1917 18 Health 1917 18 19 580002 7-79 19 1920 1920 21 21 22 22 23 24 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 29 29 1930 31 1930 31 32 32 33 33 34 35 Soviet 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 1940 41 of the USSR Control Protection Construction Textile 39 Machine Machine Electric Metallurgy Industry Rubber Industry 1940 41 42 for Labor 42 Service Machine 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 47 48 49 Council of Maritime River Fleet Armed Forces Foreign Affairs Justice Health for Committee Animal Reserves Food and Material Construction Construction Military and industry Textile Construction Highway Building Motor Vehicle and T Machine and Industry Western Industry Eastern of and Petroleum Petroleum Eastern 46 47 48 49 1950 of Machine Construction 1950 51 52 53 54 55 Presidium of Central internal (MVD) Defense Committee the and Industrial 51 Agriculture March 53 Committee Foreign and Internal Trade State Committee Internal Transport for Civil Culture State Bank Finance Reserves of Internal Trade Light and Industry Aviation \March 53 Transport an Machine Machine Medium Electric Stations and Industry Industry Timber and Wood 52 53 54 Consumers Textile General T Machine-T Motor T and Machine and Building of 56 57 58 for Cultural Reserves Committee Commission Control of for Minerals State Industry Industry Machine of Machine Stations Electrical Ferrous Nonferrous Petroleum and Mineral Timber 55 56 Electric Stations 57 58 59 1960 61 62 Education Radio Committee All-Union Finance Association Sale of Committee Products of Useful Affairs Economic for Aviation T for Defense Electric Stations of Atomic the Gas Committee and Timber, 59 1960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 USSR 1 Soviet of 79 (1 August) Politburo 2 D 3a I E] El D for State (KGB)\ 4 . . of Public Affairs 5 of Geodes Carto ra h Y My 6 ©fi fih@ UggiJE—Da iiQiiliDiiglig This chart traces the origin of selected party. government and public 7 organizations in the USSR from 1917 to August 1979. Unless otherwise noted, the organizations listed on the chart are USSR Ministries (known before 15 March 1946 as People's Commissariats). Organiza- 8 tions other than Ministries are identified by their full title—councils. main administrations, committees. etc. Ministries on the republic level 9 and some agencies of the Council of Ministers without ministerial status are not included. Located below is an alphabetical listing of all of the organizations on the chart as of August 1979, along with the head of the organization and the position number keyed to the organization's vertical position on the chart. Full membership listings are given for the Party Politburo, the chairman and deputy chairmen of the Council of Ministers Presid- ium. and the chairman and deputy chairmen of the Supreme Soviet Presidium. USSR Ministries in the alphabetical listing are labeled as 10 either Union—Republic (U-R) or All-Union (A-U). 11 Foreign . 12 13 14 Health 15 Medical 16 Supreme Soviet Presidium Party Politburo Council of Ministers Presidium 17 Chairman: Full Members Candidate Members Chairman: Brezhnev, L. l, Andropov, Yu. V. Ali'yev, G. A. Kosygin, A. N. 18 _ _ Brezhnev, L. I. Demichev, P. N. _ _ First Deputy Chairman: Chernenko, K. U. Kuznetsov, V. V. First Deputy Chairman: 19 Kuznetsov, V. V. Grishin, V. V. Masherov, P. M. Tikhonov. N. A. C It re Deputy Chairman: Gromyko, A' A' Ponomarev, 3' N' Deputy Chairmen: u u 20 Abdukarimov, I. A. fi'r'ieni‘o-f-J- 2:8hldzv. Sh. Filé A Arkhipov, |. V. . . Barkauskas A. S. osyg'"' ' ' ever "3 ze, ‘ ' Baybakov N. K. Printin and the Trade ’ ’ for 9 21 Duysheyev, A, D. Kunayev. D. A. Solomentsev, M. S. Dymshits, V. E. c 'tt v t' al Tech 'cal Giiashviii, P. G. Pe' Sher A- Ya- T'kh°"°"i N- A- Katushev, K. F. °m"“ °° °°a '°" "' 22 ll’yashenko, K. F. ”mam?" 9- V- Kirillin, v. A. for S‘ ‘ f I , _ d Kebin, I. G. ShCherb'mk'Y' V- V- Kiselev, T. Ya. 3"" a 6 °' ”“5”" a" 23 Khalilov, K. A. SUSI'W