¥" T 6 h v. 11 78 Elements in Fruits and Vegetables from Areas of Commercial Production in the Conterminous United States GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1173 2451 Y OF CAL] OPB] 'o i00on | j Mo 1405! | ! 6 1J¢ LiBrany u Miversity of CALIFORNIA (LS. DEPQSITORY JUL 2 198g Elements in Fruits and Vegetables from Areas of Commercial Production in the Conterminous United States By HANSFORD T. SHACKLETTE G FO LEO GIC AL SURVEY «PROFESSIONAL PAPER 11 7 8 A biogeochemical study of selected food plants based on field sampling of plant material and soil UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1980 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Shacklette, Hansford T. Elements in fruits and vegetables from areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 1178) Bibliography: p. 28 Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16:1178 1. Vegetables-United States-Composition. 2. Fruit-United States-Composition. 3. Vegetables United States-Soils-Composition. 4. Fruit-United States-Soils-Composition. 5. Biogeochemistry- United States. 6. Fruit-culture-United States. 7. Truck farming-United States. 8. Soils-United States-Composition. I. Title. II. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1178. $B320.6.$52 641.3'5'0973 80-607141 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Sampling localities Berrien COUNty, MiChig@N Wayne County, New York -------------------------..-- Cumberland County, New Jersey ----------------- Palm Beach County, Florida ------ Hidalgo County, Texas Imperial COUNty, CaIlifOPMi@® -------------------....-............ccc.ccccnno Yuma County, Arizona Twin Falls COUNty, IG@RO Yakima County, Washington ------------------------------- San Joaquin County, CalifOrMi@ ---------------------..-.................. Mesa County, Colorado Methods of sampling plants and SOils -------------------------------........ Sampling design Sampling techniques Species Of SAMpIed --------------------......................... Fruits Vegetables Collection and preparation of samples ------------------------- Fruits Vegetables Soils Analytical methods used Plants Soils Statistical procedures used in evaluating data ------------------------- Results Concentrations of elements in fruits and vegetables --------- Bases for reporting concentrations of elements ---------- Page w w co t 00 <1 1-1 O or Or Or Ovaa £4 g- 17 Results-Continued Concentrations of elements in fruits and vegetables-Continued Mean concentrations in samples ------------------------------.-.- Compositional variation among areas, among fields within areas, and within fields ---------------------------- AN@lySiS Of Significant differences in mean element concentra- tions among areas of commercial production ------ Concentrations of elements and pH of soils that sup- ported the fruits and vegetables ------------------------------- Compositional variation among areas and among field$ WithiN Ar@@S AN@lySi$ Of Significant differences in mean element concen- tration and pH among areas of commercial production Discussion of results Trends in element concentrations in fruits and vege- tables Among kinds Of PFOUUC@ Fruits Vegetables Among areas of commercial production ---------------------- Trends in element concentrations in soils supporting frUits ANG Among kinds Of PrOGUC@ Among areas of commercial production ---------------------- Relationships of the element concentrations in fruits and vegetables and the concentrations in soils ---------------------- Summary Conclusions References cited ILLUSTRATION Page FiGURE 1. Map showing locations of counties where fruits and vegetables were sampled 6 TABLES Page TABLE 1. Summary of methods used for analysis of plants and plant ashes and ap- proximate lower limits Of d@t@erMin@tiON ----------------------........................ 14 2. Summary of methods used for analysis of soils and approximate lower limits of determination 15 3. Components of variance in composition between samples from within a sampling site and between analyses of the same sample ------------------- -~ 17 III Page 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 24 24 24 25 27 28 28 CONTENTS TABLES 4-20. Elements in ash or dried material, percent ash yield of dried material, P°8° and percent dried material yield of fresh fruits and vegetables from areas of commercial production: 4. American grapes 33 5. Apples 34 6. European grapes 35 7. Grapefruit 36 8. Oranges 38 9. Peaches 40 10. Pears 42 11. Plums 44 12. Cabbage - 46 13. Carrots 48 14. Cucumbers 49 15. Dry beans 50 16. Lettuce 52 17. Potatoes 54 18. Snap beans 56 19. Sweet corn 58 20. Tomatoes 60 21-37. Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dry material, and dry-material yield of fresh material for each kind of fruit and vegetable col- lected in more than one area: 21. American grapes 62 22. Apples 63 23. European grapes 64 24. Grapefruit 65 25. Oranges 66 26. Peaches 67 27. Pears 68 28. Plums 69 29. Cabbage 70 30. Carrots 71 31. Cucumbers 72 32. Dry beans 73 33. Lettuce 74 34. Potatoes 75 35. Snap beans 76 36. Sweet corn 77 37. Tomatoes 78 38-45. Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dry material, and dry-material yield of fresh material for each kind of fruit and vegetable col- lected in only one area: 38. Asparagus 79 39. Cantaloupes 80 40. Chinese cabbage 81 41. Eggplant 82 42. Endive 83 43. Onions 84 44. Parsley 85 45. Peppers 86 46-62. Estimates of logarithmic variance for fruits and vegetables from areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States: 46. American grapes 87 47. Apples 87 48. European grapes 87 49. Grapefruit 87 50. Oranges 88 51. Peaches 88 52. Pears 88 CONTENTS TABLES _- 46-62. Estimates of logarithmic variance for fruits and vegetables-Continued _ Page 53. Plums 88 54. Cabbage - 89 55. Carrots 89 56. Cucumbers 89 57. Dry beans 89 58. Lettuce 90 59. Potatoes 90 60. Snap beans 90 61. Sweet corn 90 62. Tomatoes 91 63. Areas having significantly different concentrations of elements in fruits and vegetables 92 64-80. Element concentrations and pH of soils that supported fruit trees and vines and vegetable plants in areas of commercial production: 64. American-grape-vine soils 95 65. Apple-tree soils 96 66. European-grape-vine soils 97 67. Grapefruit-tree soils 98 68. Orange-tree soils 100 69. Peach-tree soils 102 70. Pear-tree soils 104 71. Plum-tree soils 106 72. Cabbage-plant soils 108 73. Carrot-plant soils 109 74. Cucumber-plant soils 110 75. Dry bean-plant soils 111 76. Lettuce-plant soils 112 77. Potato-plant soils 114 78. Snap-bean-plant soils 116 79. Sweet-corn-plant soils 118 80. Tomato-plant soils 120 81-97. Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that sup- ported fruit trees and vines and vegetable plants in two or more areas: 81. American-grape-vine soils 122 82. Apple-tree-soils 122 83. European-grape-vine soils 123 84. Grapefruit-tree soils 123 85. Orange-tree soils 124 86. Peach-tree soils 124 87. Pear-tree soils 125 88. Plum-tree soils 125 89. Cabbage-plant soils 126 90. Carrot-plant soils 126 91. Cucumber-plant soils 127 92. Dry-bean-plant soils 127 93. Lettuce-plant soils 128 94. Potato-plant soils 128 95. Snap-bean-plant soils 129 96. Sweet-corn-plant soils 129 97. Tomato-plant soils 130 98-99. Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that sup- ported vegetable plants from only one area of commercial pro- duction: 98. Asparagus-plant soils 130 99. Onion-plant soils 131 100-116. Estimates of logarithmic variance for soils that supported fruits and vegetables from areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States: 100. American-grape-vine soils 131 101. Apple-tree soils 132 VI CONTENTS TABLES 100-116. Estimates of logarithmic variance for soils-Continued 102. European-grape-vine soils 103. Grapefruit-tree soils 104. Orange-tree soils 105. Peach-tree soils 106. Pear-tree soils 107. Plum-tree soils 108. Cabbage-plant soils 109. Carrot-plant soils 110. Cucumber-plant soils 111. Dry-bean-plant soils 112. Lettuce-plant soils 113. Potato-plant soils 114. Snap-bean-plant soils 115. Sweet-corn-plant soils 116. Tomato-plant soils 117. Areas having significantly different concentrations in soils --------------------- 118. Mean concentrations and high-to-low ratios of elements and water in fruits 119. Mean concentrations and high-to-low ratios of elements and water in vegetables 120. Mean concentrations and high-to-low ratios of elements and pH of soils that supported fruits 121. Mean concentrations and high-to-low ratios of elements and pH of soils that supported vegetables Page 132 133 133 134 134 135 135 136 136 137 137 188 138 139 139 140 146 147 148 149 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM AREAS OF COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION IN THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES By HANSFORD T. SHACKLETTE ABSTRACT The mean concentrations of 27 chemical elements in eight kinds of fruits and nine kinds of vegetables were estimated from field col- lections within 11 areas of commercial production. Water-content and ash-yield measurements permitted the element concentrations to be expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases. A three-level sampling design was used; and estimates were made of the chemical variation in the produce from among the areas, among fields within each area, and between sites within fields. Most significant varia- tion was found to be among areas: concentrations of some elements in some kinds of produce were found to vary tenfold. Soils in which the produce grew were sampled also, and analysis revealed strong differences among areas that are attributed, from place to place, to cultivation practices, contamination by pesticides, or pollution, as well as to climate and underlying geology. In general, little relation- ship was found between total element concentration in the soil and in the produce that could be assigned to natural causes, but where the soils are highly contaminated the levels of the contaminating element were found to be high in the produce. The concentrations of elements in fruits and vegetables generally differ least in the macronutrients potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur that are essential for plant growth. Trends in concentrations of the micronutrients boron, copper, iron, and zinc are similar but not as pronounced as those of the macronutrients. The concentrations of the nonnutritive nontoxic elements barium, cobalt, lithium, titanium, and zirconium tend to have greater ranges than do those of the nutritive elements. Concentrations of elements generally considered toxic to organisms exhibit erratic distribu- tions among areas and kinds of produce, and a wide range of values is indicated. INTRODUCTION The chemical elements in food plants are of interest primarily because these plants constitute the major source of essential elements (excluding oxygen and hydrogen) in human nutrition (Underwood, 1971); lesser amounts of these elements are derived from water, soil and rocks, and air. The elements contained in the plants may be consumed directly in vegetables and fruits, or indirectly in meat and milk from animals that have eaten the plants. Numerous studies have been made of the elements in man's total diet, and analyses of many food plants are given in the reports of the studies. A lack of uniformity among these studies exists, however, in sampling techniques, methods of analyses, kinds of plants sampled, and bases used for reporting element concentrations. In- adequate, or no, descriptions of the origins of the samples further reduce the usefulness of many reports. A National Research Council report (Morrison and others, 1974, p. 92) stated, "no systematic study has been made of sampling of fruits and vegetables for trace elements. More attention has been paid to food processing and its effect on changes in trace element composition of fruits and vegetables." The effects of processing on the element content of food plants cannot be determined unless reliable bases are available for estimating the typical concentrations of the elements that are in the edible portion of the plants as they grow in the field. Regulations governing allowable increases or decreases of element content caused by processing food should take into account not only the concentrations of elements of interest char- acteristic of the different food plants, but also the variation in chemical composition of the plants among the areas of commercial production throughout the country. Some fruits and vegetables are consumed that have had little or no processing; therefore, the introduction of extraneous elements is minimal, and only the elements acquired by the plants while growing in the field are generally present. Yet the sources and concen- trations of elements in these, as well as in other, food plants may be greatly different among areas where the plants are grown, as influenced by factors of soil chemistry, agricultural practices, climate, and the ex- tent to which environmental pollution affects the pro- duce. Plant species react differently to these influences on element content because of their genetic control of growth processes and characteristics. If the edible parts of the plant are leaves and stems, atmospheric pollution may considerably influence the kinds and concentrations of elements in these parts. If roots or tubers are used for food, the elements in the soil may exert the greatest effect, whereas if fruits are the edible portion, only the elements that can be readily 1 2 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES transported from the roots to the fruit are likely to be greatly influenced by differences in geochemical environments. Quarterman (1973, p. 171) stated, "The amount of a particular trace element in a plant food can depend on the species of plant, the breed or strain, and which part of the plant is eaten. It can also depend on the season of the year and the climate, on the soil type and pH, the proximity of other plants, manuring and various forms of contamination." These factors may differ greatly among regions of foodplant production; there- fore their influence creates an interest in determining the presence and extent of regional variation in the elemental composition of fruits and vegetables. The chemical composition of fruits and vegetables is of interest to the growers of produce because it can be used as an index of the nutritional status of the plants. Some large-scale commercial operations make frequent analyses of the plants during the growing season for as many as eight elements; deficiencies in elements that may affect yield or market quality are determined and are promptly corrected by soil or foliar applications of the deficient elements. Analyses are commonly made of leaf or stem tissue, but may also use fruit tissue. In addition, visible symptoms of specific element defi- ciencies may be used to initiate corrective measures. The data on elemental composition of food plants given in reports of these practices are of limited usefulness in establishing baseline values to be applied to problems of human nutrition, because the emphasis in these reports is on plant nutrition or pathology. These reports include, however, maximum concentra- tions of certain elements in the plants, concentrations that are potentially toxic to humans. Examples of com- prehensive studies of this type include those of Goodall and Gregory (1947), Chapman (1966), and Ken- worthy (1967). The emphasis in fruit and vegetable growing is on an adequate yield of produce that is of acceptable market quality to return a profit to the grower. Quality in this context is measured by the ability of the produce to withstand harvesting, processing, and marketing operations, and to be adequate in such factors as color, flavor, and texture. The nutritional value of the pro- duce generally is given only minor, or no, considera- tion, although Beeson (1957, p. 258) pointed out, ""The term 'crop quality' means both marketable quality and nutritional quality of a crop* * *. Nature has not always combined two aspects of crop quality in one package, and man has seldom improved matters in his efforts to breed plants and manage soil so as to pro- duce crops that are both attractive and high yielding." A task force of the Food and Drug Administration (Miller, 1974) proposed monitoring the content of two elements, magnesium and calcium (along with protein; vitamins A, B6, and C; thiamin; riboflavin; and niacin) in nine food crops. It would seem to be of equal or greater importance to monitor some other elements that, for man, are obtained principally from food plants-copper, for example. In a paper giving quantitative data on the occur- rence in plant tissue of 71 of the 94 naturally occurring elements, 46 elements were reported in measurable concentrations in the edible portion of food plants (Shacklette and others, 1978). The mean concentra- tions, deviations, and observed ranges of 30 elements in many vegetables were reported by Connor and Shacklette (1975), who gave element values for the material actually analyzed, whether it consisted of plant ash or dry plant material. Extensive tables giving element concentrations in many food plants were published by Beeson (1941), Monier-Williams (1949), and Diem (1962); and although the data in these reports generally based the concentrations on dry weight of the plant material, values based on fresh weight occur at places. Only the report by Diem gave the water content of the material that was analyzed. The absence of clearly stated bases for calculating element concentrations in samples of foods and other biological materials is a deficiency in many published reports, and for these one can only assume which bases were used (that is, fresh weight, dry weight, or ash weight) by judging the kind of material analyzed and the magnitude of the concentrations that were reported. The use of various bases for expressing element concentrations in organic materials was discussed by Goodall and Gregory (1947) and is also discussed later in this report. The elemental composition of a variety of foods from tropical plants was given by Duke (1970) in an ethnobotanical report on some Central American In- dians. Many reports of the elements in foods have been published by U.S. Government agencies, including the Department of Agriculture handbooks (for example, see Watt and Merrill, 1950, which gives both water and ash contents of the food plants that were analyzed). Most of these reports include only the major and minor nutritive elements. The concern with environmental contamination has resulted in many publications which include food-plant analyses for toxic elements. In a report on toxicants occurring naturally in foods, Underwood (1973) pro- vided some background ranges in values for the trace elements aluminum, arsenic, iron, copper, molyb- denum, zinc, manganese, selenium, lead, tin, cadmium, mercury, chromium, fluorine, and iodine in a variety of foods of plant origin. Other reports consider fewer elements, often only one, as illustrated by those of INTRODUCTION 3 Williams and Whetstone (1940), for arsenic; Warren (1967) and Egan (1972), for lead; Kropf and Geldmacher-v.Mallinckrodt (1968) and Shacklette (1972), for cadmium; and Garber (1968), for fluorine. An outline of element toxicities to plants, animals, and man (Gough and Shacklette, 1979) reported poisonous levels of 23 elements that are of general environmental concern, although food plants were not specifically emphasized. D. J. Wagstaff, J. F. Brown, and J. R. McDowell stated in a paper presented at the Fourth Biennial Veterinary Toxicology Workshop held at Logan, Utah, June 22, 1978, "Ubiquitous natural elements such as arsenic could never have been fully prevented from oc- curring in foods at low concentrations. The total quan- tity of toxic metal in a food can be viewed as being composed of three portions which originate from dif- ferent sources. First, that which is the natural background, second, that originating from environ- mental pollution, and third, that which is added during food processing or marketing. The most significant en- vironmental and food processing contamination sources have been identified and are being controlled. However, present information is neither sufficiently detailed nor accurate to support definitive apportion- ment of all toxic metals in food into these three source groups." One objective of the present report is to pro- vide background or baseline levels of element concen- trations in the edible parts of certain food plants as they are commercially grown in this country. One approach to evaluating the elemental composi- tion of foods, including those of plant origin, is the "market basket'" method of obtaining samples for analysis. In this method samples of the desired prod- ucts are obtained by purchase from retail food stores at different locations throughout the country without particular consideration of the origin of the produce. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (1972) has carried out such a program in which selected chemical elements as well as other constituents of the samples were determined. Another study (Shacklette and others, 1978) used similar methods of sampling, but limited the analyses to determining the concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluorine, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc in apples, bulb onions, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, dry beans, head lettuce, oranges, potatoes, snap beans, and sweet corn. The mean concentrations and ranges of concentrations that were reported pro- vide an estimation of the levels of these elements in the produce obtained from retail stores in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, North Dakota, Virginia, and Washington. Relatively few comprehensive reports are available in which the concentrations of elements in fruits and vegetables are related to those of associated soils. Beeson (1941) gave an extensive account of the effects of different soils on the mineral content of cultivated plants. Most of these comparisons considered only the major plant nutrient elements in field crops, not in fruits and vegetables, although the concentrations of many elements in food plants were listed. Each of the many agricultural studies of the soil supply of essen- tial and toxic elements generally considered one, or a few, of the elements in relation only to crop yield-not to the chemical composition of the crop. A study of home gardens in Georgia revealed few or no consistent correlations of concentrations of 16 elements in blackeyed peas, cabbage, corn, green beans, and tomatoes with the total (not the "available") concentrations of the same elements in the soils where the vegetables grew (Shacklette and others, 1970). The problems of determining the availaility to plants of the elements in soils are in- herent in the complex relationships of soil chemistry and the physiological processes characteristic of dif- ferent plants. Quarterman (1973, p. 175) stated, "No simple relationship has been found between the amount of a particular element in the soil and the amount which is absorbed by plants." Allaway (1968) reviewed methods by which agricultural technology can modify the routes and extent of trace element movements. He pointed out that plants will grow nor- mally when they contain levels of some elements that are too low for the growth or health of the animals eating the plants. The elements he reported were chromium, cobalt, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, and zinc. At the other extreme, the plants will grow despite levels of cadmium, lead, molyb- denum, and selenium that are toxic to animals. Con- versely, plants will die with levels of arsenic, beryllium, fluorine, iodine, nickel, and zinc that are tolerated by animals. In general, and certainly for some elements, the best measure of the availability of soil elements to plants is obtained by chemical analysis of the plant as it is grown in the field. The principal objective of the present study was to evaluate the concentrations of elements having par- ticular nutritional or environmental significance that occur in fruits and vegetables entering major commer- cial channels and, therefore, are widely available in retail outlets. The samples were collected from plants as they grew in the fields before they had been com- mercially harvested and processed for sale; they were prepared for analysis in a manner that enabled their element concentrations to be expressed on the fresh- weight, dry-weight, and ash-weight bases. The sam- 4 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES pling design permitted comparisons of element con- tents to be made between kinds of produce, regions of production, fields within regions, and samples within fields, and also allowed the extent of variance at- tributable to combined sample preparation and laboratory analysis to be estimated. The elemental compositions of the soils that supported the food plants were also determined. Cereal grains, soybeans, sugarcane, and sugar beets were not sampled, for although they contribute greatly to the diet, they are so extensively altered by processing prior to consump- tion that the food product derived from them was ex- pected to be greatly different in chemical composition from field collections of the original produce. All fruits and vegetables considered in this report are cultivated varieties (properly termed "cultivars," abbreviated "cv.") of species that have been long in cultivation. The wild progenitors of some cultivars are not know for certain; and the problems of taxonomy, origin, and evolution of many food plants are complex (Pickersgill, 1977). Some of the herbaceous cultivars in commercial use are called "hybrids," generally mean- ing that the cultivar is the F, (first filial) generation resulting from the crossing of two inbred cultivars of the same species. Other hybrids are only selected prod- ucts of crosses between two cultivars that are suffi- ciently homozygous ("pure") to be economically prop- agated from seed. A few hybrids result from crosses between natural (that is, "wild") species. Other cultivars, especially among fruit trees, shrubs, and vines, originate spontaneously as natural somatic ("'sports") or genetic mutations and are heterozygous for the desired characteristics; they, therefore, must be vegetatively propagated by rooting cuttings or by grafting. The complexities of nomenclature resulting from the diverse origins of fruit and vegetable cultivars, and the continual introduction of new cultivars developed by plant-breeding institutions, have made the identifica- tion of some cultivars very difficult, therefore imprac- tical, in field studies of the kind reported herein. The terminology used in this report follows that in general use in this country, which does not always cor- respond to scientific usage. The two major categories of food plants that were sampled, fruits and vege- tables, are distinguished on the basis of long- established custom. For example, the edible product of a tomato plant is ordinarily considered to be a vegetable, but technically it is a fruit-moreover, it is a berry. The sweet and juicy products of trees, shrubs, and vines are designated as fruits, but there are some exceptions to this definition of fruits, as, for example, strawberries and olives. Another pecularity of ver- nacular usage is that some dry beans, such as lima beans, are called vegetables and are considered hor- ticultural products, whereas soybeans are referred to as a field crop and are, therefore, considered to be agronomic products. In some published crop reports, potatoes and dry beans are classified as field crops, and cantaloupes and watermelons are listed as vegetables rather than as fruits. In this report the food plants are classified rather arbitrarily as either fruits or vegetables, and their common and scientific names are given in a later section. The term "produce" refers principally to fresh fruits and vegetables that are of- fered for sale. A. T. Miesch suggested this study, and his assistance in sampling design and statistical treat- ment of data is greatly appreciated. I acknowledge with gratitude the invaluable assistance of Josephine G. Boerngen in processsing the large amount of data generated in the study. Jessie M. Bowles is thanked for help with sample preparation and sorting. Thanks also are expressed to R. J. Ebens, J. R. Keith, and James Scott, who assisted in the field work, and to the following County Agricultural Agents of the Cooper- ative Extension Service, who provided suggestions for selecting areas where the desired produce was grown: Harvey Beltner, Donald A. Chaplin, A. H. Karcher, Jr., Keith S. Mayberry, Raymond C. Nichols, Robert S. Pryor, and Norman J. Smith. The cooperation of the many growers who gave permission to sample produce and soils on their property is also appreciated. This study could not have been accomplished without the U.S. Geological Survey chemists who analyzed the samples; their names follow: James W. Baker, D. A. Bickford, Willis P. Doering, Johnnie Gardner, Patricia Guest, Thelma F. Harms, Claude Huffman, Jr., Lor- raine Lee, Violet Merritt, H. T. Millard, Jr., Harriet G. Neiman, Clara C. S. Papp, James A. Thomas, Michele L. Tuttle, J. S. Wahlberg, and William J. Walz. SAMPLING LOCALITIES Counties were chosen as the largest sampling units because information on agricultural production is based on political units, and because agricultural agents of the Cooperative Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, are assigned to counties. The criteria used for selecting counties in which to sample fruits or vegetables were (1) production of significant quantities of produce that entered commer- cial distribution as fresh, dried, canned, or frozen food,; (2) production of a wide range of food plants, as ap- propriate for the climatic zone in which located; and (3) wide geographic distribution of counties. As a starting point in this selection, the National Atlas (U.S. Geolog- ical Survey, 1970) was consulted to locate counties SAMPLING LOCALITIES 5 having high production of fruits and vegetables. The selection was narrowed to counties for which pro- duction data indicated that sampling several kinds of produce was possible. Letters of inquiry were then sent to the county agricultural agents in each of these coun- ties, briefly outlining the proposed study and asking for information on the present status of horticultural production in the county. Most agents responded to the inquiry, and the final selection of counties in which to sample was influenced by their replies. The counties in which sampling was conducted are listed and characterized below in the chronological order in which they were visited (fig. 1). The soil descriptions given are from U.S. Soil Conservation Service (1970). BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN Produce was sampled September 11-14, 1972. This county has long been an important center of fruit pro- duction, having a favorable climate because of the moderating effect of Lake Michigan. The principal hor- ticultural crops recorded in 1964 were apples, peaches, grapes, plums, strawberries, tomatoes, snap beans, and sweet corn. The peach crop in 1972 was destroyed by late spring frosts. The sandy soils near Lake Michigan are classified as Order Entisols (no pedogenic horizons), Suborder Psamments (textures of loamy fine sand or coarser), Great Group Udipsam- ments (containing easily weatherable minerals, never moist as long as three consecutive months). The inland soils, on which most fruit trees are grown, are classified as Order Alfisols (medium to high in bases, gray to brown surface horizon, subsurface horizon of clay accumulation); Suborder Udalfs (soils usually moist, but during the warm season some horizons may be intermittently dry for short periods), Great Group Hapludalfs (subsurface horizon of clay accumulation relatively thin; or only a brownish-colored stain marks the horizon). No irrigation was observed in this county. The following kinds of produce were sampled: fruits-apples, cantaloupes, grapes, pears, and plums; vegetables-cabbage, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, pep- pers, snap beans, and tomatoes. WAYNE COUNTY, NEW YORK Produce was sampled September 18-21, 1972. The moderating effect of Lake Ontario on the climate has made this county a favorable fruit-growing center. Ap- ples, cherries, and peaches are the major fruit crops, although pears, grapes, and plums are also grown. Snap beans, dry beans, and potatoes are the principal vegetable crops. The large food-processing plants are closely related to the crops of the region. Low hills of glacial drift, separated by valleys of alluvial material and scattered peat and muck deposits, characterize the landscape. The soils are, in general, classified to Great Soil Group like those of eastern Berrien County, Michigan. The peaty soils are used to grow potatoes and peppermint. No irrigation was observed in the county. The following kinds of produce were sampled: fruits-apples, grapes, peaches, pears, and plums; vegetables-potatoes, dry beans, and snap beans. CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY [Samples of apples and sweet corn were obtained near the Cumberland County line in Gloucester and Salem Counties, respectively] Produce was sampled September 24-28, 1972. This county lies partly in the coastal plain, characterized by low local relief of Quaternary terraces and alluvial em- bayments; but the central and northern parts of this county and of Salem County, and all of Gloucester County, are underlain by upper Tertiary rocks and have somewhat greater relief. The proximity of these counties to Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean results in a mild climate well suited to horticulture. The Rutgers University Research Farm, devoted to horticultural development, and Seabrook Farms, where pioneering work in the frozen food industry was done, are located in Upper Deerfield Township of Cumberland County. Soils of most croplands are classified as Order Ultisol (low in bases, have subsurface horizons of clay accumulation); Suborder Udults (usually moist and relatively low in organic matter in the subsurface horizons); and Great Group Hapludults (have either a subsurface horizon of clay accumulation that is relatively thin, a subsurface horizon having ap- preciable weatherable minerals, or both). Numerous shell fragments were found in some of the fields that were sampled; these fields lie on the upper terraces of the coastal-plain sediments. The principal fruits grown are peaches and apples; strawberries are a minor crop. A wide variety of vegetables is produced, with major production of tomatoes and snap beans and lesser amounts of potatoes, green peas, sweet corn, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, potatoes, and sweet corn. The following kinds of produce were sampled: fruits-apples; vegetables- cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, potatoes, snap beans, and sweet corn. PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Produce was sampled January 29-31, 1973. This county is entirely underlain by Quaternary deposits 6 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES EXPLANATION Ix > @ Autumn-harvested produce '~ O Winter-harvested produce \. p Hidalgo p *~. County KILOMETERS 400 0 MILES 400
Ca------ Atomic absorpt10n-------------------- <05 100 Cd------ _ _____-eec-ee_-__-___-_-_-_--_-- dQ----------------- - 3 wa CO ---------------------- do ------------ * 5 1 Cr------ Emission spectroSsCcOpY---------------- &01 1x5 CUue----- ___ dQ----------~------- +01 1 Fgec-ecee- ___ dg----------------- «01 10 G@------ ___ dg----------------- +01 10 K------- Atomic absOrpt10n-------------------- «05 100 La------ Emission spectroscOopy---------------- +01 70 Li------ Atomic absOrpti0n-------------------- -» 05 4 Mg------ Emission spectroscOopy---------------- 01 20 Mn------ dg----------------- +01 1 MQ------ dg----------------- &01 7 Na------ Atomic absorpti0n-------------------- -+05 29 Ni------ Emission spectroscopy---------------- &01 10 P------- CO1Or1iM@triG-=------------------------ 05 100 Pb------ Emission spectroSsCcOpYy---------------- -O1 20 SN------ dQ----------------- +01 10 Spe-ceee- dp-e---------------- 01 10 Ticeee-- ___ dQg----------------- «01 5 ___ dQ----------------- #01 19 ¥ecccce_ -__- dg----------------- 01 20 ___ dg----------------- 01 2 Zn------ Atomic absOrpt10n-------------------- «05 10 Zr------ Emission spectroscOpy---------------- &01 20 'From Harms (1976) and Neiman (1976). STATISTICAL PROCEDURES USED IN EVALUATING DATA TABLE 2.-Summary of methods used for analysis of soils and approximate lower limits of determinations Sample Lower Element Method weight limit O (ppm) Ag----- Emission SpPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- 0.01 0.5 Al----- X-ray fluorescence spectrometry------------- 8 2,600 A§----- _ ---ccee_-e_e_-_-___---_-_-- dg---------------------- +5 x1 B------ Emission SPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- &01 10 B@----- dg---------------------- 01 2 B@----- _ --__-__-_________-_-_-_-_-- &01 1 C,.total Induction furnace-gasometric---------------- »25-.40 500 Ca----- X-ray fluorescence spectrometry------------- .8 710 Ce----- Emission SPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- 01 200 __ dg------------<--------- 01 3 _ dQ---------------------- 01 1 CUu----- _ <<_---_-__-____-_-_-_---_--- 01 1 F------ Fluorine specific-ion electrode------------- «1 400 Fe----- X-ray fluorescence spectrometry-------------- .8 350 Ga----- Emission SPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- &01 5 Ge----- X-ray fluorescence spectrometry------------- .8 »] Hg----- Flameless atomic absorption----------------- «1 o K------ X-ray fluorescence spectrometry------------- .8 250 La----- Emission SPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- 01 30 Li----- AtOMic @bSOrPt1i0N-------<----<--------------- 1 5 Mg----- dg------_-_--_------_------- 1 600 Mn----- Emission SpPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- &01 1 MQ----- _ <-----------------_-- 01 3 Na----- AtOMmic @bSOPPt1i0N---------<----------------- 1 740 Nb----- Emission SPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- 01 10 Nd----- __ -----e-------------- &01 50 Ni «01 2 __ dg---------------------_- &01 10 Rb----- Atomic @bSOrPt10N----<-----<----------------- 1 20 S,total X-ray fluorescence spectrometry------------- «8 800 Sc----- Emission SpPeCtrOSCOPY----------------------- 01 5 Se----- X-ray fluorescence spectrometry------------- .8 +1 Sic----_ _ .8 2,300 SN----- _ 61 L*L SL Ol:OL 9L . = OL {1'1 #1 - - 3ybram ysauy go quasuad 'peraagew Aag *t Flcl 'e OL:0 of - 02> s= 02> Ol'l mint rad 02> 'Ol:0 : ost .~ 09 OL 'I 86 Ol:OLl 091: :< 0s 68 * L 96 Ol:Ol Ole :* 08 9b ° L Of L. 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Sum 9% west 2 ESL 12° OL'OL gf with at L6°L 02° b* * 2:5 0S'L 81° 1 BL oin 20 w 9"L L ILL $41 UL ~ 8t LPL U1 OL'0l 0%2 £06" PS°L 28° OL'ol 2*€ ~ 89° 19°L Chit OL'OL - E'L "Bp 18° OPMOL: O0L ~ 0€ bl 69 002 _ ~ 05 19"L 16 - OL'Ol 00L ~ 02 EL'L 9p OL'Ol 002 ~ 05 LSL €L OL'Ol f ® uA soo a .com._- .oom m?”— .omw 000 L~ 006 - IS'L 2St OL'0l 004 ~ 00€ 02b OL'Ol 00¢. % OSL 19"L mum OL'Ol “WM £ Wfiwm Mm" -.-.-.-..--wmm Z E t Eltd wm.m v20 E ik 50> [Far 040* 6:4 SE* 69'L 81° OL:OL a* " 90" 20°9 02° 8:8 OL . ~§0*> A 005 _H- 002 mm._ owm 000 NH 00€ vmhw 06b ENS 000°€~ OSL> - 052 9mm 005' ~ 00> SP2 006 OL'8 005'L~ O§1> - £82 u I 2 D D- Ol' 9 *f D 0L'0 ** <& D - OL'0 bof wi E fual abuea uo13 abuea uo13 abuea uo13 abura uol3 abuea uot; w panaasqy -e 1Aag uedy o138Y panaasqy ~2 Aag usay 01394 paaaasqy ueay 01303 paaaas qq ~21Aag ueey 13°] panaasqy Lian ueay . 01204 |e ra9z0w M *o109 *Ajun0g esay *ysen *{jun0g ewnye» *e*N *Ajun0g aagsaano9 "A*N *Ajunog au/en *you *Ajunog uataag Kup ao 'yse R *quaua w (panu13u03) uor3onpoud [er3uaumoa 30 seauy uo [2L3J3umo9 40 seauy ig t$ eep ou ageoipur uun{oa aunb1; u; (--) a113au036 *ueaw 314330036 "ue *pageo pu [=I $1 quaduad auaym qdaoxa squed uf uaath aur sabuea pure suray . 'parkeue saidues jo aqunu 01 puno} . Sem quaua(a ay? youym® ut saidwes 40 aaqunu 6.523 m=_vca:_ 09 uowuciwmuu hm j 1dx3] by M uononpoud mro4owmod fo svain woul ysoul Jo park pun qnua;ou poup Jo park ysv qua94ad '(pagvomput so qpuagowu Kup ur 40) ysp ut squzwuagy-*q gugy L 34 TABLES 4-121 35 TABLE 6.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, and percent dried-material yield of fresh European grapes from areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Mean, geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element, ash, or dry Yakima County, Wash. San Joaquin County, Calif. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- -_ <1 -- --- 0:10 200 Feg---------- 10:10 360 1.81 200 - 700 10:10 680 1.64 300 - -1,500 Hgl ---------- s 2:10 0046 _ 1.69 €:01- .01 10:10 14 1.68 5.2 - 34 10:10 29 1.29 17 =. 39 Liz ---------- 1;10- «10 -- ~~ 0:10 <10 -- --- e 10:10 1.4 1.66 A e 24 _ 10:10 3.6 1.31 2.4 - 6.0 PY-é --------- 0:10 «20 -- --- 4:10 14 2.48 20. - 70 $ i --------- 10:10 023 1.29 <.015- +04 ~10:10 «062 1.24 »05- «10 7:10 «0051 : 2.14 <.005- - 0:10 <.005 -- --- Sre----------- 10:10 130 247 18 - 500 10:10 470 1.61 200 - -1,000 Ti-<----------- 5:10 ~20 3.86 <5 -* - JQ 8:10 15 3.54 «5 > «' "70 ZLn----------- 10:10 _ :50 1/72 20 - 120 10:10 87 1.43 40 _ - 140 Zr----------- 3:10 1.0 3.20 :-«20 - - 70 1:10 <20 -- «20 -- " 20 Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 3:1 1.39 1.5 + 4.8 10:10 2.4 1.42 1.3 - 3.9 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 _ 23 2.3 19 - 27 10:10 20 1.31 11. =_ 24 éDry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 36 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES [Explanation of column headings: million, except where percent is indicated. TABLE 7.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, Ratio, number of Mean, geometric mean. samples in which the element was found in measurable Deviation, geometric deviation. Areas of commercial production Element , ash, or dry Palm Beach County, Fla. Hidalgo County, Tex. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:10 <1 ~~ -- 0:10 <1 -- -- Al g---------- 6:10 150 2.61 <150 - 1,000 8:10 450 3.43 - «150 - 2,000 9:9 11 1.87 - 4 1:9 <.05 -- <.05 :> .05 B------------ 10:10 140 1.26 100 - 200 10:10 240 1.29 150 - 300 Ba----------- 10:10 46 1.52 20 ~ 70 10:10 160 1.38 70 - 200 Cate-"sgye--.-. 10:10 5.6 1.24 4,2 - 7.4 _ 10:10 8.4 1.15 7.0 _ > 10 Cd----------- 7:10 +18 1.74 €.2 . < .6 5:10 «14 1.77 €,2 _- 4 Co----------- 1:10 <] -- <] - 1 1:10 <] -- <1 - 2 Cr----------- 0:10 £115 -- ~- 3:10 63 3.59 §1.5¢ « 3 Cu----------- 10:10 49 1.44: 30 - 70 10:10 47 1.41 30 - 70 Fez---------- 10:10 210 1.44 150 - - 500 10:10 320 1.54 200 =~~-700 Hgl ---------- 0:10 ; * <- 5 0:10 . ' == Se 10:10 39 1.10 30 - 42 10:10 39 1.04 36 - 41 Lig---------- 0:10 <4 -- ~ 5:10 3.1 1.71 <4 - 7 Mg2 ---------- 10:10 2.0 1.26 1.56. .- 3 10:10 22 1.56 1: = 3 Mn----------- 10:10 24 1.45 15 - 50 10:10 47 1.41 30 - 70 Mo----------- 1:10 <7 ~~ <7 ~ 70 0:10 x] -- -- 10:10 1,800 1.24 . 1,300 - 2,900 10:10 2,100 1.50 940 - 3,000 N} ----------- 0:10 <10 -- ~ 0:10 <10 -- -- PC---------~-- 10:10 3.5 1.26 2.4 - 4.8 ©10:10 33 1.18 2.4 - 3.6 P? ----------- 0:10 <20 -- - 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 70 § 12 --------- 10:10 «060 : "1.14 05 - 10:10 +053 4.23 035 - . 07 Set.....--.--._.- 4:9 +003 -x 2132 <.005- .01 9:10 & 011 1.99 <.005 - iy Sr-e---------- 10:10 260 1.65 150 - 700 10:10 1,100 1.41 700 - 2,000 Ti-<---------- 1:10 <5 -- <5 - 7 7:10 8.2 2.72 <5 - 20 ZIn----------- 10:10 126 1.19 90 - 160 10:10 150 1.17 130 ~~ 200 Zre---------- 0:10 <20 ~ - 0:10 <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 32 1.23 2.6 ~ 5.3 - 10:10 2.6 1.13 2.2: = 3:1 Dry material, percent of fresh weight _ 10:10 9.8 1.18 71 > 12 10:10 13 1.12 10 - 15 i 2 Dry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh grapefruit from areas of commercial production 37 concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Means and ranges are given in parts per Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production (continued) Riverside County, Calif. Yuma County, Ariz. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 0:10 - 4.8 10:10 2.0 1.40 1.2: = 3. 6 0:10 <20 -- ~~ 0:10 <20 -- ~~ 10:10 083 1.09 070 - 10:10 +069 - 1.12 »055 - .08 9:10 022 2.30 <.005 - «06 10:10 +011 1.34 «OF _> 02 10:10 1,300 1.45 700 - 2,000 10:10 470 1.82 200 - 1,000 10:10 19 2.11 7 - 30 4:10 3 5.10 <7 - 30 10:10 150 1.18 110 - - 200 10:10 97 1.44 60 ~ 170 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 4.4 1.12 3.9 ~ 5.1 10:10 5.6 1.39 3b .' - 11 10:10 10 1.06 9.1 - - 11 10:10 8.6 1.13 7 - 10 38 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 8. -Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable except where percent is indicated. Mean, geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. _ Leaders (--) Areas of commercial production Element, ash, or dry Palm Beach County, Fla. Hidalgo County, Tex. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag--------- 0:10 <1 -- -- 0:10 <1 -- ~~ Al g-------- 5:10 110 5.42 <150 - 3,000 10:10 630 2.65 »200 - 3,000 0:10 a> 0:9 <.05 R => 10:10 177 1.57 70 - 300 10:10 280 132. 200 -- 500 Baz-------- 10:10 40 1.52; 20 - 70 10:10 220 1.44 _ 150 - - 500 C@t------'- 10:10 5.8 1.16 1.7 =- 7.4 10:10 8.6 1.19 7.2 - 12 Cd--------- 6:10 "17. - 377 12" .- 2.5 4:10 13 1.46 «12 "*- 2 Co--------- 3:10 -~57 ~- 1.56. «1 - 1 2:10 46 1.69 <] - 1 Cr--------- 3:10 +96: 4.09. «1.5 '- 7 1:10 £1.56 -- §1.5 ;~ 3 Cu--------- 10:10 50 1.61 20 - 70 10:10 47 1.42 30 - 70 Fey-------- 10:10 338 1.46 300 - 1,000 10:10 360 1.49 __ 300 - 1,000 Hgl---<-ecs 0:10 i091. _+ ss 0:10 <.01 +> Fe 10:10 39 1.06 37 - 42 10:10 38 1.06 35 - 42 Li-<-------- 0:10 <4 -- -- 4:10 2.8 1.83 <4 - 6 M92 -------- 10:10 2.5 1.41 1.5 .- 5 10:10 2.2 1.33 1.5 _ - 3 Mn--------- 10:10 51 1:64" 30 -- 150 10:10 50 1.36 30 - 70 Mo--------- 0:10 «7 -- -- 1;10 <7 -- <7 - 7 Na--------- 10:10 1,300 1.53 700 - 2,200 10:10 1,300 1.38 '> 700 - 2,600 Ni--------- 0:10 <10 -- -- 0:10 <10 -- -- 10:10 kx 1.19 2.4 _- 3:6 10:10 2.9 1.30 1.8 _- 3.6 P? --------- 0:10 <20 -- -- 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 20 10:10 +060 1;12 05 - -075 10:10 064 1.12 055 - 075 1:9 <,005 -- <.005 - 005 "9:10 0089 _ 1.42 <,.01 - Sr--------- 10:10 200 249 - 20 - - 500 10:10 - 1,100 1.46 _ 700 - 2,000 Ti--------- 0:10 <5 -- -- 6:10 5.3 3.16 <5 - 30 ZIn--------- 10:10 150 1.26 410 => 240 10:10 140 1,22 120 - 200 Ir--------- 0:10 <20 -- -- 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 20 Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 3.3 1.09 2-8" ~ 3.6 10:10 3:1 1.15 2.].. "*~ 4.4 Dry material, percent of fresh weight _ 10:10 12 1.12 -_ 10 - 15 10:10 14 1.09 12 - 16 1Dry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh oranges from areas of commercial production concentrations to number of samples analyzed. in figure column indicate no data available] Means and ranges are given in parts per million, Areas of commercial production (continued) Riverside County, Calif. Yuma County, Ariz. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 0:10 2,000 8:10 340 scl «150 - 3,000 0:10 <.05 -- -- 2:9 024 1.66 - .05 10:10 320 1.18 300 - 500 10:10 300 1.00 -- 10:10 42 1.36 30 - 70 10:10 150 1.18 100 = 200 10:10 8.0 1.21 6.2 - 11 10:10 9.5 1.22 6.0 _- 13 7:10 +24 2,22 KCi2. = "8 3:10 089 2.40 kie 4 1:10 1,800 - 11,000 10:10 650 216 250 - 2,000 1:10 <10 ~- <10 - 10 5:10 9.8 2.90 <10 - 30 10:10 2.4 1.21 1.8 - 36° 10:10 2.5 1.38 1.2 _ - 3.6 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 075: 1.22 .05 - «12 10:10 071 1.10 06 - 085 10:10 020 1.39 .01 - +04 10:10 0075 - 1.43 005 - 01 10:10 1,400 1.33 > 1,000. - : -~=~10:10 900 1.27 500 - 1,000 9:10 18 2.31 <5 - 70 5:10 &4 4.57 <5 - 50 10:10 150 1.28 100 - 220 10:10 130 1.18 100 - :*A60 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 4.0 1.10 3b. - 5.1 10:10 4.1 1.16 «b ' ** 5.5 10:10 14 111 11 - 16 10:10 13 1.06 12 39 40 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 9.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable million except where percent is indicated. Mean, geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. Areas of commercial production Element, ash, or dry Wayne County, N.Y. Yakima County, Wash. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag--------- 0:10 <1 -- -- 0:10 <1 -- ~~ Ali -------- 7:10 240 339 «150 . . _ - 2,000 10:10 - 1,200 2-67 - 200 - 7,000 Ags*-------- 5:10 +036 ©2.06 <.05 - 10 2:10 «013 3.31 €.05 - +10 o 10:10 300 1.75 - 150 - 1,000 10:10 560 1.38 -- 300 - 1,000 Ba--------- 10:10 18 1.52 7 - 30 10:10 55 2.64 15 - 200 Cac=<->---- 10:10 30 _ 1.52 16 - 58 10:10 49 2.01 2G ~ 1.2 Cd--------- 10:10 «86 _ 2.42 +60 ~- 3.0 6:10 18 2.43 <.20 - & 60 Co--------- 2:10 «45 2.40 - <1 - 2 5:10 . 69 2«15 <] - 1 Cr--------- 5:10 1.2 1.52 . «1.5 - 15 9:10 $9' 2.16 €1.5 -> 10 Cu--------- 10:10 83 192 - 30 - 200 10:10 70 1.56 30 --- 150 Fey-------- 10:10 240 1.92 :- 70 - - 700 10:10 750 1.77 300 - 2,000 Hgl -------- 5:10 +0071 -1. 78 €,.01 -- .02 1:10 <.01 -- k.01 ~ .01 KE&-.-------- 10:10 18 150 - 12 - 36 10:10 20 1.75 8.5 43 Liz-------- 0:10 <4 -- -- 1:10 <4 -- <4 - 4 Mg2 -------- 10:10 «97° 1.32 »50 - 1.7 10:10 1.5 1.51 +70 '~ 3.0 Mn--------- 10:10 61 177. 20 - 150 10:10 78 1.67 30 = 150 Mo--------- 0:10 £7 -- -- 0:10 <7 -- -- Na--------- 10:10 140 200 - 50 --- 350 10:10 190 1.91 100 - - 450 NQ --------- 4:10 7.4 1.79 : «10 - 15 7:10 15 2.92. : <10 - 70 pC-«-------- 10:10 1.3 1.81 +32 ~ 2.4 10:10 2.4 1.56 1.2 _ - 4.8 P? --------- 1:10 <20 -- _ <20 - 20 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 20 §g1i¢-.----. 10:10 +068 1.52 035 - 12 . 10:10 029 1.32 +02 :~ 045 sel--.-:--: 5:10 0036 1.90 <.005 - 02 6:10 0044 _ 1.99 <.005 - 01 Sr--------- 10:10 27 1.55 - 15 - 70 10:10 82 2.14 30 ~~ 300 Ti--------- 3:10 <5 -- <5 - 30 10:10 61 2.45 15 - 200 In--------- 10:10 110 1.83 50 = 250 10:10 122 1.87 - x15 - 300 Zr--------- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 e 1.55 3.0 '~ 14 10:10 8.9 1.70 1.5 s 9 Dry material, percent of fresh weight _ 10:10 6.9 1.57 3:6 :~ 12 10:10 14 j.12 12 - 17 éDry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh peaches from areas of commercial production concentrations to number of samples analyzed. . Means and ranges are given in parts per Leaders (--), in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production (continued) San Joaquin County, Calif. Mesa County, Colo. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 2:10 36 2.69 <] - Z 0:10 <] ~- ~~ 9:10 520 2.32. «150 - 1,500 7:10 220 2.86 ~«150 - 700 0:9 <,05 -- -- 8:8 +17 1.65 «10 :~ 35 10:10 350 1.28 300 - 500 10:10 _ 340 1.35 300 - - 700 10:10 17 1.72 7 - 30 7:10 5.9 2.76 <3 - 20 10:10 18 1.43 A10 - 29, 10:10 «<7 1.73 A12 > 70 4:10 +12 2.01 £.20 - 40 4:10 12 2.01 ta? . "= 4 0:10 <] -- -- 0:10 <] -- -- 5:10 13 1.92 €1.5 - - 3 1:10 «1.5 -- 1.5 ' :~ 7 10:10 53 1.54 30 - 100 10:10 33 1.50 20 - 70 10:10 330 1.78 150 - 700 10:10 _ 140 1.72 70 - 300 1:10 <.01 -- <,.01 - +01 0:10 <.01 -- -- 10:10 19 1.91 11 - 35 10:10 17 1.37 11 - 38 0:10 <4 -- ~- 0:10 <4 -- -- 10:10 1.0 1.37 70 - 1.5 10:10 94 1.50 »50 - 2.0 10:10 29 1.58 15 - 50 10:10 23 1.34 16 - 30 0:10 <7 -- -- 1:10 <7 -- <7 - 7 10:10 180 145 76 - 260 10:10 - 160 1.79 50 - - 350 6:10 10 157 <10 ~- 15 1:10 «10 -- <10 - 10 10:10 1.5 1.65 60 - 3.6 10:10 1.0 1.47 +60 - 1.8 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 «20 -- -- 10:10 -~051 =~1.28 +07 _ 10:10 «033 - 1.27 «02 - 045 2:10 «0023 1.69 <.005- +005 10:10 «012 1.40 &01 _- 02 10:10 42 1.85 15 - 100 10:10 48 1,75 20 - 100 8:10 14 2.83 <5 - 50 3:10 2-7, 2.12 <5 - 7 10:10 71 1.64 35 - 130 10:10 71 1.50 30 - 100 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 30 2:10 9.6 2.16 <20 - 30 10:10 6.0 1.22 4.3 - 8.2 10:10 7.9 1.41 5.4 - 15 10:10 11 1.39 6.4 - 17 10:10 11 1.13 9.9 :, - 14 41 42 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 10.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element , ash, or dry Berrien County, Mich. Wayne County, N.Y. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range « *= -- 9:10... <1 =< 5s 390 4.20 - <150 - 7,000 9:10 420 2.79 - <150 - 2,000 <.05 -- <.05 - «05 5:9 <.0025 -- <.0025 - 0025 430 1.54 300 - 1,000 10:10 350 1.54 300 - 700 250 1.66 150 - 700 10:10 180 1.40 150 - 300 2.0 1.66 92 - 4.8 10:10 2.1 1.50 1.4 - 5.4 A41 1.95 +20 :s 115. 10:10 .68 2.17 20 - 3.0 26 3.31 < l 2 4:10 &55 2.53 « - 3 1.2 3.80 - 15 4:10 .87 3.83 <1.5 - 7 130 1.73 70 - 300 10:10 110 2.03 30 - 200 390 2.01 150 - 1,000 10:10 290 1.80 100 - 700 «0057 _ 1.56 <.01 - 01 1310 <.01 -- <.01 _> .01 25 1.38 16 - 42 10:10 _ 28 1.23 18 - 36 <4 -- -- 0:10 _ <4 ~- } b 1.7 1.34 1 - 3 10:10 1.7 1.16 1 - 2 100 1.74 30 - 150 10:10 90 1.86 20 =. 150 <7 -- -- 0:10... <7 -- -- 380 1.94 150 - 1,400 10:10 390 2.16 200 - 2,600 11 1.72 <10 - 30 3:10 6.4 1.64 <10 - 15 1.7 1.63 6 - 3.6 10:10 2.3 1.23 1.8 - 3.6 16 1.39 <20 - 30 3:10 =13 1.75 <20 - 30 030 1.31 02 - 05 10:10 «035 1.28 025 - .05 0047 _ 2.12 <.005 - 01> > 7:10 0048 _ 2.04 <.005 - .02 116 2.03 30 - 300 10:10 190 2.05 50 -- 500 5.6 6.20 <5 - 200 5:10 4.0 9.49 <5 - 70 180 3.22 10 - 720 10:10 210 1.30 130 -- 290 <20 -- <20 - 20 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 30 Ash, percent % of dry weight 10:10 2.3 1.31 1.5 - 3.6 10:10 2.2 1.22 1.7 - 3.5 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 14 1s 11 - 17 10:10 _ 13 1.12 11 - 16 1Dry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh pears from areas of commercial production concentrations to number of samples analyzed. 43 Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Mean, Areas of commercial production (continued) Yakima County, Wash. San Joaquin County, Calif. Mesa County, Colo. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range tion range 9:10 < -- =~ 0:10. «1 -- -- 0:10. < -- -- 8:10 320 2.88 _ <150 - 1,500 8:10 240 2.05 - <150 - 700 8:10 374 271 <150 - 1,500 3:10 032 1.49 <.05 - «05 0:9 <.05 -- -- 0:9 <.05 -- -- 10:10 580 1.39 300 - 1,000 10:10 340 1.52 150 - 700 10:10 540 1.31 300 - 700 10:10 120 1.47 70 - 200 10:10 100 1.83 30 - 200 10:10 160 2.13 30 - 500 10:10 1.4 1.59 74 - 3.0 10:10 1.6 1.94 152 > 4.0 10:10 1.7 1.90 .82 - 4.0 7:10 +22 2.03 <.20 - 60 _ 4:10 13 1.46 {2 :- +2 7:10 +21 2:13 €12 - - «6 7:10 1.0 1.97 - 5 2:10 «15 1.79 £1.5 -- 1.5 4:10 60 1.84 - - ~A00 10:10 110 1.64 50 - 200 10:10 120 1.55 70 - 300 10:10 78 1.33 50 - 100 10:10 330 1.50 200 - 700 10:10 240 1.50 150 - 500 10:10 250 1.89 70 - 500 2:10 0046 _ 1.69 <.01 - 01 - 1:10 <.01 -- <.01 - 01 1:10 <.01 -- -- 10:10 - 21 1.28 16 - 30 10:10. ~ 21 1.44 15 - 35 10:10:21 1.62 10 - 40 1:10. «4 -- <4 - 5 0:10 _ <4 -- -- 10:10 7.3 1.47 5 - 17 10:10 1.5 1.21 1 - 2 10:10 1.4 1.42 2 10:10 1.0 1.51 17 -+ 3 10:10 79 1.46 50 - 150 10: 10+ 79 1.46 50 - 150 10:10 70 1.72 30 - 150 0:10 _ <7 -- -- 2:10 1.4 1.38 2 Mn--------- 10:10 100 1.42 50 - 150 10:10 ° 62 1.62 30 - 100 Mo--------- o:10 _ <7 -- -- 0:10 «7 -- -- Na--------- 10:10 95 1.57 50 - 200 10:10 163 1.63 100 - 320 NE --------- 2:10 6.6 1.33 -" «10 - 10 0:10 <10 -- ~~ PC--------- 10:10 & 84 1.99 6: - 2.4 10:10 1.9 1.85 6 <. ~" 2.4 P? --------- 2:10 «20 -- <20 - 70 0:10 <20 -- -- gli€-__2.y. 10:10 «036 - 1.35 025 - «055 - 10:10 037 1.32 «+025 - 8:10 +0051 1.54 <,005 - -01 6:10 0042 - 1.83 £005 - & 01 Sr--------- 10:10 59 2.35 15 =- 150 10:10 - $2 2.04 30 - 300 Ti--------- 5:10 4.2 2.97 <5 - 20 .= - «<5 -- <5 ~:~20 ZIn--------- 10:10; 126 1.63 65 =: 280 10:10 - 208 2.64 30 - 770 Zr--------- 0:10 <20 -- -- 9:10 «20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 6.2 1.67 2.6 - 17 10:10 3.9 1.41 2.2" ~- 6.6 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 _ 12 1.29 $8.0 .- 16 10:10 - 12 130 6.7 -- 1] 1 Dry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh plums from areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] 45 Means and ranges are given in Areas of commercial production (continued) Yakima County, Wash. Mesa County, Colo. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 1:10 <1 -- <] > 1:10 == 2:2 .05 1.00 & ie 242 120 133 100 --- 150 22 122 1.33 100 150 Ba--------- ar2 150 1.00 -- 2 ta 200 1.00 ~- 2:2 6.6 1.09 6.2 - 7.0 ava 7x7 1.02 7.6 7.8 Cd--------- ae +80 ' 1.090 -- afe 1.7 1.23 145 2 Co--------- 0:2 <] -- -- 1:2 <] -- <] 1. Cr--------- 0:2 1.5 -- -- 0:2 £1.5 -- =- Cu--------- 4v¥ 39 1.44 30 - 50 2:2 24 1.33 20 30 Fe--------- afe 390 1.44 300 ~* 500 2:2 500 1.00 ~- Hgl -------- 0:2 €.01_ -- as 0:2 <.01 ss = 212 40 1.00 -- 2:2 38 1.02 38 39 Lig-------- 0:2 <4 -- -- 0:2 <4 -- - Mg2 -------- 2:12 1.7 1«23 1.5 :- 2 21:2 3.2 1.91 2 5 Mn--------- 2:2 150 1.00 -- 212 122 1.33 100 150 Mo--------- 2:2 15 1.00 -- 2:2 15 1.00 - Na--------- 2:2 1.28 3,800 - 5,400 ate -: 4,700 1.13 4,300 5,100 N} --------- 0:2 <10 -- -- 0:2 <10 ~~ = PC--«------- 212 3.6 1.00 -- 2:12 3.6 1.00 ~ P? --------- 0:2 <20 -- -- 0:2 <20 n = 2:2 «58 =1.09 -55 - 62 -2:2 82 1.00 - §el-..s--= 252 11 4,16 04 - 3 2:2 1.63 04 «08 Sr--------- aya 200 1.00 -- 22 300 1.00 - Ti--------- 0:2 <5 -- -- 1:2 <5 -- <5 10 ZIn--------- 21:2 273 1.36 220 -~. 340 272 295 1.02 290 300 Zr--------- 0:2 <20 -- -- 0:2 <20 -- = Ash, percent of dry weight _ 2:2 9.3 1.10 8.1. - 10 2i2 12 1.13 11 *-- 18 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 22 7.3 1.02 7.2 < 7.4 fe 5.6 1.14 5.0 6.0 1Dry material was Means and ranges analyzed; values reported on dry given in percent. weight basis. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh cabbage from areas of commercial production concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, in figure column indicate no data available] Area of commercial production (continued) Hidalgo County, Tex. Yuma County, Ariz. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 0:10 <] f -- 1:10 <] -- 4 - 1 4:10 96 2.97 «150 - 500 4:1 78 5.06 <150 -1,500 0:10 <. 05 -- -- 0:10 «.05 -- -- 10:10 162 1.40 100 _ - 300 10:10 120 1.24 100 ~)> 150 10:10 78 1.54 50 =- 200 10:10 22 1.41 15 -~ 30 10:10 77 1.20 6.2 :~ 11 10:10 5.5 1.09 5.2 - 6.4 10:10 59 2.05 ar < 2 10:10 1.7 1.47 1 - 3 10:10 1.5 1.79 1 - 4 8:10 . 96 1.40 £1 ~- 2 0:10 £1.5 ~~ -- 0:10 £1.56 -- -- 10:10 29 1.14 20 - 30 10:10 34 1.35 20 ~' 50 10:10 372 1.40 200 - 500 10:10 540 1.31 300 - 700 2:10 0046 1.69 €.01 - .01 8:10 0096 _ 1.40 <.01 - 02 10:10 34 1.08 29 - 37 10:10 37 1.04 33 ~ <>30 9:10 4.7 1.31 <4 - 7. 10:10 7.1 1.45 4 <5 -41 10:10 1.9 1.23 1.5. - 3 10:10 1.9 1.43 1 - 3 10:10 188 1.32 150 - 300 10:10 133 1.22 100 - 150 9:10 12 1.67 <7 - 30 6:10 6.1 1.18 <7 - 7 10:10 46,000 1.18 36,000 - 64,000 10:10 30,000 1.1533,000 44,000 8:10 11 1.35 £10 - 15 0:10 <10 -- ~- 10:10 2.6 1.41 1.2 - 3.6 10:10 3.8 1.11 3.6 - 4.8 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 .66 1.12 &57 - +75 10:10 . 80 1.17 55 - . 95 10:10 »10 1.36 .08 - <2 ~ AQ:10 «31 1.45 S16 - 45 10:10 840 1.42 500 «*~1,500 10:10 840 1.36 -- 500 -1,500 1:10 <5 -- <5 - 7, 1:10 <5 -- <5 30 10:10 210 1.24 140 - 270 10:10 340 1:06. ": 320 - 380 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 7&7 1.09 7.0. ~ 9.2 - 10:10 T1 1.14 8.8 ~- @1g 10:10 8.9 1.10 8.1 - 11 10:10 7.4 1.13 5.9 - 9.2 48 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 183.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, and percent dried-material yield of fresh carrots from areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Mean, geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element , ash, or dry Hidalgo County, Tex. Imperial County, Calif. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag--------- 0:10 <] -- -- 0:10 <1 -- -- Al z-------- 7:10 180 2.00 «150 - 700 2:10 67 2.09 <150 - 200 7:7 067 1.45 05 - »1 2:9 024 1.66 <.05 - ~05 B---------- 10:10 130 1.23 100 -- 150 10:10 157 1.23 100 -'-200 Ba--------- 10:10 270 1.54 200 - 500 10:10 50 1.65 30 - 100 10:10 3.6 1.14 3.0 - 5.0. 10:10 3.5 1.12 3.0 - 4.4 Cd--------- 10:10 1.3 2.60 a .s 4 10:10 3.4 1.69 1 - 6 Co--------- 2:10 46 1.70 <1 - 1 3:10 +957 1.56 <1 =- 1 Cr--------- 0:10 <1.5 -~ -- 0:10 £1.56 -- - Cu-------=- 10:10 66 1.45 50 =~ 160 10:10 63 1.26 50 - ~. 100 Fe--------- 10:10 210 1.30 150 - 300 10:10 230 1.22 200 - - 300 Hgl -------- 2:10 0066 _ 1.46 «01 - +01 2:10 0046 _ 1.68 o 10:10 40 1.05 36 - 42 10:10 39 1.05 34 - 40 Liz-------- 0:10 <4 -- -- 6:10 3.6 1.47 <4 - 6 10:10 1.2 1.53 64+ 2 10:10 1.4 1.33 {7 & 2 Mn--------~- 10:10 164 1,33 100 =- 300 10:10 94 1.35 70 =' 150 Mo--------- 0:10 <7. -- -- 0:10 <7 -- -- N3 --------- 10:10 3,500 1.21 ©3,000 - 4,600 10:10 6,700 1.22 -- 4,900 - 7,200 10:10 1.9 1.54 06 - 2.4 ~ 10:10 28 1.23 2.4 *= 3.6 Pb--------- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- f .._ 10:10 +11 1.15 09 - «15 10:10 +15 1.17, 12 - 19 Sgl-ee-.c.- 10:10 032 1.40 02 - +04 10:10 13 1,50 +08 - 25 Spr--------- 10:10 753 1.25 500 - 1,000 10:10 820 1.42 500 - 1,500 Ti--------- 2;10 -- -- <5 - 15 0:10 <5 -- -- Zn--------- 10:10 205 1.46 75 -- 290 10:10 417 1.30 310 - - 800 Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 7.6 1.16 6.2 *> 9.9 - 10:10 6.7 1.10 5.8 - 78 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 11 1.09 9.3 - 12 10:10 13 1.08 11 - 14 éDry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 49 TABLES 4-121 *quaouad ut uaaiib sabuea pure suray *siseq y6iam {up uo pajuodau sanjea 'paz{[eue sem [eraageuw 5am 9 *S =. 62 L't Ol:Ol : g'f v0 *L £'% Orot m- tA L't ol:ol _ 3ubiam ysauy go 'feraagew Aug Pl t i.t'6 LL OL:Ol il s OL te'l Zl 2:2 21 ~" :6°§ £2 L*8 Ol:0ol 3y6iam Aup 30 'ysy whe *s 02> 0L'0 =~ *= 02> 2:0 pink E* 02> OL'0 ~-=dz 0(V .~ O9€ tE'1 LlLt OL:0L 00F : = des = ML O9€ 2:2 dfl'! +> OSt I¢"L 0€9 OL:'OL Uz O0l ; - q> ited q> Ol'? O€ 7 SL £$9*1 L2 252 00 L £ q> £- q> OL:9 " ~---~r==<== LL 00L : '= 002 I1S*L Oct Ol:0 l 001 .- OL b2'L v8 2'2 006 e OL 28*L OLL OL:Ol ~:<--<-<--<--~= JS 2" ~ 90° OS * L 860° OLl:OLl 80° =~ .90" tel: 690° tie = 20" 99° . Ot:OL 1°$ "A t ~ G2" SL'Ll $6" Ol:0l ~:90" 81*L 62" . > c'e Sf" ~'82" $1'1 Of * Ol:Ol rAd t €* Cs 02> 0L'0 at *> 02> 2:0 z =< 02> O(:0 !' d 09 ~. 9°€ 6L*L £*¥ 0'9 ~: .J8:f FA Sa *S 252 0'6 ~ P'g StP*'L L'E mm O€ l Sl LEL 6l i le "> OL> 2:0 0s > b 9€°€ 6°8 Ql'§ x ool's - O08'L - 8€*L OLl'O1 vis 00 * L 008° !: 2:2 90?°2 - 06L e oos'L Ool:Ool 02 i OL S2'l 9L OL'OL SL = OL fE'L el 2:6 L s b 8E L ECP Ol'? OOL ::- - 0s se't €L OL:0L OL ig 0s te" 1 6§ 2'Z2 00L l OOL 20°2 £82 OlL'0l € * ¢ ce'l £8 OL'OL € £ 2 pad P*°2 2'2 3 g ¢ StP* L P°€ OL'Ol nb div p> OL:0 == 57 P> 2:0 S* np > OL'0 Ot £ SE 20 *L 6€ OL'OL == 00 'L Op 2'2 Op y L2 PL'L 8€ OL'OL 20° 10> 29*L 1800 ° OL'9 == ~& 10 *> 2'0 nh S5 10 *> OL'0 00L£ :.. 1 O0€ O8t OL:OL == 00 * L 008 2'2 - 006 S0 *2 oo0'L ol:'O0l OOL : - 0s I¢'L 99 OL:0 L 00L' .= 0S €9*L LL 2'2 Oo€ = 0S 18°L OLL OL'0Ol : --==- st=~--1J H ~' §!15 ntg S*LD> OL'l € s S' ve §'1> L ~ (91> 65 *t LS* 01's 4) ** 00 * L L OL:OL L £ L> *f L> 2'l L = L> 66 ' L L* QL§: » r-f=---=--= t §*L ~uup* bt 093° OL:Ol L ~ 9" tPh°L £1" 252 t * §L*'Ll $'L Ol:QL :=:f=<=-==-= PJ Pt ~ Ase 9°6 OLl:OL . 2'p t. 0'2 69° L 6°2 2'2 P°S 3.6" SEL §°C Ol:OU. 22) 002 - OL 96 L Lel OLl:Ol wla 00 * L O€ AFA 00§ hg OL 66° L OLL Ot:0Ll: =~-----=s-« °g OSL :- OL FA Ad v6 OlL:0L O0L. ¢ - OL 62:1 v8 2'2 002 g OL EP°*L O2L Ol:OLt / ~<==--=----= a {* lt*L ort:0l s: <%" 66 * L £9" cie ': 19" ~ 80 5> L0O*9 _ 660° Ol-{ '.. poy - OS L> 99°P 9Lt OL'8 900't - 00§ £9" 00L 2:2 000°SL - osL> 099 099 Ol:g 4 LY *> =+ L> 0L:0 #> =s L> 2:0 =~ => L> Ol:0 }. by abuga uol1j aburga uolj abura pardasqq -21Aaq uray 011°} pandasqy -21A2q ueap 013°} parndasqy -21Aaq ueay ol3j°Y |eraagew 'Ajunoy uinbeop ues *A*N au/em *yory 'Ajunoy uatauag Aap 40 ' yep © quawa [3 uoljonpoud |elouauwoda 140 seauy egep ou uun[o> aunbl; ur (--) suapeay 'uoljreiAag turaw 'ueray - 'pajeoiput si quaouad auaym jdaoxa 'uol[[iW aad squed ut uailb aur sabuea pur suray jo aaqunu 03 suolje43jua9u0d u! puno, sem qjuawala ayj YoIYM ut saidwes jo aaqunu 'oljery :sbuipray go uo1ijeur|dx3j] uornonpoud Jo spain woul saaqwunona ysail Jo pork pun Jmuagpu paup Jo pork ys» quaouad sv 'Jmuaogpwu Kup u: 40) ysv ur pI 50 [Explanation of column headings: ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 15.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, and percent Deviation, geometric Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable million, except where percent is indicated. Mean, geometric mean. deviation. Areas of commercial production Element, ash, or dry Wayne County, N.Y. Twin Falls County, Idaho material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:10 f $10 &.05" .-- se B------------ 10:10 190 1.44 100 - 300 10:10 142 1123 100 - 200 Ba----------- 10:10 59 1.98 20 ~ _ 150 10:10 47 1.56 20 - 70 10:10 2%} 1.33 1.5: - 3.0 - 10:10 2.5 1.19 2.0 - 3.6 Cd----------- 8:10 +22 1.86 £12 ~ 6 9:10 sea 1.43 §.2 = 4 Co----------- 9:10 1.9 2.70 <] ~- 8 9:10 314 +s] <] - 10 Cre---------- 4:10 1,1 1.93 ~ 3 1:10 «I.5 -- X1.5 *- 100 Cu----------- 10:10 130 1.38 100 => 200 10:10 120 1.34 100 - 200 FeI ---------- 10:10. 1,500 1.41 1,000 - 3,000 10:10 800 1.30 700 - 1,500 Hg ---------- T:10 <. 01 -- <.01 - 01 1:10 <.01 -- <,01 - &01 KC-«---------- 10:10 39 1.05 37 - 43 10:10. 39 1.03 38 - 42 Lié ---------- 0:10 <4 -- -- 2:10 1.6 2-12 <4 - 5 10:10 3.2 1.49 1.5 * 7 10:10 318 1.24 3 - 5 Mn--------=--- 10:10 240 1.36 200 =- 500 10:10 170 1.46 70 -~ 300 Mo----------- 10:10 31 1.74 15 - 70 10:10 -. 103 1.83 30 - - 200 Na----------- 10:10 71 1.80 25 ----*150 10:10 110 1.65 50 - 200 NE ----------- 10:10 38 1.93 15 =- 150 10:10. 26 1.34 15 - 30 PCL... 10:10 9.0 1.00 -- 10:10 9.0 1.00 -- PT'Q --------- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 ~~ -- S436... 10:10 19 1.13 16 - +23 1010 18 1.12 14 - a': 10:10 «022 1.42 02 - +06 10:10 +016. _ 1.40 »01 - 02 Sr----------- 10:10 46 1.84 20 - - 150 10:10 196 1,50 100 ~ - 300 Ti-<----------- 2:10 93 1.13 <5 - 30 Q:10 «5 -- ~~ Zn----------- 10:10 890 1.10 780 - 1,020 10:10 700 1.16 580 - - 860 1:10 <20 -- <20 ~ 30 0:10 - x20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 3%] 1.08 3.5 - 4.3 10:10 2% 7 1.09 3.4 -% 4.4 Dry material, percent of fresh weight _ 10:10 81 1.02 78.7. - 82.9 ~I10:10 _ 82 1.10 68.5 - 92.4 éDry material was Means and ranges analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. given in percent. TABLES 4-121 dried-material yield of "fresh" (before oven drying) dry beans from areas of commercial production concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Means and ranges are given in parts per Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production (continued) San Joaquin County, Calif. Mesa County, Colo. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio: Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 2:10 <] -- <] - 3 0:10 <1 -- -- 5:10 «150 -- <150 - 1,500 4:10 110 1.99 _ <150 -- - 300 0:8 -- -- 0:9 <05 -- -- 10:10 150 1133 70 - 200 10:10 137 1.26 100 - 200 10:10 110 1.42 70 ~- 150 9:10 29 32] <3 ~:>=~100 10:10 2:2 1.12 1.8 - 2.6 _ 10:10 4.5 1.15 3.8 - 6 8:10 +20 1.54 X«2 ~- «*> 30:10 ~45 - 1.50 «2. = +8 10:10 71 1.33 5 - 12 9:10 10 1.40 6 - 14 1:10 X1.6 -- «1. § "- 2 0:10 <1.5 -- -- 10:10 100 1.43 70 ~ © 200 10:10 148 1.58 70 ~ ~300 10:10 1,700 1.52 1,000 - 3,000 10:10 1,200 1.36 700 - 2,000 0:10 -- =- 1:10 <.01 -- <,.01 - &01 10:10 39 1.02 38 = 40 10:10 38 1.03 35 - 40 0:10 <4 -- -- 0:10 <4 -- -- 10:10 3.5 138 2 = 5 10:10 313 1.24 3 - 5 10:10 200 1.35 150 - 300 10:10 180 1.26 150 - 300 10:10 67 1.46 50 ~> A00 10:10 240 1.35 150 -~ 300 10:10 83 1.40 50 - 150 10:10 83 2.20 25 - ~ 300 10:10 78 127 50 =- 100 10:10 54 1.46 30 - 100 10:10 11 1.18 9 - 12 10:10 9 1.00 -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 Pha 115 18 - +28 10:10 «19 1,08 «17 ~ N44 10:10 «020° : 1.00 _«- 10:10 Fe R 1.65 04 - «2 10:10 280 1,52 150 - 500 10:10 360 1.59 200 ~ ~ 700 4:10 2.3 1.89 <5 ~- <~150 1:10 <5 -- <5 - 10 10:10 770 1.06 700 - ~ 020 10:10 810 1.08 720 - 900 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- =- 10:10 4.0 1.04 3.7] & - 4.2. -+ 10:10 4.2 1.07 4.0 - 4.9 10:10 88 1.04 80.3 - 91.5 . 10:10 90 1.04 82.9 - 93.7 52 [Explanation of column except where percent is indicated. ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 16. -Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, in which the element was found Deviation, geometric deviation. headings: Ratio, number of samples Mean, geometricic mean. in measurable Leaders (--) in Areas of commercial production Element, ash, or dry Cumberland County, N.J. Palm Beach County, Fla. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:10 - 29 Sele. 10:10 «078 1.54 04 - +2 8:10 008 1.77 £005 - «02 Spe---------- 10:10 «57 1.38 100 - 200 10:10 1,000 1.37 700 - 2,000 Ti-~~-------- 10:10 - 1,379 2. 02 500 - 3,000 0:10 <5 -- -- In----------- 10:10 380 3:12 150 - 3,360 10:10 680 1.26 460 =~ :920 10:10 75 7.47 20 l 300 0:10 <20 -- e Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 14 2.37 18 ~ 29 10:10 14 1,22 11 - 20 Dry material, percent of fresh weight _ 10:10 6.2 1.25 B.]. : - £.0 :~10:10 3.5 1.256 2.9 - 5.7 1Dry material was Means and ranges analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. given in percent. and percent dried-material yield of fresh lettuce from areas of commercial production concentrations to figure column indicate no data available] number of samples analyzed. TABLES 4-121 Means and ranges are given in parts per million, Areas of commercial production Hidalgo County, Tex. Imperial County, Calif. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 0:10 < -- - 0:10 1.56 <.01 - .01 8:10 «010 1.03 <.01 - 02 10:10 39 1.04 37 - 40 10:10 37 1.05 34 - 40 2:10 1.5 2.46 <4 ~ 6 8:10 6.0 1.60 <4 - 9 10:10 1.8 1.47 1 - 3 10:10 1.8 1.26 1.5 _- 3 10:10 181 1.57 70 - 300 10:10 154 1.10 150 - 200 1:10 <7 -- <7 - 15 0:10 <7 -- -- 10:10 25,000 1.22 20,000 - 36,000 10:10 54,000 1.11 46,000 - 64,000 3:10 6.4 1.64 <10 - 15 7:10 9.3 1.13 <10 - 10 10:10 4.1 18 3.6. - 4.8. - 10:10 3.9 1.13 3.6 4.8 0:10 <20 -- - 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 29 1.16 24 - +38 10:10 29 1.16 22 - 33 10:10 077 1.36 04 - «1 10:10 18 1,26 10 - «a 10:10 634 1.26 500 - 1,000 10:10 758 1.39 500 - 1,500 4:10 2.2 115 «5 - 7 2:10 <5 -- <5 - 20 10:10 620 119 420 - 800 10:10 460 113 340 - 530 0:10 <20 -- - 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 13 1.22 11 - 19 10:10 13 1/18 10 - 16 10:10 3.6 1.17 2.9 - 4.8 10:10 3.8 117 3:3 '= 5.3 54 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 17.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in per million, except where percent is indicated. Mean, geometric mean. Deviation, geometric Areas of commercial production Element , ash, or dry Wayne County, N.Y. Cumberland County, N.J. material Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:10 <1 -- -- 0:10 ><] -- -- Alg-------- --- - 6:10 250 4.44 - <150 - 1,500 10:10 645 2.00 200 - 1,500 Asl---—---¢-- 7110 +064 --2.35 <.05 - «25 10:10 21 1.42 10 < 39 10:10 - 64 1.33 50 => : 100 10:10 - 66 1.22 50 =, >> 100 Ba----------- 8:10 9.1 4.25 <3 => 10:10 _ 81 1.42 50 ~* 1850 10:10 48 1138 +34 =- «71 . 30:10 & 60 117 48 - 76 Cd----------- 10:10 1.4 2.68 «4 iss 6.5. A10: 10 +1 1.19 1 - 1.85 CoO----------- 7:10 90 1.74 <] - 3 3:10 «67 1.56 <1 - 1 Cre---------- 2:10 +67 2.09 <1.5 . - 2 4:10 1.1 1.63 «11.1 & 2 Cu----------- 10:10 - 62 1.54 20 10:10 - 135 1.3%" 1900 - 200 Fei ---------- 0:10 544 1.31 300 10:10 516 1.39= 300 ~ 700 Hg ---------- 1:10 <.01 -- - 01 0:10 €,.01 -- -- KC-«---------- 10:10 - 43 1.085 41 - 47 10;10 - =:41 1.06 38 - 45 Lig---------- 0:10 - <4 -- -- 0:10 - <4 -- M Mg2 ---------- 10:10 2.4 1.35 1.9% % 3 10:10 1.2 1.16 1.5. ~ 74 Mn----------- 10:10 "81 1.20 70 - _ 100 10:10 114 1.53 70 ~> 200 Mo----------- 8:10 9 1.89 <] - 30 2:10 3.3 1.94 <] - 10 Na----------- 10:10 - 310 2.04 100 - 900 10:10 < 290 1.27" 200 - - 400 N§ ----------- 0:10 «10 -- -- 7:10. 10 1.43 - 15 10:10 4.4 1.13 So 4.8 10:10 4.0 1,16 3-6 _- 4.8 Pbp-z3--------- o:0 «20 -- -- O:I0 : «20 -- -- 10:10 14 1.17 «11 - «19 10:10 +16 1.11 14 - §g1=---2--/;- 10:10 +009 ~1.48 005 - +02 10:10 +021 1125 +02 - 24 Spr-e---------- 10:10. 40 1.95 15 - - 100 10:10 : 43 1.48 30 - 70 Ti ".--«<.-.-.-.-.- 4:10 2.8 1.74 <5 - 100 10:10- 36 2.83 10 =: 150 Zn----------- 10:10 350 t«39 280 - - 480 10:10- 370 1.16 280 ~~ 520 Zr----------- 1:10 «20 -- <20 - 20 T;:10 -«<20 -- <20 - 20 Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 4.1 1.123 3.4 .- 4.9 10:10 5.8 j A12 4.8 - 7.0 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 _ 19 1.06 18 - 21 10:10. 16 1.14 13 - 21 1 Dry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh potatoes from areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. 55 Means and ranges are given in parts deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production (continued) Twin Falls County, Idaho Yakima County, Wash. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 0:10 <1 -- -= 1:10 <1 -- <] - 1 8:10 273 2.19 <150 - -~700 7:10 195 2.33 - «150 - 1,000 0:9 <.05 -- -=- 0:10 <.05 == -=- 6:10 44 1.42 <50 =- 70 8:10 58 1.44 <50 =~ 100 10:10 41 1.44 30 B 70 10:10 29 1.99 10 - 70 10:10 1.3 1.18 1.0 = 16 10:10 «67 1:13 +58 - 82 10:10 2.6 1.54 1.5 «- 5.5 ©.10;:10 2.9 1.43 2 - 5 3:10 >57 1.56 <] - 1 10:10 3.6 1.43 2 B 6 5:10 «1.5 == 41.5. '= 15 1:10 \1.§ -- K1I.5": - 20 10:10 74 1.50 50 - ~T5Q 10:10 98 1.46 70 - -- T5Q 10:10 400 1.38 300 -'~J00 10:10 520 1.39 300 ->" ~700 0:10 <.01 -- _- 0:10 <.01 -- -=- 10:10 43 1.04 41 P 46 10:10 42 1.05 40 = 46 0:10 <4 -- == 0:10 <4 -- -- 10:10 1.8 1.16 1.5 = 2 10:10 2.1 1.30 1.5 . <- 3 10:10 62 1.38 30 - *=100 10:10 94 1.35 70 - - > 150 7:10 6.7 1:32 <7 a 10 5:10 5.7 1.38 7 - 10 10:10 ' 3,900 1.16 3,100 - 5,000 10:10 1,400 1.12 1;;200 - 1,700 0:10 <10 a == 9:10 16 1.57 <10 - 30 10:10 3.2 1135 2-4 ~~ 6.0 : 10:10 4.6 110 3.6 _ 4.8 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 50 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 093 ~ 1.24 065 - «13 : 10:10 «12 1.14 - 10 = 14 10:10 «+010 ©1148 +005 - «02 «908 +005 - .02 10:10 78 1.27 70 -> 100 10:10 100 1.37 70 = - 150 6:10 <5 -- <5 - 20 7:10 6.2 2.20 <5 f 15 10:10 273 1.36 140 - _ 380 10:10 385 1.27 280 -* 630 0:10 <20 -=- == 0:10 <20 -- == 10:10 3.3 1.23 2.6 -- 4.8 10:10 4.0 1.19 3C. s 5.0 10:10 19 113 15 - 23 10:10 21 1.14 17 - 25 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 18.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples, in which the element was found in indicated. Mean, geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column Areas of commercial production Element , ash, or dry Berrien County, Mich. Wayne County, N.Y. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:2 <1 -- -~ 1:10 a B------------ VA¥4 200 1.00 -- 10:10 200 1.41 ~ 150 -- 300 Ba----------- 2:2 200 1.00 -- 10:10 210 1.89 100 - 700 212 5.5 1.03 5.4 - 5.6 : 10:10 9.6 1.10 8.2 - 11 Cd----------- 2:2 «36 2.17 12 .> 62-10: 10 +57. 2.20 12 ~ .8 Co----------- 1:2 <1 -- el - 1 6:10 1.0 3.91 <1 ~ 7 Cr----------- 0:2 £11.56 «~- -- 8:10 21 1.71 £1.56 '~ 5 Cu---------~-- 212 170 217: 100 - 300 10:10 49 1.23 30 - 70 Fei ---------- are 1,200 2.10. - 700 - 2,000 10:10 1,300 1.63 700 - 3,000 Hg*+---------- 0:2 <.01 -- -- 0:10 <. 01 -- -- 2:2 39 1.04 38 - 40 10:10 34 1.05 31 - 36 Liz ---------- 0:2 <4 -- -- 0:10 <4 ~~ ~~ Mg---------- 252 3.9 1.44 3 - 5 10:10 5.4 1.25 5 - 10 Mn-------~--- 2:2 390 1.44 300 - 500 10:10 460 1.78 200 - 1,000 Mo---------~-- 22 14 1.63 10 - 20 9:10 13 1.84 <7 - 30 Na---~-~----- :e 280 1.63 200 - 400 10:10 170 1.36 100 - - 350 N§ ----------- 404 46 1.82 30 - 70 10:10 36 1.84 15 - 70 2:2 4.8 1.00 -- 10:10 3.9 115 3.6 - 4.8 PIE—é --------- 0:2 <20 ~~ -- 0:10 <20 -- -- §436.....__.__. 22 17 1.04 17 - 18:10:10 15 1.16 11 - 20 V494 040 1.00 -- 10:10 020° 1.25 .02 - 04 Sp----------~- are 150 2.80 70 - 300 10:10 290 1.56 150 - 500 Ti-=--------- 2152 84 1.29 7 - 100 10:10 46 1.66 30 - 100 Zn----------- 2:2 530 1.50 400 - 710 10:10 490 1150 410 - 670 Ir----------- 0:2 <20 a -- 0:10 <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight _ 2:2 5.56 1.04 5.4 - 5-7 "10:10 7.0 1.13 5.8 - 8.1 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 2:2 22 1.08 21 - 23 10:10 1.3 1.07 6.4 - 8.1 éDry mateial was analyzed; values reported on dry-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 and percent dried-material yield of fresh snap beans from areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Means and ranges are given in parts indicate no data available] 57 per million, except where percent is Areas of commercial production (continued) Cumberland County, N.J. Palm Beach County, Fla. Twin Falls County, Idaho Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range tion range 0:10 150 10:10 81 1.36 50 =% 150 10:10 1,200 1.62 700 - 3,000 10:10 1,100 1.46 700 - 2,000 10:10 1,100 1.35. 700 - 2,000 3:10 0057 _ 1.56 <.01 - 01> 0:10 <. 01 -- -- 1:10 <. 01 ~- <.01 - . 01 10:10 37 1.05 34 - 40 10:10 - 35 1.07 31 - 37 10:10 35 1.05 32 - 37 0:10 <4 -- -- 0:10 _ <4 -- -- 9:10 12 2.18 5 =- 27 10:10 3.7 1.30 3 - 5 10:10 3.0 1.63 1 - 5 10:10 4.5 1.24 3 - 5 10:10 200 1.35 - 150 - 300 10:10 370 1.77 150 - 1,000 10:10 220 1/19. 200 - 300 10:10 28 1.84 10 - 70 10:10 - 19 1.32 15 - 30 10:10 140 1.26. 100 200 10:10 280 1.54 ~ ~150 --- 550 10:10 800 2.03 300 - 2,100 10:10 470 300 - _ 650 10:10 26 1.29 15 - 30 8:10 15 1.77 <10 - 30 10:10 20 1.26 15 - 30 10:10 4.3 1.16 3.6 - 4.8 10:10 4.6 1.21 3.6 ~ 6.0 10:10 4.8 1.00 -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 17 125 11 ~ 22 10:10 19 1.41 10 - 26 10:10 £17 1,17 A2 - 20 10:10 045 1.27 «04 - 08 10:10 «021. 1725 02 - 04 ©10:10 027 1.53 +02 - @ .06 10:10 170 116 ~ 150 - 200 10:10 474 1.42 300 - 700 10:10 450 1.24 300 -- >500 10:10 130 2.50 30 - 500 10:10 46 1.96 15 - 100 10:10 22 1.58 10 - 50 10:10 500 1.12 400 - _ 560 10:10 730 1.07 650 - 800 10:10 530 1.11. 450 - 600 4:10 16 1.55 < «20 - 30 2:10. £20 -- <20 - 100 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 8.0 1.16 6.5 - 10 10:10 7.8 1.21 $17. - 10 10:10 5.9 1.05 5.9: - 6.4 10:10 9.6 1.35 5.8 - 15 10:10 7.5 1.10 6.4 - 8.6 10:10 23 1123 15 - 31 58 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 19.-Eleménts in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried material, [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable million, except where percent is indicated. - Mean, geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. Areas of commercial production Element , ash, or dry Berrien County, Mich. Salem County, N.J. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 10:10 <] -- -- Q:10- -<] -- -- Alg---------- 5:10 - «150 -- <150 - 5,000 2:10 50 3:00 «150 - 300 3:10 «.09" ¢ -- <.05. - 4 0:10 .05 2+ as B------------ 9:10 63 1.33 <50 = 3:10 . 28 1.93 <50 - 70 Ba----------- 7:10 5.7 3.02 <3 - 30 o:10 - <3 -- -- e ay. 10:10 +20 1.73 «12> +80 (10:10 16 1.42 12.77% 40 Cd----------- 10:10 Pas 2.26 % 4 10:10 1.8 4.22 V4 --- 6.5 Co----------- 2:10 46 1.69 <] - 1 1:10 .<] -- <1 ts Cr----------- 1:10 «1.5 -- §1.5. '< 3 170. «1.5 ~- £1.56 < * 1,6 Cue----------- 10:10 53 1.41 30 - 70 10:10 _ 58 1.44 30 - 100 Fey---------- 10:10 790 1.46 500 = 1,500 10:10 790 1.53 500 1,500 fg! 5:10 0074 1.39 «01%. s 01 2:10 0046 _ 1.69 - .01 K&----------- 10:10 39 1.05 34 - 40 10:10 _ 39 1.07 34 - 42 Lig---------- 0:10 <4 -- -- 0:10" <4 -- -- M92 ---------- 10:10 3.9 1.31 3 - 5 10:10 4.4 1.41 3 * 7 Mn----------- 10:10 156 1.50 70 - -_ 300 10:10 120 1.44 70 - 150 MG---=<<--=-=- 4:10 4,7 2.35 «7 s 15 10:10 - 13 1.34 7. - 30 Na----------- 10:10 160 1.72 50 ~! 350 10:10 200 1.37 150 - 400 N; ----------- 6:10 9.5 171 <10 - 20 6:10 9.7 1.53 <10 ~ 15 10:10 8.9 173 4 - 12 10:10. 11 1.16 .9 -- 12 P? ----------- 1:10 <20 -- <20 - 20 1:;10>-x20 -- <20 - 20 10:10 15 1.27 10 _- 22 "10:10 . 083 1.35 05 -< 12 10:10 014; 1.44 &01 - +02 30:10 026 1.79 01 - 04 Spre---------- 9:10 16 1.49 <10 - 30 4:10 7.4 1.65 <10 -= 1§ Ti----------- 1:10 <5 ~- <5 - 7 1:10 «5 -- <5 =~ J Zn----------- 10:10 1,200 1.37 760 - 1,860 10:10 920 1.11 790 1,060 Lr----------- 0:10 <20 ~~ -- 0:10 <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 23 1.39 2.1 - bib - 10:10 2.0 1.26 1.2 ~ Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 22 1.38 12 - 32 10:10 ~>32 1x13 27 - - 39 1Dry material was analyzed; values reported on dry weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 59 and percent dried- material yield of fresh sweet corn from areas of commercial production concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Means and ranges are given in parts per Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production (continued) Palm Beach County, Fla. Twin Falls County, Idaho Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 0:10 <1 -- 0:10 <] -- -- 2:10 50 3.00 <150 300 9:10. 240 1.83 <150 - 1,000 0:8 4.05 -- 0:9 <.05 =~ -~ 10:10 85 1.48 50 150 10:10 57 1.27 _- 50 - 100 1:10 <3 -- <3 20 5:10 2.9 3.31 <3 - 20 10:10 +34 1-20 20 +46 10:10 18 1.20 «1g; ~ 26 10:10 1.8 1.42 1 2.5: 10:10 43 1.64 +2 - +8 0:10 <] f 1:10 <1 -- <1 - 1 2:10 -- \1.5 30 1:10 \1.5 -- «1.5 - 3 10:10 59 1.27 50 100 10:10 44 1.34 #30 - 70 10:10 680 1.29 500 - 1,000 10:10 _ 470 1.29 300 - 700 1:10 <.01 -- <.01 +0F <-O;:10 <.01 -~ -- 10:10 40 1.04 37 43 10:10 39 1.07 35 - 42 0:10 <4 -- 0:10 <4 -- -- 10:10 3.4 1.45 2 5 10:10 +7. 1.30 3 - 5 10:10 160 1.3/ 70 200 10:10 .- 140 1.19 100 - 150 3:10 5:0 -1.31 +] 7. 110 7.6 1.66 - @] - 15 10:10 170 1.75 75 300 10:10 -: 170 1.856: 75 ~ 350 8:10 11 1.32 £10 15 0:10 <10 -- -- 10:10 9.0 «1:00 10:10 10 1.16 9 -? *12 1:10 <20 -- <20 100 Q:10: -«20 -- -~ 10:10 314: : 1.11 «13 «17:10:10 10 1.14 .09 - 13 8:10 .00481.40 <.005 +01 - 10:10 +010 =1.59 +005 - +02 10:10 26 1.29 15 30 10:10 18 1.40 - 15 - 30 0:10 <5 -- 0:10 <5 -- -~ 10:10 1,400 1.20 1,050 2,100 10:10. 590 1.22 420 - 800 0:10 <20 -- 1:10 20 -- <20 - 20 10:10 3.3% "I.18 2.6 5.0. - 10:10 2.4 1.19 1.9 - 3.2 10:10 21 1.10 17 24 10:10 25 1.10 23. 30 60 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 20.-Elements in ash (or in dry material, as indicated), percent ash yield of dried [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable geometric mean. Deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element, ash, or dry Berrien County, Mich. Cumberland County, N.J. material Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range :10 <1 -- -- 0:10 <1 -- -- :10 _ <150 -- <150 - 10,000 7:10 230 3.04 <150 - 1,500 iF 023 1.69 <.20 - 25 }2:10 +023 ; 1.69 <.05 - «05 £10 110 1.37 70 - 150 10:10 84 1.21 70 - 100 :10 54 1.83 30 - 150 10:10 42 1.60 30 - 100 10 1.8 1.40 1.1 /> 3.0 10:10 1.4 1.32 .96 - 2 :10 2.1 1.96 <1 - 10 10:10 .99 1.49 4 - 1.5 :10 49 1.66 <1 - 1 7:10 «87 1.25 <1 - 1 :10 1.1 1.71 «1.5 - 2 3:10 5.90 -2:10 0046 _ 1.69 <.01 - .01 10:10 30 1.20 23 - 42 10:10 34 1.24 23 - 45 10:10 31 1.10 27 - 36 0:10 <4 -- -- 0:10 <4 -- -- 0:10 <4 -- -- 10:10 1.3 1.35 J= 2 10:10 1.6 1.25 § - 2 10:10 1.6 1.15 1.5 @- 2 10:10 73 1.38 50 --* 10:10 114 1.37 70 - 150 10:10 88 1.43 50 - 150 9:10 1.8 1.35 < - 15 2:10 1.7 4.12 <7 - 20 10:10 16 1.38 10 - 30 10:10 3,200 1.28 2,500 - 5,900 10:.10 3,600 1.44 2,300 - 6,800 10:10 11,000 1.77 4,000 - 26,000 0:10 <10 -- -- 9:10 15 1.46 <10 - 30 0:10 <10 -- -- 10:10 1.6 1.33 1.2 > 2.4. 10:10 2.5 1.38 1.2 - 3.6 ~AQ:10 2.5 1.24 1.¢ - 3.6 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 19 1.08 18 - +23 10:10 21 1.20 14 - 26 10:10 «16 1.13 A14 - #4 9:10 «015 - 2.71 .01 - 02 10:10 035. 2.44 10 - «15 10:10 16 1.78 .08 - +35 10:10 55 2.00 30 +~ 480 10:10 92 2.14 30 - 300 10:10 280 1.32 200 - 500 0:10 <5 -- -- 5:10 4 2.3? <5 - 15 0:10 <5 -- -- 10:10 210 1.34 160 +. 350 10:10 250 1.45 110 - 400 10:10 130 1.57 80 - 240 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 0:10 <20 -- -- 10:10 14 1.17 9.1 - 17 10:10 11 1.10 9.6 - 13 10:10 11 1.20 7.8 - 13 62 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 21.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh American grapes collected in three areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element, ash, or dry Pstas Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean - Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:30 -- -- -- -- <1 -- -- Algy---------- 26:30 37 -- -- 370 2.31 <150 - 1,000 ASL 9:26 0035 022 3:05 . <0.05 - 0.25 -- -- -- B------------ 30:30 1.9 12 -- -- 260 1.46 100 = - 500 Ba----------- 30:30 66 4.1 ~- -- 89 1.65 30 - ce 30:30 019 12 -- -- 2.6 . 1.56 1.1 - 6.2 Cd------~----- 21:30 0017 011 -- -- ves 2.62 <.3 - 3 21:30 0018 .011 -- -- +24. 2.03 01 -- -- -- 30:30 16 1.0 -- -- 22 1-24 14 - ~ 32 Lig=--------- 1:30 -- -~ -- -- <4 -- «4 '< 5 Mg2 ---------- 30:30 011 069 -- -- 1&5 - 1.39 * 3 Mn-~~~~~----~ 30:30 1.1 6.9 -- -~ 150 2.86 30 --= 300 Mo----------- 2:30 -- ~~ -- -~ <7 -- €]..~_- 30 Na----------- 30:30 2.9 18 -~ -- 390 2.81 100 _ - 5,900 N} ----------- 1:30 -- -- -- -- <10 -- £10. -- = 200 e 30:30 012 074 -~ -- 1.6 1.34 1.2 « 2.4 Phi ----------- 1:30 ~- -~ -~ -~ <20 «~ «20 _ - 30 30:30 0099 062: 1:36 e s 11 >=. +- as 28:30 0019 012 2.69 «005 - - .15 -- -- -- Sp----------- 30:30 1.2 7.4 -- -- 160 1.64 70 ~ _ Ti----------- 19:30 054 34 a -- 71.4 ~-4.64 '5 . Zn----------- 30:30 . 81 5.1 -- -- 110 1.53 50~ -~- 350 Ir----------- 1:30 -- H -- -- <20 -- «20 - - 20 Ash, percent of dry weight 30:30 -- -~ -~ -- 1.5 1.37 2&1 = 7%? Dry material percent of fresh weight 30:30 -- 16 1,22 10 - 24 -- -- -- éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. 3Means and ranges given in percent. One sample probably contaminated. TABLES 4-121 63 TABLE 22.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh apples collected in five areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. _ Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Batio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 1:50 -- -- -- -- 13:50 we <.01 as $.01 "~ > E £5 KG----------- 50:50 094 . 63 -- -- 35 1121 17 "~- 43 Lig=--------- 1:50 -- -- -- -- <4 -- <4 - 4 M92 ---------- 50:50 0040 027 -- -- 1.8 1.29 11 = 2 Mn----------- 50:50 20 1.3 «~- -- 74 1.94 20 => 200 Mo--------~--- 14:50 011 070 f -- 3.9 1.92 €] :* - 10 Na----------- 50:50 1.6 11 -- n 600 2.03 100 - 3,100 Ni ----------- 1:50 -- -- -- -- £10 -- £10 :~ 15 50:50 0059 040 ~- -- 212 1123 1.2 - 3.6 PR-é --------- 14:50 0073 049 -- -- 2%7 2.71 <20 - 1,000 50:50 0039 026 1.35 +015 - - :.045 -- -- -- 25:50 00039 0026 -- 3:36 ' <.005 - _ .08 3 2s B7 Sre---------- 50:50 26 1.7 -- -- 97 2.19 15 - .==:,300 Ti----------- 38:50 027 18 -- -- 10 2.92 «5. 70 In----------- 50:50 18 112 -- -- 67 1.47 35 >». 190 Ir----------- 0:50 -- -- -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 50:50 -- -- -- -- 1.6 1.24 1:1 - 4.3 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 50:50 -- 14 1.09 10 - 19 -- -- -- 1Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 64 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 28.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh European grapes collected in two areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] s Basis for reporting values Element, ash, or dry Asti0 Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:20 ~- -- -- -- : 10.7. =-26.6 -- -- ~~ H Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis 2Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 65 TABLE 24.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh grapefruit collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column concentrations to number of samples analyzed. ranges are given in available. weight bases] headings: parts per million, except as indicated. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- number of samples in which the element was Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column found in measurable Means and indicate no data Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Asti0 Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:4 -- -- ~- -- <1 -- -- Algy---------- 33:40 1.4 14 -- -- 380 3.06 - <150 - - 3,000 17:36 0034 034 2.93 «<.05 - 14 -- ~- -- B------------ 40:40 «65 6.5 -- -- 170 1.35 100 - - 300 Ba----------- 40:40 29 2.9 -- -- 77 2. 04 20° =~: 200 tas... ass. 40:40 +022 <2? §: x 510. . 1.59 12% ~ 16 Cd----------- 23:40 00061 0061 ~- -- 16" ~ 1.76 6 Co----------- 4:40 00068 0068 -- -- +18. ~ 2.87 «I - 2 Cr----------- 8:40 0018 018 -- -- +47 3.14 1.5 - 3 Cu----------- 40:40 19 1.9 -- -- 50 1.39 30 - 70 Fei ---------- 40:40 1.2 12 -- -- 310 1.82 150 - 2,000 Hg ---------- 0:40 -- <.01 e -- -- -- -- KG----------- 40:40 14 1.4 -- -- 36 1.24 15} .- 42 Liz ---------- 22:40 014 14 -- -- 3.7 2:16 <4 - 21 MgG---------- 40:40 0072 072 -- -- 1.9 1.46 «7 - 3 Mn----------- 40:40 +13 1.3 -- ~~ 34 1.56 15 ~. 70 Mo----------- 3:40 012 12 -- n 341 1.53 «7 : - 7 Na----------- 40:40 6.1 61 ~~ -- 1,600 1.57 600 - 3,000 N} ----------- 5:40 065 65 ~~ -- 17 2.24 10 - 70 40:40 011 «11 -- -- 3.0 1.40 1,2 4.8 PY'E --------- 1:40 -- «~ -- -- <20 ~- «20 _ > 70 §+3G...--_---- 40:40 0066 066 1.42 «.050 - .095 -- -- -- 32:40 0010 010 252 --£.005 - _ .06 -- -- -- Spe---------- 40:40 2.5 25 ~ -- 650 2.22 150 - 2,000 Ti-<<--------- 22:40 021 <2l ~> -- 5.4 4.08 «<5 .- 70 In----------- 40:40 49 4.9 -- -- 130 1.34 60 - 200 Ir----------- 0:40 -- a -- -- <20 -- -~ Ash, percent of dry weight 40:40 ~- -- -- -- 3.8 1.43 2.3 - 11 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 40:40 -- 10 1.20 - 7.0 - =- 15 -- ~~ -- 1 2 Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight Means and ranges given in percent. basis. 66 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 25.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh oranges collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. _Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:40 -- -- -- -- <1 h y Agy---------- 33:40 2.0 15 -- -- 430 3.25 - <150 ---3,000 2:38 0014 ~911 2:10 ~ =.. .05 $*. ' % + B------------ 40:40 1.2 9.4 -- -- 260 1.43 10 ~ - 500 40:40 040 311 -- -- 86 2.30 20 -.- . 500 40:40 037 .28 A> y 7.9 1.29 A7 - - "3 Cd---------.-.- 20:40 00066 & 0050 -- -- 14 2.79 <2 > i= 2.5 10:40 0024 019 -- -- «B2 1.62 <1 _ - 1 14:40 0037 029 -- «~~ +80 3.39 <1.5 - 7 CUsa=<<*<<=-~.~ 40:40 24 1.9 -- ~~ 52 1.43 20 _ - - 100 Fey---------- 40:40 2.0 f 15 -- -- 430 1.67 200 - 1,500 Hgl---<<<---- 3:40 00034 0026 2.00 > -<.01 _-. 01 ae Aus + KC----------- 40:40 17 1.3 -- ~- 37 1.07 31 *~ 42 Lig=--------- 24:40 «025 19 -- -- 5.3 3.71 <4 _ - 28 Mg2 ---------- 40:40 0098 076 =-- _._ 2. 1.37 1.5 - 5 Mn----------- 40:40 20 1.5 -- -- 43 1.49 20. - -~" 150 3:40 014 £11 ae -~ 3.1 1153 «7 ~ - 7 Na----------- 40:40 7.6 58 -- <- 1,600 2.56 250 - -11,000 N} ----------- 6:40 -- -- -- ~- <10 f £10 -_- 30 PCccc__--_--_-~- 40:40 013 097 -- -- 2x1" 1131 1.2 > 3.6 PR'E --------- 1:40 -- -- -- ~- <20 -- <20 _ - 20 40:40 0087 067 1.17 055 ~- 12 -- -- -- 30:39 0010 - 2:31". «.005 - " so > ue. st Sre---------- 40:40 3.3 26 -- -- 710 251 204~~ 2,000 20:40 .020 A15 -- -- 4.2 4.70 «6 ' "~ 70 Zn----------- 40:40 66 5.0 -- -- 140 1,23 100 - - 240 Ir----------- 1:40 -- -- -- -- <20 -- <20 _ _- 20 Ash, percent of dry weight 40:40 -- -- -- ~- 3.6 .>1y18 2.7 - 5.56 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 40:40 -- 13 1.2 10 - 16 -- -~ -- 1 Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 67 TABLE 26.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh peaches collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 2:40 00058 0059 -- -- «098 3.65 <1 - 2 AMg---------- 33:40 2.6 26 -- -- 430 3:35. _ %150 - 7,000 15:37 0026 026 4.26 £05 - -.35 -- -- -- 40:40 2.3 23 e -- 380 1.56 150 - 1,000 37:40 11 1.1 -- -- 18 2.94 <3 -.. 200 40:40 0017 017 ~~ -- .29 1.85 12 - 1.2 Cd----------- 24:40 0011 .011 -- -- 19 3.69 <2 - 3 Co----------- 8:40 0018 .018 -- -- 30 2:13 <1 - 2 Cr----------- 20:40 0078 078 -- -- 1.3 3.41 <1.5: - 15 Cu----------- 40:40 & 34 3.4 -- -- 56 1.80 20 - 200 Fei ---------- 40:40 1.8 18 -- ~~ 300 2.31 70 - 2,000 Hg ---------- 7:40 00034 0034 2.1]. «.01.-"' .02 -- -- -- KC----------- 40:40 1] $1 -- -- 19 1.52 8.5 - 43 Lig---------- 1:40 ~- -- ~- -- <4 -- <4 - 4 40:40 0066 066 ¥ == 12 in 8 3 Mn----------- 40:40 +25 2.5 -- _- 42 1.98 15 «=< 150 Mo----------- 1:40 «~~ -- -- -- <7 -- <7 - 7 Na----------- 40:40 96 9.6 e ~~ 160 1.79 50 = - 450 Ng ----------- 18:40 & 044 44 _- -- 7.3 2.65 <10 - 70 40:40 0090 090 -- -- 1.6 1.76 32 - 4.8 P? ----------- 2:40 072 +12 -- -- 12 1.28 <20 - 20 40:40 0043 043 157 «020 .-- _ _- -- -- 23:40 00046 0046 2.57 £005 =' ;02 -- -- e Spre---------- 40:40 .28 2.8 -- -- 46 2.02 15 - 300 Ti----------- 24:40 ~~ ~~ -~ -- <5 -- <5 - 30 Zn----------- 40:40 9556 5.5 -- -- 91 1.78 30 - _ 300 Ir----------- 3:40 025 25 f -- 4.2 2.76 <20 - 30 Ash, percent of dry weight 40:40 -- -- -- -- 6.7 1.60 15 ~ 15 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 40:40 -- 10 1.47 3-6 ~- 17 ~~ -- -- 1Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 68 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 27.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh pears collected in five areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element, ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:50 -- =~ -- -~ <] -~ -~ Algy---------- 42:50 1-1 7x1 -- -- 340 293 . «150 - 7,000 9:50 Be <.05 =+ €.g5: -- a-. C - B------------ 50:50 1.4 9.2 -- -- 440 1.53 150 > - 1,000 Ba----------- 50:50 47 3.2 -- -- 150 1.86 30 ~. ~700 50:50 0057 038 t a+ 1.8 1:76 52> 5.4 Cd----------- 38:50 00085 0057 -- a «27. 2.55 £212 - 3 Co----------- 30:50 0028 019 -- -- 90 2.64 «I _ ~ 10 Cr----------- 19:50 022 014 -- -- +69 5.47 «1.5 <-- 100 Cu----------- 50:50 +39 2.3 -- -- 110 1.69 30 ~. Feg---------- 50:50 91 6.1 -- -- 290 1.76 70 - 1,000 Hgl ---------- 7:50 00057 "1:80 --*." -- > 50:50 072 48 -- -- 23 1.41 10 «>- 42 Liz---------- 11:50 0035 023 -- =~ isl 3.71 <4 - ~ 17 M92 ---------- 50:50 0047 .032 -- -~ 1.5. . 1.36 -] - 3 Mn----------- 50:50 26 147 ~- -- 83 1.65 20 - 150 Mo----------- 8:50 & 0060 & 040 -- -~ 1.9 < 3.07 <] .s 20 Na----------- 50:50 1.8 12 -- -- 560 2.50 150 - 6,600 Ng ----------- 17:50 018 12 -- -- b/ '~ 2.37 - - 70 50:50 0050 034 -- -- 1.6 ' 1.63 «6 - 3.6 Ptf ----------- 7:50 031 sel -- -~ 9.8 1.74 £20 - . 30 50:50 0044 029 1.32 015 - .05 -- -- -- salec-<------ 35:50 00087 0058 2.31 <.005 - -.02 -- -- -- Spe---------- 50:50 «57 3.8 -- s 180 2.04 30 ~~ 700 Ti----------- 26:50 -- -- -- s <5 -- <5 ~- "200 Zn----------- 50:50 «47 3:2 -- -- 150 2.01 10 - Ir-----<------ 3:50 022 15 -- -- 71 1.81 <20 - 30 Ash, percent of dry weight 50:50 -- -- -- -- 2.1 1.33 1.0 - 3.7 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 50:50 -- 15 LelZ "11 - 20 -- -- e 1 % Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 69 TABLE 28.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh plums collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. _ Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data ava113ble. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 4:40 -- -- -- -- <] -- ae B------------ 40:40 2.5 18 -- -- 370 1.59 150 - 1,500 Ba----------- 40:40 +22 1.5 f -- 32 2.93 7 - 1,500 40:40 0038 027 -- -~ «57 1.43 30 - 1.2 Cd----------- 16:40 00081 0058 -- -- 12 1.85 C12 <- +4 Co----------- 2:40 -- -- -- -- <1 -- <1 - 2 Cr----------- 11:40 0044 .032 -- -- 66 2. 80 «1.5 - 7 Cu----------- 40:40 . 34 2.4 -- -- 51 2.01 15 -*. Fei ---------- 40:40 1.4 10 -- -- 200 1.12 50 - - 500 Hg ---------- 5:40 00049 0035 1.84 «<.010 -- -.010 -- -- -- 40:40 331 ~17 ~- -- 6 1.30 9 = 26 Lige--------- 0:40 f -- -- -- <4 -- -- Mg2 ---------- 40:40 0074 .053 -- -- 1.1 1.34 50 - 2.0 Mn----------- 40:40 36 2.56 -- -- 53 1.87 10 - ~ 150 Mo----------- 8:40 025 18 -- -- 3.7 1.65 <7 - 10 Na----------- 40:40 .81 5.8 -- -- 120 1.67 <] - 10 N} ----------- 3:40 033 24 -- -- 4.9 1.45 <10 - 10 40:40 0074 053 -- -- 1.] 1.78 6 - 2.4 P? ----------- 10:40 056 40 -- -- 8.4 SAZ <20 - 70 40:40 0045 032 1.31 020 -- = >.056 s -- -- 29:40 .00080 0057 2.08 <.0050 - .020 -- -- -- Sr----------- 40:40 & 60 4.3 -- -- 89 1.95 15 =- > 300 Ti----------- 16:40 -- -- -- -- <5 -- <5 = - 150 Zn----------- 40:40 1.7 12 -- -- 120 212 30 ~: >770 Ir----------- 1:40 -- ~- -- -- <20 -- <20 - 20 Ash, percent of dry weight 40:40 -- -- -- -- 4.8 1.44 2.2" & 17 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 40:40 -~ 14 1.29 8.0 - 20 -- -- -- éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 170 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 29.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh cabbage collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. - Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data avail§b1e. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Patic Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 1:24 -- -- -- -- <1 -- <1 - 1 Ag---------- 10:24 .69 8.8 -- -- 95 3.33 <150 - 1,500 Agissk& iss. 2:21 0012 015 1.92 <.05 -- .05 -- -- -- B------------ 24:24 1.0 13 -- -- 140 1.55 100 - 300 Ba----------- 24:24 .38 4.8 -- -- 52 2.41 15 - 200 CaTk.--ts---- 24:24 .048 .61 -- -- 6.6: 1.23 5.2 - 11 Cd----------- 24:24 0073 .093 -- -- 1.0. =2.08 20 - 3.0 Co----------- 19:24 0080 10 -- -- 1.1 : 1.80 <1 - 4 Cr----------- 0:24 ~- -- -- -- <1.5 _ -- -- Cu----------- 24:24 ~22 2.9 -- -= 31 1.29 20 - 50 Fei ---------- 24:24 3.3 42 -- -- 450 1.40 200 - 700 Hg ---------- 10:24 00051 +0065 1.67 «.01 = .02 -- -- -- K6-------.---- 24:24 .26 3.3 -- -- 36 1.09 29 - 39 Ligz=--------- 19:24 .036 46 -- -- 4.9 1.66 <4 - 11 24:24 015 v8 S: == 2:0 "1.39 5.0 24:24 1.1 14 =< == 150 1.33 100 ~ 300 Mg----------- 19:24 . 066 .85 -- -- 9.1. 1.78 <7 - 30 Na--~----~---~- 24:24 210 2,700 -- -- 29,000 237 > 3,800 - 64,000 N}- ----------- 8:24 .049 62 6.1 -1.7] <10 - 15 24:24 .023 30 -- == 3.2 "1.33 1.2% ~ 4.8 P? ----------- 0:24 -- -- -- -- <20 ~- -- 24:24 056 172 1.18 65 405 te. & N 24:24 +012 15 2.12 04 - 145 -- -- -- Spr----------- 24:24 5.0 64 -- a 690 1.75 200 - 1,500 Ti----------- 3:24 -- -- -~ -- <5 -- <5 - 30 Zn----------- 24:24 1.9 24 -- -- 270 1.33 140 - 380 Lre---------- 0:24 -- -- -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 24:24 -- -- -- -- 9.3 1.22 7.0 - 13 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 24:24 -- 7.8 1.19 5.0 - 11 -- -- - éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 71 TABLE 30.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh carrots collected in two areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. _ Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Batio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:20 -- -- -- -- <1 -- -- A11 ---------- 9:20 .94 7.8 -- -- 110 2.31 £150 - :- ' ©700 Ag*---------- 9:16 0048 040 1.86 «.05+->~ 10 -- -- -- B------------ 20:20 112 9.9 -- -- 140 1.26 100 - - 200 Ba----------- 20:20 1.0 8.5 -- -- 120 2.67 30 . ~ - £00 Can 20:20 031 26 n -- 3.6 1.13 3.0 - 5.0 Cd----------- 20:20 018 36 -- -- 2.1 2.47 wo '~ 6 5:20 0044 037 -- -- +92: 1.62 s. 1 Cr----------- 0:20 -- -- -- -- <1. 5 -- -- Ci«--Ei@@«-.~. 20:20 55 4.6 -- ~- 65 1.35 50 .- 150 Fey---------- 20:20 19 16 -- -- 220 1.25 150" -- 300 6:20 00068 0057 1.56 = <.01 -- .01 -- -- -- KC----------- 20:20 +33 2.8 -- f 39 1.05 34 _.~ 42 Li? ---------- 6:20 020 16 -- -- 2.3 1.78 <4 - 6 Mg---------- 20:20 011 092 -- -- 1.3 1.44 &5 - 2 Mn----------~- 20:20 1.0 8.5 -- -- 120 1.49 I0 . -. 300 Mo----------- 0:20 -- -- -- ~- <7 ~- -- Na----------- 20:20 410 3,400 -- -- 4,800 1.46 - 2,600 - 9,600 Nfi ----------- 3:20 031 .26 -- -- 3.6 2-23 €10 .- 15 20:20 020 16 -- -- 2:3 1.47 6 - 3.6 PR-é --------- 0:20 -- -- -- -- <20 -- -- § i --------- 20:20 016 «13 1.24 09 - . 19 -- -- M Set---------- 20:20 0077 064 2.20 02 - . 25 -- -- -- Sr----------- 20:20 6.6 55 -- -- 780 1.33 500 - 1,500 Ti----------- 2:20 -- -- -- -- <5 -- «5 -- 15 In----------- 20:20 2.5 21 -- -- 290 1.62 75. "- . 800 Lr----------- 0:20 -- f -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 20:20 -- -- -- -- 7.1 1.15 5.8 - 9.9 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 20:20 -- 12 1.9.3 -- -- -- éDry material was analyzed, values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 72 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 31.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh cucumbers collected in three areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. _ Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element, ash, or dry Batio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:22 ~~ e -- -- <1 «~ -- Agy---------- 18:22 2.2 57 -- -- 580 4.93 - <150 - -.15,000 19:22 011 .28 3.72. ««05 - .90 -- -- l B------------ 22:22 039 9.9 -- _- 110 1.38 70 - 200 Ba----------- 22:22 &50 13 -- ~~ 130 2. 00 70 _ - 500 22:22 014 35 -- -- 3.56 1.31 2.0 - 5.4 Cd----------- 22:22 0036 093 -- -- 1.91 4 - 4 Co----------- 16:22 0034 087 e -- +98 = 1.24 1 _> 1 Cr----------- 5:22 0017 043 »43 - 4.18 <1.5 - 7 Cu----------- 22:22 +32 8.3 -- -- 84 1.69 50 - 300 Fey---------- 22122 2.6 67 -- -- 680 1.92 300 - 3,000 Hgl ---------- 6:22 00018 0047 2.02 <.01 - ~.02 -- -- e 22:22 136 3.9 -- -- 39 1.09 2J _- 40 Liz ---------- 0:22 ~~ -- -- -- <4 e -- MgG---------- 22:22 011 29 «~ -- 2.9 1.36 2 - 5 Mn----------~- 22:22 50 13 -- -- 130 2.36 50 : - 700 Mo----------- 14:22 032 .82 -- -- 8.3 2.15 €] - 20 Na----------- 22:22 7.7 200 -- -- 2,000 1.49 790 - 5,100 NE ----------- 15:22 050 1.3 -- -- 13 2.13 10 _- 50 PC-..__-_-_---- 22:22 +017 43 e -- 1.3 1.35 2.4 - 9 P? ----------- 0:22 -- ~~ -- -- 4.3 1.35 2.4 - 9 22192 +012 «31 1.186 «25 -_ 42 -- -- e 22522 0023 . 059 1.96 02 - .2 -- -- -- Sp----------- 22:22 .93 24 ~~ -- 240 2.09 70 - - 700 Ti----------- 10:22 015 .38 -- -- 3.8 1.34 «5 . - 100 ZIn----------- 22:92 1.9 50 ~~ ~~ 500 1.35 320. - 1,120 Ir----------- 0:22 -- -- -- ~~ <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 22:22 -- -- -- -- 10 1.23 5.9 - 14 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 22ar22 -=- 4.1 1.20 2.9 - 5.6 ~- -~ i éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 78 TABLE 32.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh dry beans collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: - Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. _Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element, ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 2:40 -- -- -- -- <1 -- <1. . - 3 Aly---------- 15:40 2.7. 3&2 «~ -- 82 3.97 - «150 -= 1,500 0:35 . <.05 &: as s. s < o 40:40 5.0 5.8 ~~ -- 150 1.35 70. ~>: 300 Ba----------- 39:40 1.8 2.1 ~- -- 55 2.32 <3 "~- 150 40:40 090 +11 ss 3. 2.7 1.43 1:5 £ 6 Cd----------- 35:40 0086 010 -- -- «26 1.15 <.2 - -8 Co----------- 38:40 16 A19 -- -- 4.8 2.95 '] .> 14 6:40 +13 +15 -- -- 3.9 4.97 «1.5 - 100 Cu----------- 40:40 4.0 4.7 -- -- 120 1.45 70 - 300 Fey---------- 40:40 40 47 -- -- 1,200 1.93 700 - 3,000 Hg] .......... 3:40 0022 0026" 2.00 ©.01 - :01 3 o y KC----------- 40:40 1.3 1.3 -- -- 39 1.04 35 _- 43 Lig=--------- 2:40 +017 020 -- -- 52 2.93 <4 _- 5 40:40 3 743 & s 3.3 1.33 1g % 7 Mn----------- 40:40 6.3 7.4 -- ~~ 190 1.39 70 = 500 Mo----------- 40:40 2.8 3« 3 -- -- 84 2.42 15. .=->300 Na----------~- 40:40 2-0 3.3 ~- «~ 85 1.77 25 »~~~300 NE ----------- 40:40 115 1.8 -- -- 45 1.78 15 _=>150 40:40 «31 «37. -- -- 9.5 A2 9 =~ 12 PY-é --------- 0:40 -- -- -- -- <20 -- -- 40:40 16 19 1:14 +16--- - 28 -- -- _~ 40:40 .026 .030 2.29 02 & az y . =- Spe----------- 40:40 5.6 6.6 -- -- 170 2.54 20 -= Ti-<----------- 7:40 & 0060 0070 -- ~~ 18 2.87 <5 => 160 In----------- 40:40 26 31 -- -- 790 1.14 580 - -: 1,020 Ir----------- 1:40 -- -- -- -- <20 -- «20. -- 30 Ash, percent of dry weight 40:40 -- «~ -- -- 3.9 1.09 3.4 - 4.9 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 40:40 -- 85 1.07 68.5 -= 93.7 -- -- -- éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 74 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 33.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh lettuce collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation available. of column concentrations to number of samples analyzed. ranges are given in parts headings: per million, Ratio, except as indicated. number of samples in which the element was found in Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight measurable Means and no data bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Aati0 Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 1:40 -- -- -- -- 700 Casee=.:s.s.. 42:42 060 255 =~ ¥ 7x8 ~." 1.30 1.zs. f] Cd----------- 42:42 0026 024 -- -- +34. 1.89 2 - 1 Co----------- 23:42 0059 054 -- -- ' 200 €1.* = 7 Cr----------- 31:42 018 16 -- -- 2.3 2.66 <1.5 - 15 Cue---------- 42:42 «56 5.1 -- -- 73 1.53 30 >* 300 Fey---------- 42:42 9.2 84 -- -- 1,200 1x52 700 _ - 3,000 Hgl ---------- 4:42 00033 0030 ~ «.01 -~ .01 -~ -- -- KC-«-«-_------- 42:42 227 2.4 _- -- 35 1.06 31 = 40 [{s-«=-=--=sa=s 9:42 0040 .036 =- -- +52 1%01 (b :- 27 42:42 031 .28 =< 23 4:0 - 1245 1: sg Mn----------- 42:42 2.3 2] -- -- 300 1.72 150 - - 1,000 Mo----------- 41:42 +23 2.1 -- -- 30 2.74 «<7 ~~ - »200 Na----------- 42:42 2.8 25 -- -- 360 2105 100 . ~- 650 N} ----------- 40:42 18 1.7 -- -- 24 1.72 «10. _- 70 PC--.___-_----- 42:42 034 Pcs -- -- 4.4 1.16 3.6 - 6 P? ----------- 0:42 -- -- -- -- <20 -- mo giséees...... 42:42 «17 j.27 sI ~. 226 -- -- -- 42:42 0031 «02g 2 1.51" pz -~ {08 -= + 2+ 42:42 2.4 22 == - 310 1.78 70 -- 700 Ti------<----- 42:42 «36 3.2 -- ~- 45 2.60 7 =~ 500 42:41 4.2 38 == -- 550 1.22 - 400 -:- 800 Ir----------- 6.42 +28 2-6 -- -- 37 1.95 - <20 ~ ~- 100 Ash, percent of dry weight 42:42 -- -- -- -- 7.0 1.20 5.4 - 10 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 42:42 -- 11 1,70 5.9. =- 31 ~~ -- -- éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 77 TABLE 36.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh sweet corn collected in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Batio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:40 -- *-- -- -- 100 FeI ---------- 40:40 4.4 17 -- -- 670 1.48 300 - 1,500 Hg ---------- 8:40 0012 0046 1.69 «01-01 -- -- -- KC--«--------- 40:40 29 1.0 -- =- 39 1.06 34 - 43 Ligz=--------- 0:40 -- -~ -- -- <4 -~ -- " 40:40 025 . 099 =s E 3.9 . J137 2 > 7 Mn----------- 40:40 .91 3.6 -- -- 140 1.40 70 =-- 300 Mo----------- 24:40 045 18 -- -- 6.9 1.98 <7 - 30 Na----------- 40:40 142 4.7 -- -- 180 1.59 50 - - 400 N} ----------- 20:40 055 Yad =- -- 8.5 1.62 - «10 - 20 40:40 063 +25 -- -- 9.7 1.34 .9 - 12 PT-é --------- 3:40 22 . 88 -- -- 34 2.53" «20 =<. 300 40:40 028 s11 1.37 +05. = -- =~ -- 38:40 0028 «811 27 " 2 ;04:"" _._ y a+ Sp----------- 33:40 10 42 -- -- 16 1.72 "<10 a 30 Ti<<--------- 2:40 -- -- f -- -~ -- <5 - 70 In----------- 40:40 6.4 25 -- -- 980 1.49 - 420 - 2,100 Ir----------- 1:40 -- -- -- «~ <20 -- <20 - 20 Ash, percent of dry weight 40:40 -- -~ -- -- 2.6 1.34 12 - 5.5 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 40:40 -- 25 128 12 - 39 -- =~ -- 1 Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. 78 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 37.-Summary statistics of element concentrations expressed on fresh-, dry-, and ash-weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh tomatoes collected in five areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. - Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag-~--~-~-~--- 0:50 = -= => => <1 -- -= 30:50 J.1 20 -- -- 170 4,92 -<150 -.- >1,500 8:50 00046 0089 4.80 . «<.05 - 25 * * => 49:50 52 10 -- =- 84 1.39 <50 .- 150 Ba----------- 40:50 A11 2.0 -- -- 17 4.45 <3 - 150 50:50 0074 14 <> a= 1.2 18 '- 3.7 Cd----------- 48:50 0059 +11 -- -- 1 2.87 <.2 - 10 Co----------- 16:50 0032 062 +52 1.95 <1 - 4 13:50 0039 074 <= «~ «62. 2.99 - 7 50:50 46 8.8 ee =~ 73 1.68 30 _> 200 50:50 3.0 58 -= S= 480 1.90 200 .- 500 Hal ---------- 5:50 00016 0031 -_ 1591 ~x.01 > - 01 y sg a= KEe«<---.----> 50:50 +21 4.1 «« =- 34 1118 2% - 45 0:50 a= -£ == a= <4 ~ s= Mge--=--=---- 50:50 S09 20 as &. 1s? - ~ 1.34 72> 3 50:50 .62 12 -> << 100 1.68 50 - 500 Mo--*=-----:-- 30:50 .042 82 he: s 6:8 »2.08 <7 =+ 30 Na---<-«««-..- 50:50 21 410 z- *~ 3,400 2.26 900 - 26,000 N} ........... 10:50 .922 43 =» =- 3.6 2.79 <10 _ - 30 50:50 015 .29 a= Fel 2.4 1.41 1.2 - 4.8 P? ----------- 0:50 =< ye -- o <20 -< => c_ 50:50 .011 <2] 1:21" ~ ~.14.% ".38 =e #s 49:49 .0018 .036 2.86 aa01 -_ .35 2 s a- 50:50 52 10 <+ -~ 83 2.33 20. .- 300 Ti«««<-<«..<< 15:50 -> -~ -- <- =~ == <5. > 150 Th<< 1560 Ba-.-.--.-.--- 10:10 +283 2.9 -- -- 29 1.40 20. .- 50 Cafe-s--:-- ss > s <1.5 & -- €1.5¢= 3 Cu----------- 10:10 .95 12 -- -- 120 1.30 100 -. 200 Fey----~------ 10:10 4.7 60 -- -- 600 1.68 300 - 2,000 Hgl ---------- 2:10 00036 go46: "- i.69 <.01- ~.01 3 y ¥ KC----------- 10:10 33 4.2 -- -- 42 1.04 39 .~ 46 Lig=--------- 4:10 022 .28 -- -- 2.8 1.48 <4 _ - 5 Mg2 ---------- 10:10 014 18 -- -- 1.8 1.16 1.5 - 2 Mn----------- 10:10 1.1 14 -- -- 140 1.31 70 .~ : 200 Mo----------- 7:10 054 . 68 -- -- 6.8 1.49 <] :% 15 Na----------- 10:10 23 290 -- -- 2,900 1.26: 2,200 - 4,300 N5 ----------- 5:10 068 .86 -- -- 8.6 1.60 10 _- 15 10:10 043 55 -- -- 5.6 1.12 4.8 - 6.0 a > a. a 0:10 e &= == S+ <20 22 Es §112.-....... 10:10 051 .65 1.074 =e? -~ 72 & as §el=e.}....-- 10:10 045 .57 ize 'A 3s & Sp----------- 10:10 4.0 50 ~~ -- 500 1.36 300 - 700 Ti----------- 8:10 -- -- -- ---- -- «5... -- 1,500 Zn----------- 10:10 7.3 92 -- -- 920 1.09 £101 -= 1,030 Zr----------- 0:10 -- h -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 -- -- -- -- 10 1.09 9.0 - 12 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 -- 7.9 1-10 . 6.3 ~ 8B.6 -- -- -- 1 Dry material was analyzed, values converted only to fresh-weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. 80 TABLE 39.-Element concentrations expressed on fresh, dry, and ash weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of [Explanation of column concentrations to number of samples analyzed. and ranges are given in data available. ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES fresh-weight bases] headings: parts per million, except as indicated. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as fresh cantaloupes from Berrien County, Michigan Ratio, number of samples in Mean, geometric mean; which the element was found in measurable deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no indicated; values converted to dry-weight and Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 9:2 -- -- -- -- <1 -- ~ Algy---------- 212 3.6 45 -- -- 460 1.82 300 700 0:2 4 <.05 a> * aan. of = B------------ 212 . 93 12 -- -- 120 1,33 100 150 Ba----------- 22 +25 3.1 a -- 32 2.97 15 70 Caf 2:0 093 12 => == 182 3:38 .5 7 Cd----------- 1:2 -- ~~ -- -- -- §.2 - Co----------- 1:2 -- -- -- -- <1 -- " 1.63 1.2 2. P? ----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <20 -- ~ §1:8e----L-..- 2:2 013 17 1.09 16 -. .18 -- ~~ - 2:2 0022 028 1.63 02 ~- - 04 -- f - Sp-e---------- 2:2 52 6.6 -- -- 67 312 30 150 Ti----------- 1:2 -- -- -- -- <5 -- <5 20 Zn----------- arte 1.8 23 -- -~ 230 1.32 190 280 Ir----------- 0:2 o -- -- -- <20 -- ~- Ash, percent of dry weight ate -- -- f -- 9.8 . t.18 8.7 11 Dry material, percent of fresh weight -- 7.9 1.40. 6.2. -~ 10 -- -- - 1 2 Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. Means TABLES 4-121 81 TABLE 40.-Element concentrations expressed on fresh, dry, and ash weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh Chinese cabbage from Palm Beach County, Florida Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. - Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- [Explanation of column headings: weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element, ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- p:2 -- -- -- -- <] -- -- Alg---------- 142 -- ~- -- -- <150 -- <150 _- 200 fel-s-.s.->.. 2:2 +012 e rad jap ns l.3§ osa cee ~ B------------ 2:2 B2 17 -- i 80 1.29 70 ~ 100 Ba----------- 2:2 .82 17 -- -- 80 1,29 70. ::=." 100 2:2 069 14 #. >: 7.0. 1-20 6.2 - 8.0 0:2 se *> &. ass x.2 ' &. 25 0:2 => => == 25 <1 * : Cp----------- 0:2 -- -- -- ~ 1.5 . «s -- Cu----------- 2:2 15 3.0 -- -- 15 1.00 -- Fey---------- 2:12 2.1 4.2 -- -- 210 1.63 150 _- -300 Hgl ---------- 122 3s £01 a> ~~ . 01 ss tate >" KC----------- 2:2 ; 38 7.8 -- -- 39 1.00 -- fe ccs 0:2 a> *s > Re <4 *% 2z Mge-=-------- 2:2 015 230 se ~ 1.5" 1-00 s Mi-=--<--«-«.« 2:2 .49 10 & =- 50 1.00 3. Mo----------- 1:2 -- -- -~ -- ¢] -- €] :~ 7 Na----------- 29 82 170 -- ~- 8,400 1:13 7,700 -- 9,200 N§ ----------- 0:2 i -- -- -- <10 -- -- 2:2 .028 .58 se > 2.9 :j.33 2.4 - 3.6 -==- 0:2 s a> == 22 <20 = €> 2:2 031 64 1.01 ~.64 -. 6s sy oe > el-. <_... 2:2 00035 0071 1.63 005 - - 01 "ss." - Spe---------- 2:2 14 280 -- -- 1,400 1.63 - 1,000 ' - 2,000 0:2 Sz &= x. => <5 32 x Zn----------- 2:2 3:6 72 -- -- 360 1.06 350: --> 380 Lr----------- 0:2 -- ~- -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 2:2 -- -- -- -- 20 1.07 19 . _< 21 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 2:2 -- 4.9 1.11. -A#i6 = 5.3 -- -- -- \ éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 82 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 41.-Element concentrations expressed on fresh, 'dry, and ash weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh eggplant from Berrien County, Michigan [Explanation of column headings: - Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. - Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean - Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:2 -- -- -- ~- <1 -- -- Az---------- 1:2 ~~ -- -- -- <150 -- £150 0:2 - <.05 > s- < gr ">> > B------------ 2:2 44 6.3 -- -- 80 1.29 70 -_ «=~ 100 Ba----------- 2:2 +31 4.4 -- -- 59 1.27 50 _ - 70 Cae 212 0052 075 -- -- 13.0 1.23 1.0 - 1.5 Cd----------- 212 026 .38 -- -- «5.0 115 4.5 - 5.5 CO@----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- 212 013 18 =~ =- 2.4 "1.33 2 } 4 Mn----------- 21:2 1.4 20 -- -- 270 2.34 150 '- 200 Mo----------- 1:2 -- -- -- -- <7 -- «€] s 7 Na--------~--- 212 5.1 73 -- -- 970 1.20 850 - 1,000 Ni, ----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <10 -- -- 212 "O13 18 -- -- 2.4 '> 1.90 -- P? ----------- 9:2 -- -- -- -- <20 ~~ -- are 013 18 1.03 +18: -=.19 -- -- -- 212 00098 014 1.63 - .020 -- -- ~~ Spe---------- 2:2 24 3.4 -- -- 46 1.82 30 - 70 Ti----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <5 s -- ZIn----------- 212 1.5 22 -- -- 290 1.16 260 . ~~. 320 Ir----------- 0:2 -- ~- -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 212 -- -- -- -- 7% T.09 7.0 - 8.0 Dry material, percent of fresh weight Pre -- 7.0 1.05 6.8 --]J.3 -- -- -- 1 Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 83 TABLE 42.-Element concentrations expressed on fresh, dry, and ash weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh endive from Palm Beach County, Florida [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. - Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ration Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- > x> $1} 1.04 4i6:> 4.2 Cd----------- 212 014 22 -- -- 1.0 1.00 ~~ Co----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <1.0 <- -- (pis 1:2 o ¥, -& -< =- Cz 1.5 - 2 212 .99 15 e -- 70 1.00 -~ Fe----------- 2:2 12 190 -- -- 870 2-17 500 --- 1,500 Gai ---------- 0:2 -- =~ -- <10 -- -- Hg ---------- 1:2 ~~ -- -~ Xi01 = 01 -- -- -- Ke---.--.i-_-s 2:2 55 8.6 =- > 39 1-02 4... > 40 G-----ts---> 0:2 . > == > <4 =£ e 2:2 012 19. . "se S3 yea 1.29 10° 1 Mn----------- are 4.2 66 -- ~- 300 1.00 -- Mo----------~- 0:2 -- -- ~~ -- <] -- -~ Na----------- 2:2 250 4,000 -- -- 18,500 1.04 18,000 - 19,000 Ni----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <10 -- -- pe- ss 2:2 .034 $53. anes * 2:4." 1200 x PY-é --------- 0:2 -- ~- -- n <20 -- -- S i --------- 2:2 023 +37. 1.02 38 -- -- -- Set«--------- 2:2 0040 06 1.91 +04 - - .10 -- -- -- Spe---------- 2:2 12 180 -- M 840 1.29 700 - 1,000 Ti«<««<«<----- 2:2 "12 1.9 =~ == 9 2:17 § ¢> 15 Zn----------- are 7.9 120 -- ~- 560 1.13 510- - 610 0:2 o == -> =2 <20 => a- Ash, percent of dry weight are ~- -- -- -- 22 1.12 20 - 24 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 212 -- 6.4 1.05. 6.2 - 6.6 ~~ -- -- 1 Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. 2Means and ranges given in percent. 84 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 43.-Element concentrations expressed on fresh, dry, and ash weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh onions from Hildalgo County, Texas [Explanation of column concentrations to ranges are given in parts headings: number of samples analyzed. per million, number of samples in except as indicated. which the element was Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Leaders (--) in figure column found in measurable Means and indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:10 -- -- -- -- = 10:10 033 133 1.21 sel - _ .45 -- ~- -- Sel--->.-s--- 10:10 0042 042 ~ 1.38 . 702 < 06 $7 as e Spre---------- 10:10 8.8 88 -- -- 2,100 1,23 1,500 ~- 3,000 Ti-<---------- 10:10 16 1.6 -- -- 37 1.87 10 -=- -~ 100 Zn----------- 10:10 2.2 22 e -- 530 1.28 420 -~ 980 Ire---------- 0:10 -- -- -- -- <20 ~~ -- Ash, percent of dry weight 10:10 -- -- -- -- 4.2 1.17 3.1: - 5.4 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 10:10 -- 10 1.2 8.2 - 13 -- n -- 1Dry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 85 TABLE 44.-Element concentrations expressed on fresh, dry, and ash weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh parsley from Palm Beach County, Florida [Explanation of column headings: - Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh-weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean _ Devia- Observed Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:2 -- -- s M <] -~ -~ A- «eels.. 2:2 j.] 9.5 00 00 "£500 1.00 -- 2:2 006 +050 _ 100 s sep tase: #3 B-------_-.-_-- 212 19 1.6 -- -- 84 1.29 70 - -~ 300 21:2 .39 Z - -- 170 1.23 150 - - 200 2:2 013 f 2: <> <+ Sig _ 1.16 e 6.2 Cd----------- 1:2 -~ -- his <-- -~ -- £12 - -Z Co----------- 0:2 =- -~ -- -- <1 -- -- Cr----------- 1:2 -- -- -- -- -~ -- 1.5 - 3 Cu----------- 2:2 . 055 46 -- -- 24 1.33 20 .- 30 2:2 1.1 9.5 -- -- 500 1.00 ~- 2:2 0029 2024 1.33 i02 -- .0G s. a> ore 091 76 -- -- 40 1.00 ~~ Liz---------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <4 -- -- Mg2 ---------- 21:2 0027 »023- - ~~ -- 1.2 1.33 t ~> 1.5 Mn----------- 212 016 1.3 -- -- 70 1.00 -- Mo----------- 212 +10 +87 -- -- 46 1.82 30 - 70 Na----------~- 252 5.9 49 _- -- 2,600 1.12" ~ 2,400 - 2,800 N} ----------- 0:2 -- -- -- f <10 -- -- i are 0041 034 _ -- -- 1.8 - 1.00 -- Plf ----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <20 -- -= 2:2 034 +28. - 1,00 > ss e sgli=s-.....: 2:2 0034 028) 1?63 07> :04 Je. se Sp----------- 2:2 3.9 32 f -- 1,700 1.23 .. 1,500 -- 2,000 Ti----------- 1:2 -- -- -- -- n -- «(§ °- 10 Zn----------- 2:2 +78 6.1 -- -- 320 1.12 300 -- © 500 Ir----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 212 -- -- -- -- 19 1503 19 - 19.8 Dry material, percent of fresh weight 2:2 -- 12 1.05 12 - 12.9 -- -- -- éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. 86 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 45.-Element concentrations expressed on fresh, dry, and ash weight bases, ash yield of dried material, and dry-material yield of fresh peppers from Berrien County, Michigan [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean; deviation, geometric deviation. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available. Plant material analyzed was ash, except as indicated; values converted to dry-weight and fresh- weight bases] Basis for reporting values Element , ash, or dry Ratio Fresh weight basis Dry weight basis Ash weight basis material Mean Mean Devia- Observed Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ag----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <1 f -- 1:2 f z- +s == <150 =+ <150 ~- . 300 122 24 €<.050-+; €.050 > 15 sy #" 3 2:2 .65 8.4 s s 100 1.00 > Ba----------- are 4.2 -- f 50 1.00 ~~ Ca2 ---------- 212 0063 081 -- -- 97 1.19 86 - 1.1 Cd----------- ata 016 +21 -- -~ 2.5 1.00 ~- CO----------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <] -- -- Cr----------- 0:2 ~~ -- -- -- 41.5 ~~ -- Cu----------- 2:2 1.1 14 r -- 170 123 150 - 200 Fey---------- 2:2 5.4 71 -- -- 840 1.29 700 - 1,000 0:2 ~~ <.01 -- =~ -- -- -- KC----------- 22 +21 2. / -- _- - 32 1.12 30 - S5 Liz=--------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <4 -- -- Mge--<--<--.. 2:2 .016 >> ox 2.8590 2.0 -- 3.0 Mn----------- 2:2 1.4 18 -- -- 210 1.63 150 ~ 300 0:2 af 2: s 3 <7 3 s Na----------- 21:2 8.4 109 -- -- 1,300 1.11 - 1,200 - 1,400 N§z=-----<«-~ 2:2 «21 237 Ss s 32 1.91 20 ~ ~ -. ~> 50 posi 2:2 .019 yea < ae _ 2.9 1.32 2a. - 3.6 pgey--==-=-- 0:2 ss a> s > <20 $. Ss 2:2 .022 Aids. med > as 2s gei-is .-: 2:2 .015 62 ~ fe 2 == ¥ 2:2 .25 3:3 s m 39 1.44 30. ~ 2 " ~B0 0:2 > 2% 2% s <5 S 3+ 2:2 2:3 30 x- E> 360 1.31 300 :-" 440 Ire---------- 0:2 -- -- -- -- <20 -- -- Ash, percent of dry weight 2:2 -- ~- -- -- 8.4 1.27 7.1% ~ 10 Dry material, percent of fresh weight are -- 7a] 1.32 6.3... -9.3 -- -- -- éDry material was analyzed; values converted only to fresh-weight basis. Means and ranges given in percent. TABLES 4-121 87 TABLE 46. --Estimates of logarithmic variance for American grapes from three areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance 4 d” 19910 Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields 0.13430 8 el 92 08212 <1 30 70 05223 «1 *71 29 03918 <1 11 89 10793 22 *36 42 02349 10 33 57 . 06621 *44 6 50 01125 3 el 98 02664 « <1 100 26212 63 31 6 25346 *66 5 29 01916 13 el 87 02001 *32 *42 26 «17675 *14 *68 18 06267 *39 <1 61 04514 5 el 95 Ash, percent of dry weight" 2.0817 «a « 100 Dry material, percent of fresh weight" 13.280 *73 *18 9 'Variance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLE 47.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for apples from five areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), level] significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability TABLE 48.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for European grapes from two areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), level] significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or dry 10910 r terial F Between Between fields Between sites mater! a varvance areas within areas within fields 0.11966 « 38 62 03528 *34 <1 66 17266 *57 « 43 19194 33 *36 31 08430 *62 13 24 07541 *45 <1 55 «08214 *59 20 20 04905 *37 <1 63 «11491 *50 <1 50 «11169 *44 <1 56 10651 *70 7 23 10453 *90 <1 9 25664 *60 « 40 23044 <1 24 76 06489 *37 13 50 Ash, percent 1 of dry weight 1.0261 19 26 55 Dry material, percent of 1 fresh weight 15.263 10 18 72 Variance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLE 49.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for grapefruit from four areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asteriisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or dry 19819 m s 4 j Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or dry - 10919 > A ; Between Between fields Between sites 012355732 I; $3 E132 material variance areas within areas within fields 03429 19 *43 38 07057 *29 17 54 0.18569 *28 1 71 03937 *27 *33 40 02195 *46 <1 54 11663 *41 « 59 «04177 10 « 90 04538 *49 4 47 01669 < *34 66 «02349 19 27 54 02090 8 *48 44 00741 *29 12 59 07494 *4] 20 39 01219 10 17 74 00952 *27 16 57 02833 14 « 86 09578 *71 8 21 01299 *44 *24 32 04002 *29 *28 43 00851 « 2 98 04525 *37 « 63 «01937 *56 *16 28 02385 *48 *20 32 13136 *65 9 26 01256 *55 <1 45 13626 *13 27 59 14921 *69 <1 31 02994 30 13 57 In------------ «01742 *38 20 42 Ash, percent Ash percent of dry weight 34045 6 22 72 of dry weightl 3.3243 *55 *18 27 Dry material, Dry material, percent of percent of fresh weight1 2. 9988 *25 12 63 fresh weight1 4.1878 *64 2 34 1Variance calculated from nontransformed data. Variance calculated from nontransformed data. 88 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 50.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for oranges from four areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] TABLE 52.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for pears from five areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance T dry légm Between Between fields Between sites o" dry 19910 Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields material ference areas within areas within fields 0.20532 *30 8 62 0.18966 « <1 100 . 02640 *43 18 39 03604 *23 11 66 16402 *87 8 10 07672 *27 13 61 «01416 *56 3 42 06188 7 31 62 02426 i 7 90 11595 *44 6 50 05171 11 *33 56 05219 5 2 93 00106 35 *26 39 06108 « 31 68 01946 *18 12 70 02250 3 12 86 03321 *15 <1 85 17080 2 8 89 19940 *71 *14 15 05080 el *53 47 «01466 *23 <1 79 16322 12 *48 40 00547 *29 = & F Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields 0.01742 13 10 77 20639 *87 < 12 01028 *65 10 25 12337 *51 17 33 04960 25 8 67 «01842 *17 « 83 «02521 27 el 73 00165 *57 § 38 04581 *61 « 38 02495 13 <1 87 «01722 31 *35 34 05389 *57 *27 15 20808 *98 <1 2 «01747 32 25 42 00709 *49 <1 51 «15325 *66 <1 34 07931 *16 7 18 02067 *73 *15 12 Ash, percent of dry weight" 4.8903 *73 7 20 Dry material, percent of fresh weight" 2.1899 *62 10 28 1Variance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLE 55.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for carrots from two areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] TABLE 56.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for cucumbers from three areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance 1 U d'jy 9910 Between Between fields Between sites material yerdAnce areas within areas within fields 0.38377 <1 18 82 30174 31 *64 5 02395 20 « 80 «11491 *51 *30 19 . 01863 <1 « 100 10241 *54 *25 21 . 00646 *32 « 68 05763 22 30 48 09482 *39 5 56 00167 < *67 33 01925 12 21 67 .19782 *73 *15 12 03712 *49 *30 22 06074 5 *78 17 01843 17 4 79 00361 el 36 64 11629 *65 *18 17 13853 *63 18 19 02272 *65 4 31 Ash, percent of dry weight" 4.9200 *35 15 50 Dry material, percent of 1 fresh weight . 79488 4 «I 96 Variance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLE 57.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for dry beans from four areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Astelj‘isk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or dr lo .y .910 Between Between fields Between sites material variance _ areas within areas __ within fields Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or dr lo 0.01605 :23 <1 76 'y ~g10 Between Between fields Between sites (33333? i? 1g 82 material variance areas within areas within fields 21608 *38 « 62 02472 el el 100 0.02020 *17 <1 83 13873 *31 « 69 «01305 <1 <1 100 02982 *76 13 11 00059 2 <1 98 05180 *38 8 55 .02528 «1 12 88 «17342 *54 11 34 00465 *84 3 13 02697 3 *42 55 04469 *84 3 13 03815 *41 *23 36 03928 *32 «1 68 00027 11 Fel 89 01251 *60 <1 40 «02084 el <1 100 19944 *86 *9 5 02063 12 3 85 01634 <1 el 100 17854 *76 3 21 06779 *68 e} 32 07074 <1 <1 100 Ash, percent «07732 *50 <1 50 of dry weight1 1.6724 *28 « 72 ggggg is} <2 22 Dry material, 13325; 1234; <2; {9 percent o x fresh weight1 2, 3000 *55 «a 45 00362 *39 *37 24 Ash, percent 1 variance calculated from nontransformed data. of dry weight 12337 *35 10 55 Dry material, percent of 1 fresh weight 36.355 *36 *29 35 1Variance calculated from nontransformed data. 90 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 58.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for lettuce from four areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or dry 10919 - : ial s Between Between fields Between sites materia variance areas within areas within fields 0.76786 *89 <1 10 02970 <1 <1 100 26616 *84 1 15 01873 *57 «I 43 19049 *83 « 17 04490 *60 13 28 24585 *80 «1 f 20 01187 *39 « 61 01784 9 18 73 02864 *32 *26 42 40647 *97 « 2 05514 *78 1 21 00934 *62 3 35 34107 *92 <1 8 15104 *86 <1 14 . 07308 « *92 8 Ash, percent of dry weight} _ 30.469 8 «a 92 Dry material, percent of 1 fresh weight 2. 3780 *65 *15 20 lvariance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLE 59.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for potatoes from four areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Astegisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance d lo x Ty .910 Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields 0.13469 *17 13 69 01582 14 *42 44 20911 *51 *37 12 04021 *80 <1 19 09590 *30 *44 25 04633 13 46 02020 9 <1 91 00049 12 16 72 01324 *28 8 64 02960 *34 7 59 32647 *91 *6 4 01223 *38 <1 62 «01419 *65 *18 17 06513 *55 <1 45 07116 *47 *30 23 27643 20 *39 41 01549 17 *32 51 Ash, percent 1 of dry weight 1.4361 *70 9 21 Dry material, percent of 1 fresh weight 9.4412 *46 *37 17 lvariance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLE 60.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for snap beans from five areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or d lo fy “gm Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields \ 0.16107 *35 *31 34 02637 *36 s 13 51 23149 *80 « 20 01516 *52 *35 13 08245 *24 « 76 06705 11 *47 42 «11849 19. *55 26 03798 *44 3 53 03570 « 9 91 00080 *30 *44 26 02771 *26 *33 41 06063 *39 6 55 22318 *82 *7 11 11192 *61 *26 13 05533 *37 « 62 00458 15 *53 32 01062 5 14 82 03735 *56 «1 44 . 07973 *58 «1 42 19610 *56 *17 26 00865 *63 « 37 Ash, percent of dry weight" 2.0250 *42 *44 14 Dry material, percent of 1 fresh weight 70.435 *89 *6 5 lvariance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLE 61.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for sweet corn from four areas of commercial production in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance 1 s dfy ”10 Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields 0.03628 *36 « 64 04097 *41 *27 32 22368 28 *62 10 02094 8 <1 92 03115 *31 <1 69 00061 «1 12 88 01926 el 23 77 02192 9 3 89 04312 « 12 88 .01839 el <1 99 02154 *58 *33 9 12375 *69 11 19 . 04675 *62 <1 37 03610 *74 *16 10 Ash, percent 1 of dry weight 80232 *32 *43 24 Dry material, percent of fresh weight" 38.084 *53 *34 13 lVariance calculated from nontransformed data. TABLES 4-121 TABLE 62.-Estimates of logarithmic variance for tomatoes from five areas of commercial produc- tion in the conterminous United States [Asterisk (*), significantly greater than zero at the 0.05 probability level] Element, ash, Total Percent of total variance or dry 10919 f 3 ; R Between Between fields Between sites material variance areas within areas within fields B-« 4.1 §:5 6.1 1.05 $17; -= 6.4 15 6.1 2.01 ., - 15 515 5.6 1.60 2.9 - 10 $15 6.0 1.35 3.7 .. - 8.3 15 24 2.12 <10 - 50 5:5 24 1.25 20 - 30 2:5 7.3 2.58 <10 - 20 th 450 1.26 300 - 500 515 370 1132 300 - 500 §15:- 610 1.20 500 - 700 +5 « -- -- 0:5 « -- -- 4:5 .95 1.10 « - 1.0 5 1.2 2.00 56 - 2.4 §:5 2.2 1.28 1.8 3.3 515 2.0 1.24 14 --+ 2.3 5 A41 1.12 36 46 5:5 14 1.28 153: + 1.0 §:5 3.1 1.26 2.5 _- 4.2 5 6.1 1.20 5.0 ~ 7.0 5:5 4.5 1.26 3.0 - - 5.0 516 15 1.00 -- 5 24 1.37 15 - 30 515 19 1.14 15 - 20 515 52 1.42 30 - 70 5 36 3.45 7 - 150 5:5 35 1.94 15 - 70 5:5 31 1.58 20 - 50 5 «400 -- -- 1:5 -- -- «400 - 1,400 5:5. .-570 1.57 400 - 1,200 5 1.3 1.26 1.0 _- 1.7 §:5 1.7 1.11 15. -> .9 5:5 4.5 1.07 4.0 - 4.8 5 7.6 1.34 5 - 10 §:5 13 1.25 10 - 15 515 19 1.14 15 - 20 5 1.1 1.10 97 - 1.2 §:5 1.2 1.08 l <> 1.3 §15 1.6 1.09 1.3 ¢ - 1.6 5 «048 _ 1.67 023 - 092 "\.5:5 «057 - 1.34 042 - 085 - 5:5 028 1.20 «023 - 034 5 1.6 1.22 1.2 - 1.9 515 1.4 1.06 K3 . - 1.5 515 1.7 1.05 1.5 - 1.8 5 26 1.16 <30 - 30 0:5. _ 30 -~ -- 3:6 30 1.64 <30 - 50 5 15 1.38 9 - 21 §:5 21 1.24 15 - 27 5:5 20 1.06 19 - 22 5 «22 1.24 A16 - 27 515 .38 1.12 32 - 42 515 1.4 1.11 1.2 - 1.5 5 700 1.28 500 - 1,000 5:5 . 260 1.25 200 - 300 $15. 570 1.20 500 - 700 5 «62 1.12 157 - 73 $15 1.1 1.08 .98 - 1.1 5:5 1.7 1.03 1.7 - 1.8 5 8.0 1.23. < «10 - 10 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 - 10 515 10 1.00 -- 5 9.8 1.17 7 - 10 515 8.1 1.22 7 - 10 $16 20 1.28 15 - 30 5 21 2.28 10 - 50 516 22 1.35 15 - 30 515 17 1.36 15 - 30 5 55 1.30 40 - 75 515 48 1.13 40 - 55 515 61 1.07 55 - 65 :5 _ <800 -- -- 2:6 . - J80 1.13 <800 - 900 2:5 740 1.36 _ <800 - 1,100 15 3.8 1.45 <3 - 5 $15 4.5 1.26 3 - 5 e 19 1.14 15 - 20 15 .081 _ 2.31 <.10 - 25 2:6 086 1.77 <.10 - 19 415 «16 1.69 <.10 - B2 £5 36 1.05 34 - 38 $15 33 1.06 30 - 35 5:5 27 1.03 26 - 28 15 .88 1.89 159 - 2.7 515 £54 1.56 26 _- 96 5:5 .97 1.59 47 - 1.7 15 94 1.37 70 -- 150 §15©150 1.00 -- 5:5 300 1.00 -- 15 5.9 1.39 4.0 - 8.6 4:4 5.1 1.37 3.8 - 6.9 516 9.3 1.22 7 - 12 +6 26 1.35 16 _+ 35 $:5 +37 1.09 33% ~ +40 $15 69 1.09 60 _- 75 19 1.7 1.43 192 - 2.3 $15 2.1 1.18 17 "i> 2.5 m 2.3 1.08 210 - 2.6 +5 34 1.48 20 - 50 575 41 1.32 30 - 50 5:5 ©150 1.00 -- 16 12 1.39 _ <10 - 15 5:5 15 1.28 10 - 20 515 22 1.35 15 - 30 15 1.4 1.44 <1 - 2 5:5 1.5 1.28 1 - 2 $15 2.8 1.20 2 - 3 15 56 1.22 42 - 68 515 58 1.11 49 - 63 5:5. 140 1.89 82 - 410 15 170 1.72 70 - 300 5:5::230 1.90 150 - 700 5:5 - 180 1.84 100 - 500 6 5.9 71 $2 .= 6.8 §:6 5.9 .94 4.8 - 6.8 §:5 7.4 44 6.8 - - 8.0 1 2Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES si uoljetnag Si ueay *s4iun *quapuad up uaat6 sabura pur mcmwzm T Hn. CE 00° L 8°L $ L*'9 09° 9°9 $ reece bE" 5°S $ 9*¢ §2* :s 6°L ers as . 18° 99 SiS 31.3.Nxa 002 ~ 0L bl OpL S 00L 02'L OpL S 004 ~ 002 66° L cp $ OOL - b6'l OLL 006 -> 00L 05'I OLL Cg Sums ObL - Ol 90° L OEL § OLL L2'l OEL S 28 x 2b 0€*L BH $ bb 12'l 95 L6 wi 6p 99 Stirs" ~47 0°) 5. ot LUM £1 $ §*L S' 6'L i ¢ i L 99'1 $ L 82°L S'L $* l L S2°l 2l 19 0 «nomes 02 ~ Sl £144 LL S SL LML LL S SL = Ol S2'l El S OL 8EL 2l Ol i OL Ol' 5°6 Sip 0.583 "A 00L - OL LLU £6 $ 00L 82°L Ost - SiS 0€ 5, OL LS*L 02 $ 0€ 80° L 6€ 05 = SL 09° L S2 ik oris qf 6°C $ 9°L 80'L 61 Be) L'€ win dl 02'L DH $ 0'L SEL L'l ard ~ IE4L Ll 9:6 26° *. 62" 20° 0€* $ LEX S0'L 65° #58. it ~/6¢" Lb'L 85° $ IL L€* IE *1 00" S2'l to" gle il ~ AL E2'l 8°6 $ 9°C Sp°L £9 5G OL sA 92° L ENC b 2°C $9 "t 2°G whee as LP | I0 . 002 ~ Ost LUL OLL S 00*L 005 - SiS SL . OL S2'l EL $ 00L _ Oz*L OpL Ost -> 05 25'l 28 $iG.. slg PIC. 3.06" PLL 82° $ v8 IPL Ul 5:5 6°9 s AC 90°2 02 $ L*'> 58°C £8" 6° £ A3 20°C Sib 0¢ . 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OPE Sue Op*L 61 5s ata * <8" EP" ¢'1 ~ §¢" 59°C L1 02L £11 -{ le0 'o > OL'L E SiP L * D OL'L 56° SiP =s *s D> $:0 £7 &= > L * D> *> =~ 005 ~ 00€ 92°L Sp - SiS 000° L ~ 006 9E*L ors Sis 002 ~ OSL PL' 09L 5:6 00% = 00€ - 92'L OEE 00% . ~ 00€ 2EL Olp <=----~~2g OL = 05 02'L L9 5:5 02 h OL w SL OL # 02 cll 82 $58 0€ * OL> - OE"? Il 05 £ 02 05'L 92 if :~ EL 2p'l LL 5:5 081 ; -® LL Bb°C 2f 9:5 6p % £2 LEL SE 9:6 00L ~ El 19%2 9p 06 x~ #4 60°C 91 i d gio nC 6°b 5:5 0°8 SHA CD 80'L EL 5:5 E51 x £8" OEL 0'L 5:5 ap < «£ LL 9°¢ 5 ./ 9% cll 8°? stu "lV abuea uo£3 abuea uo13 abuea uo13 abuea uor3 abura uor3 panaasqq -»LAag . uray ored panaasqy -eraag _ uray or 3°} panaasqy ~» Aq ueay 01394 panaasqy - ueay . o13°} panaasqy -ef Aag uray ol3°X yd 40 *Ajun0g soy *ysen *A3un09 ewiyeA "pty *Ajunog aazsaono9 'A*N *A3unog au/en *youg *Ajunog uaraaag * [3 (panu13u03) uo |efauaumoo 30 sealy [eLoJaumod 40 seaay [*aiqeieae egep ou uun|09 aunbly ui (--) suapeaj t*pareoiput s quaddadauaym qdaoxa 'uor[[tw aad sqaed ur uaat6 aue sabura pug suray 'pageotput se qdaoxa Di479u036 'uoljeiAag - 'pare9ipul SP qdaoxa 'urau 'uray - 'par{eue saldwes jo saqunu 01 algednsraWut punoy sem quawala ay? yolym ut saidwes jo 'orrey . :sBuipeay uun|oo 40 uo L3eue [dx3] uononpoud fo spain u1 saa.11 arddv pag.oddns 4043 s1108 fo ;;d pun suonnaqua0u00 quawuaty-'g9 aTgVv I, TABLES 4-121 97 TABLE 66.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that supported European grape vines in areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, indicated. - Deviation,. geometric deviation, except as indicated. parts per million, except where percent is indicated. data available] Ratio, number of samples in which the element was geometric mean, Means and ranges Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no found in except as are given in Areas of commercial production Element , Yakima County, Wash. San Joaquin County, Calif. or pH Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range Mi----<>e 5:5 6.6 1.04 6.2 - 6.9 5:5 7s1 1.04 6.6 - 7.4 As-------- 5:5 4.7 1.19 3.6 - 5.6 5:6 10 1411 9.4 - 12 B--------- 2;6 12 2.30 <10 - 30 0:5 .-:<10 -- -- Ba-------- 5:6 ' 570 1.20 500 - 700 5:5 930 1.17 700 - 1,000 Be-------- 5:6 1.0 1.00 -- 4:5 .95 1.10 <1 - 1 C; totall- 5:5 96 1.24 73 - 1.3 5:5 97 1.22 71 - 1.2 ¢si------. 5:6 2.9 1.03 2.86 -- 3.0 5:5 2.5 1.03 2.4 - 2.6 Co-------- 9:6 15 1.00 -- 5:5 7. 1.00 -- Cr-------- §:6 39 1.48 30 - 70 5:6 26 1.25 20 - 30 Cu-------- 9:8 22 1.20 20 - 30 5:5 27 1.58 15 - 50 F--------> 5:5 ..:550 1.16 500 - 700 370 1.24 _ <400 - 500 Fe, totall - 5:5 4.8 1.03 4.7 - 5.0 §:5 2.6 1.08 2.3 - 2.7 Ga-------- §:56 18 117 15 - 20 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 Ge-------- 5:6 1.4 1.11 Le - 1.5 5:5 1.2 1.21 94 - 1.5 Hg-------- §:5 +030 _ 1.96 01 - 16 /A 4:5 «021. _ 1.80 <.01 - .039 9:6 1.6 1.06 1.5 ~ 1.7 5:5 2.0 1.03 2.0 - 2.1 La-------- 3:5 31 1.93 <30 - 70 1:6 -- -- <30 - 30 Lig------- 5:6 22 1.05 20 - 23 §:5 12 1.07 11 - 13 Mg1 ------- 5:6 1.3 1.03 1.9. - 1.4 5:5 60 1.03 58 - .63 Mn-------- 5:5 480 1.35 300 - 700 5:5 > 410 1.32 300 - 500 Nal----:z 5:6 1.8 1.02 1.8 - 1.9 5:5 VPs 1.05 2.2 :- 2.5 Nb-------- 4.5 9.5 1.10 <10 ~- 10 3:65 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 Ni -------- 5:5 19 1.14 15 - 20 5:6 8.7 1.36 5 - 10 Pb-------- 5:5 17 1.36 15 - 30 5:5 22 1.35 15 - 30 Rb-------- $:5 61 1.09 55 - 70 §:8 72 1.04 70 ~ 75 S, total-- 1:5 -- -- <800 - 1,100 0:5 -- -- <800 - - 800 Sc-------- 5:6 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 8.7 1.22 7 - 10 Se-------- 3:6 11 2.08 <.1 - 29 0:5 <.] e -- $i1------- 5:6 28 1.01 28 - 29 §:5 30 1.03 28 - 31 Sn-------- 5:5 112 1.78 «67 - 2.6 5:5 1.1 1.47 18 - 1.6 Sr-------- 9:95. : 370 1.32 300 -- 500 5:5 530 1.16 500 - 700 5:5 10 1.16 8.6 - 12 5:5 11 1.24 8.9 - 16 il--<--.- §:5 18 1.04 «19 . 516 32 1.09 29 - +36 U--------- 5:56 2.0 1.06 1.9 - 2.2 5:5 2.9 115 2.4 - 3.3 V--------- 5:5 160 1.14 150 - 200 §:5 94 1.37 70 -- 150 Y¥--------- 5:6 20 1.00 -- 5:5 15 1.28 10 - 20 Yb-----.«-- 5:56 2.2 1.20 2 - 3 5:5 1.8 1.50 1 - 3 Zn-------- 5:6 96 1.15 87 - 120 5:5 54 1.12 47 - 65 Zrg------- 5:5 150 1.28 100 - 200 5:5 54 1.12 47 - 65 pH2 ------- 5:5 7.9 .29 1,9 ¢%- 8.3 5:6 6.4 «78 5.7 - 7.5 1Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. 98 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 67.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. indicate no data available] Means and ranges are given Areas of commercial production lement, Palm Beach County, Fla. Hidalgo County, Texas or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range AMi-..=*. 1:5 * +s C26 ~ > A4 __ 55 2.8 1.08 Jb. - 3.1 As-------- 4:5 39 3.86 Kx1 -*--=~:1,.3 5:5 3.56 1.21 2.8. - 4.3 B--------- 2:5 <10 -- <10 - 70 4:5 15 1.54 <10 - 20 Ba-------- 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 450 1.26 300 ~ Be-------- 0:5 <1 -- -- 0:5 <1 -- -- Gs totall- - 5:5 1.4 1.40 +96 := >+2.3 5:5 78 1.49 §§ » 1.4 Cal: 2:5 300 2.18 - <400 - 900 2:5" 320 3.09 _ <400 - 1,400 Fe, totall | 2:5 024 - 4.25 <.03 - £17. 5:5 . 94 1.15 - L2 Ga-------- 0:5 <5 -- ~~ 5:5 9.3 1.17 7 ~- 10 Ge-------- 5:5 .82 1.17 64 - 96 515 1.1 1.18 -~87 _ - 1:3 Hg-------- 4:5 +016: 1.86 <,.01 _- 031" - §:5 «025 1.20 020 - 031 g1--.s«..-.- 5:5 087 :: 1.37 052 - 12 5:5 1.6 1.06 1.6 -- 1.8 La-------- 0:5 <30 -- -- 0:5 -- -- Liz------- 3156 &54 1.68 <5 5:5 14 1.11 12 - 16 Mg1 ------- 2:5 ~O058 - 1.18 <.06 - 072 = 5:5 «27 114 *= ~32 Mn--<----- 5:5 13 2.29 5 - 30 5:5 - 180 1.17 150 - 200 0:5 <.07 -- -- 5:9 63 1.05 59 - 67 Nb-------- 0:5 <10 -- -- 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 ~ 10 Ni -------- 0:5 <2 -- -- 4:5 4.4 1.87 <2 ~- 7 Pb-------- 0:5 <10 f -- 5:5 10 1.00 -- Rb-------- 0:5 <20 -- f 5:6 63 1.04 60 ~- 65 S, total-- 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 115 -- -- <800 ~- 880 Se-------- 0:5 <3 -- -- 3:5 2.8 111 <3 - 3 Se-------- 1i6 -- -- +27 215 +077 3.01 §«l ~!4 34 sil 5:5 39 114 31 - 44 5:6 37 1.05 35 ~ 39 Sn-------- 215 +078. 4.11 Kil ' "= 47 5:5 45 1.66 29 = 98 Sr-------- 315 <10 -- <10 - 100 5:5. 100 1.00 -- 0:0 -- -- -- 5:5 6.3 1.32 4,1" = 8.0 ii=:-;--.- 5:5 +066 1,24 050 - +090 . 5:5 +23 1.10 el: >= 24 Y--------- 5:6 . 62 1.49 +37. -* 1.1 5:5 1.8 1.08 1.6 . - 1.9 V--------- 1:5 <7 -- -- 5:5 28 1.20 20 - 30 0:5 <10 ~- -- 5:56 10 1.00 -- Yb-------- 0:5 8.9 5:5 77 42 [xt ~= 8.1 1 Means and ranges given in percent. 2Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 supported grapefruit trees in areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except in parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column Areas of commercial production (continued) Riverside County, Calif. Yuma County, Ariz. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:6 6.8 1.05 6.4 -- 72 5:5 5.9 1.09 5.4: ~ 6.7 5:5 3+2 121 2.6 _- 4.2 5:5 5.4 1.20 1.3 "/= 7@2 0:6 <10 ~~ -- 4:5 14 1.50 <10 - 20 5:95 1,100 1.20 : 1,000 - 1,500 5:5 1,300 1.289 1,000 - 1,500 5:5 1.2 1/25 1.0 _- 1.8 1:5 95 1.10 > 5:5 10 1.00 << Ni -------- 0:5 <2 -- -- 5:5 5.2 1.42 K <2 7 Pb-------- 0:5 <10 -- -- §:5 11 1.20 10 -- 15 Rb-------- 9:5 <20 -- -- 5:5 67 1.13 60 - 80 S, total=-- '=1:5 " <800 -- «800 - 800 0:5 «800 -- -- Se-------- 0:5 <3 -- -- 316 2.8 1.50 <3 <- "6 Ser-z-~---- 0:5 £21 a= o 2:5 .086 _ 2.96 xi" -~ f29 $11 ------- 5:9 45 1.02 43 - 45 5:5 y 1.01 36 -=>37 Sn-------- 2:5 080 - 4.86 §1l. :~ 47 5:56 »38 1.88 «15> .88 §r--:=,--> 1:5 <5 =~ <5 ar" 7 515 87 70 -©100 Thge=«s-=- 1:1 3.0 E- s 5:5 5.3 1.30 4.1" & 749 5:5 +072 1.24 055 - 094 - 5:5 24 1.07 23 - 28 U--------- £:5 68 1.88 37 '> 1.4 5:5 1.8 1.05 $.] - - 1.8 V--------- 0:5 <7 -- -- 5:6 26 1.25 20 - 30 Y¥--------- 0:5 <10 -- -- 5:6 12 1.25 10 - 1§ Yb-------- 1:5 <1 -- <] 3:5 460 1.26 <400 - - 600 5:5 480 1.10 - 400 - 500 Fe, total} - 5:5 1.9 1.11 17 ~> 2.2 5:5 4.3 1.02 412 ~ 4.4 Ga-------- 5:5 14 1.20 10 - 15 5:5 19 1.14 15 - 20 Ge-------- 5:5 1.3 1.12 1.0 .= .- 1.4 5:15 1.3 1.18 1.0 - 1.5 Hg-------- 5:5 +059 . 1.32 040 - «085 . 5:5 +043 _ 1.31 032 - 063 5:5 1.4 1.05 1.4 «*- 1.5 5:5 1.3 1.05 1.2 - - 1.4 La-------- 14§ <30 -- <30 - 30 1:5 <30 -- <30 - 70 Ligy------- 59 21 1:19 17 ~ 25 5:5 22 1.03 21 - 23 Mg1 ------- 5:5 .39 1-18 (34 . = 46 5:5 1.3 1.03 1.2 ~ = 1.3 Mn-------- 5:5 300 1.72 150 - 500 5:5 500 1.00 -- 5:6 1.0 1.06 .98 - 1.1 5:5 1.9 1.00 ~~ Nb-------~- 315 8.9 1.16 -: «10 - 10 4:5 9.5 1.10 ' «10 - 10 Ni -------- 5:6 9.4 1.37 7 - 15 5:5 25 1.60 15 - 50 Pb-------- 5:5 90 2.88 20 - 300 5:5 11 1.20 10 - 15 Rb-------- 5:5 49 1.23 40 - 65 5:5 50 1.07 45 ~ 55 S, total-- . 2:5 770 1.25 <800 - 1,000 5:5°= 1,900 1.81 940 - 4,100 5:5 5.3 1.16 5 - 7 5:5 15 1.00 -- Se-------- 1:5 -- €.1 - 16 3:6 +11 1.65 Kil ~- +22 Si-------- 5:5 33 1.04 31 ~ 35 5:5 27 1.03 21 - 28 Sn-------- 5:5 .69 2:51 15 ~ 1.6 4:5 «71 3.63 Xl ~ 1.5 Sr-------- 5:5 150 1.30 - 100 - 200 5:5 450 1.26 300 -©500 Th-------- 5:5 5.6 1.49 349. >= 9:5 5:5 8.9 1.13 7.5 ««- 9.9 5:5 40 113 134 = 46 5:5 . 63 1.02 »61 - 65 UY--------- 5:5 2:0 1.03 1.9, 2.1 5:5 2.1 1.07 1.9 - 2.9 V--------- 5:5 45 1.26 30 ~ 50 5:5 150 1.00 -- Y¥--------- 5:5 16 1.33 10 - 20 5:5 17 1217 15 - 20 Yb-------- 516 2:0 1.46 1.5: - 3.0 5:5 1.9 1.14 1.56 .- 2.0 ZIn-------- 5:5 63 1.18 53 - 78 5:5 82 1.04 77 - 86 Zrg3------- 5:5 260 1.50 200 - -- 500 5:6 150 1.28 100 - 200 pye._-.__.. 5:5 5.5 763 1.9 - 6.0 5:5 57 . 86 4.3 - - 6.4 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. supported peach trees in areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. per million, except where percent is indicated. TABLES 4-121 Mean, geometric mean, except as Leaders (--) in figure column indicate Areas of commercial production (continued) San Joaquin County, Calif. Mesa County, Colo. Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:5 6.5 1.02 6.3 - 6.6 5:5 5.2 1.07 4.7 _ -< 5.6 5:5 4.6 1.24 3.1 * 6.6 5:5 10 8.35 +26. - 69 4:5 16 <10 - 20 5:5 55 1.45 30 - 70 5:5 ' 700 1.00 - 5:5 - 500 1.00 - 3:56 .89 1.16 <1 - 1 5:5 1.1 1.20 1.0. := 1.5 5:6 1.4 1.09 1.2 '= 1.6 5:5 2.8 1.04 21]. - 3.0 5:6 1.9 1.02 1.9 - 2.0 5:5 2.2 1.07 2:1;: - 2.5 5:6 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 5.7 1.20 5 - 7 5:5 - 140 1.64 70 - 200 5:5 57 1.20 50 - 70 5:5. 100 1.69 50 -- 150 5:5 24 1.25 20 - 30 3:5 ~ 420 1.93 _ <400 - 1,100 5:5. - 800 1.48 600 - 1,600 5:5 4.4 1:03 4.3 - 4.5 5:5 2.3 1.05 22 * 2.4 5:5 18 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 15 1.00 - 5:5 1.5 1.08 1.8 @- 1.6 4:5 . 62 3.56 - 1.5 5:5 «035 1.14 +043 ©§5:5 «040. 1.43 026 - 058 5:9 1.6 1.00 - 5:5 2.0 1.02 1.9 ~- 2.0 -- <30 - 30 3:6 28 1.11 <30 - 30 5:5 22 1.07 20 - 24 5:5 38 1.06 35 - 40 5:5 1.2 1.02 1.1. '~ 1,2 5:5 1.3 1.03 me . - 1.3 516 550 1.56 300 - 1,000 5:6 - 150 1.00 - 5:56 1.0 1.04 96 - 1.0 5:5 66 1.03 +63 - 69 #:5 9.5 1.10 <10 10 3:5 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 5:5 45 1.78 30 - 100 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:6 15 1.57 10 - 30 5:5 82 211 50 - _ 300 5:5 79 1.07 70 85 5:5 97 1.09 85 - : ~100 1:6 -- -- <800 - - 870 4:5 _ 940 1.33 <800 - 1,480 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 7.0 1.00 - 0:5 £11 -- - 3:5 A13 2.46 #2 - 43 5:6 29 1.04 27 - 30 5:5 30 1.03 29 - 31 5:5 . 85 1.25 64 - 1.2 5:5 .83 1.66 45 - 117 5:5: :220 1.20 200 - _ 300 5:5 -140 1.35 100 - 200 5:56 8.4 1.34 6 - 12 5:5 13 J. 31 8.9 - 19 5:5 «58 1.04 56 - &61 5:5 29 - «33 5:5 2. 6 1.23 2x2) i= 3.6 5:5 37 1.07 3.4 -- 4.0 5:5 160 1.14 150 - 200 5:5 94 1.37 70 -- 150 5:6 16 1.14 15 - 20 5:5 17 1.36 15 - 30 313 1.5 1.00 - 5:5 117 1.17 1.5 >- 2.0 576 91 1.09 78 - 97 5:5" 130 1.10 110 - 140 5:5 --100 1.31 70 - - 150 5:56 - 120 1.25 100 -- 150 5:5 6.8 .09 6.8 - 7.0 5:5 7% I7 «27 7.3% = 8.0 103 104 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 70.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where percent is Areas of commercial production Element, Berrien County, Mich. Wayne County, N.Y. or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range Mi-..s... §:5 3.1 1.26 2.2 - 3.9 5:5 4.3 1.16 3.6 - 4.9 Ags-------- 515 5.8 1.66 26 .- 9.2 5:16 7.0 3.19 WIL =~ 24 B--------- 5:5 38 1.52 20 - 50 5:5 28 1.46 20 - 50 Ba-------- 516 450 1.26300 - 500 516 340 1.48 200 - 500 Be-------- 1:5 <1 ~~ <1 - 1 1:5 <1 f <1 - 1 C, totall- 5:5 12 1.30 84 - 1.7 5:15 2.0 1.29 1.4 _- 2.7 5:5 133 1.11 29 - .38 5:5 «68 1172 36 '> 1.2 Co-------- 4:5 5.1 1.62 <3 - 7 $:5 5.9 1.57 3 - 10 Cr-------- 515 24 1137 15 - 30 5:5 27 1.58 15 - 50 Cu-------- 516 25 1.68 15 ~ 50 5:5 13 1.58 2. - 20 --------- 0:5 _ <400 -- -- 3:5 420 1.32 - <400 - 600 Fe, totall - 5:5 1.4 1.34 1.0... - 1.9 515 2.0 1.30 1.3. - 2.5 Ga-------- $:5 8.8 1.51 5 - 15 5:5 12 1.25 10 - 15 Ge-------- i 1.3 1.19 1.0 .> 1.6 5:6 1.2 1.24 .87 - 16 Hg-------- 5:5 044 _ 1.51 «031 - 1078- "515 «060. -: 1.33 047 - .096 §ib 1.7 1.16 114: - 2.0 5:6 1.5 1.16 1.2 _ - 1.7 La-------- 0:5 <30 -- ~~ 1:6 <30 -- <30 » 30 Lig------- 515 17 1155 10 - 26 5:5 29 1.22 21 - 34 Mg1 ------- 5:5 125 1.46 16. -# +37. 5:5 49 1.27 36 - .63 Mn-------- 5:5 460 1.91 200 - 1,000 5:5 360 2.25 150 - 1,000 Nal... 5:5 «65 1.47 153 - 1.3 515 1.0 1.15 .87 - 1.2 Nb-------- 4:5 9.5 1.10 ' «10 - 10 516 10 1.00 -- Ni-------- 5:5 10 1.69 5 - 15 516 12 1.62 7 ~ 20 Pb-------- 5:6 20 1.28 15 - 30 515 23 2.10 10 - 70 Rb-------- §:5 66 1.26 50 - 85 5:5 55 1.50 30 - 85 S, total-- _ 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 0:5 <800 ~~ ~- Sc-------- 4:5 4 1.61 <3 - 7 5:5 5.5 1.56 3 - 10 Sey------- 3:6 212 1.69 11 = 22 1:5 -- -- X1 - 121 $§i.-s«-.-. $:6 36 1.04 33 - 37 515 34 1.04 33 - 36 Sn-------- 5:5 .59 1.59 135 = 1.2 4:5 56 3.23 <1.4 Sr-------- 515 75 1.17 70 - 100 5:65 140 1.36 100 - 200 Thy------- 4:4 7.1 1.41 5.2 - 11 4:4 7.7. 1.20 6.0 - 9.3 5:6 .28 1.31 19 - 39 5:5 45 1-18 37 - 50 Y--------- 5:5 1.8 1.15 1.5: 2. 5:5 2.2 147 1.8 - 2.6 5:5 40 1.64 20 - 70 5156 44 1.44 30 - 70 ¥e-------- 5:5 12 1.25 10 - 15 5:6 18 1.50 10 - 30 Yb-------- 5:5 1.4 1.42 1 - 2 516 19 1.49 1 - 3 Zn-------- 515 53 1.17 40 - 60 5:6 60 1.49 31 - 90 Irg------- 515 190 133 150 - 300 5:5 210 1.86 100 - - 500 pH2 ------- 5:6 5.4 74 4:6 . 6.2 515 6.6 .87 5.71 __. 7.8 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 105 supported pear trees in areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available.] Areas of commercial production (continued) Yakima County, Wash. San Joaquin County, Calif. Mesa County, Colo. Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range tion range 5:5 6.3 1.36 3.7 - 7.4 5:6 7.5 1.08 627 .- 8.0 5:6 4.6 113 4.0 ~ 5.4 5:5 23 1.35 14 - 29 5:6 14 1.15 12 ~ 16 5:6 9.1 1.18 7.4 _ = 11 1:5 -- f <10 - 15 4:5 19 1.81 <10 - 30 5:6 28 1.20 20 - 30 bib: 570 1.20 500 - 700 5:5 - -870 1.22 700 - 1,000 515 610 1.36 500 - 1,000 515 1.1 1.20 1.0 - 1.5 §:5 1.0 1.00 -- §$:5 1.2 1.63 1 - 3 5:5 2.4 1.17 1.8 - 2.8 5:6 2.6 1.17 2.2 .- 3.3 5:5 2.9 1.20 o$ ~ - 3.8 5:5 1.9 2.18 47 - 2.8 5:5 1.8 1.10 1:7, a> 2.2 5:56 4.5 1.25 3.6 - 6.5 51:5 12 1725 10 - 15 5:5 17 1.17 15 ~- 20 5:5 6.1 1.20 5 ~ 7 5:5 57 1.20 50 - 70 5:6 - 110 1.36 100 - 200 §:6 48 1.35 30 - 70 5:5 44 1.44 30 - 70 5:5. - 240 1.37 150 300 515 28 2.11 15 - 100 5:5 - 690 1.53 400 - 1,200 5:5 -- 570 1.20 500 - 700 5:5 660 1.30 500 - 1,000 5:6 31 1.67 1.2 - 4.0 515 4.9 1.04 4.7 . = 5.1 515 2.5 1.07 22% /= 2x7 5:5 19 1.14 15 - 20 5156 20 1.00 -- 516 15 1.00 -- 515 1.0 1.26 111 > 1.2 §15 1.4 1.16 1.2 *~ 1.7 5i5 1.1 1.21 80 - 1.3 515 029 - 1.36 .019 - 040 - 5:5 +073 1130 «057 - 10: 5:5 042 - 2.47 019 - 20 515 1.6 1.05 1.5. - 17 5:5 1.8 1.03 117. :- 1.8 $15 1.9 1.11 1.6 - 2.0 316 28 1-11 <30 - 30 1:5 - «30 -- <30 - 30 are 26 1.16 £30 - 30 516 23 1.14 20 - 28 5:5 27 1.07 25 - 30 5:5 28 112 25 - 33 5:6 14 1.04 1:1.> - 1.2 5:6 1.4 1.01 1.3 - 1.4 5:5 1.0 1.08 94 - 1.2 $15. 370 1.32 300 - - 500 5:5 600 1.68 300 - 1,000 §16 230 1:58 : 150 - 500 516 1.7 1.04 117 --= 1.8 5:16 99 1.03 95 - 1.0 5:6 74 1.04 10: - «17 1:5 -; -- <10 - 10 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 - 10 1:6 <10 -- <10 - 10 5:5 19 1.14 15 - 20 5:5 65 1.89 30 - 150 5:5 14 1.20 10 - 15 5:5 - 160 1.33 100 - 200 5:6 61 1.20 50 - 70 5:5 28 1.20 20 - 30 516 58 1.08 o - 65 515 93 1.21 70 --< 5:5 84 1.17 65 :*. - 95 2:5 : 770 1.24 _ <800 - 900 1:5 -- -- <800 - - 860 0:5 _ <800 -- P 5:6 15 1.00 b 5:65 19 1.14 15 - 20 65 7.0 1.00 -- 2:5 .083 2.76 Xl - .31 3:5 16 2.58 §@1. .- Lap 2:5 €11 -- -- 515 29 1.14 27 - 36 5:5 25 1.03 24 - 26 5:6 28 1.04 27 - 30 §:5 .84 1.24 «68 - 1.2 $156 1.1 1.23 90 _- 1.5 $15 1.0 1.26 10 _- 1.4 5:5 - 450 1.26 300 -- 500 5:5. ~ -240 1.25 200 - 300 5:5 240 1.25 < 200 - 300 516 8.2 1.17 1.0 >= 11 5:5 9.9 1.44 6.3 _- 15 5:6 13 1.24 10 - 18 5:15 49 1.29 231 > 56 5:5 $54 1.03 192 ~ 56 5:6 30 1.07 «27 :- «32 5:15 2.0 1.06 1.8 - 2] 5:5 27 1.08 2.56.» 3.1 5:5 3.4 1.05 $.2..'- 3.6 §:5 - 130 1.25 100 - 150 5:5 - 170 1.17 150 - 200 515 75 1.17 70 - 100 5:15 20 1.28 15 - 30 §:5 20 1.28 15 - 30 5:5 15 1.00 -- 5:5 2.0 1.28 115. > 3 4:4 2.0 1.33 1.5 3.0 5:5 1.4 1.20 1:0 :s 1.5 5:5 - 160 1.17 140 - 210 1.06 120 - 130 5:5 85 1.09 76 - 94 5:6 110 1.20 100 - 150 5:16 95 1.52 70 -- 150 515 140 1.35 100 - 200 5:6 6.3 231 6.0 - 6.7 5:5 7.0 5.96 6.5 -~ 8.0 5:5 8.0 1.30 T8 ~> := 8. 1 106 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 71.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in indicated. - Deviation,geometric deviation, except as indicated. _ Means and ranges are given in indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element , Berrien County, Mich. Wayne County, N.Y. or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio - Mean - Devia- Observed tion range tion range Ari-sse--- 5:6 3.1 1.38 2.3 - 4.9 5:5 4.3 1.10 3.9 .- 4,] Ags-------- 5:6 6.4 2.60 2.4: ~~ 18 5:5 18 1.81 9.9 - 41 f B--------- 4:5 24 2.35 <10 - 50 4:5 20 1.87 <10 - 30 Ba-------- 5:5 480 1.35 300 - 700 5:5 < 450 1.26 300 - 500 Be-------- 0:5 <1 -- -- 2:8 «+80 (1.23 <1 - - I Cs totall- 5:5 1.3 1.58 81 ' - 2.2 5:5 2.9 1.54 2.1 i~"~ 6.1 fal--ss--- 5:15 «39 1.29 32 % 57 5:5 19°" 1.26 +98: ~ 1.1 Co-------- 55 5.3 1.16 5 - 7 5:5 6.5 1.16 5 = . J Cr-------- 515 30 1.72 15 - 50 5:5 55 1.56 30 - 100 Cu-------- 5:5 18 1.50 10 - 20 5:5 256 2.86 10 - 150 o 2:6 330 1.71 _ <400 - 700 9:5: 420 1.10 400 - 500 Fe, total) - 5:5 1.2 1.43 82 '- 1.9 5:5 2.1 1.12 1.8" -- 214 Ga-------- $:5 8.2 1.52 5 - 15 5:6 14 1.20 10 -' 156 Ge-------- 5:5 1.2 1:15 .99 - 1.4 5:5 lie? 1.40 «65 - : 1.9 Hg-------- 5:5 +061- 1.32 047 - «085 . 5:5 15> $126 04 - _ 2.6 5:5 1.7 1.18 1.5 - - 2.2 5:5 1.5 1.11 1.2 -~ | 16 La-------- 2:56 26 1.16 <30 - 30 2:5 26 1.16 <30 - 30 Liz------- 5:5 14 1.67 8 - 25 5:6 27 J-27 20 =< 37 Mg1 ------- ed 22 1.62 13: - +36 5:5 +52 = 1,16 41 - «62 Mn-------~- $:5 690 1.86 300 - 1,500 5:5: 330 1.78 200 - 700 5:5 «61 1.18 49 - «75 5:5 1.1 1.08 +96 -_ 1.1 Nb-------- 3:8 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 5:5 10 1.00 -- Ni -------- 5:5 10 2.14 5 - 30 5:5 14 1.20 10 = -1§ Pb-------- $:5 28 2.05 15 - 70 5:5 62 2x27 30 - 200 Rb-------- Fad 63 1.35 45 ~ 90 5:5 63 1.26 45 - - 85 S, total-- 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 2:5 - 780 1.14 _ <800 - 900 Sc-------- 4:5 4.5 1.94 <3 - 10 515 6.1 1.20 5 !c ] Se-------- 3:5 14 2.53 . = 46 $53 11: 1.02 .= «256 9:5 36 1.07 33 - 38 5:5 31 1.05 30 - 34 Sn-------- 3:5 <.10 -- <.10 - 1.1 5:5 1.9 4.18 14 - 24 Sr-------- 5:5 94 1.37 70 - :. 160 5:5 ~-160 1.14 150 - 200 Thg------- 5:5 4.8 1.68 3.0 - 8.9 5:5 8.1 1.52 4.8 ~~ 12 5:6 28 1.54 A18 - 48 5:5 «44 - 1.05 41 - 46 U--------- 5:5 1.7 1.44 11 - 2.8 5:5 2.8 1.28 2.3 -- 4.0 5:5 34 1. 80 16 - 70 516 61 1.20 50 - 170 Y--------- «4:56 12 1.85 <10 - 30 5:5 16 1.36 10 = 20 Yb-------- 5:5 1.6 1.60 1 - 3 5:6 1.9 1,33 1.5 ~" 3.0 ZIn-------- 5:5 57 1.38 38 ~ 80 1.64 92 - 310 Zrz------- 5:5 230 1.67 150 -- 500 55-130 1.64 92 - 310 pH2 ------- 5:5 5.9 56 5.2 - 6.4 5:5 6.6 +71 5.17 '- _ 7.4 éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 107 supported plum trees in areas of commercial production Mean, geometric mean, except as Leaders (--) in figure column measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Areas of commercial production (continued) Yakima County, Wash. Mesa County, Colo. Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:5 6.7 1.08 6.1 ~ 7.3 5:9 5.6 1412 5.0 - 6.6 5:56 6.3 1.27 4.8 - 8.3 5:5 37 1.89 16 - 91 3:5 12 1.98 <10 - 30 5:5 53 1.16 50 - 70 5:5 - 650 1.16 500 5:5 -410 1.32 300 -- 500 5:5 1 1.00 - 5:5 1.0 1.00 - 5156 1.7 1.14 1.5. > 1.9 5:5 2.7 1.06 2:5 - 2.9 5:5 3.0 1.14 26 . -- 3.6 5:5 2.2 J.11 1.8 - - 2.4 5:56 16 1.14 15 - 20 5:5 5.3 1.16 5 - 7 5:5 45 1.26 30 - 50 5:6 50 1.00 a 5:6 36 1.46 30 - 70 5:5 31 1.38 20 - 50 5:5 570 1.23 500 - 800 5:5 . - 780 1.11 700 - 900 5:5 4.8 1.06 4.4 - 5.2 5:5 2.6 1.35 2:2 '~ 4.6 5:5 20 1.00 - 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 1.3 1.09 We - 1.5 5:5 1.1 1.24 - 1.4 5:15 0251.69 010 - 037 ~ §:5 040 _ 1.44 027 - 062 5:5 1.6 1.03 1.5. 1.6 5:5 19 1.10 1.6. /> 2.0 4:5 29 1.07 <30 - 30 3:6 28 1.11 <30 - 30 516 23 1.07 22 - 25 $:5 36 1.02 35 - 37 5:5 1.3 1.08 112. - < 1.4 5:5 1.2 1.01 1.2. - 1.3 5:5 620 1.63 500 - 1,500 5:5 - 160 1.14 150 - 200 5:5 1.7 1.06 116 . .- 1.9 5:5 .68 1.03 «65 - 70 9:6 10 1.00 - 3:5 8.9 1.16 10 ~ 10 5:6 20 1.28 15 - 30 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 19 1.60 10 ~ 30 5:5 © 190 1.83 100 =- 500 5:5 62 1.08 55 - 65 5:5 95 1.06 90 - 100 215: 780 1.20 _ <800 - 950 2:5 710 1.66 _ <800 1,400 5:5 17 1117 15 - 20 5:5 7.0 1.00 - 1:5 -- §«1" >- .6 :p +082 2.80 K.] - +31 5:5 26 1.03 26 ~- 27 5:5 29 1.05 27 - 31 5:8 .93 150 48 - 1.4 5:5 1.2 1.35 14 - 1.6 5:5 450 1.26 300 - 500 5:5 - 150 1.00 - 5:5 9.7 1.17 79" « 12 5:5 12 1.24 9.8 - 17 5:5 &74 1.05 10 : 19 5:5 . 36 1.30 +31%~ «57 5:5 2,1 1.05 2-0 :- 2.2 5:5 3.8 115 3.1 - #.5 5:5 1.17 150 - 200 5:5 93 1.17 70 100 516 24 1.25 20 ~ 30 5:5 16 1.14 15 - 20 4:4 2.4 1.26 2 f 3 5:5 1.6 1.14 1.5 '~ 2.0 5:5 : :HOo 1.13 100 - 140 5:5 - 130 1.06 120 - © 140 5:5 140 1.35 100 - 200 5:5 - 140 t.20 100 ~~. 150 5:5 6.8 «55 6.2. 'i 7.4 5:5 7.6 +35 710 _- 7.9 108 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 72.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that supported cabbage plants in areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation , geometric deviation, except as indicated. _ Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element , Hidalgo County, Texas Imperial County, Calif. or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:5 4.9 1.05 5 «=- 7 5:5 5.2 1:10 4.4 - 5.6 As-------- 5:5 6.8 1.21 5.0 _ <_ $.3 5:5 6.7 1.29 1.9 > 8.9 B--------- 5:5 22 1.20 20 - - 30 5:5 41 1.32 30 - 50 Ba-------- 5:5 370 1.32 : 300 - 500 5:5 530 1.16 500 - 700 Be-------- 315 .89 1.16 «1 ae. 4:5 95 1.10 <] - 1 C, total'- 5:5 4.5 1.03 4.3 _-. M.7 5:5 1.5 1.93 48 - 2.2 ste 5:5 12 1:02 ~ 12 ~ 43 515 4.6 1.08 A.}. ~ 5.0 Co-------- 5:5 5.3 1.16 5 ='. +] 5:5 5.7 1,20 5 - 7 Cr-------- 5:5 41 1.32 30 = . 50 5:5 48 1.35 30 - 70 Cu-------- 5:5 18 1.36 15 - 30 5:5 25 1.60 15 - 50 F-~~-~~=~>; 5:5 610 1.18 - ©500 - 800 5:5 . 760 1.26 600 - 1,000 Fe, total - 5:5 2.7 1.00 22 5:5 2.3 1.15 .g %: 2.6 Ga-------- 5:5 16 1.14 15 - 20 5:5 15 1.00 -- Ge-------- 5:5 1.0 1.14 "88 - 1.2 5:5 1.4 1.09 1.2: - 1.5 Hg-------- 515 «031 - 1.23 023 - 038 5:5 O31 _ 1.28 023 - 042 K1 -------- 5:6 117 1.01 1.7 - 1.8 515 1.9 1.04 1.8 ~ 2.0 La-------- 3:5 28 «30 - <30 2:5 26 1.16 <30 - 30 Ligz------- 5:5 29 1.05 28 -- 31 5:5 34 1.10 29 - 37 Mg1 ------- 5:5 76 1.46 39 = .93 5:5 1.4 1.16 1.1 - 1.6 Mn-------~- 5:5 260 1.25 200 - 300 5:5 ~ 260 1.25 200 - 300 Nai=<=>--> 5:5 67 1.03 65 - .69 5:15 & 60 1.06 +56 - 64 Nb-------~- 2:5 8.0 1.23 «10 ==> 1Q 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 - 10 Ni -------- 5:5 11 1.38 7 -~ 16 5:5 16 114 15 - 20 Pb-------- 5:5 14 1.20 10 ~ 345 5:5 16 1.14 15 - 20 Rb-------- 5:5 79 1.03 75 - 80 5:5 89 1.03 85 - 90 S, total-- 0:5 _ <800 -- w- 1:5 ~~ -- <800 - 1,100 Se-------- 5:6 7.5 1:17. 7 - 10 5:5 7.5 1.34 5 - 10 Seg------- 3:5 12 1.50 (-l. # 18 3:5 14 2.36 «il . - 34 §il=-.---..- 515 20 1.01 20 -- 21 515 28 1.04 26 - 30 Sn-------- 5:5 .8g 1.28 63 ~- 1.2 5:5 .95 1.24 12 :> 1.2 Sr-------- 5:5 530 1.16 500 - 700 5:5 280 1.20 200 =-- 300 5:5 9.8 1.22 s.2 ' ~~=13 5:5 11 1.18 8.8 - 13 5:5 31 1.02 30. >* +22 5:5 & 30 1.07 sel "= $32 Y--------- 5:5 3:0 1.05 2.1 ~> 3.1 5:5 3.0 1.13 2.56. - 3.4 V----~----- 5:5 75 1. 17 70 - 100 5:5 81 1.22 70 - - 100 Y¥--------- 5:5 16 1.14 15 - 20 5:5 15 1.00 -- Yb-------- 5:56 1.6 1:14 J.5 --- _2 515 1.5 1.00 -- ZIn-------- 5:5 83 1.02 81 - - 85 5:5 73 1.12 60 - 78 ZIrg------- 5:5 81 1.22 70 - 100 5:5 - 140 1.20 100 => 150 a 5:5 8.1 +13 79 '~. 6.2 5:5 9:1 15 7.9. '- 8.3 éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 TABLE 73.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that supported carrot plants in areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. _ Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. - Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where percent is indicated. _ Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element , Hidalgo County, Texas Imperial County, Calif. or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:5 4.4 1.09 3:9 -- 5.0 5:8 5.2 115 1.3 - 6.2 As-------- J 8.0 1.14 6.8 -- 9.2 5:5 5.9 1.11 5.3 - 7.0 B--------- 5:5 28 1.46 20 - 50 5:5 50 1.00 -- Ba-------- 5:6 500 1.00 -- 5:54 570 1.20 500 - 700 Be-------- 4:5 «95 1.10 < =~ .] 2:6 80 1.23 ed 2.5 1.14 22. -' - 320 5:5 4.4 j.23 3-1: .= 5.0 Co-------- 5:6 5 1.00 -- 5:5 7 1.00 -- Cr-------- 515 26 1.25 20 - 30 5:5 44 1.44 30 - 70 Cu-------- 5B 15 1.00 -- 5:5 30 1.00 -- F--------> 1:5 «400 -- <400 - 400 5:5 680 1.07 600 - 700 Fe, total) - 5:5 1.7 1.03 1.6 :~-»1.7 5:6 2:3 1.09 2.0: - 2.6 Ga-------- 5:5 13 1,25 10 = 15 5:5 15 1.00 ~~ Ge-------- 5:5 1.2 1.10 lil = 1.4 5:6 s 1.06 142, - 1.4 Hg-------- 5:6 ~020 - 1.71 01 - +04 "4:5 s019 203 <.01 - 034 5:5 2.0 1.03 1i9 -. 2.0 5:6 2.0 1.10 1.9 - 2.4 La-------- 0:5 <30 -- -- 3:5 28 1.11 <30 - 30 Lig------- 515 20 1.13 18 - : 25 §:5 36 1.06 33 - 38 Mg1 ------- 5:5 64 1.04 &60 - «67 - 5:6 1.4 1.07 1.3% - 1.5 Mn-------- 5:6 240 1,25 200 - 300 5:5 370 1.32 300 «-> 500 Nal-----> 5:5 .67 1.05 63 - <12 ' $15 .82 1.36 68 - 1.4 Nb-------~- 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 - 10 2:56 8.0 1.23 <10 - 10 Ni -------- 5:65 10 1.3] 7 -- 15 5:5 18 1.17 15 - 20 Pb-------- 5:5 12 1.25 10 --- 16 5:5 15 1.28 10 - 20 Rb-------- $15 81 1.10 75 - 95 5:5 87 1.05 80 ~ 90 S, total-- 1:5 ~~ -- <800 - 930 2:5 620 2.11 " £800 - 1,800 Se-------- 5:5 5.7 1.20 5 = "1.3 5:5 19 1.57 39 - tie Sr-------- 5:5 150 1.00 -- 5:5. - 280 1.20 200 -> 300 5:5 79 1.23 5.0 - 9.8 5:5 9.8 1.17 71. as 11 5:6 & 30 1.03 29 - «31 516 +32 1.16 26 - 40 U--------- 5:6 22 1.05 20% - 5:5 3.1 1.04 2.9 = 3.0 5:5 41 1.32 30 - 50 5:5 87 Lie? 70 - 100 Y¥--------- 5:5 14 1,39 10 - 20 5:6 19 1.14 15 - 20 Yb-------- 5:5 1.8 1.36 1.5 - 3 5:5 118 1.18 1.5: '- 2 In-------- 5:5 52 1.06 49 =. 267 5:5 67 1.04 65 - 72 Zr3------- 515 180 1.36 150 - 300 5:5. - 430 1,25 100 --- 150 5:5 8.1 22g Jaf ~~ 8.3%. bib." " Bip 18 g.9 - _/ 8. éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units, Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. 109 110 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 74.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that supported cucumber plants in areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where percent is indicated. - Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element, Berrien County, Mich. San Joaquin County, Calif. or pH Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 515 3:2 1.65 2.3 = 7.5 5:16 1.08 6.9 - 8.4 Ags-------- 5:15 4.8 4.89 94 - 67 5:5 7.4 1.53 t.2 -> 13 B--------- 219 6.8 3.98 <10 ~- 30 5:65 22 1.20 20 - 30 Ba-------- 5:5 440 1.44 300 - :J00 5:65 870 1.22 700 - 1,000 Be-------- 0:5 <1 -- -- 415 «95 1.10 <1 ~ 1 Cs totall- 5:5 1.3 1.60 58 - 2.0 5:5 1.8 1117 1.5 "~ 22 5:6 +61 2.26 38 - 2.6 5:6 2.0 1.03 1.9 - 2.0 Co-------- 5:5 4.8 1.35 3 - 7 5:5 18 1.17 15 - 20 Cr-------- 515 21 1.42 15 ~- 30 5:5 120 1.25 100 =*~A50 Cu-------- 5.9 17 1.72 7 ~ 30 5:5 130 1.25 100 ->~~150 F--------> 2:5: 370 1.24 _ <400 - 500 4:5 440 1.24- -<400 - 600 Fe, total) - 5:5 1.5 1.82 91 - 4.2 5:5 5.1 1.04 4.9 _- 5.3 Ga-------- 5:5 7.0 1.28 5 - 10 $16 19 1.14 15 - 20 Ge-------- 4:5 +59 B32 .69 - 1.3 5:6 1:3 1,38 +82 = 1.8 Hg-------- 5:5 «061-2. 76 03 - «39; 916 «082. 1.73 043 - «13 pligg... 5:5 1.5 1.18 12 - 1.8 5:5 1.6 1.04 1.6 - - 1.7 La-------- 1:5=> «30 h <30 - 30 2:5 26 1.16 <30 - 30 Ligy------- §:5 13 1. 32 10 ~- 19 $:5 29 1.05 27 - 30 Mg1 ------- 515 22 1.20 17 - 26 $5:§ 1.4 1.01 14. '- 1.5 Mn-------- 5:5. £80 1851 500 - 1,500 516 710 1.57 500 - 1,500 Na1 ------- 5:5 61 1.06 56 - . 66 5:5 1.0 1.04 95 - 1.0 Nb------~-- 1:5 -- «10 -- <10 - 10 3:5 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 Ni -------- 5:5 8.2 1.62 5 ~- 15 5r5 61 1,20 50 - 70 Pb-------- 5:5 23 2.92 10 -=>~150 5:5 21 1.64 15 - 50 Rb-------- 5:5 52 1.25 40 - 70 515 75 1.05 70 - 80 S, total-- _ 1:5 -- ~~ <800 - 810 0:5 _ <800 -- ~- Sc-------- 2:5 23 2.561 5 - 7 515 30 2.01 20 - 100 Se-------- 1:5 -- -- Kil - 1.9 4:5 14 1.89 Lil -- .38 §{1i=--:-.. 5:5 34 1115 27 ~- 39 516 26 1.03 25 - 27 Sn-------- 36 18 4.84 22 - +89 . §:9 1.0 2.91 «21. - 4.3 Sr-------- 5:5 75 1.34 50 - 100 5:6 240 1128 200 =. ©2300 Thg------- 3:3 4.3 1.54 2.6 > - 6.0 5:5 9.4 1.18 8.4 --- 12 5:5 +24. 1.62 < +57 b:5b ~596 1.02 «54 - «87 UY--------- 5:5 117 1.28 1.3 - 2:2 $:5 2.7. 1.06 2:62... - 2.9 V--------- 5:5 31 1.83 20 - 70 5:5 180 1.17 150 - 200 Y¥--------- 4:5 11 1,53 <10 - 20 9:5 20 1.28 15 ~- 30 Yb-------- 4:5 112 1.51 <] - 2 5:5 2.4 1,25 2 - 3 ZIn-------- 5:5 50 1.28 36 - 63 5:5 100 1.06 99 =. - 110 Zrg------- 5:5 := 150 1.57. 100 - _ 300 5:6 110 1.20 100 =" 150 pH2 ------- 515 6.3 71 5.5 - 7:3 5:6 76 +19 J.3 < = 7.7 1 Means and ranges given in percent. 2Standard units. Mean is arithmetic, deviation is standard. 111 TABLES 4-121 +paepuegs si uoljeiAag si *sqiun pappur3$ +qua9uad u1 uaAb saburea pur suray 2 { 2°8 m- ¢! 6°L E*L S" 61° 0'L * A 92° L'8 S19 . $' th° 8°S S10" : mxa OS: '* 00L 02° L OLL. Ost . .z OOL Sel O2L 008 '~ OSL 9€ L O81 004 - 002 6L'L OLE $0! , 4Z 96 r LL v8 5:5 Ofl .* O0 v0 *L OLL 26 £ LL LL'L 91 19 >* L€ PL'l tb §1§ ) U7 € se 96 L chs € 7/._ Sul EEL 0*Z2 £ "9A 9€ L 8'L =e 00'L §'L S10 IA 02 % SL LU'L LL 9:9 02 & SL Pll 91 02 € Sl PL'L 91 $17. * Ol §2'L EL Gig.: Ost : :~ 00L 02*L OpL S's 007 .~ OSL PL'l O91 OL s 0s 9L'L $9 0% ~ O€ 92'L E€ §:§) rtsemncss A 0 *t s G LOL 9°C 9:5 8°C * ONC £0 "L * gf ~ M4 90'L 0*€ 'c 08. S0'L 0*2 gig.. Sttzens "A 89° TrsfGf 85'L O€* 59 65° *- A6" LEL 19° 9€* ="tE" 90 L t€* E* =~ g' LLL 5¢* &g" PL £1, 6°C c't Ol 9:6 §°6 =/ <§"0 SL'L 0'8 tl £ LL EL'l el Sil s . SEE c 2*o §§ ~ 00% ~ 002 SEL Old of '= 002 S2°l 092 "* 00 'L 002 002 ~ OL P5°L 00L §':Q PL S40" £6 L 18° 9:5 86° no AC 80°2 85° 88 : Se =/B1" S12 0'L 85° se 2°C LE* Sip Op vi L2 0€ 9:5 O€ £ L2 £0'L 82 9:6 0€ = 82 £0 "L 62 igi ~ L2 SL'l b€ gig 69° s L> 91° S:€ 62° si. At> 09*L #1° Sit 8p ~ P Sb? L2 6° Ame ht 18°€ SL 9:6 L ® § 02° L L°S 5:6 02 £ Sl t1L° 61 9:5 * 00 *L 0'L $> 8°C Sit 00€ L - 008> - 29*L 089 . S:? 068 ~ 008> ## = §:L - - 008> E* =s *% wa 008> - §:0 $6 i OL 28 §:6 06 s 08 S0'L 18 08 = OL 90 L 9. 55 ~ SE 02'L th $56 02 £ SL LU'L 8L 9:5 *s 00 *L SL 5:5 02 : SL PL'L 91 ll 00'L Ol gig wd 00'L SL 51°59 OL * 0s 02'L LS 9:5 02 is SL PL'L 9L Ot} s al 122 £*5 St Ol * OL> "t Ol> OL ¥ 0L> 9L'L 6°8 Sf abs 00 L OL Ot "# OL> OL'L 5°6 5p 58° *. 89" OLL {48 5:9 1'1 7: 1008 20'L 0'L 9:9. 66° +108" 60° L 88° s8° = 64" 80°L 08° 9s 00¢ . '~ OSL LVA 08L 5! 000'L ~ 008 9€'L O19 9:5 608. ': 002 9b L 082 00% - 002 8p L Obe gig L6* *+ 66 80'L 06° 5:5 $t * vse L0'L ' Ad 99/ G' ~ 9L*L E51 It" +. A€! 26 'l 0€* 9:9 -------Hmz 82 £ 22 OL'L 92 9:5 S2 * 22 S0'L E2 9:5 L2 x b2 S0'L 52 to f 61 60° L LZ $18 ==>11 O81 >= 0€> S0°€ LE che £~ an 0E> - S:0 88 00'L O€ Of ~ 0€> == 08> SL =~=~==B7 0*2 ~ 19" 99*L §*L 9:6 6'L f oss'l 60'L 9*L 8:8 61 "Lit L0'L {£*L GTL . . Ck S2'L all 9:6 p 90° ~ 620° 92*L 960° $'9 - S60° = 910° Op L 920° S:S 9b0° * £0" . to' 0L0* ~ 0f0" LEL _ L90° §:g : <----««-BH € = 98". 02 L 3 9:5 ' Ad * 96" L2*L §S'L 9:G had ~ 08° 22'l 0'L PL . => to" 61° L 0'L gig - --------39 SL € Ol 02'l l 5:6 02 al SL PL°L 61 =+ 00*L SL §1 ~- L OP*L 8'8 gig - -------- 29 &' me (EM 92*L 9:6 9°b Ate bE "L 0't $15 | p*? "' 02 80'L 2°C g's es al 96 L 8L Sis {12909 'a; 008 :~ 008 Ll 089. (§:S $08 _ if 00b> p r 5:1 O0p'lL - 008 0s L 008 00% - OEt Sigo 4 02 f Sl LU'L LL 9:S OOL = 0s 9€ L L9 5:5 02 - 81 PLL 91 OL - 02 [¥ 64 Ep giq _ --------n 0s = O€ 92'L Sb 9:5 007 °.. ~ OOL 9€' L OLL §§ wh 00 "L 0s Of Sl SEL 22 gig - -------- a9 ald 00 "L 0 'S 9:9 02 = SL PLL 91 5:5 L in 5 9L'L 5°9 -- 00'L o's gig | -=---~-- 09 L'4 = 9€" €°€ 555 P°C S ol PL'l 6*L §'S. i g' ~! gf 86 L Lt $5" - (8 P1°C 69° gis Fics Fic CBL 661 hed chs rda s. SL 20*L L'l ite 92*L 0°Z2 gil: '* 86 1E*L 't $: 0 '> L * L> c't 08° 9:2 00'L L 9:5 §°1 = L 02*L 1*1 -- -- L> iQ _ -------- ag 00% /. = 005 02'L OLS - §:§ 000° L - 00L£ idl 0L8 = §!§ o0L. ' ~ 008 02 L 0L9 -- 001 008 gig - --------2g 0s g O€ 92'L E€ 95°59 O€ £ OL> O€2 fl 9i€ 0€ > 02 S2°L 92 05 - 02 OS' L 92 gig - ------ ---g LL mab L l2'l 6°8 9:5 Lt mu T S' 8°C §15 . -C 92'L St. *~ 29°L L*Z gig ====----Sy 0*s 8°C $19 6*L *~: 8L'L l*Z 9:0. . ig'g - 0p ltl Lt 918 =. £2 661 p°C gig - ------- {ly abuga uol3 abupa uo13 aburu uol3 abupu uo13 paras qq _ Olle} paras qq _ uray olrey panasqy _ uray 0138} paauasqy ueay 0132} wd wo 'Aqunog esay 'Aqunog ues '{junoy UIM *A*N *{Ljunog auken 'quaua [3 (panuiju0a) uojonpoud |eiduaumoa 40 uol1jonpoud |elouauwod 40 sealy aunbl; ur (<-) se 1daoxa 'uraw arjawoa6 'uray *parealput *paz{eue sa|dues si quaouad auaym qdaoxa 'uo![[W uad squedu; uar16 aur sabuea pur suray jo waqunu 03 suol1jedqua9u09 puno} saidwes jo uaqunu 'o13j°} [aiqeiieae rrp ou ajeoiput 'pajeoipul se jdaoxa 'uoljeiAap 'uoljeiAag - 'pojreotpul sem - quawaja ayq YoLYM UL :sburpreay uunjoo go uopjeu2{dx3] uononpoud fo svain ut sqund unaq Kup pagoddns 4043 s1108 Jo prd pun suonnv1zu20u00 -C}, diay J, 112 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES [Explanation indicated. of column headings : Ratio, TABLE 76.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that number of samples in which the element was found in Deviation, geometric deviation, indicated. Means and indicate no data available] except as ranges are given in Areas of commercial production Element, Cumberland County, N.J. Palm Beach County, Fla. or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devta- Observed tion range tion range Mi=----s<< 5:5 2.0 1137 1.3 ~ . 2.0 0:5 <.26 -- -- As-------- 5:5 11 1.65 4.7] 5:5 .93 5.66 22 - 18 B--------- 5:5 28 1.72 20 - 70 0:5 <10 -- -- Ba-------- 5:5 200 1.28 150 - 300 5:5 77 2:18 50 - 300 Be-------- 2:56 . 80 1123 < = ] 0:5 <1 -- -- Cs totall- 5:5 94 1.26 «+66 ~- - 1.2 5:5 46 1.03 44 ~ 48 Cales=:.-- 5:5 27. 1:17 24 - «34 5:6 3.0 1.05 2.9 - 3.2 Co-------- 3:6 3.0 1.64 <3 =~ 6 0:5 <3 -- -- Cr-------- 5:5 16 1.32 10 - 20 5:6 1.4 1.42 1 - 2 Cu-------- 5:5 14 1.35 10 20 5:6 50 1.00 -- Fe-<<-----> 1:5. «400 -- <400 - 900 1:5 «400 -- <400 - 400 Fe, total) - 5:5 1.0 1.25 82 -- ~ 1.4 4:5 «076 2.21 .056- 20 Ga-------- 5:6 5.7 1.20 5 =-] 0:5 <5 -- -- Ge-------- 5:6 1.0 1-22 I9 :=: Ai2 1:6 <«1 -- Kil - 1.3 Hg-------- §$:5 +048 - 1.39 030 - «063 5:6 +14 1.19 114 16 g41---s«-- 5:5 70 1.20 99 - 85 5:5 21 1.62 17 ' «57 La-------- 4:5 29 1.07 <30 - 30 0:5 <30 -- -- Liz------- 14 1.25 10 =" 0:5 <5 . -- -- Mgi==----- 5:5 37 -" t.31 T2+4 24 * 5:5 19 1.14 15 = <2] Mn-------- 5:5 190 1.33 150 - 300 5:5 200 730 70 - 7,000 515 20. ~ 1.24 15° - ' 27 ~ 0:5 <.07 C= > Nb-------- «4:5 9.5 110 <10 - 10 0:5 <10 -~ -- Ni -------- 5:5 7.0 1.28 5 - 10 0:5 <2 -- -- Pb-------- 5:5 14 1.42 10 - 20 0:5 <10 -- -- Rb-------- 5:5 37 1.37 25 = 56 0:5 <20 -- -- S, total-- 0:5 _ <800 «~ -- 0:5 _ <800 -- -- So-------- 4:5 2-9 1.07 <3 es 0:5 <3 -- -- Se-------- 2:6 «075 - 3.95 al ;- 46 3:56 14 2.10 {11 - +32 §{l-.-....- 5:6 37 1.08 35 - 42 5:5 «99 1.23 42 - Pra Sn-------- 4:5 66 3.61 «1. _** 1.8 2:5 +054 10.7 <1. & 13 Sr-------- 5:5 23 1.46 15 - 30 5:5 82 1.41 70 - 150 Thg------- 5:5 7.3 1.44 4.8 -*- "11 -- -- =~ <= 5:5 48 1.1] 42 - &54 1:4 <.03 -- <.03 - .03 U--------- i 2.4 1/17 2:0. :* 2.9 5:5 1.1 1.46 64 - 1.5 V-------~- 5:5 24 1.37 15 - 30 0:5 <7 -- -- Y¥-----_---- 5:5 16 1.33 10 - 20 1:5 <10 -- <10 - 10 Yb--«----- 5:5 1.6 1.14 1.5 .. -.. 2 0:6 <1 -- -- ZIn-------- 5:5 38 1.37 27 - 59 5:5 83 1.25 58 ==100 Zrz3-<------ 5:5 200 1.28 150 - 300 0:5 <10 ~~ -- pHE-----<- 5:5 6.6 44 bi0~.- nop - 5:5 4.9 31 ar 5 ' 5.0 éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard un its. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 113 supported lettuce plants in areas of commercial production Mean, geometric mean, except as Leaders (--) in figure column measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Areas of commercial production (continued) Hidalgo County, Texas Imperial County, Calif. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:5 4.9 1.07 4.5 <- 5.3 5:5 4.9 1.50 2.4 _ - 6.5 5:6 10 1115 8.5 - 12 $:5 11 2. 07 6.3 .< 40 9:9 20 1.00 -- 5:5 37 1.32 30 - 50 5:5 500 1.00 -- $:5 .: 610 1.36 500 - 1,000 4:5 . 95 1.10 <1 - 1 3:5 .89 1.16 <1 - 1 5:5 3.9 1112 3.23 -_- 4.4 5:6 22 1.19 1.9 _- 3.0 5:6 11 1.00 -- 5:6 2.8 2.15 46 - 4.6 5:5 5 1.00 -- $:5 7 1.00 -- 5:5 41 1.32 30 - 50 5:5 48 1.35 30 - 70 5:9 16 1.14 15 ~ 20 515 31 1.38 20 - 50 5:16 730 1.21 - 600 - 1,000 $:5 : 630 1.24 500 - - 800 5:5 2.6 1.02 2:5: := 2:6 $: 5 2.2 1.41 1.2; *= 2.8 515 15 1.00 -- 5:5 17. 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 1.0 1-23 14 - 1.3 5:6 1.3 1.15 1.31 ~ 1.5 5:56 +047 ©1,.20 «036 - «089 ' 5:5 041 1.70 029 - «10 9:6 1.8 1.02 1.8 '- 1.9 $;5 1.7 1.31 1.1 - 2.0 3:6 28 1.11 ~ «30 - 30 4:5 31 1.35 <30 - 50 5:9 30 1.02 29 - 30 5:5 40 1.10 34 - 43 5:5 .87 1.03 84 - . 90 5:5 1.2 1.67 48 - 1.6 5:5 240 1.25 -. 200 - 300 $:5 310 138 200 - 500 5:5 82 1.04 19 - .86 5:5 «61 1.07 +96 / - 66 0:5 <10 -- -- 2:6 8 1-23 <10 - 10 5:9 12 1.25 10 - 15 5:15 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 15 1.00 -- §:59 22 1.20 20 - 30 5:5 81 1.11 70 - 90 5:5 93 1.14 80 -> 120 0:5 _ <800 -- e 1:6 -- -- <800 - 1,700 5:5 7 1.00 -- §:6 8.7 1.22 7 - 10 3:5 A11 1.57 «1 - 19 4:5 18 1.90 <1 - 36 5:5 22 1.04 21 l 23 5:56 29 1.18 26 - 39 9:5 1.7 2.03 .88 - 5.6 5:5 1.0 1777 A40 - 1.8 5:5 500 1.00 -- 5:5: ~260 1.50 200 - 500 5:5 10 1.20 8.3 - 13 515 12 1.12 11 - 14 5:5 +32 1.03 +31 : :< . 34 5:15 +31 1.10 <2]. = +33 5:56 2.8 1.07 2:5 = 3.0 5:5 3.9 1.10 2.8 - 3.6 5:5 75 1.17 70 - ~- 100 5:5 87 1.22 70 - 100 5:6 16 1.14 15 - 20 5:5 19 1.14 15 - 20 5:5 1.6 1.14 1,15 " - 2 5:5 1.9 1.33 1.5 -_ - . 9:9 78 1.06 72 - 81 5:5 81 T2 67 - 88 5:6 100 1.31 70 - 3350 5:5 :. 100 1.46 70 - 150 5:5 8.1 +25 8.4 5:5 8.0 +11 7.9 .- 8.2 114 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 77.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in indicated. _ Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. _ Means and ranges are given in indicate no data available] j Areas of commercial production Element , Wayne County, N.Y. Cumberland County, N.J. or pH Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed Ratio - Mean _ Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:6 2.6 1.99 «17 ~ 4.0 5:6 3.8 1.06 3.6 ~- 4.1 As-------- 5:5 13 1.85 6.2 = 24 5:65 34 1.30 24 - 46 B--------- 4:5 16 1.55 <10 - 20 5:5 61 1.20 50 - 70 Ba-------- 5:5 - 240 2:10 70 - - £00 5:6-. 450 1126 300 - 500 Be-------- 0:5 <1 -- ~- 5:5 1.5 1.46 1 - 2 Cs,totari- 5:5 5.9 3.61 2.0 - 40 5:5 1:2 1.31 .88 - 1.7 pal-... 5:5 1.0 2.27 +61 - 4.3 5:5 +39 -- 1.07 34 - 40 Co-------- 4:5 4.3 1.38 <3 - 5 5:5 6.1 1.20 5 - 7 Cr-------- 5:5 17 2.09 5 - 30 5:5 59 1.46 30 - 70 Cu-------- 5:5 17 2.41 7 ~ 50 5:5 - 140 1.29 100 -- 150 F--------> 2:5 : 374 1.45 500 - 600 5:5 700 1.39 500 - 1,200 Fe, total) - 5:5 1.2 1.34 «67 ~- 1.5 5:5 2.0 1.07 1:8. - 241 Ga-------- 4:5 7.9 1.60 <5 - 10 5:6 11 1.20 10 ~ 15 Ge-------- 5:5 1.0 1.99 31. _ - 1.7. 5:5 1.3 1.11 1.2" 125 Hg-------- 5:5 +070 - 2.55 024 - «31> 5:6 +20 1.32 A15 - 217. 5i§ 92 2.00 +2] _> 1.4 5:5 1.4 1.07 1.3 > +1.5 La-------- 0:5 - «30 -- -- 5:6 110 2.52 50 - 500 Lig------- 4:5 14 1.97 17 - 22 5:5 21 1.06 20 ~ 23 5:15 +24 " 1.5] 32 -- 32. 5:5 45 "1:0 - .39 Mn-------~- 5:5 145 1.54 70 - 200 5:5 . 220 1.35 150 - 300 Nal=->---> 4:5 49 3.45 <«0/ : - 10 5:5 +45. 1.04 43 - 48 Nb-------- 1:5..-10 -- <10 ~- 10 5:5 13 1.25 10 ~- 15 Ni -------- 5:5 6.1 1.36 5 - 10 5:5 13 1.25 10 - 15 Pb-------- 5:5 14 1.35 1 ~ 20 5:5 20 1.00 -- Rb-------- 4:5 33 1.49 <20 - 50 5:5 67 1.02 60 - 75 5, total-=- 2:5 -670 1.15 «800 - 1,500 1:5 -- -- <800 - 810 C-------- 4:5 3.4 1.44 <3 - 5 4:5 5.5 1.63 <3 - 7 Se-------- 5:5 & 34 1.84 13. < «58 . 4:5 eb 2.42 §i1. -= 7156 5:5 20 3.19 2.5 .= 36 5:5 35 1.02 34 - 36 Sn-------- 4:5 49 3.81 €.15 *- 2.4 4:5 «18 ~4.36 .97 - 3.4 Sr----=---- 5:5. : 110 1,38 70 -- 150 5:5 87 122 70 - 100 Th-------- 4:4 4.7 1.15 4.1 _- 513 5:5 13 1.14 11 ~- 15 5:5 26 2. 40 055 - AAL. $156 «62 - "1.03 - 65 U--------- 5:5 2.4 1.47 16 - 4.5 5:6 4.6 1.04 4.4 - 4.9 V--------- 4:5 22 2.53 <7 - 50 5:6 57 1.20 50 ~ 70 Y¥--------- 4:5 12 1.39 <10 - 15 5:5 44 1.44 30 ~- 70 Yb-------- 4:5 1.3 1.60 <1 - 2 5:5 4.5 1.26 s ~- 5 In-------- 5:5 46 1.26 36 - 64 5:5 51 1.12 45 - 61 Zrz------- t:5 - A18 6.02 _ <200 - 500 515 - 255 1.25 200 - 300 pH2 ------- 5:5 4.8 6.30 4.9 - 6.8 5:5 5.6 58 4.8 - 6.3 éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 115 supported potato plants in areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as parts per million, except where percent is indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column Areas of commercial production (continued) Twin Falls County, Idaho Yakima County, Wash. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean _ Devia- © Observed tion range tion range 5:5 4.5 1.06 4.2 := 4.8 5:5 T3 1.07 6.6 . - 7.9 5:5 4.4 1.12 3.174 - 4.9 5:5 7.1 1.15 6.0 - 8.8 5:9 31 1.38 20 - 50 0:5 - «10 -- -- 5:5 700 1.28 - 500 - 1,000 9:5 <610 1.20 500 - 700 5:5 1.1 1.20 1,0 : - 1.5 5:6 1.0 1.00 -- 5:6 1.8 1.21 1x95" - 2.4 516 76 1.25 +95. : = 96 5:5 3.56 1.47 112. - 5.4 5:5 2.7 1.04 2.6 _- 2.9 5:5 8.8 1.40 7. - 15 5:5 18 1.36 15 - 30 5:5 53 1.16 50 - 70 5:5 61 1.36 50 - 100 5:6 20 1.68 15 - 50 9:5 40 1.64 20 - 70 5:5 500 1.15 400 - - 600 2:95 -- 360 1.65 _ <400 - 700 5:5 2.0 1.01 1.9 ~ 2.0 5:5 4.8 1.07 4.4 -- 5.1 5:5 14 1.20 10 - 15 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:6 1:1 1189 93 - 1.4 5:6 1.4 1.09 1.3 - 1.6 5:5 «031 _ 1121 «023 - «037 - 5:5 «032 "1.20 026 - 041 5:6 1.7 1.05 1.6 - - 1.8 5:5 1.4 1.14 1.2 .> 1.6 3:6 28 150 «30 - 50 1:5 «30 -- <30 - 30 5:5 22 1.06 21 - 24 515 23 1413 19 - 26 5:5 1.0 1.08 91 = 1%1 5:5 1.2 1.11 11: 1.56 5:5 280 1.46 - 200 - 500 5:5 700 1.57 500 - 1,500 5:5 96 1.06 88 - 1.0 5:5 2.0 1.10 1.7. - 22 4:5 10 1-30 ' ~ 15 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 - 10 5:5 19 1.33 15 ~ 30 5:6 30 1.00 -- 17 1.17 15 - 20 $15 12 1.25 10 - 15 5:6 72 1112 60 - 80 515 52 1.27 40 - 70 0:5 _ <800 ~~ -- 1:5 -- -- <800 - - 830 5:5 7 1.28 5 - 10 5:5 20 1.00 -- 1:6 ~~ -- X+] f «21 1:5 -- -- <.10 _- 16 5:5 31 1.04 29 - 32 5:5 -27 1.02 27 - 28 5:5 1.4 1.59 80 - 2.6 5:6 95 1.39 «63 ,.= 1.4 5:6 217 T.20 - 200 - 300 5:5 - 370 1.32 300 -- 500 5:6 11 1137 6.6 .- 15 556 7.9 1.24 6.1 _- 9.5 5:5 ~32 3.19 +30 .- +32 5:56 .68 1.10 _- 176 5:5 7. 1.10 2-6 _ -< 3.2 5:5 1.9 1.11 1.7. 4 - 2+] 5:5 1.28 50 - 100 5:5 - 180 1.17 150 - 200 5:5 1.42 15 - 30 5:5 22 1.35 15 - 30 5:5 22 1135 15 : - 3.0 4:5 2.4 1.26 <1 - 3 5:5 66 1.09 58 - 73 5:5 93 1.03 90 - 98 5:5 210 1.64 . 150 = £500 5:5. 150 1.28 100 - 200 5:5 8.2 1.64 8.0 - 8.3 5:5 721 +35 6.7 - 76 116 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 78.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in deviation, except as indicated. _ Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except where Areas of commercial production Element, Berrien County, Mich. Wayne County, N.Y. or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 2:2 2.8 1.15 2.5 + 3. 5:56 4.6 1.06 4.3 --. §.1 As-------- 2:2 5.5 1.20 4.8 ~~ . 612. 5:5 5.1 1.28 3.8 =' 6.7 B--------- 0:2 <10 -- -- 5:5 36 1.63 20 - 70 Ba-------- 2:2 300 1.00 -- 5:5 500 1.00 -- Be-------- 0:2 <1 -- -- 4:5 95 1.10 <1 =] 2:2 1205 5:15 7.5 1.17 7 .~. 10 Cr-------- 2:2 15 1.00 -- 5:5 41 1.32 30 - 50 Cu-------- 212 21 1.63 15 - 30 5:5 19 1,33 15 -- 30 --------- 0:2 «400 -- -- 5:6 540 1.29 400 - 800 Fe, total1 AVA 1,5 1.03 1.4 "=' 1.5 Sib 2.3 1.03 28 -. 2.4 Ga-------- 2:2 5.9 1.27 5 => Z 5:5 15 1.00 -- Ge-------- 2:2 1.1 1.29 191 =' 1.3 516 1.5 116 1.2 ><. Hg-------- 2:2 047 : 1.31 «039 - .067 +056- 1.37 .035- 086 K1 -------- 2:2 1.2 1.00 -- 5:5 1.6 1.01 148. «'* 1,6 La-------- 0:2 <30 -- -- 2:9 28 1.50 <30 - 50 2:2 12 1113 11 5:5 32 1.13 20 - 38 Mgl-<----- 2:2 20 1-00 => 5:15 +84. 1.09 +48 -_ 159 Mn-------- 2:2 1,500 1.00 -- 5:6 480 1.35 300 - 700 fat---..-- are «57 1.03 56 - 59 5:6 94 1.06 «87 - 1:0 Nb-------- 0:2 «10 -- -- 95°56 11 1.20 10 - 15 Ni-------- Av 4 8.4 1.29 7 - 10 5:5 16 1.33 10 - 20 Pb-------- 2:2 15 1.00 -- 5:5 16 1.14 15 - 20 Rb-------- 42 1.09 40 - 45 5:15 77 1.04 75 - 80 S, total-- _ 0:2 <800 -- -- 1:6 -= =~ <800 - 860 Sc-------- 12 6 1.00 -- 5:5 76 117 7 - - 10 Se-------- 0:2 <.] -~ -- 2:5 «078 _ 2.73 <.1 - 131 2%2 38 1.02 - 37 - 38 5:5 33 1.04 31 <4 34 Sn-------- 21:2 3.6 7.87 83 - 15 $15 . 86 1.47 «50 - 1.4 Sr-------- 2:2 59 127 > 50 - 70 §:5 150 1.00 -- Thg------- 2:2 4.0 1.26 3A -=- 4.7 5:5 8.0 1.17 611 =. 9.3 i-,... 2:2 22 1.07 121 _- 24 5:5 48 1.06 45 - x81 U--------- 2142 1.4 1.00 -- 95:5 2.6 1.16 Pre i= > ~B.C V--------- 2:2 20 1.00 -- 5:6 75 1.17. 70 - 100 ¥--------- 212 12 1.32 ~ 10 - 15 §$:5 19 1.33 15 - 30 Yb-------- 2:2 1.5 1.00 -- 5:5 1.9 1.33 1.6 - 3.0 Zn-------- 212 54 1.03. - 55 - 55 5:5 77 1.08 69 - 84 Irg------- 212 150 1.00 -- §15 200 1.46 150 - 300 sz ------- 2:2 6.4 «07 6.3-. -* 6.4 5b 5.7 62 $.8 -" 6.2 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 117 supported snap bean plants in areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric percent is indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available.] Areas of commercial production (continued) Cumberland County, N.J. Palm Beach County, Fla. Twin Falls County, Idaho Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range tion range 515 2.5 1.56 1.4. =s 4.9 1:6 ~- s 126. =~ 7,4 5:15 5.1 1.05 4.8. --. 514 515 6.5 1.31 4,5 <- <8.J 3:5 17 2.61 «l */* .8 $15 6.3 1.49 4.5. _- 12 5:5 28 1.46 20 - 50 4:5 48 4.22 <10 - 200 516 28 1.20 20 - 30 5:5 220 120 200 - 300 5:5 19 1.60 20 - 30 §:5 650 1.16 500 ~700 1:5 <1 -- < 0:5 <1 -- -- §:6 1.2 1.25 1,0 =' 1.5 §16 18 1.42 54 :~ +1.3 5:5 .89 1.49 #58 - (1.6 5:16 1.8 1.27 118.°_ - 2.6 5:6 45 4.74 IJM §:6 «28 3.71 082 - _ 2.6 5156 3.4 1.26 2.6 sn 4.4 3:6 3.4 1.65 x3 -> 0:5 <3 -- -- 5:5 7 1.00 -- 516 21 1.64 15 - 50 5:6 2.4 1.37 1.5 » . 3.0 5:6 57 1.20 50 - 70 5:5 14 1.35 10 - 20 §:5 5.2 2.08 145: -»10 5:5 18 1.17 15 - 20 1:5 -- -- <400 - 500 0:5 _ <400 -- -- 5:6 580 136 500 -700 5:5 1.4 155 98 _- 2.2 1:56 -- -- £.03 ~. 1.9 5:5 2.6 1.05 284: ~"227 515 5.7 1.20 5 0:5 <5 -- -- $16 15 1.00 -- 515 1.1 1.11 +92 - 1.2 §:6 15 2.02 el -" 1.1 5:6 1.4 1.09 Met -~ 1.6 516 068 - 5.73 «020 - _ 1.4 5:5 016 ©:1.54 010 - 025.) 5:6 037. - 1.25 «030 - .052 5:6 &91 1.52 «60 -= 1.8 §:6 20 3.99 098 - 2.4 5:5 1.8 1.04 17 -=- A.8 3:56 30 1.64 <30 -- 50 0:5 <30 -- -- 516 33 1.26 30 - 50 5:6 14 1.17 11 - 16 0:5 <5 -- -- 5:6 27 1.07 25 - 29 5:6 39 1.21 «13 - +20 1:6 -- -- <.06 - «084 - §:5 143 1.08 +96. -~ -1.2 5:5 170 1.17 150 - 200 §:6 22 4.33 2 - 70 5:6 450 1.26 300 -500 5:5 «20 1.24 A5 -- set 3 16 -- -- <.07 . - 052 .5:5 1.0 1.02 1.0. =>.-~ 1.1 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 - 10 0:5 <10 b -- 5:6 10 1.00 -- 4:5 4.4 2.02 <2 - 10 1:5 -- -- <2 =~ £ 516 17 17 15 - 20 5:5 13 1.28 10 - 15 0:5 <10 -- -- 5:6 17 117 15 - 20 $16 35 1.42 25 -- 55 0:5 <20 -- -- 5:15 76 1.06 70 - 80 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 4:5 3.8 1.45 <3 0:5 <3 -- -- 5:16 8.1 1.22 7 - 10 5 068 4.09 {21 - A7 ~2:15 +054 11.2 14> 3:5 12 1.76 al : -~ ~23 §:6 35 115 28 - 40 5:5 38 1.18 29 - 45 516 30 1.04 28 - 31 515 «92 1.60 $1... 1.8 146 a -- <1: ** 22 5:6 1.0 1.42 58 ~ 1.56 5:5 27 1.76 15 - 50 0:5 <5 -- -- 5:5 240 1.25 200 -300 5:5 8.2 1.46 4.7 : ~-i11 0:5 < m -- 5:6 12 1727 8.1 - 16 5:5 45 1.37 26 - 96 515 «081 2.16 044 - .28 515 42 1.06 +39 - -/44 5:5 2.6 115 a 229 5:6 +52 1.28 40 - 69 5:5 3.0 1.07 28 _ = ~ 3.3 5:5 26 1.25 20 - 30 0:5 <7 -- -- 5:5 81 1.22 70 -100 16 1.33 10 - 20 T:b -- «- <10 -*16 556 22 1.20 20 - 30 §:5 1.7 T:17 1.5. '~.> 2.0 1:6 e -- <1 -*- 1.6 5:6 2.4 1.25 2 ="/$ 5:5 35 1.24 25 - 46 2:6 6.3 3.60 _ <10 - 38 5:5 80 1.06 76 - 89 5:5 210 1.64 150 - 500 5:6 89 3.19 30 - 300 516 180 1.36 150 -300 5:5 6.2 47 5.5 ¢ - 6,7 5:5 6.9 62 6.2. = 5:5 8.3 +41 8.1 - 8.4 118 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 79.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in indicate no data available] Areas of commercial production Element , Berrien County, Mich. Salem County, N.J. or pH Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 5:5 2.4 1.31 1.6 -, 3.4 5:16 1.2 1.69 +61 < 2.1 As-------- 5:5 7.9 2.83 3.9 - -_- 48 9:9 5.5 1.57 3:4 /< "11 B--------- 4:5 20 2,13 <10 -. 50 5:5 31 1.38 20 - 50 Ba-------- 5:5 410 1.32 300 - 500 5:5 180 1417. 150 - 200 Be-------- 0:5 < ~- ~~ 0:5 <1 -- -- Cs totall- - 5:5 +12 1.51 153. - 1.9 5:5 .81 1.41 956 -. 1.2 5;5 +36 113 31: « 42 5:6 «18 1.30 «15 -~ «27. Co-------- 5:5 5.2 1.42 3 ay 1:5 <3 -- <3 =~ 3 Cr-------- 5:15 30 1.67 20 - JQ 55 32 3.49 15 - 300 Cu-------- 5:5 13 1.25 10 -. 15 5:5 18 1.36 15 = 30 o 1:5 _ <400 -- <400 - 400 3:5 430 1.14 _ <400 - 500 Fe, totall - 5:5 1.0 1116 91 -. ' 1B 5:5 1.2 1.16 1.0 .. -' - 1.9 Ga-------- 5:5 71 1.41 5 - 10 F444 3:7. 1.33 <5 « .*"6 Ge-------- 5:6 1.1 1.12 92: - ~'1.2 5:5 1.1 1.32 +10 - '- 1.3 Hg-------- 5:5 +043. 1.59 023 - +082 : 5:5 +069 2.50 023 - +21 5:5 1.4 1.28 +93 - : 117 516 .63 1.16 53 ~ 159 La-------- 0:5 <30 -- -- 2:6 26 1.16 <30 - 30 Lig------- 5:5 12 1.28 a ey 5:5 10 1:17 8 €*32 Mg1 ------- 8:5 20 1:20 +16 ' - 27 5:5 14 1.24 096 - £17 Mn-------- 5:5 520 1.42 300 - 700 516 160 1433 100 - 200 Nal->=>==> 5:5 & 60 1.09 +54 - . 66 3:6 «082 1.98 <.07 - +21 Nb-------- 2:5 8.0 1.28 <10 - 10 5:5 10 1.00 -- Ni -------- 5:5 7.0 1.28 5 - 10 3:5 2.2 2.63 <2 = .>] Pb-------- 5:5 22 1.35 15 - 30 5:5 12 1.38 10 - 20 Rb-------- 5:5 52 1.17 40 - 60 5:5 26 1.18 20 - 30 S, total-- 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 0:5 - <800 -- -- Se-------- 2:5 2:2 1.81 <3 -/ $ 0:5 <3 -- ~~ Se-------- 345 12 1.82 Xi1"~ - «26 4:5 16 1.53 £1 - 24 §11->..-== 5:5 35 1.13 29 - 40 5:5 39 1.02 38 - 40 Sn-------- 5:15 .28 233 70 5:5 1.56 43 >= 1.2 Sr-------- 516 87 1.22 70 - 100 9:5 12 1.79 5 - 20 Thg------- 4:4 4.9 1.25 3.6 - -~ 85.8 9:5 4.8 1.29 3.4 i -- 6.8 5:5 19 1.39 11 +25 5:15 47 1.34 +32 - «65 U--------- 5:5 13 1.16 1.1 ' ~ 1.6 5:5 2.4 1.18 2:0 .- ~ 2.8 V--------- 516 28 1.20 20 - 30 5:5 23 1.46 15 - 30 Y¥--------- 4:5 9.5 1.10 <10 - 10 3:56 9.8 1.79 <10 - 20 Yb-------- 5:5 J.] 1.20 1 - - 1.5 4:6 1.4 1.85 <1 =: 3 ZIn-------- 5:5 40 1.13 35 - 45 5:5 32 1.32 21 -- 41 Zrg3------- 5:5 140 1.35 100 - 200 5:6 360 1.46 300 - 700 sz ------- 5:5 6.1 69 5.9 : =- J.3 5:5 613 44 5.7 ~ - - 6.8 éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 119 supported sweet corn in areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean, except parts per million, except where percent is indicated. - Leaders (--) in figure column Areas of commercial production (continued) Palm Beach County, Fla. Twin Falls County, Idaho Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range 0:6 K.3 -- f 5:5 4.6 1.15 41 «- - 5.8 155 -- -- €.1 _- 12 5:5 5.0 1.38 3.5 . -' - 7.3 4:5 34 2.58 <10 - 70 5:5 24 1.25 20 -- 5:5 15 1.28 10 - 20 5:5 650 1.16 500 - 700 0:5 <1 ~~ is 5:5 1.1 1.20 1 ->. 116 5:56 «52 1.41 «32. - «71 5:§ 2.4 1.27 1.6 ~ 3.0 5:5 +092. I¥16 .077 - A11 5:5 5.3 1.46 2.9 -= . 7.9 0:5 <3 -- ~~ 5:5 76 1.34 5:0 --'» 10 5:5 4.5 1.26 3 - . -5 5:5 71 1.41 50 - 100 5:56 15 1.28 10 - 20 5:5 24 1.38 15 - 30 2:6 390 1.27 - <400 - 500 5:5 630 1.24 - 500 - 800 0:5 <.03 -- -- 5:6 2:3 1.14 21. ~- 2.9 0:5 <5 -- -- 5156 17 1.17 15 «-/20 5:6 16 1.20 «59 -~ . 92 5:5 1.2 1:12 1,0 _ .= "1:4 5:5 «029 - 1.41 018 - +040 - 5:5 +035 1.25 024 - 043 5:6 «077 1.40 050 - «11 5:5 1.7 1.05 1.6 - :- ~: 1.8 0:5 <30 -- -- 3:6 30 1.64" «30 - 50 0:5 <5 -- ~~ 5:6 26 1.09 24 - 30 0:5 <.06 -- f $15 1.3 1.14 1.1 ' -: 1.6 5:5 34 1.48 20 $:5 400 1.64 200 - 700 0:5 <.07 -- ~~ 5:5 .92 1.07 +87 ' = = 1.0 1:5 -- -- <10 - 10 515 10 1.00 ~- 0:5 <2 ~~ -- 5:5 17 117 15 - 20 0:5 <10 ~~ -- 515 17 117 15 - 20 0:5 <20 ~~ -- 5:56 71 1.10 65 - 80 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 0:5 _ <800 -- ~- 0:5 <3 -- -- 5:5 7.0 1.28 5 -' 10 2.5 +092 - 130 €.1: '= »13 3:6 +13 2.20 il . ~- 3.1 5:5 41 1.05 38 - - 43 5:5 27 1.08 25 - 30 3:5 @17. 3-19 Kel ~~ +53 5:5 1.1 1.55 +69 -- -. 1.9 0:5 <5 f f 5:5 220 1.20 - 200 -300 f -- -- -- 5:5 11 1.19 8:4., -- 13 5:59 +054 1.24 040 - +066 _ 5:5 «35 1.17 31 - 45 5:5 +56 1.20 44 - .69 5:6 2.9 1.08 2:6 .~ 3.1 0:5 <7 -- -- 5:5 87 1.22 70 - 100 0:5 «10 -- -- 5:5 21 1.42 15 - 30 0:5 245 370 1.70 _ <400 - 700 1:5 _ <400 ~~ <400 - 400 Fe, totall - 5:5 1.0 1.27 82 - 1.5 5:5 1.3 1.12 1.1; ~~ 18 Ga-------- $15 6.1 1.20 5 - 7 §16 6.5 1.16 5 => Ge-------- 5:5 1.0 113 88 - 1.2 5:6 1.2 1.07 110 ~>. 1.2 Hg-------- 5:5 .061 _ 2.14 031 - 22" Sip «051 - 1.36 «036 - 082 5:5 1.3 1.14 141 _- 1.5 5:5 19 1.09 67 - .83 La-------- 0:5 <30 -- -- 5:5 41 1.32 30 - 50 Lig------- 5:56 11 1.16 9 - 13 5:5 16 1.09 14 =< 17 Mg1 ------- $156 18 1.16 16 - 29: $16 117 1.10 14 - 19 Mn-------- §:5 680 1.73 300 - 1,000 5:5 240 1.25 200 - 300 Nal-.-.---- 5:5 59 1.08 52 - 65... 5:5 +28 1.04 22 - 24 Nb-------- 0:5 <10 -- -- 5:5 13 1.25 10 - 16 Ni-------- u 8.2 1.41 7 - 15 415 5.7 2.52 <2 -- 15 Pb-------- 515 19 2.13 10 - 70 5:5 13 1.25 10 -- 15 Rb-------- 5:5 45 1.12 40 - 50 5:5 41 1.05 40 - 45 $, total-- 0:5 _ <800 # § 1:5 2: =- _ ~<800 - _ 860 Sc-------- 1:5 -- -- <3 - 5 4:5 4.5 1.50 <3 =~ 7 Sez------- 415 19 2.00 $11 - 36 % 2:6 070 _ 3.17 5:6 1.1 1.38 175 - ~ 1.6 Sr-------- $:5 81 1.22 70 - 100 515 31 1.38 20 - 50 $16 4.2 1.20 3.3 - 5.4 5:5 9.2 1.12 $8.5 - 11 pie-...:. 5:5 20 1.14 17 - 24 .58 1.10 54 - «68 Y-------~-- e 1.2 1.14 .98 - 1.4 515 2.8 1.12 2.4 -- 3.3 5:6 20 1.00 ~- $15 31 1.38 20 - 50 ¥e-------- 5:6 10 1.00 -- bib 28 1.46 20 -- 50 Yb-------- §:b 1.1 1.36 1 h 2 $16 3.3 1.58 2 > In-------- 5:5 44 1.19 38 - 54 5:5 31 1.10 28 - 34 Irg------- 5:5 130 1.74 70 - 300 i 330 1.75 200 - 700 pH2 ------- 5:5 6.5 4.55 5.8 - 7.0 5:5 6.8 1.09 6.0 -.-' 8.6 Means and ranges given in percent. standard units. Mean is arithmetic. Deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 121 supported tomato plants in areas of commercial production measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, indicated. Leaders (--) in figure column indicate no data available.] Areas of commercial production (continued) Palm Beach County, Fla. Yakima County, Wash. San Joaquin County, Calif. Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed Ratio Mean Devia- Observed tion range tion range tion range 0:5 <.26 -- -- 5:6 7.4 1.05 6.9 - 7.7 5:5 6.9 1.02 6.8 - 7.1 2:5 070 14.1 Kil :% ~ 1.3 5:6 5.5 1.38 3.6 - 8.4 516 3.3 1.25 2.7. _+ 4.8 0:5 <10 -- -- 0:5 <10 -- -- 0:5 <10 «- -- 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 5:5 620 1.63 500 - 1,500 515 870 1.22 700 - 1,000 0:5 6 515 17 117 15 ~ 20 5:5 6.1 1.2 5 f 7 515 2.7 2.85 1 -''16 5:5 88 1.40 70 --- 150 6515 20 1.28 15 - 30 5:15 45 1.60 20 70 5:5 37 1.32 30 - 50 5:5 8.1 1.22 7 - 10 0:5 _ <400 -- -- 3:5 <400 -- <400 - 400 1:6 -- -- <400 - 500 0:5 <.03 -~ -- 5:5 4.9 1.04 4.8 - 5.2 5:6 2.4 1.08 2:3 .+ 27 0:5 <5 -- ~~ 5:5 20 1.00 -- 5:6 18 1.17 15 - 20 $15 81 1.23 59 :~ 3.0 5:6 1.4 115 1.2 - 17 515 1.0 1.14 67. - 1.2 §$:5 «020 3.51 010 - .03 §:5 «046 - 1.32 .03 - 167 | 5:6 +026 1.72 010 - 039 515 099 1.17 .076 - 12 515 1.3 1.03 118". > 1.4 5:15 2.1 1.02 2.0. - 2.1 0:5 <30 -- -- 0:5 - <30 S P 0:5 <30 -- -- 0:5 <5 ~- -- 5:6 22 1.03 21 - 23 515 13 1.08 12 - 15 115 <.06 -- <.06 - .06 5:5 1.2 1.02 1.2 - 1.3 516 .58 1.04 56 - «62 $16 57 1.20 50 - 70 5:5 - 700 1.41 500 - 1,000 5:5 280 1.20 200 - 300 0:5 <.07 ~~ .