THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NORTH DAKOTA 1990 Eocumfnt r.:: >y a 7 p: -*<«* ' >■■' •' _ v> - .-•. v THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NORTH DAKOTA 1990Northern Pacific Depot, Bismarck, North Dakota, circa 1905. Bismarck was named in 1873 after Germany's "Iron Chancellor," Otto von Bismarck, by Northern Pacific Railroad officials in an effort to attract German investors. Edwinton was the previous official name, although it generally was known as "The Crossing." The name North Dakota comes from the prior political division, Dakota Territory, which was named for the Dakota, or Sioux, Indians. (Photograph courtesy of the North Dakota State Historical Society.)THE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-NORTH DAKOTA 1990 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1 200-ND Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1990 B.S. DEPOSITORY OCT 23 1990DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MANUEL LUJAN, Jr., Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Ralph E. Ehrenberg, Chairman Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data The National gazetteer of the United States of America. North Dakota 1990 / prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, p. cm. — (U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1200-ND) Includes bibliographical references. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 19.16:1200-ND 1. North Dakota—Gazetteers. I. Geological Survey (U.S.) II. United States Board on Geographic Names. F634.N38 1990 917.74'003—dc20 89-600396 CIP For sale by the Books and Open-File Reports Section, U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225FOREWORD "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America" is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN). Since the creation of the BGN in 1890, the two organizations have worked together in establishing uniform usage of geographic names on Federal maps, charts, and other publications. This cooperation, which has been a blending of technical talent and field-gathered information, has been beneficial to the missions and programs of both organizations. The BGN is responsible for establishing official names for use throughout the Federal Government. The USGS is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the series of base maps of the Nation's lands and waters and for the publication of reports detailing the results of investigations of the Nation's mineral, energy, land, and water resources. In addition to being a principal user of the official names determined by the BGN, the USGS, because of extensive field operations, has collected much of the information necessary for making the decisions establishing those names. The basis for the cooperation between the USGS and the BGN is the recognition that the use of standard geographic names is necessary for communication of geographic information. Geographic names are an essential part of our language and form a primary reference system that affects people every day. Geographic names have strong psychological significance because the names are associated with the processes of thought that give people the ability to understand the world around them. The names are used to identify cultural and administrative areas, to define political boundaries, and to determine property, mineral, and water rights. "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America" is the result of a long-term effort to provide a standard reference to the Nation's named places, features, and areas. As early as 1892, with the support of the newly organized BGN and as part of the National Mapping Program, the USGS began cataloging geographic names and producing a series of State gazetteers to assist in finding geographic features on atlas sheets produced by the USGS. Compilation was initially done by Henry Gannett, Chief Geographer, under the direction of John Wesley Powell, second Director of the USGS. Gannett was chairman of the BGN from 1894 until his death in 1914. Gazetteers for 12 States, Puerto Rico, the Territory of Alaska, and the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) were published between 1894 and 1906 and, for the United States as a whole, between 1902 and 1905. However, large-scale topographic mapping, from which the name information for the gazetteers was derived, was a slow process, and inadequate map coverage led to the suspension of the program. The USGS again began the systematic collection of geographic name information in 1976 when large-scale topographic maps were published for more than 70 percent of the country. This information is a major part of the computerized National Geographic Names Data Base. This volume of the USGS Professional Paper series "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America" is derived from that data base. Dallas L. Peck Director, U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior Ralph E. Ehrenberg Chairman, U.S. Board on Geographic NamesU.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES Ralph E. Ehrenberg, Chairman MEMBERS AS OF SEPTEMBER 1990 Department of State Frederick F. Monroe, deputy Postal Service Jack Thompson, deputy Phillip Pensabene, deputy Department of the Interior Joel L. Morrison, member Barbara A. Chappell, deputy Tracy A. Fortmann, deputy David E. Meier, deputy Department of Agriculture Roberta M. Quigley, deputy Donald D. Loff, deputy Department of Commerce Richard L. Forstall, deputy Henry Tom, deputy Edward L. Gates, Jr., deputy Government Printing Office — Robert C. McArtor, member S. Jean McCormick, deputy Library of Congress Robert M. Hiatt, deputy Department of Defense Carl Nelius, deputy Lois A. Winneberger, deputy Central Intelligence Agency — Elaine Neal, deputy Wayne Kiyosaki, deputy Staff assistance for domestic geographic names provided by the U.S. Geological Survey. Communications about domestic names should be addressed to the: Executive Secretary Domestic Geographic Names U.S. Board on Geographic Names 523 National Center Reston, VA 22092. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The geographic names information in the North Dakota volume of the National Gazetteer was compiled by the geographic names staff at the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, Va., and by students at South Dakota State University and the University of North Dakota. The National Gazetteer program is directed by Roger L. Payne. Robin Worcester provided necessary coordination for the final production of this volume of the gazetteer. Recognition is also given to Judy J. Stella and Louis A. Yost IV, who developed the specific procedures and software necessary to format the final copy, and to Jon C. Campbell, who provided the historical background research. VICONTENTS Page Foreword............................................................................... V Members of the U.S. Board on Geographic Names...................................... VI Acknowledgments....................................................................... VI Introduction, by Donald ). Orth.................................................... IX U.S. Board on Geographic Names................................................. IX U.S. Geological Survey............................................................. X National Geographic Names Data Base................................................ X Guide to the Use of the Gazetteer.................................................. X U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-Minute Topographic Maps of North Dakota............. XIII Historical Maps................................................................... XX North Dakota, by Jon C. Campbell.................................................... XX Glossary, by Roger L. Payne......................................................... XXVI The Gazetteer of North Dakota........................................................ ND1 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Frontispiece—Northern Pacific Depot, Bismarck, North Dakota, circa 1905................ II Figures 1-5. Maps of: 1. North Dakota counties................................................... XII 2. Carte de la Louisiane et du Mexique, 1820.............................. XXII 3. Hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi River (northwest portion), 1843 ...................................................... XXIII 4. Dakota, 1873........................................................... XXIV 5. Dakota (northern half), 1883 ........................................... XXVTHE NATIONAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NORTH DAKOTA 1990 INTRODUCTION By Donald J. Orth This gazetteer lists 8,251 geographic names in alphabetical order for places, features, and areas within the State of North Dakota. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, the gazetteer is one volume of a series of State, territory, and other special listings of geographic names published as U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1200 and collectively titled "The National Gazetteer of the United States of America." The purpose of this gazetteer series is to provide a national standard reference for geographic names that may have cartographic, historic, linguistic, and data-systems applications. Each volume of the National Gazetteer is identified by geographic area and year and will be revised periodically; the year of compilation is given as part of the volume's title. Some named feature types, such as roads and highways, commercial establishments, certain public and private recreational facilities, and current military installations, are omitted from this gazetteer. Other than these categories, every attempt has been made to be as complete as possible in compiling entries for this volume. The information in the National Gazetteer will be kept current between revisions by noting appropriate changes and new name entries published in the reports of the BGN. These reports may be found in libraries or can be ordered directly from the Executive Secretary, Domestic Geographic Names, U.S. Board on Geographic Names, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092.1 U.S. BOARD ON GEOGRAPHIC NAMES The U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) is a Federal body created in 1890 and established in its present form by Public Law in 1947. The purpose of the 1 Users are urged to report errors, omissions, and any other information that may improve the usefulness of this publication. BGN is to resolve name problems and to eliminate duplication of effort by Federal agencies responsible for the production of maps and other publications that use geographic names. Composed of representatives of Federal agencies, the BGN is authorized to establish and maintain uniform geographic name usage throughout the Federal Government. Sharing its responsibilities with the Secretary of the Interior, the BGN has developed principles, policies, and procedures governing the use of both domestic and foreign geographic names, as well as names for undersea and extraterrestrial features. Although established to serve the Federal Government as a central authority to which all name problems, name inquiries, and new name proposals can be directed, the BGN plays a similar role for the general public. With respect to names used by Americans for places, features, and areas in the United States and its territories, the policy of the BGN is to recognize present-day local usage or preferences where possible. To implement this policy, close cooperation is maintained with State geographic boards, State and local governments, and the general public. Where there is confusing duplication of local names or where a local name may be derogatory to a particular person, race, or religion, the BGN may disapprove such names and seek alternate local names for the features. In cases where local usage is conflicting or when a name is not used by many people, well-established documented names and names having historical significance are given added consideration. The BGN also has a policy of not approving new domestic geographic names that honor or may be construed to honor living persons. Any person or organization, public or private, may make inquiries or request the BGN to render formal decisions on proposed new names, proposed name changes, or names that are in conflict. Communications concerning domestic geographic names should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, Domestic Geographic Names, U.S. Board on Geographic Names, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. IXX NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), established in 1879 as a Bureau of the Department of the Interior, is a major earth science and factfinding agency of the Federal Government. The broad and diversified USGS research programs aid in the management of the mineral, energy, land, and water resources of the United States. These programs play a vital role in furthering the Nation's welfare by providing information on the character, magnitude, location, and distribution of minerals and ores, the sources and supplies of water, and the natural Earth processes that must be understood to maintain environmental quality. The USGS provides geographic and cartographic information, maps, and technical assistance and conducts related research responsive to national needs. Other contributions are staff support for the domestic geographic names activities of the BGN, management of the National Geographic Names Data Base and the Geographic Names Information System, and ongoing research in support of national mapping and name standardization programs. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NAMES DATA BASE This gazetteer is derived from the National Geographic Names Data Base, which is part of a computerized Geographic Names Information System developed by the USGS. The data base presently contains information for about two million names used throughout the United States, its territories, and outlying areas. Information within the system can be retrieved, manipulated, and arranged to meet the special needs of a wide variety of users in government, education, business, and industry, as well as those of private individuals. The system can furnish alphabetical and special listings in the form of bound reports, magnetic tapes, and microfiche. Information about available services and costs of the Geographic Names Information System may be obtained by writing to the Chief, Branch of Geographic Names, U.S. Geological Survey, 523 National Center, Reston, VA 22092. GUIDE TO THE USE OF THE GAZETTEER This gazetteer lists geographic names found on various maps, charts, and other published documents; the names of railroads, streets, and roads are not included. The names are listed in alphabetical order, and each is followed by seven categories of information. Except for variant name listings, each category of information is in a separate column on the gazetteer pages. In order from left to right, the columns contain the following information: Feature Name (first column)—This column lists both the primary reference names and variant spellings, as well as variant names, for the same features, in alphabetical order. Each variant spelling and name is listed in two places in the first column —under the principal name and in its proper alphabetical order in the gazetteer with a "see" reference to the primary name. The proper names of features, places, or areas generally are composed of two parts—a specific or substantive part and a generic part. The specific part normally precedes the generic in the majority of names in the United States. In these cases, the names are listed in alphabetical order according to the specific parts of the names, letter-by-letter, from beginning to end, ignoring spaces and printing marks. In the names of physical features where the generic parts precede the specific parts, the order is arbitrarily reversed in the gazetteer to make looking up a name easier. In each case, the specific part is listed first, followed by a comma and the rest of the name: Adams, Mount Ann, Lake Saint Louis, Bay Woods, Lake of the. Definite-form names also are listed with the specific parts of the names first: Crossing, The Mesa, La Racetrack, The. Exceptions to the above rules occur when populated places, localities, civil divisions, or any other cultural features (city, village, county, township, crossroad, and railroad siding) are named for physical features. These names are always listed in normal order even though the generic parts of the names may precede the specific parts. A village or locality called "Mount Calvary" is listed in that order, while a physical feature having the same name is listed in reverse order, "Calvary, Mount." Radio and television stations are listed together at the beginning of each alphabet letter according to their call letters, followed by the type of station (AM, FM, or TV) and by the names of the communities they serve. A few names listed in the gazetteer are followed by descriptive words in parentheses. These words or phrases give special information about name usage or about the specific place or feature. This information isINTRODUCTION XI usually self-explanatory; for example, ruins, subdivision, shopping center, and abandoned refer to the present state of the place, and old channel, submerged, foot bridge, and siding provide further description. The descriptive word "historical" generally refers to a feature that no longer exists. The genitive apostrophe usually is not used within the body of a geographic name. Feature Class (second column)—The terms listed in this category identify the kinds of features or places to which the names apply. The meaning of the terms is very broad so that similar kinds of landscape features can be grouped into general classes. For example, the term "stream" includes all kinds of flowing water that locally may be called a creek, run, river, branch, bayou, or fork. See page xxvi for a list of these terms and their definitions. Status (third column)—Geographic names can be classified according to their use or official status as determined by the BGN. This category of information gives the status of each name in the gazetteer as determined by the BGN. The designators and their meanings shown in this column are as follows: BGN (date): This designator indicates that the written form of the name and its application have been determined by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) to be official for use throughout the Federal Government. If a year date follows the BGN designation, the name and its application were subject to special research and decision by the BGN, and the decision was published during the year shown. US (date): A geographic name and its application listed with this designator were established by an Act of Congress, and the name is official by law. The date is the year that the law was passed. ADMIN: The names of certain kinds of geographic entities, such as counties, parks, forests, and townships, logically fall within the administrative jurisdictions of Federal, State, and local governmental organizations. The authority for establishing these names is based on recognized organic, inherent, or constitutional rights. The names listed having this designator are official for Federal usage. VARIANT: This designator indicates that the name is a written variant for a place, feature, or area that has another name as its official name. Information about the named entity and a "see" reference to the official name are given on the line below the entry. However, because this gazetteer is designed to be a reference tool, the true relation between the current and the historical name of a place is not always reflected. Historical places, such as forts, Indian villages, and small settlements, that once existed close to or within the current boundaries of a present-day populated place often are listed as separate places and also as appropriate variants. County (fourth column)—This column lists the name of the county in which the entity is located. If the place, feature, or area lies in more than one county, the county listed is the one in which the center of the feature is found, or, in the case of a stream, valley, or arroyo, the county listed is the one in which the mouth of the feature is located. Figure 1 outlines the counties of North Dakota. Coordinates (fifth column) —Latitudes and longitudes are given for the mouths of streams and valleys; centers of bays, islands, lakes, populated places, and other areal features; the extremities of points of land; the summits of mountains and hills; and the dams of reservoirs. The first two numbers are degrees, the next two numbers, minutes, and the last two, seconds N (north) latitude. This sequence is followed by three, two, and two numbers, respectively representing degrees, minutes, and seconds W (west) longitude. Example: 354835N1104413W reads 35 degrees, 48 minutes, 35 seconds north latitude and 110 degrees, 44 minutes, 13 seconds west longitude. Source Coordinates (sixth column)—The geographic coordinates are given for the source or heads of streams, valleys, and arroyos. Elevation (seventh column)—The specific or average elevation is given in feet above the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (approximately sea level) for tops of peaks, mountains, ridges, and hills; the surfaces of lakes and reservoirs; the high points of passes and low points of basins; and the approximate centers of populated places. Map Name (eighth column)—This column indicates the name of the map on which the named place or feature is located. Various cartographic limitations prevent all names from being shown on the topographic maps. North Dakota is subdivided into 1,464 7.5-minute quadrangle areas, each of which is covered by a 1:24,000-scale or 1:25,000-scale topographic mapFigure 1. North Dakota counties (U.S. Geological Survey, no publication date, Index to topographic and other map coverage-North Dakota). NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEERINTRODUCTION XIII published by the USGS. When ordering topographic maps from the USGS, refer to the map name that can be found in the next section titled U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-Minute Topographic Maps of North Dakota. (Several names of USGS maps have been abbreviated because of space limitations. Both the full name and its abbreviation appear in the topographic maps list.) State indexes to topographic maps are available from: USGS Map Sales Box 25286 Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-7477 FTS 776-7477. Some names appear only on U.S. Forest Service maps. Even though the names are not labeled on USGS maps, they are referenced to the 1:24,000-scale topographic map on which the named place or feature is located. The U.S. Forest Service administrative areas in North Dakota are the Cedar River National Grasslands, the Little Missouri National Grasslands, and the Sheyenne National Grasslands. Maps for these areas may be obtained from: Department of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region 11177 West 8th Avenue P.O. Box 25127 Lakewood, CO 80225. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 7.5-MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF NORTH DAKOTA ABBEY HILL ALMONT EAST ABERCROMBIE ALMONT WEST ABSARAKA ALPHA ADAMS ALSEN ADAMS SE ALSEN SE ADAMS SW AMBROSE ADRIAN AMIDON ALAMO AMIDON SE ALAMO NE ANAMOOSE ALEXANDER ANAMOOSE SW ALEXANDRIA AN ETA ALFRED ANTELOPE ALICE ANTLER ALKABO ANTLER NW ALKALI LAKE ANTLER SW ALKALINE LAKE APPAM ALKALINE LAKE NW APPERT LAKE ALKALINE LAKE SW ARDOCH ARENA BENEDICT ARGUSVILLE BENEDICT NW ARNEGARD BENEDICT SW ARROWWOOD LAKE BENTLEY ARTHUR BERGEN ARTHUR SE BERLIN ARVILLA BERTHOLD ASHLEY EAST BERWICK ASHLEY NE BEULAH ASHLEY WEST BEULAH NE ATACOL BEULAH NW AURELIA BIG COULEE DAM AYR BIG MEADOW AYR NE BIG WOODS AYR NW BIG WOODS NE AYR SE BIG WOODS NW BACKOO BIG WOODS SW BADLAND DRAW BILLINGS LAKE BAINVILLE SE BINFORD BAKER BINFORD NE BALDHILL DAM BINFORD NW BALDWIN BISBEE NORTH BALFOUR BISBEE SOUTH BALFOUR NW BISMARCK BALTA BITTER LAKE BALTA NW BLABON BALTA SE BLACK BUTTE BANKS BLACK HAMMER HILL BANTRY BLACKTAIL COULEE BANTRY NW BLACKTAIL LAKE BARLOW BLACKTAIL LAKE SE BARREN BUTTE BLACKWATER LAKE BARRIE BLACKWATER LAKE NW BARTHS BUTTE BLACKWATER LAKE SE BARTLETT BLACKWATER LAKE SW BARTON BLAISDELL BATHGATE BLANCHARD BATHGATE NE BLOOM BATHGATE SE BLUE BUTTES BATTLEVIEW BLUE BUTTES SE BEACH EAST BLUE HILL BEACH WEST BLUEGRASS BEAR BUTTE BOISBERG BEAVER LAKE BONETRAILL BELCOURT BONETRAILL SE BELDEN BONETRAILL SW BELDEN SE BORDULAC BELDEN SW BORDULAC NE BELFIELD BORDULAC SW BELFIELD NE BOTTINEAU BELFIELD SE BOTTINEAU SE BELFIELD SW BOUNDARY LAKE BELL COULEE EAST BOWBELLS BELL COULEE WEST BOWBELLS NEXIV NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER BOWBELLS NW BOWBELLS SE BOWDEN BOWDEN SE BOWESMONT BOWMAN BOWMAN SE BOWMAN SW BOWMAN-HALEY DAM BOYCE CREEK EAST BOYCE CREEK WEST BOYLE BRADDOCK BRADDOCK NE BRADDOCK NW BRANTFORD BRANTFORD NE BRANTFORD NW BRATBURG BUTTE BRE1EN BREMEN BRIGHT WATER LAKE BRINSMADE BRINSMADE SW BRISBANE BROCKET BRUSH LAKE BRUSH MOUNTAIN BUCHANAN BUCKSKIN BUTTE BUCYRUS BUFFALO BUFFALO GAP CAMPGROUND BUFORD BULL BUTTE BULLION BUTTE BURGESS BURLINGTON BURLINGTON NE BURLINGTON NW BURLINGTON SE BURNING MINE BUTTE BURNSTAD BURNT BUTTE BURT BURT NW BUSH LAKE BUTTE BUTTZVILLE BUXTON BUXTON NW BUXTON SW BYGLAND CALEDONIA CALIO CALVIN CAMEL BUTTE CAMP CREEK EAST CAMP CREEK WEST CAMP GRAFTON CAMP LAKE CANDO CANDO NE CANDO SE CANFIELD LAKE CANNON BALL CANNON BALL NW CANNON BALL SE CANNON BALL SW CARBURY CARLYLE CARPENTER LAKE CARPIO CARPIO NE CARRINGTON EAST CARRINGTON SW CARRINGTON WEST CARSON CARSON SE CARTWRIGHT CARTWRIGHT NE CASSELTON CASSELTON SE CATHAY CATHAY SE CAVALIER CAVALIER NW CAYUGA CAYUGA NW CEDAR BUTTE CEDAR HILLS CEDAR LAKE CEDAR RIDGE CENTER CHAFFEE CHARBONNEAU CHARLSON CHARLSON NE CHARLSON NW CHARLSON SW CHASELEY CHIMNEY BUTTE CHRIS CREEK CHRISTINE CHURCHS FERRY CINNAMON CREEK CLAIRE CITY NE CLAIRE CITY NW CLARK BUTTE CLARK BUTTE NE CLARK BUTTE NW CLARK BUTTE SW CLEAR LAKE CLEARWATER LAKE CLEMENTSVILLE CLEVELAND CLEVELAND NW CLEVELAND SE CLEVELAND SW CLIFFS PLATEAU CLIFTON CLIMAX CLIMAX NW CLIMAX SW COBURN COFFIN BUTTES COGSWELL COLDWATER LAKE COLDWATER LAKE NE COLDWATER LAKE NW COLDWATER LAKE SW COLEHARBOR COLEHARBOR NE COLEHARBOR NW CO LG AN EAST COLGAN SE COLGAN WEST COLGATE COLUMBUS COLUMBUS SE COLUMBUS SW COMSTOCK CONCRETE CONSIDINE COOPERSTOWN EAST COOPERSTOWN WEST CORINTH COTEAU COTTONWOOD LAKE COULEE COURTENAY COURTENAY NW COW BUTTE COW BUTTE NE CRARY CRARY NW CRETE CROFF CROSBY CROSBY SE CROSBY SW CROW HILL CROWN BUTTE CROWN BUTTE CREEK NW CROWN BUTTE CREEK SE CROWN BUTTE CREEK SW CROWN BUTTE LAKE CROWN BUTTE NW CRYSTAL CRYSTAL NE CRYSTAL SE CRYSTAL SPRINGS CUSSICKS SPRING DAGLUM DAGLUM NW DAGLUM SE DAGLUM SW DAHLEN DANA DANZIG DAVIS BUTTES DAWSON DAZEY DAZEY NE DE LAMERE DEEP DEEP CREEK NORTH DEEP CREEK SOUTH DEERING DEERING NW DEERING SE DEERING SW DEISEM DEMICKS LAKE DENBIGH DENGATE DENHOFF DERRICK DERRICK NW DERRICK SE DERRICK SW DES LACS DES MOINES LAKE DEVILS LAKE DEVILS LAKE MOUNTAIN DICKEY DICKINSON NORTH DICKINSON SOUTH DOAKS BUTTE DODGE DOGIE BUTTE DOGTOOTH BUTTESINTRODUCTION xv DOMINEK LAKE DONNYBROOK DORE DOUGLAS EAST DOUGLAS WEST