-I ‘4 I Ii I I I’. :0 A...“ I-l L CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD L. WELCH POGUE — CHAIRMAN ‘ ECONOMIC BUREAU OSWALD RYAN — VICE CHAIRMAN - RUSSELL B. ADAMS-DIRECTOR HARLLEE BRANCH MEMBER JOSH LEE - MEMBER CLARENCE M. YOUNG — MEMBER ANALYSES DIVISION F. H. CROZIER - CHIEF .W‘i” rftkslq:;E ./ u -- I r q.“ . 0f , \-. I "1 Lida I r I‘ J Kill"! "4 ' , Q 4:. ‘7 ’ E/QNOMIC CHARACTERISYICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE As OF APRIL I, l945/ WASHINGT1)N,D.C. M AY '94-6 1*» ,_.,-__.... _., _, ,.___..,A-._ _ HE . m____“‘_._.v .. .I ,_ .7 , , 4‘ 4.x . _ V ,_ 7 , . 7A ‘7 a .A. .. N. E. .M‘umd; .m-.umv—cm.-4‘ur.u.m .«u «u-“u-Omw«.»A....\..‘~..~..u..:~ muravu-w “E‘s—tug AA-“ID1«.I>:I. ECONGTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED Table of Contents FOREWORD . I 0 O I O O I C O O O O C O D O O I I O I O I GENERAL COMMENTS, TECHNICAL NOTES AND SOURCES . . . . .‘ . . . . . . MAP. Status of Certificated Routes United States Air Transportation System, April 1, l9h5 . . . . . . NUMBER OF URBAN POINTS BY l9hO POPULATION GROUPS WITHIN STATES . . . . . . MAP: Distances to Nearest Certificated Airline Stations of Urban Populations Not Directly Served by Air . . . . '. . . . . DISTANCE TO NEAREST CERTIFICATED AIRLINE STATION FROM UNCERTIFICATED URBAN POINTS BY 19b0 POPULATION GROUPS . . . . . . . . . STATION DECODING SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED ' FORAIRSERVICEASOFAPRILI, 1916 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mileage from nearest point certificated for air service Population, 1930, l9hO Persons gainfully employed l9h0 Post Office receipts l9b0 ‘ Retail sales 1959 (total volume and per capita) Individual income tax returns l9h0 (tetal number and per 1,000 population) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19h5 Table No. Page No. iii iii iv 1-5 7-11 12 13-52 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Economic Bureau Analyses Division 191:6 978 \~»\ - m er- \ The Civil Aeronautics Board in the past has published statistics of economic characteristics for domestic airline stations certificated for air service. The latest such report, ”Economic Characteristics of Domestic Airline Stations Certificated as of April 1, 19h5,“ is a compilation covering the population data for 286 certificated air- line stations as well as other economic data for areas which fell within the 25-mile radius of each certificated point. The present report, "Economic Characteristics of Urban Points Not Certificated for Air Service as of April 1, l9h5," makes available, for all urban points in the United States having a population of‘2,500 or more which were not certificated for airline pas- 'senger service as of April 1, 19h5, the statistical data covering population concentra- tions and other economic characteristics as indicated by post office receipts, retail sales, income tax returns, and employment. The bulk of the report covers economic data for 5,160 urban points. The statistics covering economic characteristics are based primarily on l9h0 census figures but pertain only to the areas within the corporate GENERAL COMMENTS The heavy concentration in the northeastern United States of urban populations without service is shown on the map on page 6, The L states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New York contain 55.1 percent of the national urban population without direct air service. An important consideration, in relation to this fact, how- ever, is that most (77.5 percent) of this group was within 25 miles of one or more oer- tificated airline stations. The lb states north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River accounted for 62.7 percent of urban populations without direct air service. Of this total 68.h percent was within 25 miles of a certificated point. ‘The proportion of urban population located at points not certificated for air service, but close to airline stations, was also high in the Pacific Coast states, with 69.8 percent of such population within 25 miles of a certificated point. The remainder of the country, with 50.5 percent of total nonserved urban popula- ‘ tion, provided convenient air service to a much smaller proportion of its population. ‘ In the 12 states south of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River; 59.h percent of urban population not directly served was within 25 miles of certificated airline sta- tions. In the two tiers of states west of the Mississippi River, this percentage was 26.2, and for the Mountain states only 25.0 percent. V For the United States as a whole, of the nearly 51 million people (h1.2 percent of the urban population) at urban points not receiving direct air service, 28.7 percent was within 10 miles of one or more certificated points; 57.h percent within 25 miles; 85.5 percent within 50 miles; and only 0.9 percent was more than 100 miles from a city authorized for interstate air service. ‘ The relative concentration of air service at larger cities is also demonstrated by Tables 1 and 2. 0f the 57 cities in the United States with populations of 250,001 and over, only one (with 1.0 percent of the population of cities in this group) did not re- ceive direct air service, and that city was within 10 miles of a point on the air net- work. Eighteen percent of the population of cities in the 100,001-250,000 size group were without direct air service, but 11 of these 12 cities were within 25 miles of a certificated point. ‘ The proportion of city populations without air service rose rapidly with decrease in city size: having no direct air service were h8.l percent of the total population in the 50,001-100,000 size group, 68.9 percent in the 25,001-50,000 group, 89.0 percent in the 10,001-25,000 group, 97.1 percent in the 5,001-10,000 group, and 99.0 percent in ' the 2,501-5,000 population group. Considerably higher proportions of these urban popu- _lations, of course, fall within 25 miles of points certificated for air service, rang- ing from 91.1 percent for the largest size group to 55.2 percent for the smallest. . r r‘.’ ;,,_-‘r ‘H ~ \ scomuc ,cmmcrsmsnbs or URBAN POINTS NOT cannrxcirsa r535.lrn_;ssnyICs is *or APRIL 1, 1915 ‘ p p , ' . ' limitsjof the nonscheduled urban points rather than to the areas within the 25-mile radius. The principal purpose of the current report is to provide reference data for use in evaluating traffic-generating areas which may be under consideration in new route pro- ceedings.s Analyst E. Bruce Miller was principally responsible for supervision of the report here transmitted. Cartographer Helen varney prepared the maps. W F. H. Crozier 4 Chief, Analyses Division ’ ' TECHNICAL NOTES AND SOURCES Mileages throughout are scaled, and represent approximate distances from city-center to city-center. Where co-pcints are shown as the nearest points receiving air serve ice, the distance is computed to the closest of the co-points. 1950 population data (Table 5) are not available for some points incorporated after that date, and such instances are indicated in the table by a dash. Post Office receipts (Table 5) are not available for points not having first- or second- c ass post 0 ces. Between April 1, 19h5, the date of certification used in this report for the status of routes, and April 50, l9h6, the following cities were added to the United States in- terstate,airline network: Cedar City, Utah; Elmira-Corning, N.Y.; Jackson, Wyo.; Logan, Utah; Massena, N.Y.; New Bern,'N.C.; Panama City, Fla.; Richfield, Utah; St. George, Utah; valdosta, 6a.; Watertown, N.Y.; and Yuma, Aria. In addition, bl new points were certificated on the feederline routes of Orlando Airlines, Ray Wilson, Inc., and Summit Airways, Inc. Sources of data Pogulation . . epartment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Number of Inhabitants. l6th-Csnsus of the United States. V. I. 'l9hO. Persons Gainfully Employed U. S.’Department ofUComnerce, Bureau of the Census. Characteristics of'the Pop- ulation. 16th Census of the United States. V. II. l9u0. Retail Sales 0. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Census of Business, Retail Trades, 1939. v. I. Part 5. who. Post Office Receipts . . U. S. Post Office Department. List of First- and'Second-Class Post Offices, July 1, 19hl. s Individual Income Tax Returns U} 3. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue. Number of Individual Income Tax Returns for 19u0 by States, Counties, Cities and Towns. June I952. Page 111 ~- ‘ . . ~ 9 “ , STATUS OF CERTIFICATED RoUTES ,, UNITED. STATES AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM , . ' 'APRIL I, I945 ~ . ' . ~ . LETNBRIDGE ' WINNIPEG ‘V RIE , 23:51.3; w . -' wAUSAU —-0_ v - - GREEN BA -0- (3. EAU CLAIRE ‘ ° ‘\ I (TRAVERSE CITV AIR A smNAw-MV CITv \ I \ SKEGON l x T / MU . IcRAND \\ \fLIN RAPIDS o . . , BATTLE [5].“ GREENE] ARBOR szH BEND ‘IEF GRAND JUNCTION 1;, I/ I I ’ I / $453 ‘ NUTCNINS - LEXINGTON' FRANKFURT IQ LE FLORENCE:n “‘ nuNTSV‘L suEFFIEL ‘ W “,5ch GRANDFATHER CERTIFICATES — OPERATING . 9 wARLESYO“ ' --—--— NOT OPERATING o . ROSWE ' % LESELID \~ I I \“ I, e.” ’- UCsoN : - - VANNAH . \-.. . I , 3; E RVI A TH RI IN I I AIRLINES ROUTE Nos. \ . MLsaAo _ _ . "CRANDFATHER" CERTIFICATES ALL ANERICAN AVIATION, INC . . . .ASINOT SNOwNI \. (:1 I __ EL PASO ’ \ “ OPERATING ANERICAN AIRLINES, INC. . . . . . 4-7 . > . 24_54 . 9 E. E NOTE. NUMEERISI APPEARING WITH NAME OF CITY REFERS TO ROUTE EASTERN Am LINES ‘Nc 34404047 _ LAKE CHARLES Q TO WHICH SYMBOL (UNDERLINING OR LETTER) APPLIES I ESSAIR, INC. . . . , 64 A “WW“ oaL'SuDO INLAND AIR LINES. INC. . , . . ,2e-35 ' NOIISTON Q ' V, ‘ MIB-CONTINENT AIRLINES, INc 26-49 0 / \ - o NATIONAL AIRLINES, INC. . SIv SS CALVESTON ° " "MFA . “ELAN“ “no DEF-C“ I NORTNEAST AIRLINES, INc . 27-65-70 m ’ E ‘. ’ 1 NORTNwEsT AIRLINES, INI: 3-45-69 ‘ C’- 51 pETERSBURG I PAN AMERICAN AIRwAvs, INC.. . . . PAA (NOT SNORNI ' ‘ SOYA' ' was? PALM BEACH ‘ PENNSYLVANIA-CENTRAL AIRLINES CORP I4‘SZ-34-4I-46-5I-55 m / BEASENTON W «3, . . I , TRANSCONTINENTAL 3 WESTERN AIR INc. . . .2~36-37-sa-44-53-SI-S7 - . 'I” In. W . «SI " UNITED AIR LINES, INC . . I-II-I1-57—Sz-EG - To NExIco c." onus CNRISTI W FT MYE‘R‘ @M .. ..... I -I - - . - V" wEsTERN AIR LINES, INC 3 9 52 63 so , ”MERE“ LAREDO v E] “"0" CONDmON5_ Wm“ ‘ NUEvO LAREOO ‘ [I] CERTIFICATEO POINT UNDER NEw OR AMENDED CERTIFICATE. BUT SERVICE I , SEASONAL AUTNORIzATIONs: COLONIAL AIRLINES, INC: ROUTE FAN-I, STOP AT GLENS FALLS, JUNE I To SEPTENOER so. PENNSYLVANIA-CENTRAL AIRLINES CORR: ' Em NEVER INAUGURATED. 'I ROUTE 4'. TRAVERSE 6'" T0 GRAND RAPIDS. MAY 70 OCTOBER 3|. ‘ [El DEFER MENT OF INAUGURATION OF SERVICE DUE TO NATIONAL DEFENSE. / CIVIL AERONAUT'CS BOARD 5 TENPORARII CERTIFICATIONS: ROUTES 2-4-II, LONG BEACN; ROUTE FAN-26, ROUTE 29. NIDLANO. DIG SPRING, SAN ANGELO, SAN ANTONIO; ROUTE 3|, KEY WEST; . ”new“; EMERGENCY SUSPENSION DUE TO NATIONAL DEFENSE - ECONOMIC BUREAU ROUTES 40-55, NUNTvaLLE; ROUTE 5|, HICKORY; ROUTE 55, CLARRSOURG,NORGANTOVIN; ROUTE u. [E] "GRANDFATNEI" CERTIFICATION. I307 NOT SERVED SINCE PASSAGE 0" ACT» m NEST RESEARCH & ANALYSIS DIVISION . . . NOTES: ROUTES ARE SNONN As CERTIFICATED.‘ ACTUAL OPERATIONS OENERALLV AVOID CERTAIN CIRCUITIES IY MEANS OF NONSTOP FLIGNTs. ' - . 7 a FORT NORTN, TExAS. NAs NOT BEEN SERVED ON ORANIPF'S ROUTE 9 SINCE PASSAGE OF TNE ACT. NUEVO LAREDO. MEXICO Is DESIGNATED As COTERNINAL NITN LAREDO, TEXAS, UNDER TEMPORARY ExENPTION FRON SEC. AOI IAI OF THE AcT. SPEARFISN, SOUTN DAROTA RECEIVES NAIL AND EXPRESS SERVICE ONLY. -MHVWL.LHLQ*AM.~_L _ , - ,7.- .‘ry. - - State 1 United States Total urban points Not served Percent of total Alabama Total urban points Hot served Percent of total 1211222 Total urban points Not served Percent of total Arkansas 9 Total urban points Not served Percent of total California Total urban points Not served Percent of total Colorado Total urban points Not served Percent of total Connecticut Total urban points Not served Percent of total Delaware Total urban points Not served Percent of total 03312195111. 0. o. lumbia Total urban points Not served Percent of total Florida Total urban points Not served Percent of total Georgia Total urban points Not served Percent of total State totals Number pgigts ng%%ation 3,468 3,160 91.1 59 51 86.4 17 11 64.7 53 49 92-5 167 149 89.2 30 24 80.0 74,450,465 30,708,983 41.2 855,941 372,819 43.6 176,937 52,531 29.7 431,910 274,176 63.5 4,902,265 1,701,687 34.7 590,756 146,651 24.8 1,158,162 584,855 50-5 139,432 139,432 100.0. 663,091 1,045,791 312,336 29.9 1,073,808 464,370 . 43.2 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CEBTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1945 2,500—5,000 population Number ints Po ulation (4) 5 1,426 5,041,163 1,412 4,992,715 9900 ’ 99.0 29 102,155 29 102,155 100.0 100.0 7 25,306 5 17,773 71.4 70.2 31 109,050 31 109,050 100.0 100.0 56 204,587 54 197,329 96-4 96~5 13 50,760 13 50,760 100.0 100.0 4 16,309 4 16,309 100.0 100.0 6 21,411 6 21,411 100.0 100.0 35 120,602 34 117,552 97.1 97-5 39 135,683 39 135,683 100.0 100.0 I§b1a_l NUMBER OF URBAN POINTS BY 1940 POPULATION GROUPS IITHIN_STATES 5,001—10,000 10,001—25,000 25,001-50,000 50,001-100,000 population population population population Number Number Number Number ints Po tion ints ,Po tion ints Po ation ints Po ation (65 7 28) %95 4105 (115 (125 5135 964 6,671,275 9,989,028 213 7,417,093 107 7,343,917 937 6,475,343 8,894,507 147 5,112,503 54 3,529,816 97.2 97.1 89.0 69.0 .9 50.5 48.1 16 107,803 8 131,605 3 89,991 2 156,804 14 94,355 5 86,318 3 89,991 _ - 87.5 8705 05 6506 100.0 100.0 '_ '- 8 49,399 - 1 36,818 1 65,414 6 34,758 - - - - - 75.0 ' 70.4 - - - - - 13 84,380 113,857 1 36,584 1 88,039 13 84,380 80,746 - - — — 100.0 100.0 7009 — - - '- 51 385,575 ' 476,485 13 433,723 7 487,349 50 376,671 429,870 10 ,325,867 5 371,950 98.0 97.7 90.2 76.9 75.1 71.4 76.3 9 61,727 66,906 1 36,789 1 52,162 8 54,687 41,204 — '- _ _ 88 .9 88-6 6106 - "’ - - 4 ~28,109 166,568 9 305,184 7'2 167,999 4 28,109 166,568 9 305,184 1 68,685 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 40.9 1 5,517 — - _ _ _ 100.0 100.0 - — _ - 15 103,489 171,370 4 135,890 1 60,812 13 90,966 75,806 1 28,012 - - 86.7 87.9 44.2 25.0 20.6 - - 19 129,552 206,943 1 26,282 4 ‘273,060 19 129,552 172,853 1 26,282 — - 100.0 100.0 83.5 100.0 100.0 - - 100,001—250,000 Over 250,000 population population Number ints Po ation ints Po tion (145 ' 15 . E165 (175 7,792,650 30,195,339 1,402,926 301,173 18.0 , 1.0 — 267,583 473,570 2,440,976 - 322.412 473,993 - 112,504 _ 112,504 - 100.0 - - 663,091 453,628 - - 302,288 Page 2 Page 2 of 5 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1945 ‘ Table 1 NUMBER OF URBAN POINTS BY 1940 POPULATION GROUPS WITHIN STATES 2,500—5,000 5,001-10,000 10,001—25,000 25,001—50,000 50,001-100,000 100,001-250,000 Over 250,000 \ State totals * population population population population population population population Number Number Number Number Number Number Number _ P ula Number P ulat State . ts Po ulation oints Po ulation oints Po ulation ints Po ation , oints Po ulation oints Po ulation oints 0 tion ints 0 ion , ' (1) 1 a) (35 Z45 (55 (65 .Zfl (85 $95 00) Zn) h25 035 045 055 116 UH) Idaho 1 Total urban points 25 176,708 16 54,209 3 18,615 6 77,754 1 ' 26,130 . - ~ - - - - - Not served 23 117,421 16 54,209 3 18,615 4 44,597 - - - - - - - - Percent of total 92.0 66.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 66.7 57.4 - - - ' - - - - - Illinois Total urban points 208 5,809,650 88 308,923 61 442,945 36 551,334 14 513,383 7 491,170 1 105,087 1 3,396,808 Not served . 202 2,124,307 88 308,923 61 442,945 36 551,334 11 405,438 6 415,667 - - - — Percent of total 97.1 36.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 78.6 79.0 85.7 84.6 - - - - Indiana Total urban points 98 1,887,712_ 31 114,575 32 205,537 17 235,234 10 329,421 4 284,576 3 331,397 1 386,972 Not served 89 986,628 31 114,575 32 205,537 16 218,614 7 211,362 2 124,821 1 111,719 - - Percent of total 90.8 52.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.1 92.9 70.0 64.2 50.0 43.9 33.3 33.7 - - Iowa I v Total urban points 89 1,084,231 45 163,400 23 149,498 10 153,165 6 196,083 4 262,266 1 159,819 a - Not served 83 740,384 45 163,400 23 149,498 9 135,983 3 111,601 3 179,902 - ~ - - Percent of total 93.3 68.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 88.8 50.0 56.9 75.0 68.6 — - - - Kansas Total urban points 64 753,941 32 113,556 12 88,415 16 217,700 1 30,013 1 67,833 2 236,424 - - Not served 58 505,284 32 113,556 10 73,643 15 196,627 - - - - 1 121,458 - - Percent of total 90.6 67.0 100.0 100.0 83.3 83.3 - 93.8 90.3 — - - — 50.0 51.4 V - - figntuckx - fl, Total urban points 56 849,327 26 97,715 17 123,263 6 74,772 5 173,482 1 62,018 — — 1 319,077 a Not served 52 435,689 26 97,715 17 123,263 5 62,280 3 90,413 1 62,018 - - - - 7 Percent of total 92.9 51.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 83.3 84.4 60.0 52.1 100.0 100.0 - - - - i_‘ Louisiana . ‘ . .‘ Total urban points 54 980,439 26 94,616 18 123,378 5 79,647 3 90,094 1 98,167 - - 1 494,537 3 Not served 48 276,434 26 94,616 18 ’ 123,378 4 58,440 - - — - - - - - 8' Percent of total 88.9 28.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 73.4 - - - - - - - — maine ' ,' Total urban points 29 362,901 6 18,857 ' 13 89,223 ’.7 112,758 2 68,420 1 73,643 - - — - 1 Not served . 19 139,673 6 18,857 9 63,923 4 56,893 — — - _ _ _ - _ ;‘ Percent of total 65.5 38.5 100.0 100.0 69.2 71.6 57.1 50.5 — — — - - _ - _ I- gggxland Total urban points 24 1,080,351 12 45,017 . 3 23,172 6 .81,088 2 71,974 - - - - 1 859,100 Not served 23 221,251 12 45,017 3 23,172 6 81,088 2 71,974 — - — 8 - 1 _ Percent of total 95.8 20.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ' 100.0 100.0 100.0 - - - - - - Massachusetts - Total urban points 123 3,859,476 11 43,253 31. 246,540 1.6 726,127. 16 623,963 8 565,315 7 883,462 1 770.816 Not served 114 2,424,859 8 32,792 34 246,540 46 726,127 16 623,963 7 480,992 3 314,445 - - Percent of total 92.7 62.8 72.7 75.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 87.5 85.1 42.9 35.6 - - !1£higaa . ' 1 Total urban Points 125 3,454,867 47 168,303 35 240,333 25 353,400 9 356,880 6 396,664 2 315,835 1 1,623,452 4, . Not served 111 1,045,384 47 168,303 34 234,660 23 323.098- 4 138,303 3 181,020 - . - ~ - »; Percent of total 88.8 30.3 100.0 100.0 97.1 97.6 92.0 91.4 44.4 38.8 50.0 45.6 ' — - '- _ _ \ State '_(TF—— Minnesota Total urban points Not served Percent of total Hesissippi Total urban points Hot served Percent of total Ilissouri Total urban points Not served Percent of total Total urban points Not served Percent of total Nebraska Total urban points Not served Percent of total Nevada. Total urban points ‘ Not served Percent of total New mm Total urban points Not served Percent of total New Jersex Total urban points Not served Percent of total New Nexico Total urban points Not served Percent of total New York Total urban points Not served Percent of total Page 3 Page 5 of 5 EONOIIIC CHARACTmIS’rICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1945 ‘ Table 1 5 . NUMBER OF URBAN POINTS BY 1940 POPULATION GROUPS WITHIN STATES 2,500—5,000 5,001—10,000 10,001-25,000 25,001—50,000 50,001-100,000 100,001-250,000 Over 250,000 State totals population population pomlation population population population mpgtion Number Number Number Number ’ Number - Number Number Number ula ints Po tion oints Po ulation ints Po ulation ints Po ulation ints Population points lipulation mints Population @nts Pop tion (25 3 (45 ' 25) Z65 Z75 ' (85 (95 1105 (11) (12) (13) ~ (14) T15) (16) (17) 78 1,390, 098 34 114, 120 29 197, 732 11 170, 763 1 26,312 - - 1 101 , 065 2 780, 106 74 482 , 615 34 114 ,‘120 - 29 197, 732 11 170, 763 — - — - -— - - — 94.9 34.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 . 100.0 100.0 100.0 -- - - - — - 48 432,882 25 85, 792 11 73,980 10 175, 522 1 35,481 1 62,107 - - - - 44 305,332 25 85,792 11 73,980 8 145,560 - - - - — - -- - 91.7 70.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 82.9 - — - - - - — - 87 ' 1,960,696 41 138,152 24 155,927 16 244,275 2 70,167 2 136,949 - 2 1,215,226 81 552.978 1.1 138,152 24 155,927 15 225,876 1 33,023 _ - _ _ _ _ 93.1 28.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 93.8 92.5 50.0 47.1 - - - - - - 2.3 211,535 11 33,590 6 43,166 4 67,770 2 67,009 - - - — - - 14 69,526 9 28,543 1. 29,979 1 11,001. - - - - — — - - 60.9 32.9 81.8 85.0 66.7 .5 25.0 ‘ 16.2 - — — .. .. - _ _ 36 514,148 19 61,412 8 54,912 7. 91,996 - - 1 81,984 1 223,844 -— - 31 164, 704 19 61, 432 8 54, 912 4 48,380 ‘- - - — - — — - 86.1 32.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 57.1 52.6 - — — .. - _ _ _ 6 1.5.891 3 10,831. 2 13,740 1 21,317 - — _ - - _ _ _ 2 9,458 . 1 4,140 1 5,318 - - - - - — - - - - 33.3 20.6 33.3 38.2 50,0 33.7 - - - .. _ _ _ _ - _ 18 283,225 2 8,498 6 36,577 7 100,367 2 60,098 1 77,685 - - - - 16 178,369 2 8,498 6 36,577 7 100,367 1 32,927 .. _ .. .. _ - 8809 63-0 lm-O lmeo 100.0 100.0 100.0 lmoo 5000 54.8 - "‘ - — - '- 178 3 ,394, 773 56 197, 536 53 380,281 40 601,872 16 557,103 '7 '435 ,247 4 491,801 2 730, 933 176 2 , 900 ,919 56 197 , 53 6 53 380, 281 40 601, 872 16 557 , 103 6 371, 153 4 491 ,801 l 301 , 173 98.9 85.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.7 85.3 100.0 100.0 50.0 41.2 . ‘ 21 1176.401 8 27,608 7 46,491 5 66,853 1 35,449 - - - - - — 15 77.048 8 27,608 6 39,375 1 10,065 - - - _ - - _ _ '71.‘ 4307 100.0 100.0 8507 8407 2000 1501 - - "’ - - - — — 203 11,165,893 84 306,325 48 326,282 48 792,092 10. 365,702 6 439,961 4 579,660 3 8,355,871 194 2, 197, 786 84 306,325 48 326,282 47 773,256 10 365 , 702 4 283 , 623 1 142, 598 - - 95.6 19.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 97.9 97.6 100.0 100.0 66.7 64.5 25.0 24.6 - - State (1) North Carolina Total urban points Not served Percent of total North Dakota Total urban points Not served Percent of total Ohio Total urban points Not served Percent of total Oklahoma Total urban points Not served Percent of total Oregon Total urban points Not served Percent of total Penns l a Total urban points Not served Percent of total Rhode Island Total urban points Not served Percent of total South Caro1ip§ Total urban points Not served Percent of total South Dakota Total urban points Not served Percent of total Tennessee Total urban points Not served Percent of total State_tgtals____ Number points Po ation (27 (35 76 974,175 67 551,909 88.2 56.7 12 131,923 6 31,567 50.0 2309 186 4,614,349 179 2,068,738 96.2 44.8 74 879,663 69 467,689 93.2_ 53.2 34 531,675 29 154,407 85-3 2900 355 6,586,877 345 3,243,224 97.2 49.2 19 653,383 18 399,879 94.7 61.2 50 466,111 46 265,457 92.0 57.0 19 .158,087 12 56,531 63.2 35.8 57 1,036,974 52 313,115 91.2 30.2 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1945 Table 1, NUIBER OF URBAN POINTS B! 1940 POPULATION GROUPS WITHIN STATES 2, 500—5,000‘ 5,001—10,000 10,001—25,000 25,001-50,000 population population population population Number Number Number- Number points Population points Population ints Po tion ints Po ation (4) (5) (6) (77 Z85 g9; (10) 4117“ 31 110,968 19 ‘ 122,863 17 ‘ 244,439 4 144,367 31 110,968 19 122,863 15 219,388 1 38,495 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 88.2 89.8 25.0 « 26.7 2 7,817 6 39,225 3 52,301 1 32,580 2 7,817 4 23,750 — - — . - 100.0 100.0 6607 “’05 " - _ '- 70 253,665 57 415,105 33 542,924 14 503,237 70 253,665 57 415,105 33 542,924 14 503,237 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 31 ' 99,922 22 139,226 17 233,521 2 60,413 4 31 99,922 22 139,226 15 200,460 1 28,081 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 88.2 85.8 50.0 46.5 18 62,688 9 63,659 5 69,026 1 30,908 18 62,688 8 54,812 3 36,907 — ' - 100.0 100.0 88.9 86.1 60.0 ' 53.5 - — 140 504,015 112 785,687 75 1,159,468 12 404,802 140 504,015 112 785,687 75 1,159,468 11 360,447 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 91.7 89.0 1 3,842 3 22,574 7 ' 84,576 6 213,090 1 3,842 3 22,574 7 84,576 6 213,090 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 26 87,837 14 87,718 6 89,902 2 66,983 26 87,837 14 87,718 6 89,902 — - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 — — 9 29,621 4 24,682 ‘ 5 62,952 1 40,832 7 21,216 4 24,682 1 10,633 - - 7708 ’n-é 100.0 100.0 2000 16-9 - — 30 105,837 15 99,415 7 106,303 1 25,332 30 105,837 15 99,415 6 82,531 1 25,332 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.7 77.6 100.0 100.0 50,001—100,000 100,001-250,000 Over 250,000 population population population Number Number Number P ula i ints Po ation into. Po ulation ints o t on E125 5135 2145 (155 (165 (17) . 4 250,639 1 100,899 - - 1 60,195 - - - - 25-0 24.0 - - - - 4 245,406 4 731,630 4 1,922,382 4 245,406 1 108,401 - - 100.0 100.0 25.0 14.8 - - ‘ " 2 , 3106, 581 " ‘ - - - - 1 305,394 11 761,985 3 367,927 2 2,602,993 7 433,“)? — " - - 63.6 56.9 - - - - 1 75,797 - - 1 253,504 1. 75,797 - — — _ 100.0 100.0 - — — - 2 133,671 - — 4- _ - - 3 407,145 .‘ / _ ‘ Pisa 5 ‘ ' Page 5 of 5 1 State (1) 22122 Total urban points Not served Percent of total Efiéa Total urban points Not served Percent of total 'Vermont Total urban points Not served Percent of total Virgg‘ 'a Total urban points Not served Percent of total 1%st Total urban points Not served Percent of total West Virginia Total urban points Not served Percent of total Wisconsin Total urban points Not served Percent of total Izomigg Total urban points Not served Percent of total 695480 0 - 46 - 2 State totals Number points Po ulation (2) (3) 196 2 ,911 , 389 176 1,090,022 - 89.8 37.4 25 305,493 23 111,871 92.0 36.6 14 123,239 11 76,638 78.6 62.2 52 934,907 48 , 483,705 92.3 51.7 40 921,969 33 235,994 82.5 2506 45 534,292 37 235,707 82.2 44.1 93 1,679,144 87 884,841 93.5 5207 12 "93,577 8 32,783 66.7 35.0 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CEIfl‘IFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1945 Table 1 9‘ NUMBER OF URBAN POINTS B! 1940 POPULATION GROUPS WITHIN STATES 25,001-50,000 2,500—5,000 5,001—10,000 'l0,001—25,000 population population population population Number Number Number Number ints Po ulation points Population mints. Po ation int§_ Po ulation (45 (55 (6) (7) (8) E95 E105 (115 94 329 , 494 58 400,834 26 357, 593 7 243 , 072 94 329 , 494 57 391, 482 24 322 , 906 . 1 46, 140 100.0 100.0 98.3 97.7 92.3 90.3 14.3 19.0 16 54,635 5 27,297 2 29,939 1 43,688 16 54, 635 5 27, 297 2 29,939 - - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 - - 4 15,614 7 51,948 2 27,991 1 27,686 4 15,6110 6 43,942 1 17,082 _ '- 100.0 , 100.0 85.7 84.6 50.0 61.0 - - 24 82,164 12 83 ,465 6 76,321 5 178, 51.1 24 82,164 12 83,465 ' 6 76,321 4 133,970 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 75.0 20 73,248 6 43,280 8 118,971 3 86,759 20 73,248 6 V 43,280 6 89,242 1 39,224 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 75.0 75.0 33-3 34.8 20 67,145 13 85,755 7 112,861 2 60,682 20 67,145 ll 72 ,356 6 96, 206 - - 100.0 100.0 84.6 84.4 85.7 85.2 - - 41 143,872 19 127, 626 17 229,806 1.3 455,726 41 143 ,872 19 127, 626 17 229 ,806 9 316 ,342 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 . 69.2 69.4 6 16,625 2 15,358 4 61,594 - - 6 16,625 1 5,531 1 10,627 - - 100.0 100.0 50.0 36.0 25.0 17.3 - - 50,001-100,000 100,001—250,000 Over 250,000 mmlation -_ population pomlation Number Number Number oints Population points Population points Po ulati on (127 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) 7 469 , 632 1 177, 662 3 933 , 102 - - 1 149,934 - - 3 177,072 2 337,374 - - 2 107,785 - - - - 66 o 7 60 a 9 " "’ _ "' - ‘- 2 231 ,409 1 368,302 3 207,849 - - - - 2 134, 642 - - 1 587,472 3 1 67,195 - - - - 5o 0 o 49 ' 9 - - - - T” '~ r~:m—v~ »~.....____.... _ _ i ' DISTANCES TO NEAREST CERTIFICATED AIRLINE STATIONS OF URBAN POPULATIONS NOT DIRECTLY SERVED BY AIR APRIL’ I, I945 I I MONT. ‘ ‘ E — - I I N D , I' @ . I 5’23 I I y: 4 I , , I L/ . I I ’«7‘HH__._____( ¥ I s D ‘ I ‘ > A ‘ I ,L, ,4 , - _ ,. IDAHO‘ WYO I 564 . I 542 " I ‘ I . s :2- r, I. NEB ‘UTAH ‘ I ICOLO ® I KANS ‘ MI, I ‘c W “ 24 n I , h I V ARIz V I Nfo I I I TEXAS . / ® I . Q9 . ,,,. / ,, 4., I 534 V J I I 4 _ AREA OF CIRCLES I AND we ' mwwm 293M135 I. I _ - I _, I , $001,009 » ‘ ' an {I /’ 2'4'; [II/3' , '1 -' ’ f ‘ Wm") PERLENTV OIQYRLBUIIQN or {)ISYANJE) A - V ‘- ' ‘0 NEARBY CWT‘.‘J£AT£9 . - ,/ AIRLINE “qTAYIQNj 3*?” If" \ j}, \ (‘ ‘l 9‘ H MIIN', “'IA'.‘ . I' ’ \ |, 6’ 5-‘u‘tv.' Inna... v I u “ I L In, M I I» n ‘ , ‘.‘ ' hum. - .- :. NI'H‘N IN MI, I‘, \ \ \ ’- II‘.‘, “If”. I'IUI’IOU II '1) I ,I 4 », V 4’;- I'Iuyuu . y: ," I - C 2% PM II ‘ \ ®‘ UNITED STATES TOTAL l . '- ~ \.5 . b CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD ECONOMIC BUREAU ANALYSES DIVISION 1 State and mule.“ on 51-0112 Uni bed States Total urban uncer- tit‘icated gointe Number Po ulntlon oints ercevnt Population percent Within 10 miles Cumula- Number tive Cumula- t'i ve Within 25 miles Cumuln- Number tive Cumula- tive Within 50 m1” Cumulu- Nunber tive Cunufn- tin ncomuc cmcramsncs or am POINIS 1101- 0311112101.1110 110111111 511117101: 11s 011 mm. 1, 191.5 Tnble 2 ‘ within 75 .11.. Cumula- Number tive . - . 1.1112 11.992.715 151 10.7 558.577 11.2 1195 55-1 1.757.822 55-2 1.027 72.7 75.0 1.295 91.6 '11.586.650 5.001-10.000 957 165 17.11 1.172.587 18.1 1.17 1111.5 2.9 . 115.2 752 78.1 531011.333 78.8 877 95.6 6.089.155 10.001-25.000 597 818914.507 1111 23.6 2.168.160 21.11 5111 52.6 11,691,5110 52.7 1198 85.1. 7.h51.861 85.6 ‘575 96.0 8.565.552 25.001-50.000 1b? 5.112.503 5h 36-7 1.598.689 37.1 10h 70.7 3.601.607 70-h 128 87.1 h.hh9.297 87.0 186 99-5 5.073.020 50.001-100,000 51. 3,529,816 31 57.). 2,050,678 58.1 1.7 87.0 3,052,166 86.5 50 92.6 5.21.6,551. 92.0 52 96.3 3.5615965 100,001-250,000 12 6 50.0 663,351 1.7.3 11 91.7 1,278,229 91.1 12 100.0 100.0 Over 250,000 1 301,173 1 100.0 301,173 100.0 , ._ ~ - Total 5.160 50,708,985 5117 17.5 8.815.215 - 26-7 1.589 1.1..0 17,612,217 57.1. 2.1.118. 77.5 25.582.81.11, 85-5, 2.9511 955 29.581.b19 Alabama. - "23%, -5,000 29 102,155 - - - - 6 20.7 20,116 19.7 20 69.0 69,919 V 68.1. 29 100.0 102,155 5.001-10.000 11. 911.555 5 21 .1. 20.5111 21 .5 5 21 J1 . 20.5111 21 -5 15 92-9 87.1169 92.7 11. 100.0 911.555 1o,oo1-25,000 5 86.318 2 1.0.0 27,051. 31.3 1. 80.0 , 77.0 5 100.0 86,318, 100.0 . 25.001-50.000 5 89.991 - - - - — - - - 1 55-5 27.1195 30.6 5 100.0 89.991 Total 51 372,819 5 9.8 1.7,368 12.7 13 25.5 106,911. 28.7 59 76.5 271,199 72.7 51 100.0 372,819 ~ Arizona 5.355-5.000 5 17.773 2 b0-0 7.761 h3-7 2 hO-O 7.761 .h3.7 2 hO-O 7.761' h3o7 h 80.0 15.105 5,001-10,000 6 31.,758 - - - - 2 33.3 13,077 37.6 2 33.3 13,077 57.6 6 100.0 311,758 Total 11 52,531 2 18.2 7,761 11..8 1. 36.1. 20,838 39.7 1. ‘36.1. 20,838 39.7 10 90.9 149.863 Arm-ac ‘ ‘ ,‘ . . -.000 51 109.050 1 5.2 5.569 5.1 2 6.5 6.871 6.5 18 58.1 65.779 58.5 28 90.5 97.1165 5.001-10.000 15 611.580 1 7.7 5.1.22 6.1. 1 7.7 5.1.22 6.11 7 55.8 115.508 51.6 12 92.5 79.115 10,001-25,000 5 80.71.6 1 20.0 21.137 26.2 1 20.0 21,137 26.2 2 1.0.0 1.2.507 52.6 1. 80.0 61.,888 Total h9 27h.176 5 6.1 29.928 10.9 h 8.2 33,h50 12.2 27 55.1 1h9.79h 5h.6 hh 89-8 . Ollifornia _ . 2. 556.000 511 197. 529 6 11 .1 19.060 9.7 27 50.0 95.921. 1.8.6 1.8 88.9 175.995 89.2 51 911.11 187.518 5.001-10.000 50 576.671 15 50.0 115,251. 50.6 55 70.0 2611.296 70.2 1.7 911.0 557.1122 921.9 50 100.0 576.671 10.001-25.000 50 1.29.870 11 56- 1119.802 511.8 211 80.0 529.757 76.7 29 96.7 1112.815 96-0 29 96.7 1112.815 25,001-50,ooo 10 325,867 8 80.0 259.250 79.6 - 10 100.0 525.867 100.0 . - 50.001-100.000 5 371.950 3 60.0 21.9,993 67.2 1. 80.0 305,195 81.6 5 100.0 371,950 100.0 Total 1119 1.701.687 115 28.9 795.559 1.6.6 100 67.1 1.519.517 77.5 159 95.5 96.6 1115 97.5 1.6718621 Colorado , ., 2.5555000 15 50.760 1 7.7 5.1157 6.8 5 58.5 17.567 '51..2 8 61.5 28.161 55.5 11 811.6 112.778 mom-10.900 8 511.687 1 12.5 9.680 17.7 1 12.5 9.680 17.7 5 62.5 55.776 65.14 5 62.5 55.776 10.001-25.000 3 1.1,201. - - - - 1 33.3 12,958 31.1. 3 100.0 .201. 100.0 Total 2!. 1146.651 2 8.3 13,117 8.9 7 29.2 1.0.005 27.3 16 66.7 105.11.1 71.7 19 79.2 119,758 Connecticut . ‘2'30T—5‘fooo' 1. 16,309 - - - - 2 50.0 7,908 1.8.5 1. 100.0 16,509 100.0 5,001-10.000 1. 28,109 1 25.0 5,088 18.1 3 75.0 20,331. 72.3 1. 100.0 28,109 100.0 10,001-25.0.00 10 166,568 6 60.0 97.051 58.5 9 90.0 1112.916 85.8 10 100.0 166,568 100.0 25,001-50,ooo 9 305,181. 2 22.2 63,797 20.9 8 88.9 271.,728 90.0 9 100.0 305,181. 100.0 50,001-100.000 1 68,685 1 100.0 68,685 100.0 , - 18681 28 5811.855 10 35.7 231.,621 1.0.1 23 82.1 518,571 88.0 , 28 100.0 5811.855 100.0 Delaware ' , - 750025.000 , 6 21.1.11 - - - - 1 16.7 2. 595 12.1 3 50.0 11.509 55.8 1. 66.7 111.513 5,001-1o,ooo 1 5,517 - - - - - - - - - - - ‘- 1 100.0 5,517 100,001-250,000 1 112.501. - - / - - 1 100.0 112,501. 100.0 . ., Tm]. 8 139,1.32 - - - - 2 25.0 115,097 82.5 L. . 50.0 121.,013 88.9 6 75.0 132,331. Florida ' \ _ . ESE-5.000 5h 117.552 6 17.6 8.2115 19.6 15 58.2 117.688 110.6 27 79.11 95.5871 81.1 55 97.1 1111.125 5,001-1o,ooo 13 90,966 2 15.1. 15,702 17.3 6 1.6.2 1.11.515 1.8.9 10 76.9 71,120 78.2 13 100.0 90,966 10.001-25.000 6 75.806 - - - - 5 50.0 58.519 50.6 1. 66.7 50.1159 66.5 6 loo-Q 75.806 25,001-50,ooo 1 28,012 1 100.0 28,012 100.0 , > ' - Total 511 512.556 9 16.7 66.957 21.11 25 1.2.6 158.562 50.6 I12 ‘ 77.8 2411.958 78.11 55 98.1 508.909 Gear 8 ' , ‘ 3 7%, -5,000 59 155.685 1 2.6 5.558 2.6 5 12.8 18.256 15.11. 511 87.2 119.258 87.9 58 97.11 151.571. 5,001-10.000 19 129. 552 2 10.5 15. 272 10.2 5 15.8 21.959 16.9 1h 75.7 . . 96. 282 711.5 18 911.7 1211.577 10,001-25,ooo 12 172,853 3 25.0 1.1.119 23.8 3 25.0 1.1.119 23.8 9 75.0 119.8115 69.5 12 100.0 172,853 25.001-50.000 1 86.282 - - - - - - - - - - ' , - - 1 100.0 26,282 166.1 71 1.611.570 6 8.5 57,929 12.5 11 15.5 81,291. 17.5 57 ’ 80.5 555.585. 72.2 69 97.2 1.55.086 DISTANCE TO NEAREST CERTIFICATED AIRLINE STATION FM UNCERTIFICATED URBAN POINTS BY 19110 POPULATION GROWS Cunnin- tive 91-9 911.0 96-3 99-2 95-3 95.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.0 100.0 911-9 911-9 100.0 96.0 98.11 81..5 65.11 81.7 %'8 100.0 911.9 97 .1 100.0 100.0 93-9 97-0 96.0 100.0 100.0 98.0 Within 100 miles Cumula— Nmber 1:119 1 . 383 925 590 1117 51. 3.112 10 31 15 1.9 13 23 3h- 39 19 71 97.9 98.7 98.8 100.0 100.0 98.5 ' 9009 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.7 10000 ' 87.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1‘" $6. 825 6.398. 780 3. 797.8118 5. 112. 503 3. 529.816 30.1139. 871 A 15.105 1.9.863 109. 050 814.380 80. 71:6 27h. 176 197. 329 1112. 815 1 r 68h: 65 2 50. 760 1.8. 800 1140. 7611 21.1.11 159.1152 117.552 312.336 135.683 129. 552 1.611.570 Cunnin- tivo Rointe Eercent Pogulati on Box-cent goint'e Rercent Pozulnfion Ergont gain“ 23“?” Pogulntion Erosnt gointe Eroent Pozulntion Berger“: Eointe Percent Poguletion Percent I 98. 1 98.8 98.9 100.0 100.0 99-1 85.0 911.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.0 99.0 100.0 89.2 96.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Number 29 12 7 viz-IN NWH 1.5 ”.0 9.1 3.3 0.7 12.5 11.2 Over 100 miles 95. 890 76. 563 96. 659 269, 112 2,668 2,668 17. 055 17. 055 5. 887 5. 887 Pnge l of 5 HHH C WNW 15.0 5.1 11.0 1.0 10.8 l..o W 8 State end Eoguletion smug Idnho ‘ é, 500'58000 5, 001-10, 000 10,001-25,000 Tottl Illinois 8 ’58000 5. 001-10, 000 10, 001-25,000 25,001-50,000 50,001-1oo,ooo Total Indian: 2- sw-ED 000 5, 001-10.000 10,001-25, 000 25. 001-50, 000 50,001-100,000 100, 001-250, 000 Tottl Iowa 2- 500'51000 5. OOl-l0,000 lO, 001-25,000 25.001*50.000 50,001-100,000 Total Kansas “25150-5000 5, 001-10,000 10. 001-25.000 100,001-250,000 Totel Kentuolacz, n ' a 000 5, 001-10,000 l0,001-25,000 25. 001-50.000 S0,001-100,000 Total 5. 50'6- 5, 000 5,001-10, 000 10, 001-1. ,000 Total land 1 lug BOO-5,000 5.001-10, 000 10. 001- H2)" 000 25,001-50,000 Total 1118 828011118 8111:: 5:001-10,ooo 1o,oo1-25,000 250001-500000 50.001-1oo,ooo 100,001-250,000 Total \ ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS "OF APRIL 1, 191.15 Table 2 V DISTANCE TO NEAREST CERTIFICATE!) AIRLINE STATION FR“ UNCERTIFICATED URBAN POINTS BY 191.10 POPULATION GROUPS I Total urban uncer- Within 10 miles Within 25 miles Within 50 miles Within 75 miles Within 100 mile. Over 100 miles ti {1 outed points Cunulev Cunuln- Cumin- Cmuh- Cunule- Cmula- 151111110- Wule- Cunule- Cumula- —_—— Ember tive tive Nmber tive tive Ember tive tin Ember tive tive Nmber tin tivo Nunber Number Po uletion ointe eroent Po lttion roent oints roent Po ulation eroent pointe ereent Populotion roent oints roent Population ereent oints roent Po ulation eroent oints Percent Populetion Percent I27 I51 IE) I57 I35 I7 1. I3) I91 I161 I1!) I13) I151 I15) I17) I19) I55) Iii) I5?) I23) I21) IE).I?71 16 511,209 1 6.5 2.691 5.0 5 18.8 9.575 17.7 , 7 1.5.8 21.781. 10.2 11. 87.5 1.8.101. 88.7 15 95.7 50.672 95-5 1 6.5 5.557 6.5 5 18,615 - - - - - - - 1 55.5 7.272 59.1 5 100.0 18 .615 100.0 . 1. 1.1.,597 - - - - 1 25.0 12.119 27.2 2 50.0 22,198 1.9.8 2 50.0 22,198 1.9.8 5 75.0 52.71.61 75.1. 1 25.0 11.851 26.6 25 117.1121 1 1..5 2,691 2.5 1. 17.1. 21.721. 18.5 10 1.5.5 51.251. 1.5.6 19 82.6 88,917 75.7 21 91.5 102,055 86.9 2 8.7 15,588 15.1 88 508.925 1. 1..5 15,602 1..1. 27 50.7 92,517 29.9 67 76.1 256,1.1.5 76.5 87 98.9 506,098 99.1 88 100.0 508,925 100.0 61 , 5 7 11.5 50,751. 11.5 21. 59.5 180,581 1.0.7 1.2 68.9 508,185 69.6 61 100.0 100.0 - 56 551.551. 5 15.9 85.269 15.1 18 50.0 268.9116 1.8.8 26 72.2 595.898 71.11 56 100.0 551.51. 100.0 11 2 18.2 91,226 22.5 5 115.5 177,551. 1.5.8 11 100.0 100.0 6 1.15.667 5 50.0 206,556 1.9.6 1. 66.7 271,725 65.1. 5 85.5 551,050 79.6 5 85.5 551,050 79.6 6 100.0 1.15.667 100.0 202 2,121.,507 21 10.1. 21.0 78 58.6 990.905 1.6.6 151 71..8 1,671.,991. 78.8 200 99.0 2.036.816 95.9 202 100.0 2,121,507 100.0 I 51 1111.575 1. 12.9 15,925 15.9 111 1.5.2 55,128 1.8.1 27 87.1 101,556 88.1. 51 100.0 111.,575 100.0- 52 205.557 - 1 - -- - 11. 1.3.8 88.061. 1.2.8 50 95.8 189,955 92.11 52 100.0 205.557 100.0 16 218,611. 1 6.5 11.1.95 5.5 6 57.5 71..171 55.9 15 95.8 206,100 911.5 16 100.0 . 218,611. 100.0 7 211,562 2 28.6 55,712 25.1. 1. 57.1 122,295 57.9 6 85.7 182,561. 86.1. 7 100.0 211,562 100.0 2 12.,821 - - - - 2 100.0 121.,821 100.0 1 111,719 - - - - 1 100.0 111,719 100.0 89 986,628 7 7.9 81,150 8.2 1.1 1.6.1 576,196 58.11 81 91.0 916,195 92.9 89 100.0 986,628 100.0 1.5 165,100 5 6.7 11,159 6.8 11 21..1. 