U. S. Dept. of 3.53215, Eiuzaiion and Welter-g ublicailcn no- H 1“ WW? #5 6H0 IMMUNOLOGY ‘ , rwmuua Li“ 5.: 17-! umaxm STATE HLALEH Its Role in Disease and, Health CW1? APR ¢ ,_ ‘ 20 ’975 mm mm? '.S.S.D. Cover: The emblem depicts the relationship be- tween the body’s immunologic system and disease. The maze symbolizes the varied and complicated immune process and the “id” each person’s unique immunologic mecha- nism and responses. The Doctor’s Office by Norman Rockwell. (Reprinted with permission from The Saturday Evening Post, © 1958 The Curtis Publishing Company.) IMMUNOLOGY Its Role in Disease and Health Summary Report of the Task Force on Immunology and Disease DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 75—940 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Available from the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Oflfice Washington, D.C. 20402 Price $2.55 Stock Number 017—044—00021—4 Preface . . Foreword Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. 20 R 1131 lU531 1976 Contents 1pUBL .......................................... THE OLD AND THE NEW IMMUNOLOGY ...... A. Early History of the Science of Self . . . B. The New Immunology—Accomplish- ments and Applications ............. THE IMMUNE RESPONSE ................... . Antigens and Antibodies ............ Cellular Events in the Immune Re- sponse ............................ Thymus-Derived (T) Lymphocytes . Bone Marrow-Derived (B) Lympho- cytes and Cellular Collaboration ...... Tolerance and Autoimmunity ........ Regulation of the Immune Response . . Structure of Antibody Molecules ...... . Immunoglobulin Classes and Their Function .......................... I. Accessory Systems: Complement ..... mean 60‘w> BIOLOGY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: REPRODUC- TION, NORMAL AND ABNORMAL DEVELOPMENT, AND AGING ............................. A. Immunology and Reproduction ....... 1. The maternal-fetal relationship . .. 2. Immunization resulting from maternal-fetal exchanges ......... 3. Anti-sperm, anti-seminal plasma, and anti-placental antibodies ...... B. Immunology and Development ....... 1. Development of the lymphoid system and deficiencies of the immune response ....................... 2. Embryonic and carcino-embryonic antigens ....................... 3. Infectious disease ............... a. Congenital (prenatal) in- fection ...................... 9261 ix xi 10 10 13 13 14 15 15 17 18 23 25 25 26 29 30 30 33 35 35 b. Neonatal and childhood infection ..................... C. Immunology and Aging ............. Chapter 4. INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND POST-INFECTION COMPLICATIONS .......................... A. Magnitude of the Problem ........... B. Principles Of Vaccination ........... 1. 2. 3 Immunization against polio- myelitis ........................ Smallpox vaccination ............ Successful vaccination against other microbial diseases ............... Infections for which vaccines might shortly be developed ............. a. Influenza .................... b. Pneumonia and meningitis ..... 0. Future measures .............. Infections requiring extensive re- search for prevention and control . . a. Venereal disease .............. b. Viral hepatitis ............... c. Common cold ................. The relationship between infection and autoimmunity ............... a. Rheumatic fever and glomerulo- nephritis .................... b. Tuberculosis ................. Unusual infectious diseases ...... a. Infections common to other coun- tries ........................ b. Infections Of immunologically suppressed persons ........... 0. Infection in primary immuno- deficiency states .............. C. Further Research Needed ........... Chapter 5. DIAGNOSTIC IMMUNOLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY ........................... A. Measurement of Serum Proteins in Diagnosis and Management of Diseases .......................... Radioimmunoassays ................ Immunofiuorescent Techniques in the Diagnosis Of Infectious Diseases ...... P169573 . Cell—Mediated Responses in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Disease ............ Immunohematology and Blood Banking .......................... 36 38 43 44 45 48 50 60 60 61 61 63 64 64 66 69 71 F. Tissue Typing ..................... 73 G. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Parasitic Diseases .................. 75 H. Serological Epidemiology and Public Health ............................ 76 I. Immunology as Applied to Forensic Medicine .......................... 77 J. Conclusions ........................ 77 Chapter 6. ALLERGY AND DRUG REACTIONS ............ 79 A. Immediate Anaphylactic (Class I) Hypersensitivity ................... 82 1. Allergic sudden death ............ 82 2. Allergic rhinitis ................. 83 3. Asthma ........................ 83 4. Atopic eczema .................. 84 5. Treatment ...................... 85 B. Serum Sickness and Hives .......... 87 C. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis ........ 90 D. Contact Dermatitis ................. 91 E. Allergic Drug Reactions ............ 93 F. Conclusions ....................... 94 Chapter 7. AUTOIMMUNITY .......................... 96 A. Mechanisms of Autoimmunity ....... 96 B. Autoimmune Disorders of Medical and Social Importance ................... 98 1. Immune complex diseases ......... 99 a. Glomerulonephritis ............ 99 b. Systemic lupus erythematosus . . 102 c. Rheumatoid arthritis .......... 103 2. Multiple sclerosis—altered self- antigen ........................ 104 3. Autoimmune thyroid disease— unmasked self-antigen ........... 105 4. Drug purpura and hemolytic anemia —normal cells affected as “innocent bystanders” .................... 106 C. Summary and Prospectus ............ 108 Chapter 8. TRANSPLANTATION AND CANCER IM- MUNOLOGY .............................. 110 A. Transplantation .................... 112 1. Blood transfusion ............... 112 2. Skin transplantation ........ ‘ ..... 113 3. Transplantation of the cornea ..... 113 4. Organ transplantation ........... 114 a. Kidney transplantation ........ 114 b. Heart transplantation ......... 117 0. Bone marrow transplantation . . 117 d. Liver transplantation ......... e. Lung transplantation ......... f. Transplantation of other organs ...................... 5. Special needs of transplantation . . . B. Cancer Immunology ................ Chapter 9. THE FUTURE OF IMMUNOLOGY—ALMOST WITHIN OUR GRASP ...................... A. Immunological Manipulations ........ 1. Immunotherapy ................. a. Immunosuppression ........... b. Augmentation ................ c. Reconstitution ................ B. Goals ............................. Cancer ......................... Transplantation ................. Infectious diseases ............... Autoimmunity .................. Allergy ........................ General features ................ C. Cost .............................. Appendix A. Glossary .............................. @P‘PWN!‘ Appendix B. TASK FORCE 0N IMMUNOLOGY AND DISEASE —Description and Purpose .............. Appendix C. List of Participants and Editors ......... 118 118 118 118 121 128 128 128 128 129 132 133 133 136 139 142 143 144 145 149 154 156 PREFACE In the past two decades biomedical science has made great strides in understanding the body’s immune mecha- nism and also how to discern those diseases that result from an inadequate or abnormal immune mechanism. Throughout this period of rapid developments in the field of immunology, the National Institute of Allergy and In- fectious Diseases has fostered and supported research in university, hospital, and Federal laboratories and clinics throughout the country. In the interests of communica- tions between the researchers and the practitioners, the Institute sponsored the Task Force on Immunology and Disease, involving over 100 senior scientists, listed in an appendix to this volume. The Task Force report written in scientific language, is a review of current knowledge on the role of immunologic processes in the cause, recovery and prevention of disease. It reviews as well the areas where significant knowledge is missing and thus indicates priorities for future research. This book contains a summary of that report and is written in less technical language. It is intended to help the reader to understand better his own particular im- munologic mechanism and how it protects him from disease or, conversely, may cause diseases ranging from such common and annoying problems as hay fever, to more serious and incapacitating or fatal diseases such as asthma, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic glomerulonephritis. It does as well confirm that “an ounce of prevention is equal to a pound of cure”; money investment in research avoids many—fold that amount in cost of treatments. Much remains to be learned, for there are few areas where our knowledge is adequate to the disease challenges we face. Dorland J. Davis, M.D., Dr. P.H. Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ix Foreword It is difficult for the person not intimately involved in the actual practice of immunology to comprehend the broad scope and potential of this discipline. Perhaps the greatest barrier is in the name “Immunology” itself. The term immunity, from which the name of the science was derived, was originally coined to convey the concept of the freedom or exemption of the individual from infec- tion. Now the area encompassed has become so broad that numerous sub-classifications such as tumor immunity, transplantation immunity, clinical immunology, autoim- munity, and immunohematology are commonly used; the overall unifying concept is the ability of the individual to distinguish between normal self and nonself and to re- act specifically to the attribute of foreignness. The po- tentials of the science appear virtually unlimited as they encompass the full range of responses of the individual to his environment, and extend in changing ways from fe- tal life to the extreme of old age, possibly even being responsible for much of the process of aging itself. The reader should realize that this is a parochial re- port, confined to “American” thinking and mainly the “American” scene. Most of the scientific activities dis- cussed, plus the costs and statistics cited, relate to the U.S.A. The science and disease situation in other coun- tries may be similar or dissimilar and, in general, were not considered in the Task Force activity. xi Chapter 1. THE OLD AND THE NEW IMMUNOLOGY A. Early History of the Science of Self Immunology began long before anyone knew of the ex- istence of microorganisms or the immune system which protects the body against infection. In ancient Greece, Thucydides recorded that during the plague of Athens only those few who had had the disease and recovered from it would nurse the sick, since it was known that no one ever caught it a second time. While the phenomenon of immunity was Widely recognized for thousands of years, it was not until the 15th century that the Chinese and Arabs converted the knowledge into clinical treat- ment by infecting persons with material from the pustules of smallpox patients to induce immunity by giving them a mild form of the disease. In 1796, Edward Jenner, an English physician, using a lancet, inoculated an 8-year-old boy with fluid from a milkmaid’s cowpox pustule in an attempt to give him pro- tection against the more virulent smallpox. Jenner knew nothing about the immune system but he had observed that milkmaids Who contracted cowpox from cows rarely contracted smallpox. The experiment proved successful— the immunity against the disease was established; the practice of vaccination was born. (It is called vaccination because the immunizing disease material came from the cow; vacca in Latin.) It was not until a century later, however, when Louis Pasteur formulated the germ theory of disease, that sci- entists began to suspect that the body possesses a defense system for recognizing and combating disease agents. Although, as the founder of bacteriology, Pasteur was in- terested in the nature of microorganisms, he was much 1 Fig. 1. With the joint assistance of WHO and UNICEF more than 150 million people have been vaccinated in 61 countries. more concerned with preventing the diseases they caused. By developing attenuated and killed vaccines—cultures of the organism that possess the same immunological char- acteristics, but that have been weakened or altered in such a way that they are less virulent and dangerous—Pasteur became the first great experimental immunologist. His contributions in this field, including the development of rabies vaccine, marked the beginning of modern scientific immunology (Fig. 1). By 1900, many of the principal mediators of immunity had been identified: wandering phagocytic (scavenger) cells; antibodies with the ability to specifically neutralize toxins such as those of diphtheria and tetanus; and that group of substances in the blood and body fluids called complement which acts in concert with antibodies as “helper” agents in the body’s defense against infection. Antibody formed in response to immunization was found to be specific—tetanus antitoxin does not protect against diphtheria—and specific immunity could be transferred by transferring serum containing antibody from an im- mune to a nonimmune individual. Full awareness of the role of cells of the lymphoid system in immunity came much later and developed over a period of years. While it was shown in these early experiments that the 2 body is capable of producing specific antibodies in re- sponse to the invasion of disease-causing agents, it was not until the 1940’s that it was finally recognized that a poorly functioning immune system, or the absence of one, can leave the body virtually defenseless against infection from without or malignancy from within. In the early part of the present century, it was recog- nized that a variety of allergic diseases are immunologic; these include common ailments such as hay fever and poison ivy. The statement that they are immunologic means that they result from immunization, that these diseases can be transferred by transferring serum or im— mune cells from an allergic to a normal individual, and that they are specific—a person who gets hay fever or asthma when he inhales ragweed pollen does not react to timothy (unless he is also allergic to that). Here the origi- nal purpose of antibody to protect against infection is, as it were, perverted. Here, reaction of antibody with anti- gen (pollen) is harmful to the tissues and produces disease. This illustrates the ambivalent character of most im- mune reactions. They protect us against severe infection and even death in some cases, while in others they produce diseases of their own. In the case of hay fever or asthma, where no infection threatens, most disease is an unfortu- nate by-product of an otherwise useful protective mecha- nism. The study of immunologically mediated disease is today conducted within the broad disciplines of clinical immunology and immunopathology. The discovery at the turn of the century by the great scientist, Karl Landsteiner, that there are at least three main blood groups in humans (A, B, and 0), showed that immunologic reactions can involve tissues as antigens. Red blood cells of one individual have different antigens on their surface than the red cells of another. Conse- quently, a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type can result in an immune reaction called a “transfusion reac- tion” (Fig. 2). It represents an unfortunate class of im- munologic disease because the disease results from the 3 Fig. 2. Transfusion of a patient with animal blood. (From Scul- tetus, courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.) doctor’s treatment. However, there is a naturally occur- ring equivalent which results when a mother becomes im- munized against red blood cell antigens which her unborn baby has inherited exclusively from the father and which are foreign to the mother. This is the well-known Rh dis- ease or erythroblastosis, also called hemolytic disease of the newborn. Blood Banking, which makes use of refined tech— niques to distinguish red cell antigens, is a valuable ap- proach to both theoretical and applied problems in this field. Today, it is possible to carry out transfusions at will, without fear of complications, and to prevent completely hemolytic disease of the newborn. Numerous diseases of the blood are now known to be immunologic and can be diagnosed, and in many cases, treated by suitable im- munologic means. Early in this century, that great German scientist, Paul Ehrlich, observed still another characteristic of the immune system. He noted that one usually does not pro- 4 duce antibodies to one’s own body constituents. Ehrlich showed that this trait, now called self-tolerance, is a criti- cal balancing feature of the immune system, preventing the continual initiation of autoimmune diseases. Forty years later, the American immunologist, R. D. Owen, pro- vided an experimental basis for the principle of self- tolerance in observing that non-identical cattle twins which share blood streams up to the time of birth are in- capable of making an immune response against their non- identical twin. Following this lead, a British team headed by P. B. Medawar showed that one could deliberately in- duce specific tolerance to foreign skin grafts by exposure of fetal animals to foreign lymphoid cells. Animals made specifically tolerant to skin grafts from one type of donor could still readily reject grafts from unrelated donor types. Moreover, graft rejection was caused by immune lymphoid cells. These discoveries, demonstrating that re- jection of skin grafts is immunologic in nature, resulted in the Nobel Prize to Medawar in 1960 and subsequently set the stage for later experiments in human organ transplantation. In recent years, there has been a rapidly growing in- terest in transplantation or grafting of tissues such as skin and bone marrow, and organs such as the kidney and heart. Here, again, there are tissue antigens that differ- entiate one individual from another and frequently lead to immunologic rejection of a graft. The solution to the problem of transplantation is in part genetic, and there is a need to learn the inheritance of these antigens. In part, it requires better tissue—typing techniques analogous to, but far more complex than, the well-established tech- niques of blood grouping and matching. In part it requires better understanding of the immunologic mechanism known as rejection. These constitute the main focus of current transplantation research. As a result of recent ad- vances in these areas, transplantation of certain organs, notably kidneys, has become a relatively safe and largely successful procedure. We now know also that most human cancers have 5 unique antigens, which can be recognized as “foreign” yet fail'to be rejected by the cancer patient. The existence of a cancer-specific immune response, tumor immunity, has opened up a new and powerful area in medicine, immuno- therapy. Immunotherapy seeks to cure disease by boost- ing an inadequate immune defense or by controlling an over-exuberant response. B. The New Immanalogy—Accomplishments and Applications The initial advances in microbial immunity made by Pasteur, Koch and the other founders of microbiology were paralleled by Landsteiner’s description of blood group antigens and his studies on the specificity of serological reactions (which founded the science of immunochemis- try), and the delineation of the role of antibodies in a1- lergic reactions by Arthus, Dale and others. Immunology then assumed a relatively steady and undramatic progress in the period from 1900 until World War II. Under war- time conditions, however, answers were rapidly required to many urgent problems, and a great impetus was given to such diverse topics as blood banking and blood trans- fusion, skin grafting for the treatment of burns and im- proved mass prophylaxis against gas gangrene and tetanus. This impetus was maintained at the end of the war by the encouragement given by the National Institutes of Health, and by other funding agencies in the US. and abroad. Many new immunologic study subdivisions were developed and each line of investigation was broadened extensively. At the same time, many of the new findings began to be applied to clinical problems. By the late 1940’s immunology ceased to be simply a technology of preven- tive medicine and became instead a major discipline of basic science, touching upon an ever-widening range of practical medical problems in the fields of infectious dis- ease, allergy, autoimmunity, maternal-fetal relations, transplantation, and cancer. Today, it affects every branch of medicine except, perhaps, psychiatry. 6 With the discovery of sulfonamide drugs, and soon thereafter of penicillin and a host of other antibiotics, it appeared that many of the life—threatening problems of in- fectious diseases had been solved. The drive to develop new vaccines or antisera faltered. Sulfonamides and antibiotics did not, however, solve all the problems and sometimes they created new ones. Many viruses and fungi are insensitive to antibiotics and drug—resistant bacteria are continuing to evolve. A small but significant propor- tion of patients treated with antibiotics become sensitized to the drug or develop bone marrow failure. Thus, empha- sis has again returned to augmenting our defense against infection by immunological means. Even though progress in developing new vaccines was slow, other developments in immunology continued. One of the most important, not only to the immunologist but to many other fields of science, was the realization that lymphocytes could be activated to perform a variety of biologic functions. Most of the present-day immunology and much of pathology, genetics, and biochemistry is de- voted to studies of lymphocyte differentiation and func- tion. This knowledge forms the basis for an exciting new branch of science, cellular immunology. Extremely potent new weapons for the treatment of many diseases are de- veloping from these studies. The claim that the prevention and treatment of such dread diseases as cancer, heart dis- ease and stroke, may be problems for solution by the immunologist, may seem to be extreme, but past accom— plishments of immunology are so impressive that its forward projections, especially those based on cellular immunology, must be seriously weighed. Solved, or largely solved, are the difficulties of safe blood transfusion. Elimination of Rh disease, diphtheria, smallpox, poliomyelitis, and pertussis, and the trans- plantation of kidneys and bone marrow from carefully se- lected donors, are but a few of the solid and proven accomplishments of the immunologist. Immunological procedures form the basis for the inex- pensive, rapid (and sometimes the only means of) diag- 7 nosis of an expanding number of diseases. Immunologic techniques have been adopted by the biochemist for iden- tification of materials in trace quantities, by the forensic pathologist in the identification of blood stains, by the physiologist in studying transport of ions across cell mem- branes, by the radiologist in assessing the safety margins of his radiation therapy, and by the obstetrician in the early diagnosis of pregnancy. These are but a few of the uses of immunological probes and procedures in other fields. A prime example of the practical application of basic immunologic knowledge is provided by organ transplanta- tion. Studies in animals, which showed that graft rejec- tion is immunological and which initiated an analysis of its mechanism, led to a formulation of the genetic laws of transplantation and to the powerful techniques of im— munosuppression to prevent rejection. These, in turn, made possible kidney transplantation for thousands of people each year. Three-quarters of these recipients can return to normal or near normal life. Application of the same principles has led, in the last five years, to the first successful grafts of bone marrow, a highly desirable tech- nique for the treatment of leukemia, and for the treatment of a variety of deficiency diseases, congenital or acquired. The full potential of this form of immunologic manipula- tion has yet to be realized. It awaits perfection of pro— cedures for avoidance of rejection. A second example, relating to immunization against poliomyelitis, illustrates the economic benefits derived from the practical application of basic immunologic knowledge. It is estimated that in the first seven years after introduction of the Salk vaccine, in the United States alone, the vaccine prevented approximately 154,000 cases of poliomyelitis and thus spared 12,500 deaths, plus 36,400 severe and 58,100 moderate cases of lasting paralysis. The tremendous gain to society in human terms was matched by a striking saving in hospital beds, respirators, etc., which were no longer needed, and by the productive man- days of labor saved by the polio vaccine. The entire cost 8 of developing, producing and administering the vaccine was less than one-tenth of the amount saved. Comparable savings have, of course, become worldwide and may rea- sonably be expected to continue over an indefinite future period. These illustrations can be matched by many others, and one may reasonably expect equally exciting successes in the fields of allergic and rheumatic diseases, and, perhaps, even in the treatment of cancer. Far from having run its course, immunology presents challenges in the intellectual sphere while promising major advances in the practice of medicine and its specialties. The potential value of these to society, whether measured in human terms or reduced to a conventional dollars-and-cents statement, is incal- culable. These accomplishments are based upon great technological and conceptual advances, stemming from de- velopments throughout the century, but showing a true acceleration during the past 20 years. The growth of knowledge was coincident with public awareness and en- thusiastic support of the contributions of research to medical treatment. It was consequent upon the recruit- ment of eminent scientists from other fields and upon the emergence of young, energetic and highly trained new investigators. \nkl Chapter 2. THE IMMUNE RESPONSE The immune system is extremely complex and is widely dispersed through most of the tissues of the body (Fig. 3). Its basic constituents or effectors are lymphocytes (small white cells that are normally present in the blood and in lymphoid tissue), antibodies (protein molecules that are produced and secreted by some lymphoid cells), and a variety of phagocytic cells (scavenger cells fixed within the tissues or transported in the blood (Fig. 4). Lymphocytes have the remarkable and unique ability to recognize foreign substances that invade the body, or that develop from within it. Aided by antibodies in the blood- stream, their function, and that of the phagocytes, is to patrol the body and to guard it from any such potentially harmful agents. They constitute a nearly perfect surveil- lance team that has evolved from more primitive systems as far back as the earliest vertebrates. When a foreign substance, such as a bacterium, virus or tissue from another individual, is introduced into an ani— mal 01 human, that individual responds by (1) producing antibody molecules which specifically bind the introduced su s ances (this constitutes the linmmal immune 7e- spo7i3e§ and by (2) mobilizing cells which can specifically cmmniie response). Thus, in essence, there are two main classes of immune response. Let us examine the mechanisms that mediate them. A. Antigens and Antibodies Any substance which provokes an immune response when introduced into the tissue of an animal or human is referred to as an antigen or immunogen. Antigens ca- 10 COMPONENTS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Eyes, Nose , Mouth (secretions Tensile and Adenoids Respiratory Tract, Thymus Mammary Glands Lymph Nodes Sp\e.en Gast r0 — Inteslc \ flat Payer ‘5 Patches Tract Gen'Ltour'mary Traci Appendix Bone Marrow Fig. 3. The major structures of the immune system are indicated to the right; some of the systems they guard are on the left. (Modified from Bellanti, Joseph A., Immunology, W. B. Saunders, 1971.) pable of stimulating an immune response have two func- tional regions: one is called the antigenic site, or hapten; the other is called the carrier. Antibodies recognize antigens through surface charac- teristics of the foreign substance, especially by the electric charge, or by the pattern or shape. T0 unite with the anti- gen, the antibody must be precisely the right kind or specific. As a rule, antibodies are made onlyrin response to the entry of a particularantigen into the body. Just as mil— lions of different antibodies are reduired to cope with the infinite variety of possible antigens, the lymphoid‘xsystem includes many different lymphocytes, each capable of re- 11 T— ly@mphocy+es B—lymplnocylzes +An‘lZI sen . ? + Macrophage + Antigen (9‘ @ 33%) 31’? @@ {\ Efieckor @ Blast Cel ls s): \o >— 0‘ 90 Killer Activated Prlmed Plasma cells lympl‘oblast macro phage. anl: ‘39—” gel ls Sensl'lilve cells Cell — medlated l-lumoral immunity Memory immunity Fig. 4. The Genesis of an Immunological Reaction. Antigen is processed and activates sometimes T, sometimes B and some- times both types of lymphocytes. As a result of exposure to antigen, some cells become primed and respond more rapidly to subsequent exposure. This is immunologic memory. Acti- vated B cells often convert into plasma cells which secrete antibodies and thereby provide humoral immunity. Activated T cells react in Type IV (delayed hypersensitivity) reac- tions by their direct participation as killer or effector cells. They also release substances called mediators which increase blood flow and the flow of fluid into the tissues, and affect the performance of other cell types including macrophages. (Modified from Davis, B. D., et al., Microbiology, Harper and Row, 1973.) acting to its own specific antigen. Vaccination is nothing more than the injection of antigens that have been ren- dered harmlessmeyw or attenuated) into the body, st timulating the lymphgjtes to produce antibodies against themus, the immune system is able to respond smw t0 the antigen on an organism such as mea- sles virus by producing large numbers of antibody mole- cules and cells capable of binding and destroying the 12 invader. The response would not protect against unrelated organisms like mumps or polio. Furthermore, once,.an.in- dividu‘al has been immunizedutoman antigen, the immune system responds much more rapidly when the same anti- en enters the body a‘second time. This factor, known as immunologic memory; accounts for the long term protec- tion or immunity characteristic of an individual who has had certain forms of infectious diseases or who has been vaccinated against such a disease. B. Cellular Events in the Immune Response When antigen is introduced into the body intentionally, as in immunization for the prevention of disease, or un- intentionally, as in infection with a bacterium, some of it is trapped by phagocytic cells called macrophages which have the capacity to break down or digest the antigen. A portion of the antigen remains on the surface of these cells. In this location, the antigen comes in contact with a type of small White blood cell referred to as a lymphocyte, which is then stimulated (see below). These lymphocytes have on their surface, molecules (receptors) which can bind the antigen specifically in the sense that a given key fits a given lock. C. Thymus-derived (T) Lymphocytes Recent research has shown that there are two broad classes of lymphocytes. One type is a cell which originates within the bone marrow, but which migrates through the blood and settles in the thymus, a unique lymphoid organ found at the base of the neck. In this location the cell ma— tures and gains the ability to carry out certain functions. At the conclusion of this maturation period, the cell leaves the thymus and circulates throughout the body. Because of this period of residence within the thymus, this cell is called a thymus-derived (T) lymphocyte (or T cell). The T lymphocytes are responsible for many of the cellular 13 immune responses. When they encounter the antigen for which their receptors are specific, they are stimulated to divide so that many more T lymphocytes of the same specificity are produced. In addition, they appear to change in character and acquire the ability. to perform at least three different tasks: 7(1) they can interact directly with the antigen, as when the stimulated (“killer”) T cell reacts with and dest1oys a virus-infected cell or a fo1e1gn tissue or tum01 cell, (2) they can produce yarious sub- stances (called mediatms or lymphokines), some of which can att1 act or activate other components of the immune syStem, while othe1 mediators act directly, and (3) they can act as “helper ” cells which inte1 act With the other ma- jor type of lymphocyte (B lymphocyte) to enable“ the latter to pioduce antibodies. T lymphocytes, obviously, playa crucial central role in the bodily defense mechanisms. Consequently, infants born with a deficiency in the T lym- phocyte system (for example, a congenital absence of the thymus) are very subject to serious infectious diseases and they die in infancy. In addition, individuals with a de- ficiency in the function of their T lymphocytes have an increased frequency of many types of malignant tumors. D.