DOVER DOYON DRAKE DRAKE NW DRAKE SE DRAKE SW DRAYTON DRAYTON SE DRISCOLL DRY BULLION CREEK DUCK CREEK DUNN CENTER DUNN CENTER NE DUNN CENTER NW DUNSEITH DURBIN DWIGHT EAGLE DRAW EAGLES NEST BUTTE EASBY EAST RAINY BUTTE ECKELSON ECKELSON SE ECKELSON SW ECKMAN ECKMAN SE EDGELEY EDCELEY JUNCTION EDGELEY SE EDINBURG EDINBURG NW EDMORE EDMORE NE EDMORE SW EGELAND EGELAND SE EGELAND SW EHLER LAKE ELDRED ELDRIDGE ELDRIDGE NW ELDRIDGE SE ELDRIDGE SW ELGIN ELLENDALE NORTH ELLENDALE SOUTH ELLIOTT ELLIOTT SE ELLIOTT SW EMBDEN EMERADO EMERADO SE EMERADO SW EMERSON EMMET EMMET NE EMMET SE EMMET SW EMRICK ENDERLIN NORTH ENDERLIN SOUTH ENGLEVALE ENTERPRISE SCHOOL EPPING EPPING NE EPPING NW EPWORTH EPWORTH NW EPWORTH SE ESMOND FAIRDALE FAIRFIELD FAIRFIELD SE FAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT NW FAIRVIEW FALLON FALLON NE FARGO NORTH FARGO SOUTH FAYETTE FESSENDEN EAST FESSENDEN SW FESSENDEN WEST FIGURE 4 RANCH FILLMORE FINGAL FINGAL SW FINLEY FINLEY NE FISH CREEK LANE FLASHER FLAT ROCK BUTTE FLAXTON FLORA FLORA SE FLORENCE LAKE FONDA FORBES FORBES NW FORDVILLE FORDVILLE SE FORDVILLE SW FOREST RIVER FORMAN FORT CLARK FORT CLARK NE FORT CLARK SE FORT RANSOM FORT RICE FORT TOTTEN FORT YATES FORT YATES NE FORT YATES NW FORT YATES SE FORTUNA FREDA FREDERICK NW FREDONIA FREDONIA NE FREDONIA NW FREE PEOPLES LAKE FRIED FROELICH DAM FRYBURG FRYBURG NE FRYBURG NW FULLERTON FULLERTON NE FULLERTON SE GACKLE NE CACKLE NORTH GACKLE SOUTH GALCHUTT GALESBURG GALESBURG NW GALESBURG SE GAMACHE CREEK GARDAR GARDENA GARDNER GARRISON GARRISON DAM NORTH GARRISON DAM SOUTH GARRISON NE GASCOYNE GENESEO GEORGETOWN GILBY GLADSTONE GLASSTON GLASSTON NE GLEN ULLIN GLEN ULLIN NE GLEN ULLIN NW GLEN ULLIN SW GLENBURN GLENFIELD GLOVER GOLDEN LAKE GOLDEN VALLEY GOLDEN VALLEY NE GOLDEN VALLEY NW GOLDWIN GOLDWIN SE GOLDWIN SW GOLVA GOODRICH EAST GOODRICH SW GOODRICH WEST GORHAM GORHAM NW GORHAM SE GORHAM SW GRACE CITY GRAFTON GRAHAMS ISLAND GRAND FORKS GRAND FORKS SW GRAND HARBOR GRAND RAPIDS GRAND VIEW GRANDIN GRANO GRANO NE GRANO SW GRANVILLE GRANVILLE NE GRANVILLE NW GRANVILLE SW GRASS LAKE GRASSNA GRASSNA NE GRASSNA NW GRASSY BUTTE GRASSY BUTTE SE GRASSY BUTTE SW GREAT BEND GREEN RIDGE GREENE GREENWAY GRENORA GRIFFIN GRUBB LAKE GUELPH GUYSON GWINNER HAGUE HAGUE SE HAILSTONE BUTTE HALEYXVI NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER HALF TIMBER BUTTE HALLIDAY H ALU DAY NE HALLIDAY NW HALLSON HALSTAD HALSTAD SW HAMAR HAM BERG HAMILTON HAMLET HAMLIN HAMPDEN HANKINSON HANKINSON SE HANKS HANKS CORNER HANKS GULLY HANNAFORD HANNAH HANNAH SE HANNAH SW HANNOVER HANNOVER NE HANNOVER NW HANSBORO HANSBORO NE HANSBORO SE HANSBORO SW HARLOW HARLOW SE HARLOW SW HARMON HARRIET LAKE HARRIET LAKE SE HARTLAND HARVEY HASTINGS HATTON HATTON SW HAVANA HAVELOCK HAWKS NEST HAY FLAT HAYNES HAZELTON HAZELTON NW HAZELTON SW HAZEN EAST HAZEN NE HAZEN NW HAZEN WEST HEART BUTTE HEART BUTTE NW HEATON HEBRON HEBRON SE HECLA HECLA NE HEIL HEIMDAL HELDE LAKE HENSEL HERREID NE HERREID NW HESPER HETTINGER NORTH HETTINGER SOUTH HICKSON HILLSBORO HILLSBORO NW HIRSCHVILLE HIRSCHVILLE SW HOLMES HOMER HOOTOWL CREEK EAST HOOTOWL CREEK SW HOOTOWL CREEK WEST HOPE HOPE NE HOPE SE HORSE CREEK SCHOOL HORSE LAKE HORSEHEAD LAKE HORSESHOE LAKE HORSESHOE VALLEY HOVING HUFF HUFF NE HUMP BUTTE HUNGRY MAN BUTTE HUNTER HURDSFIELD HURRICANE LAKE EAST HURRICANE LAKE WEST ICE BOX CANYON INDEPENDENCE INDIAN BUTTE INKSTER INKSTER NE INKSTER SE INTERNATIONAL PEACE GARDEN (INT'L PEACE GARDEN) ISLAND LAKE IVES JAMESTOWN JESSIE JIM LAKE JOHNSON LAKE JOHNSONS CORNER JOLIETTE JOSEPHINE JUANITA JUD JUD NW JUD SE JUDSON JUNG LAKE JUNIPER SPUR KARLSRUHE KARLSRUHE NE KARLSRUHE NW KARNAK KATHRYN KEENE KEEVER BUTTE KELDRON KELLY KELSO KEMPTON KENMARE KENSAL KENSAL NW KENSAL SE KID CREEK KID RICH BUTTE KIDDER KIEF KIEFER BUTTES KILLDEER KILLDEER MOUNTAINS KINDRED KINTYRE KINTYRE NE KLOTEN KLOTEN NW KLOTEN SE KNOX KONCSBERG KONGSBERG NE KRAMER KREISER LAKE KULM KULM-EDCELEY DAM KUNKEL LAKE KUROKI LA MARS LA MOURE LA MOURE SW LADNER NE LAKE COE LAKE GENEVA LAKE HELEN LAKE ILO LAKE JESSIE LAKE KLINGENBERG LAKE LOUISE LAKE NETTIE LAKE PICKARD LAKE TSCHIDA EAST LAKE TSCHIDA WEST LAKE UPSILON LAKE UPSILON SE LAKE UPSILON SW LAKE VERNON LAKE WILLIAMS LAKOTA LAKOTA NW LAMBS LAKE LAN DA LANDA SE LAN DA SW LANGDON EAST LANGDON WEST LANKIN LANSFORD NE LANSFORD NW LANSFORD SE LANSFORD SW LARIMORE EAST LARIMORE SW LARIMORE WEST LARK LAWTON LEAL LEEDS LEEDS NE LEFOR LEFOR NW LEFOR SW LEHIGH LEHR LEHR NE LEHR NW LEHR SW LEITH LEMMON LEMMON NE LEONARD LEROY LEVERICH LIDGERWOOD LIENS DAMS LINCOLN VALLEY LINCOLN VALLEY NWINTRODUCTION LINCOLN VALLEY SE LINCOLN VALLEY SW LINTON LINTON NE LISBON LISBON NE LISBON SE LISBON SW LITCHVILLE LITCHVILLE SE LITCHVILLE SW LOGAN CENTER LOMA LONE BUTTE LONE BUTTE NE LONE BUTTE NW LONE BUTTE SE LONG BUTTE LONG LAKE LONG LAKE NE LONG LAKE NW LONG X DIVIDE LOOKOUT BUTTE LOOKOUT BUTTE SE LORDS LAKE LOST BRIDGE LOSTWOOD LOSTWOOD LAKES LUCCA LUNDS VALLEY LUVERNE LUVERNE NW LUVERNE SE LYNWOOD MADDOCK MAHTO NE MAHTO NW MAI DA MAKOTI MAKOTI SW MANDAN MANDAREE MANDAREE NE MANDAREE SE MANDAREE SW MANFRED MANFRED NW MANFRED SE MANFRED SW MANITOU MANNING MANNING NW MANNING SE MANTADOR MANVEL MAPLE LEAF MAPLETON MARION MARION NE MARION NW MARLOW MARMARTH MARMARTH SE MARSHALL MARSHALL NW MARSHALL SE MARSHALL SW MARTIN MATTSON MAX MAX NE MAX BASS MAY LAKE MAY LAKE NW MAY LAKE SE MAY LAKE SW MAYVILLE NORTH MAYVILLE SOUTH MCCLUSKY MCGREGOR MCHENRY MCINTOSH MCKENNA LAKE NORTH MCKENNA LAKE SOUTH MCKENZIE MCKENZIE NW MCLAUGHLIN NE MCLEOD MCVILLE MCVILLE SE MEDBERRY MEDICINE BUTTE MEDICINE BUTTE NE MEDICINE BUTTE SE MEDICINE BUTTE SW MEDINA MEDINA SE MEDINA SW MEDORA MEKINOCK MELVILLE MENOKEN MENOKEN SW MERCER MERCER SE MERCER SW MERRICOURT MERRICOURT NW MERRICOURT SE MERRICOURT SW MERTZ SLOUGH METIGOSHE LAKE MICHIGAN EAST MICHIGAN WEST MILLARTON MILNOR MILTON MINERAL SPRINGS MINNEWAUKAN WEST MINNEWAUKEN EAST MINOT MINOT NW MINOT SW MINTO MOFFIT MOFFIT NW MOFFIT SE MOFFIT SW MOHALL MOHALL NE MOHALL SW MOLINE SCHOOL MONANGO MONANGO NW MONANGO SW MONTPELIER MONTPELIER NW MOON LAKE MOORETON EAST MOORETON NW MOORETON WEST MORK LAKE MORRISTOWN MOSE MOSELLE MOSQUITO BUTTE MOTT NORTH MOTT NW MOTT SOUTH MOTT SW MOUNT CARMEL MOUNTAIN MOUSE RIVER PARK MOUSE RIVER PARK NE MOUSE RIVER PARK NW MOUSE RIVER PARK SW MUD BUTTES MUNICH MUNICH SE MUNICH SW MUNSTER MYLO MYLO NW MYLO SE NANSON NASH NASON HILL NECHE NEKOMA NEKOMA NW NELSON LAKE NEW EFFINGTON NE NEW EFFINGTON NW NEW ENGLAND NEW ENGLAND NW NEW ENGLAND SW NEW HRADEC NORTH NEW HRADEC SOUTH NEW LEIPZIG NORTH NEW LEIPZIG SOUTH NEW ROCKFORD NEW ROCKFORD NE NEW ROCKFORD SE NEW SALEM NEW SALEM NE NEW SALEM NW NEW TOWN NEW TOWN SE NEW TOWN SW NEWARK NEWARK NW NEWBURG NEWBURG SE NEWBURG SW NIAGARA NIAGARA SW NILES NIOBE NOME NOME SE NOONAN NOONAN SE NOONAN SW NORMA NORMAN NORTH ALMONT NORTH KILLDEER MOUNTAIN NORTH SALT LAKE NORTH STAR BUTTE NORTH GATE NORTHWOOD NORTHWOOD NW NORTHWOOD SE NORTON VILLE NORWICHXVIII NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER NYGREN DAM OAKDALE OAKES OAKES SE OAKWOOD OBERON OBERON SW ODLAND DAM ODLAND DAM NE OLGA OLGA NW OLGA SW OLLIE OMEMEE ORISKA ORR ORRIN OSLO OSLO NE OSLO SE OSNABROCK OSNABROCKSW OTTER CREEK OTTER CREEK EAST OTTER CREEK WEST OTTER TAIL CREEK OVERLY OVERLY SE PAGE PAGE SE PAGE SW PALERMO PALERMO NE PALERMO NW PAMPLIN HILLS PARADISE FLATS PARK RIVER PARKS HILLS PARSHALL PARSHALL NE PARSHALL SE PARSHALL SW PAULSON PEARL BUTTE PEARL BUTTE NW PEARL LAKE PEKIN PEKIN NE PEKIN NW PELICAN LAKE PELICAN LAKE SE PELTO PEMBINA PENN PERLEY PETERSON LAKE PETES CREEK PETRIFIED LAKE PETTIBONE PHILLIP SPRING PICKARDVILLE PILLSBURY PILLSBURY SE PILLSBURY SW PINGREE PINGREE SW PISEK PITT CREEK PLAZA PLAZA NE PLAZA NW PLAZA SE PLEASANT LAKE PLEASANT VALLEY PLUM BUTTE PLUM BUTTE NE POLLOCK POLLOCK NW PONY GULCH PORCUPINE PORTAL POWER POWERS LAKE PRETTY BUTTE PRETTY ROCK BUTTE PRETTY ROCK BUTTE SE PRICE PURSIAN LAKE RALEIGH RANGELEY RANGELEY NE RANGELEY NW RANGELEY SE RAT LAKE RAT LAKE SE RAT LAKE SW RATTLESNAKE BUTTE RAUB RAUB NW RAUB SE RAWSON RAY RAY NW RAY SE RED BANK CREEK RED BUTTE RED BUTTE NW RED BUTTE SW RED MIKE HILL RED WING CREEK REEDER REGAN REGAN SE REGENT RENNIE LAKE RENVILLE REVERE REYNOLDS RHAME RHAME SE RICE LAKE RICE LAKE NW RICHARDTON RICHARDTON SE RIGA RIVERDALE NORTH RIVERDALE SOUTH ROBINSON ROBINSON COULEE ROBINSON LAKE ROCK LAKE ROCK LAKE NE ROCK LAKE NW ROCK LAKE SE ROCKY RIDGE NORTH ROCKY RIDGE SOUTH ROGERS ROHRICH DAM ROLETTE ROLETTE SW ROLLA ROLLA NE ROOSEVELT CREEK EAST ROOSEVELT CREEK WEST ROSECLEN ROSS ROSS NW ROTH ROUND LAKE ROUND TOP RUGBY RUGBY NE RUGBY NW RUSH LAKE RUSO RUTLAND RYDER SADDLE BUTTE SADDLE BUTTE SW SAINT ANTHONY SAINT JOHN SAINT THOMAS SANBORN SANBORN SE SANGER SANISH SANISH NW SANISH SE SANISH SW SARLES SARLES NE SARLES SE SATHER LAKE SAVO NE SAVO NW SAWYER SAWYER NE SAWYER SW SCAIRT WOMAN DRAW SCHAFER SCHAFER SE SCHAFFNER CREEK SCHAFFNER CREEK NE SCHEFIELD SCHELL BUTTES SCHELL BUTTES NW SCHELL BUTTES SW SCHLECHT-WEIXEL DAM SCHMIDT SCHUMACHER LAKE NE SCOLE SCHOOL SCRANTON SCRANTON NE SCRANTON SW SELFRIDGE SELFRIDGE SE SELZ NE SELZ NW SENCER LAKE NORTH SENCER LAKE SOUTH SENIOR LAKE SENTINEL BUTTE SENTINEL BUTTE SE SHARON SHEEP CREEK SHEEP CREEK DAM SHELDON SHELDON NE SHELDON NW SHELL CREEK BAY SHELL LAKE SHELLY SHERBROOKE SHERWOOD SHEYENNE SHEYENNE LAKEINTRODUCTION XIX SHEYENNE LAKE NE SHIELDS SHIELDS SW SIBLEY SIBLEY BUTTE SIDNEY NE SIDNEY SE SIEBOLD LAKE SIKES DAM SILVA SILVERLEAF SIMCOE SKAAR SKAAR NE SKJERMO LAKE SMOKY BUTTE SNIDER HILL SNYDER LAKE SOLBERC BUTTE SOLEN SOLEN SW SONORA SOURIS SOURIS SE SOURIS SW SOUTH HEART SOUTH OF WAHPETON SOUTH PRAIRIE SOUTHAM SPERATI POINT SPIRITWOOD SPIRITWOOD LAKE SPRING BROOK SPRING CREEK SQUARE BUTTE SQUARETOP BUTTE SQUAW GAP STADY STAMPEDE STANLEY STANLEY SE STANTON STANTON SE STARKWEATHER STARKWEATHER NE STARKWEATHER SE STEELE STEELE NE STEELE NW STERLING STEWART LAKE STIRUM STOCKE BUTTE STOCKYARD CREEK STONY BUTTE STONY SLOUGH STRASBURG STRAUBVILLE STREETER STREETER FLATS STREETER NW STREETER SE STREETER SW STRING BUTTES SUGARLOAF BUTTE SURREY SUTTON SUTTON NE SUTTON SW SWAN LAKE SWEET BRIAR SWEETWATER SYKESTON SYKESTON SW TABLE MOUNTAIN TAGUS TAGUS SE TALBOT BUTTE TAPPEN NE TAPPEN NORTH TAPPEN SE TAPPEN SOUTH TATANKA LAKE TAYLOR TAYLOR BUTTE TAYLOR BUTTE SE TEMPLE TEMVIK TEPEE BUTTES THE HOGBACK THELAN THOMPSON THOMPSON LAKE THORNE THREE V CROSSING THUNDER HAWK TILDEN TIMBER PRONG CREEK TIMMER TIOGA TIOGA SE TIOGA SW TOBACCO GARDEN BAY TOKIO TOKIO SW TOLLEY TOLLEY SE TOLNA TOM BERG LAKE TOWER CITY TOWER CITY SW TOWNER TOWNER NE TOWNER NW TOWNER SE TRACY MOUNTAIN TRENTON TRENTON NE TRENTON NW TRENTON SW TROTTERS TROTTERS SE TUNBRIDGE TURTLE CREEK NE TURTLE CREEK NW TURTLE CREEK SE TURTLE CREEK SW TURTLE LAKE TUTTLE TUTTLE SW TWIN BUTTES TWIN LAKES UNDERDAHL LAKE UNDERWOOD UNION UPHAM UPHAM NE UPHAM SE VALLEY CITY EAST VALLEY CITY WEST VANG VANVILLE NE VASHTI VEBLEN NE VELVA VENLO VENTURA VERONA VERONA NE VERONA NW VESELEYVILLE VOLTAIRE VOSS WABEK WAGON WHEEL HILL WAHPETON WALCOTT WALES WALHALLA WALKER WANNAGAN CREEK EAST WANNAGAN CREEK WEST WARNKE HILL WARWICK WASHBURN WASHBURN NE WASHBURN SW WATAUGA WATERHOLE CREEK WATERLOO LAKE WATFORD CITY WATFORD CITY NE WATFORD CITY NW WEBSTER WEBSTER NE WEISSER DAM EAST WEISSER DAM WEST WELLSBURG WERNER WEST BONETRAILL WEST FARGO NORTH WEST FARGO SOUTH WEST FORK DEEP CREEK WEST RAINY BUTTE WEST TWIN BUTTE WESTBY LAKE WESTBY NORTH WESTBY SOUTH WESTFIELD WESTHOPE WESTHOPE SE WESTHOPE SW WHEATLAND WHEELER HILLS WHETSTONE BUTTES WHITE BUTTE WHITE BUTTE EAST WHITE BUTTE NE WHITE BUTTE NW WHITE BUTTE WEST WHITE EARTH WHITE LAKE WHITMAN WILDROSE WILLIAMS LAKE WILLISTON EAST WILLISTON SE WILLISTON SW WILLISTON WEST WILLOW CITY WILLOW CITY SW WILLOW CREEK EAST WILLOW CREEK WEST WILLOW LAKEXX NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER WILTON WOODHOUSE LAKE WILTON SE WOODWORTH WIMBLEDON WOODWORTH NW WIMBLEDON NE WRITING ROCK NORTH WING WRITING ROCK SOUTH WING SE WYNDMERE WING SW WYNDMERE NE WISHEK WYNDMERE NW WISHEK NE WYNDMERE SE WISHEK SW YORK WOBURN YPSILANTI WOLF BUTTE ZAHL WOLF COULEE ZAP WOLFF LAKE ZEELAND WOLFORD ZEELAND NW WOLVERTON ZINER BUTTE HISTORICAL MAPS Figures 2-5 (p. XXII-XXV) are historical maps of North Dakota. These maps indicate that the naming of geographic features increased with settlement and that these features frequently had different names at different times in the history of the State. NORTH DAKOTA By Jon C. Campbell North Dakota became a member of the United States on November 2, 1889. North and South Dakota were admitted to the Union as "Sister States" on the same day, but, on the basis of alphabetical order, North Dakota is the 39th State of the Union and South Dakota is the 40th. Both States derive their names from the prior political division, Dakota Territory, which was named for the Dakota or Sioux Indians. Dakota, usually translated as "allies," is the name that the Sioux people speaking the Santee dialect apply to themselves. Dakota County, Minn., established in 1849, and the Dakota Land Company, organized in 1857, provided precedents for the use of the word Dakota in a legal name before the Dakota Territory was created in 1861. The renowned American explorers Lewis and Clark probably made the first written use of a recognizable variant of the name Dakota, spelling it Dacorta, Dar-cota, and Darcotar in their journals. Bismarck, the capital of North Dakota, was named in 1873 by officials of the Northern Pacific Railroad for Otto von Bismarck, Germany's "Iron Chancellor," in an effort to attract the attention of German investors. At that time the site of Bismarck on the Missouri River was the western terminus of the railroad and was generally known as "The Crossing." Close by was the townsite of Edwinton, surveyed in 1872 and named for Edwin F. Johnson, chief engineer of the Northern Pacific. The name of the Edwinton post office was officially changed to Bismarck on July 17, 1873. Although Yankton, now in South Dakota, was the first capital of the Dakota Territory, Bismarck served as the territorial capital from 1883 until statehood in 1889. A few North Dakota place-names acknowledge the Native Americans who knew the land by other, older names that have not survived. The Sheyenne River takes its name from the Cheyenne Indians who lived along its banks. The town of Mandan was commemo-ratively named in 1878 for the Mandan Indians, once a powerful and numerous people who farmed the valleys of the Heart and upper Missouri Rivers. The town of Wahpeton was similarly named in 1874 for the local Wahpeton Dakota tribe. The site of Wahpeton was originally called Richville for the first settler and landholder, Morgan T. Rich, who came to the area in 1864. In 1873 the name of the post office was changed to Chahinkapa, an Indian phrase that is said to mean "End of the Woods," but this name was changed to Wahpeton a year later. A French explorer and fur trader from Canada, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Sieur de la Ver-endrye, was the first white man known to have explored what is now North Dakota. On the basis of descriptions in la Verendrye's journal and archeological evidence, most authorities believe that he visited a Mandan village at Menoken, located a few miles east of Bismarck, in December 1738. Since 1873 this place has been known by several names. In 1873 the Northern Pacific Railroad built a siding there, known as Seventeenth Siding. Later the place was called Blaine for James G. Blaine, a U.S. Senator from Maine. The post office established there in 1880 was named Clarkes Farm for C.J. Clarke on whose farmland the town was later developed. S.G. Magill bought the Clarke farm and in 1883 platted a townsite, which he called Menoken, an Indian name that is said, perhaps fancifully, to mean "Thou shalt reap where thou hast sown." La Verendrye's precedence in the State is remembered in the name of Verendrye, a small community in McHenry County. French-speaking hunters, trappers, and traders, many of them of mixed blood, figure prominently in North Dakota's early history and bestowed many geographic names to the State. The Park River and the Souris River are two examples. The Park River is reportedly so named because some Assiniboin Indians once made an enclosure, or pen, for buffalo next to the river. Park, in this case, is an anglicized spelling of the French word pare meaning "pen." The Souris River isNORTH DAKOTA XX] still often referred to by the English translation of its name, Mouse River. The name is believed to stem from an incident that occurred before the settlement of the Dakotas when a party that camped on the banks of the river for the winter was nearly routed by hordes of mice. The first non-Indian settlement in present-day North Dakota was made in 1812 at Pembina under the sponsorship of Thomas Douglas, the Earl of Selkirk, by Scottish, Irish, and Swiss settlers coming from Canada. The name Pembina, a corruption of the Indian name for the highbush cranberry that is common in the area, was first the name of the river and then was used to refer to the early fur trading post located at the junction of the Pembina and Red Rivers. Years before the Dakota Territory was organized, this section of the American Northwest was known as "The Pembina Country." An 1873 bill introduced before the U.S. Senate suggested Pembina as the name for a proposed northern division of Dakota Territory. By the terms of the Louisiana Purchase, negotiated in 1803, the United States gained possession of the south- western half of North Dakota that is part of the Mississippi River basin. The northeastern part of the State, the area drained by the Red and Souris Rivers, was acquired from Great Britain by the Convention of 1818, which fixed the international boundary at the 49th parallel. As the Nation expanded westward, the land that eventually would become North Dakota was successively part of Louisiana, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and the Dakota Territories. REFERENCES Federal Writers' Project, 1950, North Dakota: New York, Oxford University Press, 352 p. Lounsberry, C.A., 1919, Early history of North Dakota: Washington, D.C., Liberty Press, 645 p. Robinson, E.B., 1966, History of North Dakota: Lincoln, Nebr., University of Nebraska Press, 599 p. Williams, M.A.B., 1966, Origins of North Dakota place names: Bismarck, N.D., Bismarck Tribune, 354 p.Figure 2. —Carte de la Louisiane et du Mexique [Map of Louisiana and Mexico, North Dakota section] (Pierre Tardieu, 1820). Largely based on Lewis and Clark's discoveries, this section of Tardieu's map shows that many present names of North Dakota rivers were already established in 1820. On the Missouri River at the center of the map is Fort Mandan, a camp built by the Lewis and Clark expedition as winter quarters in 1804 and named for the Indian tribe. Pembina is depicted here on the Pembanar River as an outpost of the North West Company, a British fur trading firm. xxil NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEERNORTH DAKOTA XXIII Figure 3. — Hydrographical basin of the upper Mississippi River (northwest section) (J.N. Nicollett, 1843). Nicollett's map displays transcriptions of several American Indian geographic names. Devils Lake, for example, is shown as "Mini Wakan Lake," and "Psihu" is given as an alternate name for the Wild Rice River. The Forest River is here named "Saline River."XXIV NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER Figure 4. —Dakota (Colton and Company, 1873). This map of the Dakota Territory shows the Northern Pacific Railroad completed from Minnesota to the Missouri River at Edwinton, a previous name for Bismarck that honored Edwin F. Johnson, chief engi- neer of the railroad. The descriptive term "Buffalo" is prominently shown in the central part of the map while the eastern part of present-day North Dakota carries the name Pembina. The names of U.S. Army forts dot the Missouri River.E MTS. ,u»lMoo' Fort loiuV Bm’tntll Park baffal iV ,S TUI' DDER^____ '<* ) . H«*rt Butte , »ci» m , ta 'K ^tfBttunmunriaiui'i tjut IfSrarM Ooublt B Pori Yi Figure 5. —Dakota (northern half) (Rand, McNally and Company's indexed atlas of the world, 1883). Settlement of North Dakota proceeded from the Red River Valley and along the Northern Pacific Railroad as illustrated by this map. The cartographic division of the Dakota Territory in this atlas almost exactly anticipates the later political division of the Dakota Territory in 1889. The James River is here shown as the "Dakota River." NORTH DAKOTAXXVI NORTH DAKOTA GAZETTEER GLOSSARY By Roger L. Payne The following is a glossary of common language terms used to categorize each place, feature, or area identified by a geographic name. The terms assigned to each entry form the second column, Feature Class, on the gazetteer page. The terms and their definitions should be considered only as a general guide and not as a dictionary of balanced, exclusive, or precise terminology for the identification of cultural and natural features. Commonly used generic terms are listed at the end of each definition to assist in understanding the range of meaning represented by the feature class. A geographic name in plural form is identified by a term in singular form; "Relic Islands" is identified as "island." The term "populated place" is abbreviated "ppl." airport: a manmade facility maintained for the use of aircraft (airfield, airstrip, landing field, landing strip), arch: a natural archlike opening in a rock mass (bridge, natural bridge, sea arch), area: any one of several areally extensive natural features not included in other categories (badlands, barren, delta, fan, garden). arroyo: a watercourse or channel through which water may occasionally flow (coulee, draw, gulley, wash). bar: a natural accumulation of sand, gravel, or allu- vium or a ledge of rock or coral forming an underwater or exposed embankment (ledge, reef, sandbar, shoal, spit). basin: a natural depression or relatively low area enclosed by higher land (amphitheater, cirque, pit, sink). bay: an indentation of a coast or shoreline enclosing a part of a body of water; a body of water partly surrounded by land (arm, bight, cove, estuary, gulf, inlet, sound). beach: the sloping shore along a body of water that is periodically washed by waves or tides and is usually covered by sand or gravel (coast, shore, strand), bench: an area of relatively level land on the side of an elevation, such as a hill, ridge, or mountain, where the slope of the land rises on one side and descends on the opposite side (level), bend: a curve in the course of a stream and (or) the land within the curve; a curve in a linear body of water (loop, meander). bridge: a manmade structure carrying a trail, road, or other transportation system across a body of water or depression (causeway, overpass, trestle), building: a manmade structure having walls and a roof for protection of people and (or) materials; churches, hospitals, and schools are special types of buildings and are assigned individual categories, canal: a manmade waterway used by watercraft or for drainage, irrigation, mining, or water power (ditch, lateral). cape: a projection of land extending into a body of water (lae, neck, peninsula, point), cave: a natural underground passageway or chamber or a hollowed out cavity in the side of a cliff (cavern, grotto). cemetery: a place or area for burying the dead (burial, burying ground, grave, memorial garden), channel: a linear deep part of a body of water through which the main volume of water flows and that is frequently used as a route for watercraft (passage, reach, strait, thoroughfare, throughfare). church: a building used for religious worship (chapel, mosque, synagogue, tabernacle, temple), civil: designates a political division formed for administrative purposes (borough, county, town, township). cliff: a very steep or vertical slope (bluff, crag, head, headland, nose, overhang, pali, palisade, precipice, promontory, rim, rimrock). crater: a circular depression at the summit of a vol- canic cone or one on the surface of the land caused by either volcanism, meteoritic impact, or underground subsidence; a manmade depression caused by an explosion (caldera, lua). crossing: a place where two or more routes of trans- portation form a junction or intersection (overpass, underpass). dam: a water barrier or embankment built across the course of a stream or into or within a body of water to control and (or) impound the flow of water (breakwater, dike, jetty). falls: a perpendicular or very steep descent of water in the course of a stream (cascade, cataract, waterfall). flat: a relatively level area within a region of greater relief (clearing, glade, playa). forest: a bounded area of woods, forest, or grassland under the administration of a political agency (national forest, national grasslands, State forest); see "woods." gap: a low point or opening between hills or moun- tains or in a ridge or mountain range (col, notch, pass, saddle, water gap, wind gap), geyser: an eruptive spring from which hot water, steam, and (or) mud are periodically thrown, glacier: a body or stream of ice moving outward and downslope from an area of accumulation; an area ofGLOSSARY XXVII relatively permanent snow or ice on the top or side of a mountain (ice field, ice patch, snow patch), gut: a relatively small coastal waterway connecting larger bodies of water or other waterways (creek, inlet, slough). harbor: a sheltered area of water where ships or other watercraft can anchor or dock (hono, port, road, roadstead). hospital: a building where the sick or injured may receive medical or surgical attention (infirmary), island: an area of dry or relatively dry land sur- rounded by water or low wetland (archipelago, atoll, cay, hammock, hummock, isla, isle, key, moku, rock). isthmus: a narrow projection of land in a body of water connecting two larger land areas, lake: a natural body of inland water (backwater, lac, lagoon, laguna, pond, pool, resaca, waterhole). lava: a formation or feature resulting from the con- solidation of molten rock on the surface of the Earth (kipuka, lava flow). levee: a natural or manmade embankment flanking a stream (bank, berm). locale: a place at which there is or was relatively minor human occupation or activity; does not include populated places (ppl), mines, and dams (battlefield, camp, farm, railroad siding, ranch, ruins, site, station, windmill), mine: a place or area from which commercial miner- als are or were removed from the Earth; does not include oilfield (pit, quarry, shaft), oilfield: an area where petroleum is or was removed from the Earth. other: this category is for miscellaneous named man- made entities that cannot readily be placed in the other feature classes listed here, park: a place or area set aside for recreation or preservation of a cultural or natural resource and under some form of governmental administration; does not include a forest (national historical landmark, national park, State park, wilderness), pillar: a vertical-standing, often spire-shaped, natural rock formation (chimney, monument, pinnacle, pohaku, rock tower). plain: a region of general uniform slope, compara- tively level and of considerable extent (grassland, highland, kula, plateau, upland), ppl: populated place: a place or area having clus- tered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village), range: a