7 DAY EARTH SCIENCE IN ‘ THE PUBLIC SERVICE A symposium presented during dedication ceremonies, U.S. Geological Survey National Center, Reston, Virginia, July 10—13, 1974 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 921 Contributions from .' Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources _ Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Oflice of the President Dartmouth College, Department of Earth Sciences Environmental Research Institute of [Michigan Illinois State Geological Survey johns Hopkins University, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Ofiice of Senator Paul]. Fannin Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mineral Economics Resources for the Future, Inc. Syracuse University, Department of Geology U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Geological Survey University of Oklahoma, Science and Public Policy Program Virginia Division of Mineral Resources \fglflr. ("d‘k/ \\/"§@EECEE\E,;,/ ~\ l/‘V EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE A symposium presented during dedication ceremonies, US. Geological Survey National Center, Reston, Virginia, July 10—13, 1974 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 921 Contributions from: Canada Department of Energy, [Mines and Resources Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Oflice of the President Dartmouth College, Department of Earth Sciences Environmental Research Institute of Michigan Illinois State Geological Survey Johns Hopkins University, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Oflice of Senator Paul]. Fannin Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mineral Economics Resources for the Future, Inc. Syracuse University, Department of Geology US. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Geological Survey University of Oklahoma, Science and Public Policy Program Virginia Division of Mineral Resources UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, \VASHINGTON : 1974 tunes UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress catalog-card No. 74-600198 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 — Price $2.15 (paper cover) Stock Number 2401—02594 CONTENTS Welcoming remarks, by V. E. McKelvey, Director, US. Geological Survey _________________________________________________ Geological surveys in the public service, by Charles H. Smith, Assistant Deputy Minister, Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources ______________________________________ New directions for energy policy and analysis, by Joseph L. Fisher, Director, Resources for the Future, Inc. _____________________ Mineral-resource appraisal and analysis, by John Drew Ridge, Head, Department of Mineral Economics, Pennsylvania State University ______________________________________________ Crisis and catastrophe in water-resources policy, by M. Gordon Wolman, Chairman, Department of Geography and Environ- mental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University ______________ Environmental analysis and earth sciences in the public service, by Beatrice E. Willard, Council on Environmental Quality, Execu- tive Ofl‘ice of the President ________________________________ Lease management and resource conservation, by Don E. Kash, Director, Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma _______________________________________________ Resource and environmental data analysis, by Daniel F. Merriam, Chairman, Department of Geology, Syracuse University ______ New directions in topographic mapping. by James L. Calver, State Geologist, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources ___________ Geodynamics, by Charles L. Drake, Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College __________________~________-__. _________ Earth-resource surveys, by George J. Zissis, Chief Scientist, En- vironmental Research Institute of Michigan _________________ Federal interagency coordination of natural-resources studies, by Robert M. White, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration _____________________________________ Land resource—its use and analysis, by John C. Frye, Chief, Illinois State Geological Survey ___________________________________ Technology information transfer, by Joseph S. J enckes, Administra- tive Assistant to Senator Paul J. Fannin ____________________ Interdisciplinary approach to the solution of natural-resources prob- lems, by Nathaniel P. Reed, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks ___________________________ Natural-hazards reduction, by Frank Press, Chairman, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology _____________________________________________ III Page 12 17 28 31 37 46 49 53 57 60 64 67 71 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE WELCOMING REMARKS By V. E. MCKELVEY Director, US. Geological Survey Welcome to our symposium on “Earth Science in the Public Service” and to the dedication of the John Wesley Powell Federal Building. I appreciate your coming—especially our distinguished speakers who have given so generously of their valuable time to come and share their views on the important topics to be discussed here today and tomorrow. The dedication of this building is a fitting occasion for the symposium We are now beginning, for earth science in the public service is, of course, what the US. Geological Survey is all about. Had there been no such occa- sion, however, it would have been desirable to create one, for we are at a stage in this country’s, and indeed the world’s, development where we face critical problems whose solution requires the application and further de- velopment of earth science. Problems of energy, minerals, and water- resource adequacy, of land use and preservation of environmental quality, of the management of the resources of the public lands, and of the reduction of natural hazards are examples of problems in the domain of the earth sciences that are of critical importance to the Nation’s future. It is not only appropriate, therefore, to focus on this topic of earth science in the public service, but urgent that we do so with the greatest perception and imagination at our command. We in the US. Geological Survey are applying ourselves as vigorously as we can to the problems I mentioned, but in planning this program, we expressed our need and desire to have the benefit of other ‘viewpoints. The response to our invitations to speak on these topics has been heartwarming, for our speakers are dis- tinguished leaders in their respective fields, and they have paid us a great compliment in coming to share their views with us. We plan to publish the papers that will be given here today, and I am sure that the result will be a valuable guide not only to us in the US. Geological Survey but to all who are concerned with public problems in the earth-science domain. Again, welcome, and thank you for coming. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE By CHARLES H. SMITH Assistant Deputy Minister, Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources I am honored to have been invited to join and speak with you on the occasion of the dedication of the John Wesley Powell Federal Building—this re- markable building which is named after an outstand- ing geologist and explorer, which represents your National Center for earth studies, and which stands for both the historical past and the future chal- lenges facing the United States Geological Survey. The reputation of the U.S.G.S. extends to all parts of the world, and it is obvious that Major Powell and the other scientists and politicians who were re- sponsible for establishing the Survey in 1879 “planned better than they knew.” The phrase “geological survey” means different things to different people. To some it is the system- atic recording of rock types along a picket line in the bush or a steep mountainside, and it excludes geophysical, geochemical, topographic, and other related surveys of the Earth. To some, the phrase refers to routine work and not to research, which is called instead “geological science” or “earth science.” Modern specialization has led to a multi- plicity of professions, societies, and allegiances, which feel more comfortable under such collective phrases as “earth sciences,” “earth resources,” and “earth surveys.” We increasingly use these latter phrases to the point where people may rightly ask, “What is this institution—the Geological Survey? Either it is misnamed for the scope of its legitimate activities, or, alternatively, it is doing things beyond its mandate. By all the sacred principles of pro- gram planning and budgeting the Geological Survey should cease and desist, cut out these other activities and use the money for geological work in the nar- row sense, or, alternatively, why not rename the in- stitution—perhaps the National Earth Surveys and Research Institution?” It is unfortunately necessary 2 to remind the uninitiated continually that geology means “the study of the Earth”; it is a respected name with a long and honorable history and is not a specialized subdivision of the term “earth sci- ences.” Geology is an integrating science, created directly from man’s observation of natural phenom— ena and his effort to understand them and make use of them, and it is based upon many basic sciences and common sense. I submit to you that the concept of a geological survey in government today is the same as originally conceived by your Powell, and by our Logan, the founder of the Geological Survey of Canada. It encompasses the full spectrum of scientific and technical activities to provide data, information, and advice on the national landmass and its resources, thus ensuring proper husbandry of the land and proper government of the nation. The original geo— logical surveys included not only the full range of earth resource, survey, and science activities of their day, but, in addition, studies of the flora, fauna, and native peoples; the geologists of the day were indeed broad in interests and practice. Today, in many countries, these earth-oriented activities have become increasingly dispersed through a num- ber of organizations, federal, state, or provincial, in universities and industry. Earth-science experi- tise has developed in various parts of government to serve such policy areas as defense, transport, agri- culture, environment, and energy, to name a few. The institution originally named the national geo- logical survey is now a lesser component of the total earth survey-science-resource function of govern- ment than it was when originally formed. Neverthe- less, the need of governments for accurate and timely information on their landmass and its resource base has not diminished, and one of the questions of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE 3 day is the role of responsibility of the national geo- logical survey in providing that information and advice. My thesis is that governments, and the public, need, more than ever, to know in an integrated way about the landmass and its contained resources, and the conceptual model of the original geological sur- veys offers the best means of acquiring such know- ledge as against recent trends of institutionally dis- persing the inventory task. To appreciate a central government’s interests and responsibilities in earth studies, it is beneficial to look back to the early evolution of earth surveys, earth sciences, and interest in earth resources, which resulted in positive action by both our governments to formally establish geological surveys in the last century. Then we might consider briefly the chang— ing policies and thrusts of these organizations over the years, the scope of their involvement in human affairs, and the changing needs of the future. Earth surveys, earth sciences, and earth resources have been inextricably entwined in the support of mankind’s occupation and use .of our planet. One can look far back to the first use of earth resources —flint, chert and other hard stones—for weapons by primitive man. Economic geology may have had its inception with the desire for gem stones and metals by the Egyptians and Greeks. This led to mining activities by the Egyptians as early as 2000 B.C. The early history of earth. surveys, or maps, is not easy to trace, but it is difficult to imagine a time when there were no maps. The ancient Baby- lonians certainly practiced surveying, having made a cadastral survey of their kingdom in 2800 B.C. Earth sciences followed in historical sequence, as mankind developed both the need and the capability to study and understand the mysteries of the Earth, for both intellectual and practical benefit. The great sea voyages of the 16th to 18th centuries sparked research in mapmaking, geodesy, and magnetism. This was the period of Mercator’s maps, Copernicus’ solar system, and Newton’s theory of gravitation. If one were to draw a conclusion from the early histori- cal record, it would be that the conduct of earth sur- veys, interest in the earth sciences, and the develop- ment and use of earth resources grew steadily in response to man’s occupation of the Earth. In critical periods, earth surveys and sciences were of signifi- cant importance. In the last century, at the period of the Industrial Revolution, man’s interest increased remarkably in the search for greater quantities of earth resources. The development of new lands in the Americas not only depended upon the availability of mineral re— sources but also on surveys of and information on the land surface and its potential use. Geology was turning more and more into an exact science based upon a body of clear principles. Geologists ac- cepted the concepts that rocks had formed by proces- ses similar to those in action today; that in undis- turbed strata the upper layers are younger; that fossils change from older to younger beds and can be used for regional or even worldwide correlation. There were strong debates over the sedimentary versus igneous origin of rocks, and considerable progress was being made in establishing a uniform system of stratigraphic nomenclature. It was this fortunate confluence of intellectual ferment, indus- trialization, and settlement that formed the en— vironment for the earth sciences, through geology, to assume a major role in governmental endeavors. Governments have traditionally funded earth surveys in order to eifectively administer the affairs of a land. Most of the earlier applications had cen- tered around military activities and land settlement. In the early years of the 19th century, many States in your country sponsored geological surveys to evaluate the mineral resources and to help with the disposal of State lands. Some, such as the New York Survey, were quite successful, but others were of short duration. It is a mark of the wisdom and fore- sight of a generation, or governments, when major governmental structures are established and main- tained well in advance of a need or crisis. Such events occurred when national geological surveys such as the US. Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada were formally established in the last cen— tury. I do not suggest that these organizations were not needed at the time of their formation—rather, that the needs are greater, far greater, today than when Powell and Logan attended to the creation and development of our broadly conceived Geological Surveys. The directions given by governments to the first directors of these Surveys, many years ago, are as meaningful today as when they were first stated. Clarence King, your first Director, was required to “examine the geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the national domain, and to classify public lands.” William Logan was called upon to “make an accurate and complete geological survey and furnish a full and scientific description of its rocks, soils and minerals which shall be accom- panied With proper maps, diagrams, and drawings, together with a collection of specimens to illustrate the same.” Of course, in neither case did the govern- ments of the day adequately estimate the cost or 4 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE time span of such a task. Nevertheless, they pointed in the right direction and laid the foundation for the earth-resource knowledge base of our Nations today. The Surveys they created have become major instruments of economic and scientific development, with far-reaching effects that have gone beyond our national boundaries. The systematic examina- tion of our national domains over the years has had the dual characteristic of establishing an in- ventory of mineral resources and the facts of nature, through repeated observations. Governments have grown in size and complexity since the early founding years of their geological surveys. They have passed through years of abund- ance and shortages, wars, and depressions. In each case the geological surveys have responded to the challenges placed upon them—to provide the nation with information and advice on its landmass and resources. In their formative years, work evolved around the exploration and settlement of the land. The members of the survey became the foremost authorities on the unsettled regions. Their reports, maps, displays, and lectures drew the attention of governments, industry, and the public to the re- sources and opportunities of the land. Along with their surveys came many scientific discoveries which attracted the attention of the international scien— tific community. The surveys established a close re- lationship with the mining industry, providing in- formation and ideas that guided prospectors to the most promising areas, contributing to the opening of major mining regions and to the development of important mines. At times they were criticized for being too closely involved in the search for, as op- posed to research on, ore deposits. At other times they were criticized for being too academic, or working in geographic areas too remote and inac— cessible for short-term economic development. How- ever, through this complementary relationship, industry and government have been successful in reaching a high level of mineral development in our lands. The geological surveys have also developed their supporting role to governments through the provision of sound information and advice for agri- culture, for the military, for space programs, nu- clear programs, foreign aid programs, earthquake and hazards