‘ Bone Marrow-derived ( B ) Lymphocytes and Cellular Collaboration The other major type of lymphocyte is the B lympho- cyte (or B cell). This cell also originates in the bone mar- row, but it matures in sites other than the thymus. When a mature B cell encounters the antigen for which it has specific receptors, it is stimulated to divide and differen- tiate into plasma cells» which can produce large numbers of antibody molecules. These antibodies show the same specificity as the B cell receptor; that is, they bind the same antigen. Recently, it has become clear that the mere exposure of a B lymphocyte to a foreign antigen rarely leads directly to the development of antibody forming cells. Rather, B lymphocytes must interact with the specificyi‘helperVE 14 lymphocytes alluded to above. This interaction is called Samarétaperation or T 'cell: B cell collaboration. The discovery of this collaboration has virtually revolutionized research in immunology since it has opened the door to manipulation of discrete segments of the immune response. E. Tolerance and Autoimmunity One of the hallmarks of the immune system is its abil— ity to discriminate between foreign antigens and its own “self” constituents. This lack of responsiveness to self an- tigens is called self-tolerance (Fig. 5). In some individuals this tolerant state may be circumvented and an individual’s own constituents may act as an antigen, eliciting a highly ‘ destr 11ct1ve immune 1esponse to his own tissues. The lesult of this 1s the development of autozmmumty or self- an768810n (Chapter 7). Under the approp1iate condi- tions, it is possible to experimentally induce tole1ance to many foreign antigens; this unresponsiveness has been shown to exist in both T and B lymphocytes. Studies in experimental tolerance induction have thus provided mod- els for the development and control of autoimmunity. F. Regulation of the Immune Response. It is now clear that the immune system is subject to several control mechanisms. One method of regulation is via the B cell product or specific antibody. The injection of antibody prepared in another individual interferes with the development of immunity to the cor responding antigen. For example, the antibody response to the Rhfac- tor on human red blood came suppressed if specific Rh antibodies are given at the time of exposure to this antigen. This is p1ecisely the principle and treatment M to prevent an Rh negative mother from producing antibody against the Rh red blood cell antigen after she delivers an Rh positive baby. In a related manner, spe- cific antibody has been applied to control graft rejection in human and animal transplantation, in this case the im- 15 91 Death Death Death Before Birth After Birth Fig. 5. Induction of tolerance to self-constituents (SI—83) by selective elimination of lymphocytes with self-react— ing surface receptors. These cells are either killed or inactivated. Surviving cells are able to react only with non-self (NS) foreign antigens of specificity NSl, N82, N83, etc. As originally postulated by Burnet, elimina- tion of self-reactive cells occurs before birth. (Modified from Roitt, I. M. in Essential Immunology, Blackwell, 1974.) AN IMMUNOGLOBULIN MOLECULE ANTlGEN BINDING HEAVY 5m": CHAIN UGHT CHAlN ‘93 9 *3-8—4 2 N U HINGE REGION ('7 m Fig 6. Prototype structure of an antibody or immunoglobulin molecule (IgG class). (See text for explanation.) munological unresponsiveness is called enhancement. -An- tibody also has been implicated in preventing tumor rejection (Chapter 8), the antibodies involved are some- times called blocking and sometimes enhancing antibodies. Another method of regulation is through T cell activity. T suppressor cells are formed in the spleen after immuni- zation and appear to regulate both T cell activity and an- tibody formation. Understanding the regulation of the immune response, as well as the dichotomy of T and B cell function, has had enormous impact for the possible manipulation of the immune system (Chapter 9). G. Structure of Antibody Molecules Antibody molecules (or immunoglobulms), the products 17 of B cells, are proteins which are made up of two types‘ of cham acids (Fig. 6). One chain is approxi- mately twice asiojlg as_ the other and 1s referredm as a heayyiichaing the other chain 1s termed the light (L) c ain. The prototype antibody molecule consists of tthi afléjmmnswhich are held to each other primarily through bonds made by linking two sulfur atoms (disul— fide bonds). One end of an H chain together with the cor- responding end of an L chain of an antibody forms the site which specifically binds the antigen , (active site). Thus, the prototype antibody molecule, consisting of two H—L pairs, has two active sites and so can bind two mole- cules of antigen. Detailed knowledge of the structure and sequence composition of immunoglobulins has greatly aug- mented our understanding of how these molecules are synthesized and how they function. (The Nobel Prize was awarded to Drs. Porter and Edelman for their research in this area.) It is now known that each chain consists of a large region which is amazingly constant in different types of immunoglobulins even from unrelated species (constant region). There is, on the other hand, another region (variable region) which is highly variable and seems to determine the diversity of specificities which immunoglobulins possess. The variable region is believed to include the active site. These regions are illustrated below with several words, part of which are constant and some of which vary (in letters, or amino acids) : V—A—C—C-I—N—A—T—I—N—G O—S—C—I—L—L—A—T—I—N—G V—A—C—C—I—L—A—T—I—N—G U—N—C—O—L—L—A—T—I—N-G Thus, the final A—T—I—N—G represents the constant por- tion, and the first five to six letters, the variable section which provides for antibody (word) specificity. H. Immunoglobulin Classes and Their Function In humans there are five major classes of antibodies (or immunoglobulins) which differ slightly from each other in the constant region of the H chain. In addition, some of these classes consist of multiples of the two H and two L chain structure of the prototype. Of the five differ- 18 ent major classes of immunoglobulins, four have known separate and important biological functions. For example, 1mmunoglobu11n G (IgG) is known to promote the more efficient uptake, removal and destruction of invading mi- croorganisms by macrophages and other phagocytic cells. This class of immunoglobulin enters tissue spaces and can pass through natural barriers like the placenta. Another class ”QM, which 1s formed early 1n response to antigen, is considerably larger and tends to remain in the blood stream. Both of these classes of antibodies, upon combina- tion with their specific antigens, can bind and activate a complex and exquisitely potent series of blood enzymes known as the complement system The latter can act to destroy the antibody- bound invader (see below). A third major class of immunoglobulin is IgA, which is concen- trated in the fluids of the respiratory and gastrointestinal system, where it acts as a first line.,of.defense...&Lg§:1,.'11.1st invading 01 ganisms IgE, the fourth class for which a function is known, attaches itself totthe surface of cells known as basophils or mast cells. When this cell- bound IgE encounters its appropriate antigen, the resulting binding causes the release ofpowerfulmolecules ..... like histamine, which, in turn, produce thesymptomsiofflal- lergies ( see Chapter 6). It can be seen then that antibodies bind the antigen for which they are specific and that this binding results in a series of events which may lead to the destruction of the foreign substance or, under certain conditions, to harm the individual mounting the response (e.g. an allergy). It seems logical to refer to the protective aspects of the im- mune response as immunity (exemption from disease), while the damaging aspects of the immune response to the host are referred to as hypersensitivity (excessive sensi— tivity). I. Accessory Systems: Complement How, then, are the protective and damaging aspects of the immune response mediated? Both immunity and hy- persensitivity are augmented by the engagement of other 19 Fig. 7. Structure of Complement Lesion depicted in schematic form. The structure is believed to consist of the five late-acting complement components C510, C6, C7, C8, and C9. These com- ponents are thought to attach themselves to the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. The complement components, which are proteins, are believed to assemble themselves into a doughnut or a funnel shape that penetrates the bilayer. The hollow core of the structure could form the lesion through which water and ions flow into the cell until it bursts. (From Mayer, M. Scientific American, November 1973, reprinted with permis- sion.) potent non-specific bodily defense mechanisms. One of the most important of these is the complement system, a complicated group of proteins which react in a predeter- mined sequence. Classically, when antibody of the proper class (IgG or IgM) binds to the antigen for which it is specific, the complex which is thus formed binds (fixes) a protein called the first component of complement (C1). In turn, bound C1 binds and activates additional compo- nents with unique enzymatic activities, in the order C1, C4, CZ, C3, C5—C9. The classic activity of complement and one that has 20 been studied for many years is the breakdown (lysis) of. antibody coated red blood cells. In the final stage of com- plement activation, 09 and some of the previously acti- vated components form a complex on the cell surface and, by punching a hole in the cell membrane, lyse the anti- body coated cell (Fig. 7 ). This is not the only attribute of the complement system. The activation of some of the intermediate complement components results if the antigen is on the surface of a bacterium or other type of cell, and the binding of the complement system may cause the direct destruction of that cell. Another consequence of complement activation is the re- lease of small molecules (mediators) which have powerful effects on blood vessels. The affected vessels become leaky and the area becomes inflamed. The mediators also attract and activate white blood cells. Finally, it should be noted that activation of some components of the complement sys- tem can be triggered nonspecifically, often by bacterial products. Thus, the complement system provides a powerful aux- iliary defense mechanism. However, sometimes complexes of antigen and antibody are formed or become trapped in certain critical regions, such as the kidneys or the linings of the blood vessels. In this event, the continued activation of the complement system and the consequent produc- tion of molecules leading to responses of inflammation may cause serious damage to these tissues and lead to major disorders, such as glomerulonephritis and arthritis (see Autoimmunity, Chapter 7). The Immune Response This brief discussion of the structure and mechanisms of the immune system sets the stage for a more thorough exploration of the science of immunology and how the im- mune system may prevent disease or, alternatively, how it may cause or aggravate disease. The immune system has enormous power and complexity. Its power makes it a formidable weapon for the physician in his attempt to 21 control disease and also a serious adversary When it causes disease. Its complexity provides the opportunity to regulate it in many ways—an opportunity that is in di- rect proportion to the depth and precision of our under- standing of its function. There is still much. to be learned about the immune system. 22 Chapter 3. BIOLOGY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: REPRODUCTION, NORMAL AND ABNORMAL DEVELOPMENT AND AGING Normal and aberrant immunological responses affect all stages of human life. In this chapter, the effects of the immune system in reproduction, during development and in the process of aging are discussed, as are the conse- quences of deficiencies in immune responses. Immunological problems may precede the birth of an individual. For example, it is suspected, although un- proven, that immunization of a woman by her husband’s spermatozoa or seminal plasma, or her sensitization to an- tigens of the trophoblast, a part of the placenta, may be related to infertility or abortion. The process of gestation itself is an immunological paradox: an incompatible graft—the fetus—is carried to term and normally delivered without immunological dam- age. The development of the fetus is regulated by surface structures on the cells of the early embryo: how these difier from or are similar to the surface structures which immunologists call antigens, and how this regulation dur- ing differentiation relates to the immunological system are questions just beginning to be asked. Important advances are being made through the study of teratomas. These are tumors of reproductive tissue that represent a given stage of embryonic development. It ap- pears that these tumors perpetuate antigens that are normally expressed only transiently in the fetus. Thus embryology may lead to an understanding of tumor devel— opment and to knowledge of tumors corresponding to different stages of the embryo, as well as give valuable in- formation about fetal developmental stages. The fetus is normally protected by the maternal im- 23 mune system and by the placental barrier. These defenses may fail to protect against some types of infections, and the fetus may be damaged not only by the infectiOn but by the maternal and/or fetal immune response to the in- fectious agents. Improper development of the fetus from such varied causes as inherited abnormalities, intrauter- ine infection or the effects of certain drugs, may lead to failure of proper development of the immune system and hence to immunological deficiency. The possibility that more subtle degrees of failure can later lead to autoimmu- nity, allergy and hypersensitivity, and to malignancy is suspected. Finally, the fetus may be subjected to the assault of the maternal immune system against fetal antigens; the best known example of this is Rh incompatibility, which may lead to death of the fetus in utero or to hemo- lytic disease at its birth. Incompatibility for blood group A may occasionally lead to damage or death of the fetus or newborn. The newborn infant enters a highly antigenic world with some degree of immunity conferred by placentally transferred maternal antibodies. The extensiveness of the maternal experience with antigens determines the completeness of that protection. The newborn infant, therefore, is most likely to be threatened by infections to which the mother has not been exposed. As passively transferred protection wanes, the child may experience frequent infections if his own immune system cannot respond appropriately; such a failure of the immune system can lead to death. Childhood can also bring an increased incidence of certain types of tumors. Children with some forms of immunodeficiency are espe- cially at risk of developing tumors. In late childhood and early adulthood, the immune sys- tem serves its protective function most successfully. Through prior exposure to specific or cross reactive anti- gens, immunological memory of the individual is well de- veloped; infections or impairment of the immune system are only rarely problems during those ages, although epi- demics of infrequently encountered diseases remain a 24 constant but remote threat. Ironically, this well developed immune system also subjects most, if not all, individuals, at some time in their lives, to allergic or hypersensitivity reactions. As the immune system ages and fails, man is again sub- ject to infectious disease and the Vissicitudes of malig- nancy and autoimmunity. Indeed aging itself is perhaps largely a failure of the immune system. A. Immunology of Reproduction l. The maternal-fetal relationship A central immunological problem of reproduction is posed by the realization that the fetus contains antigens, inherited from the father, which are foreign to the ma- ternal environment in which the fetus must develop. Fol- lowing the union of sperm and ovum, the human embryo invades the foreign soil of the highly vascular uterus and establishes a complex parasitic relationship. Recent stud- ies suggest that the continuing maternal acceptance of this foreign graft is a result, at least in part, of the for- mation of substances by the mother which are capable of blocking her own cellular rejection response against the fetus. The exact role of such blocking factors is not known, but their induction appears to be caused by a basic immunoregulatory mechanism generally operative against tumors, against transplants, and sometimes even against self components. Women Who have repeated spon- taneous abortions are thought by some immunologists to manifest failure of this normal acceptance of the foreign graft, i.e. the fetus. The immunologic techniques to study this problem are only now becoming available. Choriocarcinoma, a placental malignancy often suc- cessfully treated with cancer chemotherapy, is a disease that might be influenced by immunological mechanisms, since the placenta shares with the fetus the distinction of being foreign to the mother. Thus, treatment and preven- tion of this disease, through immunological means, are realistic possibilities. 25 Toxemia of pregnancy is another disease with immu- nologic overtones. This condition most frequently affects teenage females of lower socio-economic status who are pregnant for the first time. Its clinical symptoms are hy- pertension (high blood pressure), edema (swelling) and proteinuria (presence of protein in the urine). If un- treated, it progresses to the condition known as eclampsia which is characterized by convulsions. Antibodies may develop against structures in the placenta and the pla- centa itself is characteristically enlarged. A similar dis- ease can be induced in rats. It is noteworthy that various women who have experienced toxemia during the first pregnancy rarely suffer from the disease during subse- quent pregnancies. An immune mechanism for blocking a subsequent toxemic response is suspected. 2. Immunization resulting from maternal-fetal exchanges The brilliant analysis of Rh hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in man has indicated that the risk of maternal immunization throughout pregnancy is not of mere academic interest. As a result of appropriate re- search, the prevention of HDN now is a routine part of medical care (Fig. 8). Incompatibility for another anti- gen, Xg“, causes a decrease in the proportion of female infants born. It is also apparent that not only red blood cells, but also White cells, blood platelets, antibodies and possibly other blood components from the fetus may enter the maternal circulation and sensitize the mother, with resultant disease, such as lack of granulocytes, in a small but increasingly well characterized group of newborn in- fants. As a result of immunization by fetal tissues, at least 20 percent (probably many more) of pregnant women de- velop easily detected antibodies to some of the major histocompatibility (HLA) or tissue antigens. Whether these antibodies are protective, detrimental, or inconse- quential, is not known at present. While there is no in- creased frequency in the amount of HLA antibodies following induced abortion, such antibodies are commonly found in women with severe obstetric problems. 26 Rho negative "STIMULUS" M Fig. 8. Schematic representation of the pathogenic mechanism of hemolytic disease of the newborn. (From Zmijewski, I mmuno- hematology, 2nd Edition, 1972. Courtesy of Appleton-Century- Crofts, Publishing Division of Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York.) In a converse situation, the introduction of maternal lymphoid cells into the fetus, results (in experimental ani— mals) in a condition termed “wasting disease of the new- born,” (in which the introduced maternal lymphoid cells respond immunologically to the newborn). Mice inoculated with maternal lymphoid cells and manifesting a similar disease (graft-versus-host disease) show a high inci- dence of tumors of the lymphoid system. Scrutiny of hu— man infants Who have failed to thrive has revealed some 27 Fig. 9. Agglutination of human sperm by antibody. (a) Head-to- Head agglutination. (b) Tail-to-Tail agglutination. (From Rumke, First International Symposium on Immunopathology, P. Grabar and P. Meischer, eds., 1959, Schwabe, reprinted with permission.) 28 individuals with evidence of maternal lymphocytes in their circulation. It is therefore believed that the experi- mental situation may have a human counterpart and that the high incidence of acute leukemia in childhood may be a consequence of the transplacental passage of maternal lymphoid cells. Methods for accurately studying the pas- sage of white blood cells across the placenta have recently been developed. The procedure is based on fluorescent staining of antibodies to HLA antigens. Automated sepa- ration of labeled cells will permit more detailed study. 3. Anti-sperm, anti-seminal plasma, and anti-placental antibodies The exposure of the female genital tract to millions of spermatozoa, which are genetically alien cells suspended in a complex protein material called seminal plasma, may under some conditions stimulate antibody formation. This could account for some cases of infertility in women, for in certain cases, antibodies against seminal components are persistently detectable in the serum of the woman and in her cervical mucus (Fig. 9). Study in this area may have a dual reward; discovery of a way to prevent this response could reduce infertility and, at the same time, development of an approach to actually sensitize women against compOnents, especially certain enzymes of their husband’s spermatozoa, could evolve into a means of “contraception by vaccination.” The demonstration of organ-specific and species- specific antigens of the placenta, and the experimental evidence in animals that the injection of anti-placental antibody can terminate a pregnancy at any stage, has stimulated interest in exploring the use of immunologic methods for population control. Termination of pregnancy by this means, in species ranging from mice to monkeys, has had no apparent detrimental effects on the mother or on fetuses conceived later. Immunization against enzymes extracted from placental tissue is also being explored. While immunity to sperm and seminal plasma is fre- quently regarded as predominantly a problem of the fe- 29 male (i.e. infertility), the increasing use of vasectomy as a male contraceptive measure has introduced immuno- logical problems of anti-sperm immunity in males. The sperm and semen ordinarily do not come in contact with the immune system of the male since they are normally confined to the urogenital tract. Following severance of the vas deferens during vasectomy, sperm may leak into surrounding tissues. A certain proportion of subjects then develop sperm tumors (granulomas). These serve as an effective focus for the induction of an autoimmune re- sponse in which sperm-agglutinating and sperm-immo- bilizing antibodies are formed. Further evaluation of possible consequences of this autosensitization is urgently needed. B. Immunology and Development 1. Development of the lymphoid system and deficiencies of the immune response As stated earlier, the individual is attuned to respond to foreign substances but not to self components. To some extent, this response to antigens is under genetic control. A number of genes, termed the immune response loci (Ir loci), which appear to be responsible for the ability to respond to a wide variety of relatively well-characterized antigens, have been described in experimental animals. Evidence is accumulating that similar loci in man ac- count for the abilities of different individuals to respond differently to various foreign materials such as ragweed pollen, a common cause of hay fever. Individuals lacking the appropriate gene fail to react. Throughout the fetal, newborn, and young adult stages of life, the individual undergoes progressive immunologic maturation. Immune deficiencies caused either by genetic or environmental factors, or both, may result in abnormal maturation of the immune system and as a consequence, undue susceptibility to infection. The division of the im- mune system into the thymus derived lymphoid cells (T cells) and the bone marrow derived lymphoid cells (B 30 cells) as described in Chapter 2 has aided immensely our understanding of these diseases. Deficiencies of the immune system occur in four large groups: (1) Primary deficiencies in the T, B, or T plus B systems are largely errors in normal development. ( 2) Secondary deficiencies may occur because some other disease, such as leukemia, interferes with the function of the immune system. (3) Deficiencies arise inadvertently as a result of treatment with drugs which impair the im- munologic system. (4) A miscellaneous group includes de- fects in the complement system and deficiencies found in the immediate newborn period and in aging. Moreover, deficiencies in the system of phagocytic cells, especially of the small phagocytic cells called neutrophil granulocytes, while not generally included in the immune system proper, can also lead to increased susceptibility to infection. Our knowledge of these deficiencies has developed through the constant interplay between clinical observa- tion and animal laboratory experiments. Often, new insights arose through observation and treatment of sick people. These clinical clues were taken to the labora- tory where they were analyzed in depth often with the aid of laboratory animals. The refined knowledge could then be brought back to the bedside. The severe forms of im- munodeficiency diseases are rare, but it has now become apparent that previously unrecognized, less severe forms of these diseases are widespread. Primary immunodeficiency may involve nearly com- plete failure of maturation of both the T and B cell components of the immune system. Without treatment, children born with this type of defect invariably die of infection before the age of two. Recently, new knowledge of cell transplantation and tissue typing has permitted complete immunologic reconstitution of some of these in- fants through transplantation of compatible bone marrow from a normal subject, usually a close relative. An isolated deficiency in the T system may occur through absence or poor development of the thymus. Some such children have been partially restored by giving them a thymus or a fetal 31 liver transplant; however, these methods of treatment are still being evaluated. Severe deficiencies in B cell develop- ment lead to the virtual absence of antibody in serum and in bodily secretions. Serum antibodies can be replaced by periodic injections of pooled normal human gamma globu- lin or by infusion of normal plasma. Thus far, no effective way has been developed to replace deficient secretory anti- bodies. Secondary immunodeficieneies are more common but are generally less severe than primary immunodeficien- cies. T and B cells are impaired in various ways in such diseases as leukemia, multiple myeloma, sarcoid lesions and in certain viral diseases such as measles. In some of these conditions, death may come through secondary in— fection rather than from the underlying disease itself. Pregnancy also produces profound but temporary altera- tions in immunologic responses. In addition to using anti- biotics and to treating the basic disease, ways of boosting the immune response are being sought. Inadvertent immunodeficiencies are also common. These are defects in either or both the T and B systems which are the unwanted side-effects of treatment with various drugs. In fact, cortisone, one of the major “miracle drugs,” can suppress the T system to the point that otherwise rela- tively harmless organisms such as Candida albicans, a fungus, can cause invasive disease. There is growing evi- dence that immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory treatment which is now essential for the proper manage- ment of conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as heart and kidney transplants, may actually cause an increase in the inci- dence of cancer, due possibly to suppression of the im- mune surveillance system. Urgently needed and under investigation are ways to suppress unwanted immuno- logic mechanisms while leaving beneficial immunologic defenses unimpaired. The miscellaneous gronp may be the most common of all. Ten percent of newborn deaths are caused by infection. While it is likely that at least one component of the im- 32 SOME FREQUENTLYASKED QUESTIONS AHOUT 044555 What is CASES? OASES is a youth service program started and run by Cal students who wanted to make a tangible difference in the lives of young children and students through education, learning, and mentoring. We are a nonprofit organization - active since 1983 - that matches caring adults with children in the 3'd through 12"I grades. We usually have about 200-250 volunteers each semester. What type of programs does OASES offer? General Tutorial Monday — Friday; ESL Assistance on Friday; Kids Into Computers (KICs) on Saturday; and AYPAL, Inspire Mentorship, which conducts events every other weekend. How much of a commitment is OASES? We run tutorial Monday through Friday from 4- 6 PM. We also have a Saturday program where kids are taught basic computer skills. if you do decide to volunteer, we ask that you volunteer once a week on the same day for the entire semester. Thus, you will see the same student every week and have an opportunity to build a lasting relationship. Basically, you’ll be committing yourself to about 3 hours/wk (includes transportation time). There are occasional field trips with the students and social events for volunteers, which we encourage you to attend. Where is the tutorial held and how do I get there? The tutorial site is at Lincoln Elementary school in the Oakland Chinatown area. We will either carpool there or BART there as a group. If you have a car, we strongly encourage you to volunteer to drive; you will be reimbursed. What special skills do I need? Although most of the children are Mandarin and Cantonese speaking, most of them are fluent enough to interact in English. Thus we do not have any requirements for language other than English. However, if you do speak either of these languages, we would definitely be able to use your skills. As far as school subjects are concerned, we will match you up with the student who needs the most help in the area that you are most proficient in. Can I take OASES for units? OASES is available as an Education 97/ i 97 or Asian American Studies 97/197 class, which may be taken for up to three units (e.g. l unit-1 day/wk, 2 units- 2 days/wk). In addition, some field trips with the students will be mandatory. Note: you must attend the general meeting on Feb 3 to sign up for units. How do I know if this is the right program for me? Please come by our table on Sproul Plaza between to AM-2 PM (table with bright yellow sign). We would be happy to talk to you further and answer any questions that you may have. Come to our general meeting on February 3, 2000 6:30-8:00 PM at 2050 VLSB. We’ve improved our tutorial programl Come find out about our change. Email info®oases.org for more information or addition questions. Join O.A.S.E.S. and tutor children in the Oakland community. Services, communi aboutourp if] following indi at 548-1896, "info@oases.org%o. htlp. www.oases.org A Non-Profit Organization mune system is at fault here, the precise deficit and its treatment are unsolved problems. Similarly, it has become apparent that immunological responsiveness wanes slowly with advanced age. Since the incidence of tumors also rises ‘with age, it is possible that these two phenomena are connected; if so, the connection is not yet understood. This possibility has led to an increasing exploration of ways to boost the immunologic response, particularly the T cell system, in efforts to improve anticancer surveil- lance. Finally, defects in the granulocyte cells of the blood and tissues and in the complement system have been shown to lead to devastating infections. Treatment designed to boost these defense mechanisms has just begun to be explored. 2. Embryonic and carcino-embryonic antigens The surface membrane of the cells of the immune sys- tem, as well as of all cells in the body, is of a complex, mo- saic nature. This complexity can best be appreciated through studies employing immunological detection meth- ods. The structural configurations so recognized on the cell membranes are referred to as antigens. The antigenic surface structure of cells changes between embryonic and fetal life and again between neonatal and adult life. These surface antigens may be quite important to growth and differentiation. Indeed, antigens with tissue-specific de- terminants arise before the actual structural differentia- tion of the tissue or organ in the early embryo. Thus, there is a relationship between the distribution of specific an- tigens and later embryonic differentiation and develop— ment. Subsequent tissue differentiation has been ascribed to interactions between embryonic tissue antigens through a variety of mechanisms. The so-called embryonic or fetal antigens often disap- pear or are masked during postnatal and adult growth. These antigens are receiving increasing study by im- munologists at present because it is known that during certain malignancies, such as leukemia in mice, some of 33 FETUS HEALTHY ADULT CANCEROUS ADULT S URGICAL REMOVAL l' RECURRENCE CARCINUEMBRYUNIC ANTIGEN Fig. 10. Carcino-embryonic antigen is present in the fetus. Usually it disappears with development, but is often detected in pa- tients with cancer of the colon and pancreas. Levels fall follow- ing surgery but rise again if the tumor recurs. This is depicted graphically by the bars on the right. these antigens repressed early in life (for example, the thymic leukemia [TL] antigen) may reappear. The TL antigen is present on cells in the thymus but not on other lymphoid cells except when leukemia develops. The TL antigen is thus an example of a pre-differentiation antigen that has been repressed during development only to reap- pear later, during the malignant transformation of normal cells. The carcino-embryonic antigen, an early antigen of the human intestinal tract, is a normal component of fetal cells and it is also almost completely repressed dur- ing later development. But it does reappear in malignant tumors of the intestinal tract. The occurrence of this em- bryonic antigen in the serum of patients with cancer of the digestive tract provides not only a possible means for confirmation of the diagnosis of malignancy, but also a basis for monitoring the efiectiveness of subsequent surgi- cal and therapeutic procedures (Fig. 10). Embryonic anti- gens may also be useful indicators of certain cancers of the testis, ovary, and liver. 