CLEANING DISINFEC'I'ION and STERILIZATION and 2W 7% STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2151 BERKELEY WAY, BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA CLEANING DISINFECTION and STERILIZATION A Guide for Hospitals and Related Facilities State of California Department of Public Health ‘3: (3‘ 1‘0; Bureau of Hospitals N X { L” 1 2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley 4, California 1 962 h... L 1 54 fail ; RAM (:5 PUBLIC HEALTH LIBRARY CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 5 Chapter 1 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ___- 7 Chapter 2 PHYSICAL METHODS OF CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 8 Chapter 3 CHEMICAL METHODS OF CLEANING AND DISINFEC- TION ___ 19 Chapter 4 GASEOUS STERILIZATION __ 23 Chapter 5 RADIATION 25 Chapter 6 MECHANICAL METHODS OF DISINFECTION AND CLEANING 26 REFERENCES ______ 40 INDEX ___- ___- __ 41 (3) 649 , ... *V.‘.,.;.....--n .. _ 4- a.-. - ‘ \. H , 1" j... V..‘.._.\.. wry. 1.: ”my“, .. ..‘ 4.‘ “:44 3,422.. .a .358 i , . 1 * R -pi.-_..‘.'.‘.¢;..‘.’.,; ”as“. " .‘a ,y ., , V; _ ., g..,¢.g...{..>. ‘ t. - ' ' f n INTRODUCTION The purpose of this manual is to establish a basis for standardizing procedures and practices of cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization throughout the hospital. It is written for hospital administrators and heads of the various departments within the hospital organization. Uniformity of practices based on sound scien- tific principles should result in better techniques and safer patient care. It is hoped that this guide will provide the information needed to set up the mechanism for an organized program relating to cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization. Such an organized program should benefit all employees, profes- sional and nonprofessional, whether they are involved in direct patient care or only with the environment or equipment. It is essential that a hospital standardize its procedures in the use of the various physical and chemical agents for cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing if proper results are to be assured. Failure to standardize these practices and procedures increases the likelihood of infection and has a deleterious effect on the safety of patient care. Inconsistent methods, traditional practices Without sound scientific basis, and haphazard methods of cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing have no place in modern hospital operation. The discussion of the common agents and methods for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization as presented in this guide is limited to the basic factors which should be considered in setting up routine procedures. Specific attention is given to the principles and mode of action of the agents employed or methods used, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, necessary controls, and appropriate uses for the agents or methods in the hospital environment. The actual procedure to be established by the hospital is dependent upon the particular hospital’s scope of services, physical layout, and organization related to this phase of operation. It is important to remember that each procedure used must be based on sound principles and thorough knowledge of the agent to be used. In most instances, the procedures recommended in this guide coincide with those of the State licensing requirements. However, this guide is far more ex- pansive and detailed than any licensing requirements could be, and the pro- cedures recommended are not to be construed as actual requirements. (5) ‘WJEA .‘ r ‘ CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS ' ‘The definitions of terms used in this guide are as follows: 1. Antiseptic—A substance which, when applied to microorganisms, renders them innocuous by killing or preventing their growth. 2. Autoclave—The common term applied to the pressure steam sterilizer. 3. Bactericide—A substance which destroys bac- teria. 4. Bacteriostatic—Retarding or inhibiting the growth of bacteria. ' 5. Cleaning—The process used to free a surface from dirt or other extraneous material. 6. Contamination—The presence of a pathogenic agent on a body surface or inanimate article or in a substance. 7. Detergent—An agent used with water to facili- tate cleaning. 2—65542 8. Disinfection—The process used to destroy dis- ease germs or other harmful microorganisms, but not ordinarily for destroying viruses and resistant bac- terial spores. 9. Germicide—A substance which destroys micro- organisms, especially chemical agents that kill disease germs but not necessarily spores and viruses. 10. Infection—The invasion of body tissues by pathogenic organisms. 11. Sanitation—A state of environmental condi- tions favorable to health. 12. Sanitizer—An agent that reduces the bacterial count to safe levels as may be judged by public health requirements. 13. Sterilization—The process employed to destroy all living organisms. 14. Supe’rheated steam—Steam at a temperature which exceeds that of saturated steam at the same pressure. CHAPTER 2 PHYSICAL METHODS OF CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION A. Moist Heat 1. SATURATED STEAM (steam under pressure). Of all the various methods of sterilization, moist heat in the form of saturated steam under pressure is one of the most dependable. The term “saturated steam” means that the steam exerts the maximum pressure for water vapor at a given temperature and pressure. This method has become almost the universal method of sterilizing surgical materials, particularly textiles, enamel ware and rubber goods. (1. Principles of ”steam under pressure”: (1) Moisture and heat must always be present for effective sterilization. (2) Through the use of “steam under pressure,” it is possible to attain higher temperatures than is possible with steam at atmospheric pressure. (3) The “autoclave” is a closed chamber into which steam is applied under pressure. (4) Temperature is measured by the presence of a thermometer in the discharge line of the chamber. (5) For effective sterilization, the heat must pen- etrate the center of the load within the chamber. b. Advantages of ”steam under pressure”.- ( 1) The process is fairly rapid. (2) Sterility is easily achieved. The process is effective in that it destroys all living organisms. Even dry resistant spores are destroyed upon rela- tively short exposure. (3) It is not toxic and leaves no residue on the materials subjected to the process. (4) It can be applied to many (not all) types of materials and, if used properly, does not cause deterioration. (5) It is easily controlled. (6) The results can be measured. (7 ) Initial equipment is expensive, but the op- eration after installation is fairly economical. c. Disadvantages of ”steam under pressure”: (1) Specific and well—engineered equipment is required. (2) Effectiveness is dependent upon correct op- eration of the equipment. (3) The process cannot be applied to all ma- terials. Anhydrous oils, greases, powders and other 1 (8) substances which are not easily permeated with steam cannot be sterilized by this process. Sharp edges of some instruments are also dulled by this method. (4) Unless air is completely eliminated from the chamber at the beginning of the process, steriliza- tion is prevented. (5) Effectiveness is dependent upon correct methods of packaging and proper arrangement of load in the autoclave chamber. d. Factors which influence effectiveness of the process.- (1) Time (a) It is necessary to know the time-tempera- ture relationship needed to insure destruction of the most resistant forms of microbial life. (b) In a given temperature, it is necessary to determine the required period of time for sterili- zation, including time for penetration of each article or package to be sterilized. An additional period of time should be allowed for a margin of safety. (2) Temperature (a) The most suitable temperature must be determined for each type of material to be steri- lized. It has been pr0ven that a temperature of 121°-123°C (250°-254°F) is probably optimum for a standard. There appears to be no value in going beyond this temperature in the standard pressure steam sterilizer. For emergency sterilization, a specially de- signed sterilizer known as a “high speed” steri— lizer, built to withstand higher pressures and temperatures, may be used to acquire steriliza- tion. Temperatures of 132°C (270°F) may be ap- plied in this type of equipment. In the high prevacuum sterilizer, temperatures as high as 135°C (275°F) can be obtained. The temperature must always be related to the pressure which is applied in the sterilization process. (3 ) Pressure (a) The most suitable pressure must be deter- mined. The standard pressure steam sterilizer is usually designed for a maxium operating pres- sure of about 19 or 20 pounds per square inch, although some pressure sterilizers are built to op- erate at 30-35 pounds per square inch. CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 9 Here, too, pressure must be related to tempera- ture in establishing standards for eifective steri- lization. (4) Saturated Steam (a) Heat and moisture, not steam, are the necessary requisites for thermal destruction of bacteria. The presence of steam under pressure raises the temperature to a higher degree than would be possible under normal atmospheric pressure. (b) Saturated steam heats materials and per- meates porous substances by the process of con- densation. (c) Since saturated steam cannot undergo re- duction of temperature without 10wering pressure nor can the temperature be increased without in- crease in pressure, saturated steam at a certain temperature or certain pressure is always the same. (d) Superheated steam occurs when a volume of saturated steam with no liquid water is heated to a temperature above that of saturated steam at the same pressure. Superheated steam is not effec- tive in the sterilizing process. It may be greatly reduced by: i. Retaining the temperature of the steam in the jacket at a lower temperature and pressure than that in the chamber. ii. Using only freshly laundered fabrics. iii. Avoiding preheating surgical packs in the chamber, having steam only in the jacket. (5) Removal of Air from the Chamber (a) Air must be evacuated from the chamber When the steam is introduced into the chamber. i. Retention of air will produce variations in temperature in the various parts of the chamber. ii. Retention of air reduces the temperature of the steam in the chamber by preventing saturated steam from entering and occupying the same space in the chamber. (6) Packaging (a) The size and density of the package should be such that complete and uniform penetration with a liberal margin of safety will be achieved in 30 minutes at 121°C (250°F). (b) The largest packs should not exceed 12” X 12” X 20” in size. If a larger quantity is desired than can be accommodated in this size pack, it should be divided into two packs. (c) Packs should be wrapped loosely and ar- ranged to promote free circulation of steam into the center of the pack. Dense packs are hazardous in that they do not permit uniform penetration of the steam. (d) The wrapper or protective cover on the outside of the pack provides protection against contact contamination after sterilization, as well as acting as an efiective dust filter and guarding against entry of insects or vermin. i. Double thickness of unbleached muslin ap- pears to be the best wrapper. It possesses good filtering characteristics and does not retard the passage of steam into the package. Unbleached muslin is stronger than the bleached muslin. ii. Canvas, because it is closely woven, re- tards the passage of steam and should not be used. iii. Cellophane is impervious to steam and should not ordinarily be used. Certain small articles may be autoclaved in cellophane bags, if moisture is present inside the cellophane bag which is converted to steam during the steri- lizing process. iv. Paper may be used, but its permeability should be determined as well as its protective qualities. Large packs should not be wrapped in paper because the paper may become brittle after autoclaving. Holes or cracks in the paper may not be visible and this may allow contam- ination. v. There are many methods of securing bundles for sterilization. Clips, pins, and staples should not be used, since they may tear the fabric or paper and contaminate the con- tents. They also tend to cause too tight wrap- ping of the pack. String, rope, strong cord, cotton tape, and pressure sensitive tape can be satisfactorily used in securing the packages and bundles. vi. Autoclave or pressure tape, in addition to fastening packages, is also of value to indicate that the package has been in the autoclave. It is not an indication that the contents are sterile. Vii. Different types of materials, such as basins and fabrics, should not be included in the same package for sterilizing. viii. The method of packaging should be such that sterility can be maintained during storage. (7) Loading the Autoclave (a) Arrangement i. Packs should be arranged to present the least possible resistance of the passage of steam through the load. ii. Packs should rest on edge in loose contact ivith each other. i ' 10 iii. Contents should be arranged in sterilizer, so that air will not be trapped. iv. Utensils, jars or containers should be arranged in the sterilizer on their sides, so as not to trap air. (b) Autoclave should not be overloaded. (8) Drying of Load (a) A minimum drying period of 15 minutes should be established for packs and wrapped sup— plies, although it may take as long as 30 minutes to adequately dry the load. The directions for op- erating the specific autoclave should be followed. Usually, the drain and the chamber is closed. The vacuum valve is opened and the valve on the air inlet is opened to restore the interior to at- mospheric pressure and to dry and cool the load. It should be allowed to cool before placing on cold surfaces to prevent sweating. 6. Recording Thermometer: Recording thermometer, with bulb in the dis- charge line, should be installed in every autoclave. It is a practical detector of faulty sterilization, and provides an excellent method of maintaining daily chart records and shows that definite standards of time and temperature are being maintained. Records shall be kept at least one year. Graph records should be marked with date, year and time, and should designate the specific autoclave which it represents, if there is more than one autoclave. f. Sterilization indicators: Sterilization indicators, such as the chemical ones commonly used, can show that the load in the auto- clave has been subjected to the sterilizing process and as a result, the indicator has reacted. The reac- tion of the indicators does not necessarily assure sterility. While indicators have their advantages, it has been found that some will react, even though the time-temperature ratio is inadequate for sterili- zation. If indicators are to be used, the indicator should be placed in the densest and largest pack and the pack should be in the lower front part of the steri- lizer. It should be remembered, however, that no indicator or combination of indicators can give a positive statement that a pack is sterile. 9. Culture Tests.- The use of culture tests are the best means to confirm the sterility of an article or to evaluate the effectiveness of a sterilizing process. Bacteriological culture tests should be performed at least monthly. Sterility tests should be carried out to conform to the procedure recommended in the US. Pharmo- copoeia XIV edition, page 758. The heat resistance of the organisms and the number of organisms in CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION the test sample of the culture should be known. Commercially prepared cultures are available or they may be grown in the hospital laboratory. The test culture should be placed in the densest and largest pack and the pack should be plaCed in the lower front part of the sterilizer, in a full load. It is also a good policy to place one of the packs con- taining a culture in the upper back part of the chamber. h. Length of Sterility: The length of time which autoclaved packs and articles can be considered sterile depends on pack- aging, type of storage area, and amount of handling. Once properly packaged and sterilized, packages may be stored indefinitely, if kept in dust-free and " moisture-free areas. Such packages should be han- dled and moved as little as possible. It is advisable that tests be made to determine the length of time such packs retain sterility. A definite procedure, such as every four or six weeks for resterilization, should be adopted. There is evidence that for most hospitals it is possible to keep safely or to store properly packaged articles for at least four weeks after sterilization. There is no point in carrying out a resterilization at the end of one or two weeks, as has been the practice in many hospitals, unless it is necessary. Resterilization should involve a complete disassembling of the autoclaved pack. The wrappers and other linen should be laundered before reauto- claving. It is a good practice to place seldom used sterile packs in a polyethylene bag or wrapper for periods which exceed two weeks. Packs should be dated in order to determine the expiration date, if a policy is established for tearing down and reauto- claving. Different colored tape may also be used and the colors rotated on a schedule basis. i. Maintenance of Sterilizing Equipment: (1) Daily maintenance should consist of clean- ing the drain screen in the chamber and changing the recording thermometer graph. Regular weekly cleaning should include the inside of the sterilizer and the flushing of the chamber drain line. (2) A preventive maintenance program should be adopted in order to maintain sterilizers in good operating condition. (3) Sterilization equipment is complex and the maintenance program shall be under supervision of competent and professional personnel. Manufac- turers’ directions should be followed. i. Uses of ”Steam Under Pressure” Process (1) Supplies in Operating Room (a) Surgical Packs—(fabrics) The size of the pack should not exceed 12” x 