Y. ; v. ; .uxswmfifimm‘ V .53.: xii. ~ \ mm M . , ~ . .Lcsxxlizi. . . J .. 51575.3. E . 63.1.!!2. «#9... 1 PRACTICAL 'I‘REATISE Gas = flight: zA SUMMARY DESCRIPTION or THE ‘APPAJRATUS‘AND MACHINERY BEST CALCULAT I'D FOR IILLlZAIlALdQTENT? STREETS, HOUSES, AND MANUFACTORlES, WITH QIarhuretteu ibpnmgcn, .Ut Qliuabcfliaz: WITH REMARKS ON THE UTILITY, SAFETY, AND GENERAL NATURE OF THIS NEW BRANCH OF CIVIL ECONOMY. BY FREDRICK ACCUM’, OPERATIVE CHEMIST, Lecturer on Practical Claemistry, on Mineraloo , and on CLemiflvy applied to the Arts and Mamfaetures; Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Fellow qf the Linmean Society, Member/f the Royal Academy of Sciences (3f Berlin, érc. é'c. WITH SEVEN COLORED PLATES. FOL RTH EDITION. L 0 ND 0 N: Printed by H". Clawes, Northumberland Court ; FOR R. ACKERMANN, 101, STRAND: LONGMAN, nunsr, arms, ORME, AND BROWN ; AND snsnwooo, NEELY mm JONES, pu‘mmosmn ROW; AND J. HATCHARD, PICCADILLY. PRICE TIVELVE SIIILLINGS, IN BOARDS. 1818 U ' ~(5 9 ' . ' W \' .x_ ‘ '° A‘. PREFACE. ll, Compton-Street, Soho. THE following pages are intended to exhibit a summary view of the new art of procuring light, by means of carburetted hydrogen gas, obtained from pit-coal, and which of late has been employed with unparalleled success,as a substitute for candles and lamps, and is known by the name of GASfLIGHT. To accomplish this object, I have given, in the firstipart of this Essay, a concise and p0pular View of the chemical theory and production of artificial light—J have explained the action of candles and lamps—J have shown the methods of measuring the comparative illuminating power of artificial light - of different kinds, so as to appreciate their economical value—I have stated the proportions of combustible materials requisite for producing a light of a certain strength; with such other pre- , liminary facts and observations as were deemed necessary to enable the reader to understand fully the nature of the new art of illumination, which it is the object of this Essay to describe. These positions are followed by a chemical view gym»; (7;; { iv . PREFACE. of the general nature and composition of (Seal—- the chemical changes which this substance suf- ('81s, when employed in the production of gas; light—the different products it. fulnishesfithe modes of obtaining them—their properties and applications in the various arts of life. I have given a description of the apparatus and machinery by means of which the coal-gas is pre- pared, and the methods employed for distributing and applying it as a substitute for candles and lamps, to illuminate houses, streets, and manufac- tories :——I have furnished the data for calculating the expense that must attend the application of this species of light under different circumstances, so as to determine the relative cost or value of gas~lights, when compared with the lights now in use—together with such other practical directions and facts as will enable the reader to form a proper estimate of the gas-light illumination, and to put this art into practice. 1 have stated the leadmo objects of public and private utility to which the new system of lighting may be successfully applied, candidly pointing out those in which it cannot be made use of to ad- vantage PREFACE. V I have detailed the most obvious effects which the discovery of lighting with coal-gas must ine- vitably produce upon the arts and upon domestic .econOmy; its primary advantages—its views—its limits, and the resources it presents to industry and public economy. I have endeavoured to shew how far its application is safe, and in what respect it is entitled to public approbation and national en- couragement. ’ It may not be improper, before concluding, to in- form the reader, that my qualifications for the task I have undertaken, are founded upon many years experience, during which time, I possessed peculiar opportunities to Witness and verify the most ex- tended series of operations that ever have been made for the purpose of ascertaining the practica- bility, safety, and general nature of the art of apply— ing coal—gas as a substitute for tallow and oil; and which have, as it were, fixed the fate of this art. The numerous experiments I instituted, upon a large scale, by desire of the Gas-Light Company, for the purpose of adducing them in my evidence before the House of Commons, and House of Lords, on a former occas10n, have enabled me to collect such information as could not have been obtained by vi PREFACE. other means. The substance of these results (which are printed by order of Government) are in- corporated in this Treatise, together with such other facts and observations as have presented them- selves in the routine of my profession elsewhere. To generalize the results of my observations, and to make them practically useful to the public, is the aim of the present publication, and I need scarcely add, that their sufl'rages to the zeal and industry, at least, with which I have endeavoured to attain my object, will be a source of infinite satisfaction. FREDRICK ACCUM. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. ll, Compton Street, Soho. Encouraged by the rapid sale of the First Edi- tion of this Treatise, which was disposed of in less than four Months, the Publisher is induced to re- print the Work, which I herewith present to the reader. The public sanction with which the Treatise has been honoured, and the private thanks which I have received from difl’erent Proprietors of large — Establishments, who have successfully put into prac- tice, by means, (f this Treatise, the Art on which it treats, are flattering testimonies that the work has proved useful. The reader need not be informed that the pro- gress of the net-z: mode of procuring and distri- butingLight, has, within these six months, been uncommonly rapid. A large part of this metropolis is illuminated with Gas-Light, more than 4000 viii ADVERTISEMENT . Argand’s lamps now burn coal-gas, in this metro- polis, and arrangements are making to extend rapidly the application of the new lights with a zeal and industry which does signal honor to the promoters of the Gas-Light illumination. The total length of main pipes deposited in the Streets of London, for conveying carburetted hydrogen gas, exceeds twenty-six miles. It is obvious that an art so entirely new, must naturally be in a progressive state of improvement. Indeed, several alterations have been made in the present structure of the Gas-Light machinery, and new plans for preparing, purifying, and apply- ing coal-gas have been projected. A revolving gas- ometer constructed on the principle of the hydrosta- tic bellows, has been adopted by JD. Clegg, of London, and .new modes of purifying coal-gas, and of economising fuel in the production of it, have been pointed out by Mr. John Grafton, (late pupil of Mr. Clegg of flIanc/iester, and are now carrying into eflect under his direction, in the lighting up of the town of Preston, in Lancashire. I do not, however, feel myself warranted to speak on the pre- sent occasion with confidence, on the general nature and merits of any of the alterations which have been made by ingenious and scientific men: be- cause they have not yet been brought fairly into action, nor have they stood the test of experience to , ADVERTISEMENT. ix , warrant their superiority over the methods now successfully employed in this town, wed in numerous manufactories. By my present forbearance, there- fore, I trust I shall lceep up the character for fairness and impartiality with which the First Edition of this Treatise has been honoured; yet the reader may rest assured that I shall not fail hereafter to lay before the public all those improve- ments, which time and practice shall have proved to be superior to the methods now in use. Some new matter will nevertheless be found in the present edition of the work. With regard to the economy of fuel in particular, I have given a concise popular chemical view of the natural his- tory of the various kinds of Pit-Coal met with in the London market. I have explained the na« ture of their varieties—their difi'Mrences, and com- parative economical value. I have pointed out the sort of coal best calculated for domestic and culinary purposes. I have adverted to the bad construction of grates, as well as to the great waste offiiel in ordinary open fire-places. I have shown the means of preventing that waste, together with the best construction of fire—places designed for general domestic purposes, and I have also added [some observations and hints relative to the nefarious practices too commonly resorted to in the coal- trade. X ADVERTISEMENT. Under these considerations I flatter myself the work will not be unacceptable to the public. And I have once more to assure my readers that I am still actuated only by the wish of promoting public and private utility, and that I have no in- terest either direct or indirect, in any Gas-Light establishment whatever, nor in any branch of em- ploy connected with this art. FREDRICK ACCUM. ’ London, November. 1815. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. IN the lines prefixed to the Third Edition of this Treatise, the reader is informed that it was my intention to lay before the public,in a future Edition, certain improvements which have been proposed by different individuals; in the construction of the Gas-Light Machinery ; but as four Months have scarcely elapsed, PREFACE since this promise was made, and a new Edi. (ion of this Treatise being demanded, I do not yet feel myself justified to speak on the present occasion with confidence on the im- provements under consideration. I have not had sufficient opportunity to become convinced of their practical superiority, and I trust, there- fore, that I Shall not be censured‘ on that ac- count; but I shall not fail hereafter, to fulfil the promise in laying before the public all those alterations which have been proposed by ingenious men in the construction of the Gas-Light Apparatus, when time and expe- rience shall have established their superiority over the methods new in use. I have carefully revised this Fourth Edition of the Treatise; the typographical errors of the preceding Edition have been corrected; PREFACE; some slight alterations have been made in several places, and I flatter myself, that What has been done, as far as it goes, will not be considered as altogether superfluous. FREDRICK ACCUM. ll, Compton Street, Soho. Lmulzm, April mm, ‘ ms. (/54 3 Sb/ l A l 0‘ ‘0 (l (t l n l 0. REVIEWS OF THE.FIRST EDITION OF ACCUM’S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON '. . ‘.\ GAS-LIGHT. “ OUR limits will not allow us to speak in detail of the merits of this Work. The abilities of the Author have been long known, as a Philosophical and Practical Che- mist. In the present work he has di5played much can- dour and impartiality, and knowledge of the subject on which it treats. His book will be found highly useful to those who wish to acquire a practical knowledge of the subject on which it treats, and will enable mechanics to erect the apparatus necessary for carrying the Gas-light illumination into effect—And it will give to those who are unacquainted with the nature of the Gas-light illumi- nation, a fair, and not over charged, statement of the o. ‘ merits and defects of this new art; whilst at the same time, the chemist will meet with facts relating to the sub- 'I ‘ ject of the Gas-light illumination, which will- arrest his a ‘ attention and add to the general stock of chemical know- ledge. “ “ Philosophical Magazine, May, 1815. p. 373. “ This Work contains a perspicuous and popular view of the subject, and may be of considerable utility to those who, without being acquainted with chemistry, wish to have some general notion of the nature of Gas- “ light. “ “' flnvnals of Philosophy, Sep. 1815. p. 2283‘ This Day is Publislzed, Price ls.i6d. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Apparatus and Instru- ments employed in Experimental and Operative Chemistry, in Analytical Mineralogy, and in the pursuits of the recent discoveries of Electro—Chemical Science: with directions for fitting up Laboratories for Philosophical Chemistry, and a list of those Chemical Preparations which are indispen- sable for the modern practice and general study of Chemi— cal Philosophy. Manufactured and Sold by ACCUlVI and GARDEN, Operative Chemists, Compton-Street, Soho, London. 1 “43* (we; 11 111121131193 11m $1» 3191211981 39 11mm“ {mamas Mon '31“ 0'3 rim “ 1:\\_((1 263%: ufiv Atfiflgfinuqq‘fi. 1:11 '10 91130111115.) ”Brynn“ A: 4‘”th Mfinhmo has: Ishmaquxi ni bfiielqms 31119111 1 3d} '10 113319an 361 mi hm: (mom-:1 rziM Iiohdrmf‘ , " I‘safwt 2—! I1. “marmmflashi '19 scum-roam 1 11m. {:19me 1331551902011. 1' w} immimwfsiul‘ qug: 111i} 191 9‘ ‘ ~mqadam.. am (I31; .{99i11mqn I I9 1:111:11) 930m 10min .4 ' ' w-(IRQIIQ 3119953131 3 I153; :‘Y‘fim'q 1'! 501:3 “mi 113'! £633" kn b 111 3:11:11“! 1??“ . 431080qu {5‘35 rtiz=11132firwa~99~wm¥m “WW” 44911110 5“” .r p “>[511k19 M II 5311 \‘I 1111911111 1! \cfo 3333'? ' ,7 r W an” ‘8' . L-' \. CONTENTS. 1 Page Introductory Observation. 1 Pnocness of the arts.——Influcnce of it upon the morals and condition of mam—Beneficial tendency of chemical and mechanical improvements.——Highest cultivation and refinement—How ef- fected—State of pre—eminence of people with regard to civiliza- tion.—-and to be estimated—Flourishing state of those nations which have shown the greatest activity in cultivating the useful arts, and establishing useful enterprises—Nations are flourishing in proportion to their activity, with regard to the introduction of new channels of industry.——-Which gives rise to barter or exchange.— Subdivision of labour.-Great benefit of it.———General observations on this subject.—-Extraordinary discoveries of modern times.— Artificial production of light—Importance of this art—It has not hitherto attained the extent of its possible perfection—Scheme of ‘ lighting houses, streets, and apartments with coal-gas.———In what respect it is entitled to examination and_ support—New art of pro- curing lig'ht.—Art of printing.——Navigation.——Gunpowder.—'-The diving bell.—./Erostation.——Electricity.——The steam engine—Have changed the course of human affairs—Object of the treatise. P A R T I. Theory of the Production of Artificial Light. 8 Production of the flame generated during the combustion of certain bodies—In what it consists—Characters of flame when perfect.—- , Most luminous flame, how produced with the least consumption of \ combustible matter.—~Conditions necessary for that purpose—Im- portance of this subject, with regard to the production and supply of artificial light—Origin of the light of flaming bodies.———Opinions on this subject—.The flame of bodies may be tinged—Blue flame, red flame, green flame, 8w. xii \ CONT INTS. Theory of the Action of Candles and Lamps. Page 12 Action of the instruments of illumination—Rude method of procu- ring light employed in some countries—Chemical action of can- dles and lamps—Agency of the tallow, oil, &c.—Oflice of the wick—It is the fire-place or laboratory where the whole operation is carried OIL—Articles which demand consideration in the lamp.— Continual current and maintemancc of flame.——How effected.— Considcrations with regard to the action of a candle—In what respect it ditl'eis from the action of a lamp—Smoke of candles and lamps, how produced—Lamps with large wicks—with small wicks.——Reason why the wick ot' tallow candles should not be too thin.~—VVhy tallow candles require continual snufiing and wax candles snuff themselves—further observations on this subject. Method of Ascertaining the Illmninating Pow- er of Candles, Lamps, Gas-Lights, and other Luminous Bodies. 20 Optical principle assumed as law for determining the relative strength ' of lights of different kinds.—Admeasurement of the intensity of light—Quantity 0t wax, tallow, oil, &c. requisite for producing a light of a certain strength.—I\Iethod of increasing the light of tal- low candles, and to obviate the necessity of strutting them.—A tallow candle placed in an inclined position 9;in more light than when placed perpendicularly and studied with an instrument.— Explanation of the fact—Further observations on this subject.— Experiments of Mr. \Valker.—~Appear to prove that where com- bustion is complete, the quantity of light produced by tallow candles, is in the complicate ratio of their time of burning and weight of tallow consumed—His method for investigating rules of this kind. JlIethods of Increasing the Light of Tallow Candles, and to 0hviate the lVecessity of Snafii’ng them. 30 Alteration recommended to be made in the method of burning tal- low candles, so as to render them to become substitutes for candles made of wax—1n what it consists—Theory of it.—Advantages which may be derived from candles which require no snutling and afl'ord no smoke—Nature ot' tallow candles best adapted for the purpose. Other inconveniences which attend the use of tallow czmdles employed in the ordinary \vay.—'l‘abular view. exhibiting the real and comparative expcncc of burning tallow candles of ditl‘erent sorts and sizes—Observations of Dr. Franklin and Mr. “'arrcn, on the flame ot‘candles.—«.\ aturc of the so called Liverpool lamp. COPITENTS. xiii \ PART II. GAS-LIG HT. _ . ' Page Prehmmm'y Observations. 43 New art of procuring Artificial Light—nature of it.—Encouragement given by the Legislature to the new system of procuring light.— Gas-light company, incorporated by charter, to apply the new art of illumination by way of experiment, on a large scale, to illumi- nate the streets and houses of the metropolis.—Powcr and autho- rities granted to this corporate body.~—are very restricted, and do not prevent other individuals from entering into competition with them.—The Company Is bound to furnish a stronger and better light to such streets and parishes as chusc to he lighted with gas—and at a cheaper rate than shall be paid for lighting the said places with 0il.—is not permitted to traflic in Gas—light machinery—Bounda. lies of tieir experiments—limit of capital employed.——P0wer oi , His Majesty with regard to the Gas—light charter. Natural History and Chemical Constitutioan Coal; with Remarks on the Economy of this kind of Fuel. 45 Natural History of pit—coal.—Immediate constituent parts of coal.— are a carbonaceous base, combined with more or less earthy or sa- line matters—relative quantities—are different in difl'erent kinds of coal.—general division of coal.——Characters of the first class of coal.—athey abound in bitumen—take fire readily—blaze from be— ginning to end—do not cake together on the fire—require no stir- ring.——give no Cinders nor slags.——afl'ord light white ashes—Va- rieties of this class ot' coals met with in the London market—Sc- cond class—become soft when laid on the fire.——cake together.- putt up.—throw out tubercular scoriae with jets of flame. require the poker to prevent the fire from going out—aflord scoriae, or cinders.—-the colour of the flame of this class of coal is not so white and brilliant as the flame of the first class—produce excellent coke or (finders—they possess a greater specific gravity than the first class—they produce, when mixed with the befin‘e-mentioncd class of coals, the most economical t'ueL—Varieties of this class of coal met with in the London market—Third class of coals. are those which are almost destitute of bitumen—are chiefly com~ posed of carbon and earthy matters.—-burn with little or no snIokP, -——give almost no flame. burn like charcoal.—do not cake.—al‘.'nl'd no tar by distillation, or at least but a small portion—Cannot be Used in the Gaslight manufacture—afford excellent coke.—Varie. .L s. \ xiv ' CONTENTS. 0 ties of this class of coal.——Hypothesis concerning the origin of coal. -——The most rational is, that they originate't'rom vegetables—Total consumption of coals from the rivers Tyne and VVeare, as known from the registers—Remarks with regard to economy ol'fuel. quan- tity of heat produced from a given quantity of coal.—what it chiefly lepends upon—great waste of fuel.—how to be obviated.——Best form of fire—grates calculated for domestic purpOScs.—Further ob- servations on the economy of fuel.—size of coal.——remarks on it.— great waste of small coals in open fire grates—Proofs of this state- ment—the loss in the use of small coal is most considerable to the poor.——reasons why.—General remarks on the purchasing of coals by measure.—T he act of Parliament does not take notiee of the small measures of eoal-sheds.—If it be ever so bad, the public has no redress—Scandalous abuses practised in the coal trade.—Pro- posal to do away the present erroneous mode of selling coal by measure—and to prevent the abuses to which the public is liable. ——so as to do justice to the revenue, to the consumer of coals, to the coal merchant, as well as to the proprietors of collieries. ‘Thcory of the Combustion of Coal, in Elucida- tion of the Nature and Production of Gas- light. Page 68 Phenomena which happen during the combustion of pit—coal.———Ana— lysis of coal by distillation.—-Great waste of matter capable of producing light and heat, in the usual mode of burning coal.— Proofs of this statement—Theory of the production of gas—light, compared with the production of light obtained by candles and lamps-place which the discovery of lighting with gas occupies in the philosophical order of knowledge—leading principle of this art. —which is justifiable by the universal mode in which all light is produced. ‘ Sketch oflhe Rise and Progress of the Appli . cation of Coal—gas as a Substitute for pro- curing Artificial Light. 73 The discovery of the inflammable nature and application of coal-gas for the production of artiticial light, cannot be claimed by any body now litiiig.——Eat‘ly notices of theinflammable property of the gas obtained by distilling coal.—Attempts to substitute it for tallow and oil—Experiments made with coal—gas by Dr. CLAYTON, Dr. HALES, and the Bishop of LlandatiL—l’irst successful attempt of lighting manufactories with gas—Creditor and debtor account con- cerning the expense of this mode of illumination. when compared with the light obtained by tallow candles—Claims of Mr. MUR- DOCH with regard to the economical application of coal-gas.— Claims of Mr. Wimom—Experiments of Mrs NORTHERN, Mr. CLEGG, Mr. COOK, Mr. ACKERMAhN.—l“.con()mical statements of the Gas-light illumination when compared with the cost of the same quantity of light obtained by means of candles and lamps. CONTENTS. xv Description Qf the Apparatus and Machinery now successfltlly employed for illuminating Streets, Ifouses, and Illanafactories with Car- lmretted Hydrogen or Coal~gas. Page 93 Portable (‘hamber Apparatus, very convenient for exhibiting in the small way, the general nature of the new art of illumination.—and to ascertain also the comparative value of different kinds of coal intended to be employed for the production of this species of light. ——construction of the summary parts of the apparatus, and theory of its action.—Deseription of the Gas-light Apparatus employed for lighting up Factories, Streets, or small districts—Description of the retort furnace—of the tar cistern—lime machine—«gasomc— ten—safety valve, &2e. action of the ditl‘ercnt parts of the appa- ratus.-—Deseription of a Gas-light apparatus, calculated for lighting towns or large districts of streets and houses—Action of its sum- mary parts—Elegant contrivance invented by Mr. Clegg for regu~ lating the pressure of the gasometer. Directions to W orhmen attending the Gas-light Apparatus; and description of the various- kinds of gas pipes employed as Illains for conveying gas, and methods of connecting them. 117 Philosophy of the Production of Coal-gas.——Its chemical constitution, general habitades, and practical remarks concerning the best methods of obtaining it. 125 Philosophy of the production of coal—gas—Characters of the various products which the gas-light process afl‘ords, their quantities, and modes of obtaining them.—Quantity of gas obtainable from a given weight of coa-l.-—Illurninating power of a given bulk of coal- gas compared with the illuminating power of a given weight of tallow candles—Practical directions with regard to the production of the gas from coal.—Its chemical constitution and analysis—Illuminat- ing power ofcoal-gas.—~how ascertained and compared with the illu- minating power of other bodies—quantity of gas obtainable from a given quantity of coal.—Pit—coal is not the only substance which afiords carburetted hydrogen gas—This gas exists ready formed in nature.——Mode of collecting it when found native—ls given out by all kinds of vegetable matter, submitted to distillation in close vessels—Other sources of obtaining this gazeous fluid.— Practical directions with regard to the method of obtaining from coal this gazeous substance, as best suited for illumination—— Chemical constitution of coal-gas.——how ascertained. xvi . . CONTENTS. P A RT 111. Utility qf'the Gas-light illmicination with re- gard to public and private economy. Page 137 Objects to which the new system of lighting with gas may be benefi- cially applied—Capital advantages of the gas—light illumination.— there is nothing to spill.-—is well calculated for light-houses, 8w.— Places and public edifices lighted with coal—gas in this metropolis. -——Situations best suited for the application of gas-lights.—Places Where it cannot be used to advautage.——Illumination of barracks, arsenals, dock yards. 8m. with coal—gas.—Furtber observations on this subject. Great heat produced by gas-lights.—Reason why the flame of coal—gas produces more heat than the flame of candles and lamps—Admeasurcnicnt ot' the comparative degrees of heat pro- \ duced by gas-lights, oil lamps, tallow and wax candles, Sac—Gas- lamps and burners, various kinds of.—Ornamcntal chandeliers and candelabras, for applying coal—gas as a substitute for oil.———Rod Lamps—Pendent gas-lanips.—Swing branch lamps.—Cockspur Lamps.—-&c. SLc. Otker Products obtainable fl'om Coal; namely, Coke, Tar, Essential Oil, tj‘c. 157 Coke.-—~Its nature—Combustion of it.—Produces a more strong and lasting heat than coal.—-Explanation of this fact—Advantages resulting from the use of coke as fueL—Disadvantages of its ap- plication in certain circumstances—Relalive ell'ect of heat pro- duced by equal quantities of coke and charcoal.—Method of measuring the comparative effect of ditl'crent kinds of fuel in pro— ducing heat.——(‘apital advantages resulting from the application of coke, as fuel, in the art of burning linic.~—Plaster ot' Pan's, bricks, &c.———Quantity of coke obtainable from a certain quantity of pit-coal.—Kind of coke best suited for metallurgical operations. --—Mode of obtaining it in the Gas-light process.—Sort of coke best adapted for kitchen and parlour fires.——1\Ianuthcture of it.—Co.-u. TAIL—How obtained.——Its properties—Earl of Dundonald’s me- thod of manufacturing tar from coal.—-—Quantity of coal—tar pro- duced in the Gas-light process from a given quantity of coal.— Characters of coal-tar obtained from Newcastle coal, difl'er from that produced from canel COQJ.——COAL PH‘CH.———Process for ob- taining it.——Properties of eoal-piteh.——Use of it in the arts—Quan— tity of coal—pitch obtainable from a given quantity of tan—AM— MONIACAL LIQL'nR produced during the distillation of coal—Its chemical constitution.—Quantity obtained from a given quantity of coal.——General observation respecting the scheme of applying coal-gas as a substitute for candles and lamps.——Etl'ects which it must produce upon the arts and upon domestic economy—Its views—Primary advantages—Resources which it presents to in- dustry and public ceouomy.—lnwhat respect it is entitled to pub- lic approbation and national encouragement.—Ellects of prejudice CONTENTS. xvii against the introduction of new and useful discoveries—Have operated strongly in retarding the Gas-light illumination .—Remark- able slowness with which improvements of extended utility make their way into common use, contrasted with the rapid adoption of fashionable clianges.—-Other causes unfavourable to the adoption of new and useful plans—14‘ urther observations on this subject.— Thc new system of lighting with coal—gas can never supersede the use ot'candles and moveable lights.——Gas—light illumination cannot prove injurious to the Greenland fishery—nor can it diminish the coal—trade—must prove beneficial to it.—The price of coal even when it is the highest cannot materially affect the beneficial appli- cation of Gas-lights.—Striking advantages to be derived from the introduction of gas—lights into manufactories.———Principal expense which must always attend the gas-light illumination, is the dead capital employed for erecting the machinery.——Floating capital is small.—-Advice to private individuals with regard to the erection of a gas—light apparatus calculated for their own use—Expense which must attend the application of the new system of lighting under different circumstances—Entire new scheme of illuminating streets, or small towns with gas—lights; which would save all the main pipes for conveying the gas through the streets as well as the branch pipes which conduct the gas to the lamps—Manage- ment of the gas—light machinery is extremely simple and easy.~— The apparatus not liable to be out of order.-——Observations on the safety of the gas-light illumination.—Misapprehension concerning it. Causes that have alarmed the public concerning the application of the new lights.—Gas-lights cannot give rise to those accidents which have so often arisen from the careless snufling of candles, Sic—Produce no embers or sparks—Cannot fall, or be disturbed without becoming extinguished.——~Are the safest of all lights.— Impossibility of streets or towns lighted with gas to be thrown suddenly into darkness by the fracture of the gas-pipes conveying the gas to the lamps—or by the destruction of one or more of the gas—light machineries employed for preparing the gas—Illustration . showing the absurdity of such mistaken notions—Curious self- extinguishing lamp, invented by Mr. Clegg.——His machine which measures and registers in the absence of the observer, the quan- tity of gas delivered by a pipe communicating with a gas-light main.———Leading characters of the new lights—Objects and views which this art embraces—It. must lessen the consumption of oil. ——-Occasion a defalcation in the revenue. TABULAR VIEW, exhibiting the quantity of Gas, Coke, Tar, Pitch, Essential Oil, and Ammoniacal Liquor, obtainable froma given quantity of Coal; together with an estimate of the quantity of Coal necessary to produce a quantity of Gas, capable of yield— ing a light equal in duration of time and intensity to that produced by tallow candles of difl‘erent kinds. ESTIMATE of the Price of a Gas-light Apparatus. 193 LONDON Price List of the most essential articles employed in the erection of aGas-light Apparatus. 194 DIRECTIONS TO THE BOOK BINDER. Plate l. facing the Title-page; Plate ll, facing page 95; Plate Ill, facing page 151 ; Plate IV. faring page )54; Plate V, facing page 155; Plates V1 and VII, at the end of the Book. A P RACTI CAL TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. INTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS. INFLUENCE OF THE PROGRESS OF THE ARTS UPON THE MORALS AND CONDITION OF MAN. IT is an undoubted truth, that the successive improvements in the condition of man, from a state of ignorance and barbarism, to that of the highest cultivation and refinement, are usu- ally effected by the aid of machinery and expe- dients, calculated to procure the necessaries, the comforts, and {elegancies of life; and that the pre—eminence of any people in civilization is, and ought ever to be, estimated by the propor- tional state of industry, and useful labour exist- ing among them. B Z A 'I‘REATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. In proof of this great and striking truth, no other argument requires to be offered, than an immediate reference to the experience of all ages and places; the various nations of the earth, the provinces of each nation, the towns, and even the villages of the same province, differ from each other in» their accommodations; and are in every respect more flourishing, the greater their activity in establishing new chan- nels of useful employ, calculated to procure the necessaries and comforts of life. Hence the nations which have shewn the most inge- nuity in this way, are not only the richest, but also the most populous and the best defended: the provinces of those nations, are seen to flourish likewise in proportion to their respec- tive degrees of activity in this respect. And from these exertions it is, as SMITH“~ empha— tically remarks, that “the accommodation of “the European prince does not always so “ much exceed that of an industrious and fru- “ gal peasant, as the accommodation of the “ latter excecds’that of many an African king, “ the absolute master of the lives and liberties “ of ten thousand naked savages.” It was a strange notion of Rousseau to main- tain that mankind were happier when they resembled wild beasts, than with all the ex- ” Wealth of Nations, CHAP. 1. A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 3 panded knowledge of civilized life; and that the cultivation of their understanding had tend- ed to degenerate their Virtues. There can be no virtue but what is founded on a compre- hensive estimate of the effects of human ac- tions, and an animal under the guidance of instinct can form no such estimate. The variety of production, of wants, and fabrication has given rise to barter or ex- change; mutual supply has increased the sub- division of labour, and improved the means of conveyance. Streams, roads, ships, and carri- ages have extended their beneficial intercourse; confidence between man and man has advanced the moral principles of society, and afford- ed a progression, of which the past gradation may indeed be traced, but to the future part of which the imagination can scarcely form a probable outline. And as the moral and physical powers of man expand, new resources present themselves and new agencies are made subservient to our command, which in an earlier state of society, would have appeared alto- gether visionary. Who among the ancients would have listened to the extraordinary scheme of writing books with such rapidity, that one man, by this new art, should perform the work of twenty thou~ 4 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. sand amanuenses? What philosopher would have given credit to the daring project of navi- gating the widest ocean ?