3. I n fectious disease a. Congenital (prenatal) infection. Although very se- vere infections in the mother during pregnancy may threaten the life of the fetus by affecting placental circu- lation or function, the majority of minor maternal infec- tions probably have little influence upon the developing fetus. However, there are a few specific microorganisms which can invade the maternal blood stream and cross the placental barrier to infect the fetus. These “congenital” infections, so called because they are acquired from the mother before birth, are clinically apparent in the baby at or soon after birth. German measles (rubella) and cytomegalic inclusion disease, both caused by viruses; toxoplasmosis caused by a protozoan; and congenital syphilis, caused by a spiro- chete, comprise the four well-studied congenital infec- tions. These diseases have certain features in common: ( 1) The mother’s illness, acquired during pregnancy, is 35 often mild and may go unrecognized. (2) The infant’s in- fection is often severe and generalized. (3) The infection induces an immunological response in the fetus, apparent in the form of antibodies of the IgM class. The IgM re- sponse can be distinguished from IgG antibodies acquired from the mother by placental transfer. (4) Despite the humoral immune response of the fetus to infection, in the case of the viruses of rubella and cytomegalic inclusion disease, the infected infant may continue to harbor and shed detectable virus in its secretions for many months. It thus presents a hazard to other infants or to pregnant women in the same hospital or institution. Through the development of tests for specific antibody in the blood of the prospective mother, the possibility of congenital infection of the infant can be recognized and prevented, when effective means of treatment exist. For example, immunological tests for syphilis are now rou— tinely carried out before marriage and are an essential item of prenatal care for expectant mothers. A positive test before the midpoint of pregnancy can detect maternal infection before the fetus is involved. The prompt admin- istration of penicillin to the mother will completely prevent congenital syphilis in her baby. In the case of rubella, the goal is two-fold: (1) routine immunization of children (one to twelve years of age) to prevent epidemics of ru- bella, thereby reducing the incidence of rubella during pregnancy and consequently congenital rubella, and (2) selective immunization of susceptible women of childbear- ing age. Although laboratory antibody tests for detection of con— genital cytomegalic inclusion disease or toxoplasmosis have been developed, their practical application has not yet been realized since prevention of these congenital in- fections during pregnancy is presently not feasible. b. Neonatal and childhood infection. At birth the infant with a not-yet-mature immune system is abruptly pre- sented with a highly antigenic environment. As passively acquired maternal antibodies (IgG immunoglobulins pas- sively acquired through the placenta) are degraded and 36 protection decreases during the first six months of life, the newborn infant is uniquely susceptible to a number of infectious disease agents. Encounter during birth with a strain of herpes virus to which the mother is not immune (hence, the infant’s blood will not contain passively trans- ferred maternal antibody) may lead to a disseminated fatal infection in the baby. Likewise, Coxsackie B Virus— which merely produces fever and malaise in the mother —may give rise to fatal infection of the heart muscle in the infant. From birth on, the infant begins his immunologic edu- cation, responding to contact with one microorganism after another as epidemics of various microbial infections pass through the community. Maturation of the child’s immune response capacity is not immediate. It proceeds at a rate and in a way that is not wholly understood. One goal of preventive medicine has been to enhance the in— fant’s resistance so that its immunologic education can be accomplished with a minimum of overt disease. Classically, this has been accomplished by immuniza— tion (see Chapter 4) ; the virtual elimination of diph— theria, whooping cough, and measles by this means has exerted a profound effect upon mortality in infancy and childhood. Despite these accomplishments, immunization has not been successfully brought to bear on many signifi- cant infectious and parasitic diseases. An example of the need for further work in developing vaccines is the prob- lem of bacterial meningitis, which was epidemic in Brazil and other countries in 1974. Most bacterial meningitis is caused by three species of bacterial organisms. It has been estimated that 25,000 cases of H emophilus influenzae meningitis (the most common form of meningitis in chil- dren) occur each year in the United States. At the present time, newly developed vaccines for H emophilus "in fluenzae, two strains of meningococci, and the more common types of pneumococci are in various stages of clinical field test— mg. Allergic diseases are also of major concern in infancy and childhood (these are discussed in detail in Chapter 6). 37 Finally, childhood is the setting of a distressingly large number of neoplasms which may be due to failures of the body’s immunological surveillance system. Predictably, as our understanding of the normal immune system’s role in development increases, areas of disease representing sub- tle failure of immune function will become more evident. C. Immunology and Aging An individual’s antibody response declines markedly with advancing age (Table I) . His ability to combat acute and chronic infections is therefore seriously reduced. The cell-mediated immune system also declines substantially with advancing age. This system is essential in the recog- nition of certain types of invasive viruses and fungi; it also plays a critical role in the recognition of antigens that appear on malignant cells when they arise within the body. It is this factor—the weakening of the cell-mediated immune system—that potentiates the high incidence of cancer in advanced age. Normally, cancer cells would be recognized as “non-self” and rejected in the same way that a foreign tissue graft is rejected. Crippled by the aging process, the system no longer serves to recognize and re- ject newly arising cancer cells and this increases our vul- nerability to death from malignant disease. With Table 1. Levels of Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies in blood group 0 individuals of different ages. Note the highest levels are found during adolescence and steadily decline with age. (Thomsen and Kettel, Z. Immunitatsforsch., 63:67, 1929) Age group (Years) Anti—A Anti—B 1/2—1 27 17 1—2 130 69 2—5 287 127 5—10 386 162 10—20 332 139 20—30 291 105 30—40 249 76 40—50 179 53 50—60 174 46 70—80 149 42 80—90 81 28 90—100 38 38 100—102 4, 4, 8, 32 1, 1, 4, 8 38 advancing age, not only does the body experience a decline in both forms of immunity but the immune system also becomes “perverted,” in that, in addition to failing to react appropriately to foreign antigens or “non-self,” it reacts sometimes against “self” or the body’s own tissues. This perversion is manifested by the appearance of so-called autoantibodies which react with the individual’s own tis- sues. Full realization of what these autoimmune attacks contribute to the degenerative changes of blood vessels and tissues awaits further exploration (see Chapter 7). The progressive failure and perversion of the immune system with advancing age are thought to be responsible for many of the deteriorative aspects of the aging process. Without this immune degeneration, many of the “diseases of aging,” as they are sometimes called, might not occur. In addition to cancer, these diseases include amyloidosis, maturity-onset diabetes, and emphysema. Amyloidosis, while little known to the layman, is a con- dition that affects practically every person in later life. Amyloid is a protein-like substance, produced by a dis— ordered immune system, which accumulates with advanc- ing age on the connective tissue fibers of nearly every part of the body, including the brain. Like rust in a com- plicated machine, it reduces the effectiveness of body cells. If this unremoved refuse of the immune system could be prevented, most of us would, no doubt, enjoy an active and healthier life for a longer period. Maturity-onset diabetes occurs in a severe form in about 13 percent of people over the age of 75 and in a mild form in almost half of the population over 65. It is well established that some patients become allergic to in- sulin used to treat diabetes. It is also suggested that the reaction to insulin and to the cells that produce it con- stitutes an autoimmune reaction. Prevention of this mal- function of the immune system would also result in a longer, healthier lifespan for countless individuals. Emphysema, one of the most rapidly increasing serious diseases in the United States and one that is especially debilitating in old age, is both caused and aggravated, in 39 part, by chronic lung infections. If these infections could be prevented or controlled by a finely tuned immune sys- tem, the havoc wrought by emphysema would be greatly reduced. Although in ancient times, there was a high death rate in infancy and early life due to infection, malnutrition, and other conditions now correctable by modern medical techniques, then, as now, relatively few individuals lived on past the age of 90. Aside from death due to discrete recognizable disease processes, death finally comes from generalized degeneration of tissue and bodily functions. Indeed, this process seems to occur at about the same rate today as it did in the days of ancient Rome. It is believed by some that failure, breakdown, or dysfunction of one or another of the components of the immune system repre- sents the principal mechanism underlying the physiologic process of aging and that manipulation of the immuno- logical machinery offers the best possibility for signifi- cantly retarding the aging process, even if longevity is not increased. A number of areas of immunological research look suf- ficiently promising so that possibly, within the next five to fifteen years, scientists may be able to modify the actual processes of aging. One such area of research is asso— ciated with immunologic rejuvenation. Injection of old animals with lymphoid cells of young animals of the same species and strain enables the old animals to withstand otherwise lethal doses of bacteria. It also greatly dimin- ishes the anti-self antibody reactions characteristic of old age. When certain chemicals known as polyribonucleo— tides are administered to middle-aged mice, they appear to temporarily rejuvenate their immune systems so that the middle—aged mice respond like younger animals. It has also been found that, under certain conditions such as autoimmune disease, selective suppression of the immune system may significantly prolong life. Another area of investigative promise concerns nutri- tion. It has been known scientifically for many years that caloric undernutrition in the first portion of life may ac- 40 tually double the lifespan of animals. Indeed this is one of the most dramatic—and confirmed—experiments of gerontology. Recent studies suggest that such a diet- related, marked prolongation of life may operate through immunological mechanisms. Finally, it is known that body temperature profoundly affects both the function of the immune system and the lifespan of certain animals. Sig- nificance to man must await further studies. It must be emphasized that this is an area of great un- certainty because of the limited data available. Relatively few immunologists have been attracted to these studies, not because of their lack of importance, but because of the difficulties involved. One formidable, although appar- ently trivial, difficulty is in the costly procurement of aged animals to study. Whereas a young mouse may cost $1.50, a 2 year old mouse costs in excess of $30, and the figure may approach $50 during the course of the study. There is a profound shortage of qualified investigators both in gerontology and in the borderline areas between immu- nology, nutrition, and gerontology. Aging experiments are generally very long term. Therefore, Ph.D. candidates are unlikely to elect to tackle problems in gerontology for their theses; hence, few young scientists enter this area, and a shortage of manpower results. Adequate supportive training funds might help ameliorate this shortage. The creation of research and training centers and institutes which have as their primary goal the advancement of knowledge in the area of immuno-gerontology should be undertaken. It is pertinent to note that in 1973 the Federal government spent about $27,300,000 in socio-medical re- search on aging, but of this, only about $250,000 were com- mitted to research on the immunology of aging. This is so despite the mounting evidence that the immune system plays a major role, not only in nearly all the diseases of the aged, but in senescence itself. In Chapter 9, a number of other ways of stimulating, suppressing, and otherwise manipulating the immune system, are discussed. If, through such measures, the im- mune system can be induced to function normally through 41 one or two more decades of life, then most of us can rea- sonably expect not only to live that much longer but to live far more comfortably and productively in our twilight years. 42 Chapter 4. INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND POST-INFECTION COMPLICATIONS In spite of the many “wonder drugs” which are now available, man is still beset by infectious diseases causing death, disability, and serious economic loss. Uncontrolled epidemics of influenza still sweep the country. Pneumonia, meningitis, many viral diseases of the respiratory and digestive tract, venereal diseases and many other milder infections show that infectious disease is still a major problem even in the most advanced nations (Table II). It must be emphasized that the most important function of the immunological system is to protect against infec- tion. The day to day efficiency of this protection is so great that it is taken for granted. Only When it is compromised by failure of proper development, from over-suppression by drugs, or in some animals by deprivation of maternal Table II: Some common infectious diseases in the U.S. in 1971 Number of Cases 1971 Gonorrhea 670,268 Strep sore throat and scarlet fever 433,405* Mumps 124,939 Infectious mononucleosis 100,000 (est) Syphilis v 95,997 Measles 75,290 Hepatitis Serum 9,556 Infectious 59,606 Rubella 45,086 Tuberculosis (New, Active) 35,035 Salmonellosis (except typhoid) 21,928 Shigellosis (Baeillary Dysentery) 16,143 Aseptic Meningitis 5,176 Rheumatic Fever, Acute 2,793 Amebiasis 2,752 Malaria 2,375 Meningococcal Meningitis 2,262 Poliomyelitis, paralytic 17 1,702,628 ‘Does not correct for recurrences in same person, or more than one infection in same person. Source: Annual Supplanent. Summary 1971. Morbidity and Mortality “Reported Incidence of Notifiable Diseases in the United States, 1971." 43 colostrom (the antibody-rich milk produced soon after giving birth), do we see the serious consequences of in- adequate defense. The child with immunologic deficiency usually dies after a series of pulmonary infections; the immunosuppressed patient may die from infections with viruses, other microorganisms or protozoa. The piglet, when protected by the antibody in colostrom, can wallow in the pigpen but will rapidly die from the germs in room air when kept from suckling. One of the earliest discov- eries of the immunologist was how to improve the level of protection through vaccination. Vaccination and immuni- zation have eliminated or greatly reduced the incidence of many diseases that were previously dreaded. This chapter will survey some of the more serious problems remaining and discuss how they could be approached by the immunologist. A. Magnitude of the Problem It is assumed by many people that antibiotics, such as penicillin or tetracycline, are adequate to kill all invading microbes, and consequently that infectious disease is no longer a pressing health problem. Nothing could be fur- ther from the truth. Bacteria develop resistance against antibiotics just as insects, which transmit the great tropi- cal scourges such as malaria and sleeping sickness, develop resistance to insecticides. Further, antibiotics are of little value against most viruses such as those which cause in- fluenza, rabies, the common cold and a host of others (Ta- ble III). Infections are the single largest group of diseases re- sponsible for illness, represent the most frequent problem requiring professional attention and account for a large proportion of the cost of medical care. Approximately 20 percent of all visits to a physician are related to infectious diseases. The great majority of those visits are for treat— ment of respiratory difficulties or for kidney or bladder diseases. An influenza epidemic in the US. during the Winter of 1968-69 was estimated to cost the American people over $600 million in direct payments for medical care and 44 drugs, and over $800 million in lost income and produc- tivity because of absences during the epidemic. An epidemic of German measles in 1964 and 1965 re- sulted in the birth of approximately 20,000 children with serious birth defects. Care for these handicapped children resulting from a single year’s outbreak of German mea- sles is estimated to exceed $7 00 million. During any given year, it is estimated that approxi- mately 1 million individuals will acquire infections which will complicate their care and treatment while in hospitals for other illnesses, resulting in an additional $300 million in hospital bills. Many such “hospital acquired” infections are associated with the use of drugs developed in the past few years to prolong life from leukemia and cancer and to aid in organ transplantation. Many of the former major epidemic infections (e.g. plague, typhoid fever and cholera) have been controlled in the U.S.A. by improved sewage disposal, vaccination, and protection of food and water. Most of the infectious agents which are now important as causes of disease in man will not be controlled by such traditional public health measures. These agents include those which cause respiratory infections, venereal diseases, infectious gastro- intestinal diseases, hepatitis and infections by antibiotic- resistant organisms acquired in the hospital and following trauma. Changing cultural and social patterns in our life- style have influenced the importance of certain infectious diseases, such as venereal infections and infections com- plicating narcotic drug abuse. A variety of apparently non-infectious diseases such as multiple sclerosis may also be the result of unrecognized microbial infection. It there- fore remains critical to advance our knowledge as to how microorganisms, responsible for these diseases of current importance, act and how they may be neutralized before or after invasion of the human body. B. Principles of Vaccination The history of a number of diseases proves the effective- ness of the application of immunology to the prevention of infectious disease in man. If the human body is exposed 45 917 Table III : Group Good vaccine Effective control if properly used Potentially good vaccine Fair vaccine Control inadequate Experimental vaccines Field trials in progress Available vaccine but insufficient data to determine efficacy No available vaccine but potential of developing one Examples Smallpox Polio Measles Tetanus Pertussis Diphtheria Rubella Mumps Influenza Cholera B CG Pneumococcus Meningococcus H. influenzae M. pneumoniae parainfluenza Respiratory syncytial Pseudomonas Typhoid Streptococcus Hepatitis Infectious mono- nucleosis Syphilis Problem Areas Application on continual basis to all persons at risk. Long-term protection unknown. Mutant strains. Partial protec- tion. Inadequate potency. Short-lived immunity. Side reactions. Duration and degree of protec- tion unknown. Adverse reactions not fully defined. Direct period of protection. Incomplete protection. Inability to grow agent satis- factorily in vitro for vaccine preparation. Oncogenic potential. (EBV) Poor immunogenicity and reinfections. Immunological control of infectious diseases—status 1972 Needs Continued clinical and serologic survelllance and evaluation. Continued observations. Improved potency. Wider antigenic composition. New route of administration. Use of adjuvants. Field trials. Surveillance. Application. Antigenic composition. Vaccine development. Research on vaccine develop- ment. L17 '7. No vaccine available, current prospects remote Gonococcus Rhinoviruses Echovn‘uses Coxsackiewruses Over 50% of common acute respiratory dlseases Common diarrhea and acute gastro- enteritis Number and types of pathogenic strains not known. Too many antigenic types for practical vaccine use. Causes poorly understood. Basic microbiological research. Common vaccine antigen. Etio- logic study in the laboratory. to a killed microbe, to a microbe which has been altered slightly so it can no longer cause infection, or to certain microbial products (toxins), the body may make an im— mune response which will provide an effective defense against reinfection by the virulent form of the organism. This is active immunization; the microbial product used is a vaccine. The success of this type of application of immunology to the control of infection is perhaps best exemplified by its use against infantile paralysis, or po- liomyelitis. 1. Immunization against poliomyelitis The polio virus enters man through the intestinal tract where it causes a local infection. The passage of virus from person to person is greatly facilitated by overcrowd- ing and poor sanitation. Thus under primitive conditions, immunity is induced early in life when the infection is often mild and of little consequence to the infant. As sani- tation was improved, the chance of infection by direct con- tact in the environment was lessened, so many people did not develop early “natural” immunity. Epidemics could then occur, affecting adults as well as children, causing great fear and anxiety because of the disabling effects of the disease. The polio virus exists in at least three distinct forms of slightly different chemical structure, each causing a dis- tinct immune response, and each being susceptible only to that specific response. Armed with this information, it was possible to produce immunity to the paralytic form of the disease by injecting a mixture of killed viruses, called the Salk vaccine. This vaccine protects the recipient from the disabling disease but does not prevent multiplica- tion in the intestinal tract, since local antibody levels are negligible. Later a modified live virus vaccine was devel- oped by Sabin that also prevented gastrointestional infec- tion and gave an immunity that was longer lasting. The impact of these vaccines on poliomyelitis in the United States has been dramatic (Fig. 11). Within two years after the institution of wide-spread use of the killed 48 POLIOMYELITlS BEFORE AND AFTER VACCINES 57.9 40 - - 410 > U) INACTIVATE‘D Z O VACCINE U 13 Z > < ' l r91 :0 ‘3 > > O . -—I l" I so — I 3.0 g j I—’ | a A _ v‘ I l \ g n \/ / V a :3 20 ~ ’ 20 —l rn U3 / ' :E (n < o /.\ U C I — m l 21 > \_, *5 E _ 1.0 ._ 10 m I 1943 Fig. 11. Total, paralytic and fatal cases of poliomyelitis in the United States during the 7-year periods preceding and follow- ing the introduction of the Salk vaccine. (From The Economic Significance of the Prevention of Paralytic Poliomyelitis, 1955—1961. Updated from the Commission on the Cost of Medical Care, 3: 29—46, 1964. American Medical Association.) polio virus vaccine, the incidence of paralytic disease dropped to one-twelfth of its previous high. With the addi- tion of oral (Sabin) vaccine, the disease has all but van- ished in our country. Before the introduction of these vaccines (1951—1955), over 37,000 cases of poliomyelitis a year were reported. Following the institution of these vaccines (1966—1970), only 52 cases on the average were reported each year. This represents a reduction of almost 1,000-fold in this disabling and frightening infectious dis- ease. The saving as a result of the utilization of polio vaccine in terms of direct medical cost and loss of income is of the order of 2 billion dollars per year. 49 2. Smallpox vaccination The effectiveness of vaccination against smallpox has been so profound worldwide that, except in a decreasing number of endemic focal areas in parts of Asia and Ethi- opia, the disease has been conquered (Fig. 12). While it is impossible to calculate the number of lives that would be lost to smallpox in the United States if the disease were still endemic, it seems reasonably safe to comment that urban life as we now know it would be inconceivable in the absence of an effective vaccine. Because .of the decline in vaccination in non-endemic areas, smallpox could again constitute a catastrophic threat if the virus were reintro- duced. While present surveillance methods are adequate to exclude infected persons from entering the U.S., a breach could be effected by illegal immigrants or in the chaos ensuing from global war. 3. Successful vaccination against other microbial diseases Other examples of the efficiency of vaccination pro- grams include measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. Measles vaccine (1965) produced an almost 80 percent reduction in the occurrence of this disease and its dreaded complication, encephalitis. In one state alone (California), the vaccine has saved more than 7 million dollars in direct and indirect costs, as well as preventing the death and permanent disablement of many. A 50-fold reduction in the incidence of whooping cough, an important cause of death in young children, has also been accomplished by vaccination. Tetanus, the fatal paralysis which may follow deep puncture wounds, has all but disappeared in the civilian population since the intro- duction of tetanus toxoid as a generally used vaccine in the 1930’s. What was a major cause of death of the wounded in World War I was a trivial danger in World War II. The introduction of diphtheria toxoid and its general acceptance for use in the early 1940’s has caused a 100- fold decrease in the incidence of clinical diphtheria in this country since that time. In the first year of complete 50 (New) 171.6! - '5 Ch ‘1 r11 -1 D c. 5‘ :. 5' :1 "a 9. a .. O a / zcao: OHM Fig. 12. Smallpox endemic countries, 1967 and 1974. (From WHO Chronicle, V01. 28, No. 8, August 1974.) 51 registration in the United States (1933), there were 50,462 diphtheria cases and 4,937 deaths. With wide- spread immunization, this dropped to a low of 164 cases and 18 deaths in 1965. However, a recent outbreak in the Southwest among non-immunized children indicates the necessity of continuing public health measures to ensure adequate utilization of vaccines with proven effectiveness. The vaccines discussed in this section are effective and relatively safe. Continued work in this area includes pub- lic education on the need for vaccination against orga— nisms which are still potentially threatening, and for improvements in the safety margin of existing live vac- cines. It would be desirable to make vaccines only of the relevant antigenic molecules of the organisms, thus avoid- ing any possible problems of toxicity and avoiding un- wanted cross reactivity from using whole organisms; both are matters for continued research. 4. Infections for which vaccines might shortly be developed In addition to these dramatic examples a number of frequent infections may potentially be controlled by the applications of appropriate vaccination. These include in- fluenza, pneumococcal pneumonia, and meningitis due to the meningococcus (spinal meningitis) or to Hemophilus influenzae (influenzal meningitis), the latter being an in- fection commonly seen in the very young. The possible benefits and some of the problems will be discussed. a. Influenza. Influenza remains one of the last great plagues of man. The influenza Virus has the capacity to change its antigenic makeup periodically and as a result, human defense mechanisms effective against the virus of one year may be ineffective for the virus of the next. This unusual capacity for change is reflected in repeated pan- demics and annual epidemics. Interestingly, a vaccine made from killed influenza virus has been employed with qualified success for over 25 years. However, influenza continues to be a major infectious disease problem, largely because of its changing antigenicity. These changes make 52 it difficult to produce a vaccine and obtain official approval , for its use between the time a virus change occurs and the new wave of influenza comes. Fortunately, the number of antigenic variants appears to be finite and certain major cycles appear to be established. It thus seems rea- sonable to attempt to anticipate the type of the next major epidemic based on previous experience and to stockpile the appropriate vaccine in advance. The economic impact of cycles of viral influenza is tre- mendous. Medicare costs alone during one year (1968—69) of a pandemic were estimated at over $600 million, to say nothing of losses resulting from missed work. In addition, these viral infections of the upper respiratory system can make the individual more susceptible to bacterial pneu- monias, or lead to significant illness from other orga- nisms. In the years 1968 and 1969, a total of 141,857 deaths from influenza and pneumonia were recorded in the U.S.A. How many people subsequently developed ad- ditional diseases as a result of the original influenza infec- tion cannot be determined because of our lack of ability to make the relevant measurements. b. Pneumonia and meningitis. The pneumococcus is re- sponsible for between 200,000 and one million cases of primary pneumonia a year. Promptly treated by antibi- otics, the infection is usually controlled within 4 days and completely resolved in 2—3 weeks. About 5 percent of all cases fail to respond. Contributing significantly to deaths and the more serious infections from this organism are old age or chronic debility from a variety of causes in- cluding sickle-cell disease, alcoholism, infections of the middle ear in children, and meningitis in adults. One par- ticular type of pneumococcus (type III) is particularly apt to produce complications. Although this organism is sensitive to drugs such as penicillin, an effective vaccine would prevent most of the infections, producing a saving of up to $500 million a year, and would be especially helpful for the protection of higher risk individuals. There are several difficulties in producing a vaccine—the large number of different 53 variants of the organism, each producing a characteristic carbohydrate (sugar) antigen, and the general difliculties of immunizing against carbohydrate antigens since im- munity tends to be short lived. From new knowledge of basic immunological processes, it should be possible to manufacture modified vaccines that would induce long- term immunity against the relatively restricted (15 or so) types of organism responsible for most pneumococcal in- fections. Knowledge of ways to immunize against a carbohydrate antigen would also be of value in the prep- aration of vaccines against the other organisms, such as the meningococcus and influenza bacilli, responsible for most cases of meningitis and of chronic middle ear disease of children. Meningitis is a particularly distressing dis- ease. The mortality in children under 5 is between 10 and 20 percent despite appropriate antibiotic treatment. Of the children who recover from meningitis, between a third and a half will have permanent disability of the nervous system and up to 5 percent will require life-long hospitalization. The cost for medical expenses directly re- lated to the acute illness alone in meningitis may exceed 50 million dollars a year. The costs of long-term disability are incalculable. In the case of the meningococcus, vac- cination of adult and especially military populations with this material has resulted inprotection against the dis- ease. 0. Future measures. For control of infectious diseases discussed above, considerably more research is needed. Along conventional lines, computer analysis of the known variations in the antigens of influenza Virus as a function of time could lead to improved chances of prediction of future mutations. Increased international surveillance and cooperation for early detection of a new influenza Virus strain would allow more time for the preparation of the appropriate vaccine. For all the diseases discussed, better knowledge of the antigens, especially as they are recognized by the child, is required. For a less conventional approach, methods to alter the antigens, as for example by conjugating them to various carriers, soluble or non- 54 soluble, to augment the response by the immune system would be of possible benefit. Most importantly, the po- tential value of vaccination in these diseases is great, since they affect the very young and since in spite of our antibiotic treatment, they continue to kill or maim a large percentage of the individuals affected. 5. Infections requiring extensive research for prevention and control There are numerous infections that afflict a great num- ber of people and for Which adequate information is not available. These diseases, therefore, represent an area of great importance for future research. a. Ve‘nereal disease. Following the introduction of pen- icillin, the incidence of the venereal diseases, gonorrhea and syphilis, fell to negligible levels. With the emergence of more resistant strains of organisms, widespread ex- clusive reliance on oral contraceptives, and changing social values, these diseases are once again endemic (Fig. 13). With both diseases, transmission may occur in the absence of clinical symptoms. Untreated, these diseases lead to serious sequelae in- cluding sterility (most frequently of the female), joint disease, diseases of the heart and great vessels, insanity, blindness, congenital malformations and fetal death. Their economic impact is considerable. Public health mea- sures by Federal and local governments consume $43 mil- lion. Direct and indirect medical costs are estimated at an additional $360 million, of which very little is spent on research. Future immunologic procedures include more sensitive diagnostic tests and immunization. The Wasser- mann test for the detection of syphilis was a triumph of the early immunologists. While more specific tests are now also used, reliable procedures for the detection of the earliest stages of the disease are not available. Pilot tests for the immunodiagnosis of gonorrhea are promising, but again no clinical procedures are yet available. There are no vaccines for these diseases. While the gonococcus can be cultivated and antigens are being 55 IN THOUSANDS CASES 650 550 4—50 350 2.5 1.5 GONORRHEA * I I I I I I I I I l l I I I I I I l I I I 5O 52 54- 59 58 G0 62. 