f ” . C HcALTH USPAPV PUBU {,IVETERANS ADMINISTRATION SEPTEMBER I973 / ‘CONTROLLER { PATIENT CENSUS \ MONOGRAPH _ x ----------------------- Ix NUMBER 2 1970- ALCOHOLISM DEPARTMENT DE MEDICINE & SURGERY " CENSUS DAIA 1970 SPECIAL DUESIIDNS DN ALDDHDLISM AND PRDBLEM DRINKING AMDND VA HDSPITAL PAIIENIS/ BIOMETRICS DIVISION/3 RESEARCH AND BIOMETRICS OFFICE OF CONTROLLER I REPORTS AND STATISTICS SERVICE FEB 1‘4 iz‘i‘é VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CONTROLLER - CONRAD R. HOFFMAN DIRECTOR, REPORTS & STATISTICS SERVICE - WILLIAM J. FALLWELL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR RESEARCH AND BIOMETRICS - FRED H. BRANAN DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE & SURGERY CENSUS DATA ;1970 SPECIAL QUESTIONS ON \ \W\ ALCOHOLISM AND PROBLEM DRINKING “‘A \fl , AMONG VA HOSPITAL PATIENTS OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER LOUIS MESARD, CHIEF, BIOMETRICS DIVISION WILLIAM V. TOTE. STAFF ASSISTANT ;/ ROBERT J. ROBINSON, STATISTICIAN l/ PRESENTLY WITH MEDICAL RESEARCH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE & SURGERY The assistance of Mr. Daniel I. Rosen, Director, Reports and Statistics Service, Department of Medicine and Surgery, and his staff has been most helpful in producing this study. Mr. Rosen's painstaking review of both text and tables added con- siderably to the substance of this study. Similarly, helpful comment from the staff of the Alcohol and Drug Dependence Division, DM&S, is acknowledged. Mtg—5W} pom, ii I. II. III. IV. LABBW “5’41, 10!?3- ‘a-SE TABLE OF CONTENTS Highlights 1 PM BL Introduction 2_3 Analysis 3-22 A. Current Status and Recent Trends of Alcoholism Among 3 Veteran Patients B. Results of the 1970 VA Hospital Inpatient Census 4-5 C. Age Distribution of Defined Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers 5 D. Number of Current Diagnoses of Defined Alcoholics 8 E. Attained Stay and Bed Section of Defined Alcoholics 8 F. Need for Continued Hospitalization for Other Conditions 8-11 After Treatment for Alcoholism G. Potential for Rehabilitation if Treated in a Formal 11 Alcohol Treatment Program H. Period of Service and Compensation and Pension Status of 14 Defined Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers I. Defined Alcoholics in VA Psychiatric Hospitals and VA 14-19 General Medical and Surgery Hospitals J. Type of Non-Hospital Care Required Among Defined Alcoholics 19 That Here in Maximum Hospital Benefit Status on October 14, 1970 K. Principal and Associated Diagnosis of Defined Alcoholics 19-21 and Problem Drinkers L. Literature Cited 22 Appendices A. Index of Tables Pertaining to Selected Population Charac- 27-29 teristics and Diagnosis of Defined Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers B. DMfiS Circular 10-70-236 101 C. 1970 VA Hospital Inpatient Census Questionnaire (VA Form 102 10-20515) D. Definition of Terms 103 iii 216502 I I HIGHLIGHTS * * ~k ‘k tely 13, 068, —or i5 percent, 'were characteriied as ' 3 10 During period 1971 to 1973 the percentages of patients with a principal or associated diagnosis of alcoholism discharged from VA hospitals increased from 15.6% to 17.7%. During this period the number of VA alcohol dependence treatment facilities in- creased from 51 to 62. Of the 85,550 patients in VA hospitals on October 14,1970 n u, ucL‘llCu “*hUIIULJ-‘aa. About 4,400 patients in VA hospitals on October 14, 1970 were reported as having a problem with alcohol consumption. 0f the 17,311 defined alcoholics and problem drinkers about 70 percent are under.age 55. Among the defined alcohol patients over 58 percent were receiving care for more than one diagnosis. Almost 3 out of 5 of the patients designated as defined alcoholics were in psychiatric bed sections of VA hospitals. Almost one-fourth (23.7 percent) of the defined alcoholics under 35 years of age were reported by their attending physician as capable of stopping or curtailing their drinking if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. In the 1970 VA hospital census twenty-five percent of the 47,550 World War II patients were reported as either alcoholics or as problem drinkers. Over 25 percent of the 10,000 patients who had a service- connected condition but were under treatment for a non-service- connected condition were reported as either a defined alcoholic or as problem drinker. The report focuses on several characteristics of alcoholic patients and problem drinker patients in the VA Hospital System on October 14, 1970. The characteristics include: principal and associated diagnoses, age and attained stay distributions, need for continued hospital- ization for other conditions after treatment for alcoholism, potential for rehabilitation, type of non-hospital care required, bed section, type of hospital, compensation and pension status, and period of service. The data in this report were derived from the 1970 Annual VA Hospital Inpatient Census. ALCOHOLISM AND PROBLEM DRINKING AMONG VA HOSPITAL PATIENTS Ii INTRODUCTION' Alcoholism has long been recognized as a condition that adversely affects the public both individually and collectively. The destructive impact of alcohol on society at-large has been analyzed from several perspectives by researchers in various health-related fields. Recently, a comprehensive study undertaken by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (8) summarized part of this impact: "Alcoholism or problem drinking today afflicts an estimated 9 million Americans and directly or indirectly affects some 36 million persons in the United States including the families, friends, and close associates of those with drinking problems. Alcohol related problems are the cause of more than 85,000 deaths in the United States each year in- cluding half of the more than 50,000 individuals killed annually in highway accidents. There are approximately 2% million arrests related to alcohol every year. The total economic loss to the Nation from alcohol problems is an estimated $15 billion annually." In light of this statement it can be understood why health special- ists representing a broad cross section of health-related disciplines are engaged in an intensive effort to discover new methods of treating alcoholics and to develop a systematic program of alcoholism prevention. Public health educators have been working diligently in recent years to eradicate the widespread social stigma that the general public attaches to alcoholism (9). Medical research has produced strong evidence to suggest that alcoholism is a disease with characteristic symptoms and stages of development (3), and like other diseases, alcoholism can be treated and prevented when it is diagnosed in the early stages (1, 2, 5). AlcoholOgists are currently concentrating on three areas: a) delineating as accurately as possible the multiple causes of alcoholism b), devising new programs for treatment and rehabilitation, and c) developing a realistic strategy for early detection and prevention (6). This monograph is intended primarily to provide information to VA field stations and research personnel regarding the characteristics of alcoholic and problem drinker patients in the VA Hospital System. The data contained in this report are derived from questions 11, 12, and 13 of the VA Hospital Inpatient Census taken on October 14, 1970. The census questionnaire and the circular pertaining to these questions are contained in Appendices B and C. The report consists of a brief analysis and a de- tailed set of tables (Appendix A). The narrative, supplemented by graphs. highlights the significant findings contained in the appendix tables. 111 ANALYSIS A. Current Status and Recent Trends of Alcoholism Among Veteran Patients The figures in Summary Table I show an increase in the proportion of alcoholics among patients discharged over the period 1971-1973. The table shows that the percentage of discharges from all VA hospitals with a principal 1/ or associated g/ diagnosis of alcoholism ;/ has increased from 15.6 percent in 1971 to 17.7 percent in 1973. The table also shows that the percentage of discharges from VA psychiatric hospitals with a principal diagnosis of alcoholism increased from 21.8 percent in 1971 to 26.9 percent in 1973. The percentage of discharges from GM&S hospitals with a principal diagnosis of alcoholism also increased from 6.5 percent in 1971 to 8.0 percent in 1973. Because some of this increase may be due to an increased number of readmissions, data for which is not now available, the precise amount of increase in alcoholism cannot be stated. Part of this increase may be attributed to the alcohol dependence program initiated in VA hospitals during 1971. In July 1972 there were 51 inpatient alcohol dependence treatment facilities with an annual ad- mission load of about 34,000 4/. As of October 1973 there were 61 inpatient alcohol dependence treatment facilities with an annual inpatient admission load of 41,000. The annual VA census taken on October 18, 1972 shows that a specific type of alcoholism (ICDA Code 303 5/) was the third leading diagnosis among all VA hospital bed occupants, comprising 5,000 of the 83,000 total census patients. The discharge data taken from the Patient Treatment File for fiscal year 1973 indicates that alcoholism (ICDA Code 303 g/) was the leading diagnosis reported among all patients discharged from VA hospitals. 1] Principal diagnosis is the diagnosis primarily responsible for the major part of the patients stay. Associated diagnosis is any established diagnosis for which treatment was given, other than the principal diagnosis. IN \ 1/ All forms of alcoholism, ICDA Codes 291, 303, 309.13, 571.0, and 980. 4/ Veterans Administration Activities, see (11) in ”Literature Cited" at end of discussion. 5/ ICDA Code 303 includes alcoholism variously diagnosed as: episodic excessive drinking, 303.0; habitual excessive drinking, 303.1; alcoholic addiction, 303.2; and acute alcoholism, 303.9. B. Results of the 1970 VA Hospital Inpatient Census Annual census data are collected each year by the VA to provide medical and administrative information on a cross section of the veterans in VA medical facilities and non-VA medical facilities if they are there under VA auspices. The results of a 20% sample of patients in VA hospitals on October 14. 1970 have been inflated here to reflect 100 percent of the census patients. Appendix B contains further details concerning the procedures used in the Annual VA Hospital Census. Data for this report were obtained by a series of special census questions reproduced as Appendix C. These questions were answered as often as possible by the patient's attending physician, or by other medical pro- fessionals aware of his clinical history and current episode of care. The results of the 1970 VA hospital census questions are outlined in Summary Table II. There were over 85,500 patients in VA hospitals on October 14. 1970 and about 13,000 of them (15%) were alcoholics as defined by the census question (see question 12, Appendix C). For purposes of this study, a defined alcoholic is any bed occupant in a VA hospital on October 14, 1970 who has an illness characterized wholly or in part by preoccupation with alcohol and loss of control over its consumption such as to lead usually to intoxication if drinking is begun. The illness is characterized by chronicity, progression. and by tendency toward relapse. The patient typically has an associated physical disability and shows impaired emo- tional, occupational, and/or social adjustments as a direct consequence of persistent and excessive use of alcohol. An additional 4,400 patients. not defined as alcoholics, were determined to have a "problem with alcohol" (problem drinker) that complicated their current treatment and/or prognosis (see question 14, Appendix C). The combined total of defined alcoholics and problem drinkers (17,311 patients) account for slightly over twenty percent (or 1 in 5) of the total hospital census. Summary Table II also shows that about 10,000 (11.7%) of the VA hospital census patients were reported as "undetenmined as to their alcoholic status" (i.e., defined alcoholic, problem drinker or non-alcoholic). This in- dicated that the actual magnitude of alcoholism among VA hospital patients probably exceeds the twenty percent figure reported in Summary Table II since it may be reasonably assumed that some of the 10,000 patients in the undetermined status were alcoholics. Item 6 in Summary Table II subdivides the defined alcoholic population (12,916) according to their need for continued hospitalization for other conditions after treatment for alcoholism. The defined alcoholics were approximately evenly divided (41.3% vs. 42.5%) regarding their need or lack of need for continued hospitalization for other conditions after treatment for alcoholism. Data from this question quantify the well established observation that alcoholism has a complex pathology and is frequently associated with other debilitating conditions that may or may not be the primary cause for hospitalization (3, 7). Item 7 in Summary Table II subdivides the defined alcoholics according to their potential for rehabilitation if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. These results were derived from census question 13 (see Appendix C). For purposes of this report, potential rehabilitation is characterized as the ability to stop or curtail drinking for at least one year if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program (see Appendix D). Summary Table II shows that only 17.8 percent (2,299) of the defined alcoholics were judged to be capable of such rehabilitation while 44.6% (5,759) were characterized as incapable of such rehabilitation. In about thirty-seven percent (4,858) of the defined alcoholics the judgement is re- ported as undetermined in regard to such rehabilitation if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. In view of what appears to be a low rate of pre-judged potential re- habilitation (18%) there are several factors that merit consideration: (a) These alcoholics are inpatients and therefore, to a large extent, they are"hard core" alcoholics with conditions severe enough to warrant hospi- talization. Some studies have reported cure rates for hospitalized alcoholics ranging from 15 to 20% (l, 4). (b) These patients have been de- fined as having a disease characterized by chronicity and a tendency toward relapse (see Appendix D). Several studies have appeared in the literature emphasizing the importance of early detection and strong patient motivation as necessary prerequisites to successful rehabilitation in for- mal alcohol treatment programs (4, 7). (c) It is well established that the hospital is the last resort for patients that have denied their alcoholism for years. In light of these observations. it would appear that the de- fined alcoholics in VA hospitals are among the most difficult of all alco- holic patients to rehabilitate. (d) Finally, it should be pointed out that there are a variety of approaches to alcoholic rehabilitation (l, 2, 4. 10) and therefore, even though 45% were judged to be incapable of rehabilitation if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program, many may have such re- habilitation potential in a different treatment setting or to a different degree. C. Age Distribution of Defined Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers Appendix Table 1 presents the age distribution of the defined alco- holic patients in each VA hospital among hospitals that reported 25 or more in this category. Figure I shows the combined percentage of defined alcoholics and problem drinkers within each age group, and Appendix Tables 3A and BB provide a comparison of the age distribution among defined alcoholics, problem drinkers. and all other patients. This table shows that more than 70 percent of the alcohol abusers (defined alcoholic and problem drinkers) are under the age of 55 whereas among non-alcohol abusers this age bracket comprised only 54 percent of the patients. Figure I shows that one out of every five patients in the hospital census and one out of every four hospital patients between the age of 35 and 64 is either a de- fined alcoholic or a problem drinker. FIGURE IV PERCENTAGE OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN EACH BED SECTION WHO WILL NOT REQUIRE CONTINUED HOSPITALIZATION OR INSTITUTIONAL CARE FOR OTHER CONDITIONS 41.2 percent of the alcoholics in the medical bed section will not require continued hospitalization for other conditions. PERCENT OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 50 - (3,253) (5,332) ’ ’ 1 618) (331+) 30 _ (127) 20!