—or imagined the as- tonishing effect of gunpowder—or the extended application of the steam engine? What mortal would have dared to dive at the bottom of the sea—or soar aloft into the air—or bid defiance to the thunder of the clouds P Discoveries which have changed, as it were, the course of human afl”airs, and the effects of which have already. carried the intellectual operations of the human mind, to a height they could by no other means have attained. The men of those early ages, in the confidence of their own wisdom, might have delided these discoveries as impossible, or re- jected them as visionary; but to those, who enjoy the full effects of such, and numerous other suc- cessful inventions, it becomes a duty to reason upon different principles, and to exert all means in their power to give effect to the progress of useful knowledge. The artificial production and supply of light during the absence of the sun, unquestionably holds a distinguished rank among the most im- portant arts of life. If we could for a moment suppose the priva- tion of artificial light, it would follow as an imme— diate consequence that the greatest part of the A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 5 globe on which we dwell, would cease to be the habitation of man. Whether he could ensnare or overtake those animals upon Whose unprepared remains he would then be compelled to feed—— whether he might store the fi'uits of the earth for his winter supply—what might be the physical- and moral consequences of a state of such desolation, may perhaps be conjectured; but no estimate can show its dreadful magnitude. How much 'do our comforts, and how greatly does the extent of our powers, depend upon the production and supply of artificial light. The flame of a single candle animates a family, every one follows his occupa- tion, and no dread is felt of the darkness of night. It might be a curious speculation to enquire how far, and in what respect, the morals of men would become degraded by the want of this contrivance. But it is sufficient on the present occasion, that, previous to entering upon a dissertation respecting a new art of illumination, a train of ideas has slightly been hinted at, which cannot fail to show its magnitude and importance. The methods of procuring and distributing light, during the absence of the sun, have not hitherto attained the extent of their possible perfection: there is yet a wide field for improvement in the construction of the instru- ments of illuminations, and the subject is highly deserving the attention of every individual. I! 6 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. The scheme of lighting houses, streets, and manufactories, by means of the inflammable gas, obtainable by distillation from common pit-coal, professes to increase the wealth of the nation, by adding to the number of its internal resources, and on this ground it is entitled, at least, to a candid examination. The apparent slight that has been thrown upon this new branch of civil economy by some indivi- duals, who appear to be incapable of judging of its nature, has contributed to deter sensible and well disposed persons from wishing it success. It is the more necessary to state this fact, because, when a mistaken notion once becomes diffused, concerning the nature of a new project, persons of the best intention are liable to become affected with wrong impressions on their mind. I am neither a share holder, nor a governor, nor am I directly or indirectly concerned in any gas-light association. The object of the succeeding pages, simply is to rescue the art of illumination with coal-gas from misconception and misrepresentation; and by a fair, and not overcharged statement of its merits and its disadvantages, to appeal from prejudice and ignorance, to the good sense of the commu- nity. A TREA'I‘ISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 7 PART I. THEORY OF THE PRODUCTION OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. THE flame of burning bodies consist of such in- flammable matter in the act of combustion as is capable of forming a substance called hydrogen gas or inflammable air, more or less pure. When all circumstances are favourable to the complete combustion of this gazeous fluid, the flame is per~ fect; if this be not the case, part of the com- bustible body, capable of furnishing the inflam- mable gas, passes through the luminous flame, unburnt, and exhibits the appearance of smoke. Soot therefore always indicates an imperfect com- bustion. Thus originates the flame of wood and coal, when they are burned in their crude state. They contain the elements of a quantity of matter, which is capable of producing an inflammable gas 8 A ‘I‘REA’I‘ISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. by the application of heat, and subsequent new chemical arrangement of their constituent parts. As the artificial light of lamps and candles ls afforded by the flame they exhibit, it seems a matter of considerable importance to society, to ascertain how the most luminous flame may be produced With the least consumption of combus— tible matter. There does not appear to be any danger of error in concluding, that the light emitted will be greatest when the matter is com- pletely consumed in the shortest time. It is there- fore necessary, that the stream of volatilized combustible gazeous matter should pass into the atmosphere with a certain determinate velocity. If the quantity of this stream should not be duly proportioned ; that is to say, if it be too large, its internal parts will not be completely burned for want of contact with the air. If its temperature be below that of ignition, it will not, in many cases, burn when it comes into the open air. And there is a certain velocity at which the quantity of atmospherical air which comes in contact with the vapour or inflammable gas will be neither too great nor too small; for too much air will dimin- ish the temperature of the stream of combustible matter so much as very considerably to impede the desired effect, and too little will render the combustion languid. A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 9 '~ We have an example of a flame too large in the mouths of the chimneys of furnaces, where the luminous part is merely superficial, or of the thick- ness of about an inch or two, according to circum- stances, and the internal part, though hot, will not set fire to paper passed into it through an iron tube; the same defect Of air preventing the com- bustion of the paper, as prevented the interior fluid itself from burning. And in the lamp of Argand we see the advantage of an internal cur; rent of air, which renders the combustion perfect by the application of air on both sides of a thin flame. So likewise a small flame is always whiter and more luminous than a larger; and a short snuff of a candle giving out less combustible mat- ter in proportion to the circumambient air; the quantity of light becomes increased to eight or ten times what a long snuff would have afforded. The light of bodies burning With flame, exists previously either combined with the combustible body, or with the substance which supports the combustion. We know that light exists insome bodies as a constituent part, since it is disengaged from them when they enter into new combina- tions, but we are unable to obtain in a separate state the basis with which it was combined. That in many cases the light evolved by arti- ficial means is derived from the combustible c . ti 10 "A TREATISE 0N GAs-LIGHT. body, is obvious, if we recollect that the colour of the light emitted during the process of com- bustion varies, and that this variation usually depends not upon the medium which supports the process of combustion, but upon the com- bustible body itself. Hence the colour of the flame of certain combustibles, even of the purest kind may be tinged by the admixture of various substances. The flame of a common candle is far from be- ing of an uniform colour. The lowest part is always blue; and when the flame is sufficiently elongated, so as to be just ready to smoke, the tip is red or brown. As for the colours of flame that arise from coals, wood, and other usual combustibles, their variety, which hardly amounts to a few shades of red or purple, intermixed with the bright yellow light, seems principally to arise from the greater or less admixture of aqueous 'vapour, dense smoke, or, in short, of other incombustible pro- ducts which pass through the luminous flame unburnt. Spirit of wine burns with a blueish flame. The flame of sulphur has nearly the same tinge. The flame of zinc is of a bright greenish white. The flame of most of the preparations of copper, or of the substances with which they are mixed, A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. [l is vivid green. Spirit of wine, mixedrwith com mon salt, when set on fire, burns with a very un: pleasant effect, as may be experienced by looking at the spectators who are illuminated by such light. If a spoonful of spirit of Wine and a little boracic acid, or nitrate of copper be stirred together in a cup, and then be set on fire, the flame will be beautifully green. If spirit of wine be mixed with nitrate of strontia, it will, afterwards, on being inflamed, burn with a car- mine red colour. Muriate of lime tinges the flame of burning spirit of wine of an orange colour.* * See Chemical Amusement, comprising minute instructions for performing a series of striking and interesting chemical experi- ments, p. 8, 8w. ' (12) THEORY THE ACTION OF CANDLES AND LAMPS. BEFORE we consider the general nature of Gas-light, it will be necessary to give a short sketch of the theory and action of the instru- ments of illumination employed for supplying light, together with some other facts connected with the artificial production and distribution of light; such a proceeding will enable us to un- derstand the general nature of the new system of illumination which it is the object of this Essay to explain. To procure light for the ordinary purposes of life, we are acquainted with no other ready means than the process of combustion. The rude method of illumination consists, as is sufficiently known, in successively burning certain masses of fuel in the solid state: com- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 13 . mon fires answer this purpose in the apartments of houses, and in some light-houses. Small, fires of resinous wood, and the bituminous fossil, called canel-coal, are in some countries applied to the same end, but the most general and useful contrivance is that which fat, or oil, of an animal or vegetable kind is burned by means of a wick, and these contrivances comprehend candles and lamps. . In the lamp, the combustible substance must be one of those which retain their fluidity at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere. The, candle is formed of a material which is not fusi— ble but at a temperature considerably elevated. All these substances must be rendered volatile before they can produce a flame; but for this purpose it is sufficient to volatilize a small quan- tity of any of them, successively; for this small quantity will suffice to give a useful light; and hence we must admire the simple, yet wonderful contrivance of a common candle or lamp. These bodies contain a considerable quantity of the combustible substance, suflicient to last several hours; they have likewise, in a particular place, a slender piece of spongy vegetable substance, called the wick, which in fact is the fire-place, or laboratory where the whole operation is con- ducted. 14 A TREATISE AON GAS-LIGHT. There are three articles which demand our at- tention in the lamp-the oil, the Wick, and the supply of air. It is required that the oil should be readily inflammable; the oflice of the wick appears to be chiefly, if not solely, to convey the oil by capillary attraction to the place of combus- tion; as the oil is decomposed into carburetted hydrogen (gas and other products, other oil suc- ceeds, and in this way a continual current and maintenance ‘of flame is' effected. When a candle is for the first time lighted, a degree of heat is given to the Wick, suflicient first to melt, and next to decompose the tallow sur- rounding its lower surface; and just in this part the newly generated gas and vapour is, by admix- ture with the air, converted into a blue \flame; which, almost instantaneously encompassing the whole body of the vapour, communicates so much heat to it, as to make it emit a yellowish white light. The tallow now liquefied, as fast as it boils away at the top of the wick, is, by the capillary attraction of the same wick, drawn up to supply the place of what is consumed by the cotton. The congeries of capillary tubes, which form the wick, is black, because it is converted into coal; a circumstance common to it with all other vege table and animal substances, when part of the carbon and hydrogen which enter into their com- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 15 position having been acted on by combustion, the remainder and other fixed parts are by (any means whatever coVered and defended from the action of v the air. In this case, the burning substance owes its protection to the surrounding flame. For when the wick, by the continual wasting of the tallow, becomes too long to support itself in a perpendicular situation, the top of it projects out of the cone formed by the flame, and thus being exposed to the action of the air is ignited, loses its blackness, and is converted into ashes; but that part of the combustible which is succes- sively rendered volatile by the heat of the flame is not all burnt, but part of it escapes in the form of smoke through the middle of the flame, because that part cannot come in contact with the oxygen of the surrounding atmosphere; hence it follows, that with a large wick and a large flame, this - waste of combustible matter is proportionately much greater than with a small wick and a small flame. In fact, when the wick is not greater than a single thread or cotton, the flame, though very small, is, peculiarly bright, and free from smoke; whereas in lamps, with very large Wicks, such as are often suspended before butchers’ shops, or with those of the lamp-lighters, the smoke‘is very offensive, and in great measure eclipses the light of the flame. 16 ' A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. . 'A candle differs from a lamp in one very essen- tial ,circumstance; viz. that the oil or tallow is liqufied, only as it comes into the vicinity of the combustion; and this fluid is retained in the ho] low of the part, which is still concrete, and forms a kind of cup. The wick, therefore, should not on this account, be too thin, because if this were the case, it would not carry ofl‘ the material as fast as it becomes fused; and the consequence would be, that it would gutter or run down the sides of the candle: and as this inconvenience arises from the fusibility of the tallow it is plain that a more fusible candle will require a larger wick; or that the wick of a wax candle may be made thinner than that of one of tallow. The flame of a tallow candle will of course be yellow, smoky, and obscure, except for a short time after snufling. When a candle with a thick wick is first lighted, and the wick snuffed short, the flame is perfect and luminous, unless its diameter be very great; in which case, there is an opake part in the middle, where the combustion is impeded for want of air. As the wick becomes longer, the interval between its upper extremity and the apex of the flame is diminished; and consequently the tallow which issues from that extremity, hav- ing a less space of ignition to pass through, is less completely burned, and passes off partly in smoke.‘ A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 17 This evil increases, until at length the upper ex- tremity of the wick projects beyond the flame and forms a support for. an accumulation of soot. which is afforded by the imperfect combustion, and which retains its figure, until, by the descent of the flame, the external air can have access to the upper extremity; but in i this case, the requi‘ site combustion, which might snuff it, is not effected; for the portion of tallow emitted by the long wick is not only too large to be per- fectly burned, but also carries off much of the heat of the flame, while it assumes the elastic state. By this diminished combustion, and in- creased afllux of half decomposed oil,‘a portion of coal or sootis deposited on the upper part of the wick, which gradually accumulates, and at, length assumes the appearance of a fungus. The candle then does not give more than one— tenth of the light which the due combustion of its materials would produce; and, on this ac- count, tallow candles require continual snufling- But if we direct our attention to a wax candle, we find that as its wick lengthens, the light in- deed becomes less. The wick, however, being thin and flexible, does not long occupy its place in the centre of the flame; neither does it, even in that situation, enlarge the diameter of the flame, so as to prevent the access of air to its internal D 18 A TREATISE ON GASeLIGHT. part. When its length is too great fer the verti- cal position, it bends on one side; and its extre- mity, coming in contact with air, is burned to ashes; except such a portion as is defended by the continual afflux of melted wax, which is vola- tilized, and completely burned, by the surround- ing flame. Hence it appears, that the difficult fusibility of wax renders it practicable to burn a large quantity of fluid by means of a small wick, and that this small wick, by turning on one side in consequence of its flexibility, performs the ope- ration of snufling itself, in a much more accurate manner than can ever be performed mechani cally. From the above statement it appears, that the important object to society of rendering tallow candles equal to those of wax, does not at all depend on the combustibility of the respective materials, but upon a mechanical advantage in the cup, which is afforded by the inferior degree of fusibility in the wax: and that, in order to obtain this valuable object, one of the following effects must be produced: either the tallow must be burned in a lamp, to avoid the gradual progres- sion of the flame along the wick; or some means must be devised to enable the candle to snuff itself, as the‘ wax-candle does ; or the tallow itself must be rendered less fusible by some chemical process. The object is, in a commercial point of A TREATISE on GAS-LIGHT. ‘ 19 view, entitled to assiduous and extensive investi- gation. Chemists in general suppose the hard- ness or less fusibility of wax to arise from oxygen. Mr. NICHOLSON’X‘ is led by various considerations to imagine, that the spontaneous snufling of can— dles made of tallow or other fusible materials, will scarcely be effected but by the discovery of some\material for the wick, which shall be volu- minous enough to absorb the tallow, and at the same time sufficiently flexible to bend on one side. ’ Philosophical Journal, 4to Series, Vol. 1. p. 70.: (20) METHOD OF ASCERTAINING THE ILLUMINATING POWER OF CANDLES, LAMPS, GAS - LIGHTS, AND OTHE R LUMINOUS BODIES. ._~_._ .——— THOUGH the eye is not fitted to judge of the proportional force of different lights, it can dis- tinguish, in many cases with great precision, when two similar surfaces, presented together, are equally illuminated. But as the lucid particles are darted in right lines, they must spread uni- formly, and hence their density will diminish in the duplicate ratio of their distance. From the respective situations, therefore, of the centres of divergency, when the contrasted surfaces become equally bright, we may easily compute their re- lative degrees of intensity. For this purpose it is assumed as a principle, that the same quantity of light, diverging in all A TREATIBE on GAB-LIGHT. 21 directions from a luminous body, remains undi- minished in all distances from the centre of diver~ gency. Thus we must suppose, that the quantity of light falling on every body, is the same as would have fallen on the places occupied by the shadow; and if there were any doubt of the truth of the supposition, it might be confirmed by some simple experiment. _Theref0re, it follows, that, since the shadow of a square inch of any surfaces occupies at twice the distance of the surface from the luminous point the space of four square inches, the intensity of the light diminishes as the square of the distance increases. If, consequently, we remove two sources of light to such distances from an object that they may illuminate it in equal degrees, we may conclude that their ori. ginal intensities are inversely as the squares of the distances. Hence, if two lights of unequal illuminating powers shine upon the same surface at equal ob- liquities, and an opake body be interposed be- tween them and the illuminated surface, the two shadows produced, must differ in blackness or intensity in the same degree. For the shadow formed by intercepting the greater light, will be illuminated by the smaller light only, and re- versely the other shadow will be illuminated. by the greater light: that is to say, the stronger 22 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. light will be attended with the deeper shadow. Now it is/easy, by removing the stronger light to a greater distance, to render the shadow which it produces at the common surface equal to that afforded by the less. Experiments of this kind may be conveniently made by fastening a sheet of white paper against the wall of a room; the two lights, of whatever nature they are, in- tended to be compared, must then be placed so that the ray of light from each shall fall with nearly the same angle of incidence upon the middle of the paper. In this situation, if a book or other object be held to intercept part of the light which would have fallen on the paper, the two shadows may be made to appear as in this figure; 7 i i I where A represents the surface illuminated by one of the lights only; B, the surface illuminated by the other light; C, the perfect shadow from which both lights are excluded. It will easily be understood that the lights about D and E, near the angle F, will fall with equal incidences when the double shadow is made to occupy__the mid- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. ‘23 dle of the paper; and consequently, if one or both of the lights he removed directly towards or from the paper, as the appearances may require, until the two shadows at E and D have the same intensity, the quantities of light emitted by each will be as the squares of the. distances from the paper. By some experiments made in this way, the degree of illumination of different lights may readily -be ascertained to the tenth part of the whole. And, by experiments of this kind, many useful particulars may be shewn. For, since the cost and duration of candles, and the consump- tion of oil in lamps, are easily ascertainable, it may be ascertained whether more or less light is ob- tained at the same expence during a given time, by burning a number of small ca‘ndles instead of one or more of greater thickness. It will therefore be easy to compare the power of different kinds of lamps, candles, or gas-lights, so as to deter- mine the relative cost of each particular kind of the combustible substance employed for furnishing light :-for example, if a candle and a gas-burner supplying coaLgas, adjusted by a stop-cock, pro- duce the same darkness of shadow, at the same distance from the wall, the strength or intensity of light is the same. An uniform degree of intensity of the gas-light may readily be produced, by opening or shutting the stop-cock, if more or less 24 A ’I‘REATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. . be required, and the candle is carefully snuffed to produce the most regular and greatest quantity of light. The size of the flame in experiments of this kind of course becomes unnecessary and will vary very much with the quality of the coal-gas. The bulk of the gas consumed, and the quantity of tallow used, by weighing the candle before and alter the experiment, furnish the data for ascer- taining the relative costs of tallow and gas-light, when compared with each other. From experiments made by Count RUMFORD, concerning the quantity of materials requisite for producing a light of a certain intensity for a given time: it was found that we must burn of wax 100, of tallow 101, of oil, in an Argand’s lamp, 129, of an ill-snuffed tallow candle 229 parts, by weight. And with regard to the quantity of car- buretted hydrogen or coal-gas, I have found that from 18 to 20 cubic feet (according to the purity of the gas) are required to give a light equal in duratiOn and in illuminating powers to 11b. of tallow candles, six to the pound, provided they were set up and burnt out one after another. A general statement of the illuminating power of coal-gas, when compared with‘tallow light will be given hereafter. (25> FURTHER ILLUSTRATIONS or m mom: or COMPUTING THE RELATIVE COST 0R VALUE on LIGHT, EJIIT TED B Y CANDLES, LAMPS, Sc OTHER BODIES. IT is sufficiently known that the light of a can- dle, whiCh is so exceedingly brilliant when first snuffed, is very speedily diminished to one-half, and is usually not more than one-fifth or one—sixth before the uneasiness of the eye induces us to snuff it.* Whence it follows, that if candles could be made so as not to require snufling, the average quantity of light afforded by the same quantity of combustible matter would be more than doubled. When a lighted candle is so placed as neither to require snufling or produce smoke, it is reason— . Ezekiel Walker.—-Nicholson’s Journal, Vol. IV. 8vo. Series. E 26 A TREATISE 0N GAS'LIGHT. able to conclude that the whole of the combus» tible matter which is consumed is converted to. the purpose of generating light; and that the in- tensities of light afforded in a given time, by can- ~dles of different dimensions, are in proportion to the quantity of matter consumed. That is to say; when Candles are made of the same mate- rials, if ene candle produce twice as much light as another, the former will in the same time lose twice as much weight as the latter. To prove the truth of this position, Mr. Walker made the experiments contained in the follow- mg TABLE. No. of Weight of Distance of a" No. of the Time me Candles Strength of the Candle- Experi- Candles. of burning. Consumed in Light. flow the meat. 3 given time. WI"- h. 111. oz. dr. Feet. ‘ 1 3 0 0 15 l 7 1 3 3 0 l I} 1 + 7 l Mould 3 o 0 15 1 7 y l 2 55 0 15 l 8 2 3 2. 55 l 0 l + 8 l Mould 2 55 0 15 l 8 1 3 0 0 151’; 1 8 3 { 3 3 0 1 2 1i 8} Mould 3 0 l 0 1 8 f 5 3 o 1 5 1.13 8% 4 l Mould 3 o 1 1t s. s A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 27 These experiments, Mr. walker informs ‘us, were made in the following manner :— Three candles, the dimensions of which are given in the table, against 1, 3‘, and mould, These were first weighed, and then lighted at the same instant. At the end of the time inserted in the third column of the above table, they were ex- tinguished and weighed again, and the loss of weight of each candle is contained in the fourth c'olumn. The three first experiments were made under such favourable circumstance, that there was little doubt of their results being more accurate than what practical utility requires, but the fourth ex- periment cannot be depended on so much, in con- sequence of the variable light of No. 5. This candle was moved so often to keep the two sha- dows equal, that it was found necessary to set down its mean distance from the wall by estima; tion; but as this was done before the candles were weighed, the experimenter’s mind could not be under the influence of partiality for a system. The method which Mr. Walker employed in comparing one light with another in each experi- ment, was that which has been described page 22. 1. The experiments were made at different times, and the light of the mould candle was made the standard, with which the lights of the 28 A TREATISE 0N GAa-LIGHT. others were compared; But it must not be under- stoOd, that this candle gave the same strength of light in every experiment. 2. The sign + in the fifth column, signifies that the candle against which it is placed, gave a stronger light than the others. From the experiments contained in the table, it appears to be an established law, where com- bustion is complete, that the quantities of light produced by tallow candles, are in the complicate ratio of their times of buming and weights of matter consumed. For if their quantities of matter be equal, and times of bm‘ning the same, they will giye equal quantities of light, by the experiments. And if the times of burning be equal, the quantities of light will be directly as their weights of matter expended. . Therefore the light is universally in the com- pound ratio of the time of burning and weight of matter consumed. It'the law which Mr. \Valker has endeavoured to prore, both by reason and experiment, be ad- mitted, we have a standard with which we may compare the strength of any other light. Let a small mould candle, when lighted, he so placed as neither to produce smoke nor require snufling, and it will lose an ounce of its weight ,. A TREATISI on eAs-Llenfr. 29 in three hours. Let this quantity of light pro- duced under these circumstances, be represented by 1.00. Then should this candle at any other time, lose more or less of its weight in three hours than an ounce; the quantity of light will be still known, because the quantity of light in a given time is directly as the weight of’ the candle consumed“. ‘ To investigate rules for this purpose, 1. Let M represent the mould candle, at its distance from the wall, on which the shadows were compared, at its quantity of matter consumed in a given time, (t) and Q the quantity of light emitted by M in the same time: 2. Let I; represent any other candle, 1: its distance from the same wall, and y its quantity of matter consumed, in the time t. Then as the intensities of light are directly as the squares of the distances of the two candles from the wall, we have as a‘ : Q :61: b‘ x Q a?- = the quantity of light, emitted by m in the time. Then let us suppose that the quantifies of light are directly as the quantities of matter consumed in the time t, and we have, As x: Q : : 31:2?— = the quantity of light emitted by m in that time. by hypothesis. If x a7. YXQ (Theo. 2.) the quantifier Now, when Q (Theo. 1. is = of light of M and m are directly as their quantities of matter cnn mined in any given time. (30) \ METHOD or INCREASING ‘ THE LIGHT 0F TALLOW CANDLES, AND 1'0 OBVIATI THE NECESSITY OF SNUFFIN G THEM. Mr. EZEKIEL WALKER has shewn that, if a trifling alteration be made in the method of using common tallovv candles, they will become excel- lent substitutes for those of wax. A Common candle, weighing one-tenth of a pound, containing fourteen single threads of fine cotton, placed so as to form an angle of 30 de- grees* with the perpendicular, and lighted, re- quires no snufiing; and what is much more valu- able for some purposes, it gives a light that is nearly uniform in strength without the least smoke. These effects are thus produced : I " Candlesticks may be made to hold the candle at this angle, or they may be so contrived as to hold the candle at any angle at plea- Iure. “ ' A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 31 When a candle burns in an inclined position, most part of the flame rises perpendicularly from the upper side of the Wick, and when viewed in a certain direction, it appears in the form of an obtuse angled triangle. And as the end of the wick projects beyond the flame at the obtuse an- gle, it meets with the air, and is completely burnt to ashes: hence it is rendered incapable of act- ing as a conductor to carry off part of the com- bustible matter in the form of smoke. By this spontaneous mode of snufling, that part of the wick which is acted upon by the flame continues of the same length, and the flame itself very nearly of the same strength and magnitudei“. The advantages which may be derived from can- dles that require no snufling and afford no smoke, may be readily understood; but these candles have another property which ought not to be passed over in silence. A candle snuffed by an instrument gives a very fluctuating light, which, in viewing near objects is highly injurious to the eye; and this is an inconvenience which no shade can remove. But when a candle is snuffed Spen- taneously, it gives a light so perfectly steady and ,so uniformly bright, that the adjustments of the ’ The mck’s not being unifomly twisted throughout, may occasion a little variation in the dimensions of the flame. 32 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. eye remain at rest, and distinct vision is performed without pain, and without uneasiness. Candles, on which Mr. WALKER has made ex- periments, are described in the following T A B L E. No. Of candles to Length No. of single No. the pound in threads of fine cotp avou-duporse inches. ton in the wick. weight. 1 14 8.5 10 2 l3 9. 12 3 10 9.74 14 4 8 10. 