- -- 5:65 2.0 1.04 1.9. - 2.1 5:5 2:7 1.02 2.6 _- 2.8 115 -- ~~ <10 - 15 2:5 8.0 1.23 <10 - 10 3:6 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 0:5 <2 -- -- §:5 30 1.00 a §:5 10 1.31 7.0 ~ 15 0:5 <10 -- -- $16 10 1.00 «- 5:5 16 1.14 15 - 20 9:5 <20 -- -- 515 46 1.10 40 - 50 5:5 75 1.07 70 - 80 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 1:6 «~ -- <800 - 940 0:5 _ <800 -- -- 0:5 <3 -- ~~ 5:6 20 1.00 -- 5:6 6.5 1.16 5 - 7 0:5 €.1 -- -- 1:6 -- -- §i1 - 16: 1:6 -- -- K1 .- +1 §15 39 1.10 35 - 44 5:5 27 1.04 26 ~- 28 5:5 29 1.05 27 - 30 1:5 -- ~- €.1 :> .85 5:5 1.0 1.51 82 - 1.5 4:5 «53 3.13 Phi 1.4 0:5 <5 -- -- 5:5... ~ #10 1.32 300 - 500 5:5 810 1.22 700 - 1,000 -- -- -- -- 5:5 6.2 1.11 5.2 - 7.0 5:5 15 1.44 10 ~ 24 5:5 053 - 1.21 039 - 067 - 5:5 64 1.04 62 - «68 - 5:5 «33 1.03 732. - .34 5:6 .58 1.14 47 - «65 5:5 1.8 1.21 1156 - 2.4 5:5 3.0 1.08 3.3 0:5 <7 -- -- 5:5 160 1.14 150 - ~©200 §15 93 1.17 70 - 100 0:5 <10 -- - 5:6 18 1.36 15 - 30 5:5 11 1.20 10 - 15 0:5 78 {15 144 1.17 .97 - 1.6 U-----~- 15:15 2.0 1.29 .92 - 2.6 116 «042 - 1.58 <.01 - 092 V------- 15:15 59 2.08 20 -- 150 f15 1.5 1115 1.2 - 1.9 ¥------- 14:15 16 1.47 <10 - 30 115 - 21 1.69 30 - 50 Yb------ 14:15 1.8 1.52 <1 - 3 £15 17 1.29 9 - 27 ZIn------ 15:15 76 1.75 42 -- 410 £16 49 2.21 16 - 1.5 Ir;----- 15:15 190 1.77 70 - 700 15:15 470 1.64 200 - 1,000 pH2 ----- 15:15 6.4 97 4.8 - 8.0 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 82.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported apple trees in five areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, - Ratio - Mean - Devia- Observed Element, Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 25:25 - 3.3 -~~1.9g8 67> §.0 ' Nai-s-.. 24:26 57 - 3,00 -- 2.2 25:25 27 2.50 516. ~ 135 ti4" ~ «10° -". 10 B--a-st-.- 19:25 20 ous6~ «10. -- 70 2.70 «2 40> 30 25:25 350 1.65 150 " >> 1,900 2.36 20". s 1,000 Be---<--««- 9:25 T8 Ai.24 Aes 1.61 20 '+1,000 C.:totail. 25:25 1.J " '1-74 30 > 3 1.49. <500 - 1,600 25:25 ~ 2.98 Tg - 3 2.49 .61 25:25 33 171 15}. - _ 70 1.16 266. "~ * 41 €y-:->=>--- 25:25 24 1.58 to- 70 3.04 <1 *> .69 Fessesces 13:25 400 1.59 xa00' ' -.- 900 : 3.48 to ~ 500 Fe, total! 25:25 - 1.84 1.68 183 - 4.7 : 1.51 312 *~ 12 P1:25 9.8 - 2:06 x5. '~ : 20 i : 1.53 17 - ¢ Ge-:re.--- 24:25 "O2 "1:79 2 Us------- 25:25 17 1.68 7 >a~. 37 : 1.56 «2 "~ 200 Ng!-----=- 25:25 +42 2.56 Af > 1.3 : 1.86 ; 100. ~~ 700 Mycss=-sss% 25:25 290 2.20 ~ 100" := 1.03 4.6 - 7.9 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 TABLE 83.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported European grape vines in two areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 10:10 6.8 1.05 6.3 - 7:4" MNals-s-- 10:10 2.1 1.14 1.78 - 2.52 Ags-------- 10:10 7.0 1.56 3.6 - 12 Nb------ 7:10 9.3 1,12 <10 - 10 B--------- 3:10 4.5 3.69 <10 - 30 Ni ------ 10:10 ~>13 1.59 5 - 20 Ba-------- 10:10 730 1.36 500 - 1,000 Pb------ 10:10 20 1.37 15 - 30 Be-------- 9:10 .98 1.07 <1 - 1 Rb------ 10:10 _ 66 1.12 55 - 75 C.,totall- 10:10 . 96 1.21 13 §, total 1:10 -- -- <800 - 1,100 10:10 2.7 1.08 2.4 - 3.0 _ Sc------ 10:10 12 1.47 7 ~ 20 Co-------- 10:10 10 1.49 7 - 15 Sez----- 3:10 060 _ 2.57 ~ 29 Cr-------- 10:10 32 1.46 20 ~ 70 si4-.--. 10:10 - 29 1.04 28 ~- 30 Cu-------- 10:10 24 1.41 15 ~ 50 Sri------ 10:10 1.2 1.55 «67 - 2.5 F--------> 7:10 460 1.29 <400 - 700 Sr------ 10:10 440 1.34 300 - 700 Fe, total" 10:10 3.6 1.40 2.1 - 4.7 _ Thy----- 10:10 11 1.20 8.6 - 16 Ga-------- 10:10 _ 17 1.16 15 - 20 ii->~. 10:10 49 1.59 .29 - «78 Ge-------- 10:10 113 1.18 94 - 1.5 - U------- 10:10 2.4 1.25 1.9. - 3.4 Hg-------- 9:10 024 _ 2.43 <.01 - «16 V------- 10:10 120 1.43 70 - 200 Kiee..«ge. 10:10 1.8 1.14 1.6. ~ 2.1 - Y-.------ 10:10 17 1.26 10 ~ 20 La-------- 4:10 °- 22 2.02 <30 - 70 Yb------ 10:10 2.0 1137 1 - 3 Liz-- 10:10. 16 1.38 11 ~ 23 Zn------ 10:10 _ 72 1.38 47 ='120 Mglu 10:10 .89 1.52 58 - 1.4 - Ir;----- 10:10 160 1.25 100 - 200 Mn----~---- 10:10 440 1.34 300 - 700 pH2 ----- 10:10 7.2 .96 5.7 > 8.3 1 Means and ranges given in percent. 2Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 84. -Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported grapefruit trees in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range Ml---:-. 16:20 _ 4.9 5.55 $1.26 - 742 - Nal----- 16:20 48. *7.38 <.07 - 2.7 Ags-------- 19:20 2.2 3.38 €«1 ~- 7.2 Nb------ 12:20 8.9 1.16 <10 ~- 10 B--------- 10:20 8.9 3.03 <10 - 70 Ni ------ 14:20 5.4 3.83 <2 - 30 Ba-------- 20:20 320 6.05 15 - 1,500 Pb------ 15:20 12 1.54 <10 - 20 Be-------- 9:20 .80 1.41 120 6, totall- 20:20 .86 1.54 48 - 73 S, total 3:20 380 2.05 _ <800 - 1,500 19:20 1.4 3.49 <.07 - 7.1 Sc------ 13:20 4.1 2.53 <3 - 15 Co-------- 13:20 4.3 2.17 <3 - 10 6:20 062 - 2.68 <.1 - 34 Cr-------- 20:20 16 3:71 1 - 100 §il-..-... 20:20 32 1.18 27 - 44 Cu-------- 20:20 12 1.60 5 - 30 Sn------ 17:20 +§1 3.41 25 - 9.6 Fe--~------ 14:20 560 1.74 _ <400 - 1,400 Sr------ 18:20. . <5 -~ <5 - 1,000 Fe, total! 17:20 <.03 -- <.03 - 2.9 Th;----- 15:15 9.6 1.55 4.1 - 21 Ga-------- 15:20 9.3 2.36 <5 - 30 Til ----- 20:20 22 2.12 049 - 44 Ge-------- 20:20 1.1 1.26 64 - 1.6 U------- 20:20 1«7 1.89 137 - 3.2 Hg-------- 19:20 +022 1.52 <.01 - 036 V------- 16:20. -< 29} 4.20 <7 - 150 §1s-.:s... 20:20 .99 4.22 «05 - 2.7 Y¥------- 15120 -- 13 1.94 <10 = 30 La-------- 10:20 - 26 212 <30 - 100 Yb------ 15:20 1.5 1.87 9.3 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. 123 124 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 85.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported orange trees in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: _ Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. _ Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. _ Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. _ Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, - Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 14:20 <.26 -- <.26 - 7.4 Nal===-> 15:20 49 5. 85 <.07 - 27 As-------- 17:20 1.4 4.66 €21:. - 5.0 Nb------ 12:20 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 B--------- 10:20 9.3 2.67 <10 - 50 Ni ------ 15:20 5.9 3.53 <2 - 30 Ba-------- 20:20 330 5.92 15 - 1,500 Pb------ 15:20 . 12 1,53 <10 - 20 Be-------- 13:20 .91 1.22 13:20 450 1.43 <400 - 900 Sr------ 16:20 -- -- <5 - 1,000 Fe, total) 15:20 <.03 -- <.03 - 2.6 Th------ 16:16 8.9 1.74 x - 19 Ga-------~- 15:20 8.8 2.30 <5 - 20 Ti------ 20:20 20 2.05 .06 - .38 Ge-------- 20:20 1.0 1.36 34 - 1.4 U------- 20:20 1.6 1.82 2.6 Hg-------- 20:20 024 1.58 .01 - «059 V------- 15:20 > 25 4.17 <] - 100 20:20 80 4.86 04 - 2.7 Y------- 15:20. 12 1.59 <10 - 30 La-------- 16 3.02 <30 -= 150 Yb------ 16:20 1.3 1.53 <1 - 3 Lig------- 18:20 - 13 1.99 <5 - 29 Zn------ 17:20 <10 -- <10 - 80 Mg1 ------- 15:20 .26 4.13 .06 - 1] Irg----- 20:20 190 1.57 100 - 700 Mn-------- 20:20 140 4.39 1 - 700 sz ----- 20:20 7.8 1.31 5.0 - 9.3 1Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 86.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported peach trees in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range mMiE:s--.. 20:20 _ 5.3 1.25 3.5 :- 6.9. Nal... 20:20 . 1.0 1.47 ~63 - 1.9 As-------- 20:20 7.5 4.23 26 - 108 Nb------ 14:20 9.3 1113 <10 - 10 B--------- 14:20 17 2.172 <10 - 70 Ni ------ 20:20 20 2.01 7 = - 100 Ba-------- 20:20 520 1.33 300 - 700 Pb------ 20:20 . 33 3.24 10 - 300 Be-------- 11:20 «87 1.27 <1 - 1.5 Rb------ 20:20 66 1.38 40 - 100 C,1tota11- 20:20 2.0 1.39 112 :- 3.1 $, total. 12:20 870 1.96 _ <800 - 4,100 Ca*t------- 20:20 1:7 1.84 «56 - 3.1 Sc------ 20:20 9.9 1.67 5 - 20 , CEg-------- 20:20 9.2 1.73 5 - 20 Seg----- 7:20 072 2.37 <.1 - 43 Cr-------- 20:20 - 59 1.99 20 - 200 §id-=..s 20:20 29 1.09 26 - 35 Cu-------- 20:20 36 2.11 15 =~150 Sn------ 19:20 s 2.14 <1: '= 1.7 Fe-------> 16:20 510 1.56 _ <400 - 1,600 Sr------ 20:20 210 1.71 100 - 500 Fe, total" 20:20 3.0 1.47 1.7 - 4.5 20:20 8.6 1.50 3.3 - 19 Ga-------- 20:20 16 1.20 10 - 20 E 20:20 46 1.35 .29 - .66 Ge-------- 19:20 1.1 1.86 .63 - 1.6 U------- 20:20 2.5 1.31 1.9 - 4.0 Hg-------- 20:20 043 - 1.38 .026- «085 V------- 20:20 100 1.73 30 - 200 20:20 1.6 1.16 1.3 - 2.0 (=------ 20:20 16 1.24 10 - 30 La-------- 6120 . 19 1.70 <30 - 70 Yb------ 18:18 1.8 1.26 1.5 - 3 Lig------- 20:20 - 25 1.30 17 - 40 ZIn------ 20:20 - 88 1.32 53 -- 140 Mg1 ------- 20:20 90 1.67 33 - 1.3 Irz----- 20:20 150 1.58 70 - 500 Mn-------- 20:20 330 1.86 150 - 1,000 pH2 ----- 20:20 6.4 1.03 4.3 - 8.0 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 TABLE 87.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported pear trees in five areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio _ Mean - Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range Mix...... 25:25 4.9 1.43 2.2 - 7.9 Nal=--.- 25:25 96 : 1.47 30 - 1.8 As-------- 25:25 10 2.10 1.1 - 29 Nb------ 15:25 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 B--------- 20:25 _ 21 2.06 <10 - 50 Ni ------ 2bie5 16 2.19 5 -- 150 Ba-------- 25125 540 1.50 200 - 1,000 Pb------ 25125 . 42 2.35 10 - 200 Be--=----- 17:25 .92 1.42 <1 - 3 Rb------ 25125 - 69 1.36 30 -- 110 C.,totall- 25:25 2.1 1.43 84 - 3.8 §; total *. 3:25. 570 1.34 - <800 - 990 Ca*+------- 25125 1.3 2.75 29 - 6.5 Sc------ 24:25 8.5 1.94 <3 - 20 Co-------- 24:25 8.2 1.75 <3 - 20 11:25 092 2.97 ~ .63 Cr-------- 25:25 ~'46 1.92 15 - 200 26:25 - 30 1.15 24 - 37 Cu-------- 25:25 40 3.0 7 - 300 Sn------ 24:25 +80 - 1.77 €.1: - 1.6 Fe-------> 18:25 510 1.50 _ <400 - 1,200 Sr------ 25:25 190 1.91 70 - 500 Fe, total) 25:25 2.6 1.67 .97 - 5.1 23:23 9.1 1.39 5.2 - 18 Ga-------- 25126. 44 1.45 5 - 20 pis... 25125 31 - 1,36 14 - 42 Ge-------- 25:25 1.2 1.24 «71 - 1.7 U------- 25:25 2.4 1.29 1.5 ~ 3.6 Hg-------- 25:25 047 _ 1.74 .019- 2.0 V------- 25:25 . 78 1.91 20 - 200 gigeccs... 25125 1.7 1.14 1.2 - 2.1 ¥------- 2b:25 17 1.38 10 - 30 La-------- Ti25 24 1.20 <30 ~ 30 Yb------ 24:24 127 1.39 1 - 3 Lig------- 25125 24 1.34 10 f 34 Zn------ 25:25 88 1.61 31 =/ 210 Mg1 ------- 25:25 212 1.98 16 - 1.4 Ir------ 25:25 140 1.62 70 - 500 Mn-------- 25:25 380 1.85 150 - 1,000 pH------ 25:25 6.7 1.02 4.5 - 8.1 1 Means and ranges given in percent. 2Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 88.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported plum trees in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric] deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated Element, _ Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio Mean - Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 20:20 . "A.7 1.40 aes "- 7.4 Nal-=::- 20:20 96: 49 - 1.9 As-------- 20:20 - 12 2.65 2.4 - 91 Nb------ 16:20 9.5 1.10 . <10 - 10 B--------- 16:20 ° 24 2.31 <10 - 70 Ni ------ 20:20 15 1.59 5 ~ 30 Ba-------- 20:20 490 1.34 300 - 700 Pb------ 20:20 - 50 2.95 10 - 500 Be-------- 12:20 .89 1.16 <1 - 1 Rb------ 20:20 69 1.29 45 -- 110 20:20 2.0 1.59 «81 - 6.1 S, total 6:20 670 1.42 800 - 1,400 20:20 1.2 2.35 32 - 3.5 Se------ 19:20 7.6 1.79 <3 - 20 Co-------- 20:20 7.4 1.62 5 - 20 Sez----- 9:20 «091 . 2.91 59 Cr-------- 20:20 - 44 1.52 15 - 100 s 20:20 - 30 1.13 26" :> 38 Cu-------- 1.87 10 -- 150 Sn------ 18:20 «80 ~3.63 €.T -< 24 F---<-----> 17:20 520 1.40 _ <400 - 900 Sr------ 20:20 180 1.85 70 - 500 Fe, total 20:20 2.4 1.77 84 - 5.1 - 20:20 8.3 1.62 3.0 - 17 Ga-------- 20:20 -- 14 1.51 5 - 20 Til=.-«« 20:20 43-- 1.54 18 - 78 Ge-------- 20:20 1.2 1.24 «65 - 1.5 20:20 2.5 1.45 1.1 - 4.5 Hg-------- 20:20 0b6 2.92 .01 - 2.6 V------- 20:20 75 1.95 15 - 200 gi.:...-..-. 20:20 1.7 116 1.2 - 2.2 Y------- 19:20 17 1.47 <10 - 30 La-------- 11:20 - 27 1.12 <30 - 30 Yb------ 19:19 1.8 1.40 1 h 3 Lig------- 20:20 - 24 1.53 8.0 - 37 Zn------ 20:20 100 1.57 38 -- 310 Mg1 ------- 20:20 . 66 2.21 13 - 1.4 Zr;----- 20:20 170 1.56 100 - 500 Mn--~------ 20:20 390 2.12 150 - 1,500 pH2 ----- 20:20 6.7 .81 5.2 - 7.9 1 Means and ranges given in percent. 2Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. 125 126 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 89.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported cabbage plants in two areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric] deviation, except as indicated. - Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated Element, - Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range Mi--«...- 10:10 5.1 1.08 4.4 - 5.8 Na!----- 10:10 «63 1.08 56 - .69 As-------- 10:10 6.7 1.23 4.9 - 8.9 Nb------ 6:10 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 B--------- 10:10 30 1.49 20 - 50 Ni ------ 10:10 - 13 1.35 7 - 20 Ba-------~- 10:10 440 1.34 300 - 700 Pb------ To:10 15 1.18 10 - 20 Be-------- 7:10 .93 1.13 10:10 680 1.25 500 - 10:10 380 1.46 200 - 700 Fe, total! 10:10 2.4 1113 1.8 -- 10:10 _ 10 1.20 8.2 - 13 Ga-------- 10:10 _ 15 1.10 15 - 10:10 i31 .- 1.05 26 - 32 Ge-------- 10:10 1.2 1.19 .88 - 10:10 3.0 1.09 2.5 - 3.4 Hg-------- 10:10 031) 1,24 023 - 10:10 78 1.19 70 -- 100 10:10 1.8 1.06 117 - 2.0 Y¥------- 10:10 - 15 1.10 15 - 20 La-------- 5:10 . 27 114 - £30 - 30 Yb------ 10:10 1.5 1.10 1.5 - 2 Lig------- TO: 10 . 32 1.11 28 - 37 Zn------ 10:10 _ 78 1.10 60 - 85 Mg1 ------- 10:10 1.0 1.54 39 - 1.6 Ir;----- 10:10 110 1.40 70 -- 150 Mn-------- 10:10 260 1.23 200 - 300 pH2 ----- 10:10 8.1 1.34 7.9 - 8.3 1Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 90.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported carrot plants in two areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurqble concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. _ Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. - Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 10:10 _ 4.8 1.15 a.0 - 6.3 ma'----~ 10:10 14 1426 +63 - 1.4 As-------- 10:10 6.9 1.22 5.3 ->~9.2 Nb-----~- 6:10 8.9 1.16 <10 - 10 B--------- 10:10 . 38 1.48 20 - 50 Ni ------ 10:10 _ 13 1.44 7 - 20 Ba-------- 10:10 530 1415 500 - 700 Pb------ 10:10 _ 13 1.28 10 - 20 Be-------- 6:10 .89 1.16 6:10 460 1.52 «400 - 700 Sr------ 10:10 200 1.41 140 - 300 Fe, total) 10:10 1.3 1.20 1.6 - 2.6 10:10 8.8 1.23 5.8 - 11 Ga-------- 10:10 _ 14 1.19 10 «- 36 10:10 +31 1.12 26 - 40 Ge-------- 10:10 1.2 1.08 1! < 1.4 U------- 10:10 2.6 1.21 2.0 - 3.2 Hg-------- 9:10 «020 - 1.79 <.01 - 040 V------- 10:10 - 59 1.58 30 - 100 gi...... 10:10 2.0 1.07 1.9 -_ 2.4 Y¥------- 10:10 16 1.32 10 - 20 La-------- 3:10 24 1.19 <30 - 30 Yb------ 10:10 1.8 1.26 1.5. - 3 Lig------- 10:10. 27 1-37 18 - 38 In------ 10:10 59 1.16 49 - 72 Mg1 ------- 10:10 96 1.53 60 -- "1.5 10:10 150 1.37 100 - 300 Mn-------- 10:10 290 1.40 200 - 500 le ----- 10:10 8.1 2.04 7.1 - 8.4 1Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 127 TABLE 91.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported cucumber plants in two areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. - Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, - Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range Mi--<#ss 10:10 4.9 1.76 2.9 *- 8.5 . Na!----- 10:10 «78 1.30 56+ _ 110 As-------- 10:10 6.0 3.06 .94 - 67 Nb------ 4:10 8.0 1.23 £10 - 10 o 7:10 - 15 2.04 <10 - 30 Ni ------ 10:10 22 3.04 5 - 70 Ba-------- 10:10 610 1.58 300 - 1,000 Pb------ 10:10 22 2.20 10 - 150 Be-------- 4:10 80 1.23 «I - 1 Rb------ 10:10 62 1.28 40 - 80 €, total'- 10:10 1.5 1.47 258 - 2.2 §, total - 1:10 «800 ~- <800 - 810 Ca*------- 10:10 1.1 2.28 38 - 2.6 _ Sc------ 7:10 -- -- <3 - 100 Co-------- 10:10 9.3 2.06 3 - 20 Sez----- 5:10 085 _ 4.95 ¢.1 ~s 4.9 Cr-------- 10:10 - 50 2.58 15 ~~ 150 si1..... 10:10 30 1.19 25 - 39 Cu-------- 10:10 46 3.14 7 - 150 Sn------ 8:10 46 4.27 €.21 -= 4.3 Fe-------> 6:10 410 1.24 _ <400 - 600 Sr------ 10:10 130 1.91 50 - 300 Fe, totall 10:10 2.7 2.14 .91 - 5.3 - Th;----- 8:8 7.0 1.62 2.6 -. 412 Ga-------- 10:10 _ 12 1.74 5 - 20 i-. 10:10 39 1.64 17 - «57 Ge-------- 9:10 89 2.41 #21 :- 1.8 _ U------- 10:10 2.2 1.34 1.3. ~> 279 Hg-------- 10:10 071 . 2.19 .03 - 35 V------- 10:10 74 2.76 20 - 200 Fi.....- 10:10 1.6 1.13 83 - 1.8 _ ¥------- 9:10 15 1.55 «10 - 30 La-------- 3:10° 24 1.19 <30 - 30 Yb------ 9:10 17 1.57 <1 = > «3 Lig------- 10:10 20 1.56 10 - 30 In------ 10:10 72 1.53 36 - 114 M91 ------- 10:10 56 232 17 - 1.4 - Zr;----- 10:10 130 1.43 100 - 300 - 1,500 phi:=..- 10:10 6.9 .83 5.5 ~* 747 Mhess=... 10:10 790 1.53 _ 500 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 92.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported dry bean plants in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range Mi-=--~- 20:20 _ 4.5 1.46 .j => 7:0 - Na'----- 20:20 fed 1-15 .68 - 1.1 As-------- 20:20 5.9 1.53 $.2 - 12 Nb------ 13:20 9.1 1.14 <10 - 10 B--------- 18:20 - 24 1.65 <10 - 50 Ni ------ 19:20 16 2.57 <2 - 70 Ba-------- 20:20 550 1.52 300 - 1,000 Pb------ 20:20 - 14 1127 10 - 20 Be-------- 12:20 . 89 1.24 < - 1.5 Rb------ 20:20 69 1.32 35 - 95 falc:ss:>s: 20:20 2.1 3.10 26 - 7.9 S, total 4:20 570 1.48 _ <800 - 1,300 C; total'- 20:20 1.5 1.46 18 - 3.2 Se------ 19:20 7.4 1.91 <3 - 20 Co-------~- 20:20 7.1 1.64 5 - 20 13:19 117 2.08 <1 ~s .9 Cr-------- 20:20 49 1.89 15 - 20 si!--!>: 20:20 30 1.13 27 - 40 Cu-------- 20:20 - 29 1.96 15 - 100 Sn------ 19:20 «63 2242 ae 2.5 Fe-------> 14:20 500 1.62 _ <400 - 1,400 Sr------ 20:20 200 1.67 70 - 500 Fe, total 20:20 2.3 1.49 1.2. - 4.6 20:20 8.4 1.46 33 + 14 Ga-------- 20:20 - 14 1.41 7 - 20 20:20 37 "1.36 23 - «66 Ge-------- 20:20 1.1 1.34 52 - 1.7 U------- 20:20 2.8 1.25 1.9. > 4.0 Hg-------- 20:20 036 _ 1.40 .016 - «070 V------- 20:20 - 83 1.94 30 - 200 less.... 20:20 1.6 1431 61 - 2.0 20:20 - 15 1.20 10 - 20 La-------- 9:20 - .22 2.03 <30 - 150 Yb------ 20:20 1.8 1.29 1.5 - 3.0 Lig------- 20:20 - 24 1.11 19 - 28 ZIn------ 20:20 - 74 1.43 37 -~ 120 Mg1 ------- 20:20 18 1.84 Lal - 1.6 Ir,----- 20:20 170 1.82 100 - 700 Mn-------- 20:20 320 1.72 150 - 1,000 pH2 ----- 20:20 72 .95 5.4 - 8.4 iMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. 128 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 93.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported lettuce plants in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. - Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 15:20 1.4 5.87 £126 -~ 6.3 - Nal-.--- 15:20 25 - 3.48 07 - .89 20:20 5.8 4.10 22> 40 Nb------ 6:20 7.4 127 <10 - 10 15:20. 18 2.26 <10 - 70 Ni ------ 15:20 6.1 3.11 <2 - 20 20:20 260 2:95 50 - 1,000 Pb------ 16:20 - 13 1.65 <10 - 30 9:20 .83 1.21 5.6 Fe-------> 12:20 470 1.63 _ <400 - 1,000 Sr------ 20:20 120 3.47 15 - 500 Fe, total) 19:20 80 4.56 <.03 - 2.8 _ Thy----- 15:16 9.6 1.36 4.8 - 14 Ga-------- 15:20 7.7 2.29 <5 - 20 16:20 17... <.03 - «54 Ge-------- 16:20 . 62 3.34 Xt. < 1.5 _ U------- 20:20 2.2 1.63 64 - 3.7 Hg-------- 20:20 060 _ 1.78 029 - «16 V------- 15:20. 25 4.26 <7 - 100 20:20 .83 2.38 237 /> 2.0 _ Y------- 16:20 _ 14 1.51 <10 - 20 La-------- 11:20 27 1.26 <30 - 50 Yb------ 15:20 1.3 1.59 <1 - 3 Lig------- 15:20 15 2.87 <5 ~- 43 Zn------ 20:20 ~ 67 1.46 27 - 100 Mg1 ------- 20:20 43 2. 56 12 ~- 1.6 - Zrgz----- 15:20 - 55 5.07 <10 - 300 Mn-------- 20:20 230 2.60 70 - 7,000 pH2 ----- 20:20 6.9 1.38 4.17 - 8.4 Means and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 94.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported potato plants in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio _ Mean - Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range ATi-~~...< 20:20 4.2 1.63 19 ~ 7.9 ~ Nal---.- 10:20 82 - 2.26 <.07 - 21 As-------- 20:20 11 2.34 3.7." - 46 Nb------ 14:20 9.7 1,33 <10 - 15 B--------- 14:20 - 19 2.92 <10 - 70 Ni ------ 20:20 15 1.89 5 - 30 Ba-------- 20:20 470 1.75 70 - 1,000 Pb------ 20:20 _ 15 1.32 10 - 20 Be-------- 15:20 1.0 1.45 <1 - 2 Rb------ 19:20 - 54 1.45 <20 - 80 C; total'- 20:20 1.8 2.70 «56 .= 39 S, total 4:20 540 1.55 _ <800 - 1,500 20:20 1.4 2.70 +34 5.0 _ Sc------ 18:20 7.3 2.14 <3 - 20 Co-------- 19:20 8.0 1.87 <3 - 30 11:20 13.3015 = 15 Cr-------- 20:20 - 43 1.99 5 - 100 sil-... 20:20 - 28 1477 2:5 35 Cu-------- 20:20 . 37 2.70 7 150 Sn------ 18:20 +88 - 2.70 Kil. ~ 3.4 Fe-------> 14:20 490 1.45 _ <400 - 1,200 Sr------ 20:20 170 1.88 70 -- 500 Fe, total' 20:20 2.1 1.75 «67 - 5.1 - 19:19 8.7 1.53 §.1;. = 15 Ga-------- 19:20 12 1.46 <5 - 20 20:20 43. 1.79 «054 - 18 Ge-------- 20:20 1.2 1.42 131 - 1.7 _ U------- 20:20 2.8 1.47 1.6 _- 4.9 Hg-------- 20:20 «061. - 2.47 023 - «31 V------- 19:20 63 2.40 <7 - 200 20:20 113 1.50 27 - 1.8 _ Y¥------- 19:20. - 22 1.77 <10 - 70 La-- 9:20 - 20 4.04 <30 - 500 Yb------ 18:19 2.4 1,73 <1 - 5 Lig------- 19:20 _ 20 1.42 <5 - 26 Zn------ 20:20 _ 61 1.36 36 - 98 Mg1 ------- 20:20 «67 2.09 12. - 1.4 - Zr------ 19:20 180 2.36 <10 - 500 Mn----~--- 20:20 280 2.01 70 - 1,500 pH------ 20:20 6.7 1.16 4.8 - 8.3 éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 TABLE 95.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported snap bean plants in five areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element , Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range Mi-s.---: 18:22." 20 4.43 ¥:26 - y.4 aNai----: 18:22 se. 3.73 07 ~>1.0 As-------- 20:22 2.7 4.75 <1" - 12 Nb------ 14:22 9.1 1.22 £10 -- 15 B--------- 19:22 - 29 2.46 <10 - 200 Ni ------ 17:22 6.4 3.10 <2 - 20 Ba-------- 22:22 200 3.97 10 - 700 Pb------ 17:22 13 1.46 <10 - 20 Be-------- 10:22 80 1.40 <1 - 1.5 Rb------ 17:22 41 2.04 <20 - 80 6.,totarl- 22:22 1.1 1.67 54 - 2.6 S, total 1:22 «800 -- <800 - 800 ¢al=-....- 22:22 «64 3.72 08 - 7.0 Sc------ 16:22 4.5 1.89 <3 - 10 Co-------- 15:22 4.3 1.88 <3 - 10 Se------ 9:22 1072. 3.81 <.1 . -* 16 Cr-------- 22:22 18 3.46 1.5: 70 Si5-,--- 22:22 34 1.14 28 - 45 Cu-------- 22:22 - 13 1.94 1.5" 30 Sn------ 18:22 «58 4.03 <.1 -i -1§ F--------> 11:11 410 1.45 _ <400 - 800 Sr------ 17:22 36 7.33 <5 - 300 Fe, total! 18:22 ~~ e <.03 - 2.7 16:16 8.3 1.50 34 _- 436 Ga-------- 17:22 7.4 2.10 <5 - 15 22:22 .28 2.26 043 - «56 Ge-------- 22:22 111 1:52 «21 - 1.7 U------- 22:22 1.8 2.06 40 - _ 3.3 Hg-------- 22:22 039 _ 2.66 .01 - 1.4 V------- 17:22 25 3.77 <7 - 100 gis... 22522 91 2.88 10 - 2.4 Y------- 18:22 15 1.60 <10 - 30 La------- H:11- 26 1.52 <30 ~ 50 Yb------ 18:22 1.6 1.60 <1 «isn 8 Lig------ 17122 14 2.46 <5 - 38 Zn------ 19:22 40 2.40 <10 - 89 Mg1 ------ 18:22 24 3.55 <.06 - 1.1 22:22 160 1.98 30 - 500 Mn------- 22:22 210 4.61 2 - 1,500 pH2 ----- 22:22 6.7 1.05 4.8 - 8.4 iMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 96.-Summary statistics of element concentrations and pH of soils that supported sweet corn plants in four areas of commercial production [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio Mean _ Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range Mi-..--.. 15:20 1.1 4.18 <.26 - 5.8 Nal---*- 13:20 -- -- <.07 - 1.0 As-------- 16:20 -- -- "> 48 Nb------ 13:20 9.1 1.14 <10 - 10 B--------- 18:20 27 1.86 <10 - 70 Ni ------ 13:20 3.7 3. 80 <2 - 20 Ba-------- 20:20 160 4.55 10 - 700 Pb------ 15:20 13 1.73 <10 - 30 Be-------- 5:20 .62 1.54 11:20 410 1.42 <400 - - 800 Sr------ 15:20 23 8.09 <5 - 300 Fe, total) 15:20 <.03 -- <.03 - 2.9 Ths----- 14:14 6.4 1.56 3.4 - 13 Ga-------- 12:20 5.1 2.57 => £107" - 2.8 As-------- 22:25 2.6 4.93 <1} = 20 Nb------ 11:25 7.9 1161 <10 - 15 B--------- 9:25 4.5 4.74 _ <10 ~ 50 Ni ------ 19:25 6.6 3.52 <2 - 30 Ba-------- 25:25 240 4.29 15 - 1,500 Pb------ 20:25 12 1.70 <10 - 70 Be-------- 10:25 .78 1.34 <1 - 1.34 Rb------ 20:25 40 1.70 <20 - 80 €; totall- 25:25 $65 1.45 29 - 114 -$, total. 2:25 'b70 1.28 - <800 - 940 25125 «71 3.12 19 - 2.9 15:25 4.0 3.21 <3 - 20 21:25 5.2 212 <3 - 20 8:25 .062 - 2.82 €.1. :- .36 25:25 . 19 395 1 - 150 25:25 - 34 1.18 26 - 43 25:25 21 2.04 7 - 70 18:25 +37, 4.17 <1. -~ 1.6 J:25 - 320 1.42 400 - 700 20:25 «- -- <5 - 1,000 20:25 ~~ -- <.03 - 52 20:20 7.8 1.71 3.3 > 24 20:25 8.1 2.23 <5 ~ 20 25:25 26 2.54 039 - . 66 25:25 1.1 1.25 59 .- 117 25:25 1.6 1.87 47 - is 25:25 «037+. 188 <.01 - «22 20:25 30 4.30 <] - 200 25:25 «17 3.01 «076 - 2.1 20:25 ~13 1.83 <10 - 50 5:95. - 14 2.10 _ <30 - 50 18:23 1:3 2. 00 <1 - 7 20:25 11 1.86 <5 - 23 25:25 42 1.68 20 - 100 21:25 24 3.45 <.06 - 13 25125 150 1.79 70 =< ~300 25:25 280 2.67 50 - 1,000 25:25 7.3 1.02 510 -- 8.7 éMeans and ranges given in percent. Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLE 98. -Element concentrations and pH of soils that supported asparagus in San Joaquin County, California [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, _ Ratio Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 515 6.5 1.06 5.8 - 6.8 T 5:5 2.4 1.06 2.2 ~ "26 As-------- 515 2.2 1.52 1.5 - 3.8 Nb------ 3:5 8.9 1.16 ~ «10 - 10 B--------- 0:5 <10 -- -- Ni ------ 5:5 11 1.59 7 - 20 Ba-------- 5:5 1,200 1,25 1,000 - 1,500 Pb------ 5:5 17 1.17 15 - 20 be-k...-.> 5:5 1 1.00 s Rp<-««-- 5:5 96 1.07 .' 85° _ ~400 C.,totall- 5:5 58 1:10 7 & 89 S, total 0:5 <800 as => Ca+------- 5:5 3.0 1.18 2.6 - 3.7 Se------ 5:5 7.5 1.17 7 -- 10 Co-------- 5:5 6.1 1.20 5 - 7 Se;----- 3:6 13 *2.79 +1 * 38 Cr-------- 5:5 26 1.50 20 - 50 5:5 29 1.07 26 -~ 32 Cu-------- 5:5 12 1.50 7 - 20 Sn------ 515 $4 - : --------- 5:5 550 1.16 500 - 700 Sr------ - §:5 610 1.20 © 500 - 700 Fe, total) - 5:5 2:3 115 1.9 - 2.7 515 16 1.31 11 Ga-------- 5:15 20 1.28 15 - 30 fil-... 5:56 32 1.11 28 - 37 Ge-------- 515 112 113 111 1.5 U------- 5:5 2-2 1.12 1.9 '~: Hg-------- 4:5 020 _ 1.67 <.01 - 034 V------- 5:5 75 1.17 70 - 100 5:5 2.5 1.06 2.3 - 2.7. 5:5 19 144 15° » 20 La-------- 4:5 55 2.44 <30 -- 150 Yb------ 5:5 1.9 1.14 15 -= ~@ Lig------- 5:5 18 1.18 15 - 23 In------ 515 60 1.20 48 ~*72 M91 ------- 5:5 «81 1.25 6 's 1.0 Irg----- 515 120 1.25 100 - 150 Mn-------- 5:5 370 1.32 300 - 500 pH2 ----- 515 8.2 1.00 6.5 -~ .- 8.9 lyeans and ranges given in percent. a Standard units. Mean is arithmetic; deviation is standard. TABLES 4-121 TABLE 99.-Element concentrations and pH of soils that supported onion plants in Hidalgo County, Texas [Explanation of column headings: Ratio, number of samples in which the element was found in measurable concentrations to number of samples analyzed. Mean, geometric mean, except as indicated. Deviation, geometric deviation, except as indicated. Means and ranges are given in parts per million, except as indicated] Element, Ratio _ Mean Devia- Observed Element, Ratio - Mean Devia- Observed or pH tion range or pH tion range 5:6 4.8 1.07 4.4 _> 5.2 Na !----- §15 +64 1.05 «61 - .69 As-------- 5:5 7.3 1.16 5.9 - 8.4 Nb------ 4:5 9.5 1.10 £10 - 10 B--------- 515 28 1.20 20 ~ 30 Ni ------ 5:5 19 1.14 15 - 20 Ba-------- 5:5 - 500 1.00 ~~ Pb------ 5:6 13 1.25 10 -- 15 Be-------- 4:5 95 1.10 <1 - 1 Rb------ 5:15 87 1.08 80 -- 95 C, totall- - 5:5 4.4 1.02 4.3 - 4.5 S, total 0:5 _ <800 -- ~- 5ib 12 1.01 12.0 - 12.4 _ Se------ 5:5 10 1.00 -~ Co-------- 5:5 6.5 1.16 5 - 7 Se------ 5:6 A18 1.49 12 - 32 Cr-------- 5:6 61 1.20 50 - 70 5:6 21 1.02 20 -- 21 Cu-------- 5:5 26 1.25 20 - 30 Sn-----~ 5:6 1.1 1.44 «+61 - Fe-------> 5:5 - 870 1.22 700 - 1,000 Sr------ 5:16 290 1.65 200 - 500 Fe, totall | 5:5 2.8 1.02 2.7 .= 2.8 5:5 9.7 1.06 8.9 - 10 Ga-------- 5:6 15 1.0 -- p1-2--- 5:5 29 1.06 27 - +32 Ge-------- 5:6 1.1 1.11 1.0 _- 1.3 U------- 5:5 3.0__1.02 3.0 -> 3.1 Hg-------- 5th 032 1.41 018 - «041 V------- 516 130 1.25. 100 - 150 515 1.7 1.03 1.6 *> 1.7 ¥------- 5:5 26 1.25 20 - 30 La-------- 3:5 28 1.11 - «30 - 30 Yb------ $15 2.4 1.25 i = K, percent----- - Li, ppme=------- Mg, percent---- American grape, 12 Apple, 9.8 Grapefruit, 9.3 Orange, 8.8 Peach, 16 Pear, 14 Plum, 14 Cucumber, 12 Dry bean, 14 Lettuce, 7.7 Potato, 12 Snap bean, 7.4 Tomato, 8.1 American grape, 1.3 Grapefruit, 1.1 Cabbage, 1.2 Lettuce, 0.62 Sweet corn, 1.0 Tomato, 1.1 American grape, 0.042 Apple, 0.090 Orange, 0.024 Peach, 0.043 Plum, 0.055 Dry bean, 0.036 Lettuce, 0.060 Potato, 0.061 Tomato, 0.037 Apple, 1.3 European grape, 1.8 Grapefruit, 0.99 Orange, 0.80 Peach, 1.6 Pear, 1.7 Plum, 1.7 Cabbage, 1.8 Lettuce, 0.83 Snap bean, 0.91 Sweet corn, 0.58 Tomato, 0.77 Apple, 17 European grape, 16 Grapefruit, 16 Orange, 13 Peach, 25 Pear, 24 Plum, 24 Cabbage, 32 Carrot, 27 Cucumber, 20 Dry bean, 24 Lettuce, 15 Snap bean, 14 Sweet corn, 10 Tomato, 11 American grape, 0.49 Apple, 0.42 European grape, 0.89 Grapefruit, 0.34 Orange, 0.26 Peach, 0.90 Pear, 0.72 Plum, 0.66 Cabbage, 1.0 Carrot, 0.98 Cucumber, 0.56 Dry bean, 0.78 Lettuce, 0.43 Potato, 0.57 Snap bean, 0.24 Sweet corn, 0.17 Tomato, 0.24 Yakima County, Wash.; 19 Yakima County, Wash.; 19 Riverside County, Calif.; 20 Riverside County, Calif.; 19 Yakima County, Wash.; 19 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 20 Yakima County, Wash.; 20 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 19 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 19 Imperial County, Calif.; 17 Yakima County, Wash.; 17 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 15 Yakima County, Wash.; 20 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.5 Riverside County, Calif., and Yuma County, Ariz.; 1.3 Imperial County, Calif.; 1.4 Imperial County, Calif.; 1.3 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 1.2 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.4 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.057 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.23 Riverside County, Calif.; 0.032 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.059 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.061 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.047 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.14 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 1.7 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.061 Mesa County, Colo.; 1.9 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 2.0 Yuma County, Ariz.; 2.5 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 1.7 Mesa County, Colo.; 2.0 Mesa County, Colo.; 1.9 Mesa County, Colo.; 1.9 Imperial County, Calif.; 1.9 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 1.8 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 1.8 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 1.7 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 2.1 Mesa County, Colo.; 35 Yakima County, Wash.; 22 Riverside County, Calif.; 28 Riverside County, Calif. and Yuma County, Ariz.; 19 Mesa County, Colo.; 38 Wayne County, N.Y.; 29 Mesa County, Colo.; 36 Imperial County, Calif.; 34 Imperial County, Calif.; 36 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 29 Mesa County, Colo.; 26 Imperial County, Calif.; 40 Wayne County, N.Y.; 32 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 26 Yakima County, Wash.; 22 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.4 Mesa County, Colo.; 1.3 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.3 Riverside County, Calif.; Riverside County, Calif.; Yakima County, Wash.; 1.3 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 1.4 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.3 Imperial County, Calif.; 1. Imperial County, Calif.; 1. San Joaquin County, Calif.; Twin Falls County , Idaho; Imperial County, Calif.; 1. Yakima County, Wash.; 1.2 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 1.1 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 1.3 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.2 1.1 0.80 4 a 1.4 1.3 2 Berrien County, Mich.; 7.5 Gloucester County, N.J.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Wayne County, N.Y.; 1.4 Berrien County, Mich.; 8.8 Berrien County, Mich.; 8.2 Berrien County, Mich.; 7.0 Wayne County, N.Y.; 8.8 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Wayne County, N.Y.; 7.9 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Berrien County, Mich.; 1.1 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.82 Hidalgo County, Texas; 1.0 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.1 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.76 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.81 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.028 Mesa County, Colo.; 0.041 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.015 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 0.035 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.025 San Joaquin-County, Calif.; 0.026 Imperial County, Calif.; 0.041 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.032 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.020 Gloucester County, N.J.; 0.60 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.6 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.087 Riverside County, Calif.; 0.032 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.3 Wayne County, N.Y.; 1.5 Wayne County, N.Y.; 1.5 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 1.7 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.27 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.20 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.077 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.099 Gloucester County, N.J.; 8.9 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 12 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.54 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 6.3 Wayne County, N.Y.; 21 Berrien County, Mich.; 17 Berrien County, Mich.; 14 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 29 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 20 Berrien County, Mich.; 13 Wayne County, N.Y.; 21 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.22 Gloucester County, N.J.; 0.13 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 0.60 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.058 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.06 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.39 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.25 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.22 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 0.76 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 0.64 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.22 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.30 Cumberland County, N.J.; 0.17 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.24 Plam Beach County, Fla.; <0.06 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.06 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.06 TABLES 4-121 143 TABLE 117.-Areas having significantly different concentrations of elements and pH at the 0.05 probability level in soils supporting fruits and vegetables-Continued Kind of produce Area; mean concentrations Element. supported by soil and, or pH mean concentration in soils, all areas High Low Mn, ppm-=------~ American grape, 470 Berrien County, Mich..; 700 Wayne County, N.Y.; 260 Na, percent---- Nb, ppm-------- Ni, ppm-------- Pb, ppm-------~ Rb, ppm-------- Apple, 290 Grapefruit, 150 Orange, 140 Peach, 330 Plum, 390 Carrot, 290 Dry bean, 320 Potato, 250 Snap bean, 210 Sweet corn, 180 Tomato, 280 American grape, 1.0 Apple, 0.57 European grape, 2.1 Grapefruit, 0.48 Orange, 0.49 Peach, 1.0 Pear, 0.96 Plum, 0.96 Cabbage, 0.63 Cucumber, 0.78 Dry bean, 0.89 Lettuce, 0.25 Potato, 0.82 Snap bean, 0.32 Tomato, 0.47 Potato, 9.7 American grape, 12 Apple, 8.1 European grape, 13 Grapefruit, 5.4 Orange, 5.9 Peach, 20 Pear, 18 Cabbage, 13 Carrot, 13 Cucumber, 22 Dry bean, 16 Lettuce, 6.1 Potato, 15 Snap bean, 6.4 Tomato, 6.6 Grapefruit, 12 Orange, 12 Peach, 33 Pear, 42 Plum, 50 Dry bean, 14 Lettuce, 13 Potato, 15 Snap bean, 13 Sweet corn, 13 Tomato, 12 Apple, 49 European grape, 66 Grapefruit, 54 Orange, 49 Peach, 66 Pear, 69 Plum, 69 Cucumber, 62 Dry bean, 69 Lettuce, 43 Potato, 54 Snap bean, 41 Sweet corn, 33 Tomato, 40 Yakima County, Wash.; 670 Riverside County, Calif.; 480 Riverside County, Calif., and Yuma County, Ariz.; 330 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 550 Berrien County, Mich.; 690 Imperial County, Calif.; 370 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 610 Yakima County, Wash.; 700 Berrien County, Mich.; 1,500 Berrien County, Mich.; 520 Yakima County, Wash.; 700 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.7 Yakima County, Wash.; 2.0 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 2.3 Riverside County, Calif.; 2.6 Riverside County, Calif.; 2.6 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.9 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.7 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.7 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 0.67 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 1. San Joaquin County, Calif.; 1 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 0.82 Yakima County, Wash.; 2.0 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 1.0 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 2.7 0 0 Cumberland County, N.J.; 13 Yakima County, Wash.; 20 Yakima County, Wash.; 22 Yakima County, Wash.; 19 Yuma County, Ariz.; 19 Yuma County, Ariz.; 21 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 45 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 65 Imperial County, Calif.; 16 Imperial County, Calif.; 18 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 61 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 57 Imperial County, Calif.; 17 Yakima County, Wash.; 30 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 17 Yakima County, Wash.; 30 Yuma County, Ariz.; 18 Riverside County, Calif., and Yuma County, Ariz.; 17 Wayne County, N.Y.; 90 Yakima County, Wash.; 160 Mesa County, Colo.; 190 Mesa County, Colo.; 18 Imperial County, Calif.; 22 Cumberland County, N.J.; 20 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 17 Berrien County Mich.; 22 Berrien County, Mich.; 19 Mesa County, Colo.; 96 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 72 Riverside County, Calif.; 110 Riverside County, Calif.; 100 Mesa County, Colo.; 97 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 93 Mesa County, Colo.; 95 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 75 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 84 Imperial County, Calif.; 93 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 72 Wayne County, N.Y.; 77 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 71 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 75 Gloucester County, N.J.; 130 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 13 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 19 Mesa County, Colo.; 150 Mesa County, Colo.; 160 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 240 Mesa County, Colo.; 180 Wayne County, N.Y.; 145 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 22 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 34 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 57 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.62 Gloucester County, N.J.; 0.086 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.8 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.07 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.07 Mesa County, Colo.; 0.66 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.65 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.61 Imperial County, Calif.; 0.60 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.61 Mesa County, Colo.; 0.77 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.07 Cumberland County, N.J.; 0.45 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.07 Palm Beach County, Fla,; <0.07 Wayne County, N.Y.; <10 Wayne County N.Y.; 8.1 Gloucester County, N.J.; 1.3 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 8.7 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <2 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <2 Wayne County, N.Y.; 9.4 Berrien County, Mich.; 10 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 11 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 10 Berrien County, Mich.; 8.2 Wayne County, N.Y.; 5.3 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <2 Wayne County, N.Y.; 6.1 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <2 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <2 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <10 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <10 Yakima County, Wash.; 11 Berrien County, Mich.; 20 Yakima County, Wash.; 19 Wayne County, N.Y.; 10 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <10 Yakima County, Wash.; 12 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <10 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <10 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <10 Gloucester County, N.J.; 26 Yakima County, Wash.; 61 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <20 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <20 Wayne County, N.Y.; 49 Wayne County, N.Y.; 55 Yakima County, Wash.; 62 Berrien County, Mich.; 52 Wayne County, N.Y.; 44 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <20 Wayne County, N.Y.; 33 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <20 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <20 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <20 144 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 117.-Areas having significantly different concentrations of elements and pH at the 0.05 probability level in soils supporting fruits and vegetables-Continued Element, or pH Kind of produce supported by soil and, mean concentration in soils, all areas Area; mean concentrations High Low $c, ppm-------- Si, percent---- Sn, ppm-=-=----- Sr, ppM-------- Th, ppm-------- Ti, percent---- American grape, 6.8 Apple, 4.6 European grape , 12 Peach, 9.9 Pear, 8.5 Plum, 7.6 Cucumber, 7.7 Dry bean, 7.3 Lettuce, 4.1 Potato, 7.1 Snap bean, 4.5 Tomato, 4.0 American grape, 32 Apple, 33 European grape, 29 Grapefruit, 33 Orange, 35 Peach, 29 Pear, 30 Plum, 30 Cabbage, 24 Carrot, 31 Cucumber, 30 Lettuce, 11 Snap bean, 34 Sweet corn, 35 Tomato, 34 Apple, 0.70 European grape, 1.2 Grapefruit, 0.51 Orange, 0.34 Plum, 0.80 Snap bean, 0.58 Sweet corn, 0.47 Tomato, 0.37 American grape, 160 Apple, 104 European grape, 440 Grapefruit, 140 Orange, 85 Peach, 210 Pear, 190 Plum, 180 Cabbage, 380 Carrot, 200 Cucumber, 130 Dry bean, 200 Lettuce, 120 Potato, 170 Snap bean, 36 Sweet corn, 23 Tomato, 63 American grape, 6.6 Apple, 6.8 Grapefruit, 9.6 Orange, 8.9 Peach, 8.6 Pear, 9.1 Plum, 8.3 Cucumber, 7.0 Dry bean, 8.4 Lettuce, 9.6 Potato, 8.7 Snap bean, 8.3 Sweet corn, 6.4 Tomato, 7.8 American grape, 0.40 Apple, 0.38 European grape, 0.49 Grapefruit, 0.22 Orange, 0.20 Peach, 0.46 Pear, 0.31 Plum, 0.43 Cucumber, 0.39 Lettuce, 0.17 Potato, 0.43 Snap bean, 0.28 Sweet corn, 0.20 Tomato, 0.26 Yakima County, Wash.; 19 Yakima County, Wash.; 17 Yakima County, Wash.; 17 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 17 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 19 Yakima County, Wash.; 17 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 30 San Joaquin County Calif.; 19 Imperial County, Calif.; 8.7: Yakima County, Wash.; 20 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 8.1 Yakima County, Wash.; 20 Berrien County, Mich.; 36 Gloucester County, N.J.; 39 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 30 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 39 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 45 Wayne County, N.Y.; 33 Berrien County, Mich.; 36 Berrien County, Mich.; 36 Imperial County, Calif.; 27 Hidalgo County Texas; 33 Berrien County, Mich.; 34 Cumberland County, N.J.; 37 Berrien County, Mich., and Palm Beach County, Fla.; 38 Salem County, N.J.; 39 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 39 Gloucester County, N.J.; 2.0 Yakima County, Wash.; 1.2 Riverside County, Calif.; 1.6 Riverside County, Calif.; 0.69 Wayne County, N.Y.; 1.9 Berrien County, Mich.; 3.6 Salem County, N.J.; 0.79 Cumberland County, N.Y.; 1.1 Yakima County, Wash.; 300 Yakima County, Wash.; 500 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 530 Yuma County, Ariz.; 700 Riverside County, Calif.; Yuma County, Ariz.; 610 Yakima County, Wash.; 450 Yakima County, Wash.; 450 Yakima County, Wash.; 450 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 530 Imperial County, Calif.; 280 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 240 Mesa County, Colo.; 310 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 500 Yakima County, Wash.; 370 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 240 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 220 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 810 nd m Yakima County, Wash.; 9.3 Mesa County, Colo.; 9.8 Riverside County, Calif.; 15 Riverside County, Calif.; 15 Mesa County, Colo.; 13 Mesa County, Colo.; 13 Mesa County, Colo.; 12 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 9.4 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 12 Imprial County, Calif.; 12 Cumberland County, N.J.; 13 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 12 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 11 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 15 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.69 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.59 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.75 Riverside County, Calif.; 0.40 Riverside County, Calif.; 0.34 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.63 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 0.54 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.74 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 0.56 Cumberland County, N.J.; 0.48 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.68 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.48 Salem County, N.J.; 0.47 Yakima County, Wash.; 0.64 Berrien County, Mich.; 3.8 Gloucester County, N.J.; <3 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 8.7 Wayne County, N.Y.; 5.3 Berrien County, Mich.; 4.0 Berrien County, Mich.; 4.5 Berrien County, Mich.; 2.3 Wayne County, N.Y.; 3.8 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <3 Wayne County, N.Y.; 3.4 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <3 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <3 Yakima County, Wash.; 27 Yakima County, Wash.; 27 Yakima County, Wash.; 28 Riverside County, Calif.; 28 Riverside County, Calif.; 30 Yakima County, Wash.; 27 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 25 Yakima County, Wash.; 26 Hidalgo County, Texas; 20 Imperial County, Calif.; 29 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 26 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.55 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 30 Twin Falls County, Idaho; 27 Yakima County, Wash.; 27 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.28 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 1.1 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.078 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.080 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.14 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.] Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.17 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.1 Berrien County, Mich.; 94 Gloucester County, N.J.; 13 Yakima County, Wash.; 370 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 6.1 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Mesa County, Colo.; 140 Berrien County, Mich.; 75 Berrien County, Mich.; 94 Imperial County, Calif.; 280 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 150 Berrien County, Mich.; 75 Wayne County, N.Y.; 100 Cumberland County, N.J.; 23 Cumberland County, N.J.; 87 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <5 Wayne County, N.Y.; 5.1 Berrien County, Mich.; 4.7 Hidalgo County, Tex.; 6.3 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 3.0 Wayne County, N.Y.; 5.6 Berrien County, Mich.; 7.1 Berrien County, Mich.; 4.8 Berrien County, Mich.; 4.3 Wayne County, N.Y.; 5.2 Cumberland County, N.J.; 7.3 Wayne County, N.Y.; 4.7 Berrien County, Mich.; 4.0 Salem County, N.J.; 4.8 Berrien County, Mich.; 4.2 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.26 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.23 San Joaquin County, Calif.; 0.32 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.066 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.072 Mesa County, Colo.; 0.31 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.28 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.28 Berrien County, Mich.; 0.27 Palm Beach County, Fla.; <0.03 Wayne County, N.Y.; 0.26 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.081 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.054 Palm Beach County, Fla.; 0.053 TABLE 117.-Areas having significantly different concentrations of elements and pH at the 0.05 probability level in soils supporting fruits and vegetables-Continued TABLES 4-121 Kind of produce supported by soil and, mean concentration in soils, all areas Area; mean concentrations High Low Element or pH U; ¥+ PpM11.8 260 455 370 *170 260 380 440 370 2.7 89 ard 62 77 86 *18 150 32 8.3 2.6 1.1 1.6 5.9 1.8 *.29 1.8 «57 26.9 28 19 «16 «16 14 19 27 *.12 52.3 24 46 -- 18 52 30 .90 *.050 _ >18.0 *.42 10 13 47 80 1.3 69 «66 3.1 73 63 62 *50 52 56 110 51 2.2 430 350 490 310 430 300 290 *200 2.5 0040 *.0022 0031 -- 0026 0034 0038 0035 _ >1.8 22 35 20 36 3 19 23 *16 2.3 -- -- -- 3.7 5,3 -~ *1.1 -- >4.8 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.9 ZI *1.1 1.5 *1.1 1.9 150 74 62 *34 43 42 83 53 4.4 *.099 3.9 4.2 3.1 3.1 -- 1.9 3.7 >42.4 039 060 077 16 _16 016 056 *.012 13.3 % a+ -< 7 *1.0 7.3 5.7 4.9 >17.0 1.6 2.2 2.3 3.0 2.7 1.5 1.6 *1.1 2.7 -- *2.7 6.9 -- -- 12 9.8 8.4 >4.4 «062 *.026 038 066 «067 043 029 «032 2.6 .012 0026 *.0023 010 . 0077 0046 0058 0057 52 160 97 240 650 710 *46 180 89 15.4 7.4 10 17 5.4 "K.2 7.3 4.6 6.5 110 67 *66 130 140 91 150 120 2.3 s= a* 6.9 #s -- *4.2 sas. -- M1.F 84 86 *79 90 87 90 8 86 1.1 1Concentrations in dry material. 3Concentrations given in percent. Percent of fresh weight. TABLES 4-121 147 TABLE 119.-Mean concentrations and high-to-low ratios of elements and water in vegetables [Means are geometric means. _ Concentrations are parts per million in ash, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure columns indicate that mean and ratio cannot be calculated because of excessively censored data. Highest values underscored lowest values marked with asterisk (*)] Element. Kind of vegetable High-to- or water Cabbage Carrot Cucumber Dry Bean Lettuce Potato Snap bean Sweet corn _ Tomato low ratio Al------ 95 110 580 *82 520 310 950 100 170 11.6 Assis-... 015 040 .28 -- 038 .031 *.0067 «10 0089 >6.0 B------- 140 140 110 150 93 *58 180 *58 84 3.1 Ba------ 52 120 130 55 67 32 100 *1.3 17 100. 6.6 3.6 3.5 2.1 4.2 70 7.8 *.22 1.2 30.0 Cd------ 1.0 2.1 94 *.26 3.0 1.8 . 34 1.0 1.0 11.5 Co------ 1.1 52 . 88 4.8 - .86 «77 *.31 +52 15.5 Cr------ -- -- 43 3.9 *.33 49 2:3 S.7 & 62 MA7.3 Cu------ *31 65 84 120 58 88 73 54 73 3.9 Fey----- 450 *220 680 1,200 960 490 1,200 670 480 5.5 Hgl ----- 0065 0057 0047 *.0026 0083 -- 0030 0046 0031 >3.2 K6------ 36 39 39 39 36 42 35 39 *34 1.2 Liz----- 4.9 2:3 -- *.52 2.0 -- *.52 -- -- >9.4 Mg2 ----- 2.0 *1.3 2.9 3.3 1.7 2.0 4.0 3:8 1.7. 3.1 Mn------ 150 120 130 190 210 *86 300 140 100 3.5 Mo------ 9.1 -- 8.3 84 *.53 5.9 ~30 6.9 6.8 >159. NaZ---.. 2.9 48 20 *.0085 1:1 .083 036 .018 341. N} ------ 6.7 *3.6 13 45 7.2 7.0 24 8.5 *3.6 12.5 3.2 *2.3 4.3 9:6 3.0 4.1 4.4 9.7 2.4 4.2 Pb------ ~~ -- -- -- 5.0 -- -- -~ -- -- §1.2.... 22 A8 749 28 12 A17 *.11 121 6.6 §el-_:-. I5. 064 .059 030 057 *.011 .028 *.011 036 13.6 Sr------ 690 780 240 170 530 61 310 *16 83 48.8 Ti------ 2.9 *.17 3.8 18 1.3 9.6 45 -- 1.3 265. Zn------ 270 290 500 790 520 340 550 980 *220 4.5 Zr---§-- ~~ -- -- == *4.0 12 27. -- -- >9.3 Water?-- _ 92 88 96 *15 96 81 89 75 95 6.4 éConcentrations in dry material. Concentrations given in percent. 3Percent of fresh weight. 148 ELEMENTS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES TABLE 120.-Mean concentrations and high-to-low ratios of elements and pH of soils that support fruits [Means are geometric means. Concentrations are parts per million, except as indicated. Leaders (--) in figure columns indicate that - mean and ratio cannot be calculated because of excessively censored data. Highest values underscored lowest values marked with asterisk(*)] Element: Kind of fruit High-to- or pH American - Apple - European Grapefruit Orange Peach Pear Plum - low ratio grape grape Al----- 4.1 3:3 6.8 1.9 *1.3 5.3 4.9 4.7 5.2 fAS--=--- 5.9 97 7.0 y *1.4 76: 10 13 19.2 B------- 17 20 *4.5 8.9 9.3 17 21 24 5.3 $@-:>:- 470 350 730 *320 330 520 540 490 2.3 be-=->- *.72 78 98 80 .91 .87 .92 .89 1.4 Ci>----- 1.8 187 .96 .86 *.61 2.0 2 2.0 3.4 ga'--<-- 1.0 .82 20. 144 *.68 1.7 T:s 1.2 4.0 (o---<>; T$ 5.0 10 4.3 *3.9 9.2 $12 7A 2.6 29 33 32° *16 *16 59 46 44 37 cu ~-->- 34 24 24 *12 13 6 40 26 3.3 y *310 400 460 560 450 510 510 520 1.8 Fel-. a 1.8 3.5 T *.44 3.0 2.5 2.4 8.0 12 9.8 17 9.3 0.0: "A6 14 14 1.9 Ge------ J.3 *:92 ~ "I.3 E 1.0 1.1 1.2 1:2 1.4 e . 042 090 024 *.022 024 .043 047 ~055. _ 4.1 a 1.5 .s 2, 99 *.80 . 1.6 17 J+7 2:3 aes-. 21 40 22 26 *16 19 24 27 2.5 17 17 16 16 *13 25 24 24 1.9 mgl----> .49 A42 .89 34 *.26 ~ ~~90 72 _ _ 470 290 440 150 *140 330 380 390 3.4 Nal... 1.0 y 2a *.48 89 -To .96 96 _ 4. 9.4 9.2 5:3 *8.9 *8.9 9.3 . s8.9 9.5 1.1 Mi-----> 12. 8.1 13 *5.4 5.9 .' 20 18 15 3.7 $b------ 20 120 20 *12 *12 33 42 50 10 poss- 54 #49 66 54 *49 66 69 69 C $::t:--- 680 660 ¥ *380 B80 870 570 670 92.3 6.8 4.6 32 *4.1 3.9 9.9 8.5 7.6 2.9 H 060 060 062 *.05b8 *l:07? .092 " 1.9 §i!-.--- ar s. 3g *29 33 35 *29 30 30 112 §A---»=- 78 70 J.2 .51 *.39 T8 .80 +80 ; >3.] §r--:--- 160 104 440 140 *85 210 190 180 5.2 Tng&--- *6.6 6.8 3T. 9.6 8.9 8.6 9.1 8.3 1.6 fils. 40 38 49 122 *.20 46 <3] ags 2.5 2.0 P 2.4 1:7 *1.6 2.6 2.4 gib 1.6 59 49 120 29 *23 100 78 7 5.2 y-.--s-- 16 13 17 13 *12 16 17 1 1.4 Y9#---- 1.8 1.5 2.0 1.5 *1.3 1.€ 1 Is 1.5 76 81 72 *34 49 88 88 100 2.9 190 190 160 170 190 150 __ *140 To 1.4 ~#.4 12 8.2 Te 'b 6.7 6.7 143 1Concentrations given in percent. Standard units. TABLES 4-121 149 TABLE 121.-Mean concentrations and high-to-low ratios of elements and pH of soils that supported vegetables [Means are geometric means. figure columns Concentrations are parts per million except as indicate that mean and ratio cannot be calculated because of excessively censored data. Highest values underscored; lowest values marked with asterisk (*)] indicated. Leaders (--) in Etement . Kind of vegetable High-t o- or pH Cabbage Carrot Cucumber Dry bean Lettuce Potato Snap bean Sweet corn - Tomato low ratio $5.1 4.8 4.9 4.5 1.4 4.2 2.0 *1.1 1.9 4.6 As------ 6.7 6.9 6.0 5.9 5.8 11 2.7 *1.7 2.6 6.4 B------- 30 S8 15 24 18 19 29 27 *4.5 8.4 Ba------ 440 530 610 550 260 470 200 *160 240 Be------ «93 .89 80 89 83 1.0 .80 62 *.78 1.3 2.6 1.6 1.6 ) 4.4 1.8 14 92 *i65. . 6.g gal --. T9 3.3 1:1 1.5 2.2 J.4 64 *X42 x21 19 Co------ 5.5 5.9 9.3 7.1 3.7 8.0 4.3 *3.1 5.2 3.0 Cr------ 44 33 5 49 *14 43 18 24 19 356 Cu------ 21 21 16 29 24 37 *13 17 21 3.6 [ o 680 460 410 500 470 490 410 410 *320 2.1 pei---<= ~ ~2.4 1.3 27 2.3 80 Ba +81 *.43 74 6.3 Ga------ 15 14 12 14 7«7 12 7.4 *5.1 8.1 2.9 Ge------ 1.2 1.2 .89 1.1 *.62 1.2 1.1 1.0 141 1.9 Hg------ *.020 071 036 060: - .039 042 «037 3:5 glee.: 1.8 2.0 1.6 1.6 .83 1.3 .91 *.58 I7 3.4 La------ 27 24 -_ 24 22 27 20 26 18 *14 1.9 Ligz----- 32. 27 20 24 §. 20 14 *10 11 32 Mg1 ----- T.0 98 «+56 +78 «43 +57 24 *.17 24 5.9 Mn------ 26 290 190 320 230 280 210 *180 280 4.4 Nal--<-: 63 74 78 ~8o 25 «82 32 *.18 47 5.0 Nb------ 8.9 8.9 8.0 9.1 *7.4 P. 7 9.1 9.1 79 1.3 Ni ------ 13 13 22 16 6.1 15 6.4 *3.7, 6.6 6.0 Pb------ 15 13 ze 14 13 15 13 13 *12 1.8 Rb------ 84 84 62 69 43 54 41 *33 40 2.5 S------- -- 560 -- 570 -- *540 f -- 570 »1.1 Se------ 7:5 7.0 2.7 37.3 4.1 7.1 4.5 *1.8 ~- 4.0 4.3 Se------ «33 087 085 «17 13 +13 072 «12 *.062 2.7 §11-=--- 24 31 30 30 ~ * *11 28 34 35 34 312 Sn------ 13 46 «+63 62 .88 i580 47 *.37 2.56 Sr------ 380 200 130 200 120 170 36 *23 63 17 The-=---- 10 8.8 7.0 8.4 9.6 8.7 8.3 *6.4 7.8 1.6 +31 E .39 37. . #17 43 28 20 seb a UY------- 3.0 2.6 2.2 2.8 2.2 2.8 1.8 *1.5 1.6 2:0 V------- 78 59 74 83 25 63 25 *20 30 4.2 Y¥------- 16 16 15 15 14 22 16 *9.8 13 2:2 Yb------ 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.3 2.4 1.6 *1.2 1.3 2-0 Zn------ 78 59 72 74 67 61 40 *36 42 +2 Zr--3--- 110 150 130 170 *53 180 160 170 150 3.4 _ 8.1 Si 6.9 7.2 6:9. 6.7 *6.6 72 1:2 éConcentrations given in percent. Standard units. # U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980-677-129/49 RETURN - EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY Tp | fgg OPMN ance "aj AlA~ rier ~as Systematic Ice Retreat in New England By CGARL KOTUEFF and FRED PESSL, JR. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER i 1 7 9 Prepared in cooperation with the New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development, Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, Department of Environmental Protection, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Works A discussion of more than 100 years of debate on the nature of retreat of the late Wisconsinan ice sheet from the region UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON :> 1981 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES G. WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Doyle G. Frederick, Acting Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Koteff, Carl. Systematic ice retreat in New England. (Geological Survey professional paper ; 1179) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Does. no.: I 19.16:1179 1. Glacial epoch-New England. I. Pessl, Fred, joint author. II. New Hampshire. Dept. of Resources and Economic Devel- opment. III. Title. IV. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Professional paper ; 1179. QE697.K678 551.7'9220974 80-607063 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Ficuk® 1. . Diagrammatic profile of margin of retreating ice Photographs showing shear planes containing debris, Casement Glacier Photographs showing debris on Casement Glacier derived from shear planes near the area shown in figure 13 ______________ Photographs of the Casement Glacier showing a thin surface accumulation of morainal debris near the center of the glacier and debris at the edge of the glacier which is interpreted to be derived chiefly from the "dirt machine" ____________________ CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Previous work Morphosequence concept Types of sequences Physical characteristics of sequences Topographic control of sequences Stagnation-zone retreat Evidence for a stagnant margin Evidence for the presence of live ice Definition of end moraine Localities of live-ice features Mode of ice retreat The dirt machine Summary References cited ILLUSTRATIONS Diagrammatic profiles of morphosequences Page w w o o o Oh -+ Profiles of four fluvial ice-contact morphosequences in the Pepperell quadrangle, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. c--_-~._ Map of part of the Springfield South quadrangle, Massachusetts and Connecticut, showing downvalley lobation of two retreat- al positions of ice Photographs of fault structures in two areas of collapsed glacial-lake sediments, Merrimack, N.H. _______________________ Photograph of slump features in sediments of glacial Lake Merrimack, Manchester, N.H. Map showing distribution of Wisconsinan moraines and ice-readvance localities in New England _________________________ Photograph of till overlying sheared and rotated glacial-lake bottom sediments, Manchester, NH. _______________________ Profiles of four successively younger lacustrine ice-contact sequences (kame deltas) in the Clinton quadrangle, Massachusetts Photographs of modern Alaskan glaciers showing debris-rich terminal zones and clean ice upglacier to the firn line __________ Photograph showing scree on the Casement Glacier, Glacier Bay National Monument, Alaska ___________________________ . Photograph of detached ice block, Casement Glacier Page 10 AA 12 13 13 14 14 14 16 18 18 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND By CARL KoTEFF and FRED PESSL, JR. ABSTRACT The mode of ice retreat after the maximum advance of the Wiscon- sinan glacier that last covered New England has been a subject of controversy for more than 100 years. Two major opposing views dur- ing most of this period focused on whether recession was characterized by systematic retreat of active glacier ice or by regional stagnation. Difficulty in correlating with the well-established ice-recessional history in the Middle West hampered the discussion in New England. In the last few decades, detailed mapping on large-scale topographic maps has formed the basis for a third model of deglaciation, the mor- phosequence concept, which contains parts of both previous views. Careful outlining of the distribution and age relationship of melt-water deposits shows that the ice sheet receded by a process of stagnation- zone retreat and that the region was deglaciated systematically. End moraines and readvance localities that demonstrate the presence of live ice during retreat in New England are relatively scarce; however, the distribution of such localities indicates that live ice was only a few kilometers from the margin throughout recession. The position, volumes, and especially the altitudes of melt-water deposits suggest that their source material was debris at or near the ice surface. The debris was carried upward from englacial positions to the ice surface along shear planes that resulted from live ice moving over the obstructing stagnant ice at the glacier margin. Analogous shear planes carrying debris have been found in modern valley glaciers. INTRODUCTION The mode of deglaciation following maximum advance of the last ice sheet to cover New England has been a matter of controversy for more than 100 years. Oppos- ing views regarding the configuration of the waning ice sheet; the condition of the ice, whether active or stag- nant; and the rhythm of deglaciation, whether systematic and orderly or random and chaotic, have repeatedly been argued in the literature. In recent years, additional attention has been given to the prob- lem of the sediment source for glacial deposits. Did stag- nant ice, cut off from the main active ice mass, contain sufficient debris to account for the large volumes of glacial sediment present in many parts of New England, or do such volumes require a sediment source at the margin of the active ice, where it is continually replenished by debris from the moving ice mass? Since the 1940's, U.S. Geological Survey field studies have emphasized the detailed delineation of glacial melt- water deposits that establish relative chronologies within single drainage systems; these studies support the concept of systematic northward retreat of an active ice sheet fringed by a marginal zone of stagnant ice (stagnation-zone retreat). Recently, however, some workers have suggested otherwise: that inland from the coastal area, where the presence of recessional moraines is well established, evidence of ice-margin postitions is lacking (Flint and Gebert, 1976); they sug- gested that large inland areas were characterized by regional stagnation during which glacial sediments were derived locally from isolated, dead-ice masses (Black and Frankel, 1976; Black, 1977). In this paper, we review the history of this controversy and attempt to show that the nature and distribution of glacial deposits throughout most of New England support the concept of systematic northward retreat of an active ice sheet and that discrete ice-margin positions can be identified. The conceptual framework now being used by most U.S. Geological Survey geologists to study and map water-laid glacial deposits in New England is a conse- quence of changing ideas on the manner in which the last continental ice sheet disappeared from New England. Early emphasis on "normal retreat," the gradual melting back or calving of a well-defined and steeply sloping face of live ice, resulted from the natural inclination of geologists to interpret New England glacial history in light of the midwestern glacial stratigraphy, which was based on detailed mapping of recessional moraines in the Great Lakes region. As map- ping progressed in New England and recessional- moraine deposits were not readily identified, the inap- propriateness of the analogy with the Midwest gradually became apparent. Widespread distribution of ice-contact stratified drift throughout much of New England and the apparent absence of significant recessional moraines inland from the coast led to the concept of regional stagnation, where deglaciation resulted in the dissipation of the ice as a stagnant mass while at or near its maximum southward extension. In this view, downwasting thinned the ice sheet to the extent that topographic bar- riers in areas of high to moderate relief were sufficient to induce widespread stagnation. 2 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND These two hypotheses, "normal retreat" and "regional stagnation," presented rather opposing views of the process of deglaciation, and as often happens, a third view evolved somewhere between the two extremes. The distribution of ice-contact deposits at the heads of graded melt-water deposits, which appeared to be pro- gressively younger northward, suggested that the border of the last ice sheet may have retreated as a nar- row stagnant zone. This hypothesis of stagnation-zone retreat is based on detailed mapping of water-laid glacial deposits and brings together the conflicting views on the process of deglaciation. PREVIOUS WORK During the latter part of the 19th century, mapping of glacial deposits in New England had progressed so that a prevailing view of the mode of ice retreat could be detected in the literature. As a result of his study of melt-water deposits in New Hampshire, Upham (1878, p. 175) visualized a gradual retreat of the last ice sheet at varying rates. Emerson's (1898) map of the glacial deposits in old Hampshire County, Mass., shows posi- tions of the ice front, called "ice barriers," and indicates that they are progressively younger to the northwest. Emerson (1898, p. 563), in his history of the Champlain Period, referred to positions of an ice front that in its northwestward retreat locally uncovered progressively lower spillways and thereby controlled the altitudes of extensive proglacial drainages. Similarly, Stone (1899) published an isochrone map of Maine showing approx- imate positions of the ice front based on a tentative cor- relation of features considered diagnostic of a lobate ice front during retreat. Woodworth's (1898, p. 111) research in southern New England indicated that the main part of the last ice sheet remained active during retreat. Crosby's (1899, p. 292, 312) study of the late-glacial history in the Nashua Valley, Mass., also invoked the concept of systematic northward retreat of a distinct ice front to explain the history of glacial Lake Nashua and its deltaic deposits. However, in a more detailed con- sideration of the Clinton stage of the glacial lake, he (1899, p. 322) noted the scarcity of recessional moraines and suggested that stagnation had apparently been widespread, perhaps because of strong topographic gra- dients in the area. Dana (1873, p. 203, 210), in his discus- sion on the Glacial and Champlain Eras, attributed the absence of distinct terminal moraines in New England to widespread melting of the glacier surface, instead of concentrated melting at the glacier margin. Thus, by the end of the 19th century, the majority view seemed to favor systematic retreat of an active ice front, but there were important dissenting opinions, particularly regarding the existence, distribution, and significance of ice-marginal deposits. In the early 1900's, many papers appeared in which the authors argued in favor of normal retreat in areas of eastern and central Massachusetts (Goldthwait, 1905; Alden, 1924), New Hampshire (Goldthwait, 1925), and central New England (Antevs, 1922). Goldthwait's (1905) important early study in the Sudbury Valley, Mass., was firmly based on the interpretation of normal retreat and systematic uncovering of successively lower drainage divides. He concluded that the area had con- tained a series of proglacial lakes at successively lower levels. In a later paper, Goldthwait (1925, p. 33) de- scribed the wasting ice sheet in lowland coastal areas of eastern New Hampshire and compared the deposition of massive ice-marginal ridges there with the great ter- minal moraine and outwash apron of Long Island, N.Y. He (1925, p. 29) described wasting of the ice sheet far- ther inland, in areas of higher topographic relief, as con- , sisting of "(a) a melting back of its edge at rates usually between 200 and 600 feet a year; and (b) a thinning out of the sheet by slow downward melting to its surface so as to expose the mountain tops and hillsides and leave ir- regular tongues of ice in the valleys." Antevs' work in central New England, where he ap- plied De Geer's technique for correlating varved-clay layers from one locality to another, was also based on the interpretation of systematic northward retreat of an active ice front. Antevs' (1922) study, however, involv- ing painstaking measurements of many stratigraphic sections in clay pits and natural exposures primarily along the Connecticut River, introduced a new approach that seemed to identify precise rates of glacier reces- sion, to reconstruct ice-margin positions during each year of recession, and to identify stillstands of the ice border, even where no recessional moraines were pres- ent. J. W. Goldthwait was particulary supportive of Antevs' work and noted (in Antevs, 1922, p. ix) that "He [Antevs] has worked out successive positions of the receding ice border in a region where two generations of American geologists, baffled by the absence of definite moraines, have realized little-or no success." Although many of the features in central Massachusetts that Alden (1924) described as moraines are today interpreted as ice-contact heads of outwash (Schafer and Hartshorn, 1965, p. 120), his interpreta- tions regarding deglaciation remain of interest. Alden (1924, p. 93) stated that the glacier margin melted slow- ly back from south to north and argued that " * * * the ice did not disintegrate throughout the area as a wholly stagnant mass, but * * * the retreat of the glacial front was effected by a series of stages, with intermittent halts and slight marginal accumulations of drift." However, the early 1900's also had advocates of PREVIOUS WORK 3 widespread stagnation: Salisbury and others (1902) in New Jersey; Clapp (1904) and Fuller (1904) in Massachusetts; and Fuller (1914) and Cook (1924) in New York. Clapp (1904, p. 198) concluded from his study of glacial Lake Charles, Massachusetts, that the ice stagnated many miles back from the ice margin and that the dead ice was covered by widespread deposits of sand and gravel. Fuller (1904, p. 181) concluded in his report on studies of glacial Lake Neponset in eastern Massachusetts that the ice in that region had become completely stagnant before the lake formed. He (1904, p. 192) cited the lack of moraines and the lack of structures within the deposits indicative of forward motion of the ice (that is, the absence of folding and faulting) as evidence favoring stagnation. Later, Fuller (1914, p. 212) reported that he had also found evidence of widespread stagnation in Long Island, N.Y., and attributed cessation of glacier movement to an ameliorating climate. Perhaps the most outspoken advocate of widespread stagnation at this time was Cook, who reported (1924, p. 158-159) on the disappearance of the last ice sheet from eastern New York: "As the field work progressed it became evident that the region could not be interpreted in accordance with the generally accepted theory of the 'retreat' of the last continental ice sheet, namely: the gradual melting back of a fairly definite face of live ice. L L L L L L L "As the inquiry was pushed into various critical regions the ice front became more and more fictitious and the evidence of wide areas of stagnant ice more and more convincing." Cook also found that recessional ice-marginal features were generally absent and that evidence for thick masses of stagnant ice was commonly present downstream from any inferred position of a retreating ice front. He (1924, p. 163) anticipated some of the cur- rent work in New England with his remark: "Lacking the direct evidence of recessional moraines, some in- direct evidence ought to be furnished by an application of the ice-front hypothesis to interference with the nor- mal land drainage; there should be found: the records of ponded waters with lowering outlets at predictable points over cols or across land salients as the assumed ice front withdrew." In 1927, R. F. Flint began his study of the glacial geology of Connecticut; later, he published his reports summarizing the results of the field studies and setting forth the most complete and influential arguments in favor of regional stagnation. These papers (Flint, 1929, 1930), and a subsequent paper (Flint, 1932) in which some of the interpretations regarding stagnation were revised, had a profound effect on those concerned with glacial geology in the northeastern United States. Flint's eloquent and forceful advocacy of regional stagnation dominated the thinking of glacial geologists for several decades. In his earlier papers (1929, 1980), Flint confronted the longstanding controversy head on, albeit from a study area limited primarily to Connect- icut. He stated (1930, p. 56): "All of the evidence within Connecticut points clearly to the conclusion that when the glacier had reached its maximum southward extent, it lost its forward thrust and lay stagnant, slowly rotting away in place until at length it disappeared. This man- ner of melting stands in sharp contrast with the slow northward retreat of an ice front through Connecticut which has hitherto been assigned to the last ice sheet." Flint (1930, p. 58-59) listed the following objections to the concept of normal retreat: 1) the lack of recessional moraines; 2) the lack of outwash plains sloping southward from the ice front that have ice-contact heads sloping to the north; 3) the lack of evidence of active-ice deformation in deposits of till or outwash; and 4) the presence of untrimmed ice-contact slopes flanking the valleys, indicating little or no erosion of older deposits to the south by melt water from melting ice to the north. Furthermore, he argued (1930, p. 63-64) that field evidence was, without exception, consistent with the concept of regional stagnation; he noted especially flat- lying terraces that had ice-contact slopes facing in all directions, indicating that the ice did not recede systematically in any one direction but rather shrank radially from valley walls. Taylor (1931), on the other hand, castigated "certain geologists" for advocating regional stagnation because moraines and other features comparable with those in the Great Lakes region were not recognized in New York and New England. He wrote (1931, p. 834), "Moraines and border drainage features were found in abundance, but they are very different from those in the West. Nearly all are short fragments, largely terminal deposits of narrow ice tongues, with many kames and sometimes with banked moraine deposits on the hillside, and also with associated marks of border drainage. It is difficult in some parts to make out continuous positions of alignment of the ice front, but the features show oscillating retreat as clearly as they do in the West." Much of Flint's argument had been stated previously by other workers, although the emphasis on a detailed field study of terraces and ice-contact deposits was new. However, these new elements of the argument were challenged most vigorously by some critics and were subsequently modified by Flint (1932). Principal among these modifications were the identification of south- dipping gradients on outwash surfaces that he had thought earlier to lie flat and the recognition of erosional slopes and scarps where earlier interpretation had 4 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND indicated primary ice-contact slopes. The post-depositional erosional effects of melt water derived from ice still existing within a glacial drainage system complicated the concept of large-scale regional stagna- tion, and Flint (1932, p. 156) responded,"* * * a third hypothesis * * * that during the deglaciation of Connecticut, the ice margin wasted northward, but that through an unknown distance inward from the periphery, the ice was chiefly stagnant." Unfortunately, Flint's modifications of his earlier interpretations and, particularly, his sense of a third hypothesis seem to have been forgotten. The third hypothesis clearly anticipates the idea of stagnation-zone retreat, which at present seems best to explain the process of deglaciation in New England. However, after publication of Flint's reports on the glacial geology of Connecticut, both opponents and proponents focused on his earlier interpretations, and the controversy continued. One of the most profound effects of Flint's ideas is seen in the reaction of J. W. Goldthwait. Previously, Goldthwait (1905, 1925) had worked extensively in New England describing proglacial-lake systems, end moraines, and readvance localities and, in general, documenting evidence for the gradual northward retreat of the ice margin. Goldthwait was stimulated by Flint's work to reevaluate his interpretation of late- glacial events in New Hampshire. Supplied with more detailed topographic base maps, he substantially changed his earlier interpretations and completely re- vised his theory of the way the last ice sheet disap- peared. He (1938, p. 371) described, for example, the random orientation of ice-contact features and noted that ""* * * we are not dealing with one continuous ice edge that receded in orderly fashion across country, but rather with a maze of downwasting, thinning ice which lay stagnant or nearly so when these gravels and sands finally accumulated, occupying areas so utterly ragged in outline and so unstable in pattern that one can hardly reconstruct successive stages of ice removal on the maps." In contrast to Goldthwait's ardent support of Flint's ideas, Antevs (1939) took strong exception to them. He (1939, p. 506-507) envisioned a distinct, gently to steep- ly sloping ice margin characterized by wastage at the ice border due primarily to melting and evaporation, and he thought that interior ablation (evaporation and outflowage) had resulted in a lowered ice surface. Antevs (1939) acknowledged the existence of a marginal belt of stagnant ice but noted that it probably occupied only a part of the zone of melting; he (19839, p. 507) fur- ther emphasized that "The fact that a belt of dead-ice topography may be 25 or more miles wide does not imply that there was so broad a belt of stagnant ice at any one time." Reporting on his studies in the Housatonic Valley, western Massachusetts, Logan (1988, p. 55) also argued in favor of an active ice sheet during recession but noted that ice-margin deposits such as kames and heads of out- wash were discontinuous in areas of high topographic relief and that correlation of these deposits was difficult. He envisioned a very irregular ice margin consisting of long narrow lobes extending downvalley. In 1934, Flint's study of the Quinnipiac-Farmington lowland in Connecticut was published; in it, the author described ice-contact deposits, varved clay, and postglacial terrace deposits in the context of widespread stagnation. Lougee in 1938 reported on his study of the same area and offered an alternative interpretation of late-glacial events in which systematic northward retreat of the ice controlled the formation of a series of proglacial lakes and the sequence of deposition of fluvial gravels. In 1940, Lougee published "Deglaciation of New England" in which he contradicted many of the reinterpretations of features in New Hampshire offered by J. W. Goldthwait (1938) in support of stagnation and downwasting. Lougee (1940, p. 191-192) defended Antevs' varve chronology, particularly in northern New England, and cited Antevs' (1922) study as demonstrating progressive northward retreat of the ice sheet. Lougee acknowledged that recessional moraines as evidence of active ice were notably scarce in New England and suggested that the rugged topography and rapid rates of retreat were possible reasons. However, he was unwilling to discount several reported moraines that Goldthwait, in his reinterpretation (1988, p. 348-352), had discredited. Lougee (1940, p. 193-194) acknowledged that some earlier interpretations of localities attributed to active ice deformation and deposition merited revision, for example, the Amherst- Northampton evidence in Massachusetts and the Clare- mont "readvance" in New Hampshire. However, Lougee (1940, p. 195) maintained that other localities such as the Littleton-Bethlehem, N.H., moraine system and associated exposures showing till sheets separated by stratified deposits remained firm testimony to the presence of active ice during retreat. In addition, Lougee interpreted ice-contact stratified sediments alined northwest in the coastal region of New Hamp- shire as deposits of glacial melt water issuing from the ice margin and flowing at right angles to the retreating ice front. Goldthwait considered these deposits as resulting chiefly from deposition in irregular pools and broad channels produced by the uneven downwasting of the glacier surface. Other deposits such as pitted coastal clays, interior-valley outwash, and the widespread ice- contact sediments in the White Mountains also were in- terpreted differently by Lougee and Goldthwait (Lougee, 1940, p. 199-213). MORPHOSEQUENCE CONCEPT 5 Douglas Johnson (1941) attempted to clarify a prob- lem that he considered to result largely from semantic difficulties related to the longstanding controversy. He emphasized that "retreat" refers only to the position of the ice margin and that "downwasting" refers only to the ice mass, never to the position of the margin. Johnson (1941, p. 85-90) also pointed out (1) that the presence or absence of recessional moraines depends on the interaction of several variables: topographic relief, rate of glacier flow, rate of ice wastage, and sediment source; and (2) that the absence of recessional moraines does not mean that the ice margin was not retreating, but rather that retreat was too continuous for moraines to form. Unfortunately, Johnson's arguments depended to some extent on an oversimplified comparison of condi- tions on an alpine glacier with those on a continental ice sheet. He also tended to discount the distinctive nature of ice-contact deposits (Woodworth, 1899; Thwaites, 1926; Flint, 1928) and their importance as indicators of stagnant-ice conditions, thus rejecting an important field criterion for identifying distribution and nature of the local ice regimen. Johnson acknowledged that the debris-laden margin of a wasting continental glacier is likely to produce isolated masses of stagnant ice, but he (1941, p. 94) considered defining the former extent of such masses in New England an unreasonable prospect. Johnson (1941) recalled an argument by Antevs (19839, p. 507) that "A zone of stagnant ice one hundred miles broad, and a zone of stagnant ice a mile broad receding with the ice margin over a belt one hundred miles broad, may leave fluvio-glacial phenomena of like character." Johnson concluded (1941, p. 94), "Whether the two histories can be discriminated from examination of the residual deposits and forms must remain in doubt until highly critical studies have been made." In recent decades, detailed mapping on large-scale topographic bases (most at 1:24,000 scale and most hav- ing 10-ft (38-m) contour intervals) has been completed for extensive areas in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- necticut, and New Hampshire. In addition, several notable discussion papers have been published in which the authors presented new ideas on the question of deglaciation in New England (Jahns, 1941, 1953; Currier, 1941; Rich, 1943; White, 1947; Schafer, 1961; Schafer and Hartshorn, 1965; Koteff, 1974). It now seems reasonable to suggest that since the early 1940's, just such "highly critical studies," as envisioned by Johnson (1941, p. 94), have been made in southern and central New England, that the cumulative results of this work do permit definition of a stagnant zone that migrated northward during deglaciation, and that a plausible model of deglaciation, incorporating elements of both normal retreat and downwasting accompanied by stagnation, has evolved. This model, now called the morphosequence concept, was first advanced by R. H. Jahns (1941, 1953), on the basis of field studies in north-central Massachusetts. His work was plotted on newly introduced, accurate, T/-min topographic maps at a scale of 1:31,680, having a 10-ft (3-m) contour interval. These maps allowed Jahns to make a very detailed analysis of the morphology, tex- ture, and distribution of melt-water deposits. The impor- tance of the introduction of these new maps in the early 1940's cannot be overemphasized because they provided a source of data previously unavailable to protagonists of either normal retreat or regional stagnation. The en- thusiasm of glacial geologists regarding the 1:31,680-scale maps matched that of J. W. Goldthwait in 1905 regarding the then-new 15-min topographic maps for the Concord, Mass., area, where he thought orderly retreat of the ice sheet was well demonstrated. Ironical- ly, when he later began to favor regional stagnation, he (1938, p. 346) mentioned, " * * * complete contour map- ping of New Hampshire * * *" on a 15-min base had "afforded better opportunity to judge the relative impor- tance of downward and backward melting of the ice." MORPHOSEQUENCE CONCEPT Since Jahns introduced the sequence concept in 1941, some confusion has existed about what sequences are because the word "sequence" has a connotation of time that was not originally intended. In the concept, a single sequence specifically refers to a continuum of landforms composed of melt-water deposits, from more collapsed forms due to melting of ice blocks at the head or upstream parts of outwash, to progressively less col- lapsed forms downstream. A sequence can thus be viewed as a body of stratified drift laid down, layer upon layer, by melt water at and beyond the margin of a glacier, while deposition was controlled by a specific base level. The complexity of the morphologic features depends on the relative number, size, and distribution of detached ice blocks around and over which the sequence was deposited. For example, at the head of outwash near or at the ice margin, a sequence may be composed of typical ice-contact features, such as ice-channel fill- ings and kames, which show a considerable amount of collapse; downstream, the less collapsed forms may be kame terraces or kame plains, and beyond any area of residual ice blocks, the form may be an outwash plain. All the forms in this continuum are regarded as part of one time unit and, thus, the word sequence in this sense does not refer to a span of time but to a progression of more collapsed to less collapsed contemporaneous forms. One individual sequence has a time significance 6 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND only in relation to other sequences. Although another word originally may have been more desirable to avoid confusion, the term "sequence(s)" has been established too long in the literature on New England glacial deposits to be abandoned completely. In an effort to clear up some of the confusion and still retain the term "sequence," Koteff (1974) introduced the term "morphologic sequence." Since then, W. C. Mahaney (1976) has suggested a term that we think is even more suitable. Mahaney (1976, p. vi) referred to J. H. Hartshorn's description of New England melt-water deposits as " * * * morphosequences of time-equivalent groups of landforms." Mahaney's objection (written communication, 1979) that the term "morphologic se- quence" is too closely related to terminology used by pedologists to indicate changes in soil configuration with time, appears to us to be well taken. Thus, we hereby en- dorse the term "morphosequence" to describe the con- cept originally introduced by Jahns in 1941. In this paper, morphosequence and sequence are used inter- changeably. TYPES OF SEQUENCES The first application of the sequence concept to melt- water deposits by Jahns (1941) dealt primarily with fluvial sediments, but the model now includes lacustrine and marine deposits as well, and eight major types of morphosequences are presently identified (Koteff, 1974). Types of sequences are distinguished (fig. 1) on the basis of whether they were deposited in a fluvial, lacustrine, or marine environment, of whether they were in contact with the stagnant-ice margin, and of whether they had an associated end moraine. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SEQUENCES Textural distribution.-Each morphosequence is much like any water-laid unit, in that the texture at the surface of the deposits is coarser near the head of out- wash or source and becomes finer grained downstream. The textural boundaries are not always sharp or easily distinguished; locally, within any given morpho- sequence, gravel can be found in an area of finer tex- tures, or sand can be found in an area of gravel. Also, very short sequences show little textural change from one end to the other; some have only gravel at the sur- face and some have only sand, depending on the nature of the source material and, perhaps more importantly, on the depositional gradient. However, textural grada- tion downstream from the headward source area is generally persistent for the entire length of most sequences. ' J. H. Hartshorn, address to the Conference on Quaternary Stratigraphy of North America at York University, Downsview, Ontario, Canada, 1975. Base-level controls.-The determination of a base-level control for deposition is as important in distinguishing one morphosequence from another as is locating the origin or head of outwash of sequences. Base-level con- trols include spillways underlain by bedrock or till, previously deposited masses of sand and gravel (mostly older sequences), standing-water bodies such as glacial lakes (which in turn were controlled by a separate spillway) or even the sea, and stagnant-ice masses. Live ice has not been identified as having acted as a base-level control in New England. Spillways underlain by bedrock clearly were the most durable, whereas those underlain by glacial drift were more subject to varying degrees of erosion. However, some spillways underlain by sand and gravel appear to have lasted for a significant time; for example, the one that presumably was the outlet for a glacial lake in Cape Cod Bay (Oldale, 1974) was used during the time several consecutive sequences were con- structed. Factors that may have contributed to such durable spillways in sand and gravel are the possible presence of ice-cored drift and a very shallow downstream gradient that may have retarded headward erosion of the spillway. Profiles.-Topographic profiles drawn in a general downstream direction can aid in distinguishing one mor- phosequence from another. Figure 2 shows profiles of four successively younger fluvial ice-contact sequences near Dunstable, Mass. (Pepperell quadrangle, Mass.-N.H.) The profiles were constructed by projecting at right angles to an approximated longitudinal centerline maximum altitudes of deposits within approx- imately 600 m on either side of the centerline. This method produces a reasonable representation of the precollapse surface by smoothing out the irregularities in deposits where adjacent or buried ice blocks melted out, as well as irregularities caused by postdepositional erosion. The idealized gradients shown in figure 2 are straight-line segments, which appear to be most com- mon for sequences mapped in New England, although upward curving of the profile near the heads of outwash is found in many deposits where collapse has not been too extensive. Profiles are very helpful in indicating the relative ages between sequences within a single drainage system, especially when used with textural data that show the relative downstream gradation of coarse to fine clast sizes. TOPOGRAPHIC CONTROL OF SEQUENCES The distribution, position, and shape of morpho- sequences were closely controlled during their deposi- tion by the topography of New England, an important factor in unravelling the chronology of ice retreat in the region. Local relief appears to have had a close relation- ship with ice thickness, as reflected in the amount of MORPHOSEQUENCE CONCEPT A AREA OF DEBRIS ACCUMULATION DETACHED ICE BLOCK: Co Pets BASE-LEVEL wss b E CONTROL Z FLUVIA CNA 'CE AREA OF DEBRIS ACCUMULATION STAGNANT ICE uve ice DETACHED SLOPE 40'/ MILE (7.6 m/k ~[_ or creater ep fo ICE BLOCKS BASE-LEVEL a § conttrot FLUVIAL BEDS C AREA OF DEBRIS ACCU7ULAYION Topser SPILWaY MAE (EVE --No ock): AREA OF DEBRIS D ACCUMULATION DETACHED uve ice __} FLUViA ice stocks fi aA FORESET BEDS SPILLWAY LAKE LEVEL | E AREA OF DEBRIS ACCUMULATION uve ice - SLOPE 40'/ MILE (7.6 m/km) OR GREATER FORESET BEDS TOPser BED SPITLWAV LAKE LEVEL pouo SM f Mee" E Semen. , Sz,..___ sor s ICE BLOCK AREA OF DEBRIS $. omc ACCUMULATION LAKE SPILWAY-FLUVIAL Iv LIve ICE BASE-LEVEL CONTROL FigurE 1. Diagrammatic profiles of morphosequences (Koteff, 1974, p. 128-129). Detached ice blocks and stagnant ice masses are sites of future collapsed ice-contact slopes. A, Fluvial ice-contact sequence. B, Fluvial non-ice-contact sequence. C, Lacustrine ice-contact se- quence. D, Fluvial-lacustrine ice-contact sequence. E, Fluvial-lacustrine non-ice-contact se- quence. F, Lacustrine-fluvial ice-contact sequence. Not shown are sequences representing a marine environment and sequences associated with an end moraine. 8 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND N I= s meters t X % - 300 80 |-- 250 70 60 -~ 200 50 Vertical exaggeration x 20 150 0 1 2 MILES | 1 I I T T I 0 1 2 3 KILOMETERS Ficuks® 2.