- 'lUTAL MEDICAL SURGICAL PSYCHIATRIC W (DATA FROM APPENDIX TABLE 8) FIGURE I PERCENT OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND PROBLEM DRINKERS IN EACH AGE CATEGORY REMAINING IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (TOTAL CENSUS 85 ,5 50) Over one—fourth of all patients between the ages of 45 and 54 are either defined alcoholics or problem drinkers. PERCENT 3O '5 592 2 .6. (3,766) 3.5. (17,311) 20 .2 (1,297) 10 3-7. ’IUTAL UNDER 35 - 1+1; 1+5 - 51+ 55 - 6t; 65 - 71+ 75 & 35 OVER (Note: Total includes 8 age not stated) AGE (DATA FROM‘APPENDIX TABLE 3) D. Number of Current Diagnoses Among Defined Alcoholics Figure II and Appendix Tables 2A and 2B provide comparisons of de- fined alcoholics and non-alcoholics with more than one diagnosis by age. About 45 percent of all patients in VA hospitals on October 14, 1970 had more than one diagnosis. Among the defined alcoholic patients over 58 percent (7,533) had more than one diagnosis. In each age group the per- centage of patients with more than one diagnosis is always greater among defined alcoholics than among the patients not defined as alcoholics. These results indicate that the majority of alcoholics in VA hospitals have other conditions in addition to their diagnosis of alcoholism and that alcoholism is not always the principal diagnosis for every defined alcoholic. A subsequent table (Table 17A) shows that 5,070 of the 12,916 defined alcoholics had a principal diagnosis of alcoholism or alcoholic psychosis. E. Attained Stay and Bed Section of Defined Alcoholics Appendix Tables 4A and 43 and Figure III present information re- garding the attained stay distribution and bed section of defined alcoholics. About one-third (33%) of the defined alcoholics had an attained stay between 31-180 days as compared to one-fourth (25%) of the non-alcoholics. In the attained stay categories of 365 days or more, there were proportionately fewer defined alcoholics than there were "all other" (i.e., those not in the defined alcoholic category). Almost 90 percent of the defined alcoholics were in medical and psychiatric bed sections. Over sixty-five percent of the defined alcoholic patients with an attained stay in excess of 31 days were in the psychiatric bed section. Figure III shows that over 95 percent of the defined alcoholics with an attained stay greater than 5 years (1,825 days) were in psychiatric bed sections. F. Need for Continued Hospitaligation_§gr_chgrm§onditignsggfteg Treatment for Alcoholism The question regarding continued need for further hospitalization after treatment for alcoholism among defined alcoholics was asked because the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Staff had surmised that alcohol rehabilitation potential was somewhat lessened among those who also had chronic disabling illnesses, and that this factor was being used in the selection of patients suitable for alcohol rehabilitation treatment. The question permits quan- tification of a part of this problem. Over forty-two percent, (5,492) of the 12,916 defined alcoholics were described as having need for continued hospitalization for other con- ditions after treatment for alcoholism. Appendix Table 7B shows that over one-fifth (20.8) percent of the defined alcoholics who will need further care had already accumulated between 1 and 5 years of attained hospital stay. It should be recalled that virtually all of the defined alcoholics with 1-5 years of attained stay were in psychiatric bed sections (Table 4). It follows that the long stay patient who is a defined alcoholic who will FIGURE 11 PERCENTAGE OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND NON-AKOHOLIC PATIENTS IN EACH AGE GROUP WHO I-IAD MORE THAN ONE DIAGNOSIS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 A larger proportion of defined alcoholics have multiple diagnoses than PERCENT do patients not defined as alcoholics. Among defined alcoholics 58.4 80 percent of the patients had more than one diagnosis as compared to 45.1 percent of the patients not defined as alcoholics. 70 18 ) (2499 601!) 60 (7 533) (3,403) -1 63. .57.9 (6,629) 50 32 .926) 30 I l : I I i I I : : no 5.3 E (8 532) : I I i : t 20 : § 10 TOTAL : UNDER 35 35 -> MI- ’+5 - 51+ 55 - 61+ 65 & OVER (Note: Total includes 71 Not Stated) AGE GROUP (DATA FROM APPENDIX TABLEZ ) w _ ALL OTHER DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 01 PERCENT 100 r 8’ 10' FIGURE III PERCENT OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN PSYCHIATRIC BED SECTIONS BY ATTAINED STAY IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, I970 Almost 3 out of 5 (58.6 percent) of the patients designated as “defined alcoholics” were in psychiatric bed sections. Eighty-seven percent of the defined alcoholics with an attained stay greater than one year are receiving care in a psychiatric bed section. ( 676) UNDER 31 31 - 180 181 - 365 366 - 1825 1826 + DAYS (DATA FROM APPENDIX TABLE 4 ) need continued care is most probably a psychiatric patient who will require further psychiatric care after his treatment for alcoholism. Table 7A shows that among all defined alcoholics (12.916) about 41% (5,332) were judged to have no further need for continued hospitalization after treatment for alcoholism and more than half (2,952) of these patients had an attained stay of less than 31 days. Appendix Tables 8A and SB and Figure IV reveal no significant differences between the bed section distributions of defined alcoholics that will require continued hospitalization after treatment for alcoholism and those who will not. C. Potential For Rehabilitation if Treated in a Formal Alcohol Treatment Program Appendix Tables 9, 10, 11, and 12, and Figures V and VI contain data pertaining to the estimated rehabilitation potential (if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program) among defined alcoholic patients in VA hospitals. The data in these tables were derived from special census question number 13 reproduced in Appendix C. In section B above. several factors were underscored regarding the interpretation of alcoholic patient rehabilitation potential. Tables 9A and 9B show that the most likely group of defined alcoholics to be rehabilitated in a formal treatment program are those who will not require continued hospitalization for other conditions after treatment for alcoholism. Almost sixty per- cent (1,353) of the defined alcoholics with positive rehabilitation potential were those who will not require continued hospitalization after treatment for alcoholism. Appendix Table 10A indicates that age is inversely correlated with potential for rehabilitation. Approximately one-fourth of the alcoholic patients under age 35 were considered to have rehabilitation potential as compared to one in ten among patients aged 65 to 74 (Figure V). Figure VI indicates that over forty percent of the alcoholics who will not require continued hospital care after treatment for alcoholism were classified as "unknown“ with respect to rehabilitation potential. 11 ZI PERCENT 3O _. 20 10 FIGURE V PERCENTAGE OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN EACH AGE GROUP WHO SHOW POSSIBILITY OF STOPPING OR CURTAILING DRINKING FOR A SIGNIFICANT PERIOD OF TIME (1 YEAR) IF TOTAL TREATED IN A FORMAL ALCOHOL TREATMENT PROGRAM Almost one-fourth (23. 7 percent) of the defined alcoholics under 35 years old could stop or curtail drinking as compared to only 12.8 percent of the defined aloholics over age 55. UNDER 35-h; 15- 55 ' 65-75 75- 35 \ OVER (DATA FROM APPENDIX rum 1(» FIGURE VI ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY OF THOSE DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 WHO WILL NOT REQUIRE CONTINUED CARE FOR OTHER CONDITIONS AFTER TREATMENT FOR ALCOHOLISM IN A FORMAL VAALCOHOLTREATMENTPROGRAM (5,332) WILL £92 WIDL CURTAIL OR STOP URTAIL OR STOP DRINKING DRINKING FOR AT LEAST * FOR AT LEAST 1 YEAR 33.9% 25.3% 1 YEAR (1.805) (1,353) 40.8% i ,(2,174) NOT DETERMINED *One-fourth (25.3 percent) of those defined alcoholics who will NOT require continued hospitalization or institutional care for other conditions after treatment for alcoholism will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of time (1 year). (DATA FROM (@9me TABLE 9) ) 13 H. Period of Service and Compensation and Pension Status of Defined Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers Appendix Table 11A indicates that the Vietnam Era veterans have a greater proportion (26%) of alcoholics that could be rehabilitated in a formal alcohol treatment program than the World War II veterans (17%). These results agree with the findings discussed previously (Table 10) con- cerning age relative to rehabilitation potential. Figure VII shows the combined percentage of defined alcoholics and problem drinkers in each period of service population. Note that the Korean Era patients in VA hospitals on October 14, 1970 had a greater proportion (27%) of defined alcoholics and problem drinkers than any other period of service group. Appendix Table 123 shows that of the 12,916 defined alcoholic patients forty-one percent were classified as non-service-connected receiving no compensation. Figure VIII shows the percentage of defined alcoholics and problem drinkers in each category of C&P status. Further information re- garding C&P status and period of service among defined alcoholics is presented in Appendix Tables 14 and 15. These tables are discussed below. 1. Defined Alcoholics in VA Psychiatric Hospitals and VA General Medical and Surgery Hospitals The defined alcoholics in this study were bed occupants of VA Psychiatric hospitals and VA General Medical and Surgical Hospitals. Psychiatric hospitals constitute the major facility for inpatient care of alcoholic patients in the United States (5, 10). Appendix Table 1 pro- vides a comparative listing of selected individual VA GM&S and Psychiatric hospitals. This table shows the number of bed occupants and the number of defined alcoholics in every VA hospital that had 25 or more defined alcoholic patients on October 14, 1970. The hospitals are listed in two major groups, GM&S and Psychiatric, and are further subdivided according to relative size. This arrangement is intended to facilitate comparisons between hospitals that had approximately the same number of bed occupants on the day of the census. On October 14, 1970 about fifty-seven percent (7,366) of the VA defined alcoholic patients were in VA GM&S hospitals and 43% (5,550) were in VA psychiatric hospitals (Appendix Table 13A). Figure IX compares the percentages of defined alcoholics in GMéS and psychiatric hospitals. The graph shows that among hospitals with less than 700 bed occupants 25.5 percent of the psychiatric hospital patients were defined alcoholics compared to only 14.3 percent of the GM&S hospital patients. Among hospitals with over 1,000 bed occupants the percentage of defined alcoholics is approximately the same in GM&S hospitals (17.1%) as it is in psychiatric hospitals (16.7%). Data from Table 13A were used in Figure X to show the percentage of de- fined alcoholics in each age group that were hospitalized in VA psychiatric hospitals. Note that a large proportion of the defined alcoholics over age 65 are in psychiatric hospitals. 14 SI FIGURE VII PERCENTAGE OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND PROBLEM DRINKERS IN EACH PERIOD OF SERVICE THAT WERE IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 25.0 percent of the 47,566 World War 11 patients in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 were either alcoholics or problem drinkers. PERCENT (17,311) 20.2 TOTAL WWI WWII KOREA VIETNAM OTHER (85,550). (15,218) 4 (#73556) . (9,190), (6,618) (6,918) . p F W (DATA FROM APPENDIX TABLE 6 ) 91 FIGURE VIII PERCENTAGE OF DEFINED AUIOHOLICS AND PROBLEM DRINKERS IN EACH COMPENSATION AND PENSION STATUS CATEGORY IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 PERCENT 25.6 percent of all patients in the C&P Status category of NSC/SC were 1:0 either defined alcoholics or problem drinkers. ‘Does not indicate that the service- oonnected condition is alcoholism 30 (2,586) 5. (17,311) 20 20. 10 6‘ so NSC NSC NSC NON TOTAL OVER UNDER SC 0N VA COMP. ON VA CLAIM VETS. 10% 10% ROLLS PEN.R0LLS PENDING Total Census (85,550) (18,392) (995)- (10,068) _ (595) (27,176) (1,517) (26,2h4) (56;) t' t " “ ’ ' *1 Pa len S COMPENSATION AND PENSION STATUS (DATA FROM APPLRDIX TABLE 5) FIGURE IX NUMBER AND PERCENT OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA GM&S AND PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 PERCENT OF BED OCCUPANTS THAT ARE DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 30 25 20 VVCO< 00000 ~09... 00000 00001 90090 15 60004 00090 90004 00009 00900 0000. 00000 ’90.. 00000 vooor 00000 ’6909‘ 00000 ’90991 0900. >OOOO1 3&3?” 3&3” 0000 5 ‘ ' o % o m Psych. Hospitals Hospitals G168 Hospitals 25.5 percent of the patients in VA psychiam'c hospitals with less than 700 bed occupants were defined alcoholics. (1,052) 17.1 16.7 -¢-’C-I.‘IC-ICIIC-lI-I-Ii-IC- d- q-s-n (Data from Appendix Table 1) Number of Bed Occupants in VA GMézS and Psychiatric Hospitals on October 14, 1970. 81 PERCENT 20- 10.. UEEDE'R 35 FIGURE X PERCENTAGE OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN EACH AGE GROUP WHO WERE IN VA PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14,1970 Over 40 percent of all defined alcoholics were patients in VA psychiatric hospitals. 55-65 65-75 ' 75- OVER (DATA FROM APPENDIX TABLE 13) Figure XI depicts the percentage of defined alcoholics in VA psychiatric hospitals within category of C&P status. About eight percent of the defined alcoholics in GM&S hospitals have a service-connected disability greater than ten percent, compared to 19.3 percent of the de- fined alcoholics in psychiatric hospitals (Appendix Table 14B). The vast majority of defined alcoholics in both GM&S and psychiatric hospitals are World War II veterans (Appendix Table 15). The defined alcoholics in GM&S and psychiatric hospitals have similar distributions among the period of service categories. Appendix Table 16 shows the comparative bed section distribution of de- fined alcoholics in GM&S and psychiatric hospitals. J. Type of Non-Hospital Care Required Among Defined Alcoholics Who Were in Maximum Hospital Benefit Status on October 14, 1970 Over 2,600 defined alcoholic patients were classified as Maximum Hospital Benefit (Summary Table III). About 2,200 of these patients were in MHB status between 1 and 30 days. Summary Table II shows that over fifty percent (1,132) of the defined alcoholic MHB patients required some form of outpatient care (medical or psychiatric). The remaining alcoholic MHB patients required other types of non-hospital care such as nursing home care, residence care, etc. K. Principal and Associated Diagnosis of Defined Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers Appendix Tables 17 through 27 describe the distribution of defined alcoholics and problem drinkers within diagnostic categories. The diagnostic categories utilized in this report are the 17 broad diagnostic headings that comprise the ICDA 120 recode. The diagnostic tables are preSented in conjunction with other patient characteristics including age, bed section, period of service, and compensation and pension status. Tables 17 through 23 pertain to the principal diagnosis (the diagnosis primarily responsible for the patients length of stay in the hospital) of defined alcoholics and problem drinkers in VA hospitals on October 14, 1970. Tables 24 through 27 are concerned with the associated diagnosis (any established diagnosis for Which treatment was given, other than the principal diagnosis) of defined alcoholic patients only. Since much of the information in these tables pertaining to age, bed section, period of service, and C&P status has been discussed in previous sections of this report, no further analysis regarding these characteristics will be presented. Almost seventy percent (8,909) of the defined alcoholic patients had a principal diagnosis in the Mental Disorder Category (Table 178). The Mental Disorder Category is subdivided into (a) Alcoholic Psychosis, (b) Alcoholism, and (c) Other Mental Disorders. More than half (5,070) of the alcoholics in the Mental Disorder Category, or forty percent of the total defined alcoholic population, had a principal diagnosis of Alcoholism l9 OZ PERCENT 70 p 60 _ 20- FIGURE XI PERCENTAGE OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN EACH C&P STATUS WHO WERE RECEIVING TREATMENT IN A VA PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 * TOTAL SC OVER 10% sc UNDER 10% 63.7 percent of the defined alcoholics receiving treatment for a service-connected disability over 10% were in VA psychiatric hospitals. (1 ;897) NSC/ ’ ' NSC use NSC ' use NO SC COMP. VA CLAIM COMP. ROLLS PENDING W *Does not indicate that the service-connected condition 'is a'lconolism. (DATA PM! APPENDIX TAN-314) (ICDA 303) or Alcoholic Psychosis (ICDA 291). The remaining alcoholics in this group were classified as having "other mental disorders." Over ten percent of the defined alcoholics had a principal diagnosis in the Diseases of the Digestive System category which includes diagnoses re- lated to alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Appendix Table 21 indicates that fifty-five percent (2,435) of the problem drinker patients were concentrated in the Mental Disorder category. The percentage distribution within the 17 broad diagnostic headings is approximately the same for problem drinker patients as it is for defined alcoholics. Fifty-eight percent (7,533) of the defined alcoholics compared to forty-five percent of the non-alcoholic patients had an associated diag- nosis in addition to their principal diagnosis (see Figure I). The per- centage distribution of defined alcoholics within the associated diagnostic groups closely resembles their distribution among principal diagnostic groups, in that most of the associated diagnoses are concen- trated in the Mental Disorder and Diseases of the Digestive System categories (Appendix Table 24). 