12” x 20”. Two layers of unbleached muslin CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 11 should be used as a wrapper. Each pack should be arranged so that its use is facilitated when opened. Care should be taken that the materials are arranged to promote rapid and complete per- meation of steam through the mass. Packs should not be wrapped too tightly. They may be tied with strong cord or secured with tape. Other packs containing single items, such as towels or gowns, do not offer as much resistance to steam, but the same care should be taken to assure elfec- tiveness of the process. Basins and other metal articles should not be included in the same pack as fabrics. Each pack should be dated. (b) Surgical Instruments Surgical instruments must be clean and free from grease and oil before sterilization. While “sharps” may be sterilized by “steam under pressure,” sterilization by dry heat to preserve the cutting edges of these instruments is usually considered the preferred method. i. Routine Surgical Instrument Trays: Trays should have perforated bottoms to permit circulation of air. All jointed instruments should be open to permit contact of steam. Exposure period for sterilization is 15 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.), or 7 minutes at 132°C. (27 0°F.). If trays are to be stored, they should be wrapped in two thicknesses of muslin wrap- pers and time of exposure increased to 30 min- utes at 121°C. (250°F.). ii. Emergency Sterilization of Instruments: Emergency sterilization should only be re- sorted to when it is necessary to sterilize one or very few instruments for immediate use. Sterilization for this purpose can be accom- plished by the use of a “high speed” instru- ment sterilizer which is specially designed to operate at a temperature of 132°C. (270°F.) for 3 minutes. For this type of sterilization, in- struments should not be wrapped. Only a few instruments should be placed in any one load for this procedure. (0) Surgical Dressing Drums Metal dressing drums for sterile towels, dress- ings, sponges, cotton balls, etc., should not be used. The size of the drums makes sterilization difficult and the likelihood of the contents becom- ing contaminated with the repeated opening of the drums, makes their use hazardous. (d) Hand Brushes The type of bristles of brushes determines the method of sterilization. Synthetic and vegetable fiber brushes may be sterilized by steam under pressure. Exposure period for sterilization is 15 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). Hog bristle brushes do not withstand autoclav- ing and their use is not recommended. (e) Sutures The type of suture material determines the method of sterilization. Silk, nylon and cotton may be sterilized by steam under pressure. The exposure period for sterilization is 15 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). Most sutures used in hospitals are prepackaged and are sterile when purchased so sterilization need not be performed by the hospital. (2) Supplies of Sterile Central Supply (a) Syringes Dry heat is the best method of sterilizing syringes, although sterilization by steam under pressure is still common practice and is satis- factory. Syringes should be packed individually and the barrel should be separated from the plunger prior to sterilization to assure contact of all sur- faces with steam. Syringes may be packaged in muslin or satisfactory paper envelopes or bags. The exposure period for sterilization is 30 min- utes at 121°C. (250°F.). (b) Needles The preferred method of sterilizing needles is by dry heat. If autoclaving process is employed, needles should have some residual moisture in the cannula at the time they are placed in the steri- lizer. Needles should be autoclaved without stylets. Needles may be autoclaved in satisfactory paper envelopes, in test tubes or in constricted glass tubes. If placed in glass tubes, some type of covering should be securely placed over the open end. Permeable paper or a double thickness of muslin is satisfactory, but cotton plugs should not be used. The tubes should be placed on their sides in the sterilizer to facilitate air removal and in- flow of steam. Exposure time for sterilization is 30 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). (0) Rubber Goods It is not possible for steam to penetrate rubber, so all surfaces must be freely exposed to steam during the sterilization process. Rubber deterio- rates in air and steam mixtures. Care must be taken to be certain that air is removed from auto- clave as well as that there are no air pockets re- tained in the material to be sterilized. Rubber goods should be placed in the upper two-thirds of the sterilizer to prevent residual air from coming in contact with the rubber goods. i. Rubber Gloves (aa) Air should be removed from the fingers of the gloves before packaging. 12 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION (bb) To insure air clearance, some ma- terial such as a band or tab of muslin or paper should be placed in folded portion of the cuff and into palm of glove. (cc) Glove packages should be placed on edge with the thumbs up for proper steriliza- tion and should be placed in the upper part of the chamber. (dd) Gloves should be sterilized alone in the autoclave. (ee) Muslin wrappers of billfold type are preferable. (ff) The life of gloves will be prolonged, if gloves are held in storage for 24-48 hours following sterilization before being used. (gg) Exposure time for sterilization is 20 minutes at 121°-123°C. (250°—254°F.). ii. Rubber Catheters, Drains, Tubes, Tubing, Rubber bulbs, etc. All rubber goods should be thoroughly cleaned before autoclaving. It is especially im- portant to be sure that the insides of catheters and hollow tubing are clean. If such articles are not clean, they cannot be considered sterile, even though they have been autoclaved. (aa) The inside of tubing should be mois- tened prior to sterilization in order that moisture may be converted into steam during the process. (bb) All tubing should be wrapped so that two surfaces of rubber do not touch. (cc) Wrappers may be muslin, paper or cellophane, if the ends of the cellophane wrappers are left open. (dd) Some types of rubber do not with- stand this method of sterilization. (ee) Cleaning substances containing chem- icals which cause deterioration should be avoided. Oils, grease, benzine, cresol, etc., are examples which have this effect. (ff) Exposure time for sterilization is 20 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). (d) Dressing Jars and Cans Dressing jars and cans should not be used in hospitals. Contents may become contaminated each time the jar or can is opened. The small one-use individually wrapped packages are pref- erable. If jars or cans must be used to contain sterile supplies, the contents should be packed loosely. They should be placed on their sides with the lids ajar. This allows the air to drain out and to be replaced by steam. The density of the supplies within the container should be limited. ExpOsure period for sterilization is 30 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). (e) Transfer Forceps and Container Forceps used to transfer sterile items from one location to another should be washed with a de- tergent and then sterilized by exposure to steam under pressure for 20 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.), either wrapped or unwrapped. The container in which the forceps are stored should also be sterilized in the same manner. Even though the forceps are retained in a disinfectant solution, there is no assurance that sterility is being maintained. Eliminating the need for transfer forceps is recommended wherever pos- sible. If transfer forceps are used, the transfer forceps and the container should be sterilized daily. (f) Utensils and Glassware Basins and utensils should be wrapped sepa- rately or separated with a porous material, such as gauze, if placed in the same pack. They should be placed on their sides in the autoclave so that air will not be trapped in any of the containers. Glass articles should be protected from break- age. Exposure time for sterilization of utensils and glassware is 15 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). (g) Solutions The size, shape, thickness and heat conductiv- ity of the container holding the solution influ- ences the time required for sterilization. The length of time required to heat all of the solu- tion to a sterilizing temperature determines the exposure period. If self-venting closures on con- tainers are used, they may be left on during the sterilizing process; otherwise, they should be left open or loosely stoppered. Pyrex glass or the equivalent should be used for containers. Flasks should not be overfilled. Exposure time for a 1000 cc flask is 30 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.), for sterilization. A flask of smaller capacity, such as a 250 cc flask, may be adequately autoclaved in 20 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). A flask of larger capacity, such as a 2000 cc flask, can be auto- claved in 45 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). The exhaust on the autoclave should not be applied after completion of the autoclaving process. The pressure should be allowed to return to normal without applying exhaust. (3) Supplies in Delivery Room The same principles of sterilization apply here as in the operating room. r CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 13 (4) Supplies in Laboratory (a) Laboratory Media :ghen it is necessary to sterilize media for lab- or ory use, the composition of the media and type of container will determine the method of sterilization. Exposure period for sterilization, if it is to be autoclaved, is 20 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). (b) Laboratory Glassware Laboratory supplies which are contaminated can best be decontaminated by exposure to steam under pressure for 20 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.), followed by mechanical cleaning. Dry heat is the preferred method of steriliza- tion of clean glassware when actual sterility is desired. This would include petri dishes, culture tubes, etc. (c) Syringes and Needles The same methods apply as in Central Sterile Supply. (5) Housekeeping Equipment (a) Mattresses and Pillows When sterilization of a mattress or a pillow is required, particularly if the inside is considered a reservoir of infection, autoclaving is possible. It requires large sterilizers for the process and it may cause staining. Mattress and pillow covers also tend to deteriorate rapidly, if autoclaved frequently. Exposure period for sterilization is 30 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). Other methods, such as exposure to ethylene oxide, is preferred to sterilization by steam under pressure, if it is available. (6) Nursery Supplies (a) Nursery Packs Nursery linen, such as diapers, gowns, blan- kets, etc., are usually autoclaved before use. They should be made into individual packs or bundles, and autoclaved for use of each baby. Wrappers may be made of muslin or of paper. Bundles should be loosely wrapped. (b) Individual Bassinet Equipment Individual infant’s equipment including safety pins, cotton, infant linen, diapers, etc. should be autoclaved. Exposure period for sterilization is 30 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). (0) Special Equipment Equipment for special treatments which must be sterile should be handled in the same manner and be in accord with procedures of Central Sterile Supply. (7) Formula Room (a) Contaminated formula equipment, such as formula bottles, bottle carriers, nipples and nip- ple covers, after mechanical cleaning, should be sterilized by exposure to steam under pressure for 15 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). (b) When the “steam under pressure” method of formula preparation is employed, the com- pletely assembled formula units should be auto- claved at 110°-111°C. (230°-232°F.), at 7 pounds pressure for 10 minutes or 121°C. (250°F.) at 15 pounds pressure for 5 minutes. The first of the two is preferable. (8) Bedside Equipment Bedside equipment, such as washbasins, mouth- wash cups, bedpans and urinals, if sterilized by autoclaving, should be treated as other utensils and should have an exposure period of 15 minutes at 121°C. (250°F.). k. Water sterilization (1) Sterilizers which are specifically for the ster- ization of water are reservoirs equipped with a source of heat (electric, gas, steam) and, except for the old types, have automatic pressure regulators. Each tank is equipped with an individual, self- sterilizing combination water and air filter which is controlled by a single valve. The difficulty encountered in using the water sterilizers for sterilization of water is in maintain- ing sterility of the water following the sterilization process. There is also the possibility that faulty mechanics may interfere with the sterilizing process itself. (a) Limitations of Water Sterilizers i. The draw-oif faucet becomes contaminated and thereby contaminates the sterile water as it is drawn from the sterilizer, unless some method of sterilizing the faucet is employed. It is difficult to sterilize the faucet. ii. Air filter may be ineffective. iii. Cooling coil in the cold tank may have a slow leak, thereby contaminating the sterile water. iv. Leaky valves will permit unsterile water to enter sterile reservoirs. v. Drainage connections may be piped di- rect to the waste line. vi. The inside of the side arm gauge glass may be contaminated and there may be no provision to sterilize it. (b) Factors to be considered in the use of Water Sterilizers i. Water should not be regarded as sterile for more than 8—12 hours. 14 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, ‘ AND STERILIZATION ii. Periodic checks for the performance of the sterilizer should be made. iii. At end of sterilization period, the drain- otf faucet should be thoroughly flushed. iv. The sterilized water is not distilled and will contain chemical impurities which makes it unsafe for parenteral solutions. v. There are many types of water sterilizers and the manufacturers’ directions of each type must be followed. (2) The individual flask technique, whereby the water is autoclaved in hermetically sealed flasks, is gradually becoming the method of choice. Water is not difficult to sterilize and when handled by the flask method, sterility can always be assured. The method of sterilization of the individual flasks is the same as for any other types of aqueous solu- tions. 2. FLOWING STEAM. If steam is generated or held in a chamber under atmospheric pressure, it is said to be free flowing or streaming steam. The tem- perature cannot exceed that of boiling water. It is not usually considered as effective as boiling and can only be considered to disinfect, not sterilize. Whenever steam under pressure is available and pos— sible, it should be used in preference to this method. The Arnold sterilizer, not commonly used, disin- fects‘by flowing steam. Its use is limited to small articles and packages. This method of disinfection should be discouraged. _ 0. ‘Limitations Flowing steam has the same limitations and may be less effective than boiling water. It cannot be relied on to sterilize. It is the least reliable of the physical methods of disinfection. b. Uses (1) The Arnold sterilizer may be used in the ab- sence of “steam under pressure” for destroying vegetative organisms in small packages and for some materials, such as bottled liquids. It should not be used for hospital supplies. (2) Laboratory media may be treated to this method in the absence of steam under pressure, but the method is less certain and is rarely used. c. Period of Exposure The minimum period for disinfection by this method is thirty (30) minutes after the steam be- gins to condense and drips back into the reservoir of the container from which it originally came. 3. BOILING. The application of heat to water at atmospheric pressure which brings the temperature of the water to the boiling point is considered a method of disinfection. It is no longer considered a method of sterilization, since the maximum tempera-‘ ture which can be reached is 100°C. (212°F.) or less, depending on altitude. Even with an extended lengthy exposure, resistant spores and viruses may Withstand this temperature. It is a much less exacting procedure than sterilization under pressure and, therefore, should not be used where steam under pres- sure is available. The margin of safety with the use of the autoclave or sterilization by steam under pres- sure is greater, the time required for autoclaving is less and most objects withstand autoclaving better than boiling. For. disinfection, boiling is fairly satisfactory, be- cause it will destroy all vegetative organisms and those which cause most communicable diseases. It should never be relied upon as a sterilization process. 