54’ SC 68 7O PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SYPHILlS * I I I I I l I J I I I I I I I l I I I I I a) 52 54- 5 6 58 ED 62 64‘ 66 68 7o HSCAL YEAR is Reported cases ) UniJced Siaies ,1950 —.’L‘?7.L Fig. 13. 56 identified, the native organism is not highly immunogenic. Thus, preparation of effective vaccines will most certainly present a variety of problems. One approach would be to present the organism or an antigenic fraction of it at- tached to a biological carrier. This form of presentation would result in increased ease of recognition by the im- munological system. Another is to find better ways of growing organisms. The organism of syphilis can be transmitted to animals but cannot yet be readily culti- vated in the test tube. Large scale cultivation will be re- quired before a vaccine can be prepared. The urgent need for production of vaccine for these organisms has been highlighted by the National Committee on Venereal Dis- eases. b. Viral hepatitis. Two forms of the disease are dis- tinguished. One, virus A or infectious hepatitis, is trans- mitted orally following the ingestion of infected material, including shellfish, water and milk. The other, virus B or serum hepatitis, is typically but not exclusively trans- mitted through contaminated needles, syringes or blood products. The viruses of the two conditions are not the same. Moreover, three different viruses have been isolated from patients With serum (Virus B) hepatitis. There are also wide ranges in the severity of the disease. This has most clearly been brought out where serum hepatitis in— volves members of a transplant unit. Some such episodes have involved a series of fatalities, including doctors and nurses; in others, the form of the disease has been milder, but may continue to disable for months. Hepatitis is, of course, a frequent cause of death in drug addicts. The disease is often present in institutions for retarded chil- dren. As with poliomyelitis prior to the introduction of the Salk vaccine, it is difficult to obtain precise informa- tion as to the number affected annually since many cases are subclinical. Recently, a specific antigen (HBAg) has been identi- fied as associated with hepatitis B, and a Virus-like par- ticle of unique appearance associated with hepatitis A. Blood donors are now routinely screened for HBAg and 57 positive individuals are excluded. However, routine tests of donors for hepatitis A Virus is not yet possible. Another recent development is the use of immune gamma globulin in the hope of preventing infectious hepatitis, when a per- son may be running high exposure risks. Neither proce— dure is entirely adequate. HBAg antibody cannot always be detected in the serum of individuals known to carry hepatitis B virus, and so far immune globulin treatment has only limited efficacy and applicability. The virus has been successfully transmitted to lower primates, thus making studies of the diseaSe process prac- ticable. Hopefully, techniques will be found to grow the Virus in tissue culture to enable studies under defined and controlled conditions and to allow determination of the number of virus variants. This in turn could lead to meth- ods to prepare materials for the production of vaccines. Although success has not yet been reported, past experi— ence with other viruses suggests that perseverance will eventually lead to success in development of effective methods to control and prevent hepatitis. c. Common cold. While medically of minor consequence, the common cold causes considerable suffering and severe economic loss. It is reported that 48 out of 100 persons per year are affected. This is undoubtedly alow estimate; other reports suggest rates of 5—6 infections per person per year. Loss of productivity and medical care are esti- mated to cost about $2 billion a year. In addition, an enor- mous sum is spent on cold remedies (e.g. vitamin C) and symptomatic medication, medication unfortunately often including antibiotics which have no effects on the virus but encourage the appearance of resistant bacteria. No single infectious agent is responsible for the com— mon cold. Different major categories of virus, including over 100 different variants of one virus, have been im- plicated. Development of a vaccine therefore seems un- likely and research may center on determining why some individuals remain resistant, how the general and the local levels of immunity can be increased, and whether novel approaches such as the colonization of the respira- 58 tory pathways with non—virulent virus could prevent in- fection with cold viruses. Since some of the viruses associated with the common cold and with cold sores of the genitals have been shown to produce tumors when injected into animals, research in this area deserves a high priority. 6. The relationship between infection and autoimmunity Although the usual body response to an infection is the development of immunity, under certain circumstances autoimmunity develops, usually as a late complication (see also Chapter 7). a. Rheumatic fever and glomerulouephritis. Infections with virulent (Group A) streptococcal organisms usually manifest themselves as an acute sore throat, although some infections may be asymptomatic. A small proportion of children convalescent from infection, especially those not treated early with penicillin, develop involvement of the heart (acute rheumatic fever) or kidney lesions (acute glomerulonephritis). Either of these diseases may completely subside or may progress to a chronic state. In both conditions, body tissues are progressively damaged by what appears to be an autoimmune reaction. The an- nual cost of these diseases is conservatively estimated at $70 million. However, if the costs of heart surgery to re- pair the damaged valves of rheumatic fever and of dialy- sis and kidney transplantation are included, the total cost exceeds $1 billion. The sophisticated nature of the treat- ment required for these types of diseases is especially susceptible to inflationary medical costs. b. Tuberculosis. Primary (pulmonary) tuberculosis is usually localized to the lung, which is the most frequent site of infection, and to the lymph nodes draining the in- fection site. The individual acquires immunity, though the primary focus may remain infected. Although anti- biotics cure most patients, they do not save all, and they may fail to eradicate the infection quiescent in the pri- mary focus. On subsequent reinfection or on reactivation of the primary site, tubercles develop which may necrose 59 and cavitate. These lesions have many features of local immunity, thus accounting for much of the cell damage seen in this disease. The TB vaccines (BCG) have limited use in the United States, but have been widely used in other countries. 7. Unusual infectious diseases a. Infections common to other countries. A number of infectious diseases of great worldwide significance are only local problems within the United States. These in- clude malaria, leprosy, schistosomiasis, and amoebiosis, all especially prevalent in the tropics including Central and South America. While continuing pharmacological research is increasing the availability of drugs useful in these diseases, effective vaccines would provide a more effective means of mass protection of the populations at risk. b. Infections of immunologically suppressed persons. Transplant recipients, leukemia and cancer patients or those persons with kidney disease or burns, especially those receiving intensive immunosuppressive therapy or chemotherapy, may have profound depression of cellular immunity. These persons are highly susceptible to infec- tion with yeasts, especially the cryptococcus, certain vi- ruses, especially the cytomegalovirus, and protozoa such as pneumocystis. There are no effective preventive mea- sures for some of these secondary diseases, and thus the development of vaccines for the induction of specific long- term immunity before beginning immunosuppressive therapy could be highly beneficial. While these infections affect a small minority of the population, their economic and emotional impact is great. To protect leukemic and other high risk patients against infection, intensive isola- tion in complicated isolators called “life islands” is being increasingly relied upon. The cost of maintaining a single patient in a life island exceeds $2,000 per week. The dis- eases included in this section are of great financial impact to a restricted few. They have a great impact on family finances and can be ruinous. 60 c. Infection in primary immunodeficiency states. Although severe immunodeficiency states are rare, condi- tions in which one or more components of the immunologi- cal system are depressed are becoming increasingly well recognized. Respiratory ailments and cutaneous infections with fungi are common in these immunodeficient people. Vaccination could have some possible use in certain in- stances. Transfer factor, a soluble extract of lymphocytes from known immune donors, has proved of value in other cases, especially in an immune deficiency disease known as the Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome. C. Further Research Needed Recent studies on transplantation and tumor immunol- ogy, as in earlier work on immunity to tuberculosis, have revealed the importance of cellular immunity. Para- doxically, almost all studies on the efficiency of vaccina- tion have been monitored in terms of antibody responsiveness and not on cellular immune reactions. While both components of immunity, antibody and cellu- lar responses, are generally evoked by the same stimulus, these are largely independent responses and one may fade while the other remains. In addition, there has been very little research empha- sis on immunity gained from locally produced immuno- globulin, although this appears to be extremely important in preventing or limiting infections of the respiratory, digestive and reproductive tracts. Local immunity, espe- cially that due to secretory IgA, may not parallel antibody levels in the blood and tissue fluids. Thus monitoring be- comes both more complex and more specific. For agents entering the bodily orifices, IgA and the lymphoid cells of the tract of entry would appear to be all important; for organisms penetrating into the tissues, knowledge of the comparative levels of specific immunoglobulins and of the various cellular elements of the immune response will be required, especially in the development of new and un- usual vaccines. 61 From these discussions it is evident that we need to know more about fundamental immunologic processes and the chemical structure of bacterial and viral antigens. There is great need for fundamental research on the pro- cesses of immunity and resistance to infection, and on ways to manipulate the immunologic system in order to control and prevent the many infectious diseases which continue to be problems in this country. In addition, there is a great demand for persons suitably trained in infec- tious diseases and immunologic research. The economic and medical importance of infectious dis- eases and the real possibility for their control and preven- tion offer an immense potential for widespread public benefit. The potential savings in illness and medical ex- penses warrant a large commitment of funds for re- search on the immunology of infections. 62 Chapter 5. DIAGNOSTIC IMMUNOLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Most of the chapters in this volume are directed at spe- cific diseases, what they are, what causes them and what approaches are being taken to avoid or overcome them. This chapter is different. It tells how immunological tech- niques can be used for the detection and monitoring of abnormalities and diseases. Some of the techniques to be described are adapted to screening samples from large segments of the population. Such procedures could be used for detecting typhoid carriers in a disaster area, or strep- tococci in the throats of school children. In the future, they may find wide application in testing for cancer antigens or antibodies in the bloodstream. Other assays give great sensitivity to procedures that would otherwise be insensi- tive, cumbersome or sometimes impracticable. While epi- demiology and public health seldom make headline news, they are essential to the general health of the population and its freedom from epidemics and endemics of disease. Immunological procedures have found wide application in this area of medicine and their use is growing rapidly. Applications of these techniques have been not only in the expected domains of infectious and immunological diseases but also to essentially the entire spectrum of clinical medicine. A previously unavailable armamentar— ium for measuring drugs, hormones, serum proteins, tumor and transplantation antigens, and blood group in- compatibilities impinging on every aspect of medical practice is now a reality. These methods can be readily and cheaply applied to large populations. They provide invaluable epidemiologic and public health tools for assess- ing both the incidence or predisposition to disease and the efficacy of immunization programs. They also enable scientists to uncover major clues leading to a better under- 63 standing of the etiology of disease. Thus, immunologic methods provide an increasingly important component of general diagnostic procedures and represent a major laboratory base for epidemiology and public health. Documentation of these generalizations is provided in this chapter through discussion of selected immunological methods and their practical applications. While the record of accomplishments is impressive, it is apparent that serious gaps in our knowledge and technology exist. For- tunately, these gaps can be filled through research, training and appropriate support of diagnostic and epi- demiologic facilities. A. Measurement of Serum Proteins in Diagnosis and Management of Disease There are over a hundred different proteins in human plasma and each serves a separate, vital function. Mea- sured immunologically, variation in the concentration of these plasma proteins occurring in any disease can be used in making a diagnosis or in following the progress of a disease or treatment. For example, by measuring the appropriate proteins, clues can be obtained about the presence of some kinds of cancer, anemia, kidney or liver disease, and increased susceptibility to infection. In addi- tion, it is possible to identify persons at high risk for the development of diseases of the heart (atherosclerosis), lungs (emphysema), and central nervous system (Table IV). In many respects, our knowledge of plasma protein changes associated With disease and the application of this knowledge to medical care is in its infancy. With newer techniques of rapid measurement, great strides forward are possible. Moreover, automation has reduced the cost of materials for such tests to the range of 8 to 30 cents per sample for each protein. B. Radioimmunoassays Radioimmunoassay (RIA) , first developed 15 years ago, 64 Table IV: Some plasma protein deficiency states with clinical abnormalities Deficient Protein Albumin Mild tissue swelling (edema) al—antitrypsin Liver disease, lung“ disease Transferrin Iron deficiency anemia resistant to treatment Cholinesterase Sensitivity to certain drugs IgG, IgM, IgA Increased susceptibility to infection C3 Increased susceptibility to infection CS inactivator Increased susceptibility to infection Clr Increased susceptibility to infection Ceruloplasmin Liver and central nervous system disease C1 inhibitor Episodic swellings, including of the airway (with asphyxiation) Fibrinogen Mild bleeding tendency Antithrombin III Tendency to hypercoagulation (thrombosis) C2 Systemic lupus erythematosus-like clinical pic- ture (?) m-antichymotrypsin Allergic symptoms (‘3) a—lipoprotein Fatty infiltration of liver, spleen and tonsils B—lipoprotein Gastrointestinal disease; peripheral nerve dys- function IgA Hereditary telangiectasis (some patients) provides a general technique for the determination of the unknown, and frequently otherwise unmeasurable, con— centration of virtually any compound (Table V). This measurement is made by comparing the ability of an un— known material to compete with a known antigen for antibody. First, the binding of a known antibody to a radio- active antigen standard is determined. The test is then repeated in the presence of the unknown sample. The higher the concentration of antigen in the unknown sam- ple, the smaller the amount of labeled standard that can be bound (Fig. 14). The ability to measure the small amounts of peptide hormones in plasma by RIA has greatly increased the ac- curacy of diagnosis of endocrine disorders characterized by hormonal excess or deficiency. RIA has also resulted in an information explosion concerning the regulation of hormone secretion and the interrelationships of hormones in the body. Moreover, it has led to the discovery of new hormonal forms in blood and tissues, and has contributed greatly to our understanding of the mechanisms of hor- monal release and of hormonal physiology in general. Novel, striking concepts of the etiology of disease have 65 Table V: Substances measured by radioimmunoassay Peptide Hormones PITUITARY HORMONES Growth hormone Adrenocorticotropic hormone (A TH Melanocyte stimulating hor- mone (MSH) a MSH ,8 MSH Glycoproteins Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH Follicle stimulating hor- mone (FSH) Luteinizing hormone (LH) Prolactin Lipotropin (LPH) Vasopressin Oxytocin CHORIONIC HORMONES Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) Human chorionic somatomam- motropin (HCS) PANCREATIC HORMONES Insulin Proinsulin C—Peptide Glucagon CALCITROPHIC HORMONES Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Calcitonin (CT) GASTROINTESTINAL HORMONES Gastrin Secretin Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK—PZ) VASOACTIVE TISSUE HORMONES Angiotensins Bradykinins HYPOTHALAMIC RELEASING FACTORS Thyrotropin releasing factor (TRF) Non-Peptidal Hormones STEROIDS Aldosterone Testosterone Dihydrotes- tosterone Estradiol Estrone Estriol 2-Hydroxy- estrone PROSTA- GLANDINS THYROIDAL HORMONES Triiodonthy- ronine Thyroxine Non-Hormonal Substances DRUGS Barbiturates Digoxin Digitoxin Morphine LSD CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDES CAMP cGMP cIMP cUMP ENZYMES Cl Esterase Fructose 1, 6 Diphosphotase 'IRUS-RELATED Australia Antigen (HBAg) TUMOR ANTIGENS Carcinoembryonic antigen a-Fetoprotein SERUM PROTEINS Thyroxin binding globulin Rh antibodies Properdin I E g OTHER Intrinsic Factor Rheumatoid Factor Folic Acid Neurophysin been made possible through the precise information given by RIA. C. I mmunofluorescent Techniques in the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases Antibodies obtained from blood serum may be chemi- cally combined With fluorescent dyes. These “fluorescent” antibodies may be used to detect pathogenic organisms 66 Labelled Insulin Anti —In3ulin Blood Sample AHJU body I x + /Ab \ + Labeiieci Uniabeileé inguiln —— Antibody :nSuiin — Awtibociy Camplex Complex I *— Ab I-Ab Fig. 14. Radioimmunoassay depends upon competition between two samples of antigen for the same antibody molecule. The test can be used for any substance that can function as an antigen. The figure illustrates the assay of insulin, for example, in the serum of a diabetic. Other hormones or sub- stances could be tested for in the same way. A known antigen preparation is labeled with radioactive isotope. Antibody, the antigen sample to be assayed, and the labeled antigen are mixed together. The greater the concentration of antigen in the unknown, the smaller the amount of labeled antigen that can combine. Free antigen is washed away and the amount of label retained is assayed in an isotope counter. similar or identical to those responsible for their produc- tion. For example, a physician frequently wishes to deter- mine if a child’s sore throat is caused by a streptococcus so that he can prescribe the proper drug to cure the dis- ease and prevent the serious sequelae of rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. He swabs the child’s throat, cul- tivates for' a few hours the organisms trapped in the swab, makes a smear of the cultured specimen on a slide, stains it with a fluorescent antibody against the strepto- coccus, and examines the slide under a special microscope (Fig. 15). If streptococci are present in the culture, they combine with the antibody and fluoresce brightly whereas other bacteria remain invisible. This tells the physician if streptococci are, indeed, present in the child’s throat. The above test for streptococci has been in use for 15 years and is performed a million or more times each year in the United States. The procedure is both sensitive and 67 \\\\ /// Fluorescein Unlabelled /:‘ l anti 7;, abe led j Cant Lbodlj \\ / ' C Antigen\ Section 8! .defl u. v light Direct test \\\\ l /// -: \H: \\\ l// \l 1 7 "H Y‘C Y'\C l—SPECI‘RL Antigen iii—11$ 63%de Anti thody Indirect {est Sandwich test Fig. 15. Immunofluorescence test for both antibodies and antigens. Antibody (immunoglobulin) is conjugated to a dye (Fluores- cein) which transmits greenish light when illuminated with ultraviolet rays. In the direct test, a standard antibody is labeled and detects antigen in the sample. In the indirect test, the antibody, which is not labeled, is allowed to react and its presence is then shown by adding a fluorescent antibody to the immunoglobulin. The sandwich test is used to reveal the pres- ence of antibody in a cell. Antigen is allowed to react with the cell-bound antibody. Fluorescent antibody against the same antigen is then added and it combines with the bound antigen. (Modified from Roitt, Ivan M., Essential Immunology, Black- well, 1974.) specific. A variant of the test called indirect fluorescence has been introduced to test for the presence of antibody in the serum of a patient. Unfortunately, the use of both tests has been somewhat restricted because of lack of auto- mation and the high initial cost of the equipment. Immunofluorescent tests, such as those described above, furnish valuable assistance in the diagnosis of a large va- riety of diseases. These diseases include syphilis, infant diarrhea, gastroenteritis, dysentery, influenza, malaria, toxoplasmosis, gonorrhea, whooping cough, and meningi- tis (Table VI). The general public should obtain all of the health and 68 Table VI: Important diagnostic applications of fluorescent antibody techniques Organism Disease Direct FA Tests Group A streptococci Streptococcal sore throat and scarlet fever Acute rheumatic fever Rabies virus Rabies Salmonella Enteric fever and gastroenteritis Escherichia coli Infant diarrhea Shigella Shigellosis Bordetclla pertussis Whooping cough Hemophilus influenzae 1 Meningococcus Meningitis Pneumococcus i Chlamydia trachomatis Trachoma Hog Cholera virus Hog Cholera Indirect FA Tests Treponcma pallidum Syphilis Toxoplasma gondii Toxoplasmosis Plasmodia Malaria Trypanosomes Trypanosomiasis Leishmania Various forms of leishmaniasis Trichinella spiralis Trichinosis Schistosomes Schistosomiasis Rubella virus Rubella Cytomeg‘alovirus Generalized disease of newborn Epstein-Barr virus Infectious mononucleosis Mycoplasma pneumoniae Atypical pneumonia Influenza A, respiratory Respiratory syncytial; adenovirus, etc. economic benefits arising from the application of these and similar diagnostic tests. To make maximum use of these procedures, it will be necessary to further standard— ize reagents and procedures, develop automated tests, in- crease the number of trained personnel and continue research to improve the range, specificity and sensitivity of the tests and of the reagents. D. Cell-Mediated Responses in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Disease Cell-mediated immunity, Which requires the direct participation of specifically sensitized lymphocytes and macrophages, is of major importance in resistance to in- fection with intracellular organisms, such as those causing tuberculosis, leprosy, brucellosis or undulant fever, and possibly even in resistance to cancer. Conversely, cell- 69 mediated immunity can be deleterious, as in the rejection of organ transplants. Accordingly, diagnostic tests of varying utility, reliability, and sensitivity have been de- veloped. These include skin tests and a variety of test-tube procedures. The diagnostic importance of skin tests (injection of an antigen into the layers of the skin) for detecting cell- mediated immunity is best exemplified in the United States by the tuberculin test, given to millions of school- age children across the country. Largely through further diagnostic evaluation and treatment of children identified as having positive skin tests, the incidence and spread of tuberculosis in the United States has been drastically curtailed. However, skin tests for cell-mediated immunity may occasionally be ambiguous and it may sometimes be un- wise to challenge the patient with the specific antigen. For example, introduction of transplantation antigens might immunize a patient and accelerate rejection of an organ transplant. For these reasons, emphasis has been placed on a variety of test tube (in vitro) procedures for evaluating cell—mediated immunity. These include specific and non-specific tests of lymphocyte function which are based on the degree of stimulation of blood lymphocytes when mixed with antigen or with general lymphocyte stimulants. This type of test is being employed in detect- ing an increasing variety of diseases. Perhaps the most important contribution that the study of cell-mediated immunity could make would be in im- proved diagnosis and therapy of cancer. In some human studies, survival after surgical removal of solid tumors seems to depend in very large part on the degree of cell- mediated immune responsiveness of the patient. Tests have been developed by which the lymphocytes of cancer pa- tients can be tested for their ability to destroy either their own or other tumor cells of the same type in vitro. At present these tests are difficult and capricious, although rapid progress is being made in animal studies. As more is understood about their basic mechanisms and more in- 70 formation accumulates on their predictive value, these tests should be increasingly important in providing an in- dex 0f the patient’s ability to effect his own cure, and the extent to which tumor therapy and radiation will contrib- ute to or compromise that ability. E. Immunohematology and Blood Banking Basic immunological research has had major influences on immunohematology. It has helped provide a broad array of essential new diagnostic reagents and this in turn has minimized the risk of blood transfusions. Under normal circumstances, patients are typed for their A, B, O, and RhD antigens through direct agglutination of their red cells by antisera that react with the A, the B, or the Rh antigens (Fig. 16). Prospective donor blood of the pa- tient’s type is then “cross-matched” with patient serum, a technique which involves incubation of donor red blood cells with the serum of the patient. Agglutination indicates that antibodies present in the patient’s serum react with cells from the potential blood donor. When such antibodies are present, their type can be determined and a special blood donor selected. The ability to detect preexisting anti- bodies has helped prevent potentially fatal transfusion reactions. In addition, knowledge of immune lysis and complement fixation now rests on a solid biochemical framework. In addition to providing important diagnostic reagents, basic immunological research has provided the information which has made the development of therapeutic reagents possible. The understanding of antigen—antibody reactions and of their kinetics resulted in the development of Rh immunoglobulin. The use of anti-Rh antibody of high affinity has virtually eliminated the fairly common and serious disease, Rh erythroblastosis, of newborns. Despite improvements in patient therapy and practical applications in disease prevention made possible by basic immunological research, many important and prac- tical problems remain to be solved. One very common prob- 71 C(umpin or A [DELnation 0‘? Red Blood CBHS Tgpe A b5 AnJcL - A An£Lbod5 NO Aag\ujcihachon 0‘»: Red Blood Cell Tgpe, 8 b5 A n+1 —A A nfL beds ABO TYPING Fig. 16. Modified from Zmijewski, Chester M. and Fletcher, June L., Immunohematology, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968. 72 lem relates to management of the patient with leukemia or with failure (aplasia) of the bone marrow. Both types of patients are prone to spontaneous bleeding due to inadequate production of platelets by the bone marrow. Some cures in aplastic patients have followed the admin- istration of bone marrow from a normal donor (see Chap- ter 8). In both types of disease, benefit has also resulted from platelet transfusion. However, after the repeated transfusions necessary to maintain patients with bone marrow failure, antibodies often develop which result in rapid destruction of transfused platelets. This reduces the benefit of subsequent platelet transfusions. Attempts to characterize antigens which play a major role in the im- mune response to platelet transfusions are under way, and some transfusion centers are exploring the practical- ity of using tissue typed donors (see Chapter 8). ' Further understanding of antigen—antibody reactions and continuing identification of antigenic complexes which play an important role in transfusion of blood or blood products, are required. Only through basic research in these areas, followed by practical application in transfu- sion therapy, will immunohematology continue to develop new and truly effective biomedical services. F. Tissue Typing The importance of information about tissue antigens is becoming increasingly apparent since the reaction against these antigens causes graft rejection. Tissue antigens are analogous to red cell antigens but are found on the sur- faces of lymphocytes and body cells rather than only on the red cell. At first almost exclusively restricted to the selection of kidney donors, tissue typing is being increas- ingly used to avoid transfusion reactions to whole blood, platelet, and White cell transfusions. Knowledge of the tissue antigens of donor and of recipient is also essen- tial for bone marrow replacement in the treatment of leu- kemia, in many forms of cancer, and in immunodeficiency diseases. In addition, people of certain tissue types may be more susceptible to some specific diseases. 73 The most important, widely occurring, and easily de- tected cell surface antigens today are the HLA antigens. Modern knowledge of HLA tissue antigens dates back to about 1960, at which time three HLA antigens had been described on white blood cells. Now, about 60 HLA vari- ants are known and there are clear indications that the list is incomplete. The HLA antigens are found on lymphocytes, platelets, and nearly all tissues and organs. Although “tissue typing” can mean determination of any number of a tremendous array of cell surface antigens, it most commonly refers to “HLA typing.” The tissue typing or HLA typing procedure is based upon the ability of antiserum (containing the antibody) to lyse lymphocytes (carrying the antigens) in the pres- ence of complement. Since some of the antigens are not well characterized, a very large number of antisera must be used for HLA typing, and automation is not generally possible. Furthermore, the number of qualified tissue typ- ing laboratories is small, only a few people can be tissue typed by a laboratory in one day, and the cost of each typing is high. While progress in this area is rapid, much remains to be accomplished. Urgently needed is an exact analysis of the antigens so that they can be synthesized and used for the production, in animals, of HLA typing antisera, and for the induction of unresponsiveness to transplants in man. Also needed is an assessment of the biologic impor— tance of each of the antigens as some are probably more critical than others. Typing for transplantation of organs or of bone marrow would be greatly simplified if typing could be restricted to the most potent factors. Knowledge of the HLA antigens is already of value in diagnosis; for example, in helping the physician decide if a young person is liable to develop the spinal deformity ankylosing spondylitis. This type of predictability may also be ap- plicable to certain types of cancer, allergies, and other diseases. 74 G. Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Parasitic Diseases Although infestation with major pathogenic parasites is uncommon in the U.S.A., parasitic diseases remain a serious problem in most tropical areas of the world. In this country trichomonas vaginalis is one of the most frequent venereal diseases, pinworm is common among children, and both cause a certain morbidity, especially in the underprivileged. Simplified mass screening procedures would be extremely advantageous. Traditionally, the parasitologist has relied upon mi- croscopic observation for the detection and identification of parasites. Recently, however, immunodiagnostic meth- ods are becoming increasingly important in those cases in which the parasites cannot be detected readily by mi- croscopy. Procedures most frequently employed for the immunodiagnosis of parasitic diseases include comple- ment fixation, indirect blood agglutination, immunofluo- rescent procedures using whole organisms or soluble antigens prepared from them, flocculation tests and hypersensitivity reactions. New immunodiagnostic methods could also be used to determine Whether transmission of infection in endemic areas has been interrupted by control measures. It is well established that the specificity and sensitivity of immuno- diagnostic procedures depend on the quality of the antigens employed. The introduction of better methods for isolat- ing the active antigenic components from crude parasite extracts has significantly increased the value of many immunodiagnostic tests. Since the chemical nature of the major specific antigens difiers among the various para- sites, no single method is universally suitable for antigen fractionation and purification. _ In addition, problems often arise because of the wide variety of procedures used in different diagnostic labora- tories. There is an urgent need for improvement and standardization of antigens and of assay techniques. The study of immunotherapy in parasitic diseases, such as development of vaccines, is in its early infancy. However, 75 early results of a few studies on malaria, and on intestinal parasites of grazing animals, encourage pursuit of this line of research. H. Serological Epidemiology and Public Health The analysis of blood samples, taken from a representa- tive sample of a population, for antibody to various infec- tious agents is called serologic epidemiology. Application of such methods by the World Health Or- ganization has provided evidence of the presence and distribution of infectious agents such as arboviruses, influ- enza, poliomyelitis, malaria, and other parasitic diseases in countries and settings where medical, diagnostic, and public health facilities are often inadequate to recognize and report such conditions. In other cases, the use of this technique has revealed which people need tetanus, diph- theria, whooping cough, rubella, and other immunizations. Properly used, it is possible to reveal evidence of both cur- rent and past infections, and both clinical and subclinical infections. This type of information could be obtained in no other way. By serial sampling of a group of people over a period of time, the incidence of infection can be ascertained between each sampling period. Epidemiologic techniques have their most important applications in de— termining the need for vaccination and the quality and duration of protection afforded after immunization. In re- search laboratories, seroepidemiological studies have re— sulted in the association of Australia antigen with serum hepatitis, and of Epstein-Barr virus With infectious mononucleosis. From such research have come the vital screening programs to minimize the risk of hepatitis following blood transfusions. The future holds great po- tential in prospective studies for cancer antigens, for im- mune deficiency diseases, for evaluation of new vaccines, and for identification of the diseases associated with newly discovered infectious agents. 76 I. Immunology as Applied to Forensic Medicine An area of great potential application of immunodiag- nostic procedures lies in the identification and quantita— tive determination of narcotic and hallucinogenic, agents, including morphine and cannabis derivatives. Screening techniques comparable in simplicity to those now used for estimating breath alcohol can be projected for law enforce- ment purposes. The sensitivity of immunologic assays can also aid in determining tissue drug levels for investiga- tional purposes. Thus, collaboration between law enforce- ment agencies and immunologists should be established as a matter of urgency. The precipitin reaction and other serodiagnostic pro- cedures can be used to identify the sources of blood and seminal stains. Blood grouping procedures have been adapted to provide additional information about the indi- vidual source. In the case of fresh tissues, tissue culture can be adapted to permit determination of the tissue an- tigenic type. Determination of red cell, leucocyte and serum antigens can give increasing precision to determina- tion of paternity, almost to the point of giving positive identification, rather than paternity exclusion as in the past. J. Conclusions It may be confidently predicted that the broad impact of immunology on diagnosis, patient care and public health will continue into the future and will prove to have been only an opening wedge into the medical armamentarium of the future. The impressive accomplishments attained so far give clear insights into unmet challenges, poten— tials, and needs which, if realized, could very significantly improve and expand direct services to individual patients and to population groups. The experience of WHO with smallpox shows that it is possible to eradicate completely this disease from whole continents. Eradication of other diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid, and even 77 influenza is conceivable, but only with the aid of mass screening procedures, such as those discussed in this chapter. 78 Chapter 6. ALLERGY AND DRUG REACTIONS As has been recognized in previous chapters, the immune system is not infallible. It can malfunction and result in autoimmune disease, or it can over-react following contact with otherwise harmless foreign substances and cause al- lergic disease. Four major classes of malfunction, in addi- tion to the autoimmune or autoaggressive reactions discussed in Chapter 7, are recognized: Class I: Immediate Anaphylaetic Hypersensitivity; Class II: Cytotoxic Reac- tivity; Class III: Immune Complex or Aggregate Type; and Class IV: Delayed Hypersensitivity. Immediate anaphylaotio hypersensitivity, Class I, exem- plified by hay fever, asthma or allergicm sudden death, is manifested within minutes after a second exposure to the offending antigen (or allemen). Subjects showing this immediate allergic response are called atopic and their hyperresponsive state, atopy (Fig. 17 ). Only recently has it been shown that these atopic reactions are due to the activities of a special class of antibody, sometime, lled reaginic antibody or r in, and now known to b€§1n atopic individuals, thgmbination of IgE antib with allergen on a mast cel a particular type of granulocytic cell found in tissues, results in the release of mediator substances from the mast cell. These mediators, primarily W and slow reacting substance, w, cause the blood vessels to swell and leak fluid, stimulate the sensory nerves to cause itching, sneezmg or coughmg, and contract the “muscles of the bronchialfitree, cau g obstruction of the flow of air in and out of the lungs ( ig. 18). Cytotoxic reactivity, Class II, is also an immediate re- sponse, and involves a harmful immune response against the antigens of cells such as red blood cells. It 1s typified by the response in an incompatible blood transfusion, 79 Fig. .17. Cutaneous anaphylaxis (wheal-and-erythema response) in man. Fifteen minutes before the photograph was taken the subject was injected intradermally with 0.1 ,ug protein ex- tracted from guinea pig hair. Note the irregularly shaped wheal. The surrounding redness or erythema is not easily vis- ible in the photograph. N 0 reaction is seen at the control site where 0.02 ml of buffer alone was injected. (From Davis, B. D. et al., M ierobiology, Harper and Row, 1973, reprinted with permission.) Where there is vague general discomfort before the blood transfusion is complete. This is followed by pain, air hunger, a sense of chest constriction, then rapid heart beat, falling blood pressure and even shock in severe cases. In Class 11 responses, the rapid destruction of foreign, in— compatible red blood cells is due to an IgG antibody in the plasma of the recipient. Immune complex disease or aggregate amphylaxis, Class III, as seen in the hives of serum sickness, occurs Within several hours and results from a combination of IgG antibodies and antigen. As large aggregates of IgG- allergen form, the immune complexes are deposited in the walls of bloodvessels or in the kidney, and the complement 80 A Allergen Ani: ibocly (13 E) Fig. 18. Respiratory and Food Allergies. Antibody (IgE) at- tached to the surface of mast cells near the capillary blood vessels binds allergen as it enters the body. The act of com- bination leads to release of histamine and other chemical mediators. Common sites of reaction are (A) the gastro- intestinal tract (diarrhea and vomiting) ; (B) the nasal pas- sages (hay fever) and (C) the lungs (asthma). system is activated. In this form of anaphylaxis, as in Class 1, some of the effects are due to the release of hista- mine. The method of release, however, is different. In > Class III, the fixation of complement leads to the forma- directly with the mast cells andrelease histamine. Also as a result of complement activation, another granulocytic cell called a neutrophil is stimulated to engulf the com- plexes. Unfortunately, this process damages the neutro- phils and they, in turn, release additional (lysozomal) enzymes that damage the surrounding tissues. 81 Delayed or Class IV hypersensitivity begins after a la- tent period of several hours and reaches a peak at 48 to 72 hours. This allergic malfunction is dependent” on the activity of lymphoid cells rather than antibody. When the allergen or antigen reacts with specific recognitionsites on the surface of lymphocytes, a series of interactions ac— tivates the lymphocyte to secrete a number of factors (lymphokines) which alter the function of. other- cells. is response is an important part of the process of graft rejection, tumor immunity, and immunity to many infec— tious agents, especially those producing chronic diseases such as tuberculosis. This chapter considers the prominent allergic and drug reactions—what they are, Why they happen, and what can be done about them. A. Immediate Anaphylactic (Class I) Hypersensitivity l. Allergic sudden death (anaphylaxis) This is one of the manifestations of immediate anaphy- lactic hypersensitivity and may occur after insect stings and after certain medications, especially those given by injection. Similar, but less severe reactions may occur from certain foods. These diseases are quite common and while their exact incidence is unknown, it is likely that several thousand deaths a year occur in young people which could be prevented. In each case a sensitizing experience with the allergen material (such as penicillin) hastakmplacgpreyiously and probably without noticeable reaction. This ,,pr' ' experience incites t Wendeyelopment of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antlbndmswhmhsflxlm 019mm Mast); cells. On the sWWithith the same a1- Lergen, the combination of thaaflergen with mast cell bound antibodies causes release of chemical mediators which act vents that r ' as- phyxlamwmsy s (see Figure 18). In severe cases, Without medical intervention, death can occur within half an hour. 82 2. Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) Allergic rhinitis is commonly seasonal, occurring when certain pollens and fungal spores are abundant. Nonsea- sonal forms due to animal danders, dust and molds, etc. are also well known. Hay fever affects nearly one Ameri- can in ten, and occasions 9,000,000 to 15,000,000 Visits to physicians annually. It rivals the common cold as a reason for purchase of over-the-counter remedies. The disease is mainly one of adult life which affects the nWes. Affected individuals are often prone to other atopic conditions, including asthma and hypersensitivity to aspirin. Once an individual has be- come sensitizgdwh§_,t§.n_d.§,_to.-become reactive to ,other-,a.ller- gens. Genetic factors are strongly involved in the genesis of allergy. One of the genes responsible for the allergic reaction to ragweed appears to be linked to the major histocompatibility system HLA (see Chapter 5). Many allergens capable of inducing allergic rhinitis have been identified and some have been extensively purified. 3. Asthma This is the term used for a variety of conditions, the common factor being constriction of the lower airways of the lung. The underlying cause is an increasedmspgnsive— ness of wtheJungs to. agentssnchasbstamme. The small blood vessels of the lung contain manym mast cells which, when stimulated by antibpdy-antigen 1nteract10ns Lelease their whistarnine, thus inducing contraction of the smooth muscle surroundmg the smmays. Asthma maybe triggered by exposure to dusts or pollens, in which case it may co- exist with allergic rhinitis. Childhood asthma is usually preceded by atopic dermatitis and frequently dis- appears at puberty. Another form of asthma, infective asthma, often develops in adults over the age of 40, and is commonly associated with sinusitis or chronic bronchitis. Allergy to aspirin sometimes manifests itself as asthma, while yet another type develops in women during the early stages of pregnancy. It is estimated that four percent of Americans currently 83 have asthma, and that another three percent have had asthma attacks at some time in their lives. The childhood form can interfere with both physical and mental growth. Asthma is a most distressing disease since attacks begin without warning, thus sufferers can never be confident about going to work or school because of the unpredictable nature of their condition. A minority of patients remain almost continuously disabled. In a single year, asthma ac— counts for 85 million days of restricted activity, 33 mil- lion days in bed, and 5 million days lost from work. The hospital costs for asthma patients exceed $86 million yearly. Since asthma is not a single disease, but a family of diseases with a common symptom, the results of skin tests with allergens differ. Patients with juvenile asthma usu- ally give positive skin tests while patients with infectious asthma may not. In highly sensitive patients, conventional skin testing may actually provoke an asthmatic attack. 4. Ato pic eczema This is a condition affecting young children which usu- ally persists until puberty. It is characterized by itching and a skin rash which affects especially the skin in the flextures of the elbows and knees, although much of the body may be affected. It does not follow a constant course and is liable to sudden flare-ups preceded by intense irri- tation, often at times of emotional tension. The associa- tion between mental state and atopic eczema or asthma has long been noted, but the basis is not understood. Genetic factors predispose to atopic eczema, since the disease tends to “run in the family.” Nevertheless, no sim- ple mode of inheritance has been found from family or twin studies, and several different genes may be involved. Affected patients have abnormally high levels of IgE, the antibody class implicated in other atopic conditions. The inciting antigen is unknown and the disease has some attributes of autoimmunity. Eczema, like asthma, re- sponds well to treatment with corticosteroids. However, the steroids are powerful agents with dangerous side ef- 84 fects. If the nature of the inciting agent and the mecha- nisms of the reaction were known, less hazardous methods of treatment could be attempted. Such answers will be found in further research. 5. Treatment All forms of immediate anaphylactic hypersensitivity respond well to steriod hormones such as cortisone. There are, however, vefirious drawbacks to the prolonged use of these powerful agents and a rich variety of other drugs may be employed. Antihistamines are effective in a few of the allergies but not in others, including asthma. New drugs are constantly being introduced; in general they only partially alleviate the symptoms and introduce unde- sirable side effects as every sufferer from hay fever knows from experience. Further, drug treatment is directed against the symptom and not against the cause. There are two conventional immunologic approaches and a variety of new and interesting ones. The conven- tional approaches are avoidance and desensitization. Avoidance is entirely effective, and many people have found it desirable or necessary to change their place of residence or their occupation, or to give up their pets to escape exposure to a specific allergen. Desensitization, or more correctly, hXPQ§£E§ltléfl§lle is one of’the'oldest forms of treatment of any immunological disorder. Unfortunately, it was found to be effective be- fore modern practices had been developed, and dosages were worked out in an uncontrolled and empirical manner. The vaccines made from pollens, dusts and other agents were not standardized. Little scientific knowledge was gained from years of experience, and only recently have serious attempts been made to isolate, purify and stan- dardize the materials used for desensitization. When puri- fied antigens have been used in a controlled manner, valuable information has been obtained. The common a1- lergen, ragweed pollen, has been fractionated and purified antigens prepared. One such subunit of ragweed antigen (called Ra5) has been chemically characterized and found 85 to contain 42 amino acids. Through the use of these puri- fied antigens, it has been found that immunization induces a rise in the level of specific IgG and a dramatic and often sustained fall in the level of the corresponding specific IgE. It has also been discovered that the combination of the allergen with immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies fixed to target body tissue cells initiates a complex sequence of events which lead to the release of the chemical mediators of the allergic reaction. These mediators are numerous and varied, and include histamine and prostaglandins. The release of these mediators is influenced by an enzyme, adenyl cyclase, which affects an energy transfer system of the lymphocyte, through an intermediate substance called cyclic AMP. High levels of cyclic AMP generally decrease secretion of allergic mediators. A better understanding of the actions and interactions involved promises to lead to new methods of therapeutic intervention, and to new ap— proaches for blocking the allergic process at various se- lected points. Research studies aimed at such intervention are uncovering the effective action of currently used drugs and are leading to the discovery of additional useful drugs. Most significantly, while it has long been suspected that the nervous system has a frequent role in the broncho- spasms of asthma, the nature of the relationship has been unknown. The newer information now becoming available should, for example, help us to understand why nature’s own muscle relaxant, the hormone epinephrine, is rela- tively ineffective, and why histamine is so potent in asthmatics. Another area where the availability of purified re- agents is expected to be of great value is in skin testing, and the evolution of new assays for hypersensitivity, a realm in Which precise information is urgently needed (Fig. 19). Present skin tests often fail to indicate which of a variety of agents is actually responsible for the dis- ease because of the complex nature of the antigen being used. A patient sensitive to elm pollen, for example will often cross react with many other pollens as well, and 86 only by prolonged observation is the culprit allergen identified. In some cases, the true allergen may be a break- down product rather than the whole material. Radioimmune assay is the ultimate test. It will be able to give precise quantitative measurements of the level of IgE to specific antigens present in the serum. It now ap- pears that certain allergic reactions may result from high levels of antibody in isolated tissues and that tissue anti— body levels might not be reflected by skin testing or even by serum antibody levels. This complication emphasizes the need for a new technology for accurately defining an- tigen hypersensitivities affecting specific target organs in atopic individuals. B. Serum Sickness and Hives Segrumwsigkness occurred frequently before the antibi- otic era, when specific antisera produced in horses or rab- bits were commonly used in treating human infections such as diphtheria, tetanus, pneumonia and meningitis. It still occurs (When animal serum must be injected into humans for the prevention of rabies, or for the treatment of snake bites or gas gangrene} It can also follow the ad- ministration of certain drugs. As serum therapy is seldom required in modern medicine, drugs—especially penicillin ——are the most frequent cause of serum sickness today. Some 7112 days after injection of the serum or‘drug, a particular type of immune reaction occurs in which the patient .d. eyelppsswollen.painiuliointsaferersanihiyesor othwskinxashes. In severe cases, there may be damage to the small arteries of the heart, kidneys and nerves. Mild cases can be treat§fl_,.With, aspirin.and..,.,anti.hi§§§miees- Severe cases require corticosteroids. A recent report claims that antihistamines given regularly after the injection of the foreign serum may prevent serum sickness. This opens a promising lead for clinical investigation of the treatment of this and similar diseases. Development of a reliable means for preventing serum sickness would allow freer use of some important drugs which, currently, cannot be 87 88 N .7) NEGATIVE INTERMEDIATE sTRONG POSITIVE $ $ SKIN TEST NMW/WM & 68 Fig. 19. , In skin testing a variety of allergens are injected into the skin in an orderly sequence. Some allergens elicit a local inflammatory response. used in some patients because of the threat of this reac- tion. While Hives is a prominent symptom, both in serum sickness and in anaphylaxis, it commonly occurs as an iso— lated symptom. As many as 20 percent of the population consult a physician for hives at some time in their lives, While nearly everyone has minor isolated episodes. Hives can be produced by allergy to foods, food additives such as saccharin, tartrazine (butter yellow) and sodium benzo— ate, as well as by drugs and infectious agents. Other com- mon causes include physical stimuli such as cold, heat, light, vibration, and pressure. Many, if not most, chronic cases have no identifiable cause and they remain a dis- tressing problem. A particularly severe form of a related allergic condi- tion, hereditary angioedema, is fatal in up to 25 percent of the affected patients. When such attacks involve the larynx, the patient can die of asphyxiation. Recent inves- tigations have identified the exact nature 'of the inherited defect, a dominant gene which causes a deficiency of a normally present inhibitor of the activated first compo- nent of complement (Cl esterase). Partial success has resulted in the identification of an enzyme inhibitor, epsilon-aminocaproic acid, which will prevent attacks, but very large doses of this drug are required. More effective derivatives are being sought in current research. C. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a diffuse disease of the .It appears to be caused by a com- plex allergic reaction to organic dust particles small enough to penetrate to the most distant parts of the air- way. While the immunopathologic mechanisms of this condition are not yet fully understood, those persons af- fected have large amounts of IgG antibody reactive with organic dusts, and the injury to the lung has been consid— ered to be of the “serum sickness” type. The processes re- 90 sponsible are not simple and there is strong evidence that the mechanism of the injury includes delayed hypersensi- tivity. The chief precipitating causes are spores of molds which grow at high temperatures in rotting hay and other vegetable material. Similar organisms grow in some hu- midifiers and air conditioners and can be a serious and often unrecognized hazard. Other causes are vegetable fi- bers and excreta from birds, especially pigeons and para- keets. Occupational outbreaks of farmer’s lung, pigeon breeder’s disease, bagassosis and byssinosis (diseases caused by inhalation of dusts from sugarcane and cotton) are all well described in the scientific literature. Interest- ingly, “diseases of sifters and measurers of grain” were described as early as 1713. Repeated temporary disability rather than mortality is the major problem of these diseases. Acutely ill patients usually recover within several weeks. Recovery is complete and permanent if exposure ceases. With continued expo- sure, however, extensive scarring of the lungs develops and patients become permanently disabled by extreme shortness of breath. Many of these patients ultimately die of this complication. D. Contact Dermatitis Contact dermatitis is a form of delayedhypersensitiv- ity in which the maior target cells an: in tha skin. The most common causes in the US. are poison ivy and poison oak. Other common sensitizers are metals, chemicals in rubber, and medications (neomycin, penicillin, deter- gents, and local anesthetics) (Fig. 20). Contact dermatitis 1s a common cause of time lost from work. Between one-half and three-fourths of occupational disease in this country is due to skin disorders, mostly contact dermatitis. The condition can be recognized by the rough scaly appearance of the eXp0§ed Skin. The offend- ing allérgen can often be identified by skin testing. While not every individual exposed Will become sensitized, there 91 Fig. 20. Nickel dermatitis. Area of irritation corresponds with the contact area of the back and metal band of a wrist watch (C) . Mercury dermatitis. Patient is sensitive to mercuric sulfide (Cinnabar) in his tattoo (D). (From Humphrey, J. and White, Immunology for Students of Medicine, Blackwell, 1970, courtesy of Dr. J. A. Milne, reprinted with permission.) is no practical way of predicting who among prospective employees Will be vulnerable to this allergy or when they Will become affected. Recent animal studies suggest that genetic factors may influence individual susceptibility. 92 There is no effective treatment other than avoiding con- tact. In occupational exposures this often requires chang- ing jobs. Since contact dermatitis is an important socio—economic disease, intensive study of the problem is needed. While attempts are being made to develop new procedures to replace the awkward and relatively im- precise skin test, more research emphasis on treatment and prevention is also required. Animal studies are aimed at development of techniques for blocking reactivity to the sensitizing material or contactant. Oral, topical, intrave- nous and intramusclar applications of the contactant, or combinations of them, are being studied as methods of inducing unreactivity. Some regimens are effective, but the effect is usually short-lived. E. Allergic Drug Reactions Allergic reactions to drugs take many forms and can result from any one or any combination of the four broad types of allergy. However, the pattern of reaction to any one drug is usually fairly consistent. Drug allergy is common, penicillin being the most com- mon cause. One to three percent of patients treated with penicillin have an allergic reaction to it. Moreover, a num- ber of individuals show drug allergy to alternative anti— biotics and therefore are placed in great jeopardy by What are otherwise easily treatable infections. Since almost everyone in this country has received penicillin treatment at some time, this means that 1—3 per- cent of the population is or will become allergic to it. Over- all, it is estimated that allergic reactions occur in 0.1 to 1 percent of various drug treatment courses and that 5 percent of the adult population may be allergic to one or more drugs, although as many as 15 percent believe them- selves to be allergic to one or more drugs. This latter statistic is of importance because many patients are un- necessarily denied treatment with an effective drug be- cause of their belief. The drug itself, or perhaps more often a chemical de- 93 rivative of the drug, causes the reaction after combining with some protein of the body. The drug or its derilative is known asai ”and the drug- protein combination asthe ‘eompleteanfigen. ” Apparently, the complete anti- gen stimulates the production of specific antibodies and the subsequent interaction of these two reactive molecules leadste. allergic tissue damage or drug reactions. In the case of most drugs, little is known of the immuno- chemical mechanisms involved in the allergic reactions. This is because a drug usually converts into numerous complex products produced during its breakdown in the body. The most thoroughly worked out system relates to penicillin hypersensitivity. For penicillin G, four haptens have been identified; one major and three minor. Each may induce specific I gE antibodies but, in most cases, only IgM antibodies in low concentrations were found. These studies on the immunochemistry and immuno— pathology of penicillin have required the development of many sensitive techniques to measure and understand the involved allergic mechanisms. These studies have also provided a simple, rapid, safe and effective clinical test to identify and screen out the potentially serious allergic re- actors to penicillin. Continued research is needed to develop similar tests for other drug allergies. F. Conclusions The current approach to allergic and atopic conditions has largely emphasized identification of allergens, and treatment with drugs or by desensitization. Considerable improvement in medical management of these conditions could result from increased understanding in several areas. These include increased knowledge of the genetic and developmental factors leading to atopy; the precise nature of the increased production of IgE and its binding to mast cells; the sequence of events leading to mediator release; the mechanism of blocking with IgG an- tibodies and the interactions of the immune and nervous 94 systems. Chemical analysis of the defined antigens are also an essential component of these studies. The' effectiveness and safety of desensitization proce- dures and other therapy must be established in light of our newer immunologic understanding of allergy. It is equally important that non-effective and potentially im- munologically dangerous practices be identified and dis- carded. Adequate identification of potential allergic components in commercial products should lead to a national program of complete labelling of the contents of such products. Standardization of diagnostic reagents with newer biochemical and immunologic techniques is now possible. An increased educational effort, at all levels of medical and paramedical training, of immunologic dis- eases is clearly necessary. 95 Chapter 7. AUTOIMMUNITY While the immune system generally serves a protective function against infectious agents and malignant cells, under some conditions an/tihadieiandlarimmunelympho- cytes mayreantmwith, and damagemermal-«body tissues. This—process has been termed autoimmunity. The resul- tant autoaggressive diseases, naturally occurring in man and animals, are of considerable medical and economic im- port. Autoimmune disease may also be produced experi- mentally in laboratory animals by the injection of various self-constituents. The resultant experimental diseases closely resemble a large number of human autoimmune diseases (AID) and have been useful in establishing the pathogenesis of these disorders. A. Mechanisms of Autoimmunity Normally the immune system manifests an extraordi- nary reluctance to react to “self” constituents. This self- tolerance arises normally during fetal development and persists throughout life. Autoimmune disease may result from the acquisition of self-aggression or reacting to self in at least three ways. (1) Certain tissue antigens may have been sequestered or masked during development so that “tolerance to them is never established. Should these antigens subsequently be exposed to the lymphoid system, an immune response may be initiated since the tissue anti- gens are viewed as foreign. (2) Normal selffconstituents may become altered in some way, for example, by the pres- ence of viral components as a result of a persistent viral infection (Fig. 21). This alteration, although slight, may be recognized and thus initiate an immune response di- rected at the altered tissue. (3) Exogenous antigens bearing a close structural resemblance to normal tissue 96 . . (“—TESSue Cell .<—- Virus . l C C :4 ®—Immu nologica“)! \X Active. Ce,“ Fig. 21. What may turn out to be one of the most important autoimmune reactions is thought to be due to alterations to cells that have been affected by a Virus. In attacking the Viral component, the immune reaction destroys the infected cells. components may stimulate the immune system and cause damage because the response also cross reacts with the resembling normal tissue. The preceding paragraph lists the three major classes of mechanisms whereby tolerance to self is lost. In addi- tion, there are specific conditions in which malfunction of components of the immune system, or of related sub- 97 stances, is harmful. Some of the resultant damage is very like that produced in the allergic diseases (Chapter 6). Disease may thus result from injury to normal tissues mediated by the activation of the accessory or effector sys- tems which, once activated, are non—specific in their ac- tion. A number of interactions between the complement system and the blood clotting system occur normally; how- ever, these interactions may go awry. For example, a syn- drome of uncontrolled bleeding, called disseminated intravascular coagulation, results from the exhaustion of serum clotting factors, and is apparently due in some cases to the immune response to certain infectious agents. Breakdown in self-tolerance can lead not only to a direct attack by the major components of the immune system, antibodies and immune effector lymphocytes, but also to attack by kinins and other components of the accessory immune system. The effects of these malfunctions can be extremely varied in severity, frequency, and in their mani— festations. Because of this it is often difficult to diagnose autoimmune diseases or to be certain that autodestruction is indeed occurring. However, there is a considerable ac- cumulation of evidence to support the contention that au- toimmunity is a major cause of a number of serious or fatal diseases and of innumerable chronic but less serious disorders. B. Autoimmune Disorders of Medical and Social Importance Autoimmune diseases vary in their medical, economic and social impact. Some, like rheumatoid arthritis, are se- vere and progressively cripple many individuals. Others, like immune complex glomerulonephritis, are also com- mon, but most frequently exist only as mild self-limited diseases. Only exceptional cases develop into a severe progressive disease. Cortisone and other immunosuppressive drugs can di- minish or arrest autoimmune diseases. However, the in- herent risks of such therapy, often leaving the host with 98 a more lethal condition than that being treated, limit the use of these drugs and emphasize the need for more spe- cific therapy. Moreover, the physician hesitates to utilize immunosuppressive agents in the ever-increasing number of diseases in which an autoimmune component is sus- pected, but not firmly established. Clearly, our limited ability to identify such autoimmune contributions to dis- ease reduces the effectiveness of the physician. To reduce the impact of these diseases, the physician therefore needs precise definitions of the autoimmune diseases and also requires additional methods for treating them. Table VII and the following paragraphs summarize our current knowledge of some of the major autoimmune diseases of man. It should also be mentioned that several examples of autoimmune disease naturally occurring in animals pose a severe economic problem. Animals affected include horses (equine anemia), swine (hog cholera), d0- mestic mink (Aleutian disease), sheep (scrapie) and dogs (thyroiditis and lupus). l. Immune complex diseases The concept of immune complex disease has provided a basis for the understanding of a number of diseases. These include glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and polyarteritis nodosa. In these conditions immune complexes are trapped in ves- sel walls where they create inflammation (see also Chap- ter 6). . a. Glomerulonephritis in the United States is respon- sible for approximately 12,000 deaths each year. Work loss reaches 765,000 days annually, and earning loss more than $15,000,000. Its cost is particularly great because it frequently affects children and young adults. " In the vast majority of instances, the cause of glomerulonephritis is immunologic. Glomerulonephritis is usually an immune complex dis- ease, in that muonresultmmmg WM». .1. antigenfln‘tibody complexes. The injury results from the deposition of. these circulating antigen-antibody 99m- 99 001 Table VII: Some autoimmune disorders in man Organ or tissue Disease Antigen Detection of antibody“ Thyroid Gastric mucosa Adrenals Skin Eye Kidney glomeruli plus lung Red cells Platelets Skeletal and heart muscle Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (hypothyroidism) Thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) Pernicious anemia (Vitamin B12 defic1ency) Addison’s disease (adrenal insufficiency) Pemphigus vulgaris Pemphigoid Sympathetic ophthalmia Goodpasture’s syndrome Autoimmune hemolytic anemia Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Myasthenia gravis Thyroglobulin Thyroid cell surface and cytoplasm Thyroid cell surface Intrinsic factor (I) Parietal cells Adrenal cell Epidermal cells Basement membrane between epidermis-dermis Uvea Basement membrane Red cell surface Platelet surface Muscle cells and thymus “myoid” cells Precipitin; passive hemagglutina- tion; IF on thyroid tissue IF on thyroid tissue Stimulates mouse thyroid (bioassay) Blocks I binding of Big or binds to I: B12 complex IF on unfixed gastric mucosa; CF with mucosal homogenate IF on unfixed adrenals CF IF on skin sections IF on skin sections Delayed-type hypersensitive skin reaction to uveal extract IF on kidney tissue; linear staining of glomeruli Coombs’ antiglobulin test Platelet survival IF on muscle biopsies IOI Brain ? Multiple sclerosis Spermatozoa Male infertility (rarely) Liver (biliary tract) Primary biliary cirrhosis Salivary and lacrimal Sjiigren’s disease glands Synovial membranes, etc. Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Cytotoxicity on cultured cere- bellar cells Agglutination of sperm Brain tissue Sperm IF on diverse cells with abundant mitochondria (e.g., distal tubules of kidney) IF on tissue Mitochondria (mainly) Many: secretory ducts, mitochondria, nuclei, IgG Fc domain of IgG Antiglobulin tests: agglutination of latex particles coated with lgGs, etc. Many: DNA, DNA-protein, Precipitins, IF, CF, LE cells cardiolipin, IgG, microsomes, etc. ‘IF=immunofiuorescence staining, usually with fluorescent antihuman Igs CF=complement fixation Based on Riott, I. Essential Immunowgy. Blackwell, Oxford, 1971. plexes 1n the filterifig vessels of the kidney glomeruli. An— tigens implicated in human glomerulonephritis include foreign serum, drugs, streptococcal antigens, malarial an- tigens and hepatitis and measles viruses, to name a few. Thus, glomerulonephritis includes a group of diseases of “self-injury” resulting from the immune response to for- eign antigens, rather than a true autoimmune (anti-self) response. Immune complex glomerulonephritis is common also in domestic and laboratory animals. In the best studied in- stances, viral infections appear to be involved. Conceptu- ally, viruses provide an ideal source of antigenic material capable of causing immune complex disease. If the specific antigen causing immune complex disease could be identi- fied, it would be possible to manipulate the immune re- sponse to terminate the formation of complexes. If the antigen were from a Virus, it might be possible to immu- nize patients in order to eliminate the virus. b. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an immu— nologic disease with arthritis. skin rashes, fever. and ple‘urisywas common symptoms. The serum of patients with SLE contains a variety of autoantibodies reactive with” cell constituents. If immune complexes resulting from the interaction of autoantibodies With self constitu- ents are deposited in the kidney, a severe glomeruloneph- ritisiresults. The disease is potentially fatal when either the kidneys or the central nervous system are affected. SLE is primarily but not exclusively a disease of young women. Virus-like particles have been found in the lym- phocytes and endothelial cells, raising the possibility of a latent virus infection. An SLE-like condition can also be induced by certain drugs. There are several unanswered questions about SLE. What are the genetic predisposing factors? Is SLE initi- ated by a chronic virus infection? If so, it would become one of a group of diseases, sharing similar features, called “slow” virus diseases. How does autoimmunity relate to the development of the malignant lymphoma which occurs in this disease? 102 The discovery that certain strains of New Zealand mice spontaneously develop a disease which appears to dupli— cate SLE in man has provided a major step forward. These New Zealand mice are relatively resistant to toler- ance induction to a variety of antigens and lose tolerance, including tolerance to self, rapidly. Antigen-autoantibody complexes, especially anti-nucleoprotein complexes, accu- mulate in their kidneys and lead to glomerulonephritis. c. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common disease cur- rently afflicting between 2 and 3 million patients in the United States. It produces a crippling inflammation of the joints, especially of the hands, wrists and knees. This dis— ease progressively worsens over 10 to 30 years and ac- counts for at least 12.2 million work days lost yearly at a cost of 3.65 billion dollars (Fig. 22). Fig. 22. Hands of a 45-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis. Note the nodules in the skin which are common in severe and progressive disease and contain lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages. The joints of the wrist and base of the fingers are swollen as are the tendon sheaths. (From Rodnan, Gerald R, Primer on Rheumatic Diseases, Journal of the American Medical Association, April 30, 1973, reprinted with permis- sion.) 103 RA is a systemic disorder. In addition to the joints, the eyes, lungs, heart, spleen, skin, muscles and peripheral nerves may be affected. The most striking immunological response in RA is the presence of special antibodies known as rheumatoid factors. These are, in effect, antibodies against gamma globulin or anti-antibodies. The arthritic joint fluid contains both rheumatoid fac- tors and IgG. Thus, immune complexes are formed. In- flammation results and the synovium or lining membrane becomes heavily infiltrated by cells involved in the im- mune response—plasma cells and lymphocytes. The im- munological reaction proceeds in the affected synovium itself as evidenced by the fact that the lymphoid cells of cultured synovium produce gamma globulin, and comple- ment levels in the synovial fluid are depleted. The antigen which is primarily responsible for this im- munologic activity is unknown. It is important to deter- mine whether it is an infectious agent, and if so, to identify it and terminate the infection. 2. Multiple sclerosis—altered self-antigen Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease which affects young adults, 20—40 years of age. This disease is progressive in an irregular manner. Muscular weakness and visual dis- turbances are common. Animals immunized with nerve tissue develop a neurological disease called experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). The similarity of the two diseases suggests that MS is an immunologic disease. Blood serum of animals with EAE and patients with MS contains an antibody which can injure cultured living brain cells. Furthermore, the spinal fluid contains an in- creased amount of immunoglobulin which is apparently synthesized in the central nervous system. Answers to several questions concerning MS are ur- gently needed. What is the antigenic constituent against which the immunoglobulin in the spinal fluid is directed? Does the tissue in the multiple sclerosis lesions in the cen- tral nervous system synthesize the antibody? Epidemiologic studies are consistent with the likelihood 104 that an environmental factor acquired before adolescence plays an important role in MS. This factor is most likely to be a persistent or “slow” virus infection, similar to that demonstrated in Kuru, an MS-like disease of certain na- tives of New Guinea, although such a virus in MS has yet to be isolated. Such an infection would presumably lead to the accumulation of “altered” antigen, which would then stimulate an autoimmune response. Genetic factors are also being implicated. Affected individuals are apt to belong to a particular HLA tissue type. 3. Autoimmune thyroid disease—unmasked self-antigen Hashimoto’s disease and Graves’ disease, two forms of thyroid disease, are believed to be consequences of auto- immune reactivity (Fig. 23). Patients with Hashimoto’s disease have a general malaise lasting several years and a moderately enlarged firm thyroid. On histological sec- tion, the thyroid is characteristically infiltrated with lymphocytes. Graves’ disease typically induces weight loss and nervousness in young women. Metabolic disturbances are more severe than in Hashimoto’s disease but the histological pattern may be similar. It has become increasingly evident that immunologic processes play a major role in these diseases of the thyroid gland. Immunization of animals with a protein of the thy- roid called thyroglobulin produces chronic inflammation of the thyroid, i.e. experimental allergic thyroiditis (EAT). EAT closely resembles thyroiditis in man. Both cellular and humoral responses against thyroglobulin ap- pear to be necessary for maximum injury; presumably the same is true for human thyroiditis. The deleterious effects of antibody may be exerted through the deposition of thyroglobulin-antithyroglobulin immune complexes which injure the thyroid. Elucidation of immunologic mechanisms in the thyroid is bringing us closer to an understanding of the metabolic abnormalities of this gland. Hypothyroidism often follows chronic thyroiditis. Serum of patients with hyperthyroid- ism contains a long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS), 105 4o — — (D Z — — Q l— _ o 30 _ <3: LIJ O: _ _ DJ 2 20 — _ L‘. U) 0 " _ o. '— lO —— __ Z LIJ C.) _ _ o: LIJ 0- 0 I I I I I I 20 —29 40-49 6 0-69 8 0 ~89 30-39 50-59 70—79 AGE GROUPS Fig. 23. Incidence of thyroglobulin auto-antibodies in males (A—A) and females (0—0) in relation to age. (Modified from Goodman, M. et al., Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 8: 518, 1963.) which resembles a thyroid-specific autoantibody. It Will be important to develop an antibody against LATS that would neutralize LATS Without causing any stimulat- ing effects of its own. 4. Drug purpura and hemolytic anemia—normal cells affected as “innocent bystanders” While we are accustomed to the beneficial efiect of drugs, such as penicillin or aspirin, their effect on some patients may be devastating. This is because, like any for- eign substance that enters the body, drugs may function as antigens. The immune system then responds by the pro- duction of antibodies, and less frequently, immune lym- phocytes (see also Chapter 6). 106 When a drug-antidrug antibody reaction involves the surface of circulating blood cells, destruction and hence deficiency of that blood cell type may ensue. This process, termed the “innocent bystander” reaction, may clinically result in purpura (hemorrhage) or anemia when plate- lets or red cells, respectively, are involved (Fig. 24). Al- though most cases recover over a few weeks time after the drug is withdrawn, some individuals may be severely and even fatally affected. A number of the drugs involved in this type of reaction are clinically important and com- monly used. Quinine and quinidine in purpura, and peni- cillins in hemolytic anemia are examples. Although bone marrow failure is a not infrequent con- dition, only a small proportion of cases can be attributed to sensitization to a specific drug. Diagnosis of autoim- mune blood disorders is relatively simple if the antigen can be identified since the antibody can then be detected and measured. If the antigen is unknown, chances of dem- onstrating antibody are slight. It would be of some con- siderable importance to know if the majority of cases of bone marrow failure are due to autoimmunity or to some unrelated cause. Administration of specific antigens is a promising new approach to treatment that deserves increasing attention. The rationale behind administration of antigen as a ther- apeutic measure includes (a) production of antibody with protective (blocking) properties, (b) desensitization of sensitized lymphocytes (see also Chapter 6), (c) rein- stitution of unresponsiveness, and (d) production of im- mune complexes which are soluble and therefore less likely to produce tissue injury. Passive administration of blocking antibody may also prove to have therapeutic value. This would not only pro- vide the host with a temporary immunity, but would also take advantage of the exquisite capacity of antibody to inhibit immune responses (see also Chapter 2). A critical area of future research is the definition of the conditions for the production of antibodies which can “block” auto- immune processes but not cause damage themselves. 107 00 Platelets \ l/ +:/D/ru3\/: mated, \ NI C \ l // \ "‘ \\ / F—DY‘U adsarbed / \\\ _ “E onto platelet Rs 000 // / \ \ Ta 0 0 0 \k:\\ ab 0< ? :0? Macrophage // Fig 24. In drug-induced autoimmune reactions the drug is ab- sorbed onto the surface of a cell. Antibody combines with the drug and the cell carrying the antibody- antigen complex is removed. This can cause severe deficiencies of circulating blood platelets, which leads to bleeding diseases, or of red blood cells, which leads to anemia. C. Summary and Prospectus Concepts of autoimmunity are undergoing dynamic change. Increased understanding has resulted from inten- sive study of experimental animal models of human disease. The mechanisms of immunologic tolerance to self- 108 antigens and loss of tolerance leading to autoimmunity are beginning to come into focus. In many of the examples of immunologic disease in man discussed in this text, persis- tent virus infection is believed to be of importance. One of the challenges for the future is the characterization of viruses and other pathogenic agents linked to autoimmu- nity. The prospects for prevention and treatment of autoim- mune diseases are good. Numerous diseases similar to those of man occur naturally or can be induced in animals, thus affording opportunities for more detailed studies. Most encouraging is the finding that the experimental dis- ease is usually self-limiting and that the affected animal recovers. Allergic encephalomyelitis can even be pre- vented, by the prior injection of antibody, thus providing a possible model for the treatment of certain human dis— eases. 109 Chapter 8. TRANSPLANTATION AND CANCER IMMUNOLOGY As described in previous chapters, one of the primary functions of the immunologic defense system is to recog- nize and attack foreign invaders of the body. This in- cludes foreign tissue. The attack is beneficial if the foreign tissue is cancerous but adverse if the foreign tissue is a therapeutic skin transplant or a transplanted kidney. Thus, medical approaches to attack and rejection are simi- lar for both types of problems, but the objectives are diametrically opposed. One set of studies, i.e. those on can— cer, attempts to enhance the immune reaction. The other seeks methods to retard the reaction or to specifically neutralize it so that the transplanted tissue or organ will be tolerated by the body’s defense mechanism. Key components of this defense system are lympho- cytes present in the blood, bone marrow, thymus, lymph glands, spleen, lungs, and other areas of the body. The lymphocytes of the patient receiving a kidney transplant react against foreign substances (antigens) on the trans- planted cells, and the immunological reaction leads to de- struction or “rejection” of the transplant unless the graft is from an identical twin, or unless some kind of immu- nosuppressive treatment is given to lower the activity of the patient’s defense system (Fig. 25). In the case of cancer, the cancerous cells resulting from the malignant transformation of the normal body cells have become antigenically different and are recognized as foreign by the immune system of the patient. If the proper sort of immunologic responses are initiated, the trans— formed cells may be destroyed. This may occur frequently throughout our lives. In the patient who develops cancer, these immunologic responses are often ineffective in bring- ing about rejectiOn of the original cancer, although they 110 lflDNEY CELL tYMPHOCYTE Fig. 25. Lymphocytes of the patient receiving a kidney transplant react against tissue antigens on the transplanted cells, and the immunological reaction leads to destruction or rejection of the transplant unless some form of immunosuppressive treatment is given. may slow its rate of growth and, occasionally, they appear to produce a spontaneous regression. The question is unre- solved as to whether clinically detectable tumors represent only the rare occasions on which antigenic cancer cells es- cape the rejection response, or whether the immune re- sponse has become ineffective in destroying antigenic cells as they arise, i.e., before the cancer has a chance to grow to detectable size. Both transplantation and cancer immunology therefore depend upon two common fundamental features: (1) Cells possess characteristic antigens on their surfaces. (2) The host is able to recognize and attack cells that bear anti- gens differing from those of his own normal cells. The transplanted tissue carries an impressive variety of antigens. Some are common to all members of the spe- 111 cies, some are characteristic of cells of the particular in- dividual and some are specific for the organ or tissue. A cancer cell possesses not only the normal complement of antigens of the host and of the organ from which it de- veloped, but a new antigen, or series of antigens, found principally on the cancer cell and, in some instances, on fetal cells of the host’s species. Since the history and philosophy of studies of trans— plantation and tumor immunity are so interrelated and the cellular and antibody responses mounted against one seem to resemble the responses against the other, this chapter summarizes information about both transplantation and tumor immunity and considers issues common to both. A. Transplantation 1. Blood transfusion Transfusion of blood and blood products constitutes the , most frequent and most successful clinical application of transplantation in medicine to date. Safe transfusion was not possible, however, until we learned to identify and match the major blood cell antigens of the donor and re- cipient in such a way that the transfused cells were not seen as foreign and destroyed. The importance of blood transfusion as an essential life-saving procedure is well known in surgery, in therapy of obstetrical complications, in treatment of medical emergencies, and in hastening patient recovery. The basic research that was essential to defining the ABO blood group system has also provided a major impetus to progress in its own field and in significant related fields. Typing of the blood groups for successful blood transfu- sion hastened recognition of the possibility of tissue typing and provided a basis for development of its technology. Such studies also formed the basis for our understanding of the genetic compatibility essential to successful organ transplantation. These studies have also provided a power- ful tool for the analysis of certain problems of anthro— pology and population genetics, and they have led to a 112 further understanding and improved treatment of many diseases. 2 . Skin transplantation Transplantation of the skin is, perhaps, the oldest form of tissue transplantation and it is used extensively today, especially in the treatment of burns. Though autografts (transplants from one part to another of the same body) are almost always successful, transplantation from one individual to another usually results in rejection. Several advances in recent years give promise of better results. These include tissue typing and the donation of skin from family members to utilize genetic compatibility, improved ' control of infection and the cautious use of drug therapy to prevent rejection. Due to improved methods for long- term storage of skin (from cadavers) at lOW temperatures, banks of skin for resurfacing the critically burned pa- tient can now be seriously considered. 3. Transplantation of the cornea Over 2,000 transplantations of the cornea—the trans- parent membrane of the eye—are performed in the United States each year. Improved microsurgery has made this a highly successful technique for curing one form of blind- ness. Unlike most tissues, the cornea is normally not per- fused with blood, nor does it have lymphatic drainage, and thus it does not normally encounter circulating lympho— cytes. Nevertheless, a proportion of such operations fail because of immunologic rejection. If the rejection reaction is treated early, damage to the transplanted cornea is usu- ally not permanent. Several of the problems common to all transplantation operations apply to corneal transplants. Choosing a suitable donor (cadaver) for the patient who needs a corneal transplant, early tests to detect and prompt treatment for rejection response, and preservation of corneas at low temperature (eye bank) are measures that promise improved results. 113 4. Organ transplantation Many thousands of people die each year because of loss of function in a single organ. Countless other people are disabled. Although prevention of the original disease would be preferable, a successful transplant can restore the recipient to a near normal state of health and even to full rehabilitation. The chief problem in organ transplan- tation continues to be avoidance of rejection. General measures being taken to escape rejection include the preservation of donor organs until the appropriate recipi- ents are located and prepared for surgery, improved techniques for selection of donor-recipient pairs to reduce the likelihood of rejection, and increasing the potential donor organ pool by improved interchange between distant transplant centers. These procedures apply to all forms of organ transplantation. a. Kidney transplantation. End stage kidney disease kills an estimated 12,000 Americans each year. Dialysis by the artificial kidney can sustain patients with renal failure for long periods, but at considerable medical, psychological and economic cost. Transplantation of the kidney has proved to be the preferable mode of therapy when rehabilitation of the patient, amount of time, includ- ing medical attendants required for patient maintenance, and costs are considered. When the donor is a sibling shar- ing the same set of major transplantation (HLA) anti— gens, over 90 percent of the transplants survive more than 2 years (Fig. 26). Unfortunately, few kidney patients have a suitable sibling to act as a donor and must rely on high doses of powerful drugs to control the immune re- sponse to protect the transplant from rejection. The actual proportion of incompatible kidneys surviv- ing depends upon many variables, including the age and clinical state of the patient. Success rates of over 7 0 per- cent of kidneys transplanted from cadaveric donors are reported in selected series. The steady improvement in kidney transplant survival in recent years is due to several factors: (1) improved 114 IOO match Com p\e‘c e— .J E G>C Partlal match 3 U) 50 — . _ uJ MLSmRJLClfl 2:9 ,— Z LIJ Q 0: E l l l 0 2 4 6 YEARS Fig. 26. Survival of kidneys in relation to degree of HLA match— ing. Complete match (siblings) = all HLA antigens identical; partial match (siblings and parent to child) 2 only antigens on one chromosome (haplotype) identical; mismatch (unrelated) = all HLA antigens different. (Data taken from J. Dausett and J. Hors, Transpl. Proc. 5: 223, 1973.) medical care for the patient both before and after the transplant; (2) the use of tissue typing techniques to match donor and recipient and thus reduce the rejection factor; and (3) early detection and treatment of rejection episodes and more skillful use of drugs to prevent rejec- tion. A major' obstacle to successful transplantation of the kidney is that the drugs taken to suppress the immune re- sponse and thus prevent rejection are a major cause of complications (Fig. 27). These drugs do not selectively suppress foreign cell rejection but instead inhibit the func- tioning of the total immune system. In addition to increas— ing the chances of infection, they also diminish the body’s immune surveillance against malignant cells. A higher percent of patients,transplanted and maintained on drugs designed to suppress the immune response, have developed some form of cancer than in the normal population. 115 CAUSE OF NONvFUNCTION 0F 1,365 RENAL TRANSFLANTS Uretem Obstruction Contest Necrosis Arterial Thrombosis Venus Thrombosis Sum. 1121., & Szpsis Surgics! GI Rejection Surgical & Sepsis Tubular Necrosis Reieclinn & Sepsis Sepsis Suvgical Unknown Cause Rejection Fig. 27. From US Kidney Transplant Fact Book, Information from ‘ACS/NIH Registry 1972, DHEW Publication # (NIH) 73—335. The following data from a reported study emphasizes one justification for preference of transplantation over di- alysis as the definitive mode of therapy where transplan- tation is possible (Table VIII). In a group of 100 patients (50 of whom received a transplant, 50 of whom were only maintained by the artificial kidney), the cost was $1.86 million less for the transplanted than for the artificial Table VIII: Comparison of cost of 50 transplant and 50 hemodialysis patients at one center over a 4-year period (1968—1971) Transplant Hemodialysis (50 patients) (50 patients) Total cost (4 years) 750,000 2,600,000** Mortality 20% 26% Gainfully employed 91% 34% Receiving public assistance 0 80% Total dollar savings: 1.85 million dollars in 4 years "Not including public assistance. kidney group. The mortality in both groups was the same. However, 91 percent of the successfully transplanted pa- tients were able to work, while only 34 percent of the patients receiving only artificial kidney treatment were gainfully employed, and some form of public assistance was needed for 80 percent of the latter. None of the successfully transplanted patients required welfare. Transplantation, if we can abrogate rejection, provides a definitive mode of therapy without continuing need for major medical attention or expense. b. Heart transplantation. Approximately 200 heart transplants have been performed in the past four years. Of 28 surviving patients, four have now lived more than four years following transplantation. In certain centers specializing in this procedure, the survival percentage ap- proaches that of kidney survival following transplantation from an unrelated, recently deceased donor. Problems of threatened rejection of the heart transplant are com- pounded because end-stage heart disease patients do not have a support system similar to hemodialysis, which will maintain the patient until a suitable donor can be found, as in the case of kidney transplant patients. 0. Bone marrow transplantation. The bone marrow is the source of cells which give rise to the red blood cells, lymphocytes, and other cells of the blood. Transplanting bone marrow is a procedure which would have immense applicability if it could be accomplished without danger to the patient. The marrow transplantation procedure is relatively simple technically. Bone marrow cells are ob- tained with a needle from certain bones of the donor and are then injected into a vein of the recipient. If the trans- plant is successful, the injected cells find an environment inside the bones of the patient, multiply rapidly, and re- plenish the blood of the patient. Between 1951 and 1968 more than 200 human bone marrow transplantations were attempted. Only two of these were apparently successful. In 1968 successful transplantation was reported in two children with an otherwise fatal lymphocyte deficiency disease. In these children, sophisticated techniques for 117 pairing donor and recipient were employed for the first time. The application of newer techniques has improved markedly the outcome of this procedure. Reports between January 1968 and November 1974 indicate over 200 pa- tients received bone marrow transplants, 25 percent of which have proved successful. d. Liver transplantation. Transplantation of the liver has major technical problems. One hundred and seventy- two liver transplants have been reported in the past several years. While early results were disappointing and numerous technical difficulties had to be overcome, one pa— tient is surviving after four years and fourteen patients are now living over one year after transplantation. One major difficulty is the necessity for speed since liver cells deteriorate very rapidly after death of the donor. e. Lung transplantation. Transplantation of the lung presents the most diflicult immunological and technical problems of all organs. Only two patients have survived significant periods of time; one of these lived ten months. f. Transplantation of other organs. Several other or- gans have been transplanted on an experimental basis; these include the pancreas, spleen, intestines, tendons, bone, cartilage, blood vessels, and the larynx. To date, the results obtained have not been encouraging. However, it should be remembered that, while the success rates for some organs are unimpressive, the transplant patients who survive have been salvaged from otherwise certain death. Furthermore, the history of transplantation has shown an increasing survival rate as techniques improved. The success of kidney transplantation bears witness to that. 5. Special needs of transplantation Transplantation, when successful, is one of the most dra- matic forms of treatment in all of modern medicine. The recipient of an HLA identical kidney can, for example, reasonably expect discharge from the hospital within 2 weeks and can return to a fully productive life within two months. A nUmber of such patients have even experi— 118 enced parenthood following the operation. This is in sharp contrast to the repeated failures experienced with trans- plantation of some other organs and even for the trans- plantation of non-identical kidneys where a proportion are complete failures or function for only short periods. Four elements are needed before transplantation can be uni- versally successful. These are improved matching, im— proved methods of avoiding rejection, long-term organ preservation, and life support systems (comparable to that afforded by kidney dialysis) for diseases affecting other organs. Better matching includes tissue typing donor and re- cipient for more HLA antigens. It also requires a better understanding of other factors closely linked to HLA which are not detected by straightforward tissue typing. One of these factors is known to stimulate lymphocytes to divide; another stimulates the ability to kill cells of the transplant. The information, that there are several dis- tinct but in some way related genes crowded together on the same chromosome, is very new. A novel form of col- laboration between immunologists in the form of interna- tional workshops is helping decipher these new facts as rapidly as possible. The support of the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council and of the Na- tional Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has helped initiate and maintain this essential collaboration. Matching could become relatively simple, for example, if some components of the histocompatibility complex proved to be more immunogenic than others. There has as yet been no occasion to test this possibility, but it is known that the matching requirements for skin transplantation and those for heart, kidney or ovary are not identical, and also that genes which are strongly expressed on some tis- sues are suppressed on others. Thus, matching for differ- ent types of tissues or organs may require different types of tests and different reagents. This approach is being used for selection of bone marrow donors when there are no HLA identical family members, but it has not yet been extended to other forms of transplantation. 119 Selective immunosuppression may come from the joint efforts of pharmacologists and immunologists and may be directed towards the deactivation or destruction of specific lymphoid cell types, e.g. T helper cells, while leaving other types of cells, e.g. T memory cells and B cells, intact. Inten- sive collaboration between immunologists and pharmacolo- gists is presently rather limited. However, from such studies has recently come the realization that certain drugs, not previously known to be immunosuppressive are extraordinarily effective in blocking tissue cell destruction by lymphocytes. The immunologist has been able to separate tissue cell destruction by lymphocytes into phases, and to design rela- tively simple assays for measuring activity in each phase. This information will allow the pharmacologist to set up rapid and inexpensive procedures to screen compounds for activity against the individual phases of lymphocyte- mediated killing, thus making more probable the discov- ery of new and more specific pharmacologic agents. A completely different approach has also been taken, based on the ability of antibody to block immune responses. In this situation, called immunologic enhancement, anti- body directed against a tissue is injected into an animal together with cells from tissue of the same type. The in- jected antibody specifically prevents the host from making an effective response against the tissue. Initially discovered in studies of immunity to tumors, this procedure has now been extended to the prevention of rejection of renal grafts in animals, and in man in the very few instances where it has been tried. This form of treatment is highly selective since other immunological response capabilities are left intact. Suppression by suppressor T cells can also be con- sidered for prevention of rejection of transplants. If suc- cessful, this would provide a form of selective suppression that should be self-propagating in the presence of antigen. Again, this is a very new topic and such investigations, at present, center around identification and isolation of the suppressor T cells. Avoidance of recognition could encompass two areas. 