us. DEPOSITORY MAY 1 0 1988 Developed By Working party coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer J. Berg, Denver C. Percy, NCI P. Maguin. Paris F. Rilke, Milan C. Muir; IARC L. Sabin, AFIP N. Napalkov, Leningrad D. Wright, Southhampton G. O'Conor, IARC Editors Mrs. C. Percy, NCI Ms. V. Van Holten, NCI §HIQQQ$3§ PUBL TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction.................§ ................ i Topography, Numeric Section ................... 1 Morphology, Numeric Section ................... 23 Behavior and Grading Code ..................... 24 Alphabetic Index .............................. 57 29:; w (W? Introduction to the March, 1988 Revision of the International Classification of Disease for Oncology -- Field Trial (ICD-O-FT) At the request of many of our field trial participants, this March 1988 edition includes the topography -- numeric index printed in the original 1976 International Classification of Disease for Oncology (ICD-O). As for the Morphology Section, there have been several changes from the previous edition of ICD-O-FT. Some of these changes are the result of findings of our field trial participants. For example some of the terms marked for deletion were still found in pathology reports, so the brac- kets [__J and underlining have been removed from these terms. Some new terms have been recommended by pathologists. Also and probably most importantly, this edition has been made compatible with the now nearly completed Chapter II; Neoplasms. of the International Classification of Diseases--Tenth Revision (ICD-10). A list of all these changes follows: Additional codes and terms 8248/1 Apudoma 8314/3 Lipid~rich carcinoma (T-174._) 8315/3 Glycogen-rich carcinoma (T-174._) 8452/1 Papillary cystic tumor (T-157._) 8824/1 Myofibromatosis Congenital generalized fibromatosis 8833/3 Pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Bednar tumor - 8841/1 Angiomyxoma 8971/3 Pancreatoblastoma (T-157._) 9760/3 Immunoproliferative disease, NOS 9761/3 Naldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (T-169.0) 9762/3 Gamma heavy chain disease Franklin's disease 9763/3 Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease (T-152.-) 9764/1 Monoclonal gammopathy .n Additional synonyms 8000/3 9561/3 9960/1 9961/1 9962/1 9980/1 Blastoma, NOS Malignant Schwannoma with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation Myeloproliferative disease, NOS Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia Essential thrombocythemia (T-169._) Essential hemorrhagic thrombocythemia (T-162._) Idiopathic hemorrhagic thrombocythemia (T-162._) Preleukemia Preleukemic syndrome Modified codes 8442/3 8451/3 8462/3 8472/3 8473/3 8972/3 Serous cystaderoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Serous tumor, NOS, of low malignant potential (T-183.0) (was 8441/1) Papillary cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) (was 8450/1) Papillary serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Papillary serous tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) (was 8460/1) Mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Pseudomucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Mucinous tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) (was 8470/1) 'Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Papillary mucinous tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) (was 8471/3) Pulmonary blastoma (T‘162._) (was 8981/3) Pneumoblastoma (was 8981/3) ii Special note Although Letterer-Siwe's disease and its synonyms have been deleted from the current version of Chapter II, Neoplasms, in ICD-10; these terms are being maintained in ICD-O until after the Revision Con- ference finalizes ICD-10. The editors decided to retain these terms because they feel it is easier to drop any cases collected in the interim than to have to locate and add these cases if changes are made at the revision conference. Future plans This will probably be the last field trial edition of ICD-O. The expert Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) has approved the neo- plasms chapter at its November 1987 meeting. The WHO revision conference will meet and probably approve it in the fall of 1989. After that the new topography with its alphanumeric categories will be set probably for nearly 20 years. ICD-10 is scheduled to go into effect in 1993. As soon as the new topography is set, we will install it in ICD-O and publish the revised ICD-O early in 1990. Conversions There has been much discussion about conversion. Conversion tables will be supplied by the National Cancer Institute when it is felt that the codes are fixed. For those who have been using ICD-O-FT, morphology, like the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, we shall probably convert morphology, which means principally the lymphoma section in the fall of 1988. If you have any specific question, please contact the editors. Mrs. Constance Percy Ms. Valerie Van Holten National Cancer Institute Blair Building, Room 532 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4200 INTRODUCTION The International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Morphology, Field Trial edition, 1987, (ICD-O,FT,1987) consists of a behavior code, a morphological numeric section and an alphabetic index. About 50 new malignant morphology terms that were added to the original ICD-O, 1976 edition are printed in bold faced type. Deletions are in Brackets [] and are underlined. The topography section has not been included as yet because WHO will not settle the new neoplasm chapter for ICD-10 until 1989 and the topography will be based on that. In the meantime since pathologists are using these new terms, tumor registries want a uniform code for coding them. Therefore the alphabetic index includes basically the original morphology terms of ICD-D with the addition of the new morphology code numbers, and the present topography codes based on ICD-9. A completely new non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) section is included. A new set of hitherto unused code numbers 967__ and 968__ are used for diffuse NHL but all NHL are printed in bold faced type because the whole section is revised. Several important changes in the revised edition are the changes in the behavior codes of Carcinoids, N05, Plasmacytoma, NOS and Acute Panmyelosis. Previously these terms had a behavior code of /1. All Carcinoids, NOS except of the appendix will now be considered malignant /3. This will increase the frequency and survival rates of such sites as small intestine and rectum and we will have to evaluate these increases in studying trends. The other terms are Plasmacytoma which will now be /3 and 9931/3 Acute Panmyelosis (T-169.1) (was 9951/1). However, these are infrequent terms. Although every effort was made to use unused code numbers for new terms including lymphomas, it was necessary to change a few codes. These are clearly marked "see" and "was". For example: 8830/3 Fibroxanthoma, malignant (was 8831/3) 8933/3 Adenosarcoma (T-189.0) (was syn. of 8960/3) 8941/3 Carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma (T-142_) (was syn. of 8940/3) 9720/3 Histiocytic medullary reticulosis (was 9721/3) 9867/3 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (T-169.1) (was syn. of 9861/3) 9868/3 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (T-169.1) (was syn. of 9863/3) 9657/3 Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, cellular phase (see 9664/3) INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING ICD-O, FIELD TRIAL EDITION, 1987 You are welcome to use this field trial edition of ICD-O in your registry. As explained on the other side of this sheet until the neoplasm chapter of ICU-10 is finalized and approved by the World Health Organization in 1989, we cannot publish a revised ICD-O with a new topography section. Since most of us wanted to have codes for the new terms that have come into the medical literature in the past 10 years including the new classification and nomenclature for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, this field trial has been made. The SEER program adopted this morphology section beginning with 1986 cases. The State of California is using it, as well as others. If you find pathologists still using some terms marked for deletion (underlined), please record them, indicating the frequency of use, and send me a list periodically. The terms that still occur often will have to be kept in the final edition. If you find any new terms not included in this field trial edition, please record, indicating the frequency and give us these terms also. Every effort will be made to make the final revised ICD-O, when it comes out (about 1990), as close to this Morphology as possible. However, we cannot guarantee this completely. Let me know if you have any problems: Mrs. Constance Percy National Cancer Institute Blair Building, Room 532 Bethesda, Maryland 20892—4200 TOPOGRAPHY NUMERIC SECTION Note= This Topography Section is identical to ICD-O, 1976. TOPOGRAPHY NUMERICAL LIST Note: In categories T-140 to T-199, neoplasms should be assigned to the sub-category that includes the point of origin of the tumor. A tumor that overlaps the boundaries of two or more sub-categor- ies and whose point of origin cannot be determined should be classified to sub-category ".8". For example. a neoplasm of cer- vico-thoracic esophagus should be assigned to T-150.8. 140-149 LIP. ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140 LIP (excludes Skin of lip T-173.0) Upper lip; NOS (excludes Skin of upper lip T-173.0) External upper lip Vermilion border of upper lip Lower lip, NOS (excludes Skin of lower lip T-173.0) External lower lip Vermilion border of lower lip Mucosa of upper lip Inner aspect of upper lip Frenulum of upper lip Mucosa of lower lip Inner aspect of lower lip Frenulum of lower lip Mucosa of lip, NOS Inner aspect of lip, NOS Internal lip, NOS Frenulum of lip, NOS Frenulum labii, NOS Commissure of lip Labial commissure (See note page 1 of ICD-D) Lip, NOS (excludes Skin of lip T-173.0) External lip, NOS Vermilion border of lip, N03 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141 TONGUE Base of tongue, NOS Dorsal surface of base of tongue Posterior third of tongue Posterior tongue, NOS Root of tongue Dorsal surface of tongue. NOS Anterior 2/3 of tongue. dorsal surface Midline of tongue Dorsal surface of anterior tongue Border of tongue Tip of tongue Ventral surface of tongue. NOS Anterior 2/3 of tongue, ventral surface Frenulum linguae Ventral surface of anterior tongue. NOS Anterior 2/3 of tongue. NOS Anterior tongue, NOS Junctional zone of tongue Lingual tonsil (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Tongue, NOS Lingual, NOS Topography - Numerical (continued) 142 MAJOR SALIVARY GLANDS Note: Neoplasms of minor salivary glands 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. should be classified according to their anatomical site; if location is not specified; classify to T-145.9. Parotid gland Parotid; NOS Stensen's duct Parotid gland duct Submandibular gland Submaxillary gland Wharton's duct Submaxillary gland duct Sublingual gland Sublingual gland duct (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Major salivary gland Salivary gland; NOS (excludes Minor salivary gland; NOS T~145.9; see Introduction; page xviii of ICD-O and note under T-142) 143 GUM 143.0 Upper gum Maxillary gingiva Upper alveolar mucosa Upper alveolar ridge mucosa Upper alveolus Upper gingiva 143.1 Lower gum Mandibular gingiva Lower alveolar mucosa Lower alveolar ridge mucosa Lower alveolus Lower gingiva 143.8 (See note page 1 of ICD-O) 143.9 144.0 144.1 144.8 144.9 145.0 145.1 145.2 145.3 145.4 145.5 145.6 145.8 Gum; NOS Gingiva; NOS Alveolar mucosa; NOS Alveolar ridge mucosa; Alveolus; NOS Periodontal tissue Tooth socket N05 144 FLOOR 0F MOUTH Anterior floor of mouth Lateral floor of mouth (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Floor of mouth; NOS 145 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF MOUTH Cheek mucosa Buccal mucosa Internal cheek Vestibule of mouth Alveolar sulcus Buccal sulcus Labial sulcus Hard palate Soft palate; NOS (excludes Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate T-147.3) Uvula Palate; N05 Roof of mouth Junction of hard and soft palate Retromolar area Retromolar triangle Retromolar trigone (See note page 1 of ICD-D) 145.9 Oral cavity 146. 146. 146. 146. 146. 146. 146. 146. 146. 146. 147. 147. Buccal cavity Mouth; NOS Oral mucosa Minor salivary gland; NOS (See Introduction page xviii of ICD-O and note under T-142) 146 OROPHARYNX Tonsil; NOS (excludes Lingual tonsil T-141.6 and Pharyngeal tonsil T-147.1) Faucial tonsil Palatine tonsil Tonsillar fossa Tonsillar pillar Faucial pillar Glossopalatine fold Vallecula epiglottica Vallecula; NOS Anterior surface of epiglottis Junctional region of oropharynx Lateral wall of oropharynx Lateral wall of mesopharynx Posterior wall of oropharynx Posterior wall of mesopharynx Other parts of oropharynx Branchial cleft (site of neoplasm) (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Dropharynx; NOS Mesopharynx; NOS Fauces; N05 147 NASOPHARYNX Superior wall of nasopharynx Roof of nasopharynx Posterior wall of nasopharynx Adenoid Pharyngeal tonsil 147 147. 147. 147. 148. 148. 148. 148. 148. 148. 149. 149. Topography - Numerical (continued) .2 Lateral wall of nasopharynx Fossa of Rosenmuller Anterior wall of nasopharynx Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate Pharyngeal fornix Choana Posterior margin of nasal septum (See note page 1 of 160-0) Nasopharynx; NOS Nasopharyngeal wall 148 HYPOPHARYNX Postcricoid region Cricopharynx Cricoid; NOS Pyriform sinus Pyriform fossa Aryepiglottic fold; NOS (excludes Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold T-161.1) Hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold Arytenoid fold Posterior wall of hypopharynx (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Hypopharynx; N05 Laryngopharynx Hypopharyngeal wall 149 PHARYNX AND ILL-DEFINED SITES IN LIP; ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX Pharynx; NOS Pharyngeal wall; NOS Wall of pharynx; NOS Lateral wall of pharynx; NOS Posterior wall of pharynx; NOS Retropharynx Throat Naldeyer's ring; NOS Topography - Numerical (continued) 149. 149. 8 Note: Neoplasms of lip; oral cavity and pharynx whose point of origin cannot be assigned to any one of the categories 140-148. 9 Ill-defined sites in lip, oral cavity and pharynx 150-159 DIGESTIVE ORGANS AND PERITONEUM 150. 150. 150 150. 150 150 150. 150. 151 151 151 151 150 ESOPHAGUS 0 Cervical esophagus 1 Thoracic esophagus .2 Abdominal esophagus 3 Upper third of esophagus Proximal third of esophagus .4 Middle third of esophagus .5 Lower third of esophagus Distal third of esophagus 8 (See note page 1 of ICD-O) O Esophagus; N05 151 STOMACH .0 Cardia, NOS Gastric cardia Cardio-esophageal junction Esophagogastric junction Gastroesophageal junction .1 Pylorus Pyloric canal Prepylorus .2 Pyloric antrum Antrum of stomach Gastric antrum .3 Fundus of stomach Gastric fundus 151. 151. 151. 151. 151. 152. 152. 152. 152. 152. 152. 153. 153. 153. 153. Body of stomach Corpus of stomach Gastric corpus Lesser curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.1-T-151.4) Greater curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0-T-151.6) Other parts of stomach Anterior wall of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0-T-151.4) Posterior wall of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0-T-151.4) (See also note page 1 of 1CD-0) Stomach, NOS Gastric, N03 152 SMALL INTESTINE Duodenum Jejunum Ileum (excludes Ileocecal valve T-153.4) Meckel's diverticulum (site of neoplasm) (See note page 1 of ICDMO) Small intestine Small bowel 153 COLON Hepatic flexure of colon Transverse colon Descending colon Left colon Sigmoid colon Sigmoid, NOS Sigmoid flexure of colon Pelvic colon 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 153. 154. 154. 154. 154. 154. Cecum Ileocecal valve Ileocecal junction Appendix Ascending colon Right colon Splenic flexure of colon (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Colon, NOS Large intestine (excludes Rectum, T-154.1 and Rectosigmoid junction T-154.0) Large bowel 154 RECTUM; RECIOSIOMOID JUNCTION, ANAL CANAL AND ANUS, NOS Rectosigmoid junction Rectosigmoid, NOS Rectosigmoid colon Colon and rectum Pelvi-rectal junction Rectum. NOS Rectal ampulla Anal canal Anal sphincter Anus, NOS (excludes Skin of anus and Perianal skin T-173.5) Other parts of rectum Anorectal junction Anorectum Cloacogenic zone (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) 155 LIVER AND INTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS 155.0 Liver Hepatic; NOS NOS 155.1 156.0 156.1 156.2 156.8 156.9 157.0 157.1 157.2 157.3 157.4 157.8 157.9 Topography - Numerical (continued) Intrahepatic bile duct Biliary canaliculus Cholangiole 156 GALLBLADDER AND EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS Gallbladder Extrahepatic bile duct Bile duct. NOS Biliary duct, Choledochal duct Common bile duct Common duct Cystic bile duct Cystic duct Hepatic bile duct Hepatic duct Sphincter of Oddi NOS Ampulla of Vater Periampullary (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Biliary tract, NUS 157 PANCREAS Head of pancreas Body of pancreas Tail of pancreas Pancreatic duct Duct of Santorini Duct of Wirsung Islets of Langerhans Islands of Langerhans (See note page 1 of ICD-O) p Pancreas, N00 Topography - Numerical (continued) 158.0 158.8 158.9 159.0 159.8 159.9 158 RETROPERITONEUM AND PERITONEUM Retroperitoneum Periadrenal tissue Perinephric tissue Peripancreatic tissue Perirenal tissue Retrocecal tissue Retroperitoneal tissue Specified parts of peritoneum Mesentery Mesoappendix Mesocolon Omentum Pelvic peritoneum Rectouterine pouch Cul de sac Pouch of Douglas (See also note page 1 of ICD—O) Peritoneum, NOS Peritoneal cavity 159 OTHER AND ILL-DEFINED SITES WITHIN DIGESTIVE ORGANS AND PERITONEUM Intestinal tract, NOS Bowel. NOS Intestine, NOS Note: Neoplasms of digestive organs and peritoneum whose point of origin cannot be assigned to any one of the categories 150-158. Gastrointestinal tract, NOS Alimentary tract, NOS Digestive organs, NOS 160- 160.0 160.1 160.2 160.3 160.4 160.5 160.8 160.9 161.0 165 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND INTRATHORACIC ORGANS 160 NASAL CAVITIES. SINUSES, INNER EAR ACCESSORY MIDDLE EAR AND Nasal cavity (excludes Nose; NOS T-195.0) Internal nose Naris Nasal cartilage Nasal muccsa Nasal septum, NOS (excludes Posterior margin of nasal septum T-147.3) Nasal turbinate Nostril Vestibule of nose Middle ear Inner ear Auditory tube Eustachian tube Mastoid antrum Tympanic cavity Maxillary sinus Maxillary antrum Antrum. NOS Ethmoid sinus Frontal sinus Sphenoid sinus (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Accessory sinus, NOS Accessory nasal sinus Paranasal sinus 161 LARYNX Glottis Intrinsic larynx Laryngeal commissure Vocal cord; NOS True vocal cord True cord 161.1 Supraglottis 161. 161. 161. 161. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. 162. Epiglottis; NOS (excludes Anterior surface of epiglottis T—146.4) Extrinsic larynx Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold Posterior surface of epiglottis Ventricular band of larynx False vocal cord False cord Subglottis Laryngeal cartilage Arytenoid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Cuneiform cartilage Thyroid cartilage (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Larynx; N05 162 TRACHEA; BRONCHUS; AND LUNG Trachea Main bronchus Carina Hilus of lung Upper lobe; lung Lingula of lung Upper lobe; bronchus Middle lobe; lung Middle lobe; bronchus Lower lobe, lung Lower lobe; bronchus Other parts of lung or bronchus (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Lung; NOS Bronchus; NOS Bronchiole Bronchogenic Pulmonary; N05 163. 163. 163. 163. 164. 164. 164. 164. 164. 164. 165. 165. 165. Topography - Numerical (continued) 163 PLEURA Parietal pleura Visceral pleura (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Pleura; N05 164 THYMUS; HEART AND MEDIASTINUM Thymus Heart Endocardium Epicardium Myocardium Pericardium Cardiac ventricle Cardiac atrium Anterior mediastinum Posterior mediastinum (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Mediastinum; NOS 165 OTHER AND ILL-DEFINED SITES WITHIN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM AND INTRATHORACIC ORGANS Upper respiratory tract Note: Neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs whose point of origin cannot be assigned to any one of the categories T-160 - T-164. Ill-defined sites within respiratory system Respiratory tract; NOS Topography - Numerical (continued) 169.0 169.1 169.2 169.3 169.9 170.0 170.1 170.2 169 HEMATOPOIETIC AND RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEMS Blood Bone marrow Spleen Reticuloendothelial system, NOS Hematopoietic system, N05 170 BONES; JOINTS AND ARTICULAR CARTILAGE Bones of skull and face and associated joints (excludes Mandible T-170.1) Calvarium Cranial bone Ethmoid bone Facial bone Frontal bone Hyoid bone Maxilla Upper jaw bone Nasal bone Occipital bone Orbital bone Parietal bone Skull, NOS Sphenoid bone Temporal bone Zygomatic bone Mandible Jaw bone, NOS Lower jaw bone Temporomandibular joint Vertebral column (excludes Sacrum and Coccyx T-170.6) Atlas Axis Bone of back Intervertebral disc Nucleus pulposus Spinal column Spine Vertebra -1 0— 170.3 170.4 170.5 170.6 Rib, Sternum, Clavicle and associated joints Costal cartilage Costovertebral joint Sternocostal joint Long bones of upper limb, scapula and associated joints Acromioclavicular joint Bone of arm Bone of forearm Bone of shoulder Elbow joint Humerus Radius Scapula Shoulder girdle Shoulder joint Ulna Short bones of upper limb and associated joints Bone of finger Bone of hand Bone of thumb Bone of wrist Carpal bone Hand joint Metacarpal bone Phalanx of hand Wrist joint Pelvic bones, Sacrum, Coccyx and associated joints Acetabulum Bone of hip Coccyx Hip joint Ilium Innominate bone Ischium Pelvic bone Pubic bone Sacrum Symphysis pubis 170.7 170.8 170.9 Long bones of lower limb and associated joints Bone of leg Femur Fibula Knee joint; NOS Semilunar cartilage Lateral meniscus of knee joint Medial meniscus of knee joint Tibia Short bones of lower limb and associated joints Ankle joint Bone of ankle Bone of foot Bone of heel Bone of toe Foot joint Metatarsal bone Patella Phalanx of foot Tarsal bone Bone; NOS Cartilage; NOS Joint; NOS Skeletal bone Articular cartilage; NOS _11_ Topography - Numerical (continued) 171 CONNECTIVE; SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES (includes Adipose tissue; Aponeuroses; Artery; Autonomic nervous system; Blood vessel; Bursa; Connective tissue; Fascia; Fatty tissue; Fibrous tissue; Ganglia; Ligament; Lymphatic; Muscle; Nerve; Parasympathetic nervous system; Peripheral nerve; Skeletal muscle; Spinal nerve, Subcutaneous tissue; Sympathetic nervous system; Tendon; Tendon sheath; Vein; Vessel) 171.0 Connective; Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of head; face; and neck (excludes Connective tissue of orbit Tr190.1 and Nasal cartilage T-160.0) Connective; Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of (see list under T-171)= cheek chin face forehead . head neck scalp temple cervical region pterygoid fossa supraclavicular region Auricular cartilage Cartilage of ear Carotid artery Cervical plexus Masseter muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle 171.2 Connective, Subcutaneous and other Topography - Numerical (continued) Soft tissues of upper limb and shoulder Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of (see list under T-l71)= antecubital space arm elbow finger forearm hand shoulder thumb . wrist Biceps brachii muscle Brachialis muscle Brachial nerve Brachial plexus Coracobrachialis muscle Deltoideus muscle Median nerve Palmar aponeurosis Palmar fascia Radial artery Radial nerve Triceps brachii muscle Ulnar artery Ulnar nerve _12_ 171.3 Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of lower limb and hip Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of (see list under T-171)= ankle calf foot heel hip knee leg popliteal space thigh toe Biceps femoris muscle Femoral artery Femoral nerve Gastrocnemius muscle Obturator nerve Plantar aponeurosis Plantar fascia Quadriceps femoris muscle Sciatic nerve 171.4 171.5 Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of thorax (excludes Thymus, Heart and Mediastinum T-164._) Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of (see list under T-171)= . axilla . chest chest wall thoracic wall infraclavicular region scapular region Aorta, NOS Axillary artery Diaphragm Intercostal muscle Intercostal nerve Internal mammary artery Latissimus dorsi muscle Pectoralis major muscle Subclavian artery Superior vena cava Thoracic duct Trapezius muscle Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of abdomen Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of (see list under T-171)= abdominal wall umbilicus Abdominal aorta Abdominal vena cava Abdominal wall muscle Celiac artery Iliopsoas muscle Inferior vena cava Mesenteric artery Psoas muscle Rectus abdominis muscle Renal artery Vena cava, NOS _13_ 171 171. 171 Topography - Numerical (continued) .6 Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of pelvis Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of (see list under T-171)= . buttock groin perineum gluteal region inguinal region sacrococcygeal region Gluteus maximus muscle Iliac artery Iliac vein Lumbosacral plexus Sacral nerve Sacral plexus 7 Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of trunk Connective, Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues of (see list under T-171)= back flank . trunk Lumbar nerve .8 (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Topography - Numerical (continued) 171.9 173.0 173.1 Connective; Subcutaneous and other Soft tissues; NOS Adipose tissue; NOS Aponeurosis; NOS Artery; NOS Autonomic nervous system Blood vessel; NOS Bursa; NOS Connective tissue; Fascia; NOS Fatty tissue; Fibrous tissue; Ganglia; NOS Ligament; NOS Lymphatic; NOS Muscle; NOS Nerve; NOS Parasympathetic nervous system Peripheral nerve; NOS Skeletal muscle, NOS Spinal nerve; NOS Subcutaneous tissue; NOS Sympathetic nervous system Synovia; NOS Tendon; NOS Tendon sheath; Vein; NOS Vessel; NOS NOS NOS NOS NOS 173 SKIN (excludes Skin of labia majora T-184.1; Skin of vulva T-184.4; Skin of penis T-187.4; Skin of scrotum T-187.7) Skin of lip; NOS Skin of lower lip Skin of upper lip Eyelid Lid; NOS Palpebra Canthus; NOS Inner canthus Lower lid Meibomian gland Outer canthus Upper lid -14— 173.2 173.3 173.4 External ear Auricle; NOS Pinna Ceruminal gland Concha Ear; NOS Ear lobule Earlobe External auditory canal Auditory canal; NOS Auricular canal; NOS External auricular canal Ear canal External auditory meatus Helix Skin of auricle Skin of ear Tragus Skin of other and unspecified parts of face Skin of: cheek chin face forehead jaw nose temple Ala nasi Chin; NOS Columnella Eyebrow Brow External cheek External nose Forehead, NOS Temple; NOS Skin Skin of head; Skin of neck Skin of scalp Scalp; NOS Skin of cervical region Skin of supraclavicular region of scalp and neck NOS 173.5 Skin of trunk Skin of: abdomen abdominal wall anus axilla back . breast . buttock chest chest wall flank groin perineum thoracic wall thorax trunk . umbilicus gluteal region infraclavicular region inguinal region sacrococcygeal region scapular region Perianal Skin Umbilicus; NOS 173.6 Skin of arm and shoulder Skin of= antecubital space arm elbow finger forearm hand palm shoulder thumb upper limb . wrist Finger nail Palmar skin —15._ 173.7 173.8 173.9 174.0 174.1 174.2 174.3 174.4 174.5 174.6 174.8 Topography - Numerical (continued) Skin of leg and hip Skin of: ankle calf foot heel hip . knee leg lower limb popliteal space thigh toe Plantar skin Sole of foot Toe nail (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Skin. N05 (excludes Skin of labia majora T-184.1, Skin of vulva T-184.4, Skin of penis T-187.4 and Skin of scrotum T-187.7) 174 FEMALE BREAST (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) Nipple Areola Central portion of breast Upper-inner quadrant of breast Lower-inner quadrant of breast Upper-outer quadrant of breast Lower-outer quadrant of breast Axillary tail of breast Tail of breast Inner breast Lower breast Midline of breast Outer breast Upper breast (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Topography - Numerical (continued) 174.9 Female breast, NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) Breast, NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) Mammary gland 175 MALE BREAST (exludes Skin of breast T-173.5) 175.9 Male breast, NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) 179-189 GENITOURINARY ORGANS 179. 180. 180. 180. 180. 181. 179 UTERUS. NOS Uterus, NOS Uterine. N05 180 CERVIX UTERI Endocervix Internal 05 Cervical canal Endocervical canal Endocervical gland Nabothian gland Exocervix External 05 Other parts of cervix Cervical stump Squamocolumnar junction of cervix (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Cervix uteri Cervix. NOS Uterine cervix 181 PLACENTA Placenta Fetal membranes -16.. 182. 182. 182. 183. 183. 183. 183. 183. 183. 183. 184. 182 CORPUS UTERI Corpus uteri Body of uterus Endometrial gland Endometrial stroma Endometrium Fundus uteri Myometrium Isthmus uteri Lower uterine segment (See note page 1 of ICD-O) 183 OVARY, FALLOPIAN TUBE AND BROAD LIGAMENT Ovary Fallopian tube Uterine tube Broad ligament Mesovarium Parovarian region Parametrium Uterine ligament Uterosacral ligament Round ligament Other parts of uterine adnexa Tuba-ovarian Utero-ovarian (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Uterine adnexa Adnexa, NOS 184 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED FEMALE GENITAL DRGANS Vagina, NOS Vaginal vault Fornix of vagina Gartner's duct Hymen 184.1 184.2 184.3 184.4 184.8 184.9 185.9 186.0 186.9 187.1 Labium majus Labia majora; NOS Bartholin's gland Skin of labia majora Labium minus Labia minora Clitoris Vulva; NOS External female genitalia Fourchette Labia; NOS Labium; NOS Mons pubis Mons veneris Pudendum Skin of vulva (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Female genital tract; NOS Female genital organs; NOS Female genitourinary tract; NOS Urethrovaginal septum Vesicocervical tissue Vesicovaginal septum 185 PROSTATE GLAND Prostate gland Prostate; NOS 186 TESTIS Undescended testis (site of neoplasm) Retained testis (site of neoplasm) Ectopic testis (site of neoplasm) Testis; NOS Descended testis Scrotal testis Testicle; N05 187 PENIS AND OTHER MALE GENITAL ORGANS Prepuce Foreskin _17_ 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 187. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. 188. Topography - Numerical (continued) Glans penis Body of penis Corpus cavernosum Corpus of penis Penis; NOS Skin of penis Epididymis Spermatic cord Vas deferens Scrotum; NOS Skin of scrotum Other parts of male genital organs Seminal vesicle Tunica vaginalis (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Male genital organs; NOS Male genital tract; NOS Male genitourinary tract; N05 188 URINARY BLADDER Trigone of urinary bladder Dome of urinary bladder Lateral wall of urinary bladder Anterior wall of urinary bladder Posterior wall of urinary bladder Bladder neck Internal urethral orifice Ureteric orifice Urachus (See note page 1 of ICD-O) Urinary bladder; NOS Bladder; NOS Bladder wall; NOS Topography - Numerical (continued) 189. 189. 189. 189. 189. 189. 189. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 190. 189 KIDNEY AND OTHER URINARY ORGANS Kidney, NOS Renal, NOS Kidney parenchyma Renal pelvis Pelvis of kidney Renal calyces Renal calyx Pelvi-ureteric junction Ureter Urethra Camper's gland Prostatic utricle Urethral gland Paraurethral gland (See note page 1 of ICD~0) Urinary system, N05 190 EYE AND LACRIMAL GLAND Eyeball Ciliary body Crystalline lens Iris Sclera Uveal tract Intraocular Orbit, NOS Connective tissue of orbit Extra-ocular muscle Retrobulbar tissue Soft tissue of orbit Lacrimal gland Conjunctiva Cornea, NOS Limbus of cornea Retina Choroid _18_ 190.7 Lacrimal duct; NOS Nasal lacrimal duct Nasolacrimal duct Lacrimal sac 190.8 (See note page 1 of ICD-O) 190.9 Eye, NOS 191-192 NERVOUS SYSTEM 191 BRAIN 191.0 Cerebrum 191. 191. 191. 191. 1§1. A Basal ganglia Central white matter Cerebral cortex Cerebral hemisphere Cerebral white matter Corpus striatum Globus pallidus Hypothalamus Insula Internal capsule Island of Reil Operculum Pallium Putamen Rhinencephalon Thalamus Frontal lobe Frontal pole Temporal lobe Hippocampus Uncus Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Occipital pole Ventricle, NOS Cerebral ventricle Choroid plexus Ependyma Fourth ventricle Lateral ventricle Third Ventricle 191.6 191.7 191.8 191.9 192.0 Cerebellum, NOS Cerebellopontine angle Vermis of cerebellum Brain stem Cerebral peduncle Basis pedunculi Medulla oblongata Midbrain Olive Pons Pyramid Other parts of brain Corpus callosum Tapetum (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Brain, NOS Intracranial site Cranial fossa, NOS Anterior cranial fossa Middle cranial fossa Posterior cranial fossa Suprasellar 192 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM (excludes Peripheral nerves, Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and ganglia T-l71.9) Cranial nerve Abducens nerve Accessory nerve, NOS Spinal accessory nerve Acoustic nerve Facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Hypoglossal nerve Oculomotor nerve Olfactory nerve Optic chiasm Optic nerve Optic tract Trigeminal nerve Trochlear nerve Vagus nerve ..19_ Topography - Numerical (continued) 192.1 Cerebral meninges Arachnoid, NOS Cranial dura mater Cranial meninges Cranial pia mater Dura, NOS Dura mater, NOS Falx cerebelli Falx cerebri Falx, NOS Intracranial arachnoid Intracranial meninges Meninges, NOS Pia mater, NOS Tentorium cerebelli Tentorium, NOS 192.2 Spinal cord Cauda equina Cervical cord Conus medullaris Filum terminale Lumbar cord Sacral cord Thoracic cord 192.3 Spinal meninges Spinal arachnoid Spinal dura mater Spinal pia mater 192.8 (See note page 1 of ICD-O) 192.9 Nervous system, NOS Central nervous system Epidural Extradural Parasellar 193-194 ENDOCRINE GLANDS 193 THYROID GLAND 193.9 Thyroid gland Thyroid, NOS Thyroglossal duct Topography - Numerical (continued) 194. 194. 194. 194. 194. 194. 194. 194. 195. 194 OTHER ENDOCRINE GLANDS Suprarenal gland Adrenal gland Adrenal, NOS Adrenal cortex Adrenal medulla Parathyroid gland Pituitary gland Pituitary, NOS Hypophysis Craniopharyngeal duct Rathke's pouch Sella turcica Pituitary fossa Pineal gland Carotid body Aortic body and other paraganglia Coccygeal body Coccygeal glomus Glomus jugulare Para-aortic body Organ of Zuckerkandl Paraganglion Multiple endocrine glands Pluriglandular (See also note page 1 of ICD-O) Endocrine gland, N05 195 OTHER ILL-DEFINED SITES Head, face or neck, NOS Cheek, NOS Jaw, NOS Nose, NOS Cervical region, NOS Supraclavicular region, N05 _20_ 195.1 195.2 195.3 195.4 195.5 Thorax, NOS Axilla, NOS Chest, NOS Chest wall, NOS Intrathoracic site, NOS Thoracic wall, NOS Infraclavicular region, NOS Scapular region, NUS Abdomen, NOS Abdominal wall, NOS Intracabdominal site, NOS Pelvis, NOS Buttock, NOS Groin, NOS Ischiorectal fossa Pelvic wall, NOS Perineum, NOS Rectovaginal septum Rectovesical septum Gluteal region, NOS Inguinal region, NOS Perirectal region, NOS Presacral region, NOS Sacrococcygeal region, NOS Upper limb, NOS Antecubital space, NOS Arm, NOS Elbow, NOS Finger, NOS Forearm, NOS Hand, NOS Shoulder, NOS Thumb, NOS Wrist, NOS Lower limb, NOS Ankle, NOS Calf, NOS Foot, NOS Heel, NOS Hip, NOS Knee, NOS Leg, NOS Popliteal space, NOS Thigh, NOS Toe, NOS 195.8 Other ill-defined sites Back, NOS Flank; NOS Trunk, N05 196 LYMPH NODES 196.0 Lymph nodes of head, face and neck Auricular lymph node Cervical lymph node Facial lymph node Jugular lymph node Mandibular lymph node Occipital lymph node Parotid lymph node Preauricular lymph node Prelaryngeal lymph node Pretracheal lymph node Retropharyngeal lymph node Scalene lymph node Sublingual lymph node Submandibular lymph node Submaxillary lymph node Submental lymph node Supraclavicular lymph node 196.1 Intrathoracic lymph nodes Bronchial lymph node Bronchopulmonary lymph node Diaphragmatic lymph node Esophageal lymph node Hilar lymph node, NOS Innominate lymph node Intercostal lymph node Mediastinal lymph node Parasternal lymph node Pulmonary hilar lymph node Pulmonary lymph node, NOS Thoracic lymph node Tracheal lymph node Tracheobronchial lymph node _21_ 196.2 196.3 196.5 Topography - Numerical (continued) lntra-abdominal lymph nodes Abdominal lymph node Aortic lymph node Celiac lymph node Colic lymph node Common duct lymph node Gastric lymph node Hepatic lymph node Ileocolic lymph node Inferior mesenteric lymph node Intestinal lymph node Lumbar lymph node Mesenteric lymph node, NOS Midcolic lymph node Pancreatic lymph node, NOS Para-aortic lymph node Periaortic lymph node Peripancreatic lymph node Porta—hepatis lymph node Portal lymph node Pyloric lymph node Retroperitoneal lymph node Splenic lymph node, NOS Splenic hilar lymph node Superior mesenteric lymph node Lymph nodes of axilla or arm Axillary lymph node Brachial lymph node Cubital lymph node Epitrochlear lymph node Infraclavicular lymph node Lymph node of upper limb Pectoral lymph node Subclavicular lymph node Subscapular lymph node Lymph nodes of inguinal region or leg Femoral lymph node lnguinal lymph node Lymph node of Cloquet Lymph node of groin Lymph node of lower limb Lymph node of Rosenmuller Popliteal lymph node Subinguinal lymph node Tibial lymph node Topography - Numerical (continued) 196.6 196.8 196.9 199.9 Pelvic lymph nodes Hypogastric lymph node Iliac lymph node Inferior epigastric lymph node Intrapelvic lymph node Obturator lymph node Paracervical lymph node Paramefrial lymph node Presymphysial lymph node Sacral lymph node Lymph nodes of multiple regions Lymph node, N05 199 UNKNOWN PRIMARY SITE Unknown primary site _22_ MORPHOLOGY NUMERIC SECTION The following indicate modifications to the present ICD-O: Deletions ....... [ J New terms ....... UPPER CASE BOLDFACE TYPE New Synonyms ..... Upper and lower case boldface type Changes ......... Upper and lower case boldface type (see ___/_) ...... code number has been changed to specified code (was ___/_) ...... code number changed from specified code _23... 