20 I 6 10.25 24 Mould. f G 13. Number 1, 2, and 3. These candles, when lighted and placed to form an‘ angle of 30° with the perpendicular, require no snuffing: they give lights which are nearly equal, and combustion proceeds so regularly, that no part of the melted tallow escapes unconsumed, except from ac- cidental causes. No. 4, placed at the angle mentioned above, and lighted, requires no snufling: it gives a light very little stronger than No. 1, but its colour is not quite so white, nor its flame so steady. » A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 33 No. 5, This candle, placed at an angle of 30° and lighted, requires no sun-fling; its flame is rather fluctuating, and not so white as No. _4, nor is its strength of light much greater than'No.1. The melted tallow sometimes overflows when the air in the room is put in motion; yet thelight of this candle is much improved by being placed in an inclined position. The mould candle, treated in the same manner, affords a very pure steady flame, without smoke and without snufling, and its strength of light is about equal to that of No. l. The experiments have not been sufficiently numerous to determine with precision which of these candles affords the most light at a given expence, but the few experiments which hay; been made, seem to indicate, that the“ quantity of light is nearly as the quantity of combusti- ble matter consumed, and thus a candle which is used in the manner pointed out gives more light than a candle of the same dimension set perpendicularly and snuffed, because one part of a candle that is snuffed, is thrown away, and another part flies off in the form of smoke. And this is not the only inconvenience that attends the using candles in this manner, and which the other method is free from, for the r 34 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. light which it gives is of a bad quality, on ac- count of its being variable and undulating. From the time that a candle is snuffed till it wants snufling again, its strength of light scarcely~ continues the same for a single minute. And that variation which frequently takes place in the height'of the flame, is a matter of still more serious. consequence. The flame of a long candle placed vertically when it is snufl'ed burns steadily, is about two inches high, but it very frequently rises to the height of four inches or upwards; drOps down again in a moment, till it is less than three inches, and then rises again. In this manner the flame continues in motion for some time before it re- turns to its original dimensions. But it does not continue long in a quiescent state before it begins a ’new series of undulation. In this manner the candle burns till the top of the wick is seen near the apex of the flame, carrying off clouds of smoke. In this state of things the eye becomes uneasy for want of light, and the snuf- fers are applied to remove the inconvenience. MR. WALKER further observes, that it is these sudden changes, and not the nature of candle- light itself, that do so much injury to the eye of the student and artist; and that injury may A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 35 be easily prevented, by laying aside the snufl'ers, and in the place of one large candle, let two small ones be used in the manner stated. The following observations on this subject are copied from the Monthly Magazine; 1805. p. 206. “ It is scarcely necessary to observe, that the combustion of candles proceeds the quicker in proportion as the inclination is greater. From the experiments which I have made, I should consider an angle of forty degrees with the per- pendicular as the maximum of inclination, be- yond which several considerable inconveniencies would occur; and I should take 25 degrees as the minimum of inclination, ‘ less than which, does not sufficiently expose the point of the wick to the action of the air. “ By those who are much in the habit of read- ing or writing by candle-light, it will also be esteemed no inconsiderable addition to the ad— vantages already mentioned, that the trouble of seeking and applying the snufl‘ers is superseded. A candle of common size in a vertical position, requires the application of the snufl'ers forty five times during its complete consumption. “But I found an obstacle to the adoption of MR. WALKER’S plan, which, from the inclined position of the candle. it did not immediately \ 36 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. occur to me by what means to counteract. Any agitation of the air of the room, occasioned either by the opening or shutting of a door, or by the quick passage of a person near the can- dle, caused the melted tallow to run over, or, in more familiar ‘language, caused the candle to gutterrwhich, with the candle in this position became an insuperable bar to the use of it. s,» “ For the prevention of this inconvenience, I have had a wire skeleton-shade adapted to a rod bearing the same inclination as the candle, and which at bottom joins the candlestick in an horizontal line of about two inches, termi— nating in a nozzle fitting that of the candlestick. ——The distance of this rod from the candlestick, or, which is the same thing, the length of the foot or horizontal line, is of course to be deter- mined by the distance between the two circles which form the upper and lower apertures of the shade—It may serve, perhaps, more famili- arly to describe this part of the apparatus, to state, that it bears perfect resemblance to two first strokes of the written figure 4; and third stroke, if ‘carried up as high as the first and made slop- ing instead of upright, will very well represent the situation of the candle. “'When a strong light, for the purposes of reading or writing, is required, white silk or A TR’EATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 37 paper may be used, as is common, over the skele- ton; but when it is required that the light should be dispersed over the room, a glass of a similar shape may be adopted, for the purpose of pre- venting the flame from being influenced by any agitation of the air of the room. If the upper circle of the shade be four inches in diameter, the apex of the flame will be within it during more than half the time of the complete consump- tion of the candle; the shade will not, therefore, require adjusting for the purpose of preventing injury to the silk, or whatever else may be used over the skeleton, more than once during that time. “ Being myself much averse to the interrup- tions which a candle used in a vertical position occasions, and which, though short, may, under some circumstances, be highly vexatious, I wish to extend to others a benefit which I prize rather highly.” ' Lord STANHOPE“ has published a simple me- thod of manufacturing candles, which, according to his Lordship’s statement, is superior to the method usually employed. The principles upon which the process depends are the following 2—- First, the wick of the candle is to have only three- ’ Repository of Arts, Vol. I, p. 86. 38 A TREATISE ()N GAS-LIGHT. fourths of the usual number of cotton threads, if the candle be of wax or s'permaceti; and only -two thirds of the usual number, if the candle be of tallow. Secondly, it is required that the wick in all cases be perfectly free from moisture, a circumstance seldom attended to in the manufac- turing of candles; and thirdly, to deprive the wick of wax candles, of all the air which is en- tangled in its fibres, and this, may conveniently be done, by boiling it in melted wax, till no more air bubbles, or froth appear on the surface of the fluid. If these circumstances be attended to, three candles of any size thus prepared, last as long as four of the same size, manufactured in the com- mon way. The light which they aflbrd is superior and more steady, than the light of common can- dles; and lastly, candles made in this manner, whether of wax, spermaceti, 0r tallow, do not require to be snuffed as often. Besides all this, they flame much less, and are consequently bet- ter for writing, reading, working and drawing, than candles made by the common method. The following observations will enable any person who is willing to try the candles manufac- tured according to Lord Stanhope’s plan, to ascertain the real value of the improvements sug- gested by his Lordship. It shews also the result A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 39 of some experiments, made to ascertain the ex- pence of burning oil in lamps with wicks of va- rious sizes. » ‘ A taper lamp, with eight threads of cotton, will consume in one hour 7—3 oz. of spermaceti oil: at six shillings per gallon, the expence of bum- ing t“ elve hours is 13.71 farthings. i At seven shillings, it is 15.995 farthings. At eight shillings, it is 18.280 farthings. N. B. This gives as good a light as tallow can- dles of eight and ten in the pound. This lamp seldom wants snufling, and casts a steady and Strong light. . A taper, chamber, or watch lamp, with four ordinary threads of cotton in the wick, consumes 1.664 oz. of spermaceti oil in one hour: the oil at seven shillings per gallon, the expence of bum- ing twelve hours, 7.02 farthings. At eight shillings, it is 8.022 farthings, At nine shillings, it is 9.024 farthings. 40 TABLE, A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. Exhibiting aseries of experiments, made with a view to determine the real and comparative . expence of burning "candles of different sorts and sizes l The expeneeln The time twelve houn'when Number of Weight of Time one that one Ecandles are at 123. candles in one auntie. candle lasted pound will dozen, which also 1 'Ihen‘s the proportion of expence at any price, per dozen. Farthings and oz. hr. min. hr. min. hundredth parts, Asmall 0 3 15 26 9.70 wick. 0 2 40 34 11.40 Alargc O 2 40 2 13.08 Wick. l. 3 27 24 13.92 1 3 36 24 15.00 2 4 9 12 17.88 2 4 15 0 16.94 2 5 19 15 19.06 Moulds at 14d. per dozm. With 7 20 39 15.74. wax'd 9 3 20 18.56 wick. 17 30 30 16.825 ; The time each candle lasted, was taken from an average of several trials on each size. It has been suggested by Dr. FRANKLIN, that the flame of two candles used, gives a much stronger light than both of them separately. The same has been observed by Mr. WARREN, to be the case with flames of gas-lights, which, A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 41 when combined, give a much stronger light than they would afford, when in a separate state. Indeed, in; all cases, Where flames for producmg light are placed near to each other, it is always beneficial to preserve the heat of the flame as much as possible. _One of the most simple methods of doing this, is no doubt, the placing of the several flames together, and as near as possible to each other, without touching; in order that they may mutually cover and defend each other, against the powerful cooling influence of the surrounding cold bodies. This principle is now employed in the Liverpool lamp, which acts by several flat or ribband‘wicks placed in the form of a cylinder. The power of illumination of this lamp is superior in effect and more economi- cal than any other lamp in use—and as flame is perfectly transparent to the light of another flame which passes through it, there is no danger of loss of light on account of the flames covering each other. ii f‘fi “ 9f?"- éifiiggab {EMQ} mm ”mi-rm éfiih 3&5; ' gmd‘; gfliywumnm 32R 73!» '1 5d,} fl“ Immfiwm ”mm 3“ (‘53) PA RT 11. GAS-LIGHT. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. A New art of procuring artificial light, which consists in burning the gazeOUS fluid obtained by distillation from common spit-coal, has of late en- gaged the attention of the public, under the name of gas-light. / The encouragement that has been given for some years past by the legislature to this system of lighting, has induced certain individuals to apply the coal-gas light for the illumination of streets, houses, roads, and public edifices. And it is sufficiently known that a,company has been incorporated by charter under the name of the “ Gas Light and Coke Company,” to apply this new art of procuring light, by Way of experiment, 44 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. on a large scale, in lighting the streets of the me- tropolis.* The power and authorities granted to this cor- porate body are very restricted and moderate. The individuals composing it have no exclusive privilege; their charter does not prevent other persOns from entering into competition with them. Their operations are confined to the metropolis where they are bound to furnish not only a stron- ger and better light to such streets and parishes as chuse to be lighted with gas, but also at a cheaper price than shall be paid for lighting the said streets with oil in the usual manner. The corporation is not permitted to trafficin machinery for manufacturing or conveying the gas into pri- vate houses, their capital or joint stock is limited to 200,000]. and His Majesty has the power of declaring the gas-light charter void, if the com- pany fail to fulfil the terms of it. ’ An Act for gmnting certain powers and authorities to a company to be incorporated by charter, called the “ Gas Light and Coke Com— pany," for making inflammable air for the lighting of the streets of the metropolis, ism—Session 1810, 50th Geo. III. (45) NATURAL HISTORY AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION 0F COAL WITH REMARKS ON THE ECONOMY OF THIS KIND OF FUEL. PIT-COAL exists in this island in strata, Which, as far as concerns many hundred generations after us, may be pronounced inexhaustible; and is so admirably adapted, both for domestic purposes and the uses of the arts, that it is justly regarded as a most essential constituent of our national wealth. Like all other .bituminous substances, it is composed of a fixed carbonaceous base or bitumen, united to more or less earthy and saline matter constituting the ashes left behind when this substance is burnt. The proportions of these parts differ considerably, in different kinds of coal; and according to the prevalency of one or other of them, so the coal is more or less com- bustible, and possesses the character of perfect 46 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. pit-c011]; and by various shades, passes from‘the most inflammable canel-coal, into blind, Kilken- ny, or stone-coal; and, lastly, into a variety of earthy or stony substances ; which, although they are inflammable, do not merit the appellation of coal, hence pit coals may be divided into the following classes. The first class comprehends those varieties of coal which are chiefly composed of asphaltum or bitumen, which take fire easily and burn briskly witha‘brilliant, bright, strong, and yellowish white blaze from beginning to end, which do not swell or coke on the fire ; which require no stirring ; which produce no slag, and by a single combus- tion are reduced to extremely light white ashes. Most of this class of coal when suddenly heated, crackle, and split into pieces, especially if not laid on the fire in the direction of the cross frac- ture of their laminae. The coals found at Wiggan, in Lancashire, and most of those raised on the western coast of En- gland, belong to this class. Canel-coul deserves to be placed at the head of this class of coals. It occurs occasionally in the Newcastle coal-pits. The Scotch splent coal is a coarse variety of camel—coal ; indeed, most of the Scotch coals are ofthis kind. This class of coal is well adapted for the gas-light illumination. It requires less i A runnrssn ON GAS LIGHT. 47 heat to be carbonized than Newcastle coal. The gas which it produces is readily purified._ It yields also during combustion the least’sQuantity of sulphuretted hydrogen, and gives a white bril- liant light. This class of coal passes into a vast number of sub-species or varieties. The coals known in the London market, by the names of Hartley, Cowper’s Main, Tanfield Moor, Eighton Main, Blythe, Pontops, are when chemically consigered evidently of this class of coal. They usually are offered for sale in larger masses, than the other classes of coals. The second class of coals comprehend all those varieties which contain upon the whole a less quan- tity of bitumen, and. a larger quantity of carbon than the first class. They burn with a flame less bright, and of a yellowish colour: after having lain on the fire for some time, they become soft, swell and pass into a state of semi-fusion; they then cohere and coke, puff PP, and throw out tubercular scoriae accompanied with small jets of flame with a hissing noise. In consequence of the agglutination and tume- faction, the passage of air, if the coal be burnt in an open grate, is interrupted, the fire burns as it is called, hollow, and would become extin- guished, if the tap, of ’ the coal were not from time 48‘ ' A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. . .. to time broken into with the poker. The pro— duce of ashes which these coals afl'ord, is smaller, heavierthan those of the first class and of :‘ grey or reddish colour. These coals afford a porous hard grey scoriae or Cinders, which being burnt over again with fresh portions of coal give out an intense and lasting heat. The colour of the flame of this class of coal, is never so white and brilliant as the flame of the first class: the last bortion of flame which they produce after all the bituminous part is disengaged, is always of a lambent blue colour; and the gas which they produce, during this state of combustion, is chiefly gazeous oxid of carbon mixed with a por- tion of hydrogen and carbonic acid. The coke which these coals aflbrd is more compact than that produced by the first class, and is excel- lently calculated for standing the blast of the bel- lows in metallurgical operations. The coals belonging to this class are called in the market strong burning coals. The difference of specific gravity of a sack of this kind of coal compared with all the other varieties met with in the coal market, is from 28 to 30lb. per sack. The so called Wall’s End coals deserve to be placed at the head of this class. The following varieties are sufliciently known, Russel‘s Wall End, Bell’s Wall End, Bewick’s Wall End, Brown’s \Vall A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. g 49 End, Wellington Main, Temple Main, Heaton Main, Killingsworth Main. The smaller kind! of coals of this class are preferred by smiths, because they stand the blast, they give the great est heat and best Cinders. The Swansea coals also belong to this class; some varieties abound in pyrites, others are intersected with thin layers of lime-stone and shell, these substances present themselves as slates or stones among the ashes which they afford. They require more heat for being carbonized then the first class; and the carburetted hydrogen gas which they afl'ord is usually loaded with sulphuretted hydrogen. The fluid obtained from them by distillation, con- tains a considerable portion of sulphate, carbonate and hydrosulphuret of ammonia. A due mixture of this and the former class of coals produces the most economical and‘ best fuel for domestic and culinary purposes, two parts of strong or caking coal of class No.2, mixed with one part of light burning or blazing coal of class No. 1, forms an excellent fuel. As the proportion of the light or blazing coal in- creases, the fuel becomes more readily managed and more cheaiful as is usually called; but its duration and intensity of heat also decreases in the same proportion. The third class of pit-coal are those, which are H 50 g A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. almost destitute of bitumen, being chiefly com- posed of carbon in a peculiar state of aggrega- tion, evidenfir combined chemically with much earthy matter. This class of coal requires a still higher temperature to become ignited than any of the former classes: they emit little or no smoke. when laid on a fire they burn away with a feeble lambent flame, indeed, some varieties give no flame at all, but burn merely with a red glow, almost like charcoal, and at length become con- sumed without caking. They leave but a small portion of heavy ashes. When submitted to dis- tillation they afford no tar, or at least a small quantity only, and of a consistence almost resem- bling pitch, and a gazeous fluid chiefly composed of gazeous oxid of carbon and hydrogen gas. Hence they cannot be employed in the manufac- ture of coal gas. The coke which they afl‘ord is nevertheless excellent. The Kilkenny coal, Welch coal, and Stone coal belong to this class. With regard to the origin or formation of coal the most widely different opinions have been held, and by those too, who have been the most com- petent to form a proper judgment. The great specific gravity, hardness, texture, and inconsiderable degree of combustibility which some kind of coal possesses, such as stone coal, for example, has led many able mineralogists to A 'I‘REATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. .. 51 conclude that coal is an earthy substance highly \ impregnated with petroleum and bitumen. Others have been of Opinion," that pit-coal is entirely of marine origin, and formed by the se— baceous matter which have proceeded from the innumerable tribes of animals which have peopled the ocean. This mass of matter is supposed to have accumulated and at last to have become covered by various strata in consequence of the different changes which the surface of the earth, and the receptacles of the waters of the ocean have experienced. Such is the opinion of Dr. Hutton; be persuaded himself that coal thus ori- ginated. from the deposition (as he calls it) of fatty matters originating from the dissolution of the various animals, and partly vegetable bodies which are continually perishing on the surface of the earth and in the waters of the sea. Again others have laboured to prove that our present coal strata originated from the decompo- sition or disintegration of certain mountains. Mr. Kirwan is of that opinion. Waving as foreign to the objects of this trea- tise, observations concerning the merit of these opinions, and to which might be added many others, we shall merely notice that the opinion which the strictest examination of every circum- stance seems best to warrant the adoption of, 52 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. appears to be, that coal is a product of the vege- table kingdom ; and when the different facts are considered with regard to the situation of coal and the various strata interposed between its several beds, which have evidently been produced by gradual deposition in water, no glaring incongru- ity appears in the opinion that pit-coal is of sub- marine origin. From the abundant vestiges of vegetable remains with which coal strata abound, the l‘igneous feature whichfrequently is presented to our View in the most compact species, and from the regular and gradual transition of bitumi- nized wood to the more or less perfect coal, we are certainly warranted to believe that this sub- stance is of vegetable origin. 1 As to the precise mode and agent by which the process of carbonization has been brought about, the manner in which, and the period when the successive strata which accompany coal have been deposited, there exists, and probably ever will exist, various theories more or less injurious and consistent, which, although, in all probability is very remote from the truth, are valuable as exciting further enquiry, and as convenient me- thods of arranging and collecting many curious and important geological facts. To enter into these would be deviating too far from the object in view. A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 53 To give an idea how long there is a probability of Great Britain being supplied with coal from the rivers Tyne and Wear only, it must be ob- served: lst. That the seams of coal which are now worked at Newcastle and Sunderland, are equal to a seam or bed of 15 miles by ‘20 miles. 2dly. That this seam, on an average, is at least four feet and a half thick. ‘ 3diy. That 1:6tl1 part of the above extent is sufficient for pillars to support the roofs of the mines, &c. And, 4thly. It appears, by experiment, that a cubic yard of coal weighs 1 ton, or 20'cwt. London Chaldrons. The total consumption of coal from the rivers Tyne and VVeare, known from the register to be - - - — 2,300,000 The number of tons in the above quantity, taking the London chaldron at 27 cwt. is - - — - 3,100,000 Now a ton weight of coal is estimat- ed to occupy in the earth the space of one cubic yard. The number of Cubic yards in a square mile is — — ~ - 3,097,600 The beds or seams of coal are, on an average, 4 feet and a half in thick— 54 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. London Chaldrom. ness, which increases the above number of cubic yards in the square mile by half the number of square yards to And hence the square mile ‘of the beds or seams of coal we are describ- ing contains, of cubic yards and tons of coal . -' - - - - A deduction of l—6th for pillars to support the mine, &c. - - - 800,000 The number of tons per square mile 5,445,000 We have already‘ mentioned the length and breadth of the seams of coal to be equal to 20 miles by 15, making an area of 300 square miles, and consequently a source of consumption for 375 years. 1,548,800 4,645,000 With regard to the economy of this kind of fuel, or the quantity of heat produced during the 7 combustion of any given quantity of coal, or in- deed, of any kind of fuel depends much upon the management of the fire, or the manner in which the coal is burnt. When the fire burns bright, clear, and without smoke, much radient heat will be sent ofl‘ from it; but when it is smothered up, very little will be generated: most of the heat produced will then be expended in giving elasti- city to a thick dense vapour, or smoke, which is seen rising from the fire; and the combustion A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 55 being very incomplete, the carburetted hydrogen gas of the coal being. driven up the chimney with— out being inflamed, the fuel is wasted to little pur- pose. , Nothing can be more perfectly devoid of com- mon sense, and wasteful and slovenly at the same time, than the manner in which chimney fires, where coals are burnt, are commonly ma- naged by servants. They throw on a load of small coals at once, through which the flame is, hours in. making its way; and frequently it is not without much care and trouble that the fire is prevented from going quite out. During this time no heat is communicated to the room; and, what is still worse, the throat of the chimney being occupied merely by a heavy dense vapour, not possessed of any heating power, and, con- sequently not having much elasticity, the warm air of the room finds less difficulty in forcing its way up the chimney and escaping, than when the fire burns bright, and the coal is ignited. And it happens not unfrequently, especially in chimnies and fire-places ill constructed, that this current of warm air from the room which presses into the chimney, crossing upon the current of heavy smoke and aqueous vapour which escapes slowly from the fire, obstructs it in its ascent, and beats it back into the room. Hence it is that chimnies 56 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT so often smoke when too large a quantity of fresh coals is put upon the fire. So many coals should never be put on the fire at once, as to prevent the free passage of the flame between them, or to prevent them becoming quickly heated, so as to give out the carburetted hydrogen gas which they are capable of furnishing, and to cause it to be inflamed. In short, a fire should never be smo- thered: and when attention is paid to the quan— tity of coals put on, there is little use for the poker; and this circumstance will contribute much to cleanliness, and the preservation of fur- niture. ' The author of a paper in the Plain Dealer asserts, that, of the various perversions of abili— ties, there is none that makes a human being more ridiculous, than that of attempting to stir a fire without judgment; to prevent which he lays down the following rules :—1. Stirring of a fire is of use, because it makes a hollow where, the air being rarefied by the adjacent heat, the sur- rounding air rushes into this hollow, and gives life and support to the fire, and carries the flame with it. 2. Never stir a fire when fresh coals are laid on, particularly when they are very small, because they immediately fall into the hollow place, and therefore ruin the fire. 3. Always keep the bottom bars clear. 4. Never begin to A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 57 stir the fire at the top, unless when the bottom is quite clear, and the top only wants breaking. As we have seen what is necessary to the pro- duction and generation of radiant heat, it remains to determine how the greatest proportion of it generated and sent off from the fire in all direc- tions may be made to enter the room and assist in warming it. Now, as the rays which are thrown off fi‘om burning fuel have this property that they generate heat only when and where they are stopped or absorbed, and also in being capable of being reflected without generating heat at the surfaces of various bodies, the know- ledge of these prOperties will enable us to take measures with certainty for producing the effect required; that is, for bringing as much radiant heat as possible into the room. This must be done, first, by causing as many as possible of the rays, as there are sent ofl‘ from the fire, to come directly into the room; which can only be effected by bringing the fire as far for- ward as possible, and leaving the opening of the fire-place as wide and as high as can be done without inconvenience; and secondly, by making the sides and the back of the fire-place of such form, and constructing them of such materials, as to cause the direct rays from the fire, which I 58 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. strike against them, to be sent into the room by reflection in the greatest abundance. It will be found that the best form for the ver- tical sides of a fire-place, or the covings, as they are called, is that of an upright plane, making an angle with the plane of the back of the fire—place \of about 135 degrees. According to the usual construction of chimnies, this angle is ninety de- grees, or forms a right angle; but as in this case the two sides or covings of the fire-place, are parallel to each other, it is evident that they are very ill contrived for throwing into the room, by reflection, the rays from the fire which fall on them. Whereas the back of the fire-place ought to be only about one-third of the width of the opening of the fire-place in front, and, consequently, that the two sides or covings of the fire-place, in- stead of being perpendicular to the back, are inclined to it at an angle of about 135 degrees; and in consequence of this position, instead of being parallel to each other, each of them pre- sents an oblique front towards the opening of the chimney, by means of which, the rays which they reflect are thrown into the room. In regard to the materials which it will he most advantageous to employ in the construction of fire-places, no great difficulty will attend the de- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 59 termination of that point. As the object in view is to bring radiant heat into the room, it is Clea-i: that that material is best for the construction of a fire-place which reflects the most, or which ab- sorbs the least of it; for that heat which is ab- sorbed cannot be reflected. As bodies which absorb radiant heat are necessarily heated in consequence of that absorption, the materials that can be employed for constructing fire-places are best adapted for that purpose, we have only to find, by a very easy experiment, what bodies ac- quire least heat when exposed to the direct rays of a clear fire; for those which are least heated evidently absorb the least, and consequently re- flect the most radiant heat. And hence it appears that iron, and, in general, metals of all kinds, which are well known to grow very hot, when exposed to the rays projected by burning fuel, are to be reckoned among the very worst materi- als that it is possible to employ in the construc- tion of fire-places of all kinds. The best materials are fire-stone, and common bricks and mortar, which are fortunately very cheap. k When bricks are used they should be covered with a thin coating of cement, and every part of the fire-place, which is not exposed to being soiled and made black by the smoke, should be 60 A mums: on! GAS-LIGHT. kept polished as much as possible. The current .‘ air, going under the mantle into the chimney, should be made gradually to bend its course upwards, whereby it will unite quickly with the ascending smoke, and be less likely to check it, and repel it into the room. This may easily, and should always, be effected by rounding 011' the breast of the chimney, or back of the mantle, instead of leaving it flat, or full of corners or holes. The height to which the covings and back ought to be carried, will depend not only on the height of the mantle, but particularly on the height of the chimney breast, or that part Where the breast ends and the upright canal begins. The backward covings must rise five or six inches higher thanvthis part, to form properly the throat. Therepis no advantage to carry them up higher. The best width for the throat of a chimney, is four inches; three may do when the tire-place is small and the chimney good and well situated; but, to prevent the accidental puffs of smoke, some- times made by putting on much coals too sud- denly, and when the throats may be very narrow, it has been found that upon the whole, four in- ches are best for a fire-place to burn coal. In fire- places for large halls, &c. it may be increased to five or six inches. The proper width of grates designed for mid- A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 6) dling sized rooms is six to nine inches, and their length may be diminished more or less, according as the room is heated with more or less difficulty, or as" the weather is more or less severe. When the width of a grate is not more than five inches, it will be very difficult to prevent the fire going out. Another important subject in the economy of heat, is, the size of the coal. It is not generally apprehended, how very wasteful the use of small coals is in the ordinary open fire-grates. Neces- sity makes us use the poker, particularly, when the coals are small; and habit prevails even when they are large. By the constant stirring of the fire, almost the whole of the small coal passes through the bars; and consequently a great deal goes to the dust-hole Without being burnt at all. To prove this, we need only take a shovel full of ashes and put them into a pail, and then pouring water over them, which being gently run off, will carry nearly all the light and burnt parts: and leave an astonishing quantityr of bright unburnt coal, which has escaped from the fire-place, in consequence of being small. When the grate of the fire-place is large, and the small coals are thrown behind; or when we can have patience enough to bear the cold for an hour or two, or contrive to have the fire 62 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. livhted along time before we want it, the small coal may be of some use; but the fire made with it is never strong, nor so bright; and does not burn so long as a fire made with large or round coals: it often requires the help, of the poker, and produces a great quantity of breeze. The loss in the use of small coals is more con siderable to the poor, who cannot keep large fires. When they want their breakfast or dinner, the time they can spare is limited; and to have their water Seoner boiling, or their meals quicker ready; they must make use of the poker, and lose a great deal of coal. This fact is so evident, that any body who wishes to make the experi- ment before recommended, will find that much more bright coal goes to the dust-hole of the poor man, than to the dust-hole of a rich family, where, the fire-place being large, the small coal has more chance of burning. The loss is still greater to the poor, in conse- quence of the inferior sorts of coal which are sold to them. If it is the light sort, it burns too quick, and they consume double the quantity; if the strong sort, it burns too slow, and is nearly as wasteful; for a great quantity of it then goes to the dust-hole without having been lighted at all. An incorrect opinion is often entertained, that the real quantity of coal contained. in a sack is A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 63 lessened by separating or screening the (small from the round coals; but we must recollect, that any compact body occupies less space than is required to contain the same matter, reduced to smaller irregular pieces, or to powder.——Now the screening only takes away the finest duSty part of the coals and admits more small pieces of round coals to be filled into the sack. a l t n a n “ And with regard to the measure of coal* as offered in the market, it may be remarked that many coal-merchants will promise to give 68 sacks to a room; but here it should be ob- served, that much depends on the size and shape, or, as it is called, the roundness of the coal, viz. any of the \Vall’s End, .Wellington, Benton, Heaton, Heborn, Percy-Main, Cow- per, Blyth and Hartley, being all put on board of ships in large masses and blocks, round as out of the mine; it is certain, that in every room of five chaldron and a half the ingrain, when the round is broken, every room will measure out from 6 to 65 chaldron again, equal to 72 or 73 sacks; those of the inferior kind being so small, will barely measure out the same measure as they meted in the pool. It is now become a general rule when a room *Edington on the Coal Trade, p. 91, 92. 93. 