prediction, engineering work, energy development, and many more. During both World Wars, the survey staff's were engaged in major stra- tegic mineral programs and resource appraisals. Geological surveys today are being put under increasingly severe pressure, probably greater than have existed in any peacetime period since the time of Powell and Logan. Human occupation over the surface of the Earth has grown to such an extent that man is recognized as a significant geological agent. He has touched all parts of the Earth’s sur— face, penetrated the depths of the oceans, and ven- tured into space. What he does not touch, he senses remotely. His erosion of nature’s bounty is putting into question the adequacy of resources to maintain, for the future, established standards of life, and his alteration of the environment has created concerns about his ability to survive under conditions made almost suddenly different from those under which he has evolved. In the last 150 years, man’s develop- ment has not been in the Wise light of integrated knowledge but rather along compartmentalized thrusts. A developing technology and population have dictated at each moment or period of time the meas- ure to which the Earth’s resources are used. A systematic measure of the Earth’s capabilities has not been the standard of man’s discipline towards nature. Such a measure of the Earth’s capacity to stand modifications in its materials and in the regimen of processes should derive from the type of concerted action for which our geological surveys were created. Unfortunately, man’s use of the Earth has outstripped the rate at which the knowledge of our lands and their resource base has been gen- erected, communicated, and understood by policy— makers and the public. The aim of Powell to “edu- cate the nation” has not yet been achieved in any country. The public is now becoming increasing interested and concerned with the results of their geological surveys—and let us remember again the direction to Powell and Logan “to survey the mineral resources.” Now the public and governments are concerned over increased warnings of resource depletion. The Secre- tary of your Department, Mr. Morton, stated recently that “the United States, and the world as a Whole, face a crisis of exhausted natural resources within 25 years unless they act soon to develop the long range planning to prevent it.” There have been equally startling statements about man’s effect on his environment. Who will provide the public with the basic information respecting resource depletion or degradation of the physical environment? I sub- mit that this is the responsibility of the national geological surveys. It might be asked, “Could not this responsibility be undertaken by industry?” The task of gathering information on the mineral endowment and land- mass has been pursued in the United States and Can- ada, since Powell and Logan, by industry, State (or GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE 5 Provincial), and Federal institutions, supported to a lesser extent by university groups. The success of industry, in particular, has resulted from its ability to develop and exploit resource data in a competitive and confidential manner. A great many data have thus been collected by many groups, but they are not well coordinated or synthesized in a national sense. Although industry has synthesized national data for fuels, there have been no com- parable national estimates by industry for the other mineral resources. The separate roles of industry and governments in the process of resource inven— tory over the past hundred years is reminiscent of the situation in the 1870’s, when rivalry between the military and civilian surveys brought disorder to government science, reduced public confidence in it, and resulted in the formation of the U.S. Geological Survey to reduce duplication and increase efficiency! Without belittling the tremendous knowledge and expertise developed by industry, I believe that the public is now seeking its own independent source of advice on the resources and environment of the nations. In our universities and nonprofit research organizations, there are admittedly experienced and interested scientists with interests and viewpoints on the resource base and its adequacy. Their role is extremely important in developing new methodolo- gies and new concepts and in assisting with the major role of educating the public. They lack, how- ever, access to a sizeable data base which permits factual and timely statements on the national and international resource situation today. Can a geological survey produce the timely and meaningful analyses required for the resource and environmental policies of the next decade? For geo- logical surveys to rise to this increasing responsi- bility will require the focusing of talents and eiforts in a manner not unlike that of wartime, but the possibilities of disaster warrant such a reaction, even if only to prove the predictions to be unfounded or premature. However, this advisory activity is fraught with many problems. The time is short. The existing data base is inadequate. A pooling of in- dustrial and government data will be required for immediate effectiveness, along with new programs to obtain data from as—yet—unexplored regions. It is essential to an informed debate that the basic obser— vations of industry and other groups become in- creasingly accessible in the public realm, and new legislation may be required to bear on this problem. That is not all. We know that a single drill hole can still turn a “barren region” into a “Prudhoe‘ Bay.” We must recognize that the methodology for manipulating resource data and forecasting concen- trations in unexplored areas is also inadequate. Much depends upon intuition—or qualitative interpreta— tions. We must look to those experiences in the vagaries of geology to extrapolate, now with the aid of the computer, the possible abundances of metals or fuels in unexplored areas. But how will the quality of their work be tested? It may not be subjected to the test used by industry—drilling—for many years. It may not be subjected to the normal tests of science—the reproducibility of results. Under such circumstances, the whims or judgments of a few specialists can have a major influence on the policies of a nation. In this area of judgment where the facts are not crystal clear, the special interests of scien— tists can easily influence their interpretations. Hence, a new system of checks and balances will have to be developed within the scientific community to test the work and conclusions of their colleagues. It will be a test of our geological surveys Whether they suc- ceed in mobilizing our limited national expertise from all sectors for this work, and thus show true national leadership, or become merely one of a rising babel on the world scene. What additional problems will this create for the geological survey? There will be problems of credibility, as the forecasts change when new information is added. There will be prob- lems of communication in explaining the meaning and variations of resource estimates. There will be problems in confronting professional experts from other sectors, and in debating the technical termin- ology, data, and interpretations in a public forum. However, such debates will have to occur with in- creasing frequency in the technical community, if the people or their elected representatives are to make their own decisions. There will be problems to ensure that the pressures of this work do not cut excessively into the scientific excellence and quality of other essential survey programs. Vigilance will be required to ensure a continuing buildup of the basic geological data and derived information that provide a survey with a springboard for any new thrust, in any direction, arising from the events or concerns of the day. Before closing, I would like to add a word con- cerning the importance of international activities. Study and understanding of the earth is not limited by national boundaries. It is essential that govern- ments, through their survey organizations, work closely together to set the standards and methods for resource estimation. Although there is a trend to consider such information as semiconfidential, it is extremely important, in my view, that such know— 6 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE ledge be increasingly exchanged to provide a better basis for discussions on the resource problems and opportunities of the world. The earth sciences and earth surveys are entering a new era of public service. It is up to the earth scientists and our earth-science institutions to rise to this challenge and to show that the dreams and aspirations of Powell and Logan were not in vain. It is up to the national geological surveys to lead the way by coordinating the many centers of infor- mation now existing across the land and, by building upon their established reputations for excellence and objectivity, to ensure that the public receives the information and sound policies required to meet the new way of life that lies ahead. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE NEW DIRECTIONS FOR ENERGY POLICY AND ANALYSIS By JOSEPH L. FISHER Director, Resources for the Future, Inc. The dedication of the John Wesley Powell Federal Building as the US. Geological Survey National Center is an auspicious occasion for the Nation. The U.S.G.S. has played a major role in the unfolding history of our country: In the development of the earth sciences; in the establishment of standards of excellence in geologic, topographic, and hydro- graphic data gathering, mapping, and analysis; in the opening up of the West and Alaska and now the offshore seas; and in the underpinning of eco- nomic and social progress itself. In these times of widespread disillusion with government and estab— lished institutions of all kinds, Americans can take heart that their Geological Survey holds firmly to its mission of providing objective nonpolitical in- formation of high quality about the land and water resources on which we all depend for both life and livelihood. This is what I mean when I say that this is an auspicious national occasion. I want to deal with some important problems facing this country in energy and to suggest some new directions for policy and analysis. Now that last winter’s energy crisis, problem, or whatever, has eased, we in this country must take care not to revert to old attitudes and habits about energy. We must take advantage of the respite to change our consumption patterns, to try much harder to con- serve energy, and to find new reliable sources of supply. None of this will be easy. The energy future of the United States is vulner- able. Renewed embargoes, higher costs of oil, diffi- culties in preventing environmental problems, exces- sive profits for energy companies, and unrestrained growth in demand can threaten that future. We must do better through national policy and individ- ual action to limit consumption and increase supply. The objectives of low-cost energy, new and diversi- fied supply sources, environmental protection, com- petition among companies, fair taxes, national see curity, and good sustainable relations with other countries must all be served. The energy problems ahead are many and can be a serious threat to the welfare of this and other na- tions and to the peace of the world. If within the next year the United States has not vastly improved its energy policies for both the immediate future and the longer range, an opportunity Will have been lost and much trouble will lie ahead. At this point a short quotation from Art Buchwald is appropriate: Three moving men walked into the office of the Energy Crisis and started taking down the pictures and the graphs. “What are you guys doing?” the Energy Crisis asked. . / “We have orders to move all your stuff out. They’re moving another crisis into this office.” “But I just got here,” the Energy Crisis pro- tested. “Don’t talk to us. We just do what they tell us.” “Why am I being moved out of my office?” the Energy Crisis demanded. “You want it straight? We don’t need you any- more. You’re washed up. Get lost.” Although the oil crisis in the immediate sense has passed, the longer range outlook is full of “ifs,” “ands,” and “buts.” If the embargo is not reinsti- tuted, if the American people will intensify their efforts to conserve, if research and development for coal liquefaction or breeder reactors pays off, if offshore drilling reveals lots of low-cost oil . . . and environmental damages can be contained, and peace can be maintained in the Middle East, and more re- fineries can be built . . . but will oil prices hold at 7 8 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE politically tolerable levels, but will companies accept a reduction of their special tax advantages and still proceed vigorously to expand supply, but will con- sumers—industries, individuals, families—sustain the discipline necessary to reduce their consumption of energy, but will technology continue to provide new practical means for converting energy raw materials into usable heat and power? These are only a few of the “ifs,” “ands,” and “buts” in the American energy future. Many observers believe that this country and the world are passing over a major divide and entering a new watershed in which energy will never again be plentiful and low in cost. They believe that the large boost in crude—oil price forced on the world in late 1973, principally by the Arab contingent in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), marked the end of the era of easy oil, that from here on, 50- to 60-cent gasoline will be the unpleasant fact of life, and that there will be a continual scramble for new sources of oil and gas. Others surveying the same scene are more optimistic. They see higher prices weeding out unnecessary consumption, stimulating new supply, and providing the incentive for conservation. Whatever one’s outlook may be, some fairly basic decisions regarding the direction of future energy policy and analysis seem to be at hand. Here are some of them: 1. Market pricing—or controls. Should the US. Government stand aside and let oil and other other energy commodity prices rise to what- ever level proves necessary to equate the forces of demand and supply? Such a hands-off ap- proach has advantages: Consumer and pro- ducer choices would be allowed to work their way without restriction, price and rationing administration would be avoided, high prices would stimulate the flow of investment funds to expand supply. Politically, however, this approach would not be easy to live with, as many members of Congress will testify, and it would be hard on the low-income group. Also, at least in the short run, higher prices would exacerbate inflation. 2. Drastic alteration of the structure and function- ing of the oil industry—pr business more or less as usual. Large numbers of people are con- vinced that industry, especially big oil, is mainly responsible for the recent energy crunch and has perpetrated a conspiracy to raise prices by withholding supply. Others do not agree with this but nevertheless think that the oil-depletion allowance, foreign tax credit, and other tax advantages should be eliminated or at least reduced. Now is the time to do it, they argue, because prices are very high and the companies would not be hurt. In addition, the case for breaking up the large vertically integrated oil companies through tougher ap- plication of antitrust laws is now being made more vigorously than for some time. This is urgent, so the case goes on, because oil com- panies have been extending their activities far into coal, uranium, and other parts of the energy industry. Finally, support is mounting for direct Government development and opera- tion of commercial-scale yardstick plants to produce shale oil, liquid or gaseous fuel from coal, offshore oil, and nuclear power. The struc- ture and functioning of the oil industry may indeed be in for drastic change. 3. Extension or relaxation of environmental con- trols. The direction of change regarding pro— tection of the environment has been set in the clean air and water legislation of the past few years in response to the so-called environmental revolution which amounted to a sudden percep- tion of increasing pollution, congestion, and landscape degradation. The energy-supply crisis came in on the heels of the environmental crisis, causing a reexamination of the air, water, and other quality standards which had been set, and especially the dates by which the standards were to be reached. The National Commission on Water Quality is a part of this process of reexamination, as are other studies of air-quality standards now progressing in various places. The battle lines have been drawn, and the outcome will hinge largely on what happens in hundreds of specific cases for locating powerplants, relaxing sulfur or other discharge standards, leasing oil lands onshore and offshore, raising electric rates, taxing in- dustrial efliuents, and enforcing regulations. 4. National self-sufficiency—or a world system. The President has announced a goal of US. self— sufficiency in energy by 1980. Prior to the Yom Kippur War, this country was importing nearly 30 percent of its crude oil, 10 percent or so from the Middle East and North Africa. Many regard the achievement of total self- sufficiency by 1980 as impossible and undesir- able as well. Large increases in domestic supply NEW DIRECTIONS FOR. ENERGY POLICY AND ANALYSIS 9 of oil, they state, will take more time and will be costly. The leadtimes for breeder reactors, coal-conversion plants, oil-shale mining and processing, and significant offshore oil develop- ment are quite long, ranging from 3 or 4 years to 10 or 12 for single installations, let alone whole new industries. Furthermore, national self-sufl‘iciency, pursued rapidly and relent- lessly, might upset entirely the applecart of international relations and leave the United States with troubles compounded in all direc— tions. On the other hand, a countercase can be made that Western European countries and Japan would be better off to the degree that the United States is self-sufiicient in oil. There would be less pressure on world oil prices, more Arab oil for them, and larger U.S. domestic production for them, as friends, to draw on should the Persian Gulf source be shut off. The principal opposition to US self-sufficiency, however, comes from internally oriented per- sons and agencies whose profound belief is that problems like oil and energy are world prob- lems and have to be met on that scale. Self— sufiiciency is a flirtation with disaster, they maintain, because it tears the fabric of inter- national cooperation and peace. 