5th DIGIT BEHAVIOR CODE FOR NEOPLASMS /O ........ Benign /1 ........ Uncertain whether benign or malignant Borderline malignancy x /2 ........ Carcinoma in situ Intraepithelial Non-infiltrating Non-invasive /3 ........ Malignant; primary site /6 ........ Malignant, metastatic site Malignant, secondary site /9 ........ Malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic site Except cystadenomas in the range 844-849 6th DIGIT CODE FOR HISTOLOGIC GRADING AND DIFFERENTIATION AND FOR LYMPHOMAS AND LEUKEMIAS 1 ......... GRADE I ............... Nell differentiated Differentiated, NOS 2 ......... GRADE II .............. Moderately differentiated Moderately well differentiated Intermediate differentiation 3 ......... GRADE III ............. Poorly differentiated 4 ......... GRADE IV .............. Undifferentiated Anaplastic T-Cell I I 6......... B—cell l Pre-B l B-precursor ) For Lymphomas and Leukemias 7......... Null cell Non T-non B 9 ......... Grade or differentiation not determined, not stated or not applicable Cell type not determined, not stated or not applicable _24— MORPHOLOGY 0F NEOPLASMS NUMERICAL LIST 800 NEOPLASMS, NOS 8000/0 Neoplasm, benign Tumor, benign Unclassified tumor, benign 8000/1 Neoplasm, uncertain whether benign or malignant Neoplasm, NOS Tumor, NOS Unclassified tumor, uncertain whether benign or malignant 8000/3 Neoplasm, malignant Tumor, malignant, NOS Malignancy Cancer Unclassified tumor, malignant Blastoma, NOS 8000/6 Neoplasm, metastatic Neoplasm, secondary Tumor, metastatic Tumor, secondary Tumor embolus 8000/9 Neoplasm, malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic Unclassified tumor, malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic 8001/0 Tumor cells, benign 8001/1 Tumor cells, uncertain whether benign or malignant Tumor cells, NOS 8001/3 Tumor cells, malignant 8002/3 Malignant tumor, small cell type 8003/3 Malignant tumor, giant cell type 8004/3 Malignant tumor, fusiform cell type Malignant tumor, spindle cell type -25.. 801-804 EPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS, NOS 8010/0 Epithelial tumor, benign 8010/2 Carcinoma in situ, NOS Intraepithelial carcinoma, NOS 8010/3 Carcinoma, NOS Epithelial tumor, malignant 8010/6 Carcinoma, metastatic, NOS Secondary carcinoma 8010/9 Carcinomatosis 8011/0 Epithelioma, benign 8011/3 Epithelioma, malignant Epithelioma, NOS 8012/3 Large cell carcinoma, NOS 8020/3 Carcinoma, undifferentiated [13mg] , NOS 8021/3 Carcinoma, anaplastic [type], NOS 8022/3 Pleomorphic carcinoma 8030/3 Giant cell and spindle cell carcinoma 8031/3 Giant cell carcinoma 8032/3 Spindle cell carcinoma 8033/3 Pseudosarcomatous carcinoma 8034/3 Polygonal cell carcinoma [8035/3 Spheroidal cell carcinoma] 8040/1 Tumorlet 8041/3 Small cell carcinoma, NOS Reserve cell carcinoma Round cell carcinoma Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8042/3 Oat cell carcinoma (T-162._) 8043/3 Small cell carcinoma, fusiform cell [tyge] 8046/3 SMALL CELL CARCINOMA, INTERMEDIATE CELL (T-162._) 8045/3 SMALL CELL-LARGE CELL CARCINOMA (T-162._) 805-808 [PAPILLARY AND] SQUAMOUS CELL NEOPLASMS 8050/0 Papilloma, NOS (except Papilloma of urinary bladder M-8120/1) 8050/2 Papillary carcinoma in situ 8050/3 Papillary carcinoma, NOS 8051/0 Verrucous papilloma 8051/3 Verrucous carcinoma, NOS Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma Verrucous epidermoid carcinoma 8052/0 Squamous cell papilloma Squamous papilloma [Dvskeratotic papilloma] [Hyeerkeratotic gagilloma] Keratotic papilloma [Parakeratotic gagilloma] 8052/3 Papillary squamous cell carcinoma Papillary epidermoid carcinoma 8053/0 Inverted papilloma 8060/0 Papillomatosis, NOS 8070/2 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ, NOS Epidermoid carcinoma in situ, NOS Intraepidermal carcinoma, NOS Intraepithelial squamous cell carcinoma 8070/3 Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS Epidermoid carcinoma, NOS [Seinous cell carcinoma] Squamous carcinoma Squamous cell epithelioma -26— 8070/6 8071/3 8072/3 8073/3 8074/3 8075/3 8076/2 8076/3 8080/2 8081/2 8082/3 Squamous cell carcinoma; metastatic, NOS Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing [tyge], NOS Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell, keratinizing [iyge] Epidermoid carcinoma, keratinizing [type] Squamous cell carcinoma, large cell, non-keratinizing [tyge] Squamous cell carcinoma, non—keratinizing [:yge], NOS Epidermoid carcinoma, large cell, non-keratinizing [tyge] Squamous cell carcinoma, small cell, non-keratinizing [tyee] Epidermoid carcinoma, small cell, non-keratinizing [iyge] Squamous cell carcinoma; spindle cell [tyae] Epidermoid carcinoma. spindle cell [tyge] Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma Pseudoglandular squamous cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma in situ with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) Epidermoid carcinoma in situ with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) Squamous cell carcinoma, micro-invasive (T-180._) Queyrat's erythroplasia (T-187._) Bowen's disease (T-173._) Intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma, Bowen's type (T-173._) Lymphoepithelial carcinoma Lymphoepithelioma Schmi nke tumor ”-1 47. _) 809-811 BASAL CELL NEOPLASMS 8090/1 8090/3 8091/3 8092/3 8093/3 8094/3 8095/3 8096/0 8100/0 8101/0 8102/0 8110/0 8110/3 Basal cell tumor (T-173._) Basal cell carcinoma, NOS (T-173._) Pigmented basal cell carcinoma (T-173._) Basal cell epithelioma (T-173._) Rodent ulcer (T-173.*) Multicentric basal cell carcinoma (T-173._) Basal cell carcinoma, morphea [type] (T-173._) Basal cell carcinoma. fibroepithelial [type] (T-173._) Basosquamous carcinoma (T-173._) Mixed basal-squamous cell carcinoma (T-173._) Metatypical carcinoma (T-173._) Intraepidermal epithelioma of Jadassohn (T-173._) Trichoepithelioma (T—173._) Brooke's tumor (T-173._) Epithelioma adenoides cysticum (T-173._) Trichofolliculoma (T-173._) Tricholemmoma (T-173._) Pilomatrixoma, NOS (T-173._) Calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe (T-173._) PILQMATRIX CARCINOMA (T-173._) ‘Pilomatrixoma, malignant (T-173.__) 812-813 TRANSITIONAL CELL PAPILLOMAS 8120/0 AND CARCINOMAS Transitional cell papilloma, NOS Transitional papilloma -27— Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8120/1 Urothelial papilloma Papilloma of urinary bladder (T-188._) 8120/2 Transitional cell carcinoma in situ 8120/3 Transitional cell carcinoma, NOS Transitional carcinoma Urothelial carcinoma 8121/0 Schneiderian papilloma 8121/1 Transitional cell papilloma. inverted [type] 8121/3 Schneiderian carcinoma 8122/3 Transitional cell carcinoma, spindle cell [type] 8123/3 Basaloid carcinoma 8124/3 Cloacogenic carcinoma 8130/3 Papillary transitional cell carcinoma 814-838 ADENOMAS AND ADENOCARCINOMAS 8140/0 Adenoma, NOS 8140/1 Bronchial adenoma, NOS (T-162._) 8140/2 Adenocarcinoma in situ 8140/3 Adenocarcinoma, NOS 8140/6 Adenocarcinoma, metastatic, NOS 8141/3 Scirrhous adenocarcinoma Scirrhous carcinoma Carcinoma with productive fibrosis 8142/3 Linitis plastica (T-151._) 8143/3 Superficial spreading adenocarcinoma Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8144/3 Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type (T-151._) Carcinoma, intestinal type (T-151._) 8145/3 Carcinoma, diffuse type (T-151._) Adenocarcinoma, diffuse type (T-151._) 8146/0 Monomorphic adenoma 8147/0 Basal cell adenoma (T-142._) 8147/3 BASAL CELL ADENOCARCINOMA [T-142._) 8150/0 Islet cell adenoma (T-157._) Islet cell tumor (T-157._) Nesidioblastoma (T-157._) 8150/3 Islet cell carcinoma (T-157._) Islet cell adenocarcinoma (T-157._) 8151/0 Insulinoma, NOS (T-157._) Beta-cell adenoma (T-157._) 8151/3 Insulinoma, malignant (T-157._) Beta-cell tumor, malignant (T-157._) 8152/0 Glucagonoma, N05 (T-157._) Alpha-cell adenoma (T-157._) 8152/3 Glucagonoma, malignant (T-157._) Alpha-cell tumor, malignant (T-157._) 8153/1 Gastrinoma, NOS G cell tumor, NOS 8153/3 Gastrinoma, malignant G cell tumor, malignant 8154/3 Mixed islet cell and exocrine adenocarcinoma (T-157._) 8155/3 VIPOMA 8160/0 Bile duct adenoma (T-155.1) Cholangioma (T-155.1) -28— 8160/3 Cholangiocarcinoma (T-155.1) Bile duct carcinoma (T-155.1) Bile duct adenocarcinoma (T-155.1) 8161/0 Bile duct cystadenoma [(T-155. )1 8161/3 Bile duct cystadenocarcinoma [(T-155. )] 8170/0 Liver cell adenoma (T-155.0) Hepatocellular adenoma (T-155.0) Hepatoma, benign (T-155.0) 8170/3 Hepatocellular carcinoma, NOS (T-155.0) Liver cell carcinoma (T-155.0) HepatoCarcinoma (T-155.0) Hepatoma, malignant (T-155.0) Hepatoma, NOS (T-155.0) 8171/3 HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA, FIBROLAMELLAR (T-155.0) [8180/0 Hegatocholanqioma, beniqn (T-155.0)] 8180/3 Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma (T-155.0) Mixed hepatocellular and bile duct carcinoma (T-155.0) Hepatocholangiocarcinoma (T-155.0) 8190/0 Trabecular adenoma 8190/3 Trabecular adenocarcinoma Trabecular carcinoma 8191/0 Embryonal adenoma 8200/0 Eccrine dermal cylindroma (T—173._) Turban tumor (T—173.4) Cylindroma of skin (T-173._) 8200/3 Adenoid cystic carcinoma Adenocystic carcinoma Cylindroma, NOS (except Cylindroma of skin M-8200/0) Bronchial adenoma, cylindroid (T-162._) Adenocarcinoma, cylindroid 8201/3 8202/0 8210/0 8210/2 8210/3 8211/0 8211/3 8220/0 8220/2 8220/3 8221/0 Cribriform carcinoma MICROCYSTIC ADENOMA (T—157._) Adenomatous polyp, NOS Polypoid adenoma ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU IN ADENOMATOUS POLYP Adenocarcinoma in situ in tubular adenoma Carcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyp Adenocarcinoma in situ in polypoid adenoma Adenocarcinoma in situ in a polyp, NOS Carcinoma in situ in a po1yp, NOS Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous P°1YP Adenocarcinoma in tubular adenoma Carcinoma in adenomatous polyp Adenocarcinoma in polypoid adenoma Adenocarcinoma in a polyp; NOS Carcinoma in a polyp, Nos Tubular adenoma, NOS Tubular adenocarcinoma Tubular carcinoma Adenomatous polyposis coli (T-153._) Adenomatosis, Familial polyposis coli NOS (T-153._) (T-153._) ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU IN FAMILIAL POLYPOSIS COLI (T-153._) Adenocarcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyposis coli (T-153._) Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyposis coli (T-153._) Multiple adenomatous polyps Multiple polyposis _29_ Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8221/2 ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU IN MULTIPLE ADENOMATOUS POLYPS 8221/3 ADENOCARCINOMA IN MULTIPLE ADENOMATOUS POLYPS 8230/3 Solid carcinoma, NOS 8231/3 Carcinoma simplex 8240/1 Carcinoid tumor, NOS, OF APPENDIX (T-153.5) Carcinoid, NOS, of appendix (T-153.5) 8240/3 Carcinoid tumor, NOS (EXCEPT APPENDIX) (was 8240/1) Carcinoid, NOS (except appendix) (was 8240/1) Bronchial adenoma, carcinoid [type] (T-162._) NOS 8241/1 Carcinoid tumor, Argentaffinoma, argentaffin, NOS 8241/3 Carcinoid tumor, malignant Argentaffinoma, malignant argentaffin, [8242/1 Carcinoid tumor, NUS] non-arqentaffin, [8242/3 Carcinoid tumor, malignant] non-arqentaffin, 8243/3 Goblet cell carcinoid (T-153.5) Mucocarcinoid tumorE, malignant] (T-153.5) Mucinous carcinoid (T-153.5) 8244/3 Composite carcinoid Combined carcinoid and adenocarcinoma 8245/3 ADENOCARCINOID TUMOR Adenocarcinoid, NOS 8246/3 NEUROENDOCRINE CARCINOMA 8247/3 MERKEL CELL CARCINOMA (T-173._) Merkel cell tumor (T-173._) 8248/1 APUDOMA Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8250/1 Pulmonary adenomatosis (T-162._) 8250/3 Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma (T-162._) Alveolar cell carcinoma (T-162._) Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma (T-162._) Bronchiolar adenocarcinoma (T-162._) Bronchiolar carcinoma (T-162._) [Terminal bronchiolar carcinoma (T-162. )] 8251/0 Alveolar adenoma 8251/3 Alveolar adenocarcinoma Alveolar carcinoma 8260/0 Papillary adenoma, NUS 8260/3 Papillary adenocarcinoma; NOS 8261/1 Villous adenoma, N05 Villous papilloma 8261/2 ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU IN VILLOUS ADENOMA 8261/3 Adenocarcinoma in villous adenoma 8262/3 Villous adenocarcinoma 8263/0 Tubulovillous adenoma, NOS Villoglandular adenoma Papillotubular adenoma 8263/2 ADENOCARCINOMA IN SITU IN TUBULOVILLOUS ADENOMA 8263/3 ADENOCARCINOMA IN TUBULOVILLOUS ADENOMA 8270/0 Chromophobe adenoma (T-194.3) 8270/3 Chromophobe carcinoma (T-194.3) Chromophobe adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) 8280/0 Acidophil adenoma (T-194.3) Eosinophil adenoma (T-194.3) _30_ 8280/3 8281/0 8281/3 8290/0 8290/3 8300/0 8300/3 8310/0 8310/3 8311/1 8312/3 8313/0 Acidophil carcinoma (T-194.3) Acidophil adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Eosinophil carcinoma (T-194.3) Eosinophil adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Mixed acidophil-basophil adenoma (T-194.3) Mixed acidophil-basophil carcinoma (T-194.3) Oxyphilic adenoma Oncocytic adenoma Oncocytoma Hurthle cell adenoma (T-193.9) Hurthle cell tumor (T-193.9) Oxyphilic adenocarcinoma Oncocytic carcinoma Oncocytic adenocarcinoma Hurthle cell carcinoma (T-193.9) Hurthle cell adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) Basophil adenoma (T-194.3) Mucoid cell adenoma (T-194.3) Basophil carcinoma (T-194.3) Basophil adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Mucoid cell adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) Clear cell adenoma Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS Clear cell adenocarcinoma, mesonephroid [tyge] Clear cell carcinoma Hypernephroid tumor Renal cell carcinoma (T-189.0) Renal cell adenocarcinoma (T-189.0) Grauitz tumor (T-189.0) Hypernephroma (T-189.0) Clear cell adenofibroma Clear cell cystadenofibroma 8314/3 8315/3 8320/3 8321/0 8322/0 8322/3 8323/0 8323/3 8324/0 8330/0 8330/3 8331/3 8332/3 8333/0 LIPID-RICH CARCINOMA [T-174._) GLYCOGEH-RICH CARCINOMA (T-174._) Granular cell carcinoma Granular cell adenocarcinoma Chief cell adenoma (T-194.1) Hater-clear cell adenoma (T-194.1) Hater-clear cell adenocarcinoma (T-194.1) Hater-clear cell carcinoma (T-194.1) Mixed cell adenoma Mixed cell adenocarcinoma Lipoadenoma Adenolipoma Follicular adenoma (T-193.9) Follicular adenocarcinoma, N05 (T-193.9) Follicular carcinoma, (T-193.9) NOS Follicular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated [typg] (T-193.9) Follicular carcinoma, well differentiated [:ypg] (T-193.9) [Follicular adenocarcinoma, pure follicle type (T-193.9)] [Follicular carcinoma, pure follicle type (T-193.9)] Follicular adenocarcinoma, trabecular [type] (T-193.9) Follicular carcinoma, trabecular [type] (T-193.9) Follicular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated [type] (Tc193.9) Follicular carcinoma; moderately differentiated [type] (T-193.9) Nuchernde Struma Langhans (T-193.9) Microfollicular adenoma (T-193.9) Fetal adenoma (T-193.9) ._31._ Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8334/0 Macrofollicular adenoma (T-193.9) Colloid adenoma (T~193.9) 8340/3 Papillary and follicular adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) Papillary and follicular carcinoma (T-193.9) Papillary carcinoma with follicular structure (T-193.9) [Mixed papillary and follicular carcinoma (T-193.9)] 8350/3 Nonencapsulated sclerosing carcinoma (T-193.9) Nonencapsulated sclerosing adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) Nonencapsulated sclerosing tumor (T-193.9) 8360/1 Multiple endocrine adenomas Endocrine adenomatosis 8361/1 Juxtaglomerular tumor (T-189.0) Reninoma (T-189.0) 8370/0 Adrenal cortical adenoma, NOS (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical tumor, benign (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical tumor, (T-194.0) NOS 8370/3 Adrenal cortical carcinoma (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical adenocarcinoma (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical tumor, malignant (T-194.0) 8371/0 Adrenal cortical adenoma, compact cell [type] (T-194.0) 8372/0 Adrenal cortical adenoma, heavily pigmented variant (T-194.0) Black adenoma (T-194.0) 8373/0 Adrenal cortical adenoma, clear cell [type] (T-194.0) 8376/0 Adrenal cortical adenoma, glomerulosa cell [type] (T-194.0) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8375/0 Adrenal cortical adenoma, cell [type] (T-194.0) mixed 8380/0 Endometrioid adenoma, NUS Endometrioid cystadenoma. NOS 8380/1 Endometrioid adenoma, borderline malignancy Endometrioid cystadenoma, borderline malignancy Endometrioid tumor of low malignant potential 8380/3 Endometrioid carcinoma Endometrioid adenocarcinoma Endometrioid cystadenocarcinoma 8381/0 Endometrioid adenofibroma, N03 (T-183.0) Endometrioid cystadenofibroma; NOS (T-183.0) 8381/1 Endometrioid adenofibroma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Endometrioid cystadenofibroma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) 8381/3 Endometrioid adenofibroma, malignant (T-183.0) Endometrioid cystadenofibroma, malignant (T-183.0) 839-842 ADNEXAL AND SKIN APPENDAGE NEOPLASMS 8390/0 Skin appendage adenoma (T-173._) Skin appendage tumor (T-173._) Adnexal tumor (T-173._) 8390/3 Skin appendage carcinoma (T-173._) Adnexal carcinoma (T-173._) 8400/0 Sweat gland adenoma (T~173._) Sweat gland tumor, benign (T-173._) Hidradenoma; NOS (T-173._) Syringadenoma, NOS (T-173._) Nodular hidradenoma (T-173._) -32... 8400/1 8400/3 8401/0 8401/3 8402/0 8403/0 8404/0 8405/0 8406/0 8407/0 8408/0 8410/0 8410/3 8420/0 8420/3 Sweat gland tumor, NOS (T-173._) Sweat gland adenocarcinoma (T-173._) Sweat gland carcinoma (T-173._)' Sweat gland tumor, malignant (T-173._) Apocrine adenoma Apocrine adenocarcinoma Eccrine acrospiroma (T-173._) Eccrine poroma (T-173._) Clear cell hidradenoma (T-173._) Eccrine spiradenoma (T-173._) Spiradenoma, NOS (T-173._) Hidrocystoma (T-173._) Papillary hidradenoma (T-173._) Papillary syringadenoma (T-173._) Papillary syringocystadenoma (T-173._) Syringoma, NOS (T-173._) ECCRINE PAPILLARY ADENOMA (T-173._) Sebaceous adenoma (T-173._) Sebaceous adenocarcinoma (T-173._) Sebaceous carcinoma (T-173._) Ceruminous adenoma (T-173.2) Ceruminous adenocarcinoma (T-173.2) Ceruminous carcinoma (T-173.2) 843 MUCOEPIDERMOID NEOPLASMS 8430/1 8430/3 Mucoepidermoid tumor Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 844-849 CYSTIC. MUCINOUS AND SEROUS NEOPLASMS 8440/0 Cystadenoma; NOS Cystoma, N05 8440/3 Cystadenocarcinoma, NOS 8441/0 Serous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) Serous cystoma (T-183.0) [8441/1 Serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0)] (see 8442/3) 8441/3 Serous cystadenocarcinoma. NOS (T-183.0) Serous adenocarcinoma, NOS 8442/3 Serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T~183.0) (was 8441/1) Serous tumor, NOS, of low malignant potential (T-183.0) 8450/0 Papillary cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) [8450/1 Papillary cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0)l (see 8451/3) 8450/3 Papillary cystadenocarcinoma, NOS (T-183.0) Papillocystic adenocarcinoma 8451/3 Papillary cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) (was 8450/1) 8452/1 PAPILLARY CYSTIC TUMOR (T-157._) 8460/0 Papillary serous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) [8460/1 Papillarygserous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0)l (see 8462/3) 8460/3 Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma (T-183.0) Papillary serous adenocarcinoma (T-183.0) -33.. Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8461/0 Serous surface papilloma (T-183.0) [8461/1 Serous surface papilloma, borderline maliqnancy (T-183.0)] 8461/3 Serous surface papillary carcinoma (T-183.0) 8462/3 Papillary serous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) (was 8460/1) Pap'llary serous tumor of low milignant potential (T-183.0) 8470/0 Mucinous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) Mucinous cystoma (T-183.0) Pseudomucinous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) [8470/1 Mucinous cystadenomal borderline malignancy (T-183.0)] (see 8472/3) [Pseudomucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0)] (see 8472/3) 8470/3 Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS (T-183.0) Pseudomucinous adenocarcinoma (T-183.0) Pseudomucinous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS (T-183.0) 8471/0 Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, NOS (T-183.0) Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenoma, NOS (T~183.0) [8471/1 Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0)l (see 8473/3) [Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenomaz borderline malignancy (Tr183.0)l (see 8473/3) 8471/3 Papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (T-183.0) Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenocarcinoma (T-183.0) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8472/3 8473/3 8480/0 8480/3 8480/6 8481/3 8490/3 8490/6 850-854 DUCTAL: 8500/2 Mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Pseudomucinous cystadenoma. borderline malignancy (T-183.0) (was 8470/1) Mucinous tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) Papillary mucinous cystadenoma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Papillary pseudomucinous cystadenoma; borderline malignancy (T-183.0) (was 8471/1) Papillary mucinous tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) Mucinous adenoma Mucinous adenocarcinoma Mucinous carcinoma Colloid adenocarcinoma Colloid carcinoma Gelatinous adenocarcinoma Gelatinous carcinoma Mucoid adenocarcinoma Mucoid carcinoma Mucous adenocarcinoma Mucous carcinoma Pseudomyxoma peritonei (T-158.9) Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma Mucin-producing carcinoma Mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma Mucin-secreting carcinoma Signet ring cell carcinoma Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma Krukenberg tumor (T-183.0) LOBULAR AND MEDULLARY NEOPLASMS Intraductal carcinoma, non-infiltrating, NOS Intraductal adenocarcinoma; non-infiltrating, NOS Intraduct carcinoma in situ Intraductal carcinoma, N05 _34_ 8500/3 8501/2 8501/3 8502/3 8503/0 8503/2 8503/3 8504/0 8504/2 8504/3 8505/0 8506/0 Infiltrating duct carcinoma (T-174._) lnfiltrating duct adenocarcinoma (T-174._) Duct adenocarcinoma, Duct carcinoma, NOS Duct cell carcinoma Ductal carcinoma NOS Comedocarcinoma, non-infiltrating (T-174._) Comedocarcinoma, NOS (T-174._) Juvenile carcinoma of breast (T-174._) ASecretory carcinoma of breast (T-174._) Intraductal papilloma Duct adenoma, NOS Ductal papilloma Non-infiltrating intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma Non-infiltrating intraductal papillary carcinoma INTRADUCTAL PAPILLARY ADENOCARCINOMA WITH INVASION Intracystic papillary adenoma Intracystic papilloma Non-infiltrating intracystic carcinoma INTRACYSTIC CARCINOMA, Intracystic papillary adenocarcinoma NOS Intraductal papillomatosis, NOS Diffuse intraductal papillomatosis Adenoma of nipple (T-174.0) [Erosive adenomatosis of the nipple (T-174.0;] Subareolar duct papillomatosis (T-174.0) 8510/3 Medullary carcinoma, NOS Medullary adenocarcinoma Parafollicular cell carcinoma (T-193.9) C cell carcinoma (T-193.9) 8511/3 Medullary carcinoma with amyloid stroma (T—193.9) [Solid carcinoma with amvloid stroma (T-193.9)] 8512/3 Medullary carcinoma with lymphoid stroma (T-17Q._) 8520/2 Lobular carcinoma in situ (T-174._) Lobular carcinoma. non-infiltrating (T-174._) 8520/3 Lobular carcinoma, N05 (T-174._) Lobular adenocarcinoma (T-174._) lnfiltrating lobular carcinoma (T-174._) 8521/3 Infiltrating ductular carcinoma 8522/2 INTRADUCTAL CARCINOMA AND LOBULAR CARCINOMA IN SITU (T-174._) 8522/3 INFILTRATING DUCT AND LDBULAR CARCINOMA (T-174._) Infiltrating duct and lobular carcinoma in situ (T-174._) (was 8523/3) Lobular and ductal carcinoma (T—174._) Intraductal and lobular carcinoma (T-174._) (was 8524/3) 8530/3 Inflammatory carcinoma (T-174._) Inflammatory adenocarcinoma (T-174._) 8540/3 Paget's disease, mammary (T-174._) Paget's disease of breast (T-174._) 8541/3 Paget's disease and infiltrating duct carcinoma of breast (T-174._) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8542/3 Paget's disease, extramammary (except Paget's disease of bone) 8543/3'PAGET'S DISEASE AND INTRADUCTAL CARCINOMA OF BREAST (T-174._) 855 ACINAR CELL NEOPLASMS 8550/0 Acinar cell adenoma Acinar adenoma Acinic cell adenoma 8550/1 Acinar cell tumor Acinic cell tumor 8550/3 Acinar cell carcinoma Acinic cell adenocarcinoma Acinar adenocarcinoma Acinar carcinoma 856-858 COMPLEX EPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS 8560/3 Adenosquamous carcinoma Mixed adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma Mixed adenocarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma 8561/0 Adenolymphoma (T-142._) Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum (T-142._) Narthin's tumor (T-142._) 8562/3 EPITHELIAL-MYOEPITHELIAL CARCINOMA 8570/3 Adenocarcinoma with squamous metaplasia Adenoacanthoma 8571/3 Adenocarcinoma with cartilaginous and osseous metaplasia Adenocarcinoma with cartilaginous metaplasia Adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia 8572/3 Adenocarcinoma with spindle cell metaplasia Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8573/3 Adenocarcinoma with apocrine metaplasia Carcinoma with apocrine metaplasia 8580/0 Thymoma, benign (T-164.0) Thymoma, NOS (T-164.0) 8580/3 Thymoma, malignant (T-164.0) Thymic carcinoma (T-164.0) 859-867 SPECIALIZED GONADAL NEOPLASMS 8590/1 Sex cord-stromal tumor Gonadal stromal tumor Testicular stromal tumor (T-186._) Ovarian stromal tumor (T-183.0) Sex cord tumor 8600/0 Thecoma, NOS (T-183.0) Theca cell tumor (T-183.0) 8600/3 Thecoma, malignant (T-183.0) [Theca cell carcinoma (T-183.0)] 8601/0 THECOMA, LUTEINIZED (T-183.0) 8602/0 SCLEROSING STROMAL TUMOR (T-183.0) 8610/0 Luteoma, NOS (T-183.0) Luteinoma (T-183.0) 8620/1 Granulosa cell tumor, NOS (T-183.0) 8620/3 Granulosa cell tumor, malignant (T-183.0) Granulosa cell carcinoma (T-183.0) 8621/1 Granulosa cell-theca cell tumor (T-183.0) Theca cell~granulosa cell tumor (T—183.0) 8622/1 JUVENILE GRANULOSA CELL TUMOR (T-183.0) 8623/1 SEX CORD TUMOR WITH ANNULAR TUBULES (T-183.0) 8630/0 Androblastoma, benign Arrhenoblastoma, benign _36_ 8630/1 Androblastoma, NOS Arrhenoblastoma, NOS 8630/3 Androblastoma, malignant Arrhenoblastoma, malignant 8631/0 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor 8632/1 Gynandroblastoma (T-183.0) 8640/0 Sertoli cell tumor, NOS Pick's tubular adenoma Sertoli cell adenoma Tubular androblastoma, NOS Testicular adenoma 8640/3 Sertoli cell carcinoma (T—186._) 8641/0 Sertoli cell tumor with lipid storage (T—183.0) Folli culome 11' pi di que (T-1 83. 0) Tubular androblastoma with lipid storage (T-183.0) 8650/0 Leydig cell tumor, benign (T-186._) Interstitial cell tumor, benign 8650/1 Leydig cell tumor, NOS (T-186._) Interstitial cell tumor, NOS 8650/3 Leydig cell tumor, malignant (T-186._) Interstitial cell tumor, malignant 8660/0 HILUS CELL TUMOR (T-183.0) Hilar cell tumor (T-183.0) 8670/0 Lipid cell tumor of ovary (T-183.0) Lipoid cell tumor of ovary (T-183.0) Masculinovoblastoma (T-183.0) 8671/0 Adrenal rest tumor 868-871 PARAGANGLIOMAS AND GLOMUS TUMORS 8680/1 Paraganglioma, NOS 8680/3 Paraganglioma, malignant 8681/1 8682/1 8690/1 8691/1 8692/1 8693/1 8693/3 8700/0 8700/3 8710/3 8711/0 8712/0 8713/0 Sympathetic paraganglioma Parasympathetic paraganglioma Glomus jugulare tumor (T-194.6) Jugular paraganglioma (T-194.6) Aortic body tumor (T-194.6) Aortic body paraganglioma (T-194.6) Carotid body tumor (T-194.5) Carotid body paraganglioma (T-194.5) NOS NOS Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, Nonchromaffin paraganglioma, Chemodectoma Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, malignant Nonchromaffin paraganglioma, malignant Pheochromocytoma, NOS (T-194.0) Chromaffin paraganglioma Chromaffin tumor Chromaffinoma Pheochromocytoma, malignant (T-194.0) Pheochromoblastoma (T-194.0) Glomangiosarcoma Glomoid sarcoma Glomus tumor Glomangioma GLOMANGIOMYOMA 872-879 NEVI AND MELANOMAS 8720/0 Pigmented nevus, NOS (T-173._) Nevus, NOS (T-173._) Hairy nevus (T-173._) Melanocytic nevus (T-173._) -37— 8720/3 8721/3 8722/0 8722/3 8723/0 8723/3 8724/0 8725/0 8726/0 8730/0 8730/3 8740/0 8740/3 8741/2 8741/3 8742/2 8742/3 Morphology - Numerical (continued) Malignant melanoma; NOS Melanoma, NOS [Melauocagginoma] [Nevocarcingmg] [Melanosarcomal NOS] Nodular melanoma Balloon cell nevus (T-173._) Balloon cell melanoma Halo nevus (T-173._) Regressing nevus (T-173._) MALIGNANT MELANOMA, REGRESSING (T-173._) Fibrous papule of nose (T—173.3) Involuting nevus (T-173._) Neuronevus (T-173._) Magnocellular nevus (T-190.0) Melanocytoma of eyeball (T-190.0) Non-pigmented nevus (T-173._) Achromic nevus (T-173._) Amelanotic melanoma Junctional nevus (T-173._) Junction nevus (T-173._) Intraepidermal nevus (T-173._) Malignant melanoma in junctional nevus (T-173._) Precancerous melanosis, NOS (T-173._) Malignant melanoma in precancerous melanosis (T-173._) Hutchinson's melanotic freckle (T-173._) Lentigo maligna (T‘173._) Malignant melanoma in Hutchinson's melanotic freckle (T-173._) Lentigo maligna melanoma (T-173._) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8743/3 Superficial spreading melanoma 8780/0 Blue nevus, NOS (T-173._) Jadassohn's blue nevus (T-173._) 8744/3 ACRAL LENTIGINOUS MELANOMA, MALIGNANT (T-173._) 8780/3 Blue nevus, malignant (T-173._) 8745/3 DESMOPLASTIC MELANOMA, MALIGNANT 8790/0 Cellular blue nevus (T-173._) (T-173._) [Giant blue nevus (T-173. )l Neurotropic melanoma, malignant (T-173._) 880 SOFT TISSUE TUMORS AND 8750/0 Intradermal nevus (T-173._) SARCOMAS, NOS Dermal nevus (T-173._) 8800/0 Soft tissue tumor; benign 8760/0 Compound nevus (T-173._) Dermal and epidermal nevus 8800/3 Sarcoma, NOS (T-173._) Soft tissue sarcoma Soft tissue tumor, malignant 8761/1 Giant pigmented nevus (T-173._) Mesenchymal tumor, malignant 8761/3 Malignant melanoma in giant 8800/9 Sarcomatosis, NOS pigmented nevus (T-173._) 8801/3 Spindle cell sarcoma 8770/0 Epithelioid and spindle cell nevus (T-173._) 8802/3 Giant cell sarcoma (except of [Epithelioid cell nevus (T-173. )1 Bone M-9250/3) (see 8771/0) Pleomorphic cell sarcoma [Spindle cell nevus (T-173. )] (see 8772/0) 8803/3 Small cell sarcoma Juvenile nevus (T-173._) Round cell sarcoma Juvenile melanoma (T-173._) Spitz nevus (T-173._) 8804/3 EPITHELIOID SARCOMA Epithelioid cell sarcoma 8771/0 EPITHELIOID CELL NEVUS (T-173._) (was syn. of 8770/0) 881-883 FIBROMATOUS NEOPLASMS 8771/3 Epithelioid cell melanoma [Epithelioid cell melanosarcomal 8810/0 Fibroma; NOS Fibroma durum 8772/0 SPINDLE CELL NEVUS (T-173._) (was syn. of 8770/0) 8810/3 Fibrosarcoma. NOS 8772/3 Spindle cell melanoma, NOS 8811/0 Fibromyxoma Myxoid fibroma 8773/3 Spindle cell melanoma, type A Myxofibroma, NOS (T-190.0) 8811/3 Fibromyxosarcoma 8774/3 Spindle cell melanoma, type B (T-190.0) 8812/0 Periosteal fibroma (T-170._) 8775/3 Mixed epithelioid and spindle cell 8812/3 Periosteal fibrosarcoma (T-170._) melanoma Periosteal sarcoma; NOS (T-170._) -38.. 8813/0 Fascial fibroma 8813/3 Fascial fibrosarcoma 8814/3 Infantile fibrosarcoma Congenital fibrosarcoma 8820/0 Elastofibroma 8821/1 Aggressive fibromatosis Extra~abdominal desmoid Desmoid, NOS Invasive fibroma 8822/1 Abdominal fibromatosis Abdominal desmoid 8823/1 Desmoplastic fibroma 8824/1 MYOFIBROMATOSIS Congenital generalized fibromatosis 8830/0 Fibrous histiocytoma, NOS Fibroxanthoma, NOS (was 8831/0) Xanthofibroma (was 8831/0) 8830/1 Atypical fibrous histiocytoma Atypical fibroxanthoma (was 8831/1) 8830/3 Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant Fibroxanthoma. malignant (was 8831/3) [8831/0 Fibroxanthoma, NOS] (see 8830/0) [Xanthofibroma] (see 8830/0) [8831/1 Atypical fibroxanthoma] (see 8830/1) [8831/3 Fibroxanthoma, malignant] (see 8830/3) [Fibroxanthosarcoma] 8832/0 Dermatofibroma, NOS (T-173._) Sclerosing hemangioma (T-173._) Histiocytoma, NOS (T-173._) Subepidermal nodular fibrosis (T-173._) Dermatofibroma lenticulare (T-173._) [8832/1 Dermatofibroma protuberans (T-173. )l _39_ Morphology - Numerical (continued) 8832/3 Dermatofibrosarcoma, NOS (T-173._) Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans; NOS (T-173.