7 w." j ; Ell 7.1+? 535‘ t :3 .2\ ‘51.er ' .aibLn has ,. m r g I . ‘ , ' 'v,'.-,= ..,~~. v ‘ .w ;;‘y..‘ ' \ ‘ ‘ 3‘ a; / $ . K . * S ~7ECTURE: 01va AR(HIT]%’ I OR. II) I’I(A("I'I(I.\L A COMPLETE TEORETICAL AND PgU I L 1) l N (l‘ . I’STEM 9F BUI‘ comm-me 1 l’LlCS 01“ '1‘” 1c AR '1‘. THE FUDAMENTAL‘ PRINCIF “m“ P ARCHITECTURE. THJPIVE ORDERS 31' CT) 01“ 1-;\‘\4\11)|,|.;.~. ALSO A GREAT VAIIET‘C FROM SELEC’EKFAMBE1{S’ AND NICHOLSON. I / WITII VITRUVJS, STUART, )rzb mmwaanu immamm‘mvs “If 13‘3“" 3993‘” A‘(fOR PROJECTING THEM. WAND KULES FC HUNDRED CUI’I’ERI’LA'I‘E ENGRAVINGS. ILLUST.LTED WIITH‘,” AD‘VARD SIIA‘V, ARCHITECT.» B THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY MARSH, CAPEN 6L LYON. 1834. TIIE 0R SYSTEM OF BUILDING. a CONTAINING FU N DA \l EN'l‘AL PRINCIPLES 0F ’1‘]! E WITH THE FIVE ORDERS OI' ARCHITECTURE.I ALSO A GREAT VARIETY OI“ EXAMPLES. SELECTED FROM CIVIL ARCHITECTURE: ART. VITRUVIUS, STUART, CHAMBERS, AND NICHOLSON.» I'V wrru WAX“! WQETWIh A8320 IBZBECBAE‘ITB CDCBEFIAXIILBLI‘HESIS AND RULES FOR PROJECTING THEM. ILLUSTRATED WITH ONE HUNDRED COPPERPLATE ENGRAVINGS. BY EDWARD SHAVV, ARCHITECT._ THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND'ENLARGED. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY MARSH, CAPEN 6L LYON. 1834. omfic‘fi ,1. A,DVERTISEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION. IT is obvious that most Writers on Civil Architecture have not entered into those Mathematical Principles, on which this noble art ultimately rests, and from which it derives its very existence. . They may rather be said to consider it merely as an art, than as a science also; and are more cal- culated to instruct the student in drawing Architectural, Plans, than to point out and elucidate those unalterable rules, and first principles, which, however unperceived, (as Mr Nicholson justly observes,) must enter into the very essence of every plan that is correct and practicable. The Student, in the outset, should commence his inquiry, by going back to the most simple elements of Mathematical knowledge, there to obtain the real clue to his future 'studies, and from thence gradually and scientifically to proceed to more complex problems, and more diversified plans. On this principle is: founded the superior skill of the Grecian and Roman Artists, which has as yet f been unrivalled. We should not content ourselves by merely drawing from their works, and then superadding the invention of our own imagination ;' but we should continually recur to the ground on which they trod, and make that the criterion of all our attempts“ It is principally to assist the practical Mechanic, as well as the student, that this work has been projected ; and, as will appear, much pajn‘sehave been taken to lay down the fundamental principles of architecture in a clear, distinct, and intelligi- ble manner, and to apply the Whole to practice, by plain and obvious examples and illustrations. I V have endeavored to arrange the centents so as to be useful to‘ the student, as well as to all classes of operative Builders. ‘ ' , Those workmen, therefore, who aspire’to any degree or superiority and taste in either of these branches, will be able,,fror’n hence, by improving their leisure hours, in a short time to understand the principles of their respective occupations; and to execute with taste and pleasure what they do now but mechanically. ' .. . ' . In this work is given whatever ahe'experience of the most judicious professors has sanctioned, as the best mode of affecting their professional purposes ; with the reasons on which that preference is founded. To this are added examples both of Grecian and Roman antiquities, and remarks on a . the beauties of each. Particular attention is paid to the theory of Shadows, both from direct and ' reflected light, and examples adduced of the relative degrees of light and shade, on different sur- . faces, variously inclined to the luminary and,the eye". Also, a select set of problems are drawn from Nicholson’s writings, entirely new, and allintimatelyjconnected, Withlthe subject in hand. They «- ,4 v , , .; v g I f ‘.,, (meeaove j["“ . .. >- . new...” ‘ ummas—"W‘ ’ ~ . -: w“; , ; . .,, . i, a. iv ADVERTISEMENT. are disposed in methodical order, and are preceded by the necessary definitions. It is not intended by this part, Wholly to set aside the study of Euclid, and authors who have written on Conic Seo- tions. An attentive perusal of their works will always amply repay the student’s trouble. When the vast importance and utility of Geometry are considered, the student will never regret any pains he may take to’make himself thoroughly master of every part of it. Particular attention has been paid to Ellipses, and Curves ; the problems relating to which, will be found par- ticularly useful in describing elliptical and Gothic arches ; finding theirjoints, and describing mould- ings of every degree of curvature under various circumstances, with Conic Sections—alsofthe Sections of Solids, a thorough acquaintance with them being absolutely necessary for understanding the theory and disposition of shadows, the explanation of which will be highly gatifying to every scientific reader. , In view of the present taste for architectural knowledge, and the inadequacy of means to obtain that science, arising from the costly and voluminous works on the subject, I have been chiefly in- duced to compile a work of this kind. Being fully convinced of its utility, from very arduous research into its constituent principles, from my early apprenticeship to the present time having had more than twenty years practice in the art of Building, I have brought together the following system in a concise, but intelligible manner; which consists principally of extracts from Vitruvius, Stuart, Chambers, Nicholson, and other authors of eminence. If I have made ajudicious arrangement of the several subjects, I have accomplished all I anticipated ; and under these considerations,“therefore, I submit this work to the public, for their approbation and patronage. EDWARD SHA‘V. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE rapid and extensive sales of the two former editions of this work have encouraged the author to prepare a third. He has carefully revrsed thrs edition, and added three new plates, viz : Plate G—I on Imposts, and Plates 71 and 72 on Cornices. He feels confident It comprises as great a 'variety of useful matter as can be produced for the price at which it is afforded; and he has not, as will be seen by a careful perusal, filled this work with useless pictures, and essays of uulneaning matter, more for show than utility : he therefore submits it to an enlightened public, after tendering his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage of the two former editions, hoping to receive a share that may be due in this. . . BOSTON, DEC. 1833. E. S. \ Q» INTRODUCTION. W THE term Architecture is‘oi'iginally derived from the Greek language, in which it signifies the principal hand- craft, or mechanicil operation; an expression very appli- cable to the construction of habitations‘for civilized men, without which, few of the other° practical arts could be de- sirable, or indeed of any value whatever. In the genial climates of the interior of Asia, where“ human beings first appeared, defence from the inclemency of the weather was not an object of research. Shelter from the intense rays of the sun, and from the torrents of rain peculiar to those climates; protection from the wild beasts of the field; the necessity of privacy, and complete separation from their fellow-creatures; these and other motives, which might easily be specified, would, nevertheless, render ar- chitecture, however rude and simple, one of the earliest arts of'lif'e. To attempt to trace architecture back to its origin wuuld,therefore, be an idle enterprise. From the Hebrew Scriptures we learn, that it was arrived at considerable per- fection, even under the second generation of mankind; for there we learn, that Cain, after the murder of his brother, vithdrew from the-habitation of his parents, and built a city in a remote qtiarter of thegvorld. ;’ , The progress of architecture, from rudeness to refine- ment, is thus related by Vitruvius, whose celebrated trea- tise on architecture appeared in Italy in the reign of Au- gustus Caesar, about the beginning ofthe Christian era. His notions were formed on tradition and conjecture; for the writings of Moses, which contain the most ancient ac- count ofthe origin ofthe human race, and ofhuman society, were Qither unknown, or generally disregarded in his time in Europe. , ‘ In the first times,’ says Vitruvius, ‘ men lived in woods and caves, but at last, borrowing hints from the birds, which built their nests with equal ingenuity and industry, they began to form hhts for themselves. These huts were, probably, at first conical, because that figure is of the most obvious construction, composed of trees or branches fixed in a circle on the ground, and joined together in a point at the top; the whole covered with reeds, leaves, and clay. Finding, however, in the course of time, this conical figure inconvenient on account ofthe slope ofits sides, the form of the hut was changed to that of a cube, or ofa parallelo- piped. Marking out the space to be occupied by the in- tended structure, they fixed in the ground upright trunks of trees to form the sides, filling the intervals with branches closely interwoven, and covering the whole with clay. The‘sides being thus completed, four long beams were placed on the upright posts, which, being well joined at the angles, kept the sides firm, and likewise served to sup- port the covering, or roof of the building, composed of other beams, on which were laid beds of reeds, leaves, and clay. When the art of constructing habitations was so far advanced, men bethought themselves of methods of render- ing their dwellings not only commodious for present use, but elegant and durable. They stripped the bark and oth- er inequalities from the trunks and branches employed in the walls, raised them above the damp ground, by placing them on flat stones, and covered each post with a flat stone, to throw off the rain. The spaces between the ends of the joists were closed with clay, and the ends of the joists themselves were covered with thin boards, cut in the form ofwhat are called triglyphs. The position of the roofs was also altered : being flat, they were ill calculated for throw- ing off the rain; they were therefore raised up im the middle, so as, with the horizontal beams connecting the uprights of the walls, to form a triangular pediment or gable. From these simple elements, architecture took its beginningf for when wood was found inconvenient for constructing durable dwellings, and men set themselves to erect more solid and extensivgbuildings, of clay dried in:- the sun, or stone, they still imitated the forms of tliOse parts ' which necessity had originally introduced. The upright ' 1531;? "i" " 6 posts, with the flat stones under and above them, were con- verted into columns with their bases and capitals; the beams, rafters, and layers of materials composing the roof, “were gradually improved into architraves, friezes, triglyphs,’ cornices, and the other ornamental parts of modern architec- ture.’—-—So far Vitruvius. - It may be further remarked that in many countries, among the rudest tribes of men, excavations and fissures of rocks, hollows of trees, and caves of the earth, have served as habitations. Travellers inform us ofa tree grow- ing in Africa, the hollow of which affords a habitation for thirty negro families; which is said to be the largest tree in the world. They also inform us of a subterraneous city or cave, occupied by moors, in which there are several hundred inhabitants. Armstrong, in his ‘Journal of trav- els, in the seat of war between Russia and Turkey,’ has the following observations: ‘ The Georgian, or Tartar dwell- ings are seldom to be found above ground: the tops are covered with beams of wood, branches of trees, and above all, with a coat of earth, which make them level with the ground. The natives are frequently disturbed, when sit- ting around the fire, by the leg of some unfbrtunate cow or camel making its appearance down the chimney; and it is not uncommon for the lambs to fall through, and spoil whatever may happen to be cooking.’ But among a civ- ilized people, the desire of seeking for more agreeable ~habitations must be soon felt. The nature of the climate and the materials which it more readily afforded, regula- ted, in a great degree, the construction of the first build- ings in which men sheltered themselves. According to Diodorus Siculus, the first buildings of Palestine were of reeds and canes interwoven, and so compact as not to ad- mit of the rain and wind. Wood appears to be a material so piopei for building and so easily wrought, that men would, in all ages, employ it for these purposes, in places“ where it could be easily procured. The branches of trees, stuck in the ground and rudely interwoven, formed a ma- terial for constructing them. It is probable that this method of setting trees on end and binding them together at the top and bottom, first gave rise to the idea of base and capital of columns. When these branches were daub— ed with clay and covered over with leaves and turf, they presented a model of those cabins ,in which, according to Vitruvius, the ea1liest t1ibes of men were accustomed to dwell. At first, bef01e men became acquainted with edge- tools of iron, trees were felled by means offire, or by axes made ofsharp stones. They u11de1mi11ed the trees by little at a time, by continuing a fire at their roots; and by the same means they could dtgide a t1ee into the iequisite length. By degrees, however tools for cutting and smooth- ing wood, were invented. the tools 1‘01 smoothing were at IN TRODUCTION. first nothing more than sharp stones, sufficiently hard and free from brittleness. Some of our North American In- dians make use of the same kind of tools at the present time. ‘ The use of bricks or masses of clay formed in moulds and dried in the sun, or baked in stoves, as the materials of buildings, is of very great antiquity, and is,a sufficiently obvious invention.’ According to Moses, the tower of Babel was built of bricks: Go to, let us make BRICKS, and burn them thoroughly; aml they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar—Gen. ch. xi. v. 3. Pliny informs us that in the most remote ages of the Egyp- tians, they made use of bricks for building their houses, and tiles for coverng them. To employ stones for the same purpose was very natural, where they were abundant, and found in masses sufficient to be removed by manual dexterity. . Architecture is arranged in different orders, according to the nations by whom, or the country in which it was originally employed; such as the Greek, the Roman, the Saxon, the Norman, the Saracenic or Arabian, the Gothic, See. The Greek architecture is divided into the Doric, the Ionian, and the Corinthian, so named from the invent— ors, or from those parts of Greece, or of the Grecian colo— nies in Asia Minor, where each kind first appeared. Ro- man, or Italian architecture was divided into the Tuscan, and the Composite, the first being employed, as it is said, by the ancient inhabitants ofTuscany, and the last being a later improvement adopted by the Romans, compounded of the two Greek orders, the Ionic and the Corinthian. When architecture was in its glory in ancient Greece, the Ionic was the favorite order, as being the most graceful, light, and elegant. Of this order were the temple of the Delphic oracle, the temple of Apollo, at Miletus, and the temple of Diana, at Ephesus. ' ‘ The Ionic then, with decent matron g1ace, He1 airy pillar heaved —— After the Ionic, the Corinthian was introduced, which, in attempting greater perfection, has deviated from the true sim- plicity of nature. It marked an age ofluxury and magnifi- cence, when pomp and splendor had become the predominant passion, but had not yet extinguished the taste for the sublime and beautiful. Attempts were made to unite all these char- acters, but achastenedjudgment is not satisfied; a corrupted taste is only pleased: D The rich Corinthian spreads her 11 anton 11 reath.’ In the Composite order this detiation 13 more remark-.1 ‘ ble: this was invented by the Italians, and although rich 1 and profuse in its ornaments, disco1ers an. ob1 lOUS 11ant iofcorrect taste and judgment, and shows that the Greeks . .__———.——-—Luxuriant last, l 1 “whom they conquered.* INTRODUCTION. , _ 7 had exhausted all the principleSsof grandeur and beauty, in the original orders. And in these, they had arriVed at the acme of perfection, becalfle the Composite could not possibly have been introduced' without combining all the’ rest; consequently,’ simplicity is destroyed; which is in conformity with nature, and the great concomitant ofbeaut‘y. It is said this order was first used by the Romans in their triumphal arches, to show their dominion over the people .An order in architecture consists of two principal parts, the column and the entablature,.or parts supported by the column. Of these two principal parts, each consists ofthree subdivisions; those of the column are the base on which it rests, the shaft, or tall tapering portion, and the capital, or ornamental part crowning the shaft; those ofthe entab- lature are first, the architrave, then the frieze, and above all, the cornice. Each of the smaller parts is again sub- divided and distributed in various ways, according to the orders to which they belong, as existing in antique mon- uments, but more frequently according to the taste and ’ . l i l “ An anonymous writer on the history of architecture observes, i that the Art is supposed to have arrived at its glory in the time of Augustus Caesar; but was, as well as other polite arts, neglected under Tiberius. Nero, indeed, notwithstanding his vices, retained an uncommon passion for Architecture; but luxury and dissoluteness [ had a greater share in it, than real magnificence. In the time of Tra- ‘ jan, Apollodotus excelled in the art; by which he obtained the favor of that prince, and erected that famous pillar called ‘ Trajan’s,’ w ich ’ is remaining to this day. But after this time, Architecture began to decline, though it was for some time supported by the care and mu- nificence of Alexander Severus; yet it fell with the western empire, and sunk into corruption. All the most beautiful monuments pf an- , tiquity were destroyed by the ravages of the Visigoths, and from that time, Architecture became so coarse and artless, that these professed l Architects were totally ignorant of just designing, wherein the whole beauty of Architecture consists : hence a new manner of Architecture called Gothic, took its rise. Charlemagne indus-i triously labored for the restoration of Architecture; and the ‘ French applied themselves to it with success, under the encour- agemant of Hugh Capet. His son Robert prosecuted the same design of modern Architecture, and by degrees, ran into as great an excess of delicacy, as the Goths had before done of massiveness. To those we may add the, Arabesks and Moresk or Moorish Architec- H ture, which were much of the same nature with the Gothic, except that as the former were brought from the north, by the Goths and Vandals, the latter was brought from the south by the Moors and Saracens. The Architects of the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, who had some knowledge of sculpture, seemed to make perfection consist wholly in the delicacy and mul- titude of ornaments, which they lavishly bestowed on their buildings, but frequently without conduct at taste. In the two last centuries, the Architects of ltaly and France assiduously endeavored to retrieve the primitive simplicity and beauty of ancient Architecture; nor did they fail of success,—insomuch that now most churches, palaces, &c. are built entirely after the antique. fancy of the authors who have written on the subject of ar- chitecture. The principal character of the various kinds of architec- ture depending on the column and its requisite accom- paniments, the whole is commonly and almost universally divided into five species or orders, viz. the Tuscan, the Doric, the Ionic, the Corinthian, and the Composite. This distribution and arrangement would seem to have been founded on the progressive proportion, strength and orna- ment of the orders; they are, however, well calculated to mislead the student’ and the architect, in tracing the ori- gin and gradual advancement of each order. Without at- tempting to search for the commencement of either of the above orders, it is suflicient for us to know, that the Greeks employed only the Doric, the Ionic, and the Corinthian; and that the Tuscan and Composite, were only used in Italy; the one more rude and the other more ornamented than theGreek orders, which occupied a middle rank. To attain, therefore, a proper knowledge of the principles of architecture, the student ought to confine himself to the three Greek orders, not only because in them these prin- ciples are the most displayed, but because of all the monu- ments of antiquity which have subsisted to modern times, few, perhaps none, can be pointed out in which the R0- man or Italic mode of construction is certainly to be traced. In architecture, various terms are employed in a peculiar sense, of which the following are the chief;—C'olumn is a Latin word signifying, in general, a pillar or supporter of some superincumbent load ; but is now confined to a round pillar, smaller above than below, and thereby closely im- itating the trunk of a tree, from which it was originally drawn. When the pillar is not round and tapering, but square and of equal dimensions above and below, it is called a pilaster. The column consists of three principal divisions: lst, the base, from the Latin term basis, the foundation on which any thing rests : 2d, the shaft, or cir- cular tapering portion ; and 3d, the capital, from the Latin term for the head, or the principal member? The base is subdivided into different small parts, accord- ing to the order to which the column belongs; but all the lowermost part is the plinth; from the Greek term for a brick, because the ancient bricks were in general about square, and comparatively thin, resembling our paving bricks or tiles. Above the plinth lay the torus, a round mould- ing resembling a rope, so called in Greek, and imitating the band tied round the bottom of the original tree, as the plinth did the flat brick or stone on which it stood, to keep it from the ground. Between these two members was sometimes introduced a holler channel, called scotia, from the Greek word for darknesg because little light could i enter it. . a .14. 8 ‘ INTRODUCTION. The column was generally quite plain and smooth in its whole length; but in buildings where ornament is particu- larly admitted, the shaft was cut into a succession of small perpendicular channels, resembling the inside 'of a pipe or flute cut lengthwise into two parts; hence the shaft is call- ed fluted. In some instances one third part-of the flutings from the bottom, was, as it were, filled up with the halfof a round rod lying in the hollow. It is singular, that although the flutings may have been originally intended as an imi- tation of the natural hollows ofthe bark of a tree, and might therefore be expected in the earliest productions of archi- tecture, it is only in the more improved works that fluted columns are to be found. The capital is variously subdivided and ornamented in the different orders ; simple in the Doric, more ornamented in the Ionic, and highly enriched in the Corinthian. In all, however, a narrow moulding runs through the shaft, near the upper end called the aslragal, because it seemed to occupy the position of the upper bone of the neck. Be- Cause the word astragal also means, in the Greek, the heel, it is in some treatises on architecture most ridiculously call- ed by that name. The uppermost member of the capital is the abacus, so called, as being broad and thin, like the board or tablet employed by the ancients in arithmetical cal- culations. The volutc is an ornament introduced in the Ionic order, being, as its Latin word implies, aspiral scroll, imitating the ends of some flexible substance loosely rolled up. The capital of the Corinthian order is encircled by rows ofleaves ofditferent sorts. The parts which rest upon, and are supported by the columns, are comprehended under the general name of the cntablature, because, agreeable to the meaning of the term tabula, in Latin, they consist of boards, planks, or stone slabs of different forms and magnitudes. The entablature is a compound of three principal parts, first, the architrave, next the frieze, and uppermost the cornice. The arcleitrrwe is so called by a name partly Greek and partly Latin, as being the principal beam which, resting on the capitals of the columns, supports the remaining parts of the entablature. In some cases it is plain, in others it is broken in two or three pieCes, like so many separate beams lying 011 each other. The frieze consists of one piece, but commonly enriched with Sculpture of dilfcrent sorts. In the Doric order, the ornament consists of two whole channels, and two half channels, forming one, if joined together, and therefore called by a Greek name triglyplts, or three hollows. The square spaces between the successive triglyphs are called mctopcs, a te1 111 expressing the hollow open spaces bet11een the beams, the ends of which are rep1esented by the tri- glyphs. In these metopes are sometimes represented the head of some divinity, the skull of some animal used in sacrifice, or other emblem of the purpose to which was des- ‘ tined the building on which the ornaments were intro- duced. The cornice, from the French comic/1e, and the Latin corona, is so called because, being the uppermost part of the entablature, it crowns the whole architedtural distribution of the columns; and it is divided and ornamented in dif- ferent ways, according IMO the order employed 1. The first Grecian order in point of antiquity is the Doric, so named from the Dares, a small tribe 1n Greece, or, as some say, from Dorus, an Achaian chief, who first employed that order in erecting a temple to Juno at Argos. In all the most perfect specimens of this order now remain- ing, the column springs immediately from the foundation, having no base properly so called, but only a small swelling round the bottom, resembling what we see at the root of a. tree, and sufficient to show that we see the whole of the shaft. The base, we learn from Vitruvius, first appeared in the Ionic column. The Doric column being short in proportion to its diameter, and consequently strong; the entablature placed upon it, is, of course, more massive than that of the other orders, being in height one-fourth part of the total height of the column. .The Ionic order derives its name from the Iones, a Greek people on the east coast of the Archipelago, whose capital was Ephesus, celebrated 011 many accounts, but par- ticularly for the magnificent temple of Diana. This admir- able structure was ing length 4725 feet, and in breadth “2'20 feet. ' it was surrounded on all sides by a double range of marble columns, 70 feet in height, and consequently7 feet 9 1-2 inches 1n diameter at the bottom. The Ionic column is taller than the Doric, containing 9 diameters, or 18 modules; and, although simple, is never- theless graceful and majestic. If the Doric were meant to represent the manly iobust figure of Hercules, the Ionic might prope1ly be the emblem oi the dignified simplicity and elegance of Diana. In this order, as has been already observed, the base supporting the column was tirst intro- duced. An ornament peculiar to the Ionic column is the volute, or spiral scroll already mentioned, which is described by a succession of portions of circles, drawn from differ- ent central points. The height of the whole entablature is Q-(iths of that of the column, being the medium between that of the Doric,11h1cl11s Q-nths, and that ofthe Corinthian which Is '2-1tlths. The height ofthe base is one module, or half the diameter of the shaft. 3. The Corinthian order took its rise in the flourishing days of Co rinlh, a celebrated city commanding the com- muuicalion of the peninsula of Peioponnesus with the con- tinent of Greece. The beautitul foliage (if); the capital of i.‘ . , .. INTRODUCTION. 6 9 this order is traced back to the following incident. "A‘ young lady of Corinth dying, her nurse carried her play- things in a basket, the day after. her funeral, and placed it on the grave. The basket, . ereo WIth a flat tife,'1vas pld'ced accidentally on the ate" of the plant a'canthus, which, sending out leaves, soon enclosed the basket ,having their ends turned downwards when they reached the tile.’ This object struck the chy of a celebrated sc.ulptor of those days," Callimrzchus, who immediately introduced a figure of it on the top of an elegant column of his iMention. Thus the capitdi of the Corinthian column always resem- bles a deep narroii' basket covered with a tile, and com- pletely sorrounded by foliage. Such is thé‘tipcount‘ ‘given by Vitruvius; but later writers on architecture have 1magin- Cod they coulddiscmer this ornamented capital, 1n the de- scription given ofthe Temple erected by‘ Solomon, in Jerusa- lem; with this difference, that there, the foliage represented branches of the palm, andynot‘the lieaves of the acanthus. It is, howevei', to be obsem, that the foliage of the Com rinthian capital, is frequently an imitation of the leaves, not of the acanthus, but of the olive, and of other plantS, according to the taste of the architect. The Corinthian column IS in height 10 diameters, or 20 modules, of which the base is l module, and the capital ‘2 l-3 modules, con- sequently the shaft measures 16 2-3 modules. The entabla- turle is _1.5 of the column. The first Italic order 13 called the Tuscan, as having been employed by that ancient people, once very powerful in Italy. It IS, however, remarkable, that no vestiges now exist of any building in which the Tuscan column was em- ployed to support an entablature, or any other weight. Vi- truvius, it is true, gives instructions for erecting temp es ac- but it does not appear that such edi- fices were actually erected. 'I he only examples of the use of the Tuscan column that ha1e come down to our times, are the admirable monuments still subsisting in their orig- inal perfection, the columnof'l‘rajan aud Antonius ,"iit Rome, and the column of T/zcmloszus, in Constantinople. The column erected to the honor of Trajan, (next to Julius Cmsar, perhaps the most valuable of the Roman emperors, ) who flou1ished a century after Christ, is in all “8 feet high Tlie shaft of the column is in length 14 1‘8 modules or 7 1-4 dia eters, each ll feet 2 inches. '1‘ be pedestal supporting the column 1s a cube of 3 rho- dules , the base IS 1 module, and the capital 2- 3 module- Gil the capital is another pedestal on which stood a colos- sal statue of Trajan : but this was removed, and one of St. Peter now occupies the same place. The other column, cording to this order; commonly said to have been erected to Antonius, is of the same kind, but a little smaller; it now supports the statue of St. Paul. The magn‘ificju, but unhappily situated column, (or monoment, erected in London; to commemorate the dreadful conflagration, which in 1666, laid waste the greater part of that city, although copied from those in Rome, and of considerably larger dimensions, is not properly .Tus- can, but a fluted Doric. , ' r 2. The other Italic order is called the Composite, be- cause it seems to be a. combination of the Ionic and the Corinthian orders, to which last it bears the greatest re- semblance, imitating the former only in the adoption of the complete volute in the capital, in addition to the Corinth- ian foliage. A specimen of the Composite order, richly or- namented, is to be seen in the triumphal arch, of which are represented in scripture, the golden candlestick of seven branches, and other precious articles, carried away from the last temple of Jerusalem. Besides columns, properly so called, which are always circular, another kind of pillar called pilasters, are frequent- , ly employed, especially where a great weight is to be sup- ported. The plan of apilaster is usually a square; but those, the plan of which is a parallelogram, are also intro- duced. The chief use of pilasters is to support arches. Thus the piers of a bridge are in fact short pilasters; the arches separating the nave from the side-aisle of St. Paul’s church in London, and of St. Peter’s in Rome, are sup- ported on pilasters. In some buildings, it is true, we fimL . ranges of arches supported on columns of even the delicate i Corinthian order; but as columns are of a tapering form, l and magnitude. the upper diameter being less than the lower ; and as this diminution is increased in the eyes of the spectator, by the distance of the upper part, the columns have a slender, and even a feeble appearance, and consequently are ill adapted for supporting an arch. On the other hand, pilasters being ofequal dimensions all over their height, and very short in proportion to their diameter, possess a solidity and strength capable of bearing arches of the greatest weight By pilasters we also mean an ornament 3 applied to 'walls, internal and external, resembling in parts | l Pilas- and form, a colurnn,'but flattened instead of round. ' ters of this sort have their base, shaft and capital, and are plain or fluted, according to the architéCtural order to which they belong. It is a matter still unsettled whether such a pilaster ought to diminish in breadth, like a column, or to retain the same breadth above and below, like a solid pier. Pilasters usually project one fourth part of their breadth from the wall to which they are applied. Both columns and pilasters are frequently raised from the ground, 2 and on pedestals; a construction not without its propriety in certain cases, as in our churches, where the galleries rest upon pilasters and the front of the gallery coincides with'the pedestal of the column which rises to the roof. 1 Pedestals are'by no means essential to columns or pilasters; 10 ,but when employed, they must be formed and ornamented, conformably to the order of the columns they support. . Columns are placed at different distances, according to their destination, and the spaces between them are termed intercolumm'ations. This separation in the Greek orders, varies ftom one diameter and a halfofthe lower end of the column to four diameters; but if theTuscan column were the architrave being supposed to consist of beams of timber, the intercolumniation may be much wider than ifit consisted of blocks of stone. That interval, however, between columns, which has received the sanc- tion of the best monuments of antiquity, and of the most judicious architects, is equal to two diameters and a quar- ter ofthe column. Hence it is called Eustyle, from two Greek terms; expressing the proper arrangement of col- umns. The latter term, styles, a column, enters into the composition of several other architectural terms, as pycnos- tyle, to express columns placed close together ; prostyle, a number ofcolumns placed as in a portico, before the en- trance, front ofa building, of which we have examples in London, in the churches of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, of St. George, Hanover square,.of St. George, Bloomsbury, in imitation of ancient edifiCes in Rome, &c. When ranges of columns are carried quite round the outside of a build- nO, they form a peristyle. Arches may perhaps be considered less magnificent than ranges of columns; but they are very solid,‘and liable to few accidents. The importance of arches, in affording a commodious passage over a river, needs no illustration. It has long been the practice to construct bridges of arches increasing in width, and consequently in height, from each end to the middle, so that the road formed the segment of a large circle. The arches have also been generally semi- circles. The practice was first laid aside in France, where many noble bridges are now to be seen, consisting, like the employed, ancient Greek and Roman, of arches, all of the/same span. or width, and the same height; so that the road is carried on a level all the way along the bridge. In order to keep the bridge low, the arches vary greatly from a semi-circle, being segments of circles oflarge diameter. Nay, in some instances in France, the arches are portions of ellipses, and not circular, by which measure the crown of the arch is kept very low. On this most improved plan, a bridge is con- structed in London, over the Thames, between Blackfriars’ and Westminster bridges, which, for excellence of materi- als and structure, for magnificent simplicity and extent, is, perhaps without a parallel in Europe. It consists indeed of only 9 equal elliptic arches; but each is of 120 feet span; the extent of each pier, between the arches is 20 feet, and the length of the bridge 1280 feet, very nearly a quarter ofa mile, on the same level line from one end to INTRODUCTION. the other. To enable the reader to form some judgment of the properties of this work, (called the Strand bridge, because itleads into that street, on the west side of Somerset place,) the following account of some other remarkable bridges 1s given. Of the adjoining communications over the Thames, London bridge, consists of 19 arches and is in length 915 feet; Blackfriar’s bridge consists of9 arches, and is 995 feet long; and Westminster bridge, consist- ing of 15 arches, is in length 1223 feet. The celebrated bridge (filer the Loire at Tours in France, is horizontal, consisting of 15 elliptic arches, and in length 1335 feet. The bridge over the Moldaw at Prague, the capital of B0< hemia, is in length 1700 feet. But these are all far sur- passed in length by the antique bridge over the rapid Rhone, at St. Esprit, in the south part of France ; which; constructed on a multitude of small arches, extends to the length of 3000 feet; possessing this singularity, that instead of being straight, it consists of two lines of direction, meet- ing in the river at a very obtuse angle, pointed up against the stream, as if the better to resist its violence. In various edifices, ancient and modern, we find columns and arches placed in ranges one above another. ,Iii such works, care must be taken that the more massive are made to support the more slender; placing first the Doric order, next the Ionic, and above all the Corinthian or Composite. In this arrangement, the upper diameter of the superior col— umn is usually made equal to the lower diameter of the in- ferior column ; giving the succession of columns the air of one tall tapering tree, cut into so many separate portions. The most remarkable edifices of antiquity, which have subsisted with tolerable entireness to our days, are temples ofvarious sorts. The structure ofthese temples is extremely simple, the building being a parallelogram, seldom of great dimensions. Some have aportico of columns at the en- trance, and the external walls plain or adorned with pilas- ters. Older temples, however, are surrounded on all parts by a single, and even by a double range of columns, sup- porting the archit1ave, frieze and cornice, together 111th the roof; so that the temple itself is in a manner concealed from the view, and receives no light but from the en- trance. Such a construction is evidently very ill adapted to the purposes of a Christian, and especially of a Protest- ant place of worship. It has nevertheless been imitated in many magnificient structures, with some alterations, and the addition of projections in each of the long sides, for the purpose of resembling the cross, the emblem of the Christian faith. According to the system of divine service which, for many centuries, has prevailed in the Roman Catholic wor- ship, the sacred offices may be conducted, without mutual interference, in sundry parts of the church at the same time. In the Protestantisystem, however,nvhether Lutheran, Cal- INTRODUCTION. vinistic, or Anglican, in which nothing is done as it were in secret, and in which every member ofthe congregation 'is to hear, and participate in every part of the‘séfv’ice, sacred edifices must, to be itseful, be limited in magnitude and form. To be satisfied ofthe truth of this observation, it will be quite sufliciefifito enter St. Paul’s church, in Lon- don, at a time when service is performing. A comparatively small portion of that gaittl structure is set apart for the congregation, while thegreat body of the buildin presents the appearance of a vast useless void, neither app ied, nor indeed applicable to any purpose of the Protestant worship. The same observation belongs to the most ancient Gothic Cathedrals; but these were constructed with}! very different view. " The columns of the portico, and pilastérs of the body of St. Peter’s, at Rome, reach at once from the ground to the attic; but in St. Paul’s, of London, the whole of the edifice is divided into two ranges of columns and pilasters: an ar- rangement, which, by breakihg the whole into a repetition of small parts and members, counteracts the effect which would be produced by the great dimensions of the edifice, were it adorned with columns, occupying the whole height ofthe building. On the other hand, the intervals between the grand columns of‘thé portico of St. Peter’s having been built up into two storibE-of arcades and balconies, tic accom- modate tie Pope in certain ceremonies, the effect of the portico-is destroyed ; and instead of one open range oflo'fty pillars, the eye is ofl'ended to see them halfsunk, as it were, into a wall, the use of which is by no means at first si ht apparent. From this material defect, the front ofSt. Paul’s, although broken into two ranges of pillars, is fortpnately free. . Columns grouped, or placed two and two together, have always a bad effect; for they suggest to the observer the idea that single columns have been at first employed, and, being found too weak for their load, another set of columns had been placed beside them, tortake off a part of 4113? bur- then. Grouped or double columiis are wholly a modern invention ;' nothing of the kind being found in any antique work, and althotfgh they were employed by the first-rate architects, who constructed the celebrated colonnade of the palace ofthe Louvre in Paris, the front portico of St. Paul’s, the entryice into Somerset Place in London, &c., the . grouping of columns is, nevertheless, a departure from the genuine rules of the art. *1 Instead of difl'erent ranges of columns, it is usual to throw the ground-floor of an edifice into the form' of a base- ment, on which rise the columns or pilasters to ornament the front. This basement ought 'ri'ever to be less in height than halfthe length of the order it suppogs. Basements are generally rusticated;‘that is, the stou‘es are cut and ;, mon. l l l l I ll i! ll u 11 . placed so as to resemble the rude blocks as they are sup- posed to rise from the quarry. In the application of this rustication, however, the judgment and taste of the architect will be displayed, In London we have examples of the judicious employment of rusticated walls, and of the vei'y reverse. The huge ponderous masses, apparently in all their native rudeness, composing the exterior of Newgate prison, admirably indicate and characterize the nature of the edifice. The less rude, it is true, but still rusticated walls of Carlton-house, are, on the contrary, equally incon- gruous with the delicate, and richly ornamented portico, and with the purposes to which that structure is appropriated. When a building is divided into different floors or stories, it seems proper that each story should have its separate range of columns or pilasters, which then appear each to support the entablature, and the projecting timbers of the superincumbent floors. When, on the contrary, two and even three tiers of windows are all included in the height of one range of columns or pilasters, the want of use, and even of connection, in columns of such a length, must strike every observer. When a range of columns, surmounted with their proper entablature, supports the end o'fa roof, a triangular space is formed, called the pediment : the two inclined sides being finished agreeably to the cornice below them, the inclosed' triangular space or tympanum is often filled with historic or emblematic sculpture. Pediments on a small scale, trian- gular or as arches ofcircles, are frequently placed alternately over windows in modern buildings; and instances of the same intermixture are not wanting in vestiges of ancient structures. The most proper proportion of a pediment, whether triangular or circular, is to make its perpendicular height from one fifth to one fourth part of the base.- The preceding observations belong to the Grecian and Roman systems of architecture; but another system, con- ducted on very different ideas, and of which many speci- mehs of admirable contrivance and execution, still adorn the principal states of Europe, namely the Gothic, remains to be noticed. The term is often improperly employed to express every mode of construction, not reducible to the ancientGrecian; in this way, works erected by the Sax- ons and the Normans, in the northern and middle parts, and by the Saracens or Moors from Africa, in the southern parts of Europe, are often confounded under the general name of Gothic, with those to which that name properly belongs. This last speciespf Miilding is supposed to have first appeared in England, after the conquest, in the reign of Henry the 2d, who died in 11489; introduced most probably from Normandy, and other parts of France, where splendid monuments of Gothic architecture are very com- fir . 12 ‘ . IngaonUCTIoN. On the origin of the Gothic mode of building, ingenious men have varied much in opinion ; and even on the'origin of the name. The Goths were, in early times, the inhabit- agtsiof Sweden; but in the decay of the Roman empire, they, with other northern tribes, invaded, and even over-(run all the southern parts of Europe, even to the Straits of Gibraltar. Ignorant of every art but that of war, the sci- ence and skill introduced into those parts by the Romans, were overwhelmed, and architecture gradually assumed forms unknown to the Romans and the Greeks. Hence buildings, constructed on principles different from those of antiquity, came to be distinguished as Gothic; not because the Goths alone were their founders, but because the Goths and their neighbors, the Vandals, having established a regular succession of Kings in Spain, their name became more famous than that of any other northern race. The Saxon, Norman, and Gothic styles of architecture, though nearly related in sundry particulars, have still each its pe- culiar character. The Saxon and Norman agree in this, that the form of i the building is in both the same; the pillars are round, square, or polygonal, and very short, massive, and strong; but the arches and heads of the doors and windows are semi—circular. If, in these particulars, any difference be found, it consists in the superior massiveness and large di- mensions of the Norman architecture. The Saxon church- es, ofwhich sundry examples, or parts at least, have remained to our times, were often well constructed, and even elegant, but generally of moderate size. Those erected by the Normans, on the other hand, were usually large and mag- nificent, carried up to a great height, with two, and even three ranges of pillars, one above the other, of various di- mensions, but connected by circular arches. In the centre, was a lofty tower, with two others at the west end, where was the principal entrance. In. the course'of time, how- ‘ ever, the Normans introduced pillars of a much more agreeable form, tall and slender. ’In England, the Saxon and Norman styles are generally found mixed in the same building ; the latter, introduced in the twelfth century, being ingrafted on the former, which had been in use for centuries preceding. . The principal marks by which the true Gothic architec- ture is distinguished, are its projecting buttresses around the exterior of the building, its pinnacles and spires, its large branching windows, its niches, its canopies, and. sculptured angels, saints, and kings, fhe fretted roof, the clustering pil- z lar ; but above all, the arch always more or less acutely point- ed. As plainness and solidity constitute the leading features of the Saxon and Norman buildings, so the'Gothic architec- ture is distinguished by the lightness ofthe work, the lofty boldness ofits elevation,the peculiar slenderness ofits pillars, the profuse and delicate richness of its ornaments, and, we must addf‘ithe aStonishing excelleffce ofthe masonry. ' Ininqui‘ries into the origin of the proper Gothic style of building, we meet with no less genius and fancy than in similar inquiries concerning the Greek orders, and much greater variety.of sentiment. So'me writers imagine the 1 Gothic style was brought'into England by the crusaders,on l their return from the Holy Land, and other parts of the , east; and think that this style should be called Saracenic. l Others would call it Moresqne, as having been introduced 1 into Spain by the Meors. On the other hand, the pointed arch, which characterizes the Gothic, is by some traced to lthe intersection of two semi-circles, such as is frequently :seen in Saxon buildings; the one arch being described i from the end of the diameter, and passing through the cen- l tre of the other. Such an intersection would form an angle l of 60°, and lines from it to the other extremities of the 1: arches, would, of course, form an equilateral triangle; a. l form certainly not nnfrequent in Gothic buildings. The ‘ scheme, however, which has gained the most general as- it sent, is, that the Gothic is derived from the ancient prac- l tice of religious ceremonies being perforated in groves of ijlofty trees. The eye being accustomed to contemplate ; the arches formed by the branches of trees that shaded l their altars, and sheltered their assemblies, it wrs natural, l when covered buildings succeeded to the groves as places i of worship, that men should endeavor -to introduce some similitude between them and those places in which they had been accustomed so long to perform their religious ceremo- nies. Accordingly we find, not only the intersecting arch- es, formed by the branches, exactly imitated by the pointed arch, but also the stems of the trees as accurately rep- resented by the slender and clustering pillars of a Gothic cathedral. Indeed, no attentive observer ever viewed a tregular avenue of well grown trees, intermixing their l branches over head, but it presently put him in mind ofthe . long vista through a Gothic chi rch; or ever entered one 1 of the larger and more elegant edifices of this kind, but it. presented to his imagination an avenue oflofty trees, into"- miugling their branches over his head. Under this id ea of so extraordinary a species of architecture, all the irreg- ular transgressions of art, all the monstrous offences against nature, as some men speak, disappear; everything has its , reason, everything is in order, and a harmonious whole aris- es from the studious application of means proper and pro- portioned t0 the end. For, could the arches be otherwise , than pointed, where the workmen were to imitate the curve l, one another? Could the columns be otherwise-than split i into distinct shafts,'when they to were represent the stems of l I; made by two opposite trees, by their mutual insertion in: i a clump of trees growing close together ’! On the same prin- IN TRODUCTION ; 1 3 ciples they formed the spreading ramifications of the stone- work in the windows, and the stained glassin the open inter- stices ; the one to represent the branches, and the other, the leaves of an opening grove : both concurring to preserve that gloomy light, which, in the greater number of men, inspires religious awe and veneration. Hence we see the reason of their studied aversion to apparent solidity in these stu- pendous masses of building, deemed so absurd by men ac- customed to the apparent, as well as real strength of Gre- cian architecture ; for the surprising lightness of the Gothic building, united with real strength, was necessary to com- plete the execution of their original idea of a sylvan temple. The origin of Gothic architecture here pointed out, has been very happily illustrated and exemplified by Sir James Hall, in a dissertation published in the Transactions ofthe Royal Society of Edinburgh, and in a subsequent separate publication on the same curious subject, well worthy of at- tention. In the architecture of the Greeks and Romans, the co]- umns were admired for the elegance of their proportions; but in the Gothic, the column is seldom, if ever diminished in diameter; nor do we find any fixed proportion between the diameter and the height of the column; nor is the in- tercolumniation, or space between any two pillars, regu- lated by the diameter of their height. Examples of the widest difference in the intercolumniations are common; . for instance, in the nave of the cathedral of York, and in the aisles of the conventual church of Newark-upon-Trent; both.edifices deservedly admired, but widely differing in the proportions of their columns, and the intervals between them. The Gothic column not being diminished above, and having no entablature, is the better suited, in point of sta- bility, to support the arch springing immediately from it, as An arch springing from a Greek or Roman column, has always, as was before observed, an unfavorable effect. The striking impression of a Gothic structure is produced by taking in the only a continuation of one half of the column. whole in all its relations ; but in the Greek architecture, our pleasure often arises from contemplating the elegance and fine proportions of its several parts. On viewing a Gothic building, we soon perceive how ad- mirably the parts are constructed for the eye to embrace the whole. The column is generally an assemblage of ver- tical mouldings, or a bundle of rods, inclosing a tall slender post or trunk of a tree, acting as a cpnductor to the eye. The capitals present little or no interruption to the sight, which glides up along the pointed arch, and embraces the whole upper portion of the edifice. One ofthe vertical rods, forming the column, pierces through the capital, and ascends to the roof, and from it spring the ribs of the vaulting. ’ The exterior of a Gothic edifice has an effect similar to that of the interior ; the vertical rods of the columns run up to the top of the pediment and the terminating pinnacle, and the pyramidal buttresses on the outside, produce similar effects on the eye of the beholder. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. In building, the situation is the first point to be determin- ed. For dwellings, the position ought to [be sufficiently elevated to be free from damps and noxious vapors; but at the same time not exposed to the wintry blasts. The neighborhood of fens, marshes, and stagnating waters, should always be avoided; but water for domestic uses should always be easily and plentifully attainable. When a full southern aspect cannot be procured, the next best is a western, for the heat is always greater, at equal distances from noon, in the afternoon, than in the morning. With respect to the ground to be built upon, it should be carefully examined by boring or sinking pits. Stone or gravel afford the best foundations, but if these be not of considerable thickness, dependence ought not in all cases to be placed upon such soils. If, however, it becomes necessary to found upon sandy, or upon marshy, boggy ground, the foundation must be secured by piling, planking, laying large ledges, or other contrivances of the same nature. The situation being determined upon, the architect or builder prepares plans of the intended edifice, general and particular, with elevations of the fronts and ends, not drawn as they would appear to the eye ofa spectator, agreeably to the rules of perspective, but according to their several di- mensions as measured on a given scale. To the plans of each separate story must be added sections in length and breadth of the whole building, to show the elevation of the internal parts. As, however, no building can ever appear to the eye in the precise form of a geometrical elevation upon paper, and as it requires considerable skill and prac- tice to be able, from such an elevation, to form a judgment of the appearance ofthe edifice when actually erected, it is most satisfactory, and indeed, but just to the proprietor, to furnish him with views of the intended structure from dif- ferent points of sight, accompanied by its attendant out- buildings, shruhbery, &c. such as they may be expected to be when brought to perfection. ' From the want of such general perspective representations, many a proprietor has beheld with disgust or mortification the completion of a residence on which vast sums were expended, and the archi- tect has very unjustly been blamed; nay, in some cases, ruined in his business, in consequenceof such vexations and . disappointments, occasioned by his unscientific employer. 14' In cases of great public buildings, models of timber are often constructed, which, when done upon a properly adapted scale, convey a very perfect conception of the intended structures. The external form, ‘and the internal distribution of houses, are necessarily susceptible of such variety, that it is impossible to lay down any particular rules on these heads. A country seat is, of late years, usually arranged with a centre building for the family, and two wings con- nected by covered passages with the centre, for various other purposes. The proportion that these wings should bear to the centre, has never yet been ascertained: yet every passing spectctor will exclaim against the architect, when the disproportion between the wings and the centre strikes him as extravagant. In some modern buildings of this nature, we find the length of its wings in front, each only oue-third part of that of the centre ; in others one-half; but nothing has a worse effect than disproportion between the body and the wings in point of height. The connecting passage, or colonnade, always’ looks best when it forms exactly a quarter of a circle. The great difficulty in architecture is to combine utility with ornament and magnificence. This can indeed be properly done in structures of a certain extent alone, but even space and expense have not always been sufficient to insure these essential ends. Excess of ornament is always misplaced in small build- ings, which have then more the air of models of other great Works, than real places of abode. It was observed of Chiswick house, on the banks of the Thames above Lon- don, (built in imitation, but on a small scale, of a noted structure of Palladio near Vicenza, in the north of Italy,) that it was too large to hang to one’s watch-chain, and too small for a man to live in. DOORS. The size and proportion of doors must be regulated by the purposes of the building to which they belong. The door of a dwelling house, corresponding to the human size, is confined to seven or eight feet in height, and three or four in breadth. In private houses, four feet may be the greatest breadth. In small doors, the breadth or width may be to the height as three to seven, but in large doors as one to two. Doors intended to have but one leafor close, should never exceed three feet six inches in breadth, other- wise the door becomes too heavy for convenient use. Doors i of a wider aperture, especially in the outer wall, are best l formed with two folding leaves. As to the modern fashion of opening a wide communica- tion between rooms on the same floor, by means of broad folding doors, the practice sets all rules of proportion com- pletely at defiance. elNTRODUC TION. The external lintels of doors and' windows should always be on the same level ; and the doors should never be nar- rower than the windows. When the outward wall is orna- mented with halfcolumns, and arches forming blank arcades, the doors and windows should just rise ’up to the springing of the arches. The most common way of ornamenting the aperture of a door, is by an architrave on the top, and also down the sides. Sometimes a cornice and even a complete entablature may be placed above the lintel. Pilasters, and semi-columns have also a good effect, when applied to outer doors. Por- ticos of four or more columns are properly adapted to large buildings. WINDOWS. The number and size of the windows of a building, must be regulated by the nature and purposes of that build- ing. The climate, the aspect, the extent, the elevation, even the thickness of the walls must be taken into consid- eration. When the walls are thick, which is commonly the casein detached stone buildings, the windows may have a considerable opening inwardly, which will admit nearly as much light as if the whole aperture in the wall were enlarged. The proportions of windows depend on their situation; only their width ought to be the same in every story ; those in each, however, being proportioned in height to that of the apartments in each story. In the principal floor, the height of the windOWS may be two and one-eighth, to two and one-third of the width. In the ground story, where the apartments are lower, the apertures of the windows seldom exceed a double square; that is, the height is just double the breadth. When the basement is rusticated, the height is generally much less. In the second floor, the height of the windows may be from one and a half, to one The window in the attics, and mezzaninos or entresols may be a. and fourififths, or rather three fourths of the width. perfect square, or even lower. The windows of the principal floor are the most enrich- ed. The simplest ornament of such windows is an archi- trave carried round the aperture, with a. frieze and cor- nice on the top. times entirely plain ; at other times they are surrounded with Those of the second floor are generally closed with an architrave, crowned at times, The windows of the ground floor are some- rustics, or a regular architrave. with a frieze and cornice : but these last ornaments would be improper in the attics. The breasts of all the win- dows on the same floor, ought to be on the same level, and raised from two feet six inches to three feet above the floor. In warm climates, or in country houses in our own climates, seated amid gardens and pleasure-grounds, the windows of the ground story being cut down to the floor, render the 5. INTRODUCTION. 15 apartments pleasant and agreeable. In country hams, in- deed, in France, Italy, and other warm parts of Enrope, the principal apartments are-* all on the ground flt'iorf; and ‘he other floors diminish in height as they riseflabove .* .. 1‘he windows of the ground floor being cut down even with the doors, and thus affording a ready com- munication with the garden or lawn, have a peculiar pro- priety. How far the same practice in the windows of the first and other floors, in the streets of large cities, by which the damps and cold of Winter must inevitably penetrate into the apartments, ought to be avoided, is a point to be decided by those who prefer comfort and health to' absurdities, how- ever fashionable. Not contented with adopting usages suited to the genial temperature of the south of Europe, a stranger, on passing along the new quarters of London, might be tempted to imagine himself transported to the burning climates of India, when he beholds the fronts of the houses, whatever with vast projecting galleries, intended, but very unnatur- ally, to imitate the Iight,,airy, and refreshing varandahs of the East. ' In so far as these galleries are on the outside of the win- dows and walls, they are certainly of'use to intercept the immediate action of the sun’s rays. On the same account, what we call Venetian blinds ought to be placed on the outside, and not on the inside of our windows. On the in- side, they keep off the glare of the sun’s rays, but not the heat, which communicates to the air of the room, warming it just as much as if no blind intervened. On the outside, the blinds reflect and repel the heat as well as the light, and the air within the room preserves a desirable coolness of temperature. The intervals of walls between windows should never be less than the aperture of the windows, nor in dwelling houses greater than twice that aperture, otherwise the light will be deficient. The usual rule for proportioning the quantity oflight to a room, is to multiply the length of the room by the breadth, and the product by the height; the square root oithe last product gives the number of square feet of aperture requisite for properly lighting the room. Thus, suppose a room to be in length 3'2 feet six inches, in breadth 24 feet, and in height 15 feet, the product ofthese quantities multiplied successively into each other, will be 1700, the square root of which in even numbers, 108, will be the number of square feet of aperture required to lighten the room. This quantity, distributed amongthree windows, gives 36 square feet for each window, the width of each being four feet, the height must be twice and one-fourth, or 9 feet. Had it been proper to open four windows in the same room, each must have contained only 27 square feet; is be their exposure, adorned, or rather loaded and blocked up i " would immediately strike and offend the eye. 1 1' and if the breadth of each were 3 feet 6 inches, the height would be 7 feet 8 1-2 inches. It is, however, to be observed, that both internal and external openings in houses, such as windows, doors, &.c. ought always to consist of the uneven numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7', 9, &c. and never of the even numbers, 2, 4,6,8, 10, &c. ' This rule cannot always, it is true, be observed in the confined spaces allotted to houses in towns; but in other situations, if the number of windows be even, the door can- not be opened in the centre of the building, and the want of an equal corresponding extent and balance on each side, must strike the most careless spectator. The same rule is to be observed in distributing the arches of a bridge , or an arcade, the intercolumniations of a portico or colon- nade. I The proportions of rooms, in length, breadth, and height, l are more the objects of taste and experience, than of geo- ' metrical regulation. A circle or a square is a more per- i feet figure than an oval or a parallelogram; and a globe, la cylinder, or a cube, than a parallelepiped. A room, i however, in the form of a cylinder or a cube, would in general be neither useful nor agreeable. The parallelopi- ped is therefore the form universally adopted for rooms or chambers of every sort: in which the greatest dimension 1 is the length, the next is the breadth, and the smallest is the height. Some architects have made the breadth one half more than the height, and the length [one half more than the breadth. Thus, for example, if the height of the room he 16 feet, the breadth will be ‘24 feet, and length 36 feet; and on the other hand, if the length be given, 2‘2 feet 1 6 inches, the breadth will be two-thirds of it, or 15 feet, ‘ and the height two-thirds of the breadth, or £0 feet. Such : a rule, however, must evidently be subject to many modi- _ fications. l The rooms on the ground or the second floor, may be of the same length and breadth with those on the principal floor 2 —- but ifthey were ofthe same height, the impropriety No defect 1 in proportion, however, is more offensive than that in the height, and none takes more off from the appearance of a A low apartment, whatever be its other dimensions, i room. never can possess either dignity or beauty. It is the common remark of every one, who, for the first time enters the matchless fabric of St. Peter’s in Rome, that it by no means strikes the eye as so vast as it is known to be. This effect arises from the correct propdrtions of the whole edifice, in length, breadth and height, and of the various members of which it consists. Had it been nar- i row, our attention would have been attracted to its great llengtlp; had the ceiling been low, we should have been ’ offended by its disproportionate length and breadth. Such, p ‘ fl $1 v, ,, 16 ’ fiyhouucrlon. ”g" on the contrary, is the harmony of the several dimensioris of the building, that no excess or defect in either of them leads us to institute acomparison between them. It is only by observing the time necessary merely to walk round, and give a cursory glance to the interior of St. Peter’s, that the stranger can be convinced ofc.its prodigious extent in all directions. Comparisons are seldom pleasing, and not always just: it would therefore be on many accounts, unfair to compare St. Paul’s of London, with St. Peter’s of Rome. It must, however, be acknowledged, that the first view of the former has an efl'ect very different from that produced by the latter; the chief cause of which, is, that the nave of St. Paul’s is really gloomy, and apparently narrow and low for its length; so that the spacious and lofty dome, in- stead of being only accessory, becomes the principal part of the edifice. ' The proportions and dimensions of rooms must be regu- lated by their uses. A dining-room and a bed-chamber, require very different proportions. A gallery for exercise in bad weather, especially if to be adorned with paintings and statues, must be of a length in proportion to its height and breadth; which last must be governed by the necessity of possessing light from windows on one side only, to ex- hibit with due advantage the paintings and sculpture ranged J1 along the opposite side. enough to give a convenient communication between the several parts of the house, and if it be wider, we are 5; vi ofl'ended with the waste of space, which the architect ought to have turned to some other use. There is no part of a building in which the taste of a builder can be better displayed than in the position and distribution ofstairs. Even in the most spacious buildings, a step may be'made too broad, so as to require a sort of effort to move up or down from one to another: In spa- cious stairs, the steps should vary from 12 to 18 inches in' breadth, and from 4 to 7 inches in height; the length also varies from G to 15 feet. Even in small houses, a step over 7 or 8 inches high would be inconvenient; and the breadth should never be less than 9 inches nor the length shorter than three feet. We have thus given a pretty lengthy account of the theory of Architecture ; and would now invite the attention of the student to the subjoined remarks on the practical branch of the science. A com etent knowledge of the methods of drawing on paper, a of working in stone, timber or other materials, the several kinds or orders of columns, &.c. is absolutely indispensable to enable the architect to discharge his duty to his employer, and the artisan to execute his commission. It has been already mentioned, that an order of architec- ture consists of three principal parts, viz. the column, its A passage should be just wide i ? pedestal, and its entablature. Each of these parts is again subdivided into 3 parts, thus: the pedestal into its base or lowes‘ti member, the cubical body, called from its figure, the die or-l'treunk, and the cornice above all. The column into the base, the shaft and the capital: The entablature into the architrave, the frieze and the cornice. To give a minute, full and perfect explanation of the proportions and manner of constructing these several mem- bers, with the various ornaments appertaining to each, would require an extent and a number of engravings totally incom- patible with the design of the present work. Nor is this particular explanation deemed essential; for the number of publications on this head, is already so numerous, that it is probable the student will find it more difficult to determine which to follow, than to find a guide. Our observations will, therefore, be general and limited. to be to determine the best form for a column. The length ‘ and the weight, (that is, the quantity of materials in the column,) being given, it is of importance to investigate the form which affords the greatest pogsible strength ; but it is . somewhat difficult to ascertain the precise nature and di- l rection of all the forces to be resisted which act upon the column. If a column were considered only as a beam fixed in the ground and acted upon by a force pressing trans- l, . . '5 versely, or on one Side, it ought to be much tapered, and reduced almost to a point at the upper end. But it is sel- l dom that any force of this kind can be so powerful as to do more than overcome the weight of the column. The only thing, therefore, to be considered, is the load which presses on it from above; hence, whether we regard the force as ; tending to bend the column or to crush it, the forms common ly employed appear sufliciently eligible. Some mathemati- cians have erroneously recommended the cylinder as the strongest form to resist bending; and in this opinion, those who have not considered the subject, are ready to join them ; because a cylinder standing perpendicularly on one end, i being of equal thickness, seems also to be of equal strength i throughout. From the principles of mechanical philosophy, l however, it can be shown, that the strongest form of an up- right column approaches, in fact, much more nearly to that 5 of an oblong spheroid or spindle of which the outside is an arch of an ellipsis. But the consideration of the tlexure ofa : column is of the less practical importance in architecture, l that, upon a rough estimate of the properties of the materials i usually employed, a column of stone, (in order to be capable i of being bent by any weight which will not crush it,) must i be at least forty times as high as it is thick ; although a bar of wood or ofiron may be bent by a superincumbent load, ifits length exceed about twelve times its thickness. But ‘ as even in the Composite order, the tallest and most delicate The simplest problem in mechanical architecture, seems ' mime-11m which a. fioetmof a column a, '1 , remaining more slender. . often-depends as much on the weight as on the cohefi'on of .sihn everywhereWualmahe force, the form must be own npped‘parts ton beisbmnm . menu, .by efier' emsy toa'gmtn ameigMg that the outline 7 MlMMMnmpon to swell a little (3th outside of a sflght l'llr'fivjnining thesextremities of tWt, and more Mediation than below; :th-isjs the usuahlflt‘not the uni- versal practice. An elliptic arch is perhaps the mat eligi- ble decline, or a curve liar-med by bendingra rulegfiixed at the summit of the column. It is very natural in forming a 0911111111,“) copy the working of nature mgforming the trunk three, which may be considered 1n ageneraal sense, as a péition of a taperingmone, enclosed by straighglines jO g tli‘e'top and the 1mm But independent 9f other co rafihn’s, it is to be remembered, that the great load of the boughs', branches, and act upon the trunk of the tree very difi'erently from the msually to be borne by’a col- umn. A light-bones placed upon a rock 1n the sea, maydg‘e considered as acolumn erected, not to support a weight, but. to withsmd thgaction of wind and water. If we calculated what would be the best form for a wooden pillar, intended to remain always immersad to a certain depth in water, we should find that a cone or a pyramid would possess the greatest possible strength for resisting the motion of water; and a cone still more acute than this would be equally. capable of resisting the force of the wind, supposing it to be less powerful than thatzof the water. The part below the surface of the ~water might, therefore, be widened, so as to become a part of a more obtuse cone, the upper part "And the agitation of the sea being greatest at its surface, the basis of the pillar might be, a little contracted, so as to have the outline of the lower part alittle convex outwards, if the depth of water were con- siderable. But in the case of a building of stone, the strength, the’materials ;' and the lateral adhesion, which is materially \ influenced by the weight, constitutes a very important gart of the strength. » For resisting a force tending to overseathe buil-ding,the form in which the'weight gives the greatest strength isr‘that'ofxa conoid; that is, a solid of. which the ohtline isa‘para‘l‘aola, (a section of a. cone pfiallel to its sides» condflfiflhWards the axis, and convex outwardly. And for prohuringf'by ineans of the weight, a lateral adhe- are; ahhqngh.‘ ' i ,1 le,examply1g,tw cylindrical: ' H'éric‘em building such as this plllargis sup- «- ~45W§Aa~rah v.1 f .‘17 . :1; gonvgg ggvvra ds te «WW3 coges 1mg t ‘3‘er rgmmb $01119 £05111 adopted 16+ a huddlfg mil-“i9 the‘ygrggnfiqf both gate; ggd wind, we have a ight- -hou_se erected on the Eddy- ston grock, s1tuated 311;, the entrance of Plymouth haven about 14 miles out from the land. The top 9f the rock on whichthe light-house IS founded IS, it is true, constantly. above the surface of the water when the sea is calm, but in rmy weather every part of the buildingaleXposed to the tion of the waves, the water being often thrown up to a height far above that of the light-house , so that it may be considered as egposed to the force of a fluid agting more and m5: 1‘ ilgy, as it is nearer to the foundation. On this o - architect, thelate mgenious Mr. Smeaton, chose "9515, a slope concave outwards, differing 111 form but I. that which the most accurate theory could have pointed out. The building, however, is probably a little weaker nearly as high as the middle ofits height, than 11111183 other part. The light- house 15 wholly composed of cut stone, and about 16 feet in diameter at the bottom. The height of the building is 73 feet 6 inches from the rock to the top of the cornice; thence to the base of the lantern ’7 feet 6 inches, and thence to the summit of the ball on the top, 17 feet 6 inches , making the whole height 98 feet 6 inches. In diminishing their columns, various rules seem to have ‘ been» practised by the ancient architects; sometimes the diminution began at the base, the shaft being formed by straight lines tending to a junction at a point beyond the summit of the column, by which measure the shaft became a frustum or portion ofa very acute cone. In other instances we iii the column carried "up perfectly cylindric, or of the same gameter, for one-fourth, or more commonly for one- third of its height, at which points the diminution begins, and extends to the capital, Thisjunction, however, of the lein and the cone, although the angle formed by their outline be almost imperceptible to the eye, appearing an imperfection, it was proposed ”'and practised by eminent architects, to form the outline ol_ the shaft bwcurve running within the cylinder, but without the cone, from the base to the capital, in such a way, that the diameter of the shaft was in every part, less than that base, but greater than that at the capital The obser‘va ions made Oh this point by Vitruvius, the, grea1 gher of architeuural mechan1 who flourished about the ginning of the Christian eréfiavigg in late times been misunderstog‘d, it is no ungo _ ing, in different parts of Europe, (to say nothing $111,0wa Ich con- country) to megt with columns, the outlines of s1gtp f a curve pctil-ifilly swelling Wards, so that lit one- t iii“; of their heig their d1au1§onmderably exceeds tw at the bags; a practgq soofi‘ e to the eye, as well b so t . and along them, and through the two extreme pomfi’fo’f that. 18 - a. as to reason, as to create wonder hptfii it shou, adgpted by men who had ever seen, or even 119$ o. the monuments remaining of ancient architecture. ,' The different methods of giving to columns the piper diminution and most elegant sweeping outline, are par larly described 1n the body of this work. In this place. we; must content ourselves with giving the following plain 1n- structions, by which every practical artisan may form his model and plan, with accuracy sufficient for ordinary occa- sions. Take the loxgr and upper diameter of the shaft of a col- umn to be drawn. describe a semicircle, and erect a perpendicular to represent the axis ofa column. Through the extremity of the upper diameter, draw a line parallel to the axis of‘e column, cutting the semi- circle at the base; now divide the a5 «o‘fthe semi-circle made by the intersection of the last 6ioned line and the extremity of the base line, into any fiumber of equal parts, the more the better, as into 4, by points marked 1, 2, 3, GLO. In the same way, divide the axis into the same number of equal parts, through each of which draw indefinite rightlines, at right angles, to the axis. Through the points ofthe are at the base, draw lines parallel to the axis, produc- ing them respectively, until they meet the transverse lines drawn through on the axis, which willthus become points in the surface of the column. To assist in drawing these par- allel perpendiculars, it will be convenient, through the points in the are at the base, to draw lines to the axis, paraljel to the diameter, and setting off a distance equal to one ofthese lines upon the transverse line passing through the first line; another equal to that of the second, the points of the axis will be obtained as before. The setting on the transverses through the first point, a distance equal to the extreme points; in this manner the points on the opposite sidéi‘ofthe axis may be obtained. If, now, nails or pegs be fixed in the several points in the surface of the column thus ascertained, upper and lower diameters a thin slip of timber, e$1ally flexible in every part, be applied, it will show the contou1 or section of the exterior of the column. Th‘eicurve thus form- ed being carefully transferred, will mark thefedge ofthe rule, to be used in diminishing the shaft. In this phgcess it is evident, that the more numerous the points ofthe surface as- certained, the more accurately will the slip of timber assume the proper form, and the diminishingi’scale be constructed. at?» .5' Va; MOULDINGS. Although the shaft of a column may not admit of any ornament on its body, ’et at each end, in the base and the capital, various ornamental pants are introduced,‘ in the due .- On the centre of the lower diamete‘f-f‘.‘ .35 scotia, because the interior is dark. ' "ODUGTION. " distribution and proportion of which consists their principal beauty. These are, in general called mouldings, because they are always of the same shape, as if they all proceeded fromghe same mould or form.’ Mouldings are, by some writer divide into Grecian and Roman, with areference to the remalnsuof the architecture of those nations still 1n existence. T difference consists in this, that the Romans generally employed circular arches 1n their ornaments, while the (31$ng often introduced parts of an ellipsis, or of so other section of a cone varying from the circle. The princi- pal parts of mouldings are these,—-1st, the flat part under or above a mouldingiis a fillet, as resembling a bandage or turban tied round the column. 2d, When the moulding projects in the form ofa quadrant, or a smaller portion of a circle,” , " comes an echinus or Romano ovolo, from its likeness to a portion of the shell of a sea-hedge-hog, or ofa 3d, But ifthe moulding, reversing that figure, it is therefore called a ca- common egg. be a hollow of the same shape, vclto. 4th, A small projecting semic ir, ulat moulding is in general called abead, as particular! ,7 _ ‘ing to the asha- gcfior neck; but 5th, Ifthe moulding be much larger, with ’et above or below it, it then becomes a torus, as iniitat~ ing a rope or cable applied to the ‘column. tith, I the see- the a concave semi- -circle, 01" semi- ellipsis, it becomes a 7th,\Vl1en the projec- tion .is not properly a part of a 'circle, but rather of an ellip- sis,‘,or of some other section of a cone, returning in quickly at the upper part, it is called a Grecian 01010; and the quick return in it is by workmen called a quirk. 8th, A contour or section, partly concave and partly convex, is a cymatz'um, because it imitates the waves of the sea. 9th, Ifthe con- cave part-be uppermost, it is a cyma recta; but if the convex part be uppermost, it is a cymurcversa, or ogce. VOLUTES. A volute is a kind of spiral scroll, used in the Ionic and Composite capitals, of which it makes the principal charac- teristic and ornament. 11m 11 born its figme, which bears a neat resemblance to it. \Iost archi- tects i§uppose that the ancients intended the \olute to repre- sent the bark ofa tree, laid under the abacus, and 111 istetl thus ". at each extreme, where it is at liberty : others regard it as a sort of pillow or bolster, laid between the abacus and eclri- nus, to prevent the latter from being broken by the weight of the former, and theentablature over it. Accordingly, they call it pulvinus. Others, after Vitruvius, contend that it is designed to represent the curls or tresses of a woman’s hair. in the It has been called the 111/11’ The number of volutes 111 the Ionic 01d: 1, is four: Composite, eight. There are also eight annular volutes 1n the Corinthian capital, accompamed 111th eight other smaller 1:. \ ~. man; \wwm - .1. ,_ man , and that ol Palladio. k one-seventh, will be nearly 3 feet 8 inches. . the enti1e height,) would have give? feet for the pedestal,l INTRWUC .a‘h ones, called helices. 1There are several diversities practised {iii the vqute. In so the l1st or edge thr‘oughdfi‘t all the circumvolu1 1011s, isfi'the same line or plane ‘hSHEh are the antique Ionic volutes‘, and those of Vig _“ ,11 others, the spires, or circumvolutions, fall back; i ers, they proje‘bt or stand out. Again, in Some, Wh cir-l cumvolutions are'oval ; others, the cane or one cir- cumvolution is detach‘v" from the list of .an er, by a vacuity or aperture. In others, the rind is pa to the abacus, and springs out from behind the flo ’ of it. In others, it seems to spring out of the vase from behind the: ovum, and rises to the abacus, as in most 6f the fine Com- posite capitals. The volute is a part of greati ortance to the beauty of fine column. Hence architects h’givented divers ways of delineating it. The principal that ot Vitruvius, which was long lost, and at last restored by Gold- _ NG A COLUMN. ,1- In drawing a column f any particular order, the sefltal dimensions and membegfigfl measured by a proportional scale, founded on the diameter of the lower extremifl the shaft, immediately above the projection of the , where the sh becomes rcctilineal. This diameter is dis: vided into two equal parts, each being the radius-10f the trans1erse section of the column, and it is termed a 1310(I- ulc. The whole diameter is subdivided into sixty equal parts, or minutes, of which, consequently, thirty are con- tained in a module. These proportional quantities are easi- ly con1erted into real, when the lower diameter of the col- umn is gi1en in measure. Thus, if the lower dia’méher of a Doric column be 5 feet, for 60 inches, the module must be 2-71? feet, or 30 inches, and each minute will be 1 inch; and the Doric column being in height Sdiameters,the height of the given column will be 40 feet: hence the cntablature, being one fourth of the height of the column, its height in this case will be 10 feet, and so on. In the Tuscan order, the height of the column is 7 times the lower diameter, or l4 modules; the entablature 111111. fourth of the column, and pedestal one fifth of the ‘fieight of all the parts. Hence, let the whole height of a Tuscan column, with its pedestal and entablature, be‘fixed at 40 feet, the pedestal, being one fifth of the whole, will be’8 feet high. The remaining 32 feet, divided by 5, will give nearly 6 feet5 inches for the entablatiire, and" 5 feet 7 inches for the column, of 11 hich the lower ,d1ameter being Had the order been Ionic, the whole height, 40 feet, digided as before by 5, (for 1n all the orders, the pedestal 1s always one fifth of f fi . I 0 _ C . aini‘ng eetvj divided by 6, 5111.1 have given 5 feet ‘tffihches‘fb‘fi the entablatuie', leavihg 25 feet 8 inches for the column, 3f Which tlfié ninth part, or 2 feet 11 1-2 1 hesitis the lower diameter. But in general, when the file height of the column, with its pedestal and entabla— :31 is given, the several portions are thus found 1n all the ers. For the Tuscan, divide the entire height by 5, the quotieh’lt 15 the pedestal, and the remaining height divi- ded by 5, will gi1e the entablature. The remainder, divi- ded by 7, gives the lower diameter of the column. In the oric, divide the whole height by 5, for t‘ pedestal; one- fth of the remainder is the entablature; the rest is the column, of which the eighth part is the diameter. Ionic—— Deductina om the ehtire height, one fifth for the pedestal, 011*' i the remaining height is the entablature, and one- nint' the remainder is the diameter of the column. ‘1 CORINTHIAN. After cutting off the pedestal as before, the entablattft’e is one-sixth of the remainder, tenth of the rest is the diameter of the column. For the Compositegrder, the same proportions are employed. In laying down any order on paper, draw 'a perdendicular . right line, to represent the axis of the column. Near the bottom, draw another l1ne (horizontally) at right angles, hich, from the perpendicular, set off, on each side, a d1stance equal to a module, on one half the diameter. Ona separate line, equal to this diameter, form a'scale of 60 equal parts, or minutes, by which to measure all the dimensions, reducing them to minutes from the num- ber of feet and inches in which they are usually given. The ebnstruction of such scale is, however, generally un- necessary, from the variety to be found on Gunter’s and other scales of wood, brass, 6130., sold by the makers of at .. ical instruments. On the axis of the column rod1‘99d below it, set off, procressively downwards from the bdttom of the column, the lIeights of the several mem- bers composing the base and pedestal; and through each of those points draw pencillines at right angles to the axis. Again, from the same bottom line of the column, set up along the axis the several heig‘fiof the capital, architrave, frieze, and cornice, drawing, as before‘lines at right angles through each point thy ascertained. Then from ,th axis set off on each horizontal line, the proper projection f all the several parts in order;, by which rneanflfifle ele- vation and projection of each will be obtained he ex- tremities of these horizontal lines aye then connected by the fillet, the ovolo,cymarecta,&.c.d,1ng to the kind of ornamental pgpfile belonging to ”particlglar order (if architecture. ' , a. as in the Ionic; and one- . ilk The relativemopgtlongm the vfiouspalg ders be gaccurqtelywarked $ the pie, pa,- them liere might be hegarde as a Wer %1. tIOIIl..I ,3“ W111 A‘spec1men oQ the Composite order, singularly, beautiful, exists at Rome, in the triumphal arbh, to cenimemo1ate the awful and predicted brOught upon the city and temple of Jerusalem b the Roo- mans, in the year 70, under Titus, during the reign of his father Vespasian. * bread, and other spoils, carried away from the temple It is the ingenious, and not improbable fancy,“ of some emi- nent writers on architecture, that the general ea of the Composite order, as it appears in the arch of ‘it 1:, = is borrowed by some Roman artist in the suite of thII from the structure of the Temple of Jerusalem its" I the conquest of the city, but before its final overthrow. Jo- s,e ths, it is true, says, the columns of thd’t‘emple were Co- nn‘thian but the differences between that order and the womposite, might not attract his attention, nor would they 9 1-51, ,* The .remains of this “Triumphal Arch,” stand ve‘i‘y‘fiear the, South Western limits of the ancient Forum. They are thusiilgptieedj by Theodore Dwight, Esq. in the Journal of his Tour in ltaly: “ It ‘III (the Arch) 1s built with solidity, of large blocks of marble, in the form ofa simple gate- way: but the deep channels worn into its surface by time, and the immediate historical conne‘étion it has Wit the overthrow of JeruSalem, have 1m parted to it a moral grandeur which evéh superior antiquity or magnitude alone could ne .er possess. Those who have read the scriptures from infancy, and been tanght to Under the arch are sculptured the: ‘ golden candelabihm of seven branches, the tables of show-fit The feelings have been gun i triump al “I h "5,5119 ari' ture of the tropheal or triumph ans-an exardple soon afterwar s by the a 3% adulation of the people, or rather ‘bv ~_,,,c=>;1 vanit of their pridibes—until at last suc‘ lav1shed without discrimination, ceased to II honorab e, distinction. uties 'of human beings in a social _ rally spring fi'om that state. To a (1111 infancy in absolute solitude, such duce misery, and such duties would Let, owever, two persons be placed 1n mu- nication, and that instant feelings of kindness or dislike, of affection or hatred, will arise. Lét both be hun- gry, and let an apple or an orange onl _ be procured ; this I I I Iohimself; for an .. s,betwe?zth$1, g and re eChon, _ Ialert than the other, he KW avail himself of these advaii ges over his fellow- -being ‘ gorgeéhe dbject of his wishes. By this so appropriation, susta1ns,r§ta imaginary, but a 91111055. The state of existenc s ogdisappointment and defeat, intoI3 av ersion, resent- I ment and revenge, against his spoiler; and should he be fre- quently thwarted 111‘ a similar way by his companion, noth- mourn with the saints and prophets of Israel, over the tigeolation of ‘1 ing short of the entire destruction of that companion, will the city of David and the house of God, can never appro'ac una ected and regard this monument of heathen triumph. As we entegr the shelter of the arch, we trod thetehes of the old Sacred Way, whibIh lay yet undisturbed under ourifeet: probably the samegave‘ment that Titus passed over in his tritrrnphal march to the Capitol, .- - ‘ brought the spoils of the Holy Temple, and a large“Y : ish captives On the right are seen, beautifully sq1§lptur:I3I . , y the seven golden candlesticks, the silver mm ,t‘he‘table .shIoh'va- bread, and the book of the law, alh borne by priestsmarehing irfi‘rder , and on the other side is the emperor, in his nwhal” CIR! four horses, harnessed abreast, and represented with t I of the sculptor. 'lhe chariot is accompanied by th6.": _.. . Senate and Victory, bearing a grown of a branch of Palm ‘ ' Pales- tine. This record of history, containing more details than I hatre enumerated, still speaks to the eye and to the mind in language as clear and impressive as when it was first erected. But the unyielding spirit of the captives retains to this day all its pride and stern There ar "9; ews now in Rome, the deseeridants of the prisoners of Titus; t it is said that not a son of Israel has ever passed this detested spot, and trodden thi‘pfirt of the Sacred Way, since the day efihis triumph. Th, 'll delight to trace back their pedigree to thesis whose hu’milia’a~ have inherited; vyhile, it is said, not a man in :heing. W esta ish'a clear and findoubtéd claim to the blood of any ancient Roman family. " drawn by '1 hest skill appear su'flicient to secure himself from future prit ations and erings. This process will takafiflage ,1n the breast of the weaker being,'eve11v althtggli the stronger s [£1111 not attempt to assume to himself stillgreater advantages consequence ‘I of his acknowledged superiority. That the latter will, hou- ' never, be governed by sentiments so moderate is extremely . . improbable. The self-gratulation, arising from conscious- Lof power, will yield a flower too delicious not to induce f again experiencing such delight. He will thus 11th natui' when the (#15 of necessity only, but whenthe suggestions va‘ '1 or caprice, may furnish opportunity. Hence, his neighbor will, by degrees, be reduced to absolute e y, dependent on the other for even the necessary means I ' _ nce , and ofthis existence itself, should he long con- tinue refractory, he willéprobably be at last deprived. Thus may be traced the origin of the worst feelings and actions by which human befigs are distinguished; and by a similar, butfiopposite process,,111ay the rise and progress of the best sentiments and condufi be explained. In absolute seques- it deisposed to exercise his superior faculties,n no? 0 - - Klan-W7 «your, ~ without virtue nuisance 1 ctetyg; 19:21, no existence. When this S1mple * cite no surprise, that the fistory of mankind, under even the "tit ,, most incurable circumstances, should present lit ~‘ an endless chain 06 deplorable wickedness and ."999 " ty; meriting, forsooth, punishment the most severe and dis- graceful, because we appropriate to ourselves the»? more frequently by secret stratagem than by .opiforce,3 and; even in some measure authorized by thessanctiOn of necessity. Thou, ,9 .9the other hand‘; born to indepen- deuce-,9 to wealth,V ' , to supremeedominion, without 1 .o obstruct the gratification of thy 9 ' ‘99, without invitation, without necessity, without any ‘ ’or reason which a man of genuine courage and tru , friend to human kind, wold avow; thou destroyest cities, the abode of industry, 11110 I- edge and patigotism; thou layest waste peadeahie and“ flourishing countries, where thou hast’i‘eceived 110‘ injlity— thou causest to flow torrents of the blood of natiOns wisp never even heard of thy name—and all this thou dost“ at the head of armed myriads, in open defiance of e mmbn jus- tice and humanity , therefore art thou exalted to the rank of a Hero, a conqueror of wor‘ds, a derni-god.” In such a strain, we are told, was the mighty Alexander of Macedon, addressed by the chiefdf a petty band of pirates, who fell into his hands, and whom he conheived himself authorized to punish, in an exemplary manner, for their outrages on society; and the Observations are fully warranted by the undeviating practice of all people and of all times. Hence, we find in the most ancient records of human society, applause and reward lavishly bestowed on the successful ,x‘. warrior, whether just or unjust, the cause in which 9 Was 1 Mgaged. But beside this and other marks of the real or supposed admiration and gratitude of their armies and people, conquerors were in the habit of constructing 89,111e more substantial evidence of their victories, on the scenie‘i ”pf their exploits. 