5. Stability and manageableness in the international balance of payments—or chaos. Oil selling in the international market at $10, $12, or $15 a barrel, when production costs range from 10 cents to $1 a barrel, when transportation costs to almost any refinery in the world are less than $1 a barrel, and when refining costs are about the same, means huge monetary gains for the exporting countries. Next year, the Middle East and North African oil countries could realize more than $50 billion—perhaps as much as $80 billion—in profits, taxes, rents, or whatever these gains might be called. A]- ready, very large sums in the hands of these countries have piled up in volatile short-term deposits and investments in US. and European banks from which they have been loaned on a longer term basis. The problem of sustaining this kind of international monetary transfer will be severe in the extreme and will call for both national and international policies for long—term investment of these oil funds in the more developed oil-importing countries and in less developed oil-poor countries. Also the situ- ation will call for technical aid and industrial capital to be furnished by the more developed to the less developed countries. Recently I have been advocating an ongoing World Con- ference on Energy and Minerals Policy to cope with these and related problems, perhaps under United Nations’ auspices. mation regarding energy—or privi- secrecy. The energy situation is of such cri ical importance for the national wel- fare, an the state of public confidence in the energy 'ndustries is such that the proprietary aspect f energy information should now be largely liminated. Information from the en- ergy in ustry on reserves, production, ship- ments, processing, sales, prices, costs, and profits om now on should be reported to the Govern ent and made public. The only excep- tion sho Id be in instances clearly and directly affectin military security. The major change being s ggested is for revealing information on rese ves; most of the other information is already made public. This, of course, would raise th hackles in the industry and would constitu e a sharp change from past practice. Howeve , because all major and substantial compani s would be treated alike, no one of them co- 1d easily claim that it would suffer any serious isadvantage because the information reporter is made public. The retention of some, perhaps much, information in a confidential or secre status inevitably will lead to doubts and app ehensions on the part of many people and wou d mean that many companies will con- tinue to be in the unenviable position in which the tru hfulness of what they say will be doubted. Sever 1 reasons for this position are impor- tant. Fi st, the country remains in a serious energy ind which will take some years to loosen. he hard job of increasing supplies, especiall of oil and gas, will take a number of years to complete, as will the job of estab- lishing abits of greater conservation. In this situatio and with this outlook, Government leadersh p is imperative and cannot be exer- cized eff ctively except on the basis of the most , systematic, and prompt information that can be obtained. Second, the information should b kept open and available for public in- spection. There is no other way of convincing people t at games are not being played with the vital public interest. Without full disclosure of 10 EARTH SCIENCE IN information, the widely held belief that some kind of rip-off is going on will not be dispelled. Third, it is unrealistic to expect public support for spending more than $2 billion a year on oil exploration, development, and research gener- ally, much of it for new sources and technolo— gies, if knowledge of known sources and exist- ing technologies is kept locked up in company files. 7. Sustained, long-term, and large research and de- velopment programs—or sporadic hit-or-miss efforts. There can be only one answer to this choice, of course. The problems are how to or- ganize for it, at what scale to carry it on, and how to define priorities and sequences. At pres- ent, energy research and development in the Federal Government is widely scattered among many agencies—the Atomic Energy Commis— sion, the Office of Coal Research, and many others. Each has its own mission, legislative authority, funding, style, and constituency. N o— where is the whole set of research and develop- ment activities brought together, ordered, co- ordinated, and made to serve deliberately chos- en national objectives in an economically and sustainable way. Two billion dollars or more a year for energy research and development is too much to spend in a relatively unorganized way. The heavy emphasis of recent years on conventional and breeder nuclear energy now needs to be reexamined and placed in a larger context of research and development on conver- sion of coal to liquid and gaseous fuel, develop- ment of oil shale and tar sand, offshore explora- tion, solar energy, geothermal energy, and nu- clear fusion. Technology for some of these processes has already been proved; other processes are nowhere near ready for commer— cial use. All of them must be brought together in a long-range program designed to meet an- ticipated needs. Research on environmental protection is equally urgent, as is research on conservation of energy materials and improve- ments in the efficiency of mining, conversion, use, and reclamation. All logic points toward a special, probably new, agency for energy re- search and development. 8. Major changes in life styles—or not. Many im- portant and sensitive groups in this country— many young people, for example—argue and in various ways demonstrate for a more simple style of living and less consumption of energy THE PUBLIC SERVICE and energy-using vehicles and products. Whether this devotion will be sustained into middle age against the lure of creature com- forts and the easy mobility of the auto remains to be seen, but the challenge is serious and the option may well be viable. High energy prices make it attractive, as do its environmental ad- vantages. The typical American uses 40 to 50 times as much energy as most Asians and Afri- cans. People in Europe, Japan, and some other countries enjoy quite good standards of living, in many respects better standards than Ameri- cans do, on half as much energy per capita. Prudence points in the direction of a life style requiring less energy, certainly in the direction of conservation and more efficient use of ener- gy; however, many still regard it as sensible not to reduce consumption or to save on things unless one absolutely has to. 9. New policy-making agencies and processes—or muddle along with what we have. Debate on how to instrument changes in energy policy and programs is hot at this time, in Congress and elsewhere. Most would agree that the Federal Government, and the States and local govern- ments also, need to pull their boots up, reorgan- ize some, and do a better job in energy. At the Federal level, a statutory energy administra- tion has recently been established. A separate agency for research and development, a new Department of Energy and Natural Resources, better coordinating arrangements, and, on the Congressional side, a Joint Energy Committee have been proposed and have merit. Doing nothing, or not much, to improve policies and programs would seem to be a failure of political leadership, which in the face of new and severe problems, the country should not tolerate. The traditional dispersal of energy responsibilities and the resulting poor performance has got to go, as almost everyone would agree. The ques— tion is exactly what changes should be made and how the tasks and responsibilities should be assigned so that decisions on new policy di- rections can be translated promptly, smoothly, and fairly into action. These are some of the major issues in energy that will have to be worked out if the needs of people in this country are to be met in the coming years. The answers are not easy because the problems are com- plex. My own preferences for policy may have been revealed somewhat in my presentation of the main NEW DIRECTIONS FOR ENERGY POLICY AND ANALYSIS 11 issues. They are for a readiness to guide, and if necessary to control selectively and temporarily, the operation of the market in establishing energy prices in these times of rapid inflation; for reduction in certain tax advantages of oil companies; for stout adherence to improving environmental conditions with a minimum of compromises and delays; for a decisive though limited movement in self-sufficiency to lessen the insecurity of too great dependence on uncertain overseas sources of oil; for retaining an international trading and investing system in oil and other energy commodities; for some fairly major changes in life style; and for organizational changes in government to promote an integration of energy policies and programs. My preferences for policy, or those of anyone, will be no better than the facts, the research, and the analysis that underlie them. The Geological Survey is forever extending the facts and improving the re search and analysis. Increasing attention in recent years has been given to offshore geology, to environ- mental aspects of mining and water development, and to satellite and other remote-sensing devices. Eco— nomic analysis has been strengthened; as an econo- mist myself, I would hope that this could be enlarged still more. The Survey might well aim to develop as much expertise in appraising needs and requirements for energy and other materials as it has long had in appraising reserves. It could to advantage probe deeply into the changing structure of demand for the various energy sources as these are utilized in indus- try, transportation, space heating and cooling, and electric-power production. The role of prices should also be considered, and various international factors should be taken into account. A systematic and com- prehensive framework of demand and supply esti- mates, looking ahead to both the short range and the long range, should be the goal. Such a framework, reworked periodically, will reveal many clues as to the priorities of research and analysis on new sources of supply and new technology. Other agencies of gov- ernment can help in this work, but I am urging the US Geological Survey to take the lead. It would be a new and exciting enterprise. The other decisions about energy outlined earlier also call for more study than has been given to them thus far. Much more needs to be known about the structure and behavior of the energy industries, the response of both industries and people to environ- mental controls, the world implications of greater self-sufl’iciency in energy on the part of the United States, the ramifications of the balance of payments problems arising out of the much higher price of oil, and the likely effects of higher prices on consump- tion, new technology, and exploration for new sources of supply. The agenda of future research on energy is a long one, full of interest and excitement. The Government’s role in energy, which involves not only the Geological Survey but all agencies con- cerned with energy, is likely to become more im- portant and, I believe, should become so. It will have to establish the broad objectives—low cost and de- pendable supply, environmental protection, national security, employment—and some degree of consensus as to trade-offs among these objectives. It will have to provide incentives for appropriate private initia- tives and itself perform certain functions. It will have to furnish much more basic information about energy resources, likely future requirements, costs, new technology, environmental impacts, and ways to conserve supplies and increase efficiency in extrac- tion, processing, and use. And here again is where the Geological Survey comes in. Even though an Energy Research and Develop- ment Agency may soon be established to pull together the more applied programs, the U.S.G.S. will still have to be relied on for much of the basic informa- tion and appraisals within which subsequent re- search and development will take place. The higher the structure, the more necessary that the founda- tion be deep and firm. The American people have come to expect excellence from the Geological Survey. This new building, this National Center, especially the people here who will do the work, can be trusted to continue this tradition and to improve on it. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE MINERAL-RESOURCE APPRAISAL AND ANALYSIS By JOHN DREW RIDGE Head, Department of Mineral Economics, Pennsylvania State University “. . . There are only a limited number of places left to search for most minerals. Geologists disagree about the prospects for finding large, new rich ore deposits. Reliance on such discoveries would seem unwise in the long term” (The Limits to Growth, the Club of Home Report, 1972, p. 55). This less-than-optimistic attitude of the authors of the Club of Rome report indicates, if nothing else, that mineral raw materials are so important to the continued industrial life of this Nation that we must obtain the best possible understanding of the quanti- ties of such materials in our subsoil. Although the United States almost certainly can never again be- come essentially self-sufficient in metallic raw ma.- terials, we would be foolhardy not to try to find all deposits of them that exist within our borders. Most present exploration for mineral raw materi— als is carried out by examining what the prospecting organization considers to be the geologically most favorable areas available to it. Such areas are either (1) districts in which workable ore deposits have been found previously, the most favorable sites being those whose geology is decidedly similar to those in which ore bodies have occurred; or (2) districts that do not contain known ore bodies, but that have geolo~ gy much like that of areas that do. Examples of (2) are provided by the recent finding of the zinc deposits of central Tennessee or those of the new lead belt in Missouri. Examples of (1) are furnished by the dis- covery of the Kalamazoo ore body at San Manuel or by the several deposits found around the rim of the Sudbury basin since the end of World War II. In an area in which ore deposits have previously been found, some considerable information is known on the surface geology. In addition, data are avail- able on the subsurface geology because both drilling and mining, as well as surface work, have been car- 12 ried out. This subsurface geology will not, of course, be as well known to a company that does not own one of the ore bodies already being exploited in the dis- trict as to one that does. The first company will, how- ever, have acquired, in one way or another, more knowledge of the character of the rocks in the sub- surface than it would of any area that has not been drilled and mined. Such an undrilled and unmined area may, however, have been mapped and perhaps examined by surface geochemical and geophysical studies. To some extent, the surface mapping and the geophysical work will have provided some in- sights into the character of the subsurface geology, but, at best, the inferences drawn from this work are not applicable more than a few hundred feet beneath the surface. What can be assumed from surface geo- chemical work provides even less penetration be- neath the surface. In any area in which the information derived from the surface is encouraging, the mining company ex- amining the area will lay out a drilling program to provide knowledge of the subsurface. The drilling will be continued for as long as the results suggest that ore has been found or may be found. As soon as the balance of (usually subjective) probabilities ceases to favor the discovery of ore, drilling will be stopped, and exploration will be started in the next (potentially) most favorable area. This method pro- vides a continuously increasing amount of geologic information, but if this information is not deposited in a single repository, it is not readily available to any but the company that acquired it. Thus, as a means of providing a broad survey of what ore might be available in the United States, exploration by indi- vidual companies or groups of companies leaves much to be desired. If a broad survey is to be achieved, several things MINERAL-RESOURCE APPRAISAL AND ANALYSIS 13 must be done. The first of these is to continue, ac- celerate, and refine the surface mapping done by the US. Geological Survey, so that much more of the Nation is covered by geologically mapped quad— rangles than is now the case. The second is for the Survey to continue and expand surface geochemical and geophysical work. The third is for the Federal Government to require that the results of geological, geochemical, and geophysical work done by private firms on Federal lands must be deposited With the Survey and that the Survey integrate this work with their own results. The fourth, and most important step, however, is that we obtain systematically a much greater knowledge of What lies beneath the surface than can be provided by the first three meth- ods of geological information gathering that have just been mentioned. Such knowledge of the rocks at depth can be produced best by drilling on a large scale, the holes being taken down at least 3 miles beneath the surface. This drilling can be done in two ways. The first is to drill areas thought (again mainly subjectively) to be geologically favorable, starting with what are con- sidered to be the most promising, and working out- ward into surrounding ones that show less favorable surface indications of ore beneath. This approach has the advantage of making maximum use of what is known of surface geology, but it confines the pros- pector to rocks and rock relations he already knows to be associated with ore bodies. It provides no basis for bold strides into the unknown. The second ap- proach is based on the premise that much ore lies below the 1,000-f00t outer skin