-Profiles of four fluvial ice-contact morphosequences in the Pepperell quadrangle, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Sequence 1 is the oldest. Solid-line tangents indicate an idealized gradient for the sequences; base-level controls are south and east of the area. Dashed lines represent successive positions of the stagnant ice front; numbers refer to related sequences. Modified from Koteff and Volckmann (1973). lobation at the ice margin, particularly in the larger valleys. For example, stagnant-zone deposits and a later morphosequence near Springfield, Mass. (fig. 3), outline two positions of a lobe that extended about 8 km downvalley. The Connecticut Valley in this area has a relief of about 275 m, a width of about 24 km, and a regional slope of less than 1 m/km. Langer (1977) has demonstrated that ice recession farther south in the Connecticut Valley near Glastonbury, Conn., was simultaneous both upvalley and away from the valley walls. As the retreating stagnant-ice margin uncovered lower and lower outlets along the eastern valley border, correspondingly lower morphosequences were deposited; these deposits parallel the major structural and topographic northeast trend of the valley wall. Other valleys in New England of lesser relief and width show correspondingly less lobation of the ice margin. During retreat of the ice in the southern Merrimack Valley in New Hampshire, for example, the ice margin was lobate downvalley for about 2.5 km; the valley in this area is about 8 km wide and has a regional slope of less than 1 m/km. Topographic control of the distribution and position of morphosequences cannot be demonstrated for all areas in New England because many upland areas contain no melt-water deposits at all. However, wherever mor- phosequences are found throughout New England, even slight topographic irregularities have influenced their shape, position, and distribution by providing temporary basins and outlets or base-level controls for melt water. There are some notable examples in which melt-water deposits themselves dammed valleys; for example, the drift dam for glacial Lake Hitchcock at Rocky Hill, Conn. (Flint, 1933, p. 977-978; Jahns and Willard, 1942, p. 281). The dams created depositional basins and outlets for later sedimentation, but the positions of these drift dams were controlled by the local topography. MASSACHUSETTS Area of z figure 3 42°05 Till and # bedrock upland __ CONN onn | 42°00 eg 0 1 2 MILES 0 1 2 3 KILOMETERS EXPLANATION -w w w- - Stagnant-ice Sz Stagnant zone margin 1 melt-water deposits -w-w-v~ - Stagnant-ice 2======- - Flow lines of fluvial margin 2 lacustrine deposits Ficur® 3.-Part of the Springfield South quadrangle, Massachusetts and Connecticut, showing downwvalley lobation of two retreatal posi- tions of ice. Stagnant-zone deposits were laid down entirely within the stagnant margin during the earlier and more southerly retreatal ice position. Modified from Hartshorn and Koteff (1967). STAGNATION-ZONE RETREAT 9 STAGNATION-ZONE RETREAT EVIDENCE FOR A STAGNANT MARGIN The most conspicuous features that mark retreatal ice positions in New England are the heads of outwash of fluvial or lacustrine ice-contact melt-water deposits. Most of the deformation structures exposed in nearly all the ice-contact heads in scores of mapped morpho- sequences resulted essentially from collapse due to melting of adjacent or buried motionless ice. The only ice-contact heads of outwash that indicate the presence of live ice are those associated with end moraines, which are very scarce except in the coastal areas of New England. The collapse structures include normal faults, high-angle reverse faults, slumps, and debris flows. In some graben structures, the upper parts of the fault planes curve over the downdropped blocks and become reverse faults (fig. 4). In some exposures, only the upper curved parts of such faults are exposed, giving an ap- pearance of overthrusting that possibly could be con- fused with ice shove. However, the collapse origin of these types of structures becomes clear for the most part at depth. McDonald and Shilts (1975) described many such normal and reverse faults resulting from col- lapse due to melting ice in glaciofluvial sediments. Stone (1976) described extraordinarily complex slump features (fig. 5) caused by melting of ice in glacial-lake sediments. These are just a few examples of faults and slumps that demonstrate the prevailing style of deformation throughout the region: this style of deformation strong- ly indicates that the ice margin was stagnant where it was in contact with morphosequences in a variety of depositional environments. FicurE 4.-Fault structures in two areas of collapsed glacial-lake sed- iments, Merrimack, N. H.; the collapse resulted from melting of buried ice. A, Curve of faults becomes less toward the center of col- lapse to the left. B, Downdropped sediments are to the right of the curving fault. The heads of outwash of sequences laid down beyond the ice margin contain either few or no collapse features, depending on the relative abundance of stray, detached, ice blocks. No evidence of ice-shove or live-ice structures has been found either in the upstream areas of such sequences or at the presumed ice margin from which these deposits originated. Although most morphosequences were laid down at and beyond the edge of the stagnant margin of the glacier, water-laid bodies deposited completely within the stagnant-ice zone are present in many places. The stagnation-zone deposits near Springfield, Mass. (fig.3), for example, contain sand, gravel, and flowtill that show only collapse structures. These and other similar deposits appear to represent sedimentation entirely within, and having a base level controlled by, stagnant ice. In contrast, most morphosequences have headward parts that were laid down within the stagnant zone, but had base levels beyond the ice edge, suggesting that 10 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND Ficur® 5.-Slump features in sediments of glacial Lake Merrimack, Manchester, N. H. Folding and shearing probably were caused by melting of buried ice to the left of the section. Note later undisturbed sediments over slumped features. Photograph by Byron D. Stone. most melt-water drainage within the stagnant zone was integrated with that of the ice-free proglacial areas. EVIDENCE FOR THE PRESENCE OF LIVE ICE DEFINITION OF END MORAINE The terms "moraine" and "end moraine" often have been used ambiguously to describe various features in New England that were constructed at the edge of an ice sheet. This ambiguity has hampered discussions on the regimen of the ice sheet during recession. For exam- ple, the term "kame moraine" has been applied to deposits in southeastern Massachusetts that no doubt were laid down entirely within the stagnant zone. As mentioned above, Alden (1924) used the word "moraine" to describe what are now viewed as ice-contact melt- water deposits. Large bodies of melt-water deposits in the St. Lawrence Valley in Canada and in the Finger Lakes region in New York are referred to as moraines. Although these are very striking features, large parts of them appear to be parts of one or another type of mor- phosequence. On the other hand, the word "moraine" has been more properly used in describing features associated with or built at the edge of live ice in many places. Therefore, within the conceptual framework of the morpho- sequence model and stagnation-zone retreat, it seems more appropriate that the terms "moraine" and "end moraine" be applied only to features that were con- structed, at least in part, by live ice, so as to distinguish them from morphosequences and stagnant-zone melt- water deposits. Such a distinction is important because knowledge of the distribution of live ice relative to the stagnant margin during ice retreat helps us to under- stand the glacier regimen. LOCALITIES OF LIVE-ICE FEATURES Although the physical characteristics and positions of most melt-water deposits in New England suggest that a predominantly stagnant marginal zone was part of the receding ice sheet, a few localities inland from the coastal areas indicate that live ice either constructed end moraines or readvanced over melt-water deposits at various times during general ice recession. The bulk of the well-known morainal system that stretches from Long Island, N.Y., to Cape Cod, Mass. (fig. 6), appears to have been formed near the maximum extent of the glacier, which roughly coincides with the coastal areas of southern New England. Even on this large scale, topographic control of ice lobation and related deposits is very evident; the pronounced eastward lobation of the morainal belt was due to the successively deeper topographic basins in that direction. Well-defined moraines also have been identified parallel to and along the coast of Maine (Borns, 1968). Inland from the coast, the few known end moraines (fig. 6) include the Fresh Pond moraine (Chute, 1959) near Boston, a small end moraine near Hardwick, Mass., and a very short, seg- ment of a probable end moraine near South Coventry, Conn. The South Coventry feature has been interpreted as a melt-water deposit laid down in a system of regionally stagnating ice (Black and Frankel, 1976; Black, 1977), but the presence of till and the morphology of the ridge there suggest that it is rather a moraine con- structed at least in part by live ice. Thompson (1976) described some hitherto unknown moraines inland from coastal Maine in Kennebec County. Readvance localities (fig. 6) not associated with end moraines include the Middletown readvance in the Con- necticut River valley (Flint, 1953), a readvance near Mt. Tom, Mass. (Larsen, 1972), and a minor readvance near Manchester, N.H. (Stone and Koteff, 1979). The Man- chester locality shows till overlying sheared and de- formed lake-bottom sediments (fig. 7) and is interpreted as a minor local pulse of the ice sheet over deposits of glacial Lake Merrimack, which occupied south-central New Hampshire during the general retreat of the last glacier. Lougee (1935) described a readvance farther north, near East Barnet, Vt., over varved clays deposited in glacial Lake Hitchcock. Connally (1970) demonstrated that to the west, ice readvanced near Bridport, Vt. Bloom (1960) reported a readvance over marine sediments along the southwest coast of Maine. These localities are most of the known, well- documented examples of end moraines and ice read- vances. Other possible readvance localities in New Hampshire were recorded by Upham (1878) and Crosby (1934), but were later dismissed by Goldthwait (1938). Whether these localities are actual readvance sites, STAGNATION-ZONE RETREAT 11 MAINE CMN gy T 5 GJ | VERMONT EBr,’ ll eV (P i. \ < felt ccs / MASSACHUSETTS 1 1 @ HM FPM q / eM" 1 r-- ei saye eol o £ ae I RHODI? P 1 __ connecticut \ sq. Y*C sm Cape Cod 1 eS°9 - CMy g - I e M\ he -a 7 _,‘J Martha's Vineyard f 22% PAM BBM", -* NMé Nantucket Island ) K » a antucket Islan CM rBIock Island 50 HIJU MILES I I T 50 100 150 KILOMETERS o--o Ficurk 6.-Distribution of Wisconsinan moraines and ice-readvance localities in New England, B, Bridport readvance; BBM, Buzzards Bay moraine; CM, Charlestown moraine; C-MM, Cherryfield to Machias moraines; EB, East Barnet readvance; EM, Ellisville moraine; FPM, Fresh Pond moraine; GQM, Great Quittacas Pond moraine; HHM, Harbor Hill moraine; HM, Hardwick moraine; KM, Kennebec moraines; KK, Kennebunk readvance; LM, Ledyard moraine; MA, Manchester readvance; MI, Middletown readvance; MT, Mount Tom readvance; NM, Nantucket moraine; PJM, Point Judith moraine; RM, Ronkonkoma moraine; SCM, South Coventry moraine; SM, Sandwich moraine. Moraines on Long Island and along southern New England coast modified from Schafer and Hartshorn (1965). 12 SYSTEMATIC Figure 7.-Till overlying sheared and rotated glacial-lake bottom sediments, Manchester, N.H. Relative movement from right to left. Photograph by Grahame J. Larson. therefore, remains in doubt. Although, almost assured- ly, other places in New England show evidence of an ac- tive edge to the retreating Laurentide ice sheet, the relative scarcity of such localities is apparent throughout New England. All the well documented in- land recessional moraines and readvance localities are interpreted as strictly local features. That is, the distance covered by any single readvance, although not precisely known, is probably not more than a few kilometers (Larsen, 1972; Stone and Koteff, 1979). In a regionally stagnating system, however, a very large area of ice (of regional proportions) would have to be reactivated for each readvance; each readvance would be followed by an interlude of stagnation. The widespread distribution of the known localities, scarce as they are, and the apparent short distances involved in the ice readvances indicate that live ice was never far from the stagnant margin during deglaciation. MODE OF ICE RETREAT Morphosequences have been recognized and mapped in many parts of southern, central, and northern New England, in large and small depositional basins, as well as in many upland areas. Because of the relative scarcity of live-ice features such as end moraines and readvance localities away from the coast, the only indicators of retreatal ice-margin positions in most of the region are the outwash heads of the sequences themselves. The abundance of morphosequences and the scarcity of localities that demonstrate a live-ice edge suggest that a zone of stagnant ice bordered the live ice of the con- tinental glacier and acted as a buffer between the active ice and melt-water deposits. This model is called "stagnation-zone retreat" (Currier, 1941). ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND The width of the stagnant zone is not well known, but can be estimated from the length of eskers or ice- channel fillings that served as feeders to melt-water deposits within a single sequence. In New England, all ice-channel fillings, some of which are as much as 2.5 km long (Koteff, 1974), show collapse structures indicative of contact with stagnant ice. However wide the stagnant zone was, it appears to have been a persistent feature of the receding ice sheet in the region. The careful study of hundreds of morphosequences in scores of inland quadrangles within southern New England demonstrates a systematic and chronologic relationship among sequences; this relationship, in turn, indicates that the northward retreat of the last ice sheet was systematic and was interrupted by only a few pauses or small readvances at scattered localities throughout the region. This systematic relationship is il- lustrated by the shingled profiles of sequences in drainage areas such as those shown in figure 2; it is perhaps even better illustrated by the shingled profiles of deltas in glacial lakes, particularly of deltas deposited in glacial lakes that were maintained at the same level for a considerable time. For example, figure 8 outlines profiles of several successive deltas laid down during the Clinton stage of glacial Lake Nashua in north-central Massachusetts. This lake was held at the same level by a bedrock spillway for the amount of time it took for the ice margin to recede north more than 13 km. The topset fluvial part of each of these deltas shows a general tex- tural gradation of relatively coarser clast sizes at the ite- marginal head to finer downstream. The combination of a persistent lake with several deltas of melt-water deposits that are graded to a constant water level, that show en echelon or shingled profiles, and that have coarse clasts upstream and smaller particles downstream can best be explained by systematic ice retreat. THE DIRT MACHINE In previous discussions on whether deglaciation in New England was accomplished by regional stagnation or systematic ice retreat, little attention was given to the source of debris washed out of glacier ice by melt- water streams. However, ideas on the source of this sediment, whether from stagnant ice or from actively flowing ice, are closely related to ideas concerning the mode of ice retreat. The morphosequence concept has led to a view of debris origin that favors systematic ice retreat rather than regional stagnation. Regional stagnation requires that the motionless ice, covering vast areas, contained enough material to sup- ply the large amounts of sediment deposited by melt- water streams during general ice wastage. Much of the THE DIRT MACHINE 13 S - ~ / 4 N METERS #A e s y A METERS 125 Foreshortened / 2 / 3 ,; 4 7 -125 about 1.5 km 1 4 W Me o cnm k. r’ ; ”Ff 7 \//l ¢ T x 100 V / /A //|1 ///J I- 100 Vertical exaggeration x 20 0 | | I 0 1 |- 75 2 MILES ] T £ 2 3 KILOMETERS Ficur® 8.-Profiles of four successively younger lacustrine ice-contact sequences (kame deltas) in the Clinton quadrangle, Mass. Sequence 1 is the oldest. Solid triangle represents bedrock spillway. Dashed lines indicate approximate edges of stagnant ice. Modified from Koteff (1966). Ficurk 9.-Debris-rich terminal zones and clean ice upglacier to the firn line in modern glaciers. A, Tebenkof Glacier near Whittier, Alaska. B, From left to right, Scott Glacier, Sheridan Glacier, and Sherman Glacier near Cordova, Alaska. Wide area of debris covering on Sherman Glacier snout resulted from landslide during earthquake of March 27, 1964 (Shreve, 1966). Photographs taken August 1975. material would have had to be distributed in englacial or superglacial positions to account for the present posi- tions and altitudes of melt-water deposits. Most studies of debris transport by glaciers, however, indicate that the bulk of material is carried at the base or in the lower few meters of ice sheets (Goldthwait, 1971; Boulton, Dent, and Morris, 1974; Boulton, 1975). Present valley glaciers (for example, in Alaska) also seem to be ex- tremely dirty or debris laden only at their snouts (fig. 9). If any of these valley glaciers, and, by analogy, continen- tal glaciers, were suddenly to stagnate and dissipate, the major debris source would be in the basal parts and at the snout or edge, but not in any other part of the glacier. The altitude, position, and volume of morpho- sequences in New England suggest that regional stagnation is unlikely to have supplied the debris necessary to account for their systematic and widespread distribution. Many thick morphosequences are found all across the area and not just at the hypothetical edge of a regionally stagnating ice sheet. Superglacial debris such as scree or other material derived by mass movement from adjacent valley walls is found locally on the surface of most present-day alpine glaciers (fig. 10), and debris produced by similar proc- esses can be considered as a possible source for outwash deposits from a regionally stagnating glacier. In many areas of New England, however, the altitude of mor- phosequences and the large sediment volume within them are not consistent with this concept. For example, most of the preglacial landscape of southeastern Massachusetts and of many parts of Rhode Island is completely overwhelmed by water-laid deposits whose lithologic composition strongly reflects the local bedrock. These deposits are at altitudes much greater than those of the highest local bedrock; thus, there was no high source area from which rock debris could move down onto the surface of the ice and subsequently be washed out by streams. Furthermore, the volumes of water-laid drift in New England appear to be much larger than volumes that could have come from such 14 FigurE 10.-Scree on the Casement Glacier, Glacier Bay National | Monument, Alaska. Figure in center of picture indicates scale. Photograph taken July 1975. surface debris, even where it may have accumulated locally. Scree on the surface of some existing valley glaciers has an imposing appearance, but is only a very thin surface layer where present (fig. 11) and, therefore, seems a very unlikely source of large amounts of debris. A process that appears to account for the large volumes of material that compose morphosequences and that is compatible with the systematic distribution of se- quences is one in which the live ice continuously moves forward and is sheared up against the motionless marginal belt of the stagnant zone (fig. 12). Thinning of the ice sheet at the edge accompanying general reces- sion results either in marginal ice no longer thick enough to support forward motion or in a significantly reduced rate of motion in this zone. The marginal ice then becomes an obstruction to the faster moving ice Area of active debris accumulation (see figures 13 and 14) Live ice Bedrock or older drift SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND FiGURE 11.-Detached ice block, Casement Glacier, showing only thin surface covering of debris. Sides of the block have been partly covered by mud flowing from the ice surface during melting. Photograph taken July 1975. » behind it, forcing the upward shearing of the live ice, and tending to further promote stagnation of the slower moving ice. Abraded material transported at the base of the ice is carried upward toward the surface along these shear planes. During continuous retreat, the zone of active shearing migrates up ice, leaving behind debris-laden relict shear planes in the stagnant zone. As the ice melts, the debris in the relict shear planes is concentrated at the stagnant margin. Melt-water streams, principally from the sur- face of the live ice, pass through the concentration of debris, picking up material and depositing it in, and mostly beyond, the stagnant zone as morphosequences. Pebble lithologies indicate that most outwash clasts in New England were transported no more than a few kilometers from the bedrock source. Thus, the zone of Stagnant ice (stagnant zone) FIGURE 12.-Diagrammatic profile of margin of retreating ice. Solid lines (arrows) indicate shear planes along the live-ice/stagnant-ice interface; dashed lines in the stagnant zone indicate relict shear planes of former live-ice/stagnant-ice interfaces. SUMMARY 15 maximum ice abrasion probably was not very far from the margin of the glacier throughout deglaciation. Whatever debris that was not reworked and carried out beyond the stagnant zone by fluvial action probably ended up mostly as ablation till, let down as the mo- tionless ice melted away. Very qualitative observations indicate that most of the surface till in New England was transported no more than about 1.5 km from its bedrock source. This small transport distance also sug- gests that the zone of maximum abrasion was near the edge of the live ice. The extreme angularity of seree, such as that found on the Casement Glacier (fig. 10), also appears to preclude scree as a significant source of material. Although scat- tered local postglacial talus accumulations have very angluar clasts, very few of the boulders and stones of the till landscape of New England, including all areas of superglacial till, approach the degree of angularity found in modern analogs such as the Casement Glacier. Features interpreted to be shear planes were found near the distal parts of the Casement Glacier in 1975, slightly up ice from the stagnant margin (figs. 13 and 14). The shear planes contain boulder-size to silt-size clasts. The roundness of the clasts in these shear planes, which may have resulted from abrasive transport at the base of the glacier, is much greater than that of clasts in the scree shown in figure 10, which is merely riding along on the glacier surface. No quantitative data are available on the amounts of material that could have been brought up along such shear planes; however, we do see that only the distal part of the Casement Glacier (fig. 15) contains appreciable debris. The idea that debris is carried upward along shear planes at the live-ice/stagnant-ice interface of a glacier is certainly not new, and we think it readily explains present altitudes and thicknesses of morphosequences found in New England where no higher source now ex- ists. The continuous process of forward-moving ice sup- plying debris for redistribution by melt-water streams also appears to explain the enormous volumes of sand, gravel, silt, and clay now found in sequences throughout New England. The live ice acting as a conveyor belt, constantly delivering material to the stagnant zone, has been referred to as the "dirt machine" (Koteff, 1974). SUMMARY The long-standing controversy over the nature of recession of the last ice sheet to overrun New England, whether by regional stagnation or "normal" retreat, became more sharply focused by the work of R. H. Jahns in the early 1940's. This work, on newly introduced, detailed topographic base maps, and later studies, chief- ly by members of the U.S. Geological Survey, began to shift the weight of the argument toward the view of nor- mal retreat, at the same time incorporating some aspects of regional stagnation such as the presence of a stagnant zone at the margin of a systematically receding ice sheet. The model, now called the morphosequence concept, demonstrates the presence of numerous retreatal ice-margin positions. The importance of topographic control of the distribution of melt-water sediments is emphasized, rather than the effects of climatically controlled stillstands of the continental glacier. Furthermore, the distribution, altitude, and volume of melt-water deposits strongly suggest that live ice delivered abraded material from below, up along shear planes at the live-ice/stagnant-ice interface, as a continuous process during retreat. Direct melting out of rock debris from stagnant ice masses contributed only minor amounts of sediment to the glacial melt-water deposits. The relatively narrow width of the stagnant zone is defined according to maximum length of elongate ice- contact forms such as eskers and ice-channel fillings at the heads of individual sequences. The proximity of ac- tive glacier ice to the stagnant zone during deglaciation is suggested by the relatively few, but widely scattered, localities at which end moraines or evidence of minor glacier readvances are present. Detailed surficial mapping of 7%/&-min quadrangles over all major parts of southern and central New England has shown the widespread distribution of mor- phosequences and their relation to ice margins during deglaciation, and has demonstrated that the Laurentide ice sheet retreated systematically northward by the process of stagnation-zone retreat. 16 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND s FIGURE 13.-Shear planes containing debris, Casement Glacier. A, Axe at intersection of shear plane with ice surface. Iron-rich debris, derived from a local source, traveled up shear plane dipping to left. B, Extension of shear-plane intersection with the ice surface. Iron-rich debris contrasts with gray scree carried along the ice surface. SUMMARY Figcur® 13.-Continued. C and D, Shear planes containing locally derived iron-rich debris in an area of the Casement Glacier where scree is absent. Shear zone appears to pinch out in foreground of C. Moraine in distance has a core of ice. Shear planes in C and D dip to the right. Photographs taken July 1975. 17 18 SYSTEMATIC ICE RETREAT IN NEW ENGLAND # FIGURE 14.-Debris on Casement Glacier derived from shear planes _ Figur® 14.-Continued. B, Shear plane in ice dipping to the left. Note near the area shown in figure 13. A, Axe on intersection of glacier that the large clasts along the shear plane are much rounder than the surface and shear plane that dips sharply up ice to the right. Debris clasts in the scree shown in figure 10. Photographs taken July 1975. is concentrated left of the axe, and the surface debris zone can be traced toward the viewer. Morainal debris near center of the glacier is a thin surface accumulation. Debris covering the area at the edge of the glacier is interpreted as having been derived chiefly from the dirt machine, as explained in the text. REFERENCES CITED 19 FigURE 15.-Continued. REFERENCES CITED Alden, W. 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Photography by Mel Ruder, Hungry Horse News, Columbia Falls, Montana. Published through the courtesy of the photographer. Grinnell and Sperry Glaciers, Glacier National Park, Montana- A Record of Vanishing Ice By ARTHUR JOHNSON GEOLOGECAL - SURVEY -PROFESSIONAELE - PAPER 1 1 8 0 Recorded observations, during approximately 80 years, of the shrinkage of the two largest glaciers in Glacier National Park UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1980 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Johnson, Arthur, 1903- Grinnell and Sperry Glaciers, Glacier National Park, Montana (Geological Survey Professional Paper 1180) Bibliography: p. 29 Supt. of Docs. no.: I 1916: 1. Grinnell Glacier, Mont. 2. Sperry Glacier, Mont. 3. Glacier National Park. I. Title. II. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1180 GB2425.M9163 551.3'12'0978652 80-607150 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS Page Page LIES: r... : REA T sla dan ab ara kerr 4 rak + na pine 1 Grinnell Glacier-Continued Introduction > 2, .u aa lal arine ch aa cn rh a n bale s Abr aln dr's 1 Precipitation :and runoff 15 Summary of 1 Vegetative 19 . cn clon aeon a ne es nea en aed 2 Sperry rns 20 Climatea has, .: on..:. s. callie sams sew an eg ans a a as o. iis eg ad 3 % mor s s Location:and accessibility.......................... 20 Grinnell 20.1 ..:, serra usan cas bane males 5 & 44; A cul: Discovery and early descriptions ................... 20 Location and accessibility ....................1...}.... 5 § % ? ra sss s .s 21 Discovery and early descriptions ..................... 5 & 3 ATCA :s .n err eaid ance rains 21 Pictorial record ira bas 6 ; Recession ir n.rs rs ss 22 ATCA TELE. o.. 0. aad in naik re a nen aL ba nie sin £9 ananas a 6 A 12 cRA sk coas 26 MecessI0n ... vet or caa rareras bra 7 a ; * Fluctuations in surface elevation ................... 26 Movement r- 12 . ¢ fa 4 Profiles . s:. IM .r. iia ta dlt a gan bale a 26 Fluctuations in surface elevation ................... 12 h f Ablation :?. clay od ane 144 s sid aie a Poe s aie 29 Profiles >.>... ser. an akira ys 12 AbIALMION :?: ... 2.02. ra sen aa rh as 11°] "References Cited ..... .:: rsh eins an ad i 29 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FRONTISPIECE. Aerial photograph of upper part of Sperry Glacier, 1969. PraTE 1: Map and profiles of {Grinnell ;.. :> sss saas ass In pocket - Map and profiles of Sperty In pocket FIGURE - 1. Index map showing location of Grinnell and Sperry Glaciers. 2 2. Graphs showing annual precipitation and temperatures and departures from mean for Summit, West Glacier, andilGalispell.. ;;. 42 rr¥a ii € 212 TS AERE GP rr i sa ah ran ah Phas aas inka aba ra vat ee baa a s be r alnle pa 4 3. Photograph of George Bird Grinnell, discoverer of Grinnell Glacier kkk kkk kkk}. 5 4-8. Comparative photographs of Grinnell Glacier: 4. Grinnell Glacier from upper end of Lake Josephine, 1887 and 1952 ............................2.......... 8 5. Front :of {Grinnell Glacier,. 1857 and A969 ...... so 2.0.42. 1.1 .! -a at% a+ cr ais ears rare as aah 8 6. Grinnell Glacier from side of Mount Grinnell, 1900, 1911, 1935, and 1956 10 7. Grinnell Glacier from mountainside on the north, 1911 and 1966 kkk kkk kkk} 11 8. Crest of moraine north of Grinnell Glacier, 1911 and 1956 11 9. Graph showing mean annual elevations of segments of the profiles, Grinnell Glacier, 1950-69 .............. 14 10. Graphs of cumulative departures from mean water content at Allen Mountain snow course and mean May-September runoff for Swiftcurrent Creek at Many Glacier ................................2......... 19 11. Photograph of Lyman Beecher Sperry, discoverer of Sperry Glacier ..,. 21 12-17. Photographs of Sperry Glacier: 12. Sperry Giacier from Avalanche Ue iRa inn riisanel sri kas rasa var 22 13 Crevasses iomBperrydA3IACIEY 22 14: Sperry Glacier. October 18. 10011. ..:... .. 03. naal {real in aan sosa ra sr ia @x rak ana aa s baa srs 23 15. Terminal area of Sperry Glacier.1897 and 1969 rats 28 16. Panoramic views of Sperry Glacier from side of the Little Matterhorn, 1913 and 1956 ..................... 24 17. Terminus and terminal area of Sperry Glacier, 1913 and 1956 24 18. Photograph of moat at east side of Sperry Olacier, I918 28 VI TABLE & c N } 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. CONTENTS TABLES Page . Selected precipitation and temperature records for Summit, West Glacier, and Kalispell ....................... 3 . July and August 1960-69 temperatures and precipitation at Sperry Chalets ................................... 5 . Movement of marked rocks on Grinnell Glacier, 1947-69 12 . Mean elevations of segments of profiles at Grinnell Glacier: 4 Profile A < Glacin S8 52" a. & O Hotel _- Ugh“ 3 3 4 -e 4 S I (n o Sa o o m)fs & / N bal 7{\ 0 B [ed mount / Swiftcurrent \\ a 7,9 GRINNE LL” Lake # Lake ~ 5 i 3 «gy, Grinne Q; st} 4 N 1 CBA ALLEN mount Ro s, ___ [ MouUntTaAIN ; AZ a . OU -D Grinnell < fan >>>>>> gas g > Formation tike $35 wed & x z é FigurRE 2.-Geologic map of northern Antelope Range and location of | FIGURE 3.-Generalized Devonian and Mississippian section of the measured sections. northern Antelope Range. (See figure 5 for explanation of sym- bols.) 4 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS, NORTHERN ANTELOPE RANGE, NEVADA as a result we did not study or sample this unit as ex- tensively as our other stratigraphic units. LITHOLOGY The Beacon Peak Dolomite is remarkable for its con- sistent lithology both vertically and laterally. It is mainly light-gray, finely crystalline dolomite in beds 1/3 to 1 m thick. The beds are resistant and weather to angular blocks but do not form cliffs; rather, owing to their uniformity, they generally erode to smoothly rounded hills and knolls. The almost monotonous uniformity of the Beacon Peak is modified locally by a few finely laminated beds which alternate with massive structureless dolomite. Conodont-bearing beds of brownish-gray medium-grained petroliferous dolomite, about one-half meter thick, occur at 65 and 130 m below the top of the formation. Locally, thin lenses of quartz sandstone are present, as are thin beds of dolo- mite with abundant floating spheroidal grains of frosted quartz. DEVONIAN MISSISSIPPIAN SYSTEM Lower Middle Upper SERIES Kinderhook ian -o Upper Osagean a £8 m Oped snupyay00y 01 syousno snpouo1 t snupyay00y snpouo], U t snupyay00y t - sniygoubdjog t snupjayooy iBiequo.is 3 8 Isl 5 pupoyineo t suaosiyap 'J 01 siapsad si sumo/fis snzpons u t 4 t snaupa g-o-+ "£" sea1 je 01 snoupowtutiso SINOZ WHIHAINIWYHOI NVIddISSISSIW anv sS3NOZ 1NOG ~ONOY NVINOAIG omo7 U snougo wuufiso 'J remo samof-sod - 0; jsounamo7 Beacon Peak Dolomite McColley Canyon Formation Denay Limestone Fenstermaker Wash Formation Davis Spring Formation Kinkead Spring Formation a x A m . © is ® aS-pL86 - I sg 66 00 S-6296 -I -I - aS-BL86 -I S-€L86 - -I a§-v296 as-596 a§-4596 -I ~] t o aS-L86 -I T TT y 1 DdLLELT - 66 00 as-9596 _| aS-9186 ~ aS-8866 -I aS-pL00L sosn dézipLE _| DddELPLC - inv4 - ON 'NT109 DdLIPLE - Ozarkodina johnsoni e Icriodus huddlei celtibericus _ I. h.? n. subsp. oa -e e----s+ Pandorinellina exigua philipi 0 Pandorinellina steinhomensis miae Polygnathus gronbergi Ieriodus comiger o n Polygnathus parawebbi Tortodus kockelianus subsp. indet. & Polygnathus linguiformis linguiformis & Polygnathus trigonicus Tortodus kockelianus kockelianus Polygnathus cf. P. robusticostatus & Polygnathus cf. P. xylus xylus Polygnathus varcus e Polygnathus decorosus s. 1. Polygnathus norisi Pandorinellina insita Ancyrodelia cf. A. buckeyensis Icriodus symmetricus Palmatolepis cf. P. proversa Palmatolepis cf. P. hassi Coleodus ? sp. Icriodids Palmatolepis glabra Palmatolepis spp. Polygnathus semicostatus Bispathodids Pseudopolygnathids Polygnathus communis Siphonodella duplicata Siphonodella isostichia Gnathodus punctatus 001 o 3 0 SAIIN | SIN3W373 43070 HO NVINOA3G €311S043034 0 t (SNON39I0N! 38 AVW NVIddISSISSIW anv NVINOA3Gq IWOS) SLN3W373 SLN3W373 NVIddISSISSIW (¢)SNON39I0NI FIGURE 4.-Chart showing distribution of biostratigraphically useful conodonts. DEVONIAN STRATIGRAPHY 5 BIOSTRATIGRAPHY The Beacon Peak Dolomite is lithologically identical to and coextensive with the Sevy Dolomite of eastern Nevada and western Utah. The basal meter of the Sevy Dolomite of western Utah has yielded a diverse marine fauna, including Paleocyclus identified by W. Oliver (written commun., 1961). Conodonts have also been obtained from about 30 and 34 m above the base of the Sevy in the Kings Canyon area of the Confusion Range (Matti, 1978), and gastropods from about 60 m above the base. Osmond (1954) reported the coral Halysites from the lower Sevy of the Egan Range, Nev. Osmond (1962) attributes to J. G. Johnson identification of Late Silurian marine fossils from the Sevy of the Pahranagat Range. Although such occurrences are unusual, they indicate either a marine origin for at least parts of the Beacon Peak and Sevy or that marine faunas were transported from nearby in tidal channels. Two brownish-gray dolomite beds at 65 and 130 m below the top of the Beacon Peak Dolomite were sampled for conodonts. The lower sample yielded representatives of Pseudoneotodus beckmanni (Bischoff and Sannemann) and Ozarkodina remscheidensis? Ziegler, the latter indicating an age range of very latest Silurian to Early Devonian (into the Ozarkodina n. sp. D Zone of Klapper, 1977). The upper sample (USGS colln. 9657-98D, fig. 4) yielded abundant representatives of Ozarkodina aff. O. johnsoni Klapper indicating the Ozarkodina n. sp. D Zone or Pedavis pesavis Zone of the Lower Devonian. FACIES AND ENVIRONMENTS OF DEPOSITION Osmond (1962) interpreted the Beacon Peak-Sevy depositional site to have been shallow ponds and mud flats, the sediment being derived from an upland of Cambrian and Ordovician carbonate rocks to the east. He interpreted the laminations as the result of filling of shallow depressions within the mud flats, but did not specify whether the provenance carbonate was dolo- mite or limestone. In fact, the Beacon Peak-Sevy depositional environ- ment was more comparable to that of western Andros Island in the Bahamas, where dolomite is forming today in supratidal flats. In the Bahamas, as Folk and Land (1975) point out, gypsum is not accumulating in the supratidal flats owing to the higher rainfall and lower rates of evaporation, and they suggest that the dolomite may form from dilution of normal seawater by wet-season,rain water. Stable isotope analyses of two specimens from the Beacon Peak are as follows: Sample ®o (sMOW) "C (PDB) Yield CO2 Ar-1 +25.60°/00 _ -0.0002"/ 00 90 percent Ar-2 +25.02°/so - +0.18"/ os 89 percent These values indicate that the carbonate formed in marine waters. McCOLLEY CANYON FORMATION In the Sulphur Springs Range, Carlisle, Murphy, Nel- son, and Winterer (1957) named the sequence of limestone above the Lone Mountain Dolomite and be- neath a quartzite sequence, the McColley Canyon Member of the Nevada Formation. Johnson later (1962) elevated the McColley Canyon to formation rank. In the northern Fish Creek Range, an equivalent but thinner unit above the Beacon Peak Dolomite and below a sandstone unit was called the Grays Canyon Limestone Member of the Nevada Formation by Nolan and others (1974). In the northern Antelope Range we follow Johnson's (1962) usage for the McColley Can- yon Formation where it rests on the Beacon Peak Dolo- mite but is not overlain by sandstone. LITHOLOGY The McColley Canyon Formation is about 200 m thick and forms slopes that are broken here and there by thin ledges (fig. 5). It is composed of nearly all lime- stone except the lower 10 m, which is light-brownish- gray, fine-grained, organic detrital and fossiliferous dolomite. The basal one-half meter of this dolomite contains floating quartz sand grains almost certainly reworked from the underlying Beacon Peak Dolomite. Most of the remaining rock is light-yellowish-gray to brownish-gray platy argillaceous limestone, mainly wackestone with minor packstone and dolomitic pel- letal packstone. Calcareous shale is common 10 to 15 m above the base of the formation. The wackestone con- tains pellets of indeterminate origin and comminuted echinoderm and brachiopod debris. Both packstone and wackestone have the same kinds of clasts. The upper 19 m of the McColley Canyon is an encrinite or crinoidal packstone, containing abundant distinctive crinoid columnals with double "axial" canals. Similar crinoidal limestone is present at Lone Mountain, 48 km to the north, in Merriam's (1973) Nevada Formation unit 3. The encrinite, which forms a resistant rounded bench, has a sharp contact with the wackestone. Transmission and scanning electron micrographs of specimens are shown in plate 1. Insoluble residues from the McColley Canyon contain abundant sponge spicules (pl. 2, fig. B), and sub- rounded to rounded quartz grains (pl. 5, fig. F) in the 400- to 500-um size range. Quartz, which makes up 1-5 percent of the unit, appears uniformly distributed throughout. The contact between the McColley Canyon Formation and the underlying Beacon Peak Dolomite is charac- terized by light-gray dense dolomite below and light- olive-gray medium-grained dolomite directly above DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS, NORTHERN ANTELOPE RANGE, NEVADA 3JUHNLX3L anv A9O710HLN seyjnoids pues 'zrbw7gg >%6-1 pues z abunoo1 a. %g-, pues PA S. Ea. oer SHILIW NI 'SS3NMOIHL 160 150 140 - 130 7 120 l NOLLVWHO4 ayuojog yeaq uooeeg 'ON soSsn 9817-SD 9855-SD 9638-SD 9811-SD 9657-SD IJUNLXIL anv A9O710HLN -_- |9813-SD o_ [A - H Vt fizz? HHH HHKHHHEA +x. LWW o aa K [=] ya fos & E3 3 P |as18-sD paiaaod 3 T t- T Sy3L3W NI 'SSINYOIHL 3170 7 340 7 320 -£ 310 - 300 - 290 280 - 270 - 260 p- 210 - 200 -z 190 - NOILVWNHO4 guo;saw17] 'ON 'N1109 sosn 9814-SD a m A & 9819-SD 9641-SD 9640-SD 3UHNLX3L anv A90710HLN a. |O pues |A. %GL 'ab ww g'p 'ab -g pues ww g'q \ [®, %OL mb w I E B |9642-SD mo 6 b $ lal Seon R H b B A <] [xX T C r r z X. co = x _ &@ Sy3LI3W NI 'SSINNOIHL I & [el [tel I & 5 u 490 f 4,4» & C& el I o co < 470 - 460 “157 A| <> 450 7 440 7 420 7 a0 £4 400 4 390 - 380 7 NOILVNHO4 uonewno4 YSe» 'ON 'N1109 sosn 9815-SD 3HNLXIL anv A9O710HLN 9656-SD el ayo oN Eros ME (9 yoyo uiyL P |9648-SD |- 430 - _ [6] 7 paiaaod | * Sy3LIIW NI 'SSINNOIHL 630 45 620 -+ 610 42... * 600 590 - 580 - 570 -f NOILVWNHO4 uonewno4 bunds siaegq _ 'ON 'N10D sosn 9647-SD 9988-SD 9972-SD 9648-SD 9646-SD FIGURE 5.-Stratigraphic section of Devonian formations of northern Antelope Range showing lithology and microfossil collections. DEVONIAN STRATIGRAPHY T. that gives way higher in the section to micrite and then to packstone. The McColley Canyon Formation forms slopes with scattered ledges in contrast to the ledge- forming Beacon Peak. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Ten samples from the McColley Canyon yielded conodonts (pl. 7, fig. 5). All samples contain an icriodid-panderodid-pseudoneotodid biofacies, characteristic of warm, shallow water, of which 90-95 percent are species of Icriodus (see Weddige and Ziegler, 1976). Only samples from 115 m above the base of the formation and higher contain representatives of Pandorinellina and (or) Polygnathus. Ichthyoliths are rare to common in all ten samples. The base of the McColley Canyon Formation contains abundant icriodids, most of which conform to the de- scription of Icriodus huddlei celtibericus Carls and Gand] (1969) (pl. 7, figs 1-3, 8, 9) and are the same as I. h. curvicauda of Klapper (1977) (Gilbert Klapper, oral commun., 1979). Within the icriodid population, however, there are several large icriodontan elements that are wider and have better developed spurs along the inner posterior margin than typical specimens of I. Ah. celtibericus; these are designated I. A.? n. subsp. (pl. 7, figs. 4, 5). In addition to icriodids, the lower part of the McColley Canyon contains a few representatives of Ozarkodina excavata (Branson and Mehl), panderodids, and pseudoneotodids. These, with the exception of O. excavata, are the only conodonts in the samples from the lower 63 m of the formation, and of these, only I. A. celtibericus is of biostratigraphic value. Its presence in- dicates that the lower 63 m of the McColley Canyon is probably no older than the Eognathodus sulcatus sul- catus Zone but could be as young as the Polygnathus dehiscens Zone based on the co-occurrence of I. h. cel- tibericus with indices of the E. sulcatus sulcatus and E. sulcatus n. subsp. in other sections of the lower McCol- ley Canyon Formation in central Nevada (Klapper, 1977, figs. 3, 5) and with P. dehiscens in succeeding collections in our section. Additional information on the lower age limit of the McColley Canyon comes from a conodont collection 60 m below the top of the underly- ing Beacon Peak Dolomite (USGS colln. 9657-SD) where it is contiguous with our measured section. The only conodonts in this collection are representatives of Ozarkodina aff. O. johnsoni Klapper, which indicates the Ozarkodina n. sp. D zone or Pedavis pesavis Zone. The Early Devonian age of this collection and the thick- ness of undated strata between it and the base of the McColley Canyon is compatible with our Early Devo- nian age determination for the lower McColley Canyon. The next collection, from 115 m above the base of the McColley Canyon, contains the same abundant ic- riodids and, significantly, a few representatives of Pandorinellina exigua philipi (Klapper) (pl. 7, figs. 10, 11) and one specimen of Polygnathus dehiscens Philip and Jackson. This sample is indicative of the P. dehis- | cens Zone of Klapper (1977). A sample from 142 m above the base of the formation contains specimens of Pandorinellina steinhornensis miqe (Bultynck) and Polygnathus gronbergi, both of which also occur at 153 m above the base of the formation together with speci- mens that represent a form transitional between P. de- EXPLANATION COMPOSITION, IN PERCENT CARBONATE PARTICLES 0 10 50 90 100 Dolomite OTHER THAN FOSSILS | [ l ' f yr pe {or Coated particles I T L L L L / / / Size mm Mud | One layer | More than . one layer 100 90 Dolomitic 50 Calcitic 10 0 Limestone sma 77 _ Superficial |___Ooid Limestone limestone dolomite Dolomite Granule - 0 ooid © ett 0-0 A - : > om f pase 40 _s roos Shale Sandstone Conglom- Chert in erate limestone. SYMBOLS FOR FOSSIL PARTICLES and dolomite sm CD -.o--.°J 1 $99 I EEC-D933 Calcareous algae Corals Nodular Carbonate _ Nodular limestone 5 agl. B [T chert lithoclast in shale ponge spicules & & TEXTURE Smaller foraminifers Brachiopods * @ M-Lime mudstone Echinoderm Ostracodes W - Wackestone ® P -Packstone Calcispheres G -Grainstone D -Dolomite 5.-Continued 8 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS, NORTHERN ANTELOPE RANGE, NEVADA hiscens and P. gronbergi. Both samples also contain I¢c- riodus heddlei celtibericus together with a late form of I. h.? n. subsp. that has developed a bilatericresid out- line (a well-developed anteriorly projecting inner post- erior spur; pl. 7, figs 6 and 7). This interval is assigned to the P. gronbergi Zone and may even belong in the lower part of this zone where P. gronbergi, P. dehiscens, and P. s. migqe are known to occur together (Klapper, 1977, fig. 3). The highest sample from the McColley Canyon, from 183 m above its base, contains chiefly representatives of Icriodus corniger Wittekindt (pl. 7, figs. 16, 17) as well as a few polygnathid fragments that are indeter- minate at the species level. The icriodids indicate a post-Polygnathus gronbergi, pre-Tortodus kockelianus kockelianus age; this interval encompasses the Lower: Middle Devonian transition. Thus, the McColley Can- yon Formation in the northern Antelope is of late Early Devonian age and may extend slightly into the Middle Devonian. Klapper (1977) reported that the top of the McColley Canyon Formation at Lone Mountain lies within the Polygnathus serotinus Zone and is of Early Devonian age. FACIES AND ENVIRONMENT OF DEPOSITION The McColley Canyon Formation in the northern An- telope Range contains abundant well-preserved tabu- late corals and some rugose corals in addition to abun- dant brachiopods. These assemblages suggest warm shallow marine depositional areas, perhaps sheltered lagoons with free access to marine waters and scattered patch reefs. The accumulation of lime mud precludes strongly agitated waters. In 1977, Gilbert Klapper established a Lower Devo- nian and a preliminary Middle Devonian conodont zo- nation in central Nevada in limestone (including the type section of the McColley Canyon Formation) that were interpreted to have formed in continental slope- outer shelf and continental-shelf environments. The northern Antelope Range section lies just east of the sections studied by Klapper, and at least the Lower De- vonian part (McColley Canyon Formation) formed nearer shore and contains less varied and fewer bio- stratigraphically useful conodonts than those parts studied by Klapper. DENAY LIMESTONE The Denay Limestone was named for the Denay Val- ley, which separates the northern Simpson Park Moun- tains from the northern Roberts Mountains. As origi- nally defined by Johnson (1966) on the east flank of Willow Creek Canyon in the northern Roberts Moun- tains, the Denay rests on the McColley Canyon Forma- tion and is overlain by the Devils Gate Limestone. We use the term in the northern Antelope Range for a sequence directly above the McColley Canyon and lithologically the same as the type Denay. In the north- ern Antelope Range, however, the Denay is overlain by the Fenstermaker Wash Formation rather than the Dev- ils Gate Limestone. LITHOLOGY The Denay Limestone of the northern Antelope Range is 260 m thick and is predominantly argillaceous lime mudstone with a little wackestone and less packstone (fig. 5). Characteristically, the sequence is topographi- cally recessive but it forms several massive benches 5-10 m thick. Beds range from 5 to 30 em in thickness, the bedding surfaces being defined by laminae about 1 mm thick. In most exposures the limestone is even bedded and nonbioturbated. Most beds are 2.5-15 cm thick. The Denay is mainly gray to light olive gray, but brownish-gray tones are common. Tentaculites (Now- akia sp. and Striatolina sp.) are present on bedding sur- faces in the lower 120 m and constitute a distinctive element of the formation (pl. 2, figs. C, D). Thin-section and scanning electron microscope analyses show that the formation is carbonaceous- argillaceous-dolomitic lime mudstone to wackestone. Dolomite rhombs 10-30 um in size are present in the micrite matrix, and clay minerals are present between the calcite crystals (pl. 2, figs. D, E, F). Echinoderm-peloid packstones and grainstones also occur within the Denay. The peloids contain isolated rhombs of dolomite in a lime mudstone matrix (pl. 3, figs. A, B). Flat limestone pebbles as much as 15 cm long form a conglomerate 127-140 m above the base of the formation. The matrix of the conglomerate is quartz sand, broken corals, and bryozoans. The conglomerate is overlain by 1 m of crossbedded echinoderm packstone. Several beds in the sequence contain brachiopods. The contact of the Denay and the upper crinoidal limestone of the underlying McColley Canyon Forma- tion is topographically distinct. The recessive Denay forms a gentle slope above the rounded ledge of the McColley Canyon. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Six samples of the Denay Limestone yielded cono- donts, but only four contained biostratigraphically use- ful taxa. The Denay contains a polygnathid-belodellid- panderodid biofacies composed of 90-95 percent Polygnathus, 95 percent of which is P. parawebbi Chat- terton. Ichthyoliths are less common than in the McCol- ley Canyon Formation. The Denay also contains cono- dont pearls in almost every sample yielding conodonts (pl. 7, fig. 18). These dimpled lamellar apatite spheres DEVONIAN STRATIGRAPHY o are also prevalent in our other conodont collections from Middle and lower Upper Devonian rocks in central Nevada. Apatite spheres associated with conodonts have been reported from Cambrian through Car- boniferous rocks; Glenister, Klapper, and Chauff (1976) were the first to suggest that these are pearls secreted by the conodont-bearing animal. The entire Denay appears to be of Middle Devonian age, even though the lower 92 m of the formation in the northern Antelope Range has not yet produced biostratigraphically diagnostic conodonts. The base of the Denay at its type section in the northern Roberts Mountains, however, has yielded lowermost Middle De- vonian conodonts of the Polygnathus costatus costatus Zone (Klapper, 1977, fig. 5). Our lowest sample con- taining diagnostic conodonts is from 92 m above the base of the formation and contains Polygnathus parawebbi Chatterton. This sample is probably no older than the base of the Tortodus kockelianus australis Zone (P. parawebbi has thus far not been found below the T. k. australis Zone in central Nevada; Klapper, 1977) and no younger than the Tortodus kockelianus kockelianus Zone, because stratigraphically higher collections con- tain representatives of T. k. kockelianus. A sample from 125 m above the base of the formation contains abundant representatives of Polygnathus parawebbi (pl. 7, fig. 21) and one specimen each of P. trigonicus Bischoff and Ziegler (pl. 7, fig 19), T. koc- kelianus subsp. indet., and P. linguiformis linguiformis Hinde morphotype indet. This collection is characteris- tic of the australis and T. k. kockelianus Zones. The T. k. Rkockelianus Zone is represented in collections from 134 and 164 m above the base of the formation. The lower collection contains only T. kockelianus kockelianus Bis- choff and Ziegler, Polygnathus parawebbi, and pan- derodids. The upper collection, which is also our high- est collection from the Denay, contains abundant P. parawebbi (pl. 7, fig 20) and belodellids as well as sev- eral specimens of T. k. kockelianus (pl. 7, figs. 22, 28), Polygnathus trigonicus, and P. cf. P. robusticostatus Bischoff and Ziegler. We have no other conodont col- lections from the remaining 67 m of the formation. Col- lections from the lower 5 m of the overlying Fenster- maker Wash Formation, however, are also of Middle Devonian age and contain conodonts of the lower sub- zone of the Polygnathus varcus Zone. FACIES AND ENVIRONMENTS OF DEPOSITION The principal faunal elements of the Denay Lime - stone are pelagic forms: conodonts and, in the lower half, Nowakia sp., Striatolina sp., and sparse radiola- rians. It seems that surface waters were normal marine but the bottom waters were generally euxinic. The argillaceous lime mudstone accumulated in a marine environment of low wave energy, well below wave base. The presence of laminations suggests hos- tile bottom conditions that inhibited bioturbation. Oc- casionally, however, during the accumulation of the Denay, bottom conditions became more favorable for a restricted benthic fauna as indicated by a few thin beds containing brachiopods. A conglomerate containing broken corals, bryozoans, and quartz sand may have been a debris flow from the shelf-slope boundary area to the east. Part of the Denay is the lithic correlative of the Woodpecker Limestone of the Newark Mountain- Alhambra Hills area; such a relation requires a similar depositional habitat. The area of the southern Diamond Mountains was a shallow sea during the deposition of the Sentinel Mountain Dolomite, deeper during deposi- tion of the Woodpecker Limestone, and shallow again to produce the Bay State Dolomite. FENSTERMAKER WASH FORMATION Conformably overlying the Denay Limestone in the northern Antelope Range is a sequence of rock here named the Fenstermaker Wash Formation (fig. 5). We have subdivided it into a lower part, 80-183 m thick, a middle part 42 m thick, and an upper part 60 m thick. The variation in thickness of the lower part is probably a result of undetected faulting, most likely in the more northern section (fig. 2). The lower part was measured in the SE1/4 sec. 16, T. 16 N., R. 51 E., and NE1 /4NE1/4 sec. 21, T. 15 N., R. 51 E.; a second inner section of the lower part (the thinner one) was mea- sured in the NE1/4NE1/4 sec. 20, T. 15 N., R. 51 E. The middle and upper parts were measured in the NE1/4 sec. 20 and NW1/4 sec. 21, T. 15 N., R. 51 E (see fig. 2). The formation derives its name from Fenstermaker Wash, located northeast and east of the northern part of the Antelope Range. LITHOLOGY The lower part is made up principally of medium- gray to light-brownish-gray, massive, medium- to coarse-grained, peloid-echinoderm-coral, stroma- toporoid-brachiopod packstone and wackestone (pl. 3, figs. C, D). Dolomite of coarse texture is common 100 to 124 m above the base of the formation (pl. 3, figs. E, D; pl. 4, figs. A-F). Yellowish platy silty fine-grained limestone that forms slopes is present from 124 to 160 m above the base. The lower unit contains corals, brachiopods, crinoid columnals, and Receptaculites more than 1 em thick and as much as 20 em across. The middle part is mainly pale-yellowish-orange siliceous laminated siltstone and claystone. It includes some thin beds of wackestone to packstone, which con- tain sparse fish remains. This unit generally forms slopes that are poorly exposed. 10 The upper part of the formation is medium-gray crossbedded peloid-mudlump packstone to grainstone. Calcispheres and ostracodes are present. About 40 per- cent of the rock is medium-sized subequant well- rounded quartz that occurs as floating grains in lenses and stringers. This topmost unit forms a massive and prominent cliff. The contact of the Fenstermaker Wash Formation with the underlying Denay is sharp. Medium-gray to medium-dark-gray even-bedded lime mudstone below is succeeded by light-yellowish-gray medium- to coarse-grained packstone that forms cliffs. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Nine of eleven collections from the Fenstermaker Wash Formation have biostratigraphically useful taxa. The formation is of Middle and Late Devonian age and contains a polygnathid-belodellid-panderodid biofacies including at least 90 percent Polygnathus in its Middle Devonian part and a polygnathid-palmatolepid-icriodid biofacies including 90 percent Polygnathus in its Upper Devonian part. Conodont "pearls" are abundant to rare in most samples; ichthyoliths are present but rare. The lower 70 m of the formation is no younger than the lower Polygnathus vareus Subzone of the P. varcus Zone based on the co-occurrence of Polygnathus varcus Stauffer (pl. 8, fig. 3) and P. parawebbi (pl. 8, figs. 1, 2). P. varcus first occurs and P. parawebbi last occurs in the lower P. varcus Subzone (Ziegler and others, 1976). Representatives of P. parawebbi are the most abundant conodonts in this part of the formation, just as they are in the underlying Denay Limestone. We have no conodonts from the overlying 100 m and only a few indeterminate bar and platform fragments in a collection from 170 m above the base of the forma- tion. A collection at 187 m above the base contains conodont species whose ranges cross what is commonly considered to be the Middle-Upper Devonian boundary (the boundary between the lowermost and lower Polygnathus asymmetricus Subzones). These include abundant representatives of Polygnathus decorosus s. l. (Ziegler, 1966) and several specimens of Polygnathus norris Uyeno (pl. 8, fig. 6) and Pandorinellina insita (Stauffer) (pl. 8, fig. 7). Of these, P. norrisi appears to be restricted to the lowermost and lower P. asymmet- ricus Subzones; the collection is assigned to this inter- val. P. decorosus s. I. (pl. 8, figs. 4, 5) continues to be the most abundant species at 193 m above the base of the formation, where it occurs with several specimens of Icriodus symmetricus Branson and Mehl (pl. 8, figs. 8, 9), one juvenile and several incomplete adult speci- mens of Palmatolepis cf. P. proversa Ziegler (pl. 8, fig. 11) and one juvenile specimen of Ancyrodella ef. A. buckeyensis Stauffer (pl. 8, fig. 10). This collection is no older than the middle P. asymmetricus Subzone and DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS, NORTHERN ANTELOPE RANGE, NEVADA probably no younger than the lower Palmatolepis gigas Subzone. P. decorosus s. l. and a few juvenile and fragmentary palmatolepids occur at 230 m above the base of the formation, and only incomplete pal- matolepids that compare well with Palmatolepis hassi Muller and Muller (pl. 8, fig. 12) occur in a collection at 260-270 m above the base of the formation. Our highest sample is from the upper meter of the forma- tion (USGS colln. 10014-SD) and was collected and processed after the fossil plates had been prepared. This 6-kg sample yielded representatives of Ancyrodella buckeyensis Stauffer and Palmatolepis gigas Miller and Youngquist as well as other less diagnostic conodonts. The overlapping ranges of these two species indicate that the lower or upper P. gigas Subzone (Frasnian) is represented at the top of the Fenstermaker Wash For- mation in our measured section. FACIES AND ENVIRONMENTS OF DEPOSITION The lower unit of the Fenstermaker Wash Formation contains a fauna suggestive of warm intertidal to sub- tidal marine deposition. The environment was also one of proximity to strong wave and current action, for the sequence is largely calcarenite whose clasts are derived from marine invertebrates. Parts of the lower unit may well be debris flows. The middle unit of laminated siltstone and claystone suggests a deeper water environment and a high influx of fine-textured terrigenous silt and clay. A few coarse-textured wackestone to packstone beds may be debris flows. The top unit contains calcispheres, peloi- dal mudlump packstone to grainstone, and a large ad- mixture of quartz grains. It is crossbedded in part and probably represents a shallow, shoaling subtidal depo- sitional site. MISSISSIPPIAN STRATIGRAPHY DAVIS SPRING FORMATION (NEW NAME) The name Davis Spring Formation is applied to a 125-m-thick sequence of slope-forming rock above the Fenstermaker Wash Formation in the SE1/4 sec. 20, T. 16 N., R. 51 E. This sequence is considered its type sec- tion. The name is derived from Upper Davis Spring, about 3 km southeast of the measured section (fig 2). LITHOLOGY The Davis Spring Formation is very fine grained pale-brown siliceous dolomitic siltstone and finely laminated chert (fig. 6). The upper 15 m or so of the formation is slightly more siliceous than the rest of the unit, but the proportion of silica throughout is signifi- cant. Quartz is present as silt-size grains and as what appears in some thin sections to be cement or secon- MISSISSIPPIAN STRATIGRAPHY dary partial replacement. A translucent pale-brown pigment, presumably organic, is present at some levels. In some zones small clusters of hematite are present, and some is secondary after pyrite. The only fossils found in thin sections are sparse radiolarians (pl. 6, fig. A) although conodonts were obtained 18 m above the base of the formation. E & 3 & s |els leg! a5 |os \ge) $ Z 3 w | (f io a 2 1215uI265§ E w E|3 w | u ok w = w | ud oR Oz SLG A ii oz |<|iezelzh A ai 25 |s|60Q 542 O |- 25 |s|oQ 542 O |- °a |§)§g"~|2 E |£)&NIS E3 S |PIS Ez 52 ° ($8 (E2) 58 3 < *> < M1327 F m— © -P | m132e aR W M1351 8/9 M1350 & * | m1325 |- G Mm1349 8/9 L a 10 7 M1348 8/9 © | m1324 $% ars & lr7411-PC Ss Al w M1347 8/9 y 0 ze M1346 g 120 m134s $2 io m1i344 6 110 100 +x*4 P *%) $15 n te 8/9 FG m1343 | © ® 80 fel - C 3 2 9 £ C # 70 -! & E yan o |x=*: 6 v 2 & Ja iy € 60 F & & g 100 - E a Po > ys & & so -> 30 - C P M1342 L 40 tos 80 - 30 & s | 70 P $1341 ail 20 1340 | M1339 F 60 M1338 8 } M1337 8 ..C --- ~ M1336 s F w 10 M1335 § - T M13 [ 507 p M1333 s E -- M1332 C £ 0 M1336 T x5 6 w $ % 710 [T- EE ; 52 Tg 27413-PC 8 -+ 304 24m: "Aae M1329 [ 7 p 5 $ 700 ______>___H_:::::j: x x Tuberendothyra 8p. Sec. ... 10.9 o. 10 (eee ae uel bos on * Tuberendothyra tuberculata (Chernysheva) __________________. Septatournavellasp: ._... -...... s of Spinoendathyramp. L2 cous ls. cos eee does **Nostocifes mep a co ll l Ll eels ioe eae ae oda u Brunia pret 222 co .. 1 L onne l eV.. . eee ee eae. Clomospirangli@@p.s ~. 1. . _ 0.2... 10. ouro edie de ne x « x « « «n a » x + thu e MISSISSIPPIAN STRATIGRAPHY same abundant mixed fauna of Late Devonian and Early Mississippian (Kinderhookian) species described from the underlying Davis Spring Formation. The Kin- kead Spring, however, contains foraminifers of Osa- gean age; representatives of Mamet's Zone 8 occur in its lower 80 m, and species that range across the 8-9 zonal boundary are present from 125 m to about 190 m above its base (table 1). The foraminifers are inter- preted as indicating that the Kinkead Spring was depo- sited in Osagean time. The foraminifers also suggest that all the conodonts in our collections from the Kin- kead Spring were redeposited, with the possible excep- tion of Gnathodus punctatus and Polygnathus com- munis. The collections contain more Devonian than Missis- sippian specimens; all contain palmatolepids, domin- antly Palmatolepis glabra, Gnathodus delicatus (pl. 8, fig. 22), Gnathodus punctatus, Gnathodus delicatus (pl. 8, fig. 19), and Siphonodella isosticha. In addition to these, the following fossils have also been noted: bi- spathodids, a Middle Ordovician Coleodus? sp. (pl. 8, fig. 17), characteristic of the lower Middle Ordovician in part of the Antelope Valley Limestone in central Nevada, and conodont "pearls" at 5 m above the base of the formation; Polygnathus - semicostatus, Siphonodella duplicata (Branson and Mehl), and pseudopolygnathids at 25 m above the base; and S. algae in the Kinkead Spring Limestone 13 duplicata (pl. 8, fig. 21) and icriodids (pl. 8, fig. 18) at 30 m above the base. The reworked conodonts in the Davis Spring and Kin- kead Spring Formations indicate that chiefly Famen- nian (latest Devonian) and Kinderhookian (Early Mis- sissippian) deposits were being eroded during the dep- osition of these formations and that even lower Middle Ordovician rocks were then exposed to erosion. The microfossils within the Kinkead Spring Lime- stone are Tournaisian (Osagean) Zone 8 in age in the lower 70 m. The upper 70-80 m of limestone are zone 8/9 transition. The upper Tournaisian, zone 8, is characterized by Tuberendothyra tuberculata (Cher- nysheva) while Septebrunsiina and Rectoseptaglomo- . spiranella are progressively eliminated. The acme of Spinoendothyra accompanied by spinose tournayellids is characteristic of zone 9. The microfossil assemblage of the Kinkead Spring Limestone of the Antelope Range is widespread in the Cordillera of North America, occurring in the Wachsmuth Limestone of the central Brooks Range, Alaska (Armstrong and Mamet, 1977), Shunda Formation of the Canadian Rocky Mountains (Mamet, 1976; Bamber and Mamet, 1978), the lower part of the Mission Canyon Limestone of Montana and western Wyoming, the Madison Lime- stone of central Wyoming (Sando and others, 1969), the Thunder Springs Member of the Redwall Limestone M1335 - M1336 M1337 _ M1338 M1339 _ M1340 M1341 M1342 M1343 M1344 _ M1345 - M1346 M1347 _ M1348 M1349 _ M1350 _ M1351 Height above base (in meters) 53 54 57 58 60 61 67 83 123 158 159 165 170 175 180 185 190 x X - -- x x x x x X x x X x x x x X l l x 14 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS, NORTHERN ANTELOPE RANGE, NEVADA in Arizona (Skipp, 1969), the Escabrosa Limestone of southeastern Arizona (Armstrong and Mamet, 1978), and the Dawn and part of the Anchor Limestone Member of the Monte Cristo Limestone in southern Arizona (Brenckle, 1970; Mamet and Skipp, 1970). FACIES AND ENVIRONMENTS OF DEPOSITION The thin-bedded echinoderm-bryozoan-brachiopod packstones of the Kinkead Spring Limestone indicate deposition on an open platform marine environment. The ooid algae-foraminifer packstones to grainstones indicate a shallow, shoaling water environment of de- position. ANTELOPE RANGE FORMATION (NEW NAME) The Antelope Range Formation is here named from outcrops in see. 22, T. 16 N., R. 51 E., in the northern Antelope Range. It is also recognized west of hill 7731 and elsewhere in the southern Fish Creek Range. Its thickness is unknown for, although the basal contact is present in many places, the upper part is faulted or eroded out. LITHOLOGY Because of structural complications and limited ex- posures, the precise sequence of rock types and inter- nal variation is uncertain. Where the base is exposed there is a sequence of perhaps as much as 30 m of dark-yellowish-orange to light- brown-weathering sandstone. The sandstones are quite similar to those of the Diamond Peak Formation, although in the Diamond Peak the ratio of chert to quartz and feldspar is high and the grains are tightly sutured. Most beds contain grains that range from very fine to coarse, and range from angular to rounded. Other beds are better sorted and contain grains that are subequant and well rounded. There is considerable variation in quartz plus feldspar grains versus those of chert and of lithic clasts. Quartz plus feldspar makes up between an estimated 25 and 75 percent of the rock (mainly more than 50 percent), chert between 5 and 35 percent, and lithic clasts from 20 to 40 percent. Quartz is considerably more common than the feldspar, which is estimated at 5 to 10 percent of the total quartz plus feldspar. The lithic clasts are mainly derived from shale. Blebs of ferruginous mate- rial are scattered through most of the sandstone and are probably the source of the dark-yellowish-orange color. The sandstone here and there contains pebbly zones. Sparse interstitial calcite is present in places. The rock above the sandstone is mainly a silty shale or very thin bedded, platy siltstone, both of which are olive gray and slope forming. Medium-gray shale is also present locally. A tan-colored limestone, found about 1-1/2 km north of hill 7473 in the southern Fish Creek Range, may be part of the Antelope Range For- mation. In the northern Antelope Range, the contact of the Antelope Range Formation with the Kinkead Spring Limestone is represented by a sharp change from medium-gray detrital limestone, below, to moderate yellowish-orange sandstone, above. In the southern Fish Creek Range, the Antelope Range Formation rests unconformably on the Devils Gate Limestone-there the Joana Limestone, the Pilot Shale, and an indeter- minate amount of the upper part of the Devils Gate have been removed by pre-Antelope Range Formation erosion. Geologic mapping by Hose (unpub. data) suggests that the contact may be a thrust fault of un- known age, rather than a depositional contact. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY Calcareous concretions from a silty shale in the northern Antelope Range yielded the following cono- donts: Palmatolepis of the P. glabra Ulrich and Bassler group, Polygnathus cf. P. inornatus Branson, and Siphonodella isosticha Cooper. Similar mixed Devonian and Mississippian conodonts were found in the south- ern Fish Creek Range in limestone beds that are be- lieved to belong in the Antelope Range Formation. Be- cause of poor exposures, however, we are not entirely certain of this interpretation. In any case, the Antelope Range Formation is considered Mississippian and must be Osagean or younger because of its stratigraphic po- sition above the Osagean Kinkead Spring Limestone. Aside from scattered sparse plant remains found in some of the sandstone beds, no megafossils have been found. Samples collected for pollen and spores (USGS nos. D5174, DL5175,; D5176, D5181) yielded palynomorphs that R. H. Tschudy (written commun, 1974) believes to represent the taxa Leiosphaera and Tasmanites. Tasmanites, and to a lesser degree Leio - sphaera, are common in the Devonian, but in the ab- sence of other taxa, could represent Lower Mississip- pian. Tasmanites and Leiosphaera are probably algal cysts representing marine deposition. The above samples yielded 2 specimens of trilete spores. Such spores are common to nearshore marine and nonmarine deposi- tion sites. My best estimate is that if these fossils are in place and not redeposited these samples represent the Devonian or Lower Mississippian. Mamet found in thin section in a pelletoidal spiculite from the lower part of the Antelope Range Formation, Archaesphaera sp., Cal- cisphaera laevis Williamson, Parathurammina sp., and Vicinesphaera sp. He concluded that the youngest pos- sible age was middle Carboniferous and the probable age was early Carboniferous. DISCUSSION 15 If the sandstone-shale sequence of the northern An- telope Range (Antelope Range Formation) is indeed correlative genetically or otherwise with the rocks of near identity in the southern Fish Creek Range from whence these samples were obtained, then the Fish Creek Range sequence of the Antelope Range Forma- tion must also be Osagean or younger Mississippian. Despite the great similarity of the Antelope Range Formation in the northern Antelope Range to the sandstone and shale sequence in the Fish Creek Range, there is no absolute certainty that they are precisely equivalent temporarily. Aside from the great lithic similarity, the other most important criterion for corre- lation is the profound unconformity at the base of the sandstone-shale sequence in both the Antelope and Fish Creek Ranges. DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT The presence of plant remains in the sandstone and nearshore marine and nonmarine spores in the silty shale suggest that the sequence accumulated in an es- tuarine or deltaic environment. DISCUSSION The Devonian and Mississippian strata of the north- ern Antelope Range have some degree of similarity to the sequence in the southern Fish Creek Range about 10 km to the east (fig. 7). However, there are also some noteworthy differences in the section. Some of the contrasts are normal stratigraphic and geographic variations, whereas others undoubtedly result from telescoping along thrust faults. Figure 7 shows that the Beacon Peak Dolomite and McColley Canyon Formation are present in both ranges. The Sentinel Mountain Dolomite [of the southern Diamond Mountains] is pre- sent in the southern Fish Creek Range but absent in the Antelope Range. The Woodpecker Limestone, which lies above the Sentinel Mountain Dolomite in the southern Diamond Mountains and which should be pre- sent in the subsurface of southern Fish Creek Range, is partly equivalent to the Denay Limestone. The South Hill Sandstone, which crops out in small fault blocks in the southern Fish Creek Range, is not present in the Antelope Range. The Bay State Dolomite of the southern Fish Creek Range is temporally correla- tive with the lower part of the Fenstermaker Wash Formation but differs from it in that it is finer grained. The Devils Gate Limestone is lime mudstone whereas the Fenstermaker Wash is mainly brachiopod- echinoderm-peloid packstone and grainstone. Two Mis- sissippian units of the northern Antelope Range, the Davis Spring Formation and the Kinkead Spring Lime- stone, are unconformably overlapped by the Antelope Range Formation and are altogether absent in the Fish Creek Range and have no known lithic counterpart east of the Fish Creek Range. The Kinkead Spring Lime- stone is recognized to the southwest in the Dobbin Summit area of the Monitor Range. In the northern part of the Cockalorum Wash quad- rangle in the southern Fish Creek Range, the Antelope Range Formation rests on the Devils Gate Limestone. There the upper part of the Devils Gate and the overly- ing Chainman Shale, Joana Limestone, and Pilot Shale are absent. However, in the more southerly parts of the Fish Creek Range a Middle Devonian limestone unit plus a unit that greatly resembles the Pilot Shale and which is the same age, is present. The combined lime- stone and shale were included with other strata in the Cockalorum Wash Formation by Merriam (1973). The Antelope Range Formation occurs in both the northern Antelope and southern Fish Creek Ranges. In the Fish Creek Range it appears to be overthrust by an unnamed Mississippian unit quite different from any unit heretofore described. It is a sequence of light- yellowish-gray siliceous mudstone, siltstone, claystone, and some chert, that contains limestone beds of Osa- gean age low in the section (A. K. Armstrong, written commun., 1977). This siliceous Mississippian formation is in turn overthrust by an incomplete siliceous mudstone sequence of Late Devonian age assigned to the Woodruff Formation. 16 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS, NORTHERN ANTELOPE RANGE, NEVADA Northern Antelope Range SYSTEM SERIES STAGE Antelope Range Formation Osagean or younger Kinkead t Spring iF Limestone Osagean HHIHHHHH HH MISSISSIPPIAN Lower £ Davis Spring Formation ian Upper Kinderhook- Upper G b > p Fenstermaker ] Wash Formation N Middle Denay Limestone DEVONIAN McColley Canyon Z Formation Lower I METERS 0 100 200 Southern Fish Creek a Z-"z4 Beacon Peak Dolomite z 9-11 KILOMETERS as Woodpecker Sentinel Mountain | ‘7 Ill z Beacon z 25 KILOMETERS z Newark Mountains Alhambra Hills (after Nolan and others, 1956) I 1 II Devils Gate Limestone Limestone Dolomite Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone Peak e Dolomite z FIGURE 7.-Correlation of Devonian and Mississippian rocks in northern Antelope Range, southern Fish Creek Range, and Newark Mountains. (See figure 5 for explanation of symbols.) REFERENCES CITED REFERENCES CITED Armstrong, A. K., and Mamet, B. L., 1977, Carboniferous microfacies, microfossils, and corals, Lisburne Group, Artic Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 849, 144 p. __- 1978, The Mississippian system of southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 29th Field Conference, p. 183-192. Bamber, E. W., and Mamet, B. L., 1978, Carboniferous biostratigraphy and correlation, northeastern British Columbia and southwestern District of Mackenzie: Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 266, 65 p. Brenckle, P. L., 1970, Smaller Mississippian and Lower Pennsylvanian calcareous foraminifera from Nevada: Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research Special Publication no. 11, 82 p. Carlisle, D., Murphy, M. A., Nelson, C. A., and Winterer, E. L., 1957, Devonian stratigraphy of Sulphur Springs and Pinyon Canyon Range, Nevada: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bul- letin, v. 41, p. 2175-2191. Carls, Peter, and Gandl, Josef, 1969, Stratigraphie und conodonten des Unter-Devons der Ostlichern Iberischen Ketten (NE-Spanien): Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen, v. 132, p. 155-218. Folk, R. L., and Land, L. S., 1975, Mg/Ca ratio and salinity: Two con- trols over crystallization of dolomite: American Association of Pe- troleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 59, no. 1, p. 60-68. Glenister, B. F., Klapper, Gilbert, and Chauff, K. M., 1976, Conodont pearls?: Science, v. 193, p. 571-573. Johnson, J. G., 1962, Lower Devonian-Middle Devonian boundary in central Nevada: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bul- letin, v. 46, no. 4, p. 542-546. _- 1966, Middle Devonian brachiopods from the Roberts Mountains, central Nevada: Paleontology, v. 9, p. 152-181, pls. 23-27. Klapper, Gilbert, 1977, Lower and Middle Devonian conodont sequence in central Nevada, in Murphy, M. A., Berry, W. B. N., and Sandberg, C. A., eds., Western North America-Devonian: River- side, California University, Riverside Campus Museum Contribu- tion No. 4, p. 383-54. Mamet, B. L., 1976, An atlas of microfacies in Carboniferous carbo- nates of the Canadian Cordillera: Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 255, 131 p. Mamet, B. L., and Skipp, B. A., 1970, Lower carboniferous calcareous foraminifera; preliminary zonation and stratigraphic implications 7 for the Mississippian of North America: Congresse Internationale Stratigraphie et Géologie Carbonifére, 6th, Sheffield, 1967, Comptes Rendus, v. 3, p. 1129-1146. Matti, Johathan, 1979, Depositional history of middle Paleozoic carbo- nate rocks deposited at an ancient continental margin, central Nevada: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, Ph. D. thesis, 485 p. Merriam, C. W., 1973, Middle Devonian rugose corals of the central Great Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 799, 53 p. Nolan, T. B., Merriam, C. W., and Williams, J. S., 1956, The strati- graphic section in the vicinity of Eureka, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 276, 77 p. Osmond, J. S., 1954, Dolomites in the Silurian and Devonian of east- central Nevada: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bul- letin, v. 38, no. 9, p. 1911-1956. Sandberg, C. A., and Gutschick, R. C., 1978, Biostratigrahic guide to Upper Devonian and Mississippian rocks along the Wasatch front and Cordilleran hingeline, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-351, 52 p. Sandberg, C. A., and Poole, F. G., 1977, Conodont biostratigraphy and depositional complexes of Upper Devonian cratonic-platform and continental-shelf rocks in the western United States, in Murphy, M. A., Berry, W. B. N., and Sandberg, C. A., eds., Western North America-Devonian: Riverside, California University, Riverside Campus Museum Contribution 4, p. 144-182. Sando, W. J., Mamet, B. L., and Dutro, J. T., Jr., 1969, Carboniferous megafaunal and microfaunal zonation in the northern Cordillera of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 613-E, p. E7-E29. Skipp, B., 1969, Foraminifera, in McKee, E. D., and Gutschick, R. C., eds., History of the Redwall Limestone of northern Arizona, Chap- ter 5: Geological Society of America Memoir 114, p. 173-255. Weddige, Karsten, and Ziegler, Willi, 1976, The significance of Icriodus-Polygnathus ratios in limestones from the type Eifelian, Germany: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 15, p. 187-199. Ziegler, Willi, 1966, Eine Verfeinerung der Conodontengliederung an der Grenze Mittel-/Oberdevon: Fortschrifte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen, v. 9, p. 647-676. Ziegler, Willi, Klapper, Gilbert, and Johnson, J. G., 1976, Redefinition and subdivision of the vareus Zone (Conodonts, Upper Devonian) in Europe and North America: Geologica et Paleon- tologia, v. 10, p. 109-140. Alhambra Hills, 9 Ancryodella buckeyensis, 10; pl. 8 Antelope Range, 15 Antelope Range Formation, 1, 14 Antelope Valley Limestone, 13; pl. 8 Archaesphaera sp., 14 Asphaltinella sp., 12 asymmetricus Subzone, Polygnathus, 10 australis Zone, Tortodus kockelianus, 9 Bay State Dolomite, 9, 15 Beacon Peak Dolomite, 1, 5, 15 beckmanni, Pseudoneotodus, 5 brachiopods, 8, 9 Brunsiina sp., 12 bryozoans, 9 buckeyensis, Ancryodella, 10; pl. 8 Calcisphaera laevis, 12, 14 sp., 12 celtibericus, Icriodus huddlei, 7, 8; pl. 7 Chainman Shale, 15 Cockalorum Wash Formation, 15 Coleodus sp., 13; pl. 8 Columbiapora johnsoni, 12 sp., 12 communis, Polygnathus, 10, 13; pl. 8 Conodonts, 1, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14; pls. 7, 8 Corals, 8, 9 corniger, Icriodus, 8; pl. 7 costatus costatus Zone, Polygnathus, 9 costatus Zone, Polygnathus, 9 curvicauda, Icriodus huddlei, 7 Davis Spring Formation, 1, 10, 15; pls. 6, 8 decorosus, Polygnathus, 10; pl. 8 dehiscens, Polygnathus, 8 Zone, Polygnathus, 7 delicata, Kamaena, 12 delicatus, Gnathodus, 11, 13 Denay Limestone, 1, 8, 15; pl. 3 Denay Valley, 8 Devils Gate Limestone, 8, 14, 15 Diamond Mountains, 9, 15 Diamond Peak Formation, 14 duplicata, Siphonodella, 13; pl. 8 Earlandia sp., 12 Egan Range, 5 Eognathodus sulcatus, 7 sulcatus sulcatus Zone, 7 Eovolutina sp., 12 excavata, Ozarkodina, 7 exigua philipi, Pandorinellina, 7; pl. 7 Fenstermaker Wash Formation, 1, 9, 15; ple. 4, 5, 8 2 Fish Creek Range, 5, 14, 15 Foraminifers, 13 Gastropods, 5 gigas Subzone, Palmatolepis, 10 glabra, Palmatolepis, 11, 13, 14; pl. 8 Glomospiranella sp., 12 Gnathodus delicatus, 10, 13 punctatus, 11, 13; pl. 8 Grays Canyon Limestone Member, 5 gronbergi, Polygnathus, 7, 8; pl. 7 Zone, Polygnathus, 8 Halysites, 5 hassi, Palmatolepis, 10; pl. 8 huddle, Icriodus, pl. 7 celtibericus, Icriodus, 7, 8; pl. 7 curvicauda, Icriodus, 7 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate both major references and descriptions] Icriodus, 7; pl. 8 corniger, 8; pl. 7 huddlei, pl. 7 celtibericus, 7, 8; pl. 7 curvicauda, 7 symmetricus, 10; pl. 8 inornatus, Polygnathus, 14 insita, Pandorinellina, 10; pl. 8 Introduction, 1 isosticha, Siphonodella, 11, 13, 14; pl. 8, 3 Issinella sp., 12 Joana Limestone, 14, 15 johnsoni, Columbiapora, 12 Ozarkodina, 5, 7 Kamaena sp., 12 Kamaena delicata, 12 Kamaenella sp., 12 Kinkead Spring Limestone, 1, 12; pis. 6, 8 kockelianus, Tortodus, 9 Tortodus kockelianus, 8, 9; pl. 7 australis Zone, Tortodus, 9 Rockelianus, Tortodus, 8, 9; pl. 7 Zone, Tortodus, 9 Zone, Tortodus kockelianus, 9 laevis, Calcisphaera, 12, 14 lahuseni, Palaeoberesella, 12 Latiendothyra sp., 12 Leiosphaera, 14 linguiformis, Polygnathus linguiformis, 9 linguiformis, Polygnathus, 9 Lone Mountain Dolomite, 5 McColley Canyon Formation, 1, 5, 15; pls. 1, 2, 5 miae, Pandorinellina steinhornensis, 7, 8; pl. 7 Moravammina sp., 12 Nevada Formation, 5 Newark Mountain, 9 Ninemile Canyon, 12, 4 norrisi, Polygnathus, 10; pl. 8 Nostocites sp., 12 Nowakia sp., 8, 9 Ozarkodina, D Zone, 7 excavata, 7 johnsoni, 5, 7 remscheidensis, 5 Pahranagat Range, 5 Palaeoberesella lahuseni, 12 sp., 12 Paleocyclus sp., 5 Palmatolepis gigas Subzone, 10 glabra, 11, 13, 14; pl. 8 hassi, 10; pl. 8 perlobata, pl. 8 proversa, 10 Pandorinellina, 7 exigua philipi, 7; pl. 7 insita, 10; pl. 8 steinhornensis miae, 7, 8; pl. 7 Parathurammina sp., 12, 14 parawebbi, Polygnathus, 8, 9, 10; pls. 7, 8 Pedavis pesavis Zone, 5, 7 Pekiskopora sp., 12 perlobata, Palmatolepis, pl. 8 pesavis Zone, Pedavis, 5, 7 philipi, Pandorinellina exigua, 7; pl. 7, 5 Pilot Shale, 14, 15 Polygnathus, 7, 8 asymmetricus Subzone, 10 Polygnathus-Continued communis, 11, 13; pl. 8 costatus costatus Zone, 9 decorosus, 10; pl. 8 dehiscens, 7, 8 Zone, 7 gronbergi, 7, 8; pl. 7 Zone, 8 inornatus, 14 linguiformis linguiformis, 9 norrisi, 10; pl. 8 parawebbi, 8, 9, 10; pls. 7, 8 robusticostatus, 9 semicostatus, 11, 13; pl. 8 serotinus Zone, 8 trigonicus, 9; pl. 7 varcus, pl. 8 Subzone, 10 Zone, 9, 10 primaeva, Septaglomospiranella, 12 Proninella sp., 12 proversa, Palmatolepis, 10 Pseudoneotodus beckmanni, 5 punctatus, Gnathodus, 11, 13; pl. 8 Receptaculites sp., 9 Rectoseptaglomospiranella sp., 12, 13 remscheidensis, Ozarkodina, 5 Roberts Mountains, 8 robusticostatus, Polygnathus, 9 semicostatus, Polygnathus, 11, 13; pl. 8 Sentinal Mountain Dolomite, 9, 14 Septabrunsiina sp., 12, 13 Septaglomospiranella primaeva, 12 sp., 12 Septatournayella sp., 12 serotinus Zone, Polygnathus, 8 Sevy Dolomite, 5 Simpson Park Mountains, 8 Siphonodella duplicata, 13; pl. 8 isosticha, 11, 13, 14; pl. 8 South Hill Sandstone, 15 Sphaeroporella sp., 12 Spinoendothyra sp., 12, 13 steinhornensis miae, Pandorinellina, 7, 8; pl. 7 Striatolina sp., 8, 9 sulcatus, Eognathodus, 7 sulcatus Zone, Eognathodus, 7 Zone, Eognathodus, 7 Sulphur Springs Range, 5 symmetricus, Icriodus, 10; pl. 8 Tasmanites sp., 14 Tentaculites sp., 8 Tortodus kockelianus, 9 Rockelianus australis Zone, 9 kockelianus, 8, 9; pl. 7 Zone, 9 trigonicus, Polygnathus, 9; pl. 7 tuberculata, Tuerendothyra, 12, 13 Tuberendothyra tuberculata, 12, 13 sp., 12 Upper Davis Spring, 10 varcus, Polygnathus, pl. 8 Subzone, Polygnathus, 10 Zone, Polygnathus, 9, 10 Vicinesphaera sp., 14 Willow Creek Canyon, 8 Woodpecker Limestone, 9, 15 Woodruff Formation, 15 19 PLATES 1-8 [Contact photographs of the plates in this report are available, at cost, from the U.S. Geological Survey Library, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225] FicurEs 1, 1 2 » 6. 3. Specimen 40 m; 1, plane-light photomicrograph of a pellet-brachiopod-echin- PLATE 1 McColley Canyon Formation oderm packstone; 2, scanning electron micrograph of round object, possibly a calcisphere or an ostracode; interior is filled with 5-4um calcite rhombs and inter- crystalline clay minerals. Calcite surrounding shell is 10-20 um in size; some dolomite (D) is present. 3, Scanning electron micrograph of micrite matrix of the packstone, with 5- to 10-um calcite rhombs and clay minerals between the calcite crystals. . Specimen 44 m; scanning electron micrograph of a dolomitic-argillaceous packstone; euhedral rhombs of dolomite (D); abundant clay minerals are be- tween the calcite crystals. Specimen 75 m; scanning electron micrograph of dolomitic-pellet packstone. The subhedral dolomite rhombs (D) are from a few to 30 um in size, matrix is 5- to 10-um calcite rhombs; lower right side shows a transverse section of a foliated brachiopod shell. Specimen 98 m; plane-light photomicrograph of pellet-calcisphere-dolomitic packstone. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1182, PLATE 1 McCOLLEY CANYON FORMATION FicurEs 1.2. 1. & co p. 9 PLATE 2 McColley Canyon Formation Specimen 112 m; scanning electron micrograph of bryozoan packstone. Interiors of fossils are filled with a matrix of clay minerals and anhedral calcite rhombs. Some dolomite (D) is present. Specimen 149 m; scanning electron micrograph of insoluble residue sample from lime mudstone. Broken sponge spicule? preserved by dolomite crystals. Denay Limestone Specimen 202 m; 3, plane-light photomicrograph tentaculites-packstone; 4, scanning electron micrograph of argillaceous-dolomite-tentaculites wackestone; dolomite (D). Specimen 288 m; scanning electron micrograph of argillaceous-dolomitic brachiopod-pellet wackestone; dolomite (D) and intercrystalline clay minerals can be seen in a calcite micrite matrix. Specimen 316 m; scanning electron micrograph of dolomitic lime mudstone. A stylolite (lower left to upper right) is outlined by a slight increase in dolomite (D) rhombs. The rock is relatively free of clay minerals. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1182, PLATE 2 V" wi 20 am __| E | 30 wm F McCOLLEY CANYON FORMATION, FIGURES A, B; AND DENAY LIMESTONE, FIGURES C-F FicurEs & co 5, 6. PLATE 3 . Denay Limestone . Specimen 410 m; 1, plane-light photomicrograph of a pellet-echinoderm- dolomitic packstone to grainstone. 2, scanning electron micrograph, showing the peloids to contain 2- to 6-um anhedral calcite crystals and 5- to 10-um subhedral dolomite rhombs. The calcite matrix between the peloids is microspar from 30 to 70 um in size and is relatively free of dolomite Fenstermaker Wash Formation Specimen 451 m; 3, plane-light photomicrograph, echinoderm-bryozoan packstone; 4, scanning electron micrograph of a bryzoan fragment surrounded by microspar and sparry calcite rhombs 10 to 30 um in size. Specimen 487 m; 5, plane-light photomicrograph of dolomitic-pellet-lump packstone; 6, scanning electron micrograph showing subhedral dolomite rhombs (D) in a matrix of 4- to 10-4 calcite rombs. « GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1182, PLATE 3 DENAY LIMESTONE, FIGURES A,B; AND FENSTERMAKER WASH FORMATION , FIGURES C-F FiGURES PLATE 4 Fenstermaker Wash Formation Specimen 501 m; 1, plane-light photomicrograph, arenaceous-dolomitic- bryozoan packstone; 2, scanning electron micrograph of a dolomite rhomb un- dergoing calcitification. Another is present in figure 1. Dolomite rhombs show irregular sides due to replacement by calcite. . Specimen 526 m; pellet-dolomitic packstone. 3, Plane-light photomicrograph of iron-rich calcite-zone dolomite (FD) rhombs. 4, scanning electron micrograph of an etched iron-rich calcite zone in a dolomite rhomb surrounded by a matrix of anhedral calcite grains 4 to 6 um in size. Specimen 545 m; arenaceous dolomite. Scanning electron micrograph of an etched surface of the dolomite, illustrating intercrystalline porosity and the euhedral dolomite rhombs. Specimen 560 m; scanning electron micrograph of dolomitic packstone showing range in dolomite size from 4-4 to 100-4 rhombs. PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1182, PLATE 4 FENSTERMAKER WASH FORMATION FIGURES 3, 4, 5. PLATE 5 Fenstermaker Wash Formation Specimen 596 m; 1, plane-light photomicrograph, peloid-mud lump grainstone, space between particles is filled by sparry calcite; some peloids show evidence of concentric lamellar patterns or coid coatings. Fossil fragments are echinoderms and brachiopods. Large ooid in lower left corner has a sparry calcite center of nucleus, which probably was originally aragonite that was removed by leaching and replaced by calcite. 2, Scanning electron micrograph of peloids made up of micrite-size calcite rhombs, 5 um or less in size; area between peloids is filled by large (10 to 50 um) rhombs of calcite. White crystals in relief between calcite crystals are detrital clay minerals. Specimen 609 m; 3, plane-light photomicrograph, peloid-calcisphere-lump packstone to grainstone. 4, 5, scanning electron micrographs. 4, Circular peloid contains impurities of clay minerals and dolomite rhombs. 5, Partial view of three peloids composed of micrite calcite rhombs with some clay minerals. Area between rhombs is filled by sparry calcite. McColley Canyon Formation Specimen 42 m; scanning electron micrograph of the insoluble residue, rounded 400- to 500-um grains of quartz sand. Surfaces of grains have a chalcedony overgrowth that protruded into the space between calcite crystals. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1182, PLATE 5 ep- y- A ge *, [ 20 um | E l 100 um | F FENSTERMAKER WASH FORMATION, FIGURES A,E; AND McCOLLEY CANYON FORMATION, FIGURE F FIGURE PLATE 6 [Plane-light photomicrographs] . Davis Spring Formation . Specimen 32 m; siliceous-radiolarian-spiculitic-argillaceous dolomite. Section of a radiolarian (silica) with spines is in center of photograph. . Kinkead Spring Limestone . Specimen 132 m; brachiopod-echinoderm-peloid-ooid packstone to grainstone. Echinoderm fragments have syntaxial overgrowths of calcite. The rock is com- posed of sedimentary particles that reflect diverse origins: peloids, broken fossil remains, and oolitic coated particles. Micrite converted to microspar. . Specimen 150 m; peloid-ooid packstone to grainstone. This rock type is typical of the zone 8 and 8/9 ooid beds in Mississippian carbonate rocks. Micrite between ooids has in part been converted to microspar. Specimen 170 m; ostracode-brachiopod wackestone, composed of well-sorted fossil fragments and calcareous spiculites in a 2- to 4-um calcite micrite matrix. Specimen 170.5 m; ostracode-calcisphere-spiculite wackestone. Specimen 178 m; ostracode-calcisphere-spiculite wackestone. Subrounded quartz sand grains 75 to 100 um in size form 1 to 3 percent of rock. Fossil frag- ments are rounded and well sorted. Lime mudstone (micrite) matrix is 2- to 4-um calcite crystals. This wackestone microfacies is typical of the rock type found associated with ooid packstones and grainstones. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY eam L 0.2 mm J DAVIS SPRING FORMATION, FIGURE A; AND KINKEAD SPRING LIMESTONE , FIGURES B-F FicuUurRES 1-17: 1-3. 4-7 8-9. 10-11. 12-13. 14-15. 16-17. 18-23. 18. 19. 20, 21. 