0. Types of Equipment (1) The so-called boiling water “sterilizer” is a metal container which is connected with the water supply and furnished with a gas, electric, or steam heating unit. It usually has a drain pipe connected to the plumbing system. (2) A boiler, large container or kettle may be substituted for the boiling water sterilizer. It is regulated by the heat under it and the same prin- ciples apply to it as the boiling water sterilizer. b. Limitations of Boiling Method (1) The result of this process is disinfection and not sterilization, because of the low maximum tem- perature which can be reached at atmospheric pres- sure. The range of temperature of this method is suitable for the destruction of vegetative organisms, but cannot be relied on to destroy all bacterial life. (2) Altitude affects the boiling point of water. The highest temperature that can be reached is 100°C. (212°F.) at sea level. At higher altitudes, the boiling point is decreased, thereby decreasing the effectiveness of the process. (3) If the boiling water sterilizer is connected to the plumbing system, contamination of the con- tents of the sterilizer may occur, because of faulty plumbing connections. The installation of this type of equipment should be in conformance with plumbing codes. Installed ' equipment should be properly vented. c. Factors Affecting Efficiency of the Process (1) The hydrogen ion concentration of the water affects the bactericidal efficiency. Addition of an alkali, such as sodium carbonate (sal soda) to make a two percent solution, or sodium hydroxide (caus- tic soda) to make a one-tenth percent solution, in- creases the disinfecting power of the water. The CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION lo minimum time for safe disinfection can be reduced with the addition of such an alkali. (2) All articles to be disinfected must be com- pletely submerged during the boiling process. Air pockets which result from containers being placed upright may produce faulty disinfection in that the bacteria are protected from the destructive action of the moist heat. (3) It is important that the heat be regulated to apply the amount of heat which will cause the water to boil rapidly enough to reach the maximum temperature. This is a moderate boiling condition, beyond a simmer, and not too vigorous as to boil violently, and producing dense clouds of steam in the room. A thermometer on the sterilizer does make it possible to know when the maximum temperature has been reached. It might then be possible to regu- late the heat mechanism in order to maintain the desired temperature. (4) Scale formation of inorganic salts which are deposited on the articles in the water and on the inside of the sterilizer may be prevented or re- duced by: (a) Wrapping the objects in gauze or some other material before placing in the container (b) Frequent draining of the container (c) Avoiding too vigorous boiling ((1) Boiling the water before placing the ob- jects in the container (e) Use of a water softener (5) Objects which have been disinfected should be removed from the water as soon as the process is completed. If allowed to remain in the water, they will become contaminated as the steam eon- denses. . (6) The sterilizer must be clean and free from oils and grease. Such substances prevent moist heat from contacting bacteria, thereby protecting them against effective disinfection. (7) Objects to be disinfected must also be clean before exposing them to the boiling water, because dirt, grease or oils prevent the moist heat from con- tacting the bacteria. d. Period of exposure The safe minimum period for disinfection in boil- ‘ ing Water 100°C, (212°F.) at sea level, is 30 min- utes. If the hydrogen ion concentration is decreased by theuaddition of alkali, the period of exposure _ can bevsafely decreased. At-higher altitudes, the exposure periods must be increased. a ‘ e. Uses of boiling water for disinfection These should be limited to the following: (1) Surgical Instruments As already stated, the boiling water process is one of disinfection and not of sterilization. Therefore, this method should not be used in preoperative preparation of surgical instruments or for any pur- pose Where sterile surgical instruments are desired. (2) Bedside Utensils The boiling process should be used for disinfec- tion only and the exposure period should be 30 minutes. Utensils should be thoroughly cleaned, should be completely submerged during the proc- ess and should not be permitted to remain in the water after the completion of the process. (a) After patient ’5 discharge After patient’s discharge from hospital, the bedside utensils may be disinfected by boiling, although sterilization by steam under pressure is preferable. (b) Contaminated utensils After discharge of patient with communicable disease, utensils may be disinfected by this proc- ess. If h0spital~routine requires autoclaving, con- taminated bedside equipment, after being cleaned, may be autoclaved instead of boiling. To prevent the spread of infection, contaminated utensils should not be removed from the nursing unit be- fore being disinfected. (3) Contaminated Dishes Dishes and silver used by a patient with com- municable disease may be disinfected by boiling 30 minutes. Proper dishwashing procedures are usu- ally considered adequate for disinfecting dishes. The danger of spreading the infection lies in the handling of the contaminated dishes before they reach the dishwashing machine. A contaminated tray including dishes and silver may be placed in a water soluble plastic bag and closed with rubber band or string. The outside is clean and it can then be placed in the dishwasher without danger of spreading the infection. ' ' (4) Syringes and Needles Boiling syringes and needles in water will .de- stroy non spore-forming pathogenic organisms. The boiling method may be used to disinfect contami- nated syringes, but must not be used if sterility is desired. Syringes which are to be used for subcu- taneous, intramuscular or intravenous injections should be sterilized by autoclaving or dry heat ster- ilization. The chemical composition, of glass-is also , "affected by boiling, makingglass brittlejandlikely _. to break. . , . 16 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION (5) Rubber Gloves Gloves may be disinfected by boiling, although they lose tensile strength, elasticity, and shape. This is a fairly safe method of disinfecting contaminated gloves used in caring for a communicable disease or in the laboratory. The minimum boiling period is 30 minutes. This method is never used when sterility is desired. (6) Formula Preparation and Equipment (a) Formula bottles, caps and nipples from suspect, isolation, and pediatric nurseries should be disinfected by boiling for 10 minutes. (b) When the non-pressure method of formula preparation is employed, the completely assem~ bled formula unit (bottles with nipples and nip- ple covers), should be immersed in actively boil- ing water in a covered container. The water should be kept boiling for 25 minutes, being sure that the water does not touch the nipple covers. B. Dry Heat 1. DRY HEAT STERILIZATION. Dry heat sterili- zation is sometimes referred to as hot air sterilization. The process involves the absorption of heat from the surface of the substance which is being sterilized. The temperature and the time of exposure must be in- creased beyond the requirements of the processes which rely on moisture as well as heat. Heating of the contents takes place mainly by radiation from the walls and floor of the chamber or oven. a. Types of hot air sterilizers (1) Gravity Convection Type The air circulates in accord with existing temper- ature differences between the various parts of the chamber. The heated air expands, rises, and dis- places the cooler air, thus setting up a convection circulation. It is slower in heating and requires a longer time to reach sterilizing temperatures than with other methods. It should not be used when precise heating is required or where rapid heating is required. (2) Mechanical Convection Type Hot air is circulated through a chamber by means of a forced air blower. It is possible to control air velocity, direction of circulation, and heat inten- sity, thereby controlling temperature in the cham- ber. (3) Use of Autoclave Steam is applied only to the jacket of the ordi- nary pressure steam sterilizer. Unless a thermom— eter is placed in the jacket return line, the tem- perature cannot be accurately measured. It takes a long period of time, because the maximum temper- ature that can be attained is 121°C. (250°F.) when steam in jacket is kept at 15-17 pounds of pressure. The exposure period is a minimum of six hours, or preferably overnight. This process is not as re- liable as a properly designed hot air sterilizer. b. Factors of dry heat sterilization (1) Temperature should be closely regulated. (2) Sterilizer should not be overloaded. (3) Some space should be allowed between arti- cles in the sterilizer to promote penetration and permit free circulation of air. (4) All articles exposed to dry heat sterilization must be clean of all organic material and must be free from traces of oil or grease. , (5) The characteristics of material, method of preparation of articles to be sterilized, packaging or wrapping, and loading of sterilizer are all fac- tors which determine exposure periods and temper- ature. It is difficult to establish specific exposure periods and temperatures for all materials. c. Limitations of use of dry heat sterilization (1) When used at sufliciently high temperatures to assure sterilization, some fabrics and rubber goods deteriorate and are destroyed. (2) Penetration is slow and difficult. (3) Higher temperatures for longer exposure periods are required than are necessary when mois- ture is present. (4) Dry heat method is difficult to control ex- cept in specially designed sterilizer. (5) Temperature is likely to vary within the loa being sterilized. . " (6) While dry sterilization is best for anhydrous oils, greases, powders, etc., there is danger of de- composition and discoloration. (7) The presence of organic matter interferes with sterilizing process. Articles which are to be sterilized must be well cleaned and free from grease and oils. ' d. Advantages of use of dry heat sterilization (1) Dry heat does not erode ground glass sur- faces so that this method may be successfully used on glass articles such as syringes, and other glass- ware. (2) Dry heat does not have corrosive eflfect on sharp metal surfaces, so it is a satisfactory steril- izing agent for sharp cutting instruments, if ex- posed only for a reasonable length of time. ( 3) Dry heat sterilization is satisfactory for an- hydrous oils, greases, powders, etc. CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 17 e. Uses of dry heat sterilization (1) Glassware, such as petri dishes, test tubes, empty flasks, medicine glasses, etc., may be steri- lized by 60 minutes exposure at 160°C. (320°F.). They should be thoroughly washed, rinsed in dis- tilled water and wrapped before being subjected to dry heat sterilization. (2) Syringes (a) Syringes should be thoroughly cleaned and dried. They should be wrapped in muslin, pack- aged in test tubes with muslin or paper covers, or put in paper bags with high bursting strength and controlled porosity which are especially made for this purpose. (b) Syringes may be assembled or unassem- bled and needle may or may not be included in the package. (c) Time of exposure should be 60 minutes at 160°C. (320°F.), if wrapped in muslin or if unwrapped with covered tip. If syringe is en- closed in test tube, exposure time should be in- creased to 75 minutes. (3) Needles, hollow Needles should be protected from mechanical dulling. (a) Stylets should not be placed in needles. (b) Needles may be included in packet with syringe, but point should be protected. (0) Exposure time should be two hours at 160°C. (320°F.). (4) Cutting Edge Instruments Instruments should be clean, free from oil and grease and placed on a flat metal tray before being placed in the hot air sterilizer. Exposure of one hour at 160°C. (320°F.) is necessary. Too high tem- peratures will destroy cutting edge. (5) Suture Needles Suture needles may be threaded into gauze, wrapped in muslin and exposed to 160°C. (320°F.) for one hour. (6) Powders (a) Longer period of exposure is necessary, because of slow rate of heat transfer. (b) Amount of powder in one package or con- tainer should be limited to small amounts, pref- erably for one use of application. It should be in flat container and depth should not exceed one- quarter inch. (c) The decomp0sition temperature point should be known for the powder which is being sterilized. The temperaure should not approach or exceed this decomposition point. (d) Exposure period zinc oxide powder 160°C. (320°F.) for two hours sulfa powder 140°C. (285°F.) for three hours (7) Oils and Nonaqueous Substances (a) Oils and nonaqueous substances, since they cannot be penetrated by steam, can be better sterilized by dry heat than by autoclave. Long high heat periods in sterilization are required since steam does not penetrate the substance. (b) The amount of substance should be as small as possible and the depth of the layer should be reduced to at least one-quarter inch. (c) Exposure period (1) Oils such as mineral oil, paraffin and petroleum jelly should be sterilized at 160°C. (320°F.) for two hours, if layer is kept to a one-quarter inch depth. (2) Petrolatum gauze Bandage gauze impregnated with petrolatum jelly should be placed in metal tray in layers not more than one-half inch deep and should be exposed for 2:3- hours at 160°C. (320°F.). These items may also be purchased in small single-use size packages already sterile. 2. CHARRING. Charring or the actual destruc- tion of the microorganism by burning, occurs when exposed to heat capable of burning for a period of not less than 20 seconds. This method is usually used in connection with moisture, such as with the use of cautery. The cautery when exposed to live tissue gen- erates steam and burns the tissue after the moisture is eliminated. Desiccation by the fulgurating needle is another example. 3. FLAMING. Applying the actual flame to an object is a method of sterilization. It is most widely used in the laboratory for the sterilization of plat- inum loops To be effective, the loop must be entirely heated until it glows. The use of flaming in sterilizing instruments has little or no value except where it can be held in a naked flame without damage of dulling the edges of the instrument. 4. INCINERATION. Incineration is the process of burning and reducing substance to ashes, thereby destroying the substance as well as any living or- ganisms which are contained in it. is CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 0!. Uses of incineration Types of waste which are usually destroyed by this method are: (1) Rubbish (2) Refuse (organic and inorganic) (3) Garbage i b. Factors (1) Incinerators for hospital use are usually in- _ tended to cover a wide range of performance oper- ating conditions. Refuse may vary and the kinds and proportions of solid and semi-solid wastes Will vary, thus causing a wide variation in heat of combustion and the burning characteristics. (2) Auxiliary firing by gas or oil is usually nec- essary to provide combustion, because of wide va- riety of kinds and type of refuse, garbage, etc. (3) Incinerators are expected to burn the refuse to ashes without the emission of smoke, bad odors, fumes, ashes, charred materials, embers and sparks. (4) Where pathological wastes are to be disposed of, it is essential that the incinerator provide the necessary heat to dispose of the pathological waste. (5) In designing incinerators, the following should be considered: (a) Burning rate (b) Heat release (c) Mixing velocities (d) Settling velocities (e) Flue and chimney velocities CHAPTER 3 CHEMICAL METHODS OF CLEANING AND DISINFECTION When chemicals are employed to destroy organisms, the process should be called disinfection rather than sterilization. The absolute destruction of all organ- isms by any of the chemicals is uncertain and it is necessary to qualify the term “disinfection” by speci- fying the exact organisms which are being destroyed. Chemicals, should be resorted to as a means of ob- taining sterility only if a reliable method of steriliza- tion is not available or possible. Many of the chemi- cals are more bacteriostatic than germicidal. Many chemical disinfectants destroy vegetative bacterial and fungal forms, but have no effect on spores. Tubercle bacilli are also resistant to some chemicals commonly used as disinfectants. Viruses seem to vary in their resistance, and while their ability to withstand chemi- cals is not clearly understood, it seems reasonable to say that some viruses are not destroyed by exposure to chemical disinfectants in the normally used con- centrations. It should be pointed out that many of the chemical disinfectants destroy certain kinds of vegetative bac- teria and permit others to survive or even grow and multiply. In selecting chemical agents for disinfection in the hospital, it is important that each hospital es- tablish a definite written plan for the use of these agents and that all personnel be oriented in the de- tails of their use. Concentration, type of diluent, methods of application, and length of exposure are all factors to be considered in the use of these sub- stances. A. Factors Which Influence the Action of Chemical Agents I. CLEANLINESS OF THE SURFACE. The cleanli- ness of the surface to be disinfected is important in . determining the effective concentration of the germi- , cide. The presence of organic substances such as pus, ‘ blood, or other secretions greatly interferes with the 1 efiectiveness of the chemical action. Absolute cleanli- ness of the surface to be disinfected is essential for ‘ reliable germicidal action. Any outer coating of the surface which is of protein nature may be coagulated by the germicide and prevent penetration of the chemical. , 2. CONCENTRATION. It can usually be said that the stronger the solution, the more effective will be its disinfectant action. While a strong solution will often kill organisms more quickly, it may be more irritating to the tissues and be injurious to textiles and ma- terials. In such cases, the weaker solutions must be used. 3. TIME. The time required for the different chemical agents to function effectively as disinfectants may vary from seconds to hours. In each case it is essential that the minimum time of exposure to a specific concentration of the chemical solution be known if disinfection is to be assured. 4. TEMPERATURE. Temperature may afiect the efficiency of a disinfectant and should be considered when selecting a chemical agent. 5. NONCORROSIVENESS AND DESTRUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS. Some chemical agents have a marked corrosive action on metal surfaces and are injurious to rubber and other substances. 6. TYPE OF ORGANISM. Some organisms are more readily killed than others. Some types are par- ticularly resistant to chemicals. It cannot be assumed that a chemical disinfectant is efiective for all types of organisms. The specific action of the chemical agent on the organism must be known. 