«»HH -v-' 'I1 'in HP - P9. • l**? ■ §itf§ :u &?. . Jr/w-A..^ -■ if . Ml. /l-,'.',ii ;,y . r i VV-'ïïr' ■ j, /. I M- B va/| ' A !•••*!•• 1 ■ JfeWSi-, ■; Hr-"! k ira®.; V JE---? ■vfefî iafe : > !" V»'/f ■ '••.*“ . ’• ■/'ifWyW.li-, If, , -j -J/rfp!i£i ■ ■w «©•#■«, • 'v< . I Ä: I p I ----L---rW . >v; S — , «HIJ* -. -- -—------- WMO.A £M.SkJ. m  a  fc-— - - § ■- rT^ ■ J INI/ ////..,.■.....j^a-34 5K3EB **U" m m u O' ’ ~7T\ o ) r%Fiate 64-a. { lUtlshenvl&l.C&del. | 2'Mansell se. Tublzsfied bv Jokn\Weale. 59.Highlfolbom.2Jov(, nter. 2842. M885950 HPublished, ~by Sohn Weal&. 5Ä IfyhUolborrv.A^oveiTiber, 1842.Tioblìfshed by John Weale. 5â lì y h ffolbc"n.J\Tovcnibej; 184ZT B. F.Isherwoûd,. JE. del. . . ;! ' ' ' ' i EMasudl s&. Published by John, W&zle, äd. fäqhlTolborn.Noveniber. 2.184-2. ràite 67c£ IJublü(hç& by Jb7i/i TVeale. 53. ffïghHolborri.Novefriber. 1134-/Ì. jy Martedl*?e.Tlatò 68TubUshecL by John, Weßle. 5,9, High Uolbonv, November, 1842. F.Ma/iselZsù,Plate 70.Mm7Qli \\ ^ Ci 'Ci Ci Ci üSci Ci Ci /fof /?®F \ \ \1QV \ \ 'RH \IM \ Isomctnrt// Projection Supe/'structure tor V \ Fig. 5 ■a- ■ B H J cole 3 indie.? 3 foot fffiÆmi1 ti. _________I 'ÈMansdlG FuHti^^Bbv -iqkn ìl ’.■•//■■. WSi/hJ3bi/n"7i.. l'ûri/nfMlfffI“,'late 70 & BJUshenroocb, C.E.deZ. Jfcbhshed by John, Weal&. SA High JJolbom, No vernò er, 284-2. JE.Jähnjeil sg.Fig. 8B N' Viaduct under the JErie GmaZ B Scale 6tè&CLineh, EE.IsherwoocL. C.E. del. BE9 EJitànseZl sc. FuMl?}i£i by Jbhn Weale, 5.9. Hu/fi Holborri,November 184C.as it probably e.i'i.rle X The Britye of Trezy.o was built by order of Bamaho Visconti,Duke of Milan,. It was aft&'wat'ds destroyed by Carman no bx.lt consisted of1a, sinyle Arch of Ortuiite .very well consti'ucted of Stones in two Courses ; the innermost, 31 feet thick 'in the direction of Badius ’,the outermost, 9 inches. The Span tit Low Tiddler 151 feet.The lUx’er rises sometimes 13 feet. There remains about 14 feet of the Arch . near the Htuuieh . REMAINS OF THE BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER ADDA, AT TREZZO»MILANESE . .9. Best, Del* John Weale, Archiicrforal Library ,69 JLix/h Holbotn. W.A.Beever, Sc. |//KlJos. &lyrUL FUS. del. ____________ ____________________________j________'-ul. John. Wcale. AìvhiùxturalZibrary. 5.9. JTi'ffh Ho/borw. J. MansellPL.LXXVm. HAD » LE S EY' B RID GE, lynnFR-S. Del. John. Weale, Architectural Library 59 Biah Molborn. F. Mu*xy-9 IL. IJOK IX. GtvnrvF.F-S. del. John Weale, Architectural Library 59 High Holborn. F. Mansell Sc.mm John, Weale,Fb'chitecturaZ Library 59 High, Eolborrt. F. Mans.elL Sc.PL.LXXXI. H0B®LE|Eia MmlE z 12 feet John Wegjie, Architecturab library 59 Sigh Solbom. F. MansellFàtJc Ö2. JO O' '■. j i 10 40 50 60 70 60 £8> -?