21 LITERATURE CITED 1. Hartman, C. H., A Structured Treatment Program for Alcoholics. Hospital Community Psychiatry Vol. 22, 179-82, June 1971. 2. Hart, W. F., The Treatment of Alcoholism in a Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center. American Journal of Psychiatrys‘Vol. 126, p. 1275-81. March 1970. 3. Jellinek, E. M., The Disease Concept of Alcoholism. Highland Park, NJ: Hillhouse Press, 1960. 4. Knox, W. J., Four-Year Follow-up of Veterans Treated on a Small Alcoholism Treatment Ward. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Vol. 33, p. 105-10, March 1972. 5. McCourt, W. F., Williams, A. F., Schneider, L., Incidence of Alcoholism in a State Mental Hospital Population. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Vol. 32, p. 1085-8. Dec. 1971. 6. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Alcohol and Alcoholism, DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 72-9127, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office; Washington, DC 20402. 7. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Alcohol and Health, DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 73-9031, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. 8. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 73-9020, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. 9. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Public Service Campaign, DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 73-9087. 1973. 10. National Institute of Mental Health, Utilization of Psychiatric Facilities by Persons Diagnosed With Alcohol Disorders, DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 73-9114, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. 11. Report on Veterans Administration Activities, Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs, Senate Committee Print No.'s l6 and 23 , 1972-1973. 12. First special report to the 0.5. Congress on Alcohol and Health from DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 72-9099 Revised. 13. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Problems, Programs and Progress, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. DHEW Publication No. (HSM) 72-9127 Revised 1972. 22 82 SUMMARY TABLE I ‘ Total Number of Discharges from VA Hospitals and Number and Percent With a Diagnosis of Alcoholism 1/ Fiscal Years 1971 - 1973 All VA Hospitals VA Psychiatric Hospitals VA GM&S Hospitals Total Discharges Discharges Discharges Number of Discharges Number of Discharges Number of With Princi- With a With an Discharges With a Discharges With a Discharges pal or Principal Associated Principal Principal (All Associated Diagnosis Diagnosis Diagnosis Diagnosis Fiscal Diagnoses) Diagnosis of of of of of Year, Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism Alcoholism No. Z No. % No. Z Number No. % Number No. % 1971 742,853 116,012 15.6 60,579 8.2 55,433 7.4 82,050 17,906 21.8 660,803 42,673 6.5 1972 776,227 124,645 16.1 65,373 8.4 59,272 7.7 66,998 15,289 22.8 709,229 50,084 7.1 1973 812,537 143,889 17.7 78,397 9.6 65,492 8.1 72,125 19,387 26.9 740,413 59,010 8.0 1/ ICDA Alcoholism Codes - 291, Alcoholic psychosis; 303, alcoholism; 309.13 organic brain syndrome due to alcohol; 571.0, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver; and 980, toxic effect of alcohol. SUMMARY’TABLE II Results of 1970 VA Census Data on Alcoholic Patients in VA Hospitals on Oct. 14, 1970 Number Percent 1. Total Patients in VA Hospitals on 85.550 100.0% Oct. 14, 1970 2. Defined Alcoholic Patients 12,916 15.12 3. ....i Problem Drinkers 4,395 5.1% (excluding defined alcoholics) 4. .....Non-Prob1em Drinkers and Non- 58.224 68.1% Alcoholic Patients in VA Hospitals on Oct. 14‘ 1970 5. .....Patients with Unknown Alcoholic 10.015 11.7% Status 6. (1970 VA Census Question No. 12) . ..... Defined Alcoholic Patients 12,916 100.0% a. .... Alcoholics Who will require 5,492 42.5% further care after treatment for alcoholism b. ..... Alcoholics who will not 5,332 41.3% require further care after treatment for alcoholism c. ..... Alcoholics who are undeter- 2,092 16.2% mined as to need for further care after treatment for alcoholism 7. (1970 VA Census Question No. 13) ..... Defined Alcoholic Patients 12,916 100.0% a. ...... Alcoholics who would stop 2,299 17.8% drinking for 1 year if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program b. ...... Alcoholics who would not stop 5,759 44.6% drinking for 1 year if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program c. ..... Alcoholics who are undetermined 4,858 37.6% 24 as to rehabilitation potential SZ REQUIRED FOR DEFINED ALCOHOLICS WHO WERE MHB IN VA HOSPITALS ON OC'IOBER 11+, 1970 SUMMARY TABLE III NUMBER OF DAYS IN MHB STATUS AND TYPE OF RON-HOSPITAL INSTITUTIONAL CARE Need for Type of Non-Hospital Care Reguired Further Number Total Institu- of Days MEB tional in Alcoholic Skilled Personal Residence Outpatient Outpatient Other Care U HEB Status Patients Nursing Care Care (medical) (psychiatric) Care 1 - 3o 2,171+ 113 107 298 39h 651 611 SE 31 - 90 279 5a 25 96 2h 52 28 0 g 5: 91+ 183 55 10 97 11 -- 10 < 3% Unlmown 29 10 -- 9 -- -- 10 Total 2,665* 232 1&2 500 h29 703 659 g E 1 - 30 3A6 9h 50 68 kl 51 he H A §§§ 31 - 90 86 1+1 15 25 5 -- -- Z 0 ES 2‘ 91+ 86 as 5 31 -- -- 5 D: Z 32 a Unknown 5 5 -- -- -- -- -- E—' H 3g E Total 523 185 70 12k 1:6 51 1+7 E—I C 93 SUMMARY TABLE III- CONTINUED Type of NOn-Hospital Care Required Need for Further Number Total Institu- of Days MHB Skilled Personal Residence Outpatient Outpatient Other tional in Alcoholic Nursing Care Care (medical) (psychiatric) Carel/ MBB Status Patients Care g 1 - 3o 1, 3I+o 18 35 169 21k 1:68 1136 2.: 22 g 31 - 9o 1&9 8 5 56 5 1+7 28 853 8 :3 £2 :5 91+ 62 5 -- 111 11 -- 5 :3 ac)” g g g Unknown 15 5 -- 5 -- -- 5 A u E m “g; Total 1,555 36 110 271 230 515 2171+ 5 s 1 - 3o h87 -- 22 61 139 132 133 g 31 - 90 “5 5 5 16 1h 5 -_ C) 2 91+ 35 5 5 25 -- -- _- :3 Unknown 10 -- -- 5 -- -- 5 Total 577 10 32 107 153 137 138 *Includes Defined Alcoholics only ll Other than hospitalization after treatment for alcoholism APPENDIX A PART I. TABLES PERTAINING TO GENERAL POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND PROBLEM DRINKERS NOTE: IN THIS SERIES OF APPENDIX TABLES THOSE NUMBERED 2-16 HAVE AN A OR B AFTER THE NUMBER. A INDICATES PERCENTS ARE COMPUTED VERTICALLY AND B INDICATES PERCENTS ARE COMPUTED HORIZONTALLY. Table No. 1. 2. 7. Age Distribution and C&P Status of Alcoholic Patients in Individual VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Number and Percent of Patients in Each Age Group With One Diagnosis and More Than One Diagnosis for Defined Alcoholics and Non-Alcoholic Patients in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Age Distribution of Defined Alcoholics, Problem Drinkers and all Other Patients in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Attained Stay Distribution of Defined Alcoholics and Non-Alcoholics, and Bed Section of Defined Alcoholics, in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 C&P Status Distributed for Defined Alcoholics, Problem Drinkers, and all Other Patients in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Period of Service Distributed for Defined Alcoholics, Problem Drinkers, and all Other Patients in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Attained Stay Distributed by Need for Continued Hospitalization for Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Bed Section Distributed by Need for Continued Hospitalization for Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Need for Continued Hospitalization Distributed by Alcohol Rehabilitation Possibility for Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Page 30-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48—49 50-51 52-53 54-55 27 28 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Age Distributed by Alcohol Rehabilitation Possibility 56-57 for Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Period of Service Distributed by Alcohol Rehabilita- 58-59 tion Possibility for Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 C&P Status Distributed by Alcohol Rehabilitation 60-61 Possibility for Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Age Distribution by Type of Hospital for Defined 62-63 Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 C&P Status Distributed by Type of Hospital for 64-65 Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Period of Service Distributed by Type of Hospital 65'57 for Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Bed Section Distributed by Type of Hospital for 68-69 Defined Alcoholics in VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 PART II. TABLES PERTAINING TO PRINCIPAL AND ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND PROBLEM DRINKERS NOTE: FOR TABLES NUMBERED 17-26 THERE IS AN A, B, AND C TABLE. A GIVES NUMBERS ONLY, B GIVES PERCENTS VERTICALLYJ AND C PERCENTS HORIZONTALLY. Principal Diagnosis and Age of Defined Alcoholics 70-72 in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Principal Diagnosis and Period of Service of 73-75 Defined Alcoholics in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Principal Diagnosis and C&P Status of Defined 76'78 Alcoholics in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Principal Diagnosis and Bed Section of Defined 79'80 Alcoholics in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Principal Diagnosis and Age of Problem Drinkers in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Principal Diagnosis and Period of Service for Problem Drinkers in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Principal Diagnosis and C&P Status of Problem Drinkers in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Associated Diagnosis and Age of Defined Alcoholics in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Associated Diagnosis and Period of Service of Defined Alcoholics in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Associated Diagnosis and 0&P Status of Defined Alcoholics in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 Associated Diagnosis and Bed Section of Defined Alcoholics in All VA Hospitals on October 14, 1970 81-83 84-86 87-89 90-93 93-95 96-98 99-100 29 3; TABLE 1 TOTAL HOSPITAL CENSUS AND AGE DISTRIBUTION AND 082 STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER 0? DEFINED ALCOHOLIC PATIENTS IN SELECTEDL/ INDIVIDUAL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 Total Total Number of Defined Alco- VA Hospital Census in Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Name ll Selected 1] Alcoholics Under Connected 2/ Hospitals Number Z 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 10% or NSC/ Total . Mbre SC SC A11 VA Hospitals 78,394 12,445 15.8 708 2,384 5,621 2,815 657 260 1,669 1,840 3,603* VA Psychiatric Hospitals 29,149 5,359 18.4 316 994 2,381 1,199 341 128 1,040 686 1,790* VA GMES Hospitals 49,245 7,086 14.4 392 1,390 3,240 1,616 316 132 629 1,154 1,813* Psychiatric Hospitals Under 700 American Lake, WA 647 162 25.0 11 27 7o 49 5 - 16 16 32 Ft. Lyon, CO 571 212 37.1 24 34 96 53 5 - 19 43 62 Ft. Meade, SD 408 134 32.8 17 29 47 29 12 - 6 23 29 Gulfport, MS 546 64 11.7 - 11 37 16 - - 5 16 21 Northampton, MA 696 121 17.4 5 26 69 16 5 - 32 27 59 Palo Alto, CA 534 139 26.0 10 57 48 19 5 - 37 29 66 Roseburg, on 388 141 36.3 - 29 46 37 29 - 17 29 46 Sheridan, WY 340 79 23.2 6 17 39 6 11 - - 17 17 Psychiatric Hospitals 700-1000 Augusta, GA 903 127 14.1 - 21 80 16 5 5 27 - » 27 1/ Only VA Hospitals that reported 25 or more patients as defined alcoholics on October 14, 1970 are included in this table. '2/ Does not indicate that the service-connected condition is alcoholism. ;. Includes small number of patients with less than 10% service connection. TABLE 1 - Continued Total Total er O ne co- VA Hospital Census in Defined ‘ __Age Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Nane ll Selected ll Alcoholics __1 Under c°m¢°ted 2’ Hospitals Number 7. 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 107. or NSC] Total More SC SC Bedford, MA 780 166 21.3 10 34 50 37 30 5 30 30 65 * Brecksville, OH 823 180 21.9 10 43 81 42 4 - 19 19 $538 Brockton, m 883 224 25.4 19 48 118 29 10 - 48 55 103 Knoxville, IA 794 92 11.6 10 10 24 29 14 5 14 10 24 Los 1.3., CA (Brent) 756 163 21.6 21 21 74 26 5 16 42 37 79 Hurfreesboro, 11' 975 125 12.8 5 30 50 20 10 10 25 10 35 Pittsburgh, PA 645 821 110 13.4 - - 80 13 13 ' 4 34 4 42 * Salisbury, me 832 151 18.2 - 25 81 30 15 - 66 15 86 * St. Cloud, MN 935 105 11.2 5 15 45 20 10 10 .5 15 Tomh, WI 735 168 22.9 - 22 38 81 22 5 32 - 32 Topeka, RS 710 108 15.2 9 32 39 23 5 - 9 - 9 Tuscaloosa, AL 716 138 19.3 5 30 68 30 5 - 10 10 30 * Manic Hospita_l_sMore Than 1000 Battle Creek, MI 1,209 257 21.3 11 37 161 37 11 - 70 32 107 * Cananadaigua, NY 1,065 202 19.0 5 20 89 42 41 5 41 36 88 * :3 * Includes small number of patients with less than 107. service connection. ZS TABLE 1 - Continued Total Total Number of Defined Alco— VA Hospital Census in Defined A e Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Name y Selected l/ALEML. Under Connected _2_/ Hospitals Number Z 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 10% or NSC/ Total More SC SC Chillicothe, DR 1,502 238 15.9 9 42 89 89 9 - 38 19 66* Coatesville, PA 1,350 219 16.2 15 37 101 47 9 10 68 24 92 Downey, IL 1,885 347 18.4 25 54 141 87 25 15 44 28 77* Little Rock, AR 1,076 200 18.6 17 51 86 4O 6 - 28 51 79 Lyons, NJ 1,468 138 9.4 5 44 49 20 10 10 39 20 64* Marion, IN 1,203 219 18.2 23 28 89 56 - 23 14 20 34 Montrose, NY 1,378 246 17.6 24 49 94 74 - 5 89 - 94* Perry Point, MD 1,006 150 14.9 - 35 60 50 5 - 35 20 55 Waco, TX 1,214 234 19.3 15 36 142 36 5 - 76 41 117 VA GM&S Hospitals Under 400 Albuquerque, NM 379 33 8.7 5 - 14 14 - - 5 5 10 Alexandria, LA 339 36 10.6 - 12 18 6 - - - - - Baltimore, MD 255 37 14.5 - 14 18 5 1 - - - 5* Clarksburg, WV 189 47 24.9 12 4 22 9 - - 7 14 21 Columbia, SC 327 53 16.2 - 14 34 5 - - 5 7 12 Denver, CO 350 59 16.9 5 5 20 29 - - - 24 24 * Includes small number of patients with less than 10% service connection. TABLE 1 - Continued Total Total ' Number of Defined Alco- VA Hospital Census in Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Name ll Selected 1] Alcoholicg___mUn er Connected ;/ Hospitals Number 1 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 10% or NSC/ Total More SC SC Dublin, GA 374 26 7 7.0 - 4 13 9 - - - 4 4 Fargo, ND 198 27 13.6 - - 5 22 - - - 11 11 Fayetteville, NC 339 49 14.5 - 9 34 - 6 - - 11 11 Ft. Howard, MD 235 35 14.9 - 15 5 ' 15 - - - - - Ft. Wayne, IN 156 29 18.6 - - 14 10 5 - - 10 10 Fresno, CA 246 27 11.0 - 6 16 5 - - - 5 5 Hot Springs, SD 210 42 20.0 5 14 18 - 5 - - 5 5 Huntington, WV 156 39 25.0 - - 17 11 ~ 11 - 11 11 Iowa City, IA 370 34 9.2 - 10 10 14 - - - l9 l9 Kerrville, TX ‘ 278 35 12.6 - 13 13 9 - - - 13 13 Lake City, FL 324 51 15.7 - - 37 9 - 5 5 l4 19 Lincoln, NE 159 30 18.9 4 4 22 - - - - 4 4 Little Rock, AR 387 42 10.9 - 9 14 14 5 - - 5 5 Livermore, CA 293 52 17.8 - - 26 26 - - - 4 13* Louisville, KY 382 116 20.3 - 40 56 20 - - 9 15 24 t: * Includes small number of patients with less than 10% service connection. '7‘: TABLE 1 - Continued Total Total umber o’f— Defined A1co-_ VA Hospital Camus in Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Name _1_/ Selected y Alcoholics m Connected 2] Hospitals m- 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 101 or use] Total lbre SC SC Madison, WI 341 58' 17.0 9 15 14 15 s - - 29 29 Manchester, m 140 ."29 20.7 5 - 10 14 - - - 19 19 Montgomery, AL 227 . 