64 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 6‘ (i n ‘ Os l‘ A ¢ ¢ A I a I‘ Is a of coals is bespoke, to send in 63 sacks and no more, with the meters ticket, which if fairly measured, is all that can be expected; the pverplus the merchant claims himself. “ In coal-sheds the measure as well as the mixing one kind of coal with another is often scandalous, for the act of parliament does not take the least notice of the small measures. It is a known fact when a fraudulent dealer orders in a room of coals, for every chaldrou 0f 36 bushels, if he does not send them out at the rate of 42 bushels again, he will be dis- satisfied with his measure. This is extremely hard upon the lower class of people, who are only able to purchase a peck, or half a peek, ' at a time; and let the measure be ever so bad, they have no means of redress. “ But should the legislature determine to do away the present erroneous mode of measur- ing coals, in which the deception betWeeu round and small coals is so great, there is no way completely to remove the evil, but to have them sold by weight, in preportion, which would put it out of the power of the seller to defraud, even in the. smallest quantity; and as to the coal-waggons, instead of carrying the bushel measure they use, let them have a pair of steel- yards, so that a sack, or any quantity of sacks a a A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 65 of coal could be easily weighed at the over-end of the waggon, and if the sack of coals weigh 255 pounds after deducting the sack, the pur— chaser may be satisfied that he has his mea- sure.” ) Mr. Edington observes,‘ that “ the difference is so great between round coals; with regard to absolute quantity, and small damp and dry coals, that no means can be obtained to correct and prevent abuse. Thus if a vat of Wall’s End coals be measured from the ship, such measure as the meter gives,——turn over the vat, and break the round coals to the size the mer— chant sends them out to his customers, then fill up the vat again, and it will be found to over-run a bushel, more or less according to the roundness of the coal. Secondly, a score is measured out of VVall’s End coals in the pool, into a barge having four rooms, each containing five chaldrons and a half the ingrain; no sooner does the barge arrive at the wharf, than the round coals are broken, and if very dry, the coals being wetted, will increase in bulk; nor is the coal-merchant satisfied if he does not by this practice send out from six to six and a quarter, "' Edington’s Treatise on the Coal Trade, p. 191, 192, and 200. K 66 A TREATISE 0N OAS-LIGHT. “ or even six and a half chaldrons from each room. ‘6 u n rs Thirdly, if coals were sent out by weight the deception by watering them may be supposed to be heavier, but the contrary is the case; for if a bushel of \Vall’s End coals be measured up dry it will shew its weight to be from 84 to 85lb. then try another bushel of the same coals well Wetted, the weight will be. found not so great; for the fact is, a bushel of dry coals, if ever so round, has always a part small, which runs like dry sand, and fills up every cavity, making the whole a solid mass; whereas a bushel of wet coals only closes up the hollow cavity, and they clog together and will not weigh so much as the dry coals. In meting coals by measure take a bushel. of coals dry, turn them up and“ wet them well, then fill up the bushel again and they willvover—run the measure considerably, for as before observed, they fill up hollows. “ By the proposed method of adopting the sale of coal, both weight and measurement, justice would be done to the revenue, to the consumer of coals, and to all coal-merchants and pr0pri- etors of the collieries. But from the observa- tions already shewn it is not to be wonder-- ed that the coal-merchants give so decided a preference to the round coals, because the larger they are, by breaking, &c. the greater “ ‘€ (6 (‘ a n ‘¢ “ A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 67 the quantity will run over the measure they re- ceive in the pool; nay, they see by the certifi- cates put up in the change on a market day, all such ycargoes as are loaded by the spout only, and they will give from 12d. to 18d. per chal— dron, in preference to large cargoes, even of the same coals; but from the size the ship being obliged to take a part of her lading in by keel, not so round as those wholly loaded by the L” SPODI. (68) THEORY OF THE 0031B USTION 0F COAL, IN ELUCIDATION, 01? THE NATURE AND PRODUCTION UP GAS-LIGHT. EVERY body knows that when pit-coals are burning.in our grates, a flame more or less lumi- nous issues from them, and that they frequently emit beautiful streams of flame remarkably bright. But besides the flame, which is a peculiar gas in the state of combustion, heat expels from coal an aqueous vapour, loaded with several kinds of ammoniacal salts, a thick viscid fluid resembling tar, and some gases that are not of a combusti- ble nature. The consequence of which is, that the flame of a coal-fire is continually wavering and changing, both in shape, as well as brilliance and in colour, so that what one moment gave a beauti- ful bright light, in. the next, perhaps, is obscured by a stream of thiek smoke, A TREATISE 0N GAS LIGHT. 69 But if coals, instead of being suffered to burn in this way, are submitted to distillation in close vessels, all its immediate constituent parts may be collected. The bituminOus part is melted out in the form of tar. There is disengaged at the same time, a large quantity of an aqueous fluid, contaminated with a portion of oil, and various ammonical salts. A large quantity of carburet- ted hydrogen, and other uninflammable gases, make their appearance, and the fixed base of the coal remains behind in the distillatory apparatus in the form of a carbonaceous substance, called coke. . All these products may be separately collected. in different vessels. The carburetted hydrogen, or coal-gas, may be freed from the non-inflammable gases, and afterwards forced in streams out of small apertures, which, when lighted, may serve as the flame of a candle to illuminate a room or any other place. It is thus, that from pit—coal a native production of this country, we may pro- cure a pure, lasting, and copious light; which, in other cases, must be derived from expensive mate- rials, in part imported from abroad. It is chiefly upon the power of collecting the products afibrded by coal, with convenience and cheapness, that the promoters of the gas-light illu- mination found 'their claims to publicencourage- 70 ' A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. ment. They conceive that the flame which pit-coal yields, as it is now consumed, is turned to very little advantage: it is not only confined to one place, where a red heat is more wanted than a brilliant flame, but it is obscured, and sometimes entirely smothered, by the quantity of incombus- tible materials that ascend along with it and pollute the atmosphere. ' That much inflammable matter is thus lost, is evident from facts that come under our daily ob- servation. \Ve often see a flame suddenly burst from the densest smoke, and as suddenly disap- pear; and if a light be applied to the little jets that issue from the bituminous parts of the coal, they will catch fire, and burn with a bright flame. A considerable quantity of gazeous fluid, capable of aflbrding light and heat continually escapes up the chimney, whilst another part is occasionally ig- nited, and exhibits the phenomena of the flame and light of the tire. The theory of the production of gas-light is therefore analagous to the action of a lamp or candle. The wick of a candle being surrounded by the flame, is in the same situation of the pit- coal exposed to distillation. The office of the wick is chiefly to convey tallow, by capillary at- traction, to the place of combustion. As it is de- composed into carburetted hydrogen gas it is con- , A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 71 sumed and flies off, another portion succeeds; and in this way a continued current of tallow and maintenance of flame are effected. _T his combustion of oil by means of a lamp de- pends on similar circumstances. The tubes form— ed by the Wick serve the same office as a retort placed in a heated furnace through which the inflammable liquid is transmitted. The oil is drawn up into these ignited Ltubes, and is decom- posed into carburetted hydrogen gas, and from the combustion of this gas the illumination proceeds. What then does the gas-light system attempt? Nothing more than to generate, by means of suf- ficient furnaces and a reservoir of sufficient capa- city, desired quantities of the gas, which is the same material as the flame of candles or lamps; and then by passing it through pipes to any de- sired distance, to exhibit it there at the mouths of the conducting tubes, so that it may be ignited for any desired purpose. The only difference between this process and that of an ordinary candle or lamp, consists in having the furnace at the manu— factory, instead of its being in the wick of a can- dle or lamp—in having the inflammable material distilled at the station, instead of its present ex— / hibitions in oil, wax, or tallow, and then in trans- mitting the gas to any required distance, and igniting it at the orifice of the conducting pipe 72 A TRENI‘IISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. instead of igniting it at the apex of the wick. The principal is rational, and justified by the uni- versal mode in which all light is produced. In- deed, this discovery ranks among the numerous recent applications of chemical science to the purposes of life, which promise to be of the most general utility. It is evident from the outline here given of the production and application of coal—gas, that all the uses of pit-coal are not exhausted; it will be sufficient to observe, that the complete analysis of coal, which has been hitherto confined to the la- boratory of the chemist, requiring skill and nicety in the operator, and attended with great trouble and expence, is now so far simplified, that many chaldrons of coals may be decomposed by one gas-light apparatus in the space of six hours, and all the component parts produced in their most useful shape, at an expence out of all proportion below the value of the products. (73y SKETCH 0F KW THE RISE AND PROGRESS i; or THE DISCOVERY AND APPLICATION COAL-GAS, AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROCURING ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. T0 assist the reader in comprehending the nature and object of substituting coal-gas for tallow or oil, for the purpose of obtaining light, it may be proper to touch slightly upon the successive dis- coveries that have been made as to the decompo- sition of coal, and the application of its different ingredients. Such a Sketch will add to the many examples that occur in the history of science and art, Showing the slow progress of mankind in fol- lowing up known principles, or extracting from acknowledged facts every possible advantage. In the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, V. XLI. so long ago as the year 1739, is L 74 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. recorded a paper, exhibiting an account of some experiments made by Dr. James Clayton, from which it appears that the inflammable nature of coal-gas was then already known. Dr. Clayton having distilled Newcastle coal, obtained, as pro- ducts of the process, an aqueous fluid, a black oil, and an inflammable gas, which he caught in bladders, and by pricking these he was enabled to inflame the gas at pleasure. It is further known, that in the beginning of the last century, Dr. Hales’* on submitting pit-coal to a chemical examination, found, that during the ignition of this fossil in close vessels, nearly one third of the coal became volatilized in the form of an inflammable vapour. Hence the discovery of the inflammable nature of coal-gas can no longer be claimed by any person now living, In the year 1767, the Bishop of Llandafl‘T ex- amined the nature of the vapour and gazeous products evolved during the distillation of pit-coal, This learned philos0pher noticed, that the volatile product is not only inflammable as it issues from the distillatory vessel, but that it also retained its inflammability after having been made to pass through water, and suffered to ascend through ‘ Vegetab. Statics, Vol.1. 1t Watson's Chemical Essays, VOLII. A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 75 two high curved tubes. The solid matters ob- tained by this venerable prelate, were, an aqueous ammoniacal fluid, a tenaeeous oil, resembling tar, an ammoniacal liquor, and a spongy coal, or coke. The first discovery and application of the use of coal-gas for the purpose of illumination is claimed by Mr. Murdoch. Dr. W. Henry, of Manchester, has published the following account* of this discovery. “ In the year 1792, 'at which time Mr. Mun- doch resided at Redruth, in Cornwall, be com- menced a series of experiments upon the quantity and quality of the gases contained in different substances. In the course of these he remarked, that the gas obtained by distillation from coal, peat, wood, and other inflammable substances, burnt with great brilliancy upon being set fire to; and it occurred to him, that by confining. and con- ducting it through tubes, it might be employed as an economical substitute for lamps and candles. The distillation was performed in iron retorts, and the gas'conducted through tinned iron and c0p- per tubes to the distance of 70 feet. At this ter- mination, as well as at intermediate points, the gas was set fire to, as it passed through apertures of different diameters and forms, purposely varied * Thompson’s System of Chemistry, Vol. I. p. 52. 76 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. With a view of ascertaining which would answer best. In some the gas issued through a number of small holes like the head of a watering pan; in others it was thrown out in thin long sheets; and again in others in circular ones, upon the principle of Argand’s lamp. Bags of leather and of varnished silk, bladders, and vessels of tinned iron, were filled with the gas, which was set fire to, and carried about from room to room, with a view of ascertaining how far it could be made to answer the 'purpose of a moveable or transferable light. Trials were likewise made of the different quantities and qualities of gas produced by coals of various descriptions, such as the Swansea, Haverfordwest, Newcastle, Shropshire, Stafl‘ord- shire, and sdme kinds of Scotch coals. “ Mr. Murdoch's constant occupations pre— vented his giving farther attention to the subject at that time; but he again availed himself of a moment of leisure to repeat his experiments upon coal and peat at Old Cumnock, in Ayrshire, in 1,797; and it maybe proper to notice that both these, and the former ones, were exhibited to nu- merous spectators, who, if necessary, can attest them. In 1798, he constructed an apparatus at Soho Foundry, which was applied during many successive nights to the lighting of the building; when the experiments upon ditlerent apertures A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT 77 were repeated and extended upon a large scale. Various methods were also practised of washing and purifying the air, to get rid of the smoke and smell. These experiments were continued, with occasional interruptions, until the epoch of the peace in the spring of 1802, when the illumination of the Soho manufactory afforded an opportunity of making a public display of the new lights; and they were made to constitute a principal feature in that exhibition.” ‘ ,7In the year 1803 and 1804, Mr. Winsor exhi- bited at the Lyceum, in London, the general nature of this new mode of illumination though the ma- chinery for procuring, and the manner of purifying the gas, he kept a secret. He exhibited the mode of conducting the gas through the house, and a number of devices for chandeliers, lamps, and ‘ burners, by which it might be applied. Among these he proposed long flexible tubes suspended from the ceiling, or wall of the room, and at the end communicating with burners or lamps of dif- ferent kinds. This gentleman showed also by experiment, that the flame of the gas-light pro- luced no smoke; that it was not so dangerous as the flame of candles or lamps; that it could not produce sparks; and that it was not so readily extinguished by gusts of Wind or torrents of “am. 78 A 'TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. Mr. WINson’s display of gas-lights took place more than two years before Mr. MURDocn’s prio- rity of right was heard of. In stating these facts I do not mean to say that Mr. MURDOCH derived the hint of applying the coal-gas from the previous exhibition of Mr. WINSOR, because it is quite within the bounds of probability that the ideas of Mr. MURDOCH may have arisen totally independent of all acquaint- ance with Mr. VVINson‘s. The claims of invention, or the determination of the right of priority, concerns the public only so far as the honour and estimation of any useful discovery conferred on the inventor, may induce other individuals to devote their talents to similar pursuits; by means of which, more discoveries may be made, and the subject of human inven- tion become extended, or rendered more useful. For as to the mere benefits which mankind may de- rive from any particular discovery, they are cer- tainly more indebted to the person who first applied the discovei'y to actual practice, than to him who first made it, and merely illustrated it by barren experiments. Mr. \VINSOR certainly pressed on the mind of the public with unre- mitted perseverance and diligence, the extensive application of gas-lightin the year 1802, but he made no new discovery with regard to the com- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 79 0 position of coal; he did not even invent the mode of conducting the gas through tubes; and if he has pointed out the particulars of the process, he has made a very important, though not the most brilliant, improvementin this line of business. Mr. WINson’s publications are, perhaps, but ill adapt- ed to promote his cause; and the exaggerated calculation which the sanguine mind of a disco- verer is naturally disposed to indulge in, have, to superficial observers, thrown an air of ridicule ‘ and improbability on the whole scheme of light- ing with gas. It may, however, be safely affirmed, that if the same facts had come forward under the sanction, of some great name in the chemical or philosophi- cal world, the public incredulity'would, long since have been subdued; and- the plan, which for many years has been struggling for existence, would have been eagerly adopted as anational object. On the 18th of May, 1804, Mr. WINSOR, took out a patent for combining the saving and purify- ing of the inflammable gas (for producing light and heat), the ammonia, tar, and other products of pit-coal, with the manufacture of a superior kind of coke (see Repertory, 2d Series, v. 17?). And, lately, the same gentleman has taken out a 80 A TREATISE ON GAS‘LIGHT. secohd patent, for further improvements in these processes. In the year 1805, Mr. NORTHERN, of Leeds also directed the attention of the public to the application of coal-gas, as a substitute for tallow light, as will be seen by the following extract of the Monthly Magazine, for April, 1805. “ I distilled in a retort, 50 ounces of pit-coal in a red heat; which gave 6 ounces of a liquid matter covered with oil, more or less fluid as the heat was increased or diminished. About 26 ounces of cinder remained in the retort; the rest came over in the form of air, as it was collected in the pneumatic apparatus. I mixed part of it with atmospherical air, and fired it with the elec- tric spar‘k with a tolerable explosion, which proves it to be hydrogen—\Vhether any of the other gases were mixed with it, I did not then deter- mine. In the receiver I found a fluid of an acid taste, with a great quantity of oil, and at the bot- tom, a substance resembling tar. “ The apparatus I make use of for producing light is a refiner’s crucible, the top of which (after filling with coal) I close with a metal cover, luted with clay or other luting, so as to prevent the es- cape of the gas; a metal pipe is soldered into the cover, bent so as to come under the shelf in the A TREATISE on GAS-LIGHT. 31 pneumatic trough, over which I place a jar with a stop-cock and a small tube; the jar being pre- viously filled with water, the crucible I place on the common or other fire as is most convenient; and as the heat increases in it, the gas is forced rapidly through the water into the jar, and regu- larly displaces it. I then open the cock and put fire to the gas, which makes its escape through the small tube, and immediately a most beautiful flame ensues, perfectly free from smoke or smell of any kind. A larger light, but not so vivid or clear, will be produced without passing the gas through water, but attended with a smoke some- what greater than that of a lamp charged with common oil. _ “ I have great hopes that some active mechanic. or chemist will, in the end, hit on a plan to pro- duce light for large factories, and other purposes, at a much less expence, by the above or similar means, than is at present produced from oil.” Soon afterwards, Mr. SAMUEL CLEG*, of Man- chester, Engineer, communicated an account of his method of lighting up manufactories with gas- light to the Society of Arts, for'which he received the silver medal. — Since that time, the application of gas-light has spread rapidly, and numerous manufacto— ° This gentleman is at present engineer to the Gas-Light Company. ' M 82 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. nes and other establishments havefibeen lighted by coal-gas. In France, the application of gas-lights to eco- nomical purposes, was pointed out long before it was publicly introduced into this country. M. LE BON had a house fitted up in Paris, in the winter of 1802, so as to be entirely illuminated by gas-lights, which was seen by thousands with ad- miration; and had a brevet d‘invention (patent) granted to him by the French government, for the art of producing light from wood, ignited in close vessels. Many other attempts have been made to derive advantage from the different ingredients of coal but they are too obscure to merit particular enué meration. In the year 1808, Mr. MURDOCH presented to the Royal Society his account of the application of gas-light, and was complimented with Count RUMFORD’S medal for the same. The following statement is taken from Mr. MURDOCH's paper. “ The whole of the rooms of the cotton mill of Mr. LEE, at Manchester, which is I believe the most extensivein the United Kingdom, as well as its counting—houses and store-rooms, and the adjacent dwelling house of Mr. LEE, arelighted with the gas from coal. The total quantlty of A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 83 light used during the hours of burning has been ascertained, by a comparison of shadows, to be about equal to the light which 2500 mould can- dles, of six to the pound, would give; each of the candles with which the comparison was made consuming 4-10ths of an ounce (175 grains) of tallow per hour. “ The gas-burners are of two kinds: the one is upon the principle of the Argand lamp, and resembles it in appearance; the other is a small curved tube with a conical end, having three cir- cular apertures or perforations, of about a thir— tieth of an inch in diameter, one at the point of the cone, and two lateral ones, through which the gas issues, forming three divergent jets of flame, somewhat like a fleur—de-lis. The shape and ge- neral appearance of this tube has procured it, among the workmen, the name of the cockspur burner. “ The number of burners employed in all the buildings amounts to 271 Argand, and 653 cock- spurs, each of the former giving a light equal to that of four candles of the description above—men- tioned; and each of the latter a light equal to two and a quarter of the same candles; making therefore the total of the gas-light a little more than equal to that of 2500 candles, six to the pound. When thus regulated, the whole of the 84 A TREATISE ON GAS—LIGHT. above burners require an hourly supply of 1250 cubic feet of the gas produced from cannel-coal; the superior quality and quantity of the gas pro- dated from that material having given it a decided preference in this situation over every other coal, notwithstanding its higher price. “ The time during which the gas-light is used may, upon an average of the whole year, be stated at least at two hours per day of 2—1 hours. In some mills, where there is over work, it will be three hours; and in the fexv where night work is still continued, nearly 1:2 hours. But taking two hours per day as the. common average through- out the year, the consumption in Messrs. Philips and Lee’s mill will be 1250 x '2 —— 9500 cubic feet of gas per day; to produce which 700 weight of cannel-Coal is required in the retort. The price of the best W iggan cannel-coal (the sort used) is 13%(]. per cwt. (225.6(1. per ton) delivered at the mill, or say about eight shillings for the seven hundred weight. Multiplying by the number of working days in the year (313), the annual c011- sumption of coal will be 110 tons, and its cost 1251. “ About one-third of the above quantity, or say forty tons of good common coal, value ten shillings per ton, is required for fuel to heat the retorts, the annual amount of which is :20]. “ The 110 tons of cannel-Coal, when distilled, A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 85 produced about ’70 tons of good coke, which is sold upon the spot at ls. 4d. per cwt. and will therefore amount annually to the sum of 93L “ The quantity of tar produced from each ton of. cannel-coal is from 11 to 12 ale gallons, mak- ing a total annual produce of about 1250 ale gal- lons, which not having been yet sold, its value cannot be determined. " The interest of the capital expended in the necessary apparatus and buildings, together with what is considered as an ample allowance for wear and tear, is stated by Mr. LEE at about 5501. per annum, in which some allowance is made for this apparatus being made upon a scale adequate to the supply of a still greater quantity of light, than he has occasion to make use of. 7 Mr. LEE is of opinion that the cost of atten- dance upon candles would be as much, if not more, than upon the gas apparatus; so that, in forming the comparison, nothing need be stated upon. that score, on either side. ‘ The economical statement fior one year, then stands thus : Cost of 110 tons of canneLeoa] - £ 125 Ditto of 40 tons of cennnon ditto, to carbonise - - — - 20 In all 145 86 A T‘tEATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. Deduct the value of 70 tons of coke .6 93 The annual expenditure in coal, after deducting the value of the coke, and without allowing any thing for the tar, is therefore - - . - - 5‘) And the interest of capital sunk, and wear and tear of apparatus - — 550 Making the total expence of the gas ap- paratus per annum, about - - 600 “ That of candles, to give the same light, would be about 20001. For each candle, consuming at the rate of 4-10ths of an ounce of tallow per hour, the 2500 candles burning, upon an average of the year, two hours per day, would, at one shilling per pound, the present price, amount to nearly the sum of money above—mentioned. “ If the comparison were made upon an average of three hours per day, as in most cases, would perhaps be nearer to the truth, and the tear and wear remaining nearly the same as on the former case, the whole cost would not exceed 6501. while that of the tallow would be 30001.” Mr. ACKERMAN in this metropolis, has shown that the art of gas—light illumination is not con- fined to great manufactories, but that its advan- tages are equally applicable to those on a mode- derate scale. The whole of Mr ACKERMAN’S establishment, his public library, warehouse, print A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 87 ing—oflices and work-shops, together with his dwelling-house from the kitchen to the drawing- room, has, for these four years past, been lighted with gas, to the total exclusion of all other lights. The result of the Whole of this proceeding Will be obvious from the following letter: To Mr. ACCUM. SIR, “ In answer to your request withregard to my gas—lights, which I now have in my house, I take this mode of informing you, that I charge two retorts with 2401bs. of coal, half cannel and half New- castle, from which I extract 1000 cubic feet of gas. To obtain this quantity of gas, when the retorts are cold, I use from 100 to 1101b. of common coals; but when they are in a working state, that is to say, when they are once red hot, the carbonising fuel amounts to about 251b. per retort. The bulk of gas thus obtained sup- plies 40 Argand’s lamps, of the large size, for four hours per night, during ‘the long winter evenings, together with eight Ar- gand‘s lamps and about 22 single cockspur burners, for three hours per night, in addition to which my printers employ 16 cockspur bur- ners for ten hours per day to heat their plates instead of charcoal fire. In the depth of winter we charge two rctorts per day: but upon an average, we work 365 retorts in 365 days. Now 365 retorts containing 120lb.of coal each, make 43800lb. which is equal to ten chaldrons of N cwcastlc and eight tons of cannel coal. 10 chaldrons of Newcastle coals, at 655. make ............ _,£ 32 10 0 8 tons of cannel coal,“ (this coal is sold by weight) at 1008. per ton .................................... . . . . . 40 0 0 7 chaldrons of common coals for carbonising, at 558. . . . l9 5 0 To wages paid the servant for attending the gas apparatus 30 0 0 Interest of money sunk ............................... . 30 o 0 The wear and tear of the gas-light apparatus I consider to be equal to the wear and tear of lamps, candlesticks, &c. employed for oil, tallow, &c. ‘ —---—-- Total expence of the gas-lights 151 15 0 DEDUCT. 23 chaldrons of coke, at 60s. per chaldron. . . . 69 Ammoniacal liquor................... ..... . 5 Tar ....................................... 6 Charcoal employed by the copper-plate printers to heat their plates, which is now done with the gas—light flame, cost, annually .. . . .. . . . 25 Two chaldrons of coals minus used as fuel, for wamiing the house, since the adoption of the gas-lights, at 655. per chaldrou ..... G 10 111 10 0 ._.__—— Nett expences of the gas-lights. . . .f 40 5 0 o 38 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. The lights used in my establishment, prior to the gas-fights amounted annually to ............................ ,f 160 0 0 ,My present system of lighting with gas costs, per anu. 40 5 o Balance in favor of the gas for one year if 119 15 0 Such is the simple statement of my present system of lighting. the brilliancy of which, when contrasted with our former lights, bears the same comparison to them as a bright summer sun-shine does to a murky November day: nor are we, as formerly. almost sull'ocated with the eflluvia of charcoal and fumes of candles and lamps. In addition to this, the damage sustained by the spilling of oil and tal- low upon prints, drawings, books and papers, Ste. amounted annually to upwards of 501. All the workmen employed in my establishment consider their gas-lights as the greatest blessing; and I have only to add, that the light we now enjoy, were it to be produced by means of Argand's lamps or candles, would cost at least 3501. per annum. I am with respect, Strand, hiareh 13, Yours, 1815. ' ~ R ACKERMAN. '.‘ Although cannel-coal sells at nearly double the price of Newcastle cool, I use it in preference to the latter, because it afforded larger portion of gas, and gives a much more brilliant light. Another manufacturer who was one of the first that adopted the use of this method of illu- miuation in the small way, and who gave a state- ment of its advantages to the public, is Mr. COOK, a manufacturer of metal toys, at Birmingham, :1 clear-headed prudent man, not apt to be dazzled by a fanciful speculation, but governed in his transactions by a simple balance of profit and loss. There is a mziveté in his own account of the process which will amuse as well as instruct the reader. “ My apparatus is simply a small cast-iron pot, “ of about eight gallons, with a cast-iron cover, “ which 1 lute to it with sand. Into this pot I put “ my coal. 1. pass the gas through water into the u G A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 89 gasoineter or reservoir, which holds about 400 gallons; and, by means of old gun-barrels, con- vey it all round my shops. Now, from twenty to twenty-five pounds of coal, I make, perhaps, six hundred gallons* of gas; for, when my re- servoir is full, we are forced to burn away the overplus in waste, unless we have work to use it as it is made: but, in general, we go on making and using it, so that I cannot tell to fifty or a hundred gallons ;—-—and, in fact, a great deal depends on the coals, some coals making much more than others. These twenty-five pounds of coal put into the retort, and say twenty-five pounds more to heat the retort, which is more than it does take one time with another, but I am willing to say the utmost, are worth four-pence per day. From this four- pence, we burn eighteen or twenty lights during the winter season.” Thus are the candles which Mr. Coon used to employ, and which cost him three shillings a day, entirely superseded. But, besides his expence in candles, oil and cotton for soldering used to cost him full 30L a year; which is entirely saved, as he now does all his soldering by the gas flame only. " A Wine gallon is equal to 281 cubic inches. N 90 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. For “ in all trades in which the blow-pipe is used “ with oil and cotton, or where charcoal is em- “ ployed to produce a moderate heat, the gas “ flame will be found much superior, both as to “ quickness and neatness in the work: the flame “ is sharper, and is constantly ready for use; while, with oil and cotton, or charcoal, the workman is always obliged to wait for his lamp or coal getting up; that is, till it is sufficiently on fire to do his work. Thus, a great quantity of oil is always burned away useless; but, “ with the gas, the moment the stop-cock is “ turned, the lamp is ready, and not a moment is “ lost.” We must refer to Mr. Coon’s letter for the details of expeuce, which he gives with faithful minuteness, and always leanng to the side unfa- vourable to the gas The result of the whole is, that he saves 301. out of the 501. which his lights formerly cost him : and when we consider that his calculation allows the gas-lights to burn the whole year, and the candles only twenty weeks, there can be little doubt, that the savings in this case, follow nearly the same proportion as in the former. If the apparatus be erected even on a smaller scale, “ the saving,” Mr. COOK assures us, “ will “ still be considerable: for the poor man, who “ lights only six candles, or uses one lamp, if “ the apparatus is put up in the cheapest. way A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. ‘ 91 “ possible, will find it only cost him 101. or 121. “ which he will nearly, if not quite, save the first “ year." ‘ ‘ Mr. ACKERMAN having, in this town, set the ex- ample of lighting his establishment with gas, seve- ral other individuals soon followed the attempt. The following statement will shew, that this spe- cies of light maybe made use of with the greatest advantage, upon a still smaller scale, where no great nicety with regard to the apparatus for pro- curing gas is required. The following report I have received from Messrs. LLOYD, of Queen- street, Southwark, thimble manufacturers and whitesmiths, who have used the gas-light for sol- dering and other purposes these five years past. ‘ From 4 peeks or 1 bushel of coals, weighing 691bs. for which we now pay (1809) Is, we produce 4% pecks of coke and % peck of coal not car- bonised remains in the distilling pot, which together with the coke weighs 58lbs. 6 oz. value at ls. per bushel 0 1 4 we procure Glbs. 4 oz. of tar, which we use as pitch——it saves us ----- 0 l O O 2 4 Deduct for coal ----- ' O 1 C Profit on coke and tar ---------- O I 4 92 'A TREATISE on GAS-LIGHT. The gas yielded by the 4 peeks of coals. in the pot, make 42 brilliant! lights, which burn 7 hours. To keep 42 tallow candles which were formerly used in the manufactory, burning for the same time, required 7lbs. which atls. per lb. cost ----------- 0 7 0 To this, add profits on coke and tar O 1 4 Gained out of every bushel of coal 0 8 4 N U ‘ n {C “ The gas-burners made use of in our manu- factory produce jets of flame, which in our bu- siness, where much soldering with the blow— pipe must be done, have a decided superiority over Argand’s lamps. We are not nice concern- ing the quality of the gas—a great part of it is burned from the gasometer, without allowing it to purify itself in the gasometer, because our gasometer is not large enough to store up the whole quantity of gas we want for use.” (93) DESCRIPTION or THE APPARATUS AND MACHINERY, Now successfully employed For Illuminating Streets, Houses, and Manafactories, WITH CA RBURETTED HYDROGEN, 0R COAL-GAS. BEFORE we proceed to give a description of the gas—light machinery best calculated for illuminat- ing streets, houses, and manufactories, we shall exhibit a description of a portable apparatus for exhibiting in the small way, the production, and general nature of thisinew species of light. , To obtain carburetted hydrogen, or coal-gas, from common pit-coal, and to apply it for the pur- poses of illumination, the coal is introduced into large iron cylinders, called retorts, to the aper- tures of which iron pipes are adapted, terminating in a vessel or vessels, destined to purify and col~ lect the gas. The retorts, charged with coals and made air-tight, are placed upon the fire, the ac— 1r; . 