1', ’2 At one time a rude block of stdne, at another a motild or hillock of stones and earth, raised on the field of battle, served at once to pomt out the spots where the honors of the victor were achieved, and where rested from their toils the human bei6ngs thus cut off, in the performance of the ii 11 1 1» ”5% ! '“" . 9 "' ,91‘999 .999 still 5111 vs _, ~9 1’ 11‘ 1 happened about 120 years before England’s era. .1‘9 ‘1 many examples _ flages, “1h“Great Britain, ‘ Cornwall, 111 W "s, and irlé , cotland’ These dumb mem‘o- 99ca1fie at rah into disrepute: they recorded, indeed a ' liter and a many but shoceeding generations, when - 1 11 grew feebigr' Or entirely died away, were left to conjethu {the cause of their erection; and the riiighty warrior was thus bereft ‘of half his glory When the R0- mans began to establish themselves 1n the southern parts of Gaul, and to extend the boundaries of thejr prevince, now Provence, Languedoc and Dauphiny, 1n France, they first constructed durable memorials of the success usually ac- companying the exertions of united and well drsc1pl1ned bands, titu‘ , of irregular ungovernable barbarians. Two Ro- man ge érals, Domitius zEnobarbus and Fabius Maximus, erected on the banks of the Rhone, sazoce tru-res, towers built of stone, supporting trophies, consisting of arms of- . fensive and defensive, standards, instruments of martial music, and other pledges of victory, taken from the ancient Gauls. This conduct on the part oftheir commanders was highly r'eproved at Rome ;-for until then the Romans had never allowed themselves, even after their most signal suc- {bess ii'n war, to erect, in the midst of a conquered people, any monument whatever, by which they should be remind- ed of their subjection, and consequently be excited to en- deaVOr to regain their former independence. “Never be- fore this,” says the historian, “ did the Roman people up- braid any conquered nation with their own defeat.” This Some time afterwards, Pompey constructed,'on the summit of the Pyreiiees, near their eastern extremity, a permanent build- ing, as a memorial of his successes, slight enough, indeed, over the partial but patriotic attempt of the Spaniards to _;;thr0w,," the Romish yoke. This action was severely rep- 9 The same magnanimous sentiment ac- wit the free states of Greece only, but even the des- potic and military kingdomeracedon. f‘ States and na- tionsg” said thOSe ancients, “like individuals and families, will differ upon particular points, where their interests, real or supposed, are coan'ed. ”These differences will lead to quarrels, and even to the most hostile proceedings and open warfare. It rs not unnatural that, in these contests in arms, the victors should endeavor to confirm the courage at'fd‘ ardor cf their own people, and to depress9 the spirit of their adversaries, by some public testimony of th superi- ority. For such a purpose, a few’helmets, and breast-plates, and shields, andts'fiords, taken from 1119s vanquished and supported againsta spear, or suspendedt on a tree on the scene‘of victory, will be fully sufficient :-—'let not, however, with although far from numerous, against countless mul— _ a? sions of men Will. (1061 their pews of mterest w and the par-ties WhiCh tosday meet with deadlthn‘cpr' field, will be found in a short time united 111' .one co , cause, and fighting, as friends and brothers, against an all of one of the parties On a former occasion, but now become“ " a common foe. It 1s, besides, to be consrderetjw' cess in war is not always attached to one side: no nation was ever always victorious, nor always discomfited. Let us never, therefore, by permanent records of our temporary su- periority, labor to cherish aha foment among our neighbors, that spirit of hostility which, at no distant day, it may be equally our desire and our interest entirely to e11tinguish Injuries men often will and do forgive: insults, perhaps, never.’ Such were the wise and magnanimous senpments and principles of the Greeks and Romans, the two most en- lightened nations of antiquity, in their best days. In the degenerate days of Titus and Vespasian, however, when 'Rome reigned paramount over the greater portion of the civilized world, the feeling of national importanceand in-, iidependence, the source and support of every manly, gene- rous and patriotic principle, was next to extinct in” the na- tions of Europe. , was speedily followed; and not only Rome itself, butnum- bers of the principal cities over the empire, were adorned with edifices, triumphal, trophial, and commemoratory, many of which still remain, exhibiting admirable specimens of architecture and sculpture ; and by the inscriptions and representations with which they are charged, serving to il- lustrate and establish the dates of many important historical facts. and, as such, never (let weak, and consequently narrow- minded men, say what they n1ay,) can be inexpedient, or out of season. Human nature is'at this day what it was twenty centuries ago. inte1ested adulation on the other, by which later periods have often been characterized, suggest the most commend- able models for modern imitation. 2’ But to 1eturn to the arch of Titus—1t may jus 11,) that the unfortunate branches of the Hebrew nation estab- lished' in Rome, made an arrangement, many years ago, with the government, agreeably to which, for the payment ofa certain sum of money, they were permitted to open a narrow passage by the side of that arch, which, although not now connected with the inhabited part of the town, is situated 1n the heart ofthe old city, on a very public thor- oughlfare, that their minds might not be tortured unnecessa- rily'li'y the display of the emblems of the final destruction 11'" go, -' The example set in the case of. Titus, Wisdom, justice, and moderation are immutable—' Let, then, the prudence and humanity, by. which states were then governed, and not the overbearmm presumption and insolence on the one hand, and the abject, perhaps, suggest certain s"bdr‘iSidera- 1 ,1'1profitable. .. With respeE’tfio the kind and degree of ornaments to be introduced into acolumn and its appendages, it is a maxim founded 1n our natural sentiment of what is decorous and, beautiful that if we are in doubt concerning the proper me? dium, We should aljgays stop short of the proposed point, and be careful ne', Vito go beyond it. The pupil of an an- cient painter in Greece produced a Venus loaded with jew- els. fif'Uhable to make the goddess beautiful,” said his ..... ‘ :e'isubject arid: inay,"' 410% not entire, 1 -. ,1, making‘her'rich and fine.” The dignified sobriety and grav- ity becoming an edifice, appropriated to religious purposes, or to the senatorial and legislative assemblies of a great and enlightened people, the massive solidity? and strength inhe- rent in our idea of a fortress, the Jig”? "airy, exhilarating notion attached to the name of a theatre, or other places of amusement; all these qualifications of the edifices‘to be constructed, will, to an architect of genius, suggest the spe- cies and the measure ofthe ornament suitableb to each. A slender, delicate, and highly enriched Corinthian portico to Wettgate prison, could not be more incongruous, nor indi- cate a greater want of taste in the builder, than a massive, heavy, clumsy Doric (if Doric it be ,) range of pillars, and their pediments corresponding : apparently forbidding, but doubtless, meaning to invite the passing stranger to enter the theatre of Covent Gardens. When we examine the monuments remaining from antiquity, we find that the cy- ma, the cavetto, or other ornam‘enthormed by cutting into the substance of the work, is employed as a finishing only, and never, where strength is required, 111211 the ovolo and talon are employed to support the essential parts of the en- tablature, such as the modillions, dentiles, and corona , that the principal use of the torus and astragal is to secure and strengthen the extremities of the columns; being also .employed for the same purpose in pedestals, carved so as to resemble a gope or cable, agreeably to the original signifi- cation ofthmterm torus; that the scotia serves merely tow separate the members of the base, as does also the fillet, not only in the base, but in profiles of all kinds. By the term profile, is heie meant the assemblage of parts, mouldn ings, and ornaments of a cornice, &c. in which the eleva- tion. and projection of each member are exhibited. The most perfect profiles are those consisting of the fewest mouldings, adapted to the order of the Column, so disposed that the right lined and the curied members succeed one another alternately. In every profile one member should the predominant, to which all1 others must appear subb‘filiq mate; thus, in ascermcfithet commit 1s the~eh1ef meter? the cyma of the oilvetto covers ail, ' while the modifiions, dentils; ovole', and talon, seas port it. In the arrangemenfof the exterior of at ,. whatever does not tend to characterize its destinitng how: ever beautiful in itself, 1a.:always misplaced Greatnessiof character in an edifice, is principally produced Ilitrgeiiess and simplicity of parts; such parts not only hEir ‘own magnitude, by the great ma es of light and shade they ex- h1b1t whetttefully illuminated, excite athe. idea of grandeur An object may be great, and not be grand'——but grandeur and smallness of parts are incompatible:- . ’ ' extensive edifices 1n Europe, is the king of , at the Escurial, not far from Madrid. It were vast ex- ‘tenta‘fdf ground, enclosing a number of cOurts, portions, chap-s 'el§,""&;c. in its bosom. Having, however, beemconstructe‘d as a monastery, rather than as a palace; (for the royal apart~ :ments are confined a very small portion of the structure ,) the building 15 dim into various floors, and consequentlyb the exterior walls are pierced with various ranges of com7 paratively small wmdovisgghdapted to the cells and halls of monks grandeur and magnificence raised in the mind of tfie spec tater, while approaching it from 5‘ distance, and‘ob‘serviiig its prodigious dimensions, entirelfivaii’l'shes avidity; galleria, on, a closer view, the whole 1s dischvered to be only an?" assem- blage of' small diminutive parts and members, suchfis might be suitably introduced into a manufactory, a bhrraclfj a hos- pital, or a convent. Many objections have beeii made to,‘ Blenheim palace, in Oxfordshire, England, as clumsy, pon- derous, inelegant, and} by no means corresponding to the customary notiOn ofa country residence That magnificent edifice was 't‘ted at the expense of the nation, to com. memora‘te 1115‘ signal victory obtained 1n 1704, near Blen-,, heim, a village on the north bank of the Danube, by the, allied army‘;‘under the Duke of Marlborough; That distin- guished and modest commander stands next to Julius Cae- sar, unrivalled in history for perfect coolness and possesstou of himself in action; who, so far from ever expdstilgh jhj’fielf to the possibility of being surprised, whatever might have been the talents of his opponent, never rested _until he was so close upon the enemy, as, in many cases, to dissiDVer their measures, and prevent their forming any project against himself, for the greater part of the campaign. Like Grader also, in person a hero, he was sci'upulously tender of the lives of his men” and to spare therri, would often forego the opportunity ofa‘ brilliargt, but sangu’iiiary and useless victory, for the more slow; but more secure, and difficult advantages M5ported by human figures. to be obtained by a skilful occupatiofiof ground. On a due t 1, ‘i ‘r r ' . I: r. 9 . A vs :. . sh, 1» Ed; , i 6% .dhstmattenrofiBlenheim it .Willbe man- lfest thatiiii 7 , throwing.- the. 1 ’retiring glassesofthtnldmg, to1 produce broad and powerful e§eefsidfi light andf- shade, —and by that contrivance to fill nwf the whole, far beyond what their real magnitude, censideréd as it is, could be expected to excite. ~ Besides regular columns and pilasters, we sometimes meet, in ancient and modern architecture, entablatures, sup- These are termed Caryatides, from the following circumstance: Five hundred. years be- fore our era, Xerxes, the powerful menarch of Persia, led a m5dlg1ous army and fleet against the free and independent republics of Greece. Successful at first, more by treachery than figmlor, he was at last discomfited at every point, and compelled to return in disgrace and ruin to his own coun- try. Carya, atown of'Peloponnessus, had basely formed a league with the invader ; and upon his flight it was beseiged by the other states, levelled to the ground, the svmale in- habitants put to the sword, and the unhappy, perhaps inno—i‘ cgnt females, reduced to slavery of the severest kind. To peopia of Carya, in Athens, and in many other parts of Greece buildings were erected, in which were introduced, in the place of columns and pilasters, figures ofCaryan wo- men, supporting the load of a cornice and entablature. In general, these figures are attached, like pilasters, to the wall, but 1n Athens they are also found detached, and fier- forming the duty of coltimns. Male figures are also employ- ed to thmsame way in some ancientbuildings in Greece The consequence of all this is, that the idea of gperpetuate to future ages the infamy and punishment of the and-511 Rome , in Greece they are evidently intended to rep- resent Persian prisoners taken from Xerxes. F rom this ac- count it is @vident that human figures, in the place of col- urn or, pilasters, ought, if at all, to be introduced on very gparti roccasions indeed. They nevertheless are often seen ingthe palaces of princes, and even in private dwell- lugs»; Our churches thems‘elvés, in which all adventitious distinctions among mankind ought, if anywhere, to disap- pear, are not free’ fi’om this absurdity. These poor females, humiliated, borne dots; with a heavy load are meant, we are to understgpd, forwthe muses and the graces, the virtues and the angels themselves. Could the vices which corrupt, and the ifpries which torment the human race, he thus chained down, and so rendered 1n some sort subservient to our use, such an application of Persians and Qaryatides might easily be reconciled to reggsn. Net only entire human figures, but simple busts, are also employed Occasionally, to support the entablatures of arguments, chimney-pieces, 6w. gt v 21;? ‘ The headis placed on A F? 24. a stand, smaller below than above; and the wholeiiis alled a term, from terminus, a boundary, the Roman fitt’hi :of the " land-marks, or march-stones, erected on fields and posses-V ’ y , sions, to point out the boundaries between the landsof di” 3, and “he oarv'ture of 111a“ chain is greatest in the middle , the chain forms What 1s called catenarian curve, from cate- ferent proprietors. industry and commerce, being entrusted to Mercury, ,by the Romans as well as the Greeks, the top of the stone or pest was carved 1n resemblance of hislhead , so that to destroy, or remove, or deface such monuments, was regarded, not only as gross injustice to men“: but asia voluntary and‘i'm-- pious offence against the powers above. It now remains to 'give a few observations on the con-_ ' structions of Bridges, one of the most important and difli¥ cult applications of architectural skill. . I {511' CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES. By a bridge we mean a structure of stone, brick, timber, . or iron, erected over a river, a canal, a valley, or other de- pression in the ground ; and supported on piers and ar- ches, or on post, for opening a communication for passen- gers, cattle and cariages, across from the one side to the other- The perfection of a bridge consists in its having a good foundation, that it may be durable; of an easy ascent and descent, that it may be convenient; and of a just propor- tion in its several parts, that it may be beautiful. Bridges shgnld always be placed at right angles to the course of the river, doc. and the piers should never be thicker than is just necessary to support the structure against the force of the current The simplest theory of the arch, supporting itself in equilibrio, (that is, in such a state that thettendency of every part to fall down or give way is perfectly equal,) is that of Dr. Hooke, the greatest of all philosophical mechaé nics, who flourished in the latter part of the seventeenth century. The arch when it has only its own weight to bear may be considered as the reverse of a chain suspended fieely at each end; for the chain hangs 1n such a form that the weight 1n eaclilink 15 held 1n equilibrio, by the result of the two forces acting at its extremities. Two forces or ten- sions are produced, the one by the weight of the portion Of the chain below any particular link, the other by the same weight, increased by that of the link, both of them acting originally in a vertical direction. Now, supposing the chain inverted so as to constitute an arch of the same form and weight, the relative Situation of all the lines, indica- ting the direction of the forces, will remain the same, the throes acting only in contrary directions; so that they are com‘pbunded in a similar manner, and balance each other The protecting charge of these land-1‘ marks, as of everything else connected With the affairs of 4' outline to appear horizontal. on the same cond1trons but with this difference, that the , equilibrium d.) the chain is stable, and of the arch 1s totter- . ._ Whey”, ,h’e links are supposed to be infinitely smali, na, archarn In common cases, this form of an a’i'éh differs but little from a circular arch of about 120 degrees, or dii‘eithird of a whole circle, rising from the abutments, with an rncl1nat101‘i 3f 30 degrees to the perpendcular; the arch, however, becomes more curved at some distance below the summit, 11d then again less curved. The sup- position, however, of an arch resisting a weight, acting , only 1n :1 vertical direétion, 1s by no means perfectly applica- ble to (times usually occurring in practice. The pressure of loose stones and earth, moistened as they generally must be by rain, is exerted very nearly in the same manner as the pressure of fluits, which act equally in all directions; 'and even if the stones and earth were united in a solid mass, they would constitute a sort of Wedge, and produce a pressure of a similar nature. A bridge must also be so calculated as to support, itself without being in danger of falling by the defect of the la- teral adhesion of its parts. In order that it may, in this respect, be of equal strength throughout, the depth at each .point must be proportional to the weight of the parts beyond it. This property belongs to the logarithmic 'curvealone, the length being made to correspond with the logarithm of thedepth. But in the construction of bridges it is necessary to inquire what is the best formfor support- ing any weight'which may occasionally be placed on the bridge; in particular, on its weakest part, which is ususally the middle of the arch. Supposing the depth at the summit of the arch and at the abutments‘ to be given, it may be considerably reduced in the intermediate parts, without im- pairing the strength; and whether the road along the bridge be horizontal or a little inclined, it is agreed that an elliptic arch, not differing much from a circular, is the best calculated for complying, as much as possible, with all ne- cessary conditions. The tier of bricks cut obliquely, which is placed over a door or window, is a real arch, but so flat as to allow the v Little dependence however can be placed on so flat an arch, since it produces a lateral thrust that might easily overpower the resistance of a side wall. For the horizontal force required to support each end of an arch, is always equal to the weight of a quantity of, the materials supported by its summit, supposed to be continued of their actual depth, to the length of the radius of the circle, of which the summit of the arch is a portion. This simple calculatiOn will enable an architect to avoid such accidents as but too often happen to bridges, for want attended ' '7 gr. 1101,1111 thm :s hradge ipiliqndon, 01;, whether the; ; orre‘spobmiing” $59, comparatively but ligle it was Mpunded in 173 , 111151 he former 60. Erie new Strand bridge is built ite, the least' ' ct th cay of alL stone, for e er- {,mployed 1n construe the grand nal of Woolwich {:3 land, fDundee, in Scotlan,anda:1,§‘ mu better in such a situa I, where i atei‘y, with Show intervals, wet and dry,wan any , r OW‘g: if. mearema ' are and apti‘éoC pressfi , 1i‘ar errors, unh‘ess; some d _ ‘ irahle th1t the plersgof bridge " -. '~ ,, able, not 0% to support the, ' h? , alf - fijoin ng arch, but always to sustgi the lde thug”; fdi‘mélty m‘ loyed. It has been likewise used in some of " e 111 th< m, shqu. d thcéither g 11%, war“ ‘The 1.531113 héfi'éreat‘ "fig afldflpghsfgm L6ndon, and 1n constructing ition is ne 1 the 833%“ w 05? any kind i the piers toI Isupport Ith'e Iir9n bridge over the Tharnes, at ’ yed 1n supp arched'fi. 11$ roof, lieqfiI V‘au‘ihall , 7 V 2i ~ ' ;' fifty of the (#ernaigbuttresses which strengthen .and I "'I‘ I“ Bugldmg a bridge the mOSt es 0mm] part of the en- adme Gothic Isa-11mm, ere are tWQ' ' herprioseI‘I: to secure 3 good foundation. The most simple pié'r or Iafiall m1y fig§ ft flayethe’r . I 1‘ doing this, and carrying up the piers to the caused to slide away horizontally. 1 F‘lieigIht ofthe water, is to turn the river out of its 0.“ adhesion which resists the side Q0 ' , .. . ,, . above the position of the bridge, into a new chan- than on” third of the pr.e- sure, it. I' ' ’ I ’nel. ened fqr it, near the place where it makes an el whole thrust of the amp is so 019 - “2‘01. to 41’ ‘ , . or'héid; or by raising an enclosure round the spot, where sufficient vertical pressure for 5,32%,ng gmbil fie pier is to height, to keep out the water, by driving a respect and it isppiy 99085?“ jnake I ' , uble row of st es mto theb d of the riicr, vIer earf enough to resist the forge WW .1: - , It b 1 andther, With their topiabi1ve§t$ surface OI be water. 7'“ a“; not however Ithe weight ththfi What? but “1 tof 1111.11" Hurdles are then put within this ouble row 1) akes, the hat lgSiStS. ever fi'or‘t t1” SId‘B’iSf row which is 11e'xt the intended pier is closed . gier mayfltand the sum % 'ahd theIa hollow between the 1011s filled with rushes , . , , . " . d down that water will not ass i'th o ei 1, 1 a r e ual. to hal ahd mud losely rpmme p :he thick; e pi 1- _ t‘ If 5:21:15? Q qiliivalent to‘; 11110ngth 3* mud, sasnd, stones, &c., within this enclo- the horizont l‘ 7“ tggdtfflggn the whole hei ht of the sur 5:! "V out “m" asolid foundatm" Iappears: when ' K ’ ' g g " "1 datio cari‘hot be toned, one of wooden piles, pier The pier may also be considered simply as forming i ’ " ~ eir Io er ends 1611111111,,“ ed, to mnt‘rottm a continuation of Ighe arch; and the stability will be pre- 5 2' ~ p served as i ng as the curve, indicating the dlrthIOI . I-- 5 ven ‘9“; the bog-0,111,, ”’éi er as cslose together as pressure remains within its substance, I . ,. ‘IvPossfile . Shbegj _ 1 “511%; architects ha1e formed a of the piers must depend on the Size "apt I I I fbole length of the bridge, and arch, as,also on to ce of th'eféurrent to be ' osengsgI In . «1, rs. In ,doing this, first. one part tide 1111915, the c ent acts twi day 111 contrary" ,' and then another, ,Iu until the whole tions, rising considerably above the surface ofthe rive‘ , Wherryiver 15 but of? deflate depth, and returning to that level. The finessure on the pie‘xsf‘ ‘ 2 , d as maygserve for a na foundation, therefore veggunequal and fr . the stonefimttsg he thus id a con -I overset it, and lit 035:! , alt. alteration - between i .of the materials, m:- “:1 11Ge. Some persons ' s IQCstonh rd he action of water 7 a "'1 I “310%, ,cramped together " hyIstrpn terras mortar; t hiding-fies ‘ ecifiofiiiy heqaiier tbdmtihi: cred gently i6 13th 11mm to the bottom 1&1 ere 4 it, cgmes a matter. 9f; eiéreatest i111 age pf opinion they fl ”'2‘, A. it .31., ‘ 26 i 6: ' . 1 ,1 If it be: the pier 15%) stand, erred in eonstr , f . acrossfia brain _ ,1ver, or aicaiiai, where «thefl co; water may be turned ofl', either by a wood; :3," ‘ obliquely across the river, or by a c1annel (3.11 then a dam must be formed entngely across th "- , ‘3' piles, at a convenient distance above the6 plea . tended bridge. The ground is then dug out 11 ,. , _ solid foundation presents 1tself,,and all the piers ma ‘ founded and raised up to the usual iglit of the river, at; the same time , after whic' the; riv permitted to 1'er to its original channel. hen the ,stream is by far too considerable to be turned aside coffer dams are formed, charred at the lower end, when the bed 18 easily penetrable or shed for several .feet with iron, where it isahard. The”. piles are forced into the ground by repeated bloWs from the pile engine; the piles are covered with boarding, without and within, so as to be tolerably water tight,- and the'wate'r which does make its way through the walls, or which springs out ofthe enclosed bed, is drawn off by pumps and hand" labor, or, if the undertaking be considerable, by! means of a9 steam engine. ~ 1 . cBesides bridges, other bodies of masonry are also regui— ‘ site, ifnot completely to transverse, at least to advan e a considerable way into the water , such are the moles and. preys carried out from the land intq,the sea, from opposite? points of the shore, and mutuarlyi bending round towards each other at their extreme points, where they 19%? an in- terval sufficient for the pas ssge of ships out or in. In 0 seas, 11 here we have the advantage of the retreat of the 52% twice a day, at low water such structures 0 fie founded and carried up in general without particular drfl'iculty the Mediterranean, however, where the rise and fail ofi’the tide is either very un11npo1tant or wliblly ihisensible, as a on'g the coasts of Spain, F rance, Italy, See. the ’constructlon of a mole becomes an enterprise of vast labor, dlfliculty and expense. .4 , _, yw The 11 01k begins at the shore, by throwing blocks of rock or stone, the larger the more usefu. it These i find their place 111, the bottom, and by accumulating bibe upon blocli' eye: them, they afilast rise above theisurfacefef the water. The work being so far advanced, advantage is taken of the blocks above water, to form a road, by which other blocks are carried (gut and rolled into the sea, beyond those already placed; and these again in their turn serve, when they come to the Surface, to convey another succession 1 of bhiipks, until the foundation 0! the mole be carried out to the intended extent. When we take into consideration the inequalities of the bottom of the sea, where not covered 9““ 71” at ., a. , ,gby themmds , ,thaté .most rdeks 31131 stones V” tat; their weight, when immersetmn salt n’Qare finéequently more easrly moved about'fim {to filaeelty motion of the waters; also the great an breadt .i'iiwhich rude blocks of stone or rock will ,f ., _ they find a bed, either in the bottom = 10f the sea or on ,e» another: when all these things are } considered, the structure of93:eles«1and piers, in such seas, 11 must ap’fiear to be 11 enterprise of extreme difficulty and expenby. In such ‘seas, however, no other mode of con- foundgtiorh IS supposed to be sufficiently consolidated, and is raised above {the surface of the ,, ter, the mole rs com- pleted by dig/structure of hewn stonéifounded in the inter- sticesrrof the sunk blocks, adapted to the purposes of com- mercial and maratime affairs. ’ Of this construction are the ’ old and new models of Gibraltar, of Alieant, Tarragona and Barcelona, in Spain; of Sette arid Toulon, in France; of Genoa, Le rn, inita Vecehia, Naples, and Anchona, in Italy, &c The famous. antique mole at Pozzugli, in the bay of Naples, is constructed with piers and arches founded 1171.11 the seaZ andgig from its appearance called Caligula’s bridge, havihg beep, as is supposed, erected by that im- perial monster. On the same principles with the moles just deserrbed rseconstructed What is called the breakwater, in flieentt'ance of Plymouth haven; in England; in the view of ' abating tahe vroieiice'of the; waves and currents which have, on many occasions, proved most prejudicial to the fleets 1-,resorting‘t01that otherwrse admirable station for shipping of every sort. In the report laid before the British Parliament, ‘eoncerning this prgrligious enterprise, which was carried on at" the public expense, the engineers, Messrs. Rennie and Wliitby, (the former the engineer for the Strand bridge in London,) state that there are, properly speaking, three en- trances into Plymouth Sound or Haten, viz. one on the west side of the. bay, bounded by along cluster of small mcks, tilled Scott’s ground, and the depth is only from 3 to . 4 fithorris, (from 18 to 24 feet) at low water , and on the , east by the Knap and Panther, on which rs about the same depth of water This channel rs about 500 fatlronrs wide, andxthe general depth rs from o 1-2 to 6 tathoms at low Water. The middle channel rs bounded by the Kuap and Panther on the west, and by the Tinker and Shovel on the east, ' about 300 fathoms wide, and the general depth from 661-2 to 8 fathoms at low water. From this description it appears that a large part of the middle of Plymouth, Sound is shut up by the Shovel, and St. Carlos’ rocks; that is, as a channel for large'ships. Of course, works erected on those rocks would be no obstruc- iv y 1 ' ' 4. Wdfifl‘a p’ai’ssdge ”16‘5in ' deter were Mtflfitfid "an I . westward, so 63"! . ' sand the Pan 3 and also W‘de or nar :bdtlween- Sttrfla’rlos' 101mm Mm point, ti: ' then confined to a narrdlw sfié‘rthé eluéi '. "theiflef engweers, a double rent M be increased, and cenSeq' " . . , 1’3. dubhlniasshflif stoheWork leaving an intei'val . whereitpassedu dissented . ' 1 ""II I apiefior H 55511 eachmo Imasses aubt'ive, equal to theig diameter , breaknniter shouldme can , " in the Scum; airing ig‘i” .Idhig the mats - ann'e ir3w opposite to, and coverin the eastern end about 69 fith'I ‘ ' ast from St Eaflos‘sr als between, .taaasse’s' ‘the other row. By t (star- mid its weiihrn end abdu 1‘ athiims Weed-item ..' ement, while : ‘ ’6 16% 1h conjunctiom'formed a cum- «firmingin the whole a 1511gth of Wtho ”f thili teI bfitacle‘“9 he direct course df the wavgsifgthe tide pier 5001fathoms 1n the middle should :be'atra' 1‘. ' 5H would 1.1111116111121110 pass freely‘ between the at eachsend inclined anon angle of‘ 1% 11111111,», fibflgo’ht t’he' Wh6l5 extent of the akwater; fiondxi'rthis breakwatfi, another should. xteuil'efi frog f M301 5113‘ eveiiiifihall vessels might, in oderate Andéin point on thevsho‘fi, stewards theilbrme , of about ass through the intervals without danger. Not- 400 fathoms in length, ham: also a part'incPhIiedint an Irwfilista’ndiw they? dbfections and proposals, 'the sgdheme of equal angle. These inclin parts were torepehthe, anes I ‘ldessrs imRenriie and Whitby, all circumstances duly bal- Wch a manner £5) ern‘t them firmingaviole ' glitide‘d, was adopted by government, and ordered to be car- through the opening betwe'erréthe piers,1 and to sheiteqfifimed hito effect. On’ a plan much of the kind proposed Saund within, astifiibrmigfl'ty sail oflingfl' le ships- J ‘ifi Mr. Benham fias’ begun, in France before the revolu- ride at Wot“ 1n safh’tfiin‘éitll'windi and went! '1» and w . : ect for forming an artificial roadstead, or place ample room to work their way Out to set, by onesov' other 0 "a. 'dfitor’agi‘for ships of war, in front of Cherbourg, on the the channels, asthei'xlposition'and thesteflfiflfii 'gmorii'coafi‘ of Normandy. This place, situated in the render most conve’nien; 31,1 ‘ bdttoin of a'lide open bay, on a part of the coast project- These great wmhs were to figWstru'_," Min considerably into the British Channel, lies only about blocks of stone thrdwn at ram ' s - «,1. . 1311 miles south lion‘n the Isle of Wight, and therefgre ofi'ers of the intended breglrménvo ‘ ' 0st advantageous s ioh f atching fld’imotronfiof from a ton and athaif to‘tt 1’ a W 'Brfirsh fi'ébtsl’, moving and the chi!” ' l, or pro- sist the swell of the Sound, in; 'l f 91!. Agate the ceedtnggfihbr 'into the great place of rendezvous at Ports- water is 5 fathoms deep, the baserof% diam 731161111» »%outli tliead. Clie'i‘btrurg pessesses no natural qual. such ”S,11 ncreased action - 6 parts l5l'" ,as could 'dot ”die ’61“ I593 injuring ,according to (Ether local circumstances. M.r *in" the sea, 'H'dt In a line of di- 41 not be less than seven times ”at; depth,- w 705‘ y'fl'rds in ' breadth, and 10 yards broad fiat 'h'ei‘ghtmm fewgbdfe the". mea' mall rire falling into the Sea. Basids have level at low vigor er lordiuary spring tides.» The slope of fiema ,‘and lotiks constructed 1n lbrmer timeh, by this foundatibn on' the outer side next to’ the. sea, Ishoiild be gme film!“ fnfites and smaller v’essels 600“ be con- in the proportion of 3 yards horizontal ,‘fc’r use yard perpens Ifeme y‘fifdtectfid; age With Ipncéfimon "1"“th 1 and at di'euiar; but the slope on the inside next the sound, would ’a vet; moderate exp ' waqalot enough°lIbr an engi- require an inclination of only half that quantity, 61' 1' user in' FgInce t0 glVehpr genius grid Skill 111 his yafil horizontal for one yard perpgudjcmflyI TfiIIII‘IfI ." biofessmn 1m ptqdiff lug. til I. I it method of accomplishing l13.11am, described, (and now completed) various 1"sz -. any desifid objegi’ ' merit consisted in imenting Werearnfide; part'I ‘ fly by Mr: Bentham who had 5:55:91; to acmlis Object in the most ccondlu'ie'dl as ted Wiworksii " "heernes5, at We cunflux of the Th :1 i -: If?! lflgefllauwnner Byagiiing Itgis turn and therfledway, somewhat of- the same nature, but v, _, . " , #Q works 0 e highest 1wce to the cumstaheewincomparably more easy to manage, than 111 , Stateiauw‘ujmdlvidual's we're carried on, 171 it country, open StoflhWtrance at Plymouth Sound. He bbser'vhi {01: 81'lFifi Which Mine other co’untnes, “7001111)“. regarded that such‘ Wins thatlfiproposed by Messrs. Rennie and 1 - ' “all? 19,4119 P31” Tim.” ml Perseus char ed 1 Whitby, even supposing suflicient fti‘ecaution to have been Vltlfllia exzé’ilt'ihn orpubhc fit even those we call civil taken to premévsngifirjuryito the harbor during' 115 execu- 1 1%?“ emploied 1n ind condfi’udhon chharborsfi ,bridges, tied, dad that the‘fivflflewere coihpldféd in its greatest perJI" , {95%. 519:1 '9! 1111111th “89% egularly bredngnd feetion, would, nevertheless ,by opposing throughout its ex; "3 WED} lmeral" t?g,LIénjdy1Ig ridk and emolh- ' tent a complete interruption to the water, occasion such ed- meu‘t sufficient {015155811 station infiociety A“ insiance 0f 4% 1 5’ !’=‘* Ii ‘1 . ' 1. ‘ v of x. 1 , ' 1 . atrons lI'orI a: shipping tation, "being merely a tide harbor- . fl . “ti I28 3&5} ,%t '9'?" % 1,1,3; 'i a superior officer of the retro ,6 _ uspected accfpsed tried, and copyieted of ,1. 1. worlgsiwhlch he well knew to be uniig ces's ' prejudlclal that he might have an opp‘ortumty'g himself during their execution; or of conmvm say 1nvent1ng, endrmou'd" abuses add“ extrgyagafi? ture,’ in the management of the publre’ monifi's'x 1 ' 1 __( he might be suffered, by the plunderers un 1 him, quie "1 that a 121d, 4 ‘ a to amass his treasures; shou be proved to have st ped so false returns of the quantityg‘ cdals for his official business; an Instance of sd‘dli‘degradi linquency is unknown in the history of Frencglig‘d {as even to " ‘ ‘1' jurisprudggee. How far the same remark cg'nm‘liie‘apqge i lit to anoth country, the constant riyal and often the anehiy‘ of France, the records of the courts Which take. coghfiafid? of such offences aga nst duty, honors and ev3n Common honesty, will bear ample but hum111at1n0' testim'diiy. A Cherhourg possessed no outer harbor or read, such ’as Portsmouth possesses at Spithead, it became necessary or breakwaters of continued construction were thong 4‘1 but at last it was resolved to sink a long rangd’iof weeden truncated cones into the sea at certain distances asunder which being afterwards filled with massy blo3’ks of 5.0 would form a succession of solid, ime 'eable masses, iiif- ficient to break the violence of the external 11:11esa1id1.IE render the spgce within incompa'r i'vely more ,quiet apd': secure than 'it was in its natural ate. The cones were strongly compacted of oak, narrower above tK below and resembling a deep tub stan'dir'ig on its base thout bottom. By most mgemous'contrlygances the cones wer ‘ floated out to their destined situa ions, by m of empty casks made air tight, which We‘re afterWards detached,a “£11 " the f1 ame allowed to sink to the bottorii‘ T'he sidesii ‘ of sufli cient height to be always above Water, and when fil- led with stone, withstood the actibn of the tide and w'av'es. This great enterprise, the only thing of' the kind in the world, was naturally interrupted by the disordei's 03' the revo-"d , lution' 1n France, but was afterwards resu'nie'd, ”w thwareat activity; so that in future wars with France, Cher'bourg in become a most troublesome neiahbor to Britain 3"" " t 11'-.1 Sf;- I1 2 *3? _ 131133119? 2': ' 7&9, v . 15.1,...” IWOODEN tBRIDGESI - ., .. 1 '1. Besides stone, timber IS on many occasions employed to open a communication across a river; and 1n s'ome cases it has Greatly the advantage, as when the current is particu larly rapifi for there the posts or piles supporting the road, s a + I . - yfi, ' ' ’3 3&3 candles necessaryr '1. 336 ' 4 .: pigstone %ri'3g'es are quite unknown. ' pieces of timber reaching from each ba {'miiidi'dUally or‘ bilefiiiyety” lint :1 small When 211163111511): fési‘éfihts violénce, Mt “$6M” easrly be constfnctedfiin uch #111131on keep’ itsgfo'und.Hei1c‘£tis, laih‘d‘ but more 1'5 rticularly on fie, ".gssresyhr great rive-fix are compare-,1 iil’ie Rhone, for Instance which ,rising: SWitzerla‘n‘d, makes its way to the tier of engmeei? sea thii‘ough the dispenser France 'ridges of stone 311%? dft’e'n been dofi’st cte‘d‘mand! as often carried away by’m stfiam, so 111511 this-13111131, perhaps not more than tWoi’re'fiin The thne is,"vhov1?ever, the most rapid riv3l‘ flrfisize' In Europe 011 the Rhine, which, rising am“ i‘aifi‘frdih the sot rce o'f the‘eRlié‘na, takes an opposite course’through ‘Germany and Henge, into the German ocean, ”and is so m'uch less rapiH as its course is longer, But this is oving not only tp the great body of water it caries along, but also ' testhe relicy' fill" the different states along its banks, each ‘ unwilling that the opposite stat: should, by a standing to enclose a portion of the bay answer that purpose. Flew/gt bridge ofm Jury, ,posSess means of melting hostile attempts £31385 the" river?" At Sf‘rasburg for instance, a [Erge and prosperous city; 1 Alsace in France, seated on the west bank oithe Rhine cdtrfirgandin: by 113.101 ifications a much fre- 1 queiite'd prestige 01/61 the‘ river into: Germany, the bridge ’ was; sand perhaps 415,- “(firmed by ranges Of piles dri1en into the river, 11151111 spaceg to space“; to form the piers, support- inter raffligs and planks’for theiroad, kept in their place yan63eé‘1 boltsonti'een il’s ;‘.~so that with a few strokes of a hammer 61 11311111913111; planks 0011 ‘d be cast loose and ' gemoved’zan‘d all passage 'along the bridge effectually cut eff.'l"l1'e German end of the bridge was also guarded by works, to prevent the French from penetrating by that com- munication. g This 15 the bridge of Kehl, celebrated in e1 ery history of hostilities between France and Germany- ' fVarious are the methods employed in the construction of wooden‘bridges, governed principally by the extent of water they are‘to cross. trust to' the’ resistance ofbeams reaching from bank to bank for they ought to be trussed; that is, to be supported by -- k, near the water, obliquely towards the middle of the brida. '1 his contri- van'c‘b will add greatly to its strength, and pre1ent its bend- s ' i110 under passing loads.‘ One of the most important particulars to be considered, in wooden bridges, is the seasoning of the timber, It is wdl‘hhown, that- the d'eca1 of fir timber 15 generally owing to the moist, sappy nature of its exterior surface. This r'noisthre must be completely remo1ed before any paint or priming be applied, in the view of securing it from the Even in the narrowest it is impro; :er to weather. Ifleft in this natural state, this sap would, by the action of the wind and heat, be gradually carried off, and the fir beam become internally dry and solid; b ' the surface be powered wi aint, oil, pitch,‘ stances of this kind, the sap is confined and will0 ruptxthe timber, which will give way before its, without any external symptom of decay. .9, In 01.. . V sipate the moisture or sap of the surface, it is s9- the practise to scorch the timbers ovejsra fire tu n1ng it round regularly. The heat wjfltattract the moisture to the surface, and evaporate it, anflethe timber will acquire a hard crust, of great service in“ resisting the weathen; when this is done, the parts that are to be under watel’i’fipuld, be carefully covered with pitch and tar, sprinkledflfthsand and powdered shells. Those which are in sighfii'i‘js'hould’ while the wood is still,» hot from the fire,@ rubbed ’over with linseed oil, mixed with a little tar, which *will then strike deep into the wood, and, soon become so hard as to be fit to paint. Fir timber, thus prepared, is found to be nearly equal to oak in durabi‘ity. At Schafi'hausen, in the north part of Switzerland, was once to be seen awooden bridge over the Rhine, there very rapid, so the; no stene bridge codd resist it, admirable in its construction, and ’ being the production of a plain country carpenter. The builder was directed to avail himself of a part of one of the piers of the stone bridge still remaining in, its place, to support the intended structure, With this order he ap- parently complied, but so contrived matters, that, in the opinion of the best judges, his bridge actually consisted but of one immense arch of near four hundred- feet (the breadth.“ of the river,) having a part stooping down, as it were, to rest upon the pier in the water, but not, as'far as'cOuld be discovered actually resting on it. With very long fire beams, prepared for the purpose, extended at an angle of moderate elevation above the horizon, from both sides of the river, and in conjunction with intermediate timbers, meeting over the water, two arches were formed, being segments of large. circles, and resembling the circular frame of the centering of a stone bridge. These arches were placed parallel to one another, at a distance sufficient for the breadth of the mad; which was formed upon timbers suspended from the arches on each side, so as to be quite horizontal from end to end; and instead of going» over the supporting arches, was in fact let down between them. The whole was roofed over, . ,4 Il‘y'l‘RODUCTI'Oltii1 and enclosed at the sides, with windows at convenient di' ‘ tances, to defend the timber from the weather. This most ingenious and most useful piece of carpentry, which had gained the applause of all men of genius and skill, com- pletely answered, its destination, from 1740, when it was constructed, to 1799, when it was destroyed by the French. 8 IRON BRIDGES. a *1 «1* Bridgeyof W11 are the production of British ingenuity, Wsively' Iron beifg the great staple metal of the coun- tqgiihas onate been employed 1n many works where great sitrengie required 1n proportion to the weight of the mate- rive; fitted or cast iron, possesses several advantages stone or wood ; and these, in their turn, possess advan- tagps over cast iron. To stone, iron is superior in tenacity and sticity, and t e in strength, in facility of forma- tion.1n any desired shflpe, and in extent of the masses' in which it may formed; qualities all conducing to its supe- Mghtness and cheapness. To wood, iron is superior in t , Ric particulars, together with durability; but 1n this last Jrespect, stone has greatly the advantage over iron equally xposed to the weather, or other natural agents. :I‘he greater 1,durability of stone arises from' its being less liable to decomposition from the atmosphere; and from its being less elastic, and consequently less subject to friction among its component particles, in yielding to the load and motion of' carriages passing over it. Several ways may, hugger, be adopted, to remedy in a great degree, these defects of iron. Paint will prevent it from oxydation, or rusting, for’many years, and the application may, when necessary, be‘;epeated without much expense. Cast iron cariag‘és of garrison guns have, by various external appli- cations, been perfectly preserved for upwards of a century. The vibratory motion of an iron bridge may also be consid- kerably diminished by the Sihanper;of placing and connect- ing the bars of which it consists“ so that each bar shall act as neany as possible at right angles, against another, arfi be at the same time so short, as not to be in danger of beihg bent or: gushed by‘the pressure against its length. The reatest Objection in lhis respect to cast iron is this, that (i apcount of the‘lmperceptible differences 1n the purity and dther qualities of the metal, it‘is impossible to cast two bars or blocks even in the same mould, which shall shrink perfectly and equally limcooling, and consequently be of precisely the same dimmijqns when employed 111 the work. When such piéces come to be joined together, there— fore, some empty space‘nust necessarily exist among them, which, is a large work, where many pieces are employed, must produce a very sensible Nay 1n the joinings and con- sequently great vibration or reciprocal motion, iif the whole structure. This inaccuracy of the joinings may, it is true, he in some measure corrected, by inserting pieces of sheet lead in the Joinings; but this metal possesses by far too little cohesion of parts, and too little elasticity to be of use for any length of time. In order to prevent the evils aris- ing from these defects of cast iron it has been proposed to fill up the vacant spaces, left between the iron framing, ’I '3 3' 1 i with semi? compact "cheap materials, such as brick now with tl1e'con1position Called Roman or Park's cé‘t‘tten’t‘,‘ or Pozzolano, or terras, which would readilwand intimately combine with the 1ron;thus defending it frtfin the aétioptof the atmosphere. The interstices between t& bars'b g " thus also filled up by a consolidated subst5‘n the play, friction, and vibratory motion of the bridge, 1116:? greatly diminished. Lightnes being, however :11 mos’i des le prOperty, it has also been proposed to form hollow s sohély for this purpose, which, being atfikfully and thoroughly baked or even semi- witrifié‘d on theasurface,11ould be 00f against the effects of the atmosphere. 1In many arts, bricks are still seen in remains of Roman buildings, fifteen or sixteen hundred years old in perfect preservation, @ile the stews, with Much the bricks are built up in altfinate layers, are often greatly decayed, unless when enveloped in the admirably’constituted mortar of those days. on may be used for bridges, either on the principle of equilibration: as stone is employed, or 011 that of connection, by framing, as w=10d is sometimes employed, in bridges, but generally in roofing houses. For bridges of considerable dimensions, the former is, by many judges, esteemed the best modg'j but 93 the cheapest. As iron bars, rods, or blocks, my be firmly for small bridges, the latter mode will probably be fonn 1 connected together by bolts, or other n1eans,1'ar1 {iron arch may be constructed much flatter; that is ,"in”'tl1e segmfiht of a much greater circle, than it it were 42f stone; an ad- vantage of 1ery great importance in certain positions, where arches of great‘ span! arerrequiredp T he first iron b1idge, of any note constructed in England, was that of Colebrookdale 1n Shropshire. It consists of fifle ribs, each of three concentric arches, bound together by pieces inthe " direction of a radii of the circleXfiThe interior arch fontns a semicircle; but the others iiehch only to‘ sills under the road way. These arcs pass through an, uprightffrififlie ,of iron at each end serving as a guide; and the smallrspace in the haunches, between the frames and outer arc, is filled up with a large iron ring Q11 the ribs are laid cast iron plates to support the road. The span, or opening of the arch is 100 f'etS inches, and the height from the base line to the centre is 40 feet. '1 he read along the bridue is '24 feet broad, formed on a bed of clay and non slag ,(the ref- use from the furnace where, 'iron ore is sn1elteda)a‘foot in depth. Another bridge of the same material was afterwards erected over the mouth of the river Were, forming the har- bor of Sunderland, a great coal port in the county of Dur- ham. The peculiar construction of this bridge, consist- ed in applying iron, or other metallic substance or com- pound, to form arches on the same principle with stone arches, by a subdivision into blocks easily portable, an- {‘- Iia'rrtonuc'rion. ,. g ' V I .. .1 swering to fiieflieysstones of a common arch, which, being made to b i one another, will have all the firmness of 5 fit the same time, by the great open spaces the blocks and their respective lateral distances, Liecomes materially lighter than if it were of . andfi the tenacity of the metal, the parts ‘ alntimately pensz we calcu of the size and weight ofthe stones composing the are 1 becomes of but little importance. ' This 1 bridge is in span 236 feet, and as the stones, from 11 hich “the arch springs on 31h side project 2 feet, the whole 'fs ‘240 feet. The arch is a segment of a circle tradius, and the height from the chord to the top '65 this}: arch IS 34 feet: but the whole height of the middle 'of the arch, above the surface of the ri1er at low 11 ater, is about 100 feet, so thaf'ships can pass under it. A cries of 105 blocks from one rib, and six of such ribscor'npose the width of the bridge. 7"I‘l1e vacant spaces bet'fireen tile arch and the road [are filled up by cast iron ”circles, which touch the outer circumference of the arch, an? als‘os port the road, gradually diminishing from the abutments towards thecentre of the bridge. Di gonal iron bars are laid 011 the top of the ribs ,reaching‘to the abut- merits, to keepzthc ribs from twisting. The superstructure is a strong f1'11ne5f timber, planked o1er to support the car- i'riage road, composed of marble, limestone and gra1tl,11ith a cement of tar aiid‘cha'lk laid en the planks 111 order to pre- Nerve them. The whole width ofthe bridge 1s '32 feet. The abutments are masses almost of solid masonry, 94 feet in ’thicirness, 42 111 breadth at the bettom and 37 at the top. The weight ofthe iron in the whole work 15 ‘26:) tons, of which 214 are cast, and 4' 11 rought iron. The expense of the whole, foi'ty years ago, 11:15 27,000/, or $119 ,8‘0 The Waterloo ridge, met the Thames, will be illustrated by a plateifm that p1i1pose. :1 ’ ’ BRIDGES IN BOSTON. Some ofthe most striking objects which attract the notice of strangers 011 visiting Boston, Mass. are the bridges which lead from its various points. Although. we cannot boast of so grand superstructures as the ancient city of London, we nevertheless have a greater number of those convenient fivenues. Except Cragie’s and the \Varren Bridges, whose carriage ways are covered with earth, the others with plank, they are very similar. The Western Avenue is a splendid mill dam, built of solid materials. “’arren Bridge was built in 1828. All these bridges are well lighted by lamps, when the evenings are dark, and the lights, placed at regular dis- tances, have a splendid and romantic appearance. onnCCted, that the delicate but indis-' Woman—1.... . 91111119121111!va WESTERN AVENUE. 3' ,, This splendid work was projected by eriah , who, with others associaté31, received an act of, ' 3:31; ‘ tion, June, 1814,, under the title of“ The Boston : bury Mill Corporation} "It was commenced 1n _ _ Mr. Cotting’s direction, but lie did not live to . 'tgesgits completion. His place was suppliedb Col. L W i'B‘5ld- win, and the road was opened fof passgffgers, 1:11 2,1821. This avenue, or Mill Dam, leads from Beacon-swtreet 1n Bos- ton, to Sewall’ 5 Point 1n Brookline, and is composed of solid materials, water-tight, with a gra1elled‘su1 face raised three or four feet above high-water mark. It ;s one. Q and a half in length, and a part of the way 100 f ingwidth. The water, which 13 admitted, is rendered subservient and manageable. Very extensive mill privileges are gained by the aid of a cross dam, running from the principal one to a point of land in Roxburynwhich divides the r‘escrvoir or' full basin on the west, from the running or empty basin on the east. There are five pair of flood-gates in the long dam, grooved in massy piers of hewn stone: each pair moves I from their opposite pivots towards the centre of the aperture, on a hoflzontal platform of stone, until they close 1n an ob~ tuse angle, on a projected line cut on the platform, from the pivots in the piers to the centre of the space, with theii an- gular points towards the open or uninclosed part of the bay, to shut against the flow of tide, and prevent the passage of water into the empty basin. In this manner, all the water is kept out from this basin, except what is necessary to pass from the full basin, through the cross dam, to keep the mill works in operation. The reservoir is kept full by means of similar flood-gates, opening into the full basin, (when the rising of the tide gets ascendancy over the water in the reservoir,) and fills at every flow, and closes again on the receding ofthe tide. In this way, at every high tide, the reservoir is filled, and a continual supply of water to pass through sluice-ways in the cross dam, sufficient to keep in motion, at all times, at least 100 mills and factories, is obtained. At low water the flood-gates of the receiving ba- sin open and discharge the water received from the reser- voir. WARREN BRIDGE. The cohstruction of this Bridge was commenced in June, a a, g .31 ‘. 531828; and was completed ,in November following, under the superintendence of Joshua Burr, Esq. of Charlestown, Mass. It is ope of the most perfect and elegant works of its kind in the Confilonwealth53 perhaps we might, with ~strict pgopriety, say in the United States. It is certainly 'of tr‘r’k‘el‘i It opens on the Charlestown side, about ten rods above (West) Charles’ River Bridge, and, running in a southerly direction, terminates on the westerly part of the Mill Pond Land,- (so called) 1n Boston, just east the Mffidlesex Canal. 1t 1s the most direct, and the shortest communication between Boston and Charlestowm 3, ,. The Bridge is supported by 75 piers, placed at equal distances of 18 feet. It 15 1390 feet in length, and 44 in wrflth: allowing 30 feet for the carriage-way, angon either side, handsomely railed,‘ for foot passengers. The floor of the bridge 15 composed of hewn hemlock timber, about 14 inches deep; the apertures between which are well I chinked with small pieces of stone : the whole covered with 6 inches of tempered clay. On this is spread 8 inches of i coarse gravel, covered with 8 inches of McAdamized stone. i The sides of the carriage- way are secured by edge-stones, 1% inches deep and 9 thick. The floor- timbers are placed lower than those of other B1idges, in order that they may be occasionally wet by the high tides, which, it is thought, will» tend to their preservation. That teams pass over this Bridge with great ease, is sufficiently demonstrated by the fact that a single yoke of oxen has been known to convey 16 1-2 tons, at one timg. from the draw into Charlestown, without any unusual effort. The draw, in the centre of the Bridge, is of sufficient ' width to admit vessels of 300 tons. It has wharves on each side, built on piers, which are planked from the capsil to low-water mark, for the more safe and easy passage of ves- sels, Its conveniences, in this particular, are in strict agreement with the general excellence of the whole struc- ture. TOWN’S IMPROVED BRIDGES. A minute and accurate‘ilescription of Town’s improve- ment in the construction‘of Wooden and Iron Bridges, is given in a succeeding‘part of this work. We commend the article to the learner as being particularly worthy of his serious and attentive consideration. K » not eXceeded by any other in point of durability and ease . , Plate 21 22 . Q3, Q4 25 . 96 to 30 31 to 35 36 to 88 39 to 4‘2. 43 44 . 45 to 48 49 to 55 DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER To face Page FOR PLACING 34 36 37 40 4Q. 43 44 46 47 48 50 5Q 55 58 60 65 69 70 71 73 74 75 79 80 83 84 92 93 94 95 96 97 THE PLATES. Plate 56, 57 58, 59 . 60 61 6‘2 63 64 65 66 67 68 69, 7o 71, 79 73, 74 75 76 to 79 80 81 8‘2 83, 84 85 86 87 88, 89 90, 91 99, 99 94, 95 96 97 98 99 100 To f'ace Page 98 99 100 101 103 104 107 112 113 114 116 117 118 120 1'32 123 1'34 1117 1'28 129 133 134 136 137 138 144 145 146 1-17 153 174 177 branch of mechanical science. of objects. By it stdne-cutters, carpenters, ship-builders, dimensions admit of a rigorous definition. That a knowledge of geometry is essential to the greater part of our practical mechanics, does not admit of a doubt; yet they have too ‘ ’ generally regarded the subject with a degree of indifference; as though the ends I I. and much more easily attained by other means. This erroneous notion, however, and perhaps more attention is paid to the subject at the present time, by operative [THE System of Geometry here introduced, is as concise and sim PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. ' . I} gags,“ v I 5 Descriptive Geometry is employed to communicate a knowledge of different objects. It furnishes the means of constructing geog 5 charts, plans of buildings and machines, architectural designs, sun dials, &c. . &c. find the dimensions of the works which they execute, inasmuch as t, sag, of the science. Many attempts have been made to simplify the study, many instances, these attempts have been partially successful; ‘ DEFINITIONS. :4 - . j PLATE 1. 1. GEOiIETRr'is' that Science 'which treats‘vof the descriptions and properties of magnitudes. in general. ' , 2. A point has neither parts nor magnitude, as A. 1‘3:- 3. A line is length,“‘\iiithout breadth 0r thickneSs, as B. k 4. Superficies has lengthand breadthfonly. 5. A solid is a‘figdre’ of three "dimensicns, havihg ‘ , ,jixextremities of solids, and lines the extremities diffstirfaces, T '3,an points the extremities of lines,._ 9;; ‘6 1 , 6. Lines are either right, cirrve'dji‘or 'm‘iix’edf' as ’7. ”A right or straight line-lies in' the same}: I between‘its extremities, and is the shorte’s‘hdistf?‘ o tween two points. . 1 w . length, breadth and thickness; ' Herreefisurifiacesi’are the ~ but the student will bear in mind the memorable reply of Euclid,—~ ‘ there is no royal road to geometry.’ There is no turnpike, though there are'some cross-roads; but we doubt not that he who travels the old road, which has been so often proved'to be good, and over which so many have travelled when it is accomplished, as he who arrives at the end by a shorter route. . . . the generality of mechanics are displeased at the sight of a geometrical theorem. If so, ‘t’hem that no study can be better calculated to awaken the dormant facultiesof the mind, and toforcc them into action] ', ple as is compatible witha pmper understanding: ,@ its extreme points, as F. . and will never meet, ' and'D. ’ - ' ‘ ‘ “ " , one another, meeting in a point, as 'J .1 A . 5 . w”. -‘ t, . ‘ 16. Arzght anglers that wlnclii‘s-‘madc'b‘y one _ ’ perpendicular to another, or when the 'angles‘bn catch 1; 5: ' .9 " -- 5' Var; ' c Iv IL A R c H I T E \C TU R E .' _ , $5.“ . 3’31" ‘1 Vs '1 . It is used likewise to describe the forms and relative po "tr proposed to be accomplished by it, could be as accurately, is fast giving way to the force of truth and demonstrati’orrir;4‘;$ mechanics, than at arntydprevioustperipd since the discovery ‘3 5 and to render the acquisition of it more easy to the learner. In. ’ before him, will be as well pleased with his 51mm It has been said, but we trust with more severity than truth, till?” a very little attention to the subject will satisfy 8. A curve continually changes its directions between“ 7;: . Z, . I , j '"i perpendicular, :“t‘é‘ V ' ’ "I ’ j; . *9. Lines areeither parallel, oblique, tangential. 10. Parallel lines are alwa‘ysi’at the 'sitaine distant."x though exert Sq far ‘sp11sodruccd,vas"1@ .‘,.A,¢« ’h 11. Obliqueirighl "line‘s; 1b the same plane, chariifrgéw‘ _' their distance,‘anéliwou’ld meet, if prodiitgtgjirlg as I. i ' I 12 One line is perpendicular to‘anfidyééfi‘?‘ clin'esL noimorief tobnc side than another, as‘H Vi: 113. One line is tangent to another, when-1t 1i it with-but cutting, when both are produced, as .G. 14. An tangle is the inclination of/ttwo lines to? ' 3.32 £14.. ‘ "1'5. Angles are either right, acute, Or obliq‘nealais? are equal, as M. ' ”i 3‘ ‘ 84 17. An acute angle is less than a right angle, as N, 2. 18 An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle, as N 19'. Superficies are either plane or curved. 20 A plane, or plane surface, is that to which a Q. , right line will every way coincide; but if not, it is urved 21‘.‘ Plane figures are bounded either by right lines 01 curves. . . 22. Plane figures, bounded by iight lines, have names acCording to the number of their sides, 'or angles, for they have as many sides as angles—the least numbe1 is thlee. 23. An equilater al triangle 1s that whose three sides a1e equal, as O. 24. An isosceles triangle has only two sides equal, as P. ' ~.25 A scalene triangle has all its sides unequal, as Q or U. 26. A right angled triangle has one right angle, as R. . 27. Other triangles are oblique angled, and are either obtuse or acute. ‘ 28. An acute angled triangle has all its angles acute, ‘as S or T. 29. An obtuse angled triangle has one obtuse angle, as U. 30. A figure of four sides and angles, is called a quad- rangle, or quadrilateral, as V, W, X, Y, Z, 66. 31. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral, which has both pairs of its opposite sides parallel, as V, W, X, Y, and takes the following particular names. 32. A rectangle is a parallelogram, having all its angles right ones, as V and W. 33. A square is an equilateral rectangle, having all its sides equal, and all its angles right ones, as W. q 34. A rhombus is an equilateral parallelogram, whose angles are oblique, as X. ' ' 35. A rhomboid is an oblique angled parallelogram, as Y. 36. A trapezium is a quadrilateral, which has neither pair of its sides parallel, as Z. 37. A trapezoid has only one pair of its opposite Sl(l( s parallel, as (36. 38. Plane figures, having more than fou1 sides, me in general called polygons, and receive other particular names, accouling to the number of their sides or an- gles. ’39. A pentagon is a polygon of five sides, a hexagon has six sides, a lieptagon seven, an octagon eight, 3. non- PRACTICAL GEOMETRY agon nine, a decagon ten, an undecagon eleven, and a dodecagon twelve sides. 40. A regular polygon has all its sides and angles equal; and iffthey are not equal, the polygon is irregu- lar. ‘ , , ' , - 41. An equilateral triangle is also a regular figure of three sides, and a square is one of four; the former being called a trigon, and the latter a tetragon. - PLATE 2. 42. A circle is a plane figure, bounded by a curve line, called the circumference, which is everywhe1e equi- distant from a certain point within, called its centre. 43. The radius of a circle 13 a right line drawn f1om the centre to the circumference, a b, at A. '44. A diameter of a circle is a right line drawn through the centre, terminating on both sides of the circumference, as c d, at B. 45. An arc of a circle is any part of the circum- ference. 46. A chord is a right line joining the extremities of an arc, as a b, at C. 47. A segment is any part of a circle, bounded by an arc and its chord, as D. 48. A semi-circle is half the circle, or a. segment cut 011' by the diameter, as E. 49. A sector is any part of a circle bounded by an arc and two radii, drawn to its extremities, as F. 50. A quadrant, or quarter of a circle, is a sector, having a quarter of the circumference for its arc, and the two radii are perpendicular to each other, as G. 51. The height or altitude of any figure, is a perpen- dicular let fall from an angle, or its vertex, to the oppo- site side, called the base, as a b, at H. 52. When an angle is denoted by three letters, the middle one is the place of the angle, and the other two denote the sides containing that angle; thus, let a b c be the angle at I, then b will be the angular point, and a b, and b c, will be the two sides containing that angle. 53. The measure of any right lined angle, is an arc of any circle contained between the two lines which form the angle, the angular point being in the centre, as K. Thus if the arc b c d be double of the arc b c, then the angle b a d will be double that of b a c. ] ’Z/I/fl / . C \V ‘7‘ . . l/p/l /I{/// III . 1— -. . W- PROBLEMS. 0 a. PLATE- PROBLEM I. ’ '10 bisect a given line, A B. 1 From the points A and B, as centres, with any distance greater than half A B, describe arcs cutting each other 1n 0 and d. 2. D1aw the line 6’ d, and the point E, where it cuts A B, will be the middle of the line required. w. “; ‘- ma,- PROBLEM 11. Erom a given point, C, in a given right line, A B, to erect a perpendicular. 1"“ Frc 1.‘ When the point is new: the middle of the line. ”1,. On each side of the point C take any two equal ‘ d‘isfiféhces C d and C e. I 2. From d and 9, with any radius greater than C d, or («1,218 describe two a1cs cutting each other inf. " BHTIHOUOh the pointst, draw the linefC, and it ill be the perpendiculai 1equired. 1G. 2. 1Vhen the point is at, or near the and of the li7‘ie. 11,. Take any point d above the line, and with the ra- ,dius‘ or distance d C, describe the arc e Cf, cutting A B 'in e and C. ., ‘ 2'. Through the centre (1 in the point e, draw the 1. iline e (If, [cutting the, arc e Cf, inf. I 's3.'Through the points f C, draw the line f C, and it 'iLbc the perpendiculai‘ required. BROBLEM 111. . .3 :om a given point, C, out of a gW’e A B, to let fall a. perpendmular PRACTICAL 9 GEOMETRY. 35 PROBLEM IV. At a given point, D, upon the right line, D E, , 1.3 make an angle equal to a given angle,ea B b. 1. From the point B, with any radius, describe the are a b, cutting the. legs B a, B b, in the points a and b. 2. Draw the line D e, and from the point. D, with the; same radius as before, describe the arc e f, cutting D E 1n e. 3. Take the distance I) a, antltIflpply it to the are e f, from e to f 4. Through the poii'n’iB Dfdrawv the 1% , ' angle e D f will be equal to the angle “I required. ' .1". 11;; p 1 PROBLEM V. . . . . , . TM '10 dlvlde a given :angle, A B C, into two equal, . , 7 , 3 angles. 1. From the point B, With any radius, describe the ‘ are A C. 2. I‘1orn A and C, with the same or any other radlus describe arcs cutting each other in d. 3"" 3. D1aw the line B d, and it will bisect the angle A B C, as was required. .TI‘ PROBLEM VI. 'Ito ‘To trisect or divide a right- angle, A B C 1 three equal angles. 1. . 1. From the point« B, with my radius B A, describe! _ 1 the me A C, cutting the legs B A, and B C, in A ’ and C. “it. i 2. From the pomt 3A .{andf‘ J, with the :radius A 3719;“; B C, CIOSS the are A C, in d and e. ’ 3. T hrough the points e d, draw the lines B e, B 11',» > and they will trisect the angle, as was required-J’- t PROBLEM VII. ‘i 'to a glven l1ne, A B." I.“ n 1. Take any point; d,,1sn A B, uporqu and C distance C 11, describe tw a,rcs e C and df,c line A B, in e and d.’ ' ' ’53,“ 2 Make elf equal to e C; th1ough C andf, f, which will be the line required. " I \ FIG. 2 When t/te parallelis to be at agiven distance, ' CD,fromAB ‘ _ 1. F10111 any t1110 po1nts c and d, in the line A B, with a radius equal to C D describe the arcs e and f.. , 2. Draw the line C B, to. touch those arcs WithOUt cutting them, and it will be pa1allél to A B, as was re- quired. . PROBLEM V III To divide a given line, A B, into any proposed ~number of equal pairs. 1. From A, one end of the line, draw Ac, making any. angle with AB ;-}and from B, the other end, draw B d, making the angle A B d equal to B A c. 2. In each. of the lines Ac, and B at, beginning at A and‘ B, set 011“ as many equal parts, of any. length, as A B is to be divided into. 3 Join the points A 5,1 4, 2 3, &.c., and A B will be divided as was required. PROBLEM IX. To find the centre of a'vgivenwcircle, or one already described. 1. Draw any chord A B, and bisect it with the per- pendicula1 C D. 2. BisectC D with the diametei Elf, and the inter- section 0 will be the centre 1equi1ed. PROBLEM X. ‘To draw a tangent to a given circle, that shall pass through a given point, A. 1. From the centre 0, draw the radius 0 A, 2. Through the point A, draw D E perpendicular to O A, and it will be the tangent required. PROBLEM XI. To draw a tangent to a circle, or any segment of a circle, A B C, through a given point, B, Without making use of the centre of the circle. 1. Take any two equal divisions upon the circle, , I. from theg e11 point B, towards d and e, draw the ’ ' chord 6 Bl: M 2. UponskB as a centre, with the distance B d, de- scribe the arc,f d g, Cutting the chord e B inf. 3. Make d g equal to df, through g draw g B, and it will be the tangent required. ' PROBLEM XII. A circle, A B C, being given, and a tangent D H, to that circle, to find the point of contact. ‘1. Take any point‘e, in the tangent D H ; from 6, to thé’ centre of the circle G, draw e G. 2. Bisect e G in f, and with the radius f e, orfG, describe the semi—circle e C G, cutting the tangent. and the circle in C ; it will be. the point required. PROBLEM XIII. Given three points, A, B, C, not in a straight line, to find a number of points lying between them, so that they shall all be in the circum- ference of a circle, Without drawing any part of thecircle, or finding the centre. 1. From A, through B and C, draw A B and Af. 2. On A, as a centre, with any radius Af, describe an arcfe ()3, cutting A B in d, and A C inf. 3. Bisect arc df in 8; through 8 draw A e h. 4. Join C B, bisect it in g, draw g It perpendicular, cutting A e I), at It, then It will also be in the same cir- cumference with A, C, B. In the same manner may a point be found between C It, and II. B. PROBLEM XIV. Given three points, A, B, C, not in a right line, to find another point without these points, so that the four points shall all be in the circum- ference of a circle, without drawing any part of the circle, or finding the centre. 1. Draw A e and A C, from A, through B and C. 2. On A, as a centre, with any radius A e, draw the arc efg, cutting A B in e, and A C inf. 3. Make f g equal to f e, through A and g draw A g indefinitely towards d. 4. Upon C, with the distance C B, cross the line A g at cl ; it will be the point required. ”‘11“... 4.111‘1' : .5. '- WI)”. dame}: .n’nzn 1 TL.) 1,41.“ou azflmf mas-r ~ ~ "Nu-Am 1.1.21». , - ' nil“, .- ..-«~..; . . . . . . . 1.. ,v. If a fif‘h P"int 01‘ any otliér nufiiber of Points‘ariéiré‘ ' ' . ‘ , n ,. .2. 31}: quired, the process Will be thegsame. ,, . ...u'p,e;a-:'“‘.,3 . , .. «3"; fl - V ,‘ ‘1 a». at» P L A T E 3 . PROBLEM xv. ,Wm Givenrthree points, A B C, not in a straight line, to draw a circle through‘them. 1. Bisect the lines A B, and B C, by the perpendic- ulars, meeting at d. 2. Upon d, with the distance d A, d B, or d C, de- ‘scribe A B C; it will be the circle required. PROBLEM XVI. To describe the segment of a circle to any length, A B, and breath, C D. l. Bisect A B, by the perpendicular D g, cutting A B, in C. 2. From 0, make c D on the perpendicular equal tot C D. 3. Bisect A D, by a perpendicular e f, cutting D g in g. 4. Upon g, the centre, describe A D B; it will be the I‘ segment requrred. PROBLEM XVII. To describe the segment of a circle, by means of two rules, to any length, A B, and per- pendicular height, C D, in the middle of A B, without making use of the centre. It will be most convenient for practice to make the rules C E and C F, each equal to A B, as room is some- times wanted. 1. Place the rules to the height at C, bring the edges close to A and B, lack them together at C, and fix a rod across to keep them tight. 2. Put in pins at A and B, then move your rules round these pins, hold a pencil to the angular point at C; it will describe the segment required. 10 ‘ '7 it Farthing-getadfipMETIt‘fi-r " m; . “ya? . q”. . " M, ,. " ‘ RIG. 2. By. means of a triangle. Let A B be the length of the segment, and C D the perpendicular height in the middle. ' 1: Tlirough the points D arid B, draw D B. 2. Draw, D E parallel to A B for conveniency; make D E equal to D B, and join E B. i 3. ' Make atriangle, E, D, B, put ‘in pins‘jat the points A, D, B, then move your triangle round the points D and'B, and the angular point will describe half, the segment; the other half will be described in the same manner, which will complete the whole segment, as was required. FIG. 3. Anotfier Method, by means of points. Let A B be the length, and C D, bisecting A B, the perpendicular height. 1. Through D, draw G H parallel to A B. ' 2. Draw D B, the half chord. . 3. From B, make B H perpendicular to D B, cutting G H in H, and make D G equal to D H. 4. Draw A F and B E, each perpendicular to A B, cutting G H in‘F and E. 5. Divide D G,D H; C A, CB; and AF,BE, each into a like‘ number of equal parts, as five. 6. Draw the cross lines, 4 4, 3 3, 2 2, 1 1, &.c. 7. From the division, on A F, and B E, draw lines to D, cutting the other cross lines at d, e, f, g, 650. ‘ 8. Put pins in these points, bend a slip round them, and draw the curve by it, which will be the segment re- quired. " FIG. 4. Another Method, by points nearly true, when the Segment 2's veryflat. Let A B be the length, and C D, bisecting A B, the perpendicular height. 1. Draw A E, and B F, perpendicular to A B, each equal to C D. 2. Divide C B, and C A, each into the same number of equal parts, as five. 3. From the points, 4, 3, 2, 1, 660., on A B, draw the perpendicular 4 4, 3 3, 2 2, 1 1, 650., to A B. 4. Divide A F and B E into five equal parts each. 5. Draw lines from the points, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, at each 38 PRACTICAL end, to D, and complete the segment in the same man- ner as fig. 3. PROBLEM XVIII. To describe a circle Within a given triangle, so that A B C will be tangical. 1. Take equal distances on A C, from A, also of C B, from C ; intersect toward D. 2. Draw lines E D, from A and C, through the in- tersection E and D; from E let fall a perpendicular, which will be the radius of the circle required. PROBLEM XIX. In a given square, A B C D, to inscribe a regu- lar Octagon. 1. Draw the diagonals A C, and B D, intersecting at e. 2. Upon the points A, B, C, D, as centres, with a ra- dius e C, describe arcs It 8 l, k e n, m e g,f e i. 3. Join f n, m l, k i, [L g ; it will be the octagon re- quired. PROBLEM XX. In a given circle to inscribe an equilateral Tri- angle, an Hexagon, or a Dodecagon. FOR THE EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE. 1. Upon any point A, in the circumference, with the radius A G, describe the arc B G F. 2. Draw B F, make B D equal to B F. 3. Join D F, and B D F will be the equilateral tri~ angle required. ' FOR. THE HEXAGON. Carry the radius A G, six times round the circum- ference, the figure A B C D E F, will be the hexagon. FOR THE DODECAGON. Bisect the are A B in It, and A It being carried twelve times round the circumference, will also form the do- decagon. I GEOMETRY. PROBLEM XXI. I In a given circle to inscribe a Square or an Oc— tagon. 1. Draw the diameters A C and B D, at right an- gles. 2. Join A B, B C, C D, D A, and A B C D will be the square. FOR THE OCTAGON. Bisect the are A B in E, and A E being carried eight times round, will also form the octagon. PROBLEM XXII. In a given circle to inscribe a Pentagon or a Decagon. FOR A PENTAGON. 1. Draw the diameters A C and B D, at right angles. . 2. Bisect B C inf, uponf; with the distance f D, describe the are D g upon D; with the distance D g, describe the arc g H, cutting the circle in H. 3. Join D H, and carry it round the circle five times, which will form the pentagon. FOR THE DECAGON. . Bisect the are D H in 2', and D i being carried ten times round, will also form the decagon. PROBLEM XXIII. In a given circle to inscribe airy regular Poly- gen. 1. Draw the diameter A B, from E the centre ; erect the perpendicular E F C, cutting the circle at F. 2. Divide E F into four equal parts, and set three parts from F to C. 3. Divide the diameter A B, into as many equal parts as the polygon is required to have sides. 4. From C, through the second division in the diam- eter, draw C D. 5. Join A D, it will be the side of the polygon re- quired. M . . ‘ [’1 .3. ‘\ ‘ - XVI . XX”. ‘1‘ XXIII . (1' XXIV. n XXV. . XXV]. [7:42. i22/.3. XXVII. PRA01111;:§,:L PROBLEM XXIV 7 - - ‘ 11.. Upon a given line, A B, to describe an equrlat- era] triangle. 3: 1. Upon the points Aafi‘d B, with a radius equal to A B, describe arcs cutting each other at C. 2. Draw A C and B C; it will be the triangle re- quired. 1 3‘ iv PROBLEM XXV. Upon a given line, A B, to describe a square. 1. Upon A and B, as centres, with a radius A B, desciibe two arcs, A e C, B e D, cutting each other at e. 2. Bisect A e atf; from 8 make 3 D and e C equal to cf. 3. Join A D, D C, C B, and it will be the square required. PROBLEM XXVI. Upon a given line, A B, to construct any regular polygon. 1. Upon A and B, as centres, with a radius A B, de- scribe two arcs intersecting each other at F. . 2. From B, draw B C perpendicular, and divide the are A G into as many equal parts as the polygon is to have sides. 3. Through the second division D, draw B G, make F E equal to F D, and through E, draw A G, meeting B G at G, then G will be the centre, and G A the radirrs ofa circle, that will contain A B to any number of sides required. PROBLEM XXVII. To make a triangle, Whose three sides shall be equal to three given lines, D, E, F, if any two are greater than the third. 1. Draw A B equal to the line D. 2 Upon B, with the length of E, describe an are I at C. 3. Upon B, with the length F, describe another are, intersecting the former at C. 4. Draw A C and C B, and A B C will be the triangle required. TEG‘EOMEERi. ~ - - 39 PROBLEM XXVIII. To make a trapezium equal and Similar to a giv- ‘ en trapezium, A" B Cif D 1. Divide the given trapezium A B C D, into two triangles, by a diagonal, A C.’ 2. Make E F equal to A B upon E F construct the to the triangle A B triangle E G H, whose two sides E H, and G H, are respectively equal to A D and C D, then E F G H will be the trapezium required. In the same manner may any irregular polygon be dividing the given polygon into triangles, and construct- ing rhea triangles in the same manner in the required polygon, as is shown by figures. PROBLEM XXIX. T 0 make a triangle equal to a given trapezium, ABCD. 1. Draw the diagonal B D, make C E par allel to it, meeting the side A B, produced in E. 1 2. Join D E, and A D E will be the triangle. PROBLEM xxx. 3 To make a triangle equal to a given right- -lined figure, A B C D E. 1. P1oduce the side A B both ways at pleasure. 2. Draw the diagonals A D and B D, and make E F and G H parallel to them. 3. Join D F, D G, then D F G will be the triangle required. Much after the same manner may any other right- lined figure be reduced to a triangle. 1' 1 PROBLEM XXXI. To reduce a triangle, A B C, to a rectangle. 1. Bisect the altitude C G 1n D, throughD (Dlr'aw E F parallel to A B. triangle E F, whose three sides will be respectively. equal .11 rade equal and similar to a given irregular polygon, by _ as}. 3. Upon E G, which is' equal to A 0, construct the A a 40. 2. From B draw B F perpendicular to A B, through ._,\ A draW A E parallel to B F, then A B F E will be the g rectangle required PROBLEM XXXII. To make a rectangle, having a side equal to a given line, A. B, and equal to a given rectangle, CDEFV 1 Produce the sides of the rectangle C F D E, F E, and C D 2. Make E G equal to A B, through G draw L H parallel to F E, cutting C F produced at L. 3. Draw the diagonal L E, and produce it till it cut C D at K. 4. Draw K H parallel to E G, then will E I H G be the rectangle required. PROBLEM XXXIII. To make a square equal to a given rectangle, A B C D. 1. Produce the side A B, make B E equal to B o. 2. Bisect A E in I, on I, as the centre, with the radius I E or I A, describe the semi—circle A H E. 3. Produce the side of C B to cut the circle in H, on B H describe the square B H G F, it will be the square required. PROBLEM XXXIV. To make a square equal to two given squares, A and B. 1. Make D E equal to the side of the square A, and D F perpendicular to D E, equal to the side of the square B. I i 2. Draw the hypothenuse F E; on it describe the square E F G H, it will be the square required. PROBLEM XXXV. To make a square equal to three given squares, A, B, C. 1. Make D E equal to the side of the square A, and D F, perpendicular to D E, equal to the side of the square B. PRAd'I‘ICAL GEOMETRY 7CD::EF: 2 .16in E draw F G perpendicular to it. 3 Make F G equal to the side of the square C , join G E, then G E will be the side of the square required. j PROBLEM XXXVI. Two right lines, A B, and C D, being'given, to find a‘third proportional. 71.’ Make an angle H E I at pleasure, from E, make E F equal to A B, and E G equal to C B ; join F G. 2. Make E H equal to E G, and draw HI parallel to E G, then E I will be the third proportional required, thatis, E F : EG: :EH:EI,01‘AB: CD : : C D ‘: E I. PROBLEM XXXVII. Three right lines, A B, C D, E F, being given, to find a fourth proportional. 1. Make the angle H G I, at pleasure; from G make G H equal to A B; G I equal to C D; H I. 2. Make G K equal to E F, draw K L through K parallel to H I, then G L will be the fourth proportional required; that is, G H : G I : : G K : G L, or A B : G L. and join PROBLEM XXXVIII. To divide a given line, A B, in the same propor- tion as another, C D, is divided. '1. Make any angle K H I; and make 11 I equal to A B 3 then apply the several divisions of C D from H to K, and join K I. 2. Draw the lines h e, i f, k g, parallel to I K, and the line H I will be divided in It, 2', Is, as was re- quired. PROBLEM XXXIX. Between two given right lines, A B, and C D, to find a mean proportional. 1. Draw the right line E G, in which make E F equal to A B, and F G equal to C D. XXIX. xxvm . l) XXXIX. B A fl ‘ . : 4D (I D l E ,;"_nj,f';~«///1/ . ' Mm. ‘ ’A PRACTICAL GEOMETRY.‘ 2. Bisect E G in H, and with H E or H G describe the semi—circle E I G. 3. From F draw F I perpendicular to E G, cuttin" . b the circle in I, and I F will be mean proportional required. PROBLEM XL. To find a line nearly equal to the circumference of its circle, A B C D. 1. Draw the diameters A B and C D at right angles. 2. Produce A B, till the part A G without, be three I quarters of the radius. 3. Draw E F through B, parallel to C D, through G, I and the points C and D; draw G E and G F, cutting 3 the tangent in E and F; then E and F will be equal to half the circumference. Much after the same manner may a straight line be found equal to any part of a circle, as is shown at FIG 2, I 41 I but the following method is much better for small arcs, l as it requires less room. I REMARK. H II If any number of divisions E I, I K, K L, L B, are II taken on E F, and from the points I, K, L, lines are II drawn to G, to cut the circumference i, k, l, the di- I visions on the circle, viz. C i, i/c, k l, l B, will be respectively equal to their corresponding divisions, E I, I K, K L, L B, on the tangent line E F; that is, to k i, and I E equal to i C. PROBLEM XLI. 'To find the length of any are, A C B, of a circle. 1. Draw the chord A B indefinitely towards E, and bisect the are A C B at C. 2. Make A D equal to twice the half chord A C ; di- I vide B D into three equal parts, and set one towards E then will A E be the length of the arc line A C B. I CONIC SECTIONS. OF THE DEFlNITIONS. PLATE 5. 1. If two pins are fixed at the pcints E and F, a I string being put about them, and the ends tied to- gether at C; the point C being moved round, keeping the string stretched, it will describe a curve called an Ellipsis. I 2. Foci, are the two points E and F, about which the II string is made to revolve. II I l 3. Transverse axis, is the line A B, passing through the foci, and terminated by the curve at A and B. 11 a ELLIPSIS. 4. Centre, is the point G, bisecting the transverse axis A B. 5. Conjugate art's, is the line C D, bisecting the transverse axis at right angles, and terminated by the 6. Latus rectum, is a right line passing through the focus I“, at right angles to the transverse axis terminated by the curve, this is also called the Parameter. 7. Diameter, is any line passing through the centre G, terminated by the curve. ‘ 8. Conjugate diameter, is a right line drawn through the centre, parallel to a tangent at the extreme of the other diameter, and terminated by the curve. 9. Double ordidate, is a line drawn through any diam- eter, parallel to a tangent at the extreme of that diameter, terminated by the curve. .W ' A 1:5" I w , I ‘l‘, , a} . £1 I i I I I 'l i ? PROBLEMS. PROBLEM I. The transverse and conjugate axes, A B, and C D, of an ellipsis being given, to find the two foci, from thence to describe an ellipsis. 1. Take the semi-transverse A. E, or E B, and from C, as a centre, describe an arc, cutting A B at F and G, which are the foci. 2. Fix pins in these points, a string being stretched about the points F C G, then move the point C round the fixed points F and G, keeping the string tight; it will describe the ellipsis, as in the first definition. PROBLEM II. The same being given, as in the last problem, to describe an ellipsis, by an instrument called a trammel. The trammel, as used by artificers, is two rules, with a groove in each, fixed together, so that the grooves will be at right angles to each other; to this, there is a rod with too moveahle nuts, and another fixed at the end, with a hole through it, to hold a pencil; on the under side of the sliding nuts are two round pins, made to fill the groove of the tramrnel, and are used as follows : —— OPERATION. Set the distance of the first pin at B, from the pencil at A, to half the shortest axis, and the distance of the second pin at C, from A, to half the longest axis, the pins being put in the grooves, as is shown by the figure ; then move the pencil at A; it will describe the ellipsis required. PROBLEM III. A A dlameter, A B, and a double ordinate, C D, to that diameter, being given, to find the parameter. I. Join A C, A D, and B C, B D; bisect A B in H, through H draw H 1 parallel to D C, cutting B C in I. 2. From A, make A F equal to H I; through F PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. draw G H parallel to C D, cutting A C in G, and A I) in H ; then G H is the parameter sought. PROBLEM 'IV. To describe an ellipsis by finding points in the curve, having the two conjugate diameters A B and C D, given. 1. Find F G half the parameter; through G, draw H H parallel to A B. 2. Draw E H parallel to C I), cutting II II, at G. 3. Set otl‘ any number of equal divisions, from H, towards G ; set the same parts from E towards C. 4. From the point B, through the points 1, 2, 3, in E C, draw the lines B i, B It, B l. 5. From A, through the points in A G, draw the lines A i, A k, A l, intersecting the former lines in i, 1:, 1; they will be in the periphery of the ellipsis. PROBLEM V. Having a diameter, and a double ordinate to that diameter, to describe the ellipsis, by finding points in the curve. This problem will be completed in the same manner as problem V, and as is plainly shown by the figures :2 and 3. PLATE 6. PROBLEM VI. To describe an ellipsis, or any segment of an ellipsis, having a diameter and a double ordi- nate, by means ot‘ points being found in the curve, without finding the parameter. Let A B be the diameter or double ordinate, let C D be its conjugate, and let E D be the height of the seg- ment. ' 1. Through D draw F G parallel to A B; also through the points A and B, draw A F, and B G, parallel to D E, cutting F G in F and G. 2. Divide A E and E B into a like number of equal 1", UN 1M" $114} ((TTHKURY S , P1 Definitions . 01' the Ellipsis. PRU” J'l. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. . . 43 parts, as four; likewise B G, and A F, into the same number of equal parts. 3. From the point D, through the points, 1, 2, 3, in A F, and B G, draw 1 D, 2 D, 3 D. 4. From the point C, through the points, 1, 2, 3, in A B, draw C a, C I), C c; cutting the lines 1 D, 2 D, 3 D, in a, b, c, they will be in the periphery of the ellip- sis ; a curve being traced through these points, will form the ellipsis required. But if the curve is very large, as in practical works, the best way is to put in nails or pins at the points, a, I), c, &c., bend a slip round them, and draw a curve by it ; it will appear quite regular. PROBLEM VII. To draw the representation of an ellipsis, with a compass to any length, A B, and width, C ' D. 1. Draw B P parallel and equal to E C, and bisect it at 1, then draw 1 C and P D, cutting each other at K; bisect K C by a perpendicular, meeting C D at O , and on O, with the radius 0 C, describe the quadrant C G Q. 2. Through Q and A, draw Q G, cutting the quadrant at G : then draw G 0, cutting A B at M ; make E L equal to E M; also E N equal to E O. From 0, through M and L, draw 0 G, and O K; likewise from N, through M and L, draw N H and N I ; then M, L, N, O, are the four centres: by help of these, the four' opposite sectors will be described. FIG. 2. To describe an ellipsis more accurately with a compass than the foregoing, having the two arses A B and C D given. 1. Draw A 3 parallel and equal to E C, divide it into three equal parts, and draw 2 C and 1 C ; then divide A E also into three equal parts, and from D, through the points 1, 2, in A E, draw D Q, and D P, cutting the lines 1 C and 2 C, in Q and P. 1. Bisect C P by a perpendicular, meeting C D pro- duced at S, join P S, cutting A E at X; then make E 1V equal to E X, and E U equal to E S; and through X and \V, draw P S and O S ; also through the same points X and 1V, draw U K and U L. 3. Bisect P Q by a perpendicular, meeting P S at F; . ellipsis. draw Z F parallel to A B ; then with the radius F Q, describe the arc Q Z, cutting F Z at Z; through Z and A draw Z y, cutting the arc Z Q at y ,' and join 3/ F, cutting A B at V. On X, make X I equal to X F; with the same radius on W, make \V H, and W G; through V, draw I R, make E T equal to E V, through '1‘ draw H M and G N; then U, S, G, H, I, F, T, V, are the centres. PROBLEM VIII. Having the two axes, or any other conjugate diameters, A B and C D, given, to describe an ellipsis through points, at the extremes of any diameters taken at pleasure. 1. Through D, draw P Q, parallel to A B from D ; draw D F perpendicular to P Q, and make it equal to E B, or E A; upon F, with the distance F D, describe the circle n l) k. 2. Through the centre E, draw the line P E N, t E M, s E L, doc. at pleasure, cutting the tangent P Q, at P, I, s, &c. Join P F, tF, s F, &,c., cutting the circle n I) Is, at the points m n I, 65c. ; likewise join E F, if necessary, and draw 72, N, m M, l L, doc. parallel to it, cutting the diameters N N, M M, L L, &c. at N, M, L, &c.; then these points will be in the periphery of the If the diameters are produced to the oppo- site sides, at N, M, L, and the distances E N, E M, E L, &c. are made respectively to their corresponding opposite distances, E N, E M, and E L, &c., then the points N M L, on the under‘ side of the diameter A B, will also be in the curve. PROBLEM IX. To draw an ellipsis by ordinates, having the axes, or any other conjugate diameters, A B, and C D, given. 1. From E, the centre, draw E F perpendicular to C D. Upon E, with the radius E C, describe the quad- rant C F; divide E F into any number of equal parts, as four; from these points draw 1 a, 2 b, 3 0, parallel to E C, cutting the quadrant at a, b, and c. 2. Divide E A, and E B, each in the same number of equal parts; through the points 1, 2, 3, &c. draw a a, b I), c c, &c. parallel to C D. QB t t 44 3. Make the distances 1 a, 2 b, 3 0, (Sec. equal to their corresponding distances, 1 a, 2 b, on the quadrant ; then the points a, b, c, &0. will be all in the periphery of the ellipsis. PROBLEM X. All ellipsis, A B C D, being given, to find the transverse and conjugate axes. 1. Draw any two parallel lines A B, and C D, cutting the ellipsis at the points A, B, C, D, bisect them in e and f. 2. Through e andfdraw G H, cutting the ellipsis at G and H ; bisect G H, at I ; it will give the centre. 3. Upon I, with any radius, describe a circle, cutting the ellipsis in the four points, ls, l, m, n. 4. Join I; l, and m n ; bisect I; l, or m n, at 0 or p. 5. Through the points 0 I, or I p, draw Q R, cutting the ellipsis at Q and R; then Q R will be the transverse axis. 6. Through I, draw T S parallel to k l, cutting the ellipsis at T and S, and T S will be the conjugate axis. PLATE 7. PROBLEM XI. An diameter A B beinor 0'iven and an ordi- a ) b b 7 nate, C D, to find its conjugate, without drawing any part ofthe ellipsis. 1. Draw C I perpendicular to A B; bisect A B in F, and draw F H parallel to C D. 2. On F, with the distance F A, or F B, describe the semicircle A I B, cutting C I at I. 3. Make A E equal to C I; draw E G- parallel and equal to C D ; through G and A, draw A II, cutting F H at H ; then F H is the semi-conjugate. Much after the same manner, if two conjugate diame- l f l l I l i l l l l I r t 0 l i PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. ters are given, an ordinate may be found without drawing any part of the ellipsis. PROBLEM XII. Any two conjugate diameters, A B and C D, being given, and a right line, G H, passing through the centre, F, to find a diameter which will be conjugate to G H, Without drawng any part of the ellipsis. 1. Through D, draw E K parallel to A B, and pro- duce the given line II G, to cut the tangent in E. 2. From I), make D I perpendicular to E F, and equal to F A, or F B. 3. Join E I ; from I, draw I K perpendicular to I E, cutting the tangent E K, at K ; through the centre F, draw F K. 4. Through the points g, and m, wherethe lines E I, and I K, cut the circle ; draw g G, and m )1, parallel to I F, cutting E I“, and K F, at the points G and )1; make F H equal to F G, and F L equal to F M; then M L and G II will be the two other conjugate diame- § ters. PROBLEM XIII. Any two conjugate diameters, A B and C D, being given, to find the two axes, from thence to describe the ellipsis. 1. Through D, draw E F, parallel to A B; draw D I perpendicular to E F, and equal to M A, or II B. 2. [pen I, with the radius I D, describe the are 3‘ D l. 3. Join I M, and biseet it by a perpendicular, meeting the tangent E F at N. 4. On N, as a centre, with the distance N I, describe a semi-circle E I F, cutting E F at the points E and F. 5. rI‘hrough the centre M, draw F K, and E II. 6. Join I E, and I F, cutting the are D l, at 0‘ D S”: and I. 7’. Draw I L, and g G. parallel to I )1, cutting K F and H E, at G and L : make M K equal to )I L, and M H equal to M G, then E II and K L will be the two ‘ axes required. . 11441 13., 1 x ‘13. , I. A. \ . In! ‘\ ‘ . II...