7. CHEMICAL COMPATIBILITY. If a chemical disinfectant is used in conjunction with another sub- stance, it is necessary to consider the compatibility of the two substances. Alkalinity, acidity, oxidation or reducing properties, etc. may adversely affect the action of the disinfectant. B. Types of Chemical Disinfectants I. ALCOHOLS. The alcohols, particularly ethyl and isopropyl alcohol, are good disinfectants. They have a bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic action against vegetative forms of bacteria. Vegetative forms of organisms and tubercle bacilli are destroyed read- ily in a 70 to 90 percent concentration by weight. The destructive action of alcohol against spore forms is much less than against vegetative forms and the effec— tiveness of alcohol against viruses has not been well established. The alcohols are safe, relatively inexpen- sive and readily obtainable. They have a cleansing action. Alcohol acts quickly, evaporates readily and (19) 20 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION leaves no residue. It is believed that isopropyl alcohol has slightly greater bactericidal action than ethyl alcohol. It is inexpensive, nonpotable, tax-free, and is a somewhat better fat solvent than ethyl alcohol. Any concentration between 70 and 92 percent by weight or between 80 and 95 percent by volume has high germicidal activity. Anything lower than 70 per- cent by weight or 80 percent by volume is inadequate, particularly, if there is any likelihood of contamina- tion with body or tissue fluid. The addition of iodine to alcohol increases the effectiveness of the two sub- stances, both in terms of necessary time of exposure and the number of bacteria killed. Uses: a. Skin disinfectant An alcohol solution, 70 percent to 92 percent con- centration by weight is an effective skin disinfect- ant. While it has no effect on spores, it does destroy vegetative organisms. The concentration of the solu- tion determines the effectiveness, as well as friction, which may be applied to enhance the action. The time of exposure is also a factor. b. Cleansing thermometers (1) Combining equal parts of alcohol and green soap has been found to be an effective solution for washing thermometers. (2) Clean thermometers are sometimes stored in an alcohol solution (70 percent by weight) contain- ing one percent iodine. (3) Thermometers may be stored dry, after be- ing thoroughly washed. c. Disinfection of instruments and needles The use of an alcohol solution for disinfection of instruments and needles should be employed only when a reliable method of sterilization is not avail- able. d. Anaesthesia equipment Some anaesthesia equipment will not withstand autoclaving, but can be successfully disinfected with alcohol. If other more effective methods are possible, this type of disinfection should not be used. 2. MERCURIALS. Although mercurials have been used in hospitals for many years, they have come to be regarded as poor germicides, and as chemical dis- infectants, they are not recommended. While they are highly bacteriostatic, they cannot be depended on to destroy all vegetative organisms and do not destroy sporulating organisms. The inorganic mercurials are toxic and irritating to tissue, tend to precipitate proteins and have a corro- sive action on metal. The organic mercurials are less toxic, less irritating to tissue and do not corrode instruments, but are not believed to be any more effective than the inorganic substances. 3. HALOGENS a. Iodine Iodine is generally regarded as a good germicide and has received wide use in hospitals. Its action is dependent on the free iodine which is contained in or released from the compound in which it is con- tained. Experiments show that iodine is comparable with other bactericides and deserves a high rating- among the most efficient disinfectants. It is reported that iodine possesses sporicidal and fungicidal effi- ciency and has some action on viruses. Commonly Used Types of Iodine Solutions: (1) Iodine tincture refers to a preparation con- taining 2 percent iodine, and 2.4 percent sodium iodide in diluted alcohol (the final alcohol content is 47 percent). (2) Iodine solution refers to a water solution and has wide usage. (3) An iodophor is a compound containing a combination of iodine and a solubilizing agent or carrier for the iodine. The iodine is slowly liber- ated when diluted with water. The iodophors are stable, relatively nonstaining on fabrics and tissues, nontoxic, nonodorous and retain all the desired anti- microbial activities of iodine. Some of these -dis- infectants have become general purpose disinfect- ants and are effective against viruses, fungi and bacteria, including the tubercle bacilli, if used in strong concentrations. (4) Other iodine preparations, such as organic compounds containing iodine or containing free iodine, are used for specific purposes in hospitals. Uses: (a) Skin disinfection i. Preoperative preparation of the skin. Io- dine tincture is the solution most often used. ii. Prior to insertion of needle into skin for: (aa) Removal of fluid such as blood, spinal fluid, bone marrow and transudates (bb) Administration of parenteral medi- cation (cc) Immunization iii. Skin disorders iv. Application to mucous membranes v. Disinfection of hands ’ (b) Disinfection of instruments and other equipment including anaesthesia equipment CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 21 (c) Disinfection of catgut and other surgical suture materials (d) Disinfection of clinical thermometers (e) Disinfection of dishes and eating utensils b. Chlorine Chlorine as it appears in the hypochlorites and other organic compounds which liberate chlorine, is an important disinfectant in the hospital. The germicidal effect is dependent upon the release of hypochlorous acid. These chlorine compounds have germicidal effects upon bacteria and viruses. They are effective against spores only if the solution is neutral or slightly acid. The presence of organic material reduces the effectiveness of chlorine disin- fectants. Acid-fast bacteria, such as tubercle bacilli, are not destroyed by these chlorine compounds. They are irritating to tissue, corrode metal and are injurious to rubber. Uses: (1) Disinfection of toilets, lavatories and bath- tubs (2) Disinfection of floors (3) Disinfection and bleaching of linen (4) Dishwashing c. Bromine Synthetic chemical substances with a bromal de- rivative have been developed as effective germi- cides. While their effectiveness against spores and viruses has not been well established, they are germ- icidal for some of the presently antibiotic resistant strains of organisms. They are used both in solu- tion for washing surfaces and in laundering fabrics as well as an aerosol spray for surfaces. ,, Uses: (1) Laundry (2) Surfaces (furniture, floors, walls, mattresses, bedsprings, etc.) 4. PHENOLS . Effectiveness of phenol Phenol is effective against all vegetative bacteria when used in the correct concentration. It is less effective against spores and its ability as a virucide has not been established. It is very toxic, is irritating to the skin and de- stroys tissues, if used in strong concentrations. Its use has not been entirely abandoned, but it is not generally employed in hospitals. b. Phenolic derivative and synthetic phenols During recent years, phenolic derivative and syn- thetic phenolics have come into use. They generally have the same advantages as phenols without some of the disadvantages. They are odorless and have a low toxicity. In the correct concentrations, they are effective against vegetative bacteria, but are not effective against spores. Uses: ( 1) Floors, walls and furniture (2) Dishes and utensils (3) Laboratory glassware (4) Disinfection of instruments, syringes and needles c. Cresol Cresols are similar to the phenols in their action on vegetative organisms. The chief disadvantage is their disagreeable odor. They are not effective against spores. d. Hexachlorophene Hexachlorophene, a bis-phenol, retains its bacte- rial potency when combined with soap and deter- gents. Its action is slow and its degerming action is attributed to a film which is deposited and left on the surface to which it is applied. It is only slightly soluble in water, but is soluble in alcohol, acetone, etc. Hexachlorophene’s greatest usefulness is as a handscrub, if used repeatedly. Combined with soap, it has proved to be an excellent agent for the sur- geon, intern and nurse in surgery who scrub rou- tinely. It is also effective in the newborn nursery, where repeated handwashings are essential in the everyday routine of infant care. It is sometimes used in bathing infants. Uses.- Skin disinfectant ( 1) Preoperative preparation (2) Newborn infants (3) Hand scrub (a) Surgical (b) Nursery personnel (0) Laboratory personnel ((1) Food handlers 5. QUATERNARY AMMONIUM COMPOUNDS. This group of compounds is used extensively for dis- infection in hospitals, although there are some limita- tions and many organisms are not afiected by the quaternary ammonium compounds. They are surface- active compounds and possess the useful property of lowering the surface tension of the solution. They are highly stable and nonirritating when used in recom- mended concentrations. They are effective in destroy- ing ordinary vegetative organsms, but do not destroy tubercle bacilli, pseudomonas, proteus and other gram negative bacilli. Their effectiveness against viruses has been questioned and they cannot be depended on to destroy spores. 22 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION Ordinary soap and other surface—active anionic de- tergents interfere with the germicidal activity of these disinfectants; so, if soap or detergents have been used, they must be thoroughly rinsed before exposing the substances to the quaternary ammonium compounds. The presence of certain dissolved minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron in the water to which these substances are added, also decreases the effi- ciency of these disinfectants. Uses: 0. Surgical instruments b. Furniture, floors c. Dishwashing d. Laundry 6. DETERGENTS AND SOAPS. A detergent is defined as an agent which will aid in or cause the removal of unwanted or extraneous material from a particular surface. All cleaning agents are detergents, but may or may not be disinfectants. Bacteria are usually removed, however, whenever they are em- ployed. Soaps are compounds of fatty acids and soluble alkalis and in themselves are not disinfectants. When mixed with water, they remove dirt and surface bac- teria which are loosely attached. Most detergents may be classified as alkaline, neutral or acid cleaners. Some are more effective than others for cleaning particular surfaces. The process of cleaning with a detergent is really , the exchange of a soiled surface condition for a clean surface plus a soiled detergent. The effectiveness of a detergent is dependent upon the following factors: Kind of surface being cleaned Nature and amount of soil Composition and concentration of the detergent Time of exposure to the cleaning agent The hardness of the water pH of the cleaning solution . The mechanical action used (scrubbing, rubbing, etc.) Hospital Uses of Soaps and Detergents: Laundry Dishwashing Hard surfaces (walls, furnitures, floors, etc.) Handwashing (preoperative scrub and routine handwashing) Equipment, utensils, etc. 7. FORMALIN. Formaldehyde gas when placed in solution (40 gm. of the gas to 100 m1. of water) is known as formalin and has been widely used in hos- pitals as a disinfectant. It has been especially used in the disinfection of instruments, because it is eifec- tive against spores and does not corrode instruments or affect the cutting edge. The U.S.P. solution contains 37% by weight of the gas in water. It is actively germicidal even at 5% and destroys spores. It is also effective in the presence of organic material. It is a powerful deodor- ant, has an objectionable smell, and is irritating to tissues. It coagulates proteins, so care must be taken to remove the formalin from instruments before being applied to tissues. In the laboratory, formaldehyde has been exten- sively used for the inactivation of viruses in the prep- aration of vaccines. a———- "- 1.... . CHAPTER 4 GASEOUS STERILIZATION Gaseous sterilization for use in hospitals is the result of a fairly new development. Fumigation, how- ever, as a method of disinfecting enclosed air spaces has been employed for many years. Until the recent development of gaseous steriliza- tion for surgical dressings, instruments, linen, etc., heat and moisture was almost always applied in the sterilizing process. With the increasing use of ma- terials which are sensitive to heat and moisture, gas- eous sterilization has come into prominence and today it is considered an effective method of sterilization. A. Ethylene Oxide Sterilization occurs by exposure to the gas. The effectiveness is based on the gas itself and is not de- pendent on a great increase in temperature. It does not injure fine, delicate instruments or fabrics. 1. PROPERTIES OF ETHYLENE OXIDE a. Extremely active. b. Pleasant etheral odor. c. Soluble in all proportions in water, alcohol, and ether. cl. Highly inflammable. The vapors form an explosive mixture with air. It is made safe by the addition of an inactive gas such as carbon dioxide, freon, or nitrogen. e. Irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. Skin eruptions may result from contact with the substance or materials in which the vapor is ab- sorbed. f. Moderately toxic. It must not be inhaled. 2. STERILIZING EQUIPMENT. The type of equip- ment necessary for gaseous sterilization consists of a closed sterilizing chamber with automatic controls for the complete cycle of the process. Exposure time, temperature, and humidity controls are set after load- ing and are automatically controlled until the com- pletion of the cycle. 3. FACTORS AFFECTING STERILIZATION WITH ETHYLENE OXIDE a. Humidity Humidity should be maintained in the range of 25 percent to 50 percent for the greatest effective- ness. (23) b. Temperature The exposure period can be reduced with a rise in temperature. Temperature is maintained in the range of 38°-60°C. (100°-140°F.). c. Concentration The concentration of the gas is a factor affecting the exposure period. Concentration is considered effective within the margin of 450 mg. and 760 mg. per liter of chamber space. cl. Exposure period The length of the exposure period depends on temperature and concentration. 4. ADVANTAGES OF ETHYLENE OXIDE STERILIZATION It is effective against all types of organisms. It can be used on objects which would be damaged by heat or moisture. It has the ability to diffuse and easily penetrate through a mass of dry material. It is not necessary to attain high degree of humidity or temperature. , It is easily obtainable. High pressures are not required. 5. DISADVANTAGES OF ETHYLENE OXIDE STERILIZATION Installation of the necessary equipment is expen- sive and if large items are to be sterilized, the necessary equipment is highly expensive and takes much space. It is toxic both through inhalation and vesicant action on skin. Process is lengthy and exposure time is long. Sterilized objects may absorb ethylene oxide dur- ing the process. It is necessary to allow time for gas to be dissipated before being used. 6. USES OF ETHYLENE OXIDE STERILIZATION There are many articles used in hospitals which are damage by heat and moisture and which can be efiec- tively sterilized by this method. While ethylene oxide gas is highly penetrating, there are materials in which the rate of penetration is slowed down considerably, due to the nature of the materials or how they are packaged. 24 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION The following types of articles used in hospitals can be effectively sterilized. Rubber goods Catheters Delicate surgical instruments Needles and syringes Electrical equipment Plastic materials Telescopic instruments Bedding and blankets Mattresses and pillows Bassinets Anaesthesia equipment Heart—lung oxygenator Special laboratory glassware Because the use of ethylene oxide as a sterilizing agent is fairly new in hospitals, it is essential that it be understood and that the conditions named above are controlled in order to insure an effective steriliza- tion process. Manufacturers’ instructions for the op- eration of gaseous sterilizing equipment should be closely followed. B. Formaldehyde Gas Formaldehyde gas has been known for years as a bactericidal agent. While not used as a terminal fumi- gant in hospitals as much as formerly, it is still re- garded as a fairly effective method of disinfection. It has also been used to disinfect certain types of surgi- cal instruments or medical equipment in small, spe- cially designed cabinets. It is sometimes used for dis- infecting hospital bedding. Formaldehyde disinfection is obtained by vaporizing formalin and maintaining a relative humidity of at least 70 percent and a temper- ature of at least 20°C. Vegetative bacteria are killed within an hour or two, although a longer period is re- quired for bacterial spores. There are so many disadvantages to this method of disinfecting that it is gradually being replaced by other more effective and reliable methods. 'I. ADVANTAGES OF FORMALDEHYDE GAS STERILIZATION It kills all bacteria. It is fairly economical. 