94 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT: tion of which eXtricates the gazeous products from the coals, together with an aqueous ammoniacal vapour, and a tenacious bituminous fluid, or tar, &c. The liquid substances are conveyed into pro- per Vessels, and the gazeous products‘are con- ducted, by means of pipes, under the gasometer, where the gas is again washed, and remains ready for use. There are also other pipes leading from the gasometer, which branch out into smaller ra- mifications, until they terminate at the ‘places where the lights are wanted. The extremities of the pipes have small apertures, out of which the gas issues, and the streams of gas being lighted at those apertures, burn with a clear and steady flame as long as the supply of- gas continues. All the pipes which comes from the gasometer are furnished at their extremities with stop-cocks to regulate the admission of the gas. The burners are formed in various ways, either a 'tube ending with a simple orifice, at which the gas issues in a stream, and if once lighted will continue to burn with the most steady and regular light imagin- able, as long as the gas is supplied; or two concentric tubes of brass or sheet iron, are placed at a distance of a small fraction of an Inch from each other, and closed at the bottom. The gas which enters between these cylinders, when lighted, forms an Argand lamp, which is /r'//1/t‘//V/'///' ///r/‘// / 1’ ' H) " /',/lr/ ,'//u'u//.., '1, AWN/MC A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 95 supplied by an internal and external current of , air in the usual manner. Or the two concentric tubes are closed at the top with a ring, having small perforations, out of which the gas alone can issue, thus forming small distinct streams of light. =‘ " g The gas apparatus, plate 2, will be found very convenient for exhibiting, in the small way, the ge- neral nature of this new art of illumination, whilst at the same time it may serve to ascertain, at a trifling expence, the comparative value of different kinds of coals intended to be employed for the production of this species of light, as well as other occasional purposes connected with the gas-light system of illumination. 5" It consists of three distinct apparatus :—na1ne- ly, a portable furnace, fig. 1, plate 2, by means of which the gas is prepared—fig. 2, a purifier or ’ condenser, which separates and purifies the pro- ducts obtained from the coal, so as to render the gas fit for the purpose of illumination—fig. 3, a gasometer, or reservoir for receiving and preserving the purified stock of gas, and from which it may be transferred and distributed as occasion may re- quire. The following statement will explain more fully the general nature of this portable chamber apparatus: a, represents a cast iron retort, such as is used for chemical operations .in the small 96 A TREATISE 0N. GAS-LIGHT. way. This retort rests upon a tripod , of ham- mered iron, placed upon the bars of the grate of the chemical furnace. Into this retort the coals are put for furnishing the gas. It is provided with a solid iron stopper ground air-tight into the mouth of the retort, and the stopper is secured in its place by an iron wedge passing over it in the cen- tre; by means of which the mouth of the retort when charged with coal, is readily made air-tight, and the stOpper may easily be removed by knock- ing out the iron wedge. b, is a metal pipe which conveys all the distillatory products from the re- tort into the purifier, fig. 2. This tube is bent at right angles at the extremity where it enters the intermediate vessel, fig. 2. The purifier, fig. 2, is divided into three compartments marked c. (1.6. The first compartment is filled with water, and by means of it an air-tight communication is estab- lished with the retort which furnishes the gas. The second compartment, d, contains a solution of caustic pot-ash, composed of about :2 parts of caustic pot-ash and 16 of water, or a mixture of quick-lime and water, of the consistence of very thin creann The object of this compartT ment is to separate the non—inflammable gases and other products evolved during the distillation of the coal, from the carburetted hydrogen or coal- gas, so as to render it fit for use. The third com- A TREATISI: ON GAS-LIGHT. 97 partment, e, is left empty to receive the tar, and other liquid products. Into the first compartment, c, all the gazeous and liquid products are delivered ,, as they become evolved during the distillation, by means of the pipe I). The compartment, d, of the purifier, or alcali vessel, is fumished with a wide perpendicular pipe, which serves to make an air-tight communication with the retort, by allow- ing the tube 6, to pass readily through it. From the chamber, 0, the liquid and gazeous product; pass to the tar-chamber, or compartment e, by means of the descending pipe, f The tar and other condensible substances are therefore depo- ‘sited at e, whilst the gazeous products alone as- cend from the tar-chamber, e, by the pipe, g, and _ down again the pipe, h, (which is closed at the top) into the compartment, d, of the vessel, or pu- rifier, fig. 2. The gas being thus made to pass from the compartment, e, up into the pipe, g, and down the pipe h, (which is closed at the top) intO' the purifier, d, is brought into contact with the li- quor in that vessel, where it is opposed to a pres- sure in proportion to the perpendicular height of the column of liquid which it contains. The fun- nel in the compartment, 0, is considerably higher than the purifying apparatus, it therefore allows the liquid which it contains, when pressed upon by the gas, to ascend into it, without overflowing 0 V 98 A 'I‘REATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. the apparatus, and to ascend again as the pressure diminishes—i, is another wide-mouthed funnel, by lneans‘of which the chamber, d, is filled with the al- caline solution, or 'mixture of lime and water. The carbonic acid gas and sulphuretted hydro- gen, evolved during the distillation of the coal, are thus made to combine with the alcali or lime, in the compartment, (1, of the purifier, forming car— bonate and hydro-sulphuret of lime. The carbu- re‘tted hydrogen, being left more or less pure, is conveyed through the pipe, k, into the gasometer, fig. 3. The communication of the purifier, fig. 2, with the gasometer, is made by means of the well- known water-valve, I, placed so that the the com— . municating tube, k, may be easily removed at pleasure—m, is a cock for drawing off the tar, &c. n, a gauge cock for ascertaining the height of the liquid in the chamber d. The gasometer, fig. 3, the object of which is to store up the gas, consists of two principal parts—namely, alarge interior vessel designed to contain the gas, and an outer cistern or vessel, of rather greater capacity, in which the former is suspended, designed to con- tain the water by which the gas is confined. The interior vessel which contains the gas is suspended by chains or cords hung over pullies, to which weights are attached, so as to nearly equipoise it. o, is a pipe, which communicates with the water 1! A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 99 valve, 1, and by means of which the gas passes from the purifier, fig. 2, into the gasometer. The upper end of this pipe is covered, in the manner of a hood, by a cylindrical vessel, p, open at bot- tom, but partially immersed beneath the surface of the. water contained in the outer cistern of the gasometer, and perforated round near the lower edge, with a number of small holes. The gas displaces the water from this receiver, p, and es- capes through the small holes, rising in bubbles through the water, so as to expose a large surface to, its action, that it may be properly washed, ‘ &c. After rising through the water the gas enters the gasometer, which is suspended, to move‘up and, down, by the chains, pullies, and balance-weights, q. From the centre of the gasometer, a tube, 7', descends, which includes a pipe, 3, fixed perpen- dicular from the bottom of the cistern. The fixed pipe, 7', forms a guide to keep the gasometer al- ways perpendicular. t, is also an iron pipe made fast in the centre of the inner vessel, and commu- nicates with the upright tube, 3, in the outer ves- sel. This contrivance' obliges the gas to pass into the pipe t, whilst it also serves to keep the gasome- ter steady when nearly out of the outer cistern. When the operation commences, the gasometer is sunk down nearly to a level with the surface of the water in the outer cistern, and is consequently 100 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. filled with water; but as the gas enters, it rises up to receive it. It is to be noted, that the ba- lance weights, q q, should not be quite so heavy as the gasometer, in order that some pressure may be exerted, to force the gas out of the burners with a proper jet. The gas which issues from the retort enters the purifier, as stated already, and ascends the pipe 0, into the vessel, p, from which it dis- places" the water, and passes out at the small holes, as before described, rising through the wa- ter into the gasometer, and raising it up: the gas then passes away to the burners, u u. In this manner the process proceeds until the whole of the volatile products of the coal in the retort is evaporated. The use of the gasometer is, to equalize the emission of the gas which comes from the retort more quickly at some time than others- When this happens, the interior vessel rises up to receive it, and when the stream from the retort di- minishes, the weight of the gasometer expels its contents. When the process is finished, the re- tort is sufl‘ered to cool, and its ground stopper is then removed, to replenish it with coal. The re- sidue found in the retort is coke. v v, are cocks to let off any liquid that may collect in the pipe, 0 or t; for if the smallest portion of liquid were to obstruct the free passage of the gas to the burners, the consequence would be, that the lights would A rnnArrsa 0N GAS-LIGHT. 101 not burn steadily—they would, as it is called, dance, or become extinguished. x, is the main stop-cock which communicates with the burners -—these, of course, may be placed as convenience may require. zz, are two projecting parts in the top of the gasometer; they are intended to receive the hood, p, andthe upper extremity of the pipe, t. so as to allow the gasometer to be wholly immers- ed into the cistern. The wheels or pullies of the gasometer have a groove to allow the links of the chain to pass freely. ' , In this apparatus there is no provision made for the unequal pressure which the gas suffers, accord- ingly as the gasometer is more or less immersed in water. It will be observed that, in this apparatus, the weight of the interior vessel is constantly in- creasing, in proportion as it fills with gas, and rises out of the water, and consequently, if a con- stant, uniform, counterpoising weight, equal only to that of the gasometer in the first moment of its rise, be employed, the gas becomes gradually more and more compressed by that part of the weight of the gasometer which is not counter- poised, and if its pressure or quantity be then esti- mated by the bulk which it occupies, without making allowance for the increasing pressure, a material error must arise, and this, in the large way, would give rise to insurmountable difficulties 102 A TREATISE ox GAS-LIGHT. with regard to the regulation of the size of the ' flames ; which could not be rendered uniform. Suppose the cistern or exterior vessel filll of water, and the gasometer partly filled with gas and partly with water, it is evident that the lid lance weight may be so adjusted, as to occasion an exact equilibrium, so that the external air shall not tend to enter into the gasometer, nor the gas to escape from it; and in this case the water will stand exactly at the same level both within the gasometer and within the outer cistern. On the contrary, if the balance—weights be diminished, the gasometer will then press downwards from its own gravity, and the water will stand lower in the gasometer than it does in the cistern; in this case, the included air or gas will sufl'er a degree of compression above that experienced by, the exter- nal air, exactly proportioned to the weight of a column of water equal to the difference of the ex- ternal and internal surfaces of the water. To compensate for this increasing weight of the gasometer, and render a scale of equal gradua- tions accurate, some haveingeniously adopted the plan of a spiral pulley'to the chain, which has the effect of gradually avoiding the evil, but the best way of accomplishing it will be stated presently. PLATE 1, exhibits a perspective view of a gas- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 103 light apparatus)“ for lighting factories, or small districts of houses. It consists of the following parts : which may be considered separately. F 10.1. The Retort Furnace, for distilling the coals. It is built of brick-work. The bricks which are exposed to the immediate action of the fire, are PVclciz lumps, or fire—bricks; they are bedded in clay, or ‘vVindsor loam. 1“ m. 2. The Tar Cistem, to collect the coal-tar, and other condensible products obtained during the distillation of the coals. It is a cast-iron hol- low cylinder, closed at the top with a cast—iron co- ver, which has a very small hole to allow the air to escape as the liquid enters into the. vessel. FIG. 3. The Lime Machine, for purifying the crude coal—gas, and to render it fit for use. The construction of this machine will be explained in plate v11. It is put togetherof cast iron plates. FIG. 4. The Gasometer, for collecting and pre- serving the purified gas, and for distributing and applying it as occasion may require. It consists of two principal parts—namely, a large interior vessel, closed at the top and open at the bottom, made of sheet-iron, designed to contain the gas, and an outer cistern or vessel, of rather greater capa- "‘Tliis apparatus was erected by Mr. CLEGG, and is new in action at Mr. ACKERMAN’S establishment. in this metropolis. 104 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. city, constructed of cast-iron plates, in which the . former vessel is suspended. The latter contains the water by which the gas is confined. The inte- rior vessel which contains the gas is suspended by chains hung over wheels or pullies, to which weights are attached, so as to be just sufficient to balance the weight of the gasometer, all but a small'difi'erence, and allowing its slow descent in the manner which is found as nearly adapted as can be to the proper supply of the lamps. The weight of the chains must be equal to the specific gravity of the material of which the gasometer is composed, so as to compensate accurately for the quantity of water which the gasometer displaces, or what is the same, it must be equal to the loss of weight which the gasometer sustains, when im- mersed in the water; and the counterpoise weight must be equal (or nearly’so) to the absolute weight of the gasameter. The action of these different parts of the appara- tus will be obvious from the following explanation: A A, are two iron retorts, placed horizontally, and side by side, in the furnace; the mouth of the retorts where the coals are introduced, pro- jects into an arched chamber, situated in front of the furnace, as shewn in the drawing by the bro- ken down brickwork. The object of suffering the mouth of the retorts to project into a separate A TREATISE 0N GAS—LIGHT. 105 chamber. is merely to discharge with convenience the red hot coke from the retorts when the process is at an end; the coke being suffered to fall to the , bottom of the chamber, where it cools, without? becoming troublesome to the operator. It may be removed from this fire-safe chamber by the door re- presented at the end view of the furnace. When the operation commences, the inner vessel of the gasometer, fig. 4, is sunk down, to expel the air which it contains to a level with the exterior vessel, or outer cistern, of the gasometer; and consequently, becomes filled with water. As the distillation of the coal in the retorts proceeds, the liquid and gazeous products evolved from the coals are transmitted by means of the perpendicular sy- phon‘pipes B B, into the horizontal pipe or main condenser C, with which they are connected. The liquid which is distilled, collects in the pipe, or main condenser, c, Where it istretained until its quantity has risen so high as to discharge itself into the pipe D, which is connected with the upper part of one of the extremities of the condenser, c. One of the extremities of the pipes, B B, therefore be- come immersed into the liquid contained in the main condenser. or pipe 0, whilst the vaporous or condensible fluid, after having overcome the pres~ sure there opposed to it, is transported into the pipe E, which, after passing in a serpentine direc~ r0 106 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. tion, E E, &c. through the exterior vessel or cistern of the gasometer, terminates in the tar-vessel, fig. 2. Thus the vaporous fluids are condensed by passing through the serpentine pipe, E E, &c., and become deposited in the tar-cistern, fig. 2; whilst the non-condensible or gazeous products are made to proceed by the pipe P, which branches off from the pipe E, into the lime machine, fig. 3. In this apparatus the gas, as it is evolved from the coals, comes into contact with slaked lime and water; the object Of which is, to strip it of its sulphuretted hydrogen and. carbonic acid gas with which it always abounds, and to render it fit for illumina- tion. This being accomplished, the purified gas is conducted away out of the lime machine by . means of the pipe G, into the perpendicular pipe H, which branches up through the bottom of the gasometer cistern. The upper extremity of this pipejs covered, in the manner of a hood, by a cy- lindrical vessel, I, open at bottom, but partially im- mersed beneath the surface of the water contained in the outer cistern of the gasometer, it is also per- forated round near the lower edge with a number of small holes. The gas, as it passes out of the pipe H, displaces the water from the receiver, 1, and escapes through the small holes, and is thus made to pass through the water in the cistern, in which the hood of the pipe I, is partly immersed, A “nurse 0N GAS-LIGHT. 107 so as to expose a large surface to its action, that it may once more be washed, and deprived of all the foreign gazeous products which might have escaped the action of the lime, whilst it was agi- tated with this substance in the lime machine, fig. 3. After rising through the water in the gasome- ter cistern. it enters into the gasometer, which then ascends as the gas accumulates in‘it. In this manner the process proceeds, until the whole of the volatile products of the coal in the retort are disengaged. The use of the gasometer is, partly to equalize the evolution of the gas which comes from the retort more quickly at some time than others. When this happens, the vessel rises up to receive it, and when the stream from the re- tort diminishes, the weight of the gasometer expels its contents, provided the main-cock be open. When the process is finished, the retort is suffered to cool, and its lid is then removed to replenish it with coal. When the main stop-cock is then opened, the gasometer descends, and the gas passes from the gasometer through the pipe, K, to the burners, or main pipe, which communicates with the gas burners or lamps. L, is a wooden tub or barrel, containing the mixture of lime and water, for charging the lime machine; and into which the contents of the barrel, L, may be con- veyed _by the curved pipe, M, Without admitting 108 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. common air. N N, is a water-pipe, to convey fresh Water into the gasometer cistern occasionally; be- cause it is essential that the water used for wash- ing and purifying the gas should be changed for fresh as soon as it becomes dirty; and unless this is done, the gas will not be perfectly purified by washing, but produce a disagreeable odour when burnt; the same holds good with regard to the lime machine, the contents of which should be re- newed occasionally. This pipe also conveys the necessary water into the barrel, L. '0, is a waste- pipe, to convey the water as it becomes impreg- nated with the impurities of the gas out of the g-asometer cistern. P, is an agitator, to stir up the contents of the lime machine occasionally. Q Q, are two iron rods, which serve as stays to guide the motion of the gasometer. R, is an index, con- nected by means of a shaft and pulley with the axis of one of the gasometer wheels. This index is graduated to the capacity of the cubical con- tents of the gasometer, so as to indicate, by the rising and falling of the gasometer, its relative con- tents of gas expressed in cubic feet. s, is the waste pipe of the lime machine, to remove the in- soluble parts of the lime. T, represents the iron cover, or lid, which is turned on the lathe, and ground air-tight, to close up the mouth of the re- tort, so as to make readily an air-tight fitting. U, A TREATISE 0N eras-LIGHT. 109 is an iron wedge to secure the cover of the retort. The left-hand retort in the design shows the'retort closed up, and the cover, or lid of the mouth of it, secured by means of the wedge, in its place, so as to render the mouth of the retort perfectly air- tight. There is a safety valve attached to this gasome- ter which could not be represented in the drawing; and the object of which, is, to convey away any portion of gas that might happen to be produced by a careless operator, when the gasometer is full, and which is thus prevented from accumulating in the place where the gasometer is erected. It is represented in the right hand corner of plate VII. where fig. 1 shows the edge of the gasometer; 2, the surface of the water in the inside of the gaso- meter; 3, the surface of the water in the outside of the gasometer, or in the cistern ; 4, a pipe issuing from the lower edge of the gasometer, and sur- rounded at its upper extremity with a cup marked 5; 6, the waste-pipe, the mouth of which is im- mersed in water. It is obvious that, when the gasometer is full, if an additional quantity of gas should be attempted to be put into it, it will be transported by means of the pipe, 4, into the waste-pipe, 6; the upper extremity of which reaches out of the building, and there communi- cates with the open air. _ I 110 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. PLATE V H Exhibits a perpendicular section of a. gasJight apparatus, calculated for lighting towns, or large districts of streets and houses. FIG. 1.‘ The Retort Furnace. The retorts are placed over each other in one or more rows; so that a certain number of them may be heated by separate fire-places. A, A, shows two of the re; torts placed horizontally above each other; B, the fire-place; c, the flue which causes the fire to 'circulate round the retorts so as to heat them equally in every part; D, the opening of the flue where the fire passes into the chimney; E, the ash-pit; F, a chamber in front of the retort furs . nace, into which the orifice or mouth of the retorts project; G, G, the doors of the chamber, to enable the workmen to charge and discharge the retorts; H, a funnel-shaped hole at the floor of the cham- ber F, through which the red-hot coke as it is dis- charged from the retorts passes into the arched vault i; K, the syphon tube; L, the horizontal condeiiser*—~the action of both of these pipes have been already explained, p. 105; M,‘main * The condenser in this apparatus is placed at right angles to the row, or rows of retorts. It is furnished at one extremity with a par- tition placed perpendicularly, and of a height equal to about one- hnlf of the diameter of the condenser. The object of this partition is to prevent the tar, 8w. deposited in it, to seal the pipes K K, and not to discharge itself into the pipe M, till this has been ell‘ected. The partition is seen in the drawing. A TREATISE 0N GAS—LIGHT. ‘lll pipe, which conveys the liquid substances from the condenser, to the tar cistern, fig. 3, and which conducts also the gazeous products into the lime machine, fig. 2; N N, shows that part of the pipe which is interposed between the tar cistern, fig. 3. and the condensing pipe M,———it passes in a 861'. .pentine direction along the inner sides of the gas— ometer cistern, and, like the so-called worm in a distillatory apparatus, condenses the products which escape in a vaporous state from the con- denser L; 0, shows the place where the serpentine pipe N N, passes again out of the gasometer cis- tern, and its communication with the lime machine, fig. 2, and tar chamber, fig. 3. The action of the lime machine is as follows: The liquid products . evolved from the coal, having been deposited in the tar cistern, fig. 3, by means of the serpentine, pipe N, N, the gazeous products which accompany it, are conveyed by means of the pipe P, which branches out from the pipe o, into the interior re- ceptacle of the lime machine marked Q, which consists of a vessel open at the bottom, and closed at the top, where it communicates with the pipe 0. As the gas accumulates in the interior part Q, of the lime machine, it is made to pass through the liquid which it contains, namely, slaked lime and water; and escapes through apertures made in the horizontal partitions R, R, R, R, into the outer 112 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. vessel, s, of the lime machine and from thence it is conducted away by the pipe T, T, T, into the ad- ditional washing apparatus of the gasometer; fig. 4, the construction of this apparatus, greatly re- sembles the lime machine, fig. 2, namely, v, is a water-pipe, proceeding from a cistern U, placed 3 or 4 feet above the orifice of the pipe v; T, T, is the gas pipe covered with a hood, marked w, and immersed in a small cistern, having horizontal per- forated shelves, like those in the lime machine— they fit close to the hood. :The gas which enters the hood W, meets with a shower of water deli- vered by the pipe v. The gas, as it passes through the holes in the horizontal partitions, is, therefore, again washed and thoroughly purified from foreign gases Which may have escaped the action of the lime machine; Y, is a waste pipe, the lower ex- tremity of which is sealed by being immersed in water,—it serves to carry away the water delivered by the pipe v, as it has been acted on by the gas. The summary action of this gas apparatus is, therefore, as ‘follows: The liquid products ob- tained from the coal during the distillation are first deposited in the main condenser L, by means of the pipe K, and from whence they cannot es— cape until a quantity of tar has accumulated in it to a certain height, and by this means, one of the extremities of the pipes K, K, becomes immersed A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 113 and hermetically sealed by the liquid which the condenser L, contains. The liquid products, after havmg accumulated to a certain height in the condenser, overflow the perpendicular portion which it contains, and discharge themselves into the pipe M, from whence they are transported into the tar cistern, fig. 3, by means of the system of pipes N, N, o, whilst the gazeous products are made to pass by means of the branch pipe P, into the lime machine, fig. 2. From‘this part of the apparatus the gas passes through the pipe T, T, T, into the additional or smaller washing ap- paratus placed upon a tressel in the cistern of the gasometer, where it is again exposed a second time to the action of a current of fresh water; and from this vessel the gas ascends into the gas- ometer. The gasometer is furnished with a pipe, A, closed at the top, and fixed in one corner of the gasometer, but open at the bottom; it includes another pipe, marked B, which communicates with the main pipe leading to the burners, or place where the gas is wanted. The pipe A, which slides over the pipe B, is perfdrated at the top, the gas passes through these perforations, and is thus made to enter into the pipe B, and disposed of as mentioned. 0, c, is a tube of safety adapted to the gasometer; its lower extremity remains sealed by the water in the cistern so long as the gasometer Q 4‘1 'b 114 A TREATISE 0N GAS—LIGHT. is not overcharged , with gas ; but, if more gas should be made to enter the gasometer than it is destined to receive, this pipe then delivers the gas into the funnel-shaped tube, D, which reaches through the roof of the gasometer house, and thus the superfluous quantity of gas is conveyed away into the open air. The cylindrical vessel, F, of fig. 3, surrounding the orifice of the pipe 0, which delivers the tar into the tar cistern, fig 3, serves to keep this pipe con- stantly immersed into a portion of tar, so that the contents of the cistern may be drawn off by the cock without admiting air into any part of the apparatus. The tar cistern has a small hole at the top, to allow ' the air which it encloses to escape, as it becomes fill- ed with tar and ammoniacal liquor. The main con- denser L, is placed, as shown in the drawing, higher than the level of the water in the gasometer cistern, to allow a free descent of the distillatory liquids as they pass from this vessel along into the pipes M, N, 0, &c. The cistern of the gasometer, as well as the lime machine, and tar cistern, are construct- ed of cast-iron plates, bolted and cemented toge- ther With iron cement. The gasometer is made of sheet iron plates rivetted together-we, E, are two iron stays—e, G, are friction wheels. A TREATISE ON e'Asuueu'r. ll5 METIIOD of Correcting the relative pressure of the Gasometer, so as to cause the gas which it contains to be ung'formlg/ of an equal densityf“ ‘ WE have mentioned already that the pressure of the gas in the gasometer should be invariable, for it is obvious that the weight of the gasometer is constantly increasing, in proportion as it fills with gas, and rises out of the water—see page 103. To render its pressure uniform, we first take the absolute weight of that part of the gaso— meter which becomes immersed in the water, and knowing the specgfic weight of the substance of which it is composed, we divide its absolute weight by the specific weight of the substance of which it is composed; and this being done, we make part of the chain, (measured at right angles from the axis of the wheels over which it passes downwards towards the top of the gasometer,) which is equal to the length of that part of the gasometer which becomes immersed in water, equal in weight to the specific gravity of the sub- stance of which the gasometer is composed. For example, let us suppose that the part of the gas- , " For this elegant contfivance we are also indebted to Mr. Cums. 116 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. ometer which becomes immersed in water weighs 861155. and that it is composed of sheet iron, the specific gravity of which, in round numbers, we will take to be 7. It is then evident, that the part of the chain of the gasometer measured down- ward Ifrom the axis of the wheel over which it passes, and which is equal in length to the height of the gasometer, must be loaded with a weight of, or must itself weigh 123le. for this would be the weight of the water displaced by the gas- ometer; or let us suppose the gasometer to be made of sheet copper, the specific weight of which (omitting decimals) is 8; and that the ab- , solute weight of the gasometer is 1792165. then the chain of the gasometer equal in length to the height of the gasometer, immersed into the water must weigh 224 lbs. for this would be the weight of the quantity of water which the gasometer dis- places. This'being accomplished, by then adding or diminishing the absolute or balance weight of the gasometer, any desired uniform pressure may be effected, and the same bulk of gas will always be of_ the same specific gravity (117) DIRECTIONS TO IVORKZIIEN ATTENDING THE GAS-LIGHT APPARATUS*. PARTICULAR care must be taken to make the joints of the mouth-pieces of the retorts perfectly air tight, which may be done in the following manner: Take some common clay, dry, pulverize, and sift it, then add as much water as will make it into the consistency of treacle; make the mouth— piece and the lid of the retort clean,’ lay this luting thinly over the turned part of the lid, press the lid so luted gently to the mouth—piece, and then secure it moderately, by means of the iron wedge: if the workman observes this rule, he will never fail to make good joints; but if, on the other hand, the operator is careless and neglects to remove the old luting, &c. from the turned or * Copied from a. printed direction drawn up by Mr. Clegg, for the trio of workmen. 