29 12.8 - 6 11 6 6 - - 17 17 Newington, cr 180 36 20.0 - 21 5 10 - - - - - Oklahoma City, 01: 384 .38 9.9 - 5 14 19 - ' - - - - Omaha, m: 360 46 12.8 9‘ — 28 5 - 4 9 - 9 Phoenix, AZ 204 45 22.0 3 9 26 7 - - 8 - 8 Prescott, AZ 205 30 14.6 - 5 15 10 - - 5 S 10 Providence, RI 336 50 14.9 - 13 29 7 8 - - - 9 9 Sagloow, MI 7 188 25 13.3 - 5 - 10 5 5 - 5 5 Son Fernando, CA 307 40 13.0 6 11 6 17 - - 6 - 6 Seattle, WA 270 33 12.2 - - 26 7 - ~ - - - Sioux Falls, 80 226 33 16.9 - 12 12 14 - - - 17 17 Syracuse, NY 349 29 8.3 - 5 14 5 5 - - 15 15 Tucson, AZ 246 34 13.8 - - 21 4 9 - 4 - 4 TABLE 1 - Continued Total Total Number of Defined Alco- VA Hospital Census in Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Name ll Selected ll Alcoholics 'Under Connected 2/ Hospitals umbel 7. 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 102 or use] Total More SC SC Vancouver, WA 275 48 17.5 - 21 11 ll 5 - - ll 11 Walla Walla, WA 180 35 19.4 - - 10 25 - - - 5 5 White River Jet, VT 156 28 18.0 - 4 10 14 - - 4 9 13 Wilmington, DE 264 46 17.4 - 17 23 6 - ~ - - - VA w Bosnitals 400-700 Allen Park, 141 581 101 17.4 s 32 54 - 5 5 - 22 22 7 Atlanta, GA 452 93 20.6 19 10 44 10 10 - - 5 ‘5 Bay Pines, FL 646 77 11.9 - 5 ‘ 41 26 5 - 19 11 30 Birmingham, AL 405 71 17.5 9 18 39 5 - - 7 23 30 Boston, MA 679 70 10.3 6 9 41 5 9 - 24 - 24 Chicago, IL (w.s.) 519 93 17.9 26 15 37 15 - - 11 5 22* Chicago, IL (Res) 427 89 20.8 s 31 43 5 5 - - 5 5 Cleveland, on 700 91 13.0 5 36 32 18 - - 5 14 19 Dallas, 13x 645 50 7.8 - - 34 11 - 5 5 16 21 3 Dayton, on 665 95 14.3 9 ' 9 4o 22 11 4 4 11 15 9E TABLE 1 - Continued Total Total Number of Defined Alco- VA Hospital Census in Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Name ll Selected y Alcoholics Under Connected 2/ Hospitals Number 72 35 35-44. 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 10% or 1180/ Total re SC SC Portland, OR 468 74 15.8 - 16 58 - - - 5 21 26 Salt Lake City, UT 531 92 17.3 - 24 42 14 6 6 4 8 12 San Juan, PR 566 46 8.1 5 5 31 5 - - S 21 26 Sepulveda, CA 644 135 21.0 ~ 33 65 23 14 - 24 23 47 Shreveport, LA ' 417 38 9.1 - s 27 - 6 - - 16 16 Temple, TX 598 40 6.7 12 11 11 6 - - 11 6 17 Wadsworth, KS 533 79 14.8 11 17 31 15 - 5 - 6 6 Washington, D.C. 639 81 12.7 - 19 47 15 - - 15 5 20 West Haven, CT 575 78 13.6 - 15 48 10 5 - 14 - l4 Wilkes-Barre, PA 444 98 22.1 11 33 16 38 - - 5 11 16 Wood, w: 689 74 _ 10.7 6 I - 34 28 6 - 6 11 17 VA GM&S Hospitals 700-1000 Albany, NY 717 105 14.6 3 14 54 20 11 3 3 17 26 -k Bronx, NY 863 84 9.7 5 14 - 28 . 32 5 - 12 33 45 * Includes samll number of patients with less than 10% service connection. TABLE 1 - Continued VA Hospital Total Census in Total Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics Number of Defined Alco- holics Who Are Service- Name ll Selected l/ Alcoholics Under Connected 2/ Hospitals Numbe . 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+'IO% or NSC/ Total ' More SC SC Durham, NC 451 36 8.0 - 6 20 5 5 - - 6 6 Gainesville, FL 410 47 11.5 - - 42 5 - - 9 - 9 Hampton, VA 485 68 14.0 - 5 39 5 5 14 4 9 13 Indianapolis, IN 521 79 15.2 - 5 59 10 5 - 8 18 26 Jackson, MS 429 25 5.8 - 10 10 5 - - - - - Kansas City, MD 421 54 12.8 6 16 16 16 - - - 11 11 Lexing ton , KY 602 169 28 . 1 5 46 87 25 - 6 10 47 52* Los Ang, CA (WAD) 542 71 13.1 - 10 26 29 6 - 3 19 22 Martinez, CA 422 54 12.8 4 5 20 16 9 - 4 - 4 Martinsburg, WV 587 94 16.0 - 4 20 55 5 10 - 15 15 Nashville, TN 423 40 9.5 5 5 20 5 5 - - 5 5 New Orleans, LA 511 93 18.2 17 15 26 35 - - 11 10 21 Oteen, NC 493 47 9.5 - 9 38 - - - 4 5 9 Palo Alto, CA (PA) 679 101 14.9 12 22 35 20 12 - 25 8 33 Philadelphia, PA 428 58 13.6 - 19 29 10 - - - 10 10 Pittsburgh, PA 646 617 67 10.7 - 18 31 12 - 6 6 18 24 * Include small number of patients with less than 10% service connection. 88 mm 1 - Continued Total Total Number of Defined Alco- VA Hospital Census in 7 Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics 11°11“ Who Are Service- Name ll Selected ll AlcoholiL'i-Inder Connected 2] Hospitals Number 1 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 101 or NSC, Total - mic SC SC Brooklyn, NY 796 85 10.7 10 10 35 30 - - - 15 15 Buffalo, NY 818‘ 161 19.7 - 31 74 42 7 7 21 29 50 East Orange, NJ 820 110 13.4 6 ' 27 62 15 - - 11 5 16 Lebanon, PA 819 113 13.8 9 34 37 14 19 - 38 9 46‘: Manphis, TN 795 102 12.8 18 13 49 18 4 - 4 27 31 Miami, FL 605 112 18.5 18 22 22 41 4 5 44 28 77* Minneapolis, MN 793 113 14.3 - 21 68 18 6 - 3 27 30 New York, NY 952 64 6.7 10 15 22 11 6 - 10 11 21 Northport, NY 912 67 7.4 - 21 10 21 15 - 21 - 26‘ Richllnnd, VA 746 37 5.0 - 16 16 5 - - - 5 5 Salem, VA 950 132 13.9 10 34 68 20 - - 19 19 38 Togus, ME 776 205 26.4 5 35 90 60 10 5 10 15 25 VA cuss Hospitals More Than 1000 Danville, IL 1,299 373 28.7 5 42 207 114 5 - 43 46 89 Hines, IL 1,152 173 15.0 5 33 91 34 10 - 19 20 39 * Includes small number of patients with less than 107. service connection. 69 TABLE 1 - Concluded Total Total Number of Defined Alco- VA Hospital Census in Defined Age Distribution of Alcoholics holics Who Are Service- Name 1] Selected ll Alcoholics Under Connected ;/ Hospitals Number Z 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 10% or NSC/ Total More SC SC Houston, TX 1,131 146 12.9 16 42 60 23 - 5 18 14 32 Long Beach, CA 1,486 182 12.3 5 29 88 45 10 5 5 39 i 44 St. Louis, MO 1,155 194 16.8 16 43 58 61 5 ll 13 43 56 Tuskegee, AL 1,032 144 14.0 10 34 57 29 9 5 20 9 29 ll Only VA Hospitals that reported 25 or more patients as defined alcoholics on October 14, 1970 are included in this table. 07 TABLE 2A £811MAIED NUMBER AND PERCENT OF PATIENTS IN EACH AGE GROUP WITH ONE DIAGNOSIS AND MORE THAN ONE DIAGNOSIS FOR DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970' (PERCENTS VERTICAL) ALL OTHER PATIENTS PATIENTS DEFINED AS (1.6..PATIENTS NOT DEFINED AS ALCOHOLICS) ALCOHOLICS ONE MORE THAN ONE MORE THAN AGE GROUP TOTAL DIAGNOSIS ONE DIAGNOSIS TOTAL DIAGNOSIS ONE DIAGNOSIS TOTAL VA CENSUS 72,634 39,708 32,926 12,916 5,383 7,533 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 UNDER 35 8,219 6,028 2,191 716 368 348 Percent 11.3 15.2 6.8 5.5 6.9 4.6 35 - 44 10,292 7,288 3,004 2,430 1,109 1,321 Percent 14.2 18.4 9.1 18.8 20.6 17.5 45 - 54 21,653 13,121 8,532 5,878 2,475 3,403 Percent 29.8 33.0 25.9 45.5 46.0 45.2 55 - 64 13,094 6,465 6,629 2,941 1,084 1,857 Percent 18.0 16.3 20.1 22.8 20.1 24.7 65 & OVER 19,305 6,806 12,499 945 341 604 Percent 26.6 17.1 38.0 7.3 6.3 8.0 NOT STATED ' 71 - 71 6 6 - Percent 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 1‘7 ESTIMATED NUMBER AND PERCENT OF PATIENTS IN EACH AGE GROUP WITH ONE DIAGNOSIS AND MORE THAN ONE DIAGNOSIS FOR DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) ALL OTHER PATIENTS AU? PATIENTS DEFINED AS (1.9..PATIENTS NOT DEFINED AS ALGONOLIGS) ALCOHOLICS ONE NONE THAN ONE MORE THAN AGE GROUP TOTAL DIAGNOSIS ONE DIAGNOSIS TOTAL DIAGNOSIS ONE DIAGNOSIS TOTAL VA CENSUS 72,634 12,916 100.0 54.7 45.3 100.0 41.7 58.3 UNDER 35 8,219 716 100.0 73.3 26.7 100.0 51.4 48.6 35 - 44 10,292 2,430 100.0 70.8 29.2 100.0 45.6 54.4 45 - 54 21,653 5,878 100.0 60.6 39.4 100.0 42.1 57.9 55 - 64 13,094 2,941 100.0 49.4 50.6 100.0 36.9 63.1 65 & OVER 19,305 945 100.0 35.3 64.7 100.0 36.1 63.9 NOT STATED 71 6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 27 TABLE 3A AGE DISTRIBUTION OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, PROBLEM DRINKERS AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) UNDER 75 & NOT ALCOHOLIC STATUS TOTAL 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 OVER STATED TOTAL VA HOSPITAL CENSUS 85,550 8,935 12,722 27,531 16,035 8,359 11,891 77 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 1,297 3,314 7,592 3,756 896 438 8 PROBLEM DRINKERS ' Percent 20.2 14.5 26.0 27.6 23.5 10.7 3.7 10.4 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 716 2,430 5,878 2,941 671 274 6 Percent 15.1 8.0 19.1 21.4 18.3 8.0 2.3 7.8 PROBLEM DRL'KERS 4 ,395 581 884 1 , 714 825 225 164 2 Percent 5.1 6.5 6.9 6.2 5.1 2.7 1.4 2.6 ALL OTHERS 68,239 7,633 9,408 19,939 12,269 7,463 11,453 69 Percent 79.8 85.5 74.0 72.4 76.5 89.3 96.3 89.6 £7 TABLE 3B AGE DISTRIBUTION OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, PROBLEM DRINKERS AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) UNDER 75 & N ALCOHOLIC STATUS TOTAL 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 OVER STATED TOTAL VA HOSPITAL CENSUS 85,550 8,935 12,722 27,531 16,035 8,359 11,891 77 Percent 100.0 10.4 14.9 32.2 18.7 9.8 13.9 0.1 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 1,297 3,314 7,592 3,766 896 1 438 8 PROBLEM DRINKERS ’ Percent 100.0 7.5 19.1 43.9 21.7 5.2 2.5 0.1 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 716 2,430 5,878 2,941 671 274 6 Percent 100.0 5.5 18.8 45.5 22.8 5.2 2.1 0.1 PROBLEM DRINKERS 4,395 581 884 1,714 825 225 164 2 Percent 100.0 13.2 20.1 39.0 18.8 5.1 3.7 0.1 ALL OTHERS 68,239 7,638 9,408 19,939 12,269 7,463 11,453 69 Percent 100.0 11.2 13.8 29.2 18.0 10.9 16.8 0.1 77 TABLE 4A ATTAINED STAY DISTRIBUTION OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS SHOWING BED SECTION OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) UP TO 1-6 6 MONTHS 1 YEAR MORE THAN BED SECTION TOTAL 1 MONTH MONTHS TD 1 YEAR TO 5 YEARS 5 YEARS TOTAL CENSUS 85,550 34,804 22,494 5,085 10,311 12,856 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 5,672 4,240 827 1,471 706 Percent 15.1 16.3 18.8 16.3 14.3 5.5 ALL OTHER 72,634 29,132 18,254 4,258 8,840 12,150 Percent 84.9 83.7 81.2 83.7 85.7 94.5 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 5,672 4,240 827 1,471 706 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 TB 510 139 280 42 38 11 Percent 3.9 2.5 6.6 5.1 2.6 1.6 MEDICAL 3,926 2,515 1,065 154 177 15 Percent 30.4 44.3 25.1 18.6 12.0 2.1 SURGICAL 911 562 290 20 35 4 Percent 7.1 9.9 6.9 2.4 2.4 0.6 PSYCHIATRIC 7,569 2,456 2,605 611 1,221 676 Percent 58.6 43.3 61.4 73.9 83.0 95.7 S? TABLE 43 ATTAINED STAY DISTRIBUTION OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS SHOWING BED‘V SECTION OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) UP TO 1-6 6 MONTHS 1 YEAR MORE THAN BED SECTION TOTAL 1 MONTH MONTHS TO 1 YEAR TO 5 YEARS 5 YEARS TOTAL CENSUS 85,550 Percent 100.0 40.7 26.3 5.9 12.1 15.0 ' DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 43.9 32.8 6.4 11.4 5.5 ALL OTHER 72,634 Percent 100.0 40.1 25.1 5.9 412.2 16.7 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent ' 100.0 43.9 32.8 6.4 11.4 5.5 TB 510 Percent 100.0 27.2 54.9 8.2 7.5 2.2 MEDICAL 3,926 Percent 100.0 64.1 27.1 3.9 4.5 0.4 SURGICAL 911 Percent 100.0 61.7 31.9 2.2 3.8 0.4 PSYCHIATRIC 7,569 Percent 100.0 32.4 34.5 8.1 16.1 8.9 9? TABLE 5A C&P STATUS DISTRIBUTED FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, PROBLEM DRINKERS, AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) NSC/ 3 ' NSC NC SC OVER SC UNDER NSC/ COMPEN- NSC/VA NSC CL COMPEN- NON- ALCOHOLIC STATUS TOTAL 10% 10% SC SATION ROLLS PENDING SATION VETS TOTAL CENSUS 85,550 18,392 995 10,068 595 27,176 1,517 26,244 563 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 2,703 162 2,586 96 4,457 441 6,829 37 PROBLEM DRINKERS Percent 20.2 14.7 16.3 25.6 16.1 16.4 29.1 26.0 6.6 ALL OTHER 68,239 15,689 833 7,482 499 22,719 1,076 19,415 526 Percent 79.8 85.3 83.7 74.4 83.9 83.6 70.9 74.0 93.4 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 2,703 162 2,586 96 4,457 441 6,829 37 PROBLEM DRINKERS Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 1,680 103 1,930 46 3,420 342 5,368 27 Percent 74.6 62.2 63.6 74.6 47.9 76.7 77.6 78.6 73.0 PROBLEM DRINKERS 4,395 1,023 59 656 50 1,037 99 1,461 10 Percent 25.4 37.8 36.4 25.4 52.1 23.3 22.4 21.4 27.0 L9 TABLE 5B C&P STATUS DISTRIBUTED FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, PROBLEM DRINKERS, AND ALL OTHER RNTIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14,1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) NSC/ NSC NO SC OVER SC UNDER NSC/ COMPEN- NSC/VA NSC CL COMPEN- NON- ALCOHOLIC STATUS TOTAL 10% 110% SC SATION ROLLS PENDING SATION VETS TOTAL CENSUS 85,550 Percent 100.0 21.5 1.2 11.8 0.7 31.7 1.8 30.7 0.6 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 PROBLEM DRINKERS Percent 100.0 15.6 0.9 14.9 0.6 25.8 2.5 39.5 0.2 ALL OTHER 68,239 Percent 100.0 23.0 1.2 11.0 0.7 33.3 1.6 28.4 0.8 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 PROBLEM DRINKERS Percent 100.0 15.6 0.9 14.9 0.6 25.8 2.5 39.5 0.2 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 13.0 0.8 14.9 0.4 26.5 2.6 41.6 0.2 PROBLEM DRINKERS 4,395 Percent 100.0 23.3 1.3 14.9 1.1 23.7 2.3 33.2 0.2 89 TABLE 6A PERIOD OF SERVICE DISTRIBUTED FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, PROBLEM DRINKBRS, AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14,1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) ALCOHOLIC STATUS TOTAL WWI WWII KOREA VIETNAM ALL OTHER TOTAL CENSUS 85,550 15,218 47,556 9,190 6,643 6,943 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 661 11,891 2,537 865 1,357 PROBLEM DRINKERS Percent 20.2 4.3 25.0 27.6 13.0 19.5 ALL OTHER 68,239 14,557 35,665 6,653 5,778 5,586 Percent 79.8 95.7 75.0 72.4 87.0 80.5 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 661 11,891 2,537 865 1,357 PROBLEM DRINRERS Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 426 9,147 1,907 494 ‘ 942 Percent 74.6 64.4 76.9 75.2 57.1 69.4 PROBLEM DRINKERS 4,395 235 2,744 630 371 415 Percent 25.4 35.6 23.1 24.8 42.9 30.6 TABLE GB PERIOD OF SERVICE DISTRIBUTED FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS, PROBLEM DRINKERS, AND ALL OTHER PATIENTS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) 69 ALCOHOLIC STATUS TOTAL WWI WWII KOREA VIETNAM ALL OTHER TOTAL CENSUS 85,550 Percent 100.0 17.8 55.6 10.7 7.8 8.1 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 PROBLEM DRINKERS Percent 100.0 3.8 68.7 14.7 5.0 7.8 ALL OTHER 68,239 Percent 100.0 21.3 52.3 9.7 8.5 8.2 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS & 17,311 PROBLEM DRINKERS Percent 100.0 3.8 68.7 14.7 5.0 7.8 DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 3.3 70.8 14.8 3.8 7.3 PROBLEM DRINKERS 4,395 Percent 100.0 5.4 62.4 14.3 8.4 9.5 OS TABLE 7A ATTAINED STAY DISTRIBUTED BY NEED FOR CONTINUED HOSPITALIZATION 1 FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 1.4, U170- (PERCENTS VERTICAL) NEED FOR CONTINUED DAYS HOSPITALIZATION 1/ TOTAL ZERO 1-30 31-180 181-365 366-1825 1826+ TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 406 5,266 4,240 827 1,471 706 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 WILL 5,492 114 1,457 1,732 509 1,140 540 Percent 42.5 28.1 27.7 40.9 61.5 77.5 76.4 WILL NOT 5,332 208 2,744 1,862 200 199 119 Percent 41.3 51.2 52.1 43.9 24.2 13.5 16.9 UNKNowN 2,092 84 1,065 646 118 132 47 Percent 16.2 20.7 20.2 15.2 14.3 9.0 6.7 I/ Need for continued hospitalization or institutional care for other conditions for alcoholism. after treatment IS AITAINED STAY DISTRIBUTED BY NEED ALCOHOLIC FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED TABLE 73 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) FOR CONTINUED HOSPITALIZATION 8 IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 NEED FOR CONTINUED DAYS HOSPITALIZATION ;/ TOTAL ZERO 1-30 31-180 181-365 366-1825 1826+ TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 3.1 40.8 32.8 6.4 11.4 5.5 WILL 5,492 Percent 100.0 2.1 26.5 31.5 9.3 20.8 9.8 wILL NOT 5,332 Percent 100.0 3.9 51.5 34.9 3.8 3.7 2.2 UNKNOWN 2,092 Percent 100.0 4.0 50.9 30.9 5.7 6.3 2.2 l/ Need for continued hospitalization or for alcoholism. institutional care for other conditions after treatment ZS TABLE 8A BED SECTION DISTRIBUTED BY NEED FOR CONTINUED HOSPITALIZATION FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) NEED FOR CONTINUED BED SECTION HOSPITALIZATION l/ . TOTAL TB MEDICAL SURGICAL PSYCHIATRIC TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 510 3,926 911 7,569 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 WILL 5,492 310 1,497 297 3,388 Percent 42.5 60.8 38.1 32.6 44.7 WILL NOT 5,332 127 1,618 334 3,253 Percent 41.3 24.9 41.2 36.7 43.0 UNKNOWN 2,092 73 811 280 928 Percent 16.2 14.3 20.7 30.7 12.3 Need for continued hospitalization for alcoholism. or institutional care for other conditions after treatment ES TABLE 83 BED SECTION DISTRIBUTED BY NEED FOR CONTINUED HOSPITALIZATION FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) NEED FOR CONTINUED BED SECTION HOSPITALIZATION 1/ — TOTAL TB MEDICAL SURGICAL PSYCHIATRIC TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 3.9 30.4 7.1 58.6 WILL 5,492 Percent 100.0 5.6 27.3 5.4 ' 61.7 WILL NOT 5,332 Percent 100.0 2.4 30.3 6.3 61.0 UNKNOWN 2,092 Percent 100.0 3.5 38.8 13.6 44.1 ll Need for continued hospitalization or institutional care for other conditions after treat- ment for alcoholism. 