“ III . . ) I “ A .. , / ( l I l . l . x k / \ \ I. y , I 9x \. \ , h , . « , ‘ .. . I ‘ ’ l I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .8 | . V . m \ v \ I . §. ’ ' ‘ \ . ‘ a "e‘ 0 , v ‘ m - a ‘ . . /_ x ‘ / 1 L1 ’ ’ l - >~ \ I f . x v u \ u I ~ . r ‘ I A ‘ ,, .. I . I ~ W . . a I \ 1‘ 13-3 .' ‘ s ~ ! . ‘- 3. v , . . « c ' \ O . I l I 4 I " I . PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. PROBLEM XIV. An ellipsis, A D B C, being given, to draw a tangent through a given point H, in the curve. 1. Find the foci F and G, join F H and G H. 2. Prcduce C G H to I, upon H, with any radius, describe the arc K L I, cutting G I, and F H, at K and I. 3. Bisect the arc K L I, at L; through L and H draw L H; it will be the tangent required. PROBLEM XV. To draw two tangents to an ellipsis from a given point B, without it, having any two conjugate diameters, A B, and C D, given, withdut drawing any part of the ellipsis. 1. Let the point E be in the diameter D C, pro- duced. ' 2. From the centre H, make H I equal to H C, and join I E. 3. Through C draw C K parallel to I E, cutting H B in K. 4. Make H L equal to H K, through L draw F G parallel to A B, find the extreme points F and G of the ordinate F G, by Problem XI. From E, through the points F and G, draw E F and E G; they will be the tangents required. Ifthe point B, is in neither of the given diameters A B, or C D, when produced ; draw a line from the given point E, through the centre; by Problem XII, find a conjugate to that line, and the extremities of both, then the construction will be the same as in this. PROBLEM XVI. To describe an ellipsis similar to a given one. A D B C, to any given length, I K, or to a given width M L. 1. Let A B, and C D, be the two axes of the given ellipsis. :2. Through the points of contact A, D, B, C, com- plete the rectangle G E H F, draw the diagonals E F, and G H, they will pass through the centre at R. 12 45 3. Through I and K, draw P N, and O Q, parallel to C D, cutting the diagonals E F, and G H, at P, N, Q, 0. ' 4. Join P O, and N Q, cutting C D at L, and. M, then I K is the transverse, M L the conjugate axis of an ellipsis that will be similar to the given one, A D B C, which may be described by some of the foregoing methods. PLATE 8. PROBLEM XVII. Given the rectangle, A B C D, to' circumscribe an ellipsis, which shall have its two axes in the same ratio as the sides of the rectangle. 1. Draw the diagonals A C, and B D, cutting each other at S, the centre. ‘ 2. Through S, draw E F, and G H, parallel to A B and A D. 3. Upon S, with a radius S I, equal to half A D, or B C, describe the quadrant I K L, cutting E F at L. 4. Bisect the are I K L, at K; through K, draw M N parallel to E F, cutting the diagonal B D, at N. 5. Join I N; through B, draw B G, parallel to it, cutting G H at G, and make S H equal to S G. 6. Join N 0; through B, draw B F, parallel to it, cutting E F, at F ; make S E equal to S F, then E F, and G H, are the two axes which may be described by some of the methods which are shown in the foregoing problems. PROBLEM XVIII. Given the trapezium, A B C D, and a point E, in one of the sides, to find a point in each of the other sides, so that if an ellipsis was to be inscribed, it would touch the trapezium in these points. 1. Produce the sides of the trapezium, till they meet at K and L. 346 '~ ' ' , PRACTICAL, GEOMETRY. 2. D1aw the diagonals A C, and B D, cutting each '-other at F; prodUce B D, till it cut K L at M 3. Through F, and the given point E,_ draw E G, cutting B C at G. 4-. F1om M, thmugh the points E, and G, draw M H and M G, cutting theh‘other two sides in the points I and H, then E, H, G, I, will be the four points re- quired. " PriOBLEM XIX. A trapezium, A B C D, being given, and a point E, in one of the sides, to find the centre of an ellipsis that may be described in the trapezium, and pass through the point of -, contact E, Without drawing any part of the ellipsis. 1. Find the points of contact H, G, I, E, as in the last problem. 2. Join the points G, and E, by the right line G E; bisect it in' M, and from K, Where the opposite sides A D, and B 0, meet, and through “the point M, draw K M indefinitely. 3. Also Join any other two points of contact, as H I, bisect H I, . at N, from L, whe1e the opposite sides B A and C D meet; draw L N, meeting K M, at P, then P will be the centre of the ellipsis required. And in like manner, if the points G, and H, were joined, and bisected at Q, and a line being drawn from B, where the opposite sides A B, and C D, meet through Q, it would also meet. in P, the centre, 650. PROBLEM XX. Given a trapezium, A B C D, and a point E, in one of the sides, to find the. two axes of an ellipsis that may be inscribed in the trapezium and pass through the point E, Without draw— ing any part of the ellipsis. 1. Find the opposite points of contact, H, E, F, G, by Problem XVIII. ’ 2. From thence, find the centre P, by the last prob- lem. ' 3. From E, and through the centre P, draw E M, making P M equal to P E. 4. Through H, or any other point of contact, draw H K, pa1allel to D C, cutting E G at K; then K H is an 01dinate to the diameter E M. , 5. Th1ough P, the centre, draw P R parallel to H K. 6. Find the extremities R and S, of the diameter R S, by Problem XI. 7. The conjugate diameters E M, and R S, being now found, then find the two axes V W, and X Y, by Problem XIII. PROBLEM XXI. To find the centre and transverse aXis of an ellipsis by means of a square and rule. 1. Apply the square A B, Problem XXI. 2. Place the ellipsis tangical to A B, at pleasure. 3. Draw lines C D, touching the opposite sides of the ellipsis. 4. Draw lines E F, intersecting the cllips1s ; and C is the centre and E F the transverse axis required. Also E F is equal added together, in whatever direction the ellipsis may be applied to the square and rule. Wm .«x. :33»... ‘. ymaawyufix ~19" “Maw h'n - -:. '433fl9fi-dpgws N: .,.... é; A 9’ $31 \"lll. X XVII . PRU“. XXI. , “a.“ "‘44,, WW my“ mugs—~* ‘ Definitions. 01' llw l’urnlmla . ”/ ,‘, ml” “WI/M/Jv/l/m mm/u ()1' 1h:- Hypm'bolu . PRUB . l. ’ '3', '[fld/ /// . )2? Definr'n'ons ./ , ,. PRACTICAL .GEOMETRfiY. ” ‘ , 47 OF THE PARABOLA. ..+_. DEFINITIONS. PLATE 9. 1. Ifa thread. equal in length to B C, be fixed at C, the end ofa square, A B C, and the other end fixed at. F; and if the side A B, of the square be moved along the right line A D, and if the point E, be always kept close to the edge B C, of the square, keeping the string tight, the point or pin B, will describe a curve E G I H, called a parabola. 2. Focus is the fixed point F, about which the string revolves. 3. Directrizz' is the line A D, \Vllltll the side of the square moves along. 4. Axis is the line L K, drawn through the focus F, perpendicular to the directrix. 5. Vertex IS the point I, where the line L K cuts the curve. 6. Latus rectum or parameter, is the line G H, pass- ing thlough the focus F, at light angles to the axis I K, and terminated by the curve. 7. Diameter is any line M N, drawn parallel to the axis I K. , ' 8. Double ordinate is a right line R S, drawn parallel to a tangent at M, the extreme of the diameter M N, , terminated by the curve. i 9. Abscissa is that part of a diameter contained be- ]: tween the curve and its ordinate, as M N. PROBLEMS. I PROBLEM I. To describe a parabola by finding points in the curve, the axis A B, or any diameter be- ing given, and a double ordinate C D. 1. Through A, draw E F parallel to C D. 2. Through C and D, draw D F and C E parallel to A B, cutting E F at E and F. 3. Divide B C and B D, each into any number of equal parts, as four. 4. Likewise divide C E and D F into the same num- ber of equal parts, viz. four. 5. Through the points, 1, 2, 3, &c. in C D, draw the lines 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, doc. parallel to C D. 6. Also through the points, 1, 2, 3, in C E and D F, draw the lines 1 A, 2 A, 3 A, cutting the parallel lines at the points a, b, c, thenvthe points a, b, c, are in the curve of the parabola. FIG. 2. _ Another Method. 1. Join A C and A D, from A make AE equal to B C or B D. 2. Through A and E, draw H I, and F G, parallel to C D, cutting A C and A D in the points F and G. 3. Through F and G, draw F H and G I parallel to A B, cutting H I at the points H and I. 4. F1om the points H and I, take any number of equal divisions on the lines H F and I G, from these points draw lines to A. 5. From B, set the same divisions towards C and D, d1aw the parallel lines 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, &c. intersecting the former at the points a, b, 6, they will be in the curve of the parabola. .3; SW “as-.335: -- 48 PRACTICAL ,GEOMETRY. OF THE HYPERBOLA. ._.._... DEFINITIONS. 1. If B and O, are two fixed points, and a rule A B, be made moveable about the point B, a string A D O: being tied ”to the other end of the rule, and to the point C, and if the point A isi‘moved round the centre B; towards E, the angle D, of the string A D C, by keeping it always tight and close to the edge of the rule, A B, will describe a curve D F H G, called an hyperbola. 2. If the end of the rule at B, was made moveable about the point C, the string being tied from the end of the rule A to B, and a curve being described after the same manner, it would be an opposite hyperbola. 3. Fact are the twompoints B, and O, about which the rule and string revolve. 4. Transverse axis is the line I H, terminated by the two curves passing through the foci, if continued. 5. Centre is the point M, in the middle of the trans- " verse axis I H. 6. Conjugate axis is the line N O, passing through the centre M, and terminated by a circle from H, whose radius is M C, at N and O. l l 7. Diameter is any line V W, drawn through the cen- tre M, and terminated by the opposite curves. V 8. Conjugate diameter to another, is the line drawn through the centre, parallel to a tangent with either of the curves, at the extreme of the other diameter, termi- nated by the curves. 9. Abscissa is when any diameter is/contained within the curve, terminated by a double ordinate and the curve, then the part within is called the abscissa. 10. Double ordinate is a line drawn through any diam- eter, parallel to its conjugate, and terminated by the curve. ,11. Parameter, or latus rectum, isa line drawn through the focus, perpendicular to the transverse axis, and ter- minated by the curve. . 12. Asymptotes are two right lines drawn from the centre M, and the points R S, which are parallel to the conjugate axis N O, and drawn through the end of the transverse axis I H ; H R, and H S being equal to )1 N or M 0, then M X, and M Y, are asymptotes. 13. Equilateral or right angled Izyperbola is when its transverse or conjugate axes are equal. PROBLEMS. PLATE 10. PROBLEM I. To describe an hyperbola by finding points in the curve, having the diameter, or axis A B, its abscissa B C, and double ordinate D E. 1. Through B draw G F parallel to D E; from D and E draw D G and E F parallel to B C, cutting G F in F and G. 2. Divide C D and O E, each into any number of equal parts, as four : through the points of division 1, 2, 3, draw lines to A. 3. Likewise divide D G and E F into the same num- ber of equal parts, viz. four ; from the divisions on D G and E F, draw lines to B, and a curve being drawn through the intersections at B a b c E, will be the hy- perbola required. PROBLEM II. Given the asymptotes A B, C D, and a point E, in the curve, to describe the hyperbole. 1. Through the given point E, draw any right line E F, cutting the asymptotes in the points i and I. P110. 11 . up; .5sufigat. ,21: ._ x has“: . , \r. IV. ‘0 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 49 2. Make 2' F equal to I E" from F draw as many lines as you please, cutting the asymptotes in the points . g,h,i, k, &c. andG, H, I, K, 650. 3. Make G f, H f, K f, 61.0. respectively equal to g F, II. F, k F, &.c. through the pointsf,f,f, describe acurve, and it is the hyperbola required. 'In the same manner may the opposite, hyporbola be described. PROBLEM III. Given the two conjugate diameters A B and C D, to find any number of points in the curve. 1. Through B, draw F G, parallel to C D, make B F, and B G, equal to E C, or E D from E, through F, and G, draw E II, and E I, the asymptotes. 2. From A, draw any lines A C, A D, A E, and A F, cutting the asymptotes at the points, a, a, a, (See. and c, d, e,f, &c. Make the distances a C, a 1), a. E, a F, . 65c. equal to A c, A (I, A e, and Af-, &c. then the points ! C, D, E, F, will be in the curve. ' FIG. 2. Another M etILod. 1. From the centre E, draw E I perpendicular and equal to E A or E B. 2. Join B C, take any number of points F, G, H, in E B, and draw I‘f, G g, H IL, parallel to B C, cutting E C atf, ,9, IL. 3. Throughf, 47, IL, B C, drawf/r, g 1, IL m, in, &c. take the distance F l, and inakef/r, equal to it; then take G I, and make {4' Z equal to it; in the same man- ner find.the points m n. And if E B and E C are pro- duced indefinitely beyond B, and C, and lines be drawn parallel to B E, as before, any number of points beyond, will be found in the szune manner. PROBLEM IV. - Given the asymptotes, and a point in the curve, to find two conjugate diameters. 1. From the point B, draw B H D parallel to the asymptote C G. Make H D equal to HB, draw D C E, making C E equal to C D. Make C A equal to C B, then D E is the conjugate to A B. 13 PROBLEM V. To describe a conic section through five given points A, B, C, D, E, provided that all these points, are joined by right lines, and that any exterior or angle, formed by. these lines, be less than two right angles. 1. Join any four points, A, B, C, E, forming the quad- rilateral A B C E. 2. Through the fifth point D, draw Df, and D g, parallel to A E, and B C, meeting A B, produced both ways at the pomtsf and g, if necessary. 3. Also, th10ugh D, draw IL L, parallel to E C, meet- ing B C, and A E, produced at the points IL and 'i. 4. Divide D IL, D 2', and D f, D g, into any number of equal parts, as six; likewise divide D F and D G, I. . . Into the same, v1z. 31x. 5. From the point 1;, and through the points 1,2, 3, 4, 5, in D i, draw the lines 1 E, 2 E, 3 E, 4 E, 5 E, cut- ting the lines B a, B b, B c, B d, B e, and B f, at the points a, b, c, d, c, draw from B, through 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i in D F, which are all in the curve. In the same manner, the points between B, and D, will be found, viz. by drawing lines from the points A, and C, through the lines D g, and 1) IL. And if the lines D i, and Df, are produced, and the equal parts 7, 8, 9, extended upon these lines, you would obtain as many points g, IL, i, &c. between A and B. PLATE ll. PROBLEM VI. To describe a conic section to touch a right line A B, in a given point C, to pass through three other points, D, E, and F. f '.1 Join D C, E C, and D E, throngh F, draw F‘A, and F B, parallel to F E, and DC, cutting A B, at A and B. 2. Through F, draw G H parallel to D E, and pro- duce the sides C D, and C E, to cut it at G and H. 3. Divide F G and F H, F‘A,,an’a F B, each into". any number of equal parts, as fours. ’ magi“: 50 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 4. From C, through 1, 2, 3, in F H, draw C a, C b, C c, &.c. 5. From E, through 1, 2, 3, in F H, draw 1 E, 2 E, 3 E, &c. cutting the former in the points a, b, c, which are in the curve. In the same manner may points be found 1n the other side. PROBLEM VII. ' To describe a conic section to touch two light lines, A B and B C, in the points A and C, and to pass through a given point, D. l 1. Join the points A and C; through D, draw D E, and D F parallel to B A, and B C. 2. Through D draw G H, parallel to A C, cutting B A and B C, in G and H, and divideg G, and D H, D E, and D F, “each into the same number of equal pa1ts. 3. F1om A, through the points 1,2, 3, in D E, draw the lines A a, A b, A c. 4. From C, through the points 1, 2, 3, in D H, draw 1 C, 2 C, 3 C, cutting the former in a, b, c, which are in the curve. _ In the same manner may points he found between A i and D. SECTIONS OF" SOLIDS. OF A CYLINDER. DEFINITIONS. 1. A cylinder is a solid generated by the revolution of a right angled parallelogram, or rectangle, about one of its sides, and consequently the ends of the cylinder are equal circles. 2. Axis is a right line passing from the centres of. the two circles which fo11n the ends of the cylinder. 3. If a cylinde1 is cut by a plane, pa1allel to a plane passing through its a\is, it will be cut in two pa1ts, which are called segments of the cylinder 4. A segment of a cylinder is comprehended under three planes, and- the carve surface of the cylinder; two of these are segments of circles: the other plane ls a par- allelog1a1n, which is l1e1e, for distinction’s sake, called 3 . the plane of the segment, and the circular segments are called. the ends of the cylinder. 5. The two sides of the parallelogram, which is paral- lel to the axis of the cylinder, are called the sides of the segment of the cylinder, and the other two sides of the parallelogram are chords to the ends of the cylinder. 6. If a cylinder, or segment ofa cylinder, stands upon one of its ends, that end on which it stands is called the base. 7. If the segment of a cylinder is cut obliquely by a plane, the intersection of that plane, with the plane of the segment, is called the cho1d of the section. 8. I‘he section of a C) hnde1 cut by any plane inclined to its aXis, is an ellipsis. This re proved by the writers of conic sections. .6 3 ii ‘ 3 ~ . P111. T SECTJUIDNS <0) mm §2 P1101311. « M F m Ofa Cylinder. 'M‘nl'ub. n PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 51 .r.‘ . .\ WE. PROBLEMS. PLATE 11. PROBLEM I. To find the section of a semi-cylinder, cut by a plane at— right angles to the plane A B F l, which passes through its axis, making a given angle E FB, with either of the sides B ‘F. 1. Let A D B, be the circle of the base, and C its centre. 2. Through the centre of the circle C, draw G D, parallel to F B, cutting the circle of the base in ‘ D, and E F at G ; from G, draw G H perpendicular to E 'F ; make G H equal to C D, then E F is the transverse axis, and G H the semi-conjugate. Or it may be described by ordinates, as in FIG. 2, ta~ ken from the base and transferred to the section, as the figures direct. In the same manner may any segment be found, viz. by drawing lines parallel to the sides of the plane of the Segment, till it cut the chords of the section ; from these points, draw perpendiculars to the chord, make their sev- eral lengths from the chord equal to those of the base corresponding to them ; a curve line being drawn through these points, will be the true section of the segment re- quired, as is plainly shown by FIG. 3. PROBLEM II. To find the two axes of the section of a semi- cylinder cut by a plane, making a given an- gle A B C, with the plane E F G H, passing through its axis ; also in a given direction K 1 with the side K F. 1. Let E M F, be the circle of the base and L its centre. 2. From the angular point B, of the given angle A B C, draw B D perpendicular to B A, and equal to L E or L F, the radius of the base; draw D C, parallel to B A, cutting B C at C. 3. Draw Q R, at the distance D 0, parallel to I K; through the centre of the circle L, draw 0 M parallel to "K F, cutting the circle of the base at M, and I K, at 03 through the point 0, draw 0 P parallel to E F, cutting Q R, at P ; also through M, draw M N parallel to E F, from P draw P S perpendicular to Q R, and P N paral- lel to O M, cutting M N, at N; join L N, cutting the circle at Z ; make U S equal to B C, and join 0 S upon 0 S ; from 0, make 0 V equal to L Z, then 0 V is the semi-conjugate axis. 4. Through O, draw W X perpendicular to O S; draw L 'I‘ perpendicular to L N, cutting the circle of the base at T ; from T, draw T Y parallel to L N, cutting the base F E, produced at Y ; from Y, draw Y a parallel to O M, cutting K I produced at a; from a, draw a W parallel to O S, cutting W X, at W; making 0 X equal to O W, then W X is the transverse axis. PROBLEM III. To find the section of a segment of a cylinder, by ordinates cut by a plane through a given line 1 K, in the plane of a segment, making a given angle, A B C, at l K, with the plane E F K I. 1. Draw the tangent Z M, parallel to E F, and draw 0 M parallel to K F, cutting the tangent at M, and I K at O. 2. Take the distance L M, and make B D, perpen- dicular to the angular point B, of the givenfangle A B C, equal to it; proceed as in the last problem, find 0 V, and L Z. " 3. Draw any number of lines a a, b b, c c, &,c. par- allel to O L, cutting the lines I K, and E F, at the points a, b, c, &c. 4. From the points a, b, c, &c. in I K, draw lines a 1, b 2, c 3, 6Lc. parallel to O V. / 5. Through the points a, b, c, in E F, draw lines a 1, b 2, c 3, (Sec. parallel to L Z, cutting the arc line of the base at 1, 2, 3, &c. - 6. Make all the distances a 1, FT??? 3, 61.0. from I K, e . vg, 52 A ' PRACTICAL GEOMEiI‘it‘ir; " equal to all their corresponding distances at 1, b 2, c 3, "‘ &c. on the base; i 7. A curve line being traced through these points, I W K will be the section required. In the same manner the section of any irregular fig- ure may be found, as is plainly shown by: FIG. 2. FIG. 3, shows how to find the section when the angle A B C, is oblique. OF A CONE. + DEFINITIONS. 1. A cone is a solid figure standing upon a circular base, diminishing to a point at the top, called its vertex, in such a manner, that if a straight line be applied from the vertex round the circle of the base, it shall coincide everywhere with the curve surface of the cone. 2. A right line passing through the cone, from the ver- tex to the centre of the circle at the base, is called the axis. 3. If a cone be cut byga plane, not parallel to its base, passing quite through the curve surface, the figure is an ellipsis. 4. If a cone be cut by a plane, parallel to a plane tou ch- ing the curve surface, the section is a parabola. 5. Ifa cone be cut by a plane, parallel to any plane within the cone that passes through its vertex, then the figure is an hyperbola. These three last definitions are proved by the wri— ters of conic sections. NOTE. The cone in the following problem, is sup- posed to be an upright one. PROBLEM. PLATE 12. PROBLEM I. To describe the conic section from the cone. Note, A D N is a section of the plane, passing through its axis at right angles with the sections of the ellipsis, parabola, or hyperbola. FOR THE ELLIPSIS. 1. Let G H be its transverse axis in the plane A D N; bisect it at K ; through K, draw R Q parallel to A D. 2. Bisect Q R, at M, with the radius M R or M Q, describe the semi-circle R P Q. 3. From K, draw K H, perpendicular to Q R, cut- ting the circle at H : then K H is the semi-conjugate axis, from which the ellipsis may be described as at No. 1. FOR THE PARA BOLA. 1. Let S E be the axis of the parabola, parallel to the other side, N D. 2. From E, draw E C at right angles to A D, the base, cutting the semi-circle at C : then E C is an ordi- nate or half the base of the parabola, which may be de- scribed at NO. 2. FOR. THE HYPERBOLA. 1. Let I F be the height of the hyperbola, produce it till it cut the opposite side A N, produced at L, then F L is the transverse axis. 2. From I, draw I B at right angles to A D : then I B is half the base, which may be described as at No. 3. NOTE. The letters are made to correspond at No. l, 2, and 3, with those of the cone from where they are taken. TROB. I. SECTIONS OF SOLIDS. of il (‘nne- , 3"" z nt‘n (‘vlulnn I. T112. [‘ PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 5.3 OF A GLOBE. *— DEFINITIONS. A globe is a solid figure, and may be supposed to be generated by the revolution of a semi-circle about its diameter, which becomes the axis of the globe, and the centre of the semi-circle is the centre of the globe. Corollary 1. Hence all right lines drawn from the centre to the circumference of a globe, are equal to one another, for the semi-circle touches the surface of the globe in every point as it revolves round. Corollary 2. The section of a globe by a plane passing through its centre, is a circle, whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the generating semi-circle. Corollary 3. Every section of a globe cut by a plane, is a circle, for all the lines drawn from the centre to its surface, are equal, consequently the generating semi-circle may revolve round any line, as an axis, there- fore every point in the semi-circle will generate a circle, Corollary 4. If a semi-globe is cut at right angles to the plane of its base, the section is a semi—circle. PROBLEMS. PLATE 12. PROBLEM I. To find the section of a semi-globe at right an- gles to the plane AB D, through its centre, and pass through the line A B in that plane. Bisect A B in D ; on D, as a centre, with the radius D A, or D B, describe the semi-circle A E B, and it will be the section required. PROBLEM II. Given two segments of circles A B C, and D E F, equal or unequal, having their two chords A C, and D F, equal to each other, and the seg- ment A B C, being placed upon D F, so that A C shall coincide with D F, and the segment A B C, at right angles to D E F, to find the radius of a globe, so that the are lines A B C, and D E F, shall be in its surface when the two segments are placed in the above posi— tion. 1. Make a rectangle A D F C, so that the opposite 14 sides A C, and D F, will be the bases of the segments A B C, and D E F. 2. Find the centres G and H, of these segments. 3. Through H, draw I K parallel to G F, and com- plete the semi-circle I D E F K. 4. Through G or H draw H L parallel to G F, cut- cing A C and I K, at L and H ; make H M equal to L G, join M K or M I, and it will be the radius required. If upon E, as a centre, with the distance M I, or M K, a segment I N K, is described, it will be part of the greatest circle that can be drawn in the globe. PROBLEM III. A figure being generated by the revolution of a plain figure, having two perpendicular legs, and the other side being irregular, or straight, or a curve line of any kind; the figure being made to revolve about one of its perpendicu- lar legs. To find the figure of the section, cut anywhere across the base, and right an- gles to the plane of the base, having that sec— tion which passes through the axis given. 1. Let A F E G B be the circle of the base, and let the section required be cut across F G; also let A B C be a section of the solid passing through the axis. —”‘ <“7W”?jx¢" "1 lava-‘l’wsi'TT-‘AP': ’1, '._ ., .‘ =53, . . 1 ”“117 7". kfxTT‘v . .mwmm ~54 PRACTICAL GEOMETIW. 2 From the cent1e O, draw the concentric circles Hh, Iz,ch Ll, tocutAB, inthepoints H, I, K, L, and F G, in the points it, i, k, l. 3 Erect perpendiculars to the lines A B and F G, I both ways from these points, to out A C in H, I, K, L. 4. Make the distances [1. It, i i, k k, l l, equal to their corresponding distances H H, II, K K, L L; a curve being drawn through these points, it will be the section required. , If the given section is triangle, the section is an up- right hyperbola. If the given section is a semi- -circle, the required sec- tion will also be a semi-circle; these appear plain by the figures, and in this case there is no tracing required. OF A SPHEROID. + DEFINITIONS. 1. A spheroid is a solid, generated by the rotation of a semi-ellipsis about the transverse 01' conjugate axis, and the centre of the ellipsis 1s the centre of the spher 01d. 2. The line about which the ellipsis revolves, is called the axis. 3. If the spheroid is generated about the conjugate axis of the semi- -ellipsis, then it is called a prolate spheroid. 4. If the spheroid is generated by the semi-ellipsis about the transverse axis, then it is called an oblate spheroid. PROPOSITION I. Every section of a spheroid is an ellipsis, except when it is perpendicular to that axis about which it is gene- rated, in which case it is a circle. PROPOSITION II. All sections of a spheroid parallel to each other, are similar figures. PROPOSITION III. If a semi-spheroid is cut by a plane at right angles to the base,* then the section is a semi-ellipsis, and the intersection with the base will be one of its axes; and if a line is drawn perpendicular from the middle of that intersection to the base of the spheroid, to cut its surface, that line will be half the other axis, whether transverse or conjugate. * It is here meant that the base is a section made by a plane, pass- ing through the centre of the spheroid, at right angles to the transverse or conjugate axis of the spheroid. PROBLEMS. PLATE 13 I PROBLEM I. '-, 5 Given the base A D B C, which is a section through the longest axis of an oblong split; mid to find the folrn of the section, byD cutting i the base through the line E F, at right anglesf to its plane. 9 1. Let A B be the transverse, and C D the conjugate l axis of the base ; through the centre G, draw H I paral- lel to the given direction E F, cutting the ellipsis at the points H and I. 2. Produce E F towards K, make Q, K equal to G H ~ or G I ; and erect the perpendicular K M. 3. Make K M equal to C G or G D, and bisect E F at Q, and draw M Q. Erect the perpendicular F P, cutting M Q at the point P, through Q, draw Q R paral- * lel and equal to K M, then Q R will be the semi-conju~ gate, and E F the transverse axis of the section required, from which, the ellipsis may be described by any of the foregoing methods. 3. .J _.|. . D1 THE SECTIONS OF SOLIDS . II. .PROB.I. . Q} A D.L Of a Cycloid and Epicycloid . 4-K Cone amiits SectionsJ’age 47. :\ Spher oid 8:9 O ACjfimler and its Sections . Page 45. Q j\ Sphere 0r Globe. "3 {'1 3* 1‘: g .s -' "1r 1,131,113" 311135,; “,3 ., ' . ,th , PRAC’PIC‘A’D dEOME‘TRY. , "55 PROBLEM 11, the right line D E: towards E, viz. 2, 3 4 5, 6, , and from the arc A B 0; ,‘take the remairiing part B C To find the length of any are A B C, of a cirg and place it on the right, lineeDE , J. from 6 to E; cle mechanically, very near; or to“transfer then Wlll the length 01,1111. tight line D E, be nea1ly the same _on the circumference of another, eqml to the 51,0311,ng f’hemé‘ttt‘m Circle F G H, of a diflerent radius, from 'a . In the same i‘nanner may AB C, be transferred to given point F. ‘ the circle.F ’G H, viz. by taking the divisions 1, 2, ‘ . . 3, $1, 5, 6, and beginning at F, with the same open- 1. Take your compass at any small opening, begin-1 ing of your compass, setting off the divisions, 1, ‘2, 3, ning at A, and take the equal '1 parts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, on 4, 5, 6,3 on the arc F G H, and transferring the part the are A B C. 6 C to 6 H, as before, then will the arc F G, H, be 2. From D, lay the same number of equal parts on equal to the are A B Q. ’m ~- ~ t. .w/ «A k” , . . .5, o F A 0 YO L 01D 02R. 113.1210 YC L oID. :. , wc‘r'fl-«K ' '2 +— Hf” M3“. 13/; . f’x \f“ ' ,3 1-1 1 .1 1. 5, DEFINITION 71. 1"- .. ,1 , , , y 1 , A cycloid or epicycloid, is a figure generated by a circle rolling along the straight} edge of a ruler, or another circle at rest, while a point in the circumference describes a figure on the plane called a cycloid or epicycloid. __.__ \ , .\ 1‘ r PROBLEMS. PLATE l3. ' circle; make the distance 1 f, 2 g, 3 It, 650. respec? tively to them, then these points will be in the curve of —' the cycloid. PROBLEM I. PROBLEM II. To describe a cycloid. , . To describe an epicycloid. 2. Let B C be the edge of a straight ruler: erect A 1. Let B A C be the edge of the circle round which D perpendicular to B 0, equal to the diameter of the the other 011016 Is to turn' through the centre S generating'circie; upon the diameter A D, describe and the point A, in the circumference, draw the right a circle: through the centre at E, draw Q R paiallel to line S D 1 make A_D equal to the diameter of the gene- B C. rating circle. 2. Divide the semi-circumference D 1 2 3, doc. to A, 2. Divide the circumference D', 1, 2, 3, &c. into into equal parts, and lay the same number of equal equal parts, and place them upon the arc A C, from A parts upon the right line A B, from A towards B ; from to 1, 2, 3, dcc. to 8. all the divisions on A C, erect perpendiculars, cutting 3. With. the radius S E, on the centre S, describe Q R, at the points F, G, H, &c. the arc Q R; through the centre S, and the points 3. With the radius E D or E A, on the points F, G, 1, 2, 3, doc. draw lines, cutting Q. R at F, G, H, doc. H, &c. as centres, describe arcs 1 f, 2 g, 3 h, &c. and proceed in every other respect, as in the cycloid7 take the chords A 1, A 2, A 3, &.c. from the semi- and you will get the curve. " a; . “I’m 3 ., (“V : , f . l" x l) 56" ;. PRACTICAL GEOMETR’ii V SECTION or PLANES. ' 0E THE‘POSITIONS 0F LINES ANL PLANES, AND THE PROPERTIES ARISING FROM THEIR INTERSECTIONS. DEFINITIONS. 1. A plane 1s a surface in which a straight line may coincide In all directions. 2. Astraight line, Is in a plane when it has two points, in common with that plane. 3. Two straight lines which out each other in space, or would intersect, if produced, are in the same plane; and two lines that are parallel, are also In the same plane. 4. Three points given in space, and not in a straight line, are necessary and sufficient for determining the position of a plane. Hence two planes which have three points common, coincide with each other. 5. The intersection of two planes is a straight line. ‘PROBLEM. PLATE l4. .— When two planes A. B C D, A B F E, FIG. 1, intersect, they form between them a certain angle, Which is called the inclination of the two planes, and which is measured by the angle contained by two lines; one drawn in each of the planes, perpendicular to their ’ line of common section. 1. Thus, if the line A F, in the plane A B E F, be perpendicular to A B, and the line A D, in the plane A B C D, be the perpendicular also to A B, then the angle F A D, is the measure of the inclination of the planes A B E F, A B C D. When the angle F A D, is a right angle, the two planes are perpendicular. 2. FIG. 2. A line A B, is perpendicular to a plane P Q, when the line A B, is perpendicular to any line B C, in the plane P Q, which passes through the point B, Where the line meets the plane. The point B is called the foot of the perpendicular. 3. Aline A B, FIG. 3, is parallel to a plane P Q, when the line A B is parallel to another straight line C B, in the plane P Q. 4. If a straight line have one of its intermediate points in common with a plane, the whole line will be in the plane. 5. Two planes aIe parallel to one another when they cannot intersect in any direction. 6. The intersections of two parallel planes with a third, are parallel. Thus in FIG. 4, the lines A B, C D, comprehended by the parallel plane P Q, R S, are par- allel. 7. Any number of parallel lines, comprised between two parallel planes, are equal. Thus FIG. 5, the paral— lel lines A a, B b, C c, . . . . , comprised by the paral- lel planes P Q, B S, are all equal. 8. If two planes C D E F, G H I J, FIG. 6, are perpendicular to a third plane P Q, their intersection A B, will be perpendicular to the third plane P Q. 9. If two straight lines be cut by several parallel planes, these straight lines will be divided in the same proportion. ,h. r ‘W ' 1'. . ‘. 47$ # . . . . g V ' k .i ‘ i 7" Q " i at ‘ "- ~ ~ : PRAGI‘IflAmuBOMETRx, . “9&7 1 1 fi : w Y i ‘ 1 5'7. . ‘ I‘ ‘3; l , ,1 .41 if 1 . . , ' W 5‘1'92 GENERAL APPLICATION OF THE ’TREHEDRAL TO TANGENT PLANES t. "P awe-w’wr . s: I -"‘+—" ' 4 .4 . ”if “ y.» ‘4 1 ~ 31;.» 1'51”"; ML?“ a», MW" PRbBLEM. . r ,. PLAJ‘E 14. Given the inclination and seat of the axis of an oblique cylinder or cylindroid, . to find the angle which a tangent makes at any point in the circumference of the base, with the plane of the base. is... 1. FIGS. 1, 3, Plate 14. Let A E B 0 be the base of the cylindei' or cylindroid, 03' the seat of the axis, and letB C D be the angle of inclination, and let 0 be the point where the tangent plane touches the curved surface of the solid. 2. Draw 0 N a tangent line at the point 0 in the base, and draw 0 P paralllel to C B. Make the angle P 0 R equal to B C D, and draw P R perpendicular to P O. 3. Then, if the triangle P 0 R be conceived to be revolved round the line P 0, as an axis, until its plane becomes perpendicular to the plane of the circle A E BC, the straight line, 0 R, will, in this position, co-, incide with the cylindrical surface, and a plane touching the cylinder or cylindroid at 0,,will pass through the lines 0 N and 0 R. Here will now be given the two legs P O R, and P O N,of a. right—angled trehcdral to find the angle which the hypotenuse makes with the base. Draw P Q perpendicular to 0 N, intersecting it in m, and draw P S perpendicular to P 0,. Make P S equal to P R, and join m S ; then P m S is the angle required. 4. The hypotenuse will be easily constructed at the same'time, thud—make m 0,, equal to m S, and join 0 Q, then N O Q will be the hypotenuse required. 5. In FIG. 1, the method of finding the angle which the tangent plane makes with the base and the hypote- nuse, is exhibited at four different points. In the two first points, 0 from A, in the first quadrant, the tangent planes make an acute angle at each point 0 ;-'but in the second quadrant, they make an obtuse angle at each point 0. 6. FIG. 2, is the second position of the construction 15 a .’W’ 116;: the point A, for finding the angle which the tarigent plane makes with the base, and for finding the hypotenuse enlarged; in order to show a more convenient method by not only requiring less space, but less labor, it may be thus described, the two given legs P' 0’ R’ and P’ 0’ N’. 7. Draw P’m’ perpendicular to 0’ N’, meeting 0 N in m’. In P' 0’, make P’ 12’ equal to P’ m’ and draw the straight line 12’ R’, then P’ v’ R’ will be the inclination of the tangent plane at the point 0. ' 8. Again, in 0’ P/ make 0’ t’ equal to 0’ m’ and draw t’ u’ parallel to P’ R’. From 0’, With the radius 0’ RI, describe an are meeting t’ u’ in u’, and draw tlie straight line 0’ u’, ' then 1’ 0' u’ is the hypotenuse. 9. For since P’ S’ 15 equal to P’ R’ and P’ 71’ equal to P’ m’, and the angles m’ P’ S’, and 'v’ P’ R’, are right angles; therefore the triangle '0’ P’ R’, is equal to the triangle m’ P’ S’, and the remaining angles of the one, equal to the remaining angles of the other, each to each ; hence the angle P’ v’ R’ is equal to the angle P’ m’ S’. 10. Again, because 0’ t’ is equal to 0’ m’, and 0 Q’ is equal to 0’ R’, and 0’.u’ is also equal to 0’ R’ ; therefore 0’ u’ is equalto 0’ Q’, and since the an- gles 0’ t’ u’ and 0’ 772/ Q’ are each a right angle, therefore the two right angled triangles, have their by— potenuses equal to each other, and have also one leg in each, equal to each other, therefore the remaining side of the one triangle is equal to the remaining side of the—other, and therefore also the angles which are op- posite to the equal sides are equal; hence the angle P' 0’ u', is equal to N’ 0’ Q’. 11. By considering this construction by the transpo- sition of the triangles, the whole of the angles which the tangent planes make at a series of points 0, in fig— ures 1 and 3, their hypotenuses may be all found 1n one diagram, as in FIG. 4. 12. Thus, 1n FIG. 4, if the angles A C 0,, A C 0, A C 0”, A C 0’” be respectively equal to A C 0, A C 0’, A C 0”, A,C 0’“, FIG. 1, and in FIG. 4, the semi-circle A 0" B, be described, and if C D be ‘0. '3 1A?- 519 1 1,, _ is, .558 s * drawn pe1pendicular to A B, and the angles G A D, G B D,..be made equal to B C D, FIG. 1; then each half of FIG. 4, being constructed as in F14} 2, the angles at m m’ m” 771/”, will be lespectively equal to _ the angles P m S, P’ m’ S’, Q” m” S”, Q” m’“ S”, in FIG. 1. Also, 1n FIG. 4, the angles 0 AB, C A g, C A h, C B 7., C B k, C B F will be the hypotenuses at the points A, O, O’, O”, 0’“, B,' In FIG. 1. 7* r PRAc'I‘Ica’L GEOMETICY 1 v. k; We may here observe, FIG. 1, that the angles which the tangent planes make with the plane of the base 4'in the first quadrant are acute; and those in the sec- ond quadrant at? obtuse; and those in the second quadrant are the supplements of the angles P m S; aridmoreover, that all the angles which constitute the ‘hyip'Otenuses of the trehedra], are all acute, whether in the first quadrant or_ the second quadrant of the semi- ll circle A O B. SECTIONS . ON THE PROJECTION OF A STRAIGHT LINE BENT UPON A CYLINDRIC SURFACE, AND THE METHOD OF DRAWING A TANGENT TO SUCH A PROJECTION. PLATE 14. . PROBLEM I. Given the developement of the. surface of the semi- cylinder, and a straight line in the de- velopement, to find the projection of til??? straight line on a plane passing through the axis of the cylinder, supposing the derel— opement t0 encase the semi-cylindric surface. FIG. 5. Let A B C be the developement of the cylindric surface, B C being the developement of1the semi-circumference, and let A C be the straight line given. Produce C B to D, 'making B D equal to the diame- ter of the cylinder. On B D, as a diamet 1', de- scribe the semi-circle B E D, and divide the semi— circular arc B E D, into any number of equal parts, at l, 2, 3, &c. and its developement B G, into the same number of equal parts, at the-points f, g, 11, &c. Draw-the straight lines f k, g l, hfm, &.c. paral- lel to B A, meeting A C at the points Ir, l, m, &.c. . also parallel to B A, draw the straight lines 1 o, 2 p, 3 q, 660. and draw Ir 0, lp, m (1, &c. parallel to C D; and the points 0, p, g, 61.0. are the projections 01 seats of the points k, l, m, &c. in the develope111ent of the straight line A C. The mojectiona of a screw is found by this meth- od: B D may be considered as the dia111ete1 of the cylinder from which, the screw is formed; and the 1 4 r , ,' angle B A c, 1113 "inclination of the thread, with a straight line on the surface; or B C A the inclination of the thread with the end of the cylinder. The same principle also applies to the delineations of the hand- ,rails of stairs, and in the construction of bevel bridges, of which we shall treat irf a sul sequent part of this work. PROBLEM II. "Given the entire projection of a helix or screw, in the surface of a semi—cylinder, and the projection of a circle in that surface perpen- dicular t0 the axis, upon the plane passing through'the axis, to draw a tangent to the curve at a given point. - FIG. 6. Let I) P Ii he the or screw, and B projection of the helix A the projection of the circumfer- ence of a circle, and since this circle is in a plane perpendicular to the plane of projection, it will be projected into a straight line A B, equal to the diameter of the cylinder. On A B as a diameter, describe the semi-circle A 7‘ B, and draw P r perpendicular to, and inter- secting A. Bin ‘q, join the points 0, 1‘, and produce 6 r to f. Produce A B to C, so that B C may be equal to the semi-circular arc B 7' A. Draw C D perpendic- ula1 to ,B C, and make C D equal to A K, and (llEhV the stlaight line B D, then B D will be the develope- ment of the cuive line B P K. .i 5. ~ 5‘“sz . ‘Mé ‘ , , . t 3F ' "*f ‘ g3; ' 'r ‘ ,5 ' ' W ‘ 'v "1“ 7’3""? '4‘“ ‘ > r :4 . ‘ / I f ‘ 5 r . i? g m. ‘ a 3.? V ' 5 ‘,$‘ 253’ ; 1922322722723" offizizw and 22231333322233 W P] 1 1 ' 3 from 297w 123036622072 mam ' A .‘ I? ‘ "J [2‘42 . -*’- - [22/3 12g. 2. .3 __ t“ -_____._ ~: 717‘ Q ' ——~1x —— A Q .1) - Z722. pro/361372; ofa/ .5'2‘2" ' @111 222/; lie/22‘ WW; (2 Kym széa, 427/1 27% . mfifld (22%me a {anymz‘z‘a » . E _ D Jae/2. alum/6622372. D I . u, EL 2“ , w , 3 1' 5 ’. V/P‘F‘fi'af/cn Sc. 7 3 u 1‘ ‘9 m1; ; my .~ in. \ - 3 _. a“, 3 ‘ 1 A30 Draw P u parallel to A053 eating B D in u, arid, draw u t perpendicular to. ’ . _. Draw rgperpeiy dicular to e r, and make 1‘ g . lial to B t. Drawg 7.51;; . j 3 . .3 ‘. ., .. . -. ' ‘5’ ‘ i ’v ' t '1 t perpendicular to A 0, meeting B o in n, and drafivi" B, and drann ,perpenciieolégi' ro'BiC', meeting B o the straight line 12. P ; then 72 P'wgl touch the surge-alt the point P. . .3. in n, and join n P, whichais,thaltpngedtrequired. ' ' : .t 3’ ! PRELIMINARY PRINCIPLES OF PROJECTION. 1 )5 PROBLEM. PLATE m. If from a point A’, FIG. 1, in space, a perpendicular A’ . a, be let fall to any plane P Q whatever, the foot a of 3 this perpendicular is called the projection of the point A’ upon the plane P Q. ‘ If through different points A’, B’, C’, D’,....FIGS. 2, 3, 4, of any line A’, B’, C’, D’, . . . . whatever in space, perpendiculars A’ a, B’ b, C’ c, D’ d, . i .v . be let fall upon any plane P Q whatever, and if through a, b, c, d, ...... the projections of thelpoints A’, B’, C’, D’, in the plane P Q, a line be drawn, the line thus drawn will be the projection of the line A’ B’ C’ D’ . . . . given in space. If the line A’ B’ C’ D’ . . . . FIG. 3, be straight, the projection a b c d . . . . 'will also be astraight line; and if the line A’ B’ C’ D’ . . . . FIG. 2, be a curve not in plane perpendicular to the plane P Q, the curve a b ed . which is the projection of the curve A’ B’ C’ D’, . . in space, will he of the same species with the origi- nal curve, of which it is the projection. Hence, in this case, ifthe original curve A’ B’ C’ D’ . . . . be an e1- lipse, a parabola, a hyperbola, &c. the projection a b c d . . will be an ellipse, a parabola, an hyper-bola, &c. i The circle and the ellipse being of the same species, the projected curve maybe a circle or ellipse, whether the original be a circle or ellipse, as in FIG. 4. The plane in which the projection of any point, line, or plane figure is situated, is called the plane of projec- tion, and the point or line to be projected is called the primative. The projection of a curve will be a straight line when the. curve to be prej'ected is in a plane perpendicular to the plane of projection. Hence the projection of a plane curve is a straight line. - If a curve be situated in a plane which is parallel to the plane of projection, the projection of the Curve will be another curve equal and similar to the curve of which it is the projection. The projection upon a plane of any curve of double cunvature whatever, is always a curve line. In order to fix the position and form of any line what- ever in space, the position of the line is given to, each of twp planes, which are perpendicular to each other ; the one is called the horizontal plane, and the other the verti— cal plane; the projection of the line in question is made on each of these two planes, and the two projections are called the two projections of the line to be projected. 1 Thus we see in FIG. 5, where the parallelogram U V 'W X, represents the horizontal plane, and the parallelo- gram U V Y'Z, represents the vertical plane, the pro- jection a b of the line A’ A’ in space upon the horizon- tal plane U V W X, is called the horizontal projection, and the projection A B, of the same line upon the verti- cal plane U V Y Z, is called the vertical projection. The two planes, upon which we project any line what- ever, are called the planes 'of projection. The intersection U V, of the two- planes of projection, is called the ground line. . When we have two‘projectionsha‘b, A B of any line A B’ in "space, the line A’ 'B’ will be determined by . O t-is'i’érnlihe..taaaefitifiarbe diaiméridepefimt 0’ 3,0,3?» - * i grins: DravpiEP '1' piergefldiéularjto Ali,‘,an‘d r g alfafu— . . ‘gent at r. Malice r g? allude, the devi§lopemeht of 14* 60 ,Mi Ar PRActddAL erecting to the planes of projection the perpendiculars a A’, b B’ . . . A A’, B B’ . . . through the projections a, b, . . . '3 A, B, ..... of the original points A’, B’, . . . .. of the line in question. For the perpendiculars a‘ A’, A A’ erected from theprojections a, A of the same point A’ will intersect each other in space ‘in a point A’, which will be one of these in the line in question. It is clear that the other points must be found in the same manner as this which has now been done. When we have obtained the two projections 'of a line in space, whether immediately from the line itself, or by any other means whateverfwe must abandon this line in order to consider its two projections only. Since, when we design a Working drawing, we operate only upon the two projections of this line that we have brought together upon one plane, and we no longer see anything in space. However, to conceive that which we design, it is ab- solutely necessary to carry by thought the operations into space from their projections. This is the most difficult part that a beginner has to surmount, particularly when he has to consider at the same time a great number of lines in various positions in space. The perpendicular A’ a, FIG. 5, let fall from any point A whatever in space upon the plane X V of projection, is called the projectant of the point A’ upon this plane. Moreover, the perpendicular distance between the point A" and the horizontal plane X V, is called the projectant upon the horizontal plane, or simply the horizontal pro- jectant; and the perpendicular distance A’ A between the original point A’ and the vertical plane U Y, is called the projectant upon'the vertical plane, or simply the ver- tical projection. ' We shall remark, so as to prevent any mistake, that the horizontal projectant A’ a, is the perpendicular let fall from the original point upon the horizontal plane, and that the vertical projectant is the perpendicular let fall from that point upon the vertical plane. Hence the hori- zontal projectant is parallel to the vertical plane, and is equal to the distance between the original point and the horizontal plane ; and the vertical projectant is parallel to the horizontal plane, and is equal to the distance between the original point and the vertical plane. We may remark, that if through a, FIG. 6, the hori- zontal projection of the pOint A’, we draw a perpendicular a to U V the ground line, this perpendicular a. a will be equal to the measure of the vertical projectant A’ A; consequently the distance of the point .A’ to the vertical plane, is equal to the distance between a, its horizontal GfiOMETRY. projection, and U V, the ground line measured in a per- pendicular to U V. In like manner, if. through A, the vertical projection of the point A’, we draw a perpendic- ular A a to U V the ground line, this perpendicular A a, will be equal to the measure of the horizontal projectant A ag- consequently, the distance of this point A’ to the horizontal plane, is equal to the distance between A its vertical projection, and U V the ground line measured in a perpendicular to U V. To these very important remarks we shall add one which is not less so. Two perpendiculars, a a, FIG. 6, A a, being let fall from the projections a, A to the same point A’ upon the ground line U V, will meet each other in the same point a, of the said ground line U V. If we now wished the two projections of a point A’, FIG. 6, or of any line A’ B’ whatever to be upon one or the same plane, it is sufficient to imagine the vertical plane U V Y Z, to turn round the ground line U V, in such a manner as to be the prolongation of the horizon— tal plane U V \V X ; for it is clear that this plane will carry with it the vertical projection A or A B of the point, or of the line in question. Moreover we see, and it is very important, that the lines A a, B b, perpendicu- lar to the ground line U V, will not cease to be so in the motion of the plane U V Y Z ; and as the correspond- ing lines a a, b b, are also perpendiculars, to the ground line U V, it follows that the lines, a a’, b b’, will be the respective prolongation of the lines a a, b b. Hence it results, when we consider objects upon a. single plane, the projections a, A of a point A’ in space, are necessarily upon the same perpendicular A a to the ground line U V. It is necessary to call to mind that the distance A a, ‘measures the distance from the point in space to the hor- izontal plane, (the point A being the vertical projection of this point,) and that the line a a, measures the dis— tance from the same point in space to the vertical plane. It follows, that if the point in space be upon the hor- izontal plane, its distance with regard to this last named plane will be zero or nothing, and the vertical A a will be zero also. Moreover, the vertical projection of this point will be upon the ground line at the foot a, of the perpendicular a. a, let fall upon the ground line, from the horizontal projection a of this point. Again, if the point in space be upon the vertical plane, its distance, in respect of this plane, will be zero, the horizontal a a will be zero, and the horizontal projection of the point in question will be the foot a, of the perpen‘ it P115. 3 ,9..— z 6 J k. ’f ”in 7x, W. l 4 /L W/ p/ 0 n\u k .w/ w .m W W. .M U h ‘fln 2%9 a’ewlayemefizfr affix: Jar/26w w” @543)". [(9.]. 1} I rdfiiflx m 1.434. umwfiasimwmgngiér is a ‘ x u L g 5 K. v, ; .. .‘u I . 9.. . . .. ‘ a. a W: n I. .7 £4? a . c . n A l .- i t. . r. .. g. u. N, 6 . c. S m a w E W .4- .1 I .u. .2 PRACTICAL dicular, A a, let fall upon the ground-line from the verti- 111 general, we suppose that the vertical projection of a point is above the ground~line, and that the horizontal projection is below; but from what has been said, it'd-is evident that if the point in space be situated below the horizontal line, its vertical projection will be below the ground~line ; for the distance from this point to the hor- izontal plane, cannot be taken from the base-line to the top, but from the top to the base with respect to its plane. So if the point in space be situated behind the vertical plane, its horizontal projection will be above the ground- line ; from which we conclude~ lst. If the point in question be situated above the hor- izontal plane, and before the vertical plane, its vertical projection will be above, and its horizontal projection below, the ground—line. 2d. If the point be situated before the vertical plane, and below the horizontal plane, the two projections will be above the ground-line. 3d. If the point be situated above the horizontal plane, but behind the vertical plane, the two projections will be above the ground-line. 4th. Lastly. If the point be situated above the hori- zontal plane, and behind the vertical plane, the vertical projection will be below, and the horizontal projection above, the ground-line. The reciprocals of these propositions are also true. If a line be parallel to one of these planes of projec- tion, its projection upon the other plane will be parallel to the ground-line. Thus, for example, if a line be par- allel to a horizontal plane, its vertical projection will be parallel to the ground— line , and if it is parallel to the ver- tical plane, its horizontal projection will be parallel to the ground—line. ' Reciprocally, if one of the projections of a line be parallel to the ground-line, this line will be parallel to the plane of the other projection. Thus, for example, if the vertical projection of a line be parallel to the ground- line, this line will be parallel to the horizontal plane, and vice versa. If a line be at any time parallel to the two planes of projection, the two projections of this line will be par- allel to the ground-line; and reciprocally, if the two pro- jections of a line be parallel to the ground-line, the line itself will be at the same time parallel to the two planes of projection. 16 as» as ' .LGDOMETRY j, i ., 61 If a line he perpendicular to one of the planes of pro- jection, its prejectionzupon this- plane will enly be a point, ~- and its projection upon the othe1 plane Will be perpen- dicular to the ground-line; Thus, for example, if the line in question he perpendicular to the horizontal plane, its horizontal projection will be only a point, and its ver- tical projection will be petpendicular to the ground- -line. Reciprocally, if one ’of the projections of a straight line be a point, and the projection of the other perpen- dicular to the ground-line, this line will be perpendicular to the plane of projection upon which its projection is a point. Thus the line will be perpendicular to the hori- zontal plane, if its projection be the given point in the horizontal plane. If a line he perpendicular to the ground-line, the two projections will also-be perpendicular to this line. The reciprocal is not true; that is to say, that the two pro- jections of a line may be perpendicular to the ground-line, without having the same line perpendicular to the ground- line. If a line be situated in one of the planes of projection, its projection upon the other will be upon the gr-ound -line. Thus, if a line be situated upon a horizontal plane, its veitical plojection will be upon the ground-line; and if this line were given upon the vertical plane, its horizontal projection would be upon the ground-line. Reciprocally, if one of the projections of a line be upon the ground-line, this line will be upon the plane of the other projection. Thus, for example, if it be the vertical projection of the line in question, which is upon the ground, this line will be upon the horizontal plane ; if, on the contrary, it were upon the horizontal projection of this line which was upon the ground-line, this line would be upon the vertical plane. If a line be at any time upon the two planes of projec- tion, the two projections of this line would be upon the ground-line, and the line in question would coincide with this ground-line. Reciprocally, if the two projections of a line were upon the groundoline, the line itself would be upon the ground-line. If two lines in space are parallel, their projections upon each plane of projection are also parallel. Reciprocally, if the projections of two lines are parallel on each plane of projection, the two lines will be parallel to one another in space. If any two lines whatever in space cut each other, the projections of their point of inrersection, will be upon the same perpendicular line to the ground-line, and upon the ‘: 1‘ ~ : .f is " .1.'»'‘ he“ 5 ripornts , . We know the intersections of ‘ h " .manneiithat their points or i” _ 1p” ,1. » ‘f same perpendicular to the ground- line, these tWo lines in’ _ question will cutxeach other in space ~ 1 ’3" The position of a plane is determined“ 1n space when ‘ ”it? l l of projection. ‘1 The intersections, A B, A C, of- the plane 1n question, with the planes of projections, are called the traces of s plane. [1: The trace, situated in the horizontal plane, is called the horizontal trace, and the trace, situated 1n the ver- tical plane, is called the vertical t7 ace. A very important remark 1s, that the two traces of a“ plane intersect each other upon the ground-line. If a plane be parallel to one of the planes of projection, this plane will have only one trac‘e, which will be parallel to the ground— —line, and situated in the other plane of projection. Reciprocally, if a plane has a trace parallel to the ground line, this plane will be parallel to the plane of projection, which does not contain this tr‘ace. Thus 1st. If a plane be parallel to the horizontal plane, this plane will not have a horizontal trace, and its vertical trace will be parallel to the ground-line. Likewise, if a plane be parallel to the vertical plane, this plane will not have a' vertical trace, and, its horizontal trace will be par- allel to the ground line. 2d. If a plane has only one trace, and this tr‘ace par- allel to the ground -line, let it be in the vertical plane, then the plane “ill be parallel to the horizontal plane. So if the trace of the plane be in the horizontal plane, and parallel to the mound line, the plane Vt 111 be parallel to the vertical plane. If one of the traces of a plane be perpendicular to the gr-ound line, and the other trace in any position whatever, this plane will be perpendicular to the plane of projection, in which the second trace is. Thus, if it be a horizontal trace which 1s perpendicular tothe ground— litre, the plane wr ill be perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection , and if, on the contrary, the vertical trace be that which is perpendicular to the ground line, then the plane will be perpendicular to the horizontal plane. 1 Rflecipr‘ocallJ, if a plane be perpendicular to one of the planes of projection, without being parallel to the other, , "t‘ace‘Will be perpendrcular‘to the ground- lrne 1 Thus crekample, if the plane be perpendicular to the verticaltplitne, the vertical trace will be perpendic- ular to the gr V“ ndline. The reverse will also be true, if the plane be perpendicular to the horizontal plane. If a plane be perpendicular to the two planes of pro- jection, its two traces will he perpendicular to the ground- line. Recipr'ocally, if the two traces of a plane are in the same straight line perpendicular to the ground- -line, this plane will be perpendicular to both the planes of pro- jection. If the two traces of a plane are parallel to the ground- line, this plane will he also parallel to the ground-line. Reciprocally, if a plane be parallel to the ground-line, its two traces will be parallel to the ground—line. When a plane is not parallel to either of the planes of projection, and one of its traces is parallel to the ground- ‘line, the other trace is also necessarily parallel to the ground-line. If two planes are parallel, their traces in each of the planes of projection will also be parallel. Recipr ocally, if on each plane of projection the traces of the two planes are parallel, the planes will also be parallel. If a line be perpendicular to a plane, the projections of this line will be in each plane of projection, perpen- dicular to the respective traces in this plane. Recipro— cally, 11 the projections of a line are respectively perpen- dicular to the traces of a plane, the line will be perpen- dicular t0 the plane. [fa line be situated in a given plane by its traces, this litre can only intersect the planes of projection upon the traces of the plane which contains it. Moreover, the line in question can only meet the plane of projection in its own projection. W'l‘rence it follows, that the points of meeting of the right line, and the planes of projection, are respectively upon the intersections of this right line, and the traces of the plane which contains it. If a right litre, situated in a given plane by its traces, is parallel to the horizontal plane, its herizontal projec- tion will be parallel to the horizontal trace of the given plane, and its vertical projection will be parallel to the ground-line. Likewise, if the right- line situated in a given plane by its traces, is parallel to the vertical. plane, its vertical projection will be parallel to the vertical line of the plane which contains it, and its horizontal projec— tion will be parallel to the ground-line. tr- , .- ; p .7 ,,_ “r“ m Reciprocally, if a line be situated In a given plane by , egg;- its traces, and that, for exatrIple, let its horizontal pro- jection be parallel to the horizontal trace of the given; plane, this line will be parallel to the horizontal plane, and its vertical projection will be parallel to the ground- r». 1...);1 ,." plane, this lIne,W1lL bee parallel to the vertical plane, and its horizontaL; projection will be parallel to the g1onnd line. . , ., . S E C T1 0 N ON THE DEVELOPEMENTSOF THE SURFACES OF SOLIDS. ~ A PROBLEMS, PLATE 15.’ PROBLEM I. To find the developement of the surface'of a right semi-cylinder. FIG. 1. Let A C D E be the plane passing through the axis. On A C, as a diameter, describe the semi—cir- cular are A B 0. Produce C A to B, and make A F equal to the developement of the are A B 0. Draw F G parallel to A E, and E G parallel to A F; then A F G E is the developement required. PROBLEM II. To find the developement of that part of a semi— cylinder contained between two perpendicular surfaces. FIGS. 2, 3, 4. Let A B C D E be a portion of a plane passing through the axis of the cylinder, C D and A E, being sections of the surface, and let D E and F G be the insisting lines of the perpendicular surface ; also let A C be perpendicular to A E and C D. On A C, as a diameter, describe the semi-circular are A B C. Pro- duce C A to H, and make A H equal to the develope- ment of the are A B C. Divide the are A B C, and its developement, each into the same number of equal parts -. at the points, 1,2,3. Through the points 1, 2, 3, &c. in the semi-circular arc, and in its developement, draw straight lines parallel to A E, and let the>paralle1 lines through 1,2, 3, in the are A, B, C, meet F’ G, in p, ”q, r, &.c. and A C in k, l, m, 6130. Transfer the distances kp, lq, mr, &c. to the developement upon ’the lines 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 1350. Through the points F, a, b, c, &.c. draw the curve line, F c 1. In the same manner draw the curve line, E K ; then F E I K will be the developement required. PROBLEM III. To find the developement of the half surface of a right cone, terminated by a plane passing through the axis. .FIG. 5. Let A C E be the section of the cone pass- ing along the axis, A E; and C E the straight lines which terminate the conic surface, or the two lines which are common to the section C A E, and the conic surface, and let A C be the line of common section of the, axal plane, and the base of the cone. . On A C, as a diameter, describe a semi-circle, A B C. From E, with the radius E A, describe the arc, A F, and make the am A F, equal to the semi circular are A B C, and Join E F ; then the sector, A E F, is the develope- ment of the portion of the conic surface required. PROBLEM IV. To find the developementiof that portion of a conic squace contained by a plane passing along the axes, and two surfaces perpendicu- lar to that plane. FIG. 6. Let A C E be the section of the cone along the axis, and let A C and G I be the insisting lines of the perpendicular surfaces. Find the developement A .g‘» anmth. w . .. » a...» .7 Asa-x: 64 ‘ PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. E F, as in the preceding problem. Divide the semi- l allel to one side, E C meeting A C in the points t, u, v, circular arc, A B C, and the sectorial arc, A F, each 65c. Also from the points 1, 2, 3, in the sectorial arc, into the same number of equal parts at the points 1, 2, A F, draw the straight lines 1 E, 2 E, 313, &0. Trans- 3, 660. From the points 1, 2, 3, 650. in the semi~circu- fer the distances pt, qu, m2, (Vac, to 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 356. then lar arc, draw straightlines, 1 /c, 2 l, 3 m, 650. perpendicu- through the points A, a, b, c, 650. draw the curve A c F, lar to A C. From the points Ir, 1, m, 660. draw straight and A c F'is one of the edges of the developement, and lines 16 E, l E, m E, 650. intersecting the curve, A C, in by drawing the other edge, the entire developement, A G p, q, r, 650. Draw the straight lines, pt, qu, 1'72, &0. par- J H F, will be found. P]. 1(3. \\ \'g E\ ‘Eigr \ \Z , :\ \‘\ 15;: ‘ \\ A; \i : kk :\ ‘ \ \x‘ E \ ‘ ‘ \ \TSK \ . \‘»\ \A F g\ E E a ../ \ ‘T‘E /// \\\;7 / . \; \_ B ##w_,,,\\ \\\\\ E: \ EE \ E: I" \ ‘: ,‘ \ ""E; , ’ \_\ >§_\ Ex ' 5 "~23. :.\.--‘-’-'~";\\ ‘ ‘E- L \ E _ _ Aftffiigcx \\ E\ - , \» ~ \ ’ / \ ‘ \ \EVI I p /‘ i E > IV / C ! v 1 V H PJRHDJIWCVJNI <01" "(BF Tl”.,fRJl§l\TIS , ‘\\ / / / \ I I l E G W Ill: \\\\\t§§\i\\\ \\ \\ A WI.3 A}! ‘ ‘l I n u \\'\\\ \ \ f ‘ ELIMJHW V II V \ \\ I, W I! f u \\ IV‘C‘?‘ ‘ ‘ /§////:/’ 3w ; \§\\\\\ ‘\\\ ‘\\\\ ‘ x\\ / /y// /// I 1'1“ I , I \ ‘ V‘ V? l v‘. ‘ / \\‘ \ v . \‘ / '/ \ ‘ \\ \. ‘/_ ‘ \J\“:\\\\ ,1? /// a: \\ N \v Z/ . \ ‘ \\ , // ,\ M “ \ \l\\\{:///. / \ y‘ Q; 1%: { I" ‘ [In the annexed definitions and problems, the student will find enough to portance of this useful branch of science , and he will also find occamon toap‘ply th to have acquired from the preceding pagesml’ the present work ] 1. When straight llnes are drawn, according to a cer— tain law, from the several parts oflany figure or object cut by a plane, and by that cutting midfitersectlon describe a figure 011 that plane, the figure so described is called the projection of the othe1 figure or object. 2. The lines taken altogether, which produce the pro- jection of the figure, are called a system of rays. 1 3. When the system of rays are all palallel to each other, and are cut by a plane perpendicular to them, the p1ojection 0n the plane ls called the o1thog1aphy of the fignle p1 oposed 4 Vi hen the system of parallel rays is perpendicular to the h01iz0n, and p1ojected on a plane parallel to the ho1izon, the 01thographica1 projection is then called the ichnography, or plan of the figure proposed. 5. \Vhen the rays of the system are parallel to each othe1 and to the ho1izon, and if the projection he made on a plane perpendicular to those 1ays and :1‘to: ~thet hon/on, it is called the elevation of the figure prov posed. [In this kind of projections, the piojection of any par- ticular point, or line, is sometimes called the seat of that point or line, on the plane of projection. ] DEFINIT'ist. 6. If a solid be cut by a plane passing quite through 17 fine. a correct and sufficiently perfect idea of the nature and 1m- ometrical principles, a knowledge of which he 15 presumed ~_‘ it, the figure of that part of the solid, which is cut by the plane, is called a sectiOn; 7. vVVhen any solid is projected orthographically upon a plane, the outline or boundary of the projection is called the contour or profile of the projection. [NOTE. Although the term orthography signifies, in general, the projection of any, plane which is perpendicular to the projecting rays, without regarding the position of the plane on which the object is projected ; yet writers on projection substitute it for elevation, as already de- fined, by which means it will be iinpossible to know when we mean that particular position of orthographical projection, which is made on a plane perpendiculm to the horizon] _ ‘ :AXIOM. - If any point, line, or plane oliila'ny original figu1e, or object, touch the plane on which it is to be projected, the placevgp‘ene it touches the projecting plane, is the projection Of tbét point, line, or plane of the original figure or obJect 1.: :“PROPOSITION. 1 _ ical projection of a line, which is paral— ' " projection, is a line equal and parallel Ln.” *3. 1 ,1» 66 ‘ PROJECTION OF PRISMS. PROBLEMS. PLATE 16. ' ; PROBLEM I. FIG. 1. To project the elevation of a prism standing on a plane perpendicular to the projecting plane; given the base of the prism, and its position to the projecting plane. Let A B C D, No. 1, be the base of the prism; let H F be the intersection of the projecting plane, with‘the plane on which the prism stands. Draw lines from every angle of the base, 1:111th H F at H, and F will be the projection of the points. A and C; the angle D touching H F at D, is its pro- jection. From each of the points H, D, F, in No. 2, draw the lines H I, D E, and F G, each perpendicular to H F; make D E equal to the‘ 1 eight of the p1isn1 , tlnough E 3 draw I G, cutting H I and F G at I and G, which will give the projection sought. PROBLEM II. FIG. 2. the ichnography is to be described; given the iehnography A L, of an angle, which the two under planes make with each other; the angle M a l, which the angle of the solid makes with its ichnoglaphy A L; the inter- section A a, oi one of its ends with the plane 01 tl1e.icl11 1og1anhv: the angle D A a, which one side of the end makes at A, with the intersection A (10f that end; also given one of the sides of the ends, and the length of the prism. At the given point A, with the intersection A a, make an angle a A D, equal to the angle which one of the sides ‘ of the end makes with A a ; make A D equal to one of the sides of the end ; then on A D, construct the square A B C D; through the angles of the square B, C, D, draw lines B H, «C I, and D M, parallel to A L ; then at. the point a, in the right line D M, make an angle M a l, with a M, equal to the angle of the solid, whose projec- tion is A L with A L ; make a, 1 equal to the length of the solid; through the points a and Z, No. I, draw the lines a e and l 2', perpendicular to a l ,' through the points B and C, No. 2, draw B R. and C S, paral- lel to A a, cutting D M, produced at R and S; on a, as a centre with the distances at D, a R, and (1S 1}, de- scribe arcs‘P g, Rf, and S 3, cutting a e, No. 1, at g rr,f, e ,' through the points g, f, e, draw the lines g 1:, f it, and e 2', parallel to a. l, and No. 1, will be completed, which will be the projection of the prism 011 a plane par- allel to A L. Through the points g, f, e, draw the lines a E,f F, and g G, perpendicular to D M, or A L, cutting D E, C I, and B H, respectively at G, E, F ; also through the points 1, Is, It, i, draw the lines I L, I; K, h H, and i I, likewise parallel to A L, cutting A L, G M, B H, and C I, respectively at thepoints L, K, H, and I; join E F, E G, and H I, I K, K L, L H, then will the planes . . ., . E 13 HI, '13 '10 project the 1chnographjr and elevatlon of a , “ll‘dle PM" to, re“ 19’0“ one 0f “5 angles A G be joined then will F A G 13 1‘ 1 L H, and G _1 upon a glven pomt A, 1n the plane, 011 winch 1 I K L, and H I K L, represent the ichnog- raphy of the upper sides of the solid; and if F A and L K, 1"ep1es cut the sides of the solid ne\t to the plane of plojection. Then to ploject the elevation 011 a plane whose intersection is T U ; from F, E, G, A, H, I, K, and L; that is, from all the points in the ichnography ‘1 representing the solid angles, draw the lines Ff, E e, G g, A a, H h, I ‘i, K In, and L l, perpendicular to the intersection T U, cutting T U at p, q, a, g, 0, m, and 1:; make pf, q 6,0‘ g g, n 11, 0 i, m l, and 1.: k, at No 3, respectively equal to Pf, Q 8, Grr g, N ll, 0 i, M l, and Kk,atN01; thenjoinfa,ag,gr e,ef, ei, £11, Lg, kl,andla,' andfag egg 8 i 11,3 kla,willbethe elevations of the outside planes of the solid; and by joiningfh, and It i, f h i e, f It l a, and i I). l I: will be the elevations of the planes of the solid, next to the plane on which the elevation is projected. {3,1, ' ‘1 SHADOWS. [This is one of the most interesting 4 branches of architectural science ; or, perhapsfit may, with more propriety, be termed a branch of geom— etry ; for’it is almost entirely dependent on, and governed by, geometrical principles. From a knoweldge of it, the architect is enabled to draft his plans, corfstruct his windows in order to receive light to the best advantage, 8m. &c. and to give them their true effect, or representation of light and shade ; to The art of keeping a proper gradation of light and shade on objects, according to their several distances, colors, and other circumstances, is of the utmost consequence to the artist] THE EFFECT OF DISTANCE The art of giving a due diminuntion or degradation to the strength of the light and shade and colors of objects, according to the different distances, the quantity of light which falls on their surfaces, and the medium through which they are seen, is called Keeping. 1. When objects are removed to a great distance from the eye, the rays of light which they reflect will he less vivid, and the color will become more diluted, and tinged with a faint bluish cast, by reason of the great body of air through which they are seen. 2. In general, the shadows of objects, according as they are more remote from the eye, will be lighter, and the light parts will become darker; and at a certain dis- tance the light and shadow are not distinguishable from each other; for both will seem to terminate in a bluish tint, of the color of the atmosphere, and will , appear entirely lost in that color. 3. If the rays of light fall upon any colored substance, the reflected rays will be tinged with the color of that substance. ' 4. If the colored rays be reflected upon any object, the color of that object will then be compounded of the color of the reflected ra 75’ and the color of the object ; so that the color of the object which receives the reflection, will be changed into another color. 5. From the closeness or openness of the place where the object is situated, the light, being much more vari- ously directed, as in .ijects which are surrounded by ON THE COLOR OF OBJECTS. buildings, will be more deprived of reflection, and conse- quently, will be darker than those objects which have no other objects in their vicinity ; except the surrounding objects are so disposed, as to reflect the rays of light upon the surrounded objects. ”6. In a room, the light being more variously directed and reflected than abroad in the open air, (for every aper- ture gives an'inlet to a different stream) which direction is various, according to the place and position of the aper- ture, whereby every different side of the room, and even the same side in such a situation, will be variously affected with respect to their light, shade and colors, from what they would in an open place when exposed to rays com- ing in the same direction. Some original colors naturally reflect light in a greater proportion than others, though equally exposed to the same degrees of it ; whereby their degradation at differ- ent distances will be different from that of other colors which reflect less light. ' The art of keeping a degradation of light and shade on’objects, according to their several distances, colors, and other circumstances, is of the utmOst consequence to the artist. ., In orthographical projections, where equal and similar objects stand in the so me position to the plane of projec— tion, they. ill be represented similar, and of an equal magnitude, at every distance from that plane ; and conse- quently planes which are parallel to each other, would not 68" appear to have any distance; so that the representation of any number of objects, at different distances from each other, would be egtirely confused, and no particular ’ object could be distinguished from the others 7; but by a proper attention to the art of keeping, every object Will be distinct and separate, and their} respective distances and colors from each other will be preserved ; SHADOWS. but though a proper degradation of light and shade ought to be preserved, according to the respective distan- ces of objects from each other, artists in general take too great liberties with nature; we frequently. see in the drawings of architects, the art of keeping carried to so great an extreme, as to render their performances ridicu- lous. l“ —-+—- DEFINITIONS. 1. A body which is continually emitting a stream of matter from itself, and thereby rendering objects visible to our sense of seeing, is called a luminary ; such as the sun or any other body producing the same effect. 2. The stream of matter which is emitted from the luminary, is called light. 3. A substance or body which light cannot penetrate, is called an opaque body. 4. If a space be deprived of light by an opaque body, it is called a shade. 5. The whole or part of any surface on which a shade is projected, is called a shadow. . 6. A body which will admit of light to pass through it, is called a transparent substance. ’7. A line of light emitted from the luminary, is called a ray. “ PROPOSITION I. The rays of light, after issuing from the luminary, proceed in straight lines. PROPOSITION II. If the rays of light fall upon a reflecting plane, the an- gle made by any incident ray, and a perpendicular to the reflecting plane, is called the angle of incidence, and will C whether concave or convex, or mixed of the two, the angle of reflection‘will still be equal to the angle of in— cidence. PRO POSITION IV. Any uneven reflecting surface, whose parts lie in vari- OUs directions, will reflect the rays of the sun in as many different directions. DEMONSTRATION. If any ray fall upon a part of the surface which is perpendicular to that ray, it will be reflected in the same line as the incident ray ; but the more or less any part of the surfuce is inclined to a ray, falling upon that part of the surface, the greater or less angle will the reflected ray make with the incident ray. For, imagine a perpen- dicular to be erected to that part of the surface where any incident ray impinges on the surface, it is evident that the measure of the angle of incidence is equal to the obtuse angle made by the incident ray, and the reflecting surface atthe impinging point, made less by a right angle; but the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of inci- dence; wherefore it follows that the whole angle formed be equal to the angle that its reflected ray will make with l the same perpendicular, called the angle of reflection; 1_ these two propositions are known from experiment. PROPOSITION III. If the rays of light fall upon any curved surface, l by the incident and reflected rays, is double of the angle of incidence; and consequently a reflecting surface, j whose parts he in various directions, will reflect the sun’s l rays in as many directions. I 1 Corollary. Hence appears the reason why objects jand their parts become visible to our sight when im- 1 . } mersed 1n shade. UN 5 HA l‘)'{})'\\,’3 . SHADOWS. , 6'9. DEFINITIONS. 1. If a given straight line pass through or cut a given plane, and if an imaginary plane be supposed to pass through any two points in the straight line, perpendicular to the other plane, the angle made by the intersection of the two planes, and the given straight line, is called the inclination or altitude of the given line, on the given plane. 2. The intersection of the planes, is called the seat of the given line on the given plane. Corollary. The angle made by a ray of light, and the seat of that ray, is the angle of the sun’s inclination. 3. If, on the surface of any solid, there be any point or points in the surface where the sun’s rays fall perpen- dicular, this point or points which the sun’s rays fall per- dicular to, are called points of light. 4. If, on the surface of any solid, there be any line drawn upOn that surface, and if the line so drawn upon the surface be lighter than any other line that can be drawn upon the said surface, then the line first drawn is called the line of light. 5. If the sun’s rays fall upon any solid, and if a line or lines be drawn on the surface of the solid where the sun’s rays are a tangent, or upon the place or places of the surface which divide the dark side from the light side1 then the line, or lines, so described, are called a line or lines of shade. 6. If the sun’s rays be parallel to any plane, that plane to which they are parallel, is called a plane of shade. PROBLEMS. PROBLEM I. Given the ichnography and elevation of a prism, whose sides stand perpendicular to the hori— zon, and whose ichnography is a figure of any kind, regular or irregular; given the seat of the sun on the ichnography, also on the elevation; and the intersection of the plane of the eleva- tion with the plane of the ichnography ; the re- presentation of the point being likewise given on the elevation, and also on the ichnogra— phy, to determine the representation of the shadow on the elevation. Through the representation of the given point in the plane of the ichnography, draw a line parallel to the seat of the sun’s rays on that plane, and produce it till it cut the intersection; from that point on the elevation, draw a line perpendicular to the intersection ; then through the representation of the ,given point on the elevation, draw a line parallel to the sun’s seat on the elevation, cutting 18 the line that was drawn perpendicular to the intersection, and that point will be the representation of the shadow on the elevation. PLATE 17. PROBLEM II.‘ FIG. 1. Given the altitude and seat of the sun on the horizon and the intersection of a plane, mak- ing a given angle With the horizon; to find the seat and altitude of the sun on the other plane. Let D F be the seat of the sun on the horizon, and D F G, the angle of the sun’ s elevation, E F the intersec- tion of the plane with the horizon, and A B C, the angle which that plane ls to make with the horizon. P1oduce D F till it meet E F in F , through any point D, in the seat D F, draw D G perpendicular to D F, cutting F G in G ; also through D draw D K, per— pendicular to E F, cutting E F in E ; through D, draw 77: 770 ' D I, peipendicular to D K; make the angle D E H, equal to the giVen angle A B C; make D I equal to D G; through I, draw I H, perpendicular to E H, ”cutting it in H, make E K equal to E H ,_join K F; :from K. makeK L,_ perpendicular to K F; frOm K make K L equal to H I, join L .;F then will _I K be the seat of the sun on the other plane, and K F L will be the angle of the altitude. If the plane K E F stands perpendicular to the hori- zon, as in FIG. 2, the operation will be more simple, as follows, the same letters standing for the same things : Make E K equal to D G; join K F ; draw K L, as before, and make K L equal to D E; join L F, then will K F be the seat of the sun on the horizon, and K F L be the seat of the altitude. PLATE 18. \ .PROBLEM III. FIG. 1. Given the ichnography A B C D E F G H I K, and elevation L M N O of an upright prism, Whose base or iehnography is a regular poly- gon, and the seat of the sun’s rays on the base, to determine the various degrees of light and shade on the different sides of the prism. Let I’ Q, in the ichnography, be the seat of the sun; and it it cut C D perpendicular, then will C D be the lightest side of the prism, the sides D E, and C B, will be a small degree darker, as P Q is more inclined to D E and C B; and in general, according as the sides re- code on each side of C D, they Will be continually darker until they become wholly deprived of light; then suppose the sun’s ray to touch the Side G H, then G H will be theplane of shade, or that side Where the light will end. Much in the same manner may the different degrees of shade be found on the surface of a cylinder, as in FIG. 2, where A B C D is the ichnography, and G H IK the elevation: that is, if B P be the direction of the sun’s rays, cutting the ichnography in B, then will B be the lightest place ; and it will be continually darker and darker in each side of the point B, until it arrives at the point C, where the ray touches the side of the cyl- inder; and there the light will end, and the darkness begin. SHADOWS. PROBLEM IV. FIG. 3 and 4. To represent the boundaries of light and shade on the elevation of a cone illumined by the sun, . given the angle that any ray of light takes With the base of the cone; also to determine the line of light, or that place on the surface that Will be the lightest. Let A E D be the elevation of the cone, and let F I L G be the ichnography or base of the cone ; let F L be the seat of any ray in a plane, passing through the axis, and let the angles M L F, FIG. 3, and L F M, FIG. 4, be the angles which a ray of light makes with the base of the cone, and let F N L be a section of the cone passing through the axis, and through F L; consequently the rays M L and F M, will be in that plane. Produce the rays M L and F M, if necessary, until they cut the sides of the section N F and N L ; FIG. 3 will be cut at the points M and L, and FIG. 4 at the points F and M: bisect each of the lines M L and F M: and through N, the vertex of the cone, and the point of bi- section, draw N K ; through K, draw I K G, at right an- gles to F L ; through the points G and F, drawthe lines G C and F B, perpendicular to A D, the representation of the base, cutting A D at B, and C in the elevation, and join B E and C E ; then will B E be the lightest line that can be drawn 011 the surface of the cone, and C E will be the representation of a line which will divide the light side of the cone from the dark side, and B E C will be the representation of half the enlightened side of the cone. PLATE 19. PP OBLEAI V. Given the ichnography and elevation of a poly— gonal ring, or a ring made of cylinders of equal lengths, and making equal angles with each other, to determine the representation of the boundaries of light and shade, 011 the ichnography and elevation; the sun’s altitude and seat to the plane. on which the ichnogra- phy is described, being given. Let A C be the seat of the sun in the plane of the ich- . P118. LAID (0W b' a 7 i S11 0 3T . \\ ..|£ i é 3x“ & .\\V\V§W\\l\\% V‘sNNs 1 @ IJ xxxgm \ui. Jpn/I, 2g J‘r‘ l’lm. SHXMD mm , \ \ \ \ ~ \ ._ .M..w,¥ _ W _ __ \ \ \ SHADoWs. 2,1,.” ' , , .1 ' nography, cutting the thickness of the ring at A and B ; let A C D be the angle which the sun’s rays make with the plane of the ichnography, or seat A C. Bisect A B 1n 0,- with the radius 0 A or c B, describe a circle , and through the centre 0, draw c d parallel to C i D, cutting the circle at 11; also through c, draw the line a b, at right angle. to c d, cutting the circles at a and b ; through the points (1 and b, draw lines parallel to the sides A and B of the ring ; then the dark line nearest to A, will represent the line of light; and that which is nearest to B, will represent that line which separates the light side from the dark side. To find the lines of light and shade on the next side of the ichnography : from the centre C draw C E at right angles to the side E, cutting the sides E and F at E and F; through the point A draw H A G, at right angles to E C cutting E C at G ; from G make G H equal to A D: join H C, and bisect E F at c; then with the radius 0 E on c F describe a circle, and tli1ougl1 its centre 0, d1awc 1; parallel to C H, cutting the circle at I; , also through c draw pfat right angles to c k,- through the points k andf, draw lines parallel to the sides E and F: then will the line next to E, that cuts C F at p, be the line of light, and the line next to F, the line of shade. In like manner proceed with the side, I and K : that is, through 0 draw the line C I, at right angles to the side I, cutting the sides I and K, at I and K; bisect I K at c ; with the radius 01 01' c K, describe a circle; through the point A, as before, draw the line A L per- pendicular to C I, cutting C I at L; from L, make L M equal to A D; join M C ; through c, draw 0 m par- allel to C M, cutting the circle at m, also through c, draw g h perpendicular to c m, cutting the circle at g and It ,' then through the points m and h, draw lines par- allel to the sides I and K; then the line next to I, which cats I K at s, will give the line of light, and the line next to K‘the line of shade. 111 like manner to find the common boundary of light and shade, upon that side of the ring next to the ich- nography, draw lines through the points a, p, g, parallel to the sides A, E, l, as are shown by the dotted lines, “ l11t11 will gives lines of shade on the unde1 side of each cylindrical pa1t. The lines for one qualter of the ring being found, the other quarter, on the other side of the seat A C, may be found from the last quarter, each being in the same order, receding from the line A C, or drawing towardsit. One half being new found, the other half will be found by observing that opposite sides of 11‘ _ 71 the 1ing are parallel to each other; and consequently if one is found, the other will also be found, for the light will be at the same distance upon the same sides .of that which is to be :found,,-,as that cylinder which is found. Then’ to find the lightest lines on the elevation, .FIG. 2, and also thosélineswhich will be the boundaries ' __ofthe light and shade, proceed as folloWs: Through the points ’11, 0, p, q,_."‘draw the lines 72 N, o O, pP, (1 Q, perpendicular to‘lthe elevation, cutting the line P K, which represents a plane 5':paSSing through the axes of all the straight cylinders, at the points P, Q, N, O ; make P H equal to p 1-5; from Q, make Q E equal to q 8 ,' from N make N D equal to n d, from 0, make 0 A equal to o a; then through the points H, D, E, A, FIG. 2, draw lines parallel to P K: then will the lines H and D, represent the lines of light, and E and A will represent the lines of shade. Now since the side D A, in the elevation, FIG. 2, represents the cylindrical part A B, on the ichnography, and because that the lines of light and shade are in the same order on each side of A B: that is, the light and shade will be the same height from the plane of ichnography, on each of the cylin~ drical parts that are equi—distant from the cylindrical part A B, on each side of it, and consequently will be repre- sented on each of the cylindrical parts, FIG. 2, equi— distant from A D, at the same altitude ; then make P H and Q E, the next cylindrical part to the centre of the elevation, equal to P H and Q E, on the outside cylindri- cal part, which the side E F, on the ichnography, repre- sents ; make S M and R G, in the elevation, equal to s m and r g, on the ichnography ; the height of the lines on each side of the elevation representing the light and shade, being taken from its corresponding place on the ichnog- 1aphy, as is already shown, will complete the lines of light and shade on the elevation. OBSERVATIONS. _ I. If the seat of the sun’s rays be drawn on any plane, and if a cylinder lay on that plane with its axis perpendic- ular to its seat, and parallel tothe plane, the lightest line on the cylinder, will be nearer the plane in this position than in any other. 2. But if the axis of the cylinder make oblique angles, then the line of light will be higher on the cylinder. 3. Again, if the axis of the cylinder be parallel to the seat of the sun, the lightest line on the cylinder, in this case, will be at its greatest distance 172 frOm the plane, because then the line of light will be whe1e a plane passing through the axis of the cylinder, cuts the upper surface pe1pendicular to the plane on which the cylinder lies; the line of light in the first po- sition of the cylinder, is brighter than the line of light 1n the second position of the cylinde1, and the line of light in the second position of the cylinder is brighter than the line of light in the third position of the cylinder ; the axis of the cylinder in all these cases being parallel and equi-distant from the plane of the ichnography; conse- quently the lines of light in the first and third positions of the cylinder, are the extremes of all the varieties which happen between these two positions; that is, the first is the lightest possible, and the third is the darkest possible. The boundaries of light and shade, called in this book the lines of shade, or those lines which sepa— rate the light side from the dark side, are always at a quadrant’s distance from each other; and consequently that arc which is the under line of darkness, in the first position, will be higher in the second position, and still higher in the third position, and if a plane be made to touch the cylinder upon that line, it will be perpendicu— lar to the plane 011 which the cylinder lies, and therefore its ichnography will be represented "by the edge of the cylinder. Now suppose that cylinder to be turned round by moving continually the same way, until the axis of the cylinder comes into that position in which the aXis would be perpendicular with its seat, then the line of darkness would be in its highest position. P L A T E 1 9 PROBLEM VI. To find the lightest line, also the line that divides the lightest side fiom the da1k side on the ichnog1aphy and elevation of a ci1cular ring. Let A C be the seat of the sun, or any line parallel to it, passing though the centre C, of the ichnog1aphy, FIG. 1,cutting the thickness of the ring at B and H; and let B C D be the sun’s altitude, take the point G, at one quatter of the cir'cumfe1ence of the ring, distant from the point B; and take any points E and F in the cir- SHADOWS. cumference between B and G, and d1aw the lines E C, F C, and G- C, cutting the inside of the ring at I, K, and L, through the point B, draw the lines B M, B N, and B U, each respectively perpendicular to E C, F C, and G C, cutting E C, F C, and G C, at O and P, makeOM, PNfandCU, onBH,,EI FK,and G L, as diameters, describe ci1cles whose centles are a, b, c, a; through these centres draw the lines o d, c m, c n, and w u, parallel to C D, C M, C N, and C U, cutting the circles at a, m, n, u, and c, c, c, w ,- also through the centres a, b, c, v, draw lines 23 q, p s, I: 3/, and L G, respectively perpendicular to C D, C M, C N, and C U, cutting the circle at i, q, 1), s, k, 3/, L and G. Through the points d, m, 72,16, draw the lines cl g, m e, n o, and u v, perpendicular to the diameters B H, E I, F K, and G L, cutting B H, E I, F K, and G L, respectively at the points g, e, 0, 'v ,' draw a curve which will be part of the line of light for one quarter; also through the points 9, s, y, draw the lines (1 r, s t, and y :0, cutting the diameters at r, t, .1'; then through the points 7', t, 3;, and L, draw a curve line 7' t x L, which will be the upper line of shade for that quarter, or that line which divides the dark side from the light side, upon the upper side of the ring on that half which is next to the luminary. One quarter being now found of the line of light and shade, on the ichnography of the visible side of the ring, the other three quarters will be found from that quarter which is already found, in the same manner as in the last problem, and the points D, M, N, U, I, P, K, G, also in the elevation of the curves D, M, N, U, and I, P, K, G, being drawn, then D M N U will be the line of light, and I P K G the line of shade. PLATE 720. PROBLEM VII. To represent the lines of equal gradation on the surface of a sphere given; the seat of a ray of light on the plane of projection, and the elevation of the ray. Let A B‘be the diameter of the sphere and seat‘of the sun. Find the centre C, and describe a circle with i 1,» mwmr: r: ' :94 , $53105; gratin. 