~) 8833/3 PIGMENTED DERMATOFIBROSARCOMA PROTUBERANS Bednar tumor 884 MYXOMATOUS NEOPLASMS 8840/0 Myxoma; NOS 8840/3 Myxosarcoma 8841/1 ANGIOMYXOMA 885-888 LIPOMATOUS NEOPLASMS 8850/0 Lipoma, NOS 8850/3 Liposarcoma, N05 Fibroliposarcoma 8851/0 Fibrolipoma Fibroma molle Soft fibroma 8851/3 Liposarcoma, well differentiated [tyge] Liposarcoma. differentiated [tyge] 8852/0 Fibromyxolipoma Myxolipoma 8852/3 Myxoid liposarcoma Myxoliposarcoma [Embryonal liposarcoma] 8853/3 Round cell liposarcoma 8854/0 PLEOMORPHIC LIPOMA 8854/3 Pleomorphic liposarcoma 8855/3 Mixed [tyge] liposarcoma 8856/0 Intramuscular lipoma Infiltrating lipoma Infiltrating angiolipoma [was 8861/1) 8857/0 Spindle cell lipoma Morphology - Numerical (continued) '8858/3 DEDIFFERENTIATED LIPOSARCOMA 8860/0 Angiomyolipoma [8860/3 Anqiomvoliposarcoma] 8861/0 Angiolipoma, NOS [8861/1 Angiolieoma, infiltrating] (see 8856/0) 8870/0 Myelolipoma 8880/0 Hibernoma Fetal fat cell lipoma Brown fat tumor 8881/0 Lipoblastomatosis Fetal lipoma, NOS Fetal lipomatosis Lipoblastoma 889-892 MYOMATOUS NEOPLASMS 8890/0 Leiomyoma. N05 Fibroid uterus (T-179.9) Fibromyoma Leiomyofibroma Myofibroma 8890/1 Intravascular leiomyomatosis 8890/3 Leiomyosarcoma. NOS 8891/1 Epithelioid leiomyoma Leiomyoblastoma 8891/3 Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma 8892/1 Cellular leiomyoma 8893/0 Bizarre leiomyoma 8894/0 Angiomyoma Vascular leiomyoma Angioleiomyoma 8894/3 Angiomyosarcoma 8895/0 Myoma 8895/3 Myosarcoma _40_ 8896/3 MYXOID LEIOMYOSARCOMA 8897/1 SMOOTH MUSCLE TUMOR, NOS 8900/0 Rhabdomyoma, N05 8900/3 Rhabdomyosarcoma; NOS Rhabdosarcoma 8901/3 Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma 8902/3 Mixed type rhabdomyosarcoma 8903/0 Fetal rhabdomyoma 8904/0 Adult rhabdomyoma Glycogenic rhabdomyoma 8910/3 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma Sarcoma botryoides Botryoid sarcoma 8920/3 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 893-899 COMPLEX MIXED AND STROMAL NEOPLASMS 8930/0 ENDOMETRIAL STROMAL NODULE (T-182.0) 8930/3 Endometrial stromal sarcoma (T-182.0) Endometrial sarcoma, NOS (T-182.0) Stromal sarcoma, NOS 8931/1 Endolymphatic stromal myosis (T-182.0) Endometrial stromatosis (T-182.0) Stromal endometriosis (T-182.0) Stromal myosis, NOS (T-182.0) 8932/0 Adenomyoma 8933/3 Adenosarcoma (was syn. of 8960/3) 8940/0 Pleomorphic adenoma Mixed tumor, NOS Mixed tumor, salivary gland type, NOS (T-142._) Chondroid syringoma (T-173._) 8940/3 8941/3 8950/3 8951/3 8960/1 8960/3 Mixed tumor, malignant, NOS Mixed tumor, salivary gland type; malignant (T-142._) [Carcinoma in pleomorphic (see 8941/3) adenoma] Carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma (T-142._) (was syn. of 8940/3) Mullerian mixed tumor Mesodermal mixed tumor Mesoblastic nephroma Nephroblastoma, NOS (T-189.0) Nilms's tumor (T-189.0) [Adenosarcoma (T-189.0)] (see 8933/3) [8961/3 Epithelial nephroblastoma (T-189.0)J [8962/3 Mesenchvmal nephroblastoma 8963/3 8964/3 8970/3 8971/3 8972/3 8980/3 8981/3 8982/0 8990/0 8990/1 (T-189.0)] RHABDOID SARCOMA CLEAR CELL SARCOMA OF KIDNEY (T-189._) Hepatoblastoma (T-155.0) Embryonal hepatoma (T-155.0) PANCREATOBLASTOMA (T-157._) PULMONARY BLASTOMA (T-162._) Pneumoblastoma (T—162._) (was syn. of 8981/3) Carcinosarcoma, NOS Carcinosarcoma, embryonal [Pneumoblastoma (T-162. )1 (see 8972/3) Myoepithelioma Myoepithelial tumor Mesenchymoma, benign Mesenchymomar NOS Mixed mesenchymal tumor _41_ 8990/3 8991/3 Morphology - Numerical (continued) Mesenchymoma, malignant Mixed mesenchymal sarcoma Embryonal sarcoma 900-903 FIBROEPITHELIAL NEOPLASMS 9000/0 9000/1 9000/3 9010/0 9011/0 9012/0 9013/0 9014/0 9015/0 9016/0 9020/0 9020/1 Brenner tumor, NOS (T‘183.0) Brenner tumor, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Brenner tumor, proliferating (T-183.0) Brenner tumor, malignant (T-183.0) Fibroadenoma, NOS (T-174._) Intracanalicular fibroadenoma[: NOS] (T-174._) Pericanalicular fibroadenoma (T-174._) Adenofibroma, N05 (T-183.0) Cystadenofibroma, NOS (T-183.0) Papillary adenofibroma (T—183.0) Serous adenofibroma (T-183.0) Serous cystadenofibroma (T-183.0) Mucinous adenofibroma (T—183.0) Mucinous cystadenofibroma (T-183.0) Giant fibroadenoma, [NOS] (T-174._) (was syn. of 9020/0) PHYLLODES TUMOR, BENIGN [T-174._) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, benign (T-174._) [Cellular intracanalicular fibroadenoma (T-174. )] [Fibroadenoma phyllodes (T-174. )] [Giant fibroadenoma, NOS (T-174éml] (see 9016/0) [Giant intracagaligular fibroadenoma (T-174. )1 PHYLLODES TUMOR, NOS (T-174._) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, NOS (T—174._) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 9020/3 PHYLLODES TUMOR, MALIGNANT (T-174._) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, malignant (T-174._) 9030/0 Juvenile fibroadenoma (T-174._) 904 SYNOVIAL-LIKE NEOPLASMS 9040/0 Synovioma, benign 9040/3 Synovial sarcoma, NOS Synovioma, NOS Synovioma, malignant 9041/3 Synovial sarcoma, spindle cell [tyee] 9042/3 Synovial sarcoma, epithelioid cell [tyge] 9043/3 Synovial sarcoma, biphasic [tyee] 9044/3 CLEAR CELL SARCOMA, EXCEPT 0F KIDNEY Clear cell sarcoma, of tendons and aponeuroses (T-171._) Melanoma, malignant, of soft parts (T—171._) 905 MESOTHELIAL NEOPLASMS 9050/0 Mesothelioma, benign 9050/3 Mesothelioma, malignant Mesothelioma, NOS [Mesothelial sarcoma] 9051/0 Fibrous mesothelioma, benign 9051/3 Fibrous mesothelioma, malignant Fibrous mesothelioma, NOS 9052/0 Epithelioid mesothelioma, benign 9052/3 Epithelioid mesothelioma, malignant Epithelioid mesothelioma, NOS 9053/0 Mesothelioma, biphasic [tyee], benign -42— 9053/3 Mesothelioma, biphasic [tyge], malignant Mesothelioma, biphasic [tyge], N05 9054/0 Adenomatoid tumor, NOS 9055/1 CYSTIC MESOTHELIOMA (T-158._) 906-909 GERM CELL NEOPLASMS 9060/3 Dysgerminoma 9061/3 Seminoma, NOS (T-186._) 9062/3 Seminoma, anaplastic [ixgg] (T-186._) 9063/3 Spermatocytic seminoma (T-186._) Spermatocytoma (T-186._) 9064/3 Germinoma 9070/3 Embryonal carcinoma, NUS Embryonal adenocarcinoma 9071/3 Endodermal sinus tumor Yolk sac tumor Polyvesicular vitelline tumor Orchioblastoma (T-186._) Embryonal carcinoma, infantile [txee] 9072/3 Polyembryoma Embryonal carcinoma, polyembryonal type 9073/1 Gonadoblastoma Gonocytoma 9080/0 Teratoma, benign Adult cystic teratoma Adult teratoma, NOS Cystic teratoma, NOS Teratoma, differentiated [tygg] [Mature teratoma] (see 9080/1) 9080/1 Teratoma, N05 Solid teratoma Mature teratoma (was syn. of 9080/0) 9080/3 Teratoma, malignant, NOS Embryonal teratoma Teratoblastoma, malignant Immature teratoma 9081/3 Teratocarcinoma Mixed embryonal carcinoma and teratoma 9082/3 Malignant teratoma, undifferentiated [ixgg] Malignant teratoma, anaplastic [iygg] 9083/3 Malignant teratoma, intermediate [tyge] 9084/0 Dermoid cyst Dermoid. NOS 9084/3 TERATOMA WITH MALIGNANT TRANSFORMATION Dermoid cyst with malignant transformation (T-183.0) 9085/3 MIXED GERM CELL TUMOR 9090/0 Struma ovarii, NOS (T—183.0) 9090/3 Struma ovarii, malignant (T-183.0) 9091/1 Strumal carcinoid (T-183.0) Struma ovarii and carcinoid (T-183.0) 910 TROPHOBLASTIC NEOPLASMS 9100/0 Hydatidiform mole, N05 (T-181.9) Hydatid mole (T-181.9) 9100/1 Invasive hydatidiform mole (T-181.9) Chorioadenoma destruens (T-181.9) Chorioadenoma (T-181.9) Invasive mole, N05 (T-181.9) Malignant hydatidiform mole (T-181.9) 9100/3 Choriocarcinoma Chorionepithelioma Chorioepithelioma _43_ Morphology - Numerical (continued) 9101/3 CHORIOCARCINOMA COMBINED WITH OTHER GERM CELL ELEMENTS Choriocarcinoma combined with teratoma Choriocarcinoma combined with embryonal carcinoma 9102/3 Malignant teratoma, trophoblastic (T-186._) 9103/0 PARTIAL HYDATIDIFORM MOLE (T-181.9) 9104/3 PLACENTAL SITE TROPHOBLASTIC TUMOR (T-181.9) 911 MESONEPHROMAS 9110/0 Mesonephroma. benign Mesonephric adenoma Nolffian duct adenoma 9110/1 Mesonephric tumor 9110/3 Mesonephroma, malignant Mesonephric adenocarcinoma Mesonephroma, NOS [Mesometanephric carcinoma] Holffian duct carcinoma [9111/1 Endosalpinqioma] 912-916 BLOOD VESSEL TUMORS 9120/0 Hemangioma; NOS 'Angioma; NOS Chorioangioma (T-181.9) 9120/3 Hemangiosarcoma Angiosarcoma 9121/0 Cavernous hemangioma 9122/0 Venous hemangioma 9123/0 Racemose hemangioma Arteriovenous hemangioma 9124/3 Kupffer cell sarcoma (T-155.0) 9125/0 EPITHELIOID HEMANGIOMA Morphology - Numerical (continued) 9126/0 9130/0 9130/1 9130/3 9131/0 9132/0 9133/1 9133/3 9134/1 9140/3 9141/0 9142/0 9150/0 9150/1 9150/3 9160/0 9161/1 HISTIOCYTOID HEMANGIOMA Hemangioendothelioma’ benign Hemangioendothelioma, NOS Angioendothelioma Hemangioendothelioma, Hemangioendothelial malignant sarcoma Capillary hemangioma Hemangioma simplex Infantile hemangioma Plexiform hemangioma Juvenile hemangioma Intramuscular hemangioma EPITHELIOID HEMANGIOENDOTHELIOMA; NOS EPITHELIOID HEMANGIOENDOTHELIOMA, MALIGNANT INTRAVASCULAR BRONCHIAL ALVEOLAR TUMOR (T-162._) Kaposi's sarcoma Multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma Angiokeratoma Verrucous keratotic hemangioma Hemangiopericytoma, benign Hemangiopericytoma, NOS Hemangiopericytoma, malignant Angiofibroma, NOS Juvenile angiofibroma (T-147._) Hemangioblastoma Angioblastoma 917 LYMPHATIC VESSEL TUMORS 9170/0 Lymphangioma,‘N0$ 'Lymphangioendothelioma; N05 -44— 9170/3 9171/0 9172/0 9173/0 9174/0 9174/1 9175/0 Lymphangiosarcoma Lymphangioendothelial sarcoma Lymphangioendothelioma, malignant Capillary lymphangioma Cavernous lymphangioma Cystic lymphangioma Hygroma, NOS Cystic hygroma Lymphangiomyoma Lymphangiomyomatosis Hemolymphangioma 918-924 OSSEOUS AND CHONDROMATOUS 9180/0 9180/3 9181/3 9182/3 9183/3 9184/3 9185/3 9190/3 9191/0 9200/0 NEOPLASMS Osteoma; NOS (T-170._) Osteosarcoma, NOS (T-170._) Osteogenic sarcoma, NOS (T-170._) Osteochondrosarcoma‘(T-170._) Osteoblastic sarcoma (T-170._) Chondroblastic osteosarcoma (T-170._) Fibroblastic osteosarcoma (T-170._) Osteofibrosarcoma (T-170._) Telangiectatic osteosarcoma (T-170._) Osteosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone (T-170._) SMALL CELL OSTEOSARCOMA (T-170._) Juxtacortical osteosarcoma (T-170._) Juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma (T-170._) Parosteal osteosarcoma (T-170._) Periostea] osteogenic sarcoma (T-170._) Osteoid osteoma, NOS (T-170._) Osteoblastoma, NOS (T—170._) Giant osteoid osteoma (T-170._) 9200/1 9210/0 9210/1 9220/0 9220/1 9220/3 9221/0 9221/3 9230/0 9230/3 9231/3 9240/3 9241/0 AGGRESSIVE OSTEOBLASTOMA (T-170. ) Osteochondroma (T-170._) Cartilaginous exostosis (T-170._) Osteocartilaginous exostosis (T-170._) Ecchondroma (T—170._) Osteochondromatosis, NOS (T-170._) Ecchondrosis (T-170._) Chondroma, NOS (T-170._) Enchondroma (T-170._) Chondromatosis, NOS Chondrosarcoma, NOS (T-170._) Fibrochondrosarcoma (T‘170._) Juxtacortical chondroma (T-170._) Periosteal chondroma (T-170._) Juxtacortical chondrosarcoma (T-170._) Chondroblastoma, NOS (T-170._) Chondromatous giant cell tumor (T-170._) Codman's tumor (T-170._) Chondroblastoma, malignant (T-170._) MYXOID CHONDROSARCOMA Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma Chondromyxoid fibroma (T-170._) 925 GIANT CELL TUMORS 9250/1 9250/3 Giant cell tumor of bone, NOS (T-170._) Osteoclastoma, NOS (T-170._) Giant cell tumor of bone, malignant (T-170._) Osteoclastoma, malignant (T-170._) Giant cell sarcoma of bone (T-170._) _45_ Morphology - Numerical (continued) 9251/1 Giant cell tumor of soft parts. N05 9251/3 Malignant giant cell tumor of soft parts 926 MISCELLANEOUS BONE TUMURS 9260/3 Ewing's sarcoma (T'170._) Ewing's tumor (T-170._) [Endothelial sarcoma of bone (T-170. )1 9261/3 Adamantinoma of long bones (T-170._) Tibial adamantinoma (T-170.7) 9262/0 Ossifying fibroma (T-170._) Fibro-osteoma (T-170._) Osteofibroma (T-170._) 927-934 ODONTOGENIC TUMORS 9270/0 Odontogenic tumor, benign (T-170._) 9270/1 Odontogenic tumor, NOS (T-170._) 9270/3 Odontogenic tumor, malignant (T—170._) Odontogenic carcinoma (T-170._) Odontogenic sarcoma (T-170._) Intraosseous carcinoma (T-170.1) Ameloblastic carcinoma (T—170._) 9271/0 Dentinoma (T-170._) 9272/0 Cementoma, NOS (T-170._) Periapical cemental dysplasia (T-170._) Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia (T-170._) 9273/0 Cementoblastoma, benign (T-170._) 9274/0 Cementifying fibroma (T-170._) 9275/0 Gigantiform cementoma (T-170._) Florid osseous dysplasia (T-170._) 9280/0 Odontoma, NOS (T-170._) 9281/0 Compound odontoma (T-170._) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 9282/0 9290/0 9290/3 9300/0 9301/0 9302/0 9310/0 9310/3 9311/0 9312/0 9320/0 9321/0 9322/0 9330/0 9330/3 Complex odontoma (T-170._) Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (T-170.") Fibroameloblastic odontoma (T-170._) Ameloblastic odontosarcoma (T—170._) Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (T-170._) Adenoameloblastoma Calcifying odontogenic cyst (T-170._) ononroeauxc GHOST CELL TUMOR (T-170._) Ameloblastoma, NOS (T-170._) Adamantinoma, NOS (except of Tibia and Long bones M-9261/3) (T—170._) Ameloblastoma, malignant (T-170._) Adamantinoma, malignant (except of Tibia and Long bones M-9261/3) (T-170._) 0dontoameloblastoma (T-170._) Squamous odontogenic tumor (T-170._) Odontogenic myxoma (T-170._) Odontogenic myxofibroma (T-170._) CENTRAL ODONTOGENIC FIBROMA (T-170._) Odontogenic fibroma; NOS (T-170._) [Central odontoqenic epithelial hamartoma (T-1lfl;_l] [Peripheral odontoqenic qinqival epithelial hamartoma (T-170. )] PERIPHERAL ODONTOGENIC FIBROMA (T-170._) Ameloblastic fibroma (T-170._) Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma (T-170._) Ameloblastic sarcoma (T-170._) Odontogenic fibrosarcoma (T-170._) -46... 9340/0 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (T-170._) Pindborg tumor 935-937 MISCELLANEOUS TUMORS 9350/1 Craniopharyngioma (T-194.3) Rathke's pouch tumor (T-194.3) 9360/1 Pinealoma (T-194.4) 9361/1 Pineocytoma (T-194.4) 9362/3 Pineoblastoma (T-194.4) 9363/0 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor Retinal anlage tumor Melanoameloblastoma (T-170._) Melanotic progonoma 9364/3 PERIPHERAL NEUROECTODERMAL TUMOR Neuroectodermal tumor, NOS 9370/3 Chordoma 938-948 GLIOMAS 9380/3 Glioma, malignant (T-191._) Glioma, NOS (except Nasal glioma; not neoplastic) (T-191._) Gliosarcoma (T-191._) 9381/3 Gliomatosis cerebri (T-191._) 9382/3 Mixed glioma (T-191._) Mixed oligo-astrocytoma (T-191._) 9383/1 Subependymal glioma (T-191._) Subependymoma (T-191._) Subependymal astrocytoma, NOS (T-191._) 9384/1 Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (T-191._) 9390/0 Choroid plexus papilloma; NOS (T-191.5) 9390/3 9391/3 9392/3 9393/1 9394/1 9400/3 9401/3 9410/3 9411/3 9420/3 9421/3 9422/3 9423/3 9424/3 9430/3 9440/3 9441/3 Choroid plexus papilloma, malignant (T-191.5) Choroid plexus papilloma; anaplastic [ixgg] (T-191.5) Ependymoma; NOS (T-191._) Epithelial ependymoma (T-191._) Ependymoma, anaplastic [type] (T-191._) Ependymoblastoma (T-191._) Papillary ependymoma (T-191._) Myxopapillary ependymoma (T-191._) Astrocytoma, NOS (T-191._) Astroglioma (T-191._) Astrocytic glioma (T-191._) Cystic astrocytoma (T-191._) Astrocytoma, anaplastic [type] (T-191._) Protoplasmic astrocytoma (T-191._) Gemistocytic astrocytoma (T-191._) Gemistocytoma (T-191._) Fibrillary astrocytoma (T-191._) Fibrous astrocytoma (T-191._) Pilocytic astrocytoma (T-191._) Piloid astrocytoma (T-191._) Juvenile astrocytoma (T-191._) Spongioblastoma, NOS (T-191._) Spongioblastoma polare (T-191._) PLEOMORPHIC XANTHOASTROCYTOMA (T-191._) Astroblastoma (T-191._) Glioblastoma, NOS (T-191._) Glioblastoma multiforme (T-191._) Spongioblastoma multiforme (T-191._) Giant cell glioblastoma (T-191._) ~47— 9442/3 9443/3 9450/3 9451/3 9460/3 9470/3 9471/3 9472/3 9473/3 9480/3 9481/3 Morphology - Numerical (continued) Glioblastoma with sarcomatous component (T-191._) Primitive polar spongioblastoma (T-191._) Oligodendroglioma, NOS (T-191._) Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic [type] (T-191._) Oligodendroblastoma (Tr191._) Medulloblastoma, NOS (T-191.6) Desmoplastic medulloblastoma (T-191.6) Circumscribed arachnoidal cerebellar sarcoma (T-191.6) Medullomyoblastoma (T-191.6) PRIMITIVE NEUROECTODERMAL TUMOR (T-191._] Cerebellar sarcoma; N05 (T-191.6) Monstrocellular sarcoma (T-191._) 949-952 NEUROEPITHELIDMATOUS 9490/0 9490/3 9491/0 9500/3 9501/3 9502/3 9503/3 9504/3 NEOPLASMS Ganglioneuroma Gangliocytoma Ganglioneuroblastoma Ganglioneuromatosis Neuroblastoma, NOS Sympathicoblastoma [Sympathicogonioma] [W1 Medulloepithelioma; N05 Diktyoma Teratoid medulloepithelioma NOS Neuroepithelioma; Spongioneuroblastoma Morphology - Numerical (continued) _9505/1 Ganglioglioma Glioneuroma Neuroastrocytoma 9506/0 Neurocytoma 9507/0 Pacinian tumor 9510/3 Retinoblastoma, NOS (T-190.5) 9511/3 Retinoblastoma, differentiated [type] (T-190.5) 9512/3 Retinoblastoma, undifferentiated [type] (T-190.5) 9520/3 Olfactory neurogenic tumor 9521/3 Esthesioneurocytoma (T-160._) 9522/3 Esthesioneuroblastoma (T-160._) Olfactory neuroblastoma (T-160._) 9523/3 Esthesioneuroepithelioma (T-160._) Olfactory neuroepithelioma (T—160._) 953 MENINGIOMAS 9530/0 Meningioma, NOS (T-192._) 9530/1 Meningiomatosis, N05 (T-192._) Diffuse meningiomatosis (T-192._) Multiple meningiomas (T-192._) 9530/3 Meningioma, malignant (T-192._) Leptomeningeal sarcoma (T-192._) Meningeal sarcoma (T-192._) Meningothelial sarcoma (T-192._) 9531/0 Meningotheliomatous meningioma (T-192._) Endotheliomatous meningioma (T-192._) Syncytial meningioma (T-192._) 9532/0 Fibrous meningioma (T-192._) Fibroblastic meningioma (T-192._) 9533/0 Psammomatous meningioma (T-192._) —48_ 9534/0 9535/0 9536/0 9537/0 9538/1 9539/3 Angiomatous meningioma (T-192._) Hemangioblastic meningioma (T-192._) Angioblastic meningioma (T-192._) Hemangiopericytic meningioma (T-192._) Transitional meningioma (T-192._) Mixed meningioma (T-192._) Papillary meningioma (T-192._) Meningeal sarcomatosis (T—192._) 954-957 NERVE SHEATH TUMORS 9540/0 9540/1 9540/3 9541/0 9550/0 9560/0 9560/1 9560/3 9561/3 Neurofibroma, NOS Neurofibromatosis; NOS Multiple neurofibromatosis Von Recklinghausen's disease (except of Bone) Recklinghausen's disease (except of Bone) Neurofibrosarcoma Neurogenic sarcoma Neurosarcoma Melanotic neurofibroma Plexiform neurofibroma Plexiform neuroma Neurilemmoma, NOS Acoustic neuroma (T-192.0) Schwannoma; NOS Neurinoma Pigmented Schwannoma Melanocytic Schwannoma Neurinomatosis Neurilemmoma, malignant Schwannoma, malignant Neurilemmosarcoma TRITON TUMOR, MALIGNANT Malignant Schwannoma with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation 9562/0 NEUROTHEKEOMA Nerve sheath myxoma 9570/0 Neuroma, N05 958 GRANULAR CELL TUMORS AND ALVEOLAR SOFT PART SARCOMA 9580/0 Granular cell tumor, NUS Granular cell myoblastoma, NOS 9580/3 Granular cell tumor, malignant Granular cell myoblastoma, malignant 9581/3 Alveolar soft part sarcoma 959-970 HODGKIN'S AND NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA 959 NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMAS, NOS 0R DIFFUSE 9590/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOHA, NOS Malignant lymphoma, diffuse, Nos Lymphoma, NOS 9591/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, NON-HODGKIN'S, NOS Non—Hodgkin's lymphoma, NOS 9592/3 LYMPHOSARCOMA, NOS (was 9610/3) Lymphosarcoma, diffuse Nos (was 9640/3) NOS 9593/3 RETICULOSARCOMA, Reticulum cell sarcoma, Reticulosarcoma, diffuse Reticulum cell sarcoma, diffuse 9594/3 MICROGLIOMA (T—191._) (was 9710/3) 960-964 OMITTED, See 967-968 -49... 96 9650/3 9651/3 9652/3 9653/3 9654/3 9655/3 9656/3 9657/3 9658/3 9659/3 9660/3 9661/3 9662/3 9663/3 9664/3 Morphology - Numerical (continued) 5-966 HODGKIN'S DISEASE Hodgkin's disease, NOS [Lymphoqranuloma, maliqnant] [Lymphoqranulomatosis, malignant] Malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin's [txgg] See 9657/3 Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity, NOS Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion, NOS Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion, diffuse fibrosis Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion, reticular [ixgg] See 9663/3 HODGKIN'S DISEASE, LYMPHOCYTIC PREDOMINANCE, NOS (was 9651/3) HODGKIN'S DISEASE, LYMPHOCYTIC-HISTIOCYTIC PREDOMINANCE (was 9651/3) (Note= see 9664/3 for coding of Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, cellular phase) LYMPHOCYTIC DIFFUSE HODGKIN'S DISEASE; PREDOMINANCE, HODGKIN'S DISEASE, PREDOMINANCE, LYMPHOCYTIC NODULAR Hodgkin's paragranuloma, NOS Hodgkin's paragranuloma, nodular Hodgkin's granuloma Hodgkin's sarcoma HODGKIN'S DISEASE, NODULAR SCLEROSIS, NOS (was 9656/3) HODGKIN'S DISEASE, NODULAR SCLEROSIS, CELLULAR PHASE (was 9657/3) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 9665/3 HODGKIN'S DISEASE, NODULAR SCLEROSIS» LYMPHOCYTIC PREDOMINANCE 9666/3 HODGKIN'S DISEASE, NODULAR SCLEROSIS; MIXED CELLULARITY 9667/3 HODGKIN'S DISEASE, NODULAR SCLEROSISp LYMPHOCYTIC DEPLETION HODGKIN'S DISEASE, NODULAR SCLEROSIS; SYNCYTIAL VARIANT 967-968 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA; SPECIFIED TYPE DIFFUSE; 9670/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA: (was 9620/3) Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, well differentiated, diffuse Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, NOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytiCy diffuse, NOS Malignant lymphoma, small cell, NOS SMALL LYMPHOCYTIC 9671/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LYMPHOPLASMACYTIC Malignant lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoid Immunocytoma 9672/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, SMALL CLEAVED CELL, DIFFUSE (was 9622/3) Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, poorly differentiated, diffuse (was 9630/3) Malignant lymphoma, small cleaved cell, NOS Malignant lymphoma, cleaved cell, NOS 9673/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LYMPHOCYTIC, INTERMEDIATE DIFFERENTIATION, DIFFUSE (was 9621/3) Mantle zone lymphoma 9674/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, CENTROCYTIC (was 9622/3) 9675/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, MIXED SMALL AND LARGE CELL, DIFFUSE Malignant lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, diffuse _50_ 9676/3 9680/3 9681/3 9682/3 9683/3 9684/3 9685/3 9686/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA; CENTROCYTIC; (was 9614/3) Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic— centrocytic, Nos CENTROBLASTIC- DIFFUSE MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LARGE CELL; DIFFUSE (was 9640/3) Malignant lymphoma, histiocytic, diffuse ' . Malignant lymphoma. large cell, NOS Malignant lymphoma, histiocytic, NOS MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LARGE CELL, CLEAVED, DIFFUSE (was (9624/3)) Malignant lymphoma, large cleaved cell, Nos MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LARGE CELL, NON-CLEAVED, DIFFUSE (was (9634/3)) Malignant lymphoma, non-cleaved, Nos Malignant lymphoma, non—cleaved, diffuse, NOS Malignant lymphoma, non-cleaved, Nos large cell, MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, CENTROBLASTIC, DIFFUSE (was 9632/3) Malignant lymphoma, centroblastic, Nos MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, (was 961 2/3) Immunoblastic sarcoma IMMUNOBLASTIC MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, (was 9602/3) Malignant lymphoma, convoluted cell Lymphoblastoma, NOS (was syn. of 9630/3) LYMPHOBLASTIC MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, SMALL CELL; NON-CLEAVED, DIFFUSE (was 9600/3) Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell, non—Burkitt's Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated cell type, Nos 9687/3 BURKITT'S LYMPHOMA, NOS (was syn. of 9750/3) Burkitt's tumor (was 9750/3) Malignant lymphoma, undifferentiated, Burkitt's type (was syn. of 9750/3) Malignant lymphoma, small non-cleaved, Burkitt's, diffuse 969 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, FOLLICULAR OR NODULAR, with or without diffuse areas 9690/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, FOLLICULAR, Nos Malignant lymphoma, nodular, NOS Malignant lymphoma, lymphocytic, nodular, NOS 9691/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, MIXED SMALL CLEAVED AND LARGE CELL, FOLLICULAR Malignant lymphoma, mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, nodular 9692/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, CENTROBLASTIC-CENTROCYTIC, FOLLICULAR 9693/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LYMPHOCYTIC; WELL DIFFERENTIATED, NODULAR 9694/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LYMPHOCYTIC; INTERMEDIATE DIFFERENTIATION, NODULAR 9695/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, SMALL CLEAVED CELL; FOLLICULAR 9696/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LYMPHOCYTIC POORLY DIFFERENTIATED, NODULAR 9697/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, CENTROBLASTIC: FOLLICULAR 9698/3 MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA, LARGE CELL, FOLLICULAR, Mos Malignant lymphoma, large cell, non—cleaved, follicular Malignant lymphoma, histiocytic, nodular Malignant lymphoma, non-cleaved, follicular, Nos _51_ Morphology - Numerical (continued) 970 CUTANEOUS AND PERIPHERAL T-CELL LYMPHOMAS 9700/3 MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES (T-173._) Cutaneous lymphoma, Nos (T-173._) 9701/3 SEZARY'S DISEASE Sezary's syndrome 9702/3 T-CELL LYMPHOMA, NOS Peripheral T-cell lymphoma 9703/3 T-ZONE LYMPHOMA 9704/3 LYMPHOEPITHELIOID LYMPHOMA Lennert's lymphoma (was 9616/3) 971-972 [MISCELLANEOUS] OTHER LYMPHORETICULAR [ENDOTHELLAL] NEOPLASMS [9710/3 Microglioma] (see 9594/3) 9720/3 Malignant histiocytosis [Malignant reticuloendotheliosis] [Malignant reticulosis] Histiocytic medullary reticulosis (was 9721/3) [9721/3 Histiocvtic medullary reticulosislf (see 9720/3) 9722/3 Letterer-Siwe's disease Acute differentiated progressive histiocytosis Acute progressive histiocytosis X [Acute reticulosis of infancy] [Mg-11mm reticuloendotheliosis] Non-lipid reticuloendotheliosis 9723/3 TRUE HISTIOCYTIC LYMPHOMA 973 PLASMA CELL TUMORS 9730/3 Multiple myeloma [filasma cell myelgmg] [Elgsmacytic myeloma] Myeloma, NOS Myelomatosis / Morphology - Numerical (continued) [9731/0 Plasma cell tumor, benign] [Plasmacytoma, benign] 9731/3 Plasmacytoma; NOS (was syn. of 9731/1) [Monostotic myeloma] [Plasma cell tumor, NOS] Solitary myeloma Solitary plasmacytoma Extramedullary plasmacytoma [2731/3 Plasma cell tumor, malignant] [Plasma cell sarcoma] 974 MAST CELL TUMORS 9740/1 Mastocytoma; NOS Mast cell tumor; NOS 9740/3 Mast cell sarcoma Malignant mast cell tumor Malignant mastocytoma 9741/3 Malignant mastocytosis Systemic tissue mast cell disease 975 [BURKITT'S TUMOR] (see 9687/3) [9750/3 Burkitt's tumor] (see 9687/3) [Burkitt's lymghoma] (see 9687/3) [Mali nant l m homgL undifferentiated, Burkitt's tyge] (see 9687/3) [Malignant lymehoma, lymphoblastic; Burkitt's tygg] 976 IMMUNOPROLIFERATIVE DISEASES 9760/3 IMMUNOPROLIFERATIVE DISEASE; NOS 9761/3 WALDENSTROM'S MACROGLOBULINEMIA (T-169.0) 9762/3 GAMMA HEAVY CHAIN DISEASE Franklin's disease _52_ 9763/3 IMMUNOPROLIFERATIVE SMALL INTESTINAL DISEASE (T-152._) 9764/1 MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY 980-994 LEUKEMIAS 980 LEUKEMIAS; NOS 9800/3 Leukemia, NOS (T-169.1) 9801/3 Acute leukemia; NOS (T-169.1) [Stem cell leukemia (T-169. )] [Blastic leukemia; NOS (T-169. )] Blast cell leukemia (T-169.1) Undifferentiated leukemia (T-169.1) 9802/3 Subacute leukemia, NOS (T-169.1) 9803/3 Chronic leukemia; NOS (T-169.1) 9804/3 Aleukemic leukemia; NOS (T-169.1) [981 COMPOUND LEUKEMIAS] [9810/3 Compound leukemia (T-169. 2] [Mixed leukemia (T-169. )1 982 LYMPHOID LEUKEMIAS 9820/3 Lymphoid leukemia, NOS (T-169.1) Lymphocytic leukemia; NOS (T-169.1) [Lymghatic leukemia, NOS (T-169. )] 9821/3 ACUTE lymphoblastic leukemia (T-169.1) Acute lymphocytic leukemia (T-169.1) Acute lymphoid leukemia (T-169.1) Acute lymphatic leukemia (T-169.1) 9822/3 Subacute lymphoid leukemia (T-169.1) Subacute lymphocytic leukemia (T-169.1) Subacute lymphatic leukemia (T-169.1) 9823/3 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (T-169.1) Chronic lymphoid leukemia (T-169 Chronic lymphatic leukemia (T-169.1) 9824/3 Aleukemic lymphoid leukemia (T—I69.1) Aleukemic lymphocytic leukemia (T-169.1) Aleukemic lymphatic leukemia (T-169.1) 9825/3 Prolymphocytic leukemia (T-169.1) 983 PLASMA CELL LEUKEMIA 9830/3 Plasma cell leukemia (T-169.1) Plasmacytic leukemia (T-169.1) 984 ERYTHROLEUKEMIAS 9840/3 Erythroleukemia (T-169.1) Erythremic myelosis, 9841/3 Acute erythremia (T-169.1) Di Guglielmo's disease (T-169.1) [Guqlielmo's disease (T-169. )] Acute erythremic myelosis (T-169.1) 9842/3 Chronic erythremia (T-169.1) 985 LYMPHOSARCDMA CELL LEUKEMIA 9850/3 Lymphosarcoma cell leukemia (T-169.0) NOS (T-169.1) Morphology - Numerical (continued) 986 MYELOID (GRANULOCVTIC) LEUKEMIAS 9860/3 Myeloid leukemia, NOS (T-169.1) Granulocytic leukemia, NOS (T-169.1) [Myelogenous leukemia, NOS (T-1624_l] [Mxelosis, N03 (T-169. )] Myelomonocytic leukemia; (T—169.1) NOS .1) 9861/3 Acute myeloid leukemia (T-169.1) Acute myeloblastic leukemia (T-169.1) Acute granulocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [Blastic qranulocytic leukemia LT_"1_6_9.-___ [Acute myeloqenous leukemia [liéitJ 1 [Mveloblastic leukemia (T-169. )] Acute myelocytic leukemia (T‘169.1) [Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (T-169;_ll (see 9867/3) [Acute myelosis, NOS (T-169. )] 9862/3 Subacute myeloid leukemia (T-169.1) Subacute granulocytic leukemia (T-169.1) Subacute myelogenous leukemia (T—169.1) [Subacute myelosis (T-169. )] 9863/3 Chronic myeloid leukemia (T-169.1) Chronic granulocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [Myelocvtic leukemia, £11169. )1 Chronic myelogenous leukemia (T-l69.1) [Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia $T-169;_l] (see 9868/3) [flgegeli-tvpe monocytic leukemia (T-169. )] [Chronic myelosis (T-169. NOS )1 9864/3 Aleukemic myeloid leukemia (T-169.1) Aleukemic granulocytic leukemia (T-169.1) Aleukemic myelogenous leukemia (T-169.1) [Aleukemic myelosis (T-169. )] -53- Morphology - Numerical (continued) [9865/3 Neutrophilic leukemia (T-169. )1 9866/3 Acute promyelocytic leukemia (T-169.1) 9867/3 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (T-169.1) (was syn. of 9861/3) 9868/3 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [was syn. of 9863/3) 987 BASOPHILIC LEUKEMIA 9870/3 Basophilic leukemia (T-169.1) 988 EOSINOPHILIC LEUKEMIA 9880/3 Eosinophilic leukemia (T-169.1) 989 MONOCYTIC LEUKEMIAS 9890/3 Monocytic leukemia, NOS (T-169.1) [Histiocytic leukemia (T-169. )] [Schillinq-tvpe monocvtic leukemia (T-169. )] [Monocvtoid leukemia, NOS (T-169. )1 9891/3 Acute monocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [Acute monocvtoid leukemia (T-169. )1 Acute monoblastic leukemia (T-169.1) Monoblastic leukemia, N05 (T-169.1) 9892/3 Subacute monocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [Subacute monocvtoid leukemia (T-169. )1 9893/3 Chronic monocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [Chronic monocvtoid leukemia (T-169. )] 9894/3 Aleukemic monocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [Aleukemic monocvtoid leukemia (T-169. )l ...5(|_ 990-994 [MISCELLANEOUS] OTHER LEUKEMIAS 9900/3 Mast cell leukemia (T-169.1) 9910/3 ACUTE MEGAKARYOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA (T-169.1) Megakaryocytic leukemia (T-169.1) [Meqakarvocytoid leukemia (T-169. )] [Thrombocvtic leukemia (T-169. )] [9920/3 Meqakarvocvtic myelosis (T-169. )1 9930/3 Myeloid sarcoma Granulocytic sarcoma Chloroma [Myelosarcoma] 9931/3 Acute panmyelosis (T-169.1) (was 9951/1) 9932/3 ACUTE MYELOFIBROSIS (T-169.1) 9940/3 Hairy cell leukemia (T-169.1) Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis 995-997 MISCELLANEOUS MYELO- PROLIFERATIVE AND LYMPHO- PROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS 9950/1 Polycythemia vera (T-169._) Polycythemia rubra vera (T-169._) [9951/1 Acute panmvelosis (T-169.1)] (see 9931/3) 9960/1 Chronic myeloproliferative disease (T-169._) Myeloproliferative disease, Nos 9961/1 Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia (T-169.1) Megakaryocytic myelosclerosis (T-169.1) Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia 9962/1 Idiopathic thrombocythemia (T-169._) Essential thrombocythemia (T-169._) Essential hemorrhagic thrombocythemia (T—169._) Idiopathic hemorrhagic thrombocythemia (T-169._) 9970/1 [Chronic] Lymphoproliferative disease, NOS 998 MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROME 9980/1 MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROME Preleukemia Preleukemic syndrome 999 N0 MICROSCOPIC CONFIRMATION OF TUMOR 9990/0 No microscopic confirmation; clinically benign tumor 9990/1 No microscopic confirmation; clinically tumor; NOS 9990/3 No microscopic confirmation; clinically malignant tumor (cancer) 9990/6 No microscopic confirmation; clinically metastatic tumor (cancer) -55— Morphology - Numerical (continued) ALPHABETIC INDEX Note: This special Alphabetic Index was prepared using the new Morphology section of the proposed revised ICD-O morphology which shows new morphology terms added (bold face type) and deleted terms ([underlinedl). In addition it incorporates the present ICD-O topography codes based on ICD—§\ -57- _58— T—195. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. UIU‘IU'IU'IN M-8822/1 M-8822/1 T-171. T-150. T-196. T-171. UINNU! T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. U'IU'IUILHU‘ILHLHU'IU‘IUIUN T-192.0 M _______ M _______ ALPHABETIC INDEX NOS - Not Otherwise Specified Abdomen NOS connective tissue muscle skin subcutaneous tissue Abdominal desmoid Abdominal fibromatosis Abdominal aorta esophagus lymph node vena cava Abdominal wall NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Abducens nerve Acanthoma; clear cell (SNOMED M-72530) Acanthosis nigricans (SNOMED M-57330) -59— T-160. T-192. T-192. T-160. T-160. 00°00 T-170.6 M-8730/O M-8280/3 M-8280/0 M-8280/3 M-8281/0 M-8281/3 M‘8550/3 M-8550/O M-8550/3 M-8550/O M-8550/3 M-8550/1 M—8550/3 M-8550/O M-8550/1 Accessory nasal sinus nerve, NOS nerve. spinal sinus, NOS sinus, nasal Acetabulum Achromic nevus (T-173._) Acidophil adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) adenoma (T-194.3) carcinoma (T-194.3) Acidophil-basophil adenoma, mixed (T-194.3) Acidophil—basophil carcinoma, mixed (T-194.3) Acinar adenocarcinoma adenoma carcinoma Acinar cell adenoma carcinoma tumor Acinic cell adenocarcinoma adenoma tumor Alphabetic Index (continued) T-192.0 Acoustic nerve M—9560/0 Acoustic neuroma (T—192.0) ”—8744/3 Acral lentiginous melanoma, malignant (T—173._) T—170.4 Acromioclavicular joint M-8402/0 Acrospiroma, eccrine (T-173._) M ------- Actinic keratosis (SNOMED ”-72850) Acute M-9722/3 differentiated progressive histiocytosis ”"9841/3 erythremia (T-169.1) M-9841/3 erythremic myelosis (T-169.1) [M-9722/3 infantile reticuloendotheliosis] "-9932/3 myelofibrosis (T-169.1) [M‘9861/3 myelosis, NOS (T-169. )1 M-9931/3 panmyelosis (T-169.1) M-9722/3 progressive histiocytosis X [M-9722/3 reticulosis of infancy] Adamantinoma M-9310/0 NOS (except of Tibia and Long bones M—9261/3) (T-170._) M‘9261/5 long bones (T-170._) M-9310/3 malignant (except of Tibia and Long bones M-9261/3) (T-170._) M-9261/3 tibial (T-170.7) M-8570/3 Adenoacanthoma M-9300/0 Adenoameloblastoma (T-170._) M-8245/3 Adenocarcinoid, NOS M-8245/3 Adenocarcinoid tumor Adenocarcinoma (see also Carcinoma) M-8140/3 NOS M-8140/6 NOS, metastatic M—8280/3 acidophil (T-194.3) M-8550/3 acinar M—8550/3 acinic cell M-8370/3 adrenal cortical (T-194.0) M-8251/3 alveolar M-8244/3 and carcinoid, combined M~856fll3 and epidermoid carcinoma, mixed -60.. Adenocarcinoma (Cont'd) ”—8560/3 and squamous cell carcinoma, mixed M’8401/3 apocrine M-8147/3 basal cell (T-142._) M-8300/3 basophil (T-l94.3) M-8160/3 bile duct (T-155.1) M’8250/3 bronchiolar (T-162._) M-8250/3 bronchiolo-alveolar (T-162._) M—8420/3 ceruminous (T‘173.2) M-8270/3 chromophobe (T-194.3) M-8310/3 clear cell, NOS M—8310/3 clear cell, mesonephroid M-8480/3 colloid M—8200/3 cylindroid M—8145/3 diffuse type (T-151._) M-8500/3 duct, NOS M-8500/3 duct, infiltrating (T-174._) M-9070/3 embryonal ”-8380/3 endometrioid M'8280/3 eosinophil (T-194.3) M-8350/3 follicular, NOS (T-193.9) M-8332/3 follicular, moderately differentiated (T-193.9) [M—8331/3 follicular, pure follicle type £T-193.9)] M-8332/3 follicular, trabecular (T-193.9) M-8331/3 follicular, well differentiated (T-193.9) M-SSQO/S follicular and papillary (T-193.9) M-8480/3 gelatinous M‘8320/3 granular cell M—8290/3 Hurthle cell (T-193.9) M-8210/3 in a polyp, NOS M-8210/3' in adenomatous polyp M-8220/3 in adenomatous polyposis coli (T-153._) Mv8221/3 in multiple adenomatous polyps M-8210/3 in polypoid adenoma M-8140/2 in situ M—8210/2 in situ in a polyp, Nos M—8210/2 in situ in adenomatous polyp M-8220/2 in situ in adenomatous polyposis coli (T-153._) M-8220/2 in situ in familial polyposis coli (T-153._) M-8221/2 in situ in multiple adenomatous P°1yPS M-8210/2 in situ in polypoid adenoma M-8210/2 in situ in tubular adenoma M-8263/2 in situ in tubulovillous adenoma ”-8261/2 M-8210/5 M-8263/3 M-8261/3 M-8500/3 M-8530/3 M—8144/3 "-8504/3 M-8500/2 M-8503/2 M-8503/3 M“8150/3 M-8154/3 M-8520/3 M-8510/3 M-9110/3 M-8310/3 M-8323/3 M-8480/3 M-8481/3 M-8481/3 M-8480/3 M-8300/3 M-8480/3 M-8500/2 M-8503/2 M-8350/3 M-8290/3 M-8290/3 M-8260/3 M'8340/3 "-8504/3 M-8503/2 M-8503/3 M-8460/3 M‘8450/3 M-8470/3 M-8312/3 M-8141/3 M-8410/3 M-8441/3 M-8460/3 Adenocarcinoma (Cont'd) in situ in villous adenoma in tubular adenoma in tubulovillous adenoma in villous adenoma infiltrating duct (T-174._) inflammatory (T-174._) intestinal type (T-151._) intracystic papillary intraductal, non-infiltrating. NOS intraductal, non-infiltrating: papillary intraductal papillary, with invasion islet cell (T-157._) islet cell and exocrine; mixed (T-157._) lobular (T-174._) medullary mesonephric mesonephroid, clear cell mixed cell mucinous mucin-producing mucin-secreting mucoid mucoid cell (T-194.3) mucous non-infiltrating, non-infiltrating, papillary nonencapsulated sclerosing (T-193.9) oncocytic oxyphilic papillary; NOS papillary and follicular (T-193.9) papillary, intracystic papillary, intraductal, non-infiltrating papillary, intraductal, with invasion papillary, serous (T-183.0) papillocystic pseudomucinous (T-183.0) renal cell (T-189.0) scirrhous sebaceous (T-173._) serous, NOS serous, papillary (T-183.0) intraductal, intraductal, _61_ M-8490/3 M-8143/3 M-8400/3 M-8190/3 M-8211/3 ”—8262/3 M-8322/3 M-8573/3 M-8571/3 M~8571/3 M-857l/3 M-8572/3 M-8570/3 M-8200/3 M-9013/0 M-8313/0 M~8381/0 M—8381/1 M-8381/3 M-9015/0 M-9013/0 M-9014/O M _______ M-8200/3 M-8075/3 M-8324/0 M-8561/0 M-8140/0 M-8280/0 M-8281/0 M-8550/0 M-8550/0 M-8550/0 M-8370/0 M-8373/0 Alphabetic Index (continued) Adenocarcinoma (Cont'd) signet ring cell superficial spreading sweat gland (T-173._) trabecular tubular villous water-clear cell (T-194.1) with apocrine metaplasia with cartilaginous and osseous metaplasia with cartilaginous metaplasia with osseous metaplasia with spindle cell metaplasia with squamous metaplasia Adenocystic carcinoma Adenofibroma NOS (T-183.0) clear cell endometrioid, NOS (T-183.0) endometrioid, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) endometrioid, malignant (T-183.0) mucinous (T-183.0) papillary (T-183.0) serous (T-183.0) Adenofibrosis (SNOMED M-74230) Adenoid Adenoid cystic carcinoma Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma Adenolipoma Adenolymphoma (T-142._) Adenoma NOS acidophil (T-194.3) acidophil-basophil, mixed (T-194.3) acinar acinar cell acinic cell adrenal cortical; NOS (T-194.0) adrenal cortical, clear cell (T-194.0) Alphabetic Index (continued) AM-8371/0 M-8374/0 M-8372/0 M—8375/0 M—8152/0 M-8251/0 M-8401/0 M—8147/0 M-8300/0 M-8281/0 M-8151/0 M'8160/0 M-8372/0 M-8140/1 M-8240/3 M‘8200/3 M-8420/0 M-8321/0 M~8270/0 M-8310/0 M-8334/0 M-8503/0 M-8408/0 M-8191/0 M-8380/U M-8380/1 M-8280/0 M-8333/0 M-8330/0 M-8170/0 M—8290/0 M-8504/0 M—8150/0 M—8170/0 M-8334/O M—9110/0 M-8202/0 M-8333/0 M-8281/0 M—8323/0 M-8146/0 M-8480/0 M—8300/0 M—8506/0 M'8290/0 Adenoma (Cont'd) adrenal cortical, compact cell (T-194.0) adrenal cortical; glomerulosa cell (T-194.0) adrenal cortical, heavily pigmented variant (T-194.0) adrenal cortical, mixed cell (T-194.0) alpha-cell (T-157._) alveolar apocrine basal cell (T-142._) basophil (T-194.3) basophil-acidophil, mixed (T-194.3) beta-cell (T-157._) bile duct (T-155.1) black (T-194.0) bronchial, NOS (T-162._) bronchial, carcinoid (T-162._) bronchial, cylindroid (T-162._) ceruminous (T-173.2) chief cell (T-194.1) chromophobe (T-194.3) clear cell colloid (T-193.9) duct, NOS eccrine papillary (T—173._) embryonal endometrioid; NOS endometrioid, borderline malignancy eosinophil (T-194.3) fetal (T-193.9) follicular (T-193.9) hepatocellular (T-155.0) Hurthle cell (T-193.9) intracystic, papillary islet cell (T-157._) liver cell (T-155.0) macrofollicular (T-193.9) mesonephric microcystic (T-157._) microfollicular (T~193.9) mixed acidophil-basophil (T-194.3) mixed cell monomorphic mucinous mucoid cell (T-194.3) nipple (T-174.0) oncocytic _62— M-8290/0 M-8260/0 M-8408/0 M-8504/0 M—8263/0 M—8640/0 M—8940/0 M-8941/3 M-8210/0 M-8210/3 M—8210/2 M-8410/0 M _______ M-8640/0 M~8390l0 M-8400/0 M-8640/0 M-8190/0 M-8211/0 M-8210/3 "-8210/2 M—8640/0 M-8263/0 M-8263/3 M-8263/2 M—8263/0 M-8261/1 M-8261/3 "-8261/2 M-8322/0 M‘9110/0 M-8360/1 M-9054/0 M-9300/0 M-8220/0 M-8360/1 M ——————— [M'8506/0 ni M-8250/1 Adenoma (Cont'd) oxyphilic papillary, NOS papillary, eccrine papillary, intracystic papillotubular Pick's, tubular pleomorphic pleomorphic, carcinoma in (T-142._) polypoid polypoid. adenocarcinoma in polypoid, adenocarcinoma in situ in sebaceous (T-173._) sebaceum (SNOMED M-75730) Sertoli cell skin appendage (T-173._) sweat gland (T-173._) testicular trabecular tubular, NOS tubular, adenocarcinoma in tubular, adenocarcinama in situ in tubular. Pick's tubulovillous, NOS tubulovillous, adenocarcinoma 1n tubulovillous, adenocarcinoma in situ in villoglandular villous. NOS villous; adenocarcinoma in villous, adenocarcinoma in situ in water-clear cell (T-194.1) Nolffian duct Adenomas, multiple, endocrine Adenomatoid tumor; NOS Adenomatoid tumor; odontogenic (T-170._) Adenomatosis NOS (T-153._) endocrine fibrosing (SNOMED M-74220) erosive (T-174.0 J pulmonary (T-162._) M-8210/0 Mr8210/3 M-8210/2 M-8210/3 “-8210/2 M-8220/0 M-8220/3 M-8220/2 M—8221/0 M-8221/3 M-8221/2 M-8932/0 M-8560/3 T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17l. T-171. T-i71. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. @NMVOJOOMfiNONNU‘O Adenomatous goiter (SNOMED M-71640) hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72420) polyp, NOS polyp, adenocarcinoma in polyp, adenocarcinoma in situ in polyp. carcinoma in polyp, carcinoma in situ in polyposis coli (T-153._) polyposis coli; adenocarcinoma in (T-153._) polyposis coli, adenocarcinoma in situ in polyps, multiple polyps, multiple, adenocarcinoma in polyps, multiple, adenocarcinoma in situ in , Adenomyoma Adenomyomatous hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72440) Adenomyosis, NOS (SNOMED M-76510) Adenosarcoma (T-189.0) Adenosis NUS (SNOMED M-7fl200) fibrosing (SNOMED M-74220) florid (SNOMED ”-74260) sclerosing (SNOMED M—74220) Adenosquamous carcinoma Adipose tissue NOS abdominal wall antecubital space arm axilla back buttock calf cervical region cheek chest wall face flank foot forearm gluteal region -63.. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17I. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-l71. T—171. T-171. T*171. OO‘MO‘NUAO‘J-‘LMDNO‘ .3 \JDMOON T-183. T-183.9 \O M-8390/3 M'8390/0 T-194. T-194. T-19Q. T-194. COCO M—8370/3 M—8370/0 M-8373/0 M-8371/0 M~8374/0 M-8372/0 M-8375/0 M-8370/3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Adipose tissue (Cont'd) groin hand head hip infraclavicular region inguinal region knee leg neck popliteal space sacrococcygeal region scalp scapular region shoulder supraclavicular region temple thigh thoracic wall trunk Adnexa, NOS Adnexa; uterine Adnexal carcinoma (T-173._) Adnexal tumor (T-173._) Adrenal NOS cortex gland medulla Adrenal cortical adenocarcinoma (T~194.0) Adrenal cortical adenoma NOS (T-194.0) clear cell (T-19fi.0) compact cell (T-194.0) glomerulosa cell (T—I94.0) heavily pigmented variant (T-194.0) mixed cell (T-194.0) Adrenal cortical carcinoma (T-194.0) Alphabetic M'8370/0 M-8370/0 M-8370/3 M-867i/0 M~89oa/0 M-9080/0 M-9080/0 M'8821/1 M-9200/1 T-I73.3 T-159.9 M-8152/0 M-8152/3 M-8251/3 M-8251/0 M-8251/3 M-8920/3 M-9581/3 M-9134/1 M-8250/3 T-143.9 T~143. T-143.0 —h T-143.9 T-143. T-143.0 a T-145.1 Index (continued) Adrenal cortical tumor NOS (T-194.0) benign (T-194.0) malignant (T-194.0) Adrenal rest tumor Adult rhabdomyoma teratoma, NOS teratoma, cystic Aggressive fibromatosis Aggressive osteoblastoma (T-170._) Ala nasi Alimentary tract. NOS Alpha-cell adenoma (T-157._) Alpha*cell tumor, malignant (T-157._) Alveolar adenocarcinoma adenoma carcinoma rhabdomyosarcoma soft part sarcoma tumor, intravascular bronchial (T-162._) Alveolar cell carcinoma (T-162._) Alveolar mucosa NOS lower upper Alveolar ridge mucosa NOS lower upper Alveolar sulcus -64— T-143.9 T-143.i T-143.0 M-8730/3 M-9270/3 M-9290/0 “-9330/0 M-9330/3 M-9Z90/3 M-9330/3 M-9310/0 M-9310/3 M-9401/3 M~8021l3 M-9390/3 “-9392/3 ”-9082/3 M-9451/3 Mr9062/3 M-8630/1 ”-8630/0 M—8630/3 M—8640/0 M-8641/0 Alveolus NOS lower upper Amelanotic melanoma Ameloblastic carcinoma (T-170.~) fibro-odontoma (T-170._) fibroma (T-170._) fibrosarcoma (T-170._) odontosarcoma (T-I70._) sarcoma (T-170._) Ameloblastoma; NOS (T-170._) Ameloblastoma, malignant (T-170._) Ampulla of Vater Ampulla, rectal Amputation neuroma (SNUMED M-49770) Amyloid tumor (SNOMED M-55160) Anal canal Anal sphincter Anaplastic (see Grading code, page 24) Anaplastic astrocytoma (T-191._) carcinoma, NUS choroid plexus papilloma (T-19l.5) ependymoma (T-191.*) malignant teratoma oligodendroglioma (T-191._) seminoma (T-186._) Androblastoma N03 benign malignant tubular, NOS tubular with lipid storage (T-183.D) M ------- Aneurysmal bone cyst (SNOMED M-33640) M-9535/0 Angioblastic meningioma (T-192._) M-9161/1 Angioblastoma M-9130/1 Angioendothelioma M-9160/0 Angiofibroma; NOS M‘9160/0 Angiofibroma, juvenile (T-147._) M ------- Angiofollicular hyperplasia; benign (SNOMED M-72260) M ------- Angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy (SNOMED M—72280) M-9141/0 Angiokeratoma M-8894/0 Angioleiomyoma M-886l/0 Angiolipoma, NOS M-8856/0 Angiolipoma; infiltrating M-9120/0 Angioma, NOS M ------- Angioma, spider (SNOMED M-76330) M ------- Angiomatosis, NOS (SNOMED M-76310) M ------- Angiomatous lymphoid hamartoma (SNOMED M—72260) M-9534/0 Angiomatous meningioma (T-192._) M~8860/0 Angiomyolipoma [M-8860/3 Anqiomyoliposarcoma] M-8894/0 Angiomyoma M—8894/3 Angiomyosarcoma M—8841/1 Angiomyxoma M-9120/5 Angiosarcoma Ankle T-195.5 NOS T-173.7 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma. nevus) T-171.3 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-170.8 bone T~171.3 connective tissue T-171.3 fibrous tissue T-170.8 joint T-173.7 skin T—171.3 soft tissue T-171.3 subcutaneous tissue T-171.3 tendon T-171.3 tendon sheath T-154.8 Anorectal junction T-154.8 Anorectum Antecubital space T-195.4 NOS T~173.6 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) _65_ T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-191. T~144. T-16Q. T-146. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-IQI. T-141. T-147. T—151. T-188. T-160. T-151. T—160. T-160. T-151. T-ISI. T-ISQ. T-173. T-i71. T-171. T~194. NNGNNNNNN ONO“: m (N NNN-‘NN O\U'|&U‘ Alphabetic Index (continued) Antecubital space (Cont'd) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Anterior cranial fossa floor of mouth mediastinum surface of epiglottis Anterior tongue NOS dorsal surface ventral surface Anterior 2/3 of tongue NOS dorsal surface ventral surface Anterior wall nasopharynx stomach, NOS (not classifiable to 1-151.0 to T—151.4) urinary bladder Antrum NOS gastric mastoid maxillary pyloric stomach Anus, NOS (excludes Skin of anus and Perianal skin T-173.5) Anus; skin Aorta, NOS Aorta, abdominal Aortic body Alphabetic Index (continued) M-8691/1 M-8691/1 T-196.2 M-8401/3 M—8401/0 T-171.9 T-171.2 T-171.3 T-153.5 "-8248/1 T-192.1 T-192.1 T-192.3 T-174.0 M-8241/1 M-8241/3 M-824l/1 M-8241/3 T-195. T-173. T—I71. T-171. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-196. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. NNNNO‘NNMNNNDNNO‘D- Aortic body paraganglioma (T-194.6) Aortic body tumor (T-194.6) Aortic lymph node Apocrine adenocarcinoma Apocrine adenoma Aponeurosis NOS palmar plantar Aponeurotic fibroma, (SNOMED M-76150) juvenile Appendix Apudoma Arachnoid NOS intracranial spinal Areola Argentaffin carcinoid tumor. NOS Argentaffin carcinoid tumor, malignant Argentaffinoma, NOS Argentaffinoma, malignant Arm N05 N05 (carcinoma. melanoma. nevus) NOS (sarcoma; lipoma) adipose tissue bone connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath _66.. M'8630/1 M'8630/0 M—8630/3 M-9123/0 T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17I. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-171. NDUINUIJBO‘MUIO-Dlflbo T-170. ~D T-148.2 T-148.2 T-161.1 T-161.3 T-148.2 T-153.6 M-9430/3 M-9400/3 M-9400/3 M-9401/3 M-9400/3 M-9620/3 M-9420/3 M-9411/3 M-9421/3 M-9421/3 M-9421/3 Arrhenoblastoma NOS benign malignant Arteriovenous hemangioma Artery NOS aorta, NOS aorta, abdominal axillary carotid celiac femoral iliac internal mammary mesenteric radial renal subclavian ulnar Articular cartilage, NOS Aryepiglottic fold NOS (excludes Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold T-161.1) hypopharyngeal aspect laryngeal aspect Arytenoid cartilage Arytenoid fold Ascending colon Astroblastoma (T-191._) Astrocytic glioma (T-191._) Astrocytoma NOS (T-191._) anaplastic (T-191._) cystic (T-191._) fibrillary (T-191._) fibrous (T-191._) gemistocytic (T-19I._) juvenile (T-191._) pilocytic (T-191._) piloid (T-191._) M-9410/3 M-9383/1 M-9384/1 M-9400/3 T-170.2 T-164.1 M-8830/1 M-8830/1 M _______ T-173.2 T-173.2 T-173.2 T-160.1 T-173.2 T-173.2 T-173. T-173. T-171. T-196. CONN T-171.9 T-195. T-173. T-171. T—171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-196. T-173. T‘171. T-171. J-‘JBUILNL‘DDBJ‘M‘ Astrocytoma (Cont'd) protoplasmic (T-191._) subependymal. NOS (T-191._) subependymal giant cell (T-191._) Astroglioma (T-191._) Atlas Atrium. cardiac Atrophy-associated hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72425) Atypical fibrous histiocytoma fibroxanthoma hyperplasia (SNOMED M—72005) Auditory canal. NOS canal. external meatus. external tube Auricle. NOS Auricle. skin Auricular canal. NOS canal. external cartilage lymph node Autonomic nervous system Axilla NOS NOS (carcinoma. melanoma. nevus) NUS (sarcoma. lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue _67— T-171.4 T-196. T-174.6 (N T-170.2 T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. quumuuuuuumuumm M-8722/3 "-8722/0 T-184.1 M-8147/3 M-8147/0 M-8090/3 M-8093/3 M-8092/3 M-8091/3 M-8090/3 M-8090/3 M _______ M-8090/1 Alphabetic Index (continued) Axillary artery lymph node tail of breast Axis Back N05 N05 (carcinoma. melanoma. nevus) NOS (sarcoma. lipoma) adipose tissue bone connective tissue fascia fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Balloon cell melanoma Balloon cell nevus (T-173. ) Bartholin's gland Basal cell adenocarcinoma (T-142._) adenoma (T-142._) carcinoma. NOS (T-173._) carcinoma, fibroepithelial (T-173._) carcinoma. morphea (T-173._) carcinoma. multicentric (T-173._) carcinoma. pigmented (T-173._) epithelioma (T-173._) papilloma (SNOMED M-72750) tumor (T-173._) Alphabetic Index (continued) T-191.0 M-8094/3 M-8123/3 T-141.0 T-141.0 T-191.7 M-8281/0 M-8281/3 M-8300/3 M-8300/0 M-8300/3 M-8094/3 M—8833/3 M ————— /0 M—8151/0 M-8151/3 T-171.2 T-171.3 M—8160/3 M‘8160/0 M—8160/3 M‘8180/3 M-8161/3 M-8161/0 T-156. T-156. T—156. T-156. T-156. T—155. u—h—A—hd—s—L Basal ganglia Basal-squamous cell carcinoma, mixed (T-173._) Basaloid carcinoma Base of tongue; NOS Base of tongue, dorsal surface Basis pedunculi Basophil acidophil adenoma; mixed (T-194.3) acidophil carcinoma, mixed (T-194.3) adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) adenoma (T-194.3) carcinoma (T-194.3) Basosquamous carcinoma (T-173._) Basosquamous papilloma (SNOMED M-72750) B-cell (see Grading code, page 24) Bednar tumor Benign (see Behavior code, page 24) Beta-cell adenoma (T-157._) Beta-cell tumor, malignant (T-157._) Biceps brachii muscle Biceps femoris muscle Bile duct adenocarcinoma (T-155.1) adenoma (T-155.1) carcinoma (T-155.1) carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma, mixed (T-155.0) cystadenocarcinoma [(T-155. )1 cystadenoma [(T-155. 2] Bile duct NOS common cystic extrahepatic hepatic intrahepatic -68— Biliary T-155.1 canaliculus T-156.1 duct, NOS T-156.9 tract; NOS M ------- Birthmark (SNUMED M-75540) M‘8893/0 Bizarre leiomyoma M-8372/0 Black adenoma (T-194.0) T-188.9 Bladder; NOS Bladder, urinary T-188.9 NOS T-188.3 anterior wall T-188.1 dome T-188.5 internal urethral orifice T-188.2 lateral wall T-188.5 neck T-188.4 posterior wall T'188.0 trigone T-188.7 urachus T-i88.6 ureteric orifice T—188.9 wall, NOS T-188.3 wall, anterior T-188.2 wall, lateral T-188.4 wall; posterior M—8000/3 Blastoma, Nos "-8972/3 Blastoma, pulmonary (T-162._) T-169.0 Blood T-171.9 Blood vessel, NOS Blue nevus M-8780/0 NOS (T-173._) M-8790/0 cellular (T—173._) [M'S790/0 qiant (T-173. )1 M-8780/0 Jadassohn's (T-173._) M-8780/3 malignant (T-173._) Body T—194.6 aortic T-194.5 carotid T-190.0 ciliary T-194.6 coccygeal T-157.1 pancreas T-194.6 para-aortic T-187.3 penis T-151.4 stomach T-182.0 uterus T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T—170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T~170. T-170. T-170. T—170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T‘170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T’170. T-170. T-170. T-169. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. oocmumommmammo DIOOONOOODOONLHO-‘dmN-ibNNDd-‘ONONO\OAO\OOU1°DNUI\I\JO Bone NOS acetabulum ankle arm atlas axis back calvarium carpal clavicle coccyx cranial ethmoid face (excludes Mandible T-170.1) facial femur fibula finger foot forearm frontal hand heel hip humerus hyoid ilium innominate ischium jaw, NOS jaw, lower jaw, upper leg long; long, lower lower limb, long lower limb, short mandible marrow maxilla metacarpal metatarsal nasal occipital orbital parietal patella pelvic phalanx of foot phalanx of hand lower limb upper limb jaw _69_ T-170. T-170. T-17U. T-170. T-170. T-170. T—170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T—170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T—170. T-170. T-170. Nmmnaamumomumwcoensmma(howl-50‘ m ‘ Alphabetic Index (continued) Bone (Cont'd) pubic radius rib sacrum scapula short, lower limb short, upper limb shoulder shoulder girdle skeletal skull sphenoid spinal column spine sternum tarsal temporal thumb tibia toe ulna upper upper limb; long upper limb, short vertebra vertebral column (excludes Sacrum and Coccyx T-170.6) jaw T-170. wrist T-170.0 zygomatic T-141.2 Border of tongue M ----- /1 Borderline malignancy (see Behavior code, page 24) M-8910/3 Botryoid sarcoma Bowel T-159.0 NOS T-153.9 large T-152.9 small M-8081/2 Bowen's disease (T-175._) M-8081/2 Bowen's type intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma (T-173._) M ----- /-6 B-precursor (see Grading code, page 24) Alphabetic Index (continued) T-196. T-171. T'171. T-171. T-191. T-192. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-l91. T-191. T-19l. T-191. T-i91. T-192. T-19l. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-192. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-l92. T-192. T—192. T‘192. T-192. T-192. T‘191. T-192. T-192. T-192. T-I91. T-191. T-191. T-19i. T-191. T'191. T-191. T-191. T-19I. T-191. T-192. T-192. T-191. N Dfl-‘COONcocd‘m-‘fi-‘Lfld‘d‘-'-‘ODMUIOO°U‘IV-‘OOO‘O\O\DOVC-\D Brachial lymph node nerve plexus Brachialis muscle Brain NUS arachnoid, NOS basal ganglia basis pedunculi capsule, internal central white matter cerebellopontine angle cerebellum, NOS cerebellum, vermis cerebral cortex cerebral hemisphere cerebral meninges cerebral peduncle cerebral ventricle cerebral white matter cerebrum chiasm, optic choroid plexus corpus callosum corpus striatum cortex, cerebral cranial dura mater cranial meninges cranial pia mater dura, NOS dura mater, dura mater, ependyma falx, NOS falx cerebelli falx cerebri fourth ventricle frontal lobe frontal pole ganglia, basal globus pallidus hemisphere, cerebral hippocampus hypothalamus insula internal capsule intracranial arachnoid intracranial meninges island of Reil NOS cranial _70_ T~191. T-191. T-I91. T-191. T-191. T-l91. T-19Z. T-192. T-i9i. T-191. T-19l. T-19I. T-191. T-192. T-192. T-191. T-l91. T-191. T—192. T-19l. T-191. T-19I. T-191. T—19I. T-191. T-191. T—19I. T-191. T—I91. T-192. 1-192. T-191. T-191. T-192. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. Tr191. T—191. T—146. OCO‘LHU'IUIU'IUlNOUlO-‘df‘JmVOVONDdUI-‘VLNDOOONJ—‘DN-‘ANNLMJh-‘m 00 Brain (Cont'd) lateral ventricle lobe, frontal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, temporal medulla oblongata meninges, NOS meninges, cerebral midbrain occipital lobe occipital pole olive operculum optic chiasm optic tract pallium parietal lobe peduncle, cerebral pia mater, NUS plexus, choroid pole, frontal pole, occipital pons putamen pyramid rhinencephalon stem tapetum temporal lobe tentorium, NOS tentorium cerebelli thalamus third ventricle tract, optic uncus ventricle, ventricle, ventricle, ventricle, lateral ventricle, third vermis, cerebellum white matter, central white matter, cerebral NOS cerebral fourth Branchial cleft (site of neoplasm) Breast, female T-174.9 NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) T-174.0 areola T-174.6 axillary tail T-174.1 central portion T-174.8 inner T-174.8 lower T-174.3 lower-inner quadrant T-174.5 lower-outer quadrant T-174.8 midline T-174.0 nipple T-174.8 outer T-174.3 quadrant, lower-inner T-174.5 quadrant, lower-outer T-174.2 quadrant, upper-inner T-174.4 quadrant, upper-outer T-173.5 skin T—174.6 .tail T-174.8 upper T-174.2 upper-inner quadrant T-174.4 upper-outer quadrant T-175.9 Breast, male, NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) T-173.5 Breast, skin Brenner tumor M-9000/0 NOS (T-183.0) M-9000/1 borderline malignancy (T-183.0) M-9000/3 malignant (T-183.0) M-9000/1 proliferating (T-183.0) [M-9690/3 Brill-Svmmers's disease] T-183.3 Broad ligament Bronchial adenoma M-8140/1 NOS (T-162._) M‘8240/3 carcinoid (T-162._) M-8200/3 cylindroid (T-162._) M-9134/1 Bronchial a1veolar tumor, intravascular (T-162._) T-196.l Bronchial lymph node M-8250/3 Bronchiolar adenocarcinoma (T-162._) M-8250/3 Bronchiolar carcinoma (T-162._) .371- T-162.9 M-8250/3 M-8250/3 T-162. T-196.1 VD T-162. T'162. T-162. T-162. T-162. T-162. (N-DNUINe M-8100/0 T-173.3 M-8880/0 T-145.9 T-145.0 T—145.1 M-9687/3 M~9687I3 T-171.9 T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. O‘ChUIO‘ONmO‘O‘ChONU'Iu Alphabetic Index (continued) Bronchiole Bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinoma (T-162._) Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma (T-162._) Bronchogenic Bronchopulmonary lymph node Bronchus NOS carina lower lobe main middle lobe upper lobe Brooke's tumor (T-173. ) Brow Brown fat tumor Buccal cavity mucosa sulcus Burkitt's lymphoma Burkitt's tumor Bursa, NOS Buttock N05 N05 (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Alphabetic Index (continued) M-8510/3 T-153. M-9340/0 M-8110/U M-9301/0 M _______ T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-189. T-189. T-154. T-173. T-173. T-173. T—173. T~180. T-173. T-180. T-151. q MMMMVMMMMWWWVW O dONDNNNNN C cell carcinoma (T-193.9) Caecum Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (T-170._) epithelioma of Malherbe (T-173._) odontogenic cyst (T-170._) Calcinosis, tumoral (SNOMED M-55520) Calf NOS NOS (carcinoma; melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Calvarium Calyces. renal Calyx, renal Canal anal auditory, NOS auditory, external auricular; NOS auricular; external cervical ear endocervical pyloric ~72— T-155.1 Canaliculus, biliary M-8000/3 Cancer (see Introduction page xv) Canthus T-173.1 NUS T-173.1 inner T-173.1 outer M-9131/0 Capillary hemangioma M-9171/0 Capillary lymphangioma T-191.0 Capsule, internal Carcinoid M-8240/1 NOS, of appendix (T-153.5) M—8240/3 NOS (except appendix) M-8260/3 bronchial adenoma (T-162._) M-8244/3 composite M-8243/3 goblet cell (T-153.5) M—8243/3 mucinous (T-153.5) M-909l/1 strumal (T-183.0) M—8240/1 tumor; NOS, of appendix (T-153.5) M-8240/3 tumor; NOS (except appendix) M-8241/1 tumor, argentaffin, NOS M‘8241/3 tumor, argentaffin, malignant [M-8242/1 tumor, non-arqentaffin, NOS] [M-8242/S tumor, non—arqentaffin, W1 "-8244/3 Carcinoid and adenocarcinoma combined M—9091/1 Carcinoid and struma ovarii (T-183.0) Carcinoma (see also Adenocarcinoma) M‘8010/3 NOS M-8010/6 NOS, metastatic M-8280/3 acidophil (T-194.3) M-8281/5 acidophil-basophil, mixed (T-194.3) M-8550/3 acinar M-8550/3 acinar cell M~8200/3 adenocystic M-8200/3 adenoid cystic M-8075/3 adenoid squamous cell M-8560/3 adenosquamous M-8390/3 adnexal (T-173._) M-8370/3 M-8251/3 M-8250/3 M-9270/3 M-8021/3 M-8090/3 M-8093/3 M—8092/3 M-8090/3 M-8091/3 M‘8094/3 M-8123/3 M-8300/3 M-8281/3 “-8094/3 M-8160/3 M-8180/3 M-8081/2 M-8250/3 M-8250/3 M'8510/3 M-8420/3 M-8270/3 M-8310/3 M—8124/3 M-8480/3 >M-8201/3 M-8145/3 M—8500/3 M-8500/3 M—8522/3 M-8522/3 M-8541/3 M-8500/3 M-8500/3 M-8522/3 M—8521/3 M-9070/3 M-9101/3 M—9071/3 M—9072/3 M'9081/3 Carcinoma (Cont‘d) adrenal cortical (T-194.0) alveolar alveolar cell (T-162._) ameloblastic (T-170._) anaplastic, NOS basal cell, NOS (T-173.-) basal cell, fibroepithelial (T-173._) basal cell; basal cell, basal cell; morphea (T-173._) pigmented multicentric (T-173._) basal-squamous cell, mixed (T-173._) basaloid basophil (T'194.3) basophil-acidophil, mixed (T-194.3) basosquamous (T-173._) bile duct (T-155.1) bile duct and hepatocellular; mixed (T-155.0) Bowen's type. intraepidermal squamous cell bronchiolar (T-i62._) bronchiolo-alveolar (T-162._) C cell (T-193.9) ceruminous (T-173.2) chromophobe (T-194.3) clear cell cloacogenic colloid cribriform diffuse type (T-151._) duct, NOS duct, infiltrating (T-174._) duct, infiltrating and lobular carcinoma (T-176._) duct, infiltrating and lobular carcinoma in situ (T-174._) duct. infiltrating and Paget's disease, breast (T-174._) duct cell ductal ductal and lobular (T—174._) ductular, infiltrating embryonal, NOS embryonal, combined with choriocarcinoma embryonal, infantile embryonal; Polyembryonal type embryonal and teratoma, mixed _7 3— Alphabetic Index (continued) Carcinoma (Cont'd) M-8380/3 endometrioid M—8280/3 eosinophil (T—194.3) M~8070/3 epidermoid; NOS M-807i/3 epidermoid; keratinizing M-8072/3 epidermoid, large cell. non-keratinizing M-8052/3 epidermoid, papillary M—8073/3 epidermoid, small cell, non-keratinizing M-8074/3 epidermoid, spindle cell M-8051/3 epidermoid, verrucous M-8560/3 epidermoid and adenocarcinoma, mixed M—8562/3 epithelial-myoepithelial M-8330/3 follicular, NOS (T-193.9) M-8340/3 follicular and papillary (T-193.9) [M-8340/3 follicular and papillary; mixed (T-19§;213 M-8332/3 follicular, moderately differentiated (T-193.9) [M-8331/3 follicular, pure follicle tvpe (T-19éggl] M-8332/3 follicular, trabecular (T-193.9) M-8331/3 follicular; well differentiated (T-193.9) Mr8480/3 gelatinous M-8031/3 giant cell M-8030/3 giant cell and spindle cell M—8315/3 glycogen~rich M‘8320/3 granular cell M-8620/3 granulosa cell (T—i83.0) M-8170/3 hepatocellular, N05 (T-155.0) M-8180/3 hepatocellular and bile duct, mixed (T-155.0) M—8180/3 hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma, combined (T-155.0) M—8171/3 hepatocellular, fibrolamellar (T-155.0) M-8290/3 Hurthle cell (T-193.9) "—8210/3 in a polyp; Nos M-8210/3 in adenomatous polyp M-8941/3 in pleomorphic adenoma (T-142._) M-8010/2 in situ, NOS M-8070/2 in situ, epidermoid, NOS M-8076/2 in situ, epidermoid with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) M-8210/2 in situ in a polyp, Nos M-8210/2 in situ in adenomatous polyp Alphabetic Index (continued) M-8500/2 “-8520/2 “-8522/3 M-8522/2 M-8050/2 M-8070/2 M‘8076/2 M-8120/2 M—9071/3 M-8500/3 "-8522/3 "-8522/3 M-8541/3 M-8521/3 ”-8520/3 M-8530/3 M-8144/3 "-8504/3 M-8504/2 M-8500/2 M-8522/2 "-8543/3 M—8500/2 M'8503/2 M-8070/2 M-8081/2 M-8010/2 M-8070/2 M-9270/3 M-8150/3 M-8502/3 M-8012/3 “-8045/3 M-8072/3 "-8314/3 M-8170/3 M-8520/3 M-8522/3 Carcinoma (Cont'd) intraduct in situ, lobular (T-174._) in situ, lobular and infiltrating duct (T-174._) in situ, lobular and intraductal [T-174._) in situ, papillary in situ, squamous cell, NOS in situ, squamous cell with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) in situ. transitional cell infantile, embryonal infiltrating duct (T-174._) infiltrating duct and lobular (T-174._) infiltrating duct and lobular in situ (T-174._) infiltrating duct and Paget's disease, breast (T-174._) infiltrating ductular infiltrating lobular (T-174._) inflammatory (T-174._) intestinal type (T-151._) intracystic, NOS intracystic, non-infiltrating intraductal, NOS intraductal and lobular in situ [T-174._) intraductal and Paget's disease, breast (T—174._) intraductal, non-infiltrating, NOS intraductal, non-infiltrating; papillary intraepidermal; NOS intraepidermal, squamous cell, Bowen's type (T—173._) intraepithelial, NOS intraepithelial, squamous cell intraosseous (T-170.1) islet cell (T-157._) juvenile, breast (T-174._) large cell. NOS large cell-small cell (T-162._) large cell, squamous cell; non-keratinizing lipid-rich liver cell (T-155.0) lobular; NOS (T-174._) lobular and ductal (T-174._) in situ; “74‘ Carcinoma (Cont'd) ing (T-174._) intraductal, "-8522/3 lobular and infiltrating duct (T-174._) M-8522/3 lobular and intraductal (T-174._) M-8520/3 lobular, infiltrat M—8520/2 lobular, non—infiltrating (T-174._) M~8082/3 lymphoepithelial M-8510/3 medullary, NOS M-8511/3 medullary with amyloid stroma (T-193.9) M-8512/3 medullary with lymphoid stroma (T-174._) "-8247/3 Merkel cell (T—173._) [M-9110/3 mesometanephricl M-8010/6 metastatic. NOS M-8490/6 metastatic, Signet ring cell M-8095/3 metatypical (T-173._) M-8076/3 micro-invasive squamous cell M-8481/3 mucin-producing M—8481/3 mucin-secreting M-8480/3 mucinous M-8430/3 mucoepidermoid M-8480/3 mucoid M-8480/3 mucous M—8562/3 myuepithelial—epithelial M-8246/3 neuroendocrine M-8504/2 non-infiltrating, intracystic M'8500/2 non-infiltrating, NOS M-8503/2 non-infiltrating, intraductal papillary M-8520/2 non-infiltrating, lobular (T-174._) M~8350l3 nonencapsulated sclerosing (T-l93.9) M-8042/3 oat cell (T-162._) M-9270/3 odontogenic (T-170._) M-8290/3 oncocytic M-8050/3 papillary, NOS M-8340/3 papillary and follicular (T-193.9) [M-8540/3 papillary and folliculag; mixed (T-193.9)] M-8052/3 papillary, epidermoid M-8503/2 papillary, intraductal, non—infiltrating M—8461l3 papillary, serous surface (T-183.0) M-8052/3 papillary squamous cell M-8130/3 papillary transitional cell Carcinoma (Cont'd) M-8340/3 papillary with follicular structure (T-193.9) M-8510/3 parafollicular cell (T-193.9) M-8110/3 pilomatrix (T-173._l M-8022/3 pleomorphic M—8034/3 polygonal cell M-8033/3 pseudosarcomatous M-8075/3 pseudoglandular; squamous cell M-8312/3 renal cell (T-189.0) M-8041/3 reserve cell M-8041/3 round cell M-8121/3 Schneiderian M-8141/3 scirrhous M-8410/3 sebaceous (T-173._) M—8010/6 secondary M-8502/3 secretory; breast (T-174._) M-8461/3 serous surface papillary (T-183.0) M-8640/3 Sertoli cell (T-186._) M-8490/3 signet ring cell M-8490/6 signet ring cell; metastatic M-8231/3 simplex M-8390/3 skin appendage (T-173._) M-8041/3 small cell; NOS M—8043/3 small cell; fusiform cell M-8044/3 small cell; intermediate cell (T-162._l M-8065/3 small cell—large cell (T-162._) M-8073/3 small cell; squamous cell; non—keratinizing M-8230/3 solid; NOS [M‘8511/3 solid with amvloid stroma (T-193.9)] [M-8035/3 spheroidal cell] M-8032/3 spindle cell M-8030/3 spindle cell and giant cell CM-8070/3 spinous celll M-8070/3 squamous M~8070/3 squamous cell; NOS M-8070/6 squamous cell; NOS; metastatic M-8075/3 squamous cell; adenoid M-8071/3 squamous cell; keratinizing; NDS M-8071/3 squamous cell; large cell; keratinizing \ M-8072/3 squamous cell; large cell; non-keratinizing M-8076/3 squamous cell; micro-invasive (T-180._) M-8072/3 squamous cell; non-keratinizing; NOS M-8052/3 squamous cell; papillary Alphabetic Index (continued) Carcinoma (Cont'd) M~8075/3 squamous cell, pseudoglandular M-8073/3 squamous cell; small cell; non-keratinizing M-8074/3 squamous cell; spindle cell M-8051/3 squamous cell; verrucous M-8560/3 squamous cell and adenocarcinoma; mixed M-SQOO/S sweat gland (T-173._) [M-8250/3 terminal bronchiolar (T-162. )l [M-8600/3 theca cell (T—183.0)l M-8580/3 thymic (T-164.0) M-8190/3 trabecular M—8120/3 transitional M-8120/3 transitional cell; NUS M~8130/3 transitional cell; papillary M-8122/3 transitional cell; spindle cell M-8211/3 tubular M-8020/3 undifferentiated; NOS M-8120/3 urothelial M-8051/3 verrucous; NOS M-8051/3 verrucous; epidermoid M-8051/3 verrucous; squamous cell M-8322/3 water-clear cell (T-194.1) M-8573/3 with apocrine metaplasia M-8141/3 with productive fibrosis M-9110/3 Nolffian duct M-8010/9 Carcinomatosis M-8980/3 Carcinosarcoma; NOS M-8981/3 Carcinosarcoma; embryonal T-151.0 Cardia; NOS T-151.0 Cardia; gastric T-164.1 Cardiac atrium T-164.1 Cardiac ventricle T-151.0 Cardio—esophageal junction T-162.2 Carina T-171.0 Carotid artery T—194.5 Carotid body M-8692/1 Carotid body paraganglioma (T-194.5) M-8692/1 Carotid body tumor (T-194.5) T-170.5 Carpal bone Cartilage T-170.9 NOS T-170.9 articular; NDS T-161.3 arytenoid Alphabetic Index (continued) Cartilage (Cont'd) T-171.0 auricular T-170.3 costal T-161.3 cricoid T-161.3 cuneiform T-171.0 ear T-161.3 laryngeal T-160.0 nasal T-170.7 semilunar T-161.3 thyroid M-9210/O Cartilaginous exostosis (T-170._) T-192.2 Cauda equina M-9121/0 Cavernous hemangioma M-9172/0 Cavernous lymphangioma Cavity T-145.9 buccal T-160.0 nasal (excludes Nose. NOS T-195.0) T-145.9 oral T-158.9 peritoneal T-160.1 tympanic T-153.4 Cecum T—171.5 Celiac artery T-196.2 Celiac lymph node Cellular M~8790/0 blue nevus (T-173._) [M-9020/0 intracanalicular fibroadenoma (T-174. )] Mr8892/1 leiomyoma M-9272/0 Cemental dysplasia, periapical (T-170._) M~9274l0 Cementifying fibroma (T-170._) M-9273/0 Cementoblastoma, benign (T-170._) M-9272/0 Cementoma; NOS (T-170._) M-9275/0 Cementoma, gigantiform (T-170._) M-9272/0 Cemento—osseous dysplasia, periapical (T-170._) M ------- Central giant cell granuloma (SNOMED M-44130) [M-9321/0 Central odontoqenic epithelial hamartoma (T-170. )] .376- M-9321/0 T-192.9 T-174.1 T-191.0 M—9480/3 M‘9471/3 T-191.6 T'191. T—191.6 O\ T-191. T-191. T'192. T-191. T-191. T—191. OWN-‘66 T-191. T-173. ND M-8420/3 Mr8420/0 M-8420/3 T-180. T-192. T—150. T-196. T-171. T-195. T-180. mDCOONO T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171.0 63“: Central odontogenic fibroma (T-170._) Central nervous system portion of breast white matter Cerebellar sarcoma, NOS (T-191.6) Cerebellar sarcoma’ arachnoidal, circumscribed (T-191.6) Cerebellopontine angle Cerebellum, NOS Cerebellum, vermis Cerebral cortex hemisphere meninges peduncle ventricle white matter Cerebrum Ceruminal gland Ceruminous adenocarcinoma (T-173.2) adenoma (T-173.2) carcinoma (T-173.2) Cervical canal cord esophagus lymph node plexus region, stump NOS Cervical region N05 N05 (carcinoma, melanoma, NOS (sarcoma. lipoma) adipose tissue nevus) Cervical region (Cont'd) T-171.0 connective tissue T-171.0 fatty tissue T-171.0 fibrous tissue T-173.4 skin T—171.0 soft tissue T-171.0 subcutaneous tissue Cervix T-180.9 NOS T-180.8 squamocolumnar junction T-180.9 uteri T-180.9 uterine M-9762/3 Chain disease, gamma heavy M ------- Chalazion (SNOMED M—43000) Cheek T-195.0 NOS T-173.3 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.0 NOS (Sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.0 adipose tissue T-i7i.0 connective tissue T-173.3 external T-171.0 fatty tissue T-171.0 fibrous tissue T-145.0 internal T-145.0 mucosa T-173.3 skin T-171.0 soft tissue T—171.0 subcutaneous tissue M-8693/1 Chemodectoma Chest T-195.1 NOS T-173.5 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.4 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.4 connective tissue T-171.4 fibrous tissue T-173.5 skin T-171.4 soft tissue T-171.4 subcutaneous tissue Chest wall T-195.1 NOS T-173.5 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.4 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.4 adipose tissue —77- T'i71. T—I71. T-l71. T—171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. DbUIb-D-DJ-‘D T-192.0 M-8321/0 T-173. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. OOMOOCWM M—9930/3 T-147.3 M-8160/3 M-8180/3 T-155.1 M-8160/0 T-156.1 M-9181/3 M-9230/0 M-9230/3 M-8940/0 Alphabetic Index (continued) Chest wall (Cont'd) connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Chiasm, optic Chief cell adenoma (T-194.1) Chin .NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) connective tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Chloroma Choana Cholangiocarcinoma (T-155.1) Cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma, combined (T-155.0) ‘Cholangiole Cholangioma (T-155.1) Choledochal duct Cholesteatoma, NOS (SNOMED M-72900) Cholesteatoma, epidermoid (SNOMED M-72900) Chondroblastic osteosarcoma (T-170._) Chondroblastoma, NOS (T-170. ) Chondroblastoma, malignant (T-170._) Chondroid syringoma (T-173._) Alphabetic M-9220/0 M-9221/0 M-9221/0 M-9220/1 M _______ M-9230/0 M-9241/0 M-9220/3 M-9221/3 M—9240/3 M-9231/3 M-9370/3 M-9100/1 M-9100/1 M-9120/0 M-9100/3 M—9101/3 M-9101/3 M-9101/3 M-9100/3 M-9100/3 M _______ T-190.6 T-191.5 M-9390/0 M-9390/3 M-9390/3 M-8700/0 M-8700/0 M-8700/0 M—8270/3 M-8270/0 M-8270/3 Index (continued) Chondroma NOS (T-170._) juxtacortical (T-170._) periosteal (T-170._) Chondromatosis; NOS Chondromatosis, synovial (SNOMED M-73670) Chondromatous giant cell tumor (T-170._) Chondromyxoid fibroma (T-170._) Chondrosarcoma NOS (T-170._) juxtacortical (T-170._) mesenchymal myxoid Chordoma Chorioadenoma (T-181.9) Chorioadenoma destruens (T-181.9) Chorioangioma (T-181.9) Choriocarcinoma Choriocarcinoma; combined with embryonal carcinoma Choriocarcinoma, combined with other germ cell elements Choriocarcinoma, combined with teratoma Chorioepithelioma Chorionepithelioma Choristoma (SNOMED M-75520) Choroid Choroid plexus Choroid plexus papilloma NOS (T-191.5) anaplastic (T-191.5) malignant (T-191.5) Chromaffin paraganglioma Chromaffin tumor Chromaffinoma Chromophobe adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) adenoma (T-194.3) carcinoma (T-194.3) -78— Chronic M‘9842/3 erythremia (T-169.1) [M-9970/1 lymphoproliferative disease] M-9960/1 myeloproliferative disease (T-169._) [M-9863/3 myelosis (T-169. )1 M ------- Cicatricial fibromatosis (SNOMED M-76170) T-190.0 Ciliary body M—9471/3 Circumscribed arachnoidal cerebellar sarcoma (T-191.6) T-170.3 Clavicle Clear cell M ------- acanthoma (SNOMED M-72530) M-8310/3 adenocarcinoma, NOS Ms8310/3 adenocarcinoma, mesonephroid M-8313/0 adenofibroma M-8310/0 adenoma M-8373/0 adrenal cortical adenoma (T-194.0) M-8310/3 carcinoma M-8313/0 cystadenofibroma M-8402/O hidradenoma (T-173._) M-8964/3 sarcoma of kidney (T-189._) M-9044/3 sarcoma, except of kidney M-9044/3 sarcoma of tendons and aponeuroses (T-171._) T-146.8 Cleft; branchial (site of neoplasm) T-184.3 Clitoris M-8124/3 Cloacogenic carcinoma T-154.8 Cloacogenic zone T-196.5 Cloquet's lymph node T-194.6 Coccygeal body T-194.6 Coccygeal glomus T-170.6 Coccyx M-9230/0 Codman's tumor (T'170._) T-196.2 Colic lymph node M ------- Colitis cystica profunda (SNOMED M-43800) M—8480/3 M-8334/0 M-8480/3 M _______ T-153. T-153. T-153. T—153. T-153. T-153. T-153. T-153. T-iSQ. T-153. T-153. T-153. T-153. T-153. ‘VM‘NO‘OMNONOOSU‘IO T-154. T-170. T-170.2 NO T-173.3 M-8244/3 M-8180/3 M-8501/3 M-8501/2 T-140.6 T-161. T-140.6 O T-156.1 T-156.1 T-196.2 M-8371/O M'9282/0 Colloid adenocarcinoma adenoma (T-i93.9) carcinoma goiter (SNOMED M-71620) Colon NOS appendix ascending cecum descending hepatic flexure left pelvic rectosigmoid right sigmoid sigmoid flexure splenic flexure transverse Colon and rectum Column, spinal Column, vertebral (excludes Sacrum and Coccyx T-170.6) Columnella Combined carcinoid and adenocarcinoma Combined hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma (T-155.0) Comedocarcinoma, NOS (T-174._) Comedocarcinoma: non-infiltrating (T-174._) Commissure labial laryngeal lip Common bile duct duct duct lymph node Compact cell, adrenal cortical adenoma (T-194.0) Complex odontoma (T-170._) _79_ M-8244/3 N-8760/0 M-9281/0 T-173.2 M-8824/1 M-8814/3 T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T~171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17i. T-17i. T-17i. T-171. T-171. T'171. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-171. T-17I. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. CCMO~N$NNMUIUIO J.