of the crust that we know something about by surface mapping, geo- chemistry, and geophysics. To check the value of this premise, it is necessary to prospect by drilling a regularly spaced series of holes throughout the United States. The only areas not to be drilled would be those now used in such a way that they cannot possibly be profitably subjected to mining operations even if they were to overlie large ore deposits.1 If a second Rand were found beneath Manhattan Island, it would not be good economics to convert that island into a mining camp. Much of the area of the United States, however, is so used at present that a large mine would be more profitable than whatever is being done on that part of the surface today. We will never know What underlies the entire sur- face of the United States unless we look, and regu- larly spaced drilling provides the only systematic method today for such explorations. It can be con- vincingly argued that so much. recoverable mineral and fuel material would be found by such drilling (Grifl‘iths, 1967) that the cost would be repaid many times over. Grifiiths (1967 ; Griffiths and Singer, 1970) has suggested that such drilling be carried out on a grid pattern, the holes being spaced at 20-mile intervals and each hole carried to a depth of 3 miles. This program would require some 7,500 holes and would cost about $3 billion. Griffiths has pointed out that if five circular or el- liptical targets, 28 miles across (the approximate size of major oil fields in the United States), remain undiscovered in this country, they would be found with certainty by this drilling method. Smaller but still large targets, such as major porphyry copper deposits, would be less probably discovered directly, but enough indications would appear in the holes to justify further exploration by a more closely spaced grid. Griffiths has assumed that the mineral raw ma- terials found in this country to date constitute a ran- dom sample of the outer 3 miles of the crust of the contiguous 48 States. This justifies the conclusion that, if the entire 3 million square miles of the 48 States were tested, the area would be large enough and mineral-rich enough for a commercial success to be assured for the drilling program under a wide variety of boundary conditions. Using 1966 data, Grifliths estimated the average value of mineral raw materials recovered from the surface and subsurface mineral deposits in the con- terminous United States. Allowing for the recovery of mineral materials since that date, this average value is now about $250,000 per square mile. The fre- quency distribution of dollar value per square mile for the 48 States is lognormal, having a mean value of about $150,000. The variation from the average is considerable; the value per square mile in Oregon is less than $16,000 and that in Pennsylvania is more than $1,800,000. These data do not mean, of course, that each area of 400 square miles in which each drill hole is centered will contain $100 million of recover- able raw materials, but Griffiths’ calculations show that each 400 square miles would, on the average, contain that dollar value of raw materials. Thus, the entire 3 million square miles of the United States, to a depth of 3 miles, should hold $750 billion of recov- erable raw materials. The best approach to making sure that all such materials are found seems to be grid drilling. 1It should be obvious that such a program of exploration cannot be carried out for minerals alone. It must be designed to look for anything of value within the crust of the Earth. Thus, to attempt to make separate appraisals for oil and gas and for solid minerals is economically and geologically unsound. 14 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE The usefulness of the drilling program would be apparent long before it had been finished, because the information available from any sizable drilled area could be analyzed immediately and made the basis for secondary exploration efforts. It probably would be advisable to fit the primary 20-mile grid to the area of the United States so that, although the drilling would still be done on regularly spaced centers, the holes would miss as many of the known major areas of mineral raw material concen- tration (solid, liquid, or gaseous) as possible. This modification of Griffiths’ concept may be somewhat less than mathematically sound and must be thor- oughly tested to make certain that it does not intro- duce an unacceptable bias into the drilling scheme. In favor of such a nonrandom fitting of the grid is the fact that probably less new data would come from a hole through the rocks of the Butte copper district or those of the East Texas oil field than through those of areas less well known geologically. Probably only by some version of Griffiths’ scheme will it be possible really to understand the ore geolo- gy of the United States and to be certain that all deposits of mineral and fuel materials in the outer 3 miles of the crust of this country would be found. Such an approach would be a radical departure from the system of exploration now practiced, but it should discover the ore potential of the entire coun- try much more rapidly than do present exploration methods. Another mathematically based approach has been developed by Harris and his coworkers (1966, 1969, 1973; unpub. data). His methods, described briefly below, are designed to aid in the determination of areas favorable to ore occurrence through quantify- ing objective and subjective geologic and economic variables and analyzing these mathematically. He deals, however, with areas in which ore already has been found or with areas whose geology is similar to that in which major ore deposits have been discovered. In the first study in this series, Harris (1966) has suggested how to construct an objective model that will associate probability of occurrence of some measure of mineral wealth with the reconnaissance geology of each subdivision (cell) of the area in ques- tion. The model he developed has determined that geologic variables can be related mathematically to the probability of the occurrence of mineral wealth. His quantification of the geologic variables of a geologically known ore-containing area in Arizona and New Mexico in counts, percentages, and lengths produced the values necessary to test his model. He found that multiple discriminant analysis and classi- fication analysis by Bayesian statistics and multi- variate probability constitute a two-phase probabili- ty model that associates probabilities with geologic data and mineral wealth. On the basis of the success— ful test of the model in the area studied, Harris con- cluded that geologic data on a known ore-bearing area can be used to guide exploration in an unknown area of generally similar geologic characteristics. In his paper with Euresty (1969), Harris refined his model to go beyond the assessing, through the quantification of geologic variables of expected gross value of resources to the adjustment of gross value through the consideration of economic factors. The approach means that the geologically determined gross value of a given cell is modified in terms of its location relative to existing markets and transporta- tion networks at a given time. This method, there- fore, may indicate that a geologically less favorable area may have advantages of place at a given time that make it a better area for exploration than one with more encouraging geologic characteristics. Still further studies by Harris, in collaboration with Brock, Donald, and Euresty (Harris, 1973; un- pub. data), have advanced models that also include subjectively determined variables. The subjective material is obtained from estimates by geologists knowledgeable in the area under study as to the probabilities of the occurrence of ore in regularly or randomly arranged cells. These methods are designed to work from known to less well known but geologically similar areas and are confined in their scope by this approach. They provide, nevertheless, excellent supplements to the study of areas in which only the surface geology is known. Further, they can be adapted to the inte- gration of the geology determined by Grifl‘iths’ grid drilling with what surface geology is known in each drill-hole area. It is, of course, apparent that such a huge number of holes to such considerable depths (as Griffiths’ method would require) would not be within the finan- cial resources of any one mining or petroleum com- pany or even of a consortium of them. Thus, it seems obvious that, as the program here outlined must be planned and executed as a unit, it must be carried out by the Federal Government, through the agency of the US Geological Survey. The results must be made public property as soon as a sufficient number of holes to give significant geologic results have been drilled in any one major part of the continental area of the United States. Once any major segment of the drilling has been completed, the data from that and MINERAL-RESOURCE APPRAISAL AND ANALYSIS 15 all other sources should be analyzed, probably by the Survey’s Computer Resources Information Bank (CRIB), supplemented by models of the Harris type. Then, appropriate areas should be offered for lease to mining companies for further and more detailed ex- ploration in somewhat the same manner that areas are offered for lease in the potentially oil- and gas- bearing regions of the Continental Shelf. For such a program to operate efliciently, the areas offered for lease would have to be large enough to contain possi- ble worthwhile targets and yet not so large that they would be too expensive for any one company to ex- plore in the time allowed before all interest in the leased area would have to be given up. Areas already being actively prospected by companies or consortia would not be offered for lease to other mining organi- zations, but safeguards would have to be established to make certain that areas claimed to be under an active program of prospecting actually were being so studied. For this program to function properly, it probably would be necessary for the US. Govern- ment to take over all mineral rights to all land in the Nation (except areas being actively mined or pros- pected) under its power of eminent domain. At the same time, the Government would have to guarantee to the owner of the surface rights, adequate com- pensation for any damages done to the surface, and to the owner of the mineral rights, royalties for any material that might be removed from the ground in any manner. Legal arrangements would have to be made to insure that surface damage and environ- mental impact were held to a minimum and that the surface of the land ultimately would be restored to usable conditions, whether or not the exact contours of the original surface were actually duplicated. Drilling would be a waste of time and money if it were done in centers of considerable population or industrial activity, but with such advances in tech- nology as solution mining, much more of the sub- surface could probably be mined than would at first seem possible. The amount of surface and environ- mental damage caused by the recovery of oil is less great than that caused by mining, but whatever the exploiting process, all surface areas would have to be restored. For any tract leased, a time limit would have to be placed on exploration, with provisos that part of each tract be relinquished by the private exploration or- ganization at regular time intervals so that, at the end of a period of perhaps 6 to 8 years, the exploring group would be left with one-quarter of the original tract, which it must either exploit or drop after a further period, perhaps 2 or 3 years. The prospector- discoverer would have the right, against all other persons, to obtain the mining rights to the final re- maining fraction of his exploratory lease, but he would not be obligated in any way to establish a mine in the area unless he wished to do so. If the prospector-discoverer and the owner of the mineral rights, whether a private person or the Federal or a State Government, were unable to reach agreement on the payments to be made for the mining rights, either party could appeal to a specifically created Government judicial or quasi-judicial body to decide what recompense the owner of these rights should receive. Although the granting of rights to mine and to prospect would limit the rights of the individual property owner, the owner would not lose his proper- ty permanently, as he does when the Federal Govern- ment expropriates property for such uses as roads and public buildings. Therefore, under the right of eminent domain, the Government would probably find it constitutionally possible to enact such legisla- tion as I have outlined to encourage exploration and the exploitation of the Nation’s natural resources. All geological, geophysical, and geochemical infor- mation obtained in the course of exploration and min- ing of leased tracts would have to be made available to the appropriate agency of the Federal Government (the US. Geological Survey). Further, the Federal Government would be able, after a stipulated lapse of time, to make public this information in connection with other requests for bids for exploration rights to parts of the original lease not retained by the original leasee. It should be emphasized that the information de- rived from the grid drilling is to be integrated With known surface geology and that the mapping and geophysical and geochemical work of the Survey should build on and expand the data provided by drilling. Thus, the Survey’s surface programs proba- bly would be concentrated around those holes that gave the greatest indications of valuable mineral raw materials at depth (solid, liquid, or gaseous), thereby helping to add more rapidly to the workable mineral reserves of the Nation. It might be argued that the assignments of rights to prospect would be on sounder legal grounds if they were granted under the auspices of the several States. The confusion that would result from 50 different controlling sets of laws and governing bodies might be obviated by the preparation of a model statute for such control and its adoption by the 50 States. However, areas geologically suitable for exploration may well overlap State boundaries, 16 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE and, even if the same laws were applicable in the two or more States involved, the obtaining of a geo- logically viable concession would be complicated by the need to consult, negotiate with, and report to, at least two administrative bodies and to comply with the requirements of no less than two sets of inspec- tors. Nor would the information obtained by work in more than one State be as easily collated and dis- tributed as it would be if a single Federal agency (the US. Geological Survey) were to control the granting and operation of prospecting concessions. Tax laws would have to be altered to permit ex- ploration costs to be deducted as current expenses by the exploring organization. Further, these laws should allow any actual exploitation, perhaps by a reduced depletion allowance, to be carried out a fraction more profitably than if the sums spent in exploration and exploitation had been invested in any average type of economic activity within this country. No company, consortium, or individual, is going to invest money in petroleum or mineral ex- traction for fun. Such work is done in the hope of making a profit. There are sound arguments for con— sidering mining or petroleum recovery as a more hazardous way of investing funds than in, say, the making of shoes or the manufacture of flour. There- fore, a somewhat higher rate of return must be al- lowed the exploiting organization either through tax concessions or higher prices. This remains true despite the current agitation against “windfall” profits. If the first method is adopted, the cost of sup- plying minerals or fuels from our subsoil would be borne by the general public. In the second, the actual consumers of the materials so produced would bear the cost. Because of the widespread use of minerals and fuels or of the products made from them, either method would bear about equally on the average consumer. Much of the mineral-bearing rock found by, or with the help of, grid drilling might not at present be exploitable competitively with ore bodies now be- ing mined, here or abroad. As world requirements grow and technology advances, however, more and more of the mineral material so discovered will come to be profitably mineable. Thus, returns will be achieved from the information developed by the grid drilling pro-gram far into the future. The program here suggested is not designed to be a gigantic boondoggle but to be an economically sound method of achieving complete knowledge and recovery of the mineral and fuel resources that are available within the continental limits of the United States. Such a system could also be applied to Alaska, or to any major area of the world for that matter, with equal opportunities for success. It is readily apparent that the scheme just out- lined to promote prospecting and exploitation of min- eral resources in the United States would have to be developed in much greater detail than I have pre sented here. If this program is to be implemented effectively, it must consider not only exploration and exploitation but also the protection of society in gen- eral against the ill effects of such activities. Careful and sound planning of these discovery and recovery operations, however, should reasonably balance the good and ill effects of the finding and the removing of mineral raw materials concentrated beneath the surface. REFERENCES CITED Griffiths, J. C., 1967, Mathematical exploration strategy and decisionmaking, in Origin of oil; geology and geophysics —World Petroleum Cong, 7th, Mexico, 1967, Proc., V. 2: London, Elsevier Pub. Co., p. 599—604. Griffiths, J. C., and Singer, D. A., 1971, Unit regional value of non-renewable natural resources as a measure of po- tential for development of large regions: Geol. Soc. Australia Spec. Pub. 3, p. 227—238. Harris, D. P., 1966, A probability model of mineral wealth: Soc. Mining Engineers (A.I.M.E.) Trans, v. 235, no. 2, p. 199—216. 