79 TABLE 9A NEED FOR CONTINUED HOSPITALIZATION DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) l ALCOHOL P~ NEED FOR CONTINUED HOSPITAL OR INSTITUTIONAL CARE 2/ REHABILITATION WILL REQUIRE WILL NOT CONTINUED POSSIBILITY l/ TOTAL CONTINUED REQUIRE CARE CARE CONTINUED CARE UNKNWN TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 5,492 5,332 2,092 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 WILL 2,299 645 1,353 - 301 Percent 17.8 11.8 25.3 14.4 WILL NOT 5,759 3,237 1,805 717 Percent 44.6 58.9 33.9 34.3 UNKNOWN 4,858 1,610 2,174 1,074 Percent 37.6 29.3 40.8 51.3 l/ Possibility that patient will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of time (1 year), if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. 2/ Need for continued hospitalization or institutional care for other conditions after treatment for alcoholism. GS NEED FOR CONTINUED HOSPITALIZATION DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION TABLE 93 POSSIBILITY FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 1h, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) NEED FOR CONTINUED HOSPITAL OR INSTITUTIONAL CARE 2/ ALCOHOL REHABILITATION WILL REQUIRE WILL NOT CONTINUED POSSIBILITY 1/ TOTAL CONTINUED REQUIRE CARE CARE CONTINUED CARE UNKNOWN TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 42.5 41.3 16.2 WILL 2,299 Bercent 100.0 28.1 58.8 13.1 WILL NOT 5,759 Percent 100.0 56.2 31.3 12.5 UNKNOWN 4,853 Percent 100.0 33.1 44.8 22.1 ..1/ Possibility that patient will stop or curtai1_drinking for a if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. 2] Need for continued hospitaliz for alcoholism. significant period of time (1 year), ation or institutional care for other conditiong after treatment 99 ACE DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSS TABLE 10A IBILI'I'Y FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) DEFINED AMOHOLICS ALCOHOL AGE REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY 1/ TOTAL UNDER 85 & NOT " 35 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 6S - 74 75 - 84 OVER STATED TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 716 2,430 5,878 2,941 671 269 5 6 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 WILL 2,299 170 568 1,067 415 63 16 --- --- Percent 17.8 23.7 23.4 18.2 14.1 9.4 5.9 --- --- WILL NOT 5,759 173 906 2,630 1,454 386 205 5 --- Percent 44.6 24.2 37.3 44.7 49.4 57.5 76.2 100.0 --- UNKNOWN 4,858 373 956 2,181 1,072 222 48 ’ --- 6 Percent 37.6 52.1 39.3 37.1 36.5 33.1 17.9 --- --- l/ Possibility that patient will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of time (1 year), if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. LS (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) TABLE 10B AGE DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY.FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 ALCOHOL AGE REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY ll TOTAL UNDER 85 & NOT 35 35 - 44 45 — 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 OVER STATED TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 5.5 18.8 45.5 22.8 5.2 2.1 0.0 0.1 WILL 2,299 Percent 100.0 7.4 24.7 46.4 18.1 2.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 WILL NOT 5,759 Percent 100.0 3.0 15.7 45.7 25.2 6.7 3.6 0.1 0.0 UNKNOWN 4,858 Percent 100.0 7.7 19.7 44.9 22.1 4.5 1.0 0.0 0.1 l/ Possibility that patient will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of time (1 year), if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. 7 - ' ‘ ' " 89 TABLE 11A PERIOD OF SERVICE DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) ALCOHOL PERIOD OF SERVICE REHABILITATION POST VIET- NOT pOSSIBILITY 1! TOTAL SP-AM WWI WWII PEACE KOREA KOREA NAM STATED TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 4 426 9,147 100 1,907 805 494 33 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 WILL 2,299 --- 21 1,551 10 400 187 130 --- Percent 17.8 --- 4.9 17.0 10.0 21.0 23.2 26.3 --- WILL NOT 5,759 4 312 4,220 56 791 276 90 10 Percent 44.6 100.0 73.2 46.1 56.0 41.5 34.3 18.2 30.3 UNKNOWN 4,858 --- 93 3,376 34 716 342 274 23 Percent 37.6 --- 21.8 36.9 34.0 37.5 42.5 55.5 69.7 ll' Possibility that patient will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. time (1 year), TABLE 113 PERIOD OF SERVICE DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) 6S ALCOHOL PERIOD OF SERVICE REHABILITATION POST VIET, NOT POSSIBILITY l/ TOTAL SP-AM WWI WWII PEACE KOREA KOREA NAM STATED TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 0.0 3.3 70.8 0.8 14.8 6.2 3.8 0.3 WILL 2,299 Percent 100.0 0.0 0.9 67.5 0.4 17.4 8.1 5.7 0.0 WILL NOT 5,759 Percent 100.0 0.1 5.4 73.2 1.0 13.7 4.8 1.6 0.2 UNKNOWN 4,858 Percent 100.0 0.0 1.9 69.6 0.7 14.7 7.0 5.6 0.5 ll Possibility that patient will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of time (1 year), if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. 09 TABLE 12A C&P STATUS DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENT VERTICAL) ALCOHOL COMPENSATION AND PENSION STATUS REHABILITATION NSC/ NSC NO POSSIBILITY 1/ SC OVER SC UNDER NSC/ COMPEN- NSC/VA NSC CL COMPEN- NON- TOTAL 10% 10% SC SATION ROLLS PENDING SATION VETS TOTAL DEFINED . ALCOHOLICS 12,916 1,680 103 1,930 46 3,420 342 5,368 27 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 WILL 2,299 207 5 370 15 390 34 1,278 --- Percent 17.8 12.3 4.9 19.2 32.6 11.4 9.9 23.8 0.0 WILL NOT, 5,759 953 55 813 --- 1,927 173 1,828 10 Percent 44.6 56.7 53.4 42.1 0.0 56.3 50.6 34.1 37.0 UNKNOWN 4,858 520 43 747 31 1,103 135 2,262 17 Percent 37.6 31.0 41.7 38.7 67.4 32.3 39.5 42.1 63.0 l/ Possibility that patient will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of time (1 year), if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. 19 TABLE 123 C&P STATUS DISTRIBUTED BY ALCOHOL REHABILITATION POSSIBILITY FOR ESTIMATED ‘ NUMBER OFIEEINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) ALCOHOL COMPENSATION AND PENSION STATUS POSSIBILITY l/ 30 OVER sc UNDER Nsc/ COMPEN- NSC/VA Nsc CL COMPEN- NON- TOTAL 10% 10% sc SATION ROLLS PENDING SATION VETS TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 , Percent 100.0 13.0 018 14.9 0.4 26.5 2.6 41.6 052 WILL 2,299 Percent 100.0 9.1 0.2 16.0 0.7 17.0 1.4 55.6 0.0 WILL NOT 5,759 Percent 100.0 16.5 1.0 14.1 0.0 33.5 3.0 31.7 0.2 UNKNOWN 4,858 Percent 100.0 10.7 0.9 15.4 0.6 22.7 2.8 46.6 0.3 l] Possibility that patient will stop or curtail drinking for a significant period of time (1 year), if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. Z9 TABLE 13A AGE DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) AGE TYPE OF HOSPITAL TOTAL UNDER 75 & 35 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 OVER TULAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 716 2,430 5,878 2,941 671 280 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 VA GM&S 7,366 396 1,400 3,420 1,692 311 147 Percent 57.0 55.3 57.6 58.2 57.5 46.3 52.5 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 320 1,030 2,458 1,249 360 133 Percent 43.0 44.7 42.4 41.8 42.5 53.7 47.5 TABLE 133 AGE DISTRIBUTION BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) £9 AGE TYPE OF HOSPITAL TOTAL UNDER 75 & 35 35 — 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 OVER TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 716 2,430 5,878, 2,941 671 280 Percent 100.0 5.5 18.8 45.5 22.8 5.2 2.2 VA GM&S 7,366 Percent 100.0 5.4 19.0 46.4 23.0 4.2 2.0 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 Percent 100.0 5.8 18.6 44.3 22.5 6.5 2.3 79 TABLE 14A C&P STATUS DISTRIBUTED BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) COMPENSATION AND PENSION STATUS TYPE OF HOSPITAL NSC/ NSC No SC OVER SC UNDER NSC/ COMPEN- NSC/VA Nsc CL COMPEN- NON- TOTAL 10% 10% SC SATION ROLLS PENDING SATION VETS TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 1,680 103 1,930 46 3,420 342 5,368 27 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 VA CMSS 7,366 609 34 1,224 31 1,756 214 3,471 27 Percent 57.0 36.3 33.0 63.4 67.4 51.3 62.6 64.7 100.0 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 1,071 69 706 15 1,664 128 1,897 --- Percent 43.0 63.7 67.0 36.6 32.6 48.7 37.4 35.3 0.0 99 TABLE 1415 CG? STATUS DISTRIBUTED BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) COMPENSATION AND PENSION STATUS l TYPE OF HOSPITAL 1 NSC/ NSC N0 30 OVER 30 UNDER _ NSC/ COMPEN- NSC/VA NSC CL COMPEN- NON- TOTAL 10% 10% so -SATION ROLLS PENDING SATION VETS TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 13.0 0.8 14.9 0.4 26.5 2.6 41.6 0.2 VA GEES 7,366 Percent 100.0 8.3 0.5 16.6 0.4 23.8 2.9 47.1 0.4 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 Percent 100.0 19.3 1.2 12.7 0.3 30.0 2.3 34.2= 0.0 99 TABLE 15A PERIOD OF SERVICE DISTRIBUTED BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF (PERCENTS VERTICAL) DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 PERIOD OF SERVICE TYPE OF HOSPITAL POST- ' ‘1'"VIET7- NOT TOTAL SP-AM WWI WWII PEACE KOREA KOREA NAM J'STATED TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 4 426 9,147 100 1,907 805 .— 4934 _. 33 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0,; 100.0 VA GMéS 7,366 4 206 5,278 33 1,095 424 293 33 Percent 57.0 100.0 48.4 57.7 33.0 57.4 52.7 59.3 100.0 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 --- 220 3,869 67 812 381 201 --- Percent 43.0 0.0 51.6 42.3 = 67.0 42.6 47.3 40.7 0.0 L9 TABLE 15B PERIOD OF SERVICE DISTRIBUTED BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IE VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) TYPE OF HOSPITAL PERIO?_OF SERVICE { ‘ POST VIET- NOT TOTAL SP-AM WWI WWII PEACE KOREA KOREA NAM STATED TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 . Percent 100.0 0.0 3.3 70.8 0.8 14.8 6.2 3.8 0.3 VA GM&S 7,366 Percent 100.0 0.1 2.8 71.6 0.4 14.9 5.8 4.0 0.4 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 Percent 100.0 0.0 4.0 69.7 1.2 14.6 6.9 3.6 0.0 89 BED SECTION DISTRIBUTED BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14 TABLE 16A (PERCENTS VERTICAL) 1970 TYPE OF HOSPITAL BED SECTION TOTAL TB MEDICAL SURGICAL PSYCHIATRIC TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 510 3,926 911 7,569 Percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 VA GM&S 7,366 450 3,619 876 2,421 Percent 57.0 88.2 92.2 96.2 32.0 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 60 307 35 5,148 Percent 43.0 11.8 7.8 3.8 68.0 69 TABLE 16B BED SECTION DISTRIBUTED BY TYPE OF HOSPITAL FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) BED SECTION TOTAL TB MEDICAL SURGICAL PSYCHIATRIC TOTAL DEFINED ALCOHOLICS 12,916 Percent 100.0 3.9 30.4 7.1 58.6 VA GM&S 7,366 Percent 100.0 6.1 49.1 11.9 32.9 VA PSYCHIATRIC 5,550 Percent 100.0 1.1 5.5 0.6 92.8 0L PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS Il_ TABLE 17A ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1990 Under 85 & Principal Diagnosis Total 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 Over Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 716 2,430 5,373 2,961 671 269 11 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 531 40 122 277 116 21 5 - Neoplasms 157 - - 81 56 20 - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 137 9 15 66 37 10 - - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 35 - 21 9 5 - - - Mental Disorders 8.969 547 1,716 4,015 1,920 511 195 5 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1,308 14 68 549 495 149 33 - (b) Alcoholism 3,762 260 908 1,787 666 111 30 - (c) Other Mental Disorders 3,839 273 740 1,679 759 251 132 5 Dis. of Nervrs. a} Sense Organs 261 20 44 106 65 16 10 - Dis. of Circ. System 392 - 36 153 142 32 29 - Dis. of Resp. System 204 - 35 97 47 20 - Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 46 270 691 307 20 9 6 Dis. of Genitourinary System 91 - 19 42 20 S 5 - Dis. of Skin 5. Subc. Tissue 123 10 21 63 29 - - - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 85 5 20 36 24 - - - Congenital Deformities 10 - - - 5 5 - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 194 10 45 93 40 - 6 - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 20 - - 10 10 - - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 368 29 66 139 118 ll 5 - 11. TABLE 173 PRIMIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS ,IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) Under 85 & Principal Diagnosis Total 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 Over Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 716 2.430 5,878 2.941 57'1 269 11 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 4.5 5.6 5.0 4.7 3.9 3.1 1.9" _ Neoplasms 1.2 __ _ 1.4 1.9 3.0 _ _ Endocrine, Nutr. 8: Metab. Diseases 1.1 1.3 0.6 1.1 1.3 1.5 _ __ Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 0.3 _ 0.9 0.2 0.2 u___ __ _ Mental Disorders 69.0 76.4 70.6 68.3 65.3 76,2 72.5 45.5- (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 10.1 ‘ 2.0 2.8 9.3 16.8 22.2 12.3 _ (b) Alcoholism 29.1 ’ 36.3} 37.4 30.4 22.6 16.5 11.2 (c) Other Mental Disorders 29.7 38.1 30.5 28.6 25.8 37.4 49.1 45-5 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 2-0 2.8 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.4 3.7 _ Dis. of Circo System. 3.0 _ 1.5 2.6 4.8 4.8 10.7 __ Dis. of Resp. System 1.6 _ 1.4 1.6 1.6 3.0 1-9 __ Dis. of Dig. System 10.4 6.4 11.1 11.7 10.4 3.0 3.3 54,5 Dis. of Genitourinary System 0.7 __ 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.9 __ Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.1 1.0 _ _ __ Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.8 _ _ _ Congenital Deformities 0.1 __ _ __ 0.2 0.7 _ _ Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.6 1.4 __ 2.2 __ Observation 8: Exam Cases, etc. 0.2 _ _ 0.2 0.3 _ _ _ Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 2.8 4.0 2.7 2.4 4.0 1.6 1.9‘ _ ZL TABLE 17C PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) Under 35- 45- 55- 65- 75- 85 & Principal Diagnosis Total Percent 35 44 54 64 74 84 Over Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 100.0 5.5 18.8 45.5 , 22.8 5.2 2.1 OJ. Infective & Parasitic Diseases 581 100.0 6.9 21.0 47.7 20.0 3.6 0.9 0.0 Neoplasms 157 100.0 0.0 0.0 51.6 35.7 12.7 0.0 0.0 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 137 100.0 6.6 10.9 48.2 27.0 7.3 0-0 0.0 Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 35 100.0 0.0 60.0 25.7 14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mental Disorders 8,909 100.0 6.1 19.3 45.1 21.5 5.7 2.2 0.1 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1,308 100.0 1.1 5.2 42.0 37.8 11.4 2.5 - (b) A1cohoIism 3,762 100.0 6.9 24.1 43.5 17.7 3.0 0.8 - (c) Other Mental Disorders 3,839 100.0 7.2 19.3 43.7 19.8 6.5 3.4 0.1 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 261 100.0 0.7 16.9 40.6 24.9 6.1 3.8 0.0 Dis. of Birc. System 392 100.0 0.0 9.2 39.0 36.2 8.2 7.4 0.0 Dis. of Resp. System 204 100.0 0.0 17.2 ‘47.5 23.0 9.8 2.5 0.0 Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 100.0 3.4 20.0 51.2 22.8" 1.5 0.7 0.4 Dis. of Genitourinary System 91 100.0 0.0 20.9 46.2 22.0 5.5 5.5 0.0 Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 123 100.0 8.1 17.1 51.2 23.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 85 100.0 5.9 23.5 42.4 28.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Congenital Deformities 10 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 194 100.0 5.2 23.2 47.9 20.6 0.0 3.1 0.0 observation & Exam Cases, etc. 20 100.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Accidents, Poisoning, etc. 368 100.0 7.9 17.9 37.8 32.1 3.0 1.4 0.0 EL PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED TABLE 18A ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 Post Viet Not * . Principal Diagnosis Total W.W.I W.W.II Peace Korea Korea Nam Stated Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 426 9,147 100 1,907 805 494 37 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 581 10 409 5 117 15 20 5 Neoplasms 157 - 147 - 10 - - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 137 5 108 - l9 - 5 - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 35 - 19 - 10 - - 6 Mental Disorders 8,909 313 6,179 90 1,317 619 382 9 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1,308 68 1,122 6 84 10 18 - (b) Alcoholism 3,762 30 2,538 34 637 339 179 5 (c) Other Mental Disorders 3,839 215 2,519 50 596 270 185 4 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 261 15 171 - 31 16 28 - Dis. of Circ. System 392 36 308 - 32 16 - - Dis. of Resp. System 204 5 176 - 8 15 - - Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 15 990 5 226 56 35 12 Dis. of Genitourinary System 91 S 71 - 10 5 - - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 123 - 93 - 15 10 5 - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 85 - 70 - 15 - - - Congenital Deformities 10 - 10 - ' ' - ‘ Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 194 6 129 - 41 13 5 - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 20 - 15 - 5 - - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 368 16 252 - 51 30 14 5 * This total includes.4 Spanish- frican vet trans. ?L IN ALL VA HOSPITALS on ocronsa 14, 1970 (Prams vsxncm.) TABLE 183 PRINCIEAL DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE OF ESTIMATED HENDER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS Post Viet Hot* Principal Diagnosis Total W.W.I w.w.11 Peace Korea Korea Nam Stated Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 426 9,147 100 1,907 805 494 37 1001 1002 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 4.5, 2.3 4.5. 