59.578 21..1 55 75.5 118,851 72.7 1.1.. - 97.8 160.1.28 98.2 1.5 100.0 165,100 100.0 ‘ 25 119.198 - - - - 5 15.0 17,285 11.6 11. 60.9 89.561 59.8 21 91.5 157,21.8 91.8 25 100.0 119.198 100.0 9 135.985 - — - - 2 22.2 25,087 18.1. 8 88.9 115,079 85.2 9 100.0 155,985 100.0 5 111,601 1 55.5 1.1.1159 57.1 1 55.5 1.1.1159 57.1 2 66.7 67,709 60.7 5 100.0 111,601 100.0 5 179,902 1 55.5 66,059 56.7 - 2 66.7 128,159 71.2 2 66.7 128,159 71.2 5 100.0 179,902 100.0 , 85 7110.581. 5 6.0 118.657 16.0 19 2.9 251.5116 55.9 59 71.1 517.159 69.8 80 96.1. 725.162 97.9 85 100.0 7110.581. 100.0 52 115.556 1 5.1 11.575 5.9 6 18.8 25.127 20.1. 18 56.5 65.511. 57.5 50 95.8 107.1188 911.7 51 96.9 110.250 97-1 1 5.1 5.506 2.9 10 75.6115 - - - - 1 10.0 5,671 7.7 7 70.0 55,1.25 72.5 8 80.0 60,011. 81.5 10 100.0 75,615 100.0 15 196,627 - - - - 2 15.5 51,868 16.212 80.0 162.7110 82.8 15 100.0 196,627 100.0 1. 121.158 1 100.0 121,168 100.0 58 505.281. 2 5.1. 125.855 211.9 10 17.2 182.1211 56.0 58 65.5 1.02.955 79.7 511 95.1 1.85.587 96.1 57 98.5 501.978 99.5 1 1.7 5.506 0.7 26 97.715 2 7.7 7,109 7.6 6 25.1 21.961 22.5 21 80.8 79,105 81.0 25 96.2 95.516 95.7 26 100.0 97,715 100.0 17 125,265 5 17.6 25,505 18.9 7 1.1.2 511.550 1.11.5 10 58.8 71.,882 60.7 11. 82.1. 100,625 81.6 17 100.0 125,265 100.0 5 62,280 2 1.0.0 21.,191. 58.8 2 1.0.0 21,191. 58.8 5 60.0 55,971 57.8 5 100.0 62,280 100.0 5 90,1.15 1 55.5 50,651 55.9 2 66.7 60,168 66.5 5 100.0 90,1115 100.0 1 62,018 1 100.0 62,018 100.0 . 52 1.55.689 9 17.5 1117.557 55.9 18 .5106 222.891 51-2 ‘58 75.1 5112.587 78.6 118 92.5 1108.850 95.8 52 100.0 1155.689 100.0 26 91.,616 2 7. 7 9,289 9.8 1. 15.1. 16,085 17.0 22 81..6 80,256 81..8 26 100.0 911.616 100.0 18 125,578 2 11.1 11.,51.6 11.6 1. 22.2 26,021 21.1 15 72.2 89.805~ 72.8 18 100.0 125,578 100.0 11 1 25.0 10,879 18.6 1 25.0 10,879 18.6 2 50.0 21.,626 1.2.1 1. 100.0 100.0 1.8 276,151. 5 10.1. 511.511. 12.5 9 ‘18.8 52.9115 19.2 37 77.1 1911.665 70.1. 1.8 100.0 276.1151. 100.0 6 18,857 5 50.0 9,019 1.7.8 1. 66.7 11,600 61.5 5 85.5 15,511 82.5 5 85.5 15,511 82.5 6 100.0 18,857 100.0 9 65,923 5 3303 $12112 3107 5 5506 55.876 56-1 8 88-9 583762 9109 9 10060 63:92} 10000 ' 1. 56,895 2 50.0 26,868 1.7.2 1. 100.0 56,895 100.0 , 19 159.675 8 112-1 56.129 1.0.2 15 68.1. 1011.569 .711.7 17 89.5 151.166 95.9 18 911.7 156.527 797-6 19 100.0 159.675 100.0 12 1.5.017 1 8.5 1.,850 10.7 5 25.0 10.1.81. 25.5 8 66.7 50.277 67.5 9 75.0 511,805 77.5 12 100.0 1.5.017 100.0- 5 25,172 2 66.7 15,515 66.9 2 66.7 15,515 66.9 2 66.7 15,515 66.9 2 66.7 15,515 66.9 5 100.0 25,172 100.0 6 81,088 2 555 28,802 55.5 5 50.0 1.1.871 51.6 1. 66.7 57,675 71.1 5 85.5 67,775 85.6 6 100.0 81,088 100.0 2 71.9711 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 50.0 52.1.91 1.5.1 2 100.0 71,971. 100.0 25 221,251 5 21.7 22.2 8 51..8 _ 67,868 50.7 11. 60.9 105.1165 1.6.8 17 75.9 150.581. 68.1 25 100.0 221,251 100.0 8 52,792 . 1 12.5 11.911 15.1 5 62.5 20,808 65.5 8 100.0 52,792 100.0 51. 2.6,510 7 20.6 1.8.519 19.6 as 88.2 220.9118 89.6 51. 100.0 21.6.5110 100.0 1.6 726,127 15 28.5 209,786 28.9 87.0 627,508 86.1. 1.6 100.0 726,127 100.0 16 625,965 11 68.8 1.28.510 68.6 15 95.8 571.,279 92.0 16 100.0 625,965 100.0 7 1.80.992 6 85.7 1.18.6119 87.0 7 100.0 1.80.992 100.0 5 511..th ‘5 100.0 3114511115 100.0 ' . 111. 1.1 56.0 1,1.21..1.10 58.7 100 87.7 2,258,780 92.5 111. 100.0 2.1.2.,859 100.0 I], . I V . x ’ I Plge 9 , . Page 3 of 5 Ec‘ono'auc CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE As OE'APRIL 1, 191.5 ‘ 1* . I Table 2 1 1’ 1 DISTANCE To NEAREST CERTIFICATED AIRLINE STATION 2ch UNCERTIF‘ICATED URBAN POINTS BY 191.0 POPULATION GROUPS 1 Total urban uncer- Within 10 miles Within 25 miles Within 50 miles Within 75 miles Within 100 miles Over 100 miles , 1 f tifioated points Cumula- Cumula- Cfinula- Cumula- Cumula- CmmiIa- Unmufa- Cumula- Cumula- Cumufi- State and —_—— Number tive tive Nunber tive tive Nunber tive tive Number tive tive Number tive tive Number 7,; population group__ Number Population oint: ercent Po ulation percent points percent Population percent points percent Population percent point: percent Population percent points percent Population percent points Percent Population Percent 11) 121 I3) PIE—WW WWW—Tm— ‘(T27'_('13T (1b.) (15) (16) “(1'77" (13) (195 {357 (55) (51) (72) ' (237 (2137 (257 , 1 £992“ ' 2750—555.000 117 168.303 ' 5 10.6 20.2117 12.0 27 57.11 96.14116 57.3 35 76.5 122.561 72.8 37 78.7 130.280 77-h ho 85.1 1112.501. 811.7 7 111.9 25.799 15.3 '7‘. 5,001-10,000 31. 231.,660 1. 11.8 27,819 11.9 18 52.9 117,515 50.1 28 82.1. 192,931 82.2 29 85.3 201.632 85.9 31 91.2 212.802 90.7 3 8.8 21.858 9.3 1: 10,001-25,000 23 323,098 7 30.1. 108,790 33.7 11. 60.9 199,531 61.8, 18 78.3 255.0533 78.9 19 82.6 267.891 82.9 22 95.7 307.170 95.1 1 1..3 15.928 1..9 25,001-50,ooo 1. 138,303 1 25.0 1.9.839 36.0 3- 75.0 105,511. 76.3 3 75.0 105, 76.3 1. 100.0 138,303 100.0 50,001-1oo,ooo 3 181,020 2 66.7 111.,391. 63.2 2 66.7 1111.391. 63.2 3 100.0 181,020 100.0 \ Total 111 1.085.381. 19 17.1 321,089 30.7 611 57.7 633,1.30 60.6 87 ~ 78.1. 857,139 82.0 92 82.9 919.126 87-9 100 90.1 981.799 93.9 11 9.9 63.585 6-1 Minnesota . ‘ , - ,ooo 31. 111.,120 3 8.8 10.716 9.1. ' 5 11..7 16,237 11..2 12 35.3 111.065 36.0 21: 61.8 71.,516 65.3 32 91..1 108,601. 95.2 2 5.9 5.516 6.8 ‘. 5,001-1o,ooo 29 197,732 6 20.7 1.1.886 21.2 12 1.1.1. 811.266 1.2.6 18 62.1 126,505 61..o 22 75.9 151,000 76.1. 27 93.1 185,118 93.6 2 6.9 12,611. 6.1. \ 10.001-25.000 11 170,763 - - - - 1 9.1 11.81.11 6.9 5 145.5 79.368 116.5 10 ' 90.9 158,692 92.9 10 90.9 158,692 92.9 1 9.1 12,071 7.1 1 Total 71. 1182.615 9 12.2 52.632 10.9 18 214-3 112.3117 25.3 35 117.3 2116.938 51.2 53 71.6 3811.208 79.6 69 93.2 1.52.1111. 93.7 5 6.8 39.201 6.3 | 1 Mini-81 i 1 / / TWELUOO 25 85,792 1 1..0 3.338 3.9 3 12.0 10,331 12.0 16 61..o 53.238 62.1 22 88.0 72,511. 811.6 25 100.0 85,792 100.0 ,. 5,001-1o,000 11 73,980 - - - - 1 9.1 6,011 8.1 5 115.5 30.18 1.0.7 10 90.9 68,353 92.1. 11 100.0 73,980 100.0 {1 10.001-25.000 8 11.5,560 - - - - 1 12.5 17,1.75 12.0 2 25.0 1.1.935 28.8 6 75.0 116,619 80.1 8 100.0 116.560 100.0 ’1, 166.1 1.1. 305,332 1 2.3 3,338 1.1 5 11.1. 33.817 11.1 23 52.3 125,302 1.1.0 38 86.1. 257.516 811.3 1.1. 100.0 305.332 100.0 1 lieeouri - J 5.555-5.000 111 138.152 5 12.2 16,155 11.7 8 19.5 25,295 18.3 21. 58.5 81,976 59.3 37 90.2 125,671. 91.0 1.1 100.0 138,152 100.0 5,001-10,ooo 21. 155,927 2 8.3 12,757 8.2 5 20.8 32,1.61 20.8 13 ,51..2 83,172 53.3 22 91.7 1112.980 91.7 a. 100.0 155,927 100.0 1 10,001-25,ooo 15 . 225,876 5 33.3 73.206 32.11 9 960.0 127,591 56.5 . 13 86.7 2011.633 90.6 11. 93.3 2111.713 95.1 15 100.0 25,876 100.0 ; 25,001-50,000 1 33.023 1 100.0 33.023 100.0 ‘ 1' Total 81 552,978 13 16.0 135,11.1 21..1. 23 28.1. 218,370 39.5 51 63.0 1.02.801. 72.8 71. 91.1. 516,390 93.1. 81 100.0 552,978 100.0 ‘l Montana 1. —27506-5,000 9 28,51.3 - - - - 1 11.1 2.7511 9.6 3 33.3 8,676_ 30.1. 6 66.7 19,161. 67.1 7 77.8 21,766 76.3 2 22.2 6,777 23.7 ( 5.001-10.000 1. 29,979 - - - - - - - - - - - . - 1 25.0 8.665 $8 11 100.0 29.979 100.0 1, 10,001-25,000 1 11,001. - - - - 1 100.0 11,001. 100.0 1. Totll 11. 69.526 - - - - 2 11..3 13,758 19.8 1. m.6 19,680 28.3 8 57.1 38,833 55.9 12 85.7 62.71.9 90.3 2 111.3 6.777 9.7 . Nebraska I ' 3 25355.000 19 61.1.12 2 10.5 7.660 12.5 6 31.6 21,081 31..3 11 57.9 311.925 56.9 18 91..7 58,880 95.9 18 911.7 58,880 95.9 1 5.3 2,532 1..1 1 5,001-10,000 8 51.,912 - - ‘ - - - - - - 5 62.5 31.,761. 63.3 8 100.0 51.,912 100.0 ~ 10.001-25.000 h 118.360 - - - - 1 25.0 15.1115 31.3 3 75.0 37.890 78.3 1. 100.0 1.8.380 100.0 ’ 1‘ Total 31 1611.701. 2 6.5 7.660 1..7 7 22.6 36,226 22.0 19 61.3 107,579 65.3 30 96.8 162,172 98.5 30 96.8 162,172 98.5 1 3.2 2,532 1.5 v' - Nevada 1 ‘1 "am-5,000 1 1.,11.o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - 1 100.0 1..11.o 100.0 6‘ ,5-001'10-000 1 5,318 1 100.0 5,318 100.0 "1‘ Total 2 9,1.58 1 50.0 5,318 56.2 1 50.0 5.318 56.2 1 50.0 5,318 56.2 1 50.0 5,318 56.2 1 ~50.o 5,318 56.2 1 50.0 11.110 113.8 New Ham shire , , 2 8.1.98 - - - - 1 50.0 3,927 1.6.2 2 100.0 8.1.98 100.0 5.001-10.000 6 36.577 2 33.3 12.990 35.5 5 83.3 30.1111 83.2 6 100.0 36.577 100.0 10,001-25,000 7 100,367 - - - - - 2 28.6 25,628 25.5 6 85.7 81,283 81.0 7 100.0 100,367 100.0 . 25,001-5o,ooo 1 32,927 - - - - 1 100.0 32,927 100.0 ’1 Total 16 178,369 2 12.5 12.990 7.3 9 56.3 92,923 52.1 15 93.8 159,285 89.3 16 100.0 178,369 100.0 1‘ New Jeree - ,0 . -5.000 56 197.536 13 23.2 117.3115 21.0 112 75.0 1116.558 78.2 56 100.0 197.536 100.0 . 5.001-10.000 53 380.281 21. 115.3 183.517 118.3 111.. 83.0 . 315.9112 83.1 53 100.0 380.2181 100-0 , 10,001-25,000 1.0 601,872 22 55.0 350,166 58.2 31. 85.0 517,868 86.0 1.0 100.0 601,872 100.0 . 25,001-50,000 16 557.103 12 75.0 1.18.021 75.0 16 100.0 557,103 100.0 - \z, 50,001-100,000 6 371,153 6 100.0 371,153 100.0 , 100,001-250,000 1. 1.91.801 2 50.0 227.1118 16.2 3 75.0 367.101. 71..6 1. 100.0 1.91.801 100.0 . 010T250.000 1 301,173 1 100.0 - 301,173 100.0 1 100.0 301,173 100.0 Total ‘176 2,900,919 80 1.5.5 1,898,823 65.5 11.6 83.0 2.576.901 88.8 176 100.0 2,900,919 100.0 New Mexico 1‘ 20566-50000 8 270608 ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' 2 2500 7.109 507 3 3705 ' 10.821 39.2 7 6705 241666 @014 1 12.5 219,40 1006 5.001-10.000 6- 39.375 - - - - 1 16.7 7.607 19.3 2 33.3 15.992 1.0.6 2 33.1 15.992 110.6 h 66.7 27.290 69.3 2 33.3 12.085 30.7 10.001-25,000 1 10,065 - - - - - - ‘- — - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 100.0 10,065 100.0 Total 15 77.0118 - - - - 1 6.7 7.607 9.9 h 26.7 23.101 30.0 5 33.3 26.813 311.8 11 73.3 51.958 67.1. 1. 26.7 25.090 32.6 ‘i‘ ’7 L -‘\\ 1.x: x ‘ AW“ . x , 3.x / Q: ~ . v 1 . 3‘ . , ' ‘ ' ”I '~ / .1 2 ~_ \ .2. \ --. « p .17 ~ 1 ~~ ~ ‘, ' 1" ' C " ~: ' ' . ' ’ , . . - , . \ f ' a \ Pege 10 t \ Y ‘ Page 1.. of 5 ‘ 1 l _ 1100110110 camcrsmsncs or 01181111 2011118 11011- CERTIFICATE!) FOR 1111 ssmca AS or 12211.1, 191.5 , ’ 7 7.18182 . . -_ 5 - DISTANCE 70 1121111181 CERTIFICATE!) 1111mm annou 1mm UNCERTIFICATED 1mm POINTS 81' 191.0 202111111011 GROUPS I . Total 11ar uncefi Within 10 miles Within 25 miles lithin 50 miles 1 Within 75 miles Within 100 miles Over 100 miles tit‘icated Eointe Cumule- Cunnle- Cunula- Cmult— . Umule-n Cunflt- Cumull- Cunnle- Cunull- Cumulu- State and ' Number tive Number tive tive Number five tin Number tive tive Number tive tive Number P ’ ulntion rou Huber Po uletion ointa ercmt Po etion uncut ints per-908111: Populetion qroent oints roent Po ulation percent oints rcent Po 10111011 roent point: percent Populstion eroent points Percent Po Intion eroent ./ I ‘BgLnT'L‘L ‘75—‘15)". {m‘LGT‘gfiT—Efi)“ 37877—7. WH’M erfimr—grm—W £(—le Er’fl“EETE)—‘ED9)" YET—(2'71 —(2‘2)—£T§37 - 'TZI)‘ “($7 1%) (277 New York , 7 - T2, 0.5.000 .81. 306.325 12 11..3 1.11.133 11..1. 30 35.7 110,966 36.2 73, 86.9 263.855 86.1 81 96.1. 2911.008 96.0 81. 100.0 306,325 100.0 , - 5,001-10,000 1.8 326,282 5 10.1. 33.097 10.1 29 60.1. 195,250 59.8 1.1. 91.7 296,397 90.8 1.8 100.0 326,282 100.0 ' 1 10.001-25.000 117. 773.256 9 19.1 163.632 21.2 26 59.6 1.158.977 59.11 111 87.2 ’ 670.307 86.7 115 95.7 7145.582 96.1. 146 97.9' 756.910 97-9 1 2.1 16.3146 2-1 25,001-50,ooo 1o . 365,702 - - - - 3 30.0 110,291. 30.2 .6 60.0 231,367 63.3 10 100.0 365,702 100.0 50,001-1oo,ooo 1. 283,623 1 25.0 70.301. 21..8 1. 100.0 283,623 100.0 100,001-250,000 1 11.2.598 - . - - - 1 100.0 11.2,598 100.0 . Tot-.1 1911 2.197.786 27 13.9 311.166 1111.2 95 119.0 1.301.708 59.2 , 169 87-1 1.888.111? 85.9 189 97.11 2.157.795 98-2 193 99.5 2.181.11110 99.3 1 0-5 16.3116 0-7 . North CIrolinl . ' . EDWStaao 51 110.968 ' ’ " ‘ Ll. 1209 ”4,964 1305 at} 7701‘ 868155 77.6 29 9305 lounml 93.7 31 100.0 1100968 10000 . 5,001-1o,ooo 19 122,863 1 5.3 5.1.07 1..1. 9 1.7.1. 58.379 117.5 16 81..2 106,261. 86.5 18 91..7 117.178 95.1. 19 100.0 122,863 100.0 . 1o,oo1-25,ooo 15 219,388 - - - - 7 1.6.7 100.295 1.5.7 13- -86.7 190,11.5 86.7 ’ 15 100.0 219,388 100.0 /1' 25,001-50,ooo 1 38.1.95 - - - - .1 100.0 38.1.95 100.0 - . 50,001-1oo,ooo 1 60,195 - - - - 1 100.0 60,195 100.0 f - Toul- 67 551.909 1 1.5 5.1197 1-0 31 32.8 272.328 119.3 55 82.1 1.81.2511 87.2 6h 95.5 539.257 97-7 67 100.0 551.909 100.0 ,4 lorth Mote . ‘ [1 W 2 7.817 - - - - - - '2 100.0 7,817 100.0 5.001-1o.boo 1. 23.750 - - - - - - - - 1 25.0 5.917 21.9 1 25.0 5.917 211.9 3 75.0 17.960 75.6 1 25.0 5.790 21.1. Tot-1 6 31.567 - - - - - - - - 3 50.0 13.7311 113.5 3 50.0 13.7311 113.5 5 83.3 25.777 81.7 1 16-7 5.790 18.3 01110 - ‘ . . 9' TWO-5.000 ~70 253.665 15 21.11 ’ 59.0119 83 1.1 58.6 1147.636 58.2 611 91.11 $0,228 90.8 70 100.0 253.665 100.0 .‘ 5,001-1o,000 57 1.15.105 17 29.8 120,191. 29.0 26 1.5.6 182,700 1.1..0 _ 50 87.7 363,189 87.6 57 ~1oo.o 1.15.105 100.0 . a 1o,oo1-25,000 33 51.2,921. 10 30.3 171,61.6 31.6 16 1.8.5 265.2115 118.9 31 93.9 510,010 93.9 33 100.0 51.2,921. 100.0 I 25,001-50,ooo 11. 503,237 2 ma 73.505 11..6 , 8 57.1 281,102 55.9 11 78.6 383,872 76.3 11. 100.0 503.237 100.0 ' -. 50,001-1oo,000 1. 2 50.0 12.,152 50.6 1. 100.0 100.0 f , 1 100,001-250,000 1 108,1.01 - - - - 1 100.0 108,1.01 100.0 ’ . I. ram 179 2,068,738 1.6 25.7 ~51.8,81.6 26.5 2 96 53.6 1.230.690 59.0 161 . 89.9 1,81.1,1.06 89.0 179 100.0 2,068,738 100.0 . WmOO 31 99.922 1 3.2 2,590 2.6 8 25.8 28.1.09 28.1. '16 51.6 52,938 53.0 21. 77.1. 78,788 78.8 28 90.3 91,083 91.2 3 9.7 8,839 8.8 a 5,001-10, 000 22 139,226 1 1..5 6,137 1..1. 5 22.7 31.,310 21.6 _ A12 . 51..5 6. 76,386 51..9 16 72.7 105,922 76.1 21 95.5 133.820 96.1 1 1.5 5.106 3.9 I 10.001-25.000 15 200,1.60 - - - 3 20.0 33,756 16.8 10 66.7 135,688 67.7 13 86.7 173,567 86.6 15 100.0 200,1.60 100.0 25,001-5o,ooo 1 28,081 - - - - - - . - - ‘ 1 100.0 28,081 100.0 , ram 69 1.67.689 2 2.9 8.727 1.9 16 23.2 96.1.75 20.6 39 56.5 293.093 62.7 51. 78.3 386,338 82.6 65 91102 1.53.111. 97.0 1. 5.8 111.2115 3.0 '- Ore a1 7 t . , ,000 18‘ 62,688 1 5.6 . 3,805 6.1 9 50. 0 32.396 51.7 ' 10 55.6 35.125 56.0 16 88.9 56.795 90.6 17 911.1. 60,122 95.9 1 5.6 2.566 1..1 ., - , 5,001-1o,ooo 8 51.,812 - - - - 3 37. 5 17,806 32.5 5 62.5- 33,985, 61.9. 7 87.5 1.5.1170 83.0 8 100.0 51.,812 100.0 _ j 1o,oo1-25,ooo 3 36,907 - - - - - - - -1 - - - 2 66.7 26886 72.8 3 100.0 36,907 100.0 1 - 1‘01:“ 29 1511.1107 1 3.11 3.605 2.5 12 111.11 50.202 32-5 \ 15'. 51.7 69.070 1111.7 25 86.2 129.151 83.6 28 96.6 151.8111 98.3 1 3.14 2.566 1.7 Penna 1min. . / ~ - ‘ - . . 1110 5014.015 111 29 3 157.281 31.2 88 62.9 320.806 63.7 111 79.3 1101.181. 79.6 133 95.0 1480.511? 95.3 11.0 100.0 5014.015 100.0 5,001-1o,0oo 112 785,687 37 33.0 270,761 31..5 69 61.6 1.88.1158 61.71» 100 ‘ 89.3 697.939 88.8 108 96.1. 757,026 96.1. 112 100.0 785,687 100.0 - 75 1.159.968 25 33.3 3911.771 311.0 149 65-3 756.2611 65-2 , 70 93.3. 1.0816196 93.5 71.1 98.7 1.110.388 99.0 75 100.0 1.59.1168 100.0 ‘ . 1-50. 11 360. 7 3 27.3 97.013 26.9 11 100.0 360.1117 100.0 _ , l. 50,001-1oo,ooo 7 1133.607 2 23.6 115,373 26.6 5 71.1. 26.725 66.1 ,5 71.1. 286.725 66.1 6 85.7 353,393 81.5 7 100.0 1.33.607 100.0 - 5 Tot-.1 3115 108 31.3 1,035,199 31.9 222 61..3 2,208,700 68.1 297. 86.1 , 2,830.1.88 87.3 332 96.2 3,098,801 95.5 3115 100.0 100.0 I ' 111.68. Ishnd TWO 1 3.81.2 - - - 1 100.0 . 3,81.2 100.0 ~ . 5,001-1o,ooo 3 22.571. 2 66.7 11.,389 63.7 3 100.0 22.571. 100.0 . _ Imam-25.000 7 811.576 6 85.7 73.377 86.86 85.7 73.377 86.8 7 100.0 811.576 100.0 7 » 25,001-5o,ooo 6 213.090 1. 66.7 133,255 62.5 6 100.0 213,090 100.0 , 50,001-1oo,ooo 1 75,797 1 100.0 75,797 100.0 . , ~ , ' 1 1 Tot-.1 18 399,879 13 72.2 296,818 71..2 17 98.1. 388,680 97.2 18 100.0 399.879 100.0 - \ r ,1 ‘3' South Cerolim . _ . . V . -. _ , ‘ , - 26 87,837 2 7.7 6,137 7.0 8 30.8 21.,103 27.1. a) 76.9 614.1182 73.1. 21. 92.3 79.075 90.0 26 100.0 87,837 100.0 3 5,001-10,ooo 11. 87,718 - - - - 1. 2.6 27,1.65 31.3 . 9 . 61..3 . 59,712 68.1 13 92.9 81,972 93.1. 11. 100.0 87,718 100.0 . 1o,oo1-25,ooo 6 89,902 - . - - - 1 16.7 15,009 16.7 5 I 83.3 7 73.8% 82.1 ' 6 100.0 89,902 100.0 ‘1 tom 1.6 265,157 ' 2 1..3 6,137 2.3 13 28.3 66.577 25.1 31. 73.9 198.0112 76.6 1.3 93.5 250.919 911.5 1.6 100.0 ~ 265.1157 100.0 ’4‘? ‘ South Note ‘ ., - - - " _ , , . 7 21,216 1 11..3 ‘ 11.100 19.3 2 28.6 6,618 31.2- ‘ 1.‘ 57.1 12.371 58.3‘ 6 85.7 18,208 85.8 7 100.0 21,216 100.0 _ ‘ 5,001-1o,ooo 1. 21.,682 - - - - 1 25.0 7.520 30.5 . 2 f 50.0 _ ‘12, 538 50.8 1. 100.0 21.,682 100.0 . \ 1o,oo1-25,ooo ,1 10,633 - - I - - - 5 - 1 . ‘ _\ 166.1 12 56,531 ' 1_,, 8.3 -1.,1oo . 7.3 3 25.0 . ' 7 11 91.7 . 53.523 91..7 12 100.0 56,531 100.0» *2 ~1~~ M -\" w‘~- i; V‘ T Page 11 . , > . Page 5 of 5 ECONWIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 191.5 Teble 2 DISTANCE 10 NEAREST CERTIFICATED AIRLINE STATION FRQA UNCERTIFICATED’URBAN POINTS BY 191.10 POPULATION GROUPS Total urban unoer- Within 10 miles Within 25 miles Within 50 miles Within 75 miles Within 100 miles Over 100 miles tifloated points Cumula- UmEfe- Cumula- Cumfla- - Cumule- Cumule- Wufi- Cumule- CumLIa- Cumula- Stete and Nunber tive tive Number tive tive Number tive tire Number tive tive Number tive tivc Number Realm-.1011 group Nunber Po%ation points percent Poqlation percent points percent Pamelation percent points Eroent Populeti on great ointe percent P02618111 on percent oints percent Population percent points Percent Population Percent Tennessee ‘ , - ,ooo . 30 105,837 1 3.3 2.939 2.8 5 16.7 19,022 18.0 20 66.7 72,381 68.1. 27 90.0 95.038 89.8 30 100.0 105,857 100.0 5,001-10,000 15 99,1.15 - - - 1. 26.7 25.921. 26.1 12 80.0 80,601. 81.1 11. 93.3 911,255 911.8 15 100.0 99.1.15 100.0 10.001~25.000 6 82.531 - - - - 2 33.3 25.755 31.2 1. 66.7 1.8.165 58.1. 5 83.3 58.199 70.5 6 100.0 82.531 100.0 25.001-50.000 1 25,352 - - - - 1 100.0 25,332 100.0 ‘ Total 52 313,115 1 1.9 2.939 0.9 12 23.1 96,033 30.7 37 71.2 226,1.82 72.3 1.7 90.1. 272,821. 87.1 52 100.0 313,115 100.0 Tens ' . . 2.500-5.000 90 329.191. 1 1.1 3.1.36 1.0 15 16.0 50.179 15.2 1.8 51.1 167,871. 50.9 79 811.0 278.881 811.5 91 96.8 319.170 96.9 3 3.2 10,321. 03-1 5,001-10,ooo 57 391,1.82 3 5.3 20,669 5.3 12 21.1 81.,780 21.7 37 611.9 262,160 67.0 51 89.5 350.310 89.5 55 96.5 378.559 96.7 2 3.5 12.923 3.3 10.001-25.000 21. 32.906 2 8.3 216.7155 7.7 3 12.5 38.052 11.8 13 58.2 1611.319 50.9 '21 87.5 219.0113 86.1. 23 95.8 309.563 95.9 1 1.2 13.318 1..1 25,001-50,ooo 1 , - - - - 1 100.0 100.0 168.1 176 1,090,022 6 3.1. 118.851 1..5 31 17.6 219,151 20.1 99 56.3 61.0.1193 58.8 152 86.1. 953.771. 87.5 170 96.6 1,055.1.32 96.6 6 3.1. 36,590 3.1. Ute): ' ism-5,000 16 51.,635 1 6.3 3.357 6.1 1. 5.0 12,805 23.1. 11 68.8 37.087 67.9 12 75.0 39,922 73.1 13 81.3 112.765 78.3 3 18.7 11,870 21.7 5.001-10,000 5 27,297 2 1.0.0 11.11111 1.1.9 3 60.0 17,082 62.6 1. 80.0 22,083 80.9 1. 80.0 22,083 80.9 5 100.0 27,297 100.0 1o,oo1-25.000 2 29,939 - - - - - - - - 2 100.0 23,939 100.0 . Total 25 111,871 3 13.0 11.,798 13.2 7 30.1. 29.887 29.7 17 ‘ 73.9 89,109 80.0 18 78.5 91.901. 82.2 20 87.0 100,001 89.1. 3 13.0 11,870 10.6 . Vermont TEE-5,000 1. 15,611. - - - - 2 50.0 6.1.76 1.1.5 1. 100.0 15,611. 100.0 5,001-1o,0oo 6 1 16.7 6,036 13.7 2 33.3 11..o73 32.0 5 85.3 311.320 78.1 6 100.0 100.0 10,001-25,000 1 17,082 - — - - - - - - 1 100.0 17,082 100.0 168.1 11 76,638 1 9.1 6,036 7.9 1. 36.1. 20,519 26.8 10 90.9 67,016 87.1. ‘ 11 100.0 76,638 100.0 Vir e , 5,000 21. 82,161. 2 8.3 6.031 7.3 9 37.5 29.713 36.2 17 70.8 57,731 70.3 21. 100.0 82,161. 100.0 5,001-10,ooo 12 83.1.65 2 16.7 13,775 16.5 1. 33.3 28,352 51..o 10 85.3 83.2 12 100.0 83,1.65 100.0 1o,oo1-25,000 6 76,321 - - ' - - 1 16.7 11.3L.3 11..9 3 50.0 31.1.89 1.1.3 6 100.0 76,521 100.0 25,001-50,ooo 1. 133,970 1 25.0 33.523 25.0 3 75.0 101,221 75.6 3 75.0 101,221 75.6 1. 100.0 133,970 100.0 50.001-1oo,ooo 2 107.785 2 100.0 107,785 100.0 Total 1.8 1183.705 7 111.6 161.1114 33.3 19 39.6 278.1111; 57-6 35 72.9 367.671 76.0 1.8 100.0 1483.705 100.0 Inhin on ‘ , ,000 20 73,21.8 - - - - 8 1.0.0 29,260 39.9 11. 70.0 52.2.0 71.3 19 95.0 70,330 96.0 20 100.0 73.21.13 100.0 5,001-10,000 6 1.3.280 1 16.7 7.889 18.2 2 33.3 13.761. 31.8 5 83.3 33.871 78.3 6 100.0 1.3.280 100.0 10,001-25,ooo 6 89.2112 1 16.7 18,788 21.1 . 3 50.0 1.7.176 52.9 1. 66.7 59.561 66.7 6 100.0 89.2.2 100.0 25.001-50,000 1 30,22. - - - - - - - - 1 100.0 30,221. 100.0 , roe-1 33 235,991. 2 6.1 26,677 11.3 13 39.1. 90,200 38.2 21. 72.7 175,896 71..5 52 97.0 233,076 98.8 33 100.0 255,991. 100.0 , . 20 67,11.5 1. 20.0 11.,053 20.9 11 55.0 38,825 57.8 17 85.0 58,251 86.8 20 100.0 67,11.5 100.0 5,001-1o,ooo 11 72.356 - - - - 1. 36.1. 28.091 38.8 5 115.5 33.257 1.6.0 11 100.0 72,356 100.0 1o,oo1-25,ooo 6 96, 1 16.7 10,377 10.8 ‘3 50.0 1.7.650 1.9.5 1. 66.7 60,502 62.9 6. 100.0 96,206 100.0 rot-1 37 235.707 5 13.5 211.1130 10.1. 18 1.8.6 1114.566 1.8.6 26 70.3 152.010 611.5 37 100.0 235.707 100.0 Wisconsin _ , 736635.000 1.1 113.872 1 2.1. 2.527, 1.3 10 214.1. 31,686 22.0 29 70.7 99.095 68.9 37 90.2 129,071. 69.7 1.1 100.0 11.3.1372 100.0 5,001-10,000 19 127,626 3 15.8 21,031. 16.5 6 31.6 1.3.709 31..2 18 911.7 121,806 95.1. 19 100.0 127,626 100.0 10,001-25,000 17 229,806 1. 25.5 20.6 5 29.1. 66.1.89 28.9 16 911.1 218,705 95.2 17 100.0 229,806 100.0 25.001-50.000 9 316.3112 2 22.2 611.133 20.3 ‘ 3 33.3 92.569 29.3 6 66.7 205.788 65-1 9 100.0 316.3112 100.0 50,001-100,ooo 1 67,195 - ., - - 1 100.0 67,195 100.0 . Total 87 881.,81.1 1o 11. 131-59111 15.3 25 28.7 301,608 31..1 70 80.5 712,589 80.5 83 95.1. 870,01.3 98.3 87 100.0 881.,81.1 100.0 , 5,000 6 16,625 - \ - - - 1 16.7 2,61.0 15.9 1 16.7 2.61.0 15.9 2 55.5 5,350 32.2 1. 66.7 11.519 69.5 2 33.5 5,076 50.5 5,001-10,000 1 5,531 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 100.0 5,531 100.0 10,001-25,ooo 1 10,627 - - - - - - - - 1 100.0 ' 10,627 100.0 ~ rot-11 8 32.783 - - - - 1 12.5 2.61.0 8.1 2 25.0 13.267 1.0.5 3 37.5 15.977 1.8.7 6 75.0 27.707 811.5 2 25.0 5,076 15-5 . I ’1 Code Stations City and state (2} Albuquerque, N. Mex. Atlanta, Ga. Abilene, Tex. Amarillo, Tex. Auguste, Maine Akron, Ohio Albany, Ne Ya Bangor, Maine Bakersfield, Calif. Boise, Idaho Birmingham, Ala. Billings, Mont. Buffalo, N. Y. Burlington, Iowa Baltimore, Md. Brunswick, Ga. Butte, Mont. Boston, Mass. Big Spring, Tex. Columbia, Mo. Chattanooga, Tenn. Cincinnati, Ohio Carlsbad, N. Mex. Charlotte, N. C. Chicago, Ill. Columbia, S. C. Concord, N. 11. Columbus, Ohio Corpus Christi, Tex. Charleston, S. C. Youngstown, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Casper, Wyo. Cheyenne, Wyo. Alexandria, La. Asheville, N. C. Daytona Beach, Fla. Gulfpcrt, Miss. Duluth, Minn.-Superior, Wis. Lubbock, Tex. Wilmington, N. C. San Angelo, Tex. Monterey, Calif. Stockton, Calif. San Bernardino, Calif. Kingnan, Aria. Dallas, Tex. ' Des Mcines, Iowa Midland, Tex. Marianna, Fla. Detroit, Mich. Saline, lane. Tacoma, Wash. Douglas, Arie. Muskogee, Okla. Denver, Colo. Winston-Salem, N. C. Dayton, Ohio GB GD 61“ GI GR GT GV GY ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Stati one City and state (2) Eau Claire, Wis. Columbus, Ga. Florence-Sheffield-Tuscmnbia, Ala. Grand Junction, Colo. Elkins, W. Va. Elke, Nev. El Paso, Tex. Erie, Pa. Lewistcn-Aubum, Maine Eugene, Oreg. Evansville, Ind. Ann Arbor, Mich. Red Bluff, Calif. Flint, Mich. Fargo, N. Dak. 'Visalia, Calif. Fresno, Calif. Fort Worth, Tex. Bartlesville, Okla. Fort Wayne, Ind. Lancaster, Pa. Elizabeth City, N. C. Glens ‘Falls, N.‘ Y. Greenville, S. C. Greenwood, Miss. Grand Forks, N. Dak. Hyannis, Mass. Grand (Island, Nebr. Garden City, Kane. Grand Rapids, Mich. Galveston, Tex. Great Falls, Mont. Cut Bank-Shelby, Mont. Greensboro, N. C. Albany, Ga. Long Beach, Calif. Huntington, W. Va. Lincoln, Nebr. Hutchinson, Kane. Bobbs, N. Mel. Huron, S. Dak. Hartford, Conn. Houston, Tex. Huntsville, Ala. Harrisburg, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. Wenatckee, Wash. Indianapolis, Ind. Idaho Falls, Idaho Colorado Springs, Colo. Lewistown, Mont. Iowa City, Iowa West Yellowstone, Mont. Jackson, Miss. Battle Creek, Mich. Boulder City, Nev. OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19145 \ I 555: one-eaeaeaee 3g t‘fi 9H LOR sPAD ' .STATION DECODING SHEET Stati one . City and state (2) Burlington, Vt. Joplin, Mo. Brownsville, ‘ Tex. Bellingham, Wash. Jamestown, N. Dak. Jackson, Mich. Beaumont, Tex. Jacksonville, Fla. Kansas City, Mo. Charleston, W. Va. Knoxville, Tenn. Los Angeles, Calif. Lynohburg, Va. Lake Charles, La. La Junta, Colo. Little Rock, Ark. Lansing, Mich. Laredo, Tex. St. Louis, Mo. Louisville, Ky. Lawrence, Mass. ‘Las Vegas, Nev. Madison, Wis. , Anderson-Muncie-New Castle, Ind. Marion, Ind. El Centre, Calif. Modesto, Calif. Medford, Oreg. Morgantqwn, W. Va. Milwaukee, Wis. Miami, Fla. 'Moline, 111. ~ Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. Mobile, Ala. Missoula, Mont. Miles City, Mont. Nashville, Tenn. Dothan, Ala. Newark, N. J. Mason City, Iowa New Orleans, La. North Platte, Nebr. New Haven, Conn. Norfolk, Va. New York, N. Y. Ottumwa, Iowa Oakland, Calif. Dodge City, Kane. Ogden, Utah (haba, Nebr. Oklahuna City, Okla. Peoria, 111. Orlando, Fla. Sa‘nta Barbara, Calif. Paducah, Ky. Code PJJ » Stati one City and Rate (2) Pine Bluff, Ark. Bloomington, Ill. Bridgeport, Conn. Ponca City, Okla. Portland, Oreg. Topeka, Kane. Philadelphia, Pa. Grand Canyon, Ariz. Phoenix, Ariz. Kalamazoo, Mich. Hickory, N. C. Cheboygan, Mich. Lexington-Frankfort, Ky. Prescott, Arie. Waterville, Maine New Bedford-Fall River, Mass. Pendleton, Oreg. Pocatello, Idaho Quincy, Ill. Providence, R. I. Reading, Pa. White River Junction, Vt. Memphis, Tenn. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pueblo, Colo. Rocky Mount, N. C. Wausau, Wis. Portland, Maine Wheeling, W. Va. Pierre, S. Dak. Baton Rouge, La. Raleigh, N. C. Rochester, N. Y. Bismarck-Mandan, N. Dak. Roswell, N. Mex. Roanoke, Va. Reno, Nev. Rochester, Minn. Sarasota-Bradenton, Fla. Rock Springs, Wyo. Rich-0nd, Va. Rapid City, S. Dak. Seattle, Wash. Spearfish, S. Dak. San Francisco, Calif. Savannah, Ga. Saginaw-Bay City, Mich. Salt Lake City, Utah Spokane, Wash. South Bend, Ind. San Diego, Calif. Syracuse, N. Y. . Spartanburg, S. C. Springfield, Mo. Sacramento, Calif. Binghsmton, N. Y. Trinidad, Colo. Scottsbluff, Nebr. ! Code TG TGB TI TIB TJ . TR TSX TTV TVG TXT acct: wan-a» H fi‘éfifi EEK fiiégfififiégfif ééfié EESEEE ED 21! ZJ ZN ZV ZY Stations City and state (2) Traverse City, Mich. Green Bay, Wis. Terre Haute, Ind. Fort Smith, Ark. Bristol, V‘O'Tenne Caribou, Maine Tallahassee, Fla. Toledo, Ohio Tampa, Fla. Texarkana, Ark. Tulsa, Okla. Salem, Oreg. Tyler, Tex. Parkersburg, W. Va. Atlantic City, N. J. Tucson, Aria. Utioa, «N. Y. Minot, N. Dak. Clarkaburg, W. Va. Muskegon, Mich. Meridian, Miss. Macon, Ga. Monroe, La. Palm Springs, Calif. Manchester, N. H. Montpelier, Vt. Vero Beach, Fla. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Augusta, Ga. Las Vegas, N. Mex. Washington, D. C. Waterbury, Conn. Waco, Tex. Wichita, Kane. Wichita Falls, Tex. Wilkes Barre-Scranton, Pa. Walla Walla, Wash. Winslow, Aria. Watertm, so No Worcester, Mass. West Palm Beach, Fla. Allentown, Pa. Austin, Tex. Montgomery, Ala. Yakima, Wash. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Pensacola, Fla. Sioux City, Iowa Springfield, Ill. Shreveport, La. st. Joseph, Mo. San Antonio, Tex. Presque Isle, Maine Springfield, Mass. Sheridan, Wyo. (r \V~. ' ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 1, ,._f. .. (All data cover areas within political boundaries or pointe named having 2,500 population or more) Table 3' 19110 individ- ual income tax returns Mileage from Population Persons 1939 nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 Post retail sales State and uncer- certificated for ,increase employed Office 0 me or tificated point air service 3 19110 1930 1910/1930 1910 receipts (000) cepita Number (1) (2) (3) (5) (67 (7) (8) (9) “('10)”. 11.131111 ubermne 111-11v 3.651 2.716 311.11 1.220 9111.513 81,6118 1151 188 Alexander City 115-111 6.61:0 11.519 116.9 3.061 31.188 2.598 £91 293 Andalusia 65-111; 75-117 6.886 5.1514 33-6 2.8117 35.103 3.125 511 597 “111“” 57.311 25.523 22.3115 114.2 9.223 1111.862 8.11117 331 1.902 Athens 22-117 11.3142 11.238 2.5 1.1100 23.981; 2,223 512 1,11 Atmore 0-113 12 .200 .035 5.11 ‘ 1.136 17.159 1,727 51.0 219 Attalla lawn: #3...“ £385 £585 6-5 1.1166 ‘ 11,971 1,258 258 283 Auburn 31-EC 100652 20800 $01 201140 [$50223 10573 338 722 Bessemer ll-Bfi £326 20-721 1002 7121414 69.5145 6.773 297 5.077 . Brg'tm 50'" 31323 , 20818 1.709 19213 25911-15 20599 722 288 c 2.555 2.519 1.11 528 NA 1125 166 90 6:2:an 11 xi: 3 0982 1 e 8’47 115 06 1 e 229 19 .1482 NA NA 210 Cullm 111-11v; 116-83 5-0711 2.786 324 1.822 116.710 11.3611 860 1163 Decatur 23.1w 16.601. 15.593 6.5 5.160 71,360 6,058 365 1,351 Dmpoli. 53-0! ' 11.137 [$1037 205 1:709 18,280 1.706 L112 2711 Ente se 28-11 11.353 3.702 17.6 1.721 12.14111 1.636 376 159 No.3? 112-110, 119-111 .269 5.205 20.11 2.619 22.039 1.832 292 2811 Fairfield 7-BH 11.70 11.059 5-8 11. 233 29.1.79 2.82]; 21.1 1,195 FIVQttO 59-38 2: 21109 2605 1:071 18.070 1.51.6 579 20).; 2161-11: 57-111 2.999 2.580 16.2 907 9.638 859 286 87 Fort Payne 118—083 511-“ 11.1121: 3.375 31-1 1.928 29.960 1.888 1:27 223 Gadsden 58-33; 59-117 36.975 214.0142 53-8 13.236 106.5119 12.5114 338 2.733 Geneva 31-111 2.803 1.593 76.0 1.053 9.7811 1111 NA 1011 ‘Greenville 112.177 5.075 3.985 27.11 1.9811 22,380 1,993 393 281 Guntersville 31-117 11.398 2.826 55-6 1.1171 16.5114 1.716 390 213 Hartselle 28—1111 2.5811 2.2011 17.2 797 12.780 1,292 500 1611 Homewood -118 7.397 6.103 21.2 2.886 NA 1.071 1115 752 Jacksonville 63-33 2.995 2.810 5.5 873 9.737 117 11.9 11.1 Jasper 311-33 6.8117 5.313 28- 1.951 311.5811 3.706 51:1 5814 unett 30-86 6.1111 5.2011 18.0 2.935 9.997 577 9h 218 Leeds 16-311 2,910 2.529 15.1 763 NA 959 330 56 Northport 51-88 3,187 2,173 116.7 1,102 N1 967 303 137 Openku 26-110 8.187 6.156 37.9 3.577 511.632 3.21:0 582 658 Opp 52-111 3.178 2.918 8-9 1.190 12.0711 1.2113 391 111 Ozark 22-171 3,601 3,103 16.0 1,371 13,111.76 970 269 237 111.111: City 3-Ec 15,351 13,862 10.7 6.097 18,569 2,301 150 1100 Piedmont 75-811; 80-08 11,019 3,668 ‘ 9.6 1,335 10,883 871 217 117 Prattville 12-107 2,661. 2,331 111.3 1,013 10.553 NA NA 202 Prichards 3-113 6,081. 11,580 32.8 2,011 NA 1,013 167 271. Roanoke 52-10 11.168 11.373 41.7 1,610 111,021. 1,285 308 197 0/ Between city centers. NA - Not available. 695480 0 - 46 — 3 a? 1,000 State and uncer- tificated point Mileage frcm nearest point certificated for air service 3 TU (—27 41% (continued) ‘ mssellville 18-ED Soottsboro 32-HV Selma h2-DV Sylacatiga 110-83 Talladega 142-133 Tan-ant City 5-33 Troy 33-171 Tuscaloosa SO-BH Tuskegee 36-101; 111-EC Union Springs 38-117; 119-190 Wetunpka 111-XI 111120111 Bisbee 22-DU Clifton 113-132; 119-DU Flagstaff 58-170; 65-PGC Glendale 9-PE Globe TIL-PH; 80—TZ less. 111-PH Miami 69-PH; BO-TZ Hogalea él-TZ Tempe 7-PH 111111.” , 52-217. 58-Pcc Yuma 55-1113 ARKANSAS Arhdolphie 61-LI _ Batesville 80-LI Benton 22-LI Blytheville Sh-PS Brinkley 63-11; 65-PBF; 68-PS Canon éh-PBF Clarendon 52-PBF3 56-LI Clarksvl lle 55-THS Conway 27-LI Crossett 116—110 De Queen hS-TR Demott 58-PBF El Dorado 79-PBF; BO-TR Fayetteville hB-THS Fordyoe 37-PBF‘ — 115717! Population Persons . Fer-cent gainmlly 19110 Post ' increase employed Office 1 1.0 1930 1910/1930 _1910 receipts » :31 (h) (5) (6) (7) 3,510 3.1146 11.6 967 3 16,961 2.8311 2.3011 23.0 1.1111 23.727 19,831; 18,012 10.1 7,138 95.115 6.269 11.115 52.3 2.622 26.915 9.298 7.596 22-h 3.081 311.156 6.833 7.3141 -6-9 2.0112 NA 7.055 6.8111 3-5 2.9611 31.1186 27.1193 20.659 35-1 9.701. 151.572 3.937 3.3111 18-8 1.1131; 18.920 3.107 2.875 8-1 1.255 13.555 3.089 2.357 31-1 1,166 13.817 5.0855 80%} -2700 1.756 @0511 .668 2.305 15-7 793 9.897 5.080 3,891 30.6 1.608 1111.186 11.855 3.665 32-5 1.318 18.977 6.1111 7.157 411.2 1,870 31,317 702214 3:711 91“? l .768 290670 hem 7e$5 ”3806 1,1156 22,056 5.135 6.006 411.5 1,387 25.020 2.906 2.1195 16-5 827 19.932 2,622 2,166 21.1 908 13,580 50325 [$0892 809 1.0860 19.1711 5.078 3.380 50-2 1.1171. 26.631 5.267 11.181; 17.5 1,631. 29,057 3.502 3.1415 1.7 1,195 17.118 10.652 10.098 55 3,1180 53.379 3.1109 3.0116 11.9 1.0911 12.372 8.975 7.273 23-h 3.369 33.862 2.551 2.1119 18.7 663 NA 3.118 3.031 2.9 9118 17.1726 50782 505314 1405 1 .923 311.0511 11,891 2,811 711.0 1,981 15.016 3.055 2.938 11.0 968 16,887 3.08 2. 11.8 9811 11.5111 15.85 16. 1 -3-h 6,391 102.511 8.212 7,391., 11.1 2.9111 7 76.0 3.1429 3.206 7.0 1.1211 16.667 1939 retail sales 0 ume or (000) 9 31.378 393 1,880 663 7.228 3614 2.730 1135 3.002 323 1.311. 197 2.730 387 10.872 395 1.935 1191 1.195 365 NA NA 2,200 376 1.003 378 11.103 808 1.797 570 3.203 522 2.736 379 1.1167 311 3.156 615 1.073 369 NA NA 1.226 7 791. 2,113 L116 2.527 1180 1.11117 1113 7.176 6711 1.037 3014 3.970 11112 591 232 1.1109 1152 2.815 1187 NA NA 1.01? 333 22 9. 5 11.819 587 1,803 526 Page 13 Page 1 of 110 1910 individ- ual income tax returns capita Number 216 265 389 535 111 2.313 1.11 210 236 01' 1,000 111'; , > Page 11.. ‘ "’ , K ' _ ‘ I 1 I I‘ 1 " ‘ t; I (/1: , . \ . 1 ‘ , Pa e 2 of 1.0 , ‘ \ - ‘ , *- ' ‘ , g ‘ / : -_ ECONOMIC, CHARACTERISTICS or URB1N~PCINTS NOT CERT: FICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS 01' APRIL 1, 191.5 .14 , - , ‘ ' ' ‘ - (All data cover areaa’within politicalbonndariea of points. named having 2,500 population or more) .l /, . ' ‘ 7' : ' \ Table \ 1 , 191.0 individ- ‘ . 191.0 individ- 1'" ‘ . - ‘ ual income : ‘ ul incanc 1 Mileage from Population Persons 1959 tax returns Mileage frcm Population Persons 1939 tax return. . nearest point , Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales , Per - ‘ nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales For State and uncer- certificated f}: _ increase employed Office (Volume For 1,000 State and uncer- certificated :‘71' 1.0 infp7aee emplzged Office (Volu11)1e Per ' 1,000 34' tificated point .1;- service a ‘ 191.0 1930 lguoélgfio A 191.0 receipts 000) capital Number 0 . tificeted point air service I 19 1950 19 1930 19 receipts 000 capita Number . f (11 (2) 5 (31 (h) (6) ('7') (3) (95 (T0) E1?) U) (27 (3), (h) ‘15) (61 T7) ' (31 (91 - (I0) E??? ARKANSAS (continued) . CALIFORNIA (continued) “1" Forrest City 1.1.-Ps 5,699 1., 591. 21..1 1,920 321.,090 32,759 1.81. 1.1.5 71. lroedle 11.-Ll 9,122 5,216 71.9 5.167 8 36.777 8 3.795 1416 1.830 203 ‘ Harrison ~ 77-sx 1., 258 5,626 16.9 1.1158 27,299 2,655 ' 626 501. 76 Auburn 55-sz 1.,015 2,661 50.8 1.14118 50,512 1.,161. 1,058 905 226 s Helena 52-PS 8, 51.6 8,516 2.8 5,512 1.6,509 1.,605 559 ' 751. 82 Azusa , 20.1.1. 5,209 1.,808 8.5 1.1418 20.667 1.1455 275 1195 99 ’ _ ~ Hope 31-TR 7.1175 6,008 214.14 2.565 53.7110 3.905 522 1186 69 ‘ Banning ’12-UP 3.8711 2.752 1.10.8 1.028 2.1139 1.912 1914 530 35 , Hot Springs hB-LI ’ 21,570 20,258 5.6 7,922 11.5, 585 10,1.68 . 1.90 1,81.2 , 88 A Bell 6—LA 11,261. 7,881. 1.2.9 11.015 65.91111 3.993 3511 1.750 159 a" Jonesboro 61-Ps 11,729 10,526 15.6 0.121 75.802 5,585 1.76 1,107 92 Belvedere 5-11 57,192 55,025 12.6 9.010 NA 5.1.62 11.7 NA NA . McGehee 51.-PBF 5,665 5,1.88 5.0 1.566 16,716 1,51.0 1.20 1.15 105 Berkeley 5-01; 9-SF 85,51.7 82,109 1..2 33.797 772,925 51.,298 1.01 22,805 265 .1 Magnolia 1.8—TR 1., 526 5,008 1.5.8 1,685 25,522 5,098 716 1.70 118 Beverly Hills 9—LA 26,825 17,1.29 55.9 11.078 581,1.51 51,915 1,190 9,21.o 51.2 .7 Malvern 1.1-L1 5,290 5,115 5.1. 1,607 21,072 1,767 551. 275 55 Brawley 15-1113 11,718 10,1.59 12.5 3.9814 58.859 5.61.5. 1482 1.770 11.8 ’1. Marianna 1.8-Ps 1.,1.1.9 1.,511. 5.1 1,517 16,751 2,099 1.72 276 69 Brea- _ 20-HB; 22-LA 2.567 2.1455 5.11 809 12,991 NA NA 550 110 {1 Marked Tree 51.-Ps 2,685 2,276 18.0 91.7 11,921 N1 NA 68, 25 . Burbank . lo—Le 51.,557 16,662 106.1 15.6146 2221.611 11,261 528 6,780 199 , Mona 57—‘1‘HS 5,510 5,118 12.6 . 982 17,256 1,650 ’ 1.70 159 1.0 : ~ Burlingame ‘ Ill-SF; 18-QA 15,980 15,270 20.1 6.537 111,782 11,768 758 5.01.6 515 1 Monticello 1.1-pap 5,650 5,076 18.7 1,150 19,869 1,702 1.66 , '261. 66 Calexioo 10-118 5.1.15 6.299 411.0 1.858 21,659 5,515 61.9 1,010 202 1. Morrilton 59-LI b.608 h,oh5 1h.o 1.375 19.88h 2,029 bun 252 50 Carmelyby-the-sea 5-DJ 2,857 2,260 25.5 1.059 h7,283 2,159 867 1,180 580 2. Nashville 58-TR 2,782 2.1.69 12.7 91.2 16,589 1,651 595 11.9: 50 - - Chico 59-1‘8 9,287 7,961 16.7 3.37h 90.1.21 9.1.60 1,019 2,552 259 . 1“: \ ‘ j. , , Newport 76-PS 1., 521 1., 51.7 -5.0 1 ,615 22 ,510 2, 505 579 528 82 Chino 25-OY 1., 201. 5, 118 51..8 969 13 .911. 655 151 570 95 .3- North Little Rock 2-LI 21,157 19,h18 8.9 6,501 56,701 7,515 5h6 1,905 91 , Chula Vista 7-SQ 5,158 5,869 52.8 1,811 25,080 1,728 556 920 18h 31'; Osceola 58-Ps 5, 226 2. 573 25.1. 1 ,065 18, 118 2,950 908 560 120 Claremont 21.-DJL 5,057 2,719 12 .1. 1, 105 1.0.279 1, 012 551 81.0 280 .: ' ,Paregould 68-PS 7,079 5,966 18.7 2,217 52,929 5,075 1.51. 1.52 62 Coalinga Sl-FQI; 55-FT 5,026 2,851 76.5 1.999 28,9148 5,069 611 1,081. 217 1‘ \ Perle 57-THs 5,150 5,251. 6.1 768 ' 13.919 1.200 550 176 ,59 Colton 5-0‘1 9,686 8,011. 20.9 — 2,506 28,258 2,180 225 880 88 1 ' h t ' Pocahontas 91.-Ps 5,028 1,896 59.7 885 12,222 ‘ NA NA 121 1.0 Compton 8-HB; 12-14 16,198 12,516 29.11 5.575 90.709 8.923 551 3.300 206 Prescott 1.6-TR 5, 177 5,055 0.7 995 20,282 1,758 51.7 205 , 68 Corona 2241.11. 8,761. 7,018 21..9 2,795 50,581 5,291 576 780 87 g - Rogers 65488 5,550 5,551. -o.l 1,186 55,121. 1,755 1.91. 257 59. Coronado 2-SQ 6,952 5.1.25 27.8 2,601. NA 2.1.16 519 1.170 167 ., .1 Russellville 61-LI; 72-7335 5.927 5.628 5.3 1.775 29.731. 2.600 1159 398 66 Covina 3 21-LA 3.0119 2.7711 9.9 1.219 28.775 2.117 6911 1.270 1.23 a 1} 1 Searcy 1.7-1: 5,670 5,587 8.1. , 1,286 50,252 2,050 555 252 t 65 - Culver City 9-LA 8.976 5,669 58.5 5,659 89,588 6,01.5 675 2,115 258 5,11 Siloam Springs 55-THS 2.7.61. 2.578 16.2 81.7 18,255 1,121 1.06 151 1.1. Daly City (3-8? 9,625 7,858 22.8 5.651. NA 3.291 51.2 1.627 165 Springdale 57-THs 5,519 2,765 20.1 ‘ 1,055 16,526 2,291 690 162 51. Delano 50-130 1.,575 2,652 73.7 1,255 27,569 5,085 675 590 118 i _ Stuttgart . 32-PBF 5,628 1.,927 11..2 1,956 27,887 2,850 505 1.1.8 ‘ 75 mm... 26—FT 5,790 2,968 27.7 1.090 211.567 2.612 689 671 168 .3. Truman 1.5—Ps 5,581 2.995 12.9 1,101 9,895 770 228 , 122 1.1 El Cerrito 9-01. 13—SF 6,157 5,870 58.6 2,275 NA 2,792 1155 1,251. 