118 A TREATXSE 0N GAS-LIGHT. smooth part of the mouth of the retort, and there- by cause a bad joint, the consequence will be the loss of a considerable quantity of gas, and a very disagreeable smell and smoke. The bridge or row of bricks of the flue c, of the retorts, should never be made hotter than a bright red, which may be regulated by the door of the ash-pit being kept close shut when the fire is getting too hot. If the operator neglects this, and suffers the fire-bricks to arrive at a bright white heat, the retorts will soon be destroyed, and bad gas be produced. The gasometer should be well examined, at least i once a week, to see if it leaks, by the following method, viz. Let the main stop-cock be shut, then make amark on the gasometer at the water’s edge, when it is full or nearly of gas, there being no gas coming from the retorts at the time, and if the mark sinks in the water, the gasometer leaks; to find out the place, walk slowly round it, and you may perceive the leak by the smell, apply a lighted candle to the part suspected, and if there be gas issuing from it, it will take fire, and perhaps ap- pear like a small blue flame—blow it out, and mark the place: thus proceed round the gasome— ter till you have found all the p aces ; if you per- ceive a smell, and yet cannot produce a flame in the part suspected, take a brush with a little thin A TREATISE ON GAs—LIGHT 119 white-lead paint, and lay it on the part where you think the leak- is, and, if it be there, the gas which escapes from the leak, will immediately turn the paint brown; After the sides of the gasometer have been well examined, and secured by dipping a piece of cloth about the size of a shilling, into some melted pitch, tempered with a little bees‘ wax and tar, apply the cloth whilst hot to the place with the end of your finger, rubbing it till it is quite cold; next examine the top of the gas- ometer in the same manner,-when it‘ is about two feet high in the cistern, it will then be better to get at. The water in the cistern should'always be kept Within three or four inches of the top, if sufl'ered to sink much lower without replenishing, the gas will not pass through a sufficient quantity of water, and oily particles will be apt to con- dense in the pipes, to their great detriment. The only thing to be observed in the place lighted, is, that the lamps and pipes are not suf- fered to be touched on any pretence whatever; but by the person entrusted with their care. When a lamp is not wanted, it must be completely shut off from the pipe which supplies it, by a stop- cock provided for the purpose, and not opened again but when a flame is held over it; not a lighted candle, as the tallow is liable to drop into the lamps; lighted paper is better. 120 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. PLATE VI—FIG. ]. Exhibits a design of the gasometer flaming or skeleton, which serves to give stability and strength to the gasometer. It consists of wooden frame work, marked A, A, A, interlaced with iron rods, B, B, B, &c. The whole framing is so disposed that it will float in the cis- tern horizontally, and therefore keep the gasome- ter perfectly steady and level with the surface of the water. ‘The rest 'of the sketches of tlns plate represent various kinds of gas pipes employed as mains for conveying the gas, and the methods of connecting them. FIG. 2. Represents a longitudinal section of a Spigot and Faucet Pipe. These kinds of pipes are applicable in most cases as mains for convey- ing gas. A, is called the spigot, and B, the faucet. They are joined together, and made air-tight, by iron cement, the composition of which is as fol— lows : Take two ounces ofsa] ammoniac, one ounce of flowers of sulphur, and sixteen ounces of cast— iron filings or borings. Mix all well together, by rubbing then] in a mortar, and keep the powder dry. When the cement is wanted for use, take one part of the above powder, and twenty parts of clean iron borings or filings, and blend them inti- A TREATISE ON GAS—LIGHT. 1:21 mately, by grinding them in a mortar. Wet the compound with water, and when brought to a con- venient consistence, apply it to the joints with a wooden or blunt iron spatula. By a play of affinities, which those who are at all acquainted with chemistry, will be at no loss to comprehend, a degree of action and re-action takes place among the ingredients, and between them and the iron surfaces, which at last causes the whole to unite as one mass. In fact, after a time, the mixture and the surfaces of the flanches be- come a species of pyrites (holding a very large preportion of iron,) all the parts of which cohere strongly together. The inner parts of the faucet ought to be no larger in diameter than just to fit the spigot. This supports the pipe, independently of the cement, and prevents the risk of hurting the joint from any external stress. The inner faucet is commonly made about 2% inches deep, and has the spigot in- serted 1% inch into it. The practice of some workmen, is to make the outer faucet, or that which contains the cement, six inches deep, for all pipes above six inches diameter; and to make the faucets of all pipes below six inches, the same depth as the diameter of the pipes. It is usual to make the space for the cement, all round the spigot, from 1 to 1% inch; that width is required, R. a; 122 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. in order that the cement maybe firmly driven into the joint. When the space is very narrow, this cannot be done. On the other hand, when too wide, there is a waste of cement, and a risk of injury from unequal expansion. FIG. 3. Exhibits a profile view of these kinds of pipes when joined together. The spigot and faucet pipes are liable to burst from the great expansion of the spigot, and the risk of this accident is in- creased by increasing the space between the spigot and faucet, which requires to be filled with cement. FIG. 4. Represents a longitudinal section of two flanch pipes, and the modes of connecting them. A and B, show the parts of the pipes :, and c and D, the flanches. These pipes are also joined together, and rendered air-tight, by interpo— sing between the flanches rope-yarn, hemp, or some other pliable material, and iron cement, and then screwing up the faces of them by means of the bolts and screw nuts. FIG. 5. Profile view of the same kind of pipes connected together. A and B, the pipes; c and D, the flanches; E and F, the bolts. FIG. 6. Represents the method of joining spigot and faucet pipes when they are to have a turn or angle. This method is convenient when the place where the turn required to be made is previously known, and the pipes cast accordingly. A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 123 FIG. 7. Exhibits the method of connecting spigot and faucet pipes when they have a round turn. A and B, the junctures of the pipes. FIG. 8. Represents a longitudinal section of the mode of joining pipes by means of what is called a thimble joint. The junctures of the pipes to be connected, are made air tight, as mentioned already, by iron cement. A, the thimble or small cylinder, with projecting edges, which unites the pipes B, c. F 1G. 9. A thimble joint made in two parts, which is sometimes convenient to join pipes. The parts are joined together by screw bolts, and nuts, in the usual manner. - .' FIG. 10. Section of the same. FIG. 11. Represents a profile view of What is called the saddle joint. It Is employed for taking off a branch-pipe. The branch has a piece A B, formed on its end, and fits round one-half of the outside of the pipe from which it is to proceed, c, is called the saddle, which fits round the other half of the pipe. The parts are secured together by screw bolts, and iron cement. By this method a branch may be formed on any part of a gas- pipe, by cutting a hole there, and applying the branch to that place. Where there is much risk of the inequality of expansion, the joints at cer- tain places, should be secured by a soft stuffing .124 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. of hemp and tallow ; but in most Cases the joints may be made with iron cement. Lead is fre- quently used for making the joints of gas pipes instead of iron cement, though cheaper and more easy of repair. The galvanic action which takes place between the lead and iron, soon renders the joints leaky, and the danger is increased by the unequal expansion of the two metals. FIG. 12. Section of the saddle-joint. Before the gas is suffered to enter into the pipe, they should be proved to be sound, by the usual process of forcing water into them. The pipes rving as mains, are placed perfectly solid, so that tiey cannot give way; their course should he rec- tilinear, having a descent of about 1 inch i119 or 10 feet, to allow the water of condensation which may be deposited from the gas by a change of temperature to collect readily at the lowermost part. FIG. 18. Shows a reservoir for collecting the water of condensation which might accumulate in the pipes. It consists of a receptacle, A, in which the water may pass; B, a branch-pipe closed at the top, by means of which the water may be removed, by drawing it out with a syringe. This receptacle is placed in those situations where pipes incline towards each other. (125) PHILOSOPHY OF THE PRODUCTION OF COAL GAS: ITS CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION, GENERAL HABITUDES, AND PRACTICAL REMARKS CONCERNING THE BEST ' METHODS OF OBTAINING IT. ‘VITH regard to the philosophy of coal-gas, its productions as stated prove that pit—coal contains solid hydrogen, carbon, and oxigen. IVhen the intensity of the heat, to which the coal is exposed, has reached a certain degree, a part of the carbon unites with part of the oxigen and produces car- bonic acid, which by means of caloric, is melted into the gazeous state and forms carbonic acid gas; at the same time, part of the hydrogen of the coal combines with another portion of carbon and caloric, and forms the carburetted hydrogen gas, “ hich varies considerably in its constitution, , according to the circumstances under which it is produced: a portion of olefiant gas, carbonic oxid, 126 A ’I‘REATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. hydrogen, and sulphuretted hydrogen, is also produced during the process. The quantities of these products vary according to the nature of the coal employed in the process. Pit-coal is not the only substance which af- fords carburetted hydrogen; this gazeous fluid may be obtained in a great variety of ways, and with very considerable differences in specific gravity and proportion of ingredients. It is found plentifully native or ready formed on the surface of stagnant waters, marshes, wet ditches, &c. through which, if examined closely, large bubbles will be seen to rise in hot weather, and may be increased at pleasure by stirring the bottom or mud with a stick. In close still evenings if a lighted candle is held over the surface, flashes of blue lambent 'flame may sometimes be perceived spreading to a consi- derable distance. All that is not fabulous con- cerning the z'gnis fatuns is probably derived from this source. This Species of gas is termed for dis- tinction the carburetted hydrogen of marshes. In the purest form in which it can be collected it is mixed with about 20 per cent. of azot or nitrogen. To procure the gas for the purpose of philoso- phical amusement, fill a wide-mouthed bottle with the water of the ditch, and keep it inverted there- in with a large funnel in its neck, then with a stick A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 127 stir the mud at the bottom just under the funnel, so as to cause the bubbles of air which rise from the mud to enter into the bottle; when by thus stirring the mud in various places, the air may be catched in the bottle. Carburetted hydrogen gas is also given out very - abundantly by all kinds of vegetable matter, when subjected to a scorching heat sufficient to decom- pose them. When heated in close vessels much more gas is obtained than when burnt in the open air. If moistened charcoal be put into an earthen retort and heat be applied till the retort becomes ignited, gas will be evolved, consisting partly of carbonic acid, and partly of carburettedhydrogen. A gas of similar properties is obtained by causing steam to pass through a tube filled with red hot charcoal ; by passing spirit of wine, or camphor, through red hot tubes; by distilling oils, wood, bones, wax and tallow, or any animal or vegetable body whatever. Indeed it would be endless to enumerate the va- rious sources of "this gazeous fluid. A most cu— rious variety of carburetted drogen gas has been discovered by the associated Dutch chemists (VAN DIEMAN, TROOSTWYCK, and others) which is procured from ether or alcohol, and has the re- markable property of generating a heavy oil when in contact with chlorine gas. Hence it has been 128 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. termed oily carburettedhydrogen orolyifiant gas-— it consists of carburetted hidrOgen, supersaturated With carbon. The oil generated is heavier than water, whitish, and semi-transparent. By keeping, it becomes yellow and limpid ; its smell is highly fragrant and'penetrating—its taste somewhat sweet —it is partly soluble in water, imparting to it, its .peculiar smell. A portion of this gas always ac- companies the common carburetted hydrogen ob- tained from coal, and those sorts of coal that afford the largest quantity of it are best suited for the production of gas-light. The nature of carburetted hydrogen obtained from coal varies considerably according to the con- ditions under which it is obtained. The first part is always much heavier than the last, though still lighter than common air, and holds in solution a portion of oil, for on standing for some time over water it becomes lighter, and is found to require less oxygen for saturation than before. The oil which it held suspended, then becomes precipi- tated. The average specific gravity of the first and last gas mixed, which may be taken as an average of the whole specific gravity is to that of common air as 2 to 3—1121b. of common cannel coal pro- duce at its minimum, from 350 to 360 cubic feet of carburetted hydrogen gas; but the same quan- tity 0f the best Newcastle coal, that is to say, such A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 129 as coke, which, when laid on the fire readily under- goes a kind of semi-fusion, and sends out brilliant streams of flame, produces upon an average from 300 to 360 cubic feet of this gazeous fluid, besides a large portion of sulphuretted hydrogen, carbonic oxid, and carbonic acid. Half a cubic foot of this carburetted hydrogen, fresh prepared, that is to say, holding in solution or suspension, a portion of the essential oil, which is generated during the evolution of the gas, is equal in illuminating power to from 170 to 180 grains of tallow, (being the quantity consumed by a candle six to the pound in one hour.) Now, one pound avoirdupoise is equal to 7000 grains, and consequently one pound of candles of six in the pound, burning one at a time in succession, would last (if we take 175 grains of tallow to be consumed in an hour) ’2—3:—=40 hours. To produce the same light we must burn one half of a cubic foot of coal-gas per hour; therefore, one-half multiplied by forty hours is equal to twenty cubic feet of gas in 40 hours, con- sequently equal to one pound of candles, six to the pound, provided they were burnt one after an- other. One hundred and twelve pounds of cannel coal, produce, at its minimum, three hundred and fifty cubic feet of gas; and are equal to three hundred and fifty, divided by twenty, which last is equivalent to one pound of tallow, making one s 130 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. hundred and twelve pounds of cannel coal, equal to $=17% lbs. of tallow. Further, one hundred and twelve pounds of cannel coal, divided by se- venteen and a half of tallow make six and four; tenths of cannel-coal, equal to one pound of tallow. With regard to Newcastle coals,~* it may be stated that one chaldron of VVall’s-End coal may be made to produce in the large way, upwards of 11,000 cubic feet of crude gas; which, when pro- perly purified, diminishes to nearly 10,000 cubic feet. The production of carburetted hydrogen, both with regard to quantity and quality from the same kind of coal, depends much upon the degree of temperature employed in the distillatory process. If the tar and oil produced during the evolution of the gas in its nascent state, be made to come in contact with the sides of the red hot retorts, or if it be made to pass through an iron cylinder or other vessel heated red hot, a large portion be- comes decomposed into carburetted hydrogen gas and olefiant gas, and thus a much larger quantity of gas is produced than would be obtained without such precaution, from the same quantity of coal.T * One chaldron of Newcastle coal weighs from 2850 to upwards of 29781b. 1- 0110 pound of coal—tar produces 15 cubic feet of carburetted hydrogen, abounding in olefiant gas. A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 131 The dlstillation of ' the coal (if gas be the chief object) should therefore not be carried on too ra- pidly. Most of the retorts used in the large way, are calculated for containing about one hundred weight of coal, and in general, when . previously heated, produce from two and one-half to three cubic feet of gas, in four hours for each pound of coal they contain; but when the layer of coals in them does not exceed four inches in depth, three and one-half to four feet of gas may be ob- tained in the same time. The retorts best calculated for large gas-light ’ works are seven or eight feet long (Without the mouth-piece) and twelve inches in diameter, ta- pering down to ten inches—if they are larger the coal which they contain cannot be heated pro- perly. The advantages that may be derived from the circumstances before stated, are of greater value in the gas-light manufactory than is often imagined, and the quantity as well as the quality of the gas is very much influenced by such cir- cumstances. If coal be distilled with a very low red heat, scarcely observable by day-light, the gas produced gives a feeble light—~if the temperature be increased so that the distillatory vessel is of a dull redness, the light is more brilliant and of a better colour—if a bright or cherry-red heat be employed the gas produced, burns with a brilliant 132 A TREATISE 0N GAS—LIGHT. white flame, and if the heat be increased so far that the retort ”is almost white hot, and conse- quently in danger of melting, the gas given out, has little illuminating power, and burns With a clear blueish flame“; or if the coal abounds in pyrites or sulphuret of iron, as is sometimes the case with Newcastle coal, a large quantity of sul— phuretted hydrogen is likewise evolved, which although it increases the illuminating power of the coal—gas, has the capital disadvantage, of pro- ducing an intolerable suffocating odour, when the gas is burnt which is particularly perceptible in low rooms illuminated with such gas. These observations also apply to the distillation of tar, which when distilled either in a vaporous or nascent state, during its first production from coal in the ordinary process, or if it be submitted to a second distillation, mingled with a fresh por— tion of pit—coal, a practice usually had recourse to when this product cannot be disposed of more advantageously. The best depth of coal in the retort for procuring excellent gas, and at the same time for yielding the greatest quantity from the same weight in the shortest possible time, is about six inches. The brightness of the coal—gas flame is rather ‘ It is chiefly a mixture \ f carbonic oxid, and hydrogen gas. A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 133 diminished when the gas has been long kept over water, and hence, for illumination, it should be used as soon as prepared, but of course properly purified. The quantity of gas taken up by Water is af- fected by temperature, because the temperature ‘ increases its elasticity ; the quantity of gas ab- sorbed, diminishes as the temperature increases, and increases as the temperature diminishes. ,5- part of its own bulk of pure coal-gas is ab- sorbed by the water over which it is confined in the gasometer. The chemical constitution of this gazeous fluid is best ascertained by burning it in a vessel of oxy- gen gas, over lime—water in a pneumatic reservoir, by means of a bladder and bent brass pipe. Two products are then obtained, viz. water and carbo- nic acid. That water is produced may be shown by burning a very small stream of the gas in a long funnel shaped tube open at both ends. The formation of carbonic acid is evinced, by the co- pious precipitation of the lime—water in the forego- ing experiment. If carburetted hydrogen be mixed with a suffi- cient quantity of oxygen gas or common air and fired by the electric spark, or by any other method, an explosion takes place more or less violent, ac- cording to the quantity of carbonaceous matter con 134 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. densed in the hydrocarbonat; and the remaining gas consists of carbonic acid, together with any unconsumed gas or excess of oxygen, whilst the water condenses in drops on the sides of the ves- sel. A few cubic inches of the mixed airs is as much as can be conveniently managed at a single explosion; and when any portion of olefiant gas is present, even this quantity will endanger very thick glass jars. A very vivid red flame appears at the moment of the explosion, and a great en— largement takes place in an instant, after which the bulk is suddenly reduced to much less than the original quantity. When the carbonic acid is absorbed by lime—water, if the gasses have been properly proportioned, no gazeous residue is left, except accidental impurities. Though carburetted hydrogen gas is sometimes naturally produced in coal mines, and occasionally-mixes with common air, producing dreadful explosions, yet when coal gas is mixed with common air, as it is obtained in the large way in the gas—light nmnut‘actories, does not explode unless the gas be to the air as 1 to 10 nearly. Such are the leading chemical habitudes of this gazeous product. The varieties of carbu- retted hydrogen gas all agree in being inflamma- ble; but they possess this property in various degrees, as is evinced by the variable brightness of the flame which they yield when set on fire. A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 135 “ Messrs. SOBOLEWSKY and HORRER,’ of St. Petersburgh, have employed wood for the purpose of producing carburetted hydrogen gas. The py- roligneous acid obtained in this operation, when freed from the empyreumatic oil with which it is mixed becomes acetous acid, and is applicable to all the uses of vinegar. A cubic cord of wood equal to 2.133 French metres (a metre being rather more than an English yard), yields 255 Paris pounds of charcoal, and 70 buckets of acid. The latter gives 30 pounds of tar, after the extraction of it 50 buckets of good vinegar remain. The same quantity of wood furnishes 50,000 cubic feet of gas, sufficient for the supply of 4000 lamps for five hours.””' " See Repository of Arts, Vol. 11. No.36, page 341. 153mm 30 5 Led 5.553.551 1531291?! £13 5,5; 5* M25: m5 fled? 553% 5:53? 5335 get “to 3532mm; 08: W 41mins! 155115587 5055 If) 3355;535:15 Go 5555 imam! Sid vfigmhp #553155 53!: 151’ 155555353553 15 51505 555“} (137) PART III. UTILITY OF THE GAS-LIGHT ILLUMINATION, WITH REGARD TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ECONOMY FROM what has been stated in the preceding pages it becomes obvious, that a substance yield- ing an artificial light may be obtained from com- mon coal in immense quantities. The attempt to derive advantage from so valuable a discovery is surely no idle speculation. Let us therefore now consider to what objects of public and private uti- lity this mode of procuring light may be applied with effect. It is obvious that coal—gas may be preserved in a reservoir for any length of time, and that it may be conveyed by means of tubes to any distance, flowing equably and regularly like water. Those, indeed, who have not seen the contrivance, T 138 A TREATISE‘ 0N GAS-LIGHT. will find it difficult to imagine with what ease it is managed. The gas may be distributed through an infinity 0f ramifications of tubes with the ut- most facility. Near the termination of each of the tubes through which it flows, it is confined by a valve or stop-cock, upon turning which, when required to be lighted, it flows out in an equable stream and ascends by its Specific levity. There is nothing to indicate its presence; no noise at the opening of the stop-cock or valve—no disturbance in the transparency of the atmosphere—it instantly bursts on the approach of a lighted taper, into a ' brilliant, noiseless, steady, and beautiful flame. Its purity is attested by its not blacking or soilng in the least degree the metallic orifice from which it issues, nor even a sheet of white paper, or po- lished surface brought in contact with it. There is no escape ‘of combustible matter unconsumed, which is so great a nuisance in all our common lights. The products of the combustion are water and carbonic acid gas*. The accurate and ele- gant experiments of Dr. W. HENRY have shewn in the most satisfactory manner, that considerably in The water (which passes of in imperceptible vapour) is gene. rated by past of the oxygen of the air uniting with part of the hydro- gen, which forms the great bulk of the coal-gas : and the carbonic acid gas is produced by the union of another portion of the oxygen uniting with the smaller portion of carbon, which is the other component part of the coal—gas. A. TREATISE ON' 'lAS-LIGHT. 139 less carbonic acid is produced by the flame of coal gas, than by that of oil, tallow, or wax,* which sufficiently refutes the absurd notions that have been circulated respecting the pernicious ef— fects of gas-lights. But if the gas from Newcas- tle coal is badly prepared, or not deprived of the portion of sulphuretted hydrogen, which it usually contains, it then emits fiery sparks and produces a portion of sulphureous acid by virtue of the union of the oxygen of the air with the sulphur dissolved in the gas, the consequence of which is, a suffocating odour, which is particularly observa- ble in the higher stratum of the air of apartments in which the gas is burnt. Such gas likewise tar- nishes all metallic bodies—it discolours the paint- " 100 Cubic inches of carburetted hydrogen from coal, require for burning 220 cubic inches of oxygen and produce 100 cubic inches of carbonic acid—100 cubic inches of the same gas obtained from wax, require for burning 280 cubic inches of oxygen and produce 137 cubic inches of carbonic acid—-100 cubic inches of the same gas procured from lamp-oil, require 190 cubic inches of oxygen for burning, and produce 124 cubic inches of carbonic acid. The following lines relating to the salubrity of the gas-light illumi- nation are cOpied from Mr. Lee’s evidence in the House of Commons, when examined on that subject. Question—“ Is the health of your manufacturers at all affected by the use of gas? Answer--Not in the least, or I would not have adopted it. I believe I explained to the Committee, that I used the gas-lights in my own house first.” Q. “ You have not seen the smallest alteration in the health of your workmen ? A. Not in the least, for bad I seen it, it would have been a I fatal objection to it.” Q. “ And you say the same in regard to the use of the gas-lights in your own family? A. Certainly I do.” 140 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. ings effected with metallic oxids, and always pro- duces a suffocating odour very noxious to health. It is freed from the sulphuretted hydrogen and may be rendered fit for illumination by passing it repeatedly through very dilute solutions of sub— acetate of lead, green sulphate of iron, quicklime and water, or hyper-oxymuriate of lime. As to the brilliancy of the flame, an appeal may be made to every one who has witnessed the gas— light illumination, whether it be not superior to the best wax candle-light, or the light of Argand’s lamps. It may be described as a rich compact flame, burning with a white and agreeable light. It is also perfectly steady, when the flame is limited to a moderate size: in large masses, it is subject to that undulation which is common to it, with all flames of certain dimensions, and is caused by the agitation of the surrounding atmosphere. The gas flame is entirely free from smell. The coal-gas itself certainly has a disagreeable foetid odour be- fore it is burnt, so has the vapour of wax, oil, and tallow, as it comes from a lamp or candle~ newly blown out. This concession proves nothing against the flame of gas which is perfectly ino- dorous, a white handkerchief, passed repeatedly through it, and applied to the nose, excites no odour. '7 i. l ,_ A 'IZREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 141 Another peculiar advantage of the gas flame is, that it may be applied in any direction we please, as there is nothing to spill and the gas is propelled by a certain force which is always the same, it will burn equally well in an almost hori- zontal as in an upright position; and we can thus obviate two great objections to all our artificial lights, that their least luminous end is directed downwards where the light is generally most wanted, and that a shade is cast below by the stand or support of the combustible matter. The size, shape and intensity of the gas-flame may be regulated by simply turning a stop-cock which supplies the gas to the burner. It may at command, be made to burn with an intensity sufficient to illuminate every corner of a room, or so low and dim as barely to be perceived. It is unnecessary to point out how valuable such lights may be in nurseries, stables, warehouses, in the chambers of the sick, &c. From the facility with which the gas-flame can be conveyed in any direction, from the diversified application, size and shape which the flame can bemade to assume, there is no other kind of light so well calculated for being made the subject of splendid illuminations. Where lustres are required in the’ middle of a room, the best mode of conducting the gas to'thev 142 . A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. chandelier, is to pass the gas-pipe through the ceiling from the room above, immediately over the lustre. This can be easily done Without in- jury to the apartment. Where side—lights and chandeliers are required the tubes need never appear in sight, but may be concealed in the wall or floor of the house. When transparencies are wanted as decorations for , halls, lobbies, &c. more than light: recesses may be filled with different coloured media, or paint- ings, and any intensity of light may be thrown on the object. If a number of minute holes are made in the end of a gas pipe, it forms as many jets defect, which have a very brilliant appearance; these may some- times be placed in the focus of a parabolic reflec- tor. In cases where the-light is required to be thrown to a distance, other burners are constructed upon the same principle as the Argand lamp, forming a cylinder of flame, and admitting a cur- rent of air both to the inside and outside. ' On comparing the flame of a gas-light with the flame of a candle whatever its size may be, it ap- pears just as yellow and dull as the flame of a common lamp appears when compared with that of a lamp of Argand. The beautiful whiteness of gaS—light never fails to excite the surprize and ad- miration of those who behold it for the first time. A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 143 A large edifice or manufactory lighted by gas, contrasted with one of the same kind lighted by candles or lamps, resembles a street on the night of a general illumination, compared with the glim- mering light of its ordinary parish lamps. The intensity of one of the parish gas-light lamps now exhibited in the streets of this metro— polis, will bear ample testimony of this assertion; the light of the parish gas-lamps, is to the intensity of the parish oil lamps as l to 12. One of the most obvious applications of the gas-light illumination unquestionably Consists in lighting streets, shops, and houses ; and let it be observed, that as this is found safe and economi- cal, it proves all that the most ardent friends of the gas-light system can desire. ‘F or in contend- ing with the common mode of lighting the streets and shops, the new lights must beat out of the market the cheapest of all artificial lights ; and as it has succeeded in doing this, it shews in the most satisfactory point of view, the prodigious advan- tages of gas-lights when compared with the mate- rials of tallow and oil. , The original expence of laying the pipes for con- veying the gas, tOgether with the cost of the ma- chinery, is all that is required; the preparation of the gas being itself a lucrative process, no doubt 144 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. will pay all its expences, besides the interest of capital, and leave a surplus of profit. Indeed the application of the coal-gas, as a sub- stitute for tallow and oil, to illuminate houses, shops, 8:0. is no longer problematical, a consider- able eXtent of this capital, together with numerous shops and houses being already supplied with this species of light.* Enough therefore, has been done to prove the possibility of lighting houses, and streets, with gas, which would have been regarded twenty years ago as an extravagant paradox.-1' *’ The Liberty of Norton Ilalgate, as far as Bishopsgate—street, is lighted with gas—light, from the Chartered Company’s station at Norton Falgate; and gas-light pipes are laid from that station as far as the west end of Cheapside, and in all the streets north of that great thoroughfare. In the West end of thci'I‘own, the main pipes for supplying the streets and houses with light from the Gas—Light Company, extend through the most eligible parts; from their Establishment in Peter- street, Westminster, along the line from Pall Mall to Temple Bar, completely surrounding the parish of St. Martin’s in the Fields. Main pipes are also placed in tlr; Hay—market, Coventry-street, Long-Acre, St. Martin’s Lane ; and in the principal parts of the parishes of St. James and St. Ann. In the East end of the metropolis, the gas-light mains extend from Cornhill, to St. Paul’s, Wood-street, Fore-street, &e.