chain of hills or mountains; a somewhat linear mountainous or hilly area (cordillera, sierra). rapids: a fast-flowing section of a stream, often shal- lower than other sections and having exposed rocks or boulders (riffle, ripple). reserve: a tract of land set aside for a specific use; does not include forests, civil divisions, or parks, reservoir: an artificially impounded body of water (lake, tank). ridge: an elevation having a narrow, linear crest; may be part of a hill or mountain (crest, cuesta, escarpment, hogback, lae, rim, spur), school: a building or group of buildings used as an institution for study, teaching, and learning (academy, college, high school, university), sea: a large body of salt water (gulf, ocean), slope: a gently inclined part of the Earth's surface (grade, pitch). spring: a place where underground water flows nat- urally to the surface of the Earth (seep), stream: a linear body of water flowing on the Earth's surface (anabranch, awawa, bayou, branch, brook, creek, distributary, fork, kill, pup, rio, river, run, slough). summit: a prominent elevation rising above the sur- rounding level of the Earth's surface; does not include ridges and ranges (ahu, bald, berg, butte, cerro, colina, cone, cumbre, dome, head, hill, horn, knob, knoll, mauna, mesa, meseta, mesita, mound, mount, mountain, peak, puu, rock, sugarloaf, table, volcano). swamp: poorly drained wetland, fresh or sait, wooded or grassy; possibly covered with open water (bog, cienaga, marais, marsh, pocosin). tower: a manmade structure, higher than its diame- ter, generally used for observation, storage, or electronic transmission. trail: a route for passage from one point to another; does not include roads or highways, categories of entities presently not included in this gazetteer (jeep trail, path, ski trail). tunnel: a linear underground passageway open at both ends. valley: a linear depression in the Earth's surface that generally slopes from one end to the other (barranca, canyon, chasm, cove, draw, glen, gorge, gulch, gulf, hollow, ravine), well: a manmade shaft or hole in the Earth's surface used to obtain fluid or gaseous materials, woods: a small area covered with a dense growth of trees; does not include an area of trees under the administration of a political agency; see "forest." THE GAZETTEER OF NORTH DAKOTANATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND1 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME A Aadalen Church church Walsh 482817N0981346W Fairdale Aal Church church Traill 472628N0971033W Hillsboro NW Abbey Hill summit Slope 462202N1023142W 2653 Abbey Hill Abbey Lake lake Stark 465401N1021845W Richardton Abercrombie ppl Richland 462652N0964348W 936 Abercrombie Fort Abercrombie VARIANT Abercrombie Township civil Richland 462418N0964715W Galchutt Absaraka ppl Cass 465841N0972339W 1060 Absaraka Absaraka Interchange crossing Cass 465233N0972315W Absaraka A Butte summit McKenzie 474945N1033811W 2358 Alexander Achenbach Hills range BGN 1975 McKenzie 473414N1032423W Sperati Point Achenback Hills VARIANT Achenbach Spring spring BGN 1975 McKenzie 473432N1032425W Sperati Point Achenback Spring VARIANT Achenback Hills VARIANT See Achenbach Hills range McKenzie 473414N1032423W Achenback Spring VARIANT See Achenbach Spring spring McKenzie 473432N1032425W Ackworth Cemetery cemetery Renville 485759N1000941W Boundary Lake Acton (historical) locale Walsh 482328N0970948W 803 Big Woods NW (MN) Acton Town Hall building Walsh 482539N0971406W 800 Big Woods NW (MN) Acton Township civil Walsh 482417N0971202W Big Woods NW (MN) Adams ppl Walsh 482517N0980443W 1565 Adams Sarles VARIANT Adams County civil Adams 460320N1023130W Taylor Butte SE Adams Dam dam Walsh 482530N0980336W Adams Adams Ranch locale Billings 464415N1033608W 2340 Bullion Butte Adams Ranch locale Billings 464924N1031615W 2660 Fryburg Adams Ranch locale Golden Valley 465850N1034322W 2600 Buffalo Gap Campground Adams Slough swamp Barnes 470037N0975651W Pillsbury SW Adams Township civil Walsh 482421N0980641W Adams Ada Town Hall building Dickey 455705N0981751W 1370 Savo NE (SD) Ada Township civil Dickey 455826N0981830W Savo NE (SD) Addie, Lake lake Griggs 473150N0981707W 1412 Binford Addie Town Hall building Griggs 473054N0981704W 1448 Binford Addie Township civil Griggs 473214N0981747W Binford Addison Township civil Cass 464509N0970618W Casselton SE Adkinson Lake lake Stutsman 465311N0985603W 1601 Eldridge NW Adler (historical) locale Nelson 475513N0975720W 1500 Lake Pickard Adler Township civil Nelson 475255N0975608W Lake Pickard Adobe Wall Creek stream Slope 463711N1030739W 463736N1031331W Daglum SW Double Wall Creek VARIANT Adolphus Church church Walsh 482608N0980955W Fairdale Adrian PPl La Moure 463600N0983311W 1356 Adrian Adrian Township civil La Moure 463452N0983519W Adrian Advance Town Hall building Pembina 484823N0974723W 1020 Hallson Advance Township civil Pembina 485029N0974430W Backoo Advent Cemetery cemetery Sheridan 473704N1002100W 1797 Lincoln Valley SE Aennis Coulee valley Ward 483132N1015447W 483056N1015657W Donnybrook Agassiz School school Cass 465159N0964758W Fargo South Agate ppl Towner 483722N0992934W Bisbee South Aggie Brown Coulee stream McLean 473113N1012205W 473037N10U901W Riverdale North Agnes Town Hall building Grand Forks 480453N0974506W 1140 Fordville SE Agnes Township civil Grand Forks 480325N0974150W Orr A Gravos Ranch locale McKenzie 474117N1032900W 2180 Stocke Butte A Hagen Ranch locale McKenzie 473632N1033042W 2195 Red Wing Creek Aholan Cemetery cemetery Burleigh 470130N1001740W 1983 Wing SE Airport Interchange crossing Pembina 485604N0971526W Bathgate NE A Jellesed Ranch locale McKenzie 480403N1035425W 2344 Charlson SW Akra ppl Pembina 484631N0974336W 980 Backoo Akra Township (historical) civil Pembina 484754N0974429W Backoo Akra Township civil Pembina 484515N0974420W Backoo Alamo ppl Williams 483454N1032810W 2115 Alamo Cottonwood VARIANT Cottonwood City VARIANT Alamo Cemetery cemetery Williams 483548N1032658W 2175 Alamo Albertha Town Hall building Dickey 455740N0985905W 2130 Forbes NW (SD) Albertha Township civil Dickey 455833N0985557W Forbes NW (SD) Albion Town Hall building Dickey 460317N0984020W 1513 Monango SW Albion Township civil Dickey 460345N0984055W Monango SWND2 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Albion Township (historical) civil Stutsman 470336N0983500W Spiritwood Lake Alden Cemetery cemetery Slope 461936N1023521W 2667 Abbey Hill Alderin Cemetery cemetery Mercer 471552N1011758W Stanton SE Alderin Creek stream Mercer 471602N1011613W 471538N1012331W Stanton SE Alexander ppi McKenzie 475035N1033832W 2180 Alexander Alexander Cemetery cemetery McKenzie 475058N1033657W 2240 Rawson Alexander Township civil Stutsman 464003N0985948W Jud NW Alexandria Township civil Divide 484538N1033941W Alexandria Alfred ppi La Moure 463611N0985956W 1889 Jud Alice ppi Cass 464543N0973320W 1125 Alice Alice, Lake lake BGN 1973 Ramsey 482009N0990703W 1442 Cando SE Lac aux Mortes Reservoir VARIANT Alice Creek VARIANT See Rice Creek stream Morton 46303ONI003535W Aliceton (historical) locale Ransom 461923N0973746W 1200 Lisbon SW Aliceton School school Ransom 461935N0973545W 1185 Lisbon SE Aliceton Town Hall building Ransom 461934N0973618W 1188 Lisbon SE Aliceton Township civil Ransom 461907N0973506W Lisbon SE Alkabo ppi Divide 485146N1035323W 2200 Alkabo Alkali Creek stream Bowman 455948N1031731W 460901N1033644W Tepee Buttes (SD) South Fork Creek VARIANT Alkali Creek stream Dunn 472125N1022006W 471753N1022524W Halliday Alkali Creek stream Golden Valley 471308N1034508W 471017N1034508W Hootowl Creek East Alkali Creek stream Grant 460407N1015237W 461008N1015608W Round Top Alkali Creek stream McKenzie 473914N1040231W 473805N1035113W Sidney NE (MT) Alkali Creek stream Williams 480909N1025100W 481628N1025100W Charison NE Alkali Lake lake McHenry 475340N1002353W 1565 Drake NW Alkali Lake lake Pierce 475108N1000411W 1577 Martin Alkali Lake lake Sheridan 474531N1001334W 1649 Anamoose SW Alkali Ponds VARIANT Lake Bitz VARIANT Alkali Lake lake Sheridan 473855N1003805W Alkali Lake Alkali Lake lake Stutsman 471226N0991229W 1912 Goldwin Alkali Lake lake Williams 483451N1033514W Appam Alkaline Lake lake Kidder 464843N0994805W 1722 Dawson Alkaline Lake lake Kidder 463940N0993357W 1875 Alkaline Lake Alkali Ponds VARIANT See Alkali Lake lake Sheridan 474531N1001334W Allegany Township VARIANT See Alleghany Township civil Ransom 461908N0975010W Alleghany Town Hall building Ransom 461838N0974933W 1356 Elliott SE Alleghany Township civil Ransom 461908N0975010W Elliott SE Allegany Township VARIANT Allen Cemetery cemetery Kidder 465456N0995153W Steele NE Allendale Township civil Grand Forks 474743N0970947W Grand Forks SW Allendale Township (historical) civil Grand Forks 474600N0971453W Grand Forks SW Allen School school Kidder 465616N0995326W 1852 Steele NW All Nations Cemetery cemetery Towner 484651N0991543W Hansboro SE Allred County (historical) civil McKenzie 474930N1034600W Charbonneau Alma VARIANT See Bowesmont ppi Pembina 484124N0971040W Almlie Cemetery cemetery Ramsey 482004N0990529W Cando SE Almont ppi Morton 464331N1013008W 1910 Almont West Alpha ppi Golden Valley 463930N1034910W 2810 Alpha Alsen ppi Cavalier 483750N0984216W 1580 Alsen Storlie VARIANT Alta Church church Burleigh 471832N1003716W Mercer SE Altamont Moraine range Emmons 463001N1000001W Braddock Alta Township civil Barnes 465538N0975135W Oriska Alton VARIANT See Burt ppi Hettinger 462155N1020917W Alton ppi Traill 472120N0970243W Kelso Ambrose ppi Divide 485714N1032856W 2059 Ambrose Ambrose Cemetery cemetery Divide 485644N1032915W Ambrose Ambrose Station locale Divide 485955N1032913W 2010 Ambrose Ambulance Butte summit Morton 463454N1004323W 2291 Huff Ambulance Butte School school Morton 463348N1004435W Huff Amenia ppi Cass 470018N0971307W 952 Arthur Amenia Township civil Cass 470053N0971504W Ayr SE American Church church Cass 464339N0971930W Sheldon NE Americus-Saint Olaf Cemetery cemetery Grand Forks 474110N0970615W Reynolds Americus Town Hall building Grand Forks 474352N0970115W 861 Reynolds Americus Township civil Grand Forks 474230N0970202W Reynolds Amidon ppi Slope 462856N1031917W 2908 Amidon Amity School school Bottineau 484638N1002122W Bottineau SE Amourdale ppi Towner 485217N0992221W Hansboro SE Anamoose ppi McHenry 475257N1001427W 1610 Anamoose Anderson Butte summit Billings 471654N1033034W 2619 Hanks Gully Anderson Butte summit Slope 461800N1023147W 2742 Abbey HillNATIONAL GAZETTEER-NORTH DAKOTA 1990 NO 3 FEATURE NAME FEATURE CLASS STATUS COUNTY Anderson Cemetery cemetery Richland Anderson Coulee valley Billings Anderson Dam dam Barnes Anderson Dam dam Grand Forks Anderson Lake lake Rolette Anderson Ranch locale McKenzie Anderson Town Hall building Barnes Anderson Township civil Barnes Andrews Creek stream Billings Andrews Lake See Canfield Lake lake VARIANT Burleigh Andvari Cemetery cemetery Pembina Andvik Landing Strip airport Cass Aneta ppi Nelson Angus Township See Weber Township civil VARIANT Sargent Ankenbauer Coulee valley Ward Annunciation Priory church Burleigh An-qui-ni-gay Indian Burial cemetery Rolette Ground Anselm ppi Ransom Shenford Antelope See Oberon ppi VARIANT VARIANT Benson Antelope ppi Stark The Fifth Siding Young Mans Butte Siding Antelope Butte summit VARIANT VARIANT Grant Antelope Cemetery cemetery McKenzie Antelope Cemetery cemetery Richland Antelope Creek stream Grant Antelope Creek stream McKenzie Antelope Creek stream McKenzie Antelope Creek See West Branch Antelope stream VARIANT Mercer Creek Antelope Creek stream BGN 1980 Mercer Antelope Creek stream Richland Antelope Creek stream Stark Antelope Creek State Game park McKenzie Management Area Antelope Lakes lake Pierce Antelope Oil Field oilfield McKenzie Antelope School school Richland Antelope Town Hall building Richland Antelope Township civil Richland Antelope Valley valley Pierce Antelope Valley Church church Benson Antiochia Church church Benson Antler ppi Bottineau Antler Cemetery cemetery Bottineau Antler Creek Dam dam Bottineau Apostolic Church church Burleigh Appam ppi Williams Appel Creek stream McKenzie Appert Lake reservoir Emmons Appert Lake Dam dam Emmons Appert Lake National Wildlife park Emmons Refuge Apple Branch See West Branch Apple Creek stream VARIANT Burleigh Apple Creek stream BGN 1976 Burleigh Shepherds Creek Apple Creek See East Branch Apple Creek stream VARIANT VARIANT Burleigh Apple Creek See West Branch Apple Creek stream VARIANT Burleigh Apple Creek Bottom bend Burleigh Apple Valley ppi Burleigh Ardoch ppi Walsh Ardoch, Lake reservoir Walsh Salt Lake Ardoch National Wildlife Refuge park VARIANT Walsh Ardoch Township civil Walsh Arena ppi Burleigh Arena State Game Management park Burleigh Area SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME 461840N0971537W De Lamere 471559N1033044W 471629N1032837W Hanks Gully 465136N0975706W Fingal SW 475330N0971554W Emerado 485439N1000327W International Peace Garden 475732N1035625W 2325 Keene 470033N0981445W 1445 Rogers 470057N0981554W Leal 465549N1033250W 465302N1035002W Medora 471117N1002729W 484645N0975138W Hallson 463852N0970749W 980 Leonard 474046N0975916W 1503 Aneta 455822N0973339W 484107N1020618W 484457N1021532W Kenmare 464319N1004510W Schmidt 485120N0994403W Belcourt 463143N0972943W 1085 Sheldon 475523N0991213W 465121N1021208W 2430 Antelope 462919N1020115W 2581 North Star Butte 480307N1024824W 2259 Charlson 461839N0965605W 995 Mooreton West 463000N1020007W 463020N1020804W Crown Butte Creek SW 480015N1023745W 480032N1025059W Rat Lake SW 475001N1034750W 474448N1033233W Charbonneau 471855N1014115W 471821N1013519W 472400N1014551W Hazen East 462339N0964524W 462629N0971159W Galchutt 464912N1023046W 464130N1030405W Gladstone 475958N1023757W Sanish NW 47573INI000522W 1521 Clifton 475919N1024543W Blue Buttes 461946N0965802W Mooreton West 461945N0965804W 1010 Mooreton West 461908N0965723W Mooreton West 475915N1000755W 475938N1002708W Anamoose 475418N0991730W Josephine 481326N0991245W Tilden 485815N1011655W 1535 Antler 485851N1011716W 1532 Antler 485930N1011636W Antler 470223N1001815W 483412N1033518W 473604N1032305W 462648N1001242W 4 62648N1001242W 462708N1001323W 473729N1032307W 1884 2010 Wing SE Appam Sperati Point Appert Lake Appert Lake Appert Lake 465314N1002846W 464140N1004522W 465314N1002846W Schmidt 464315N1002845W 465314N1002846W 464155N1004633W 1625 Schmidt 464918N1003551W 1690 Menoken 481226N0972031W 825 Ardoch 481416N0971750W 800 Ardoch 481401N0971850W Ardoch 481352N0971830W Ardoch 470738N1000943W 1895 Arena 470618N1000846W Harriet LakeNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND4 FEATURE NAME FEATURE CLASS STATUS COUNTY Argusville ppl Cass Argusville Cemetery cemetery Cass Arikara Bay bay McLean Armourdale (historical) locale Towner Armourdale Dam dam Towner Armourdale Lake reservoir Towner Armourdale Lake State Game park Towner Management Area Arndt ppl Towner Arnegard ppl McKenzie Arnegard Cemetery cemetery Traill Arnegard Dam dam McKenzie Arnegard Dam reservoir McKenzie Arne School school Benson Arnold ppi Burleigh Arnold Coulee valley Ward Arnolds Post See Mayville ppl VARIANT Traill Arrowhead Dam dam Mercer Arrowhead Lake See Arrowwood Lake reservoir VARIANT Stutsman Arrowhead Plaza locale Burleigh Arrowhead Shopping Center locale Ward Arrowood Lake See Arrowwood Lake reservoir VARIANT Stutsman Arrowwood Dam dam Stutsman Arrowwood Lake Arrowhead Lake Arrowood Lake Arrow-wood Lake Arrow-wood Lake reservoir BGN 1935 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT Stutsman See Arrowwood Lake reservoir Stutsman Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge park Stutsman Arrowwood School school Stutsman Arrow Wood Township (historical) civil Stutsman SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME 470308N0965603W 886 Argusville 470327N0965903W Argusville 474157N1021213W Raub NW 485200N0992300W 1645 Hansboro SW 485259N0992459W Hansboro 485259N0992459W 1654 Hansboro 485302N0992504W Hansboro 483748N0991406W 1526 Snyder Lake 474828N1032626W 2244 Arnegard 472426N0970806W Hillsboro NW 474954N1032912W Arnegard 475011N1032915W 2172 Arnegard 475339N0993703W Maddock 465526N1004511W 1887 Burnt Butte 482407N1013807W 481854N1014544W Carpio 472953N0971927W 471525N1012908W Stanton 471527N0985122W 464907N1004716W 1750 Bismarck 481408N1011903W 1555 Minot 471527N0985122W 471542N0985100W Arrowwood Lake 471527N0985122W 1436 Arrowwood Lake 471527N0985122W 471353N0985143W Jim Lake 471611N0985326W 1544 Bordulac SW 471453N0985013W Jim Lake Arthur ppi Cass 470615N0971304W 990 Arthur Rosedale VARIANT Arthur Cemetery cemetery Cass 470540N0971310W Arthur Arthur Field airport Cass 470640N0971225W 973 Arthur Arthur Township civil Cass 470605N0971503W Ayr SE Artie Farm locale Pembina 485932N0975145W 920 Leroy Arvid School school Golden Valley 471304N1040051W Odland Dam NE (MT) Arvilla ppi Grand Forks 475509N0972940W 1010 Arvilla Orange VARIANT Arvilla Cemetery cemetery Grand Forks 475530N0972943W Arvilla Arvilla Township civil Grand Forks 475254N0973255W Larimore East Ascension Church church Grand Forks 475557N0972155W Emerado Ash Coulee stream Billings 470722N1033310W 470611N1031959W Wannagan Creek East Ash Coulee stream Dunn 470905N1021605W 471030N1021339W Marshall Ash Coulee valley Dunn 473438N1022349W 473345N1022241W Saddle Butte SW Ash Creek stream Stark 465105N1025139W 464427N1025835W Dickinson South Asheim Cemetery cemetery Traill 473651N0970801W 952 Buxton SW Ashland Township civil Stutsman 470609N0983847W Fried Ashley ppi McIntosh 460153N0992243W 2005 Ashley West Ashley Lake lake Kidder 465351N0994428W 1733 Tappen North Ashley Municipal Airfield airport McIntosh 460130N0992130W 2030 Ashley East Ashtabula (historical) locale Barnes 471250N0975753W Sibley Ashtabula (historical) ppi Barnes 470830N0980153W 1300 Dazey NE Ashtabula, Lake reservoir Barnes 470204N0980439W Baldhill Dam Baldhill Reservoir VARIANT Ashtabula Bridge bridge Barnes 470933N0980027W 1278 Dazey NE Ashtabula Town Hall building Barnes 470516N0980010W 1430 Baldhill Dam Ashtabula Township civil Barnes 470608N0980040W Baldhill Dam Assumption Abbey church Stark 465321N1021912W Richardton Assumption Abbey Dam dam Stark 465412N1021936W Richardton Atcoal ppi Burke 485405N1025441W Atcoal Atkison VARIANT See Griffin ppi Bowman 461257N1033225W Atwill Post Office (historical) building Stutsman 464209N0984232W 1495 Montpelier NW Atwood Dam dam Kidder 471154N0995530W Tuttle Auburn ppi Walsh 483025N0972622W 845 Saint Thomas Audubon Lake reservoir BGN 1968 McLean 473615N1011550W 1838 Riverdale North Snake Creek Reservoir VARIANT Audubon National Wildlife park McLean 473522N1011043W Coleharbor Refuge Snake Creek National VARIANT Wildlife RefugeNATIONAL GAZETTEER-NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND5 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Audubon State Game Management park McLean 473710N1011129W Coleharbor Area Augustadt Dam VARIANT See Elm River Number 2 Dam dam Traill 471824N0972124W Augustadt Dam dam Traill 471827N0972139W Galesburg SE Augustana Church church Eddy 474719N0991630W 1591 Flora SE Aura Butte summit McKenzie 475217N1025125W 2764 Blue Buttes SE Aurdal Cemetery cemetery Traill 473032N0972305W Hatton SW Aurdal Church church Dickey 455625N0984231W Frederick NW (SD) Aurelia ppi Ward 482806N1015411W 2068 Aurelia Aurelia VARIANT See Avrelia ppi Ward 482800N1015406W Aurena School Number 1 school McLean 474216N1004836W Long Lake Aurena School Number 2 school McLean 474359N1004448W Alkali Lake Aurena School Number 3 school McLean 474147N1004411W 1967 Alkali Lake Aus Ranch locale Slope 462950N1032720W 2630 Black Butte Austin Bridge bridge Pembina 485334N0972806W Bathgate Austin Ranch locale Slope 463345N1031837W 2840 Rocky Ridge South Avoca ppi Williams 481106N1033125W Williston East Avon Town Hall building Grand Forks 474708N0973610W 1123 Kempton Avon Township civil Grand Forks 474743N0973255W Kempton Avrelia ppi Ward 482800N1015406W 2070 Aurelia Aurelia VARIANT Aylmer ppi Pierce 475603N1001133W 1570 Anamoose Aylmer Lake lake McHenry 475629N1001153W 1549 Anamoose Ayr ppi Cass 470228N0972925W 1205 Ayr Elgin VARIANT Ayr Interchange crossing Cass 465233N0972933W 1153 Absaraka Ayr Township civil Cass 470052N0973017W Page SE Azure Dam dam Rolette 485024N0995416W Lake Upsilon SW B Backoo ppi Pembina 485012N0974236W 910 Backoo Backoo Field (airport) airport Pembina 485045N0974000W 900 Backoo Bacon Creek stream Slope 461824N1035351W 461600N1034120W Marmarth Bacon Lake lake Renville 485716N1000854W 2103 Boundary Lake Baconville (historical) locale Nelson 480700N0975610W 1450 Fordville SW Baden ppi Ward 483514N1020013W Coulee Baden Coulee valley Ward 483530N1020018W 483159N1020548W Coulee Badger Bay bay Emmons 463011N1003342W Fort Rice Badger Creek stream Emmons 463009N1003317W 463142N1002020W Fort Rice Fish Creek VARIANT Long Lake Creek VARIANT Badger School bar Emmons 462955N1003440W Cannon Ball Badger Township civil La Moure 461909N0982745W LaMoure SW Lake View Township VARIANT Badlands Draw valley McKenzie 473445N1035827W 473412N1035813W Phillip Spring Badlands of the Little Missouri VARIANT See Little Missouri area Billings 470001N1033001W Badlands Bagley Cemetery cemetery Oliver 471312N1011833W Hannover NE Bagley Dam dam Bowman 460306N1035612W Cedar Ridge Bagnell Cemetery cemetery Oliver 471321N1010040W Fort Clark NE Bahr Creek stream Morton 464835N1014128W 464333N1014224W Dengate Bailery Landing Strip airport Burleigh 464300N1001702W 1750 Moffit Bair Lake lake Stutsman 465713N0990230W 1784 Cleveland Bair Slough lake Stutsman 465247N0990349W 1829 Cleveland Baker ppi Benson 480938N0993850W 1640 Baker Bakken Cemetery cemetery Williams 482458N1025518W Tioga Bakker School school Emmons 460144N1001131W Westfield Bakstad Lake lake Eddy 474510N0983728W 1472 Hamar Balch Slough lake Stutsman 464719N0991002W 1808 Cleveland SW Bald Butte summit McHenry 480822N1002047W 1716 Rangeley NE Baldhill Creek stream Barnes 470849N0980143W 473230N0984113W Dazey NE Baldhill Creek Dam dam Barnes 470930N0980536W Ayr NW Baldhill Dam VARIANT See Lake Ashtabula Dam dam Barnes 470204N0980439W Baldhill Dam dam Barnes 470205N0980439W Baldhill Dam Baldhill Park park Barnes 470158N0980427W Baldhill Dam Baldhill Reservoir reservoir Barnes 470205N0980439W Baldhill Dam Baldhill Reservoir VARIANT See Ashtabula, Lake reservoir Barnes 470204N0980439W ND6 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Baldwin ppl Burleigh 470136N1004457W 1934 Baldwin Baldwin Cemetery cemetery Burleigh 470134N1004343W 2035 Baldwin Baldwin Township civil Barnes 471123N0975310W Sibley Baldy Butte summit Slope 462904N1025925W 3153 East Rainy Butte Baldy Hill summit Morton 464717N1014141W 2137 Dengate Bale Township civil Ransom 461907N0974238W Lisbon SW Gilbert Township VARIANT Balfour ppi McHenry 475706N1003203W 1615 Balfour Ball Hill Town Hall building Griggs 472304N0981200W 1443 Cooperstown West Ball Hill Township civil Griggs 472142N0981000W Hannaford Balta ppi Pierce 481000N1000212W 1542 Balta Egan VARIANT Balta Dam dam Pierce 480936N1000306W Balta Baltimore VARIANT See Glasston ppi Pembina 484221N0972650W Bang Church church Steele 473046N0973446W Northwood SE Bank Creek VARIANT See Cut Bank Creek stream McHenry 483559N1004710W Banks VARIANT See Watford City ppi McKenzie 474808N1031658W Banks ppi McKenzie 480219N1031139W 2090 Banks Banks Church church McKenzie 475956N1031155W 2008 Timber Prong Creek Banner Church church McLean 474212N1013523W Emmet NE Banner School Number 14 school Pierce 483149N1000317W Overly SE Banner School Number 4 school Pierce 482840N1000333W Leverich Bantry ppi McHenry 482954N1003636W 1455 Bantry Baptist Cemetery cemetery Emmons 461753N1002858W 1805 Hazelton SW Barker VARIANT See Leeds ppi Benson 481720N0992614W Barker VARIANT See Oberon ppi Benson 475523N0991213W Barkers Station VARIANT See Niagara ppi Grand Forks 475947N0975212W Barks Spur locale Towner 483834N0990718W Egeland Barlow ppi Foster 473411N0990815W 1542 Barlow Barlow Cemetery cemetery Foster 473450N0990807W Barlow Barnes County civil Barnes 465640N0970330W Valley City West Barnes County Municipal Airport airport Barnes 465630N0980100W 1399 Valley City West Barnes Lake lake Stutsman 471400N0991637W 1832 Woodworth Barnes School school McHenry 482846N1005031W 1471 Granville NE Barnes Township civil Cass 465026N0965100W Fargo South Barney ppi Richland 461602N0970001W 1035 Wyndmere SE Barney Station VARIANT Oberweis Post Office VARIANT Barney Station VARIANT See Barney ppi Richland 461602N0970001W Barney Township civil Richland 461358N0965616W Mantador Barr Butte summit Williams 483336N1035345W 2287 Grenora Barr Butte School school Williams 483431N1035426W 2229 Grenora Barren Butte summit Sioux 460911N1004832W 2190 Barren Butte Barrie ppl Richland 463408N0970720W 977 Barrie Barrie Crossing VARIANT Barrie Church church Richland 463415N0970739W Writing Rock South Barrie Crossing VARIANT See Barrie ppl Richland 463408N0970720W Barrie Town Hall building Richland 463409N0970729W 1120 Barrie Barrie Township civil Richland 463447N0970503W Barrie Barta School school Billings 470217N1030315W 2557 Fairfield SE Barths Butte summit Adams 460450N1021954W 2526 Barths Butte Bartlett ppl Ramsey 480241N0982555W 1515 Bartlett The End of the Track VARIANT Bartley Town Hall building Griggs 471705N0981716W 1439 Revere Bartley Township civil Griggs 471637N0981606W Revere Barton ppl Pierce 483025N1001033W 1505 Barton Denny VARIANT Barton School school Cass 465134N0964721W Fargo South Barton School school McHenry 482846N1005429W Granville NW Bartons Lake lake McLean 475041N1012940W Douglas East Bartons Lake VARIANT See Douglas Lake lake Ward 475105N1013014W Baseview Church church Grand Forks 475603N0972044W Emerado Basswood Lake lake Nelson 474040N0982241W 1462 Binford NW Basto Cemetery cemetery McLean 472036N1011751W 2054 Stanton SE Bathgate ppi Pembina 485238N0972833W 820 Bathgate Bayview VARIANT Bathgate Cemetery cemetery Pembina 485207N0972804W Hamilton Bathgate Township civil Pembina 485027N0972845W HamiltonNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND7 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Battema Lake lake Pierce 480315N1000622W 1520 Balta SE Battle Creek stream Sioux 461130N1003803W 461844N1005206W Fort Yates NW La Barge Creek VARIANT Battle Lake lake Eddy 474846N0983658W 1461 Hamar Battle of Killdeer Mountain park Dunn 472517N1025459W Killdeer Mountains Historical Monument Park Battleview ppi Burke 483444N1024731W 2194 Battleview Baumgartner Lake lake Emmons 461006N1001147W Strasburg Bay Creek stream McKenzie 473334N1035039W 473702N1034647W Sheep Creek Bayne ppi Richland 461003N0965539W 1003 Mantador Bay School school Ramsey 480827N0990136W Penn Bayview VARIANT See Bathgate ppi Pembina 485238N0972833W Beach ppi Golden Valley 465505N1040014W 2793 Beach West Beach Field airport Golden Valley 465525N1035841W 2752 Beach East Bean VARIANT See Honeyford ppi Grand Forks 480200N0972813W Bear Butte summit McKenzie 473905N1033122W 2590 Bear Butte Bear Creek stream Billings 464225N1033427W 464132N1032427W Bullion Butte Bear Creek stream Dickey 460936N0980641W 4 64027N0980824W Oakes Bear Creek stream Dunn 473402N1022031W 473109N1022113W Hay Flat Bear Creek stream Dunn 473755N1025710W 473046N1025238W Croff Bear Creek stream McKenzie 472633N1033911W 472611N1034354W Cinnamon Creek Bear Creek Bay bay Dunn 473428N1022025W Hay Flat Bear Creek Bay Public Use Area park Dunn 473416N1021937W Hay Flat Bear Creek