209 «.1 Van Buren S—THS 5,1.22 5,182 1..6 1,622 15,752 1,189 275 51.9 70 1:1 Monte 12-L1 1., 71.6 5,1.79 56.1. 1,651 61,951. 1.,102 928 2,550 1.70 warren 59-PBF 2,516 2,525 -o.5 958 20,566 2,202 875 516 105, El Segundo 15-11; lS-flB 5,758 5,505 6.7 1,215 211.776 1.096 293 660 165 .i' Nest Helena 51.-Ps 11.717 11,148) 5.1 1,688 NA 61.0 156 156 27 ‘ Emeryville 8-SF 2,521 2,556 7.9 885 N11 NA NA 575 125 «2‘ West Memphis 5-PS 3.369 895 276.11 1.255 12.1456 NA NA NA NA Escondido 28-8-1 1.1.560 3.1121 35.5 1.1185 51..th 3.396 71.5 570 111. i Wynne 1.2-PS 5,655 5,505 5.7 1,160 16,627 1,615 1.1.5 260 65 Eureka 110-FH; 1211-1111“ 17,055 15,752 8.5 6,269 , 111,810 11,71.9 689 5.21.5 191 i 1‘ Exeter 1.6-FT 5,885 2,685 1.1..6 881 22.128 71.705 1139 600 150 ) '*’. CALIFORNIA Fillmore 1.1-01. 1.5-1.1 5,252 2,895 12.1. 1.215 17.508 1.601 1192 570 190 1 ~ ‘ Fort Bragg 99-FH - 5.255 3.02 7.0 1.31111 211.550 2.259 692 682 291. ‘ Alameda h-OA; 8-SF 56,256 55,055 5.5 15,510 175,265 9,611 265 8,96b 219 Fullerton 17-HB 10,1h2 10,860 -5.8 3.719 50,895 h,805 L60 1,687 165 . , Albany 7-01. 10-SF 11.195 8,569 511.1 1., 262 NA 2,800 2.1. 2,519 229 . Cardene lO-HB; 15-11 5,909 - - 1.951 22.696 1.595 256 » 1.090 182 1. Alhambra 7-LA 58,955 29.1.72 52.1. 15,091. 168,751. 20,592 521. 8,197 218 Gilray 55.0.: 5,615 5,502 5.2 1,220 26,925 2,716 751 772 195 v. ' anaheim 17-1113 11, 051 10,995 0.5 5, 522 61, 219 5, 555 502 2,118 195 Antioch 29-DJH 5, 106 5, 565 1.5.5 1,970 . 21., 658 1,829 558 1. 502 260 Between city centers. - Not available. 191.0 individ- ual income . ' Mileage from Population Pereone 1959 tax returna nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales er ' State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office 0 me er 1,000 #113 cated point air eervice a 191.0 1950 1980/1950 191.0 receipt: (000) capita Number 0 . (1) (2) (3) (5) (61 (7). (87 F97 (1'57 .1 CALIFORNIA (continued) Glendale 7-LA 82,582 62,736 31.6 32.639 $500,178 $1111.612 5140 16.700 201 Glendora 23-11 2,822 2,761 2.2 1.1111 15,153 990 351 1.20 11.0 Gross Valley 52-sz 5,701 3, 817 1.9.1. - 2,123 1.6,305 1.,1.96 789 1.595 266 Hanford 21-1-‘01 8,231. 7, 028 17.2 2.5118 69,610 7,181 872 1,771 221 Hawthorne ll-LA, 11.418 8,263 6. 596 25.3 2.1.35 32,832 2,160 261 1,150 ”11.1. Hayward 15-01 6,736 5,530 21.8 2.205 71,275 8,631 1,281 7 3,139 7 1.1.8 Healdeburg 622-811. 63-01 ,507 2,296 9.2 722 20,565 NA NA 591. 198 Hemet 22-UP 2, 595 2,235 16.1 750 23,631. NA NA 700 233 Hermosa Beach lh-HB; 164.1 7,197 1.,796 50.1 2,151. 29,190 2.81.8 396 1, 250 179 Hillaborough 15-SF; 17-01. 2, 71.7 1,891 1.5.3 1,297 NA in. NA 1.61 151. H0111 star 3241! 3. 881 3.757 3.3' 1.359 3h. 586 3.11614 893 1. 022 256 Huntington Beach 15-HB 3,738 3,690 1.3 1,123 21,696 1,831. 1.91 1.70 118 Huntington Park 5-LA , 21.,591 16.5 12,360 217,983 22,705 793 7,630 263 Inglewood 9-LA ~ 30.1111 19.1.80 511-6 11.552 165.559 13.1101 111.5 7.31.0 21.5 nguna Beach 29-113 , 1,981 125.1 1,661 50,586 NA NA 990 2148 La nesn 9-SQ 3.925 2,513 56.2 1,111. 29,180 1,972 502 825 206 La Verne 28-0Y; 29-LA 3,092 2,860 8.1 1,01.3 13,761 1.1.6 11.1. 350 117 Lindsay 52-FT: 55-30 11.397 3.878 13.1. 1.522 29.961 2 .176 £195 778 195 Livemore 32-01; 33-DJH; 37-s1‘ 2,885 3,119 -7.5 956 26,150 2, 026 702 881 291. Lodi ' 13-DJH 11,079 6,788 63.2 3,1.27 72,051. 6,972 629 2,230 203 Lompoo , 118-01! 3. 379 2. 81.5 18.8 1 . 193 20.3115 1 .757 520 660 920 L08 Gatoe 1.8-0.1; 1.5-0.1; 1.5-SF 3,597 3,168 13.5 1,087 36,368 2,21.6 621. 1,130 283 Lynwood 9-LA; lo-HB 10,982 7,323 50.0 3. 715 36,696 2,872 262 1,980 180 laden 2-21 6.1157 h. 665 38.111.758 117. 006 11.617 715 1.1451 2112 Manhattan Beach 154.1; 16-HB 6,398 1,891 238.3 2, 25, 51.0 1,691 261. ,1.1.0 21.0 Martinez 18-0A; 22-SF 7,381 6,569 12.1. 2,872 60,661. 1.,722 61.0 2,072 296 Maryeville 1.2-sz 6,616 5,763 15.3 2,798 80,059 10,611 1,597 1,721 2.6 Haywood 64-11 10.731 6.7911 57.9 11.186 59.539 2.926 273 1.580 1M. uenio Park 26-SF; 26.01 3,258 2,251. 1.11.5 1,263 25,688 m. m 1,629 51.3 11111 Valley 12-SF 1..Bh7 11.161. 16.1. 1.899 30.1169 1.959 1.01. 1.633 327 Monrovia lit-LA 12.807 10.890 17.6 3.9113 67.252 5.333 1416 1.690 130 nontebeiio 9-LA 8, 01 5,1.98 1.5.8 2,917 30,811. 1,986 21.8 1 , 560 195 nonterey Park 8-LA 8,531 , 6 33.2 3,002 30,932 2, 261 265 1,230 137 Mountain View 31-01; 32-81? 3,91.6 3, 308 19.3 1,286 53.669 2,682 680 1,079 270 Napa - 37-8? 7.71.0 6.1.37 20.2 3,126 88,668 8 ,1.05 1,086 2,971 381 National City 1.-SQ 10,381. 7,301 1.1.7 3,261. 35.701 2.511. 21.6 1,210 121 Needles 39-0101 3,621. 3,11.1. 15. 3 1,218 19, 31.2 1,626 1.1.9 800 200 Newport Beach 19—118 1.,1.38 2,2031.5 1,611 11.,891 2,736 616 330 83 North Sacramento 2-sz 3,053 2,097 1.5. 6 1,1133 NA 2.390 783 856 285 Oakdale 124100 . 2,592 2,112 2.7 798 22,235 2,208 852 620 207 8/ NA ’ Between city centers. - Not available. ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1914.5 (All data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2, 500 population or more) Table 3 ' Mileage frun Population Persons 1939 _ nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales State and uncer- certificated for increase employed 'Offi ce 0 ume er ti ficated point air service a 191.0 1950 1910/1950 191.0 receipts (000) capita (1) (ET (3f (5) (6) (7) 9 CALIFORNIA (continued) Oceanside 311-89 11.651 3.508 32.6 1.617 3 33.083 8 2.1.78 533 - Ontario 21-DJL 110197 13.583 1.5 11.1.60 70.01.? 7.002 193 Orange 21-HB 7,901 8,066 -2.0 2.531 1.5,596 2,757 31.8 0rov-111e 59-111. 66-sz 1.,1.21 3,698 19.6 1.1153 53.110 14.752 1,075 Oxnard 35-OY 8. 519 6. 285 35.5 3. 160 115. 737 5.732 673 Pacific Grove l-DJ 6.21.9 5.558 12.1. 2,119 35,901 2,085 331. Palo Alto 27-s1? 16.771. 13,652 22.9 6.770 2140.321 11,905 710 Pasadena 9-1.A 81 , 86}... 76, 086 7 . 6 30,281.. 739, 236 55. 227 675 Peso Robiee 95-DJ; 96-80. 99-01 3,015 2,573 18.3 1,108 29,531 3,271. 1,075 Petal-m 35'8F 800511» 8, 2‘5 ‘206 3’ 187 770 525 103,437 10 89 Piedmont h‘OA 99866 9.355 5'7 3,820 NA 1‘80 '49 Pittsburs 29-013 33-8F 9.520 9.610 -0-9 3.81.2 117.1107 11.371 1.59 Placerville m-sz 3,061. 2,322 32.0 1,11.61,81.9 3,071 1,002 Pomona 26-DJL: 294-1 23.539 20.8011 13-1 7.71:0 136.213 13.050 55h Porterville 1.6-80 6,270 5,303 18.2 1,855 61.799 6.561. 1,01.7 Bedding 30-FH 8,109 1.,188 93.6 3,389 92,190 1,288 Redlands 7-DJL 111.3214 18.177 1.0 11.731 80.505 5.9M 1.15 Redondo Beach 12-113. 17-11 13.092 9.3117 140.1 3,851. 1.8.615 3,969 303 Redwood City 23-sr 12.153 8.962 39.0 1., 591 99. 221. 7,179 576 Reedlev 21-rr; 21-FQI 3.170 2. 589 22.1. 955 25.028 2.335 737 Richmond 10-01. ll-SF 23,61.2 20.093 17.7 8,61.0 11.6,158 9.1.98 1.02 Riverside 11-DJL 311.696 29.696 16.8 11,339 215,327 17,363 500 Roeeville 18—82 6, 653 6,1.25 3.5 2, 32,970 3,726 560 Salinas 15-DJ 11,586 10,263 12.9 1.,867 139,919 11.,262 1,231 San Aneelmo l5-SF 5,790 1.,650 20.5 2,036 . 25,61.3 1,882 325 San Bruno 11-SF 6,519 3,610 80.6 2.795 18,055 1,570 21.1 San Buenaventura 26-01 13,261. 11,603 11..3 1.,957 119,21.7 10,976 828 ,Sen Carlee 21-sr; 22-01 3,520 1,132 211.0 1,371. 16,075 m 111 San Fernando 19-LA 9. 09h 7.567 30.2 2.932 70.199 5.955 655 San Gabriel lo-LA 11,867 7,221; 611.3 11.093 60.1.62 3,587 302 Sm Jose 37-0A 68.1157 57. 651 18-7' 23.1189 558.133 116.175 675 San Leandro IO-OA; lh-SF 111,601 11,1155 27.5 5.055 66,819 11,535 297 San Luis Obispo lB-OY; 90-BD 8, 881 8,276 7.3 3.220 81 .1101. 7,551. 851 §an Marine 10-LA 8,175 3,730 119.2 3,005 1,730 212 San Mateo 11..sr 19.1.03 111.3 8,036 109. 735 8.31.9 1130 San Rafael 15-SF 8,573 8,022 6.9 3,620 86,378 9.1.25 1,099 Sanger 12-FT 11.017 2.967 ' 35.1: 936 18.11611 2.356 587 Santa m 19-BB 31,921 30,322 5.3 10,261 211.,061 19,630 615 Santa Clara 37-011; 110-81? 6,650 6,302 5.5 2,112 32,911? 2,226 335 eente gm 26-DJ 16,896 11.,395 17.1. 5,596 121,1.21 11,001 651 Page 15 Page 5 of 110 191.0 individ- ual incdme tax returns -_‘PF 1, 000 ~878- Numbe r 510 102 1.980 1141 1.380 173 1, 212 303 1.300 IN. 982 161. 5.726 337 22, 130 270 610 203 2. 7214 31.1 2,802 280 2.591 259 767 256 3. 135 131 2140 2.1.36 305 835 60 1,850 11.2 3. 729 311 61.6 215 5.976 219 5. 057 11114 1. 501 211. 181161 372 1.1167 2115 1. 566 195 3.1.50 265 881. 221 1. 750 1911 3.830 319 11.. 328 211 3. 802 253 2.1475 275 880 110 5.971. 311. 2.1.93 277 652 163 5.375 168 1.01.6 11.9 2. 981. 176 I 9-233541... "" " , "~,‘"-",";“;’5‘*"T’>é' "“ 2;; 7962;? “a I H .113} V , <1 < '* ” EL". . ‘ l “3016 E .1 _. '9', 4 . , \ 7 ‘ > ‘ . x >1. ‘ a ;.“ ' , 1 Pugehor ho . ,- , .‘ . » 7 , V - ._ Bconomc cmmcmmsncs or URBAN 92011118 110102811 71021-00 FOR AIR SERVICE AS 01‘ APRIL 1, 19115 (All data cover areas within political boundaries of points nained having 2,500 population or more) ’ geblg 3 ' ‘ 191,0 individ-F 191.11) individ- . - ual inoom'e ua nccme Mileage from Population Persons . 1939 tax returns Mileage fran Population Parsons 1939 tax returne fig: nearest point Percent gainfully 19140 Post retail sales For nearest point Percent gainfully 191.10 Post retail ealee Per State and uncer- oertificated for increase employed ‘~ Office (0 tune or ‘ 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for ho 1113070” emglzged Office (0 me e1- 1,000 "1,; tif‘icated point air eel-vice 9 19110 19 0 19110 1950 19140 receipts 000) capita Number 0 e tificated point air service 3 19 1930 19 1950 9 receipts 000 capita Number . . . 3, " (TI (2) (5) (£7 (£1 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 3137 TD W (3) (E) (5) . (6) (71 1 (33 (95 (155 11 CALIFCBNIA (continued) ~ V COLORADO (continued) . ‘ ‘- Smut 1hr“ 55-0Y 8.522 7.057 20.8 3.1103 9 611.706 9 6.6011 775570 63 Lonsmnt 284W 7.1406 6.029 22.8 2.169 3 37.939 3 3,869 522 827 118 $811M)!1 Ionics lh-LA 53.500 37.1116 1111.0 20.932 370.136 50.579 572 10 .1470 1.914 L08 Animos 17-LH 3.232 2.517 28.14 808 17.727 1.1176 1157 327 109 3 Santa Paula 35-01 8,986 7,1152 20.6 5.01411 38,297 3. 688 100 1,000 111 Lovelend 117-nv; 52-01 6,115 5,506 11.6 1.151 28,036 2, 791 11511 1177 80 .3 Santa Rosa 146-81”; 51-01 12,605 10,636 18.5 11,516 152,600 13,113 1,0230 3.1122 263 ‘ Monte Vista 911—10 3,208 2.610 , 22.9 1,007 211.9011 2,197 778 567 189 Smstlito 6-31“ 3; 5110 3. 667 -3 - 5 1 . 5511 23. 2571.009 9714 21111 Montro so Sh-EJ 11. 7611 3. 566 53-6 1 .1129 35. 228 3.635 765 567 113 Soh- ' 13m .667 3.0117 20.3 1.0115 25.572 2.193 598 765 191 Rocky Ford 12-111 3.1911 5.1126 2.0 9146 211.836 2.058 589 1199 153 Sierra Madre 111-1.; 11:581 3,550 29.0 1,338 .610 835 182 660 132 Salida 66-IQ 14,969 5,065 -1.9 1,358 25,850 2,601 523 562 112 Signal 2111 2—HB 3,181.1 2,932 8.6 1,030 m 811 255 NA 171 Sterling 90-cx 7,1111 7,195 3. 0 2.31.11 115,921 1,,911 663 91.8 135 South Gate 8-LA; 13-33 26.9115 19.632 57-3 9.8115 1011.975 7.1151 277 11.390 163 Walsenbers 35-10 5.855 5.503 6.11 1.200 23.086 2.879 1492 1153 76 South Pendent 7.1.; 111.356 13.730 11.6 5,617 80.5911 3.9112 275 2.970 212 South San Francisco 9-LA 6,629 6,195 7.0 2.7141; 141,157 2,729 1.112 1.1462 209 CONNECTICUT SW10 33~0A1 311-51“ 11.375 3.0911 111.3 1,1428 @308 1.570 359 51411 ' 136 Taft 29-BD 3.205 5.11112 -6.9 1,367 60.282 11.5211 1.102 2,100 700 Ansoniu , B-NV 19.210 19.898 -3.5 7.731 63.817 6.7118 351 3.713 195 \ Torrance 9-HB 9,950 7,271 36.8 3,621 115,179 2,959 297 1.1.00 110 Bristol 11413! 30,167 28,151 6.0 12.529 171,081. 10,123 3116 7.6611 255 Tracy 19.0.13 11,056 3,829 5.9 1,319 29,653 3,197 788 1, 31.3 . 336 Denbury 20-PBT; 211-1731 22.539 2.291 0.14 9.003 1119.508 15.602 698 11.1182 2011 7 Daniel eon 211—211 1,, 507 1.. 210 7.1 1 .892 36, 365 2, 737 607 1, 156 231 Tularo hit-FT 8.259 6. 207 33~ 1 2. 1170 .1183 7.079 857 1. 859 232 » Derby 8-“ 10.287 10.788 44-6 h. 2119 50.093 .1488 1156 1. 857 186 Tux-lock 13-1100 11,839 11,276 13.2 1,616 ,883 r 5,125 1,059 1,399 230 Uldah 88-FH; 100-82; 105-81? 3.731 3.1211 19.11 1,321 511.1111; 5.223 3611 779 195 East Hartford 2-31' 18.615 17.125 8-7 7.5119 NA ‘ 8.593 1151 14.359 228 Uplmd 31-01 6316 ‘1.715 311-0 2,2111 29.030 1.966 311 810 135 'Groton hO-HT: 113-“ 11.719 11.12 111.5 1.756 NA 2.053 L61 1.1198 500 , Vallejo 20-011, 211-3? 20,072 16,072 211.9 9,176 183,797 12,202 608 8,308 .1115 Jewett City 33-211 3,682 11.1.36 -17.0 1,515 16,871 1,389 377 607 - 152 / Meriden 13.173! 7 39,191. 38.1.81 2.6 16,096 316,852 16,991. 1.30 8.9115 229 Watsonfillo 22-0-1 8.957 8.31411 7.1 3.107 81.2211 7.6119 856' 2.535 282 Middleton 15-87; 18403! .1195 211.5511 7.9 9,619 156.011, 11.929 1.50 11,330 167 l \ m3“: 1341.13.817-83 12.1%; 111.3: 8.; 5.395 191% 9.2%; 379 3.790 :37 ~ ‘ ' 0 an - . 5. 19- 2. 53 2.1 5. 57 1.729 7 Hengemok 1,473! 15,388 11, 315 7.5 6,699 91,750 11,695 318 3,805 251. Yubt City 110-82 11.968 3.605 57.8 1,607 35.0111 2.320 L167 1.2116 2119 New Britain 8-HT 68,685 68:128 0.8 23,156 1465.233 26,197 381 111,616 212 3 New London 1.2m 30.656 29.610 2.8 11.369 226.511. 19.356 656 5.218 171. , Nomlk 13-PB'1' 39,819 36,019 10.6 16.999 178,203 20,003 502 7,178 179 3 “01-03530 Nordich 311-111 23,652 23,021 » 2.7 8,757 119,958 12,803 51.1 11,825 201 Altman 78-1'D 5.613 5.107 9-9 1.703 111 239 11.1111 786 6.76 113 ‘ ' “ Boulder 2).; DV 12 Rock‘j'lle 11"“ 70572 70,4135 107 50080 11130586 30237 ’42? 20159 270 , - .958 11,223 15.5 1., 521 1111.232 6, 662 5111 1,969 153 :1 Shelton 9-N‘V 10.971 10.113 8.5 11,125 50,523 1,987 181 750 68 r ' gfifltgt 3h_:Z’D;5.m [“029 5'59“ 3'7 2822 “'85“ 1 6:76 “0“ 1221* 111 Southington 9.7781 5,088 5.125 -o.7 1,887 26,998 1 ,881. 370 1,583 317 V y ‘ ' 5,958 '7 1- 1‘1”“ 3:1 “57 3 95 Stafford Springs 18-ZV 3.101 3,192 -2.6 1,318 111.913 1.836 51.0 793 261, Delta 35-EJ 3.717 2.938 26-5 1.025 25.600 2.1103 6&6 , 371 ‘ 93 .. Dunner: 127-2.: 5.887 5.1100 9.0 1.761 1411.715 11,259 723 616 103 :figr‘; 2° F“ Lag-933 1116,31“: 13°“ 13-599 1 “905% i309 565 12- ~22: 2‘56 Englewood 8-0v 9.680 7,980 21.3 2,966 1.2.111 3,993 1.13 1,181.51 118 T 1" ° 3-PBT 6,5 8 22, up .2 .987 .555 $2 {2,3 233 Florence 28-PU; 311-19 2.632 2.1175 6.3 663 22, 080 1.183 11149 - 72 “2:33:22; 1:3? 3% $1191.25 11'?” 2'5 7 1:11.19)? 133203 111.333 39; 2 3973 211* W FL 60111... W“ 12351 11'1"” 6‘6 3656 9°32? 7'6“ 62“ 1 21"; , 14“ West Hartford 1.181 335776 I 35.11 1112110 ' NA 93120 279 10.331 3011 1 Ft. Morgan 73-07; 80-01 14,8814 1,2 10. 1, 8 . 1 2. 1 " ‘ Golden 13-0v 3 175 12.82% .h 1 3 11t 29.3153 1 891,; 592 (61:4 2(2); '0“ Ham i-NV 50.021 25.808 16.3 11.192 NA 6.1117 205 5.191 173 . 30 9 .09 27. 3 .99 50 5 Greeley 1.7-cx; 119-07 15,995 12 .203 31.1 1.,825 106,681, 9,659 601. 2,055 . 130 Willimntic alt-HT 12.101 12.102 1 11.9511 61.3111 7.970 699 1.679 1110 ' x- Lamr 50-LH 8,171.5 14:165 6.7 1,377 31,1437 2 1.59 553 . 573 115 Winston , 8-HT 7.6711 7.883 -2.7 3.069 59.510 3.9711 518 l. 509 189 ;_ Leadvmo 78-11% 811-192 11.771. 5.771 26.6 1.60 23.070 - 2. 557 551 787 157 , 1 3 0/ Between city centers . ' 1: NA' -’ Not available. § x Less than .05 , g | A ‘ 1' : , 2 Y , - > I \ a. > u. 2- 1 #:567‘.‘.. $0; PT. 3’ '3; :6 x s ,V 1 L '. ‘ , A ;.. J; x 1.. ,, . Economc cmmcmms'ucs or 0118117 POINTS NOT—CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE AS 0? APRIL 1, 191.5 \ Table 3 191.0 individ- ual income Mileage from Population Persona . 1959 tax returnl nearest point Percent gainfully 1910 Post retail sales Per State and uncer- certificated for 140 infireaae amplified Office (0 01310 or 1.000 timoated point air eervice 8 19 1950 19 0 1950 19 receipte 000 capita Number o . (1) (2) (3) (E) (Q) (6) (7) \ (8) (9) ($55 {if} 0W - Bellefante 16-90 2,593 761 21.0.7 1,006 3 n 3 m 111 NA 111 Dover 56-80 5. 517 h. 800 111-9 2:251 97.305 11.920 892 81.2 1110 Laurel 76-30; 81-10 2,881. 2.51.2 13.5 1.11.6 16,258 1.31.1. 1.66 337 112. mum-8 88-111 1.. 211. 3,719 13.3 1 .675 51, 1.72 3, 268 776 528 132 Newark 32-20 11.502 3.809 18-2 1.906 37.753 2.337 519 ' 1.171. 235 New Castle 29-PG 1.,1.11. 1.,131 6.9 1.507 19.310 1,339 303 825 206 Seaford , 71-80; 80-111 2.801. 2.1.68 13.6 1,163 26,938 1,679 599 686 229 Ill-inst» 211-PG 112.5011 106.597 5.5 146.096 1.303.873 611.951 577 25.629 227 FLORIDA Apalachicola 67-1.! 3,268 3.150 3.7 p 1.037 11, 331 81.0 257 152 51 no‘di‘ ' 116-33 141055 hem '007 1.6% 190879 1,777 1433 279 7° Auburndale 1.2-111 2.723 1.81.9 1.7.3 1,179 9, 51.3 m m 150 50 Avon Park 61-111; 68-78 3,125 3,355 -6.9 1,188 11.,1.581,016 325 181 60 Bartov 39-111 6,158 5,289 16.9 2.391 33.14110 2.035 330 1165 78 Belle Glade 3842 3.806 926 311.0 2,289 10,208 m m 111 NA Cleamter 21-111 10,136 7,607 33.2 3, 868 85,151 5,636 556 1,111. 111. Cocoa 1.2-OR 3,098 2.161. 22.1475 111 NA 299 100 Coral 0.1.1.. 4 8.111 8, 291. 5,697 1.5.6 3, 253 m 14,980 600 2,131 266 Dade City 33411 2 .561 1,811 1.1.1. 970 13.1.61 m m. 208 69 Dania 11.401 2,902 1,671. 73.1. 1,131 11,761 m m ' 126 1.2 De Funiak Springs 5547: . 59-1111? 2.570 2,636 -2.5 801 18.1.72 1,356 528 220 73 no L-nd 21-03 7. 011 5.216 31.2 2,195 55.766 3.809 517 781 112 Delay Beach 9-IZ 3.737 2.333 60. 2 1.573 29.652 1.735 1.61. 388 97 Buetie 29-OR 2,930 2,835 .31. . 922 19.781 1,659 566 337 112 Fernandina 29-Jx 3.1.92 3,023 15.5 1,220 18,002 925 265 1.62 151. Fort Lauderdale 25-1-1 17,996 8, 666 107.7 7.671. 11.1,170 10,252 570 2,306 128 Fort Pierce. 13-78 8, 01.0 1.,803 67.1. 3,175 1.1.,667 1., 302 535 796 100 Gene-ville 60-J1 13.757 10.1165 31.5 5.532 109.607 7.326 533 1.698 121 Hainee City 52-111 3,890 3,037 28.1 1.786 11..158 1,206 310 171 1.3 Hide-m 540! 3.958 2.600 52.2 1.327 19.371. 980 2118 396 99 Hollywood 17401 6,239 2 8,69 117.5 2.1.07 71.,985 3,193 512 857 ficneetead 29401 3,151. 2, 319 36.0 1,151 16,285 m 111 283 ‘ 91. Jacks mville Beach l7-JX 5,566 771.8 1,192 111.1465 m 101 269 67 Hui-nee 18-0R 3.925 3.163 2.0 1.052 15.675 1.202 373 251 81. L510 City 57-JX 5 836 101116 32.2 2.119 26.850 2.863 191 583 97 Lake 71.1.. . 5541! 5:021. 3.1.01 1.7.7 2,090 28,692 2,601 518 1.83 97 Lake Worth 742 7.1.08 5.91.0 211.7 2.185 117.598 2.795 377 837 120 Loo-bur; 35-08 1.,687 1.,113 11..0 1,850 28,192 2,702 576 1.60 92 Live on. 78-Jx. 78-1'.) 3.1.27 .731. 25.3 1,266 20,698 2,003 581. 222 71. Between city centers. - Not available. 7 -. 1‘fo ,7 Mil sage frun nearest point ' certificated for air service 3 State and uncer— tificated point (1) (—27 FLORIDA (continued) Madison 52-TJ lanatee 1-RS Melbourne 32—78 Miami Beach 1.-1m New Suwma Beach lS-DB Ooala 65-012; 68-03 Pahokee hD-WZ Paletka 1.8-Jx; 1.9-DB' Palm Beach 3412 Palmetto B-RS Panama City 511-1111? Perry 1.8-‘1‘J Plant City 20.111 Pompano 324m Quincy 21-1‘J River Junction 38-TJ Saint Augustine 36-Jx Sanford 19-011 ‘ Sebring 65-“; 67-33; 70-“ Tarpon Springe 23-1! . lauchula 1.9-ng 119-111 ‘ Winter Garden ll-OR Winter Haven 1114-1“! Winter Park 5-OR GEORGIA Americue 53-GY Athena 60-AG Bainbrldg‘e 36-1‘J Bameeville 35-011 Baxley 66-BS Blakely 30.111 - Buford 33-AG Cairo 30-1'J Calhoun 115-03 Camilla 26—GY Canton JB-AG Carrollton 1.2-AG Cartereville 36-AG Cedartain 53-10 Cater Hill 6-AG College Park B-AG (All data cover areae within political boundariee of points named having 2,500 population or more) Population Persons lax-cent gainfully 191.0 Poet increase employed Office 19110 1930 1919/1930 _19}-10 recei pte (37 (H) ' T5) (6) (7) 2.730 2.189 214.7 1.170 8 16.11614 8 3.595 3.219 11.7 1.379 NA 20622 29677 ‘201. 19003 20.5137 28,012 6.1.91. 331.1. 10,991 m 11.1.02 11.1119 6.1 1.561. 22.365 .986 7. 281 23 .11 3.606 63.1.56 11.766 2.256 111-3 2.335 12.158 7.11.0 6, 500 9.8 2,605 33,919 3.7147 1.707 119-5 1.999 89.590 3.1191 3.0143 111.7 1.562 12.291 11.610 5.1102 1111-9 11.007 39.921 2,668 2,711. -2.8 921 15,039 7.1.91 6.800 10.2 2,611 31.,903 11.1127 2. 611. 69.1. 2,362 12.21.13 3,888 3, 788 2.6 1.679 25,221 7,110 5,621. 26.1. 1,088 m 12,090 12,111 -o.2 1.,61.6 85,091. 10,217 10,100 1.2 1.,1.38 115.789 3.155 2 .912 8.3 958 21.9148 3.1102 3.14111 -0-l+ 983 16.2511 2.710 2.5711 5.3 933 13.923 3.060 2 .023 51-3 1.298 12.260 6.199 7.130 -13.1 2.6911 50.552 11.715 3.666 27-9 1.877 115.771.. 9.281 8. 760 5.9 3.8211 1.5.162 20,650 18,192 13.5 9,125 126,067 6.352 6.1111 3.14 2.1151. 27.1.57 3.535 3.236 9 2 1.511. 18,365 2.916 2.1% 37.11 1.060 15.538 2.7714 2.106 31.7 976 114.562 11.191 3.357 20.8 1.563 15.538 11.653 3.169 116-9 1.756 21,1.28 20955 20571 8‘06 1,310 19,1107 2.588 2.025 27.8 1.001 1551.2 2,651 2,892 —8.3 1,020 15,507 6.21h 5.052 23.0 2.563 27.100 6.1111 5.250 17.0 2.1431 28.971. 9,025 8,121. 11.1 3.1132 27,01.0 12.155 8.1460 1.3.7 3.982 IA 88213 240 5.0142 17.1482 1939 retai 1 88.1 ee 0 me (000) NA 730 1,680 20,108 1,706 6.179 NA 3.159 1,118 1.350 1,510 5,612 1.763 3.697 9.867 2.5118 1,100 1. 333 1.96h 2,1112 1.157 2.1.90 2.71.0 3.139 m. 1,288 61' Page 17 Page 5 of 1.0 191.0 individ- ual income tax returne or 1,000 capita Number 9 IA 718 557 NA 905 3711 398 1478 1.01 311 1157 708 223 157 var—3’3 186 62 110 28 260 87 h. 677 167 195 121. 950 106 176 35 519 71. 1.137 2811 193 61. 698 58 237 79 ‘ 581 B3 161. 1.1 530 133 210 30 1.356 113 858 86 262 87 278 93 111 37 198 66 895 1119 777 155 675 75 1.913 91 1.05 68 2214 56 11.7 119 150 50 175 1.1+ 182 36 216 72 168 56 189 63 357 60 395 66 576 61. 10. NA 1.027 128 1".“ . '1»! Page 10 Page 6 of 1.0 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS .NOT CEIETI FICATEI) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 191.5 (All data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) s" ,‘u' ‘2‘ . . ,1 .— \ Table ' ~ 191.0 inflfid- ~ 191.0 individ- ' - - ual income 1181 income Mileage from Population Persons \ 1939 tax returns ‘ Mileage frun Population Persona 1939 tax returns nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales For nearest point PeT-cent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales For State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office' 0 me er 1.000 State and uncer- éertificated for increase employed Office Volume Per 1,000 ti ficeted point air service a 191.0 1930 191.0/1930 . 191.0 receipts (000) capita Number o . tiriceted point air service a 191.0 1930 1910/1930 __191.0 receipts (000) cepite Number pop. (T) (21 (5) (10 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) £11) (11 T27 00 I5) (6) (71 (E1 (9) (Io) (1'1) GEORGIA (continued) GEORGIA (continued) Commerce 63-10 3,291. 3,002 9.7 1.579 8 13.381. 3 1,128 31.2 131 1.1. Stainsboro 65-vn 3,575 - 1.6.1. 1.5142 3 17.017 8 2.019 575 198 50 Cordele 55-“ 7.929 6.880 15.2 5.188 29.798 11.022 507 1427 55 Sylvania 51.40. 57-88 2,531 1,781 1.2.1 958 12.128 NA NA 152 1114 Covington 33-10 3,900 3, 203, 21.8 1.655 27.1.13 2,223 570 225 56‘ Thomaeton 1.1-un 6, 396 1.,922 29.9 2.953 3 3. 201 3,828 598 573 96 Cuthbert 1.2-GY 3, 235 6.6 1 .588 15, 581.. 1.260 366 168 56 Thomeville 33-1'J 12,685 11. 755 8 .1 5, 231 57.1.72 1.,657 367 785 60 Dalton 27-08 8,160 ~28.0 8.1.50 69,977 5,21.7 502 789 , 79 Thomson 32-vn 3.088 1.911. 61.3 1.191 17,801 m m 231. 78 DQWSOD 21"GY 3: 681 30827 ‘5 08 1 35a ‘ 159m6 1 a 581 1430 232 58 T1 Pbon 39-6! 5: 28 31 390 51402 2.150 390 765 35 557 677 1‘77 95 Decatur 6-10 16, 561 13 , 276 '21..7 6,881 62,332 5, 181 313 3, 503 206. Toccoe 57500 5.1.91. 1., 602 19 .1. 2,070 23.305 1,979 360 1.13 83 Douglas 77-01; 86-88 5,175 1.,206 23.0 1.8147 25,073 2,899 522 270 51.‘ Trion 35-08 3,800 3,289 15.5 1.61.5 111,218 'r' m 110 28 Douglaeville 20-10 2.555 2,316 10.3 851. m 111 111 101 31. Valdoeta 66-11.. 71.-Gr 15.595 13.1.82 15.7 6.501. 88,781 6,521. 1.18 1,185 71. Dublin hB-UN 7,811. 6,681 17.0 5.271. 33.800 3,380 1.33 1.15 v 52 I Vidalia 80-811. 81.4111; 9l-BS 1.,109 3.585 . . 1.572 16.61.? 1.512 368 161. 1.1 Bum 50-UN 5.511 5.022 9.6 1.257 17.511 1.51.2 1.66 177 59 I l-shington 50-VD 5.557 5.158 12.0 1.1161 111.1125 1.557 578 200 50 East Point 6-10 12.1.03 ' 9,512 30.1. 1.1.856 36,651 1.,560 352 1,501.. 109 wiyoroee 51.-Bs 16.763 15,510 8.1 6,111. 70,332 7.71.3 1.62 1,260 71. East Thomaston 39-UN 3,590 3,061 17.3 1,651. In 221. 62 111 111 | weyneeboro 30-v0 3,793 3,922 -3.3 1.603 15.660 1,380 361. _ 229 57 Elberton 58-00 6,188 1.,650 55.1 2,577 33,855 2,181. 353 388 65 ' lest Point 29-8c 3,591 2,116 67.3 1.198 29,820 1.,o1.0 1,125 1.29 107 Fitzergerald 53-01 7, 388 6,1.12 15.2 2.755 31.705 3.21.8 1.1.0 361. 52 Winder 3,971. 3.283 21.0 1.671 23, 328 1,327 331. 197 1.9 Fort Valley 214-011 1.953 1.560 ' 8.6 1.930 19.751. 1.751. 351. 298 60 Geineaville SO-AG 10.21.3 8.62. 18.8 1.,050 71..336 6,528 637 91.1. 91. H m0 Griffin 36-AG 13,222 10,321 28.1 5.902 71.195 6.672 505 967 711 , F ' Hepevine 8-AG 5,059 .221. 19.8 1.780 13.858 1.057 209 598 120 Alameda 8-PQ 2,691 1,885 1.2.8 652 no 111 m u 111 Hawkineville 39-UN 3,000 2.1.81. 20.8 1,219 11.,009 1,355 1.52 180 60 Blackfoot 22-PQ. 27-11? 3,681 3,199 15.1 1,191. 29,139 3.01.3 827 600 150 . Barley 75-PQ 5.529 5.626 59.5 1.605 52.596 5.876 727 7111 11.5 Hogeneville 1.8-Ec 3,886 2,355 65.0 1.61.3 9,609 762 196 202 51 " Caldwell 26-BB 7,272 1.,971. 1.6.2 2,205 61.61.o 5.182 713 1.135 162 . Jesup 38-88 2,903 2,303 26.1 1,167 11.,160 1,286 1.1.3 177 59 ,Coeur d'Alene 30-8111 10,019 8.297 21.1 2.795 52.1.50 1.,586 1.56 1,071. 107 Lahyette 211-013 5. 509 2. 811 2108 1.518 15. 759 1. 529 579 178 115 ' La Gmnge 39-110 21,983 20,131 9.2 9.233 66,292 6,521 297 1.21.6 57 - Bmett 23-BE 3.203 2,763 15.9 909 22.775 2.591. 810 520 175 Manchester 35-80 3, 1.62 5, 71.5 -7.6 1.1.10 11, 21.1 1.027 297 192 Gooding 90-88 2, 568 1, 592 61.3 871 19. 507 NA 111 351 117 . Jerome lOB-BE; 11o-PQ 5.557 1,976 79.0 852 22,161. 111 111 51.1. 136 Marietta 16-AG 8. 667 7. 658 15.5 5.51.0 51.. 21.9 11. 01.1 1466 1 .075 119 , Kellogg 62-311 h. 255 h. 1214 2.7 1.756 50.177 5. 515 850 1. 165 291 11111 edgeville 29-UN 6. 778 5. 55b. 22.5 3, 101 1.5, 169 2. 858 1.22 568 81 Levi eton 89-811 10, 51.8 9.1.03 12.2 3.892 98, 1.51. 9, 157 868 1 .781 162 Millen 1.8-VD 2,820 2. 527 11 .6 1 .010 11., 397 1 , 113 395 160 53 Monroe 1.1-10 1.,168 3,706 12.5 1.701. 16.099 1,907 1.58 265 66 Malad City . 50-PQ 2,731 2,555 7.7 621. 10.611 1,196 1.38 21.6 82 ncul trie 36-01 10. 11.7 8, 027 26.1. 5,981 50,915 , 21.1. 1.18 523 52 Montpelier 60-PQ 2. 82. 2.1.56 15 .9 766 12. 51.5 1. 786 632 292 97 . - 1 Moscow 67-811 6.011;. 1.1.72 ’31... 2,2701. 22, 81. 1:262 729 1,213.3 171. Hem... 36-10 7,182 6, 386 12.5 5 035 36,883 2.91.1. 1.10 593 85 Nmpa 20-BE 12 1 8.20 .1 5.7 .1 .820 5 1 1. 122 P01118111 55-011 2.579 2,762 -6.6 .921. 12.929 1, 319 511 105 35 F Pewtte 50-83 5:52 2.618 26-9 91.9 20.556 2.078 626 1.07 136 Porterdale 32-10 3,116 3,002 3.8 1 582 3 m. 23 8. 1 Quitman so-.. 1,... 1.1.9 7.5 1.676 17,881 1,612 32? 23; 5? finger: 3??? fig; 3.3g; g-g 1.072 113.5251; 3.??? 229, 3;; 1219. R has. t -AG , ,2 . 1,6 2 . ' " 93 .1'5 " l . 0 I 9 n n 00 r 1.2 5 761. 5 6b. 15 5 7 1b. 529 1 252 353 217 51‘ Rupert 69-?0 3,167 2,250 1.0.8 930 1E: 523 2,18: 689 L212. 161. . . St. Anthony 38-IF 2,719 2,778 -2.1 735 1 383 1, 39 513 2 88 R me 56-10, 56-c13 26.282 21.8115 20. 10 793 161,081 12 71 1.81. 2.6 o 10 Rgeeville 6-CB 3,538 3,230 9.2 1:112: 55.861 1133? 376 1.37 102 “dwint “‘3“ [“556 339° 32'“ 1'1“ “”897 2'359 9‘2 “51‘ 111. Sandereville 504111 3,566 3.011 18.1. 1.5 16.797 1.527 1128 21° 53 Tui Fall 110-PQ 116- 11.8 1 8, 8 . o 100 6 11 2 o 1 162 Silvertawn 59-011 5.950 2.171 .81-0 1.715 NA 279 71 m M lalIaoe a 73-811 DB 3,839 3,631. 315.?» {£23 :37 32123 ghef. 1231037 272 Statesboro 50-SH 5.028 5.996 25.8 2.018 25.715 5.1107 678 551+ 71 Weieer 3,663 2.7 31.5 1,107 29.1.22 2, 867 733 532 153 e/ Between city centers. NA - Not available. 60-BE 11 ,1 ’ Mileage from Population 1 , nearest point Percent ‘ ,1 State and uncer- certifioated for 1.0 ianOAIO "“‘ ' tificated point air Iervice 3 19 1930 19 0 1930 i, (U (2) (5) (h) (£1 ‘11 ' ILLINOIS . ‘ 1 " Abingdan 37-BN 3,218 2, 771 16.1 Aledo 23-110 2,593 2,203 17.7 Alton 17-Ls 31.255 30.151 3.7 hint hit-Pm 140092 3 .1436 1901 ‘ Arlington Heights 21-00 5,668 11,997 13.1. ‘1, Aurora 36-c0 17,170 16,589 1.2 1 Barrington 31.-00 7 3,560 3,213 10.8 . Batavie. 31-00 5,101 5.0115 1.1 ! Beardstovm 51-1311 6,505 6.51111 2.5 ’; Bellevllle 16-18 28.1105 28,1.25 -o.l ; Bellweod lh-CG 5,220 11.991 1..6 . , Beluoore 67-00 8,091. 8,123 -0.1. ‘ Benton 61me 7.372 8,219 40.3 ,' Ber-yn 8-CG 118.1151 117.027 3-0 , Blue Island 15.00 16.638 16.531; 0.6 I ? , Bradley 52-00 3,689 3.01.8 21.0 ff Brookfie 1d 12-CG 10, 817 10,035 7. 8 ,' Bushnell 35-811 2,906 2,850 2.0 f Cairo 33-PAD 111.1107 13.532 6-5 Calunet Clty 17-00 13,21.l- 12,298 7.7 “ ,7 ‘1 Canton 23-02 11,577 11,718 -l.2 Carbondale 55-910 8,550 7,528 13.6 : Carlinville 3.6-7.0 , 1.,11.1. 19.8 1 ,1 Carlyle 1.5-Ls 2,591 2,078 21..7 i Cami 33-EV 1..o98 2.932 39.8 7;, Cartel-ville 52-21:) 2,893 2,866 0.9 ‘1 1 Carthage 27-BN 2.575 2.21.0 15.0 ; ’ Casey 33-1'8 2,51.3 2,200 15.6 a , centralia 58-18 16,303 12,583 29.9 'r W191 1.9.2311 23.302 20.3118 111-5 Charleston 1. m 1 8,197 8,012 2.3 Chester . LS 5,110 3,9& 30.3 Chicago Heighte 22-00 22.1.61 22,321 0.6 alristopher 66-PAD 3 , 833 .2111. -8. 7 /‘ ' Cicero 7~CG 611,712 66,602 -2.8 Clinton 23-PBN 6,331 5.920 6.9 I Colllneville ll-LS 9.767 9.235 5.8 Creve Coeur 5-0P 3,535 350 910.0 Crystal Inks . 1.2-00 3,917 3,732 5.0 If} Danvllle 1.6-13 36,919 36,765 0.1. 1 1... a/ ' Between city centers . 7, , NA - Not available. \ ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTI FICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 (All data cover areae'within political boundariee’of points named having 2,500 population or more) Mileage fran nearest point certificated for air service 3 Table. 191.0 individ- Iual income , Persona ' 1939 tax return: gainfully 19140 Post retail sales or employed Office 0 ume er- 1,000 State and uncer- 19110 receipts (000) " capita Number .0 . tificated point (31 (7) (8) (9) (I5) 111) (I) . 111111013 (continued) 1,260 8 16.016 8 891 277 353 118 Decatur 893 20,188 1,770 683 511. 171 De Kalb 11,201 158,509 15.1.92 1.96 6.5811 212 Dee Plain” 1.537 211.1119 2.1190 609 1153 113 Dixon ‘ 2,033 22,520 1,660 293 1,289 215 Bolton 18,270 1.05.352 22,1162 1.76 8.9111 190 Downers Grove 1.1118 59.233 1,987 558 1:178 295 Du Q0013 1.988 56.1479 1.569 308 1.1113 229 But Alton 1,801 26.51111 2.833 1.36 830 119 East Moline 10,181. 156,951. 11,960 1.21 1.,767. 170 East Peoria 1.9111 21,238 661. 127 91.8 190 East Saint Louis 3,117 50,650 1.,079 501. 1,330 166 Edwa‘rdeville 1.9119 27.817 3.032 1.11 801. 115 Effinslwn 20,072 103.078 11.672 21.1 12,166 253 Eldorado 6,08 60.8117 6.887 1.11. 3,508 206 Elgin 1,250 18,299 1.75 129 332 83 Elmhuret 3,882 22,076 1.1.97 138 1,661 151 Elwood Park 893 11.,01.3 1.51.0 530 312 101. Evanetm 11.335 69.2711 11.731 388 1.268 91 Evergreen 2.1-]: .760 21.,1.86 2.5211 191 1,796 138' Fairfield 3.953 63.2111 5.328 1160 1.832 153 Flora 2. 737 67.790 3.91111 1161 1.1111 1214 Forest Park 1.31.5 28.138 2.156 1.31. 673 155 Franklin 1»... 899 17,980 1.01.9 1.05 51:8 , 116 preeport 1,582 26,815 2,535 619 71.3 186 Fultal 583 9.079 590 20h 172 57 Galena 91.9 21,651 1.1171 571 1.80 160 Galeaburg 1,006 12,862 1,291 508 366 122 G-alva 6,278 123,005 10,023 613 2,921 183 Geneseo 9 a 505 2780626 190 703 $6 5 .059 20 6.11.“ 2.939 33.160 3.1466 1423 1.090 156 Georgetown 1.91.1 27,319 2,066 1.01. 609 12 allesple 7.529 130,128 8,520 379 3,222 11.6 Gleneoe 1,001 12,828 1,377 359 273 68 Glen Ellyn 27,608 m 17,083 261. 13,268 2011 Oleander 2,071 32,135 3,1.25 51.1 1,166 191. Granite City 3.1.69 28,206 3,550 363 1.1116 11.2 Greenvllle 1.095 NA NA NA 193 1.8 Harrisburg 1,591 28,060 2,222 567 1,085 271 Harvard 12. 691 3011.626 18.827 510 5.155 139 Honey C27 36-ZD - 58-00- 17-CG 58-110 16-CG 19-00 18-13 1.410 h-op 1.-ls 16-LS 50-EV 36-00 V 15-CG lO-CG 11-CG 12-CG Sl-EV 70-Ev 10-00 12-00 70-110 30-uo 62-110 1.0-3)! 32-110 18-110 514-06 38-111 39-13 19-00 23-00 1600 7-1.8 117-18 h7-PAD 62-00 18-00 Population Persons Percent gainfully 19110 Post 1110 me use empl eyed 0:11 ce 191.0 1930 1910/1930 __1910 recei pte 7—37- (5) (6) (71 59.305 57.510 5.1 21.638 811711.151. 9: 1146 8.515 700 3.145“- 9691412 9.518 8. 798 8-2 3.1482 59.112 10.671 9.908 7-7 3.9111 76.820 3,068 2,923 5.0 1,017 In 9.526 8.977 6.1 3. 359 38.236 7.515 7.593 -1.0 2.098 28,086 [$0680 112502 ‘ £400 1:890 1101835 12,359 10 , 107 22 .3 11, 072 62 ,691 .506 5.027 - 35-11 2. 290 1“ 75.609 711.3117 1.7 211.008 3114.171 8.005 6.235 28-h 2.696 55.236 15,180 11.978 211.1 2,2811 50.096 11.891 h.h82 9.1 1.2311 37.606 38.333 35.929 6.7 13.860 382,916 150,458 1190055 1000 50 629 628987 13,689 11 ,270 21 e5 . 11,900 NA 65.389 63 .338 3-2 27. 756 596.2110 3.315 1.5914 107-8 1. 203 ‘ NA , 3,280 22.2 1, 573 36,530 5.1171; 11.393 211.6 1.970 23,162 11408130 1140555 200 50887 59.019 3,007 2, 21.1.0 932 10,211 22,366 &,01.5 1.5 8,626 215,091 2,585 2, -2.7 818 20,002 11. 126 3.878 6.11 1. 169 17. 728 as ,876 28,830 0.2 10, 312 199,21,o 2,812 2,875 -2.2 861 19,620 3,821. 3.1.06 12.3 1,209 20,110 he 101 how? ‘11 00 1 I 592 m 0,439 30235 3.1107 ,‘500 795 “A 014,40 5.111 -1301 10987 17,8146 68825 60295 80,4 20863 353109 8.055 7.680 14-9 2.813 37.312 2,500 1,886 32.6 909 18,311 22.9711 25. 150 -8.6 7. 571 1 75.990 3.391 3.233 11.9 1. 193 31.,1.01. 11 .1153 11.625 -1~S 2. 728 51.277 3,121 2,988 11.5 1,181 26,568 17,878 16.371. 9.2 6,071 108,568 140.296 1939 retai l 0 mac ( 000) 832.098 6, 196 11.158 6.639 635 1.290 ‘ 2 71.3 1121.2 5.355 1,726 26.1.90 8.153 5.8311 1,801 17.157 5.689 2.1.87 988 20 755 2.1455 6.179 56 5 12,175 758 1.376 111.390 1.096 2,306 2,119 570 1.595 1 360 2:983 I NA 7.651 1.7140 5.323 865 1. 11.9711 $21 ea Per Pa ge 19 Page 7 of 1.0 191.0 malad- ual income tax returns capi ta. Number WWW 5141 677 1137 622 9.629 1,806 2,111]. 2,189 1170 2.8211 869 969 1,702 1.0911 12,288 1.757 953 1116 7.175 11.1611 2,250 19,601 .32; '186 930 1.055 210 1.81 1,682 2,200 3 .291 618 1.0911 3.918 01' 1,000 163‘ 201 2111 . 199 157 “—‘flr‘ Page 20 Page 8 of 110 State md uncer- certificated for Mileage from non-est point Popul ati on E .- g” :1 ‘1' , :vr Percent increase \ e ' .w - , » -r,_ ‘* i #1 .ri’91r’K‘WM. u my“: .40, y .w 1. ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE 'FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1915 (A11 detu cover Irene within political boundaries of points nemed having 2,500 populntion or more) Persons gainfully 191.10 Poet employed 1930 191.0é1930 19L10 ( 14) I 35 tificated point . air service 3 191-10 (1) (2) (3) ILLINOIS ( continued) 119m 37-0? 3.999 3.1151 Herrin 511-511) 9 . 352 9a 708 Emma 30‘13 3:820 39 519 Highland Park 21-cG' 111,1176 12,203 Highlood 26-cG 3.707 3.590 Eilleboro .hS-ZD 11.5111 11.1135 Hinedsle 16-06 7,336 6,923 Homewood 22-06 )4, 078 3 , 227 Hoopeetovm 69-PBN 5.381 5. 613 Jacksonville 31-ZD 19,8141; 17,7117 Jerseyville 314-15 11,809 )4, 309 Johnston City 51-PAD 5,1118 5,955 Joliet 32-06 172, 365 ,993 Wee 5h-CG .2141 .620 Kmilworth 111-00 2,935 2, 501 Kmnee 314-110 16, 901 17, 093 Ln Grange 15-c0 10,1779 10,103 Ls Grange Park 13-06 3 , 1406 2,939 La Selle 511-01: 12,812 13,119 Lake Forest 29-06 6, 885 6, 551.1 Lansing 20-00 11,1762 3,378 Lavreneevi 11 e SO-EV 6, 213 6, 303 Lemont 23-00 2, 557 2, 582 Libertydllo 33-06 3.930 3.791 Lincoln 27-21) 12,752 12,855 Litohfield 116-z» 7,0118 6,612 lookport 8-06 3.1175 3.383 Lombard ‘ 19-00 7,075 6,197 Lyons 1 1-CG 11,960 11., 787 Mo Leansboro 511-1317 2, 528 2, 162 “comb 311'“ 83 7611 as 509 Mudi son h-LS 7. 782 7 , 661 "fir-1 on 147'PAD 9.9251 9.033 Marseilles 63-PBN 11,155 11,292 Marshall 17-711 2, 758 2, 368 Mettoon 53-711 15,827 11., 631 Haywood ll-CG 26, 25 .829 Melrose Park l2-CG 10.933 10.7111 Mendote 63-0? 1., 215 L1, 008 Met ropoli s 9-PAD 6, 287 5, 573 a/ NA’ '- X Less than .05 Between city centers.. Not available. 16 .9 16.5 8.2 3.2 1.8 5.2 12.8 6.137 11,810 3.202 1.11111 1.6711 8 1 3.360 2.371 1,180 2.th 1,825 2,901 Offi ce receipts 7 17,028 85 , 676 90 e 033 NA 85.11111 57.362 9.571. 111. 300 21 ,167 26.1.72 2211 I 35. 206 . 22. 738 23. 507 HA 19.1119 60.189 15.1413 39.328 114.770 16.799 97.959 5 86.3211 111.323 63. 390 29.135 191.10 i'ndivigi- usl income 1939 tax returns retail eel es er ‘( o “‘3‘. er 1 , 000 000 capi to Number 0 . z 9 5 z 15 I X 1 1; 7 8 1,870 1.68 578 11.5 3 9 855 1412 772 . . 86 1.600 1119 5911 1119 6. 690 1162 3. 6113 260 1,051 $17. 398 ' 100 2.1126 537 51111 109 2.662 363 2.1129 31+? 801 196 1, 001 fig 2. 067 3811 707 9.5511 1181 2. 553 128 2, 222 1762 658 132 889 161. 216 1.3 21.593 581 11.065 263 114.933 6.71 5. 8115 266 289 98. 8111 280 6. 733 398 2. 063 121 7.133 681 11.186 ' 1119 69 20 90 A 30 6. 633 518 2.3911 18h 3. 725 5111 1.923 273 1.021 229 Ste 137 2. 7116 11112 832 139 1. 113 1435 720 211.0 2, 089 532 890 223 5.391 1123 1 . 506 116 2. 672 379 779 11 1 1. 198 3145 1. 336 1152 1 .9116 275 1 . 582 226 990 200 799 --160 NA NA 395 132 h. 885 557 1.280 1112 1,150 186 8175 106 3,813 1112 968 108 1.073 2111 686 172 1 , 17.23 516 31.78 116 8.1119 532 2.1183 155 6.667 250 3.917 219 2.8% . 262 1,982 180 2. 519 598 n 975 all: 13989 31 6 355 ‘ 61$ Table 3 State and uncer- ti 1‘1 csted point 0) Mileage fran nearest point certificated for air service 9 111111013 (continued) Monmouth Monti o 0110 Mon-i s Mon-i son Mount Carmel Mount Olive Mount Vernon ’ Murphysboro Nemeoki Neperville Niles Center Nokonie Noml North Chicago Oak Lawn - Oak Purl: Oglesby Olney Oregon Ottawa Pane. ' Peri a Park Ridge Paxton Penn Peoria. Heights Peru Petersburg Phoeni x Pinohieyvi 11e Pittef‘i e1 d Pontiac Princeton Riverdele River Forest Ri ver Grove Ri versi de Robinson Ro ohe11 e Rook Fells 27-811 58-ZD 52-00- 311-110 32-317 38-13 73-13 62-PAD 8-18 27-00 12.00 38-ZD 3.21311 311-06 13-00 8-OG 50-0? 56-Bv 69-110 62-02; 62-PBN b2-ZD 18-13 18,08 h7-PBH 9-02 5-0P 52-0? 18-20 19 -cc 57-LS 38—PQY 3h-PBN 50-09 15-ce lO—CG 11-c0 10-00 35-13 73-00 h7-MO Population Persons Percent gainfully 19110 Po st inor;aee empl eyed Office 19110 1930 19110 1930 19110 recei pte (E) ( 5) (6) ( 7) 9.096 8.666 5.0 3.162 2,523 2, 378 6.1 929 26. 538 6.105 5.568 10.h 2.16h 38.323 3.187 3.067 3.9 1.01:8 20.621. 6.987 7. 132 -2.0 2. 319 143. 109 23 559 3.079 '1609 772 9e605 7211 12.375 19 .0 5. 178 814.1111? 8.976 8.182 9.7 2.529 .1165 2.701 2. 257 19 .7 766 n 53272 5.118 300 2.067 39.888 7. 172 5.007 113.2 2.699 21. 033 2: 562 ' 2.14511 huh- 57‘4. 15.225 6:983 6:768 302 2,212 3100816 8.1465 8.1166 x 3.178 259.707 3.1183 2. 0115 70.3 1, 113 10.373 66,015 63,982 3.2 28,186 382.362 3.938 3.910 0.7 1.372 . 9.9117 73831 6911-10 2705 3,0148 56.178 2. 825 2. 376 18 .9 1, 061. 19.933 16,005 15.0911 6.0 5,119 101,020 5.966 5. 835 2.2 1, 760 30.687 9.281 8.781 5-7 2,998 62. 718 12.063 10.1117 15.8 1., 375 53. 705 3,106 2, 892 7.11 1,031. 23, 157' 19.1107 16.129 20.3 6,897 79.2118 11.376 3.279 33.5 1,625 m 8.983 9.121 -1-5 3.253 M1. 