‘ DMWDNO$ONMNNGNG© Alphabetic Index (continued) Composite carcinoid Compound nevus (T-173._) Compound odontoma (T-170._) Concha Condyloma NOS (SNUMED M-76700) acuminatum (SNOMED M-76720) giant (SNOMED M-76730) Congenital cyst. NOS (SNOMED M-26500) dysplasia, NOS (SNUMED M-ZOUZO) generalized fibromatosis fibrosarcoma melanosis (SNDMED M-25110) Conjunctiva Connective tissue NOS abdomen abdominal wall ankle antecubital space arm axilla back buttock calf cervical region cheek chest chest wall chin elbow face finger flank foot forearm forehead gluteal region groin hand head heel hip infraclavicular region Alphabetic Index (continued) T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-190. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T~171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-192. T-171. T-192. T-161. T-192. T‘192. T-187. T-192. T-192. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-190. T-190. T-191. T-187. NU‘I‘NN -" GNNO~NNdN N 45 00 J‘DMDONDOO\OMO\O\-.DMUIO\ Connective tissue (Cont'd) inguinal region knee leg neck orbit pelvis perineum popliteal space pterygoid fossa sacrococcygeal region scalp scapular region shoulder supraclavicular region temple thigh thoracic wall thorax (excludes Thymus, Heart and Mediastinum T-164._) thumb toe trunk umbilicus wrist Conus medullaris Coracobrachialis muscle Cord cervical false lumbar sacral spermatic spinal thoracic true Cord. vocal NOS false true Cornea, NOS Cornea; limbus Corpus callosum cavernosum _80_ T-151. T-187. T-151. T-191. T-182. Oahu-b T-194. T-191. T-170. T-170. T-189. (fit/404°C T-170. T-192. T-192. T-192. T-192. ‘Od-‘O T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. 00500 T-194.3 M—9350/1 M-8201/3 T-148. T-161. T-148. T-190. T-196. T-158. T—161. MWWOOMO M _______ N~9700l3 M-8200/3 M-8ZOO/3 M-8200/3 M-8200/0 M-8200/0 Corpus (Cont'd) gastric penis stomach striatum z uteri Cortex; adrenal Cortex, cerebral Costal cartilage Costovertebral joint Cowper's gland Cranial bone dura mater meninges nerve pia mater Cranial fossa NOS anterior middle posterior Craniopharyngeal duct Craniopharyngioma (T-194.3) Cribriform carcinoma Cricoid, NUS Cricoid cartilage Cricopharynx Crystalline lens Cubital lymph node Cul de sac Cuneiform cartilage Cutaneous horn (SNOMED M-72840) Cutaneous lymphoma, NOS [T-173._) Cylindrcid adenocarcinoma Cylindrcid bronchial adenoma (T-162._) Cylindroma NOS (except Cylindroma of skin M—8200/0) eccrine dermal (T-173._) skin (T'173._) M-9084/0 M—9084/3 M _______ M-9301/0 M-8440/3 M-8161/3 Mr8380/3 M-8470/3 M—8450/3 M—8471/3 M-8471/3 M-8460/3 M-8470/3 M-8441/3 Cyst NOS (SNOMED M-33400) aneurysmal bone (SNOMED M-33640) congenital, NOS (SNOMED M-26500) dentigerous (SNOMED M-26560) dermoid dermoid with malignant transformation (T-183.0) enterogenous (SNUMED M-26660) epidermoid (SNOMED M-33410) eruption (SNOMED M-26550) follicular, jaw (SNOMED M-2656D) ganglion (SNOMED M-33600) gingival, NOS (SNOMED M-26540) gingival, odontogenic (SNOMED M-26540) nasopalatine duct (SNOMED M-26600) pilar (SNUMED M~33470) primordial (SNOMED ”-26530) radicular (SNOMED M-43800) sebaceous (SNOHED M-33430) solitary (SNOMED M-33404) thyroglossal duct (SNOMED M-26500) Cyst, odontogenic NOS (SNOMED M-26520) calcifying (T-170._) dentigerous (SNOMED M-26560) eruptive (SNDMED M-26550) gingival (SNOMED M-26540) primordial (SNOMED M-26530) Cystadenocarcinoma NUS bile duct [(T-155. )1 endometrioid mucinous, N05 (T-183.0) papillary, NOS (T-183.0) papillary, mucinous (T-183.0) papillary pseudomucinous (T-183.0) papillary serous (T-183.0) pseudomucinous, NOS (T-183.0) serous, NOS (T-183.0) _81_ M-9013/0 M-8313/0 M-8381/0 M‘8381/1 M‘8381/3 M-9015/0 M-9014/0 ”-8440/0 M-8161/0 M-8380/0 M-8380/1 M-8561/0 M'8470/0 M-8472/3 M-8450/O M-8451/3 M-8471/0 H-8473/3 M—8471/0 M-8473/3 M-8460/0 M-8462/3 M-8470/0 M-8472/3 M-8441/0 ”-8442/3 M-9400/3 M _______ M—9173/0 M'9173/0 M-9055/1 Alphabetic Index (continued) Cystadenofibroma NOS (T-183.0) clear cell endometrioid, NOS (T-183.0) endometrioid, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) endometrioid, malignant (T-183.0) mucinous (T-183.0) serous (T-183.0) Cystadenoma NOS bile duct [(T—155. )] endometrioid, NOS endometrioid, borderline malignancy lymphomatosum, papillary (T-142._) mucinous, NOS (T-183.0) mucinous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) papillary, NOS (T-183.0) papillary, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) papillary mucinous, NOS (T-183.0) papillary mucinous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) papillary pseudomucinous, NOS (T-183.0) papillary pseudomucinous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) papillary serous, NOS (T-183.0) papillary serous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) pseudomucinous, NOS (T-183.0) pseudomucinous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) serous, NOS (T-183.0) serous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Cystic astrocytoma (T-191._) disease of the breast (SNOMED M-74320) hygroma lymphangioma mesothelioma (T-158._) r~O—* Alphabetic M-9080/0 M-9080/0 M-8452/1 T-156.1 T-156.1 M-8440/O M-8470/0 M'8441/0 M"9020/1 M-9020/0 M-9020/3 M _______ M-8858/3 T-171.2 M _______ M-9271/D M-8760/0 M-8200/0 M-8750/0 M-8832/0 M-8832/0_ [M-8832/1 Index (continued) Cystic (Cont'd) teratoma, NOS teratoma, adult tumor, papillary (T-157._) Cystic bile duct Cystic duct Cystitis cystica (SNOMED M-73370) Cystitis; papillary (SNOMED M-76820) Cystoma NOS mucinous (T-183.0) serous (T-183.0) Cystosarcoma phyllodes NOS (T-174._) benign (T-174._) malignant (T-174._) Decidual change (SNDMED M-79500) Dedifferentiated liposarcoma Deltoideus muscle Dentigerous cyst (SNOMED M-26560) Dentinoma (T—170._) Dermal and epidermal nevus (T-173._) Dermal eccrine cylindroma (T-173._) Dermal nevus (T-173._) Dermatofibroma NOS (T-175._) lenticulare (T-175._) ro uberans ( - 3 ] _82_ M-8832/3 M-8832/3 M-8833/3 M-9084/0 M-9084/O M-9084/3 T—186.9 T-153.2 M-8821/1 M-8822/1 M-8821/1 M-8823/1 M-9471/3 M-8745/3 M-9841/3 T-171.4 T-196.1 M-8851/3 M-9511/3 M-9080/0 M-8505/0 M _______ M—8145/3 M-8145/3 T-159.9 M-9501/3 T-170.2 Dermatofibrosarcoma NOS (T-173._) protuberans, NOS (T-173._) protuberans, pigmented Dermoid NOS cyst cyst with malignant transformation (T-183.0) Descended testis Descending colon Desmoid NOS abdominal extra-abdominal Desmoplastic fibroma medulloblastoma (T-191.6) melanoma, malignant (T-173._) Di Guglielmo's disease (T-169.1) Diaphragm Diaphragmatic lymph node Differentiated (see Grading code, page 24) Differentiated liposarcoma retinoblastoma (T—190.5) teratoma Diffuse intraductal papillomatosis lipomatosis (SNOMED M-74103) type, adenocarcinoma (T-151._) type; carcinoma (T-151._) Digestive organs, N05 Diktyoma Disc. intervertebral T-150. T-152. T-188. T-141. T‘141. T-141. T-141. T-158. M-8500/3 M-8500/3 M-8503/0 M-8500/3 M‘8500/3 M-8522/3 M-8522/3 M-8541/3 M-8500/3 M _______ M-8506/O M-9I10/0 M-9110/3 T—156. T-156. T-156. T-156. T-156. T-194. T-156. T-156. T-156. T-184. T-156. T-156. O-A—Ad ‘dc-fi—h—hu—h—b—h-fi—l Distal third of esophagus Diverticulum. Meckel's (site of neoplasm) Dome. urinary bladder Dorsal surface anterior tongue tongue. NOS tongue. anterior 2/3 tongue. base Douglas's pouch Duct adenocarcinoma. adenocarcinoma. (T-174._) adenoma. NOS carcinoma, NOS carcinoma. infiltrating (T-174._) carcinoma. infiltrating and lobular carcinoma (T-174._) carcinoma. infiltrating and lobular carcinoma in situ (T-174._) carcinoma. infiltrating and Paget‘s disease. breast (T-174._) cell carcinoma ectasia. mammary (SNOMED M-32100) papillomatosis. subareolar (T-174.0) Nolffian. adenoma Nolffian. carcinoma NOS infiltrating Duct bile. NOS biliary. NOS choledochal common common'bile craniopharyngeal cystic cystic bile extrahepatic bile Gartner's hepatic hepatic bile _83_ Alphabetic Index (continued) Duct (Cont'd) T-155.l intrahepatic bile T-l90.7 lacrimal, NOS T-190.7 nasal lacrimal T-190.7 nasolacrimal T7157.3 pancreatic T-142.0 parotid gland T-157.3 Santorini's T-142.0 Stensen's T-142.2 sublingual gland T-142.1 submaxillary gland Tc171.4 thoracic T-193.9 thyroglossal T-142.1 Hharton's T-157.3 Hirsung's M~8500/3 Ductal carcinoma M—8522/3 Ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma (T—174._) M-8503/0 Ductal papilloma M-8521/3 Ductular carcinoma. infiltrating T-152.0 Duodenum Dura mater T-192.1 NOS T-192.I cranial T-192.3 spinal T-192.1 Dura. NOS M ------- Dysgenesis. NOS (SNOMED M-ZDOOO) M-9060/3 Dysgerminoma [M-8052/0 Dyskeratotic papilloma] Dysplasia M ------- NOS (SNOMED M-74000) M ------- congenital. NOS (SNOMED M-ZOOZO) M ------- fibrous. NOS (SNOMED M-74910) M~927510 florid osseous (T-170._) M ------- mild (SNOMED M-74006) M ------- moderate (SNOMED M-74007) M-9272/0 periapical cemental (T—170._) M-9272/0 periapical cemento-osseous [T-170._) M ------- severe (SNOMED M-74008) Alphabetic Index (continued) _E.. Ear T—173.2 NOS T-173.2 canal T-171.0 cartilage T-173.2 external T-160.1 inner T-173.2 lobule T—160.1 middle T-173.2 skin T-173.2 Earlobe M-9210/0 Ecchondroma (T-170._) M-9210/1 Ecchondrosis (T-170._) Eccrine M-8402/0 acrospiroma (T-173._) M-8200/0 dermal cylindroma (T-173._) M-8408/0 papillary adenoma (T-173._) M-8402/0 poroma (T-173._) M-8403/0 spiradenoma (T-173._) M ------- Ectasia, mammary duct (SNDMED M-32100) M ------- Ectopia, NOS (SNOMED M-26000) M ------- Ectopic glial tissue (SNOMED M-26160) T-186.0 Ectopic testis (site of neoplasm) M-8820/0 Elastofibroma Elbow T-195.4 NOS T-173.6 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.2 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.2 connective tissue T-171.2 fibrous tissue T-170.4 joint T-173.6 skin T-171.2 soft tissue T-171.2 subcutaneous tissue -84.. Embryonal M-9070/3 adenocarcinoma M-8191/0 adenoma M'9070/3 carcinoma, NOS M-9101/3 carcinoma, combined with choriocarcinoma M-907I/3 carcinoma, infantile M-9072/3 carcinoma, polyembryonal type M-9081/3 carcinoma and teratoma, mixed M-8981/3 carcinosarcoma M—8970/3 hepatoma (T-155.0) [M-8852/3 liposarcoma] M ------- rest, NOS (SNOMED M-26300) M'8910/3 rhabdomyosarcoma M-899l/3 sarcoma M-9080/3 teratoma M-9220/0 Enchondroma (T-170._) M ------- Endemic goiter (SNOMED M-71660) T~164.1 Endocardium T-180.0 Endocervical canal T-180.0 Endocervical gland T-180.0 Endocervix M-8360/1 Endocrine adenomas, multiple M-8360/1 Endocrine adenomatosis T-194.9 Endocrine gland, NOS T-194.8 Endocrine glands, multiple M-9071/3 Endodermal sinus tumor M-8931/1 Endolymphatic stromal myosis (T-182.0) T-182.0 Endometrial gland Endometrial M-8930/3 sarcoma, NOS (T-182.0) M-8930/0 stromal nodule (T-182.0) M-8930/3 stromal sarcoma (T-182.0) M-8931/1 stromatosis (T-182.0) T-182.0 Endometrial stroma Endometrioid M-8380/3 adenocarcinoma M-8381/0 adenofibroma, NOS (T-183.0) M—8581/1 adenofibroma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Endometrioid (Cont'd) M-8381/3 adenofibroma, malignant (T-183.0) M-8380/0 adenoma. NOS M-8380/1 adenoma, borderline malignancy M-8380/3 carcinoma M-8380/3 cystadenocarcinoma M'8381/0 cystadenofibroma, NOS (T-183.0) M-8381/1 cystadenofibroma, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) M-8381/3 cystadenofibroma, malignant (T-183.0) M-8380/0 cystadenoma; N05 Mr8380/1 cystadenoma, borderline malignancy M-8380/1 tumor of low malignant potential M ------- Endometrioma (SNOMED M-76540) Endometriosis M ------- NOS (SNOMED M-76500) M ------- external (SNOMED M-76500) M ------- internal (SNOMED M-76510) M~8931/1 stromal (T-182.0) T-182.0 Endometrium [M-9111/1 Endosalpinqioma] [M-9260/3 Endothelial sarcoma of bone LI:170. )] M-9531/0 Endotheliomatous meningioma (T-192._) M ------- Enterogenous cyst (SNOMED M-26660) Eosinophil M-8280/3 adenocarcinoma (T—194.3) M'8280/0 adenoma (T-194.3) M’8280/3 carcinoma (T-194.3) M ------- Eosinophilic granuloma, NOS (SNOMED M-44050) M ------- Eosinophilic granuloma of bone (SNOMED M-77860) T-191.5 Ependyma M-9392/3 Ependymoblastoma (T-191._) -85.. Alphabetic Index (continued) Ependymoma M-939i/3 NOS (T-191._) M-9392/3 anaplastic (T-191._) M-9391/3 epithelial (T-191._) M-9394/1 myxopapillary (T-191._) M-9393/1 papillary (T-191._) M ------- Ephelis (SNOMED M-57260) T-164.1 Epicardium M-8760/0 Epidermal and dermal nevus (T-173._) Epidermoid carcinoma M-8070/3 NOS M-8560/3 and adenocarcinoma. mixed M~8070/2 in situ, NOS M-8076/2 in situ with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) Mr8071/3 keratinizing Mm8072/3 large cell, non-keratinizing M-8052/3 papillary M-8073/3 small cell, non-keratinizing M-8074/3 spindle cell M-8051/3 verrucous M ------- Epidermoid cholesteatoma (SNOMED M'72900) M ------- Epidermoid cyst (SNOMED M-33410) T-187.5 Epididymis T-192.9 Epidural Epiglottis T-161.1 NOS (excludes Anterior surface of epiglottis T-146.4) T-146.4 anterior surface T-161.1 posterior surface M-939l/3 Epithelial ependymoma (T-191._) M—8562/3 Epithelial—myoepithelial carcinoma [M-8961/3 Epithelial nephroblastoma (T—189.0)] Alphabetic Index (continued) Epithelial tumor M~8010/0 benign M-8010/3 malignant M-9340/0 odontogenic, calcifying (T-170._) Epithelioid M-8775/3 and spindle cell melanoma; mixed M-8770/0 and spindle cell nevus (T—173._) M-8771/3 cell melanoma [M-8771/3 cell melanosarcoma] M-8771/0 cell nevus (T-173._) M-8804/3 cell sarcoma M—9042/3 cell synovial sarcoma M-9133/1 hemangioendothelioma, NOS M-9133/3 hemangioendothelioma, malignant M—9125/0 hemangioma M-8891/1 leiomyoma M-8891/3 leiomyosarcoma M—8804/3 sarcoma Epithelioid mesothelioma M-9052/3 NOS M-9052/0 benign M-9052/3 malignant Epithelioma M-8011/3 NOS M-8100/0 adenoides cysticum (T-173._) M-8090/3 basal cell (T-173._) M—8011/0 benign M—8110/O calcifying, Malherbe (T-173._) M-8096/0 intraepidermal, Jadassohn (T-173._) M-8011/3 malignant M-8070/3 squamous cell T-196.3 Epitrochlear lymph node [M-8506/0 Erosive adenomatosis, nipple (T-17fi.0)] M ------- Eruption cyst (SNOMED M-26550) M-9841/3 Erythremia, acute (T-169.1) M-9842/3 Erythremia; chronic (T-169.1) M-9840/3 Erythremic myelosis; NOS (T-169.1) M-9841/3 Erythremic myelosis; acute (T-169.1) -86— M'9840/3 M-8080/2 T-196.1 T-151.0 T-150. T-150. T-150. T-150. T-150. T-150. T-150. T-150. T-150. (N‘LNJ-‘UIU’ION‘O M-9962/1 "-9962/1 M-9522/3 M-9521/3 M-9523/3 T-170.0 T-160.3 T-160.1 M—9260/3 M-9260/3 T-180.1 M—8154/3 M _______ M-9210/0 M-9210/0 T-173.2 T-173.2 T-173.2 T-173.3 Erythroleukemia (T-169.1) Erythroplasia, Queyrat's (T-187._) Esophageal lymph node Esophagogastric junction Esophagus NOS abdominal cervical distal third lower third middle third proximal third thoracic upper third Essential hemorrhagic thrombocythemia (T-169._) Essential thrombocythemia (T-169._l Esthesioneuroblastoma (T-160._) Esthesioneurocytoma (T-160._) Esthesioneuroepithelioma (T-160._) Ethmoid bone Ethmoid sinus Eustachian tube Ewing's sarcoma (T-170._) Ewing's tumor (T-170._) Exocervix Exocrine and islet cell adenocarcinoma, mixed (T-157._) Exostosis, NOS (SNOMED M-71440) Exostosis. cartilaginous (T-170._) Exostosis, osteocartilaginous (T-170._) External auditory canal auditory meatus auricular canal cheek T-173. T-184. T-173. T-180. ‘LN-L‘N T-140.9 T-140.1 T-140.0 M _______ M-8821/1 M-8693/1 M-8693/3 T-192.9 T-190.1 T-156.1 M-8542/3 M-9731/3 T-161.1 T-190. T-173. T-173. T‘173. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-173. T-173. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T—190. DNNVNDC‘MO‘ObD‘MOO‘d—‘dc External (Cont'd) ear female genitalia nose 05 External lip NOS lower upper External endometriosis (SNOMED M—76500) Extra-abdominal desmoid Extra-adrenal paraganglioma; Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, malignant NOS Extradural Extra-ocular muscle Extrahepatic bile duct Extramammary Paget's disease (except Paget's disease of bone) Extramedullary plasmacytoma Extrinsic larynx Eye NOS canthus, canthus, canthus; choroid ciliary body conjunctiva connective tissue, cornea, NOS cornea, limbus crystalline lens extra-ocular muscle eyeball eyebrow eyelid intraocular iris lacrimal gland lacrimal duct, NOS lacrimal duct, nasal lacrimal sac lens, crystalline NOS inner outer orbit _87.. T‘173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-192. T'190. T-190. T-190. T‘173. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-i71. T-171. T-171. T-196. T-171. T‘171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T—170. T-196. T-192. T-183. T-161. cadU‘“‘—hoV\l—A—A—h—h—b O COMOOOOOODOOMO T-161.1 Alphabetic Index (continued) Eye (Cont'd) lid, NOS lid, lower lid, upper Meibomian gland muscle, extra-ocular nasal lacrimal duct nasolacrimal duct optic nerve orbit, NOS orbit, connective tissue orbit, soft tissue palpebra retina retrobulbar tissue sclera uveal tract Eyeball -F— Face N03 N03 (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue bone connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Facial bone lymph node nerve Fallopian tube False cord False vocal cord c Index (continued) Falx Fatty tissue (Cont'd) T-192.1 NOS T-171.3 knee T-192.1 cerebelli T-171.3 leg T-192.1 cerebri T~171.0 neck T-171.3 popliteal space M-8220/0 Familial polyposis coli T-171.6 sacrococcygeal region (T-153._) T-171.0 scalp M-8220/2 Familial polyposis coli, T-171.2 shoulder adenocarcinoma in situ in T-171.0 supraclavicular region (T-153._) T-171.0 temple T-171.3 thigh T-171.7 trunk Fascia T-171.9 NOS T-146.9 Fauces, NOS T-171.2 palmar T-146.2 Faucial pillar T-171.3 plantar T-146.0 Faucial tonsil M-8815/0 Fascial fibroma M-8813/3 Fascial fibrosarcoma Female T-184.9 genital organs; NOS T-184.9 genital tract, NOS Fasciitis T-184.4 genitalia. external M ------- infiltrative (SNOMED M~76130) T-184.9 genitourinary tract, NOS M ------- nodular (SNOMED M-76130) M ------- pseudosarcomatous (SNOMED M-76130) Female breast T-174.9 NOS (excludes Skin of breast M ------- Fat necrosis (SNOMED M-54110) T-173.5) T-174.0 areola T-174.6 axillary tail Fatty tissue T-174.1 central portion T-171.9 NOS T-174.8 inner T-171.5 abdominal wall T-174.8 lower T-171.2 antecubital space T-174.3 lower-inner quadrant T-171.2 arm T-174.5 lower-outer quadrant T-171.4 axilla T-174.8 midline T-171.7 back T-174.0 nipple T“171.6 buttock T-174.8 outer T-171.3 calf T-174.3 quadrant, lower-inner T-171.0 cervical region T-174.5 quadrant, lower-outer T-171.0 cheek T-174.2 quadrant, upper-inner T-171.4 chest wall T-174.4 quadrant, upper-outer T-171.0 face T-173.5 skin T-171.7 flank T-174.6 tail T-171.3 foot T-174.8 upper T-171.2 forearm T-174.2 upper-inner quadrant T-171.6 gluteal region T-174.4 upper-outer quadrant T-171.6 groin T-171.2 hand T-171.0 head Femoral T-171.3 hip T-171.3 artery T-171.4 infraclavicular region T-196.5 lymph node T-171.6 inguinal region T-171.3 nerve -88— T-170.7 Femur Fetal M-8333/O adenoma (T-193.9) M-8880/0 fat cell lipoma M-8881/0 lipoma, NOS M~888l/0 lipomatosis M-8903/0 rhabdomyoma T-181.9 Fetal membranes M-9420/3 Fibrillary astrocytoma (T-191._) Fibroadenoma M-9010/0 NOS (T-174._) M-9016/0 giantEI NOS] (T-174._) M’9011/0 intracanalicularE, NOS] (T-174._) [M-9020/0 intracanalicular. cellula; (T-174;_l] [M-9020/0 intracanalicular, giant (T-174. )] M-9030/0 juvenile (T-174._) M-9012/O pericanalicular (T-174._) [M—9020/0 phvllodes (T-174. )1 M-9290/0 Fibroameloblastic odontoma (T—170._) M-9532/0 Fibroblastic meningioma (T-192._) M-9182/3 Fibroblastic osteosarcoma (T-170._) M-9220/3 Fibrochondrosarcoma (T-170._) M ------- Fibrocystic disease, NOS (SNOMED M-74320) Fibroepithelial M ------- papilloma (SNOMED M-76810) M ------- polyp (SNUMED M-76810) M-8093/3 basal cell carcinoma (T-173._) M~8890/0 Fibroid uterus (T-179.9) M-8171/3 Fibrolamellar, hepatocellular carcinoma (T—155.0) M-8851/0 Fibrolipoma M-8850/3 Fibroliposarcoma -89— M-8810/0 M-9330/0 M-9274/0 ”-9321/0 M-9241/0 M-8823/1 M-8810/0 M-8813/0 M—8821/1 M _______ M-8851/0 M-8811/0 M _______ M-9321/0 ”-9321/0 ”-9322/0 M-9262/0 M-9322/0 M—8812/0 M-8851/0 M ——————— M—8822/1 M-8821/1 M _______ M-8826/1 M-8890/0 M-8852/0 M—8811/0 M-8811/3 M-9290/0 M-9262/0 M-8810/3 M-9330/3 M—8814/3 M-8813/3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Fibroma NOS ameloblastic (T-170._) cementifying (T-170._) central odontogenic, NOS (T—170._) chondromyxoid (T-170._) desmoplastic durum fascial invasive juvenile aponeurotic (SNOMED M-76150) molle myxoid non-ossifying (SNOMED M-74940) odontogenic, NOS (T-170._) odontogenic, central (T-170._) odontogenic, peripheral (T-170._) ossifying (T-170._) peripheral odontogenic (T-170._) periosteal (T-170._) soft Fibromatosis NOS (SNOMED M-76100) abdominal aggressive cicatricial (SNOMED M-76170) congenital generalized musculo-aponeurotic (SNOMED M-76150) pseudosarcomatous (SNOMED M-76130) Fibromyoma Fibromyxolipoma Fibromyxoma Fibromyxosarcoma Fibro-odontoma, (T-170._) Fibro-osteoma (T-170._) ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma NOS ameloblastic (T-170._) congenital fascial Alphabetic Index (continued) Fibrosarcoma (Cont'd) Fibrous tissue (Cont'd) M-8814/3 infantile T-171.0 face M-9330/3 odontogenic (T-170._) T-171.2 finger M-8812/3 periosteal (T-170._) T-171.7 flank T-171.3 foot M ------- Fibrosclerosis (SNOMED M-49020) T-171.2 forearm M ------- Fibrosing adenomatosis T-171.0 forehead (SNOMED M-74220) T-171.6 gluteal region M ------- Fibrosing adenosis T-171.6 groin (SNOMED M-74220) T-171.2 hand M ------- Fibrosis, N05 (SNOMED M-49000) T-171.0 head M-8832/0 Fibrosis, subepidermal nodular T-171.3 heel (T-173._) T‘171.3 hip T-171.4 infraclavicular region T-171.6 inguinal region Fibrous T-171.3 knee M-9420/3 astrocytoma (T-191._) T—171.3 leg M ------- defect, metaphyseal T-171.0 neck (SNUMED M-74940) T-171.6 perineum M ------- dysplasia. NOS (SNOMED M—74910) T-171.3 popliteal space M-9532/0 meningioma (T-192._) T-171.0 pterygoid fossa M-8724/0 papule, nose (T-173.3) T-171.6 sacrococcygeal region M ------- polyp (SNOMED M-76810) T-171.0 scalp T-171.4 scapular region T-171.2 shoulder Fibrous histiocytoma T-171.0 supraclavicular region M-8830/0 NOS T-171.0 temple M-8850/1 atypical T-171.3 thigh M-8830/3 malignant T-171.4 thoracic wall T-171.2 thumb T-171.3 toe Fibrous mesothelioma T-171.7 trunk M-9051/3 NOS T-171.5 umbilicus M'9051/0 benign T-171.2 wrist M-9051/3 malignant Fibroxanthoma Fibrous tissue M-8830/0 NOS T-171.9 NOS M-8830/1 atypical T-171.5 abdominal wall M-8830/3 malignant T-171.3 ankle T-171.2 antecubital space [M-8831/3 Fibroxanthgsarcomgl T-171.2 arm T-171.4 axilla T-170.7 Fibula T-171.7 back T-192.2 Filum terminale T-171.6 buttock T—171.3‘ calf T-171.0 cervical region ‘ Finger T-171.0 cheek T-195.4 NOS T-171.4 chest T~173.6 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.4 chest wall T-171.2 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.0 chin T-170.5 bone T-171.2 elbow T-171.2 connective tissue -90— T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-17i. T-171. T-171. T-195. T-173. T-17l. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-17l. T-171. T-171. T-171. T—Ma. 1—144. T-144. M _______ NNNN°\NO‘NN N V V V m N u N N w u N m m Finger (Cont'd) fibrous tissue muscle nail skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Flank NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath nevus) Floor of mouth NOS anterior lateral Florid adenosis (SNOMED M-74260) M-9275/0 Florid osseous dysplasia M _______ T-148. T-148. T-161. T-148. T-146. N—A (T-170._) Focal nodular hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72031) Fold aryepiglottic, N05 (excludes Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold T-161.1) aryepiglottic, hypopharyngeal aspect aryepiglottic, arytenoid glossopalatine laryngeal aspect -91.. Alphabetic Index (continued) Follicular M-8330/0 adenoma (T-193.9) M ------- cyst, jaw (SNOMED M~26560) M ------- keratosis, inverted (SNOMED M-72920) Follicular adenocarcinoma M-8330/3 NOS (T-193.9) M-8332/3 moderately differentiated (T-193.9) [M-8531/3 pure follicle type (T-193.9)l M-8352/3 trabecular (T-193.9) M-8331/3 well differentiated (T-l93.9) Follicular and papillary M-8340/3 adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) M-8340/3 carcinoma (T-i93.9) [M—8340/3 carcinoma, mixed (T-193.9)l Follicular carcinoma M—8330/3 NOS (T-193.9) M—8332/3 moderately differentiated (T-193.9) [M-8331/3 pure follicle type (T-193.9)] M-8332/3 trabecular (T-193.9) M-8331/3 well differentiated (T~193.9) M-8661/0 Folliculome lipidique (T-183.0) Foot T-195.5 NOS T-173.7 N05 (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.3 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.3 adipose tissue T-170.8 bone T-171.3 connective tissue T-171.3 fatty tissue T-171.3 fibrous tissue T-170.8 joint T-17i.3 muscle T-170.8 phalanx T-I71.3 skeletal muscle T—173.7 skin T-17l.3 soft tissue T-173.7 sole T-171.3 subcutaneous tissue T-171.3 tendon T-171.3 tendon sheath Alphabetic Index (continued) M _______ T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T—173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-187. T-167. T-184. T-195. T—194. T-171. T-148. T-147. T'146. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-184. NNNNO‘NNNNN-DNNO‘J‘ COMOOOMM O‘N‘ "N-‘DMM \DNOVDO Fordyce's disease (SNOMED M-26010) Forearm NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue bone connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Forehead N05 N05 (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) connective tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Foreskin Fornix, Pharyngeal Fornix, vagina Fossa ischiorectal pituitary pterygoid, NOS pyriform Rosenmuller tonsillar Fossa, cranial NOS anterior middle posterior Fourchette -92— T-191.5 "-9762/3 M _______ T-140. T-141. T-140. T-140. T-140. (NDUILNU'I T-170. T-191. T-191. T-160. b-‘dc T-151.3 T-151.3 T—182.0 M‘8043/3 M-8004/3 M-8153/1 M-8153/3 T-156.0 "-9762/3 ”-9764/3 T-171.9 T-191.0 M-9490/0 M-9505/1 M _______ Fourth ventricle Frank1in's disease Freckle, Nos (SNOMED M-57260) Frenulum labii, linguae lip, NOS lower lip upper lip NOS Frontal bone lobe pole sinus Fundus gastric stomach uteri Fusiform cell, small cell carcinoma Fusiform cell type, malignant tumor G cell tumor, NOS G cell tumor, malignant Gallbladder Gamma heavy chain disease Gammopathy, monoclonal Ganglia, NOS Ganglia, basal Gangliocytoma Ganglioglioma Ganglion cyst (SNOMED M-33600) M~9490/3 Ganglioneuroblastoma M-9490/0 Ganglioneuroma M-9491/0 Ganglioneuromatosis T-184.0 Gartner's duct Gastric (see also Stomach) T-151.9 NOS T-151.2 antrum T-151.0 cardia T-151.4 corpus T-151.3 fundus T-196.2 lymph node M-8153/1 Gastrinoma, NOS M-8153/3 Gastrinoma, malignant T-171.3 Gastrocnemius muscle T-159.9 Gastrointestinal tract, NOS M-8480/3 Gelatinous adenocarcinoma M—8480/3 Gelatinous carcinoma M-9411/3 Gemistocytic astrocytoma (T-191._) M'9411/3 Gemistocytoma (T-191._) Genital T-184.9 organs, female, NOS T-187.9 organs, male, NOS T-184.9 tract, female, NOS T-187.9 tract, male, NOS T-184.4 Genitalia, female, external T-184.9 Genitourinary tract, female, NOS T-187.9 Genitourinary tract, male, NOS "-9085/3 Germ cell tumor, mixed M-9064/3 Germinoma 7 M-9302/0 Ghost cell tumor, odontogenic (T-170._) Giant [M-8790/0 blue nexus (T-173. )J M ------- condyloma (SNOMED M-76730) M-9016/0 fibroadenoma[, NOS] (T-174._) [M-9020/0 fibroadenoma, intracanalicular (T-174. )1 M-9200/0 osteoid osteoma (T-170._) M-8761/1 pigmented nevus (T-173._) _93_ M-8761/3 M _______ M-8030/3 M-9384/1 M-8031/3 M-9441/3 M'9250/3 M-8802/3 M-8003/3 M-9230/0 M-9250/1 M-9250/3 M-9251/1 M-9251/3 M _______ M-9275/0 T-iQS. T-143. T-143. T-143. T-143. T-170. T-194. T-184. T-173. T-189. MIN-‘6 Alphabetic Index (continued) Giant (Cont'd) pigmented nevus, malignant melanoma in (T-173._) rugal hypertrophy (SNOMED M-71330) Giant cell and spindle cell carcinoma astrocytoma, subependymal (T-191._) carcinoma glioblastoma (T-191._) granuloma, central (SNOMED M-44150) reparative granuloma (SNOMED M-44110) sarcoma, bone (T-170._) sarcoma (except of Bone) type, nalignant tumor Giant cell tumor chondromatous (T-170._) bone, NOS (T-170._) bone, malignant (T-170._) soft parts, NOS soft parts, malignant tendon sheath (SNOMED M-47830) Gigantiform cementoma (T-170._) Gingiva NOS lower mandibular maxillary upper Gingival cyst, NOS (SNOMED M-26540) Gingival cyst, odontogenic (SNOMED M-26540) Girdle, shoulder Gland adrenal Bartholin's ceruminal Cowper's Alphabetic Index (continued) Gland (Cont'd) T-180.0 endocervical T-194.9 endocrine, NOS T-194.8 endocrine; multiple T-182.0 endometrial T-190.2 lacrimal T-17Q.9 mammary T—173.1 Meibomian T-180.0 Nabothian T-194.1 parathyroid T-189.4 paraurethral T-142.0 parotid T-142.0 parotid, duct T-194.4 pineal T-194.3 pituitary T—185.9 prostate T-142.9 salivary, N05 (excludes Minor salivary gland; see Introduction page xviii and note under T-142) T-142.2 sublingual T-142.2 sublingual; duct T-142.9 salivary, major, N05 T-145.9 salivary, minor, NOS (see Introduction page xviii and note under T-142) T-142.1 submandibular T-142.1 submaxillary T-142.1 submaxillary, duct T-194.0 suprarenal T-193.9 thyroid T-189.3 urethral T-194.8 Glands, endocrine, multiple M ------- Glandular and stromal hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72400) M ------- Glandular hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72420) M ------- Glandular metaplasia (SNOMED M-73300) T-187.2 Glans penis M ------- Glial heterotopia, nasal (SNOMED M-26160) Glioblastoma M-9440/3 NOS (T-191._) M-9441/3 giant cell (T-191._) -94— M-9440/3 M-9442/3 M-9380/3 M-9400/3 M-9380/3 M-9382/3 M _______ M-9383/1 M-9381/3 M-9505/1 M-9380/3 T-191.0 M-8712/0 M-8713/0 M-8710/3 M-8374/0 M-8710/3 T-194.6 T-194.6 M-8690/1 M-8711/0 T'146.2 T-192.0 T-161.0 M-8152/0 M-8152/3 T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. O‘O\O\O\O~O\U\UIM Glioblastoma (Cont'd) multiforme (T-191._) with sarcomatous component (T-191._) Glioma NOS (except Nasal glioma, SNOMED M-26160)(T-191._) astrocytic (T-191._) malignant (T-191._) mixed (T-191._) nasal (SNOMED M-26160) subependymal (T-191._) Gliomatosis cerebri Glioneuroma Gliosarcoma (T-191._) (T-191._) Globus pallidus Glomangioma Glomangiomyoma Glomangiosarcoma Glomerulosa cell, adrenal cortical adenoma (T-194.0) Glomoid sarcoma Glomus, coccygeal Glomus jugulare Glomus jugulare tumor (T-194.6) Glomus tumor Glossopalatine fold Glossopharyngeal nerve Glottis Glucagonoma, NOS (T-157._) Glucagonoma, malignant (T-157._) Gluteal region N03 N08 (carcinoma. melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous‘tissue muscle skeletal muscle Gluteal region (Cont'd) T-173.5 skin T-171.6 soft tissue T-171.6 subcutaneous tissue T-171.6 Gluteus maximus muscle M—8904/0 Glycogenic rhabdomyoma ”—8315/3 Glycogen—rich carcinoma (T-174._) M-8243/3 Goblet cell carcinoid (T-153.5) Goiter M ------- NOS (SNOMED M-71600) M ------- adenomatous (SNOMED M-71640) M ------- colloid (SNOMED M-71620) M ------- endemic (SNOMED M-71660) M-8590/1 Gonadal stromal tumor M-9073/1 Gonadoblastoma M-9073/1 Gonocytoma Grade (see Grading code, page 24) M ----- /-1 I M ----- /-2 II M ----- /—3 III M ----- /—4 IV M ----- /-9 Grade or differentiation not determined, not stated or not applicable Granular cell M'8320/3 adenocarcinoma M-8320/3 carcinoma M‘9580/0 myoblastoma, NOS M-9580/3 myoblastoma, malignant M-9580/0 tumor, NOS M-9580/3 tumor, malignant M ------- Granulation tissue type hemangioma (SNOMED M-QQQQO) M—9930/3 Granulocytic sarcoma Granuloma M ------- NOS (SNOMED M-QQUOO) M ------- central giant cell (SNOMED M-44130) M ------- eosinophilic, NOS (SNOMED M-44050) -95- Alphabetic Index (continued) Granuloma (Cont'd) M ------- eosinophilic, bone (SNOMED M-77860) M ------- giant cell reparative (SNOMED M-44110) M-9661/3 Hodgkin's M ------- plasma cell (SNOMED M-43060) M ------- pyogenic (SNOMED M-44440) M ------- pyogenicum (SNOMED M-44440) M ------- reticulohistiocytic (SNOMED M-77880) M ------- sarcoid (SNOMED M-44210) Granulosa cell Mr8620/3 carcinoma (T-183.0) M-8620/1 tumor, NOS (T-183.0) M-8622/1 tumor, juvenile (T—183.0) M—8620/3 tumor, malignant (T-183.0) M-8621/1 Granulosa cell-theca cell tumor (T-183.0) M-8312/3 Grawitz tumor (T-189.0) T-151.6 Greater curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T~151.0 to T-151.Q) Groin T-195.3 NUS T-173.5 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.6 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.6 adipose tissue T-171.6 connective tissue T-171.6 fatty tissue T-171.6 fibrous tissue T-196.5 lymph node T-173.5 skin T-171.6 soft tissue T~171.6 subcutaneous tissue [M-9841/3 Guqlielmo's disease (T-169. )1 Gum T-143.9 NOS T-143.1 lower T-143.0 upper M—8632/1 Gynandroblastoma (T—183.0) M ------- Gynecomastia (SNOMED M-71000) Alphabetic Index (continued) M-9940/3 Hairy cell leukemia (T-169.1) M-8720/0 Hairy nevus (T-173._) M-8723/0 Halo nevus (T-173._) Hamartoma M ------- NOS (SNOMED M-75500) M ------- angiomatous lymphoid (SNOMED M-72260) M ------- mesenchymal (SNOMED M-75660) [M-9321/0 odontoqenic, central; epithelial (T—170. )] [M-9321/0 odontoqenic, peripheralz gjngivalz epithelial (T-170. )] Hand T-195.4 NOS T-173.6 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma; nevus) T-171.2 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.2 adipose tissue T-170.5 bone T—171.2 connective tissue T-171.2 fatty tissue T-171.2 fibrous tissue T-170.5 joint T-171.2 muscle T-171.2 skeletal muscle T-170.5 phalanx T-173.6 skin T-171.2 soft tissue T-171.2 subcutaneous tissue T-171.2 tendon T-171.2 tendon sheath M ------- Hand-Schuller-Christian disease (SNOMED M-77920) T-145.2 Hard palate T-145.5 Hard palate and soft palate, junction Head T-195.0 NOS T-175.4 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.0 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) _96_ T~171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-196. T~171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. OOfiOCOOOOO T-157. T-164. ‘O M-9762/3 T-195. T-173. T-171. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. MMMMNMMWLNVUI T-173.2 M-9535/0 M-9161/1 M-9130/3 M-9130/1 M-9130/0 "“9133/1 M-9133/3 M-9130/3 M-9120/0 M-9123/0 M-9131/0 M-9121/0 M-9125/0 Head (Cont'd) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node muscle skeletal muscle skin, NOS soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Head of pancreas Heart Heavy chain disease, gamma Heel NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma. nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) bone connective tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Helix Hemangioblastic meningioma (T-l92._) Hemangioblastoma Hemangioendothelial sarcoma Hemangioendothelioma NOS benign epithelioid. Nos epithelioid, malignant malignant Hemangioma NOS arteriovenous capillary cavernous epithelioid M _______ ”-9126/0 M-9131/0 M-9132/0 M-9131/0 M-9131/0 M’9123/0 M-8832/0 M—9131/0 M-9122/0 M-9142/0 M-9536/0 M-9150/1 M-9150/0 Mr9150/3 M-9120/3 M _______ T-169.9 T-191.0 M-9175/0 M'9140/3 ”-9962/1 M-9962/1 T-155. T-156. T-156. T-153. T-196. NC“O M-8970/3 Hemangioma (Cont'd) granulation tissue type (SNOMED M-QQQQU) histiocytoid infantile intramuscular juvenile plexiform racemose sclerosing (T-173._) simplex venous verrucous keratotic Hemangiomatosis, NOS (SNOMED M—76310) Hemangiomatosis, systemic (SNOMED M-76314) Hemangiopericytic meningioma (T-192._) Hemangiopericytoma NUS benign malignant Hemangiosarcoma Hematoma, NOS (SNOMED M-37100) Hematopoietic system, NOS Hemisphere, cerebral Hemolymphangioma Hemorrhagic sarcoma, multiple thrombocythemia, essential (T—169._) thrombocythemia, idiopathic (T-169._) Hepatic NOS bile duct duct flexure of colon lymph node Hepatoblastoma (T-155.0) -97.. Alphabetic Index (continued) “-8170/3 Hepatocarcinoma (T-155.0) M-8170/0 Hepatocellular adenoma (T-155.0) Hepatocellular carcinoma M-8170/3 NOS (T-155.0) M-8180/3 and bile duct carcinoma, mixed (T-155.0) M-8180/3 and cholangiocarcinoma: combined (T-155.0) M-8171/3 fibrolamellar [T-155.0) M-8180/3 Hepatocholangiocarcinoma (T-155.0) [M-8180/0 Hepatocholanqioma, benign (T~155Lgl] Hepatoma M-8170/3 NOS (T-155.0) M-8170/0 benign (T-155.0) M-897D/3 embryonal (T~155.0) M-8170/3 malignant (T-155.0) M ------- Heterotopia, NOS (SNOMED M-26000) M ------- Heterotopia, nasal glial (SNOMED M-26160) M-8880/0 Hibernoma Hidradenoma‘ M-8400/0 NOS (T-173._) M-8402/0 clear cell (T-173._) M-8400/O nodular (T-173._) M'8405/0 papillary (T-173._) M-8404/O Hidrocystoma (T-173._) M-8660/0 Hilar cell tumor (T-183.0) Hilar lymph node T-196.1 NOS T-196.1 pulmonary T-196.2 splenic M—8660/0 Hilus cell tumor (T—183.0) T-162.2 Hilus of lung Alphabetic Index (continued) T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-173. T-171. T-171. Ts171. T-171. MMWMV®MWMO~WMNUI T-191. N M-9680/3 "-9723/3 M-9720/3 M-9126/0 M-8832/0 M-8830/0 M-8830/1 M-8830/3 M _______ M-9722/3 M-9720/3 M-9722/3 ”-9661/3 M-9650/3 M‘9660/3 M-9660/3 M-9662/3 Hip NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma. nevus) NOS (sarcoma. lipoma) adipose tissue bone connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue joint skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Hippocampus Histiocytic lymphoma, NOS (see Lymphoma) lymphoma. true medullary reticulosis Histiocytoid hemangioma Histiocytoma NOS (T-173.