Township civil Dickey 460848N0980331W Oakes Bear Creek Township civil Ransom 463448N0975355W Fort Ransom (historical) Bear Den Bay bay McKenzie 474841N1023957W Sanish SW Bear Den Creek stream McKenzie 474833N1024159W 474415N1025538W Sanish SW Indian Creek VARIANT Shalanos Creek VARIANT Bear Den Creek Public Use Area park McKenzie 474844N1024256W Sanish SW Bear Den Oil Field oilfield McKenzie 474145N1025358W Croff Bear Island island Bottineau 485938N1002143W Metigoshe Lake Bear Island (historical) island Williams 480840N1030205W Red Mike Hill Bear Lake lake Bottineau 485238N1001804W 2144 Metigoshe Lake Bears Den Hillock summit Ransom 463209N0975653W 1473 Fort Ransom Beaulieu (historical) locale Pembina 485128N0975630W 1200 Hanks Corner Beaulieu Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 484959N0975705W Hanks Corner Beaulieu Township civil Pembina 485243N0975220W Hallson Beaulieu Township (historical) civil Pembina 484751N0975220W Hallson Beauty Valley valley Mountrail 483022N1024954W 483121N1025419W Battleview Beauty Valley Cemetery cemetery Mountrail 483009N1025056W Battleview Beaver Creek stream Emmons 461451N1003220W 462239N0993636W Fort Yates NE War ra can he River Beaver Creek stream VARIANT Golden Valley 471948N1033922W 463139N1040707W Eagle Draw Beaver Creek stream Grant 463801N1020034W 464703N1020523W Clark Butte NE Beaver Creek stream Grant 463611N1012149W 464744N1012424W Otter Creek East Beaver Creek stream Mercer 472854N1015919W 472427N1015655W Golden Valley NE Beaver Creek stream Mercer 470659N1015121W 465838N1014427W Medicine Butte SE Coyote Creek VARIANT Little Beaver Creek VARIANT Pretty Creek VARIANT Beaver Creek Beaver Creek stream VARIANT Morton 464726N1005111W 464631N1005112W Bismarck See Little Beaver Creek stream Slope 461717N1035530W Beaver Creek stream Stark 463851N1021500W 463221N1021736W White Butte NE Beaver Creek Beaver Creek stream VARIANT Stark 464918N1023004W 465257N1022535W Gladstone See Buffalo Creek stream Stark 464315N1021208W Beaver Creek stream Steele 473418N0972955W 474448N0975253W Hatton SW Beaver Creek stream Stutsman 464109N0983538W 464623N0990216W Montpelier Beaver Creek stream Williams 481014N1025939W 481721N1031420W Charlson NW Hallo Strand Creek VARIANT Beaver Creek Bay bay Mercer 472845N1015540W Beulah NW Beaver Creek Cemetery cemetery Mercer 473017N1015717W Blackwater Lake SW Beaver Creek Church church Steele 473655N0974029W 1185 Golden Lake Beaver Creek Church church Williams 481028N1030116W Red Mike Hill Beaver Creek Dam dam Steele 473648N0974000W Golden Lake Beaver Creek Public Use Area park Emmons 461458N1003158W Fort Yates NE Beaver Creek State Game park Mercer 472952N1015622W Beulah NW Management Area Beaver Creek Town Hall building Steele 473742N0973952W 1156 Northwood NW Beaver Creek Township civil Steele 473720N0973914W Golden Lake Beaver Holes Creek stream Sioux 461805N1003511W 461922N1004346W Cannon Ball SE Beaver Lake lake Burke 485156N1023826W 1936 Beaver Lake Beaver Lake lake Logan 462336N0993627W 1930 Wishek NEND8 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Beaver Lake lake McLean 471000N1005738W Sanger Beaver Lake Dam dam Logan 462248N0993654W Wishek NE Beaver Lodge Oil and Gas Field oilfield Williams 481749N1025641W Tioga SW Beaver River Reaches bend Emmons 461011N1003655W Fort Yates NE (historical) Beaver Township (historical) civil Stutsman 464238N0984823W Millarton Bechyne Church church Walsh 481512N0980234W Adams SE Becker Lake lake Emmons 460025N1002224W Grassna Beck School school Burke 483945N1021600W 2126 Vanville NE Bedford VARIANT See Nolan ppi Cass 470817N0973325W Beef Corral Bottom bend Billings 465843N1032939W Fryburg NW Beef Corral Wash stream Billings 465856N1032936W 465815N1032726W Fryburg NW Beer Bum Hill summit Grant 461126N1014951W 2623 Pretty Rock Butte Beicegel Creek stream BGN 1975 McKenzie 472750N1033740W 471952N1031052W Cinnamon Creek Bicycle Creek VARIANT Beisigl School school Adams 460957N1020336W Plum Butte NE Bel Air School school Ward 481432N1011949W Minot Belcourt ppl Rolette 485021N0994440W 1960 Belcourt Turtle Mountain VARIANT Belcourt Lake lake Rolette 485228N0994528W 2012 Lake Upsilon SE Fish Lake VARIANT Belden ppl Mountrail 480905N1022125W 2270 Belden Belden Field airport Mountrail 481000N1022000W 2345 Sikes Dam Belfield ppl Stark 465307N1031157W 2592 Belfield Camp Houston VARIANT Houston VARIANT Belfield School Number 1 school Stark 464959N1030845W Belfield SW Belfield School Number 4 school Stark 464349N1031118W 2698 Daglum NW Belford Township civil Richland 460845N0965615W Mantador Belford Township (historical) civil Richland 460845N0965957W Mantador Bell Butte summit Morton 464553N1013935W 2252 Dengate Bell Coulee valley Grant 460952N1012404W 461119N1012130W Bell Coulee West Belle Lake lake Rolette 485339N0995959W 2137 Carpenter Lake Belleville (historical) locale Grand Forks 480910N0974753W 1155 Fordville Bellevue Cemetery cemetery Grand Forks 475600N0973725W Larimore East Bellevyria (historical) locale Steele 471523N0974446W 1220 Hope Bell Lake Creek stream Golden Valley 471409N1034539W 470900N1034414W Hootowl Creek East Bell School Number 2 school Ward 481058N1011251W Surrey Bell School Number 3 school Ward 480754N1011349W Surrey Bell Township civil Cass 471117N0970723W Grandin Belmar ppl Bottineau 483939N1001938W 1473 Omemee Belmar Slough swamp Bottineau 483928N1002005W Omemee Belmont Park park Traill 473719N0965243W Climax SW Belmont School school Grand Forks 475504N0970145W Grand Forks (MN) Belmont Township civil Traill 473716N0965429W Climax SW Benedict ppl McLean 474949N1010455W 2090 Benedict Benjamin Franklin School school Cass 465346N0964728W Fargo North Benjamin Franklin School school Grand Forks 475444N0970323W Grand Forks (MN) Bennett, Lake lake Bottineau 485803N1002003W 2145 Metigoshe Lake Bennett Creek stream McKenzie 473128N1032736W 472430N1031527W Sperati Point Bennetts Coulee valley Stutsman 471511N0985144W 471523N0985422W Arrowwood Lake Bennie Peer Creek stream BGN 1969 McKenzie 474156N1040532W 472236N1035041W Sidney NE (MT) Bennie Pierre Creek VARIANT Benny Pierre Creek VARIANT Pierre Creek VARIANT Bennie Pierre Creek VARIANT See Bennie Peer Creek stream McKenzie 474156N1040532W Benny Pierre Creek VARIANT See Bennie Peer Creek stream McKenzie 474156N1040532W Benson VARIANT See Benson Corner ppi La Moure 462909N0981204W Benson, Lake lake Barnes 471328N0981404W 1417 Dazey Benson Corner ppl La Moure 462909N0981204W 1448 Verona NW Benson VARIANT Benson Corners VARIANT Benson Corners VARIANT See Benson Corner ppl La Moure 462909N0981204W Benson County civil Benson 480230N0992700W Brinsmade SW Benson Ranch locale Dunn 473128N1025539W North Killdeer Mountain Benson School school Morton 464632N1013656W 1985 North Almont Bentley ppi Hettinger 461945N1020347W 2347 Bentley Bentley VARIANT See Sanger ppi Oliver 471047N1005942W Bentley Lake lake McHenry 475504N1002624W 1552 Drake NW Benton Town Hall building Grand Forks 474255N0965733W 857 Climax NW Bentru Township civil Grand Forks 474230N0965654W Climax NW Bentz Lake lake Sheridan 473813N1002552W 1844 Lincoln Valley NWNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND9 FEATURE NAME Ben Waters Lake Benzi Dam See Katz Dam Berckerley Dam Berea Berg Coulee Bergen Bergen Cemetery Bergen Cemetery Bergen Church Bergen Church Bergen Church Bergen Lake Bergen Township Berger Dam Berg Slough Berkland Slough Berlin Berlin See Great Bend Berlin (historical) Berlin Cemetery Berlin School Number 1 Berlin School Number 2 Berlin School Number 3 Berlin School Number 4 Berlin Town Hall Berlin Township Berlin Township See Brandenburg Township Berre Lake Berreth Lake Berry Lake Bertha, Lake Berthold BerthoId Bay Berthold Bay Public Use Area Berwick Berwick Cemetery Bessie, Lake Betania Church Bethane Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethania Cemetery Bethania Church Bethania Church Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Cemetery Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Church Bethany Valley Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church Bethel Church FEATURE CLASS STATUS COUNTY lake Rolette VARIANT dam McLean dam Barnes ppi Barnes valley Ward ppl McHenry cemetery McHenry cemetery Sargent church Nelson church Ramsey church Sargent lake Bottineau civil Nelson dam Barnes lake Williams gut Nelson ppi La Moure VARIANT ppi Richland locale Richland cemetery Sheridan school Sheridan school Sheridan school Sheridan school Sheridan building Cass civil Cass VARIANT civil Richland lake Sargent lake Emmons lake Rolette lake Cass ppi Ward bay Ward park Ward ppi Pierce cemetery McHenry lake Bottineau church Bottineau cemetery Wells cemetery Grand Forks cemetery Ransom cemetery Wells church Grand Forks church Wells cemetery Griggs cemetery Hettinger cemetery Traill cemetery Williams cemetery Williams church Benson church Bowman church Burke church Morton church Richland church Richland church Steele church Traill church Ward cemetery Williams cemetery Burke cemetery Burke cemetery Cavalier cemetery Kidder cemetery McKenzie cemetery McLean cemetery Mercer cemetery Steele cemetery Williams cemetery Williams church Bottineau church Cass church Cavalier church Grand Forks church McHenry SOURCE COORDINATES COORDINATES 485803N0995341W 471406N1005654W 464800N0980700W 465603N0980541W 483215N1015604W 482950N1020010W 480006N1004251W 475957N1004230W 455727N0971459W 474234N0982625W 482307N0985533W 455727N0971457W 48581ONI001126W 474230N0981917W 471124N0980512W 483606N1031119W 475020N0981053W 462243N0982922W 460914N0964806W 460738N0965130W 474509N1001313W 474116N1000644W 474355N1000602W 474419N1000955W 474211N1000958W 470022N0970138W 470050N0965944W 460845N0964848W 460804N0971824W 461237N1002419W 485600N1000659W 464545N0972954W 481847N1014412W 473318N1014151W 473305N1014231W 482140N1001446W 482055N1001529W 485656N1002143W 484453N1010134W 484406N1021005W 474253N0974040W 463237N0974933W 474932N0994452W 474255N0974039W 474717N0994452W 473541N0981943W 461639N1021241W 473741N0971902W 483339N1033445W 481609N1025721W 480618N0994427W 460437N1033941W 484854N1024708W 464308N1015946W 462445N0964714W 455657N0964204W 473206N0973951W 473744N0971932W 482545N1011243W 482420N1032303W 483248N1024003W 483429N1024647W 484658N0983459W 464127N0995942W 474712N1040122W 472103N1004408W 472310N1014300W 473838N0973419W 482405N1034332W 483133N1033727W 485219N1011759W 464208N0971425W 484451N0983426W 475303N0974744W 480356N1004320W ELEV FT MAP NAME 2106 Carpenter Lake Sanborn SE Valley City West Donnybrook 1587 Bergen Balfour NW Claire City NW (SD) Binford NW Starkweather Claire City NW (SD) 2171 Boundary Lake Binford NE Dazey NE Tom Berg Lake McVille 1471 Berlin 995 Great Bend 1708 Anamoose SW 1643 Sheyenne Lake NE 1647 Sheyenne Lake NE 1673 Sheyenne Lake 1671 Sheyenne Lake 900 Arthur SE Argusville Hamlin Grassna NW International Peace Garden 1081 Embden 2080 Berthold Emmet SW Emmet SW 1482 Berwick 1509 Towner SE 2139 Metigoshe Lake 1490 Eckman Niobe Northwood NW Nome SE Heimdal Northwood NW 1611 Heimdal Binford Burt Holmes 2010 Appam 2381 Tioga SW Harlow SW Camel Butte 2203 Columbus SE Heart Butte NW Galchutt La Mars Golden Lake 1014 Holmes 1602 Deering NW Epping NW 2308 Powers Lake 2199 Battleview Hannah SE Pursian Lake 1897 Fairview (MT) Mercer SW 2009 Hazen NW Northwood Blacktail Lake Appam 1538 Renville Leonard Loma Niagara 1621 BergenND10 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Bethel Church church McLean 473611N1010600W 1893 Lake Nettie Bethel Church church Pierce 481801N1000235W Tunbridge Bethel Church church Wells 474536N0994217W 1611 Heimdal Bethel Church church Williams 483406N1031358W Tom Berg Lake Bethesda Church church Bottineau 485755N1003814W Souris Bethesda Church church Grant 460758N1013954W 2510 Wheeler Hills Bethesda Church church Stark 464212N1021002W Clark Butte NW Bethesda Church church Williams 48292INI033606W 2119 Twin Lakes Bethlehem Cemetery cemetery Barnes 464031N0981730W 1460 Marion NE Bethlehem Cemetery cemetery Eddy 473605N0983510W 1534 McHenry Bethlehem Cemetery cemetery Emmons 462119N1000731W Linton Bethlehem Church church Burke 484525N1024556W 2445 Columbus SE Bethlehem Church church Divide 484614N1032359W 2084 Crosby SW Bethlehem Church church Griggs 473936N0981937W Binford NE Bethlehem Church church Mountrail 483153N1020843W 2322 Mosquito Butte Betsy Creek stream Billings 471231N1031941W 470935N1031734W Gorham Beulah ppi Mercer 471548N1014639W 1780 Beulah Farrington VARIANT Thomas VARIANT Troy VARIANT Beulah Bay bay Mercer 472930N1014529W Beulah NE Beulah Bay Public Use Area park Mercer 473015N1014632W Blackwater Lake SE Beulah Dam dam Mercer 471308N1015002W Medicine Butte NE Beulah Field airport Mercer 471445N1014830W 1790 Medicine Butte NE Beulah Park park Mercer 471518N1014656W Beulah B Greenwood Ranch locale McKenzie 473802N1035018W 2300 Westby South (MT) Bible Church church McLean 472641N1011341W 1997 Underwood Bible Tabernacle church McLean 472735N1010709W 2028 Washburn NE Bice Ranch locale Dunn 473409N1025903W North Killdeer Mountain Bicycle Creek VARIANT See Beicegel Creek stream McKenzie 472750N1033740W Big Bend Town Hall building Ransom 462608N0973309W 1118 Lisbon NE Big Bend Township civil Ransom 462422N0973503W Lisbon NE Big Bend Township (historical) civil Ransom 462145N0973116W Lisbon SE Big Butte summit Adams 455942N1023301W 2753 Kid Rich Butte (SD) Big Butte summit Mountrail 482642N1024645W 2465 White Earth Big Coulee VARIANT See Little Coulee valley Benson 481114N0991338W Big Coulee valley Benson 475258N0985758W 475757N0985742W Fort Totten Big Coulee valley Benson 481128N0991543W 481449N0992254W Brinsmade Big Coulee valley Benson 475359N0993530W 480634N0993135W Maddock Big Coulee valley BGN 1961 Ramsey 480857N0991137W 481658N0991021W Tilden Mauvais Coulee VARIANT Big Coulee valley Towner 483116N0991111W 485001N0993633W Egeland SW Big Coulee Church church Ramsey 481045N0991045W Tilden Big Coulee Dam dam Towner 483801N0992146W 1576 Big Coulee Dam Big Gulch valley Dunn 473721N1030129W 473102N1025619W Lone Butte SE Big Gumbo Creek stream Bowman 460505N1035533W 460801N1040335W Cedar Ridge Bigham Lake lake Rolette 484852N1000119W 1700 Dunseith Big Knife River VARIANT See Knife River stream Mercer 471918N1012214W Big Lake Cemetery cemetery Sioux 461925N1003400W Cannon Ball SE Big Meadow swamp Williams 483336N1030325W Big Meadow Big Muddy Creek stream Grant 463630N1012309W 465025N1015924W Otter Creek West Big Muddy Lake lake Kidder 465530N0994418W 1718 Tappen North Big Pembina Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 485657N0981243W Olga NW Big Pembina Church church Cavalier 485655N0981315W Olga NW Big Plateau plain Billings 465903N1033223W Medora Big Sky Shopping Center locale Stark 465340N1024725W 2450 Dickinson North Big Slough (historical) gut La Moure 463600N0981000W 1443 Litchville SW Big Slough gut Sargent 461214N0975234W Crete Big Slough lake Divide 484201N1031335W Wildrose Big Slough stream Pembina 485113N0972318W 484725N0972201W Hamilton Big Slough stream Richland 455227N0964844W 455811N0965343W New Effington NW Big Slough stream Wells 474838N0994152W 474500N0992306W Heimdal Big Spring spring Slope 463730N1032112W Rocky Ridge South Big Spring Coulee valley Burke 484124N1021530W 483942N1021656W Vanville NE Big Spring School school Burke 484221N1021557W 2053 Vanville NE Big Swamp swamp Barnes 465244N0980516W Valley City West Big Top Mesa summit Billings 471808N1032915W 2450 Squaretop Butte Two-Top Mesa (US-T212) VARIANT Billings County civil Billings 470410N1032000W Gorham SE Billings Lake lake Cavalier 483603N0982952W 1556 Billings Lake Billings Lake National park Cavalier 483625N0982957W 1556 Billings Lake Wildlife Refuge Billows Lake lake McLean 473252N1005118W Peterson Lake Bilodeau School school Wells 472727N0991713W 1594 Dover Binek Mine mine Grant 462208N1014325W Leith Binford ppi Griggs 473343N0982041W 1520 BinfordNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND11 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Binford Cemetery cemetery Griggs 473539N0981943W Binford Binghampton Township civil Barnes 464512N0974402W Tower City SW Binghamton VARIANT See Lucca ppi Barnes 464225N0974310W Bingham Town Hall building Traill 473130N0965431W 869 Climax SW Bingham Township Birch Creek civil VARIANT Traill 473202N0965431W Climax SW See Spring Creek stream Barnes 464003N0975653W Bird Lake Birdsell lake VARIANT Kidder 465919N0994227W 1727 Tappen North See Odessa Cemetery cemetery Ramsey 475639N0983445W Birka Church church McLean 472127N1011452W 1984 Washburn SW Bisbee ppi Towner 483733N0992239W 1600 Bisbee North Hanson VARIANT Bisbee Cemetery cemetery Towner 483755N0992340W 1611 Bisbee North Bisek Lake lake Richland 460603N0971022W 1074 Lidgerwood Sail Lake VARIANT Salt Lake VARIANT Bishop Ryan High School school Ward 481453N1011752W Minot Bismarck ppi BGN 1969 Burleigh 46483ONI004700W 1700 Bismarck Edwinton VARIANT The Crossing VARIANT Bismarck Junior College school Burleigh 464917N1004900W Bismarck Bismark Municipal Airport airport Burleigh 464643N1004508W 1677 Bismarck Bittener Lake lake Bottineau 485937N1001534W 2192 Metigoshe Lake Bitter Lake lake Nelson 475713N0981111W Bitter Lake Blabon ppi Steele 472406N0974719W 1350 Blabon Blabon Dam dam Steele 472430N0974630W Blabon Black Bridge bridge Pembina 485723N0972412W Bathgate Black Butte summit Hettinger 463112N1023342W 3112 Stony Butte Black Butte summit Slope 462353N1032652W 3465 Black Butte HT Butte VARIANT Black Butte summit Ward 480559N1010123W 1777 Sawyer Black Diamond Mine mine McLean 471922N1010742W Washburn SW Black Foot Bottom (historical) bend Sioux 455856N1003200W Mahto NE (SD) Black Hammer Hill summit Wells 474939N0992352W 1704 Black Hammer Hill Black Hawk Creek VARIANT See Fireheart Creek stream Sioux 455917N1003325W Black Lake lake Bottineau 485552N1002936W 2099 Lake Klingenberg Black Leg Ranch locale Burleigh 464410N1002341W Moffit NW Black Loam Town Hall building La Moure 462853N0980430W 1390 Verona NE Black Loam Township civil La Moure 462942N0980510W Verona NE Blackmer ppi Richland 455844N0963601W Boisberg (SD) Blockmer Elevator VARIANT Blacks Coulee valley Ward 482257N1013542W 482049N1013809W Carpio NE Black Slough gut Benson 475129N0983448W Hamar Black Slough gut Burke 485056N1023646W 1935 Rennie Lake Black Slough gut Williams 483558N1031240W Tom Berg Lake Black Spring spring Stark 464531N1030925W Belfield SW Blackstone Post Office ppi Sargent 460446N0974638W 1300 Cogswell (historical) Blacktail Coulee stream McHenry 475827N1005042W 475444N1005745W Kongsberg NE Blacktail Coulee valley McHenry 480120N1005126W 475445N1005747W Voltaire Blacktail Creek stream Billings 471710N1033649W 470837N1032047W Hanks Gully Blacktail Creek stream Williams 482304N1033541W 482825N1035157W Twin Lakes Blacktail Dam dam Williams 482554N1034300W Blacktail Lake Blacktail Lake reservoir Williams 482547N1034351W 2077 Blacktail Lake Black Tiger Bay bay Ramsey 475754N0984649W 1424 Tokio Black Top Butte summit Billings 471411N1033412W 2490 Roosevelt Creek E, Blackwater Cemetery cemetery Ward 473756N1014419W 1936 Emmet Blackwater Coulee valley Ward 480604N1010637W 480114N1011718W Sawyer Blackwater Lake lake McLean 473944N1014907W 1962 Blackwater Lake Blaine VARIANT See Menoken ppi Burleigh 464914N1003151W Blaine School school Bottineau 484036N1012310W 1605 Lansford NW Blaisdell ppi Mountrail 482010N1020435W 2295 Blaisdell Blanchard ppi Traill 472045N0971309W 948 Blanchard Blanchard Drain Number 23 canal Traill 472348N0971822W Mayville South Blanchard Township civil Traill 472138N0971622W Galesburg SE Blanchard Township (historical) civil Traill 471903N0971109W Blanchard Blanc Lake lake Burke 483727N1021710W Westby Lake Blind Johnny Hill summit Grant 461104N1014357W 2423 Wheeler Hills Blockmer Elevator VARIANT See Blackmer ppi Richland 455844N0963601W Block Six of the Original locale Cass 465225N0964714W 900 Fargo South Townsite Bloom ppi Stutsman 465459N0983645W 1503 BloomND12 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Bloomenfield Township civil Stutsman 464518N0991447W Cleveland SW Bloomfield Cemetery cemetery McHenry 483523N1004330W Upham Bloomfield Town Hall building Traill 472337N0971105W 940 Hillsboro NW Bloomfield Township civil Traill 472138N0970840W Blanchard Bloomgren Ranch locale Slope 461825N1033201W 2961 West Fork Deep Creek Blooming Prairie Church church Divide 485154N1031244W 1962 Noonan SW Bloomington School Number 1 school Wells 474207N0993905W 1604 Fessenden West Bloomington School Number 2 school Wells 474443N0993515W 1598 Fessenden East Bloomington School Number 3 school Wells 474209N0993510W 1597 Fessenden East Bloomington School Number 4 school Wells 474447N0993902W Fessenden West Blooming Town Hall building Grand Forks 475932N0971540W 846 Emerado Blooming Township civil Grand Forks 475855N0971731W Emerado Bloom Township civil Stutsman 465541N0983707W Bloom Bluebird Township civil La Moure 462937N0985018W Deisem Blue Butte summit McKenzie 475139N1024330W 2712 Sanish SW Blue Buttes range McKenzie 475249N1025102W Blue Buttes Blue Buttes Oil and Gas Field oilfield McKenzie 475500N1025040W 2280 Blue Buttes Blue Buttes Oil and Gas Field oilfield McKenzie 475426N1025245W Keene Blue Cloud Lake lake Foster 473247N0984609W 1463 Grace City Bluegrass ppi Morton 465657N1013453W 2170 Bluegrass Blue Grass Station VARIANT Second Siding VARIANT Bluegrass Cemetery Blue Grass Station cemetery VARIANT Morton 465538N1013810W 2161 Hailstone Butte See Bluegrass ppl Morton 465657N1013453W Blue Hill summit McLean 474613N1013827W 2269 Blue Hill Blue Mountain VARIANT Blue Hill School school McLean 474817N1014043W 2132 Blue Hill Blue Lake lake McLean 473248N1004532W 1819 Peterson Lake Blue Lake Blue Mountain lake VARIANT Stutsman 470600N0983950W 1453 Fried See Blue Hill summit McLean 474613N1013827W Blue Mountain summit Nelson 475506N0982938W 1668 Pekin NW Bluffton Number 2 School school Divide 48522ONI031048W 1965 Noonan SW Bluffton Number 3 School school Divide 484943N1031051W 2168 Noonan SW Bluffton School Number 1 school Divide 484941N1030653W Noonan SE Bluffton School Number 4 school Divide 485249N1030649W 2008 Noonan Boarder Line Dam VARIANT See Charbonneau Dam dam Rolette 490000N0994212W Bob Denny Hills range Slope 462108N1030741W 2925 Mineral Springs Bobs Coulee valley Williams 480433N1034911W 480741N1035023W Trenton Bock Ranch locale Slope 463224N1031714W 2840 Rocky Ridge South Boeckel Cemetery cemetery Mercer 472037N1014746W Beulah Boeder Landing Strip airport Steele 472306N0974244W 1240 Sherbrooke Boehm Dam dam Morton 465136N1010412W Crown Butte Lake Boehm School school McKenzie 473008N1031648W 2554 Long X Divide Boe Slough gut Dunn 471830N1023633W Dunn Center Bog Creek stream Bowman 460810N1035132W 460719N1034739W Cedar Hills Boggy Creek stream Dunn 474629N1023718W 474614N1024127W Sanish SE Bohemian Cemetery cemetery Richland 460348N0970920W 1140 Lidgerwood Bohemian National Cemetery cemetery Richland 461427N0963557W South of Wahpeton (MN) Bohnsack Cemetery cemetery Traill 471813N0970650W Kelso Bohnsack Township civil Traill 471630N0970723W Kelso Bpicourt Spring spring Billings 465807N1032354W Fryburg NW Bois de Sioux River stream BGN 1904 Richland 461552N0963554W 454609N0963819W Wahpeton Bois de Sioux River VARIANT Boise de Sioux River VARIANT Sioux Wood River VARIANT Siouxwood River VARIANT Sioux-Wood River VARIANT Wood River VARIANT Bois de Sioux River VARIANT See Bois de Sioux River stream Richland 461552N0963554W Boise de Sioux River VARIANT See Bois de Sioux River stream Richland 461552N0963554W Bollier Butte VARIANT See Bullion Butte summit Billings 464115N1033610W Bonaime Field airport Pembina 485615N0972930W 815 Bathgate Bond Lake lake Kidder 470501N0993529W 1756 Pettibone Bone Creek stream Sioux 461308N1003447W 461547N1004003W Fort Yates NE Pointer Creek VARIANT Bone Hill Creek stream La Moure 463005N0982625W 463423N0985614W Dickey Bone Hill Creek Diversion Dam dam La Moure 463306N0985148W Jud SE Bone Hill Creek Lake reservoir La Moure 463306N0985148W Jud SE Bone Hill Creek National Wildlife Refuge park La Moure 463304N0985141W Jud SE Bone Point (historical) Bonetrail cape VARIANT Dunn 473002N1021900W New Town SE See Bonetraill ppi Williams 482459N1035017W NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND13 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Bonetraill Bonetrail ppi Williams VARIANT 482459N1035017W 2399 Bonetraill Bonita, Lake reservoir Foster 471947N0990524W Melville Bonnersville (historical) locale Ransom 463056N0972645W 1024 Sheldon Bonnes Coulee valley McHenry 480320N1005655W 475319N1010737W Velva Bonnie Divide ridge Dunn 472844N1030324W Petes Creek Booth (historical) locale Barnes 470608N0981253W 1435 Rogers Boot Lake lake Sargent 461439N0972357W Cayuga NW Border International Airport airport Divide 485950N1030033W 1898 Noonan Bordulac ppl Foster 472316N0985749W 1530 Bordulac Chihaun VARIANT Borg Lake lake Sargent 461313N0972426W 1080 Cayuga NW Borke Drain Number Sixteen canal Traill 472223N0970802W Blanchard Bosserman Dam dam Golden Valley 464748N1035448W Thelan Bottineau ppl Bottineau 484938N1002643W 1635 Bottineau Oak Creek VARIANT Bottineau County civil Bottineau 484830N1004820W Landa SE Bottineau Municipal Airport airport Bottineau 484952N1002504W 1675 Bottineau Boulder Point summit Slope 462445N1032656W 3202 Black Butte Boundary Butte summit Bottineau 485958N1002545W 2541 Lake Klingenberg Boundary Creek stream Bottineau 485617N1004210W 485957N1003533W Souris Boundary Creek stream Bottineau 485034N1005455W 485955N1004230W Landa SW Boundary Creek 3 Dam dam Bottineau 485730N1003730W Souris Boundary Lake lake BGN 1954 Bottineau 485942N1001236W 2226 Boundary Lake Bounty ppi Divide 485458N1031049W 1929 Paulson Bounty School school Divide 485433N1031004W 1924 Paulson Bourbanis Dam dam Cavalier 484702N0975840W 1319 Hanks Corner Bouret Dam dam Benson 475148N0985742W Tokio SW Twin Tree Dam VARIANT Bourett Cemetery cemetery Benson 475151N0985806W Tokio SW Bourett Dam dam Benson 475151N0985756W 1410 Tokio SW Bowbells ppl Burke 484811N1021444W 1959 Bowbells Bowbells Cemetery cemetery Burke 484825N1021340W 1954 Bowbells Bowbells Municipal Airport airport Burke 484835N1021442W 1955 Bowbells Bowdon ppl Wells 472811N0994227W 1811 Bowden Bowen Township civil Sargent 460845N0974104W Gwinner Bowers Coulee valley McHenry 475914N1005527W 475552N1010047W Blacktail Coulee Bowers School school Ward 475754N1005931W 1808 Blacktail Coulee Bowesmont ppl Pembina 484124N0971040W 795 Bowesmont Alma VARIANT Bowesmont (historical) locale Pembina 484333N0970820W 793 Bowesmont Bowesmont Interchange crossing Pembina 484208N0971124W Bowesmont Bowline Creek stream McKenzie 473112N1033604W 473454N1033901W Red Wing Creek Bowman ppl Bowman 461059N1032340W 2960 Bowman Eden VARIANT Lowden VARIANT Twin Buttes VARIANT Bowman Cemetery cemetery Bowman 461041N1032445W Bowman Bowman Coulee valley Ward 483102N1015428W 482937N1015822W Donnybrook Bowman County civil Bowman 460410N1033130W Rhame SE Bowman Haley Dam VARIANT See Bowman-Haley Dam dam Bowman 455855N1031449W Bowman-Haley Dam dam Bowman 455855N1031449W Bowman-Haley Dam Bowman Haley Dam VARIANT Bowman-Halley Dam VARIANT (US-T107) Bowman-Haley Lake reservoir BGN 1971 Bowman 455855N1031449W 2755 Bowman SE Bowman-haley Reservoir VARIANT Bowman-haley Reservoir VARIANT See Bowman-Haley Lake reservoir Bowman 455855N1031449W Bowman-Halley Dam (US-T107) VARIANT See Bowman-Haley Dam dam