3x , / , I I. SHADOWS 0 P120. x Wf’w/frw \Yl‘. SHADOWS. ‘ I - ' _ 2 , :73. i”. the radius C A or C B, this circlewill represent the contour of the sphere. Make the angle A C D, equal to the elevation of the ray above the seat 0 A ; and ,let C D be produced so as to'cut the circumference lineli‘n D and E. Draw the lines F G, H I, K A, L‘M, N 0, P Q, perpendicular to D E, to cut the circle at the points, F, G, H, I, K, A, L, M, N, O, P, Q, then will F G, H I, K A, L M, N O, P Q, be the diame— ters of circles, which have equal intensities of light around each circumference on the sphere. Draw D R, G S, F T, H V, K C, L W, N X, P Y, perpendicular to B A; then R will be the projected point, representing the lightest point on the surface; T S is the shorter axis of the ellipsis, and F G the greater. Describe the ellipsis a T b s, which will represent a circle of equal intensity of light in every part of its circumference on the surface of the sphere. In like manner, if the ellipsis cV d e, be drawn, it will represent another circle of equal intensity. Proceed in this manner, and represent all the intermediate circles of the sphere to that, the di- ameter of which is P Q, where a ray of the sun would at any point he a tangent, and the representation of this last circle K Y Z, will be the line of separation of light and shade; then every succeeding ellipsis towards the lightest point R, will represent graduating lines continu- 3 ally lighter. PROBLEM VIII. Given the ichnography and elevation of a cyl-j _ ' . .- - , ; ichnography, and 0 It, the seat of the sun on the eleva— lndel, haying a square pl‘qjecture 0r abacus, D ‘ and the seat of the sun on the ichnography, also its seat on the elevation; to find the shadow of the abacus, also the line of‘light and shade on the cylinder. Let A H I K L M N O B be the ichnography of the cylinder; D E F G be that of the abacus; V \V the elevation of the cylinder ; and E F the elevation of the abacus; let CF be the seat of one of the sun’s rays on the ichnography, passing through the centre C ; draw F 0, making an angle with E F, equal to the angle which the seat of any of the rays make with E F; through C, draw C H, perpendicular to C 0, cutting the ichnography at H; between the points H and 0, take any points I, K, II,9M, and N ; then through the points 11,-. I, K, L, M,“N,til5wiines B B, I a, K R,'L 3;, ' M T, N U, parallel to5,C.F,.cutting H P at P, Q, R,.S,.' T, U ; through the points,;P,'Q, R, S, T, U, draw line’s parallel to F o ,- also, through the points B, I, K, L, M, N, O, draw lines H h, I-t', K k, L l,7M m, N n, O 0, par- allel to the sides of the cylinder, cutting P 11, Q i, R lc, S l, T m, Un, F 0, at the points It, i, k, l, m, n, 0; through these points draw a curve, and it will be the shadow of the abacus; H It will be the line of shade and O o the line of light. PROBLEM IX. FIG. 2. Given the ichnography and elevation of a cylin— der having a circular projection over it ; the seat of the sun on the ichnography; also its seat on the elevation being given; to find the shadowiof the projecture on the cyl— inder; also the line of light and shade. Let A D E F G H I B be the ichnography of the cyl- inder, R K L M N O P Q, the ichnography of the projection: let U T be the elevation of the cylinder, and V S that of the projecture; also let C 0 be the seat of the sun’s rays, passing through the centre C of the tron. Through C, draw C D perpencliCtilar‘, cutting the cir- cumference of the inner circle at D, take any point E, F, G, I, B, in the circumference, draw the lines B K, E L, F M, G N, H O, I P, and B 0, parallel to C H, cut— ting the outward circle at the points K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, from the points D, E, F, G, H, I, draw the lines D d, E e, F f, Gg‘, H It, I i ; also through the points K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, draw the lines K k, L l, M m, N n, O 0, P p, Q (1, cutting V S a the points ls, l, m, n, 0, 72,71 ; through the points k, l, m, 72, 0,1), q, draw I; d, l e, m f, n g, o h, p 17, parallel to o h, cutting the lines D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, at the points, d, e,f, g, It, i; a curve being traced through these points, will be the representation of the shadow upon the cylinder: D (1 will be the line of shade, and H, the line of light. ‘.,74“' ”. j;a,. ‘ 1,. .SHADOWS. PLATEQL' , _ PROBLEM X. .. The: ichnography and elevation of the prism ” Standing upon a polygonal base, haying the ' "projecture or cap of the same figure upon it, projecting equally over its sides; given the seat of the sun’s rays on the plane of the ichnography, and also on the elevation; to project the, shadow of' the cap on the prism, and also on a plain parallel to the axis of the prism. ‘ ' 1 Let A B C D E F G be the ichnography of the prism, H I J K L M N the ichnography of the cap W A, and G P, parts of the ichnography of the plane on each side of the prism, J W be the projection of a ray on the ich- nography, and j w, on the elevation. From all the points H, I, J, K, L, M, N, in the ichnography of the angles of the cap, draw the lines H /l, I i, Jj, K 15, L Z, M m, N n, perpendicular to W P, to cut the under side of the cap at h, i,j, Ir, l, m, 72. Draw the lines A 4 a, B 5 b, C 6 c, D 7 d, E 8 e, F 9f, G 10g, perpendicu- lar to W P, cutting the bottom of the prism at 4, 5, 6, ’7, 8, 9, 10, then the lines 4. a, 5 b, 6 c, '7 d, 8 6, 9f, 10 g, represent the angles on the elevation. Draw the lines H Z, I X, J W, K Q, L» R, M T, N U, parallel to J W, cutting the ichnography of the plane at the points Z, X, W, and the ichnography of the prism, at Q, R, T, U. Through the points ll, 2', j, k, l, m, n, the projection of the angles of the cap on its under edges, and parallel to y to, draw the projections of the rays It z, i x,j w, k q, l 7‘, m t, n u. Draw the perpendiculars Z z, X 3:, W 20, Q (1, R r, T t, U u, then the points z, x, w, are the projections of the angles of the cap on the plane, and (1, 7“, tea, the projection of the other angles on the elevation of the prism. Draw 0 Y, to touch the prism at C, and draw Y 3/ perpendicular to IV P, then Yg/ Will be the termination of the shadow of the body of the prism on the Wall. Then because that the point (1 is in the plane 6 c d 7, the point r in the plane 7de 8, and the points 2‘ and u, in the plan 9 fg‘ 10, and the lines j, Ic, l, m, 71, parallel to these planes; the lines j, ls, l, m,‘n, will make parallel shadows; therefore, draw 9‘, c, r d, tu, parallel to j lc, [C l, or m n, to cut 0 6 in e, A: ’7 in d, and G g at u .' join d q ; then to find the depth of the shadow of lm on the elevation, draw (Sr .9 on the ichnography parallel toJ W ; draw (5* 65 perpendicular to W P, likewise (f)? s, parallel to the ray on the elevation, and S .9, parallel to the axis of the prism; then s is the depth of the shadow; but as the projections of the ex- tremities of l m, fall upon the adjacent planes at r, and t, draw e f through 3, cutting 8 e at e, and 9f at f; then join e r, f t. Lastly, draw G V on the ichnography par- allel to W J," cutting the projection of the cap at V: draw V v perpendicular, cutting the cap at v, and draw 1) g parallel to the rays on the elevation, and join u g; then o q d, r 6 fl u g will be the shadow of the cap on the elevation; but as the shadow of the parts of the abacus H I, I J will be from the top of the cap ; make to 1, x 2, z 3, parallel to the angles of the prism on the elevation, and equal to the thickness of the, cap. Join l, 2; 2; 2, 3: then will 3, 2, 1 w y be the shad— ow of the abacus on the wall. Through g draw g m and k iin the same straight line with g m, cutting 3 2, at k; then i k 2, l w (1/ is the complete shadow of the cap on the plane. Much after the same manner may the shadow of a. cylinder be found, having a circular projection over it, as is shown at FIG. 2 ; and also the shadow of the cylin- der projecture may be found on a plane parallel to the axis of the cylinder, having the same thing given as be- fore ; but for more easy inspection, letters are placed on the ichnographyr and elevation, representing the cor- responding parts of each other; that is, capital letters are placed on the ichnography, and small letters of the same name on the elevation, representing those of the same name on the ichnography. _ PROBLEM XI. Given the seat and altitude of the sun on any plane, also the seat and altitude of a line to the same plane; to determine the shadow of the line "upon that plane. Let K L be the seat of the line upon the plane, and G H FIG. 3, the angle which the line makes with its seat ; make the angle M K L FIG. 2, equal to the angle H G I; through L draw L M, perpendicular to K L, cutting K M at M; also through L draw L O paral- lel to the seat of the sun; again, through L draw L N perpendicular to L O, and make L N equal to L M; then upon the right line L N, and from the point N, make the angle L N 0 equal to the complement of the angle of the sun’s inclination to a right angle; produce . E‘TflM-ywmflflagv» } l; t: a U) (WW 5 o T l SMA 151.21.. 27w Mfg/Jam” ”/4 ,[U/(llll’ [XII/zlfizzr/Ikzz/zlr f ‘14¢...I..cT.nn.«.c.|yu-|I¢I..:\‘uvc.rulullll L _ 27/ [/26 7/522? 27’”. C‘ ‘3‘», n'tw Mm ,na .. w," ,.__—.. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJ 51mm) 3;st , J JJJJJJJ J J JJ J J J JJJJJJJ'JJJJJJJJ l ‘ J_JJ \ E \ \ E \ \ \ _—__.__—_____ \ ‘———_'——————_—_———— \ \ _-—-———_—___—__ \=——_————“———— ‘ \ m \W \ \ s . \ ‘ \ . \ m \ \ ____—_—____ \ ——_____——__—___ \ _—.___—.__—____ \—__._.___—.__.___—._ JJJ H 'J I“ ‘| J J.;JJ Jun JJJJJ" . \ ,l JJJJJJJJJ. IJHJJJIJIIJHJJIJJJ J! J ‘ JJJIJ JJEJ J JJJ‘J‘JJJJJ J JJJJ'J ' JJ JIJJJJJJJJJ JJJ ’JJ ’ | J . . JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ'JJJJJJ‘JJJ ' H JJJJJJJJ JJJ" J ”in JJJJ JJJJJJJJ JJJJJJ JJJJJ JJJJ“ 222 .. ..,., gnaw?“ “ SHADows.'j "&_p." ‘ ” ,75 N 0, cutting L O at 0; then join the points K and ‘0, and the line K 0 will be the shadow required. This p1oblem will be found of great use in finding the shadows upon inclined planes. . NOTE. If the seat and altitude of the sun be given. on any other plane, making a given angle with the plane on which the shadow 18 to be p1ojected, the sun’s altitude and seat may be found by Problem II, I PROBLEM XII. Given the seat and angle of inclination of the sun on the horizon, and the intersection of a plane perpendicular to the horizon; to deter- mine the angles which a plane of shade, made by a right line, parallel both to the horizontal and perpendicular planes, will make with each of the planes. Let A B be the seat of the sun on the horizon, and A A D as FIG. 1, the angle of inclination to the seat A B, and let G B be the intersection ofxa plane perpendicular to the horizon; take any point C in C B, and from C, draw C A perpendicular to C B, cutting A B at A; from A, draw A E perpendicular to A C, and A D per- pendicular to A B, cutting D B at D ; make A E equal to A D, and join C E, then will the angle B C E, be the angle which the plane of shade makes with the per- pendicular plane, and the angle A C E the angle which the plane of shade makes with the horizon. This problem will be very useful in shading mould- ings which project from planes that stand perpendicular to the horizon, the sun’s altitude and seat being given to the horizon ; as will be shown in the next problem. PLATE 22. ' PROBLEM XIII. A moulding of any kind being given, and the angle which a plane of shade makes with a perpendicular part. of, the moulding, either being given or found by the last problem, having the sun’s"7altitude and seat on the ho- I I rizon; to determine the shadow on the moulding. Let the ovolo,vfillets,y and. hollow, FIG 1, be the given‘ moulding; drawC D parallel to the inclination which the plane of shade makes with the vertical part of the mould- ing, touching the ovolo at C, and cutting the vertical pa1t below D; then a line drawn through D perpendic— ular to the fillet will give. the lower edge of‘ the shadow, and an imaginary linevsuppotsed to be drawn through C, will give the line of shade ;- and if aline is drawn through A, the lower edge of the fillet above the ovolo parallel to G D, cutting the ovolo at C, then a line being drawn through B, parallel to thefillet, will give the edge of the shadow from the fillet. Much in the same manner may the shadow upon the cima reverse and cima recta be found, as shown by the dotted lines. ’ ON MOULDINGS. . PLATE 22’ The form or shape of . mouldings, in most cases, may be ascertained from the various degrees of light and shade upon them, Without ob- serving the profiles; which will appear evi- dent frorn the following observations. Observations on Surfaces, and their Power to reflect Light. It has already been observed in the second proposi- tion, that if the sun’s rays fall upon a reflecting plane, the angles made by the reflected rays, with perpendicu- lars at the impinging points, will be equal to the angles made by their corresponding incident rays with the said perpendiculars; so that the rays in this case will have only one direction after reflection: but by experiment (.1 . . we are shown that there 13 no such th1ng as a perfect plane; for if a surface is even polished to the greatest degree, yet this polished surface will be but rough and uneven; for if viewed through a microscope having a great magnifying power, the surface will appear quite irregular, and the different parts of the surface will be : manner of directibns by the difl‘erentepositions of the sur— _ ' higher any surface can be polished, the nearer it approx- _ imates to a plane, and consequently; the rays will be more the rays of light. ' SHADOWS direetrontbut a- great pa1t of them Will be reflected in all Lby proposition LIV. It. may be observed, that. the and more reflected 1n the same direction but there is no surface which Will 1eflect the sun’s: rays entirely in the same direction , that is, parallel. to each other; but a great part of them will-'be-reflected in all manner of di- rections: it will be also necessary toobserve, that the power of reflection will depend very much on. the light- ness of the color of materials ; for the darker any sub- stance is, the more will the rays of light be absorbed in that substance, and consequently will have a less power to reflect. _:White being the lightest of all colors, will reflect the most rays ; and the more any substance inclines to a white, the greatest power will that surface have to reflect ' Observations on Illauldings in Shade. CASE I. if the sun’s rays fall uponany building ; also upon the ground or horizon below'the building; and if there are any projectures from the building, such as mouldings or other ornaments, and if any of the parts of those mould- ings or ornaments are entirely in shadow by the projec- ture of something else which prevents the rays of the sun from falling upon them, those parts of the mouldings which are in shade will become visible; for, besides a reflection from the ground, there will be a strong reflec- tion from the surface of the building, i1111nediatelyunder ' the mouldings or ornaments. It has already been ob- served, that these 1'ays will be reflected in all directions, and consequently a part of~them will be reflected upwards 011 the mouldings above, and ther'efore 111ll show light and shade on the mouldings,according as the refleCted‘ rays fall, more or less perpendicular on their surfaces. Hence the 1eas011 why all per pendicular sides of fillets will be darker in shade than the horizontal sides. An ovolo, having a projecture over it, so as to prevent the sun’s rays from falli' g upon it, the reflected 1a) s be- ing more and more inclined from the under edge towards the upper edge, Will be lightest beloW, and Will be gradu- ally darker and darker upw ar.ds ' . . A ‘cavetto or hollow, imn1e1Sed in shade, Will, for the same reason, he darkest below, and will be continually lighter to the upper; edge. ' A cimareversa, in" shade, will be darkest above and below, and lightest in the middle; for this moulding is composed of an ovolo-above and a cavetto below. A cimarecta, in shade, will be lightest above and be~ low, and darkest 1n the middle. These are general rules for shading horizontal mould- ings. Observations 0n vertical Mouldings. CASE II. All upright perpendicular mouldings,in shade, or being in part so, will receive a reflection from those surfaces ‘ which are next to them ; for they cannot receive a reflec- tionfrom the contrary side, by reason of their projection, which will prevent the ray, reflected from that side, from falling 011 them. a _ Therefore it is plain, in these cases, the forms of mould— ings may be known by reflection. Artists give this rule for shadowing : that is, to shade all mouldings or other ormaments which are in shade, inverse to those on which the sun’s rays fall, from the contrary side of the reflected rays. But this rule is not only very uncertain, depending much on the situation of other objects which surround these mouldings or orna- ments, but in some cases very erroneous, as in the exam- ple of mouldings perpendicular to the horizon ; for mouldings in this situation, as has been observed, will receive a reflection from that side, which is next to the front of the moulding, if something else does not project. to a great distance from that surface from which the reflection comes. Ifa cylinder or column is attached to a wall in a vertical position, and if it has any projecture over it, so as to cause that part under the projecture to be in shade quite round the cylinder, there will not only ,be a reflection from the wall on the contrary side of the cylinder, to the sun upon that side of the cylinder which is next to it, but also from that part of the wall 011 that side of the cylinder next to the sun, which will make that part of the ‘cylinder 11 hub is in shadow, lightest at the two sides and darkest 1n the middle. Something of the same kind may be seen in Ionic columns attached to a SHADOWS. ' 77 wall; where it may be observed, when the sun shines upon one side of them ; suppose that side of the column "which is on the right hand, then the right hand volute will throw a shadow upon the light side of the column, which. shade will be lightest on that edge which is next to the wall and to the luminary, and darkest at that edge next to the middle of the Column. Observations on Mouldings in Shade, when situate on the side of an Object which is entirely in Shade, and also the ground under that side in Shade. CASE III. In one building where one end or side is entirely in shade, and also a great part of the ground under that end in shade, there will be little or no reflection from the ground upwards, nor from the surface of the building, and consequently little reflection upon the mouldings from below ; the only light which they receive is from a kind of scattered or confused rays in the atmosphere, and small reflections from the horizon ; and threfore horizontal mouldings, or ornaments, in this situation, which have but small projectures ocer them, will have a contrary eflect to mouldings 1n shadow, situate on the light side of an object. An ovolo, placed horizontally, and whose greatest pro- jecture is upwards, upon the dark side of an object, will be lightest above, and centinually darker and darker tothe under edge. A cavetto, having its greatest projec ture upwards placed horizontally on the dark side of an object, will ‘ be darkest above, and continually lighter and lighter to the under edge. A cimareversa, placed horizontally on the dark side of the object, having its greatest projection upwards, will be darkest in the middle, and lightest above and below. A cimarecta, whose greatest projecture is upwards, and placed horizontally, will be darkest above and below, and lightest in the middle. All horizontal projectures on the dark side of an object will condense the shade under them, and consequently vVill appear more or less dark, according as the projec- ture is more or less. These are general rules for shading mouldings on the dark side of an object from scattered light; however, there are some exceptions to these rules; that is, when any of these mouldings have a very great projecture over them, this projecture will hinder the scattsred rays from falling upon the mouldings; but as they will receive a small reflection from the horizon below, the most of the scattered and reflected rays will fall obliquely on the moulding; thus the lighted place of an ovolo will not be exactly on the under edge, but somewhere between the under and upper edge, and will be nearest to either, according as the shadow on the ground is less or more distant from that side of the object, and according as the projecture over the moulding is more or less, and also according to the position and distance of other surround- ing objects; all these different circumstances combining together, will vary the places of light and shade on hor- izental mouldings, which are_situate on the dark side of an object. An horizontal cavetto on the dark side of an object havinga projecture over it as before, the lightest place will be somewhere between the upper and under edge, as in the ovolo, and both mouldings would have actually the same appearance if their profiles could not be ob- served; when most of the scattered and reflected rays are in a plane, making equal angles with the hor- izon, and with that side of the object in shade: that is, forty-five degrees with each other; and, consequently, mouldings in this situation will be less distinct than mouldings in shade, on that side of the object which the sun shines on. Further Observations on the Efiect that reflected Light will have on Cornices, which have [Wodillions or Mutules, Dentils, (See. or any other projecting Ornaments of a nature similar to them. The reflected light from the ground and from the object being scattered 1n all directions, it will therefore follow, if there are any projecting parts from mouldings, or cornices, which are in shadows, such as mutules, modillions, dentils, doc. these projecting parts will hin- der a great part of the scattered'rays from falling in the spaces between, them ; and therefore the spaces will be deprived of reflection, and consequently will be much darker than the prominent parts, even if these prominent parts were also 1n shadow. For this reason the intervals between mutules, modil- lions, dentils, 660. are darker than on their fronts; for every projecture will condense the shadow on each side of it, if recessed on both sides; therefore the spaces 4...“- 1 A ‘ 1...;- - tan-2w, I," 1“ will be lightest 1n the middle, and darkest nearest to the edges of the muttil'es, modillions, dentils, 650. but to show on which side of the mutules, 650. the great- eSt’ shade Would fall, according to the place of the lumin- at y, would be almost impossible, as it depends so much on the situation of other objects. But suppose all the ' surrounding objects in the vicinity to be removed, and the ground and building to be of a light color, and sup— pose the rays to proceed from the right to the left hand of the object, and parallel to a vertical plane which is inclined at an angle of forty-five degrees with the eleva- tion of the object; then it is plain, that since the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, the great- ' est patt of the rays which fall upon the 1101izon will be reflected from the gtound parallel to the vertical plane; and seeing that the vertical plane would be on the right hand of another vertical plane, perpendicular to the face of the object, and to the horizon, it follows, that most of the rays will come from the right hand, and be reflected towards the left on the object; and conse- quently, any projectures from cornices, as mutules, &c. which are in shadow, will condense or darken the shade upon the left hand of the projecture; and that vertical side of the mutules which is next to the luminary, will . be lighter than the other vertical side 011 the left of the mutule, doc. As to the direction and effect, which most of the reflected rays would take from the face of the ob- ject, imagine a plane parallel. to the sun’s rays and per» pendicular to the face of the building or object; then most of the rays will be reflected from the building or object downwards, parallel to this last mentioned plane; and that part of those rays which are reflected upwards, would take no particular direction to the right 01' to the left, and therefore would cause no sensible difference upon the vertical sides of the niutules, but would reflect most light upon the horizontal or under sides, &c. What has now been said of mouldings in shade having projectures from them, or of the tecessed parts of any object, will apply to ornaments in shade which ate deep- ly 1elieved;f01 their recessed patts, acco1ding to the fetegoing obsewations, will be dep1ived of reflection by the more p1ominent pa1ts of them; they will therefote be datkest in their receding patts, and lightest on the prominent parts. 1. . «SHADOWS. Observations- on the Shades of Projectures from Buildings, or from any other plain Surface which is made of light Materials. If there is any vertical plane, and if a rectangular prism is attached to that plane, having two of its sides parallel to the plane, and consequently the other two sides perpendicular to it; then if the sun-shine on the plane be on either side of the prism, the other opposite side of the prism will cause a shadow to be projected from its edge upon the plane; and if the shadow upon the plane be of no considerable breadth, and if the plane be extended at any considerable distance beyond the shadow, then the lightest part of the plane on which the rays fall, will reflect a great part of the rays towards the prism: but as these reflected rays will not fall upon the shadow, it will be deprived of reflection: but as the side of the prism which projects the shadow, is opposed to the reflected rays, that side of the prism will receive a. strong reflection, which will cause it to appear much lighter than the shadow it throws on the plane ; but if the shadow be projected farther on the plane, it will diminish the reflecting surface behind the prism, and will also cause the reflecting surface to be at a greater dis- tance from the side of the prism, and consequently will receive less reflection from the plane; and in general the reflection on the prism will be continually diminish- ed, according as the shadow on the plane is increased, till at last there will be no difference between the shadow on the plane, and the side of the prism which projects that shadow; and if the plane be entirely deprived of light, by the extensive breadth of the shadow, the side of the prism will in general be darker than the shadow on the plane: but this will depend very much on the situation of other objects. A building consisting of light colored materials, hav- ing a break in the front whhich projects a shadow on the building, at a small distance from the break, will, for the reason before mentioned, be much lighter on the side of the break, than the shadow projected by it on the build- ing behind it; also columns which are attached to a wall, will project a darker shadow on the wall than any part of the columns which throw the shadow, provided that the shadow is not any considerable distance from I'_ firiwaaw "t W ¥ . . ‘5 ,4 , H ; ' I t H V f m- ‘ Q I‘ . A V V ' I ‘ . . 3., - v.2,“ I“ " V ‘ ’ \ r‘ ,v ' 3‘ ‘q M . . A I . _, " > t .. _. ., . .2; .. wfivaw .. . u. o , W D A fl . 7.1 , J . L 1 u .» o a o 3 .2. l1 ) .1 w. « ‘rfiocw‘ 4.; saw :9“ mm,“ 4. ,. in ,. 4; 1 . 4 . 5r . , , a . A. g -,. ,1. . .. ‘ 3 i A r 3 f " ' ’. v . 1 . -. '... . i , , l ' ‘ :3 4. . . 4 c- , r I I \ "g‘l‘“’flé"lfil I - n v ‘ r m I. I . I. A -' / . ' - " \ ' -. . _ , I , . . ~ ‘- . I . ’ \ ,3.“ ,4 4. ‘4‘ ,4 , L U; " '. 1 ' j . 7' r l . ‘ , , v . ‘ 4 ; x :5 ’ - f v L 1 L‘ '1 KY/ $HA LND'V \. SHADOWS. » ‘ '79 the column; for, according to the above observations, the broader the shadow, the less the column will appear to be relieved from it. Observations on the Light Side of the Prism, and the Eflect that a reflection from the Horizon and from the object will have on the Plane behind the Prism. The rays of the sun being reflected from the horizon in all directions, the projecture of the prism will prevent a part of the reflected rays from proceeding to the plane behind the prism, and consequently the plane would be something darker than the face of the prism which is parallel to it; but the side of the prism adjoining to the plane will throw a reflection upon the plane, and there-. fore it would be difficult to perceive the difference be- tween the face of the prism, and the plane parallel behind the prism. As to the difference of light between the side of the prism, which is perpendicular to the plane, and the plane, it will very much depend on the sit- uation of the luminary ; for if the luminary is in a plane equally inclined to both, there will be nearly the same degree of light on each; for very little difference will arise from the reflection, except the luminary is more inclined to one surface than another; and then that sur- face will be darker than the other, according. to the ob- liquity of the rays of the sun on that surface. PLATE 23. PROBLEM I. Given the ichnography and elevation of a base and capital, and the. seat of the sun’s rays on the ichnography, and on the elevation; to. project the shadows caused by the several parts of itself, and the line of shade upon the base.‘ Imagine the object to be sliced, or cut, by as many planes, parallel to the axes of the columns,* and to the sun’s rays, as may be thought convenient for the purpose: then it is plain, if a ray of light enter any of those planes, that every part of the ray will be in that plane, and that the projecting parts upon the edges of * It is not absolutely necessary to suppose the plane parallel to the axis of the column, as in this problem; but the sections formed by planes in this position are more easily found than in any other, for which reason I prefer the above position of planes. these planes will withhold the 1:in from a part of the edge of the plane ; and the lowesti ‘ int of that part will give the edge or projection of the shadow of the part which throws the shadow : then if a suflicieht number of these points are found, a line drawn through them, with a steady hand, will give the shadow; the line of shade will be found by drawing lines to touch the several sec- tions parallel to the seat of the‘sun’s rays on the eleva- tion ; and a line being drawn through the points of con- tact of the sections, will give the line of shade. Let H I J K be the ichnography of the abacus ; H S K the ichnography of the ovolo; and M P L that of the astragal; the lines G Y, F X, E W, D V, C U, B T and A S, are lines drawn parallel to the ichnography, cutting the front I J, of the abacus, and from the seats ion‘the ichnography and the several seats on the ele- vation, the shadows may be described, as is shown in the elevation: then lines are drawn to touch the most prominent parts of those sections; and the places where they cut the other parts of the sections will be the pro- jection of the several points as before: and a line being drawn through these points will give the shadow. The part gf e, is the shadow from the abacus, and d c h the shadow from the ovolo ; thus the point g in the el- evation is the shadow ofp ,' fis the shadow of n, and e the shadow of m ,' and the shadow of the other part of the abacus would be where the dotted curved line is rep- resented: but as the sun shines on the ovolo, in the middle of the abacus, it will throw the shadow lower than the dotted lines. This will be found by drawing lines to touch the several sections, which will give the points B, C, D. ' NOTE. That the line of shade on the torus might have been found in a very different manner than is shown in this example, may bgseen by the circular ring, plate 19. Much after the same manner may the shadow and lines of shade be found on the attic base ; as is shown in plate 24. P L A T E 2 5. PROBLEM II. FIG. 1. To find the shadow of a cylindrical recess in a wall, whose axis is perpendicular to the plane of the wall; having the seat of the “L ixm'ée-x EL; } Lfi" ii, \ newt t .311 80 sun’s rays on the, ichnography and eleva- tion. Let FIG. 1, be the elevation of the wall, and C D the diameter of the cylindrical recess; and let E F G H be the ichnography; bisect C D at a ,' draw A a perpen- dicular to E H, cutting it at A; through A draw A B parallel to the seat of the sun’s rays on the ichnography, cutting F G at B ; through B draw B [2 parallel to A a ,- and through a draw a 6 parallel to the seat on the eleva- tion, cutting B b at b ,- then on B as a centre with one half of C D, describe a part of a circle, as is shown by the dark line, and it will be the edge of the shadow. Much in the same manner may the shadow of a recess, which has a back parallel to the plane of the wall, be found ; as is shown at FIG. 2. PROBLEM III. FIG. 3. To find the shadow of a recess constructed as in FIG. 2, when the sides of the ichnography are inclined to the intersection of the two planes of the ichnography and orthography given, the intersection of a number of planes passing through the luminary perpendicular to the plane of the elevation. Let Z I), W Y, T V, and Q S, be the intersection of as many planes passing through the sun perpendicular to the elevation, and let Q R be the projection of one of the sun’s rays on that plane ; also let H I be the seat of the sun on the ichnography, cutting the back F G, of the elevation at I ; from I draw I N perpendicular SHADOWS. to I d, the common intersection of the ichnography and orthography; from M draw M N parallel to Q R, cut- ting I N at N ; through N draw N 0 parallel to M U; on O as a centre, and with the distance 0 N, describe the are N R, cutting the side of the recess at R ; through the points S, V, Y, I), draw S R, V U, Y X, and b a, parallel to I d ; and through the points Q, T, W, Z, draw the lines Q R, T V, W X, and Z a, cutting the lines S R, V U, Y X, and B a, at the points U, X, a ; then through the points R, U, X, a, draw the curve R U X a, and the line I N R U X a, will be the edge of the shadow required. PLATE 25. PROBLEM IV. FIG. 4, To find the shadow of a hemisphere niche; given the seat and altitude of the sun’s rays on the elevation. Let I N, G M, E L, and C 0, be lines parallel to the seat of the sun’s rays ; and on these lines, as diameters, describe semi-circles I K N, G H M, and E F L ; draw the line A B, bisectiug O C ; from any of the points C, E, G, I, as C, make the angle 0 C D, equal to the sun’s altitude, cutting the side of the niche at D ; through the other points E, G, I, draw E F, G H, and I K, parallel to C D, cutting the semicircles E F G, G H M, and I K N, at the points F H K ; through the points D, F, H, K, draw lines D d, F f, H IL, and K k, perpendicu- lar to the diameters, cutting them at the points d,f, It, I: ; and through the points, A 1:, h, f, d, draw a curve, which will be the edge of one half of the shadow, from which the other half may be drawn, as is shown by the figure ; and this will give the shadow complete. OBSERVATIONS. I have given one example of the effect of light and shade on mouldings of different curvature; I shall en- deavor to show the effect of light and shade also, on many other examples, especially on the five orders of Architecture. From what has been said on this‘subject, many practi- cal and useful rules in shadowing, may be deduced; but as I have far exceeded the bounds first assigned for this part, I must end with observing, that from a considera~ tion of the foregoing examples, the shadows of all Oh- SHAH OWS o r). 9.. m. I, «, [2ng fir/.3. SHADOWS. 81 jects, however complicated, may be found, as every ob- ject may be considered as compounded of prisms, cylin- ders, spheres, and annuluses; therefore, each part being projected separately, according to the rules for its particu— lar kind of figure, the projection of all the shadows in that object will be completed. Although I have given correct methods for shadow- i 21 ing, I have no reason to think that the artist will always be at the trouble to project his shadows, for as drawings, in general, are shadowed to an angle of forty-five degrees, and as I have made choice of that angle, he will still find these examples to be his only guide in practice, as all the forms will be sufficiently near when copied by the eye, and drawn by the hand of a judicious artist. FOLIAGE. [Both the elements and composition of Foliage are here considered, and illustrated by plates. the most esteemed buildings of Grecian and Roman antiquity. The examples are taken from the remains of The learner is recommended to go through all the variety of ornaments exhibited in this department, by which means he will be enabled to apply himself to any other species, however different] DEFINITIONS. 1. An artificial arrangement or disposition of leaves, is called foliage. 2. The subdivisions of single leaves are called raf- fles. The leaves which, are chiefly used in architecture, are the acanthus, olive, parsley, laurel, and lotus. 3. An artificial arrangement of leaves, branches, fruit, flowers, drapery, &c., either singly or combined in any manner with each other, are called ornaments in archi- tecture. I 4. A string, consisting of flowers, fruit, leaves, and branches, either singly or intermixed with each other, and supported at the two extremes, the middle part form- ing itself into a curve by its gravity, is called a fes- toon. ‘ 5. A curve line, which is continually changing its po. sition in contrary directions on the same side of it; that is, first concave and then convex, concave again and then convexagain, and so on alternately, in this manner, to any number of curves of contrary flexure, is called a ser- pentine line. 6. If from a stalk, in the form of a serpentine line, a number of branches issue out, twisting themselves in the form of spiral lines, on each side of the serpentine, in all the concave parts on the alternate sides of it, and if these spirals and the stalk be decorated with foliage ; a compo- sition, so formed, is called winding foliage. PROBLEM I. To draw Ornaments. The learner should, in the first place, draw a great variety of curve and spiral lines of different descriptions, and compare these figures with each other; by which means he will be able at sight to distinguish each partic- ular species of curve from another: then he ought to en- deavor to imitate, with precision, the same things by hand in every variety of position which he can suggest to him- self, and hence he will acouire a freedom of hand in every direction. When he proceeds to copying leaves, a gen- eral outline ought to be drawn, circumscribing the whole leaf; he should then form outlines of all the ratlles, and round every compartment, circumscribing all the different sets of points or raffles ; and afterwards proceed to draw the raffles themselves. ' The learner having, after sufi’icient practice in copying, acquired a freedom of hand, he is advised to draw from nature a variety of such things as will be most suit- able for the purposes to,which they are to be applied. By so doing, the parts of his compositions will always appear rich and natural; and hence he will obtain a great- er facility of invention. Having had sufiicient practice in drawing from nature, he may then apply himself to the designing of ornaments; for which purpose he will find the first part of the problem, viz. that of drawing curve and spiral lines by hand, to be of the utmost utility in form- r Emmw «DIE JFWLMCEJBO . ' w; , Mb" 1.31 ENTS @319“ FMILAUG—IE 5w? d: .u I x 7.x.» v _ 3?» $35.».91u5l19. \\ '. '. ‘ /' ' l‘ E; I \ I l‘ : ‘: ‘ \’ ‘ u ' v g / , a \ \ ,, , . ' ' K \ * v" " ' ‘ ' ‘“ \ \ 3 5 j' ‘ , / I 2/. i J (9‘ “,Ir ‘ l : / . ‘ - -« . , 'u ' ‘ | / 700 "Q \ ' 'l 'I‘ ‘ \ \ ‘ 4 . .4. "“ I “hum ~3L'” “4 a' _ - . “' , > ‘ h” “l t W ‘ .V‘I “‘5‘ '.. .~ - ‘ . o ‘ « n ‘ h r“!- ‘ ’ V .4,“th § 3" . ‘ ‘. . '. .' ' . _ ‘ , _ ‘ _ _ . ,. ~ Mmfiwvmfiww «Mu-um». mm... . . ~ Msw—M . ‘- .. 5 an! .- “a ’ ,s 1 V .3» ‘ . ' ' ,fi ,‘.. 1V- gm“ ELEMENTS oF FOLIAGE. .1 I ing the general outline of his design; and for finishing the smallei parts, such as raffles, flowers, fruit, 650., he must apply the knowledge he has acquired in drawing from nature, which will complete his composition. LEAVES. Of the acanthus, or bear’s—breech, or brank-ursinae, there are several species. 1. The mollis, or common bear’s-breech, a native of Italy. 2. The spinosus, or prickly bear’s-breech, the leaves of which are deeply jagged in very regular order, and each segment is terminated with a sharp spine, as is also the complement of the flower, which render 'it trouble- some t.o handle them. 3. The ilictfolious, or shrubby bear’s-breech, grows in both the Indies. It is an evergreen shrub, which rises . about four feet high, and is divided into many branches, garnished with leaves like those of the common holly, and armed with spines in the same manner; the flowers are white, and shaped like those of the common acanthus, but smaller. 4. The nigra, or Portugal bear’s-breech, with smooth sin uated leaves, of a livid green color. ’5. The middle bear’s—breech, with entire leaves, hav~ ing spines on their borders. EXAMPLE. and will represent a figure similar to FIG. 1, Plate 27. ing examples, however dissimilar they may be. In the following descriptions, it will be only necessary to men- tion the names of the buildings from which the examples Were taken. - - , - P I. A T E ' 2 7‘. FIG. 1 1s taken from the arch of Adrian, at Athens. No.1. The profile of FIG. 1. FIG. 2. From the monument of Lysicrates, at Athens, commonly called the lanteln of DemOsthenes. No. 2. Profile of do.- ' PLATE 28. FIG. 1. From the temple of Pola, in Istria. No. 1. Profile of do. FIG. 2. From the arch of Adrian, at Athens. No. 2. A profile of do. FIG. 3. Elevation of a leaf taken from the capitals of the columns on the Baths of the Dioclesian, at Rome. No.3. P1ofile of do. ROSES IN THE CAPITALS 0F COLUMNS,‘”’-l -———- Plate 26 shows the method of beginning to draw leaves, as g1» en in the general Problem I. Suppose it were required to draw or copy Plate 27, either of the same size, or in any other ratio to it. 'First inspect Plate 27, and draw with a pencil a faint curve line, circumscribing the contour, or general outline of FIG. 1; then describe curve lines similar to it, as at FIG. 1, Plate 26; then draw lines faintly with a pencil, circumscribing the compartments or divisions of FIG. 1, t1; Plate 27; then draw lines in a similar manner, as at FIG. 1, Plate 26, observing that all the parts are similar to FIG. ], Plate 27; next draw the raffles and veins in the com— partments of FIG. 1, Plate 26; and, lastly, with a pen, draw in ink, all the parts'of the leaf represented by FIG. PLATE 29. FIG. 1. Elevation of the rose in the'abacus in the temple of Vesta, at Tivoli. / ‘ FIG. 2. The elevation of a rose taken from the temple of Jupiter the thunderer, at Rome. - , 'FIG. 3. Elevation of a rose from the abacus of the capitals of the temple of Vesta, at Rome. FIG. 4. Elevation of a rose in the abacus of the capi: tals of the pilasters of the frontispiece of New, at Rome. PLATE 30. FIG. 1. Elevation of a rose in the abacus of the cap- 1, Plate 27; then rub your drawing clean; the pencil itals of the arch of Titus, at Rome. lines Will be- rubhe . out, and the ink lanes will be left, l‘ This explanation will be Sufl‘icient for all the follow-if- I, 84 FIG. A. Elevation of a rose in the abacus of the cap- itals of the Pantheon, at Rome. FIGS. 2 66 3, are designs for the ornaments of modil- lions in cornices or corner pieces for pilasters. PLATE 31-. FIG. 1, the outline, and FIG.~2, the shadowed leaf taken from a frontispiece. ' " P L A T E 3 2. ' ' FIG. 1. From the portico of the temple of Antonius and Faustina, at Rome. FIGs. 2, 3 &, 4-. For corners and centres of pannels. ORNAMENTS FOR MOULDINGS. PLATE 33. No. 1. A general outline of Example I. x l ELEMENTS OF FOLIAGE. No. 2. The outline of Example 11., from the cyma- tium of the temple of Minerva Polias, at Priene. Example 3. From the cima-recta in the cornice of the temple of Bacchus, at Tees. Example 4. From the cima—recta of the cornice of the temple of Peace, at Rome. PLATE 34. FIG. 1. From the arch of Titus, at Rome. FIG. 2. From an impost moulding in the arch of Sep- timius Severus, at Rome. FIG. 3. From the cima-recta of the cornice 0f the frontispiece of Nero, at Rome. PLATE 35. FIG. 1. The side, and FIG 2, the front of a key stone of the arch of Septimius Severus, at Rome. FIG. 3. The ichnography of the modillion in the cor- nice of the temple of Jupiter Stator, at Rome. FIG. 4. Side of the modillion in the cornice of the portico of the Pantheon, at Rome. FIG. 5. ' Ichnography of do. inverted. ELEMENTS m‘ F01. JAGIF} . “,1 i ,» I i. I . . \ O O I l , I ‘ 9" 'u I" 0‘ «’5‘ r'wfi‘Yrv' Qt. ¢ . .v‘v 'u-l‘fiw- 9"..IAu‘zH ,1 4.4”; . J71. (C(DMPGDSITINDN (NF 11? OLMGE o ”M £23 fi/ §r\\ § : «RA :1 ‘////y'/ Wlfl <9 one” I? K % 2c» 5 ‘\ k’)/ M (1/3 *6®\§\// fw m: fl ? é _; @535; a / Q, W W?” W (WW mqu 7 F DELHI” (T) S I T I O N (UHF F (OLHA. (GE 0 1'134. w "\ J’VA , 0(2\ {513: Fifi/(Ax) ”Q vyxggk ‘ J "M [1.5.5. 13g]. .5. fly. 2. “.\;\~.§i xvii » I’VV""’ JV \~\ 5‘ s1 '1‘ m N «F IMMM—n M 0 I747. 4. D 4 &( ' OM If“ [’13]. 1'5, ___ _ , ‘ ,ggx \ \Hbox fikXKIM5L an DEFINITION OF THE GRECIAN ORDERS. [The Doric, the Ionic, and the Corinthian were the only orders of architecture employed by the Greeks. used only in Italy : the one more rude, the other more ornamented than the Greek orders, which occupied a'middle rank. I The Tuscan and Composite were To attain, therefore, a proper knowledge of the true principles of architecture, the student should devote most of his attention to the three Greek orders ;.,not only be- cause in them these principles are the most displayed, but because of all the monuments of antiquity, which have subsisted to modern times, few, or perhaps none, can be pointed out, in which the Roman or Italic mode of construction is certainly to be traced] 1. IF any number of frustrums of cones, or frus- trums of conoids of similar solids, and equal magnitudes with each other, he so arranged that their bases, which are the thickest ends of the frustrums, may stand upon or in the same horizontal plane, and their axes in the same plane with each other, and perpendicular to the hor- izon; and if on the tops of these frustrums be laid a continued beam; and if over this beam be laid the ends of a number of equidistant joists, the other ends being either supported in the same manner, or by a wall, or any piece of building whatever, so that the upper and under surfaces may be in the same horizontal planes; and if over the ends of these beams, be laid' another beam parallel to the former, which lays upon the frus- trums, but projecting farther out from the axis of the columns than the vertical face of the lower beam, which is over the frustrums; and if this beam supports the ends of rafters, whose upper surfaces lay in the same inclined plane, so as to support a covering 0r roof: the Whole of this mass, together with the frustrums support- ing it, is called an order. 2. If the bottom or lower end of the frustrum finish with an assemblage of thoirldings, projecting equally all 22 ‘ as round beyond the bottom of the frustrum,‘ then this as- semblage is called a base. ' 3. If the upper end of the frustrum finish with mould: ings, or any kind of ornaments, and if these ornaments or mouldings be covered with a solid, whose upper" end and lower sides are squares, and the vertical or perpen- dicular sides rectangles, then this solid, together with the ornaments or mouldings under it, is called a capital. 4. If the frustrum has no base, then the capital and frustru m together, is called a frustrum column ; but if the frustrum has a base, then the base, frustrum, and capital, taken together, are simply called a.,§plu1nn. j 5. The mass supported by the columns, is called an entablature. » i 6. The under beam of the entablature, is“ called an architrave, or epistylium. ' n 7. The space comprehended between the upper side of the epistylium, or architrave, and the under edge of the beam over the joists, is called the frieze or zopho— rus. “ 8. The edge, or profile, of the inclined roof, supported by the joists, or cross beams, jetting out beyond the face of the zophorus, or frieze, is called a cornice. 9. The lowest or thickest pait of a column, is called the diameter of the column. 10. Half of the diameter of the column is called a module. 11. If a module be divided into thiIty, or any other number of equal parts, then these parts are called .. minutes. a. 12. The shortest distance fiom the bottom of the :‘fiustrum of one column, to the bottom of the frustium of Ethe next column, 1s called the intercolumniation. 13. When the intercolumniation is one diameter and a half a column, it is. called pycnostyle, or columns thick set. ‘ 14. When the inte1columniation has two diameters of the columns, then it is called systyle. ‘86 ‘ \ DEFINITION OF THE GRECIAN ORDERS. 15. When the space between the columns is two diameters and a quaiter, then the intercolumniation is called eustyle. 16. When the intercolumniation is three diameters of the columns, then it is called decastyle. 17. When the distance between the columns has four diameters of the columns, then that intercolumniation is called araeostyle, or columns thin set. 18. When there are four columns in one row, then that number is called tetiastyle 19. When there are six columns 1n one row, then it is called hexastyle. ; 20. When theie are eight columns in one row, then it is called octastyle. x. 3 . ,, _ _,: GRECIAN ARCHIfiTECTURng ~* CORINTH‘IAVN ORDER. 9 (From the Cltomgidb Monument at Lysicmtes.) ‘V 1- l -;,‘t 5’! V .4 up it?! 3. ,, l L ..' V, - * “Wars 0n the architrave of this monument was the following inscription: “LYSICRATES, or KIKYNA, THE SON OF LISITHEIDES, WAS CHORAGUS, (or gave the chorus at'his own expense.) THE TRIBE or AKAMANTIS OBTAINED THE VICTORY IN THE THEON WAS THE PERFORMER ON THE FLUTE; LYSADES, At} ATHENIAN, WAS THE TEACHER or THE CHORUS. EVAENATUS WAS ARCHON.” CHORUS 0F BOYS. From this we conclude that on some solemn festival, which was celebrated with games and plays, Lysicrates, of Kikyna, a demos or bortfiigli- town of the tribe of Akamantis, exhibited, at his own expense, on behalf of the tribe to which he belonged, rat-Imusical or theatrical entertain), ent, in which the boys of Akamantis obtained the victory ; also, that in commemoration of the victory, this monument was erected to perpetuate‘the same to posterity, by the name of the archon, or magistrate in whose time this took place. It appears that the build'pg was erected aBfifit three hundred and thirty years before the Christian era, in the time of Demosthenes, Apelles, Lysippus, and Alexander the Great. The Tripod seems to have been the peculiar reward bestowed by the people of Athens on that choragus, who exhibited the best musical or theatrical entertainment ; and we find this particular custom obtained for these tripods the name of choragic tripods. It “was customary for the victor to. dedicate the tripod he had won, to some divinity, and to place it either on one of the temples already built, or on the top of some edifice erected and consecrated by him for the purpose. Thus they participated of the sanctity of the place, and were secured from injury or violence. B A tripod thus dedicated was always accompanied With an inscription ; so that it became a permanent, authentic, and public monumentiof the victory, and of the person who had obtained it, , 'i I'M ‘ Stuart and Revett deduce many circumstances to prove that it was erected for the above purpose, which appears rational and conclusive.‘ , , ' ‘ b. ‘o ‘T continued cylindrical wall, which was divided froin top to bottom into six equal parts by the junction of the panels. DESCRIPTION. The Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, which we are about to describe, is commonly called by the mo- dern Athenians, ‘to phanari tou Demosthenios,’ or the lantern of Demosthenes. ' This monument of antiquity, which is exquisitely wrought,"stands near the eastern end of the Acropolis, and is partly enclosed in the hospitium of the Capuchins. It is composed of three distinct parts ; first a quadrangu- lar basement; secondly a circular colonnade of which the intercolumniatio'ns were entirely closed, and thirdly a tholus or cupola with the ornament that is on it. There is no entrance or aperture in the basement, which is entirely closed on. every side. The basement supports the circular colonnode, and was constructed in the follow- ing manner. Six equal panels of white marble placed contiguous to each other, on a circular plan, formed a I On the whole length of each juncturewas cut a semi-circu- lar groove, into which a Corinthian column was fitted with great exactness, so as effectually to conceal the junc~ tures of the panels.* These columns projected some- what more than half their diamelg's from the surface of the cylindrical wall, and have the attic base. filThe shaft of the column is fluted iii a singular manner ; it con— tains thirteen‘flutes; the lower extremities of theSe flu- tings descend below their usual limits, and fie cut into the apophyges, or scape of the column, and the upper extremities terminate in the form of leaves ; the annular. channel, immediately above them, which divides the shaft of thepalumn from the capital, was probably filled with an astragal or collarino of bronze. Under thister- _ * The two tripods are wrought in Basso-relievo on each of the panels; they are probably of the kind described by Homer and Hesoid. 88 , GRECIAN ARCHITECTURE. minated the fluting in the form of an annular tier of leaves, turning outward from the shaft of thecolumn. This capital exhibits a specimen oftthelGrecian art. The’annular tier of leaves springing from the neck in form of the palm, the acanthus forms the‘seCOnd tier With the flowers. In the third tier is shown the beautiful branches 3%..." and the scrolls, terminating under thegangular, extremity ii ‘9“ 4t . . . . . S of the abacus, the pomts of which are cut short ; it in this .fQ‘Spect,:,2;§tls well as in the disposition of the foliage differs cons'ulerably from any other example of the Grecian Co- rinthian capitals. ‘” The entablature; . The architrave is divided into four divisions, the band or ogee and three parallel planes or faceas projecting one over the, other ; the lower edges standout one or two degrees from a perpendicular line. The frieze of this entablature is ornamented with sculp- ture representing the story of Bacchus and the Tyrrhenian pirates. The figure of Bacchus himself, the fauns and the satyrs who attended on the manifestation of his divinity, the "chastisement of the pirates, their terror and their ' O transformation into dolphins, are expressed in this Basso- relievoiwith great spirit and elegance. The cornice is very plain, composed of dentals and plain mouldings, in the place of the cyma or cymatium, having an upright front ; it is ornamented with scrolls and honey-suckle foliage in basso—relievo,in the Vitruvian style. This cornice is composed of several pieces of white { marble, and bound together by a cupola of one entire piece. The cu pola is ornamented with elegant workmanship ; its covering imitates that of thatch or of laurel leaves; the teret‘standin'g‘ directly over the wall resembles a Vitru- vian scroll ; next above the laurel leaves, the covering of the dome, spring three scrolls at equal distances from each other, in imitation of those branches in the capital shown in this plate. The flowers that ornament the top, rise from the centre, and are composed of workmanship of foliage, which terminate in three divisions of scrolls, of great richness, on the top, of which it is believed was supported the tripod gained as the prize, from the circumstance that cavities'are cut on the three principal projections in an equilateral triangle, into which the feet of the tripod were probably fixed, and in the fourth cavity, which is in the centre, and much the largest, was erected a haluster to support the tripod. PLATE A. FIG. 1. This figure represents the elevation of the Grecian Co- rinthian order, from the choragic monument of Lysicrates, proportioned to modules and minutes. FIG. 2. The inverted projection of the cornice. FIG. 3. The base is attached to the basement. FIG. 4. The capital inverted. “—5.1“ t3 GRBQJIAN (‘QRHNTMHAN ((DJRJDJJEJIR ‘, FLA. [1'7 712 My (h 725712 1/0me (if-[szcIaZen GRECIVAN DORIC. [The first Grecian order, in point of antiquity, is the Doric, so called from the Dores, a small tribe in Greece ; or, as some say, from Doms, an Aehaian chief, who first employed the order in erecting a temple to Juno, at Argos] . DEFINITIONS. 1. IF a plane, A B C D E F G E, one side of which A B is a straight line, B C and A E, at right angles to A B; and if C D be an ovolo, D, E, and F, fil- lets; F G a hollow, and G E, a straight or convex curve line; so that no part of it between the points G and E, may be farther distant from A B than E is from A B; then if this plane, so constructed, be turn- ed round the line A B, it will generate a round solid, and if a. parallelopiped, the two ends of which are equal squares, each side of these squares being a lit- tle more than twice B C, and the other four sides equal rectangles; then if this parallelopipied be fixed upon the end of the round solid, so that one of its square ends be fixed upon the end generated by B C, and the angles of the square to project equally over the round solid, then a solid so constructed is called a column. . 2. The parallelepiped fixed on the top, is called an abacus. 3. The figure, or annulus, generated by the echinus D G, is called also an echinus. 4. The annuli generated by the fillets D, E, and F, are each of them called an annulet. 5. That part of the Column or the frustrum, gene- rated by the curve line G E, is called the shaft of the column. 23 6. If, through the axis of the shaft, be supposed to pass twenty vertical planes, making equal angles with each other, which'will cut the surface of the column in twenty places; and if the surface of the ‘column be curved or hollowed between each two lines, from the bottom to the top of the shaft, termi-‘ nating immediately under the lowest annulet; then the shaft will have twenty curved sides, and as many angles ; and if nearly at the upper end of the shaft be cut one or more grooves of an equal depth, from the surface of the hollowing, each groove being parallel to the annulets under the echinus, then a column so form- ed is called Doric. ’ 7. That part of the column contained between the upper channel and the lower annulets, is called the hy- potrachelion, neck, or freize of the capital. 8. That part of the Doric column, comprehendng the abacus, echinus, annulets, and hypotrachelion, is called a Doric capital. 9. If the ends of the cross beams in the frieze, which lay upon the architrave, be at right angles to the sides of the beams, and parallel to the front or the architrave, and if the two vertical right angles of each beam, form- ing by the two vertical sides, and the ends be cut away by vertical planes, making equal angles with the sides and ends,h—-that is, 135 degrees with each; and if two other vertical channels are cut on the end, so that the planes, which are three in number, left on the ends of -A‘ .4- . ”-5. 10‘s,, a 90 ‘ a ' GRECIAN DORIC. ,each beam, may be equal rectangles, and the two, sides of each channel make 135 degrees, with the ends of the . joists, and are so disposed that there may be arectangle next to each semi-channel, and then two whole chané ne‘ls, leaving a rectangle in the middle ; the end of the beam, so formed, is called a triglyph. 10. If the spaces between the triglyph be filled up with planes parallel to the front of the triglyphs, or to the front of the architrave; and if these planes be in the , same plane with each other, and recessed beyond the ends of'the triglyph, so as to show a small part of the vertical sides of the beams ; that is, to be further in than the channels of the triglyph ; then these spaces so filled up, are called metopes. 11. If the front of the beam, which supports the raft. 'ers that lay upon the joists, project at some distance be- yond the face of the triglyph, the plane of the front being parallel to the ends of the beam; and if a recess be cut from this beam directly over the metopes, the plane of the front of the recess being parallel to, and having a small projecture over the metopes, and the ends of the recesses over the metopes, be in the same plane with the vertical sides of the beam; then that part of the front of the beam over the triglyph, is called the capital of the triglyph. I 12. The whole face of the work comprehended be— tween the upper edge of the beam which forms the capi— tal of the triglyphs, and the lower end of the triglyphs and metopes, is called a Doric frieze. 13. If from the top of the architrave, project a fillet, whose upper edge is in the same plane with the top of , the architrave, or the lower end of the triglyph, the front of the fillet being a vertical plane, parallel to the front of the architrave, having a small projecture beyond the front of the triglyph ; this fillet being supposed to be continued the whole length of the architrave, and returning in the same manner round its ends; and if fillets be placed un~ der this fillet, whose fronts stand a little within the front ofthe upper fillet, but projecting beyond the face of the architrave, and the ends of these fillets, in the same plane with the sides of the triglyph, and consequently each fillet equal in length to the breadth ofthe triglyph ; and if under each of these fillets be fixed six equal semi- lar frustrems of cones, at equal distances from each oth- er, whose axes are perpendicular to the horizon, and the same distance from the face of the architrave, so that the l l l l l extremities of these frUStrums may not reach beyond the perpendicular of the ends of the fillets above them ; then the front of the architrave, so formed, is called a Doric architrave. , . . ‘ ‘ . , 14-. The'upper filletof the Doric architrave, is called a tenia. . , , « 15. The fillets'under the tenia of the Doric architrave, are each of them called a regula. 16. The little conical frustrums under each regula, are called guttae, or drops. ' . 1'7. The plain part of the architrave under the tenia and regulae, is called facia. 18. If over the capitals of the triglyph be laid another beam, whose front is parallel to the metopes, or to the front of the triglyphs in the frieze, having a small pro— jecture from the front of the metopes; and if over this ‘ beam be laid the ends of the rafters which support the covering, the ends having a projecture forward and par- allel to the beam under them ; one rafter over each trig- lyph, and also one over every metope, placed directly in the middle of each ; that is to say, a vertical plane per- pendicular through the middle of every metope, and also through the middle of every triglyph, would pass through- the ends of all the rafters, and divide them into-two equal rectangles; and if over the rafters be laid a beam, the front of which, being a plane parallel to the ends of the rafters, has a projecture ; and if the void spaces between each two rafters, and the under side of the beam above the rafters and the upper side of the beam below the rafters, be covered in, so that the front of the spaces so covered may be in the same vertical plane with the . face of the beam under the rafters; then those ends of the rafters, projecting over the face of the beam under them, are called mutules. 19. If to the under side of the mutules be hung three rows of small conical frustrurns, of the same size as those under the regulae of the architrave, so that there may be siX in length in each of the rows, and three in width ; then these conical frustrums are also called guttee, or drops, as those in the architrave. 20. The front of the beam lying over the mutules, is called corona, or drip, or larmier. 21. The under side of the beam, lying over the mu- tules, if called soflit, or lacunar. ' 22. A building, whether of wood or stone, or any other material, having columns supporting an entablature _ MA. "Ms’émtfiimtc. ( GRECIAN DORIC. ' ‘ “/91 over them, as described in‘the preceding definitions; such a building, so constructed, is said to be of the Doric Order. - ‘ Having defined the principal parts of this order, it may not be improper to observe, that the Doric order has in general more 'mouldings in the cornice; but as these vary in different buildings, and as the members already described, form its most striking features, t would have been useless to have taken any account of them in the definitions. PROBLEM I. To draw the elevation of a Grecian Doric Order. Make the lower diameter of the shaft of the column one eighth of the entire height of the order; divide the diameter of the column into two equal parts, then one of these parts is a module ; divide the module into thirty equal parts, and each of these parts will be a miunte ; make the height of the column twelve modules, the height of the capital one module; divide the height of the capital into five equal parts ; give one to the hypo- trachelion, and two parts to the annulets and echinus ; make the annulets one quarter of the echinus, and the remaining two parts to the abacus: make the upper diam- eter of the shaft three quarters of the lower diameter of the shaft; the length of each side of the abacus two modules and one fifth, or two modules andtwelve minutes; the height of the entablature will be four modules, of which the height of the cornice will have one module, and the frieze, and architrave, each forty-five minutes, or i one module and a half; divide the height of the frieze into eight parts: give the upper one to the capital of the triglyph, and the three lower for the channels; make one edge of the triglyph in the columns at the angles of the building, directly over the axis of the column, the breadth of the triglyph twenty-eight minutes, having the other edge of the. triglyph directly at the angle of the building; and make the distance between the triglyph, or width of the metopes, equal to the height of the frieze, forty-two minutes; place all the columns between the two extreme ones, directly under the middle of the triglyphs. Make the height of the tenia one tenth of the height of the epistilium; and the height of the regula, together . with the guttae, equal to the height of the tenia. The height of the cornice being one module, make the heigh of the small bead on the lower part of the cornice one minute ; the height of the mutules, including the guttae, four minutes and a half; the length of the mutules equal to the breadth of the triglyphs, and their projection beyond the faces of the triglyphs, .two thirds of their length, observing that one should be directly over the middle of every triglyph, and one over the middle of every metope; make a fillet above the mutules one minute and a half high, to project beyond the mutules half a minute over- this fillet; make the height of the corona one third of a one minute ; make the height of the small echinus one minute and a quarter; over the echinus, make a fillet of the'same height; over the fillet, make another echinus six minutes and a half high, and two minutes will re- main for the height of the fillet above the echinus. In order to establish the proportions and true taste of the original Doric Order, the following examples are taken from the most celebrated buildings now remaining of this order. The module is divided into thirty parts, or minutes ; the measures are all numbered in these parts ; the projections are reckoned from a line represent- ing the axis of the column, and are figured at the ext tremities of each member. ‘ PLATE 36. ELEVATION OF THE DORIC ORDER ON THE TEMPLE OF MINERVA, AT ATHENS, CALLED PARTHENON. This temple, dedicated to Minerva, the chief goddess of the Athenians, is the most beautiful piece of antiquity remaining It was built by Pericles, who employed Ictimus and Callicrates for his architects. The entabla— ture is charged with historical figures of admirable workmanship; the figures of the pediment, though seen at so great a height, appear to be as large as life, being in alto-relievo, and well executed; the figure in the middle seems to have been made for Jupiter, its right arm being broken off, which probably held the thunder. It is likely that between his legs was placed the eagle; for the beard, and majesty and expression of his countenance, and the figure being naked, as he was usually repre- sented by the Greeks, sufficiently show it to have been made for Jupiter. A his right hand is another figure, covered half way down the legs, coming towards him; module, or ten minutes, having a projecture over the fillet , ..‘_. :u‘ ~4—v—v.i-l‘~“"h rm, ,~;Whif_c'h”:j“perh'aps "was a Victory, leading the horses of 1.,Miherva’sf“triumphal chariot, which follows it. The horses areVfinishedwith great art; the vigor and spirit peculiar to'those animals seem here to receive addition, asif'inspired‘by the goddess they drew. Minerva, in g the Chariot, is represented rather as the goddess of learn- v .ing than of war, without helmet, buckle‘r,or a Medusa’s "heard On her breast, as Pausanias describes her image within the temple- Behind her is another figure of a woman sitting; , The next tWo figures in the corner, are the Emperor Hadrian, and his Empress Sabina. On ' the left hand of Jupiter are five or six figures, which appear to be an assembly of the gods, where Jupiter in- troduces MinerVa, and acknowledges her his daughter. The pediment at the other end of the temple was adorned With figures, expressing Minerva’s contest with Neptune, about who should- name the city of Athens; of which there only remains a part of a sea-horse. The frieze is charged with basso-relievos, of excellent workmanship, on which are represented the battles of the Athenians with the Centaurs : these appear to be as old as the temple itself. .‘ , Within the portion on high, and on the outside of the cella of the temple, is ‘another border of basso—relievos around it, at least en the north and south sides of it, which is without doubt as ancient as the temple, and of admirable workmanship, butnot in so high a relievo as the other. On it are represented sacrifices, processions, and other ceremonies of the heathen worship. This temple is now turned into a Turkish mosque. FIG. 1. Elevation of the Doric order; the proportions of the parts in numbers. FIG. 2. Ichnography or plan of the one quarter of the column. ' FIG. 3. A section through the upper part of the cor— nice. PLATE 37. FIG. 1. This example shows the return of the flank at the angle of the building. The figures in the nietope are omitted. Fres. 2 and 3 show the forms of the moulding and upper part of the cornice. FIG. 4. Elevation of the capital, and of striking the ovolo by conic sections. I92 J ~ J FGRVECIAN DORIC.‘ FIG. 5. Section of one half the column. FIG.'6. Section through the annulets, of a large size. . 4 FIG. 7. Plan of the soffit inverted. l .PLATE 38. ELEVATION OF THE DORIC ORDER ON THE TEMPLE ' 0F THESEUS, AT ATHENS. - This temple is one of the most ancient examples of the Doric oider now existing ’;~~it was erected about ten years after the battle Salamine, by Cimon, the son of Miltiadesp The ceiling of the porch'is remarkable for its construction: there are great beams of marble, the upper sides of which are level with the bed of the cornice and the ends corresponding exactly to the triglyphs iri the frieze, which give the idea of the disposition of the timbers which wefe first used in buildings, and from which the Doric order had its origin. This building is adorned with beautiful sculpture: the rnetopes of the frieze are charged with historical figures, on which are represented various exploits of Theseus; the battle he had with Sinis, the notorious robber, who dwelt in the Isthmus of Corinth. Theseus is represented making Sinis undergo those torments which he had in- flicted on others. In the basso-relievo is represented a man taking hold of another by his middle, and endeavoring to throw him down; this is. doubtless intended to represent Theseus throwing Sciron from a rock; the combat of Theseus with the wild sow of Crpmniyon, which was killed by that hero. In another basso-relievo is represented a man prese. ting his hand to a woman, perhaps to express the rape of Ariana, or Helen, by Theseus. Some others of the basso—relievos in the metopes are less distinguished. The two mentioned by Pausanius are still to be seen on the front of the temple: one repre- sents the battle of the Athenians with the Amizons; the other the dispute of the Centaurs and the Lapithre, in which Theseus kills a Centaur with his own hand. The first seems to represent the instant when the Athenians granted peace to the Amazons; for there the women are represented as sitting. ' The inside of the temple is not ornamented like the outside. «1,3: .x. i! x I .1 :0» ‘,»,.,, é ‘ 2v ‘ i ”v ’ ' at J \ a} . 4‘11”: ”1;; 13‘. ‘ fl _ ‘J’ O . a ‘ , - «BRIE: «VHAARN AXRCCH‘HJI 7H) E C T U E L ‘ V I .11 .36? Fmpm 1:1]an ‘fl‘mmpllc @fl" Mfimmva m " Fly .3 §‘\\ ‘\ ‘\ KR ..\\\ \ \\ § _ fl Jifl lllmlfllllllllllllllll nmmmImIIMauumumuumumum I I , a w F912 \\ I I I I, I I [If h f‘ ‘ 2 “inimimflmfl’ (NEH) ”Mn If, “H! ‘ ‘ l ‘15:” 06 S a, T w '3‘: g. , w s" ‘ ‘ i C t‘ f ‘ ’1 '55‘9- - f f ‘ g ‘ b' ‘ a ‘" I ' K‘ . . ' ‘1 r“ ‘ ‘- , mg~ = * ‘ — ~ } "r3; ' {GEE ”CW .10) (DEM? a 1"l‘mnfl19 Tmn. 10 of Minerva at .'\fhens. P g . l u ‘ I' | I lira} ""- ’ ’/ {4533230, 4‘ ~ ,. : \( ((7! " “/H‘YL _; ;;.~ ‘ I'll/.1. ‘ R I 4m”? 1‘7“ j) . E} \y \ ~s J L?‘ K» x: l . i m j ‘ @FT 911;)” ’ m ; ‘ / \ ‘gnw L L _ l ; - m in": N O O O O O _QQ*Q 6'0 m l l l LILILIIH nu ; mmuurn ? 11 J/fldfl/rfjruv-I'Ay ’4”. g g I I I! I H -‘ » <7 A!) ~ Agm l f; I I a J ”o O oj .‘ g m f o o of ‘ _ ]%;/.Z swan—"51% ————————— —~ — ~ a — ~ {; —Q—d _ ‘ 0’ I i I: ’2 I” . // chlu/m' GEE (‘LANV HD’OI’xMC 0 From the Temple at" Thesus atAthens. Fig 4. . .-_- .nu mad-.1“. 15 R- 1‘4 1']th D 0111111" . From the Portico 01' Philip K1115: ()szu'mlon. _ fl ,7 _,,,_-,,_ m v, ,_| ‘ § 0 j ‘ \ \ ‘24 . x R '7 1 fi fi‘ .7 J I L_ /; ll, Jul“ 1 ./ ‘-_.\ /, 1.)}- ‘ ‘ T f ' ‘ GRECIAN Dome. This temple is now a Greek church, dedicated to ’ St. George, and 1s at present in high esteem among the Athenians. FIG. 1. The elevation of the order, with the heights and projections of the members in numbers. The figures in the metopes are omitted. FIG. 2. Represents the ovolo above the facia of the cornice. V - . ' ‘ FIG. 3. ' Plan of the soflit inverted. FIG. 4. Plan of the ovolos and annulets of the largest size. - i ' . FIG. 5. Section of one half of the column. PLATE 39. ELEVATION OF A GRECIAN DORIC, OF A LIGHTER PRO- PORTION THAN ANY OF THE PRECEDING, WITH THE PROPORTIONAL MEASURES IN NUMBERS. The ratio of the parts of this elevation, is the same as that on the portico of Philip, King of Macedon, in the island of Delos ; but the profile of the cornice differs as follows : Instead of the ovolo which I have introduced in this example, a cima—recta, in the original, occupies its place; and instead of the next ovolo under the fillet in this, there is in the original a cima-reversa. The pro- file in this plate I conceive to be more beautiful than the original, as it will produce a greater variety of light and . shade, and consequently the mouldings will be more clear- , ly defined; but as the reader maybe desirous of a knowl- ‘ edge of the true form and taste of the original mouldings, I have shown them in FIG. 3. FIG. 1. numbers. FIG. 2. A section through the upper part of the cor- nice, showing the fo1m and taste of the mouldings intro- duced into this elevation by P. Nicholson. FIG. 3. A section of the anta: of the same portico. Elevation, with the proportional measures in PLATE 40. ELEVATION OF THE GRECIAN DORIC PORTICO, AT ' 'ATHENs This example of the Doric order is built of white 23* " r marble, and Is OI a. much later date then any of the pre— . V . ceding examp‘ es; as some inscriptions on this portico., i i cleaily prove that it was built in the time when Nicius‘f’ . was archon; and Eucles, son of Herod had the care of A the work. -' * FIG. 1. tion, figured. FIG. 2. Soffit of the mutules and corona, inverted. FIG. 3. The ichnog1aphy of a quarter of the column at the top and‘bottom, showing the flutes. K The proportion of the members of the eleva- .. PLATE 41. FROM THE DORIC PORTICO, AT ATHENS. FIG. 1. Section through the entablature, showing the ‘ capital of the antae. FIG. 2. Section of the upper moulding of the entab- lature within the portico next to the ceiling. FIG. 3. Section through the capital ofithe antae. PLATE 42. FROM THE CHORAGIC MONUMENT OF THRASYLLUS. FIG. 1. The proportional measures in numbers. FIG. 2. Section through the cornice. FIG. 3. Sect on through the capit tl. PLATE 43. To draw the flutes of the columns of the Doric Order. Divide the semi-circumference into ten equal parts: then with one of those parts, as a radius, and the extrem- ities of any division, as at 3 and 4, describe a1cs, cut- ting each other in C, and through C describe a ci1cle, or a part, and draw lines from the cent1e, cutting that ci1cle, which will give the centres for desc1ibing the flutes. '94 ' . GRECIAN DORIC. 01‘ thus, for deeper flutes. Bisect any division, as 5, 6, at f; then on 5, with the distance 5 f, describe an arc f D, cutting the radius pro- duced through 5 at D, and draw the radii through the points 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, cutting that circle, which will give the centres of the flutes. ' FIG. 2. The elevation drawn from the plan FIG. 1. To draw the flutes of the Ionic and Corinthian Orders. FIG. 3. Divide the semi-circumference into twelve equal parts ; divide any division, as between 5 and 6, into eight equal parts, then with a radius of three of these parts, on the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, as centres, describe the flutes, which will leave the fillets. FIG. 4. The elevation drawn from the plan, FIG. 3. ~2 , a w JX%mim.‘i¥flM;Wv'- e 30 000000 \\V- H40. 30 000000 \ C0 000000 y. .4 E'q. Z 0000 770000 j / @b000 q\~\: I lair 2 ’ 2 l 2 k x uz‘ 2’: 34¢ 2%- [Inl‘m GM (CHM? JD) OMC .. From fheDoriC Portico at Athens. ’ITI—l 67/ 01 ‘W v—--~~-*Z¥— mmm -.m h/Vfi fit— x Ill—IE5 l a , 7 J . I _ 5 _ 25 ,2 x s y 1 i Jilly- n I , an: ,7 la is “a, m “1.1.1, 4 , a 7.7 i, _ _ o ‘ .l_..L .I ‘l LIILI-‘ x a}! F a i no [>Illllfl a .. . ”its“ .Is win u€\:\:\\~vh\ _ P... [I ‘ 174.; \ L45 u A .II ‘ .1? I>yr.l|.r|$|| I} 1‘ ‘ 2:?! w. ,H 5 _, . x Iaill \v! ‘_”.. 1 1.1 m.‘ _‘ , :SII‘ ,lni, 11131, 1'? 1 ‘. 1; :111‘1‘. , . I u in aha J I ; ‘:‘fi§¥3‘.\f‘§&t z w- ‘ ‘ - ‘ _ _ .. at i‘ m. '. . 'ngee}! 3.! K “gauge mums-h v‘ ’31“ '3 ‘ 1,3,. 26' 7.5 '6 275 i ‘u 40 J4 4:( '15} O .J. i 1 I a l 2 \- lb 0 2’! ’4 '\ ~ \ z \ ¢ 1 \ K \ "'N I\ 21: ’2 3-; 98 . afiE-cmm'mmcim I. ‘ «. .. From the Dofic Fortico._a1, Afllens. , .' . F“ $1 ‘ V ; V , ’ . I I} L I - L. E ‘ ‘ '1 _ . _ I \ ' . _ . d " ( -_,.___,__.. . ,.-_ __ ._ .-_.n _r_r.__...__V . n , ‘ Y __. __ A 4____ _ __‘» __-_.‘ — '- _‘__ \v ,1 ‘ r l. 3 ' " : ‘1 . ., A. g "‘ —~ ,“_I~_,_-,____, __, - , , t _ x r‘ » ‘ . . ‘ § . 3:1 ' d i gt. cw I I O ' I? i; ‘n‘ .‘ ,_.. ’ “7 ~ \v‘ ‘ ~ , ‘ ‘ :r'r-vu my N .w ' HIRE: LC KAN D1) RING“ Fr 0 In the Choragie AI’onument, of Thrasyllus. GRECIAN IONIC.“ ' THE IONIC TEMPLE. PLATE 44. [F1 G. l. A ground plan of the Temple on the Ilyssus, with a portico at each end. The columns G G are wanting ; but in the place where they stood, circles are marked on the pavement, which are exactly of the same dimensions with the remaining columns, and were evidently de- signed as an accurate guide to the workmen, when they erected those columns which are now destroyed ; for which reason it was thought nec-. essary to make these circles likewise on the plan which is here given. The capitals of the antaa, belonging to the posticus or back-front, remain entire, and are of the same form and dimensions with those of the portico, except only that the sides contiguous to the back wall of the cell, are but half so broad as the faces next to the columns ; whereas, in the antae of the portico, the sides next the pronaos, and the faces next the columns, are equal. The architrares of the back-front project considerably beyond the antm, and there are sufficient remains of them, to show exactly how far the columns of the back-front were distant from the back wall of the cell. FIG. 2. The elevation of the south side of the temple. JVote. The ground plan and elevation are here given as measured by Stuart and Renett, in feet, inches and decimals. The Ionic order derives its name from the Iones, a Greek people, on the east coast of the Archipelago, whose capital was Ephesus, celebrated on many accounts, but particularly for the magnificent temple of Diana. If the Doric were meant to represent the manly, robust ggurei‘of Her- cules, the Ionic might properly be the emblem of the dignified Simplicity and elegance of Diana. It has been already observed, in the general definitions of the orders, that every order consists of a column and an entablature ; that every col- umn consists of a base, a shaft, and a capital, except in the Doric, where the base is omitted ; that every entablature consists of an architrave, a. frieze, and a cornice ; that the base, shaft, capital, architrave, frieze and cornice, are the principal members of an order ; and‘ that the peculiar mode or form of the members, determines the particular name of the order. But since many of the' mouldings are common to all the orders, and are generated in a similar manner, what has been said in the general definition, add also on the Doric order, will render it unnecessary to repeat the same things in the Ionic, as such mouldings cannot form any particular feature of any particular order. It is therefore shown, in the subjoined definitions, how these members ought to be modified, so that they may constitute the Ionic order.] 2. An order which has volutes and mouldings in the capital of the annular kind, and the ichnography of 1. IF from the under side of the abacus of an order the abacus square, as in the Doric order, the archilrave there project two or more spirals on each end of the finishing of plain facize, and mouldings either plain or front, in a plane, parallel to the frieze, so that the enriched, the frieze a plain surface, the cornice to con- extremity of each shall be at the same distance from sist of a cima-recta, then a fillet and an echinus only; the axis of the column, and also two others upon the and if to the under side of the corona are hunga row of opposite side of the abacus, parallel to the former, and equal and similar parallelopipeds equi-distant from each projecting the same distance from the axis of the column, other, whose fronts are in a plane parallel to the plane of DEFINITIONS. so that each of the spirals shall have the same number of revolutions, and equal and similar to each other, the projecting part contained between any two spirals is called a volute. ' 24 the frieze, then each of these parallelopipeds is called a dentele. 3.. An order so constructed is similar to that invented by the Ionians, and consequently is the Ionic order. 1 , 1" 15'" f . pl. 1;" 96 « ' .. ' GRECIAN IONIC. PLATE 45. FROMLTHE IONVIC TEMPLE ON THE RIVER ILYSSUS, AT ATHENS. The simplicity and greatiigiiilé'ss of the parts, their judi- ' cious arrangement, the beautiful turning on the volutes, ’ and the graceful curve'of the hem hanging between'them, rendels this one of the most beautiful and bold examples of this order. The elegant base of the column, the grand proportion v-of the entablature, the massy mouldings of the cornice, and the spacious surface of the frieze, well adapted for sculptured ornaments, and the architrave for its strength, as it is not broken in two or more faciae, are considera- tions which should recommend this example. \ FIG. 1; The elevation of the order and details figured in proportional parts for practice. 0 FIG. 2. A drawing of the order by dividing the whole height into 21 parts which are disposed of in modules and minutes, as shown In the example , one of the parts makes a module or 30 minutes. FIG. 3. Shows how to form the curve of the fluting; the Grecians used the ellipsis form, While the Romans as uniformly made use of a semicircle as in Fig. 4.. FIG.;:4. {lxplained the same as Fig. 3, in Plate 43. PLATE 46. FIG. 1. The capital inverted, of the different tastes of forming the volutes. FIG. 2. The elevation of the same. PLATE 47. FROM THE TEMPLE 0F MINERVA POLIAs, AT PRIENE, IN IONIA. ‘ The small projection of the cima-recta, and its great height, is of itself beautiful and well contrived for the ornament, as it is less obscured by the shadow from the concave and convex parts of the moulding. This small projecture is also well adapted for a low corona ; for the greater the projecture of the cima-recta, the more it will predominate over the corona, by the principles of optics; and, on the contrary, the less the projecture of the lcima- recta, the less it will predominate over the corano. It follows, therefore, that a low corona will require a cima— recta, of a small projecture ; but a greater height of the corona will require a greater projecture of the cima-recta, and a less height. The denteles, which are a striking feature in this order, show here to very great advantage, their bold and singular projecture greatly relieving them from each other. The architrave is well proportioned to itself, and also .to the cornice; the capital is elegant, and the spirals of the volutes are beautifully drawn. The surprising delicacy of the ornaments, and their bold relief, with the grand ratio of the parts and mould- ings to each other, render this one of the most beautiful examples of the Ionic order. FIG. 1. The elevation of this example, the proportional measures in numbers. FIG. 2. Ichnography of the denteles. FIG. 3. Profile of the mouldings in the base to a larger size. The cymatium, 01' crown of the architrave, was taken from the designs of Mr. Wood, who visited this temple before Mr. Rivett. The base of the column is true Ionic : it has no plinth; the upper scotia is inverted, which diversities and gives the contour a greater beauty than is the Vitruvian base, in which the scotia are one over the other, uninverted. The torus is elliptical and fluted. The eyes of the volutes are bored two inches, and a half deep ; the hem, or border, with its fillets resting on the echinus, and connecting with a graceful curve the spirals of the volutes, seeming to keep them secure in their place, adds greatly to the beauty of this capital. P L A T E 4 8 FROM THE TEMPLE 0F MINERVA POLIAS, AT PRIENE. FIG. 1. Section through the cornice of the pediment. FIG. 2."Fr0nt of the cornice, showing the ornaments on the mouldings. It is remarkable that the enrichment of the upper moulding diflers from that on the lateral cornice. ’FIG. 3. The mouldings of the capital, with their pro- portion in numbers. ' FIG. 4. Volute, with the measure in feet, inches, and" tenths. FIG. 5. A section through the upper torus of the base, which is of an elliptical form, the transverse axis being inclined to the plane of the horizon. c (OJLUMNS a .. . . (. a . > v~ u n V .. H . $7.30 DRAW THE FLUTES-GF :5 .--------‘~""“:n 'fi 1...} . . ...-..»...nc~!. '15 «S: R Mi‘nt‘ JAN V41“ EFL M IP’,.‘IAJJ‘Z u muumnumnwumum“mm:1".uimumumunummnunwmmumnummmmumwmunlunmum """""" : Willlbllllllllilllll "Hill”INNIHIHHIUliillllmlmWHHWWMH IHIWWIlll!LIHi1HNWHHWIWNIWMIIHull”JrillllHHWWWIHH'IHHIIIIHHIIIIHHUIJIIH WWW“WWW ‘ )lllllll‘llIHHIUIIIINNWHWIHIIIVWHWIN”MINIMUMHWNWHIWIIIHIIINIHIIWNWl’HHlHu'w ' " lHiIDNWIIHWIHHW}!!! |“WilllllllmlWW"WNWll?VIW"HIIlWINWINHIHHW.ll' "WNWHJWIIIIIHH "’ l i"HmWI“WWIIWWIIIIWWHIWHHIHNWHW(HHIHIWI‘NIH”lll :2 , mmmunuuuummmmmmmmw * ~ t ‘ : mu “WNW llillW1Ml“l'iWWI“llllllllllllmfl' , . Pz'. '44, AMER (CJFIJITJE (C TUBE 0 ‘GR ICIIAN' “39:3 y M“; O fly. 1. AL From the Ionic Temple on the Hissus. :; v: 4; .z-ehsr'l‘ h-W ,w m '1 "£3“. 5.. .n ’ f‘c—. p . gm!) 0 IA ., ‘ V N liONIb 1‘er 1th? Ionic Tgmple on the river Minus Fey. 2. ‘ / )/ l 111»: .3?" _‘ . t I ,k, ., . '9 war; . $13... 1.1.”.i I IONIC 013mm... I‘l‘om the Temple of Minerva Polius at Hiene. 10'“; , M ‘ XWWWWNW m g; 41*? '26 _' \ 26 ‘9} '/ ;"\;\’ ' ‘ 32‘ . ‘/ 30% 7% ,6 ‘ 1%; 2.5 l g. ‘ E , i ¢ 37 1 ¢ J 36’ 1g l [0 L 33"; l 28 v 73 J 2, , .3 j 30 5 .3 28 % i 3 t {3’2 : q 5 " II ' . Q ‘. I ' .. f ‘ .9 Vzga‘nlcltu 54- ,~ , ‘ I. ' - - v ‘9. V . J @714 .m «i m A I "O Aw 1C .. §\\\ \\ \\ \§\ \ \ . , GRECJMW Mmfltc, - _ 3"“ .Fronl‘tho Telnple of Minerva; I’élias aLPIiene. ( 31*: w » t § I . I t 1 .. v . u y, ; ‘. . v I V < . V a. ‘4: H .‘fiV-u' ’ WW. mg“ 4 ix, .‘ A“ 3. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ 04. ‘ . fr.,hr ‘ C ‘x. , ‘9 _ v I? " , , , . mms..wmtéwm “WW”; 2 < «an m; ‘ “ ' M2: 2 ‘ ‘ . i Q‘ n ‘ - ‘. .' ~_ Mai-.. '9...,~..4' ’ydfiwp u- .— y A ‘1 “ '~ - ( S. In“ wig!- .3033 1% ,, .3 2;; V 2a: 30' - ‘ , ; I r H ’> "1' ‘ - , 2:5. I .‘.. c I f , I ‘,/ ’ l '1 .1! (GRECJIAN IGDNIICC o 112% From the Temple of Bacchus a1 Teos. , I , “‘19” ,, '3; x ‘ , 15‘ 1 - I. :1 S 1 y :1 ‘ L ' _ ’ , .2 I I Ian-g ‘ . I/ \ ’ I» ~ » W"- 'ng’n‘bn AX‘LMK . (I, ~ 2 , , 3 '* . . I .1 u I if? f - ‘ . -_ I , I 4 y, : s :4; Emma»: IA MM w; A J ”DPT. DIO'DLV03113}VTO'tI'I‘I‘YiCfl'I 0700' 'AO‘WOT 0 x v ‘ ‘ 2/1 , . . L “I“ ‘ ,. , N I t - ~- ‘1‘ . W . II {Ir-2 77““! 1‘5. J'VH — U z “3 J .‘M *1 W; M ‘ '1' V l .» A; ‘ ».. l . 3 . .. :11 ’1 3 _' 7:” ‘2 , i ‘- ' 9 . 2 M ‘29; 71/; 41,510” 14‘" _" _“‘_‘“ “W'fi—“w Applatou S .; . 1:” 2w ~ 1 73 *5» (G IR/JHMZ 1h\\ N IDNKC .. ‘ ' \. broul the ['mnplo of I‘h'cchtheus at, Athens. I) .m' :2 1/5, g/C 12‘}. 1/1,, ’N \ ’ . . . .‘ ‘ ‘ i r j -» . ‘y .‘ I" , >. _ K 1‘ D J: . .x I 3‘ . I; ' . . . — N \ "V l . \ .3 I ‘ ,.. \ , . r . F I i ‘ o _ I ‘>. I > , . . I" I . v: * . " _ ‘f 1 “ I ~ " ' ” ,n' ‘ \ v , 4 v . a .‘, A I a— 2 ‘ ‘ h F- ? ¥ / - K ‘ I .-‘ :- - ‘ I . . 5. ' ' 1 J ¢ \ I 1 \ , . ; , ‘ . " ‘ _ \ l . . \ ‘ I o l , .. . 9 n: - . d; \ a . I ‘9» '. f "f’. I l ; ~ .. ib 1‘ fl; - 4' _ ’ .ar 3. . \ f- ‘ ~ \ - Yv" H" L. '1 V I _- 6 . ‘ . I '. p I . ."~ . \ A _ . .f ‘. u 4". ‘ :Q ‘ f ' “ ~r: \ " “at-5 ' F . P \ ‘ ' ~ ~ \ I i ,f o’al-s~ «In-DI? "“1" ”W “‘ [rum Iho 'I'vnllrln‘ ”1' ““n‘ ““1 i , EM \(AV‘I‘V) I ‘ XML-j} \va / KT: _ H ‘> ‘ x \ ' 7“ \x) \ f 7//’/',/ 3. _\ /"/7/ /"/Ir/ z/. ;; “ \. / - // ' , "JR ’17) EMA I‘S 5\\ H1“ M fl “1"“ 1H ‘( ' V I“ H" w“ H“. :‘w‘Lm. 0.1;; 2 "gm. :7 3n Mm 2: mm»; ~91“ 21:: J‘fllznw ”'1‘ (,1). I“ 1/.” .I/rv/II/ux (1,; 40’s ,, "Hui m, ifRIJNLLiHEEflIEJNE LIL;; jun.“ . “C APEL’J7AL A A U Cbi[t())DlI.IMI/J}[U A! ., ' A $7.. L539; Front ['11 c .P-ANV'F HE ON n11 (] th 6" Temple 015‘ Jubitvr "ill Knmc @4. ' A}; 3. V» W . .. 0' H. S n . .4 'l V“\ - l (I, V k - A,.-. CORINTHIAN ORDER. +— [The Corinthian order took its rise in the flourishing days of Corinth, a celebrated city, commanding the communication of the peninsula of Peloponnesus, with the continent of Greece. It is generally regarded by writers on architecture, as being more delicate than the Ionic; and is thought to resemble the graceful figure of a virgin. Among the ancients it had much resemblance to the Ionic : according to Vitruvius, it imitated that order in every part, but in the capital of the pillar. In the introduction to this work, we have alluded to the pretty Greek story told of the origin of the capital. Villapandus gives another equally dubious account of its origin ; and Aldrich conjectures, as more probable, that, as the " shaft ofa pillar represents the trunk ofa tree, so the tree, being lopped and sprouting again, furnished the hint for the design of this capital. But however this may be, we believe it will be generally conceded that, in attempting too much, this order has deviated from the true simplicity of nature. It marked an age of luxury and magnificence, when pomp and splendor had become the predominant passion, but had not yet extinguished the taste for the sublime and beautiful. Attempts were made to unite all these characters, but a chastened judgment is not satisfied] f} FIG. 1. Elevation of the order in numbers. if FIG. 2. Section of one quarter of the column next the 1' AN order ““011 has two annular rows 0f leaves ,1 capital, also a section of one quarter of the column next in the capital, each leaf of the upper row growing be- the base. tween those of the lower row, in such a manner that § a leaf of the upper row may be in the middle of each ’ side or face of the capital; and if between each space i of the upper leaves there spring stalks with volutes, two DEFINITIONS. FIG. 3. Elevation of the base of a larger size. of which meet at the angles of the abacus, and two in ‘ P L A T E 59. the middle of the capital, either touching or interwoven i With each other; a capital 50 CODSUUCted: is called F1G.1. Is the outline of the leaves and elevation of Corinthian. the capital, from the Pantheon, as shown in Plate 2. An order which has aCorinthian capital, and an Ionic 57, or any other entablature, is called the Corinthian Order. FIG“ 2. The capital inverted, showing an angle of the architrave. P LA T E 5 8. FIG. 3. The elevation ofa leaf in the same. FIG. 4. The elevation of a leaf in the capital of a column, from the temple of Jupiter Stator, at Rome. . FIG. 5. The side elevation of the modillion, from the This example, though plain, is yet beautiful and chaste, temple of Jupiter. and is an excellent model of the order. FIG. 6. The modillion inverted. THE CORINTHIAN ORDER, FROM THE PANTHEON, AT ROME. 100 CORINTHIAN ORDER. PLATE 60. FROM THE THREE COLUMNS IN THE CAMPO VACCINO, SUPPOSED TO BE THE REMAINS OF THE TEMPLE OF JUPITER STATOR, AT ROME. The engraving exhibited in this plate, of that cele- brated example of the remains of Jupiter Stator, is more accurate than any yet published ; the capital and entabla- ture are restored from the drawings of an artist, Who was so obliging as to favor me with sketches of the ornament, which he had from the original. The elegance and beauty of the capital ; its graceful form ; the grandeur and excellent proportion of the entablature, With the delicacy of the ornament, render this one of the most complete examples now existing of the Corinthian order. FIG. 1. Elevation of the order in numbers. FIG. 2. The cornice inverted, showing the enrich- ments of the modillions and mouldings. “’"O‘K . 'T.’ ’ 12.6.0. (C ()RllNTHHAN QRDER Eomthe Temple of JuPiter Stator a! Rome 1771'} 1. 9 2: ’W 31,; ‘ n4 ‘ \ %‘“"?9 ’4 23 102; I} 4% 13;!) E 1/2 I 4 ‘7“ _/ x ‘1‘" 2" 2222222424222: [0 l6 maid/15.3 2.1 m, ’I ‘ . :ir ' F i ‘- (323: , . ‘ T : ‘ ' '2: , 717"}: 1. ; 21‘sz 7/7.! 2' 7‘31.- ‘1’ 2 . _% Q. 45"?) Liéfié A. it: D N E 3 § . 1 Tuscan ““4 "‘s ‘1‘, 1.; ‘,,4 1.3.15“; mic ‘t W: * . . ,. J‘ .‘ '_‘ i . O ,2 7‘ -' . u ,s ., " , a , a" , O . I. . ti. ’ V' ' ., s". ‘t- 1 t § «4‘ .5. '~ 5‘. f . , Kan . " “V 1’ 1 l i ‘\ ' ‘ [The Romans added the Tuscan, or Etruscan, to the three Grecian orders , as they subsequently did the Composite. tThe idea of the Tus- can is undoubtedly derived from the Doric order, from which it differs, according to the View taken of it by Aldrich, asunuch as the appearance of an inhabitant of the country does from one of a city. There is extant no specimen of it with an entablature. It the first of the Italic orders, and is called Tuscan, as having been originally employed by that ancient people, once powerful in Italy. ‘ Vi vius speaks of it as rustic even to deformity ; nor are modern artists more favorable to it, except Palladio.’ that which is given in this work is taken from the description of Virtruvius. ] PLATE 61. FROM VITRUVIUS, WITH THE PROPORTION OF THE PARTS IN NUMBERS. WE have no complete example of this order remain- ing from antique buildings; and all that we know of it is from the description of Vitruvius, from which this example is taken, and is therefore the only stand- ard. The proportions of the parts are exhibite by equal divis1ons on the plate That celeblated building, St. Paul’s, Covent Ga1- den, is the only true specimen the1e is of the Tuscan order in England. It may be adapted with great pro- priety to Market Places, as the simplicity of its parts, and the extraordinary projection of the cornice, render it suit- able for that purpose. FIG. 1. Elevation of the order from Vitruvius. 26 Having no complete examplegrom antique/buildings, FIG. 2. The ichnography of the mutules in the cor- nice. FIG. 3. Profile of the upper patt .of the cornice. The column is seven diameters high; the base and capital are each ‘half a diameter ;’ the base is divided into two equal parts, one of which is given to’the plinth, the other to the torus and fillet; divide the capital‘ into three equal parts, give one to the hypotrachelion, one. to the ovolo and fillet, and the upper one to the abacus. The mutules in the cornice are to project one fourth of the length of the column. FIG. 4. A modern example of the Tuscan order, with the proportional measures in numbers. 