MICROFILMED 1985 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY GENERAL LIBRARY BERKELEY, CA 94720 COOPERATIVE PRESERVATION MICROFILMING PROJECT THE RESEARCH LIBRARIES GROUP, INC. Funded by THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION Reproductions may not be made without permission. THE PRINTING MASTER FROM WHICH THIS REPRODUCTION WAS MADE IS HELD BY THE MAIN LIBRARY "UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CA 94720 FOR ADDITIONAL REPRODUCTION REQUEST MASTER NEGATIVE VONBER 85-243) AUTHOR: Grird, Richard 1 comp- TITLE: Information about lands... PLACE: LC Chino, Calif. ] DATE:UC (8%% 1] VOLUME caLL F386? MASTER 35° NO. CbO46&S NEG. NO. 223 FRED C604G 9 oa ahs Hin a. i del da Ta eClrd, kicherds con. information about lands, productions, climate and water in semi~tropic or southern Califorde. “hat home-geelrers and investors need to know. Brief description of title, situation, soil, water climate, and productive capacity cf the famously rich Chino ranch with map ghowlng its location in San bernavdino county, Callfornis. cChino, Calif.» Chino valley chaspion print. «15883 cds p. mp. LBC. mt : i / ~~.) Ye 2 CRT y . Two? Linte «¥ ' rT : #” au FILMED AND PROCESSED BY LIBRARY PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY CA 94720 | ~ 19/714 soeNo. 8/5 DATE 4 8| 59 4 seoucrion pane 110 5 DOCUMENTHE BANCROFT LIBRARY SOURCE 0 lhe fl = iD =z flee 2 ll 20 lis li 1.6 lis 0 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) » cg INFORMATION —-ABOUT— LAN PRODUCTIONS LIMATE—— IN SEMITROPIC OR El p= ee southem Galiiomia What Home-Seekers and Investors Need to Know. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TITLE, SITUATION, SOIL, WATER, CLIMATE, AND PRO- DUCTIVE CAPACITY OF THE FFAMOUSLY RICH CHINO RANCH WITH MAP SHOWING ITS LOCATION IN SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. : ED ) pp Chino Valley Champion Print. f Toe a. > oe ln OLB a > LUTE ER SN EIEIO NI IE a tie Rie SRR IR SRE SE Bl halite if th tls . : 7 4 sd? . y a N. B.—Twenty-three thousand aeres of the rich and well watered Rancho Santa Ana del Chino have been surveyed into fen acre tracts and placed upon the Potato Land. Chine Ranch and Town of Chino. The Prune Crop. Ani market at prices within the reach oi all, ON EASY TERMS. C June 8th 2 E. Detiles furnished the Railroad Gazetteer for August. Chino Valley Champion, Nov. 9th. a : o ; HampioN this item: That the Chino : : ) 3 Ten thousni seres are specially adapted to the growth of oranges and ‘other citrus fruits: ten thousand are naturally moist and need no irrigation, and wil ! ranch is ihe land of the. potato is no Home-seekers and investors must be Some weeks ago the CuaMmrIoN referred y ¥ Targely produce herries, «dl deciduous fruiis, all sorts of vegetables, and particularly the profitanie, never failing alfaifa; and three thousand cannot be sur passed | longer theory but an absolute fact, which Ine Jivia ¥ a5 hoy of nich Land to Mr. f.oney 8 prune crop mentioned in . 3 a 4 i r © wl ie . . For ssigin grape. nr os Pate patch fe an of the Chino V Valley and Pad & Elsi- this item clipped from the Pomona Times ; 3 i onstra 0 you. rave potatoes : Yetober 26th " Wautcr is pure and abundant artesian at from 160 to 300 feet, and surface at from six to forty. y planted in Marc i, April and May, all nore railways in San Bernardino county, of October 26th : 4 : 8 : l The town of Chine is centrally Jocated in the tract, It is bound to be an important’ business center. The Chino Ranch will alone support 2000 famihes; | doing well. They are mostly of the Early us Files fom Ontario al oe Phd The James Loney presented this office with A sect Ail alw o Tost convenient to Chi Rose variety. Those of March planting Qu NaS Soected In To oy uy leading a bex of his now famous French prunes and other seetionsawill always be most convenient to Chino. are now maturing, ranging in .ize from Mexicans because of its abundance of For all thos fine qu lit le iil b ; . : ~ : . 