Bowman 455855N1031449W Bowman Municipal Airport airport Bowman 461115N1032542W 2958 Bowman Bowman School school Wells 473244N0994253W 1703 Fessenden SW Boxelder Creek stream BGN 1978 Bowman 455840N1035625W 451135N1045401W Doaks Butte Boxelder Creek stream Grant 461326N1013010W 462022N1013848W Paradise Flats Boyce Creek stream Slope 462811N1035142W 462423N1033953W Boyce Creek West Boyd Lake lake Rolette 485853N0994924W 2116 Lake UpsiIon Boyer National Wildlife Refuge park Pierce 482329N0994733W Rugby NE Boyle locale Stark 465257N1023122W Boyle Brackett VARIANT See Koldok ppi Barnes 465543N0974324W Bradac Dam dam Bowman 461348N1040154W Webster NE (MT) Braddock ppi Emmons 463352N1000526W 1859 Braddock Braddock Cemetery cemetery Emmons 463340N1000621W Braddock Braddock Dam dam Emmons 463235N1000659W Braddock Braddock Dam reservoir Emmons 463235N1000659W 1858 BraddockND14 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Brady Creek stream Mercer 471648N1013819W 470838N1012916W Hazen West Brager Lake lake Bottineau 485719N1001619W 2190 Metigoshe Lake Brampton ppi Sargent 455941N0974633W 1290 Newark (SD) Brampton Cemetery cemetery Sargent 455921N0974643W Newark (SD) Brampton Township civil Sargent 455822N0974836W Newark (SD) Branch Apple Creek VARIANT See West Branch Apple Creek stream Burleigh 465314N1002846W Branch Knife River stream Dunn 470701N1021200W 46550CN1020724W Willow Creek West Brandenburg Township civil Richland 460845N0964848W Great Bend Berlin Township VARIANT Brands Airfield airport Stark 465054N1022727W 2423 Bratburg Butte Brantford ppi Eddy 473552N0985521W 1520 Brantford Brantford Cemetery cemetery Eddy 473543N0985414W Brantford Bratburg Butte summit Stark 464852N1022711W 2606 Bratburg Butte Braun Butte summit Emmons 460602N1001802W 2142 Grassna Brazil School Number 1 school Pierce 481606N1000445W Tunbridge Brazil School Number 2 school Pierce 481328N1000350W 1559 Balt a Brazil School Number 3 school Pierce 481328N1000109W Balt a Brazil School Number 4 school Pierce 481548N1000114W Tunbridge Breckenridge-Wahpeton Interstate Airport airport Richland 461447N0963623W 966 Wahpeton Breien Parkin ppi Morton VARIANT 462248N1005631W 1700 Breien Brekhus Field airport Renville 484900N1015500W 1850 Mouse River Park SW Brekken, Lake lake McLean 473245N1005342W 1811 Turtle Lake Bremen ppi Wells 474448N0992311W 1551 Bremen Bremen ppi Wells 474501N0992340W Black Hammer Hill Bremen Cemetery cemetery Morton 465747N1011625W 2201 New Salem NE Brennan Lake lake Rolette 485717N1000056W International Peace Garden Brinnen Lake VARIANT Brenna Town Hall building Grand Forks 475323N0971030W 852 Kelly Brenna Township civil Grand Forks 475255N0970947W Kelly Brethren Cemetery cemetery Foster 472637N0985036W Bordulac NE Brethren Cemetery cemetery Wells 472332N0991951W Dover Brewer Lake Dam VARIANT See Erie Dam dam Cass 470554N0972436W Briar Creek stream McKenzie 475625N1035647W 475524N1035426W Buford Bridger Creek stream BGN 1975 McKenzie 473036N1034047W 473306N1034132W Burning Mine Butte Brien Ranch locale Billings 465310N1031739W 2683 Fryburg NE Bright Water Lake lake Divide 484334N1032749W 2014 Bright Water Lake Brightwood Town Hall building Richland 460400N0965925W 1090 Hankinson Brightwood Township civil Richland 460334N0965616W Hankinson Brightwood Township civil Richland 460239N096523 6W Hankinson (historical) Brimer Town Hall building Barnes 470030N0982214W 1464 Leal Brimer Township civil Barnes 470057N0982332W Clementsville Brink Cemetery cemetery Cass 464605N0965413W 920 West Fargo South Brinnen Lake VARIANT See Brennan Lake lake Rolette 485717N1000056W Brinsmade ppi Benson 481057N0991925W 1563 Brinsmade Brinsmade Cemetery cemetery Benson 481047N0992022W 1586 Brinsmade Brisbane ppi Grant 462033N1012926W 2400 Brisbane Bristol Gulch stream Dickey 460243N0983940W 460514N0984953W Monango SW Brittin ppi Burleigh 464255N1002419W Moffit NW Brittons Slough gut McLean 473703N1005925W Turtle Lake Broadlawn Town Hall building Steele 471851N0973209W 1150 Hope SE Broadlawn Township civil Steele 471631N0973015W Hope SE Broadview Township civil Griggs 471638N0980050W Karnak Brocket ppi Ramsey 481247N0982124W 1513 Brocket Brock Slough lake Kidder 470428N0993230W 1775 Pettibone Brockway (historical) ppi Ransom 461720N0974852W 1350 Elliott SE Broken Bone Hill summit Benson 482053N0994603W 1712 Pleasant Lake Broken Bone Lake lake Benson 482059N0994815W 1539 Pleasant Lake Bromley Lake lake McHenry 480320N1001855W 1529 Rangeley SE Broncho Cemetery cemetery Dunn 471156N1021016W Schaffner Creek Brookside School school Burke 485551N1025104W 1909 Columbus Brooktree Park ppi Cass 470011N0965344W 885 Argusville Broom Lake lake Rolette 485849N0995126W 2198 Lake Upsilon Brophy VARIANT See Temvik ppi Emmons 462211N1001529W Brotherhood Cemetery cemetery Bottineau 48464INI012825W Antler SW Browen Lake lake Ransom 463601N0974859W Nome SE Brown Dam dam Barnes 464312N0975918W Kathryn Brown Dam dam Hettinger 461324N1020648W Plum Butte NE Brownlee Dam dam Cass 465200N0970536W Casselton SE Brown Ranch locale Dunn 473219N1025825W North Killdeer Mountain Brown Ranch locale Golden Valley 470605N1034029W 2650 Wannagan Creek WestNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND15 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Brown Ranch locale Slope 462845N1035242W 2602 Pretty Butte Brown School school Williams 481613N1033337W 1908 Blacktail Lake SE Brown School Number 4 school Divide 485246N1030254W 1974 Noonan Browns Hill summit Slope 462430N1032759W 2964 Black Butte Browns Hotel (historical) locale Burleigh 470720N1005608W 1688 Price Bruce Cemetery cemetery Pembina 485356N0973718W 851 Neche Brueni Ranch locale Billings 464940N1032046W 2750 Fryburg Bruflat Cemetery cemetery Traill 472957N0972258W Galesburg NW Brumba National Wildlife Refuge park Towner 484400N0991444W Snyder Lake Brumba Pool lake Towner 484338N0991438W 1527 Snyder Lake Brumbaugh Cemetery cemetery Towner 484448N0991237W 1539 Snyder Lake Brumwell Slough lake McLean 474145N1015150W 1976 Blackwater Lake Bruns Slough gut Sargent 461337N0975500W Crete Brush Creek stream Mercer 471327N1015045W 470318N1014148W Medicine Butte NE Brush Hills range Stutsman 471404N0990640W Vashti Brush Lake lake McLean 473149N1004340W 1823 Pelican Lake Brush Lake lake Stutsman 470729N0990738W 1813 Goldwin SW Brushy Creek stream Grant 460300N1015035W 461120N1015456W Pretty Rock Butte SE Bryan Town Hall building Griggs 473438N0982725W 1520 Mose Bryan Township civil Griggs 473210N0982530W Mose Bryn Field airport Barnes 471128N0981007W 1431 Dazey Bublitz Mine mine Williams 483633N1034802W Hanks Buchanan ppi Stutsman 470345N0984943W 1551 Buchanan Rio VARIANT Buchanan Township civil Stutsman 470059N0984626W Buchanan Buchanan Township (historical) civil Stutsman 470147N0985124W Buchanan Buchhole Ranch locale Slope 462407N1033532W 2942 Deep Creek South Buchmann Cemetery cemetery Oliver 470036N1013932W 2294 Red Butte SW Buchmiller Field airport Wells 472135N0993720W 1850 Heaton Buck Hill summit Billings 4 65532N1032318W 2046 Fryburg NW Buckhorn Butte summit Billings 471813N1033723W 2727 Hanks Gully Buckhorn Creek stream Billings 471845N1033733W 471754N1033451W Eagle Draw Buckhorn Ranch locale Billings 471305N1033725W 2160 Roosevelt Creek East Buck School school Ward 48334ONI021204W 2299 Mosquito Butte Buckskin Butte summit McKenzie 472248N1031816W 2523 Buckskin Butte Bucyrus ppl Adams 460350N1024716W 2780 Bucyrus Dolan VARIANT Bucyrus Cemetery cemetery Adams 460316N1024718W 2792 Bucyrus Buddy Ranch Airport airport Billings 465513N1033109W 2552 Medora Bue (historical) locale Nelson 474523N0981650W 1375 Pekin Bue Township (historical) civil Nelson 474230N0981530W Binford NE Buffalo ppl Cass 465511N0973257W 1197 Buffalo New Buffalo VARIANT Third Siding VARIANT Buffalo-Alice Interchange crossing Cass 465233N0973319W 1197 Buffalo Buffalo Buttes range Hettinger 462402N1023309W Regent Rainy Butte VARIANT Buffalo Coulee stream Traill 474143N0965426W 473002N0970839W Climax NW Buffalo Coulee VARIANT See Trappers Coulee valley Benson 475922N0994806W Buffalo Coulee valley Pierce 480159N0995138W 480336N0995810W Esmond Buffalo Creek stream Adams 455559N1025147W 461246N1032027W Cow Butte NE Buffalo Creek stream Cass 465008N0970725W 465228N0973127W Casselton SE Buffalo Creek stream McLean 471744N1010641W 472455N1010411W Washburn Buffalo Creek stream Stark 464315N1021208W 463324N1021101W Clark Butte NW Beaver Creek VARIANT Buffalo Creek stream Stutsman 464458N0984521W 463834N0990258W Millarton Buffalo Creek Dam dam McHenry 481706N1004924W Granville Buffalo Dam VARIANT See Swan Buffalo Number 5 dam Cass 465248N0972436W Dam Buffalo Gap Campground locale Golden Valley 465716N1034029W 2575 Buffalo Gap Campground Buffalo Lake lake Kidder 465549N0994722W 1733 Steele NE Buffalo Lake reservoir Pierce 475958N0994939W 1479 Selz NE Buffalo Lake reservoir Pierce 480000N0994948W Esmond Buffalo Lake Diversion Dam dam Pierce 480000N0994948W Esmond Buffalo Lake National park Pierce 480048N0995058W Esmond Wildlife Refuge Buffalo Lake School Number 2 school McLean 472124N1010559W 1889 Washburn Buffalo Lodge Butte summit McHenry 481934N1004612W 1587 Granville Buffalo Lodge Lake lake McHenry 481942N1004525W 1477 Granville Buffalo Mall (shopping center) locale Stutsman 465300N0984315W 1480 Jamestown Buffalo Rock Community Hall building McLean 473736N1020327W Raub Buffalo Rock Coulee stream McLean 473538N1020017W 473829N1020002W Raub SE Buffalo Rocks Coulee VARIANT Buffalo Rocks Coulee VARIANT See Buffalo Rock Coulee stream McLean 473538N1020017W Buffalo Springs ppi Bowman 461030N1031404W Scranton Buffalo Springs Dam dam Bowman 461025N1031316W ScrantonND16 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Buffalo Springs Lake reservoir Bowman 461025N1031316W 2839 Scranton Buffalo Township civil Cass 465536N0972855W Absaraka Buford ppl Williams 475955N1035927W 1954 Buford Buford Cemetery cemetery Williams 480045N1035941W Trenton SW Buford County (historical) civil Divide 482610N1034600W Bonetraill Bu Lake lake Rolette 485453N0995405W 2135 Carpenter Lake Bull Butte summit Hettinger 463524N1022457W 2753 White Butte West Bull Butte summit McKenzie 475103N1035005W 2294 Charbonneau Bull Butte summit Williams 482013N1040154W 2588 Bull Butte Bull Creek stream Stark 464820N1030607W 46424ONI031144W Belfield SE Bull Hook Creek stream Adams 455255N1023820W 455837N1024045W Hettinger South Bullier Creek VARIANT See Bullion Creek stream Billings 464243N1033545W Bullion Butte summit BGN 1978 Billings 464115N1033610W 3358 Bullion Butte Bollier Butte VARIANT Bullion Creek stream BGN 1978 Billings 464243N1033545W 464134N1040348W Bullion Butte Bullier Creek VARIANT Bullion View School school Slope 463523N1033648W 2782 Deep Creek North Bull Run Creek stream Golden Valley 463229N1034844W 463648N1040404W Three V Crossing Bummer Creek stream McKenzie 473043N1033405W 472614N1032420W Red Wing Creek Bunce Lake lake Burleigh 471613N1002112W 1925 Florence Lake Bunker Lake lake Burleigh 471412N1002113W 1925 Wing Bunker Lake State Game park Burleigh 471413N1002117W Wing Management Area Burgess locale Morton 462847N1010115W Burgess Burke County civil Burke 484600N1023200W Rennie Lake Burke Drain Number 15 canal Traill 472115N0971152W Blanchard Burke School Number 1 school Pierce 482310N0995539W 1651 Rugby NW Burke School Number 2 school Pierce 482635N0995700W 1586 Rugby NW Burke School Number 3 school Pierce 482546N0995421W Rugby NW Burke School Number 4 school Pierce 482402N0995933W 1588 Rugby NW Burkley Coulee valley Ward 480523N1010755W 480124N1011349W Sawyer SW Burleigh VARIANT See Menoken ppi Burleigh 464914N1003151W Burleigh County civil Burleigh 465730N1002740W McKenzie NW Burleigh Station VARIANT See Menoken ppl Burleigh 4 64914N1003151W Burlington ppl Ward 481631N1012542W 1580 Burlington Coltan VARIANT The Forks VARIANT Burlington Dam Number 1 dam Ward 481730N1012700W Burlington Burlington Dam Number 2 dam Ward 481754N1012948W Burlington Burning Mine Butte summit McKenzie 473312N1034053W 2596 Burning Mine Butte Burning Mine Creek stream McKenzie 473433N1033919W 473310N1033841W Burning Mine Butte Burns Dam dam McKenzie 473707N1034830W Sheep Creek Burnstad ppl Logan 462308N0993756W 1970 Burnstad Burns-Wretling Dam dam Oliver 471030N1011642W Hannover NE Burnt Butte summit Burleigh 465623N1004747W 2012 Burnt Butte Burnt Creek stream Burleigh 464946N1005019W 470908N1004627W Bismarck Burnt Creek stream McKenzie 474042N1030013W 474304N1025445W Lone Butte NE Burnt Creek School Number 1 school Burleigh 465440N1004502W 1880 Burnt Butte Burt ppi Hettinger 462155N1020917W 2381 Burt Alton VARIANT Burt Hope Cemetery cemetery Hettinger 462123N1020752W Burt Burton VARIANT See Eldridge ppl Stutsman 465409N0985105W Bush Lake lake Burke 484418N1025407W Bush Lake Busse Coulee valley Pembina 484626N0975035W 484854N0975818W Hallson Butler Lake lake Rolette 485328N1000321W 2078 International Peace Garden Butte ppi McLean 475017N1003954W 1740 Butte Dogden VARIANT Butte Creek stream BGN 1979 Slope 462400N1035600W 462354N1035919W Pretty Butte North Butte Creek VARIANT Vine Creek VARIANT Butte Lake lake Bottineau 485049N1001258W Lords Lake Butte Michaud summit Griggs 473545N0980829W 1605 Jessie Buttes, The summit Benson 481151N0993000W 1878 Comstock Butte Saint Paul Historic Site park Bottineau 485115N1001146W Lords Lake Butte School Number 2 school Oliver 470150N1005625W 1790 Price (historical) Butte View State Campground locale Bowman 461043N1032220W Talbot Butte Buttke Lake lake Sargent 460002N0974054W Forman Buttzville ppi BGN 1896 Ransom 463029N0973746W 1172 Buttzville Butzville VARIANT Butzville VARIANT See Buttzville ppi Ransom 463029N0973746W Buxton ppi Traill 473607N0970549W 935 BuxtonNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND17 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Buxton Town Hall building Traill 473743N0970925W 952 Buxton NW Buxton Township (historical) civil Traill 473716N0970447W Buxton Buxton Township civil Traill 473719N0970843W Buxton SW BW Ranch locale Griggs 473253N0980607W 1455 Kloten SE Byersville School Number 1 school McLean 474447N1004050W Alkali Lake Byersville School Number 2 school McLean 474202N1004013W Alkali Lake Byersville School Number 3 school McLean 474449N1003707W 2046 Siebold Lake Byersville School Number 4 Bylin Dam school VARIANT McLean 474120N1003731W 1932 Siebold Lake See North Branch Forest dam Walsh 482212N0980206W River Number 1 Dam Bylin Dam dam Walsh 482204N0980041W Adams SE Byrnes Lake lake Rolette 485536N0994418W 2051 Saint John Byrnjulson Cemetery cemetery Wells 473117N0994251W Fessenden SW Byron Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 485752NC985008W 1571 Sarles NE C Cain Lake lake Rolette 485457N0995454W 2144 Carpenter Lake Cane Lake VARIANT Caledonia ppl Traill 472727N0965307W 865 Caledonia Goose River VARIANT Caledonia Township civil Traill 472651N0965318W Caledonia Caledonia Township (historical) civil Traill 472555N0965438W Caledonia Calio ppl Cavalier 483752N0985557W 1540 Calio Etna VARIANT Calspur PPl Grand Forks 475600N0970516W Grand Forks (MN) Calvary Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 484604N0982236W Langdon West Calvary Cemetery cemetery Foster 472051N0991049W Carrington SW Calvary Cemetery cemetery Grand Forks 475554N0970355W Grand Forks (MN) Calvary Cemetery cemetery Ramsey 482724N0985143W Starkweather NE Calvary Cemetery cemetery Richland 460331N0965436W 1079 Hankinson Calvary Cemetery cemetery Richland 461537N0963802W Dwight Calvary Cemetery cemetery Richland 461004N0965922W 1033 Mantador Calvary Cemetery cemetery Richland 460446N0963548W 984 Fa i mount Calvary Cemetery cemetery Sargent 461604N0972839W Milnor Calvary Cemetery cemetery Stutsman 465329N0984400W Jamestown Calvary Cemetery cemetery Traill 474004N0970756W Buxton NW Calvary Cemetery cemetery Walsh 482920N0975141W Edinburg Calvary Cemetery cemetery Walsh 482358N0974348W Park River Calvary Church church Grand Forks 475606N0972148W Emerado Calvin ppi Cavalier 485109N0985606W 1617 Calvin Cambridge Cemetery cemetery Mercer 471758N1013332W Hazen East Camel Butte VARIANT See Camel Buttes range Hettinger 463335N1021801W Camel Butte summit Bowman 460010N1034310W 3406 Camel Butte Camel Butte Dam dam Golden Valley 465600N1034812W Sentinel Butte Camel Hump Dam VARIANT Camel Buttes range Hettinger 463335N1021801W White Butte East Camel Butte VARIANT Camel Buttes Oil and Gas Field oilfield McKenzie 475142N1025606W Johnsons Corner Camel Hump Butte VARIANT See Camels Hump Butte summit Golden Valley 465703N1034746W Camel Hump Dam VARIANT See Camel Butte Dam dam Golden Valley 465600N1034812W Camels Butte summit Dunn 465953N1024917W 2713 Dickinson North Camels Hump VARIANT See Camels Hump Butte summit Golden Valley 465703N1034746W Camels Hump Butte summit Golden Valley 465703N1034746W 3273 Sentinel Butte Camel Hump Butte VARIANT Camels Hump VARIANT Camel Slough lake Burleigh 471213N1001924W 1924 Wing Campbell VARIANT See Kintyre ppi Emmons 463259N0995657W Campbell Butte summit Hettinger 463536N1021946W 2712 White Butte East Campbell School Number 1 school Foster 472540N0984005W Kensal NW Campbell School Number 4 school Foster 472541N0984326W 1535 Kensal NW Camp Bentley locale McHenry 475519N1002609W Drake NW Camp Burke VARIANT See Camp Grafton ppi Ramsey 480325N0985514W Camp Cherith locale McKenzie 480411N1031553W Chris Creek Camp Creek stream Billings 471752N1031940W 471833N1031740W Scairt Woman Draw Camp Creek stream McKenzie 475625N1033559W 475816N103422 5W Camp Creek EastND18 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Camp Creek stream Williams 481400N1033545W 481726N1034308W Williston East Camp Creek Cemetery cemetery McKenzie 475604N1034009W 2093 Camp Creek West Camp Dominic Savio locale Mercer 473139N1012753W Garrison Dam North Camp Grafton ppl Ramsey 480325N0985514W 1467 Camp Grafton Camp Burke VARIANT Camp Hanna VARIANT Camp Laghton VARIANT Camp Grassick locale Kidder 464839N0994449W Tappen South Camp Hanna VARIANT See Camp Grafton ppi Ramsey 480325N0985514W Camp Houston VARIANT See Belfield ppi Stark 465307N1031157W Camp Laghton VARIANT See Camp Grafton ppi Ramsey 480325N0985514W Camp Lake lake Divide 483958N1035956W Camp Lake Camp Lake lake McLean 474615N1005100W 1937 Kongsberg Camp Lake State Game park McIntosh 455703N0990824W Long Lake NW (SD) Management Area Camp Sykes VARIANT See Jamestown ppi Stutsman 465438N0984229W Camp Thomas VARIANT See Jamestown ppi Stutsman 465438N0984229W Camp Whitney State Park park Kidder 465935N0993518W Tappen NE Canaan Church church Cass 464542N0970814W Durbin Cando ppi Towner 482912N0991234W 1486 Cando Cando Cemetery cemetery Towner 482909N0991111W Cando Cando Municipal Airport Cane Lake airport VARIANT Towner 482900N0991415W 1482 Cando See Cain Lake lake Rolette 485457N0995454W Canfield (historical) locale Cass 465300N0965535W 903 West Fargo North Canfield Lake lake Burleigh 471117N1002729W 1979 Canfield Lake Andrews Lake VARIANT Cannon Ball ppl Sioux 462322N1003537W 1760 Cannon Ball Hekton VARIANT Cannonball Creek stream Slope 462835N1035343W 463018N1041021W Pretty Butte Cannon Ball Memorial cemetery Sioux 462245N1003538W Cannon Ball Congregational Cemetery Cannon Ball River VARIANT See Cedar Creek stream Grant 460727N1011836W Cannonball River stream BGN 1913 Morton 462545N1003535W 462812N1031222W Cannon Ball Cannon Ball River VARIANT North Fork Cannon Ball VARIANT River North Fork Cannonball VARIANT River North Fork of Cannon VARIANT Ball River Cannon Ball River VARIANT See Cannonball River stream Morton 462545N1003535W Cannon Hill summit Dickey 455752N0982231W 1452 Savo NW (SD) Cannon Hill summit Grant 463750N1015442W 2244 Heart Butte NW Cantapeta Creek stream Morton 462533N1003749W 462634N1004034W Cannon Ball NW Cantepeta Creek VARIANT Chanta Peta Creek VARIANT Chantapeta Creek VARIANT Cantepeta Creek VARIANT See Cantapeta Creek stream Morton 462533N1003749W Canton VARIANT See Hensel ppl Pembina 484118N0973958W Canton Village VARIANT See Hensel ppl Pembina 484118N0973958W Cap Butte summit Morton 464653N1014227W 2234 Dengate Caralier County civil Cavalier 484610N0982830W Langdon West Carbon VARIANT See Sims ppl Morton 464620N1012953W Carbury ppl Bottineau 485327N1003239W 1655 Carbury Roth VARIANT Carbury VARIANT See Roth ppl Bottineau 485428N1004808W Carl Feldner Coulee valley Renville 482823N1014621W 483047N1014912W Hartland Feldner Coulee VARIANT Carlisle (historical) locale Pembina 485145N0972105W 804 Bathgate SE Carlisle Interchange crossing Pembina 484537N0971238W Joliette (MN) Carlisle Lake lake Rolette 485223N1000030W 2086 Dunseith Carlisle Town Hall building Pembina 484828N0972253W 812 Hamilton Carlisle Township civil Pembina 484749N0972054W Bathgate SE Carlson Cemetery cemetery Traill 472955N0970841W Hillsboro NW Carlson Lake lake Emmons 463538N1003230W Fort Rice Carlson-Tande Dam dam Griggs 473954N0980554W KlotenNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND19 FEATURE FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY Carlton VARIANT See Oriska ppi Barnes Carlton Township (historical) civil Dickey Carmelite Monastery church Richland Carpenter Lake lake Rolette Carpenter Lake lake Ward Carpenter Township civil Steele Carpio ppi Ward Carpio Dam dam Ward Carrie Lake lake Burke Carrington ppi Foster Carrington Cemetery cemetery Foster Carrington Water Works locale Foster Carr National Wildlife Refuge park Benson Carson ppi Grant Cart Creek stream Pembina Cartwright ppi McKenzie Carus Ranch locale Dunn Carvers Lake lake McHenry Casey Township civil Ransom Cash Creek stream Slope Cashel ppi Walsh Cass County civil Cass Casselton ppi Cass Cass Town Goose Creek Swan Creek Casselton Township civil VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT Cass Cassidy Lake lake Bottineau Cassidy Lake See Villneauve Lake lake VARIANT Rolette Cassidy Lake Cass Town lake VARIANT Rolette See Casselton ppi Cass Castle Butte summit Morton Castle Rock pillar Hettinger Cat Coulee Dam dam Grant Cathay ppi Wells Cathay Dam dam Wells Cathedral School school Burleigh Cattail Bay bay Emmons Cattail Creek stream Emmons Cattail Recreation Area park Emmons Cavalier ppi Pembina Cavalier City Dam dam Pembina Cavalier Lake lake 1977 Manitoba (CA) Cavalier Municipal Airport airport Pembina Cavalier Township civil Pembina Cavanaugh Lake lake Ramsey Cave Coulee valley Burleigh Cayuga ppi Sargent Seneca VARIANT C Brenna Ranch locale McKenzie CC Braun Dam dam Morton CCC Dam dam Burke C Christenson Ranch locale McKenzie C Christianson Ranch locale McKenzie Cedar Butte summit Adams Cedar Butte summit Grant Cedar Canyon valley Billings Cedar Canyon valley McKenzie Cedar Cemetery cemetery Slope Cedar Church church Slope Cedar Coulee valley Dunn Cedar Coulee Cedar Creek valley VARIANT Williams See South Fork Cedar Creek stream Bowman Cedar Creek Cannon Ball River Cedar River South Fork of Cannon Ball River stream BGN 1975 VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT Grant Cedar Creek stream McKenzie Cedar Creek stream Williams Cedar Creek Cemetery cemetery Adams Cedar Hills ridge Bowman Cedar Lake reservoir Slope SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME 465550N0974719W 460101N0982556W Silverleaf 461704N0964223W Dwight 485735N0995836W 2187 Carpenter Lake 481442N1015434W Plaza NW 471636N0974543W Luverne SE 482633N1014251W 1697 Carpio 482606N1014218W Carpio 483820N1024800W 2392 Grand View 472659N0990733W 1587 Carrington West 472752N0990733W Carrington West 472952N0990702W Carrington East 481716N0994154W Knox 462504N1013352W 2305 Carson 483155N0973501W 484013N0980054W Crystal SE 475135N1035533W 1902 Cartwright 473232N1030019W Lone Butte SE 481317N1004909W 1504 Simcoe 462936N0973502W Lisbon NE 462612N1035412W 462146N1034413W Pretty Butte 482905N0971754W 808 Oakwood 465630N0971330W Casselton 465402N0971239W 936 Casselton 465538N0971352W Casselton 485415N1001453W 2178 Boundary Lake 485250N0995438W 485234N0995419W Carpenter Lake 465402N0971239W 462938N1003859W 1922 Cannon Ball NW 461837N1022122W Mott South 463242N1012612W Otter Creek West 473312N0992431W 1580 Cathay 473318N0992430W Cathay 464836N1004745W Bismarck 460620N1003518W 1608 Fort Yates SE 460613N1003459W 460304N1001857W Fort Yates SE 460537N1003531W 1620 Fort Yates SE 484738N0973719W 891 Cavalier 484800N0973730W Backoo 485959N1001501W Metigoshe Lake 484715N0973745W 892 Backoo 484750N0973639W Cavalier 481514N0985322W 1454 Webster 465903N1005216W 465831N1005033W Burnt Butte 460427N0972302W 1141 Cayuga 480133N1024842W 2220 Charison 465400N1015312W Glen Ullin NW 484803N1021226W 1929 Bowbells 474130N1040002W 2080 Sidney NE (MT) 473855N1031213W 2330 Lone Butte NW 460707N1020750W 2657 Cedar Butte 460705N1012343W 2132 Lookout Butte 465400N1032136W 465330N1032020W Fryburg NE 473628N1032046W 473643N1032228W Long X Divide 461650N1030138W Warnke Hill 461925N1030453W Warnke Hill 473503N1025508W 473338N1025455W North Killdeer Mountain 480853N1031052W 481003N1031213W Cussicks Spring 461549N1031142W 460727N1011836W 461814N1032047W Bell Coulee East 473115N1033648W 473319N1034116W Red Wing Creek 480257N1032442W 480634N1032513W Lake Jessie 460404N1020605W Nason Hill 461221N1034933W Cedar Hills 461733N1025756W 2696 Cedar LakeND20 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Cedar Lake Dam dam Slope 461736N1025748W Cedar Lake Cedar Ridge ridge Bowman 460306N1035800W Cedar Ridge Cedar River VARIANT See Cedar Creek stream Grant 460727N1011836W Cedar Top Butte summit Billings 471808N1033002W 2569 Hanks Gully Cedar Valley Cemetery cemetery Adams 460706N1021953W Barths Butte Cedar Valley Church church Adams 460617N1021915W Barths Butte Center ppl Oliver 470659N1011757W 1980 Center Center Cemetery cemetery Ward 480426N1011230W 1807 Sawyer SW Center Church church Nelson 475150N0981335W McVille Center Dam VARIANT See Hanson Dam dam Richland 461624N0964124W Center Town Hall building Richland 461538N0964158W 959 Dwight Center Township civil Richland 461355N0964119W Fairmount NW Centerville School school Ward 475210N1014040W 2158 Blue Hill Central High School school Cass 465220N0964743W Fargo South Central High School school Grand Forks 475531N0970202W Grand Forks (MN) Centralia VARIANT See Fargo ppl Cass 465238N0964722W Centralia VARIANT See Guelph ppl Dickey 460122N0981408W Central Park park Grand Forks 475510N0970110W Grand Forks (MN) Central School school Richland 461600N0963611W Wahpeton Central School school Stark 465258N1024722W Dickinson North Central School school Walsh 482502N0972446W Grafton Central Town Hall building Nelson 475335N0981333W 1515 Bitter Lake Central Township civil Nelson 475256N0981132W Bitter Lake Central Valley School school Traill 473809N0970402W Reynolds Centropolis VARIANT See Guelph ppi Dickey 460122N0981408W Ceperley Ranch locale Billings 464923N1031718W 2665 Fryburg C Erstolen Ranch locale McKenzie 473246N1034529W 2240 Sheep Creek Ceynar Ranch locale McKenzie 473243N1032731W 2450 Sperati Point Chadwick ppl Sioux 460935N1010202W Porcupine Chaffee ppl Cass 464628N0972108W 965 Chaffee Rita VARIANT Chahinkapa VARIANT See Wahpeton ppl Richland 461555N0963620W Chahinkapa Park park Richland 461613N0963558W Wahpeton Chain Lake lake Ramsey 482018N0990358W 1443 Cando SE Chain Lakes Church church Ramsey 481933N0990219W Cando SE Chalky Buttes range Slope 462358N1032005W Amidon Chalupnik Dam dam Dunn 471042N1030000W Hungry Man Butte Chama ppl Golden Valley 465428N1035435W 2810 Beach East Chambers Township (historical) civil Stutsman 471401N0990135W