29). 1. Lateral view (X 1); lectotype, probably original of White, 1880a, pl. 35, fig. 1a; USNM 144786; arrOw indicates position of transverse section shown in figs. 2 and 3. Transverse thin section (X 2);1ectotype; USNM 1447863. . Enlarged view (X 4) of some of the corallites shown in fig. 2. . Longitudinal thin section (X 2); lectotype; USNM 144786b. Enlarged View (X 4); of one of the corallites shown in fig. 4. . Longitudinal thin section (X 4) paralectotype; USNM 144787b. . Transverse thin section (X 4); paralectotype; USNM 1447878. flawfiwp GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503*E PLATE 15 SCIOPHYLL UM ADJUNCTIVLHM (WHITE) /: $ 7' b .’ ,5054’ The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Ammonite Genera Lemm‘ez'tes and Brewerz’cems GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503-F MAY 4 1966 7 K 6‘1 e, '1’ ”7' scnmce “5‘5 The Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Ammonite Genera Leeonz‘en‘es and Bre merz’cerns By DAVID L. JONES, MICHAEL A. MURPHY, and EARL L. PACKARD CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—F A report sz'nzp/zfyz'ng t/ie comp/ex nomenclature of Me ammonz’te genera Leconteites anaI Brewericeras UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1965 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price .50 (paper cover) CONTENTS Page Abstract ___________________________________________ F1 Stratigraphic position and age—Continued Introduction _______________________________________ 1 Central Oregon _________________________________ Nomenclature __________________________________ 1 Queen Charlotte Islands _________________________ Acknowledgments, measurements, and abbreviations____ 3 Southern Alaska ———————————————————————————————— Material studied ____________________________________ 3 Evolutionary sequence ______________________________ Stratigraphic position and age of Leconteites and Breweri— Systematic descriptions —————————————————————————————— ceras ________________________________________ 3 References _________________________________________ Ono area ______________________________________ 3 Index _____________________________________________ ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE H OQDOOKIO’J [Plates 1—11 follow index] . Leconteites lecontei (Anderson). . Leconteites lecontei (Anderson) and L. sacramenticus (Anderson). . Leconteites lecontei whiteavesi Jones, Murphy, and Packard, n. subsp. and L. deansi (Whiteaves). . Leconteites lecontez' whiteavesi Jones, Murphy, and Packard, n. subsp. . Breuerz'ceras breweri (Gabb) and B. hulenense (Anderson). . Brewericeras hulenense (Anderson). . Brewericeras hulenense and Leconteites lecantez'. . Index map of Ono area, northern California ________________________________________________________ . Generalized diagrammatic columnar sections, Ono area, northern California ____________________________ . Index map of— 3. Mitchell area, central Oregon ______________________________________________________________ 4. Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C _______________________________________________ 5. The upper Chitina Valley, southern Alaska __________________________________________________ . Generalized columnar section, Fohlin Creek area ___________________________________________________ . Postulated evolutionary sequence of Leconteites and Brewericeras _____________________________________ . Cross sections of Lecontez’tes lecontei s. s ___________________________________________________________ . Scatter diagram showing relation of whorl height to whorl breadth in Lecontez’tes lecontez' s. s ______________ . Bar graph showing frequency distribution of Leconteites lecontei s. s ____________________________________ 11—13. 14. 15, 16. 17. Suture lines of Lecontedes lecontei s. s ______________________________________________________________ Scatter diagram, Brewericeras hulenense ___________________________________________________________ Suture lines of Brewerz'ceras hulenense ____________________________________________________________ Bar graph showing frequency distribution of Brewericeras hulenense __________________________________ Page (XJKI 19 21 Page F4 CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY THE LOWER CRETACEOUS (ALBIAN) AMMONITE GENERA LECONTEITES AND BREWERICERAS By DAVID L. JONES, MICHAEL A. MURPHY,‘ and EARL L. PACKARD 2 ABSTRACT Lower Cretaceous (Albian) ammonites from the Pacific coast region of North America designated as Lecantez‘tes lecontez', L. modestum (in part), Puzosigella mullen’, P. taffi, P. rogersi, and P. perrinsmithi (in part), are herein regarded as forming one highly variable but intergrading species to which the name L. lecontei (Anderson) is applied. Puzosz’gella sacramentica (Anderson) is regarded as a separate species of Lecontez’tes, and the name Puzosigella is rejected. A new subspecies, L. lecontei whiteavesi, is recognized from the Albian beds of Queen Charlotte Islands, and one species, L. deansz‘, is abundant in the lowest Albian beds of southern Alaska. The genus Brewericeras is regarded as a direct descendant of Leconteites and contains two species: B. breweri (Gabb) and B. hulenense (Anderson). B. brewem‘ is known only from one speci- men, but B. hulenense is abundant and widespread in upper lower Albian deposits. This species shows a wide range in morphologic variation from smooth compressed forms to ribbed slightly inflated forms. INTRODUCTION Ammonites assigned to various species of the genera Leconteites Casey, Puzosz'gella Casey, and Brewericeras Casey are locally abundant in Albian strata in Cali- fornia, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska. Because of their Wide distribution and short geologic range, these ammonites are very useful in correlation, but because of the proliferation in specific names, uncertainty of generic affinities, and obvious synonymy of some of the types, their proper identification is impossible using the present nomenclature. Likewise, an apparent evolutionary sequence of the early Albian Leconteites leading to the late early Albian or early middle Albian Brewericeras has been obscured by placing these two genera in different families: Leconteites in Hoplitidae and Brewericems in Desmo- ceratidae (Wright in Arkell and others, 1957). In recent years, studies of large populatlons of ammonites have shown that some species exhibit a | University of California. Riverside, Calif. 9 Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. surprisingly W'lde range of morphologic variation. Studies of the Upper Cretaceous Collignoniceratids by Haas (1946), the Triassic genus Tropites by Silberling . (1959), and the mid-Cretaceous genus Neogastroplites by Reeside and Cobban (1960) conclusively demon- strate that intraspecific variation from finely ribbed compressed individuals to robust coarsely ornamented forms is normal for some ammonites and that finely drawn taxonomic distinctions based on differences in whorl proportions or strength of ornamentation do not hold up when a sufficiently large sample is available. On the other hand, some groups of ammonites are remarkably constant morphologically and show little range in variation. Why this difference exists is not clear, but it seems probable that the highly variable species are most important from an evolutionary point of view, as they provide a wider basis upon which natural selection can operate to produce separately evolving strains. This study attempts to document another example of extreme variation and also to elucidate what seems to be a clear evolutionary sequence. NOMENCLATURE The genera Leco’ntet'tes and Puzosz'gella. are based on two species, Desmocems leconte’i and Pachydiscus sacramenticus, first named by Anderson (1902). Ac- cording to Anderson, the former species is characterized by a compressed whorl section, narrow umbilicus, nearly vertical umbilical wall, angular umbilical shoulder, and weak ornamentation; the latter species is characterized by a more inflated whorl section, wider umbilicus, sloping umbilical wall, rounded umbilical shoulder, and coarse ornamentation. Holotypes of both species apparently were obtained from the same place on the east fork of Huling (Hulen) Creek near Ono, northern California (California Acad. Sci. 100. 152, see Anderson, 1902, p. 96, 105; 1938, p. 195, 196). F1 F2 Hall and Ambrose (1916, p. 69; see Wiedey, 1929, p. 25, pl. 2, fig. 2) subsequently named a new species, Son- neratia rogersi, a closely related form obtained from Tesla quadrangle in central California. Anderson (1938, p. 192, 193) later referred Desmocems lecontei to Oleom'cems and named a new speCIes, 0. modestum, which was also obtained from Huling Creek (Cali— fornia Acad. Sci. loc. 1668). In the same publication, Anderson (1938, p. 184, 195) referred Pachydiscus sacramenticus to the genus Sonnemtia and named as new species S. perrinsmithi, S. tafi, and S. mulleri all of which, together with plesiotypes of S. rogersi, were obtained from the east fork of Huling Creek (California Acad. Sci. 100. 152). Casey (1954) recognized that none of the species cited above belong to either Cleom'ceras or Sonneratia, and he therefore erected two new genera, Leconteites and Puzosigella, and D. lecontei and P. sacramenticus, respectively, were designated as generic types. To the genus Puzos'igella, Casey assigned the follow- ing species: P. sacramenticus, S. mullem', S. tafii, and S'. rogersi. The distinctive features of Puzosigella were described by Casey (1954, p. 110), as follows: * * * evolute, subdiscoidal, strongly costate. Whorl-sides flattened, subparallel. Venter broadly rounded. Umbilicus with subvertical wall and distinct rim, surmounted, in the early whorls, by obtuse bullae, from which the sigmoidal ribs take origin in bundles. Ribs later tending to differentiate into (long) primaries and (short) secondaries, the latter either free- ending or branching from the primaries at or below the middle of the sides. All ribs broadening slightly and fading on the venter, which they traverse in a forwardly directed arc, inner lateral area tending to smoothness at large diameters. Periodic narrow constrictions, not persistent to the adult. Suture line puzosoid. Only one species, D. lecontei, was definitely assigned to Leconteites, but Casey (1954, p. 110) stated that “This genus, * * * comprises the Californian ‘Oleoni- ceras’ of Anderson (1938).” Thus, at least by impli- cation, 0. modestum also was meant to be included in the genus. Leconteites was said to differ from Puzosi- gella. in its greater involution, compression, finer ribbing, more deli- cate and less persistent umbilical tubercles, tendency to smooth- ness in the adult, and in the presence of periodic desmoceratid- like peripheral ridges. Constrictions, if ever present, disappear before the neanic stage (Casey, 1954, p. 110). Imlay (1960) reported both Leconteites and Puzosi- gella in Albian deposits of the Chitina Valley, Alaska, where he recognized Puzosigella of. P. rogersi, Lecon- teites modestus and L. deansi (Whiteaves). According to Imlay (1960, p. 108): The genus Puzosz'gella differs from Leconteites mainly in having more prominent umbilical bullae, by the flank ribs originating in bundles at these bullae, and by possessing many, rather conspicuous, narrow constrictions on immature specimens. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY A study of large collections of ammonities from Oregon, California, British Columbia, and Alaska have convinced the authors of this paper that the differen- tiation of leconteitid and puzosigellid ammonites into six species and two genera is untenable and that the generic differences expressed by Casey and by Imlay are invalid. Specimens from a single locality show a complete gradation from compressed finely ornamented forms (Lecontez'tes) to the more inflated coarsely ribbed forms (Puzosigella). This same range of variation can be demonstrated to occur throughout the entire strati- graphic interval in which these forms occur. Thus only one generic name should be applied to this entire morphologic plexus. The genus Brewericems was named by Casey (1954, p. 112), who cited Ammonites brewem' Gabb as type species. Ammonites brewem' was originally based on a large fragment (UC 12098) figured by Gabb in 1864 and reproduced here on plate 8, figures 3 and 5. This specimen has strongly developed ribs that are continuous across the lower flanks and that show a slight tendency to weaken near the umbilical shoulder and on the venter. Because the specimen is worn and damaged in these areas, it is difficult to be sure that this weakening is inherent rather than due to erosion. In 1869, Gabb illustrated another specimen (ANSP 4798) as A. breweri, and this was refigured by Anderson (1938, pl. 44, figs. 1, 2) and erroneously designated by him as the holotype. That specimen, reproduced in this report on plate 8, figures 1, 2, and 4, has ribs that are well devel- oped on the outer flank but are weakly developed on both the inner flank and the venter, in marked contrast to the holotype. In this same publication, Anderson (1938, p. 190, pl. 44, figs. 3, 4) named a new species, Beudtmtt'ceras hulenense, which difiers from A. brewem' by having ribs that are less prominent on the umbilical shoulder, absent on the lower flanks, and weak or absent on the venter. Typical specimens of B. hulenense are nearly smooth, but a completely intergrading series can be shown between smooth forms and more coarsely ribbed forms such as Gabb’s 1869 specimen referred to as A. breweri. A complete intergradation cannot be demon— strated w1th the holotype of A. brewem' (Gabb, 1864), as that specimen has coarser more uniformly developed ribs on the lower flank in contrast to all known specimens of B. hulenense, which lack the ribs or have only striae or, in the highly inflated varieties, irregularly developed riblets. Therefore, these two species of Brewericems are considered distinct, although B. breweri is known only from the single original (1864) specimen; all other cited examples of B. brewem' are herein referred to B. hulenense. LOWER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GENERA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, MEASUREMENTS, AND ABBREVIATIONS We are indebted to Dr. Leo Hertlein, of the Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences, for providing casts of Anderson’s type specimens; to Dr. F. H. McLearn, of the Geological Survey of Canada, for making available specimens of Leconteites from the Queen Charlotte Islands; to Dr. A. Sutherland-Brown, of the British Columbia Department of Mines and Petroleum Re- sources, for furnishing maps and giving advice on fossiliferous localities in the Queen Charlotte Islands; to Dr. Horace Richards, of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; and to Mr. Joseph Peck, Department of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, for loaning us Gabb’s original specimens. We also thank Dr. Marshall Maddox of San Jose State College for donating large collections of Leconteites made by himself and students in the Hospital Creek area, central California. Measurements and abbreviations used in this report are as follows: Measurements Abbreviations Remarks Diameter of shell- _ _ _ D Maximum diameter not al- ways measured, particu- larly where outer part of the whorl is damaged. Whorl height ________ H Measured along radial line where diameter is meas- ured. Taken on top of ribs on all forms. Whorl breadth ______ B Measured at same place as H. Taken on top of ribs but not including promi- nent umbilical bullae. Ratio of whorl breadth B/ H to whorl height. Width of umbilicus--- Um Measured in millimeters and also expressed as percent of diameter. Abbreviations.—CAS, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif; GSC, Geological Survey of Can- ada; LSJU, Leland Stanford, Jr. University, Stanford, Calif; ANSP, Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia; UC, University of California, at Berkeley; UCR, University of California, at Riverside; UO, University " of Oregon, at Eugene; USGS, US. Geological Survey; USN M, US. National Museum, Washington, DC. MATERIAL STUDIED Examples of Leconteites and Brewericeras were studied from nearly all known occurrences in the Pacific coast region of North America. Figured specimens were selected from four localities: Huling Creek in northern California, where Gabb’s and Anderson’s types were obtained; near Mitchell, in central Oregon, Where abundant specimens of Leconteites collected from F3 throughout a very small stratigraphic interval reveal a nearly complete sequence of intergrading morphologic types; the Queen Charlotte Islands, BC; and southern Alaska. Specimens of Leconteites deansi (Whiteaves) from southern Alaska have recently been adequately figured by Imlay (1960), so only one specimen from that locality is illustrated in this report. Approximate numbers from each general locality are tabulated as follows: (These include specimens in the collections of the US. Geol. Survey, Menlo Park; the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; and the University of California at Riverside and Los Angeles). Lecouteites Leconteites Brewericeras deansi lecomei hulenense Southern Alaska ________________________ 300 ______________ 100+ Northern California. . _ .___ ___________________ 200 200+ Central California ............................ 100+ 100+ Central Oregon ....................... -_. 200 ______________ Queen Charlotte Islands 1 ____________________________ 15 80 lei Specimens from Queen Charlotte Islands are regarded as a new subspecies of L. contei. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION AND AGE OF LECONTEITES AND BREWERICERAS In the following summary, brief descriptions are given of the stratigraphic succession of beds containing Lecontet'tes lecontei, L. deansi, and Brewericeras hulenense in the Ono area, northern California; near Mitchell in central Oregon; in Skidegate Inlet and Beresford Bay in the Queen Charlotte Islands; and in the upper Chitina Valley area in southern Alaska. Other areas are known Where either or both genera occur, but the stratigraphic relations and faunal associations are best known and developed in the areas described. ONO AREA The beds in the vicinity of Ono have been studied by Gabb (1864, 1869), by Anderson (1938), and by Murphy (1956; in Murphy and Rodda, 1960; Murphy and others, 1964). This area contains one of the most continuous and richly fossiliferous sequences of Lower Cretaceous beds known on the west coast of North America. It has been the source of most of the strati- graphic nomenclature and serves as the local standard of reference for this region. Aptian and Albian beds are particularly fossiliferous, and a great number of described species were first collected there. These beds are well exposed along Huling Creek and along the East Fork of Huling Creek (fig. 1), where some of the specimens described in this report were obtained. The Leconteites lecontei zone overlies the Acantho- hoplites reesidei zone on and near Huling Creek and PALEONTOLOGY F4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO 122 '37 R. 6 W. | _th___nnh____,nL ______ L; ________________________ l I I] 2 x > 1:21;? 1 J" I 2 T : t. . 30 N. . l ( I .= K \. 8 1 l / - \ " 5 W ranch of l \1 :' \ EitbFork of \ 40°28’ K I - '. Huling Creek ’6 I \«s; A ( \\\- . 9 1 '~ 23- ‘ ., 1 \3’ L j /. $44, [I \’ y \ /359Z347 . l _‘ I/J/— ’ x358 402 I \C/ 3 164 X. l ‘1 \ 463xig4éy'1000 I] . _r _______________ L_ ,/ >5;-,4 I EXPLANATION : N /\70 98 MK —fi— _ X89“ \ l K'swf ©0127,; Fossnl localities 1 fl {9}) Mappable bed l‘ f \1\ \‘£ 0 1000 2000 FEET l \ | l | FIGURE 1.—Index map of the Ono area, northern California, showing generalized geology and University of California at Riverside localities from which specimens of Leconteites and Brewericeras were obtained. ranges through about 270 feet of dominantly dark- gray siltstone and mudstone which contains abundant limestone concretions (fig. 2). Throughout this thick— ness, but especially in the upper half, Leconteites lecontei s. s. is abundant and shows a Wide range of morphologic variation Three groups, each containing several specimens, were selected from the lower, the middle, and the upper part of the zone to show that throughout its known range, the species exhibits a similar degree of morphologic variation. From the lower part of the zone, illustrated specimens were obtained from UCR localities 347, 359, and 435; from the middle part, from UCR localities 89 and 358; and from the upper part, from UCR localities 164, 460, and 463. Other ammonites associated with Lecom‘eites lecontei in the Ono area are: Silesites puzosiaformis Anderson Ptychoceras laeve (Gabb) H ypophylloceras califomicum (Anderson) Tetragom'tes sp. Douvilleiceras cf. D. mammillatum (Schlotheim) Anagaudryceras gainesi (Anderson) A. aurarium (Anderson) A. cf. A. sacya (Forbes) As pointed out by Popenoe, Imlay, and Murphy or middle Albian age. An early Albian age is favored because it overlies beds containing Acanthohoplites, which ranges from late Aptian to early Albian, and is overlain by beds having abundant Doum'lleiceras cf. D. mammil- latum, of probable late early Albian age. The zone of Leconteites lecontei is correlative with at least part of the Leymeriella tardefurcata zone (see Wright, in Arkell and others, 1957, p. L128) of the European Albian, but a precise correlation is not possible. The Leconteites lecontei zone on and near Huling Creek is overlain by slightly calcareous silty sandstone in which Brewericeras hulenense and other fossils are abundant. About 10 feet of barren beds intervene between the highest occurrence of L. lecontei and the lowest occurrence of B. hulenense, but deposition was probably nearly continuous and only a relatively short time interval is represented by the barren beds. The Brewericems hulenense zone on and near Huling Creek is restricted to a single lO-foot-thick bed of sandy and pebbly mudstone. This bed may represent a submarine mudflow as it shows no internal bedding and the clasts have no preferred orientation. A few miles to the northeast near the old mining camp of Horsetown, a much greater thickness of strata, composed of poorly (1960, p. 1509), this assemblage is undoubtedly of early sorted sandstone, also represents the Brewericeras LOWER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GENER-A F5 l rs 01 o Sandstone, pebbly, limy, West branch of East Fork I Huling East Fork of of Huling Composite EXPLANATION Creek Huling Creek Creek section . g- .. . 70,98,1000 33—5.; 3525.70, 98 - . . l—1ooo, 402, 34 “an—g: {402' 34 J_\ .. a; ' . H w - .. . 460 —164 )463 and muddy; locally contains abundant fossil wood Brewemce'ras hulencnse 20 n e Siltstone and mudstone, dark gray, contains limestone concretions 463 Numbers refer to fossil locality FEET 80 40 0 l—-—— Leconteites lecontei zone __——| canthohopl'ites reesidei zone Tl FIGURE 2.—Genera1ized diagrammatic columnar sections showing stratigraphic position of fossil localities in the Ono area from which specimens of Leconteites and Brewericeras were obtained. hulenense zone, and it is possible that the bed exposed at Huling Creek was derived from that area. Other fossils associated with B. hulenense are: Douvilleiceras cf. D. mammz'llatum (Schlotheim) D. restitutum? Anderson Puzosz’a subquadmta (Anderson) Desmoceras merriami (Anderson) Hypacanthoplites sp.