'To diminish the shaft of a column. FIG. 2. Describe the semi-circle a a, at the bottom of the shaft. Draw a straight line through one extremi- 102 TUSCAN ORDER ty of the upper diameter to meet the arc of the semi- circle in 1; divide the are cut ofi“ by this line into five equal parts. Divide also the axis into five equal parts, making the points of divisions 1 2 3 4; and draw the lines 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, and a a, perpendicular to the ‘axis. Then transfer lines of sines 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, to the perpendicular of the axis, and apply them on each side of the axis from the points, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Through the extremities 1, 2, 3, 4, a, on each side, draw a curve, by a thin slip of wood bent round the points I, 2, 3, 4, 5. It will be perceived that two di- ameters are first taken out, and the remainder of the shaft divided into five equal parts. This is the modern practice. See plate 63. - Pl. 6]. T US CAN ORDERS. Rt. I71]. 2. fly. e. v m 94 ”4 'F‘? .30 ma. MNN, VM. sac NN Q 39 QN EtherQ b 19:67 .fl COMPOSITE' ORDER“ From the Arch of Titus at Rome. amodchJ‘ 20m 4- fix U [1 T— 9" UUUU 7 . ~«-—~x—— 'UUJH '.' . ‘ . a I ~ . . \ .- .- COMPOSITE O‘RDWER‘E * ‘h . .. 1 -’ 5', e .. t. - ' . . ‘ 1 ' ’ ~ 3 W , r... 7' ’ . _ , ’ _ t J. 1 . V, , 1 ’ J 1 ‘. ' _ ' .‘ 1 . ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ -,....1-. " - 3 3.4 *1 [The second Italic order, and last of the five orders of architecture, Is the Compoiti which some writers have divided into three species, or , ; ., I; f orders. The first (called the Composite, ) is composed of the Ionic and Corinthian: ‘ which two exhibit moregraces in combination, than either j ' ' ' _ I} of them would, if joined with the Doric. The Composite' 15 more slender than the Corinthian, and more 'ornamented WIfB’sculpture if the ‘ _'. latter bears any resemblance to a young maid, the former represents an harlot.’ - - ' ' The second species, as given by Aldrich and Smyth, is‘ Dorico- Ionic , the only remaining instance if whiQ may be. seen at Rome, as the ruins of the temple of Concord (See plate 55. ) The base of the column 1s Attico-I‘onlc, and without a plinth, e'x p} lg " ‘ The capital 15 Ionico- Doric, with the volutes projecting, as in the Italian , the abaciis isCmritman the frieze is scplp " plain. It has a beautifal appearance} -_ . ’3, 7. (1 The third species of Composite is where the column is of one order and the entablatlfi'elof aliother.‘ for ce.— , and the entablature Doric: in which case it would, therefore, be very properly termed DOrlco-Connflian. "This 1s approved ofeven 1133171115. vius , and, in fact, was introduced into the Temple of Solomon, whose columns were Corinthian supporting a D‘oric- entablatnre. ' I» The Romans first introduced the Composite order into their triumphal arches, to show- their dominion 8391' the people Wham they aonqueredd ,4 . _ , , OF this order we have many examples from the an- 5 . W J‘PL AT E 52 . 3,"; I 3! ,7 i :j- .' ‘l‘ . ‘ '11", “" Zr ' i1, ! cients; but the following is the most celebrated. it is “QM THE ARCH 0F TITUS, Am fiOME'. V1.1». ,1, .t taken from the arch of Tltus, whlch was executed soon ' a .. . . . s... . ._ . " . ‘i . . after the destruction of Jerusalem, in order to commence: This most beautlful and elegapt BEWPIG 19 1113501 '9’ 1 rate that remarkable event. choice of, as the most'proper motel for this order. . ,- ' .. '+, I If Vi; ' “ p . ‘ : - ' I. ' ,- ,Cll- .. A . .h T A B L E, _ , 351's.- . ’ j _ ‘ , I. ’ '1. ‘ 1 “" SHOWING THE RELATIVE PROPORTIONS 0F GRECIAN DORIC COLUMNS CONTAINED IN THIS WORK. ' i '1 Columns. . I Capital.’ ‘ '{NAMES 0F BUILDINGS. ' . . .«f‘i: Modules. Min. r‘Minut'es. A ‘ Portico of Philip, King of Macedon . . .7 l3 2% "E4 The Temple Theseus . . . . . . . _ ll 12% 306“ The Temple of Minerva ‘ . . . . , . . . 11 41 - 27%.}:‘f' ' v < The Portico at Athens . ' . - ‘ 2. - ,1 I2 211- 21,-. Found 1n Asia, near the Temple of Minerva Polias , 1 ,. ,1 26 . ’ ‘. . 1 ‘1.. . -. ': - 1 1‘. ' v,..:‘ ‘- Lajfr .Hirfl‘.’ '1 . . ,' ‘t , ‘ ~~?M“-3.l"li1“1 -. 1: 33.x strata. , -. ' ,1 ,v. -. ‘1 'h ~ ”12"" ‘5: fl ”IPTT‘WF}; / fiw‘;j'pPEDESTALs . .t. h» —+— . a 5' . 9 ~ a [Most writers considef the pedestal as a necessary part of the order, without which it is not esteemed complete. It is indeed a matter of small importance whether it be considered in that light, or as a distinct composition. Vitruvius only mentions it as a necessary part in the construction of a temple, without signifying that it belongs to the order, or assigning any particular proportions for it, as he does for the parts of the column and the entablature. But triangular, circular, or polygonal pedestals, or such as are swelled and have their die in the form of a balluster, or are sur- rounded with cinctures, are, in no case, to be made use of in buildings. laid aside wherever good taste prevaits.] A pedestal, like a column‘ or an entablature, is com- . posed of three principal~ :parts, ”which are the base, the body, or the-die, andathecornice. The die is always nearly of the same figure, being’constantly either a cube or a parallelopiped ; but the base and cornice are varied, and adorned with more or less mouldings, acccirding to the simplicity or richness of the composition in which the pedestal is employed. Hence pedestals are, like columns, i distinguished by the names of Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Composite and Corinthiaii. Some authors are vei'y averse to pedestals, and com~ pare a column raised on a pedestal to a man mounted on stilts, imagining that they were first introduced merely through necessity, and for want of columns of a suliicient length. , It does not seem proper to suppose that, tiliey were first introduced merely through want of columns of a sufficient length, since there are many occasions on which they are evidently necessary, and some in which the order, were it not so raised, would lose much of its beau- ‘ ful appearance. Thus, within our churches, if the col- umns supporting theivault were placed immediately on the ground, the seats would hide their bases and a good part of the shafts ; and in the theatres of the ancients, if the l r l l l u r r l Such extravagances, though frequent in some foreign countries, are now columns of the scene had been placed immediately on the stage, the actors would have hid a considerable part of them from the audience; for which reason it was usual to raise them on very high pedestals, as was likewise cus- tomary in their triumphal arches: and in most of their temples, the columns were placed on a basement or con- tinned pedestal, so that the whole order might be ex- posed to View, notwithstanding the crowds of people with which these places were frequently surrounded. And 1 the same reason will authorize the same practice in our churches, theatres, courts of justice, and other public And in a second order of arcades there is no avoiding pedestals, as without them it is impossible to givethe arches any toler- able proportion. These instances will sutliciently show the necessity of admitting pedestals in decorations of architecture. “Tith regard to the proportion which their buildings where crowds frequently assemble. height ought to bear, to that of the columns they are to support, it is by no means fixed, the ancients and mod- erns too having in their own works varied greatly in this respect, and adapted their proportions to the occasion, or to the respective purposes for which the pedestals were intended. Thus, in the amphitheatres of the ancients, the pedestals in the superior orders were generally low: C Plé’ $1 at ‘2‘ 3»-~-- — 1 ,4............... ........‘.... N d PEDESTAL‘S a «i 1' . 3': 46‘») .52 N I)m‘f(‘ m ‘41 :fi‘ ’m PEDEsTALs. because in the apertures of the arches, they served as rails to inclose the pertic’o, and therefore were, for the conveniency of leaning over, made no higher than was necessary to prevent accidents ; and the case is the same in most of our modern houses, where the height of the pedestals in the superior orders is generally determined by the sills of the windows. The ancients, in their theatres, made the pedestals in the first order of their scene, high, for the reason mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, but the pedestals in the superior orders were very low, their chief use being to raise the columns so as to prevent any part of them from being hid by the projection of the cornice below them ; and thus on difl‘erent occasions they used different proportions, being chiefly guided by necessity in their choice. Nevertheless, writers on architecture have always thought it incumbent upon them to fix a certain determi- nate proportion for the pedestal, as well as for the parts of the order. It would be useless to enumerate in this place their different opinions, but I must beg leave to observe that Vignola’s method is the only true one. His pedes- tals are all in the orders of the same height, being one third of the column, and as their bulk increases or dimin— ishes, of course in the same degree as the diameters of .. /p their respective colutfihs do, the ‘character of the order is always preserved, which according to any other method is impossible. ' "7 With regard to the divisions of the pedestals, if the whole height be divided into nine parts, one of them may be given to the height‘of the cornice, two to the base, and the remaining six to the die; or if the pedestal is lower than ordinary, its height may be divided into eight parts only, of which one may be given to the cornice, two to the base, and five to the die, as. Palladio has done in his Corinthian order, and Periault in all the orders.* _ The plan of the die is always made equal to that of the plinth of the column; the projection of the cornice may be equal to its height, and the base, being divided into three parts, two of them will be for the height of the plinth, and one for the mouldings, of which the projec- tion must be somewhat less than the projection of the cornice, so that the whole base may be covered and shel- tered by it. These measures are common to all pedestals, and in Plate 63 there are designs of proper ones for the Tus- * Ordonnanee des cinq Especes de Colonnes, 1 Partie, ch. 6 et 7. . TABLE, SHOWING THE HEIGHT 0F I’EDESTALS IN ANTIQUE AND momma: WORKS, 1N MINUTES, EACH ONE SIX’l‘lETH OF THE DIAMETER. OF THE SHAFT. \Iou! ding :s Plinth. 1'1l101t: Die. Cornice. Total ‘ Plinth. —_ Height. Minutes. l Minutes. Minutes. Minutes. Minutes. Palla 1'0 '26 l 14 80 20 140 Demo, ...... { Scairirizzi . 30 15 68% 2-2.;— 1;}6T1I [Temple of Fortune. Virilis 44 19% 93% 23% 180% Coliseum . 33% 9%. 8115; ll 141% IONIC ...... { Palladio 28% 1.1% 97g 21% 162}: Scamozzi 3” 15 825;, ' 5233:}- 150 I{Arch of Constantine 17% 29 153 * ~‘ 29% 2‘28 Coliseum 23 ll; . 78 19% 1312- ConINTHIAN, .{ Palladio 23% 14% - 93 19 150 Scamozzi 30 15 132% 2-37} 200 Arch of Titus . '55 30 141 ‘29 255 YA rch of the Goldsmiths :16 25% 143% 23% 241 COMPOSITE, . . . Palladio . 33 17 13-3 1r 200 Scamozzi . . . 30 15 112% 22% 180 [Arch of Sep. Severus . . I 30 30% 140:}— 29g 182% 27 106 PEDESTALS. can, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders, in which the forms and dimensions of the minuter parts are accurately drawn and figured. With regard to the application of pedestals, it must be observed that when columns are en- i tirely detached, and at a considerable distance from the Wall, as when they are employed to form porches, peris- tyles, or porticos, they should never be placed on de— ‘ I tached pedestals, for then they may indeed be compared , to men mounted on stilts, as they have a very weak and tottering appearance. The base and cornice of these pedestals must run in a straight line on the outside throughout ; but the dies are made no broader than the plinths of the columns, the in- tervals between them being filled with ballnsters, which is both really and apparently lighter than if the whole pedestal were a continued solid. "é . 3 "r r, -, «diagram». . ‘ v“ 4”,!“ 1) ¢ '77}- E27. 7 .57! m IMPOSTS. [lmposts are explained in the glossary. By some, however, they are called the walls back of the inserted column, rising from the base to the spring-line of the arch, and extending on each side of the column about 30 minutes; forming the side of the apertures of doors or windows, and, when used without the columns, are appropriately termed pilasters. But they are most generally used for those assemblages of moulding, which divide the perpendicular part of the wall from the spring-line of the arch. In some instances regular pilasters are introduced, when the column may be termed isolated ; as it stands detached from the walls. We find imposts introduced in the Temple of Solomon : and they are common in Roman edifices ; as in the Arch of Titus, and most of their other triumphant arches, &c. In most: parts of Europe imposts are found; as also in some parts of the United States. The origin of this style of building cannot be clearly traced. HOWever elegant its aspect in many in- stances may be, it seems now to be giving place to a more magnificent and majestic style of architecture. Where we once saw one range of col- umns rising above another, each supporting a distinct entablature, we now find the whole height supplied by one length : principles of good taste] I HAVE thought proper to give several designs for imposts in this place, for the use of those who may have occasion for them. Strict attention should be given to the uniformity of the order, as a Tuscan impost would not look well connected with a Corinthian column. Therefore, I have arranged them in their order, as the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. See Plate 64. FIGS. 4, 5, 6 and 7. FIG. 1, is an elevation of the Ionic order, with its imposts. When the Ionic order is executed on a pedestal, I have, in some cases, divided the whole height of the order into 14 parts, which give two to the entablature, nine and 35 minutes to the heightof the column, and one to its diameter; which are to be divided into sixty parts or minutes, by which scale its several members are pro- portioned throughout. These proportions, when executed thus preserving the ’ of a heavier proportion,‘for the interior of Churches, &c. ; A, the impost, b, the architrave; c, the key stone. The I spring-line of the arch should in no case exceed six diameters of the column. FIG. 3, is a scale by which i Pics. 4, 5, 6 and 7, are drawn. Also their architraves as shown on the top of each. FIG. 2. In this figure is shown the manner of striking or working a raking moulding to fit and miter with the same on a horizontal line or flank. First divide the width of the moulding into 1, 2, 3 and 4 parts, as in A ; raise a perpendicular line, in B, at O; trace the curve of the moulding from the intersection of 1, 2, 3, 4, on the curve line of the moulding; draw a, b, c, d, e,f, g, It, at right angles with the perpendicular line 0, to the point It, f, d, b, in the curve or face of the moulding ; transfer to A, It 1, ‘f 2, d 3, b 4. In the like manner the curve at C may be on a pedestal, I have found to succeed better than those found. All to miter in their several parts with each other. I ,PILASTERs [Pilasters are, it is believed, a Roman invention, and certainly an improvement. The Greeks employed antae in their temples, to receive the architraves where they entered upon the walls of the cell. These, though they were, in one direction, of equal diameter with the columns of the front, were in flank extravagantly thin in proportion to their height, and neither their bases nor capitals bore any resemblance to those of the columns they accompanied. The Roman artists, disgusted, probably, with the meagre aspect of these antce, and the want of accord in their bases and capitals, substituted pilasters in their stead, which being proportioned and decorated in the same manner with the columns, are cer- tainly more seemly, and preserve the unity of the composition much better. remarks, in relation to the Pilaster,‘ in the introduction to this work] Pilasters differ from columns in their plan only, which is square, as that of the column is round. Their bases, capitals, and entablatures, have the same parts, with all the same heights and projections as those of columns, and they are distinguished in the same manner, by the names of Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Composite, and Cor- inthian. 0f the two, the column is doubtless most per- fect. Nevertheless, there are occasions in which pilas- ters may be employed with great propriety; and some where they are, on various accounts, even preferable to columns. ' If we go back to the origin of things, and consider pilasters, either as representing the ends of partition walls, or trunks of trees reduced to the diameter of the round trunks which they accompany, but left square for greater strength, the reason for diminishing them will, in either case, be strong and evident. It is likewise an error to assert that pilasters are never necessary, but that columns will at all times answer the same end, for, at the angles of all buildings, they are evi- dently necessary both for solidity and beauty, —— because the angular support, having a greater weight to bear than any of the rest, ought to be so much the stronger; so that its diameter must either be increased, or its plan The reader will find some additional, and perhaps, not unimportant altered from a circle to a square. The latter of which is certainly the most reasonable expedient on several ac- counts, but chiefly as it obviates a very striking defect, occasioned by employing columns at the angles of a. building, which is that the angle of the entablature is left hanging in the air without any support; a sight very disagreeable in some oblique views, and in itself very unsolid. It is indeed customary in porches and other detached ‘ compositions, to employ columns at the angles, and it is judicious so to do, for of two defects the least is to be preferred. Engaged pilasters are employed in churches, galleries, halls, and other interior decorations, to save room, for as they seldom project beyond the solid of the walls , more than fifteen minutes of their diameter, they do not occupy near so much space as engaged columns. They are likewise employed in exterior decorations; some- times alone instead of columns, on account of their being less expensive ; at other times, they accompany columns, being placed behind thcmto support the springing of the architraves ; or on the same line with them to fortify the angles; they may likewise be employed instead of col- umns, detached to form peristyles and porticos, but there :- ‘lsmg': . PILASTERS. is 'no instance of this that I_ remember, in all. the remains of antiquity; neither has any modern architect, I believe, been so destitute of taste as to put it in prac- tice. \Vhen pilasters are used alone, as principal in the comé position, they should project fifteen minutes of their diameter beyond the walls, which give them: a sufficient boldness, and, in the Corinthian and Composite orders, is likewise most regular, ——because the stems of the vo- lutes, and the small leaves in flank of the capital, are then out exactly through their middles. But if the cornice of the windows should be continued in the inter-pilaster, as is sometimes usual, or if there should be a cornice to mark the separation between the principal and second story, or large imposts of arches, the projection must, in such cases, be increased, provided it is not otherwise sufficient to stop the most prominent parts of these deco- rations; it being very disagreeable to see several of the uppermost mouldings of an impost or cornice cut away perpendicularly, in order to make room for the pilaster, while the cornice or impost on each side projects consid- erably beyond it. Mutilations are, 011 all occasions, stu- diously to be avoided, as being destructive of perfection, and strong indications either of inattention or ignorance in the composer. Where pilasters are placed behind columns, and very near them, they need not project above seven and one half minutes of their diameter, or even less, excepting there should be imposts or continued cornices in the inter-pilaster; in which case what has been said above must be attended to. But if they be far behind the col- umns, as in porticos, porches, and peristyles, they should project ten minutes of their diameter at least ; and when they are on a line with the columns, their projection is to be regulated by that of the columns, and consequently it can never be less than a semi-diameter, even when the columns are engaged as much as possible. This extra- ordinary projection, however, will occasion no very great deformity, as the largest apparent breadth of the pilaster will exceed the least only in the ratio of eleven to ten, or thereabouts But if columns be detached, the angular pilasters should always be coupled with a column to hide its inner flank, because the pilasters will, othem 1se, ap- pear disproportionate when seen from the point of View proper for the whole building , especially if the fabric be small, and théj pomt of v1ew nea1. It is sometimes customary to execute pilasters without any diminution. In the antiques there are several 1n- 1 1 1 1 1 1 flutes can be so distributed as to have 1.». gee stances thetedf, am well as of the cannery pract1ce, wand Palladio, Vignola, Imgtfirlones, and many of the greatest. alchitects have frequently doge so. Nevertheless, it is ' certain that diminished pilasters are, on many accounts, .much preferable. There is more. variety in their form; their capitals me better proportioned both 1n the whole and in tl1ei1 parts, particula1ly 1n- the Composite and Co- rinthian orders; and the irregularities ”occasioned by the passage of the archit1aves, from ’dimihrshed columns to undiminished pilasters, are thereby avoided; as are like- wise the difficulties of regularly distributing the modillions and other parts of the entablature, either when the pilas- ters are 'alone, or accompanied with columns. ,Another disagreeable effect of undiminished pilasters is likewise obviated by rejecting them. Indeed I am at a loss to account_ for it, and it is diametrically opposite to a received law in optics I "imagined it might be the result of some defect 1n my own sight, till by inquity I found otl1e1s 'wele affected in the same manner. It is this, the top of the shaft always appeals bioader than the bottom. The shafts of pilasters, are sometimes adorned with flutings in the same manner as those of columns, the plan of which may be a trifle above a semi-circle, and they must be to the number of seven on each face, which makes them nearly of the same size with those of the columns. The interval between them must be jeither one third or one fourth of the .flutejn breadth, and when the pilaster is placed on the pavement, or‘ liable to be broken by the touch of passengers, the angle may be rounded off, in the form of an astragal; between which and the adjoining flute, there must be a fillet or interval of the same size with the rest, as in the porch of the Pantheon at Rome. The flutes may, like those of columns, be filled with cablings to one third of their height, either plain, and shaped like an astragal, or enriche:,l according 1-.s the rest of the composition is simple 01 much adomed. Scamozzi' 1s of opinion that the1e should be no flutings on the sides of engaged pilasters, but only in front; and, whenever cornices or imposts are continued home to the pilastel, this should be particuluily attenthd to, that the diffe1ent mouldings of these 111c111be1s,by entel- ing into the cavities of the flutes, may not be cut off in irregulai and disagreeable forms. But if the flanks of the pilasters ale entitely free, it may be as well to en- rich them 1n the same mannei as the front, ptovided the ea fillet or interval 110 adjoining to the wall; which is always necessary to mark the true shape of the pilasters distinctly. The capitals of Tuscan or Doric pilasters are profiled in the same manner as those of the respective columns; but in the capitals of the other orders, there are some .trifling differences to be observed. In the antique Ionic capital, the extraordinary projection of the ovolo makes it necessary either to bend it inwards considerably towards the extremities, that it may pass behind the volutes, or instead of keeping the volutes flat in front, as they corn- monly are in the antique, to twist them outwards till they give room for the passage of the ovolo. Le Clerk thinks the latter of these expedients the best, and that the artifice may not be too striking, the projection of the ovolo may be considerably diminished, as in Plate 50, ~44.-r PILASTRS. FIG. 2 ; which, as the moulding can be seen in front only, will occasion no disagreeable effect. The employing half, or other parts of pilasters that meet, and, as it were, penetrate each other’s inward or outward angles, should, as much as possible, be avoided, because it generally occasions several irregu- larities in the entablatures, and sometimes in the capital also. Particular care must be taken never to introduce more than one of these breaks in the same place, for more can never be necessary. In many of the churches at Rome, we see half a dozen of them together, which produce a long series of undulated capitals and bases, and a number of mutilated parts in the entabla- ture, than which nothing can be more confused or dis- agreeable. MOULDINGS. [Although as observed in the Introduction of this work, (to which the student is referred,) the shaft of a column may not admit of any orna- ment on its body, yet, in the base and capital, various ornamental parts are introduced same shape, as if they proceeded from the same mould or form. are generally divided into Grecian and Roman, with reference to the ex- isting remains of the architecture of those nations. in this, that the Romans usually employed segments of circles in their orna~ merits, while the Greeks often introduced parts of an ellipsis, or some other section of a cone, varying from the circle. The regular Mouldings are variously disposed in different orders, and may reasonably be supposed to have had their origin in the ingenuity of man rather than in any essential necessary law in nature or art. resents their form and character. Mouldings The difl‘erence consists The annexed figure rep- ; which are called Mouldings, because they are always of the The fillet, listel, annulet, or square. Astragal, or head. Torus, or tore. Scotia, trochilus, mouth, or casement. Echinus, ovolo, or quarter Jound. Grecian echinus. Inverted cyma, talon, or ogee. Cyma-recta, or cymatium. C avetto, or hollow. Of these, the Roman ovolo and cavetto are never found in Grecian Architecture, nor the Greek echinus in that of the Roman ; the rest they possess in common] DEFINITIONS. ]. MOULDINGS are figures composed of various curves and straight lines. If the mouldings are only composed of parts of a circle and straight lines, they are called Roman, because the Romans, in their buildings, seldom or never em- ployed any other curve for mouldings than that of a cir- clc ; but if a moulding be made part of an ellipsis, or a parabola, or an hyperbola, the mouldings are then in the Grecian taste. Corollary. Hence it appears that mouldings in the Greek taste are of a much greater variety than those of the Roman, where only parts of circles are concerned. Mouldings have various names, according to the man- ner in which they are curved. 2. The straight lined part under or above a moulding in general, is called a fillet. 3. If the contour of the moulding be convex, and a part of a circle, equal to or less than a quadrant, then the moulding is called a Roman ovolo, or an echinus, such as FIG. B, Plate 67. .112 4. It the contour of the moulding be concave, and equal to or less than a quadrant, it is called a cavetto or hollow, such as FIG. D, Plate 67. Corollary. Hence a cavetto is just the reverse of an ovolo. l 5. A bead is a moulding whose contour is simply a convex semi-circle. 6. If the contour be convex, and a complete semi- circle, or a. semi-ellipsis, having a fillet above or below the moulding, it is called a torus, as FIG. 1, Plate 67. . Corollary. Hence a torus is a bead with a fillet; and is more particularly distinguished in an assemblage of mouldings from a bead, by its convex part being much greater. 7. If the contour of a moulding be a concave semi- ellipsis, it is called a scotia, as FIG. 2, No. 2, Plate 66. 8. If the contour be convex, and not made of any part of a circle, but of some other of the conic sections, having'a small bending inwards towards the top, the moulding is called a Grecian ovolo, or echinus, such as FIG. 1, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4; FIG. 4, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Plate 65. 9. If the contour be partly concave, and partly convex, the moulding in general is called a cimatium, such as FIG. 2, Nos. 1 and 2; FIG. 3, Nos. 1 and 2, Plate 65. 10. If the concave parts of the curve project beyond the convex part, the cimatium is called a cimarecta; such as FIG. 2, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Plate 65. 11. If the convex part project beyond the concave, the cimatium is called a cima-reversa or ogee, as FIG. 4, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Plate 66. 12. The bending or turning inwards of a small part of the convex curve of a Grecian moulding, is, by work- men, called a quirk. GRVECIAN MOULDINGS. PLATE 65. FIG.4,N02. To describe the Grecian echinus or ovolo; the tangent A B, at the bottom, the point of con— ._.4_ MOULDIN GS. tact A, and the greatest projection of the moulding at C, being given. From A draw A D E perpendicular; through C draw 0 D parallel to the tangent B A, cutting A E at D ; make D E equal to A D; then will D be the cen— tre of an ellipsis, and C D and D A will be two semi- conjugate diameters; from which the ellipsis may be described by Plate 6, Geometry. FIG. 4, No. 1. This figure is described in the same manner, and shows a greater projection ; the tangent being also taken in a higher position. FIG. 4, No. 3. The same things being given, to describe the moulding nearly, when the point of contact A is at the extremity of the transverse axis. From A draw A D E perpendicular to the tangent B A; parallel to it draw 0 G, cutting the tangent A B at G ; also through C draw C D parallel to the tangent A B, cutting A D E at D, the centre of the ellipsis, for which D C and D A are the semi-transverse and semi- conjugate axis ; and proceed as before. PLATE 66. . FIG. 1, Nos. 2 AND 3. The semi-transverse and semi-conjugate axis being given, to describe the moulding. Proceed as in Plate 6, Geometry, and you will have the contour of the moulding required. FIG. 2, 'No. 1. To describe the cima-recta, the perpendicular height, H L, being given, and its projection, LI. Complete the rectangle I L H F, and divide the whole rectangle into four equal rectangles ; then inscribe the concave quadrant of an ellipsis, in the rectangle l K C B, and a convex quadrant in the rectangle C G [1 I). and it is done. HRH LCJLAN RRKDTULHDHNKG: S o [221. 1. _ ___. ___ __.VA__ L_l_ v .l'.”/. ((3 M} 1 (CHAN MND UL EWING} S an. J'.” 2. Pl. ()6. P157- :14 Dj‘LVLc‘XN NVWUIILIDEN‘G‘: S a MOULDIN GS. FIG. 3, No 3. To describe a Cima-reversa, the point A being nearly the greatest projection at the top; D the extremity of the curve at the bottom; and D C a line parallel to a tangent, at the point of junction of the opposite curve“ Draw A C at right angles to C D, cutting C D at C, and complete the rectangle A C D E ; then proceed as before, but in a contrary direction, and you will have the contour required. FIG. 2, No. 3. To describe an Echinus having the depth of the moulding C D, the greatest projection at D, and to be quirked at the top and bottom. Complete the rectangle C B A, and proceed as in Plate 6, Geometry. FIG. 2, No. 2. To describe a Scotia. Join the ends of each fillet by the right line A B; bisect A B at D; through D draw C D E parallel to the fillets, and make C D and D E equal to the depth of the scotia; then will A B be a diameter of an ellipsis, and C E its conjugate. Proceed as in Plate 6, Geometry. FIG. 4, Nos. 1, 2 AND 3. How to describe Grecian Mouldings, whether elliptical, parabolical, or hyperbolical; the greatest projection at B being given, and the tangent C F at F, the bottom of the mould- mg. Draw G F a continuation of the upper side of the under fillet ; through B draw B G perpendicular to B F, cutting it at G, and the tangent F C at the point C; also through B draw B E parallel to G F ; and through F draw F E' D A parallel to G B, cutting B E at E ; make E A equal to E F, E D equal to C G, and join B D ; then divide each of the lines 'B D and B G into 29 11.3 a like number of equal parts; from the point, A andr“ through the points 1, 2, 3, 4, in B C, draw lines cut- ting the former, which will give the points in the curve. If the point C, where the tangent cuts the line B G, be less than one half of B G, from G—the moulding will be elliptical, as in FIG. 4, No. 2. If G C be one half of B G, then the moulding 1s para- bolical, as in FIG. 4, No. 1. If G C be greater than half of B G, then the moulding is hyperbolical, as in FIG. 4, No. 3. ~ By this means you may make a moulding to any form you please, Whether flat or round. ROMAN MOULDINGS. PLATE 67. FIGS. A, B AND C. To describe an Ovolo in the Roman taste , the plOJBCthflS at a and b being given at each extreme of the curve. Take the height of the moulding; on the points a and b as centres, describe an are at c ; on c, as a centre, with the radius c a or c b, describe the arc a b, and it will be the contour of the moulding required. FIG. D. To describe a Cavetto, having the extremes of the curve. Tire cavetto is described in the same manner, but on the opposite side. FIGS. E AND F. To describe a Hollow, to touch with two straight lines, b d and d a, one of them at a given point a. Let d be the point of their meeting ; make (I b on the other line equal to d (1.; from the points a and b draw perpendiculars to each of the lines db and d a, meeting 114 fiat c , on c as a centre, with the rad in c b or c (2, describe up an are 6' a, and it is done. FIG G. To describe a Cima- -recta, the projections at a ‘ and I) being given. a. " W Join a b ; bisect it at e ,' then on the points a and I), describe arcs meeting each other on the opposite sides at c and d ,- on the points 0 and d, with the same radius, describe the opposite curves at e and e d, and it is done. FIG. H. The cima-reversa is described in the same manner, but in an opposite direction. FIG. I. To describe a Torus. Bisect the diameter at a ; on it with the radius, describe a semi-circle, and it is done. FIG. J. ‘ Is a semi-hollow. FIG. K. Is a bed-mould. FIG. L. Is an ogee and bead. GRECIAN MOULDINGS, COMPARED WITH THOSE OF THE ROMAN, TO SHOW‘ THE DIFFERENCE OF THEIR FORM AND APPLICATION. I. Of a Bead. This moulding is similar in both Greek and Roman architecture. 11. Of the Torus. The torus in most cases is similar to a bead: it is always so in Roman architecture, but not always in . Amhgu‘dn, A; _ MOULDINGS. Grecian; as may be seen in various examples where the contour of the moulding is elliptical. The bases of the columns of the temple of Minerva Polias, and also the bases of the column on the monument of Lysicrates, are instances of the elliptical forms of toruses. III. 0f the 012010, or Echinus. The Greek ovolo differs greatly from that of the R0- man : its; contour is generally a part of the ellipsis; in some cases it is hyperbolical, and even in some a straight line; the elliptical ovolo is always used in cornices, ar- chitraves, and likewise in all mouldings projecting from plain surfaces. It is also to be met with in the capitals of columns. Of such forms are the echinus of the capitals of the Doric portico at Athens, the temple of Corinth, and the temple at Pmstum, in Italy, which are all elliptical; but the hyperbolical form is oftener to be met with in the capitals of Athenian buildings, than any other. Of such are the echinus of the capitals of the temples of Minerva and Theseus, and also the capitals of the columns of the Prophylea, or grand entrance into the citadel. These are all Athenian buildings, which were erected during the administration of Pericles; and the portico of Philip, King of Macedon, is an instance in which the echinus is a straight line. In Roman architecture, the echinus is always some part of a circle, never exceeding a quadrant, but often less. IV. 0f the Cavetto. The cavetto is the same both in Roman and Grecian architecture, except in its application. There is not an instance to be met with in Greece,* Where the crown moulding is a cavetto, but there are many in the Roman. V. 0f the Doric Cimatium. This moulding is constantly used in Greek buildings, under the fillet of a finishing or crown moulding, but 111 * There are some out of Greece; but of these there are few instanc es which may not be looked on as dexiations from the established methods that were used by the Greeks. MoULntNes, Roman buildings there are no instances whatever of any such moulding. VI. 0f the Cima-recta. This moulding is nearly of the same form, both in the Grecian and Roman architecture, and is also applied for the same purpose in both. VII. 0f the Cima-reversa. This moulding is nearly similar in the Grecian and Roman architecture, and is in general applied under the fillet of the crown moulding of the cornices of Roman buildings; but is never so applied in Greek buildings, one instance excepted, which is the portico of Philip King of Macedon. THE EFFECT OF GRECIAN MOULDINGS, COMPARED WITH THE ROMAN OF THE SAME KIND. 1. Of the Quote. The bending or turning inwards of the upper edge of the Grecian ovolo, causes, when the sun shines on its surface, a beautiful variety of light and shade, which greatly relieves it from plane surfaces ; and if it be en- tirely in shadow, but receive a reflected light, the bend- ing or turning inwards at the top will cause it to contain a great quantity of shade in that place, but softened downwards round the moulding to the under edge. In the Roman ovolo there is no turning inwards; * as the top, therefore, when the sun shines on its surface, it will not be so bright on its upper edge, as the Grecian ovolo; nor will it cause so beautiful a line of distinction from other mouldings which it is combined ,with when it is in shadow, and when lighted by reflection. II. 0f the Giana—reversal. In the Greek cima-reversa, the turning in of its upper edge, and the turning out of its under edge, will cause it, when the sun shines, to be very bright on these edges, which will greatly relieve it from other perpendicular sur— faces when combined together; and when it is in shadow, * That is to say, the upper edge of the moulding does not recede from a plane touching its surface, and perpendicular to the horizon. am and lighted by reflection, the inclination of the upper and under edges will also make a strong line of d1stmct19n on both edges, between it and other mouldings or planes connected with it; whereas the upper and under edges of the Roman cima-reversa* being pendieular to the horizon, the lightest place on its surface, will not be brighter than a perpendicular plane surface, nor Will it be better relieved 1n shadows than perpendicular plane sur- faces also 1n shadow. . ' ’ iii, ‘ ' 3 THE EFFECT OF GRECIAN MOULDINGS, COMPARED WITH ROMAN MOULDINGS OF A DIFFERENT KIND, BUT IN SIMILAR SITUATIONS. I. Of the Greek 0vol0, compared with the Roman Cavetto, when used as finishing Mouldings. The upper mouldings, in all the remains of antiquity, are either entirely destroyed or very much defaced. It is certain, that if ovolos, which are strong mouldings, had been employed instead of cavettos,T_ many of them would have been almost entire; and as the degrees of light and shade on the surface of the ovolo, whether from sunshine, or from any other light, is beautiful and soft but the shadow of the cavetto from sunshine is very hard, and will not contain so great a variety of light and shade on its surface, it will therefore be less pleasing to the eye [1. The Doric Cimatinm used by the Grecians under the fillet of the Crown flfonlding compared with the Cima-reversa in the same situation. The front of the Doric cimatium is a convex ellipti- ('al curve, and is sunk at the upper edge in the manner of a Grecian ovolo; therefore the light and shade on its front will be nearly similar to an ovolo; and as the sink- * There are some instances in Roman buildings where the cima- reversa is turned inwards at the top, and outwards at the bottom ; but this seldom occurs, except there is not suflicient projection to its height. 1‘ Some authors say, that the cima—recta and cavetto were always used as finishing mouldings, but it is quite the reverse; for in the antique buildings now remaining in Greece, there is not a single instance where a cavetto is used for the upper member ofa cornice; but in Doric build- ings the cornice always finishes with an ovolo; and in buildings of the Ionic and Corinthian orders, they are finished with cima-rectas. ‘ . 116 ing upwards behind the front will cause it to contain a quantity of shade, which will form a line of separation from the corona, and consequently make it appear more distinct at a distance ; but the Roman cima-reversa being so 'very' flat, would not be well relieved, and its profile would be lost entirely at a distance. MODERN MOULDINGS. I have given several modern designs for mouldings; not that in my own opinion they are more tasteful than MOULDINGS. the Grecian or Roman, but that by combining them, it affords a greater variety, and, as some are fond of new things, they may be preferred. PLATE 68. A is a cima-recta. B is a cima-reversa, or ogee. C is a bed-mould. These differ from the Roman, only in their curves being more graceful, but are formed on the same principle. D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L, are formed on the principle of the Grecian, with a slight alteration in their curves. 11.68. ‘ 71w mil T’Efl DIN 1;: S o .NTDMERN g: 15w” flu flirt/1b n/‘flIr/zmr 43 JA— 598 m. FE ‘ .30 x». 3.5 ’: MN \. 57 .3 41’ V4» to V \ J35) .5? _ t»: ‘5’ I ’J‘ ' ~ N jay '4 (Q é” N 7; Evin flu [Em/2]! aft?!” cer 455/! B ”L” X .33 “a . ‘ 3.; i .37 ‘ N .31 3 1’ K .g‘ Co Ce \ .37 _\c_, r \l 7/“? le‘ "‘ 41% E I I v .. L r ,u'. e“ a -: ‘i , ) 6‘3 ’V' "5233 fi/g J, 313/: ‘kli firm (/1) 01/0stan ‘15 3.? i: 41’ PI 71' 15 '0”: Tin/(UH (blunt/z . ‘ 41’ \n ',;"W'« 101.70." C MMDERN BASES . ‘1 1. m“ f. a» . I I“ x b . . n..% n .J& a.“ ”I a . v i. u.§..¥.fiit . «ML. . . o y o .1. b , . 1. . 1!. .. g a t ‘ u I h w T , . . $ _ _ 1.. J _ _ . .V . . . L . J , w _ . F W .7. _|| 7 7 y , _ d _ . I A W. n . _ A . < u f w i ,_ ‘ M , _ ‘l‘t : y I‘ L i l :. \ ~ . . T, H “ m E x E J H m N u u . .v Liihilxhnl :FMIT ‘II S. It, _ _ _ _ u _ A“ _ , r I d . . ‘ kw 1 _ as»: _ E — B 0 H my. \ as“ \ E N t a H N n... T a N \ \1 a} a; mm id J .1 ”(Ir 7 Q 7 3 kg. BASES. [In no example of antiquity is the Doric column provided with a base. This circumstance, says Mr. Partington, has occasioned no small per- plexity to some of those writers who seek, in every point, some analogy to the human figure. Vitruvius has indeed said, that the base is a shoe, first invented to cover the nakedness of the matronly prototype of the Ionic order. ‘ But,’lsays Monsieur Le Clerc, ‘ I must own I cannot consider a column without a base, comparing it to a man ; but I am, at the same time, struck with the idea of aperson without feet, rather than without shoes ; for which reason I am inclined to believe, either that the architects had not yet thought of employing bases to their columns, or that they omitted them in order to leave the pavement clear, the angles and projections of bases being stumbling blocks to passengers, and so much the more troublesome, as the architects of those times frequently placed their columns very near each other, so that had' they been made with bases, the passages between them would have been extremely narrow and inconvenient.’ To supply this defect, as it is generally considered, most architects have employed the attic base, which is common to all the orders except the Tuscan, though belonging, perhaps, more peculiarly to the Ionic. \Ve have, therefore, here given a representation of it, as furnished by Mr. Partington from Vignola. It is seen that it consists of two tori, with a scotia and fillets between, the upper ofwhich in this version, resembles an inverted ovolo. The fillet, above the upper torus, is always connected with the shaft by a curve, as is also that under the capital, for which reason they are commonly considered as part of the shaft. The plinth, or square member beneath, is usually understood, in Roman architecture, as an indispensable appendage to the base, though Palladio has omitted it in his Corinthian order ; but it is rarely found in the Greek specimens. To save this order, however, from 2Mod the sad humiliation of being obliged to borrow a shoe, when required to wear one, Vignola provided it with this appen- mfi'fl—Jti . . . - dage. His base consrsts of one large Torus, with one considerably smaller, resting upon it, surmounted by the fillet. M. Le Clerc has, in the opinion of Mr. Partington discovered the true reason why, at least in the latter Greek specimens, the base is omitted ; namely,the very narrow intercolumniations. In the Greek order, alteration is not probable, and, perhaps, not desirable ; but in the Roman, where this addition has been long provided for us, and the intercolumniations adjusted accordingly, the omission would he certainly improper.] '1 MODERN BASES. ROMAN BASES. : 5 P L A T E 7 0. Several designs for Bases after the Roman taste, are given, which may be applied to Columns, Pilasters, and i I FIGs. A, B, C, D, E, and F, are Bases in the modern - - . . I ‘ in some instances to Rooms, Chimney pieces, Q'c. ‘ style, adapted to the present taste of finishing rooms and inside finish. The line a, shows the line of projection from the ground; I), the thickness of the ground, and H the P L A T E 69. height of the base in proportional numbers. ‘ Rule. To proportion these designs, divide the height 316- G. The Tuscan order. of the room into thirty equal parts; take one part for the F IG- E and A. The Doric. height of the base, and proportion its members as figured FIG“ B and C' The Iomc- on the design. 6 shows the manner of joining the base FIG. D. The Corinthian. to the plinth. 30 _CORNIeEs +— A [THE orders consist of a composition of parts. When considered in gross numbers, they consist of two parts, viz. the Column and Entabla- ture. These divisions are subdivided : the Column comprises the base, capital, and their appendages, as shown in the orders. The Entablature conSists of the architrave, frieze and cornice. The Architrave, in all the orderS, has the band. The Grecian: Doric, however, does not furnish us "with more than two divisions, the band and frieze. The Band or Fillet, which constitutes the upper part of the larchitrave, is projected under the triglyph; and an annulet is dropped from the fillet, a little on the frieze ; to the soffit of which are attached sixdrOps,as in the Grecian examples. In the Ionic and Corinthian orders, the Greeks have divided the frieze into three projecting parts, as shown in the example from the Temple of Miner- va Polias. The divisions are, 1st. 10$~ ; 2d. 1241 ; 3d. 14% minutes. The Romans, in this respect], have-followed the Greeks,except in the propor- tions of the divisions ; as seen in the Doric'elevation found at Albano, near Rome ; in the Dioclesigndiathse; and-in the example from Andrea Palladio. 2d. The Frieze or Entablature is ornamented, in the Doric order, with triglyphs, and sometinjétsfiizfili sculpture, as shown in the example from the Temple ofTheseus,at Athens. Aldrich has introduced triglyphs into the composite order, which I'ée‘nsid‘éfa composition of the three orders. This practice, however, is seldom adoptedr; although there may not be much impropriety in borrowing frontthé Doric as well as from the two higher order-5. The capital of the triglyph is from 4 to 6 minutes wide. The width of the tl‘iglpyh is commonly from 28 'to 30 minutes, having an angle of 135 degrees, from the outer corners ; cutting from the face 2% minutes. The intermediate space is divided into five parts ; the second and fourth be- ing cut at right angles from the ‘centre. The Frieze of the two higher orders, viz : the Ionic and Corinthian, afford a variety of ornaments, of which the Romans have been very profuse; as on the Temple of Fortuna Virilis, at Rome. See also the example from the Arch of Titus. ' 3d. Cornices. This assemblage of parts affords much variety ; from the plain bed-mould, mutules, dentals and modillions. The mutules are common in the Doric planeeer. The Dentals are common in the Ionic, and are placed between the hollow and the quarter-round, as shown in the bed—mould. An exarnple of this is found in the Temple of Fortuna Virilis, and in the Coliseum, at Rome. The quarter—round is some- times ornamented with the egg and dart. The Corinthian order has dentals and modillions, as shown in the example from Jupiter Stator. The mouldings are often ornamented with carvings of various designs. The Facia, in the Grecian Doric, projects from 27 to 30 minutes from the triglyphs. In the Roman Doric, it sometimes projects from 34 to 37 minutes. The height of the Facia varies from 7 to 11 minutes. The crown moulding is a cima-recta, and in modern times the ovolo has been introduced in many instances, which is preferred on account of its superior strength, and the beautiful variety oflight and shade which it presents to the eye. “To find some examples overcharged with mouldings, which is not only offensive to the eye, but it destroys the appearance ofstrength and proportion. An error of this kind is found in the Dioclesian Baths, in which the graceful simplicity is lost, when compared with the Grecian Temple of Theseus. In the cornice, the facia has too much projection, and is not deep enough, and would have a far better appearance were the dentals, quarter-round, and bead left out. They are not considered as properly belonging to the Doric order. Palladio, and others, (as shown in some of the Roman examples given in this work,) made use ofa plain, simple bed-mould, composed ofa hollow and round, under the planceer. This is as much as belongs to the Doric. In the Ionic, the Greeks have made use ofthe echinus, dentals, an angular fillet, and a quarter-round, under the planceer ; as in the example from the Temple ofMinerva Polias. The extraordinary projection of the dentals, rising above a plain frieze, has a beautiful effect, as well as the rnodillions in the Corinthian order. This modillion is frequently ornamented with foliage ; a decoration properly belonging to, and supporting the planceer. The ornamented ovolo under the modillions, as found in the Portico of the Pantheon, by its chaste appearance, occasioned by not add- ing a surplus of variety, is rendered one of the best specimens of the Romans. The example taken from the Temple of Jupiter Stator, is very beautiful. The majestic proportions of the capital and entablature would give it the superiority, were it not overcharged with too much tinery. The addition of dentals, however, can be no objection to its pleasing effect, as in cities eave~cornices are not often viewed to advantage, at a great- er distance than the angle of 45 degrees, and within that distance the ornamented planceer shows to good advantage. The proportions of cornices should invariably be regulated according to these distances. If, at the angle of 45 degrees, the height should be equal to its projections. If short of this, its projections should increase, in regular proportion, in all its members. The crown-moulding of the cornices should be projected with some variation : the Grecian ovolo at 45 degrees ; but the cima recta should not project so much, in order to open it more to the rays of light ; 'for if the swell does not receive a strong light, it is rendered obscure at any considerable height. I have introduced in this place, several designs for cornices, which may assist in some measure the fancy of those who may wish to vary from .the original Greek and Roman styles and proportions. They may be executed on frontispieces, and many other places, to advantage] P L AT E 7 1 , ' modillion and manner of drawing it, viz: from A, Presents four Cornices, with the scale to which they radrateirom 1 ‘0 2; from B to 1 and 3; from C to 3 and are drawn. The scale is supposed to be the diameter of 4 ; which completes the lower curve. the shaft of the column, at the bottom; from which these FIG' 2' A 0.0mm? Without the entablature. designs are figured in proportional parts. FIGS. 1 ,3ij Dre. 1. Design of the planceer, wrth mutulcs and. are plain planceers; 3 and 4 ornamented friezes and en- ornament. ‘ tablatures. No. 1, plan of the planceer of Free. 3 and 4. FIG- 3‘ Design Of a D0110 entablature. No. 1. Ornamented planceer. P L A T E 7 2. - - FIG. 4. A Doric entablature and cornice. FIG. 1. Design of a. modillion cornice. No. 1, the No, 1. Mutules with a reset. llDJESJICGNS INDHR (CGDJRNIICJES o' [71.7]. HP L" ‘ 7 ' — “ '397’01'7 - 6 \h 7 v — 7— — —_ in“. 0! [ 09 g__ f g_ [113).]. 2‘5; i 3‘4 i _J r g 1 20 25] u; HP 7 7 ,.. , HP l. “h- 2W ’ ‘ 7 h ‘ ‘fifiéfl uuuuuu i W T. 28' ‘ p5 1*; (C((DIRNTLCESO JDME SIGN 8 WEEK JY.Z8 PH 67.? ’1’11 0000000000000000000 ‘ V1 000000000 00 f‘\ v , \z CC“ 000 532 5.5 [0 .305 32 7/’ 'J 7 ,,,. . l” 1 L 133, /@L[ Taxi 9 T K , gy» 31L”? 0,, # 7 Eli Maps 0* 5_ , 00000@ 000000 $33 H T17 1? 00 70@—‘ DJ 00 GOO 000 OO O O CO I ()0 90 O O {it 14’ 603 6‘ ’2 35 5’: ‘32 2'54 000 00’) /, 0 _——_4 ;\ \\my CHIMNEY PIECES. [It is a remarkable fact, that neither the Italian nor the French, nor indeed any of the continental nations, have ever excelled in composition: of chimney pieces. It is believed that Inigo Jones. eminently distinguished among the architects of England, was the first who arrived at any great degree of perfection in this important branch of architectural science. 0ther-architects have, since his time, wrought upon his ideas, or furnished good inventions of their own; and of our many ingenious and very able artists, whose province it is to execute magnificent chimney pieces in marble, happily much in vogue, it may be said that, for taste of design, and excellence of workmanship, they are not surpassed by those of any other nation. It was facetiously observed by Sir William Chambers, thatchimney pieces should be ‘ so situated as to be immediately seen by those who enter, that they may not have the persons already in the room who are generally seated about the fire to search for.’ There is much good sense in this remark] As the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans, to , still very common in Italy ; the Dutch are very fond of it, whom architecture is so much indebted in other respects, :and it may be found in many old English country lived in warm climates, where fires in the apartments 1 houses. - were seldom or never necessary, they have thrown but The size of the chimney must depend upon the di- little light on this branch of architecture. Amongst the ‘ mensions of the room wherein it is placed. In the small- antiquities of Italy, I do not recollect any remains of ‘est apartments, the width of the aperture is never made chimney pieces. Palladio indeed mentions two; the one less than from three feet to three feet six inches; in at Baia, and the other near Civita Vecchia; which stood ‘ rooms from twenty to twenty-four feet square, or of equal in the middle of the room, and consisted of columns, sup- r superficial dimensions, it may be four feet wide ; in those porting architraves, whereon were placed the pyramids i of twenty-five to thirty, from four to four and a half; and or funnels through which the smoke was conveyed. Sca- i in such as exceed these dimensions, the aperture may mozzi takes notice of three sorts of chimney pieces, be extended to five, or five feet six inches: but should Used in Italy at his time. One of these he calls the R0- the room be extremely large, as is frequently the case man, the aperture of which is surrounded only with a f; with halls, galleries, and saloons, and one chimney of clumsy architrave; another he calls Venetian, which is l these last dimensions neither afford sufficient heat to warm likewise adorned with an architrave, upon which are the room, nor sufiicient space round it for the company, placed a frieze and cornice, and on the sides thereof are it will be much more convenient, and far handsomer, to pilasters with consoles. The third sort he calls a Pa- have two chimney pieces of a moderate size, than a sin- diglioue. ~ gle one exceedingly large, all the parts of which would This last be particularly recommends where the walls appear clumsy and disproportioned to the other decora- are thin, if not being hollowed into the wall, as both the tions of the room. The chimney should always be other sorts are, but composed of a projecting entablaturt- situated so as to he immediately seen by those who supported by consoles, termini, or caryatides, on which enter, that they may not have the persons already in the pyramid is placed. This sort of chimney piece is the room, who are generally seated about the fire,'to . 57w, 1w. 120' " i . . CHIMNEY PIECES. 4 I search for.f The middle of the side partition wall is the most proper place in halls and saloons, and the other rooms of passage to which the principal entrances are commonly in the middle of the front, or of the back wall; but in drawing rooms, dressing rooms, and the like, the middle of the back wall is the best situation, the chim- ney being then faithest removed ftom the doors of corn- munication. The case is the same with respect to gal- leries and libraries,,whose doors of entrance are generally either at one, or both ends. In bed chambers the chim- ney is always placed in the middle of one of the side partition walls and in closets,'or other very smalllyplaces: it is, to save room, sometimes placed in one corner. Whenever two chimneys are introduced in the same room, they must be regularly placed, either directly facing each other, if in differentlwalls, or at equal dis,- tances from the centre of the wall in which they are both placed. The Italians frequently put their chimneys in the front walls, between the windows, for the benefit of looking Out while sittinor by the fire; but this must be avoided, for by so doing that side of the room becomes crowded with ornaments, and the other sides are left too bare; the front walls are much weakened by the funnels, and the chimney shafts at the top of the building, which must necessarily be carried higher than the ridges of the roofs, have, from their great length, a very disagreeable ‘ effect, and are very liable to be blown down. In la1ge buildings, v here the walls ate of a considera- ble thickness, the funnels are catried up in the thickness of the wall; but in small ones, this cannot be done: the fines and chimney pieces must necessarily advance for- ward into the rooms, which, when the break is consider- able, has a very bad effect; and therefore, where room can be spared, it will always be best, either in show or state apartments, to make niches or arched recesses on each side ; and in lodging rooms, presses, or closets, either covered with the paper, or finished in any manner suited to the rest of the room. By these means, the cor— nice or entablature of the room may be carried round without breaks, 1f the ceiling be perfectly regular, and the chimney piece have no more apparent projection than may be necessary to give to its ornaments their proper relief. The proportion of the apertures of chimney pieces of a moderate size is generally near a square ; in small ones a trifle higher, and in larger ones somewhat lower. Chimney pieces are made either of stone or marble, or of a mixture of these with wood, scagliola, or molu, or some other ‘unfragile substances. Those of marble are most costly, but they are also most elegant ; and the only ones used in high finished apartments, where they are seen either of white or variegated marbles, sometimes inlaid and decorated with the materials just mentioned. All their ornaments, figures or profiles, are to be made of the pure white sort, but their friezes, tablets, panels, shafts of columns, and other plain parts may be of party—colored marbles, such as the yellow of Siena, the brocatello of Spain, the jaspers of Sicily, and many other modern as well as antique marbles, frequently to be had in this country. Festoons of flowers, trophies and foliages, frets and other such decorations, cut in white statuary marble, and fixed on grounds of these, have a very good effect. But there should never be above two or at the- utmost three different sorts of colors in the same chim- ney piece, all brilliant and harmonizing with each other. In the inferiOr class of houses, and in upper chambers, wood is generally used in the construction of chimney pieces, painted and varnished so as to resemble marble. The use of wooden chimney pieces, when judiciously applied, materially lessens the expense, and answers every purpose of utility or ornament. In many places the wildest notions have been indulged, in the designs of this part of architecture. Sometimes we see Chimney pieces, the shelf of which is supported on a numerous variety of mouldit’igs, piled one above the other until they project nearly as much as the shelfitself; this I contend is useless and out of good taste, for they cannot be seen to any advantage, as in ordinary cases they fall below the eye; except when seated, and then they are so nearly on a level with it, that they cannot be seen to any advantage: If therefore one half of the ex- pense of mouldings should be laid out in the frieze and pilasters or columns, they would have a much better ap- pearance, and display a more refined taste. To illustrate my opinions, I refer to plates 73 and T4, and to the chimney pieces in ‘Tremont House,’ Boston, designed by Isaiah Rogers, Esq, Architect. . ‘> f1. «73. Inmmmmsmam________ r r _ V E q “7 - 179. 2. > ‘ ’_ 1—. ——~~——-~-—--~~—--:~ ,_ A _ , ~ I CONSTRUCTION OF W'INDOWS. [There has been in this branch of architecture, as well as all others, a variety of changes and modifications to suit the taste and fashion of the times. sary requisites. ient, economical and ornamental. with most of the grand principles of the arts and sciences] The proportions of the apertures of windows, depend upon their situation ; their width in all the stories must be the same, but the dili‘erent heights of the apartments make it, necessary to vary the heights of the windows likewise. In the principal floor it may be from two and one'eighth of the width to two and one third, according as the rooms have more or less elevation; but in the ground floor, where the apartments are usually somewhat lower, the apertures of the windows should seldom exceed a double square; and when they are in a rustic basement, they are frequently made much lower. The windows of the second floor may be, in height from one and a half of their width to one and four fifths ; and those of attics or mezzanines, either a perfect square or somewhat lower. The character of the order in which the windows are em- ployed, and that of the profiles with which they are enriched, must, likewise, in some measure be consulted, and the apertures be made more or less elevated, as the order of the whole decoration, or of the window itself, is more or less delicate. The windows of the principal floor are generally most enriched. The simplest method of adorningthem is with an architrave surrounding the aperture, covered 32 In civilized countries, convenience and beaut are consulted ; whereas in barbarous countries strenrrth and safet ' are their most necex y ’ b 3 5 In this enlightened and happy country, every man of taste adorns his habitation With such as he may deem to be most conven- The enriching of windows with ornaments is of ancient date, and has been handed down to us, in common with a frieze and cornice suited thereto; but when the aperture is remarkably high with respect to its width, it becomes necessary to spread. the ornaments on the sides thereof, by flanking the architrave with columns, pilasters, or consoles, in order to give the whole compOsition an agreeable proportion. The window: ot‘ the ground floor are sometimes left entirely plain, without any ornaments whate e ; at other times they are surrounded with an architravc, or with rustics, or have a regular architrave err-suited wih its frieze and cornice. Those of the second floor have generally an architrave r ried entirely round the aperture; and the same is the method of adorning attic or mezzanine windows; but these two last have seldom or ever either tr’eze or cornice, whereas the second floor windovs, whenever their aperture ap- proaches a double square, are often adorned with both. The sills of the windows on the same floor should be on the same level, and raised above the floor, from two feet nine inches to three feet at the very most. When the walls are thick, they should be re duced under the aperture of the windows, for the cons veniency of looking out, and seats may be contrived to fit these recesses, as is the custom in many mod-. cold in winter; and the iron work, which in France, and 126 . WINDOWS. tious practice of intermitting the architrave and frieze of an order, in the intervals between the columns or pilas- ters, to make room for windows and their enrichments, which are carried close up to the cornice, can on no ac- count whatever he suffered in regular architecture, it being in the highest degree absurd to carry the windows above the ceiling, and great wantofjudgmentin an archi- ltect to intermiX and crowd together such a number of l rich complicated parts, as are those of the entablature of i the order and the entablatures of the windows. Besides, ern houses. In France, and now too often here, the windows are carried quite down to the floor, which, when the building is Surrounded with gardens or other beautiful prospects, renders the apartrrrents excedingly pleasant in summer, but then they become exceedingly latterly very much here, is placed on] the outside by way of fence against accidents, ought never to take place where regular architecture is intended ; for' all the gilding and flourishing in the world can never make it toler'ably accordant with the rest of the composition. In regular built lrouses,'t.he sills of the windows on the ground floor should be raised six feet above the pave- ment on the outside of the building, to hinder passengers from looking into the apartments ; but when this cannot the whole beauty of the or',der when so mutrlated is destroyed; its pr'oportions and figure being entirely changed. An interruption of the whole entablature, to make room for a window, and converting it into an im- post to the architrave, is a license equally unpardonable. be done without raising the floor itself more than may be The common sort of builders 1n this country are ex- necessary, the lower parts of the windows may be fur— i tremely fond of varietyin the ornaments of windows ,and nished with blinds. The tops of the apertures of' Indeed 1n ever'yother par'tofa building, imagining, prob- windows should never, within the apartments, be carried ably, that it etrays a barrenness of invention to repeat the same object frequently. I have seen a house with l 1 l l up .close to the cornice of the room; a sufficient space i ought always to be left for an architrave, 01' at least two , only eleven windows in the whole front, and 1et there 01' three inches betweeen the architrave and cornice. A i\ “"016 seven different sorts. At another place, the case is space usually occupied by the curtain-lath. J the same, t'here being se1 en or eight sorts of win lows 1n The interval between the apertures of windows de- l thes same aspect; and the like rs to be met with 1n many pends, in a great measure, on their enrichments. The ' 011191 1111111111135; 110111 1“ 10‘1'11111111 111 the 00111111? These ’ inventive gentlerrren would do 11 ell to give their attention I to some professors of the mechanic arts, who, though 1 l I r l l exercising their talents on mearrer objects, are neverthe- widtlr of the aperture is the smallest distance that can be between thorn, and twice that width should in dwelling- houses be the largest ; otherwise the rooms will not be suf- ficiently lighted, and the building will have rather the ap pearance of a prison than of ”a structure caculated for the less worthy of their imitation. No tailor thinks of em- plo1ing seven or eight kinds of buttons on the same conveniences and enjoyments of life. The purpose for coat; a cutler will not nrake ten different sorts of I1‘ni1 es which the buildingis intendedslrould regulate the quantity fOI' the $511113 891; 11111] 1f 11 0111111101 1115111131119 11'113'911 10 of liglrtto be intr'oduced ; and therefore in dwelling—houses, furnish a room, Ire seldom introduces more than one or and all places where comfort and pleasure are the main two 50118 0f charrs. Their P1301100 1’3 f011111l01l 011 0X- pur'poses, there cannot, be too IIIUCl]. But, in sacred perience; the general approbation 0f nrankirrd is the structures, which should effect the mind with awe and standard they go by. with reverence, or in other great works where grandeur We (10 1101 1113601'81', 0111101 111 1119 works 0f 1111111111115' 01' of style is aimed at, it should be cautiously and rather those of the great modern architects, any traces of this sparingly distributed childish hankering after variety. The sanre object is The windows nearest to the outwar'dangles must be at frequently by them repeated a hundred times over, and least the width of their aperture distant from the angle, this is one of the causes of that amazing grandeur, that and a larger space will be still nrore seemly, and render noble simplicit ', so much to be admired in their produc- the building more solid. In all the stories of the same tions. l aspect, the windows must be placed exactly one above This sameness must, however, have its limits, for, when the other, and those to the left symmetrize with those to carried too far, the imagination of the beholder stagnates the right, in size, situation, number and figure. for want of occupation. In the most admired marks of The reasons for all these things are obvious enough, architecture we find the same object generally continued and therefore it is needless to mention them. The licen- throughout the same level : thus one order and one sort WINDOWS. .of windows or niches generally reign throughout. the story; but in other stories, where the eye and the imagi- nation necessarily assume a fresh course, the decoration is altered. . Sometimes, however, it may be necessary to increase the size, and vary the figures of the windows, either in the centre break or in some other prominent part of a front, in order to light a saloon, a gallery, or a hall, higher than the rest of the room. But then it will always be advisable to repeat the same form if simple, as an arch, three, five, or more times, according to the extent of the plan, so that the mind may be in some degree satiated, before it is conducted to a new object. Venetian windows and Venetian doors too, are on some occasions necessary, particularly in small buildings, to light a hall, a vestibule, or such other rooms as cannot admit of two windows, and yet would not be sufficiently lighted with one. But where they can be avoided, it is best; for the columns which separate the large interval ‘ from those on the sides, form such slender partitions, that, 3 . n I, at a distance, they are scarcely perce1ved, and the whole , looks like a large irregularbreach made in the wall ; and however advisable it may be to repeat the same form as has above been mentioned, the repetition of these Venetian windows should always be avoided. The sashes of windows are generally made of pine, cherry, or mahogany, and sometimes of iron, copper, or other metals. Our artificers excel in these works ; they ‘ make them very neatly, and though in appearance slight, 3 very strong. placed one above the other, and either the lowermost, or The squares of glass are proportioned to; the size of the windows, there being commonly three in ‘ width and four in height, whatever he the dimensions of i the window; each sash is composed of two equal parts, 5 , , _ , , on a right line With the plastering. both ofthem, being hung on pullies and counterpoised ‘ with weights, and moved up and down with great ease, j both the cords and the weights being concealed. .These ‘ are tnuch neater,and much more convenient, than the 1 French ones, which are composed of two vertical divis- , ions, turn on hinges, and are shot with an apparatus of; iron work, always in the way, and weighing almost an 3 hundred weight. The shutters are always within the apartments wherever beauty is aimed at, those on the , outside destroying the appearance of the front. They are divided into several vertical slips, folding behind each other, for the conveniency of ranging or boxing them, ‘ when open, in the thickness of the wall. Each slip or fold is framed and composed of several panels, either 42.7 ' raised or flat, surrounded with small mouldings contained in the thickness of the framing, which, when the profiles in the room are enriched, should likewise be so, at least on the fold that faces the aperture when the shutters are- turn'ed back; the front of which must stand flush with the inner edge of the architrave surrounding the window, all the other folds being ranged behind it. I have given in Plates 81 and 82, the mode of finishing Window Frames, Sashes, and Shutters. PLATE 81. FIG. 1. Shows the disposition of the members of a window frame and shutters. No. 1. The outside moulding against the wall. No. 2. The outside casing. No. 3. The pulley style. No. 4. The inside casing. 1'0. 5. The back casing. No. 6. The parting slip. No. 7. The parting bead. No. 8, 8. The weights. No. 9. The recess of the wall. No. 10, 10, 10, 10. The styles of the shutters. No.11, 11. The panels of the shutters. No. 12. The back furring for the splay of the window. No. 13. The ground. No. 14. Section of the pilaster. No. 15. The back lining. . No. 16. The thickness of the plastering. , FIG. 2. Shows the disposition of shutters folding back No. 1. The inside casing. No. 2. Hinge casing. No. 3, 3, 3, 3. Styles of the shutters. No. 4. Panels. No. Back casing. No. Box casing. No. Plastering. No. 8. Band moulding. .‘1 .C‘ 9‘ 1‘“ FIG. 3. Section of part of a shutter. No. 1. The style. No. 2. Panel. No. 3. Moulding. FIG. 4. Moulding, different from FIG. 3. 128 9 FIG. 52'. [Sectign'g through the .frarne'and sash, and ' .. shoWs the manner Qf setting the sash. into the frame.- No.51..'1"he mannéi of Jommg the soflit to the frame. No.2 Cap of the frame. . . No 3, 3 Casings of the fral‘nev ‘ . No.4. Top rail of the sash. No 5. Munten of the sash. No. 6, 6. ‘ Meeting rails. ' No. ’7. Munten.’ ' No. 8. Bottom» rail. No. 9. Window sill. No. 10. Stop bead. No.11. ~Back. N0. 12. Back bead. No. 13. Outside moulding. FIGS. 6 and 7. . Sections~of sash muntens. PLATE 82. INSIDE FINISH OF VVINDOXVS. FIG. 1. The soflit, showing the grooves at each end ~ tion through the plinths. WINDOWS. for the back lining, also the manner in which the shut- ters are enclosed under it'. FIG. 2. The back and elbows. No. 1., the back. 2, 2, the elbows. Ir, [6, the grooves from the back. 2', i, the tongues for the elbows. The dotted line shows the height the plinth should cover. FIG. 2. a, d, d, section of the back and elbows. the skirting of the floor. 1;, FIG. 4. a, e, c, the plinths to the back and elbow. A, A, plinths of the pilasters or architraves. B, B, sec- C, the head of the architrave. E, stop head for the sash. F, moulding for the panel. . H, parting bead. FIG. 5. Outside fold of the shutter. FIG.6 Meeting fold of the shutter. WVKND 0 W78 0 Pl. 8]. ['29]: .2”. 2 [J \a 4 “H\__—‘ 7;? J .3 xx? 0” f/7L— H" /—-——4 _V 6’ [0 %\\\d 22 \ .9 l1 JRL V”, ~9- v¢«¢v<» J v *Uu‘......u. 1‘1: ‘ H. 82. 21, I}; 2. N0 I I9 3 a Z; (Z FINISH (OJE‘ ”WIND 0W8 ., 1’37 ........ » u... l 4-». i ’x i‘. g- r )9 ,hx'eia- 1's I‘l lu\ S’l' ['3 [’th 1']. W3. ‘__J__ l __ j v “11.1%,; . .4 FANCY PILASTERS- HAVING treated upon the composition of pilasters, in page 108, it is deemed proper in this place to give a description of a composition called pilasters, differ- ing in their construction and use from those before mentioned. They are ornamented with parallel grooves, elliptical or regular circles, &c., and are in most cases adopted in the composition of inside door or window furnish. These 33 J kinds of pilasters are in many cases very convenient, and, when executed with taste, strike the eye very agreeably, They do not project so far as the regular proportions of those given in the description before alluded to, and con— sequently The hinges need not project so far into the room in order to let the door swing back to a parallel line with the partition. In plates 83 and 84, a variety of specimens of this style of pilasters, are given. ~ , fimw.‘ STAIRS. [This is one of the most important subjects connected with the art of building, and should be attentively considered, not only with regard to the situation, but as to the design and execution. The convenience of the building depends on the situation ; and the elegance, on the design and execution of the workmanship. In contriving a grand edifice, particular attention must be paid to the situation of the space occupied by the stairs, so as to give them the most easy command of the rooms. ' ‘ Staircases,’ says Palladio, ‘ will be commendable, if they are clear, ample and commodious to ascend ; inviting, as it were, people to go up : they will be clear,'if they have a bright and equally diffuse light : they will be sufficiently ample, if they do not seem scanty and narrow to the size and quality of the fabric ; but they should never be less than four feet in width, that two persons may pass each other : they will be con- venient with respect to the whole building, if the arches under them can be used for domestic purposes ; and with respect to persons, if their ascent is not too steep and difficult, to avoid which, the steps should be twice as bread as high.] W’ITH regard to the lighting of a good staircase, a sky— light or rather lantern, is the most appropriate ; for these unite elegance with utility—that is, admit a powerful light, with elegance in the design ; indeed, where the staircase does not adjoin the exterior wall, this is the only light that can be admitted. Where the height of a story is consid- erable, resting places are necessary, which go under the name of quarter-paces and half—paces, according as the passenger has to pass one or two right angles; that is, as he has to describe a quadrant or semi-circle. In very high stories, which admit of sufficient head-room, and ‘Where the space allowed for the staircase is confined, the staircase may have two revolutions in the height of one story, which will lessen the height of the steps; but in grand staircases only one revolution can be admitted, the length and breadth of the space on the plan being always proportioned to the height of the building, so as to admit of fixed proportions. The breadth of the steps ought never to be more than fifteen inches, or lessthan nine; the heightnot more than seven, or less than five: there are cases, however, which are exceptions to all rule. When the height of the story is given in feet, and the height of the step in inches, you may throw the feet into inches, and divide it by the number of inches the step is high, and the quotient will give the number of steps. It is a general imaxim, that the greater breadth of a step requires less height than one of less breadth: thus a step of 12 inches in breadth will require a rise of 52} inches, which may be taken as a standard, to regulate those of other dimensions. Though it is desirable to have some criterion as a guide in the arrangement of a design, yet workmen will, of course, vary them as circumstances may require. Stairs are constructed variously, according to the situation and destination of the buiding. Geometrical stairs are those which are supported by having one end fixed in the wall, and every step in the ascent having an auxiliary support from that immediately below it, and the lowest step from the floor. Bracket stairs are those which have an opening or well with strings and newels, and are supported by landings STAIRS. and carriages; the brackets are mitred to the ends of each riser, and are fixed to the string-board, which is moulded below like an architrave. Dog-legged stairs are those which have no opening, or well-hole, and have the rail and balusters of both the pro- gressive and returning flights falling in the same vertical - planes, the steps being fixed to strings, newels and car- riages, and the ends of the steps of the inferior kind ter- minating only upon the side of the string, without any nosing. In taking dimensions and laying down the plan and section of staircases, take a rod, and, having ascer— ' tained the number of steps, mark the height of the story by standing the rod on the lower floor; divide the rod into as many equa parts as there are to be risers, then, if you have a level surface to work upon below the stair, try each of the risers as you go on, and this will prevent any excess or defect; for any error, however small, when multiplied, becomes of considerable magnitude, and even the difference of an inch in the last riser, will not only have a bad effect to the eye, but will be apt to confuse persons not thinking of any such irregularity. In order to try the steps properly by the story rod, if you have not a level surface to 'work from, the better way will be, to lay two rods on boards, and level their top surface to that of the floor; place one of these rods a little within the string, and the other near or close to the wall, so as to be at right angles to the starting line of the first riser, or, which is the same thing, parallel to the plan of the string; set off the breadth of the steps upon these rods, and number the risers ; you may set not only the breadth of the flyers, but that of the winders also. In order to try the story rod' exactly to its vertical situation, mark the same distances of the risers upon the top edges, as the distances of the plan of the string-board and the rods are from each other. In bracket stairs, as the internal angle of the steps is open to the end, and not closed by the string as in corn- mon dog-legged stairs, and the neatness of workmanship is as much regarded as in geometrical stairs, the balus- ters must be neatly dove-tailed into the ends of the steps, two in every step. The face of each front baluster must be in a straight surface with the face of the riser, and, as all the balusters must be equally divided, the face of the middle baluster must stand in the middle of the face of the riser of the preceding step and succeeding one. The risers and heads are all previously blocked and glued together, and When put up, the under side of the step nail- ed or screwed into the under edge of the riser, and then 131 rough brackets to the rough strings, as in dog-legged stairs, the pitchingvpieces and rough strings being similar. In gluing up the steps, the best method is to make a templet, so as to fit the external angle of the steps with the nosing. The steps of geometrical stairs ought to be constructed so as to have a very light and clean appearance when put up: for this purpose, and to aid the principle of strength, the risers and treads, when planed up, ought not to be less than one eighth of an inch, supposing the going of the stair, or length of the step, to be four feet, and for every six inches in length, another one-eighth may be added. The risers ought to be dove-tailed into the cover, and when the steps are put up, the treads are screwed up from below to the under edge of the risers. The holes for sinking the heads of the screws ought to be bored with a centre bit, then fitted closely in with wood, well matched, so as entirely to conceal the screws, and appear as one uniform surface. Brackets are mitred to the riser, and the nosings are contined reund. In this mode, however, there is an apparent defect; for the brackets, instead of giving support, are themselves un- supported, and dependent on the steps, being of no ether use, in point ofstrength, than merely tying the risers and treads of the internal angles of the step together; and from the internal angles being hollow, or a resentrant angle, eiccept at the ends, which terminate by the wallat , one extremity, and by the brackets at the other, there is a want of regular finish. The cavetto, or hollow, is carried round the front of the riser, and is returned at the end, and mitred round the bracket, and if an open string, that is, the under side of the stairs open to View, the hol~ low is continued along the angle of the step and riser. The best plan, however, of constructing geometrical stairs is, to put up the strings, and to mitre the brackets to the risers, as usual, and enclose the soffit with lath and plaster, which will form an inclined plane under each flight, and a winding surface under the winders. In superior staircases, for the best buildings, the soffit may be divided into panels. If the risers are made from tw0~ inch planks, it will greatly add to the solidity. In constructing a flight of geometrical stairs, where the soffit is enclosed as above, the bearers should all be framed together, so that when put up, they will form a perfect stair-case. Each piece of frame-work, which forms a riser, should, in the partition, be well wedged at the ends. This plan is always advisable when strength and firmness are requisite, as the steps and risers are entirely depens V .wrfir 132 I STAIRS. dent on the framed carriages, which, if carefully put together, will never yield to the greatest weight. In preparing the string for the wreath part, a cylinder should be made of the size of the well-hole of the stair- case, which can be done at a trifling expense; then set - the last tread and riser of the flyers on one side, and the first tread and riser of the returning flight on the opposite side, at their respective heights; then on the centre of the curved surface of this cylinder, mark the middle between the two, and with a thin slip of wood, bent round with the ruling edge, cutting the, two nosings of these flyers, and, passing through the intermediate height marked on the cylinder, draw a line, which will give the wreath line formed by the nosings of the winders; then draw the ‘ whole of the Winders on this line, by dividing it into as many parts as you want risers, and each point of division is the nosing of such winder. Having thus far proceed- ed, and carefully examined your heights and widths, so that no error may have occurred, prepare a veneer of the width intended for your string, and the length given by the cylinder, and after laying it in its place on the cylin- der, proceed to glue a number of blocks about an inch wide on the back of the veneer, with their fibres paral- lel to the axis of the cylinder. When dry, this will form the string for the wreath part of the staircase, to be fram- ed into the straight strings. It is here necessary to ' observe, that about five or six inches of the straight string should be in the same piece as the circular, so that the joints fall about the middle of the first and last flyers. This precaution always avoids a cripple, to which the work would otherwise be subject. The branch of Stair-building that falls under our next and last consideration, is that of hand-railing; which calls into action all the ingenuity and skill of the workman. This art consists in constructing hand-rails by moulds, according to the geometrical principles, that if a cylinder be cut in any direction, except parallel to the axis or base, the section will be an ellipsis; if out parallel to the axis, a rectangle; and if parallel to the base, a circle. ‘ Now, suppose a hollow cylinder be made to the size of the well-hole of the stair-case, the interior concave, and the exterior convex ; and the cylinder be cut by any in- clined or oblique plane, the section formed will be bound- ed by two concentric similar ellipses; consequently, the section will be at its greatest breadth at each extremity of the larger axis, and its least breadth at each extremity of the smaller axis. Therefore, in any quarter of the ellipsis there will be a continued increase of breadth from the extremity of the lesser axis to that of the greater. Now, it is evident that a cylinder can be cut by a plane through any three points; therefore, supposing we have the height of the rail at any three points in the cylinder, and that we cut the cylinder through these points, the section will be a figure equal and similar to the face-mould of the rail; and if the cylinder be cut by another plane parallel to the section, at such a distance from it as to contain the thickness of the rail, this portion of the cylinder will represent a part of the rail with its vertical surfaces already worked : and again, if the back and lower surface of this cylindric portion be squared to vertical lines, either on the convex or concave side, through two certain paral- l el lines drawn by a thin piece of wood, which is bent on that side, the portion of the cylinder thus formed will represent the part of the rail intended to be made. Though the foregoing only relates to cylindrical wellu holes, it is equally applicable to rails erected on any seat whatever. The face-mould applies to the two faces of the plank, and is regulated by a line drawn on its edge, which line is vertical when the plank is elevated to its intended po- sition. This is also called the raking~mould. The falling-mould is a parallel piece of thin wood ap- plied and bent to the side of the rail-piece, for the pur- pose of drawing the back and lower surface, which should be so formed, that every level straight line, directed to the axis of the well—hole, from every point of the side of the rail formed by the edges of the falling mould, coincide with the surface. In order to cut the portion of rail required, out of the least possible thickness of stufl“, the plank is so turned up on one of its angles, that the upper surface is nowhere at right angles to a vertical plane passing through the chord of the plane: the plank in this position is said to be sprung. The pitch—board is a right-angled triangular board made to the rise and tread of the step, one side forming the right angle of the width of the tread, and the other of the height of the riser. When there are both winders and flyers, two pitch-boards must be made to their re- spective treads, but, of course, of the same height, as all the steps rise the same. The bevel by which the edge of the plank is reduced from the right angle when the plank is sprung, is termed the spring of the plank, and the edge thus bevelled is called the sprung edge. sums. The bevel by whiCh the face mould is regulated to each side of the plank, is called the pitch. The formation of the upper and lower surfaoe of a rail is called the falling of the rail ; the upper surface of the rail is termed the back. In the construction of hand-rails, it. is necessary to spring the plank, and then to cut away the superfluous wood, as directed by the draughts, formed by the face mould; which may be done by an experienced work- man, so exactly, with a saw, as to require no further re- duction; and when set in its place, the surface on both sides will be vertical in all parts, and in a surface per- pendicular to the plan. In order to form the back and lower surface, the falling mould is applied to one side, generally the convex, in such a manner, that the upper edge of the falling mould atone end, coincides with the face of the plank; and the same in the middle, and , leaves so much wood to be taken away at the other end as will not reduce the plank on the concave side; the piece of wood to be thu: formed into the wreath or twist, being agreeable to their given heights. PLATE 85. FIG. 3, AND 4. To find the projection of a Helinet, on a Plane parallel to the axis of the Cylindrome and perpendicular to the cutting plane of the Solid. Let A B C D E F G H I K L M A (FIG. 3) be the 21 2, 1,, respectively equal to T B, U C, V D; and com- plan of a helinet, the qnadrantal part being B C D E F G H I K L B, and the straight part being A BL M A. Let FIG. 4 be the falling mould corresponding to the none “I there ' ' - t ' S . . _‘ _ co 1 st le of s mi ()thltl, founl m the dual man . quadrant. meets it. her; viz. draw any straight line X V W U; make U V equal '0 the “mum!“ ””6 0f the livers, “Pd V X Pq'ml ‘ helinet, which will give the thickness ofthe stuff required to the stretch of B l~ ; draw X ”_ in‘lll'lnlm'k” m U X' l to make the rail; by drawing a straight line in contact equal to the height of as many winders as are contained 3 with two points on the under side without cutting the III the Circular part, together with the height ofthe flyer; mm, and another parallel to it from the point x, then draw. V t perpendicular to U X? film" in l'e'gl'l '0 a glpp’ the dislance between these parallel lines is the thickness and Join t n ,' then complete the falling mould, of which ‘ the undr-r edge is n o p ‘I r a U and the upper edge 2 st 7112 10$; make V W equal to B A in FIG 3; draw IV a perpendicular to X U, cutting the under side of the falling mould at 0, {ml (If parallel to U X; then afis the stretch of A B C D E F, FIG. 3. In FIG. 3dividc E4 ’0 133 l the quadrant B F into any equal parts B C, C D, D i E, E F, which stretch upon af, FIG. 4, according to l the corresponding letters. In FIG. 3 besect C D at I ; draw I P radiating to the centre N, cutting the con- l vex side of the plan at P; draw F P R and F O and l l 1 P Q parallel to each other, making an angle with F R. In FIG. 4 bisect c din y, and draw y y perpendic- ular to a f, uniting the under edge of the falling mould at y ,' dividef n and y g each into the same number of equal parts as here into three. In FIG. 3 make F 0 equal to one third off 72, and P Q, equal to one third of y y; join 0 Q, which produce to meet F P in R. Draw R M, which produce to s. In R 3 take any point m, and draw m f perpendicular to R s ,- then parallel to Rs,drawA as,Bbr t,chu,dev,Eeow,F lf tax. From FIG. 4, transfer the heights 1) r, c q, d p, e o, andf n, to the corresponding lines b r, c (1, d7), 6 0, fn, FIG. 3 ; also from FIG. 4, transfer the lines a s, 1‘ t, {1",}; v, o w, and n x, to a s, 7‘ t, q u,p v, 0 w and n 2‘, FIG. 3 ; then through the pointsn o 7) q r a draw a curve, which will be the line representing the under edge of the . inside falling mould ; also draw the curve :17 w v u t s, which is the line representing the upper edge of the same falling mould. The upper and lower edges of the outside falling mould will thus be found ; N being the centre of l the quadrants B C D E F, and G H I K L; draw N E 1 II, N D I, N C K, N B L, cutting the convex side at H, I, K; and draw H W, I V, K U, L T, parallel to R s ; and E \V,‘ D V, C U, B T, parallel tof m. Also draw 3 s, t t, 2/, u, v 2;, parallel tofm ; and make t t, u u, plcte the parallelogram t t, s s, and draw the curve t u 22 J, ‘ which will meet, the curve st u v w :1: at J, the point t where a perpendicular drawn from the centre N of the In the same manner find the curve u, o r; and we shall have the whole projection of the of the stuff. ON THE FORMATION OF THE FALLING MOULD. To find the falling Mould for a semi-circular Stair with Winders round the semi-circular ,www I34 ' STAIRS. part {hr the Falling Mould for a semi-'circular Staircase level round the semi—circle, joined below and above the flyers. PLATE 85. No. 1. FIG. 1. is in the plan of the rail round the cir- cular part, and of a small portion of the straight part with the seats or plans of the risers round the semi- circular part. b c d and g f e terminated by the radii b landgl; i then, suppose two equal straight lines, one erected upon 6 and the other upon f, perpendicular to the plane of the plan of the rail, and let 0 I be any intermediate radius, cutting the interior quadrant at f ,- produce a h' and c l to meet each other in k. Now, if a straight line be supposed to extend from It: to the top of the line which stands upon f, the straight line thus extended, if produced, would be higher than Make a b (No. 2) equal to the height of the win-. de‘rs; draw a e and b d at right angles with ab ; make a e and b f each equal to the development of lp or p m (No. 1); draw 8 l and d k parallel to a b ; make 9 l and d It: each equal to the height of a step; and join 9 g and f k. This description so far applies both to FIGS. 1 and 2. In FIG. 1, No. 2, join e f; make 9 h equal to eg, andf 73 equal tof k, and draw the touching curves g r h and is It” ,' anti g 7" It is I: will be the line of the rail. In FIG. 2, No. 2, produce g e to t, and kf to u; bisect a b at s, and through .9 draw t u parallel to a c or b d; from g t cut 011' t w, and from u 16 cut off u 2', each equal to g e or f 1c; and describe the touching. curves g z s and s y x, and g to z s y .7; It will be the line of rail. The breadth of the falling mould in common cases is about two inches; therefore draw the curve lines each at an inch distance from the line of the rail, and the falling mould will be completed. ON THE RESTING POINTS. PROBLEM. 