120 The first of these is selection of donors on the basis of genetically controlled immune response capacities of the recipient. Some animals will experience a strong response to foreign red cells, while other animals, identical in many respects, Will make a feeble response. The same appears to be true with respect to the response to skin and possibly organs. Given a choice, it makes good sense to select a graft that will provoke only a feeble response in the recipi- ent. Thus, selection on the basis of blind spots in the recog- nition mechanism of the recipient would greatly reduce the intensity of attempted rejection, permit marked reduction in the amounts of drugs required to control rejection, and therefore greatly extend the safe range of transplanta- tion. This type of donor-recipient selection could profit- ably be combined with the second form of avoidance of the immune response; tolerance induction. Chances of such a combined approach seem excellent since it is known that tolerance to transplants can be attained with ease in some experimental combinations, While in other combinations, tolerance is established with considerable difficulty. This type of approach has great potential application but no attempts have yet been made because of the lack of precise knowledge of immune response genes in man and because we do not yet know how to induce the desired type of tolerance in man. Some very significant research awaits appropriate attention. B. Cancer Immunology Evidence is strong that lymphocytes react not only against established tumors but that they play a major role in eliminating many tumors before they gain a foot- hold. This latter role has been termed “immunological sur- veillance.” One of the major evolutionary pressures for the development of lymphocytes and the cellular immune system may have been to eliminate those thousands of cells that daily undergo mutation within our bodies. If the immune system does provide such defenses, why then does an individual ever develop cancer? 121 Extensive data show that patients, even with advanced cancer, do have potent lymphocytes capable of destroying their own tumor cells growing in the test tube. Unfortu- nately, most cancer patients also have substances in their blood which inhibit their lymphocytes from killing their tumor cells in the body. These substances are known as “blocking factors” and they appear to consist in part of specific antibodies, complexed with tiny fragments of tu- mor cell. Therefore, the patient carrying a cancer has two competing forces at work: (1) the lymphocytes which carry the potential to kill the tumor cell, and (2) blocking factors in the blood which prevent these lymphocytes from acting. The second mechanism may be a major reason why the immunological system, or immune surveillance, does not always work successfully against tumors. Elimination of the “blocking factors” would be one way to augment the anti-cancer immune defenses. Another would be to stimulate the immune lymphocytes directly so that their attack on tumor cells would be more effective. Encouraging progress has been made in this latter area. Skin sensitizing agents such as dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) and a living bacterium, Bacillus Calmette— Guerin (BCG), are potent stimulators of lymphocytes. Injection of these substances into established tumors have so augmented the immune defenses, particularly in the area around the injection site, that the tumor has re- gressed (Figs. 28, 29). In leukemia, the use of BCG in combination with other drugs has led to great improve- ments and often “cures” for as long as eight years. It cannot be determined, at this point in time, whether these patients have been permanently cured, but, so far, they show no signs of recurrent disease. Other organisms that have given preliminary evidence of stimulation are C. parvum and the organism causing whooping cough, B. pertussis. Intensive research efforts are now underway to improve this form of therapy, to evaluate its long-term effects, and to understand its true mode of action. Immunology has also been very useful in the diagnosis and prognosis of certain cancers. Some cancers release 122 Fig. 28. A. The patient has an extensive skin eruption likely to develop into cancer. He is treated with a drug that sensitizes his skin. B. In responding against a very dilute solution of the drug he is also induced to respond against the affected skin cells. Klein, Cancer Research 29: 2351, 1969. 123 Fig. 29. (a) Leg of a patient with melanoma, a skin cancer usually arising from a hairy mole. The patient has begun a course of treatment with modified tubercle bacilli (BCG vaccine). (b) gamle patient after 8 months of treatment (Courtesy Dr. H. F. eig er). 125 minute amounts of antigen into the blood. Detection of these antigens by new, exquisitely sensitive, immunologi- cal assays often provides the earliest clue to the pres— ence of cancer. After surgical removal of the cancer, these antigens disappear from the blood and do not reappear unless the tumor has been incompletely excised or has re- curred. Thus, follow-up of post-surgery patients with tests for these antigens provides an excellent way to de- tect recurrent disease before the physician can otherwise detect it. So far, only a limited number of tumor antigens can be detected, although there are indications that other tumors do release antigens into the blood. Thus much work remains to be done in this area of research. Finally, the most exciting of all possibilities is specific vaccination against cancer so that it, like smallpox, polio, etc., may not have to be cured, but rather will be pre- vented and become a disease of the past. This is by no means a fanciful dream. Medical science is able to im- munize against smallpox because all smallpox viruses share antigens with a closely—related virus, cow-pox virus, which is used as a vaccine. Similarly, immunology has shown that tumors of a given type, say all cancers of kid- ney, or all melanomas, share “common” antigens. Our ultimate hope is to isolate and purify the “common” antigens of tumors, or of the causative Virus, and then develop appropriate materials to vaccinate the popu- lation against a mixture of these antigens. It is believed that this would give protection against the emergence of tumor cells in the body—in a sense greatly augmenting the natural “immune surveillance” system. Some of these antigens have been isolated in animal studies and have been successfully used as vaccines. This approach has al- ready been used to eliminate the economically significant cancer of chickens (avian leukosis). The ultimate applica- tion of these procedures to man is conceivably attainable through future research. In summary, the immune system plays a major role in organ transplantation and in cancer. In the former, we have prolonged graft survival by matching the antigens 126 of the donor to those of the recipient and by generally weakening the immune system with drugs. Our future re- search efforts must primarily be directed at better antigen matching and at blocking only that aspect of the immune system which specifically attacks the graft, leaving the patient’s immune system intact to fight infections. Stimu- lation of graft-specific blocking antibodies might also be useful here. In cancer immunology we have detected tumor-specific antigens and know that at least two com- peting immunologic forces, the immune lymphocyte and blocking factor, play a great role in the course of the tu- mor. Progress has been made, but research remains to be done to use antigen-detection in diagnosis and prognosti- cation of cancer, to stimulate host lymphocytes to attack the cancer, to eliminate blocking factors and their deleteri- ous effects on the host’s lymphocytes, and to develop means to vaccinate the population against tumor antigens. 127 Chapter 9. THE FUTURE OF IMMUNOLOGY—ALMOST WITHIN OUR GRASP A characteristic of immunologists is their vocabulary, not only in the jumble of terms and phrases, but also in the frequency with which they admit “we think,” “we believe,” “we hope,” and the ever—present “if.” This chapter* is predicated on the eventual elimination of “if” and assumes that, based on the mass of solid information we now have, many goals which we are projecting can be attained. It will define the areas of great importance and it will attempt to define the problems faced and the means to prevent, ameliorate, or cure relevant diseases (Table IX). A. Immunological Manipulations 1. I mmunotherapy Immunotherapy, whether of cancer or of other diseases, can fall into any of three categories: suppression, aug— mentation and reconstitution. a. Immunosuppression (Table X). One of the oldest known forms of nonspecific suppression is reticulo- endothelial blockade where the individual receives a mas— sive dose of a poorly metabolized product such as carbon, colloidal gold or lipid. The macrophages and fixed phago- cytic cells become so overloaded with the inert material that they cannot respond to a subsequent challenge with antigen. The condition is rapidly reversible. This ap- proach could be revitalized through the use of short-lived isotopes in colloidal suspension to increase the effect and extend its duration. *which is the sole responsibility of the Editor 128 Many drugs and gamma or x-irradiation reduce immu- nologic responsiveness. Best known are x-rays, and the y-rays from a cobalt or other nuclear fission source, the corticosteroids, and many of the drugs such as 6- mercaptopurine and cyclophosphamide commonly used in the chemotherapy of cancer. Alcohols and surface anes- thetics can, under certain conditions, have a marked effect on immunologic reactions. Anti-thymocyte and anti- lymphocyte sera are very potent immunosuppressive agents in mice, especially when combined with thymec- tomy. Administration of drugs in this category is essential for the survival of almost all transplanted tissues and is being explored in the control of autoimmune reactions. However, the side-effects can be awesome. Organisms not normally regarded as pathogenic frequently cause grave morbidity leading to eventual death. b. Augmentation. This is traditionally the most widely used form of immunologic manipulation; the use of vac- cines. It is typified by the injection of a specific antigen or collection of antigens to provide immunity against com- mon microbial invaders. This form of therapy (prophy- laxis) has its greatest value in developing countries faced With endemic or epidemic infections, and in the protection of children against common childhood diseases. Aerosols for vaccination against respiratory tract pathogens and orally administered vaccines for the protection of the gas- trointestinal tract are examples of newly introduced pro- cedures. These procedures carry a certain risk of morbidity or even of mortality, especially in immunologi- cally handicapped individuals, so that when a disease is eradicated, as has been the case of smallpox in the United States, the risks of immunization may outweigh the possi— ble gain. Specific immunization has not yet been success- ful in many infections including the common cold. In the future, the most dramatic examples of immuno- logic augmentation will be perhaps in the field of cancer. Immunologists believe that a patient is potentially capa- ble of reacting against his own tumor. Why he does not cure himself is not agreed upon. Some believe the immu- 129 .mwmflo Erma u§®>®HnH mmwowmw Miammxw mo uwwfijw .Eigmm mo :OEEJEHQ .wmwowmv. wcfimmxm $934» doflzgam £32963 2533 93m amfim .Efiwhm 255s: mo :osxswgmwm 68983 >333 @589, .t mmwwmwc mo £23552“. EESSOL .wwxflhsaoam .wfiwfim andummwg 050355“ how 9.58393 >62 .mmxflzsmem 3:09me “858.58 wmwuwm .mcwwao .850 was is: we :ofigsmamcdfi fifiawm mpnmamnwfi 33$ Enmmmom .wfiSwwn gains; .m.~o:ow mSENQEoofi mo ounwEoiw .8098 misadwfiss amigos? mo nowmwwfiwm :omiomoan a we 950 sowmwmfioa wowcofiem :oficwghm me mo composcwm :ofiwfiuoskr 3:309:80 we :ofiflsficfla waswcoagoo mo :OBESQENS $58.8, Sagan may? hmfiswg mwpzuoanfifi was?» .«o :oEquH @589» nofiwgm wing; QBQEQ mofiww wmqoamg oQSEEw 35:2; 8:323 BuofiocsEEw amzndpmm nsmcwumwg‘myv fizEfiEESBwE Bandage: €35 mwsfimma @5588: we muswsogfioo mo :ompfismmcmfi mZuoEwm humssfifim .«o :oEd>2w ucmuwnméoz 9:08; 3:0on .cBfifiEaEEH ma; we zofiwomsnwg 2358.5 3:39 83:53: ~8mw£2~====m vgcm "N— 03¢? 35% oswfisosm mfiismwzofispwfiofiw $3M ofidfiswsm mfiinnmcofiawfiofiw Mw>om zwm .mEfim< 68o mg: mZO mo momwwwmw vipgmanwQ 693 m5: wZO mo mwmaomww 9,3985wa “imam 229nm NQSHQOSOU 19$an dofifigsangm. :osfizfinngfi SEQ 3250 saws £8me £8me 5%: 050QO £856 033. 130 Table X: Immunosuppression Immunosuppressive and Anti-inflammatory Agents Cortisone, corticosteroids, and ACTH Purine antagonists: azathiaprine (Imuran), 6-Mercaptopurine Alkylating agents: cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), nitrogen mustard Folic acid antagonists: methotrexate Antilymphocyte serum Antihistamines (Benadryl, Actifed) Conditions Frequently Treated With Anti-inflammatory and Immunosuppres— sire Agents Leukemias, lymphomas (Hodgkin’s disease) Multiple myeloma Rheumatoid arthritis Asthma (severe) Kidney transplants (and other organ transplants) Ulcerative colitis Nephritis (systemic lupus erythematosus and others) Psoriasis Childhood nephrosis nity to be too weak to be effective, some believe there to be an overload on the immune system through the release of too much antigen by the tumor, while others believe in the existence of blocking factors which inhibit the reactions of lymphoid cells. Sought are means of removing blocking factors, of increasing reactivity of the cells or of reducing the antigenic load. In this area, numerous studies are al- ready in progress, but success is completely unpredictable. One novel possibility for manipulation is to re-examine the homing of lymphoid cells in cancer patients. Studies suggest that B cells precommitted to an immune response rarely enter the peripheral circulation and that in patho- logical states, precommitted T cells may sequester in spleen or lymph node. A relatively simple manipulation might induce more lymphoid cells to migrate to the tumor. More orthodox are the proposals to increase the number of committed cells by vaccination with tumor antigen or with chemically modified antigen altered to render it more immunogenic. Cancer immunotherapy by augmentation is now chiefly restricted to skin tumors, especially malignant melanoma and multiple small cancers of the skin. In one mode of treatment, a non-virulent form of tubercle bacillus is in- jected; in the other, a delayed (Class IV) response is pro- 131 voked by painting the surface of the tumor with a dilute solution of the sensitizing agent. Both have had spectacu- lar success, but neither seems effective against tumors located deep in the body. c. Reconstitution. Reconstitution by transfer of immu- nologically competent cells or cell products is a new and exciting development in immunology and immunogenet— ics. Restoration of immunity by the injection of antibody or of lymphocytes has been attempted; both are fraught with danger. Treatment of leukemia by the injection of antibody has been attempted periodically since the 1920’s. In the past, it has been less effective than conventional x-ray or chemotherapy. However, potent antisera pro- duced in monkeys are now becoming available. These sera can be used in combination with other forms of therapy. As mentioned in the section on transplantation, bone marrow grafts can be successful in restoring full func- tion. Unfortunately this occurs only in a very small pro- portion of cases. Unless the bone marrow cells transferred are antigenically identical with the donor, they will either be rejected by the impaired but still functioning immune system of the patient, or if immunity is further depressed by anti-leukemic treatment, the graft may react against and kill the patient. Another form of reconstitution has been attempted only in small scale trials. Experiments have shown that “trans- fer factor,” an extract of the specifically sensitized lym- phocytes of an immune individual, seems to have the ability to convert non-immune lymphocytes of a patient to immune lymphocytes. Such “transfer factor” has been used with some success in treatment of leprosy, chronic fungal infections of the skin, and possibly in some forms of cancer. Finally, just as passive treatment with serum has a definite place in the treatment of certain patients at risk, the transfer of mediators such as interferon, thymic hor- mone and other substances may have a place in the short term treatment of specific sub-classes of immunologic deficiency. 132 The major remaining problems include the full recogni- tion of existing opportunities, the allocation of resources for the development of such new techniques, and the con- tinuing need for additional basic information on the pre— cise immunologic aberrations responsible for the many and varied immune-related diseases of man. B. Goals 1 . Cancer A prime target of the immunologist is cancer. This tar— get is one that, while still elusive, well fits the concept “almost Within our grasp.” There are several immediate immunologic goals. Already practicable is the monitoring of patients for recurrence of cancer. Such monitoring can now be done for patients with tumors of the liver (hepatoma) and with colonic cancer. Just as the hepatoma tumor releases a-fetoprotein (AFP) and colonic cancer releases carcino- embryonic antigen (CEA), many other tumor types of cancer appear to release specific substances into the bloodstream. Cancer of the ovary, uterus and cervix, and skin melanoma appear to be among these diseases. As soon as the appropriate antigen can be recognized, anti- sera can be made and patients can be screened at regular intervals after surgical removal of their tumors. A rising level of antigen in the patient would constitute a warning sign, recognizable by the physician as a possible recur- rence. Another possibility for immediate action is the moni— toring of members of high-risk cancer families for onset of the disease. Although not common in the general popu- lation, familial polyposis occurs frequently in some fami- lies, with as many as 50 percent of members developing polyps. If undiagnosed and untreated, these polyps rap— idly turn cancerous. The disease appears to be controlled by a single dominant gene. Since most human chromo- somes have now been mapped, it seems reasonable that red and white cell typing could offer a ready means of 133 identifying which family members carry the trait. Those members at risk would subsequently be given frequent examinations, and would receive genetic counseling. Members of such families would also be tested for rising levels of carcino-embryonic antigen and positive results would be considered an indication for possible interven- tion. A third, less immediate possibility, is the production of a preventative cancer vaccine. It has recently been found that viral antigens can be detected on the tumor cell even when the virus itself cannot be demonstrated. This opens up the challenging possibility that it may be unnecessary to isolate the virus in order to prepare a vaccine. Using existing technology it would be possible to isolate the anti- genic fraction from tumor cell membranes grown in tissue culture and thus to prepare a vaccine. One long range objective of the immunologist is to eliminate the need for cancer surgery. Under certain cir— cumstances, it is possible for the immunological system of a mouse to destroy a billion tumor cells in less than 48 hours. Indeed the more tumor cells present, the more ef- ficient the destructive process becomes. A parallel exam— ple in humans is the speed with which multiple warts on the hands or feet vanish once one of them is successfully attacked. The immunologist is hopeful that, in the same manner, cancer that has already spread through the body can be destroyed without surgery, without scarring and without loss or damage to normal tissues or organs. No one can share the intense frustration of the tumor immunologist. He knows the immense power he can direct against tumors in animals, but does not yet know how to unlock this power in man. There are several possibilities which may prevent such an eflficient immunological attack from developing: (1) Blocking antibodies or antibody- antigen complexes in serum prevent the lymphocyte from attacking. (2) The patient with an antigenic tumor does not have the appropriate immune response genes, i.e. he lacks the genetic capacity to react against his own tumor antigens. (3) The tumor liberates substances (e.g., vi- 134 ruses or enzymes) which interfere with the immunologi- cal system. (4) The patient has made the wrong kind of immune response, i.e. a humoral response instead of a cellular response. (5) The patient may be unable to mo- bilize his effector cells, so that they remain locked up or sequestered in the lymphoid organs, never reaching the cancer site. (6) The patient may be tolerant to the tumor antigen. There is experimental evidence to support each of these possibilities. The suspicion must be entertained that each of these factors is operating to a different degree; the major deficiency in each case being due partly to features of the particular tumor and partly to the genetic and en- vironmental factors in the host. It is also possible that immune responses can, augment rather than impede tumor growth. The explosive growth of a Wilm’s tumor of the kidney in a child is vastly different from the almost im- perceptible progression of cancer of the bowel in the case of the octogenarian. Indeed, the fulminant progress of tumors in the young person lends strong credence to the supposition that immune stimulation is operative at cer- tain stages of life and promotes rather than prevents tumor growth. Despite these obvious differences between patients and between tumors, there is a tendency to consider immuno- logical factors in cancer as a single entity. This attitude is surely destined to change dramatically in the future. The physician of the future, diagnosing and treating a cancer patient, is likely to request a full immunologic investiga- tion including tests to detect and estimate the amount of circulating antigen and of antibody, the proportion and functional activity of each subpopulation of T and B lymphocytes, and the pattern of migration of effector cells. Other measurements he would request include the characteristics of the patient’s immune response genes, levels of thymic and other hormones, levels of each of the complement components, and the functioning of the aux- iliary immune apparatus including the ability to produce interferon and the various lymphokines. The presence of 135 suppressor T cells, immuno-stimulatory cells and enhanc- ing antibodies would be determined. Finally, an esti- mate would be made of the potential of the patient’s lymphocytes to respond to and kill his own tumor cells. Treatment would be based on results from the evaluation and on consultation with the immunologist, the pharma- cologist and the surgeon. At present, the possibility of such an extensive investigation for the many cancer pa- tients remains a dream. 2. Transplantation One: of the most fascinating achievements of immunol- ogy, and, at the same time, by far the most tantalizing, relates to the selection of donors for kidney or skin trans— plantation. It is fascinating because in certain situations the chance of restoring the patient to a normal vigorous life is better than 90 percent. It is tantalizing because only a small proportion of transplants fall within this category. The problems of transplantation are great. First, the functioning tissue has to be transferred in a living state. This is the province of the surgeon, and, in general, the technical problems have been solved. Once installed in the body, the transplanted tissue is liable to attack from every possible immune defense process. The cells making up the transplanted tissue are not homogeneous. Some cells are relatively resistant to attack, some are very sensitive to antibody lysis and some are sensitive to attack by lym- phocytes or macrophages. Graft destruction can follow loss of blood supply through blood clotting or platelet ag- gregation leading to death of vital cells within the transplant. The task of the immunologist is to enable the transplant to escape these varied processes by means which do not jeopardize any of the normal functions of other tissues or of the immunological defense. Failure to protect the body leads to tumor induction, psychotic dis- turbances, cosmetic defects and the many consequences of infection, often with unusual pathogens. In the face of all these problems the success already achieved in transplan- 136 tation of kidneys, heart and bone marrow is truly impres- s1ve. It is apparent from a variety of studies, human as well as animal, that all tissues are not equally immunogenic. Human tendons transplanted inside the intact tendon sheath function for years with none of the inflammatory reaction that follows the transplantation of bare tendon without its fibrous sheath. Pig liver transplants survive without immunosuppression whereas pig kidneys are promptly rejected, ovarian transplants may over-ride the immune response that rejects skin from the same donor. There are many other examples. Similarly, some compo- nents within a tissue may be more immunogenic than others and the vascular endothelium and passenger lym- phocytes in the tissues may be the prime triggers for the immune response. Decreasing the immunogenic load by perfusion of transplants with steroids and/or blocking sera have been suggested as pre-treatments and these ap- proaches offer some promise of success. Closer antigenic matching, especially for those factors now being discov- ered in the HLA histocompatibility complexes are an- other promising approach. Selective unresponsiveness to antigen from the kidney donor has been brilliantly sucess- ful in the rodent. One difficulty encountered in the introduction of po- tential new treatments in man is that the established procedures, i.e. dialysis and transplantation with immuno- suppression, are reasonably successful, while treatments not yet proven clinically are suspect. The few clinical re- ports of the use of enhancing antibody in combination with other therapy appear promising. Thus, immunologic enhancement can be considered at least as an adjunct therapy. The induction of immunologic tolerance to solu- ble transplantation antigen has probably not been tried in man. While it is difficult to see how tolerizing prepara- tions could be tested ethically in unsensitized subjects, at- tempts to solve the more difficult task of breaking known immunity would be entirely ethical. Many patients have 137 been so presensitized by previous transfusions or trans- plants that one can no longer find a donor not recognized by their preformed antibodies. While inducing tolerance or inhibiting antibody production might be extremely dif- ficult, success would be of extreme value to these and many other patients (including those with autoimmune dis- eases). The predictably successful transplants involve organs or tissues which come from brothers or sisters who have inherited exactly the same set of HLA genes from each parent. Most siblings and parents differ by at least one HLA set and in this type of transplant the immunologist is working to distinguish between those kidneys that will be well-accepted and those that will provoke a very strong, and sometimes irreversible, immune response. In practi- cal terms little obvious progress has been accomplished in the past several years. However, in terms of background knowledge and potential application, progress has been impressive. Furthermore, in learning more about the im- munogens important for transplantation, we are develop- ing concepts that are relevant to cancer and to autoimmunity. Relevant new findings, which have aroused great opti- mism that goals set can be reached, probably by several alternative routes, include (1) awareness that the target for cellular immunity is not necessarily the same as that for antibody, (2) identification of genes linked to HLA that control the production of these targets, (3) improved definition of tissue types, (4) demonstration of immune response genes in man, and (5) steadily expanding knowledge of tolerance induction even in the face of exist- ing immunity. In addition, an entirely new mechanism, in which target cells are lysed by the interaction of anti- body with normal or non—sensitized lymphocytes, has been found. Studies on lymphocyte—antibody—lympholytic inter- actions (LALI) are proceeding in several centers. A pre— viously unknown antibody appears to be responsible for this type of immunity. These recent discoveries are all relevant to the solution of the complex problems of trans- 138 plantation. Indeed, one rather paradoxical asset from basic research studies is that we now have a much clearer understanding of the complexity involved in transplanta- tion. Knowing the extent of the problem will help with the solution. One can conservatively predict that one or more of the approaches outlined above will be successful within the next ten years. What then will happen to transplanta- tion? Initially, if the true success rate of kidney transplantation with cadaveric organs, i.e. complete re- habilitation within 3—6 months of the operation and con- trol of the processes of rejection with only a minimal dose of immunosuppressive drugs, approaches 80 percent, there will be many thousands of kidney transplants per year and a corresponding fall in money required for dialy- sis. Secondly, forms of transplantation now rarely per- formed, including heart, pancreas and liver, will become commonplace. Finally, organs that are not now considered transplantable, intestine, lung, uterus, esophagus, and conceivably even limbs, may become practicable. This last possibility arouses great compassion when one considers the present state of some permanent inhabitants of Vet- erans Administration hospitals. While not yet practicable and certainly needing comparable advances in neurosur- gery and neurophysiology, nevertheless, limb transplanta- tion would be of inestimable value to countless young persons. 3. Infectious diseases The contribution of immunology in this area merits re- statement. Without the protection afforded by modern sanitation (water and sewer systems) and by vaccina- tion, there would be no over-population problem, since civilization as we know it could not exist. The social and economic advantages to civilization from vaccination against such major diseases as smallpox, diphtheria, po- liomyelitis, tetanus, plague, cholera, and even the minor ailments, measles, German measles, and whooping cough are almost unimaginable. If a tiny proportion of the sav- 139 ings from poliomyelitis alone could be applied to further research on immunity in infectious disease, many of the remaining diseases could be overcome. Due to the successes of modern medicine, the average person in the U.S.A. does not expend much concern over infection. However, tens of thousands are incapacitated during influenza outbreaks, soldiers and school children die of meningitis, and a present-day Oscar Wilde can still contract syphillis. One member of the general community not mentioned extensively in this report, who is more conscious of the dangers of contagion than most, is the’farmer. Vaccination for avian leukosis has saved countless flocks of chickens with the resultant economic saving to the farmer and the consumer of poultry products. Hog cholera, a virus dis- ease of swine, and swamp fever, a perennial threat to horses and also due to a virus, are both controlled by vac— cination. Unfortunately, foot-and—mouth disease of cattle remains a constant threat, and a fully effective vaccine is yet to be developed. The military strategist probably also has an unusual awareness of the threat of microbial infection. While microbial warfare is outlawed, is there any absolute guar- antee that it will never be used against the U.S.? While the United States has no microbial offense, should it not continue its studies on resistance to infection so that it retains the potential to mount a flexible defense? Many of the unconquered infections are chronic in na- ture or cause only minor disability, so we tend to ignore them. In truth, many of the costs of Medicaid, of hospital insurance and the attendant loss of time from work or school are solely due to common infectious diseases or to infectious complications of other conditions. We have not fully met our goal of protecting the people from infectious disease and there is little prospect of doing so unless it is realized that a continuing problem exists, one that costs many millions of dollars a year in ineffective or even un- desirable medicines, pain relievers, hospital or doctors Visits and loss of productivity. 