5.0 6.1 1.9 4.0 13.5 Neoplasms 1.2 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 0.3 0.0 0-2 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 16.2 Mental Disorders 69.0 73.5 67.6 90.0 69.1 76.9 77.3 24.3 (a) ‘Alcoholic Psychosis 10.1 16.0 12.3 6.0 4.4 1.2 3.6 0.0 (b) Alcoholism 29.1 7.0 27.7 34.0 33.4 42.1 36.2 13.5 (c) Other Mental Disorders 29.7, 50.5 27.5 50.0 31.3 33.5 37.4 10.8 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 2.0 3.5 1.9 0.0 1.6 2.0 9.0 0.0 Dis. of Circ. System 3.0 8.5 3.4 0.0 1.7 2.0 0.0 0.0 Dis. of Resp. System 1.6 1.2 1.91 0.0 0.4 1.9 0.0 0.0 Dis. of Dig. System 10.4 3.5 10.8 5.0 11.9 8.2 7.1 32-4 Dis. of Genitourinary System 0.7 1.2 0.8 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 Dis. or Skin & Subc. Tissue 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.8 1.2 1.0 0.0 Dis. of Husculoskeletal System 0.7 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Congenital Deformities 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.5 1.4 1.4 0.0 2.1 1.6 1.0 0.0 Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 2.8 3.8 2.8 0.0 2.7 3.7 2.8 13.5 * This total includes 4 Spanish-Ami rican vederans. TABLE 180 PRINOIRAL DIAGHDSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEPIDED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) 5L PostJ Vieti Not Principal Diagnosis Total Percent W.H.I W.W.II Peace Korea Kore Nam Stated Total Defined Alcoholics 137516 100 3.3 70.8 0.8 14.8 6.2 3.8 0.3 , Infective & Parasitic Diseases 581 100 1.7 70.4 0.9 20.1 2.6 3.4 0.9 Neoplasms 157 100 0.0 93.6 0.0 6.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 137 100 3.6 78.8 0.0 13.9 0.0 3.6 0.0 Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 35 100 0.0 54.3 0.0 28.6 0.0 0.0 17.1 Mental Disorders 8,909 100 3.5 69.4 1.0 14.8 6.9 4.3 0.1 , (a) Alcoholics Psychosis 1,308 100 5.2 85.8 0.5 '6.4 0.8 1.4 - (b) Alcoholism 3,76 100 0.8 67.5 0.9 16.9 9.0 4.7 0.1 (c) Other Mental Disorders 3.839 100 5.6 65.6 1.3 15.5 7.0 4.8 0,1 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 261 100 5.7 65.5 0.0 11.9 6.1 10.7 0.0 Dis. of Circ. System 392 100 9.2 78.6 0.0 8,2 4,1 0.0 0.0 Dis. of Resp. System 2049 100 2.5 86.3 0.0 3.9 7.4 0.0 0.0 Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 100 1.1. 73.4. 0.4 16.8 4.9 2.6 0.9 Dis. of Genitourinary System 91 100 5.5 78.0 0.0 11.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 123 100 0.0 75.6, 0.0 12.2 8.1 4.1: 0.0 Dis. of Husculoskeletal System 85 100 0.0 82.4 0.0 17.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Congenital Deformities 10A 100 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 194 100 3.1 66.5 0.0 21.1 6.7 2.6 0.0 Observation 5. 3...... Cases, etc, 20! 100 0.0 75.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Accidents, Poisonings, etc. , 368 100 4.3 68.5 0.0 13.9 8.1 3.8 1.4 9L TABLE 19A PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND C&P STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 SC 10% SC NSC/ NSC NSC NSC NSC Non- Principal Diagnosis Total or more Under SC Comp. VA Claim No Veteran 10% RollsnPendin Comp Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 1,680 103 1,930 46 3,420 342 5,36 27 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 581 43 4 98 5 153 23 250 5 Neoplasms 157 - - 25‘ 5 45 11 71 - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 137 5 5 28 - 49 3 4a - Dis. of BloodGBlood-Form. Organs 35 - ~ - - 15 - 15 5 Mental Disorders 8,909 1.435 83 1,209 25 2,370 245 3,482 5 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1,308 107 19 198 - 595 35 35 -. (b) Alcoholism 3,762 277 4 644 20 653 109 2,05 5 (c) Other Mental Disorders 3,839 1.101 65 367 5 1,122 101 1,07 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 261 47 - ~27 - 70 - ll - Dis. of Circ. System 392' 14 ~ 85. - 133 - 160 - Dis. of Resp. System 204 6 - '25. - 77 ~ 96 - Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 ' 35 - .257 11 271 45 723 7 Dis. of Genitourinary System 91 5 - 25 - 20 - 41 _ Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 123- - - 9 - 34 25 75 - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 85 5 - 16\ - 5 - 59b - Congenital Deformities 10 - - 10 - - - -> - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 194 16 - 29 - 70 - 79 - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 20 5 - - - 5 - 10 - Accidents, Poisoning, etc. 368 14 6 87 - 103 10 143 5 LL PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND C8? STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS TABLE 193 IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS lERTICAL) ~ SC SC NSC/ NSC NSC NSC NSC Non- Principal Diagnosis Total Over Under SC Comp. VA Claim No eteran 10% 10% Rolls Pendin C Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 1,680 103 1.930 46 3,420 342 5,368 27 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Infective & Parasitic Diseases 4.5 2.5 3.9 5.1 10.9 4.5 6.7 4.6 18.5 Neoplasms 102 - - In? 10.9 1.3 3.2 1.3 - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 1.1 0.3 4.9 1.5 - 1.4 0.9 0.9 - Dis. of Blood&Blood-Form. Organs 0.3 - - - - 0.4 - 0.3 18.5 Mental Disorders 69.0 88.4 85.4 62.6 54.3 69.3 71.6 64.9 18.5 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 10.1 6.4 18.4 10.3 - 17.4 10.2 6.6 - (b) Alcoholism 29.1 16.5 3.9 33-3 43.5 19.1 31.9 38.2 18.5 (c) Other Mental Disorders 29.7 65.5 63.1 19.0 10.8 32.8 29.5 20.1 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 2.0 2.8 - 1.4 - 2.0 - 2.2 - Dis. of Circ. System 3.0 0.8 - 4.4 - 3.9 - 2.9- - Dis. of Resp. System 1.6 0.4 — 1.3 - 2.3 - 1.7 - Dis. of Dig. System 10.4 2.1 - 13.3 23.9 8.9 13.2 13.5 26.0 Dis. of Genitourinary System 0.7 0.3 - 1.3 - 0.6 - 0.8 - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 1.0 - - 0.5 - 1.0 1.5 1.4 - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 0.7 0.3- - 0.8 - 0.1 - 1.1 - Congenital Deformities 0.1 - - 0.5 - - — - — Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.5 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 - 1.5 — Observation & Exam Cases, Etc. 0.2 0.3 - - - 0.1 - 0.2 - 2.8 0.8 5.8 4.5 - 3.0 2.9 2.7 18.5 Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 8L PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND 069 STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IABLE 190 IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) lsc sc usc usc usc ‘ Non- Principal Diagnosis Total Percen Over Under NSC/ NSC VA Claim No “Veteran 10% 102 SC Comp. Roll PendingLComp Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 100.0 13.0 0.8 14.9 0.4 26.5 2.6 41.6 0.2 Infective 6. Parasitic Diseases 581 100.0 7.4 0.7 16.9 0.9 26.3 4.0 43.0 0.9 Neoplasms 157 100.0 0.0 0.0 15.9 3.2 28.? 7.0 45.2 0.0 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Tissue 137 100.0 3.6 3.6 20.4 0.0 35.A 2.2 34.3 0.0 Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 35 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.% 0.0 42.9 14_2‘ Mental Disorders 8,909 100.0 16.7 "1.0 13.6 0.3 26.6 2.7 39.1 0.1 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1,308 100.0 8.2 1.5 15.1 - 45. 2.7 27.1 - (b) Alcoholism 3,762 100.0 7.4 0.1 17.1 0.5 17. 2.9 54.5 0.1 (c) Other Mental Disorders 3,839 1.7 9.6 0.1 29.2 2.6 28.1 - 01,3. of New. 8. & Sense Organs 261 100.0 18.1 0.0 10.3 0.0 26. 0.0 44.8 0.0 Dis.of Circ. System 392. 100.0 3.6 0.0 21.7 0.0 33. 0.0 40.8 0.0 Dis. of Resp. System 204 100.0 2.9 0.0 12.3 0.0 37. 0.0 47.1 0.0 Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 100.0 2.6 0.0 19.1 0.8 20.1 3.3 53.7 0.4 Dis. of Genitourinary System ‘91 100.0 5.5 0.0 27.5 0.0 22.0 0.0 45.1 0.0 Dis. of Skin 6. Subc. Tissue 124 100.0 0.0 0.0 7.3 0.0 27.6 4.1 61.0 0.0 Dis. of Mnsculoskeletal System 85 100.0 5.9 0.0 18.8 0.0 5.? 0.0 69.4 0.0 Congenital Deformities 10 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 194 100.0 8.2 0.0 14.9 0.0 36.1 0.0 40.8 0.0 Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 20 100.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 Accidents, Poisoning, etc. 368 100.0ll 3.8 1.6 23.6 0.0 28.0 2.7 38.9 1.4 6L IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERGNTS VERTICAL) TABLE 20A PRIMIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND BED SECTION OI" ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS Principal Diagnosis Total Percent Percent Medical Percent Surgi- Per- lPsychi- Per- cal cent atric cent Total Defined Alcoholics 12,916 100.0 510 100.0 3,926 100.0 911 100.0 7,569 100.0 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 581 4.5 87.1 90 2.3 16 1.8 31 0.4 Neoplasms 157 1.2 1.0 75 1.9 72 7.9 5 0.1 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Disease 137. 1.1% 0.0 124 3.2' - 0.0 13 0.2 Dis. of Blood 5, Blood-Form, Organ: 35 0.3 0.0 35 0.9 - 0.0! - 0.0 Mental Disorders 8,909 69.0 4.5 1,372 35.0 90 9.9 7,424 98.1 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1,308 10.1} 0.0 173 4.4 9 1.? 1,126 14.9 (b) Alcoholism 3,762 29.l| 0.0 945 24.1 30 3. 2,787 36.8 (c) Other Mental Disorders 3,839‘ 29.7? 23 4.5 254 6.5 51 5.6 3,511 46.4 Dis. of Nerv. s. a. Sense Organs 261 2.0 1.0- 206 5.2 26 2.8 24 0.3 Dis. of Circ. System 392 3.0, - 0.0 257 6.5 116 12. 19 0.2 Dis. of Resp. System 204“ 1.6% 2.5 164 4.2 22 2. 5 0.1 Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 10.4I 5 1.0 1,144 29.1 168 18. 32 0.4 Dis. of Genitourinary System 91 0.7i - 0.0 51 1.3 40 4.4 - 0.0 Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 123 1.0; - 0.0 76 1.9 47 5.2 - 0.0 Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 85 0.7 - 0.0 34 0.9 51 5.6 - 0.0 Congenital Deformities 10 0.1 - 0.0 5 0.1 5 0.: - 0.0 Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1 194 1.5 5 1.0 152 3.9 27 3. 10 0.1 Observation 5. Exam Cases, etc. 20 0.2 10 2.0 10' 0.3 - 0.0 - 0.0 Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 368- 2.8 - 0.0 131 3.3 231 25.4 6 0-1 08 TABLE 203 PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND BED SECTION OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) Principal Diagnosis Total Percent TB Medical Surgical Psychiatric Total Diagnosis Alcoholics 12,916 100.0 3.9 30.4 7.1, 58.6. Infective & Parasitic Diseases 581 100.0 76.4 15.5 2.3 5.3 Neoplasms 157 100.0 3.2 47.8 45.9 3.1 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 137 100.0 0.0 90.5 0.0 9.5 Dis. of Blood 5. Blood-Form. Organs 35' 7 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 Mental Disorders 8,909 100.0 0.3 15.4 1.0 83.3 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1,308 100.0 0.0 13.2 0.7 86.1 (b) Alcoholism 3,762 100.0 0.0 25.1 0.8 74.1 (c) Other Mental Disorders 3,839 100.0 0.6 6.6 1.3 91.5 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 251 100.0 1.9 78.9 10.0 9.2 Dis. of Circ. System 392 100.0 0.0 65.6 29.6 4,8 Dis. of Resp. System 204 100.0“ 6.4 80.4 10.7 2.5 Dis. of Dig. System 1,349 100.0 0.4 84.8 12.4 2.4 Dis. of Genitourniary System 91 100.0 0.0 56.0 44.0 0.0 Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 123 100.0 0.0 61.8 38,2 0.0 Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 85 100.0 0.0 40.0 60.0 0.0 Congenital Deformities 10 100.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 194 100.0 2.6 78.4 13.9 5.1 Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 20 100.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 Accidents, Poisionings, etc. 358 100.0 0.0 35.6 ,62.8; 1.6 18 TABLE 21A PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PROBLEM DRINKERS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 ’ """ ' Under 1 1 Principal Diagnosis Total 35 35—44 41 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 & Over Total Problem Drinkers 4.395 581 884 I 1,714 825 225 166 Infective and Parasitic Diseases 1 271 25 56 I 124 51 10 4 Neoplasms 143 5 26 44 39 15 14 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 80 - 22 38 10 10 - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form.0rgans 14 - 5 5 - 4 - Mental Disorders 4 2,435 426 559 ‘ 891 391 92 76 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs E 90 - 21 46 23 - - Dis. of Circ. System E 270 15 27 119 73 16 20 Dis. of Resp. System % 200 10 20 65 56 24 15 Dis. of Dig. System i 398 34 82 160 70 29 23 _Dis. of Genitourinary System 1' 31 — - 20 - 11 - Dis. of Skin & Subcu. Tissue E 40 - 10 25 5 — - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System i 132 1 25 5 61 31 5 5 Congenital Deformities : 5 E - - 5 — - - Symptoms 6 Ill-Defined Conditions ; 74 i - 31 23 16 - 4 Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 4 47 ‘ - - 32 15 - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. I 164 I 40 20 55 35 9 5 28 TABLE 213 PRINCIRAL DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PROBLEM DRINKERS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) Princizal Diagnosis Total Problem Drinkers Infective and Parasitic Diseases Neoplasms Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs Mental Disorders Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs of Circ. System of Resp. System of Dig. System of Genitourinary System of Skin & Subcu. Tissue of Mulculoskeletal System Congenital Deformities Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions Observation & Exam Cases, etc. Accidents,Poisonings, etc. Under Total. 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 & Over 4,395 581 884 1,714 825 225 166 100% 100% 1001 1001 100% 1001 1001 6.2 4.5 6.3 7.2 6.2 4.4 2.4 3.3 0.9 2.9 2.6 4.7 6.7 8.5 1.8 - 2.5 2.2 1.2 4.4 - 0.3 - 0.6 0.3 - 1.8 - 55.4 73.3 63.2 52.0 47.4 40.9 45.8 2.0 - 2.4 2.7 2.8 - - 6.1 2.6 3.1 6.9 8.8 7.1 12.0 4.6 1.7 2.3 3.8 8.0 10.7 9.0 9.1 5.9‘ 9.3 9.3 8.5 12.9 13.9 0.7 - - 1.2 - 4.9 - 0.9 - 1.1 1.5 0.6 - - 3.0 4.3 0.6 3.6 3.8 2.2 3.0 0.1 - - 0.4 - - - 1.7 - 3.5 1.3 1.9 - 2.4 1.1 - - 1.9 1.8 - - 3.7 6.9 2.3 3.2 4.2 4.0 3.0 £8 PRIMIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PROBLEM DRINKERS TABLE 210 IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) Principal Diagnosis Total Ugger 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 & Over Total Problem Drinkers 4,395 13.2 20.1 39.0 18.8 5.1 3.8 Infective and Parasitic Diseases 271 9.6 20.7 45.7 18.8 3.7 1.5 Neoplasms 143 3.5 18.2 30.8 27.3 10.5 9.8 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 80 - 27.5 47.5 12.5 12.5 - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 14 - 35.7 35.7 - 28.6 - Mental Disorders 2,435 17.5 23.0 36.6 16.1 3.8 3.0 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 90 - 23.3 51.1 25.6 - - Dis. of Circ. System 270 5.6 10.0 44.1 27.0 5.9 7.4 Dis. of Resp. System 200 5.0 10.0 32.5 33.0 12.0 7.5 Dis. of Dig. System 398 8.5 20.6 40.2 17.6 7.3 5.8 Dis. of Genitourinary System 31 - - 64.5 - 35.5 - Dis. of Skin & Subcu. Tissue 40 - 25.0 62.5 12.5 - - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 132 18.9 3.8 46.2 23.5 3.8 3.8 Congenital Deformities 6 - - 100.0 - - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 74 - 41.9 31.1 21.6 - 5.4. Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 47 - - 68.1 31.9 - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 164 24.4 12.2 33.5 21.3 5.5 3.0 78 _ TABLE , 22A PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PROBLEM ORINRERS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 Sp.- Post Viet- Not Principal Diagnosis Total Am. W.W.I W.W.II Peace Korea Korea Nam Stated Total Problem Drinkers 4,395 - 235 2,744 67 630 337 371 11 Infective and Parasitic Diseases 271 - 10 180 - 40 10 27 4 Neoplasms 143 - 19 102 - 22 - - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 80 - - 58 6 ll 5 - - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 14 - - 9 - 5 - - - Mental Disorders 2,435 - 105 1,367 45 391 253 269 5 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 90 - - 63 5 22 - - - Dis. of Circ. System 270 - 25 197 5 28 10 5 - Dis. of Resp. System 200 - 24 156 - 5 10 5 - Dis. of Dig. System 398 - 33 268 - 61 25 9 2 Dis. of Genitourinary System 31 - 5 20 6 - - - - Dis. of Skin & Subcu. Tissue 40 - - 29 - ll - — - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 132 - S 97 - - 10 20 - Congenital Deformities 6 - - 6 - - - - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 74 - 4 45 - 20 5 - - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 47 - - 43 — 4 - - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 164 - 5 104 - 10 9 36 - SS PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF IN ALL VA HOSPITALS 0N TABLE 228 SERVICE FOR ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PROBLEM DRINKERS OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) Sp.