2. DISADVANTAGES OF FORMALDEHYDE GAS It lacks the ability to penetrate. It lacks the ability to diffuse evenly to all surfaces. It has an irritating odor. It requires high humidity and high temperatures. Long periods of exposure are required. It is difficult to remove the residual formaldehyde which remains after exposure. C. Glycol Glycols, usually triethylene or propylene, used as vapors or aerosols, have proved to be bactericidal when applied in an enclosed area. The use of glycols for this purpose is still somewhat experimental and has not been generally recommended for Widespread use. The use of this method of destroying organisms promises to become practical and to be standardized. It is rapid acting and is uniformly disseminated. It is not toxic and there is no odor. It does not cause corrosion on metal surfaces. The chief disadvantage is the lack of a practical method of vaporization and maintenance of an ade- quate and even distribution of bactericidal concentra- tion of vapor. It collects on surfaces, thereby reducing the saturation of the vapor in the air. D. Beta-Propiolactone Vapor This substance has recently been described as one capable of destroying all micro-organisms with which it comes in contact. It is said to have limited pene- trating properties. Its effectiveness is dependent on the concentration of the vapor and the relative humid- ity. Its effect is more rapid than ethylene oxide. It is not flammable. In experimental use, it has been demonstrated that large spaces can be sterilized. It has been used only in the laboratory for testing purposes, but it may offer real possibilities in the hospital for sterilization in the future. E. Other Gases Other gases which have been used as bactericidal agents but have found little or no use in hospitals are: Sulfur dioxide Chlorine Ozone Methyl bromide Chloropicrin CHAPTER 5 RADIATION A. Ionizing Radiation Considerable research has been conducted since World War II to determine the feasibility of using X-rays, gamma rays or high speed electrons to de- stroy bacteria and other microorganisms. These ra- diations are effective, but so far have been found eco- nomically practical only in certain specialized situa- tions, such as for sterilizing heat—sensitive sutures. It is doubtful that such techniques will be practical for in-hospital use within the foreseeable future. B. Ultraviolet Radiation Ultraviolet radiation has been well established as an effective bactericide. Systems designed for com- plete sterilization require careful engineering plus a degree of maintenance which is difficult to achieve in hospital situations. Ultraviolet has its most direct application in spe- cialized situations where the incidence of cross infec- tion is high, where the consequences of such infections are serious and where the population is strictly regi- mented. The germicidal action of ultraviolet is a surface effect only. The radiation does not penetrate the sur- face of liquids or solids, but is readily reflected. Every surface must be exposed to ultraviolet for total steri- lization, and the surface must be clean, and free of dirt and grease. I. FACTORS AFFECTING ULTRAVIOLET STERILIZATION 0. Condition of organism (1) In air, the rays are more efficient against small particles such as dropletnuclei than against large particles such as dust and lint in which organ- isms may have a protective covering impermeable to the bactericidal rays. (2) Radiation does not penetrate the surface of liquids or solids but is readily reflected. Every sur- face must be exposed to ultraviolet for total steri- lization. (3) Spores are more resistant to ultraviolet than other vegetative organisms. (4) The various stages of growth of the organ- isms differ in their sensitiveness to ultraviolet ra— diation. (5) pH concentration affects the sensitiveness to radiation. (25) b. Temperature c. Humidity Effectiveness decreases with relative humidities above 55 or 60 percent. d. Exposure time e. Ray intensity 2. APPLICATION OF ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION a. Destruction of air-borne organisms b. Inactivation of micro-organisms located on surface c. Protection and disinfection of many products of un- stable compounds 3. METHODS OF RADIATING AIR 0. Germicidal lamps Efficiency depends on surrounding temperature and movement of air. The principle is that of elec- tron fiow between electrodes through ionized mer- cury vapor. The use of ultraviolet germicidal lamps in an en- closed space should be handled by a skilled person. b. Unshielded—naked lamps c. Germicidal tubes in air conditioning ducts d. Sunlight 4. DISADVANTAGES OF RADIATION METHODS In hospitals, patients and staffs must be protected from the deleterious effects of the radiation. Its use is limited and many substances cannot be sterilized by ultraviolet, because it will not pene- trate. Careful engineering and maintenance is necessary to achieve sterilization in hospitals. 5. USES Air conditioning Nurseries Operating room C. Sunlight The bactericidal effect of sunlight is due to the ultraviolet wavelengths contained in the rays of the sun. To be effective, the rays must strike the object almost perpendicularly. Another deterrent to the ef- fectiveness of sunlight is that dust particles in the air reflect and absorb the rays and prevent them from affecting the surface to be disinfected. CHAPTER 6 MECHANICAL METHODS OEDISINFECTION AND CLEANING Mechanical methods of disinfection and cleaning are employed extensively in hospitals. Chemicals are often used in conjunction with them to make the proc- esses more efiective. These methods play a major role in hospital housekeeping and sanitation. Manual or mechanical cleaning is primarily a sur- face cleaning. Mechanical cleaning involves the removal of visible soil from the surface. In the process, it is also quite possible to reduce the bacterial count, even if no chem- ical substances are added. Application of friction or the act of rubbing the surface will also enhance the germicidal action of the surface to which it is applied. If a chemical disinfectant is added, and friction is ap- plied, some penetration of the organism occurs and even greater bactericidal action is effected. In most of the hospital cleaning processes which use water, a detergent or soap, and germicide are used with the mechanical method. However, the detergent, soaps and germicides must be compatible. The effec- tiveness is also enhanced by an increase in the tem- perature of the water. The dry method of mechanical cleaning, whereby gross surface dirt is removed, occurs through sweep- ing, dry mopping and dusting. The use of vacuum cleaners in removing gross dirt or dust also employs a mechanical method whereby dust is mechanically withdrawn through suction. The dry method has little or no place in hospitals. A. Methods of Mechanical Cleaning 1. DRY METHOD 0. Dusting Dusting is a method of removing dust from a sur- face and collecting it into a cloth or mop with the dust particles adhering to it, or it is moistened with water which will cause dust to adhere to it. Dry dusting should be discouraged and should never be employed in hospitals. b. Dry mopping or brushing Dry mopping or brushing relies on the dust ad- hering to the mop or brush. Dust particles do not adhere well to dry surfaces, so they are redistrib- uted and are scattered into the air. This method has been replaced by wet mopping and by use of the vacuum cleaner. Dry mopping should not be employed in hospitals. (26) c. Treated dust cloths or mops Treated dust cloths or mops consist of soft ma- terial treated and impregnated with a small amount of a non-oily water emulsion. A correctly treated mop or cloth picks up and holds most particles of dust and dirt that it touches, but releases it com- pletely with a few vigorous shakes. It should feel damp, but not wet enough to streak the surface. It may be treated with a germicide to keep bacteria from multiplying. Treated cloths should be used to the point that no more dust can be held. If facil- ities are available to vacuum mops, they may be‘ reused after being vacuumed, but should be laun- dered and reimpregnated With oil regularly. They should then be laundered and retreated. The disadvantage of this method is that there is more danger of dust particles flying into the air than with wet or damp dusting or mopping. The use of this method should be discouraged. d. Damp dusting Damp dusting is accomplished by immersing the dust cloth completely in water and wrung dry be- fore dusting the surfaces. The cloth should be used while damp and should not be used after the cloth has become dry. It should never be remoistened, but should be discarded. A good germicide may be added to increase effectiveness by preventing bac- teria from multiplying. e. Sweeping Sweeping is a cleaning operation to remove dirt from a horizontal surface, usually the floor and is primarily used on rough concrete or out-of—doors sweeping. It may precede other cleaning operations in order to remove gross dirt. Sweeping is not considered a good method of cleaning floors and should not be used in hospitals. It raises and distributes dust and bacteria into the air. Since hospital floors harbor such large num- bers of bacteria, it is essential that this action be suppressed. f. Vacuum cleaners (dry pick-up) Cleaning by use of vacuum cleaners is really a method of withdrawing dust or lint by means of suction. Vacuum cleaners are widely used in hos- pitals, although they are considered unsafe by some, because they usually expel bacteria in the outflow— ing air stream. Some, however, are designed with CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 27 special tanks to prevent the bacteria from being expelled. Today it is generally believed by most persons that vacuum cleaners remove dust and bacteria from the environment and are effective for hospital use if they are properly designed. They should be equipped with special filters which are capable of filtering micro-organisms and preventing dust from being distributed into the air. These filters should be capable of being removed, be easily cleaned, dis- infected, and reused. Vacuum cleaners of the indus- trial type are preferred over the domestic type and aremore adaptable for hospital use. Central vac- uum systems, whereby the dust is collected into a central system, has many advantages and should be considered in planning new hospital facilities. The most common use made of the vacuum cleaner for dry pick-up is that of removing dirt and dust from floors, ledges, walls, shelves, light fix- tures, ventilating ducts, etc. Filters must be kept clean. A routine schedule of checking filters for cleaning and replacement must be established. Vacuum cleaners should be emptied after each use and the same system of checking, lubricating, and servicing should be adopted as for other p0wer—operated equipment. 2. WET METHOD 0. Mapping Mopping is a cleaning operation by rubbing or wiping a floor area with a solution. A cleaning solu- tion consisting of soap or detergent and water is usually used, although only clear water may be used, if there is little or no visible soil. The type of surface to be mopped usually determines the type of cleaning solution to be used as well as the amount of water to be applied. A chemical disinfectant or germicide should be placed in the solution along with the cleaning agent, since hospitals must make every effort to reduce the bacterial population. Whenever chemical disinfect- ants are used with soaps or detergents, they must be compatible. To insure a good mopping job, the mops and so- lution should be clean. A second mop should be used to rinse the surface with clear water or a mild solu- tion of detergent—germicide. (1) Care of equipment Mopheads should be washed in a cleaning solu- tion and rinsed thoroughly. They may be laundered successfully. Clean mopheads should be sent to the laundry daily, rather than being permitted to dry in janitor ’s closet, out of doors, etc. 'Mop buckets and trucks should be washed and " rinsed well after use. The dirt should be removed ' from the outside of the bucket. If wringers: are attached to mop trucks, they should be released and cleaned well. b. Scrubbing Scrubbing is an operation to remove dirt by rub- bing and securing, using a solution. More water is usually used than for washing and some tool, such as a hand or scrub brush is also used. The solution used in scrubbing may either be applied to the brush or to the surface to be cleaned. The dirt which goes into the solution must be re- moved after the scrubbing process, either into a container of clear water or picked up with suction equipment. Floor brushes should be cleaned to remove dirt, threads and hair. They should be washed in warm cleaning solution and rinsed in clear water. Hand scrubbing brushes should be washed, rinsed and dried. They should be stored with bristles up. c. Washing Washing is a procedure to remove soil by use of water. A cleaning agent is usually used in the process. The process includes washing and removal of loose dirt, rinsing and drying. A cleaning cloth or sponge is usually used. A second solution to rinse the surface is necessary. Cleaning cloths should be laundered after use and never allowed to be dried and used again. Sponges . should be washed in a cleaning solution, rinsed in clear water and dried in the air. d. Vacuum cleaners (wet pick-up) Using a wet pick-up vacuum cleaner, whereby the surface is thoroughly moistened with water, scrubbed and then suctioned by means of the ma- chine has proved to be an effective and sanitary method of cleaning hospital floors. Chemical dis- infectants can be added to the solution in the tank to assure a further reduction in the bacterial count. This method is gradually replacing other cleaning methods in the hospital. The filters in the vacuum machine should be kept clean and the tank should be emptied, cleaned and dried after each use. B. Uses of Mechanical Methods of Cleaning 1. SKIN CLEANSING. Mechanical cleansing is considered the most important single procedure in reducing the bacterial count on the skin. Other sub- stances such as soap, alcohol and other chemicals are usually used in conjunction with the mechanical methods. If chemicals were relied on alone for skin cleansing, they would have to be so strong that they would be injurious to the tissues: . 28 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION a. Handwashing Thorough handwashing is one of the most im- portant procedures in preventing the transmission of disease in hospitals. Proper techniques are im- portant for all persons who are directly or indi- rectly in contact with patients. This makes handwashing important for persons who are providing general patient care, for laundry workers, food handlers, housekeeping personnel, surgeons, nurses in operating room, etc. Personnel must be educated to the importance of conscientious handwashing. A dip into and out of the water is not enough. Personnel should be im- pressed with the fact that running water, mechani- cal action and a cleaning substance such as soap or detergent are all essential to the procedure. It is important that a hospital establish proper and ade— quate handwashing techniques, that they be well known and periodically reviewed by all hospital personnel. (1) Proper Equipment for Handwashing: (a) Handwashing lavatories with hot and cold running water. Knee, foot or elbow controls of the water to prevent danger of contamination of the hands in turning off the water. (b) Soap dispenser with soap. (0) Brushes are not advocated for handwash- ing except in the surgical department where the surgical personnel are employing the hand scrub technique, prior to operating. Nylon-bristle brushes have proven satisfactory and Withstand autoclaving better than other types of brushes. ((1) Towels to dry hands after washing. Paper towels are more satisfactory, except in the pre- operative scrub, Where towels should be sterile linen towels which will dry hands thoroughly before putting on gloves. It is important that handwashing procedures do not result in irrita- tion or cracking of the skin. Brushes, harsh soaps or irritating germicidal solutions should not be used for persons who must wash their hands many times a day. Unbroken skin acts as a bar- rier to the invasion of bacteria, while broken skin invites infection and acts as a harbor which gives off infectious organisms. (2) Routine Handwashing Procedures The following routine procedure is suggested as a satisfactory method of routine handwashing: (a) Remove jewelry. (b) Expose forearms. (c) Turn on water at comfortable tempera- ture. ((1) Wet hands under the running water and apply heavy lather of soap. (e) Hold the hands down, lowered over the basin. (f) Be sure that the areas between fingers are heavily lathered. (g) Clean under nails with orangestick or toothpick. ' (h) Use friction, one hand upon the other. (i) Rinse thoroughly under the running water, permitting the water to flow from above toward fingers. (j) Again lather the hands with soap, apply friction and rinse thoroughly. (k) Dry hands thoroughly. (1) This process should take about 90 seconds. b. Surgical hand scrub prior to operation (1) Hand Preparation There are many good ways of washing and disin- fecting hands prior to operation. In selecting a pro- cedure, it should be kept as simple as possible, should be effective and shall have been tried long enough to have stood the tests of experience. (a) Routine Surgical Hand Scrub The following procedure is suggested. There are many others, some of which are much shorter in duration and may or may not be acceptable. The hospital, after it endorses a definite proce- dure, should teach it to personnel and review it with them in order that it be thoroughly under- stood and be practiced uniformly. Suggested Procedure: i. Trim and clean nails. ii. Scrub with brush under warm running water and soap for 7 minutes. iii. Rinse off the soap and dry with sterile towel. iv. An alcohol solution wash (70 percent by weight) using friction for three minutes. v. Dry with sterile towel. (2) Between-Operations Routine of Surgeons Hands If the previous case is not contaminated, the gloves should be removed and hands washed briefly with soap under the running water and the follow- ing should be observed: Dry with sterile towel. Wash in 70% alcohol, about 3 minutes. Dry thoroughly with sterile towel. If the previous case was contaminated, the rou- tine hand scrub described in (1) above shall be repeated. c. Preparation of patient site of operation (1) Preoperative preparation prior to surgery. The following procedures are suggested and one of the following is advocated by most authorities: CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 29 (a) Prior to surgery, ideally at least 12 hours, the skin at the operative site is usually prepared by mechanical cleansing. A lather of mild soap should be used and friction applied, using a cot- ton sponge. A razor should be used to remove the hair, lather, most of the disquamating epithelium and surface bacteria. Care should be taken not to cut or scratch the skin. The skin is rinsed with clear water. Disinfectants or sterile dressings are not applied unless ordered by the surgeon. (b) The preoperative shave is not to be done until the patient arrives in surgery. The shave precedes the mechanical cleansing of the skin and the application of antiseptic. (2) In the operating room: The skin should be disinfected just before the drapes are applied. There are many ways of disin— fecting skin and most doctors have a preferred method. Two popular and effective methods of pre- paring the operative site are (1) washing alter- nately with 70% alcohol and tincture of zephirin at least three times and (2) washing with alcohol and then applying tincture of iodine. Excess iodine is sponged off with alcohol. 