'To find the position of the Plane of the Plank, and the Resting points, so that the thickness of stuff required to make the Helinet may be the least possible. PLATE 86. FIG. 1. Let a b c d e f g It be the plan of the rail, of which the part b c d efg is the quadrant of a cir- cle, and the part a b g h of arectangular figure; the straight lines a b and kg being tangents to the outer and inner arcs at b and g, and the circular quadrants the top of the line which stands upon 0 ; therefore, if a. plane pass through a It? and through the top of the line insisting upon f, the plane will pass above the top of ‘ the line standing upon 0, and this will be the case with every section except the section b g, which is parallel to a k ,' therefore, if the plane of the plank rest upon the lower section a h, and upon any two other points in the circular part, these points must be in the concave side; therefore, in this case, the resting points are upon h,f, e, in the concave side of the rail. Again, in FIG. 2, let I c and a b be produced to meet each other in k ; then if a straight line be extended from k to the top of the line which stands upon 0, the straight line thus extended, if produced, would be higher than the top of the line which stands upon f; therefore, the plane which passes through a b and through the top of the line which insists upon 0, will be above the point which terminates the top of the line insisting upon f,- whence the resting points a, c, d, are all upon the convex side of the rail. Lastly (in Frc. 3), if a plane rests upon the top of the two lines insisting upon 0 and f, and pass through the point a; and if a line be supposed to stand upon 6, perpendicular to the plane of the base, of such a length as to meet the plane which passes through a, and through the upper ends of the lincsinsisting upon 0 and f; it is evident that if another line be supposed to be erected upon d, also perpendicular to the plane of the base and equal in height to the line insisting upon 9, the plane which passes through the point a, and through the tops of the lines insisting upon c,f, 9, must be above the top of the line insisting upon d; and that the intersec- tion 7) q of the plane passing through a, and the points in the lines insisting upon 6 and f,tnust be parallel to c f- It is now evident that if a, b be produced to r, and h a to s, and as the intersection always passesthrough a,the line a p of the intersection of the plane must always fall within the right angle r a s. ’ ‘Q 2 FORM N W1 THE Miriam JLa‘JD° , , A“ u\\\\\\\\\\\‘\ ‘n\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ We. 2. \\\\\ \‘\\ “W“ W \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ o I C ‘41:)“; D \ \V \ \X“ \\§\ \ \‘\\\ ‘ yaw M4“. ...,. 2-; ubiéz-‘v'wa “S ‘ 5‘; r m "51‘?“ " ’r .f . L‘TQTL 1* if! 1:1" Tu 1‘ '; ' W25": '1 1‘1“ Wm , 4.. . . 1 ‘ ' ' l : ' “'- .;; I ! ' 1' " A. -.- \- . ’i i :3 STAIRS. 135 It is likewise evident, if the resting section of the rail fall between of and a h as at b g, the middle resting point will be over I) in the convex side of the rail ; and if the resting section fall between 6 f and d e, the resting point of the middle section must be on the concave side. SCHOLIUM I. In stairs constructed upon the letter D plan, with win- ders in the cemi-circular part joined to a series of flyers below and above, where the winders have a higher pitch than the flyers; the two first resting points beginning at the lowest point, will be on the convex side of the rail, while that at the highest point is on the concave side. FIG. 4. \Vhen the lower line of heights is nothing, and the highest double to the middle one, the line of intersection will be found by drawing a line through the seat of the highest and middle resting point, and produ- cing the line on the other side of the seat of the middle resting point, until the part produced be equal to the part between the two seats, and drawing a line through the lowest point a, and through the extremity of the point thus found; then the line thus drawn will be the intersection. Thus, in the present case, a c and e are the resting points; join 8 c and produce 9 c to 1:; make c I: equal to c c, and join a I; then a k is the intersection, and this agrees with what has been observed ; for if a It: and l c be produced they will meet in 72?, therefore f is not the seat of the resting point : iff were the seat of the resting point, making fi equal to fe, and joining a 2', then at would be the intersecting line, but it. is not, for the point c is nearer to a m thanf. Corollary. —— From what has been observed (see FIG. 5,) that the intersecting line u 12 never falls within the right angle at a or upon the plan a c d e It, therefore the point e is always nearer to u 1) than the point (I; therefore the point e is the seat of a resting point. SCHOLIUM II. FIG. 5. From the same given heights, and from the same three resting sections of the rail, there cannot be more than four intersecting lines by making choice of one resting point from each section. For, suppose we make choice of the points (I and c as the seats of the resting points, and join the line (1 c, and produce d c suppose to some imaginary point X ; and find the pointX from the heights upon d and c ; in such a manner that the line thus drawn may not Cross the plan, even if produced. The same thing may be done through the points (1 and f, also through the points e and c, and through the points 8 and f; then, whichever of the points d or e is nearest to the intersecting line u 27, that point is the seat of the resting point. With regard to the ratio between the whole line drawn through the seats of the resting points and the part of it between the said seats, it is the same as the ratio be- tween the highest line and the line insisting on the seat of the middle section. Suppose (in FIG. 5) the seats of the resting points are e and c ,- join 8 c and produce it to 2' ; draw 8 l and c k perpendicular to e i; make 6 l equal to the height insist- ing upon 9, and c It: equal to the height insisting upon 0; join ll; and produce it to 2'. Then because of the simi- lar triangles e 1' land 0 i k, i e : i c : .' e l: c k, that is, i c is the same part of i e that c k is of at ,' therefore, if e l be double of c k, e i will be double of c 2', or t' c will be equal to c e. If the workman should not understand the demonstra- tion now given, he may proceed mechanically thus, the seats of the resting points being a, c, e. Join e c and produce 8 c to i; draw 6 l and c It: per- pendicular to i e ,' make 9 1 equal to the height upon 6,1 c k equal the height upon 0; join l 16 and produce it to i, and join 1' a; then i a is the intersecting line. Produce i a both ways to u and v, cfto o and v, and d e to 0 and u ; draw d 7", e m and 0 q perpendicular to d u; draw 0 p,fw and c n perpendicular to o v ,- make 0 71. equal to c 1:, and join 22 n ,' produce 12 n to p ; make 0 9 equal to o p, and e m equal to e I; join m q ; then ifm (1 be pro- duced, it will meet u v in u. This may easily be con- ceived by raising the triangles ie l, 1) Op and u e m, upon their bases, 13 e, v c and d u; then c [C will coincide with c 72, e l with e m, and o p with o q; and the lines i l, v p and r u, will all be in the inclined plane of which its intersection is u 12. CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACE MOULD. PLATE 86. FIG. 7. Let a d efg h i be the plan of the rail, ef g h a portion of the straight part, 2' being the upper and 136 f the lower resting points. But as the place of the mid- dle resting point d will affect the thickness of the stuff, it ought not to be arbitrarily assumed ; though it would be difficult to show upon any principle where it should be exactly. It is, however, ascertained by trial, that its position may vary to a considerable distance without affecting the thickness of the stuff in any great degree; and as experiment shows that it, is nearly in the middle of the development of a d ef, it. is here taken in the middle, so that the stretch-out of a d may be equal to the stretch-out of d f. FIGS. 6and‘7. In the figure of the falling mould, produce the base a e of the winders tof,'then a 6 (FIG. 6) being equal to the development. of a 8 (FIG. 7,) make a d (6) equal to the development of a, d (7,) and make cf (6) equal to ef(7); drawfl parallel to a b (6,) cut- ting the upper side of the falling mould at l (6); parallel tof a draw I 2', cutting a b at 13(6); in 2' l make 13 61(6) equal to i d (7) ; draw d m (6) parallel to a 1), cutting theiupper side of the falling mould at m; draw m n par- allel tof a, cutting a b, at n; draw d r parallel to a 1), cutting m n at 7“ (6.) Join 0 1‘ and produce it to meet 2' l at 9; make 73 q (7) equal to i q (6) ; join f q (7) and producefqto I: i. Through g draw I; l perpendicular to I: q. Through i draw i 2 parallel to Is (1, cutting It: I at z. Make z 7: equal to i o (6); and join I: z (7) and produce k z to l: draw a l parallel to z .2'. TO FIND THE FACE MOULD. FIG ’7. Draw 1 a, and z b perpendicular to I: l; make la equal to la, z iequal toz i, and join i a; then 'i a will form the part of the face mould represented by 7' a, on the plan. Draw I: f perpendicular to It: I, and make lcf equal to /:f. Draw g‘g parallel to z z, cutting 15 l at g, and join gf. Again, draw It 21 parallel toz 2, cutting I: l at u and I; l at”. Drawn It perpendicular to k I, and make n It equal to It It ,- draw It (2 parallel to gf, andf e parallel to g /I ,- then efg II will form the part of the face mould corresponding to the straight part efg II, in the plan. The intermediate points ofthe face mould, which form curves of tne outside and inside of the rail, are thus found. Through any point. cin the convex side of the plan draw I: _I/ parallel to z z, cutting lel at y 7', and I: l at y, and the concave side of the plan at t. Draw 3/ c perpendicular to I: I, andvin ’1 c makey tequal to y t, and y c equal to y c; then i is a point in the concave STAIRS. side, and c a pointin the convex side of the face mould A sufficient number of points being thus found, the curved parts of the face mould may be drawn by hand, or by a slip of wood bent to the curve. It will be perceived, that I have been obliged in some instances to use the same letter of reference twice ; but they are so placed, that the one referred to can be ascer— tained without any difficulty. RECIPROCAL SPIRAL AND SCROLL. To draw the Reciprocal Spiral for a Scroll. P L A TE 8 7. ' Suppose the ordinate 0 q (Fig. 1) to be given. Make a b (Fig. 2) equal to 0 q, and through I) draw I; (1, making an angle with a b; then take 6 c in a greater or less ratio to b 1, as a less or greater part of the scroll is wanted, or as the scroll is required to have a flatter or quicker curve at the remote extremity ; for instance, I) c in this example is double to I) 1. Suppose the point c‘to be now fixed ; draw 0 e paral- lel to a b, and a (3 parallel c (I, make 1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 4; &c. each equal to b l, and draw the lines 1 e, 2 c, 3 c, 4 6, (ice. cutting a b respectively at eflg‘, &c. In Fig. 1, divide the space round the centre 0 into eight equal angles, which will be easily done by drawing a circle through (I, and dividing the circumference into eight equal parts, beginning at (1 ; draw the portions 07), 0 (1,0 7‘, 0 s, (S's. Make 0 1) (Fig. 1) equal to twice a b (Fig. 2,) 0 (1, (Fig. 1) is equal to a b (Fig. 2) ; also make 0 7', 0.9, o t, &c. (Fig. 1) respectively equal to a c, af, a g, &c. (Fig. 2.) Through all the points p, (I: r, s, t, &c. draw the curve 7) (11‘ s t, doc. which will be the spiral required. For want of room, a b (Fig. 2) is only made equal to half the length it ought to have been; fora I: will he di- vided into parts of the same length, whether a b is double and b 0 equal to b 1, or a I) as it is, and b 0 double of b 1. SCHOLIUM. This spiral is well adapted to the purpose of hand» railing, for it may be made close or to extend at pleasure, as may be seen by the subsequent examples. This spiral may be extended so as to form the rail .itself by a gentle curve, which will approach nearer to I77. 1% STAKES . ”an , 4 Pl. 625 - STAWLS a ALKWfiLmJ . w , ,_ ' IE‘OBMA'JI‘JIQN 03F THE FACE AND FALLING MKDUIUD NOR '1[“lHDEa~ $5 ‘ 4 144 - _ . CARPENTRY. here, will tend to split ofi“ the part under the mortices; theconsideration is therefore to proportion the thickness of~ the tenon, and thickness of part of the beam under the mortice, so that when the tenon breaks, the part under the mortice may split off; therefore the mortice and tenon ought to be as shown at A, a, and B, b; that at A and a is the most simple method. B, b, is another method, by which we obtain more strength in the tenon by an additional bearing below, which is further assisted by the inclined shoulder above. This form of the tenon is what is called a tusked tenon. D, shows the manner of framing two wall plates at the corner of a building, with the dragon beam and an- gle tie to support the rafter. E, is part of the hip rafters framed into the dragon beam. F, is part of the wall plate at the angle, notched to receive the other wall plate and the angle tie. G and g, the manner of adapting the principal rafters to the tie beam. It, exhibits another method much in use for cutting the heel of the principal rafters, and forming the sockets to receive them; but as the beam in this case is necessarily cut across the fibres in order to receive the rafter, that part of the tie beam which is left standing to receive the heel of the rafter is easily split away; a more effectual -method, therefore, of obtaining a double resistance is exhibited at I, where the socket is cut parallel to the grain of the wood. H, exhibits a section of the tie beam across the socket, showing the mortice to receive the heel of the rafter ex- hibited at I. K, exhibits the manner of strapping the king post and tie beam together ; the best manner of forming the abut- ments to receive the brace. m, exhibits a section of the king post, showing the manner of wedging, and lightening the strap of a single wedge, in order to draw the beam up to the king post. L, a method of strapping a pair of struts to a king post, and suspending the tie beam. That part of the king posts on which the struts rest being liable to shrink, the struts of consequence must follow, by which the prin- cipal rafters, losing their support, will bend; now if a strap is fixed, as shown by this figure, the struts will be kept secure in their position, and the rafters of conse- quence will not bend. M, the method of strapping a strut to the principal rafter, when the strap which unites the king post to the rafters goes over the upper edges of the rafters. C- and c, are double mortices and tenons, applied only in deep timbers, the depth being three times the thick- ness, and are adapted to floors. J, a method of strapping the principal rafters to a king post. When the ends of the rafters meet, as in the con- struction shown by this figure, the roof will be but little liable to swag in the middle: as there is no substance between the rafters, there can be no shrinking. TRUSSES. PLATE 93. FIG. 1, represents a truss partition. (1, the truss plate. I), the sill. c c, the posts. (I, the truss beam. 0 e, the trusses. ff, the studding. g g, the stays. It It ll, the door frames. FIG. 2. Design for a truss gallery or floor. FIG. 3. Method of scarfing and splicing timber. FIGS. 5 and 6, show the best method of trussing girders. FIG. 4. The horizontal section of FIG. 5. The king bolts through FIGS. 5 and 6, show the two sides which incline to each other so as to form a wedge, and thereby force the trusses upon their abut- ments. TO LIGHTEN THE GIRDERS. Having grooved the sides of the Hitches for the trus~ sing pieces, so as only to be close at the ends, about an inch and a half deep on each side, and having greased the head of the king bolt, and put the whole slackly together sideways by the screws; proceed then to turn the nutof the king bolt, and let another person strike the head with a mallet; the stroke will make the king bolt start every time it is hit, and give fresh ease for the turn- ing of the nut ; by this means the grinder may be catn- bered at pleasure ; the deflection from the straight line is generally one inch in twenty feet. FIG. 7, shows the manner of joining the beam to the wall plate. Jfl" , 1;" v 77 . 1: , 77 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 7 7 IL 777 7 7 I 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7977 7 7.7- 7 7 7 _ . . 7 7 A r o 7 7 7 77 . 7 77 .1 9 7 7 /. 7 7 1.7, M . A .4 U 0/. .d 1 fl . T . N7 T 7 7 .7 a 77 _ S 77 77 m \ ‘lg . [. 7 7 7 O s. z 7 .7 77 . . 7 . 7. m 7 7m, 1 £7777 7 7 - 7 r / ‘ . 77 u / 77 77 77.. 4 5 )7” ,. 7777 1 .. :1 1] rd 7 1 7 _L 7 7 7 i 7 .0 7 /[ 7 7 777, 7 7 )9 . 7 .7 7 ‘ 7 7 7 i 7 77 7; _ . . . 7 7 7_ 7 7 71‘ ,{7777 > i 77 ‘ 7. H [77,777+ 7H 7 77 777.7 77 77 . I—I7 7 ‘! 7 I_:r 7 In i , x r . i V V» \llrr - v 7 7 I U 7 . I .o 7 «1/ . / 7 . / .,H. .7... / a). / } i}. ( 3171... . A 7. 7.7.77 7” . 7 7 7777777 7/. p. ,x, fir (th(4 KW!»- .. m CARPEN TRY. FIG. 8. The manner of keyingthe tenon through the girder. '3 FIG. 9. Profile of the tusk tenon. PLANS 0F FLOORS. PLATE 94. FIG. 1. Plan of the floor suitable for buildings of any magnitude. or a a a a, girders resting upon the walls. b b b b, binding joists. c c c, trimmers. d d d d d, bridging joists. FIG. 2. Section of the floor. FIG. 3, shows the method of framing floors with plank or deep joists. ' a a a, the girders resting upon the walls, and should be 10 by 12 inches. b b b b b, trimmer joist, 4 by 12 inches. 8 e e, deep joist. d d d d, wall girders, 6 by 12 inches. 0 c 0, deep joist stays, 2 by 12 inches. This floor is adapted to rooms 16 or 18 feet square, and the size of the joist should be 12 inches by 2 1-2 or 3 inches. DESIGNS FOR ROOFS. A roof in Architecture, is a cover of a building for protecting its inhabitants from disagreeable changes of weather, and from the depredations of evil-disposed per- sons; but a roof in Carpentry, is the timber framing made to support the actual covering of boards, shingles, slate, lead, &e. As the roof may be made one of the principal ties of a building, it should not be made too heaVV to burden the \\ alls, nor too light to be incapable of keeping them togetheI. The principal timbers of a roof are the wall plates, tie beams, principal rafters, common rafters, pole plates, purlines, king posts, queen posts, struts, straining beams, strong sills, doc. Hence, since the pressure of the roof is wholly discharged upon the wall plates, these should be made of sufficient thickness and breadth to distribute the weight of the roof to the best advantage. 37 145 PLATE, 95. FIG. A. The manner of joggling a pair of struts into the bottom of a king post, when its thickness will not ad- mit of square joggles. This figure also shows the method of uniting or suspending the ie beam to the king post by an iron bolt and nuts. FIG. 1, is a roof for the purlines to be framed in, and the common rafters to come fair with the principals. B, a section of the purline, and principal and common rafters. 1 FIG. 2, is a roof designed for a span of fifty or sixty feet, supported by two queens instead of a king, to give room for a passage, or any other conveniency in the roof. , FIG. 3, represents a roof of seventy feet span, de- signed for an arched ceiling. The perpendicular height, from the base line to the ridge, is equal to one third of D, is a perpendicular section of the tie The tie beams are so locked into The king post is made in two parts, with a space cut away in each, to admit the tie beams, as shown in E. The tie beams should be made six by four inches, and the king post, when bolted together, must be twelve inches wide and fourteen thick. C shows the method of connecting the tie beam with the principal rafters. F the way plate. G the tie beam. H the common rafter. I the principal rafter. L iron strap. No te. It will be seen that an alteration has been made In this roof, since the publication of the first edition of this work. It has been thought that a collar beam, crossing the tie beams and passing under the king post, to which it is fastened, would throw a much greater proportion of the strain more directly on the footing of the principal rafters and wall plates, and at the same time more effectually relieve the lateral strain upon the walls. This opinion is sanctioned by experiment, and by the corroborating opinions of many of the most experienced architects among us. The horizontal beam above the collar beam, and the two braces, formed on the principles of an arch, prevent the sagging ofthe roof, and of course take 011‘ much of the lateral pressure. The design is drawn to a scale of 10 feet to 1 inch. the base line. beam and king post. each other that the outsides are in the same plane. PLATE 96. FIG. A, shows how to glue up the head of a niche 146 in five or more blocks, or rings, according as the work- men shall see necessary. FIG. B, is ,the plan of a circular dome, C the section, which shows at d and d how to square the purlines, so as to make them tend to the centre, or to stand square to the surface of the dome; but there is not the least. occa- sion for the squaring of any purlines, which is attended , with a deal of trouble and waste of stuff; yOu need only to get them out of the same curve as that of a great cir- cle ofa sphere, ‘of which the dotne is a segment, and quite square at the satne time, which purlines being fixed between the ribs, the middle of them will be above the level at the joints; but will be in the true surface of the dotne, and stand in a plane surface to the centre. To find the form of a board to bend upright: to the crown. Divide E into eight parts, that is, one quarter or any other number, the more the truer; set one on the out- side of 1 l 1, &c.; draw 7 e and 1 e, to e in the cen- tre; take the dixisions 12 3 4, &c. round E, and lay them from 8 in F along the line 1 l l 1, &c.; then circle them round e, and take 1 ], l 2, l 3, &c. in E, and set them off on each side to 1 1, 1 1, 12, 1 2, 1 3, 1 3, &c. ; those when traced will give the form of the board F. To find the centres for bending the boards ~ horizontal in I). It is evident the more parts anything of this nature is divided into, the truer it will be; but I shall only divide into four, for the sake of conveniency; draw 4 3, to meet the perpendicular at d; and 3 2, to meet at c, 650.; then d c b a will be the centres for the boards G, H, I, K. FIG. C, is a method of finding the length and bevel of hip and jack rafters. The [tip rafter.—rt b is the base line; c the perpen- dicular height; draw a line a c, then c is the bevel at the highest point of the king post, a the bevel at the beam, and a c the length of the hip rafter. To find the bevel and length of the jack rafters. d e is the base line, ef the height equal to e g, then CARPEN TRY. d e g is the right angle; describe an arc g h, of which d g is the radii, cutting a b at h ; :then draw the line h d; g is the down bevel, and h the top bevel, and h d is the length of the jack rafter. For this tnethod of finding the length and bevel of jack rafters, I am indebted to the politeness of Mr. Sal- mon Washburn, whose skill and ingenuity first discovered this mode, which has met with the decided approbation of the few to whom it has been communicated, and it is now published for the first time. PLATE 97. FIG. 1. a a a a, wall plate. b b, jack beams. c c c 6, tie beams. d d, ridge line and jack beam. 8 9 ea, dragon piece. f f f f, angle tie. g g g, hip rafters. h h, jack rafters. ii, principal rafters. j, king post. I: k, strut braces. ‘To find the length and backing of Hip Rafters. , Draw 7, 4, 8, the base lines; then draw 4, 5, at right ; angles with 8, 4, which will givethe perpendicular height ‘ of the backing of the hip rafter. From 9, extend one foot of the dividers to 10, describe the are cutting the ; base line at 2 ; then the lines from 2 to 1 and from 2 to 3 give the angle required for the backing. ! of the hip rafter. l, a section To find the angle and intermediate ribs of Oc— tagon Roofs. FIG. 2, is the plan of an octagon dome, a I) being the base line of the given rib. N0. 2 shows the curve of the dome, in this case half of a circle drawn from the centre (1. Draw a 1, cutting the circle at 1 and at right angles with d I), and produce it to a ,' divide b I into Make a b No. 3 parallel and equal to a b No. 2, b c equal to I) c No. 1. and draw 6 seven or more equal parts. a. Then draw ordinates from a b No. 2 to a c No. 3, parallel to a 1, cutting the circle in No. 2 at 2, 3,4,5, 6. 7, and ll 0 No. 3 at 2, 3, 4, 5, (5, 7. Dzaw a 1 at right angles with (I 1‘, also 2 2, 3 3. 4 4-, 5 5, 6 t5, and 7 7, parallel to a 1. anti equal to 7 7, 6 6, 5 5, 4 4, 3 3, 2 2, and a l, in No. 2, and then trace the curve c 7 ti 5 4 3 2 and l, which will. when placed in its right position, correspond with the given circle. Pl. (94/. 141,174 \) (OUR/S o if; 2. li—w—q—lr‘n‘ I Hill“ A. ll' } , fl: TI’iJ l: :1 L; W; l ’11—‘71” TL: Hy ,/. & _ b : 1‘ r; :111? L_ i u; w +1 ; _ b w ,. 2 w A ——-r[—‘ , _. __.___,_:_'. , ._ m H_ m A ,_ W 7 I _ ‘ i 2 k ._ x- A,_ -,1II :fi: I F «WW 3‘- ' > Ln, ‘ :/:' \I x 4 ) \J - \‘\“ _‘/. § [ll H \‘\. ¥ ‘ ‘ AK ,&K() ,\ \{ \//‘\ (\\ . /)/ (I, .- v . a R Mg? DIESHGN im \ H H11 H x\, a. F ., Q. .0 x R s R ‘ mm DE SIE'GNS a \ ____ gr.__-___.._.________. ., A CARPEN TRY. To find the form of a board to bend upright to the crown. FIG. 2. Produce the line’af to e No. 1. Take the divisions 2 3 4 5 6 7’ on the curve line b 1 No. 2, and lay them from f in F along the line 1 1 1 1, &c. to c, then the linef e No. 1 will be equal to the curve line b 1 No. 2. Transfer the ordinates 2 3 4 5 6 7 in the an- 147 gle a b c No. 3, and lay them from f in F No. 1 along the line 1 1 1 1, 650. at right angles with the linef e, and set them OFF on each side to 1 '7, 1 7, 1 6, 1 6, 1 5, 1 5, 14,14,13,13,and12,12. Those when traced, will give the form of the board F. FIG. 3. An octagon roof of a different curvature from that represented in FIG. 2, but is formed on the same principles. 71 see BUILDING. [Aldrich tells us that in choosing a situation for building, its vicinity to public edifices should be principally attended to 2 that is, we should build as near as convenient to the place where the business of the owner chiefly calls him. ‘ Every one would wish to be near a church,’ (or perhaps, should wish to be so), ‘ but especially a priest : the lawyer near the hall of justice ; the merchant near the exchange ; the trader in the principal street ; and every other citizen in the same manner would choose his dwelling according to his occupation -— not far from the river, if any flow near the city ; at a distance from a tallow-chandler, a brewer, a soap-boiler, or any other business attended with an unsavory smell ; far from the noise of the anvil, the hammer, and the saw ; and, above all, (as Cato says), at a distance from bad neighbors. In short, that spot is most eligible, in which you can construct a regular house ; that is, one with right angles ; where room, leisure and cleanliness may be obtained, and you may procure to your house the advantages ofa rural situation. If all the above conveniences cannot be met with, (and it is very seldom, if desired, that they can be), it is prudent to aim at such as may be desirable, and are attainable] UNDER this general term, which implies the construc- tion of an edifice, according to the rules laid down by the different artificers employed, we purpose to treat of the respective business of the Mason, Bricklayer, Plas- terer, Slater, Plumber, Painter, and Glazier; previous to which it will be necessary to consider the sinking of the foundation, the due mixture of the ingredients which compose the mortar, and the art of making bricks; upon the whole of which materially depends the stability of an edifice. As firmness of foundation is indispensable, wherever it is intended to erect a building, the earth must be pierced by an iron bar, or stuck with a rammer, and if found to shake, must be bored with a well—sinker’s imple- ment, in order to ascertain whether the shake be local or general. If the soil is in general good, the loose and soft parts, if not very deep, mast be excavated until the laborers arrive at a solid bed capable of sustaining the pier or piers to be built. If not very loose, it may be made good by ramming into it very large stones, packed close together, and of a breadth proportionate to the in- tended weight ofi the building; but where very bad, it must be plied and plunked. In places where the soil is loose to any great depth, W“_.v W-.____ . ,_. and over which it is intended to place apertures, such as doors, windows, 8:9. while the parts on which the piers are to stand are firm, the best plan is to turn an inverted arch under each intended aperture, as then the piers in sinking will carry with them the inverted arch, and by compressing the ground, compel it to act against the under sides of the arch, which, if closely jointed, so far from yielding, will, with the abutting piers. operate as one solitl body; but, on the contrary, if this expedient of the inverted arch is not adopted, the part of the wall under the aperture, being of less height, and consequently of less weight than the piers, will give way to the re- sistance of the soil acting on its base, and not only injure the brick-work between the apertures, but fracture the window-heads and sills. " 1n constructing so essential a part as the arch, great attention must be paid to its curvature, and we strongly recommend the parabolic curve to be adopted, as the most effectual for the purpose; but if, in consequence of its depth, this cannot conveniently be introduced, the arch, should never be made less than a semi-circle. The bed of the piers should be as uniform as possible; for though the bottom of the trench be very firm. it will in some degree yield to the great weight that is upon it, BUILDING. and if the soil be softer in one part than in another, that part. which is the softest will of course yield more to the pressure, and cause a fracture. If the solid parts of the trench happen to be under the intended apertures, and the softer parts where piers are wanted, the reverse of the above practice must be resort- ed to; that is, the piers must be built on the firm parts, and have an arch that is not inverted between them. In ; performing this, attention must be paid to ascertain whether the pier will cover the arch ; for if the middle of the pier rest over the middle of the summit of the arch, the narrower the pier is, the greater should be the curva- ture of the arch at its apex. When suspended arches are used, the intrados ought to be kept clear of the ground, that the arch may have its due effect. \Vhen the ground is in such a state as to require the foundation merely to be rammed, the stones are hammer dressed, so as to be as little taper as possible, then laid of a breadth proportioned to the weight that is to be rested upon them, and afterwards well rammed together. In general, the lower bed of stones may be allowed to pro- ject about a foot from the face of the wall on each side, and on this bed another course may be laid to bring the bed of stones on a level with the top of the trench. The breadth of this upper bed of stones should be four inches less than the lower one; that is, projecting about eight inches on either side of the wall. In all kinds of walling, each joint of every course must fall as nearly as possible in the centre, between two joints of the course immedi- ately below it; for in all the various methods of laying stones or bricks, the principal aim is to procure the greatest lap on each other. MORTAR. In making mortar, particular attention must be paid to the quality of the sand, and if it contain any proportion of clay or mud, or is brought from the sea-shore and con- tains saline particles, it must be washed in a stream of clear water till it be divested of its impurities. The ne- cessity of the first has been clearly proved by Mr. Smea- ton, who, in the course of a long and meritorious attention to his profession of an engineer, has found, that when mortar, though otherwise of the best quality, is mixed with a small proportion of unburnt clay, it never acquires 38 149 that hardness which, witho‘ut it, it would have attained ; and, with respect to the second, it is evident, that so long ‘ as the sand contains saline particles it cannot become hard and dry. The sharper and coarser the sand is, the better for the mortar, and the less the quantity of lime to be used ; and sand being the cheapest of the ingredients which compose the mortar, it is more profitable to the maker. The exact proportions of lime and sand are still undetermined; but in general no more lime is required than is just sufficient to surround the particles of the sand, or sufficient to preserve the necessary degree of plasticity. Mortar, in which sand forms the greater portion, re- quires less water in its preparation, and consequently is sooner set. It is also harder and less liable to shrink- in drying, because the lime, while drying, has a greater ten- dency to shrink than sand, which retains its original mag- nitude. The general proportions given by the London builders is 1% cwt. or 37 bushels of lime, to 2;} loads of sand ; but if proper measures be taken to procure the best burnt lime and the best sand, and in tempering the ma- terials, a greater portion of sand may be used. There is scarcely any mortar that has the lime well calcined, and the composition well beaten, but that will be found to re- quire two parts of sand to one part of unslacked lime; and it is worthy of observation, that the more the mortar is beaten, the less proportion of lime suffices. Many experiments have been made with a view to ob- tain the most useful proportion of the ingredients, and among the rest Dr. Higgins has given the following: —- Lime newly slacked, one part, Fine sand, three parts; and Coarse sand, four parts. He also found that one fourth of the lime of bone-ashes greatly improved the mortar, by giving it tenacity, and rendering it less liable to crack in the drying. It is best to slack the lime in small quantities as requir- ed for use, about a bushel at a time, in order to secure to the mortar such of its qualities as would evaporate were it allowed to remain slacked for a length of time. But if the mortar be slacked for any considerable time previous to being used, it should be kept covered up, and when wanted should be re-beaten. If care be taken to secure it from the action of the atmosphere, it may thus remain covered up for a considerable period without its strength being in the least affected ; and, indeed, some advantages are gained, for it sets sooner, is less liable to crack in the drying, and is harder when dry. Grout, which is a cement containing a larger propor- 150 BUILDING. tion of water than the common mortar, is used to run into’ tion are much inferior to those where the facing and back- the narrow interstices and irregular courses of rubble-stone ing are built of the same material, and with equal care, walls; and as it is required to concrete in the oeurse of a ‘ even though both of the sides be uncoursed. When‘the day, it is composed of mortar that has been a long time made and thoroughly beaten. Mortar, composed of pure lime, sand and water, may be employed in the linings of reservoirs and aqueducts, provided a sufficient time is allowed for it to dry before the water is let in; but if a sufficient time is not allowed, and the water is admitted while the mortar is wet, it will soon fall to pieces. ' There are, however, certain ingre- dients which may be put into the common mortar to make it set immediately under the water ; or, if the quick-lime composing the mortar contains in itself a certain portion of burnt clay, it will possess this property. For further in- formation on this head, the reader is referred to the sub- head -——Plastering. MASONRY. Masonry is the art of cutting stones, and building them into a mass, so as to form the regular surfaces which are required in the construction of an edifice. The chief business of the mason is to prepare the stones, make the mortar, raise the wall with necessary breaks, projections, arches, apertures, &c. as indicated by the design. A wall built of unhewn stone, whether it be built with mortar or otherwise, is called a rubble wall. Rubble workis of two kinds, coursed and uncoursed. In coursed rubble the stones are gauged and dressed by the ham- mer, and thrown into different heaps, each heap contain- ing stones of equal thickness; and the masonry, which may be of different thicknesses, is laid in horizontalcourses. In uncoursed rubble the stones are placed promiscu- ously in the wall, without any attention being paid to the placing them in courses; and the only preparation the stones undergo, is that of knocking off the sharp angles with the thick end of a tool called a scabling hammer. Walls are generally built with an ashlar facing of fine stone, averaging about four or five inches and backed with rubble work or brick. Walls backed with brick or uncoursed rubble, are lia- ble to become convex on the outside, from the great num- ber of joints, and the difficulty of placing the mortar, which shrinks in proportion to the quantity, in equal por- tions, in each joint; consequently, walls of this descrip- in thickness, outside of a wall is faced with ashlar, and the inside is coursed rubble, the courses of the backing should be as high as possible, and set within beds of mortar. Coursed ; rubble and brick backings are favorable for the insertion of bond timber: but in good masonry, wooden bonds should never be in continued lengths, as in case of either fire or rot the wood will perish, and the masonry will, by being reduced, be liable to bend at the place where the bond was inserted. When timber is to be inserted into walls for the pur- poses of fastening buttons for plastering, or skirting, &c. the pieces of timber ought to be so disposed that the ends of the pieces be in a line with the wall. In a wall faced with ashlar, the stones are generally about 2‘feet or 2;}- feet in length, 12 inches in height, and 8 inches in thickness. It is a very good plan to incline the back of each stone, to make all the backs thus lllt‘llllCd run in the same direction, which gives a small degree of lap in the setting of the next course ; whereas, if the backs are parallel to the front, there can be no lap where the stones run of an equal depth in the thickness of the wall. It is also advantageous to the stability of the wall to select the stones, so that a thickerand a thinner one may succeed each other alternately. In each course of ashlar facing, either with rubble masonry 0r brick backing, thorough-stones should occasionally be introduced, and their number he in proportion to the length of the course. In every succeeding course, the thorough—stones should be placed in the middle of every two thorough-stones in the course below; and this disposition of bonds should be punctually attended to in all cases where the courses are of any great length. Some masons, in order to prove that they have introduced sutlicient bonds into their work, choose thorough—stones of a greater length than the thick ness of the wall, and afterwards cut oil the ends; but this is far from an eligible plan, as the wall is not only subject to be shaken, but the stone is itself apt to split. In every pier, between windows and other aper- tures, every alternate jamb-stone ought. to go through the wall with its bed perfectly level. When the jamb-stones are of one entire height, as is frequently the case when architraves are wrought upon them, upon the lintel crowning them, and upon the stones at the ends of the courses of the pier which are adjacent to the architrave- jamb, every alternate stone ought to be a thouroughvstone: ‘25 “Rituals? ~ BUILDING. 151 and if the piers between the apertures be very narrow, no other bond-stone is required; but where the piers are wide, the number of bond-stones are proportioned to the space. Bond-stones must be particularly attended to in all long courses below and above windows. Iron clamps are now used in all cases where it is prac- ticable, instead of thorough-stones. The shrinking of the mortar in the backing is very apt to start the thorough- stone from its true position, which either fractures it, or causes the wall to bulge, and open the seams on the outside. This inconvenience is obviated by the use of clamps. All vertical joints, after receding about an inch with a close joint, should widen gradually to the back, there by forming hollow spaces of a wedge—like figure for the reception of mortar, rubble, &c. The adjoining stones should have their beds and vertical joints filled, from the face about three quarters of an inch inwards, with oil putty, and the rest ofthe beds must be'filledjwith well- tempered mortar. Putty cement will stand longer than most stones, and will even remain permanent when the stone itself is mutilated. All walls cemented with oil- putty, at first look unsightly; but this disagreeable effect ceases in a year or less, when, if care has been taken to make the color of the putty suitable to that of the stone, the joints will hardly be perceptible. In selecting ashlar, the mason should take care that each stone invariably lays on its natural bed; as from carelessness in this particular, the stones frequently flush at the joints, and sooner admit the corrosive power of the atmosphere to take effect. It ought also to be observed, that in building walls or insulated pillars of small horizontal dimensions, every stone should have its bed perfectly level, and be without any concavity in the middle; because, if the beds are concave, the joints will most probably flush when the pillars begin to sustain the weight of the building. Care should also be taken, that every course of masonry in such piers be of one stone. Having thus given to the practical mason an outline of ehe subject of walling, we will proceed to the considera- tion of the more difficult branches of the art, that of con- structing arches and vaults. DEFINITIONS. An arch in masonry, is that part of a building which is suspended over a given plane, supported only at its ex- tremities, and concave towards the plane. The upper surface of an arch is called the extrados ; and the under surface, or that Which is opposite the plane, the intrados. ' The supports of an arch are called theispring walls. The springing lines are those common to the supports and the intrados; or the line which forms the intersec- tion of the arch with the surface of the wall which sup- ports It. The chord, or span, is a line extending from one spring- ing line to the opposite one. Section of the hollow of the arch is a vertical plane, supposed to be contained by the span and the intrados. The height or rise of the arch, is a line drawn at right. angles from the middle of the chord, or spanning line to the intrados. The crown of the arch is that part which the extremity of the perpendicular touches. The haunches orflanks of the arch, are those parts of the curve between the crown and the springing line. When the base of the section, or spanning line, is par- allel to the horizon, the section will consist of two equal and similar parts, so that when one is applied to the other, they will be found to coincide. , Arches are variously named, according to the figure of the section of a solid that would fill the void, as circular, elliptical, cyclodal, catenarian, parabolicol, (S'c. There are also pointed, composite, and lancet, or Gothic arches. A rampant arch is when the springing lines are of two unequal heights. When the intrados and extrados of an arch are parallel, it is said to be ertradossed. . There are, however, other terms much used by ma- sons : for example, the semi-circular are called perfect arches ,' and those less than a semi-circle, imperfect, sur- buscd, or diminished arches. ' Arches are called surmounted, when they are higher than a semi—circle. A vault is an arch used in the interior of a building, overtoppiug an area of a given boundary, as a passage, or an apartment, and supported by one or more walls, or pillars, placed without the boundary of that area. Hence an' arch in a wall is seldom or never called a vault; and every vault may be called an arch, but every arch cannot be termed a vault. A groin vault, is a complex vault, formed by the inter- section of two solids, whose surfaces coincide with the intrados of the arches, and are not. confined to the same heights. An arch is said to stand upon splayed jambs, 152 when the springing lines are not at right angles to the face of the wall. In the art of constructing arches and vaults, it is neces- ; sary to build them in a mould, until the whole is closed; the mould used for this purpose is called a centre. The intrados of a simple vault is generally formed of ap’ortion of a cylinder, cylindroid, sphere, or spheroid; that is, never greater than the half of the solid: and the springing lines which terminate the walls, or when the vault begins to _rise, are generally straight lines, parallel to the axis of the cylinder, or cylindroid. A circular wall is generally terminatedwith a spherical vault, which is either hemispherical, or a portion of a sphere less than a hemisphere. ' Every vault which has an horizontal straight axis, is called astraight vault ; and, in addition to what we have already said, the concavities which two solids form at an angle, receive likewise the name of arch. An arch, when a cylinder pierces another of a greater diameter, is called cylindro—cylindric. The term cylindro is applied to the cylinder of the greatest diameter, and the term cylindric to the less. If a cylinder intersect a sphere of greater diamater than the cylinder, the arch is called a sp/zero-cylindric arc/I. ; but, on the other hand, if a sphere pierce a cylin- der of greater diameter than the sphere, the arch iscalled a cylindro-spheric arch. If a cylinder pierce a cone, so as to make a complete perforation through the cone, two complete arches will be . ”formed, called cone-cylindric arc/res; but, on the con- trary, ifa cone pierce a cylinder, so that the concavity made by the cone is a conic surface, the arch is called a cylindr0~conic arch. If, in a straight wall, there be a cylindric aperture con- tinuing quite through it, two arches will be formed, called plane-cylindric arc/res. Every description of arch is, in a similar manner to the above, denoted by the two preceding words; the former ending in 0, signifying the principal vault, or sur- face cut through; and the latter in to, signifying the de- scription of the aperture which pierces or intersects the wall or vault. When groins are introduced merely for use, they may be built either of brick or stone; but, when introduced by way of proportion or decoration, their beauty will de- pend on the generating figures of the sides, the regular— ity of the surface, and the acuteness of the angles, which should not be obtuded. In the best buildings, when BUILDING. durability and elegance are equally required, they may be constructed of wrought stone; and, when elegance is wanted, at a trifling expense, of plaster, supported by timber ribs. In stone-cutting, a narrow surface formed by a point or chisel, on the surface of a stone, so as to coincide with a straight edge, is called a draught. 0 FORMATION OF STONE ARCHES. The formation of stone arches has always been con- sidered a most useful and important acquisition to the operative mason : in order, therefore, to remove any dif- ficulties which might arise in the construction of arches of different descriptions, both in straight and circular walls, we shall here introduce a few examples, which, it is hoped, with careful examination, will greatly facilitate a. knowledge of some of the most abstruse parts of the art. PLATE 98. FIG. 1. NO. 1. To find the moulds necessary for the construc- tion of a semi-circular arch, cutting a straight Wall obliquely. Let A B C D E F G H be the plan of the arch; I K L M the outer line; and N O P Q the inner line on the elevation. at b c d e, on the elevation, shows the bevel of each joint or bed from the face of the wall; and a b c d e below, gives the mould for the same, where x g on the elevation corresponds with re y at a. The arch mould, No. 2, is applied on the face of the stone, and on being applied to the parts of the plan, gives, of course, the bevel of each concave side of the stone with the face, that is, K to O, on the elevation. FIG. 2. To find the mould for constructing a semi-cir- ‘ular arch in a circular wall. No. 1 is the elevation of the arch, and No. 2 the plan of the bottom bed from (1 to r. a to b is what the arch gains on the circle from the so E H C m A BUILDING. ‘ bottom bed I; o to l ; and c to d is the projection of the intrados to p, on the joint I, p. Nos. 2, 3, and 4, are plans of the three arch-stones, 1, ‘2, 3, in the elevation ; and Nos. 5 and 6 are moulds to be applied to the beds of stones 1 and 2, in which .9 0 equals .9 c in No. 2, and t w equals t w in No 3. In No. 1, I: l p o is the arch or face mould. W'hen the reader is thoroughly proficient in the con- struction of arches, under given datas, as the circum- stances of the case may point out, he may proceed to in- vestigate the principles of spherical domes and groins. FIGS. 3 and 4 show the principles of developing the sofftts of the arches in the two preceding examples. In each the letters of reference are alike, and the operation is precisely the satne. Let A B D E be the plan of the opening in the wall ; , and A F B the elevation of the arch : produce the chord A B to C, divide the semi-circle A F B into any number of parts, the more the better, and with the compasses set to any one of these divisions, run it as many times along A C as the semi—circle is divided into; then draw lines, perpendicular to B C, through every division in the semi— circle and the line C A, and set the distance 1 b, 2 d, 3f, ' (be. respectively equal to a b, c d, cf, doc. and then by tracing a curve through these points, and finding the points in the line G D, in the same manner, the sofi’it of 1 the arch is complete. FIG. 5 shows the method of constructing spherical; domes. No. 1 mould is applied on the spherical surface to the vertical joints ; and No. 2 mould on the same surface to the other joints; and in both cases, the mould tends to the centre of the dome. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, are moulds which apply on the convex surface to the horizontal joint, the lines a b, c d, ‘ ef, doc. being at right angles to the different radii, b c, d c, f c, &c. and produced until they intersect the per- pendicular a c; the different intersections are the centres which give the circular leg of the mould, and the straight part gives the horizontal joint. FIG. 6 exhibits the plan of a groined vault. Lay down the arch, either at the full or half size, on a floor or piece of floor—cloth, then divide and draw on the plan the number of joints in the semi-circular arch, and from the intersections with the diagonals, draw the transverse joints on the plan, and produce them till 39 153 / they touch the intrados ofthe elliptical arch, the Curve of - which may be found by setting the corresponding dis- tances from the line of the base (to the curve; thus a b equal to a b. This being accomplished, draw the joints of the elliptical arch in the manner of which we give c d as a specimen. To draw the joint 0 d, draw chord e c and bisect it, draw a line from the centre 0 through the bisecting point, and produce it till it touches the perpendicular ef; and c d, being at right angles to cf,' will be the joint required. In-the same manner the others are found. By examination, it will be seen, that a rectangle cir- cumscribing the mould 3, 3, gives the size of the stone in its square state, and, that ifeach stone in both arches be thus enclosed, the dimensions for each will be found, as also the position in which the moulds must be placed. The dark lines give the ditTerent bevels, which must be carefully prepared and applied to the stones in the man- ner represented in the figure. FIG. 7. To draw thejoints of the stones for an elliptical arch in a wall, 81c. The curve is here described by the intersection of ‘lines, which, certainly, gives the most easy and pleas- ing curve, as segments of circles apply only under cer- tain data, or in the proportion which the axis major has to the axis minor, while the intersection of lines apply to any description of ellipses. Find the foci I“. In an ; ellipsis the distance of either focus from one extremity of the axis minor is equal to the semi-axis major ; that is, D F is equal to c G. Then to find any joint, (1 b, draw lines from both foci through the point b, as F e, f d, and bisect the angle d b e by the line a b, which is the joint required. BRICKLAYING. In building upon an inclined plane, or rising ground, the foundation must be made to rise in a series of level steps, according to the general rise of the ground, to insure a firm bed for the courses, and prevent them from sliding; for if this'mode were not adopted, the moisture .-» 'of the wall, are called headers. '. 154 in the foundations in wet weather will induce the inclined parts to descend, to the manifest. danger of fracturing the walls and destroying the building. In walling, in dry weather, when the work is required to be firm, the best mortar must be used ; and the bricks must be wetted or dipped in water, as they are laid, to cause them to adhere to the mortar, which they would not do if laid dry; for the dry sandy nature of the brick absorbs the moisture of the mortar, and prevents adhesion. In carrying up the wall, not more than four or five feet of any part should be built at a time ; for, as all walls shrink immediately after building, the part which is ' first carried up will settle before the adjacent part is carried up to it, and, consequently, the shrinking of the latter will cause the two parts to separate; therefore, i t I , no part of a wall should be carried higher than one scaf- i fold, without having its contingent parts added to it. In carrying up any particular part, the ends should be reg- ularly sloped off, to receive the bond of the adjoining parts on the right and left. There are two kinds of bond in brick work, which difi'etamaterially from each other. Bricks laid length- ways in the direction of the wall are called sh'elc/zers, and those laid in an opposite way, crossing the direction The old English bond is a continuation of one kind throughout in the same course or horizontal layer, and consists of alternate lay- ers of headers and stretchers; the headers serving to bind the wall together in a longitudinal direction, or lengthways; the stretchers to prevent the wall splitting crossways, or in a transverse direction.‘ Of these two evils, the former is by much the worst kind, and is there- fore the most dreaded by the bricklayer. The brick work of the Romans was ofthis kind of bond. The other description of bond, called Flemish bond, consists in placing a header and a stretcher alternately in the same course. The latter is dcemedthe neatest, and most elegant; but, in the execution, is attended with great inconvenience, and, in most cases, does not unite the parts of a wall with the same degree of firmness as the English bond. In general, it may be observed, that whatever advantages are gained by the English bond in tying a wall together in its thickness, are lost in the 1011- , gitudinal bond ; and vice versa. To removethis incon- venience, in thick walls, some builders place the bricks in a cone at an angle of forty-five degrees, arallel to each other, throughout the length of every course, but reversed in the alternate courses; so that the bricks cross each BUILDING. other at right angles. But man here, though the bricks in the cone have sufficient bond, the sides are very im- perfectly tied, on account of the triangular interstices formed by the oblique direction of the internal bricks against the flat edges of those in the outside. . Concerning the English bond, it may be observed, that, as the longitudinal extent of a brick is nine inches and its breadth four and a half, to prevent two vertical joints from running over each other at the end of the stretcher from the corner, it is usual, after placing the return corner stretcher, which occupies half the length of this stretcher, and becomes a header in the face, as the stretcher is below, to place a quarter brick on the side, so that the two together extend six inches and three i quarters, being a lap of twoinches and a half for the next 1 header. The bat introduced is called a closer. A sim- ’ ilar effect may be obtained by introducing a three-quarter bat at the corner of the stretching course, so that the i corner header being laid over it, a lap of two inches and 1 a quarter will be left, at the end of the stretchcrs below, ‘ for the next header, which being laid on the joint below ! the stretchers, will coincide with its middle. ! In the winter, it is very essential to keep the unfinished I wall from the alternate effects ofrain and frost ; for if it i is exposed, the rain will penetrate into the bricks and l mortar, and by being converted into ice, expand, and l burst or crumble the materials in which it is contained. l The decay of buildings, so commonly attributed to i the effect or time, is, in fact, attributable to this source; ’ but as finished edifices have only a vertical surface, the taction and counter-action of the rain and frost extend : not so rapidly as in an unfinished wall, where the hori- l zontal surface permits the rain and frost to have easy 5 access into the body of the work. Great .care, there— { fore, must be taken as soon as the frost or stormy weather sets in, to cover the unfinished walls. either with straw, which is the boarding. inest common, or weather \Vlien weather boarding is employed, it is advisable to have a good layer of straw between the work and the boarding, and to place the boarding in the form of stone coping, to throw the water oti‘cqually on both sides. A number of very pleasing cornices and other orna- ments may be formed in brick-work, by the mere dispo~ sition ofthe bricks, without cutting; and if cut, a sim- ple champher will be sutiicient. A great defect, how— ever, is very often observable in these ornaments, par- ticularly in the bulging of arches over windows; which i i 3 s BUILDING. "155 arises from mere carelessness, 1n rubbing the bricks too much on the inside; whereas, if due care were taken to rub them exact to the gauge, their geometrical bearings being uhited, they would all tend to one centre, and pro- duce a well proportioned and pleasing effect.‘ PLASTERING-. The Plasterer is a workman to whom the decorative part of architecture owes a considerable portion of its effect, and whose art is requisite in every kind of building. The tools of the plasterer consist of a spade, or shovel of the usual description ; a rake, with two or three prongs, bent do“ nwards from the line of the handle, fo1 mixing the hair and mortar together trowels of various kinds and sizes; stopping and picking- out tools; rules called str (tight-edges , and wood models. The trowels used by plasterers are more neatly made 5 than tools of the same name used by other artificers. The laying)‘ and smoothing tool consists of a flat piece of . . . . 1 hardened iron, about ten inches in length, and twomchcs , and a half wide, very thin, and ground to a semi-circular shape at one end, but left square at the other; the back of the plate, near the square end, is riveted a small iron rod with two legs, one of which is fixed to the plate, and the other to a round wooden handle. \Vith .: this tool all the first coats of plaster are laid on, as is also the last, or, as it is technically termed, the setting. The 1 other kinds of trowcls are made of three 01' four sizes,' for gauging the fine stuff and plaster, used in forming cornices, mouldings, doc. The longest size of these is about seven inches on the plate, which is of polished steel, about two inches and three quarters broad at the ‘ heel, diverging gradually from a point. To the heel ori broad end a handle is adapted. ' 1 The stopping and picking-out tools are made ofi polished steel, of different sizes, though most generallyi about seven or eight inches in length, and half an inch 1 in b1eadth, flattened at both ends, and ground somewhat i 1011111l.Thcsetcols we used in modelling and finishing} mitres and returns to cornices; as likewise in filling-up} and perfecting the ornaments at thejoinings. ‘ The.S'ti‘thLr/zt-cclges are for keepingthe work in an even I 01' perpendicular] ne; and the models 01' moulds are for and at 1 i l i i I . i l 1 running plain mouldings, cornices, ‘&c.; of these latter the plasterers require a greater number, as very little of his finishing can be done without them. Expe1ienced workmen keep their tools very clean, and have them daily polished. Plasterers have technical divisions of their work, by which its quality is designated, and value ascertained; as, lathing; laying; prickingup; lathing, laying and set; lathing, floating, and set; screed, set or putty; render- ing and set, or rendering, floated and set; trowelled stucco, &c.; each of which, hereafter, we shall very minutely explain. . In all the operations of plastering, lime extensively abounds; we shall, therefore, first offer some observations on the properties of this important article. All who have written on the subject of lime, as a cement, have endeavored to ascertain what is the due proportion of sand for making the most perfect cement, but with a little attention it is evident, that all prescribed rules must be so very vague and uncertain, as to be of lit- tle utility to the workman; for, besides the variation which is occasioned by a more or less degree of calcination, it is a certain fact, that some kinds of limestone are much more pure, and contain a much smaller proportion of sand, than others: consequently, it would be absurd to I i say, that pure lime requires as small a proportion of sand, when made into 111o1'tar, as that which originally contained in itself a large proportion. The variation thus produced, in regard to the propor— tion of sand, is found to be extremely great. It is, how- ever, stated, that the best mortar which has come under ' examination, was formed of eleven parts of sand to one of lime: to which was added, by measure, between twice and thrice its own bulk of sand, which may be allowed to have been at least three times its quantity by weight. Supposing, therefore, that everyparticle of the lime had been so perfectly calcined as to be in acaustic state, there could not be ess than forty-seven parts of sand to one of lime; but it is hard to suppose, that above one hundredth part of this mass, independent of the water, consisted of pure caustic calcareous earth. ’ From these corisiderations it is conceived, that it is impossible to prescribe any determinate proportion of sand to lime, as that must vary according to the nature of the lime, and other incidental circumstances, which would form an infinity of exceptions to any general rule. But it would seem, that it might be safely inferred that the modems in general, rather err in givingtoo little, than~ f1 156 in giving too much sand. It deserves, however, to be noticed, that the sand, when naturally in the limestone, is more intimately blended with the lime, than can pos- sibly be ever effected by any mechanical operation; so that it would be in vain to hope to make equally good : mortar artificially from pure lime, with so small a propor- l tion of caustic calcareous matter, as may sometimes bet effected, when the lime naturally contains a very large I proportion of sand. Still, however, there seems to bet no doubt, that if a much larger proportion of sand than is l common were employed, and that more carefully and' expeditiously blended and worked, the mortar would be i made much more perfect, as has been proved by actual experiments. Another circumstance, which greatly tends to vary the quality of cement, and to make a greater or smaller pro- portion‘of sand necessary, is, the mode of preparing the lime before it is beaten up into mortar. When for plas- ter, it is of great importance to have every particle of the limestone slacked before it is worked up; for, as smooth- ness of surface is the most material point, if any particles of lime be beaten up before sufficiently slacked, the water still continuing to act on them will cause them to expand, which will produce those excrescences on the surface of the plaster, termed blisters. Consequently, in order to: obtain a perfect kind of plaster, it is absolutely necessary i that the lime, before being worked, be allowed to remain a considerable time maceraiing or soaring in water: the same sort of process, though not absolutely required,‘ would considerably improve the lime intended for mor- tar. Great care is required in the management: the principal thing being the procuring of well-burnt lime, and allowing no more lime, before worked, than is just sufficient to macerate or 30er it with the water: the best burnt lime will require the maceration of some days. It has been almost universally admitted, that the hardest limestone affords the lime which will consolidate intoI the finest cement ; hence, it is generally concluded that lime made of chalk produces a much weaker cement than that made of marble or limestone. It would seem, _ however, that, if ever this be the case, it is only inci-i dentally, and not necessarily. In making of the mortar, ! other substances are occasionally mixed with lime, which i we shall here proceed to notice, and endeavor to pointl out their excellencies and defects. Those commonly used besides sand of various denominations, are powdered sand-stone, brick-dust, and sea-shells; and for forming BUILDING. plaster, where closeness rather than hardness is required, lime which has been slacked, and kept in adry place till it has become nearly effcte, and powdered chalk, or whiting, and gypsum, in various proportions, besides hair and other materials of a similar nature. Other ingredients have been more lat.ely recommended, such as earthy balls, slightly burnt and pounded, old mortar rubbish, powdered and sifted, and various things of the like kind, the whole of which are, in some respect or other, objectionable. Plaster of Paris is employed by the plasterer to give the requisite form and finish to all the superior parts of his work. It is made of a fossil stone, called gypsum, which is excavated in several parts of the neighborhood of Paris, where it derives its uan‘e, and is calcined to a powder, to deprive it of its water of crystallization. The stones are burnt in kilns, which are generally of very simple construction, being not [infrequently built of the gypsum itself. loosely put together in a parallelepiped heap, below which The pieces to he calcined are are vaulted pipes or fines, for the application of a mod- erate heat. The calcination must not be carried to excess; as otherwise the plaster will not form a solid mass when mixed with a certain portion of water. During the pro— i‘ises as white vapor, which, if the atmosphere be dry, is quickly dissolved in air. The pounding of the calcined fragments is pe -ormed ,. l 1 l sometimesin mills constructed for the pu pose. an. cess of calcination, the water of crystallization scme- times by men, whose health is much impaired by the particles of dust settling upon their lungs. On the river \Volga, in Russia, where the burning of gypsum constitutes one of the chief occupations of the peasantry, all kinds of gypsum are burnt pl‘omist'uosly on grates made of wood ; afterwards the plaster is reduced to powder, passed through a sieve. and finally formed into small round cakes, which are sold at so [much per thousand. These balls are reduced into an impalable powder by the plasterer, and then mixed with mortar. The less the gypsum is mixed with other substances, the better it is qualified for the purpose of making casts, stucco, doc. The sparry gypsum, or selenite, which is the purer kind, is employed for taking impressions from coins and medals, and for making those beautiful imita- tions of marble, granite, and porphyry, known by the i=5“ BUILDING. 157 name of scagliola, which is derived from-the Italian word, scagli. Finely powdered alabaster, or plaster of Paris, when heated in a crucible, assumes the appearance of a fluid, by rolling in waves, yielding to the touch, steaming, &c. all of which properties it again loses on the departure of the heat: if taken fretn the crucible and thrown upon paper, it will not wet it; but immediately be as motion- less as it was before being exposed to the heat. Two or three spoonfuls of burnt alabaster mixed up thin with water, will, at the bottom of a. vessel filled with water, coagulate into a hard lump, notwithstanding the Water that surrounds it. The coagulating or setting property of burnt alabaster will be very much impaired or lost, if the powder be kept for any considerable time, and more especially in the open air. When it has been, ‘ once tempered with water, and suffered to grow hard, it ' cannot be rendered of any further use. Plaster of Paris, diluted with water into the consist~ ence of a soft or thin paste, quickly sets, or grows firm, and at the instant of its setting, has its bulk increased. This expansive property, in passing from a soft to a firm state, is one of its valuable properties; rendering it an excellent matter for filling cavities in sundry works, i where other earthy mixtures would shrinn and leave; vacuities, or entirely separate from the adjoining parts. It is also probable that this expansion of the plaster t might be made to contribute to the elegance of the in)- ; pressions it receives from medals, 66¢ by properly con- l fining it when soft, so that at its expansion, it would be j l l forced into the n’linutest traces of the figures. l Other cements are used by plasterers for inside work. l The first. is called lame and hair, or coarse stuff, and is j from the tan-yards. The mortar is first mixed with a1 requisite quantity of sand, and the hair is afterwards! worked in by the application of a rake. Next to this isfiue stiljf, which is merely pure lime, slacked first with a small quantity of water, and after- t wards, without any extraneous addition, supersaturated i with water, and put into a tub in a half fluid state,‘ where it is allowed to remain till the water is evaporated. ‘ In some particular cases, a small portion of hair is inc‘or- ‘ l porated. \Vhen this fine stuff is used for inside walls, l it is mixed with very fine washed sand, in the propor- l tion of one part sand to three parts of line stuff, and is i then called trowelled or bastard stucco, with which all t walls intended to be painted are finished. 40 The cement called gauge stuf, consists of three fifths of fine stufi”, and one. fifth plaster of Paris, mixed tog ether with water, in small quantities ata time, to render it, more ready to set. This composition is mostly used in forming cornices and mouldings run with a wooden mould. When great expedition is required, plasterers gauge all their mortars with plaster of Paris, which sets immediately. The technical divisions of plasterer’s work shall now claim our attention. Lat/ting, the first operation, consists in nailing laths on the ceiling, or partition. Laths are made of spruce or pine, and are fastened with cut nails. They are made in four foot lengths; and, with respect to their thickness and strength, are either single, lath and half, or double. The single are the thinnest and cheapest; those called lath and half, are supposed to be one-third thicker than the single ; and the double laths are twice that thickness. In lathing ceilings, the plasterers should so dispose them that the joints be as much broken as possible, that they may have the stronger key or tie, and thereby strengthen the plastering with which they are to be covered. The thinnest laths are used in partitions, and the strongest for ceilings. Laths are also distinguished into heart and sap laths : the former should always be used in plain tiling; the latter, which are of inferior quality, are most frequently used by the plasterer. Satced laths have within a few years been introduced, and are now in general use. They are not subject to so much waste, cost less, and do not require so much mor- . tar as the split lath ; the last named, however, retains the mortar mOst firmly. prepared as common mortar, with the addition of hair 2‘ Having nailed the laths in their appropriate order, the plasterer’s next business is to cover them with plaster, the most simple and common operation of which, is lay- ing; that is, spreading a single coat of lime and hair over the whole ceiling, or partition; carefully observing to keep it smooth and even in every direction. This is the cheapest kind of plastering. Priming-up is performed in the same manner as the foregoing ; but it is only a preliminary to a more perfect kind of work. After the plaster is laid on, it is crossed all over with the end of a lath, to give it a tie or key to the coat, which is afterwards to be laid upon it. Lat/ting, laying, and set, or whatis termed lath and plaster, one coat and set, is, when the work, after being ' lathed, is covered with one coat of lime and hair, and r 158 BUILDING. afterwards, when sufficiently dry, a thin and smooth coat spread over it, consisting of lime only, or, as the work- men call it, putty or set. This coat is spread with a smoothing-trowel, used by the workman with his right hand, while his left hand moves a large flat brush of hog’s bristles, dipped in water, backwards and forwards over it, and thus produces a surface tolerably even for cheap work. Lat/zing,floatinfr and set, or lath and plaster, one coat, floated and set, differs from the foregoing, in having the first coat pricked up to receive the set, which is here called thefloatino‘. In doing this, the plasterer is pro- vided with a substantial straight edge, frequently from ten to twelve feet in length, which must be used by two workmen. All the parts to be floated are tried by a plumb-line, to ascertain whether they be perfectly flat and level, and whenever any deficiency appears, the hol- low is filled up with a trowcll-full or more of lime and hair only, which is termedfilling' out, and when these preliminaries are settled, the sereeds are next formed. The term screed signifies a style of lime and hair, about seven or eight inches in width, gauged quite true, by drawing the straight edge over it until it. be so. rl'bese screeds are made at the distance of about. three or four feet from each other, in a vertical direction, all round \Vlrcu all are formed, the intervals are filled up with lime and hair, called by the workmen, strrfl, till flush with the face of the screeds. The straight. edge is then worked horizontally on the the partitions and walls of a room. screeds by which all the superfluous stuff, projecting , beyond them in the intervals, is rcm >\’<'tl, and a plain surface produced. This operation is tcrmed floating, and tnay be applied to ceilings as well as to partitions, or upright walls, by first forming the scrceds in the direc- tion of the breadth of the apartment, aud‘filling up the intervals as above described. As great care is rcquisitc to render the plaster sound and even, none but skillful workn'icn slronl l be employed. The set to floated work is performed in a mode similar to that. already pres: ribcd for laying .' but. being employ- 4 ed only for best rooms, is done with more care. About , one sixth of plaster of Paris is added to it, to make it 1 set more expeditiously. to give it a closer and more corn- pact appearance, and to rendcr it more firm and better calculated to receive the white-wash or color when dry. For floated stucco work the pricking-up cannot be too dry: but, if the floating, ting coat, be too dry, before the set is laid on, there will which is to receive the set- . be danger of its peeling ofi“, or of assuming the appear- ance of little cracks, or shells, which would disfigure the work. Particular care and attention therefore must be paid to have the under coats in a proper state of dry- ness. It may here be observed, that cracks, and other unpleasant appearances in ceilings, are mere frequently the effect of weak laths being covered with too much plaster, or too little plaster upon strong laths, rather than ofany sagging or other inadequacy in the timbers, or the building. If the laths be properly attended to, and the plaster laid on by a careful and judicious workman, no cracks or other blemishes are likely to appear. The next operation combines both the foregoing pro- cesses, but requires no lathing; it. is called rendering and set, or rendering, floated, and set. What is under- stood by rendering, is the covering of brick or stone wall with a coat oflime and hair, and by set is denoted a superficial coat of fine stuff or putty upon the render- ing. These operations are similar to those described for setting of ceilings and partitions; and tlnrflrm/cd amlset is laid on the rendering in the same manner as on the partitions, &c. already explained, for the best kind of work. Trorceffed stucco, which is a very neat kind of work, used in dining-rooms, halls, doc. where the walls are pre— pared to be painted, must be worked upon a floated ground, and the floating be quite dry before the stucco is applied. In this process the plasterer is prm‘ided with a wooden tool, called a float, consisting of a piece of half-inch board, about, nine inches long, and three wide, planed smooth, with its lower edges a lltllt‘ rounded off, and having a handle on the upper surface. The stucco is prepared as above described, and tiltcl'wttt‘rls lit-ate; and tempered with clear water. The ground iutcndctl to be stuccocd is first prepared with a large trowel, and is made as smooth and level as possible; when thr- stucco has been spread upon it to the extent. of four or five feet square, the workman with a float in his tight hand and a brush in his left, sprinkles with water and rubs alternate~ ly the face oftbe stucco, till the “hole is rcdnccd to a fine even surf-ice. He then prepares anhther square of the ground, and proceeds as before, till the whole is completed. The Water has the effect of hardening the face of the stucco. \Vhen the floating is well performed it will feel as smooth as glass. Rang/t casting or mug/t trialling. is an exterior finish- ing, much cheaper than stucco, and therefore more frequently employed on cottages, farm houses, dzc. than BUILDING. on buildings of a higher class. The wall intended to be rough-cast, is first picked-up with a coat of lime and hair; and when this is tolerably dry, a second coat is laid on, of the same materials as the first, as smooth as it can possibly be spread. As fast as the workman finishes this surface, he is followed by another with a pailfull of rough-cast, with which he bespatters the new plastering, and the whole dries together. The r0ugh~ cast is composed of fine gravel, washed from all earthy particles, and mixed with pure lime and water till the whole is of a semi—fluid consistency. This is thrown from the pail upon the wall with a wooden float, about five or six inches long, and as many wide, made of half-inch board, and fitted with a round handle. \Vhile, with this tool, the plasterer throws on the rough—cast with his right hand, he holds in his left a common whitewasher’s brush, dipped in the rough-cast also, with which he brushes and colors the mortar and the rough-cast he has already spread, to give them, when finished, a regular uniform color and appearance. Cornices are either plain or ornamented, and some- times embrace a portion of both classes. The first point to be attended to is, to examine the drawings, and meas— ure the projections of the principal members, which, if projecting more than seven or eight inches, must be, bracketed. This consists in fixing up pieces of wood at the distance of about ten or twelve inches from each other, all round the place proposed for the cornice, and nailing laths to them, covering the whole with a coat of plaster. In the brackets, the stuff necessary to form the cornice must be allowed, which in general is about one inch and a quarter. A beech mould is next. made by the carpenter, of the profile of the intended cornice, about a quarter ofan inch in thickness, with the quirks, or small sinkings, of brass or copper. All the sharp edges itl'“ carefully removed by the plasterer, who opens with hi: knife all the‘points which he finds incompetent to receive . the plaster freely. These preliminaries being adjusted, two workmen, provided with a tub of putty and a quantity of plaster of Paris, proceed to run the cornice. chore using the mould, they ga‘uge screed of putty and plaster upon the wall and ceiling, covm'ing so much of each as will cor- respond with the tdpn'and bottom of the intended cornice. On this screed one or two slight board straight Ctlgcs adapted to as many notches or chases made in the mould for it to work upon, are nailed. The putty is then mixed with about one-third of plaster of Paris, and brought to 159 a semi-fluid state by the addition of clean water. One of the workmen, with two or three trowels-full of this composition upon h s hawk, which he holds in his left hand, begins to plaster over the surface intended for the cornice, with his trowel, while his partner applies the mould to ascertain when more or less is wanted. “Then a sufficient quantity of plaster is laid on, the workman holds his mould firmly against both the ceiling and the wall, and moves it backwards and forwards, which re- moves the superfluous stuff, and leaves an exact impres- sion of the mould upon the plaster. This is not effected at once; for while he works the mould backwards and forwards, the other workman takes notice of any de- ficiencies, and fills them up by adding fresh supplies of plaster. In this manner a cornice from ten to twelve feet in length may be formed in a very short time; indeed, expedition is essentially requisite, as the plaster of Paris occasions a very great tendency in the putty to set; to prevent which, it is‘necessary to sprinkle the composi- tion frequently with water, as plasterers, in order to se- cure the truth and correctness of the cornice, generally endeavor to finish all the lengths,'0r pieces, between any two breaks or projections, at one time. In cornices which have very large proportions, and in cases where any of the orders of architecture are to be introduced, three or four moulds are required, and are similarly ap- plied, till all the parts are formed. Internal anti external mitres, and small returns or bre: ks, are afterwards mod— elled and filled up by hand. Cornices to be enriched with ornaments, have certain indentations, or sinkings, left in the mould in which the casts are laid. These ornaments were formerly made by hand; but. now are cast in plaster of Paris, from clay models. “'hen the clay model is finished, and has, by exposure to the action of the atmos-phere, acquired some degree of firmness, it is let into 1‘. wooden frame, and when it has been rctouehetl and finished, the frame is filled with melted wax, which, when cold, is, by turning the frame upside down, allowed to fall off, being an cxacdcamco, or counterpart of the model. By these means, the most enriched and curiously wrought mould- ings may be cast by the common plasterer. These wax models are contrived to cast about a foot in length of the ornament at once, such lengths beingr easily get out from the cameo. Thercasts are made of the finest and purest plaster of Paris, saturated with water; and the wax mould is oiled previously to its being put in. When the casts, o: intaglios, are first taken from the mould, they are not 160 Very firm ; but being sufl'ered to dry 3. little, either in the open air or in an oven, they acquire sufi’icient hardness to allow of being scraped and cleaned. Basso-relieves and friezes are executed in a‘similar manner, only the wax mould is so made, that the cast can have a back ground at least half an inch thick of plaster cast to the ornament or figure, in order to strengthen and secure the proportions, at the same time that it promotes the general effect. The process for capitals to columns is also the same, except that numerous moulds are required to complete them. In the Corinthian capitals a shaft or belt is first made, on which is afterwards fixed the foliage and volutes; the whole of which require distinct cameos. In running cornices, which are to,be enriched, the plasterer takes care to have proper projections in the running moulds, so as to make a groove in the cornice, for the reception of the cast ornament, which is laid in and secured by spreading a small quantity of liquid plas- ter of Paris on its back. Detached ornaments intended for ceilings or other parts, and where no running mould has been employed, are cast in pieces corresponding with the design, and fixed upon the ceiling, &c. with white lead, or with the composition known by the name of iron-cement. . The. manufacture of stucco has, for a long time past, attracted the attention of all connected with this branch of building, as well as chemists and other individuals: but the only benefit resulting from such investigations is, a more extensive knowledge of the materials used. It would seem, that the great moisture of our climate pre- vents its being brought to any high degree of perfection ; though, among the various compositions which have been tried and proposed, some, comparatively speaking, are excellent. Common stucco, used for external work, consists of clean-washed river sand and ground lime, which are mixed dry, in the proportion of three of the latter to one of the former: when well incorporated together, these should be secured from the air in casks till required for use. Walls to be covered with this composition, must first be prepared, by raking the mortar from the joints, and picking the bricks 01' stones, till the whole is in— dentec : the dust and other extraneous matter must then be brushed off, and the wall well saturated with clean water. The stucco is supersaturated with water, till it has the appearance and consistence of ordinary white— trash, in which state it is rubbed over the wall with a flat t t t t t BUILDING. brush of hog’s bristles. When this process, called roughing-in, has been performed, and the work has be- come tolerably dry and hard, which may be known by its being more white and transparent, the screeds are to be formed upon the wall with fresh stucco from the cask, tempered with water to a proper consistency, and spread on the upper part of the wall, about eight or nine inches wide ; as also against the two ends, beginning at the top and proceeding downwards to the bottom. In this operation, two workmen are required ; one to supply the stucco, the other to apply the plumb-rule and straight edge. When these are truly formed, other screeds must, be made in a vertical direction, about four or five feet apart, unless apertures in the wall prevent it, in which case they must be formed as near together as possible. When the screeding is finished, compo is prepared in larger quantities, and both the workmen spread it with their trowels over the wall in the space left between each pair of screeds. ‘Vhen this operation is complete, the straight edge is applied, and dragged from the top to the bottom of each pair, to remove whatever superfluous stucco may project above the screeds. If there be any hollow places, fresh stucco is applied, and the straight edge is again drawn over the spot, till the compo is brought even to the face of the screeds, and the whole is level with the edge of the rule. Another interval is then filled up, and the workmen thus proceed till the whole of the wall is covered. The wall is finished by floating, that is, hardening the surface by sprinkling it with water, and rubbing it with the common woodfloat, which is per- formed similarly to trowelling stucco. This description of compo is frequently used by plas- terers for cornices and mouldings, in the same tnanner as described in common plastering ; but if the workman finds it necessary, he may add a small quantity of plaster of Paris, to make it fix the better while running or work— ing the mould. Such addition is not, however, calculated to give strength to the stucco, and is only made through the necessity of having a quick set. Scagliola is a distinct branch of plastering, discovered or invented, and much used in Italy, and thence intro- duced into France, where it. obtained its name. Columns and pilasters are executed in this branch of plastering in the following manner: A wooden cradle, composed of thin strips of pine, or other wood, is made to represent the column designed ; but about two inches and a half less in diameter than the shaft is intended to be when finished. This cradle is lathed round as for \ ) BUILDING. common plastering, and then covered with a pricking-up coat of lime and hair. When this is quite dry, the artists in scagliola commence operations, by imitations of the most rare and precious marbles, with astonishing and delusive effect; indeed, as the imitation takes as high a polish, and feels as cold and hard as the most compact and solid marble, nothing short of actual fracture can possibly discover the counterfeit. In preparing the scagliola, the workman selects, breaks, anti calcines the prtrest gypsum, and as soon as the largest fragments, in the process of calcination, lose their brilliancy, withdraws the fire, and passes the calcined powder through a very fine sieve, and mixes it, as re- quired for use, with a solution of glue, isinglass, 650. In this solution the eolors required in the marble to be imi— tated are diffused ; but when the work is to be of various colors, each color is prepared separately, and afterwards mingled and combined, nearly in the same manner as a painter mixes on his palette the primitive colors to corn- pose his different tints. When the powdered gypsum is prepared, it is laid on the shaft of the intended column, over the pricked-up coat. of lime and hair, and is then floated with moulds of wood, made to the requisite size: the artist uses the colors necessary to the imitation during the floating, by which means they mingle and incorporate with the sur- To obtain the glossy IUstre, so much admired in vorks of marble, the Workman rubs the work with one hand with a pumice stone, while with the other he cleans he next polishes it with tripoli, afterwards with a face. it with a wet sponge: charcoal, and a piece of fine linen; piece of felt dipped in a mixture of oil and tripoli, and 1 finally completes the work by the application of pure oil. This imitation is, certainly, the most complete that can be conceived, and \\ hen the bases and capitals are 111ade of real marble e, as is the common practice, the deception is beyond discovery. If not exposed to the weather, it is, in point of durability, little inferior to real rrrarble, retains its lustre full as long, and is not one-eighth of the expense of the gmhpe t kind. 'lhere is anotl. er species of plastering, used in the decorative parts of arthitecture, and for the frames of pictures, ldoking-glasses, &c. which is a perfectly dis- tinct branch of the art. This composition, which is very strong, and, when quite dry, of a brownish color, consists of the proportion of two pounds of powdered whiting, one pound of glue in solutionrand half a pound of lin- seed oil, tnixed together, and heated in a copper, and 41 ’ 161 stirred with a spatula, till the whole is incorporated When cool, it is laid upon a stone, covered with powdered whiting, and beaten till it assumes a tough and firm con- sistence; after which it is covered with wet cloths, to keep it fresh, till required for use. The ornaments to be cast in this composition are modelled in clay, as in common plastering, and after- wards a cameo, or mould, is carved in box-wood. This carving requires to be done with the utmost care, other- wise the symmetry of the ornament which is to be cast from it will be spoiled. The composition, when requir- ed for use, is cut with a knife into pieces of the requi- site size, and forced into the mould; after which it is put into a press, worked by an iron screw, and still further compressed. When the mould is taken from the press, the composition, which is generally cast about a foot in length, is dislodged from the mould, and the superfluous parts pared off with a knife, and cast into the copper for the next supply. The ornaments thus formed, are glued upon wooden grounds, or fixed by means of white lead, &c.; after which they are painted or gilt, according to the purposes for which they are intended This composition is at least 80 percent. cheaper than carving, and, in most cases, equally calculated to answer all the purposes of the art. It is much to be wished, that the art of plastering could be restored to its ancient perfection ; for the Romans possessed an art of rendering works of this kind much' more firm and durable than can be accomplished at the present time. The specimens of ancient Roman plastering still visi- ble, which have not been injured by force, are found to be firm and solid, free from cracks or crevices, and as smooth and polished on the surface as when first applied. The sides and bottoms of the Roman aqueducts were lined with this plastering, and endured many ages. At Venice, some of the roofs of houses, and the floors of rooms, are covered with a sort of plaster of later date, and yet strong enough to endure the sun and weather for several ages, without either cracking or spoiling. The method of making the Venetian composition is not known in England; but such might probably be made by heating the powder of gypsum over a fire, and when boiling, which it will do without the aid of water, or other fluid, mixing it with rosen, or pitch, or both together, with common fiulphur, and the powder of sea- shells. If these be mixed together, water added to it, and the composition- kept 011 the fire till the instant of its 162 being used, it is not improbable that the secretmay be discovered. Oil of turpentine and wax, which are the common ingredients in such cements as are accounted .firmest, may also be tried as additions; as also may strong ale wort, which is by some directed to be used instead ‘of water, to make mortar of limestone of more than ordinary strength. ' S L A T I N G . This branch of building, which is principally employed in the covering of roofs, is not unfrequently combined with that of plastering. The slates chiefly used in Lon- don are brought from the quarries at Bangor, in Caemar- vonshire, which supply all parts of the United Kingdom. Another kind of slate, of a pale blue-green color, is used, and most esteemed, being brought from Kendal, in VVest- moreland, called W’estmoreland slates. These slates are not large; but of good substance, and well calculated to give a neat appearance to a roof. The Scottish slate, which assimilates in size and quality to a slate from “Tales called ladies, is in little repute. The slates produced in this country are principally from the quarries in the State of Vermont. In point of dura- bility they are equal to the Welsh slates, but: have not that uniformity of color which distinguishes the latter. The height of roofs at the present time is very rarely above one-third of the span, and should never be less than one-sixth. The most usual pitch for slates is that when the height is one-fourth of the span, or at an angle of 262% degrees with the horizon. Taking this is a stand- ard, the following table will show the degree of inclina- tion, which may be given for other materials. g g; .E o ’9‘» “s 5 ,. Kind of Covering. g ”:1 I; f s “.e'gl'g‘gmfian 5 —- o quareo 00 mg. “ iiipimm t I Uo )er IUU ‘ J r )1' L82 ‘ 1 M ’ w (.101 pe ( 1d 3 5t) 43 Lead, (00 Slates, large . . . ‘22 (‘70 _1. 1120 D '3. . . g . m) ° i From 900 0. 