Vashti Chan Owapi Lodge (historical) locale McLean 471019N1005741W 1660 Sanger Chanta Peta Creek stream Adams 461336N1023910W 462855N1030314W Ehler Lake Chanta Peta Creek VARIANT See North Branch stream Morton 462635N1004034W Cantapeta Creek Chanta Peta Creek stream Morton 462524N1010721W 463753N1010800W Burgess Chantapeta Creek VARIANT See North Branch stream Morton 462635N1004034W Cantapeta Creek Chantapeta Creek VARIANT See Cantapeta Creek stream Morton 462533N1003749W Chanta Peta Creek VARIANT See Cantapeta Creek stream Morton 462533N1003749W Charbonneau ppi McKenzie 475112N1034546W 2025 Charbonneau Charbonneau Creek stream BGN 1932 McKenzie 475130N1035753W 473732N1033744W Cartwright Charbonneau Dam dam Rolette 490000N0994212W Saint John Boarder Line Dam VARIANT Charging Creek stream McLean 474145N1021138W 473920N1020752W Raub NW Charging Eagle Bay bay Dunn 473500N1022350W Saddle Butte SW Charging Eagle Bay Public Use park Dunn 473511N1022334W Saddle Butte SW Area Charles C Cook State Game park Walsh 483025N0975350W Union Management Area Charles Lake lake Hettinger 462320N1022350W 2412 Mott NW Charley Bob Creek VARIANT See Crosby Creek stream Dunn 473439N1030421W Charley Bob Creek VARIANT See Charlie Bob Creek stream McKenzie 472622N1030522W Charlie, Lake reservoir BGN 1981 Walsh 483142N0975657W Union Charlie Bob Creek stream BGN 1976 McKenzie 472622N1030522W 472318N1031222W Petes Creek Charley Bob Creek VARIANT Crosby Creek VARIANT NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND21 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Charison ppl McKenzie 480337N1025215W 2360 Charlson Charlson Oil Field oilfield McKenzie 480600N1025438W Charlson SW Chase Cemetery cemetery Mercer 473027N1021028W Twin Buttes Chase Creek stream Dunn 473244N1030407W 472928N1025457W Lone Butte SE Chase Lake lake Stutsman 470031N0992635W 1729 Lake Louise Chase Lake reservoir Stutsman 465936N0992542W Crystal Springs Chase Lake Dam dam Stutsman 465936N0992542W Crystal Springs Chase Lake National Wildlife park Stutsman 470035N0992703W Lake Louise Refuge Chase Lake State Game lake Williams 482317N1040036W 2228 Brush Mountain (MT) Management Area Chase Lake State Game park Stutsman 470124N0992759W Lake Louise Management Area Chase Lake Township civil Stutsman 470100N0992423W Lake Louise Chaseley ppi Wells 472701N0994911W 1860 Chaseley Chaseley Cemetery cemetery Wells 472726N0994909W Chaseley Chase School school Walsh 482508N0972414W Grafton Chateau de Mores (historical locale Billings 465445N1033203W Medora site) Cheney Creek stream BGN 1932 McKenzie 474530N1040232W 474003N1035503W Fairview (MT) Cheyene VARIANT Cherry Creek stream McKenzie 474042N1030125W 474335N1033304W Lone Butte NE Cherry Lake lake Eddy 473815N0984038W Lake Coe Cherry Lake lake Kidder 470351N0995210W 1759 Horsehead Lake Cherry Lake lake McLean 473717N1004021W 1890 Pelican Lake Cherry Lake lake McLean 473136N1005650W 1821 Turtle Lake Lake Holmes VARIANT Cherry School school McKenzie 474449N1032209W 2211 Tepee Buttes Chester Town Hall building Grand Forks 475229N0972346W 945 Emerado SW Chester Township civil Grand Forks 475255N0972508W Arvilla Chester Township (historical) civil Grand Forks 475255N0972900W Arvilla Chestro Township VARIANT See Wano Township civil La Moure 462421N0983518W Cheyene VARIANT See Cheney Creek stream McKenzie 474530N1040232W Chicago Lake lake Stutsman 470412N0992627W 1750 Lake Louise Chicago Township civil Stutsman 465032N0991447W Cleveland SW Chicken Creek stream McKenzie 473337N1034757W 473403N1034320W Sheep Creek Chida VARIANT See Lostwood ppi Mountrail 482832N1022525W Chihaun VARIANT See Bordulac ppi Foster 472316N0985749W Chiles Slough gut Burke 484120N1022825W Thompson Lake Chilton Creek stream Hettinger 462245N1022448W 461700N1023015W Mott NW Chimney Butte summit Billings 464905N1033535W 2760 Chimney Butte Chimney Butte summit Dunn 472852N1023859W 2368 Dunn Center NW Chimney Butte summit McKenzie 475539N1025022W 2643 Blue Buttes Chimney Butte Creek stream Dunn 472856N1024041W 472906N1023458W Dunn Center NW Chinaman Coulee valley Williams 481113N1033614W 481459N1034324W Williston East Chippewa Point (historical) cape McLean 474929N1013819W Emmet SW Chiss-chetan River VARIANT (ND-M19/p.28) See Heart River stream Morton 464603N1005030W Chocolate Butte summit Billings 464003N1032028W 2824 Rocky Ridge North Chocolate Drop Dam dam Mountrail 480954N1022342W Sikes Dam Chokecherry Lake lake Stutsman 465019N0992639W 1809 Medina SW Chola ppl Renville 483720N1012925W Lansford SW Chornuk locale Billings 471138N1031940W 2550 Gorham Chris Creek stream McKenzie 480546N1031510W 480615N1032106W Chris Creek Christ Church church Stark 464232N1024107W 2676 Lefor NW Christensen Slough lake Burke 483542N1021504W 2197 Westby Lake Christian Church church Benson 475920N0990003W Crow Hill Christian Fellowship Church church Griggs 472300N0981550W Sutton NE Fellowship Free Church VARIANT Christiania Church church Cass 463933N0970502W 938 Kindred Christianson Cemetery cemetery Walsh 482019N0975257W Lankin Christine ppi Richland 463425N0964805W 929 Christine Christine Cemetery cemetery Richland 463418N0964842W Christine Christine Dam dam Richland 463536N0964636W Christine Fargo Dam Number 4 VARIANT Church Camp locale McKenzie 475826N1023544W Sanish Church Hill summit Ward 483028N1015330W 1914 Donnybrook Church of God Cemetery cemetery La Moure 463251N0985717W Jud Churchs Ferry ppi Ramsey 481609N0991123W 1460 Churchs Ferry Chyle Dam VARIANT See North Branch Forest dam Walsh 481524N0975848W River Number 6 Dam Cinnamon Creek stream McKenzie 472403N1033728W 472338N1034708W Ice Box Canyon Circle Buttes range Grant 462343N1013358W CarsonND22 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME City of Devils Lake VARIANT See Devils Lake ppl Ramsey 480646N0985153W Claire, Lake lake Eddy 473649N0990941W 1529 Barlow Rosefield Slough VARIANT C Lange Ranch locale McKenzie 473028N1032008W 2562 Long X Divide Clara Town Hall building Nelson 480904N0982155W 1509 Brocket Clara Township civil Nelson 480839N0982046W Brocket Clark Butte summit Grant 463245N1020100W 2399 Clark Butte Clarks Butte VARIANT Clark City (historical) locale Barnes 464652N0982008W 1460 Eckelson SE Clark Creek VARIANT See Tobacco Garden Creek stream McKenzie 480551N1030643W Clark Creek VARIANT See Clarks Creek stream McKenzie 475458N1024042W Clarkes Farm VARIANT See Menoken ppi Burleigh 464914N1003151W Clark Ranch locale Slope 462710N1035305W 2620 Pretty Butte Clarks Butte VARIANT See Clark Butte summit Grant 463245N1020100W Clarks Creek stream McKenzie 475458N1024042W 475500N1025210W Sanish NW Larks Creek VARIANT Clark Creek VARIANT Clarks Creek Public Use Area park McKenzie 475453N1024105W Sanish NW Clausen Springs Dam dam Barnes 464054N0980200W Hastings Clausen Springs State Game park Barnes 464051N0980245W Hastings Management Area Clay Butte summit Dunn 471622N1023139W 2447 Dunn Center Clay Butte summit McKenzie 474150N1031824W 2496 Tepee Buttes Clay Center School school Renville 484036N1013057W Grano NE Clayton Cemetery cemetery Sargent 455659N0973732W Kidder (SD) Clayton School school Burke 484552N1022852W 2075 Woburn Clear Creek stream Emmons 461502N1001024W 462226N1000434W Linton Clear Creek stream McKenzie 480011N1030820W 475639N1025548W Banks Clear Creek Church church McKenzie 475510N1025823W 2284 Keene Clear Creek Oil and Gas Field oilfield McKenzie 475710N1025633W Keene Clearfield Town Hall building Griggs 472817N0981830W 1458 Sutton NE Clearfield Township civil Griggs 472658N0981746W Sutton NE Clear Lake lake Burleigh 465531N100110 4W 1832 Clear Lake Clear Lake VARIANT See Five, Lake lake Griggs 472903N0981157W Clear Lake lake Kidder 470653N0995718W 1796 Tuttle SW Clear Lake lake McIntosh 461344N0992526W Danzig Clear Lake lake Nelson 480744N0981815W 1492 Brocket Clear Lake lake Pierce 475145N1000618W 1572 Martin Clearwater Lake lake Mountrail 482442N1021714W Clearwater Lake Clement ppl Dickey 460916N0981438W Glover Clementsville ppl Stutsman 470216N0982934W 1479 Clementsville Clement Town Hall building Dickey 460928N0980653W 1315 Oakes Clement Township civil Dickey 460845N0981100W Glover Clermont Township Dam VARIANT See Duck Creek Dam dam Adams 460124N1022342W Cleveland ppl Stutsman 465330N0990703W 1850 Cleveland Cleveland Park flat Walsh 481311N0975749W Dahlen Cleveland School school Ransom 461935N0975833W Elliott SW Cleveland School school Rolette 484034N1000326W Fonda Cleveland Township civil Walsh 481350N0975725W Dahlen Clifford ppl Traill 472053N0972437W 1050 Galesburg Clifford Cemetery cemetery Traill 472138N0972322W Galesburg Cliffs Plateau plain Billings 464200N1032708W Cliffs Plateau Clifton ppl Pierce 475328N1000202W 1660 Clifton Clifton Cemetery cemetery McLean 474354N1013725W 2036 Emmet NE Clifton School school McKenzie 473152N1031724W 2539 Long X Divide Clifton Town Hall building Cass 464442N0973550W 1154 Enderlin North Clifton Township civil Cass 464509N0973629W Alice Climax School Number 3 school Dickey 460729N0980338W Oakes SE Climax Township (historical) civil Dickey 460847N0980716W Oakes Clouds Lake lake Sargent 460009N0972627W 1177 Cayuga Clouse Ranch locale Slope 463644N1035033W 2830 Three V Crossing Clyde ppl Cavalier 484612N0985355W 1615 Calvin Clyde Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 484635N0985321W Calvin Coal Bank Creek stream Hettinger 462711N1023828W 462641N1025847W Havelock Coal Butte summit Burleigh 465808N1005056W 2105 Burnt Butte Coal Butte summit Emmons 462733N1003103W 2047 Cannon Ball Coal City VARIANT See Havelock ppi Hettinger 462829N1024436W Coal Creek VARIANT See Merrifield Creek stream Golden Valley 464838N1033410W NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND23 FEATURE FEATURE NAME CLASS Coal Creek stream Coal Creek stream Coal Creek stream Coal Harbor See Coleharbor ppi Coal Hill summit Coal Lake lake Coal Lake Coulee stream Coal Lake Coulee valley Coal Mine Creek stream Coal Mine Lake reservoir Coal Valley School Number 3 school Coburn PPl Coburn Town Hall building Coburn Township civil Coe, Lake lake Coffin Butte See Coffin Buttes range Coffin Buttes range Coffin Butte Cogswell ppl Colby Lake lake Cold Turkey Creek stream North Fork Alkali Creek Coldwater See Guelph ppl Cole Creek stream Covere Creek Cole Ford ppi Coleharbor ppi Coal Harbor English Queen Coleharbor Cemetery cemetery Coleharbor Water Supply Dam dam Colfax ppl The Fountain City Colfax Township civil Colgan ppl Colgate ppl Colgate Township civil Colgrove School Number 1 school Colgrove School Number 2 school Collar Draw valley Coltan See Burlington ppl Colt Dam dam Columbia Mall locale Columbus ppl Columbus Cemetery cemetery Columbus Municipal Airport airport Colville Hill summit Colvin Creek stream Spring Creek Communion Cemetery cemetery Comstock ppi Comstock See Hillsboro ppi Concordia Cemetery cemetery Concordia Cemetery cemetery Concordia Cemetery cemetery Concordia Church church Concordia Church church Concord Township (historical) civil Concrete ppi Congregational Cemetery cemetery Congregation Cemetery cemetery Conklin Cemetery cemetery Conklin Dam See Hager Dam dam Conklin Township civil Connell Cemetery cemetery Connia Slough lake Connolly See Emerson ppi Connor School Number 1 school Connors Point (historical) cape Considine ppl Conway ppl Cooke Cemetery cemetery STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES Golden Valley 464802N1033424W Grant 463658N1015633W Mercer 471941N1013102W VARIANT McLean 473239N1011324W Morton 4 64709N1014413W McLean 472635N1010430W McLean 471751N1010751W McLean 472317N1010636W Stark 465231N1030732W Sheridan 474041N1000810W Burke 485013N1024713W Ransom 463704N0972215W Ransom 463653N0971801W Ransom 463445N0971954W VARIANT Eddy 474139N0984149W Grant 461207N1015506W VARIANT Grant 461207N1015506W Sargent 460625N0974654W Stutsman 471238N0991547W Bowman 460241N1031853W VARIANT VARIANT Dickey 460122N0981408W Grand Forks 475052N0965949W VARIANT McHenry 483145N1002746W BGN 1928 VARIANT VARIANT McLean 473239N1011324W McLean 473009N1011413W McLean 473224N1011412W Richland 462810N0965227W VARIANT Richland 462935N0965453W Divide 485654N1033740W Steele 471441N0973922W Steele 471631N0973753W Hettinger 463426N1021901W Hettinger 463610N1021906W McKenzie 473249N1032432W VARIANT Ward 481631N1012542W Mercer 471518N1014624W Grand Forks 475338N0970415W Burke 485415N1024648W Burke 485339N1024810W Burke 485355N1024730W Grant 460246N1014406W Eddy 474631N0983355W VARIANT Grant 460706N1012808W Benson 480903N0992338W VARIANT Traill 472414N0970342W Divide 485337N1031552W Walsh 482400N0973440W Wells 474236N0993157W Sargent 461003N0972649W Wells 474302N0993121W Sargent 455822N0974836W Pembina 484444N0975603W Sioux 461250N1010645W Grant 462216N1015748W McLean 471845N1011057W VARIANT McLean 474130N1013030W Stutsman 471637N0991652W Billings 464413N1033616W McHenry 475831N1003820W VARIANT Dunn 471101N1023804W Slope 462345N1031336W Mercer 473204N1014130W Towner 483343N0991658W Walsh 481418N0974029W Wells 474553N0995448W SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT MAP NAME 464623N1033032W 463146N1020348W 472343N1013701W Chimney Butte Lake Tschida West Hazen East 472122N1010749W 472929N1010255W 465554N1031045W 2208 1915 Dengate Washburn NE Washburn Washburn NE Belfield 1602 2030 1064 1063 1492 Sheyenne Lake Columbus SE Coburn Coburn Coburn Lake Coe Coffin Buttes 460936N1033631W 1300 1867 Cogswell Woodworth Bowman SE 474224N0971910W Bygland (MN) 1897 Willow City SW Coleharbor 1950 Coleharbor Coleharbor 960 Galchutt Mooreton NW 2120 Colgan West 1180 Colgate Hope 2419 White Butte East 2432 White Butte East 473109N1032314W Sperati Point Beulah 830 Grand Forks (MN) 1930 Columbus Columbus 1930 Columbus 2404 Parks Hills 474038N0983635W Hamar 2160 Lookout Butte 1564 Comstock Crosby Nash 1607 Fessenden East 1172 Cayuga NW Fessenden East Newark (SD) 1220 Concrete 1794 Porcupine New Leipzig South Washburn SW Hawks Nest 2352 Bullion Butte 1563 Balfour NW 2950 White Lake Emmet SW 1514 Considine 982 Inkster HarveyND24 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Cooks Peak summit Golden Valley 470918N1034406W 2732 Roosevelt Creek West Cool Lakes lake Rolette 485640N0994951W 2143 Lake UpsiIon Coon Creek stream Hettinger 463038N1024901W 462746N1025500W New England Coon Lake lake Nelson 475826N0982247W 1454 Pekin NW Coon Lake lake Rolette 485950N0995432W Carpenter Lake Cooperdahl Hill School Number 1 school McHenry 481513N1002629W 1513 Towner Cooperstown ppl Griggs 472640N0980725W 1437 Cooperstown East Cooperstown Camp locale Griggs 472207N0980205W Karnak Cooperstown Cemetery cemetery Griggs 472747N0980643W 1428 Cooperstown East Cooperstown Municipal Airport airport Griggs 472515N0980600W 1425 Cooperstown East Cooperstown Township civil Griggs 472659N0981000W Cooperstown West Copeland School Number 1 school Renville 482917N1012033W 1626 Burlington NE Copes Lake VARIANT See Horseshoe Lake lake Richland 460234N0965909W Copperdahl Hill summit McHenry 481345N1002638W 1572 Rangeley NW Coppin Cemetery cemetery Richland 460246N0965646W Hankinson Corinne School school Stutsman 471705N0983147W Kensal SE Corinne Township civil Stutsman 471638N0983113W Kensal SE Corinth ppi Williams 483645N1031938W 2205 Corinth Corrinth VARIANT Corinthian Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 485144N0985608W 1614 Calvin Cornell Township civil Cass 470053N0973754W Page SW Corner Butte summit Morton 463249N1003714W 1872 Fort Rice Corral Creek stream Dunn 472830N1024119W 473238N1025134W Dunn Center NW Corral Creek stream McKenzie 473217N1034629W 473338N1034234W Sheep Creek Corral Creek stream McKenzie 473310N1032634W 473030N1031429W Sperati Point Corral Draw valley McKenzie 473541N1035933W 473629N1035733W Phillip Spring Corrinth VARIANT See Corinth ppl Williams 483645N1031938W Corwin Township civil Stutsman 464516N0983702W Ypsilanti Coteau ppl Burke 484524N1021907W 1988 Coteau Coteau du Missouri plain BGN 1916 McIntosh 460001N0990001W Coldwater Lake Missouri Coteau VARIANT Cote School Number 2 school Bottineau 48391INI001359W Overly Cottage School school Slope 461834N1032417W Stewart Lake Cottontail Creek stream Stutsman 464206N0984951W 463949N0985421W Millarton Cottonwood VARIANT See Alamo ppl Williams 483454N1032810W Cottonwood Campground locale Billings 465702N1033152W Medora Cottonwood Church church La Moure 461749N0982205W 1428 LaMoure Cottonwood City VARIANT See Alamo ppl Williams 483454N1032810W Cottonwood Creek stream Dunn 471916N1021408W 471721N1022129W Dodge Cottonwood Creek stream Dunn 473524N1030254W 473351N1030017W Lone Butte SE Cottonwood Creek stream La Moure 461548N0981511W 463155N0990027W LaMoure Cottonwood Creek stream McKenzie 472941N1032338W 472354N1031622W Wolf Coulee Cottonwood Creek stream Williams 483054N1041557W 483330N1035027W Brush Lake (MT) Cottonwood Creek Dam dam La Moure 461754N0981606W LaMoure Cottonwood Lake lake Burleigh 464644N1004706W Bismarck Cottonwood Lake lake Burleigh 465151N1001030W Driscoll Cottonwood Lake lake La Moure 461722N0982545W 1425 LaMoure SW Cottonwood Lake lake McHenry 475237N1004020W 1607 Balfour NW Cottonwood Lake lake McLean 473653N1004940W 1863 Peterson Lake Cottonwood Lake lake Mountrail 482600N1023535W Cottonwood Lake Cottonwood Lake lake Stutsman 470501N0990229W 1797 Goldwin SE Cottonwood Lake lake Wells 473042N0993749W Fessenden SW Cottonwood Lake lake Williams 483513N1032641W 2094 Alamo Cottonwood Lake Church church Mountrail 482710N1023850W 2246 Ross NW Cottonwood Lake National park McHenry 475210N1003934W Butte Wildlife Refuge Cottonwood School school Wells 473241N0993507W 1648 Emrick Coulee ppl Mountrail 483243N1020040W 2060 Coulee Coulee VARIANT See Hallson ppl Pembina 484550N0974903W Coulee, The valley Pembina 483306N0973535W 483600N0974512W Crystal SE Coulee School school McHenry 480030N1005701W Velva Country Club Dam VARIANT See Yegen Dam dam Burleigh 464818N1003848W Country Club Dam VARIANT See Fargo Dam 2 dam Cass 464948N0964706W County Ditch Numbers 20 and 66 canal Pembina 484142N0971832W Glasston NE County Ditch Number 1 canal Richland 462354N0964246W Abercrombie County Ditch Number 11 canal Grand Forks 480110N0970913W Manvel County Ditch Number 11 canal Pembina 485803N0972043W Bathgate NE County Ditch Number 12 canal Grand Forks 480614N0971912W Mekinock County Ditch Number 13 canal Grand Forks 480951N0971332W Oslo (MN) County Ditch Number 13 canal Pembina 483602N0971638W North Salt LakeNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND25 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME County Ditch Number 16 canal Pembina 484540N0972054W Bathgate SE County Ditch Number 16A canal Pembina 484717N0972040W Bathgate SE County Ditch Number 17 canal Pembina 485433N0972656W Bathgate County Ditch Number 19 canal Grand Forks 480902N0972036W Ardoch County Ditch Number 26 canal Richland 460355N0963534W Fairmount County Ditch Number 27 canal Pembina 484049N0971334W Bowesmont County Ditch Number 29 canal Pembina 483904N0970819W Bowesmont County Ditch Number 3 canal Grand Forks 480809N0971318W Oslo (MN) County Ditch Number 3 canal Pembina 484234N0971030W Bowesmont County Ditch Number 3 canal Richland 460055N0963944W Sonora County Ditch Number 30 canal Pembina 483957N0971025W Bowesmont County Ditch Number 30 canal Richland 460335N0964159W Sonora County Ditch Number 32 canal Grand Forks 480531N0971320W Manvel County Ditch Number 33 canal Pembina 485407N0972132W Bathgate NE County Ditch Number 34 canal Pembina 485331N0971719W Bathgate NE County Ditch Number 34 canal Richland 460212N0963557W Fairmount County Ditch Number 35 canal Richland 460119N0963612W Fairmount County Ditch Number 39 canal Pembina 484603N0971225W Joliette (MN) County Ditch Number 42 canal Pembina 485625N0972519W Bathgate County Ditch Number 5 canal Pembina 484329N0971055W Bowesmont County Ditch Number 55 canal Richland 460936N0963657W South of Wahpeton (MN) County Ditch Number 55 canal Walsh 483233N0971243W Drayton County Ditch Number 58 canal Richland 460607N0963542W Fairmount County Ditch Number 6 canal Pembina 484419N0971205W Bowesmont County Ditch Number 64 canal Pembina 484813N0971228W Joliette (MN) County Ditch Number 67A canal Pembina 483440N0972320W Saint Thomas County Ditch Number 67D canal Pembina 483723N0972510W Saint Thomas County Ditch Number 7 canal Pembina 484511N0971148W Joliette (MN) County Ditch Number 9 canal Sargent 455830N0974335W Kidder (SD) County Drain Number 20 canal Pembina 484046N0973256W Crystal NE County Drain Number 33 canal Pembina 485407N0972405W Bathgate County Drain Number 42 canal Pembina 485617N0972337W Bathgate Courtenay ppi Stutsman 471320N0983358W 1525 Courtenay Courtenay Cemetery cemetery Stutsman 471245N0983348W Courtenay Courtenay Township civil Stutsman 471124N0983109W Courtenay Court Lake lake Benson 475937N0985453W 1441 Fort Totten Couthard, Lake lake Bottineau 485723N1002638W 2329 Lake Klingenberg Covere Creek VARIANT See Cole Creek stream Grand Forks 475052N0965949W Covered Bridge Creek stream McKenzie 473024N1033953W 473000N1034212W Cinnamon Creek Cow Butte summit Adams 455914N1025640W 2873 Cow Butte Cow Creek stream Williams 481754N1033503W 481818N1035707W Blacktail Lake SE Cow Creek Cemetery cemetery Williams 481851N1034916W 2336 Bonetraill SE Coyote Creek stream Bowman 461432N1035222W 460901N1033758W Cedar Hills Lower Coyote Creek VARIANT Coyote Creek stream Dunn 470841N1021809W 471635N1022148W Marshall Coyote Creek stream Mercer 471209N1015513W 470008N1015515W Medicine Butte Coyote Creek VARIANT See Beaver Creek stream Mercer 470659N1015121W Crab Tree Lakes lake Dickey 460059N0985308W Merricourt SW Craig Private Airstrip airport Pembina 485120N0971918W 800 Bathgate SE Cranberry Lake lake Benson 480826N0994600W 1516 Fillmore Crary ppi Ramsey 480415N0983817W 1487 Crary Midway VARIANT Crary Cemetery cemetery Ramsey 480323N0983818W Crary Crazy Man Coulee valley Williams 480736N1033344W 480710N1033037W Williston East Creel Bay bay Ramsey 480445N0985610W Camp Grafton Creel City VARIANT See Devils Lake ppi Ramsey 480646N0985153W Creelsburg VARIANT See Devils Lake ppi Ramsey 480646N0985153W Crete ppi Sargent 461201N0975745W 1320 Crete Elizabeth VARIANT Crighton School VARIANT See Stevenson School school McKenzie 473012N1033905W Crippled Childrens School school Stutsman 465437N0984304W Jamestown Crocus ppi Towner 484232N0990940W Snyder Lake Croff ppi McKenzie 474450N1025627W 2361 Croff Croff School school McKenzie 474454N1025848W Croff Cronquist Field airport Grand Forks 480500N0972700W 870 Gilby Crooked Creek stream Billings 470814N1033446W 470548N1034101W Roosevelt Creek East Crooked Creek stream Bowman 455654N1031907W 465610N1033754W Tepee Buttes (SD) Crooked Creek stream Dunn 471130N1023509W 471146N1030653W Ziner Butte Crooked Creek stream Grant 460134N1013206W 460828N1014100W Pitt Creek Crooked Creek stream Morton 464637N1012945W 464754N1012429W New Salem Crooked Creek stream Sargent 460652N0972313W 460736N0973707W Cayuga Crooked Lake lake McLean 473736N1010151W Coleharbor NE Crooked Lake lake McLean 474114N1005209W Long Lake Crooked Lake School Number 1 school McLean 473821N1005426W 1938 Horseshoe ValleyND26 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE NAME FEATURE CLASS Crooked Lake School Number 3 school Crooked Lake School Number 4 school Crosby ppi Crosby Creek stream Charley Bob Creek Ranch Creek Spring Creek Crosby Creek See Ranch Creek stream Crosby Creek See Charlie Bob Creek stream Crosby Municipal Airport airport Crosier (historical) locale Cross Ranch locale Crow-Fish-High Indian Agency locale (historical) Crow Flies High Butte park Historic Site Crow Fly High Hill summit Crowfoot School school Crow Hill See David Watts Bluff cliff (historical) Crow Hill summit Crow Lake lake Crow Lake lake Crow Lake lake Crowley Resort Airstrip airport Crown Butte summit Crown Butte Creek stream Crown Butte Dam dam Crown Butte Lake reservoir Crown Butte State Game park Management Area Crowsheart Cemetery cemetery Crystal ppi Richmond Crystal Dam dam Crystal Lake (historical) lake Crystal Lake lake Crystal Springs spring Crystal Springs ppi Crystal Springs Cemetery cemetery Crystal Springs Youth Camp locale Crystal Township (historical) civil Crystal Township civil C S Creek stream Cuba ppi Cuba Dam dam Cuba Interchange crossing Cuba Town Hall building Cuba Township civil Cullen Brothers Dam dam Culver Dam See Jung Dam dam Culver School school Cumings See Cummings ppi Cummings ppi Cumings Cummings Cemetery cemetery Cummings Draw valley Curlew Buttes summit Curlew School Number 1 school Curlew School Number 3 school Curlew Valley valley Currie School school Cusator Township civil Cushman See Mandan ppi Cussicks Spring spring Custer Flats flat Custer Lookout summit Custer Mine State Game park Management Area Custer Park park Custer School school STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES McLean 473758N1004920W McLean 473929N1005034W Divide 485451N1031740W BGN 1976 Dunn 473439N1030421W VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT McKenzie 472730N1030558W VARIANT McKenzie 472622N1030522W Divide 485536N1031741W Nelson 474943N0982449W Oliver 471226N1010015W McKenzie 480038N1023617W Mountrail 475857N1023243W McKenzie 480050N1034657W VARIANT Mountrail 483107N1020727W Williams 480900N1031017W Benson 475715N0990308W Barnes 470607N0975653W Dickey 460318N0985516W Rolette 485638N0995056W Mercer 470745N1020750W Morton 465409N1010521W Morton 464920N1010135W Morton 465148N1010518W Morton 465154N1010515W Morton 465205N1010531W Dunn 473447N1021356W Pembina 483549N0974009W VARIANT Pembina 483606N0974036W Barnes 464940N0974942W Wells 473106N0995801W Kidder 465248N0992725W Kidder 465242N0992831W Kidder 465215N0992712W Stutsman 465245N0992637W Pembina 483723N0974314W Pembina 483445N0974317W Golden Valley 472147N1040711W Barnes 464917N0975144W Barnes 464900N0974842W Barnes 465513N0975214W Barnes 464915N0975155W Barnes 465025N0975137W Oliver 471600N1010912W VARIANT Hettinger 462533N1025007W Ward 484156N1015310W VARIANT Traill 473053N0970445W BGN 1921 Traill 473053N0970445W VARIANT Traill 473032N0970407W McKenzie 473420N1035220W Morton 464553N1013640W Morton 464435N1014810W Morton 464634N1014501W Grant 46363ONI012309W Rolette 484535N1000704W Stutsman 464517N0985947W VARIANT Morton 464936N1005321W Williams 481050N1031327W Morton 464613N1005746W Stark 465058N1021016W McLean 473729N10118SOW Burleigh 464827N1004742W Morton 464946N1005249W SOURCE ELEV COORDINATES FT MAP NAME 1946 Long Lake 2038 Long Lake 1964 Crosby 472622N1030521W Lone Butte SE 1945 Crosby 1460 Tolna Fort Clark NE Rat Lake SE Sanish 2068 Trenton 2315 Coulee 2523 Crow Hill Pillsbury SW Merricourt SW Lake UpsiIon 1925 Schaffner Creek 2321 Crown Butte 465516N1010623W Crown Butte Lake Crown Butte Lake 1923 Crown Butte Lake Crown Butte Lake Twin Buttes 905 Crystal Crystal Fingal 1829 Manfred SW Crystal Springs 1821 Crystal Springs Medina SW Crystal Springs Crystal Crystal 471548N1035704W Skaar Fingal Fingal Oriska 1355 Fingal Fingal Washburn SW Norma 530 Buxton Buxton 473806N1035147W Sheep Creek 2251 North Almont Heart Butte 2163 Glen Ullin 464924N1014404W Otter Creek West Dunseith Eldridge SW Cussicks Spring Mandan 2705 Antelope Riverdale North Bismarck MandanNATIONAL GAZETTEER-NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND27 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Custers Wash stream Golden Valley 465151N1033231W 465140N1033417W Chimney Butte Custer Trail Ranch locale Billings 465159N1033146W 2290 