2. OPERATING ROOM. The operating rooms must be kept scrupulously clean. Adequate and spe- cific routine procedures for cleaning the operating rooms must be established and strictly observed. Oper- ating rooms should be cleaned prior to each use. Personnel should be well trained in the techniques which are to be employed in the cleaning process. Every effort should be made to prevent organisms from being scattered into the air. Dry dusting or sweeping should not be practiced. Street clothes and shoes should never be worn into the operating room. Equipment which has been used in other parts of the hospital should not be brought into the operating room areas without being properly disinfected. Blankets and other linen from patient’s room should not be transferred with the patient to the operating room. Beds or wheel stretchers transporting persons to the operating room from the nursing units should not be permitted in the operating room. Pa- tients should be transferred to the operating table in an interchange area to prevent dust, lint, debris and bacteria from being carried into the operating room on casters or bedding. Germicidal Shoe Mat A germicidal shoe bath at the entrance to the oper- ating room is an added protection to prevent the tracking of bacteria into or out of the operating room. It consists of a door mat made of felt, plastic foam or some heavy cotton material placed in a shallow tray into which is poured some long-acting germicide. A regular daily routine of cleaning such a mat and re- placement of the germicide is necessary if any pro- tection is to be provided by this procedure. 3. DELIVERY ROOM. The same care should be taken to secure a clean and safe environment in the delivery room as in the operating room. The same methods of cleaning and the same precautions should be taken to prevent entrance of organisms into the delivery room from other areas of the hospital. 4. CLEANING METHODS RELATED TO FOOD SERVICES. It is important that personnel, particu- larly the manager of the food service department, understand food bacteriology and sanitation. The presence and growth of bacteria in food depend on the food itself, the environment, the personnel and the equipment. Failure to observe strict practices in any of these four areas produces a special infection hazard to the patients and the personnel. Good sanita- tion results from constant supervision to insure that safe practices are being carried out by all personnel having any relation to food service activities. Food service managers should establish definite pol- icies regarding food purchasing, receiving, and stor- ing in order to prevent contamination which might result in “food poisoning” outbreaks. 0. Fundamentals of safe food service and good sanita- tion practices (1) Food The purchase of good food is essential. How good food is received and handled after delivery to the hospital is the first step in sound food sanitation practices. Protecting food from rodent and insect infestation and providing clean, dry, and ade- quately ventilated storeroom helps assure a safe product. Refrigerated storage areas which are adequate enough to prevent overcrowding and which permit the circulation of air are highly important where perishable foods are stored. When it is necessary to store hot cooked food, it should be given special attention as well as partially prepared food which is stored for a period of time before final prepara- tion. Leftovers require immediate refrigerated stor- age. Food should be placed in shallow pans with adequate spacing between pans to permit rapid and uniform cooling. This prevents the center of mass of food acting as incubator. (2) Environment All areas of the dietary department should be kept clean at all times. Routine cleaning procedures for walls, floors, windows, storage, equipment and work services should be established. Detergents’ and chemical disinfectants should be carefully chosen for their safety, economy, and effectiveness. ' Detergent is defined as an agent used with water to facilitate cleaning. 30 All cleaning supplies should be stored in a special cupboard and separate from food storage. Adequate lighting is important in maintaining a good sanitation program. It assists in showing up areas that need cleaning. The type of ventilation should be one that does not provide air currents which promote contami- nation of surfaces, dishes, and other equipment. Ventilating fans and filters for removing grease and dirt should be provided and must be checked regularly. A systematic routine should be estab- lished for cleaning ventilating ducts and cleaning or replacing filters. Exposed overhead pipes should not be allowed. They collect dust, harbor bacteria and may leak, thereby contaminating food. Handwashing facilities, to be used only for hand- washing, should be provided in the kitchen area. Sinks used in the preparation of food should not be used for handwashing. (3) Personnel Personnel should be oriented to the methods of proper food handling. The importance of hand- washing should be stressed and proper handwash- ing techniques should be taught. Such techniques should be strictly observed. Persons working with food should be taught not to handle food or utensils if they have any type of infection which is likely to be spread through their contact with persons, food or equipment. A continuous inservice educational program in hospital sanitation should be carried on for person- nel in the food service department. Correct work habits and sanitary food handling procedures should be taught. Continuous supervision should be pro- vided in order to maintain high standards of food service. (4) Equipment All equipment should be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner. Cleaning schedules and main- tenance checks should be established for all equip- ment in the food service department. CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION check should be made to be sure that defrost- ing is occurring. Temperatures of refrigerators should be closely checked to be assured that the optimum temperature for the type of food being stored is being maintained. ii. Ranges, Ovens, Broilers A regular daily cleaning schedule should be established. A detergent solution should be used to remove grease, but it should always be thor- oughly rinsed with clear water. iii. Steam J acketed Kettles Kettles should be washed immediately after use, soaking if necessary. They should be rinsed in clear water and dried thoroughly. The draw-off valve should be cleaned daily. iv. Hoods Over Ranges Hoods which are placed over ranges should be washed weekly. Filters should be removed, soaked in a strong detergent solution, washed and replaced. v. Tables, Shelves, Cupboards, Work Areas Table tops necessitate daily cleaning with detergent and hot water. They should be con- structed so as to be easily cleaned and free of inaccessible spaces providing harborage of microorganisms and vermin. Where there is not sufficient space between equipment and the walls or floor to permit easy cleaning, the equipment should be set tight against the walls or floor and the joints properly sealed, or mounted on wheels so that it can be easily moved. Adequate shelves and cabinets should be provided for the preparation, storage, and dis- play of food and drink. They should be de- signed to protect food from contamination by insects, rodents, other vermin, splash, dust and overhead leakage. (b) Other Equipment Smaller equipment having specific single use, (a) Large Equipment i. Refrigerators should be of adequate capac- ity to prevent overcrowding. They should be capable of maintaining specific temperatures which will preserve the quality and appearance of food and which will prevent waste through spoilage. A thermometer should be located in each refigerator so that the temperature can be periodically checked. Cleaning schedules for walk-in and reach-in ill' Coffee Makers refrigerators should beestablished. Detergents lV‘ Choppers should be used for effective cleaning, but V- Slicers should be followed by a clear rinse. Even if re- Vi- Grinders . fri'geration units defrOst automati‘cally,“~a close Vii. Can Openers needs daily routine attention. Small equipment should be selected for easy cleaning. When spe- cial cleaning procedures are required for specific equipment, methods of cleaning procedures shall be posted. Equipment which requires special cleaning procedures include: i. Peelers ii. Toasters CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 31 (c) Utensils, Pots and Pans, Waffle Irons, Beaters, Ladles, etc. Utensils such as pots and pans should be thor- oughly cleaned after each use. Cleaning is made easier if they can be soaked prior to washing. This can be accomplished in the two or three compartment sink. Utensils should be given the same treatment and subjected to the same pro- cedures as outlined for dishwashing. Many uten- sils, spoons, ladles, etc., can be successfully proc- essed through the dishwashing machine. (5) Dishwashing Whatever method of dishwashing is used, the final result should render the dishes and utensils free of visible soil, wash water and detergent, reasonably dry and with a reduced bacterial population so as to be reasonably safe. Dishwashing is an important procedure in main- taining a sanitary food service. Disease organisms may be spread from dishes which are not properly washed and disinfected. Good results may be obtained both by hand dish- washing or with a dishwashing machine. Steps in Dishwashing Procedure (a) Before washing i. Separate silverware, dishes and glassware ii. Scrape remaining food from dishes iii. Prerinse with warm water 43°-60°C. (110°-140°F.). This may or may not be part of the prewash cycle of the machine operation. (b) Hand Dishwashing i. Three—compartment sink method Dishes and utensils may be soaked in one of the compartments before washing. First compartment: Wash dishes in water at 120°F. using a clean brush or dish mop and a dishwashing deter- gent. Detergents used for hand dishwashing are usually weaker alkalis containing more of the wetting agents than are used in machines. Friction should be used on each dish to insure the removal of all soil. The wash water should be changed often enough to keep it hot and clean. ' Second compartment: The dishes are rinsed in clear hot water in this compartment. Racks or wire baskets con- taining the dishes should be moved up and down in the water. The water should be 49°- 60°C. (120°-140°F.). Third compartment; The racks or wire basket containing dishes from second compartment should be immersed in one of the following: ‘ Clear water for one-half minute in water of at least 82°C. (180°F.). Water containing bactericidal chemical as approved by the State Department of Public Health. ii. Two compartment sink method Dishes and utensils may be soaked in one of the compartments before washing. First compartment: Wash in same manner as in first compart- ment of the three compartment method. Second compartment: The racks or baskets of dishes from first com- partment should be immersed in clear water for one-half minute in water of at least 82°C. (180°F.). (0) Machine Dishwashing When a dishwashing machine is used, it should be so designed, installed and operated that it will meet the standards of the National Sanitation Foundation, Standards No. 3. In addition to having the proper equipment, the following conditions must also exist: i. Properly trained stafi to operate dish- washer. ii. Adequate volume of hot water. iii. Proper temperature of water. Water in wash water tank— 71°-74°C. (160°-165° F.) Rinse water—82°-88°C. (180°-190°F.) iv. Adequate wash spray pressure and vol- ume. Spray openings and wash arms must be kept clean and in proper working order. v. Proper type and strength of detergent. vi. Proper flow-pressure in rinse line. This line should provide 15 to 30 pounds per square inch as it enters the machine. vii. Spray nozzles should be cleaned regu- larly. . < (d) After Washing i. Dishes should be dried in the air. Hand wiping of dishes should not be permitted. If necessary, silver may be dried with a clean cloth, kept especially for this purpose. ii. Clean dry dishes should be stored in a clean dry place, protected from all contamina- tion such as dust, flies, splash, condensation, etc. iii. Personnel should be trained to handle clean dishes so that surfaces which come in contact with food or lips are not touched. This means that glasses should be picked up at the bottom, Cups and silverWare by handles, etc. 32 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION iv. Cracked and chipped dishes and glass- ware are unsanitary and should be discarded. (e) Maintaining Dishwashing Machines A regular and specific schedule for cleaning the dishwashing machine should be established and carefully followed. Periodic checks should be made by authorized personnel. (f) Care of Contaminated Dishes from a Pa- tient with Communicable Disease Specific techniques for the handling of contam- inated dishes should be established in every hos- pital. There are many ways in which they may be handled staisfactorily, and there is usually one method which is best adapted to the individual hospital. The following procedure is suggested: i. A basic tray with silverware is delivered to the patient’s room and does not leave the unit during the patient ’s stay. ii. The food for the isolated patient is brought in disposable dishes and placed in the basic tray. iii. Silverware is washed in the patient unit after meals and retained in the unit in a closed container to be used at the next meal. iv. The disposable dishes are destroyed after each use. v. Individual disposable servings of salt, pepper and sugar in paper containers are served with each meal, or containers with a supply of these substances may be kept in the room during the entire patient ’s stay. vi. After discharge of the patient, the tray and silver should be disinfected before being returned to the kitchen. (6) Ice Most hospitals manufacture ice and while the water supply is from an approved source, the ice may be a source of contamination, if it is not prop- erly handled. (a) Source Water from an approved source should be used in the manufacture of ice. The machine should be periodically checked and a regular mainte- nance schedule should be established. Ice machines should be located in “clean” areas of the hospital. If a separate room is not established for housing the icemaker, it may be satisfactorily located in such areas as the kitchen, floor pantry, clean utility room or at the nurses’ station. (b) Storage The storage compartment for the ice supply is best located in the same areas in which it is man- ufactured. If it must be transported, care should be taken that the containers are clean and that the ice is not contaminated while being trans- ferred. The containers should be covered. If it is possible to deliver ice in plastic bags, the ice may be kept in the bag until used. Whatever the method of storage, the containers should be cleaned regularly. A detergent should be used in the cleaning process and the container should be rinsed in clean water. (c) Handling Ice should never be handled with the bare hands. A scoop 0r tongs should be used and should not be left in the ice when not in use. The scoop or tongs must be sanitized at least daily. (7) Bedside Pitchers and Glasses Patient’s water pitchers and glasses should be subjected to the same treatment for disinfection as dishes and eating utensils. It is recommended that pitchers with covers be used which are capable of being subjected to the dishwashing machine treat- ment. Glasses used for drinking water should be sent to the kitchen for exchange of clean glasses on a routine basis. A clean glass might be placed on every tray in the kitchen prior to delivering it to the patient. Pitchers and glasses should not be washed on the wards unless a system of dishwash- ing is carried on. 5. GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING AREAS. In the housekeeping routines of a hospital, most of the me- chanical methods of cleaning are used. They cannot however, be relied on to achieve maximum efiective- ness, so chemicals such as detergent, soap or one of the germicides are used in conjunction with them to further reduce the bacterial population on the surfaces of articles being cleaned. The true value of cleaning and disinfection in the housekeeping cannot be under- estimated. Our present knowledge of methods of transmission of diseases indicates that housekeeping plays a major role in the control of infection within the hospital and in the prevention of cross infection. Effective disinfectants as well as effective methods of application must be used if the desired results are to be achieved. The method, concentration and thor- oughness of the cleaning process determine its eifec- tiveness. Work schedules and job assignments in the house- keeping department are essential in every hospital. In the establishment of cleaning schedules, frequency, time required, necessary skill and the method of cleaning shall be considered. CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 33 0. Floors It should be recognized that almost everything settles to the floor. In the hospital, this means that the floor must be regarded as contaminated and a big reservoir of infection. In order to remove the accumulation of dried contamination, floors should be cleaned by the wet method. In addition, deter- gents to assist in the cleaning process and in the removal of the extraneous material are necessary. Germicides to kill the microorganisms are also added to the wet method of cleaning. A wet pick—up vacuum, whereby the floor is flooded with the clean- ing solution and then vacuumed has proved effec‘ tive and has some advantages over the wet mop- ping process. The selection of disinfectants as to efficiency and efiect on the floor surfaces is important. Mopping and cleaning of floors in a patient’s room should be avoided at the time of change of dressings or performance of treatments. Hospital cleaning equip- ment when transported from one area to another may promote the spread of infection. Operating, delivery room and nursery floors re- quire specialized attention with every precaution being taken to reduce and maintain low bacterial population. Equipment used in these areas should not be used in other parts of the hospital. Nursery floors should always be wet mopped. Housekeeping personnel should be gowned and masked while working in the nursery. The nursery should be cleaned when infants are out of the nurs- ery, if at all possible. Floor waxes probably pro- duce little or no protection in combating infection. Some waxes do have germicidal action when first applied but usually do not retain any residual bac- terial action. 