=Parahoplites stantom‘ Anderson (holo- type, not small specimen figured by Anderson, 1938, pl. 36, fig. 2) Hypophylloceras califomicum (Anderson) J auberticeras cf. J. michelianum (d’Orbigny) Anagaudryceras gainesi (Anderson) A. aurarium (Anderson) Tetragonites sp. In addition, the lowest beds of this zone on Huling Creek contain a few specimens intermediate in character between Brewericeras and Leconteites. The Brewericeras hulenense zone is probably about equivalent to the Doum'lleiceras mammillatum zone of European usage (see Wright, in Arkell and others, 1957, p. L128) and is assigned a late early Albian age. Overlying the Brewericems hulenense zone is 200 feet of barren siltstone, followed by a thin zone containing Oxytropidoccras packardi Anderson and associated fauna of probable middle Albian age. CENTRAL OREGON The sedimentary sequence of Albian age near Mitchell, central Oregon, consists of about 4,700 feet of mudstone, siltstone, and a minor amount of sand- stone, which rests unconformably on Permian meta- sedimentary rocks (McKnight, 1964). The oldest fossil known is Leconteis leconteites. s. which occurs at many localities near the base of the sequence. These lower beds, in turn, are overlain by strata of the Brewericeras hulenense zone. As yet no detailed bio- stratigraphic studies have been carried out in the Mitchell area, and the thickness of strata included in these two zones is unknown. The Leconteites beds have furnished more prolific and better preserved fossil collections than have the Brewericeras beds, and only specimens from the former are figured in this report. In order to avoid complexi- ties due to time or facies differences, numerous speci- mens from the richest locality were first analyzed and the range of variation of what was considered to be a sample of a single ammonite population was established. Specimens from other localities were then compared to the control sample and differences or similarities noted. The specimens from the control sample were obtained F6 from a bed of concretionary limestone nodules ranging from an inch to a foot or more in thickness interbedded with gray mudstone. This locality, consisting of separate collections numbered USGS Mesozoic locality 26262, 26378, M 2284, and U0 4082, is exposed north of the old Frizzell ranchhouse in sec. 3, T. 11 S., R. 22 E.; it is designated locality A in figure 3. Most of the figured specimens from Oregon were obtained from this locality, but a few are from equivalent nearby strata. The exact locality of two figured specimens from USGS Mesozoic locality 15801 is uncertain. Because of minor structural complexities, lack of key beds, and widely scattered fossil-collecting localities, it has not been possible to arrange all the specimens of Leconteites lecontei from Mitchell in precise strati- graphic order and demonstrate that the range of vari- ation is constant, or nearly so, throughout the vertical range of the species. It could be argued that the wide range of morphologic variation shown by the specimens from locality A was the result of mixing together, in a condensed deposit, fossils of widely differing ages. This argument can be readily countered, for the species show virtually the same wide range in variation at every locality known, and specimens from the strati- graphically controlled sequence of Huling Creek, Calif ., are figured to further document this variation. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Albian beds are best and most continuously exposed along the north shore of Skidegate Inlet (fig. 4) and U 0 465 Locality A /:::=::\ Area of report I FIGURE 3.—Index map of Mitchell area, central Oregon, show- ing location of University of Oregon locality 465 and locality A (which includes USGS Mesozoic locs. 15801, 26262, 26378, M 2284, and U0 Ice. 4082). CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY 131°45’ 133°00' 1 54°15 54°15% 48616 BERSFORD 48615 DIXON ENTRANCE 2 ‘1 51 O S Q E a; D E r S” in E GRAHAM ISLAND Q N EXPLANATION D FOSSIL LOCALITIES x ,‘Q ‘1 Brewericeras hulenense Q Q4 ' J 53 ° 1 5’ Leconteites lecontei Q 131 °45' whiteavesi 3 Y MOEESE 5 O 5 10 MILES LLl_l_LL_l—i FIGURE 4.—Index map of Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., showing localities where specimens of Brew- ericeras hulenense and Leconte'ites lecontei whiteavesi n. subsp. were obtained. nearby islands (Whiteaves, 1876). Study of the fossils from this sequence is in progress by F. H. McLearn, of the Geological Survey of Canada, and by D. L. Jones, who recently collected from this region. The basal Albian beds in Skidegate Inlet contain Brewericeras hulenense and other species, but Leconteites is unknown. This absence is puzzling, as Whiteaves (1893, p. 441) reported that the type specimen of L. deansi was obtained from Skidegate Inlet. Leconteites is known from the north end of Graham Island at Beres- ford Bay, but these specimens appear to be closer to L. lecontei than to L. deansi. In Skidegate Inlet, Brewericeras hulenense occurs with the following species: Cleom‘ceras sp. Douvilleiceras spp. Gramziceras sp. Arcthoplites belli McLearn Puzosia alaskana Imlay Anagaudryceras sp. Parasilesz'tes sp. Tetragom'tes sp. This assemblage shows similarities to that of the Brewericeras hulenense zone of California, but also has forms that are abundant in southern Alaska and in the western interior of Canada. LOWE R CRE TACE OUS At Beresford Bay, L. lecontei whiteavesi n. subsp. occurs with Aucellina sp., Anagaudrycems cf. A. aurar’ium (Anderson), and Phyllopachycems sp. SOUTHERN ALASKA Strata bearing Leconteites and Brewericeras are wide- spread in the upper Chitina Valley region, southern Alaska (fig. 5). Fossils from there have been figured by Imlay (1960), and the stratigraphy of the beds in the McCarthy A—4 quadrangle was described by Jones and Berg (1964). Leconteites deansi occurs near the base of the Creta- ceous sedimentary sequence (fig. 6) in association with the following forms, among others (see Imlay, 1960, p. 91): Mofiitites robustus Imlay Kennicottia bifurcata Imlay Anagaudryceras auran‘um (Anderson) Phyllopachyceras cf. P. shastalense (Anderson) Calliphylloceras cf. C. aldersom' (Anderson) Ptychoceras of. P. laeve (Gabb) . Aucellina sp. As shown in the columnar section (fig. 6), M ofitites robustus and Leconteites deansi are restricted to the basal 143°40’ Armom'rm GENERA F7 sandstone unit in the Fohlin Creek area. In shale a few feet above the top of the sandstone, a single speci- men of Leconteites having well-developed umbilical bullae was found associated with Aucell’ina. This specimen is referred to L. leconte’i. The upper beds of this shale and siltstone unit contain scarce specimens of Brewericeras. Elsewhere in the upper Chitina Valley, beds of the Brewericeras hulenense zone are present and abundantly fossiliferous (Jones and Berg, 1964). Associated with B. hulenense are (see also Imlay, 1960, p. 91): Phyllopachyceras chitinanum Imlay H ypophylloceras cf. H. caliform'cum (Anderson) Calliphylloceras m'zinanum Imlay Anagaudryceras cappsi (Imlay) Tetragom'tes sp. Puzasia alaskana Imlay Valdedorsella? whiteavesi Imlay Desmoceras sp. juv. Parasilesites bullatus Imlay P. irregularis Imlay Hulem'tes cf. H. reesidei (Anderson) Cleom'ceras overbeck'i Imlay Arcthoplites belli McLearn Arcthoplites talkeetnanus (Imlay) 0 I 20' 143°OO' 40’ 20' 142°OO’ 61 40 A 3°. s . c"? Measured ‘3‘ '~ . section 'x‘ ; >\~‘ Kennicott‘.‘ \Glacier 9972 KW” 20’ . Y 07472 Creek Area of rem"2. M1337 I, 5 O 5 10 15 MlLES l A | 1 l l | I | 61 ° 00’ i FIGURE 5.—Index map of the upper: Chitina Valley, southern Alaska. F8 O C Conglomerate; contains large blocks of Triassic rocks more than 10 feet O < thick and reworked nodules from base of formation FEET — 50 Unconformity 3.. _. _.... g I _ . . . c» g I —-Ct : | Q I — .— ¢,, —. - 25 E | _.. . §| - . ——-—.. t I ——-~— Q) I — Ste—i S _... E | _ _ Mn. _, ' — ___ Siltstone, dark—gray, sandy; contains _ O ._..._ scattered calcareous concretions VERTICAL —--— and lentlcular beds of limestone SCALE db .— -—-I _, _I — — Shale, silty; contains numerous large — — — light-gray—weathering calcareous § '63— concretions; lower part weathers § “I __— _ reddish, rusty brown; upper part 3 I _ _ _ weathers gray N l «I - Cl: s . — — 3 ‘ — r 3 .3) § § _...... a) § S ‘H ' > . q s 3 g ‘ - ' ~§ § .8 C13,; ‘ ct: V s ' .' ‘ . ' .' 3 v, . .. 'CE g SE 03 '. '. Sandstone, fine— to medium-grained, 0 § . .- -. gray; weathers pinkish to orange .3 E ' - .‘ ,'. brown; contains many calcareous ,' - a nodules in which Aucellma sp. and - Z - . ammonites are very abundant M Unconformity McCarthy Formation (Triassic) FIGURE 6.——Generalized composite columnar section, Fohlin Creek area, upper Chitina Valley, southern Alaska, showing ranges of early Albian fossils. CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY Grantzweras glabrum (Whiteaves) G. afiine (Whiteaves) Douvilleiceras cf. D. mammtllatum (Schlotheim) Freboldiceras singulare Imlay This fauna is of particular importance as it contains a mixture of species known from the western interior of Canada along with those known from the Pacific faunal realm. In particular, Grantzicems (=Beudanti- ceras of authors) glabrum and G'. afiine, Arcthoplites belli, and Freboldiceras are abundant in Albian deposits in the Rocky Mountain foothills of western Canada. Appar- ently the connection between these two provinces was through northern Alaska, as Grantziceras occurs in several places in the Alaskan Arctic (Imlay, 1961, p. 57). The farthest known southern penetration of elements of this interior fauna is the Queen Charlotte Islands. Specimens of B. hulenense from USGS Mesozoic locality M1337 (fig. 5) are shown on plate 10. EVOLUTIONARY SEQUENCE The postulated evolutionary sequence of Leconteites and Brewericeras is shown in figure 7. L. deansi is considered to be the oldest representative of the genus and to have given rise to L. lecontei through emphasis of umbilical bullae. Ancestors of Leconte’ites have not yet been recognized. The change from Leconteites to Brewericeras was effected by the loss of umbilical bullae, simplification of ribbing, a tendency for excentric growth, and the development of a more deeply incised and interlocking suture. No descendants of Breweri- acres have been recognized. : .92 :9 < /,—\\ 8 / \ . (_u [I \ B. brewen 2‘ \\ l 5 //8‘ hulenense\ I Lu I \\ m E ‘—‘Simplification of ribbing / '— and loss of umbilica|,w 1‘ / \ bullae / \ // L. lecontet’ \\ ’,l \\ L. sacrameflticus \ ’ \ ,/’ \\ / gr Tf‘ / Approximate position Development 0 / of L lecrmtei umbilical bullae «f . ' . /’ ‘\\ / whzteavesz ,’ \ II \ / \ r\ / r \ / I/ L. deanst \ / Early early Albian Compressed whorl having Inflated whorl having fine ornamentation ' 'coarse ornamentation FIGURE 7.-—Postulated evolutionary sequence of Leconteites and Brewericeras. Bell-shaped curves represent hypothetical adult populations that show a wide range in morphologic variation. LOWER CRETACEOUS Because of the close affinities of Leconteites and Brewericeras, their differentiation by Wright (1957) into two different families, Hoplitidae (subfamily? Cleoniceratinae) for the former and Desmoceratidae (subfamily Beudanticeratinae) for the latter, cannot be maintained. Both forms are herein referred to the family Desmoceratidae, subfamily Beudanticeratinae. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family DESMOCERATIDAE Subfamily BEUDANTICERATINAE Genus LECONTEITES Casey 1954. Leconteites, Casey, Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 44, no. 4, p. 110. Type species (by original designation).—Desmoccms lecontei Anderson, 1902. Synonomy.