607 2.586 2.319 11.5 786 16,188 2.875 3.033 “502 777 NA 3.11.16 3.0116 3.3 1,065 15,886 2,881. 2.356 22.1. 1,200 21.791 9.585 8.272 15.9 2.1.75 61.996 5.221. 11.762 9.7 1.879 56.7116 2. 865 2.501. . 1. 037 "A 9.1187 8.829 7.5 3.766 m 3, 301 237,41 20.13 1.129 @0109 7.935 6. 770 17 . 2 2.990 30.975 111511 58688 1609 1.6112 LII-$0155 200 3,785 11.0 1,635 30.812 11.987 3.893 3.1 1,678 17,118 1939 retui l 811 so OUI'IIO 981—1—1— 3 92.200 8 5.2011 01' 191.0 individ- unl inoane tn: returnl or 1,000 oepite Number 9 572 "(m-'51? 1,310 1&6 513 171 1,270 212 701 23h 993 1h2 210 70 1'35: 1’2 7 Z. 1.366 273 1,619 231 353 118 1,188 170 1.h25 178 1. 0113 3118 19.306 293 L102 101 900 113 510 170 2,85h 178 791 132 1.531 170 3.273 273 558 186 3.336 176 h21 105 62 21 1105 135 576 192 l. 2119 1.25 1,150 230 in an 2.717 302 h36 1h5 2,h86 311 701 175 751 188 618 12. ,.o‘:€¢5€ Page 21 Pegs 9 0f [10 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS nor CERTIFICAIED'FOR AIR SERVICE As 01-" APRIL 1, 191.5 (All dete cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) 1 M2 191.0 individ-I - 191.0 individ- ual income uel income Mileage from Persons 1939 tax returns Mileage from Population Persons 1939 tax retums nearest point gainfully 191.10 Post retail sales —'—F5r_ nearest point ' gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales er V State and uncer- certificated for employed Office Volume For 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for ' employed Office V 0 ume or 1,000 ' tii‘icated point air service a 191.0 191.0 receipts (000) oepite Number 0 . tificated point air service a 1 1.0 1930 ___l_.91..0 receipts (000; cupita Number p. T1) (2) (3) (6) (71 (87 (9) (1'5) .1 (1) C27 E3) (E) (5) (7) 9 {2171 e ILLINOIS (continued) I INDIANA R k Isl d 1.410 112.775 37.953 12.7 17,251. 831.11%: 315.8117 370 7.306 170 Alenndrn 10-11111. 11.801 11.1.08 8.9 1.1193 8 35.977 8 1.796 371. 702 1140 Rzzkfordan 82-CG 81.. 657 85, 861. -1 .1. 35.083 795.089 1.3. 881 518 19, 205 226 Angola 1.0-1w 5.11.1 2,665 17.9 990 35. 539 2.803 892 1129 1113 Roadhouse 1.2-2!) 2, 557 2, 621 -2.1. 718 9,756 879 31.1. 211. 71 Attica 57-111 5, 760 5, 700 1 . 6 1 , 257 21 , 115 2, 091 556 512 128 St. Charles -~ 52—CC 5,870 5.377 9.2 2,505 61.,051. 2.737 1.66 1,259 210 Auburn 21-171 5,1.15 5,088 6.1. 2,081 62,576 2,921. 51.0 1.00 80 Salem 66-Ls 7, 519 1.,1.20 65.6 2,956 61., 216 1., 791 655 1. 51.7 221 Aurore 20-CC 1., 828 1., 586 10. 1 1, 691 25 , 221 1 ,91.1. 1.05 622 121. Sandwich 52—CC 2,608 2,611 —0.1 951. 18,651. 1,062 1.07 1.72 157 Batesville 59-CC 5,065 2,858 8.0 1,085 20,1.28 1,108 562 51.0 115 Savanna 1.5-110 1., 792 5, 086 -5.8 1, 581 18, 688 1,752 561 750 11.6 Bedford 56-Lv 12, 511. 15 , 208 -5.5 5,21.9 52, 786 5, 211. 1.17 991. 76 Shelby'rille 52-zn 11,092 5,1.91 17.2 1,558 51,591 2,077 508 608 152 - BeechGrove 7-10 5,907 5,552 10.0 1.1.92 NA 978 250 1.85 121 Silvie 5-110 2.990 2,650 12.8 1,071. NA 51.6 185 1.1.1. 11.8 Bioknell 1.8-111; 55117 5,110 5,212 -2.0 1,518 15,501 1,1.11. 277 595 79 south Beloit 85-CC 2,825 2,561 19.7 968 11,727 111. NA 291. 98 Bloomington 1.9-111 20,870 18,227 11..5 6,080 151,255 10,515 1.91. 2.221 106 - ‘ Sparta 1.3-1.8 3, 66h 3. 385 ‘ 8.2 1. 015 17.791 1.029 281 1.157 111. Bluffton " 23-111! 5.1117 5.071. 6.8 1.700 115. 125 3. 126 577 798 160 :7 Spring Valley 50.0? 5,010 5,270 -1..9 1,611 15,577 1.1.21. 281. 1.81. 97 Boonville 18-EV 1.,526 1.,208 7.6 1.1.05 20,202 2,256 1.98 1.98 100 _ Staunton 51.4.3 1., 212 1., 618 -8.8 1, 21.2 15, 651 1, 201. 286 515 128 Brazil 17-111 8, 126 8,7L.1.. -7.1. 2,086 1.1., 779 1., 156 511 951. 119 \ , Steger 27-CC 3.369 2,985 12.9 1, 01.1. 111 551 98 281. 95 Clinton 11.411 7,092 7,956 -1o.6 1, 5811 22, 571 2.81.0 1.00 585 85 . Sterling 1.6-110 11,565 10,012 15.5 1., 51.1. 105,571 7,018 618 2,229 205 Co1unhia City 19-171 1., 219 5,805 10.9 1,718 26,758 2. 578 611 690 175 Streator 1.1.-PBN 11.,950 11., 728 1 .1. 5. 007 77. 580 7, 262 1.86 2, 550 170 Columbus 1.1-10 11 ,758 9,955 18. 1 11.1113 106, 609 7,111 606 2,055 171 Sullivan 56-20 5,101 2,559 52.6 1,199 18.6115 1,511 1.25 1.80 160 Connersville 1.0—11111 12.898 12.795 0.8 11.7116 65,791 5,105 596 1,605 125 Summit ll-CG 7,0115 6.51.8 7.6 2,687 NA 1,510 186 565 52 mefordsville 1.2-10. 1.748 11,089 10,555 7.1 1 1.,015 126,675 6,122 552 1,581. 11.1. Sycamore 511-CG 11.702 11.021 16.9 1.6511 78.8111 ‘ 2.1.61. 5211 878 , 176 Crown Point 33-0G 11.6113 11.0116 11..8 1.5119 1.2.9141. 2.925 630 1.393 279 Tnylorvi 11 e 26-ZD 8, 515 7, 516 15 .6 2,962 1.8, 655 5,050 607 1, 691 211 H Decatur 21-1'11 5, 861 5, 156 15. 7 2,026 . 58, 275 2, 895 191. 929 155 x . Tuscole 51-18 2,858 2,569 10.5 921 20,1.61 1,557 51.2 565 188 Dunkirk 1741111 2.9112 2.583 13.9 1,162 15,151 1,126 585 51.5 181 , ‘ Urbens 52-PBN 11.,061. .15.060 7.7 5,281. 11.2,255 5,209 570 2,898 207 East Chicago 18—CC 51.,657 51.,781. -0.5 19,799 171,295 12,560 250 8,591 156 Vandalia 61.-Ls 5,288 1., 51.2 21.8 2,108 52,1.69 5,656 691 667 155 East Gary 28—CC 5.1.01 2.1.09 1.1.2 1,115 111 1.1.9 152 281. 95 » Venice 5-Ls 5,1.51. 5,562 1.7 1,066 111 566 101. 227 1.5 - Elknart 15.511 55.1.51. 52.919 1.5 12.761. 393.180 111.501 1131. 5.637 171 } Ville Park ' 17-CG 7,256 6,220 16.5 2.536 79.719 1.532 212 207 H Elwood 11.41.11: ‘ 10,915 10,685 2.1 2, 567 1.1.820 1.,281 592 858 78 « Virden 21-zD 5,01.1 5,011 1.0 10,976 ' 911 500 521 107 " Washington Park lL.-LS 1.1.523 5.857 1709 1.62%; NA 1450 99 65 13 ' grantfiirt gléig 12.323 12,22: 1%.); 111.38g 3211,25: 28% I??? 2%}; g; . Watseks 68-PBN 5.71.1. 5.11.1. 19.1 1 1.59 28,128 2,222 595 610 155 "n n , 1 5' ' ’ ' '9 ., 1 Garrett 19.171 1., 285 1.,1.28 -5 .2 1 . 1113 15, 881 1, 560 561. 686 172 "‘“hs‘n 36‘“ ' 33’1’99 2'2 1312911 26”“ 18'885 55: 7'08: 208 Gary 25-00 111,719 100,1.26 11.2 110.626 51.1.,611. 1.5,275 587 19,662 176 West Frankfort 58-PAD 12,585 11.,685 -15.7 3.202 35.162 5,671 296 907 76 Western Springs 15-CC 1.,856 5,891. 21..7 1,681 22.1187 .620 128 1,510 262 Goshen 22—su 11,575 10,397 9.1. 115,71.7 5,81.5 511. 1,611. 11.7 Westmont 17—CG 5, 01.1. 2, 755 11 .1. 9119 9, 862 560 181. 1.1.5 11.8 Crsenoastle 52-111 1., 872 1., 615 5.6 1 .765 52, 267 5, 080 652 802 160 Westville 1.0-1'11 5, 1.1.6 5,901 -11 .7‘ 1.2115 111 875 251. 555 118 Greeni‘i eld 21-10 1., 821 1., 188 15.1 1, 675 27,216 2, 719 561. 851. 171 Wheaten 25-c0 7, 589 7, 258 1 . 8 2.757 75, 1.87 5, 250 1.1.0 2, 169 510 Greensburg , 1.6-10 6, 065 5, 702 6.1. 2, 026 1.0,978 5 , 720 615 885 11.7 1 . Remnant! 18-CG 70,181. 60.560 8.7 21.,716 , 526,825 51,858 1.51. 11,921 170 ,- White Hall 1.8-10 5.025 2,928 5.5 851 12,018 795 262 256 85 : Wilmette 12-CG 17,226 15,255 15.1 6,705 . 112.111. 6.508 566 1.,1.66 265 Hartford City 18-11AN; lB-m 6.9116 6,615 5.0 2,595 59,1.22 5,198 1.60 975 159 Winnetks 16-CG _ 12, 1.50 12, 166 2. 2 5, 501 101., 851. 5, 081 1.09 5, 61.6 501. Highlands 25-CC 2, 725 I, 555 75.5 902 m 666 21.5 551. 11a ,. Wood River 16-LS 8,197 8,156 0.7 2.979 50,506' 5,291. 1.02 1,685 211 Hobart 29-CC ‘ 7,166 5,787 25.8 2.393 17,561 2,066 288 1,265 181 1' Woodstock 51.00 6.123 5.1.71 11.9 2.691. 1.5.212 3.629 593 1.1183 21.7 Huntingburg 1.1-Ev 5.816 10.9 kg; 51,259 1,579 561 552 85 . Zeigler 62-210 5,006 5,816 -21:2 807 10.520 699 255 178 59 Hunting” 22'" 13’9” 13' . 5‘6 ’ 161., 5b , 6'2“ ”49 1'699 121 ‘2; zion 1.0-CC 6,555 5,991 9.1. 2.151. 1.3.350 1,857 285 806 115 7 - e/ Between city centers. NA - Not available. ' 695480 0 — 46 - 4 Page22‘ Page 10 of 1.10 _. Mileage from nearest point State and uncer- certificated for Popul ati on ti 1‘1 cated point ai :- service a 191.10 f 11 ) K 2) I 37 . 11mm“ (continued) ‘ Jesonville 211-13 5 .1118 ‘1 Jasper 115-“ 5 .0111 Jeffe rs onville 2-LV 11 .1193 Kendalville 26-!!! 5,1131 Xokmo 35-11111 33 .795 La Fayette 60-10; "IO-TE 28 , 798 La Porte 211-511 16,180 , Lawrenceburg 18-00 11,1113 Iebanon 26-ID 6, 529 Linton 32-111 6,263 Logansport 110-1013 20 , 177 Madison , 38-1.? 6 .923 Martin-ville 28-10 5 ,009 Mi chi gan City 314-811 26.1176 .\ Hi shawalm 3-81! 28,298 Mitchell hB-LV 3 , 393 Monti ce11’o 59-“ 3 , 153 llount Vernon 18-“ 5 ,63 8 Nappanee 20-SN 3 .028 New Albany 3-LV 25 5,4114 , loblesville 20-10 5 , 575 \ ' North “mobster 31-1011; 311-"? 3 .170 * North Vernon 52-1.7; 58-cc 3 ,112 Oakland City 28-EY 3 .068 Peru 27-MAR 12,1132 ‘ Petersburg lO-EV 3 .075 _ Plymouth 23-8)! 5 . 713 1 Portland 28-MAN 6, 362 ~ Princeton 26-“ 7 , 786 '1‘ Rensselaer 68-CG 3,211.1 ' Richmond 25-1011! 35.11.? Rochester h2-SN; 116-10.11 3 .835 Rushville 23-11111 5,960 Salem 29-LV 3 , 19).. Seymour 118-LY 8 .620 Shelbyville 26-ID 10 , 791 ’47 Sullivan 26—18 5 .077 ‘T°11 City 15-3" 5.595 I 11 pton 23-11111 5 , 101 “ Union City 30-11111 3,535 /‘. a/ MA Between 0 ity centers . - Not available. 1930 19110é1950 5.276 Percent increase '3 -3 29.1 -3.8 -o.1 2.9 9-7 2.7 8.1; 1.3 23.2 9.0 6.0 1.0 'lpo -102 5.2 35-3 12.0 2.h -1.6 15.9 114.6 11.1 8.0 -2.3 17.9 8.0 20.6 3-7 1h-9 8.2 9.0 11.11 11.5 1.6 4405 10.7 h-9 111.6 191.0 individ- ual income tax returns Persons 1939 gainfully 19210 Post retail sales » employed Office 0 ume er 19140 receipts (000) oapita Number (5) (7) (87 (9) (107 708 8 9.638 t 1.286 376 207 1,821. 32.388 2.113 1:19 607 3,363 61.661 3.520 306 1.1182 2,006 149.666 2.552 1176 660 11.365 195.902 111.657 1511 11.675 10,667 ' 527.269 18.538 6N4 11.891 6,128 119.809 13.1135 521 2.727 1,642 311.520 1'8061409 959 2,234 "116.330 11.231; 61:8 1.117 1,539 2.297 2.169 3146 515 8,138 110.289 9.712 1181 3.137 2,156 36.860 3.715 511 595 1,680 30,1150 r 2.936 586 599 9,274 139.009 10,723 hos 3.579 9&0. lfihflfi 8321 85 men 829 15.7111 1.092 322 , 206 1,206 23,736 NA NA 1192 1,701 21,680 2,131 378 537 1,106 23,210 1,876 620 M9 81605 ‘1001353 89128 320 2-6h9 2,110 31.593 3.171 569 9’40 1,105 28.090 ~ 2.1125 765 529 1,051 17.215 1.855 590 371 806 12.293 839 273 21h . 4,405 101.9118 5.1211 1136 2.061 859 13.383 .5111 1192 320 2,003 36.511 3.287 575 882 2,417 16,510 11,015 631 818 2,379 1:11.288 3.3811 1435 91411 1,163 20.7914 2.637 820 57h , 13,216 826.575 16.818 1.79 14.8511 1,354 50:50)- 2.11118 658 514 2,039 314.208 5.1161 551 929 1,092 31,221 1,687 528 313 3,131 68.221 14.3117 50h 921 3,848 69.658 6.119 602 .350 1,376 27.735 2.57 507 606 1,799 22.1129 , 1.725 320 370 1,559 29.3145 2.3511 ' L161 668 1,230 28.929 .532 1453 1461-1 er 1,000 69 . 121 - . 135 \ State and uncer- tii‘icexed point Mileage from, nearest point certificated for air service 3 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF UREAR ROINTS _N0’1'. CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 1 (All data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) . ‘7 '7'! _ Populati on (1) 1111111211 (continued) Valparaiso Vincennes Wabash Warsaw Washington West La Fayette 2 West Terre Haute Whiting Winchester 1011 ‘ [Albia Algona Amos Anhnosa Atlanti 8 Belle Plains , Bettemiorr BlocMield Beale Carroll Cedar Falls Cedar Rapids Cenurville Cheriton Charles City Cherokee Clarinfle .C1arion clear lake Clinton Comoil B1utfs Cresco Creston Davenport Deoorah Deni son Dubuque Eag1e Grove 31d ora ' Enact sburg (’27 ho-cs 118-EV 18-11111 36-SN 51-EV 61-10 2-TH 15-66 22-!“ 20-1111 51-1111 2 29-011 311-11 118-011 171-11 2-M0 19-“! 3 7-D“ 71m _ 62-Nl 23-11 32-811 Lil-BM: ‘47-“ T 2741M 115-11 59-011 Lil-NM 8-Rl 28-110 h-(n 57-1114 Sh-DM h-no 72-1111 8,736 18,228 95653 6.373 9.512 6,270 3:729 10.307 55.305 5 .157 11.9514 ' 120555 h 069 5:802 3.202 3.1143 2,732 12.373 5.389 9.3119 62.120 8.1413 5.7511 6,681 7.1469 11.905 2.971 3.7614 26.21) 111.1139 3 .530 8.033 66.039 5.303 59-011; 61-111 11.361 68‘Mo; 72.? 143.” h 0211 119-NM 511-1711; 58-015 711-“ 32553 3.371 191:0 .777— 8,079 17.5611. 8 8110 Percent increase 1930 19109930 1910 _ _ (E) ”T67 8.1 593 9.2 11.3 2.7 23.1 5-9 -5-5 18.2 16.5 211.3 22.11 13.7 3-9 -1.1 13.5 22.7 117-9 27.0 10.7 3-3 7-5 8.0 15.9 -1.1 15.2 22.8 2.1 -IJ.‘ 15.0 -6.8 8.7 15.8 11.7 5-3 -1.2 11.0 17.8 P8 rsons gainfully 19170 Post empl eyed 3,202 6,066 - 3,522 2,346 2,631 2,539 - 855 2,081, 1,308 1,669 4,992 1, 010 1,995 989 1,138 829 3,849 1,918 3,487- 24,005 2,488 1,380 3 ,119 ‘2, 008 1, 671 999 1,213 9,524 12,647 1,117 2,491 25,861 1,746 1,252 15,322 1,125 1,036 91.7 a. .“n 22.1.; .7... Offi ce receipts \ S 87.396 100. 755 57.309 61.332 111.350 111 m 69,021 33.695 21,562 3111561 1513765 22.650 110.777 111.357 19,191 11¢.th 70.1165 57.176 78.555 6111. 770 59.1427 30,630 61 .333 36,581 62.720 21,896 19.671 155.572 192.115 21.809 539.6911 Sid-1.5142 25.922 3111.079 17.661 20,858 21 .192 ’ 1939 retai l sal e8 70 was 155?“— ( 000) capi ta ""5531— 85516 631 9.1171 520 11.500 ' I466 3.618 567 11.272 1159 2.17116 390 851 228 3.119 503 2.823 532 2.31:8 .1155 3.578 722 3.0347 6111 1.696 1117 11.14176 766 1.1197 14.68 887 282 1.520 556 6.22 503 11.066 7511 11.5116 1465 33.109 553 11.199 1199 3.062 53? 14.157 1179 11.012 537 3.8146 7814 1.627 5118 1.7511 1461 11.900 1053 111.239 31:11 1.906 5110 3.9110 190 314.266 519 3,638 686 2,707 621 19.580 11116 1.1195 372 1 , 81.10 518 2.312 635 ' '22: 2.222122“ 1212212. ' .22..._._2"~ _2__- .242. 2- «191,0 individ—_ ual income . tar retu me or 1 , 000 Number pop. W ”(717 1,892 210 2,086 116 - 1,287 129 819 137 1,067 119 1.1186 213 SM 87 11.306 1151 935 187 575 75 820 161, .1191 192 396 99 9% 15h 271 90 277 92 253 8h 1.718 1113 1,028 206 1.65? 181; 9.606 155 636 79 522 87 1,070 119 825 118 625 125 706 235 58).; 1116 3.780 1115 5.179 126 £181 120 107 11.1170 1711 165 61h 1511 6 .0111. 137 617 15!; 53h 1311 1137 11:6 7 \ __ -2)_L._._.._: .2 __-A~.. , MJWn-s' ‘ «2.2-2- 24.“- , 2.- f 22.. -—.- - \ . ' '15,..."14' . a." w n-\ .. e .. \ , 4. .12. ,, 1 1+ . v. v, 1 3,:1, . f . ’1‘.“ '3;:YIt‘Kwy'figWfi‘é‘fiki‘ 7557131397587'4"??? , 1 “WV 1 4 "'53???“ " T‘VV " " "(a ’ .. V‘ . I . 1 - r , 2 s 1" l. ' ‘ . ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 01‘ URBAN ‘Pom'rs nor CERTlFI¢ATED non AIR SERVICE AS 05‘ APRIL 1, 191.5 . (All dete cover ere“ within politic-1 b‘ounderiee of, points med having 2,500 population or more) Table 191.0 individ- / uel income , Mileage from Population Persons 1939 tax returns 7 \ Mileage fran Population Persons nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 Post retail 88188 or neareet point fireent gainfully 191.0 Poet Stete end uncer- certificated for increase employed Office 0 ume er 1,000. Stete end uncer- certificated for inoreeee employed Office tificeted point 011‘ eervice a 191.0 1930 1910/1930 191.10 receipte (000) oepite Number 0 .' tificeted point air service 8 1 110 1930 191.0é1930 191.10 (Y) (2) (3) (h) (5) (6) I77 (8) (9) (1'5) E1?) (1) (27 E3) (E5 (3.) IOWA (continued) IOIA (continued) Bath” ”1119 815'“! 93"“ 5! 651 14891“) 11401‘» 1,878 ‘ 32,816 ’ 39,581 V 63’4- 1.027 171 Shenandoah 1111-011 6:816 6.502 505 2.869 ‘2’4’40881 Feirfield 2!.-m 6.773 6,619 2.3 2,1.81 63,832 3,601. 532 851. 122, Spencer 78-11 6,599 5.019 316 2.31.7 56-1430 Forest City 21.411 2, 51.5 2,016 26.2 937 17.711. 1,570 617 1.32 11.1. . Storm Lake 61-10: 5.271. 11.157 26.9 1,382 1411.135 Fort Dodso 69-11 22.901. 21.895 0.6 8,185 191.320 11.9669 61.0 3.510 153 Tenn 584x; 60-DII 2.832 2.626 7-8 992 114.0611 Fort ledieon 17-BN 118,063 13,779 2.1 1.,1.97 92,693 1.,376 311 2,003 11.3 Tipton 22-Ix 2,518 2.11.5 17.1. 783 11.,751 Glenwood 17-0H 11.501 h. 269 5.14 927 13.772 1.358 302 31.6 69 Vinton 1111-11 11.163 3.372 23.5 1,289 26.596 Gdnnel 1.7-011; 51-111! 5.210 h. L9 5.3 1.71? 182.1199 3.002 576 830 166 Washington ,‘ 111-8“: 116-31! 5.27 1.1.8111 8.6 1,961 1.7.068 nupton 27-1111 1.,006 3, 73 15.3 1,273 1.2.866 2,931. 732 677 169 Waterloo 62-101; 71-111 51,7113 1.6,191 12.0 21,255 1465.631 non-1m 1.3-08 3,727 3, 11.5 18. 5 1 ,211. 2b,, 217 2,906 780 671. 169 . Weukon. 88-181 2,972 2, 526 17 .7 961 17 .351 Hutu-den 36-!1 2,681 2.1.59 9.0 662 13,005 1,200 1.1.8 316 105 Waverly 1.1-11. 1.7-m 1.,156 3,652 13.8 1,358 1.1.760 Hunbo1dt 58-101 2,819 2,251 25.2 951. 19,71.6 1,882 668 533 178 webster City 56-m; 61-011 6,738 7,021. -1..1 2,292 60,920 Independence 59-11 14,312 3,691 17.6 1,523 31,693 2,781 6110 623 156 West Dee loinee 7-DM 11,252 11,280 -0.7 1,391.. 13 .1189 Indienole 11.411 1.,123 . 3.1.88 18.2 1.31.1 25,618 2,307 560 530 133 Wintereet 26-m 3,631 2,921 21.3 1,071 19,371 Ion Full- hh-m 11.1425 11.112 7-6 . 28.567 3.179 718 659 165 ’ Jefferson 1.9-0! 1.,088 3,1.31 19.1 1,1.01 112.889 2.727 667 716 179 mm Keokuk 33-1311 15,076 15,106 -0.2 5,158 81.,732 6,288 1.17 1,785 119 ~ Knoxville 32-111 6,936 1.,697 1.7.7 2,028 26,662 3,302 1.76 651. 93 11.11.... 22-DSN 5,671 5,658 0.2 1,828 50,682 Le Mars alt-n 5.353 11.788 11.8 1,605 29.678 2.751 5111 8211 165 Anthony 511-”; 60-PG 2.873 2.9117 -2-5 956 19.8118 hneheeter 57—11 3,762 3,1113 10.2 1,260 22,1119 2,668 709 — 5311 131. 1 Arkansas City 26-PC 12,752 13.9116 -8.6 3,722 63,1473 nquoketa 39-110 1.,076 3,595 13.1. 1.3116 22,201 3,071. 751. 591 11.8 Atohieon 20-ZJ 13,021. -2.9 11.001 92.3111. August: 204D 3.821 11.033 -5-3 1,291 19.927 vex-16.. 26-Ix 1.,721 1., 31.8 8.6 - 1 ,601. 18,186 1.71.5 370 631. 127, _ 7 Ihrehelltm 117-1111 19.2110 17.373 10.7 7.031. 153.339 11.055 575 2.727 _ 11111 Dexter Springs lit-J3 11.921 11.5111 8.11 1.1.58 19.278 Missouri Velley 22-08 3,991. 1.,230 -5.6 912 111,922 1,703 1.26 1.56 111. Belleville 66-DSN 2,580 2,383 8.3 897 18,586 Iontice110 113—Ix 2.5116 2,259 12.7 8117 20.015 1,667 655 1.11. 138 ' Beloit ‘ hB-DSN 3,765 3,502 7.5 1,115 21,603 Iount Pleeemt 214-311 11,610 3,711.3 23.2 1 ,1169 36,629 2,177 1172 686 137 ey 7 20-FVB 2.629 2.7914 -5.9 67).. 10, 287 Chenute 66-JH 10,11.2 10.277 -1.3 3.215 1.8.611 luecet1ne 28-IIO; 30-11 18,286 16,778 9.0 6,596 95,608 8.31.1. 1.56 1.963 109 Honda 32-011 3,353 3,133 7.0 1,291 211,990 2,101 627 560 187 Cherryvele 1.3-FVB 3,185 1., 251 -25.1 751 11,11.7 law Hampton 1.6-101 2,933 2.1158 19.3 1,055 19,205 1,883 61.2- 337 ‘ 112 Clay Center 1.3-0811 11.518 11.386 3.0 26,893 newton 30-13! 10.1.62 11.560 -9-5 3.532 ‘ 125.1185 5.116 1:89 1.363 136 Goffevvill'e 29-FVB 17.355 16.198 7-1 5.579 76.8911 Oelwein 71-11. 711-811 7.801 7.7911 0.1 2.1197 1.8,990 1.,220 51.1 1.01.2 7130 Columbus 20-JH 3,1.02 3,235 5.2 \ 987 20,627 Conoorcno 1.9.0311 6,255 5,792 8.0 1,901. 0mm 35-“ 3.1438 2.538 35-5 1.075 19.209 1.578 1159 ~ 382 127 " Osage 21.-1u 3,196 2,961. 7.8 1,122 120,399 2,321. 727 621 207 . Council Grove 61-DSN 2,875 2,898 -0.8 901 15,561. Oeoeole 37-111 3,281 2,871 11..3 935 16.579 ' 1,803 550 260 87’ El Doredo 30-110 10,01.5 10,311 -2.6 3,290 511,552 Oehloou 22-1111 11,021. 10,123 8.9 3,525 61,109 6,385 579 1,259 111. Emporia 53-an 13,188 11.,067 -6.2 ' 1..1.26 97,757 Pelle 36-011; 37-81! 3,638 3,326 9.1. 1,237 26,927 2,052 561. 521. 131 Enron 58-171) , 3,803 3,698 2.8 1,013 20,672 ' Fort Scott 53-J8 10.557 10,763 -1.9 3,206 63,001. Perry 3141! 5.977 5.381 1.6 1.957 28.963 3.627 607 81h 136 ‘ Rod 091: 35-011 5.763 5.778 -0-3 1.909 52.6116 3.1469 602 807 135 Fredonia 56473 3.5211 3.11116 2.3 1.1111 27.6149 Rook Repide ZB-YL 2,556 2,221 15.1 838 17,012 1,609 629 601 200 Galene 7-J8 1.,375 1.,736 -7.6 966 10,301. 31c City 71-11 3,165 2,851. 10.9 1,108 ' 2,893 2,271 718 576 192 Gemett 58-PBK 2,607 2,768 -5.8 880 16,025 Sheldon 119-71.: 56-11 3.768 3.320 13.5 1.321 .5111. 2.688 713 762 191 (Gimrd 3h-JH 2.5514 2.11112 h-6 739 33.279 ' Coocuend 105-811 3,306 3,626 -8.8 1.01.1. 18,928 Great Bend 1.94m 9.01.1. 5.518 63.0 3,368 60,061. flay: 87-00. 911-1111 6.385 11.618 38.3 1.991. 1111.320 HQfinSton 37-1381l 3.801. 11.519 -15o8 1.258 17.730 e/ Between city centers. NA - Not ,avei leble . 1939 Page 23 Pege 11 of 1.0 191.0 individ- ue1 incune tex returne retei 1~ eel ee , Po :- Vqume For reeei pte (000 on i te Number T (5; 9 T55)— 35. 952 5.907 1:. 225 1.11311 1 . 365 ' 2,661 3.738 28.3914 2,022 2.795 1.,111 1.352 2, 261 2.917 1,000 ‘53 869 851 122 895 1, 128 161 801 1, 038 208 1. 131 659 538 1h? 790 153 5149 9.3114 179 356 119 673 778 ' 195 610 985 1111 318 681 170 623 1453 113 5111 778 130 658 313 10h 381 1.270 98 1439 556 13h 31.9 1103 81 576 1435 109 326 200 67 111'] 971 97 267 190 63 601. 566 113 381. 1,712 101 11.311 330 110 52.. 1486 81 L70 1418 139 1.90 1 , 126 113 511. 1.81.7 11.2 1.15 ‘ 1.30 1,011 92 162 191 1.8 528 31.7 116 51:8 1.1411 157 71.2 39 . 51.2 1.82 161 ‘ Page 21.. Page 12 of 14.0 1 , , \L V V ' L "1 V "I ~ 0' ‘_ _ .' U ‘ ‘ ‘ ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 02 URBAN POIITS norcmflncnmn 8011 AIR SERVICE As or APRIL 1, 191.5 (All data cover areae within political boundaries-:0! points nailed having 2,500 population or more) 3 ' ‘ ' Table‘ v 1 t _ 191.0 indirid- 1 ' 191.0 individ- 1, ‘ , ' ual income " ‘ . ual income 5 Mileage from Population Persona 1939- tax returns 2 , Mileage frcm Population Persona 1939 tax return! 1 nearest point Percent gainfully 1910 Post retail sales - Per nearest point jet-cent gainfillly 19110 Poet retail ealee Per 3' State and uncer- certificated f?!- increaee employed Office Volume For 1,000 ' State and uncer- certificated :‘Pr 1.0 inzojaee empllo‘ged Office (Volume Per 1,000 -' tificated point air service 3 19110 1930 1910/1930 191.0 receipts (000) oapita Number 0 . tificated point air service 8 19 1930 19 1930 __19 receipts 000; capita Number . (11 (2) (31 (£11 (5) (61 (7) (81 (9) (101 E1?) U) (27 (3) (E1 (5) (6) (71 (91 (16)" fig) ,1 KANSAS (continued) , ‘ _ KENTUCKY (continued) V . 1‘ ‘ Hiawatha 37-za 3,238 3,302 -1.9 1,185 8 21.901. 8 2.226 687 1.08 ' 136 Cynthiana 26-PLB 1.,81.0 1.,386 10.1. 1.583 t @030 8 3,100 61.0 532 106 Hoicington 51.4117 3,719 ' 3,001 21..o 1,231. 15,238 1.1.31. 386 601. 151 Danville 3241.1: 6.7311 6,729 0.1 2,526 1.11.398 1.,291 637 1,008 11.1. Holton 29-PEK 2,885 2.705 6.7 922 21,819 ‘ 1,528 530 250 83 7_ "Dawson Springs 51-910 2,560 2,311 10.8 631. 10,353 81.3 329 138 1.6 Horton 37-2.: 2,872 1.,01.9 -29.1 619 12.781. 1,091. 381 185 62 \ , Dayton 1.-cc 8,379 9,071 -7.6 3.01.1. an 1,370 161. 1 ,01.1. 131 Independence 36-FVB 11,565 12,782 -9.5 3,572 73,538 5,361. 1.61. 1,209 101 ~- ’ Barlington 118-117 2,858 3,309 -13.6 777 11A 718 251 128 1.3 Iola 77-JH. 78—PEK, 92-10 7,211. 7,160 1.2 2,152 35,606 3,163 1.37 561 80 * Blinbethtown 1.0-1.7 3,667 2,590 111.6 1.250 27,1.89. 3,215 877 1.33 108 Junction City 1.1.-0sn 8,507 7.1.07 11..9 2,666 55,955 3,631 1.27 851 95 Elemere _ 8-cc 2,885 2,917 -1.1 81.6 in 270 91. 11A in Kansas City 1—xc 121,1.58 121,857 -o.3 1.0.551 512,512 35,111 289 11.,287 118 _ Fort Thoma 5-cc 11,031. 10,008 10.3 11.997 NA 1,531 139 2.128 193 Kingmn 29-1111 3, 213 2,752 16.8 922 17,078 1,639 510 320 107 ‘ Franklin 1.1-111 3,91.o 3,056 3.9 1.21.0 ' 16,317 1,893 1.80 203 51 Larned 58-00 3,533 3,532 x 1,11.8 28,392 2,311 '651. 592 11.8 hiton 39-PAD 3,308 3,502 -5.5 1.255 211,982 2,381. 721 1.72 157 - . _ Lawrence 26»sz 11., 390 13 ,726 1..8 5,085 138, 302 7, 335 510 2,079 11.9 - Georgetown 12—213 1.1,1.20 1., 229 1..5 1,605 17,1.79 2, 208 500 521 130 1 Leavenworth 20-KC 19,220 17.1.66 10.0 5,851. 82.1115 6,769 352 1,752 ‘92 Glasgow 77-HA 5,815 5,01.2 15.3 2,135 32,319 3,586 617 392 65 . Liberal 65-CK 1.1.10 5.2911 -16.71,1.1.o 28,819 ‘ 2,921. 663 519 130 ' Harlan 611-TI; 70-101 5,122 1.,327 18.1. 1,763 38,201 , 3.968 775 629 126 . Lyons 26-HN 1.,1.97 2,939 53.01,61.1 25,061. 2,373 528 663 166 Harrodsburg » 28-PLE 1.,673 1.,029 16.0 1.590 18.1.53 2, 089 1.1.7 328 66 1, ; Manhattan hB-PEK 11.659 10.136 15.0 8.508 106.785 6.333 51.3 1.900 . 158 Hmrd 90-sz 92-111: 98-101 7.397 7.0215.1. 2.21.3 29.275 3.330 1.50 51.0 77 - Marysville 75-PBK 1.,055 1., 013 1 .0 1,31.8 26, 011 2, 210 51.5 1.97 121. . Henderson 9-EV 13, 160 11 ,668 12.8 1..11.3 51, 206 1+. 513 31.3 920 71 ' .3 IcPherson 27-1111 7,191. 6,11.7 17.0 2,523 60,557 11,121. 573 1,108 ' 158 Hopkinoville 61.411; 61.-PA0 11.721. 10,71.6 9.1 1..168 61.,008 5,556 1.71. 1,032 86 .‘ Needesha 51'?“ 3.376 3, 381 -o.1 1,088 18. 538 1. 2116 369 1.30 11.3 I rvinc 37-PLE 3. 631 3. 61.0 -0.2 926 13.901 1. 1711 523 257 61. 1, Newton 2641!). 32—1111 11,01.8 11,031. 0.1 3,761. 61.,551. 1.,927 1.1.6 1,396 127 Jenkins 86-HI 9,1.28 8.1465 11.1. 2,1.01. 9,908 1,563 166 226 25 j ' Norton 83-NQ 2.762 2.767 -0.2 1,01.6 23.526 1.31.8 1.88 301 100 _ Lebanon 52.211 3,786 3.21.8 16.6 1,211 16,393 1,859 1.91 2.6 62 ‘~ ‘ . . Olathe 19-KC 3,979 3,656 8.8 1,238 26.556 1,922 1.83 1.21. 106 Ludlow 2-cc 6,185 6.1.85 -1..6 2,273 . NA 975 158 1,006 168 i; _ Oeawatomie 1.6-xc. 5h-PEK 1., 11.5 1.,1.1.O -6.6 1,251, 16,6I.l 1,527 368 500 125 Madison-inc 1.1.417 8,209 6,908 18.8 2,581. 36.1.82 1.,1.33 51.0 571. 72 1‘ Ottawa - 37-21111 10,193 9,563 6.6 3,1,92 55,396 1.,277 1.20 786 79 Hayfield 21-PAD 8,619 8 ,177 5.1. 3,1.11 51,6116 11.1.28 511. > 615 68 1 . Paola 39-Kc 3.511 3.762 -6.7 1,212 19.698 1.193 1.25 396 99 May-vine . 5242c 6.572 6, 557 0.2 2.337 53.626 ' 1.,-358 663 799 111. 1; Parsons hé-JH 111.2911 111.905 41.1 1.,21.3 72.170 5.3110 3714 1.566 ~11? Middlesboro 116-111 11.777 10.350 13.8 . 3,306 39.630 5.953 336 585 119 j“ ' Pittsburg 26-111 17,571 18,1115 -3.2 5,157 96,828 7,917 1.51 2,029 113 Morganiioid 28-EV 3,079 2,551 20.7 832 12.910 1,323 1.30 230 77 , ,1 Pratt 51.111 6,591 6,322 1..3 2,125 36,571. 3,518 531. 868 . 121. Mount Sterling 31-21.11 1.,782 0,350 9.9 1,516 22,713 2, 385 1.99 1.79 96 “ 31183911 68-9311 1.. 819 2. 552 1011.9 1.719 29.803 2, 61.2 51.8 81.2 .168 Murray 36-PAD 3,773 2,891 30.5 1,361. 31.,195 2, 089 551. 1.11. 101. 1:. _ Wellington 30-WD 7. 21.16 7.1105 -2.1 2,232 33,821. 2.91.1. 1.06 821 117 Newport 2-CC 30,631 29,711. 3.0 10.723 11.9, 395 12, 611. 1.12 1.,013 129 .7 . winrield 37-1111 9.506 9.398 1.1 3,213 58,097 1.,71.o 1.99 1,111. 111 . Nicholaeville 12-PLE 3,192 3,128 2.0 915 10.819 1,676 525 366 122 4 , ‘ I , 4 Oleneboro 3o-zv 3o. 2115 22, 765 32.9 10.759 138, 182 12, 355 1.08 2, 281. 76 {g ' KENTUCKY - Paris 18-PLE 6,697 6,201. 7.9 2.273 27,231. 2,785 1.16 7711 111 . Pikevino 65-111 11.185 3.376 28.0 1.113 33.751. 3.539 81.6 501. 126 2 - Ashland ll-HI 29.537 29.071. 1- 6 9.206 129.933 10.999 372 3.1159 115 » .Pineville Sé-KX 5.862 3.567 8. 8 1.063 17.515 1.717 1.1.2 300 75 , Berdstown 35-Lv 3,152 1,767 78.1. 1,208 16,702 m. m. 275 92 ~ Princeton 39-PAD 5.389 0.761. 13.1 1,805 1.871. 31.8 370 71. /' .,_ Bell evue 3-CC 8, 71.1 8.1197 2.9 3,511. NA 1,111 161 1.1419 158 ' Bowling Green 63—111 111.585 12,3118 18.1 1.,996 91.,782 7,322 502 1,1.89 99 Providence 1.1-117. 1.9-210 1.,397 1.,71.2 -7.3 1,061. 9, 318 1,061. 21.2 90 23 Carrollton 7 1.2-L7 2 .910 2.1.09 20.8 81.1. 12,960 111 NA 238 79 Richmond 21.411: 7,335 6.195 12.9 2,396 35,123 3,685 502 61.0 91 5 _, Russellville 118-1111 3.98} 3. 297 20.8 1,233 , 17.8514 1.919 1.82 295 71. u Catlettaburg 9-111 1.,521. 5,025 -10.0 1,071, 11,130 71.8 165 283 57 Shelbyville l9-PLE 11.392 1., 033 8.9 1,586 27,793 2,810 61.0 609 152 ‘ _. Centml City 80-118 1., 199 1., 321 -2.8 1,075 11., 629 1,615 385 2.2 61 Sanereet 69-211: 6,151. 5,506 11.8 1,696 31,259 2 9,87 1.85 1.99 83 a, ‘ Corbin 69-101 7.893 8. 036 -1-8 2,207 25.303 3.057 387 789 99 ‘ - ~ ,- Covington 2-cc 62,018 65,252 -5.0 232208 211,577 21, 627 31.9 11, 310 132 Voroeilies 12-21.11 2,51.8 2, 21.1. 13.5 1.020 11.,01.7 1 ,1.86 583 1.10 137 ‘ Cumberland 1.5-TI ' _1.,11.9 2,639 57.2 1 185 11.1. 1,515 372 179 1,5 . Winchester 18—PLE 8,591. 8, 233 11.1. 2.930 1.1.381. 3. 912 1.55 871. 97 l “ Between city centers. .1 / t | V. 7 > . , ' ' \ Not available. , a ., ' . ' . * ~ - ' Less than .05 y. , , - ~. . ‘ I " '3 . - .. . H ~ _. ‘ “1’. ‘~ ’ - '. 1'. , '~~ - "n: 1 .~ ~.." I ,‘i I. . 2 v ‘ 1 f\x¢ff.&1.~"~-.Mk .1 2:65 11:..- ..‘-.. w- - u 1 1:1 5 Li. - .w‘" 1 .3." i3. . ,5.) -.2‘.' .. ‘,-'- ’..e ' - > 1.1-1.5....W11mg2nw ~80.» . . ’1 . NA xy’£"'71'T"Y""TTT"‘K'Y“'VT“;‘- « 'Vaj!"‘)"'1“ — ~ '; 1 ‘1 n: m " r, 3’32"“? .xl ' 7m"? 51—51: m 1 -_ -. ,».~' . 1 71.4"?) ._ NW: ’1 J 1' 5:3, 6 8’. WC??? ‘1'! * 3“!” ~ .1 1V , 7 V 23' >1 ‘9’} '2 .' 1.‘ , A,. v , r. V» v w 1’ L. V x :‘x 1‘ ECONOMIC CIIARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERT]: FICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 191.15 (All ’data cover area within political boundaries of pcinte named having 2.500 population or more) T2910 3 Mileage from Population Pereons nearest point Percent gainfully 19140 Post State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office tiricated point air aervice 3 19110 1930 1910/1950 191.10 receipts (U (2) (3) '(5) (67 C77 LOUISIANA Abbeville 68.1.0 6,672 11.356 53.2 1,901. $22,191 Bastrop 23-00 6,626 5,121 29.11 2,152 214,981 Because 511-1360; 59-110 111.601. 111.029 11.1 11.259 37.331 Boeeier City 3-211 5.786 11,223 ~ 1111.5 2.398 111 Bunkie 28-011 3.575 2. 115.1 1,265 18,681 Covingtan 36-110 11.123 3,208 28.5 1,321. 1 .605 Crowley SO-LC 9.523 7.656 211.1. 2.931 .603 De Quincy 19-10 3,252 3.589 -9.h 1.0111 10.852 De Ridder 33.1.0 3.750 3.7117 0.1 1,130 211,060 Dcmaldeonville 28-2111 3.889 3,788 2.7 1.095 111,286 Eunice 51-10 5.2112 3.597 115.7 1.523 16.109 Forridey 57-011 2.857 2.502 111.2 965 11.701 Franklin 504’!!! 11.2711 3.271 30.7 1.580 25.3115 Gretna 3-110 10.879 9.5811 13.5 3.582 11.868 Banana hs-no 6.033 6,072 -o.6 2.121 32.509 Ham: 13-21 3,197 2.909 20.2 1,282 15,662 . noun 118-110 9.052 6.531 38-6 2.9113 115.988 Jackson 27-m 5.3811 .966 35.8 605 11.1 Jeanerette hB-PYR 3.362 2.228 50.9 1,191 12,652 Jenning- 3h-w 7.3113 11.036 81-9 2.301 25.325 Jone-bore 37-00 2.639 1.9119 35.11 1.065 11.11811 Kaplan 59-10 2,838 1.653 71.7 808 111. Lafayette 53-1”!!! 19.210 111.635 31oz 6.663 85.11118 Lake Providence 59-00; 67-JA 3.711 .867 29. 1.1.33 15,526 Leeav'ille 50-1111 2.829 3,291 411.0 901 111.767 Mansfield 33-13 14.065 3.837 5.9 1.557 22.1151 linden 28-01 6,677 5.623 18.7 2.608 29.856 Morgan City 53-2112 6. 5.9% 16.11 2.3011 18.269 ' Hatehitochea 50-11: 6,812 11,5147 119.8 2.577 37,805 In Iberia 50-2111 13.7117 8.003 71.8 11.798 52.388 Oakdale 37-DAI 3.933 3.188 23.11 1,220 15.052 Opelcueaa 511-2111 8,980 6,299 .6 2,807 37,883 Pineville 2.1111 11.297 3.612 19.0 1.1.50 16.622 Plaquemine 12.2111 5.019 5.1211 -1.5 1,561. 21,189 Pmchatcula 112-110 11,001 2,898 38.1 1,1337 11,560 WM 57'“ 11.9714 0710 3’40]- 1 ,277 11 #12 Ruetorn 30-00 7,107 .1100 61.5 2.71;; 38.1.19 st. ammune hS-PYR 3.501 2.1155 12.6 1,012 11.3118 Slidell Hill 119-110 2.8611 2.807 2.0 1.078 9,555 Springfield 39-21: 2,822 1.516 82.5 1.262 16.960 a‘/ Between city centers. - Not available. WWW 19110. individ- ual income 1939 tax returns retail sales or 0 mac er 1,000 (000) capita Number 7% 32.522 378 1160 66 2. 375 675 96 h.352 298 966 6h 2. 1187 £152 75 1.580 141:2 325 81 1.507 366 521. 81 3.692 388 839 82 910 280 3 101 1.662 M13 3111 79 1.726 W; 229 57 1.866 356 272 5h 1.925 1129 1115 118 1.761 1112 1177 119 2.296 211 805 73 2.673 U43 500 83 1.6111 I469 355. 118 5.696 629 1.160 129 361 67 128 26 m 111 293 98 2.655 362 6113 92 111 NA 205 68 NA 111 167 56 7.021: is: 1.865 98 1.5111 232 58 10,490 527 “ 2’48 03 1.901 1168 1117 1011 3.078 I461 656 9h 1.599 229 1115 59 2.812 1113 605 86 1.1.815 350 1,211 87 901 229 236 59 11.939 550 776 86 99h 231 375 9h 1.771 351 518 1011 1.575 39h 192 118 1.557 313 282 56 2.8211 397 695 , 99 111 111 222 56 926 323 223 7h m 111 Use 161 ’ Mini/‘3'). E l J 1%{91 “ ' 1: 561a,: Mileage frcm Population Persona nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 Post State and uncer- certificated for ‘ increase employed Office til‘icated point air service 9 1 L10 1930 191.10/1930 _19L10 receipta (1) r27 * ‘IBT “(E)” (5) (6) (7) 1 1001311111 (continued) Sulphur 12-00 3,501. 1,888 85.6 931. $12,166 111111111111 511-1101 59-JA 5.712 3.3 2 71.14 2.379 20.977 Thibodam: 117-110 5.851 h. 31.7 1.815 23.789 v111e Platte 115-0111 3.721 1,722 116.1 1.163 18.716 West chroe 2.00 8,560 6.566 30.11 3.215 NA Weatwego 6-110 [-1.9% 3:937 25e2 1.15:3 NA Winnrield 113-011 11.512 3.721 21.3 1, 19.076 Winneboro 33-80 2,8311 1.965 1.11.2 _ 1,1)..8 15.839 mm; Bath 211.81. 27.11:; 28-?! 10.33 9,110 - 12.3 11.00 50.6117 Belfast 29433: 33-PNA 5. 11.993 11-0 1.97 27.767 . Biddet‘ord 16-Pw 19.790 17.633 12.2 8.1402 .8111 Brunswick 18.111. 23-?! 7.003 6.1141. 111.0 2,799 117,906 Calais 70.33 5.161 Sol-17° .506 1011-514 2601511 Eutport - 87-83 3. 3.1166 -3-5 557 15.558 311mm 26-88 3.911 3.557 10.0 1.208 25.592 Fan-field h—m 3.1120 3.529 -3.1 1.060 3.223 Fort Fairtield 8.113. 104.0 2,693 2.616 , 2.9 782 .165 Gardiner 6.111 6,011. 5.609 7.8 2,186 37,910 Hello-e11 2.111 2,906 2,675 8.6 986 .8111 Iadiacn 22-2111 2,581 3,036 -15.0 760 11,602 011 Town lo-BB 7.688 7. 5.8 2.322 26,367 Rook-Ind 36-111 8.899 9.075 -1-9 2.9211 55.7711 Word Falls 35-1111 111-” 8.11117 8.726 ' -3.2 2.937 33.319 Saco 15.211 8,631 7.2 3‘ 1 .3 3.325 . South Portland 2-pw 15,781 13. 0 5.3119 NA Westbrook 6-Pw 11,087 10,807 2.6 4,137 29,629 MARYLAND Annapolis 2 430 13.069 12.531 11.3 L0638 159.9116 Burns-1c]: m 3.856 3,671 5.0 1,030 11,156 cum-109 56-111; 58-80 10,102 8,511. 18.2 5,229 75,378 Chesterton 30-30 2.760 2.809 -1.7 1,099 30,150 Criefield 80-11113 88-111 ‘ 3,908 3.850 1.5 1,500 30,920 Cmborlend 85-?! 9 1483 37 7117 11.6 111 1110 196 763 District 12(Baltimore) 6-BO 15:h36 11:56 33.6 6:193 ' 111 District 13(Ba1timore) 6-BO 13.366 10.166 27.7 5,111 m Eaatcn 52-an 1.6.30 11.528 14.092 10.7 1.960 118.518 Elktcn h3-PG: 118-30; 119-100. 3.518 3.331 5.6 1.399 30.11711 Frederick 112-1111 1411-30 15.802 11011311 9-5 6.171. 1111.771: Frostburg 79-?! 7.659 5.538 57-1 2.527 20.5115 Greenbelt 1.1-!“ 2.851 ~ - 365 NA Page 25 Page 13 of L10 1939 retai l eal ea oume Egg-Tm er capita 9 132 338 NA 191.10 individ- ual incane tax returns er 1,000 6% Number 111.0 110 308 51 561 9h 392 98 713 79 218 U1 312 68 272 91 1.868 187 1123 71 1.933 97 771 110 1,056 151 335 67 228 76 379 95 35h 118 289 96 8115 11:1 356 119 309 103 1.138 55 860 96 1,167 1116 967 107 2.321 115 1.283 117 2 6611 205 '510 133 792 79 505 168 212 53 6.111111 165 111 111 NA NA 827 165 679 170 2.126 133 1.003 125 319 106 m—Twfiiwf .7 _ ‘ ‘ . . xv +{fiVl—Y2 2.”. V ,1 11)., , _ ., , , , . 0 .~ 1."- 1, _.... . ,, , 1. . . 1 1 vv w ,- . ,1 .. 2.. . . . ., , ,_ . . . _ , , » ~. w a .. n - pfgsgfimv _, . u- e o. ., nix . 2 v . 5 , . .2. 2 .. . -... ., “4 .. . . v.2 », , ~ 1 .v . ~ » _ .2 , w v -.1 5 » 4 w . .- . . . . . . » . . -. ,\ ,1 - V .. n 1 - , 1 4),: ~ ~ .4: x w . . 1 .5. Mn .. , . v ~ ,1 ,v .1 , , . 1 , , - .. » . ,, , r , .2 v , . 4 A. 1.. “. “ _ J / w 2. ‘ 1 ‘ . I -»_’ 'NJ, ' _‘ 1 . . hauggguz- 1191.4 - ‘ ,\_:,.-.. 4.5,; \- y .' W. ”1 ,‘ 1.5751,,“ 5 ”R .55., v. 1 155,7,» ~ ,. .- , \1 l; , V 7 _ , , 7 , , l1 , , . . , , i W‘. ,5”, ' ‘ 1 . , , . . .1 \ I N » i . .Pageaé L A 1 K ,- '. \- S > 7 V. ‘ ' ' % Page 111 of 110 - . - 5 . _ 7 ,. 1‘1 -* ' _ ECONOMIC LCEARACTERISTICS OFVURBAN ROINTS NOT CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE‘AS OF‘APRIL 1, 19145 E (1111 data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) 9 ' Table , ' , . 19110 man-10- . 1181 income 1910 individ- ual income Mileage from Population Persons 1939 ' tax returns Mileage from Population Persona 1959 tax returns nearest point Fercent gainfully 191.10 Post retail sales 7 Per 4 nearest point Pe rcent gainfully 19110 Post retail “lee Per State and uncer- certificated for incl-7188 employed Office (0 ume or 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for )4 ingot-ease emplzgod Office (900011111)! 8 Per 1,000 tit‘ioated point air service a 191.10 1930 19110 1950 19110 receipts 000) oapita Number 0 . _ tificated point air service 3 19 0 1930 19 £1930 __19 receipts 0 capita Number . (1) (2) (3) - (H) (S) (6) (7) (8). 19) (10) {1;}, 11) C27 7(3) (E7 (55 (’75 (37 (97 (157 SE?) IARYLAND (continued) MASSACHUSETTS (continued) Hageretown 61-111: 611-111.; 611-130 52,191 50,861 5.5 12,090 #228,596 817.1118 556 11,555 ‘ 11.2 Easthampton 12—zv 10,516 11,525 -8.9 11,055 8 50,598 8 2,758 265 1 110 111 Eevre de Grooe 51,-2.0 11,967 5.98 211.6 1,850 20,191 1,900 585 6110 128 ‘Everett 5-811 146.7811 118.1421; -5.11 15,269 m 9,091 191. 5,919 127 Byatteville B-HA 6, 575 11,2 511.2 2,625 37,8117 11,215 61.1 2,801; 1.01 Fairhaven 111-2118 10,958 10,951 -0.1 5.709 57.615 1.1171. 155 1,256 112 Laurel 20411 2,825 2,552 11.5 9141: 21.511? 2,021 716 825 215 Fitohburg 25411 1.1.821. 1.0.692 2.8 15% 1 266,168 19,565 1.65 5,915 11.1 .Iount Rainier 5411 11,850 5,852 26.0 1.927 27,982 1,082 2211 1.078 216 Framingham 18411; 21-BW 25.211. 22,210 1.5 8. 7 181,816 10,772 11611 11,001. 171. Pooomoke City 96-1111 2. 759 2, 609 5.0 1.062 21,205 2,672 976 201. 68 Franklin 18-PR 7,505 7,028 5.9 2.196 25,599 2,100 288 871 121. Salisbury 85-81; 85-80 15,515 10,997 21.1 5,871 155,061; 10.1.17 782 1,659 126 , Gardner 21411 20,206 19,599 11.2 7.719 1111.159 8,255 1108 2.91.9 11.7 .Takonn Park 6411 8,958 6 .1115 59.5 5. 719 m1 665 71. 2.1166 271. Gloucester 27-BW; zz-m 21.0116 211.201. -o.7 7.915 1511.525 8.201. 5111 2.958 122 We-temport 83-PT .565 {(14110 5.6 1.170 M 727 2011 « 1122 106 Great Barr-install 1.0.27 5.8211 5.9511 , -1.9 2-033 57.3311 5.7117 6115 897 150 lestninster 28-80 ,692 1165 5.1 2.055 117,187 5,850 821 927 185 Greenfield 55-zv 15,672 15,500 1.1 5.982 161,589 10,519 671 2,907 182 Haverhill 7-I-W 116.752 118.710 41.0 17.122 196.572 17.339 371 1.1.8011 102 MASSACHUSETTS 111.131” 12-88 8,005 6,657 20.2 2,967 52,127 2.1.511 50b, 1, 622 205 - . Holyoke , 84V 53.750 56.537 41.9 19.156 337.263 21.917 1408 7.525 156 . Abington le-m 5,708 5,872 -2.8 1,938 NA 1,805 516 782 150 Hopods1e 16411: 5.115 2.973 11.7 1,269 19,881 656 2011 518 175 Adams 1.5-zv 12.608 12.697 -o.7 5,575 1111.671. 5.551 282 1, 280 98 Hudson 16412 8,012 8.1.69 --5.0 2,928 511.112 2.1175 508 1 010 126 Amoebm‘y 16-LW 10,862 11,899 -8.7 5,968 56,510 5,655 556 1,170 106 Amherst 19-zv 6.1.10 5.888 8.9 2,269 56,997 5,059 1177 1. 102 ’ 1811 Ipswich 18-Lw 6.5118 5.599 15.11 2,561 29.260 2.522 397 676 113 Andover 5-m 11,122 9,969 11.6 5,325 65.971. 2.929 265 2.1111. 195 Lee 56-zv 11,222 11,061 ' 11.0 1,1482 16,885 1.11.6 5112 661. 166 , V 1 Leonineter 19411 22,226 21, 810 1.9 8,585 1110.609 6,652 299 2,705 125 Arlington 6438 10.015 56.0911 10.9 15,593 NA 9, 561 251. 8,927 225 Lexington IO-BW 15 .187 9.1167 59 .5 5. m 5. 1115 258 2. 520 178 Athol 52411; 59-zv 11,180 10 .677 11.7 1,557 106,060 5,025 11.9 1 .829 . 166 Longueedow 5-zv 5,790 191,157 50.5 2,210 n 712 125 1,586 2611 Attleboro 12—PR 22,071 21,769 1.h . 8,990 185,578 7,551 51.2 5, 555 162 Auburn 1.4111 6,629 6,1117 7.8 2,222 NA 1,561 255 1,000 115 Lowell 104.8 101,589 100,251. 1.2 55.5116 1117.908 59.0112 585 10,712 106 Ayer 214-1111 5,572 5,060 16.7 5133 29.1.18 1,607 1.50 565 11.1 Ludlow 7-zv 8,181 8,876 -7.8 2.699 15.508 1.7115 215 1,071. 