5 SL + A tH) F, rang ze ; rate Avy Hrow Ailbnlnonning ‘or all those fine gualities dem For turther particulars, eall upon or address RICHARD /GIRD, PROPRIETOR, a quarter of a pound to three quarters of good water, heavy growth of grasses, and an exacting he we will put Mo Si ali En a pound. They are solid, mealy and of a its choice climate. In the remarkable Tony's projpes deainst anv ob ol Chino, San Bernardino Co., California. fine flavor; just what the potat> should drouth year of 1864 it safely carried 5,000 ov wilt wv et Hgainy aging oY : : z : i i it} Tiare ts d to this country. wey are le ttt ds ett trate Bt Bs Bs Brett Bre B IBIS Lee SIBLE sehr ee be; and the yield is enormous as com- bead of cattle. The Unifed ! tates pat and dried in a fanltless Pn Such Bt ater y Std Spt hs = h4 3 * od with rated land N ented the land to the owners in 1569. ny HyoE oh EET A pared with irrigated lands. No one need > . dg 1 prunes will never eo hegeing for a buver ’ QO) : hesitate a moment to plant them, for the After a careful inspection of all the large Hehe will pav a Handsons bree tor them } fo) A A 4 A ah. b lL, 1858 “result of a heavy ¢ 1, pl 1 tracts of land in southern California for ifs pay» handsome Price Som, Lise, Par Retnatdino Do., Oatl., Aecembet [, /880. ¢ of a heavy crop is assured, plantec : 4 and it is no wonder that Mr. Loney, going ? i f , a permanent home Mr. Richard Gird : i { any time from February to August. As x i into market with such fruit, finds rune to there being money in raising them you Drefotred and bog this in sh De rowing profit ie. Tila ino ac EF will | xX ts . . . { ow ai 7% ~ res 1 : i J " : i can figure that out vourslf ut the market pies it now, and always intends to reside pia A tae alia Avtodngofhusioroeus and tee ol % be plo Ts Cg An ign i % hoi? Ti price, which runs at 34 of a.cent to 3 he 3 Up Po Anche, 1847 2 3 ag ex- bring him a little over 1800 this Season, only thr ve miles 1e¢ flour advancemei = , ’. clusively used for cattle and horses GA Ti van : ors is directed to the following truthiul city of Santa Ana lies to the south about sand acres yet in reserve, it shows at a gos par Lod iii tl f Par There was not a house or other improve- A iftle Oya $1500 fron To ares In articles regarding the Chino ranch land twenty miles. All these and many glance a substantial country backing. ay I ary or ment on the present subdivision of 3,000 one season.” This is a demonstrated i 5 & i 3 3 3 oS i ¥ S c ie . T } ” iw " : a thev were Brst smaller places will in a few years obtain Chino is already connected with the } t 5 acres prior to that month. Since then fact. There are no conditions of soil and and tows of Chino. Since they were firs supplies of vegetables and “forage from Santhern Pacific at Ontario by a narrow many people have bought and made climate connected with Mr. Loney’s place : rv 4itl i ; s hav “hi rauge road of its own, the Chino Valley home - y Ey SE ! winted, additional improvements have the Chino ranch. za Hg oy omes on acreage and town property ; at are hot hic word i i ? 1 the Tandandin the tow Running parallel with the northern line Railroad, three trains running back and Ontario Record, June 20th. one railroad hag been built across it (three that i) po common to this section in i wn made on the land and in the town. hi y , . ach dav i it Isc n direct { 0h ) : ; rener: is: trees are 4 ’ : Ie nade on : € : of the Chino i h for a distance of seven Joh gach day; i 3 5 He direct Fprror Recorp—1 wish to testify, daily trains run),and another soon will be ; seneral, is trees are 8 to 7 years oid. ie The map herewith shows its location with miles are the Southern Pacific and Santa ine of the proposed route of the Pomona, ! through the colmnns of your paper, to fifteen miles of telephone built; daily Others may do what he has. : : 4 ; Fe railways; the former one half mile Elsinore and Sap Diego road. During | the facts set forth in the Chine Cit istiros mail and W. F. & Co’s express service ) reference to well known cities, towns and distant and the latter about two miles. the summer, while business in real estate | 2 tablished ; a church organized ; a bright UA Rh a : y er Slncic th, 1 Bern Calitcerds { in regard to the vegetables raised on establighed ; a church organized ; a bright, H 3 railways, The Chino Valley Railway unites with was slack throughout southern California, | J. I. Bettler’'s ten acres in Chino. His Newsy newspaper ed weekly ; a Pomona Times, Sept, 1th. ‘ et ph lr the Southern Pacific at Ontario, and is Chino and its enterprising founder have t | Early Rose potatoes prepared in any number of business and office buildings a a 8 built and operated (with three daily not been sleeping. Tt has more than | shape are the best I have seen in Cali- erected and occupied; in short, all the Chino lands are being talked of con- 3 » » s > 1th- 1 i 1 . t , ol Alii re ay ; . I Madly } _ ddom Thora avh a a orand ooo i Extent und Location of the Chino trains) via the town of Chino in a south kept pace with the Neighboring country fornia; also, his peas are of the highest conveniences required by a settled com- side rably. There are. some grand good i Ranch. westerly direction ten miles through the in legitimate s Sujos of acreage and town gnality. It will repay one to visit his munity have heen created in less than barcaing to he i down there, and i; Chine Valier Champion, August Sist ranch, and wi 1 be extended to an eligible property. But the principal work has premises and see the marvelous growth ten months, and the good work goes farmers c: i tind no better place in which ) 2g Valioy COSmplon, Slighsl mm harbor on the Pacific ocean. The To- been in water development and general of vegetables that now completely cover vigorously on. Chino’s soil, water and to invest their money. The time will i : The Chino ranch is a vast territory— mona and Ilsinore Railway, which is preparation for expected (rade of the { his farm. Up to last spring it was wild climate are umnsarpassed in California. come when ten acres of Chino land will i bt larger than most fiourishing towns have designed {o be a popular branch of an approaching winter and spring. All sum- land, unsubdued. and used as a cattle Here is one of the choicest spots of the be more than a man will need to he a : for their support. It is pearly eight miles overl: ind system, passes over nine mer Mr. Gird has had a large force of ! auch. Today it is yielding its owner a earth in all respects for beautiful and independent. i i from east to west and over ten from north wiles of the ranch via Chino where it men at work, and has expended an im- { handsome income—and all from less than profitable homes. Die STUN i i to south, with Chino creek, a perpetually crosses the Chino Valley road. It will mense amount of money in bringing irri- | three montis’ cultivation. Chino is the hy flowing stream. passing through it from connect with the Southern Pacific at gating water upon the tract, and his paradise of the small fariner, and we can oy Chino Vailey Champion, Sept. 14th, y near Pomona in a southe: asterly direction Pomona, and the Santa Fe system at success has oven exceeded his expecta- i hot make a nistake in locatie in. this Chine Valley Champion, Nov, 30h. i ; 4 | to the Santa Ana river at Rincon and but South Riverside and Elsinore. It is now tions. We found, on our visit, a stream greatly favored section ® ! Alfalfa hay sells at from $3 to $20 per lo a) a fow miles from South Riverside. The graded over twenty miles from Pomona of pure, sparkling artesian water flowing = ya ution 6. 2. Banko As well as being the most valuable, ton. From four to seven crops a vear are I & land an oither side of this creek is a rich, across Chino ranch to and beyond | South through the town, having just been con- i this is and will be the most beautiful not uncommon, with vields of one and a 5 & black soil with some sand, none of it Riverside. Can anyone wish for better veyed thither by coment pipes, and was oe country on earth. Its beauty will increase half to two and a half tons to the acre i H marshy, and nbout 10,000 acres naturally land, or better location, or better railway informed by the general agent of the | December 1, 1888 each year. Within twenty years, perhaps per crop. The very largest crops can he { i moist, needing no irrigation. It will pro- facilities? Chino lands, Mr. John Wasson, that the Me. R G I Jul 1 a 1 less, it will present the most attractive grown on much of the Chino ranch land, 2 | duce the largest crops of grains, grasses, TTT whole tract now offered for sale would be Bs EE Na n WJ oh ngs of view on eurth. Man is working right up it being continually moist without irri- ¥ C . x | « v » 10r op . v i . fruit. prapes and all sorts of veget: wiles LAxp can .be bought on’ the Chino supplied with water. Chino has fifty- Do so a pe nn ng, Wha for dig to beautiful nature. The climate is per- ‘gation. i § without irrigation. It is spec fully well ranch at prices upon which good interest cight school children in the district, and p i 8 por i | Yo x is er 12 fect, the water free of impurities, the soil : pe 3 adapted to potatoes, because the plants can be wade. has a daily attendance at school of thirty- ! Slag a Pog HA i tt a in w onderfully fertile, and the trees, vines Resbeas of this rcalae are Suformed never suffer from ‘too much or too little four. A year ago it had but twelve. It 1 a pow Way he yal. and shrubs whicli grow the most valua- that up io December. 