22, 283. PLATE 7 Scanning electron micrographs of biostratigraphically significant conodonts from the McColley Canyon Formation. Stratigraphic position of USGS collection numbers is shown in text figure 5. Icriodus huddle celtibericus Carls and Gandl. Upper views of I elements showing variation in the angle between the outer lateral process and the main platform. 1. USNM 270001, X 45, USGS colln. 9638-SD. 2,3. USNM 270002, 270003, X 50, USGS colln. 9637-SD. . Icriodus huddlei? n. subsp. Upper and lower views of I elements. Representatives of this form occur in the lower 153 m of the McColley Canyon Formation. 4, 5. USNM 270004, X 50, USGS colln. 9637-SD. 6, 7. USNM 270005, X 40, USGS colln. 9813-SD. Icriodus huddlei celtibericus Carls and Gandl. Anterior and posterior views of S2 elements, USNM 270006, 270007, X 45 and X 75. USGS colln. 9654-SD. Pandorinellina exigua philipi (Klapper). Upper and lateral views of P element, USNM 270008, X 50. USGS colln. 9817-SD. Pandorinellina steinhornensis miae Bultynck. Upper and oblique lateral views of P element, USNM 270009, X 50. USGS colln. 9818-SD. Polygnathus gronbergi Klapper and Johnson. Upper and lower views of P ele- ment, USNM 270010, X 50 USGS colln. 9818-SD. Icriodus corniger Wittekindt. Upper and lower views of I elements, USNM 270011, 270012, X 50. USGS colln. 9639-SD. Scanning electron micrographs of a "conodont pearl" and biostratigraphically significant conodonts from the Denay Limestone. Stratigraphic position of USGS collection numbers is shown in text figure 5. "Conodont pearl" showing dimple. USNM 270013, X 100. USGS colln. 9819-SD. Polygnathus trigonicus Bischoff and Ziegler. Upper view of P element, USNM 270014, X 75. USGS colln. 9819-SD. Polygnathus parawebbi Chatterton. Upper views of P elements, USNM 270015, 270016, X 50 and X 40. USGS collns. 9814-SD and 9819-SD. Tortodus kockelianus kockelianus Bischoff and Ziegler. Upper and lower views of P element, USNM 270017, X 75. USGS colln. 9814-SD. FORMATION AND PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1182, PLATE 7 DENAY LIMESTONE Z O [tal 2 U pal Ly e Fa O Q 2 bs B HL E- 2. O pa hus ® & Z Q A O Z @] JQ BIOSTRATIGRAPHICALLY SIGNIFICANT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FicurES 1-12. 1,2; 4, 5. 8-9: 10. 11: 12. 13-16. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17-22. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. PLATE 8 Scanning electron micrographs of biostratigraphically significant conodonts from the Fenstermaker Wash Formation. Stratigraphic position of USGS collec- tion numbers is shown in text figure 5. Polygnathus parawebbi Chatterton. Upper and lower views of P elements, USNM 270018, 270019, X 50. USGS colln 9815-SD. . Polygnathus varcus Stauffer. Upper view of P element, USNM 270020, X 75. USGS colln. 9645-SD. Polygnathus decorosus s. 1. Upper and lower views of P elements, USNM 270021, 270022, X 50. USGS colln. 9972-SD. . Polygnathus norrisiUyeno. Upper view of P element, USNM 270023, X 63. USGS 9648-SD. . Pandorinellina insita (Stauffer). Lateral view of P element, USNM 270024, X 100. USGS colln. 9648-SD. Icriodus symmetricus Branson and Mehl. Upper and lower views of I elements, USNM 270025, 270026, X 50. USGS colln. 9972-SD. Ancyrodella cf. A. buckeyensis Stauffer. Upper view of P element, USNM 270027, X 50. USGS colln. 9972-SD. Palmatolepis cf. P. proversa Ziegler. Upper view of P element, USNM 270028, X 50. USGS colln. 9972-SD. Palmatolepis cf. P. hassi Muller and Miller. Upper view of P element, USNM 270029, X 50. USGS colln. 9647-SD. Scanning electron micrographs of redeposited Famennian (figs. 13, 14, and 16) and redeposited and (or) indigenous Early Mississippian (fig. 15) condonts from the Davis Spring Formation. All specimens X 50 and from USGS colln. 27377-PC (text fig. 6). Palmatolepis glabra Ulrich and Bassler. Upper view of P element, USNM 270030. P. glabra is the most abundant species among the redeposited elements in this collection. Palmatolepis perlobata Ulrich and Bassler. Upper view of P element, USNM 270031. P. perlobata is one of several species of redeposited Famennian pal- matolepids represented by only one or a few specimens in this collection. Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper). Upper view of incomplete P element, USNM 270032. Polygnathus semicostatus Branson and Mehl. Upper view of incomplete P ele- ment, USNM 270033. All specimens of this species and at least 90 percent of all the other conodonts in the collection are fragmented and abraded. Scanning electron micrographs of redeposited (figs. 17, 18, 20, and 21) and re- deposited and (or) indigenous Early Mississippian (figs. 19 and 22) conodonts from the Kinkead Spring Limestone (Osagean). Stratigraphic position of USGS collection numbers is shown in text figure 6. Coleodus? sp. Lateral view, USNM 270034, X 40. USGS colln. 27411-PC. This specimen is the only recognizable pre-Devonian redeposited element in our col- lections from the Kinkead Spring Limestone. Coleodus? sp. is common in shelf edge and upper slope facies of the Lower and lower Middle Ordovician Antelope Valley Limestone in central Nevada. Icriodus sp. Upper view of I element, USNM 270035, X 50. USGS colln. 27413-PC. All our collections from the Kinkead Spring Limestone contain I and (or) Sq elements of redeposited Devonian icriodids. Polygnathus communis Branson and Mehl. Upper view of P element, USNM 270036, X 50. USGS colln. 27413-PC. The Kinkead Spring Limestone contains Osagean foraminifers and because P. communis is known to occur from the Famennian into the middle Osagean, representatives of this species in our collec- tion could be redeposited and (or) indigenous. Siphonodella isosticha (Cooper). Upper view of P element, USNM 270037, X 40. USGS colln. 27411-PC. A redeposited Kinderhookian element. Siphonodella duplicata (Branson and Mehl). Upper view of P element, USNM 270038, X 40. USGS colln. 27413-PC. Redeposited Kinderhookian element. Gnathodus punctatus (Cooper). Upper view of P element, USNM 270039, X 50. USGS colln. 27413-PC. A redeposited and (or) indigenous Lower Mississip- pian element. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1182, PLATE 8 BIOSTRATIGRAPHICALLY SIGNIFICANT CONODONTS FROM THE FENSTERMAKER WASH AND DAVIS SPRING FORMATIONS AND THE KINKEAD SPRING LIMESTONE GPO 588-767 Landslide Overview Map of the Conterminous United States By DOROTHY H. RADBRUCH-HALL, ROGER B. COLTON, WILLIAM E. DAVIES, BETTY A. SKIPP, IVO LUCCHITTA, ard DAVID J. VARNES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1183 Landslide incidence and susceptibility illustrated for major physical subdivisions of the United States UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1981 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Landslide overview map of the conterminous United States. (Geological Survey professional paper ; 1183) Bibliography: p. 1. Landslides-United States. I. Radbruch-Hall, Dorothy H., 1920- II. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Pro- fessional paper; 1183. QE599.U5L36 551.3 80-607902 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 CONTENTS lad o Page Abstract 1 | Slope-stability characteristics of physical subdivisions of the Introduction 1 United States-Continued ags Interior Division-Continued Meies °_f compilation . Rocky Mountain Piedmont __.___.._._______._________ 11 Authorship and acknowledgments ________________________ 8 Dakota-Minnesota Drift and Lakebed Flats __________ 11 Slope-stability characteristics of physical subdivisions of the North-Central Lake-Swamp-Moraine Plains _________ 11 United States 4 Southwest Wisconsin Hills ____._.__________________ 11 Pacific Mountain Division .__.._.._._.______________. 4 Middle Western Upland Plain _._._._._______________ 11 Coast Ranges : 4 East-Central Drift and Lakebed Flats ______________ 12 Puget-Willamette Lowlands ______________________ 4 West-Central Rolling Hills and Midcontinent Plains and Central Valley of California ______________________ 4 Escarpments 12 Cascade-Klamath-Sierra Nevada Ranges ____________ 4 Eastern Highland Division 12 Intermontane Division 5 Ozark-Ouachita Highlands ....._.___.______________ 12 Columbia Basin 5 Eastern Interior Uplands and Basins _______________ 12 Harney-Owyhee Broken Lands ____________________ 5 Appalachian Highlands ..........__.___..___..____ 12 Snake River Plain 5 Adirondack-New England Highlands _______________ 13 Basinand Range Area....._._._._.____________..._ 5 Gulf-Atlantic Division 13 Colorado Plateau 6 Lower New England 13 Upper (Gils Mountaing'....______L____________.__ 6 Gulf-Atlantic Rolling Plain and Stockton-Balcones Rocky Mountain Division 6 Escarpment (Interior Division) __________________ 13 Northern Rocky Mountains _.__.____________________ 6 Gulf-Atlantic Constal Flats ...____._________________ 14 Blue Mountains 7 Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain __.._._.______________ 14 Wyoming-Big Horn Basing _.._.._._._._.______________ 7T Comparison of selected physical subdivisions ____________ 14 Middle Rocky Mountains and Black Hills ____________ 7 Colorado Plateau 14 Southern Rocky Mountging _._.__..____.___________. 10 Appalachian Highlands __ ____._._._.._._._________ 15 Interior Division 10 Coast Ranges of California ___._.._________________ 18 Upper Missouri Basin Broken Lands _______________ 10 Southern Rocky Mountaing.._.___..________________ 20 High Plains and Nebraska Sand Hills _______________ 11 ! References cited 28 ILLUSTRATIONS Page PLATE 1. Landslide overview map of the conterminous United States In pocket FicurEs 1-14. Photographs of: 1. Meander anticline in canyon of Colorado River, southeastern Utah 7 2. Rockfall, slump, and earth-flow deposits, northwest end of Grand Mesa, western Colorado ______________________ 9 3. Toreva-block, showing debris behind tilted block and distorted dark shale beneath 15 4. Toreva-blocks around mesa near Toreva, northern Arizona 16 5. Stress-release joints at Mesa Verde, southwestern Colorado 17 6. Earth flows in weathered surface debris, West Virginia 18 7. Joints in conglomerate, Olean Rock City, New York 19 8. Typical landslide topography in Coast Ranges of northern California 19 9. Scars of soil slips in southern California 20 10. Large rock glacier, Mount Sopris, western Colorado 21 11. Grabens and trenches (sackungen) on ridge southwest of Bald Eagle Mountain, Colorado ________________________ 22 12. North side of Crested Butte, Colorado, showing crest and gravitational trenches 22 13. Recent debris flow on one edge of a fan constructed by many such flows, San Juan Mountains, Colorado ____________ 23 14. Slumgullion earth flow, southwestern Colorado 23 III LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES By DOROTHY H. RADBRUCH-HALL, ROGER B. COLTON, WILLIAM E. DAVIES, BETTY A. SKIPP, IvO LUCCHITTA, and DAVID J. VARNES ABSTRACT The accompanying landslide overview map of the conterminous United States is one of a series of National Environmental Overview Maps that summarize geologic, hydrogeologic, and topographic data essential to the assessment of national environmental problems. The map delineates areas where large numbers of landslides exist and areas which are susceptible to landsliding. It was prepared by evaluating the geologic map of the United States and classifying the geologic units according to high, medium, or low landslide incidence number and high, medium, or low susceptibility to landsliding. Rock types, structures, topography, precipitation, landslide type, and landslide incidence are mentioned for each physical subdivision of the United States. The differences in slope stability between the Col- orado Plateau, the Appalachian Highlands, the Coast Ranges of California, and the Southern Rocky Mountains are compared in detail, to illustrate the influence of various natural factors on the types of landsliding that occur in regions having different physical conditions. These four mountainous regions are among the most landslide-prone areas in the United States. The Colorado Plateau is a deformed platform of land where interbed- ded sedimentary rocks of varied lithologic properties have been gently warped and deeply eroded. The rocks are extensively fractured. Regional fracture systems, joints associated with individual geologic structures, and joints parallel to topographic surfaces, such as cliff faces, greatly influence slope stability. Detached blocks at the edges of mesas, as well as columns, arched recesses, and many natural arches «on the Colorado Plateau, were formed wholly or in part by mass move- ment. In the Appalachian Highlands, earth flows, debris flows, and debris avalanches predominate in weathered bedrock and colluvium. Damag- ing debris avalanches result when persistent steady rainfall is followed by a sudden heavy downpour. Landsliding in unweathered bedrock is controlled locally by joint systems similar to those on the Colorado Plateau. In some places, outward gravitational movement of valley walls due to stress release has formed anticlines and caused thrusting in the center of valleys. In the Coast Ranges of California, slopes are steep, and rocks are varied and extensively deformed. One of the most slide-prone terranes of the Coast Ranges is the tectonic melange of the Franciscan assemblage, on which huge masses of debris are moving slowly down- slope. In southern California, debris flows generated by soil slips are particularly damaging. Similar flows are common in poorly con- solidated Tertiary rocks of the central part of the State. Like the debris avalanches of the Appalachian Highlands, the flows form during intense rainfall after previous steady rain. The Southern Rocky Mountains are complex in rock type and climate, and the landslides there are also complex. Slides range from rock-falls at one extreme to slumps and debris flows at the other. They include "sackungen," which are distinguished by ridgetop grabens associated with uphill-facing scarps on ridge sides, both features of gravitational origin. Extensive regional joint patterns have not been recognized, and shallow soil slips are only a minor hazard. INTRODUCTION As land development accelerates in the United States and as greater quantities of our natural resources are extracted, it becomes increasingly important to under- stand the constraints on land use that are imposed by natural physical conditions, and to be aware of the damage to the total environment that may result from ignoring these constraints. A series of National En- vironmental Overview Maps, including this landslide overview map, have been prepared to summarize par- ticular geologic, hydrologic, and topographic data essen- tial in assessing environmental problems on a national scale. The accompanying map indicates regions where slope- stability problems should be considered in large-scale national planning, for example, in evaluating areas suitable for nuclear reactors, solid-waste disposal, large open-pit mining operations, transportation and utility corridors, or major water-development projects. The map shows areas of landslides and areas susceptible to future landsliding in the conterminous United States. The most obvious purpose of the map is to delineate areas where landsliding may pose problems in land use, including possible damage to engineering works. These areas are places where construction or careless land development may damage the environment, not only directly-by reactivating existing landslides or ac- tivating new ones-but also indirectly. For example, if construction activity were to cause landsliding, one effect could be an increased debris load in streams, which would degrade the aquatic habitat and perhaps damage valuable timber by depositing sediment around tree trunks, or destroy spawning grounds for fish. METHOD OF COMPILATION In compiling this map, we considered landslides to be any downward and outward movement of earth 1 2 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES materials on a slope. Landslides generally move by the falling, sliding, or flowing of rock and (or) soil, or by a combination of these and other less common types of movement. For a comprehensive discussion of landslide types and processes, the reader is referred to Schuster and Krizek (1978). Talus deposits, formed by falling or rolling of individual rocks, were not considered land- slides, unless the deposits were thought to be moving. Other deposits of gravitational origin that we did not consider include: Tertiary megabreccias (deposits resulting from ancient landslides not related to present slopes), large gravitational thrust sheets, solifluction deposits, snow avalanches, and debris deposited by flows that contribute to alluvial fans in arid regions. Some of these deposits may have been included, however, in places where the original data used in compilation did not distinguish these deposits from other kinds of surficial deposits. Individual landslides could not be shown on a map of this scale. The map was prepared by evaluating forma- tions or groups of formations shown on the geologic map of the United States (King and Beikman, 1974) and classifying them as having high, medium, or low land- slide incidence (number of landslides) and being of high, medium, or low susceptibility to landsliding. Thus, those map units or parts of units with more than 15 percent of their area involved in landsliding were classified as hav- ing high incidence; those with 1.5 to 15 percent of their area involved in landsliding, as having medium in- cidence; and those with less than 1.5 percent of their area involved, as having low incidence. This classifica- tion scheme was modified where particular lithofacies are known to have variable landslide incidence or susceptibility. In continental glaciated areas, additional data were used to identify surficial deposits that are susceptible to slope movement. Susceptibility to land- sliding was defined as the probable degree of response of the areal rocks and soils to natural or artificial cutting or loading of slopes or to anomalously high precipitation. High, medium, and low susceptibility are delimited by the same percentages used in classifying the incidence of landsliding. For example, it was estimated that a rock or soil unit characterized by high landslide susceptibility would respond to widespread artificial cutting by some movement in 15 percent or more of the affected area. We did not evaluate the effect of earthquakes on slope stability, although many catastrophic landslides have been generated by ground shaking during earthquakes. Areas susceptible to ground failure under static condi- tions would probably also be susceptible to failure during earthquakes. Published data were used wherever possible. In many places, the percentage of a formation involved in land- sliding, as shown on the large-scale published maps, was determined by counting squares of a superimposed grid. Formations shown on the large-scale maps were then correlated with geologic units on the geologic map of the United States. In some places, notably in Colorado and parts of California and the Appalachians, recent com- pilations from aerial photographs provided detailed in- formation on landslide incidence (Nilsen and Brabb, 1972; Davies, 1974; Colton and others, 1976). For the Eastern United States, published data and information from aerial photographs, newspaper accounts, and fieldwork were used. For many parts of the country, however, particularly for parts of the Western United States, information on landslides and their relation to geologic conditions is sparse. Data from the relatively small number of geologic maps and reports that give detailed information on slope stability in scattered places, therefore, were extrapolated as accurately as possible into adjacent areas. Extrapolation was aided by unpublished information, by discussions with many geologists who have worked in various parts of the United States, and by the personal knowledge of the compilers. General knowledge of climatic and topographic condi- tions, such as the extent of desert areas and of alluvial and volcanic plains, and the existence of coastal cliffs, fault scarps, and steep-sided canyons, was applied in ex- trapolation wherever possible. Where slides formed under special circumstances, such as along steep cliffs, landslide incidence is shown by dots or heavy lines without boundaries. Although both slope angle and precipitation influence slope stability, we could not give full weight to these fac- tors in preparing the map because no slope map or detailed precipitation map exists on a suitable scale for the entire United States. The 8-inch or 10-inch precipita- tion isolines, taken from "Climates of the States" (Na- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1974), appear on the map (see pl. 1, explanation) because ex- perience in California shows that landslides are general- ly few where precipitation is less than 8 or 10 inches per year (Cleveland, 1971; Radbruch and Crowther, 1973). In some arid regions, particularly in the Basin and Range Area, landslides may be abundant where precipitation is less than 8 or 10 inches per year, but susceptibility to future natural landsliding is still low. This apparent anomaly is due to the probability that much landsliding in now-arid regions took place during Pleistocene time, when precipitation was heavier than at present. The areas within the 8-inch or 10-inch precipitation isolines may, therefore, have low landslide susceptibility, even though the incidence of landslides may be high locally. Existing landslides in these areas may be reactivated or new landslides generated by con- struction activity, excessive natural loading, unusual METHOD OF natural or artificial wetting (such as irrigation), or ero- sion. The susceptibility categories are largely subjective because insufficient data are available for precise deter- minations. Susceptibility is shown on the map by colored line patterns (see pl. 1, explanation). Where source maps show slope movement for one part of a geologic unit but not for others, it was generally unknown whether the absence of recorded landslides indicates a difference in natural conditions or simply a scarcity of information on landslides for parts of the unit. Generally, we assumed that anomalous precipitation or changes in existing con- ditions can initiate landslide movement in rocks and soils that have numerous landslides in parts of their out- crop areas. For example, the slide-prone Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the Western United States, which illustrates this particular problem and method of com- pilation, was assigned high landslide incidence where in- cidence is known and, where unknown, low incidence but moderate susceptibility. If susceptibility of a rock. unit is known to be high though landslide incidence is low-for instance, where flat areas are underlain by the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale or by glacial-lake clay in the Interior Division-the susceptibility may be two categories higher than the incidence. In such areas, landslides may be rare, except along stream channels; but extensive slumping may take place in excavations. Dip slopes, which are susceptible to landsliding when ex- cavated for cuts and foundations, have not been shown as susceptible unless otherwise prone to landsliding. Evaluation of the formations and groups of forma- tions on the geologic map of the United States was made at a scale of 1:2,500,000; the necessary extrapolation was made at the final publication scale of 1:7,500,000. Because some generalization was necessary at the smaller scale, several small areas of high incidence and susceptibility were slightly exaggerated in order to re- tain them on the map. Very small areas of lower-within- higher categories were eliminated, and areal boundaries were simplified. After compilation was complete, several parts of the United States were field checked, both on the ground and from the air, to verify the overall accuracy of the map, particularly in areas where infor- mation was sparse. A preliminary version of the map (Radbruch-Hall and others, 1976a) was sent to each State geological survey of the conterminous United States for comments, which we considered in preparing the final map. The assigning of any area to the lowest incidence or susceptibility category should not be construed to mean that no landslides exist or that no areas are susceptible to landsliding. Even areas in the lowest category may contain landslides unknown to the compilers or have an incidence of less than 1.5 percent. In general, the COMPILATION 3 possibility is great that much more landsliding than is in- dicated exists in any given map area (except for the highest category), owing to the overall scarcity of land- slide information for many parts of the country. Moreover, many published special-purpose geologic maps do not show landslides, even where they are known to exist. Because the map is highly generalized, owing to the small scale and the scarcity of precise landslide informa- tion for much of the country, it is unsuitable for local planning or actual site selection. ; However, the compilation showed that certain types of rocks and certain geologic conditions favor land- sliding wherever they occur on slopes. Fine-grained clastic rocks-those consisting predominantly of silt- and clay-size particles-are most prone to landsliding. They are particularly susceptible if they are poorly con- solidated, and/or are interbedded with or overlain by more resistant but fractured and permeable rocks, such as limestone, sandstone, or basalt. Highly sheared rocks, particularly tectonic melanges, slide extensively. Loose slope accumulations of fine-grained surface debris are susceptible to sliding, particularly at times of intense or sustained rainfall. Areas having any of these condi- tions should be evaluated for their stability in any regional planning. AUTHORSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors were assisted by L. W. Anderson, P. E. Carrara, J. A. Holligan, S. V. Lee, E. G. Newton, R. M. Nolting, Gregory Ohlmacher, P. E. Patterson, G. R. Scott, K. C. Shaver, and J. W. Whitney. General areal responsibility among the authors is as follows: Radbruch-Hall-Washington, Oregon, California, New Mexico, and eastern Utah; Colton-Colorado; Davies-area east of the Mississippi River; Lucchitta -Nevada, Arizona, western Utah, and the south- western part of New Mexico within the Basin and Range Area; Skipp-Idaho; and Varnes-western States bet- ween the Mississippi River and the east borders of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. Inquiries regarding specific parts of the map should be addressed to the respective author. D. H. Radbruch-Hall coordinated the compilation and final assembly of the map and text. The author-compilers are indebted to many persons too numerous to mention, both within and outside the U.S. Geological Survey, for contributions of unpublished data. A map showing landslides in the State of Washington was compiled by the Washington Division of Geology and Natural Resources from data in their files, and used with other data in preparing the map of Washington. Maps of Missouri and Texas compiled under contract to the U.S. Geological Survey by person- 4 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES nel of the Missouri Geological Survey and the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, respectively, were used with some modification in the compilation. The person- nel of many State geologic organizations reviewed the preliminary map (Radbruch-Hall and others, 1976a) and made constructive suggestions for its improvement. SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES Geologic factors that affect slope stability also influence the form of the land surface. It is appropriate, therefore, to evaluate slope stability in terms of its physiographic setting. The physiographic regions of the United States in the following synopsis are modified from the physical subdivisions in "The National Atlas of the United States of America" (Hammond, 1965) (see pl. 1). Divisions generally are discussed below in order of their position from west to east, and subdivisions from west to east or north to south. Rock types, structure, topography, precipitation, landslide type, and landslide incidence are mentioned in the description of each for physical subdivision because these factors are the major determinants of slope stability. It is apparent from the map that certain regions of the United States, particularly the Coast Ranges of Califor- ~ nia, the Colorado Plateau, the Rocky Mountains, and the Appalachians, are far more slide prone than others. Pro- nounced physical differences between the areas of high landslide incidence are not so apparent. The differences in slope stability between these widely differing physical subdivisions and the factors contributing to their characteristic slope-stability patterns are discussed in the section "Comparison of Selected Physical Subdivi- sions." Steep slopes heighten the susceptibility to landsliding, so that many mountainous areas of the United States are slide prone, although steep slopes alone do not deter- mine susceptibility. For a slope to fail, the driving forces that cause failure must exceed the resisting forces that maintain stability. Steep slopes in hard, unfractured, homogeneous rocks may be very stable. Slopes currently being steepened or undercut-for example, along active faults, wave-cut cliffs, or vigorously eroding streams-may be very unstable, particularly in soft rocks. PACIFIC MOUNTAIN DIVISION COAST RANGES The Coast Ranges, which border the entire west coast of the United States from the Olympic Peninsula south to Mexico, vary greatly in both rock type and climate. Upper Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks predominate, although intrusive and metamorphic rocks are also present. Most rocks have been folded, faulted, and in places intensely sheared; many of the Tertiary rocks are poorly consolidated. Topography is moun- tainous, with steep slopes and intervening flat valleys. Precipitation in the Coast Ranges is seasonal, ranging from very wet in parts of the northern ranges to semiarid in the south, with periodic storms accompanied by intense rainfall (for precipitation terminology see Wilson, 1967). The combination of steep slopes, soft, sheared rocks, and periods of heavy precipitation makes this subdivision, particularly in California, one of the most landslide prone areas of the United States. Tec- tonic melange, especially that of the Franciscan assemblage, is especially slide prone; landslides on natural slopes are common in all three categories of slide, fall, and flow. Debris flows during rainstorms are a particular hazard in southern California, where much of the area is heavily developed, so that many landslides have been artificially activated. The Coast Ranges are seismically active, and earthquakes have triggered many landslides. PUGET-WILLAMETTE LOWLANDS The Puget-Willamette Lowlands extend from the United States-Canadian border south to Eugene, Oreg., between the Coast Ranges and the Cascade Mountains. The climate is subhumid to humid. The southern part of the lowlands consists of alluvial valleys along the Cowlitz, Columbia, and Willamette Rivers. The nor- thern part is a flat glacial plain interrupted by the com- plex bays and inlets of Puget Sound. Landslides are numerous along the wave-cut cliffs, particularly where the cliffs expose glacial drift overlying clay; elsewhere, landslides are few, except in Eocene sedimentary rocks at the south end of Puget Sound. CENTRAL VALLEY OF CALIFORNIA The Central Valley of California is a long, flat northwest-trending plain between the Coast Ranges on the west and the Sierra Nevada on the east. Climate is subhumid in the north and arid in the south. The valley is underlain primarily by Holocene alluvium, although some Tertiary sedimentary rocks are exposed at its edges along the fronts of the surrounding mountains. Landslides are few. CASCADE-KLAMATH-SIERRA NEVADA RANGES The Cascade-Klamath-Sierra Nevada Ranges are quite different from one another in rock type, topography, climate, and landslide characteristics. The SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 5 Cascade Range, to the north, is primarily volcanic and is characterized along its length by large, recently active volcanoes. The climate is subhumid to very wet. Mudflows have accompanied volcanic eruptions, and the steep slopes of the volcanoes are presently subject to mudflows, rock falls, and snow and rock avalanches. Some older Tertiary volcanic and clastic rocks on the flanks of the Cascade Range, particularly on the west side, are prone to landsliding, but landsliding is minor in the rest of the subdivision. The Klamath Mountains, bounded by the Coast Ranges on the west and the Cascade Range on the east, contain a variety of rocks that include serpentinite, granitic and metamorphic rocks, and Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. Topography is steep, and climate is humid. Many of the rocks are jointed, foliated, and faulted. Landslides, particularly debris slides and flows, are common, especially in highly sheared serpen- tinite. The Sierra Nevada has a steep east-facing front that rises from an elevation of 2,100 m or less at its foot to more than 4,200 m at its crest. The range slopes gently west to the Great Valley, but many of its west-draining canyons are deep and steep sided. Climate ranges from humid along the north crest to arid at the south and along the east front. The core of the range is a complex granitic batholith surrounded by various Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Mesozoic sedimentary and metavolceanic rocks, and Tertiary volcanic suites. In general, landslides are uncommon, although rock falls occasionally drop from the high peaks, and mudflows run off the easily eroded Tertiary volcaniclastic flows and breccias. Large landslides are abundant in Tertiary rocks on the steep northwest side of the Tehachapi Mountains, a horst at the south end of the Sierra Nevada. INTERMONTANE DIVISION COLUMBIA BASIN The Columbia Basin subdivision of northern Oregon and southeastern Washington is underlain primarily by Tertiary volcanic rocks that in general are not prone to landsliding. Topography is predominantly flat, but is sharply dissected locally. The climate is arid to semiarid. Some large landslides have formed along steep cliffs of the Columbia River Basalt Group that line the Columbia River and its tributaries. Slide planes are generally in in- terbedded tuff or fine-grained sedimentary rocks that are rendered even more susceptible to sliding by local upwarping and folding. Landslides also take place where Pleistocene sand and silt filling valleys in the basalt are cut by the Columbia River and its tributaries. Similar sliding is prevalent along Lake Roosevelt in northern Washington, where Pleistocene deposits fill valleys cut into Paleozoic and Mesozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks (Jones and others, 1961). HARNEY-OWYHEE BROKEN LANDS Although the Harney-Owyhee Broken Lands resemble the Basin and Range Area in climate and structure and are included in it by some authorities, fault-block ranges are less pronounced in the Broken Lands than in the Basin and Range Area. The rocks are predominantly volcanic, and landsliding is minor. Some landslides exist locally where sedimentary rocks are interbedded with or overlain by basalt, along steep fault scarps, or along bluffs of tuffaceous Pliocene volcanic rocks. SNAKE RIVER PLAIN The Snake River Plain in southern Idaho is an arid to semiarid plain that separates the Rocky Mountains of central Idaho from the Basin and Range Area of the southern part of the State. Flat-lying Quaternary basalt, some only 2,000 years old, and thick loess deposits underlie the major part of the desert in the eastern plain, where landslides are almost unknown. A few land- slides have formed along the canyons of the Snake River and its tributaries, where downcutting has activated sliding in the tuffaceous sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age and slumping in the interbedded basalt. Slides of this type have occurred along the bluffs of Salmon Falls Creek west of Buhl, Idaho (Malde and others, 1963), in the last four decades. Some landslides exist and more can be expected in the tuffaceous facies of the rhyolitic Tertiary volcanic rocks that form the south border of the Snake River Plain. BASIN AND RANGE AREA The Basin and Range Area comprises most of the State of Nevada and parts of Oregon, Idaho, California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The province is characterized geologically by tilted fault blocks whose crests form linear ranges separated by deep structural basins generally filled with poorly consolidated sedimen- tary rocks. Many summits exceed 3,400 m, and some 3,700 m; the highest peak is White Mountain in Califor- nia, elevation 3,733 m. Climate in most of the Basin and Range Area is semiarid to arid. Extensive areas, particularly the basins, receive 8 inches or less of precipitation per year. Some precipitation occurs as cloudbursts of high intensi- ty and short duration, so that runoff is heavy and infiltration is minimal. These conditions favor debris flows, particularly those that contribute to alluvial fans, rather than slides. Thus, debris flows are the rule and 6 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES slides are the great exception among current slope movements in the Basin and Range Area. The slides tend to be concentrated in the more northerly latitudes or at the higher elevations, where annual precipitation is greater than in the rest of the Basin and Range Area. Many slides date back to the Pleistocene, when condi- tions were wetter. Minor recent sliding occurs along the edges of fault-bounded basins. Volcanic sediment, especially air-fall tuffs, and shale are the rocks most commonly involved in landsliding in the Basin and Range Area. These rock types rarely pro- duce landslides in the absence of a resistant cap rock because erosion quickly reduces slopes to very low angles. Cap rocks typically are welded tuffs, mafic lava flows, and resistant sedimentary rocks, such as quartzite and massive carbonates. Sheared and fractured massive carbonates and crystalline rocks are also prone to sliding. The resistance of these rocks to weathering causes steep slopes, and the presence of shear planes leads to mechanical failure. Because of the general scarcity of landslides in the Basin and Range Area, any location for which landslides are reported is an anomaly. Therefore, landslides that exist in numbers below the cutoff level established for this map are marked by symbolic dots. These slides would not be singled out in other parts of the country where landslides are more common. A few exceptionally large and well-known landslides, including the Tin Mountain landslide west of Death Valley (Burchfield, 1966) and the Blackhawk landslide on the north side of the San Bernardino Mountains (Shreve, 1968), both in California, lie in this subdivision. They are numbered on the map. COLORADO PLATEAU The Colorado Plateau comprises the colorful subhumid to arid uplands of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico, which include the scenic Grand Canyon, Monu- ment Valley, Bryce and Zion National Parks, and Can- yon de Chelly. Rocks range from Precambrian crystalline rocks, notably in the Grand Canyon, through Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, to Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive rocks. Much of the plateau consists of interbedded shale and massive sandstone of Mesozoic age. The rocks are nearly horizontal over wide areas, but in places have been deformed into monoclines, broad folds, warps, and domes intruded locally by igneous rocks and cut by numerous faults. The Colorado Plateau is largely above 1,500 m in elevation; some parts are above 3,400 m, and some sum- mits exceed 3,700 m. The plateau is incised by many very deep, steep-walled canyons. Rock falls, slumps, complex block slides, and debris flows are numerous; spalls and rock falls are common in canyon walls. Land- slides are abundant: (1) in soft shale of the Triassic Chinle Formation, especially where it is overlain by the Triassic Wingate Sandstone or by volcanic flows; (2) in the shale and mudstone of the Jurassic Morrison Forma- tion, especially where they are overlain by the Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone; and (3) in the Cretaceous Tropic and Mancos Shales, especially where overlain by the Straight Cliffs Sandstone or by sandstone of the Mesaverde Formation. Landslides also occur in other in- terbedded shales and sandstones. Many flat-topped plateaus and mesas, where resistant rocks cap weaker ones, are rimmed by large landslide blocks. This characteristic feature of the Colorado Plateau is in- dicated on the map by the distinctive pattern of heavy lines indicating high incidence. Two exceptionally large landslides on the Colorado Plateau deserve special mention: the prehistoric land- slide in Zion Canyon that dammed the Virgin River, and the Needles in southeastern Utah. The landslide in Zion Canyon involved the Chinle Formation and the overly- ing Wingate Sandstone, Kayenta Formation, Navajo Sandstone, and Carmel Formation (Grater, 1945). The Needles consists of a system of faults and grabens ap- parently formed when salt and gypsum flowed laterally from under the Needles area toward the canyon of the Colorado River as the load on the salt and gypsum was decreased by downcutting of the canyon (Lewis and Campbell, 1965). Lateral movement of material toward the canyon formed the Meander anticline along the axis of the river (fig. 1). Concurrent spreading of overlying rocks east of the canyon formed the grabens and trenches, which have a typical arcuate landslide pattern concave toward the canyon. UPPER GILA MOUNTAINS The generally east-west to northwest trending Upper Gila Mountains of Arizona and New Mexico lie between the Colorado Plateau on the north and the Basin and Range Area on the south; some authorities include these mountains in the Basin and Range Area. Their climate is mainly semiarid. The Upper Gila Mountains consist largely of Precambrian sedimentary, metasedimentary, and granitic rocks, and Tertiary volcanic rocks of various kinds. There are few landslides in the subdivi- sion. ROCKY MOUNTAIN DIVISION NORTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS The Northern Rocky Mountains subdivision, which makes up most of northern Idaho and western Montana, consists of numerous ranges with peaks rising to over SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES (7. FIGURE 1.-Meander anticline in the canyon of the Colorado River, southeastern Utah. Arcuate grabens of Needles are visible on right. Width of the river is approximately 150 m. 3,400 m, separated in places by elongate valleys filled with Tertiary or Quaternary continental sedimentary rocks. The ranges consist of folded and faulted Precam- brian, Paleozoic, and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks; large masses of Tertiary volcanic rocks; Cretaceous and Ter- tiary plutonic rocks; and metamorphic rocks. The climate ranges from semiarid along the border of the Snake River Plain to humid (alpine) in ranges to the north. In Idaho, debris slides and flows are abundant in some travertine deposits and lakebeds of Miocene age and in the tuffaceous facies of the Tertiary Challis Volcanics. Most of the rest of the Challis contains a moderate number of landslides. Historic mudflows in argillized rocks of the Challis took place in the Thunder Mountain area (Leonard, 1973). Smaller landslide areas are in welded tuffs that overlie soft Cretaceous shale of the Centennial Range and in glacial deposits that overlie the Idaho batholith. The Squaw Creek Schist also contains landslide areas west of the batholith. Slumps and debris avalanches are extensive in the border-zone rocks of the Idaho batholith. These rocks have a high mica and (or) clay content and, where highly weathered and frac- tured, are easily destabilized by heavy rain or snow. The batholith is relatively free of landslides, although col- luvium along the South Fork of the Salmon River has 8 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES slumped in several places, and a few areas of grus may be unstable. Small rock falls in the granodiorite of Sawtooth National Forest are minor hazards. In south-central Idaho north of the Snake River Plain, landslides are locally concentrated in shale and shaly limestone interbedded with massive upper Paleozoic limestone. Argillite of the Precambrian Prichard For- mation forms an area of potential sliding along the Mojie River in northern Idaho, and a moderate amount of Holocene landsliding has taken place in metamorphosed rocks of the Precambrain Belt Supergroup in Clear- water National Forest (Day and Megahan, 1975). Land- slide scars and mudflows are plentiful at higher altitudes in the Belt of the Lemhi Pass area (Sharp and Cavender, 1962) and in lacustrine and fluvial deposits of the inter- montane basins of the Idaho-Montana border area. In southwestern Montana, Tertiary volcanic rocks contain a moderate number of slumps, as do shaly Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the disturbed belt along the east border of the mountains. Landslides are prevalent on slopes where the Upper Cretaceous Judith River Formation (Waldrop and Hyden, 1963) or the Lower Cretaceous Mowry and Thermopolis Shales underlie Tertiary volcanic rocks. In western Montana, slides in quartzite and argillite of the Belt Supergroup have blocked highways-for example, south of Glacier Park, between Anaconda and Phillipsburg, Mont., and between Missoula and Drummond, Mont. Thrust faults ' ave moved massive Paleozoic limestone over Cretaceous shale in the disturbed belt west and northwest of Great Falls, Mont. High cliffs of limestone exposed at the mountain front are unstable, and the bases of the cliffs are lined with deposits resulting from rock fall-debris flows (Mudge, 1965). Large and rapid slope failures in fractured rock are significant hazards in the northern Rocky Mountains of the United States and . Canada. The Madison landslide, which was triggered by the Hebgen Lake earthquake in 1959, took at least 20 lives in the valley of the Madison River west of Yellowstone National Park (Hadley, 1964). The Northern Rocky Mountains extend slightly into northern Washington. Landslides are mainly slump- earth flows in fine-grained terrace material of glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine origin in the valley of the Columbia River (Jones and others, 1961). BLUE MOUNTAINS The Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon are bordered on the north by the Columbia Basin, on the south by the Harney-Owyhee Broken Lands, and on the east by the Northern Rocky Moutains. The climate is subhumid to semiarid. The Blue Mountains were arched upward and faulted since Miocene time; subsequent rapid erosion has cut steep gorges that are separated by sharp ridges or tablelands. The area is underlain predominantly by Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks, with lesser amounts of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. Landslide incidence and susceptibility are very high in the interbedded rhyolite flows, tuffs, and tuffaceous sedimentary rocks of the Tertiary John Day Formation in the western Blue Mountains, and land- slides are prominent but somewhat less abundant in the Tertiary Clarno Formation. Landslides are few in other parts of the subdivision. WYOMING-BIG HORN BASINS The Wyoming-Big Horn Basins subdivision includes extensive areas of low relief, some smaller mountain ranges, and hilly areas between ranges of the Middle Rocky Mountains. The low relief and aridity have led to a low incidence of landsliding, but the rocks themselves are susceptible to local failure. Some landsliding takes place on the west flank of the Powder River Basin in northern Wyoming; in Cretaceous and Oligocene deposits on the flanks of some ranges in central Wyo- ming; and in southern Wyoming and northwestern Col- orado, where Tertiary lakebeds and other continental deposits of the Green River and Wasatch Formations slide and _ w. MIDDLE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND BLACK HILLS The Middle Rocky Mountains, which extend north and northeast from southern and central Utah into north- western Colorado, southwestern Idaho, northwestern Wyoming, and southern Montana, include: (1) the Ab- saroka, Owl Creek, Wind River, Bighorn, and Teton Ranges, and the ranges to the south of the Tetons along the Idaho-Wyoming border; (2) the Beartooth Moun- tains in Montana; (3) the Wasatch Range, extending from Idaho into southern Utah; and (4) the east-west Uinta Mountains in northeastern Utah and north- western Colorado. In Utah and southern Idaho, the mountains are bounded on the west by the steep west- facing scarp of the active Wasatch fault. Some of the ranges have peaks more than 4,000 m high; the topography is rugged to rolling, and local relief is com- monly more than 1,500 m. The climate ranges from semiarid to humid. At least half of the part of this subdivision that lies in Wyoming, southeastern Idaho, and Colorado is underlain by rocks that are either moderately to highly susceptible to slope failure or have moderate to high landslide incidence. Rocks of many types are involved, ranging in age from Precambrian through Quaternary. In southeastern Idaho and southwestern Wyoming, shale of the Lower Cretaceous Bear River Formation and the Gannett Group are landslide prone. Several SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 9 upper Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic sedimentary forma- tions, including the Amsden, Phosphoria, Ankareh, and Stump Formations, also are moderately unstable. The interbedded sandstone, mudstone, shale, and limestone of the Tertiary Wasatch Formation have many slumps and debris flows. Paleocene welded tuffs that overlie softer Cretaceous rocks are susceptible to slumping where dissected, as along the Snake River adjacent to the Snake River Plain on the south. In northwestern Wyoming, soft bentonitic claystone and shale of Jurassic and Cretaceous age are particular- ly susceptible to slump-earth flows and debris flows (Bailey, 1971; Love, 1973). Shale, siltstone, and sand- stone of early Tertiary age also slide, especially where overlain by massive volcanic rocks (Pierce, 1968). Col- luvium and glacial detritus on slopes in the higher moun- tains, such as the Teton and Wind River Ranges, can be mobilized by melt water and torrential rains to form slides and debris flows. Shale of the Cambrian Gros Ventre Formation and the Gallatin Formation underlying the massive Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite and the Mississippian Madison Lime- stone slide in parts of southern Montana and north- central Wyoming (Holland and Everitt, 1974). Large landslides in these rocks along the Bighorn River have been reactivated by the creation of the Bighorn Reser- voir (Dupree and Taucher, 1974). Other slide-prone com- binations in the Middle Rocky Mountains in Wyoming and Colorado consist of sandstone of the Cretaceous Lakota Formation overlying shale of the Jurassic Mor- rison Formation, as well as Tertiary sandstone, con- glomerate, and volcanic rocks overlying shales of the Cretaceous Niobrara and Frontier Formations. Shale overlain by massive rocks is particularly unstable where the rocks dip toward a valley and the massive rocks have been cut free by erosion. The lower Gros Ventre slide south of Teton National Park is a well- known example, in which the Tensleep Sandstone slid down over the underlying shaly Amsden Formation (Keefer and Love, 1956; Voight, 1978). Around the edges of mesas where a massive unit, such as sandstone or volcanic rock, overlies a soft unit, such as shale, slumps and falls are similar to those on the Colorado Plateau (Yeend, 1973) (fig. 2). FicurE 2.-Rock-fall, slump, and earth-flow deposits beneath cliffs of basalt overlying weak Tertiary rocks, northwest end of Grand Mesa, western Colorado (photograph by R. B. Colton). Scale indicated by trees on debris below cliff. 10 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES In Utah, landslides in both rock and soil are numerous along the Wasatch Front (Mead, 1972; Pashley and Wiggins, 1972; Van Horn and others, 1972) and on both flanks of the Uinta Mountains, especially where quartz- itic Precambrian rocks have been thrust over the Cretaceous Hilliard Shale and other soft rocks (Hansen, 1965). Other bad actors include the Lodore Formation (Cambrian), the Doughnut Formation (Mississippian), the Morgan Formation (Pennsylvanian), and the Mor- rison Formation (Jurassic) A very large example of lateral spreading in Pleistocene Lake Bonneville deposits was described by Van Horn (1975). The High Plateaus of central Utah are included here in the Middle Rocky Mountains, although most authorities place them on the Colorado Plateau. The plateaus all ex- ceed 2,700 m in altitude, and some 3,400 m, including peaks more than 3,700 m high; many plateaus are capped by basalt. Rock slides from steep cliffs are com- mon, as well as slumps and flows where beds of soft rocks are interbedded with or overlain by more resistant rocks. The Cretaceous Tropic Shale, the Cretaceous and Paleocene North Horn Formation, the Tertiary Flagstaff Limestone, and the Tertiary Bullion Canyon Volcanics are particularly susceptible to landsliding (Shroder, 1971). The central core of the Black Hills dome consists of stable metamorphic and igneous rocks of Precambrian age, but parts of the surrounding belt of tilted sedimen- tary rocks are unstable, notably where shale or claystone of the Jurassic Sundance and Morrison For- mations are overlain by thick sandstone beds of the Sun- dance Formation or the Lower Cretaceous Inyan Kara Group (Robinson and others, 1964; Cattermole, 1972). SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS The Southern Rocky Mountains subdivision includes the Medicine Bow and Laramie Ranges of southern Wyoming, the numerous ranges of central and southwestern Colorado, and the mountainous regions of northern New Mexico. The subdivision is a region of complex geologic history and structure and of greatly varying lithology. Topography ranges from rugged high peaks to extensive, fairly level but high intermontane basins. Nearly the full range of slope-failure processes has been or is now active within the region. Landslide susceptibility and incidence may appear more extensive for Colorado than for some other States, as shown on plate 1, because large-scale maps showing the actual distribution of landslide and related deposits have been prepared for Colorado from interpretation of all available geologic maps and aerial photographs (Colton and others, 1976). (See plate 1 for a reproduction of the landslide map of Colorado at a scale of 1:7,500,000.) These landslide maps have confirmed the general im- pression that landslide deposits are rarely shown in their full extent on geologic maps prepared for other pur- poses, even recent maps at large scales. In most areas of moderate to high landslide incidence, the slope failures occurred during some previous time of wetter climate, possibly during waning glaciation. Although now inac- tive, such areas are easily reactivated by alterations of the slope or ground-water conditions. Slope failures are most abundant in areas underlain by Cretaceous shale (Varnes, 1949; Rogers and Rold, 1972); by Tertiary continental deposits, such as the Green River and Wasatch Formations; or by Tertiary volcanic sequences, particularly those that are hydrothermally altered or that include weak, permeable beds of ag- glomerate (Howe, 1909; Crandell and Varnes, 1961), and those comprising massive volcanic rocks underlain by siltstone and shale. Rocks of all lithologies and ages are affected by slope movement to some degree. Cliffs and canyon walls of Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks are sub- ject to small rock slides and rock falls, as are steep slopes of Paleozoic and Mesozoic carbonate rocks and sandstone, particularly where underlain by shale. Alpine debris flows generated in talus, colluvium, and weathered bedrock by heavy rainfall or snowmelt occur commonly on steep slopes (Curry, 1966; Rogers and Rold, 1972). INTERIOR DIVISION UPPER MISSOURI BASIN BROKEN LANDS The Broken Lands include most of central and eastern Montana, North and South Dakotas west of the Missouri River (except the Black Hills), and eastern Wyoming; all of the subdivision is tributary to the Missouri River. This semiarid region has a typical continental-interior climate with hot summers and cold winters. Much of the Broken Lands is underlain by flat-lying Cretaceous and Paleocene shale, siltstone, and sand- stone. The clay-mineral content of many of these rocks is high, so that they are susceptible to slumps and earth flows. The weak and erodible rocks have generally low to moderate relief, with some buttes and badlands; slopes are generally moderate to steep only along drainage courses. For this reason, the areas of moderate and high incidence of landslides are confined mostly to the valley walls of the Missouri River and to its principal tributaries, although the intervening flatter areas show abundant signs of very shallow disturbance of soil and weathered bedrock and are susceptible to landsliding when slopes are steepened by man or nature. Geologic formations known to be very susceptible to landslides are the Pierre, Bearpaw, and Claggett Shales SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 11 of the Upper Cretaceous Montana Group; the Upper Cretaceous Marias River and Cody Shales; and the Paleocene Fort Union Formation (Crandell, 1952; Fleming and others, 1970; Erskine, 1973; Scully, 1978). Pleistocene glacial-lake deposits along the Missouri River, especially near Great Falls, Mont., are moderate- ly to highly susceptible to slope failure (Lemke and Maughan, 1977). Sliding is common around the perimeters of buttes in southwestern North Dakota and northwestern South Dakota where the Oligocene Chadron Formation overlies the Paleocene Fort Union Formation. HIGH PLAINS AND NEBRASKA SAND HILLS This subdivision of low relief is underlain nearly everywhere by flat to gently dipping upper Tertiary con- tinental deposits. The Sand Hills are underlain by Quaternary sand. Small slope failures may occur along stream valleys, but landslides are rare. ROCKY MOUNTAIN PIEDMONT The Rocky Mountain Piedmont extends through eastern Colorado and New Mexico, from Wyoming in the north to Texas in the south, between the Southern Rocky Mountains and the High Plains in the north and between the Basin and Range Area and the High Plains in the south. This area of generally low relief, which slopes gently east away from the Southern Rocky Moun- tains, is interrupted by some steep-sided valleys, dissected plateaus, and low mesas. The climate is semiarid. The principal bedrock is Upper Cretaceous shale and sandstone, some parts of which are susceptible to sliding, particularly along hogbacks at the foot of the Front Range in Colorado (Braddock and Eicher, 1962). Permian and Cretaceous rocks are involved in slumps and earth flows along the Purgatoire River in southeastern Colorado, and Tertiary volcanic rocks have failed around the edges of mesas southeast of Trinidad, Colo. In the northeast corner of New Mexico, landslides are abundant in shales of the Triassic Dockum Group and the overlying Jurassic Entrada Sandstone. Large areas of the Dockum Group in east-central New Mexico may be susceptible to landsliding. DAKOTA-MINNESOTA DRIFT AND LAKEBED FLATS Landslides are uncommon in this physiographic sub- division because of low relief. Much of the surface is covered either with Pleistocene glacial moraine or lakebeds. There are some landslides and areas suscepti- ble to landsliding in northern North Dakota where glacial till and drift overlie the Paleocene Fort Union Formation (Lemke, 1960). NORTH-CENTRAL LAKE-SWAMP-MORAINE PLAINS Glacial deposits mask most of the bedrock in this sub- division except along Lake Superior and the northern part of Lake Michigan, where Cambrian sandstone or Ordovician and Silurian limestone form cliffs along the shores of the lakes. Rock falls are common in these areas. Pleistocene lacustrine clay along the lakeshores and inland in Wisconsin and on Michigan's Northern Penin- sula are highly susceptible to earth flows (Booy, 1977) and lateral spreading, although the incidence is general- ly low. Small and isolated slides occur primarily in ex- cavations. Slumps and earth flows take place in sedimentary deposits of glacial Lake Nipissing at the west end of Lake Superior. Minor slides have been reported in terraces along the Red River Valley of Wis- consin, the Ontonagon River, and tributaries to the Pine River on Michigan's Northern Peninsula. Lakeshore bluffs in glacial deposits are moderately susceptible to slumps owing to undercutting by waves. Most bluffs of the Grand Marais sand dunes area along the south shore of Lake Superior and along the east and south sides of Lake Michigan are moderately susceptible to sand flows. SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN HILLS Glacial deposits are thin, and lower Paleozoic rocks crop out extensively. The subdivision is free of land- slides, except along the limestone and sandstone bluffs on the east side of the Mississippi River, where incidence of rock falls is moderate and susceptibility is high. MIDDLE WESTERN UPLAND PLAIN This region of the interior plains is rolling and dissected; glacial deposits are thin, except in valleys. The subdivision is underlain by Ordovician through Pennsylvanian sedimentary rocks. West of the Missis- sippi River the province is bounded on the northeast and north by an escarpment of Silurian rocks facing northeast toward the Mississippi. Along this escarp- ment, both in Iowa and in northeastern Missouri, blocks of the Silurian Edgewood Dolomite have slumped onto the underlying Ordovician Maquoketa Shale, which becomes plastic when wet. In central Iowa, some Des Moinesian shale is moderately susceptible to landslides, particularly where weathered and overlain by loess or till, but not much sliding has occurred. Slumps and debris flows are common in colluvial soil derived from deeply weathered shale of the Kope For- mation (Ordovician) along the Ohio River in and around Cincinnati. Most major stream valleys in Ohio are areas of low incidence and high susceptibility, but precise data on landslide incidence is sparse. In north-central Ohio, in 12 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES the vicinity of Cleveland, block slides and slumps occur along numerous valley walls in Devonian shale and sand- stone. Glacial-lake clay throughout the subdivision generally has low relief, but slope failures occasionally occur in excavations. In the Cuyahoga Valley south of Cleveland, Ohio, lacustrine and silt are highly suscepti- ble to earth flows, and because of extensive construction in the valley, the incidence of slides is high. Weathered claystone beds in cyclothems (coal-shale- sandstone sequences) of Pennsylvanian age along the Il- linois River are highly susceptible to earth flows and slumps. Increased development in recent years has caused a moderate amount of sliding. Along the east side of the Mississippi Valley is a thick deposit of loess that, along with underlying limestone, sand, and clay, is highly susceptible to earth flow and lateral spreading. Incidence of landslides is moderate south of the Ohio River and low to the north. Small areas of lateral spreading and earth flow charactertize the Pleistocene marine clay in the upper Saint Lawrence and Champlain River Valleys and the lacustrine clay along Lakes Ontario and Erie. Wave undercutting of the lakeshore bluffs has caused a moderate number of slumps and earth flows. The gorge of the Niagara River below Niagara Falls contains numerous massive rock falls in thick limestone of Silurian age, which is underlain by weak shale. EAST-CENTRAL DRIFT AND LAKEBED FLATS The broad, relatively undissected flats of this subdivi- sion are covered by thick glacial deposits. Most of the region has only sparse landslides, except near Chicago, Ill., where there are many small areas of lateral spreading and earth flows in lacustrine clay. Similar geologic conditions, but with low incidence, exist inland in the moderately susceptible silt and clay deposits of glacial lakes. Most slope failures in the glacial-lake deposits are in excavations. Bluffs along Lakes Huron and Erie are moderately susceptible to undercutting by wave action and have a moderate number of earth flows and slumps. WEST-CENTRAL ROLLING HILLS AND MIDCONTINENT PLAINS AND ESCARPMENTS These areas of low to moderate relief are underlain by a variety of Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, which generally lie flat or are only locally disturbed. Large areas in the north between the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers are blanketed by Pleistocene loess and glacial drift. Particularly susceptible to slumps and earth flows are: loess along major river valleys and their tributaries, clayey till on slopes underlain by shale, the Graneros and Kiowa Shales of Cretaceous age in Kansas, and some Pennsylvanian shale units in southwestern Iowa, northwestern Missouri, and eastern Oklahoma. EASTERN HIGHLAND DIVISION OZARK-OUACHITA HIGHLANDS The Ozark-Ouachita Highlands, which extend southwest from south-central Missouri through north- western Arkansas into southeastern Oklahoma, are separated from the Eastern Interior Uplands and Basins and the Appalachian Highlands by large lowlands . of the Mississippi River Valley and coastal plains. From northeast to southwest, the subdivision consists of: (1) the Ozark Plateaus, including the Saint Francis Moun- tains of southeastern Missouri and the Boston Moun- tains of northwestern Arkansas; (2) the Arkansas Valley; and (8) the Ouachita Mountains of western Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma. Carbonate rocks predominate on the broad, domal Ozark Plateaus, some igneous rocks crop out in the Saint Francis Mountains, and faulted and folded Penn- sylvanian sandstone 'and shale make up much of the Boston Mountains. Landslides are uncommon in the Ozark Plateaus, although a large rock fall occurred in 1971 in the carbonate rocks exposed along the Gas- conade River (Missouri Mineral News, 1972). Some slid- ing has occurred in lower Paleozoic interbedded shale and limestone in the dissected area near the Mississippi River. In the Boston Mountains, the most susceptible unit appears to be the Mississippian Fayetteville Shale., Around the border of the Arkansas Valley and in the Quachita Mountains, the more susceptible units are Pennsylvanian shales, such as those in the Savanna Formation and the Johns Valley Shale. EASTERN INTERIOR UPLANDS AND BASINS Along the west edge of the Appalachian Plateau is an area of low, dissected plateaus and plains underlain by flat-lying shale, sandstone, and limestone of Devonian and Mississippian age. The shale weathers deeply, and colluvium accumulates in small tributary valleys. The colluvium in Kentucky and Tennessee is moderately susceptible to sliding when overloaded by fill. Along the Ohio River from Ashland, Ky., to the west side of Cincinnati, Ohio, slumps and debris avalanches are numerous in flat-lying shale-sandstone and shale-lime- stone sequences of Ordovician, Devonian, and Mississippian age. APPALACHIAN HIGHLANDS The most extensive area of slope failure in the Eastern United States is on the plateau of the western Ap- SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 18 palachian Highlands. A few slumps form in fresh bedrock, but shallow earth flows in soil and weathered rock are more common. More than 75 percent of slopes in the area from Pittsburgh, Pa., to Chattanooga, Tenn., show signs of failure. In Tennessee and Kentucky, land- slides are common in colluvial soil as thick as 20 m along the valley walls of the Allegheny Plateau. Stress release along valley walls has accentuated slope failures along the Ohio, Allegheny, Monongahela, and other rivers in the plateau area. East of the Allegheny Plateau, the flanks of the Appa- lachian Ridges and the Blue Ridge are covered by exten- sive colluvium that is highly susceptible to sliding. Be- cause the colluvium covers many types of bedrock, the map designations of landslide incidence and susceptibili- ty cross formational boundaries. The designations do not correspond so closely in these areas to the units on the geologic map of the United States as they do in most areas west of the Mississippi. Most slope movements in the colluvium consist of slowly moving debris slides, al- though many debris avalanches and debris flows result when persistent steady rain is followed by a sudden heavy downpour. In the Great Valley east of the Appalachian Ridges, broad areas of Cambrian and Ordovician limestone con- tain pockets of thick residual clay that is moderately sus- ceptible to sliding. This clay forms many small earth flows and slumps, especially along highway cuts. Slumps and earth flows in marine and lacustrine clays along the Hudson River in New York have caused exten- sive property damage and loss of life. Glacial deposits along the Finger Lakes in central and western New York are moderately susceptible to slumps and earth flows because of undercutting of the deposits by wave action. ADIRONDACK-NEW ENGLAND HIGHLANDS The granitic and metamorphic rocks of this sub- division are locally unstable. Rockslides and debris ava- lanches are numerous in the White Mountains of New 'Hampshire and are not uncommon in the related moun- tain masses of Maine and in the Adirondacks of New York. In southern New York, rockfalls at Storm King on the Hudson River have caused extensive damage and loss of life. In the Green Mountains of Vermont, hur- ricane-induced landslides and debris avalanches are not uncommon on the steep slopes. The Pleistocene clay deposits of the upper Hudson River Valley that extend north into the Champlain River Valley are highly susceptible to slumps and earth flows. South of Troy and Albany, N.Y., sliding in these deposits has caused extensive structural damage and the loss of more than 50 lives. Similar deposits lie in the upper Connecticut River Valley. GULF-ATLANTIC DIVISION LOWER NEW ENGLAND Coastal New England, except for Cape Cod, is a rocky terrain with a highly irregular shoreline. Away from the coast, the land is rolling, and the outcrops are inter- spersed with ground moraine. Pleistocene marine clay is extensive along lowlands in eastern Maine and New Hampshire. The clay is unstable, and on the steep slopes adjacent to major streams, numerous large areas are susceptible to small slumps and earth flows. Slope failures occur in clays along the Connecticut River in Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and in clay near Portland, Maine. Numerous small patches of glacial-lake clay in this physiographic subdivision, which are too small to show on the map, generally have low relief, so that slope failures result from excavations rather than natural causes. GULF-ATLANTIC ROLLING PLAIN AND STOCKTON:- BALCONES ESCARPMENT (INTERIOR DIVISION) Along the western Gulf-Atlantic Rolling Plain in Texas and in the disturbed belt along the front of the Stockton-Balcones Escarpment and northward, clay- rich Cretaceous deposits are susceptible to slumping and sliding, even on gentle slopes. Notable among these de- posits are the Del Rio Clay, the Taylor and Navarro Groups, and the Eagle Ford Formation. East of the Appalachian Mountains, the country is a dissected rolling plain formed on residual soil from deep- ly weathered metamorphic rocks. This area is the "Pied- mont" of most usages, which is bordered on the east by a dissected terraced plain on thick deposits of sand, gravel, and clay. Most of the region is free of landslides, but in southern Alabama and eastern Mississippi, slumps and earth flows occur in Cretaceous clay. In Lower Cretaceous clay of Maryland and Virginia, the in- cidence of slumps and earths flows is high. Northward, in southeastern Pennsylvania and on the north side of Long Island, both landslide incidence and susceptibility are lower, but because of dense residential development, monetary losses have been high. In northeastern New Jersey, large rock falls occasionally drop from cliffs formed of Triassic diabase and basalt sills. Along Chesapeake Bay, especially the western shore, cliffs of clay, sand, and gravel are moderately sus- ceptible to slumping caused by ground-water sapping and wave erosion. Conditions are similar along Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Island in Massachusetts and Sandy Hook in New Jersey. High and rounded hills in the interior of the Carolinas and Georgia are covered with thick residual soil and col- luvium overlying igneous and metamorphic rocks. The weathered metamorphic rocks, especially mica schist 14 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES and mica gneiss, are susceptible to earth flows, slumps, and rock slides. Small slumps and earth flows in deeply weathered metamorphic rocks in Virginia and Maryland are too small and too sparse to be shown on the map. Still farther south, deep loess along the east side of the Mississippi Valley fails by moderate slumping and earth flow along steep riverbanks and roadcuts. West of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain, slides have formed in lower Tertiary deposits, such as the Paleocene rocks of Arkansas and the Cook Mountain Formation of the. Eocene Claiborne Group, in Texas. GULF-ATLANTIC COASTAL FLATS These low and dissected plains, which are composed of sand, clay, and limestone, are generally free of land- slides, although a few slumps occur along river valleys. The Pleistocene Beaumont Clay fails along dredged waterways on the Texas coast at the Houston ship chan- nel and the Neches River ship channel. LOWER MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL PLAIN The area of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain with- in the meander belt of the Mississippi River is suscep- tible to landsliding; practically all slumps and flows are riverbank failures because of erosion by the river and its tributaries. The upper alluvial valley down to about Baton Rouge, La., is more susceptible to failure than the lower delta area because fine-grained deposits in the up- per valley are underlain by coarse, easily eroded sand at depths to which the river can scour; this scour causes slumps and earth flows on exposed banks and in deposits below the river level. In the lower delta area, the fine- grained deposits are thicker, the river runs wholly within them, and bank failures are much less frequent. COMPARISON OF SELECTED PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS Regional variations in climate, geologic structure, lithology, and overburden throughout the United States strongly influence the types of landsliding in each phys- ical subdivision. Although landslide types cannot be shown on a map of this scale, they are briefly mentioned in this paper and are elaborated here in a discussion of four subdivisions: the Colorado Plateau, the Appalach- ian Highlands, the Coast Ranges of California, and the Southern Rocky Mountains. We have selected these sub- divisions because they are among the most slide-prone areas in the United States and show striking contrasts in climate, structure, lithology, and type of slope move- ment. They are discussed not in geographical order, but in the order in which they can best be contrasted and compared. COLORADO PLATEAU The Colorado Plateau is a deformed platform where various sedimentary rocks of Precambrian to Tertiary age have been gently warped into broad uplifts, basins, monoclines, and fold belts. Erosion has cut deep canyons and left flat-topped, steep-sided mesas and buttes. Land- sliding has been facilitated by the steep topography, by alternating strata of hard and soft rocks, by regional up- lift, and particularly by pronounced jointing. Most landslides on the Colorado Plateau are closely re- lated to fracture systems in the rocks. These fracture systems are of three types: regional joint systems that cut major structural features without changing direc- tion, structural joint systems that are related to large in- dividual geologic structures, and stress-release joint sys- tems parallel to such topographic surfaces as cliff faces and canyon walls (Radbruch-Hall, 1977). Fracture-controlled landslides, rock blocks, and rock columns along the edges of steep cliffs are common fea- tures of the Colorado Plateau (Robinson, 1970; Ford and others, 1974; Huntoon, 1974). Reiche (1937) described huge backward-titled landslides of jointed rock at the edges of mesas, which he called "Toreva-blocks" after the Indian village of Toreva where they are abundant. The larger Toreva-blocks can be as long as 500 m; some of these large blocks may be rotational slumps, but most apparently separate from the mesa along joint planes and then gradually move down and out over the underly- ing soft material, generally shale. Additional debris that falls from the mesa rim above accumulates behind and on the back of the upper surfaces of the blocks, thereby increasing their weight and pushing them farther down and out. Many of the blocks are tilted back by the added weight of debris, so that they resemble rotational slump blocks. Other blocks remain approximately horizontal or tilt forward as they move slowly downhill along the underlying soft rocks, which are kneaded and distorted as the blocks move over them (fig. 3). Additional blocks break off and move down behind the others, so that a succession of blocks may rim a mesa and extend out into the adjacent valley. The oldest blocks are farthest out and may be partly buried by valley sediment (fig. 4). Toreva-blocks develop where resistant jointed rock caps a canyon wall or mesa and is underlain by softer mate- rial. Individual joint blocks or columns 1 m or less across may also move out and away from mesa rims (Robinson, 1970). The outward movement of both large and small blocks may be partly due to squeezeout of soft under- lying material. Arched recesses in vertical cliffs of massive sandstone are striking and characteristic features of the Colorado Plateau landscape. These recesses are caused by the dis- integration of vertical rock plates formed by fractures SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 15 FicurE® 3.-Toreva-block detached from cliff at left, showing debris behind tilted block and distorted dark shale beneath. Near Navajo, Ariz. (See rock hammer at lower right for scale). that are parallel to the cliffs and canyon walls. Some fractures forming the plates may be regional (Robinson, 1970), but many of the fractures are due to stress re- lease {fig. 5). Plates parallel to the cliffs may be weak- ened by lateral stream erosion or by seeps along flat- lying bedding planes. Where lateral erosion or seepage causes undercutting, the lower part of the outermost plate disintegrates and collapses as a rock fall. As this process extends upward and inward, a large recess forms, generally with an arched roof. In places, freestanding vertical rock plates have formed by stream erosion along parallel vertical joints. Where arched recesses form on one side or both sides of a freestanding plate, the recesses may eventually break through to form a freestanding arch or, rarely, a bridge, where a meandering stream has cut through a freestanding plate from both sides and now flows under the resulting arch. To a large extent, these columns, recesses, and natural arches are expressions of mass movement. The separation of joints in sandstone due to squeezeout of the underlying shale is a gravitational process, and the disintegration of columns and plates causes numerous rock falls that have contributed materially to rapid ero- sion of the Colorado Plateau. Along with other examples of mass movement, such as Toreva-blocks, the columns, recesses, arches, and rock falls are related to the region- al geologic history, lithology, structure, and jointing characteristic of the entire Colorado Plateau. APPALACHIAN HIGHLANDS The northeast-trending Appalachian Highlands of the humid Eastern and Southern United States consist of several areas. The easternmost range of mountains, the Blue Ridge, has relatively strong relief developed on metamorphic rocks. Separated from the Blue Ridge Mountains by the Great Valley are the folded Appalach- ians, adjoined on the west by the Appalachian Plateau, 16 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES FicurE 4.-Toreva-blocks around mesa near Toreva, northern Arizona, in Colorado Plateau area. Scale indicated by houses on top of mesa. both underlain by Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Rocks of the folded Appalachians have been tightly folded and faulted, whereas rocks of the plateau are only slightly deformed. Since completion of deformation at the end of Paleozoic and the beginning of Mesozoic time, erosion has cut steep canyons in both the folded Appalachians and the plateau. The rocks are everywhere deeply weathered. Most landsliding in the Appalachian Highlands differs considerably from that on the Colorado Plateau (fig. 6). Landslides in the highlands are predominantly in weathered bedrock or colluvium, and numerous land- slides on the Appalachian Plateau have developed in soils derived from Pennsylvanian and Permian sedimentary rocks. Shale, especially red beds and shale- limestone sequences, disintegrate rapidly into clayey soil upon exposure. Most landslides involving soil and weathered bedrock consist of smooth, integrated, thin earth-flow slabs that may be many square meters in area but generally are less than 2.4 m thick. Commonly, the slabs move no faster than 1 or 2 m per year and are normally underlain by material containing water, with a hydrostatic head of as much as 2 m. Damages amount to many millions of dollars per year, but because the flows move slowly, fatalities are few. In both the folded Appalachians and the Blue Ridge Mountains, numerous slow-moving debris slides form in colluvial soil and scree that are particularly abundant on slopes underlain by sandstone and metamorphic rocks. However, the greatest damage and loss of life are caused by debris flows and avalanches when persistent rainfall is followed by a sudden heavy downpour. A single such storm, though often confined to a single small drainage basin, can cause from 100 to more than 1,500 landslides. In 1969, Hurricane Camile caused 1,534 debris flows and avalanches in an area of 93 km in the Spring Creek watershed in eastern West Virginia (Scheider, 1973). On the basis of landslide areas ob- served since 1949 and of storm frequency, geologists of the U.S. Geological Survey estimate that more than 10,000 debris flows and avalanches have occurred in the Appalachians during the 20th century. Although all the colluvium is highly susceptible to slope movement, areal variations in incidence reflect differences in storm in- tensity and distribution, vegetative cover, void space in the colluvium, and changes by man. SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 17 rd iz >a SHL Z «a Ficur® 5.-Stress-release joints at Mesa Verde, southwestern Colorado. Joints parallel canyon wall. Debris avalanches develop only in colluvium that con- sists predominantly of coarse clastic material with sub- ordinate silt and clay. Such colluvium is derived from thick sandstone and quartzite units. This relation is quite evident on the Appalachian Plateau in Kentucky and Tennessee, where debris avalanches and debris slides are in areas of thick sandstone. Elsewhere on the plateau, where sandstone is not prevalent, debris avalanches and slides are uncommon. Where landsliding involves relatively unweathered bedrock, it resembles sliding on the Colorado Plateau. The alternating hard and soft rocks of the Appalachian Highlands, like similar rocks of the Colorado Plateau, are cut by three types of fracture systems (Radbruch- Hall, 1977); Appalachian regional fractures transecting the general northeast-trending Appalachian fold pat- tern, structural fractures related to folds, and stress-re- lease fractures parallel to valley walls The major regional fracture systems in the Appalachian Highlands trend predominantly northwest and northeast; many others trend north-south and east-west (Hobbs, 1904; Lattman and Nickelsen, 1958; Kowalik and Gold, 1976). Joint-controlled blocks are moved by gravity on steep slopes where resistant unweathered rock overlies softer rock. Along the Ohio River near Wheeling, W. Va., cal- cite-cemented joints in sandstone dip steeply toward the river. In places, the calcite has been leached out, and separate blocks of sandstone have sunk into the underly- ing shale and moved out toward the river (Baskin, 1972). Disturbance by construction can cause additional move- 18 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES FIGURE 6.-Earth flows in weathered surface debris, West Virginia. ment. At Olean Rock City in the State of New York, blocks of conglomerate overlying shale are cut by a con- jugate joint system into nearly rectangular blocks sever- al meters across (Lobeck, 1927). The separated blocks have moved apart over the underlying shale (fig. 7) to make a "rock city" consisting of open passageways be- tween blocks of rock. The mechanisms of formation and appearance of these blocks are similar to those of jointed blocks around the edges of mesas on the Colorado Plateau. Where stress-release joints parallel a valley, outward gravitational movement of the valley walls has caused anticlines and upward thrusting in the center of the val- ley (Ferguson, 1967). As this outward movement takes place, the compressed rocks in the valley bottom bulge and fracture, commonly along bedding planes (U.S. Ar- my Corps of Engineers, 1973). These valley anticlines are similar to the Meander anticline along the Colorado River in Utah, which was formed by the lateral flow of salt and gypsum (fig. 1). COAST RANGES OF CALIFORNIA The Coast Ranges of California consist of complex ranges and depressions underlain by a great variety of rocks, including granite, the Franciscan assemblage, Mesozoic rocks other than the Franciscan, Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and poorly consolidated Quaternary deposits. The rocks are folded and faulted, and the subdivision is cut by numerous historically ac- tive northwest-trending faults, including the San An- dreas fault system. The climate ranges from arid at the southeast edge of the ranges to very wet in northern California; rainfall is seasonal. Erosion throughout the province is intense. In northern California, for example, the lower third of the Eel River drainage basin annually discharges 2,700 metric tons of suspended sediment per square kilometer, more than any basin of similar size in the United States (Hawley and Jones, 1969). Landslides contribute a large percentage of the debris eroded from this drainage basin. In the southern semiarid parts of SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 19 FicurE 7.-Joints in conglomerate, Olean Rock City, New York. Blocks of conglomerate have separated along joints and moved apart over the underlying shale. Ficur® 8.-Typical landslide topography in the Coast Ranges of nor- thern California. Scale indicated by trees at upper left. the ranges, erosion is particularly severe during the seasonal winter rains. Large parts of the Coast Ranges of California are underlain by the spectacularly slide prone rocks of the Franciscan assemblage, which includes mudstone, sand- stone, chert, greenstone, serpentinite, and high-grade metamorphic rock. Lithology and physical state (degree of shearing and fracturing) are the primary geologic fac- tors influencing slope stability; landsliding is intense in highly sheared and soft mudstone of the Franciscan melange (Radbruch-Hall, 1976). The physical state of rocks throughout the Coast Ranges is due largely to tectonic deformation. The Franciscan melange consists of chert, greenstone, serpentinite, blueschist, and eclogite, all derived from oceanic crust and upper mantle and set in a matrix of sheared mudstone and minor sandstone. Blake and Jones (1974) suggested that the melange is a tectonic mixture formed by subduction that began during the Early Cretaceous and continued into Tertiary time. In northern California, bands of melange separate several northwest-trending bands of sedimentary Franciscan rocks. In general, the mudstone of the melange matrix is more sheared and, therefore, more subject to landslid- ing than other units of the Franciscan. Landslides in melange of the Franciscan assemblage consist predominantly of huge masses of slow-moving debris (fig. 8) derived from the underlying bedrock, al- though in some places the bedrock also is involved. Stud- ies by the California Division of Water Resources (Huffman and others, 1969) showed that these landslides may be as much as 60 m thick, but the landslides are thin relative to their area, which may be several square kilo- meters (Huffman and others, 1969). Less spectacular, but generally more damaging, are the small hillside debris flows generated by soil slips dur- ing rainstorms. These flows are particularly abundant in southern California (fig. 9), where they are a greater danger to residents than all other kinds of slope failure combined. During the period 1962-71, debris flows killed 23 people in the Greater Los Angeles area (Campbell, 1975). Studies by Campbell (1975) showed that soil slips in southern California require a combination of three conditions: a mantle of colluvial soil or a wedge of col- luvial ravine fill, a steep slope, and soil moisture equal to or greater than the liquid limit of the remolded colluvial soil. The soil moisture is almost entirely a result of seasonal rainfall. Because of the long dry season, the soil moisture at the beginning of the rainy season is general- ly well below field capacity. Once capacity is reached, further increase in the moisture content of the soil re- quires rates of rainfall high enough to add water faster than it can drain away through the underlying material. For these reasons, soil slips in southern California, like damaging debris flows in the Appalachians, are associated with intense rainfall following previous steady rain, generally when the seasonal total has reached 10 inches. A 10-inch antecedent rainfall seems to bring most of the colluvial soil in southern California to field capacity (Campbell, 1975). Similar small flows are common in poorly consolidated Tertiary rocks in the central part of the State. For example, in the Orinda Formation of the San Francisco Bay area, flows occur in soil on many different types of rocks. 20 LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES Ficurk 9.-Scars of soil slips in southern California; view northeast across Liberty and Las Virgenes Canyons (photograph courtesy of R. H. Campbell). Other types of landslides, including slumps and rock | falls, occur throughout the Coast Ranges of California in most of the rock types of the range. Many landslides are associated with well-known active faults, such as the San Andreas, because of the rocks on the slopes of fault- line valleys are commonly highly fractured and sheared. Most of the rocks are thoroughly jointed owing to regional deformation, but there are no obvious regional joint trends. To date, no statistical studies have been done to determine whether regional joint patterns exist in the Coast Ranges which are similar to those on the Colorado Plateau and in the Appalachian Highlands. SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS Because the Southern Rocky Mountains are so varied and complex, slope movement is not only common but also complex. Most rocks of the subdivision have been deformed and fractured by repeated tectonic movements. The climate is semiarid to very wet. At high j elevations, the ground may be covered with snow from October through May, and some snow and ice linger in protected places throughout the year. Rock falls and debris flows are abundant above timberline, where shat- tered rock, plentiful moisture, steep slopes, and absence of vegetation contribute to their formation. Many basins at high altitudes contain debris from adjacent steep slopes. Because many debris deposits are tongue shaped, contain interstitial ice, and move slowly downslope in the fashion of a glacier, they are commonly referred to as rock glaciers (fig. 10). The many and varied landslides in the San Juan Mountains in the southwestern part of the State of Colorado were early recognized and described by Howe (1909). Grabens on the tops of ridges and associated uphill- facing scarps on ridge sides, both of gravitational origin (sackungen), are numerous in granitic rocks of the high mountains (fig. 11). Similar features form on high buttes and peaks where resistant rocks overlie softer material, SLOPE-STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 21 FIGURE 10.-Large rock glacier, Mount Sopris, western Colorado (photograph by John Shelton). such as porphyry or gabbro over shale (fig. 12) (Radbruch-Hall and others, 1976b). Among the more hazardous slope failures in the Southern Rocky Mountains are debris flows generated by heavy rain or snowmelt in areas of broken or altered rock, thick colluvium, or glacial debris. Repeated flows, which commonly build fans where steep tributaries en- ter larger valleys (fig. 13), have caused much destruction in mountain communities. Weathering is not generally deep in this subdivision, and shallow soil slips in weathered rock or in soil mantle and colluvium are not so much a hazard as in the Appalachians or the Coast Ranges of southern California. Although highly sheared mudstone like that of the Franciscan melange is not common in the Rocky Moun- tains, areas of sheared and altered rocks associated with volcanic centers are subject to extensive slumping and exceptionally large earth flows (fig. 14). Widespread re- gional joint patterns have not been recognized in the Rocky Mountains, although recent observations indicate that many landslides in the subdivision, particularly the sackungen, may be controlled by pronounced local joint systems. Until the preparation of the landslide overview map, no comprehensive study of landslide conditions in the United States has been published. The compilation shows that certain types of rocks and certain geologic conditions generally favor landsliding. Fine-grained clastic rocks-those consisting predominantly of silt- and clay-size particles-are the most landslide prone and 22 Ficukk 11.