Chimney Butte Cut Bank Creek stream BGN 1976 Bottineau 483455N1005226W 485940N1014302W Eckman Deep River VARIANT Cut Bank Creek stream BGN 1977 McHenry 483559N1004710W 482245N1004609W Newburg SE Bank Creek VARIANT Cutbank Creek VARIANT Cutbank Creek VARIANT See Cut Bank Creek stream McHenry 483559N1004710W Cut Bank Creek stream Morton 464959N1012717W 464958N1012447W New Salem C Wilson Ranch locale McKenzie 48051ONI030755W 1860 Banks Cypert Park park Burleigh 464832N1003815W Menoken SW Cypress Creek stream BGN 1973 Cavalier 62 G/6 (CAN), S 485328N0985319W UNKNOWN Long River VARIANT D Daglum ppi Stark 464232N1030112W 2745 Daglum Daglum Cemetery cemetery Stark 463906N1030116W Daglum Daglum Church church Stark 463906N1030116W Daglum Dahlen ppl Nelson 480929N0975545W 1410 Dahlen Dahlen Township civil Nelson 480840N0975726W Dahlen Dahl Private Airstrip airport Sargent 455800N0974400W 1285 Kidder (SD) Dahl Slough gut Nelson 474909N0981023W McVille Dailey VARIANT See Daily ppl Barnes 464303N0975833W Daily ppl Barnes 464303N0975833W 1221 Kathryn Dailey VARIANT Sheyenne VARIANT Dakota Lake reservoir Dickey 455648N0981036W Hecla (SD) Dakota Lake Dam dam Dickey 455648N0981036W Hecla (SD) Ludden Dam VARIANT Dakota Lake National Wildlife park Dickey 455941N0980945W Hecla (SD) Refuge Dakota River VARIANT See James River stream Dickey 425217N0971722W Dakota Square locale Ward 481230N1011840W 1755 Minot Dakota Zoo park Burleigh 464803N1004832W Bismarck Dale Cemetery cemetery Emmons 455915N1002237W 1964 Pollock NW (SD) Dallas VARIANT See Selfridge ppi Sioux 460229N1005529W Dalrymple VARIANT See Dalrymple Spur locale Cass 465352N0971009W Dalrymple Spur locale Cass 465352N0971009W Casselton Dalrymple VARIANT Dana ppl Emmons 463436N1001400W 1822 Dana Dana, Lake lake Bottineau 485408N1002431W 2116 Lake Klingenberg Dance Creek VARIANT See Dantz Creek stream Golden Valley 464512N1033552W Daneville VARIANT See Westby ppi Sheridan (MT) 485213N1040305W Danielson Dam dam Morton 465418N1005912W Harmon Danish Cemetery cemetery Burke 484747N1021925W Coteau Danish Church church Burke 485515N1022332W Flaxton Danton Town Hall building Richland 461540N0970154W 1044 Wyndmere SE Danton Township civil Richland 461356N0970345W Moselle Danton Township (historical) civil Richland 461356N0965957W Mantador Dantz Creek stream Golden Valley 464512N1033552W 464231N1032148W Chimney Butte Dance Creek VARIANT Danzig ppl McIntosh 460817N0992828W 2026 Danzig Danzig Dam dam Morton 465347N1013600W Bluegrass Darby ppl Ramsey 480913N0985802W Grand Harbor Darling, Lake reservoir Renville 482727N1013512W 1598 Carpio NE Darling, Lake reservoir Ward 483000N1014000W Grano SW Darling Cemetery cemetery McLean 473335N1010211W 1912 Lake Nettie Dash Cemetery cemetery Towner 485751N0990459W Rock Lake NE Daub Dam dam Oliver 471406N1011312W Fort Clark Oliver County Dam VARIANT Dauers Slough gut Williams 481433N1031345W Cussicks Spring Davenport ppi Cass 464251N0970411W 920 Kindred Davenport Cemetery cemetery Cass 464326N0970424W 921 Kindred Davenport Township civil Cass 463958N0970615W Kindred David Thompson Memorial locale McHenry 480720N1004458W BergenND28 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE NAME David Watts Bluff (historical) Crow Hill Davis Buttes Davis Creek Davis Dam Davis Lake Davis Ranch Davis Slough Dawson Thirteenth Siding Dawson Dam Dawson State Game Management Area Dawsons Waterhole Dayton Creek Dayton Town Hall Dayton Township Dazey Dazey Cemetery Dazey Dam Hanson Dam Dazey Township D Crighton Ranch Deaconess Hospital Dead Buffalo Lake Dead Colt Creek Dead Dog Slough Dead Heart Slough Dead Horse Creek Dean Town Hall Dean Township Deapolis Cemetery Deapolis Post Office (historical) Decker Creek Deck Landing Strip Deep Deep Creek Deep Creek Deer Creek Deep Creek See East Fork Deep Creek Deep Creek Deep Lake Deep Lake See Deer Lake Deep River Deep River See Cut Bank Creek Deep River Church Deep School Deepwater Creek Pride Creek Rising Water Creek Wild Onion Creek Deepwater Creek Bay Deepwater Creek Public Use Area Deepwater Creek State Game Management Area Deer Creek Deer Creek See Deep Creek Deer Creek Deer Draw School Deerheart Lodge Deering Deering Cemetery Deer Lake Deep Lake Deer Lake Deer Lake Deer Lake Township Defiance Cemetery Deisem De Lamere Deland See Hunter Dell, Lake Oeila Lake FEATURE SOURCE ELEV CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME cliff VARIANT Williams 480900N1031017W Cussicks Spring range Stark 465455N1024351W Davis Buttes stream Golden Valley 465204N1033201W 464221N1032133W Chimney Butte dam Slope 463254N1033942W Spring Creek lake Pierce 480900N1000606W 1498 Balt a locale Slope 463401N1034201W 2880 Spring Creek gut Ramsey 482449N0985723W Starkweather ppi VARIANT Kidder 465207N0994504W 1750 Dawson dam Morton 463818N1010748W Fish Creek Lake park Kidder 464458N0994523W Kintyre NE stream Billings 470712N1033015W 470538N1032623W Wannagan Creek East stream Hettinger 462353N1022813W 461701N1023342W Mott NW building Nelson 474625N0982620W 1460 Tolna civil Nelson 474745N0982700W Tolna ppi Barnes 471126N0981205W 1433 Dazey cemetery Barnes 471057N0981214W Dazey dam Barnes 471254N0980824W Dazey VARIANT civil Barnes 471124N0980830W Dazey locale McKenzie 473146N1033625W 2062 Red Wing Creek hospital Walsh 482449N0972435W Grafton lake Kidder 465408N0994616W 1734 Steele NE stream Ransom 462245N0973639W 461658N0974726W Lisbon NE lake Burke 483615N1022617W Lostwood Lakes gut Morton 464918N1005626W Mandan stream Hettinger 463016N1024446W 463600N1024650W Lefor SW building La Moure 461844N0981943W 1387 LaMoure civil La Moure 461912N0982015W LaMoure cemetery Mercer 471519N1011756W 1728 Stanton SE building Mercer 471609N1011911W 1725 Stanton SE stream Emmons 455448N1001629W 460229N1001404W Pollock (SD) airport Traill 472905N0970428W 916 Hillsboro locale Bottineau 483954N1004924W Deep stream Dunn 470832N1022840W 470446N1024720W Marshall NW stream VARIANT VARIANT Dunn 473924N1025737W 474034N1025039W Croff stream Slope 462216N1033052W stream BGN 1979 Slope 463540N1033108W 462216N1033052W Deep Creek North lake VARIANT Bottineau 485511N1001648W 2188 Metigoshe Lake lake Kidder 470910N0993543W stream BGN 1976 VARIANT Bottineau 483935N1004711W 483455N1005226W Deep stream Bottineau 483455N1005226W church McHenry 483430N1005541W 1464 Newburg SW school Bottineau 483944N1004912W Deep stream McLean 474336N1020932W 475436N1015544W Raub NW VARIANT VARIANT VARIANT bay McLean 474327N1021131W Raub NW park McLean 474402N1020736W 1885 Raub NW park McLean 474202N1021254W Raub NW stream Dunn 472622N1030522W 472220N1030323W Petes Creek stream stream VARIANT Dunn Slope 473924N1025737W 463133N1035031W 463231N1035545W Three V Crossing school McKenzie 472418N1033600W Ice Box Canyon locale Rolette 484954N1000837W Lords Lake ppi McHenry 482344N1010305W 1542 Deering cemetery lake McHenry Kidder 482310N1010156W 470910N0993543W 1793 Deering Lake Williams lake VARIANT Nelson 475943N0975717W 1497 Lake Pickard lake Stutsman 470310N0990639W 1763 Goldwin SE civil cemetery Stutsman Mercer 470057N0990135W 472636N1021105W 2140 Goldwin SE Golden Valley NW ppi La Moure 462633N0984722W 1612 Deisem ppi Sargent 461602N0972005W 1065 De Lamere ppi lake VARIANT Cass Sargent 471126N0971300W 455919N0974105W 1265 Kidder (SD) VARIANTNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND29 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Deltlot Hill summit Ward 483046N1015157W 1918 Tolley SE DeMars Bridge bridge Pembina 485327N0972043W Bathgate NE Demicks Lake lake McKenzie 475313N1030118W 2253 Demicks Lake De Mores ppl Golden Valley 465519N1034431W Buffalo Gap Campground Denbigh ppl McHenry 481855N1003512W 1512 Denbigh Denevitz VARIANT See Fredonia ppl Logan 461934N0990537W Dengate ppl Morton 465044N1013806W Dengate Denhoff ppl Sheridan 472836N1001533W 2020 Denhoff Denhoff Adventist Cemetery cemetery Sheridan 472511N1001441W Goodrich West Denhoff Cemeteries cemetery Sheridan 472908N1001600W Denhoff Den Lake lake Ward 481128N1012328W Minot NW Denmark School Number 1 school Ward 484406N1020433W 1921 Kenmare Denny VARIANT See Barton ppl Pierce 483025N1001033W Denver School school Sargent 461452N0975412W 1319 Crete Denver Township civil Sargent 461400N0975600W Crete Depuy Dam dam Stutsman 470830N0984618W Jim Lake Depuy Dam Lake reservoir Stutsman 470830N0984618W Jim Lake Derrick ppl Ramsey 482837N0983326W 1530 Derrick Derruder Dam dam Billings 474048N1035330W Horse Creek School Derudder Dam dam McKenzie 474044N1035254W Horse Creek School De Sart ppl Slope 462244N1025728W East Rainy Butte DeSart Cemetery cemetery Slope 462252N1030031W 2781 West Rainy Butte Desjarlis Lake lake Rolette 485314N0995227W 2148 Lake Upsilon Des Lacs ppi BGN 1948 Ward 481528N1013347W 1931 Des Lacs Des Lacs Cemetery cemetery Ward 481527N1013430W Des Lacs Des Lacs City Dam dam Ward 481524N1013406W Des Lacs Des Lacs Migratory Bird Refuge park Ward 484809N1020744W Bowbells Des Lacs Reservoir reservoir Ward 481545N1013352W Des Lacs Des Lacs River stream Ward 481647N1012506W 483525N1015947W Burlington Riviere des Lacs VARIANT De Smet (historical) civil Pierce 480830N1000300W Balt a Des Moines Lake lake Kidder 470813N0993843W 1752 Des Moines Lake De Trobriand Bay bay McLean 473557N1012426W Garrison Dam North De Trobriand State Game park McLean 473717N1011653W 1875 Riverdale North Management Area De Villo ppi Richland 460356N0963814W 986 Sonora De Villo Town Hall building Richland 460400N0964427W 985 Sonora De Villo Township civil Richland 460332N0964123W Sonora Devils Gulch valley Emmons 463233N1003143W 463256N1002929W Fort Rice Devils Heart Butte summit Benson 475602N0985125W 1725 Tokio Devils Lake VARIANT See East Devils Lake lake Ramsey 475733N0983805W Devils Lake lake Ramsey 480141N0985552W 1424 Camp Grafton Devils Lake ppl Ramsey 480646N0985153W 1475 Devils Lake City of Devils Lake VARIANT Creel City VARIANT Creelsburg VARIANT Devils Lake Mountain summit Ramsey 475623N0983334W 1637 Devils Lake Mountain Devils Lake Municipal Airport airport Ramsey 480649N0985427W 1454 Camp Grafton Devils Nest summit Richland 460247N0965213W 1146 Hankinson SE Devils Pass gap Billings 471744N1033212W Hanks Gully Devils Thumb summit Eddy 474031N0983809W 1764 Lake Coe Devitt Creek stream McKenzie 473755N1040142W 473548N1040439W Sidney NE (MT) Dewey School Number 1 school Pierce 482612N1001005W 1489 Round Lake Dewey School Number 2 school Pierce 482638N1001400W 1476 Round Lake Dewey School Number 2 school Pierce 482638N1001400W 1476 Round Lake Dewey School Number 2 school Rolette 483427N0995846W Rolette SW Dewey School Number 3 school Pierce 482333N1001514W Towner NE Dewey School Number 4 school Pierce 482359N1001043W Round Lake Dewey Township civil Walsh 482421N0981424W Fairdale Dexter Town Hall building Richland 460907N0971154W 1101 Kreiser Lake Dexter Township civil Richland 460840N0971114W Kreiser Lake D Greenwood Ranch locale McKenzie 473912N1035001W 2275 Sather Lake Dick Cemetery cemetery Ransom 462235N0975204W 1394 Elliott Dickey ppi La Moure 463213N0982803W 1360 Dickey Dickeys Handing VARIANT Saratoga VARIANT Dickey Cemetery cemetery La Moure 463212N0982843W Dickey Dickey County civil Dickey 460610N0983000W Silverleaf Dickeys Handing VARIANT See Dickey ppi La Moure 463213N0982803W Dickinson ppi Stark 465245N1024721W 2417 Dickinson North Pleasant Valley Siding VARIANT Dickinson Cemetery cemetery Stark 465323N1024610W Dickinson North Dickinson Dam dam Stark 465212N1024936W Dickinson North Dickinson Dike VARIANT See Queen City Dam dam Stark 465224N1024930W ND30 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Dickinson Municipal Airport airport Stark 464745N1024800W 2589 Dickinson South Dickinson Reservoir VARIANT See Edward Arthur reservoir Stark 465130N1025100W Patterson Lake Dietz Draw valley Golden Valley 471616N1034311W 471748N1034826W Eagle Draw Diffley Landing Strip airport McLean 475040N1015737W 2105 Makoti SW Dillinger Divide ridge Dunn 472801N1030405W Petes Creek Dill Slough gut Sargent 460818N0975506W Crete Dimock (historical) ppl Pembina 483900N0972645W 835 Glasston Dion Lake lake Rolette 485839N0995347W 2101 Carpenter Lake Dipple Drain canal Walsh 482457N0971419W Big Woods NW (MN) Ditch Number 11 canal Sargent 460242N0975145W Cogswell Dittmer Landing Strip airport Cass 464945N0971600W 943 Chaffee Divide ppl Eddy 474611N0990728W Sheyenne Divide County civil Divide 484850N1032930W Crosby SW Divide School school Eddy 474630N0990734W 1608 Oberon SW Divide Town Hall building Dickey 4 61325N0 980401W 1325 Oakes Divide Township civil Dickey 461401N0980331W Oakes D Jorgenson Ranch locale McKenzie 474752N1030317W 2160 Schafer SE Doaks Butte summit Bowman 455723N1035644W 3022 Doaks Butte Dobson Butte VARIANT See Dobson Buttes range Stark 464745N1024439W Dobson Buttes range Stark 464745N1024439W Lehigh Dobson Butte VARIANT Docs Draw valley McKenzie 473807N1033051W 474036N1033535W Bear Butte Docs Lake lake Burke 484001N1022813W Thompson Lake Dodds Town Hall building Nelson 480022N0981800W 1512 Lakota Dodds Township civil Nelson 475808N0981917W Pekin NE Dodge ppl Dunn 471822N1021214W 1988 Dodge Dodge Windmill locale McKenzie 474027N1040045W 2100 Sidney NE (MT) Dogden VARIANT See Butte ppi McLean 475017N1003954W Dogden Butte summit McLean 474849N1004539W 2291 Kongsberg Dog Tooth VARIANT See Raleigh ppl Grant 462128N1011822W Dogtooth Buttes range Grant 462338N1012047W Dogtooth Buttes Dogtooth Creek stream Grant 462150N1011500W 462230N1012106W Raleigh Dogtooth Creek stream BGN 1976 Morton 462230N1005630W 462309N1012129W Breien Dog Tooth Creek VARIANT Dog Tooth Creek VARIANT See Dogtooth Creek stream Morton 462230N1005630W Dog Town State Game park Adams 460952N1022211W Long Butte Management Area Dokken Cemetery cemetery Richland 463735N0965926W Norman Dolan VARIANT See Bucyrus ppi Adams 460350N1024716W Doland VARIANT See Emrick ppi Wells 473541N0993042W Dollar Lake lake Stutsman 471355N0985944W 1561 Pingree Dollar Slough swamp Stutsman 471603N0984945W Arrowwood Lake Dolphin School Number 2 school Divide 484708N1030255W 2364 Noonan SE Donald Lake lake Rolette 485535N0995426W Carpenter Lake Donnybrook ppi Ward 483034N1015305W 1760 Donnybrook Dore ppi McKenzie 475514N1040150W 1898 Dore Dore Siding VARIANT Dore Siding VARIANT See Dore ppi McKenzie 475514N1040150W Dorval School school Stark 464627N1030736W Belfield SW Double Ditch Indian Village ppi Burleigh 465611N1005402W Harmon Double Wall Creek VARIANT See Adobe Wall Creek stream Slope 463711N1030739W Dougans Towhead (historical) bar Mountrail 48024ONI023916W Rat Lake SW Dougherty Dam dam Walsh 482224N0980206W Adams SE Douglas ppi Ward 475126N1013009W 2055 Douglas West Douglas Creek VARIANT See Middle Branch Douglas stream McLean 473703N1013329W Creek Douglas Creek VARIANT See East Branch Douglas stream McLean 473645N1013300W Creek Douglas Creek VARIANT See West Branch Douglas stream Ward 473605N1013912W Creek Douglas Creek Bay bay McLean 473551N1013608W Emmet SE Douglas Creek Public Use Area park McLean 473443N1013502W Emmet SE Douglas Creek State Game park McLean 473413N1013436W Emmet SE Management AreaNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND31 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Douglas Lake lake Ward 475105N1013014W 2032 Douglas West Bartons Lake VARIANT Dover ppl Wells 472737N0991633W 1601 Dover Dover Town Hall building Griggs 471618N0982535W 1495 Sutton SW Dover Township civil Griggs 471637N0982337W Sutton SW Dovre Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 484027N0980559W 1597 Milton Dovre Municipal Landing Field airport Slope 463430N1030304W 2620 Daglum SE Dovre School Number 1 school Slope 463319N1030809W Daglum SW Dows Township civil Cass 471118N0972237W Ayr NW Doyle Landing Strip airport McHenry 480230N1005215W 1585 Voltaire Doyle Memorial State park McIntosh 461206N0992839W Danzig Recreational Park Doyon ppi Ramsey 480310N0983211W 1505 Doyon Doyon Cemetery cemetery Ramsey 480238N0983153W Doyon Drady ppi Ward 480907N1012531W 1921 Minot NW Drags Wolf Bay bay Dunn 474709N1023640W Sanish SE Drake ppi McHenry 475527N1002219W 1682 Drake Drake Municipal Airport airport McHenry 475600N1002230W 1674 Drake NW Drayton ppi Pembina 483416N0971039W 801 Drayton Hastings Landing VARIANT Drayton Cemetery cemetery Pembina 483420N0971120W Drayton Drayton Dam dam Pembina 483542N0970830W Drayton Drayton Municipal Airport airport Walsh 483104N0971002W 800 Drayton Drayton Township civil Pembina 483443N0971324W Drayton Dresden ppi Cavalier 484939N0982851W 1590 Langdon West Driscoll ppi Burleigh 465039N1000828W 1867 Driscoll Driscoll Cemetery cemetery Burleigh 465008N1000823W 1888 Driscoll Driscoll Sibley Park park Burleigh 465105N1001059W 1839 Driscoll D Roehm Ranch locale McKenzie 48044ONI030714W 1890 Tobacco Garden Bay Dry Branch stream Dickey 454634N0984535W 460630N0982759W Ellendale South Dry Bullion Creek stream Billings 464219N1033631W 464336N1034428W Bullion Butte Dry Coulee valley La Moure 463246N0982801W 463916N0982432W Dickey Dry Creek stream Billings 464417N1033600W 464528N1033944W Bullion Butte Dry Creek stream Billings 471207N1033757W 471143N1034141W Roosevelt Creek East Dry Creek stream Billings 470255N1033131W 470242N1032903W Wannagan Creek East Dry Creek stream Dunn 473322N1030500W 473110N1031419W Lone Butte SE Dry Creek stream Dunn 473159N1024120W 473257N1024358W Mandaree SW Dry Creek stream Golden Valley 470842N1040301W 470301N1040034W Odland Dam NE (MT) Dry Creek stream La Moure 463218N0983504W 463734N0983655W Adrian Dry Creek stream McKenzie 474630N1024645W 474940N1025437W Blue Buttes SE Dry Creek stream Stark 464650N1024402W 464536N1025055W Lehigh Dry Fork Creek stream Williams 481032N1025929W 481819N1025434W Charison NW Dry Lake (historical) lake Barnes 465615N0981200W Sanborn Dry Lake lake Foster 472239N0985318W Bordulac Dry Lake lake Hettinger 461433N1021426W Plum Butte Dry Lake lake Ramsey 481555N0985837W 1442 Webster Dry Point Bottom (historical) bend Burleigh 465832N1005526W Harmon Dry Run stream Dickey 454859N0981358 455959N0981436W Savo NE (SD) D Sivertson Ranch locale McKenzie 475956N1030217W 2315 Demicks Lake Duane ppi Dickey 460420N0983231W 1480 Ellendale North Duck Creek stream Adams 460248N1021253W 460940N1025703W Cedar Butte Duck Creek stream Golden Valley 465237N1040932W 464643N1040224W Duck Creek (MT) Duck Creek stream Stark 465150N1025113W 465732N1025711W Dickinson South Duck Creek Dam dam Adams 460124N1022342W Pearl Butte Clermont Township Dam VARIANT Duck Lake lake Bottineau 485530N1002344W 2112 Lake Klingenberg Duck Lake lake Wells 473108N0993950W 1706 Fessenden SW Duckschire Lake VARIANT See Duckshire Lake lake McHenry 480719N1001923W Duck-shire Lake VARIANT See Duckshire Lake lake McHenry 480719N1001923W Duckshire Lake lake McHenry 480719N1001923W 1527 Rangeley SE Duckschire Lake VARIANT Duck-shire Lake VARIANT Duerr Township civil Richland 455636N0970530W Claire City NE (SD) Duff Gulch valley Slope 462316N1032040W 462338N1031924W Amidon Dugout Creek stream Slope 462726N1040019W 462532N1041016W Badland Draw (MT) Dunbar (historical) locale Sargent 460942N0973722W 1255 Hoving Dunbar Cemetery cemetery Sargent 461100N0973219W Hoving Dunbar Town Hall building Sargent 461050N0973114W 1190 Hoving Dunbar Township civil Sargent 460845N0973336W Hoving Dundas ppi Eddy 473824N0990145W New Rockford NE Dundee (historical) locale Walsh 483021N0974600W 985 Gardar Dundee School school Walsh 483003N0974350W Crystal Dundee Town Hall building Walsh 482908N0974235W 926 Park River Dundee Township civil Walsh 482932N0974315W Park River Dunkard Cemetery cemetery Wells 473203N0994249W 1696 Fessenden SWND32 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Dunn VARIANT See New Rockford ppi Eddy 474048N0990815W Dunn Center ppi Dunn 472113N1023712W 2182 Dunn Center Dunn Center Cemetery cemetery Dunn 472124N1023941W 2225 Lake Ilo Dunn Center Cemetery cemetery Dunn 472033N1023747W Lake Ilo Dunn Center Dam VARIANT See Lake Ilo Dam dam Dunn 472047N1023847W Dunn County civil Dunn 472200N1023300W Dunn Center Dunning ppi Bottineau 484310N1010222W 1492 Eckman Dunns Creek VARIANT See New Rockford ppi Eddy 474048N0990815W Dunseith ppi Rolette 484847N1000338W 1700 Dunseith Little Chicago of the VARIANT West Dunseith Indian School school Rolette 485053N1000321W Dunseith Dunseith Landing Field airport Rolette 484800N1000330W 1685 Dunseith Durbin ppi Cass 464831N0970857W 919 Durbin Durbin Airfield airport Cass 464900N0970900W 920 Durbin Durbin Township civil Cass 465024N0970618W Casselton SE Durham Township civil Stutsman 471124N0983847W Courtenay NW Durupt ppi Stutsman 470543N0982811W 1500 Clementsville Dutch Henry Butte summit Stark 465849N1025534W 2767 New Hradec South Dutton Slough lake Emmons 463616N1001957W Moffit SE Dwight ppi Richland 461815N0964416W 956 Dwight Dwight Township civil Richland 461908N0964104W Dwight Dwight Township (historical) civil Richland 461908N0964450W Dwight Dwight Township Hall building Richland 461840N0964200W 950 Dwight Dymond VARIANT See Epworth ppi Mountrail 480658N1021326W D Zingleman Ranch locale McKenzie 473739N1030951W 2390 Lone Butte NW E Eagle Cemetery cemetery Richland 463435N0964530W Christine Eagle Draw valley McKenzie 472001N1034012W 472102N1034149W Eagle Draw Eagle Nest ppi Morton 465109N1015526W 2103 Glen Ullin SW Eagle Nest Butte summit McKenzie 474057N1024122W 2586 Mandaree Eagle Nest Rock pillar Williams 483347N1033140W Appam Eagle School school Hettinger 461406N1020343W Plum Butte NE Eagles Park park Burleigh 465530N1005333W Harmon Eagle Township civil Richland 463213N0964723W Christine E A Patterson Lake reservoir Stark 465212N1024936W Dickinson North Easby ppi Cavalier 484237N0981511W 1653 Easby East Adams Cemetery cemetery Walsh 482537N0980047W 1525 Adams East Branch Apple Creek stream BGN 1976 Burleigh 464315N1002845W 470729N1002256W McKenzie NW Apple Creek VARIANT East Branch Chanta Peta Creek VARIANT See East Fork Chanta Peta stream Morton 462909N1010918W Creek East Branch Douglas Creek stream McLean 473645N1013300W 474445N1013031W Emmet SE Douglas Creek VARIANT East Branch Elk Creek stream Golden Valley 470726N1034921W 470147N1035044W West Twin Butte East Branch Nekoma Coulee valley Ramsey 482644N0982337W 483452N0982129W Edmore East Branch Short Creek stream Saskatchewan 490130N1025042W 484543N1023026W 62 E/2 (CAN) East Cemetery cemetery Burke 485955N1023105W Portal East Devils Lake lake Ramsey 475733N0983805W 1405 Free Peoples Lake Devils Lake VARIANT Eastedge ppi Barnes 463924N0975331W 1357 Kathryn East Fairview ppi McKenzie 475112N1040221W 1900 Fairview (MT) East Fischer Lake lake Stutsman 470508N0991246W 1802 Goldwin SW Fisher Lake VARIANT East Forest River Cemetery cemetery Walsh 481222N0974348W Inkster East Fork Badlands Draw valley McKenzie 473412N1035812W 473230N1035802W Phillip Spring East Fork Bear Creek stream Dunn 473357N1022027W 47311INI021710W Hay Flat East Fork Brush Mountain Creek stream Sheridan (MT) 482715N1040502W 482812N1040048W Brush Mountain (MT) East Fork Cemetery cemetery Williams 482317N1033215W 2067 Twin Lakes East Fork Chanta Peta Creek stream Morton 462909N1010918W 463020N1005741W Flasher East Branch Chanta Peta VARIANT Creek East Fork Deep Creek stream BGN 1979 Slope 462216N1033052W 461455N1033141W West Fork Deep Creek Deep Creek VARIANT East Fork Deepwater Creek stream McLean 474855N1015739W 475321N1015624W Makoti SWNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND33 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME East Fork Little Muddy Creek VARIANT See East Fork Little stream Williams 482113N1033558W Muddy River East Fork Little Muddy River stream Williams 482113N1033558W 482201N1031618W Blacktail Lake SE East Fork Little Muddy VARIANT Creek East Fork School school Williams 481949N1033223W Blacktail Lake SE East Fork Shell Creek stream Mountrail 475541N1021554W 475927N1015157W Shell Creek Bay East Hay Draw Creek stream BGN 1975 McKenzie 473012N1033807W 473217N1034434W Red Wing Creek Hay Draw VARIANT East Immanuel Cemetery cemetery Traill 473717N0970255W 895 Buxton East Junior High School school Burleigh 464905N1004543W Bismarck East Lawn Park park Williams 480854N1033644W Williston East Eastman Cemetery cemetery Foster 472223N0983230W Kensal SE Easton Township civil Steele 472655N0974655W Blabon East Opdal Cemetery (old) cemetery Divide 483853N1031710W 2319 Alamo NE East Opdal Cemetery cemetery Williams 483732N1031912W 2279 Alamo NE East Rainy Butte summit Slope 462726N1025914W 3356 East Rainy Butte East Salem Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 484000N0984750W 1666 Munich East Sarnia Cemetery cemetery Nelson 481049N0980233W 1524 Whitman Eastside Cemetery cemetery Williams 482338N1025525W Tioga East Side Day School school Benson 475920N0985440W 1489 Fort Totten East Six School Number 3 school Slope 463556N1030145W 2642 Daglum SE East Springbrook VARIANT See Spring Brook ppl Williams 481509N1032730W East Tioga Oil and Gas Field oilfield Mountrail 483019N1024837W Battleview East Twin Butte summit Golden Valley 470117N1034448W 2931 Wannagan Creek West East Valley City Interchange crossing Barnes 465507N0975711W Valley City East East Vang Church church Wells 474447N0993710W 1609 Fessenden East East Walle Evangelical Lutheran cemetery Grand Forks 474720N0965845W Bygland (MN) East Wyndmere VARIANT See Wyndmere ppl Richland 461600N0970755W Easy Hill summit Billings 464706N1031909W 2828 Fryburg Eaton (historical) ppl Dickey 455747N0981032W 1300 Hecla (SD) Eaton Dam dam McHenry 481632N1002920W Towner Eaton School Number 2 school Dickey 455845N0980602W 1306 Hecla NE (SD) Eaton Township (historical) civil Dickey 455823N0980717W Hecla NE (SD) Ebel Lake lake Sheridan 474814N1003008W 1657 Kief Ebenezer Cemetery cemetery Hettinger 462449N1020249W 2431 North Star Butte Ebenezer Cemetery cemetery Steele 473210N0975008W 1436 Finley E Brenna Ranch locale McKenzie 475946N1035630W 2385 Keene E Burns Ranch locale McKenzie 473920N1045625W 2300 Horse Creek School E Christianson Ranch locale McKenzie 473850N1031133W 3380 Lone Butte NW Eckelson ppl Barnes 465617N0981958W 1470 Eckelson Seventh Siding VARIANT Eckelson Lake lake Barnes 465541N0981812W 1417 Eckelson Eckelson Township civil Barnes 465544N0982200W Eckelson Eckert Lake lake Burke 483745N1022150W 2261 Vanville NE Ecklund School school Burke 483701N1022033W Westby Lake Eckman ppi Bottineau 483929N1010327W 1495 Eckman Eddy County civil Eddy 474230N0985340W Brantford NW Eddy School Number 1 school Wells 473331N0994910W Manfred SE Eddy School Number 2 school Wells 473400N0995300W 1661 Manfred SW Eddy School Number 3 school Wells 473123N0995143W 1743 Manfred SE Eddy School Number 4 school Wells 473125N0994909W 1702 Manfred SE Eden VARIANT See Bowman ppi Bowman 461059N1032340W Eden Church church Wells 474813N0992134W Flora SE Edendale Town Hall building Steele 472350N0973208W 1100 Hope NE Edendale Township civil Steele 472139N0973137W Hope SE Eden Township civil Walsh 481353N0974153W Inkster Eden Valley Cemetery cemetery Renville 485612N1013345W 1611 Moha11 NE Eden Valley Church church Pierce 475421N0995514W 1601 Selz NW Edgeley ppi La Moure 462133N0984255W 1559 Edgeley Saint George VARIANT Edgeley Airfield airport La Moure 462130N0984400W 1580 Edgeley Edgeley Junction locale La Moure 462238N0984141W Edgeley Junction Edinburg ppl Walsh 482948N0975142W 1187 Edinburg Edinburgh VARIANT Edinburgh VARIANT See Edinburg ppl Walsh 482948N0975142W Edinburgh (historical) locale Walsh 483221N0975345W 1220 Union Edison School school Ward 