—Puzosigella Casey, 1954, idem. REVISED GENERIC DESCRIPTION Shell small to moderate in size, compressed to moder— ately inflated, and ratio of whorl breadth to whorl height ranges from about 0.52 to more than 1.10. Umbilicus moderately narrow, ranging from 17 to 30 percent of diameter, with umbilical wall vertical to subvertical and shoulder abruptly rounded or angular on compressed specimens. Ornamentation consists of flexed primary ribs that arise singly on umbilical wall (pl. 6, fig. 16) or that spring singly in pairs or in bundles from umbilical bullae (pls. 3 and 4). Ribs project forward on ventro- lateral area and tend to weaken and disappear on ventral shoulder; secondary ribs split off from primary ribs above midflank, and some intercalate freely be— tween primary ribs; constrictions variably developed or absent, and peripheral collars characteristic of desmo- c'erids are present on some specimens. Suture line consists of massive asymetrically bifid first lateral saddle, irregularly trifid and deep first lateral lobe; thin and shallow second lateral lobe; and auxiliary saddles that descend obliquely to umbilical seam. Puzos’igella is herein regarded as a subjective syno- nym of Leconteites because the characters that separate the generic type Pachydiscus sacramenticus from L. lecontei are deemed to be, at most, of only specific importance. The main differences shown by P. sacra- menticus are a more rounded umbilical shoulder and the lack of umbilical tubercles at a late growth stage. Other species assigned to Puzosigella by both Casey and Imlay clearly intergrade with L. lecontei; however, among our specimens from Oregon, none were found that are similar to P. sacramenticus so it cannot be proved that that intergrading plexus ever produced the form of the typical Puzosz'gella. Among‘the California collec- tions, a few specimens similar to P. sacramenticus are 776—689 0—65—~—2 AMMONITE GENERA F9 known, but these likewise cannot be demonstrated to intergrade with L. lecontei. It seems likely that the sacramenticus form is simply an extremely scarce product of the L. lecontei strain and thus could be re- pressed as a nominal species, but in the absence of defi- nite proof of this relationship, we permit the species to stand as Leconteites sacramenticus but suppress Puzo- sigella as an unnecessary proliferation. Leconteites deansi (Whiteaves), which is closely allied to L. lecontei, differs from that species also by lacking well-developed umbilical tubercles at all growth stages (see Imlay, 1960, p. 109, pl. 19, figs. 7—14). In other morphologic features, such as general whorl shape, nature of ribbing, and suture line, these three species— lecontei, sacramentica, and deansi—are similar, and they form a closely related group to which the generic name Leconteites is applicable. Leconteites lecontei (Anderson) s. s. Plate 1, figures 1—3, 6—11, 13—22; plate 2, figures 1—8, 10—14, 17, 21; plate 3; plate 4; plate 5; plate 11, figures 4—6; and text figures 8—13. 1902. Desmoceras lecontei Anderson, California Acad. Sci. Proc., V. 2, no. 1, p. 95, pl. 3, figs. 94, 95; pl. 10, fig. 190. Sonneratia rogersi Hall and Ambrose, Nautilus, V. 30, p. 69, 70. Sonneratia rogersi Hall and Ambrose. v. 44, p. 25, pl. 2, fig. 2. Cleom'ceras lecontei (Anderson). Anderson, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 16, p. 192, pl. 38, fig. 4; pl. 47, figs. 3, 4. Cleoniceras modestum Anderson [in part], idem, p. 193, pl. 50, figs. 3, 4. Sonnemlia mulleri Anderson, idem, p. 195, pl. 51, fig. 4; pl. 54, figs. 3, 4. Sonneratia tafi‘i Anderson, idem, p. 194, 195, pl. 49, figs. 4, 5. Leconteites lecontei (Anderson). Sci. Jour., v. 44, no. 4, p. 110. 1916. 1929. Wiedey, Nautilus, 1938. 1938. 1938. 1938. 1954. Casey, Washington Acad. 1954. Puzosigella mulleri (Anderson). Casey, idem. 1954. Puzosz'gella tafli (Anderson). Casey, idem. 1954. Puzosigella rogersi (Anderson). Casey, idem. 1960. Leconteites lecontei (Anderson). Imlay, U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Prof. Paper 354—D, p. 109, pl. 19, figs. 1—3. Leconteites modestus (Anderson). Imlay, idem, p. 109, pl. 19, figs. 4—6. Puzosigella cf. P. rogersi (Hall and Ambrose). idem, p. 108, pl. 19, figs. 33—35. [not] Cleom'ceras modestum Anderson, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 16, pl. 50, fig. 2 (CAS holotype 8870), [not] Sonneratia perrinsmithi Anderson, idem, pl. 51. fig. 6 (CAS paratype 8883). Leconteites lecontei s. s. shows an extreme range of morphologic variation and the named “species” cited above are merely variants within an intergrading series. Nearly all morphologic features, such as whorl shape, width of umbilicus, and strength of ornamentation are variable, and few specimens are identical. 1960. 1960. Imlay, 1938. 1938. F10 The whorl section varies progressively from com- pressed (B/H ratio of 0.50—0.60) to inflated (B/H ratio of 0.90 to more than 1.0) ; the compressed forms have flat convergent flanks, an abruptly rounded venter that tends to be flattened, a narrow steplike umbilicus (equal to 20—25 percent of the diameter) that has vertical umbilical walls and an angular umbilical margin and inconspicuous umbilical bullae and fine ribs. In forms having a more inflated whorl section, the flanks and venter are more rounded, the umbilicus is wider (equal to 26 to more than 30 percent of the diameter), has sloping walls and a rounded shoulder, and the umbilical bullae are larger and the ribs coarser (fig. 8). Every transitional stage can be observed between the com- pressed forms and the inflated forms, and no natural subdivisions into two or more categories can be estab- lished 0n the basis of whorl proportions or strength of ornamentation (figs. 9, and 10 and following measure- ments). Of a sample of 38 measurable specimens from locality A in central Oregon, about 8 percent have a B/H ratio between 0.50 and 0.59, 60 percent have a ratio between 0.60 and 0.79, and 32 percent have a ratio of 0.80 or greater. These proportions are probably fall is FIGURE 8.—Cross sections of Leconteites lecontei s. s. from locality A, central Oregon. Figure A, hypotype, USNM 121525a; weakly ribbed form (X 3). Figure B, hypotype, USNM 121525b, moderately ribbed form (X 3). CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY greatly influenced by collecting failures and perhaps by unknown sorting influences, but a general impression given by all known collections is that the extremely inflated forms with a B/H ratio of 1.00 or greater are scarce. Ornamentation consists of bundled ribs that spring obliquely forward from umbilical bullae, although some bullae bear only single ribs, and an occasional rib rises freely on the lower part of the flank. Small umbilical bullae first appear at a diameter of about 3 mm; at a whorl height about 4 mm, faint ribs extend obliquely from these across the flank. The ribs have a falcate course across the flanks, project strongly forward on the outer flank, and tend to weaken on both the lower flank and the venter. Secondary ribs bifurcate from the main ribs near or above midflank or are intercalated freely between primary ribs on the outer third of the flanks. The number of secondary ribs per primary rib is highly variable. Finely ribbed compressed forms may have five or more secondary ribs, and more coarsely ribbed inflated forms may have only one or two. Con- strictions are present on some specimens and absent on others. Because some individuals have constrictions only during a particular growth stage, no particular taxonomic significance can be placed on their presence or absence. A progressive series of changes in ornamentation can be traced from finely ribbed forms (for example, pl. 3, figs. 1—3) to very coarsely ribbed forms (pl. 4, figs. 33—35), and clearly defined, distinct groups within this series cannot be delimited. The specimens illustrated on plates 3 and 4 are arranged so that their progressive changes can be traced step-by-step. On plate 3, ornamentation becomes coarser from the upper left- hand corner to the lower right-hand corner; on plate 4, the ornamentation becomes coarser from top to bottom. Umbilical bullae on finely ribbed forms are indistinct swellings along the umbilical margin. On coarsely ribbed forms, umbilical bullae are very prominent. On some specimens (pl. 3, fig. 45), early whorls are bullate but later whorls have only indistinct swellings along the umbilical shoulder. Most specimens of L. lecontei, how- ever, show some indication of umbilical bullae, however faint, in contrast to L. deansi (Whiteaves), in which they are only rarely and weakly developed. The suture lines of L. lecontei s. s. are shown in figures 11—13. No essential difference is seen between the suture of the compressed form (figs. 11, 12) and that of the more inflated form (fig. 13). The ventral lobe is broad and has a low bifid saddle; the first lateral lobe is wide, very deep, and trifid; the first saddle is massive, high, and bifid; the second lateral lobe is narrow and shallow; auxiliary saddles rapidly decrease in size and descend abruptly to the umbilical seam. LOWER CRETACEOUS AMSMONITE GENERA 35 l I 12093 O O 30— ._ 08868 25_ ' 08857 # . cn D: l LIJ E 20— I - E o 2' ' I o E E (38871 . . 08859 I—~ o I O 9 . . 88690 I 08858 “E ° - A E 15 — // ‘ . o — g / . / 8866008864 E /. / //: gin/A . C:12100 O I O I O 8884 ./ 7 o / / / / 10— / o. 7/ — / ‘/ / / ' x‘ _ / / / I / ./ B‘A/ / . / *A / / 5— / / — / / / i/ / 1 A / / l I O | l l | 0 5 10 15 20 25 WHORL BREADTH, IN MILLIMETERS FIGURE 9.—Scatter diagram showing relation of whorl height to whorl breadth in Leconteites lecontei s. s. Black dots are specimens from locality A, central Oregon. Triangles and dashed lines connect measurements of single specimens from this same locality. Open circles refer to Anderson’s type specimens. Squares are selected specimens from northern California. F11 F12 15 [ 10“ NUMBER OF SPECIMENS <0.50 0.50—0.59 0.60—0.69 0.70—0.79 0.80-0.89 0.90—0.99 RATIO OF WHORL BREADTH T0 WHORL HEIGHT LOO-+- FIGURE 10.—Bar graph showing frequency distribution of ratio of whorl breadth to whorl height for specimens of Leconteites lecontei s. s. from locality A, central Oregon. FIGURE 11.—Suture line of finely ribbed specimen of Leconleiles lecontei s. s., hypotype, USNM 121499 from USGS Mesozoic locality 15801. Specimen figured on plate 3, figures 42—44 (X 3). FIGURE 12.—Suture line of weakly ribbed example of Leconteites leconteis.s. Hypotype USNM 121490 from USGS Mesozoic locality 26262. Specimen figured on plate 3, figures 13—15 (X 51/2)- Two specimens referred by Anderson to species herein regarded in part as synonyms of L. lecontei do not belong to this species. The holotype of Oleonicems modestum Anderson (1938, pl. 50, fig. 2; CAS 8870) has Widely spaced falcate ribs, slightly inflated convergent flanks, a narrow umbilicus having a steep wall, and a narrowly CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY I 7m FIGURE 13.—Suture line of moderately ribbed example of Leconteites lecontei s. s. Hypotype, USNM 121503 from University ofOregon locality 465; specimen figured on plate 4, figures 9—11 (X 3%). rounded venter. This form is fairly close to Bendanti— cams newtoni Casey (see Casey, 1961, p. 147). The other specimen, a paratype (CAS 8883) of Sonneratia perrinsmithi (pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, and 12), has perisphinctid ribbing consisting of primary ribs that rise on the umbilical wall, project obliquely forward on the lower flank, bend slightly backward at midflank, and split on the outer flank into two or three secondary ribs that cross the venter with only a very slight forward projection and without a tendency to weaken at mid- venter. Periodic weak sinuous constrictions are also present. The proper generic placement of this form is not clear, and no additional specimens are known to the writers. Measurements, in millimeters, of selected groups of specimens from California and from USG'S Mesozoic locality 26262, central Oregon [Whorl height and breadth data are plotted in fig. 9] Ratio of Whorl Whorl Ratio of Width of Width of Specimen Diameter height breadth breadth umbilicus umbilicus to height to diameter (percent) Figured specimens from central Oregon USNM 121488 ........ 15 7 5. 9 121487. 20 10 7 121501. 15 7 6. 3 121486. 22 11. 5 6. 7 121489. 24 11. 8 9 32 14. 6 12 121490 ________ 32 14 9. 3 12. 5 8.8 13. 5 8. 6 18.8 12 15 14 12 9. 3 12 9 12 7 13 10 121525a ....... 20 9 7. 5 5 2 3. 8 8 3 4 12 6. 4 5. 5 30. 4 14. 6 10. 5 12152513 6. 6 4. 5 2. 7 3.0 13 8 15.5 9. 7 21 ________ 121507 21 ________ 121.506 15. 7 11. 5 121505 16 14. 4 121504. __ 12 10. 5 121503 ________ 10 8 121502 ........ 15.8 10. 6 121508 ________ 13 11.5 121509 ________ 40 19. 5 13 31 18 121510.. 12.5 11 121512. _ 17 18 121499. . 16. 