151. - , Lynn 1041" 98.123 102.520 41.1 56,081 1181.752 111.537 1125 16. 5110 169 Barneteble 1411111 11.9111 5.1171 -9.7 1,559 51,551. 5,819 775 597 .119 unmen S-BI’ 58,010 58,056 3 20.6140 , m 22.020 580 8.917 1511 _Be1mont 6—Bfl‘ 26,867 21.7148 25.5 10 .250 NA 5.582 200 6,951. 257- uensmeld lB-PR; 22-PNB 6.550 6.5611 2.6 2,128 31,1611 2,165 552 950 156 Beverly 16-BW 25.557 25.086 1.8 9,032 101,221. 9,166 559 1., 270 . 1611 ' . . Blackstone 22411 711,566 - 0.6711 -2.5 1.1.71. NA 1.95 108 216 115 Marblehead 15-BW ‘ 10,856 8, 668 25.2 3,731. 58,022 5,159 291 2,695 21.5 Braintree ll-BW 16.578 15,712 11.2 5.1187 81 5.1115 208 5.891 251 nr1ooro 111-111 15,151. 15, 587 -2.8 5,711 59,516 5,006 550 1,801.; 120 hymen 22.81. 25-m 6,812 7,156 -1..8 2,850 18.758 2.515 5110 9711 159 Bridsmter 21mm. 211-sz 26-311 8.902 9.055 -1.7 2.296 21.982 1,715 195 800 89 ledford 5-3" 65,085 59,711. 5.6 21.799 m 11,280 226 11.712 186 Bmekton m'BW 62: 3145 63 e 797 '2'} 225%? 661 9669‘ 31 0 53,4 506 809a) 1'45 “01 rose 7"" 250333 23 p 170 9 .3 902$ “A 58 606 221 58996 2’40 J Bromine h-BW 19.786 117.190 11.8 20,655 - NA 22.0115 1.115 15.719 275 7 , Cambridge h—BW 110,879 115,615 -2.11 10,110 111 116,620 1.20 19,018 171 nethuen 24.11 21.880 21.069 5.8 8,560 111 2,888 152 2 ,506 111. Canton 15-811 6.581 5,816 9.7 2,107 56,857 1,602 251 , 1,157 195 liddleboro 17-m 9,052 8,608 11.9 5.165 117,196 11,121 1156 1, 01.5 116 ‘ ‘ lilford 7 ' 17411 15.588 111.7111 11.11 5.585 55. 190 5. 2811 5113 1.789 119 Chelsea, 5438 1.1.259 15,816 -9.9 15,857 111 15,592 525 11,520 110‘ 11.111an 540: 6,985 6. 957 0,1, 2,295 21,125 1,819 265 . 1.025 . 11.6 Chicopee 3-” 141.6614 115.930 -5-2 111.7514 59.51111 7.865 ~189 5.125 122 Hilton 8-3W 18.708 16 .1151. 13.8 7.809 M 3.891 208 5.51:0 292 Clinton 15411 12.817 -2.9 11,256 65,566 11,875 592 1,102 117 Concord l7-BW 7,972 7.1.77 6.6 2,566 112,676 2,858 556 1.1159 182 Hontague 50-zv 7,582 8,081 -6. 2.595 NA 2.097 277 1, 020 128 Dalton. 59-ZV 11. 206 11.220 0.51.615) 28.52 “ 895 212 819 , 205 Katie]: 11.6-Bl, 15,851 15,589 1.9 10% 55.589 11,201 505 2, 272 162 , Needham 12-B‘fl 10,8115 111.8 1.. 111 1.1.3814 5522.926 21.1. ”mm" 15'5": 16-9' 111.179 12.957 9.11 ‘ 11.556 “4.1426 3.581 255 1.858 133 'Nowburyport 17-LW 15.916 15.0811 -7-7 11.535 711.935 6.857 193 1.507 108 Dartmouth. 12-PIIB 9,011 8,778 2.7 5,051, 111 1,951 2111 817 91 Newton 7-Bu 69,875 65. 276 7.0 25,800 111 22,557 525 18 .9115 271 Dedham lo-BW 15,508 15,156 2.5 5,271. 58.71111 11.206 271 2,851 178 Dracut 8-LW 7,359 6,912 6.2 2,532 HA 1.911 67 1.11.9 ' 611 Dudley 16-81 11,616 11,265 8.2 1,681.1 NA 951 202 .—~-_ 1 A cme 5 - it. \ , Ar .__.— a/ NA - Not evai lable . X - Less than .05 .21.. .27--- .____._._.1 U..- ,2, H. n ,_:,2 Between city centers. 2211 115 I 4 ‘1 \ r; *v. .v v 'v “:1 -‘-'1:'<’ an“ Q‘s .'(.'~":§"";—\_-. (0'. ‘9‘}, “’1 34,11} 5.35-1” #1,, . 1'," ." 2001101110 CHARACTERISTICS 0r URBAN poms NOT CERTIFICATE-15011 AIR snmcz ‘As or APRIL 1, 191.5 ' (All data cover areas within political boundades of, points nimed having 2,500 population or more) l‘able 3 \ 7 191.0 individ- ual income Mileage from Population Persons ‘ 1939 tax returns nearest point Percent - gainfully 191.10 Post retail sales er State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office 0 me or 1,000 tificated point air service a 191.10 1930 191.0/1930 - 191.0 receipts (000) capita Number 0 e (1) (21, (3} (5) (61 (7) ' (81 (9) (10) .1111 O MASSACHUSETTS (continued) North Adams 1.9-zv 2,213 21,621 2.7 8,630 $109,883 310.0115 1.52 3,008 137 North Andover 2-LW 7.521. 6,961 8.1 3,025 1 NA 1.1.06 187 1,263 158 North Attleboro 12-211 10,359 10,197 1.6 1.11.3 90,732 3,61.8 352 1.381.. 138 Northampton 16-zv 21,791. 211,381 1.7 _ 8,771 172.037 11.3116 1.58 3.609 11111 Northbridge 11.1111 10.2.2 9,713 5.1. 71,081 m 2,501 21.1. 1.1.92 11.9 Norwood 11.-8w 15,383 15,019 2.2 5,781 811.1117 6.1139 1119 2.757 1811 Orange 37-ZV 5.611 5.365 11.6 2.108 26.895 1.713 305 57h 96 Palmer 15-zv 9.11.9 9.577 -1..5 3.085 31.167 3.182 31.8 1.086 121 Peabody l3-BW 21.711 21.3115 1.7 7,591. ‘61.,688 6,360 293 3,010 137 Pittsfield . 1.2-2v 119.681. 119.677 1: 18,121. 289,1.60 21.,296 1.89 9,897 198 Plymouth 29-PNB. 311-8" 13.100 13.0112 0.11 11.551 811.332 6.210 11711 1.8111 11.2 Quincy 9-BW 75.810 71.983 5.3 27.1165 RA 35.107 1163 16.6141 219 Randolph 11.-8N 7,631. 6.553 16.5 ~ 2,261 18,568 1,91.6 255 932 117 Reading 1243!: 10,866 9,767 11. 3.61.1 3,138 289 2,057 187 Revere 5-BW 311.1105 35.680 -3-6 10.560 NA 7.730 225 3.885 111. Rocklmd 318-3" 8.087 7.5211 7.5 2.771 58.227 3.303 1108 1.078 135 Rookp‘ort 28-Lw 3,556 3,630 -2.o 1,107 20,001 1,076 303 513- 128 Salem 11.-BI! 1.1.213 113.353 -11.9 111.933 217.002 19.719 1178 6.280, 153 Saugus ‘8-Bl 11.,825 11.,700 0.9 11.799 m 2,302 155 2,286’ 152 Somerset 5-PNB 5,873 5,398 8.8 2,101. NA 71.8 127 601. 101 Somerville 34:71 102,177 10 ,908 -1.7 33,716 M 26,615 260 15,072 11.8 Southbridge 17-NX‘ 16,825 1 261. 18.0 7,081 110,152 6,358 378 3,255 191 South Hadley 12-zv 6,856 6,773 1.2 2,567 20,572 1.21.2 181 1,012 11.5 Spencer ll-WX 6,6141 6,272 5.9 2,582 21,038 2,063 311 673' 96 Stoneham 9-371 10,765 10,060 7.0 3,760 NA 2,141.19 227 1,690 151.. .Stoughton 17437: 8,632 8,201. 5.2 3,061. 31,155 2,850 330 1,135 126 Swampeoott 11487 10,761 10,31.6 1..o 1.,018 NA 1.933 180 . 2,61.7 21.1 Taunton 13-PN8. 16-PR 37.395 37.355 0-1 11.827 165.3511 13.937 373 11.1170 121 Uxbridge 15-Nx 6.1.17 6,285 2.1 . 2,251. 23,131 1,655 258 808 135 Wakefield 10-BN 16,223 16,318 -o.6 5.71.7 65,023 5,629 31.7 2.7118 172 Walpole 113-31' 7.14143 7.273 2.3 2.625 38.839 2.279 306 1.1425 203 Waltham 10-8w 1.0,020 39.21.7' 2.0 11.,275 111A 20,712 518 6,511 163 Were 22-27; 25401 7.557 7.385 2.3 3.058 31.1168 2.857 378 9511 119 Watertown 7-BW 35,1.27 31.,913 1.5 12,779 N1 12,370 31.9 6.387 182 Webster 15-Nx 13,186 12.992 1.5 11.927 58,391 11,151 315 1.789 138 Wellesley 12-BW 15,127 11,1.39 32.2 6,119 111 mm 558 1.,250 283 Westfield 8-zv 18,793 19.775 -5.0 7,087 178,167 7,672 1.08 3.012 159 West Springfield 3-zv 17,135 16,681. 2.7 6,2 93,289 5,386 311. 2,788 161. Weymouth ll-BW 23,868 20,882 11.1.3 7,815 NA 6,009 252 14,185 171.1 Whitmn 21-31! 7,759 7,638 1.6 2,896 59,120 2,720 351 1,063 133 Between city centers. Not available. a/ NA - X Less than .05 f o ' ' Mileage fran nearest point certificated for air service 3 State and uncer- tificated point TU (ET ‘ MSSACHUSETIS (continued) Winohendon 33-“1 Winchester 84?" ’ Winthrop 1.1-Bl Woburn lO-BW ' ' llICHIGAJI Adrian 30-FAA; 3041.; 33-JN Albion l7-JN: 20-JC Allegan 21-PEU Allen Perk 9-DO Alm‘ 37-sx Alpene. 61.1-PJJ Bad Axe 147-81 Balding 211-61! Benton Harbor 32-3] Berkley 11.-DO Bessemer 100-011 Big Rapids Sl-GR Birmingham 17-D0 Boyne ‘ City LID-PJJ Buchanan ll-SN Cadillac . 37-1'G .Caro 25-81 Center Line 10410 ’ Charlotte 18-LJ Clawson 11.-D0 Goldwater 27-JC Crystal Falls 102~PUU Dearborn 9-DQ Dowagiac 23-821 Durand 17-FN Bast Detroit lO—DO East Grand Rapids 1..an Beet Lansing 3-LJ Baton Rapids 23-Jll Beorse B-DO Bsoenaba ‘ 99-103 Fenton 15-FN Ferndale 9-DO Fremont 2.1-UK 3 Garden City 15-DO Population Persons ~ 1939 tax returns Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales Per 1nor;ase emplged Office (0 mac er 1,000 191.0 1930 191.0 1930 ___19 receipts 000; capita Number . (31 (I?) (5) (61 (71 (91 (15) 1117 6.575 6.202 6-0 2,211 8 26.003 3 2.3143 356 6211 89 15.081 12.719 18.6 5,205 55.869 2.953 196 3.360 221.1 16,768 16,852 -o.5 5,832 NA 3,525 210 3,632 211. 19.751 19.11311 1.6 5,821 53.051 6.559 332 2.683 131. 111.230 13.061. 8.9 5,367 115,722 8,160 573 2,068 1118 3.3115 8.3211 0.3 2.668 56.9511 3.366 3 1.057 132 11.526 3.9111 111.8 1.61.3 118.157 2.982 59 567 113 3.1.87 91.1. 269.1. 1,173 NA NA NA NA NA 7.202 6.7311 6.9 2.21411 118.1155 11.197 583 758 108 12.806 12.166 5-3 11.256 53.273 5.880. 1159 1.167. 90 2.6211 2.332 12-5 933 23.035 2.233 851 360 120 089 h. 1110 -1-2 1.1199 17. 713 1.335 326 1160 , 115 16,668 15,1.31. 8.0 6,167 162,1.69 10,806 61.8 2,61.2 155 6,1.06 5, 571 15.0 2,153 NA 1, 516 237 1,086 181 1.,080 1.,035 1.1 1,000 111,876 1,555 381 1.03 101 14.987 11. 671 6.8 1.530 31. 731 2. 751 552 11113 89 11.196 9.539 17.11 11.1711 78.832 6.632 59.2 11.335 39h 2.9011 2.650 9.6 71.8 13.666 1.036 357 178 59 11.056 3.922 3.11 1.31.2 214.1112 1.7142 1129 715 179 9.855 9.570 3.0 3.199 53.981 11.6811 1475 981 98 3.070 2. 55h 20.2 1,063 22. 108 2.865 933 1499 166 3.198 2.6011 22.8 968 13.323 1.5211 1177 780 260 5. 5.307 11.5 1.901. 38.233 3.167 571 806 13h 1., 3, 377 18.6 1,283 NA 7 685 171 5148 137 7.3143 6.735 9.0 2,691 52.066 11.377 596 931 133 2,61.1 2.995 -11.8 501 16,117 1,003 380 271. 91 63.5811 50.358 26.3 25.0113 309.8115 211.066 378 15.6117 21.11 5.007 5. 550 -9-8 1.623 57.2146 2. 335 1466 6110 128 3.127 3.081 1.5 1.011 111:258 1.11311 1159 Shh 181 8.5811 5.955 1414.1 2.766 30.258 3.279 382 . 1.021 113 11.899 0211 21-7 1.921 NA 3011 62 158 32 5.839 14.389 33.0 2.293 ' 77.1106 2. 05k 352 2.077 31.6 3.060 2.822 8-11 1.051 19.679 1.512 14911 11011 135 13.209 12.716 3.9 .2111: . NA 2.259 171 1.927 1118 111.830 111.5211 2.1 77.008 6.982 1167 1.570 105 3.377 3.171 6.5 1.036 18.132 1. 630 1183‘ 791 2611 @523 20.855 8.0 7.9113 NA 7.335 326 11.507 196 2,520 2,157 16.8 925 53,800 NA NA 331 110 11,096 2,081 96.8 1,216 10,788 51.3 ‘ Page ‘27 Page 15 of 110 191.10 individ- ual incme 133 111 N1 < i :4 fi. 0 . :31 v .,. . .1 .8. ‘8??%.; Easting m-JC 5, 175 Hi ghland Pl rk 5-00 50, 810 3111311010 25-JN 6,581 1101 land 214-GR 11.1, 616 Houshton 1534:1103 173-93 3.693 Howell 25-FAA 5,7148 Inketer 114-00 7,0141; Ionia . 31.011; 31.1.: 6,392 Iron lountain 91-1‘GB 11,080 Iron River 92-PUU Ironwood 96-DH 15, 563 I shpening 157-168 9, 1.191 Kingsford 91-109 5,771 L'Anse 1110-200; 156-108 2, 56h Lapeer 19-” 5.565 Lauriula 168-PUU 5 ,929 Lincoln Park ’ 6-DO 15 , 256 Ludington 53-ux 8,701 ' lhni stee SO-TG 8, 691.1 hni etique _ 90-PJJ 5, 599 hrine City 58-D0 5,655 larguette 11414-168 45,928 llarshall 12-JC 5, 255 lason ll-LJ 2,867 Melvindale 8-Do 11,761, lenoninee 1.16-TGB 10, 30 Hidland 18-81 10,329 lonroe . 19-11 18,1178 [cunt Clemens 20-D0 111,589 Iount Pleasant a/V . NAV- L998 than .05 " Between city 89nt9rs. \ Hot and 19019 . 115-81 8.1113 ’ 5.227 52.959 5,896 111.5116 3.757 3.615 141.10 6.562 . 11,652 h. 665 11.1. 299 9. 238 5. 526 2.1121 5.008 11.916 12.336 8,898 5:193 3.1162 114.789 5.019 2. 575 14. 053 10,320 8,038 18, 110 13.1197 5, 211 Mileage from Population . nearest point -Percent State and uncep certificated for increase tificated point air service 3 191.10 1950‘ 191.10 1950 (1) (21 (3) Us) MICHIGAN (continued) Gladstone 1014-168 11,972 5, 170 -5.8 Grand Haven 11.011 8,799 8,5115 5.1. Grand Ledge 10-LJ 3,899 3,572 9.2, Guanine 26-GR 5,321 11.730 12.5 Grosse Pointe 7-D0 6,179 5,175 19.11 Grosee Pointe Fame 9-00 7,217 5,555 1014.5 Grosse Pointe Park 6-D0 12,6146 11,1711 15.2 Grosse Pointe Hoods ll-DO 2, 805 961 191.9 Hanstramok 6-DO 119,859 56, 268 -11.11 Hancock 160—9110 5, 551.1 5, 795 -11.2 ”1.0 “1401. 8.2 1.9 -1.7 3-7 58.6 '2e6 '1409 -5-3 ‘605' 2.7 11.1: 5-9 7.1 'mel 23.5 “2.2 7.6 3.9 14.9 707 11.3 17-5 -0.9 28.5 2.0 61.1.61 191.0 mimi- j ' 1191 111001113 " tax ”115.153“ ' , ’er 1 -‘ 1,000.‘ capita Number, {36.963 10. 50.1160 195.399 37.555' 38.1195 12.527 58. 292 65,828 25.955 57.320 37.971 M 13,081 111.219 NA NA 147.829 147.981 26 686 150691 ' 89.867 7h. 659 7 28. 333 NA , \ 61,520 73.968 118,668 82,h19 / 59. 690 3.0149 ‘309hh6 3,212 8,066 2. 371+ 2,900 1. 1468 3. 695 5. 179 2,906 6, 113 1.1, 062 1171 1.253 3. 8114 1.338 '49 263 " 3.917 3.925 2. 550 1.14112 6,660 2,701 1,620 838 2, 591 6,000 Persons . 1959 gainfully 19140 Post retail sales empl oyed Offi oe ‘ 0 me e :- 19110 receipts (000) I 61 (7) 1 81 (9 1 1,1614 8 20.175 8 1.307 263 3231-12 68. 21-1-5 3.713 1422 1.186 13.313 .1414? a 371 2,073 311. 737 2.918 5&8 2. m 8.226 6811 3,021 NA 1130 60 . 5,101 NA. 2.077 1611 - 1,030 NA NA NA 17.14 NA’ 17.7147 356 1,67 31 .7514 2. 579 14614 589 552 773. 7711 208 573 1.303 531 1.1163 1.2115 .NA * 190 1,003 338 2,672 1, 008 ' 618 3 State and uncer- ti floated point '1 \1 2' Mileage fran nearest point certificated for air service ‘1 “(1) C27 ’ 11101110111 (continued) lunising 110-70 . Muskegon Heights 5-UK Negaunee 1110-108 Reuben-y 56-70 1111.» n-sn Horthville 21-00 » lax-way 91-108; 99-PUU ‘ Otsego 12-Pl-IU 090390 26-” Petoskey 50-PJJ .. Pleasant Ridge 12-DO Plymouth - 25-D0 uPcntiac 26-130 Port Huron , 52-130 River Rouge 6-D0 Rochester 25-D0 Rogers City. 8 56-PJJ Romeo '52-D0; 56-FN Rodeville ll-DO ' Royal Oak 124D0 ‘ St. Clair _ 15-00 St. Clair Shores 12-DO St. Ignace '19-PJJ St. .Johns 19-LJ ‘ St. Joseph 52-81! St. Louis ' 52—81 ' South Haven 56-PEU V Sturgis', ~ 35-2110 _ Teoumsoh 20-FAA Three Rivers 214-17311 Irenton , 15-00 ,- Wakefield ‘ 106-DH Jayne 20-D0. Wyandotte 11-D0 Ypsilanti 8-D0 'Zeeland 20-GR (111199111; 2,5002'1population10r more) I“ Pogulaticm , 19110 9.023 25.087 3.871 10.1405 2.669 11.1122 8.963 3.039 . 11.7115 7.2114 2,921 6,710 5.2814 \ 3.591 ‘ 11.223 30,618 12,121 3.007, .1950 19110é193o 19140 3.956 15.5814 6. 552 2.1165 . 11,526 2, 566 '14, 016 3. 2115 111.1196 5.7110 2, 885 14.14814 611.928 31 . 361 717.3114 3. 55h 5.278 2, 285 6, 836 2.901. 3.339 6. 7115 2,109 3.929 8.3119 2. 1914 11.801: 6.950 2.1156 6, 865 11,022 3. 677 3.1423 28,568 10,183 2, 850 P9 roent increase 11.5 5.0 10.8 18.2 .‘7-2 5.6 -O.5 h-9 17.5 19.5 I 296 14.5 -198 5.8 -6.3 15.1 32.0 9-5 2.11 26.6 12.5 7.11 21 .9 :102 5.8 18.9 ‘292 31.14 -2,3 23.1.1 7.9 19.5 56 Persons gainmuy 1910 Post empl oyed 1.329 5.609 2.255 865 ' 11.11111 1,158 8211 1,189 11.803 2,101 1,207 2.01.1 23.359 11.299 5.5T5 1,278 925 777 2.519 9.173 1,162 3.378 760 1.1J65 5.601 8116 1.653 3.013 1,065 2,327 1.850 861 1.7111 10,820 1 ,081 - Office receipts (—00% _(_)_ 1939 retai 1 901 es 0 ume 8 18,9112 8 1, 888 . 20.11614 18.358 133.963 22.1143 13 .036 12 . 529 75.336 514. 592 NA 95.8118 390.911 212.777 NA 19 , 812 19. 269 111,871; 12.9911 19h.h115 21,911 18,780 111.910 28, 312 131., 061 111,961; 112,068 102,258 16. Shh 87,896 211.128 10,659 33. 180 122,201 99.713 110.5112 3.815 1.969 1,781 5. 757 1,680 1.097 1,280 8.197 5.1152 M17 3,061 31. 105 18,109 7.1451 2,091 1.365 m 1, 396 111.333 1,518 1. 3011 1,112 2, 703 14.322 1,265 3.319 . 3.983 NA 3. 108 2,038 833 2,928 11 ,0311 7. 250 1.539 er 191.0 individ- ual inoune tax return! oapita Number 9 556 155 571 1437 or 1,000 "(fir-’5??? 103 . 118 110 136 193 381 132 136 2711 228 182 170 280 157 , 129‘ 135 2.18 256 185 91 138 1714 80 126 165 132 120 205 92 1159 185 232 125' .. j) I ' ' ~ I - I > V . __ Pegeag . ' , _ P850 17 of 8.0 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1,191.15 (All 081:: cover ere“ within political. bounded" of points nemed having 2,500 populetion or more) Table 1980 individ- 1 1980 individ- - ' uel income V » ml incano Mileage from . Population. Pereone 1939 tax return: Mileage frun Population Persons 1939 tax "tunic non-est point Percent gainfully 1980 Post retail sales ——_Fe_r_ nearest point Percent 381111311137 19110 Post rot-111 ale. —_T'é'x'- Stete sod uncer- certificated i?! 80 infin;cos emplzged Office ?SIEEEF"15§F" 1,000 Stete and unocr- certificated :yr _ inor7ese emplzged orrice :3I353"‘FEF" 1,000 tificeted p_0_i_nt eir eervice 3 19 1950 19 O 1950 19 receipte 000) eapite Number 0 . tificeted point air service a 1 80 1930 1980 1930 19 receipts 000; eepite Number . (ff (2f (3) (E), (5) . (6) (7) (8) (9) (15) {if} 1 (f) C?) E3) (E5 (5) (6) (7) (9) (I6) 8;) MINNESOTA _ ‘ MINNESOTA (continued) Albert Lee hZ-ll; 50-00 12,200 10,169 20.0 - 8,266 $111,726 88.085 659 1,836 153 Horrie 75-00 3,218 2,878 29.9 1,025 $28,906 82,292 713 556 185 Alon-add: 99—F0: 110-110 5.051 3.876 30-3 1.661 38.895 5.515 696 557 107 New Inn 211-HP 8.7115 7.508 19.6 2,670 50.072 11.699 557 1.212 135 Anon 16-IIP 6.1126 11.851 52.5 1.7117 35.582 2.653 1115 815 136 Norbhfleld 57-10: 115-RR 11.553 11.153 9.2 1,620 116.182 2.109 1.65 780 156 Austin 38-03 , 18,307 12,276 89.1 6,851 105,975 9,623 526 3.872 193 North Menha’co 66-MP; 78-1212 3,517 2,822 28.6 1,123 n 832 237 111 n nsyport 23-11P 2.633- 2.590 1.7 878 9,551 336 128 216 72 North Saint Paul , 7-11? 3,135 2,915 7.5 935 u 883 269 372 128 Enidji 96-F0: 1011-6!“ 9.1127 7.202 30-9 2.616 61.185 5.977 65b 959 107 o-atonnn 57-88 8.6911 7.6514 15.6 2,987 88.1122 11.891 565 1.1158 162 Benson 80-110 ‘ 2,729 2.095 30.3 891 21.938 2.051 752 521 178' Park aspids 80-F0 2,683 2,081 27.0 725 22,301 111 m 283 81 Blue Earth 71-mlz 85-1!!! 3.702 2.688 28.8 1.022 21.8113 2.600 702 637 159 Pipectoue 39-YI- 11.682 3.1189 311-2 1.680 311.725 5.767 805 776 155 Brunerd 103-113: 105—10 12.071 10.221 18.1 3.521 65.190 6.955 575 1.300 108 Red Wing 59—RR: h7-IIP 9.962 9.629 5-5 3.51:8 76.1118 5.311 555 979 98 Breckenridge 83-00 2,785 2,268 21.2 926 16,193 1,506 589 827 182 Redwood Fens 95-110, 105-111. 3,270 2,552 28.1 1.087 27,073 2,960 905 609 203 Chishohn 60-08 7,887 8,308 -9.9 1,905 22,806 2,553 381 777 111 niohrieid 6-uP 6,750 3,388 101.9 3,609 NA 538 79 130 19 Cloquet lé—DH 7,308 6.782 7.7 2.608 3h.977 5.268 887 x 1,151 168 Robbinsdale 6-uP 6,018 8,827 35.9 1,871 NA 1.659 276 910 152 cc1unbie Heights 5410 6,035 5,613 7.5 1.835 m. m 138 n 111 Saint Cloud 60412 28,173 21,000 15.1 6,880 189,578 18,385 595 2.829 101 Crocketcn 23-80 7,161 6,321 13.3 2,181 50,271 3,980 550 915 131 Saint James 9141113 98-11? 3,800 2,808 21.1 1,073 23,185 2,328 , 685 775 258 Croshy 88-03 2.95h 3.851 -lhoh 589 12.075 1.208 808 277 92 Saint Louis Park 5-uP 7,737 8,710 68.3 2,881 NA 1.968 258 1,385 168 0 tx'cit Lek 8 to ,01 3,675 36.5 1 6113 82,039 3,876 693 6110 128 Saint Peter 56-MP 5 870 11.811 22-0 1 351 28.5145 1.781 503 67h 112 E:et Grand $3.1. 2:07 ;,51I 2,922 20.2 1:088 16,875 2,832 693 856 111 Sank Centre 98-uP 3:016 2,716 11.0 ’819 19,273 1,818 603 399 133 Bdins 6—11? 5,855 3,138 86.6 2,118 NA 769 131 118 20 Sonic Rapids 60-IIP 2,981 2,656 12.2 755 m 729 285 215 72 Ely 79-08 5,970 6,156 -3.0 1.979 21,776 2,888 809 755 126 Sleepy Eye 95-RR: 115-YL 2.925 2.576 15-5 838 18.828 1.662 569 725 282 Eveleth 50-011 6,887 7,888 -8.0 1.827 28.183 2,920 828 798 113 . South Ssint Paul 13-80 11,888 10,009 18.3 8,235 133,168 5,861 895 2,039 170 Phirlnnt 101-RR; 106-IP 6,988 5,521 26.6 2,830 55.075 5.377 769 1.280 177 Step1es 101-F0; 120-IP 2,952 2,667 10.7 817 18.970 1.390 871 353 118 Fedbanlt 83-811; 117-11? 18.527 12.767 13.8 3,636 79,250 5,828 801 1.391 93 Stillmtor 23-11? 7.013 7,173 7 -2.2 2.258 60.872 5.558 507 1.038 11:8 Fergus Falls 52-00 10,888 9,389 15.5 2,892 73,858 5,862 580 1,122 102 Thief River Falls 81-GF 6,019 8,268 81.0 1,922 82,755 8,821 735 718 119 Gilbert SO-DH 2,508 2,722 -8.0 580 m 523 209 128 81 Irecy 78-11. 3,085 2.570 20.0 ‘982 19,721 2,325 758 207 69 Glen-cod 105-00; 112-82 2,568 2,220 15.5 815 16,620 1,881 578 800 133 Two Hhrbcre 27-DH 8.086 8.825 ~8.6 1,230 20,070 1,935 878 885 211 Grand Rspide 78-08 8,875 ' 3,206 52.1 1 891 38 895 3,283 665 681 128 Virginia, 58-08 12 268 11,963 2.5 3 769 63,230 7,887 610 1,677 180 Hastings 27-12 5,662 5,086 11.3 12275 25318 1,582 272 568 95 Wedene. 83-F0 2:916 2,512 16.1 '983 25,186 2,112 728 357 119 Eibbing 60-02 16,385 15,666 11.6 11.851 71,280 8,758 535 2,800 150 "8.8808. 51-RR; 63-11P 8,270 3.815 11.9 1,262 39,513 2,685 619 555 139 Hopkins 9-IP 8,100 3,838 6.9 1,872 81,920 3,223 786 1,023 256 west Saint Paul lé—MP 5,733 8,863 28.5 1,929 NA 660 115 HA RA Hutchinson ~ 58.11? 3,887 3,806 18.1 1,135 28,312 2,889 733 . 585 136 White Beer Lake 11-11P 2,858 2,600 9.9 860 111 1,898 523 731 288 Intemstionei Fens 138-011 5,626 5,036 11.7 2,078 32,555 3,661 651 1,121 187 Willmar 85-11? 7,623 [6,173 23.5 2,573 58,683 5,827 712 1,136 182 Jackson 89-YL 2,880 2,206 28.7 933 19,588 2,088 735 638 211 'llndan a8-YL 2,807 2,123 32.2 951 21,350 2,189 780 583 181 Lake city 30-011 3,208 3,210 -o.2 873 15,803 1,351 822 ’ 836 , 1115 Winona. 111-RR 22.890 20,850 7.9 7,020 219,083 11,017 890 2,671 121 Litonrield 62-111a 3,920 2,880 36.1 1,175 26,721 2,839 622 580 185 Worthington 55-YL 5,918 3,878 52.6 2,080 86,896 5,258 888 1,058 176 Little Fun- 85-111> 6.0117 5.0114 20.6 1.5011 36.592 5.159 519 57h 96 . Luverne 27-YL . 3,118 2,688 17.8 1,033 22,628 2,381 765 781 287 MISSISSIPPI « lenhto 66.00. 75.011 15,658 18,038 11.5 5.879 185,075 12,778 816 2,678 167 lat-m1 78-11. 11.590 5.250 111-2 1.550 4 56.692 3.11142 750 9117 189 Aberdeen , 80-80 11.7% 3.925 20.9 1.715 19.851 2.057 1429 220 lah nontevideo 68-WU 5.220 8.319 20.9 1.689 37.863 8.316 827 899 180 Amory , , 71-ED 3,727 3,218 16.0 1.886 16,592 1,917 518 299 5’3 loci-heed 2-FO 9.1191 7.651 28.0 3,112 63,380 5,323 561 1,076 120 Bey Seint Louie 18-000 8.138 3.7211 11.1 1.210 18,890 976 236 215 - Belzoni 30-60 5.789 2.735 38-5 1.555 16.6115 1.6314 1131 251 63 Biloxi 13-DGU 17.1175 111.850 17.7 5.887 61.278 11.1611 258 775 116 0/ Between city centers. NA, - Net available. ~ '1 w. . _, V ‘ 1 ' ,7.” r. .v — . ~ 7' . _ _ I» , . ‘ f u “{4ng 7-.7,_- <. 1,, viii. < . . . u r .. v . 1 _ 2. 1, - » .va- ,,,\,..,,,_ — Page 30 ‘ ' ~ . Page 18 of 110 ‘ . ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS or URBAN 2011118 1101‘ CERTIFICATE!) FOR 1111, SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1. 19145 (All date. cover ereee within political boundaries of 901M?! nened having 2,500 populetion or more) Table 191.10 individ- ual inocmel 19110 individ- ‘ «1 income Population ,1 Mileage from Poguletion Persons 1959 ' tax returns Mileage frcm Persona 1939 my; return! neereet point Percent gainfully 191.0 Poet retail sales For nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 P0811 "+411 “108 _——P'eT State And uncer- certificated yr increase employed Office 0 ume or 1,000 State and uncer- certificated :71- )40 increase emplzged Office 0 me er 1,000 tiflcated point air service 3, 191.0 1950 19110é1950 19110 receipts (000) oepite Number , o . tificated point air service ll 1 1 30 191.0é1930 ___l9 receipt! (000; «pita Number . (T) (2) (3) (h) (6) T7) (8) (9) (10) ii?) A U) ('5 i3) EH) _ (6) (’7) (91 (15) 8E} MISSISSIPPI (continued) ' nssomu Brockhaven 52-JA 6.232 5.288 17.9 2,160 8 37.930 $ 3.321 533 501‘. 811 Aumre 3o-sx 14.056 3.875 11.7 1.170 8 214.570 8 1,393 31.3 228 57 Canton 21.41 6, 011 1., 725 27.2 2,1.05 28,1.22 2, 336 389 1.51 75 Berkeley lO—Ls 2, 577 - - 781. m 101. 1.0 37 12 Clerkedale ' 52-00 12,168 10,01.3 21.2 .. 1.,71.6 65,027 5,778 1.75 1,038 87 Bethany 56-ZJ 2,682 2,209 21.1. 999 17,325 1,678 626 258 86 Cleveland 313-80 1., 189 3, 21.0 29.3 1,819 30, 215 2,9148 701. 1.59 115 Bolivar 29-sx 2,636 2, 256 16.8 730 16, 129 \ 1, 51.5 586 163 51. Columbia 75-DGU: 75-JA 6.0611 11.833 25.5 2.5611 26.1195 2.963 11189 315 53 B°m° Torre 53-LS 3,730 11,021 -7.2 1,167 _ 15,917 1,388 372 1.20 105 Columbus 79-1111 13,615 10,7113 27.0 5,519 73,1.11. 5,017 368 878 63 Boonvine 22-01 6,089 7 6,135 -5.1. 1,933 1.1., 353 3,003 1.93 600 100 Corinth 51-30 7 , 818 6, 220 25.7 2,883 1.11.1191; 3. 796 1.86 571. 72 Brentwood 9-1.s 1., 383 2,819 55.5 1,611 m 1,069 21.1. 850 213 Crystal Springs 211-JA 2,855 2,257 26.5 1,015 11,827 1,167 1.09 11.5 1.8 - Brookfield 70-01 6,171. 6,1.28 -1..0 2,197 27,057 2.1.02 389 616 103 Durant 36-00 2, 510 2.1.80 1 . 2 890 10,093 571. 229 11.1 1.7 Butler 61410 2.958 2,706 9.3 971. 33, 211 1, 881. 637 277 92 Elli eville 60411 2,607 2,127 22.6 702 111 359 138 118 39 California 26-01 2,525 2.381. 5.9 990 12, 750 111 m 200 67 Forest 1.3-.11; 1.1.4111 2,735 2,176 25.7 1,089 12,859 NA NA 11.8 19 Cameron 3l-zJ 3,615 3,507 3.1 1,169 23.071 1.657 1158 208 52 Grenville 52-GD 20.892 114.807 1.1-1 8.1.36 89.153 8.296 397 1.517 72 089° Giru'deau 183-PAD 19.1126 16.227 19.7 7.01111 ‘ 99.663 8.950 1161 1.772 93 Grenada 30-00 5, 831 1., 31.9 38.1 2, 552 31., 506 2, 21.9 386 503 81. Carrollton 62-Kc 1., 070 1.,058 0.3 1,331 22. 111.13 1,986 1.88 1.70 118 Hattieeburg 68-DGU 21,026 18,601 13.0 7,837 11.0.7117 8,1161 1.02 1,775 85 Carthage _ 12-JH 10,585 9,736 8.7 3,557 78,389 1.,617 1.36 81.0 :76 anslhnrat 31-Ji 3,121. 2,1.1.7 27.7 1,191. 19,828 1,572 503 228 76 . Carutherevine eo-Ps 6,612 1.,781 38.3 2,323 26,088 3,119 1.76 1.80 69 Holly Springs 1.1.-Ps 2,750 2,271 21.1 1,117 15,201. 111 NA 207 69 ' Charree 5l-P1m 3,019 2,902 5.1 960 9,067 509 167 21p 80 Indianole. 28-GD 3,601. 3,116 15.7 1,1.01 18,901 1,199 1.16 293 73 Charleston 38-PAD 5,182 3,357 5b,.1. 1,618 21,179 2,368 1.57 1.23 85 Koeeiueko 1.7-0!) 11,291 3, 237 32.6 1,696 22,585 2,779 61.8 ‘ 278 70 Chillioothe 71.-KC 8,012 8,177 -2.0 2.1.70 61,721. 3,801 1.71. 751 91. Laurel 53-1114 20.598 18.017 111-3 7.525 76.218 7.11514 362 1.2145 59 Clayton 84-8 13.069 9.613 36.0 5.7211 In 7.1462 571 11.518 3148 Leland 1.3-00 3,700 2,1.26 52.5 1,227 16,588 1,281 31.6 ~ 283 71 Clinton 694“) 6.01.1 5.71.1. 5.2 1.955 106,163 2,857 1.73 576 96 Lexington 30-80 2,930 2,$o 13.1 1,088 16,513 1,572 537 216 , 72 Crystal City 29-Ls 3,1.17 3,057 11.8 1,135 9,387 , 835 21.1. 519 173 , Louisville 71-00 3,151 3,013 18.5 1.353 19,292 1,723 1.99 259 86 De Soto 3843 7 5,121 5,069 1.0 1.591. 18,1.1.8 1,582 309 312 62 11ch 69-PYR; 72-JA 9,898 10.057 -1-6 3.5111 117.319 3.986 1103 880 88 Dexter 72-PAD 3.108 2.7111 111.5 9811 16.737 1.718 553 210 70 Moss Point 32-080 3.01.2 2,153 211.0 . 1,201 111. 591. 195 201 67 Eldon 1.5-01 2,590 3,171 -18.3‘ 820 15,667 1,399 51.0 250 83 Natchez 78-PYR 15,296 13,1.22 11..o 5,855 66,913 5.1.26 355 1,051 70 Bxceleior Springs 27-Kc 1.,861. 11,565 6.5 1.857 57,362 2,171 1.116 576 115 New Albany 77-ED 3,602 3,187 13.0 1 1.00 19.1.38 1,681 1.67 263 66 Femington 59-13 3,738 3,001 21..6 1 392 23,051 2,111. 571. 1. 111.’ Oxford 61-Ps 3,1.33 2,890 18.8 1:1.28 @263 1,999 582 308 103 . Fayette 22-01 2,608 2,630 -0.8 .862 18,116 1,003 385 2g 95 Paseagouda 31-000 5,900 1.,339 36.0 2,123 29,906 1,396 237 1.78 80 Ferguson lO-LS 5,721. 3,798 50.7 2.109 ‘ n 1,338 231. 1.3211 221 Pass Christian 9-000 3,338 3,001. 11.1 1,168 11,603 1.20 126 132 1.1. Feetue 29-Ls 1.,620 1.,085 13.1 1,697 18,083 1,902 1.12 673 135 Philadelphia 38-01 3,711 2,560 1.5.0 1,271 20,111. 2,175 586 222 56 Flet River 58-1.s 5.1.01 - - 1.520 18,988 111 M 1.20 81. Picayune 38-DGU 5.129 11.698 9.2 1 71.3 ,, 18,560 1,811. 351. 211. 1.3 Frederiektown 73-18 3.1.11. 2,951. 15-6 1 286 11.,875 1,350 395 221 71. Port Gibson 53-... 2.7 1.861 117.7 1:063 10.591. NA NA 179 60 Fulton a2-c1 8,297 6,105 35.9 22527 1.2.396 2,707 326 716 90 Starkville 77-011; 80-GD 1.,900 3,612 35.7 1, 21,127 2,063 1.21 325 65 Glendale 9-I.s 2,526 1,151 711.1 971 m m 111 383 128 Tupelo 68-ED 8,212 6,361 29.1 3,192 69.91.14 11,811 586 782 98 Hannibal 18-PQ‘I 20,865 22,761 -8.3 7.891 90,198 7,580 363 1,861 89 Vicksburg 1.1-JA 21.,1.60 2.9113 6.6 9,683 102,539 7,998 327 2.1.06 100 ‘ anyti 78-PS 2,628 1,620 62.2 608 10,987 m m 183 61 Water Valley 51.410 3.3110 3.738 -10.6 1 070 111.626 1 135 31.0 215 72 Hisgineville 1.8410 3,533 3,339 5.8 1 237 16.8.2 1,500 1.25 338 8 West Point 87-011; 89-61) 5,627 1,677 20.3 2:207 23,859 2:031.~ 361 286 1.8 Independence lo-Kc 16,066 15,296 5.0 5:516 88,805 8,227 512 3.333 203 - Winona ZY-GD 2.532 2.607 -2-9 81.2 15.965 1.236 1.88 172 57 Jackson sir-PAD 3.113 2.1165 26-3 1.2141 114.001 1.195 1180 317 106 Yam City 1.0-.11 7.258 5.579 30-1 2.868 37.1158 3.1485 1.80 717 , 102 Jefferson City 27-01 211,268 21,596 12.1. 8,621 1.51.035 10,238 1.22 3.167 132 ' Kennett 80-PS 6.335 11.128 53.5 2.139 27.358 3.653 577 1121 70 t Unincorporeted. \ a/ Between city centers. NA - Not available. - 14L , ' ' . , \ m’ ‘1 Mileage from nearest point State end uncen- certificated for Populati on tificated point eir service 3 19110 ( 1 ) ( 2) ( 5) nssouru (continued) Kirk-ville 611-PQY 10,080 Kit-hood 12-I.S 12,132 Ludue lO-LS 3 ,981 Lunar 51 «111 2. 99 2 Lebenon 116-31 5. 025 Lexington hO-KC 5.5111 Liberty 15-KC 5.598 Loni 818118. 1.0-de 11,669 )hoon 53-01 1., 206 km... BO-PAD 2. 675 Ikplevood 6-1.S 12, 875 larceline 6h-CA 3, 206 liar-hell 118-01 8. 553 lnryvil le ‘ 112-251 5. 70° Merl oo , 294:A 9 .053 loberly Bh‘cA 1209 a) xenon 35-JE 11.595 leoeho 17-JH 5 . 318 Ievndn ' 53-JH 8, 181 North has“ City 14-“ 2, 688 Over-lend 11-L8 2,931.‘ Perryville ‘ 6114-5 5.907 Poplar Bluff 98-PAD 11 , 163 Richmond 35-10 h, 240 Richmond Heights 7-1.S 12,802 Belle 75.01 5.11.1 8t. Cher]. es 2l-LS 10,803 Sninte Genevi eve 115-13 2, 787 Salem 97'51 3 a 1 51 Sedeli 0 5041A 20, 1428 Sikeston 56-PAD 7, 9111; Sleter h5—CA 3, 070 Sullivul 59-18 2, 517 Trenton 71-1.! 7 , 0116 University city 7-LS 33, 023 Vondelin hS-PQ! 2,672 lnrrensburg 51 -KC 5, 868 lesbington 115-15 6. 756 '01)]; City 5-JH 7.055 lobster Groves 7-18 18, 3911 lest Plains 85-81 11,026 ‘- Unincorpor8ted - 1939 . s/ Between city centers. NA ‘- Not available- 8.295 21.5 9.169 52.5 780 1110.11 2.581. 25.7 3,562 1.11.1 11,595 16.2 5.516 2-5 5.716 211.6 3,851 9.2 2,025 32.0 12,657 1.7 5.555 -9.8 8,103 5.3 5.217 9-5 5.290 9-2 159772 -602 11.099 7.2 11.1185 18.6 7.11118 9-8 2.5711 11.11 2.9611 51.8 7.551 147-8 14.129 2.7 9.150 59.9 5.670 110.1 10,191 3.0 2.662 ho? 2.250 110.0 ”.806 -1.8 5,676 110.0 5.1478 -11-7 ‘ 2,013 25.0 6,992 0.8 25.809 28.0 291450 901 5.1116 111.0 5.918 111.2 6,876 2.3 16,1187 11.6 5.555 20-7 Percent increase 1950 19110 1950 w —6— ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTIOS‘ OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTI FICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1915 (A11 dots cover trees within politioel boundaries of points nemed having 2,500 population or more) 511‘ Table ' 191.0 individ- ual income Persons 1939 , tax returns gainfully 19110 Post retail sales er employed Office 0 ume er 1,000 191.0 receipts (000) oepitn Number 0 . (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 1111 3.565 t 69.810 8 11.979 14911 957 911 4,453 NA 5. 0811 251. 5.198 267 1,853 NA 1482 121 305 76 876 16.5115 1.007 557 260 87 1.793 211.586 2.591 516 526 65 1.693 25.991 2.051 580 1122 81. 1,287 21,970 1,837 511 661 165 1.888 911.1158 1.598 5112 567 75 1.611 26.062 2.785 662 575 95 835 . 13,692 1,559 583 182 61 5.156 NA 8.1155 655 2.1117 165 895 12,619 1,012 316 332 111 2.941 1111. 758 5.619 11211 825 91 2,052 57.821 3,701 61.9 610 102 3.684 77.020 11.050 M47 975 108 4,680 58.006 11.395 579 1.14115 111 1.309 211.518 1.7611 1401 . M15 111 1.775 55.020 2.856 555 1.52 86 2.639 51.952 5.727 1156 805 100 1,216 HA 14,312 1,601. 1,085 362 1.076 M 1.1787 507 2. 259 755 1.532 25. 282 1.969 5011 - 555 89 3.417 55.587 5.069 1151+ 885 80 1.406 16.201 1.798 1421+ 555 89’- 5.421 EA 1.857 1115 2.582 199 1,901 56.675 2.509 I488 520 1011 3.910 111.5514 5.959 565 1.501 118 876 1h.95h 1,220 1.38 321. 108 1,181 111.1196 H1 111 228 76 5,933 116.7114 7.8011 582 1.511. 76 2.816 hh.567 11.005 50h 851+ 107 1,023 11,231 911;, 298 327 109 955 11.181 869 5h5 155 51 2.156 29.6117 2.7914 597 6110 91 13.486 NA 6.219 189 6.701; 205 1.212 18.071 891+ 555 256 79 1,775 59.921 2.7115 1:67 ssh 92 2.723 211.525 2.1458 561 665 95 ‘ 2.055 20.505 1.11211 202 588 55 - 6.955 M 6.091 551 11.925 27h 1.438 29.995 2.11115 607 22b. 56‘ State and uncer- tificated point Mileage frun nearest point certificated for air service ‘1 (1) MONTANA Anaconda Bozemn Deer Lodge .Dillon Glasgow Glendive Havre Kalispell Laurel Livingston Red Lodge Roundup Sidney ~ Whit efi sh NEBRASKA Alliance Auburn Beatrice Blair Broken Bow Chedron Columbus Crete. Flirbury Fells City Fremont Goring Hastings Bel deege Kearney Lexington 1100001: Nebrnskn City Norfolk Ogelleld 0 ' Neil 1 Flatt snout}: Schuyl er Seward Sidney (W 23—31“ 711-115 77-51 29-81 56-BT 1a-MY ; 153-11 714-1“ 99-07; 101,-01 92-10: 15-31 77-113 97-31 511-81 147-31; 59-11 122-107 95-07; 106-HY hh-TF 55-HK 57-EK 25-011 60-112 75-11“ 55-HK 19-EK 55-EK 115-297 32-01! 3-15 25-01 65-01 172-61 59-1191 65-NQ lac-on 61-11: 1.2.110 106-GI 3 1111-1: 17-03 148-81 23 -HK 61-1'F Population Peroenf increase [,0 191.0 1950 191.0 1950 __19 "(57" ‘71?)— ('67— ll,00)1 12,17,911 8.665 6.855 5.278 5.510 5.011. 2.1122 5.799 2.216 11.5211 11.629 6.1.27 6.572 8.2115 6. 091. 2.7514 2.558 6.6142 6.591 2.950 5.026 2.6111. 2.577 2,978 2,010 2,602 2,803 6.255 6.669 5.659 5.068 ‘ 10,883 10,297 5.289 2.791 _ 2.968 2.715 1., 262 11,606 7.652 6.896 5.058 2.865 6, 301. 6, 192 6.11.6 5.787 11,862 11,107 5.1011 2. 551 15.1115 15.1490 5.560 5.265 9.618 8.575 3,688, 2,962 6, 212 6.688 73559 7.250 10.1490 10.717 . 3,159 1, 631 2,532 2,019 11.268 5.795 2,808 2, 588 2.826 2.757 5.588 5.506 -11 09 ‘606 24.11 71 J: '20; 0.9 55-5 7-7 5-9 ‘205 2.6 118.2 ‘7-2 '602 18.6 17.8 9-5 ‘705 10.6 6.0 1.8 6.2 . 11.0 22.6 -2. 2 12.5 Per-s ons gainfully 19110 Post empl eyed Offi oe 3,985 2,906 902 938 1,233 1,421 2,296 2,484 918 2,161 644 821 838 789 2,247 1,091 3 , 565 801. 928 1,442 2,364 1.993 1,924 3,903 845 5,065 1,166 2,915 1,202 2,198 2,040 3,499 A 1,186 792 1,191 714 898 1,169 receipts (000 T 7'51— 8 145.185 3 5.091 76. 217 56.1188 26. 556 51 . 721 28. 576 57 .169 59 .906 13, 136 111. 551 15. 5116 17.6914 211. 577 15 .555 111. 560 21 .579 7’4. 598 19.5911 25 .1455 23. 0117 55.521 22, 628 59 . 593 32,212 75.679 111.7119 1118995 27.257 58.650 25.9211 1.1. 716 38, 688 78. 720 20.952 21,th 16.11145 15.11110 18.855 211.189 Pegs 31 P159 19 of 110 19110 individ- ucl incane tax returns ’ 1959 »retni 1 09.1 es 0 ume er ccpite Number 19 5 l 15 S 1465 2. 552 7. 019 810 1 . 57h 1.750 528 1459 5. 107 1.051 559 5.1156 9011 622 2. 561 566 77b 5, 211 811 1 , 387 7. 205 871+ 1. 155 1. 55h 557 195 5.9146 5911 1 . 187 1.529 1151 295 1 .579 597 595 2,385 801 518 1, 22b, 1170 611 5.967 651. 9611 2.0611 567 528 5. 575 512 1. 185 1. 576 I118 1109 2,661; 898 311 2. 1125 569 615 14.578 57h 822 1.5148 w. 5112 3, 252 516 672 5. 717 605 918 6. 769 571 1.527 1.275 1:11 M15 7. 277 1180 1.1.86 2. 267 675 555 5. 261 5116 902 2.917 791 519 11, 301 692 876 5.1116 1165 678 6,026 57h 1,216 NA NA 1.136 NA NA 301 1.522 510 565 1 . 528 51:11 296 _1. 575 557 518 2.657 781+ 119° 01' 1,000 161 132 136 10b 151. 103 111. 112 155 111 1118 118 90 157 11:6 122 ‘ 1115 100 91 106 163 ‘24"); , Puge 32 Ptge 20 of 1.10 ECONOMIC- CEARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTI P'ICATED, FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 191.5 (All dete cover ere" within po1iticcl boundaries of points nemed having 2.500 populetion or more) Table 191.0 individ- 191.0 mund- , uel income ' M1 incule ; Mileage from Pogulation Persons 1939 tax returns Mileage fran Population Persona 1939 7;: return- neereet point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales —_-FF nearest point Went gainfully 191.0 Post retail eelee ——P'e_r— Stete end uncer- certificated for 7 increase employed Office (0 ume _er 1.000 Stete and unoer- certificated for 1.0 ingot-ease emplolzed Office W 1,000 { tiricated point eir eervice '1 191.0 1950 191.0 1930 191.0 receipte 000) oepitt Huber o . tificeted £01111: air service 3 l 1 50 19 1 3o __19 receipts 000 oepite Number . (1) 12) ‘TBT “TF1" fiér" (6) (7) 187 (9) TIGT 'HTI 1' 11) $27 "(13')" ‘70— fiéiz‘ (3)“ "(77— 751' TT‘9 “(107' '31? mgmusn (continued) NEW JERSEY (continued) , a South Sioux 01 1-11 1.556 5.927 16.0 1.150 8 9.1119 81.0115 229 520 6h Bogot- 94le 15-NI 7.51.6 7.5141 0-1 2.892 8 IA 81.51.11 185 1.591 227 ,: Superior ty 65-01 2,650 3.01.1. -12.9 926 17.31.7 1.316 1.97 272 91 Boonton l9-HK. 26-11! 6.739 -1.8 2.628 1.5.689 3.186 1.73 1.632 233 Wehoo 29-111: 2.61.8 2.689 -1.5 815 17.981. 1.852. 699 377 126 Bordentown 27-20 1..223 1..1.05 4.11 1.566- 23.676 1.693 1.01 981 21.5 Wayne 36-71: 2,719 2.381 18.2 862 22,726 m m 1.61 151. Boundbrook 23-11:. 33-!!! 7.616 7.372 3.3 3.021. .1186 3.610 1.71. 2.11.0 268 Weetpoint 1.9-ng 57-08 .510 2.225 12.8 711 15.1.07 1.709 681 389 130 Bradley Beech 36-111; 36-111! 5.1.68 3.306 1..9 1.21.8 19.862 1.356 391 505 168 York -GI -EK . 8 .712 -5.8 1 0 37.552 5.181 591 5111 105 Bridgeton 56-PG; 115-11! 15.992 15.699 1-9 6.01.5 1011.882 9.577 599 5.055 191 1.0 3 h? 5 3 3 5 '65 Burlington 1840. 10.905 10.81.1. 0.6 3.952 71. 797 1..257 390 1.818 165 m1» 22-111. 264113.351 3.392 -1.2 1.265 23.036 1.208 360 827 276 NEVADA Cold-011 9411: 16-NY 11.952 ' 5.11411 41.1 1.81.2 149.0711 2.755 558 1.7112 51.8 1. 1. 06 63 Camden 5-PG 1117.556 118.700 -1.0 1.1.588 950.1116 1.9.282 1.19 18.765 159 Ely 116'“ 11.1140 80,45 36.0 9501 27007 51 9% 10050- 2 I s rke 1.-nP .318 .508 18.0 1.679 15. 1.588 299 877 175 Cape my 1.0-m 2.583 2.637 -2.0 81.2 31.096 111 n 561. 188 Pa 5 ceriet_eot S-IY; 9.81: 5.61.1. 5.1.25 1..o 2.151 n 1,361 21.1 81.9 11.2 I Carter-8t 10-81. lB—NY 11.976 13.339 -1o._2 1..877 32.120 2.861. 239 2.000 167 \ mu HAMPSHIRE . 01mm 13-n. 22-111 1..888 3.869 26.3 1.820 27.869 1.705 31.9 1.603 321 Clemton 11.40 2.866 2. 10.0 782 11.81.6_ 869 303 386 129 Berlin 55-21; 60-11 19.081. 20.018 - -1..7 5.680 1.7.253 6.228 326. 1.650 87 ~ . - c1uremont 19-211! 12.11.1. 12.577 -1.9 1..8o3 56.128 5.832 1.80 1.1190 121. Olitfeide Park 1.41. ll-NK 16.892 15.267 10.6 6.838 31..827 3.921 232 2.71.2 161 Derry 10-03: 154! 5.1.00 5.151 5-2 1.995 20.715 2.585 1179 1.75 95 Clifton 9-HK: 12-11! .827 1.6.875 h-2 21.551 168.897 12.618 258 9.506 190 Dowr 514-011: 511-011 111.990 15.575 10.11 5.777 711.560 7.990 555 1.990 155 ‘CIo-tor 10-NY: 204'! 2.605 2.502 11.0 955 .1190 .527 510 1192 . 16h hater 25-“. 2602 5.598 11.872 10.3 .277 112.077 2.788 516. 859 167 Collins-wood 6-PG 125685 12.725 -0-5 5.2511 n 1.352 589 11.557 555 ' _ Crenford 1045!!) 19-111 12.860 11.126 15.6 11.7118 57.981. 5.128 267 5.133 21.1 Frenkhn 18-08 6.71.9 6.576 2.6 2.1.71. 33.171 2.931. 1.35 . 711. 102 \ Keene 112-1711; 112-03 15.852 15.791. 0-5 5.5119 122.791 8.160 590 1.717 123 Dover 21.4111. 52—111 10.1191 10.051 11.6 11.509 69.625 7.287 695 2.658 26h ' Laconie. 23-011 13.1.81. 12.1.71 8.1 8.662 82,177 6.71.9 501 ‘ 111 Damont 11.417. 18-NK 7,556 5.861 28.9 2.793 21.312 1.1.77 195 1.529 191 Iobenon h-PHI 7.590 7.075 7.5 2.700 58.000 11.560 570 955 117 Dunneuen 19-111: 29-18! 5.560 5.11.8 0-1 2.006 586.170 1.608 500 1.1.61 292 Littlo‘ton 37-UV 149571 ’40558 003 107014- 1100267 8588 5“ 585 1}? E”? Orange ’4'“) 13"“ 680% 680020 101$ 298676 378.947 27.512 3” 17.“ 258 Best Pettereon 13.11:. 13-11! 8.937 1..779 3.3 1.9110 12. 628 1.01.1 211 715 11.3 mum mm 3.927 10068 -3.5 1.352 17.356 1.655 1.21 1.77 119 ' 1mm... 15-03. 15.111 32.927 31.1.63 1..7 13.769 137.351. 11..1.B3 1.10 1..852 11.7 Beet Rutherford e-nx. 84” 7.268 7.080 2.7 2.916 n 1,657 228 771. 111 Newport 204’!!! 5.501. 