481257N1011810W Minot Edmore ppl Ramsey 482448N0982714W 1513 Edmore Edmore Cemetery cemetery Ramsey 482354N0982657W 1525 Edmore Edmore Coulee valley Ramsey 481243N0984722W 483629N0982944W Sweetwater Edmore Dam dam Ramsey 482512N0982742W Edmore Edmunds ppl Stutsman 471450N0985804W 1600 Pingree Edmunds Township civil Stutsman 471638N0985401W Bordulac SWND34 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Edna Township civil Barnes 470623N0981555W Leal Edson Church church Renville 485707N1020000W 1819 Mouse River Park NW Eds Slough lake Burke 483505N1022703W Lostwood Lakes Edward Arthur Patterson Lake reservoir BGN 1959 Stark 465130N1025100W 2416 Dickinson South Dickinson Reservoir VARIANT Patterson Lake VARIANT Edwinton VARIANT See Bismarck ppi Burleigh 4 64830N1004700W E Fischer Ranch locale Slope 461937N1034000W 3050 Ives Egan VARIANT See Balta ppi Pierce 481000N1000212W Egeland ppi Towner 483735N0990549W 1519 Egeland Egeland Cemetery cemetery Towner 483702N0990503W Egeland SE Egg Creek stream McHenry 482122N1004641W 483338N1012922W Granville Egg Lake lake Wells 474406N0995232W 1582 Manfred NW Egly Ranch locale Billings 470625N1032155W 2530 Gorham SE Ehler Lake reservoir Adams 461026N1024010W 2725 Ehler Lake Eidfjord Church church Griggs 471616N0982138W Revere Eidsvold School Number 2 school Bottineau 485611N1003319W Carbury Eidsvold School Number 3 school Bottineau 485427N1002937W Lake Klingenberg Eidsvold School Number 4 school Bottineau 485638N1002804W 2364 Lake Klingenberg Eielson School school Cass 465151N0964825W Fargo South Eielson School school Grand Forks 475715N0972202W Emerado Eigenheim Church church Wells 473704N0995415W 1655 Manfred SW Eigenheim School Number 1 school Wells 473916N0994754W Manfred Eigenheim School Number 2 school Wells 473918N0995300W Manfred NW Eigenheim School Number 3 school Wells 473638N0995304W 1655 Manfred SW Eigenheim School Number 5 school Wells 473756N0995025W Manfred Eightmile Creek stream Williams 480301N1035008W 481022N1035656W Trenton Eisenhower Divide ridge Dunn 472934N1030510W Petes Creek Eland ppi Stark 465144N1025253W South Heart Elbow Lake lake Benson 475355N0984417W 1460 Free Peoples Lake Elbow Lake lake Burke 483613N1023028W 2293 Lunds Valley Elbow Lake Bethel Cemetery cemetery Burke 483724N1023333W Lunds Valley Elbow Lake National Wildlife park Rolette 483322N0994912W Nanson Refuge Elbowoods (historical) locale McLean 473505N1020910W Twin Buttes Elbow Woods VARIANT Elbowoods Bay bay McLean 473659N1020844W Twin Buttes Elbow Woods VARIANT See Elbowoods (historical) locale McLean 473505N1020910W Elden Town Hall building Dickey 460312N0983410W 1477 Ellendale North Elden Township civil Dickey 460344N0983323W Ellendale North Farmington Township VARIANT Eldon School school Benson 480355N0992335W Brinsmade SW Eldorado Town Hall building Traill 472716N0970140W 895 Hillsboro Eldorado Township civil Traill 472651N0970101W Hillsboro Eldred Township civil Cass 464509N0972857W Embden Eldrid (historical) locale Cass 464602N0972551W 1063 Embden Eldridge ppi Stutsman 465409N0985105W 1545 Eldridge Burton VARIANT Tenth Siding VARIANT Eldridge Cemetery cemetery Stutsman 4 65516N0985142W Eldridge Eldridge Lake lake Rolette 485408N1000311W 2090 International Peace Garden Eldridge Township civil Stutsman 4 65545N0985217W Eldridge Eldridge Township (historical) civil Stutsman 465307N0984830W Eldridge Eleventh Siding VARIANT See Medina ppi Stutsman 465338N0991758W Elgin VARIANT See Ayr ppi Cass 470228N0972925W Elgin ppi Grant 462414N1015044W 2351 Elgin Shanley VARIANT Elgin Municipal Airport airport Grant 462300N1015100W 2350 Elgin Elim Church church Barnes 464615N0981614W Eckelson SE Elizabeth VARIANT See Crete ppi Sargent 461201N0975745W Elk Creek stream Golden Valley 471250N1035001W 470202N1035615W Hootowl Creek East Elk Creek stream Richland 461209N0970534W 461842N0972146W Moselle Elk Creek Cemetery cemetery Richland 461421N0970840W Kreiser Lake Elkhorn Creek stream McKenzie 474259N1030456W 474134N1031309W Lone Butte NE Elkhorn School school McKenzie 474306N1030917W 2272 Lone Butte NW Elk Lake VARIANT See Grass Lake lake Richland 460555N0971418W Elkmount Town Hall building Grand Forks 481001N0974810W 1140 Fordville Elkmount Township civil Grand Forks 480838N0974939W Fordville Elks Park park Grand Forks 475435N0970225W Grand Forks (MN) Elks Park park Stutsman 465750N0984208W JamestownNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND35 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Elkwood Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 485805N0981640W Maida Ellendale ppl Dickey 460010N0983136W 1456 Ellendale North Ellendale Municipal Airport airport Dickey 460045N0983045W 1455 Ellendale North Ellendale School school Ward 484219N1020929W 1971 Niobe Ellendale Township civil Dickey 455829N0983330W Ellendale South Ellendale Township Dam dam Dickey 455800N0983100W Ellendale South Ellendale Water Supply Dam dam Dickey 455812N0983100W Ellendale South Elliott ppl Ransom 462408N0974852W 1330 Elliott Elliott Township civil Ransom 462421N0975007W Elliott Ellison Creek stream Billings 471357N1033705W 471258N1034057W Roosevelt Creek East Ellisville Community Building building Williams 483014N1032821W 2114 Alamo Ellsbury (historical) locale Barnes 471123N0974613W 1260 Pillsbury Ellsbury Township civil Barnes 471122N0974531W Pillsbury Ellsworth Station VARIANT See Farmington ppi Richland 461604N0964504W Ellwood VARIANT See Maddock ppi Benson 475745N0993147W Elma Town Hall building Richland 455940N0965447W 1100 New Effington NW Elma Township civil Richland 455822N0965622W New Effington NW Elm Coulee stream Grand Forks 474936N0970048W 474653N0971855W Thompson Elm Creek stream Mercer 472014N1012738W 472600N1012742W Stanton Elm Creek stream Mercer 470801N1020514W 465841N1015621W Schaffner Creek NE Elmdale School school Ward 483850N1021238W Niobe Elmgren Number 2 School school Divide 483944N1033846W Stady Elmgren Number 2 School school Divide 484204N1033412W Smoky Butte Elmgren Number 3 School school Divide 484155N1033843W 2134 Stady Elmgren Number 4 School school Divide 483854N1033451W 2049 Smoky Butte Elm Grove Church church Grand Forks 475836N0974433W Larimore West Elm Grove School Number 1 school McHenry 483614N1003448W Upham SE Elm Grove School Number 2 school McHenry 483706N1003727W 1465 Upham SE Elm Grove Township civil Grand Forks 475808N0974039W Larimore West Elm Lake lake Richland 460028N0970801W Lidgerwood Elm Lake (historical) lake Richland 460228N0971020W Lidgerwood Elmore ppl Richland 461145N0963618W 964 South of Wahpeton (MN) Elm River stream Dickey 461056N0983244W 460841N0985245W Monango Elm River stream Dickey 453610N0981828W 460807N0985156W Frederick NW (SD) Elm River stream Traill 471539N0965046W 471024N0973136W Halstad (MN) Elm River Cemetery cemetery Traill 471607N0972456W 1093 Galesburg Elm River Dam dam Dickey 460018N0984030W Monango SW Pheasant Lake Dam VARIANT Elm River Diversion Drain canal Traill 472018N0972150W Galesburg SE Elm River Number 1 Dam dam Steele 471818N0972748W Galesburg Elm River Number 2 Dam dam Traill 471824N0972124W Galesburg SE Augustadt Dam VARIANT Elm River Number 3 Dam dam Cass 470848N0972730W Ayr NW Elm River Town Hall building Traill 471553N0965135W 875 Halstad (MN) Elm River Township civil Traill 471629N0965324W Halstad SW Elm Town Hall building Dickey 455923N0983908W 1500 Frederick NW (SD) Elm Township civil Dickey 455830N0984058W Frederick NW (SD) Elm Tree Square locale Cass 465244N0964715W 910 Fargo North Elmwood Cemetery cemetery Traill 472506N0970338W Hillsboro Elora Township civil Pembina 483450N0973523W Crystal SE Elsie, Lake lake Richland 460245N0965558W 1075 Hankinson Taylor Lake VARIANT Elsler Post Office (historical) building Stutsman 471215N0984743W 1520 Jim Lake Elwood-Fauske Dam dam Rolette 485906N1000948W Boundary Lake Emanuel Cemetery cemetery Rolette 484542N0993624W Rolla Emanuel Church church Benson 480253N0993126W Harlow SE Emanuel Rock (historical) pillar Mercer 473134N1013647W Emmet SE Embden ppl Cass 464808N0972558W 1055 Embden Embden Interchange crossing Cass 465234NO972545W Absaraka Emden (historical) locale Cass 464857N0972412W 1025 Embden Emerado ppl Grand Forks 475508N0972153W 902 Emerado Emerado Cemetery Emerich Dam cemetery VARIANT Grand Forks 475442N0972215W Emerado See Sellie Dam dam Wells 474100N0992706W Emerson ppl Dunn 471101N1023804W 2105 Emerson Connolly VARIANT Emmanuel Church church Bottineau 485639N1003319W 1726 Carbury Emmanuel Church church Divide 485246N1032826W Ambrose Emmanuel Church church McHenry 483626N1002657W Willow City SW Emmanuel Church church Sargent 461337N0975412W Crete Emmanuel Church church Sargent 455636N0972459W 1340 Marlow (SD) Emmanuel Church church Ward 481953N1010838W Deering SW Emmaus Cemetery cemetery Mercer 471100N1015058W 2082 Medicine Butte NE Emmet ppi McLean 473847N1013911W 2018 Emmet Emmonsburg Post Office building Emmons 461502N1003204W 1630 Cannon Ball SE (historical)ND36 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Emmons County civil Emmons 461900N1001300W Linton Empire Township civil Cass 470052N0972239W Ayr Emrick ppl Wells 473541N0993042W 1598 Emrick Doland VARIANT Enderlin ppl Cass 463723N0973604W 1090 Enderlin South Enderlin Park Dam dam Ransom 463712N0973542W Enderlin South Engbrecht Cemetery cemetery Mercer 471546N1015950W Zap Enger Town Hall building Steele 473138N0973020W 1068 Northwood SE Enger Township civil Steele 473205N0973133W Northwood SE Enget Lake lake Burke 483416N1024049W Powers Lake England Lake swamp McLean 474129N1003602W Siebold Lake Englevale ppl Ransom 462334N0975447W 1344 Englevale Marshall VARIANT Englevale Slough stream Ransom 461620N0975423W 462818N0975611W Elliott SW English Cemetery cemetery Morton 46463ONI013034W 1992 North Almont English Coulee stream Grand Forks 475742N0970333W 474945N0972353W Grand Forks (MN) Willow Creek VARIANT English Queen VARIANT See Coleharbor ppi McLean 473239N1011324W Enlo VARIANT See Enloe ppi Richland 462959N0964526W Enloe ppi Richland 462959N0964526W 933 Galchutt Enlo VARIANT Sperry VARIANT E Norby Ranch locale McKenzie 480110N1025513W 2360 Charlson SW Enterprise School school Hettinger 461929N1025145W Enterprise School Enterprise Town Hall building Nelson 481100N0981513W 1515 Brocket Enterprise Township civil Dickey 460344N0984445W Monango SW (historical) Enterprise Township civil Nelson 480839N0981300W Pelto Episcopal Church church Dickey 455704N0981503W Savo NE (SD) Epping ppi Williams 481645N1032124W 2218 Epping Epping Cemetery cemetery Williams 481537N1032118W Epping Epping Dam dam Williams 481538N1032513W Spring Brook Epping Dam reservoir Williams 481538N1032513W 2109 Spring Brook Epworth ppi Mountrail 480658N1021326W 2190 Epworth Dymond VARIANT Eramosh Lake VARIANT See Ross Lake lake Bottineau 490000N1001900W Erdahl Slough lake Williams 482456N1033249W 2025 Twin Lakes Erickson Field airport Adams 461130N1023115W 2550 Taylor Butte Erickson Field airport Sargent 461217N0971600W Hamlin Erickson Lake lake McHenry 48014ONI005146W 1575 Voltaire Erickson Landing Strip airport Burleigh 471320N1003800W 1900 Grass Lake Erickson Ranch locale Dunn 473346N1030048W Lone Butte SE Erickson Ranch locale Slope 463406N1031607W 2850 Rocky Ridge South Eric Lake lake Stutsman 470727N0990913W 1779 Goldwin SW Ericson Coulee valley Morton 464626N1013453W 464812N1013518W North Almont Erie ppl Cass 470655N0972315W 1135 Ayr Erie Cemetery cemetery Cass 470720N0972359W Ayr Erie Dam dam Cass 470554N0972436W Ayr Brewer Lake Dam VARIANT Erie Junction ppl Cass 470536N0972303W 1116 Ayr Erie Township civil Cass 470604N0972237W Ayr Erke Mine mine Williams 483455N1034635W Hanks Ernest (historical) locale Pembina 485643N0975008W 925 Leroy Ervin Town Hall building Traill 473045N0970440W 930 Buxton Ervin Township civil Traill 47320N0970058W Buxton Irvine Township VARIANT Esmond ppl Benson 480209N0994542W 1623 Esmond Rhodes VARIANT Esmond Cemetery cemetery Benson 480132N0994537W Esmond Essex ppl Ramsey 480721N0984444W Crary Estabrook School school Foster 473223N0990431W New Rockford SE Estes Coulee valley McKenzie 474455N1040155W 474525N1035941W Sidney NE (MT) Estes School school McKenzie 474611N1040137W 1905 Fairview (MT) Estes Spring spring McKenzie 474338N1040107W Sidney NE (MT) Etna VARIANT See Calio ppl Cavalier 483752N0985557W Etta, Lake lake Kidder 464622N0995021W Dawson Eureka Number 2 School school Williams 483128N1034636W Hanks Eureka School school Williams 483154N1034233W Zahl Evangelical Cemetery cemetery Bottineau 483941N1002510W Gardena Evangelical Cemetery cemetery Cavalier 484636N0985046W 1621 Sarles SE Evangelical Cemetery cemetery Pembina 485314N0971340W Pembina Evangelical Cemetery cemetery Stark 465247N1021923W Richardton Evangelical Church church Ward 482123N1012255W 1695 Burlington Evangelical United Brethren cemetery Grand Forks 474955N0972547W Emerado SWNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND37 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Evanger Church church Grand Forks 475143N0971030W Grand Forks SW Evanger Church church Renville 485011N1015401W 1837 Mouse River Park SW Everest ppi Cass 465135N0971315W Durbin Everest Township civil Cass 465024N0971354W Durbin Evoniuk Ranch locale Billings 470731N1031900W 2735 Gorham Ewoniuk Ranch locale Billings 471220N1031859W 2530 Gorham Expansion Bay bay Mercer 473002N1014231W Emmet SW Eyford Church church Pembina 483815N0975140W Mountain F Fagerland Private Airport airport Divide 485318N1025954W 1980 Atacol Fairdale ppl Walsh 482927N0981351W 1623 Fairdale Fairdale Slough lake Walsh 483042N0981356W 1616 Osnabrock SW Fairdale Slough National park Walsh 483041N0981419W Osnabrock SW Waterfowl Production Area Fairfield ppl Billings 471122N1031318W 2752 Fairfield Fairfield School school Billings 471150N1031318W 2740 Fairfield Fairfield Town Hall building Grand Forks 474810N0971900W 940 Emerado SE Fairfield Township civil Grand Forks 474744N0971732W Emerado SE Fairfield Township VARIANT See Ovid Township civil La Moure 461908N0980513W Fairmount ppl Richland 460318N0963607W 984 Fairmount Michigan Settlement VARIANT Sewall Station VARIANT Fairmount Cemetery cemetery Richland 460044N0963705W Fairmount Fairmount Township civil Richland 460145N0963622W Fairmount Fairview VARIANT See Karnak ppl Griggs 471651N0980350W Fairview Cemetery cemetery Barnes 465521N0981335W Sanborn Fairview Cemetery cemetery Burleigh 465014N1004448W Menoken SW Fairview Cemetery cemetery McKenzie 475235N1040223W Dore Fairview Cemetery cemetery Morton 462204N1005943W Solen SW Fairview Cemetery cemetery Mountrail 481841N1022343W Stanley Fairview Cemetery cemetery Renville 483036N1011344W Glenburn Fairview Cemetery cemetery Richland 461613N0963700W Wahpeton Fairview Cemetery cemetery Sheridan 473612N1000901W 1814 Mertz Slough Fairview Church church Benson 475433N0993827W Hesper Fairview Church church McLean 471725N1004844W Turtle Creek SE Fairview Junction ppi Richland 461606N0964925W 967 Mooreton East Fairview School Number 1 school Bottineau 485645N1012552W Antler NW Fairview School Number 1 school Sheridan 473913N1000431W 1606 Sheyenne Lake NE Fairview School Number 3 school Sheridan 473914N1000705W 1625 Sheyenne Lake NE Fairview Township (historical) civil Ransom 462421N0975355W Englevale Faith Cemetery cemetery Williams 482403N1033731W Blacktail Lake Faith Church church McKenzie 474448N1025156W Figure 4 Ranch Faith Church church Williams 482405N1033728W 1940 Twin Lakes Falconer Town Hall building Grand Forks 475838N0970356W 829 Grand Forks (MN) Falconer Township civil Grand Forks 475809N0970435W Grand Forks (MN) Faldot VARIANT See Roth ppl Bottineau 485428N1004808W Falkirk ppl McLean 472143N1010539W 1851 Washburn Fallon ppl Morton 463044N1010526W 2126 Fallon Faison VARIANT See Verendrye ppl McHenry 480716N1004419W Fangsrud Lake Bed flat Sargent 461438N0972611W Cayuga NW Fantail Creek stream Billings 471929N1033734W 471744N1033339W Eagle Draw Fargo ppi BGN 1943 Cass 465238N0964722W 900 Fargo North Centralia VARIANT Fargo Dam Number 3 dam Cass 464012N0964748W Hickson Hickson Dam VARIANT Fargo Dam Number 4 VARIANT See Christine Dam dam Richland 463536N0964636W Fargo Dam 2 dam Cass 464948N0964706W Fargo South Country Club Dam VARIANT Fargo 12th Avenue Dam dam Cass 465348N0964630W Fargo North Fargo 4th Street South Dam dam Cass 465218N0964636W Fargo South Farland Church church McKenzie 475147N1032307W Arnegard Farmers Union Recreation Area park Steele 473831N0973827W Northwood NW Farmington ppi Richland 461604N0964504W Mooreton East Ellsworth Station VARIANT Farmington Township VARIANT See Elden Township civil Dickey 460344N0983323W ND38 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Farmington Township Civil Walsh 482930N0972730W Grafton Farming Valley School Number 2 school Dickey 460457N0983400W Ellendale North Farming Valley School Number Farrington 3 school VARIANT Dickey 460313N0983423W Ellendale North See Beulah ppi Mercer 471548N1014639W Father Cassidys Boys Ranch VARIANT See Home on the Range Ranch locale Golden Valley 465645N1035321W Faul-Mathison Dam dam Wells 473500N0995754W Manfred SW Faust Park park Barnes 465907N0980513W Valley City West Fayette ppl Dunn 471542N1025636W Fayette Fedge, Lake Feldner Coulee lake VARIANT Sargent 461148N0972353W 1083 Cayuga NW See Carl Feldner Coulee valley Renville 482823N1014621W Fellowship Free Church VARIANT See Christian Fellowship church Griggs 472300N0981550W Church Felson Town Hall building Pembina 485723N0973843W 854 Cavalier NW Felson Township civil Pembina 485630N0973644W Neche Fenton Ranch Fergus Dam locale VARIANT Dunn 473833N1025734W 1910 Croff See Logan Center Dam dam Grand Forks 474736N0974912W Ferry Township civil Grand Forks 480322N0971051W Manvel Fertile Township civil Walsh 482420N0973523W Nash Fertile Valley Dam dam Divide 484048N1035236W Camp Lake Fessenden ppl Wells 473857N0993744W 1608 Fessenden West Fessenden Dam dam Wells 474142N0993612W Fessenden East Feton Park park Stutsman 465453N0984210W Jamestown F Haugen Ranch locale McKenzie 474018N1034316W 2340 Moline School Fichbine VARIANT See Gascoyne ppl Bowman 460706N1030446W Field Township civil Nelson 474744N0980353W McVille SE Fiestel Lake lake Rolette 485912N0995130W 2091 Lake UpsiIon Fife ppl Cass 465307N0965750W West Fargo North Fifth Siding VARIANT See Valley City ppl Barnes 465524N0980010W Figley Coulee valley Williams 475927N1040042W 480243N1035836W Do re Figure 4 Ranch locale Dunn 474008N1024954W Figure 4 Ranch Fillmore ppl Benson 481049N0994801W 1591 Fillmore Filmore VARIANT Fillmore Church church Ransom 463516N0974537W Nome SE Filmore VARIANT See Fillmore ppl Benson 481049N0994801W Fingal ppl Barnes 464538N0974724W 1280 Fingal Finley ppl Steele 473051N0975008W 1457 Finley Gilbert VARIANT Finley Airport airport Steele 473015N0974915W 1400 Finley Finley Township civil Steele 473212N0974654W Finley Finneman Private Field airport Golden Valley 464200N1035400W 2800 Golva Finnish Cemetery cemetery Grant 462121N1015524W 2322 New Leipzig South Finnish Cemetery cemetery Nelson 481047N0981348W Pelto Finnish Cemetery cemetery Towner 484912N0992658W Hansboro SW Finnish Church church Dickey 455612N0981752W 1368 Savo NE (SD) Finnish Church church Emmons 462627N0995733W Schell Buttes NW Finnish Church church Nelson 481052N0981508W Brocket Fireheart Creek stream Sioux 455917N1003325W 455939N1003942W Mahto NE (SD) Black Hawk Creek VARIANT First Larson Coulee valley Ward 481141N1011354W 480826N1012850W Surrey Fischer Lake lake Stutsman 470458N0991335W 1805 Goldwin SW Fischer Private Airstrip airport McLean 474100N1013600W 2065 Emmet NE Fish Creek Fish Creek stream VARIANT Dunn 470916N1021754W 471108N1022227W Marshall See Badger Creek stream Emmons 463009N1003317W Fish Creek stream Morton 464311N1011203W 464442N1011730W Fish Creek Lake Fish Creek Dam dam Morton 464312N1011354W Fish Creek Lake Fish Creek Lake reservoir Morton 464326N1011342W Fish Creek Lake Fisher Cemetery cemetery Kidder 465339N0993815W 1774 Tappen North Fisher Field airport Bowman 461045N1031245W 2891 Scranton Fisher Lake Fisher Lake lake VARIANT Stutsman 470137N0992809W 1738 Lake Louise See East Fischer Lake lake Stutsman 470508N0991246W Fisher Run stream Golden Valley 464804N1034100W 465122N1034748W Square Butte Fisher School Number 3 school Stark 463934N1030425W Daglum Fish Lake Fish Lake lake VARIANT Benson 480629N0993336W 1573 Harlow SE See Metigoshe Lake lake Botteieau 485900N1002100W Fish Lake lake Burke 483746N1023818W Grubb Lake Fish Lake lake Burke 483914N1023242W Helde LakeNATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 ND39 FEATURE SOURCE ELEV FEATURE NAME CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES COORDINATES FT MAP NAME Fish Lake VARIANT See Belcourt Lake lake Rolette 485228N0994528W Fiske Lake lake Nelson 480425N0981415W Michigan West Five, Lake lake Griggs 472903N0981157W 1438 Cooperstown West Clear Lake VARIANT Fivemile Creek stream Bowman 460149N1035621W 455750N1034410W Cedar Ridge Five Point Butte summit Golden Valley 464543N1035400W 3058 Thelan Fjalla Church church Cavalier 484401N0980131W Milton F James Ranch locale McKenzie 474615N1033603W 2260 Rawson Flagstaff Hill summit Williams 48094INI031257W 2371 Cussicks Spring Flannery County (historical) civil Divide 483130N1031300W Tom Berg Lake Flasher ppl Morton 462722N1011356W 1920 Flasher Flasher Dam dam Morton 462706N1011336W Flasher Flasher Dam VARIANT Flasher Dam VARIANT See Flasher Dam dam Morton 462706N1011336W F Lassey Ranch locale McKenzie 475145N1035443W 1900 Cartwright Flat Creek stream Adams 454700N1021115W 460656N1025212W Haynes Flaten Coulee valley Ward 482647N1014257W 482258N1015116W Carpio Flat Lake lake McHenry 475951N1001826W 1549 Drake Flat Rock Butte summit McKenzie 472602N1035146W 2775 Flat Rock Butte Flat Top Butte VARIANT See Square Butte summit Golden Valley 46520INI034148W Flat Top Butte summit McKenzie 472656N1033025W 2690 Ice Box Canyon Flat Top Hill summit Morton 464647N1014211W 2150 Dengate Flaxton ppl Burke 485355N1022331W 1935 Flaxton Postville VARIANT Flaxton Cemetery cemetery Burke 485320N1022336W 1952 Flaxton Fleak Cemetery cemetery Grant 461613N1015721W New Leipzig South Fleece ppi Pembina 484537N0971223W 795 Joliette (MN) Fletcher VARIANT See Moselle ppi Richland 461355N0970459W Flickertail Dam dam Emmons 461500N0995654W Schell Buttes SW Flickertail Lake reservoir Emmons 461500N0995654W Schell Buttes SW Flint Township civil Stutsman 465544N0991446W Cleveland NW Flora ppi Benson 475701N0992503W 1575 Flora Schvyler VARIANT Flora Cemetery cemetery Benson 475628N0992534W Flora Florence Lake lake Burleigh 471729N1001921W 1934 Florence Lake Florence Lake National park Burleigh 471737N1001850W Florence Lake Wildlife Refuge Flying S Ranch Landing Strip airport Ward 481200N1014241W 1840 Minot NW Fonda ppi Rolette 484011N1000106W 1580 Fonda Foogman Dam VARIANT See Hillsboro Dam dam Traill 472348N0970306W Fool Bear Creek stream Sioux 461722N1003532W 461631N1003932W Cannon Ball SE Willow Creek VARIANT Foothills School school Stutsman 471305N0985945W Pingree Foothills School Number 1 school Stutsman 471051N0990100W Vashti Foothills School Number 4 school Stutsman 471246N0991110W Goldwin Forbes ppi Dickey 455637N0984654W 1560 Forbes Forbes Cemetery cemetery Dickey 455630N0984755W Forbes Fordahl Landing Strip airport Adams 461045N1023245W 2541 Taylor Butte Forde Township civil Nelson 474231N0982700W Binford NW Ford Slough lake Burke 483618N1022054W Westby Lake Fordville ppl Walsh 481303N0974725W 1144 Fordville Medford Fordville Airport airport VARIANT Walsh 481400N0974800W 1154 Fordville Foreman Butte summit McKenzie 475039N1033902W 2367 Alexander Foreman Coulee valley McKenzie 474859N1024416W 475135N1024751W Sanish SW Forest River stream Walsh 482129N0970844W 481245N0974830W Big Woods SW (MN) Forest River (historical) locale Walsh 481345N0972608W 845 Forest River Forest River ppi Walsh 481255N0972804W 865 Forest River Forest River Colony ppi Grand Forks 481056N0974211W 1030 Inkster Forest River Colony Cemetery cemetery Grand Forks 481050N0974215W Inkster Forest River Township civil Walsh 481353N0972615W Forest River Forfar ppi Bottineau 483414N1011753W Lansford SE Jefferson VARIANT Forgarty VARIANT See Fryburg ppi Billings 465214N1031809W Forked Creek stream McKenzie 473200N1034432W 473132N1034209W Burning Mine Butte Fork McKeen Historic Site park Morton 46461INI005109W Bismarck Forman ppi Sargent 460628N0973810W 1250 Forman Forman Township civil Sargent 460332N0974107W Forman Forsch Rocks summit Hettinger 462016N1022323W 2571 Mott SW Forsman Landing Strip airport La Moure 462525N0984545W 1545 Deisem Fort Abercrombie VARIANT See Abercrombie ppl Richland 462652N0964348W Fort Abercrombie State Park park Richland 462643N0964306W Abercrombie ND40 NATIONAL GAZETTEER—NORTH DAKOTA 1990 FEATURE NAME FEATURE CLASS STATUS COUNTY COORDINATES SOURCE COORDINATES ELEV FT MAP NAME Fort Abraham Lincoln See Fort Lincoln Historic Site park VARIANT Morton 464534N1005038W Fort Berthold (historical) locale McLean 473045N1014846W Blackwater Lake SE Fort Berthold Indian Agency locale McLean 473118N1014711W Blackwater Lake SE (historical) Fort Buford State Historic Site park Williams 475916N1040002W Do re Fort Clark ppi Oliver 471430N1011458W 1709 Fort Clark Fort Clark ppi Oliver 471424N1011506W 1720 Hannover NE Fort Clark Bend (historical) bend McLean 471521N1011352W Washburn SW Fort Clark Historic Site Fort Cross park VARIANT Mercer 471507N1011629W Stanton SE See Jamestown ppi Stutsman 465438N0984229W Fort Floyd VARIANT See Fort Union Trading park Williams 480001N1040241W Post National Historic Site Fort Lincoln Cemetery Fort Lincoln Estate cemetery VARIANT Burleigh 464637N1004622W Bismarck See Lincoln ppi Burleigh 464545N1004200W Fort Lincoln Historic Site park Morton 464534N1005038W Bismarck Fort Abraham Lincoln VARIANT Fort McKeen VARIANT Fort Lincoln State Park park Morton 464551N1005058W Bismarck Fort Mandan Historic Site park McLean 471746N1011708W Stanton SE Fort Maneury (historical) locale Mountrail 474522N1022447W New Town SW Fort Maneury Bend (historical) Fort McKeen bend VARIANT Mountrail 474508N1022445W New Town SW See Fort Lincoln Historic park Morton 464534N1005038W Site Fort Ransom ppi Ransom 463115N0975533W 1135 Fort Ransom Fort Ransom Dam dam Ransom 463106N0975542W Fort Ransom Walker Dam VARIANT Fort Ransom Township civil Ransom 462934N0975743W Englevale Fort Ransom Township civil Ransom 462934N0975354W Englevale (historical) Fort Rice ppi Morton 463134N1003502W 1640 Fort Rice Gwyther VARIANT Fort Rice Cemetery cemetery Morton 463102N1003540W Fort Rice Fort Rice Historical Site park Morton 463047N1003454W 1631 Fort Rice Fort Rice Landing (historical) locale Morton 463008N1003500W 1625 Fort Rice Fort Rice Military Cemetery cemetery Morton 463042N1003516W Fort Rice Fort Rice Recreation Area park Morton 463018N1003458W 1625 Fort Rice Fort Seward VARIANT See Jamestown ppi Stutsman 465438N0984229W Fort Seward Historic Site park Stutsman 465443N0984318W Jamestown Fort Stevenson Public Use Area park McLean 473527N1012510W Garrison Dam North Fort Totten VARIANT See Lallie ppi Benson 475842N0991256W Fort Totten ppi Benson 475848N0985933W 1495 Fort Totten Fort Totten Indian Agency locale Benson 475839N0985933W 1510 Fort Totten Fort Totten Station locale Ramsey 480236N0985332W 1439 Camp Grafton Fortuna ppi Divide 485436N1034644W 2200 Fortuna Norge VARIANT Fort Union Trading Post park Williams 480001N1040241W Bainville SE