5 13.6 LOWER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GENERA Measurements, in millimeters, of selected groups of specimens from California and from USG'S Mesozoic locality 26262, central Oregon—Continued Ratio of width of umbilicus to diameter (percent) Ratio of breadth to height Width of umbilicus Whorl Whorl Specimen Diameter height breadth Unnumbered specimens from central Oregon 13. 6 26 10 26 4. 6 23 8 21 9 25 7. 5 23 5. 5 22 3 20 10 25 7. 5 21. 5 P uzosiyella sp. OAS 8858 .......... 41 16 15. 3 0.97 13 31. 5 18 17. 5 .97 12 28 14 12 . 85 11 30. 5 24 5 23 .93 19 30 UC 32 21 .66 13 21 CAS 26 1 18 .69 14 23. 5 18 12 . 67 10 24 16 12.5 .78 7 20 UC 45 36 .80 31 31 12. 6 11. 5 .91 ______________________ GAS 14 11.7 .83 10 33 11 7 11 .94 9 31 88 2 12 7 8.4 .66 6 21.5 unnumbered . 39 18 14 . 78 9 23 Figured specimens of Leconteites lecontei from Huling Creek USNM 121523 __________________ 12 10 0. 83 ______________________ 121521 ........ 41. 7 16 13 .81 12 24 121517 ________ 27 12. 7 8 .64 5. 9 22 121515. __ 18 7. 6 7 92 5.8 32 121514- 19 8 6 75 5 26. 5 121519. 42 20 14 70 9 21. 5 121522. _ . 50 20. 9 17. 5 . 87 13. 7 27. 5 121524 ________ 44 19 13 . 68 11 25 121520. _ 13 10 . 77 7. 5 25 121516. 9 10. 8 1. 20 8 35 121518- 12.6 12.5 .99 ...................... 1 About. Measurements of selected groups of specimens are shown above and whorl height and breadth data are plotted in figure 9. Measured and illustrated spec- imens from Oregon include only those from locality A of figure 3; specimens from California were selected from three stratigraphic levels (fig. 2), near the base, the middle, and the top of the Leconteites-bearing sequence on Huling Creek. Several specimens from each level were chosen to demonstrate that the full range of morphologic variation from compressed to inflated forms occurs throughout the known range of the species. No attempt is made to thoroughly document the complete intergradation at each level, as this would only duplicate the sequence shown by the Oregon specimens. Holotype: UC 12093. Type locality: CAS loc. 152, east branch of Huling Creek, northern California. Figured specimens: USNM 121486—121510, 121512—121524, 1215253., b, 121537, CAS 8866, 8884, 8882, 8858, 8857, 8868, 8872, 8871, 8869, 8864, UC 12093, Stanford Univ. paleont. type colln. 511. Geologic age: Early Albian, zone of Leconteites lecontei. F13 Leconteites lecontei whiteavesi Jones, Murphy, and Packard, n. subsp. Plate 6, figures 1—9, 12—14; plate 7, figures 1—3 Specimens of Leconteites from Beresford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, were recently collected by A. Sutherland-Brown, of the British Columbia Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources, and made available for study through the courtesy of F. H. McLearn of the Geological Survey of Canada. These specimens are closely related to typical Leconteites lecontei but differ by subtle features of ornamentation and by attaining a larger size. Although the weakly ornamented forms from Queen Charlotte Islands are nearly identical to those from California and Oregon (pl. 6, figs. 1—3), the more coarsely ribbed forms (pl. 6, figs. 12—14; pl. 7) have less strongly developed umbilical bullae from which primary ribs arise singly rather than in bundled pairs; none of the 15 specimens available to the writers have strong umbilical bullae, although they show a moderate range in variation of strength of ribbing. Some of the small specimens or early whorls of larger specimens (for example, pl. 6, figs. 12—14) have nearly smooth lower flanks, which is rare in typical forms of L. lecontei; they also have a slightly more rounded umbilical shoulder. The Queen Charlotte Islands specimens also differ from Alaskan specimens of Leconteites referred to L. deansi. The main differences are the presence in the former of weak umbilical bullae and the tendency of the ribbing on the inner and outer flanks to be clearly separated by a band on which ribbing is weak, in contrast to the latter, Which lacks umbilical bullae and has ribs that tend to thicken slightly on the lower or middle flank. The specimen shown on plate 7 is the largest example of Leconteites known to the writers; it exceeds by more than 80 mm the maximum diameter of specimens known to us from California or Oregon. This size difference may not be specifically important, but it seems worthy of note that of the 15 specimens available to us from the Queen Charlotte Islands, 6 specimens, or fragments, exceed the maximum size known for typical L. lecontei. This new subspecies is named in honor of J. F. Whiteaves, who described many of the Cretaceous fossils known from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Measurements, in millimeters, of specimens from Queen Charlotte Islands Ratio of Whorl Whorl Ratio of Width of width of GSC specimen Diameter height breadth breadth unbilicus umbilicus to height to diameter (percent) 40 19 14 0.74 8 20 17 8 6.3 .79 3.6 21 23 10.7 6.9 .64 5.5 24 33 16. 4 11 .67 7. 4 22. 5 152 58 46 .79 46 30 185 68 59 .87 63 34 F14 Types: Holotype GSC 19097; paratypes GSC 19098—19102. Type locality: GSC 100. 48615, Beresford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands. Figured specimens: Types cited above. Geologic age: Early Albian. Leconteites sacramenticus (Anderson) Plate 2, fgures 9, 15, 16, 18—20 1902. Paehydiseus sacramenticus Anderson, California Acad. Sci Proc., v. 2, no. 1, p. 105, pl. 6, figs. 133, 134; pl. 10, fig; 105. 1938. Sonneratiasacramentica (Anderson). Anderson, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 16, p. 195, pl. 49, figs. 1—3. 1954. Puzosigella sacramentica (Anderson). Casey, Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 44, no. 4, p. 110. Leconteites sacramenticus, the generic type of Puzosigel— la, is questionably distinct from Leconteites lecontei. The shell is moderately inflated, has rounded flanks, a broadly rounded venter, a moderately wide umbilicus, and a steeply sloping umbilical wall. Early whorls, to a diameter of 30—35 mm, have prominent primary ribs that rise from thickened elongate umbilical bullae and that cross the flanks with a gently flexed course. At or just above midflank, the primary ribs bifurcate into secondary ribs that project moderately forward on the outer flank and weaken on the venter. As the shell diameter increases, umbilical bullae disappear and ribs on the lower flanks weaken progressively so that, on large shells, only bundled striae can be seen. Ribbing on the outer flank remains fairly strong and projects forward, but differentiation into primary and secondary ribs is lost. An occasional rib crosses'the venter, but most ribs split up into two to five fine striae. Very faint Spiral lines are on the venter of the holotype, and the intersection of these and the transverse striae produce a faint reticulate pattern. Leconteites sacramenticus is a very scarce form and is known only from Anderson’s type specimens. N0 specimens from Oregon exhibit the same combination of characteristics, nor can any of the known specimens of L. lecontei from Huling Creek be shown to intergrade with these forms. We feel that this lack of intergrada- tion is due probably to an insufficient collection of specimens, but in the absence of definite proof of this, it seems best to regard L. sacramenticus as a distinct species. No necessity is seen, however, for. the genus Puzosigella, and it is herein considered as a subjective synonym of Leconteites. Measurements of the holotype and paratype are given on page F13 and are shown in figure 10. Holotype: UC 12100. Paratype: CAS 8859. Type locality: CAS 100. 152. Figured specimens: UC 12100, CAS 8859. Geologic range: Probably from Leconteites lecontei zone judging from nature of preservation and from Anderson’s locality information. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY Leconteites deansi (Whiteaves) Plate 6, figures 10, 11, 15, 16 1893. Olcostephtmus (Aslieria) deansi Whiteaves, Canadian Rec- ord Sci., ser. 1, v. 10, sec. 14, p. 442-444, pl. 7, figs. 1, 1a. 1960. Leconteites deansi (Whiteaves). Imlay, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 354—D, p. 109, pl. 19, figs. 7—14. 1960. Leconteites cf. L. deansi (Whiteaves). Imlay, idem, p. 109, pl. 19, figs. 15-17. 1960. Leconteiles modestus (Anderson). pl. 19, figs. 4—6. 1960. Puzosigella of. P. rogersi (Hall and Ambrose). idem, p. 109, pl. 19, figs. 33—35. Leconteites deansi is very abundant in the lowermost Cretaceous beds of the upper Chitina Valley. Recent collecting there by Imlay and Jones has shown that the specimens figured by Imlay (1960) as Puzosigella cf. P. rogersi, L. deansi, L. of L. deansi, and L. modestus actually intergrade and form one variable species. This species difiers from L. lecontei by lacking umbilical bullae and by having ribs that rise singly at or near the umbilical seam, even on the more coarsely ribbed variants. In an occasional specimen, two ribs may join near the umbilical shoulder (see Imlay, 1960, pl. 19, fig. 20), producing what appears to be a small bulla at the junction. This condition is probably pathologic. The ribs tend to become slightly stronger on the lower flank before splitting into two or more secondary ribs, in contrast to L. lecontei, in which the ribs weaken with the formation of a nearly smooth band on the lower flank. The previously determined stratigraphic position of this species requires minor revision. According to Imlay (1960, fig. 21), Leeonteites modestus and Puzo- sigella spp. questionably occur below L. deansi and Mofitites robustus Imlay. Further collecting has demonstrated that all of, these forms herein referred to L. deansi are found together with M. robustus and that these occur below a specimen that has well-developed umbilical bullae and that is referred to L. lecontei. Thus, L. deansi is the earliest known representative of Leconteites, and it appears to have given rise to L. lecontei by emphasis of the umbilical bullae. The type locality of L. deansi is unknown; according to Whiteaves (1893, p. 442) the original specimen sent to him for study was labeled as having been collected at Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Recent extensive collecting at this place by Jones failed to turn up any specimens of this species nor were any fossilifer- ous Cretaceous rocks older than the Brewericeras hulen- ease zone found there. Specimens of Leconteites lecontei are known from the northwestern side of Graham Island, however, no specimens of L. deansi have yet been found there. Figured specimen: Hypotype USNM 130164b from USGS Mesozoic loc. 9972. Geologic age: Early Albian, zone of Moflitites robustus. Imlay, idem, p. 109, Imlay, LOWER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GENERA Genus BREWERICERAS Casey 1954. Brewericeras, Casey, Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 44, no. 4, p. 112. Type species (by original designation).