M- A- Lesechko, M. A. “h u ion (T Kholov, M. Kh. Us""°"- 9- F- Martynov, N. v. ° 6 n 24 Poiyakov, I. Ye. Novikov. I. T. Sarkisov, B. Ye. Novikov. V. N. 25 Strautmanis, P. Ya. Nuriyev, Z. N. . Usmankhodzhayev, l. B. Smirnov, L. V. Councu °f Vatchenko, A. F. Yazkuiiyev, 3- Ya. Ministers of the USSR Ministries ' ' ' Material Technical USSR Council National Committee 26 Yasnov. M- A- Chairmen of Selected USSR State Committees . Chairmen of Union Republic Council of Ministers Committee State ) 27 Other Selected Officials P ‘ for Prices for rices 28 ' l L and Socia 29 for Science 30 Committee Inventions Discoveries Committee Inventions Discoveries 31 32 33 34 Control Committee of 35 and Utilization 36 37 Position Position 38 Key Department Name Key Department Name Reclamation Water 33 Ali-Union Bank for Financing of Capital Investments 79 Ministry of Machine Building for Light and Food Indus- 39 ,(Stroybank) ..... ZOTOV, Mikhail Semenovich try and Household Appliances (A-U) ...................... PUDKOV, lvan Ivanovich 25 Central Statistical Administration. .. VOLODARSKIY. Lev Mordkovich 70 Ministry of the Machine Tool and Tool Building Indus- 40 35 Committee of People’s Control SHKOL'NIKOV, Aleksey Mikhaylovich try ................................................................................ KOSTOUSOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich 4 (State) Committee for State Security (KGB) ................. ANDROPOV, Yuriy Vladimirovich 9 Ministry of the Maritime Fleet (A—U) ......................... GUZHENKO. Timofey Borisovich 41 94 Committee for the Supervision of Safe Working Prac- 59 Ministry of the Meat and Dairy Industry (U-R) .. ANTONOV. Sergey Fedorovich tices in industry and for Mine Supervision ................ MEL’NIKOV, Leonid Georgiyevich 16 Ministry of the Medical Industry (A»U) ....................... MEL'NICHENKO, Afanasiy 3 Council of Ministers Presidium ........................................ KOSYGIN, Aleksey Nikolayevich Kondrat’yevich 3a Council of Ministers 76 Ministry of Medium Machine Building (A-U) ..... SLAVSKIY, Yefim Paviovich 57 Foreign Trade Bank (Vneshtorgbank) .......................... IVANOV. Yuriy Aleksandrovich 85 Ministry‘of Nonferrous Metallurgy (U—R) .. LOMAKO, Petr Fadeyevich 4'2 6 Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography 89 Ministry of the Petroleum industry (A—U) ..... MAL‘TSEV, Nikolay Alekseyevich (GUGK) ...................................................................... KUTUZOV, ii'ya Andreyevich 90 Ministry of the Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical 43 37 Main Administration of the Microbiological industry .. BELYAYEV, Vasiliy Dmitriyevich Industry (U—R) . .. FEDOROV, Viktor Stepanovich for Material 38 Ministry of Agriculture .................................... .. MESYATS, Valentin Karpovich 80 Ministry of Power and Electrification (U—R) .. NEPOROZHNIY, Petr Stepanovich 44 71 Ministry of the Automotive industry (A—U) .. POLYAKOV, Viktor Nikolayevich 67 Ministry of Power Machine Building (A-U) KROTOV, Viktor Vasii'yevich 62 Ministry of the Aviation Industry (A-U) ..... .. KAZAKOV, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich 40 Ministry of Procurement (U—R) ZOLOTUKHINI Grigoriy Sergeyevich 91 Ministry of the Chemical Industry (A-U) .. KOSTANDOV, Leonid Arkad’yevich 96 Ministry of the Pulp and Paper Industry (A-U) .. GALANSHIN, Konstantin ivanovich 69 Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Machine Building 78 Ministry of the Radio industry (A-U) .................... PLESHAKOV, Petr Stepanovich 45 (A-U) ...... BREKHOV, Konstantin Ivanovich 7 Ministry of Railways (A-U) PAVLOVSKIY. Ivan Grigor'yevichr 11 Ministry of Civil Aviation (A-U) BUGAYEV, Boris Paviovich 52 Ministry of Rural Construction (U-R) ...... .. KHITROV, Stepan Dmitriyevich 46 86 Ministry of the Coal Industry (U-R) ...... BRATCHENKO, Boris Fedorovich 81 Ministry of the Electrical Equipment industry (A-U) ANTONOV, Aleksey Konstantinovich 13 Ministry of Communications (U-R) .............................. TALYZIN, Nikolay Vladimirovich 65 Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry (A-U) .................. YEGOROV, Mikhail Vasii’yevich for cw" and 77 Ministry of the Communications Equipment Industry 95 Ministry of the Timber and Wood Processing Industry installation 47 (A-U) ........................................................................ PERVYSHIN, Erien Kirikovich (U-R) ............................... TIMOFEYEV, Nikolay Vladimirovich Work 51 Ministry of Construction (U-R) .................................... KARAVAYEV, Georgiy Arkad'yevich 73 Ministry of Tractor and Agricultural Machine Budding 48 50 Ministry of Construction of Heav industry Enterprises (A-U) ........................................................................ SINITSYN, Ivan Fle ontovich Y 9 Region (U-R) ......... GOLDIN, Nikolay Vasil'yevich 55 Ministry of Trade (U-R) .............................. STRUYEV, Aleksandr ivanovich 92 Ministry of the Construction Materials Industry (U—R) YASHIN. Aleksey ivanovich 8 Ministry of Transport Construction (A—U) .. SOSNOV, Ivan Dmitriyevich I d t _ i 87 Ministry of Construction of Petroleum and Gas Industry 2 Party Politburo ............................................ BREZHNEV, Leonid ll'ich " “s ”a 49 Enterprises (A-U) ...................................................... SHCHERBINA. Boris Yevdokimovich 32 State Bank (Gosbank) ALKHIMOV, Vladimir Sergeyevich 66 Ministry of Construction, Road, and Municipal Ma- 45 State Board of Arbitration (Gosarbitrazh) .. ANISIMOV, Yevgeniy Vasil'yevich 50 chine Building (A-U) ................................................ NOVOSELOV, Yefim Stepanovich 43 State Commission for Stockpiling Useful Minerals ........ BYBOCHKIN, Aleksey Mironovich 20 Ministry of Culture (U-R) ............. DEMICHEV, Petr Nilovich 19 State Committee for Cinematography (Goskino) .......... YERMASH, Filipp Timofeyevich 51 10 Ministry of Defense (A-U) ..... USTINOV, Dmitriy Fedorovich 47 State Committee for Civil Construction and Archi- 63 Ministry of the Defense Industry (A-U) .. FINOGENOV. Pavel Vasil’yevich tecture (under Gosstroy) .......... FOMIN, Gennadiy Nilovich 52 17 Ministry of Education (U-R) .......................... .. PROKOF'YEV, Mikhail Alekseyevich 46 State Committee for Construction Affairs (Gosstroy) .. NOVIKOV, Ignatiy Troiimovich 81 Ministry of the Electrical Equipment industry (A-U) ANTONOV, Aleksey Konstantinovich 56 State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations .......... SKACHKOV, Semen Andreyevich for Standards 82 Ministry of the Electronics industry (A-U) . .. SHOKIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich 41 State Committee for Forestry ........................................ VOROB‘YEV, Georgiy Ivanovich 53 84 Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy (U-R) .. KAZANETS, Ivan Paviovich 42 State Committee for Hydrometeoroiogy and Environ- 34 Ministry of Finance (U-R) ..................... GARBUZOV, Vasiliy Fedorovich mental Control .......................................................... lZRAEL', Yuriy Antoniyevich 54 60 Ministry of the Fish Industry (U»R) ...... KAMENTSEV, Vladimir Mikhaylovich 31 State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries ............ NAYASHKOV, lvan Semenovich 58 Ministry of the Food industry (U-R) .. LEIN, Vol‘demar Petrovich 29 State Committee for Labor and Social Problems ........ LOMONOSOV, Vladimir Grigor’yevich 12 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (U-R) .................. GROMYKO, Andrey Andreyevich 26 State Committee for Material and Technical Supply C _" D t' T 54 Ministry of Foreign Trade (A-U) PATOLICHEV, Nikolay Semenovich (Gossnab) ........ MARTYNOV, Nikolay Vasil‘yevich °"‘"“ 3° °m°5 '° 55 88 Ministry of the Gas industry (A-U) .. ORUDZHEV, Sabit Atayevich 44 State Committee for Material Reserves .. KOKAREV, Aleksandr Akimovich 64 Ministry of General Machine Building (A-U) AFANAS‘YEV, Sergey Aleksandrovich 28 State Committee for Prices ..... GLUSHKOV, Nikolay Timofeyevich 56 93 Ministry of Geology (U-R) ............................................ KOZLOVSKIY, Yevgeniy 21 State Committee for Publishing Houses, Printing Aleksandrovich Plants and the Book Trade ........ STUKALIN, Boris ivanovich 57 15 Ministry of Health (U—R) .............................................. PETROVSKIY, Boris Vasil'yevich, 30 State Committee for Science and Technology .. ........ KIRILLIN, Vladimir Alekseyevich 68 Ministry of Heavy and Transport Machine Building (A-U) ZHIGALIN, Vladimir Fedorovich 53 State Committee for Standards .................................... BOYTSOV. Vasiliy Vasii‘yevich for the Food 58 18 Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Educa« 36 State Committee for the Supply of Production Equip- tion (U-R) . .. YELYUTIN, Vyacheslav Petrovich ment for Agriculture .................................................. YEZHEVSKIY, Aleksandr 49 Ministry of Industrial Construction (U-R) ...... TOKAREV, Aleksandr Maksimovich Aleksandrovich 48 Ministry of Installation and Special Construction Work 23 State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcast- and Dairy (U-R) .......................................................................... BAKIN, Boris Vladimirovich ing .............................................................................. LAPlN, Sergey Georgiyevich 59 74 Ministry oi Instrument Making, Automation Equipment 83 State Committee for Utilization of Atomic Energy ........ PETROSYANTS, Andronik and Control Systems (A-U) ...................................... RUDNEV, Konstantin Nikolayevich Mei’konovich 5 Ministry of Internal Affairs (U-R) ............ SHCHELOKOV, Nikolay Anisimovich 22 State Committee for Vocational and Technical Educa— . 14 Ministry of Justice (U-R) ........................ TEREBILOV, Vladimir Ivanovich tion ............................................................................ BULGAKOV, Aleksandr the HS“ Industry 60 39 Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources AleksandrOVIch (U-R) ................................................ VASIL‘YEV, Nikolay Fedorovich 27 State Planning Committee (Gospian) ..... BAYBAKOV, Nikolay Konstantinovich 61 Ministry of Light Industry (U-R) .. TARASOV, Nikolay Nikiforovich 1 Supreme Soviet Presidium ................... .. BREZHNEV, Leonid Il'ich 75 Ministry of Machine Building (A-U) ................ BAKHIREV, Vyacheslav Vasil'yevich 24 Telegraphic Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS) 44444444 LOSEV,Sergey Andreyevich Industry 61 72 Ministry of Machine Building for Animal Husbandry and Fodder Production (A-U) .................................. BELYAK, Konstantin Nikitovich AVIation 62 D f n e e se 63 General Buildin 9 64 65 M h' ac me 66 M . achine 67 _ for Heavy, . Machine Power, and T T 68 is . Machine and Machine 69 Tool and T 70 71 Pr ' oduction 72 for T Machine Mach'ne ' 73 d and Control an 74 State for Machine Machine 75 Medium 76 77 78 Power and and Food and Household 79 Committee Po wer Power 80 f ' I or Electrica 81 82 83 State Ferrous and Metallurgy 84 85 for the Fuel 86 87 State for Gas Indust TV 88 Extraction lndust ” 89 the Chemical Petroleum Petrochemical O Industries 9 Chemical 91 Committee Materials Indust ” 92 93 of Safe in Industry for Mine and for 94 and Wood 95 for the Processing and Wood 96 information received as of 1 August 1979 1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 79 (1 August) has been used in preparing this chart. CR 79-1 01 23 Wang». . \\ ., 2.2“: D wk r _ mgr—ac: a. :5 Oman». 2 >A.Em:.m:.mm ”368:8 >3 V 0% VcLENW Exumfimka x. ELA. Ath: .36 >LQQ mama taco jam 9.2.830: .m 3338 no: :6 :8 0w Cm 0053303 $20.»? :2. :5 32:3. 855%? :2. 8:83 86 mafia”: 8 Ban. :8: $6050 8n:.85a:$. Cm. 0953303 0305; 33. 0.23: E3503. 8.38 0., :5 30:30:. 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