- Post Viet- Not Principal Diagnosis Total Am. W.W.1 W.W.II Peace Korea Korea Nam Stated Total Problem Drinkers 4,395 - 235 2,744 67 630 337 371 11 100% - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Infective and Parasitic Diseases 6.2 - 4.3 6.6 - 6.3 3.0 7.3 36.4 Neoplasms 3.3 - 8.1 3.7 - 3.5 - - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 1.8 - - 2.1 9.0 1.7 1.5 - - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 0.3 - - 0.3 - 0.8 - - - Mental Disorders 55.4 - 44.7 49.8 67.0 62.1 75.1 72.5 F5.4 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 2.0 - - 2.3 7.5 3.5 - - - Dis. of Circ. System 6.1 - 10.6 7.2 7.5 4.4 3.0 1.3 - Dis. of Resp. System 4.6 - 10.2 5.7 - 0.8 3.0 1.3 - Dis. of Dig. System 9.1 - 14.0 9.8 - 9.7 7.4 2.4 18.2 Dis. of Genitourinary System 0.7 - 2.1 0.7 9.0 - - - - Dis. of Skin & Subcu. Tissue 0.9 - - 1.1 - 1.7 - - - Dis. of Mulculoskeletal System 3.0 - 2.1 3.5 - - 3.0 5.4 - Congenital Deformities 0.1 - - 0.2 - - - - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.7 - 1.7 1.6 - 3.2 1.5 - - Observation 8 Exam Bases, etc. 1.1 - - 1.6 - 0.6 - - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 3.7 - 2.1 3.8 - 1.6 2.7 9.7 - 98 IN ALL VA HOSPITALS m OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZWTAL) TABLE 220 PRIMIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE Fm ESTIMATED NIMBER 0F PROBLEM DRINKERS maul Dimsis Total Percent W.W.I 9.11.11 Peace Korea Eggs Vietnam Sifted Total Problem Drinkers 4,395 100 5.3 62.4 1.5 14.3 7.7 8.4 0.3 Infective and Parasitic Diseases 271 100 3.7 66.4 - 14.8 3.7 9.9 1.5 Neoplasms 143 100 13.3 71.3 - 15.4 - - - Endocrine, Nutr. G: Metab. Diseases 80 100 - 72.4 7.5 13.8 6.3 - - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Porn. Organs 14 100 - 64.3 - 35.7 - - - Mental Disorders 2,435 100 4.3 56.1 1.8 16.1 10.4 11.0 0.2 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 90 100 - 70.0 5.6 24.4 - - - Dis. of Circ. Syst- 270 100 9.3 73.1 1.8 10.3 3.7 1.8 - Dis. of Resp. System 200 100 12.0 78.0 - 2.5 5.0 2.5 - Dis. of Dis. System 398 100 8.3 67.3 - 15.3 6.3 2.3 0.5 Dis. of Genitourinary System 31 100 16.1 64.5 19.4 - - - - Dis. of Skin 6: Subcu. Tissue 40 100 - 72.5 - 27.5 - - - Dis. of Husculoskeletal System 132 100 3.7 73.5 - - 7.6 15.2 - Congenital Defomities 6 -- - 100.0 - - - - - SyQto-s & Ill-Defined Conditions 74 100 5.4 60.8 - 27.0 6.8 - - Observation & Essa Cases, etc. 47 100 - 91.5 - 8.5 - - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 164 100 3.0 63.4 - 6.1 5.5 22.0 - L8 PRImIPAL DWIS AD CG? STATUS OF ESTIMATED um OF PROM“ DRINKS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON ”(BER 14, 1970 TABLE 23A Irincipal Diagnosis Total 1:; or Uiger NSC] NSC more 101 SC C Total Probla Drinkers . 4,395 1,023 S9 656 50 Infective and Parasitic Diseases 271 30 9 37 - Neoplasns 143 S - 29 5 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metsb. Diseases 80 - — 15 - Dis. of 31006 & Blood-Porn. Organs 14 - - - - Mental Disorders 2,435 876' 39 29i 30 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 9O 5 - l9 - Dis. of Circ. Syste- 270 5 - 6O - Dis. of Resp. Systen 200 10 - 45 - Dis..of Dig. Systen 398 33 - 72 5 Dis. of Genitourinary System 31 10 - 6 - Dis. of Skin & Subcu. Tissue 4O 10 - 5 - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 132 19 6 29 10 Congenital Deformities 6 - - - - Synptons & Ill-Defined Conditions 74 - 5 11 - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 47 5 - 11 - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 164 15 - 26 - 537 20 69 63 99 20 21 23 49 NSC NSC Clahl No rend. _§g!2&_ 99 1,461 19 115 - 54 - 50 - 9 34 628 - 46 10 126 5 77 - 184 5 5 - 5 4 43 - 6 5 30 10 16 7 67 Non- Vet- eran 10 88 TABLE 233 PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND 0&9 STATUS OF ESTmATED NUMBER OF PROBLEM DRINKERS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) SC SC NSC NSC NSC Non- Principal Diagnosis Total Over Under NSC/ NSC VA Claim No Vet- 10% 10% SC Comg. Rolls Pend. Comp. ergg_ Total Problevarinkersv 4,395 1,0237 59 656 50 1,037 99 1,461 10 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Infective and Parasitic Diseases 6.2 2.9 15.3 5.6 0.0 5.4 19.2 7.9 50.0 Neoplasms 3.3 0.5 0.0 4.4 10.0 4.8 0.0 3.7 0.0 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 1.8 0.0 0.0 2.3 0.0 1.5 0.0 3.4 0.0 Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.6 0.0 Mental Disorders 55.4 85.4 66.1 44.4 60.0 51.8 34.3 43.0 0.0 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 2.0 0.5 0.0 2.9 0.0 1.9 - 3.1 0.0 Dis. of Circ. System 6.1 0.5 0.0 9.1 0.0 6.7 10.1 8.6 0.0 Dis. of Resp. System 4.6 1.0 0.0 6.9 0.0 6.1 5.1 5.3 0.0 Dis. of Dig. System 9.1 3.2 0.0 11.0 10.0 9.5 0.0 12.6 50.0 Dis. of Genitourinary System 0.7 1.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.5 5.1 0.3 0.0 Dis. of Skin & Subcu. Tissue 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.3 0.0 Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 3.0 1.9 10.2 4.4 20.0 2.0 4.0 2.9 0.0 Congenital Deformities 0.1 - - - - - - 0.4 - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.7 0.0 8.5 1.7 0.0 2.2 5.1 2.1 0.0 Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 1.1 0.5 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.5 10.1 1.1 0.0 Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 3.7 1.5 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.7 7.1 4.7 0.0 68 TABLE 230 PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS AND C&P STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF PROBLEM DRINKERS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) IN ALL VA HOSPITALS sc sc W usc 1350 Non- Principal Diagnosis Total Over Under NSC/ NSC VA Claim No Vet- 101 10% SC Comp. Rolls Pend. Comp. eran Total Problem Drinkers 4,395 23.3 1.3 14.9 1.1 23.6 2.3 33.2 0.2 Infective and Parasitic Diseases 271 11.1 3.3 13.7 0.0 20.7 7.0 42.4 1.8 Neoplasms 143 3.5 0.0 20.3 3.5 35.0 0.0 37.8 0.0 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 80 0.0 0.0 18.8 0.0 18.8 0.0 62.4 0.0 Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35.7 0.0 64.3 0.0 Mental Disorders 2,435 36.0 1.6 11.9 1.2 22.1 1.4 25.8 0.0 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 90 5.6 0.0 21.1 0.0 22.2 0.0 51.1 0.0 Dis. of Circ. System 270 1.9 0.0 22.2 0.0 25.6 3.7 46.6 0.0 Dis. of Resp. System 200 5.0 0.0 22.5 0.0 31.5 2.5 38.5 0.0 Dis. of Dig. System 398 8.2 0.0 18.1 1.3 24.9 0.0 46.2 1.3 Dis. of Genitourinary System 31 32.3 0.0 19.4 0.0 16.1 16.1 16.1 0.0 Dis. of Skin & Subcu. Tissue 40 25.0 0.0 12.5 0.0 50.0 0.0 12.5 0.0 Dis. of Mnsculoskeletal System 132 14.4 4.5 22.0 7.6 15.9 3.0 32.6 0.0 Congenital Deformities 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 74 0.0 6.8 14.9 0.0 31.1 6.8 40.5 0.0 Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 47 10.6 0.0 23.4 0.0 10.6 21.3 34.0 0.0 Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 164 9.1 0.0 15.8 0.0 29.9 4.3 40.9 0.0 06 ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 TABLE 24A ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN Under 85 & Associated Diagnosis Total 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 over Total Defined Alcoholics 7.533 348 1,321 37403 1,857 438 161 5 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 130 - 20 43 55 - 12 - Neoplasms 138 - 5 54 63 16 - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 446 - 85 205 117 29 10 - Dis. of Blood & Blood Form. Organs 94 5 - 41 44 - 4 ; Mental Disorders 3,535 248 747 1,739 752 124 21 5 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 118 - 20 74 19 5 - - (b) Alcoholism 2,350 193 567 1,334 608 88 15 5 (c) Other Mental Disorders '7‘708 55 160 331 125 31 6 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 419 15 64 176 128 36 - - Dis. of Circ. System 582~ 4 39 210 150 96 83 - Dis. of Resp. System 323- 5 55 107 101 44 11 - Dis. of Dig. System 897 44 160 447 209 22 15 - Dis. of Genitourinary System 97 - ~23 '39 15 15 5 - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 85 - 29 22 29 5 - - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 153 - 31 -33 69 20 - - Congenital Deformities 20 4 - 5 6 5 - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 135 - 34 76 20 5 - - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 116 5 13 46 42 10 - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 212 18 16 110 57 ll - - 16 ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN TABLE 243 ALL NA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) Under 85 & Associated Diagnosis Total 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 Over Total Defined Alcoholics 7,533 348 1,321 3,403 1,857 438 161 5 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Infective & Parasitic Diseases L.7 - 1.5 1.3 3.0 - 7.5 - Neoplasms 1.8 - 0.4 1.6 3.4 3.7 - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 5.9 - 6.4 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.2 — Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 1;? 1-4 ‘ 102 2-4 ' 2-5 ' Mental Disorders 48.9 71.3 56.5 52.6 40.5 28.3 13.0 100.0 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1.6 - 1.5 2.2 1.0 1.1 — - (b) Alcoholism 38.0 55.5 42.9 40.7 32.7 20.1 9.3 100.0 (c) Other Mental Disorders 9.4 15.8 12.1 9.7 6.7 7.1 3.7 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 5.6 4.3 4.8 5.2 6.9 8.2 - - Dis. of Circ. System 7.7 1.1 3.0 6.2 8.1 21.9 51.6 - Dis. 0! Resp. System 4.3 1.4 4.2 3.1 5.4 10.0 6.8 - Dis. of Dig. System 11.9 12.6 12.1 13.1 11.3 5.0 8.3 - Dis. of Genitourinary System 1.3 - 1-7 1.1 0.3 3-4 3.1 - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 1.1 - 2.2 0.6 1.6 1.1 - - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 2.0 - 2.3 1.0 3.7 4.6 - - Congenital Deformities 0.3 1.1 - 0,1. 0.3 1.1 - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.8 - 2.6 2,2 1.1 1.1 - - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 1.5 1.4 1.0 1.4 2.3 2.3 - - Accidents, Poisoning, etc. 2.8 5.2 1.2 3.2 3.1 2.5 - - 36 TABLE 240 ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND AGE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) Under 85 & Associated Diagnosis Total 35 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 Over Total Defined Alcoholics 7,533 4.6 17.5 45.2 24,7 5.8 2.1 0.1 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 130 - 15.4 33.1 42.3 - 9.2 - Neoplasms 138 - 3.6 39.1 45.7 11.6 - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 446 - 19.1 46.0 26.2 6.5 2.2 - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 94 5.3 - 43.6 46.8 - 4.3 - Mental Disorders 3,686 6.7 20.3 48.5 20.4 3.4 0.6 0.1 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 118 ' 16-9 52.7 16-1 4-2 ' ' (b) Alcoholism 2,860 6.7 19.8 48.4 21.3 3.1 0.5 0.2 (c) Other Mental Disorders 708 7.8 22.6 46.8 17.6 4.4 0.8 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 419 3.6 15.3 42.0 30.5 8.6 - - Dis. of Circ. System 582 0.7 6.7 36.1 25,3 16.5 14.3 - Dis. of Resp. System -323 1.5 ‘17.0 33.1 31.3 13.6 3.4 - Dis. of Dig. System 397 ~ 4.9 17.8 49.8' 23.3 2.5 1.7 - Dis. of Genitourinary System 97 - 23.7 40.2 15.5 15.5 5.2 - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 85 ‘ 34-1 25.9 34-1 5-9 ' ' ' Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 133 - 20.3 21.6 45.1 13.0 ' ' Congenital Deformities 20 20.0 - 25.0 30.0 25.0 - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 135 - 25.2 56.3 14.8 3.7 - - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 116 4.3 11.2 39,7 36.2 8.6' - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 212 8.5 7.5 5.9 1 26.9 5,2 ' ‘ £6 IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 TABLE 25A ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS Post Not Associated Diagnosis Total W.W.I W.W.II Peace Korea Korea Vietnam Stated Total Defined Alcoholics 7.35377 271 52447 75 1,118 383 228 11 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 130 12 98 - 15 5 - - Neoplasms 138 5 118 - 15 - - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 446 I 10 342 5 74 15 - _ Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 94 4 85 - ~ 5 - - Mental Disorders 3,686 51 2,577 40 611 ' 249- 158 - (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 118 _ - 98 10 5 5 - - (b) Alcoholism 2,860 39 2,010 25 490‘ 194' 102 - (c) Other Mental Disorders 708 12 469 5 116 50 S6 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 419 5 307 10 67 .20 10 - Dis. of Circ. System 582 109 413 5 47 4 4 - Dis. of Resp. System 323 30 220 10 42 16 - Dis. of Dig. System 897. 15 681 - 117 40 38 6 Dis. of Genitourinary System 97 5 65 5 19 3 - - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 85 5 55 - 25 - - - Dis. of Mnsculoskeletal System 153 9 108 - 25 11 - - Congenital Deformities 201 - l6 - - 4 - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 135 _ 5 107 - 18 5 - - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 116 - 93 - 23 - - — Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 212 6 162 - 20 6 13 5 76 ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS TABLE 253 IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VIRTICAL ) Post Not Associated Diagnosis Total W.W.I W.W.II Peace Korea Korea Vietnam Stated Total Defined Alcoholics 7; __ 271 5,447 75 1,118 383 228 11 1002 1001 100% 100% 100% 1001 1002 100% Infective & Parasitic Diseases 1.7 4.4 1.8 - 1.3 1.3 - - Neoplasms 1.8 1.8 2.2 - 1.3 - - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 5.9 3.7 6.3 6.7 6.6 3.9 - - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 1.2 1.5 1.5 - - 1.3 - - Mental Disorders - 48.9 18.8 47.3 53.3 54.7 65.0 69.3 - (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1.6 - 1.8 13.3 0.4 1.3 - - (b) Alcoholism 38.0 14.4 36.9 33.3 43.8 50.7 44.7 - (c) Other Mental Disorders 9.4 4,4 8.6 6.7 10.4 13.0 24.6 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 5.6 1.8 5.6 13.3 6.0 5.2 4.4 - Dis. of Circ. System 7.7 40.5 7.6 6.7 4.2 1.0 1.8 - Dis. of Resp. System 4.3 11.1 4.0 13.3 3.8 4.2 2.2 - Dis. of Dig. System 11.9 5.5 12.5 - 10.5 10.4 16.7 54.5 Dis. of Genitourinary System 1.3 1.8 1.2 6.7 1.7 0.8 - - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 1.1 1.3 1-0 - 2-2 - - - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 2.0 3-3 2.0 - 2.2 2.9 - - Congenital Deformities 0.3 - 0.3 - 0 1.0 - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.8 1.8 2.0 - 1.6 1.3 - - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 1.5 - 1.7 - 2.1 - ‘ - Accidents, Poisoning, etc. 2.8 2.2 3.0 - 1.8 1.6 5.7 45.5 S6 ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND PERIOD OF SERVICE OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS TABLE 25C IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER IC, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) Associated Diagnosis Total Percent W.W.I W.W.II Korea Peace ::::a Vietnam 2::ted Total Defined Alcoholics 7. 100.0 3.6 72.4 14.8 1.0 5.1 3.0 0.1 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 130 100.0 9.2 75.4 11.6 - 3.8 - - Neoplasms 138 100.0 3.6 85.5 10.9 - - - - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 446 100.0 2.2 76.7 16.6 1.1 3.4 - - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 94 100.0 4.3 90.4 - - 5.3 - - Mental Disorders 3:986 ‘ 100.0 1.4 59.9 16.6 1.1 6.8 4.3 - (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 118 100.0 - 83.1 4.2 8.5 4.2 - - 1(b) Alcoholism 2,860 100.0 1.4 70.3 17.1 0.9 6.8 3.6 - (c) Other Mental Disorders 708 100.0 1.7 66.2 16.4 0.7 7.1 7.9 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 419 100.0 1.2 73.3 16.0 2.4 4.8 2.4 - Dis. of Circ. System 582 100.0 18.7 71.0 8.1 0.9 0.7 0.7 - Dis. of Resp. System 323 100.0 9.3 68.1 13.0 3.1 5.0 1.5 - Dts. of Dig. System 897 100.0 1.7 75.9 13.0 - 4.5 4.2 0.7 Dis. of Genitourinary System 97 100.0 5.2 67.0 19.6 5.2 3.1 - - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 35 100.0 5.9 64.7 29.4 - - - - Dis of Musculoskeletal System 153 100.0 5.9 70.6 16.3 - 7.2 - - Congenital Deformities 20 100.0 - 80.0 - - 20.0 - - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 135 100.0 3.7 79.3 13.3 - 3.7 - - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 116 100.0 - 80.2 19.8 - - - - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 212 100.0 2.8 76.4 9.5 - 2.8 6.1 2.4 96 TABLE 26A ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND C&P STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 SC 10% SC NSC NSC NSC NSC Non Associated Diagnosis Total Or More Under NSC/ Comp. VA Claim No Veteran 10% SC Rolls Pending Comp. Total Defined Alcoholics 7:533 1,045. 73 1,164 25. 2,191. 186. 2,838 11 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 130. - - lO - 71 - 49 - Neoplasms '138‘ 10 ' 26 ’ 65 5 32 '\ Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 446. 38 4 98 - 114 5 187 - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 94' 5 - 25 - 14 - 50 - Mental Disorders 3,686 759 ‘ 45 , 482. 