1973, A subjective probability appraisal of metal endowment of northern Sonora, Mexico: Econ. Geology, v. 68, p. 222—242; Discussion, p. 1345—1346. Harris, D. P., and Euresty, D., 1969, A preliminary model for the economic appraisal of regional resources and exploration based upon geostatistical analysis and com- puter simulation: Colorado School Mines Quart, v. 64, no. 3, p. 71—98. Ridge, J. D., 1968, Exploration for minerals on non-federal lands: Earth and Mineral Sci., v. 39, no. 2, p. 19, no. 3, p. 27-28. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE CRISIS AND CATASTROPHE IN WATER—RESOURCES POLICY By M. GORDON WOLMAN Chairman, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University “A good rain is the only quick solution to the prob- lem of drought . . . Unfortunately a good rain washes away more than the drought; it washes away much of man’s interest in providing for the next one, and it washes the supports from under those who know that another dry cycle is coming and who urge their fellows to make ready for it.” In these words, Walter Prescott Webb (1954, p. V), the Texas historian, enumerated one principle of the politics of water. So stated, the principle relates to natural phenomena. It is, in fact, a corollary of the political scientist’s observation that issues in politics are accidental and evanescent, not planned and long lived. In contrast to these views, many a scientist and engineer hopes for a more orderly approach to policy. Thus, an engineer discussing Federal water policies in the 1930’s expressed the hope “. . . that the poli- ticians and planners eventually will be guided more and more by fact-finding and hydrologic research than by politics and social philosophy . . . national water policy, in regard to both practice and planning, should be based upon economic and engineering facts . . .” (Guy, 1943, p. 312). Although perhaps few today would publicly propound sentiments that as- sume such a neutral, or value-free, role of science and technology in society, Don K. Price (1954, p. v), in his book on government and science, “. . . was struck by the way in which a professional consensus, based on the findings of research of a scientific or semi- scientific nature, often brought about the adoption of a new public policy and determined the methods of its administration.” At the dedication of a building bearing the name of John Wesley Powell, a brief historical review of some approaches to the problems of water resources in the United States, which keeps these conflicting models of chance and planned action in mind, may be useful. These two models are not, of course, the only ones that have been used to explain government expenditures for public works or research. This re- view emphasizes trends in water quality and quan— tity and some broad social and economic trends; it neglects an analysis of bureaucratic behavior, which some analysts have suggested is the major determi- nant of budgetary decisions (Wildavsky, 1964). Such a bureaucracy hypothesis is drawn upon in relating the historical findings to possible orienta— tions of future programs in water quantity and quality. SOME GENERAL TRENDS Since 1860, trends in population, gross national product, expenditures for public works for water supply, sewerage, and flood control, and for water- resources investigations and stream-gaging stations have been roughly parallel in the United States. Even the value of damages from floods has risen con- sistently, along with expenditures for flood control. As the country has grown, so too has interest and activity in water resources. Growth has generally been continuous, although each activity shows m0- mentary periods of acceleration or deceleration such as the reduction in economic and population growth in the 1930’s, a time when expenditures for water- resources investigations increased threefold. Since World War II, the rate of increase in expenditures has followed the growth of the economy, except dur- ing the decade 1955—65, the post-Sputnik era, when total expenditures for water-resources investiga- tions rose sharply from about $30 per million dollars of gross national product to the current rate of about $60 per million. 17 18 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE This graphical view of history suggests that con- tinuity, if not planning, characterizes the develop- ment of society and the concomitant development of planning and execution of water-resources programs. A broad brush and moving averages do demonstrate continuity, but they also mask or belie other facets of the record. Upon closer inspection, as many observers have noted, one can discern distinctive eras and cycles, as well as isolated moments when public inter- est in water quantity and quality was stimulated by natural events and political or social crises. MAJOR INFLUENCES IN WATER-RESOURCES HISTORY IN THE UNITED STATES Only some highlights in a well-known history, in- cluding legislation, engineering structures, influen- tial literary works, and scientific studies, will be touched upon here. Beginning with the Powell era, a chronology of significant events in water-resources history would start with the passage of the Home- stead Act in 1862. That act did not represent the start of public interest in the development of the West, but it did initiate a boom in westward migra- tion and land settlement, one of several in the period from the Civil War to the closure of the pub- lic domain. This western orientation can be charac— terized not only by the Homestead Act but by a variety of familiar milestones such as the Timber Culture Act (1873), the Desert Land Act (1877), the establishment of the Reclamation Service (1902) , and the diversion of water from the Colorado River to the Imperial Valley in 1901. Of special interest here was the publication in 1878 of Powell’s “Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States.” A second period overlapping the first and continu— ing a strong western flavor includes the conservation era of Teddy Roosevelt, characterized by the 1908 Conservation Conference or the earlier White House Conference. Although the act establishing Yellow- stone Park in 1872 represented a milestone in the concept of preservation, in general, the turn of the century conservation movement spearheaded by civil servants such as Pinchot, McGee, Leith, and Newell, emphasized “wise use” or the “gospel of efficiency,” as the historian Hays (1959) referred to it, and not preservation. Depression and the initiation of public works and planning characterized the 1930’s, a period reviewed by W. G. Hoyt (1943) , a principal engineer-hydrolo— gist of the US Geological Survey. Hoyt noted that during the 1930’s, natural catastrophies, floods and droughts, occurred during a period of major eco— nomic upheaval and changing political philosophy. The combination produced the greatest surge in in- terest in environment and in expenditures for water- resources planning and development that the country has experienced. Although the economy as a whole dipped, water science and development, along with land management, burgeoned. The period of rapid economic and population growth since the end of World War II has seen both a resurgence of development after the wartime hi- atus, and the recent environmental movement. Much of this recent interest has emphasized, at least vocal- ly, the “Spaceship Earth,” or the finite nature of the world’s resources, and hence conservation with greater emphasis upon preservation as opposed to development. However, expenditures for major water programs and for investigations have risen roughly with the economy during the same period. This simple sequential history is known by, or at least taught to, every American schoolchild. Its re- curring themes or near-cyclical character are cur- rently played down by some, perhaps in the mis- guided view that such a recounting will tend to con- firm the notion that “history repeats itself,” or that such a View of our history leads to cynicism. For bet- ter or for worse, still closer inspection begins to reveal singular episodes superimposed on these broad eras and continuing growth. WATER QUANTITY In 1888, Powell was directed by the Congress to establish the Irrigation Survey. This reflected a growing recognition that development of the more arid parts of the West would depend heavily upon the availability of water. Powell, as his 1878 report described, felt strongly that settlers should not be encouraged to settle on lands that could not be pro vided With adequate quantities of water. He believed further that land should be parceled out in larger units and in such a fashion that settlements could be clustered and water made available to assure each settler a sufficient share. Powell’s approach allied science directly with public policy. The hydrographic survey was to develop the facts for proper distribu- tion of water and planning of land settlement, and to do so rapidly and accurately to the satisfaction of Congress and the engineers. Neither, in fact, was satisfied. Congress became increasingly disturbed that set- tlement would have to be delayed or prohibited in areas that the hydrographic studies showed were too dry or for which information was not forthcoming. Engineers considered the accompanying topographic CRISIS AND CATASTROPHE IN WATER-RESOURCES POLICY 19 survey misdirected and too general. The Irrigation Survey itself was abolished 2 years after its incep- tion. The setback represented the demise of Powell’s dominance in Federal science and in his relationship with the Congress (Manning, 1967) . Although many today disagree with some of his specific suggestions for land settlement, virtually no one denies the pro- phetic insights in his report on the arid lands. Vision and public interest coincided for only a brief mo- ment. Yet, although Powell’s policy views and the specific agency program may have been eclipsed, the Reclamation Service was established 12 years later, and the work was continued by the same individuals involved in the hydrographic measurements of the earlier Irrigation Survey. Subsequent history is replete with examples of social action precipitated (no pun intended) by the vagaries of nature. The Johnstown Flood (1889) initiated the first legislation on the safety of dams. The flood of 1913 on the Miami River in Ohio not only sparked the creation of the Miami Conservancy District in 1914 but initiated the classic technical studies of hydrology and hydraulics embodied in its reports. Creation of the Conservancy District and advances in science and engineering represented a rare instance when a man and a moment combined to advance a prophetic future. Arthur E. Morgan (1951), a man of vision, guiding genius behind the Miami Conservancy District (and later a leader in the development of the Tennessee Valley Authority), capitalized on peaks of public interest stimulated by natural and manmade calamity. The flood of 1927 on the Mississippi River stimu— lated initiation of the “308 Reports” of the US. Army Corps of Engineers. The Ohio and Mississippi River floods of 1936 and 1937 and the floods of 1936 and 1938 on the Connecticut and other rivers in New England led directly to the flood control acts of 1936 and 1938 and to the initiation of construction of dams and reservoirs. Floods and drought in the 1930’s pro— vided the ideal stimulus for the maintenance of pub- lic and political interest in land and water. As Hoyt noted, expansion of the work of the Corps of Engi- neers, creation of the TVA, the Soil Conservation Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Na- tional Resources Board (1934) (later the National Resources Planning Board) and its Water Resources Committee were derived from the combination of depression, political upheaval, and natural catastro- phe. This combination promoted huge expenditures, not only for land and water management but also for the science and technology needed to support these efforts. Once again, however, as in Powell’s day, Congress decided that too much planning might be a bad thing, and in 1943, the National Resources Plan- ning Board was abolished with the provision that no other agency pursue the work. The recent coming-of-age of flood insurance and alternatives other than structural measures to reduce flood damages suggests an interesting effect of catas- trophe falling upon the “prepared mind.” In 1942, Gilbert White observed that many alternatives to structural measures might be useful in mitigating flood damage. In the intervening years, White and others amassed information on the effects of flooding and on the experience in using these alternatives. More than a decade later, a flood insurance act was passed, and this year, three decades later, congres- sional appropriations specifically recognize addit- ional alternatives. To the best of our knowledge, no change has taken place in the long-term mean runofl" or rainfall in various regions of the United States over the past 100 years. Although geologic evidence indicates that the floods in 1936 on the Connecticut and Ohio Rivers were the greatest in a geologic record representing some thousands of years, there is no evidence that floods today or during historical times are greater than those of the past, or that droughts are deeper and longer (Hoyt and Langbein, 1955). Further, we have learned that wet year‘s follow wet, and dry fol- low dry, and that climatic change is the rule, not the exception. This unexplained paradox of both a con- stant mean flow and evidence of climatic change in historic and geologic records may reflect both the relatively short period of time over which measure- ments have been made and the subtle nature of changes in combinations of different climatic pa- rameters which lead to significant variations in ef- fects. Even without major changes in climate, “ex- tremes” of either drought or flood beyond those we have experienced are likely to occur in many areas. This is so not only because we can readily envision combinations of meteorologic events which have not yet chanced to occur, but in addition because the longer the record, the greater the likelihood that a still larger flood or longer drought will be experienced. The country has, of course, derived little comfort from the evidence that the mean rainfall or climate is much as it always was, or that the magnitudes of oscillations about the mean are also much as they always were. Generally we have responded to both low and high flow by building reservoirs. This is true both East and West. Not only Los Angeles, but New York and other eastern cities have gone long dis- 20 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE tances to provide water for growing cities. Reservoir storage in some arid and semiarid regions has re- duced streamflow to a point at which loss by evapora- tion from additional reservoirs has exceeded gains from increased storage (Langbein, 1959). For the country as a whole, the added quantity of water made available by storage equals roughly 15 percent of total riverflow; only the Colorado, Pecos, and Upper Missouri basins are near maximum levels of regula— tion (Wollman and Bonem, 1971). Despite the fact that large reductions in floodflows have been achieved on many rivers, or perhaps because of the fact, the public is probably unaware that a finite risk of ex- ceeding the storage capacity continues to exist in even the most heavily regulated basins. If variability characterizes riverflow in the United States, it is not surprising that catastrophic extremes have captured public attention. At the same time, in the Eastern United States, where variability is least, economic growth has produced the earliest invest- ments in reservoirs and aqueducts and has stimu- lated the most intensive observations of streamflow. The longest record and most intensive coverage are needed where the variability is both temporally and spatially the greatest. Because of the course of our history, however, for some time, the availability of money coincided with the availability of water to provide a surfeit of information in the Northeast and a deficit in the drier parts of the country. Attempts to grapple with the captions behavior of natural streams have clearly influenced public policy. Floods and droughts have stimulated investment in observation, analysis, and control. At the same time, the absence of catastrophe, although it may have lulled the public consciousness, has not put it to sleep. Thoughtful approaches to public policy, such as the institutions propounded by Morgan for the Miami River and the Tennessee Valley or the alternatives to flood control suggested by White, have achieved ac— ceptance, sometimes riding a wave of catastrophe. Perhaps even more important, the public has con- tinued to support fact finding and analysis as the population and the economy have grown. This is il- lustrated perhaps by the coincidence of gaging sta~ tions and economic activity in the humid Eastern United States. That a Federal agency believes this relationship between economy and science is im- portant is indicated by the following quotation from the Geological Survey’s Long Range Plan (U.S. Geo]. Survey, 1964, p. 45). The rate of development and use of water in the United States, and consequently the need for water information, has expanded faster than the water-resources program of the Geological Survey. This discrepancy is shown in [a comparison of] professional and technical scientific man- power in the water-resources program [and] industrial water use. During the period 1952—62, water intake by six principal water-using industries increased more than 60 per cent, whereas the scientific manpower of the Survey water-resources program increased only 40 per cent. From 1960 to 1965, appropriations for water re- sources rose from $48 to $59 per million dollars of GNP. The Survey did not rest its case upon a flood or a drought. WATER QUALITY With regard to water quality, the record is differ- ent. With rare exceptions, environmental degrada- tion, or loss in water quality, has had few moments comparable with the Mississippi River flood of 1927, the Susquehanna flood of 1972, or the New York City drought of 1965. For the most part, the chronology is characterized by the undramatic increase in sew- age generated by more people, or by the periodic in- troduction and distribution of the products and wastes of society, such as DDT, detergents, or radio- nuclides. What is episodic, virtually random, and un- predictable, is the introduction itself of innumerable and wholly new