—-Consent has also been given to the incorporated Gas-Light Company for laying their pipes in the parishes of St. Stephen‘s in the Field; St. Paul, Co~ vent—garden; St. Mary-le-b‘trand; St. Clement Danes ; St. George’s, Bloomsbury; St. Giles’s in the Fields; St. Andrew’s, Holborn, above the bars; part of the parish of St. Mary-la-bonne; besides several other districts, comprehending the whole of the city and suburbs of W estminster. t I am informed by Mr. C‘LEGG, the engineer of the Chartered A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. .145 The Church of St. John the Evangelist, in this metropolis, has been illuminated, with gas—lights for upwards of two years; the lights employed in this edifice is equal to 360 tallow candles, eight to the pound. The avenues to the House of Lords and House of Commons, Westminster-Hall, Westminster-bridge; the house and oflices of the Speaker of the House'of Commons, the Mansion- house, and many other places, deserve to be named, as having already adopted this species of illumination. ' Another advantageous application of the gas- light must be the supplying of light-houses. From the splendour and distinguishing forms which the gas-light flame is capable of assuming, no light is better calculated for signal;lights than Gas—Light Company, under Whose direction the new system of lighting is carried on, that the total length of pipe laid down, as mains, in the streets of London, amounts already to nearly 15 miles. In the Eastern part of London, the same Company is engaged to lay their pipes in the principal parts of Whitechapel, Spitalfields, St. Luke’s, and the adjoining neighbourhood. One part of the city of London, extending from Temple—bar to the West end of Cheapside; from Newgate—street to Holborn Bars, to- gether with the intervening streets, is also provided with pipes laid down by another gas-light association, who have opened a new esta- blishment in Water-lane, Fleet—street, but are unconnected with the Chartered Company. A third company is projected in Southwark, and a fourth in the Eastern district of London, creating by a rivalry of interest, that laudable competition which always proves beneficial to the public at large, and which cannot fail to accelerate the pro- gress of this new art of procuring light. , U 146 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. this. By means of one single furnace, as much gas might readily be procured as would furnish «a ' flame of suficient intensity, during the longest winter night, exceeding i'n brilliancy or intensity of light any lightrhou-se in Britain or elsewhere. If every light-house round this island were pos- sessed of a gas-light furnace, ones-half part of the enormous expence which they at present require would furnish a much more brilliant light. The cheapness of this light and its efficacy for the purpose, would soon multiply the number of light houses, and thus most essentially contribute to the security of navigation on our coast. The gas may be made to issue from tubes by long narrow slips, and a surface of flame produced of any given dimensions, and free from all smoke that would obscure the reflectors. The ease with which the largest gas-light flame is instantly extinguished by shutting the stop-cock, and the readiness with which a long line of gas catches fire by applying a lighted taper to one ex- tremity, are properties that cannot fail to recom- mend it for the purposes of telegraphic commu~ nication-s by night. Another application of the gas unquestionably might be the lighting of bar- racks, arsenals, dock-yards, and other establish- ments where much‘ light is wanted in a small place A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 147 The. annual expence of lighting the barracks of Great Britain is said to fall little short of 50,0001. a small part of which on the new plan, would supply them with a much purer and safer light. The uses of the gas-lights already enumerated must of themselves, justify us in attaching great importance to the discovery, and if reduced to practice all over the kingdom, would employ a large capital in a way the most advantageous and productive. But the utility of this light will be almost indefinitely increased to the use of private families. That such an application is practicable, in all towns of Great Britain, is obvious, from what has been done already, and that it would be highly economical and ornamental, there can be little doubt. By means of gas we may have a pure and agree- able light at command in every room of our house, just as we have the command of water, with this singular advantage, that these lights may burn for hours within an inch of the most combustible sub- stance, without danger, because they neither can burn down like a candle nor emit sparks. These properties make the gas-lights a most desirable light on board our ships of war, where severe re- gulations are necessary, to prevent danger from fire, which after all are frequently evaded. The 148 A TREATISE ON ‘G-AS-LIGHT. gas-light might be used in the store-rooms, and even in the powder magazine, and the captain ”would completely command the supply of light by the possession of the key which opens and shuts the Stop—cock. A small apparatus which may be erected at a trifling expence would be sufficient for that purpose. In shops, counting«houses, and public oflices, the advantages are a white light, nearly equal to day-light, a warmth which almost supersedes the use of fires, a total absence of smoke, smell, and vapour, and great economy of labour. The heat produced by gas—lights must be ob- served by every one who has had an opportunity of attending to it in the most superficial manner, and the reason why gas-lights produce more heat than oil or candle-light will not appear strange to our chemical readers (and who is there now that does not know something of chemistry?) when it is considered that the gas-light flame condenses more air than the flame of oil and tallow, and consequently must produce more heat. The flame of gas may be produced in so large a surface, as to be applied to heat the most spacious apartments as well as to light them. If the gas is made to issue by a Circular rim of about twelve inches diameter; it forms a sort of an Argand lamp on a great scale, and it is manifest A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 149 \ that a circumference of three feet of flame will heat the air very rapidly, and with such uniformi- ty that we need no longer be exposed to the par- tial heating occasioned by the strong draft of a large fire. A lamp of this description in the cen- tre of 'a large room, with a very small fire to secure a gradual renewal of the air would enable us to en- joy the most healthful and agreeable temperature. From trials made on this subject, I am enabled to state, that three Argand’s lamps, consuming five cubic feet of gas per hour, are sufficient to keep a room 10 feet square at a temperature of 55. Fahr. when the air without doors has a tempera ture of freezing.* In all processes of the arts where a moderate 9* Mr. Damon’s method of ascertaining the comparative quantity or effects of heat evolved during the combustion of difi'erent inflama— ble gases, and other substances capable of burning with flame, as stated in his System of Chemistry, vol. I. p. 76, deserves to be recom- mended to those who are more immediately interested in this subject. The process, which is simple, easy, and accurate, is as follows : Take a bladder of any :ize, (let us suppose for the sake of illustra- tion, the bladder to hold or to be equal in capacity to 30,000 grains of water,) and having furnished it with a stop-cock and a small jet—pipe, fill it with the combustible gas, the heating power of which is to be tried. Take also a tinned iron vessel with a concave bottom of the same capacity, pour into it as much water as will make the vessel and water together equal to the above stated bulk of water in the ladder, viz. 30,000 grains. This being done, set fire to the gas at the . orifice of the pipe, and bring the point of the flame under the bottom of the tinned vessel, and suffer it to burn there, by squeezing the bladder till the whole of the gas is consumed. The increase of tem- perature of the water-in the tinned vessel being carefully noticed be- fore and after the experiment, gives very accurately the heating power of the given bulk of the inflammable gas. 150 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. heat is wanted the gas-light flame will be found very advantageous—even on a large scale this flame may be used with profit. It possesses ad- . vantages which cannot be obtained from flaming fuel, where much nicety is required ; because no fuel can be managed like the flame of coal-gas. For it is well known, that when too little air is given to flaming fuel it produces no flame, but sooty vapour; and if too much air be admitted to make those vapours break out into flame, the heat is often too violent. It is a fact, that flame, when produced in great quantity, and made to burn vio- lently, by mixing with a proper portion of fresh air, driving it on the subject, and throwing it into whirls and eddies, thereby mixing the air with every part of the hot vapour, produces a very in- tense heat. The great power of a gas-flame does hot appear when we try small quantities of it, and allow it to It was thus proved—- Olcliant gas raises an equal volume of water ............ 14 " Carburettcd hydrogen, or coal-gas ........... . ........... 10 Carbonic oxid....... ........... .. ..... . ............. . 4 Hydrogen ..................... 5 Spcrniaceti oil. 10 grains burnt in a lamp raised 30,000 grains of water . . . . . . ........ . ..................... 5 Tallow .. . . ........... . . . .......................... . 5 W'ax .......................................... . . . 5‘75 Oil of turpentine ..... . . . ............................... 3 Spiritofwine................ ....... ............ 2 [1. FL faring page: 2152. éévi/yg/i .9 ; (A TREATISE "ON GAS-LIGHT. 151 to burn quietly, because the air is not intimately brought into contact with it, but acts only on the outside; and the quantity of burning matter in the surface of a small flame is too minute to pro— duce much effect. But when the flame is produced in large quan- tity and is freely brought forward into contact and agitated with air, its power to heat bodies is im- mensely increased. It is therefore peculiarly pro- per for heating large quantities of matter to a vio- lent degree, especially if the contact of solid fuel with such matter is inconvenient. i As the gas-flame may be made to assume any shape and intensity, and as there is nothing to spill, it may be exhibited under such variety of forms and designs, as cannot fail to give rise to the most tasteful ornamental illumination. PLATES III, IV, and V, exhibit such designs of different kinds of gas-lamps, chandeliers, lustres, candelabras, 8:0. as are already in use in this me— tropolis. PLATE———III. FIG. 1. Represents a Rod Lamp. The gas passes through the rod a, to the Argand burner, which is surrounded by a cylindrical chim- ney, c, swelling out at the lower extremity. The construction of the Argand burner we have men- tioned already, p. 94. In all the gas-light burners, constructed on Ar- 152 A TRE’ATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. gand’s plan, care should be taken that the flame be in contact with the air on all sides, and that the current of air be directed towards the upper extremity of the flame. This may be effected by causing a current of air to rise up perpendicular from the bottom of the chimney glass, and to pass out again through the contracted part, or upper extremity of the chimney; but no other current of air should ever be committed to come near the gas-flame, or enter the glass chimney which co- vers or defends the light; for if more air be per- mitted to mix with the flame than is sufficient for the complete combustion of the coal-gas, it neces- sarily diminishes the heat, and consequently re- duces the quantity of light. FIG. '2. A Rod Gas Lamp, with branches. The gas passes through the hollow rod, 0, and part of the hollow branch, I), to the burner of the lamp. The cylindrical shaped glass, 0, exhibited in this figure, is not so well adapted for the com- plete combustion of coal-gas, as the belly-shaped chimney, 0, represented in fig. 1, 3, 5, 6, because the ascending current of fresh air is not turned out of its perpendicular course, and thrown im- mediately in a concentrated state, into the upper part of the flame Where the combustion of the gas is less perfect. .The exterior current of air which enters at the bottom into the lamp, rises merely A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 153 with a velocity proportioned to the length of the cylinder, and to the rarefaction of the air in the same, but without being propelled to the apex of the flame, as it should do, and is made to do, in the bellied glass adapted to the lamp, fig. 1. FIG. 3. A Branch Lamp. a, the tube which conveys the gas to the burner; b, the stop-cock of the tube. FIG. 4. A Pendent Rod Lamp; in which the gas is supposed to come from a pipe above, through the ceiling, into the pipe, (1, to supply the burners. The tulip-shaped chimney, b, of this lamp, is likewise ill adapted for gas-light burners. FIG. 5. A Pendent double-branch Lamp. The gas passing through the perpendicular tube, a, into the brackets, bl); c shows the Argand bur~ ner. FIG. 6. A swing Branch Lamp. a, the gas- pipe with its stop-cock; b, a brass ball, commu- nicating with the pipe, at; c, the conducting tube, ground air-tight into the ball, I), and communi- cating! w1th the burner of the lamp, so as to al- low it to have an horizontal motion. FIG. 7. Shews the construction of the ball 6, and pipe c, of the lamp, fig. 6. FIG. 8. A swing Cockspur Lamp, constructed upon the same plan as fig. 6. These two lamps x 154 - ‘ A TREATISE 9N sysmmnr. are very convenient for desks in counting-houses, &c. , ' ' ' FIG. 9. A stop-cock with ball and socket, which, when adapted to a gas-light pipe, allows it to have an auniversal motion, so that the light may be turned in any direction. . FIG. 10. Section of the stop-cock, with ball ' «and socket. ’“ FIG. 11. Shows the ball and socket, fig. 9, in perspective. ' PLATE IV,* fig. 1. A Candelabrum; the gas pipe ascending from the floor of the apartment, through the column a, and terminating in the bur- ner of the lamp. FIG. 2. A fancy pendent Cockqna' Lamp. The gas being transmitted to the burners, c c, by means of the pipe, (1. FIG. 3. A Pedestal Argand Lamp. a, the pipe and stop—cock, which transmits t0, and shuts off the gas from the burner 0f the lamp. FIG. 4. A Pedestal Coclrspar Lamp. (1, the stop-cock and gas-pipe. FIG. 5. A fancy bracket Cockspur Lamp, in- tended merely to show that the coal-gas, as it passes to the burner, is perfectly devoid of colour, * The gas-lamps exhibited in this plate, are employed in the libra- ry, counting—house, warehouse, and offices of Mr. Ackerman. I /://r,'.',,,. / A,» , 1/14 (/15, ,1 ”fl“ 405.“. AL. _ V. A (4". ~ WEMV ‘vahsawvfié v‘ ., 1. ,. 1.44.... V A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 155 and invis1ble. a isa glass vessel furnished at its ‘ orifice with a brass cap, 0, and perforated ball, out of which the gas-flame proceeds. b, the pipe which conveys the gas into the glass vessel, a. FIG. 6. A bracket Argand Lamp. a and b, the gas-pipe communicating with the burner. FIG. 7 and 8. A Horizontal Branch Lamp. a, the gas-pipe, supposed to be concealed in the ceiling. b3 the communicating pipe, which, toge- ther with 0, branches out at right angles at d d. e, are the burners of the lamp.- PLATE V. fig. 1. A Candelabrum, into which the gas-pipe ascends from the floor of the apartment, the lateral branches communicating with the cen- tral tube. ‘ FIG. 2. An Arabesque Ckandelier. The gas en- ters from the ceiling of the room into the rope- shaped pipe, a, from which it proceeds through one of the arched ribs, 6 6, into the horizontal hoop, or pipe, 0. 1 FIG. 3. A Roman Chandelier. The gas enters through the inflexible hollow chain, a, into the central tube, b, from whence the burners are my» plied by the lateral branches, 0 0. FIG. 4. A Gothic Chandelier. The gas is trans? mitted to the burners through the rope, (I, which includes a tube, and the communication with the burners is established through the lateral branches. 156 A TREATISE ON ems-LIGHT. FIG. 5. A Pedestal Figure Lampi The gas is here made to pass, by means of a pipe, through the body of the figure into the lattice-work plateau, constructed of hollow and perforated brass tubes. FIG. 6. A Pedestal Vase Lamp. The gas-tube enters through one of the claw-feet of the altar- shaped pedestal, into the glass vase, a, at the bot- tom of which it joins the tubes communicating with the metallic corn-ears, b, at the upper extre- mities of which it forms jets defeu. FIG. 7. A Girandole. The gas enters through the bracket, a, and is conveyed to the burners by the descending tubes [3 1). FIG. 8. A Candelabmm, having a central pipe, through which the gas is conducted to the burner at the top. OTHER PRODUCTS OBTAINABLE FROJII COAL: NAMELY, COKE, TAR, ESSENTIAL OIL, &c. HAVING thus far considered the nature of coal- gas as a substitute for the lights now in use, it will be necessary to attend more particularly to some other products which are obtained during the production of this species of light: namely, coke, tar, ammoniacal liquor, Sac. Coke.——The substance called coke, which con- stitutes the skeleton of the coal, or its carbona- ceous base, is left behind in the retort, after all the evaporable products have been expelled from the coal by heat.——See p. 101. It is sufficiently known, that coke is a more valuable fuel than the coal from which it is ob- tained. Hence, immense quantities are prepared in the 158‘ A 11113111151: ON GAS-LIGHT. large way, but the gazeous and other substances are lost in the process; employed for carbonizing the coal.* In the manufacture of coal-gas the coke comes from the retort, enlarged in size, and greatly diminished in weight, when compared with the original coal. In whatever state the'coal may be when introduced into the retort, the coke is uniformly taken out in large masses, so that the refuse coal, or dust, and sweepings of the pit, which are now thrown away, may be employed and converted into an excellent fuel. Coke is decidedly superior to coal for all domestic, and more especially for culinary purposes; the heat which'it throws out being more uniform, more in- ' The preparation of coke is as follows :-—A quantity of large coal is placed 011 the ground in a round heap, of from 12 to 15 feet in dia- metei; and about; two feet in height; as many as possible of the large pieces are placed on their ends, to form passages for the air; above them are thrown the smaller pieces and coal dust. and in the midst of this circular heap, is left, a vacancy of a foot wide where a few faggots are deposited to kindle it. Tour or the apertures of this , kind are formed round the ring particularly 011 the side e\posed to the wind; there is, how ever, seldom om asion to light it 11 1th \\ ood tor other masses being generally 011 the, the w01 kmen most heqently use a tew shovels of coal already bur,11iug \1l11(h acts more rapidly than wood, and soon kindles the surroundiho‘ pile , as the the spreads, the mass increases in bulk, pufl‘s up, bet omes spong y and light, cakes into one body and at length loses its volatile parts and emits 110 mote smoke. It then acquires an uml‘oi 111 1011 eolour,ineli11iug a little to white, in which state it begins to bitak into gaps and (hinks and assumes the appeaiance of the unde1 part ot a mushroom; at this moment the heap must be quie kly 10\ mod \1 1th aslu s, ot \1 Incl! there is always a sufficient provision around the numerous tires, whet-1 the. coke is prepared A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 15S) tense, and more durable. No flame, indeed, ac companies it, and it seldom needs the application of the poker ——that specific for the ennui of En- glishmen: but these deficiencies are more than balanced by the valuable property of emitting no sparks, of giving more heat, and burning free from dust and smoke. That coke must give out more heat during its combustion than coal, will ,at once become obvi- ous, when we consider that the quantity of Hiat- ter which, in the combustion of coal is changed from a solid, to a state of elastic fluidity, must ne- cessarily carry off a portion of caloric, which then becomes converted in a latent state without pro- ducing heat, whilst the glow of the coke radiates caloric with an intensity unimpaired by any de- mand of this kind. It is thus that coke, though somewhat more dif— ficult of ignition than common coal, always gives out a more steady, a more lasting, and a more in- tense heat. The only inconveniences that attend the use of coke are, that, as it consumes, it leaves much more ashes than common coal, charcoal, or wood; and these much heavier too, which are, therefore, liable to collect in such quantity as to obstruct the free passage of air through the fire; and further, that when the heat is cery intense, these ashes are dis , 160 A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT.- posed to melt or vitrify into a tenacious dressy sub— stance, which clogs the grate, the sides of the fur— nace, and the vessels. This last inconvenience is only troublesome, however, when the heat required is very great. In ordinary heats, such as are pro- duced by kitchen or parlour grates, the ashes do not melt, and though they are more COpious and heavy than those of charcoal or wood, they do not choke up the fire, unless the bars of the grate be too close together. The relative effects of heat produced by coke and coal are as follows :— Six hundred pounds of pit-coal are capable of evaporating 10 cubic feet of water in 20 hours, and 4301b. of coke are capable of evaporating 17 cubic feet of water in 12 hours and a halffi“ ‘* In order to learn the relative effect of different kinds of fuel,with regard to their capability of producing heat, chemistry teaches that equal quantities of thel alike expended, will raise the temperature of a given quantity of water through the same number of degrees; whence, by knowing the original quantity and temperature of water, together with the quantity of fuel expended to raise the water to the boiling point, the result sought may be expressed by stating the quan- tity of water at 30 degrees, which would have been raised 180 degrees by one pound of the fuel employed; or in the form of a rule, Multiply the quantity of water by the number expressing the degrees actually raised ; multiply the number of pounds of fuel expended by 180 degrees. Divide the first product by the latter, and the quotient will express the water which would have been raised 180 degrees by one pound ofthe fuel. Or equal (plantities of water may be completely evaporated under equal surfaces and circumstances, With the different kinds of fuel. the nature of which is to be examined; the quantities of fuel expended for that purpose give the relative effect of the diller— ent kinds of fuel. with regard to their power of producing heat. I A TREATISE ON GAS—LIGHT. 161 The Earl of Dundonald has shown that, in the application for burning lime, a quantityof coke uniformly burns a given portion of lime—stone in. one-third part of the time that the quantity of coal from which the coke had been made could do. This effect is to be accounted for from having previously freed the coal, or rather its coke, from the moisture and the tar, which it sends out dur- ing combustion, and which condenses on the mid- dle and upper strata of stratified limestone and coal in the lime-kiln, and impedes the whole mass of materials from coming into a rapid and com- plete ignition,- because the, greater the quantity of materials, and the sooner the whole is ignited, the better and more economically the lime is burned, both as to coals and time; the saving of which last is a material object, especially at lime-kilns where there is in the summer time a great demand for lime, the coke occasioning the kilns to hold a third more lime at the same time. In the art of making bricks, in the smelting of metallic ores, and the drying of malt, the advan- tages of coke over coal, are sufficiently known. The following account given by Mr. Davis} shows that the advantages that may be derived in ’ Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 33. p. 433. Y 102 A TREATISE ()N GAS-LIGHT. - the processes of burning lime, 'plaster of paris, and bricks, by means of coke, are greater than at first sight might be imagined. “ The coke obtained in the gas process is so valuable, that it appears inexplicable that men should not avail themselves of this mode ‘of pro- curing light, to the almost total exclusion of all other methods now in use. As a landholder, placed among an industrious but wholly illiterate society of men, I have had the more opportunity ‘ of trying this species of fuel or coke, which I could not otherwise procure in this sequestrated spot, at a tolerably cheap rate, for purposes to which it has not, as far as I know, been hitherto employed. I must tell you that I am my own lime-burner, plaster of paris baker, and brick- maker; and that in these processes of rural eco- nomy I have derived the greatest benefits from this species of fuel, which I now prepare at a cheap rate, although I waste almost the whole of the light of the coal gas intentionally. The coal which I employed formerly for the burning of limestone into lime, is a very inferior kind of small coal, called liere Welsh culm. The kiln for burning the limestone into lime is a cup-shaped concavity, surrounded with solid brick-work, open at the t0p, and terminating below by an iron grate. It has a stone door that may be opened and closed A TREATISE ON GAS—LIGHT. 163 for charging and emptying thevfurnace when re- quired. This furnace I formerly \charged with al- ternate strata or layers of small coal and limestone, the latter being broken previously into pieces, not larger than a man’s fist, until the kiln was com~ pletely filled. The stone is thus slowly decom- posed; the upper part of the charge descends, and when it has arrived at the bottom of the fur- nace new strata are super-imposed, so as to keep the furnace continually full during a period 0f 50 hours. The quantity of lime I procured With small coal formerly amounted to 85 bushels. The strata of coal necessary for the production ofthis quantity of lime require to be four inches thick, and the time necessary for calcination was, as stated already, 50 hours. “ On applying coke instead of coal, the pro- duce of lime may be increased to nearly 30 per \ cent. from the same furnace, and the time required to effect the calcination of this quantity of lime- stone is reduced to 39 hours: it also requires less attendance and less labour, and the Whole saving, thus accomplished, amounts to more than 50 per cent. on the lime-kiln. “ I have lately also employed coke for the burn. ing of bricks. My bricks are burnt in clamps, made of bricks themselves. The place for the fuel, or fire-place, is perpendicular, about three 164 p A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. feet high. The fines are formed by gathering or arching the bricks over, so as to leave a space be- tween each of a brick’s breadth ; and as the whole of the coal, if this fuel be employed, must on ac- COunt of the construction of the pile, be put in at once, the charge of the bricks is not, and never can be, burnt properly throughout; and the interfe- rence of the legislature, with regard to the mea- surement of the clamp, is a sufficient inducement for the manufitcturer to allow no more space for coal than he can possibly spare. If coke be applied instead of coal, the arches, or empty spaces in the clamp or pile, as well as the strata of the fuel, may be considerably smaller: the heat produced in this case is more uniform and more intense, and a saving of 30 per cent. at least. is gained. “ In the baking my own plaster-stone I also em- ploy coke. The calcination of the stone for 1na~ nure I perform in a common reverberatory fur- nace, and the men who conduct the process (who are otherwise averse to every thing new,) are much pleased with the steadiness of the'fire, and little attendance which the process requires, when coke is used instead of coal. “ These are the few facts I wish to state, with regard to the useful application of this species of fuel. which, no doubt, hereafter will become an ob- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 165 Ject of economy of incalculable advantage to in- dividuals, if its nature be better understood than it is at present.” The quantity of coke obtainable from a given quantity of coal varies accOrding to the nature of the coal employed. One chaldron of Newcastle coal produced, upon an average, in the gas-light manufacture, from one chaldron and a quarterito one chaldron and a half of well-formed coke. If the carbonization of the coal has been carried to its utmost point, the coke produced, has a brilli- ant silvery lustre. Such coke is excellent for me- tallurgical Operations, because it stands the, pow- erful blast of the bellows, but for culinary and other purposes of domestic economy, the carboni zation should not be carried so far because the coke then produced, kindles more readily, and makes a more cheerful fire. Coal-tar, Oil, and Pitch—Another valuable pro-- duct obtainable from pit-coal, is coal-tar.”“ This substance is deposited, in the purification of the coal-gas, in a separate vessel destined to receive it. The coal-tar is so called from its resembling "' In the year 1665, Becher, a German chemist, brought to England his discovery for extracting tar from coal ; this distillation he performed in close vessels. It is not mentioned'in the records of the time, whe- ther Becher obtained, 0. rather collected, any other articles than the tar. \ .- 166 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. common tar in its appearance, and most of its qua— lities. Several works have been, at different times, erected both in England and on the continent, to procure from coal a substitute for tar; but they turned out unprofitable speculations. In 1781, the Earl of Dundonald invented a mode of dis- ' tilling Coal in the large way, which enabled him not only to form coke, but, at the same time, to save and collect the tar. Even this process, how- ever, for which a patent was taken out, has gained very little ground. Its object was still too limited; for though some of the ingredients of coal were procured, they were. procured at an expense that nearly balanced the profits ; and no attention what- ever was paid to the coal-gas which constitutes the most important part of coal. Coal-tar may be used with advantage for paint- ing and securing wood that is exposed to the ac- tion of air or water. The wood being warmed, the tar is applied cold, and penetrating into the pores, gives the timber an uncommon degree of hardness and durability. One chaldron of Newcastle coal produces, in the gas-light manufacture from 150 to 1801b. of tar, according to the circumstances under which it is produced. See page 131. ‘ The tar obtained from Newcastle coal is speci- A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 167 fically heavier than that produced from cannel- coal; hence it sinks in water, whereas the latter swims on the surface of that fluid. To render the tar fit for use, it requires to be evaporated to give it a s’uflicient consistence. If this process be performed in close vessels, 3. por- tion of an essential oil is obtained, which is known to colourmen by the name of oil of tar. To ob,- tain this oil, a common still is filled with the coal- tar, and, being properly luted, the fire is kindled and kept up very moderate, for the tar is very apt to boil up in the early part of the process. The first product that distils over is principally a brown ammoniacal fluid, mixed, however, With a good deal of oil. As the process advances, and the heat is increased, the quantity of ammoniacal li- quor lessens, and that of oil increases, and to- wards the end of the distillation the product is chiefly oil. The oil and ammoniacal water which distil over do not mix, so that they may be easily separated by decantation. ' The oil is a yellowish inferior kind of oil of turpentine, which is very useful in painting ships, for making varnishes, and other coarse out—door work. ‘ i T wo hundred pounds of tar produce, upon an average fifty-three pounds of essential oil. If the coal-tar is wanted to be converted into 168 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. pitch, without obtaining the oil which it is capa- ble of furnishing, the evaporation of it may be performed in a common boiler; but as it is ex- tremely liable to boil over, the greatest precaution is necessary in conducting the evaporation. A boiler constructed on the following plan is very convenient for the conversion of coal-tar into pitch. The contrivance consists in adding a spout or rim, to the common boiler, into which the tar spreads itself as’it rises, and by this means the evaporated portion becomes cooled, and the boil- ing over is checked. Kettle for boiling Tar. 1000 lbs. of coal-tar produce, upon an average, from 460 to 4801bs. of pitch. A subsequent fu- sion, with a gentle heat, converts the coal—pitch into a substance possessing all the characters of asphaltum. A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 16.9 Ammoniacal Fluid—The properties of the am-- monial liquor, which accompanies the tar, and which is deposited in the tar-cistern, has not yet been fully investigated. It is employed already in the manufacture of muriate of ammonia (sal ammoniac). One chaldron of coal affords from 220 to 2401bs. of this ammoniacal fluid, which is composed chiefly of sulphate, and carbonate of ammonia—Such are the products obtainable from coal. However certain the practicability of extending the new lights to the dwelling houses of every town and village is, it cannot be expected that such an event should take place speedily and ge- nerally. To eradicate prejudice, and to alter es- tablished habits, is a work which nothing but time can effect; because prejudice is the effect of habit, and can seldom be eradicated from the minds of such individuals as consider the ready occurrence of a proposition as a test of its truth. To esta- blish a new philosophical theory has, in every in- stance, required time sufficient to educate an entire generation of men. The rejection of the Aristo- telian philosophy—the adoption of experimental research—the substitution of the doctrine of gra- vitation instead of that ol‘ vortices, and the rejec- tion of phogiston by modern chemists, are suffici- entl y illustrative of this assertion. New arts, and z 170 A TREATISE _0N GAS—LIGHT. new practices, are still more difficult to be intro- duced. , The new art of bleaching need merely be mentioned to prove this assertion. The new gram- mar—the new rudiments of science—the new style-~01- the new instrument, however superior to ' the old in simplicity, facility, and truth, must be less valuable to the ordinary teacher or artisan, whose memory is familiarized with the precepts of the latter, and whose only ambition is to earn his subsistence with the least possible exertion. The slowness with which improvements of every kind, make their way into common use, and es- pecially such discoveries as are most calculated to be of an extended or general utility, is very re- markable, and forms a striking contrast to the ex- treme avidity with which those unmeaning changes are adopted, which folly and caprice are continu- ally sending forth into the world under the au- spices of fashion. On the first view of the subject it appears very extraordinary, that any person should neglect, or refuse to avail himself of a proposed invention, or improvement, which is evidently calculated to eco- nomise his labour, and to increase his comforts; but when we reflect on the power of habit, and consider how difficult it is for a person even to perceive the disadvantages or imperfections of former modes to which he has been accustomed A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 17] from his early youth,.our surprize will be diminish: cd, or vanish altogether. Many other circumstances, besides prejudice, are unfavourable to the introduction of new and useful discoveries. Among these jealousy, malice, envy, and revenge, have too