1887. the Chine i? ! moisture, but receive ‘a proper supply rT nn has a large, handsome and convenient eer or > he 2 ’ Jhon Y ane Yiabhiy ble fruits, nuts, ete., being beauties are ranch ie Baw offeren tor sale was W 3, Cs, av + . . " al Sl & ¢ \ every day. It hag been clearly proven Not a Paper Town. school-house, and the school is presided 5 Wi Yo phe i) i> fi ng 1 ave “joys forever.” The orange, olive, fig, only a cattle pasture. No crops ion k gain and again that such land will pro- i . over by Miss Tizzie Reynolds, a lady of a oy ive Acre i ie August p anting walnut, almond and other profitable trees had over will i lanted on it DR ther i i A a better potato than that which de- From the Pomona Times, Oct. 15th, excellent educational attainments. a the Proms we ii oy are how ah and vines are strikingly ornamental and Sore oily is Xm of loss th he a ye our’ i i ville . ly Q (0) o y 3 : { . . ) ) § ¢ b 3 pends upon rain or irrigation. The higher, In these days of indiscriminate and present Chino has a number of subst Size of lien egs and Frawing rapid. the admiration of every lover of the hean- srowth ar antioned. A I ad pon i; ; ARS “ sonsiesl towhsito Ioeabing: W ; tial and attractive building iil New potatoes are now rated at 13; cents tiful. Much of the time they fill the gra ire; mepuoned, Apple dnd-pe i and drver land ig first class for oranges nonsensical townsite locating, when every 1al and attractive bulldings, among. \e or bound. With this vear’s experiense JIU, | AHCI) OL lid Sd © trees that were planted early this Poa : and other citrus fruits; and is good for individual or company who has a half- number a hotel, printing office, store, per bonne . 3 Oxf a air with exquisite oders. The choicest hive SIoWn dix if h iy > i : | : a : I am assured for the future from $100 to rers are in bloom all the vear, : wve grown six feet, and a few peach | 3c ws fruit and grapes without as : f land to dispose els it stuble, real estate office, post and flowers are in bloom all the year, and the : x ; } deciduous fruit and grapes without trig section of land to dispose of, feels i , , Post ( $125 per acre net profit, Being over a the ) i trees hore fruit. Men of experience i tion, as is shown on adjoin, is ar iand. incunihent upon him to lay out a portion express offices, and a number of resi- oar pee ibe aul Tone Ys and nobicius ornamental shrubbery is of the greatest in this noted citrus fruit country Ve ! d A noteworthy merit of this tody of land of it in town lots, and one cannot travel dences. Mr. Wasson has in course of you sv the § {aude J ‘ os ans variety and beauty. arcanving te plant orange, lemon, fig. 3 5 is that its size and varied qualities enable a mile and a half in scarcely any direction erection a handsome residence which he Ho tm of hiivocting i ds : on Son hl prie, walnut and in fiat all Binds of : purchasers io select the kind they prefer, without encountering corner lot stakes will occupy with: his family when com- Sidi arvesting every day in the J Ag re ew ib $34 ih = : TI od ) vear. 1 have now in garden new pota- Good butter sells here at from 20 to fruit trees becanse they know the climate i and its great diversity of produ ‘tions will it is refreshing to encounter a site which pleted. We speak for Chino the corning os tomatoes, beans, cauliflower, car- 50 cents per pound throughout the ven aud soil are well adapted to them. Over he ; bring the settlers an inconwe every month from the nature of its surroundings, tribu- year a large influx of people. 2s aloes 8 HG OU cents per pow Fougno @ year, half the land will Ee a fi ! the year. In other words the setters tary country, railroad facilities and natural ea rots, celery, etc. , while T am planting the and eggs from 20 to HO cents per dozen. na be jand will successfully grow all By ; i his ie :h may he arvest and sell pro- nt has become a ol uec essity. ’t ; hardier sort, such as onions, peas, rad- Any man who knows how to handle a farm products, inclnding fruits, without i ff RN Re re mnnth in ihe vesr. at Mi its Sack A haw 4 I it. and is Withou: Irrigation, ishes, lettuce, cabbage, ete. This plant- few cows and chickens and is seeking a fnntinn. On this part of the land the 0 I iil jt favorable to Sn me arketing outing upon A rock foundation i Wo Pomona Times, August 18th. ing is among trees without irrigation. new home should now look at the best of water is found at from six to thirty. ¥. afi ( 24 d : 14 ¢ : ¢ . 