0H maiy 20 0-) i 2 To 500 Stone Slate . . . 29 41 g 2380 Plain ’l‘iles . . . '29 41 .‘72. 1780 Pan Tiles , . . . :24 00 .25 550 Thatch of strawor reeds 45 00 21 BUILDING. Slaters class the Welsh and following order. American slates in the Ft. In. Ft. In. Doubles, average size, 1 1 by 0 6 Ladies, “ “ 1 3 “ 0 8 Countesses, “ “ 1 8 “. 0 10 Duchesses, “ “ 2 0 “ 1 0 Welsh rags, “ “ 3 0 “ 2 0 Queens, “ “ 3 0 “ 2 0 Imperials, “ “ - 2 6 “ 2 0 Patent Slate, “ “ 2 6 “ 2 0 The doubles are made from fragments of the larger kinds, and derive their name from their diminutive size. Ladies are similarly obtained. Countesses are a grada- tion above ladies; and Duchesses above countesses. Slate, like most either stony substances, is separated from its bed by the ignition of gunpowder. The blocks thus obtained, are, by the application of wedges, reduced into layers, called scantlings, from four to nine inches in thickness, and of any required length and breadth, which are afterwards sawn to the respective sizes by machinery. The blue, green, and purple, or darker kinds of slate, are, in general, found capable of being split into very thin laminae, or sheets; but those of the white or brownish freestone kind, can seldom be sepa— rated or divided so fine; consequently, these last form heavy, strong thick coverings, proper for buildings in exposed situations, such as barns, stables, and other out- houses. The instruments used in splitting and cleaning slates, are slate-knives, axes, bars, and wedges; the three first being used to reduce the slates into the required thick- nesses, and the last to remove the inequalities from the surface. . Imperial slating is particularly neat, and may be known by having its lower edge sawn; whereas all other slates used for covering are chipped square on their edges only. Patent slate was first brought into use by Mr. “Ty-tut, the architect; but a patent was never obtained. It de- rives its name from the mode adopted to lay it on the roofs ; it may be laid on a rafter of much ess elevation than any other, and is considerably lighter, by reason of the laps being less than is necessary for the common sort ofslating. This slitting was originally made from Welsh rags ,' but it; is now very frequently made from a" BUILDING. Imperials, which render it lighter, and also somewhat neater in appearance. IVestmoreland slate, from the experiments made by the late Bishop of Landafi', appears to differ a little in its natural composition from that obtained from Wales. It must, however, be remarked, that this kind of slate owes its lightness, not so much to any diversity in the compo- nent parts of the stone, as to the thinness to which it is reduced by the workman ; consequently, it is not so well calculated to resist aviolent winds as those which are heavier. Slates, when brought from the quarry, are not suf— ficiently square for the slater’s use ; he therefore picks up and examines the slates separately, and observes which is the strongest and squarest end ; then, seating himself, he holds the slate a little slanting upon, and projecting about an inch over the edge of a small block of wood, which is of the same height as his seat, and cuts away and makes straight one of its edges ; then, with a slip of wood, he gauges, and cuts off the other edge parallel to it, and squares the end. The slate is now considered . prepared for use, with the exception of perforating through its opposite ends two small holes, for the recep- tion of the nails which are to confine it to the roof. Copper and zinc nails, or iron nails tinned, are considered the best, being less susceptible of oxidation than nails 3 made of bar iron. Before we proceed further with the operations neces- account of the tools used by this class of artificers. Slaters’ tools are very few, which sometimes are found by the masters, and sometimes by the men. of wood at the other. knife, except that it has on its back a projecting piece of iron, about three inches in length, drawn to a sharp point. This tool is used to chip or cut all the slates to the required sizes. The ripper is also of iron, about the same length as the saixe; it has a very thin blade, about anginch and three quarters wide, tapered somewhat towards the top, where a round head projects over the blade about half an inch on each side ; it has also two little round notches in the two internal angles at their intersections. The handle of this tool is raised above the blade by a shoulder, which enables the workman to hold it firm. This instrument , is used in repairing old slating, and the application con- ‘ against both his wrists. The tool ‘ called the suite, is made of tempered iron, about sixteen inches in width, somewhat bent at one end, with ahandle for the slfltcs to 13y compactly and safely upon; for This tool is not unlike a large :3 163 . sists in thrusting the blade under the slates, so that the head, which projects, may catch the nail in the little notch at its intersection, and enable the workman to draw it out. During this operation the slate is sufficiently loosened to allow of its being removed, and another in- serted in its place. The hammer, which is somewhat difl'erentin shape to the ordinary tool of that name, is about five inches in height on the hammer or driving part, and the top is bent back, and ground to a tolerably sharp point, its lower or flat end, which is quite round, being about three quarters of an inch in diameter. On this side of the driving part is a small projection, with a notch in the centre, which is used as a claw to extract such. nails as do not drive satisfactorily. The shaving tool is used for getting the slates to a. smooth face for skirtings, floors for balconies, &c. It consists of an iron blade, sharpened at one of its ends like a chisel, and morticed through the centre of two round wooden handles, one fixed at one end, and the other about the middle of the blade. The blade is about eleven inches long, and two inches wide, and the handle is about ten inches long, so that they project about four inches on each side of the blade. In using this tool, the work- man places one hand on each side of the handle that is in the middle of the blade, and allows the other to press In this manner he removes all 1 the uneven parts from off the face of the slate, and gets sary in the slating of buildings, we shall give some ‘ it to a smooth surface. The other tools used by the slater consist of Chisels, gouges, and files of all sizes; by rneans of which he finishes the slates into mouldings and other required forms. In slating roofs, it is necessary to form a base or floor doubles and ladies, boarding is required, which must be laid very even with the joints close, and properly secured by nails to the rafters. This being completed, the slater provides himself with several slips of wood, called lilting fillets, about ten iches and a half wide, and three quar- ters of an inch thick on one edge, and chamferred to an arris on the other, which he nails down all round the extreme edges of the roof, beginning with the hips, if any, and if not, with the sides, eaves, and ridge. He next selects the largest of the slates, and arranges them regularly along the eavgs with their lower edges to a line, and nails them to the boarding. This part of the work being completed, he takes other slates to form the bond to the under sides of the eaves, and places them under 164 ' BUILDING. those previously laid, so as to cross and cover all their ' joints. Such slates are pushed up lightly under those which are above them, and are seldom nailed, but left ‘dependent for support on the weight of those above them, and their own weight on the boarding. The coun- tesses and all other descriptions of slates, when intended to be laid in a good manner, are also laid on boards. When the Slater has finished the eaves, he strains a line on the face of the upper slates, parallel to its outer edge, and as far from it as he deems suflicient for the lap of those he intends shall form the next course, which is laid and nailed even with the line, crossing the joints of the upper slates of the eaves. This lining and laying is continued close to to the ridge of the roof, observing throughout to cross the different joints, by laying the slates one above another. The same system is univer- sally followed in laying all the different sorts of slates, with the exception of those called patent slates, as are hereafter explained. The largest kind of slates are found to lay firm on battens, which are, consequently, much employed, and produce a very considerable saving of expense in large buildings. A batten is a narrow portion of board, about two inches and a half or three inches wide; four of them being commonly procured from an eleven inch board. For countess slates, battens three quarters of an inch thick, will be of adequate substance: but for the larger and heavier kinds, inch battens wiil be necessary. In battening a roof for slates, the battens are not placed at a uniform distance from each other, but so as to suit the length of the slates; and as these vary as they ap- . preach the apex, or ridge of the roof, it follows that the slater himself is the best judge where to fix them, so as best to support the slates. A roof, to be covered with patent slates, requires that the common rafters be left loose upon their purlines, as they must be so arranged that a rafter shall lie under every one of themeeting joints. Neither battening nor boarding is required for these slates. The number of rafters will depend on the width of the slates; hence if they be of a larger size, very few willsuflice. This kind .i’slating is likewise commenced at the eaves; but no crossing or bonding is required, as the slates are laid uniformly, with each end reaching to the centre of the rafter, and butted up to each other throughout the length ofthe roof. “Then the eaves-course is laid, the slates which compose it are screwed down to the rafters by two or three strong inch and half screws at each of their ends. A line is then strained about two inches below the upper edge, in order to guide the laying of the next course, which is laid with its lower edge touching the line. This lining, laying with a lap, and screwed down, is continued till the roof is completely covered. The joints are then secured by filleting, which consists in cov- ering all the meeting-joints with fillets of slate, bedded in glazier’s putty, and screwed down through the whole into the rafters. The fillets are usually about three inches wide, and of a length proportionate to that of the slates, whose joints they have to cover. These fillets are solidly bedded in the putty, and their intersecting joints are lapped similar to those of the slates. The fillets being so laid, and secured by one in the middle of the fillet and one in each lap, are next neatly pointed all round their edges with more putty, and then painted over with the color of the slate. The hips and ridges of such slating are frequently covered by fillets, which produce a very neat effect; but lead, which is not much dearer, is by far the best kind of covering for all hips and ridges. The patent slating may be laid so as to be perfectly water tight, with an elevation of the rafters considerably less than for any other slate or tile covering. The rise in each foot of length in the rafter is not required to be more than two inches, which, in a rafter of fifteen feet, will amount to only two feet six inches : a rise scarcely perceptible from the ground. . Slating is performed in several other ways, but the principles already explained embrace the most of them. Some workan shape and lay their slates in a lozenge form. This kind of work consists in getting all the slates to a uniform size, of the shape of a geometrical square. \Vlien laid on the roof, which must be boarded, they are bonded and lapped as in common slating. observing only to let the elbow, or half of the square, appear above each slate that is nextbeneath it, and be regular in the courses all over the roof. One nail or screw only can be used for such slating; hence it soon becomes dilapidated. It is commonly employed in places near to the eye, or where particular neatness is required. It has been ascertained, that a slate one inch thick will, in a horizontal pusition, support as much, in weight, as five inches of Portland stone similarly sitspended. Hence slates are now wrought and used in galleries, and other purposes, where it is essential to have strength and lightness combined. Slates are also fashioned into chim- ney pieces; but are incapable of receiving a polish like 3“. BUILDING. ‘ marble. It makes excellent skirtings of all descriptions, as well as casings to walls, where dilapidations or great wear and tear are to be expected. For these purposes, it is capable of being fixed with joints, equally as neat as wood; and may, if required, be painted over so as to appear like it. Staircases may also be executed in slate, which will produce a resemblance of marble. PLUMBING. Plumbing is the art of casting and working in lead, and using the same in the covering, and for other pur— poses in building. To the plumber is also confided the pump-work, as well as the making and forming of cisterns and reservoirs, . large or small closets, &c. for the purposes of domestic l economy. The plumber does not use a great variety of tools, because the ductility of the metal upon which be operates does not require it. The tools used, consist of an iron hammer, rather heavier than a carpenter’s, with a short thick handle; two or three wooden mallets of different sizes ; and a dress— ing and Ilatting tool. This last is of beech, about eighteen inches long, and two inches square, planed smooth and flat on the under surface, and rounded on the upper, and one of its ends i tapered off round as a handle. “’ith stretches out and flattens the sheet lead, or dresses it to the shape required, using first the flat side, then the round this tool he one, as occasion may require. The plumber has also occasion for a jack and trying 1 plane, similar to that of the carpenter. \Vith this he reduces the edges of sheet-lead to a straight line, when the purposes to which it is to be ap~ plied require it. His cutting tools consist of a variety of Chisels and l gouges as' well as knives. ' The latter ofvthese are used for cutting the sheet—lead } into slips and pieces after it has been marked out by the l chalk line. I Files of different sizes; ladles of three or four sizes, for melting the solder; and an iron instrument called grazing irons. These grozing-irons are of several sizes, generally 42 165 about twelve inches in length, tapered at both ends, the handle end being turned quite round, to allOw of its being firmly held while in use: the other end is a bulb of a spindle, or spherical shape, of a size proportioned to the soldering intended to be executed. ' They are, when re- quired for use, heated to redness. The plumber’s measuring rule is two feet in length, divided into three equal parts of eight inches each; two of its legs are of box-wood, duodecimally : divided ; and the third consists of a piece of slow—tempered steel, attached to one of the box legs by a pivot on which it turns, and falls, when not in use, intoa groove cut in such leg for its reception. This steel leg can be passed into places where the others cannot enter; and it is also use- ful for occasionally removing the oxide or any extraneous matters from the surface of the heated metal. Scales and weights are also necessary ; and he must be supplied with centre—bits of all sizes, for the purpose of making perforations in lead or wood, through which he may want to insert pipes, &c. Compasses, to strike circular pieces, to line or cover figures of that shape, are occasionally required. Lead is obtained from ore, and, from its being gen- ; erally combined with sulphur, it has been denominated ‘1 ‘su/p/uu‘ct.’ After the ore has been taken from its bed i it is smelted, first being picked, in order to separate the 3 auctions and rich, or genuine ore from the stony matrix, ' and other impurities; the picked ore is then pounded ‘ under stampers worked by machinery, and afterwards washed to carry off the remainder of the matrix, which could not be separated in picking. It is next put into a reverbatory furnace, to be roasted ,' during which opera- tion, it is repeatedly stirred, to facilitate the evaporation of the sulphur. then the surface begins to assume the appearance of alpaste, it is covered with charcoal, and : well shaken together: the fire is then increased, and the purified lead flows down on all sides into the basin of the - furnace, whence it runs off into moulds prepared for its reception. The moulds are capable of receiving 154 lbs. of lead each, and their contents, when cool, are, in the commercial world, called pigs. Lead is of a bluish-white color, and when newly melted, or cut, is quite bright; but it soon becomes tarnished on exposure to the atmosphere; assuming first a dirty grey color, and afterwards becomes white. It is capable of being hammered into very thin plates, and may be drawn into wire ; but its tenacity is very inferior to that of other metals; for a leaden wire, the hundred .166 and twentieth part of an inch in diameter, is only capa- ble of supporting about 18 lb. without breaking. Lead, next to tin, is the most fusible of all metals; and if a stronger heat be applied, it boils and evaporates. If cooled.slowly, it crystallizes. The change of its external color is owing to its gradual combination with OXygen, which converts its exterior surface into an oxyd. This outward crust, however, preserves the rest of the metal for a long time, as the air can penetrate but very slowly. Lead is not acted upon immediately by water, though that element greatly facilitates the action of the air upon it: for it is known that, when lead is exposed to the atmosphere, and kept constantly wet, the process of oxi- dation takes place much more rapidly than it does under other circumstances : hence the white crust that is to be observed on the sides of leaden vessels containing water, just at the place where the surface of the water termi- nates. ' Lead is purchased by plumbers, in pigs, and they reduce it into sheets or pipes, as they have occasion. Of sheet lead they have two kinds, cast and milled. The former is used for covering flat roofs of buildings, laying of terraces, forming gutters, lining reservoirs, 650.; and the latter, which is very thin, for covering the hips and ridges of roofs. This last they do net manufacture themselves, but purchase it of the lead merchants, ready prepared. For the casting of sheet lead, a copper is provided, and well fixed in masonry, at the upper end of the work shop, near the mould or casting table, which consists of strong boards, well jointed together, and bound with bars of iron at the ends. The sides of this table, of which the shape is a parallelogram, vary in size from four to six feet in width, and from sixteen to eighteen feet and upwards in length, and are guarded by a frame or edging of wood, three inches thick and four or five inches higher than the interior surface, called the shafts. This table is fixed upon firm legs, strongly framed together, about six or seven inches lower than the top of the copper. At the upper end of the mould, nearest the copper, is a box, called the pan, which is adapted in its length to the breadth of the table, having at its bottom a long horizon- tal slit, from which the heated metal is to issue, when it has been poured in from the copper. This box moves upon rollers along the surface of the rim of the table, and is put in motion by means of ropes and pulleys, fiXed to beams above. While the metal is melting, the BUILDING. _ surface of the mould, or table, is prepared by cOVering it with a stratum of dry and clean sand, regularly smoothed over with a kind of rake, called a strike, which consists of a board about five inches broad, and rather longer than the inside of the mould, so that its ends, which are notched about two inches deep, may ride upon the shafts. This being passed down the whole length of the table, reduces the sand to an uniform surface. The pan is now brought to the head of the table, close to the copper, its sides having previously been guarded by a coat of moistened sand, to. prevent its firing from the heat of the metal, which is now put in by ladles from the copper. These pans or boxes, it must be observed, are made to contain the quantity of melted lead which is required to cast a whole sheet at one time ; and the slit in. the bottom is so adjusted as to let out, during its progress along the table, just as much as will completely cover it of the thickness and weight per foot required. livery thing being thus prepared, the slit is opened, and the box moved along the table, dispensing its contents from the top to the bottom, and leaving in its progress a sheet of lead of the desired thickness. “rhen cool the sheet is rolled up and removed from the table, and other sheets are cast, till all the metal in the copper is exhausted. The sheets thus formed are then rolled up and kept for use. In some places, instead of having a square box upon wheels, with a slit in the bottom, the pan consists of a kind of trough, being composed of two planks nailed together at right angles, with two triangular pieces fitted The length of this pan, as well as that of the box, is equal to the whole breadth in between them, at their ends. of the mould. It is placed with its bottom on a bench at the head of the table, leaning with one side against it: to the 0pp0site side is fixed a handle, by which it may be On the are two iron hooks, to hold it to the table, and prevent it from slipping while the metal is being poured into the mould. The mould, as well as the pan, is spread over, about two inches thick, with sand sifted and moistened, and rendered perfectly level by moving over it the strike, and smoothing it down with a plane of polished brass, about a quarter of an inch thick, and nine inches square, turned up on the edges. Before they proceed to casting the lead, the strike is made ready by tacking two pieces of old hat on the lifted up in order to pour out the liquid metal. side of the pan next the mould BUILDING. notches, or by covering the notches with leather cases, so as to raise the under side of the strike, about an eighth of an inch or more, above the sand, according to the proposed thickness of the sheet. The face or underside of the strike is then smeared with tallow, and laid across the breadth of the mould, with its ends resting on the shafts. The melted lead is then put into the pan with ladles ; and, when a sufi'icient quantity has been put in, the scum is swept off with a piece of board, and suffered to settle on the coat of sand, to prevent its falling into the mould, when the metal is poured out. It generally hap- pens, that the lead, when first taken from the copper, is too hot for casting; it is therefore suffered to cool in the pan, till it begins to stand with a shell or wall on the sand with which the pan is lined. Two men then take the pan by the handle, or one of them takes it by means of a bar or chain fixed to a beam in the ceiling, and turn it down, so that the metal runs into the mould: while another man stands ready with the strike, and, as soon as all the metal is poured in, sweeps it forward and draws the residue into a trough at the bottom, which has been prepared to receive it. The sheet is then rolled up, as before. In this mode of operation, the table inclines in its length about an inch or an inch and a half, in the length of sixteen or seventeen feet, or more, according to the i the thinner the sheet The lower required thickness of the sheets: the greater the declivity; and vice versa. end of the mould is also left Open, to admit of the super- fluous metal being thrown ofl‘. When a cistern is to be cast, the size of the four sides 3 is measured out; and the dimensions of the from having ‘ been taken, slips of wood, on which the mouldings are 3‘ carved, are pressed upon? the sand. Figures of birds, ,3 beasts, &c. are likewise stamped in the internal area, by means of leaden moulds. If any part of the sand has been disturbed in doing this, it is made smooth, and the process of casting goes on as for plain sheets ; except that instead of rolling up the lead when cast, it is bent into four sides, so that the two ends, when they are soldered together may be joined at the back : the bottom is afterwards soldered up. The lead which lines the Chinese tea—boxes'is reduced to a thinness which our plumbers cannot, it is said, ap- proach. The following account of the process was com- municated by an intelligent East-Indian, in a letter which appeared in the Gentleman’s Magazine. ‘ The caster sits by a pot, containing the melted metal, and has two l 167 large stones, the lower one fixed and the upper one ‘ moveable, having their surfaces of contact ground to each other, directly before him. He raises the upper stone by pressing his foot upon its side, and with an iron ladle pours into the opening a sufficient quantity of the fluid metal. 'He then lets fall the upper stone, and thus forms the lead into an extremely thin and irregular plate which is afterwards cut into its required form.’ Cast sheet-lead, used for architectural purposes, is technically divided into 5 1b. 51} lb. 6 lb. 6.; lb. 71b. 7% lb. 8 lb. and 8.} 1b.: by which is understood, that every superficial foot is to contain thoSe respective weights, according to the price agreed upon. The milled lead used by plumbers is very thin, sel-V dom containing more than 5 lb. to the foot. It is by no means adapted to gutters or terraces, nor, indeed, to any part of a building that is much exposed either to i great wear or to the effects of the sun’s rays: in the l and cracks. former case, it soon wears away; in the latter, expands It is laminated in sheets of about the same 2 size as those of cast lead, by means ofa roller, or flat- ting-mill. Lead-pipes are sometimes made of sheet-lead, by beating it on round wooden cylinders of the length and dimensions required, and then soldering up the edges. Solder is used to secure the joints of work in lead, which by other means would be impossible. It should ' be easier of fusion than the metal intended to be soldered, ‘ and should be as nearly as possible of the same color. - The plumber therefore uses, what is technically called 80ft solder, which is a compound of equal parts of tin and lead, melted together and run into moulds. In this state it is sold by the manufacturer by the pound. In the operation of soldering, the surfaces or edges ‘ intended to be united are'scraped very clean,and brought V cl se up to each other, in which state they are held by an assistant while the plumber applies a little resin on ‘ the joints, in order to prevent the oxidation of the metal. ii The heated solder is then brought in a ladle and poured on the joint; after which itis smoothed and finished by rubbing itaboutwith a red-hot soldering iron ; when com- pleted, is made smooth by filing. In the covering of roofs or terraces with lead, (the sheets, never exceeding six feet in breadth,) it becomes necessary in large surfaces, to have joints; which are managed several ways, but in all, the chief object is to have them water-tight. The best plan of effecting this, is to form laps or roll joints, which is done by having a 168 BUILDING. roll, or strip of wood, about two inches square, but rounded on its upper side, nailed under the joints of the sheets, where the edges lap over each other; one of these edges is to be dressed up over the roll on the inside, and the other is to be dressed over them both on the outside, by which means the water is prevented from penetrating. No other fastening is requisite than what is required from the hammering of the sheets together down upon the flat; nor should any other he resorted to when sheet-lead is exposed to the vicissitudes of the weather; because it expands and shrinks, which, if prevented by too much fastening, would cause it to crack'and become useless. It sometimes, however, occurs, that rolls cannot be used, and then the method ofjoining by seams is resorted to. This consists in, simply bending the approximate edges of the lead up and over each other, and then dressing them down close to the flat, throughout their length. But this is not equal to the roll, either for neatness or security. Lead flats and gutters should always be laid‘with a current, to keep them dry. About a quarter of an inch to the foot is a sufiicient inclination. In laying gutters, &c., pieces of milled lead, called flushing, about eight or nine inches wide, are fixed in the walls, all round the edges of the sheet lead, with which the flat is covered, and are suffered to hang down over them, so as to prevent the passage of rain_.through the interstice between the raised edge and the wall. If the walls have beenpreviOUsly huilt,the mortar is raked out of thejoint of the bricks next above the edge of the sheet, and the flushings are not only inserted into the crack at. the upper sides, but their lower edges are likewise dressed over those of the lead in the flat, or gutter. When neither ofthese modes can be resorted to, the flushings down as before. Drips in flats, or gutters, are formed by raising one part above another, and dressing the lead, as already described, for covering the rolls. They are resorted to when the gutter or flat exceeds the length of the sheet; or sometimes for convenience. They are also an useful expedient to avoid soldering thejoints. Sheet-lead is also used in the lining of reservoirs, which are made either of wood or masonry. As these conveniences are seldom in places subject to material changes of temperature, recourse may be had to the soldering without fear of its damaging the work, by pro- moting a disposition to crack. The pumps which come under the province of the plumber, are confined generally to two or three kinds used for domestic purposes, of which the suction and lifting pumps are the chief: these, as well as water closets, are manufactured by a particular set of workmen, and sold to the plumber, who furnishes the lead pipes, and fixes them in their places. Plumber’s work is generally estimated by the pound, or hundred weight; but the weight may be discovered by measurement in the following manner: sheet-lead used in roofing and guttering is commonly between seven and twelve pounds to the square foot; but the following table exhibits the particular weight of a square foot for each of the several thicknesses. Thickness. ’lbs. to a sq. foot. Thickness. lbs. to :1 sq. foot. l .111 5.699 l .15 8.848 t .11 6.489 l .16 9.438 f g, 6.554 .3, 9.8:; .12 7.078 .17 10.0738 ,1. 7.373 .18 10.618 .13 7.668 .19 11.2117 l .14 8.258 % 11797 % i 8.427 l .21 :12387 i In this table the thickness is set down in tenths and hundredths, &c. of an inch ; and tlieannexed correspond— ing numbers are the weights in avoirdupois pounds and thousandth part of a pound; so that the weight of a square foot of one tenth of an inch thick, 10-1001hs, is 5 lbs. and 899 thousandth parts of a pound; and the weight of a square foot 1<9th of a inch in thickness, is 6 pounds and 5.34 thousandths of a pound. Leaden i‘pipe ofan inch bore, is connnonly 13 or 11 lbs. to the are fastened by wall-hooks, and then lower edges dressed yard in length. GLAZING. The business of this class of artificers consists in put- ting glass into sashes and easements. Glaziers’ work may be classed under three distinct heads, sash-work, lead-work, and fret—work. The tools requisite for the performances of the first of these departments are, a diamond, a ranging lath, a short lath, a square, a rule, a glazing-knife, a cutting-chisel, a . I, BUILDING. beading hammer, duster and sash-tool ; and in addition for stopping in squares, a hacking-knife and hammer. The diamond is a speck of that precious stone, polished to a cutting point, and set in brass on an iron socket, to receivea wooden handle, which is so set as to be held in the hand in the cutting direction. The top of the handle goes between the root of the fore—finger and the middle-finger,_and the hinder part between the point of the fore-finger and thumb ; there is, in general, a notch in the side of the socket, which should be held next to the lath. Some diamonds have more cuts than one. Plough diamonds have a sqttare nut on the end of the socket, next the glass, which, on running the nut square on the side of the lath, keeps it in the cutting direc- tion. Glass grinders have these plough diamonds without long handles, as, in cutting their curious productions, they cannot apply a lath, but direct them by the point of their middle—finger, gliding along the edge of the glass. The ranging lath must be long enough to extend rather beyond the boundary of the table of glass. Ranging of glass is the cutting it in breadths as the work may require, and is best done by one uninterrupted cut from one end to the other. The square is used in cutting the squares from the range, that they may with greater certainty be cut at right angles. The glazing-knife is used forlaying in the putty in the rabbets of the sash, for binding in the glass, and for finishing the front putty. 0f the glass used in building, three qualities are in common use, denominated, best, second, and third. The best is that which is the purest metal and free of blemishes, as blisters, specks, streaks, &c.; the second is inferior, from its not being so free from these blemishes; and the third is still inferior, both in regard to quality and color, being of greener hue. They are sold at the same price per crate; but the number of tables varies according to the quality. Best twelve, second fifteen, and third eighteen tables. These tables are circular when manufactured, and about four feet. in diameter, having in the centre a knot, to which, in the course of the process, the flashing red was fixed; but for the safety of carriage, and conveni- ence of handling as well as utility in practice, a segment is cut off about four inches from the knot. The large piece with the knot still retains the name of table; the smaller piece is technically called a slab. From these tables being of a given size, it is reasonable to suppose 43 169 that, when the dimensions of squares are such as cut the glass to waste, the price should be advanced. A superior kind of glass may be obtained at some of the first houses in LondOn, which is very flat and of large dimensions; some of it being 2 feet 8 inches by 2 feet 1 inch ; these are sold only in squares. Rough glass is well adapted to baths, and other places of privacy; one side is ground with emery or sand, so that no objects can be seen through it, though the light be still transmitted. The glass called Gervmawsheet, is of a superior kind, as it can be had of much larger dimensions than common glass; it is also of a purer substance, and for these reasons, is frequently appropriated to picture frames. Squares may be had of the astonishing size of 3 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 1 inch, and 4 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 8 inches, and under. The glass is first blown in the form of a globe, and afterwards flatted in a furnace, in consequence of which it has a very forbidding appearance from the outside, the surface being uneVen. Plate glass is the most superior in quality, substance, and flatness, being cast in plates, and polished. The quantity of metal it contains must be almost, if not altogether, colorless; that sort which is tinged being of an inferior quality. Plate glass, when used in sashes, is peculiarly magnificent; and it can be had of larger di- mensions than any other kind of glass. Stained glass is of different color, as red, orange, yel- low, green, blue, and purple. These colors are fixed by burning, and are as durable as the glass. In this country, window glass is used of various sizes, from 7 inches by 9 inches to 12 by 20 inches. It is packed by the manufacturers in boxes, containing 50 or 100 square superficial feet. There are many manufacto- ies of this article in the United States, which usually produce glass of good quality ; but the reputation of Bos- ton crown glass stands decidedly higher than ofany other, either of foreign or domestic manufacture. Plate glass is not munufacturedin this country. The ‘New England Company,’ in Boston, manufacture stained glass in a style not surpassed in Europe. Glass can be bent to circular sweeps, which is much used in London for shop windows, and is carried to great perfection in covers, for small pieces of statua- ary, 6L0. The application of stained glass to the purposes of 170 glazingvi‘é‘ called fret-work. This description of work consists of working ground and stained glass, in fine lead, into different patterns. In many cases, family arms and other devices are worked .in it. It is a branch capable 'of great improvement, but at present is ‘much neglected. Old pieces are very much esteemed, though the same expens’e would furnish elegant modern productions. They are placed in halls and staircase windows, or in some particular church windows. In many instances they are introduced where there is an unpleasant aspect, in a place of particular or genteel resort. Lead-work is used in inferior offices, and is in general practice all through the country. Frames intended to receive these lights are made with bars across, to which the lights are fastened by leaden bars, called saddle bars, and where openings are wanted, acasement is introduced either of wood or iron. Sometimes a sliding frame answers the same‘purposes. Church windows are gen- erally made in this manner, in quarries or in sq tares. The tools with which this work is performed are in addition to the foregoing, as follow: — A vice, with different cheeks and cutters to turn out, the different kinds of lead, as the tnagnitute of the win- dow or the squares may require. The German vices, which are esteemed the best, are furnished with moulds, and turn out lead in a variety of sizes. by the milk which turns them out with two sides parallel to each other, and about % of an inch broad, with a par— tition connecting the two sides together, about ,1; of an inch wide, forming 011 each side a gtoove, neatly by? 1 of an inch, and about (3 feet long. Besides a vice and moulds, there are a setting-board latterkin, setting/curfe, resin box, tin, glazing irons, and clips. The setting- board Is that in which the ridge of the light ls marked and divided into squares, struck ottt with a chalk line, or drawn with a lath, which serves to guide the workmen. One side and end 18 squared with a pro- jecting bead or fillet The latterkin 1s a piece of hard wood pointed, to 11111 in the gtoove of the lead, and widen it for the easier reception of the glass. The setting-knife consists of a blade with a round point, loaded with lead at the bottom, and terminating in along square handle. The square end of the handle serves to force the square of glass tight in the lead. All the intersections are soldered on both sides, except the The bars of lead cast in these vices are received 5 {1" , . are." 3“? BUILDING. outside joints of the outer sides; that is ,where they come to the outet edge. These lights should be cemented by pooling thin paint along the lead bats,a11d filling tip the chasms with dry whiting, to which, after the oil in the .paint has secreted a little, a little more dry whiting, or white lead, must be added. This will dry hard, and resist the action of the atmosphere. , PAINTING. Painting, as applied to purposes of building, is the application of artiticial colors, compounded either with oil or water, in ett1l:cllishing and preserving wood, &c. This branch of painting is termed economical, and a'iplles more immediately to the power which oil and varnishes possess, of preventing the action of the atmos- phere upon wood, iron and stucco, by interposing an artificial surface; but it is here intended to use the term more generally, in allusion to the decorative part, and as it is employed by the architect, throughout e1e1y part of his work, both externally and internally. In every branch of painting in oil, the general pro- ce ss cs s‘are vety sirnilar,01 with such variations only, as readily occur toth e workman. The first coatings, or layers, if on wood or iron, ought always to be of ceruse or white lead, of the best quality, previously ground very fine itt nut or linseed oil, either as that mode is too tedious for large quantities, passed through a mill. If used 011 shutters, doors, or \vainscotings, made of pine, it is very requisite to destroy the etlects of the knots ; which are generally so completelysaturated with turpentine, as t01e11de1 it, pethaps, one of the most ditlitult ploces ses in this business. over a stone with a muller, or, Tire best mode in connnon cases, is to pass a brush over the knots, with ceruse ground in water, bound by a size made of parclnnent or glue ; when that is dry, paint the knots with white lead, ground in oil, to which add some powerful siccative, or dryer, as red-lead, or litharge of lead; about one part of the lat; ter. These must be laid very smoothly in the direction of the grain of the wood. \Vlren the last coat is dry, smooth it with pumice- stone, or give it the first coat of paint, prepared or diluted with nut or linseed oil; after which, when sufliciently dry, all the nail—holes or other irregularities on the sur— r1,l' imitates.» ,\ BUILDING. face must be carefully stopped with a. composition of oil and Spanish white, commonly known by the name of putty. The work must then be painted with white-lead and oil, somewhat diluted with the essence of oil of tur— pentine, which process should, if the work be intended to be left of a plain white or stone-color, be repeated not less than three or four times; and if of the latter color, a small quantity of ivory or lamp-black should be added. : But if the work is to be finished of any other color, either grey, green, &0. it will be requisite to provide for such color, after the third operation, particularly if it is to be finished flat, or as the painters style it, dead-white, grey, ‘ fawn, doc. In order to finish the work flatted or dead, which is a mode much to be preferred for all superior works, not only for its appearance, but also for preserv- ing the color and purity of the tint, one coat of the flat— ted color, or color mixed up with a considerable quantity of turpentine, will be found sufficient; although in large surfaces it will be frequently requisite to give two coats of the flailing color, to make it quite complete. Indeed, on stucco it will be almost a general rule. In all the foregoing operations, it must be observed that some sort of dryer is absolutely requisite; a very “ general and useful one is made by grinding in linseed, or perhaps, prepared oils boiled are better, about two parts of the best white copperas, which must be well dried ‘ with one part of litharge of lead: the quantity to be added will much depend on the dryness or humidity oi" the atmosphere, at the time of painting, as well as the local situation of the building. that there is a sort of copperas made in England, and said to be used for some purposes in medicine, that not only does not assist the operation of drying in the colors, ‘, but absolutely preVents these colors drying which would I otherwise have done so in the absence of all this cop- peras. The best dryer for all fine whites, and other delicate tints, is sugar of lead, ground in nut-oil, but being very active, :1 small. quantity, about the size of a walnut, will be sufficient for twenty pounds of color, when the basis is white-lead. It will be always necessary to caution painters tovkeep their utensils, brushes, (Sec. very clean, as the color would otherwise soon become very foul, so as to destroy the surface of the work. If this should happen, the color must pass through a fine seive, or canvass, and the surface of the work be carefully rubbed down with sand-paper or pumice-stone ; the latter should be ground in water, if the paint be tender, or recently ‘ than when prepared on brick. It may here be noticed, § ' will be advantageous. laid on. , The above may suffice as -to. painting on wood, either on inside or outside Work, the former being seldom finished otherwise than in oil : four or .five coats are . generally sufficient. It does not appear that painting in oil can be service- able in stucco, unless the walls have been erected a sufficient time to permit the mass of brick-work to have acquired a sufficient degree of dryness. When stucco is on battened work, it may be painted over much sooner Indeed, the greatest part of the art of painting stucco, so as to stand or wear well, consists in attending to these observations; for whoever has observed the expansive power of water, not only in congelation, but also in evaporation, must be well aware that when it meets with any foreign body, obstructing its escape, as oil painting for instance, it immediately resists it, forming a number of vesicles or particles, containing an acrid lime-water, which forces off the. layers of plaster, and frequently causes large defective patches, not easily to be eradicated. ’ Perhaps in general cases, where persons are building on their own estates, or for themselves, two or three years are not too long to suffer the stucco to remain unpainted, though frequently, in speculative works, as many weeks are scarcely allowed to pass. The foregoing precautions being attended to, there can be no better mode adopted for priming, or laying on the first coat on stucco, than by linseed or nut-oil, boiled with dryers before mentioned; taking care, in all cases not to lay on too much, so as to render the surface rough and irregular, and not more than the stucco will absorb. It should then be covered with three or four coats of white lead, prepared as described for painting or wain- scoting, allowing each coat sufficient time to dry hard. If time will permit, two or three days between each layer “'hen the stucco is intended to he finished in any given tint, as grey, light green, doc. it. will then be proper, about the third coat. of painting, to prepare the ground for such a tint, by a slight advance towards it. blue, ivory-black, and lake; sage-green, pea, and sea— greens, with white, Prussian-blue, and fine yellows; apricot and peach, with lake, white, and Chinese vermil- lion: fine yellow fawn color, with burnt terra sienna, or umber and white; and olive-greens, with fine Prussian- blues, and Oxfordshire ochre. Distemper, or painting in water-colors mixed with size stucco or plaster, which is intended to be painted Grey is made with white lead, Prussian- ‘172 l . ' BUILDING. in oil when finished, but not being sufliciently dry to receive the oil, may have a coating in water—colors, of any given tint required, in order to give a more finished ap- pearance to that part of the building. Straw-colors may be made with French whites and ceruse, or white-lead and masticot, 01' Dutch pink. Greys, full, with some whites and refiners’ verditer. An inferior gr‘éy may be made with blue-black, or bone-black and indigo. Pea- greens, with French green, Olympian green,~&c. Fawn color, with burnt terra de sienna, or burnt 'u‘mber and white, and so of any intermediate tint. The colors should all be ground very fine, and mixed with whiting and a size made with parchment, or some similar sub— stance. Less than two coats will not be sufficient to cover the plaster, and bear out with a uniform appear- ance. It must be recollected, that when the stucco is sufficiently dry, and it is desirable to have it painted in oil, the whole of the water-colors ought to be removed, which may be easily done by washing, and when quite dry, proceed with it after the direction given on oil paint- ing 1n stucco. If oil plastering has become disfigured by stains, or other blemishes, and if it be desired to have it painted . in distemper, it is, in this case, advisable to give the old ‘ plastering, when properly cleaned off and prepared, one ‘ coat, at least, of white-lead ground in oil, and used with spirits of turpentine, which will generally fix old stains ; i and when quite dry, take water-colors very kindly. BRIDGES. [ML Ithiel Town’s improvement in the construction of Bridges, being considered preferable to any mode of bridge-building yet laid before the public, it has been thought best, in this department of the work, to give his arguments, and description in his own words ; and to refer the reader to the Introduction for such additional facts and remarks, as has been thought necessary to lay before him, in order to‘ give him a more perfect un- derstanding of this important branch of his profession.] PLATE 99. A DESCRIPTION OF ITHIEL TOWN’S IMPROVEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF WOODEN AND IRON BRIDGES 3 INTENDED AS A GENERAL SYSTEM OF BRIDGE-BUILD- ING FOR. RIVERS, CREEKS, AND HARBORS, OF \VHAT- EVER KIND OF BOTTOMS, AND FOR. ANY PRACTI- CABLE \VIDTH OF SPAN OR OPENING, IN EVERY PART OF THE COUNTRY. To establish a general mode of constructing wooden and iron Bridges, and which mode of construction shall, at the same time, be the most simple, permanant, and economical, both in erecting and repairing, has been, for a long time a desideratum of great importance to a coun— try so extensive, and interspersed with so many wild and majestic rivers, as ours is. It has been too much the custom for architects and builders to pile together mate- rials, each according to his own ideas of the scientific principles and practice of Bridge-building, and the result has been, 1st. That nearly as many modes of construc- tion have been adopted as there have been bridges built. 2d. That many have answered no purpOse at all, and others but very poorly, and for a short time, while most of the best ones have cost a sum which deters and puts 44 ‘ it out of the power of probably five-sixths of those inter- ested in ferries, to substitute bridges, which would obvi- ate the many dangers and delays incident to them. That architects and butlders adhere to their own ideas in the construction not only of bridges, but of buildings, is most universally true; they are obstinately opposed to the adoption of any other mode than their own, con- sequently it is as true, and it is seen to he so, through- out the country, (and it is much to be regretted,) that in very few instances either in erecting bridges or build- ings, there is any model, either uniform, or, in general, very good. But in bridges and public buildings, it would seem, something better might be expected, if men scien- tifically and practically acquainted with such subjects, would step forward, in a disinterested manner, and de- termine between principles which are philosophical, and those which are not, and between modes of execution which are founded in practice and experience, and those which are founded in ignorance and inexperience ; and in matters of taste, if they would determine in favor of classic and well-established taste, and that which is the offspring of unimproved minds and whimsical fancies, which are ever upon the rack to establish new things, the creation of their own imaginations; and which are 174 therefore sure to be wrong, for this good reason, that their authors are so. Perhaps the following proposition comprises what is the most important io be determined with regard to a general system of Bridge-building, viz. By what construction or arrangement will the'least quantity ‘of materials, and cost of labor, erect abridge of any practicable span or opening between piers or abut- ments, to be the strongest and most permanent, and to ad— . mit of the easiest repair? I In giving the best answer». to this proposition, which I I am capable of, after a number of years’ attention to the I theory and practice of this subject,_I shall refer to Plate 99. The mode of construction is so simple and plain to inspection, as to require little explanation ofit. FIG. 1, is an elevation of one of the trusses of a bridge; one, two, or three of those trusses placed verti- cally upon piers, are to be considered as the support of the bridge, and are to be of a height, at least, sufficient to admit a wagon to pass under the upper beams, which lie horizontally upOn the top string-piece of the side trusses ; and onthese same side—string pieces, rest the feet ofrafters which form a roof to shingle upon. In this case, a middle truss is used, which will always be necessary in bridges of considerable'width; the height of it will be as much greater than the side ones as the height or pitch of the roof. The height of the trusses must be equal to the whole height of the bridge required, and is to be an exact continuation of the work represented in FIG. 1. The height of the trusses is to be proportioned to the width of the openings between the piers or abutments, and may be about one—tenth of the openings, when the piers are fifteen feet or more apart—a less span re- quiring about the same height, for the reasons before stated. - The diagonal bearing of these trusses is composed ofsawed plank ten or eleven inches wide, and from their to three and a half inches thick; it may be sawed from l any timber that will last well, when kept dry. White pine and spruce are probably the best kinds of timber for the purpose, on account of their lightness, and their not being so subject to spring or warp as white oak. The nearer those braces are placed to each other, the more strength will the truss have, and in no case are they to be halved or gained, where they intersect each other ; but they are to stand in close contact, depending entirely on three or four trunnels, which go through each joint or intersection, and where the string-pieces pass BRIDGES. over these joints the trunnels go through them also, and are each of them wedged at each end to keep the timber in close contact: a chain or clamp is necessary to bring the work tight together. . Trunnels may be made of white oak, one and a half inches in diameter. They are made very cheaply and excellently, by being rived out square, and driven while green or wet, through a tube fitted to a block and ground to an edge at the top end; they are then to be seasoned, before they are used. The string-pieces are composed of two thicknesses of plank, ofabout the same dimensions as the braces, and they are so put together as to break joints as shown at FIG. 4.. This renders long hewn timber unnecessary, as also any labor in making splices, and putting on iron work. For any span or opening, not exceeding one hundred and thirty feet, one string-piece at top and one at bottom of each truss, if of a good proportion and well secured, will be sufficient; but as the span is extended beyond one hundred and thirty feet, two or more at top and bottom would be required, as shown in FIG. 1, where two string—pieces run over the two upper and lower series of joists or intersections of the braces, and in wide spans the floor-beams may be placed on the second string-piece, as shown at FIG. 1. FIG. 5, shows on a larger scale how each joint is secured, by which it is seen that the trunnels take hold of the whole thickness of each piece. FIG. 4, is a section of a bridge of this construction, and shows the manner in which the braces and string» pieces come together, and also the manner of making the floor of the bridge, and of butting beams and braces overhead, which are to be connected with the middle truss for the purpose of bracing the bridge against lateral rack or motion. Very flat pitched roofs will be prefera— ble, as it will, in that case, be a greater support to the upper part of the bridge. a a. a a, FIG. 1, show the elevation of the roof. FIG. 2, is the floor or plan of the bridge, showing the mode of bracing and the floor-joist. FIG. 4, is a View of the bottom or top edge of the string-piece, and shows how the joints are broke in using the plank, and also how the trunnels are dis- turbed. This mode of construction will have the same advan- tages in iron as in wood, and some in cast-iron which wood has not, viz. that of reducing the braces in size An... V “W 5"" '~\’\‘-'\<"\‘ mm“ m 1:“ :\. w (m was! '13 )l‘i .21 mm” par/,7. J l“ H i PAL ’(“( VW x J 4;}; I. 4\ AVA/AVA /\\'//\\'\f/\\'/\\//\\,/\\/ V/\\// V/ V/ \/7\\ /\\ A! fig fx\’ /\ A //\\// \ /\\/, gm - /~§ //\\ //,-\//,\ 44x1); 4313/, y/ \ ~/\ /\ W, , film 2. ""I'P‘l" _.- .srr'rp‘ ,BRIDGES. between the joints, and of casting flaunches to them where they intersect, thereby making it unnecessary to have more than one bolt and nut to each joint or inter- section. When it is considered that bridges, covered from the weather, will last seven or eight times as long as those not covered, and that the cheapness of this tnode will admit of its being generally adopted, with openings or spans between piers composed of piles, and at a dis- tance of one hundred and twenty to one hundred and sixty feet apart, then the construction of long bridges over mud bottomed rivers, like those at 'Washington, 1 Boston, Norfolk, Charleston, 65c. will be perceived to . be of great importance, especially as the common mode , of piling is so exposed to freshets, uncommon tides, drift wood, and ice, as not to ensure safety or economy in covering them, and consequently continual repairs and often rebuilding them, become necessary. There is very little, if any, doubt that one halfof the expense, computing stock and interest, that would be required to keep up, for one hundred years, one of the common pile bridges, like those at Boston, would be sufficient to maintain one built in this new mode, keep it covered, and have all or nearly all the piers built with stone at the end of the one hundred years. If this be the case, it would be great economy to commence rebuilding, by The saving, in the one article of floor-planks, if kept dry, would be very great, as by degrees, in this manner. being so much wet they rot and wear out in about half the time. For aqueduct bridges of wood or iron, no other mode can be as cheap or answer as well; this mode has equal advantages also in supporting wide roofs of buildings, centres of wide arches in masonry, trussed floorings, partitions, sides of wood towers, steeples, dcc. 61.0. of public buildings, as it requires nothing more than common planks instead of long timber-being much cheaper, easier to raise, less subject to wet or dry rot, and requiring no iron work. Some of the advantages of constructing bridges ac- cording to this mode are the following: 1. There is no pressure against abutments or piers, as arched bridges have, and consequently perpendicular supports orily are necessary; this saving in wide arches is very great, sometimes equal to a third part of the whole expense of the bridge. 2. The shrinking of timber has little or no effect, as the strain upon each plank of the trusses, both of the 175 I wise of the wood. ‘ , W, 3. Suitable timber can be easily procured arid aned at common mills, as it requires no large or long tim- ber — defects in timber may be discovered, and wet and dry rot prevented much more easily than could be in large timber. 4. There is no iron work required, which at best is not safe, especially in frosty weather. 5. It has less motion than is common in bridges, and which is so injurious and frequently fatal to bridges— and being in a horizontal line, is much less operated upon by winds. 6. A level road-way is among the most important advantages of this tnode of construction. 7. The side-trusses serve as a frame to cover upon, and thereby save any extra weight of timber, except the covering itself—and the importance and economy of covering bridges from the weather, is too well under- stood to need reommendation after the experience which this country has already had. 8. Draws for shipping to pass through, may with per- fect safety be introduced in any part of the bridge, without weakening as in arched bridges, where the strength and safety of the arches depend so much on their pressure against each other and abutments, that a ; draw, by destroying the connection, weakens the whole superstructure. 9. The great number of nearly equal parts or joints into which the strain, occasioned by a great weight upon the bridge, is divided, is a very important advantage over any other mode, as by dividing the strain or stress : into so many parts, that which falls upon any one part or joint is easily sustained by it without either the mode of securing the joints, or the strength of the materials being sufficient. ' 10. The expense of the superstructure of a bridge would not be more than frotn one half to two-thirds of other modes of constructing one over the same span or opening; this is a very important consideration, espe- cially in the southern and western States, where there are many wide rivers, and a very scattered population to defray the expenses of bridges. 11. This mode of securing the braces by so many trunnels, gives them much more strength when they are in tension-strain than could be had in the common mode of seeming them by means of tenons and mortices; for tenons being short, and not very thick, compared with 176 this mode, not having so moch hold of the pins or trun- nels as in this case, will, of course, have much less power to sustain a tension or pulling strain; and it is obvious that this strain is in many cases equal to, and in others greater than, the thrust or pushing strain. It is also very obvious, that this pushing or thrust strain in the niode of tenons and mortices receives very little addi- . .tional strength from the shoulders of the tenons, as the A shrinkage of the timber into which the tenon goes, is generally so much as to let the work settle so far as to give a motion or vibration, which, in time, renders them weak and insuflicien t. 12. Should any kind of arched bridge, for any reason, be preferred, however, it may he arched either at top or bottom, or both, still this same mode of combining the materials, will have all the advantages as to cheapness and strength, over the common ones of framing, as in the case of the horizontal or straight ones before de- scribed. In cases where abutments are already built, it may sometimes be preferred. Side-walks may with equal ease be constructed, either on the outside or inside of the main body of the bridge, which particular, as also the great strength of the mode, 65c. may be better seen by examination of the models which are (or soon will be) placed in most of the prin- cipal cities of the United States, and no merit is either desired or claimed in this new mode of construction, by the patentee, which the mode itself does not command, even on the most strict philosophical investigation as to its mathematical principles, the easy, practicable, and advantageous application of materials, the advantages it possesses in mechanical execution, and its simplicity, strength, economy and durability, as a general and uniform mode of Bridge—building. V Science and practice will, in a short time, decide on this question so important to this extensive country. I shall conclude this article by a few ideas, taken from the celebrated Robert Fulton’s treatise on canal naviga. tion, page 117, and subsequent pages. In England, the attention of engineers has oflate years been much engaged on bridges of iron. These bridges, as experience produces courage, are progressively en- larging their dimensions, nor should I be surprised if genius should in time produce the mechanic rainbow of one thousand feet over wide and rapid rivers. ln cross ing the rivers in such countries as Russia and America, an extensive arch seems to be a consideration of the first BRIDGES. ’ importance, as the rivers or even rivulets, in time of ram suddenly swell to a great height, and in the spring, on breaking up of ice, the immense quantity which is borne down with a rapid stream would, if interrupted by small arches and piers, collect to such a weight as ultimately to bear away the whole. It is therefore necessary that in such situations, an arch should be extended as far as possible, and so high as to suffer everything to pass through, or the inhabitants must, without some other expedient, submit their passage to the casualities of the weather. The important objection to bridges of wood is their rapid decay, and this objection is certainly well founded when particular situations are alluded to where timber is scarce, and consequently expensive. But in such countries as America, where wood is abundant, I conceive it will be a fair criterion to judge of their application by calculating on the expense of a bridge of stone, and one of wood, and then compare the interest of the principal saved in adopting the wood bridge, with the expense of its annual repairs. I have before exhibited the necessity of constructing bridges in America of an extensive span or arch, in order to suffer the ice and collected waters to pass with— out interruption; and for this purpose it must be ob— served that a wood arch may be formed of a much greater length or span than it is possible to erect one of stone; hence wooden bridges are applicable to many situations where accumulated waters, bearing down trees and fields of ice, would tear a bridge of stone from its foundation. It therefore becomes of importance to render bridges of’ wood as permanent as the nature of the material will admit. _ Hitherto, in bridges not covered from theiweatber, the immense quantity of mortices and tenons, which, how~ ever well done, will admit air and wet, and consequently tend to expedite the decay of the weak parts, has been a material error in constructing bridges of wood. But to render wood bridges of much more importance than they have hitherto been considered —first, from their extensive span; secondly from their durability; two things must be considered, first that the wood works should stand clear of the stream in every part, by which it never would have any other weight to sustain than that ofthe usual carriages ; secondly, that it will be so combined as to exclude as much as possible the air and rain, ' flit/l! [rater L. 1.) Spréw 7'12!” 15:13:! 3 47k”: \‘4 12(1 Iétl . low "(new , JILL: 94/712520 A}: i l_-;,,\,_ _ J I BRIDGES. When the true principle of building bridges of wood is discovered, their progressive extension is as reasonable as the increased dimensions of shipping; which, in early extended the art of ship-building to two thousand tons," and in the combination and arrangement of the various, . and complicated parts, there certainly is more genius and. ' labor required than in erecting a bridge of five hundred, or one thousand feet span; but the great demand for shipping has rendered their formation familiar, and their' increased bulk has gradually grown upon our senses. But had a man, in the infancy of naval architecture, hinted at a vessel of two thousand tons, I am inclined to think his contemporary artists would have branded him ‘ as a madman. Note. Those who wish to purchase rights, and to obtain par- ticular directions for building bridges according to this improvement, will please to write to me at the City of Washington, in the district of Columbia, where myself or an agent will at all times attend promptly to the business. ITHIEL TOWN. WATERLOO BRIDGE. PLATE 100. This bridge thrown over the river Thames, at London, was projected by Mr. George Dodd, about the year 1903. Considerable time, however, elapsed before the ultimate arrangements necessary to carry it into execu- The first act was obtained in the month of June, 1800, and incorporated the proprietors under the name of the ‘ Strand—Midge Company,’ empowering them to raise the sum of £300,000 in transferable shares of £100 each ; and the further sum of £300,000, by the issuing new shares, or by mortgage, in ease it should be found necessary. In July, 1813, a second act was passed enabling them to raise an additional sum of £200,000; and 10 July, 1816, a third act was obtained, granting the tion were made. Li the bridges f Blackfriars and Westminster. 177 ‘conipany further powers, 851d changing the name from {Strand-bridge to Waterloo-liihdge, winch; ~ame it now 'bear.s ‘4?” ages, was deemed a great work if they amounted to one": “i hundred tons burthen; but time and experience have. Mr. Rennie, having been appemted’engineer to the company on the 23d day of June, 1810, furnished two designs, one of seven and the other of nine arches, the Zlatter of which was finally approved by the commitee and ordered to be put in execution This noble bridge -1s situated about half Way between The river at this place 18 about 1 ,326 feet wide at high water; and o1dinary spring tides rise about lafeet, and ordinaiy neap tides about 9 feet 6 inches. 'Ther‘greatestrdepthat low water is about 9 feet. The held of the river is composed principally of a stratum of sand and gravel resting upon clay. . g The bridge 1s level, and consists of nine semi— —elliptica arches, each having a span of 120 feet, and a rise of 35 feet; thus leaving for the navigation 30 feet, of clear height above the high water of spring tides, and forming an ample water-way of 1,080 feet. The abutments are 40 feet thick at the bases, and diminish to 30 feet at the springing of the arches. Their lengths, including the stairs, are 140 feet. The piers are 30 feet broad at the base, and diminish to two-thirds at the springing of the arches. Their lengths at the bases are 87 feet. The points or saliant angles, of the piers are in the form of a Gothic arch, and are terminated above by two three-quar- ter columns, supporting an entablature which forms a re- cess. The whole is surmounted with a baluster and a frieze and cornice of the Grecian Doric. The columns are Doric also, and were selected on account of the extraordi- nary strength of their proportions, as being best suited to a structure of this magnitude ; they are 23 feet 9 inches high, or rather more than four diameters. The clear width between the parapets is 42' feet 4 inches; allowing 28 feet 4 inches for the carriage-way, and '7 feet for each of the foot-paths. Four plying places, or stairs, for watermen, are formed by circular wings, projecting at right angles to the bridge, with archways leading to the road-way. These wings are ornamented with columns, entablatures, &c. as before (lesbribed. The bridge being level, and of so great a length, it be- came necessary to provide means for carrying off the rain—water. This is effected by having circular openings in the centre of each pier, which enter the river imme- diately below low-water mark : these openings are con- 178 nected with iron branch pipes up to the level of the road—way, where gratings are placed to receive the water. The roads, or approaches, to each end of the pier, are '70 feet wide throughout, except just at the entrance into the strand, and are carried over a series of semi—circular brick arches of 16 feet span each. The Surry or south— ern approach is formed by 39 of these, besides an ellip- tical arch of 26 feet span, over the narrow wall road, and a small embankment about one hundred and sixty-five yards long, having an easy and gradual ascent of not more than 1 foot in 34 feet. The length of the brick: arches in the Sur— 1y approach Is 766 feet. Ditto of those 1n the Strand approach 310 feet. Total length of the bridge from the ends of the abutments, 1,380 feet. Total length of the bridge and b1ick arches, .,2 456 feet. FIG. 1 exhibits a longitudinal section of one of the arches, the adjacent piers, and pat of the next adjacent l = building. BRIDGES. arches, with the elevation of one of the trusses {011111110 the centre. The curve of equilibrium passes th1ough the middle of the length of the a1ch stones, or very nea1ly so. The hollows over the pie1s are raised to the level of the summits of the arches by parallel b1ick vs alls, and connected with blocks of stone from wall to wall, for supporting the road-way. The centerng was composed of eight trusses. It is one thousand two hundred and fifty feet long, has nine elliptical arches of one hundred and twenty feet span over the river, with piers twenty feet thick, built entirely of granite, and forty brick arches fo1 a causeway on the Surry side. This plate 1s given with a View of showing the const1uction of masonl y, as generally applied to blidge- The geometIical p1inciple of constructing arches, and drawing the joint lines so as to be perpen- cular to the curve, is sufliciently explained in Plate 96, FIG. 2. FIG 2. The horizontal section showing the b1 ick walls, as a, a, (LC. \1 hlch a1e cme1ed \\ 1th stone: foundation of the pie1s at 11,11,650. also the ~ GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. ABACUS. The upper number Of' the Capital of' a Column whereon the .Architrave rests. In the Corinthian order its ‘. four sides recede inwardly in segments of circles on the p an, and are decorated in the centre with a flower or other orna‘ ment. The original obj ect in its use was doubtless to give breadth to the top of the column, and prepare a large level bed for the reception of the Entablature. Scamozzi uses this term for a concave moulding in the Capital of the Tuscan Pedestal, which, considering its ety- mology, is an error. ABUTMENT. The solid part of a pier from which an arch springs. ACANTHUS. A plant called in English Bear’s Breech, whose leaves are employed for decorating the Corinthian and Com- posite Capitals. _ The leaves of the Acanthus are used on the bell of the Capital, and distinguish the‘two rich orders from the three others. In those two orders they are however difl‘erently disposed, as may be seen by reference to the plates of the Corinthian and Composite orders in this work. In the Composite Capitals of the Arches of Titus and- Septimus Severus, the leaves seem, from their strong inden- tations, to be meant to represent Parsley leaves. Those in the Temple of Vesta at Home differ from the Acanthus, and are usually denominated Laurel leaves. Acconmxnmxrs. Buildings or ornaments, having a necessa- ry connection or dependence, and which serve to make a de- sign more or less complete a characteristic peculiarity of ornaments. ACCOUPLEMENT. Among carpenters, atie orbrace; sometimes the entire work when framed. ACROTERIA. The small Pedestals placed on the extremities and apex, of a Pediment. They are usually without bases or plinths, and were originally intended to bear statues. Vitruvius gives rules for their dimensions. Some use the word Acroterion to express a figure of stone or metal placed on the top of a building ; but in its strict meaning it can only be applied to the pedestals above mentioned. ADMEASUREMENT. Adjustment of proportions ; technically, an estimate of the quantity of materials and labor of any kind used in a building. . ALCOVE. The original and strict meaning of this word, which is derived from the Spanish fllcoba, is that part of a bed chamber in which the bed stands, and is separated from the other parts of' the room by Columns or Pilasters. The seats in gardens have however in this country been expressed by this term. AMPHIPROSTYLE. In ancient Architecture, a Temple with Col- umns in the rear as well as in the front. AMPHITHEATRE. A double theatre, of an elliptical form on the ground plan, for the exhibition of the ancient gladiatorial fights and other shows. Its arena, or Pit, in which those exhibitions took place, Was encompassed with seats rising above each other ; and the exterior had the accommodation of porticos or arcades, for the public. It was distinguished from the theatres, by its consisting of two theatres, placed end to end, thus, (I) _ The remains of tour very considerable Amphitheatres are still in existence; that of Pola, in Istria; the Coliseum, at Rome, built by Vespasian ; one at Verona 3 and the fourth in Languedoc, near Nismes —-besides some others. Ancomns. The Consoles or ornaments cut on the keys of Arches, sometimes serving to support busts ‘or other figures. ANNULET. A small square Moulding, which crowns or ac- 180 companies a larger. Also that fillet which separates the flutings of a column. It is sometimes called: a list, or It's e la ~—wliich see. A ANTIE. A name given to pilasters attached to a wall. , Vi- truvius calls them' parastatw when insulated. They are not pfdiminished, and in all the Greek examples their capi- talifiare different from those of the columns, they accom- pany- : , . / . , APOPHYGE.. That part of a Column between the upper fillet of the base and the cylindrical part of the shaft of the column, which is usually curved into it by a cavetto. AQUEDUCT. An artificial Canal for the conveyance of water either aboveor under ground. The Reman aqueducts are mostly in theformer predicament. _ . ARJEOSTYLE. That style of building in whigh the Columns are distant four, and sometimes five, diameters from each other 3 but the former is the proportion to which the term is usually applied. This columnar arrangement is suited to theTus- can order only. . ARCADE. A series of" arches, of apertures, or recesses, a con- tinued covered vault, or arches supported on piers or col- umns instead of galleriesr In Italian towns the streets are lined with arcades like those of Covent Garden and the Royal Exchange. , . ARCH. An artful arrangement of' bricks, stones, or other mate- rials, in a curvilinear form, which by their mutual pressure and support perform the office of‘ a lintel, and carry superin- cumbent weights, -- the whole resting at its extremities upon piers or abutments. ARCHEION. The most retired and secret place in Grecian tem- ples, used as a treasury, wherein were deposited the richest treasures pertaining to the deity, to Whom the temple was dedicated. . ACHITECT. One who designs and superintends the erection of buildings. ARCHITRAVE. The lower of the primary divisions of the En- tablature. It is placed immediately upon the abacus of' the capital. ASTRAGAL. From the Greek word for abone in the foot, to which this moulding was supposed to bear a resemblance. A small moulding, whose profile is semi-circular, and which bears also the name of Talon or Tondz'no. The Astragal is often cut into beads and berries, and used in or- namented entablatures to separate the faces of the Archi- trave. . ATTIC. A term that expresses any thing invented or much used in Attica, or the City of Athens. A low story erected over an order of architecture, to finish the upper part of the building, being chiefly used to conceal the roof, and give greater dignity to the design. ATTIC BASE. See Base. ATTIC ORDER. An order of low Pilasters, generally placed over some other order of Columns. It is improperly so , called, for the arrangement can scarcely be called an order. BALCONY. A projection from the surface of a wall, support- ed by consoles or pillars, and surrounded by a balustrade. GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. BALUSTER. A small Pillar or Pilaster, serving to support a rail. Its form is of' considerable variety, in different examples. Sometimes it is round, at other times square; it is adorned with mouldings and other decorations, according to the rich- ness of the order it accompanies. BALUSTRADE. A connected range of a number of Balusters on Balconies, Terraces round altars, &c.—See Baluster. BAND. A term used to express what is generally called a Face, or Facia. It more properly means a flat low square profiled member, without respect to its place. That from which the Corinthian or other modillions, or the dentiles project, is called the Modillion Band, or the Dentile Band, as the case may be. BANDELET. A diminutive of the foregoing term, used to ex- press any narrow flat moulding. The taznia on the Doric architrave is called its Bandclet. BANKER. [A stone bench on which masons cut and square their work. BANQUET. The footway of a Bridge raised above the Car liege—way. BARREL DRAIN. A drain of the form of a hollow cylinder. BASE. The lower part of a column, moulded or plain, on which the Shaft is placed. The world also signifies any support, but is in decorative architecture mostly used in the above sense. The earliest columns, as those of the Grecian Doric, were without bases, standing immediately on the floor or pavement of the por— tico. The Tuscan base has only a single torus or round member on the plinth; the Roman Doric, a torus and an astragal; the Ionic a single large torus placed over two slender scotize, which are separated by the astragals. The Corinthian base has two tori, two scotiaa, and two astragals. The composite has a double astragal in the midlle. Besides the above, there is another species, denomina— ted the Attic Base. This base consists of' two tori and a scotia. The former are of different dimensions, the upper one being the least, and are separated from the scotia by a fillet on the top of one and at the bottom of the other. BASEMENT. The lower part or story of a building, on which an order is placed, with a base or plinth, die and cornice. BASIL. A word used by Carpenters &c. to denote the angle to which any edge tool is ground and fitted for cutting wood &c. BASIN, en Coquille, that is shaped like a shell. BASIN, is likewise used For a dock. BASKET. A kind of' vase in the form of' a basket filled with flowers or fruits, serving to terminate some decoration. BASSILICA. ATown or Court Hall, a Cathedral, a Palace where Kings administered justice. This name is particularly applied at Rome, to the Churches of' Sanli Croce (li Geru salemme, San Giovanni Lalcrano, Sanli Alarm JlIaggz'or-e, San Lorenzo, fuom' le mum, San Paola, Sun Sebastiano, and San Pietro del Vaticuno. BASSO-RELIEVO, on BAS RELIEF. The representation of fig— ures projecting from a back ground, without being detached from it. Though this word, in general language, implies all kinds of Relievos, from that. of coins, to more than one half of the thickness from the back ground. . a slw “idly”. ‘ i . £3 GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. ' V v 181 BATH. A receptacle of water appropriated for the purpose of bathing. BATTEN. A scantling of stuff, from two to six inches broad, and from g to two inches thick, used in the boarding Of floors; also upon walls, in order to secure the lath on which the plaster is laid. I BATTER. When a wall is built in a direction that is not per- pendicular. BATTLEMENTS. Indentations on the top of a parapet, or wall, first used in ancient fortifications; and afterwards applied,to churches and other buildings. READ AND FLUSH woarr. A piece of panel work, with a bead run on each edge of the included panel. - BEAD AND Bur WORK. A piece of framing in which the pan- els are flush, having beads stuck or run upon the two edges with the grain of the wood in their direction. BED MOULDINGS. Those mouldings in all the orders between the corona and frieze. BOSSAGE. ( AFrench term.) Any projection left rough on the face of a stone for the purpose of sculpture, which is usually the last thing finished. , BOULTIN. A name given to the moulding, called the egg or quarter round. BULK. A piece of timber from 4 to 10 inches square, and is sometimes called ranging timber. CABLING. The filling up of the lower part of the fluting of a column, with a solid cylindrical piece. Flutings thus treat- ed are said to be cabled. Cussox. A name given to the sunk panels of various geo- metrical forms, symmetrically disposed in flat or vaulted ceil- ings, or in soffits generally. Caisson, when applied to bridge building, &c., is a large chest made water tight, framed of timbers, sometimes used in large and deep rivers, for the purpose ofbuilding piers upon. CAMPANA. The body of the Corinthian capital, otherwise from its figure called the vase or ball. CAPITAL. The head or uppermost part ofa column or pilaster. The capitals Of the several orders differ as fOIIOWsz—the Tuscan capital consists of an abacus or square piece at the top, under which is an ovolo or quarter round, and under that a neck, terminated by an astragal or fillet, which latter is consid as belonging to the shaft of the column. The Romanr'ifii'ic capital has an abacus, ovolo, and neck like the Tusea , b . , in addition, has three annulets under the ovolo and aci‘fi: ogee, with its fillet over the} abacus. The Grecian” . , however, has only a square abacus, ovolo, and small fillets. The Ionic capital consists of three principal parts—an abacus composed of an ogee and fillet, a rind which forms the scrolls, and an ovolo and astragal at bottom. The Corinthian consists of an abacus of peculiar form, and a bell covered with leaves and stalks : the leaves forming its under part, and lks rising between them, and turning doWn in the f0 ’ 'rolls when they reach the abacus. The Composite capita rrows an ovolo from the Doric, and volutes from the Ion : and a double tier of leaves from the Corinthian. =‘ j 46 CARPENTER. An artifiCer whose. business is to cut, fashion, and join timbers together, and other woodgfor the purpose of building: the word is formed from this" French charpew tier, derived from charpentie, which signifies timber. a, CARPENTRY, or that branch which is to elaim our '9 try shows the lines or methods for forming every 8"”. _ work in plane, by the rules of Geometry; Constructive tir- pentry, the practice of reducing the wood into particular forms, and joining the forms so produced, so as to make a complete whole, according to the intention Of the design: and Mechanical carpentry displays the relative strength of the timbers, and the strains to which they are Subjected by» their disposition. . 1 CARTOUCH. The same as m ,7 ‘lion, except that it is exclu- sively used to signify those blocks or modillions at the caves of a house.—See Modillion. CARYATIDES. Figures ofwomen, which serve instead of col- umns to support the entablature. Their origin, as asserted by Vitruvius, in representing the captive women of Carya, is doubtful. It is probableithat they were originally statues in honor of Diana. ' CASEMENT. The same as Scotia, which see—also the term used for a sash hung upon hinges. CAULICULUS. The volute or twist under the flower in the CO- rinthian capitaL CAVETTO. A hollow moulding, whose profile is a quadrant of a circle, principally used in cornices. T CELL. See Naos. ; CINCTURE. A ring, list, or fillet, at the top or bottom ofa col- umn, serving to divide the shaft of the column from its cap- ital and base. COLUMN. A member in architecture of a cylindrical form, con- sisting ofa base, a shaft or body, and a 'capital. It differs from the pilaster, which is square on the plan. Columns should always stand perpendicularly. COMPOSITE ORDER. One of the orders of Architecture. CONGE. Another name for the echinus, or quarter round, as also for the cavetto: the former is called the Swelling Conge, the latter the Hollow Conge. ‘1 CONSOLES. See Ancones. ‘ CORBEL on CORBEILLE. A short piece of timber or stone let i into a wall half its lengh or more, as the burthen super— I imposed may require, to carry a weight above it, project- ing from the general face of the work: it is carved in various I fanciful ways; the commonest form' is, however, that of an i Ogee. CORINTHIAN ORDER. One of the orders of Architecture. CORNICE. The projection, consisting of several members, which crowns or finishes an e‘ntablature, or the body or part to which it is annexed. The cornice used on a pedestal is called the cap of the pedestal. ' . _ ’ CORONA, is .that flat, square and massy member of a cornice, more usually called the ifiip or larinier, whose situation is between the eyrnatium above, and the bed moulding below. Its use is to carry the water, drop by drop, from the build- ing. 182 _ , GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. CORRIDOR. A gallery or open communication to the different apartments of a house. CORSA. he name given by Vitruvius to a piatband or square facia, hose height 1s more than its projecture. -CUPOQ§ 'A small roonr, either circular or polygonal, standing ' he tOp of the dome. By some it is called a lantern. '"j'NED. See Frieze. CY‘MA, called also CYMATIUM, its name arising from its re- semblancerto a wave. A moulding which is hollow in its upper part and swelling below. There are, however, two sorts: the Cyma Recta, just de- scribed,—and the Cyma Reversa, whose upper part swells, whilst the lowest part is hollow. DECAG'ON. A plain figure, having ten sides and angles. DECASTYLE. A building having ten columns in front. DECEMPEDA. (decem, ten, andpes, foot, Lat.), a rod of ten feet, used by the ancients in measuring. It was subdivided into twelve inches in each foot, and ten digits in each inch 3 like our surveyors’ rods used in measuring short distances, 8w. DECIMAL SCALE. Scales of this kind are used by draftsmen, to regulate the dimensions of their drawings. They are generally of the denomination of}. ior 2; inch in the first di- visions, and subdivided into ten parts each , a pair of propor- tional dividers may be used for the same purpose, with great- er accuracy and expedition. DECORATION. Any thing that enriches or gives beauty and ornament to the orders of Architecture, such as foliage, sculpture, &c., exemplified more particularly in the capitals of the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite, and the various en- tablatures, as the temple of Erectheus, at Athens, the tem- ple of J upitor Stator, at Rome, and the Arch of Titus. DEMI-METOPE. The half of a metope, which is found at the retiring or projecting angles of a Doric frieze. DENTILES. Small square blocks or projections used in the bed mouldings of the cornice in the Ionic, Corinthian, Compos- ite, and sometimes Doric, orders. Their breadth should be half their height, and their interval according to Vitruvius, two thirds of their breadth. The Greeks were not accustom- ed to use them under modillions. DETAILS OF AN EDIFICE. Drawings or delineations for the use of builders, otherwise called working plans. DIAGONAL SCALE, is a scale subdivided into smaller parts by secondary intersections or oblique lines. DIAMETER. The line in a circle passing from the circumfer- ence through the centre. DIAMOND. A sharp instrument formed of that precious stone and used for cutting glass, DIASTYLE. That intercolumniation or space between col— umns, consisting of three diameters —- some say four diam— eters. DIE, OR DYE. Anaked square cube. Thus the body of a pedestal, .Or that part between its base and its cap, is called the die of the pedestal. Some call the abacus the die of the DIMENSION. (Dimetz‘er, Lat.) in geometry is eIther length breadth, or thickness. DIMINUTION. A term expressing the gradual decrease of thickness in the upper part of a column. DIPTERAL. A term used by the ancients to express a temple with a double range of columns in each of its flanks. DODECAGON. A regular polygon, with twelve equal sides and angles. DODEC ASTYLE. DOME. A building having twelve columns in front An arched or vaulted roof springing from a polygo- nal, circular or elliptic plane: when the base 1s a circular, it is termed a cupola; when a polygon, it is a polygonal dome; and when ellipsis, an elliptic dome. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE, is properly that branch of the art which relates to private dwellings, including cottages, farm- houses, 8w. DORIC ORDER. DOOKS. One of the five orders of Architecture. Flat pieces of wood of the shape and si e of a brick, Inserted 1n brick walls, sometimes called plugs or wooden bricks. . DOOR. The gate or entrance of a house, or other building, or of an apartment in a house. DORMITORY Y. A sleeping room. DRAWING, or VVITHDRAWING ROOM. .A large and elegant apartment, into which the company withdraw after dinner DRESSING ROOM. An apartment contiguous to the sleeping room, for the convenience oi dressing. DRIP. See Corona. DROPS. See Guttae. EOHINUS. The same as the ovolo or quarter round 3 but per— haps it is only called Echinus with propriety, when carved with eggs and anchors. Echinus is the husk or shell of the chestnut, to which it is said, perhaps erroneously, it bears a resemblance. EDG—ING. The reducing the edges of ribs or rafters, that they may range together. EDIFICE, is synonymous with the terms building, fabric, erection; but the word Edifice is more strictly applicable to architectural erections distinguished for grandeur, dignity, and importance. EFFECT. Considered in architecture as the result ‘of the sen- sations, which the whole and the parts of an edifice together ought to produce 011 the mind and the eye,’ is difficult to ap- preciate trom simple designs. Nothing is more deceptive than the simple delineations which architects make of their works ; they are only remedied by great experience on models. ELBOWS OF A WINDOW. each shutter. ELEVATION. A geometrical projection drawn on a plane, per- pendicular to the horizon. EMBANKMENTS. Are artificial mounds of earth, stone, or other materials, made to confine rivers, canals, and reser— voirs of water within their prescribed limits; also for level- The two paneled flanks, one under capital. ling up Of railroads, 8m. ..‘ 1M».- . arfiififlfiuf“ 1 A»! . ,. “ ' .13.”..‘711'1n1s4. . um gamma-12‘ {if} 1 GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. ' ' 183 ENCARPUS. flowers, and leaves—See Festoon. ENTARLATURE. The assemblage of parts supported by the col- umn. It consists of three parts—the architrave, frieze, and cornice. . ENTAsrs. The slight curvature of the shafts of the ancient Grecian columns, particularly the Doric, which is scarcely perceptible, and beautifully graceful. ENTRESOL. See. Mezzanine. EPISTYLIUM. The same as Architrave, which see. EUSTYLE. That intercolumniation, which, as its name would import, the ancients considered the most elegant, viz. two diameters and a quarter of the column. Vitruvius says this manner of arranging columns exceeds all others in strength, convenience, and beauty. FACADE. street, court, garden, or other place. FACIA. A flat member in the entablature or elsewhere, being in fact nothing more than a band or broad fillet. The arch- itrave in the more elegant orders is divided into three bands: these are called Faciae. The lower is called the first Facia, the middle one the second, and the upper one the third Facia. FASTIGIUM. See Pediment. FEATHER-EDGED BOARDS. Are narrow boards made thin on one edge. They are used for the facings or boarding of wooden walls. FESTOON. An ornament of carved work, representing a wreath or garland offlowers or leaves, or both interwoven with each other. It is thickest in the middle, and small at each ex- tremity, where it is tied, a part often hanging down below the knot. FILLET. The small square member, which is placed above or below the various square or curved members in an order. FLANK. The least side of a pavilion, by which it is joined to the main building. FLATNiNG, in inside house painting, is the mode of finishing without leaving a gloss on the surface, which is done by add— ing the spirits of turpentine to unboiled linseed oil. FLIGHT OF STAIRS, is a series of steps, from one landing place ‘ to another. FLOORS, The bottom of rooms. FLUTINGS. The vertical channels on the shafts of columns, which are-‘usually rounded at the top and bottom. In the Doric order they are twenty in number; in the other orders, the Tuscan excepted, which is never fluted, their number is twenty-four. They are sometimes cabled—See Cabling. FLYERs, are steps in a series, which are parallel to each other. FOLDING DOORS, are made to meet each other from opposite jambs, on which they are hung. FOLIAGE. An ornamental distribution of leaves or flowers on various parts of the building. .1...