-Graben on crest and trenches (sackungen) on flank of ridge, southwest of Bald Eagle Mountain, Colorado. LANDSLIDE OVERVIEW MAP OF THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES are particularly susceptible if they are poorly con- solidated and (or) interbedded with or overlain by more resistant but fractured permeable rocks, such as limestone, sandstone, or basalt. Highly sheared rocks, particularly tectonic melange, slide extensively. Loose slope accumulations of fine-grained surface debris slide throughout the country, particularly at times of intense precipitation. Among the benefits of a nationwide study of landslides are that the study stimulates comparisons and points out areas that especially need further study; it raises ques- tions about the origin and mechanism of slope move- ments in various areas with different physical condi- tions, and promotes additional study leading to better understanding of the causes of slope movements of all kinds. For example, the differences between the pre- dominant types of slope movement on the Colorado Pla- teau and in the Appalachians were apparent as soon as the landslide overview map was compiled. The similarities between the two areas were not so readily discernible, although the gross similarity between the FIGURE 12.-North side of Crested Butte, Colorado, showing crest to southwest (right) and gravitational trenches northeast of crest (left from crest). Pronounced break in slope on east side (left) is approximate contact between porphyry and underlying Mancos Shale. REFERENCES CITED 23 FIGURE 13.-Recent debris flow on one edge of a fan constructed by many such flows in the past. Cunningham Gulch, San Juan Moun- tains, southwestern Colorado (photograph by D. J. Varnes). FIGURE 14.-Slumgullion earth flow, southwestern Colorado. Source area is in altered volcanic rock. Earth flow dammed Lake Fork of Gunnison River about 700 years ago. Total length of flow is about 6.4 km; upper 3.9 km is still active (photograph by John Shelton). joint systems in the two areas was previously noted by Nickelsen and Hough (1967). Sackungen were first recognized in the Southern Rocky Mountains during the preparation of the landslide overview map, although they had been known previous- ly in other mountainous areas of the world, including Japan (Kobayashi, 1956), Austria (Stini, 1941, 1952; Zischinsky, 1966, 1969), Venezuela (Radbruch-Hall, 1978), New Zealand (Beck, 1968), Czechoslovakia (Nem- cok, 1972), and Alaska (Radbruch-Hall, 1978). Sackungen have since been observed in the Cascade Range as well. The recognition of regional differences and similari- ties in slope stability is valuable in planning large-scale national programs that involve construction. 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Frederick, Acting Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Gates, Olcott, 1919 Bimodal Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic rock assemblages in the Machias-Eastport area, Maine. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 1184) Bibliography: p. 25 Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19:16:1184 1. Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.-Maine-Machias region. 2. Geology, Stratigraphic-Silurian. 3. Geology, Stratigraphic- Devonian. 4. Geology -Maine-Machias region. I. Moench, Robert Hadley, 1926- joint author. II. Title. III. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1184. QE461.G277 552'.2'09741 80-6071 52 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Abstract .. CONTENTS introduction. .. ..; . . .. ss ln ris a's sale an Anan nad a Ca n'a bon n aisle ania R nin a g a a a Pais o ant ans Regional paleogeographic and tectonic relationships .... Stratigraphy and structure of the Machias-Eastport area .... Definition and petrography of volcanic assemblages .... ............................ Silurtan assemblage , . .. ...... . .h. careers inde sn an s ans an s ails ala le a a 9 Older 6h. ss Younger Devonianassemblage re rast clk cls an . Sampling . Alteration . Volcanicpetrology: :a ..; .s eres ra rse airinin's s alg ais n awe whee nike a a's a Silurian assemblage ... ss. an itrs sss s Older Devonian assembIAge ..'. : :s as ...... :% .sws s n +k a sig r Wip s aan s as a Younger Devonian assemblage ses rara r Summary anti Origin . :.. rar 4a «aks ars oan scion 1B CX aca s s ns ns a x lawn n a a's Tectonicimplications..,..2222 .. ¢.. ss 1x tis. aa sean a's a ales aan asa ao h sis aie an a 4 a a an References Cited... '.. ~s rara rer sas am ainle o a's siege a a a a Pinca aoe as Appendix A :. :. tia. 11.0 «s sank as ca aaa ayaa a shies ale a's s n bia saas sik ana nn 3s Appendix B ...... « gara sak s 1s raja a als nian a nin n s a nle an sie 's s FIGURE 1. p=» um TABLE 1. & fo po ILLUSTRATIONS Map of New England and Maritime Provinces showing Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic tracts and principal paleotectonic features ... Simplified map of the bedrock geology of the Machias-Eastport portion of thecoastal volcanic belt Schematic cross section southeast from Oak Bay to the Bay of Fundy, showing relations of Silurian and Devonian formations to one another and to contemporaneous normalfaults ... ............................. Harker diagram showing major oxides, recalculated without H,0 and CO, ... Alkali-silica variation diagram .. AFM diagram.: ;: 12.4 as xa sirens in « ance a a nass is hin a a+ a nin a wig ae Variation of SiO,, TiO,, and FeO* relative to solidification index. .... Major-oxide and minor-element data for least altered basalts of the Machias- Eastport area compared with data of McDougall for the Columbia River Group...: rakers srs as Bick an n as sain s TABLES Volume of volcanic and hypabyssal intrusive rock types in the Eastport quad- rangle, estimated from areas of each type in cross sections ............ .. Major-oxide analyses of volcanic rocks of the Machias-Eastport area, Maine . . Selected and average minor-element data on volcanic rocks ................ Silurian basalts from the Machias-Eastport area compared with high-alumina tholeiites and calc-alkaline basalts from other regions . ................. III Page 14 15 16 17 18 Page 8 12 19 20 IV CONTENTS METRIC-ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS [SI, International System of Units, a modernized metric system of measurement] SI unit U.S. customary equivalent SI unit U.S. customary equivalent Length Volume per unit time (includes flow)-Continued millimeter (mm) = 0.039 37 inch (in) decimeter® per second l 15.85 gallons per minute meter (m) mm 3.281 feet (ft) (dm*/s) (gal/min) m 1.094 yards (yd) 543.4 barrels per day kilometer (km) = 0.621 4 mile (mi) (bb1/d) (petroleum, = 0.540 0 mile, nautical (nmi) 1 bbl=42 gal) meter® per second (m/s) n 35.31 feet per second (ft'/s) Area = 15 850 gallons per minute (gal/min) centimeter? (cm*) = 0.155 0 inch* (in?) meter? (m?) h 10.76 feet? (ft?) Mass = 1.196 yards" (yd?) n 2 (£221) 2471 Eggs gram (g) = 0.035 27 ouz‘crggfoirdupois (oz = 0.003 861 secltiltgn2 (640 acres or kilogram (kg) 2.205 poungs)avoirdupols (1b B avdp kilometer® (km*) 1 0.386 1 mile" (mis) megagram (Mg) == 1.102 tons, short (2 OOOblb) volume zz 0.984 2 ton, long (2 240 Ib) centimeters (cm?) = 0.061 02 _ inchs (in?) Mass per unit volume (includes density) decimeter' (dm*) = 61.02 inches? (in?) E 2.113 pints (pt) kilogram per meters = 0.062 43 pound per foot (lb/ft?) d 1.057 quarts (gt) (kg/m) = 0.264 2 gallon (gal) s 0.035 31 foot (ft?) meter® (m*) = -| 85.91 feet? (ft?) Pressure == 1.308 yards? (yd) =z 264.2 gallons (gal) kilopascal (kPa) 0.145 0 pound-force per inch & 6.290 barrels (bbl) (petro- (lbf /in?) leum, 1 bbl1=42 gal) 0.009 869 _ atmosphere, standard = 0.000 810 7 acre-foot (acre-ft) (atm) hectometer® (hm) = 810.7 acre-feet (acre-ft) = 0.01 bar kilometer (km?) & 0.239 9 mile* (mi) = 0.296 1 inch of mercury at --- 60°F (in Hg) Volume per unit time (includes flow) “(finest/ex? per second m: 0.035 31 _ foot" per second (ft'/s) Temperature m*/s = 2.119 feet per minute (ft'/ min) temp kelvin (K) temp deg Celsius (°C) [temp deg Fahrenheit (°F) 4459.67] /1.8 [temp deg Fahrenheit (°F) -32]/1.8 BIMODAL SIL AND LOWER DEVONIAN VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES IN THE MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE By Orcotrt Gates and RoseErt H. Morncn ABSTRACT Exposed in the Machias-Eastport area of southeastern Maine is the thickest (at least 8,000 m), best exposed, best dated, and most nearly complete succession of Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic strata in the coastal volcanic belt, remnants of which crop out along the coasts of southern New Brunswick, Canada, and southeastern New England in the United States. The volcanics were erupted through the 600-700-million-year-old Avalonian sialic basement. To test the possibility that this volcanic belt was a magmatic are above a subduction zone prior to presumed Acadian continental collision, samples representing the entire section in the Machias-Eastport area of Maine were chemically analyzed. Three strongly bimodal assemblages of volcanic rocks and asso- ciated intrusives are recognized, herein called the Silurian, older De- vonian, and younger Devonian assemblages. The Silurian assem- blage contains typically nonporphyritic high-alumina tholeiitic basalts, basaltic andesites, and diabase of continental character- and calc-alkalic rhyolites, silicic dacites, and one known dike of andesite. These rocks are associated with fossiliferous, predomi- nantly marine strata of the Quoddy, Dennys, and Edmunds Forma- tions, and the Leighton Formation of the Pembroke Group (the stratigraphic rank of both is revised herein for the Machias-East- port area), all of Silurian age. The shallow marine Hersey Formation (stratigraphic rank also revised herein) of the Pembroke Group, of latest Silurian age (and possibly earliest Devonian, as suggested by an ostracode fauna), contains no known volcanics; and it evidently was deposited during a volcanic hiatus that immediately preceded emergence of the coastal volcanic belt and the eruption of the older Devonian assemblage. The older Devonian assemblage, in the lagoonal to subaerial Lower Devonian Eastport Formation, con- tains tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites, typically with abun- dant plagioclase phenocrysts and typically richer in iron and titanium and poorer in magnesium and nickel than the Silurian basalts; and the Eastport Formation has rhyolites and silicic dacites that have higher average SiO, and K,0 contents and higher ratios of FeQ* to MgO than the Silurian ones. The younger De- vonian assemblage is represented by one sample of basalt from a flow in red beds of the post-Acadian Upper Devonian Perry Forma- tion, and by three samples from pre-Acadian diabases that intrude the Leighton and Hersey Formations. These rocks are even richer in titanium and iron and poorer in magnesium and nickel than the older Devonian basalts. Post-Acadian granitic plutons exposed along the coastal belt for which analyses are available are tenta- tively included in the younger Devonian assemblage. The most con- spicuous features of the coastal volcanics and associated intrusives are the preponderance of rocks of basaltic composition (< 52 percent SiO,) in the Silurian assemblage, and the near absence in all assem- blages of intermediate rocks having 57-67 percent SiO, (calculated without volatiles). All the rocks are variably altered spilites and keratophyres. The basaltic types are adequately defined, however, by eight samples of least altered basalts having calcic plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and 0.5 percent or less CO,. The more altered basalts are variably en- riched or depleted in Na,0, K,0, and CaO relative to the least al- tered ones. In the silicic rocks no primary ferromagnesian minerals are preserved. The Na,0 and K,0 contents of the silicic rocks are erratic; they are approximately reciprocal, possibly owing to alkali exchange while the rocks were still glassy. We propose that the coastal volcanic belt extended along an axis of thermal swelling in the Earth's mantle and upward intrusion of partially melted mantle into the sialic Avalonian crust. These pro- cesses were accompanied by shoaling and emergence of the belt, and they produced the bimodal volcanism. Tholeiitic basaltic melts seg- regated from mantle material at rather shallow depths (< 35 km). We are uncertain whether the Silurian basalts and the successively more fractionated older and younger Devonian basalts were pro- duced by separate melting events, or by shallow fractionation of one to form the other. The silicic magmas segregated from sialic crust that was heated and partially melted by the mantle intrusion and its mafic segregations. At first, still-hydrous sialic crust yielded the calc-alkalic rhyolites and silicic dacites of the Silurian assemblage; sparse andesite may have formed by mixing of basaltic and rhyolitic magma. By earliest Devonian time the heated crust was signifi- cantly dehydrated and yielded the more potassic, silicic, and iron- enriched older Devonian rhyolitic suite. Available data suggest that the post-Acadian coastal granites are even more enriched in the same components, and may have formed by partial melting of further-dehydrated crust. The strongly bimodal volcanics of the Machias-Eastport area are unlike known volcanic and plutonic suites that occur above docu- mented subduction zones, where rocks of andesitic composition are typically abundant. Instead, bimodal volcanism implies extensional tectonism, a regime that is supported in the Machias-Eastport area by evidence of Silurian block faulting. The two authors favor some- what different tectonic regimes, but both authors believe that the results of this study signal a major problem concerning the rela- tions between magmatism and the Acadian orogeny along the coastal volcanic belt, and perhaps elsewhere in the northern Ap- palachians. INTRODUCTION Marine and subaerial metavolcanic rocks of Silurian and Early Devonian age crop out along the coasts of southern New Brunswick in Canada, and of southeast- ern Maine and eastern Massachusetts in the United States, forming a belt that was bordered by wide tracts 1 2 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE of nonvolcanic, predominantly marine clastic deposits of the same age (fig. 1). This belt, called the coastal vol- canic belt by Boucot (1968), has been assigned the role of a subduction-related volcanic are that was active during closure of the presumed proto-Atlantic ocean in Silurian and Devonian time (Bird and Dewey, 1970; McKerrow and Ziegler, 1971; Dewey and Kidd, 1974; Wilson, 1966). However, this assignment was made without the benefit of petrologic data. Whether or not these volcanics are in fact akin to those that occur along any post-Triassic convergent plate boundary is the main question asked in this report. The Machias- Eastport area is a critical one, because it contains the thickest, best exposed, best dated, and most nearly complete succession of Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic strata in the coastal belt, and probably in the whole Appalachian-Caledonian orogen. For many years Gates has been mapping in the Machias-Eastport area, and a description and geologic map of the Eastport quadrangle is now available (Gates, 1975). In 1967, Moench began to study mineral deposits in the area. Spurred by the publication of the paper by Bird and Dewey (1970), in 1971 and 1972 we collected typical samples of all the known volcanic rock types that are exposed in the area. Our objectives were to test the Bird-Dewey hypothesis and to estab- lish the nature of volcanic rocks that are associated with mineral deposits of the coastal area. This report presents major oxide data, preliminary minor element data, a summary of petrographic features, and inter- pretations that focus on tectonic setting. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank A. F. Shride and D. W. Rankin, U.S. Geological Survey, for their constructive criti- cisms of early versions of this report. The report also benefited from our discussions with Carl E. Hedge, Peter W. Lipman, and Harold J. Prostka, U.S. Geologi- cal Survey. The Maine Geological Survey supported mapping by Gates in the Machias-Eastport area. REGIONAL PALEOGEOGRAPHIC AND TECTONIC RELATIONSHIPS Magmas of the coastal volcanic belt probably erupted through the 600-700-m.y. (million years)-old Avalonian basement and its cover of lower Paleozoic platform metasedimentary rocks. Although the actual position of the northwestern margin of the Avalonian terrane has not been delineated precisely, it is at least as far northwest as the line shown in figure 1, drawn mainly on the basis of Naylor's (1975) work. Within the area of the coastal belt, the Silurian and Devonian vol- canic suites surely lie above Avalonian rocks. Eruptions along the coastal volcanic belt that closely preceded those that produced the Silurian as- semblage of this paper may be recorded in clasts found in two conglomerates. Volcanic and plutonic clasts are found in Silurian(?) slide conglomerates exposed imme- diately southwest of the Machias-Eastport area (Gil- man, 1966), and in basal polymictic conglomerates of the Silurian Oak Bay Formation of Alcock (1946), ex- posed a few kilometers north of the Machias-Eastport area (fig. 1; Amos, 1963; Cumming, 1967; Ruitenberg, 1967). These clasts deserve further study to see if they came from a volcanic tract that might have existed in earliest Silurian or before-prior to deposition of the Oak Bay or of the Waweig Formation of Ruitenberg (1967)-within or possibly immediately south of the Silurian and Devonian alinement of the coastal vol- canic belt. A possible remnant of such a tract is the Bears Brook Volcanic Group of Late Ordovician(?) age, exposed along the northern coast of Nova Scotia some 400 km northeast of the Machias-Eastport area (fig.1; Boucot and others, 1974). According to published paleogeographic maps, the Silurian and Early Devonian coastal volcanic belt stands between tracts of approximately synchronous clastic deposits that are almost devoid of volcanic rocks (Boucot, 1968). On the southeast, in northern Nova Scotia (fig. 1), is the Arisaig belt composed of de- posits that represent shallow marine and subaerial facies. The area of the Annapolis Valley paleogeo- graphic belt farther south in Nova Scotia was emer- gent through much of Silurian time, but later in the Silurian and into Devonian time it subsided and re- ceived deep marine deposits. Northwest of the coastal volcanic belt are the Fredericton trough and the Merri- mack synclinorium, underlain by enormous thick- nesses of sparsely graptolitic, probably deep marine de- posits of Silurian and Early Devonian age (Pankiwskyj and others, 1976; Osberg and others, 1968; McKerrow and Ziegler, 1971). The earlier ancestry of the Merrimack synclinorium is shown by the Aroostook-Matapedia belt of con- formity between Ordovician and Silurian strata that extends at least from western Maine to Gaspé, Quebec (fig. 1; Pavlides and others, 1968). Elsewhere in the northern Appalachians, Silurian formations rest dis- conformably or unconformably on Middle Ordovician or older rocks. Farther northwest are scattered exposures of pre- dominantly Lower Devonian and sparse Silurian vol- REGIONAL PALEOGEOGRAPHIC AND TECTONIC RELATIONSHIPS 3 60° ag° Le - 44° _ ~~ BEARS BROOK _» _ VOLCANIC GRouPr piquoddy / «z/‘r/ e?“ :’\~31~7\:\:f f/ P$ A (./" A Mt Desert AREA __ | ¢" Island C4 /,,/ Penobscot Bay C) 0 100 200 KILOMETERS FIGURE 1.-Map of New England and Maritime Provinces showing Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic tracts and principal paleotec- tonic features. Names approximately coincide with axes of the fea- tures. Coastal volcanic, Arisaig, and Annapolis Valley belts and Bears Brook Volcanic Group modified from Boucot (1968) and Boucot and others (1974, figs. 27, 28). Fredericton trough from McKerrow and Ziegler (1971). Aroostook-Matapedia belt of Taconian conformity from Pavlides, Boucot, and Skidmore (1968, fig. 5-1). canic rocks, forming a poorly defined tract herein called the northern volcanic tract (fig. 1). Volcanics of Ordovician age or older are widely exposed along the same tract. As noted by Rodgers (1970, p. 126, 135-136), however, during the Ordovician the deep marine nonvolcanic Aroostook-Matapedia trough ap- pears to have separated the volcanic belt of northwest- ern Maine from that of northern New Brunswick. In Early Devonian time the northern tract was an area of Merrimack synclinorium from Osberg, Moench, and Warner (1968). Northern Silurian-Devonian volcanic tract from information on maps of Potter, Jackson, and Davies (1968), and Hussey (1967), and de- scriptions in Poole, Sanford, Williams, and Kelley (1970), Rankin (1968), Boudette, Hatch, and Harwood (1976, p. 12-20), and other sources. Approximate limit of known Avalonian basement is based on Naylor (1975), Potter, Jackson, and Davies (1968), and Stewart (1974). shallow seas and volcanic islands. Although most post- Ordovician volcanics of the northern tract are De- vonian in age, at least widely scattered Silurian vol- canic rocks are found in the Silurian Shaw Mountain Formation in Vermont, in unnamed units in the St. John Valley region of northwestern Maine (Boudette and others, 1976, p. 12-17), and in parts of the Pointe Aux Trembles Formation in the western Gaspé area (Lajoie and others, 1968, p. 627). 4 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA A geologic sketch map (fig. 2) illustrates the main structural features and the general stratigraphic suc- cession in the Machias-Eastport area. Bastin and Williams (1914) originally mapped the Eastport quad- rangle, and their formation names are used in this re- port, with the following changes. Because volcanic rocks are locally abundant in the Quoddy Shale of Bastin and Williams (1914, p. 3), Gates (1975) pre- ferred the name Quoddy Formation, and this usage is adopted herein. The volcanics are most abundant in the upper part of the Quoddy, where it crops out in the Cutler 15-minute quadrangle. The Quoddy of that area was originally called the Little River Formation by Gates (1961, p. 9-23), a name that he discarded in favor of the Quoddy as his mapping progressed into the Eastport quadrangle. Gates (1975) raised to forma- tion status the former Leighton Gray Shale and Hersey Red Shale Members of the Pembroke Forma- tion, and his stratigraphic rank assignment for the names Leighton and Hersey is adopted herein. The former Pembroke Formation is raised herein to group status. Except as noted in the following descriptions, age assignments follow those of Berry and Boucot (1970). The major structural features of post-Early De- vonian age are (1) the large open Cobscook anticline in the Eastport and Gardner Lake quadrangles; (2) the companion Machias syncline, south of Machias; (3) the Lubec fault zone, a belt of sheared and tightly folded rocks of the Eastport and Quoddy Formations; and (4) the Quoddy block, a structural block about 8 km wide and at least 40 km long that lies between the Lubec fault zone and the Fundian fault (fig. 2). The Fundian fault may be the border fault for the Triassic rocks of the Bay of Fundy (Ballard and Uchupi, 1975, p. 1046-1049; Gates, 1969, p. 500). Northwest of the Lubec fault zone, block faulting accompanied the Silurian volcanism, for several faults bring volcanic formations against older rocks and are overlapped by younger Silurian formations (fig. 3). Most of the sedi- mentary and volcanic rocks are at least weakly meta- morphosed and regionally deformed by northeast- trending cleavage. This cleavage and the major folds originated prior to deposition of the Upper Devonian Perry Formation, but the Perry red beds and the folds and cleavage were locally faulted and folded during deposition of the Perry and probably during the Car- boniferous. Rocks assigned to the Quoddy Formation are re- stricted to the Quoddy structural block (fig. 2), and no correlation of the formation has been firmly estab- lished as yet outside the block. The lower part of the Quoddy Formation is composed of dark graptolite- bearing pyritic argillites, shale, siltstone, and thin graded beds of feldspar-rich tuff. The upper part of the Quoddy, exposed mainly in the southern part of the block, contains abundant marine basalts (some pil- lowed) and keratophyres, as well as local limestone and tuff breccia. Silurian graptolites found in shale and sparse brachiopods found in the coarse limestone and tuff breccia indicate a late Llandovery age for the Quoddy Formation. The Quoddy Formation occurs as many inclusions and septa engulfed in the Cutler Diabase, a name origi- nally applied by Gates (1961) to complex gabbroic and diabasic intrusions exposed near the town of Cutler. In this report the name "Cutler Diabase'"' is applied for convenience to the mafic intrusions of the Quoddy structural block. Throughout the block the Cutler is a complex body of multiple emplaced massive and locally layered gabbro and diabase. Some of the dia- base appears to have been intruded into the Quoddy Formation when the Quoddy sediments were still soft and water bearing. As a whole, the Cutler is inter- preted to represent a subvolcanic complex emplaced mainly in Silurian time, penecontemporaneously with the accumulation of the Quoddy Formation, or only somewhat later. However, the Cutler may have been a source of basaltic lavas that were erupted during the accumulation of the Silurian Dennys, Edmunds, and Leighton Formations, and parts of the Cutler may be as young as Devonian. The Silurian and Lower De- vonian formations exposed northwest of the Lubec fault zone are intruded by many dikes, sills, and plu- tons of diabase (too small to show in fig. 2) that min- eralogically and texturally resemble the Cutler of the Quoddy block. As shown later, however, our chemical data suggest that the Cutler is petrologically akin to the Silurian basaltic flows, whereas the sampled dia- base sills that intrude the Leighton and Hersey Forma- tions are akin to basalt of the Upper Devonian Perry Formation. Silurian rocks, very poorly exposed and as yet un- named, occupy the central part of the Columbia Falls quadrangle and the northern part of the Gardner Lake quadrangle. They include the slide conglomerates de- scribed by Gilman (1966), basaltic flows, silicic tuffs and tuff-breccias, and pyritic thinly bedded argillites and siltstones. Graptolites from black shales in the northwestern part of the Columbia Falls quadrangle suggest a late Llandovery to Wenlock age (W. B. N. Berry, written commun., 1962). The black shales are interbedded with silicic tuff-breccias that are in fault ago 45 STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA 5 EXPLANATION Contact Devonian or younger fault-- Dotted under water -------- Silurian fault 45 -- Strike and dip of bedding -i- Strike and dip of vertical bedding g.__‘__,__._ Indefinite metamorphic isograd-B, biotite; C, chlorite eA e8 - Sites of samples -- Numbered or lettered samples listed in table 2 0 5 10 L I | Dt, 67°15 67°00" Deer Is 67°15" $. S & A h $ (“0 w & ¢ $ w ( ¥ 30° INDEX TO QUADRANGLES 25 KILOMETERS 15 20 | | ] FIGURE 2.-Simplified map of the bedrock geology of the Machias-Eastport portion of the coastal volcanic belt. Simplified from Gates (1961, 1975) and unpublished mapping by Gates and by Richard A. Gilman. contact with pre-Silurian schist. These unnamed Silurian rocks are labeled Quoddy(?) Formation in fig- ure 3, on the assumption that they correlate with the Quoddy. The Silurian Dennys Formation, possibly of late Llandovery through Wenlock age, is the basal part of the volcanic sequence in the Cobscook anticline. It con- sists primarily of basaltic flows, agglomerate, and EXPLANATION FOR FIGURE 2 Unit symbols (listed in order of increasing age): Dp, Perry Forma- tion; Dgr, granite; Dg, gabbro and diorite; Dt, basaltic andesite of Mount Tom stock; De, Eastport Formation; all of Devonian age. Sh and Sl, respectively Hersey (which may also be Early Devonian age) and Leighton Formations of the Pembroke Group in the Machias- Eastport area; Se, Edmunds Formation; Sd, Dennys Formation; Sq, Quoddy Formation; all of Silurian age. Su, undivided Silurian rocks. Sc, Cutler Diabase of Gates (1961) of Silurian(?) age in the Quoddy block. OC, Ordovician and Cambrian rocks. Fro 45" BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE NW SE > "G 5 § § o CLASTIC ROCKS OF ~ VOLCANIC AND CLASTIC ROCKS o > FREDERICTON TROUGH S OF MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA i G K A fais Lanpd Lagoons e es-" -]. -p -Formation £1» + -I *, * Cutler -=- S- *'s ~s 51 - -B KILOMETERS f T3) Al. + Cde % + Diabase+ , + 4 Li ". of CA EM 20 KILOMETERS ] EXPLANATION FIGURE 3.-Schematic section across the coastal volcanic belt during late Eastport time, showing relations of Silurian and Devonian formations of the southernmost Fredericton trough and the Machias-Eastport area to one another and to contem- poraneous normal faults. Heavy lines, faults; arrows show di- rection of movement. Solid thin lines, formation contacts, coarse .water-laid bedded tuffs deposited on the slopes of a basaltic volcano. The eruptive center of this vol- cano is an ellipsoidal mass of basalt and agglomerate in the east-central part of the Gardner Lake quad- rangle. The Dennys Formation also contains a linear belt of keratophyric tuff-breccias, breccia pipes, and flow-banded and autobrecciated domes and shallow in- trusions. This belt of eruptive centers may have been controlled by a contemporaneous fault zone. The fauna of the Dennys Formation consists of a diversified brachiopod suite together with trilobites, corals, and a few pelecypods. The Silurian Edmunds Formation, probably mainly of Ludlow age, is made up primarily of silicic green, purple, and maroon coarse tuff-breccia deposited as submarine pyroclastic debris flows or avalanche de- posits (Gates, 1975, p. 4-5). As shown by drilling, one Volcanic rocks -| Primarily shale rss) Conglomerate queried where uncertain; dashed lines, gradational boundaries between volcanic and sedimentary parts of formations. Digde- _ guash and Waweig Formations (both of Silurian age) and Flume Ridge Formation (of Silurian or Early Devonian age) are of Ruitenberg (1967). Correlation of Waweig with the Leighton Formation is from Pickerill (1976). graded avalanche deposit in the upper part of the Edmunds is at least 100 m thick. A roughly circular area of very coarse breccia on the border between the Eastport and Gardner Lake quadrangles probably marks the vent that fed the avalanche deposits. The Edmunds Formation also contains a few thin basalt flows and basaltic agglomerates and several lens- shaped domes and shallow intrusions of flow-banded and autobrecciated vitrophyre. The gray to black tuf- faceous siltstones and shales of the Edmunds Forma- tion carry a diversified fauna of brachiopods, trilo- bites, corals, pelecypods, gastropods, ostracodes, and orthoceroids. Watkins and Boucot (1975, p. 254) con- cluded that the brachiopod fauna indicates a nearshore environment. The Leighton Formation of latest Silurian (Pridoli) age is composed largely of gray to blue-gray well- STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA 7. bedded and somewhat calcareous siltstones and shales. A few thin dacitic to rhyolitic avalanche tuff-breccias, several thin basalt flows, lens-shaped bodies of basaltic agglomerate, and several domes of dacitic to rhyolitic vitrophyre comprise the volcanic components. Locally, as shown by intensive drilling in a small area, basaltic flows evidently poured in rapid succession into fault- bounded depressions in the sea floor, where they ac- cumulated to thicknesses of 200 m or more. The brachiopod fauna is a restricted shallow-water one (Watkins and Boucot, 1975, p. 254), accompanied by numerous gastropods, pelecypods, ostracodes (Berdan, 1971), and a few trilobites. The Hersey Formation consists of maroon siltstones and shales and a few nodular limestone beds; it con- tains no known volcanic rocks. The Hersey pinches out to the southeast, where its stratigraphic position is occupied by shales and volcanic rocks assigned to the Eastport Formation. The Hersey carries a brackish- water fauna of pelecypods, gastropods, and ostra- codes. The ostracode fauna suggests that the Silurian- Devonian boundary lies within the Hersey (Berdan, 1971). The Eastport Formation of Early Devonian age (Gedinne) is a diverse formation composed of basalt flows, coarse basaltic agglomerate, a few dacite and rhyolite tuff-breccia and ash-flow deposits, flow- banded and autobrecciated domes and shallow intru- sions of rhyolitic vitrophyre, and gray to maroon silt- stones, shales, and minor conglomerate. The fauna is a restricted one of lingulas, pelecypods, and ostracodes (Berdan, 1971). The volcanic rocks of the Eastport For- mation erupted partly on land and partly on tidal flats and shallow lagoons, in contrast to the dominantly marine eruptions of the underlying Silurian forma- tions. During the Acadian orogeny a bimodal suite of gabbro, granitic rocks, and subordinate quartz diorite or diorite, named the Bays-of-Maine Complex by Chap- man (1962), intruded the volcanic section and neigh- boring pre-Silurian rocks along the coastal belt be- tween Penobscot Bay and Passamaquoddy Bay. The complex is not shown in figure 1. The Bays-of-Maine Complex and older rocks were then intruded by granites of the Maine coastal plutons of Chapman (1968). Although field relationships clearly indicate that the coastal plutons are younger, no sharp distinc- tion is seen in the isotopic ages. Granitic rocks as- signed to the complex have yielded isotopic ages of about 400 m.y. (Spooner and Fairbairn, 1970; Rb-Sr whole rock and K-Ar biotite); whereas a spectrum of ages greater than 410-340 m.y. has been obtained by the same methods from the coastal granites (Brookins, 1976, table 2). As shown by Brookins (1976), widely disparate ages have been obtained from a single pluton by different methods. Thus, it remains to be seen whether some or all of the coastal plutons are part of the Bays-of-Maine Complex or instead belong to a dis- tinctly younger suite, as favored by Chapman (1968). The Perry Formation lies on a surface that truncates both the Silurian and Lower Devonian section and the 400-m.y.-old Red Beach Granite of Amos (1963). The Red Beach is a large body that intrudes the Eastport Formation immediately north of the area of figure 2. This granite contributed coarse gravel to the Perry Formation (Amos, 1963; Spooner and Fairbairn, 1970). The Perry is mainly a post-Acadian red bed sequence among which Schluger (1973) has recognized scree, alluvial fan, overbank, and lacustrine facies. Block faulting formed the local basins in which the Perry con- glomerate was deposited. One flow of altered basalt is exposed in the Eastport quadrangle. Plant fossils indi- cate a Late Devonian age (Smith and White, 1905, p. 35). Though cleaved, the Silurian and Lower Devonian formations are only weakly metamorphosed re- gionally. Detrital muscovite commonly is preserved in the shales as bent flakes subparallel to bedding. Meta- morphic chlorite and muscovite are found most com- monly where the rocks are strongly cleaved near faults. As described later, the volcanic rocks are partly to completely altered to mineral associations typical of spilites and keratophyres of greenschist facies or slightly below that metamorphic rank. Prehnite and pumpelleyite-rare on the southeast side of the Appa- lachians-were found in one specimen from a pre- Acadian(?) diabasic sill that intrudes the Leighton For- mation. Hornfels is present along the borders of the principal plutons on the west; metamorphic biotite as- sociated with the hornfels is present in a belt that ex- tends a few kilometers east of the plutons, and in the Quoddy block (fig. 2). Actinolite is restricted to about the same areas. In small areas of sulfide mineraliza- tion, some of the rocks are hydrothermally altered. In summary, the volcanic and associated fossilif- erous sedimentary rocks of the Machias-Eastport area record a long history of volcanism, often explosive. Volcanism lasted perhaps 20 m.y. in the Silurian, and a few more million years in Early Devonian time. Marine environments, becoming generally shallower through time, prevailed through the Silurian; in Early De- vonian time the volcanics were erupted into shallow lagoons, onto tidal mudflats, and on land. The East- port Formation represents the beginning of a general emergence of the coastal volcanic terrane that is shown on Boucot's paleogeographic maps (Boucot, 1968, figs. 6-3 to 6-6). DEFINITION AND PETROGRAPHY OF VOLCANIC ASSEMBLAGES Volcanic rocks of the Machias-Eastport area divide into a strongly bimodal assemblage of basalts grading to basaltic andesites, for convenience called the basal- tic suite, and rhyolites grading to silicic dacites, called the rhyolitic suite (table 1; fig. 4). The only known truly intermediate andesite is a dike that intrudes the Dennys Formation. If the Cutler Diabase were in- cluded in the measurements shown in table 1, the volume of the basaltic suite would greatly exceed that of the rhyolitic one. Because all of the Machias-Eastport rocks are at least mildly metamorphosed, we classify them mainly on the basis of their chemical composition, supple- mented by relict primary petrographic features. The whole assemblage is subalkalic, as shown later. With modifications we follow the common Canadian practice of dividing subalkalic metavolcanic rocks into four broad categories: basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite (Irvine and Baragar, 1971; Church, 1975). A plot of our data in Church's diagram (Church, 1975, fig. 8) shows that all samples from the basaltic suite are clearly basalts, despite the presence of as much as 56.5 per- cent SiO,. In this report, the term basaltic andesite is used for individual basaltic rocks having more than 52 percent SiO,, as shown in figure 4. The term rhyolitic suite also is used for convenience, and the term silicic dacite applies to rocks of this suite having 67-70 per- cent SiO,. The only sample of andesite, with 62.9 per- cent SiO,, might be called dacite, but the analysis plots in the overlapping field for andesites and dacites in Church's diagram, and its cation norm plots in the field for calc-alkalic andesites in figure 7 of Irvine and Baragar (1971). Moreover, the rock has the "moth- eaten'' porphyritic texture that is characteristic of andesites elsewhere. Norms were calculated for several of the basaltic analyses, but they are used only sparingly in this paper, because at least Fe,0, to FeO ratios and alkali contents have been modified during alteration, even in some rocks that we call "least altered" (as defined TABLE 1.-Volume by percent of volcanic and hypabyssal intru- sive rock types in the Eastport quadrangle, estimated from areas of each type in cross sections; Cutler Diabase excluded Basaltic suite Rhyolitic suite Formation (basalt and basaltic Andesite (rhyolite and silicic andesite) dacite) Eastport 49 0 51 Leighton 58 0 42 Edmunds 2 0 98 Dennys 56 '5 39 'Dike. BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE later). The norm of one analysis-a sill that intrudes the Leighton Formation-shows a small amount of nepheline, but the other norms are saturated or quartz bearing. The analyses were prepared for norm calcula- tions according to the recommendations of Irvine and Baragar (1971). The whole bimodal assemblage is further divisible into three assemblages on the basis of age, relict petro- graphic features, and chemical composition, herein called the Silurian, older Devonian, and younger De- vonian assemblages. The Silurian assemblage com- prises the basaltic and rhyolitic suites in the various Silurian formations. The Cutler Diabase of the Quoddy block and the andesite dike that intrudes the Dennys Formation are included in the Silurian assemblage, be- cause their petrologic features and geologic settings suggest a genetic relation to the Silurian volcanics. The older Devonian assemblage contains the basaltic and rhyolitic suites of the Lower Devonian Eastport Formation. These rocks are chemically and petro- graphically distinct from those of the Silurian forma- tions. Also assigned to the older Devonian assemblage is a plug of porphyritic basaltic andesite (the andesite at Mount Tom of Bastin and Williams (1914)), which in- trudes the Leighton Formation and has some of the chemical characteristics of basalts in the Eastport. The basaltic tuff at the base of the Eastport Formation is chemically like the Silurian basalts, but no Eastport- type basalts are known at lower stratigraphic levels, and no Silurian-type basalts are known at higher levels. One of the silicic dacites in the Leighton Forma- > tion has chemical characteristics of both the Silurian and older Devonian basalts. With these exceptions, the Silurian and older Devonian volcanic rocks are chemi- cally unlike one another. Most of the compositional shift seems to have taken place during a pause in vol- canism represented by the Hersey Formation, and dur- ing the transition from marine to subaerial conditions. The younger Devonian assemblage is defined by the one sample we obtained from a basalt flow in the Perry Formation, but assigned to this assemblage are three sills of comparable chemistry but of probable pre- Perry age that intrude the Leighton and Hersey For- mations. The age of the sills is uncertain, but available evidence, including the presence of Acadian cleavage, suggests that they were emplaced after Hersey deposi- tion and prior to Acadian cleaving and metamorphism. No younger Devonian rhyolites are known. The youngest coastal granites might, however, be silicic companion rocks to the Perry basalt. Of seven chemi- cal analyses of granites that are used in figures 5 and 7, four are from the Tunk Lake pluton (Karner, 1968), which has yielded a preliminary K-Ar age of 357+10 m.y. (Karner, 1974, p. 190), and one is from the Vinal- DEFINITION AND PETROGRAPH Y OF VOLCANIC ASSEMBLAGES 9 haven pluton, which has yielded a K-Ar age of 399 m.y. and an Rb-Sr whole rock age of 361+7 m.y. (Brookins, 1976, table 2). If the younger age is the correct one for the Vinalhaven pluton, the approximate 360-m.y. date for the Vinalhaven and Tunk Lake bodies is not much older than the beginning of the Late Devonian. More- over, the pre-cleavage diabase sills in the Leighton and Hersey Formations must be older than the Perry, and within the broad range of isotopic ages that have been reported for the coastal granites and the granitic rocks of the Bays-of-Maine Complex. In the following descriptions primary igneous tex- tures and mineralogy are emphasized. Effects of al- teration and low rank metamorphism are described later. SILURIAN ASSEMBLAGE Most of the basalts and basaltic andesites of the Silurian assemblage display intergranular, subophitic, and ophitic textures. The habit of chlorite, commonly filling intercrystalline pores, suggests formerly porous textures (diktytaxitic) that are common in some tho- leiites. A few basalts have a subtrachytic texture of flow-alined laths of plagioclase and grains of augite. Most of the basalts are aphyric. Less common por- phyritic basalts have sparsely scattered phenocrysts of plagioclase. Some basalts of the Edmunds and Leighton Formations have sparse phenocrysts of clino- pyroxene as well. Olivine is uncommon, but sparse pseudomorphs of saponite(?) after small euhedral phenocrysts of olivine were found in two flows from the Edmunds Formation. Calcic plagioclase, where preserved, exhibits normal gradational zoning from calcic labradorite to sodic labradorite or calcic ande- sine. The augite is colorless or very pale brown, lacks exsolution lamelli, is only rarely zoned, and shows no evidence of marginal reaction. A few fine-grained inter- granular basalts have grains of pigeonite along with augite. Hypersthene is absent. Some flows have small amounts of intergranular potassium feldspar. Acces- sory minerals are magnetite, ilmenite, sphene, and apa- tite. Amygdules composed variously of chlorite, quartz, calcite, and epidote are common, particularly at the base and tops of flows. Although many flows overlie or underlie fossiliferous marine siltstones and mudstones, pillows and columnar structures are rare. Most flows are a few to 20 m thick, but some are as much as 100 m thick. The diabase and gabbro of the Cutler Diabase have essentially the same textures and mineralogy as the Silurian basalts but are coarser grained. In addition, small amounts of ragged green, pale-blue, and colorless amphibole are present in the interstices of some gabbros. One specimen has small amounts of late mag- matic deep-brown basaltic hornblende. Small amounts of metamorphic biotite are present in some rocks. In places complex compositional layering and cumulate textures indicate local gravitational fractionation of labradorite, augite, and titaniferous magnetite (Gates, 1961, p. 39-41). Basaltic tuff-breccias of the Silurian assemblage are a mixture of angular to subrounded fragments of basalt as much as a meter across in a matrix of pumice lapilli, crystals of plagioclase and augite, disaggre- gated bedded basaltic tuffs, and clasts of siltstone and shale. Most of the Silurian rhyolites and silicic dacites con- tain sparse phenocrysts of albite widely scattered through a fine-grained matrix of intergrown albite, quartz, potassium feldspar, and alteration products. Phenocrysts of albite in the silicic domes and flows are euhedral; some are in glomeroporphyritic clots. The phenocrysts in pyroclastic rocks are commonly broken. The albite, having low temperature optics, is com- monly dusty with clays and is partially replaced by epi- dote, or calcite, or both, suggesting that the original plagioclase was more calcic. Alkali feldspar occurs as phenocrysts in a few rhyolites, but more commonly it is intergrown with quartz in lithophysae or in the groundmass. It has disordered and intermediate struc- tural states (Benson orthoclase, Spencer B), suggesting that some primary feldspar has survived meta- morphism. Rounded and embayed phenocrysts of quartz occur along with albite in a few of the rhyolitic rocks. Original ferromagnesian minerals are missing, but they may be represented by ragged masses of chlorite and clusters of epidote grains. Accessory min- erals are magnetite, leucoxene, and sparse zircons. Flow banding is common. Spherulites and perlitic cracks indicate that many of the silicic rocks were originally vitrophyres. Faint outlines of shards indi- cate that some of these rocks are tuffs; some may be ash-flow deposits. Evidence of welding, if any, has been destroyed by the metamorphism. Other rhyolitic rocks have a fine-grained granophyric texture or one of interlocking feldspar microlites. Coarse silicic mixed tuff breccias in the Edmunds and Leighton Formations are composed of boulder- sized blocks and smaller fragments of rhyolites, por- phyries, chert, tuffs, basalt, and sedimentary rocks; grains of quartz, albite, and sparse augite; and meta- morphic epidote, chlorite, sericite, and carbonate. The sand-sized matrix of some of these deposits is feldspar crystal tuff, containing abundantly scattered broken and euhedral crystals of albite about a millimeter long. The andesite dike that intrudes the Dennys Forma- tion has euhedral phenocrysts of saussuritized plagio- 10 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE clase, and epidote pseudomorphous after phenocrysts of pyroxene(?). The phenocrysts are set in a felty matrix of ragged blue-green hornblende; laths of dusty albite; scattered grains and spots of chlorite, leucoxene, epidote, and magnetite; and sparse grains of quartz. OLDER DEVONIAN ASSEMBLAGE Most of the basalts and basaltic andesites of the Eastport Formation are porphyritic, a significant dif- ference from most of the Silurian basalts. Unaltered phenocrysts of labradorite and augite, some in glomeroporphyritic clots, are set in an intergranular to subtrachytic matrix of the same minerals. Some of the more silica rich basalts and basaltic andesites have a percent or so of intergranular quartz. Small amounts of potassium feldspar are common in the interstices. Chlorite is ubiquitous; epidote or calcite or both may be present. The content of magnetite is at least twice that of the Silurian basalts. The actual iron contents of the older Devonian basalts are somewhat higher also, but the higher magnetite contents are probably more a function of the distinctly lower magnesium contents in the older Devonian basalts. This assumes that iron to magnesium ratios in the pyroxenes are about the same in basalts of both assemblages, but the pyroxenes have not been analyzed. Much of the iron in the older Devonian basalts has been oxidized to hematite, which gives the rocks a maroon color, in contrast to the dark- green or black hues of the Silurian basalts. Many of the older Devonian basalts have red oxidized tops. The older Devonian silicic rocks contain scattered euhedral phenocrysts of albite, dusty with clays and other alteration products, in a fine-grained matrix. The matrix ranges from devitrified flow-banded glass to fine-grained granophyre. Potassium feldspars occur in small tabular crystals in the groundmass intergrown with quartz, in spherules, in lithophysae, and rarely as euhedral phenocrysts. Some of the potassium feld- spars have intermediate structural states (Spencer B, 2 samples)', suggesting that some primary feldspar structure has survived metamorphism. One sample has ordered alkali feldspar (maximum microcline), sug- gesting a secondary origin, in accord with its habit as discrete layers and lenses along flow banding. A few samples contain rounded resorbed phenocrysts of quartz. Ragged masses and wisps of chlorite are the only ferromagnesian minerals. Magnetite, partly or 'X -ray studies done by U.S. Geological Survey, under supervision of C. G. Cunningham, Jr. Alkali feldspars (mainly groundmass) were separated from four Silurian and three older Devonian rhyolites; structural states determined by the method of Wright (1968). wholly altered to hematite, is more abundant than in the Silurian silicic rocks. A few devitrified vitrophyres of the Eastport Formation contain individual shards and collapsed pumice. The basaltic andesite at Mount Tom, like most basalt and the basaltic andesite in the Eastport For- mation, is porphyritic. Saussuritized phenocrysts of labradorite are set in an intergranular matrix of small euhedral feldspar laths, epidote grains, chlorite, and abundant magnetite. Clots of chlorite and epidote rimmed by an unidentified opaque mineral have the outlines of original pyroxene phenocrysts. The coarse tuff-breccias, the finer grained tuffs, and the bedded water-laid tuffs consist wholly of rocks and minerals confined to the volcanic pile. Although clasts of pre-Silurian rocks are present in the basal and slide conglomerates in other parts of the coastal volcanic belt, no fragments of metamorphic or plutonic rocks from the presumed underlying Avalonian basement or from the pre-Silurian metamorphic rocks have been found either in the Silurian or Devonian volcanic rocks of the Machias-Eastport area. YOUNGER DEVONIAN ASSEMBLAGE The single sample of basalt from the Perry Forma- tion contains sparse small euhedral phenocrysts of argillized labradorite in a fine-grained matrix of lath- shaped argillized calcic andesine, grains of augite, in- terstitial chlorite, and a few grains of quartz. Some of the quartz grains are round and probably xenocrystic. Magnetite is abundant. The groundmass has fine- grained reddish- to yellowish-brown platy to fibrous mineral (probably saponite), and a few small pseudo- morphs of pyroxene containing bastite possibly after orthopyroxene. Diabase sills that intrude the Leighton and Hersey Formations have a relict ophitic or subophitic texture. The plagioclase is labradorite where unaltered. Magne- tite and ilmenite are abundant, and small amounts of potassium feldspar are present in interstices. Apatite is rather abundant, as small rod-shaped crystals that penetrate plagioclase. Trace amounts of quartz were seen. One altered sample (table 2, sample No. 29) from the interior of a sill is coarse grained and composed of albite to sodic oligoclase, prehnite, sunbursts of vividly pleochroic blue-green to straw-yellow pumpel- leyite (showing anomalous interference colors), epi- dote, deep-green chlorite, magnetite, augite, a few spots of calcite, and sparse saponite possibly after olivine. ALTERATION 11 SAMPLING The sites of 44 samples that form the basis of this study are shown in figure 2. Of the 44 samples, 36 were collected from outcrops and roadcuts between Machias and Eastport, and 8 were collected from drill cores in the Pembroke prospect, a small area of epigenetic sul- fide mineralization in the Leighton Formation in the northwest corner of the Eastport quadrangle. Sample A is hydrothermally altered basalt from the prospect. Major oxide analyses of 32 samples are listed in table 2, and all analyses, recalculated without volatiles, are displayed in figure 4. Appendix A gives sites and de- scriptions of samples listed in table 2. Appendix B gives the same information and chemical analyses for all other samples. Although our samples were not collected in propor- tion to the relative volumes shown in table 1, we be- lieve that all the major types that define the Silurian and older Devonian assemblages are represented. Four of the seven silicic tuffs shown in figure 4 plot between 67 and 71 percent SiO,; they have the composition of silicic dacite and low-silica rhyolite. These samples rep- resent mixed tuff breccias in the Edmunds and Leigh- ton Formations, thought to be submarine pyroclastic flow deposits. As such they probably represent the average compositions of the source volcanoes. Our sampling of the younger Devonian assemblage is not adequate. We have one analysis of Perry basalt, and three of diabase sills in the Leighton. Seven analyses from the literature of the coastal granites (Karner, 1968; Dale, 1907) are tentatively included in this as- semblage. ALTERATION Thin sections show clear evidence of variable spilitic and keratophyric alteration, which produced saussuri- tized and albitized plagioclase, and also chlorite, epi- dote, carbonate, and leucoxene after the ferromag- nesian and opaque minerals. At least minor changes in chemical composition are inevitable in such rocks, and are shown in fact by the vertical spread of data (espe- cially CaO, Na,0, and K,0) in figure 4. Our problem is to find the rocks that have been modified the least. Furthermore, the vitrophyric silicic rocks must have been prone to alkali exchange during hydration (Lip- man and others, 1969). In addition, studies of the Pem- broke sulfide deposits have shown that hydrothermal alteration may be more intense and widespread than one might expect from casual inspection of outcrops and thin sections. There, a thick sequence of basalts in the Leighton Formation has been greatly enriched in potassium (in feldspar) and manganese (in carbonate and epidote). Data for one sample are shown in table 2 and figure 4 (sample No. A). Without the spectacular manganese contents, these rocks could be mistaken for trachybasalts. Analyses that show more than 0.3 per- cent MnO and other obviously hydrothermally altered rocks were not included in this study. The eight large symbols shown in figure 4 represent our least altered basalts and basaltic andesites, and are our "best" analyses. These rocks have recognizable calcic plagioclase, augite, very little calcite, and less than about 0.5 percent CO, (table 2, sample Nos. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 18, 20, 30). The plagioclase in these rocks may be dusty with alteration products, and the augite is em- bayed by chlorite. Furthermore, the least altered rocks are variably oxidized, having FeQ to Fe;,0, ratios of 3.3 to 6.8 in the five marine Silurian basalts, about 1.5 in the two lagoonal or subaerial Eastport basalts, and 0.3 in the single subaerial Perry basalt (table 2). Nonethe- less, these rocks are the best guides we have to the original nature of the basalts and the chemical changes that accompanied alteration of the other samples. Be- cause the least altered silicic rocks cannot be defined as rigorously, we have not attempted to identify "'best" analyses of dacites and rhyolites. In figure 4, *FeOQ*, MgO, TiO,, and P;,0,; in the Silurian basalts plot within narrowly defined fields that are almost completely separate from the fields for these oxides in the Devonian basalts. This relationship holds regardless of degree of alteration, suggesting that these four oxides were little affected by alteration. This conclusion finds support in Vallance's (1974) study of chemical changes that accompanied the spilitic alteration of Deccan basalt near Bombay, India. There, TiO, appears to have been most stable, followed by MgO and total iron (FeQ*). Although the oxidation states of iron are extremely variable in our basalts and in the Deccan basalt, the total iron con- tents evidently are little affected by alteration. In contrast, the CaO) and Na,0 contents evidently have been changed significantly. On the assumption that the CaO and Na,0 contents of the least altered Silurian basalts are primary or nearly so, CaO has been strongly depleted and Na,0 has been enriched in some samples of more altered basalts. Depletion of calcium may have occurred where CO, pressure was too low to fix the calcium as calcite in the rocks, for two samples *FeO* = FeO + 0.9 Fe,0, (in weight percent). 12 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE TABLE 2.-Major oxide analyses in weight percent of volcanic rocks of the Machias-Eastport area, Maine [Starred site no., least altered basalt, basaltic andesite, and diabase; has at least clinopyroxene and calcic plagioclase; <0.5 percent CO,. Si ite Nos. 14 and A, analyses by standard methods by Vertie C. Smith; all other analyses by rapid methods described by Shapiro and Brannock (1962) supplemented by atomic absorption; analyzed by P. Elmore, J. Glenn, R. Moore, H. Smith, and S. Botts, all U.S. Geological Survey. N, no phenocrysts; P, plagioclase in basalts, alkali feldspar in silicic rocks; C, clinopyroxene; O, olivine. Leaders (---), not determined; <, less than] Assemblage. .............. Silurian Formation.. ., Dennys Edmunds Leighton Cutler Dennys Ed d Leight J d - Leight Sample No.:. #1 2 3 * 4 *5 6 *T *8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A Laboratory No............. D160 - W176 wite W176 wite W178 WiT W176 WiTé W176 D160 D160 D160 D102 D160 D102 3TaW _ 692 691 689 686 301 682 680 698 696 _ 371W 373W 38OW _ 345 3TOW 348 ;. Flow _ Flow Flow _ Flow Flow _ Flow Intrusives Flow - Flow - Flow Flow Flow - Flow Dike Alt. flow Phenocrysts .......... ..:. N N P C0 N P,C N P P P P P P P.C? N SiO, . 47.7 50.8 _ 48.9 46.4 _ 50.6 46.8 _ 48.8 78.0. : 18.1 71.6 66.3 - 65.72 62.1 46.61 ay - 16.7 15.6 16.6 16.8 15.9 16.3 15.1 15.0 13.2 13.3 14.4 15.9 14.46 16.2 16.25 .6 3.4 4.1 2.0 2.4 2.8 1.4 1.6 .68 .54 2.0 2.5 .64 1.00 2.1 1.40 .0 7.2 5.3 1.5 8.0 5.2 9.5 8.2 1.2 1.6 .84 .80 3.6 3.02 3.8 7.29 y 8.1 6.3 6.6 8.0 5.9 7A 8.2 53 48 .37 .37 .31 1.56 2.8 3.56 .2 6.4 7A 9.1 10.5 9.3 10.0 10.7 1.1 .92 .35 .85 1.8 2.67 5.2 6.77 4 3.1 4.4 3.1 2.1 2.8 2.5 2.5 6.4 4.1 4.2 4.0 2.0 4.48 4.0 1.94 .0 1.2 .83 .56 15 45 1.1 12 1.3 8.1 3.9 3.1 5.7 1.10 1.5 4.33 .8 3.3 2.8 2.8 3.3 2.5 2.8 2.3 .62 .69 13 1.2 1.8 1.68 1.1 3.63 13 .21 16 .21 .24 .32 A1 A1 02 .03 .21 .24 .09 12 12 .16 1.3 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.3 20 28 .26 44 .54 .60 .83 1.55 .25 .22 15 19 15 .37 .25 22 02 03 .03 .09 .08 18 .21 .20 16 .21 15 22 15 .09 .22 19 00 10 10 .04 .07 .21 12 1.51 .05 - <.05 .36 15 <.05 17 15 <.05 <.05 .06 .01 .30 1.2 2.13 .01 4.55 .008 .00§S _ .00S .00 - .08S _ .00 028 - 158 - - - (.02 C1, # (.01 C1, .04 F, .07 F, .10 S) .06 S) = - - - ~ - - - - - ~ - 99.69 - 99.89 - - - - - - - - - - - - .07 -- .06 99.50 99.55 99.13 99.59 99.23 100.11 99.94 100.09 100.08 100.00 99.93 100.03 99.62 100.09 99.83 Recalculated without volatiles A 49.7 52.8 51.0 48.3 53.4 48.3 50.0 73.4 74.8 74.4 72.9 68.4 68.7 62.8 51.0 2 17.4 16.2 17.3 17.5 16.8 16.8 15.5 15.1 13.3 13.4 14.7 16.4 15.1 16.4 17.8 .8 10.7 9.4 9.7 10.6 8.1 11.1 9.8 1.8 2.1 2.3 3.2 4.3 4.1 5.8 9.4 .0 8.5 6.5 6.9 8.3 6.2 7.6 8.4 .53 48 .37 .38 .82 1.6 2.8 3.9 .5 6.7 7.1 9.5 10.9 9.8 10.3 11.0 1.1 .93 .35 .87 1.9 2.8 5.3 T4 2.2 3.2 4.6 3.2 2.2 3.0 2.6 2.6 6.4 4.1 4.2 4.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 2.2 1.0 1.3 .86 .58 16 48 1.1 74 1.3 3.7 3.9 3.2 5.9 1.8 1.5 4.7 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.3 .20 .28 .26 45 .56 .63 .84 1.7 .26 .23 .16 .20 16 .39 .26 .23 .02 .03 .03 .09 .08 19 .21 .22 A7 .22 16 .23 16 .10 .23 19 .00 .10 10 .04 .07 .22 "12 1.7 Assemblages. ..... .. ; /. Older Devonian Younger Devonian Mt. Formation ,.,. . . #9924 20220 one Eastport Tom Eastport Unnamed Perry - Unnamed Sample No.. ...... is 16 17+; «18 19 * 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 * 30 31 Laboratory .No..2.52 2024344 silva W176 D160 W176 W176 W176 W176 W176 W176 D160 W176 D160 D160 wi7g W176 wi76 W178 671 315W 674 673 672 679 684 675 3T9W 678 3TBW - 3T6W 302 683 677 303 Rock class". .s sss 2. .s 0 nsec or' wi Tuff - Flow - Flow - Flow - Flow - Flow Stock Flow - Tuff - Flow - Flow - Flow Sills Flow Sill Phenocty§t8. s.:}. us rd N P P P.C P.C P PC P P N P P N P SIO. Jne irene ailes {eden » a +5 a 53.3 45.4 50.4 50.7 53.6 53.5 52.2 67.1 72.4 69.5 74.1 74.9 48.7 47.0 48.9 47.5 Alissi ie v+ Piral 1 1a s ae sa anon 15.1 18.0 17.2 14.5 16.4 14.8 17.8 13.0 13.9 12.8 12.9 13.2 14.6 13.2 15.8 14.3 3.0 5.4 4.0 6.2 3.8 .85 6.1 . 4.8 2.1 2.8 1.3 1.7 4.0 3.7 10.8 2.9 6.0 5.3 6.1 5.5 5.9 10.5 4.2 1.8 48 2.1 1.7 .28 8.1 10.9 3.4 8.4 6.6 2.8 5.1 4.1 3.7 2.1 4.3 43 .23 .37 15 .04 5.0 5.2 4.8 4.6 4.4 8.1 7.2 6.0 7.8 4.9 7.3 2.1 27 1.6 .09 1.20 8.0 9.2 6.7 8.3 2.9 3.4 3.3 4.1 3.1 4.0 3.7 4.7 4.2 2.9 2.8 4.9 3.6 4.2 3.9 2.0 1.1 .61 1.5 .32 1.5 Al .85 3.0 4.5 5.5 5.3 3.5 Ti 12 .10 17 3.8 2.5 2.6 2.2 1.7 3.1 1.4 1.1 .10 .80 1.0 .69 2.4 2.0 1.6 3.1 15 1.4 .28 .24 .25 .20 12 12 A1 .10 .09 .07 .20 12 .15 .21 1.4 1.7 1.7 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.3 .50 30 39 27 .19 3.1 3.4 2.1 2.6 .23 "27 .28 46 35 13 .21 .08 06 .04 .05 .04 .56 45 49 .57 16 .24 .20 23 15 .24 .24 18 06 18 .07 01 16 .24 15 11 1.3 4.2 <.05 2.0 35 1.4 <.05 1.5 04 .89 .02 .02 A7 .26 <.05 4.6 .00 = .00 00 00 00 .00 O1 - 14 - ~- - .00 .00 = 100.04 99.32 99.86 99.85 100.00 99.83 99.72 99.92 99.95 100.11 99.84 99.74 99.96 99.99 100.09 99.96 Recalculated without volatiles 56.6 49.8 52.0 53.1 54.9 56.6 53.2 69.1 73.0 70.8 75.1 75.7 50.1 48.1 50.0 51.6 16.0 19.7 17.7 15.2 16.8 15.7 18.1 13.4 14.0 13.0 13.1 13.3 15.0 13.5 16.2 15.5 9.2 11.1 10.0 11.6 9.5 11.9 9.9 5.8 2.9 4.1 2.9 1.8 12.7 14.6 13.4 12.0 7.0 3.1 5.3 4.3 3.8 2.9 4.4 "44 .23 .38 15 .04 5.2 5.3 4.9 5.0 4.1 8.9 74 6.3 8.0 5.2 TA 2.2 27 1.6 .09 .20 8.2 9.4 6.9 - 9.0 3.1 3.1 3.4 4.9 3.2 4.2 3.8 4.8 4.2 3.0 2.8 5.0 8.1 4.3 4.0 2.2 1.2 .67 1.6 .34 1.5 43 .86 3.1 4.5 5.6 5.4 3.5 19 12 12 .84 1.5 1.9 1.8 2.8 1.4 2.0 1.3 .51 .30 40 271 19 3.2 3.5 2.2 2.8 .24 .30 .29 48 .36 17 .21 .08 .06 .04 .05 .04 .58 A6 .50 .62 A% .26 . 21 .24 15 .25 .24 19 .06 18 .07 .01 16 .25 15 12 VOLCANIC PETROLOGY 13 of Silurian basalts that have the lowest CaO contents (fig. 4) also have little or no CO,. Although the K,0 contents of most of the basalts are too small and variable to tell much about possible en- richment or depletion, potassium may have been strongly depleted in two samples (table 2): sample 5, a least altered Silurian basalt with 0.16 percent K,0, and sample 29, a more altered younger Devonian diabase with 0.12 percent K,0. These K,0 contents are one- third to one-eighth that of the other basalts or diabases of their respective assemblages. Both samples also have exceptionally small amounts of barium and rubidium, as shown for sample 5 in table 3. Although these low abundances might be primary, it seems more likely that potassium, rubidium, and barium were selectively removed. In the rhyolitic rocks of both assemblages, Na,0 and K,0 contents are extremely erratic (fig. 4). High Na,0 contents are typically accompanied by low K,0 con- tents, however, so that the total alkali contents are much less variable. This approximately reciprocal rela- tionship may express alkali exchanges that took place while the rocks were still glassy. Although none of the sampled rocks were truly closed systems during alteration, there is little evi- dence of massive chemical changes that would signifi- cantly affect the identification of a rock from its chemi- cal analysis. Andesites were not changed to rocks that we now call basalts or rhyolites, or vice versa. Our con- fidence in the validity of the major oxide analyses is strengthened by the minor-element data, which as shown later have remarkably consistent minor-element signatures within each assemblage and with pristine basalts of other parts of the world. VOLCANIC PETROLOGY The bimodal distribution of the volcanic rock types and their major chemical features are shown in figures 4-7. The Silurian and older Devonian assemblages are distinguished by almost consistently different FeQ*/MgO, FeO*/SiO,, and MgO/SiO,;, and contents of MgO and total alkalis in both the basaltic and rhyolitic suites. Basalt in the Perry Formation and the diabase sills in the Leighton and Hersey Formations, and the tentatively included coastal granites (figs. 5, 7) com- prise a third compositionally distinctive bimodal suite. Figure 5 shows alternative boundaries between alkaline and subalkaline or tholeiitic basaltic rocks. We favor Irvine and Baragar's line (1971) for the Machias- Eastport rocks, because it yields the simpler classifica- tion (almost all subalkaline), and because the line of Macdonald and Katsura (1964) does not divide the Machias-Eastport rocks in a compositionally meaning- ful way. This preference is supported by data on the oxides and minor elements that Floyd and Winchester (1975) and Winchester and Floyd (1976) considered to be immobile during alteration, namely: P,0,, TiO,, niobium, yttrium, and zirconium. According to criteria established by these authors, almost all the Eastport: Machias basalts are clearly tholeiitic. The younger Devonian basalts are partial exceptions, for they may be classed as alkalic on the basis of their high contents of TiO, and P,;0,;, and high P,;0, relative to zirconium; or they may be classed as tholeiitic on the basis of low contents of niobium relative to yttrium. These relation- ships may be seen when our data from table 3 are plotted in various diagrams of Winchester and Floyd (1976) and Floyd and Winchester (1975) that utilize all the listed immobile elements. Although the older and younger Devonian basalts have higher niobium con- tents than the Silurian basalts (table 3), alkalic basalts elsewhere typically have at least twice as much niobium as the 14 ppm (parts per million) niobium in sample 30 (table 3), a younger Devonian basalt. (See Engel and others, 1965, table 2; Lipman and Moench, 1972, table 1.) Figure 6 is the commonly used AFM diagram, and figure 7 is the type of diagram used by Kuno (1968, fig. 4, 16-18) to illustrate the variation of major oxides relative to solidification index, or the amount of MgO that shows in an AFM diagram. In figure 7 the varia- tions of FeO*, TiO,, and SiO, relative to solidification index effectively illustrate the compositional evolution of both the basaltic and rhyolitic suites of all three age assemblages. Table 3 summarizes minor-element data. In this report these data are used only for comparative pur- poses, and further interpretations are deferred until other analyses are completed. Pearce and Cann (1973) prepared three diagrams that are intended to permit one to identify the tectonic setting of a suite of basalts on the basis of their minor- element contents; specifically, titanium, zirconium, yttrium, and strontium. These diagrams do not appear to be appropriate for identifying the tectonic setting of the basalts of the Machias-Eastport area. The main problem, also recognized by Gottfried, Annell, and Schwarz (1977, p. 106, fig. 6), is the lack of adequate data on a wide range of continental tholeiites. For example, data for the Columbia River Basalt Group (McDougall, 1976, tables 1-3) and for basalts of the 14 WEIGHT PERCENT FeO* (FeO+0.9Fe203) Al2zOs MgO CaO NazO K20 TiO P205 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE BASALTIC SUITE RHYOLITIC SUITE BASALT BASALTIC ANDESITE ANDESITE SILICIC DACITE RHYOLITE ( -> Yy > ~ cs a A- *s % 48 50 55 60 65 70 75 19 |- T T I I I I I I T I I I I T I T T T I T T T T I 3 - A A A & #31 o &A gm e15 PAK] s C X A& O # 0 _ o _ [ o $ e a 13 > A A OO ® & 9—‘1 a |X )§( [] 12 +- X A Te 4:5; & | p> A __a A FR '> 6 |- ae t: ® o # 2 |- As y& el 0 o 3 |- *A 00 6 A A t- o * a 9 - eal O - F3: ; E aA 4 6 - wal |x yA > - % .A ‘ A al 3 |- id aA o c [% 0 * & E 130 A A $90 e a g K 23 C A % 6.!- ix - o [ o * g a 3 - o Oo‘ . = | 6 t 3 a 3 o @ ial *_ '~ am 8 |- l [ o 3 L- aA A A o A - 2 o & # :| L s 3 A 5 o A a &A __| | s 8 (s 3%. g * o ® a 2 |- C -& A o ## C 90 a a 3 [77 x x P =n Ala o A & 4 1 L el a‘ Ck o M 0.7 |- * a # 0s t X *» o A # - Fa t # I La.! 1 £22 { fee art _ | t* te CA gner0 a da as SiO2, IN WEIGHT PERCENT VOLCANIC PETROLOGY 15 h I T T T T s a COASTAL % \my-GRANITES - N ~ we k. _- ~ Se i & - Sq TA Irvine and Baragar (1971) L_ >. i Pis _ +A 13® a s ~- LL o & & o is a= fel e O o u e a < Z ®15 o o 5 t 2 + & _ - o © M Z ./ . ® s _ - "20 © [- h - hd 2 | | | I | | 50 55 60 65 70 75 SiO2, IN WEIGHT PERCENT FIGURE 5.-Alkali-silica variation diagram. Field of coastal granites encloses four analyses from the Tunk Lake pluton (Karner, 1968), and one each from the Jonesboro pluton at Jonesboro, the Vinalhaven pluton on Hurricane Island, and an unnamed pluton on High Island in southwestern Penobscot Bay (Dale, 1907). Large symbol, least altered basalts. Open symbol, volcaniclastic rocks; all others, lava rocks. Circle, Silurian assemblage; triangle, older Devonian assemblage; X, younger Devonian assemblage. Samples 13, 15, and 16 (table 2) are labeled. Rio Grande depression (Lipman, 1969; Lipman and Mehnert, 1975)-all clearly continental tholeiites-plot variously in the fields for ocean-floor basalts, low- potassium tholeiites of island arcs, and calc-alkalic basalts in Pearce and Cann's (1973) diagrams. The dia- grams provide, however, a convenient way for compar- ing minor-element associations in different groups of basalts. For example, in their diagrams the available data for basalts of the Rio Grande depression plot closely with our data for the Silurian basalts of the Machias-Eastport area. The remarkable similarity of these basaltic rocks of widely different age and setting is shown also by the major oxide data listed in table 4. C FIGURE 4 (facing page).-Harker diagram showing major oxides, recalculated without H,0 and CO,. Large symbol, best analyses of least altered basalts. Open symbol, volcaniclastic rocks, includ- ing four analyses of mixed tuff breccias between 67.5 and 71 per- cent SiO,. All others, lava rocks. Circle, Silurian assemblage; tri- angle, older Devonian assemblage; X, younger Devonian assem- blage. Samples 13, 15, and 16 (table 2) are labeled. Sample A, hydrothermally altered Silurian basalt from the Pembroke pros- pect. Envelopes enclose samples of Silurian basalts. Figure 8 shows average major-oxide and minor-ele- ment data for least altered basalts of the Machias- Eastport area on the Harker-type diagrams of Mc- Dougall (1976, figs. 5, 6) for basalts of the Columbia Kiver Group. These diagrams provide a convenient way of showing how minor-element signatures change sympathetically with changes in major-oxide composi- tion in the Silurian to older and younger Devonian pro- gression. The diagrams also show a striking similarity that exists (in direction, not amount) between these changes and those that accompany the Columbia River progression, despite obvious differences in tectonic setting. All basalts of the Machias-Eastport area are much more aluminous than those from the Columbia River area, but the differences in FeQ*, MgO, CaO, TiO,, P,0,;,, and the minor-element contents of the somewhat magnesian Silurian basalts, of the silicic older Devonian basalts, and of the younger Devonian basalts (exceptionally rich in iron and titanium), are remarkably similar to the differences between the Pic- ture Gorge, lower, and middle basalts of the Yakima Subgroup. 16 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE YOUNGER DEVONIAN ASSEMBLAGE OLDER DEVONIAN ASSEMBLAGE \tys SILURIAN ASSEMBLAGE OLDER DEVONIAN ASSEMBLAGE SILURIAN ASSEMBLAGE A FIGURE 6.-AFM diagram (weight percent basis). Large symbol, least altered basalts. Open symbol, volcaniclastic rocks; all others, lava rocks. Circle, Silurian assemblage; triangle, older Devonian assemblage; X, younger Devonian assemblage. Samples 13, 15, and 16 (table 2) are labeled. FIGURE 7 (facing page). of SiO,, TiO,, and FeQ* (total iron as FeQ) relative to solidification index (weight percent basis). Approximate boundaries of hypersthenic field in Japan from Kuno (1968, figs. 16, 17). Skaergaard trend from Wager and Brown (1968, tables 4, 9, 10). Field of coastal granites encloses four analyses from the Tunk Lake pluton (Karner, 1968), and one each from the Jonesboro pluton at Jonesboro, the Vinalhaven pluton on Hurricane Island, and an unnamed pluton on High Island in southwestern Penobscot Bay (Dale, 1907). Large sym- bol, least altered basalts. Open symbol, volcaniclastic rocks; all others, lava rocks. Circle, Silurian assemblage; triangle, older De- vonian assemblage; X, younger Devonian assemblage. Samples 13, 15, and 16 (table 2) are labeled. > m < PERCENT WEIGHT SiOz TiO2 45 20 15 VOLCANIC PETROLOGY I I 1 | 3 1 coastaiti13) | GRANlTEstégx 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 SOLIDIFICATION INDEX, MgO®100/FeOQ+0.9Fez03+MgO+Na20+K20 17 18 OXIDES, IN WEIGHT PERCENT FIGURE 8.-Major-oxide and minor-element data for least altered basalts of the Machias-Eastport area compared with data Al2O3 FeO* MgO K20 NazO CaO TiO P205 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.5 0.4 0.2 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE T T A- ¢ © .s aes SiOz, IN WEIGHT PERCENT ELEMENTS, IN PARTS PER MILLION Ba Rb Zr Sc Ga Co 500 300 80 60 40 20 600 400 200 50 30 10 250 150 60 40 30 20 100 60 20 45 35 300 200 100 (= a K F ~ ~>~ # A l 2 | | 50 52 54 SiO2, IN WEIGHT PERCENT of McDougall (1976, figs. 5, 6) for the Columbia River Basalt Group. VOLCANIC PETROLOGY 19 TABLE 3.-Selected and average minor-element data on volcanic rocks [Starred sample Nos., average of several values. N, looked for but not detected; leaders (---), not looked for; <, less than. Numbers in parentheses, number of samples for which data are available. Data in parts per million except SiO, and K,0, in percent (from table 2). In all samples, Sr and Rb detected by X-ray fluorescence analyses. In all samples, U detected by delayed neutron determinations. All samples, except samples 13 and 15, ana- lyzed for Th, La, Yb, Ba, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Sb, Sc, Ta, and Zr by instrumental neutron acti- vation. For samples 13 and 15, Th detected by delayed neutron determinations. For samples 13 and 15, La, Yb, Ba, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Sb, Sc, Ta, and Zr detected by semiquan- titative emission spectrographic analyses by computerized techniques. In all samples, Be, Ga, Nb, Ni, V, Y, Ag, Mo, Pb, Sn, and Zn detected by semiquantitative emission spec- trographic analyses by computerized techniques. Analysts: X-ray fluorescence analyses by W. P. Doering; delayed neutron determinations by H. T. Millard, Jr., and D. A. Bick ford; instrumental neutron activation analyses by R. J. Knight and H. T. Millard, Jr.; semiquantitative emission spectrographic analyses by computerized techniques by A. F. Dorzapf, supplemented by visual method by J. L. Harris, J. D. Fletcher, B. W. Lanthorn. All analysts, U.S. Geological Survey] Basaltic Rock type. Basalt andesite Basalt Andesite Rhyolite Dacite Dacite Rhyolite Older Younger Older Age assemblage............... Silurian Devonian Devonian Silurian Devonian Sample 7.7 *1,4,8 5 18 20 30 15 *9,10,11,12 13 * 23,25 # 26,27 rire 50.8 48.3 52.0 54.9 50.0 62.9 73.9 68.4 69.5 75.4 :t. :...... (aki a+ 17 .16 1.6 1.5 i128 1.5 3.0 5.9 4.4 4.5 374 472 375 550 412 140 85 62 38 2 35 29 16 47 74 158 128 144 .23 16 1.25 1.12 1.92 8.17 5.26 3.05 4.64 15 2.24 4.01 3.18 9.17 11.7 22.3 13.5 15.6 7.77 15.2 24.9 27.4 50 39.7 100 72.7 133 2.17 2.66 2.95 2.83 3 4.87 15 10.8 8.59 84.8 290 330 307 300 554 1,000 676 636 55.8 43.4 32.5 39.9 20 2.42 20 1.27 1.01 345 162 47.8 58.0 50 20.4 5 16.6 17.6 .83 2.1 1.41 1.177 =- 1.25 f .65 .98 2.19 4.47 4.12 4.39 N 8.60 N 18.7 10.7 1.34 .63 A0 2.31 N .99 _ N .89 1.25 34.2 30.8 28.2 32.3 30 9.53 30 6.57 12.8 A41 A5 52 .83 -- 1.04 - 2.49 1.19 85.7 194 222 231 150 325 1,000 802 448 <1 1.5 1.9 1.8 N 2.4 2 6.9 3 28 28 24 30 20 19 30 46 25 4 9.6 6.0 14 7 8.5 30 22. 25 172 41 11 55 50 6.1 70 2.8 13 300 200 300 300 150 12.(3) 3 12. 15 32 31 36 45 30 57 150 177 100 .29 .31 .21 AT N <0.1 N .35 N 6.2 4.0 <1.5 5.4 3 2.7(1) 5 2.8 N 7. 6.1 5.3 14 15 15 20 16 10 <3.2 7.9 7.9 15 N 5.9(2) N 10 N 129 117 116 169 N 36.(2) N 141 N 'Elements or oxides of elements that are strongly excluded from rock-forming minerals of the Earth's mantle; called excluded or incompatible. Others are included in mantle minerals; called included or compatible elements (Green and Ringwood, 1967, p. 174, 175; Jamieson and Clarke, 1970). EXPLANATION FOR FIGURE 8 € From oldest to youngest: 1, Picture Gorge Basalt; 2, lower basalt, and 3, middle basalt of the Yakima Basalt Subgroup; all of the Columbia River Basalt Group. Machias-Eastport data, from oldest to youngest: dot, average of three Silurian basalts (sample Nos. 1, 4, 8); triangle, average of two older Devonian basalts (sample Nos. 18, 20); X, younger Devonian basalt (sample No. 30); all data in tables 2 and 3. 20 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE SIL ASSEMBLAGE In major-oxide and minor-element composition and in the absence of a transition to abundant andesites, the Silurian basalts may be called high-alumina tholeiites of continental character. Olivine tholeiites and quartz tholeiites are represented. The basalts are not strongly fractionated, for many are nonpor- phyritic, and FeOQ* to MgO ratios are rather uniform. This characterization is based mainly on the paucity of andesites, for many similarities can be seen in the com- position of calc-alkalic orogenic basalts, high-alumina continental tholeiites, and the Silurian basalts. All the examples shown in table 4 plot within Kuno's field for high-alumina basalts (Kuno, 1960; 1968, fig. 1). On the basis of its major-oxide composition alone, the Silurian basalt of sample 5 (table 2, recalculated without vola- tiles) is indistinguishable from the average ocean floor tholeiite basalt of Engel, Engel, and Havens (1965, table 3). The only conspicuous differences between these two and all the others are the low K,0 contents and the high TiO, contents, particularly in comparison with the calc-alkalic basalts. As shown by Pearce and Cann (1973, fig. 2), most calc-alkalic basalts have less than about 7,500 ppm titanium, whereas the Silurian basalts contain 7,500 to nearly 10,000 ppm titanium. The TiO, content alone, however, is not a sure indica- tion of tectonic association of basalts. The data on minor elements indicate that the Silurian basalts are not akin to oceanic tholeiites or tholeiites of island arc or back-arc settings, but no sharp distinction can be drawn from these data be- tween the Silurian basalts, calc-alkalic basalts, and some continental basalts. The Silurian basalts contain more potassium and far greater abundances of the whole suite of excluded minor elements (listed and defined in table 3) in comparison with oceanic tho- leiites. (Compare table 3 with Jakes and Gill, 1970, table 1; Jamieson and Clark, 1970, table 2; Engel and others, 1965, tables 1, 2; Kay and others, 1970, table 4.) Data on rare-earth elements are particularly diag- nostic. The Silurian basalts have 7.8-18.5 ppm lan- thanum and lanthanum to ytterbium ratios that range at least from 3.5 to 8, indicating significant enrichment in the light rare-earth elements (table 3, average La and Yb given for sample Nos. 1, 4, 8). These abun- dances are not out of line with rare-earth element data for calc-alkalic basalts, but they stand in contrast with the small lanthanum abundances and low lanthanum to ytterbium ratios that are characteristic of ocean floor, island arc, and back-arc tholeiites (Jakes and Gill, 1970; Jakes and White, 1972, table 2B; Hart and others, 1972; Kay and others, 1970). Abundances of the included minor elements, on the other hand, are not conspicuously different. In diagrams of Miyashiro and Shido (1975), which utilize titanium, vanadium, chromium, and nickel, the Silurian basalts plot consis- tently with the ocean floor tholeiites-but so do the most basaltic calc-alkalic rocks. Petrologists commonly distinguish calc-alkalic from tholeiitic rocks on the basis of alkali-enrichment versus iron-enrichment respectively (Miyashiro, 1974), but as noted by Irvine and Baragar (1971, p. 529), this dis- tinction is not always sharply defined. The standard AFM diagram may be misleading if used uncritically. In figure 6, for example, the area for the Silurian basalts bulges slightly toward A, suggesting an in- cipient calc-alkalic trend. This bulge probably is an expression of metasomatic sodium-enrichment, how- TABLE 4.-Silurian basalts from the Machias-Eastport area compared with high-alumina tholeiites and calc-alkaline basalts from other regions [Data in weight percent] Silurian assemblage Tholeiitic basalts Calc-alkalic basalts Northern New Ocean Greenland Northern Machias-Eastport area Mexico Rio Grande floor Skaergaard California Japan Papua depression chill border Warner basalt Reference No. 1A 1B 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. of analyses ............ 4 1 19 10 1 1 1 1 S10; 50.2 48.3 50.9 49.94 48.71 49.20 48.10 50.179 AO;. : :s 16.7 17.5 16.3 17.25 17.44 17.16 16.68 16.45 9.9 10.6 11.2 8.171 9.48 10.28 11.24 8.45 MgO ....;:....+¥.. Bj 8.3 7.4 7.28 8.13 7.88 8.89 9.05 10.1 10.9 8.9 11.86 11.53 11.45 10.48 9.60 Nad isn 2.65 2.2 3.0 2.16 2.40 2.58 2.51 2.92 100 .%. iia axa s .83 16 .64 .16 .25 .28 A6 1.08 :% - 1.35 1.50 1.2 1.51 1.19 .89 713 1.06 sss .24 16 16 16 .10 .09 15 hal MnO .21 16 16 +17 16 17 54 12 SOURCES OF DATA 1. A, average four least altered basalts; B, sample No. 5 (table 2). 2. Lipman and Mehnert (1975, table 1, col. 12). 3. Engel, Engel, and Havens (1965, table 3, col. 1). 4. Kuno (1968, table 2, col. 7; recalculated without volatiles). 5. Kuno (1968, table 2, col. 6; recalculated without volatiles). 6. Kuno (1968, table 2, col. 5). 