3 . on ot y . 3 i : : ; oy gr . o a R 0 od bv séveral local and 2 overland rail wre led to ie se remarks by a recent iv At the Chino office around on Second The trees are not retarded in growth by growths of alfalfa, Egyptian and Indian feet deep at all scasors. Numerous ar- i sévera al ¢ 1 rail- 8 3 386 remarks ¢ nt fiy- : tat : : L : 2 : la are inG. 1 2 Ys i i ine visit to the pew town oy Chino, four street are some samples of the mavimoth this interspace planting, but rather bene- corn, beets and other icrage on the farts os si: 2 wel Hs are. flo w ing On th land. i The Chino ranch lies in the south- miles south-east of Poraona, on the famous productions of the farms fround Chino. fitted by tie extra eal. of Messrs. Karcher, (Goble, Moody, Kim- wig 1 water Cl i bent quality i i¥ pro- ; i 38 = ast oi 1 a, : : : gato LS of rar ¢ ATR 2: a vided tor orange land, and mere 1 bein 3 There is corn fifteen feet high, cabbages ours, etc. . ¥. BETTLER. ble, Bettler, Baker and others. By so , ANC eing ! wes orner of San Pern 1 y, hii anch. among a > man Ca : oo ai atte vestern corner of San Dernardino count) Chino ranch. If among all the many Cons how word sc + Braud deonini on constantly developed. extendins slichily into Los Angeles and Lioge to tie San Diego live. The north- ‘Western line unites with the corporate Hinits of the city of Pomona, and the north line borders on Ontario. The cities town locations along the valleys of southern (‘alifornia there is one which is pre-eminently a natural location, and pussesse xd of something more than mere ‘boon’ surrou ndings, that place is Chino. of one of the most weighing sixteen pounds, Le beets, They are as fine potatoes, squashes, ete. and were all as any country can show, raised without irrigation. There is a vast wponnt of land on the From the Pomona Progress, Augnst 22d. The specimens of beets, squashes, corn, cuctnnhers, cabbages and potatoes exhib- the Chino ranch for an independent hone and steady income. Chino Valley Champion, August 21st, ‘ + yr v . - \ Chino Valley Chsirpion, Nov, joth, Peas are now being planted and oieked po : v YI vo rl 1s + : : . ' : . > Fit. : : of San Bernan fino, € ‘olton and tiverside Situated in the heart Ti i | ited at the Chino ranch office on Second Neary every sere of the Chino land i on the Chino woist wanas, Mr. Dettie A ave about thirty tules distant in 8 north productive, heantiful and heulthin] valleys 4 Hn h upiy whieh Foss sible o Ro strect mar well deserve attention. They ready for the plow. here are no rocks informs the C fo vvion thal letteee, peas, easterly angl casterly direction. The great of the coast, with £23,000 acres of moist, can be grown the tirst year of cultivation, ave wll rai=ad withont the least irrigation, The soil is porous and | : comprsed potateos, cahba eo turning, celery, panty, ! CT Cano r and are superl, specimens of vegetable of vegetahie Hats v di ju st eand e noauh carrots and tobacco are nov meen and . ' : » C . Os , Das : 3 3d ’ caltur 3. (Oo prove st mid o akin. drawing i Z@% The Route to Chao is by the Southern Pacifis Railroad cr the Santa Fe to Ontario, San Rernardine County, and frem there by ! dan aking owing. the Ching Valley Railroad, six miles to the Town of Chine — I~, a a AN FE RNANDO eS her By BY RR RA SIERRA® MADRA “iy i SANTA ARTE SFEASADENA my SAN GABRIEL Su 4, - a op y Ni orcs {Los ANGELES ONTE QSAVANA 1 SIHHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE vancho Santa Ana del Chino —AND-— TOWN OF CHINO —~-AND PORTIONS OF— sun Bernardino, los Angeles and San Diego Cus.- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Climo alley © namplon Print, C Chino, cal a TY 1 OE nS hn ards Vo terns im Wn gs 208A 5 as wos? Why, ye As N EV A Fos: A RE ISO CITY Q cut! con Dn roNGA cpWwA poh MN 3 ND “ i 3 5 , ’ ”, Ge “i, * SAN BE MARDING nr RE [GON “UG COLON or 2a [] fi ig il MOUND CITY Wy ig) 3 SCALE INMILES Retake of Preceding Frame a ca I ——— — you - — « IN ef 7 : ih > Ov i i : : 4 4 ! - a. i : WE -a ” A 4 - or 7 ! ; : 3 : P03 i ; Neg i | 2 n - 4 pars . 30s 4 i : 2 q : : “ 4 ® « pS : ¥ : ¥ } i » Sean, bie { Ps i 4 “ ki ’ | 1% 4 A ? ~ y xg fr R x : “. 5 ¢ d i 5. ew - 1 i No» ; 3 a _ A L3 2 > » “ ‘ a : END OF TITLE END OF REEL. PLEASE REWIND.