11.659 15.8 2:099 21.0711 2.5145 1.112 1.81 96 Edgmter 5-NY: 1o-m: 11.028 11.089 -1-5 1.616 71.601 970 21.1 759 185 Portsmouth 33-LI. 36-811 .821 11..1.95 2.2 5.516 107.099 10.328 697 3.21.6 216 Egg Harbor City 17.1101 3.589 3.1.78 3.2 1.170 16.821 1.308 361. 563 11.1 Rochester 30-011 12.012 10.209 17.7 .582 1.1..1.93 5.1.67 1.55 1.280 107 Elizabeth 6411.11.41 109.912 111..589 4..1 1.1..681 830.190 1.1..963 1.09 21.893 199 . 2 287 Eiglewood 11-1nr. 16-xx 18.966 17.805 6.5 7.555 119.708 11.206 591 3.839 202 Sanereworth -cn. 412 6.1 6 .680 8.0 . 16.700 .511 21.6 601 1 100 35 36 3 5 Fairlam 1541: 15-NY 9.017 5.990 50.5 5.1108 25.281. .272 1141 1.1.55 159 .7 ’ Fein‘iew 1.411. 6-HY 8. 770 9.067 -3.3 3.312 NA 1.701 191. 926 103 ‘ NEW JERSEY nonington 31.4.1. 1.0-P8. 1.2-111 2 .617 2.729 -1..1 1.009 38.661. 3.01.5 1.161. 726 21.2 , , Fort Lee 6-HY. 13-111 .1.68 8.759 8.1 5.1422 20.112 2.000 211 917 102 Aebury Perk 35-11:. 38—NY 11.,617 18.981 -2.1. 5,208 181.865 17.100 1.170 2.1.35 162 Franklin 3681:; 1.0-111 .009 11.176 41-0 1.296 11.699 1.577 595 500 125 . Audubon 7-PG 8.906 .9011 x 5.507 NA 1.26 11.2 2.205 21.5 A ‘ Bwonne 1.4111. 11.81 79.198 88.979 -11.0 23,691. 208.958 22.3 283 11..662 186 Freehold 33-111. 39-111 6.891. 0.8 2.970 55.822 1..912 707 1.739 21.8 Belleville 5-111; 10-81 28.167 26 .971. M. 10,503 m 5.203 185 ' 5.186 185 Garfield 10-81. 10-nx 28. 01.1. 29.739 -5.7 13.230 57.261. 5.558 198 3.695 132 some.- 38-11. 38-81 3.1.35 3.1.91 -1.6 1.155 39.787 2.926 852 81.8 283 Gemod io-xx. 20-lY 3.31.1. 8.3 .196 55.9.6 896 21.7 632 158 . Glueboro lB-PG 1.325 11.799 2.6 1.569 21.523 1.611. 328 663 133 Bergenfield 12-87. 16-81: 10.275 8.816 16.5 3.800 29.260 3.1.60 337 2,069 207 01en Ridge 641:. 12-111 7.551 7.565 -o.5 2.831 1.6.032 1.23 58 2.295 328 ~ Bemardeville 21-811. 32-111 3.1.05 3,336 2.1 1,211. 20.809 1.977 581 628 209 . :- Beverly 15-20 2,691 2.861. -6.0 895 10.236 893 332 561 187 01en Book 1641!. l7-lI'K 5.177 1..369 18.5 1,923 81 1.1.89 288 1.51.1 268 Bloomfield 6-NK; 12-17! 1.1.623 38.077 9.3 16.901 386.320 13.3 322 10.31.; 21.6 Gloucester City 5.90 12.23% 12.;9; «51.: 12.113 35.632 3.3;! :59; 13181 ; Blomin ele 22-11! 2 —IIY 2.606 2.51. 2. 870 111 31 33 111 Mtenberg 3-81. lO-NK . 7 . 3 - . . 3 ed 1 5 7 3 5 makenuok lO-NY. 13-1111 26,279 21..568 7.0 10.1.67 336.806- 27.681.1.o53 1..721. 182 3 Heckettetm 37-111. 3841. 1.5-8! 3.289 3.038 8.3 1.3 25.27 2.628 799 617 206 1 e/ Bet-neon city centers. : NA - Not available. , .1 '1 ‘3' X loss than .05 g i, I175?) WV.) 3 Jew-9"", , 13-,7; J.~,..,.>.u_,,...'--w ,,.y_ , .1 V. «11‘ . 5 w» .-x-. .. . , .. .-..w.\.~ ,« «1.. ' " ‘ -11/ *5—~ ‘1' “—7: .7 V'" 3 .,__.,,, ,1 7 ' " ——'*" WW’ 715' 'w r... ’ — “241...... ‘1 -, = T.» , -- .:~ - , p“).- 4,, =1 :5. , I ‘ .M. .~ ‘ . v .‘ I #33953 , ‘ ' ' , , Page 21 of 1.0 ECONOMIC cmmcmmsncs or URBAN P011118 nor-0113112101180 7011 AIR SERVICE AS 09 APRIL 1, 191.5 (All data cover area. within political boundaries of point. named having 2,500 population or more) ‘ . ‘ Tablg 3 191.0 individ- ' . 191.0 individ- ' ‘ ual income ml incane Mileage from Population Persons 1939 tax returns Mileage fran Population Persons 1939 tax return! nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 Post retail sales ——_73;. nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Poet retail nice ——'Pe—r' State and uncer- certificated yr 1.0 inzgeeee emplfio ed Office Volume Per 1,000 State and uncer- certificated :71- 1.0 1112:0178" emplfged Office (Volume For 1,000 tificated point air cox-vice '1 19 190% 19 61930—737". l9 receipt. 000) capita Number 0 . tificeted point air service I 1 1950 19 1930 __19 receipte 000; capita Number . (U (2) (7) (5) (95 (I51 (if) y (1) (27 E3) (11) (5) (6) T7) (91 (15) fig) Ill JERSEY (continued) _ 1m! JERSEY (continued) Haddonfield 8-PG 9.7112 8,857 10.0 3 '70 8 115,520 82,990 507 1,897 190 Neptune 56-1111. 1.0-111 10,207 10,625 -5.9 3,183 8 1n 8 2,616 256 61.2 61. Human Height. 7-20 5,555 5,591. 5.0 2 153 21,161 1,957 552 1,572 262 New Brunswick 2411!. 31-8? 33.180 311.555 41.0 14.115 1108.825 21.190 729 8.1.81 257- Haledcn 15-nx. 17.11! 5,505 1.,812 10.2 2,129 111 272 601. 121 New 1111mm 1241!. 17-NK 3.215 2.556 25.8 1,180 n 296 92 361 120 Ha-onton 28-PG; 28-111 7,668 7,656 0.2 2,809 26, 71.1 2.1.57 520 926 116 ' Newton 39-81 5.533 5.1.01 2.1. 2,177 1.6.1156 3.8111 691. 972 162 Harrison 2-111. 104! 11.,171 15,601 -9.2 5, 250 166, 615 5,655 257 2,256 160 North 1r11ngton h-NK: B-FY 9.9011 8.263 19.9 3,906 m 1.791 181 2.001 200 Haebrouek 8.13m. 9-111. 1148: 6,716 5,658 18.7 2,624 111 1.1.29 215 1,71.5 21.9 L Iorth Bergen ,. 5-111. 8-11K 59,711.‘ 1.0,711. -2'.5 15,451 827,227 9,557 21.0 7,055 176 Hawthorne 16-111. 16-nx 12,610 11,868 6.5 4,828 m 2.585 205. 2,51.0 195 North Heledon 17-1w. 17-nx 2,761 2,157 28.0 1,075 111 877 518 235 91. Highland Perk 224111; 50-11 9,002 8,691 5.6 3,663 11.1 1.1405 156 1.505 167 North Plainfield 17-11. 26-11! 10,586 9,760 8.5 4,119 IA 1,708 161 1,676 152 Hightstwn 56-1111; hO-PG; 1.6-11! 5,1.86 5,012 15. 7 1,450 28,750 2,61.7 , 759 818 275 Northriold 6-m 2.8118 2.8014 1.6 769 n 151 53 261 87 Hilledale 17-111. 21-111 5,1.58 2,959 16.21,261 ‘ 15,211 766 225 51.8 185 V Nutley 7-NK; 10-N! 21.9511 20.572 6.7 8,288' 111 5.235 238 11.769 217 Hillside 1.4111. 11.47 18,556 17,601 5.1. 7,438 111 5,816 206 5,887 205 Oiklyn 6-P0 3.869 3.8113 0.7 1,559 111 2.2911 593 1.322 331 Hoboken 341. 74! 50.115 59.261 45.1. 19.850 369.1172 19.587 391 8.211. 165 com City 10-m 4.672 5.525 45.1. 1.51.6 63.1.11. 1.1.99 963 885 177 Irvingtm 5-nx. 11.4! 55,528 56,733 -2.5 23,274 111 19,895 560 12, 527 228 Oceanport 2941!: 52-11! 3.159 1.872 68.8 ' 2,048 ‘ n 11.9 117 76 25 Jereey City 1.411. 6-xx 501,175 516,715 ~1..9 114,546 1,807,611. 96,257 520 51.,571. 181 Oradell , 16-111; 17.111 2,802 2,560 18.7 1,001 12,371. 877 515 661. 221 . limb"; 1941!; 211-“ 2.9011 2.190 32.6 869 16.519 1.2147 1129 1120 1110 Orange 6-FK: 111-NY 35.717 35.399 0.9 13,673 285.205 13.756 385 6.029 167 Kenny ’ 5.811.941! 59.1.67 1.0.716 -5.1 16,470 111 8,989 228 ' 1.,119 106 Palisades Park 6-111; 11.4111 8,11.1 7,065 15.2 3,213 2,615 2,852 550 1,661 208 “Wort ‘20-'13 26-“ 5.1117 11.9140 11.2 1.941 28.386 2.319 1151 867 173 P811118“ 9-1’G 5.176 11.968 1.2 1.918 15.918 1.2.59 239 1.186 257 Lambertville 50-20. 52-n 1.,1.1.7 1.,518 -1.6 1,405 18,508 1,501 295 585 11.6 Pun-u- 115-NY: 1841! 3.688 2.6119 39.2 1,399 n 1.336 362 292 73 Leonia 9-111. 11.411 5.763 5.350 7.7 2,131 m 1,150 196 1,518 20 Put-k Bids. 20-NY; 224! 2.519 2.229 13.0 900 17.615 736 292 1117 139 Linden 8-111. lS-ll! 21.,115 21,206 15.7 9,038 88.1135 6,192 269 1.,626 195 Puuic 10.11:. 10-1111 61.391. 62.959 -2.5 27,223 393,768 51.,011 551. 10,251 168 unamm 11.420 2,552 2,525 1.1 719 111 556 152 169 56 Pttereon 15-1111. 15.11! 159,656 158,515 0.8 53, 991 850.361. 68.887 1.95 2,506 159 1.1112. Ferry e-n. u-xx 1.,51.5 1.,155 9.1. 1,701 9,877 1,101. 21.5 689 15a Pauleboro IO-PG 7,011 7,121 -1.5 2,187 22,595 1,926 275 1,519 188 1.681 1041!. 11-118 11.552 11,5119 1 4,363 n 1,720 11.9 988 82 Penna-11km 7-PG 17.7115 16.915 5.0 6,316 m 3.922 221 111 NA Mn: Branch 30-“: 32-“ 17.1108 18.599 -5oh 6.143 115.972 7.6111 11.39 2 .1127 1113 ~ Penn- vao‘ 22-1’9 6.1188 5.695 10.1 2,544 112.793 2.752 11211 2.052 339 Lyndhuret 7-u. 8.x! 17.1.51. 17,562 0.5 6,548 m 2,971 170 5,170 186 Perth may 16-11K 1.1,21.2 1.5.516 -5.2 16,152 189,115 22,507 51.1 6.1.60 158 ladiecn lhrfilz dh-IY 7.9hh 7.b81 6.2 .2,764 hh.h05 2.809 35h 1.613 202 Phillip-burs 16-XA 18.31h 19.255 -h.9 6,407 99.h50 b.502 - 262 2.555 1h2 noun. 26-11. 564! 6.065 5.1111 11.5 2,290 28.059 970 160 666 111 1911:... 15.20 5.507 5.1.11 1.8 2,010 25.257 1.881 31.2 1.296 216 hplmod 6-n. 17-81 25,159 21,521 8.5 9,017 m 5,956 257 6,917 501 . Plainfiold 1641: 26-!!! 37.1169 311.1122 8.9 14,671 2711.880 211.519 655 8.1.50 228 largate cu, 6-m 5,266 2,915 12.1 1,099 111 809 21.8 751. 251 Pleaemtvine 6-1‘11! 11,050 11.580 -h-6 3, 224 38.980 3.680 333 1.3113 122 hum 22-111. 28-11! 2.758 2,261. 21.8 1,096 34.919 1.536 557 599 200 , Pen-111m 1.1.. 2141: 211-11! 3.189 3.1014 2.7 1,293 21.987 2.511. 788 805 268 nywood ‘ 11-11. 15-111 1.,052 3.398 19.2 1,494 m 1.05 100 916 229 Princeton 38-81: 38-PG; 1.7-“! 7.719 6.992 10.1. 3,325 156.928 5.935 769 2.923 365 March-mun. 2-PG 5,679 5,592 2.1. 1,426 111 2,51.5 657 5, 521 880 Prospect Park 15.-xx; 17-11! 5.7111 5.909 -3.3 2,206 m 669 117 168 28 lotuohn 17-NK1 26-“ 6.557 5.7118 111-1 2,392 52.669 2.3711 362 1.555 219 My 1041K: 19-NY 17.1198 16.011 9.3 ~ 6,709 11415.289 6.235 356 11.1171 265 liddleeex 21-1111. 50-111 3.763 5,501. 7.1. 1,382 m 1.69 125 199 ‘ 5o Ramsey 22-11‘1; 22-111 3.566 3.258 9.5 1,295 17.261 1.188 333 655 161. lidlmd Perk 1841!: 1841! 11.525 3.638 2101. 1,647 15.71.7 1,161 257 856 167 31:18... 26-18:. 55-111 1.,859 1.,751 1.9 1,826 n 881. 185 710 11.2 unborn 6-11. 17.111 11,652 8,602 55.5 4,426 51.,852 n _ 111 1,555 115 Red Bonk ’ 26-81: 30-31 10.97h 11.622 -5.6 4,264 103.8146 10.997 1.002 8.526 230 Hinton 254111. 55-11! 5,515 2.991. 17.1. 1,464 . 21.089 705 200 651 158 Ridsofi-ld B-Hs ll-llK 5.271 11.671 12.8 2,138 26.780 1.572 298 1.312 262 111117111. 55-rn. 59-20 11.,806 111.705 0.7 6,036 56,656 5,160 51.9 1,821. 12 Ridgefield Park 13-1113 12.11: 11,277 10,761. 11.8 4,428 58.1.25 5,066 272 2,156 196 Imtclair 6-nx, 11.411 59,807 1.2,017 -5.5 15,545 510,912 20,951. 526 9,626 21.1 Ridgmod 17-1nr. 18-1111 11.,91.8 12,188 2.6 5,657 118 .039 6,550 1.38 3.9117 265 Iorrietm 18-111. 27-11! 15,270 15,197 0.5 5,591 11.8,516- 11.,005 917 5, 757 250 River Edge 12.111. 16-1111 5,287 2,210 1.8.7 1,219 11, 11.0 N1 111 111 111 ‘ 11/ Between city centers. NA- Not available. ‘X Less than .05 .1-99'9’11:5>»._1. .111 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN‘POIflTé MILCER'HFICATED FOR AIR 83111710!) AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 (All data cover areae within political boundaries. of points named hating 2,500 population or more) Table 2 191.0 individ- ‘ ual income Mileage from Population Persona 1939 tax returne- Mileage fran nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Poet retail sales For - neareet point State and uncer- certificated for ' .increau employed Office Volume For 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for tiricated point air oer-vice a 191.0 1930 19606930 191.0 receipte (000) capita Number. 0 . tificated point air service 3/ (1) (2) (3) (h) (6) (71 (8) (9) (10), {if} (1) C27 1131! JERSEY (continued) I, mm mm Rock-away 21-HK; 30-NY 3,5111 3.132 12.2 1.298 3 111,900 0 1,299 370 616 151. Alamcrgcrdo 90-81.; 107-CD Roeelle 7-1111; 17-111 13.597 13,021 1..1. 5,275 2,101. 155 3.613 258 \ Arteeia 32-00. 39-111. ' Roselle Park 7-11; 17-11 9,661 8,969 7.7 3,8351,925 199 2,129 213 Belen 30-18 ' nun-on 26-1111; 28-NY 2,926 2, 073 .1 1,158 9.1.67 1.09 11.0 362 121 Clayton 88-10 Rmmenede 9-PG 2.835 2 .1.36 16.1. 873 111 339 120 363 121 Clorie 102-111.; 117-110 Rutherford B-NYa 8-HK 15.1166 111.915 3.7. 6.1211 313.5110 6.3511 11:11 3.8M 256 Deming 83-190 Salem 30-20 8.618 8.0117 7.1 3,327 1.1.,889 1,238 1.92 1.81.7 205 Gallup 116-110; 122-113 Sayteville 21-1111; 29-11! 8,186 8,658 -5.5 3, 11 9,066 1,151. 11.1 922 115 Hot springs 137-113; 158-111. Seoauoue 5-111; 7-1IK 9.7511 8.950 9.0 2, 1 NA 1,395 .1143 1,102 110 1.8.8 Crucee 113-no Somerville 26-1ng 36-11! 8,720 _ 8.255 5.6 3,1.35 63,223 6,761 775 2.1.27 270 Lordeburg aha-00 South Amboy 18-1111; 26-11! 7.802 8.1176 -8.0 2,829 21.858 1.931 21.8 1,639 205 Portalee 85-121.; 103-110 South Orange 6-NK; 15-111 13.712 13.630 0.8 5.1.20 206,521. 6,605 1.81 2.077 291 Baton 20-1'0 South Plainfield 17-1111; 27-111 5, 379 5.01.7 6.6 1.990 27,079 61.3 120 1.63 93 Silver City 125-011. 127-E0 South River 22-111; 30-111 10,711. 10 .759 -o.1. 1..81.6 27.727 3.526 3291.771 161' Socorro 71-18 Sumit 11-111; 21-1111 16,165 11., 556 11.1 6.1.81. 177,313 7,073 1.38 8.901. 21.1. Tuoumcari 89-711 Too-nook 9-NY: 111-NE 25.275 16.513 53.1 9.L13h 73.6110 6.233 2117 11.026 161 rennrly 13-111; 18-NK 7.1.13 5, 30.8 2,685 30.9311 2.21.0 302 1,595 228 m YORK rota-n 13-1111; 16-111 5,130 1.,11.5 1, 828 1111 651 127 556 111 ’ Trenton 28-1’9 1211.697 123.356 1-1 117.916 1.119.101. 65.377 5214 27.583 221 Albion hS-BJ Union City 2-111; B-NK 56,173 58,659 -1..2 22 .611. 336.101 30.350 51.0 9,1.20 168 Amtyville 31-111 Amsterdam 3042 Union 6-NK; 17-NY 21.730 16.1.72 50.1 9,604 115.199 6.128 218 5.388 216 Auburn 23-811 Ventnor 3-1'11 7,905 6,671. 18.1. 2,673 11.1 2,022 » 256 1.1.116 161 Babylon 33-PB'1‘; 35-11! Verona 9-1111; 15-11! .957 7,161 25.1 3,312 m 2.126 237' 2,209 21.5 _ Vinelmd 33-PG; 314-!!! .9111 7.556 11»? 3.498 117.787 9.7110 1 231 3.0711 3811 Baldwin-ville 12-SR' lallington 9-IIY; 9-1IK .981 9,063 -o.9 4,236 111 1.1.66 163 1,008 112 Balleton Sp. 25-12 , Batavia 31-110 Ianaque 23-1111; 26-1111 3.11.3 3.119 0.8 1,008 111 356 113 181. 61 Bath 7 59-11C wccmngton . 28-xa 1..6l.3 1.,1.10 5.3 1.803 1.3.731 ‘ 3,260 702 795 159 Beacon 1.7-?81'. 52-11! weehewkon 3-111. B-NK 111,363 111,807 -3.0 6.199 111 2,803 195 3.1.61 2.7 - west Caldwell 12-1111; 18-NY 3.1.58 2,911 18.8 1, 208 m 308 89 591 197 Brock-port l7-RC west New York 3-111; 9-NK 39.1.39 37,107 6.3 15,913 186, 555 15,971 1.05 6,211 159 Bronxville 16-11! - Canajoharie 36-UA West Orange 6-1111; 11.41! 25,662 21.,327 5. 5 9,731 111 5,928 231 5.1.37 209 Canandaigua 26-110 west Patterson 13-1111; 15-111 3,306 3,101 1.223 NA 88 178 59 Canaetota 21-811 lestfield 12-111; 22-111 18.1.58 15.801 16.8 6.806 101.335 6.1.15 31.8 1.,582 255 - Weetville 6-P6 3.585 3.1162 ‘ 3. 6 1.336 9.569 5117 153 933 233 Cenieteo 59-110 woetwood 16-1111; 19-11 5,388 1.,861 10.8 2.011 39,170 3,755 697 1.1.03 281 . Canton 95-JG; 107-01 Carthage 70-SR Wharton 26-ng 31.411 3,851. 3,683 1..6 1,617 NA 551. 11.1. 980 2.5 Catskill 31-12 wilnwood - 33-111 5.150 5, 330 -3 .1. 1,701 71.. 528 11.852 91.2 1 . 106 221 Cedarhuret 16-111 loodbridge 13-1111; 22-111 27,191 25,266 7.6 ‘ 9.1192 23.019 11,852 178 15,117 560 Woodbury ‘ 8-PG 8,306 8.172 1.6 3,176 51,51.7 1.,887 588 2,669 331. Cobleenll 39-12 Wood Lynne 5-PG 2,861 2,878 -o.6 1.120 NA 1.099 381. 51.1 180 Cohoee 9-12 . Cooperstown Bh-UA Wood-Ridge 8-NY; 10-11 5,739 5.159 11.2 2.21.0 111 923 161 1,251 209 Corinth . 12-GB ’ Corning 58-28! a/ Between city centers. NA - Not available. _1_<€_13._?_ 11.660 5.058 55.529 55. 755 11.7112 Populati on "%I)' 191%1230 5.096 2.1427 2. 116 2. 518 8,027 11. 878 11.1137 514. 317 36, 652 14.3112 3.8115 1+. $1 17 .575 11.015 11.955 3.511 6.387 2. 519 7.5111 ’4. 255 215113 2.822 11.1160 5, 082 5. 065 2.591. 23, 226 2.909 2. 613 1 5.777 ercent increase 27.6 67.7 113-6 26.6 25.1. 6.8 17.5 120.1 1111.3 1.9-9 102.6 211.9 1.3.3 80.1. 119-5 41.5 111.0 41.3 ~2.‘ 5 9. 2 £01 '302 . -0.6 17.0 5.14 2.3 7.8 2.3 10.3 -2'0 0.1 6.9 -5-7 6.8 7.9 0.9 ‘5-5 -10.7 16.9 2.8 Pa rsone gainmlly 19140 Po et employed Office 1910 1959 retai 1 cal 00 ome‘ 1.01.1. 8 11.. 1.61 0 1.1133 .1182 27.8115 2. 679 706 12.9133 111 819 16. 1.706 3.506 57.1185 7.1436 1,032 22.2111 2.087 2.3011 1111.018 5.1111. 819 17,511 m 2.329 35.1128 3.6142 931 13,182 1,509 1.303 25.699 2. 500 2.0119 55.738 3.511. 1.1458 33.375 .8141 763 12,878 2’81.2 1.690 27.888 2,792 1.583 30.076 2.325 1.889 33.976 3.011 111.681 165.663 111.611: 12.987 236.501 17.156 1.7112 119.808 11.195 1.178 18.685 1.563 1.699 31.523 - 2.062 6.1.511 120.1.89 10,213 1.685 110.8116 2.692 11.563 51.013 11.707 1,123 19.832 1.878 239h9 El Sghnh 1.169 77.812 1.389 3.055 60.311 5.1.67 1.301 18.750 1.200 780 11.11141 827 1.162 36.850 1.965 1.380 28.001 2.7711 1'891‘ 1460306 50730 925 25.1167 2.217 7.9311 73.3011 5.1711 1.128 37.517 2.1149 1,322 10,125 1.01.8 6.1.15 101.,173 7.617 or 9 565 658 111 535 759 578 751 HA 1131. 1187 191.0 individ- ual income tax return- ccpi't. Number cite (000 —1'6r—-23r7§——18)r—1T “(TOT 795 1 , 138 ‘ 11.519 5.783 1.1117 631 1,018 2. 576 661 2.0345 1. 755 183 2. 767 SI. 3116 5.179 01" 1.000 192 182 115 199 ‘r 51 - ‘1 W , .11/ g. v“- ,. r1=xsx§.w,‘ f,.: r'f: i ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 (All datn oovfir 8me within politioel boundaries of pointenmed having 2,500 population or more) f. t 1 a}, \ lileige tron Population Persona nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 Post Stete and uncez- certificated for increase employed Office tificated point air Iervioe a 191.0 1950 1910/1950 1910 reoeipte (1) (2) (3) (h) (5) (6) (‘7) 13' YORK. (continued) Cortland 52-311 15.881 15.0113 5.6 6,755 811.1..887 Cx'oton-on-Budeon 5241!, 56-P87 3,8113 57.0 1,332 15,501 Dannenora 50-JG 4,850 5,588 111.5 488 11,606 Denevi11e 1.1-3.0 11,976 1.,928 1.0 2,014 81,292 Dope! 10-BJ 6, o 6, 556 -6.9 1,807 20 .0112 Dobba Ferry 19-81 5,885 5,710 2.5 1,963 1.5.660 Dolgeville 23-41A 3.195 3.309 -3-h 1.61.1 , 32.909 Dunkirk 36-BJ 17,715 17,802 -0.5 6,573 96,777 Beet Aurore 15-BJ 5,255 1.,815 9.1 1,887 113.9113 Beet Roohoster 7-Rc 6,691 ’ 6,627 1.0 2,329 27,188 Beet Rochny 19-111 5,610 1., 51.0 29.5 1,840 15, 51.9 Baet Syracuse h-SR 11,520 11,6116 -2.7 1,495 26,831 211.1“111. 71-111; 72-12 11,000 5,280 22.0 1,499 56,550 Elnirn 1.7-281 1.5.106 1.7.597 -h.8 15,620 580,011. shin Heights 1.7-rat h,829 5,061 -1..6 1,780 n Eluford 23-111r 3.078 2.935 11.9 1,151 111.539 Bndicott 7-‘1'BI 17,702 16,251 9.1 7,475 158,101 nix-port 10-Rc 1., 601. , 0.9 1, 577 18, 580 Falconer 27-88 5,222 5,579 -10.0 . 1,217 51,901 Fir-121811810 2941! 3.5211 3.373 11.5 1,366 33.118 Floral Park 164” 12,950 10,016 29.5 4,687 65,155 Port Edward h-GB 5,620 5,850 -6.0 1,347 16,019 Fort Plain 55-01 2,770 2,725 1.7 1,206 22,097 Frankfort 5.01 5,859 1.305 ~8.2 1,209 18,055 rredoni. 38-BJ 5,758 5,811. -1.5 1,864 110,728 Freeport 23-11! 20,110 15.1.67 52.0 7,251 89,619 Fulton ' 21-1983 130562 1201462 7.2 4,9108 7901-11-13 Garden City 204! 11,225 7,180 56.5 4,235 2119.608 Genen 37-36 15.555 16.053 -3.1 5,681 132. 553 Glen Cove 22-11! 12.1.15 11.1.30 8.6 4,090 66,151 Gloverefille 1.1-12 25,529 25,099 1.0 10,038 11.7,559 Goehen 119-11! 3.073 2.891 6.3 1,069 29.351 Gouverneur 86-UA 11,1178 1;, 015 11.5 , 1,609 26,961 Gonna- 29-BJ 3.156 3.0142 3-7 - 1,196 32.736 Granville 20-88 5,175 5,185 -8.9 1,029 20,681 Greet Neck lh-NY 6,167 11,010 53.3 2,402 93,167 Green Island 742 , 3,988 11,331 -7.9 1,471, Groanport 32-37 3.259 3.062 6-11 1,053 19.0110 Ell-burs 9-BJ 5.1167 11.731 15.6 1,972 36.7111 Haetinge-on-Hudeon 19.111 7, 057 7, 097 -O . 6 2 , 633 m e/ Between city centers . NA - Not available. 191.0 indi vid- . unl income 1939 tax returns retai 1 cal 88 er 0 me er 1 , 000 (000 ) oepita Number 0 . (97 (15) E 1;) 810,082 635 2, 619 1611 1, 260 328 689 172 1157 95 391 78 2, 572 7 517 805 161 1. 172 193 538 90 1.758 299 802 1314 1. 131 35h 1166 , 155 6,820 385 2, “1 11 123 3.332 63h 1. 166 233 1.759 263 1. 169 167 1, 252 223 I 11811 81 1.690 37h 1.133 227 2,962 71.1 688 172 26,890 596 8, 260 181; 905 187 1191 98' 789 256 539 180 9.783 553 3.1423 190 1.327 393 885 177 863 .265 376 125 2,365 671 1', 183 296 5. 523 1427 2.8211 217 1,182 327 608 152 1.735 626 11112 1147 703 182 53h 13h 2. 593 1152 775 129 13.672 670 3.1121 171 5.676 1125 1.952 150 5. 019 11117 2. 5142 231 8.185 51.5 2.559 160 7. 301 588 1 .600 133 12, 168 522 3,602 157 1.733 5611 ‘ 613 20h 3. 237 723 6111 1514 2. 209 700 523 1711 1. 652 530 372 1214 3. 603 5811 3. 320 553 717 180 51.7 , 137 2. 085 6'40 1151 150 3.8711 709 1.913 383 1.651 1.337 « 191 23h TAM State and uncer- tii‘icated point Mileage tron near-eat point certificated for (1) Have retraw Hempetead Herkiner Highland Falls Homer \ Hooeick Falle Homell Eoreeheade Hudson Hudson Full: Ilion I rondequoi t Irvington Ithaca Jamestown J ohneon Ci ty J ohnetown Kenmore Kingston Lackdwanna Lake Placid Lanoeeter Larchnont Lawrence Le Roy Liberty Lindenhuret Little Falls Liverpool Lockport Long Beach Lawville Lynbrook Lyons Hal-me n1 verne lamaroneok lees an leohani ovill e lledina. Population Percent inc reeee air service}! 1 1.0 1950 191.01 50 19140 receipts (000 am YORK (continued) 31-NY 20-111 15-011 113-1111 29-32 27-AZ 56-RC h9-‘1‘BY 28-12 5.08 12-01 5-Rc 21-111 . - 39-1731 hZ-ER 3-1‘BY 5-8J 52-12 li-BJ m-JG 11 -BJ 18-NY 161-NY 23-RC 63-I'BY ‘ 32-NY 20.01 4-312 23-3-1 20-NY bB-UA lB-NY 3l-RC 59-JG 18-NY 21-NY 87-JG 18.12 _ 511-81 5.909 20,856 9.917 3.711 2,928 1+, 2'79 15.618 2. 570 11.517 6.6511 8.927 23.376 3.272 19.730 112.638 18, 059 10,666 18,612 28. 589 211.058 3.136 7. 236 5.970 3.619 11.1413 3.788 11.756 10,165 2, 500 21+. 379 9. 036 3. 578 114. 557 3. 863 8.7143 5.15 13,0 11,328 7.1118 5.871 5,621 12, 650 10.11146 2,910 3. 195 11.755 16.250 2.1150 12.557 6.1119 9.390 18,021. 3.067 20,708 115.155 13. 567 10,801 16,182. 28,088 23.9118 2.950 7.010 5, 282 5.0111 11.1171. 3.1127 11,0110 11,105 2,2141; 23,160 5.81? 3.11211 11 .993 3.956 657 2,256 11,766 10.637 7.9211 6,071 5.1 61.1.9 '709 27-5 —8. -10.0 -3-7 5.8 '6e6 3.2 -9.7 29.7 6.7 41.7 ‘5e6 33.0 -1.2 12.9 1.8 0.5 7.0 2.8 13.0 EQO -1eh 10.5 17.7 '8e5 11 .1. 5.3 55.3 21 .1. -2.1. 1.0 128.11 10.8 6.5 '6eo '3.3 5,3, 55 Page 23' off 140 19110 individ- ue.1 income Persons 1939 tax return. gainmlly 19110 Post retail ealee ' er employed Office 0 ume or 1,000 capitn Number . 9 116)— '51; 2,188 3 26,192 8 3.602 610 815 156 8.043 2311.732 25.1116 1.206 5.083 212 3,658 51,852 5,590 581 1,211 121 1,330 17.872 1.1101. 578 1.10 no 1,160 22,260 1.51.0 526 368 125 1,578 26.531. 1.1105 528 1.71 118 5,041. 85.973 8.557 5117 2.265 1112 752 111.281. NA NA 1111 137 4,159 71.759 6.751 5811 1.885 157 2,501 51,161 1,859 276 1,119 160 3,572 58,120 5,186 557 1,508 168 8,904 , NA 2,5176 109 n m 1,272 25,551 869 266 565 188 7.847 312.292 111.828 752 11.896 2115 17,071 516.850 21.019 1.93 6.91.5 161 7.983 65.393 5.71411 318 ‘ 2.683 119 4,666 106,006 .061 1.18 1,805 160, 7,173 NA 7.851. 1122 6.733 3511 10,224 182.3146 16.323 571 11.1467 1511 7,753 NA 5.305 221 3.230 137 958 27.950 2.358 752 350 117 2,339 28.775 2.788 585 1.265 181 2,423 78.591 11.592 769 988 165 1,551 17.667 685 188 551 138 1,663 115.791 1,901 1151 650 165 1,355 111.515 3.185 909 611 155 1,583 17.756 1.805 380 726 1115 4,655 69.568 11.535 1:116 1.610 161 923 12,860 m m 607 202 9,255 1110.2311' 12.695 521 11.578 191 3,031 18.066 11.955 5146 1.116 121. 1.167 27.117 2. 550 707 509 127 5,334 66.329 8.5140 587 3.211 211. 1.346 211.715 1.5611 1.05 551. 151. 2,858 56.705 5.51.7 611 1,015 116 1,816 19.278 689 151. 1,022 201. 4,344 60.979 5.21.2 1.02 1,710 151, 3,839 1111.130 5.1190 1485 2.11.6 195 2,763 28.525 5.567 1.79 1.1151 207 2,037 39.151 3.251 738 125 ’\ -d V ”“1 1 1‘1...“ ._ Page 58 Page 26 of 140 llil case from nearest point State and uncer- certificated for tificated point air service 8 19110 ( 1 1 ( 2) ( 3) cm 0 Alliance 25-11: 22,1105 mien-.1». 28-CV 2,896 Ashland 1411-“ 12 .115} Ashtabula 51.1-CV 21,1105 Athena 31-NG 7,696 Barber-ton B-AX 214,028 38.1110 nulls 211-?!” 5 .002 3“ 12-CV 3 0356 Redford 10-07 7,390 Bellaire h-Pm 13,799 Bollefontaino 119-013 50-60 9 .808 Bel levue 115-11. 6, 127 Boron Ill-CV ' 6,025 Bexley h-CO 8 , 705 Bowling Green 21-131. 7 , 190 Bridgeport 34"0 h. 853 Bryan 112-1?" . 5.11011 33W 1'“! 57-003 6545 9. 727 Cadiz 22.1“ 2,808 Cambridge 1.8-qu 15,011. Campbell 3—01 13,785 Canton 22-11 108 .1101 Carey 50-TL 2 ,9811 Carrolltan 1.11-qu 3 113-11 2 .5118 Celina 1.6477. 1.9—m 11,8111 Chagrin 2.11. 17-07 2,505 Chlfli 0": 5-00 9.0143 (1.111160%. 1.1.-co 20,129 Circlevi lle 26- CO 7 ,982 Cleveland Heights 8-cv 51.,992 Clyde 37-TL 3 . 17h . Columbia“ 15-01 2 ,687 chmeaut 29.33 9.355 Coshocton 58-11. 60-qu 11,509 Crestline 61-00 1., 337 Croohville h5-TVG 2,890 Guyahoga Falls h—AX 20,5116 Deer Park 10-cc 3 , 510 Defiance 143-”; 50-11 9, 71.111 Delaware 211-410 8 31.11 a/ Between city centers. NA - Not a vailable . Populati on 1930 191.0 930 ”TID- fifi" "VET“ 23. 0147 2.81.1. 11,11.1 23.301 7.252 23.9314 11.602 2.291; 6, 811. 13:32? 9.51:3 6.256 5.697 7.396 688 11.655 11.689 10 027 16, 129 111.673 Percent increase -2.8 1.8 11.8 -8.1 6.1 0.1; 116.3 8.5 3-5 2.8 -2.1 5.8 17.7 7.5 11.3 15 .2 '3 e0 8.1 _ -6.7 -6e1 3-3 9.6 11.5 -8.5 12 .1. 9.8 8.3 7.9 0.5 8.1 ~3.5 5.5 ~2.0 -11.1 3.8 32.9 10.5 3.1 \ ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF UREA! POI!“ 1101' CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 191.15 5 (All data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) Table 191.0 individ- ual income Persona 1939 tax returns gainfully 1910 Post retail sales For} employed Office 0 me 1,000 19110 receigts (000 ;__(_)_ capita Number- _¥;B_ 7,606 6116.571 810.361 1.62 3.761. 171 1,061 111.815 1.171 1.01. 711; 2 8 5,025 217.971; 6.931. 557 1.680 o 6, 861 101.660 11.1135 53h 3.636 1 2, ,876 87.852 52958 771'» 1.590 1 8,709 1211.021 9.023 376 11.598 192 - 1,509 211.211. 2.532 506 356 71 1,311 m 171 111 1.11.0 380 2.654 1:11.837 3.2M. h39 1.5142 220 3,768 16.1192 14.596 333 1.293 92 3,286 57.610 5.512 5142 1.312 131 2,071 38,751 2,368 386 973 162 2,192 31.,538 2,810 1.66 1,508 251 3,360 m 1,059 122 25 A 3 1,450 17,668 1.01 262 ‘ 52 2,147 1.9.871 3:729 .233 598 795 159 3,501 69.973 1.86 1.273 127 926 _ 20.3921.658 590 501; 168 " 4,642, 79.312 6 .570 1.37 .533 102 4,128 9.736 1.862 135 962 69 40.032 717.159 52.1150 Lab 19.166 177 993 16.525 1.5111 507 3% 107 927 22,200 1.1.52 570 318 106 1,833 1.1.119 3,301 . 682 801 160 933 316338 2.563 1.023 1.039 316 3, 600 3.210 355 1.560 173 7,294 102, 620 10,776 535 3.350 168 2,303 37.1165 3.9147 h9h 821 103 22,978 ' m 16,360 297 13,095 238 1,009 18,010 1,360 1.28 1.78 159 1,038 17.11111 1m 171 51.8 183 3,064 119.191 11.257 1.55 1.771 - 197 4.205 89.2112 6.601 57h 1.1132 119 1,519 17.705 1.81.7 1.26 7h? 187 983 12,658 789 273 308 103 6.897 60.th 6.879 335 11.263 203 1,229 111 608 173 1.95 121. 3.190 514.605 14.780 h91 1.267 127 2.902 63.709 5.061. 568 1.161. 129 Mileage fran nearest point State and uncer- certificated for tificated point air service 3/ (1) (£10 (continued) Delphcs Dennison Dower Dover (Iestlahe) East Cleveland I I ' East Liverpool East Paleetine Baton Ellwood Place Blyria Euclid Fai rport Pei rvie' Findlay Fostorla Franklin Fremont Galion Gallipclis Garfield Heights Geneva . Glrand Glouster Grandview Heights Greenfield Greenhills Greenvllle Hamilton Eicksville Hillebcro ' Hubbard Ircntcn J ackeon Kent Kent (:1 Lakewood Lancaster Lebanon Lina Lifl‘bu _1%%10_ , C21 35-“ 5.7116 39-11 9.691 1‘4"” 3 .200 7-CV 59.195 hl-PIQ 25 .555 19-01 5.123 25-“ 3.552 7‘“ 1‘9th 23-07 25,120 ll—CV 17 .866 29-0? 11.528 9-0V 1:. 700 1.3.1:. 20,228 31-“ 13.1153 15-01 11,511 30-TL 111.710 514900 80685 29-31 7.832 7'67 165% 96-07 11.171 7-cr 9.805 33-179 2.8147 3-c0 6,960 63-00 11,228 11— CC 2 .677 35-“: 39-“ 7.7115 21-00 50,592 69‘1“! 2e 5’49 51-00 11.713 6-CT 11.189 17-31 15 . 851 146-31 6.295 9-11 8.581 55-60 7.593 (Ev-CV 69,160 28-00 21.91.13 20-01 3.890 69-1”; 70-1'1- 1111.711 211-013 3.579 Populati on ' 1?" 19140é1930 Percent increase 9.2 10% .333 16.7 2.7 ‘heé 6.3 2.5. 7.1; -1.9 17.2 3).? 5-7 -0.8 Persons t,8si1ifully 19110 Post Office empl cyed 191.0 ' 191.0 indi. vid- 1939 retai 1 eal ee Ollll. __ receipts (000; 1,712 1,242 3, 095 1,179 17, 401 1,846 1,200 1, 603 9,865 6,845 1,696 7,050 4,986 1,536 5,185 3,474 1,692 6,317 1,494 3,012 652 1, 653 829 2 , 753 1'7 , 1.53 1,410 1,386 4,327 1, 748 3,164 2,407 28,719 7,898 1,560 15,912 1,120 p20153 12,058 169.509 19.509 ‘1 119,231 22.296 23.195 in 136.1110 82.270 910 5.262 m 10,213 12.575 2. 3.262 1,230 11.361 3.963 21.825 9.675 2.967 22.338 1. er capita 9 316 11141 763 fi‘éfi’é‘fil $63636: 5.938% fiififi §§§Eé§ §§E§§ §8$§§ ual incune tax retums or 1,000 Number ‘63 621 101. I125 106 1.112 uh u m 8.696 228 3,668 153 61.8 130 538 135 518 130 5.257 210 3.868 215 1480 96 610 122 2.772 139 1.961; 151 750 150 2.200 11.7 1.500 167 609 76 2.11.6 126 669 167 1.1.35 1141. 208 69 9 1 1.72 118 n 111 1,021. 128 7.8115 15h 21.6 82 51:6 109 980 216 1.1496 90 580 97 2,106 231. 955 119 17.871. 259 2.926 133 702 176 6.959 155 500 167 .1 —.)~\.§nasg'_~_m‘i wins:- w“, I}, ",_\1 JL/ Mileage from nearest point State and uncer- certificated for tificated point ' air service" 3 6/ NA- T” I?) OHIO (continued) Lookland lO-CC Logan 50-1'VG London 25-00 Lorain 25-07 Louisville 22-81 lanerield 61-00 laple Heights 9-CV hrietta 12-1'VG lax-ion 1711-00 hrtins Perry 3-?!0. nrynino 25-00 lug-1116.1 ‘ 2141 Ihunee 9-1'1. Hayfield Heights 111-07 Medina 20-11 Iianisburg lO-DY liddleport 32-170 liddletown 21-D! linern 31-11 lingo Junction 19-PIQ Montpelier 56-11. llount Healthy 1o-cc Mount Vernon 110-00 Napoleon 36-11. , lelsonville 38-176 luark 311-00 low Boston 37-111 In Lexington 117-170 new Philadelphia 110-61 levbnrgh Heights 5-07 lmonerstown 50-PIQ lewton Falls 19-0‘1' Niles 8-0! lorth Baltimore 311-11. Iorth Canton 16-11 lorth College Hill 8-66 lorth Olmsted 12-CV lorth Royalton 11-07 lomlk 56-11. lot-wood 7-00 ‘ ,J Not available . X loss than .05 , Populati on 19140 1%30 1914061930 5,601 6.177 11.697 1111.125 3.379 37.15’4 6.728 111.5113 30.817 111.729 11.037 26,610.; 11.683 2,696 11.359 5.5M; 3.356 31.220 2.937 5.192 3.703 3.997 , 10.12 11.825 5.368 31.1187 6,0211 11.019 12,328 3.830 b.56h 3,120 16. 273 2,616 2,988 5. 231 3.1187 2.559 8,211 314.010 Between city centers. 5. 703 6,080 11. 1111 U4. 512 3. 130 33.525 114. 285 31.0811 111. 5211 3.639 26,1100 11. 588 2,612 11.071 5.518 3. 505 29.992 2. 675 5. 030 3.677 3.530 9.370 14.5115 5.322 30.596 5.931 3.901 12.365 h. 152 h. 265 3.1158 16.3111 33.1111 Percent increase \On'own -1 1 15. -O. 8.0 10.8 15.1 1.8 -o.9 1.11 10.9 0.9 2.1 3.2 7.1 0.5 41.3 .1 9.8 3.2 0.7 13.2 .8.0 6.2 0.9 2.9 1.6 3.8 -OJ '708 7.0 -9.8 ~03 12.8 26.11 ° 32-9 83.2 5.6 1.8 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN \POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 (All data carer areas within political 'boundarles of points named having 2,500 population or more) - Table 19110 individ- ual income tax returns Persona 1939 gainfully 191.10 Post retail eel es empl eyed Offi ce 0 me e r 19110 receipts. (000) capita Number (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) 2,095 3 NA 3 3.733 675 1. 1:61 2:090 25.31%6 3. 23 523 596 1,591. 29.3143 3.000 639 762 15 1 442 1 514. 503 1 6. 7 5h 380 6. 998 1:202 19.369 1. 306 337 795 15,005 376.638 21.525 579 7.068 2 ,327 NA 1 , 121 167 267 4, 746 914.308 7.917 5’41!» 1 .731 9,963 170.5113 12.331; 1416 3.712 4,331. .35. 236 14.532 308 ’ 1. 695 1,612 (9.516 3.773 935 620 3,978 135.902 12.119 1155 14.732 1,456 21,6111 2.0111 1150 773 897 NA 569 137 200 1,697 55.870 11.377 1.001; 955 2,081 211,212 2,339 1.22 1,107 895 10. 5H5 1.1409 1420 327 ll, 461 220.957 1h.617 1168 , 5.093 1,244 20.1115 1. 563 5’42 1,604 12,130 6611 128 818 1:223 17.052 1. 6’47 N45- 5’41 1, 493 NA 885 221 1,001 3 .834 73.15114 6.1428 635 1. 572 1,497 36.3140 3.206 6611 676 1,628 18.032 2.307 1430 1.1.6 10,955 211.875 111.666 1466 11.309 1,472 NA 1,107 1811 250 1,171 19.809 2.223 509 1103 3,819 55.1473 5.897 1.78 1.532 1, 584 NA 516 135 268 1: 492 17.753 1. 6163 361 390 830 12. 5’41 1. 159 375 536 4,897 46.780 11.852 297 2.1124 654 13.320 1.0914 1418 235 1,167 n 1,198 1.101 1 , 183 1,873 111 1,022 195 571 1,209 NA 657 188 766 855 HA. HA NA 96 2 .815 59 . 294 h. M1 5141 1 . 033 13.748 M 13.136 388 5.819 or 1,000 _§§E 8 21.11 99 \152. 159 265 State and uncer- tit‘icated point Mileage fran nearest point certificated for TI ) OHIO ( continued) Oahood Oberlin Orrvil 1e Oxford Painesvi l 1 e Parna Perrysburg . Pique Pomeroy Port Clinton Po rtsmouth Ravenna ’Reading Rittman Rocky River Rossford . St. Bernard St. Clairsville St. hm Salsa ' Sandusky Sebring Shady-i de Shaker Kei ghts Shelby Sidney Sil ve rton \ South Eucli d Springfi eld Steubenvi lle Struthers 1‘11 lmdge Tifgin Tippecanoe ‘ Toronto Troy Uhriehsville University Heights Upper Arlington Upper Sandueky \ 3-01 31-07 22-Ax 30-00 29-07 6-0? B-TL 26-01 30-170 33-11 140-111 15-“ 10-00 lB-AX 8-07 11-11. 6-cc lo-m 56-DY 18-CT 11541- 25-01- 7-9110 9-07 60-“ 37-” 9-00 1o-cv 211-n! 23-1710 h—cr h-u 112-71. 111-01 . 28-PIQ; 31-?! 20-DY hJ-m 9-cv 11-00 58-11. Populati on 7. 652 h. 305 11.1181; 2.756 12.235 16.365 3.1157 16 ,0119 3. 581 h. 505 140.1166 5. 538 6.079 2. 770 7 8, 33 1 3.912 7.387 2.797 5.552 12,301 211.8711 3.902 11.0118 23.393 6, 6143 9.790 2.90? 6,1176 3.907 6.14911 Lt. 29 2 14.1127 2, 588 10.91114 13.899 3,182 16.009 3.563 Lei-108 112.560 8,019 5.723 2.785 5. 632 7.1487 2.000 5.33 10,622 214.62 5,918 11.098 17.783 6,198 9.301 1.8115 11.399 68.7113 55,1122 11.2119 16.1128 2.559 7.0111. 8. 675 6.1137 2. 237 3. 059 3. 889 Percent inc rease 81 service 3/ 1 110 1950 19110 1930 19110 receipts (000 ' C27 437' "110' ‘1'?)— “F6?" ‘77;— ‘073' —(T 17.8 0.3 1.3 6.5 11.8 17.7 ' 8.6 > 7.2 57 .7 2.8 6.3 11.11 “2.0 12.5 5.11 11 .8 2 167.11 75-5 0.5 “\— Persons gainfully 19110 Post empl eyed 3,083 1,601 1,626 1,121 4, 547 5,926 , 1,178 5,988 1,001, 1,706 13,351 2,918 2,090 1,030 3,133 ' 1,544 2,767 805 1,944 4,712 8,896 13645 1,377 9,685 2, 509 3,544 1,066 2,370 24,807 13,897 3’820 877 5,425 1,087 2,288 3,780 1,889 2,424 1,956 1,475 Offi ce 3 101 118, 116 27.5117 115.081 103.763 111 19,806 101,385 22.71111 32.7511 239,120 711.890 1111 114.951 n ‘ 13.169 In 211.259. 26.358 100,631. 177.962 21.1458 NA 111 67,802 7h. 520 NA NA 1.736.721; 192.1116 15,921 111 103,761 19.985 16,710 198.631; 25.6110 1111 111 28.11133 8 1939 retai 1 sal es 011m. 01' . Page 39 Page 27 of 1.10 191.0 individ- ual income tax returns capi ta Number 9 323 607 11711 297 180 2211 525 1151 291 113b, 629 220 L180 2115 510 1116 147 775 03' 1,000 ‘F‘r’i"; NA 226 165 202 281 1211 73 176 110 155 518 211 133 ~-—3—-~’*¥A—~»\-‘,"—§é fit, A “8 I . , ~ . ' -‘:~ 7) f. ”7- "w . \ r - I . l / u ‘ ‘ r Page ’40 ' ' Peso 8 of 1.10 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE!) 'F'OR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 (All detc cover ere“ within political boundaries of points nemed inning 2,500 populction or more). I Table 19140. individ- 19m individ- ual income 1 t P 1939 :1 13:3" on e from P0 ulaticn Persons 1939' tax returns Mileage fran P03 8 ion ersone x re 1110 gig-051: point p Percent gainfully 19140 Post retail sales .80 8 ~ :1 0:23:11: £0311: '1Yercent 2:12:23}, 1% 12:87: 30:01 1 330 State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office 0 me er 1,0 tete an uncer- ca 00 e or nereeee , tificeted oint 811‘ service 8 1914.0 1950 191.10 1930 mm receiptl (000 cepitt Number 0 . tificeted point air service 3/ l 110 1930 1910 1930 4.9110 receipts (000 cepite Number V . (up (2) (3) (u) “('5)— T 7 '73} '19‘5 (157 {if} U) F27 E3) (55 (£5 . ”7 (a; ( 7 (10) 8E) OHIO (continued) 0mm (cmtinued) Urbane 31-01 8.335 7.7142 7.7 2,799 852.609 811.253 510 1.127 1111 Durant 87-0L 10.027 7.1463 311.11 3,036 $17.76!; 81.816 683 ' 68 Vin wort 31-Fw 9.227 8.172 8.9 3,298 76.052 5.200 56h 1.218 135 Edmond 13-0L 1,002 3.576 11.9 1,220 20,616 1,502 105 101 thsworth 12-AX 6.095 5.930 9.5 2,550: 39.175 2.510 386 1.361 227 n1: 01ty 91-10; 106-0L 5,021 5,666 -11.1 1,527 28.098 2,112 180 298 60 Wepekonete 55-01 5,225 5.378 -2.8 1,668 32.695 2.162 171 616 129 :1 Reno 25-0L 10.078 9.381 7.1 3,016 .110 1,168 111 1,151 115 Warren 13-CT h2.837 11.062 h-3 15,800 258.62h 21.710 508 9.552 222 Enid 18-Pc 28,081 26,399 6.1 9,719 168,231 11,723 521 2,611 93 Washington Court Frederick 13-Ir 5,109 1,568 11.8 1,552 22,535 2,055 102 126 85 House 37-00; 13-01 9,102- 8,126 11.6 2,995 18,715‘ 6,209 660. 1,018 116 Guthrie 29-0L 10,018 9,582 1.6 2,712 52, 1,568 156 717 72 Whueeon 33.11 3,016 2.889 1.1' 980 23.231 2.053 681 137 116 Eertehornm 65-000, 7h-THS 2,596 3,587 -27.6 368 803 83 28 wellington 35-cv 2,529 2,235 13.2 848 17.817 1.323 523 097 166 Ebnryette 12.000, 51-rs 6,905 7,691 -10.3 1,861 26.395 2,839 111 559 80 Wellaton 50-111 5.537 5.319 1.1 1.472 15.269 1.709 309 371 62 Hobart 8240': 95-01- 5.17? 11.982 3.9 1.563 22.772 2. 191 1407 81 welleville‘ 31-cT 7,672 7.956 -3.6 2,022 16,105 1,513 201 100 50 , Holdenville 70-01 6,632 7,268 -8.8 1,870 27,892 2,565 387 397 57 Wbsterville 12-co 3.116 2,879 9.3 1,090 21,177 1,381 139 696 232 86111. 96-IF; 113-10 2,732 2.911 -6.2 706 13,859 915 316 . 161 51 Wickliffe 111-07 3.155 2.1191 26.7 1.022 12.031 NA NA 5118 183. Emmy 29—18; 35-FVB 3.267 3.11% -6-3 813 12.988 1.1197 1:58 251 8h _ Willard 59-11 1,261 1.51h —5.6 1,425 29,179 1,863 137 828 207 Hugo 95-TR 5,909 5,272 12.1 , 1,651 23,022 2,100 355 378 63 1 Iilloughby 19-cv 1,361 1,252 2.6 1,610 11,373 3,608 827 2,058 515 Idebel 51-18 3,689 , 2,581 12.9 1,112 19,116 1,612 115 233 58 Wilmington 29-01 5,971 5,332 12.0 2,110 15,371 1,082 681 821 137 Kingfisher 36-0L 3,352 2,726 23.0 1,009 19,113 2,126 631 351 118 wooster 31-AX 11.510 10.7112 7-5 4.307 115.902 8.17141 731 1.906 159 Lewbcn 50-10P 18,055 12,121 19.0 5,692 106,12. 8,231 156 1,381 77 Iyaning 10-cc 1,166 3.767 18.6 1,635 NA 709 159 8a 221 ledill 90—DL; 97-177; 99-]! 2.591 2.203 17.7 733 13,095 1,281 195 206 69 Xenia 15.01 10,633 10,507 1.2 3,262 53.177 5.1h6 512 1.3h0 122 lengun . 89-]? 1,193 1,806 -12.8 1,113 16,939 2,017 188 270 68 Zaneeville 53-rv0 37,500 36,110 2.9 12,972 211.130 19.559 522 5.171 136 Harlow 60-IF; 62-01 2,899 3,081 -6.0 678 11,590 1,061 366 169 56 Ic‘leeter 60-DUO 12,101 11,801 5.1 3,459 72,826 5,756 161 957 80 ’ ' 0...... if“ 8:8 882 2-23'; 82 9723 “'73 1:22 8: 9 , cm ‘ a e 0 . 8 c 0 10 7 121 Ade 66-0L 15,113 11,261 31.5 4.791 ,78.118 8.10h 535 1.260 81 no-oto 21-tvn 3,901 2,531 10.6 1:215 21, 1,911 197 3:1 108 11tu. 69-IF 8.593 8.139 1-8 2,495 35.765 3.260 379 512 57 Okla-h 52-18; 56-000 3,811 .002 -1.8 1,179 22,009 1,861 188 331 83 ~ ‘1': 87-?02 97-wn 100-00 5.055 5.121 -1.3 1.622 29.806 2.9hh 582 57h 113 #7 Anadarko 50-01 5.579 5.036 10.8 1,473 22.352 2.613 17h 379 63 Oknulgee 35-000. 38-18 16,051 17,097 -6.1 4,410 61,231 5,815 362 1,272 80 1 Antlers 105-785: 106-78 3.251 2. hh-9 806 12.759 1.180 363 107 36 P001: thley 52-0L 5,101 1,235 20.5 1,527 21,610 2,161 121 271 51 96.1001. 20-rvn 5,113 5,931 -8.2 1,525 26,193 2,931 538 762 152 '- more 81-“ . 16.836 15.7141 7.3 5.230 83.625 6.770 1101 1.3119 79 Pm... 30-20 2,712 2.562 7.0 713 13,602 1,280 167 210 80 4 Atokn 102-000: 107-0L 2.518 1.856 37-3 725 13.875 HA HA 152 51 Furry 33-20 5,015 1,206 19.9 1,525 20.623 2.261 118 361 72 Bethany 9-0L 2.590 2,032 27.5 687 10,110 HA NA 131 11 I Blackwell 13-20 8,537 9,521 -1o.3 2,614 37,267 3,101 363 722 80 Picker 20-J8 5.818 7.773 -21.8 1,331 11.001 1,310 229 311 52 . Bristo' 33-18 6,050 6,619 -8.6 1,758 28,863 2,619 133 965 77 Poteeu 21-188 1,020 3,169 26.9 1,012 16,701 1,633 106 193 18 _ , Pryor Creek 38-18; 39-000 2,501 . 