—-Ammonites brewem’ Gabb, 1864, pl. 10, fig. 7 ([not] 1869, pl. 20, fig. 5, as cited by Casey. That specimen is herein referred to B. hulenense). The genus Brewericems was established for Pacific coast Albian ammonites that were previously assigned to Beudanticeras. They differ from Beudanticems by having * * * very flat, subparallel whorl sides, consistently sharp umbilical rim, and no constrictions or peripheral ridges. Costate developments with falciform ribs on the upper lateral area that are sharper and more regular than those of Beudanticems and which weaken on the ventral area (Casey, 1954, p. 112). Study of large collections of specimens from northern California and southern Alaska necessitates a revision of the generic characteristics described above. A revised generic description follows: The shell is compressed and has flat to slightly inflated flanks, a narrow evenly rounded venter, a small umbilicus having an abrupt to very sharp umbilical shoulder and a steeply sloping to vertical wall. Ornamentation consists of falcate ribs of varying strength that commonly arise from bundled striae on the lower flank but that rarely arise singly at the umbilical margin or spring from inconspicuous umbilical bullae. The ribs are most prominent on the outer flank, where they project strongly forward, and they may weaken or be indistinguishable on the venter. Con- strictions are scarce, although more coarsely ribbed forms tend to have a few falcate constrictions that are bordered on the venter by a posterior peripheral ridge. Other species referred by Casey to Brewericeras include Ammonites haydeni {Gabb and Beudanticems hulenense Anderson. According to Murphy and Rodda (1960, p. 851—852), A. haydem' is a true representative of Beudanticems and differs markedly from Brewericems hulenense by nature of the suture, whorl shape, and ornamentation. Brewericeras thus includes two species, breweri and hulenense, and these have been consistently confused. In Casey’s citation of the type species, he designated B. brewem' as the type, but he referred to a specimen that we regard as B. hulenense. This misidentification, however, does not have any significant effect on the generic concept, as the two species do not differ greatly. Brewericeras is clearly closely related to Leconteites and could, indeed, be regarded as of no more than subgeneric rank or even regarded as a synonym, but we prefer to retain both generic names. The differences between Leconteites and Brewericems are summarized as follows: Brewericeraa Whorl shape mainly thin and compressed; moderately in- flated forms are rare. Ornamentation ranges from completely smooth to strong primary falcate ribs that rarely bifurcate on outer flank; umbilical tubercles and paired ribs are absent; con- strictions are rare. F15 Lecomeitea Whorl shape shows complete range from compressed to inflated forms. All forms ribbed but show a wide range in strength of ribbing; primary ribs furcate on outer flank to form numerous secondary ribs; umbilical bullae may be very prominent; ribs arise singly or spring in pairs or bundles from bullae; constrictions may be common. Coiling excentric ______________ Coiling shows only a slight tendency to excentricity on very compressed forms. Brewericeras breweri (Gabb) Plate 8, figures 3, 5 1864. Ammom’tes brewerii Gabb, California Geol. Paleontology, v. 1, p. 62, pl. 10, fig. 7. 1954. Brewericeras brewerii (Gabb). Casey, Washington Acad. Sci., v. 44, no. 4, p. 112. 1869. [not] Ammonites brewem' Gabb, California Geol. Survey, Paleontology, v. 2, p. 130, pl. 19, fig. 5, 6; pl. 20, fig. 5. 1876. [not] Ammonites brewerii Gabb. Whiteaves, Mesozoic Fossils, p. 21, pl. 1, fig. 2, 2a, 3, 3a. 1927. [not] Beudanticeras brewem’ (Gabb). Crickmay, Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 15, v. 13, no. 78, p. 503. 1938. [not] Beudanticeras breweri (Gabb). Anderson, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 16, p. 189, pl. 43, fig. 3; pl. 44, figs. 1, 2. . 1960. [not] Brewericeras breweri (Gabb). Imlay, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 354-D, p. 105, pl. 17, figs. 5—10, 12, 13. Brewericems breweri was originally obtained from the North Fork of Cottonwood Creek, northern California, and the holotype is the only known specimen of this species. This specimen, which is a fragment of a body whorl that has a part of the inner whorl exposed, is crushed and deformed and cannot be accurately measured. The whorl section is compressed and its height is greater than its breadth; the whorl appears to be somewhat inflated and its greatest breadth is in the lower one-third of the flank. Some of this inflation may be due to secondary deformation, but the flanks do not appear to be as slab sided as in B. hulenense. The umbilicus is fairly wide, the umbilical wall nearly vertical, and the umbilical shoulder abrupt. The suture line is unknown. Ornamentation consists of fairly strong regular falcate ribs that rise on the umbilical shoulder, project forward on the lower flank, bend backward at midflank, and again project forward on the outer flank. The ribs cross the venter and have only a slight tendency to weaken along the midline. Likewise, ribbing on the lower flank tends to be only slightly less prominent than on the outer flank, and a few ribs bundle together on approaching the umbilical shoulder. Survey, F16 The ribs of this specimen extend to the umbilical shoulder and in this respect differ from the closely allied B. hulenense, in which the ribbing is absent or very weak on the lower flank. Many specimens of B. hulenense are as coarsely ribbed on the outer flank as B. breweri, but on all of these specimens the ribs tend to be weak on the lower flank, although on some of the more inflated varieties, an occasional rib may reach the umbilical margin. Also, the ribs are stronger on the venter and the flanks more inflated in B. brewem’ than in B. hulenense. These differences are more those of degree than of kind, however, and it would seem logical to treat these two “species” as belonging to a single, highly variable, intergrading population and to repress B. hulenense as unnecessary. However, among hun- dreds of specimens examined, no clear transition from one form to the other was found, and B. brewem’ seems to be unique. Unfortunately, the stratigraphic position of this species is unknown, and until additional speci- mens are found and their relationship to B. hulenense established, it seems best to regard the two forms as separate species. Holotype: UC 12098. Type locality: North Fork of Cottonwood Creek, northern California; exact position unknown. Age: Probably late early Albian. This judgment is based on the position of B. hulenense, its congener, and the character of the attached matrix, which is like that of the B. hulenense zone of Huling Creek. Brewericeras hulenense (Anderson) Plate 8, figures 1, 2, 4; plates 9, 10; plate 11, figures 1—3, 13—14 1876. Ammonites brewerii Gabb. Whiteaves, Mesozoic Fossils, v.1, pt. 1, p. 21, pl. 1, fig. 2, 2a. 1927. Beudanticeras brewerii Gabb. Crickmay, Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., v. 13, no. 78, p. 509, figs. 1—3. 1938. Beudantz’ceras hulenense Anderson, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 16, p. 190, pl. 44, figs. 3, 4. 1938. Beudanticeras breweri (Gabb). Anderson, idem, p. 189, pl. 43, fig. 3; pl. 44, figs. 1, 2. 1943. Desmoceras haydeni Gabb. Anderson, Calif. Div. Mines Bull. 118, p. 168—169, figs. 61—68. 1960. Brewericems breweri (Gabb). Imlay, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 354—D, p. 105, pl. 17, figs. 5—10, 12, 13. 1960. Brewericems cf. B. hulenense (Anderson). Imlay, idem, p. 106, pl. 17, figs. 11, 14—16. 1960. Brewericeras hulenense (Anderson). Murphy and Rodda, Jour. Paleontology, v. 34, no. 5, pl. 105, fig. 3. Brewericeras hulenense is widespread in Albian de- posits of the Pacific coast region of North America and occurs in California, Oregon, Washington, Queen Charlotte Islands, BC, and southern Alaska. Throughout this extent the species exhibits similar morphologic characteristics that show a wide range in variation. Typical specimens of B. hulenense are nearly smooth and have flattened, nearly parallel flanks, an CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEONTOLOGY evenly rounded narrow venter, and a small umbilicus having a sharp shoulder and a steep to vertical wall. Excentric growth is well displayed in some specimens (pl. 10; pl. 11, figs. 1, 13; text fig. 14). At a diameter of approximately 45 mm and larger, the umbilical wall is bent midway between the umbilical suture and the umbilical edge so that it appears to have been creased. The growth lines on the wall are inclined posteriorly from the umbilical suture to this crease and then inclined anteriorly from the crease to the umbilical shoulder giving the growth lines a chevron shape on the umbilical wall. This characteristic is useful in distinguishing fragmentary specimens of B. hulenense from Beudanticems haydem' on which the chevron shape of the growth lines is lacking. Ornamentation consists of bundled growth striae that rise at the umbilical seam, are curved on the wall as described above, inclined strongly forward on lower flanks, arch gently backward at midflank and cross the upper flanks with marked forward projection. Like Lecontez'tes lecontei, Brewericcms hulenense shows an extremely wide range of variation from very compressed smooth forms to inflated strongly 70 I I l I I I I ‘I I | I l I I I I | I I 65 — ' — I / 504 . / ° — // // . . 55— . / . — / // 0 g 50 ~ './¢ — “J / '— / “J / E 45w / — j [0/ . _ O O E 40 — 0 /° 4 E o / 8% / ,_ 35~o I . _ g I s ' I Q 30— H — I O _ I _ 25 .l . oI I 20 — I _ [I L ’ ' 15 .l/ _ / / / 10 I | I | | I l J I I I | I | I I I I l 15 20 25 30 WIDTH 0F UMBILICUS, AS PERCENT OF DIAMETER FIGURE 14.—Scatter diagram showing relation of width of umbilicus, expressed as percent of diameter, to diameter for specimens of Brewericeras hulenense from USGS Mesozoic locality M1337. Arelative increase in umbilical width due to excentric growth is shown by the change in slope of the curve at about a diameter of 30 mm. The heavy dots represent more coarsely ribbed specimens. LOWER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GENERA ribbed specimens (pl. 10). Costation when present commonly develops at a diameter of about 35 mm. The costae are low, closely spaced, most strongly developed on the outer half of the flanks, and weak or absent across the venter and on the umbilical half of the flank. In some large specimens, periodic widely spaced ridges, associated with constrictions of the shell, are present on the flanks and venter. Some specimens show a slight tendency toward bundling of the striae at the umbilical edge, but bullae are not developed as on species of the closely related Leconteites. An intergrading series that has progressively stronger ornamentation can be demonstrated from the nearly smooth specimens shown on plate 9, figure 4, and plate 10, figure 1, through typical forms that have weak ornamentation as represented by the holotype and by the specimens figured on plate 10, figures 3 to 5, to the coarsely ribbed specimen shown on plate 10, figures 14, 15. Correlated with the increase in coarse- ness of the ribbing is an increase in the B/H ratio and in the width of the umbilicus. In addition, the whorl section becomes more rounded and the umbilical shoulder may become less sharp as the ribs increase in strength. The suture line is deeply incised and moderately interlocked (figs. 15 and 16) and has a thin asym- metrically bifid first lateral saddle, a deep trifid first lateral lobe that is much deeper than the external lobe, and a very thin asymmetric second lateral saddle. Three irregular auxiliary saddles descend evenly to the umbilical seam. The internal suture consists of a moderately high arch that has numerous auxiliary saddles and lobes. The suture of B. hulenense differs from that of L. lecontei by being more deeply incised and by having thinner stemmed saddles. a In a single population the frequency of occurrence cf the coarsely ribbed forms similar to the specimen on F17 FIGURE 15.—Suture line of Brewericeras hulenense, hypotype USNM 121535, from University of California at Riverside lo- cality 1000; specimen figured on plate 11, figures 1—3 (X 4%). plate 10, figures 14 and 15, is very low. In one sample from USGS Mesozoic locality M1337 consisting of more than 70 specimens, 38 specimens having a diam- eter of more than 35 mm are smooth or have only ill-defined riblets composed of bundled striae, 18 specimens have clearly discernible ribs, and only 1 specimen has coarse ribs (fig. 17). Because ribs do not appear on some specimens until a fairly large diam- eter (55—60 mm) is attained, these proportions may not be too precise, because some of the smaller speci- mens in the smooth group might ultimately have pro- duced ribs, thus decreasing the difference in frequency of these two groups. Despite this, in all known collections, smooth to faintly or weakly ribbed forms greatly predominate over the more coarsely ribbed forms. A selected series of specimens from USGS Mesozoic locality M1337 are shown on plate 10 and measurements of 27 specimens are given in the table below. Brewericeras hulenense is closely related to Lecon- teites lecontei, and differs from it mainly in details of FIGURE 16.