-) fibrous, N05 fibrous. atypical fibrous. malignant Histiocytosis NOS (SNOMED M-77800) acute differentiated progressive malignant sinus. with massive lymphadenopathy (SNDMED M-77940) X. NOS (SNOMED M-77910) X. acute progressive Hodgkin's granuloma malignant lymphoma paragranuloma. NOS paragranuloma. nodular sarcoma _98— M-9650/3 M-9653/3 M-9654/3 M-9655/3 M-9657/3 M-9658/3 M-9659/3 M-9657/3 M-9652/3 ”-9663/3 "-9666/3 "-9667/3 M-9665/3 M-9666/3 M-9667/3 T-170.4 M-8290/3 M-8290/0 M—8290/3 M-8290/0 M-8742/Z "-8742/3 M-9100/0 M-9100/0 M-9100/1 M-9100/1 "-9103/0 M-9173/0 Hodgkin's disease NOS lymphocytic depletion. NOS lymphocytic depletion. diffuse fibrosis lymphocytic depletion. reticular lymphocytic predominance. NOS (was 9651/3) lymphocytic predominance. diffuse lymphocytic predominance. nodular lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance (was 9651/3) mixed cellularity. NOS nodular sclerosis. Nos (was 9656/3) nodular sclerosis. cellular phase (was 9657/3) nodular sclerosis. lymphocytic depletion nodular sclerosis. lymphocytic predominance nodular sclerosis. mixed cellularity nodular sclerosis. syncytial variant Humerus Hurthle cell adenocarcinoma (T—193.9) adenoma (T-193.9) carcinoma (T-193.9) tumor (T-193.9) Hutchinson's melanotic freckle (T-173._) Hutchinson's melanotic freckle. malignant melanoma in (T-173._) Hydatid mole (T-181.9) Hydatidiform mole NOS (T-181.9) invasive (T-181.9) malignant (T-181.9) partial (T-181.9) Hygroma. NOS M-9l73/0 Hygroma, cystic T—184.0 Hymen T-170.0 Hyoid bone [M-8052/0 Hyperkeratotic Qapillomg] M-8311/1 Hypernephroid tumor M-8312/3 Hypernephroma (T-189.0) Hyperplasia M ------- NOS (SNOMED M-72000) M ------- adenomatous (SNOMED M-72420) M ------- adenomyomatous (SNOMED M-72440) M ------- angiofollicular; benign (SNOMED M-72260) M ------- atrophy—associated (SNOMED M"72Q25) M ------- atypical (SNOMED M-72005) M ------- glandular (SNOMED M-72420) M ------- glandular and stromal (SNOMED M-72400) M ------- lobular (SNOMED M-72100) M ------- lymphoid, NOS (SNOMED M—72200) M ------- nodular, NOS (SNOMED M-72030) M ------- nodular focal (SNOMED M~72031) M ------- papilliferous (SNOMED M-72050) M ------- pseudoepitheliomatous (SNOMED M-72090) M ------- stromal (SNOMED M-72430) M ------- stromal and glandular (SNOMED M-72400) M ------- Hyperplastic polyp (SNOMED M-72040) M ------- Hyperplastic scar (SNOMED M-49730) M ------- Hyperthecosis (SNOMED M-73040) M ------- Hypertrophy, NOS (SNOMED M-71000) M ------- Hypertrophy, giant rugal (SNOMED M-71330) T-196.6 Hypogastric lymph node T-192.0 Hypoglossal nerve T-148.2 Hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold T-148.9 Hypopharyngeal wall T-148.9 Hypopharynx; NOS T-148.3 Hypopharynx, posterior wall T-i94.3 Hypophysis ' T-191.0 Hypothalamus _99— M-9962/1 M-9962/1 T—153. T-153. T-196. T-152. NNt‘D T-171. T-196. T-171.6 O\O\ T-171.5 T-170.6 M-9080/3 M _______ M-9684/3 M-9671/3 M-9760/3 M-9763/3 M ————— /2 M-8140/2 M-8210/2 M-8210/2 M-8220/2 M-8220/2 M—8221/2 M-8210/2 Alphabetic Index (continued) Idiopathic hemorrhagic thrombocythemia (T-169._) Idiopathic thrombocythemia (T-169._) Ileocecal junction Ileocecal valve Ileocolic lymph node Ileum (excludes Ileocecal valve T-153.4) Iliac artery lymph node vein Iliopsoas muscle Ilium Immature teratoma Immunoblastic lymphadenopathy (SNOMED M-72280) Immunoblastic sarcoma Immunocytoma Immunoproliferative disease; NOS Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease (T-152._) In situ (see Behavior code, page 24) In situ (see Introduction, page xiv) adenocarcinoma adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma, POIVP adenocarcinoma. in adenomatous polyposis coli (T-153._) adenocarcinoma, in familial polyposis coli (T-153._) adenocarcinoma, in multiple adenomatous polyps adenocarcinoma, in polypoid adenoma in a polyp, NOS in adenomatous Alphabetic Index (continued) In situ (Cont'd) M-8210/2 adenocarcinoma; in tubular adenoma "—8263/2 adenocarcinoma; in tubulovillous adenoma M-8261/2 adenocarcinoma; in villous adenoma M-8010/2 carcinoma, N05 M-8070/2 carcinoma; epidermoid; NOS M-8076/2 carcinoma; epidermoid with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) M-8210/2 carcinoma; in a polyp; Nos M—8210/2 carcinoma; in adenomatous polyp M-8500/2 carcinoma; intraduct M-8520/2 carcinoma; lobular (T-174._) M-8522/3 carcinoma; lobular; and infiltrating duct carcinoma (T-174._) M-8522/2 carcinoma; lobular; and intraductal carcinoma (T-174._) M-8050/2 carcinoma; papillary M-8070/2 carcinoma; squamous cell; NOS M-8076/2 carcinoma; squamous cell with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) M-8120/2 carcinoma, transitional cell Infantile M-9071/3 embryonal carcinoma M-8814/3 fibrosarcoma M-9131/0 hemangioma [M-9722/3 reticuloendotheliosi§L_§cute] Inferior T-196.6 epigastric lymph node T-196.2 mesenteric lymph node T-171.5 vena cava Infiltrating M-8856/0 angiolipoma M-8500/3 duct adenooarcinoma (T-174._) M-8522/3 duct and lobular carcinoma (T-174._) M—8522/3 duct and lobular carcinoma in situ (T-174._) M-8500/3 duct carcinoma (T-174._) M-8541/3 duct carcinoma and Paget's disease; breast (T-174._) '100- M-8521/3 M‘8856/0 M-8520/3 M _______ M-8530/3 M-8530/3 .4 i —L N —‘ bDU'IM-DD-DO-Dlfi‘ T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-196. T-173. T-171. T-171. O‘O‘U’IU’IO\O\O\O\O\UIUJ T-174.8 T-173. T-160.1 —A Infiltrating (Cont'd) ductular carcinoma lipoma lobular carcinoma (T-174._) Infiltrative fasciitis (SNOMED M-76130) Inflammatory adenocarcinoma (T-174._) carcinoma (T-174._) polyp (SNOMED M—76820) pseudotumor (SNOMED M-76820) Infraclavicular lymph node Infraclavicular region NOS NOS (carcinoma; melanoma; NOS (sarcoma; lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue nevus) Infratentorial (see Brain) Inguinal lymph node Inguinal region N05 N05 (carcinoma; melanoma; N05 (sarcoma; lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue nevus) Inner breast canthus ear T-140. T-140. T-140.3 DUI T-170.6 T-196. T-191.0 a M-8151/0 M—8151/3 T-196.1 T-171.4 T-171.4 M ----- x-z "-8044/3 T-191.0 T-145.0 T-140.5 T-171.4 T-160.0 T'180.0 T-188.5 M-8650/l M'8650/0 M-8650/3 T-170.2 T-196.2 T-159.0 M-8144/3 M‘8144/3 Inner aspect of lip NOS lower upper Innominate bone Innominate lymph node Insula Insulinoma. NOS (T-157._) Insulinoma, malignant (T-157._) Intercostal lymph node muscle nerve Intermediate differentiation (see Grading code, page 24) Intermediate cell, small cell carcinoma (T-162._) Internal capsule cheek lip; NOS mammary artery nose os urethral orifice Internal endometriosis (SNOMED M—76510) Interstitial cell tumor NOS benign malignant Intervertebral disc Intestinal lymph node Intestinal tract, NOS Intestinal type adenocarcinoma (T-151._) Intestinal type carcinoma (T-151._) -101- Alphabetic Index (continued) Intestine T-159.0 NOS T-153.9 large (excludes Rectum, NOS T-154.1 and Rectosigmoid junction T-154.0) T-152.9 small T-196.2 Intra-abdominal lymph nodes T-195.2 Intra-abdominal site, NOS Intracanalicular fibroadenoma M-9011/0 NOS (T-174._) [M-9020/0 cellular (T-174. )] [M-9020/0 qiant (T-174. )] Intracranial T-192.1 arachnoid T-192.1 meninges T-191.9 site Intracystic M-8504/3 adenocarcinoma, papillary M-8504/0 adenoma, papillary ”-8504/3 carcinoma, NOS M-8504/2 carcinoma, non-infiltrating M-8504/U papilloma M-8750/O Intradermal nevus (T-173._) M-8500/2 Intraduct carcinoma in situ Intraductal M-8500/2 adenocarcinoma; non-infiltrating; NOS M-8503/Z adenocarcinoma, non-infiltrating, papillary M-8503/3 adenocarcinoma, papillary, with invasion M-8500/2 carcinoma, NOS M-8522/3 carcinoma and lobular carcinoma (T—174._) M-8522/2 carcinoma and lobular carcinoma in situ (T-174._) ”-8543/3 carcinoma and Paget's disease, breast (T-174._) M-8500/2 carcinoma. non-infiltrating; NOS M-8503/2 carcinoma, non-infiltrating. papillary Alphabetic Index (continued) M-8503/0 M-8505/0 M-8505/0 M-8070/2 M-8096/0 M-8740/0 M-8081/2 M ————— /2 M-8010/2 M-8070/2 T-155.1 M-9132/0 M-8856/0 T-190.0 M-9Z70/3 T-196.6 T-196.1 T-195.1 M-9134/1 M-8890/1 T-161.0 M-8821/1 M-9100/1 M-9100/1 M _______ M-8053/0 M-8121/1 M-8724/0 Intraductal (Cont'd) papilloma papillomatosis, NOS papillomatosis, diffuse Intraepidermal carcinoma, NOS epithelioma, Jadassohn (T—173._) nevus (T-173._) squamous cell carcinoma; Bowen's type (T-173._) Intraepithelial (see Behavior code, page 24) Intraepithelial carcinoma, NOS Intraepithelial squamous cell carcinoma Intrahepatic bile duct Intramuscular hemangioma Intramuscular lipoma Intraocular Intraosseous carcinoma (T-170.1) Intrapelvic lymph node Intrathoracic lymph node Intrathoracic site, NOS Intravascular bronchial alveolar tumor (T-162._) Intravascular leiomyomatosis Intrinsic larynx Invasive fibroma hydatidiform mole (T-181.9) mole, NOS (T-181.9) Inverted follicular keratosis (SNOMED M-72920) papilloma transitional cell papilloma Involuting nevus (T-175._) -102- T-190. T-195. T-170. T-191. T-157. AOO‘MO M-8150/3 M-8150/0 M-8154/3 M-8150/3 M-8150/0 T-157.4 T-182.1 M-8780/0 M-8096/0 M _______ T-195.0 T-170.1 T-170.1 T-170.0 T-173.3 T-152.1 T—170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. AMQDO Iris Ischiorectal fossa Ischium Island of Reil Islands of Langerhans Islet cell adenocarcinoma (T-157._) adenoma (T-157._) and exocrine adenocarcinoma. mixed (T-157._) carcinoma (T-157._) tumor (T-157._) Islets of Langerhans Isthmus uteri Jadassohn's blue nevus (T-173._) intraepidermal epithelioma (T-173._) nevus sebaceous (SNOMED M’75750) Jaw NOS bone, NOS bone, lower bone, upper skin Jejunum Jessner, benign lymphocytic infiltrate (SNOMED M-47250) Joint NOS acromioclavicular ankle costovertebral elbow T—170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T—170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. Ul—‘(NJI‘NNNO‘LHO’ T-196. O M-8690/1 T-154. T-151. T-151. T-151. T-145. T-155. T-154. T-189. T-154. T-180. oooaoomooooo M-8740/0 M—8740/0 M-8740/3 T-146.5 T-141.5 M-9160/0 M _______ M’9921/3 M-8502/3 M-9030/0 M-8622/1 M-9131/0 M-8770/0 M-8770/O Joint (Cont'd) foot hand hip knee; NOS knee, lateral meniscus knee. medial meniscus shoulder sternocostal temporomandibular wrist Jugular lymph node Jugular paraganglioma (T-194.6) Junction anorectal cardio-esophageal esophagogastric gastroesophageal hard and soft palate ileocecal pelvi-rectal pelvi-ureteric rectosigmoid squamocolumnar of cervix Junction nevus (T-173._) Junctional nevus (T-l73._) Junctional nevus, malignant melanoma in (T-173._) Junctional region of oropharynx Junctional zone of tongue Juvenile angiofibroma (T-147._) aponeurotic fibroma (SNOMED M-76150) astrocytoma (T-191._) carcinoma, breast (T-174._) fibroadenoma (T—174._) granulosa cell tumor (T-183.0) hemangioma melanoma (T-173._) nevus (T-173._) polyp (SNDMED M—75640) xanthogranuloma (SNOMED M-55380) M—9221/o M-922f/3 M-9190/3 M-9190/3 M—8361/1 M-9140/3 M _______ M-8071/3 M-8071/3 M-8071/3 M—8052/0 M-9142/0 T-189.0 T~189.0 T-189.1 Alphabetic Index (continued) Juxtacortical chondroma (T-170._) chondrosarcoma (T-170._) osteogenic sarcoma (T-170._) osteosarcoma (T-170._) Juxtaglomerular tumor (T-189.0) Kaposi's sarcoma Keloid (SNOMED M-49720) Keratinizing epidermoid carcinoma squamous cell carcinoma, N05 squamous cell carcinoma; large cell Keratoacanthoma, NOS (SNOMED M-72860) Keratocyst (SNUMED M-26530) Keratosis NOS (SNOMED M-72700) actinic (SNOMED M—72850) benign squamous (SNOMED M-72760) inverted follicular (SNOMED M-72920) obturans (SNOMED M—7Z960) seborrheic (SNOMED M-72750) senile (SNOMED M—72850) Keratotic papilloma Keratotic verrucous hemangioma Kidney NOS parenchyma pelvis Alphabetic Index (continued) T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-170. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. M-8490/6 WMMMNNVNNMMMMWVU Knee NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma; nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue joint, NOS joint, lateral meniscus joint, medial meniscus patella skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Krukenberg tumor (T-183.0) M-9124/3 Kupffer cell sarcoma (T-155.0) T-184. T-184. T-184. T-18G. T-140. T-145. T-184. T-184. T-184. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-190. T-157. T-157. N a — A 0‘ NINNN J'.‘ Labia NOS majora, NOS majora, skin minora Labial commissure Labial sulcus Labium NOS majus minus Lacrimal duct, NOS duct, nasal gland sac islands islets Langerhans, Langerhans, -104— M-8332/3 T-153.9 M‘8012/3 M-8072/3 M-8071/3 M-8072/3 "-8045/3 T-153.9 T-161. T—16l.3 T-161.0 —¢ T-148.9 T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. "LN‘NMO T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. ‘QQ—s—A—s-q T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. T-161. OM-‘NOM Langhans. Nuchernde Struma (T-193.9) Large bowel Large cell carcinoma NOS epidermoid, non-keratinizing squamous cell. keratinizing squamous cell. non-keratinizing Large cell—small cell carcinoma (T-162._) Large intestine (excludes Rectum, NUS T-154.1 and Rectosigmoid junction T-154.0) Laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold cartilage commissure Laryngopharynx Larynx NOS arytenoid cartilage cricoid cartilage cuneiform cartilage epiglottis, NOS (excludes Anterior surface of epiglottis T-146.4) epiglottis, posterior surface extrinsic false cord false vocal cord glottis intrinsic laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold laryngeal cartilage laryngeal commissure subglottis supraglottis thyroid cartilage true cord T-161.0 T-161. T-161.0 _. T—144.1 T-170.7 T-191.5 T-146. T-147. T—146. T-149. T-188. ND°\NO‘ T’171. T*153.2 D T-195. T—173. T-171. T-171. T—170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-196. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. WMMMNMMU'ILNMUINLNUHNIW “-8891/1 M-8890/0 M—8890/0 M-8893/0 M~8892/1 M-8891/1 M-8894/0 M-8890/1 Larynx (Cont'd) true vocal cord ventricular band vocal cord, NOS Lateral floor of mouth meniscus of knee joint ventricle Lateral wall mesopharynx nasopharynx oropharynx pharynx, NOS urinary bladder Latissimus dorsi muscle Left colon Leg N03 N05 (carcinoma, melanoma, NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue bone connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath nevus) Leiomyoblastoma Leiomyofibroma Leiomyoma NOS bizarre cellular epithelioid vascular Leiomyomatosis, intravascular -105- Alphabetic Index (continued) Leiomyosarcoma M-8890/3 NOS ‘ M-8891/3 epithelioid "-8896/3 myxoid T-190.0 Lens, crystalline "—9704/3 Lennert's lymphoma M ------- Lentigo, NOS (SNOMED M-57250) M—8742/2 Lentigo maligna (T-173._) M-8742/3 Lentigo maligna melanoma (T-173._) M-9530/3 Leptomeningeal sarcoma (T-192._) T-151.5 Lesser curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.1 to T-151.4) M-9722/3 Letterer-Siwe's disease M ------- Leucokeratosis (SNOMED M—72830) M ------- Leucoplakia, NOS (SNOMED M-72830) Leukemia (T-169.1) M-9800/3 NOS M-9801/3 acute, NOS M-9861/3 acute, granulocytic M-9821/3 acute, lymphatic M—9821/3 acute, lymphoblastic M-9821/3 acute, lymphocytic M-9821/3 acute, lymphoid M-9910/3 acute, megakaryoblastic M-9891/3 acute, monoblastic M-9891/3 acute, monocytic [M-9891/3 acute, monocvtoid] M-9861/3 acute, myeloblastic M‘9861/3 acute, myelocytic [M~9861/3 acute, myeloqenous] M-9861/3 acute, myeloid M-9867/3 acute, myelomonocytic M-9866/3 acute, promyelocytic M-9804/3 aleukemic, NOS M-9864/3 aleukemic, granulocytic M-9824/3 aleukemic, lymphatic M-9824/3 aleukemic, lymphocytic M-9824/3 aleukemic, lymphoid M-9894/3 aleukemic, monocytic [M-9894/3 aleukemic, monocvtoid] [M—9864/3 aleukemic, myeloqenous] M-9864/3 aleukemic, myeloid M-9870/3 basophilic M‘9801/3 blast cell Alphabetic Index (continued) Leukemia (Cont'd) Leukemia (Cont'd) M-9892/3 monocytic, subacute [M-9890/3 monocytoid, NOS] [M-9891/3 monocvtoid, acute] [M-9894/3 monocvtoid, aleukemic] [M-9893/3 mgpocytoid, chronic] [M-9892/3 monocytoid, subacute] M~9861/3 myeloblastic, acute [M-9863/3 myelocvtic, NOS] M-9861/3 myelocytic, acute [M-9860/3 myeloqenous, NOS] [M-9861/3 myeloqenoug;_§cute] [M-9864/3 myeloqenougL_§leukemic] M-9863/3 myelogenous. chronic [M-9862/3 myeloqenoug;_§ugaggtgl M-9860/3 myeloid, NOS M-9861/3 myeloid; acute M-9864/3 myeloid; aleukemic M-9863/3 myeloid; chronic M-9862/3 myeloid. subacute M-9860/3 myelomonocytic, NOS M-9867/3 myelomonocytic, acute M-9868/3 myelomonocytic, chronic [M-9863/3 Nagggli-type, monocytic] [M-9865/3 neutroehilic] M-9830/3 plasma cell M-9830/3 plasmacytic M-9825/3 prolymphocytic M-9866/3 promyelocytic; acute [M-9890/5 Schillinq-tvpeL_monocvticl [fl;g§g1/3 stem cell] M-9802/3 subacute, NOS M-9862/3 subacute. granulocytic M-9822/3 subacute, lymphatic M-9822/3 subacute, lymphocytic M-9822/3 subacute, lymphoid M-9892/3 subacute. monocytic [M-9892/3 subacutgL_monocvtoid] [M-9862/3 subacuteI myelogenous] [M-9801/3 blastic, NOS] [M-9861/3 blastic, qranulocytic] M—9803/3 chronic. NOS M-9863/3 chronic, granulocytic M-9823/3 chronic, lymphatic M—9823/3 chronic, lymphocytic M-9823/3 chronic; lymphoid M-9893/3 chronic, monocytic [M-9893/3 chronic, monocvtoid] M-9863/3 chronic, myelogenous M-9863/3 chronic. myeloid M-9868/3 chronic, myelomonocytic [fl;2810/3 compound] M-9880/3 eosinophilic M-9860/3 granulocytic, NOS M-9861/3 granulocytic, acute M-9864/3 granulocytic, aleukemic [M-9861/3 qranulocvtic, blastic] M-9863/3 granulocytic, chronic [M-9862/3 qranulocvtic, subacute] M-9940/3 hairy cell [M-9890/3 histiocvtic] [M-9820/3 lymphatic, NOS] M-9821/3 lymphatic, acute M-9824/3 lymphatic; aleukemic M-9823/3 lymphatic, chronic M-9822/3 lymphatic; subacute M-9821/3 lymphoblastic, acute M-9820/3 lymphocytic; NOS M~9821l3 lymphocytic; acute M-9824/3 lymphocytic, aleukemic M-9823/3 lymphocytic, chronic M-9822/3 lymphocytic, subacute M-9820/3 lymphoid, NOS M-9821/3 lymphoid, acute M-9824/3 lymphoid. aleukemic M-9823/3 lymphoid, chronic M-9822/5 lymphoid, subacute M-9850/3 lymphosarcoma cell (T-169.0) M-9900/3 mast cell M-9910/3 megakaryoblastic, acute M-9910/3 megakaryocytic [M-9910/3 megakaryocytoid] [M-9810/3 mixed] M-9891/3 monoblastic, NOS M—9891/3 monoblastic, acute M-9890/3 monocytic, N05 M-9891/3 monocytic, acute M-9894/3 monocytic, aleukemic M-9893/3 monocytic; chronic [M-9863/3 monocytic, Naegeli-type] [M-9890/3 monocytic, Schillinq-type] -106- M-9862/3 subacute, myeloid [M-9910/3 thrombocvtic] M-9801/3 undifferentiated "-9940/3 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis Leydig cell tumor M-8650/1 NOS (T-186._) M-8650/0 benign (T-186._) M-8650/3 malignant (T-186._) M-8631/0 Leydig-Sertoli cell tumor T-173. T-173. T—173. 7—171. T-183. 1-133. T—183. T—1’33. T-190. T-141. T-141. T-162. M-8142/3 T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T‘140. T-140. T—140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T-140. T—140. T-173. T-140. T-140. T-iQO. T-140. T-173. T-140. T-140. J-‘DUI‘NO “0‘04: AO‘WMDU‘I‘NJBUIUID-‘OO‘O OOLNJ‘Lfl-‘CGDJ-‘d Lid NOS lower upper Ligament NOS broad round uterine uterosacral Limbus of cornea Lingual, NOS Lingual tonsil Lingula, lung Linitis plastica (T-151._) Lip NOS (excludes Skin of lip T-173.0) commissure commissure, labial external, NOS external, lower external, upper frenulum, NUS frenulum labii, frenulum, lower frenulum, upper inner aspect, NOS inner aspect, lower inner aspect, upper internal, NOS labial commissure lower, NOS (excludes Skin of lower lip T-173.0) lower, external lower, frenulum lower, inner aspect lower, mucosa lower, skin lower, vermilion border mucosa, NOS mucosa, lower mucosa, upper skin, NOS upper, NOS (excludes Skin of upper lip T-173.0) upper, external NOS '107- T’140. T-140. T-140. T—173. T-140. T-140. T-lfiO. T-140. O-‘OOOMMM M-8670/0 M-8314/3 M—8324/0 M-8881/0 M-8881/0 M ——————— M-8670/0 M"8850/0 M-8881/0 Mr8880/0 M-8856/0 M-8856/0 M-8854/0 M-8857/0 M-8881/0 M—8850/3 M-8858/3 M-8851/3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Lip (Cont'd) upper, frenulum upper, inner aspect upper, mucosa upper, skin upper, vermilion border vermilion border, NOS vermilion border, lower vermilion border, upper Lipid cell tumor, ovary (T-l83.0) Lipid-rich carcinoma (T-174._) Lipoadenoma Lipoblastoma Lipoblastomatosis Lipogranuloma, NOS (SNOMED M-QQOGO) Lipoid cell tumor, ovary (T-183.0) Lipoma NOS fetal, NOS fetal fat cell infiltrating intramuscular pleomorphic spindle cell Lipomatosis NOS (SNOMED M-74100) diffuse (SNUMED M-74103) fetal Liposarcoma NOS dedifferentiated differentiated [M-8852/3 embryonal] M-8855/3 M-8852/3 M-8854/3 Mr8855/3 M-8851/3 T-155.0 ”-8170/0 M-8170/3 mixed myxoid pleomorphic round cell well differentiated Liver Liver cell adenoma (T-155.0) Liver cell carcinoma (T-155.0) Alphabetic Index (continued) T-191. T-i62. T-162. T-162. T-162. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-162. T-162. MMNM-D-DJ-‘UIU‘I‘ M-8520/3 M-8520/3 "-8522/3 M-8522/3 M-8522/3 M'8520/3 M-8520/2 "-8522/3 M-8522/2 M-8520/2 T-143. T-143. T-143. T-174. T-143. T-163. T-174. T-170. T'173. T-140. d—h—hw-I-Aw—h-hd T~140.1 Lobe frontal lower, lower, middle, bronchus middle, lung occipital parietal temporal upper, bronchus upper, lung bronchus lung Lobular adenocarcinoma (T-174._) Lobular carcinoma NOS (T-174._) and infiltrating duct carcinoma (T-174._) and ductal carcinoma (T—174._) and intraductal carcinoma (T—174._) infiltrating (T-i74._) in situ (T-174._) in situ and infiltrating duct carcinoma (T—174._) in situ and intraductal carcinoma (T~174._) non-infiltrating (T'174._) Lobular hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72100) Lobule, ear Low malignant potential (see Behavior code, page 24) Lower alveolar mucosa alveolar ridge mucosa alveolus breast gingiva gum inner quadrant of breast jaw bone lid lip, NOS (excludes Skin of lower lip T-173.0) lip, external -108- T-140. T-140. T-ifiD. T-173. T-140. T—162. T-162. T-174. T-150. T-182. T-195. T-173. T-171. T~171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-170. T—196. T-17I. T-171. T~170. T-170. T-173. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-171. T-192. T-196. T-171. T-171. T-162. T-162. T-162. T-162. T-162. T'162. T-162. T—162. T-162. ‘UlU'IUIUI-‘Ob-b-D (NMCNCNNOOGMLNUIVNM‘NWWMNUI NNN NLN-DNUIOOQO (Cont'd) frenulum inner aspect mucosa skin vermilion border lobe, bronchus lobe, lung outer quadrant of breast third of esophagus uterine segment Lower lip, lip, lip, lip, lip; Lower limb NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue long bones long bones; lymph node muscle skeletal muscle short bones short bones, skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath nevus) joints joints Lumbar cord lymph node nerve Lumbosacral plexus Lung NOS bronchiole bronchogenic bronchus, NOS bronchus, lower lobe bronchus, main bronchus, middle lobe bronchus, upper lobe carina T-162. T-162. T-162. T-162. T-162. T-162. T-162. T—162. T-162. T-1fl2. M-8601/0 M-8610/0 M-8610/0 T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T—196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. mwoaammmmm O‘N"NOUNWQO-‘MON‘MNNLHON-‘dLNMMOMNNO Lung (Cont'd) hilus lingula lower lobe lower lobe, bronchus main bronchus middle lobe middle lobe, bronchus pulmonary, NOS upper lobe upper lobe; bronchus Luteinized thecoma (T-183.0) Luteinoma (T-183.0) Luteoma, NOS (T-183.0) Luteoma, pregnancy (SNOMED M-79680) Lymph gland (see Lymph Node) Lymph node NOS abdominal aortic arm auricular axilla axillary brachial bronchial bronchopulmonary celiac cervical Cloquet colic common duct cubital diaphragmatic epigastric. inferior epitrochlear esophageal face facial femoral gastric groin head hepatic hilar. NOS hilar. pulmonary hilar, splenic hypogastric -109- T-I96. T-196. T-196. T-196. T—196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T—196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T—196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-I96. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T~196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T—196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T—196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. OU‘MONN-‘—‘OO‘DDNNMNNO‘WO-‘O‘0‘NNOO‘OmNNNN‘ONU'ILJ'IO-‘O‘NN-‘flknLnMNO‘ONN Alphabetic Index (continued) Lymph node (Cont'd) ileocolic iliac inferior epigastric inferior mesenteric infraclavicular inguinal inguinal region innominate intercostal intestinal intra-abdominal intrapelvic intrathoracic jugular leg lower limb lumbar mandibular mediastinal mesenteric, mesenteric; mesenteric, midcolic multiple regions neck obturator occipital pancreatic para-aortic paracervical parametrial parasternal parotid pectoral pelvic periaortic peripancreatic popliteal porta-hepatis portal preauricular prelaryngeal presymphysial pretracheal pulmonary, NOS pulmonary hilar pyloric retroperitoneal retropharyngeal Rosenmuller's sacral scalene NOS inferior superior Alphabetic Index (continued) T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. T-196. M-‘dm-‘ON‘NOODOMMNN T-196.8 M-9170/3 M-9170/0 M-9170/3 M—9170/0 M-9171/0 M-9172/0 M—9173/O M _______ M-9174/0 M-9174/1 M-9170/3 T-171.9 M-9685/3 M _______ Lymph node (Cont'd) splenic. NOS splenic hilar subclavicular subinguinal sublingual submandibular submaxillary submental subscapular superior mesenteric supraclavicular thoracic tibial tracheal tracheobronchial upper limb Lymph nodes of multiple regions Lymphadenopathy angio-immunoblastic (SNOMED M-72280) immunoblastic (SNOMED M-72280) massive. with sinus histiocytosis (SNOMED M-77940) Lymphangioendothelial sarcoma Lymphangioendothelioma, NOS Lymphangioendothelioma, malignant Lymphangioma NOS capillary cavernous cystic Lymphangiomatosis; systemic (SNOMED M‘76414) Lymphangiomyoma Lymphangiomyomatosis Lymphangiosarcoma Lymphatic, NOS Lymphoblastoma, NOS Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner; benign (SNOMED M—47250) '110- M ------- Lymphocytoma cutis, benign (SNOMED M-72210) M-8082/3 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma M ------- Lymphoepithelial lesion, benign (SNOMED M-72240) M-808Z/3 Lymphoepithelioma [M-9650/3 Lvmphoqranuloma, maliqnant] [M-9650/3 Lymphoqranulomatosis, malignant] Lymphoid M ------- hamartoma, angiomatous (SNOMED M—72260) M ------- hyperplasia, NOS (SNOMED M-72200) M ------- polyp, NOS (SNOMED M-76880) M ------- polyp. benign (SNOMED M-76880) Lymphoma, malignant M-9590/3 Nos M ----- /-6 B-cell (see Grading code, page 24) M ----- /-6 B-precursor (see Grading code, page 24) Burkitt's M—9687/3 NOS M-9687/3 small non-cleaved, diffuse M—9687/3 tumor M-9687/3 type, undifferentiated Centroblastic M-9683/3 NOS M—9683/3 diffuse M-9697/3 follicular Centroblastic-centrocytic "-9676/3 NOS M—9676/3 diffuse M-9692/3 follicular M-9674/3 Centrocytic Cleaved cell M-9672/3 Nos M-9681/3 large, NOS M-9681/3 large, diffuse "-9672/3 small, Nos M—9672/3 small, diffuse M-9695/3 small, follicular M-9685/3 Convoluted cell M—9700/3 Cutaneous, Nos (T—173._) M—9590/3 M-9683/3 M-9676/3 M-9680/3 M-9680/3 M-9681/3 M-9682/3 M-9670/3 M—9673/3 M-9672/3 M-9670/3 M-9675/3 M-9675/3 M-9682/3 "-9593/3 M-9686/3 M-9672/3 M-9687/3 M-9690/3 M-9697/3 M-9692/3 M-9698/3 M-9698/3 M-9691/3 M-9698/3 M-9695/3 M-9680/3 M-9680/3 M-9675/3 M-9691/3 ”-9698/3 M-9723/3 M _______ M-9684/3 "-9680/3 M-9675/3 Lymphoma, malignant (Cont'd) Diffuse NOS centroblastic centroblastic-centrocytic histiocytic large cell, NOS large cell, cleaved large cell, non-cleaved lymphocytic, NOS lymphocytic, intermediate differentiation lymphocytic. poorly differentiated lymphocytic, well differentiated mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic mixed small and large cell non—cleaved reticulum cell sarcoma small cell, non—cleaved small cleaved cell small non-cleaved, Burkitt's Follicular (nodular) NOS centroblastic centroblastic—centrocytic large cell, Nos large cell, non-cleaved mixed small cleaved and large cell non-cleaved small cleaved cell Histiocytic NOS diffuse lymphocytic, mixed, diffuse lymphocytic, mixed, nodular nodular true Hodgkin's - See Hodgkin's disease Immunoblastic Large cell N08 and small cell, mixed, diffuse '111- M-9691/3 M-9681/3 ”-9681/3 M-9680/3 “-9698/3 M-9682/3 "-9682/3 M-9698/3 M-9704/3 M-9685/3 M-9670/3 M-9670/3 "-9673/3 M-9672/3 M-9670/3 M-9690/3 “-9694/3 M~9696/3 M-9693/3 ”-9670/3 M-9704/3 M-9671/3 M-9671/3 "-9673/3 M-9675/3 M-9691/3 M-9675/3 ”-9691/3 M-9690/3 “-9698/3 M-9694/3 "-9696/3 M-9693/3 ”-9691/3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Lymphoma, malignant (Cont'd) and small cleaved, mixed; follicular cleaved, NOS cleaved, diffuse diffuse, NOS follicular, NOS non-cleaved, NOS non-cleaved, diffuse non—cleaved, follicular Lennert's Lymphoblastic Lymphocytic, NOS Lymphocytic, diffuse NOS intermediate differentiation poorly differentiated well differentiated Lymphocytic, nodular NOS intermediate differentiation poorly differentiated well differentiated Lymphocytic, small Lymphoepithelioid Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoplasmacytoid Mantle zone Mixed lymphocytic-histiocytic, diffuse lymphocytic—histiocytic, nodular small and large cell, diffuse_ small cleaved and large cell, follicular Nodular NOS histiocytic lymphocytic, intermediate differentiation lymphocytic, poorly differentiated lymphocytic, well differentiated mixed lymphocytic—histiocytic Alphabetic Index (continued) Lymphoma; malignant (Cont'd) M-9686/3 Non—Burkitt's; undifferentiated Non—cleaved M-9682/3 NOS M—9682/3 diffuse; Nos M-9698/3 follicular. Nos M-9682/3 large cell; NOS M-9682/3 large cell; diffuse M-9698/3 large cell; follicular M-9686/3 small cell; diffuse M-9591/3 Non-Hodgkin's; NOS M ----- /-7 Non T—non B (see Grading code; page 24) M ----- /-7 Null cell (see Grading code; page 24) M ------- Orbital (SNOMED M—72290) M-9702/3 Peripheral T—cell M ----- /-6 Pre-B (see Grading code; page 24) Small (cell) M-9670/3 NOS M-9675/3 and large cell; mixed; diffuse M-9691/3 cleaved and large cell; mixed follicular M-9672/3 cleaved; diffuse ‘M-9695/3 cleaved; follicular M-9670/3 lymphocytic M-9686/3 non-cleaved; diffuse; Nos M-9687/3 non-cleaved; diffuse; Burkitt's M ----- l-S T-cell (see Grading code; page 24) M—9702/3 T-cell; NOS M-9702/3 T-cell; peripheral M-9703/3 T-zone M-9723/3 True histiocytic Undifferentiated cell M-9686/3 Nos M-9687/3 Burkitt's type M-9686/3 non-Burkitt's M ------- Lymphomatoid papulosis (SNOMED M-72230) [M-9590/0 Lvmphomatous tumor; beniqn] M-9970/1 Lymphoproliferative disease; N05 -112- M-9592/3 M-9850/3 M-9592/3 M-8334/0 M-9761/3 M-8726/0 T-162. T-142. NON T-175.9 T-187.9 T-187.9 T-187.9 M-8110/0 M-8000/3 M ————— /1 T-171.4 Lymphosarcoma NOS cell leukemia (T-169.0) diffuse Macrofollicular adenoma (T-193.9) Macroglobulinemia; Waldenstrom's (T-169.0) Magnocellular nevus (T-190.0) Main bronchus Major salivary gland; NOS Malakoplakia (SNOMED M-43180) Male breast; NOS (excludes Skin of breast T-173.5) genital organs; NOS genital tract; NOS genitourinary tract; NOS Malherbe's calcifying epithelioma (T-173._) Malignancy Malignancy; borderline (see Behavior code; Page 24) Malignant metastatic site (see Behavior code; page 24) primary site (see Behavior code; page 24) secondary site (see Behavior code; page 24) uncertain whether primary or metastatic site (see Behavior code; page 24) Mammary artery; internal M _______ T-174.9 T-170.1 T-143.1 T-196.0 M—8670/0 T-171.0 M‘9741/3 M-9900/3 M-9740/3 M-9740/1 M-9740/3 M-9740/1 M-9740/5 M-9741/3 T~160.1 M-9080/1 T-170.0 T-160.2 T-143.0 T-160.2 T—173.2 T-152.3 T-170. T-171.2 T-196. N -§ T-164. T-164. T-164.3 NO T-194.0 T-191.7 Mammary duct ectasia (SNOMED M-32100) Mammary gland Mandible Mandibular gingiva Mandibular lymph node Masculinovoblastoma (T-183.0) Masseter muscle Mast cell disease, systemic tissue leukemia (T-169.1) sarcoma tumor, NOS tumor, malignant Mastocytoma, NOS Mastocytoma,‘malignant Mastocytosis, malignant Mastoid antrum Mature teratoma Maxilla Maxillary antrum gingiva sinus Meatus, external auditory Meckel's diverticulum (site of neoplasm) Medial meniscus of knee joint Median nerve Mediastinal lymph node Mediastinum NOS anterior posterior Medulla, adrenal Medulla oblongata -113- Alphabetic Index (continued) Medullary M—8510/3 adenocarcinoma M-8510/3 carcinoma, NOS M-8511/3 carcinoma with amyloid stroma (T-193.9) M-8512/3 carcinoma with lymphoid stroma (T-174._) M-9720/3 histiocytic reticulosis M—9470/3 Medulloblastoma, NOS (T-191.6) M—9471/3 Medulloblastoma, desmoplastic (T-191.6) M-9501/3 Medulloepithelioma, NOS M-9502/3 Medulloepithelioma, teratoid M-9472/3 Medullomyoblastoma (T-191.6) M-9910/3 Megakaryoblastic leukemia, acute (T-169.1) Megakaryocytic M~9910/3 leukemia (T—169.1) M-9961/1 myelosclerosis (T-169.1) [M-9920/3 myelosis (T-169. )] [M-9910/3 Meqakarvocytoid leukemia (T-169. )] T—173.1 Meibomian gland M-9363/0 Melanoameloblastoma (T-170._) [M-8720/3 Melanocarcinomal M-8720/0 Melanocytic nevus (T-173._) M-9560/0 Melanocytic Schwannoma M-8726/0 Melanocytoma, eyeball (T-190.0) Melanoma M-8720/3 NOS M-8744/3 acral lentiginous, malignant (T-173._) M-8730/3 amelanotic M-8722/3 balloon cell M-8745/3 desmoplastic, malignant (T-173._) M-8771/3 epithelioid cell M—8775/3 epithelioid and spindle cell, mixed M-8770/0 juvenile M-8742/3 lentigo maligna (T-173._) M-8720/3 malignant, NOS M-8761/3 malignant, in giant pigmented nevus (T-173._) Alphabetic Index (continued) Melanoma (Cont'd) M-8742/3 malignant, in Hutchinson's melanotic freckle (T-173._) Mr8740/3 malignant, in junctional nevus (T-173._) M-8741/3 malignant, in precancerous melanosis (T-173._) M-9044/3 malignant, of soft parts (T-171._) M-8723/3 malignant, regressing (T-173._) M-8745/3 neurotropic, malignant (T-173._) M-8721/3 nodular M-8772/3 spindle cell, NOS M-8773/3 spindle cell, type A (T-190.0) M-8774/5 spindle cell, type B (T-190.0) M-8775/3 spindle cell and epithelioid V cell, mixed M-8743/3 superficial spreading [M-8720/3 Melanosarcoma, NOS] [M-8771/3 Melanosarcoma. epithelioid cell] Melanosis M ------- congenital (SNOMED M-25110) M-8741/2 precancerous, NOS (T-173._) M-8741/3 precancerous, malignant melanoma in (T-173._) Melanotic M-8742/2 freckle, Hutchinson's (T-173._) M-8742/3 freckle, Hutchinson's, malignant melanoma in (T-173._) M-9363/0 neuroectodermal tumor M-9541/0 neurofibroma M-9363/0 progonoma T-181.9 Membranes, fetal M-9530/3 Meningeal sarcoma (T-192._) M-9539/3 Meningeal sarcomatosis (T-192._) Meninges T-192.1 NOS T-192.1 cerebral T-192.1 cranial T-192.1 intracranial T-192.3 spinal -114- M-9530/0 M-9535/0 M-9534/0 M-9531/0 M-9532/0 M~9532/0 M-9535/0 M-9536/0 M-9530/3 M-9531/0 M—9537/0 M-9538/1 M-9533/0 M-9531/0 M-9537/0 M-9530/1 M-9550/1 M-9530/1 M-9530/3 M-9531/O T-170.7 T-170.7 M-8247/3 M-8247/3 M-9240/3 M ——————— M-8990/3 M-8800/3 M-8990/1 M-8990/1 M-8990/0 M—8990/3 T-171.5 T-196.2 T'196.2 T-196.2 Meningioma (T-192._) NOS angioblastic angiomatous endotheliomatous fibroblastic fibrous hemangioblastic hemangiopericytic malignant meningotheliomatous mixed papillary psammomatous syncytial transitional Meningiomas, multiple (T-192._) Meningiomatosis, NOS (T-192._) Meningiomatosis, diffuse (T-192._) Meningothelial sarcoma (T-192._) Meningotheliomatous meningioma (T-192._) Meniscus, lateral of knee joint Meniscus, medial of knee joint Merkel ce11 carcinoma (T-173._) Merkel cell tumor (T-173._) Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma hamartoma (SNOMED M-75660) [M-§962/3 neghroblastoma (T-189.0)] sarcoma, mixed tumor, malignant tumor, mixed Mesenchymoma NOS benign malignant Mesenteric artery Mesenteric lymph node NOS inferior superior T-158.8 Mesentery T-158.8 Mesoappendix M-8960/1 Mesoblastic nephroma, NOS T-158.8 Mesocolon M-8951/3 Mesodermal mixed tumor [M-9110/3 Mesometanephric carcinoma} Mesonephric M-9110/3 adenocarcinoma M-9110/0 adenoma M-9110/1 tumor M-8310/3 Mesonephroid, clear cell adenocarcinoma Mesonephroma M-9110/3 NOS M-9110/0 benign M-9110/3 malignant Mesopharynx T-146.9 NOS T-146.6 lateral wall T-146.7 posterior wall [M-9050/3 Mesothelial sarcoma] Mesothelioma M-9050/3 NOS M-9050/0 benign M-9053/3 biphasic, NOS M-9053/0 biphasic, benign M-9053/3 biphasic, malignant M-9055/1 cystic (T—158._) M—9052/3 epithelioid, NOS M-9052/0 epithelioid, benign M-9052/3 epithelioid, malignant M-9051/3 fibrous. NOS M-9051/0 fibrous, benign M-9051/3 fibrous; malignant M-9050/3 malignant T-183.3 Mesovarium T-170.5 Metacarpal bone -115- M _______ M-8140/6 M-8010/6 M—8000/6 M—8490/6 M-8000/6 M ————— l6 T-170.8 M-8095/3 M-8202/0 M-8533/0 M-9594/3 M-8076/3 T-191. T-196.2 \l T-191. T-160. T—162. T‘162. T-150. I‘D-0‘0 T-174. T—141. T-145.9 ‘00 Alphabetic Index (continued) Metaphyseal fibrous defect (SNOMED M-74940) Metaplasia NOS (SNOMED M-73000) glandular (SNOMED M-73300) myeloid (SNOMED M-73500) squamous (SNUMED M-73220) Metaplastic polyp (SNOMED M—72040) Metastatic adenocarcinoma, carcinoma, NOS neoplasm signet ring cell carcinoma tumor NOS Metastatic site. malignant (see Behavior code. page 24) Metatarsal bone Metatypical carcinoma (T-173._) Microcystic adenoma (T-157._l Microfollicular adenoma (T-193.9) Microglioma (T-191._) Micro-invasive squamous cell carcinoma (T-180._) Midbrain Midcolic lymph node Middle cranial fossa ear lobe, bronchus lobe; lung third of esophagus Midline of breast Midline of tongue Minor salivary gland. NOS (see Introduction page xviii and note under T-142) Alphabetic Index (continued) Mixed M-8281/0 acidophil-basophil adenoma (T-194.3) M—8281/3 acidophil-basophil carcinoma (T-194.3) M-8560/3 adenocarcinoma and epidermoid carcinoma M-8560/3 adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma M-8094/3 basal-squamous cell carcinoma (T-173._) M—8281/0 basophil-acidophil adenoma (T—194.3) M-8281/3 basophil-acidophil carcinoma (T-194.3) M-8180/3 bile duct and hepatocellular carcinoma (T-155.0) M-8325/3 cell adenocarcinoma M-8323/0 cell adenoma M-8375/0 ce11, adrenal cortical adenoma (T-194.0) M-9081/3 embryonal carcinoma and teratoma M-8560/3 epidermoid carcinoma and adenocarcinoma M-8775/3 epithelioid and spindle cell melanoma M—8154/3 exocrine and islet cell adenocarcinoma (T-157._) [M-8340/3 follicula;_and papillagy carcinoma (T~193.9)] M—9085/3 germ cell tumor M-9382/3 glioma (T-191._) M-8180/3 hepatocellular and bile duct carcinoma (T-155.0) M-8154/3 islet cell and exocrine adenocarcinoma (T-157._) [M-9810/3 leukemia (T-169. )] M-8855/3 liposarcoma M-9537/0 meningioma (T-192._) M—8990/3 mesenchymal sarcoma M—8990/1 mesenchymal tumor M-8951/3 mesodermal tumor M-8950/3 Mullerian tumor M-9382/3 oligo-astrocytoma (T-191._) [M-8340/3 papillary and follicular carcinoma (T-193.9)] M-8902/3 rhabdomyosarcoma M‘8775/3 spindle cell and epithelioid ce11 melanoma M-8560/3 squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma -116- Mixed (Cont'd) M—8094/3 squamous~basa1 cell carcinoma (T-173._) M-9081/3 teratoma and embryonal carcinoma Mixed tumor M-8940/0 NUS M—8940/3 malignant, NOS M-8940/0 salivary gland type, NOS (T-142._) M-8940/3 salivary gland type, malignant (T-162._) M ----- /-3 Moderately differentiated (see Grading code, page 24) M ----- /-3 Moderately well differentiated (see Grading code, page 24) M-8332/3 Moderately differentiated; follicular adenocarcinoma (T—193.9) M-8332/3 Moderately differentiated; follicular carcinoma (T-193.9) Mole M-9100/0 hydatid (T-181.9) M-9100/0 hydatidiform, NOS (T-181.9) M-9100/1 hydatidiform, invasive (T-181.9) M-9100/1 hydatidiform, malignant (T-181.9) M-9103/0 hydatidiform, partial (T-181.9) M—9100/1 invasive, NOS (T-181.9) M ------- Molluscum contagiosum (SNOMED M-76660) M ------- Molluscum sebaceum (SNOMED M-72860) M-9764/1 Monoclonal gammopathy M-8146/0 Monomorphic adenoma [M-9731/1 Monostotic myeloma] T-184.4 Mons pubis T-184.4 Mons veneris M-9481/3 Monstrocellular sarcoma (T-191.