1,828 36.8 845 16.111 IA IL 81 28 _ Chandler 39-0L 2.738 2.717 .0.8 861 15.179 1.200 138 256 85 Purcell 32-OL 3,116 2,817 10.6 886 11,981 1,016 .336 198 66 2 Cherokee 7o-Pc 2,553 2,236 11.2 822 11,711 ‘ 1,311 525 359 120 Sand Springl 7-1s 6,137 6,671 -8.0 2,069 35,265 1,138 231 605 101 :/, Chiekeehe 38-01 11,111 11,339 0.1 4,091 70, 5,957 1,109 79 I Claremore 25-18 11.1314 3. 0 11~1 1.145 214.702 2.091 506 328 82 Stpulpt 114-18 12.2119 10.533 16-3 3,531 110.295 11.050 331 839 70 \; Cleveland 29-1s 2,510 2,959 -15.2 602 12,179 818 326 187 62 soyro ll5-WF; 119-01; 125-10 3,237 3,tg; -3.8 - 939 16,656 1,325 136 212 71 5 , > ‘ Seminole 50-01 11. 7 11, 0.8 3 853 61,032 6 5 558 1,101 92 , Clinton 82-0L 6,736 7.512 -10.3 2,093 36.150 2.7116 108 I198 71 8118mm 36-0L 22,053 23,283 -5.3 6:826 113.828 10.211 163 1,716 79 5 Gordon 811-01: 2.776 2.936 -5-h 81/. 12.376 1.813 653 203 68 Stillnter m-PC: 51-01- 10.097 7.016 113-9 3.717 79.339 5.518 5146 1.389 139 ‘ Cushing 05-78: 55-0L 7.703 9.301 -17.2 2,285 36.160 3.570 h63 552 69 . Draught 36-TS 11.303 11.972 -13-5 1,257 21.271 1.9% 11117 14141 110 Duncan Sl-WF 9,207 8,363 10.1 3,073 56,119 1,306 168 907 101 - 8/ Between city centers. NA - Not available. m". ‘ _, ,1" " 7: “‘9‘. s ”‘1",‘7 ;, f- ,r.: » v ‘, _ , \ m "Mung 01-120. C”:‘~‘u‘.nv.;,-‘. ., -“Afl ,7 ... .111 7 , ,. , . - .. _ 1 1;... Page L11 Page 29 of I10 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTI FICATE'D FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 1914.5 (All dete cover ereu within politioel boundaries of points nemed having 2,500 populetion or‘more) I '1‘_abl_e_3_ i? 1900 individ- ‘ 19bo individ- . ual income uel incune Mileage from Pgmlation Persona 1939 tax returns Mileage frun Population Parsons 1939 tax return. neereet point Percent gainfully 19110 Post retail sales -__Ffi- nearest point Percent gainmlly 19110 Post retail ealee _——'Fe—F- State and uncer certificated {or 1 J40 30 11:11:70" emplfiged Office (0 111310 er 1,000 State and uncer- certificated :71. increase employed Office 0 me er 1,000 ' tificeted point air Iervice 9 19 19 0 1930 _19 receipts 000 capite Number 0 . tificated point air service 3 1 I40 1950 19110 1930 19110 receipts (000' '11: N b . . = m (2; (3) <5) (6) (7) (87 (91 “(Terr ‘HT 0) 027 —'?3r "m— "TéT" “(6)— —m— ‘07}- “p; “‘53: "51% 0mm (continued) It PENNSYLVANIA ' ' - 2.! ~ 1 Sulphur 70-0L 0.970 11.2112 17.2 1 131. 816.660 81.1108 283 182 36 101 on 12-20 20 18, 11.8 7 0 18 12 Tehlequeh 25-000 3,027 2.h95 21.3 ’785 19.106 1.h81 h89 28b 95 1182Et 8-PG 2:23; 2,323 16.0 ’321 $ '9x1 ‘2'??? 13: HA 1:1 Tonkam - 12-PC 3.197 3.311 -3 -4 841 11+. 197 1.318 1112 317 106 111 quippe. 18- 91' 27,023 27,116 - .3 9,142 62,586 8,362 309‘ 17,276 158 Vinita. 1,6411; ha-m, 55-1-s 5,685 11,263 33.3 1,969 37.135 3.098 5&5 £157 76 111-008.". 80-HX; 85-PT 80,21)... 82,051.; -2.2 25 560 319 179 32 007 399 10612 133 Wagoner 15-1300 3.535 2.9911 18-1 820 12.101 1.0211 290 151 38‘ m1” 16-20 3,953 3,911; 0.2 1:665 1.10:856 2:615 611 1:322 331 -1 Watcnge. 55-01. 2,828 2,228 26.9 766 1).; 187 NA NA 175 58 Mad 1 131' 13’ .20 22 -62 6 20 8 Weatherford 66-01. 2.5011 2.1117 3.6 697 151,01 NA NA 195 65 Apolloge 255-21 3.3 31002 -5.1 1:06; 17323 {£397 £1151; 2371616,. 3’; Wewoka 60-0!» 10.315 10.1101 '0-8 3,460 35.070 3.752 361+ 625 63 Archbald ' 10.1.2: 8,296 9.587 -13.5 1,877 ' 111 1,319 159 1155 '57 Woodward 119-10, 126-01 5.1106 5.056 6-9 1,822 31.097 3.723 689 1192 98 Arnold 16-21 10,898 10,575 3.1 3,771 111 12722 158 1 579 11.11 ; , ”mend 37-?“N 7.0115 7.1614 -1.7 1,905 21,239 2,125 302 .765 109 .' OREGON fining}, 11 3-3 3:317: 17:22; 40.2 1,711 NA 1.106 1711 779 130 P n " , 10. HA , Albany 21-TSX 5.6511 5.325 6.2 2,077 511.638 11.652 823 981 1614 I Athena 33-1231 11,215 11,372 -3.6 1’37 25 130 1 11,957 :3: 232 1:1: I 3:11:20 23:15 13%;: 13.211; 8.1. 1,359 $57.???” $.33? 333 2 g9]: g1); Anlon 21 6,155 5,910 3.6 2:217 . ' N1 '981, 160 6113 107 ' 01' ‘ n 1 Jo 39 I a a -x - . 3.0.;- 76-?0; 90.01 9,312 7,858 18.9 3:349 .801 5.900 636 963 107 m" 7 WI ["771 ["915 3 5 1’0” "A 81‘} 177 52° 100 ., Bend 87-201 100-131 10,021 8.8118 13.3 3,872 57.1153 6.505 6149 1.1165 1117 Bangor 23-11 5,687 5,821; -2.L1‘ 2,395 36,151; 2,388 1.20 9117 158 ~ Bun be I 66—PT ,8 1 . ' ~ Burns lhl-PO; 152-BE 2,566 2.599 ~1.3 1,012 17.601 NA NA h21 1&0 neavii r0 2u-PT 2,631 2:22? -g.i 5’033 égiggfi 2'33? :37 1 323 333 .3 30:13:21.1: gag-$181; 85-52” 33.22; $.33: 53.: Egg: 133.33; 2% 873g 1 2;?! :3; Beaver Falls 28-21; 29-c1' 17,098 17,117 -9; 5:668 101,099 10:62& 622 3.725 219 0 3 ' 3 n 2 - I a I BO 1‘ d - ' - ‘ ' Cottage Grove IB-EU 2,626 2.1173 6.2 ’894 20.559 1.777 677 1416 139 I d or 82 “G, 87 PT 5,268 2.953 10.7-1,121 33,661 2,862 876 510 170 ~. 0011.: 111-131 3.579 2.975 20.3 1,200 20.953 1.11119 1405 337 97 ‘ Belletonte 177-11 5,301; 11,801; 10.11 1,743 172,072 3.1.11 615 877 175 Bell ‘ Grants Pass 25-11? 6,028 11,666 29.2 1,902 52,063 11.6116 771 790 132 3011::2: 83:: 12'% I???) :3 4’23: £2 5'23; it: 3’2? 502 gig-gm 52:12: 332%; 2.97;?! ig-g 13% £71.33: 3%}; 32: 2553 21% Ben Avon 7-21 22516 211172 1.8 935 NA m m. 587 13} 0 "1' a D 5 v 0 0 Be t1 '1]. - - L mum. 11011. 51-112 16,1197 16,093 2.5 7:252 103,516 17,321 1,050 14,621, 289 n W“ ° 23 PI ”428 3.609 5'0 1,058 “A 1.250 365 1132 111b, } La Grande hO-PO 7.7117 8.050 -3.8 2,611 50.013 11.9141 638 1.138 11:2 Box-.161; 21,471 13,181 12,660 11.1 5,098 177,221 3,951 300 1 351, 107, , lkthlhe -11 , o , . ' lobenon 29-131, 317-110 2,729 1,851 47.1, 964 20.1196 m m 393 131 Birds'gorl: L7— 321 5:313 53.5.09: if; 21,182 33339, 218252 317;: 11.6% 229? mflhfldd 72-31; 5,259 5,287 -o.5 2,291 511,115 5.1198 1.0115 1.255 251 Blairaville 39-21 5,002 5 296 ' -5.6 1,290 21.217 2 306 L769 71.6 11, Mcfiinnville 20-131, 31-?» 3,706 2,917 27.0 1,533 117.255 3.826 1.032 655 16h Blakely 8-“rr 8 106 8260 -1.9 2’096 ' 111 1.211, 1 9 '4 Newberg 20-20; 211-TSX 2,960 - 2,951 0.3 921 22,733 1,750 591 3171 1m ' ' : _ . 50 91 11 6 North Bend 69-31] 11,262 1.1.012 6.2 1,563 17,5151 1.239 291 [+75 119 Blowhur‘ 55.771 9,799 9 .095 7,3 3,787 62,198 74,997 510 1.379 138 a n 16-3111 , , . , 1 Ontario 60-22: 3.551 1.910 82.9 1,279 26.036 m . M hoe 101 3321.33.13. 19-2 5,333 23153 if, 233 3'33? 1’33? 167% 32‘? -- 181’, greggn City 59 12151-13211 w 3'93: 15.372; 12.3 2,152 152.33: 2.2:; 316,; 1.5%; f2; Braddock 8-P1' 10,326 192329 -5.2 5:544 80.795 11.136 608 2 681 129 3 0:6 urs - s - . - . 1 81 . . - - ’ ' ' sn nt Helene {fly-PD “W301; 3:991; 7.8 1:63]. 19,867 2.170 50h 607 152 Bradford 75 ER 170691 19,306 80,4. 6,439 165.983 10,162 571;. 3,975 221 Seaside 66-?!) 2.902 1.565 85.4 1,088 22.371 NA NA 1:37 116, Breutwood 5-21 7.552 5,301 140.3 2,814 m 1,201, 159 539 67 sum-ton 11-Tsx 2.925 2.162 18.8 859 22.062 NA 01 3M 111+ 3322:5211. 13:11:? 2'33 £333 23:; 1’23. . 25 53?, 2'33 if}, 1 838 m Egriggiield 73-31)] 2,322 $.23? 613.0 2 is: $61.23 5 7E; 91112 1 it; . 13? 131-10001 20-20 11:89} 111799 0.8 4:295 58:222 3611 301, 2'30: 12'? , ' e a es ' t D .5 .9 a o . .. ’ ' Tillmook 52-131; 511-211 2,751 2,509 7,9 1,138 29,510 2,607 9118 '633 211 3mm" 85'1““ 9° ER 2.709 25.690 0.7 866 15.903 962 355 L150 1143 e/ Between city centers. NA - Not evei leble . ,1.'/'. . ,5 ‘, 7 "H ‘. 7:52.175”. *‘1 ,‘“,.~ ’1 -_ .v,‘ ,. .~’-.__' ‘..5 /.,.>2. 2. 71/ a/ NA- VX Less than .05 Between city centers. Not available. . ll"), 1 heel-12‘ \ 2 . J 4 \e- ‘ 9 ' . . Page 30 of 1.0 ‘ ‘ ‘ - , ~_ ., , ‘ . . ’ . A ,. f » . , ‘ ECONOMIC CHARACTERIsTICs or URBAN P011118 NOT CERTIFICAI’ED FOR AIR SERVICE As OF APRIL 1, 191.5 (All data cover are" within political boundaries or points nuied having 2,500 population or more) ' Table 3 191.0 individ- 191.0 individ- _ p ual income ‘ ual income Mileage from Population Persons 1939 tax returns Mileage frcm , Population Persons , 1939 tax returns nrsirest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales er nearest point chnt gainfully 191.0 Post retail sales For State and uncer- certificated for , increase employed Office 0 ume er 5 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office 0 ume‘ or 1,000 tificeted point air service 3 191.0 1930 1910/1930 191.0 receipts (000) oapita Number ’ o . tificated point air service 3 191.0 1930 1910/1930 191.0 receipts (000) capita N'umber . (1) ‘ (2) , (3) (I?) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) ($5) {1;} V) (27 (3) (h) (5) (6) (7) (B) (97 (15) E112) PENNSYLVANIA (continued) PENNSYLVANIA (continued) Brookville 71-21 1.,397 1.,387 0.2 1,268 3 30,1.80 3 3,111 708 671 168 Derry 37-PT 3,003 3,01.6 -1.1. 815 5 11.51.13 8 888 296 61.2 211. Brownsville 29-PT; 29-110 8,015 2,869 179.1. 2,338 32,057 3,881 1.81. 1,232 . 151. Dickson City 1.4.: 11,5118 12,395 -6.8 2, 651 NA 1.576 139 5% h? Bumham 1.3-Ex 2,997 3, 089 -3.0 925 ‘ NA 337 112 , $7 96 Dcnora 20-21 13,180 13,905 -5.2 4,077 36,561 1.,162 316 1,860 11.3 Butler 30-PT 21.,1.77 23, 568 3.9 8,406 151,965 16,1.20 671 1., 596 192 Dormont 3-PT 12,971. 13,190 -1.6 5,232 NA 5,106 391. 1,620 125 California 27-PT 2,611. 2,362 10.7 854 12,950 NA NA 730 21.3 , Downingtown 32-FxL 1.,6115 1.,51.8 2.1 1,650 21.,520 2,076 1.1.7 918 181. Camp Hill 3—m. 3,630 3,111 16.7 1,313 21,831 539 11.8 1,088 272 Doylestown 26-PG 1.,976 1.,577 8.7 1,992 118.961: 11.231. 851 986 197 Canonsburg 16-PT 12,599 12.558 0.3 3,951 38,108 11,765 378 1,910 11.7 Du' Bois 80—PT 12,080 11,595 1..2 3,832 71,777 6,266 519 2,131.0 17o Carbondale 15-111 19,371 20, 061 -3.1. 4,834 6, 559 339 2,102 111 Dunmore 3-w1 23,086 22,627 2.0 6,299 NA 3,133 136 1,581 69 Carlisle 17-111 13,981. 12, 596 11.0 5,149 96,615 7,1.15 530 1,802 129 Dupont 9411 5,278 . 5,161 2.3 1,063 NA 671 127 173 35 Carnegie 6-PT 12.663 12 197 1.3 4,132 33.529 5.6111 1:115 3.097 236 Duquesne 10-PT 20.693 21.396 -3-3 6,464 31.1408 11.387 212 3.1_12 1118 Castle Shannon 5-PT 3,970 3,810 1..2 1,277 NA 1,517 382 370 93 . Duryee. 7-wI 8,275 8,503 -2.7 1,900 NA 1,013 122 , 300 38 Catasauqua 3-XA 11,7611/ 11,851 -1.8 1,633 37,826 955 196 578 116 East Conemaugh 66-?! 11,810 11,979 -3.11 1,289 NA 760 158 12 2 Centerville 28-NG; 29-21‘ 6,317 6.116? -2.3 1,805 , NA 283 1.5 1.50 75 East Lansdowne 6-PG 3,323 3,168 1..9 1,282 NA 572 172 1.93 161. Chambereburg 1.7-81 11.,852 13,788 7.7 5,722 88,965 8,126 51.7 2,108 11.1 East NeKeesport IS—PT 3,026 2,922 3.6 1,021 NA 760 251 1,800 600 Charlemi 22-PT 10,781. 11,260 -1..2 3,781 68.251. 7.631 708 2,221 — 202 East Mauch Chunk 21.-XA 3,392 3,739 -9.3 842 NA 1.55 131. 357 119 Cheltenham 9-PG 19,082 15,731 21.3 7,624 17,925 1.,255‘ 223 NA NA East Pittsburgh 10.21 6,079 6,211. -2.2 2,020 1711.331. 2,766 1.55 1,661. 277 Chester l3-PG 59,285 59,161. .o.2 21,213 277,631 26,273 1.1.3 9,928 168 East Stroudsburg 32-101 6,1.01. 6,099 5.0 2,061 210.6117 2,219 351 793 132 Clsirton 12-21 16,381 15,291 7.1 5,218 33,391 1.,361 266 2,611 163 Easton 16-xA 33,589 31.,1.68 -2.6 11,783 380,172 20.1.69 609 7,008 206 Clarion 62—PT; 67-CT 3,798 3,201 18.7 1,294 29,267 2,766 728 670 168 Ebensburg 67-P'r 3,719 3,063 21.1. 1,214 23,309 2,272 ‘611 610 153 Clarks Summit * 641 2,691 2,601. . 3.3 594 16,299 1,280 1.76" 600 200 Edgewood 7-PT 1., 697 1.,821 -2.6 1,825 NA 998 212 71.0 11.8 Clearfield 72-1A; 88-Hx 9,372 9,221 1.6 3,065 73,585 5,025 536 1,110 123 Edwardsville 3-w1 7,998 8,81.7 -9.6 2,161 NA 1,028 129 287 36 Clifton Heights 8-PG 11.921 5,057 -2.7 1,774 26,783 4 1,173 238 773 155 Elizabeth l7-P'r 2,976 2,939 1.3 992 13,199 1,655 556 971 321. Clymer . 55-21 3,082 2,672 15.3 888 NA 861. 280 1.20 11.0 Elizabethtown 17-Ex; 18-FXL 11.315 3-,91.o 9.5 1,928 35, 999 2,701. 627 680 170 Coaldsle 28—w1; 29—XA 6,163 6,921 -11.0 1,996 NA 580 91. 612 102 Elwood City 26-CT 12,329 12,323 x 3,803 1.7, 1.07 5,1.85 1.1.5 3,200 267 Coatesville 26.1311; 26-PRN 11.,006 11.,582 -1..ov 5,009 77.509 7.880 563 2,275 163 Emaus 7 S-XA 6.731 6.1419 11.9 2,681 30,331 1,683 250 578 83 Collingdale B-PG 8,162 7,857 3.9 2,957 NA 1 .359 .167 1, 292 162 I] Emporium 61.-1A 3,775 2.929 28.9 1,813 37,313 1, 787 1.73 1, 100 275 Columbia 12-1‘11 11, 5h? 11 .3119 1 .7 4,151 1.8, 573 3, 097 - 268 l , 156 96 Ensworth _ 63-?! 2, 765 2,709 2.1 877 NA 71.1. 269 380 127 Connelsville 33410 13,608 13,290 2.1. 3,823 90,1.37 7,079 520 2,065 11.8 Ephrata 12-FXL 6,199 1.,988 21..3 2,770 50,1.78 , 3,661. 591 782 130 Conshchocken l3-PG 10,776 -10,815 -o.1. 3,813 711,157 2.1.55 228 1,999 182 Etna 5-PT 7,223 7,193 -3.6 2,515 NA 2,626 361. 822 117 Copley 5-xA 3,109 3,279 -5.2 1,138 NA 1.05 130 301. 101 Exeter 7411 5,802 5.721. 1.1. > 1,583 . NA 671. 116 196 33 Comopolis 11-PT 11,086 10,724 3.1. 3,665 115.823 3,936 355 2,592 236 Farrell 12-CT 13,899 11.-,359 -3.2 2,989 26,591. 3,169 228 1,290 92 Corry 27-ER 6,935 7,152 -3.0 2,279 50,301 3,167 1.57 1,010 11.1. Ferndale 58-PT 2,7110 2,71.2 -0.1 962 NA 263 96 NA NA Coudersport (is-IA; 80-BJ 3.197 2.71:0 16.7 1,134 211.6113 1.878 587 14211 1111 Ford City 3h-PT 5.795 6.127 43.11 2.045 211.361 2.163 373 1.071 179 Grafton 3-PT 7,163 7,001. 2.3 2, 681 NA 1,709 239 1,795 256, Forest City 20411 , 66 5,209 -18.1 1,007 10,656 1,033 21.2 262 66 Cresson 75-P'1‘ 2,500 2,317 7.9 685 19,669 NA NA 1.91 161. Forest Hills 9-PT 5,2118 1.,51.9 15.1. 1,851 NA 776 11.8 210 1.2 Curwensville 87-PT 3.1422 3,110 9.0 1,115 11,905 1,051 307 270 90 Forty Fort 3—w1 6, 293 6.221. 1.1 2,071 NA 1,067 170 831. 139 Dale 58-P'1‘ 3,291 3, 361. -2.2 1,077 NA 11.2 1.3 NA NA , Fountain Hill 3-XA 1.,801. 1.,568 5.2 1,908 NA 51.5 113 5 1 Dallestown 20-FXL 2,917 2, 81.9 2.1. 1,205 NA 1.08 11.0 219 73 ' Frsokvllle 35-PRN; 36-WI 8,035 8,031. x 1,662 11.,1.25 1,579 197 1.59 57 Danville 1.1.-w1 7,122 7,185 -o.9 1,958 33,388 2,556 359 690 99 Franklin 113-CT. 51-ER 9,91.8 10,251. -3.0 2,928 68,870 1.,927 1.95 1,812 181 Darby 6-PG 10.331. 9,899 11.1. . 3,831 19.779 11.707 1155 1.330 153 Freedom 22-PT 3.227 3.227 - 902 12.213 615 191 510 170 .11” Mileage from nearest point State and uncer certificated for Popul ati on tif‘icated point .1:- service a 19110 ( 1 1 (21 (31 PENNSYLVANIA (continued) Freeland 16-WI 6,593 Freeport 214-?! 2, 710 Gallitzin 76-PT 3,618 Gettysburg 36-31 5,916 Gilberton 36.2101; 36-“: 3.710 Girardville 37-9913; 38-11: 11,602 Glassport 9-?! 8,7118 Glendolden 9-PG ' 11,825 Greencastle 57-11! 2,511 Greensburg 27-P1' 16,7113 Greenvi 11. 25-01- 8,1149 Grove City 30-01 6,296 Hamburg 17-PRN 3,717 Hanover 3-‘1‘1‘1 16,1139 Hanover 33-HX; 110—17711. 13,076 Harrison 21-PT 13,161 Hatboro 16-PG 2,605 Haverford 9-PG 27,5911 Hazleton 20-WI 38 ,009 Hellertown 7-XA 11,031 Hollidaysburg 811—117.; 85-1’1'; 90-111 5,910 Home stead 6—PT 19 ,0111 Honesdale 25- VII 5,687 Emelstonn 10411 3 ,2614 Huntin gdon 63-31 7, 1 70 Indiana 1.17-1’1' 10,050 Ingram 3'” 3 .9011 Irwin 17-P‘1‘ 3,1111 Jeannette 22-P'I' 16,220 Jenldntam 11-20 5,021. Jermyn 12-111 3,238 Jersey Shore 15-IA 5,1132 Johns onburg 25-123 14,955 J ohnstown 57—P'1' 66,668 Kane 7144112 6, 133 Kennett Square 3l-PG 3,375 Kingston 3-WI 20,679 Kittanning 37—Pr 7,550 \ K111111301“ 112-153 143-sz 145-13311 6. 159 Kutstm . 16-PRN 2,966 0/ Between city centers. 5 NA - Not available. 1930 19boé1930' 7.098 2, 772 3.1158 5.5814 hga7 11.891 8.390 11.1182 2.557 16,508 8,628 6,156 3.637 17.770 11,805 12.337 2,651 21,362 36.765 3.851 5.969 ' 20.1141 5.1190 3.036 7. 558 9.569 3,866 31111-13 15,126 11.797 3.519 5.781 11.737 66.993 6,252 3.091 21,600 7,808 6,120 2,814.1 Percent increase -7. 1 -2 .2 11.6 5-9 -1202 -5~9 11.3 7.7 -108 1.1. -5.6 2.3 2.2 -7.5 10.8 / I .- ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 011‘ URBAN POINTS N01" CERT! FIGATED‘ FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 (All data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having’ 2,500 population or more) 1&3. 19110 individ- ual income. tax returns Persons 1939' gainfully 19140 Post retai l sal es empl oyed Offi oe o ume or 19110 receipts (000) capita Number ( 6) T77 ( 8) (9) 7101'— 1,560 817.839 81.6111 21-15 599 867 10,606 881 325 670 1 ,215 NA 801 221 391 2.073 52.775 3.729 630 833 652 NA 16!. M1 70 1.2113 8.967 1.085 236 378 2.687 20.1103 1 . 1311 130 8116 1 ,783 12,156 '677 1110 1,112 1,026 11,666 1,116 1.11. 375 5.8511 169,180 12,760 762 11.536 2.6145 51.112 11.809 590 1.771 2.2014 117.697 3.193 507 1.218 1.612 29.279 1.883 507 579. 5.11112 NA 1,297 79 NA 1411112 90,0118 79169 5148 10705 11.01111 NA 1.599 121 1m 931 23 .331 1.3113 516 510 10,587 29. 093 2, 876 1011 NA 12.062 1116.928 16.935 1.116 11.1117 1,505 NA 221 889 1.7113 30.823 2.268 3811 908 6.373 87.251 10.186 535 11. 066 2,175 115,016 3,820 672 770 1.230 11;. 87h 1 . 192 365 6911 2. 633 711.1138 11.298 599 1 .002 3.551 89.999 7.7110 770 1.752 1.1107 NA 5112 139 395 10175 3315714 20% 757 10758 5.1116 79.115 5.656 5119 2.556 1. 80,731 8,798 1,751 1,751. 823 M 757 2311 290 1,603 19.322 1.806 332 872 1.522 111.318 1.1112 230 530 22.020 3011.120 35.952 539 12.055 2.2111 111 .630 2. 1183 896 1.372 30.100 2.502 7111 7111 .8140 NA 7.538 365 3 .675 2.3117 51.953 5.930 785 1.5110 1,619 NA 835 136 2211 1.1611 35. 133 1.500 506 14112 93’ 1,000 203 Mileage frun Populati on Persons nearest point Percent gainmlly 19110 Post State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office tificated point air service 3 191.10 1930 1910/1930 19w receipts TU (27 (3f (11) (5) (6) (77 PENNSYLVANIA (cmtinued) Lmsdale 21-PG 9.316 8.379 11.2 11.006 375,166 . Lansdovme 6.20 10,837 9,023 20.1 11,2611 70,0111 Lansford 28-XA 8,710 9,632 -9.6 2,915 27,9111. Larksville 3.111 8,1467 9.322 -9.2 1,769 NA Latrobe 311-21 11,111 10,611. 11.1; 3.767 66,765 Laure ldale h-PRH 3 , 397 - - 1 ,1406 NA Iebanon 25-1111; 26-PRN 27,206 25,561 6.11 10,709 151,215 Loechburg 25-P'1' 11,275 11.1.89 -11.8 1,512 18,577 Lehighton 20.11 6,615 6.1190 1.9 2,005 22,878 1011101qu B-EK 14-358 [-1.171 L105 10587 18s5014 Lewisburg 20.11 3,571 3,308 8.0 1,116 117,911 Lewistom 113-811 13.017 13.357 -2.5 11.713 82,156 Lititz 9.1011. 11.8110 11.368 10.8 2,118 36,519 Lock Haven 25-11 10,810 9.668 11.8 3.909 1.1.2 Lower Merion 9.20 39,566 35,166 12.5 16,632 NA Luzerne 3-WI 7,082 6,950 1.9 1,837 NA 11W 23-11x 3.0148 3.033 0-5 679 13.223 . ucmoo 26-111 5,127 5,239 -2.1 1,388 NA McDonald 111-1811 3,530 3,281 7.6 1,062 15,621. IeKeesport ll-P'l‘ 55,355 511,632 1.3 18.372 226,629 Nexus Rocks 3-21‘ 17,021 18,116 .6.0 6,115 56,397 MW 33411; 35-PRN 13.1112 111.7811 -9.1 3.592 32.1112 11611116111 - lO-FXL 3,831 3,520 8.8 1.623 1111.976 lax-cu. Book 17.20 11,123 11,867 -15.3 1,517 35,936 Masontom lé-HG 3, 721 3 , 873 -3 .9 Q9 ‘ 12.14311 11.11611 Chunk 211-11 3,009 3,206 -6.1 820 20,789 Hayfield 12-1-0. 3.172 3,771. -16.0 782 HA lleadville 33-ER 18,919 16, 13.3 7.677 1611.306 lechaniosburg 8-111 5,709 5,614.7 1.1 2,123 ' 28,001, 11.11. 111-?6 5.351 5.572 41.1: 2.0711 66.3117 Isyersdale 52-MG 3,250 3,065 6.0 9014 15,388 liddletm 9-81 7.0116 6.085 15-8 2.1169 33.333 Iidland 28-P1‘ 6,373 6,007 6.1 2,095 16,679 111110an: 20.3; 2.959 2.909 1.7 1.301 25.14211 Mi1lvale 3-P!‘ 7,811 8,166 41.3 2,608 NA 11111611 17.11 8,313 8.552 -2.8 2,681 117.656 unprmn. 31-11111 8.686 9,392 -7.5 2.115? 18,978 Imaoa 2244 7,061 , 52.1 2,525 18,611; Monesson ' Q-PY 20,257 20,268 -0.1 6,003 £114,903 11611011511161. lT-P'l' 8,825 8,675 1.7 2,701 26,651 1939 tax returns retail sales 01' Voiume Per 1,000 (000 capita Number . “(H1— “(95— '1??? 811.1139 1152 1.717 _ 191 11.1911 387 11.1111 3711 3.031 3118 1.203 1311 1122 50 159 20 11.6117 1118 2.2211 202 352 1011 323 108 12.936 1475 3.808 1111 - 1.997 1167 1.1311 2811 2,218 335 1,008 11.11 2.11.13 1192 702 176 1,817 509 771 193 8.7117 672 2.1162 191 1.833 379 7118 150 5.91111 550 1.5911 1115 20,618 521 NA NA 2.190 309 590 811 818 268 198 66 .805 157 289 58 1,765 500 810 203 27,280 1.93 10,021 182 5.7911 3110 11.780 281 11.015 299 1.309 101 1.5711 1111 867 217 1.786 1133 680 170 1.550 1417 588 1117 719 239 353 118 266 811 171 57 11,6118 616 11,767 251 2.121 372 952 159 3.609 671 1.632 326 1.5115 1175 390 130 1,1182 210 850 121 1,830 287 1.01.3 1711 9111 318 3711 125 2.623 336 1.171 1116 2.885 3117 1.067 133 2.103 2112 595 1.693 21-10 1.1113 163 5.1136 268 2.3112 117 3.325 3 17 1.138 126 1 Pa 5e 1.13 Page 31 01‘ 1.10 191.10 individ- ual income git: ‘- 9‘ ’ " 1 a, 7 —“‘(V “ 0‘7“ ‘ "’ - u. \ ,f 11:7?“ 1 A 18 x ‘9 1 '57, ‘ A :;33 j: 1 f ' 5 M n [1:7 Page M ' . ¥ 1 ‘ . . 1 ‘ 7 w / I f, f ‘1' V A Page 52 of no - ‘~ a 3‘ ~ _ - , " , _ . ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS nog' C-ERTIFICATED .5901! AIR SERVICE As 01‘ APRIL 1, 1915 (All data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) . ' Table :7 , 19110 individ- , ' 191.0 individ- ‘ ‘ . ual income . ual income , Mileage from 1 Population Persons _ 1939 tax returns Mileage fran Population Persons 1939 tax return. . nearest point Percent gainfully 191.10 Post retail ealee Per 1 nearest point Fez-cent gainfully 19110 Post retail sales For 7 State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office Volume Fer . 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office Volume Fer 1,000 g tifi and point air service 3/ 19110 1930 19110é1930 191.10 receipts (000) cepita Number 0 . tificated point air service 3/ 191.10 1930 19110/1930 191.10 receipts (000) capita Number 9. K (1) . (2) (5) (h) (6) (7) (81 _ T97 (10) 1111 U) ‘ 027 (31 (h) 151 (61 (7) (31 (91 (7771 ' F1?) 7. PENNSYLVANIA (continued) - PENNSYLVANIA (continued) ’f Montoureville 5-1A 5,019 2,710 11.11" 1,080 8 28.1125 8 1,092 562 560 120 Perkaeie 18-xA 11,121 5,1165 19.0 1,951 8 18,250 8 1.5111 578 680 170 1 Nooei c 11411 11. 568 L1. 557 o. 2 1,1011 NA has 89 197 59 Phi lipeburg 68-11 5,965 5, 600 10.1 1 .5170 52, 152 5,197 882 596 1119 é Morrisville 27-20 - 5,195 5,568 2.5 2,091 21,105 1,556 2117 1,159 228 , Phoenixville 25-PG 12,282 12,029 2.1 11,505 19,6511 11,098 551, 1,921 160 ' Mount Carmel 111-11111; 11.1-IA; 116-8x 17,780 17,967 -1.0 11,556 59,129 11,191 256 1,517 81.1 Pitcairn 15-P'1‘ 6,510 6,517 -0.1 1, 111,116 1,121 25 1,158 2115 Mount Joy l2—FXL 2,855 2,716 5.1 1,155 28,1131 1,278 111.18 1108 156 Pittston 8.111 17,828 18,2116 -2.5 11,185 115,110 7,156 1.00 2,526 11.0 Mount Lebanon h—Pl' 19,571 15,1105 116.0 7,519 NA 5,090 260 5,258 162 Plains 111-711 15,621 16,011; -2.6 11.5116 NA 1,565 87 612 58 Mount Oliver 3-” 6.981 7.071 -1.3 2.5111 NA 3.531 506 1,657 2511 Plymouth h—WI 15.507 16.5113 -6.3 5.9118 29.258 5.520 227 1.14118 91 Mount Penn 3-PRN 5,6511 5,017 21.1 1.5311 . NA 621 170 517 79 Polk 115-c1' 5,690 5,557 10.6 1011 NA 108 29 1511 59 Mount Pleasant 52-P'1' 5,8211 5.869 -0-8 1.623 28.6711 3.1109 585 950 158 Portage 71-PT 11.123 11,1152 ~7.0 1.297 111.150 1.859 11146 1.058 260 Mount Union 511-HI 11,765 11,892 -2.6 1,261 111,711; 1,785 575 506 61 Port Carbon . 29-PRN 5,279 5,225 1.7 881.1 NA 5115 166 198 66 ‘ lluncy ll-IA 2,606 2,1413 8.0 905 22,728 938 360 1106 155 Port Vue 10-P'f 3,601 3,510 2.6 1,106 NA 28 63 118 30 Nunhall 6-PT 15,900 12,995 7.0 5,055 NA 2,175 156 2,162 176 Pottetown 16-PRN 20,191, 19,150 5.9 8,261 125,778 11,507 560 5,298 165 Nyerstown 2o-PRN 2,692 2,595 5.8 1,1711 19,852 1,060 5911 1108 156 Pottsville 29-PRN 211,550 211,500 0.9 6,956 157,158 114,282 582 2,7511 110 Nenticoke 8-WI 21,587 26,015 -6.11 6,882 115,759 6,5711 270 1,911 80 Prospect Park lo-PG 5,100 11,625 10.5 2,010 16,815 1,577 270 1,509 262 Nenty 610 65-131 6,217 5,598 11.1 1,828 10,662 1,821 295 610 102 Punxsutawneyv 67-PT 9,1182 9,266 2.5 2,719 117,711; 5,019 529 1.0119 117 Narberth 7-PG 5.217 11.669 11.7 2,080 39.192 1.873 359 1.768 35b. , Quakertm m-XA 5.150 11.885 5.5 2.399 36.719 2.9611 576 867 173 Nazareth l3-XA 5,721 5.505 5.9 2,278 57,215 2,518 111.0 1,272 212 Rankin 8431 7,170 7,956 . -6.1 2,160 NA 1,125 151 780 111 New Brighton 26-21 9,650 9,950 -5.2 5,119 110,010 \ 2,095 218 2,211 221 Ned Lion 19-Pn. 11,891 11,757 2.8 2,158 25,850 2.11115 500 629 126 New Castle 1741‘ 117,638 1.8,6711 -2.1 12,181 210,502 21,055 11112 6,7115 1110 Renovo 58-IA 5,7811 5,9117 -11.1 1,001 16,251; 970 256 681 170 Ian Cumberland 3-H1 11,525 11,283 5.7 1,723 21,611 ‘ 1,155 255 955 187 ' Reynoldeville 75-171 5,675 5,1180 5.6 950 15,585 1,186 525 525 81 ‘ New Keneingtcn 16-P‘l‘ ' 211,055 16,762 143.5 / 8,511 595,859 12,898 556 5,659 255 Ridgway 85—ER 6,255 6,515 -1.0 1,955 56,515 2,588 582 1,015 169 Norrietown 16-PG 58,181 55,855 6.5 12,822 2214.555 16,922 11115 5,610 11.18 Ridley Park 12-PG 5,887 5,556 15. 1.32;] 15,908 568 1116 1,509 527 Northampton S-XA 9,622 ' 9,839 -2.2 3511118 18,1014 2,730 281.1 \ 690 69 Roaring Spring 81-111; 85-PT 2,721.1 2,721.1 - 13 ,195 788 289 306 102 North Bellevercn 25-P1 5,022 5,072 -1.6 950 NA 859 281.1 50 17 Rochester 21-P'r 7,111 7,726 -5.7 2.597 52,752 ’ 5,5117 1177 1.1175 210 North Braddock 10-PT 15,679 16,782 , -6.6 5,078 NA 1,1402 89 2,183 136 Royersford 21.1-PRN; 26-PG 3,605 3,719 -3.1 1,500 23.560 1,011 280 680 170 North Catesauqua 5-XA 2,550 2,700 -6.5 91.18 NA 11.11 57 116 59 St. Clair 50-PRN 6,809, 7,296 -6.7 1,865 11,002 1,152 166 11112 65 , North Charlemi 21-21 2,6711 2,879 -7.1 865 NA 1711 65 180 60 St. inn-ye 82-1A; 95-811 7.653 7.1.133 ‘ 5.0 2.792 110.691 5.158 1115 1,661 208 , . , North East 11.1-ER 5,7011 5.710 -o.2 , 1,095 25,171 1,817.1 1197 6110 160 Sayre 52-TBY 7,569 7,902 -11.2 2.912 111,211 2,682 5511 1,195 1119 Northumberland 26-IA 11,1169 11,1485 -o.5 1,279 111,259 1,058 252 1166 117 Schuylkill Haven 211-PRN 6,518 6.511; 0.1 ' 2.201 52.5811 2.1105 569 665 95 Horned 10-PG 3.921 3.878 1.1 1.525 12.1197 589 150 1.560 3140 Scottqlale 33-PT 6.195 6.7111 6.3 1.579 51.592 2.1125 375 71.10 123 Oakmont 12-PT 6,260 6,027 5.9 2,071 211,971 1,656 261 1,551 222 Selinegrove 51-1A; 57-81 2,877 2,797 2.9 852 17.087 1.0711 575 506 102 011 City 514111; 55-01 20,579 22,075 -7.7 6.157 188,789 9,719 1.178 5,269 165 Sewickley 12-Pr 5,6111 5.599 0.5 2.123 148.0110 5.557 651: 1.550 255 Old Forge 5.111 11,892 12,661 -6.1 2,985 NA 1,812 152 6112 511 Shaler 6-PT 11,185 9,575 16.8 5,629 . NA NA NA NA NA Olyphant , 6411 9,252 10,7115 -15.9 2,577 22,028 2,129 250 912 101 Shenokin 59-1A; 111-111 18,810 20.2711 ~7.2 5.097 86,950 8,811 1168 2,286 120 Oxford 26-PxL 2,725 2,606 11.5 957 19,865 2,107 881.1 1.112 1117 Sharon 12-cr 25,622 25,908 -o.9 8.1166 1511, 618 15,895 5112 5,157 198 - . Palmerton 16-xA 7,175 7,678 -2.6 2,688 211.2115 2.2141 500 1,081 1511 Sharon Bill ,. 8-PG 11,1167 5,825 16.8‘ 1,686 15,596 589 87 986 2117 x Palmyra 16-Hx 5,259 1,, 577 19.7 2,252 25,852 2,058 595 765 155 Sharpsburg 5-P'1‘ 8,202 8,6112 -5.1 2.1011 NA 2.671 326 1.025 128 ‘, Patton 72-P'1‘ , 3.085 2.988 5.2, 765 15,279 9511 1305 555 112 Sharpsvllle 15-01' 5,129 5,191, -1.5 1.1.178 15.9111 1,071 209 1,070 2111 Pen Arsyl 224A 11.059 11.510 -5.8 1,516 12,915 869 2111 511 128 Shenandoah 55411; 57-PnN 19,790 21,782 -9.1 11,199 115,190 6,558 551 1,51,? ‘ 77 Penbrook 5.11: 3.627 5.567 1.7 1.1117 NA 765 210 51,0 85 Shillington - 5.21m 11,952 11,1101 12.1 2.1171 111.596 852 175 799 160 \ . _ A \ e/ Between city centers. . NA - Not available. Popul eti on Mileage from Persona . nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 Post State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office tificeted point 111- eervice 3 191.10 1930 191.10 1930 19110 receipts (I) (21 (3) (11) —(é)— "T67— Pmsnvmu (continued) Shippensburg 37-31 5.21111 11.3115 20.7 2,191 33 .1435 Sletingtcn 13-11 1,062 1,131. 4.7 1.3115 .302 Somerset SS-IIG 5.1150 11.395 23.5 2,008 1.6.158 Soudertcn 27—PG 1.,036 3,857 0.6 1,880 20,282 ' South Connellsville 33-110 2,628 _ 2,516 11.5 1.83 NA South Fork 6544‘ 3,023 3,227 -6.3 91.6 9,701 South Greensburg 27-21 2,616 2,520 3.8 8119 111 Southwest Greeneburg 26-PT 3,002 3,105 -3.3 1,033 111 South unimport 3-11 6,033 6,058 -o.11 1,978 n Spangler 66-21 3,201 2,761 15.9 917 EA Spring City 23mm; 27-PG 3,022 2,963 2.0 1,258 18,296 Spdnedalo 15-P1' 11.989 11.781 11.11 1. 9.71.16 State College 51-11; 65-111 6,226 11,150 110.0 2,171. 109,799 Steeltm _ 3.111 13,115 13,291. -1.3 11.181 21,731 Stoee S-P'l‘ 12.577 13,368 -5.9 , 1m Strcladeburg 30-11 6,186 5,961 3.8 2.21.3 119,1118 Sugar Notch 1.411 2,505 2,768 -9.5 519 n Smit H111 27-n 5.1106 5,567 -2.9 1,510 m . Smbury 29-11 15.1.62 15.,626 -1.0 11,661 75.1.66 Susquehanna Depot 19—TBY 2,7110 3.203 41.1.5 . 733 111,628 Swarthmore l2-PG 11,061 3,105 19.3 1,683 1.1.130 SI'leev'ale 7-PT 15.919 16.029 -o.7 5.1181 NA chyersv'llle 1.411 9,2 9,133 1.1 2,120 n Tun-ecu: 27-n 12.1186 12.936 -3-S 3.91411 39.997 Tarentun 18-P1‘ 9,8116 9,551 3.1 3,200 35,171 Taylor 3-w1 9,002 10,128 -13.7 2,396 m Throop 3-w1 7,382 8,027 -8.0 1,561. m Tltusville 111-ER 8,126 8,055 0.9 2,580 91,062 .rauanda 36-181, 1.6-11 11,151. 1.,101. 1.2 1.1.38 112,238 Trafford 11.-pr 1,017 1,187 -1..1 1.301. 9,376 rurtle Creek 11-21 9,805 10,690 -8.3 3,221. 25,563 TYPO“ V 9’4.” 8,&1§ 900,42 '2'2 21672 91.1111 Union City 2041!? 3.8113 3.788 1.5 1.808 19.038 Unimtaen 22-110 21,819 19,511. 11.6 7.168 160,778 Upper Darby 9-PG 56.883 147.1145 20.7 22.5143 257. Vendergrlft ‘ 27.21 10,725 11,1179 -6.6 3.1122 36.559 Verona ll-PT 11.356 11.376 -0.5 1.337 1 .265 Warren 53-811 ,891 ,863 0.2 5,256 659,015 Washington 23-1’1'; 21.1-qu 26,166 21.1.5115 6.6 8,766 166,836 Waynesboro 51-31 10,231 10,167 0.6 11,031 71,358 ./ NA X Between city centers. ‘- Not evei leble. Less than .05 ’ C ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE FOR AIR SERVICE AS OFLAPRIL 1, 191.15 (All data cover area- within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) cepita Number 1939 retail sales 0 me 91' (000) 9 12.1111. 1.60 1.3116 331 5.1314 9115 2.505 621 180 68 906 300 1150 172 397 132 r 9145 157 502 157 755 1 250 1,0118 210 14.509 7211 2,367 180 1.396 111 5.353 365 161 72 51.16 101 . 7.113 . 1.60 3113 1.1.402 3115 2,7114 170 523 57 11,021 322 5.087 517 1.139 127 782 106 11.316 531 20691-1 6119 739 1811 11.219 1130 3.3311 377 1.61.3 1.28 19.027 872 .8112 1.37 11.032 376 1.325 3011 13.2118 890 16.291. 623 11.129 1401. M3. 191.10 individ- ual income tax returns er- 1,000 1.93 99 1.1.2 111 862 172 697 171-1 108 36 370 123 139 116 1.1 1h 559 93 185 578 193 925 135 1,690 282 1,632 126 m 111 1,079 180 155 . 32 1185 97 1.783 119 1.79 160 1,260 315 3 .1103 213 1155 51 1,632 136 2,220 222 1,182 511 185 26 1,182 11.8 696 1711 862 216 3.500 350 1,020 113 361 90 14.272 ‘ 1911 111 n 1,303 118 1,280 320 3,020 201 5.1435 209 1. 785 179 State and uncer- titiceted point U) Weynesburg Weathe rly We 11 sboro Wesleyvzllle West Chester lest ,Eezleton West Homestead West Newton Wpet Pittston West Reading West View West Waning West York Westmont Willdneburg Williamstown Wilmerding Nil-eon Windber Hinton Wyoming Wyaniseing Yeedon York Youngwood RHCDE ISLAND Barri ngton Bri etcl Burrlllv'llle Central Falls Cram ton Cumberland East Greenwich East Providence Johnston Lincoln Newport ' North Providence Partucket Warren Warwick Mileage frun nearest point certificated for air service ‘ PENNSYLVANIA (continued) 22%; 21.1-FXL 241x; 23-m. C21 53-31 21-711 38-IA 3-ER 211-20 20411 S-PT 20-P1' 7-WI 2~PRN 6-PT 6-WI 58-PT . 7-PT 27-BI 1.2-PT 15-XA (ah-PT 9— III 7-711 3-PRN 5.20 27-1’1‘ 8-PR 6-Px3 16-22 1.1-PR h-PR lO-PR 12-PR 2-PR S-PR 7-PR lB-P'NB h-PR h-PR 6-m B-PR PgLulati on 3%.}. 11.891 2.751. 3.665 2,918 13.289 29.855 2.769 662 8,217 9.057 7.939 1+. 728 6,231 11,159 8,185 25 .2118 117.085 10,625 3.81.2 ' 32.165 10,672 10.577 30.532 12,156 75.79? 8,158 28.757 11.915 2.531 3.610 2.8511 12.325 7.310 3 .552 2.953 9140 7. 11.908 6.028 2.769 5.331 3.383 29.639 2.958 6,291 8,265 9.205 8,508 11.6148 3,111 5.1130 55.2511 2.783 Persons 1939 tax return! gainfully 19110 Post retedl ealee er employed Office c was er 1,000 1 30 19140 1950 191.1) receipts (000 . cepite Number . ”7711' ‘76" T —m— 791' ‘(m‘ Tm)— '55 1.698 1311.120 83.550 726 890 178 9314 11A 518 188 288 96 1,260 31.853 2.629 717 650 163 1,056 NA 862 295 550 183 1.997 113.619 9.951. 71.9 2.329 179 2,121. 1111 1,110 191 615 77 1,128 m. 1,817 515 1.1.0 110 8140 12.926 1.220 Ml 670 223 2.3148 NA 1.356 171 705 88 2,215 m 1,350 275 680 136 2.5911 NA 1.989 276 620 B9 761. n 263 88 121 1.0 2,270 1111 778 139 1, - 1, NA 118 32 101. 26 11.390 m 10.1.98 352 9.991. 333 819 10,799 111.6 161 272 91 1.993 39.963 1.512 267 1.536 256 ' 3.192 NA 1.355 165 11A NA 2.9115 27.072 1. 211. 1.050 117 1,630 m 818 102 1. 1 1,361 111 1,110 235 558 112 1, 50 21.196 1.17 126 816 272 3. 8 NA 1.035 121 1.731. 193 22.228 1.95.733 29.908 527 9.31.1 161. 868 3 10.756 628 2117 1130 11:3 7 2,366 m 1192 79 1,089 182 10552 31.929 2.353 211 1.372 125 2.8911 1111 1.771. 217 1,072 131. 9.706 11.1 11.799 190 2.509 100 16,106 111 9,110 200 8,252 176 1,153 111 1,673 157 918 83 4.579 30.918 2.107 5118 1.939 260 11,812 111 8,1466 263 1.,910 153 3.675 M 1.255 118 $693: 87 .1462 NA .199 1112 1. 150 12.1155 172.680 13.259 14311 14.686 151 11.558 NA 2.252 185 1.5511 130 29.231 380.379 36.185 1177 11.015 115 3.271 35.181: 2.967 3611 825 103 9. NA 5.719 199 5.1152 119 Yer-cent increase -o.5 8.8 0.6 2.2 7.8 2.9 -0.7 '6014 19.7 8.1 3.9 10.1. 0.7 '601}. “10.0 -O.6 -1.6 -6.1 1.7 6.7 57.0 2.6 -8.5 20.7 -6.6 6.6 -2.5 9.7 3.1 1.1.8 111.1 1.5 10.6 905 -1.8 . 26 20.0 Page 115 Page 33 .of ho 191.0 mum:- ual income . ,2.“ 4,...- ... -1». _1\, Pagehb ' ‘ _ 7‘ ,l ',‘-' , . ¥ . , l . .y Page3hof00 ‘, . ‘ \ ', ‘._ . ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 19115 (All date cover erode within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) Table .‘ 1900 individ- \ ’ 1900 individ- ual income - all income Mileage from Population Persons 1939 tax return: ' ' ' Mileage fran Population E‘s-3300: 1939 tax retume nearest point Percent gainfully 1900 Post retail sales Per nearest point Percent 581111111137 19110 Post retcil “lee Per g State end uncep certificated :Pr inn-718a employed Office (Vqume Per 1,000 State and unoer- certificated 9r L, inzomaee emplged Office (VcIume For 1,000 2 tificeted point elr cervice 3 , 1900 1930 1900 1930 190.0 receipti 000) capite Number 0 . tiflcated point air service 2 1 0 1930 19 61930 __19 receipts 000; cepita Number e ' ,7 5 (1) (2) (3) (E) (5) (6) ’(7) (57 (9) (15) E11) (1) (27' E3) (ID (55 (7) (97 (I57 f§§7 % RHODE ISLAND (continued) , SOUTH CAROLINA (continued) Westerly 37-PR 11.199 10.997 1.8 3.791 8 77.052 3 6.919 618 1,815 165 Rock Hill 20-CF 15,009 11,522 52.6 6.050 8 88,500 8 6,155 010 1,562 100 Warwick lo-PR 18,188 17,696 2.8 9,069 53,632 7,158 ‘ 3911 2.305 130 Summerville 22-CS . 3,023 2.579 17.2 1:092 16,108 1,158 383 0119 ’ 150 Woonsocket - l0-pn 09,505 09,576 -0.1 18,788 150,951 19,517 592 6,097 102 Sumter 01—01 ‘ 15.870 11.780 30.8 6,335 80.806 8.677 507 1.377 86 Union 23-SU 8.078 7.019 10.3 2,962 27.700 3.801 053 069 59 wclhella 59-00 2,820 2,588 18.1 857 10,855 960 500 159 55 SOUTH CAROLINA woltcrbore 00-cs 5,575 2,592 50.1 1,007 21,957 2,582 706 527 109‘ Abbeville 07-60 0.930 00010 11.7 2.030 16.652 1.522 309 386 77 Whitmire 35-SU 3.272 2.763 18.0 1.568 NA 759 232 167 56 Aiken 16-VD 6,168 6,055 2.2 2,520 ' 50,875 5,010 088 095 82 Williemetcn 18-GC 2,509 2,255 12.5 705 NA 505 122 76 25 Andereon 28-GC \ 19,020 10,585 55.0 8,099 30,290 8,860 056 1,600 87 Winnebcro ~ 26—01 5,181 2,500 55.7 1,277 15,289 1,785 561 002 107- Bemberg 08-CI; 55-VD 5,000 , 2,050 22.0 1,020 10,588 1,201 000 150 . 05 Woodruff 17-su 5,508 5,175 10.5 1,585 10,575 1,019, 290 07 12 Batesburg 51-01 2,955 2,859 5.5 1,075 10,600 862 290 156 52 I ' ~ 4 - ‘ York . 28-CF 5,095 2,827 25.6 1,558 10,027 1,265 562 215 72 * Beaufort_ 35-SH -5,185 2,776 10.7 1,188 18,677 1,755 505 511 100 Bennetteville 80-CF 0,895 5,667 55.5 1,622 25,080 2,850 578 575 75_ Bishopville 08-01 2,995 2,209 33.2 1.092 12,051 2,189 751 - 279 95 SOUTH DAKOIA Camden 50-01 5.707 5.185 lo.9 1.979 27.907 2.506 005 572 62 Cherew , 66-0? 0.097 3.573 25.9 1:097 15.769 1.820 006 238 60 Brookinss 53-11 5.306 0.376 22.2 1.779 51.567 3.928 735 802 160 ‘Centon ' 19-11 2,518 2,270 10.9 705 16,169 1,508 519 519 106 Chester 02-CF; 00-SU 6,592 5,528 15.6 2,526 50,887 5,208 508 650 106 Deadwood lO-SE 0,100 2,559 60.2 1.530 51,800 2,895 706 610 150 Clinton 33-SU; 39-60 5.700 5.603 1-1 2.320 26.063 2.007 359 v 330 56 Lead . ll-SE 7.520 5.733 31.2 2,625 28.778 2.576 303 1.590 199 Clover 23-CF 5,067 5,111 -1.0 1,180 NA 781 255 125 - 01 Madison 57-11 5,018 0,289 17.0 1,021 29,079 2,807 559 555 107 , Coniay 69-DIL 5,066 5,011. 68.2 1,917 20,825 0,255 800 576 75 ' - ' . t Darlinston 71-CI 6.236 5.556 12-2 2.337 26.028 2.098 001 050 76 Milbank 32-WU 2.705 2.389 . 10.9 871 20.797 1.533 558 001 130 . Mitchell 07-HR 10,655 10.902 -2.8 5,506 90,615 6.758 650 1,199 109 Dillon 83-DIL 5,867 2,751 01.6 1,521 17,957 2,585 616 551 85 Mobridge 81-Px 5,008 5,060 --15.2 373 18,551 1,005 066 551 110 } Eccley 12-00 5,185 0,886 6.1 1.855 10,551 2,225 029 269 50 Sieseton _ 50-wu 2,515 1,569 60.2 765 21,629 NA NA 209 85 ‘ Eau Claire 2-01 5,508 2,915 20.5 1,189 NA 501 97 NA NA Sturgie 27-Rz 5,008 1,707 72.2 733 17,156 NA NA 250 78 Florence 70-01 16,050 10,770 8.7 6,155 85,012 9,061 560 _1,955 121 Fort Mill 18-CF 2,919 2,112 58.2 1,565 NA 1,270 055 157 06 Vermillion 50-YL 5,520 2,850 16.6 1,171 28,607 1,680 507 055 152 Yenkton 56-YX; 57-IL 6,798 6,072 12.0_ 2.059 79,560 0,252 625 657 90 Gaffney 18-Su 7,656 6,827 11.9 2,795 51,087 5,265 ' 027 515 60 Georgetown 55-0s 5,559 5,082 9.0 2,002 28.570 2,672 081 680 115 Greenwood 07-00, 5o-v0 15,020 11,020 18.1 5,975 61,599 6,572 089 958 70 TENNESSEE Greer , 12-GC 2,900 2,019 21.5 1,255 22,020 5,562 1,100 080 160 ' Harteville 65-01 5,599 5,067 6.6 2,181 57,660 5,551 621 695 159 Alcoa 10-Kx 5,151 5,255 -2.0 1,660 11,019 595 77 562 72 Athens 09-0B 6.930 5.385 28.7 2,667 38.620 3.083 005 058 65 House Path 29-00 2,765 2,700 0.9 1,075 NA 798 289 121 00 Brownsville 60-Ps 0,012 5,200 25.2 1.550 18,906 2,271 566 512 78 Kingstree 62-cs; 75-01 5,182 2,592 55.0 1,558 18,951 2,290 720 . 297 99 Clerkeville 01-NA 11,851 9.202 28.0 5,035 65,579 5,150 050 959 78 Lake City 73-01; 7090s 2.522 1.902 29.9 979 13.603 NA NA 200 '67 Cleveland 25-CB 11.351 9.136 20.2 3.787’ 77.583 0.350 380 803 73 Lancaster 36-CF , 0,050 5,505 25.0 2,015 ' 26,819 5,080 695 550 150 ' Laurens \ 31-8“; 33-GC 6.890 5.003 26.7 2.873 25.373 3.069 005 603 92 Clinton 15-Kx 2.761 1.927 03-3 1,025 15.623 NA NA 336 112 Columbia 59-NA 10,579 7,882 50.2 0,562 58,072 5,710 500 1,078 98 Marion 81-DIL 5,706 0,921 16.8 2,161 18,566 1,888 529 500 51 Cookeville 80-03; 92-K1 0,560 5,758 16.7 1,373 25,682 2,161 095 505 86 Mullins 75-DIL 0.392 3.158 39-1 1.593 17.258 2.077 560 290 73 Covinston 39-PS 3.513 3.397 3.0 1,502 17.757 2.582- 735 300 85 Newberry 02-01 7.510 7.298 2-9 2.951 28.511 3.050 059 553 69 Dickson 30-NA 3.500 2.902 33.7 1,050 223693 1.950 558 229 57 North Augusta 2-VD 2,629 2,005 51.5 1.050 NA NA NA 107 09 Orangeburg 36-01 10,521 8.776 19.9 3,836 50,068 5,507 ° 527 971 88 q/ Between City centers. NA - Not available. 