materials, many of them foreign to nature. Thus it is more difficult to isolate specific reasons for the resurgence of an interest in environmental quality in the 1960’s. Some relate the true awakening of public consciousness to the reports of the astro- nauts and to the magnificent photographs of the lone- ly Earth in space that appeared on television and on the cover of “Life.” Others have suggested that the barrage of studies of population growth and the ubiquitous character of air and water pollution struck the consciousness of an affluent leisure popu- lation able to enjoy the world of nature. True, there have been fish kills, Torrey Canyon and Santa Bar- bara oil spills, and the publication of “Silent Spring.” Most of these incidents were not unique and repre- sent some likely probability of error in a growing society of immense complexity. The number of such events in a given time period is increasing, but their frequency with respect to the magnitudes of the activities involved may well be decreasing. Acts of nature have great impacts on water quality, but for the most part they are ignored. The principal impact acknowledged comes from the scale of human activi- ty, and the effect is primarily cumulative, and not episodic. An equally important distinction between the place of catastrophe in water-quality policy and that in CRISIS AND C‘ATASTROPHE IN WATER-RESOURCES POLICY 21 water-quantity policy is that, with few exceptions, degradation in water quality in this country has been less immediately and directly related to massive hu- man suffering. Although water—quality-related disas- ters continue to occur, happily one must go back in history for good examples such as typhoid fever epi- demics in Lowell and Lawrence, Mass, in 1890. These epidemics were river borne, and they were not unique. Again, however, politics, science, and catas- trophe were joined. In 1885, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had passed “an act to protect the purity of inland waters of the state.” This act led to the establishment of the Lawrence Laboratory and, under the leadership of Sedgewick (1911) , to the cul- mination of the movement for sanitation based upon an emerging science and technology. The remarkable results of this movement to improve the environ- ment as a means of protecting human health are seen in the striking decrease in typhoid fever in the United States between 1900 and 1930, a decrease which parallels the introduction of public water sup- plies and treatment facilities and the growth of sys- tems of sewerage and sewage treatment (Wolman and Bosch, 1963). Because the history and timing of response to water-quality problems appear to differ markedly from the response to problems of water quantity (save in the penchant for building things), it is use- ful to look more closely at the history of the quality of the Nation’s waters. Unfortunately, as the Direc- tor of the Geological Survey, the Environmental Pro- tection Agency, the Council on Environmental Quali- ty, and the authors of studies reconstructing this his- tory have observed, the record available for the pur- pose is exceedingly weak. Some examples must sufl‘ice —and it is well to keep in mind in a review of water quality that before Columbus, the Saline River was saline, and the Missouri muddy. Early history Records indicate that dissolved solids in the Illi- nois River have increased roughly 30 percent and- chlorides on the Ohio about 50 percent since the turn of the century. Apparently these constituents began to increase in Lakes Erie and Ontario at about the same time. In the same period, however, salinity on the Colorado rose 100 percent (see Wolman, 1971, for these and other general changes in river quality). Most changes in dissolved solids resulting from in- dustrialization or from agriculture, as well as changes in sediment content, appear to have been progressive rather than abrupt. Meade and Trimble (1974) have shown, for example, that the sediment content of rivers in the Southeastern United States continues to reflect loads supplied from the water- sheds during the height of cultivation in the last century, despite the presence of reservoirs upstream and recent changes in land use which have reduced the supply of sediment. In contrast, on the Colorado River, construction of major dams and reservoirs abruptly reduced or eliminated the movement of sedi- ment downstream. Fish populations in lakes and rivers apparently fluctuated significantly even before the 20th century. On the Delaware River, fish catches declined as a result of intensive fishing and the use of weirs and nets. Elimination of weirs and other obstacles about 1885 apparently permitted a resurgence of the shad population. The shad catch rose to a peak in 1900 and declined sharply by 1910 (Kiry, 1974). In the Great Lakes, marked changes have occurred in the composi- tion of species of fish. Perch, for example, have com- pletely replaced pike and herring in the Lake Erie harvest; total production continues to be about 50 million pounds of fish per year (Beeton, 1969, p. 175). Dissolved-oxygen levels in the Hudson River in the vicinity of New York fell rapidly from about 1900 to 1915 as the result of the large quantities of un- treated sewage delivered to the river. On the Po— tomac, as early as 1804, merchants in Georgetown (now part of the District of Columbia) were peti- tioning Congress to dredge sediment from the river. By 1883, Major Hains reported a stench from sew- age sludge and sediment which he thought “inap— propriate to the official residence of the first magis- trate of the land” (Geyer and others, 1965J p. 30). In general, fear of typhoid fever, foul smells, and the unsightly condition of the rivers in the Eastern United States stimulated the initiation of measures to control pollution. Recent surveys of citizen’s defi- nitions of pollution continue to emphasize sights and smells and not the esoteric surrogates experts meas- ure. Efforts at control of sewage effluents in many eastern rivers from the early part of this century until the 1930’s were at best able to maintain rela- tively low levels of dissolved oxygen because of the growth of population and industry. By 1930 or 1940, anaerobic conditions prevailed in many rivers ad- jacent to metropolitan centers. The last forty years Large investments in sewage-treatment works, be- ginning in the 1930’s, began to raise dissolved- oxygen levels and river quality, for example, on the Potomac at Washington, DC, and on the Missis- 22 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE sippi at St. Paul, Minn. In seeking models for public response to water problems, it must be noted that although the conservation ethic of the day con- tributed, investments made during the New Deal for sewage-treatment plants were viewed primarily as a vehicle to improve the economy and to provide em- ployment. Ironically, in all likelihood they did little to improve the economy, but they did improve the rivers. Some rivers, including the Delaware and the Ohio, may have reached their lowest quality by the mid- 1940’s during World War II. A section of the Dela- ware 12 miles long in the vicinity of Philadelphia was Without oxygen, and sulfides blackened ships in the harbor (Kiry, 1974). Expenditures for sewage— treatment plants rose after the war. By about 1952, minimum levels of several parts per million dissolved oxygen prevailed in the Delaware as they do today. The Ohio River Water Sanitation Commission, cre- ated by Compact in 1948, had generated more than $1 billion of State and local funds for pollution con- trol by 1965 (Cleary, 1967, p. 126). The river and many of its tributaries began gradually to improve in quality. These expenditures for pollution control after World War II seem to have been inspired by prosperity, not depression, and they moved forward Without benefit of either natural catastrophe, politi- cal fanfare, or popular slogans; however, they were not Without local popular support and competent technicians, who occasionally had the brilliant per- suasiveness of an Ed Cleary (1967) of ORSANCO armed with a toothless compact. A succession of Federal water pollution control acts marked the late 1950’s and 1960’s. The most recent peak of interest in the environment sparked the passage of “clean water” legislation in the 1970’s. The most recent act, the Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, was predicated on the assump- tion: that waterways should not be used for the dumping of wastes; that effluents, not ambient water quality, would be a better basis for regulation; that technology could be depended upon to treat or control the wastes that a technological society had gener- ated; and that point sources should be given priority for control. Currently, New York City, in the middle of a $4 billion program, is spending at the rate about $1 million per day in the construction of sewers and treatment plants. According to “Engineering News- Record” (May 30, 1974, p. 14), this amounts to $143 per person annually, nearly five times more than Seattle, the second largest spender. As a result, dis— solved-oxygen levels in the harbor have risen to 50 percent of saturation, the highest level since the early 1900’s. Although New York had expended large sums on treatment plants from 1950 to 1965, the city’s present heroic effort began in 1966 after the passage of State and Federal pollution control legislation. The past 5 years has also seen a rapid rise in pri- vate expenditures for pollution control. Curiously, however, the interest that peaked in 1970 has not been accompanied by a comparable commitment of public money since that time. Expenditures for pub- lic sewerage facilities for the country as a whole have risen continuously since 1856, but in the past year these have begun to level off. This year’s expendi- tures for public treatment works are likely to be less than those of last year (US. Environmental Protec- tion Agency, 1973b). A variety of reasons have been given for this recent decline, including insufficient funds for public works, bureaucratic wrangling, and the state of the economy. Whatever the reasons, total discharge of pollutants from both point and nonpoint sources may well be continuing to rise. Studies of the recent past have suggested, as yet, no clear patterns of response in the water environ— ment to the new pollution control efforts. A US. Council on Environmental Quality (1972, p. 14) study suggests that from 1957 to 1970 dissolved oxy- gen may have risen at 50 percent of the sites sam- pled in the study and declined at 23 percent. The US. Environmental Protection Agency (1973a) reported roughly similar figures, comparing the 5-year period 1963—68 With the following 5 years to 1972. From the council study, improvement seems greatest where point sources of pollutants dominate, and no trend is evident in agricultural basins. Levels of phosphates and nitrates in streams continue to increase in many reaches, apparently as a result of inflow of deter- gents and industrial efiluents in some places and of fertilizers in others. Water quality has declined, or on occasion, im- proved, as a result of the activities of man. Until re cently, the greatest changes may be described as co- incidental and not directly related to a concern for the quality of the water resource itself. Thus, deb velopment of farming in the forested East produced vast quantities of sediment which drastically altered the waterways. Abandonment of farming in turn re- duced this yield, and lake and river quality improved. Similarly, in the drive to eliminate typhoid fever, the rivers benefited. Only in the 1930’s did the effort turn principally to the waterways themselves, and, even CRISIS AND CATASTROPHE IN WATER-RESOURCES POLICY 23 then, a primary stimulus to action was the concern for unemployment and the state of the economy. In- terest in water quality accelerated after World War II and may have peaked in 1970 or 1971. Sequential changes in water quality and attention to them are not a response to natural catastrophe and are only occasionally a response to dramatic political or economic events. Indeed, political enthusiasm and expenditures for engineering works have run well ahead of the rate of acquisition of adequate knowl- edge about the quality of the water. Proposed ex- penditures for water pollution control currently run as high as $4 billion to $6 billion per year. This may or may not be an appropriate amount. Unfortunately, although major efforts are clearly needed, informa- tion about the quality of the water itself is too poor to permit sound evaluation of the efficiency of these large expenditures, or of alternative strategies for efficient use of increasingly scarce monies. Similarly unfortunate is the absence of measures of the social costs of polluted water. Lack of knowledge about water quality and about social costs clouds public de- bate over the appropriate level of effort to be ex- pended in water pollution control. LESSONS FROM THE HISTORICAL RECORD STIMULANTS To INTEREST IN WATER: THE MonELs Historically, catastrophe, whether natural flood or manmade depression, episodically stimulated invest- ment in water management. However, changes in water quantity, and particularly changes in water quality, although they may have influenced public policy (a policy about floods without floods is unlike- ly) have not been the dominant influence on expendi- tures for public works or for scientific investigations of water resources. As the Geological Survey has recognized, the budget is most closely tied to the broad social and economic march of the country. Dominant social concerns have broadly determined historical behavior, and more often than not, legisla- tion and action have preceded or even contravened scientific understanding; the Desert Land Act based on the hope that trees would induce rainfall to aid settlement, and the expectation that forests would control major floods are cases in point. Yet the results of these actions, often inefficient and sometimes in- effective, can be salutary and are not all bad. Then too, the very passions, sometimes spurred by catas- trophe, that provoked action stimulate scientific ef- fort, which may serve to redirect public policy at a later time. Progress in sanitation suggests that even between the peaks of political passion, gains can be made. One cannot, and apparently need not, wait for that rare combination of remarkable man, prepared science, and natural or manmade catastrophe. At the same time, one can be prepared to strike when the iron of public interest is hot. The record suggests that a combination of continu- ous investment in science, the ponderous momentum of society, and preparedness to make quantum steps when opportunity affords may not be a poor strategy for a scientific agency. Some may lament that such a. strategy too closely parallels the political scientists’ model of a typical bureaucracy protecting its flanks While inching slowly forward (Tullock, 1965), an image of caution not boldness, of dullness not cre- ativity. The image is not warranted. Continuity is desirable in scientific inquiry and particularly so in the observation of hydrologic phenomena. The rela- tively smooth growth curve that characterizes the history of water-resources investigations may be rational both in terms of the agency’s needs and those of the society. At the same time that the coun- try seeks guidance over the long term, it demands creative response to the problems of the day as it per- ceives them. TRENDS TOWARD NATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY In addition to a modest test of some hypotheses about the causes and stimuli of interest in water re- sources, even this brief historical review provides evidence of the continuing trend toward national and away from State and local responsibility for water management. Approaches to both water quantity and quality reflect this trend. The visitation of catastro— phe in the form of floods and droughts on any one. section of the country has, since the 1930’s, for ex- ample, led to the increasing assumption of responsi- bility at the national level. The Flood Control Act of 1938 liberalized cost-sharing provisions for the Fed- eral flood control projects and relieved the direct beneficiaries of major responsibility for reimburse- ment. More recently, the devastating floods associ- ated with Tropical Storm Agnes in 1972 produced modifications of the flood insurance act of 1968. Re quirements for land-use planning in flood-prone lands were strengthened, and the level of premium pay- ments required of the beneficiaries was significantly reduced. In the field of water quality, the tendency toward the assumption of national responsibility is also apparent in the passage of the Central Arizona Proj- ect by the Congress in 1970. Recognizing that the water available in the Colorado River was already overcommitted in this country, and further, that the: United States had recently accepted a commitment to 24 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE supply Mexico with a specified quantity of “unsalty” water each year, Congress provided that the Nation, not the region, bear the costs of meeting the added burdens of the recent agreement with Mexico on water quality. Similarly, it may be ironic, but perhaps under- standable, that Arthur Morgan’s pioneering effort to “internalize the externalities,” that is, to approach water management on a regional basis under local authority, is currently in danger of being dismantled as Federal and State powers over pollution abate- ment grow. Such conflict between local, State, and Federal government is, of course, a logical conse quence of further expansion of the Federal and State interest reflected in the Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. MODEST PROPOSALS The fundamental work of an agency such as the Geological Survey consists of programs of observa- tion and analysis which customarily grow incre— mentally as the needs of society expand. Over time, responsibility is assumed for a long list of activities. Many of these cannot be summarily abandoned. As custodian of the knowledge of long-term trends in the hydrologic cycle, for example, the Geological Survey cannot simply halt all observational programs di- rected toward this objective. Similarly, society would be ill served by wholesale abandonment of interest in specific facets of