—Suture line of Brewericeras hulenense (Anderson); hypotype USNM 121511, from University of California at Riverside locality 70 (X 1%). F18 NUMBER OF SPECIMENS CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY 40 T 40 V 30 -- —— 30 0.50—0.59 25 — -— 25 — (I) Z LIJ E 0 Lu 3) 20 — — u_ 20 _4 o D: Lu (J: 2 D Z 15 — —— 15 _ 'U 0 .D :9 \— 3 x (U l.) 3 10 — — 10 g — .D .13 _> N) C O z (I) 'U 0 2 5 — — 5 -: 8 2 0' 2° V 8 R? s e c.’ ‘? c" 7’ O O O 2‘ no '5 co m o o o > o RATIO OF WHORL BREADTH NATURE OF TO WHORL HEIGHT ORNAMENTATION A B FIGURE 17,—A, Bar graph showing frequency distribution of whorl breadth to whorl height ratio in Brewericems hulenense from USGS Mesozoic local- ity M1337. B, Bar graph showing frequency distribution of smooth and ribbed forms of Brewericeras hulenense from USGS Mesozoic locality M1337.' LOWER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GENERA ribbing. In B. hulenense, the ribs mainly rise singly on the lower flank or, in inflated forms, on the um- bilical shoulder, and well-developed umbilical bullae are not present. These ribs do not bifurcate on the outer flank, and if secondary ribs are present, they rise singly between the primaries. In L. lecontei, the primary ribs tend to spring in pairs from well developed, pinched umbilical bullae and generally bifurcate on the outer flank. The strongly developed bifurcation Of ribs in L. deansi clearly separates that species from B. hulenense. In most collections of B. hulenense, the differences previously cited clearly separate it from the geologically older species L. lecontei. Among the collections from Huling Creek, however, there are some specimens that are clearly intermediate in form between the two genera, and their proper taxonomic position is difiicult to determine. For example, the specimen on plate 11, figures 7 to 9, has finer more numerous ribs on the outer flank than is usual for B. hulenense, and the um- bilical bullae are only slightly weaker than is usual for L. lecontei (compare this specimen with the speci- men of L. lecontei figured on pl. 11, figs. 4—6). The ribs of the outer whorl, however, show no indication of bifurcation and are similar to those of B. hulenense. The specimens on plate 11, figures 10—12 and 15—17, have strong umbilical bullae and bifurcating ribs of the Leconteites type on the inner whorls and coarse simple ribs of the B. hulenense type on the body chamber. These scarce specimens, which occur with the lowest known examples of B. hulenense and 10—15 feet above beds having undoubted L. lecontei (fig. 2), are con- sidered as intermediate forms linking the two genera. Holotype: CAS 8831. Type locality: CAS loc. 1659. East Fork of Huling (=Hu1en) Creek, Ono area, northern California. Figured specimens: USNM 121526—121536 and ANSP 4798. Geologic age: Brewericeras hulenense zone, upper lower Albian. Measurements, in millimeters, of selected groups of specimens from California and USGS Mesozoic locality M1337, southern Alaska R .. . saga Whorl Whorl ’3 ° ° Width of . ° Specimen Diameter - breadth umbillcus height breadth to height umbilicus to diameter (percent) USNM 121538 1 ...... 45 21.7 13.6 0.62 9 20 121535 ........ 48 21.8 3 12.7 .58 12 20 121526-. 64 30 19 .63 15 23. 5 121527.. 72 37 21 .57 10.8 15 121536.. 65 25 18 . 72 18 27. 5 121539 1 56 24 3 18 .75 15. 8 28 121540 1 ...... 42 16.6 14.6 .87 13.8 33 .......... 21 20 .95 ....-_.._. ....._-..-.. 121528 ...... 139 60 38 . 63 36 26 121532 ...... 61 28 16 . 57 14.5 23. 5 121529.. 54 25.5 13.5 . 53 10 18. 5 121533 ...... 66 29 15 . 52 17. 5 26. 5 121531.. 57 24 13.5 56 12. 5 22 121534.. 63 25 18 72 19.8 31 21530 65 30 15 50 12.6 19.4 LSJU 6506.. - 120 49 38 77 33 27.5 ANSP 4798 ........... 113 48 33 68 32 20.5 F19 Measurements, in millimeters, of selected groups of specimens from California and USGS Mesozoic locality M1337, southern Alaska—— Continued Rt‘ r 5.33% Whorl Whorl 3 1° ° Width 0: ° Specimen Diameter breadth . - umbulicus height breadth to height umbihcus to diameter (percent) Unnumbered specimens 17 8.0 5. 5 0.69 2. 5 15.0 23 12. 9 7. 3 .57 3. 2 14.0 24 12. 9 6.8 .53 3. 3 14.0 24 12.9 7.2 .56 3.5 15.0 26 13. 6 7. 0 . 52 3. 6 14. 0 29 15.0 7. 7 .52 4.1 14.0 32 16.8 9.0 .53 4. 5 14.0 34 17.5 10.0 .57 5. 5 15.6 35 18.1 9. 4 .52 4. 6 13.0 38 19.7 10. 5 .53 5. 3 14.0 40 20.0 10.0 . 50 5. 8 14.0 41 21. 0 10.1 .48 6. 5 16.0 42 20.0 10.0 .50 8.0 19.0 42 21.5 10. 5 .49 6. 5 15.6 43 21.5 11.0 .51 7. 6 17.6 44 23.0 10. 5 .46 6. 6 15.0 51 23.0 12.0 . 52 12.0 23. 5 51 24.0 12.5 . 52 8. 7 17.0 50 24.0 12.8 .53 9.0 18.0 54 25. 0 13.9 . 55 10.7 20.0 57 26.0 14.0 .54 11.8 20. 5 50 24.0 12.0 .50 8.8 17.5 60 27.5 15.0 .55 12.0 20. 0 64 28. 0 l6. 0 . 57 15. 0 23. 5 71 30. 5 17. 5 . 57 17.0 24.0 15 8. 7 4. 7 54 2.0 13.0 12 7.0 4. 0 .......... 1. 9 16.0 1 Specimen intermediate between Leconteites and Brewericeraa. : SAlgghttly crushed. ou . REFERENCES Anderson, F. M., 1902, Cretaceous deposits of the Pacific Coast: California Acad. Sci. Proc., 36 ser., v. 2, no. 1, 1—54 p., 11 pls. 1938, Lower Cretaceous deposits in Cailfornia and Oregon: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 16, 339 p. 84 pls., 3 figs. Arkell, W. J., Kummel, Bernhard, and Wright, C. W., 1957, Mesozoic Ammonoidea, in Mollusca 4, Pt. L of Moore, R. 0., ed., Treatise on invertebrate paleontology: New York, Geol. Soc. America and Kansas Univ. Press [Lawrence], p. L80—L471. Casey, Raymond, 1954, New genera and subgenera of Lower Cretaceous ammonites: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour‘., v. 44, no. 4, p. 106—115, 1 pl. ~———-— 1961, The Ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand: Palae- ontographical Soc., Monograph, pt. 3, p. 119—216, pls. 26—35. Crickmay, C. H., 1927, On Beudanticeras breweri and Coloboceras stantoni: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., v. 13, no. 78, p. 503-516, 10 figs. Gabb, W. M., 1864, Description of the Cretaceous fossils: California Geol. Survey, Paleontology, v. 1, sec. 4, p. 57—-217, pls. 9—32. 1869, Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils, in Paleontology of California: California Geol. Survey, Paleontology, V. 2, sec. 2, p. 127—254. Haas, Otto, 1946, Intraspecific variation in, and ontogeny of, Prionotropis woollgari and Prionocyclus wyomingensis: Am. Mus. Nat. History Bull., v. 86, art. 4, p. 141—224, pls. 11—24. Hall, E. B., and Ambrose, A. W., 1916, Descriptions of new species from the Cretaceous and Tertiary of the Tesla, Pleasanton, San Jose, and Mt. Hamilton quadrangles, California: Nautilus, v. 30, no. 6, p. 68—71; v. 30, no. 7, p. 77—82. F20 Imlay, R. W., 1960, Early Cretaceous (Albian) ammonites from the Chitina Valley and Talkeetna Mountains, Alaska: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 354—D, p. 87—114, pls. 11—19. ———— 1961, Characteristic Lower Cretaceous megafossils from northern Alaska: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 335, 74 p., 24 pls., 1 fig. Jones, D. L., and Berg, H. C., 1964, Cretaceous stratigraphy of the McCarthy A—4 quadrangle, southern Alaska: US. Geol. Survey Bull. 1180—A, p. A1—A18. McKnight, B. K., 1964, Stratigraphic study of Cretaceous rocks near Mitchell, Oregon [abs]: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 82, p. 264. Murphy, M. A., 1956, Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic units of northern California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., V. 40, no. 9, p. 2098—2119, 6 text-figs. Murphy, M. A., Peterson, G. L., and Rodda, P. U., 1964, Re- vision of Cretaceous lithostratigraphic nomenclature, northwest Sacramento Valley, California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologist, v. 48, no.4, p. 496—502. Murphy, M. A., and Rodda, P. U., 1960, Mollusca of the Creta- ceous Bald Hills Formation of California: Jour. Paleontol- ogy, v. 34, no. 5, p. 835—858, pls. 101—107, 2 text-figs. CONTRIBUTIONS T0 PALEONTOLOGY Popenoe, W. P., Imlay, R. W., and Murphy, M. A., 1960, Cor- relation of the Cretaceous formations of the Pacific Coast (United States and northwestern Mexico): Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, no. 10, p. 1491—1540, 1 pl., 5 figs. Reeside, J. B., Jr., and Cobban, W. A., 1960, Studies of the Mowry Shale (Cretaceous) and contemporary formations in the United States and Canada: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 355, 126 p., 58 pls., 30 figs., 10 tables. Silberling, N. J., 1959, Pre-Tertiary stratigraphy and Upper Triassic paleontology of the Union district, Shoshone Mountains, Nevada: US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 322, 67 p., 11 pls., 3 figs. Whiteaves, J. F., 1876, On some invertebrates from the coal— bearing rocks of the Queen Charlotte Islands, in Mesozoic fossils: Canada Geol. Survey, v. 1, pt. 1, p. 1—92, 10 pls. 1893, Descriptions of two new species of ammonites from the Cretaceous rocks of the Queen Charlotte Islands: Canadian Record Sci, V. 5, no. 8, p. 441—446, pl. 7. Wiedey, L. W., 1929, Some previously unpublished figures of type mollusks from California: Nautilus, v. 43, no. 1, p. 21~26, 3 pls. Acamhohoplites. reestdei... zone .................................. Acknowledgments ____________________________ affine, Grantziceraa _________________ Age of Brewericeras and Leconteitea ........... Alaska, southern ............................. alaakana, Puzosia ....................... .._- 6, Albian strata ............................ 1, 3, 6, 8, 16 alderaoni, Calliphylloceras. _ haydem’ ____________ Anagaudrucem: aurarium _______________ Aptian strata ........................... 3 Arcthoplitea belli .............................. 6. 7, 8 talkeetmmuc ............... 7 (Astieria) deansi, Olcostephanua _____________ 14; pl. 6 Aucellina ..................................... 7 7 aurarium, Anaaaudryceraa .................... 4. 5, 7 belli, Arcthaplites .............................. 6, 7,8 Beudamiceras“ breweri ........................... haudem‘ ................................... 16 hulemme 2, 8, 15, 16 mwtoni“ l2 Beudanticeratinae .......................... ._ 9 bifurcata, K ennicottz'a ......................... 7 brewm', Ammonitea .................. 2,15,16; pl. 8 Beudanticeraau __________ 15, 16 Brewericeraa... ................. 2,16,16; pl. 8 Breweriesras.-. .............. 1,2,3,5.7,8,9,15 breweri ........................... 2, 16, 16; pl. 8 huleneme ........ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16‘, 17, 19; pls. 8, 9,10,11 zone .......................... 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 19 stratigraphic position and age ............ 3 bullatus, Paraailm’tes ......................... 7 califomicum, Hypophylloceras ................. 4, 5, 7 Calliphulloceraa alderaom‘ ...................... 7 m'zlmmum ________________________________ 7 cappsi, Anaaaudryceras ...... ..__ 7 chitimmum, PhyllopacM/ceras. _ ..._ 7 Cleoniceras ................ .._. 2 lecontei .............................. 9; pls. 1, 2 modeatum ......................... 2, 9, 12; pl. 2 overbeaki. ...... 7 sp ............... ...- 6 Cieoniceratinae ........ . . . _ 9 Collignoniceratids ............................ 1 deami, Leconteim ..... 2, 3, 6, 7, 8,9,10,13,14,19; pl. 6 Olcostephanua (Aatieria). ...... 14; pl. 6 Deamoceras haydem‘ ................ 16 lecontei .............................. 1 2 9 pl 2 merriami ................................. 5 sp ................. .... 7 Desmoceratidae ................ _ ...... 1. .9 776—689 0—615—‘—3 INDEX [Italic numbers indicate descriptions] Page Douvilleiceras mammillatum ................. F4, 5, 8 mammillatum zone. . . ..._._ 5 restitutum ........ 5 spp ....................................... 6 Evolutionary sequence of Leconteitee and Brewericeras ______________________ 8 Freboldiceras .................................. 8 singulare .................................. 8 gainesi, Anagaudryceraa ....................... 4, 5 Generic description, revised. . . . 9 alabrum, Grantzicems ........... 