140 Following the precedent from other sections of this chapter, let us see what progress can be foreseen. Most immediately, progress could be made in several ways to improve the effectiveness of vaccines. At present, some organisms do not provide adequate immune stimulation and others cannot be grown in culture. Since the genera- tion of immunity is known to depend partly on the carrier and partly on the hapten antigenic groups, new classes of vaccine can be envisioned. As we learn more about the composition of the antigen, synthetic vaccines could be produced that would be effective and safe. Successful cul- tivation of refractory organisms for the production of vac- cines to hepatitis, syphilis, and the EB virus of some nasal tumors requires continued painstaking effort, but success is predictable. Use could be made of the known cross reac- tions between the antigens of different microorganisms, supplemented by a search for additional cross reactions, thus permitting the stimulation of immunity to non- pathogenic organisms which would also be effective against pathogenic organisms. All of these steps are straightforward, should be relatively inexpensive and would pay immediate dividends. Such studies could also provide new information about vaccine production that could later be used in the preparation of anti—cancer vac— cines. In addition to such directly applicable approaches, we need to learn more about the effects of infection on the functioning of the immune system. Some viruses, such as measles, are strongly suppressive of at least some immu- nological responses. Other organisms, such as the obscure C. parvum (related to organisms that cause diphtheria), like the organisms causing pertussis and tuberculosis, can stimulate the immune system. We need to know how they act, what they can do and what other friends and foes re- main unrecognized in our microbial flora. Since tumor cells are apt to harbor viruses and since even bacteria be- have differently when virus infected, these studies can also add to our knowledge of tumor immunity or suscepti- bility, and to our understanding of autoimmune diseases. 141 The preparation of vaccines, whether they be synthetic, attached to a carrier, attenuated live organisms or strains of organisms newly grown in tissue culture, is by itself not enough. Some people are probably innately incapable of responding to certain infections. Unless an individual carries an appropriate set of immune response genes he may be unable to recognize an invading organism. This feature may explain why an organism such as the tubercle bacillus was originally so lethal to many inhabitants of the New World, While of lesser consequence to those of the Old. The converse was true of the syphilis organism. The mere recognition of the existence of such genes is very new, and there is little detailed information even from animal models. While a simple vaccine is adequate to pro- tect one individual, another may need to have the antigen presented in a different state for it to be recognized by his immune response genes in order for it to be equally effec- tive. 4. Autoimmunity Autoimmunity probably presents the greatest chal- lenge to immunology. The goals are very different from those of cancer immunology, because instead of kindling the reaction, the object is to extinguish it. However, it is of immediate urgency to identify which of the many dis— eases thought of as possibly autoimmune are, indeed, primarily due to autoaggressive attack. We are reason- ably certain that the clinical manifestations of glomerulo- nephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, amyloid disease, post-viral encephalitis, hemolytic anemias and immune thyroiditis are of immunological origin. Many immunologists believe that arteriosclerosis itself (and therefore many cases of heart disease and stroke), some of the adverse effects of aging, degenerative arthritis, multiple sclerosis, myasthe- nia gravis, lupus erythematosus, and possibly even Hodg- kin’s disease and leukemia should all be included in this category. Many of these diseases can be mimicked in experimen- tal animals by injection of the appropriate antigen. Un- 142 like most human diseases, these animal experimental conditions frequently do not progress. This leads to the supposition that, in the natural disease, infection by a slow virus maintains the antigenic challenge. The availability of the New Zealand mouse, which has a high incidence of a variety of autoimmune diseases, offers an excellent op- portunity for analysis of the pathological processes. The immunologist’s ultimate goal would be to identify subjects at high risk and to prevent development of the disease. This could be done most profitably, for example, in individuals in whom there is a high correlation be- tween a given HLA type and susceptibility to a disease. Prevention could, in some instances, involve: (1) drug therapy, (2) vaccination to minimize the risk of infection With the inciting microorganism, (3) selective immuniza- tion to induce the formation of protective blocking anti— body, or possibly (4) induction or reinforcement of tolerance. In the interim, confirmation that the disease is autoimmune or that autoimmunity is responsible for its progression is important information for the physician since it will enable him to prescribe the most appropriate treatment presently available. There is another substan- tial gap in our knowledge requiring urgent attention. This is how to arrest an established immune response. Filling this gap would have an immediate and rewarding applica- tion in autoimmunity as well as in transplantation and in the treatment of allergies. 5. Allergy Whereas one of the great difficulties with autoimmu— nity is in identifying the diseases, this problem is minimal or non-existent in the allergic diseases. Here, the prompt response to allergen exposure (e.g. drug or pollen) pro- vokes the reaction and thus confirms the diagnosis. In allergy the objectives are to prevent (1) the formation of reaginic (IgE) antibody, (2) the binding of antigen to antibody on the mast cell surface, or (3) the release of mediators from the mast cell. Present day drug therapy (i.e. antihistamines, epinephrine) is mainly directed at 143 preventing the irritant effects of the mediators, while cur- rent immunotherapy aims at desensitization. The results of both leave much to be desired. Fundamental research on how to erase immunologic memory is as needed in al- lergy as in autoimmunity. Fortunately, a number of‘ manipulations which can be performed in experimental situations are expected to lead to future clinical developments. Considerable advances have been made in identifying the antigenically active site of many antigens. With existing technology, it should be possible to synthesize polypeptide antigens and to use these, attached to carrier molecules, to induce tolerance. Of great potential value is the finding that IgE regulation is thymus-dependent and related to the level of IgG anti- body. As IgG levels rise, IgE levels fall. Controlled im- munization with insoluble hapten or antigen (possibly with the aid of one of the new immunopotentiators), and using radioimmunoassay monitoring of specific IgE anti- body levels as a guide to effectiveness, is a potential de- velopment. Relatively undeveloped are the older observations that menstruating females may lose hypersensitivity to skin test allergens and that pregnant women may lose their clinical symptoms of respiratory allergy. These effects do not appear to be due to the hormones progesterone or estrogen, but many opportunities exist for further studies in this fascinating interface between immunology and endocrinology. Finally, two other possibilities, both highly speculative and with great implications for future devel- opment, can be mentioned. One is the potential relation- ship between allergy and transient neurological disorders including, but not restricted to, migraine headaches. The other is the potential use of aerosols and other locally ap- plied antigens to effect local rather than systemic desen- sitization. 6. General features Immunology is a very vital and rapidly moving disci- pline. What is only envisioned now will be reality within a few years time, and mechanisms now unknown will then 144 begin to emerge. The full power of immunology When properly harnessed to genetics and to biochemistry may even be beyond the realm of our present vision. Immunology is emerging as the central field of analysis of communication between cells, thus elucidating the most fundamental processes of normal cell regulation and its aberrations. Since the system is so central to all bodily functions, no estimate of its potential contribution to the quality of life can possibly be projected. One needs only to consider its potential for solution of the problems of aging and of neoplastic disease. C. Cost Increasing knowledge of the importance of immune mechanisms in human health and disease has made im- munology a vital discipline. Man’s immune mechanism constitutes both a blessing and a bane. It can be effective against foreign invaders, and it can protect against a host of diseases, through natural or acquired immunity. It can sometimes be incompetent, inadequate, or unbalanced, making man a victim of allergy. And it can tragically lead to rejection of transplanted tissues or even, in auto- immunity, to rejection of his own tissues. Investigators exploring this burgeoning field of immu- nology are indeed on a fantastic voyage, as startling and innovative as the exploration of space. With the new tech- niques for measuring cellular and humoral immunity, there is indeed no limit to its further development. What is the cost of such research? Throughout this re- port, statements have been made to the effect that through a given discovery, so many millions or billions of dollars have been saved. Lives have been salvaged from diseases that were untreatable or fatal for centuries, and the fear and anxiety of many diseases have been erased. Immu- nological research does contribute to the gross national product, and Will no doubt contribute much more. The eradication of Rh disease, using a treatment arising out of basic immunologic research, is saving thousands of in- fant lives, as well as millions of dollars each year. The 145 development of a measles vaccine resulted in new savings of more than two million dollars in the state of Massa- chusetts alone in 1965—71. In addition, the development by immunologists of an adenovirus vaccine to prevent acute respiratory disease in military recruit populations has resulted in savings of more than 7 million dollars in the relatively short time that the vaccine has been in use. A disease which is believed to be potentially amenable to immunologic intervention and for whichcost estimates are available, is rheumatoid arthritis. More than five mil- lion people are affected by this disease; the majority of the victims are between 20 and 45 years of age, hence they represent the most productive segment of our popula- tion. At an average cost of $800 per year per patient, the annual cost to the nation in terms of lost wages and health care costs exceeds 4 billion dollars. This exceeds the total US. investment in research on this and all other diseases! Impressive as these examples are, it should be kept in mind that all medical progress is ultimately dependent on new knowledge in basic, nonapplied research. Biomedical research has two components, one applied and one basic. Applied research can be and usually is planned and targeted, just as though one were planning to send a satellite to Mars. Attempts to target basic re- search, though, are often counter-productive. As in cancer research, the objective “prevent or cure cancer” can be stated, but how this can be done cannot be programmed in finite terms or known procedures. The early Virologists could not set to work directly to produce polio vaccine. They first had to learn how to cultivate tissue cells, then they had to isolate the Virus and find out in which type of cells the virus would grow adequately. Much basic re- search which was not directed towards the specific goal of making the vaccine was necessary. The outcome of this research has saved an estimated two billion dollars each year in direct medical and institutional costs and in time otherwise lost from productive work. It has also provided a basis for attempts to make other types of vaccine. 146 While the application of available knowledge can have appreciable immediate effects, the continued support of fundamental research is the only assured means for the solution of these clinical problems that have vast social and economic implications. Research is an indispensable element of a country’s efforts to assure good medical care and disease prevention, because upon such research de- pends most of medical science’s present and future ability to meet the challenge of the health needs of its people in this rapidly changing world. Support must be continuous. One of the consequences of major scientific breakthroughs in the past has been the immediate termination of funds rather than a switching to related but unsolved problems. When antibiotics were discovered, almost all research on the induction of immu- nity to infection stopped. This was premature. Had sup- port been continued, many of the infectious diseases that still aifiict us could have already been conquered. When Rh disease was eliminated, research stopped. There is pa- thetically little investigation of another major attacker of the newborn, antibodies to A and B blood groups. When the cure for polio was announced, donations to the March of Dimes fell precipitously and money that could have been spent on cancer or other diseases was unavailable. Discoveries such as those mentioned have saved the coun- try countless billions. If some of the savings had been put back into additional research, we might, for example, now have some notable advances in the treatment of rheuma- tism. Medical research is expensive. It is wayward and often appears to be unfocused. However, its benefits in the past have been so great that it is not difficult to foresee that, if continued at an adequate level, many revolutionary and beneficial discoveries can be anticipated in the future. One very simple precaution that can ensure continuity of re- search is to incorporate into any major new health care legislation a fixed portion to be used for research, just as every major industry earmarks a proportion of its ex- penditures for this purpose. 147 Appendix A Immunology and Disease GLOSSARY acquired immunity—Immunity that develops as a result of exposure to a foreign substance or organism. adjuvant—A substance injected along with antigens which non—specifically enhances or modifies the immune response to that antigen. allergen—Any substance capable of eliciting an allergic response. Plant pol- lens and animal danders are some of the most common allergens. allergic response—One or more specific immune reactions which manifest themselves in the form of a speCIfic allergic reaction. allergic rhinitis—Inflammation occurring in the nasal passages of atopic persons following contact with danders, pollens, or other airborne allergenic substances. allergy—A hypersensitive state acquired through exposure to a specific al- lergen. anaphylaxis—A reaction of the acute immediate hypersensitivity type which follows the: administration of antigen into an immunuuhiegtr antibody—A protein molecule produced-in the “body by lymphoid cells, particu- larly plasma cells, in response to stimulation by antigen. antigen—A substance that elicits a specific immune response when introduced into the tissues of the body. asthma—A chronic immune-related disease in which labored breathing and Wheezing result from bronchospasm and excessive bronchial secretions. atopy—A genetic tendency to develop sudden hypersensitivity states such as allergic asthma or hay fever. attenuated vaccine—A vaccine composed of living infectious organisms which are of low Virulence. Such organisms stimulate active protective immunity; however they are incapable of producmg serious disease. autoantibody—An antibody appearing in an individual which reacts with normal body constituents of that individual. autoimmune disease—A disease resulting from an immune response against antigens of an indiv1dual’s own tissues. autoimmunity—Immunity to one’s own body constituents or tissues. ECG—Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. A strain of the tuberculosis organism found in cattle, now used as a living attenuated vaccine against the human form of the disease. blocking antibodies—(1) Incomplete antibody that may coat cells and prevent them from clumping together or (2) antibody of one class that may com— bine with the antigen ‘_and prevent itsfreacting with antibody of another _class, thus preventingr allergic reactions for rejection of tissues. blood groups—Antigens present at the surface of red blood cells which may vary between individuals of the same species. The most important blood groups in man are the ABO and the Rh blood groups. bone marrow—Soft connective tissue located in the cavities of the bones. bone marrow-derived cell—A lymphoid cell present in one of the lymphoid 149 organs which originated in the bone marrow and escaped the influence of the thymus. C—The abbreviation for serum complement. C-reactive protein—A protein normally not present in serum but present concomitant with many inflammatory processes. Although specifically reactive with certain materials such as pneumococcal polysaccharides, it is not an immunoglobulin molecule. carrier protein—A protein to which a hapten has been conjugated thus con- ferring upon the hapten the capacity to elicit spec1fic antibody. cascade reaction—A progressive reaction such as that of the serum comple— ment system in which reaction of the first component in the sequence initiates the reaction of the next successive component, etc., until all com- ponents of the system have reacted in fixed sequence. cell-bound antibody—Any antibody bound to the surface of any cell. cell-mediated immunity—Specific immunity which is mediated by small lym- 1 . 17”” - phocytes and is dependent upon the presence of a thymus cellular allergy—Allergy of the cell—mediated immunity type. cellular immunity—Same as cell-mediated immunity. clone—A family of cells derived from a single cellular ancestor and, there— fore, genetically identical. complement—A series of serum proteins which are. activated by antigen- antibody reactions and which mediate important biological functions, such as engulfment of particles by specialized cells. cytotoxic antibody—Antibody which reacts with antigens present on a cell surface and which produces damage to that cell or its surface. delayed hypersensitivity——A cell~mediated immune reaction which normally reaches its peak at about 24 hours after challenge. determinant—A small site on an antigen with which a specific antibody may react. dialysis—1. The use of permeable membranes to separate substances of differ- ing weights in solution. 2. A procedure used to “cleanse” the blood of pa- tients with kidney failure. drug allergy—A hypersensitivity reaction to certain drugs. Skin lesions are frequent. eczema—A skin._eruption common to atopic persons, with characteristic itch- ing, inflammation and swelling. erythroblastosis fetalis—The medical term for Rh incompatibility disease of the newborn. exchange transfusion—A technique by which the entire blood volume (usually of an infant with erythroblastosis fetalis) is exchanged or replaced by transfusion with appropriate donor blood. food allergy—Allergy to components or constituents of food which may be manifested by severe indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting or eczema. globulin—A class of proteins characterized by being insoluble in water but soluble in saline solutions. glomerulonephritis—An autoimmune disease in which the major damage is to the glomeruli of the kidney. graft rejection—A cell-mediated immune reaction elicited by the grafting of genetically dissimilar tissue onto a recipient. The reaction leads to destruc- tion and ultimate rejection of the transplanted tissue. graft-versus-host reaction—Disease which results upon transfer of lympho- cytes from an individual who is genetically dissimilar to the recipient. hapten—A substance that can combine with antibody but which can initiate an immune response only if it is bound to a larger “carrier” molecule. hay fever—A seasonal allergic disease causing inflammation of the eyes and nasal passages. 150 heavy chain—A long chain of amino acids present in all immunoglobulin molecules. histamine—A chemical in the body that causes smooth muscle constriction and dilation of the small blood vessels. histocompatibility antigen—Genetically determined cell surface antigens. HLA histocompatibility antigens—The cell surface histocompatibility anti- gens on human cells which are important in tissue transplantation and which are controlled by a single gene complex. humoral antibody—Antibody which is present in the blood serum and tissue fluid of the body and which is responsible for “humoral” immunity. humoral immunity—Immunity mediated by s ecific antibodies which are pres- ent in the blood serum and tis'siie‘ffii’ids’og the body. hypersensitivity—-—The state, existing in a previously immunized individual, in which tissue damage results from the immune reaction to a further dose of antigen. If tissue damage is severe, the condition may be referred to as one form of allergy. Ig—See immunoglobulin. IgA—The predominant immunoglobulin class present in body secretions such as saliva, intestinal fluids, tears and bronchial secretions. IgD—An immunoglobulin molecule present at very low concentrations in human serum. IgE—An immunoglobulin normally present at very low levels in man but elevated in allergic diseases and in certain infections. IgG—The predominant immunoglobulin class in human serum. IgM—The high molecular weight immunoglobulin. immune——Protected against disease. immune response—The body’s response to a foreign substance. immune tolerance—See immunological tolerance. immunoassays—Immunologic methods using antigen-antibody reactions for determining the concentration of antigens, antibodies or other biological substances. immunogen—A substance which on injection into the body can elicit an active ‘immune response. All immunogens are antigens, but not all antigens are immunogens. I" ‘ immunoglobulin—Any globulin protein which is comprised of light and heavy chains. All antibodies are immunoglobulins. immunological rejection—Destruction of grafted foreign tissues or cells by an immune reaction of the recipient. immunological tolerance—Immunological unresponsiveness conferred upon an indiv1dual by prior contact With a given antigen. immunological unresponsiveness—The failure to manifest any demonstrable immunologic response on encounter With an antigen. immunologically competent cell—Any lymphoid cell capable of recognizing a spec1fic antigen or mounting a specific reaction or response to an antigen. immunosuppression—Suppression of immune responsiveness by external agents, such as irradiation or drugs. I.R.—Immune response. killer cell—A thymus-derived lymphoid cell which, even in the absence of complement, can destroy cells of a different type. L chain—See light chain. leucocyte—Any of the white cells of the blood. light chain—A polypeptide of low molecular weight present on immuno— globulin molecules. 151 lupus erythematosus—A fatal autoimmune disease, characterized by certain antinuclear antibodies. lymph nodes—Small pea-sized organs distributed widely throughout the body which are composed mostly of lymphoid cells. lymphocyte—A cell associated with all aspects of specific immunity. Lympho— cytes are the chief constituents of lymphoid tissue. lymphoid tissue—Body tissues in which the predominant cell type belongs to the lymphoid series. This includes the spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, tonsils, adenoids, and the circulating lymph. macrophag(._Any of the diverse group of cells (except granulocytes) which have the capacity to engulf and destroy foreign material. mast cell—Tissue cells which play an imp01tant role in immediate hyper— sensitivity reactions. maternal immunity—Passive humoral immunity acquired by the fetus or newborn infant by transfer of specific antibody from the mother. memory cells—Lymphoid cells which, because of an earlier encounter with an antigen, retain an increased reactivity to that antigen. multiple myeloma—A form of cancer, characterized by the proliferation of malignant cells in the bone marrow. non-specific immunity—Bodily defense mechanisms which do not specifically recognize antigens or mount specific immune responses, but which provide for the destruction and removal of foreign substances. phagocyte—A scavenger cell, such as a macrophage. plasma cell—The predominant immunoglobulin-producing cell type of the lymphoid cell series. polypeptide—A chemical that yields amino acids when decomposed but which is smaller than a protein. prophylactic immunization—Immunization which prevents disease. proteins—Complex chemical substances made up of amino acids; proteins are essential constituents of all living cells. radioimmunoassay—An immunologic procedure for measuring the concen- tration of antigen or antibody by employing radioactively—labelled ma- terials. receptor—A chemical structure on the surface of any immunologically compe- tent cell. rejection—See immunological rejection. Rh incompatibility—Incompatibility between certain blood group antigens of a mother and her baby or between donor and recipient in blood transfusions. rheumatic fever—An inflammatory disease of connective tissue involving ma1n1y card1ac structures. rheumatoid arthritis—A chronic inflammatory disease of the joints. self-recognition—Recognition of self-antigens by one’s own immunologic sys- tem. sensitization—The injection of antigen so as to elicit an immune response. serum (pl. sera)—The liquid part of the blood remaining after cells and fibrin have been removed. serum sickness—A disease, characterized by fever, joint swellings and en- larged lymph nodes, which occurs in humans following repeated injection of rather large quanti‘tigggfjpreign/antigens. specific immunity—Immunity that results from the specific recognition of antigens. specificity—A term referring to the selective reaction which occurs between an antigen and its corresponding antibody or lymphocyte. spleen—An organ in the abdominal cavity, composed largely of lymphocytes and macrophages. It is an important site of antibody production. 152 surveillance—The process by. which an intact immune system monitors both self and foreign antigens. T cell (T lymphocyte)—See thymus-derived cell. thymocyte—Any lymphocyte residing in the thymus. thymus—A central lymphoid organ of major importance in the development of immune capability. thymus-derived lymphocytes (T lymphocyte)—Small lymphocytes which on (or after) residence in the thymus attain new immunologic capabilities. tissue typing—The process of identifying and matching antigens on prospec— tive donor and recipient tissues. tolerance—See immunological tolerance. toxoid—A chemically treated immunogenic exotoxin which can be used for immunization since its toxicity has been largely removed or altered by chemical treatment. transfer factor—A cell-free substance from sensitized lymphocytes which can transmit specific cellular immunity. transplantation immunity—The immunity, largely cell-mediated, which de- velops in a recipient following transplantation of donor tissues. vaccination—The process of deliberately eliciting active immunity in an in- dividual by administration of a vaccine or living antigen. vaccine—An antigen-containing material of an organism which, on introduc- tion into an individual, stimulates active immunity and future protection against infection by that organism. 153 Appendix B Task Force on Immunology and Disease Description and Purpose The history of medicine reveals many epochs, each of which elevated the medical sciences to a new level of disease understanding, treatment, and pre— vention, and in turn improved greatly the health status of the populace. The period beginning in the 1950’s and since has contributed rapid development of the field of immunology and revelation of the role of immunologic pro- cesses in preventing, modifying or causing disease. In one way or another immunology seems ,to be involved in almost every disease state. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health has maintained through this development period a. major program interest in support of immunologic research. Stemming from the Institute’s program evaluation and advisory mechanisms was a realization that a need existed to take stock of what is known about the relationship of immunology to disease. For example: What are the immunologic diseases, their incidence and prevalence, and what is their economic impact on the public? What contributions has research in immunology made to a better understanding of the disease process and to treatment and prevention? What research results are ready for application at the clinical or preventive medi- cine levels and how might this be accomplished? What are the promising areas of immunologic research that warrant priority attention? To obtain answers to these and other pertinent questions the Institute, with the advice of the National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Diseases Council, decided to sponsor the Task Force on Immunology and Disease. The Task Force was initiated in July 1972 with a meeting of the Directing Group, composed of the senior scientists and clinicians listed below. It was decided that the most useful expenditure of efforts by this Task Force, and the greatest value of the subsequent report, would be obtained through ad- dressing the relationship of immunology and disease in the broadest terms. It was felt that the information gathered and the recommendations developed should be presented in a form useful to all interested persons, agencies, and institutions and not limited to program interests of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. At this meeting, the broad field of immunology and disease was divided into ten subheadings, each for detailed attention by a different Workshop Panel. Panel chairmen were selected from the Directing Group and the process of selecting Panel members was begun. Those individuals are listed below as Participants. Individuals who made written contributions but did not attend meetings of the Panels are listed as Contributors. The Panel deliberations and preparation of reports occurred in three to five meetings of each Panel. Each Panel produced two documents: a scientific report and a summary report. The ten Panel reports were revised and amal- gamated to form a single volume by the Editorial Group under the guidance of the Task Force Chairman, Dr. D. Bernard Amos. The scientific report 154 exists as a separate publication entitled “Immunology and Disease.” The summary report was rewritten in less technical language initially by a science’writer, Mr. William Cole, and after further revisions is contained in this volume. The purpose of the Task Force has been to evaluate present knowledge on immunology and its role in the cause, prevention, and treatment of disease. This evaluation was to include the related health/cost impact and benefits; identification of possibilities for clinical usefulness and the feasibility of rapid achievement; and an indication of priority areas of research for increase of needed knowledge and abilities. Last but not least, the goal included produc— tion of reports that would convey this information in a meaningful way to scientific and to nonscientific readers. SPONSOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Bethesda, Maryland 20014, U.S.A. Dr. Dorland J. Davis, Director Task Force General Chairman Dr. D. Bernard Amos Directing Group Members Dr. D. Bernard Amos Dr. Irwin H. Lepow Dr. K. Frank Austen Dr. Philip S. Norman Dr. J. Werner Braun Dr. Philip Y. Paterson Dr. Leighton E. Clufl' Dr. William E. Paul Dr. Frank J. Dixon Dr. Fred S. Rosen Dr. Frank W. Fitch Dr. Richard T. Smith Dr. Charles A. Janeway Dr. John H. Vaughan Dr. Samuel L. Kountz Dr. Byron H. Waksman 155 Dr Dr. Dr Dr. Dr. Dr D r Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Appendix C Participants or Panel Members . James C. Allen Chester A. Alper . D. Bernard Amos K. Frank Austen Fritz H. Bach . Robert L. Baehner Dr. Dr. Dr. Allen E. Beer J. Werner Braun William B. Cherry . Henry N. Claman Leighton E. Clufl" Charles G. Cochrane John R. David Frank J. Dixon Alfred S. Evans Frank W. Fitch Edward C. Franklin H. Hugh Fudenberg . Robert A. Good Edgar Haber Karl E. Hellstrom Ronald B. Herberman Kimishige Ishizaka Charles A. Janeway Olga M. Jonasson Samuel L. Kountz Richard M. Krause Saul Krugman Henry J. Kunkel Maurice Landy H. Sherwood Lawrence Edwin H. Lennette Irwin H. Lepow Robert Austrian Marilyn L. Bach Rudolf L. Baer Benjamin A. Barnes Rupert E. Billingham Kurt J. Bloch Barry R. Bloom Dr. Bernard B. Levine Dr. Lawrence M. Lichtenstein Dr. Takashi Makinodan Dr. Hugh 0. McDevitt Dr. Donald L. Morton Dr. Quentin N. Myrvik Dr. Philip S. Norman Dr. Charles W. Parker Dr. Philip Y. Paterson Dr. William E. Paul Dr. Charles E. Reed Dr. Fred S. Rosen Dr. Richard Rosenfield Dr. Elvio H. Sadun Dr. George W. Santos Dr. Matthew D. Scharfl" Dr. Stuart F. Schlossman Dr. Robert S. Schwartz Dr. Gordon C. Sharp Dr. N. Raphael Shulman Dr. Richard T. Smith Dr. Robert Stroud Dr. Norman Talal Dr. Emil Unanue Dr. John H. Vaughan Dr. Byron H. Waksman Dr. Roy Walford, Jr. Dr. Ralph C. Williams, Jr. Dr. Darcy B. Wilson Dr. Sheldon M. Wolff Dr. Rosalyn Yalow Dr. Edmond Yunis Dr. Morris Zifl‘ Contributors Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr 156 . Mortimer Bortin . Carl Cohen . Richard S. Farr . Emil C. Gotschlich . Leonard Greenberg . William H. Hildemann . Herbert E. Kaufman in .-.. . Dr. Edwin D. Kilbourne Dr. Jay P. Sanford Dr. George B. Mackaness Mr. Joseph Schachter Dr. Bruce Merchant Dr. Kenneth W. Sell Dr. Joseph E. Murray Dr. Arthur M. Silverstein Dr. Leslie C. Norins Dr. Daniel J. Stechschulte Dr. Louis J. Olivier Dr. Jonathan W. Uhr Dr. Roy Patterson Dr. Thomas E. Van Metre, Jr. Dr. G. Nicholas Rogentine, Jr. Dr. William O. Weigle Dr. Donald A. Rowley Editorial Group Dr. D. Bernard Amos Dr. Janet Plate Dr. Geoffrey Haughmn Dr. D. Rowlands :_ Dr. A. H. Johnson Dr. David W. Scott :35» Dr. A. s. Kemp Dr. Wade K. Smith . Dr. Nelson Levy Dr. Ralph Snyderman 7“ Dr. Eugene Ornellas Dr. Karen Sullivan ‘ Dr. Joy Palm Dr. Frances E. Ward Revision of Summary Report Only i3?- Earl C. Chamberlayne Margaret G. McElwain J. Latham Claflin Philip R. B. McMaster ‘ William Cole Bruce Merchant ‘ David H. Davis Gwen H. Northcutt “1:; Albert A. Gam James D. Owens Kay Hiemstra George E. Presson David B. Keister Robert L. Schreiber Donna Kostyu Julianne Williams Walter H. Magruder Task Force Secretariat Dr. E. C. Chamberlayne Dr. Bruce Merchant Dr. Alfred M. Webb 157 Q U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1976 0—587-754 . 5703:: l 460.33“. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 75-940