‘ FORE SHORTEN. A term applicabieto the drawings or designs in which, from the obliquity of the view, the object is repre- sented as receding from the oppglte side and the plane of the projection... The festoons on a frieze, consisting of fruits, ' The face or front of any considerable building to a 1 FOUNDATION. That part of a building or wall which is below the surface of the ground. FOOT. A measure of twelve inches, each inch. being three barleycorns. FR AME. The name given to the wood work of wiiidovvs, en- closing glass, and the outward work of doors or windows, or window shutters, enclosing panels , and in carpentry, to the timber work supporting floors, roofs, ceilings, or to the intersecting pieces of timbers forming partitions. FRET. A kind of ornamental work, which is laid on aplane surface: the Greek fret is formed by a series of right angles " of fillets of various forms and figures. FRIEZE, or FRIZE. The middle member in the entablature of an order, which separates the architrave and the cornice. In the Tuscan order it is always plain. In the Doric it is ornamented with triglyphs. In the Ionic it is sometimes swelled, and in the Corinthian and Composite is variously decorated, at the pleasure of the architect. When it swells in the Ionic order, it is called a pulvinated or cushioned frieze. FRONTISPIECE. The face or fore front of a house 3 but it is a term more usually applied to its decorated entrance. FRdi'tT. A name given to the principal interior facade of a building. FRUSTUM. A piece cut off from a regular figure: the frustum ofa cone is the part that remains when the top is cut off by an intersection parallel to its base, as the Grecian Doric col- umn without a base. FURRINc-s, are flat pieces of timber, plank, or board, used by carpenters to bring dislocated work to a regular surs face. FUST. The shaft ofa column. See Shaft. GABLE. The upright triangular end of a building, in classical architecture called a pediment. GAGE. In carpentry, an instrument to strike a line parallel to the straight side of any board or piece of stuff. GAIN. The bevelled shoulder ofa binding joist. GLYPIIS The vertical channels sunk in the triglyphs of the Doric frieze. GOLA, or GULA. GORGE. The same as Ogee, which see. The same as Cavetto, which see. GOUGE. A chisel of a semi-circular form. GRANITE. A genus of stone much used in building, composed chiefly of quartz, feldspar and mica, forming rough and large masses of very great hardness. GROIN ED CEILING. A surface formed of three or more curved surfaces, so that every two may form a groin, all the groins terminating at one extremity in a common point. GROOVE, or .Morlise. The channel made by a joiner’s plane in the edge of a moulding, style, or rail, to receive the tenon. GROUND FLOOR. The lowest story ofa building. GROUND PL ANE. A line forming the ground of a design or picture, which line is a tangent to the surface of the face of the globe , as aground line 18 any straight line serving as the ground of the design. ' 184 \ GROUND PLOT. The ground on which a building is placed. GROUNDS. Joiners give this name to narrow strips of wood put in walls to receive the laths and plastering, flush with ' the outer surface at the base of rooms, the apertures of doors, windows, chimney-pieces, 8L0. , GUTTm Or DROPS. Those frustra of cones in the Doric en- tabl ‘ re which occur in the architrave below the twnia under ‘ each triglyph. They are also found in the under part of the mutules or medillions of that order. GUTTERS, are akind of canals in the roofs of houses, to re- ceive and carry off rain water. ~HALVING. The junction of two pieces of timber, by inserting one into the other; in some cases to be preferred to mortising. HAND-RAILING. The art of forming hand—rails round circular and elliptic well-holes without the use of the cylinder, and supported by banisters inserted in the steps. It is the in- l JOINERY vention of Mr. Peter Nicholson. HANGING-STILE, of a door, is that to which the hinges are fixed. ! HEEL or A RAFTER. The end or foot that rests upon the wall plate. HELICAL Line of a Hand-rail. The line, or spiral line, Tepre- senting the form of the hand-rail before it is moulded. HELIX. The curling stalk under the flower in the Corinthian capital.——See Cauliculus. HEM. The spiral projecting part of the Ionic capital. HEXASTYLE. A building having six columns in front. HoOK-PINs. The same as Draw bore—pins, to keep the tenons in their place, while in the progress of framing: the pin has a head or notch in the outer end to draw it at pleasure. H‘YPJETHRAL. In the Open air uncovered by a roof. HYPERTHYRON. The lintel ofa doorway. HYPOTRACHELIUM. A term given by Vitruvius to the slender— est part of the shaft of a column where it joins the capital. It signifies the part under the neck. ICHNOGRAPHY. The transverse section of a building, which represents the. circumference of the whole edifice 5 the ditler~ ent rooms and apartments, with the thickness of the walls; l the dimensions and situation of the doors, windows, chim- l neys; the projection of columns, and every thing that could i be seen in such a section, ifrcally made in a building. IMPOST. The layer of stone or wood that crowns a door-post I or pier, and which supports the base line of an arch or ar- cade; it generally projects, and is sometimes formed of an assemblage of mouldings. ‘ I INCH. The twelfth part of a foot. For the purpose of reck- } oning in decimal fractions; it is divided into ten parts or i integers. INCLINED PLANE. One of the mechanical powers, is used for raising ponderous bodies, in many instances of immense weight; a declivity Ora hill, ac. l | , l l INSULAR COLUMN, is a column standing by itself. INSULATED. Detached from another building. A church is insulated, when not contiguous to any other edifice. A'I column is said to be insulated when standing free from] GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. any wall; thus the columns of peripteral temples were insulated. INTAGLIO. Any thing with figures in relief on it. INTERCOLUMNIATION. The distance between two columns. INTRADOS. The under curved surface or soffit of an arch. INVERTED ARCHES. Such as have their intrados below the centre or axis. IONIC ORDER. One of the orders of architecture. JACK PLANE. A plane about 18 inches long, to prepare for the trying plane. JACK RAFTERS. The jack timbers, which are fastened to the hip rafters and the wall plates. J AMBS. The side pieces of any opening in a wall, which bear the piece that discharges the superincumbent weight of such wall. In building, is confined to the nicer and more orna- mental parts, as carpentry is to the stronger and more pon- derous 5 such as frames of buildings. JOINTER. A tool used for straightening and preparing stuff for joints, 8w. This jointer is about two feet 8 or 10 inches long. KERF. The slit or cut in a piece of timber, or in a stone, by a saw. KEY STONE. The stone in an arch, which is equally distant from its springing extremities. In a circular arch there will be two key stones, one at the summit, and the other at the bottom thereof 5 in semi-circular, semi-elliptical arches, Sic. it is the highest stone, and it is frequently sculptured on the face and return sides. KING PosT. The middle post in aroof. LACUNAR, or LAQUEAR. The same as Sofiit, which see—It is however to be observed, that it is a Lacunar only when consisting of compartments sunk or hollowed, without the separation of platbands or spaces between the panels. “'hen they are added, it is called Laquear. " LARMIER. Called also Corona, which see. -,. ,"-__ LATH. A narrow slip of wood li- to 1% inches ugh/19, i to 3 inch thick, and four feet long 5 used in plastering, to support the mortar on walls and ceilings of buildings. LEAVES. Ornaments representing natural leaves. The an- cients used two sorts of leaves, natural and imaginary. The natural were those of the laurel, palm, acanthus, and olive 5 but they took such liberties in the form of these, that they might almost be said to be imaginary too. LEVEL. A surface which inclines to neither side. There are several instruments used to take levels: as, the air level 5 water level 5 pendulum level 5 reflecting level 5 mason’s level 5 carpenter’s or brick-layer’s level, 8L0. LINING. Covering for the interior, as casing is covering the exterior surface of a building. LINTEL. A piece of timber or stone phed horizontally over a door, window, or other opening. LIST, or LISTEL. The same as Fillet, or Annulet. ., "fi'b’mmiun- . o .1 7-. ’ .t‘air‘fl‘v . ‘1“ ' (Vi GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. 185 LIETINE. The cutting the sap-wood out from both edgesof a NICHE. A square. or cylindrical cavity in a wall or other solid. oar . , ‘ +2 i LUFFER BOARDING. The same as blind slats. ’ » MECHANICAL CARPENTRY. That branch of carpentry which teaches the disposition of the timbers according to their rela- tive strength, and the straints to which they are subjected. MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE. The architecture of England, France, Germany, &c., during the middle ages, including the Norman and early Gothic styles. MEMBERS. (membrum, Lat.) The different parts of a build- ing ; the different parts of an entablature 3 the different mould- ings of a cornice, &c. METOPE. The square space between two triglyphs of the Do- ric order. It is sometimes left plain, at other times decorat- ed with sculpture. MEZZANINE. A low story introduced between two principal stories. ‘ MINERVA POLIAS. A Grecian temple at Athens. MINUTE. The sixtieth part of the diameter ofa column. It is the subdivision by which architects measure the small parts of an order. MITRE. An angle offorty—five degrees, a half of a right angle. Model. See Effect. MODILLION. An ornament in the entablature of richer orders resembling a bracket. Modillions are placed with the inter— vention of one or two small members under the corona. They should be so distributed that the centre of one should always stand over the centre of a column. In the COIinth— ian order they are enriched with carvings ,1 in the Ionic and Composite. they are generally more simple. T he term Mutule, which Is confined to the Doric order, is in fact the same as the Modillion. The Inutules always answer to the triglyphs. MODULE. The semi—diamater of a column. This terms is only properly used when speaking of the orders. As a semi-diameter it consists of only thirty minutes—See Minute. " MosopTEEALg-r, Among the ancients, a circular sacred enclos- ure by mea . f columns without a cell. MOSAIC. A .. I of painting representing cubes of glass, &c. ., and is formed of different colored stones, for paving, &c. Specimens of this kind have been found among the ruins of antiquity. MOULDINGs. Those parts of an order which are shaped into various curved or square forms. MOUTH. The same ‘as Cavetto, which see. MUTUI E. A projecting ornament of the Doric cornice which occupies the place of the modillion In imitation of the ends of rafters. See Plate 38, Fig. 3. ,1 NMAKEI) The unornamented plain surface of a wall, column, or other part of a building. I NAOS, or CELLA. The flrt of a temple within the walls. N EWEL. The solid, or imaginary solid, when the stairs are open in the centre, round wich the steps are turned about. OBELISK. A tall slender frustrum of :8” pyramid, usually placed on a pedestal“: The difference between an obelisk and a pyramid, independent of the former, being only a portion of the latter, is that it always has a small base in‘proportion to its height. " '. OCT ISTTLE A building with eight columns‘in front. OGEE, or OGIVE. The same as Cyma, which see. 1 ORDER. An assemblage of parts, consisting of a base, shaft, capital, architrave, frieze and cornice, whose several ser- vices requiring some distinction in strength, have been con- trived or designed in five several species—Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite; each of which has its ornaments, as well as general fabric, proportioned to its strength and character. These are the five orders of ar- chitecture, the proper understanding and application of which constitute the foundation of: all excellence in the art. OaDomrINCE. The arrangement of a design and the disposi- tion of Its several parts. ORLE. (Ital. ) A fillet or band under the ovolo of the capital. Palladio applies tl. e term also to the plinth of the base of a column or pedestal. OVOLO. A moulding sometimes calledaquarter round, rom its profile, being the quadrant of a circle. When sculptured it is called an Echinus which see. OVUM. The same as Ovolo. 11.5%. PANEL. A thin board having all its edges inserted in the groove of a surrounding frame. PARAPET. From the Italian Parapetto, breast high. The de- fence round a terrace or roof of a building. PARASTATE. Pilasters standing insulated. PAVILION. A turret or small building generally insulated, and comprised beneath a single roof. This name is also given to the projecting parts in front of a building, which mark the centre and which sometimes flanks a corner, when it is termed an angular pavilion. PEDESTAL. The substruction under a column or wall. A pe- destal under a'cblumn consists of three parts,—the base, the die, and the cOInice 01 cap. PEDIMENT. The low triangular crowning ornament of the front of a building, or of a door, windOw, or niche. Pedi- . ments are however sometimes in the form of a segment of a circle, when applied to doors and windows. The ped- iment of a building is not unfrequently ornamented with sculpture. PERIPTERAL. ’ A term used by the ancients to express a building encompassed by columns, fanning as it were an aisle round the building. '6?!" - PERISTYLJUM. In Greek and Roman houses, a court, square, or cloister, which sometinies had a colonnade on three sides only, and therefore in that case improperly so called. There were other peristylia with a colonnade on each of . PIER. ._ if ”dug 186 the four sides; that on the South side was sometimes high- erthangthe rest. This species was called 'a Rhodian Per- istrler” ‘ . . PER‘SIMC/TIVE. Is the science which teaches us to dispose they. Ines and shades of a picture, so as to,.represent, on a/flgne, the image'of objects exactly as they appear in nature. . PIAZZA. A continued arch-way, or vaulting, supported by pillars or columns 5 a portico. A solid between the doors or the windows of abuild- ing. The square or other formed mass or post to which a ‘l gate is hung. The solid support from which an arch springs. In a bridge, the pier next the shore is usually called an Abutment Pier. PIASTER. A square pillar engaged in a wall. PILE. A stake or beam of timbers, driven firmly into the l ground, to form the foundation of buildings, piers of bridges, 81c. In foundati us th ey are only employed when the foundation is suspected of being unsound. PILLAR. A column of irregular form, always disengaged, and always deviating from the proportions of the orders 3 whence the distinction betwen a pillar and a column. . PLANCEERu The same as Sotfit which see. PLATBAND. A square moulding, whose projection is less than its height or breadth. The fillets between the flutes of col- umns are improperly called platbands. or window is sometimes called by this name. PLINTH. The square solid under the base of a column, pedes- tal, or wall. The abacus of the Tuscan capital is sometimes called the plinth of that capital. PORCH. An arched vestibule at the entrance of a church, or other building. ‘ PORTICO. A place for walking under shelter, raised with arch— es in the manner of a gallery the portico is usually vault- ed, but has sometimes a flat soffit or ceiling. This word is also used to denote the projection before a church or temple supported by columns. POST. A piece of timber set erect in the earth. Perpendicu- lar timbers of the wooden frame of a building. POSTICUM. The back door of a temple, also the portico behind the temple. PRINCIPAL RAFTERS. port the roof. » PROFILE. The contour of the different parts of an order. PROJECTURE. The prominence of the mouldings, and mem- bers beyond the naked surface of a column, wall, 8:0. PROSCENIUM. The front part of the stage of the ancient thea- tres, on which the actors performed. PROSTYLE. A building or temple with columns in front only. PSEUDO-DIPTERAL. A term used by the ancients to express a building or temple in which the distance from each side of the cell to the surrounding columns is equal to‘two interco- lumniations, but .wherein the intermediate range of columns which would occur between the outer range and the cell, is omitted. PULVINATE. A term used to express the swelling of the frieze in the Ionic order. PURLINS. Pieces of timber framed horizontally from the The two inclined timbers which sup- The lintel of a door~ . REGLET. GLOSSARY'OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. principal rafters to keep the common rafters from sinking in the middle. ,4 PYCNOSTYLE. An intercolumniation equal to one diameter and a half. , PYRAMID. A solid With a’square polygonal 01" triangular base, terminating in a point at top. QUARTER ROUND. See Ovolo and Echinusi QUIRK MOULDINGS. The convex part of Grecian mouldings, when they recede at the top, forming a re-enticent angle with the surface which covers the moulding. QUOINS. The external and internal angles of building or of their members. The corners. RADIUS, in geometry is the semi-diameter of a circle, or a right line drawn from the centre to the circumference; in mechanics, the spoke of a wheel. RAILS, in framing, the pieces that lie horizontal 3 and the per- pendicular pieces, are called stiles, in wainscoting, &c. BAKING. A term applied to mouldings whose arrises are in- clined to the horizon. The same as Listel. REGULA. The same as Listel. RELIEvo, or RELIEF. The projecture of an architectural ornament. RESISTANCE, in mechanics, that power which acts in opposi- , tion to another, so as to diminish or destroy its efl‘ect. RETICULATED \VORK. That in which the courses are arranged in anet-like form. The stone are square, and placed loz- engewise. RETURN. (Fr.) The continuation of a moulding, projection, &c. in an opposite direction, as the flank of a portico, Sic. RIB. (Stun) An arched piece of timber sustaining the plas- ter—work of a vault, 8:0. RIDGE. The top of the roof which rises to an acute angle. RING. A name sometimes given to the list, cincture, or fillet. ROMAN ORDER. Another name for the Composite. ROOF. The covering of a house. See Plate 95. 5L ROSE. The representation of this flower is carve " ' ' the cen- tre of each face oil the abacus in the Corinthi ital, and is called the Rose of that capital. It is also us in decora- ting the caissons in the sollit of the corona, and in those of ceilings. RULE. An instrument for measuring. RUSTIC. The courses of stone or brick, in which the work is jagged out in to an irregular surface. Also, work left rough without tooling. SAGGING; The bending Of abody in the middle by its own weight, when suspended horizontally by each end. . SALoN. An apartment for state, or for the reception of paintings, and usually running up through two stories of the house. It may be square, oblong, polygonal, or circular. . SALOON. (Fr.) A lofty hall, usually vaulted at the top, With two stages of windows. " SASH. The wooden frame which holds the glass in windows. _-.. mam ,, ""“GL'ossA’RY‘ sprireaiesmm Terms; 187 SCAFFOLD. A frame Of wood fixed to walls, for rriasons, plasterers, 810. to stand on, while working the parts of a building which they could not otherwise reach. SCANTLING. The name of a piece of timber, as of quartering for a partition, when under five inches square, or the rafter, purlin, or pole-plate of a roof. SCAPUS. The same as Shaft of a column, which see. SCARFING. The jointing and bolting of two pieces of timber together transversely, so that the two appear but as one. Scorn. The name of a hollowed moulding, principally used between the tori of the base of columns. It derives its name from the darkness which its form create. It is sometimes called a casement; and sometimes trochilus, from its resem- blance to a common pulley. SHAFT. That part of a column which is between the base and capital. It is also called the Fust, as well as Trunk of a column. SHANK. A name given to the two intersticial spaces between the channels of the triglypli in the Doric frieze. They are i sometimes called the leg of the triglyph. SHOOTING. Planing the edge of a board straight, arid out of winding. SHOULDER. The plane, transverse to the length of a piece of timber from which a tenon projects. See Tenon. SHUTTERS. The boards or VV'ainscoting which shut up the aperture of a window. SILL. The timber or stone at the foot of a window or door, the ground timbers of a frame which support the posts. ’ SKIRTncs. T he narrow boards which form a plinth round the margin Ofa floor. SOCLE. A square flat member, of greater breadth than height usually the same as plinth. 'SOFFIT. The ceiling or underside ofa member in an order. It means also the underside of the larmier or corona in acornice- 3 3 also, the underside of thatpart of the architrave which does }‘ TRIMMER. A small beam, into Vlec‘i are framed the ends of SOMMER. The lintel of a door, window, 81c. ., a beam tenoned I not rest on the columns—Sec also LaCunar. into igirder, to support the ends ofjoists on both sides ofit, a co on term in some places for a girder. Spmufie‘ 1% curve line of a circularlar kind, Which 1n its progress recedes‘ frOm its centre. STEPS. The degrees in ascending a staircase, which are com- posed of twoi'parts, the tread or horizontal part, and the riser , or vertical part. Steps round the circumference of a circle are called wanders, and when they proceed straight forward, fiycrs. 7 STEREOBATA, STYLOB1TA. .The same as Entasis. STRAP. An iron plate, to secure ‘the junction of two or more timbers, into which it is secured by bolts. STRETCHING COURSE. Bricks or stones laid in a wall with their longest dimensions in the horizontal line. SURBASE. The mouldings immediately above the base of a room. SURFACE. The side or superficies of a body. SWELLING. The same as Entasis. SYSTYLE. An intercoltmniation equal to two diameters. TENIA. A term usually applied to the listel above the architrave in the Doric order. TAILLIOR. . The French term for Abacus. TALON. The French name for the Astr'agal. It is by the French also used to denote the C a ReverSa. TEMPLET. A mould used by bricgmayers and mason " ' it cut- ting or setting the work; a short piece of timber sometimes laid under a girder. TENON. A piece of timber the thickness of which is divided into about three parts, the two outside parts are cut away leaving two shoulders, the middle part projects,- and being fitted to a mortise, is usually termed tenon. TERMINUS. A stone anciently used to mark the boundary of . property. A pedestal increasing upwards, or sometimes a. l, parallelopiped for the reception of a bust. ‘ i TERRACE Roors. Roofs which are flat at the top. ; TETRASTV'LE. A building having four columns in front. jTHEA’I‘RE. A building for the exhibition of dramatic shows. i It was among the ancients semi—circular in form, (see Am- i phitheatre,) encompassed with porticos, and furnished with numerous seats, which included a place called the Orchestra, in the front of which was the floor of the theatre, called the Proscenium. 1' TONDINO. The same as Astragal. TONGUE. The part of a board which is left projecting, to be inserted 1n the groove of another. ‘ TORus. A moulding of semi- -ci1cular profile used 1n the bases TR 113E_1T1ON. The same as Entablature, which see. TR 1NSOM A beam across a double—lighted window. if the window have no transom, it is named a clear- -stmy window. TRIGLYPH. The ornament ol the frie/e in the Doric order, consisting of two Whole and two hall channels, sunk triangu- larly on the plan. TRIMENS. Pieces of timber framed at right angles with the l H of columns. 1‘ i l 1' joints against the wall, for chimneys, and well-holes for ‘1‘ . stairs. severaljoists. The two joists into which each end of the trimmer 1s flamed are called [1 immingjoists. 1 TROCHII US. See Scotia. ‘ f TROUGH-GUTTER. A gutter below the dripping caves, to con- vey the water to the pipe by which it is discharged. j TRUNK. See Shaft. When the word is applied to a pedestal it signifies the dado or die, or body of the pedestal ansVV e11ng to the shaft of the column. TRUSS. When the girders are very long, or the weight the 1 floors are destined to support is very considerable, they are trusscd. See Plate 93. Fig. 2. A TUSCAN. One of the orders of architecture. Tusx. A bevel shoulder, made above a tenon, to strength- . en it. " TYMPRNUVg. The space enclosed by the cornice of the sloping sides of a pediment, and the’level fillet of the corona. '1. UNDER-PINNING. Bringing a wall up to the ground-sill. VALLEY. The internal angle of two sides of a roof. The rafter which supports the valley is called the valley rafter, 188 , , ' GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS. or valley piece, and the board fixed upon it, for the leaden gutter to lie upon, istermed the valley board. , VASE. A term sometimes used to denote the inverted bell-like .form'of the ground on which the leaves of the Corinthian capital/are placed. ' VAULT. ;' An arched roof so contrived that the. stones or other materials of Which it is composed, support and keep each other in their places. Arched ceilings, which resemble vaults, 'and‘ are circular, elliptical, or of other forms. When more than a semi-circle, they are called surmounted, and when less, urbased Vaults. ' fiNETIAN DOOR. A door which is lighted on each Side. ENETIAN WINDOW. A_ window having thrcc‘separate aper- tures. I I ' VESTIBULE. An anti-hall, lobby, Or porch. VOLUTE. The scroll which is appended to the capital of the l Ionic order. There are volutes also in the Corinthian order, 1 but they are smaller, more numerous, and always diagonally l placed. In‘ the Composite the volutes are also diagonally placed, but larger than in the Corinthian. WAINSCOT. The wooden lining of walls, generally in panels. WALLS. A body of masonry, of a certain thickness, formed of stone or bricks. WALL—PLATES. Pieces of timber which are so placed as to form the supports to the roof of a building. WELL. The space occupied by a flight of stairs: the Space left in the middle, beyond the ends of the steps, is called the well-hole. XYST or XYSTOS. A term used to express a portico of great length, in which running and wrestling were practised. It was sometimes covered, and sometimes Open. ZOCLE, or ZOCCOLO. See Socle. ZOOPHORGS. The same as Frieze. A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS-’1 USED IN MASONRY AND ‘IN BUILDING GENERALLY. ABSCISSA. A right line which bisects all the ordinates of a curve. . \ ACUTE. Any sharp edge. 3 _;.¢ ACUTE ANGLE. An angle less than a right angle. A ANGLE. The space contained between two right lines, which meet each other in a point, but which are not both In the same right line. . - ~ ANGLE OF THE JOINT LINES. The angle made on either 'Of the beds of stone comprised between the face of an arch and the intrados. ‘ ANGLE-TIE. A short beam supported at each return of the wall plate from the angle, and for supporting one end of the dragon beam. Aac. Any small portion‘of acurve; but in a circle an arc is any portion of the circumference. ARCH. In masonry, a mass of wedge-formed stones, support- 'ed at the extremities by butments, and supporting each other by their mutual pressure. ARCH STONE. One Of the stones of an arch. ARCHIWE. The lowest part of an entablature, and that which- rests upon the columns. Anus. '13? HIE; which two surfaces meet. Auxmu BAP Pieces of timber framed in " the same .. ivelfiga he with the principal rafters, under and parallel to them, iiir giving additional support to the truss. They ”aresometimes called pwcipal braces, and sometimes cush- loned rafters. AXAL PLANE. A plane pasSi along the axis. In domes, all the axal planes; are perpe “ _‘r to the horizon. AxAL SECTION. .‘3The secti I ' a body through its axis. Axrs OF A CONE. A right in pass' 1 - from the vertex to the centre of the base. , . -_j 48 ‘ Axis OF A CURVE. A right line which bisects all the ordinates. Axrs OF A CYLINDER. A right line passing through the solid from the centre Of one of the circular ends to the centre of the other. ~ ' AXIS OF A, DOME. A right line. perpendicularto the horizon, passing through the centre Of its base. BACK OF HIP. The angle formed in the upper edge of it, in order to make it range with the two adjacent sides of the roof BACK OF A RAFTER. The upper face of it, which ranges with the inclined plane of the roof. BASE. The lower line of a figure, or the lowest face of a solid. I . . BASE LINE. The line upon which a figure is supposed to stand. BASE OF A CONE. The circular end Opposite the vertex. BASE OF A CYLINDER. Either of the two circular ends. BASE 01% A PRISM. Either Of the parallel ends. BASE OF A PYRAMID. The figure which is joined at the ver- tices of its angles to the summit, by straight lines separating ‘ every two of its sides. BATTEEINq WALL. A wall of which the upper part of the sur- face falls Within the base. . BEAM. A piece of timber in a horizontal position, some- times performing the office of a strut, and sometimes the Office of a tie. All horizontal pieces of timber are, how- ever, not called beams, as wall plates, which are sup- ported throughout the whole length, so that a horizontal timber, 1n order to be a beam, must not be everywhere sup— ported. BEAaEa. Any piece of timber that supports another. '$ 190 f TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN MASONRY AND BUILDING. form the sides of 't'h’eizjoints. ' "’ BEVEL BRIDGE.’ A bridge in which the axis of the cylindretic surface is not at right angles to the face. . BISECT. To divide any thing into two equal parts. BOARD. A substance of wood generally contained between two parallel planes. Boards are formed by the operation of the pit-saw or saw-mill, by slicing a log into a number of parts, either of the same or various thicknesses. BOND TIMBER. Ail the timber that is built in the walls of a -. , I house for the purpose of fixing the internal finishing, is call- ed by the name {of bond timber, or timber in bond; the . 3i pieces employed for this purpose are quarterings about the J r thickness and breadth of a brick. It is the shrinking of the bond timbers that mostly occasions the bulging of walls. BRACEs. A slanting timber used in truss partitions, or framed roofs, so as to reduce the length of the timber to shorter bearings. BREAKING DOWN. The dividing of deals or the trunks of trees into boards. ' BRESSUMMER or BREST—SUMMER. A beam for supporting the superincumbent part of an outside wall. BRIDGE upon an oblique Plan. See Bevel Bridge. BRIDGING JOISTs. The smallest joists in double floors, and are supported by the binding joists. The bridging joists are those to which the boarding, for walking upon, is fastened. BRING UP. To build a wall to its intended height. CAMBER. A beam is said to camber when it rises on the top from each end to the middle, in a straight-line, as in camber beams. CAM'RER BEAMS. Those used in the flats of truncated roofs, and raised in the middle with an angle, and are boarded over for suppporting slreeted lead in covering. The obtuse angle on the top of the beams produces a declivity from the mid- dle to each edge of the flat, and consequently the rain water is discharged with great ease. CANTIIJVEHS. Horizontal rows of timbers, projecting from a wall for sustaining the eaves of a roof or supporting a cor- nice. CANTED. A prismatic body. CANTEI) Bow \VINnow. A window which has three or more upright faces. CANTENARIAN CURVE. The form of the iron chain which sup- ports the roadway in suspension bridges. CARRY UP. The same as Bring up. CENTRE. A mould for supporting an arch in the progress of building. CENTRE OF A FIGURE. The point through which a straight line may be drawn in any direction, which will divide the figure into two equal parts. CENTRE oF A CIRCLE. The point from which all right lines beihg drawn, to points in the line. surrounding the figure, are equal. CENTRE OF AN ELLIPSE. The point through which any diam- eter must pass. halting; Those horizontal faces which V CHORD. A straight line drawn from any part Of an arc to any other point of that are. CIRCLE. A plane figure, of which its boundary is everywhere at an equal distance from a point within its surface, called its centre. CIRCULAR ARC. Any portion of the circumference of a circle. CIRCULAR ARCH. An arch of which the profile is a portion of the circumference of a circle, not exceeding the half. CIRCULAR ROOFS. All roofs upon a circular plan are so called. CIRCULAR COURSE. A course or row of stones in acircular wall. CIRCULAR EDGES. Those edges ofa stone where two surfaces meet in the arc of a circle. CIRCULAR PLAN. A plan of which the exterior or interior edges are the circumferences of circles, or any portion of them. CIRCULAR VVALL. A wall built upon a circular plan. CIRCUMFERENCE. The curve line which bounds the area of a circle. COMMON AXIS. An axis which equally belongs to two or sev- eral things, as the axis of a spherical dome belongs to all the vertical great circles of the sphere. COMMON SECTION. VVhen two or more lines or surthees all meet in the same line or point, the lim- or point is called the common section. COMMON VERTEX. The point in which two or more plane an- gles or surfaces meet each other. CONCAVE SURFACE. That in which, if any two points whatever be taken, and if a straight line stretched out between them cannot meet the surface in any intermediate point, the side of the surface on which the line is extended is called the concave smy‘iree, and the other is the convex surface. CONCENTRIC CIRCLES. Those that have the same centre. CONCENTRIC CONICAL SURFACES. Those that have the same axis. CONCENTRIC CYLINDRIC SURFACES. Those that have the same axis. CONCENTRIC SPHERICAL SURFACES. Those that have the same centre. CONIC ARCH. The arch of a eireulanheaded aperture, applied over splayed jambs, as in doors and windows. CONIC PAR AROI.A. That parabola which is one of the three conic sections. CONIC SRCTIONS. The. plane figures made by cuttin a cone, which do not include the triangle nor the circle. T ese three sections are the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. CONIC SURFACE. The surface of a piece of masonry present- ing the whole or a portion of the surface of a cone. In the construction of domes and tapering buildings upon a cir- cular plan, the beds of every joint are frequently conic surfaces. CONIC WALL. A battering built upon a circular plan, of which wall the. line of batter is a straight line. CONJUGATE DIAMETER. The term applied to the least axis of an ellipse, being the shortest of all the diameters of this curve. CONSTRUCTION. A drawing or building performed by certain 5 I: TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN-MASONRY AND Bur rules, and is the result of the operations by which it was made to exist. CONVEX SURFACE. See Concave Surface. CONVEX CONICAL FACE. The convex surface Ofa cone.’ CONVEx CYLINDRICAL FACE. The convex surface of a cylin- der. ' COURSE OF STONES. A row of stones generally placed on a level bed. The stones round the face and intrados of an arch, are also called a course of stones. COURSING JOINT. The joint between two courses of stones. COURSING JOINT LINEs. The edges of the coursing joints in the face Of the work. CURVED EDGE. A mould with one of its edges curved, in or-- der to draw a curve line on the surface of a stone, or ascer- tain its concavity or convexity. CURVE LINE. A concave or convex line. CURVE-LINED JOINTs. Those joints which meet curved sur- faces. CURVED SURFACE. Concave. , CYLINDRETIC ORLIQUE ARCH. An arch of which the axis of the surface is not perpendicular to the face. CYLINDRICAL INTRADOS. The intrados of an arch, of which the surface is that Of a cylinder, or a portion of a cylindrical surface. CYLINDRICAL SPIRAL. CYLINDRICAL SURFACE. face Ofa cylinder. CYLINDRICAL ‘VAIJM CYLINDROIIIIC \VALL. whole or a portion of the surface ofa cylindroid. CLOSE CURVE. That which encloses a space. CROWN POST. The middle part of a trusscd roof, being the same as King Post, which see. That which is concave or convex. See A spiral on the surface Ofa cylinder. The whole or a portion of the sur— A vertical wall on a circular plane. A scheme or drawing Of something intended to be as the design Ofa DESIGN. constructed Of stone or other material, house, Sac. DEVELOPABLE SURFACES. plane; the surfaces of prisms, cylinders, and cones, are velopable surfaces. DEAL TIMBER. The timber of the fir-tree cut into boards for the use of building. Such as can be extended upon a de- DEVELOP jNT. The extension of a surface upon a plane, so that every point of the surface may coincide with the plane. DIAGRAM. Any scheme 01‘ geometrical construction of a prop- osition. DIMENSIONS. Such measures Of extension as will be sufficient tO ascertain the superficies or solidity Of a body, or to con- struct a surface or solid. DOUBLE CURVATURE. A curve Of which its parts cannot be brought into one plane. DOUBLE ONDINATE. TWO equal ordinates of a curve in a right line, separated by another right line called the fib- scissa. A wall of which the surface is the: l ELLIPSE. I l lE l ! II i , l l i i l l I l ' ELLIPTIC ARC. I l l DOUELLE. The surface 0 «, , , is to form a phrtion Of the iiitrhdo 1- ' DORMERS. Windows in a roof havrng their‘glass frames in vertical planes above the inclined plane of the roof. The whole of a dormer is similar to that of an entire simple building, which terminates in a roof sloping from both sides. DOVE-TAIL. The form Of indenting the end Of one piece Of timber into that Of another, when the two pieces are required to form an angle with each other, by which they are fixed One part con.- 1 in the most secure manner tO each other. tains the dove-tail tenons, and the other the dove-tail mar-”w tices. i DOVE-TAIL NOTCH. DRAGON BEAM. A notch Of a wedge-like form. dragon beam is frequently supported at the angle upon the return Of the two wall plates, and at the other end upon an angle tie. The dragon beam is sometimes extended under the whole length of the hip, and'in this case it is fastened to the tie beam, and called the sub-hip. Its use is to prevent the hip rafters from flying out at the bottom. DRAUGHT. A grove or rebat, sunk in a stone for the purpose Of directing its reduction to the required surface. A close curve which may be. divided into two equal and similar parts by a diameter drawn in any direction, ' moreover, the semi-ell Ipse, terminated by either axis, may be divided into two symmetrical parts. Any small portion of the curve Of an ellipse. ENTERTICE. See Intertie. EQUATORIAL CIRCUMFERENCE OF A DOME. at the base Of a hemispheric dome. EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE. One having three equal sides. EXTERIOR CYLINDRIC SURFACE. The curved surface Ofa cyl- inder, whether solid or hollow. EXTRADOS. The outer surface Of an arch. EXTRADOSAL ARC. The outer curve Of the section of an arch. The circumference FOCUS. One Of the two points to which a string may be fixed so as to describe the curve Of an ellipse. FOOT. An extension containing twelve inches. FIGURE. Any area enclosed on all sides. FIGURES OF THE FACES OT A STONE. The two beds, the face or faces, and the vertical joint or joints. FEATI-IER-EDGED BOARDS. Boards whose edges are wrought to an acute angle, one side Of which is parallel to a side plane Of the board. These are generally used in weather boarding, which, in temporary building, is substituted for slating. FIR POLE. Small trunks offir-trees, from ten to sixteen feet in length, used in rustic buildings and out-houses. FILLING-IN PIECES. Timber less than the full length, as the jack rafters Of a roof, the pieces Of quartering in partitions, which terminate at one end upon the braces. A beam under the hip rafter in the same ver— I» tical plane to which the foot of the rafter is fixed. _The ”3 Ii... ' I , 1;): ‘ ' 192 . FOUNDATIONS. A prefiaration of piling, and a grated timber flooring for building upon, where the structure to be raised is heavy, and where the ground is not sufficiently solid to bear its weight. 73- FLOOR. All the timber which is necessary to support the board-' ing for walking on. See Naked Flooring. FURRINGS. Slips of timber nailed to the joists or rafters, in order to bring them to a level, and make them range in any required surface; as when a floor is to be laid, the surface must be level, and if the backs of rafters are to be furred, then the surface must be that of an inclined plane. Furrings are chiefly used in the repairs of Old buildings, frequently under the ceiling joists. GEOMETRY. The science which explains, and the art which shows, the construction of lines, angles, plane figures, and solids. GEOMETRICAL ELEVATION. An orthographical projection of an object of which the surfaces are plane figures, either par- allel or perpendicular to the plane of projection. GIRDER. A beam for supporting the ends of the binding joists in a floor, where the bearing is of too great extension for the binding joists in one length, and consequently the gird- er supports the binding joists on each of their vertical sides. If the girder is made of wood, it is cut into mor- tices, and the ends of the binding joists into tenons, which are inserted in the Inortices; and thus one end of the binding joist is secured, while the other end rests upon a wall or partition. If the material of the girder be iron, a flanche is made to project, in order to support the binding joists, which in this case may be either of wood or iron. GOTHIC ARCH. An arch of which the two sides of the intra- dos meet in a point or line at the summit. GOTHIC ISOSCELES ARCH. A pointed symmetrical arch, of which the springing lines are in the same level. GROUND PLATE or SILL. The lowest plate ofa wooden build- ing for supporting the principal and other posts. GROVED NOTCH. A recess of a rectangular form on one side, of a piece of timber, for receiving a correspomling prom— inence. GROUND LINE. The straight line upon which the vertical plane of projection is placed. HAMMER BEAM. A beam in a Gothic roof, not extended to the opposite side. HEADING. The vertical side of a stone perpendicular to the face. HEADING JOINTS. The thin stratum of mortar comprised be- tween the vertical surfaces of two adjacent stones. HELIX. A spiral winding round the surface Ofa cylinder. HORIZONTAL JOINT. The same as the bed. HORIZONTAL PLANE 0F PROJECTION. The plane which con- tains the plan of an object or its horizontal projection. HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF AN OBJECT. plan of the object. The same as the ‘ V TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN MASONRY AND BUILDING. HORIZONTAL TRACE. The intersection of any plane and the horizontal plane of projection. HYPERBOLA. An Open curve, being one of the three conic sections of which the curve will never meet a certain right line. HYPOTHENUSE. The longest side of a right-angled triangle. INCLINATION. The angle contained betWeen a line and a plane, or between two pla es. INTERSECTION. The point on which two lines meet or cut each other ; the line in Which two surfaces cut or meet each other. ' INTERTIE. A horizontal piece of timber framed between two posts, in order to tie or fix them together. INTRADOS. The inner curve of an arch. INTRADOSAL CURVE. The inner curve of the profile of an arch. INTRADOSAL JOINTS. Those joints which are seen in the in— trados of an arch. IRREGULAR. A term expressing the inequality of the sides and angles of a body. JACK TIMBER. A short timber fastened at the ends to two timbers which are not parallel, or to two timbers which actually meet in a point, as to the wall plate and hip rafter of a roof, the braces and heads or cells of parti- tions, &0. JACK RAFTERS. Those jack timbers which are fastened to the hip rafter and the wall plates. JACK RIBS. Those jack timbers or parts of curved ribs which are fastened to the angle ribs, and rest upon the wall plates in groined or deemed ceilings. JOGGLE PIECE. A truss post with shoulders and sockets for abutting and fixing the lower ends of the struts or braces. JOINING. The act Of fixing one piece of timber to another, according to any required mode ;- the joiniugs of timber are very numerous, as dove—tailing, cogging, mortice and tenon, &c. JOINTS OF A STONE. The mortar comprehended between the adjacent sides of two stones and the face of the work. JOISTS. Those beams in a floor which either immediately sustain the boarding, or are necessary in supporting the boarding or ceiling, as binding joists, bridging joists, ceil- ing joists: the girders are however to he excepted, as an~ swering the purpose of a Wall, and are theretbre not called joists. JUFFERS STUFF. About four or five inches square, and of sev— eral lengths. This term is out of use, though frequently to be met with in old publications, which treat of the Art of Building. KEY COURSE. The horizontal range of stones in the summit of a vault, in which the course is placed. KEY STONE. The stone which appears in the front and in the summit of an arch. a. 1 f TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN‘ MASONRY AND BUILDING. A V , KERF. The way made by the saw in dividing timber. KING POST. The middle post in a roof. lts office is to sup- port the tie beam and the struts which either support the middle of the principals, or support the principals in part. LEG or A RIGHT ANGLED TRIANGLE. One of the three sides which contain the right angle. LEG OF A TREHEDRAL ANGLE. Either of the two planes of a righ trehedral angle, which contains the right angle. LINE IN SPACE. Any line of which the projection is required but not in the plane of projection. LINE or BATTER. The line of section made by a plane and the surface of a battering wall, the plane being perpendic- ular both to the surface of the wall and to the horizon. LIN'rEL. The stone which extends over the aperture of a door or window. LINTELS. Short beams over the heads of apertures for sup- porting the inside part of a wall over an Opening, the part on the outside being supported by an arch or long stone; and this support of the lintels is necessary when the wall over the head of the window on the inside is made of stones or bricks, which are not sulficient to reach from side to side, or from jamb to jamb. LUTHORN. The same as Dormer, which see. MASONRY. The art of constructing buildings of stone. MERIIIIANs. The curves and the surface of a dome made in vertical planes. MERIDIONAI. ARC. dome. MERIDIONAL JOINT. The vertical joint of a vault, of which the horizontal sections are all Circles. MORTICE AND TENON. A method of joining two timbers by } cutting a hollow prism or recess from a face near the end of j one of the timbers and a coresponding projecture at the end of the other. A portion of the meridional curve of a 1 I NAKED FLOORING. The flaming of one or more rows ofj equi-distant timber-beams in horizontal planes, for support- l ing the boarding for walking upon. The timbers emploved 1 are called by the geneIal name of joists; other strong; beams called girders are sometimes introduced. The joists 1 have different names, according to the office they have to perform, 01' the situation in which they are placed. Single or common joists are employed in the construction of common floors, which consist of only one row of joists. Binding joists are employed in the best description of floors, along with other joists, called bridging joists, and ceiling joists, which altogether make a grated frame of tim- ber Work: the bridging joists, which are the strongest tim- bers, are placed in the middle rOW, with the binding joists above and the ceiling joists below, and support both the bridging and ceiling joists. The bridging joists are notched a certain porticzi of their depth upon the binding joists, and 9 198 l . i in 3} the ceiling joists are mostcdtnfiionlyadone in the same man- - ner- , the notches,- in order to preserve the strength of the binding joists, are only cut from the edges, but In the bridg- ing joists the notch is cut through the entire thickness. In floors of great extent, girders are introduced, and the J ' binding joists are framed into each side Of the girder. The top of the girder is generally below the level of the tOp of the bridging joists. The ceiling joists are generally nailed up to the under side of the binding joists, forming by their under edges a level surface for nailing the lath, which is to sustain the plastering Of the ceiling. Binding joists are' placed at the distance of about four feet six inches clear; bridging joists, one foot; and ceiling joists, about fourteen inches. ~ NORMAL. A right line perpendicular to a curve. NOTCHING. A hollow cut from one Of the faces of a piece of timber, generally Of a rectangular form. OBLIQUE ANGLES. Adjacent angles, of which their line of separation is not perpendicuiar to the base. OBLIQUE ARCH. A cylindric arch, of which the axis is not perpendicular to the face. OBLIQUE BRIDGE. A bridge which crosses a river, and Of which the faces of the arch are not perpendicular to the direction of the stream. OBLIQUE CYLINDER. A cylinder of which the axis is not per- pendicular to the circular ends. OBLIQUE CYLINDROID. A cylindroid in which the axis is not perpendicular to the two bases. OBLIQUE PLAN. A parallelogramic plan, of which the sides are not at right angles. OBLIQUE TREIIEDRAL. A trehedral of which the angles contained by any two of its faces are not a right angle. OPEN CURVE That which does not enclose an area. ORDINATE. A right line comprised between acurve and its abscissa, and is parallel to a tangent at the extremity of this abscissa. PARABOLA. An Open curve, being one of the three conic sections, of which both of its branches may be extended in- finitely without ever meeting. PARALLEL RIGHT LINES. Those which can never meet. PARALLELOGRAM. A quadrilateral figure, of which the op posite side are equal and parallel. PARALLELs. The same as parallel right lines. PARAMETER. The ordinate of a conic section, which passes through the focus perpendicular to the axis. PERPENDICUI AR. A right line perpendicular to another right line or to a surface. PERPENDICULAR SURFACE. right line or to a plane. PITCH or A ROOF. The inclination of the plane of the roof to the wall head. Hence the pitch of the roofs is greater or less, according as the base of the roof contains the height A surface perpendicular to a 194: ' TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN MASONRY AND BUILDING. a less or greater number of times. The usual pitch is that in which the height is one-third or one-fourth'the breadth of the building. - PLANE. A surface in Which all the points of a right line will concide. _ ‘ ‘.~ PLANE ANGLES. Those drawn upon a plane surfade. PLANE CURVE. That which has all its parts in one plane. PLANE WALL. A wall of which the surface is a plane. PLANE or PROJECTION. The plane on which an object is to .- be represented. PLANKS. All boards. above one inch thick are called planks. PLATE. A horizontal piece of timber in a wall, or upon the top of a wall, for resting the ends of beams, joists, or raft— ers, and is therefore denominated a floor or roof plate accord- ingly. The plate on the top of the wall is called the Raising Plate. ‘ POLE OF A DOME. The summit or upper extremity of the axis. POSITION. The situation in which one thing is placed in re- spect of another. POSTS. Rectical pieces of timber, as truss posts, door posts, &c. PRICK POSTS. Intermediate posts in a wooden building, framed between the principal posts. PRINCIPAL POSTS. The corner posts of a wooden building. PRISM. A solid bounded on the sides by parallelograms, and on the two remaining faces by polygonal figures in parallel planes. ' PROBLEM. A proposition which proposes something to be done. PROJECTANT. The distance ofa point from its projection. PROJECTION. The art of finding the representation of a point, line, surface, or solid. PROPORTION. The parts of two things, so that the whole of the one may be to any one of its parts, as the whole of the other is to its corresponding part. PUNCHEONS. Any short posts of timber, as the small quar- terings instead of partitions over the heads of doors. PURLINES. The timbers which support the spars or common rafters of a roof. QUADRANT. The fourth part of a circle. QUANTITY OF BATTER. The angular distance between the plumb-line and the line of hatter. RADIUS. A right line, of which if one end be fixed in a cer- tain point, the other, if moved round, may be made to coin- cide with all the points of another line, or with the points of a surface. RADIUS OF A CIRCLE. Any right line drawn from the centre to the circumference. RADIUS OF A CYLINDER. The radius of a circle which is the profile of the cylinder. RADIUS or A SPHERE. The right line extending from the cen- tre to the surface. RADIUS OF CURVATURE. The radius of a circle which has the I same curvature as the curve at the point to which this radius belongs. l RADIATING JOINTS. Those joints which tend to a centre. [ RAFTERS. All the timbers in the sides of a roof which are in ’ vertical planes, and parallel to the covering of the roof, I and are generally in pairs Similarly and symmetrically dis- l posed, so as to recline from each opposite wall agthe same i angle of inclination. j RAISING PLATES, or TOP PLATES. Those plates which support i the ends of the tie beams. 4 RAKING MOULDINGS. Mouldings which run in an inclined position. REAR LINE. A line on the back of any object. REBATED NOTCH. A prismatic recess made by taking away a part of the wood, at one of the angles, generally in the'direc- tion of the fibres. REGULATING LINE. A line which fixes the position of other lines. RETREATING SIDES OF THE JOINTS. Those which recede from the surface. RIGHT ANGLE. An angle of ninety degrees. RIGHT ARCH. An arch of which the intrados is perpendicular to the face. RIGHT CONE. That of which its axis is perpendicular to the base. RIGHT SECTION. The section of a body at right angles to the axis. RIGHT TREHEDRAL. A trehedral having one of its angles a right angle. RING STONES. The stones which appear in the face and intra- dos of an arch. RULER SURFACE. A curved surface on which two parallel straight lines may be drawn through any two given points. “ SECTION. The figure formed by cutting a solid by a plane. ; SEGMENT. The part of a surface or solid containing the upper l extremity or summit. i SEGMENT or A CIRCLE. A portion of the circle contained by l an arc and its chord. SEGMENT OF AN ELLIPSE. A portion of an ellipse contained i by a part of the curve and its chord. SEGMENT OF A CYLINDER. A portion cut oil' by a plane paral- l lel to the axis. l SEMI-AXIS MAJOR. The longest diameter of an ellipse. l SEMI-AXIS MINOR. The shortest diameter of an ellipse. . SEMI-PARAMETER. Half the parameter, or the focal ordinate. SEMI-CYLINDER. The half of a cylinder contained by the curved surface and plane passing along the axis. i SEMI-CYLINDRIC SURFACE. The Whole or a portion of the l surface of a cylinder. - . SEVERIES. The compartments of grained ceilings. ‘ SHINGLES. Thinpieces of wood used for covering, instead of A slates or til. . SIMILAR FIGURES-0R BODIES.’ Those which are of the same shape. 1 SLEEPERS. Timbers laid upon dwarf walls for supporting the .7- .) lama 1 ... ”mommwww | . r. "WWW . w.»wr. WMV‘ ' i it g 3. "AW”. TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN-MASONRYAND BU mm... ground joists Offloors. This term was formerly applied to the valley rafters of a roof. SLEEPERS. Cross timbers for fixing the planking, where it is necessaryjo pile under, in order to make a secure founda- tion. SOFFIT. SOFFIT JOINTS. face. SOLID. Any body whatever. SOLID ANGLES. Angles in which three or more surfaces all meet in one point. SOLID GEOMETRY. The consideration of the properties and construction of solids. SOLID OF REVOLUTION. an axis. SPA‘RS. The common rafters of a roof for supporting the tiling 0r slating. SPHERICAL DOME. SFHERICAL NICIIE. is spherical. SPHERICAL TRIANGLE. spherical. SPIRAL CURVES. SPIRAL JOINTS. SPIRAL SURFACE. straight line tends to an axis. Stairs. SPLAYED. A bevelled jamb. SPRINCING PLANE OF AN ARCH 0R VAULT. which the first arch-stones rise. SQUARING A STONE. The form to which it is made in order to apply the moulds so as to obtain its ultimate form as inserted in the building. STANCHEONS. The same as Puncheons, which see. STONE-CUTTING. The art of reducing stones to their intended form. STRAIGHT EDGE. face. STRAIGHT VAULTS. Those which have their axis straight. STRAIGHT WALLS. Those which have plane surfaces. STRUTS. Timbers which support the middle of the principal rafters, or aid in supporting them. The struts are theIII- se es supported by the posts upon oblique abutments, which are made on the lower ends of the posts to receive the lower abutting ends of the struts. The under surface of any part of a ceiling. Those joints which appear on the under sur- That which may be generated round A dome having a spherical surface. A niche of which the surface of the head A triangle of which the surface is Those consisting of one or more revolutions. Those joints which run in spiral lines. A ruler surface, ofwhich the direction ofthe Such are soffits of winding The plane from A rule with a straight edge for trying a sur- SUMMER. A large beam in a building, either supporting the superin bent part ofa wall, in which case it is called a bressum or supporting the binding joists of floor, when it is called a girder. SURFACE OF REVOLUTION. an axis. SURMOUNTED ARCH. Ap arch or vault of greater height than half Its width. L Such as may be generated round TALLUS LINE. The battering line ofa wall. TARGEN T. A straight line which touches a curve without be- ing able to cut it. C TRUSS ROOF. . TUSK. TANGENT PLANE. A plane ‘» . I ch .fiéilchesdihe curved surface without being able to cut it. «ii- TEMPLE'rjs. Short pieces of timber placed' In a Wall under the end of girder'for distributing the pressure along the wall inore irally, and for this reason they should be sufficiently 0110 it TENON. The projecture on the end of a piece of timber, fitted to a mortice which Is to receive the tenon. . TIE. A timber placed In any position performing the flice of a string, in order to secure the distance of two thing which have a tendency to recede from each other. TIMBERS. A general name for a piece of wood employed in performing some office In the construction of a building. THIRD PROPORTIONAL The fourth term of four proportions; when the two middle terms are equal, it is called a third pro- portinal. TRACES OF A PLANE. The intersections of an oblique plane with the horizontal and vertical planes of projections. TRANSVERSE AXIS. The longest diameter of an ellipse. TREHEDRAL. A solid angle consisting of three plane angles. TRIANGLE. A figure consisting of three sides. TRIMMERS. Those pieces ofjoists for supporting the ends of other joists, as those opposite fire-places, in order‘to make a way to receive the slab before the fire-place. Or trimmers are those joists at the beginning of a landing for supporting the ends of tIimming or other joists. TRIMMING JOISTS. Those which support each end ofa trim- mer, Viz. those on each Side of a fire- place. TIimming joists ought therefore to be much stronger than common joists. TRUSS. A framcoftimber work, capable of being suspended between two supports without sagging or descending on any part. Trussed frames are employed in partitions and roofs. A roof formed by trussed frames, for the pur- pose of being capable of sustaining its own weight, or to resist any adventitious pressure. TRUNCATED ROOF. A roof in the form of the frustum ofa pyramid or wedge, when the sides generally slope at equal angles with the wall head or base of the roof. TRUSS POST. Any of the posts ofa trussed roof, as king post, queen post, or other posts into which the braces of a truss partition are fixed. The beveling Shoulder above the tenon in binding joists. TRYING EDGE. The edge of a rule for trying a given surface. Timber is generally denominated round, and square. Ton timber is that which is sawed or hewn ten inches square, or more; it is reckoned forty cubic feet to a ton. {anging tim- ber is that which measures less than ten inches across the end, and reckoned according to linear measure. The surface of a right cone. The surface of a right cylin- UNIFORM CONIc SURFACE. UNIFORM CYLINDRIC SURFACE. der. UPPER BED OF A STONE. The side of the stone that comes in contact with that above it. VALLEY RAFTER. That which is disposed in the internal anv l A ‘ ”1'95 ' .A. ‘ A’g‘fitu‘lm cehd’ proportion 'A concave iling. , ‘ The summit of anything ‘ ANGLE. The opposite angle. , , on A ATTER; The perpendicui . no PLANE A plane perpendiculafio the ho Anne; PLANE or PROJECTION. The plane on whieh the 61" 121011 is made. j . i-w I AND ‘BUIinJmNG. :15 VnnrrcAnPnoucTAm. The distance of a point from its projeCtion, inthe hompntel plane of projection. i Vinnie”; Pneancmidiw éfl‘he elevation ofl an object. _ VERTICAL Times. The time of a planégfl the verti . ,_ of projection. Vnn'I-IcAL WALL. An upright well. - . , e ‘ WALL PLATES. Those plafi either built' In the wall for sup- porting the joists, or those which are laid'upon the top of the wall for supporting the tie heaIn, when employed for supporting the roof, hey are called raising plates, or top plates. WALL IN TALL69. A battering wall * 11;, , V WINDING JOIN'I-s. Spiral joints.‘ 1 it? ‘ 1 3 3, .s ‘i 4 ._~ ..--,:A .42. . 7‘ a: C O N T E N T S . Page. Plate. Pace. Plate. INTRODUCTION. 5 Elevation of a Circular Ring - — 7°62 19 Construction of Houses - - - 13 Lines of Light and Shade on a Sphere 7 2 20 Doors and Windows - - - - 14 Lines of Light and Suade from the Abacus of a Mouldings - - - - 13 Cylinder — - - - - 73 90 To draw V olutes, Columns, and Cornices - 18 Light and Shade on a Prism - - 74 21 Construction of Bridges - - - 94 Effect of do. on Mouldings - - - 75 22 Wooden Bridges - - - - 93 MOULDINGS. Iron Bridges - - ‘ ‘ 29 Base and Capital - - - - 79 23—24 V’Vestern Avenue ' " ' ‘ 30 Of a Cylindrical Recess - - - 79 25 V’Varren Bridge ‘ " ‘ ' 31 A Hemisphere - - - - 80 25 Directions to the Binder - - ' 3Q FOLIAGE PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Definitions _ _ _ '_ _ 89 Definition of Lines and Points - — 33 1 Drawing Foliage _ _ _ _ 82 26 CiTCIGS - ' ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ 35 2 Specimens from the Arch of Adrian at Problems on Points and Lines - - 35 2 Athens _ _ _ _ _ 83 Q7 Trapeziums ' ' ' " ‘ 39 4 —from the Temple of P013. in Istra 83 28 CONIC SECTIONS Roses in the Capitals of Columns - - 83 29—30 Definitions - - - - 41 5 Elevation of Roses in the Capitals of Columns 84 31—35 2‘1“?“ t - - - - - 2‘: ‘75 GRECIAN DORIC. onjuga es - - - - - - To describe Ellipses — — - - 45 8 13:25:12)?er _ — _ - _ - _ - _ :3 The Parabola ‘ ' ' - :11; 13 From the Temple of‘ Minerva - - 91 36 Hyperbola ' - , ' , - - - As shown on the Flanks of the Temple - 92 37 T0 descrlbe 3 Come Section ' ' 49 11 From the Temple of‘ Theseus - - 92 38 Sections 0f Sohds ' ' ' - :3 :51) A lighter example of' the Doric - - 93 39 ___—.—ofa 0,0“6 T ' ' - ~ From the Portico at Athens - - 93 4O Cyclo1d or Eplcyc101d - ' ' 55 13 cc cc cc cc cc _ - _ 93 41 Sectionsof planes ' ' ' 56 14 “ “ Choragic Monument - - 93 42 Applicat1on Of the trehedral ' ' — 57 14 To draw the Flutes of Columns - - 93 43 Principles of projection - - 59 15 1 Devolopment of the Surfaces of Solids 63 15 GRECIAN IOhIC. Projection of Prisms - - - 65 16 Plan of the-Temple on the Illysus - - 95 44 a; SHADOWS. The Order 1n proportional numbers - 96 45 E: The effectlof Distance - - - 67 i The Capri a1 inverted _ ‘ . ' ' 96 46 f! Seat of the Sun’s Rays - - - 69 17 From the Temple 01 Pol1as at Priene - . 96 47 , I WUpright Prisms _ , _ - 7o 13 A Section through the Cormce, Sic. - 96 4S ' , . 70 19‘ Elevatlon of the Capital - - 95 49 , 5'1»; fiTolygonal Ring 7 ‘ " 50 198 . CONTENTS. _ Page. Plate. Page. Plate. From the Temple of Bacchus - - 95 50 Construction of Windows - - 125 81 From the Temple of Erectheus - _ - 95 51 Inside finish of Windows - - - 128 82 Volutes - - - - 95 59 Fancy Pilasters - — - 19.9 83—84 From the Temple at Athens - - 95 53 Stairs _ .. _ _ - 130 Roman Doric - - - - 96 To find the Helinet - - - 133 85 From the Baths at Rome - - - 97 54 Falling Mould - - - - 133 85 me Palladio - - - - 97 55 Resting Points - — - - 134 ~ 86 .1 : ROMAN IONIC ORDER. Face Mould - - - - - 135 86 1;: 4 From the Temple of Concord - - 98 58 Scrolls . - - — - - 136 87—89 ’ Capital inverted _ _ _ 93 57 Application of the Moulds to the Plank - 137 90 CORINTHIAN ORDER. Formation ofthe String - - — 138 91 From the Pantheon at Rome - - 99 58 , CARPENTRY' Capital and Leaves — - - 99 59 Framlng - _ - - - 143 From the Temple of Jupiter - - 100 60 ¥OIUCBS and Tenon — " ' 11:: 3: TUSCAN ORDER. 1:12:38 _ ' _ ’ _ _ ' _ ' 145 94 From VitTiViUS - - ' ' 101 61 Designs for Roofs - - - - 145 95 Modern Tuscan ' ‘ ‘ ' 101 61 To glue up the head of'a Niche - 145 96 COMPOSITE ORDER- Hips and backing of Rafters - - 146 97 From the arch of‘ Titus - - - 103 6% BUILDING. 148 Pedestals — - — - 104 63 Mortar . _ _ _ _ _ 149 Imposts ' ' ' ‘ ‘ 1 O7 64 Masonry - - - — 150 Pilasters ' " ' ‘ 108 Stone Arches - — - - 15?. 98 Mouldings, Definitions - - - 111 Bricklaving _ _ _ _ 153 Grecian Mouldings - — — 112 65—66 Plastering _ _ _ _ _ 155 Roman Mouldings - — — 113 67 Slating _ _ _ _ _ 162 Grecian compared with the Roman - 114 Plumbing _ _ __ _ _ 165 The effect of the Grecian compared with Glazing _ _ _ _ 168 the Roman - - - - 115 Painting - — - - - 170 Modern Mouldings - — - 116 68 BRIDGES. 173 Roman Bases - - - " 117 69 Town’s Patent — - - - 173 99 Modern do - - - - 117 70 VVaterloo - - - — 177 100 Cornices — — - - ' 118 ““72 Glossary of Architectural Terms - - 179 Chimney Pieces - - - 119 73‘74 Glossary of Terms used in Building - 189 Doors — - - - - 191 75~79 Rules of work - - - - 199 Sliding Partitions - - — 124 80 Diameter of a Circle.——Cylindrical Measures 208 lr' ‘Mflmm‘ , ' ’W%w— ., it} 1?: '* RULES OF Won-K, ORIGINALLY ADOPTED BY THE CARPENTERS OF THE TOWN OF 'BOSTON, IN 1774: Revised in 1800, and now generally approved and consulted as a correct standard of ‘PRICES OF CARPENTER, WORK.’ These Rules were again revised in 1820 ; but the revision of 1800 is in most general use, and therefore has been preferred. _ The prices as here fixed are predicated on the presumption that the work measured is to be done in a thorough workman-like manner ,' otherwise a deduction is to be made according to the judgment of the Surveyor. Framing Floors of all kinds. Framing b'ick or wooden house floors, with summers or plank, from 1010 12 inches deep, at per square And where the summers or plank are deep- er, for every inch depth, add per square Framing Sides and Ends. Framing sides and ends, where the girts are from 10 to 12 inches deep, and the posts not less than ’7 nor more than 10 inches square, at per square Small Framing. Framing small frames, such as wood-house, &c. of smail timber or large joist, including the roof, at per square Framing hips and gutters, at per foot Framing Roofs. Framing a plain pitched roof, with rafters of 8 inches deep, at per square Framing .,a plain gambol roof, with timber of the above size, including collar beams, at per square . Framing a hip’d roof, with rafters of 8 inches deep, at per square tow M.‘ or ‘3 C}? And where the rafters are more than 8 inches deep, add for every inch in depth, per square And all beams under hips whole framing, and all others half framing; and if any joists are let into dit., at per square for dit. Rafters framed with one king post, half framing; rafters framed with one king post and two braces, whole framing. Rafters framed with king post, two struts and two braces, add one—fourth. If more work in any of the above, add in the same proportion. Framing gutters and hips, at per foot Framing flat roofs with beams on a curve, at per square Framing flat trussed roof, with regular pitch, including beam and hip rafters, at per square Framing .Middles. Laying out middles for stores with one sum- mer dit. dit. with two summers dit. dit. with three summers Putting on floors, hewing and planing timber, scaffolding, shoring, sawing and shooting plank, for framing, collecting materials, stocking boards, hewing and laying sleepers, to be paid for by the day. Raising wooden house frames, and putting on fall roofs, to be paid for by the day. .i-i ,3 .a “3"; one 200 it . Rough Boarding. Rough boarding, per square \ If shot dit. If feather edged dit. » fifabbeted dit. pen a roof more than two stories high If‘grooved with match planes ' Boarding hips and gutters, at per foot Laying rough floors, at per square If shot and well laid, dit. Laying rough plank floors with hewed joists, at per square If shot, at per dit. If planed suitable for store floors, at per square Window Frames of all kinds. Making a window frame to contain 24 panes, or less, of 6 by 8 glass If for 7 by 9, or 10 by 14 US by 10, or 11 by 15 If 12 by 18 If 13 by 21 lflarger, add in the satne proportion. If any of the above are sunk from 3 to 4 inches, add If plain OGEE, add lf double moulding, add If cased to receive shutters outside, add If double architrave, add If solid flat cap, worked with lip and OGEE, add For setting any ofthe above, add If any of the above frames have a circular head, add for dit. For setting dit. add If OGEE on dit. add for the sweep per foot If double architrave, add for the sweep per foot If the stool is rabbetted, add A plain Venetian window frame, the centre part of which to contain not more than 12 panes 0f12 by 18 glass If larger, add in proportion. If to receive pilasters 8 inches Wide or less, and an entablature from 7 to 15 inches wide, add For setting dit. For a plain bow window, to contain not more than 30 panes of 18 by 12 glass, or less, at per frame If larger, add in the same proportion. Setting dit. to be paid for y the day. Boxing any of the above frames For letting in iron or brass box pullies, each Making a cellar window frame, (with bars put in) from 2 to 3 feet from out to out If larger, add in proportion. Setting dit. $ Hl—l cts. 150 p—a F-l-dy—Ai—A,_ {O 76 50 25 50 ’71 96 25 a 0 4O 50 4O 25 Na ' C30“! 25 RU LES OF WORK. $ cts. Making plank lintels, each Making centres, to be paid for by the day. Window Caps outside. Equal to the Tuscan order 2 Equal to the Doric or Corinthian 4 Equal to the Ionic 2 Equal to the Composite 5 Sashes of all kinds, and IIanging dit. Making sashes 7 by 9, or 8 by 10, with ovolo, per light If larger each way, per inch Nosing sashes, add one-fourth to the prices of ovolo sashes per light. Plain sashes 6 by 8, 7 by 9, or 8 by 10 glass, per light . Hanging sashes single, with line or hinges, per window Hanging dit. double with 4 laths, and 4 weights Sashes in bow windows, add 100 per cent. per light. If in two sashes, add 150 per cent. per light. A true sweep sash, from a segment to a semi- circle, per light If Ellipsis Clapboarding, Batting and Scribing. For shooting Clapboards, per hundred Planing dit. per dit. Laying dit. per dit. Scribing on Shingles, at per foot Plain scribing, and butting, per foot H)— Shingling Crippels, Gutter Boards, and lVeather Boards. Laying shingles, per square 1 Shingling hips, per foot Shingling gutters, per foot Building crippels behind chimnies, at per foot, measuring on the ridge . _ Ripping up old shingles and clearing the nails, . at per square ' Half gutter boards, per foot Whole gutter boards, per foot Plain weather boards, 6 inches wide or under, at per foot . If wider, add for every inch in Wldlh more If OGEE on (lit: If plancere . Hip ridge and cave pieces for slattng, at per foot F acia under Eaves. If 6 inches wide, or under, per foot If Wider, for every inch in width, add per foot 17 OWlON) wmoo‘o‘ 50 10 18 on on , 00 A {3 69 p. GIOCDM-u Q to- ca < km s RU LES OF WORK. OGEE, on dit. per foot If single cornice on dit. If dentil cornice on dit. Water Tables, Corner Boards, and Saddle Boards. Water tables of plank, 6 inches wide or under, at per foot If wider, add for every inch in width Water tables of timber, worked with a moulding at per foot Corner boards, double, 6 inches wide, or under, per foot If wider, add for every inch in width more per foot Corner boards, single, half price of double. Saddle boards at per foot, run ‘ If made of plank Rustic Corners, Fronts, Plain Sheathing and Belts. Rustic corners, including the ground work, at per foot, superficial Rusticated fronts at per Butting and scribing dit. Plain sheathing with 1% superficial ll 1 inch stuff dit. dit. Butting, scribing, and mitring 1% inch stuff, at per foot, run Butting, scribing, and mitring 7 inch stuff, at per foot, run Belts from 7 to 12 inch. wide per foot, run lfmoulding underneath, add for dit. p. f. run Trunks and Gutters. Making a square trunk at per foot Making a round trunk per foot Single cornice head to square trunk Dentil cornice and necking to dit. Solid cornice gutters per foot, run If rabbeted to lodge on bricks, add per loot Plain cant gutters per foot Cant gutters worked with cornice Putting up trunks and gutters to be paid for by the day. ' loot dit. at per foot, run inch stuff, at per foot, Casing, Coving, and-gnCornices of all kinds. Casing coving with pldnceii'é' and facia only at per foot, run Single cornice at per dit., Tuscan dit. at per inch in height, for evaery foot, run Doric and Corinthian cornices from 5 to 7 inches, per foot For every inch in height more, add per inch 51 $ ate. 2 6 1 8 NIH C) 18 10 [G] H p—i O0) 21 13 13 10 add per foot one third the price of the cornice; except the Doric, ‘ which- add one. halfthe price per foot of the cornice. ‘ scribes equal to a foot of cornice. If a double fret dentil For every inch in height more, add Ionic cornice from 5 to 7 inches per foot For every inch in height more, add per foot , Composite cornice from 5 to 7 inches at per fdé't And for every inch in height, add 4% cents for every foot. Single cornice with fluted frieze and astragal neck, from 5 to 7 inches per foot For every inch in height more, add per inch Block cornice from 5 to 7 inches per foot For every inch in height more, add per inch Gothic cornice with modillion and chain dentil from 5 to 7 inches per foot If a gutter, add per foot For every inch in height more, add per inch Gothic dit. without modillion from 5 to 7 inches per foot For every inch in height more, add per inch Gothic dit. without fret and with modillion from 5 to 7 inches per foot For every inch in height more, add perinch Composite cornice with modillion, and the frieze to be ornamented from 5 to 7 inches, at per foot For every inch in height more, add 201 $ etc. 75 4% ‘75 67 3 If an of the above cornices have a reirular frieze and architrave Y _—, i . Outside Pedestals and Pilasters. Plain pilasters, including base and necking, at per inch in width Fluting columns and pilasters, add per inch Tuscan pedestal, at per inch in width Doric dit. dit. dit. Corinthian dit. dit. dit. lonic dit. dit. dit. Composite dit. dit. dit. If for pilaster, or ,1 column measure, one face; if for a whole column measure, 2 faces. Lat/tern Windows. Hip’d luthern window boarded, with single cornice broke round dit. Pitched pediment with cornice mould broke round dit. Dit. dit. with dentil cornice Dit. dit. with circular head and bed Turrets. Small diatnond work, superficial Turrets with hoard rails morticed in posts Plain posts and rails with plancere per foot All mitres and 50 20 20 25 28 30 'OCDO 13 17 202 - ,, — _ $ as Dit. posts morticed, rails made with boards, and moulding under plancere per foot 25 If plank rails . 33 Diamond work turrets at per foot, run ' - 40 Chinese dit. at per foot, run ,. 5O Balust ade straight work at per foot, run 75 Dit. broke over posts at per dit. l Frontispieces, and Porticos of all kinds. Plain casing doors with plancere, cap, truss, architrave, and straight light over the door 7 With dentil cornice, fluted trusses, open pilas-- ters, and cased for {an light 20 With fret, or eye dentil, fluted frieze and trusses, and cased for fan light 25 Plain Tuscan frontispiece, straight cap, and plain pilasters 20 Tuscan dit. with pediment, brake and pilasters 26 If with columns, add 4 Doric frontispiece, straight cap, plain ground and fluted pilasters 33 lfa pediment, add 10 ”rustic ground, add (i ll brake and columns, add 6 Ionic h'ontispiece, straight cap 30 Ilwith pediment, add 9 Corinthian frontisliiiece the same as Doric. Open pediment, trtth platn columns, equal to the Ionic order 40 Open dit. equal to the Doric or Cor. order 40 If with coluznn‘s 45 ll‘ any ol'the above have fluted columns, add 5 If any of the above h'ontispieces have rusti- cated grounds, add 6 Tuscan portico, plain ground, pilasters, and columns Doric dit. plain ground, pilastets, and fluted columns 80 (‘orinthian dit. the same as the Doric. Ionic dit. plain ground, pilasters and fluted columns 65 Swelled portico with two columns equal to the Ionic order ~ 85 Bit. dit. with four columns, dit. dit. 113 Dll- dil- “ill! Six columns, equal to the Doric or Corinthian order 1 Outside Door Cosesfor Brie/c I’anls. Plank door cases for brick or stone walls, per foot. superficial » Door cases made \tith pine timber, 9 inches wide, and 4 inches thick or under, at per foot, run Dir. l‘t'nm 9 to 12 inches wide, and from 4 t0 6 inches thick, per foot, rnn ”larger, add per inch in width t... 50 RULES OF WORK. If oak thresholds, add per foot for dit. Door cases made of hard wood, add 100 per cent. for dit. Circular heads for door cases per foot without architraves Outside Cellar Doors. Cellar doors, with head, fills and strings, slanted to the house If plank top and bottom, add Cellar doors with solid cheeks, plank top and bottom If with pediment, add Rough Partitions, Rough Ceilings, and tough Furrings. Rough partition solid of plank, per square Dit. dit. Open of dit. per square inclu- ding sawing If the planks are sawed from 3 to 4 inches in width, shot to a width, and set edgewise, per square Rough fuming and rough ceiling, per square All circular ceilings to it: paid [or by the day. Inside Door Cases. inside door cases with framed head Rough (lit. with stops, and hard nood threshold Dit. dit. with stops and pine threshold Casing Outside Doors. Edge casing, outside doors on studs including threshold For a circular head without architraves Casing on outside with plank ' Dit. on three sides, with hoard casings Double Doors, and Shutters. toil/t Boards planet] to a thickness. Doors and shutters with boards planed to a thickness. at per foot, supei ficial All kinds of fastenings tor dit. each Casing "lint/0103. Casing five inches wide, or less, at per foot For evcrv inch more, in width add I.' ‘ , Box casrngs per loot Cusiug Timber. Casing timber, at per foot, measuring on the corners Strips' for stopping plastering, per foot Plotted Partitions, Butterzed Doors, and . Shutters. Planed partitions ofhonrds on one side, battened 0r matched, at per foot, superficial $ cts. 20 50 5O Nix! 125 90 any “3’7.“ ‘9 “ RULES OF WORK; If planed on both sides Plank partitions, planned on one side, battened, or matched, at per foot, superficial Dit. planed on both sides All battened doors planed on one side, at per foot, superficial Dit. on both sides dit. The above prices for doors, includes the stops. All battened shutters the same price as doors. flrchitraves and .Mouldt'ngs. Single lace architrave, per foot, running Double lace dit. per loot, dit. Dit. with extra moulding Fluted architrave per loot Compass double lace architrave Dit. single lace OGEE, ovolo or cove, straight work, at per foot, run Dit. dit. dit. Lzside Door Caps. Door cap equal to the Tuscan order Dit. equal to the Doric Dit. equal to the Ionic Dit. equal to the Corinthian Dit. equal to the Composite compass per loot $ Amman- cts. 4% 4 «I as cm!— 10 12 17 30 18 £003 090110614 OC‘CUVOOV If any of' the above Doors are more or less than 3 feet wide, and 7 feet high, add or deduct in proportion. Inside Il’indow Shutters. Shutters made with planed boards and ends clealed, per loot, run Two panelled shutters, squarejoints, at per loot Dit. with quarter round work, at per foot Three panelled shutters, with quarter round, at per loot Two panelled shutters, with ovolo, or OGEE, at per foot Three panelled dit. per loot Two panelled dit. with ovolo, or quirk OGEE sunk panel,'and astragal neck, at per foot Three panelled dit. dit. dit. Two panelled dit. with ovolo, or quirk OGEE, on one side, and bead and flush on the other, per loot / Three panelled dit. dit. dit. at per loot If any of the above shutters are bead and but, deduct from the two panelled 3 cents, and from the three panelled 4 cents. ‘g Hanging stiles, each Fitting shutters into box, per window with ovolo; or OGEE, at 20 23 24 30 25 33 2 $ cts. Shutters, bead and flush on both sides at: per foot; the same price as quirk OGEE and neck on one side, and bead and flush on the other. And if any of the preceding shutters are more than twelve inches wide, to be measured superficial at per foot the same as running. The foregoing prices include hanging. Fastenings. Plain lastenings to windows, each , 12% Dit. spring lastenings to dit. each 25 Stairs of all kinds. Common rough plank stairs, straight run, per step 33 Dit. il winders 50 Planed plank stairs, straight run, at per step 42 ll winders 60 ll planed both sides, straight run, per step 50 Dit. il winders 67 Newel plank add 5 ll posts and hand rails to either of the above stairs, at per foot, run, for the rail 16 Rough stairs of boards, straight run, per step ~ _ 25 Dit. ilwinders 30 Planed stairs of boards, straight run, per step 30 Dit. the winders 35 Back stairs, straight run, with moulding under- neath the step, per step 33 40 Dit. il winders The above plank stairs are considered to be not more than four feet long, and the board steps not more than three feet long; longer, add in the same proportion. Framed stairs, straight run, with banisters and risers mitred in the string board, per step 1 Dit. il winders per step 1 25 ll short platlorm ‘ 2 ll long platform 3 ll gallery, per loot 50 Bracket stairs made with boards, per step " l 25 Dit. with plank steps, and nails hid, per step 1 55 ll with double bracket 1 75 ll cased underneath, add per step 75 ll short platform 2 75 ll long (lit. '4 50 Straight gallery, per foot, run 77 Working a common quarter twist rail and cap- ping the first post 4 Working a scroll (including the curtail) 1(1) 50 Work, ‘g knees, each 204- ,- RULES OF WORK. ’14:». i _ $ cts $ cts. Working mahogang rail, per foot, run . 25 Dit. dit. With panels and quarter round work, ‘ W‘Mer stairs, ‘per step ‘ a, 3 50 per foot, superficial 15 _ - ’g‘dit. underneath, per step ,. 1 34 Dit. dit. with’ ovolo dit. 16 Gallery, per foot . 1 '75 Dit. dit. with quirk OGEE, sunk panel, and as- _ Guests-r rail on galleries, per foot ' 1 tragal neck, per foot, superficial 18 Working twists in a continued rail, at per Plain back boards and elbows, per foot, sup. 18 foot ‘ 2 50 Back boards and elbows, with quarter round Fitting banisters of pine, per dozen 25 work, and panels raised, per foot, sup. 30 Dit. dit. of hard wood 50 Dit. dit. ovolo dit. dit. ~32 ‘ Dit. quirk OGEE, sunk panel, and astragal neck, . . . . er foot so erficial 35 Wamscotmg, Dadozng Rooms and Stairs. P Plainiscflifiha per foot superficial 8 ‘ _ - I ’ , k , , .. _' Quarter round dit. anels raised er foot su- Wainscoting rooms from floor to ceiling With perficial P i p i 22 twister Wilmd work, per {00h superfiCIal 8 Ovolo dit. per foot, superficial 24 Dit. wit) small ovolo ~ 9 Quirk cone, sunk panel, and astragal neck, per .. 1 it. l:vith qu1rk OGEE, and sunk panel, and astra- foot, superficial 95 ‘ gaLnec _ _ _ ' _ 12 Circular soflita, if plain, per foot, superficial 22 d ’OW wainscoting m rooms UP to the “7”" Dit. dit. quarter round work, panels raised, per fioiwls, quarter round work, at per foot, super- [0 foot superficial 60 c a Dit. dit. ovolo dit. dit. ' 62 th' , d”: OVOIO 11 Dit. dit. quirk OGEE, and astragal neck, per foot, Dit With quirk OGEE, sunk panel and astragal superficial 75 neck - 15 If Up stairs, add one third to their respective N. B. The above prices of'circular sofiitas are estimated for open- rices ings about three feet, and soflitas one foot wide. p ' . . . Smaller openings, and narrower soffitas are worth more. If any Of the above WameCOimg have il‘leze Larger openings, and wider soffitas are worth less per foot. panels, add to their respective prices one fifth R 1‘1. _ . d l . 1‘ part. . \ac ' inings to Wln ows, p mm, per oot, super- Bolexion work in rooms, per foot, super- fiC'Bll 1. b d d h f 4,} ficial 16 p it. ( it. ea an ut, per oot, superficial 14 Dados in rooms, gm. per foot, superficial 6 ,1 Dit. (lit. with quarter round work, ovolo or quirk Each but in dado. 8 i OGEE, the same prices respectively, as risers and Each mitre in dit. 10 1‘9“";{15- . Dado on stairs, per foot, superficial 7 \V_mdow seats of pine, per foot, superfiCtal S Capping on Dado equal to Tuscan order, per Dli- 0f mahogany d1[- 20 foot, run 9 Dit. on dit. equal to Doric, per foot, run 11 Doors ofall Kinds. Base suitable to Tuscan or Doric cappiugs, per foot, run 11 Eight panel door, quarter round work, one side, ' Capping on dado, equal to the lame order, per raised one side, per foot, supcr‘icial at. 15 foot, run . 13 Dit. dit. two sides, raised one side, per foot, Base surtable for such order, per foot, run 12 superficial 17 Capping on dado, equal to the Corinthian order, Eight panel door, two sides, raised two sides, per foot, run 25 per foot, superficial 20 Base suitable for such order, per foot, run 20 Eight panel door, ovolo moulding one side, rai i one ‘i ‘ 00 V N. B. Mop boards and plinths are included in the bases of dados; i; d-5 de,,p61'df t, Stlflperfit lai 'd 16 Mitres in capping, and bases, each the same as their respective price ”6 . llt' “"0 5' es’ rahed Pne 5‘ e, per fOOt! per foot run. . super era 18 The above prices of capping and bases are estimated for dado~ two ' ' v ' ‘. feet eight inches high, or under. If the dudes are higher, add for Dit. dlt. m0 Sides, Per font, superficral 21 such height one tenth part of their respective prices for every three . Eight panel door, qmrk OGEE, aStmgal “90k one inches. Side, quarter round, and panel raised on the other, per foot, superfiCial . 22 Finislnng Windows, Inside. Dit. dit. with qutrk OGEE, and astragal neck on _ . both sides, per foot, superficial 24 Plano users and returns for seats, per foot, su- Six panel door, quarter round one side, raised . perfiCial 11 one side, per foot, superficral 13 is, VMRWMC - - : g? ' . “an“ i V irifiwfl t..,fl , 3‘ «no r» Ragga; .u . ' ‘Q’ . a 2.: ms ~ e “V “2‘5? J1; 35! NT?" ficial l4 Dit. dit. quirk OGEE, and astragal both sides, per foot, superficial 16 Two panel door, quarter round one side, six feet high, and two feet wide, or under 1 25 Two panel door, ovolo moulding on one side, raised one side, sixfee’t high, and two feet wide, or under 1 33 Two panel door, quirk OGEE, and astragal neck on one side, six feet high, and two feet wide, or under, at per door 1 50 Two panel door, quarter round one side, raised . one side, from six feet high, two feet wide, and "Upwards, per foot, superficial 8 Dit. dit. two sides, raised two sides, dit. dit. 10 RULES OF WORK: cts. ' Dit. dit. two sides, raisedpne side, dit. $ 16 Dit. dit. two sides, raised two sides, dit. 19 Dit. dit. ovolo moulding one side, raised one side, per foot, superficial l4 Dit. dit. two sides, raised one side, per foot, superficial 17 Dit. dit. two sides, raised two sides, per foot, superficial 20 . Six panel door, quirk OGEE, and astragal neck on one side, ovolo and raised panel on the other, per foot, superficial 21 Dit. dit. with quirk OGEE, and astragal neck on both sides, per foot, superficial 22 Four panel door, quarter round one side, raised one side, per foot, superficial 10 Dit. dit. two sides, raised one side, per foot, superficial , 12 Four panel door, two sides, raised two sides, per foot, superficial 14 Four panel door, ovolo moulding one side, raised one side, per foot, superficial 11 Dit. dit. two sides, raised one side, dit. 13 Dit. dit. two sides, raised two sides, dit. 15 Four panel door, quirk OGEE, and astragal neck one side, raised one side, per foot, super- at perifoot, superficial Dit. quirk OGEE, and astragal neck one side, from six feet high, two feet wide, and upwards, at per foot, superficial 9 Dit. dit. quirk OGEE, and astragal neck on two sides, from six feet high, two feet wide, and upwards, at per foot, superficial , 12 Putting on iron and wooden stock locks, and closet locks, each ’4' . 25 Putting on mortise locks, each 75 N. B. If any of the above doors are worked with wide mun- tin, wtth head in the centre, add two cents to their respective prices . _ _ . The above prices include the hanging of doors, With a or H L hm- ges; if hung with but hinges, add, per door, 25 cents. Putting on knob latches, th “ThElatches, plate ‘ bolts, and plain bolts. each ”.5 w 12% . 52 V , p r a 3‘ tfi " Putting” on buttons, each V I i' 1% Putting on hooks and staplesmeaclr - Chimney Pié'be‘stdsz‘ngs, '&c. ‘ Casing kitchen chimne;r with shelf and sfigl: corner, per shelf Stiles to stop plastering, per foot, run Plain chimney casings, each If one moulding, round dit. add Panel breast work to chimneys, per foot, super- ficial _ Large ovolo round dit. per foot, run Ovolo and OGEE round dit. per foot, rttn Each mitre in the above moulding A plain chimney piece, or equal to the Tuscan order Dit. equal to the lonic order Dit. equal to the Corinthian or Doric order Dit. equal to the Composite order If any ofthe above chimney pieces have double pilasters or columns, add to their respective prices Putting on composition ornaments to be paid for by the day. ’ t ' w'. 5 7 13 ‘18 2 : 15w 2"] :‘u 75 25 5 7 4 50 . 50 Linings in Rooms, and Closets, with their .Mouldings. Plain linings, boards grooved, per foot, sup. Nosing, capping, per foot, run Astragal dit. per foot, run Floors of all kinds. Floors laid with merchantable boards not planed to a thickness, at per square lf rabbeted Dit. dit. planed to a thickness Floors laid with narrow boards of the best sort, per square Ke *cd or grooved floors, nails hid, at per square NDNDND 3 6 N. B. When floors are laid in places measuring less than hundred feet superficial, 'add to their reSpcctive prices one fourth. .Mop Boards. Under mop boards for plastering, at per foot, run Planed mop boards, per foot, run Dit. with a moulding, per foot, run Mop boards from 5 to 8 inches wide, per foot, run if wider, add iuproportion. IFor mitres in mop boards one per foot, run, each Fences, Posts, Gates, &‘0. 'Gate post framed with fill, yoke and braces, post planed, and capped with bed mould, or half the price, ‘m 2 (\‘DNIH 0“ one Oubw s. K rorn four feet to six feet, per cornice, the,“ ening Pair ‘ > t» . Single ppst, planed and capped with single cor- ~ mcegpergt‘ st :, Grate," ‘st framed as above, the opening from xffeemtfi' o twelve feet, capped as above t g "le post, cased plain, with a cornice equal to i guscan order ‘ E'Dit. dit. dit. equal to the Ionic order ,- " if a sunk panel in front and architrave round, add to their respective prices . ' If sunk panel on more than one side, add for each side i - If plain pilaster, mouldings broke over it, add If fluted pilaster, and mouldings broke over it, add i If either of the above posts have rusticated grounds, add to their respective prices 5 cts- {7 25 2 37 1a. 4“ 62 6 . 5 25 l 82 75 2 50 3 2 Hewingi and trimming posts, digging holes, and setting posts, to be paid for by the day. Panel gates, per foot, superficial Panel gates, with pales in upper part, per foot, superficial Dit. dit. and with wings, at per foot, sup. Single pale fence, moulding on rail and cant, per foot, run ' Single pale fence, plain cant and rail, per foot, run Single pale gates and piers to dit. per foot, run Do. without piers Double pale fence with moulding on rail and cant, per foot, run Double pale fence plain cant and rails, per foot, run Double pale gate with piers, per foot, run Without piers Any ornament in friezes of gate, paid for by the day. Plain plinths to fence under cant, per foot, su- perficial Rusticated plinths to fence under cents, per foot, superficial at g . if 16 18 25 80 60 itiwms or, WORK, Planed board fence, boards grooved, per foot, superficial ‘ lf planed both sides, add Single cornic'e facia and plancere, per foot, run Planed battens on fence, per foot, run Double or Tuscan cornice on fence, per foot, run Rough fence, not shot or feather edged, at per square Rough fence, shot or feather edged, per square Dit. dit. shot and grooved, per square Dit. dit. boards an end, shot and pickets sawed, at per square Dit. dit. boards an end, shot and grooved, and pickets sawed, at per square lf plank at bottom and rabbeted, add per foot, run Planed board fence, boards an end, shot and pickets sawed, per square Plank at bottom superficial foot Planed board fence, boards an end, grooved, and pickets sawed, per square Plain picket open fence, per foot, tun Dit. dit. ifthe pickets are worked, per foot, run Plain posts, capped plain for such fence, each Gates for picket fence measure double. Rough batten gates, at per foot, superficial Planed batten gates, at per foot, superficial Planet] gates with battens laid on in front to form panels, per foot, superficial Blinds. Blinds for windows, for 24 squares or less, of 7 by 9, or 8 by 10 glass, in two parts, per win- dow lf larger, per foot, superficial lf circular heads to blinds, at per foot, super- ficial [or the circle. Blinds ought to be estimated at 27 cents the Superficial foot. Hanging and fastening paid for by the day. Cants on ll’alls. Plank rant on hattlemr‘nt, per foot, run Timber cam and dit. at per foot, run 16 75 1 25 l 25 150 2 25 25 33 ll 4 25 20 60 12‘ 101° Blinds. is” Plain Blainds with square slats at per foot L Plain Blinds with middle rail and slats rounded f ’ per foot ' _ . 3' '. If astragal on one side, add one cent per foot; if on two sides, add two cents per foot. t, ' Hanging blinds and putting in turn-buttons, per Window 50 1f spring fastenings let into rail, 75 hi Inside Blinds. Make plain with square slats, in two or more parts, the full length of the window, and. from {- inch to If inch thick, per foot - 48 The same with middle rail and slats rounded, per foot, 45 When each leaf is made in two? parts, per foot, 60 If beads are flushed in at ends of slats, measure the bead and count the mitres, per foot , 3 lithe foregoing blinds are less than 12 inches wide, to be measured lineal. The foregoing prices pay for fitting the blinds ready {or hanging. Inside blinds hung with but. hinges, for each hung 10 If, the above-mentioned blinds are made of mahogany, cherry, or birch wood, add to the above prices 100 pr; ct. Door, 4 panels, 6ft. 8 by 2ft. 8. Jambs, stops and spruce threshold 67 Single architraves 1 08 3:13 Band moulding 50 Hanging with but hinges. 25 K Case or closet lock ’ Q5 ' -Door 17 ft. 9 inches, sup. 2 84 $5 59 g i .. ‘ floor, 6 panels—6 fl. 10 by 2 ft 10. Jamhs 75 ‘ / Single‘arcbitrave and '2 16 Band moulding 53 25 ' Hanging bt'ttg, hinges ’ufl “f - iv V . . :L‘s» , “'15:. .t RULES or, ., ', \ RULES soreness, ”in; fiameyd «190 if, t _,, 2.” Pilastérsltitil y I 4“ Roset or blo‘ gainers 55¢. _t' Hanging pro ecting but 30 Mortise lock \ 75. ' Door 21 ft. sup. 3 36 ;, i: a a $10 101“ Finish of Windows, 11 by 17 glass, 12 lights. Frame, set in brick wall ' l 81 \ Parting beads and slips 16 Staff or oval mouldings 36 Putting in 4 pulleys . 25 ‘ $2 58 Inside Finish. Shutters, 4 fold 4 panels, each 4 14 Fitting into boxes 33 Fastening with hooks 12 Hanging I ‘ 50- Setting Frame 25 Backs and elbows 3 50 ; Back linings 2 10 Sofiit l 00 Pilasters 4 20 Stops , 75 Plinths 50 Pine sash, and hanging 2 42 Blinds, hanging and spring fastening: 6 65 $29 10 $5 The prices in the preceding rules are, of course, subject to such deductions as may be warranted by circum- stances, or as may be agreed upon by the contracting parties. ’ N. B. The style of work and the mouldings in Architecture vary so materially now, from what they Were in 1800, that the prices of mouldings and other work are fixgd by the surveyors, by analogy to such work, in the proportion to the style so altered. - ma"! -chor A, B, is 36, and the versed sine ,t,hi div/i by 6 the quotient is 54, then add 1 -~. 0 ' me am um 60 the whole diameter of the circle C, E. a: _ ‘ . , , A 35 2D 3 ...._..../’ IE ‘1 f?" V ‘ 60 the diameterC, $1,. 31118. Divide the square of halfthe length of the chord y the length of the versed sine to this product add the length ofthe versed sine, and the amount will be the answer. . i r TABLE OF CYLIND ICAL MEASURES, Designed for the computation of the contents of Lead Pipes, rom one inch diameter to three and upwards; also Cis- “terns of ten feetdiameter and under. The quantity and weigh of water in pumps, suction pipes, 650. from one inch di- ameter and upwards. DiTaixilieesr 31111133201125: 2:399:31)? 1’11;st 5:3- 3313:2113] ,3: 231 23:11:17 N. B. If the diameter should fall between any of the ' ' mg” p ' parts. and parts. umbers in the first column, the mean proportional con- l 00 55 1:0 53 N4 ’34 ’00,” nts may be found by adding the two contents between 2 :0218 I34 ,16 1,36 ,0175 \ hich it falls, and' dividing by two. Suppose it falls be- 3,0491 301 ’37 3,06 ,0394 t een 108 and.l20 of the diameters, required the wine 4 ,0873 ,534 ,65 5,45 ,0700 g Ions in 114 1nches, or Qfeel 6 inches diamet’er, 5 :136 :835 [’02 8,52 ' ,1 10 which falls between 587 ,52 6 ,196 1,20 1,47 12,27 ,158 and 475 S9 ,5, 7 ,267 1,64 2,00 16,70 ,215 -—-— g 8 ,349 2,14 2,61 21,82 , ,281 ‘~’)1063,41 .5 9 ,442 2,7 l 3,30 27,61 ,355 e 10 ,545 3,34 4,08 34,09 ,438 Answer 53' 70: g 1] ,660 4,04 4,94 41,25 ’530 if between 60 and7 °,say 64 inches or 5 feet 4; f; 12 ,785 4,81, - 5,88 49,09 ,631 one- ird of 1213 4, then required the cubic feet and -:1 24 3,14 19,25 23,52 196,36 2,521 parts 22.28 3:2 36 7,07 43,30 52,92 441,79 5,68 Subtract 19,64 .2 48 12,57 77,00 94,08 785,44 10,10 . . ”— as 50 13,64 83,55 102,00 852,21 11,00 Dmde 3)8.64 ‘ 60 19,64 120,30 146,88 1227,19 15,78 — 72 28,28 173,20 21151 1767,15 22,72 2:83 84 38,49, 235,81 287,88 2405,28 30,92 Add 19.64 s. 06 50,27 308,00 37601 3141,59 40,30 . 22,52 Answer. 108 63,62 389,79 475 89 3976,08 51.12 120. 78,54 481,25 587,52 4903,74 63,11 in the contents; as, required the number of 119,25 Any depth may be found by multiplying by the depth any of the numbe ale gallons in 24 inches diameter at 6 feet deep. 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