1:). Walls and ceilings Dust and dirt, as well as a greasy film, tend to accumulate on walls and ceilings so care should be taken in the selection of coverings to be certain that they withstand cleaning. Cleanliness not only gives a better appearance, but also improves sani- tation. Walls and ceilings must also be considered likely to become contaminated, but they do not require as frequent cleaning as floors. Detergent-bactericides should be added to the cleaning solution in the rou- tine cleaning procedures for walls and ceilings. In cases of communicable diseases, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and disinfect walls and ceilings after discharge of the patient. There is no one chemical agent which can be considerd most effec- tive since some finishes Withstand detergents and chemicals better than others. Regardless of which detergent is used in the cleaning process, thorough rinsing is necessary. c. Plumbing fixtures Plumbing fixtures including sinks and toilets re- quire once or twice daily cleaning and even more frequent checking during the day. Tubs and showers should be scrubbed after each patient ’s use. In addition to making an unfavorable impression upon patients and the public, poorly maintained plumbing fixtures may facilitate the spread of dis- ease. The quick-acting, nonodorous and nonirritating detergent germicide should be used in cleaning plumbing fixtures. cl. Furniture, lamps, light fixtures and radiators Furniture, lamps, light fixtures, and radiators should be cleaned according to an established clean- ing schedule. Damp dusting is the preferred method of cleaning, since it will permit the least dissemina- tion of bacteria. , Furniture, lamps, etc., in patient rooms should be thoroughly cleaned upon discharge of a patient. A detergent-germicide added to the cleaning solu- tion assists in further reduction of the bacterial population. Some hospitals have found that in addition to thorough cleaning by physical means, chemical dis- infectants sprayed into the air have been effective to further reduce bacterial population particularly after discharge of patient. It should be emphasized that thorough cleaning of the surfaces is most im- portant and unless surfaces are clean, the germicide mist in the air is not effective since it cannot pene- trate. Surface cleanliness is most important. In the newborn nursery, the bassinet and mat- tress should be thoroughly cleaned with a detergent- germicide. Other individual equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected; even auto- claved if possible. e. Draperies, curtains and shades A rigid cleaning schedule should be established for cleaning draperies, curtains and window shades throughout the hospital. They should be made of material that can be cleaned and washed easily. While it is not always practical to clean drapes, curtains and shades in a patient room thoroughly after every patient ’s discharge, a regular cleaning routine should be established; in addition they should be cleaned whenever soiled. After discharge of patient with communicable disease they should also be cleaned. In newborn nurseries, draperies, curtains and shades should not be used. f. Cubicle curtains Cubicle curtains in the patient’s room should be removed upon a patient’s discharge and laundered. 34 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION Because patients, relatives, physicians, nurses and other persons handle and touch these curtains fre- quently, they can become reservoirs of infection. They should be removed when contaminated or soiled, and replaced. A regular schedule for removal and laundry should be adopted. 9. Janitor’s closets J anitor’s closets should be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner. Wet mopheads should not be stored but should be sent daily to the laundry, and be replaced by clean ones. Mop buckets, trucks and carts should be cleaned thoroughly before being stored. Wet cloths or soiled dry ones should be laun- ‘dered after use and not stored in janitor ’s closet. Other machines or equipment stored in this area should be cleaned before being stored. h. Windows and screens Housekeeping departments should have a definite cleaning schedule for windows and screens. Dirty windows suggest uncleanliness. Windows require a special type of cleaning and are usually washed by persons skilled in perform- ing this procedure. Screens should be cleaned according to a sched- ule and may be damp wiped, washed or vacuumed. If a thorough cleaning is required, they should be removed from the windows and scrubbed, then rinsed with a hose and allowed to dry. 6. LAUNDRY. \Vhile mechanical action is re- sponsible for reducing some bacterial contamination by washing, there are other factors which are prob- ably more responsible for the cleanliness and safety of the laundered product. Because of the increase in cross-infection in hospi- tals and because of an increased awareness of the possibilities of transmitting infection through han- dling of laundry, it is necessary to observe the strict- est techniques in laundry procedures. Laundry procedures are capable of producing a bac- teriologically safe product. The many processes which are employed in the typical hospital laundry are capa- ble of killing all bacteria, although it should not be claimed that linens are automatically sterile after the completion of the proper laundry routine. Soiled linen comes from every department of the hospital and after laundering and processing is again returned to every department. Thus, every step in the handling of the linen from the moment it is taken from the shelf to be used until it is laundered and returned to the shelf is important from the standpoint of cross-infection and contamination. 0. Factors in the laundering process (1) Handling Soiled Linen Before its Arrival in the Laundry (a) In removing soiled linen from the pa- tient’s bed and in handling the linen after con- tamination, personnel must employ the minimum of shaking in order not to contaminate the air or articles in the immediate area, and to avoid breathing in the bacteria-laden dust or lint. Soiled linen should not be thrown on the floor to increase the contamination in the area. (b) A linen hamper, preferably the type in a carrier, should be brought to the area where the linen is being discarded, so that the soiled linen does not have to be transported by hand and be permitted to brush against nurse’s uniform. (c) If a linen chute is used, loose linen should not be dropped into the chute. It should be bagged and the bag should be closed before being dropped into the chute. Some hospitals have found a self-closing bag to be convenient as well as giving assurance that the organisms will not be disseminated. Laundry chutes must be consid- ered contaminated, although properly bagged linen will help control the bacteria within the chute. The piston action of linen in the chute and the air currents help contaminate the air so that when the chute is opened, the contaminated air escapes into the immediate surroundings. This likelihood is reduced with specially designed chutes. Care of Laundry Chutes: Laundry chutes must be cleaned regularly. It is difficult, but a spray containing a germicide can be used by having a hose which will reach the floor above and below. The entire chute must be disinfected. This must be accomplished floor by floor. ((1) If soiled linen is transported by hand- hamper truck, the soiled linen should be bagged and the bag closed before being placed in the truck. Regardless of the type of transportation, loose, soiled linen should not be transported in an open container. (e) The same container, whether a hamper truck, basket or bag, should not be used to trans- port clean linen from the laundry if it has been used to transport soiled linen to the laundry. Labelling carts “soiled” will give added assur- ance that these carts will not be used for other purposes. (f) Soiled linen, even though it is in an en- closed bag or container, should not be allowed to remain in the patient ’s room or on the nursing unit for a long period of time. If it cannot be CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 35 taken to the laundry at frequent intervals, it should be removed to enclosed storage areas des- ignated solely for that purpose. (g) Personnel should be instructed to wash hands thoroughly after handling soiled linen. Care should be taken to see that this rule is strictly enforced. (h) A cleaning schedule should be established for carts and hampers which are used for trans- portation of soiled linen. Removable interliners should be laundered daily. (2) Sorting Area Hand sorting of soiled linen should be elimi- nated entirely or reduced to a minimum. Agitation by shaking the soiled or contaminated linen should be avoided in order to prevent the dissemination of bacteria into the air. It is possible to empty the linen bags directly into the washer with little or no sorting. If it is necessary to sort linen, it should be done following the washing process, if possible. If sort- ing linen is necessary before washing, a separate area must be physically separate from any other area in the laundry. It should be so designed that lint, dust, and bacteria are not disseminated into any other area. It should be completely closed and well ventilated. Persons employed in this area should be taught to take all precautions to protect themselves. Wearing of masks and wearing of spe- cial uniforms such as smocks or aprons while per- forming this task should be considered. Periodic health examinations and reporting all ailments of- fer further protection for the employees. (3) Washing, Extracting and Ironing These procedures are usually performed in the main laundry room. Plenty of work area must be provided and the work flow should be planned for maximum eifectiveness. There should be no cross traffic between clean and dirty linen areas. Air movement is important. The air in the sorting room should be vented away from the area of extracting, ironing and finishing. To prevent dissemination of air-borne bacteria, the general air movement should be from the cleanest area (ironing and folding) toward the washers, if possible. Factors which contribute to a clean product in these procedures are: (a) Washing process Temperature of water (above 74°C. (165°F.) for 25 minutes) Hardness of water Alkalis Soaps and detergents Laundry sours Bleach or chlorination Rinsing Changes of water (b) Drying and Ironing Temperature Handling Time (4) Storage of Clean Linen (a) Central Storage Clean linen should be carefully handled after laundry to prevent contamination. It should not be permitted to stand on open shelves, on open laundry trucks, or on tables in the general laun- dry room. The central storage room, if one is maintained by the hospital, should be a closed room, sepa- rate from the main laundry and protected from air currents which might be bacteria-laden. (b) Transportation Linen should be transported from the laundry in a clean cart or in a clean hamper in such a manner that it will not become contaminated. This may require covering the hamper, or the cart may be a closed one. Precautions should be taken to prevent the clean linen from contact with soiled linen as well as to prevent the soiled linen from contaminating its surroundings. Personnel should be taught to wash hands thoroughly be- fore handling and transporting clean linen. Per- sonnel should be instructed to wash hands before handling clean linen and before removing it from the shelves. Studies have demonstrated that, even if linen is actually sterile when removed from the ironer, it may become grossly contaminated before it reaches the patient ’s bedside unless extreme care is taken. (c) Linen Storage on Nursing Units The same precautions should be taken for stor- ing linen on the wards or at the points at which it will be distributed for use, as in the central storage area. The linen should be stored in an enclosed area. It should not be left in open carts or in hampers in the open wards or corridors. (5) Blankets Blankets must be cleaned and disinfected after individual patient use. Every patient should have a clean blanket for his use upon his admission. A blanket used by one patient should never be reissued to another patient without being cleaned. A used blanket should never be returned to the linen cupboard before being cleaned. Wool blankets are difficult to launder by the usual method, because they will not stand the high tem- '36 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION peratures necessary for effective cleaning. Some hospitals are finding that blankets of cotton or of synthetic material are satisfactory and can be eas- ily laundered. Until wool blankets are replaced by cotton or synthetic materials, hospitals must find a way to effectively disinfect and clean the wool blankets. Studies have shown that some of the chem- ical disinfectants are effective for blanket disinfec- tion. Where chemical disinfection is resorted to, a definite procedure should be established. Blankets may also be successfully sterilized by ethylene oxide gas. (6) Mattresses and Pillows An impervious covering made of a plastic mate- rial on mattresses and pillows has proven to be quite satisfactory in keeping the interior clean and free from contamination. Such covers may be re- moved and cleaned. Some mattresses and pillows are encased in a nonremovable material which has been treated to be impervious and moisture proof. This may be washed and disinfected with one of the chemical disinfectants. Because air can get into the pillow and mattress through the ticking which does not have an im- pervious covering, the inside may become contami- nated. Gas sterilization, if available, is the most ef- fective method of treating such articles. If not available, autoclaving may be employed for steriliz- ing mattresses although it does disintegrate and harm both the covering and the interior of the mattress. The impervious covering which can be washed and disinfected is probably the most satisfactory and practical method of protecting pillows and mattresses, at the present time. Disposable plastic pillow covers can also be used and destroyed after patient ’s discharge. (7) Care of Contaminated Linen, Pillows and Blankets In the care of the patient with infectious disease, all linen, pillows, and blankets used by the patient should be considered contaminated. (a) Bed linen and surgical linen The linen should be handled carefully at its source to avoid contaminating the air. The linen should be placed in a laundry bag, closed and marked “Isolation” or inverted into a second bag and securely closed and marked “Isolation.” In some hospitals, the color of the bag denotes “Isolation.” Only the linen which can all be washed in the same machine should be placed in the same bag. The bags should be transported to the laundry as quickly as possible. In the laundry, the bag can be emptied directly intothe washer. If the bag is so designed, the bag may be placed directly into the washer without being emptied, thereby preventing any further contamination. Personnel should be trained in the careful han- dling of contaminated linen to prevent spread of contamination and to protect themselves. If it is necessary to handle individual pieces of contam- inated linen, a mask and gown should be worn. If a mask is worn, the points mentioned on use of masks in this manual should be observed. Reg- ular washing of hands, good personal hygiene and immunization precautions should be prac— ticed. C. Filtration Filtration as a means of sterilization or disinfec- tion is less important in the hospital than other methods although it does play a role in air disinfec- tion particularly in air conditioning systems. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is also an important means of sterilizing solutions. The following proce- dures should be mentioned in this regard: 'I. MASKING. Masks when worn correctly can be efiective filters by collecting a tremendous quan- tity of bacteria. They are worn over the nose and mouth to filter and collect organisms which are being exhaled from the nose, pharynx and mouth of the wearer or they may be worn to filter contaminated air of the environment and prevent the wearer from inhaling the organisms. Unless masks are properly worn, their use offers no protection and they may give a sense of false secu- rity. They may even be a source of contamination. There should always be an adequate supply of masks in the hospital so that the practice can be carried out consistently and effectively. The old conventional gauze mask, made of six or eight thicknesses of 42 x 42 threads per square inch cotton material is considered eifective. It is made to fit snugly over nose and mouth and does not force the air to escape around the edges. The absorbency of the gauze permits the collection of saliva and mucous droplets which contain the bacteria. A gauze mask, however, after many washings, loses its effectiveness, because the threads in the mesh spread and cause wide spaces which do not permit adequate filtering of the air as it passes through the mask. Gauze masks are often lost, strings tangled, and masks are not always returned to the department from which they were dispensed. There are new types of masks being devised, some of which have advantages over the gauze mask. The paper disposable mask has had wide usage and some types may be considered to be fairly effective. Paper tends to be less porous than gauze and if it is im- CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 37 ' pervious, air does not easily pass through it and is instead, forced around the edges next to the face and no filtering takes place. It is better for protecting the wearer from his environment than it is for protect- ing the environment from the wearer. A disposable mask has an advantage in that no laundry problems occur. Another available disposable mask is made of a nonwoven material, permits filtering and is consid- ered to be effective. Undoubtedly, new types of masks will be devised in the future which will be economi- cal, will ofler protection, and will be comfortable to the wearer. 