*) M-8092/3 Morphea, basal cell carcinoma (T—173._) T-145. T-144. T—144. T-144. T-145. T-145. ‘Ul-‘CQVD M-8481/3 M-8481/3 M-8481/3 M-8481/3 M-8480/3 M-9015/0 M-8480/0 M-8263/3 M-8480/3 M-8470/3 M-8471/3 M-9015/0 M-8470/0 M-8472/3 M-8473/3 M-8470/0 M-8472/3 M-8471/D M-8473/3 M-8243/3 M _______ M-8430/3 M-8430/1 M-8480/3 M—8480/3 M-8300/3 M-8300/0 Mouth NOS floor: floor, floor; roof vestibule NOS anterior lateral Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma Mucin-producing carcinoma Mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma Mucin-secreting carcinoma Mucinous adenocarcinoma adenofibroma (T-183.0) adenoma carcinoid (T-153.5) carcinoma cystadenocarcinoma, (T-183.0) cystadenocarcinoma, papillary (T-183.0) cystadenofibroma (T-183.0) cystoma (T-183.0) tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) tumor, papillary, of low malignant potential (T-183.0) NOS Mucinous cystadenoma NOS (T-183.0) borderline malignancy (T-183.0) papillary, NOS (T-183.0) papillary, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Mucocarcinoid tumorl, malignant] (T—153.5) Mucocele (SNOMED M-33200) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma Mucoepidermoid tumor Mucoid adenocarcinoma carcinoma cell adenocarcinoma (T-194.3) cell adenoma (T-194.3) '117- T-143. T-145. T-143. T-143. T-143. T-143. T-145. T-145. T—140. T—140. T-140. T‘160. T-145. M-8480/3 M‘8480/3 M'8950/3 M-8091/3 M-8360/1 M-8221/D M-8221/3 M-8221/2 M—9140/3 M-9530/1 M-9730/3 M-9540/1 M—8221/0 M-8221/0 M-8221/3 M-8221/2 T-194. T-196. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. COM-DUICOO-‘OO-‘O 8 u M N N N m m 0 Alphabetic Index (continued) Mucosa alveolar, alveolar, lower alveolar, upper alveolar ridge, NOS alveolar ridge, lower alveolar ridge, upper buccal cheek lip; NOS lip, lower lip, upper nasal oral NOS Mucous adenocarcinoma Mucous carcinoma Mullerian mixed tumor Multicentric basal cell carcinoma (T-173._) Multiple adenomas, endocrine adenomatous polyps adenomatous polyps, adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyps, adenocarcinoma in situ in hemorrhagic sarcoma meningiomas (T-192._) myeloma neurofibromatosis polyposis polyps, adenomatous polyps, adenomatous, adenocarcinoma in polyps, adenomatous, adenocarcinoma in situ in Multiple endocrine glands Multiple regions, lymph nodes Muscle NOS abdomen abdominal wall arm back biceps brachii biceps femoris Alphabetic Index (continued) T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-190. T-171. T-i71. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T'171. T—171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17I. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. \lN-DLNNJI‘DCNOONOO‘UIUAUIO‘O‘DOOMJ‘DUIONO‘MNMVNC-‘NNOWO‘N M _______ M-9700/3 M-9980/1 M _______ "-9932/3 M-9961/1 Muscle (Cont'd) brachialis buttock calf chest wall coracobrachialis deltoideus extra-ocular face finger flank foot forearm gastrocnemius gluteus maximus hand head iliopsoas intercostal latissimus dorsi leg masseter neck pectoralis major pelvis perineum psoas quadriceps femoris rectus abdominis sacrococcygeal region scalp shoulder skeletal, NOS sternocleidomastoid thigh thoracic wall thorax thumb toe trapezius triceps brachii trunk Musculo-aponeurotic fibromatosis (SNOMED M-76150) Mycosis fungoides (T-173._) Myelodysplastic syndrome Myelofibrosis NOS (SNOMED M-49000) acute (T-169.1) with myeloid metaplasia -118- M _______ M-9930/3 M-8870/0 M-9730/3 [M-9731/1 M-9730/3 Myeloid metaplasia (SNOMED M-73500) Myeloid sarcoma Myelolipoma Myeloma NOS monostotic] multiple [M-9730/3 plasma cell] [M-9730/3 M-9731/3 M-9730/3 M-9960/1 M-9960/1 plasmacvtic] solitary Myelomatosis Myeloproliferative disease, Nos Myeloproliferative disease, chronic (T-169._) [M-9930/3 Myelosarcoma] Myelosclerosis M ------- NOS (SNOMED M-69020) M-9961/1 megakaryocytic (T-169.1) M-9961/1 with myeloid metaplasia (T-169.1) Myelosis [M-9860/3 NOS (T-169. )] [M—9861/3 acute, NOS (T-169. )] M-9841/3 acute erythremic (T-169.1) [M-9864/3 aleukemic (T—169. )] [M-9863/3 chronic (T-169. )] M-9840/3 erythremic, NOS (T-169.1) M-9841/3 erythremic, acute (T-169.1) [M-9920/3 meqakarvocvtic (T-169. )1 [M-9862/3 subacute (T-169. )] M-9580/0 Myoblastoma, granular cell, NOS M-9580/3 Myoblastoma, granular cell, malignant T-164.1 Myocardium "-8562/3 Myoepithelial-epithelial carcinoma M—8982/0 Myoepithelial tumor M-8982/0 Myoepithelioma M-8890/0 Myofibroma "-8824/1 Myofibromatosis M-8895/0 Myoma T-182.0 M-8895/3 M-8931/1 M-8931/1 M _______ "‘8811/0 M-9320/0 M-9231/3 M-88I1/0 M-8896/3 M-8852/3 M-8852/0 M-8852/3 M-8840/0 "-9562/0 M-9320/0 M-9394/1 M-8840/3 T-180. T-173. T-173. T-160. CHUNG T-170. T-160. T-160. DOD T-190.7 Myometrium Myosarcoma Myosis; stromal; NOS (T-182.0) Myosis; stromal, endolymphatic (T-182.0) Myositis ossificans, NOS (SNOMED M-75410) Myxofibroma, NOS Myxofibroma, odontogenic (T-170._) Myxoid chondrosarcoma fibroma leiomyosarcoma liposarcoma Myxolipoma Myxoliposarcoma Myxoma NOS nerve sheath odontogenic (T-170._) Myxopapillary ependymoma (T-191._) Myxosarcoma Nabothian gland Nail, finger Nail; toe Naris Nasal bone cartilage cavity (excludes Nose, T-195.0) lacrimal duct N05 -119- T-160. T-160. CDC T-147.3 T-160.9 T-160.0 M _______ T-147.3 T-147.9 T-147. T~147. T-147. T-147. T-147. T-147. DD-‘NUJO T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17i. T-i96. T—171. T-171. T-173. T-i71. T-171. T-171. T-171. ODODDODOODOOODO .1 I d on m U! Alphabetic Index (continued) Nasal (Cont'd) mucosa septum, NOS (excludes Posterior margin of nasal septum T-147.3) septum, posterior margin sinus, accessory turbinate Nasal glial heterotopia (SNOMED M-26160) Nasal glioma (SNOMED M-26160) Nasal lacrimal duct Nasolacrimal duct Nasopalatine duct cyst (SNOMED M-26600) Nasopharyngeal surface, soft palate Nasopharyngeal wall Nasopharynx NOS anterior wall lateral wall posterior wall roof superior wall Neck NOS NUS (carcinoma, melanoma. nevus) NOS (sarcoma; lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue lymph node muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Neck of bladder Necrosis, fat (SNOMED M-54110) Alphabetic Index (continued) ‘ Neoplasm Nervous system M-8000/1 NOS T-192.9 NOS "-8000/0 benign T-171.9 autonomic M-8000/3 malignant T-192.9 central M-8000/9 malignant. uncertain whether T-171.9 parasympathetic primary or metastatic T-171.9 sympathetic M-8000/6 metastatic M-8000/6 secondary M-8150/0 Nesidioblastoma (T-157._) M-8000/1 uncertain whether benign or M-9560/0 Neurilemmoma, NOS malignant M—9560l3 Neurilemmoma, malignant M-9560/3 Neurilemmosarcoma M-9560/0 Neurinoma Nephroblastoma M-9560/1 Neurinomatosis M-8960/3 NOS (T-189.0) M-9505/1 Neuroastrocytoma [M-8961/3 epithelial (T-189.0)] M-9500/3 Neuroblastoma, NOS [M-8962/3 mesenchvmal (T-189.0)] M-9522/3 Neuroblastoma, olfactory (T-160._) M-8960/1 Nephroma, mesoblastic M-9506/0 Neurocytoma Nerve Neuroectodermal tumor T-171.9 NOS M-9364/3 NOS T-192.0 abducens M-9363/0 melanotic T-192.0 accessory, NOS M-9364/3 peripheral T-192.D accessory, spinal "-9473/3 primitive (T-191._) T-192.0 acoustic T-171.2 brachial ”-8246/3 Neuroendocrine carcinoma T-192.0 cranial M~9503l3 Neuroepithelioma, NOS T-192.0 facial M—9523/3 Neuroepithelioma, olfactory T-171.3 femoral (T-160._) T-192.0 glossopharyngeal T-192.0 hypoglossal T-171.4 intercostal Neurofibroma T-171.7 lumbar M-9540/0 NOS T-171.2 median M-9541/0 melanotic T-171.3 obturator M-9550/0 plexiform T-192.0 oculomotor T-192.0 olfactory M-9540/1 Neurofibromatosis, NOS T-192.0 optic M-9540/1 Neurofibromatosis. multiple T-171.9 peripheral, NOS "-9540/3 Neurofibrosarcoma T-171.2 radial M-9540/3 Neurogenic sarcoma T‘171.6 sacral M-9520/3 Neurogenic tumor, olfactory T-171.3 sciatic T-171.9 spinal, NOS T-192.0 trigeminal Neuroma T-192.0 trochlear M-9570/0 NOS T-171.2 ulnar M-9560/0 acoustic (T-192.0) T-192.0 vagus M ------- amputation (SNOMED M—49770) M-9550/0 plexiform "-9562/0 Nerve sheath myxoma M ------- traumatic (SNOMED M-49770) M-8725/0 Neuronevus (T-173._) M-9540/3 Neurosarcoma ~120- M-9562/0 Neurothekeoma "-8745/3 Neurotropic melanoma, malignant (T-173._) [M-8720/3 Nevocarcinoma] M ------- Nevoxanthoendothelioma (SNOMED M-55380) Nevus M-8720/0 NOS (T-173._) M-8730/0 achromic (T-173._) M ------- araneus (SNOMED M-76330) M-8722/0 balloon cell (T-l73._) M-8780/0 blue, NOS (T-173._) M-8790/0 blue, cellular (T-173._) [M-8790/0 blue. qiant (T-173. )] M-8780/0 blue, Jadassohn's (T-173._) M-8780/3 blue, malignant (T-173._) M-8760/0 compound (T-173._) M-8750/0 dermal (T-173._) M-8760/0 dermal and epidermal (T-173._) M-8770/O epithelioid and spindle cell (T-173._) M-8771/0 epithelioid cell (T-173._) M ------- flammeus (SNOMED M-75540) M-8761/1 giant pigmented (T-173._) M-8761/3 giant pigmented. malignant melanoma in (T-173._) M-8720/O hairy (T-173._) M-8723/O halo (T-173._) M-8750/0 intradermal (T-173._) M-8740/0 intraepidermal (T-173._) M-8724/0 involuting (T-173._) M-8780/0 Jadassohn's blue (T-173._) M ------- Jadassohn's sebaceous (SNOMED M-75750) M-8740/0 junction (T-173._) M-8760/0 junctional (T-173._) M-8740/3 junctional, malignant melanoma in (T-173._) M-8770/O juvenile (T-173._) M-8726/O magnocellular (T-190.0) M-8720/0 melanocytic (T-173._) M-8730/0 non-pigmented (T-173._) M-8720/O pigmented. NOS (T-173._) M ------- portuine (SNOMED M-75540) M-87Z3/0 regressing (T-173._) M ------- sanguineous (SNOMED M~75540) M ------- sebaceous, Jadassohn's (SNOMED M-75750) M ------- spider (SNOMED M-76330) M~8772l0 spindle cell (T-173._) -121- Alphabetic Index (continued) Nevus (Cont'd) M-8770/0 spindle cell and epithelioid cell (T-173._) M-8770/0 Spitz (T-173._) M ------- spongy, mucosa (SNOMED M—75710) M ------- strawberry (SNOMED M-75540) M ------- unius lateris (SNOMED M-75740) M ------- vascular (SNOMED M-75540) M ------- verrucosus (SNOMED M-75740) T-174.0 Nipple M-9990/0 No microscopic confirmation; clinically benign tumor M-9990/3 No microscopic confirmation; clinically malignant tumor (cancer) M-9990/6 No microscopic confirmation; clinically metastatic tumor (cancer) M-9990/1 No microscopic confirmation; clinically tumor, NOS T ------ Node (see Lymph Node) Nodular M ------- fasciitis (SNOMED M-76130) M-8400/0 hidradenoma (T-173._) M ------- hyperplasia, NOS (SNOMED M-72030) M ------- hyperplasia; focal (SNOMED M-72031) M-8721/3 melanoma M-8832/0 subepidermal fibrosis (T-173._) M ------- tenosynovitis (SNOMED M-47830) M-8930/0 Nodule, endometrial stromal (T-182.0) [M-8242/1 Non-arqentaffin carcinoid tumor; HQ] [M-8242/3 Non-arqentaffin carcinoid tumoni malignant] M-8693/1 Nonchromaffin paraganglioma, Mos M-8693/3 Nonchromaffin paraganglioma, malignant Nonencapsulated sclerosing M-8350/3 adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) M-8350/3 carcinoma (T-193.9) M-8350/3 tumor (T-193.9) Alphabetic Index (continued) "M ------ Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (see Nose (Cont'd) Lymphoma, Malignant) T-170.0 nasal bone M-9591/3 Non-Hodgkin's type, malignant T-160.0 nasal cavity lymphoma T-160.0 nostril M ----- /2 Non-infiltrating (see Behavior T-160.0 septum, N05 code, page 24) T-147.3 septum, posterior margin T-173.3 skin T-160.0 turbinate Non-infiltrating T-160.0 vestibule M-8500/2 adenocarcinoma, intraductal, NOS T-160.0 Nostril M-8503/2 adenocarcinoma, intraductal, T-170.2 Nucleus pulposus papillary M-8504/2 carcinoma, intracystic M ----- /-7 Null cell (see Grading code, M-8500/2 carcinoma, intraductal, NOS page 26) M-8503/2 carcinoma, intraductal, papillary M-8520/2 carcinoma, lobular (T-174._) M-8501/2 comedocarcinoma (T-174._) -0— M ----- /2 Non-invasive (see Behavior code, page 24) Non-keratinizing M-8042/3 Oat cell carcinoma (T-162._) M-8072/3 epidermoid carcinoma, large cell T-196.6 Obturator lymph node M-8073/3 epidermoid carcinoma, small T-171.3 Obturator nerve cell M-8072/3 squamous cell carcinoma, NOS M-8072/3 squamous cell carcinoma, large Occipital cell T-170.0 bone M-8073/3 squamous cell carcinoma, small T-191.4 lobe cell T-196.0 lymph node T-191.4 pole M-9722/3 Non-lipid reticuloendotheliosis M ------- Non-ossifying fibroma T-192.0 Oculomotor nerve (SNOMED M-74940) M-8730/0 Non-pigmented nevus (T-173._) M-9311/0 Odontoameloblastoma (T-170._) M ----- /-7 Non T-non B (see Grading code, page 24) Odontogenic . M-9300/0 adenomatoid tumor (T-170._) Nose M-9270/3 carcinoma (T-170._) T-195.0 NOS M-9321/0 fibroma, NOS (T-170._) T-173.3 ala nasi M-9321/0 fibroma, central (T-170._) T—170.0 bone M-9322/0 fibroma, peripheral (T-170._) T-160.0 cartilage M-9330/3 fibrosarcoma (T-170._) T-147.3 choana M-9302/o ghost cell tumor (T-170._) T-173.3 external [M-9321/0 hamartoma, central, epithelial T-160.0 internal (1-170. )1 T-160.0 mucosa [M-932 l0 hamartoma er' hera T-160.0 naris in iva e i heli T-i 0. l -122- M-9320/O M—9320/O M-9270/3 M _______ M-9301/O M-9270/1 M-9300/O M-9270/0 M-9340/O M-9270/3 M-9312/O M-9280/O M-9282/O M-9281/O M-9290/0 M-9290/3 M-9522/3 M-9523/3 M-9520/3 M-9382/3 M-9460/3 M—9450/3 M-9451/3 T-191.7 T-158.8 Odontogenic (Cont'd) myxofibroma (T-170._) myxoma (T-170._) sarcoma (T-170._) Odontogenic cyst NOS (SNOMED M-26520) calcifying (T-170._) dentigerous (SNOMED M—26560) eruptive (SNOMED M—26550) gingival (SNOMED M-26540) primordial (SNOMED M-26530) Odontogenic tumor NOS (T-170._) adenomatoid (T-170._) benign (T-170._) ‘ calcifying epithelial (T-170._) malignant (T-170._) squamous (T-170._) Odontoma NOS (T-170._) complex (T-170._) compound (T-170._) fibroameloblastic (T-170._) Odontosarcoma, ameloblastic (T-170._) Oesophagus (see Esophagus) Olfactory nerve Olfactory neuroblastoma (T-160._) neuroepithelioma (T-160._) neurogenic tumor Oligo-astrocytoma, mixed (T-191._) Oligodendroblastoma (T-191._) Oligodendroglioma, NOS (T-191._) Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic (T-191._) Olive Omentum -123- M-8290/3 M-8290/O M-8290/3 M-8290/O T-192.0 T-192.0 T-192.0 T-145.9 T-145.9 T-190.1 T-190.1 T-190.1 T-170.0 M _______ M‘9071/3 T-194.6 T-159.9 T-184. T-187.9 \O T-188. T-188.5 Ch T-146. T-146. T-146. T-146. \IONUIQ T-180.1 T~180.0 Alphabetic Index (continued) Oncocytic adenocarcinoma adenoma carcinoma Oncocytoma Oncocytosis (SNOMED M-73050) Operculum Optic chiasm nerve tract Oral cavity Oral mucosa Orbit NOS connective tissue soft tissue Orbital bone Orbital lymphoma (SNOMED M-72290) Orchioblastoma (T-186._) Organ of Zuckerkandl Organs digestive, NOS female genital, NOS male genital, NOS Orifice, ureteric Orifice, urethral, internal Oropharynx NOS junctional region lateral wall posterior wall Os, external 05; internal Alphabetic Index (continued) M-9275/0 M-9262/O M-9180/3 M-9200/O M-9200/1 M-9210/O M-9210/O M-9210/1 M _______ M-9180/3 M-9250/1 M‘9250/3 M-9262/O M-9182/3 M-9180/3 M-9190/3 M-9190/3 M-9191/O M-9ZOO/O M‘9180/O M-9191/O M-9ZOO/O M-9180/3 M-9181/3 M-9182/3 M-9190/3 M-9190/3 M-9185/3 M-9183/3 M-9184/3 Osseous dysplasia, florid (T-170._) Ossifying fibroma (T-170._) Osteitis deformans (SNOMED M-74970) Osteitis fibrosa cystica (SNOMED M-74840) Osteoblastic sarcoma (T-170._) Osteoblastoma; NOS (T-170._) Osteoblastoma, aggressive (T-170._) Osteocartilaginous exostosis (T-170._) Osteochondroma (T-170._) Osteochondromatosis. NOS (T-170._) Osteochondromatosis, synovial (SNOMED M-73670) Osteochondrosarcoma (T-170._) Osteoclastoma, NOS (T-170._) Osteoclastoma, malignant (T-170._) Osteofibroma (T-170._) Osteofibrosarcoma (T-170._) Osteogenic sarcoma NOS (T-170._) juxtacortical (T-170._) periosteal (T-170._) Osteoid osteoma, NOS (T-170._) Osteoid osteoma, giant (T—170._) Osteoma NOS (T-170._) osteoid, NOS (T-170._) osteoid, giant (T-170._) Osteosarcoma NOS (T-170._) chondroblastic (T-170._) fibroblastic (T-170._) juxtacortical (T-170._) parosteal (T-170._) small cell (T-170._) telangiectatic (T-170._) Osteosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone (T-170._) -124- T-174. T-173. M-8590/1 T-183. M‘8290/3 M-8290/O M-9507/O M-8541/3 "-8543/3 M _______ M-9184/3 M-8540/3 M-8542/3 M-8540/3 T-145. T-145. T-145. T-145. T-147. T-146. T-191. T-173. T-17i. T-171. T-173. 8 1 O (RUINU'I O N Outer breast Outer canthus Ovarian stromal tumor (T-183.0) Ovary Oxyphilic adenocarcinoma Oxyphilic adenoma Pacinian tumor Paget's disease and infiltrating duct carcinoma of breast (T-174._) and intraductal carcinoma (T-176.-) bone (SNOMED M-74970) bone, osteosarcoma in (T-170._) breast (T-174._) extramammary (except Paget's disease of bone) mammary (T-174._) Palate NOS hard junction of hard and soft soft, NOS (excludes Nasopharyngeal surface T-147.3) soft, nasopharyngeal surface Palatine tonsil Pallium Palm; skin Palmar aponeurosis fascia skin T-173. —h T-157. T-157. T-157. T-157. Tr157. T-157. T-157. T-157. T-157. NDvL‘OMLNM-‘O T-157. T-196.2 (N M-8971/3 M-9931/3 ”-9013/0 M~8260/0 ”-8408/0 M‘8504/0 “-8452/1 M _______ M-9393/1 M-8052/3 M—8405/0 M-9538/1 M-8473/3 M-8462/3 M-8052/3 M-8406/0 M-8406/0 M-8130/3 M-8260/3 ”-850473 M-8503/3 M-8503/2 M-8460/3 Palpebra Pancreas NOS body duct duct, Santorini duct, Nirsung head islands of Langerhans islets of Langerhans tail Pancreatic duct Pancreatic lymph node Pancreatoblastoma (T-157._) Panmyelosis, acute (T-169.1) Papillary adenofibroma (T-183.0) adenoma, NOS adenoma, eccrine (T—173._l adenoma. intracystic cystic tumor (T-157._) cystitis (SNOMED M-76820) ependymoma (T-191._) epidermoid carcinoma hidradenoma (T-173._) meningioma (T-192._) mucinous tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) serous tumor of low malignant potential (T-183.0) squamous cell carcinoma syringadenoma (T-173._) syringocystadenoma (T-173._) transitional cell carcinoma Papillary adenocarcinoma N05 intracystic intraductal with invasion non-infiltrating; intraductal serous (T-183.0) -125- Alphabetic Index (continued) Papillary and follicular “-8340/3 adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) M-8340/3 carcinoma (T-193.9) [M-8340/3 carcinoma, mixed (T-193.9)l Papillary carcinoma M-8050/3 NOS M~8052/3 epidermoid M—8050/2 in situ M-8503/2 non-infiltrating, intraductal M-8461/3 serous surface (T-183.0) M-8052/3 squamous cell M-8130/3 transitional cell "-8340/3 with follicuIar structure (T-193.9) Papillary cystadenocarcinoma M-8450/3 NOS (T-183.0) M-8471/3 mucinous (T-183.0) M’8471/3 pseudomucinous (T-183.0) M-8460/3 serous (T-183.0) Papillary cystadenoma M-8650/0 NOS (T-183.0) M-8451/3 borderline malignancy (T-183.0) M-8561/0 lymphomatosum (T-142._) M-8471/0 mucinous, NOS (T-183.0) M-8473/3 mucinous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) M-8471/0 pseudomucinous, NOS (T-183.0) M-8473/3 pseudomucinous; borderline malignancy (T-183.0) M-8460/0 serous, NOS (T-183.0) M-8462/3 serous, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) M ------- Papilliferous hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72050) M-8450/3 Papillocystic adenocarcinoma Papilloma M-8050/0 NOS (except Papilloma of urinary bladder M-8120/1) M-8120/1 NOS of urinary bladder (T—188._) M ------- basal cell (SNOMED M-72750) M ------- basosquamous (SNOMED M-72750) M-9390/0 choroid plexus, NOS (T-191.5) M-9390/3 choroid plexus, anaplastic (T-191.5) Alphabetic Index (continued) Papilloma (Cont'd) M-9390/3 choroid plexus, malignant (T-191.5) M-8503/0 ductal [M-8052/0 dvskeratotic] M ------- fibroepithelial (SNOMED M-76810) [M-SOSZ/O hvperkeratotic] M-8504/0 intracystic M-8503/0 intraductal M-8053/0 inverted M-8052/0 keratotic [M—8052/0 parakeratotic] M-8121/0 Schneiderian M-8461/0 serous surface (T-183.0) [M-8461/1 serous surface, borderline malignancy (T-183.0)] "-8052/0 squamous M—8052/0 squamous cell M-8120/0 transitional M-8120/0 transitional cell, NOS M-8121/1 transitional cell, inverted M-8120/1 urinary bladder (T-188._) M-8120/1 urothelial M-8051/0 verrucous M-8261/1 villous Papillomatosis M-8060/0 NOS M-8505/0 intraductal, NOS M-8505/0 intraductal. diffuse M-8506/0 subareolar duct (T-174.0) M-8263/0 Papillotubular adenoma M ------- Papulosis, lymphomatoid (SNOMED M-72230) T-194.6 Para-aortic body T-196.2 Para-aortic lymph node T-196.6 Paracervical lymph node M-8510/3 Parafollicular cell carcinoma (T-193.9) Paraganglioma M-8680/1 NOS M-8691/1 aortic body (T-19fi.6) M-8692/1 carotid body (T-194.5) M-8700/0 chromaffin M-8693/1 extra-adrenal, NOS M-8693/3 extra-adrenal, malignant ~126- M-8690/1 M-8680/3 M~8693I1 M-8693/3 M-8682/1 M-8681/1 T-194.6 M—9660/3 M-9660/3 Paraganglioma (Cont'd) jugular (T-194.6) malignant nonchromaffin, NOS nonchromaffin, malignant parasympathetic sympathetic Paraganglion Paragranuloma, Hodgkin's, NOS Paragranuloma, Hodgkin's, nodular [M-8052/0 Parakeratotic papilloma] T-196. T-183. T-160. T-192. T-196. T-171. O‘CObO‘ M-8682/1 T-194.1 T-189.4 T-189.0 T-170. T—191. T-163. DMD M-9190/3 T-142. T-142. T-142. T-196. ODDS T-183.3 "-9103/0 T-170.8 T-196.3 T-171.4 T-191.7 Parametrial lymph node Parametrium Paranasal sinus Parasellar Parasternal lymph node Parasympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic paraganglioma Parathyroid gland Paraurethral gland Parenchyma, kidney Parietal bone lobe pleura Parosteal osteosarcoma (T-170._) Parotid NOS gland gland duct lymph node Parovarian region Partial hydatidiform mole (T-181.9) Patella Pectoral lymph node Pectoralis major muscle Peduncle. cerebral T-170. T-153. T-196. T-158. T—195. M000\m0\ T-154.0 T-195. T-171. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-195. WO\O\O\O\O\O\O\UJ T-189. T-189. T-189.1 dd T-187. T-187. T-187. T-187. T-187. T—187. T-187. T-187. D-‘N-‘(NCNM-D T-158. T-156. T-173. T-196. NU'INO M-9272/0 M-9272/0 M-9012/O T—164.1 T-158.0 Pelvic bone colon lymph node peritoneum wall, NOS Pelvi-rectal junction Pelvis N05 N05 (sarcoma, bone connective tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle soft tissue wall, NOS lipoma) Pelvis, kidney Pelvis, renal Pelvi-ureteric junction Penis NOS body corpus corpus cavernosum foreskin glans prepuce skin Periadrenal tissue Periampullary Perianal skin Periaortic lymph node Periapical cemental dysplasia (T-170._) PeriapicaI cemento—osseous dysplasia (T-170._) Pericanalicular fibroadenoma (T-174._) Pericardium Perinephric tissue -127- Alphabetic Index (continued) Perineum T-195.3 NOS T‘173.5 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.6 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.6 connective tissue T-171.6 fibrous tissue T-171.6 muscle T—l71.6 skeletal muscle T-173.5 skin T-171.6 soft tissue T-171.6 subcutaneous tissue T-143.9 Periodontal tissue Periosteal M—9221/0 chondroma (T-170._) M-8812/0 fibroma (T-170._) M—8812/3 fibrosarcoma (T-170._) M-8812/3 sarcoma, NOS (T-170._) M-9190/3 sarcoma, osteogenic (T-170._) T-196.2 Peripancreatic lymph node T-158.0 Peripancreatic tissue T-171.9 Peripheral nerve, NOS Peripheral M-9364/3 neuroectodermal tumor M-9322/0 odontogenic fibroma [M-9321/0 odontoqenic qinqival epithelial hamartoma (T-170. )] T-195.3 Perirectal region, N05 T-158.0 Perirenal tissue T-158.9 Peritoneal cavity Peritoneum T-158.9 NOS T-158.9 cavity T~158.8 cul de sac T-158.8 mesentery T-158.8 mesoappendix T-158.8 mesocolon T-158.8 omentum T-158.8 pelvic T-158.8 pouch, Douglas T-158.8 pouch, rectouterine M ------- Peutz-Jeghers polyp (SNOMED M-75630) Alphabetic Index (continued) T-170. T-170. UIO) T-147. T-147.1 T-1Q9.0 M T-149. T-149. T—149. T-149. GOOD M-8700/3 M-8700/0 M-8700/3 M-9020/1 M-9020/0 M-9020/3 T-192.1 T-192.1 T-192.3 M-8640/0 M-8090/3 M-8833/3 M-8720/O M-8761/1 M-8761/3 "-9560/0 M _______ M _______ T-146.2 T-146.2 M-9421/3 Phalanx of foot Phalanx of hand Pharyngeal fornix tonsil wall, NOS Pharynx NOS wall, NOS wall, lateral, NOS wall, posterior, NOS Pheochromoblastoma (T-194.0) Pheochromocytoma, NOS (T-194.0) Pheochromocytoma, malignant (T-194.0) Phyllodes tumor NOS (T-174._) benign (T—174._) malignant (T-174._) Pia mater NOS cranial spinal Pick's tubular adenoma Pigmented basal cell carcinoma (T-173._) dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans nevus, NOS (T-173._) nevus, giant (T-173._) nevus, giant, malignant melanoma in (T-173._) Schwannoma villonodular synovitis (SNOMED M-47830) Pilar cyst (SNOMED M-33470) Pillar, Pillar, faucial tonsillar Pilocytic astrocytoma (T-191._) -128- M-9421/3 M-8110/3 M-8110/0 M-8110/3 M-9340/0 T-194.4 M-9360/1 M-9362/3 M~9361I1 T-173.2 T-194.3 T-194.3 T-194.3 T-181.9 M-9104/3 T-171.3 T-171.3 T-173.7 M _______ M‘9830/3 Piloid astrocytoma (T-191._) Pilomatrix carcinoma (T-173._) Pilomatrixoma, NOS (T-173._) Pilomatrixoma, malignant (T-173.*) Pindborg tumor Pineal gland Pinealoma (T-194.4) Pineoblastoma (T-194.4) Pineocytoma (T-194.4) Pinna Pituitary NOS fossa gland Placenta Placental site trophoblastic tumor (T—181.9) Plantar aponeurosis fascia skin Plasma cell granuloma (SNOMED M—43060) leukemia (T-169.1) [M‘9730/3 m eloma] M _______ [M—9731/3 pseudotumor (SNOMED M-43060) sarcoma] Plasma cell tumor [ML [fl:21§119._____ [5:9731/3 M—9830/3 NOS] benign] malignant] Plasmacytic leukemia (T-169.1) [M-9730/3 Plasmacytic myeloma] Plasmacytoma M-9731/3 NOS [M~9731/0 benign] M-9731/3 extramedullary M-9731/3 solitary Pleomorphic M-8940/0 adenoma M-8941/3 adenoma, carcinoma in (T-142._) M-8022/3 carcinoma M-8802/3 cell sarcoma M-8854/0 lipoma M-8854/3 liposarcoma M-8901/3 rhabdomyosarcoma "-9424/3 xanthoastrocytoma (T-191._) Pleura T-163.9 NOS T-163.0 parietal T-163.1 visceral Plexiform M-9131/0 hemangioma M-9550/0 neurofibroma M-9550/0 neuroma Plexus T-171.2 brachial T-171.0 cervical T-191.5 choroid T-171.6 lumbosacral T-171.6 sacral T-194.8 Pluriglandular "-8972/3 Pneumoblastoma (T-162._) T—191.1 Pole, frontal T-191.4 Pole, occipital Polycythemia M-9950/1 rubra vera (T-169._) M ------- secondary (SNOMED M-77720) M‘9950/1 vera (T-169._) M-9072/3 Polyembryoma M-9072/3 Polyembryonal type embryonal carcinoma ~129- "-8034/3 M _______ M-8210/3 ”-8210/2 M-8210/3 M-8210/2 M-8210/0 M-8210/3 M-8210/2 M-8210/3 M-8210/2 M—8210/0 M~8210/3 M-8210/2 M-8220/0 M-8220/3 "-8220/2 M-8220/0 M-8220/2 M-8221/0 Alphabetic Index (continued) Polygonal cell carcinoma Polyp NOS (SNOMED M-76800) NOS, adenocarcinoma in Nos, adenocarcinoma in situ in N05, carcinoma in N03, carcinoma in situ in adenomatous; NOS adenomatous, adenocarcinoma in adenomatous, adenocarcinoma in situ in adenomatous. adenomatous, in fibroepithelial (SNOMED M—76810) fibrous (SNDMED M-76810) hyperplastic (SNOMED M—72040) inflammatory (SNOMED M-76820) juvenile (SNOMED M-75640) lymphoid, NOS (SNOMED M-76880) lymphoid. benign (SNOMED M-76880) metaplastic (SNOMED M-72040) Peutz-Jeghers (SNOMED M-75630) carcinoma in carcinoma in situ Polypoid adenoma adenoma, adenoma, in adenocarcinoma in adenocarcinoma in situ Polyposis adenomatous, coli adenomatous; coli; adenocarcinoma in (T-153._) adenomatous, coli, adenocarcinoma in situ in (T-153._) coli, familial (T-153._) coli. familial, adenocarcinoma in situ in (T-153._) multiple (T-153._) Alphabetic M-8221/0 M-8221/3 M-8221/2 M-9071/3 T—191.7 T-196.5 Index (continued) Polyps adenomatous, multiple adenomatous, multiple, adenocarcinoma in adenomatous, multiple, adenocarcinoma in situ in Polyvesicular vitelline tumor Pons Poorly differentiated (see Grading code, page 24) Popliteal lymph node ‘Popliteal space T-195. T‘173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. MMWMNMMUU‘MNUI M'8402/0 T-196.2 T-196.2 T-191. T-147. T-164. T-161. T-141. Tr141. OO-‘WLNO T-148. T-146.7 T-147.1 (N N03 N05 (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Poroma, eccrine (T-173._) Porta-hepatis lymph node Portal lymph node Portwine nevus (SNOMED M‘75540) Postcricoid region Posterior cranial fossa margin of nasal septum mediastinum surface of epiglottis third of tongue tongue, NOS Posterior wall hypopharynx mesopharynx nasopharynx —130- T-146.7 T-149. T-151.8 D T‘188.4 T-158. T-194. T-158.8 CNN M-8741/2 M-8741/3 T-196.0 M-9980/1 M-9980/1 T-187. T-151. T-195. T-196. T-196. cam—5‘ T-199.9 M-9473/3 "-9443/3 M _______ M-9363/0 M-9000/1 M-9825/3 T-185.9 T-185.9 Posterior wall (Cont'd) oropharynx pharynx, NOS stomach, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0 to T-151.4) urinary bladder Pouch Douglas's Rathke's rectouterine Preauricular lymph node Pre-B (see Grading code, page 24) Precancerous melanosis, NOS (T-173._) Precancerous melanosis, malignant melanoma in (T-173._) Pregnancy luteoma (SNOMED M-79680) Prelaryngeal lymph node Preleukemia Preleukemic syndrome Prepuce Prepylorus Presacral region, NOS Presymphysial lymph node Pertracheal lymph node Primary site, malignant (see Behavior code, Page 24) Primary site unknown Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (T-191._) Primitive polar spongioblastoma (T-191._) Primordial cyst (SNDMED "—26530) Progonoma, melanotic Proliferating Brenner tumor (T—183.0) Prolymphocytic leukemia (T-169.1) Prostate, NOS Prostate gland T-189.3 M-9410/3 T-150.3 M-9533/0 M _______ M-8075/3 M _______ M-8470/3 M-8470/3 M—8471/3 M-8470/0 "-8472/3 M—8471/0 ”-8473/3 M-8480/6 Prostatic utricle Protoplasmic astrocytoma (T-191._) Proximal third of esophagus Psammomatous meningioma (T-192._) Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72090) Pseudoglandular squamous cell carcinoma Pseudolymphoma (SNOMED M-72290) Pseudomucinous adenocarcinoma (T-183.0) cystadenocarcinoma, N05 (T-183.0) cystadenocarcinoma, papillary (T-183.0) Pseudomucinous cystadenoma NOS (T-183.0) borderline malignancy (T-183.0) papillary. NOS (T-183.0) papillary. borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Pseudomyxoma peritonei (T-158.9) Pseudopolyp. NOS (SNOMED M-76820) Pseudosarcoma (SNOMED M-76190) Pseudosarcomatous carcinoma fasciitis (SNOMED M—76130) fibromatosis (SNOMED M-76130) Pseudotumor NOS (SNOMED M~03090) inflammatory (SNDMED M-76820) plasma cell (SNOMED M-43060) Psoas muscle -131— Alphabetic Index (continued) Pterygoid fossa T-171.0 NOS T-171.0 connective tissue T-171.0 fibrous tissue T-171.0 soft tissue T-170.6 Pubic bone T-184.4 Pudendum Pulmonary T-162.9 NOS T-196.l lymph node, NOS T-196.1 lymph node, hilar M-8250/1 Pulmonary adenomatosis (T-162._) M-8972/3 Pulmonary blastoma (T—162._) [M-8331/3 Pure follicle type, follicular adenocarcinoma (T-193.9)l [M-8331/3 Pure follicle type, follicula; carcinoma (T-193.9)l T-191.0 Putamen Pyloric T-151.2 antrum T-151.1 canal T-196.2 lymph node T-151.1 Pylorus M ------- Pyogenic granuloma (SNOMED M-4Q440) T-191.7 Pyramid T-148.1 Pyriform fossa T-148.1 Pyriform sinus -Q- T—171.3 Quadriceps femoris muscle M-8080/2 Queyrat's erythroplasia (T-187._) Alphabetic Index (continued) M-9123/0 T-17I.Z T-171.2 T-170.4 T-194.3 M-9350/1 M-9540/1 M _______ T-154.1 T-154.0 T-154. T-154. GO T-158. T-195. T-195. T-154. T-154. T-171. monumoo M-8723/0 T-189. T-171. T-189. T-189. T-189. d—h—‘mc M-8312/3 M-8312/3 M-8361/1 M-8041/3 T-165.9 T-165.0 Racemose hemangioma Radial artery Radial nerve Radicular cyst (SNOMED M-43800) Radius Rathke's pouch Rathke's pouch tumor (T~194.3) Recklinghausen's disease (except of Bone) Recklinghausen's disease of bone (SNOMED M-74840) Rectal ampulla Rectosigmoid NOS colon junction Rectouterine pouch Rectovaginal septum Rectovesical septum Rectum, NOS Rectum and colon Rectus abdominis muscle Regressing nevus (T-173._) Renal NOS artery calyces calyx pelvis Renal cell adenocarcinoma (T-189.0) Renal cell carcinoma (T-189.0) Reninoma (T-189.0) Reserve cell carcinoma Respiratory tract; NOS Respiratory tract, upper -132- M ------- Rest, embryonal, NOS (SNOMED M-26300) M ------- Rest, Nalthard's (SNOMED M-26350) T-186.0 Retained testis (site of neoplasm) T-169.3 Reticuloendothelial system, NOS Reticuloendotheliosis [M-9722/3 acute infantile] M-9940/3 leukemic [M-9720/3 malignant] M-9722/5 non-lipid M ------- Reticulohistiocytic granuloma (SNOMED M-77880) M ------- Reticulohistiocytoma (SNOMED M-77880) M-9593/3 Reticulosarcoma. NOS M—9593/3 Reticulosarcoma, diffuse Reticulosis [M-9722/3 acute, infancy] M-9720/3 histiocytic medullary [M-9720/3 malignant] M-9593/3 Reticulum cell sarcoma, NOS M-9593/3 Reticulum cell sarcoma, diffuse T-190.5 Retina M-9363/0 Retinal anlage tumor Retinoblastoma M-9510/3 NOS (T-190.5) M-9511/3 differentiated (T-190.5) M-9512/3 undifferentiated (T-190.5) T-190.1 Retrobulbar tissue T-158.0 Retrocecal tissue Retromolar - .6 area T-1 5.6 triangle -1 .6 trigone T-196.2 Retroperitoneal lymph node T-158.0 Retroperitoneal tissue T-158.0 T-196.0 T-149.0 M-8963/3 M—8900/0 M-8904/0 M‘8903/0 M-8904/0 M-8900/3 M-8920/3 M-8910/3 M-8902/3 M-8901/3 M-8900/3 T-191.0 T-170.3 T-153.6 M-8090/3 T-145. T-147. T-141. T-147. T-196. U'INOOUI M-8041/3 M-8853/3 M-8803/3 T-183.5 M _______ Retroperitoneum Retropharyngeal lymph node Retropharynx Rhabdoid sarcoma Rhabdomyoma NUS adult fetal glycogenic Rhabdomyosarcoma NOS alveolar embryonal mixed type pleomorphic Rhabdosarcoma Rhinencephalon Rib Right colon Rodent ulcer (T-173._) Roof of mouth Roof of nasopharynx Root of tongue Rosenmuller's fossa Rosenmuller's lymph node Round cell carcinoma liposarcoma sarcoma Round ligament Rugal hypertrophy. giant (SNOMED M-71330) -133- T-190.7 T-192. T-196. T-171. T-171. O\O\O\N T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T'171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T—173. T~171. T-171. O‘O\UIO\O\O\O\O\O\U\UIM T-170. O\ T-142.9 T-162.9 T-145.9 M-8940/0 M-8940/3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Sac. lacrimal Sacral cord lymph node nerve plexus Sacrococcygeal region NOS NOS (carcinoma. melanoma, NOS (sarcoma. lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue nevus) Sacrum Salivary gland NOS (excludes Minor salivary gland; see Introduction page xviii and note under T-142) major. NOS minor. NOS (see Introduction page xviii and note under T-142) Salivary gland type mixed tumor. NOS (T-142.