7. Jakes and Smith (1970, table 2, col. 1; recalculated without volatiles). VOLCANIC PETROLOGY 21 ever, for it is composed entirely of basalts that do not qualify as least altered. An alkali-enrichment trend is shown also in Aoki's AFM diagram for basalts of the Rio Grande depression (Aoki, 1967, fig. 5), but this trend is formed by one alkali andesite from a cone that is younger than the basalts of the Servilleta Formation (the most voluminous upper Cenozoic basalts in the northern part of the depression) and by three alkalic olivine basalts that may have their source outside the depression (Lipman, 1969, p. 1349). In Aoki's AFM diagram, all the tholeiites plot within a small area that shows no obvious trend one way or the other. Thus, in view of these and the foregoing considerations, the only valid distinction between high-alumina tholeiites and calc-alkalic basalts is the absence or presence re- spectively of a transition to abundant andesites. In the absence of such a transition, we conclude that the Silurian basaltic suite is tholeiitic. Its large abundance of excluded minor elements identifies the suite as con- tinental. Most analyses of the Silurian rhyolitic suite and the andesite dike plot along a typical calc-alkaline trend in the AFM diagram (fig. 6), and within the hypersthenic series of Kuno (1968) in figure 7. With the exception of sample 13, K,0 contents in rocks of the rhyolitic suite are rather low (table 2; fig. 4). Contents of K,0 and Na,0 tend to be roughly reciprocal, suggesting that alkali exchange took place while the rocks were still glassy (Lipman and others, 1969). As shown in figure 4, most of the Silurian rhyolites are more aluminous than those of the older Devonian rhyolitic suite. The analysis of one sample of silicic dacite in the Leighton Formation (table 2, sample No. 13) plots with the older Devonian silicic dacites in figures 4-7, ex- pressing the high content of total alkalis, and the high FeOQ* to MgO ratio in this sample. This rock appears to have characteristics of both the Silurian and older Devonian assemblages. Its alumina content is high, actually higher than any of the other Silurian rhyo- lites; it also has the highest K,0 and lowest Na,0 con- tents of both rhyolitic suites. Minor-element abun- dances in sample 13 are exceptional, but they are most comparable to those of the older Devonian rhyolitic suite (table 3). The cobalt and nickel contents of sample 13 are comparable to those of the andesite. In summary, the Silurian assemblage divides into a suite of tholeiitic high-alumina basalts of continental character, and a suite of calc-alkalic rhyolites and silicic dacites and one known andesite. Although this association may seem incongruous, Irvine and Baragar (1971, p. 529) pointed out that tholeiitic basalts and calc-alkalic silicic rocks are in fact closely associated in some areas, as in the Yellowknife volcanic belt of Canada. If calc-alkalic andesites of Silurian age were much more abundant than they are in the Machias- Eastport area, the whole Silurian assemblage would not be unlike the calc-alkalic volcanics of the Cascade Range. The same reasoning applies, however, to the basalts of the Rio Grande depression. OLDER DEVONIAN ASSEMBLAGE The older Devonian basaltic suite is clearly tho- leiitic, according to Irvine and Baragar's criteria (fig. 5), and it has predominantly tholeiitic abundances of immobile minor elements, as discussed previously. As shown in figure 6, these basalts clearly define an iron- enrichment trend. The older Devonian basalts and basaltic andesites have a wider range and higher aver- age SiO, content than the Silurian ones, and distinctly more FeQ*, TiO,, P,0;, and Na,0, but less CaO and MgO. Thus, FeO* to MgO ratios are generally higher than those of the Silurian suite. Among the included minor elements, chromium and nickel contents range widely but are distinctly less abundant in the older Devonian basaltic suite (table 3). Other differences in minor-element signatures are shown in figure 8. Petro- graphically, the older Devonian basalts and basaltic andesites, typically having abundant magnetite and phenocrysts of plagioclase, appear to represent deriva- tive magmas. The low-magnesium and low-nickel con- tents indicate that olivine fractionated from the magmas. In contrast, the basaltic tuff at the base of the East- port Formation has chemical characteristics of the Silurian basalts (table 2, sample No. 16; figs. 4-7), except for its high SiO, and low CaO contents, which (since it is a tuff) might be a result of contamination by quartz-bearing sediments, and its low CaO) content, probably a result of calcium-depletion during altera- tion. This basaltic tuff is directly overlain by a basaltic flow (table 2, sample No. 20) having a high FeOQ* to MgO ratio, a high P,0, content, and petrographic fea- tures and the minor-element signature of the older De- vonian basalts (table 3). No basalts like those of the Silurian assemblage are known higher in the section, and no Eastport-type basalts are known lower in the section. Among the basalts, therefore, a shift toward iron-enriched basaltic magmas evidently took place abruptly between eruptions of the basal tuff and the next overlying flow of the Eastport. This shift closely followed the volcanic hiatus represented by the Hersey Formation and accompanied the general trend toward shoaling and emergence of the area of the coastal vol- canic belt. Our six samples of older Devonian rhyolites and silicic dacites have 69-75.7 percent SiO,. The average SiO, content of these rocks is distinctly higher than 22 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE that of the Silurian rhyolitic suite, even if the Silurian andesite and the mixed tuff breccias are excluded from the average. The older Devonian rhyolitic suite also has distinctly higher FeOQ* to MgO ratios, higher aver- age K,0 and total alkali contents, and distinctly lower alumina contents (figs. 4-7). Figure 7 illustrates the contrast between the Silurian and older Devonian rhyolitic suites to best advantage. Whereas all of the Silurian suite, except sample 13, conforms to the calc-alkalic hypersthenic series of Kuno (1968), the older Devonian rhyolitic suite plots along a trend that diverges only slightly from that of the strongly tholeiitic Skaergaard trend. Significant differences between the Silurian and older Devonian rhyolitic suites are seen also in the minor-element sig- natures (table 3). The older Devonian rocks are poorest in strontium, but richest in the other excluded minor elements. YOUNGER DEVONIAN ASSEMBLAGE The flow and sills of the younger Devonian assem- blage are iron- and titanium-rich tholeiitic basalts of strongly continental character. The four samples have 48-51.5 percent SiO,, distinctly lower than most of the older Devonian basalts. The higher FeOQ*, TiO,, and P,0, contents of these rocks are higher than those of most basalts of the Eastport, but FeOQ* to MgO ratios are about the same (table 2; fig. 4). In figure 5 one analysis plots barely in the alkaline field of Irvine and Baragar (1971). This analysis (table 2, sample No. 29) has a trace of nepheline in the norm, possibly because its Fe,0, content is too low. According to criteria es- tablished by Floyd and Winchester (1975), the abun- dances of immobile elements have characteristics of both alkalic and tholeiitic basalts, owing to the high TiO, and P,0, contents (common in alkalic basalts) and low niobium contents (common in tholeiitic basalts). In the AFM diagram the four samples plot within a small area closer to the FM side than do the analyses of older Devonian basalts, and in figure 7 they plot closer to the Skaergaard trend. The younger Devonian basalts and the two least altered older Devonian basalts have rather comparable minor-element signatures that are quite different from the basaltic Silurian signature (table 3; fig. 8). In the younger, magnesium and nickel contents are low, as in the older Devonian basalts, indicating that olivine fractionated from the magma. Available analyses of granitic plutons of the coastal belt plot within the small areas that are shown in fig- ures 5 and 7. As shown in figure 5, these granites have generally higher total alkali contents-owing mainly to higher K,O0-than the older Devonian and Silurian rhyolitic suites. In figure 7 the area of the granites is closest to the Skaergaard trend. Thus, in all the silicic rocks of all three assemblages, the most conspicuous changes from the older to younger suites are toward higher K,0 contents, toward higher average and more restricted SiO, contents, and toward increasingly tho- leiitic crystallization trends. Unfortunately, absence of published analyses of the Bays-of-Maine Complex pre- vents determination of whether or not the rocks of this complex, intermediate in age between the older De- vonian assemblage and the younger coastal granites, share this trend. SUMMARY AND ORIGIN The most conspicuous feature of the volcanic suite in the Machias-Eastport area is the andesite gap. Within the fossiliferous Silurian and Lower Devonian se- quence, sedimentary beds and volcanic rocks of widely contrasting mafic and silicic composition are com- plexly interstratified. Plutonic rocks further empha- size the bimodal distribution of igneous rock composi- tions in the Bays-of-Maine Complex (Chapman, 1962; Pajari, 1973) and evidently throughout New England as well (Wones, 1976). Major intrusives exposed in and near the Machias-Eastport area are the Cutler Diabase (considered a subvolcanic mafic complex related to the Silurian assemblage of volcanics), and the Bays-of- Maine Complex, intruded in turn by the coastal granites (tentatively considered the silicic end member of the younger Devonian assemblage). Bimodal mag- matism thus seems to have been time-persistent in the Silurian and Devonian before and possibly during and after the Acadian orogeny. Whether it was character- istic of the whole northern Appalachians for this time remains to be ascertained. Although andesites of this age are in fact abundant locally (Shride, 1976; Williams and Gregory, 1900; Howard, 1926), descriptions in most available reports seem to emphasize the predomi- nance of basaltic and rhyolitic rocks. Andesites are de- scribed in all the principal reports on other parts of the coastal volcanic belt, but no chemical analyses have been published. It remains to be determined whether these andesites are akin to those of typical subduction- related magmatic arcs, or instead are like the por- phyritic iron- and titanium-rich silicic basalts and basaltic andesites of the Eastport Formation; and, for example, the lower basalts of the Yakima Subgroup of the Columbia River Group (fig. 8; Waters, 1961; Wright and others, 1973; McDougall, 1976). Chemically and petrographically, basalts of the Machias-Eastport area have characteristics of conti- nental tholeiites, in accord with the likelihood that TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS 20 they were erupted through the Avalonian sialic crust. Moreover, as time passed the basaltic lavas became more continental in character, in a manner that seems analogous to the Columbia River progression (fig. 8), changing from the rather magnesian Silurian lavas to the silicic older Devonian basalts and basaltic ande- sites, variably enriched in iron and titanium and de- pleted in magnesium and nickel, and then to the younger Devonian basalts, which also are most en- riched in iron and titanium and in several of the ex- cluded minor elements. The silicic magmas also changed, starting with calc-alkalic types and ending with more potassic and more silicic magmas having the greatest abundances of excluded minor elements (table 3), and a closer alinement to the Skaergaard trend (figs. 6, 7). These changes appear to have con- tinued across the time of the Acadian orogeny, for the available analyses of the coastal granites show even closer alinement to the Skaergaard trend. The most conspicuous shift toward iron-enrichment was abrupt; it closely followed a volcanic hiatus represented by the Hersey Formation, and it accompanied the general emergence of the coastal volcanic belt in earliest De- vonian time. The younger Devonian basalts evidently erupted both before and after the formation of the Acadian cleavage. Thus, the compositional shift was fully developed in both the basaltic and rhyolitic suites before the Acadian. It was in reverse, moreover, to the changes that mark the transition from immature to mature island arcs, according to Miyashiro (1974). Nicholls and Ringwood (1973) have shown that par- tial melting of ultramafic upper mantle under water- saturated conditions can yield quartz tholeiites and oli- vine tholeiites at depths as great as 70 km and 100 km, respectively. Under dry conditions the origin of such magmas and the fractionation of olivine from them are restricted to much shallower depths: no more than about 15 km for quartz tholeiites, and 35 km for high- alumina basalts (Green and Ringwood, 1967; Green and others, 1967) or perhaps high-alumina tholeiites like those of the Silurian assemblage. The most favor- able tectonic setting for deep origins under hydrous conditions is in the wedge-shaped mantle that lies below an island arc. By definition the resulting tho- leiitic basalts are arc tholeiites-poor in titanium, mag- nesium, nickel, and chromium relative to abyssal tho- leiites (Jakes and Gill, 1970), and quite unlike any basalts of the Machias-Eastport area, which are of con- tinental character. Shallow origins thus seem to be re- quired for basalts of the Machias-Eastport area. A scheme that we currently favor postulates thermal expansion of the mantle, and diapiric intrusion into the sialic crust along the trend of the coastal volcanic belt. These processes were accompanied by shoaling and emergence of the belt, and they produced the bimodal volcanism. At depths that may have been significantly less than 35 km, high-alumina tholeiitic magma segre- gated from the partially melted mantle diapir. If the crust was in fact much thinner than 35 km, it was probably thinned or fragmented by extension. The fact that the older and younger Devonian basalts are greatly depleted in magnesium and nickel relative to the Silurian ones indicates that large amounts of oli- vine fractionated from the parent. We are not certain, however, that the Silurian basaltic magma was in fact the parent of the Devonian magmas. All three types may have had another parent; or, alternatively, each type might represent separate melting events. These questions remain for future consideration. According to our scheme, heat furnished to the crust by the mantle diapir caused partial melting, resulting in the silicic magmas. At first, in Silurian time, melt- ing yielded calc-alkalic rhyolites and silicic dacites from deformed and metamorphosed but still hydrous, largely pelitic sedimentary material. Sparse andesite magma might have formed by mixing of basalt and rhyolite, known to occur at least locally elsewhere (Eichelberger, 1974). By earliest Devonian time the heated crust was partly dehydrated; partial melting produced more silicic and more potassic rhyolitic magmas that solidified along iron-enrichment trends, in accord with experimental evidence. (See Wyllie, 1973, fig. 8.) The shift toward iron-enrichment is prob- ably an expression of lower oxygen fugacities that in- hibited the early crystallization of magnetite (Ken- nedy, 1955; Osborn, 1962) or amphibole (Boettcher, 1973; Cawthorn and O'Hara, 1976). We are unable to explain, as yet, the close correspondence between the emergence of the coastal volcanic belt and the shift toward iron-enrichment that is shown by both the basaltic and rhyolitic suites; but an important factor undoubtedly was the progressive dehydration. TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS In documented post-Triassic plate tectonic settings, it is well known that fundamentally basaltic or strongly bimodal basalt-rhyolite igneous suites are characteristic of continental regions undergoing plate separation and extension; whereas, most suites along convergent plate boundaries are more or less unimodal, having a wide spectrum of igneous rock compositions (Martin and Piwinskii, 1972; Miyashiro, 1974, 1975; Lipman and others, 1972; Christiansen and Lipman, 1972; and many others). In extensional settings only very locally is andesite the predominant rock type; typically, it is greatly subordinate to more mafic and 24 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE silicic rocks, and commonly andesite is absent. In con- vergent settings andesite is rarely absent; commonly, it is the predominant rock type. Exceptions to these rules should be noted. Bimodal or even trimodal vol- canic suites occur locally in convergent settings, as in some individual volcanoes of the Cascades (McBirney, 1968, 1969) and on individual islands of the Lesser An- tilles (Brown and others, 1977, fig. 2); but andesite is abundant in these suites. The Newberry volcano of the east side of the Cascade Range is strongly bimodal, composed largely of basalt, but having about 30 per- cent rhyolite and dacite and only 5 percent andesite in the immediate vicinity of the caldera (Higgins, 1973). Interestingly, the Newberry and the rather similar Medicine Lake Highland volcanoes (Condie and Hay- slip, 1975) are on the western margin of a region of great extent that is known to be undergoing extension, possibly in a relationship analogous to extensional basins behind island arcs (Karig, 1971; Christiansen and Lipman, 1972; McDougall, 1976). The primitive Kermadec arc seems to have a bimodal suite composed of tholeiitic basalt and sparse silicic dacite (Brothers and Martin, 1970; Brothers and Searle, 1970). Unlike the coastal volcanic belt, the Kermadec arc is underlain by a thin oceanic crust; and its tholeiitic basalts have only small abundances of excluded minor elements (Miyashiro, 1974; Jakes and Gill, 1970). While these exceptions must be taken into account, the association of regionally extensive, time-persistent, strongly bi- modal volcanism with extensional tectonism in post- Triassic settings seems to be a general rule that should apply to ancient orogenic belts. Pending further studies elsewhere along the coastal volcanic belt, we believe that the bimodal suites of the Machias-East- port area express extensional tectonism in Silurian and Devonian time. The coastal belt does not seem to be the remains of a volcanic are above a subduction zone, as proposed by McKerrow and Ziegler (1971) and Dewey and Kidd (1974). The presence of calc-alkalic silicic rocks in the Silurian assemblage requires explanation, for such rocks are most common in volcanic ares above subduc- tion zones (Miyashiro, 1975). Though uncommon in ex- tensional settings, calc-alkalic rocks are in fact known to occur there: in parts of the Karroo dolerites, in the British Tertiary (Miyashiro and Shido, 1975, p. 267), and in the Bushveld Complex (Walker and Polder- vaart, 1949, fig. 35). According to our scheme for the origin of the volcanics in the Machias-Eastport area, the calc-alkalic Silurian rhyolitic suite was produced by partial melting of still-hydrous sialic crust; where- as, the tholeiitic older Devonian rhyolitic suite and the younger Devonian granites were produced by partial melting of dehydrated crust. If this model is correct, the presence of calc-alkalic silicic rocks does not neces- sarily identify a subduction-related magmatic suite. If the coastal volcanic belt is not the remains of a subduction-related volcanic arc, then what is it? Con- ceivably, the bimodal Machias-Eastport volcanism took place in an extensional area behind an andesitic arc, as suggested by McDougall (1976) and others for the Columbia River Basalt Group, but if so, where is the arc? From presently available information, no ma- jor belt of andesitic volcanics of Silurian or Early De- vonian age can be identified in the northern Appa- lachians. We have no definite answers that we can agree upon. Gates (1978) proposed that during the Late Ordo- vician or earliest Silurian time the spreading center of the Cambrian and Ordovician proto-Atlantic was sub- ducted beneath the northwest margin of the Avalonian . continental plate. This brought to a halt spreading and subduction in the region of the present Merrimack syn- clinorium, and left a remnant linear basin, the Fredericton trough, which subsequently filled with Silurian and Lower Devonian clastics. The subducted spreading center powered the extensional block fault- ing and bimodal volcanism of the Machias-Eastport area and perhaps, but yet to be demonstrated, the en- tire coastal volcanic belt. Renewed compression during the Acadian orogeny squeezed the magmas that had fed the volcanoes upwards into the overlying volcanics to form the Bays-of-Maine Complex, a bimodal plu- tonic complex. The normal faults that formed the Perry terrestrial alluvial basin tapped subcrustal magmas for the Perry basalts. Moench agrees that the proto-Atlantic ocean did not close completely during the Taconian orogeny, as shown by the Aroostook-Matapedia belt of Taconian conformity (fig. 1; Pavlides and others, 1968). He be- lieves, however, that the thick prism of marine sedi- ments of the Merrimack portion of the belt of con- formity accumulated in a deep extensional fault trough that was tectonically active through Late Ordovician, Silurian, and Early Devonian time (Moench, 1970; Moench and Pankiwskyj, 1978). During the Silurian the axis of the trough evidently shifted from the Aroo- stook-Matapedia belt to the present alinement of the Merrimack synclinorium and Fredericton trough (fig. 1). Subsidence continued along this new alinement while contemporaneous block faulting, bimodal vol- canism, shoaling, and emergence took place along the coastal volcanic belt. According to Moench, the coastal volcanic belt was a tract of thermal inflation and arch- ing that lay directly above an axis of mantle upwelling, whereas the deep Merrimack-Fredericton seaway coin- cided with an active extensional fault trough that lay along the northwestern flank of the tract of arching. REFERENCES CITED 25 Both the trough and the arch were expressions of tec- tonic extension that prevailed through the Silurian and Early Devonian. But did mantle upwelling end with the onset of the Acadian orogeny? Although Acadian deformation in New England was compressional, little evidence has been found so far-provided our conclusion that the coastal volcanic belt is not the remains of an andesitic arc is correct-that the orogeny was preceded by sub- duction during the Silurian and Early Devonian, lead- ing to continental collision. Moench sees no major chemical differences in the available data-admittedly too meager for definite conclusions-between the coastal volcanics and the New Hampshire Plutonic Series. Both are strongly bimodal; the silicic member of New Hampshire plutonics is calc-alkalic tonalites to granites having about the same compositional range as the rhyolitic suite of the Silurian assemblage. Moench proposes, therefore, that the coastal vol- canism, and perhaps the more sporadic volcanism of the northern belt, were forerunners of the far more ex- tensive and voluminous magmatism that resulted in the syn-Acadian and post-Acadian New Hampshire plutons and batholiths. The process of mantle upwell- ing, segregation of basaltic magma, and partial melt- ing of sialic crust to produce the silicic magmas was the same before, during, and shortly after the Acadian. Because the process began earliest along the coastal volcanic belt, the crust was dehydrated earliest there, resulting in the shift from calc-alkalic to tholeiitic magma types well before the Acadian. The calc-alkalic New Hampshire Plutonic Series northwest of the coastal volcanic belt, on the other hand, represents partial melting of predominantly pelitic material that was still hydrous in the Devonian. Both authors agree on the essential conclusions that the Merrimack synclinorium and the Fredericton trough do not represent a former trench along a Silurian and Early Devonian subduction zone and that the coastal volcanic belt is not the remains of an ande- sitic are above a subduction zone. Firm conclusions regarding the tectonic setting of the entire southeastern margin of the New England and Maritime Appalachians during the Silurian and Devonian obviously cannot be made from this petro- logic study of a single small area. We have found few published investigations of the chemistry of Silurian and Lower Devonian volcanic rocks elsewhere in either the coastal volcanic belt or the northern belt (fig. 1). Yet, one of the best clues we have to ancient plate tec- tonic regimes lies in comparisons of the chemistry of their magmatic products with the chemistry of mag- matic products of current plate tectonic regimes. Our conclusions disagree with published models for the Appalachians. We hope that this disagreement will spur others to make more thorough studies in the New England and the Maritime Appalachians to further test the Wilson cycle model as applied to Silurian and Early Devonian time and the Acadian orogeny. REFERENCES CITED Alcock, F. J., 1946, Preliminary map, Saint Stephen, Charlotte County, New Brunswick: Canada Geological Survey Paper 46-2, scale: 1 in. = 1 mi. 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Mineral abbreviations: Q, quartz; Ksp, K-feldspar; Alb, albite; Oli, oligoclase; Pc, calcic plagioclase; Lab, labradorite; Byt, bytowmte Cpx, clinopyroxene; Aug augxte Pig, pigeomte O1, olivine; Amp amphibole; Hb, hornblende; Ac, actino- Mt, magnetite; II, i lite; Cht, chlorite; Bi, biotite; Mu, muscovite; Sct, sericite; Sap, Pr, prehnite; Pu, pumpellyite; Ep, epidote; Ca, calcite; Zr, zircon; A; apatite; Sp sphnlente] ite; Leu, l Hem, hematite; Py, pyrite; Sph, sphene; Ru, rutile; Sample No. Description Sample No. Description 1 - Machias Bay quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway 12 - Pembroke quadrangle; roadside outcrop on U.S. high- 1, approx. 0.16 km (0.1 mi) east of Indian Lake. Dennys way 1, 1.2 km (0.75 mi) south of Hobart Stream. Ed- Formation. Basalt flow, massive, aphyric, relict dicty- munds Formation. Grayish-red felsite with 5-10 per- taxitic texture. Minerals: Aug, Byt, Cht, sparse Ep, cent albite phenocrysts in a matrix of interlocking Ac, Mt, Leu, Ksp. feldspars and Q, in part trachytic. Minerals: Q, Alb, 2 - Machias Bay quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. high- Ksp, minor Cht, Mt, trace of Ca. way 1, approx. 0.3 km (0.2 mi) west of Indian Lake. 13 - Eastport quadrangle; outcrop on hill east of road, 1.6 Dennys Formation. Basalt flow, massive, aphyric with km (1 mi) south of Denbow Point on Denbow Neck. sparse Ca-Ep amygdales. Minerals: Aug, Alb, Cht, Leighton Formation. Gray felsite with amygdales sparse Ksp, Ep, Sct, Ac, Op, trace Ca. filled with Cht, Sct, and Ca, and a few grains of Py 3 - Whiting quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway 1 and Sp. Major minerals are Q, Ksp, and Alb. about 2.4 km (1.5 mi) east of Indian Lake. Edmunds 14 - Pembroke quadrangle; drill core from Pembroke pros- Formation. Massive aphyric basalt flow with relict pect; hole S-67, 1.2 km (0.75 mi), azimuth N. 55° W. dictytaxitic texture. Minerals: Alb, Aug, Cht; scat- of summit of Big Hill; approx. 2.6 X2.6-cm (1X1-in.) tered Ksp, Mt, Ep, and trace of Ca. fragments taken at 1.5-m (5-ft) intervals between 98 4 - Whiting quadrangle; outcrop on west shore of Whiting and 134 m (320 and 440 ft) below collar. Represents Bay, 1 km (0.6 mi) azimuth N. 78° E. of summit of lower part of lenticular flow in Leighton Formation. Littles Mountain, Cobscook Bay State Park. Edmunds Pale-gray mottled to banded felsite with 10-20 per- Formation. Basalt flow with small phenocrysts of cent of small Alb phenocrysts. Minerals: Q, Alb, Aug and saponitized Ol, and sparse Cht-Ca amyg- minor Cht, and Ca, and sparse Sct. dales. Minerals: Pc (dusty with clay and saussuritic 15 - Machias Bay quadrangle; roadside outcrop about 0.8 alteration), O1, Aug, Cht, minor Sap, Ep, Ru, Ca, Ksp. km (0.5 mi) west of Gardner Lake and 1 km (0.6 mi) 5 - Pembroke quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway east of Whiting town line. Andesite dike that cuts 1; 0.8 km (0.5 mi) azimuth N. 75° W. from summit of Dennys Formation. Dark gray, dense, nonfoliated. Oak Hill. Leighton Formation. Massive aphyric basalt Minerals: Alb (containing Ep), Q, ragged Hb, minor flow with inconspicuous secondary foliation; relict Ksp, and Op. ophitic texture. Minerals: Pc, Aug, Cht, minor Ru, A _- Pembroke quadrangle; drill core from Pembroke pros- Leu, Ep, Sap. pect; hole A-8, 0.3_km (950 ft), azimuth N. 80° E. of 6 - Pembroke quadrangle; outcrop in woods 0.5 km (0.3 mi) summit of Big Hill; approx. 2.6 x 2.6 cm (1 x 1 in.) frag- N. 70° E. of Big Hill summit. Leighton Formation. ments taken at 3-m (10-ft) intervals between 61 and Massive aphyric basalt flow with inconspicuous sec- 91 m (200 and 300 ft) below collar. Represents upper ondary foliation; small phenocrysts of Pc and Aug. part of thick, hydrothermally altered flow sequence Minerals: Pc, Aug, Cht, Ca, minor Ep, Mt, Leu, and in Leighton Formation. Dark-gray, dense, massive Set. altered basalt; has scattered amygdales mainly filled 7 - Cutler quadrangle; quarry 1.6 km (1 mi) west of Cutler with green Cht, some with Q, Ca. Minerals: Alb, Sct, village. Cutler Diabase. Coarse relict ophitic texture Ca (probably Mn-bearing), II, Leu, and sparse Cpx, with scattered Ep pods, avoided in sampling. Minerals: Pc, Pig, brown Hb, blue-green and colorless Amp, 16 Pembroke quadrangle; roadside outcrop on U.S. high- sparse brown Bi, minor I1, Cht, Ep, and sparse Ca. way 1 about 0.3 km (0.2 mi) NW. along road from east 8 West Lubec quadrangle; quarry at NE. end of Ellis border of quadrangle. Basaltic tuff at base of East- Hill. Cutlee Diabase. Coarse ophitic. Minerals: Pc, port Formation; angular clasts as much as 1 cm across Aug, pale green to colorless Amp, Bi, Cht, minor Il, of porphyritic, dense, and scoriaceous basalts and Leu, Sph, Ep, and unidentified white mica. sparse clasts of silty mudstone; matrix is quartz-bear- 9 - Machias Bay quadrangle; outcrop on State route 191, ing feldspathic tuff. Minerals: Alb, Cht, Ca, Sct, Sph, 1.6 km (1 mi) south of East Machias. Dennys Forma- Ksp. tion. Gray flow-banded felsite with inconspicuous 17 - Eastport quadrangle; roadside outcrop on U.S. highway 1 secondary foliation; 5 percent Alb phenocrysts in about 1.6 km (1 mi) east of west quadrangle border. dense xenomorphic granular matrix. Minerals: Alb, Eastport Formation. Basalt flow with abundant pheno- Q, white mica, minor Cht, Mt, Bi, and Ep. crysts of Alb. Minerals: Alb, Cht, Ca, I1, Hem; pseudo- 10 - Machias quadrangle; roadside outcrop on U.S. high- morphs of Ca and Cht after Cpx. way 1 about 1.5 km (0.9 mi) SW. of East Machias. 18 - Eastport quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway 1 Dennys Formation. Felsite with about 5 percent about 2.3 km (1.4 mi) east of west quadrangle border. phenocrysts of Alb in a dense xenomorphic granular Eastport Formation. Basalt flow with abundant pheno- matrix. Minerals: Q, Alb, Ksp, minor Bi, Cht, sparse crysts of Lab as much as 6 mm across. Minerals: argil- Sct, and traces of Ca and Py. lized Lab, Aug, Cht, Mt, Sph, Ksp. 11 Gardner Lake 15 quadrangle; SE. cor.; roadside out- 19 - Eastport quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway 1 crop on U.S. highway 1, 0.8 km (0.5 mi) east of Indian Lake. Dennys Formation. Pale-red felsite with sparse blocky phenocrysts of alkali feldspar (partly replaced by Ksp) in interlocking matrix. Minerals: Q, Alb, Ksp, and traces of Mt, Ap, and metamorphic Bi. about 2.4 km (1.5 mi) east of west border of quadrangle. Eastport Formation. Flow above that of sample 18; dense basalt with small phenocrysts of feldspar and Aug in a trachytic matrix. Minerals: Alb, Cht, Aug, Mt, Ep, Sph, Ca. APPENDIX 31 Sample No. Description Sample No. Description 20 Pembroke quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway 1 at 26 Eastport quadrangle; outcrop on State route 190, Moose east border of quadrangle. Eastport Formation. Basal- Island in Eastport, 1.6 km (1 mi) SE. of Redoubt Hill. tic flow above basal Eastport tuff (sample 16); euhedral Eastport Formation. Flow-banded felsite with sparse phenocrysts of Pc and Aug. Minerals: Pc, Sct, Aug, Cht, 1-mm phenocrysts of Alb in a dense matrix of Q, Ksp, Mt, sparse Ca. sparse Cht, and Op. 21 Eastport quadrangle; outcrop on south shore of Buckman 27 Eastport quadrangle; roadside outcrop on U.S. highway Head, Moose Island, Eastport, Eastport Formation. 1 about 2.4 km (1.5 mi) south of town of Perry. Eastport Bulbous body that intrudes shale, evidently penecon- Formation. Grayish-red flow-banded felsite with spheru- temporaneously: finely porphyritic basalt. Minerals: litic and interlocking textures. Minerals: Q, Alb, Ksp, Alb, Cht, Ca, Sph, Leu. minor Op, and accessory Zr. 22 Pembroke quadrangle; outcrop at south end of Mount 28 Pembroke quadrangle; drill core from hole S-51, Pem- Tom, about 1.6 km (1 mi) NW. of Ayers Junction. Stock broke prospect; hole is 0.7 km (0.42 mi) azimuth N. 58° of porphyritic basaltic andesite that intrudes the Leigh- W. from Big Hill summit. Diabase sill that cuts the ton Formation; blocky argillized Lab phenocrysts 3-5 Leighton Formation: approx. 2.6 x 5-cm (1x 2-in.) frag- mm across in a trachytic matrix. Minerals: Lab, Cht, ment taken 105 m (344 ft) below collar; middle of 24-m and Ep (partly pseudomorphous after Cpx), abundant (80-ft) thick sill. Relict diabasic texture. Minerals: Alb, Mt, and sparse Ksp. Cht, Aug, Ep, Ksp, Q (1.6 percent), I1, Mt, Py, Ap, Ac, Ca. 23 Eastport quadrangle; roadside outcrop on U.S. highway 1 29 Pembroke quadrangle; roadcut on U.S. highway 1 near abgut 299 km (1g.8 mi) east of weslt) quadranglegborger. SE. end of Pennamaquan Lake. Diabase sill that cuts Eastport Formation. Flow-banded felsite with alternat- the Hersey Formation. Coarsely ophitic diabase from ing layers of spherulitic and interlocking bladed feldspar center of sill. Minerals: Aug, Alb-Oli, Cht, trace of brown and Q; sparse blocky alkali feldspar phenocrysts. Min- Hb, minor Ep, Pr, Pu, and Sap. erals: Ksp, Alb, Q, minor Mt, Cht, and Ca. 30 Eastport quadrangle} outcrop on shore of Passamaquoddy Bay, 0.8 km (0.5 mi) north of Gleason Point. Perry Forma- 24 Eastport quadrangle; putcrop on west shore of Moose Is- tion. Brownishgray dense basalt with sparse 3-5-mm land, 1.2 km (0.75 mi) north of Shackford Head. Eastpgrt phenocrysts of plagioclase in a trachytic matrix. Min- Formation. Rhyolitic tuff with clasts of page-red fel_51te erals: argillized Pc, Aug, Mt, Hem, sparse amygdales as much as 1 cm long in a dense gray matrix; conspicu- with Q and Cht. ously foliated; matrix composed of smaller felsites and 31 Pembroke quadrangle; drill core from hole S-51, 0.7 km Alb crystals. Minerals: Q, Alb, Ksp, Cht, Hem. (0.42 mi), azimuth N. 58° W. of Big Hill summit. Dia- 25 Eastport quadrangle; roadside outcrop on State route 190 base sill that cuts the Leighton Formation; approx. at Redoubt Hill, Moose Island. Eastport Formation. 2.6x5-cm (1x 2-in.) fragment taken from a thin sill at Grayish-red flow-banded felsite; interlocking blades of 17 m (55 ft) below the collar. Relict diabasic texture; alkali feldspar closely intergrown with Q. Minerals: Q, clear Lab corroded by Ca and Sct. Minerals: Lab, Cht, alkali feldspar, minor Ca, Mt, sparse Cht, Hem, Py. Ca, Sct, Mt, I1, sparse Py. APPENDIX B [Samples not listed in table 2 or numbered in figure 2: sites on 7/-minute quadrangles, sample descriptions, chemical analyses, Samples D102344, D102347 analyzed by standard methods by Vertie C. Smith; all others by rapid methods by P. Elmore, J. Glenn, R. Moore, H. Smith, S. Botts, U.S. Geological Survey. Mineral abbreviations: Q, quartz; Ksp, K-feldspar; Alb, albite; Oli, oligoclase; Pc, calcic plagioclase; Lab, labra- dorite; Byt, bytownite; Cpx, clinopyroxene; Aug, augite; Pig, pigeonite; Ol, olivine; Amp, amphibole; Hb, hornblende; Ac, actinolite; Cht, chlorite; Bi, biotite; Mu, muscovite; Sct, sericite; Sap, saponite; Op, opaques; Mt, magnetite; I1, ilmenite; Leu, leucoxene; Hem, hematite; Py, pyrite; Sph, sphene; Ru, rutile; Pr, prehnite; Pu, pumpellyite; Ep, epidote; Ca, calcite; Zr, zircon; Ap, apatite; Sp, sphalerite. Oxide abbreviations: Si, SiO,; A, Al;O;; Fe2, Fe,0,; Fe, FeO; M, MgO; C, CaO; N, Na,0; K, K,0; H, H,O *+; h, H,0~; T, TiO; P, P,0,; Mn, MnO; CO, CO;. Oxides measured in weight percent] Lab. No. Description Lab. No. Description W176695 Machias Bay quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. high- way 1, 0.8 km (0.5 mi) east of Gardner Lake. Dennys Formation. A 10-in block basaltic tuff in basaltic agglomerate; clasts of altered scoriaceous and mas- sive basalts in fine-grained clastic matrix of basaltic composition. Minerals: Alb, Ep, Cht, Bi, and Amp. Analyses: 51.8 Sl, 15.9 A, 2.5 Fe2, 7.7 Fe, 8.0 M, 4.2 C 2.4 N, 1.6 K, 3.9 H, 0.09 h, 1.2 T, 0.34 P, 0.15 Mn, <0.05 CO, 0.01 S. D102347 Pembroke quadrangle. Drill core, Pembroke prospect; hole E-4, 0.76 km (0.47 mi), azimuth S. 55° W. from Big Hill summit. Sample is 2.6 x 2.6-cm (1x 1l-in.) fragment taken every 1.5 m (5 ft) from 62.5 to 78 m (205 to 255 ft) below collar; represents several basal- tic flows. Leighton Formation. Massive basalt with evenly scattered amygdales (Q, Ca, Cht) and incon- spicuous pervasive secondary foliation. Minerals: Cht, Ca, Alb, minor Sct, Ep, Sph. Analyses: 48.39 Si, 15.13 A, 0.91 Fe2, 7.85 Fe, 5.91 M, 6.50 C, 3.14 N, 0.95 K, 4.18 H, 0.24 h, 1.38 T, 0.17 P, 0.25 Mn, 4.63 CO, 0.01 C1, 0.03 F, 0.03 S. W178304 Same site and rock type as D102347. Single 2.6 x5- cm (1 x 2-in.) fragment at about 62.5 m (205 ft); least altered available. Leighton Formation. Analyses: 47.8 Si, 15.2 A, 0.00 Fe2, 7.8 Fe, 5.4 M, 8.0 C, 3.2 N, 0.70 K, 3.9 H, 0.30 h, 1.2 T, 0.29 P, 0.18 Mn, 5.4 CO. W178307 Same site as sample No. A (App. A). Single 2.6 x 5- cm (1 x 2-in.) fragment at about 229 m (750 ft). Least altered available. Leighton Formation. Dense aphyric basalt; inconspicuous secondary foliation. Minerals: Pc, Alb, Aug, Cht, Amp, Ep, Ca, minor Leu, Ru, Sct. Analyses: 50.0 Si, 15.9 A, 1.4 Fe2, 7.4 Fe, 6.3 M, 8.4 C, 2.4 N, 0.96 K, 3.9 H, 0.23 h, 1.3 T, 0.26 P, 0.23 Mn, 1.7 CO. W176697 Machias quadrangle; roadcut U.S. highway 1, 1.5 km (0.9 mi) south of bridge at East Machias. Dennys Formation. Mixed tuff breccia; clasts of many fel- sites in a clastic matrix of alkali feldspars, Q, and small felsites. Minerals: Q, Alb, Ksp, Bi, and Mu (metamorphic), minor Ca, Cht, Ep. Analyses: 73.2 Si, 18.0 A, 0.77 Fe2, 2.3 Fe, 0.92 M, 1.8 C, 4.3 N, 2.1 K, 0.90 H, 0.03 h, 0.39 T, 0.08 P, 0.11 Mn, 0.16 CO, 0.20 S. 382 BIMODAL VOLCANIC ROCK ASSEMBLAGES, MACHIAS-EASTPORT AREA, MAINE Lab. No. Description W176693 Machias Bay quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. high- way 1, 1.6 km (1 mi) SW. of northern quadrangle boundary. Dennys Formation. Large sample of gray mixed tuff breccia; felsites and scattered dark-gray clasts in feldspar-rich clastic matrix. Minerals: Alb, Ksp, Q, Bi, Sct, Cht, Ep. Analyses: 71.7 Si, 13.3 A, 0.69 Fe2, 2.1 Fe, 1.1 M, 2.7 C, 3.7 N, 1.8 K, 0.92 H, 0.06 h, 0.39 T, 0.08 P, 0.10 Mn, 0.40 CO. W176690 Whiting quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway 1, 2.6 km (1.6 mi) north of Whiting. Edmunds For- mation. Mixed tuff breccia; angular clasts as long as 2 cm of felsites in matrix of feldspar crystal tuff. Minerals: Alb, Q, minor Ep, Cht, Sct, Op, Ca. Analy- ses: 69.5 Si, 14.3 A, 2.6 Fe2, 1.3 Fe, 1.2 M, 3.5 C, 4.0 N, 1.1 K, 1.4 H, 0.11 h, 0.51 T, 0.10 P, 0.10 Mn, 0.22 CO, 0.00 S. W176688 Whiting quadrangle; outcrop on west shore of Whiting Bay approx. 61 m (200 ft) south of site of sample No. 4 (App. A). Edmunds Formation. Mixed tuff breccia; angular to rounded clasts of felsites in matrix of feldspar crystal tuff. Minerals: Alb, Q, minor Cht, Sct, Ep, Op, Ksp. Analyses: 65.4 Si, 14.8 A, 2.8 Fe2, 2.4 Fe, 1.6 M, 2.9 C, 3.3 N, 2.7 K, 1.7 H, 0.16 h, 0.76 T, 0.16 P, 0.13 Mn, 1.2 CO, 0.00 S. W176687 Pembroke quadrangle; roadside outcrop U.S. highway 1 at corner near DennysvillePembroke town line. Edmunds Formation. Mixed tuff breccia; felsites and darker volcanics in matrix of crystal tuff. Min- erals: Alb, minor Ksp, Q, Cht, Sct, Ca, Op. Analy- ses: 64.9 Si, 13.3 A, 2.4 Fe2, 1.2 Fe, 0.57 M, 4.6 C, 4.2 N, 2.5 K, 1.4 H, 0.13 h, 0.62 T, 0.13 P, 0.20 Mn, 3.5 CO, 0.00 S. Lab. No. Description W176685 Pembroke quadrangle; roadcut U.S. highway 1, 0.65 km (0.4 mi) west of West Pembroke junction. Ed- munds Formation. Mixed tuff breccia; unsorted angular clasts of felsites, and a few silty mudstones in a matrix of feldspar crystal tuff. Minerals: Alb, Q, Cht, Sct. Analyses: 68.9 Si, 15.0 A, 0.88 Fe2, 3.2 Fe, 1.5 C, 4.7 N, 1.2 K, 2.1 H, 0.18 h, 0.5 T, 0.08 P, 0.08 Mn, 0.25 CO, 0.06 S. D102344 Pembroke quadrangle; same site as sample No. 14 (App. A); approx. 2.6x2.6-cm (1x 1l-in.) fragments taken at 1.52-m (5-ft) intervals between 61 and 98 m (200 and 320 ft) below collar. Represents middle of thick lenticular flow in Leighton Formation. Analy- ses: 65.04 Si, 14.65 A, 0.74 Fe2, 3.47 Fe, 1.70 M, 2.85 C, 4.13 N, 1.67 K, 2.02 H, 0.17 h, 0.62 T, 0.16 P, 0.23 Mn, 2.14 CO, 0.01 Cl, 0.04 F, 0.22 S. W178306 Pembroke quadrangle; same site as sample No. 14 (App. A); single 2.6 x 5-cm (1x 2-in.) specimen taken 114 m (375 ft) below collar. Analyses: 64.7 Si, 14.4 A, 0.50 Fe2, 2.5 Fe, 1.7 M, 4.8 C, 3.7 N, 1.5 K, 1.9 H, 0.15 h, 0.52 T, 0.22 P, 0.24 Mn, 3.5 CO. D160374W Pembroke quadrangle; same site and basalt flow as sample No. 20 (App. A). Analyses: 52.4 Si, 16.8 A, 3.4 Fe2, 5.8 Fe, 4.0 M, 7.8 C, 2.7 N, 1.4 K, 2.0 H, 0.26 h, 1.6 T, 0.35 P, 0.17 Mn, 0.75 CO. D160377W Eastport quadrangle; roadside outcrop State route 190, 0.65 km (0.4 mi) south of Perry. Eastport For- mation. Reddish-brown felsite; spherulitic and in- tergrown blades of alkali feldspar, intergranular Q, and scattered phenocrysts of Alb as long as 3 mm. Minerals: Alb, Ksp, Q, spots Hem-dusted Cht, trace Zr. Analyses: 74.5 Si, 18.2 A, 2.1 Fe2, 0.84 Fe, 0.16 M, 0.43 C, 5.0 N, 1.7 K, 0.74 H, 0.08 h, 0.20 T, 0.03 P, 0.06 Mn, 0.22 CO. # U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980-777-034/34 mt : £75 f Z7 DAYS all Isotopic U-Pb Ages of Zircon from the Granitoids of the Central Sierra Nevada, California GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1 1 8 5 L.S. DEPGE:: WAN 2 8 1902 s¢ e + Isotopic U-Pb Ages of Zircon from the Granitoids of the Central Sierra Nevada, California By T. W. STERN, P. C. BATEMAN, B. A. MORGAN, M. F. NEWELL, and D. L. PECK GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 11 $5 Uranium-lead ages on zircon from granitoids of the central part of the Sterra Nevada batholith and their bearing on the structure and history of the batholith U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1981 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JAMES G. WATT, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Doyle G. Frederick, Acting Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 81-600049 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 PLATE 1. FIGURE 1. 2. 3. 4. TABLE 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTENTS Page ABDStPACt ' i o o e 1 Sampling and analytical methods 3 Interpretation of age deterMiNAtiONS --- 5 Triassic scheelite SEQUCNCG 5 Jurassic plutons and granitoid sequences 6 Cretaceous granitoid SEQUGNCGS 12 l t s e 13 References Cited 16 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Simplified geologic map of the central Sierra Nevada showing the location of country rock; granitoid plutons, formations, and sequences; and dated Samples In pocket Map showing approximate age distribution of granitoids, Sierra Nevada and adjacent areas, eastern California ----------------- 2 Schematic chart showing relative ages of granitoids dated in this 6 Diagram showing U-Pb ages of granitoids in the central Sierra Nevada plotted on proposed intrusive epochs --- --- -- --- --- --- --- 15 Diagram showing composite of optimum average U-Pb ages on zircon, K-Ar ages on biotite and hornblende, and Rb-Sr whole- TOCK 16 TABLES Page Analytic data 4 K-Ar mineral ages of granitoids in the central Sierra Nevada between 37° and 38° N. latitude --------------------------------- 7 Previously published U-Pb ages of zircon from granitoids of the White MOUntains ------------------------------------------- 9 Sample 10C@tions --- cee 10 LI ISOTOPIC U-Pb AGES OF ZIRCON FROM THE GRANITOIDS OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA, CALIFORNIA By T. W. STERN, P. C. BATEMAN, B. A. MORGAN. M. F. NEWEEL and D. L. PECK ABSTRACT Sixty-two samples from well-established comagmatic granitoid se- quences and certain unassigned formations and plutons of the central part of the Sierra Nevada batholith between latitudes 37° and 38° N. have been dated by the isotopic U-Pb method on zircon. The U-Pb ages indicate the following age distribution of the granitoids: (1) The axial part of the batholith is occupied by Cretaceous granitoid se- quences that are progressively younger eastward over a 37-m.y. in- terval extending from about 125 m.y. to about 88 m.y. ago. (2) A single, but extensive, Triassic sequence with an optimum average age of about 210 m.y. is present in the east side of the batholith. (3) Plutons and granitoid sequences of Jurassic age, most of them with U-Pb ages between 186 and 155 m.y., occur in both margins and locally in the in- terior of the batholith. The distribution of Jurassic ages suggests that prior to the emplacement of the Cretaceous granitoids, Jurassic granitoids were widely distributed across the central Sierra Nevada but were not emplaced in a west-to-east succession as were the Cretaceous granitoids. Few of our ages fall between 155 and 125 m.y. However, a U-Pb age of 144 m.y. has been reported on the Sage Hen Flat pluton in the White Mountains, and U-Pb ages between 134 and 128 m.y. have been reported on remnants of older granitoids farther south in the Sierra Nevada, which are associated with roof pendants and septa. Also, numerous K-Ar ages on hornblende in the range of 152 to 131 m.y. have been reported on samples collected farther north along the west side of the batholith. The distribution of U-Pb ages is consistent with the interpretation that in the central Sierra Nevada, a belt of Cretaceous granitoids trending about N. 20° W. crosses a belt of Jurassic granitoids tren- ding about N. 40° W. However, the U-Pb ages provide little support for the existence of five cyclic intrusive epochs for California and western Nevada. Comparison of the U-Pb ages on zircon with the K-Ar ages on biotite and hornblende shows generally good agreement for the younger granitoids but decreasing agreement for increasingly older granitoids. Most of the K-Ar ages on biotite and many on horn- blende from older granitoids appear to have been reduced as a result of reheating by younger plutons. The dispersion of K-Ar ages reflects the complex structural and thermal history of the batholith. INTRODUCTION Geologic study of the central Sierra Nevada and White Mountains has been carried on more or less con- tinuously by geologists of the U.S. Geological Survey since 1945, and geologic mapping at a scale of 1:62,500 of a broad belt between 37° and 38° N. latitude is nearly complete (fig. 1; pl. 1). K-Ar ages on biotite and horn- blende, complemented by a few Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons, have established the general distribution of granitoid ages in the central Sierra Nevada (Curtis and others, 1958; Kistler and others, 1965; McKee and Nash, 1967; Evernden and Kistler, 1970; Crowder and others, 1973). However, repeated intrusions over a period of time extending from the Triassic into the early Late Cretaceous have caused reheating of and argon loss from minerals in many of the older granitoids. Therefore, many K-Ar ages, particularly those for biotite, are significantly younger than the ages of emplacement and solidification of many older plutons. In an attempt to improve our knowledge of the ages of the granitoids in this region, beginning in 1971, we undertook a program of dating zircons by the U-Pb method. The study consisted of sampling and dating representative plutons in the more extensive and bet- ter established comagmatic granitoid sequences and a few large or particularly important plutons that have not been assigned to sequences. Sample locations are shown in plate 1 and tabulated in detail in table 4 at the end of this report. Geologic mapping and petrological and chemical studies are showing with increasing certainty that the large number of plutons that make up the Sierra Nevada batholith can be grouped into a much smaller number of comagmatic granitoid sequences in which successively younger units generally (but not in- variably) are progressively more felsic and represent lower temperature mineral assemblages (Bateman and Dodge, 1970; Presnall and Bateman, 1973; Bateman and Chappell, 1979). We have used the informal term "se- quence" for all but one of the groupings rather than the formal term "Suite" because we regard them as being tentatively established and subject to revision. The lone exception is the well-established Tuolumne In- trusive Suite, which is cited in note 45 of the U.S. Stratigraphic Commission (Sohl, 1977). We will refer collectively to all of the groupings as sequences. 1 AGES OF ZIRCON FROM GRANITOIDS OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA EXPLANATION F7 Pre-Late Cretaceous stratified and ultramafic rocks GRANITOIDS Cretaceous x - Jurassic x ® "y x x x a 4 8 4 "I - Triassic nob 4 % ou ¢ 1 & * 4 o Contact ---- Fault Benton Range 118° Area of plate 1 Sacramento, Area of figure 1 38° San Francisco KILOMETERS FIGURE 1. -Sierra Nevada and adjacent areas in eastern California showing approximate age distribution of granitoids by periods. Map is based chiefly on K-Ar dating and is modified from maps by Evernden and Kistler (1970). SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 3 The simplest kind of comagmatic plutonic sequence is a concentrically zoned pluton in which relatively mafic, high-temperature mineral assemblages in the margins grade inward without discontinuities to more felsic, lower temperature mineral assemblages. We believe that this compositional pattern resulted chiefly from erystal fractionation during inward solidification with falling temperature (Bateman and Chappell, 1979). More complex sequences result from movements of the less crystallized core magma, which may intrude and in places break through the solidifying carapace. Still more complicated sequences, in which the consanguini- ty of the different granitoid units may be difficult to establish, result from the core magma repeatedly breaking through the solidifying carapace and in- truding the country rocks. Careful examination of the compositional and textural changes in relatively sim- ple concentrically zoned plutons or in granitoid se- quences having few discontinuities led us to the follow- ing criteria for identifying the units of granitoid se- quences in which a concentric arrangement is not readily apparent: (1) All the plutons or granitoid forma- tions of a sequence crop out in the same general area, and many of them are contiguous. (2) Vestiges of a con- centric arrangement may be recognizable in which suc- cessively inward units are younger and more felsic. (3) Intrusive relations at contacts indicate that successive- ly younger plutons are successively more felsic. Resur- gence from below of magma containing settled crystals can produce exceptions to this generalization (Bateman and Nokleberg, 1978). (4) Textural changes are in the same order as in concentrically zoned plutons having the same range of compositions. (5) Consanguineous plutons generally have some common mineralogical, chemical, and (or) textural characteristics. (6) Septa | (screens) of older rocks generally lie between granitoid sequences rather than between different units of the same sequence. (7) Cataclastic zones or dike swarms in the granitoids of an older sequence may be cut off by granitoids of a younger sequence. (8) Isotopic ages of a given sequence fall in a limited age span. The length of this span has been uncertain, but the dating in this pro- gram indicates that it is on the order of a few million years, at most. The distribution and names of the granitoid se- quences that have been tentatively identified in the central Sierra Nevada are shown on plate l. Some of these sequences were identified by Bateman and Dodge (1970), but some are new. The John Muir se- quence of Bateman and Dodge (1970) is divided in this report into three newly-named sequences -the Kaiser, Powell, and Mono Pass sequences, and the name "John Muir sequence" is abandoned. The age determinations required that few plutons be reassigned to other se- quences. Most of those that did require reassignment are in the Owens Valley region. Uncertainties of age still exist in the Yosemite region. SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL METHODS Sixty-two samples of the freshest and least con- taminated representative rocks were dated. Two to five samples were collected from most sequences, generally from different units. Samples were crushed and sieved, and the zircons were concentrated using a Wilfley table, heavy liquids, and a magnetic separator. The zircon separates were acid washed with hot HNO and HCl to remove any surface contamination. The zir- con separates of various sizes and magnetic suscep- tibilities were digested in teflon bombs with hydro- fluoric acid as described by Krough (1973). All reagents were purified with a subboiling technique: water and HNO, in a quartz still, and HF and HCl in a teflon still (Mattinson, 1972). The samples were aliquoted into con- centration and composition portions prior to spiking. The concentration split was spiked with a combined enriched solution prepared and calibrated by M. Tatsumoto. Lead was extracted from the samples by ion-exchange columns and elec- trodeposition (Barnes and others, 1973). Lead blanks ranged from 0.3 to 1.9 ng. Contamination by airborne particulate matter was minimized by the use of laminar-flow hoods using an absolute prefiltered air supply. . Isotope abundance measurements of lead were made with the silica gel technique (Cameron and others. 1969). National Bureau of Standards common lead iso- topic standard was used to measure fractionation. The lead isotopes were depleted in the heavy isotopes by less than 0.05 percent per mass unit. No correction fac- tor was applied. Uranium and thorium solutions which passed through the first lead resin column were col- lected and isolated on a nitrate resin (Tatsumoto, 1966). Accuracy of the concentration determination is estimated at 1 to 2 percent. The following values for decay constants and atomic abundance were used: = 1.55125 x 10"/yr. 25U = 9.8485 x **Th = 4.9475 x 10"/yr. " = 197.88 The isotopic compositions and the quantitative results for lead, uranium, and thorium as well as the calculated ages are given in table 1. The *"*Pb/*®U ages are the most dependable and are the ages used throughout this report. They have a laboratory analytical error of about 2 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. Common lead is present in the 4 AGES OF ZIRCON FROM GRANITOIDS OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA samples, probably from inclusions and fractures. All| and *®Pb/""Pb = 38.44. The correction for this lead age calculations were corrected using the following| causes a large uncertainty in the *"Pb and **Pb concen- common lead: *"*Pb/2"Pb = 18.51, = 15.72,| trations with the result that and TABLE 1. -Analytic data Ages, m.y. Parts per million Atomic ratios 206 207 208 208 207 204 No. Field & Granitoid Formation mg" ms" pote Pb u Th base . ith Pb lab. no. Sequence or pluton U U Th 206Pb 2OGPb 206Pb 1 - BMCC = Chinese Camp pluton 189.9 197.4 194.8 4.83 144.0 §3.51 0.18583 0.07683 0.0016 2 DPD-1 = <----=------ --Don Pedro pluton 181.7 187.2 186.0 9.24 274.0 108.6 .21991 . 08087 00242 3 PM-] | 0 = ----- --Page Mountain pluton 148.4 149.7 145.1 10.64 446.7 156.3 12574 . 05507 . 00038 4 LE-1092 - Granodiorite of Cottonwood Creek 150.9 152.8 111.2 19.4 811.5 249.2 .09887 . 05958 00067 5 - BMSD Jawbone Standard pluton 163.6 153.3 155.2 9.65 275.0 127.2 17648 . 05959 . 00072 6 CCr-1 _ ___ ------- do. --------- Cobb Creek pluton 162.5 157.4 152.9 19.20 700.7 296.4 16526 06197 .00097 7 LE-153 - =-do, =-~--~--~ Quartz diorite of Granite Creek 165.7 169.6 158.8 16.26 635.7 137.2 . 07992 05549 00033 $ 0" . do. (oon O. 162.6 163.1 156.6 20.99 s41.9 172.1 07518 05374 00029 9 IG6-2 ----Guadelupe igneous complex 140.1 41.3 206.2 95.29 2728.0 2010.0 53929 10304 .00578 10 - LE-1036 - Granodiorite of Sawmill Mountain 116.1 110.7 89.3 7.45 408.9 126.7 .09928 05440 00057 11 MA-1 Fine Gold Tonalite of Blue Canyon 118.5 113.5 106.2 8.04 432.6 119.0 .10005 . 05392 00052 12 RDa-1 ue es Marcas ads 111.4 Moris - 102.0 5.36 _ 295.6 69.6 11631 06467 00122 13 MLa-12 Plagiogranite of Ward Mountain 114.8 112.6 _ ----- 86.97 1556.2 114.8 81137 . 35868 02112 14 MLc-10 Tonalite of Blue Canyon 123.6 119.4 120.1 5.06 234.8 57.71 .15999 . 07919 . 00220 15 - MLC-§1 __ <-<-=-=~00,.---==-= I0, =<-~=-~~~---~-- 110.3 105.2 99.8 4.13 218.2 46.5 14391 . 07768 00216 16 MLG-154 _ =-=<<===00,.=-===-= do, ----~----~-~-- 115.1 120.8 112.0 4.24 222.1 57.2 13467 07152 00141 17 Y-682 ----Granodiorite of The Gateway 116.7 117.1 113.9 8.34 437.5 185.4 . 14978 .05434 . 00039 18 MLb-69 ----Tonalite of Blue Canyon 114.3 113.9 76.3 M2 372.3 138.9 13709 . 070198 . 00150 19 SLb-64 --Tonalite of Ross Creek 113.3 116.7 118.7 7.77 414.5 162.9 15703 . 05885 00061 20 - MLd-52 ----Tonalite of Blue Canyon 112.3 112.4 117.3 3.80 194.5 47.3 16131 . 07930 00211 21 JB-1 I (ores ie 115.9 170.8 149.8 14.4 569.3 364.4 . 38847 12364 00351 22 RDb-58 ----Granodiorite of Knowles 111.5 109.4 87.9 25.09 489.7 74.3 . 79070 . 33966 . 01983 23 Blc-4 --Oakhurst pluton 108.2 102.2 - ----- 8.95 411.7 _ ----- 41611 . 05526 00067 24 BLd-3 --- do, =-~~~~-~~---~~ 105.0 105.2 100.3 15.7 973.9 208.0 . 08063 . 05363 00037 25 Y-676 --- --E1 Capitan Granite 102.8 102.5 100.4 13.06 782.8 312.4 14344 .05429 00043 26 Y-721 o eve aaa UG e s 96.9 92.6 84.4 42.98 2681.8 _ 955.8 14516 06320 90117 27 - FD-12 = Taft Granite 95.7 91.9 92.8 53.0 3260.2 1196.1 . 06561 .06581 00134 28 - SPc-1 Shaver Granodiorite of Whiskey Ridge 103.0 102.3 112.3 16.40 952.3 257.3 14483 . 06702 00131 29 - SLb-70 ___ -------- do. -------~ Granite of Shuteye Peak 101.9 102.4 99.5 19.22 1166.3 339.1 12375 . 06051 00083 30 - SL-1 _ -------- do. --~----~ Granodiorite of Dinkey Creek 104.1 91.0 93.9 21.9 725.0 276.5 . 50689 . 20396 . 01086 31 Y-733 Buena Vista Granodiorite of Ostrander Lake 112.1 104.2 99.6 29.28 1570.5 766.4 . 16539 .05429 00065 I ful 5) SA 107.1 100.9 95.5 28.27 1619.0 691.3 14330 . 05540 . 00070 32 MP-568 Buena Vista Granodiorite of Illilouete Creek 100.2 95.0 95.9 19.6 1092.8 855.6 .26578 .05385 00057 33 - MP-520 Merced Peak Granodiorite of Jackass Lakes 98.1 94.6 95.7 20.23 1140.4 951.8 . 28133 . 05242 . 00042 34 MP-846 __ -------- do. -------- Granite porphyry of Post Peak 92.6 19.6 24.9 16.07 974.1 392.4 . 17065 .06476 00356 35 MP-847 ___ -------- do. --~----~I Metavolcanic rock 99.8 91.3 92.4 11.12 600.8 285.4 . 23297 . 08030 . 00247 36 - MP-789 Washburn Granodiorite of Red Devil Lake 97.7 96.2 99.9 20.15 807.5 1949.0 82147 . 05482 00052 37 SLc-119 Kaiser Leucogranite of Big Sandy Bluffs 92.8 92.6 33.6 52.69 2974.2 2145.0 . 22025 10197 00365 38 HC-1 =_ -------- do. ------- Mount Givens Granodiorite 87.9 87.4 348.2 24.1 1232.3 514.9 . 56928 . 05934 . 00080 HCIR _ 87.6 82.6 87.9 49.13 1666.8 6729.3 13911 .06846 00159 39 KPd-72 Kaiser Mount Givens Granodiorite 92.8 89.9 82.5 22.47 - 1417.6 453.1 .15701 . 07184 00173 40 TMc-173 Tuolumne Quartz diorite north of May Lake 88.0 86.1 87.6 16.00 1027.7 606.4 . 22848 .06675 00102 41 TMb-164 ----Cathedral Peak Granodiorite 86.2 87.0 82.1 40.04 1819.4 4124.1 . 75494 07515 00183 42 F76-6 ----Granodiorite of Kuna Crest g1.1 89.0 87.6 6.75 436.3 213.4 .18406 . 05893 00083 43 DP-2 = Leucogranite of Graveyard Peak 98.9 99.3 98.9 44.1 2815.4 1009.3 12351 . 05063 .00017 44 KPb-85 Morio Pass Granodiorite of Lake Edison 89.8 88.5 84.2 43.41 2962.6 1201.4 14591 05565 00058 45 DP-1 = === <------- do. ~----~-~ Granite of Mono Recesses 75.8 75.9 70.9 25.04 _ 1756.3 774.8 23675 . 08893 00281 46 - ABb-1 == CO. =-~<-~-<~--~-~~ 88.4 83.6 81.1 15.47 1020.2 509.8 18911 06103 00108 47 MT-13 ----Round Valley Peak Granodiorite 89.1 84.6 82.6 20.94 1459.2 590.9 . 13808 05134 00041 48 MT-12 ___ -------- do. -----~-- Granodiorite of Lake Edison 93.2 91.6 81.8 132.7 7954.5 1298.7 16213 09200 00305 49 MGb-1 Powe 11 Lamarck Granodiorite 89.6 87.4 86.9 18.36 1257.4 462.3 14106 . 05631 . 00066 50 - Ble-1 __ Leucogranite of Rawson Creek $5.3 89.6 86.1 29.86 1966.2 517.6 .10958 . 05753 00085 51. BN-l __ Granite of Pellisier Flats 89.6 82.4 74.7 23,44. 1613.1 786.3 .18994 . 06352 . 00133 52. MT-11 Scheelite Tungsten Hills Quartz Monzon ite 201.9 204.4 203.1 59.33 1865.6 598.4 10845 05213 00009 53 MT-10 |___ -------- do. --~-~~-- Wheeler Crest Quartz Monzonite 207.0 207.6 189.5 57.50 1746.0 671.3 .11895 05214 00012 54 CT-27 ___ -------- do. -----~-~ Granodiorite of the Benton Range 214.4 206.9 206.4 41.96 - 1211.8 484.4 13361 .05182 00023 55 - BPd Palisade Crest Tinemaha Granodiorite 155.0 162.9 145.0 56.25 ~l135.1 4731.4 1.2720 . 05654 . 00034 56 BPb-l __ Granite west of Warren Lake 167.3 148.4 183.2 38.83 1292.0 555.0 .21567 .06905 .00173 57. MT-14 ___ Quartz diorite from Pine Creek mine 168.7 167.6 173.9 16.73 601.6 245.6 15415 .05588 00046 58 - GM-13 = Granite of Casa Diablo s Mountain 160.7 161.7 156.7 42.48 1568.2 825.4 18216 . 05563 00041 59. MB-1 _ Granodiorite of Mount Barcroft 161.1 161.2 155.9 14.80 454‘ 203.5 .27994 .10584 00384 60 _ MB-2 Soldier Pass Quartz monzonite of Beer Creek 1.9. "162.4 124.3 11.96 399.1 321.3 21411 05673 00069 61 SD-10 ___ -------- do. =----~~~ Monzonite of Joshua Flat 167.4 169.0 147.6 16.69 539.3 489.8 . 28654 . 06080 00074 62 SD-§5 _ do. -~------- Quartz monzonite of Beer Creek 168.1 170.4 142.9 11.99 396.6 262.8 .22861 . 06880 00127 INTERPRETATION OF AGE DETERMINATIONS 5 *Pb/?®Pb ages are not reliable for ages of less than about 300 m.y. Nevertheless, the fact that the ages are within l m.y. of the *"*Pb/*®U ages of 19-samples lends support to the reliability of the ages on these samples. If a mineral has taken on no new uranium, thorium, and lead since it was formed, and if the original lead isotopic composition is known, *"**Pb/"U, *"Pb/"®Pb, and **Pb/**Th will agree, provided that there are no geologic complications such as xenocrystic material in the sample. However, rarely do all the calculated ages agree. When the ages do not agree, they are said to be discordant. The normal sequence for discordant ages is **Pb/®U > %"Pp/ 26Pp, Reverse discordance refers to the age sequence > ""Pb/235U. The cause of discordant ages can be divided into two categories: (1) laboratory analytical errors, and (2) geologic uncertainties. Laboratory analytical uncertainties include errors in decay con- stants, isotopic measurements, blank corrections, and weight and volume. Geologic uncertainties include the isotopic composition of the original common lead in the zircon, the migration of lead, uranium or thorium and (or) their daughter products into or out of the zircon since its crystallization in the rock, and the presence of xenocrystic zircon. Of the samples analyzed, about 60 percent show reversed discordancy. This discordancy probably reflects the extreme sensitivity of the "*Pb/235U age to the corrections for common lead. For rocks of this age, the amount of radiogenic lead developed is very small, and accordingly applying the exact correction for the nonradiogenic lead present is difficult. Solutions developed by Wetherill (1956) and Tilton (1960) cannot be used for samples as young as those in the Sierra Nevada because the concordia curve is essentially a straight line from 0 to 200 m.y., and intersections to the curve by data points cannot be accurately determined. Figure 2 schematically shows the relative ages of the better established granitoid sequences as deduced from field relations and isotopic dating by the U-Pb, K-Ar, and Rb-Sr methods. Optimum ages given in mil- lions of years in this report represent our estimate of the average ages of the sequences on the basis of the spread of U-Pb ages, the quality of the analytic data, K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages, and intrusive relations. Three relations between the U-Pb ages and field observations strongly support the general reliability of the U-Pb ages. (1) Almost all of the U-Pb ages are compatible with the order of emplacement of the granitoid se- quences where the order has been established by field relations. (2) The absence of younger ages for samples from deformed facies or adjacent to younger intrusions indicates that neither deformation nor reheating has reset the original crystallization ages. (3) The ages of samples from the same granitoid sequence are general- ly in good agreement, though some differ by amounts greater than the laboratory error of 2 percent for each sample (table 1). Although some of the differences bet- ween the ages of samples from the same sequence could reflect real differences in their times of crystal- lization, comparison of the U-Pb ages with the succes- sion of solidification as established in the field fails to reveal convincing correlations. INTERPRETATION OF AGE DETERMINATIONS The pattern of ages in figures l and 2 shows that the main part of the Sierra Nevada batholith is occupied chiefly by Cretaceous granitoids that decrease in age toward the east, that the Scheelite sequence in the east side of the batholith is of Triassic age, and that several Jurassic sequences and unassigned formations and plutons occur on both sides of the batholith. TRIASSIC SCHEELITE SEQUENCE Only the Scheelite granitoid sequence is of Triassic age. As presently understood, the Scheelite sequence consists of the Wheeler Crest Quartz Monzonite (Rinehart and Ross, 1957; Bateman, 1961, 1965), the granodiorite of the Benton Range (Rinehart and Ross, 1957), which is really part of the same extensive forma- tion, the Tungsten Hills Quartz Monzonite (Bateman, 1961, 1965), the granodiorite of Mono Dome (Kistler, 1966a), and the quartz monzonite of Lee Vining Canyon (Kistler, 1966a). These formations crop out discon- tinuously in an area of at least 3,000 km, which extends north and northwest from the vicinity of Bishop to the north boundary of the area shown in plate 1. Thus, the sequence is one of the most extensive in the central part of the Sierra Nevada batholith. In fact, the se- quence undoubtedly continues north of the area shown in plate l and is even more extensive. The three U-Pb ages reported here are all Triassic and are in good agreement with maximum K-Ar ages that have been published (Kistler, 1966b; Evernden and Kistler, 1970; Crowder and others, 1973). Sample 58, at 207 m.y., is from the Wheeler Crest Quartz Mon- zonite, and sample 54, at 214 m.y., is from the granodiorite of the Benton Range, which is the north part of the same formation. These two ages differ by only 7 m.y., although the distance between their sam- ple locations is more than 55 km. The age on sample 53 may be more reliable than the age on sample 54 because the *"Pb/*5U age on sample 53 differs from its paired age by only 1 m.y. whereas the ages on sample 54 differ by 7 m.y. The U-Pb ages compare with maximum K-Ar ages on the granodiorite of the Benton Range of 215 m.y. on biotite and 211 m.y. on horn- blende (Evernden and Kistler, 1970) and of 211 m.y. on AGES OF ZIRCON FROM GRANITOIDS OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA TUOLUMNE 88 MONO PASS 89 WASHBURN 98 KAISER 91 POWELL 90 BUENA VISTA 98 MERCED PEAK 98 E1 Capitan and Taft 103 SHAVER 103 Oakhurst 106 FINE GOLD 114 Guadalupe 140 Page Mtn. Cottonwood 148 Cr. 151 JAWBONE 164 182 Chinese Camp 190 Pellisier Flats 90 Rawson Cr, 95 Graveyard Peak 99 PALISADE CREST 155 Casa Diablo Mt, Barcroft Mtn. 161 161 Pine Cr. Warren L. Ming 169 167 SOLDIER PASS 169 SCHEELITE 210 ~ l Late Cretaceous Vv Early Cretaceous | ~- CRETACEOUS JURASSIC C TRIASSIC hornblende (Crowder and others, 1973), and with a Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron of 212.1 + 5.3 m.y. deter- mined by R. W. Kistler (written commun., 1979). K-Ar ages quoted here and elsewhere in this report have been adjusted to the decay and abundance constants recommended in 1976 by the IUGS Subcommission on Geochronology (Steiger and Jager, 1977). Published K-Ar ages of the granitoids of the Sierra Nevada and White Mountains between 37° and 38° N. latitude are summarized in table 2. We have no U-Pb ages on the granodiorite of Mono Dome or the quartz monzonite of Lee Vining Canyon, which form the northeast part of the sequence. How- ever, the granodiorite of Mono Dome has yielded two K-Ar ages on hornblende of 211 m.y. (Kistler, 1966b; Evernden and Kistler, 1970), and the quartz monzonite of Lee Vining Canyon has yielded an 8-point whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron of 212 + 5 m.y. (Kistler, 1966b; R. B Kistler, written commun., 1979). JURASSIC PLUTONS AND GRANITOID SEQUENCES The dated Jurassic granitoids on the east side of the batholith comprise two sequences, the Soldier Pass granitoid sequence, here named for exposures of this sequence at Soldier Pass, and the Palisade Crest granitoid sequence (Bateman and Dodge, 1970), and four spatially separated unassigned formations. The Soldier Pass sequence includes the monzonite of Joshua Flat and the quartz monzonite of Beer Creek, which we sampled, and the monzonite of Eureka Valley and the monzodiorite of Marble Canyon, which we did not sample (Nelson, 1966; McKee and Nelson, 1967). Our U-Pb ages of 172, 167, and 168 m.y. (samples 60, 61, and 62) for this sequence are in good agreement with a published U-Pb age of 174 + 5 m.y. on the monzonite of Joshua Flat (Sylvester and others, 1978) and with published K-Ar ages (McKee and Nash, 1967; Crowder and others, 1973; Evernden and Kistler, 1970). How- ever, they are older than U-Pb ages of 161 and 159 m.y. obtained by Gillespie (1979) on the quartz monzonite of Beer Creek and the monzonite of Joshua Flat. Gillespie FIGURE 2. - Schematic chart showing relative ages of granitoids dated in this report as deduced from field relations and isotopic dating by U-Pb, K-Ar, and Rb-Sr methods. Granitoid sequences are shown by large boxes; unassigned plutons and formations by small boxes. Numbers are optimum average ages (in millions of years), which represent an evaluation of all pertinent data. Tie lines show diagnostic contacts between pairs of granitoids. INTERPRETATION OF AGE DETERMINATIONS T TABLE 2. -K-Ar mineral ages of granitoids in the central Sierra Nevada between 37° and 38° north latitude. Ages have been adjusted to the | decay and abundance constants recommended in 1976 by the I.U.G.S. Subcommission on geochronology (Steiger and Jager, 1977) Granitoid Formation or pluton Age, m. Reference Sample number Sequence f Biotite Hornblenae Jawbone Standard pluton 156 166 Evernden and Kistler (1970) 89 (1632) Do, Ie 147 Io 90 (1634) -------------------- Guadelupe igneous complex 139-000-0000 eee eee en ees sss ssn n nnn == ~UQ, enne neenee scene 159 Fine Gold Tonalite of Blue Canyon 91 112 Bateman and Lockwood (1976) SL-32 DQ, Io Q] eee Is SL-36 93 Mt I* SLd-11 114 118 R. W. Kistler (written commun., 1976) MA-1 100 102 Evernden and Kistler, 1970 87 (1627) -------- 106------------------------Naeser, Kistler, and Dodge, 1971 $.0. --- --Plag1ogran1te from Sherman-Thomas boring En a I* $.1. --- --Granodiorite of Knowles 110-- ~Evernden and K1st1er, 1970 93 (1666) monn enone ses cece ccc ee} [s Is 220 (61-042) -------------------- Oakhurst pluton 102 147 008 88 (1628) Granitoids of Yosemite Valley Granodiorite of Arch Rock nees esen sence seee ece ce- UQ, 62 (67-64) f d ------------ I* 63 (71-64) -------------- Curtis, Evernden, Lipson, 1958 KA-67 Evernden and K1st’ler 1970 91 (1663) ------------------------- Ug. 92 (1665) -Curtis, Evernden, and Lipson, 1958 KA-71 ------------ 0, KA-7] sone nene nnn neenee nnn ena n Q, nene esen nene nene esen ense een eee ~Evernden and K1st1er, 1970 64 (72-64) Do. --~~-~-~----~-- Granite of Mount Hoffman o Curtis, Evernden, and Lipson, 1958 KA-177 Shaver Granodiorite of Dinkey Creek 94 93 Bateman and Lockwood, 1976 SL-18 ece eee cece eee Is SL-25 Mt) Io SLd-8 80 Bateman and Wones, 1972 HL-9 95 Kistler, Bateman, and Brannock, 1965 BCc-13 d BCc-14 KP-12 HL-29 HLc-126 s HLd-102 + ---Granite of lower Bear Creek HLc-68 Do, ----~-~------- Granite north of Snow Corral Meadow HLd-20 Merced Peak Granodiorite of Jackass Lakes 86 95 D. L. Peck and R. W. Kistler, (unpub. data, 1979) MP-82 Buena Vista Granodiorite of Illilouete Creek 89 cece Is MP-455 Washburn Granodiorite of Red Devil Lake 84 B87 ccs UQ, MP-789 Kaiser Mount Givens Granodiorite -Granodmr1te of Eagle Peak ---Granodiorite of Big Creek Do, ----~-~~----~-- Granite of Bald Mountain Tuolumne Sent ine] Granodiorite El Curtis, Evernden, and Lipson, 1958 KA-68 Do. 92 92 Kistler and Dodge, 1966 FD-13 IX Kistler, In Evernden and Kistler, 1970 218 (BKA-556) Io Curtis, Evernden, and Lipson, 1958 KA-73 -Evernden and Kistler, 1970 9 (1526) - 74 (1532) i 38 (1525) -Curtis, Evernden, and Lipson, 1958 KA-135 ~Evernden and Kistler, 1970 70 (1527) ------------- do. 71 (1528) 72 (1530) 73 (1531) 75 (1533) Johnson Gramte Porphyry -Curtis, Evernden, and Lipson, 1958 KA-133 Mono Pass Granodiorite of Lake Edison ]] Kistler Bateman, and Brannock, 1965 MT-5 Do, [es 82 85 Evernden and Kistler, 1970 221 (61-001, 61,020) Do, ------~-~-~---- Round Valley Peak Granodiorite 89 84 Kistler, Bateman, and Brannock, 1965 MT-2 -Granodiorite of Mono Recesses B1 Evernden and Kistler, 1970 h 76 (1551; --------- Io o ) ) } Powel] Lamarck Granodmmte C I* Do, Its 79 86 Kistler, Bateman, and Brannock, 1965 MG-1 =---Evernden and Kistler, 1970 79 (1554) Do. Leucogranite of Evolution Basin 82--- see r Is ' 80 (1555) nese E I*! 85 (1600) 8 AGES OF ZIRCON FROM GRANITOIDS OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA TABLE 2. - Continued Granitoid Formation or pluton Age, m.y. Reference Sample number Sequence Biotite Hornblende -------------------- Leucogranite of Rawson Creek 89------------------------Kistler, Bateman, and Brannock, 1965 BP-4 cos cece d do. BP-9 -- 3 ----------- Granod1or1te of Coyote Flat 5 Scheelite-- Wheeler Crest Quartz Monzonite 1 Do. 3 1970 do. ........................ Evernden and Klstler (MKA-92) ---------- Io +/ a UZ (BKA-847; MKA-458) It 226 (61-019; 61-025) DO, =< [e ME]: Epp It 7 (51-166) DQ, <-- nS Rip G9, 228 (61-003) DQ, <<-<<<======~====-~---~---~ Ie Ie 229 (61-017) Do, It 215--------- FA D GQ, 230 (61-008; 61-026) DQ, Io 211 Crowder and others, Scheelite Granodiorite of Mono Dome Io Evernden and Kistler, 1970 209 (DKA-1028) DQ, It 89---------- k.) Ug, 210 (DKA-1029; MKA-409) DQ, [e 85---------- Io UQ, 212 (DKA-1031; DKA-1032) DQ, Io 101--------- FA 0 UQ, 213 (DKA-1030; MKA-410) ------------ do.--—-----------—-—-—---------------84---------———---------------------——-do 214 (BKA-558) Kistler, 4 Tungsten H111s Quartz Monzonite ___ 77-----------=-=----------- Kistler, Bateman, and Brannock, 1965 MG-2 DO, 76------------- do. MT-6 Palisade Crest Inconsolable Granodiorite 89 100- MG-3 BP-1 BP-4 BP-7 BP-8 Tinemaha Granodiorite Do, Granod1or1te of McMurry Meadow BP-2 Granitoids nr. Tioga Pass Quartz monzonite of Ellery Lake 96 cece cece -e- Evernden and Kistler, 1970 211 (MKA-41) Do, ----~~-~-----~ Quartz monzonie of Aeolian Buttes 90 cocco G0, 216 (BKA-48§; 61-192 --Granodiorite of Rush Creek 219 (BKA-557) ______ -Granodiorite of Mount Barcroft do. -McKee and Nash, 1967 ------- Monzonite of Joshua Flat ----------- CQ, <- ce ce _- Cretaceous granites of the northern White Mtns. do. of Boundary Peak of Leidy Creek of Marble Canyon ----------- do.------------A------—~-——-----— --- INTERPRETATION OF AGE DETERMINATIONS TABLE 2. - Continued Granitoid Formation or pluton Age, m.y. Reference Sample number Sequence Biotite Hornblende Misc. granitoids of the White Mountains Granite of Indian Garden DO, CO, It UPinininininistaistaliataiatataiataistaintaiaiaiaiaiaiet 3 Do, ----------~--- Foliated granodiorite at foot of Birch Creek concen ense eee cee eee ce cen cc ec ees n 24 Do. 00, <= nnn nnn nene neenee eee eee cece ec I* 26 Do. =-~-----~-~-~~ Granite of Sylvania Mountain Evernden and Kistler, 1970 67 (840) o Papoose Flat pluton onne enne eee cece ec ece ccc ec [t 66 (804) Do, ~----~----~--- Granite at north end of the White Mountains (Pellisier Flats?) O9, 225 (61-005) -------------------- Sheared granodiorite of the j Goddard pendant Io) Kistler and others, 1965 BCb-53 (1979) also reports a U-Pb age of 179 m.y. on the mon- zonite of Eureka Valley (table 3). From the Palisade Crest granitoid sequence (Bate- man and Dodge, 1970), only the Tinemaha Granodiorite was dated. The age of 155 m.y. on sample 55 (table 1) is in only fair agreement with a U-Pb age of 164 m.y. determined by Chen (1977) on a sample from the same formation farther south. The 155-m.y. age is also con- siderably younger than maximum K-Ar ages of 174, 184, and 187 m.y. on hornblende from the Tinemaha Grano- diorite (Kistler and others, 1965). Consequently, the true age of this sequence may be somewhat greater than 155 m.y. The four unassigned granitoid formations in the east side of the Sierra Nevada batholith, which yielded Jurassic ages, are in the White Mountains, the Benton Range, and the eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada. Their ages range from 161 to 169 m.y. Two of the formations, the granite of Casa Diablo Mountain (sample 58) and the granodiorite of Mount Barcroft (sample 59) have the same U-Pb age of 161 m.y., and both are concordant with their paired *"Pb/*°U ages within a million years. Nevertheless, petrologic simi- larities are lacking, and the only other evidence of con- sanguinity is that these two granitoids are in the same general area. The other two unassigned granitoid formations have yielded somewhat older ages. The age of a body of quartz diorite that lies along the intrusive contact at the Pine Creek tungsten mine (sample 57) is 169 m.y., and the age of the granite west of Warren Lake, in the eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada south of Bishop, is 167 m.y. (sample 56). These ages suggest that these formations may be comagmatic with the Soldier Pass sequence. However, these granitoids are petro- graphically distinct, and other evidence pointing to their consanguinity either with each other or with the Soldier Pass sequence has not been recognized. On the west side of the batholith, eight plutons and formations have yielded Jurassic U-Pb ages. The quartz diorite of Granite Creek and the Standard and Cobb Creek plutons are here assigned to the Jawbone TABLE 3. -Previously published U-Pb ages of zircon from granitoids of the White Mountains Granitoid Formation or pluton Fee Age, m.yé07 Reference sequence Pb Pb 238U 235U Soldier Pass _ Monzonite of Eureka Valley 179 180 Gillespie (1979) Do. -------- Monzonite of Joshua Flat 159 160 Do. DO, -------------------- CQ, ------------------- 173* 173* Sylvester, Miller, and Nelson % (1978) DQ, 178* 176* Do. Do. Quartz monzonite of Beer Creek 161 180 Gillespie (1979) --------------- Granodiorite of Mount Barcroft 165 166 Do. --------------- Sage Hen Flat pluton 144 145 Do. * Same sample, two fractions. 10 AGES OF ZIRCON FROM GRANITOIDS OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA TABLE 4. -Sample locations No. Field & lab no. UTM Zone II coordinates USGS quad Physical location of sample site 1 BMCC Mos" n. ¢.: S6hor® 1§ 5 Roadside outcrop on Hwys. 120 and 49, 1.7 km east of Chinese Station. 2 DPD-1 479990 n, 735490 ¢, Merced Falls 15'------------ West side of Marsh Flat Road, 0.15 km 737400 north of the Buzzard Roost mine. 3 PM~1 95 "-N. 30, p E. Sonora 15'------------------ 1.2 km south of Page Mountain. 4 LE-1092 4206200 n, ty" 5. Lake Eleanor 15'------------ East side of Skunk Creek, 2.5 km WNW of Wood Ridge Lookout. 5 BMSD "or"" n, 734750 g Standard 7.5'--------------- Roadside outcrop, 1.6 km NW of Morgan Chapel. 6 CCr-1 4187000 y, 41999 ¢, Moccasin 7.5'--------------- Roadside outcrop, where unnamed road crosses Cobbs Creek, 1 km east of Priest Reservoir. 7 LE-153 4199850 y, 236500 £, Lake Eleanor 15'------------ Dirt Road, 0.8 km NW of Meyers Ranch. 8 LE-244 4189150 N. rge We, 0 . 0 0 dorrer=s" North side of Big Oak Flat Road, 0.9 km west of Carlon Guard Station. 9 16-2 "51599 n, ?60459 £. Indian Gulch 15'------------ South side of Hwy. 140, 1 km northeast of Catheys Mtn. 10 MA-1 414g900 y, 239" ¢. West side of Ben Hur Road, 1.5 km 2.,200 south of Mormon Bar. 11 RDa-1 4114900 n, AT oE. Raymond West side of Road 600, 0.3 km south of junction with Road 407. 12 LE-1036 *1gof° N. ta5 "* &, Lake Eleanor 15'------------ South side of Ascension Mtn., 1.0 km 2-150 west of the Five Star mine. 13 ML a- 12 4191100 , 59... 7C. Millerton Lake 15'---------- West side of Hwy. 41, 2.6 km south of Picayune Cemetery Road. 14 MLc-10 419499 n. 2gfM® g, 0 00 lull.. d0,a-ooneevonseeet seus North side of Road 208, 1.8 km west of junction with Road 211. 15 MLc-51 4194200 N, 258450 g,. UO, 0.35 km SW of junction of Road 208 and Road 211. 16 MLc-154 19190 n, ¢, on ol South of Road 210, 4 km east of 500 O'Neal Ranch. f 17 Y-682 79909 w, &. Yosemite 15'---------------- Roadsite outcrop in Yosemite West : development. 18 MLb-69 the"" n. 2682" ¢. Millerton Lake 15'---------- South of dirt road, 1 km NNE of 10 Fresno Banner mine. 19 SLb-64 4123250 N, 294!" g, Shaver Lake 15'------------- Ross Creek, 1 km east of junction with Clearwater Creek. 20 ML d- 52 99°09 17699 &,. Millerton Lake 15'---------- West side of Morgan Canyon Road, 0.9 km south of junction with Auberry Road. 21 Jb-1 4108490 n, 288550 g,00000 ..---- do, <<-- ~- West side of Jose Creek, 1 km north of junction with Musick Creek. 22 RDb-58 4120800 N, 2? J : 2 ¢ 77° 2# N° 2% SHAVER €] «-| 73 ee: 7-27 27 Oakhurst pluton § :# aia" 2 ?§ 4 | -£ ¢ é o Granodiorite of Knowles " -l 4 i 19 ¢ § . ~€ / Sy / S m 5 93 S / %" FINE GOLD £ | @- r eral f ar e PALISADE CREST } / z * 7 // JAWBONE / / / e / / SOLDIER PASS / / / / / Foothills plutons / / / / o / SHEELITE / / z / / Other granitoids / exe / é * / Z e / 1 Guadalupe intrusive complex-not granitoid FiGuRE 3. - U-Pb ages of granitoids in central Sierra Nevada plotted on intrusive epochs of Evernden and Kistler (1970) and Kistler, Evernden, and Shaw (1971). Boundaries of epochs adjusted to decay and abundance constants recommended for K-Ar ages by 1.U.G.S. Subcommission on geochronology (Steiger and Jager, 1977). Names of granitoid sequences in capital letters. ages of 214 to 202 m.y. and an optimum age of 210 m.y. The next younger granitoids are two small plutons west of the Melones fault zone in the western foothills, which have U-Pb ages of 190 and 182 m.y. (samples 1 and 2), significantly younger than the ages on the Scheelite sequence. The next younger granitoids are in the White and Inyo Mountains and constitute the Soldier Pass granitoid sequence. This sequence has an opti- mum age of 169 m.y., substantially younger than the foothills granitoids and 41 m.y. less than the optimum age of the nearby Triassic Scheelite sequence. On the other hand, the indicated time gap of 155 to 125 m.y. between the Jurassic and Cretaceous grani- toids is not established beyond all doubt. Three plu- tons, all from the west side of the batholith, have yield- ed U-Pb ages that fall in this interval. Of these, sample 9 is from the granophyric top of the dominantly gab- broic Guadalupe igneous complex, which is not con- sidered to be a granitoid body. Nevertheless, the small Page Mountain pluton and the granodiorite of Cotton- wood Creek are granitoids and have apparently reli- able ages of 148 (sample 3) and 151 m.y. (sample 4). Far- ther south, Chen (1977) has reported ages between 134 and 128 m.y. on small remnants of older granitoids associated with roof pendants and septa. Also, Evern- den and Kistler (1970) have reported numerous K-Ar 16 GRANITOID SEQUENCE FORMATION, OR PLUTON AGES OF ZIRCON FROM GRANITOIDS OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA AGE, IN MILLIONS OF YEARS J 100 125 150 175 200 225 TUOLUMNE >fi~<fl MONO PASS bse g EXPLANATION £ @ - U-Pb ages on zircon KAISER ; fig? K-Ar ages on bionite POWELL , 8® f tito Granite of Pellisier Flats scl cs Rbiiszflcnténg it? e WASHBURN % be MERCED PEAK si ye BUENA VISTA * v, # El Capitan and Taft Granites C--f#-&----] SHAVER tl mes-: Oakhurst pluton -& % * Granodiorite of Knowles A . FINE GOLD e> (ta one ® Guadalupe intrusive complex A PALISADE CREST f & .s f % * ¢ * b ** Granodiorite of Mount Barcroft # s * * U JAWBONE a is" "es SOLDIER PASS ue ® SCHEELITE ~A t ihe; d A fu "_ pie] FIGURE 4.-Composite plot of optimum average U-Pb ages on zircon, K-Ar ages on biotite and hornblende, and Rb-Sr whole-rock ages. K-Ar ages are from sources shown in table 2. Rb-Sr data were supplied by R. W. Kistler (written commun., 1979). Names of granitoid sequences in capital letters. hornblende ages in the range of 154 to 134 m.y. on iso- lated plutons intruded into the western metamorphic belt farther northwest. Detailed knowledge of in- trusive activity during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous is particularly important because it was during this interval that the Nevadan orogeny oc- curred. Did plutonic activity accompany this orogeny? Or was plutonism suspended during the orogeny? REFERENCES CITED Barnes, I. L., Murphy, T. J., Gramlich, J. W., and Shields, WR., 1973, Lead separation by anodic deposition and isotope ratio mass spectrometry of microgram and smaller samples: Anal. Chemistry v. 46, p. 1881-1884. Bateman, P. C., 1961, Granitic formations in the east-central Sierra Nevada near Bishop, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 72, no. 10, p. 1521-1538. «e=» 1965, Geology and tungsten mineralization of the Bishop district, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 470, 208 p. Bateman, P. C., and Chappell, B. W., 1979, Crystallization, fractiona- tion, and solidification of the Tuolumne Intrusive Series, Yosemite National Park, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., Part 1, v. 90, no. 5, p. 465-482. Bateman, P. C., and Dodge, F.C. W., 1970, Variations of major chemical constituents across the central Sierra Nevada batholith: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 81, no. 2, p. 409-420. Bateman, P. C., and Lockwood, J. P., 1976, Shaver Lake quadrangle, central Sierra Nevada, California-analytic data: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 774-D, p. D1-D20. Bateman, P. C., and Nokleberg, W. J., 1978, Solidification of the Mount Givens granodiorite, Sierra Nevada, California: Jour. of Geology, v. 86, p. 563-579. Bateman, P. C., and Wones, D. R., 1972, Huntington Lake quadrangle, central Sierra Nevada, California-analytic data: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 724-A, p. Al- Al8. REFERENCES CITED 17 Cameron, A. E., Smith, D. H., and Walker, R. L., 1969, Mass spec- trometry of nanogram-size samples of lead: Anal. Chemistry v. 41, p. 525-526. Chen, J. H., 1977, Uranium-lead isotopic ages from the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent areas, California: Unpub. Ph.D., dissert., Univ. California, Santa Barbara, 180 p. Chen, J. H., and Moore, J. G., 1979, The Late Jurassic Independence dike swarm in eastern, California: Geology, v. 7, no. 3, p. 129-133. Clark, L. D., 1960, The foothills fault system, western Sierra Nevada, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, p. 483-496. sme 1964, Stratigraphy and structure of part of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 410, 70 p. Crowder, D. F., McKee, E. H., Ross, D. C., and Krauskopf{, K. B., 1973, Granitic rocks of the White Mountains Area, California-Nevada: Age and regional significance: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 84, no. 1, p. 385-396. Curtis, G. H., Evernden, J. F., and Lipson, J., 1958, Age determination of some granitic rocks in California by the potassium-argon raethod: California Div. Mines Spec. Rept. 54, 16 p. Evernden, J. F., and Kistler, R. W., 1970, Chronology of emplacement of Mesozoic batholithic complexes in California and western Nevada: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 623, 42 p. Gillespie, J. G., Jr., 1979, U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages of primary and detrital zircons from the White Mountains, eastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 79. Kistler, R. W., 1966a, Geologic map of the Mono Craters quadrangle, | Mono and Tuolumne Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-462, scale 1:62,500. 1966b, Structure and metamorphism in the Mono Craters quadrangle, Sierra Nevada, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1221-E, 53 p. Kistler, R. W., Bateman, P. C., and Brannock, W. W., 1965, Isotopic ages of minerals from granitic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 76, no. 2, p. 155-164. Kistler, R. W., and Dodge, F.C.W., 1966, Potassium-argon ages of coexisting minerals from pyroxene-bearing granitic rocks in the Sierra Nevada, California: Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 71, no. 8, p. 2157-2161 Kistler, R. W., Evernden, J. F., and Shaw, H. R., 1971, Sierra Nevada plutonic cycle: Part 1, Origin of composite granitic batholiths: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 82, no. 4, p. 853-861. Krough, T. E., 1973, A low contamination method for hydrochemical decomposition of zircon and extraction of U and Pb for isotopic age determinations: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 37, p. 485-494. McKee, E. H., and Nash, D. B., 1967, Potassium-argon ages of granitic rocks in the Inyo batholith, east-central California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 78, no. 5, p. 669-680. McKee, E. H., and Nelson, C. A., 1967, Geologic map of the Soldier Pass quadrangle, California and Nevada: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-654, scale 1:62,500. Mattinson, J. M., 1972, Preparation of hydrofluoric, hydrochloric and nitric acids at ultralow lead levels: Anal. Chemistry, v. 44, p. 1715- 1716. Morgan, B. A., 1977, Geology of Chinese Camp and Moccasin Quadrangles, Tuolumne County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF -840, scale 1:48,000. Morgan, B. A., and Stern, T. W., 1977, Chronology of tectonic and plutonic events in the western Sierra Nevada, between Sonora and Mariposa, California: Geol. Soc. America, Abstracts with programs, v. 9, p. 471-472. Naeser, C. W., and Dodge, F.C. W., 1969, Fission-track ages of acces- sory minerals from granitic rocks of the central Sierra Nevada batholith, California, Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 80, p. 2201-2212. Naeser, C. W., Kistler, R. W., and Dodge, F.C.W., 1971, Age of co- existing minerals from borehole sites, central Sierra Nevada batholith: Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 76, no. 26,, p. 6462-6463. Nelson, C. A., 1966, Geologic map of the Blanco Mountain quadrangle, Inyo and Mono Counties, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-529, scale 1:62,500. Presnall, D. C., and Bateman, P. C., 1973, Fusion relationships in the system NaAlSi308-CaAIZSi208-KAlSiSOS-SiOZ-HZO and genera- tion of granitic magmas in the Sierra Nevada batholith: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 84, no. 10, p. 3181-3202. ; Rinehart, C. D., and Ross, D. C., 1957, Geology of the Casa Diablo Mountain quadrangle, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-99, scale 1:62,500. Saleeby, Jason, 1976, Zircon Pb/U geochronology of the Kings-Kaweah ophiolite belt, southwestern Sierra Nevada foothills, California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 3, p. 405- 406. Sohl, N. F., 1977, Note 45 -Application for amendment concerning terminology for igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 61, no. 2, p. 248-252. Steiger, R. H., and Jager, E., 1977, Subcommission on geochronology: Convention on the use of decay constants in geochronology and cosmochronology: Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., v. 36, p. 359-362. Sylvester, A. G., Miller, C., and Nelson, C. A., 1978, Monzonites of the White-Inyo Range, California, and their relation to the cale- alkalic Sierra Nevada batholith: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 89, no. 11, p. 1677-1687. Tatsumoto, M., 1966, Isotopic composition of lead in volcanic rocks from Hawaii, Iwo Jima, and Japan: Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 71, p- 1721-1733. Tilton, G. R., 1960, Volume diffusion as a mechanism for discordant ages: Jour. of Geophysical Research, v. 65, p. 2933-2945. Van Hintze, J. E., 1976, A Jurassic time scale: American Assoc. Pet. Geologists Bull., v. 60, no. 4, p. 489-497. Wetherill, G. W., 1956, Discordant uranium-lead ages I: Am. Geophys. Union. Trans., v. 37, p. 320-326. "TH SCIENCES LIBRARY " _'*Seiences Bidg. " 61" GPO 789-036/10 $776 T 7 DAYS$ v. !136- A Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Formations at Drilling Sites in Weston and Johnson Counties, Northeastern Wyoming _-_GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1 186 - A DOUUWENTS rap ; JUL 7 1980 LBRARy UNivErSiTy OF CALIFORNIA Stratigraphy of Mid-Cretaceous Formations at Drilling Sites in Weston and Johnson Counties, Northeastern Wyoming By E. A. MEREWETHER PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS- NORTHEASTERN WYOMING GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1186 -A A description and comparison of the dissimilar formations of early Late Cretaceous age in core holes and outcrops on the eastern and western flanks of the Powder River Basin UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON:1980 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Merewether, Edward Allen, 1930- Stratigraphy of mid-Cretaceous formations at drilling sites in Weston and Johnson Counties, northeastern Wyoming. (Paleontology and stratigraphy of mid-Cretaceous rocks, northeastern Wyoming) (Geological Survey Professional Paper 1186-A) Bibliography: p. 25 Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16:1186-A 1. Geology, Stratigraphic-Cretaceous. 2. Geology -Wyoming-Weston Co. 3. Geology -Wyoming-Johnson County. I. Title II. Series. III. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1186-A QE687.M47 551.7'7'0978714 80-607109 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 FiGuRE y 10. 11. 12. 13. PP 6 fo Bo .- CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Stratigraphy 2 Belle Fourche Shale 5 Greenhorn Formation 6 Carlile Shale 7 Pool Creek Member 10 Turner Sandy Member 10 Sage Breaks Member 13 Frontier Formation 13 Belle Fourche Member 15 Wall Creek Member 18 Cody Shale 19 Sage Breaks Member 19 Depositional environments and geologic history 20 References cited 25 ILLUSTRATIONS Index map showing the Powder River Basin and locations of outcrop sections, boreholes and selected oil and gas fields - Correlation chart of the lower Upper Cretaceous formations at selected localities in northeastern Wyoming -------------------- Outcrop section of the lower Upper Cretaceous formations near Osage Lithologic and geophysical logs of lower Upper Cretaceous formations near Osage Drawing showing crossbedding in the Turner Sandy Member near Osage Photomicrograph showing authigenic crystal of feldspar on a corroded crystal of quartz, from sandstone in the Turner Sandy Member Photomicrograph showing corroded grains of quartz, chert, and feldspar in a thin section of sandstone from the Turner Sandy Member Stratigraphic sections of the lower Upper Cretaceous FrONti@r FOFMAtiON NEF KAYC@@ Photomicrograph showing corroded grains of quartz, chert, and feldspar in a thin section of sandstone of the Belle Fourche Member Photomicrograph showing angular to subrounded grains of quartz, chert, and feldspar in a thin section of sandstone of the Wall Creek Member Map showing approximate thickness of a representative unit of sandstone in the Belle Fourche Member of the Frontier Formation Map showing approximate thickness of a representative unit of sandstone in the Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation and the Turner Sandy Member of the Carlile Shale Outcrop sections and depositional environments of lower Upper Cretaceous formations in Johnson and Weston Counties TABLES Page TABLE - 1. Organic composition of lower Upper Cretaceous shale at boreholes 1 and 2, Powder River Basin, as determined by thermal-evolution analysis, combustion, and reflectance 6 12 12 14 17 19 21 23 24 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS- NORTHEASTERN WYOMING STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATION AT DRILLING SITES IN WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING By E. A. MEREWETHER ABSTRACT The sedimentary rocks of early Late Cretaceous age in Weston County, Wyo., on the east flank of the Powder River Basin, are assigned, in ascending order, to the Belle Fourche Shale, Greenhorn Formation, and Carlile Shale. In Johnson County, on the west flank of the basin, the lower Upper Cretaceous strata are included in the Frontier Formation and the overlying Cody Shale. The Frontier Formation and some of the laterally equivalent strata in the Rocky Mountain region contain major resources of oil and gas. These rocks also include commercial deposits of bentonite. Outcrop sections, borehole logs, and core studies of the lower Upper Cretaceous rocks near Osage, in Weston County, and Kaycee, in Johnson County, supplement comparative studies of the fossils in the formations. Fossils of Cenomanian, Turonian, and Coniacian Age are abundant at these localities and form sequences of species which can be used for the zonation and correlation of strata throughout the region. The Belle Fourche Shale near Osage is about 115 m (meters) thick and consists mainly of noncalcareous shale, which was deposited in offshore-marine environments during Cenomanian time. These strata are overlain by calcareous shale and limestone of the Greenhorn Formation. In this area, the Greenhorn is about 85 m thick and accumulated in offshore, open-marine environments during the Cenomanian and early Turonian. The Carlile Shale overlies the Greenhorn and is composed of, from oldest to youngest, the Pool Creek Member, Turner Sandy Member, and Sage Breaks Member. In boreholes, the Pool Creek Member is about 23 m thick and consists largely of shale. The member was deposited in offshore- marine environments in Turonian time. These rocks are discon- formably overlain by the Turner Sandy Member, a sequence about 50 m thick of interstratified shale, siltstone, and sandstone. The Turner accumulated during the Turonian in several shallow-marine environments. Conformably overlying the Turner is the slightly calcareous shale of the Sage Breaks Member, which is about 91 m thick. The Sage Breaks was deposited mostly during Coniacian time in offshore-marine environments. In Johnson County, the Frontier Formation consists of the Belle Fourche Member and the overlying Wall Creek Member, and is overlain by the Sage Breaks Member of the Cody Shale. Near Kaycee, the Belle Fourche Member is about 225 m thick and is com- posed mostly of interstratified shale, siltstone, and sandstone. These strata are mainly of Cenomanian age and were deposited largely in shallow-marine environments. In this area, the Belle Fourche Member is disconformably overlain by the Wall Creek Member, which is about 30 m thick and grades from interlaminated shale and siltstone at the base of the member to sandstone at the top. The Wall Creek accumulated during Turonian time in shallow- marine environments. These beds are overlain by the Sage Breaks Member of the Cody. Near Kaycee, the Sage Breaks is about 65 m thick and consists mainly of shale which was deposited in offshore- marine environments during Turonian and Coniacian time. Lower Upper Cretaceous formations on the east side of the Powder River Basin can be compared with strata of the same age on the west side of the basin. The Belle Fourche Shale at Osage is represented near Kaycee by most of the Belle Fourche Member of the Frontier. The Greenhorn at Osage contrasts with beds of similar age in the Belle Fourche at Kaycee. An upper part of the Greenhorn Formation, the Pool Creek Member of the Carlile Shale, and the basal beds of the Turner Sandy Member of the Carlile, in Weston County, are represented by a disconformity at the base of the Wall Creek Member of the Frontier in southern Johnson County. A middle part of the Turner in the vicinity of Osage is the same age as the Wall Creek Member near Kaycee. A sequence of beds in the up- per part of the Turner and in the overlying Sage Breaks in Weston County is the same age as most of the Sage Breaks Member of the Cody in southern Johnson County. INTRODUCTION This report describes the lower Upper Cretaceous strata at boreholes and nearby outcrops in Johnson and Weston Counties, Wyo. (fig. 1) and will supple- ment the paleontologic studies of W. A. Cobban (mol- lusca), W. G. E. Caldwell and B. R. North (foramini- fera), F. E. May and B. L. Whitney (dinoflagellates), and D. J. Nichols (palynomorphs). Outcrops, cores, and geophysical logs of the formations were investigated during 1975-79. The cores and logs were obtained from boreholes in NE1/ASW1/4 sec. 6, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., near Kaycee (Kaycee 7 1/2 minute quadrangle) in John- son County, and in SW1/4NW1/4, sec. 30, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., near Osage (Osage 7 1/2 minute quadrangle) in Weston County (fig. 1). Molluscan fossils from outcrops 2 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 109° j08 _ 107° 106° 105° 104° 450 __ ___ we z cs -_ - Q | g & T3 0,5 \SHERIDAN I& 604 |l | Q CROOK 5] BIG HORN ¥\Bff| & | % l x | \g Y aglCAMPBELLI *% f l I j) oo nous 44° 3 JOHNSON l % Osage ! 3 J'J _ WaSHAKIE I“ U ~ Ac rim m e see Newcélstlg SPRINGS >C1.\‘ Meadow“) __‘__ __|_ 2 CCreek 3 wEsTON | A 2 |NIOBRARA‘ & Creek /! Spearhead age URlverton | ¢ Ranch | 1 Casper \ 1 _convense p Lance} FREMONT o Blg , reek‘ NATRONA Mudd Doug $s (ere r r j £ PLATTE‘ a ‘ 42° |- CARBON | j Co - ol SWEETWATER , Rawlins | ALBANY l 1 (2 geos | |_J | _ LARAMIE || I l CheyenneD _l 41° cs ev s 0 KILOMETERS 150 (_ ne ae rel] EXPLANATION x _- Qutcrop section * Borehole Oil and gas field, production from lower Upper Cretaceous rocks Approximate boundary of Powder River Basin FIGURE 1.-Index map of Wyoming, showing the Powder River Basin and locations of outcrop sections A, B, and C, boreholes 1 and 2, and selected oil and gas fields. near the drilling sites are listed in the following pages and are represented by some of the species named on figure 2. Fossils obtained from the core are described in other chapters of this volume by the paleontologists named above. The core of the lower Upper Cretaceous formations was supplied mainly by J. D. Tucker and S. J. Grant. Geophysical logs of the boreholes were furnished by R. A. McCullough. R. W. Brown and B. M. Madsen performed X-ray analyses of samples from the core. G. E. Claypool, V. E. Shaw, J. P. Baysinger, Nancy Conklin, and T. L. Yager determined the organic com- position of shale samples. The grain-size distribution of samples of sandstone was provided by M. B. Sawyer and E. T. Cavanaugh, using an image-analyzing com- puter. Thin sections of sandstone were prepared by K. L. Gardner and examined by J. C. Webb. J. M. Nishi, M. J. Pinel, and E. T. Cavanaugh photographed samples of sandstone with a scanning electron microscope. Molluscan fossils from the region were prepared for study by R. E. Burkholder and identified by W. A. Cobban and N. F. Sohl. These contributions, from employees of the U.S. Geological Survey, are gratefully acknowledged. In this investigation, samples from cores of shale and sandstone, and the clay fraction of the sandstone, were analyzed for constituent minerals by X-ray diffraction. The organic composition and thermal maturity of some of the rocks were determined by several methods (Merewether and Claypool, 1980). Organic-carbon content was obtained from the difference between total carbon, measured by combustion, and carbonate car- bon, measured by acidification of a separate part of the sample. Hydrocarbon content and related characteris- tics were determined by thermal-evolution analysis (Claypool and Reed, 1976). The vitrinite reflectance reported herein is a mode of the reflectance values, in percent, for populations of vitrinite particles in oil. The nomenclature used in this report for the size and sorting of the grains in sandstone and siltstone was described by Folk (1974). Micrographs, taken with a scanning electron microscope, and thin sections were used mainly to study the mineralogy of these rocks. Statistical descriptions of the grain sizes in samples of sandstone were obtained from an image-analyzing computer (Sawyer, 1977). For each sample, the diameters of 300 disaggregated grains were measured electronically, and the volume percentages of grains, in categories defined by grain diameter, were calculated. The computer program assumed that all grains are spherical and did not consider the variation in density of the grains in most rocks. As a consequence, data from the computer are not absolutely comparable with results from conventional procedures of sieving and weighing grains unless the grains are spherical and monomineralic. STRATIGRAPHY The strata of early Late Cretaceous age in Wyoming vary in lithology, thickness, and depositional environ- ment, and commonly enclose one or more unconformi- ties. They consist mainly of shale, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, and bentonite, but they locally include coal in western Wyoming and limestone in eastern Wyoming. At outcrops in Lincoln County, in south- western Wyoming, the lower Upper Cretaceous Fron- tier Formation is about 670-790 m thick (Veatch, 1907, p. 65-69) and was deposited in marine and non- MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING K-Ar ages (million yrs.) ®, | Informal Western Interior molluscan fossil zones; " Osage area, | Kaycee area, Central $ numbers represent zones identified at (Obradovich and ; Johnson Natrona i | substade | outcrop sections (figs. 2, 9, and 14) Cobban, 19765) _ | Weston County County County Santon g 25 Clioscaphites saxitonianus NiOtzflgfa PW Niobrara E Niobrara ntonian wer < onan | 9 | 24 Scaphites depressus ~ € IMember Member a | (lower part g & | Upper | 23 Scaphites ventricosus Sage 5 ( & pert < (Iowa; part) g Middle | 22 Inoceramus deformis 86.8 Breaks 5 Sa;e g Sage 5 21 Inoceramus erectus o Breaks fel Lower Member | @ 7 20 Inoceramus waltersdorfensis t &g) Breaks g Member ? ) > 19 Prionocyclus quadratus & ame G| Member Wfigggeaefii 18 Scaphites nigricollensis 2 Su $ s Upper | 17 Scaphites whitfieldi 8 h an by Wal ~ Creek ember |- - i 16 Scaphites warreni 5 15 Prionocyclus macombi MM 2 14 Prionocyclus hyatti Pgol | || Middle | 73 Collignoniceras woollgari regulare Creek Unnamed. 