ë^. >0125 Feet .......... ■ ■ I _____________________L__________________I_________________K_________ " 1* . . . i_________________J___________________I I I I I I . I I I 1 _■ !.. .1_____________________________I------------:------------:—I—i---------------------------1 HADDLESEY BRIDGE. Centre Ardo >■ V Carriage. Tföty 24 Feet wide. Side Archer each 60 Feer. CentredretvJßFeet atm e law water John■ ÌVadeJArcAùectural Zihrary, 59, High Foliorn,. & 26Teet above bed. ofJUver.tee ^ I' s '1 j F R.S. M ! f. E. &c. -Engineer. 7Z,//, s:i. M mifoliornE 1. E 'MfjKTtsr, South . /. />«.*'/■ ,/eC. .fohri IVea/e, Architectural Library, 59. Hïph Honora . 'I. Jfawksworih sc.JfcS s 7 BMIBfSE' Af BAUfpdl FEEMT., . € DITSTl^UCTEB ' LfU , 3X0 Iron homing Bar w/MY/mm. ^ Kex_ & Kerb wider Iron/ railing B in Section/. WÊ 1 1 , L_.. ' < Angle of Towel' at C was forced up 4inchcs. Nutt and Sct'ew bolts at angles of Iron plates or CilLs having4Yiwide Strap aids secured Ip/ bolts thro the Pile heads bolts MAIN CHAIN \ V COUPLING LINK wide/' the Platform/ V mm fry \\ iamm 1 X 1 \ p >/ o 0 O O c o o o o | m g 1 A, 1 51 PYRAMIDAL ja IRON § tÇ) .PLAN OF IRON 1 TOWER 1 PLATFORM TOWER 1 q Containing Piers A O o o o of Suspension oc C 0 1 H ft irv. R.. 11 G locks in here to each/ Chain/ Suspendino Bod enters the Socket/ in centre of underside of Saddle and turned trans - -versdp when in/, see dotted,'part. oruPLarv <-- - u A 'ïïîTT 4*/s 97Id PLAN B Top || '3 deep BB B ey* s y a c Bod, ■ MM AST fa Plccte, 69. Sqr Plcutform ■>7i tranTLiia bar Zg thick & 3 inches wide on Kerb A Bearina Irdfpb, Iron Cross pieces thro'Suspending loops p /\\ Tlatforrrv I I Iff'' F a s ci d SECTION, AND SIDE ELEVATION. Saddle reversed NOTE. The Trow was consider ah Iv esefo Hated inside the fork of Suspending Bods and a flake readily sepa rated therefrom/ ol4X 4*4 and J/s^'rthick this was the conditio 7v after ecceictly 10 years eaeposure Sc wear; but' the bearing Iron {pa/sin q thro) proved eccc client material as it deflected into the Sea without breakina. 1 oy21 SADDLE OF SUSPENDING N . RODS REVERSED . D before molding R 3J/2 G■ enters space between the cozcpllnq links . !.. ■n.iom I'nhhAnd h John iireak . l/Aif ertami fihrarv A Iff/h ffoihom Sea!. 1642 James Noble, Architect del 7. W.lowry fculp.^armi. .IH—IFiate. 93. John Weale.ArchitecturaLZibrary, 59. High Eolborn S. Porter se.^'ihg bwdge, Plymouth. John Architectural Library, Jz$fiy0Ì}t Scale of Feet ...-=f—....f . V. PorterJ. Glynn F. £.S. delmie 98 SÏÏSFEMSIOF BJRIDGM. Èf -s- General/& Jfâffika Section of thô VhZlev of the Sarina 8c of the Mooring shaftÆÊw, aas; Bafet mhlhe rsK ßhdn . Ends of I he Eg.3 ■']:1 "1 1 ■,. - IS tous torras Wil) Try.a* * /ft 7 • - / —V John Weale. Architectural Xdn'cuy ■ hd. High If odoro . S. Sorter so.oÿd Fy.I Flevatiog of Mean Tier. !Transversely of the Bridge) Fig.5 TIûjv of Mtujv 1‘ier. fl ® IB O UR (& epjmtr BRIDGE T’F- Transverse* Section of Main Tier. (long itudfnai of the Bridge*J *k«c\ I : . B BB 1 ■"T~ L \ r 7 mm ■ 'T J ' [ ‘ r ; ;i W0T. Io ngitudinaZ Section of Main Tier. /Transverse of the Bridge J H Fiate 9$. Flan of the top of a Main Fier. [ fa] iy J ÿ\ 1 m ! W M ■ -I d ■a a 1 SM u 9H John Wcale. Architectural* .Library, 59, Ifigh fiottoni.fyi Detailed; Transvase Section of the head, of a Main pier with the friction rollers, Sc the suspension cables lying over them. Mode of attaching die suspension; cables to the mooring cables. Tig. 10 Elevation in face ■ H Front elevation of Friction roller seen in Fig.1.