“l Salivary gland type mixed tumor. malignant (T-142._) Salpingitis isthmica nodosa (SNOMED M-74200) Santorini's duct Sarcoid granuloma (SNOMED M-44210) Alphabetic Index (continued) Sarcoma M-8800/3 NOS M-9581/3 alveolar soft part M-9330/3 ameloblastic (T-170._) M-8910/3 botryoid M—8910/3 botryoides M-9480/3 cerebellar, NOS (T-191.6) M-9471/3 circumscribed arachnoidal cerebellar (T-191.6) "-9044/3 clear cell, except of kidney M-9044/3 clear cell of tendons and aponeuroses (T-171._) M—8964/3 clear cell of kidney (T-189._) M-8991/3 embryonal M-8930/3 endometrial, NOS (T-182.0) M-8930/3 endometrial stromal (T-182.0) [M-9260/3 endothelial, bone (T-170. )] "-8804/3 epithelioid M-8804/3 epithelioid cell M-9260/3 Ewing's (T-170._) H-9250/3 giant cell. bone (T-170._) M-8802/3 giant cell (except of bone) M-8710/3 glomoid M-9930/3 granulocytic M-9130/3 hemangioendothelial M-9662/3 Hodgkin's M-9684/3 immunoblastic M-9140/3 Kaposi's M—9124/3 Kupffer cell (T-155.0) M-9530/3 leptomeningeal (T-192._) M-9170/3 lymphangioendothelial M-9740/3 mast cell M-9530/3 meningeal (T-192._) M-9530/3 meningothelial (T-192._) M-8990/3 mesenchymal, mixed [M-9050/3 mesothelial] M-9481/3 monstrocellular (T-191._) M-9140/3 multiple hemorrhagic M-9930/3 myeloid M~9540/3 neurogenic M-9270/3 odontogenic (T-170._) M-9180/3 osteoblastic (T-170._) M-9180/3 osteogenic, NOS (T-170._) M-9190/3 osteogenic, juxtacortical (T-170._) M-9190/3 osteogenic, periosteal (T-170._) M-8812/3 periosteal, N05 (T—170._) [M-9731/3 plasma cell] M-8802/3 pleomorphic cell M-9593/3 reticulum cell, NOS M-9593/3 reticulum cell, diffuse "-8963/3 rhabdoid -134- M~8803/3 M-8803/3 M-8800/3 M-8801/3 M-8930/3 M-8930/3 M-9040/3 M-9043/3 M-9042/3 M-9041/3 M-8800/9 M-9539/3 T—196. T-173. T-173. T—171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-195. T-173. T‘171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-175. T-171. T-171. M _______ 0 OObOOOOOOO-fl‘b A camonanamd Sarcoma (Cont'd) round cell small cell soft tissue spindle cell stromal; NOS stromal, endometrial (T-182.0) synovial, NOS synovial. biphasic synovial, epithelioid cell synovial, spindle cell Sarcomatosis, NOS Sarcomatosis, meningeal (T-192._) Scalene lymph node Scalp NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Scapula Scapular region N05 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma; lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Scar; hyperplastic (SNOMED M-49730) M-8082/3 Schminke tumor (T-147._) M-8121/3 Schneiderian carcinoma M-8121/0 Schneiderian papilloma M-9560/0 M-9560/3 "-9561/3 M-9560/0 M-9560/0 M-9561/3 T-171.3 M-8141/3 M-8141/3 T-190.0 M-8350/3 M _______ M-8350/3 M-8832/0 M-8602/0 M-8350/3 T-186.9 T-187.7 T-187.7 M-8410/3 M-8410/0 M-8410/3 M‘8010/6 M-8000/6 M _______ M-8000/6 Schwannoma NOS malignant malignant, with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation melanocytic pigmented with rhabdomyoblastic differentiation, malignant Sciatic nerve Scirrhous adenocarcinoma Scirrhous carcinoma Sclera Sclerosing adenocarcinoma, nonencapsulated (T-193.9) adenosis (SNOMED M~74220J carcinoma, nonencapsulated (T-193.9) hemangioma (T-173._) stromal tumor (T-183.0) tumor, nonencapsulated (T-193.9) Scrotal testis Scrotum, NOS Scrotum, skin Sebaceous adenocarcinoma (T-173._) adenoma (T-173._) carcinoma (T-173._) cyst (SNOMED M-33430) Seborrheic keratosis (SNOMED M-72750) Seborrheic verruca (SNOMED M-72750) Secondary site (see Behavior code, page 24) Secondary carcinoma neoplasm polycythemia (SNOMED M-77720) tumor -135- M-8502/3 T-194.3 T-170.7 T-187.8 ”-9061/3 M-9062/3 M‘9063/3 M _______ T-160.0 T-147. T'195. T-195. T-184. T-184. 00010104 M-8441/3 M-8460/3 "-9014/0 M—8441/3 M-8460/5 M-9014/0 M-8441/O ”—8442/3 “-8462/3 M-8441/0 "-8442/3 M—8GéO/0 M-8462/3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Secretory carcinoma of the breast (T-174._) Sella turcica Semilunar cartilage Seminal vesicle Seminoma NOS (T-186._) anaplastic (T-186._) spermatocytic (T-l86._) Senile keratosis (SNOMED M-72850) Septum nasal, NOS (excludes Posterior margin of nasal septum T-147.3) nasal, posterior margin rectovaginal rectovesical urethrovaginal vesicovaginal Serous adenocarcinoma, NOS adenocarcinoma, papillary (T-183.0) adenofibroma (T-183.0) cystadenocarcinoma, NOS (T-183.0) cystadenocarcinoma, papillary (T-183.0) cystadenofibroma (T-i85.0) cystoma (T—183.0) tumor, NOS, of low malignant potential (T-183.0) tumor, papillary of low malignant potential (T-183.0) Serous cystadenoma NOS (T-183.0) borderline malignancy (T-183.0) papillary, NOS (T-183.0) papillary, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) Alphabetic Index (continued) Serous surface Sinus M-8461/3 carcinoma, papillary (T-183.0) T-160.9 accessory, NOS M-8461/0 papilloma (T-183.0) T-160.9 accessory, nasal [M-8461/1 papilloma, borderline T—160.3 ethmoid malignancy (T-183.0)] T-160.4 frontal T-160.2 maxillary T-160.9 paranasal Sertoli cell T-148.1 pyriform M-8640/0 adenoma T-160.5 sphenoid M-8640/3 carcinoma (T-186._) M-8640/0 tumor; NOS M ------- Sinus histiocytosis with M-8641/0 tumor with lipid storage massive lymphadenopathy (SNOMED M-77940) M-8631/0 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor M-8590/1 Sex cord-stromal tumor M~8590/1 Sex cord tumor Site M-8623/1 Sex cord tumor with annular T-191.9 intracranial tubules (T-183.0) T-195.2 intra-abdominal, NOS M-9701/3 Sezary's disease T-195.1 intrathoracic, NOS M-9701/3 Sezary's syndrome T-199.9 primary, unknown T-170.9 Skeletal bone Shoulder T-195.4 NOS T-173.6 NOS (carcinoma. melanoma, nevus) Skeletal muscle T—171.2 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.9 NOS T-171.2 adipose tissue T-171.5 abdominal wall T-170.4 bone T-171.2 arm T-171.2 connective tissue T-171.7 back T-171.2 fatty tissue T-171.6 buttock T-171.2 fibrous tissue T-171.3 calf T-170.4 girdle T-171.4 chest wall T-170.4 joint T-171.0 face T-171.2 muscle T-171.2 finger T-171.2 skeletal muscle T-171.7 flank T-173.6 skin T-171.3 foot T-171.2 soft tissue T—171.2 forearm T-171.2 subcutaneous tissue T—171.2 hand T-171.0 head T-171.3 leg Sigmoid T-171.0 neck T-153.3 NOS T-171.6 perineum T-153.3 colon T-171.6 sacrococcygeal region T-153.3 flexure of colon T-171.0 scalp T-171.2 shoulder T-171.3 thigh Signet ring cell T-171.4 thoracic wall M-8490/3 adenocarcinoma T-171.2 thumb Mu8490/3 carcinoma T-171.3 toe M-8490/6 carcinoma, metastatic T-171.7 trunk -136- T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-i73. T-173. T-173. T-173. J-‘O‘UlWHO‘VWO‘M-‘MU‘NNNNNNMMLflmmb-‘d‘NIUIWLHUIUINNNNNNO‘WQNMUIM Skin NUS (excludes Skin of labia majora T-184.1, Skin of vulva T-184.4, Skin of penis T~187.4 and Skin of Scrotum T-187.7) abdomen abdominal wall ala nasi ankle antecubital space anus arm auditory canal, NOS auditory canal, external auditory meatus, external auricle auricular canal, auricular canal, axilla back breast brow buttock calf canthus; canthus, canthus, cervical cheek chest chest wall chin columnella concha ear ear canal ear, external ear lobule earlobe elbow eyebrow eyelid face finger flank foot forearm forehead gluteal region groin hand head, N05 external NOS inner outer region N05 -137- T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T—173. T-173. T-184. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-I87. T-173. T-173. T-i73. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-l73. T-173. T-187. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-173. T-184. T-173. O‘bLflkflNNO‘ULflNMOVmNUI-DLHNNNWUD‘O\O\"WOODOO‘Ndé-‘N-‘VM-‘UIUININN Alphabetic Index (continued) Skin (Cont'd) heel helix hip infraclavicular region inguinal region inner canthus jaw knee labia majora leg lid, NOS lid, lower lid, upper limb, lower limb, upper lip, NOS lip, lower lip, upper neck nose outer palm palmar palpebra penis perianal perineum pinna plantar popliteal space sacrococcygeal region scalp scapular region scrotum shoulder sole, foot supraclavicular region temple thigh thoracic wall thorax thumb toe tragus trunk umbilicus vulva wrist canthus Alphabetic Index (continued) M-8390/0 M-8390/3 M-8390/0 T-170.0 T-170.0 T~152.9 "-9185/3 M-8803/3 M-8002/3 M-8041/3 M-8073/3 M-8043/3 M-8044/3 M‘8073/3 "-8045/3 T-152.9 M-8897/1 T-143.9 M-8851/0 T-145.3 T-147.3 T-145.5 M-9581/3 T-171. T—171. T-171. T-17I. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. \l-DNNMUILHO Skin appendage adenoma (T-173._) carcinoma (T-173._) tumor (T-173._) Skull. NOS Skull, bone Small bowel Small cell osteosarcoma (T-170._) sarcoma type; malignant tumor Small cell carcinoma NOS epidermoid. non-keratinizing fusiform cell intermediate cell (T-162._) squamous cell, non-keratinizing Sma11 cell-large cell carcinoma (T-162._) Small intestine Smooth muscle tumor, NOS Socket, tooth Soft fibroma Soft palate NUS (excludes Nasopharyngeal surface T-147.3) nasopharyngeal surface and hard palate, junction Soft part sarcoma, alveolar Soft tissue NOS abdomen abdominal wall ankle antecubital space arm axilla back -138- T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T‘171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-190. T—171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. NU'l‘lmN3M6ONbDO‘Ooath-bOMMO‘J‘M‘NON¢¢ONUVNONOAAOOM¢ M-8800/3 M-8800/0 M-8800/3 T-173.7 Soft tissue (Cont'd) buttock calf cervical region cheek chest chest wall chin elbow face finger flank foot forearm forehead gluteal region groin hand head heel hip infraclavicular region inguinal region knee leg neck orbit perineum popliteal space pterygoid fossa, NOS sacrococcygeal region scalp scapular region shoulder supraclavicular region temple thigh thoracic wall thumb toe trunk umbilicus wrist Soft tissue sarcoma Soft tissue tumor; benign Soft tissue tumor, malignant Sole of foot Solid M-8230/3 carcinoma, NOS [M-8511/3 carcinoma with amvloid stroma (T-193.9)] M-9080/1 teratoma Solitary M ------- cyst (SNOMED M-33404) M-9731/3 myeloma M-9731/3 plasmacytoma T-187.6 Spermatic cord M-9063/3 Spermatocytic seminoma (T-186._) M-9063/3 Spermatocytoma (T-186._) T-170.0 Sphenoid bone T-160.5 Sphenoid sinus [M-8035/3 Spheroidal cell carcinoma] T-154.2 T-156.1 T-192. T-192. T-170. T-192. T-192. T-192. T-171. T-192. MOMMNNMO M-8770/0 M-SOSZ/S M-8030/3 Mr8074/3 M—8857/0 M-8722/0 M‘8801/3 Sphincter; anal Sphincter of Oddi Spider angioma (SNOMED M-76350) nevus (SNOMED M-76330) vascular (SNOMED M-76330) Spinal accessory nerve arachnoid column cord dura mater meninges nerve, NOS pia mater Spindle cell and epithelioid nevus (T-173._) carcinoma carcinoma and giant cell carcinoma epidermoid carcinoma lipoma nevus (T-173._) sarcoma -139- Alphabetic Index (continued) Spindle cell (Cont'd) M~8074/3 squamous cell carcinoma M-9041/3 synovial sarcoma M-8122/3 transitional cell carcinoma M-8004/3 type, malignant tumor Spindle cell melanoma M-8772/3 NOS Mm8775/3 and epithelioid melanoma, mixed M-8773/3 type A (T-190.0) M—8774/3 type B (T-190.0) T-170.2 Spine [Mr8070/3 Spinous cell carcinoma] “-8403/0 Spiradenoma, NOS (T-173._) M"8403/0 Spiradenoma, eccrine (T-173._) M—8770/0 Spitz nevus (T-173._) T-169.2 Spleen . Splenic T-153.7 flexure of colon T-196.2 lymph node, NOS T-196.2 lymph node, hilar Spongioblastoma M-9422/3 NOS (T-19l._) M—9440/3 multiforme (T—191._) M-9423/3 polare (T-191._) M-9443/3 primitive polar (T-191._) M-9504/3 Spongioneuroblastoma M ------- Spongy nevus, mucosa (SNOMED M-75710) T-180.8 Squamocolumnar junction. cervix Squamous M-8070/3 carcinoma M ------- keratosis, benign (SNOMED M-72760) M ------- metaplasia (SNOMED M-73220) M-9312/0 odontogenic tumor (T-170._) M-8052/0 papilloma Alphabetic Index (continued) Squamous cell carcinoma M—8070/3 NOS M-8075/3 adenoid M-8560/3 and adenocarcinoma, mixed M-8081/2 Bowen's type, intraepidermal M-8070/2 in situ, NOS M-8076/2 in situ with questionable stromal invasion (T-180._) M-8081/2 intraepidermal, Bowen's type (T-173._) M-8070/2 intraepithelial M-8071/3 keratinizing, NOS M-8071/3 large cell, keratinizing M—8072/3 large cell, non-keratinizing M-8070/6 metastatic, NOS M-8076/3 micro-invasive (T-180._) M-8072/3 non-keratinizing, NOS M-8052/3 papillary M-8075/3 pseudoglandular M-8073/3 small cell, non-keratinizing M-8074/3 spindle cell M—8051/3 verrucous M-8094/3 Squamous-basal cell carcinoma, mixed (T-173._) M-8070/3 Squamous cell epithelioma M—8052/0 Squamous cell papilloma M ------- Steatocystoma multiplex (SNOMED M-33450) Stem cell [M-9801/3 leukemia (T'169. )1 T-142.0 Stensen's duct T-171.0 Sternocleidomastoid muscle T-170.3 Sternocostal joint T-170.3 Sternum Stomach T-151.9 NOS T-151.8 anterior wall, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0 to T-151.4) T-151.2 antrum T-151.2 antrum, gastric T-151.2 antrum, pyloric T-151.4 body T-151.0 cardia, NOS T-151.0 cardia, gastric T-151.0 cardio-esophageal junction T-151.4 corpus -140— T-151. T—151. T-151. T-151. T-151. T-151. 69040165 T-151.5 T-151.8 T-151.1 T-151.2 T-151.1 T-151.1 M _______ T-182.0 M-8931/1 M _______ M-8931/1 M—8931/1 ”-8930/0 "—8930/3 M-8930/3 M-8590/1 ”-8590/1 “-8602/0 Mr8590/1 M-8931/1 M-9090/0 "-9090/3 M-8332/3 M-9091/1 M-9091/1 Stomach (Cont'd) corpus, gastric esophagogastric junction fundus fundus, gastric gastroesophageal junction greater curvature, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0 to T-151.4) lesser curvature, NDS (not classifiable to T—151.1 to T-151.4) posterior wall, NOS (not classifiable to T-151.0 to T-151.4) prepylorus pyloric antrum pyloric canal pylorus Strawberry nevus (SNOMED M-75540) Stroma, endometrial Stromal endometriosis (T-182.0) hyperplasia (SNOMED M-72430) myosis, NOS (T-182.0) myosis, endolymphatic (T—182.0) nodule, endometrial (T-182.0) sarcoma, NOS sarcoma, endometrial (T-182.0) Stromal tumor gonadal ovarian (T-183.0) sclerosing (T-183.0) testicular (T-186._) Stromatosis, endometrial (T-182.0) Struma ovarii, NOS (T-183.0) ovarii, malignant (T'183.0) Nuchernde, Langhans (T-193.9) ovarii and carcinoid (T-183.0) Strumal carcinoid (T-183.0) T-180. M-8506/0 T-171. T-196. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T‘171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17i. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-1T1. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. 8 (ND DMOON30¢MONOMLNO§MMGNO\O\DN(NNINONOJ-‘DOOLNO‘NbNNMUIUIO Stump. cervical Subareolar duct papillomatosis (T-174.0) Subclavian artery Subclavicular lymph node Subcutaneous tissue NOS abdomen abdominal wall ankle antecubital space arm axilla back buttock calf cervical region cheek chest chest wall chin elbow face finger flank foot forearm forehead gluteal region groin hand head heel hip infraclavicular region inguinal region knee leg neck perineum popliteal space sacrococcygeal region scalp scapular region shoulder supraclavicular region temple thigh thoracic wall —141- T~171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. NW‘J‘NND "-9385/1 M-9384/1 M-9383/1 M-9383/1 M-8832/0 T-161.2 T-196.5 T-142. T-142. T-196.0 NN T-142.1 T-196.0 T-142.1 T-142.1 T-196.0 T-i96.0 T-196.3 T-145.1 T-145.1 T-145.1 M-8143/3 M-8743/3 T-196.2 T-171.4 T-147.0 Alphabetic Index (continued) Subcutaneous tissue (Cont'd) thorax thumb toe trunk umbilicus wrist Subependymal astrocytoma. N05 (T-191._) astrocytoma; 9iant cell (T-191._) glioma (T-191._) Subependymoma (T-191._) Subepidermal nodular fibrosis (T-173._) Subglottis Subinguinal lymph node Sublingual gland gland duct lymph node Submandibular gland Submandibular lymph node Submaxillary gland gland duct lymph rode Submental lymph node Subscapular lymph node Sulcus alveolar buccal labial Superficial spreading adenocarcinoma Superficial spreading melanoma Superior mesenteric lymph node Superior vena cava Superior wall of nasopharynx Alphabetic Index (continued) T-196.0 Supraclavicular lymph node Supraclavicular region T-195.0 NOS T-173.4 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma. nevus) T-171.0 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.0 adipose tissue T-171.0 connective tissue T-171.0 fatty tissue T—171.0 fibrous tissue T-196.0 lymph node T-173.4 skin T-171.0 soft tissue T-171.0 subcutaneous tissue T-161.1 Supraglottis T-194.0 Suprarenal gland T-191.9 Suprasellar T ------ Supratentorial (see Brain) Sweat gland M-8400/3 adenocarcinoma (T-173._) M-8400/0 adenoma (T—173._) M-8600/3 carcinoma (T-173._) M-8400/1 tumor, NOS (T-173._) M-8400/0 tumor, benign (T-173._) M-8400/3 tumor, malignant (T-173._) T-171.9 Sympathetic nervous system M-8681/1 Sympathetic paraganglioma M-9500/3 Sympathicoblastoma [M-9500/3 Svmpathicoqonioma] [M-9500/3 Svmpathoqonioma] T-170.6 Symphysis pubis M-9531/0 Syncytial meningioma (T-192._) M-9980/1 Syndrome, myelodysplastic M-9980/1 Syndrome, preleukemic M-9701/3 Syndrome, Sezary's T-171.9 Synovia, NOS M ------- Synovial chondromatosis (SNOMED M-73670) M ------- Synovial osteochondromatosis (SNOMED M-73670) —142- M-9040/3 M-9043/3 M-9042/3 M-9041/3 M-9040/3 M—9040/0 M-9040/3 M _______ M—8400/0 M-8406/0 M-8406/0 M-8407/0 M-8940/0 M-9741/3 T-157.2 T-176.6 T-174.6 T-191.8 T-170.8 M ----- /-5 M-9183/3 Synovial sarcoma NOS biphasic epithelioid cell spindle cell Synovioma NOS benign malignant Synovitis, pigmented villonodular (SNOMED M-47830) Syringadenoma, NOS (T-173._) Syringadenoma, papillary (T-173._) Syringocystadenoma, papillary (T-173._) Syringoma, NOS (T-173._) Syringoma, chondroid (T-173._) Systemic hemangiomatosis (SNOMED M-76314) lymphangiomatosis (SNOMED M-76414) tissue mast cell disease Tail pancreas breast breast, axillary Tapetum Tarsal bone T-ce11 (see Grading code, page 24) Telangiectatic osteosarcoma (T-170._) T-173. T-173. T-171. T-171. T‘171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-191. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T'171. T—171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-171. T-171° T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17I. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-17l. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. OOMDOOOOMM NO NMNM‘NOMMMMNNMVNMVNMO MMMNNMNMVNww Temple N05 N05 (carcinoma, melanoma, NUS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Temporal bone Temporal lobe Temporomandibular joint Tendon NOS ankle arm back calf finger flank foot forearm hand heel hip knee leg neck popliteal space thigh thumb toe wrist Tendon sheath NOS ankle arm back calf finger foot forearm hand heel hip knee nevus) ~143- Alphabetic Index (continued) Tendon sheath (Cont'd) T-171.3 leg T—17I.D neck T-171.3 popliteal space T-171.3 thigh T-171.2 thumb T-171.5 toe T-171.2 wrist M ------- Tenosynovitis, nodular (SNOMED M-47830) T-192.1 Tentorium, NOS T-192.1 Tentorium cerebelli M-9080/3 Teratoblastoma, malignant M-9081/3 Teratocarcinoma M-9502/3 Teratoid medulloepithelioma Teratoma M-9080/1 NOS M—9080/0 adult, NOS M-9080/0 adult, cystic M—9081/3 and embryonal carcinoma, mixed M~9080/0 benign M-9101/3 combined with choriocarcinoma M-9080/0 cystic, NOS M-9080/0 cystic, adult M-9080/0 differentiated M-9080/3 embryonal M-9080/3 immature M-9080/3 malignant, NOS M-9082/3 malignant, anaplastic M-9U83/3 malignant, intermediate M~9102l3 malignant, trophoblastic (T‘186._) M-9082/3 malignant, undifferentiated M-9080/1 mature M-9080/1 solid M—9084/3 with malignant transformation [M-8250/3 Terminal bronchiolar carcinoma £I-162. )1 T-186.9 Testicle, NOS M-8640/0 Testicular adenoma M-8590/1 Testicular stromal tumor (T-186._) Alphabetic Index (continued) Testis T-186.9 NOS T-186.9 descended T-186.0 ectopic (site of neoplasm) T-186.0 retained (site of neoplasm) T-186.9 scrotal T-186.0 undescended (site of neoplasm) T-191.0 Thalamus Theca cell [M-8600/3 carcinoma (T—183.0)] M~8621/1 granulosa cell tumor (T-183.0) M-8600/0 tumor (T-183.0) Thecoma M-8600/0 NOS (T-183.0) M-8601/0 luteinized (T-183.0) M-8600/3 malignant (T-183.0) Thigh T-195.5 NOS T-173.7 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-17i.3 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-171.3 adipose tissue T-171.3 connective tissue T-171.3 fatty tissue T-171.3 fibrous tissue T-171.3 muscle T-171.3 skeletal muscle T-173.7 skin T-171.3 soft tissue T-171.3 subcutaneous tissue T-171.3 tendon T-171.3 tendon sheath T-191.5 Third ventricle Thoracic T-192.2 cord T-171.4 duct T-150.1 esophagus T-196.1 lymph node Thoracic wall T-195.1 NOS T-173.5 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.4 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) —144- Thoracic wall (Cont'd) T-171.4 adipose tissue T-171.4 connective tissue T-171.4 fatty tissue T-17i.4 fibrous tissue T-17l.4 muscle T-171.4 skeletal muscle T-173.5 skin T-171.4 soft tissue T-171.4 subcutaneous tissue Thorax T-195.1 NOS T-171.4 connective tissue (excludes Thymus. Heart and Mediastinum T-164._) T-171.4 muscle T-171.Q skeletal muscle T-173.5 skin T-171.Q subcutaneous tissue T-149.0 Throat Thrombocythemia M-9962/1 essential (T-169._) M-9962/1 essential hemorrhagic (T-169._) M-9962/1 hemorrhagic, essential (T-169._) ”-9962/1 hemorrhagic, idiopathic (T-169._) M-9962/1 idiopathic (T-169._) M—9962/1 idiopathic hemorrhagic (T-169._) [M-9910/3 Thrombocvtic leukemia (T-169. )1 Thumb T-195.4 NOS T-173.6 NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) T-171.2 NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) T-170.5 bone T-171.2 connective tissue T—171.2 fibrous tissue T-171.2 muscle T-i71.2 skeletal muscle T-173.6 skin T—171.2 soft tissue T-171.2 subcutaneous tissue T-17l.2 tendon T—171.2 tendon sheath M-8580/3 Thymic carcinoma (T-164.0) M~8580/0 M‘8580/0 M-8580/3 T~164. T-193. T-193. T-161. T-193. T-170. M-9261/3 T-196. T-141. T-195. T-173. T-171. T-170. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. 01 UI MMMWV‘JWMQAWOOWNW NDOLN-‘DLN—‘DQ Thymoma NOS (T-164.0) benign (T-164.0) malignant (T'164.0) Thymus Thyroglossal duct Thyroglossal duct cyst (SNOMED M-26500) Thyroid NOS cartilage gland Tibia Tibial adamantinoma (T-170.7) Tibial lymph node Tip of tongue Toe NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) bone connective tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle nail skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Tongue NOS anterior, NOS anterior, dorsal surface anterior, ventral surface anterior 2/3, NOS anterior 2/3, dorsal surface anterior 2/3, ventral surface base, NOS base, dorsal surface border -145- T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T—141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. T-141. MMMNODO-‘U‘OU‘MO‘ T-146.0 T‘146. T-141. T-146. T—147. doC‘O T-146. T-146.2 T-143.9 —A M-8190/3 ”—8190/0 M-8190/3 M-8332/3 M-8332/3 T-162.0 T-196.1 T-I96.1 T-159. T-156. T-184. T-159. T-184. T-187. T-159. T~187. 000005000 Alphabetic Index (continued) Tongue (Cont'd) dorsal surface, NOS dorsal surface of base frenulum linguae junctional zone lingual, NOS- lingual tonsil midline posterior, N05 posterior third root tip ventral surface, NOS ventral surface, anterior ventral surface, anterior 2/3 Tonsil NOS (excludes Lingual tonsil T-141.6 and Pharyngeal tonsil T—147.1) faucial lingual palatine pharyngeal Tonsillar fossa Tonsillar pillar Tooth socket Trabecular adenocarcinoma adenoma carcinoma follicular adenocarcinoma (T-193.9) follicular carcinoma (T-193.9) Trachea Tracheal lymph node Tracheobronchial lymph node Tract alimentary, NOS biliary, N05 female genital, NOS gastrointestinal, NOS genitourinary, female, N05 genitourinary, male, NOS intestinal, N05 male genital, NOS Alphabetic Index (continued) T-192. T-165. T-165. T-190. COCO T-173.2 M-8120/3 M-9537/0 M-8120/0 M-8120/3 M-8120/2 M-8150/3 M-8122/3 M-8120/0 M-8121/1 T-153.1 T-171.Q T-145.6 T-171.2 M—8100/0 M-8101/0 M-8102/0 T-192.0 T-145.6 T-188.0 M-9561/3 T-192.0 M-9102/3 "-9104/3 T-161.0 Tract (Cont'd) optic respiratory, N05 upper respiratory uveal Tragus Transitional carcinoma meningioma (T-192._) papilloma Transitional cell carcinoma NOS in situ papillary spindle cell Transitional cell papilloma, NOS Transitional cell papilloma, inverted Transverse colon Trapezius muscle Traumatic neuroma (SNOMED M-49770) Triangle; retromolar Triceps brachii muscle Trichoepithelioma (T-173._) Trichofolliculoma (T-173._) Tricholemmoma (T-173._) Trigeminal nerve Trigone, retromolar Trigone, urinary bladder Triton tumor, malignant Trochlear nerve Trophoblastic malignant teratoma (T-186._) Trophoblastic tumor. placental site (T-181.9) True cord -146- M-9723/3 T—161.o‘ T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T—171. T-171. NINUINNNNNNVUIO) T-160. T-160. T-183. T-183. NN—h—h T-183.8 M-8Z11/3 M-8211/0 M-8210/3 M-8210/2 M-8640/0 ”-8640/0 M-8641/0 M-8211/3 M-8263/0 M-8263/3 M-8263/2 M-8000/1 M‘8550/1 M-8550/1 M-8245/3 True histiooytic lymphoma True vocal cord Trunk NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue muscle skeletal muscle skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue Tube auditory Eustachian fallopian uterine Tuba-ovarian Tubular adenocarcinoma adenoma, NOS adenoma, adenocarcinoma in adenoma. adenocarcinoma in situ in adenoma, Pick's androblastoma; NOS androblastoma with lipid storage (T-183.0) carcinoma Tubulovillous adenoma Nos adenocarcinoma in adenocarcinoma in situ in Tumor NOS acinar cell acinic cell adenocarcinoid Tumor (Cont'd) M-9054/0 adenomatoid, NOS M-9300/0 adenomatoid, odontogenic M-8390/0 adnexal (T-173._) M-8370/0 adrenal cortical, NOS (T—194.0) M-8370/O adrenal cortical, benign (T-194.0) M-8370/3 adrenal cortical, malignant (T-194.0) M-8671/0 adrenal rest M-8152/3 alpha-cell, malignant (T-157._) M ------- amyloid (SNOMED M-55I60) M-8691/1 aortic body (T-194.6) M-809D/1 basal cell (T-173._) “-8833/3 Bednar M—8000/0 benign M-8000/0 benign, unclassified M-8151/3 beta-cell, malignant (T-157._) M-9000/0 Brenner, NOS (T-183.0) M-9000/1 Brenner, borderline malignancy (T-183.0) M-9000/3 Brenner, malignant (T-183.0) M-9000/1 Brenner, proliferating (T-183.0) M—9134/1 bronchial alveolar, intravascular (T-162._) M-8100/0 Brooke's (T-173._) M-8880/0 brown fat M-9687/3 Burkitt's M-8240/1 carcinoid, NOS, of appendix (T-153.5) M-8240/3 carcinoid, NOS (EXCEPt appendix) M-8241/1 carcinoid, argentaffin, NOS M-8241/3 carcinoid, argentaffin, malignant [M-8242/1 carcinoid, non-arqentaffin, lLQ§1 1 [M-8242/3 carcinoid, non-arqentaffin, malignant] M-8692/1 carotid body (T-194.5) M-8001/1 cells, NOS M-8001/0 cells, benign M-8001/3 cells, malignant M-8001/1 cells, uncertain whether benign or malignant M-8700/0 chromaffin M-9230/0 Codman's (T-170._) M-8000/6 embolus M-9071/3 endodermal sinus M—8380/1 endometrioid of low malignant potential M-8010/0 epithelial, benign -147- M-8010/3 M-9260/3 M-8004/3 M‘8153/1 M-8153/3 M-9085/3 M-9302/0 M-9250/1 M‘9250/3 M—9230/0 M-9251/1 M-9251/3 M _______ Mr8003/3 M-87l1/0 M-8690/1 M-8590/1 M-9580/0 M‘9580/3 M-8620/1 M-8622/1 M—8620/3 M-8621/1 M-8312/3 M-8660/0 M-8660/0 M‘8290/0 M-8311/1 M-8650/1 M~8650/0 M-8650/3 M-SISO/O M-8622/1 M—8361/1 M—8490/6 M-8650/1 M-8650/0 M—8650/3 M-8670/0 M-8670/0 M—8000/3 M-8004/3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Tumor (Cont'd) epithelial, malignant Ewing's (T-170._) fusiform cell type, malignant 0 cell, NOS G cell, malignant germ cell, mixed ghost cell, odontogenic (T-170._) giant cell, giant cell, bone, NOS (T-170._) bone, malignant (T—170._) giant cell, chondromatous (T-170._) giant cell, soft parts, NOS giant cell, soft parts, malignant giant cell, tendon sheath (SNONED M-47830) giant cell type, malignant glomus glomus jugulare (T-194.6) gonadal stromal granular cell, NOS granular cell, malignant granulosa cell, NOS (T-183.0) granulosa cell, juvenile (T-183.0) granulosa cell, malignant (T-183.0) granulosa cell-theca cell (T-183.0) Grawitz (T-189.0) hilar cell (T-183.0) hilus cell (T-183.0) Hurthle cell (T-193.9) hypernephroid interstitial cell, NOS interstitial cell, benign interstitial cell, malignant islet cell (T-157.") juvenile granulosa cell (T-183.0) juxtaglomerular (T—189.0) Krukenberg (T-183.0) Leydig cell, NOS (T-186._) Leydig cell, benign (T-186._) Leydig cell, malignant (T-186._) lipid cell, ovary (T-183.0) lipoid cell, ovary (T-183.0) malignant, NOS malignant, fusiform cell type Alphabetic Index (continued) M-8003/3 M~8940/3 M-8940/3 M-8002/3 M-BOOQIS M‘8000/3 M-9740/1 "-9740/3 M-9363/O M-8247/3 M'8800/3 M-8951/3 M-9110/1 M-8000/6 M-8940/0 "-9085/3 M-8940/3 M-8990/1 M-8951/3 M-8940/0 M-8940/3 "-8472/3 M-8243/3 M-8430/1 M-8950/3 M-8982/0 "-9364/3 "-9363/0 "-9364/3 M-9473/3 M-8350/3 M-9270/1 M-9300/O M-9270/O M-9340/0 M-9302/0 M-9270/3 M-9312/0 M-9520/3 M-8590/1 M-9507/0 Tumor (Cont'd) malignant, giant cell type malignant, mixed. NOS malignant. mixed. salivary gland type (T-142._) malignant, small cell type malignant. spindle cell type malignant. unclassified mast cell. NOS mast cell. malignant melanotic neuroectodermal Merkel cell (T-173._) mesenchymal. malignant mesodermal. mixed mesonephric metastatic mixed. NOS mixed germ cell mixed. malignant. NOS mixed. mesenchymal mixed. mesodermal mixed. salivary gland type. NOS (T-142._) mixed. salivary gland type. malignant (T-142._) mucinous of low malignant potential (T-183.0) mucocarcinoidE, malignant] (T-153.5) mucoepidermoid Mullerian mixed myoepithelial neuroectodermal. neuroectodermal. neuroectodermal. neuroectodermal. (T-191._) nonencapsulated sclerosing (T-193.9) odontogenic. odontogenic. (T-170._) odontogenic. odontogenic. calcifying epithelial (T-170._) odontogenic ghost cell (T-170._] odontogenic. malignant (T-170._) odontogenic. squamous (T-170._) olfactory, neurogenic ovarian stromal (T-183.0) Pacinian NOS melanotic peripheral primitive NOS (T-170._) adenomatoid benign (T-170._) ‘148- Tumor (Cont'd) M-8452/1 papillary cystic (T-157._) M-8473/3 papillary mucinous of low malignant potential (T-183.0) M-8462/3 papillary serous of low malignant potential (T-183.0) H-9364/3 peripheral neuroectodermal M-9020/1 phyllodes. NOS (T-174._) M-9020/0 phyllodes. benign (T-174._) M—9020/3 phyllodes. malignant (T-174._) M-9340/0 Pindborg [M-9731/1 plasma cell, NOS] [M-9731/0 plasma cell. beniqn] [M-9731/3 plasma cell. malignant] M-9071/3 polyvesicular vitelline M59473/3 primitive neuroectodermal (T-191._) M-9350/1 Rathke's pouch (T-194.3) M-9363/O retinal anlage M-8082/3 Schminke (T-147._) M-8602/0 sclerosing stromal (T-183.0) M-8000/6 secondary ”-8442/3 serous of low malignant potential (T-183.0) M~8640/0 Sertoli cell. NOS M-8641/O Sertoli cell with lipid storage (T-183.0) M-8631/0 Sertoli-Leydig cell M-8590/1 sex cord M-8590/1 sex cord-stromal M-8623/1 sex cord with annular tubules (T-183.0) M-8390/O skin appendage (T-173._) M-8002/3 small cell type. malignant M—8897/1 smooth muscle. NOS M-8800/O soft tissue. benign M—8800/3 soft tissue. malignant M-8004/3 spindle cell type. malignant M-8400/1 sweat gland. NOS (T-173._) M-8400/O sweat gland. benign (T-173._) M-8Q00/3 sweat gland. malignant (T-173._) M‘8590/1 testicular stromal (T-186._) M-8600/0 theca cell (T-183.0) M-8621/l theca cell-granulosa cell (T-183.0) M-9561/3 Triton. malignant "-9104/3 trophoblastic. placental site (T-181.9) M~8200/0 turban (T~173.4) M-8561/0 M-8960/3 M-9071/3 M—8000/O M-8000/3 M-8000/9 M~8000/1 M _______ M-8041/1 T-187.8 M-8200/0 T-160.0 T-160.1 M-8090/3 T-170. T-171. T-171.2 ND T-173. T—173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-173. T-171. T-171. U'IU'IU'IU'IU'IUIU1U1 M ————— /1 Tumor (Cont'd) Narthin's (T-142._) Nilms's (T-189.0) yolk sac Tumor, unclassified benign malignant malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic uncertain whether benign or malignant Tumoral calcinosis (SNOMED M-55520) Tumorlet Tunica vaginalis Turban tumor (T-173.4) Turbinate, nasal Tympanic cavity Ulcer, rodent (T-173._) Ulna Ulnar artery Ulnar nerve Umbilicus NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) connective tissue fibrous tissue skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue nevus) Uncertain whether benign or malignant (see Behavior code, page 24) -149- M ----- /9 M—8000/0 M-8000/3 M—8000/9 M-8000/1 T—191.2 T-186.0 M ----- /-4 M—8020/3 M-9512/3 M-9082/3 T-199.9 T-143.0 T—143.0 T-143.0 T~174.8 T-143.0 T-143.0 T-174.2 T-170.0 T-173.1 T-140.0 T-140.0 T-140.3 T-140.3 T-140.3 T-173.0 T-140.0 T-162.3 T-162.3 T-174.4 T-165.0 T-150.3 Alphabetic Index (continued) Uncertain whether primary or metastatic site (see Behavior code, page 24) Unclassified tumor benign malignant malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic uncertain whether benign or malignant Uncus Undescended testis (site of neoplasm) Undifferentiated (see Grading code, page 2Q) Undifferentiated carcinoma, NOS retinoblastoma (T-190.5) teratoma, malignant Unknown primary site Upper alveolar mucosa alveolar ridge mucosa alveolus breast gingiva gum inner quadrant of breast jaw bone lid lip, NOS (excludes Skin of upper lip T—173.0) lip, external lip, frenulum lip, inner aspect lip, mucosa lip, skin lip, vermilion border lobe, bronchus lobe, lung outer quadrant of breast respiratory tract third of esophagus Alphabetic Index (continued) T-195. T-173. T-171. T-171. T—171. T-171. T-171. T-170. T-170. T-196. T-171. T-171. T—170. T-170. T-173. T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. NNNNO‘LHUINN‘NDJ-‘NNNNNO‘DA T-188. T-189. T-188. T-I89. T’189. T-188. T-184. \DU‘M‘NU‘NN T-188. T-188. T-188. T-188. T‘188. T-188. T-188. T-188. T-188. T-188. T-188. T-188. T-188. T-188. DNM©O\\IOI\U1NUI-‘M~D T-189.9 Upper limb NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma, nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) adipose tissue connective tissue fatty tissue fibrous tissue long bone long bones, lymph node muscle skeletal muscle short bone short bones, skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath joints joints Urachus Ureter Ureteric orifice Urethra Urethral gland Urethral orifice, internal Urethrovaginal septum Urinary bladder NOS anterior wall dome internal urethral orifice lateral wall neck posterior wall trigone urachus ureteric orifice wall, NOS wall, anterior wall, lateral wall, posterior Urinary system, NOS M-8120/3 Urothelial carcinoma M-8120/1 Urothelial papilloma -150- T-179. T-183. T-180. T-183. T-182. T-183. T-183. T-183. T-179. T-183. T-183. T-182. T-180. T-180. T-180. T-180. T-180. T-182. T-180. T-180. T-180. T-182. T-182. T-182. T-180. T-180. T-181. T-182. T-180. T—182. T-183. T-183. T-183. T-183. T-182. T-182. Tr180. T-183. T-181. T-180. T-183. T-180. T-189. T-190. T-145. N‘J-‘OOND J3“ “CDCD-‘¢DU‘|M-‘OOOH‘DOOOODOOWOWOOOOO \00 0°04 Uterine NOS adnexa cervix ligament lower segment tube Utero-ovarian Uterosacral ligament Uterus NOS adnexa, NOS adnexa, uterine body cervical canal cervical stump cervix, NOS cervix, squamocolumnar junction cervix uteri corpus uteri endocervical canal endocervical gland endocervix endometrial gland endometrial stroma endometrium exocervix external os fetal membranes fundus uteri internal os isthmus uteri ligament, broad ligament, round ligament, uterine ligament uterosacral lower uterine segment myometrium Nabothian gland parametrium placenta squamocolumnar junction of cervix uterine adnexa uterine cervix Utricle, prostatic Uveal tract Uvula T-184. T-184. T-184. ’T-192. T-146. ‘T-146. T-153. ‘T-187. M-8894/0 T-171. T-171. T-171. T-171. M-9122/0 T-141. 'T-141. T-141. T-191. , T-164. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-191. T-161. O‘DLNLNODOO OUIU'IU'I (NU! UIU'IU'lUI-‘lfl -‘ Vagina, NOS Vagina. fornix Vaginal vault Vagus nerve Vallecula, NOS Vallecula epiglottica Valve. ileocecal Vas deferens Vascular leiomyoma nevus (SNOMED M-75540) spider (SNOMED M—76330) Vault, vaginal Vein; NOS Vein, iliac Vena cava NOS abdominal inferior superior Venous hemangioma Ventral surface of tongue NOS anterior anterior 2/3 Ventricle N05 cardiac cerebral fourth lateral third Ventricular band of larynx -151- T-140.9 T—140.1 T—140.0 T-191.6 M-8051/3 M-8051/3 M‘8051/3 M‘9142/0 M-8051/0 T—170.2 T-170. N T-187. T-184. T-184. T-171. T-145. T-160. D-‘NOOOOO M-8263/0 M _______ Mr8262/3 M-8261/1 M-8261/3 "-8261/2 M-8261/1 M-8155/3 T-163.1 Alphabetic Index (continued) Vermilion border lip, NOS lower lip upper lip Vermis of cerebellum Verruca NOS (SNOMED M~76600) plana (SNOMED M-76620) seborrheic (SNOMED M-72750) vulgaris (SNOMED M—76630) Verrucous carcinoma. NOS carcinoma, epidermoid carcinoma, squamous cell keratotic hemangioma papilloma Vertebra Vertebral column (excludes Sacrum and Coccyx Tr170.6) Vesicle; seminal Vesicocervical tissue Vesicovaginal septum Vessel, NOS Vestibule of mouth Vestibule of nose Villoglandular adenoma Villonodular pigmented synovitis (SNOMED M-47830) Villous adenocarcinoma adenoma, NOS adenoma, adenocarcinoma in adenoma, adenocarcinoma in situ in papilloma Vipoma Visceral pleura Alphabetic Index (continued) T-161.0 T-161.1 T-161.0 M ——————— M-9540/1 T-184.4 T-184.4 M-9761/3 M-8561/0 M-8322/3 M-8322/0 M-8322/3 M ----- /-1 M-8331/3 M-8331/3 M-8851/3 T-142.1 T-191.0 T-191.0 M-8960/3 T-157.3 Vocal cord M-9110/0 N05 M-9110/3 false true T-195.4 von Recklinghausen's disease, T-173.6 bone (SNOMED M-74840) T-171.2 von Recklinghausen's disease T-170.5 (except of Bone) T-171.2 T-171.2 Vulva, NOS T-170.5 Vulva, skin T-173.6 T-171.2 T-171.2 T-171.2 T-171.2 _N_ M-8332/3 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (T-169.0) Waldeyer's ring, NOS Walthard's rest (SNOMED M-26350) Warthin's tumor (T-142._) vM-9624/3 Water-clear cell M-8830/0 adenocarcinoma (T-194.1) M ------- adenoma (T-194.1) carcinoma (T-194.1) M ------- Well differentiated (see Grading M ------- code; page 24) M ------- Well differentiated follicular adenocarcinoma (T~193.9) follicular carcinoma (T-193.9) liposarcoma Wharton's duct White matter, central White matter, cerebral M-9071/3 Wilms's tumor (T-189.0) Wirsung's duct -152- Wolffian duct adenoma Wolffian duct carcinoma Wrist NOS NOS (carcinoma, melanoma. nevus) NOS (sarcoma, lipoma) bone connective tissue fibrous tissue joint skin soft tissue subcutaneous tissue tendon tendon sheath Wuchernde Struma Langhans (T-193.9) Xanthoastrocytoma, pleomorphic (T-191._) Xanthofibroma Xanthogranuloma, NOS (SNOMED M-44040) Xanthogranuloma. juvenile (SNOMED M-55380) Xanthoma. NOS (SNOMED M-55300) Xeroderma pigmentosum (SNOMED M-74040) Yolk sac tumor T-154.8 T-141.5 T-194.6 T-170.0 Zone, cloacogenic Zone, junctional of tongue Zuckerkandl's organ Zygomatic bone -153- Alphabetic Index (continued) ”P???“ 642-251] a»? F. ., . MywwxwwrgxifvmyAkkwufi w U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES Illillflillllllfl (BEBE-31.8595