7 , ’5" ' ' ‘ .\ ~ “ , . ’ H J ' ' . ”ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF 0123le POINTS NOT CERTI FICATED FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 191.15 .(A11. data cover areas within political boundaries of points named having 2,500 population or more) Table 2 Mileage from Population Persons 1959 nearest point Percent gainfully 19110 Post retail sales State and uncer- certificated for increase employed Office 0 me er tifieated point air service 5/ 19140 1950 19b0/l950 19110 receipts (000) capita (1’) (2) (3) (5) (61 (77 (87 ' (9) TENNESSEE (continued) Dyersburg 7h-PS 10.0311 8.733 111.9 3,692 839.170 85.1118 51.3 East Ridge 6-CB 2,939 2,152 36.6 1,032 111 N1 , NA Eli zabethtan 18-TI 8,516 8,093 5 .2 3 , 071 311.1107 11,2111 1198 Erwin 35-11 3.350 3.623 -7.5 1,119 21.1195 1.3111 392 Etowah [48-68 3,362 1,209 —2o.1 1,051 12,7141 1,285 382 Fayettevllle 31-87 14,681; 5,822 22.6 2,005 25,1167 2,792 596 Franklin 17.171 11,120 3,377 22.0 1,657 33,000 2,216 5115 Galletin 211-111 14,829 3,050 58.3 1,994 23.11th 2,287 1,71, Greenville 118-1'1 6, 7811 5 ,51114 22.1.; 2 , 502 1.16, 785 11, 1911 618 Harrimm 35—101 5.620 11.588 22.5 2,041 29.795 1.566 279 Humboldt 80-PS; 88-PAD 5,160 11,613 11.9 1,965 211.9113 1,531 297- Jackson . 78-?8 21.332 22.172 9.7 9,165 127.609 11.1.73 1172 Jefferson City 2741: 2.576 1,898 _35.7 818 13,097 NA NA Johnson City 22-11 25,332 25,080 1.0 7,945 121,119 12,002 1,711 Kingsport 22-TI 111.1101; 11.9111 20.9 6,144 1113.563 9.6311 669 L8. Follete 32-10: 1,010 2,637 52.1 1,145 15,367 1,906 1175 Lawrenoeburg 39-ED 3 ,807 3 , 102 22 . 7 1, 527 22 , 590 2 , 61.8 696 lebenon 28-171 5,950 11,656 27.8 2,234 30,250 2,291, 386 Lenoir City 211-101 11.373 11.1170 -2.2 1.448 15.293 1.271. 291 Lewisburg 118-111 3,582 3,112 15.1 1, 1.98 27,707 2,269 633 Lexington 75-ED 2,526 1,823 38.6 886 13,877 NA NA Loudon 29-10: 3,017 2,578 17.0 1,190 10,882- 1,261, M9 Martin 614-PAD 3.587 3.300 8-7 1,425 23.583 1.5711 £139 IImmune: 111-XX 5 .609 11.958 13 .1 2,117 1.3 .0117 14.778 852 ' IcMinnville 52-CB 11,619 3,911. 18.8 1,711 27,080 2,351. 506 M11cm Bl-PAD 3.035 3.155 -3-8 1,127 311.1161. 1.11811 1189 Morristown - 39-10; 8,050 7.305 10.2 2,692 611,939 3,683 158 Mount Pleasant 118-101 3,089 2,010 53.7 1,238 13,229 990 320 Kurfreesboro 31-171 9,195 7,993 18.8 3,567 511,076 11,992 526 ”mo” 111-KI 5:575 2:989 , 1906 12123 179897 10678 14$ Paris 56.130) 6.395 8.161; -21.7 2,558 52.087 3.1.11. 538 P0138”. M'Hv 533114 39367 5708 2,076 22.927 51(1'5 575 Ripley 53—Ps 2,7814 2,330 19.5 1,093 15,265 2,108 757 Reclaimed 31-11 3,981 3,898 2.1 1,150 20,511 1,199 301 Shelbyville bB-NA 6,537 5,010 30.5 ' 2,803 16,122 3,1182 533 Sparta 62-08 2,506 2,211 13.3 943 15,052 NA NA Springfield - 25-11;. 6,668 5,577 19.6 2,527 22.731. 2.771. 1116 Sweetweter 60-CB 2,593 2,271 111.2 936 15,206 1,093 1,22 Trenton 78—PAD; 87—Ps 3,1100 2.892 17.6 1,240 20,028 1,303 383 Tullahouna , 119-117 14.5119 11.023 13.1 1,752 27,102 1,5 31,0 Union City 52-1w) 7,256 5,865 23.7 3,187 35,576 3.781 521 Winchester 2,760 2,210 21.1.9 1,067 20,926 1,706 618 e/‘ NA Between city centers. 116-CB - Not available . l9h0 individ-- ual income tax returns er 11,000 Number 0 . {155 111, 171 17 NA NA 1,280 162 602 201 579 126 377 75 519 150 11.7 89 580 83 1:16 69 267 53 2,532 106 337 112 1,990 80 3.032 217 190 b8 223 56 1119 70 297 78 37h 9h 161 511 170 57 213 53 1.1.711 2116 2111 118 171 57 638 79 275 92 91114 105 221 55 678 113 372 i 7b 289 96 238 1 60 1129 61 NA NA 1.171 67 199 66 228 76 358 72 587 8b. 'l State and. uncer- Mileage from nearest point certificated for tii‘icated point air service 3 TU (27 TEXAS Alamo Heights ' 5.1m Alice hfi-CR Alpine 195-30 Alvin 25-110 Aransas Pass 18-CR Arlingtou 18-DL Athens )5-TTV Ballinger 35-DIP Bay City 55.1w Beeville h9-CR Belton 110-770 Benevides 65-CR Bonham 65-DL ‘ Borger hO-AQ Bowie 113—w? Brackettvllle 118-ZN Brady 70-01? . Breckenridge 55-AP Brenham 68-HU Brownfield 37-DEH Brounmood 68-12 Bryan 76-WC; BB-HU; BB—XN Burkburnett 15-WF 1 Cameron 50-710 Canyon lB-AQ Center 55-23 Childress 105-WF; 108-AQ Cisco 115-3.? Clarksville 60-TR Cleburne 28-FV Coleman 115-AP Colorado City 58—82 Comanche 78-AP Commerce 68-DL: 72-T’1‘V Conroe ‘ 38-HU Cooper 76-DL Corsicana 53-01.; 55470 Cotulla 83-ZN Crockett 73-117 Crystal City 85-LOR 19110 15.398 1153142 2,811.; 5.0110 2,6& 1930 191.0 1930 __1910 “"57— "W —(51—_ (67— 147.1 2,166 83.8 2,718 10.6 1,139 1011.3 86/. 65.0 1,313 , 15.8 1,344 9.7 1,797 6.8 1,369 62.0 2, [‘48 1.1.3 2,099 -5,5 1,048 .. 850 12.3 2,091 53.1. 3,662 10.8 1,112 15.6 732 25.6 1,803 -23.0 1,731 7.7 2,167 110.2 1,272 11.8 4,187 51.5 1., 524 '11-‘92 713 10.11 1,595 -7.1 826 19.9 1,103 -9.8 2,000 -19.2 1,280 58.7 1,434 -8.5 3,126 ‘0.)4 1,766 11.6 1,670 31.8 941 10.1 1,426 88.2 1,648 25.1. 732 0.2 5,163 111.11 ‘ 888 2.1 1,860 -1.2 2.207 Population Persons Percent gainfully 19110 Post increase employed Office NA 3146.181; 20,952 16,230 16.828 211.1011 22 receipts (000 T 7'5;— 1939 , retail eal es 0 me 01' (9) 81.5110 270 11.675 600 1,623 1.20 m m. 1,708 b1? 2.268 535 2,985 626 2.6115 591 11,068 617 3.980 586 996 279 m u 2.700 1:25 5.908 590 1,798 518 ‘ NA NA 3.021; 605 3.1116 586 3.1102 529 1m m 6,851 511 6.9811 590 1,705 606 2.388 11711 1,081 1.12 2,119 701. 3.556 550 1.71.2 358 2.2148 5119 11.1199 1:26 2,712 U18 2.527 1185 1.102 3113 1.969 1:19 3.1811 689 1,201 1.73 6.959 h57 826 227 2.517 555 992 Page 1.17 Page 35 of 1.10 capita Number 191.10 individ- ual income tax returns er 1,000 ~65 m m 1,053 132 365 91 1159 153 1,72 118 683 171 397 79 1169 117 912 130 661. 95 291 73 185 62 1.62 77 1,222 m 382 127 1711 58 1:73 95 675 113 690 115 671, 169 1.711. 132 1,251 101, 288 96 1125 85 122 ml 299 100 606 101 1.27 85 311; 79 1,011 92 581 97 556 111 269 90 1157 91 695 139 167 55 1.1.60 97 20° 50 1:17 83 212 30 1. 1349*”,- ;_ , a??? x..":§‘|;& ‘9’}..‘1‘f‘1m2:3“W‘xf""3}’*i;,'1 ' 1‘ ‘56], I 6.3,, 3 “L???“ 2 33525;“; .:;:._f 1 V :5)!» t I {I I , ‘9‘ I,“ , - _‘ _' . ,1. ,_. A." I. v . . ”\‘I I7 ~ ’ x 1 e ‘ x Page 118 ‘ _ . , . . ' Page 36/o1‘ 1.0 ' . \. 1“. ‘3 .Jr. ;, _ . , - ’- ' 1, _ ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS-0F URBAN, Pours NOT CERTIFICATE!) 7011 AIR SERVICE AS 0? APRIL 1, 191.5 it (Alldetc cover ere“ within political boundaries of points named 1.877.115.2500 populetion or more) ' .‘a I )t _ Tabl ‘ I \1 , 1 191.0 individ- 191.0 individ- ‘ uel income ‘ 1111 income 2 Mileage from Population Persona 1 39 tax returns Mileage from Population Persons 1939 tax returns [ nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retei ‘ealee > For nearest point Percent gainfully 191.0 Post retail eale’e Per 3 Ste to and uncezv certificated for . increase employed Office (Vqume Per 0 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for ingot-ease emplged Office (Volume For 1,000 tif‘icated point ' air oer-vice a 191.0 1930 191.0 1930 191.0 reoeipte 000) cepite Number, 0 . tificeted point air service a 191.0 1930 19 1930 19 receipts 000 oepite Number e ' (1) (a) (a) (1.) fig). (6) (77 (81 (9) T16)" '37 (1) (27 "(3T '75)” ‘79— "(‘67— T 731‘ “(T9 "(TbT "(£171 TEXAS (continued) TEXAS (continued) , Cuero 76-zN 5,1.71. 1.,672 17.2 1,956 ' 8 23,91.6 8 2.1.86 1.51. 523 105 Keumen 33-01. 2,651. 2,279 16.5 ' 849 8 11.,856 8 1,330 501 222 71. ~' , Delbert 70-AQ 1., 682 11.691 -o.2 1,505 23,817 2.1.57 525 628 126 «Kenedy 55-ZN 2,891 2,610 10.8 855 15,090 1,639 567 321 107 I . Decatur 36-FV 2,578 2,037 26.6 759 13.991. 1,379 535 251 81. Kermit 62-1141) 2,581. V - - 893 ' 15,1.70 NA NA 358 119 I Del Rio 11.2-2N; lSS-LOR 13,343 11,693 11..14,159 1.8.879 3.812 286 901. 70 Ken-villa 58-ZN 5,572 4.51.6 22.6 1,849 35,396 3,982 715 728 121 ,1 Denison 70-DL 15,581 13,850 12. 5 5,310 711.990 6.1.23 1.12 1,931 , 121 Kilgore 25-1‘1'v 6,708 - - 2,738 72.21.1 7,251. 1,081 1,723 21.6 I Denton' 33-27; 35-01. 11,192 9,587 16.7 4.146 92.727 6.138 5118' 1.378 125 Kingsville‘ 35-GR 7.782 6.815 111.2 2,659 35.168 3.1.21 M0 917 115 I Donne 1.0-JI 1.,712 1.,103 11..8 1,484 12,572 800 170 289 58 La Grange 58-XN 2,531 2.351. 7.5 964 19.1.02 1.5115 610 313 101. Dublin ’ 71.-FV 2, 51.6 2,271 12.1 793 11.,700 997 392 191 61. Lemesa 60-DHH 6,038 3,528 71.1 2,051 30,771. 3.981 659 821. 137 Eagle Pass lOS-LOR 6.1.59 5,059 27.7 1,730 16,629 1,951. 303 .532 51. Lempesee 60-XN 3.1.26 2,709 26.5 1,098 18,372 1,881 51.9 281. 95 Beetland 53-12 3,819 1.,61.8 -17.2 1,115 23,082 1,729 1.1.9 361 90 La Porte 21.-EU 3,072 1,280 11.0.0 962 9,229 , NA NA 276 92 I1 Edinburg 50-JI 8,718 1.,821 80.8 2,904 32,859 2,819 327 351 39 Levenmd 30-DHH 3,091 1,661 86.1 1,054 19.533 NA ’ NA 670 223 ~ Edna 98-_CR 2.721. 1,752 55.5 917 14,803 NA NA 357 119 , Liberty \ 1.3-JU 3,087 2,187 1.1.2 0 1,276 19,731. NA NA 1.35 11.5 , El Campo 70-HU 3,906 2,031. 92.0 1,565 25,788 NA NA 790 198 Littlefield 38-DHH 3,817 3,218 18.6 , 1,240 19,823 2,1.16 633 533 133 Electra 25411" 5,588 6, 712 -16.7 1,801 28,877‘ 2,791. 500 702 117 Llano 65-10! 2,658 2,121. 25.1 751 12.31.13 1.291 1.86 21.8 83 Ennis 33-DL 7.087 7 069 0-3 2,294 76.369 2.678 378 752 107 Lookhnrt 25-XN 5.018 1..367' ' 114-9 1,362 18.192 2. 383 1.75 39h 79 . Fleydede , 1.3-DHH 2,726 2,637 3.1. 910 11., 812 1,862 683 31.7 116 Longview 37-1'1'v 13,758 5,036 173.2 5,643 113.1405 8,661 630 .757 197 I‘ Fort Stockton 91-01113 3.291., 2. 695 22.2 994 17. 21.0 1.921 583 357 119 Lurkin 78-TTV 9. 567 7.311 30.9 3, 764 57.883 5.158 539 1.208 121 I- Fredericksbnrs .. 6845“ 3.51111 2 .1416 1.6.7 1.105 16.352 2.360 666 31.9 87 Lulins 55-ZN 11.1137 5.970 -25-7 1,442 21.6141. 2. 573 580 1.77 119 Freeport 553-311 2.579 3,162 -18.1. 952 21.1135 8118 329 669 223 Mar-fa 178-E0 3.805 3.909 -2-7 984 19.251 1 .653 1.31. 366 92 Geinesville 60-FV 9,651 8,915 8.3 2,990 1.0.901. 1..890 507 985 99 Nernn 23-wc 6,51.2 5,338 22.6 1,912 28,1.312,960 1.52 502 72 J/ _ Geteeville 38-wc 3,177 2, 601 22.1 1,059 19,8)..6 1,805 568 321. 108 Marshall 38-ZH 18,1.10 16, 813 13.6 6,797 78,755 7,1.81. 1.07 1,745 97 I Georgetown 28-XN 3,682 3, 583 2.8 1,194 21,165 1,799 1.89 372 93 Mart 15-110 - 2,856 2,853 0.1 881 10.961. 1,053 369 331 110 . Gilmer 35-11'7 3,1381,963 59.9 1,064 20.789 NA NA 378 126 McAllen 53-JI 11,877 9,071. 30.9 4,193 58.71.!) 6,255 527 1,239 103 Gledenter 25-‘1‘TV 1., 1.51. - 1,666 33,618 3,21.7 729 976 21.1. McCemey 63-mn) 2, 595 -21..7 979 17,581 1,991 767 351 117 Gmelea 65-211 1., 722 3,859 22.1. 1,462 20,077 1.81.2 390 397 79 McKinney 30-01. 8, 555 7,307. 17.1 2,755 38,981 1.,21.1 1.96 755 81. Goose Creek 25-HU 6,929 5,208 33.0 2,466 32,361. 1., 522 653 1,368 195 Memphis 83-AQ 3,869 1.,257 -9.1 1,168 17,611. 2,111 51.6 31.1 85 Gram... 55-WF 5.175 14.981 3.9 1,795 29.203 3.501 677 591+ 119 Mercedes 33-JI 7. 6214 6.608 15.1. 2,356 24.321 1.999 262 ' 1122 53 Greenville hB-DL 13. 995 12.1.07 12.8 4,815 7.335 521. 1.303 I 93 Moxie lab-W0 6.1.10 6.579 -2-6 1,966 29.1180 2 .557 399 536 89 1, Hamilton 60-wc 2,716 2,081. 30.3 852 15,655 1,800 663 235 78 Mineole 25-1'1v 3,223 3,301. -2.5 1,095 16,51.1. 1, 501. 1.67 358 119 “7 Harlinsen 25-JI 13.306 12.1214 9-7 4,787 76.082 7.353 553 1.273 98 Mineral Wells hS-FV 6.303 5.986 5.3 2,209 10.105 2.781. 1.112 667 111 ‘ Haskell 1.9-11D 3,051 2,632 15.9 893 13,950 1,615 529 162 51. Mission 58-JI 5,982 5,120 16.8 1,723 25.141. 2.098 351 589 98 : Heerne 55410 3,511 x 2,956 18.8 1,063 11.,188 1,181. 337 288 72 Monohene 58-0110 3.9141. 816 383.3 1,508 23,366 NA NA 579 11.5 . . Hendereon 35-TTV 6,1137 2, 932 119.5 2,661 50,126 6,1118 997 1.093 182 Mount Pleasant 60—TTV; 60-1'R 11,528 3,5111 27.9 1,516 27,706 2,716 600 1.62 92 Hereford 1.3-AQ 2,581. 2.1.58 5.1 945 19,732 2.1.80 960 522 171. Neoogdoohee 65-1-17 7,538 5,687 32.5 2, 961 52,941. 5,081 671. 81.7 106 41 , Highlend Perk 1.,-0L 10,288 .422 22.2 4,684 11.1 1.539 .150 NA NA Nemeote 60-HU 6,138 5,128 19.7 2, 419 21,961 1,762 287 1.21. 71 J : \ Eillaboro 33-wc ‘ 7,799 7,823 -0.3 2,323 31.,21.6 3,1.09 1.37 51.8 '69 New Breunfele 33-2N 6,976 6.21.2 11.8 2,142 27,557 3,090 1.1.3 612 87 _. Huntsville 68-HU 5,108 5,028 1.6 1.335 39.355 2.916 571 611. 123 Noeone 1.541? 2.605 2.352 10.8 877 23.262 1.266 1.66' 382 127 \ Jeckeonville 30-T‘1'V 7,213 6.71.8 6.9 2,750 39,1.28 3,516 1.87 596 85 Odeeee 20-0110 9,573 2.1.07 297.7 3,725 75,181 8.1.22 880 1,891 189 , Jaw 60-JU 3.197 3.393 3.1 1.209' 20.997 1.7116 1.99 1.00 133 Olney 1.0-“? 3.1.9? 4,138 -15.5 1,032 17,580 2,110 603 361 120 Jefferson 1.3-28 2.797 2.329 20.1 826 18.1.23 1.278 1.57 325 108 Orange 2.40 7.1.72 7.913 -5.6 2,301 33.959 3.057 1409 889 127 .7: e/ Between city centers. ‘ , ,- ‘ , NA - Not available. ~ 7 , I I. _ , I J , I I « 4x . . 1, ,1 , 4:, 0,“; . * ,_. ' ., .. I I .1 a . , 1 ~ 1 rflfm.‘ L A... ,_.,g, t“... 8.1.3“ 3.1-1.4. 1:. .12": J, ~\ 1 3 4.4., I 8 ‘1 s .725, . 1}). . ‘_.-n:.:._.14.1_,13-: Q- ,5...r-'A.;_1,.-.:1._...L_; l...‘m_..).r. .,, “,1,” 1.4;:3221‘w9f1‘ 7 f." -1... ,..'I..:L-, . " . . " 1 u‘g L114 .4. g. 1.. 21.1.2242..- Page 1.19 Page 37 of 1.10 4 ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS or URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED 7012 AIR SERVICE As 0? APRIL 1, 191.5 2 (All data cover are” within political boundaries of points named honing 2,500 population or more) 1 . Table w 191.0 individ- 191.0 individ- ‘- ual income 11:1 incom- llileege from Population Persons ' 1939 ' tax return: I Mileage fran Population Persons 1939 tax return. nearest point Percent gainfully 1910 Post reteil sales For . nearest point Percent gainfully 191.10 Post retail sales ' Per State and uncer- certifica'ted :Pr 1.0 increase emplzged Office (Vqume For 1,000 State and uncer- certificated f?!- inoreaee amplified Off-“3° (Volume F9? 1:000 ‘ tifi cated point air urvice 3 19 1930 191.0 1930 19 receipt: 000) capita Number 0 . tificated point air service 3 191.0 1930 191.0 1930 19 receipts 000 ccpita Number . , (If (21 (3) (01+T’W—W‘TT'W'E'B m r27 ’UT‘W—(érT—m-fi‘erTmr‘f-‘I’fi . 1 TEXAS (continued) 1 TEXAS (continued) \. Paducah 95-DEH 2,677 2,802 -1..5 783 t 13,61.o 8 1,838 687 236 79 Teegue 50-wc 3,157 3,509 -10.0 992 8 13,118 8 1,231 390 230 77 Palestine 1.8-TTV 12,101. 6.1 11.1.08 65,122 5,212 1.29 1,500 125 Temple 35-wc 15,301. 15,315 3 5.1.15 811,193 6,918 1.51 1,539 103 Pmpa 55-AQ 12.895 10.1170 23.2 11.860 814.377 8.51114 663 2.185 166 Terrell 30-DL 10.1181 8.795 19.2 2,553 29.136 3.037 290 . 521 52 Paris 90-TTV; 90-111; 93-01. 18,678 15,619 19.1. 6.000 77,882 7,539 1.01. 1,396 73 Texarkana 65-ZH 17,019 16,602 2.5 6.31.1 NA 8.1.91 199 1,826 107 Pesedens lO-HU 3.1.36 1.61.7 108.6 1,331 15,827 1,058 308 596 199 Texas City 10.08 , 5,7118 3.5314 62.6 2.081, 27,693 2, 61.3 1.60 71.3 121. - . Peareall 55-ZN 3,161. 2.536 21.1.8 1,026 NA 858 271 209 70 University Park ' 5-DL 11.,1.58 1.,200 21.1..2 6,213 NA 1,632 113 NA NA Pecos 95-0111) 1.,855 3.3011 1.6.9 1,651 28.1.37 3,166 652 1.85 97 Uvalde 80-21! 6,679 5,286 26. 2,027 26.1131. 2.716 1.07 5115 78 Polly 25-HU 3.712 3.1452 7-5 1.170 NA 781 210 205 51 1 Vernon hB-WF 9.277 9.137 1-5 2,876 50.751 5.1176 590 1.0115 116 Pnerr - bB-JI 11.7811 3.225 118.3 1.597 12.513 929 1911 273 55 Victoria . . 75-CR 11.566 7.1121 55.9 1.,1131. 62.955 7.803 675 1.1158 122 Pittaburg 50-TTV 2,916 2,6140 10.5 1.059 114,069 1,191.. 1.109 253 81. Wanhachie 28-DL 8,655 8.01.12 7.6 2,808 111,537 11,098 1473 818 91 - Plaintiew hS-DEH 8,263 8,831. -6.5 2,901 19,751. 5,1172 662 1,129 11.1 leatherford 26-FV 5,921. 11,912 20.6 1,330 28,507 2,821. 1.77 1.98 83 1; Port Arthur 19-JU 116.1110 50.902 -9.h 16.917 1711.216 20.1172 111.1. 7.705 168 Wellington 95-110 3.308 3.570 -7-3 91.5 16.1159 1.91.3 587 223 7b, 7 Quantum 75-10“ 3.767 11.1.61. ~15-6 1.100 20.180 2.091 555 397 99 Wesleoo 35-JI 6.883 11.879 1.1.1 2,365 26.971 2.313 336 198 71 1 Ranger 60-AP h,553 6,208 -26.7 1,233 19,856 1,911 h20 375 75 West University Place 5-HU 9,221 1,322 597.5 ' 5,890 HA NA NA NA NA { Rnymondvine 1.5-JI 11,050 2,050 97.6 1.282 16,826 1,786 1.1.1 311. 79 Wharton 55-GS 11.386 2,691 63.0 1,632 - 28,085 2,807 61.0 652 163 \ ' , . Refugio 38-CR 11.077 2,019 101.9 1.379 16,690 2,102 516 513 128 Yoakum 83-211 1.,733 5,656 16.3 1,295 116,107 2,356 1.98 1135 87 ’ , Robltom , 18—CR 6,780 1.,183 62.1 1.779 21,981 2,979 1.39 691 99 ; Rosenberg 33.11:: 3.1157 1.91.1 78.1 1.262 18,959 m m 1.92 161. I Rusk hD-TTV 5.699 3.859 117.7 1.227 111.969 1.1155 255 235 39 UTAH ,‘ Sen Benito 18-JI , 9,501 10.753 -11.6 2.911 27.377 2,609 275 563. 56 j - . American Fork 27-81 3.333 3.0117 9.14 7115 9.693 1.1711 352 178 59 N San Diego 52-CR 2,671. - - 69h NA 891 333 196 65 Bingnnm Canyon 2l-SL ’ 2,831. 3.21.8 -12.7 1,012 12,023 1,039 367 873 .291 F. 38.11 uni-cos 30411 6,006 5,131. 17.0 1,781 38,191 2,319 391 577 96 Bountiful 881. 3,357 2,571 30.6 8117 11A 1,185 353 212 71 . ' San Saba 88-111: 9840 2.927 2.21.0 30.7 87h 13.9118 1.1187 508 257 86 Brigham 20-0G 5. 5.093 10.8 1.31.2 23.016 2.125 377 362 60 \11 Sum": 38-30 3.225 505 538.6 1.217 17.773 NA NA 350 117 Cedar City 125-190: 1145-11 14.695 3.615 29.9 1,257 21.759 3.205 683 » 370 75 1 Seguin 35.211 7,006 5,225 311.1 2,170 30,130 3,078 1.39 560 80 Heber 30-31 2.71.8 2.1177 10.9 658 9,323 NA NA 128 1.3 Seymour 5041? 3,328 2,626 26.7 1,081 15,615 1,853 557 319 106 Helper 91-SL 2,8113 2,707 5.0 756 11.11113 1.1136 505 392 131 I ‘ Shamrock _ 89-AQ 3,123 3,780 -17.1. 1,026 17,892 2,278 729 370 123 Lehi 26-81. 2,733 2,826 -3.3 522 NA 1.1.0 161 59 20 7 '71 shm 63‘DL 173156 153713 902 60252 9500149 891114 1473 1:5914 914- 1408“ 56'“; 113868 90979 . 1609 3.0& 723562 6:516 SM) 996 83 '; Silsbeo 20-JU 2,525 - - _ 81.7 13,817 NA NA 381. 128 Midvele 12-SL 2,875 2.1.51 17.3 353 10,128 1,036 360 357 119 Sinton 20-CR 3,770 1,852 103.6 1,301. 18,630 NA NA 1.1.7 112 " ; , Hurray 8-SL 5,7110 5.172 11.0 1,531 NA 2.379 14111 535 89 Slaton 18-DHH 3,587 3,876 -7.5 , 1,0117 11.,011. 1,386 386 1.29 107 Nephi 73-81. 2,835 2,573 10.2 6a) 11A 802 283 97 32 3, Snithrine 1.0-nl 3,100 3,296 -5.9 91.1. 13.309 1,023 330 319 106 Oren 33-SL 2.911. 1.915 52.2 539 NA 11A NA 1. 1 & Snyder 1.9432 3,815 3,008 26.8 1,132 17.1.75 2,251 590 363 91 Park City 23-SL 3,739 1.,281 -12.7 996 652 171. 258 65 U 3 Sonora 63-012 2,528 1.91.2 30.2 906 9.331 NA NA 372 12. Payson ' 50-SL 3.591 3.01.5 17.9 678 ‘ 11A 1,015 291 68 17 Stanford 35-Ap 1.,810 1.,095 17.5 1.1.86 26,525 2,776 577 501. 101 96-3 11. ’ Price L 5.2111 081+ 27-7 1 1.0 27.886 3.881 71411 575 115 t Stephenville 63-FV h.768 3,900 20.9 1.690 35.591 2,365 b96 035 87 Provo » 38-s1 18,071 10,766 22.0 11553 80,021 7,789 031 1,260 70 t Sulphur Springs 58-TTV ' 6.71.2 5.1.17 211.5 2,117 28,261 1.,31.9 61.5 1.96 71 Richfield 138-SL 3,581. 3,067 16. see 18,088 1,868 521 231 58 Sweetvater 1.8-1? 10.367 10.8148 41.1.. 3.1437 60.660 5.020 14811 927 93 . St. George 1011-sz 112-JD 3.591 2.11311 147-5 876 15.2113 1.363 380 171 L13 . Tnft 15-CR 2,686 1,792 1.9.9 790 11,975 Ni NA 338 113 South Sale Lake 3-SL 5,701 - - 1,51,], NA 1,106 191. NA NA , Taylor 30-IN 7.875 7.1163 5.5 2.522 112.229 3.872 1.192 712 89 3 Spanish Fork 1.7-SL 1.,167 3,727 11.8 823 11,819 1.1.93 358 119 30 E Springville bhFSL 0,796 3,7h8 28.0 989 12,133 1,172 200 181 36 _ Tooe1e 26-SL 5,001 5,135 -2.6 1.1121: 13.911. 1,526 305 537 107 E! I -( '95. 1 .1 12 x. 1 .Q * Unincorporated. a/ Between city centers. I NA - Not available. ‘ X Less than .05 {011; ‘ f? ,A r: 1:3 n. 33'4“?" ‘ .’” "3‘: site/r k at ¢\":,7:fi"‘: ‘ n; n“; ‘fi‘fg‘wfi Lg: ; “it. 1 3,), ‘31 2”“ . .3". ‘ (3,7313%; 1’" A“. ,)i: :R_. .1» ’ “\‘3; -,~ f“; \. 2;: > ‘ \_ '\ «.3 7 ’ I ) "' W k “ i ‘ 1:14;: I t \ ‘4: I V‘ ' i I :7 ’ ‘ V ‘7 y ‘ I 1 I Page 50 . " ‘ - . ' I ‘ Page 38.01‘ 110 3 » ECONOMIC CHARACTERI’STICS OF URBAN POINTS N01 GERTIFIcATED 1011 AIR SERVICE AS OF APRIL 1, 191,5 (All dots cover areas within politieel boundsries of points named hsving 2, 500 populstion or more) ' Table 191,0 individ- 191,0 individ- ual income ' M1 inoane Mileage from Population ' Persons 1939. tax returns . Mileage fran - Population Persons 1939 tax returns‘ nearest point Percent gainfully 191,0 Post retail sales For nearest point Percent gainfully 191,0 Post retail sales or State and uncer- certificated for 140 increase employed Office 0 ume er 1,000 State and uncer- certificated for 3 11107889 amplified Office ' (a me er . 1,000 tit‘icated point air service a 19 1950 191,0él930 191,0 receipts (000) oepits Number 0 . tificated point air service 3 191,0 1930 191,0 1930 19 receipts 000; capital Number . (1) (2) (3) (h) ' (6) C7) (8) , (9) (10) £11} (1) (27 (5) (61 (7) (9) (101 8;) VERMONT ll VIRGINIA (continued) Bellows Falls 36-P11w 1,,236 3,930 7.8 1,677 a 39,289 6 3,168 71,8 761 190 \ Petersburg 22-1111 30,631 28,561, 7.2 12,011, $166,399 813,862 1153 3.155 102 Remington 38-GB: 115-112 7.628 7.390 3.2 3.011, 69.805 11. 569 599 1.2511 157 - Phoebus 114-101 3.503 2 .956 16 5 1.271 15.615 1.187 339 1137 109 Brattleboro 57-?sz 58-cN; 60-AZ 9,622 8,709 10.5 3,873 99,71,5 6,211, 61,6 1,503 150 Pocahontas 69-TI 2,623 2, 293 11,.1, ' NA NA NA 310 103 Newport 50-017, 60-JG 1,902 5,091, -3.8 1,715 31,598 3,681 751 681, 137 Portsmouth 2.1111 50.7115 115.701, 11.0 19,918 252.975 16.1.1914 325 9.132 179 Rutland 33-PRW; hO-GB 17.082 17.315 -1-3 5.8112 129.993 11.530 675 2.1162 1115 Pulaski 118-R0 8.792 7.168 22.7 - 3.1110 55.199 3.536 1,02 703 78 Saint Albans 25-JG 8,037 8,020 0.2 2,711, ‘ 51,578 1,,701,~ 585 1,227 153 Redford 31,-110 6,990 6,227 12.3 2.1176 33.703 1,871 268 660 91, Saint Johnsbury 3o-Uv 7,1,37 7,920 -6.1 2,763 3 66,751 5,1,1,l 732 1,082 155 Salem 7-110 5, 737 1,,833 18.7 1,917 118.1173 2.167 378 9110 157 Springfield 26—PRW 5,182 1.91.3 11.8 2,391, 56,213 2,125 1,68 1,877 375 . Seltville 3o-TI 2,650 2.961, -10.6 607 15,261, 771, 292 175 58 waterbury 25-JG 3,071, 2,858 7.6 728 13,6113 NA NA 280 , 93 South Boston 52-18 5,252 1,,81,l 8.5 2,191, 29,503 3,051, 581 1,77 95 Windsor 12-PRW 3,1,02 3,689 -7.8 1,316 28,819 1,903 559 ' 827 276 South Norfolk 1,-Nw 8, 038 7,857 2.3 2,678 NA ' 1,717 211, 763 95 Winooski 2-JG 6,036 5,308 13.7 1,909 NA 1,207 200 1,16 69 ‘Staunton 51-18 13,337 11,990 11.2 1,,766 107,313 8,010 601 1,859 11,3 . Suffolk 18-Nw 11.313 10,271 10.1, ,821, 81, 368 7,032 620 1,152 105 Vinton 3-Ro . 3, 1,55 3, 610 -1,. 3 1, 125 NA 607 176 1,26 11,2 VIRGINIA Virginia Beach 17401 2,600 1,719 51.3 1,159 1,7,616 NA NA 563 188 Waynesboro 27-LB 7.373 6.226 18.1, 2.966 56.297 3.790 511:. 1.319 193 Abingdon 11,-TI 3,158 ‘2,877 9.8 1, 006 30,215 1,726 51,7 311 101, Alexandria 741A 33.523 211.1119 38.8 13:9711 193.690 111.196 1,23 7.3147 216 Willimburs 37-1111 3.9112 3.778 1,.3 1.1158 53.3311 2.307 585 1.352 338 Alton-1st,,~ 21,-18 2,919 2 .367 23.3 3,291, 26,683 1 ,385 1,71, 3 277 92 Winchester 65-1111 12,095 10,855 11.1, 5.091, 88,715 8,001, 662 1,528 127 Appalachia 1,0—TI - 3,010 3, 595 -l6.3 877 12,725 1,385 1,60 307 102 Wytheville 66-Ro 11.653 3.327 39.9 1,675 29,221, 2,700 580 1,83 97 Arlington 6-w11 57,01,0 26, 615 1111.3 26,680 182,239 16, 387 287 10,217 180 » Redford 22-LB 3.973 3.713 7.01.5311 32.14111 2.078 523 509 127 ' WASHINGTON Big Stone Gap 38-TI 1,,331 3,908 10.8 1,068 13,512 791 183 251, 61, , _ Blackstone 1,0-1211 2,699 1,772 52.3 1.138 21,156 NA NA 270 90 Aberdeen 68-011, 81-811 18,81,6 21,723 -l3.2 6.992 99.625 12,018 638 3,682 191, Bluefield 65-TI 3,921 3,906 0.1, 1,191 11,560 1,313 335 21,5 61 Anaoortes 18-JJ 5,875 6, 561, -1o.5 1,676 22,013 1,670 281, 61,8 108 Buena Vista 25-18 1,, 335 1,,002 8.3 .271 13,123 1,036 239 218 55 Auburn ll-DTA 1,,31 3, 906 7.81.393 27,125 2,518 598 1,058 261, Bremerton 11,~SA 15,131, 10,170 1,8.8 6,226 161,611, 10,009 661 5,1,25 362 . Charlottesville .56-LB 19.1100 15,21,5 27.3 8 ,177 187,160 12,710 657 2,903 153 Gems 11,-PD 1,,1,33 1,,239 1,.6 1,813 27,960 1,926 1,31, 1,089 272 Clifton Forge 1,5-18 6,1,61 6,839 -5.5 2,118 28,280 2,598 1,02 91,8 158 ‘ . Colonial Heights 21-RW 3,191, 2, 331 7.0 1,271, NA - 385 121 1,65 155 Centrelia 1,5-011 7.1111, 8,058 -8.0 2,062 117.722 11.513 609 1,119 161, Cavinston 37-110 6. 300 6. 538 -3-6 2.5514 117.1109 11.1122 702 1.1181 2117 Chehalls 118-011 11.857 11.907 -1.0 1.705 51.152 11.580 9113 972 191, Danville 57-018 32, 71,9 22,217 117.2 13,167 167,215 15,719 1,80 2,870 87 olarkston 68-711. 3,116 2,870 8.6 1,002 11.306 963 309 312 101, . Colfax 51,-SN 2, 853 2,782 2.6 1,218 27, 850 2,711, 951 729 21,3 Emporla 69-Nw 2,735 2,11,), 27.6 1,153 21,6113 1,957 716 31,7 116 Dayton 26-111. 3, 026 2,528 19.7 950 11,,8141 1,361, 1,51 1,69 156 Falls Church B-WA 2,576 2,019 27.6 1,122 12,128 NA NA 539 180 , Fhrmville 55-RW 3,1,75 3,133 10.9 1,600 1,1,81,3 2,61,1, 761 570 190 Elleneburg 27-11; 31-Ic 5,911, 1,,621 28.6 2,092 1,3,233 1,,71,l 798 1,238 206 Franklin 35-Nw 3,1,66 2,930 18.31.51,7 29,1,78 2,160 623 , 1,58 153 Ehumolavr 23-011 2, 627 2,081, 26.1 1,011 25,563 2,305 877 1,003 331, Fredericksburg 1,8411 10,966 6,819 117.6 1,,1,36 86,625 7,71,1 769 1,692 169 Everett 27-81 30, 221, 30,567 -1.1 10,616 170,625 18,238 603 5.395 180 .. Grand Coulee 71-IC; 77-81 3,659 - - l,61,2 20,008 N1. NA 1,55 111, Front Royal 62-wn 3,831 2,1,21, 58.01,556 27,078 2,7951 730 1,52 113 Hoquiam 71-DTA; 83-81 10,835 12,766 15.1 1,,227 1,8,221 3,578 330 2,150 195 Galax 69-110 3.195 2 .511, 25.6 1 .271, 31.063 3.053 956 312 101, Hampton lb-NW 5,898 6,382 -7.6 2,525 96,025 1,, 367 71,0 3, 361‘ 560 Kelso 1,5-PD 6.719 6,260 7.8 2,582 35,951 1,,11,6 611, 1,1,09 201 Harrisonburg 61—EK; 72—LB 8,768 7,232 21.2 3.696 83,302 7,985 911 1,051, 117 Kent lu-DTA, l7-SA 2,586 2,320 11.5 821, 21,986 NA NA 821, 275 Hopewell 20-RW 8, 679 11,327 -23.1, 3.009 35,993 2.6113 305 1,180 131 Longview 1,5-PD 12,385 10,652 16.3 11.856 78,838 7,001 565 2,1,75 206 L ' t 30 LB 5 911, 5 752 1, 3 51,1 51 293 2 692 688 65 161, mm vemn 2W 11.2753 3 690 15.9 1582 50.091, 51,123 1'252 111251 313 enng on - , , . , , , 7 01 1a 2 -DTA 13 11.733 13.0 5 519 296, 70 ll, 86 :2... 59-11 5,177 1,156 21.6 11.2% 31.268 2.196 1,21, 391, 79 m 5 ' ' 5 3 358 355 insville 1,0-110 10,080 7,705 30.8 . 67,869 5,201, 516 971 ‘ 9 Newport News ll-Nw 37,067 31,,1,l7 7.7 15.11118 169,219 18,893 ~ 510 5,978 162" Norton 33-TI 1,,006 3.077 30.2 1.2112 22,611 2,070 . 517 337 81, e/ Between city centers. " ' ’ NA - Not available. \ “3,. 1.- NA - Not available. Mil sage from Population neerest point Percent S tote end uncer- c‘ertificated for 140 inzreese t1 f1 cated point. oi r service 3 19 1950 19 0é1950 ( U ( 2) ( 3} (h) KASHINGTQJ (continued) 01:18.]: 77-10 2,918 I 2, 51.17 111.6 ’Paaoo , 37-111.. 3, 913 3,196 11.9 Port Angeles 65-SA; 65-JJ 921109 10,188 -7.6 Port Townsend 111-SA; 117-J.) 11,685 5,979 17.7 Pullman , 66-811; 711-111. 11,1117 5 ,5& 55.0 Puyellup 8-DTA 7,889 7,0911 11 .2 Raymond 72-DTA 11, 0115 5, 828 5.7 Benton ll-SA 11,1188 11, 062 10.5 Bedro-Woolley 20-.” 2,9511 2,719 8.6 Shelton 32-0'1'1 3,707 3,091 19.9 Snchomi sh 26-SA 2. 791-1. 2, 688 5 .9 Toppenish 20-YA 3. 653 2, 7711 52.8 Vancouver 8-PD 18,788 15,766 19 .2 WEST VIRGINIA Beokley 1.6-101 12.852 9.357 37.11 Bemrcod h-PWQ 5, 608 5,950 -8.7 Bluefi eld 75-110 20 , 6141 19 , 559 6. 7 Buckhennon 2l-UJ 11, 1150 11, 5711 1 .7 Charles Town 51411 2,926 2. 11511 20.2 Chester 55—PI' 5 , 805 5, 701 1 2.8 Flimont- 18-UJ 25,105 25,159 -0.2 Follanebee 20-PWQ 11, 8511 11, 8111 -O. 1 Grafton 18-UJ 7,1131 7,737 -11.0 Hinton 59-110; 61-KN 5,815 '6, 6511 -12. 6 Hollidays Cove 25-PWQ 6, 137 11,1180 37 .0 , Kenova 8-HI 3 .902 5, 680 6.0 Keyser 511-116 ; 59-311 ‘ 6, 177 6, 2118 -1 . 1 Keystone 611-KN 2.9112 1 , 897 55 .1 L05”! 111-KN 5.166 14. 396 17.5 Mannington lB-UJ 5 , 1115 5, 261 -5 .6 Martineburg 65-1“ 15,065 111,857 ’ 1 .11 Moflechen 6-PWQ 5.726 3, 710 0.11 Montgomery 20-101 5 , 251 2,906 11 . 2 Moundsville ll-PWQ 111,168 111,1111 -1.7 Nun ens' 511-101 I. 3, 026 2, 356 28.1. New Martinsville 51-PWQ 5,1191 2.8111 2.1.1 Nitro l2-KN 2,985 . - - 081: 11111 36-101 3, 213 2, 076 511.8 Piedmont 50-110; 58-EK 2, 677 2,211 19 .5 Point Pleasant 55-111 5, 558 5, 501 7 . 2 Princeton 611-R0 7 ,1126 6,955 6.8 111 chwood 62-1111 5, 051 5, 720 -11 .7 St. Albans 12-KN 5, 558 5, 2511 9. 5 Salem 12-UJ _ 2, 571 2.9115 ~12. 6 e/ - Between city centers . ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATE!) FOR AIR SERVICE AS OF APRII. 1, 119115 (All date cover trees within political boungeriee of points nemed having 2,500 populetion or more) . Table 2 191.0 mama'- uel income ’ Personae ' 1959 tax returns gainfully 19110 Post reteil seles er employed Office 0 ume or 1,000 ‘ - 19110 receipts (000) oepite Number 0 . (6) (7) (8) (9) (I0) 1113 987 8 15.225 3 1.1416 L185 579 126 131179 25.279 2.229 _ 570 7111 185 3,2110 55.705 5.1151 577 1.767 196 1,927 25. 259 1’. 595 5111 5'95 119 1,917 68.522 5.550 758 1.161 290 2.289 59.922 5.110 59h 1.1170 1811' 1.525 23.1175 2.750 680 711-1 179 1.617 27.096 5.588 799 1.170 295 . 950 20,999 1,871 633 611 2011 1.1169 28.151 2.71.1 739 961 21.0 782 19.991 1.899 680 585 1911 1,1111. 7 20.917 2.515 685 5511 1511 7,126 1 06. 625 9. 661 5111 2. 709 1113 11.755 90.982 10.292 801 1.9711. 152 1,259 HA 1121 117 299 5 75 7.265 169.1117 10.019 1185 2. 602 121. 1.1.06 25. 562 2.095 1171 11118 112 1,007 19,995 , NA NA 5811 128 1.423 15.988 9115 2118 627 157 7.756 155.525 11.566 1192 5.665 159 1.669 13.635 936 1911 668 131. 1,787 31,651. 2, 613 352 1,131 162 1.8211 27.295 2.517 598 821 ‘157 2.1169 21 , 638 1, 812 295 1 .661 277 1.051 12.5611 870 225 517 79 2.005 28.5119 2.21111 565 850 158 1,100 9,316 NA NA 380 127 2 .155 116.0111 5.1187 1.062 1.585 277 832 111,088 898 286 L155 151 5.830 101.0119 6.019 hoo 1.705 111. 1.552 NA 517 159 1191.1 125 1.550 50.165 2 762 855 689 250 5.715 55.112 5. 5711 258 1.198 86 1.1116 11.6111. NA NA 1153 151 9113 80.011 1.619 1.61. 39!. 131 1.059 10.230 701. 236 1.85 162 1.085 111.959 2.1411 750 14118 1119 860 NA 755 275 215 81 1.016 16.575 1.5119 581 5611 91 2.557 52.527 5.127 L121 776 111 1.3811 13.261 9511 » 189 265 53 1.1511 16.983 1.525 1129 1.026 257 756 12.158 973 378 2311 78 State and uncer- tificeted point Mileage fran nearest point certificated for air service 3 (T) Shinnston Si stersvi 1 18 South Charleston Welch Welleburg Weston Williamson WISCONSIN - A1 game. Anti go Appl eton Aahlend Ba raboo Beaver Dam Beloit Berlin Black River Falls Burlington Chippewa Falls Clintonville Columbus Cudehy Delevan De Pere Bdgerton Fond du Lac Fort Athnson Greendale Hartford Hudson Hurley Jeneev'ill e Jefferson Kaukeuna 1 Kenoeha Kenunee Kimberly La. Crosse Ledyemith Lake Geneva Lencaeter Little Chute Mani tcwoc (2) WEST VIRGINIA (continued) 9-0.1 hO—UJ 2—101 63-101 111-P110 18-UJ ‘ 53-31 29-7013 27-1700 ah-TGB 59-011 31-111 59-148 53.171. 60—TGB 116-EAU 31-1111 10-EI1U 37-1013 25.1111 5.1111 116-1111 5408 22-111 55-103 29-1111 IO-MK 31-111: 15-118 911-011 55-101 29-1111 20-1013 32-101 25-TGB 2l-TGB “IO-8A1] hB-EAU 39-1“ 21-TCB 55-TGB 1’01 go 51 1 Page 59 of 110 19110 individ- uel income Population Persons 1959 tax returns Percent gainfully 19110 Post retell sales or incrjase employed Office 0 ume or 1,000 191.0 1930 191.0 1930 __191.0 receipts (000; cepite Number - . (l1) (5) (6) (7) 9 (IO) 11?) 2,817 2,802 0.5 852 8 10.9711 8 1,088 386 1.00 133 2, 702 3,072 .-12.0 329 17,882 1, 252 1.63 31.2 111. 10.577 5.9014 . 75-8 3.677 M 2.7511 265 1.710 171 6. 2611 5.576 16-5 2.717 117.1151 11.979 795 980 165 6, 255 6,598 -2.2 2.177 51.750 2.569 379 1.205, 201 8, 268 8. 6116 41-14 1.965 55.1120 5.069 571 787 98 8, 366 9,110 -11.1 2.715 50,186 11,886 5811 1,196 150 2,652 2, 202 20.1. 926 111,197 1,172 111.2 256 85 9.195 8.610 10-5 2.8611 119.508 5.685 599 1.005 112 28.1156 25.267 12-5 10.272 225.1188 16.052 5611 5.1511 185 11,101 10,682 11.5 3,263 58,225 5,266 1171. 1,380 125 6.1115 5.5115 15.7 1.991 58.511. 5.751 582 791 152 10.556 9.867 5.0 3,729 59.722 11.580 111.2 1.529 155 25.565 25.611 7.11 9.1.92 265.198 12.825 506 11.6711 187 247 11.106 5.14 1,359 57. 555 2.256 526 1190 125 2. 559 1.950 50. 2 763 22. 59h NA NA 550 117 .1111. 11.111. 7.3 1.659 111.638 3.635 321. 978 2115 10.568 9.559 8-7 3,236 155.959 5.069 1189 1.261 126 11.1514 5.572 15.7 1.3111 52.158 2.202 555 1421 105 2.760 2.5111 9.8 911., 17.5621.910 692 11116 1119 10,561 10,631 -0.7 3,622 116,191 2, 821 267 1,961 178 5. 5.501 11.5 1,263 1411-1214 2 .2711 660 555 178 6. 575 5. 521 15.11 . 2,002 16. 556 5. 105 11137 565 914 5.266 2. 906 12.11 1.1106 19.951 1.958 595 5811 195 27.209 26.11119 2.9 9.128 206.925 15.1185 1196 5.857 1112 6.155 5.795 6.2 2.2115 914.558 5.5112 5115 970 162 2,527 - - 687 N11 111 NA 196 65- 5.910 5.7511 11.2 1.1115 211.515 2. 062 527 569 1112 2.987 2.725 9-6 972 18.625 1.2711 1427 1126 1112 5.575 5.2611 5.11 895 15.666 1,1161 1155 552 111 220992 21 a 628 6' 3 802” 197: 573 11 :70]- M 11.1429 193 5.059 2.659 15.9 1.175 .1188 1.776 581 559 186 7,382 6,581 12.2 2,180 28,299 2,710 367 1,009 11.1. 18.765 50.36; -5-0 16.1186 261.951 19.181. 399 7.951 162 2.555 2. 5.1 856 20.915 1.015 1101 557 112 - 2,618 2,256 16.0 772 NA 563 215 323 108 112.707 59.6111 7. 15.097 518.9110 20.052 1169 6.125 11.12 5.671 5.195 5.1 1.179 27.059 2.5145 658 550 88 5.258 5.075 5.11 1.050 51.7011 2.651 819 515 171 2,963 2,032 _ 21 .8 880 21,621; 1,990 672 382 127 3, 360 2, 833 18.6 899 NA 896 267 225 75 211.1401: 22.963 6.3 8.669 202.290 11.915 1188 11.153 172 \_ 1'. r‘ :t ‘- .\‘,~ o. .V/r ,,\ ‘ p... 52 \ Page 80 of 110 . ' . 7 ., .. . ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS or URBAN POINTS NOT CERTIFICATED FOR AIR SERVICE As 0? APRIL 1, 1985 (A11 date cover sreeel'ithin political Scunderiee of points nemed heving 2,500 population or more) _ Table - ‘ 1980 individ- - ‘ ’ 1980 individ- usl income usl income Mil edge from Pogulation Persons 1939 tex returns Mileage frun ~ ,Pcylstim Pereons 1939 tax return. neerest point Percent gainmlly 191.10 Poet retcil eeles Per . nearest point Want gainfully 19110 Post reteil “lee Per State end mace:h certificated f?!- 80 inzrease emplzged Office Volume Per 1,000 Stete and uncer- certificated f7:- 80 increase emplfged Office Volume For 1,000 tificated point sir eervice '1 19 1950 19 0 1930 19 receipts 000 cepits Number 0 . tiriceted point air service O 1 1950 1980 1930 _19 receipts (000 «pita Number . (1) (2) (5) (57 (£5 (5) (7) (3) '(95 (15) fig) (1) (27 E3) (5) (£7 (3) (7) (5; (95' (15) EEE) IISCONSIN (continued) . ’. . lzsconsxn (continued) lurinette hS—TGB 1h.185 15.75h 5.5 £8152 8 7h1105 C 6.25h hbl 1.556 97 7 Stoushton 12-MA Lh7h5 h.h97 5-5 1,388 8 22.501 3 1.906 002 581 116 Iarahfieid 55-PUU 10.559 8.778 18.0 5.565 69.75h 5.716, 552 1.075 107 Sturgeon Bay 59-TGB 5.h59 _h.985, 9.2 1.556 h2.262 5.h55 651 521 108 neueton 59-NA 2,621 2,107 28.8 ' 807 20.295 NA NA 236 79' Tomeh 75-EAU 3,817 3,358 13.8 1.098 23,568 2,255 591 393 98 Marine lab-1m 2.7511 2.521 9.2 - 998 17.0110 1.225 885 ,’ 811 137 Tomahawk 35-PUU 3.365 2.919 15.3 1,020 17.776 1.1128 1121. 327 109 Nennshe 28-TGB 10,881 9,062 15.7 3,868 158,989 3,208 306 1,976 198 Two Rivers 32-TGB 10,302 10,083 2.2 3,568 58,550 3,318 322 1.882 188 Menomonie 25-EAU 6.582 5.595 17.6 1.8h6 hh.5h6 5.926 596 705 106 Viroqua 8241A 5.599 2.792 27-1 1,172 22.816 2.h28 68h hDh 101 Merrill ,16-200 8,711 8.h58 5.0 2.659 83,783 3,761 832 770 86 wetertown 33-M1 11,301 10,613 6.5 3,303 63,858 6,118. 581 1.887 135 Monroe 57-IA 6.182 5.015 25.5 2.165 88.655 h.578 7h1 1.121 187 Whukesha 18-HK 19.2h2 17.176 12.0 6.931 167.785 9.22h 079 5.595 189 Neeneh 33-108 10,685 9,151 16.3 8.165 99,101 LhéBB 880 2,282 207 weupeoa . 89-PUU 3,858 3,131 10.8 1.067 28,716 2,289 662 839 186 Neillsville 86-810 2,562 2,118 21.0 785 22,028 NA NA 268 89 weupun \ SO—NA 6,798 5,768 17.9 1,860 80,883 2,570 378 718 103 New London 36-1‘63 ' 8,825 8,661 3.5 1.8811 28.800 1.697 352 851 90 Newton 6-11K - 27,769 21,198 31.0 9,919 NA 6,312 227 7.198 257 Oconomawcc 30-IK ’1, 562 h, 190 8.9 , 1.550 60,207 2, 710 S911 , 980 196 ' ’ West Allis 6-IIK 36,5614. 311,671 11.9 13,010 NA 12 .001 330 8,286 230 Oconto 29-TGB 5,362 5,030 6.6 1.527 22,956 1,589 289 358 71 West Bend 31-MK 5,852 8,760 18.5 2,055 ‘ 85,136 2,670 890 1,159 232 Oshkosh 81-108 39,089 80,108 -2.5 13.295 260,289 18,260 867 5.222 138 lest Milwaukee 5-nx 5,010 8,168 20.2 2,088 NA 818 163 159 32 Perk 1111: 79-PUU 3,252 3,036 7.1. 1.078 21,888 1,757 580 '801 138 'whitetieh Bey 7-NK 9,651 5,362 80.0- 5.5b6 NA 990 103 282 28 Pletteville 60-u1 8.762 8,087 17.7 1,316 29,369 2,866 518 581 108 Whitewater 85-MK 3,689 3,865 6.5 1,259 29,565 2,312 627 513 128 Plymouth 88-HK 8,170 3,882 7.8 1,517 30,580 2,277 586 788 187 Wisconsin Rapids 38-PUU 11,816 8,726 30.8 b.0h5 80.755 6,885 ‘ 565 1,896 172 Portege 33-111 7,016 6,308 11.2 2,823 38,805 3,822 585 915 131 Port “ethinston 28eux h.0h6 5.695 9.6 1.525 51.528 2.228 551 729 182 pron-1e du Chien 90-10 8,622 3,983 17.2 1,801 23,883 1,673 362 * 369- 78 1110111110 Rscine ‘ 22-nx 67,195 67,582 -o.5 22,952 501,677 26,986 801 12,277 ‘18} Cody 102-21 2,536 1,800 80.9 813 30,180 NA NA 633 211 Reedsburg 85-n1 3,608 2,967 21.6 1,121 19,278 2,878 797 826 107 Evenstcn 9l-RT 3,605 3,075 17.2 1.073. 18.885 2.175 603 501 125 Rhinelander 89-900 8,501 8,019 6.0 2.678 , 5,173 609 1,122 125 Green River 1898! 2,680 2,589 2.0 888 13,835 1,183 867 156 Rice Leke hQ-EAU 5,719 5,177 10.5 , 1,786 36,318 3,678 683 525 88 Lender _ 90-RT 2.598 1,826 82.1 907 18,922 NA NA 370 123 Richlend Center 53-NA h.5éh 5.632 20.2 1.822 31,013 3,083 697 530 133 Laramie 82-01 10,627 8,609 23.8 3,631- 71,223 6,181 582' 2,030 185 Ripan 75-IK h.566 5.98h 18.6 1.820 50.h70 2.272 b98 717 185 Rnwlins 88-6" 5.551 8.868 15.6 1,712 55.955 5.998 722 1.086 181 River Fells 22.]? 2,806 2,363' 18.7 858 l8,853 NA NA 298 99 Riverton 108—CW; 109-RT 2,580 1,608 58.0 725 18.7148 NA NA 285 91,1 sneueno 38,108 5,565 8,188 32.9 1,838 38,150 3,299 593 585 98 werlend 78-21 2,710 1,861 85.5 963 22,831 NA NA 580 180 Sheboygen 51-ux 80,638 39,251 3.5 13,606 226,199 18,212 888 5,592 136 Sheboysan Falls 89-NK 5.595 2.958 15.7 1.125 18.177 1.557 598 688 215 snomood h-mc 15.168 13.879 12.6 6.111 m 3.169 209 1.1.011 98 South unnukee 94x 11,138 10,706 8.0 5.557 81,218 2,927 263 1,933 176 Sperte 69-EAU 5,820 8,989 17.6 1.652 88,119 3,231 555 707 118 Spooner 64-03 2,639 2,126 8.8 789 18,337 1,729 655 329 110 Stevens Point 50-PUU 15.777 15.625 15.8 h.851 160,898 7,051 887 2,085 128 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 0—1946 q/ Between city centers. . ' 7 .1 I ' NA - Not available. ‘ 4 - 1‘19,“