12 Collignoniceras woollgari woollgari Meg1ber ‘ member C ny 11 Mammites nodosoides - C Lower 88.9 c 9 © 10 Watinoceras coloradoense fe - ad 4 Greenhorn | ® 2 9 Sciponoceras gracile E e l 6 5 Upper 8 Dunveganoceras albertense Formation - | 'E g [| || 7 Dunveganoceras pondi 91.3 a? Bele iC [3 6 Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense 2 R 5 5 Acanthoceras amphibolum 92.1 ourche Belle é Middle 4 Acanthoceras alvaradoense Bellis Member Fourche O 3 Acanthoceras muldoonense Member 2 Acanthoceras granerosense Fourche » 1 Calycoceras gilberti Shale Lower No molluscan fossil record 94 'Age of basal contact of Niobrara Formation from Evetts (1976, p.121). Figure 2.-Correlation chart of the lower Upper Cretaceous formations at selected localities in northeastern Wyoming. Pattern represents a hiatus in the sequence of beds. marine environments during Cenomanian, Turonian, and Coniacian time. Near the Black Hills (fig. 1), a sequence of approximately the same age is about 370 m thick and was deposited in marine environments. The sedimentary rocks of early Late Cretaceous age in Weston County, on the east side of the Powder River Basin (fig. 1), are included in, from older to younger, the Belle Fourche Shale, Greenhorn Formation, and Carlile Shale (fig. 2). They conformably overlie the Mowry Shale of Early Cretaceous age and are discon- formably overlain by the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation. Near the town of Osage, the lower Upper Cretaceous sequence is about 370 m thick and is com- posed of shale, siltstone, sandstone, limestone, and bentonite. These rocks were deposited in offshore- marine and nearshore-marine environments and con- tain invertebrate fossils of Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian age. The lower Upper Cretaceous rocks in Johnson County, on the west side of the Powder River Basin (fig. 1), include the Frontier Formation and the overly- ing Sage Breaks Member of the Cody Shale (fig. 2). These strata conformably overlie the Lower Creta- ceous Mowry Shale and are conformably overlain by the Niobrara Member of the Cody Shale. Near the town of Kaycee, the lower Upper Cretaceous sequence PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING EXPLANATION Siltstone Shale Limestone Bentonite Covered interval, probably shale C 0 s E C 6 w. ® 8 [ o Fel 9 Z M 6 Fe] E [ 3 w x G 3 e a & o - d & £ w U & TC d 6] > * x 6 3 a x £ 5 0 c = 3 ~ © a ]} j ~- m_ _ va ® oe .% o o o 2 | $ 0 ® E 3] o. G 3] 3 3 o < ® a. o. 2 € 0 = G E 5 6 w. c E 6 £ C 0 ® © 0 Gray-red ~~] bentonite bed E G < t o £ 0 € 3 0 u. ® ) [ed a 3g Clay Spur 7~| ® | 4] Bentonite o $ 1; Bed * !s G6 | # i > 5 | € 3 | % 8 | 0 - | % ----- Conglomeratic Sandy am a - Silty =-- - Clayey -+ +- - Calcareous o © - Concretionary __]8 Beds containing Western Interior Zone fossil (fig. 2) METERS FEET o0--0 25 100 FIGURE 3.-Outcrop section A of the lower Upper Cretaceous formations near Osage, secs. 16, 17, 19, 20, and 30, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., Weston County. Data included from Robinson and others (1964). MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 5 is about 315 m thick and consists of shale, siltstone, sandstone, minor conglomerate, and bentonite. These rocks were deposited largely in nearshore-marine environments and contain molluscan fossils of Cenomanian, Turonian, and Coniacian Age. BELLE FOURCHE SHALE The Belle Fourche Shale was named by Collier (1922, p. 83) from outcrops near the Belle Fourche River in southwestern Crook County, on the west flank of the Black Hills (fig. 1). In Weston County, near Osage, the formation is about 115 m thick and is composed mainly of interstratified shale and bentonite. Most of the beds are soft. Consequently, the Belle Fourche seldom crops out and generally forms strike valleys. These strata conformably overlie the well-indurated Mowry Shale of Early Cretaceous age and are over lain by the ridge- forming Greenhorn Formation of Late Cretaceous age. The Belle Fourche Shale accumulated during Cenoma- nian time; the upper part of the formation near Osage contains invertebrate fossils of middle Cenomanian age (fig. 2). These rocks were deposited in offshore- marine environments. The Belle Fourche Shale is about 118 m thick at the outcrop section near Osage (fig. 3), and 115-122 m thick in boreholes in the area. The formation is about 113 m thick near Newcastle, southeast of Osage, and as much as 260 m thick in western Crook County (Robinson and others, 1964, p. 53-60), northwest of Osage. Robinson and others (1964, p. 53) concluded that this variation in thickness is caused by the lateral gradation of noncalcareous rocks in the upper part of the Belle Fourche into calcareous shale which is locally assigned to the overlying basal Greenhorn. At outcrops in Weston County, the Belle Fourche is composed largely of noncalcareous shale, silty shale, and bentonite. Small amounts of calcareous shale and siltstone occur near the top of the formation. Units of dark-gray shale in the Belle Fourche are commonly more than 6 m thick. The units of siltstone are light gray to dusky yellow to pale brown, platy, and less than 1 m thick. Beds of very light gray to grayish- orange bentonite, as much as 1'm thick, are abundant. Ferruginous concretions are common in the Belle Fourche, and sideritic concretions are especially plentiful in the basal 20 m of the formation. Cores of the uppermost 25 m of the formation from borehole 1 in SW1/4 NW1/4 sec. 30, T. 46 N., R. 63 W. (fig. 1) include interlaminated shale and lesser silt- stone (fig. 4). These rocks are very light gray to dark gray, largely noncalcareous, and contain small horizon- tal burrows and molluscan fossils. The laminae are commonly discontinuous, even, and parallel; discon- tinuous, wavy, and nonparallel; and microcross- laminated. Some of the core has flaser bedding, len- ticular bedding, and small slump structures. Samples from depths of about 258 m and 267 m were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. They contain quartz, sodic plagioclase, potassium feldspar, dolomite, pyrite, mica-illite, and chlorite. The laminae at a depth of 258 m also contain montmorillonite and calcite. At 267 m, the laminae include smectite or mixed-layer clay, and kaolinite. The organic composition of these samples (table 1) was described and interpreted by Merewether and Claypool (1980). In the borehole, the Belle Fourche includes potential source rocks for hydrocarbons, but the sampled beds are thermally im- mature (in an early stage of the hydrocarbon- generation process). In the vicinity of Osage, the upper part of the Belle Fourche, which is about 40 m thick, contains inverte- brate fossils of middle Cenomanian age (fig. 2). Species in selected collections from these beds are: USGS D9911, SW1/4 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from a ferruginous concretion layer 7 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Shale. Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow Inoceramus rutherfordi Warren Borissiakoceras sp. USGS D9920, SW1/4 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from a ferruginous concretion layer 13 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Shale. Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow Inoceramus rutherfordi Warren USGS D9924, NW 1/4 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from a ferruginous concretion layer 27 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Shale. Inoceramus arvanus Stephenson Ostrea beloiti Logan Acanthoceras alvaradoense Moreman? USGS D9923, NW 1/4 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from a ferruginous concretion layer 35 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Shale. Exogyra columbella Meek Borissiakoceras compressum Cobban USGS D9910, SW1/4 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from a claystone concretion layer 38 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Shale. Inoceramus eulessanus Stephenson Exogyra columbella Meek Acanthoceras sp. Borissiakoceras compressum Cobban The Belle Fourche consists of clay-rich strata and contains fossils and burrows of marine origin. Ap- parently, these rocks were deposited in shallow-water, offshore-marine environments, where mild current action alternated with slack water. Interstratified sandstone and shale of the same age but of near-shore- marine origin crop out near Kaycee (fig. 1), about 180 km west of the Osage area (Merewether and others, 1976). 6 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING TABLE 1.-Organic composition of lower Upper Cretaceous shale at boreholes l and 2, Powder River Basin, as determined by thermal- evolution analysis, combustion, and reflectance [From Merewether and Claypool, 1980. N.d., not determined] Total Ratio of Modal pyrolytic Volatile pyrolytic Temperature vitrinite Organic hydro- hydro- - hydroarbon of maximum reflectance Sample carbon carbon carbon to organic pyrolytic at random Borehole Stratigraphic depth (weight (weight (ppm by carbon yield orientation No. unit (m) - percent) percent) - weight) - (percent) (°C) (percent) 1 Sage Breaks 29.0 1.28 0.17 33 13.6 459 N.d. Member of Carlile Shale. i ----do----- 59. 4 2.23 & 60 35 26.9 455 0. 45 M ----do----- 80.8 1.38 25 30 17.9 469 & 50 1 Turner 112.2 1.13 08 9 T5 467 & 40 Sandy Member of Carlile Shale. 1 ----do----- 130. 2 & 97 14 44 14.7 464 65 1 Pool Creek 146.3 1.06 111 24 10.6 461 N.d. Member of Carlile Shale. 1 ----do----- 157.0 4.29 1.90 200 44.3 446 & 50 1 Greenhorn 163.4 2.17 76 56 35.1 451 N.d. Formation. 1 ----do----- 199.7 2, 80 1.08 96 38.7 451 N.d. 1 ----do----- 244.5 2.97 99 65 33.2 454 & 45 1 Belle Fourche 257.6 1.61 & 39 32 24.0 458 N.d. Shale. 1 ----do----- 266.7 1.16 «19 23 16.1 472 & 45 2 Sage Breaks 48.8 +27 »11 65 16.0 477 45 Member of Cody Shale. 2 Wall Creek 82.6 e 071 38 14.3 487 « 55 Member of Frontier Formation. 2 Belle Fourche 86.6 3.2 32 19 10.0 466 »45 Member of Frontier Formation. 2 ----do----- 137.2 » 4 058 44 14.5 471 & 50 2 ----do----- 222.8 1.2 14 69 11.6 475 & 50 2 ----do----- 277.1 2. 4 «35 71 14.5 476 & 50 GREENHORN FORMATION Darton (1909, p. 54-55) introduced the name Greenhorn Limestone into the northern Black Hills and Cobban (1951, p. 2183) changed the name to Greenhorn Formation in this area. In Weston County, near Osage, the formation is about 85 m thick and con- sists of interstratified calcareous and noncalcareous shale and siltstone, limestone, and bentonite. The in- durated strata in the upper part of the formation form a conspicuous questa, which extends along the western flank of the Black Hills. In that region, the Greenhorn overlies and intertongues with the Belle Fourche Shale (Robinson and others, 1964, fig. 5) and is overlain by the Carlile Shale. In the Osage area, the formation contains invertebrate fossils of middle and late Ceno- manian and early Turonian age and was deposited in offshore, open-marine environments. The Greenhorn Formation is about 86 m thick at borehole 1 and ranges in thickness from 80 to 90 m in other boreholes in the area. At outcrops near Osage, the formation is 75-84 m thick. Robinson and others (1964, p. 65-66) reported thicknesses of 90 m for the Greenhorn near Newcastle, and 27 m for the formation farther northwest in northwestern Crook County. At outcrops in Weston County, limestone of the Greenhorn Formation is generally light gray to medium gray to grayish orange, slightly silty or sandy, MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 7. laminated to thin bedded, and fossiliferous. Units of limestone are as much as 50 cm (centimeters) thick. The limestone at the top of the formation has abun- dant horizontal burrows which contain spreite and are about 1 cm in diameter and as much as 30 cm long. The shale is medium gray to grayish black, noncalcareous to very calcareous, and forms units as much as 10 m thick. Some of the shale encloses ferruginous and sep- tarian limestone concretions and is fossiliferous. A core of the Greenhorn from borehole 1 (figs. 1 and 5) is composed mainly of interlaminated medium dark-gray to dark-gray shale and very light gray to light-gray siltstone. In general, these rocks grade from slightly calcareous near the base of the formation to very calcareous near the top. Most of the laminae are discontinuous, even, and parallel, but in the upper part of the formation some are discontinuous, wavy, and nonparallel. They commonly contain small horizontal burrows, fragments of molluscan fossils, and fish bones. Samples of the core from depths of about 163 m, 176 m, 200 m, and 244 m were analyzed by X-ray dif- fraction. All of these rocks contain quartz, calcite, clay, and pyrite, although the proportion of calcite to other minerals appears to be larger in the samples from 163 m and 176 m. The laminae at depths of 200 m and 244 m also contain mica-illite, chlorite, kaolinite, sodic plagioclase, potassium feldspar, and dolomite. At 163 m, the rock includes mica-illite, chlorite, smec- tite or mixed-layer clay, sodic plagioclase, potassium feldspar, and dolomite. The organic composition of samples from depths of 163 m, 200 m, and 245 m was reported by Merewether and Claypool (1980). Hydrogen-rich organic matter, which was derived largely from aquatic plants, is com- paratively abundant in the sampled strata (table 1). These rocks could generate oil and gas if their organic components were not thermally immature. The Greenhorn Formation in the Osage area contains abundant molluscan fossils of late Cenomanian and early Turonian age (fig. 2). Representative collections are: USGS D5935, NE1/4 sec. 20, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from calcareous shale 11 m below the top of the Greenhorn Formation. Mytiloides my tiloides (Mantell) Pseudoperna bentonensis (Logan) USGS D5934, S1/2 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from very thin, light- brown calcarenite 27 m below the top of the Greenhorn For- mation. Inoceramus cf. I. mesabiensis Bergquist Metoicoceras defordi Young USGS D5932, S1/2 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from very thin, light- brown calcarenite 34 m below the top of the Greenhorn For- mation. Phelopteria sp. Inoceramus pictus Sowerby Calycoceras sp. Metoicoceras defordi Young USGS D5929, S1/2 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from soft, limonitic concretions 40 m below the top of the Greenhorn Formation. Dunveganoceras albertense (Warren) USGS D5928, S1/2 sec. 17, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from soft, limonitic concretions 59 m below the top of the Greenhorn Formation. Inoceramus pictus Sowerby Calycoceras? canitaurinum (Haas) USGS D9898, SE1/4 sec. 7, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from light-brown limestone concretion near base of Greenhorn Formation. Inoceramus prefragilis Stephenson Calycoceras? canitaurinum (Haas) Dunveganoceras pondi Haas In Weston County, the Greenhorn is composed largely of fossiliferous, calcareous, and argillaceous strata. Evidently, the formation was deposited in open-marine environments of low current energy, far from shore. Interstratified shale and sandstone of Greenhorn age but of nearshore-marine origin crop out near Kaycee and Casper on the southwest flank of the Powder River Basin (Merewether and others, 1979) (fig. 1). CARLILE SHALE The name Carlile Shale was first used in the Black Hills region by Darton (1909, p. 54-55). In the vicinity of Osage, the Carlile is about 165 m thick and includes, in ascending order, the Pool Creek Member, Turner Sandy Member, and Sage Breaks Member (fig. 2). Knechtel and Patterson (1962, p. 921) named the Pool Creek Member from outcrops along Pool Creek on the northeast flank of the Black Hills. The Pool Creek con- sists mostly of interlaminated shale and siltstone, and is calcareous at the base and noncalcareous at the top. These strata are disconformably overlain by the Turner Sandy Member, which is composed of inter- stratified shale, siltstone, and sandstone. The sandy beds of the Turner are conformably overlain by the slightly calcareous shale of the Sage Breaks. The Turner Sandy Member and Sage Breaks Member were named by Rubey (1930, p. 4) from outcrops near Osage. Most of the Carlile is soft and forms a topography of little relief; however, beds of concretionary siltstone and sandstone in the Turner commonly crop out as small hogbacks and questas. In Weston County, the Carlile overlies the Greenhorn Formation and is disconformably overlain by the Niobrara Formation. The Carlile at Osage contains invertebrate fossils of Turonian, Coniacian, and Santonian Age and was C re t a coe o u s U p p er (part) Shale Carlile PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING SAMPLE DEPTH, SURFACE IN METERS NUCLEAR AND ELEVATION Datum is depth METERS 4,032 t. of 500 ft. Gamma-ray curve (FEET) (1,229 m) (152.4 m) 17 cps 40 65 OT swe , mike FZ w ELECTRIC LOGs «t* ¢ nny nan on m Spontaneous- Normal ~- -~ potential resistivity Te ects Cerrone curve curves i+ (100) | ESET -T-TT-FT T1 oo. Cg -ee 20 mV 30 $1 /m (200) -| < ~s200-: Sage Breaks Member(part) u lt [kX 8 | I | || [ | e- 8 1 f | J X1 it { P aN | § (300) - H fax it} Rt C H & t 100- f a- 1 12 a- 1 17 I \ z?!“ a o I8 it NL Htl e- 125 ke- 1 30 Turner Sandy Member "I R: i : (MH It -14- 138 { u P F‘ Bill y t | \ Member Ta { | w | F t It e- 146 500) 7 Pool Cre ke- 157 l \ z Greenhorn Formation +163 ---] (ERRA i kWh-l t } e- 176 P hr}, H (600)-7 | A M 200-- (700) (800) -| --- G- le- 244,245 Belle Fourche Shale (part) 9 5 --- ___ Gray-red z- E- |e- 258 bentonite |-- 24 -- an bed mB -Z le- 267 (900)_? T *% *% FIGURE 4.-Lithologic and geophysical logs of lower Upper Cretaceous formations near NUCLEAR LOGS EXPLANATION Neutron curve Gamma-gamma curve Xx x oce 114 I T Limestone Bentonite No core, probably calcareous shale No core Sandy o o o Concretionary Tt £ o AME ME ple 22:5 ty am WW a _ __ w © r- - O f oF ® 3 at o}- _ oL_ > WW i 8 O & c 455 400- soo——! 600 MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING CALIPER LOGS s ‘ a. e o ah + Moh doa s w § " af { W l | | 1 i © 0 o o o o 0 U' - [sd ® < © © r [3 Bl wed TH | . x x e iain crane belled ma --f -g 3 T 3 | I K ~ (0 Fe. Bem cme g- «~* ocz -o- u\1.‘ lH I : f W f A coeds IlllLYeh me rotons rL[x W4 L nan r mmm te ooo ~~ ® poter. -- antenne ~s ~t-«---- : -#- zz manz ~ --- ta 'n if ess af! 3] .. . | o 1 1 | G o fel o 8 8 E $ § $ $ £ Osage, from borehole 1, SW1/4NW!1/4 sec. 30, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., Weston County. 10 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING bes o Gae -l,. _ SY ~~ £, >. ae V‘s— s as - Ree > a.- -A s nate." ~~ >> === \\v/:// 2 se. ~. - ) ~.. - i ~ --< ~ <<-- ~ FIGURE 5.-Drawing showing crossbedding in the middle of the Turner Sandy Member near Osage. The hammer is 28 cm long. Direction of view is southeast. deposited in offshore-marine and nearshore-marine environments. POOL CREEK MEMBER The Pool Creek Member is about 23 m thick at borehole 1 (fig. 4) and 20-28 m thick in nearby oil wells. At outcrops along the west side of the Black Hills, the member is about 30 m thick near Newcastle, about 28 m thick near Osage, and about 15 m thick near the border of Weston and Crook Counties (fig. 1) (Robinson and others, 1964, p. 72-74). At outcrops in the vicinity of Osage (fig. 3), the Pool Creek consists of dark-gray, silty shale and minor light-gray bentonite, and has conspicuous layers of light-gray, calcareous concretions near the middle. The units of shale are as much as 12 m thick, and the beds of bentonite are as much as 34 ecm thick. Locally, the lithology of the uppermost Pool Creek contrasts strongly with the lithology of the overlying basal sand- stone of the Turner Sandy Member. The Pool Creek correlates with the unnamed member of the Frontier in central Natrona County (fig. 2). Core of the Pool Creek Member from borehole 1 (fig. 4) consists largely of interlaminated dark-gray shale and light-gray siltstone. In the lower one-half of the member, most of the rocks are calcareous. The laminae in the core are generally discontinuous and are either wavy and nonparallel or even and parallel. Many laminae contain small horizontal burrows, although only a minor part of the Pool Creek is bioturbated. Molluscan fossils and fish bones are common. Samples of the core from depths of 146 m and 157 m were analyzed to determine their mineral composition and organic-carbon content. Both samples contain quartz, mica-illite, smectite or mixed-layer clay, chlorite, sodic plagioclase, potassium feldspar, dolomite, and pyrite. Kaolinite was recognized in the sample from a depth of 146 m. The laminae at about 157 m contain minor calcite. Merewether and Claypool (1980) described the organic composition of some of these strata (table 1). The constituent organic matter is suitable for conversion to oil and gas. However, the sampled rocks have been only slightly altered by burial metamorphism and are, therefore, in an early stage of the petroleum-forming process. In Weston County, the Pool Creek contains mollus- can fossils of middle Turonian age. A representative collection of fossils from the vicinity of Osage is: USGS D9896, NW1/4 sec. 35, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from calcareous concretions about 14 m below the top of the Pool Creek Member. Inoceramus cuvieri Sowerby Pseudomelania hendricksoni Henderson Scaphites larvaeformis Meek and Hayden Collignoniceras woollgari regulare Haas Tragodesmoceras carlilense Cobban The Pool Creek Member near Osage consists mainly of interlaminated shale and siltstone, and contains small horizontal burrows and fossils of marine origin. The member probably accumulated in offshore- marine environments of comparatively low current energy. Sandstone and shale of approximately the same age but of nearshore-marine origin crops out west of Casper in southeastern Natrona County (fig. 1) and is assigned to the unnamed member of the Frontier Formation (Merewether and others, 1979). TURNER SANDY MEMBER The Turner Sandy Member is about 55 m thick in borehole 1 and ranges in thickness from 49 m to 59 m at other boreholes in the area. At outcrops, the member is about 50 m thick near Osage, approxi- mately 57 m thick near the boundary of Weston and Crook Counties (Robinson and others, 1964, p. 72-73), and about 56 m thick in the vicinity of Newcastle. In Weston County, the Turner is composed of inter- stratified shale, siltstone, and sandstone. These rocks disconformably overlie the Pool Creek Member and are conformably overlain by the Sage Breaks Member of the Carlile. At outcrops near Osage (fig. 3), the lower one-half of the Turner includes, from older to younger, a thin basal sandstone, a unit which grades from shale at the base to sandstone at the top, and another similar gradational unit. The upper one-half of the member consists of siltstone, shale, and minor sandstone. The shale in the Turner is mainly dark gray, silty, and non- calcareous, and the siltstone is largely medium gray, argillaceous or sandy, and noncalcareous. The units of MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 11 shale are as much as 8 m thick. Most of the sandstone in the member is light gray to grayish orange, very fine grained, silty, and calcareous; however, the basal sand- stone is locally medium grained and contains sparse, coarse grains, granules, and pebbles of quartz and chert. The sand grains are dominantly angular to subrounded and generally are not well sorted. A few beds of sandstone appear to have good porosity. Units of sandstone are as much as 5 m thick. The siltstone and sandstone are commonly in sequences of very thin to thin, discontinuous beds and show scour and fill bedding, tabular crossbedding, trough crossbedding (fig. 5), and ripple marks. Paleocurrent directions, ob- tained from crossbeds and ripple marks, are southwest, northeast, and southeast, but the dominant direction seems to be southeast. Burrows, which are plentiful in the outcropping siltstone and sandstone, are parallel and perpendicular to the strata and include Ophiomorpha, Thalassinoides, Rhizocorallium and, tentatively, Rosselia, Cruziana, and Skolithos. Fragments of fossil wood in the basal sandstone are extensively bored. At outcrops, the Turner contains conspicuous calcareous siltstone and sandstone con- cretions, which are commonly fossiliferous. The core of the Turner Sandy Member is composed of interstratified and intergradational light-gray sand- stone, light-gray to medium-gray siltstone, and medium-gray to dark-gray shale (fig. 4). Shale is a minor component of the core and most of it is inter- laminated with siltstone or sandstone. Generally, the laminae of shale and siltstone are discontinuous and are either wavy and nonparallel or even and parallel. Flaser and lenticular bedding are common near the base of the member. Some strata are cross-laminated and others are bioturbated. The shale and siltstone commonly enclose small, smooth burrows (including Siphonites ) which parallel the bedding planes. Most of the sandstone is very fine grained, thinly laminated to very thinly bedded, and horizontally stratified, and contains burrows. Some sandstone units are fine grained with sparse, medium to very coarse grains, some are slightly calcareous, and some are cross- stratified or bioturbated. Many of the cored beds in the Turner contain molluscan fossils. The organic composition of the shale at depths of about 112 m and 130 m in borehole 1 (table 1) was described by Merewether and Claypool (1980). Evi- dently, the organic matter in these strata was derived mainly from land plants and is thermally immature. Although the organic-carbon content of the sampled beds is comparatively low, the shale in the Turner could be a source rock for natural gas. Samples of the core, which were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, consist of sandstone from depths of about 117 m, 125 m, and 138 m, and shale from depths of about 112 m and 130 m. Most of these rocks contain quartz, mica-illite, kaolinite, chlorite, potassium and sodium feldspars, and dolomite. The samples of sand- stone also contain calcite, and the rocks from 112 m, 117 m, 130 m, and 138 m contain pyrite. Micrographs of the sandstone, taken with a SEM, depict authigenic minerals, including quartz, feldspar (fig. 6), kaolinite, chlorite, and pyrite. Thin sections of the sandstone from depths of about 117 m, 125 m, and 138 m show angular to subrounded grains of quartz, chert, and feldspar, and minor amounts of detrital chalcedony, biotite, and other minerals. Many of the grains of quartz, chert, and feldspar are angular because they are corroded and have been partially replaced by clay and calcite (fig. 7). Most of the sand grains appear to have been sub- rounded at the time of deposition. Samples of sandstone from depths of about 117 m, 125 m, and 138 m in borehole 1 were analyzed to deter- mine the size and sorting of the constituent grains. In the sample from a depth of 117 m, the sand has a mean grain size of 1.91 phi (medium sand), a standard devia- tion of 0.47 phi (well sorted), and a skewness of +0.24 (fine skewed), and a kurtosis of 2.62 (very leptokurtic). At a depth of 125 m, the sand has a mean grain size of 2.76 phi (fine sand), a standard deviation of 0.54 phi (moderately well sorted), a skewness of -0.30 (coarse skewed); and a kurtosis of 2.22 (very leptokurtic). The sand in the sample from 138 m has a mean grain size of 1.78 phi (medium sand), a standard deviation of 0.47 phi (well sorted), a skewness of +0.66 (strongly fine skewed), and a kurtosis of 3.52 (extremely leptokurtic). To summarize, these samples of Turner sandstone consist of clay, silt, and very fine to coarse sand grains. The amount of clay in the samples, estimated from X-ray analyses, is probably less than 10 percent. At depths of 117 m and 138 m, the sand is largely medium grained and is well sorted and angular to subrounded. The sand at 125 m is mostly fine grained, is moderately well sorted, and is angular to subrounded. The grain- size distribution for the sand in these three samples is asymmetric and very leptokurtic. Although the sand is moderately well sorted and well sorted, which is evidence of submature, mature, and supermature sedi- mentary textures, the rocks may contain a significant amount of clay, which characterizes immature tex- tures. However, micrographs taken with a SEM show that much of the clay is authigenic. Furthermore, the roundness and presumably the sorting of the grains has been affected by post depositional dissolution. Therefore, these textures probably were mature or supermature before diagenesis. 12 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING I FIGURE 6.-Authigenic crystal of feldspar (f) on a cor- roded crystal of quartz (q), from sandstone in the Tur- ner Sandy Member at a depth of 125 m in borehole 1. In the area of Osage, outcrops of the Turner contain invertebrate fossils of late Turonian age. Represen- tative collections of these fossils are: USGS D9915, NW1/4 sec. 20, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from calcareous sandstone concretions about 5 m below the top of the Turner Sandy Member. Inoceramus incertus Jimbo Inoceramus lusatiae Andert Scaphites corvensis Cobban Bostrychoceras n. sp. Prionocyclus quadratus Cobban Eutrephoceras sp. Perissoptera cf. P. prolabiata (White) USGS D9914, NE1/4 sec. 20, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from calcareous sandstone concretions about 17 m below the top of the Turner Sandy Member. Inoceramus n. sp. Inoceramus lusatiae Andert Baculites yokoyamai Tokunaga and Shimizu Scaphites sp. Prionocyclus sp. Bellifusus willistoni (Logan) FIGURE 7.-Corroded grains (cg) of quartz (g), chert (ch), and feldspar (f), cemented by calcite (c) in a thin section of sandstone from the Turner Sandy Member, at a depth of 117 m in borehole 1. USGS D9899, NW1/4 sec. 18, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from sandstone concretions about 24 m below the top of the Turner Sandy Member. Inoceramus perplexus Whitfield Pleuriocardia sp. Scaphites whitfieldi Cobban USGS D9912, NW1/4 sec. 20, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from calcareous sandstone concretions about 40 m below the top of the Turner Sandy Member. Inoceramus dimidius White Scaphites warreni Meek and Hayden Prionocyclus wyomingensis Meek USGS D9917, NW1/4 sec. 20, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from sandstone concretions about 1.5 m above the base of the Turner Sandy Member. Inoceramus dimidius White Prionocyclus sp. USGS D10121, NW1/4 sec. 31, T. 47 N., R. 64 W., from sandstone about 1 m above the base of the Turner Sandy Member. Inoceramus n. sp. Scaphites warreni Meek and Hayden Prionocyclus macombi Meek MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 13 The Turner Sandy Member in the vicinity of Osage is composed of interstratified shale, siltstone, and sand- stone, and contains horizontal and vertical burrows and invertebrate fossils of marine origin. Some shale units grade upward into sandstone units, which are overlain by more shale Much of the sandstone is moderately well sorted to well sorted and consists of angular to subrounded, very fine and fine grains of quartz, chert, and feldspar. The sandstone is laminated to thin bedded and locally has scour-and-fill bedding and crossbedding. In Weston County, the Turner was deposited in shallow-marine environments (probably at depths of less than 60 m) in the distal part of a high- destructive, tide-dominated delta (Merewether and others, 1979). Some of these strata accumulated in the form of nearshore and offshore bars. SAGE BREAKS MEMBER In boreholes near Osage, the Sage Breaks is com- monly 91-94 m thick. The part of the member penetrated at borehole 1 is about 85 m thick. Robinson and others (1964, p. 71-73) reported thicknesses of about 78 m at outcrops between Osage and Newcastle, and about 83 m at outcrops on the northwestern flank of the Black Hills. In Weston County, outcrops of the Sage Breaks are composed largely of dark-gray, noncalcareous shale which contains several conspicuous layers of closely spaced concretions (fig. 3). The concretions are com- monly light gray to grayish orange, calcareous, and septarian, and are as much as 45 cm thick and 1.8 m long. The Sage Breaks is conformable and gradational with the underlying Turner and is disconformably overlain by the Niobrara Formation. Where cored in borehole 1, the Sage Breaks Member consists mainly of medium-dark-gray, slightly calcareous, thinly laminated shale (fig. 4). Most of the shale in the basal 12 m of the member is slightly silty, and much of the shale in the uppermost 45 m of the member is pyritic. The core contains sparse concre- tions, a few small horizontal burrows, and many inver- tebrate fossils. A bed of bentonite about 8 ecm thick was found about 18 m above the base of the Sage Breaks. Core of the Sage Breaks, from depths of about 29 m, 59 m, and 81 m in borehole 1, was sampled to de- termine the mineral composition and organic-carbon content of some of the shale. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that the samples contain quartz, mica-illite, chlorite, kaolinite, calcite, dolomite, sodium and potassium feldspars, and pyrite. The organic matter in the samples (table 1) was described by Merewether and Claypool (1980). They concluded that the Sage Breaks in the Osage area includes potential source rocks for oil and gas but that the member is thermally immature. Outcrops of the Sage Breaks in Weston County rare- ly contain megafossils, although molluscan fossils of middle Coniacian age were collected from the upper part of the member in the vicinity of Osage (figs. 2 and 3). Representative collections of these fossils are: USGS D10152, SE1/4 sec. 19, T. 46 N., R. 63 W., from small calcareous concretions about 26 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Calcareous worm tube Inoceramus inconstans Woods Inoceramus sp. Baculites mariasensis Cobban USGS D10150, SW1/4 sec. 12, T. 46 N., R. 64 W., from soft dark- gray shale about 28 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Inoceramus deformis Meek Inoceramus inconstans Woods Pseudoperna congesta (Conrad) The Sage Breaks Member near Osage is composed of thinly laminated, noncalcareous, and calcareous shale, and contains sparse horizontal burrows and many molluscan fossils. These rocks were deposited in offshore-marine environments of little current energy, which apparently were a great distance from the shore. Laterally equivalent units of nearshore-marine sand- stone crop out in Fremont County (fig. 1) in central Wyoming. FRONTIER FORMATION The rocks of early Late Cretaceous age on the west flank of the Powder River Basin (fig. 1) are included in the Frontier Formation and the lower part of the over- lying Cody Shale (fig. 2). They were first assigned to those formations by Hares (1916, p. 238) and Hares and others (1946). The Frontier conformably overlies the Lower Cretaceous Mowry Shale and is conform- ably overlain by the Cody Shale. In Johnson County, near Kaycee, the Frontier consists of the Belle Fourche Member, which was identified in this area by Merewether and Cobban (1973, p. 38), and the over- lying Wall Creek Member, which was named by Wegemann (1911, p. 45). The Wall Creek in Johnson County rests disconformably on the Belle Fourche (Merewether and others, 1976, p. 35) and, at the top, in- terfingers with the lower part of the Cody Shale (Haun, 1958, p. 84). Lithologic and geophysical logs of the Frontier Formation in borehole 2 (fig. 1) were depicted by Merewether and others (1976, fig. 4). In Natrona County, near Casper, the Frontier is composed of, from older to younger, the Belle Fourche Member, unnamed member, and Wall Creek Member (fig. 2). The lower 14 Cody Shale (part) Wall Creek Member Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation Belle Fourche Member Lower Cretaceous Mowry Shale (part) PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING Core from borehole 2 (fig.1) Sec. 6, T.42N., R.81W. Surface elevation 1,476m METERS Total depth 318 m (FEET) o- £95 _- -- a- -- wmp - -A- Fe at -- m -- av [-w---_. _ Kaycee outcrop section (B,.fig. 1) f i a as Sees. 2 and 11, T43N., R82W. -- (10001 LX 4 Butts Ranch outcrop section (C, fig. 1) : w Ecc seee, ass _;:£:”_;. $13 Sec. 13, T.41N., R81W.; Sec. 18, T.41N., R.8OW. EXPLANATION Sandstone Siltstone Shale .:.'., hores Bentonite z- z & re ® "& "e- :/; | Covered interval, T e-- e-. | probably sandstone an o e e ware e 355.325 Covered interval . Fad as, & 18 es rege |- Ale [n - % 7 % ® ow 2 . ans o cue yess 9 .~ Conglomeratic & s ¢ * 0 2 @ 4 a 5 <...> +> +++ Sandy 9 5 ° m at a *- Silty = -- - - Clayey -- -L- - Calcareous (6001-1. . .w. f & - Concretionary 200 - $* Beds containing 8 Western Interior (rbo=l 11 Zone fossil (fig. 2) i real (800) - r Ak o 4 { s Er ET METERS _ FEET Iew £. m raed 0-1-0 ® x, mo ® ® sa wis fess rse {9991 -le a az "* az < >- Sm NY mes Ai cee Ar wet (e mea- lvl 25 % x xfs x x x ne FRE -~ "Z= (s slg ~ 2 ~> a T _ *J * Clay Spur (1000) -| @w Q [~ R 3~, =a we a -| Bentonite Bed" 5.7 Mi(9.2Km) ** -# 9.1 Mi(14.6 Km) —M-—-4w—M‘ FIGURE 8.-Stratigraphic sections of the lower Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation near Kaycee, Johnson County. and upper contacts of the unnamed member are discon- formities. The Frontier in the Kaycee area consists of about 255 m of interstratified shale, siltstone, sandstone, minor conglomerate, and bentonite (fig. 8) (Merewether and others, 1976). Outcrops of these rocks commonly form a series of questas and strike valleys. In the vicinity of Kaycee, the Frontier contains molluscan MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 15 fossils of Cenomanian and Turonian age, and evidently was deposited largely in nearshore-marine en- vironments. BELLE FOURCHE MEMBER In holes drilled for oil and gas near Kaycee, the Belle Fourche Member is 211-227 m thick. The member is about 228 m thick at borehole 2 and is about 223 m thick at outcrops in the area. In the southern part of Johnson County, the Belle Fourche locally consists of four units of mainly shale and siltstone, and three intervening units of mostly sandstone. At outcrops, the shale in the member is largely dark gray or brownish gray, silty, and non- calcareous. Most of the outcropping siltstone is medium dark gray, clayey or sandy, and noncal- careous. The shale and siltstone are generally soft but commonly contain calcareous and ferruginous concre- tions. Sideritic concretions are abundant in a basal unit about 30 m thick that consists of interstratified shale, siltstone, and bentonite. The sandstone in the Belle Fourche is mainly very light gray to medium gray, very fine and fine grained, silty, noncalcareous, and moderately porous. Most of the grains are angular to subrounded and are moderately well sorted to well sorted. Grains of quartz, chert, glauconite, mica, and pyrite, and fine fragments of coaly material have been observed in hand specimens. Most of the sandstone is laminated to thin bedded, and the strata are largely either discontinuous and nonparallel or bioturbated. The oldest of the three informal units of sandstone in the Belle Fourche Member is about 145 m below the top of the member and was designated the Third Wall Creek sand by Richardson (1957). In ledges and cliffs 3-4 km southwest of borehole 2 (fig. 1), this sandstone is as much as 40 m thick and is light gray, fine to coarse grained, and poorly sorted. Some beds near the top are conglomeratic and contain shale pebbles. The unit consists of tabular and trough crossbeds in sets as thick as 1.2 m, which are evidence of southeast-flowing paleocurrents. The lower part of the sequence includes wavy bedding and load structures. No burrows were observed in the sandstone. At outcrops about 15 km southeast of the borehole, this unit is represented by interlaminated and interbedded shale, siltstone, and very fined grained sandstone. These rocks are horizon- tally bedded and crossbedded, and apparently contain no burrows. The most conspicuous unit of sandstone in the Belle Fourche is about 57 m below the top of the member and was named informally the Second Wall Creek sand by Richardson (1957). It is also informally called the "Second Wall Creek sandstone" or "Second Frontier sandstone'' (Barlow and Haun, 1966, p. 2185). In the vicinity of Kaycee, the sandstone is as much as 63 m thick and forms a prominent light-gray questa. This unit of sandstone, which is overlain by the Soap Creek Bentonite Bed (fig. 8) of Richards and Rogers (1951), can be divided into two parts. The lower part is about 48 m thick and grades from interlaminated shale, siltstone, very fine grained sandstone, and bentonite at the base, to fine-grained or medium-grained, crossbed- ded sandstone at the top. Cross-strata near the top of this sequence are in tabular sets as much as 30 cm thick. The lower part of the Second Wall Creek sand is mostly friable, but near the top it includes brownish- gray, calcareous concretions as large as 3 m in diameter. These concretions contain scattered pebbles of chert, fossilized fragments of burrowed wood, Ophiomorpha, and molluscan fossils. The upper part of the Second Wall Creek sand con- sists mainly of interstratified very fine grained and fine grained sandstone and less dark-gray and brownish-gray shale. A thin bed of conglomerate oc- curs near the top of the sequence. This conglomerate is as much as 30 cm thick and contains pebbles of chert and igneous rocks as much as 8 cm long. Sandstone beds near the base of the sequence contain burrows, and those in the upper part of the unit are cross- stratified. The uppermost unit of sandstone (not designated specifically by Richardson) in the Belle Fourche Member of the Kaycee area is about 14 m below the top of the member (fig. 8) and ranges in thickness from about 6 m to 23 m. These rocks are poorly cemented, although they contain hard, calcareous concretions, and the unit generally crops out as a weak ledge. Most of the sandstone is medium gray, very fine grained to fine grained, and poorly sorted, and contains burrows and molluscan fossils. The upper part of the unit con- tains scattered coarser grains and pebbles as large as 4.5 ecm long and locally includes beds of conglomerate as much as 1 m thick. The pebbles consist largely of chert and quartz. At some outcrops, the upper part of the unit is cross-stratified and provides evidence of southward-flowing paleocurrents. In core from borehole 2 (figs. 1 and 8), most of the shale in the Belle Fourche Member is dark gray, silty, non-calcareous, and interlaminated with siltstone, which is generally medium gray, argillaceous or sandy, and noncalcareous. However, near the top of the Belle Fourche Member, these rocks are mainly calcareous. The laminae of shale and siltstone are discontinuous and are either even and parallel or wavy and non- parallel. Flaser and lenticular bedding are common ex- cept at the base and top of the member. Most of the shale and siltstone contains small horizontal burrows, 16 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING and some units are bioturbated. Where interstratified with sandstone, the shale and siltstone commonly con- tain Siphonites. Samples of shale from depths of 87 m, 137 m, 223 m, and 277 m in borehole 2 were analyzed by X-ray dif- fraction. They contain quartz, plagioclase, potassium felspar, mixed-layer clays, and mica-illite. The sample from a depth of 87 m also contains calcite, dolomite, sodium montmorillonite, and minor chlorite or kaolinite. At a depth of 137 m, the shale includes dolomite, kaolinite, and minor chlorite. The sample at 223 m includes sodium montmorillonite and less chlorite and kaolinite. The organic composition of the sampled shale was described by Merewether and Claypool (1980) and is summarized in table 1. These strata are in an early stage of the hydrocarbon-forming process and most of them are potential source rocks for gas. The sandstone in the core from borehole 2 (fig. 8) is mainly light gray, very fine grained, silty, and non- calcareous. Richardson's (1957) Third Wall Creek sand, the lowest prominent unit of sandstone at outcrops in the area, is represented in the core by interbedded and interlaminated siltstone, shale, bentonite, and very fine grained sandstone. These beds and laminae are largely discontinuous, wavy, and nonparallel, and com- monly enclose small, horizontal burrows. They show flaser and lenticular bedding and slump structures. The thick unit of sandstone (the Second Wall Creek sand) near the middle of the Belle Fourche Member can be divided into two parts in the core. The lower part, which is about 48 m thick, grades from interlaminated shale, siltstone, and very fine grained sandstone at the base, to thinly bedded, fine-grained and medium- grained sandstone at the top. These rocks contain laminae and abundant fragments of coaly material. Strata in this sequence are discontinuous, wavy, and nonparallel at the base (some flaser bedding), bio- turbated near the middle, and cross-stratified near the top. The lower half of the sequence contains small, horizontal-to-vertical burrows and Siphonites. Near the top of the sequence, small, horizontal-to-vertical burrows and Ophiomorpha are common. The upper part of the sandstone unit, which is about 15 m thick, comprises even, parallel laminae and very thin beds of very fine grained sandstone. However, near the top of this sequence, some beds are fine grained and medium grained, and contain scattered coarse grains and small pebbles. Many of these strata are thinly laminated to very thinly bedded and are discontinuous, wavy, and nonparallel. Some of the upper part of the sandstone unit is bioturbated. Small, horizontal and vertical bur- rows are abundant. A Rhizocorallium was found near the base of this sequence, and sparse Ophiomorpha and Siphonites occur near the top. The uppermost of the three prominent units of sand- stone (not named by Richardson) in the Belle Fourche Member is about 23 m thick in the core (fig. 8). This unit, near its base, is composed of interlaminated shale, siltstone, and very fine grained sandstone. These rocks contain comparatively abundant, very fine to coarse fragments of coaly matter. Most of the laminae are discontinuous and are either wavy and nonparallel or even and parallel. Flaser bedding occurs rarely. Overlying the basal strata is a sequence of laminae and very thin beds of bioturbated, very fine grained and fine-grained sandstone. At the top of the unit, the sandstone is fine grained and coarse grained, and con- tains a few very coarse grains of chert and quartz. These strata are laminated to thin bedded and are discontinuous, wavy, and non-parallel. In this upper- most unit of sandstone, small horizontal burrows are common, and some beds are bioturbated. The unit con- tains sparse molluscan fossils. Samples of sandstone from the core, from depths of 99 m, 143 m, and 150 m, were analyzed by X-ray dif- fraction and viewed with a SEM. All of the samples contain quartz, sodic plagioclase, potassium feldspar, clay minerals, and dolomite. The clay, which is mostly authigenic, is dominantly kaolinite at a depth of 99 m in the uppermost unit of sandstone in the Belle Fourche and largely sodium montmorillonite at depths of 143 m and 150 m, in the thick unit of sandstone near the middle of the member. The petrology of some of the sandstone in the Frontier of Wyoming was summarized by Goodell) (1962, p. 206-208). In thin sections, the sandstone in the Belle Fourche Member, at depths of 99 m, 104 m, 150 m, 164 m, and 242 m, is composed mainly of angular to subrounded grains of quartz, chert, and feldspar, and sparse biotite and chalcedony. Many grains are corroded (fig. 9) and have been partly re- placed by clay at depths of 150 m and 242 m, and by dolomite and calcite at depths of 99 m, 104 m, and 164 m. The sample from a depth of 99 m contains a few euhedral and subhedral crystals of quartz which are probably sand grains with overgrowths. It can be in- ferred from thin sections that the grains were subangular to subrounded prior to diagenesis. Sandstone in the core, from depths of about 99 m, 104 m, 150 m, 164 m, and 242 m, was analyzed to determine grain sizes. The thin sandstone at 242 m, which grades laterally into Richardson's (1957) Third Wall Creek sand, consists mostly of fine sand. For the sand grains in this sample, the mean size is 2.79 phi (fine sand), the standard deviation is 0.51 phi (moderately well sorted), skewness is -1.00 (strongly coarse skewed), and kurtosis is 3.88 (extremely lepto- kurtic). The samples from depths of 150 m and 164 m MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 17 o 100um M rion onine iene ir FiGurRE 9.-Corroded grains (cg) of quartz (q), chert (ch), and feldspar (f) cemented by calcite (c) in a thin section of sandstone of the Belle Fourche Member, from a depth of 164.4 m in borehole 2. are from the upper part of Richardson's (1957) Second Wall Creek sand, which is near the middle of the Belle Fourche Member. For the sand grains at 164 m, the mean size is 2.31 phi (fine sand), the standard deviation is 0.52 phi (moderately well sorted), skewness is +0.49 (strongly fine skewed), and kurtosis is 2.57 (very lepto- kurtic). The sand in the sample from 150 m has a mean diameter of 2.62 phi (fine sand), a standard deviation of 0.42 phi (well sorted), a skewness of -0.02 (nearly sym- metrical), and a kurtosis of 2.45 (very leptokurtic). Samples of the uppermost unit of sandstone in the Belle Fourche were obtained from the core at depths of 99 m and 104 m. They were collected from the upper part of the unit. At 104 m, the sand grains have a mean diameter of 2.26 phi (fine sand), a standard deviation of 0.48 phi (well sorted), a skewness of +0.25 (fine skewed), and a kurtosis of 3.40 (extremely leptokurtic). At 99 m, the sand grains have a mean diameter of 1.87 phi (medium sand), a standard deviation of 0.64 phi (moderately well sorted), a skewness of +0.22 (fine skewed), and a kurtosis of 2.63 (very leptokurtic). In summary, these samples include clay, silt, and very fine to medium grains of sand, but they are moderately well sorted to well sorted. Furthermore, four of the samples are dominantly fine grained and one is dominantly medium grained. The skewness varies between strongly coarse skewed and strongly fine skewed, but the kurtosis is more consistent, from very leptokurtic to extremely leptokurtic. Before post depositional alteration, these sandstone units prob- ably contained little clay, were generally well sorted, and consisted mainly of subrounded grains. These rocks are interpreted to be texturally mature. Outcrops of the Belle Fourche Member in southern Johnson County contain molluscan fossils of middle and late Cenomanian and earliest Turonian age. Representative collections of these fossils are: USGS D9829, SW1/4 sec. 7, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from small limestone concretions about 1 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Mytiloides subhercynicus (Seitz)? Placenticeras? sp. USGS D5725, SW1/4 sec. 2, T. 43 N., R. 82 W., from top of sand- stone unit about 10 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Phelopteria sp. Inoceramus pictus Sowerby Ringicula? sp. Sciponoceras gracile (Shumard) Worthoceras vermiculum (Shumard) Scaphites sp. Neocardioceras? sp. Placenticeras sp. Metoicoceras sp. USGS D5723, SW1/4 sec. 2, T. 43 N., R. 82 W., from septarian concretions in a sandstone unit, about 19 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Inoceramus pictus Sowerby Sciponoceras sp. Dunveganoceras albertense (Warren) Metoicoceras muelleri Cobban USGS D9789, SW1/4 sec. 15, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from septarian concretions in sandstone unit, about 25 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Inoceramus ginterensis Pergament Tarrantoceras sp. Dunveganoceras albertense (Warren) Metoicoceras sp. USGS D9814, NW1/4 sec. 22, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from sandstone concretions about 42 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense (Reagan) USGS D9812, NW1/4 sec. 22, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from limestone concretions in shale about 52 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Stomohamites sp. Tarrantoceras sp. Plesiacanthoceras wyomingense (Reagan) USGS D6947, NE1/4 sec. 27, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from sandy limestone concretions in siltstone, about 54 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. 18 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING Inoceramus arvanus Stephenson Ostrea beloiti Logan Acanthoceras amphibolum Morrow USGS D8465, SW1/4 sec. 2, T. 48 N., R. 82 W., from calcareous sandstone concretions in sandstone, about 71 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Inoceramus pictus Sowerby Acanthoceras pepperense Moreman USGS D9817, SE1/4 sec. 35, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from ferruginous, silty concretions about 105 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Inoceramus cf. I. arvanus Stephenson Ostrea beloiti Logan Acanthoceras cf. A. alvaradoense Moreman USGS D9801, W1/2 sec. 13, T. 42 N., R. 82 W., from ferruginous, silty concretions about 132 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Ostrea sp. Turrilites (Euturrilites) scheuchzerianus Bose Acanthoceras muldoonense Cobban and Scott USGS D9807, NE1/4 sec. 10, T. 42 N., R. 82 W., from calcareous silty concretion about 133 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Inoceramus eulessanus Stephenson Arrhoges? sp. Acanthoceras muldoonense Cobban and Scott Borissiakoceras compressum Cobban USGS D9850, SW1/4 sec. 13, T. 42 N., R. 82 W., from calcareous concretion about 135 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Inoceramus macconnelli Warren Exogyra sp. Calycoceras (Conlinoceras) tarrantense (Adkins) USGS D9805, SW1/4 sec. 12, T. 42 N., R. 82 W., from calcareous concretion about 142 m below the top of the Belle Fourche Member. Inoceramus eulessanus Stephenson Borissiakoceras compressum Cobban Johnsonites sulcatus Cobban Apparently, the Belle Fourche Member in southern Johnson County was deposited mainly in shallow- water, nearshore-marine environments near a wave- dominated, high-destructive delta (Merewether and others, 1979), Some of the sandstone bodies represent nearshore bars (Merewether and others, 1979, p. 80), which accumulated in response to southeast and southwest-flowing currents (Towse, 1952, figs. 6 and 8). The uppermost beds of most sandstone units are locally composed of conglomeratic sandstone or conglomerate which probably was deposited on beaches and in tidal channels. However, Richardson's Third Wall Creek sand (1957), in the lower part of the Belle Fourche, is a thick, linear, southeast-trending body that appears to be a distributary channel deposit. WALL CREEK MEMBER The Wall Creek Member, which disconformably overlies the Belle Fourche Member near Kaycee, is 29-38 m thick at most outcrops and boreholes in the area. However, where cored in borehole 2, the Wall Creek is about 27 m thick. In southern Natrona County (fig. 1), the Wall Creek disconformably overlies the unnamed member of the Frontier (fig. 2). At outcrops in southern Johnson County (fig. 8), the Wall Creek grades from interlaminated shale, silt- stone, and very fine grained sandstone at the base of the member to fine-grained, cross-stratified sandstone at the top of the member. The shale is mainly dark gray to olive gray, silty, and noncalcareous. Most of the siltstone is medium gray, clayey or sandy, and non- calcareous. In the lower part of the Wall Creek, these rocks generally contain small septarian concretions which are sparsely fossiliferous. The sandstone in the basal part of the member is medium gray to light brownish gray, horizontally laminated, and contains horizontal burrows. Near the top of the member, the sandstone is light gray to yellowish gray, irregular- bedded and planar crossbedded, and contains horizon- tal and vertical Ophiomorpha and other burrows. The crossbeds indicate southeast-flowing paleocurrents (Towse, 1952, fig. 10). Where cored in borehole 2 (fig. 8), the Wall Creek Member consists of, in ascending order: interlami- nated, dark-gray, silty shale and medium-gray, sandy siltstone; medium-gray, argillaceous and sandy siltstone; medium-gray, silty, very fine grained sand- stone; and interstratified light-gray, very fine grained, slightly calcareous sandstone and minor medium-gray, silty shale. The laminae of shale and siltstone are mostly discontinuous, wavy, and nonparallel, and en- close small horizontal burrows. Some interlaminated shale, siltstone, and sandstone in the lower part of the member show flaser bedding. Much of the sandstone in the Wall Creek at borehole 2 consists of well-sorted, angular to subrounded grains and appears to have good porosity. Most of the sandstone contains fine fragments of coaly matter, and some contains rip-up clasts of shale. The silty sandstone is commonly bioturbated. In the upper part of the member, the slightly calcareous sandstone has microcross- laminations and discontinuous, wavy, nonparallel laminations, and it contains small horizontal burrows. Shale in the Wall Creek at a depth of 82.5 m in borehole 2 was analyzed by X-ray diffraction. It con- sists mainly of quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, dolomite, mica-illite, chlorite, and mixed-layer clays. The organic composition of the shale at a depth of 82.6 m is shown in table 1. Merewether and Claypool (1980) concluded that these strata are thermally im- mature but may be potential source rocks for natural gas. Sandstone in the member, at a depth of 58 m in borehole 2, is composed largely of quartz, calcite, MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 19 o 100um FIGURE 10.-Angular to subrounded grains of quartz (q), chert (ch), and feldspar (f), cemented by calcite (c), in a thin section of sandstone of the Wall Creek Member, from a depth of 57.9 m in borehole 2. potassium feldspar, kaolinite, and mica-illite. Clay minerals make up 5-10 percent of the sampled bed and are mainly authigenic. SEM micrographs of the rock show subangular sand grains, interlaminated crystals of kaolinite, and moderate porosity (Merewether and others, 1976, fig. 8). Thin sections of the sandstone at depths of 58 m and 63 m show angular to subrounded grains of quartz, chert, feldspar, and minor biotite. The grains of quartz and feldspar are commonly corroded and have been partly replaced by calcite (fig. 10). Most of the sand was probably subrounded when deposited. Samples of sandstone from depths of 58 m and 63 m were analyzed to determine the size and sorting of the constituent grains. The sand at a depth of 63 m is mainly fine grained (mean size 2.54 phi) and well sorted (standard deviation 0.48 phi). For this sample, the skewness is -0.03 (nearly symmetrical) and the kur- tosis is 2.86 (very leptokurtic). A sandstone near the top of the Wall Creek, at a depth of 58 m, is also largely fine grained (mean size 2.37 phi) and well sorted (stand- ard deviation 0.43 phi). However, the skewness is 0.34 (strongly fine skewed) and the kurtosis is 3.03 (extrem- ely leptokurtic). When deposited, the sand contained little clay, was well sorted, and consisted mostly of subrounded grains. The sampled sandstone of the Wall Creek may be either texturally mature or texturally supermature. The Wall Creek Member in the vicinity of Kaycee contains invertebrate fossils of late Turonian age which are typified by Scaphites whitfieldi Cobban. Representative collections of the fossils are: USGS D9792, NW1/4 sec. 1, T. 42 N., R. 82 W., from a sandstone concretion about 7 m below the top of the Wall Creek Member. Inoceramus perplexus Whitfield Scaphites whitfieldi Cobban Prionocyclus novimexicanus (Marcou) USGS D8489, SW1/4 sec. 7, T. 41 N., R. 80 W., from small septarian concretions about 10 m below the top of the Wall Creek Member. Inoceramus perplexus Whitfield Prionocyclus novimexicanus (Marcou) In the southern part of Johnson County, the Wall Creek Member grades from interlaminated siltstone and shale at the base of the member to cross-stratified, well-sorted sandstone at the top of the member. These rocks contain burrows and molluscan fossils of marine origin and are interpreted to have been deposited in shallow water near the western margin of a high- destructive, tide-dominated delta (Merewether and others, 1979, p.89-91). The sandstone of the member near Kaycee probably accumulated as a submarine off- shore bar. CODY SHALE Hares and others (1946) applied the name Cody Shale to the thick body of gray shale that conform- ably overlies the Frontier Formation on the west flank of the Powder River Basin. In the lower part of the Cody, the basal unit of noncalcareous shale and the overlying unit of calcareous shale were called the Sage Breaks Member and Niobrara Member, respectively, by Merewether and others (1977). SAGE BREAKS MEMBER In the southwestern part of the Powder River Basin, the lower part of the Sage Breaks Member of the Cody interfingers with the upper part of the Wall Creek Member of the Frontier (Haun, 1958, p. 84). On the western flank of the basin in Johnson County, the Sage Breaks is conformably overlain by the Niobrara. 20 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING The Sage Breaks Member, which consists mainly of soft, gray shale and many septarian concretions, rarely crops out and generally forms a topography of little relief. In boreholes in the vicinity of Kaycee, the member is generally 65-70 m thick. The lower part of the Sage Breaks, where cored in borehole 2, is about 57 m thick. Outcrops of the member near Kaycee are composed of dark-gray, silty shale and lesser medium- gray to dark-gray, clayey or slightly sandy siltstone (fig. 8). These rocks enclose many layers of septarian calcareous concretions and limestone concretions, which are as much as 1 m in diameter and are sparsely fossiliferous. Core of the Sage Breaks from borehole 2 is composed largely of silty shale and argillaceous siltstone, which are medium gray to dark gray and locally slightly calcareous. Scattered grains of mica and pyrite were identified in hand specimens of the core. Most of the Sage Breaks is thinly laminated to laminated. The laminae are mainly discontinuous and either wavy and parallel or even and parallel; however, some are wavy and nonparallel. Core from the lower part of the member has minor flaser and lenticular bed- ding. Many laminae are bioturbated or enclose small horizontal burrows and Siphonites. They also contain fossil mollusks and foraminifera. A sample of core from a depth of about 49 m, in the lower part of the Sage Breaks, was analyzed by X-ray diffraction and by thermal evolution and combustion procedures. The sampled shale contains quartz, plagio- clase, potassium feldspar, dolomite, mica-illite, chlorite, and mixed-layer clays. The organic composi- tion of the shale (Merewether and Claypool, 1980) (table 1) indicates that the member has some potential as a source rock for natural gas. Outcrops of the Sage Breaks Member near Kaycee contain sparse invertebrate fossils of latest Turonian through middle Coniacian age. Representative collec- tions of these fossils are: USGS D9795, NW1/4 sec. 6, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from shale about 8 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Inoceramus deformis Meek USGS D9826, SW1/4 sec. 6, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from large septarian concretions about 10 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Inoceramus cf. I. lusatiae Andert Anisomyon sp. Eutrephoceras sp. USGS D8492, SW 1/4 sec. 6, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from small septarian concretions about 19 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Inoceramus erectus Meek (early form) USGS D8468, NE1/4 sec. 11, T. 483 N., R. 82 W., from septarian concretions about 44 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Eutrephoceras sp. Proplacenticeras stantoni (Hyatt) USGS D8467, NE1/4 sec. 11, T. 43 N., R. 82 W., from limestone concretions about 53 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Inoceramus perplexus Whitfield Baculites yokoyamai Tokunaga and Shimizu Scaphites corvensis Cobban Prionocyclus quadratus Cobban USGS D9804, SW1/4 sec. 6, T. 42 N., R. 81 W., from septarian concretions about 56 m below the top of the Sage Breaks Member. Inoceramus sp. Prionocyclus quadratus Cobban In southern Johnson County, near Kaycee, the Sage Breaks Member consists mainly of silty shale and con- tains burrows and molluscan fossils of marine origin. These strata accumulated in offshore-marine to open- marine environments of comparatively low current energy during a local marine transgression. Units of shallow-marine sandstone, which are laterally equivalent to parts of the Sage Breaks Member, crop out near Osage, Casper, Rawlins, and Riverton (fig. 1). DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS AND GEOLOGIC HISTORY The lower Upper Cretaceous formations in north- eastern Wyoming are distinctive and represent a vari- ety of depositional environments. Isopach maps of these strata (Merewether and others, 1979) provide evidence that the region resembled the wide-shelf sedimentary model of Asquith (1974; fig. 4) during much of early Late Cretaceous time. His model con- sists of fluvial, paludal, barrier-island, shelf, slope, and basin environments which parallel the shoreline and have a collective width of 322-644 km. The Belle Fourche Shale near Osage, on the eastern flank of the Powder River Basin, is about 115 m thick and consists mainly of shale and siltstone. These rocks accumulated in offshore marine environments, prob- ably on the slope between the shelf and the basin, during early and middle Cenomanian time (fig. 2, zones 1-5). They were deposited during a period of about 2.0 million years (fig. 2) at a vertical sedimenta- tion rate (after compaction) of about 57.5 m per million years. On the western flank of the basin near Kaycee, about 180 km west of Osage, strata of early and middle Cenomanian age make up most of the Belle Fourche Member of the Frontier Formation. This sequence is about 170 m thick and includes shale, siltstone, and sandstone. These rocks were deposited in shallow- marine and nonmarine environments of the shelf, in the distal part of a high-destructive, wave-dominated delta (fig. 11). The rate of vertical sedimentation (after compaction) for this part of the Belle Fourche Member was about 85 m per million years. MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 21 107° 106° I m Buffalo I i sat- JOHNSON COUNTY, e CAMPBELL COUNTY TY UNTY WASHAKIE COUN JOHNSON CO CONVERSE COUNTY Arminto o at , Glenrock 10 0 10 20 30 40 - MILES Loup] 1 1 | ] grimm] T T I T [ 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 _ KILOMETERS EXPLANATION e -- 15 -- _ Isopach line-Showing thickness in meters *2 Borehole-Number designates borehole shown on fig. 1 and table 2 xB Outcrop section or fossil locality-Letter designates outcrop section shown on figs. 1 and 9 FIGURE 11.-Map showing approximate thickness of a representative unit of sand- stone (fossil-zones 5 and 6) in the Belle Fourche Member of the Frontier Formation. 22 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING The Greenhorn Formation of the Osage area is about 85 m thick and is composed largely of calcareous shale and limestone. These beds accumulated mainly in the open-marine environment of the basin during the mid- dle and late Cenomanian and early Turonian (fig. 2, zones 5-11). In the Kaycee area, strata of middle and late Cenomanian and earliest Turonian age (fig. 2, zones 5-10) form the upper part of the Belle Fourche Member of the Frontier. These strata are about 55 m thick. Younger beds of Turonian Age (fig.2, zones 11-16) are missing from the sequence at Kaycee and are represented by the disconformity at the base of the Wall Creek Member. The upper part of the Belle Fourche Member was deposited on the shelf in shallow- marine environments, probably near the seaward ter- minus of a high-destructive, wave-dominated delta. In Weston County, the Pool Creek Member of the Carlile Shale consists of about 23 m of shale and siltstone. These strata accumulated mostly in offshore environments on the slope during middle Turonian time (fig. 2, zones 12-14). No rocks of middle Turonian age occur near Kaycee, in southern Johnson County. The Turner Sandy Member of the Carlile near Osage is about 50 m thick and is composed largely of shale, siltstone, and sandstone. It was deposited on a subma- rine shelf, largely in offshore and shoreface environ- ments, during late Turonian time (fig. 2, zones 16-19). The sandstone probably accumulated as channel fill- ings, nearshore bars, and offshore bars, in the distal part of a tide-dominated, high-destructive delta (fig. 12). The basal strata of the Turner Member at Osage (fig. 2, zone 16) have no age equivalents in the sequence of beds near Kaycee. However, strata near the middle of the Turner Member, which have an estimated total thickness of as much as 18 m, are approximately equivalent in age (fig. 2, zone 17) to the Wall Creek Member of the Frontier at Kaycee. The Wall Creek Member near Kaycee is about 30 m thick and consists of shale, siltstone, and sandstone of shallow-marine origin which accumulated on the shelf in offshore and shoreface environments. The sandstone was deposited as an offshore bar near a tide-dominated, high- destructive delta (fig. 12). In the vicinity of borehole 1, in Weston County, the Sage Breaks Member of the Carlile is mostly slightly calcareous shale and is about 91 m thick. The member was deposited on the slope and in the basin, in off- shore and open-marine environments, during latest Turonian, Coniacian, and early Santonian time (Evetts, 1976). Near Osage, strata of latest Turonian through mid- dle Coniacian age (fig. 2, zones 19-22), in the Turner and Sage Breaks Members, are as much as 85 m thick. This sequence of beds, which was deposited mainly on the slope and in the basin, is about the same age as the Sage Breaks Member of the Cody Shale, where pene- trated by borehole 2 in Johnson County. In borehole 2, the Sage Breaks is about 57 m thick and consists of sil- ty shale. These laminae probably accumulated in offshore-marine environments on the shelf and slope. In conclusion, the slope sediments of the Belle Fourche Shale and the basin sediments of the overly- ing Greenhorn Formation, in Weston County, are about the same age as the shelf sediments of deltaic origin in the Belle Fourche Member of the Frontier, in Johnson County (fig. 13). Furthermore, the two se- quences have similar thicknesses. However, when some constituent stratigraphic units of the same age are compared, the thickness and rate of vertical sedimentation at the two localities are significantly different. The main source of these Cenomanian and lower Turonian sediments was a large delta which probably was in northwestern Wyoming and south- western Montana (Goodell, 1962, p. 204; Merewether and others, 1979). On the east flank of the Powder River Basin, the shale of the Belle Fourche and the overlying calcareous rocks of the Greenhorn are interpreted as evidence of a marine transgression during the Cenomanian and early Turonian. This transgression is also indicated by the areal distributions of successive sandstone units in the Belle Fourche Member of the Frontier, on the west flank of the basin (Merewether and others, 1979, figs. 7-9). A marine regression in the early middle Turonian was accompanied by deposition of the basal beds of the Pool Creek Member and by the truncation of some lower Turonian and upper Cenomanian beds at the top of the Belle Fourche Member in the southwestern part of the Powder River Basin. During this regression, a large delta was developing in western Wyoming which, subsequently, prograded east and northeast to the southern part of the Powder River Basin (Towse, 1952, p. 2001; Cobban and Hook, 1979, fig. 3). Deposition of the middle Turonian Pool Creek and the unnamed member of the Frontier was followed by a regional uplift in the early late Turonian and the erosion of some Turonian and Cenomanian beds in northeastern Wyoming. During the subsequent marine transgres- sion, this truncated surface was buried by shelf sediments, first by the basal Turner near Osage, later by the Wall Creek Member near Kaycee (fig. 12), and still later by the Wall Creek near Casper. The ac- cumulation of the deltaic sediments of the Turner and Wall Creek continued through the late Turonian in this region while the delta front retreated toward the southwest. This transgression, which began in the early late Turonian and continued into the Coniacian in Wyoming, is also represented at Osage and Kaycee by MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 28 107° 106° 105° I I = I KP" Gillette a5 l ' 3 CROOK COUNTY 3ls i "*--" -_ wEsTonNCcounty O 8 > Fal * + % 0/' 6ro’°‘ 1 7 |a 1 C10 ' aw a ix 92 NIOBRARA COUNTY_| Mon/N 'Te Mcove ® 1s PLATTE COUNTY |GOSHEN county | 4-I/vs ® , ® * 1 «Lb/s | a 1 I NATRONA county ** ,'. Glendo 8 %. E $f CONVERSE __| 1 CARBON COUNTY * .° +- , | - ALBANY COUNTY | I FE ®. ® I | f EZ ® * | [ T4/N 7% 1 w S sH/H | X 4 Lamont L Y 1 ou am I I x 1 1 42°- as | EXPLANATION Tumm? 110 210 BIO 4? MILES t 1 t t 1 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 KILOMETERS ---15 -- _ Isopach line-Showing thickness in meters *2 Borehole-Number designates borehole shown on fig. 1 and table 2 xB Outcrop section or fossil locality - Letter designates outcrop section shown on figs 1, 2 and 9 J_LLLL Boundary of sandstone body where removed by erosion during the Turonian FiGURE 12.-Map showing approximate thickness of a representative unit of sandstone (fossil-zone 17) in the Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation and the Turner Sandy Member of the Carlile Shale. 24 PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF MID-CRETACEOUS ROCKS-NORTHEASTERN WYOMING F & c 8 © Osage outcrop section (A) E Secs. 16, 17, 19, 20, and 30, 2 T.46N., Re3wW ., $ Weston County Depositional £ EXPLANATION environment z | % Sandstone 5 € Siltstone -# s = a Shale Offshore marine E (basin and ® Limestone s slope) a 5 a x x x x xx! Bentonite * % L 5 | 5 ~-) Covered interval, e g - o probably shale I | $ £ | 2 Covered interval 5, w Butts Ranch outcrop section (C) E I: a ~a 2 | & f jf 1 41N. .R 81 W. Dominantly 3 s * + + * Conglomeratic 8 | ® Sec. 18, T.4 1N., R.8OW., nearshore» | g | 9 : & | Depositional . Johnson County 19 mance and | a (err iss Sangy w environment deltaic 5 KY 'sst. who Hi -t- (shail) £ Silty I i she 5 Dominantly s= 17 p nearshore- r marine and #. -- -- Calcareous ; : E 5 dellallc ts $ os esse Concretionary € (shelf) Offshore- el . 6 marine p ~- 13 Beds containing Western 4 (bes & Interior Zone fossil % 9s" |; C (fig. 2 & g G P 8 Correlation line at form - i 8 5 2 ation and membe: 0 & G boundaries z C g 5 g Correlation line for el S w Western Interior Zone a 8 E| a tossil W | 5 6 | > a | 9 re c3L E Open-marine s ~~~~~ Correlation line along an 5 (basin?) z: unconformity tt 4 5 £ T 0 P 7 | u 5 § g Dominantly METERS FEET 5 nearshore- 0 0 £ f 5 9 marine and 3 | - deltaic u. o (shelf) 4 % 25 9 1 s 100 F £ © 0 Offshore-marine § (slope?) 6 u ® 8 mal B seers O| Z A ae 2. eze W | | . 2| £ mA mA ~a" t| $ Woes kx "% & | £ £m w "w "k o> & |? 5 & \_ A s | 0 Ge -w Ow -r z 0 | = | 2 aa ¥ E lel &) 3 $ | u 6] © &l & £| & = |S - FIGURE 13.-Outcrop sections and depositional. environments of lower Upper Cretaceous formations in Johnson and Weston Counties. a MID-CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, WESTON AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, NORTHEASTERN WYOMING 25 the slope deposits of the S‘age Breaks. Another marine regression, during the early late Coniacian, caused the disconformity at the base of the Niobrara in the eastern and southern parts of the Powder River Basin. It was followed by another marine transgression and deposition of the Niobrara. | REFERE$CES CITED Asquith, D. O., 1974, Sedimentary models, cycles, and deltas, Upper Cretaceous, Wyoming: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 58, no. 11, p. 2274-2283. Barlow, J. A., Jr., and Haun, J. D., 1966, Regional stratigraphy of Frontier Formation and relation to Salt Creek field, Wyoming: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 50, no. 10, p. 2185-2196. | Claypool, G. E., and Reed, P. R., 1976, Thermal-analysis technique for source-rock evaluation-quantitative estimate of organic richness and effects of lithologic variation: American Associa- tion of Petroleum Geologigts Bulletin, v. 60, no. 4, p. 608-611. Cobban, W. A., 1951, Colorado shale of central and northwestern Montana and equivalent rocks of Black Hills: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 35, no. 10, p. 2170-2198. | Cobban, W. A., and Hook, S. C., 1979, Collignoniceras wooligari wooligari (Mantell) ammonite fauna from Upper Cretaceous of Western Interior, United States: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources wemoir 37, 51 p. Cobban, W. A., and Reeside, J. B., Jr., 1952, Frontier formation, Wyoming and adjacent areas: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 36, no. 10, p. 1913-1961. Collier, A. J., 1922, The Osage oil field, Weston County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 736-D, p. 71-110. Darton, N. H., 1909, Geology and water resources of the northern portion of the Black Hills and adjoining regions in South Dakota and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 65, 105 p. | Evetts, M. J., 1976, Microfossil biostratigraphy of the Sage Breaks Shale (Upper Cretaceous) in northeastern Wyoming: The Mountain Geologist, v. $3, no. 4, p. 115-134. Folk, R. L., 1974, Petrology of sedimentary rocks (2nd ed.): Austin, Texas, Hemphill Publishing Co., 182 p. Gill, J. R., and Cobban, W1 A., 1973, Stratigraphy and geologic history of the Montana Group and equivalent rocks, Montana, Wyoming, and North and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 776, 37 p. Goodell, H. G., 1962, The stqatigraphy and petrology of the Frontier formation of Wyoming, in Symposium on Early Cretaceous rocks of Wyoming an?l adjacent areas: Wyoming Geological Association, 17th Annual Field Conference, 1962, Guidebook, p. 173-210. | | Hares, C. J., 1916, Anticlinfs in central Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 641-1, p. 233-279. Hares, C. J., and others, 1‘946, Geologic map of the southeastern part of the Wind River Basin and adjacent areas in central Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Preliminary Map 51, scale 1:126,720. Haun, J. D., 1958, Early Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, in Wyoming Geological Association, 13th Annual Field Conference, 1958 Powder River Basin, Guidebook, p.84-89. Knechtel, M. M., and Patterson, S. H., 1962, Bentonite deposits of the northern Black Hills district, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1082-M, p. 893-1030. Merewether, E. A., and Claypool, G. E., 1980, Organic composition of some Upper Cretaceous shale, Powder River Basin, Wyom- ing: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (in press). Merewether, E. A., and Cobban, W. A., 1973, Stratigraphic sections of the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation near Casper and Douglas, Wyoming: Wyoming Geological Association Earth Science Bulletin (Guidebook Issue), v. 6, no. 4, p. 38-39. Merewether, E. A., Cobban, W. A., and Cavanaugh, E. T., 1979, Frontier Formation and equivalent rocks in eastern Wyoming: The Mountain Geologist, v. 6, no. 3, p.67-102. Merewether, E. A., Cobban, W. A., Matson, R. M., and Magathan, W. J., 1977, Stratigraphic diagrams with electric logs of Upper Cretaceous rocks, Powder River Basin, Johnson, Campbell, and Crook Counties, Wyoming, section A-A': U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OC-73. Merewether, E. A., Cobban, W. A., and Spencer, C. W., 1976, The Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation in the Kaycee-Tisdale Mountain area, Johnson County, Wyoming, in Geology and energy resources of the Powder River: Wyoming Geological Association, 28th Annual Field Conference, September 1976, Casper, Wyoming, Guidebook, p. 33-44. Obradovich, J. D., and Cobban, W. A., 1975, A time-scale for the Late Cretaceous of the Western Interior of North America, in W. G. E. Caldwell, ed., The Cretaceous System 'n the Western Interior of North America: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 13, p. 31-54. Richards, P. W., and Rogers, C. P., Jr., 1951, Geology of the Hardin area, Big Horn and Yellowstone Counties, Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-111, scale 1:63,360, 2 sheets. Richardson, E. E., 1957, Geologic and structure contour map of the Tisdale anticline and vicinity, Johnson and Natrona Counties, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-194, scale 1:31,680. Robinson, C. S., Mapel, W. J., and Bergendahl, M. H., 1964, Struc- ture and stratigraphy of the northern and western flanks of the Black Hills uplift, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 404, 134 p. Rubey, W. W., 1930, Lithologic studies of fine-grained Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Black Hills region: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 165-A, p. 1-54. Sawyer, M. B., 1977, Image analysis as a method for determining grain-size distributions in sandstones: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-280, 13 p. Towse, Donald, 1952, Frontier Formation, southwest Powder River Basin, Wyoming: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 36, no. 10, p. 1962-2010. Veatch, A. C., 1907, Geography and geology of a portion of southwestern Wyoming, with special reference to coal and oil: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 56, 178 p. Wegemann, C. H., 1911, The Salt Creek oil field, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 452, p. 37-83. # U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980-677-129/54 '% A Ke EM Kut UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1180 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLATE 1 6000 14000 12000 --- 12000 ' pRé¢iPitBTION . s) M/ 0 62 / yé f NG I~ N "157 223. \; (2109.99) 21 / tap (|; 00:04 IO/ (17328; [LOS d & /'? /I | B / /22—O’ M /,/ I Heli \D (J‘G‘QTHQQGQL (280). ~ \\ 4 ~, -[; ----- a ox .. Est C" flee, ~ -gal Peasy §.\\“"~9/°,) ~ ros p é16(158) _.‘(\00/ - “'$ T 8% ts a 15(177) f ¢ o ELRODS _, 100111+) Roek % _/. ILS Pz 9(43)4 ere JH , ) § faile. } 0612(184) [_ of "'o i uef,)_ G2 7 PREQmmT/ON wo 2 F { ,* (130+) _ AGH é / 2/ & e Ap 18266956230 § 'O8(40) _ casina sra FION \\ X) xs 6400 EDcE OF GLACIER \31Y d. L: DYSONAAL, Set f _( ce | EDGE OF GLACIER FROM MAP? / C y J. L; pyson, AUGUST 1932) \‘ § \4 N R - 1| 2% j y As AI X* ~70 § ey." s >- sA («ge " . \ § EXPLANATION 6966202 VECTOR SHOWING DIRECTION AND AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT OF MARKED ROCK Year of initial position and identifying number Year of last recorded position LOCATION AND NUMBER OF ABLATION STAKE-Locations 3, 6, and 8A as of 1961; all others as of 1966 LOCATION AND NUMBER OF TREE MEA- SURED FOR ANNUAL RING COUNT- Showing (parenthetically) number of rings PLANETABLE BENCH MARK SHOWING ELEVATION IN FEET CREVASSE PATTERN ON ICE f Note: All measurements are in feet; to convert to meters, multiply by 0.3048 62270 PRECIPITATION GAGE NO I 00 oe t. tole 4 10000 Base from U.S. Geological Survey, 1950-60 SCALE 1:6 000 Control by U.S. Geological Survey 1000 1500 3000 FEET Topography by Kelsh Plotter methods from > aerial photographs taken Sept. 8, 1960, by National Park Service 500 1000 METERS Emcees md 3 Assumed dang io syslem. : CONTOUR INTERVAL ON ICE AND LAND 20 FEET Dashed contours indicate approximate locations $2323»?ng ”1220" DATUM IS APPROXIMATELY 50 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL f ACCORDING TO TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE, 1968 NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM of 1929 A A' SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST 6600 '- - 6600 ' TRUE NORTH QUADRANGLE LOCATION ~~-_Atigust 1987 _ f -_ ~~ Sw sonce uus maen t " a= = -~ ___ August 19465 \\ September E79758\\\ "ax, § Au £ Ts 26, 1969 "r tr me mae -_ ~ _ | 1000 UPGLACIER 0 DOWNGLACIER DISTANCE FROM REFERENCE POINT, IN FEET B B' NORTHEAST - 6860" SsoUTHWEST 6860 ' - Au . u w _. Too eae! Jas =x Au ie ~~~ ~ QUSt 1 Septem Egg? x, Augus \t\27,@ | 3 1500 1000 UPGLACIER 0 DOWNGLACIER c DISTANCE FROM REFERENCE POINT, IN FEET C' SOUTHWEST NORTHEAST - 6960 ' | 1000 UPGLACIER 0 DOWNGLACIER DISTANCE FROM REFERENCE POINT, IN FEET SCALE 1:3 000 Stilt] 750 1000 1500 FEET 1 I I A I I I 200 300 400 METERS VERTICAL EXAGGERATION X 2.5 MAP AND PROFILES OF GRINNELL GLACIER AE 15 Ple v. 11Go UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1180 PLATE 2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TERMINUS FROM MAP BY J. L. DYSON cp X f : ; ROXxImATE) \; P | B r ~ ¢ .7 TERMINUS 19114 C x(; s T8 j? Q y S g" , G (“OX-i X <\ Ci f ~ A [ in' "fk jIZEfiM/Nus % H byrqra - | \To 350+ -year-old tree / ~y-3$ ‘\ Bi approximately 2850 ( \ C SEPTEMBER 20, 1959 feet from bench mafk 7375 _- F’l/ emf C_! ; \\‘L\ f 1938 TERMINUS FRO 6 ~- MAP BY J. L..DYSON, at: wf '.' YEW“ f EPTE ER 75,_,." 1945-__ /* 49" Unmarked rock Movement too _- small to show EXPLANATION % -*%" vECTOR SHOWING DIRECTION AND AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT OF MARKED ROCK Year of initial position and identifying number Year of last recorded position LOCATION AND NUMBER OF ABLATION STAKE-Locations 1-6 as of 1963, 7-12 as of 1965 PLANETABLE BENCH MARK SHOWING ELEVATION IN FEET CREVASSE PATTERN ON ICE Note: All measurements are in feet; to convert Gunsight to meters, multiply by 0.3048 x- Mountain 9021 8000 Base from U.S. Geological Survey, 1950-60 SCALE 1:6 000 Control by U.S. Geological Survey 500 1000 2000 FEET Topography by Kelsh Plotter methods from aerial photographs taken Sept. 8, 1960, by National Park Service Assumed rectangular grid system TRUE NORTH 200 _ 300 400 500 700 METERS n n c CONTOUR INTERVAL ON ICE AND LAND 20 FEET DATUM IS APPROXIMATELY 50 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL Approximate mean A ACCORDING TO TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE, 1968 peolifiation: ssea A" SOUTHWEST NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM of 1929 NORTHEAST BENCH MARK 7699 A 7700' QUADRANGLE LOCATION 7700' DISTANCE FROM REFERENCE POINT, IN FEET D D' B" NORTHWEST BENCH MARK SOUTHEAST 7699 SOUTHEAST 500 DISTANCE FROM REFERENCE POINT, IN FEET 4 a C' SOUTHEAST |- NORTHWEST 7600 '- NORTHWEST C BENCH MARK | | J.... | 1 1 500 DOWNGLACIER O UPGLACIER DISTANCE FROM REFERENCE POINT, IN FEET SCALE 1:3 000 500 1000 FEET 1 I A I 100 200 300 METERS VERTICAL EXAGGERATION X 2.5 MAP AND PROFILES OF SPERRY GLACIER UNITED STATES DEPARIMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1183 PLATE ! 450 40° igs t C) may Is» Francs "I F- 350 las "t> w a 30° Willamette Lowlands Stockton-Balcones Escarpment 1965 SCALE 1:34,000,000 PHYSICAL SUBDIVISIONS Modified from Edwin H. Hammond Gulf-Atlantic Division Eastern Highland Division Interior Division C] Rocky Mountain Division Intermontane Division Pacific Mountain Division Grand Fork s\“w L 95° | and/ X Milwauke® _, orges CCC ~49* Grand Rapids: isd . MAP SHOWING LANDSLIDE AREAS IN THE CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES By Dorothy H. Radbruch-Hall, Roger B. Colton, William E. Davies, Ivo Lucchitto, Betty A. Skipp, and David J. Varnes U.S. Geological Survey, 1976 Albers Equal Area Projection SCALE 1:7,500,000 a a x o so 100 200 300 400 mies -mm 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 - KiLOMETERS 90° 85° t_" 24 s 54 X 67 LANDSLIDE INCIDENCE High (15% of area involved) Moderate (15%-1.5% of area involved) Low (Less than 1.5% of area involved) LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY High Moderate 30° Susceptibility not indicated where same as or lower than incidence Landslide of special interest. Number refers to publications listed on reverse Italic number shown in upper right-hand corner of a State indicates a general reference for that State Southern limit of Pleistocene continental glacial deposits-Data for area east of the juncture of the Milk River and U.S.-Canada boundary from King and Beikman, 1974. Data for area west of this point from National Research Council, 1945; Crandell, D. R., 1965, modified by data from Waitt, Richard, written communication, 1976; and Colton and others, 1961. (See references at end of text) Isohyets showing 8 or 10 inches of mean annual precipitation (Hachures indicate low side of line). From "Climates of the States'' (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1974) o 29 34 yfimfi ha ; 75° ¢ M Base from U. S. Geological Survey, National Atlas INTERIOR-GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RETON, VIRGINIA-1981 PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1185 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PLATE 1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATION Sample Dated formation Undated - Granitoid numbers or pluton units sequence - Cathedral Peak Granodiorite Quizfydgfize of TUOLUMNE Granodiorite of Kuna Crest Granite of Mono Recesses Round Valley Peak Granodiorite - Granodiorite of Cess) _ Lake Edison 55] Leucogranite of '_'! Big Sandy Bluffs Mount Givens Granodiorite Lamarck l Granodiorite } POWELL MONO PASS KAISER ZV Late Cretaceous Granite of Pellisier Flats Leucogranite of Rawson Creek Granodiorite of Red Devil Lake - } WASHBURN Metavolcanic rock Granite porphyry of Post Peak MERCED PEAK - Granodiorite of Jackass Lakes - Granodiorite of Ostrander Lake Avie _ ce c NX - - Granodiorite of BUENA Y!S x x|x __ # _ _ NX> '" \% Illilouette Creek fCRETACEOUS x x|x x x - - _ | - y f A 7 __ hn ~ ---. \_ _| N a ‘ () - % y Leucogranite of z: (* : i: i: * 24 k; -__ 000 5 . 1! \ - % Graveyard Peak X x x X X \ x . < L Cte M , ‘ HB wi, 1 \ || \ Fay 0 El Capitan 23% ® % \x wa _ ( (\ .. (& . f \ __ 22: 26 Granite X X x. ° X X x Granodiorite of Whiskey Ridge (Granite of |___ staver - Granodiorite of Dimkey Creek \| Granodiorite of £ \22 [> Knowles 3:23 1 4 Oakhurst pluton Early Cretaceous - Plagiogranite of Ward Mountain — Tonalite of Blue C pay. FINE GOLD Granodiorite of The Gateway _ ___ '*; 1g'.<| - Tonalite of 7 S " sug ‘ 37 *- Ross Creek Geology compiled by P.C. Bateman, 1979 S2 - Gest of AGE, 1 1 <] Sawmill Mountain PERIOD IN MILLIONS Guadalupe OF YEARS . - igneous complex - Page Mountain pluton Granodiorite of CEs aes \\\\ \\ \\\\ > \\\ rta .} {t - m _> ~ #:... ay uae. Macey _} + t Granodiorite \ ‘g (K Kf | j Granite of Casa B é) * *~* ®] Diablo Mountain MONO PASS Granodiorite of KAISER TUOLUMNE POWELL o Meant / (4 / I l l SH #." MgggED WASHBURN \ [ BUENA | wo - (4 6 VISTA \ ; FINE GOLD | Cobb Creek JAWBONE JURASSIC pluton Quartz diorite \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ of Granite Creek b Qluartz dioritg of PALISADE E) é Pine Creek mine JAWBONE Me Gfifiiiiviffig $ \ \ \ SOLDIER PASS Quartz monzonite Late Cretaceous CRETACEOUS Early Cretaceous JURASSIC of Beer Creek : A \ \ SOLDIER PASS - Monzonite of Joshua Flat - Don Pedro pluton - Chinese Camp pluton INTERIOR- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON VA- 1980 -G8O159 Thngsten Hills ; Scale 1:500,000 : EXPLANATION Quartz Monzonite Re af gMLEs Wheeler Crest O - ages- Radii equal +2 i I Quartz Monzonite percent of the age (estimated 20 30 40 50 KILOMETERS "26 Granodiorite of analytic error on individual nemen esen aa the Benton Range samples) - m UPPER | /| Ultramafic rocks PALEOZOIC (?) SCHEELITE TRIASSIC SCHEELITE TRIASSIC Optimum average age of each named - -| Country rocks (includes meta- granitoid sequence CRETACEOUS ; A TO volcanic rock of sample 35) PRECAMBRIAN SIMPLIFIED GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE CENTRAL SIERRA NEVADA SHOWING THE LOCATION OF COUNTRY ROCK; GRANITOID PLUTONS, FORMATIONS, AND SEQUENCES; AND DATED SAMPLES CO ened Contact Fault This map was printed from negatives prepared by photographic color-separation of hand-colored original.