0. Indications for wearing masks (1) When in close contact with a patient whose disease can be transmitted through the respiratory tract. (2) During examinations or treatments that stimulate coughing and when a patient is coughing and not able to cover his mouth. (3) When making beds, dusting or sweeping, or carrying out other activities in contaminated areas which cause agitation of dust, and lint. (4) Persons on duty in the nursery who are not working there regularly, such as physicians, tech- nicians and housekeeping personnel. (5) All persons entering operating room and delivery rooms at any time. b. Points to remember in wearing a mask (1) Hands should be clean when putting on mask. (2) Masks should not be touched with hands while being worn. (3) Masks should not be worn longer than 30 minutes. (4) Hands should be washed after removing mask. (5) Masks should not be worn after becoming moist. (6) Masks should cover both nose and mouth. (7) Masks should fit snugly against face to pre- vent escape of air around mask. (8) Masks should not be worn dangling around neck when not in use. (9) Used masks should be discarded immediately and not placed in the pocket of uniform. (10) Forced expirations should be avoided but if they occur, the mask should be removed. Talk- ing, sneezing, and laughing forces expired air at a fairly high velocity and thereby contaminates the mask quickly. c. Care of masks (1) New masks should be laundered before wear- ing. (2) When masks are removed, they should be regarded as contaminated. They should be placed directly into a bag which can be taken to the laun- dry without further handling. (3) It is a good practice to autoclave masks after being laundered. The handling by laundry and other personnel may contaminate them before get- ting to the wearer. 2. AIR CONDITIONING. Air conditioning en- compasses all the processes which are necessary to maintain and control temperature, humidity, air mo- tion and quality of air within a selected area. The control of air motion and quality of air are more re- lated to the bacterial population in the air than the other processes and probably prevent and control in- fection in hospitals more than the others, so they will be discussed here. a. Quality of air Air cleaning may be accomplished by filtering or washing in one of the following ways: (1) Impingement on viscous coated mediums (2) Impaction on fine fibers of dry porous me- diums (3) Electrostatic precipitation (4) Washing or scrubbing by passage through wet cells or fine sprays b. Disinfection of air (1) Chemical Bactericidal aerosols have been used as air disin- fectants. Their effectiveness has not been firmly established and the concentration necessary is sometimes irritating to the respiratory tract. Tri- ethylene glycol and ethylene oxide are examples of chemicals used for this purpose. (2) Radiation Ultraviolet irradiation has been used for air dis- infection in duct systems. It has been discussed elsewhere. c. Dilution The reduction of bacteria in the air can be ac- complished by continuously replacing the air in the space. Approximately 65% of the original air and its contaminants can be removed with one air change and each successive air change will continue to reduce the remaining contamination. d. Air movementL Air movement is an important factor in the con- trol of spread of infection, particularly as contam- 38 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION inated air migrates from one section of the hospi- tal to another. Control of air movement and the air balance between different sections is important, to protect patients and personnel from concentration of pathogens which might be reintroduced into the air. Trash and clothes chutes may also serve to spread infection through the movement of air. e. Maintenance of air conditioning systems An adequate, organized maintenance program for the air conditioning system is absolutely essential in the hospital, not only because of the initial and operating cost of the system, but also because im- proper maintenance may increase contaminants in the air, resulting in a serious infection hazard. D. DISPOSAL. Disposal of wastes in a hospital constitutes a large and complex problem. The method of disposal of wastes employed by the hospital has more health implications than most any other com- munity activity. The wastes must be cared for eco- nomically and conveniently, but more important, must be disposed of in a sanitary manner to prevent spread of disease. Infected dressings and discarded surgical specimens require special handling since they con— stitute infectious materials. Even body discharges are sometimes contaminated and require special attention beyond what is usually provided in the sewage dis- posal plant. 1. GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL METHODS. These will depend upon the hospital facilities as well as upon community facili- ties. a. Dry garbage Dry garbage consisting of ordinary wastes in the various hospital areas such as paper, discarded flowers and trash can usually be collected in open containers. A disposable interliner of the basket (paper or plastic) can be fitted into the interior of the basket and turned over the top edge. The con- tents can then be emptied directly into a large com- mon container without much handling, thus pre- venting the spread of organisms. Waste containers, whether small wastebaskets or large trash containers into which the small ones are emptied, should be cleaned regularly. If trash chutes are used, they should be regarded as con- taminated. The opening of the door of the chutes usually permits air to blow out through the open- ing. This air is contaminated by infected materials which are being thrown into the chute. A real haz- ard is created and unless the chutes are especially designed to prevent this, waste chutes should prob- ably not be used. If waste chutes are used they should be cleaned regularly. Effective cleaning is difficult, but a system of washing with a detergent germicide can be established which will probably kill most of the pathogenic organisms. b. Wet garbage Most of the wet garbage accumulates from kitchen wastes and may be disposed of from the kitchen unless dishes are scraped on the nursing units before dishes are washed. (1) If automatic waste disposal is provided, much of the collection and transporting of wet gar- bage can be eliminated. Before automatic waste disposal systems are installed, there must be assur- ance that the sewerage system is capable of han- dling the large volumes of waste matter which would come with this method of disposal. (2) If collected into a can, the can should be kept covered at the place of storage. When garbage must be stored for a long period of time, refriger- ation is recommended. The entire can tightly cov- ered, should be taken to the place of disposal. After being emptied, it should be thoroughly cleaned both inside and out and dried thoroughly before being returned to be used. Detergents to facilitate clean- ing are necessary. ' c. Biological wastes Biological wastes including surgical specimens, surgical dressings, autopsy wastes and other similar materials, because of their potentially infectious nature, must be finally incinerated. They should be wrapped in paper and placed in closed waste re- ceptacles which are lined with a disposable liner. The receptacles should be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly after being emptied. d. Bulk garbage Bulk garbage which is collected from all areas of the hospital should be stored in an enclosed area (screened) near the building where it is picked up according to a regular schedule. These cans con- taining garbage must be kept closed to keep out flies, ants, and other insects. The cans should be placed on a platform to prevent rodents having ac- cess to the containers. After being emptied, the cans must be cleaned thoroughly, both inside and out. Hot water and detergents should be used for this purpose. 2. BODY WASTES DISPOSAL. Disposal of body wastes places added burden on the sewage disposal system, since hospital sewage is more likely to contain infectious material than sewage from other commu- nity facilities. a. Disposal of body wastes The toilet bowl or the bedpan hopper provides for direct disposal in the routine handling of body wastes such as urine and feces. Some of the other CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 39 wastes are not as easy to dispose of. Containers for receiving wastes Where they are first produced are: (1) Bedpans, urinals, emesis basins, etc., used to collect and transport patient excreta to the hopper sinks or toilet bowls must be handled as patient equipment. They must be retained for the individ- ual’s use unless they are disinfected after each use. These articles should be easily cleaned and should not be chipped or cracked. Excreta from a communicable disease patient may require special handling. While stools and urine can usually be emptied directly into the hop- per or toilet, some communicable disease excreta may require special techniques for handling. If the hospital wastes enter a treated municipal sewage system or safely functioning septic tanks, it is usu— ally considered safe to empty bedpans directly into hoppers or toilets without preliminary treatment. If not, it is necessary to treat such wastes with chemicals and allow them to stand before being emptied into the hopper or toilet. This must be de- termined by each hospital and will determine the method of disposal. (2) Receptacles for dressings, sponges, applica- tors, etc. In examining rooms and treatment rooms, metal receptacles with foot pedal-operated covers should be provided. Paper or plastic liners facilitate emp- tying and cleaning. The bag should then be thrown directly into the common cart which collects all wastes. (3) Sputum cups should be disposable and de- ‘ stroyed after use. 3. FINAL METHODS OF DISPOSAL OF WASTES 0. Automatic garbage disposal Certain wet garbage can be disposed of in auto- matic garbage disposal units if the sewage system is adequate to accommodate the added load which this places upon it. b. Incineration Incinerators must be specially designed to care for the volume and type of wastes which must be disposed of. Incinerators have been dealt with else- where in this manual. c. Sewage system Liquid wastes are finally emptied into the sewage system. Local regulations govern what limitations are placed upon the conditions of disposal into a sewage system. d. Other methods Other methods may be substituted for incinera- tion, if approved by the local health department. Transporting the wastes to a land-fill operation or treatment in a manner to make the wastes bacterio- logically safe for handling, may be accepted by the local health departments. H 3. 4. U! 7. (X) 5° 1 . American Hospital Association. Manual of hospital housej keeping. (Publication M 16-52) Chicago, The Association, 1952. 113 p. . New York State Department of Health. Guide for the pre- vention and control of‘infections in hospitals; a joint project of the NewYork State Department of Health and the' American Public Health Association. Albany, The Department, 1957. 56 p. , Walter, Carl W. The aseptic treatment of wounds. New York, Macmillan, 1948. 372 p. Reddish, George F., ed. Antiseptics, disinfectants, fungicides and chemical and physical sterilization. 2d ed. Philadel- phia, Lea and Febiger, 1957. 975 p. . Perkins, John J.vPrinciples and methods of sterilization. Springfield, 111., Charles C. Thomas, 1956. 340 p. . The Becton, Dickinson Lectures on Sterilization ; presented during the academic years 1957-1959 as part of the cur- riculum in bacteriology at Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry. Jersey City, N.J., Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry. 1959. 123 p. U.S. Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta. Selected ma- terials on environmental aspects of staphylococcal disease. (Public Health Service Publication no. 646) Atlanta, Communicable Disease Center, 1959. 289 p. . American Hospital Association. Hospital laundry, manual of operation. (Publication M7-49) Chicago, The Associa- tion, 1949. 167 p. Thomas, Margaret W. Aseptic nursing techniques. (Public Health Service Publication no. 788) Atlanta, Communica- ble Disease Center, 1960. ‘145 p. (40) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PREFERENCES - ‘ 10. American Sterilizer ‘ Company, Research and ’ Technical ' Projects Divisions. Guide to standards for microbial cone trol processing of hospital supplies and equipment. Erie, Pa., American Sterilizer Company, n.d. 1961. . Spaulding, Earle H. and Emmons, Ellen K. Chemical dis? infection. American Journal of Nursing, 58(9) :1238-1242, September 1958. ' ' Sykes, George. Disinfection and sterilization. Princeton, N .J ., Van Nostrand, 1958; 396 p. Letourneau, Charles U. Nosocomial infections. Hospital Management, 83(2) 241—42, 70, Feb.; (3) :52-53, 96, March; (4) :56-57,'142, April 1957. Gohr, Frank. Spotlighting hospital sanitation. Hospital Management, 91(3) 137—41, March; (4) :33-37, April; (5) :34-38, May; (6) :42-49, June, 1961. Williams, Robert E. 0., Blowers, R., Garrod, L. P., and Shooter, R. A. Hospital infection; causes and prevention. London, Lloyd-Luke, 1960. 307 p. American Hospital Association. Preventive maintenance guide. (M 40-59) Chicago, The Association, 1959. 82 p. California, Department of Public Health. A manual for the control of communicable diseases in California. 1960 ed. Berkeley, The Department, 1960. 416 p. California, Laws, statutes, etc. Hospital licensing act and requirements for all hospitals, maternity homes, tuber- culosis nursing homes, nursing and convalescent homes; effective January 10, 1962. (Health and Safety Code, Sect. 1400-1422; Calif. Administrative Code, Title 17, sect. 231-499) Berkeley, State of California Department of Public Health, 1962. k Page Air conditioning 25, 37 Alcohol 7 19 Anaesthesia equipment 20 Antiseptic 7 Arnold sterilizer 14 Autoclave 7 Bactericide' 7 Bacteriostatic 7 Bassinet equipment _..__ 13 Bedside equipment ' 13 Beta propiolactone vapor 24 Blankets 35 Body wastes, disposal of 38 Boiling 14 Bromine 21 Brushes 11 Canvas 9 Ceilings r 33 Cellophane 9 Charring 17 Chemical methods 19 Chlorine 21 24 'Chloropicrin 24 Chutes laundry 34 trash 38 Cleaning 7 Cresol 21 Culture tests 10 Curtains 33 cubicle _ 33 Damp dusting 26 Delivery room 29 supplies 12 Detergent 7 Dishes petri 17 contaminated 15 Disinfection 7 Dishwashing 31 Disposal of wastes 38 Draperies 33 Dressings drums 11 jars and cans 12 supplies 11 Dry heat 16 Dry methods of cleaning 26 Dry mopping 26 Drying of autoclave load 10 Emergency sterilization 11 Ethylene oxide 23 Filtration 36 Flaming 17 Flask, solution 12 Floors 33 Flowing steam 14 Food service 29 Forceps, transfer 12 Formaldehyde 24 Formalin 22 Formula equipment 13 Furniture 33 Garbage, handling of 38 Gaseous sterilization ‘ 23m (41) _ Page Germicidal lamps 25 Germicidal shoe mat 29 Germicide 7 Glassware laboratory 13 drinking glasses 32 Glycol 24 Handbrushes 11 Handwashing 28 Hexachlorophene 21 Hoods 30 Hot air sterilization 16 Housekeeping 32 Ice 32 Incineration 17 Indicators, sterilization 10 Infection 7 Instruments 17 Iodine 2O Iodophors 20 Janitor closets ___- 34 Jars, dressing 12 Kettles 30 Laboratory media __ 13 glassware 13 platinum 17 Lamps germicidal 25 Laundry 34 Length of sterility _ 10 Loading the autoclave 9 Masking ___ 36 Mattresses 36 a Mechanical methods 26 Media, laboratory 13 Mercurials 20 Methyl bromide 24 Moist heat 7 Mopping _ 27 Mops 26 Needles 17 Nonaqueous substances 17 Nurseries 33 linen 13 packs 13 floors 33 furniture __ 33 Oils 17 Operating rooms 29 Ovens and ranges 30 Ozone 24 Packaging 9 Paper 9 Personnel, kitchen 30 Petrolatum gauze 17 Phenols 21 Pillows 36 Pitchers, bedside 32 Plumbing fixtures 33 Powders 17 ,iPressur‘ea tape 9 42 CLEANING, DISINFECTION, AND STERILIZATION 11, 26, Page Quaternary ammonium compounds ______________________ 21 Supplies delivery room Radiation 25 laboratory Radiators 33 nursery Ranges 30 operating room Recording thermometer 10 Surgical handscrub Refrigerators y 30 Surgical instruments Removal of air from chamber __________________________ 9 Surgical packs Rubber goods 11 Sutures catheters 12 Sweeping gloves 11, 16 Syringes Sanitation 7 Tables Sanitizer 7 Tests, sterility Saturated steam 8 Thermometers Screens 34 patlent Scrubbing 27 recording Site of operation 28 Transfer forceps Size of packs 10 . Skin disinfection 20 3133201“ Soaps 22 13.118115 Solutions 12 1tc en. ‘“ Steam contaminated flowmg 14 Vacuum cleaners saturated, under pressure ____________________________ 8 superheated 7 Walls Sterility tests 10 Washing Sterilization 7 Water sterilization Sterilizing equipment, care of __________________________ 10 Wet methods of cleaning Sulfur dioxide 24 Windows ___ Sunlight 25 Wrappers for packs 85542 6-62 2,500 print!!! In CALIFORNIA STATE ":1"le *orncl :yy; .24»; z in; . 1 35F: u”. ., q . .V , a.“ T . Q Kai .3 ; y. r / J314214!,Iinun‘lshiuiulfziisze. . . . . . ‘ , IV‘III’I‘)‘: 311.}! ..3.,lli,)..l.:xt FYfiflrnflznn. “M... .