20 - 884 93 1,403' - (a) Alcoholic Psychosis ll8f 10' - 14 - 43 10 ‘ 41 - (b) Alcoholism 2,860 630 45 315 10 681 73 1,106 - (c) Other Mental Disorders 708. 119 - 153 10 160 10 256 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs .419_ 33 15 50 - 170 8 143 - Dis. of Circ. System 582_ 36 - 56 - 286 15 189 - Dis. of Resp. System 323 36 4 67 - 137 5 74 - Dis. of Dig. System 897_ 71 5 180 5 190 32 408 6 Dis. of Genitourinary System 97 10 - 5 - 34 9 39 - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 85. 15 - 36 - 5 - 29 - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 153 13 - 35 - 30 5 70 - Congenital Deformities 20_ - - - - 5 - 15 - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 135~ 5 - l7 - 61 5 47 - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 116_ - 18 - 54 4 35 - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 212. 9 - 59 - 71 - 5 68 L6 TABLE 263 ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND C&P STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) isc SC 10% NSC NSC NSC NSC Non Associated Diagnosis Total Or More Under NSC/ Comp. VA Claim No Veteran 10% SC Rolls Pendin Comp. Total Defined Alcoholics 7,5 1,045 73 1,164. 25 2,191 186 2,838 11 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Infective & Parasitic Diseases 1.7 - - 0.9 - 3.2 - 1.7 - Neoplasms 1.8 1.0 - 2.2 - 3.0 2.7 1.1 - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 5.9 3.6 5.5 8.4 - 5.2 2.7 6.6 - Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 1.2 0.5 - 2.1 - 0.6 - 1.8 - Mental Disorders 48.9 72.6 61.6 41.4 80.0 40.3 50.0 49.4 - (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 1.6 1.0 - 1.2 - 2.0 5.4 1.4 - (b) Alcoholism 38.0 60.3 61.6 27.1 40.0 31.1 39.2 39.0 - (c) Other Mental Disorders 9.4 11.4 - 13.1 40.0 7.3 5.4 9.0 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 5.6 3.2 20.5 4.3 ~ 7.8 4.3 5.0 - Dis. of Circ. System 7.7 3.4 - 4.8 - 13.1 8.1 6.7 - Dis. of Resp. System 4.3 3.4 5.5 5.8 - 6.3 2.7 2.6 - Dis. of Dig. System 11.9 6.8 6.8 15.5 20.0 8.7 17.2 14.4 54.5 Dis. of Genitourinary System 1.3 1.0 - 0.4 - 1.6 4.8 1.4 - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 1.1 1-4 ' 3-1 ’ 0-2 ‘ 1-0 ' Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 2.0 1-2 ' 3-0 ' 1-4 2~7 2-5 ' Congenital Deformities 0.3 — - - - 0.2 - 0.5 - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 1.8 0.5 - 1,5 - 2.8 2.7 1.7 - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 - 2.5 2.2 1.2 - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 2.8 0.9 - 5,1 - 3.2 - 2.4 45.5 86 TABLE 260 ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND C&P STATUS OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) so 107. sc usc usc usc 'Nsc Non Associated Diagnosis Total Or More Under NSC/ Comp. VA Claim No Veteran 10% SC Rolls Pendin Comp. Total Defined Alcoholics 7,533, 13.9 1.0 15.4 0.3 29.1 2.5 37.7 0.1 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 130 - - 7.7 - 54.6 - 37.] - Neoplasms 138 7.2 - 18.8 - 47.1 3.6 23.2 - Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 446 8.5 0.9 22.0 - 25.6 1.1 41.9 - Diseases of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 94 5.3 - 26.6 - 14.9 - 53.J - Mental Disorders 3,686 20.6 1.2 13.1 0.5 24.0 2.5 38.1 - (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 118 8.5 - 11.9 - 36.4 8.5 34.1 - (b) Alcoholism 2,860 22.0 1.6 11.0 0.3 23.8 2.6 38. - (c) Other Mental Disorders 708 16.8 , - 21.6 1.4 22.6 1.4 36.2 - Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 419 7.9 3.6 11.9 - 40,5 1,9 34,1 - Dis. of Circ. System 582 6.2 - 9.6 - 49.1 2.6 32.5 - Dis. of Resp. System 323 11.1 1.2 20.7 - 42.5 1.5 22.& - Dis. of pig. System 897 7.9 0.6 20.1 0.6 21.2 3.6 45.5 0.7 Dis. of Genitourinary System 97 10.3 - 5.2 - 35.1 9.3 40.2 - Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 85 17.6 - 42.4 - 5.9 — 34.1 - Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 153 8.5 - 22.9 - 19.6 3.3 45. - Congenital Deformities 20 - - - - 25.0 - 75. - Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions 135 3,7 - 12.6 - 45.2 3.7 34. - Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 116 4.3 - 15.5 - 46.6 3.4 30. - Accidents, Poisonings, etc. 212 4-2 - 27-4 - 33-5 - 32. 2.4 V ' 10' 3.3.... E; 3 3 3.3:: m3 33333.33... 33 Mg L» 66 TABLE 22A ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND BED SECTION OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS VERTICAL) Associated Diagnosis Total Defined Alcoholics Infective & Parasitic Diseases Neoplasms Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs Mental Disorders (8) Alcoholic Psychosis (b) Alcoholism (c) Other Mental Disorders Dis. Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs of Circ. System Dis. Dis. of Resp. System of Dig. System Dis. of Genitourinary System Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue Dis. of Musculoskeletal System Congenital Deformities Symptoms & Ill-Defined Conditions Observation & Exam Cases, etc. Accidents, Poisonings, etc. Total Percent TB Percent Medicay Percent Surgiq Per- Psychi- Per- cal cent atric cent 7,355 1007. 368 1007. 2,800 1007. 660 1007. 3, 705 1007 130 1.7 39 10.6 43~ 1.6 17 2.6 31 0.8 138 1.8 4 1.1 71 2.5 17 2.6” 46 1.2 446 5.9 19 5.2 185 6.6 15 2.3 227 6.1 94 1.2 " 0.0 79 2.8 - - 15 0.4 3,686. 48.9 239- 64.9 1,002 35.8 278~ 42.1 2,167 58.5 118 1.6 - - 45 1.6 24 3.6 49 1.3 2,350 38.0 156 42.4 810 28.9 213 32.3 1,681 45.4 703 9.4 83 22.6 147 5.3 41 6.2 437 11.8 419 5.6 4 1.1 163 5.8 13 2.0 239 6.5 582 7.7 9 2.4 224- 8.0 53 8. 296 8.0 323 4.3 9 2.4 147 5.3 30 4. 137 3.7 897 11.9 10 2.7 532 19.0 110 16.7 245 6.6 97 1.3 - 0.0 42 1.5 19 2.9 36 1.0 85 1.1 - 0.0 33 1.2 12 1.8 40 1.1 153, 2.0 5 1.4 60 2.1 21 3.2 67 1.8 20 0.3 - 0.0 11 0.4 4 0.6 5 0.1 135 1.8 10 2.7 90 3.2 s 0.81 30 0.8 116 1.5 15 5.1 37 1.3 16 2.4 48 1.3 212 2.8 5 1.4 81 2.9 50 7.4 76 2.1 001 TABLE 278 ASSOCIATED DIAGNOSIS AND BED SECTION OF ESTIMATED NUMBER OF DEFINED ALCOHOLICS IN ALL VA HOSPITALS ON OCTOBER 14, 1970 (PERCENTS HORIZONTAL) Associated Diagnosis Total TB Medical Surgical Psychiatric Total Defined Alcoholics 7,533 4.9 37.2 8.8 49.2 Infective & Parasitic Diseases 130 30.0 33.1 13.1 23.8 Neoplasms 138 2.9 51.4 12.3 33.3 Endocrine, Nutr. & Metab. Diseases 446 4.3 41.5 3.4 50.9 Dis. of Blood & Blood-Form. Organs 94 0.0 84.0 0.0 16.0 Mental Disorders 3,686 6.5 27.2 7.5 58.8 (a) Alcoholic Psychosis 118 _ 38.1 20.3 41.5 (b) Alcoholism 2,860 5.5 28.3 7.4 58.8 ' (c) Other Mental Disorders 708 11.7 20.8 5.8 61.7 Dis. of Nerv. S. & Sense Organs 419 1.0 38.9 3.1 57.0 Dis. of Circ. System 582. 1.5 38.5 9.1 50.9 Dis. of Resp. System 323 2.8 45.5 9.3 42.4 Dis. of Dig. System 897 1.1 59.3 12.3 27.3 Dis. of Genitourinary System 91 0.0 43.3 19.6 37.1 Dis. of Skin & Subc. Tissue 85 0.0 38.8 14.1 47.1 Dis. of Musculoskeletal System 153 3.3 39.2 13.7 43.3 Congenital Deformities 20 0.0 55.0 20.0 25.0 Symptoms 5. Ill-Defined Conditions 135 7.4 66.7 3.7 22.2 Observation & Exam Cases, etc. 116* 12.9 31.9 13.8 41.4 Accidents, Poisoning, etc. 212 2.4 38.2 23.6 35.8 ‘égp*-=*- 5%: 7 APPENDIX B Veterans Administration , DM&S Circular lO-70-236 Department of Medicine 5 Surgery Washington, D. C. 20420 October 5, 1970 SUBJ: Annual Census of VA Patients and Patient-Members (RCS 10-161) T0 : Directors, VA Hospitals, VA Domiciliary, VA Outpatient Clinics and Regional Offices. with Outpatient Clinics 1. A census will be taken of patients and patient-members who are on the rolls (excluding posthospital care rolls) as of 11:59 p.m., October 14, 1970. 2. General a. Purpose Annual Census data are required to provide medical and administrative information on a cross-section of the current population in both VA and non-VA medical care facilities. b. Selection of Beneficiaries Selective data will be collected on the following beneficiaries: : (1) Section A A 20% sample census of patients in VA hospitals and non-VA hospitals will be conducted as outlined in Section A. (2) Section B The census of beneficiaries in Extended Care Facilities will be conducted as outlined in Section B. There will be a 20% sample census of bene- ficiaries in State Home Domiciliaries and VA Domiciliaries. Beneficiaries in VA Nursing Home Care Units, Community Nursing Homes, VA Restoration Centers, State Home Hospital Units and State Home Nursing Care Units will be reported as a 100% census. c. Data Collection Maximum use will be made of the data in the Patient Treatment File. Certain data will be drawn directly from the PTF computer file and automatically entered into the Annual Census computer file. Other census data will be collected at the stations. To assist in the collection and control of these data, the Austin Data Processing Center will provide prepunched cards and census listings. The Chief of Medical Administration will have administrative responsibility for the Annual Census and for the control of all material supplied by the Austin DPC. d. Forms An initial distribution of census forms will be made to each reporting station prior to October 14, 1970. The distribution will be sufficient for both the number of patients and patient-members in the census and for practice and orientation purposes. e. Gains and Losses Sheet Each VA hospital and VA domiciliary will forward one copy of its G&L Sheet for October 14, 1970, to reach the appropriate Regional Medical Director, Region # (042A2) not later than October 20, 1970. f. Transmittal The punched cards representing all the beneficiaries selected for the census, together with the lead card and the transmittal letter, will be forwarded to reach the Austin DPC by the dates specified in Sections A and B. A negative report is required, as appropriate, when no beneficiaries meet the requirements of Sections A or B. 3. Section A includes general instructions and five appendices (see Index), 4. Section B includes general instructions and seven appendices (see Index). CIRCULAR EXPIRES OCTOBER 9, 1971 101 Appendix C 102 SECTION A — HOSPI‘IAI. IN'ATIENY CENSUS— WOIKSHEH AND €60! SHEET-"70 (Non-VA lloIpIIIII -Co-plon «onion l-t only) M W l. ORIGINAL Aomsslou on: I I (36) 2. COMPENSATION AND PENSION BED SECTION (J7) 3, (GENERAL) 4. STATUS (”I l l I (”-0) 5. A30 DAYS I an.» (rm) (Hoopilal) "HID (I) own (1) (0i '0! 000$!!de IISI ONLY -PAI’IINT IDINI’II‘ICATION 5, RACE “a" m "07 "n" (I) 7. DIAMDMI no. I (Mue- pun-lily uoponoiblo IoI mo lulu pan ol flu leIInl'I nay Iinu III- onliul Adm-Ion) (co-a) (ICDA cool) I. onAonoI-s no, a (n lpfllll: ) "an coon (0.”) ‘ VA MSPI‘I’ALS ONLY. Unlou "howl-o duct-d, onlwu oil «onion: Mow. DC I, an In: uncut numn nAxmuu non-uni. VIIAYMINT mun (Dom-mom No long" In nm It umcu ram. In "Imu- only In ”II-I) vn D (I) '5" m mum 1. ”.“No me mflono m and u, o. to n.) no (2) 1o. ll":lllll to ouunon I w“ --vu.-- new Lona an 1’!!! omen? I nuulv . I woo non on: D (I) on: D (3) mm In D (5) (55) one III-III on: 2 on: 4) uuknovm (9) IL "I m: ”an“ Yo ouunou I “I .. rm" who at non-«mount. CARI oon rm: FAY!!!" nlouluv (Chm In In only "“1. - a I. Skillod Nunin Con (In oddition to room and bond. tho-o nursing IOI‘VlCGI and ylocodum upioyod in caring for tho lick which ( ) who mining Ju Ml. manic-i hnowicdu and Ikilil beyond than which tho untninod pol-on woman. It Invoivu od-io- tutoring ‘ undo I’ . out ‘ in " with tho old-u. instruction- Ind pmcdptiono ol the Ittondiu phyoicionouur'on.)...... ............. ,. ...... . ..... .......... ..........D(l) b. Eamon-l Con (in oddilion to poo-i Ind hoard, pOrIOnII IowicoI Inch u hip in walking and getting in Ind out 0! bod; Iuiolonco with nothing. dnuinl and landing pnpomion olupocioi dial; and "pom-ion ovov nodicationl which can in ull-odlioiliorod.) . . . . D (2) cl Rolidontioi Con (Room Ind boon! with “and nrvicoo Inch u loudly, pomnol cum-in Iuch u oecIlionni holp with con opondoncooq shopping. and I holping hond‘lon ol noutino pnvilion ol “pom-i can" download Ibow.). . . . . . i . ..... . . . . 0(1) H.0ugzotilntllodicol .......... .. .......... ............ ..... ...D(‘) Long-tionlll’ofliotric ..... . ............ . ...... . .............. DU) 1.2m ...... ...... .............. . ..... .i ......... .......Dm in Don tn ”no”? 'IT mo roLLo-mo common unlm nu AN ILLNIII cunncuwuuo moon on m not my onl- occuumo m ALcouoi. no Lou ow cannon. ovln ITI coulwnlou sucu AI TO LIAfl uluALLv To mtoxucnnon In , ommuno a noun. ml ILLnlu II CNAIACTIRIZID Iv canomcnv, .IOOREIIION. Ann IV Tuolucv roman nouns. (57, ”not" "menu an M Auocmno 'NVIICAL ovumurv AND mow! mum-o Ivorian“. occupanoug Ann/on ”cm. Ammmluu u A more? couuoulucu ot "alarm? no EICIIIIVI VII on new». (Chock on. box only lot count.) In. 12. and the potion! will gain oontinuod holpitnliution or inuituuon-l one (or other condition: Iltot (root-Ion! (or Ileoholiui . . . . DU) 5. You. bul tho potiont will not fill“. continua-d iwtpiuiintion or inltitutionoi con for othor condition: oltov III-mom (or 35:39am“ ...... .. ......... ........................ . ...... ...............Dm o. In, but do not know il pltioot will nouin continuod ho-pitolintion or institution! cm to: otbov conditional lilo: (Io-tam for alcohol“. ............ iDm d._N2,thop-timtdalmtlittho“ ol' U Skip - 13.6nto “Du: mmmknow. ‘ ' notyot ' Snip 13.60» 14...”. ...... ............D(5) n. m voul common. IDULD TMII ’AYIINT now on culmn. nu nwmnmo no. A mount-cm? "moo or nut (I you) w unno m A room; ALEONOL "urn-um nnooum m D m a o m: u 1- no G (2) KID. D (J) u. m voun O'INION oou Yul I- his? own A room.“ mm ALCDNOL "In motion no Don NOT tall? mo nonunion IYIM In A "onoouw- anus Tun mt FATIIIIT'I CUIIINT mur- unv Anocow pnoono I All connucnto Iv onmxmo. "I U (I) (59) no D a; ”Q3; D m u, oou ml FAYIIN‘I’ NAVI A IICOIDED nvcmnnlc nuonom nmcu cunwlnnv cowl-mun?" To ms uno Ion can! ‘ I. m. and wintfluinl Minitivo uniolhooilh (noun-n! (u dolinodontho rovom olthil pogo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . .DU; (60) b.mJulpotionidoolnolnouindolinilivo-onulhonithtnomt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ufll c.V_oI.hlcmmdotonimwhthupouoniminnd-floitinmnihooilhm-toont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0”) din, (Illnowovil “No,"youhovooonpiuodihoconul. Dona-nowaqontioo 16). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .014) o. Do not know. Adoqlmo inlomliion in not IVIllINI. (ll ulwn in “Do not how." you hovo oo-oiotod throonluo. Do not onlm qmtionlfi).. ..... . ................... ........ ..........D(J) ll. I Anlwlwn ouu Iron won urn-nu culcuo "VII." menu I, I. on I) m ouuflon u omen cuwucnuou u" cuncumzu ml PA‘I’Illfl' acconomo To run Dl-mmon mo ounouml own on ml uvonu an o! Yul owls Tic—"Alli! (Chock only on! lol.) (‘0 I.Hoothoqitoioon-odiophynicnllyi-pnind..........i... ...... . ..... DU) i). It not phyliully imindud mum Ihon-tonl plychintic c-n oliluthonoaonthl dumion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .012) e. ll ootphyoicolly i-poilod Ind noun“ lDllflOlI psychiatric can. do month: or non dun-lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00) d. ll not IhyIicIlly input!“ and cannot now dour-inc longth ol lino puma-me can will to nouind . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . D (4) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. APPENDIX D DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN THIS REPORT Associated Diagnosis - Any established diagnosis for which treatment was given, other than the principal diagnosis. Defined Alcoholic - Any bed occupant in a VA Hospital on October 14, 1970 that has an illness characterized wholly or in part by preoccupation with alcohol and loss of control over its consumption such as to lead usually to intoxication if drinking is begun. The illness is characterized by chronicity, progression, and by tendency toward relapse. Patient typically has an associated physical disability and shows impaired emotional, occupational, and/or social adjustments as a direct consequence of persistent and excessive use of alcohol. Maximum Hospital Benefit Patient - Any bed occupant in a VA Hospital that is no longer in need of services which are available only in the hospital. Need for Continued Hospitalization - This heading appears on several tables in Appendix A. It pertains to defined alcoholics that will require continued hospitalization or institutional care for other conditions after treatment for alcoholism. Principal Diagnosis - The diagnosis primarily responsible for the patient's stay in the hospital since his original admission. Problem Drinker - Any bed occupant in a VA Hospital on October 14, 1970 that was not a defined alcoholic but had a problem with alcohol that complicated his current treatment and/or prognosis. Rehabilitation Potential - This heading appears on several tables in Appendix A and pertains to the physician's judgment of the defined alcoholic patients' ability to stop or curtail his drinking for a significant period of time (1 year) if treated in a formal alcohol treatment program. 103