often their share in obstructing the progress of real improvement, and in preventing the adoption of plans evidently cal- culated to promote the public good. A plan like the present, which proposes not only to trench upon domestic habits, but to give an entire new direction to a portion of the skill and ‘ capital of the country, must necessarily encounter the most strenuous Opposition. It is thus that some individuals have mustered all their strength against the introduction of this new art. An en- deavour has been made to move the public opini— on by dismal forebodings of the Greenland trade, and the subsequent loss of a nursery of British sea- men. This objection is nothing more than the common clamour that is always set up against eve- ry new means of abridging labour, to which had the public listened, an interdict'would have been laid upon the spinning and thrashing machines, the steam engine, and a thousand other improvements in machinery. Indeed such clamour scarcely ever fails to be made when the extension of machinery and the 172 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. abridgement of labour or the application of inani- mate powers are considered. ’ On such occasions, it is stated by certain humane, but. mistaken 0b- jectors, that the scheme of mechanical and che- mical improvement is pointed against the human species—that it tends to drive them out of the sys- tem of beneficial employment—that the introduc- tion of machinery is injurious to the labouring class of society, by abridging their work. Two crea- tures offer themselves for employment and support ——a man and a horse. I must invariably prefer the latter and leave the former to starve. Two other beings—a horse and a steam-engine, are can- didates for my favor. My preference to the latter tends to exterminate the species of the former. In both cases it is stated, that the number of intelli- gent creatures capable of the enjoyment of happi- ness must be diminished for want of support , and that on the whole, the sum of the proposed im- provement is not only a less proportion of good to society, but a positive accession of misery to the unemployed poor. On this wide and extended argument, which can in fact be maintained against all improvements whatever, in no other way than by insisting that the savage state of man, with all its wants, its ig- norance, its ferocity, and its privations, is prefera- ble to the social intercourse of eflbrt and division A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 173 of labour we are habituated to prefer, it may be suificient to observe, that it includes matter not only for reasoning and induction, but also for ex- periment. By reference to the matter of fact, though it must be allowed that new improvements, which change the habits of the poor, must, at first, expose them to a temporary inconvenience and distress. against which, in fairness, it is the duty of society to defend them; yet the invariable result of such improvements is always to better the con- dition of mankind. A temporary inconvenience to individuals must often be incurred for the sake of general national benefit. It is to manufactories carried on by machinery and to the abridgement of labour that this country is indebted for her riches, her independence, and pre-eminent station among the nations of the world. But let us return to the subject. The progress of the new mode of lighting with coal-gas can ne- ver wholly supersede the use of candles and Inoveable lights. The objection with regard to the Greenland trade is equally futile. This traffic, might with more propriety be called a drain, than a nursery, of the naval force. The nature of the Greenland service requires that the crew should consist :chiefly of able-bodied sailors; and being protected men, not subject to the impress law, 174 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. they are thus rendered useless for national de- fence. The nursery of British seamen is the coast- ing trade; and if the gas-light illumination be put in practice to a large extent, it will increase that trade as much as it will diminish the Greenland fishery. Even on the extreme supposition that it would annihilate the Greenland fisheries altogether, we should have no reason to regret the event. The soundest principles of political economy must con-- demn the practice of fitting out vessels to navigate the polar seas for oil, if we can extract a superior material for procuring light at a cheaper rate from the produce of our own soil. ' Indeed the fisheries will find ample encourage- ment, and the consequence of lighting our streets with gas can prove injurious only to our continen- tal friends, one of whose staple commodities, tal- low, we shall then have less occasion to purchase. There will be less waste indeed, but a greater con- sumption of coal. The lower classes of the com- munity are at present very scantily supplied with firing; and nothing but a reduction of price is ne- cessary to increase to 'a very large amount the Whole average quantity of fuel consumed in the country. The lightness of the coke produced in the gas-light manufacture diminishing the expence of land carriage, will facilitate its general difl‘u-r A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 175 Slon—the comforts of the poor W111 be materially augmented, and a number of useful operations in agriculture and the arts, be carried on, which are now checked and impeded by the price of fuel. If ansr additional vent were wanted for the coke, it will readily be found in the continental market; coke being much better suited than coal to the habits, of most European nations. The gas—light illumination cannot tend to dimi- nish the coal-trade; on the contrary it will prove. beneficial to it; it will contribute to lower the price of the superior kinds of coal, and keep a lo- vel which cannot be shaken under any circum- stances; it will contribute to prevent combinations which do certainly operate to the prejudice of the public, and do sometimes put this great town at the mercy of particular proprietors in the north, who deal out coal in the way they please. The— competition thus produced, it is impossible not to _ consider as an advantage, which would prevent, in future, such combinations, and put those in Lon-- don out of the reach of them. It is worthy observation, that the annual import- ation of coal into this metropolis, is above one million and eighty-eight thousand chaldrons. It may be objected to the universality of our conclusion, that the price of coals, differing very much in different places, will occasion a variat’on 176 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. ' in the expence of the new mode of illumination. But there are two reasons "why this should have less place, because we find, in Mr. MURDOCH’s statement, page 86, that of 600l. the estimated yearly expence of lighting the cotton mill, 550i. consist of interest of capital, and tear and wear of apparatus, leaving the cost of coal only 50L a sum so trifling, when we reflect that it replaces 20001. worth _of candles, that the price of coal, even where it is highest, can but slightly afl‘ect the ge- neral profits. 2dly, The coal, by yielding the gas and other products,——n~amely, tar, pitch, ammoniacal liquor, &c. of which we have treated already, is con- verted into a substance, increased in bulk, and in the power of producing heat, namely, coke; and as a manufactory generally requires heating as well as lighting, there will be a gain both ways. The manufacturer, by distilling his coal, instead of burning it as it comes from the pit, will save his candles and improve his fuel. One effort at the outset, in erecting a proper apparatus, will re- duce his amiual disbursement, for these two arti- cles of prime necessity, much in the same man- ner, (though in a far greater degree) as the farmer gains by building a thrashing machine and laying aside the use of the flail. The principal expence in the pursuit of this A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 177 branch of civil and domestic economy is therefore the dead capital employed in erecting the machi- nery destined for preparing and conveying the gas; the floating or live capital, is comparatively small. At the same time, were we to offer an advice to the public on this subject, it would be, that no private individual resident in London should at. tempt to light his premises for the sake of econo- my with coal-gas by means of his own apparatus, whose annual expence for light does not exceed 60l. because the expence of erecting and attend- ing a small apparatus is almost as great as one constructed on a larger scale would be. For if the quantity of gas wanted is not suflicient to keep the retorts continually in a red-hot or working state, the cost of the gas will be considerably en- hanced; because either the empty retorts must be continued red-hot, or the fire must he suffered to go out; and the retorts, when cold, cannot be brought to a working state, that is to say, be made red hot again, but at a considerable expence of fuel, which must be wasted to no purpose. Whereas, if the retorts are constantly kept red hot and in action, one half of the coal necessary to produce a giVen quantity of gas, will then be saved. But when a street, or a small neighbourhood is wanted to be lighted, and the retorts can always be kept in a working state, that is to say, red hot, the ope- 2 A 178 A TREATISE on GAS-LIGHT. ration may be commenced with safety; because the sum required for erecting the apparatus, and the labour attending it, togetherwith the interest of the money sunk, will then soon be liquidated by the light which it will afford. Individuals, therefore, may engage in the dis- tillation of coal, and trade with advantage in the articles produced by that process, and the light— ing of cities may be accomplished without the aid of incorporated bodies ; and parishes may be light- ed by almost as many individuals as there are streets in .a parish. From experiments made by Mr. CLEGG, on the effects produced by a number of gas-lights, of a . certain intensity, there is reason to believe that the streets of small towns might be illuminated at a cheaper rate, by means of a tower or pagoda, fur- nished with gas-lamps, than can be done in the or— dinary way by street lamps: the gas being con— ducted t0 the top of the building from the appara- tus below, and the light directed down again, upon the objects to be illuminated, by means of reflec- tors placed at a certain angle. By this contri- vance, all the main pipes which convey the gas through the streets, as well as those collateral ones that branch out from them to the street lamps, would be saved and thus compensate for the ex- pense of the tower. A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 179 The most beneficial application of gas-lights unquestionably is in all those situations where a great quantity of light is izvauted in a small place: and where light isrequired to be most diffused, the advantages of this mode of illumination arc the least.~——Hence, as already stated, the lighting of the parish, or street-lamps only, without light- ing shops or houses, can never be accomplished with economy. \V e have noticed before, the reason why the price of coals can have little effect upon the gas- light; because the very refuse, or small coal, called slack, whichpassesthrough the screen at the pits mouth, and which cannot be brought into the market—nay, even the sweepings of the pit, which are thrown away, may be employed for the production of coal—gas. It makes no differ- ence in what form the coal is used, and this cir- cumstance may contribute to enable the coal— merchant to furnish coals in larger masses,and as they come from the mine, instead of increasing the bulk by breaking them into a smaller size, which is a practice commonly adhered to. This unquestionably reduces the value of coals; be- cause the quantity of radiant heat generated in the combustion of a given quantity of any kind of fuel depends much upon the management of 180 A TREATISE ()N GAS-LIGHT. the fire, or upon the manner in which the fuel is consumed. There is one subject more on which it is neces- sary to speak.~—In the present instance, the pub- lic has been alarmed, by representations, that the general adoption of gas-lights would expose us to innumerable accidents, from the inflammable nature of the gas, and the explosion of the appa- ratus in which it is prepared, or the bursting of the pipes by which it is conveyed—But there is no ground for such fears. Those who are familiar with the subject will readily allow, that there is no more risk in the ac- tion of a gas-light n'iachinery, properly construct- ed, than there is in the action of a steam-engine, built on just principles. The manufacture of the coal-gas requires no- thing lnore than what the most ignorant person, with a common degree of care and attention, is competent to perform. The heating of the gas- furnace, the charging of the retorts with coal, the closing them up air-tight, the keeping them red- hot, and discharging them again, are the only operations required in this art; and these, surely, demand no more skill than a few practical les- sons can teach to the meanest capacity. The workman is not called upon to exercise his own A TREATISE 0N GlAs-LIGHT. 181 judgment, because, when thefire is properly managed, the evolution of the gas goes on spon- taneously, and without further care, till all the gas is extricated from the coal. No part of the machinery is liable to be out of order,~—there are no cocks to be turned, no- valves to be regulated; nor can the operator derange the apparatus but by the most violent efforts. And when the stock of gas is prepared, we may depend on its lighting power as much as we depend on the light to be obtained from a cer- tain number of candles or oil-lamps. The diversified experiments ~which have been made by different individuals, unconnected with each other, have sufficiently established the per- fect safety of the new lights; and numerous ma- nufactories might be named in which the gas-lights have now been in use for upwards of seven years, where nothing like an accident has occured, though the apparatus in all of them is entrusted :0 the most ignorant man. It would be easy to state the causes which have given‘ rise to some of those accidents that have spread alarm amongst the public; but of this it is not my business to speak at length. It is suf- ficient, on the present occasion, to state, that those melancholy occurrences which have hap- pened at some gas-light establishments which I 182 A TREATISE ON GASeLIGHT. have had an opportunity of examining, were totally occasioned by egregious failures committed in the construction of the machinery. Thus, an explosion very lately took place in a manufacto ry lighted with coal-gas, in consequence of a large quantity of g s escaping into a building, 'i‘vhere it mingled with common air, and was set on fire by the approach of a lighted candle. That such an accidentcould happen, is an evident proof that the machinery was erected by a bungler, unac- quainted with the most essential principles of this art; because such an accident might have been effectually prevented, by adapting a Waste pipe to the gasometer and gasometer house. By this means, if more gas had been prepared than the gasometer would contain, the superfluous quan- tity could never have accumulated, but would have been transported out of the building into the open air, in as an effectual manner as the waste- pipe of a water cistern 'conveys away the super- fluous quantity of water, when the cistern is full. —Such an expedient did not ‘form part of the ma- chinery. Other instances might be named, where explo- sions have been occasioned through egregious mis- takes having been committed in the erection of the gas-light machinery, were this a subject on which I meant to treat. A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 183 That the ceal-gas, when mixed with a certain portion of common air, in close vessels, may be inflamed by the contact of a lighted body, as has been stated, page 134, is a fact sufficiently known. But the means of preventing such an occurence in the common application of gas-lights, are so sim- ple, easy, and effectual, that it would be ridiculous \ to dread danger, where there is nothing to be ap- prehended. In speaking thus of the safety of the gas-light illumination, I do not mean to deny that no possible circumstances may occur where the coal—gas may be the cause of accident. It is cer— tain that the gas when suffered to accumulate in large quantities, in close and confined places, where there is no current of air,such as in cellars, vaults, &c. and where it can mix with common air, and remain undisturbed, that it may be liable to take fire when approached by a lighted body; but I do not see how it is probable that such an accu- mulation of gas should take place in the apart- ments of dwelling houses. The constant current of air which passes continually through the rooms, is sufficient to prevent the possibility of such an accumulation ever to take place. And with re- gard to the bursting of the pipes which convey the » gas, no accident can possibly happen from that quarter: because the gas which passes through 184 A TR'fiA’I’ISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. the whole range of pipes sustains a pressure equal to the perpendicular weight of about one inch of water only, and such a weight, of course, is Insuf- ficient to burst iron pipes. Nor could the town when illuminated by gas-lights, be thrown suddenly into darkness, as has been asserted might happen by the fracture of a main pipe, supposing such an event should take place; because the lateral branches, which supply the street lamps and houses, are supplied by more than one main; and the consequence of a fracture would be only an extinction of the few lamps in the immediate vicinity of the broken pipe, because the rest of the pipes, situated beyond the fracture, would continue to be supplied with gas from the other mains, as will become obvious from the sketch ex- hibited in the next page. 7 A TREATISE 0N GAS—LIGHT. 185 Main pipe, leading from the Gas-light station, or apparatus, situated in Brick Lane, near Old St. l3“ Main pipe, leading from the Gas-light ap- t I or station, in Westminster. * The gasometer at this place is equal in capacity to 22,000 cubicfed.', 1’ The capacity of the gasometer here is equal to 15,928 cubicfett. ; At this station the gasometer is equal in capacity to 14,808 cubicfnet. ' The black lines represent the gas—light mains. or largest pipes, from which the smaller pipes branch off: they are connected with each other at the places marked A B C; and the dotted lines represent the smaller mains, or collateral branches before—mentioned. The main pipes are all fur- nished with valves, or cocks, placed at about 100 feet distant from each other. Now let us suppose that a mam pipe, in any part of the street marked in the sketch, Pall Mall, should break, it is evident, on mere Inspection, that the gas which is passing through the main in the Strand, and which is also 2 B paratus or station, at Norton Falgate. 186 A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. connected with the mains in the Hag/market, Pic- cadilly, and amenity-Street, would continue to supply the broken pipe, and the valve nearest to the fracture being shut, would prevent the loss of any considerable quantity of gas, and the few lamps situated between the two valves and the fracture would therefore only become extin- guished. Further, let us suppose a main pipe should break in Piccadilly; in that case, the valve be- ing shut on each side of the fracture, the gas would be supplied from the mains in the Hay. market and St. James’s Street. And the same effect would be produced in any part of the town, supplied with gas-pipes. Besides all this, in the statement thus far given, we have assumed that all the gas-light mains are supplied with gas from one manufacturing station only, but which in rea- lity is not the case. The range of pipes that convey the gas is connected with three gas-light eStablislnnents, situated at different parts of the town; and the gas which is supplied from these stations is connected with the whole system of pipes in the streets.* If, therefore, one of the manufactories should be annihilated, it would make no difference, because the lights would be ‘ As shown in the sketch. A TREATISE ON GAS-LIGHT. 187 amply supplied from the other two manufacturing stations. Hence it is obvious, that the fracture of any of the gas-light mains, or even the total de- struction of one or more of the manufactories them- selves, would be attended with no serious conse- quence; and as the system of lighting with gas becomes more extended, the manufactories, 01‘ stations for supplying it, will also be multiplied, to give effect and security to the iwhole. In fact, no danger can arise from the application of gas-lights in any way, but what is common to candle-light, and lamps of all kinds, and is the fault of none of them. Even in this case the gas- lights are less hazardous. There is no risk of those accidents which often happen from the glittering or burning down of candles, or from carelessly snufling them. The gas-light lamps and burners must necessarily be fixed to one place, and there- fore cannot fall, or otherwise become deranged, without being immediately extinguished. Besides, the gas-light flames emit no sparks, nor are any embers detached from them. As a proof of the comparative safety of the gas-lights, it need only be stated, that the Fire-oflices engage themselves to Insure cotton-mills, and other public works, at a less premium, Where gas—lights are used, than in the case of any other lights. 188 A 'I‘REATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. It requires .here to be stated, that Mr. CLEGG ‘has invented a selflewtinguishing gas-lamp, so con- structed, that the gas cannot flow to the burner, when the flame becomes extinguished. If, there- fore, the lamp should be blown out, and the stop- cock which supplies the gas be left open, the extinction of the flame will effectually shut the valve. The action of this lamp depends upon the expansibility of a metallic rod, heated by the flame of the lamp, and thus keeping open the valve, whereas, when the lamp is extinguished, and the rod becomes cold, it contracts to its natu_.} ral dimensions, and, by that means, effectually closes the valve. The same engineer has in- vented a machine, which both measures and re- gisters, in the absence of the observer, the quantity of gas delivered by any pipe communicating with a gas-light main. T he machine occupies a space of about two feet by one foot, and if put up in a room, house, or other place, where gas is burnt, will, at any time, by mere inSpection, give an account of the quantity of gas consumed in that place during any given time. On the present occasion it would not become me to say more on these subjects, which, no doubt, Mr. CLEGG will make known to the public; I shall only remark, that these contri- vances do signal honor to the talents and abilities of the inventor; and that they will render the A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. 189 greatest services to those who are engaged in'the gas—light illumination. The excessive expence of insurance arising from the numerous candles employed in most of the first rate manufactories, and the combustible na- ture of the structure of the buildings; the great difli:,:nlty of retrieving the injury resulting to a. well-organised business, from the accidental de- struction of the machinery, are objects alone suf- ficient to furnish the strongest economical, as well as lmlitical recommendations, for the adoption of the new lights in all manufactories where work is done by candle-light. After considering the facts so far detailed, many other advantages, connected with the gas-light il— lumination, Will naturally suggest themselves to the reader. I have endeavoured merely to point out the leading characters of the new lights, as they are at present. Ingenious men may speculate from what has been done to what remains to be effected; which, no doubt, will embrace objects of the greatest utility and most extended national importance. The public attention is awakened to the new properties of coal, and will not rest till they are extensively applied to economical pur- poses. .The consequence will be a considerable defalcation in the revenue. For, in proportion as h the gas—lights are more or less generally adopted 190 . A TREATISE 0N GAS-LIGHT. in all towns of the country, the consumption of oil and tallow will be diminished, and the impost on those articles become less productive; and when this takes place, government, no doubt, will share in the profits, by levying a tax on the newlights. The Exchequer will thus have nothing to fear; as one branch of the revenue fails, another, and a more productive one, will supply its place. Upon the whole, when we reflect that the ob- j ect of the gas-light illumination is to open a source of national wealth, of which nothing can deprive us, to create, we may almost say, new articles of value, its friends cannot be thought guilty of great presumption, if they look forward with confidence to the successful extension of this new art of civil ecOnomy; and if, contrary to all expectations, the effects of jealousy and prejudice should, in some respect or other, continue here and there its infl u- ence against this new art of procuring light, a firm perseverance of its application must at length re- move that ignorance which alone can give them * birth. 191 TABULAR VIEW, EXHIBITING The quantity of GAS, COKE, TAR, PITCH, ESSENTIAL OIL, and AMMONIACAL LIQUOR, obtainable from a given quantity of COAL; together with an Estimate of the quantity of Coal necessary to produce a quantity of Gas, capable of yielding a Light equal in duration of Time and intensity to that produced by Tallow Candles of different kinds. ' . 3 .5" Candles,»~ Cost of Coal. lVeight of Coal. Produce of Gas, in cubicfeet. :9: § 3 9,516 11 t0 “1‘? pound. 53 8. ._ 8,651 10 ditto (‘1 [1 f C hiinimnm. Maximum. Average. Minm. Maxm. Average. Minm. Maxm. Average. :3 a.) 3 7,786 9 gigo 0150161356028 033,: } 405 10605 50.9 2,800 to 3,136 —— 2,968 8,906 to 11,872 ~— 10,3884: 5? E 2:22;; 3 dittg Ono’l‘on ............ 30s to48s __38s6d 2,240 6,720 to 8,960 -— 7,840 ems-=2 5,194 6 ditto 0110 Sack ........... 3s 4d 10 53 — 4s 2d 233 to 261 ~— 247 741 to 988 -— 814 3 c! g 4,325 5 ditto Ono Bushel ......... ls 2dto ls 8d —— is 511 ’78 to 87 — 82% 247 to 330 — 290 ’2; H 5 3,463 4 ditto One Peck .. . . . 3%10 5d—-— 4% 19%‘(0 21,3?— 20!: 61 to 82 -— 71% 51;? go 2,595 3 ditto One pound ......... % 1 3 to 4 — 3g- 338'; 1,730 2 ditto * g g 866 1 ditto l U COKE.——One chaldron of coal, from 25 to 28 cwt. gives 1% to 1% chaldron of Coke. TAR.-——One chaldron of coal, from 25 to 28 cwt. gives from 150 to 1801b. of Tarf" or 15 to, 18 ale gallons. lolb. each. AMMONIACAL LlQUOR.-——0ne chaldron of coal, gives from 220 to 2401!). of Ammoniacal Liquor, or 22 to 24 ale gallons. ' 10001b. of Coal-Tar afford by distillation, from 260 to 265 lb. of Essential Oil, or Napthn. looolb. of Coal~an produce by mere evaporation, from 460 to 480“). of Pitch. Tabular View, exhibiting the lllumz'nalini 6,000 4,500 3,600 3,000 2,571 2,250 2,000 1,800 1 ,636 1,500 1,384 1,285 1,200 1,125 1,058 1,000 947 900 857 818 783 750 8,000 0,000 4,800 4,000 3,428 3,000 2,666 2,400 2,101 2,000 1 ,846 1,714 1,600 , 1,500 1,411 1,333 1,263 1,200 1,143 1,014 1,095 1,000 Average. 10,500 7,000 5,250 4,400 3,500 3,005 2,625 2,333 2,100 . 1,913 1,750 1,615 1,499 1,400 1,312 1,234 1166 1, 05 1,050 1,000 950 013 875 Burning. 1 hour 2hours 3 ditto 4 ditto 5 ditto 6 ditto 7 ditto 8 ditto 9 ditto 10 ditto 11 ditto l2 ditto l3 ditto 14 ditto 15 ditto 16 diito 17 ditto 18 ditto 19 ditto 20 ditto 21 ditto 22 ditto 23 ditto 24 ditto Candles. 12 to lb. 21,000 10,500 7,000 5,250 4,400 3,500 3,005 2,625 2,333 2,100 1 ,913 1,750 1,615 1,499 1,400 1,312 1,234 1,166 1,105 1,050 1,000 956 913 875 1 ll II II II II I! II II ll II II ll ll H H H II II II H H II II illlllllll||llllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1.02 g power of Coal-Gas, compared with tlze illuminating power of Tallow Candles of deferenl sizes. One chaldron of Coal produces, according to weight and quality, Cubic feet of Gas From 9,000 to 12,000 a to lb. 10,500 5,250 3,500 2,625 2,200 1,750 1,502 1,312 1,166 1,050 956 875 807 749 700 656 617 583 552 525 500 47 8 456 437 N. B. If it be required to know, for how many hours one pound, or one peck, or one bushel, or one sack, of coal will produce Gas Light equal to that of a certain number of well-snuffed Tallow Candles, Ihe proportion of each of the average weights of a pound, peck, bushel, or sack, to that of the average weight of a chaldron of coal, is as follows: 1 lb. == 2968th part of a chaldron. One peck 20 = 148th ditto. One bushel 82 -= 36th ditto. One sack 248 = 12th ditto. RULE. Divide with either of the above parts of weight, the number of lights opposite to their hours, and the product will be the number of lights burning for the same number of hours. EXAMPLE. To know how many lights one peek of coal will give for six hours, divide the 148th part in 3,500 opposite to the numbei of six hours, the product is almost 24 lights. The same rule holds good for any given quantity or number of pounds of coal, in a chaldron, to find how many lights, or candles, 12 to the lb. or 6 to the lb. they will give for a given number of hours. (193) EST I MAT E fl} 01* THE PRICE OF A GAS-LIGH T APPARATUS, IF ERECTED IN LONDON, Capable of alfording, every 24 hours, Light equal to 40,000 Tallow Candles, six in the pound, burning one hour. £. 5. Gasometer, to contain 10,000 cubic feet of gas. . . . 236 0 Wheel—work, regulating chain, balance—weight for ditto, with wooden framing ................ 160 11 Wrought iron cistern for gasometer~36 feet wide, 24 feet long and 16 feet deep ........... . . . . . 500 0 (It would weigh about 16 tons.) Wooden framing built around it, to secure ditto. . . . 150 0 Condenser, cistern and communicating pipes ..... 126 0 Lime machine, made of cast iron plates . . . . . ....... 82 0 Gasometer-house, built of frame-work and weather. boarded ........ ~ ......................... 250 0 Twenty-four retorts set in brick-work, with furnaces for ditto, complete ................... . ..... 336 o Sundries........................ 100 0 £ 1940 11 = A gas-light apparatus complete for work, capable of afl‘ording‘ every twenty-four hours a quantity of light equal to 1,400 Argand’s Lamps, each lamp equal in intensity to six candles, six in the pound, burning for five hours, will cost 3,500]. if erected in this metropolis. (194) LONDON PRICE LIST 0f the most essential articles* employed m the Gas-Light apparatus. SH EET IRON PlPES BRAZED. { inch' 111 diameter ......... . 0 4 a footw gditto.... ...... 0 4 ditto 7} ditto ............ . ...... . 0 5 ditto % ditto ..................... o 6 ditto 5' a % ditto ........... .. ....... . 0 6-} ditto a 1; ditto. . .................... 0 7 ditto a 1 inch, ditto.......... ...... . 0>7~§ditto $3 1% ditto ...................... 0 8% ditto an 11 ditto............. ......... o 9 ditto a 11,} ditto. ........ Ologditto E 1-:- ditto.. .......... .......... 011 ditto 0 2inch ditto............."" 1 llditto g 23; ditto ......... 1 4 ditto 9° 21 ditto ............ . ....... . l 5 ditto 8 inch, ditto .............. . . 1 63 ditto J Coppm pipes b1 *1sz 1 inch. .0 4 per toot Ditto, ditto, ditto % ........ 0 51 ditto Gas-light cockspur burners with stop-cock 2s. 6d. to 35. 6d. Argand’ s lamps, with glass-holders from 3s. to 4s. 6d. Cast-iron retorts, weighing 7 cwt. at 155. 6d per cwt.. . . .,£ 5 8 6 Mouth—piece for ditto, complete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 1 l4 8 Cast-iron door homes for 1etort turnace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 0 0 Finnacc bars lOS. pe1 cwt. Sheet iron for gasomctei (No. ‘23) 24s.pe1 cwt. Gasometer chains, 5d. pei lb. Ballance weiuhts [1P rates] it» gasometcr, 9L 105. per ton. Cast-i101) cistern p ates smaller size for lime machine, lSl. er ton. middling size for tar cistern, 16L itto. ~————-——————— largest size tor gasometer cistern 14!. ditto. Cast-iron flanch pipes” inch diameter, at 53. per yd. 1n 6 feet lengths ditto 3 ditt to ditto 6 ditto ditto 4 ditto Ss. 6d. ditto 9 ditto ditto 5 ditto 10s. ditto 9 ditto ditto 6 ditto 12s. ditto 9 ditto ditto 7 ditto 133. 6d. ditto 9 ditto ditto Bl 3:33 13 Ill. 53. per ton. 9 ditto ditto l l ‘ § inch nuts, screws and washers to put 11011 pipes together 7d. per lb. é ditto .............. ......... ........... . ........ 7d. ditto: & ditto ............... . . .................... . .. . . . 6d ditto English bar-iron ..... ............................. 13L per ton. Best, ditto.......'............. .......... ...... 161. ditto ° All the articles are warranted to be perfect end of the best kind. They are delivered free of expence, atany wharf between London and \Wstminster— bridge. FINIS. I’M/7» T7 -, 1‘- . ,TF'V'Ztlfm- Q 9‘»? iv. 3 V‘ J’- FI ( 3.2 ,FI (» /w/ . UNI/1d. /'z',"/m:///z J: 1,/ , Mn, ”my '[U/w , Hui/y. xIH/x . I / I / ’1/ x”. ‘,"),h V} /.r( 4 ‘ J”. 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To be had at Cheltenham, of Mrs. Jones, Mr. Fasana, and Rh. Salmoni; and also at the shops of the two latter at Bath: and of all the Book and Print-sellers in the United Kingdom. Just Published, in 1 vol. royal Svo. ll. Is. in extra boards, Naples, and the Campagna Felice, in a Series of Letters, illustrated by Maps, and numerous coloured Engravings of Views, Antiquities, Humorous Scenes, &c. and de- scriptive of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, the Antiquities in the Vicinity of that City, including Herculaneum and its Papyri, Pompeji, the island of Capri, Pozzuoli, Bajze, SEC. I Rustic Figures, drawn and engraved in Imitation of Chalk, by W. H. Pyne. The book is composed of Thirty-six Plates, representing single Figures and Groups of pictu- resque character, for the embellishment of English Land- scape Scenery. The subjects are taken from Nature, and in a style suited to the capacity of the young Student, for imitation, being drawn in black chalk and in a sketchy manner. The size of the Figures and Groups are suf- ficiently large to admit of a free execution, and the effect is produced principally by lines; so that it may be pre- sumed the Learner will be enabled to copy them, with little difficulty, and acquire, at the same time, the power of using the chalk or pencil with facility, and attain some insight into the manner of producing effect with little fi- nishing. The Figures are selected with a view to point out to the Students those characteristic traits which mark the rustic, and to lead them to make similar sketches from Nature, ll 165. half bound. A Treatise on Farm Houses and Cottages, as they relate to the Picturesque. The Work contains 52 Plates, ex— ecuted in a bold Style of finished Etching, from Draw- ings, after Nature. Each Plate represents a Farm- House, or Cottage, in a separate County. The “hole comprises a Rural Scene in every County in England and 5 Wales The Plates are etched by Francis Stevens, from original Drawings, by Messrs. 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