-with the suspension cables in die form of a band lying upon it. ■ Fy-X Side Flev Fig. 12 Sc 13 F1HOUJRG ■ SUSPENSIONS' BMBGE Fig.l Dongifudfnal Section of the mooring shafts Sc gallery of communication, Sc transverse of the emissary. Fig. 5 Transverse Section of a mooring shaft Sc of the inclined shaft, or gallery, leading down to it. Jiafc IDO Fig. 6 Details of a friction roller at die entrance of a, mooring shaft. |||||p Detailed Flan of the Wm entrance to a mooring wyk shaft. mi Fig. 3 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Face Sc side of stirrup or crupper iron an die attachment of cables in Fig f 10 Sail. f*. U §1 IP **> i 1 ! beL M JB ^ ^ ! ikiiJi bhh \ ,11, HBI Li ■ || hi pii Flan of die mooring shafts with the inclined shafts or gallery, the gallery of cornncunfcatfon. Sc the adit or emissary. John Tl reaZe,, drchitecturaZ Zibmry. 59. Jhofc Itotborn,. Details of the mode of securing die mooring cables at the bottom of the shafts. S.Forter sc.TlaZô 200 FMBWOTGi SUSPENSION BMDGjÈffi T. S. Sorter sc John Weale,. Architectural Library. 59. High Holbom.* /Pinte 102. Fig. 22. John TVèale,AjcJutectunalXibrary. âff Siyt> Jiblbom'. A. R.Zhni.-s f 'cutf'Cji. Fio JWm 103 Fig. 29. Y ß. M. Davies J'ai lp. John Weale, -Architectural Zibraay, 59High Molbom.PHI ^P JClemûon of a Chain Bridge upon tilt Catennrmi pruiaph. :5 T“, - h V* I * ƒ / , » * » M 5 IiuiluilL Mo of Foi % 10 1 10 i__ . 30 40 io —J 1 1 Où L 70 1 ao \ 90 I 1 1 1 I 111 ■ Il • * « ' ■ ■ H ■ ■ eh ■i i ■ il ■ ■ ■ > >PS> ■' l*} V ' l^-l-lMIHII|]||lililH!llllglJU)|IHilHlll11IIIHIiHff—MHiwiMUii—uuww—»ww—■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ i ■■■ ■ ■' i ■ i ■■.■ ' — •' ' —U—' ' — 1——Us : • ' , v‘ • .1 Scale of Reet io s o so _l R. Stevenson, C.E. deb. RJW/mselt so. .lohn IVeale-, ^Architectural Ezbrcuy, 33, Rujh Rolior/v. /;i. ■- T. li../e/^^Btàt 7t..Q-ïï SE ^YAtLErX I VIAlfÄ'®?iq. 15 -Half T7~gl?is verse Section of ^mloofifi Recesses. F iff. iß filari of 1 fidliori Fio/, rj. Fm/H /'ir'!////a:, of Recess. Slate U6. 1 Ì ■I \ -1—ƒ ■ WÈf 0IT .m-TAXLEY YUJo) UCT» [ Tj ET AI«, j ) 1 fi)//. 12 ♦ Section t/vro’ jj ) { \ J in • ■■ ^ \ \ l i . J^m/apof Section of Guitihever Half /‘loti ot i H inches/^ g 6 3 H Scale of feet fi y&pjf -fi _ |§I3 ri) i NK j I F h ■/ 7 of I it/filici so Fui. JO . V' :r Half filari af fi 4 Ùich leu. Sln ,/ Fu/. J4 òecéurn o/ ou (salo IR-of Rings io the Arches ./ Vu Prive ci dei. . 'JIJ,6 h/.r srn/p. Published by .1 ho I Ildh.mtùjRM ^T. Ha. wks wo rtfb so. W'&Wï-W/ ! I: ^ PI, AI? ESF. ■ SWIVjEL ’.^KR]D)©E > Ito Uers r9Di. dütm m S trp ERS TRUC TURI Scala vz Jri. to tha fooü Jo7w. TV&z/o, S-rStitootitraZ-Lzbrajy, ó9, Ifw/t Ifolbom/.BBBBBBB of\3r\ i •«utswka.