8 Grantzicerae affine ............................ 8 alabrum .................................. 8 sp ........................................ 6 haydem’, Ammom’m _______________ _ 15 Beudanticeraa.. . . 16 Desmoceras _______________________________ 16 Hoplitidae .................................... 1, 9 huhmme, Beudamiceras ........ . 2, 15, 16 Brewericeras .................. _ - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14,15,16,17,19; pls. 8, 9, 10, 11 Hulenitea reesidei ............................. 7 Hypacanthoplites sp ........................... 5 Hypophylloceraa caliform’cum .................. 4, 5, 7 irregularia, Paraaileaitea ....................... 7 Jauberticeraa michelianum ..................... 5 K enm‘cottia bifurcata .......................... 7 laeve, Ptychoceras ............................. 47 lecontei, Cleoniceraa ...................... 9; pls ,2 Desmoceras ......................... 1, 2, 9, p11. 2 Leconteim ..................... 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12,13,14,16, 17, 19; pls. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,11 whitewesi, Leconteite: ............. 7, 13; pls. 6, 7 Lecanteites .................................. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6,7,8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19; pls. 1,2 deami ............ 2,3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13,14, 19;p1.6 lecomei ...................... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12,13,144, 16, 17, 19; pls. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,11 whitewesi .................... 7, 15; pls. 6, 7 zone__ modestus ..................... sacrumenticus ................... stratigraphic position and age Leymeriella tardefurcata zone .................. 4 mammillatum, Douvilleicema .................. 4, 5,8 Material studied ___________ _ 3 Measurements .......... . 9 merriami, Desmoceras _________________________ 5 michelianum, Jauberticeras .................... 5 modestum, Cleoniceraa ...... 2, 9, 12; pl. 2 modestus, Lecouteitea-.._ ....... 2,14 Mo/fitites robustus ............ 7; 14 mulleri, Puzoaiaella ........................... 9 Sonnerutia ............................ 2, 9; pl. 2 Neoaaatroplites ................... 1 newtoni, Beudanticeraa.... ......... 12 nizinanum, Cauiphylloceraa ................... 7 Page Nomenclature ................................ F1 Olcostephanus (Astieria) deami ............. 14; pl. 6 Ono area ..................................... 3 Oregon, central. .............................. 5 overbecki, Oleoniceraa" _ 7 Ozytropidoceras packardi. _ ............... 5 Pachydiscus sacramemicue ........... 1, 2, 9, 14; pl. 2 packardi, 0.:z/trop1'docems ...................... 5 Parahoplite: stantom’ .......................... 5 Parasileaites bullatus. .. 7 irregularis. _ . _ ...- 7 sp .............. .._ 6 perrinsmithi, Sonneratia _______________ 2, 9, 12; pl. 1 Phyllopac‘lycems chitimmum .................. 7 ehastalmae ................. 7 7 4, 7 Fannie alaskana ............................. 6,7 aubquadmta ............................... 5 puzoaiaformis, Silesites ........... 4 Puzoaiaella ...................... mulleri- ........ rogeraL. sacramemica .............................. 14 sp ........................................ 13,14 Queen Charlotte Islands ...................... 6,13 reesidei, Acanthohoplites ....................... 3 Hulem‘tes.... 7 restitutum, Douvilleiceraa ...................... 5 Revised generic description ............ 9 robustus, Mojfititea ..................... roaem‘, Puzosiaella. Samuratia _____________ sacramentica, Puzosigella ..... .-_ 14 Sonneratia ........... . 14; pl. 2 aacramenticus, Leconteites ................. 9, 14; pl. 2 Pachydiscua .................. 1, 2, 9, 14; pl. 2 nova, Anaaaudryceras ......... 4 shastalense, Phyllopachyceras- 7 Silesites puzoaiaformis ........ 4 singulare, Freboldiceras ........................ 8 Sonneratia .................................... 2 mulleri ...................... .. 2, 9; pl. 2 perrimmithi ................. rogerai _____ aacmmenttca. tam ................................... 2, 9 pl 1 stantom', Parahoplites __________ ____ 5 Stratigraphic position, Brewericeraa- . 3 Leconteites ___________________ _ 3 aubquadrata, Puzosia .......................... 5 Systematic descriptions ...................... 9 mm, Sonnerutia ........................... 2, 9; pl. 1 talkeetmmua, Arct‘wplites ..................... 7 tardefurcata, Leymeriella ...................... 4 Tetraaonites sp ........... .. 4, 5, 6, 7 Tropites ................... 1 Valdedorsella whiteavest’ ............. 7 whiteaaesi, Leconteites lecontei.....,_.- 7, 18; pls. 6, 7 Valdedorsellu ............................. 7 F21 PLATES 1—11 PLATE 1 [All figures natural size] FIGURES 1—22. Lecontez'tes lecontei (Anderson) s. s. (p. F9). 1—3, 17—19. Sonneratia rogersi Hall and Ambrose. 1—3. Plastohypotype, CAS 8866; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 20, fig. 6). 17—19. Plastohypotype, CAS unnumbered; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 20, fig. 7). 6—8, 22. Sonneratia perrinsmithi Anderson. 6—8. Plastoparatype, CAS 8884; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 51, fig. 5). 22. Plastoholotype, CAS 8882; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 31, fig. 5). 9—11, 14, 15, 20. Sonnemtia tafii Anderson. 9—11. Plastoparatype, CAS 8858; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 49, fig. 5). 14, 15, 20. Plastoholotype, CAS 8857; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 49, fig. 4). 13, 16, 21. Cleoniceras lecontei (Anderson). Plastoplesiotype, CAS 8868; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 47, fig. 4). 4, 5, 12. “Sonneratia perrinsmithi” Anderson. Plastoparatype, CAS 8883; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 51, fig. 6). This specimen does not belong to S. perrinsmithi nor to Leconteites. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—F PLATE 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LE C ON TEI TES PLATE 2 [All figures natural size] FIGURES 1—8, 10—14, 17, 21. Leconteites lecontei (Anderson) s. s. (p. F9). 1—3, 7, 8, 13. Cleom'ceras modestum Anderson. 1—3. Plastoparatype, OAS 8872; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 50, fig. 4). 7, 8, 13. Plastoparatype, OAS 8871; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 50, fig. 3). The holotype (CAS 8870) of C. modestum does not belong to Leconteites. 4~6, 12, 14, 21. Cleoniceras lecontei (Anderson). 4—6. Plastohypotype, CAS 8869; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 47, fig. 5). 12, 14, 21. Plastoholotype, UC 12093; figured by Anderson (1902, pl. 3, figs. 94, 95) as Desmoceras lecontei. 10, 11, 17. Sonnemtia mullen‘ Anderson. Plastoholotype, CAS 8864; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 51, fig. 4; pl. 54, fig. 4). 9, 15, 16, 18—20. Leconteites sacramenticus (Anderson) (p. F14). 9, 15, 16. Sonneratia sacramentica (Anderson). Plastohypotype, CAS 8859; figured by Anderson (1938, pl. 49, fig. 3). 18—20. Plastoholotype, UC 12100, figured by Anderson (1902, pl. 6, figs. 133, 134) as Pachydiscus sacramenticus. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 11W PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—F PLATE 2 1 9 LECONTEITES PLATE 3 [All figures natural size] FIGURES 1—45. Lecontez'tes lecontez' (Anderson) s. s. (p. F9). All specimens from central Oregon, except figures 31—33, which are from central California. Specimens are arranged with finely ribbed forms on left side of plate and progressively more coarsely ribbed forms to the right. 1—3. 4—6. 7—9. 10—12. 13—15. 16-18. 19—21. 22—24. 25—27. 28—30. 31—33. Holotype, Stanford Univ. Paleont. type colln. 511; figured by Wiedey (1929, pl. 2, fig. 2). Hypotype, USNM 121496 from USGS Mesozoic 10c. Hypotype, USNM 121497 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121498 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121499 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121500 from USGS Mesozoic 10c. 34—36. 37—38. 39—41. 42—44. 45. Hypotype, USNM 121486 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121487 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121488 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121489 from U0106. 4082. Hypotype, USNM 121490 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121491 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121492 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121493 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121494 from UO 100. 4082. Hypotype, USNM 121495 from U0 100. 4082. Sonneratia rogersz’ Hall and Ambrose. M2284. M2284. 15801. 26262. M2284. M2284. M2284. 26262. M2284. 26262. 15801. 26262. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—F PLATE 3 ,4 f". 44 LE C ON TEI TES PLATE 4 [All figures natural size except as indicated] FIGURES 1—36. Leconteites lecontei (Anderson) s. I. (p. F9). All specimens from central Oregon showing coarsely ribbed variants. 1—6. 7—8. 9—11. 12—14. 15—17. 18—20. 21—23. 24—26. 27—29. 30—32. 33—35. 36. Hypotype, USNM 121501 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121502 from USGS Mesozoic loo. Hypotype, USNM 121503 from U0 10c. 465. Hypotype, USNM 121504 from U0 100. 4082. Hypotype, USNM 121505 from U0 100. 4082. Hypotype, USNM 121506 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121507 from USGS Mesozoic 10c. Hypotype, USNM 121508 from USGS Mesozoic 10c. Hypotype, USNM 121509 from USGS Mesozoic loo. Hypotype, USNM 121510 from USGS Mesozoic Ioc. Hypotype, USNM 121512 from USGS Mesozoic loc. Hypotype, USNM 121513 from USGS Mesozoic loc. M2284 (figs. 4—6 are X2). 26262. 26262. 26262. M2284. 26378. 26262. 26262. M2284. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—F PLATE 4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ; LE CON TEI TES PLATE 5 [All figures natural size] FIGURES 1—31. Leconteites lecontei (Anderson) s. s. (p. F9). All specimens are from the Leconteites lecontei zone on Huling Creek and are figured to demonstrate that a wide range of morphologic variation exists for this species throughout the zone. Specimens shown on figs. 1—6, 14—16, 23, 27, and 28 are from near the top of the zone; those shown on figs. 10—11, 20—22, 24—26, are from the middle of the zone (see also pl. 11, figs. 4—6); specimens shown on figs. 7—9, 12, 13, 17—19, and 29—31 are from the lower part of the zone. 1—3. USNM hypotype 121514 from UCR 10c. 164. 4—6. USNM hypotype 121515 from UCR loc. 164. 7—9. USNM hypotype 121516 from UCR loc. 347. 10—11. USNM hypotype 121517 from UCR 10c. 89. 12—13. USNM hypotype 121518 from UCR 100. 347. 14—16. USNM hypotype 121519 from UCR 100. 463. 17—19. USNM hypotype 121520 from UCR loc. 359. 20—22. USNM hypotype 121521 from UCR 10c. 89. 23, 27, 28. USNM hypotype 121522 from UCR loc. 460. 24—26. USNM hypotype 121523 from UCR 100. 89. 29—31. USNM hypotype 121524 from UCR 100. 435. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503-F PLATE 5 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LE C 0N TEI TES PLATE 6 [All figures natural size] FIGURE 1—3, 4—9, 12—14. Leconteites lecontei whiteauesi, Jones, Murphy, and Packard, n. subsp. (p. F13). GSC 10c. 48615. Beresford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands. 1—3. Paratype, GSC 19098. 4—5. Paratype, GSC 19099. 6—7. Paratype, GSC 19100. 8—9. Paratype, GSC 19101. 12—14. Paratype, GSC 19102 (X 4/5). 10,11,15,16. Leconteites deansi (Whiteaves) (p. F13). 10, 15. Copy of Whiteaves, (1893, pl. 7, figs. 1, 1a) original figure of Olcostephanus (Astieria) deansii. 11, 16. Hypotype, USNM 130164b, from USGS Mesozoic Ice. 9972, Chitina Valley, southern Alaska, originally figured by Imlay (1960, pl. 19, figs. 12—14). GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 503—F PLATE 6 LE C ON TEI TES .mcaEwH v32 L26 530 $3 2922me .23? .92 03 so: 98% 0mm 69:2an .AerA .3 .deSw .: .deoam dad £5952 .moaoh. 32.38.33 «2:83 3:2:025 .mIH manhwum E» x $53 a: N. @5de MEMNHEZOOQ‘N r WEmw>mbm A