Eduard Amvrosiyevich Shevardnadze Foreign Minister since July 1985 . . . full member, Politburo, Central Committee, CPSU, since July 1985 . . . candidate member, Politburo, 1978—85 . . . first secretary, Georgian Communist Party, 1972—85 . . . born January 1928. © Camera Press © Wide World 1' Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bessmertnykh First deputy foreign minister since October 1988 (responsible for USA, Canada, and Middle East) . . . deputy foreign minister April—October 1988; responsible for US. . .served in Washington 1970—83 . . . speaks English . . . born November 1933. Deputy Ministers Anatoliy Gavrilovich Kovalev First deputy foreign minister since May 1986 (responsible for general international affairs) . . . member, International Policy Commission, Central Committee, CPSU . . . deputy foreign minister 1971—86; worked with Western Europe, especially West Germany . . . chief, First European Department, 1965—71 . . .born May 1923. © Sovfoio Yuliy Mikhaylovich Vorontsov First deputy foreign minister since May 1986 (responsible for Middle East and arms control until October 1988) . . . Ambassador to Afghanistan since October 1988 . . . Ambassador to India 1977—83 and France 1983—86. . .served four tours in United States, most recently as DCM (1970—77) . . . speaks colloquial English. . .born October 1929. CC) Vesmik Ivan Pavlovich Aboimov Deputy foreign minister since March 1988 (responsible for Eastern Europe) . . . head of Personnel Administration August 1986—March 1988 . . . served in Hungary 1971—79, 1984—85 . . . born November 1936. :o UPI, 1980 Leonid Fedorovich Il’ichev Deputy foreign minister since March 1965 (responsible for general international affairs; involved in Sino-Soviet affairs and Soviet-African affairs) . . . secretary, Central Committee, and chief, Propaganda Department, CPSU, 1958—61 . . .born March 1906. Valentin Mikhaylovich Nikiforov Deputy foreign minister since December 1985 (oversees personnel matters). . .member, International Policy Commission, Central Committee (CC), CPSU . . . deputy chief, Organizational Party Work Department, CC, CPSU, 1979—85. . . had earlier career in Leningrad party apparatus. . .born 1934. Anatoliy Leonidovich Adamishin Deputy foreign minister since May 1986 (responsible for African affairs and international humanitarian and cultural matters) . . . chief, First European Department, 1978—86. . .speaks excellent English . . .born October 1934. © Wide World © Camera Press Viktor Pavlovich Karpov Deputy foreign minister since November 1988 (responsible for arms control issues) . . . head, Problems of Arms Limitation and Disarmament Administration, since its creation in 1986. . .speaks English. . .born October 1928. Vladimir Fedorovich Petrovskiy Deputy foreign minister since May 1986 (responsible for UN-related issues and Middle Eastern affairs) . . . involved in SALT and MBFR talks . . . speaks English . . . born April 1933. Igor’ Alekseyevich Rogachev © UPI Boris Nikolayevich Chaplin Deputy foreign minister since May 1986 (responsible for protocol and consular affairs) . . . Ambassador to Vietnam 1974—86 . . . party and mining work prior to 1974 . . . born September 1931. (5) Universal Pictorial Press I 33‘ Viktor Georgiyevich Komplektov Deputy foreign minister since December 1982 (responsible for Latin American affairs). . .chief, USA Department, 1977—82. . .served three tours in Washington during 19505 and 1960s. . .speaks English. . .born January 1932. © Reuters Deputy foreign minister since August 1986 (responsible for Asian affairs) . . . head, Socialist Countries of Asia Administration, 1986—87 . . . served two tours in Beijing (1956—61, 1969—73) . . . speaks fluent English . . . born November 1931. LDA 89-10851 March 1989 01790: ‘3'0 ‘uoufiumsm ssaJBuog _;o 5.11:1ng aowas uogmoudnpoaoud :10 009917-st (50L) used 19910 suN all] "In aoruas aupadxa 0}) 19m VA ‘plaufiuuds p803 Mon 110d sszs aoruas uogmuuogu] leoyuqoal [Buong :u1013 LUJOJOJOluJ J0 Adoo Jaded u! 19mg; suoueauqnd ogpads aseqomd ABLu sowss U0!1leOSan u; pQISQJQIUl lou luaquJQAOD Sf] sql apismo smsenbsa 19m VA ‘pleufiuuds p203 M021 1104 sszs aoguas uonlzluJOJu] [noguqoal [nuoguzN :10 OVSOZ ‘O'G ‘HOIBUNSBM ssaifiuog J0 £13.1qu uogswa mg pun afiunqaxg mlmd (x3300) fiuulpedxa luawnooa :01 segirnbui Buyssmppe Aq auo Slip 0] mnuns suopeogqnd V13 01 suoudposqns uimqo Mam lUSILluJQAOD sn 9q1apgs1no smsanbeg 'Aouefiv oouefimsm] [euuag 9141 11101} sleuueqo uosnan qfinoup 10 mosnp luaumaop qu1 J0 saidoo [euougppe uquo Keui slegowo momma/mg gn smawannbai ogyosds new 199m 01 psufigsap 9112]“911100 pu‘e ‘afimsAoo ‘wuuo; 9141 pue ‘Smgoggo luauium/xog gn JO ssn em 10; paiedaid s; uopeogqnd squ Directorate of / Intelligence The USSR Foreign Ministry Senior Officials A Reference Aid LDA 89- I 0851 March 1989 \ gméj