the hydrologic cycle. This does not mean that nothing is ever abandoned, or that pro- grams never change, or that the emphases do not change. Rather, it means that additions and new emphases must be selected from a current array of public interests and demands. Some of these may require radical departures in attitude or approach, even if not in apparent content. The present scene abounds in issues, concerns, and catastrophes. These issues and the demand for continuity provide some basis for selection of priorities. The issues are familiar. First, the evidence is good that although the fervor may have died in the breasts of some environmentalists, much of the American public is convinced that they want a better environ- ment. Second, population will continue to grow, even at a reduced rate, for several decades, and continu- ing numbers of people will want to share in the fruits of growth. Third, energy has recently become a part of American consciousness. Fourth, in the world as a whole, drought, hunger, and starvation are daily realities. From the standpoint of an interest in water, these issues all involve two points of view, first the long view of what may be happening to the resource as a whole, and second, a detailed knowledge of how water is used and affected by specific hum-an activities. WATER-QUALITY APPRAISAL: A UNIFIED APPROACH The ecological truism that “one man’s garbage is another man’s mea ” or that things are connected, provides a starting point for the first approach. Legal fiat cannot disconnect the parts of the hydrologic cycle or the cycles of materials between land, air, and water. Given the major interest in environment and the large sums to be expended in behalf of its im~ provement, a major effort to structure a comprehen— sive program of evaluation of water quality covering the continental and coastal waters is needed. Like the Survey’s emerging studies of regulated water systems (Benson and Carter, 1973), such a program must involve a knowledge of sources, transport, stor- age, and sinks of residuals to the water environment. Acid rain in New England and the linkage of ground water and land disposal illustrate the interactions of land, air, and water. Today’s map of areas of major pollution potential is virtually identical with one made in 1936; the areas of urbanization have simply grown larger, and more pristine areas have been invaded. Unfortunately, for most areas, we know neither the sources nor thevsinks of materials entering the lakes, rivers, and estuaries. The relative contributions of point and nonpoint sources vary from 10 to 90 percent. Trace metals and other minor constituents are sometimes found in high concentrations in the water and bottom sedi- ments. Not only is their distribution poorly known, but we cannot compute with satisfactory accuracy the rate of removal of such materials should new sources be completely controlled. The prospects for permanent burial or for mobilization of both nutri- ents and toxic materials are poorly known (Symons, 1969). In the long run, the estuaries and continental shelves are the probable sinks for pollutants if river regulation is not too extensive. Only very recently, however, has a true compilation of the transport of dissolved and suspended materials to the continental margins been published (Curtis and others, 1978; Leifeste, 1974) . This is based on limited information, and data on other materials are even more meager. The purpose of a comprehensive program of ap- praisal is to assist in the prediction of the impact of policy decisions. Because this requires a knowledge of process, observation must be accompanied by con- tinuing analysis. Parameters chosen for study will include meaningful biological characteristics as well CRISIS AND CATASTROPHE IN WATER-RESOURCES POLICY 25 as significant physical features and inorganic sub- stances. In depth an-d scope, the inquiry may comple- ment the needs of law enforcement, but the two pur- poses are not synonymous. For example, a pollution index may be a useful monitoring tool, but such an index may mask the interrelationships needed to de— fine effective policy instruments. Similarly, although regulators need access to facts and competent scien- tific assistance, the historic record has shown that mission-oriented agencies may become addicted to demonstration rather than evaluation (Schif'f, 1962). The pieces of such a program have, of course, re ceived attention. Current efforts, however, appear both too limited and too fragmented relative to our presumed commitment to environmental quality. Per- haps the Water Resources Council can be made re- sponsible for spelling out a truly broad mission for the agencies involved, not as a treaty but as a com- prehensive plan. As the observer of water and the possessor of the sense of time, the Survey has a major role to play. WATER AND CLIMATIC CHANGE Famine in Africa and elsewhere calls attention to another facet of water resources that requires a long View but that has consequences directly related to problems of current public policy. What are the char- acteristics of climatic and hydrologic variations, and what is the level of uncertainty appropriate to the planning of human activities? As the history of Colorado River development illustrates, human ex- perience, and particularly local experience, can only include patches of the record. Even the best of plan- ning using stochastic concepts is unlikely to encom- pass some unexpected long-term trends; hence, short- age and surfeit may be mitigated but are not likely to be eliminated. The consequences of certain as- sumptions about hydrologic variability are becoming even more painfully evident today, as shown by the relation of the destruction of grassland and the re- cent dependence on wells in sub-Saharan Africa. The problem of climatic variability is perhaps of even more significance in a broader context. Much current thinking is based upon too simple a concept of equilibrium or balance in nature. The record re- veals that the entire landscape and the natural biota associated with it may undergo significant alterations from what we presume today to be a condition of equilibrium or stability, when such alterations are triggered by a succession of years of climatic and hydrologic change. Such changes in the past, for ex- ample, may have produced rates of erosion in the Midwest which exceeded those produced by farming, and they have resulted in the filling and excavation of the valleys of the Southwest a number of times. Pub- lic policies based on the assumption that men are re- sponsible, as some policies were in the 1930’s, may be both costly and doomed to failure. WATER USE: DEMAND, PRODUCTION FUNCTIONS, AND MASS BALANCES The Geological Survey has long had responsibility for measuring or estimating the withdrawal and “use” of water in the United States. These estimates are classically viewed as measures to be matched against estimates of supply, as part of the process of developing public policies for resource allocation. As so—called needs, or requirements, on the use side have risen, however, it has become increasingly evident that evaluation of policy alternatives requires a deep- er knowledge of the demand and supply relationship. Not only must the use of differing quantities. of water of a given quality be measured, but inquiry is needed into the economic and social factors that lead to particular choices. We need to know not only how much water of what kind is used, but also why. Obviously the study of water use in every kind of industrial, commercial, or household activity is un- warranted. Clearly, however, production functions providing explicit information on the role of water in major economic activities and on the way in which it is used and transformed are essential to future policy choices. The widespread interest in energy makes analyses of the amounts of water used and the changes in water quantity and quality in the energy industry imperative. Considering their importance, current estimates of quantities of water needed for various energy conversion processes seem unneces- sarily conjectural. Work has been started by the Survey and by others (Delson and Frankel, in press) in some of these fields. Additional effort in the energy industry, in agriculture, and perhaps in several other major sectors of the economy may be warranted. The use of production functions (Minhas and others, 1974; Lof and Kneese, 1968) and mass balance frame— works for studies of specific activities (Bower and others, 1972) will provide additional tools for meas- uring the effects of various activities on the water resource, for estimating needs for specific data or re- search, and for evaluating the probable response of different activities to different policies affecting water resources. The Government Accounting Office noted that the budget for true research in the understanding and techniques of improving water quality is quite small —a Montana rancher recently referred to a disease 26 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE she called “lackadata.” Cries for research and for data can, of course, be excuses for inaction. As com- plete knowledge is unattainable, action cannot wait. Because this is so, scientific inquiry and appraisal of the kind described above—in current environmental jargon, “evaluation”—must accompany action. The argument is sometimes sound that we must do something to find out what happens. Unfortunately, we usually do something but rarely find out what happens. There will be no excuse 20 years from now for “lackadata” disease where reclamation following mining for coal or for shale oil in the West is con- cerned. A proper study of the impact on water re- sources of such activities as energy conversion or mining, however, demands elaboration of a plan of study before activities begin and a scheme of financ- ing to assure the necessary longevity. OBJECTIVES AND HOPES Studies of long-term trends and variability in water quality and water quantity, as noted earlier, do not consist simply of data collection. Similarly, evaluation of demands and uses of water by man are more than hydrologic budgets. Adequate understand- ing of each requires an inquiry into the dynamics of processes. Hopefully, the results of such inquiry will lead to better understanding of the way in which human and environmental systems work and an im- proved basis for prediction of probable interactions, if not of probable futures. New concerns for energy and for conservation in the United States may stimu- late research in water resources in directions promis- ing greater utility abroad, particularly in the less developed world. While we seek solutions to our own legal, social, and technological problems, a search for efficiency in water and energy uSe coupled with at- tempts to minimize env1ronmental impacts may aid this process. Most of the major issues of the day—environment, growth, food and famine, cities, and energy—involve water. All are crises in that people today are poor and starving. None of the questions that confront us in the field of water quantity and quality can be properly called a crisis, however, if that word implies a short time scale. As they have always been, the problems of water quantity and quality are perpetual. The ability to take advantage of the political mo— ment, or the awakened public consciousness, by Vir- tue of a disaster or an election may determine the extent to which these fleeting moments of interest are well used in the slow business of improving the ability of the public and its representatives to make wise decisions about the future. REFERENCES CITED Beeton, A. M., 1969, Changes in the environment and biota of the Great Lakes, in Eutrophication—causes, conse- quences, correctives~symposium [1067] Proc.: Wash- ington, D.C., Natl. Acad. Sci., p. 150—187. Benson, M. A., and Carter, R. W., 1973, A. national study of the streamflow data-collection program: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 2028, 44 p. Bower, B. T., Lof, G. 0. G., and Hearen, W. M., 1972, Residuals management in pulp and paper production: Nat. Resources Jour., v. 11, p. 605—623. Cleary, E. J., 1967, The ORSANCO story—Water quality management in the Ohio valley under an interstate compact: Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 335 p. Curtis, W. F., Culbertson, J. K., and Chase, E. B., 1973, Fluvial-sediment discharge to the oceans from the con- terminous United States: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 670, 17 p. Delson, J. K., and Frankel, R. J., in press, Residuals manage- ment in mining coal and producing power: Washing- ton, D.C., Resources for the Future. Geyer, J. C., Carpenter, J. H., Pritchard, D. W., Renn, C. E., Scott, D. C., and Wolman, M. G., 1965, A research program for the Potomac River: District of Columbia Dept. Sanitary Eng., and Maryland State: Dept. Health, Bur. Environ. Hygiene, 143 p. Guy, D. J., 1943, [Discussion of Hoyt, W. G., 1943] Un- usual events and their relation to Federal water policies: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Trans, v. 108, p. 309—312. Hays, S. P., 1959, Conservation and the gospel of efficiency: Cambridge, Mass, Harvard Univ. Press, 297 p. Hoyt, W. G., 1943, Unusual events and their relation to Federal water policies: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Trans, v. 108, p. 290—303 (Discussion, p. 309—312). Hoyt, W. G., and Langbein, W. B., 1955, Floods: Princeton, N. J., Princeton Univ. Press, 469‘ p. Kiry, P. R., 1974, An historical look at the water quality of the Delaware River estuary to 1973: Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Dept. Limnology Contr. 4, 76‘ p. Langbein, W. B., 1959, Water yield and reservoir storage in the United States: U.S. Geol. Survey ‘Ciirc. 409, 5 p. Leifeste, D. K., 1974, Dissolved-solids discharge to the oceans from the conterminous United States: U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Circ. 6‘85, 8 p. Lof, G. O. G., and Kneese, A. V., 1968, The economics of water utilization in the beet sugar industry: Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 125 p. Manning, T. G., 1967, Government in science—the U.S. Geological Survey, 1867—1894: [Lexington, Ky.], Univ. Kentucky Press, 257 p. Meade,,R. H., and Trimble, S. W., 1974, Changes in sedi- ment loads in rivers of the Atlantic drainage of the United States since 1900, in Symposium on effects of man on the interface of the hydrological cycle with the physical environment: Internatl. Asgoc. Hydrol. Sci., IAHS—AISH Pub. 113, p. 99—104. Minhas, B. S., Parikh, K. S., and Srinivasan ,T. N., 1974, Toward the structure of a production function for wheat yields with dated inputs of irrigation water: Water Resources Research, v. 10, no. 3, p. 383—393. Morgan, A. E., 1951, The Miami Conservancy District: New York, McGraw Hill, 504 p. CRISIS AND CATASTROPHE IN WATER-RESOURCES POLICY 27 Powell, J. W., 1878, Report on the lands of the arid region of the United States, with a more detailed account of the lands of Utah: U.S. 45th Cong, 2d sess., House Exec. Doc. 73, 195 p. Price, D. K., 1954, Government and science: New York Univ. Press, 203 p. _ Schiff, A. L., 1962, Fire and water; scientific heresy in the Forest Service: Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ. Press, 225 p. Sedgewick, W. T., 1911, Principles of sanitary science and the public health: New York, Macmillan, 368 p. Symons, J. M., 1969, ed., Water quality behavior in reser- voirs: U.S. Public Health Service Pub. 1930, 616 p. Tullock, Gordon, 1965, The politics of bureaucracy: Wash— ington, D.C., Public Affairs Press, 228 p. U.S. Council on Environmental Quality, 1972, Environmental quality; the third annual report of the Council ***: Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 450 p. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1973a, Water quality inventory report: Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print- ing Office. 1973b, The economics of clean water—1973: Wash- ington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 120 p. New York, U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Long range plan for re- source surveys; investigations and research programs of the United States Geological Survey: Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 75 p. Webb, W. P., 1954, More water for Texas: Austin, Tex., Univ. Texas Press, 69 p. White, G. F., 1942, Human adjustments to floods; a geo- graphical approach to the flood problem in the United States: Chicago Univ. Dept. Geography Research Paper 57, 236 p. Wiildavsky, Aaron, 1964, The politics of the budgetary process: Boston, Mass, Little Brown & Co., 216 p. Wollman, Nathaniel, and Bo‘n‘em, G. W., 1971, The outlook for water: quality, quantity, and national growth: Balti- more, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 286 p. Wolman. Abel, and Bosch, H. M., 1963, Community water systems in the United States, their protection and their impact on health, in Natural resources, v. 1 of United Nations Conference on Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Countries: Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, p. 254—168. Wolman, M. G., 1971, The Nation’s rivers: Science, v. 174, p. 905—918. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND EARTH SCIENCES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE By BEATRICE E. WILLARD Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President It is a special honor to be with you for the dedi- cation of the John Wesley Powell Building of the U.S. Geological Survey. It is most fitting that this symposium be held to commemorate that great geologist-explorer whose vision led to the estab— lishment of the U.S. Geological Survey, and to di- rect our thoughts ahead to the contributions earth sciences can make to the problems ahead. As a Westerner, familiar from childhood with the landscape Powell brought to the attention of the Nation and the world by his courageous sci- entific explorations, I have long been an admirer of Powell’s work. The understanding of the geologic processes that produced this landscape contributes essential insight to the work of the Council on En- vironmental Quality, just as it has long made a major contribution to my professional competence and has been a source of continuing personal fas- cination. Our two sciences have much in common. They both look at landscape from the process systems Viewpoint—mentally seeing hundreds, thousands, even millions of years into the past, and, using this perspective, determining what the future might hold. They both, as sciences, have discovered basic principles about the operation of Earth’s landscapes that can assist man in adapting to— harmonizing with—Earth’s processes, if the prin- ciples are accepted and used. If John Wesley Powell were alive today, he ob- viously would be proud of the many laudable sci- entific accomplishments of the U.S. Geological Sur- vey, and he would be pleased at the expansion of its work into the oceans and Arctic regions. How- ever, he would be astounded at the huge desert lake that bears his name and mortified that man could 28 allow the submergence of land of such rare beauty and scientific value so that an engineering tech- nique might be used to solve a political problem. I mention this distasteful fact only because it sounded an alert to citizens and, together with many other signs of environmental deterioration in the 1950’s and 1960’s, led to awakening the Congress to the great need for a National Environmental Policy Act. In preparing for this auspicious occasion, I kept asking myself, “How would Dr. Powell want the Nation to use earth sciences were he alive today?” As a great student of nature and in tune with the natural processes operating in our landscape, he would urge our acceptance of the basic principles of landscape into the fiber of our thinking and ac- tion. He would insist that we choose these prin- ciples as our guidelines for decisionmaking, rather than political expendiency, economics, and develop- ment for growth’s sake alone. He would utilize these basic landscape principles, as most scientists today do, as the framework for all action. He would communicate them in meaningful ways to the Na- tion’s citizenry, the Congress, agency personnel, and administrators, so that these principles might permeate thought and action as our Constitution and Bill of Rights do. I find it continuingly beneficial to reexamine the basic principles of the earth sciences and how they can guide thinking and action about landscape. The first principle is by far the most important, yet hardest to accept: Everything affects every- thing else. This principle demands that we ques- tion the many ramifications of human action and choose the path that has the most overall positive effects, after taking into account long-range values ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND EARTH SCIENCES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE 29 and short-term benefits. This demand became law as part of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, in the requirement to prepare environ- mental-impact statements—analyses of the ramifi- cations of human actions. The second principle is that landscape is a mosaic of dynamic systems (earth systems, ecosystems) comprising physical components (rocks, landscape features, soil, climate, water), biological compo- nents (plants, animals, humans), and the intricate dynamic processes that operate among these two types of components (erosion, deposition, tectonic movements, cycling, competition, symbiosis, evolu- tion, succession, politics, and economics, to name a few). In these systems, all components have a role integrated with the whole and are inseparable from the whole. This second principle amplifies the first and makes the systems approach to research and de- cisionmaking mandatory. The systems-analysis ap- proach requires a truly interdisciplinary team ap- proach, where each member is interacting with each other member of the team in the design, plan- ning, and conduct of research and data analysis. This approach precludes the possibility of omitting from analysis those lesser known or more difl‘icult parts of the systems, because, to research, those gaps in knowledge of the system show up as blanks in the diagrammatic models of the system that block further analysis. The Western coal-mining study of a set of interacting local, regional, na- tional, and global systems, rather than “rock in the box,” encompasses the systems approach to a de- gree. It is encouraging to see systems analysis be- ing applied to solid-waste management, and the resulting much more efl‘icient use of time, minerals, energy, and land. The third principle is that components of land- scape systems have limits to their functioning such as melting points, freezing points, denaturing points, dehydration limits, nutrient limits, stress and tension limits, and absorption limits. These various parameters, interacting, describe the op- erational perimeters of the biological and physical systems and therefore dictate the characteristics of ecosystems. Learning what these parameters are and how they operate enables man to make more precise analyses and to draw up wiser plans for re- source management. Projects designed with the op- erational framework of the system in constant View can avoid or mitigate problems that arise from ignorance or oversight of these limits. For example, a long-range View of national materials policy from the perspective of this principle could recognize these points and limit use of materials now, so as to prolong the supply of resources for the benefit of future generations. - The fourth principle is that components of eco- systems, operating through complex interlocking biological and physical processes, define a feature of all systems, 'which ecologists call “carrying ca- pacity.” Physicists call it a “breaking point,” “fa- tigue point,” “stress point.” Whatever the term, it is a highly useful concept in wise management of systems. Environmental analyses that include de- termination of this feature for various human ac- tivities will show the way to avoid many of the overload characteristics that we see in air, streams, lakes, forests, and ranges. Standards set with an understanding of carrying capacity, which encom- passes the concept of tolerance limits of organisms and physical factors, will work to bring man’s ac- tivities into balance with ecosystems. Carrying- capacity determination, although difficult and com- plex to calculate, has been successfully done in engineering, agriculture, and wildlife management for decades. It is beginning to be applied in recrea- tion resource management and in regional planning, as in the Pacific Northwest. The recent investigations on “limits to growth” are an effort to determine a global carrying capacity for basic resources essential to life. It stands to rea- son that as all material resources are finite, the sooner we tailor human use of these resources to carrying capacity worldwide, the sooner we can bring human activities into balance with the Earth’s resource base. Not a simple goal, but a highly de- sirable one, and the US. Geological Survey work of resource assessment is fundamental to it. Furthermore, the carrying-capacity principle is dynamic, adjusting with the advent of new tech- nologies and new discoveries of resources, while maintaining a balance between users and resources. I envision great potential for the US. Geological Survey in its second century, putting the carrying- capacity principle to work for the benefit of man. The fifth principle is that landscape systems are dynamic. They progress through various phases of development to a point of dynamic equilibrium, in which state they remain until a major change of conditions takes them back to an earlier stage of development—precipitiously, as by earthquake landslide, flood, volcanic eruption, or insect infesta- tions, or gradually, as by erosion, climate change, or evolution. Use of this principle in environmental analyses frees us from believing that the land-use 30 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE and resource planning and management must be static. Environmental analyses that include calcula— tion of the rate of change provide a measure of ecosystem cost and benefits to compare with eco— nomic costs and benefits. It is even possible to analyze ecosystem costs and benefits in dollar terms, as Eugene Odum has done with the salt marshes of Georgia. He has found that salt marshes sold for landfill and urban construction go at $1,000 to $3,000 an acre; if the land is main- tained as marsh, however, the composite value of the work of the ecosystem for man—in air and Water cleansing, nutrient production, nursery grounds for shell and fin fish, hurricane buffering, and recreational and scenic values—is $85,000 an acre—a free contribution. As Powell well knew, these principles must be- come integral to the thinking, decisions, and ac- tions of all of us. Practicing this fact an engineer in Denver designed a tool for integrating ecology, including the earth sciences, into design, planning, construction, and operation of projects. He calls this tool the “3 E’s Tripod.” One leg stands for engineering, one for economics, and one for ecology, including earth sciences. As you well know, tripods, to be functional, must have the three legs united to a firm central core, and each leg must be in action and bearing its proportionate weight. If the principles of landscape are applied, to— gether with those of engineering and economics, from the outset, a synergism is set up in the ensuing analyses that take place in the conceptualization, re- connaissance, feasibility, and decision phases. Just as in engineering and economics, the types and amounts of data and complexities of environmental analysis increase as you move from phase to phase. What do these natural guidelines suggest for the second century of the U.S. Geological Survey: First, in NEPA (PL. 91-190), carrying capacity and recycling have been codified in Section 101 (b) : In order to carry out the policy set forth in this Act, it is the continuing responsibility of the Federal Government to use all practicable means, consistent with other essential considerations of national policy, to improve and coordinate Federal plans, functions, programs, and resources to the end that the Nation may—— * * * * * (5) achieve a balance between population and resource use which will permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of life’s amenities; and (6) enhance the quality of renewable resources and ap- proach the maximum attainable recycling of depletable resources. A double-edged challenge is provided in implement- ing these two provisions: to maintain the quality of life and environment While bringing human ac- tivity into balance—harmony—with the function- ing of landscape systems. Second, as the knowledge of Earth increases, the interrelatedness of geologic, biologic, and climatic forces becomes more and more evident. This knowl- edge can enable humans to predict future pheno- mena with ever-increasing accuracy. This capability can make it possible to bring human activities into greater and greater harmony with Earth’s land- scape systems. For example, the ability to map earthquake zones and to predict the frequency and occurrence of earthquakes with increasing accuracy will make it possible to plan uses compatible with high-risk areas that complement uses on adjacent low-risk areas. Third, geologic and ecologic knowledge can en- courage precise specific adaptation of human ac- tivities to the landscape processes. Some of this is now evident; more interaction with the public can lead to more rapid application of the knowledge to solving human problems. For example, the public is learning that flood plains are river rights-of- Way that can be shared by rivers and humans for activities compatible with periodic flooding; that earthquake zones can have human uses compatible with their instability; that erosion and deposition processes can be understood and human activities can be located in ways compatible with the con- tinued operation of the processes, rather than al- tering the processes locally and regionally, only to wonder afterward why erosion is removing beaches and cliffs below cherished resort hotels and homes. In conclusion, I have drawn some broad-brush implications of how earth sciences might contribute to environmental analyses in the future, on the basis of natural principles so that we can stand back a moment from the work at hand and ask our- selves, “Where are we going and do we have the right quadrangle map to get there ?”—as scientists, as administrators, as policymakers, as engineers. The quality of life in the future depends in part on how well we apply these principles of earth sci- ence in our daily activities. I rest assured that the U.S. Geological Survey will continue to expand on its meritorious tradition initiated by the man we honor today, by providing the Nation and the world essential components of better and better en- vironmental analyses. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE LEASE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION By DON E. KASH Director, Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma In practice, public policy and management in the American experience reflect a consistent pattern. That pattern is to define decisions wherever pos- sible as involving questions that can best be an- swered with information. If one only listens to the rhetoric, policy debates in this country regularly sound as if there are no differences among the values being promoted. In truth, the gut political choices are among preferences and tastes and who gains the benefits or suffers the costs. Value preferences have nonrational and nonempirical roots and generally cannot be changed by facts or more information. This appears to be the case in spades with re- gard to lease management and resource conserva- tion. In the resource sector, three fundamental value issues appear and reappear. They are: First, the question of “fair value” for resources; second, the question of who gets to develop the resources or resource allocation; and, third, the question of what values are to be maximized in postlease regu- lation. One pattern of disguising value questions is to paper them over by establishing mechanical choice- making procedures. An example of this is the pro— cedure for allocating leases on the basis of bonus bids. In a complex situation, we elevate a single variable—in this case dollars—to a dominant posi- tion and let it make the choice. That camouflages the fact that the elevation of the variable involved a major value choice. A second pattern is to submerge the value choices in a mass of information. The debate is then over who has the best information and what the information says. In both cases, the parties-at- interest never have to lay out their selfish purposes. The value choices in the resource area are especial- ly clouded by the information quagmire. This tend- ency to seek answers in information usually allows decisionmaking to be transferred to the profes- sionals and experts. The central problem in our period of change is that the mechanisms we have traditionally used to convert value choices into choices among facts are not working well because the substantive conditions in our society have been undergoing massive changes as a result of modern technology. These changes have spotlighted some of the inherent con- tradictions in our traditional assumptions and rules of operation. Three of these traditions appear rele- vant to the topic of this paper. The first and most hallowed tradition is the con- stitutionally established principle that there should be “walls of separation” established between the various sectors, functions, and institutions of our society. The fundamental purpose of this tradition has been to protect against the abuse of power thought to be the result of decisionmakers who have conflicts of interest. This particular term “wall of separation” was used by the Supreme Court in a 1947 decision declaring that the Con- stitution requires a “wall of separation” between church and state. For our purposes, the most important reflection of this tradition has been the conception that an adversary relationship is to be desired in the re- lationsbetween Government and business, or more generally, the public sector and the private sector. That conception has been particularly important in guiding relations between the Department of the Interior and the resource industry. The fact that the wall has been breached with regularity in the resource sector and, in fact, that conflicts of interest are endemic in a complex society has been 31 32 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE consistently overlooked until recently. In practice, the wall has nearly crumbled in the natural-re- sources sector. The second tradition is that the private sector best serves the public interest when it is governed by the competitive rules of the marketplace. Stated succinctly, this tradition says that the private sec- tor, in this case the resource industry, operates best with minimal encumbrance by government. In- creased Government involvement leads to increased inefficiency. That conceptual construct of what the economists called “the market” is supposed to be relied upon to govern business behavior. This faith in the marketplace provides much of the conceptual underpinning for the desired adversary relationship between Government and business because Govern- ment interference is supposed to foul up the op- eration of the market. The third tradition is that down at the .nitty- gritty level, on a day-to-day basis, Government- industry relations will be carried out in both Sec- tors by professionals who share a common expertise and whose real world activities are organized around common problems. In the resource sector, whether these professionals be geologists, engineers, economists, or lawyers, they share the common bond of a community that views resource management as an activity best carried out by full-time experts. No matter where they may be employed—in a Govern- ment agency or a corporation—they see that ad— versary process of “politics,” which is central to the first tradition, as a cross they must bear. CONTRADICTIONS IN THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Clearly, there has been a fundamental contradic— tion between tradition one, the wall of separation, and tradition three, professional management. That contradiction, however, could be dealt with on an ad hoc basis so long as leasing and management took place in a condition of abundance. The philo- sophical debate over the role of the public sector versus the private sector might exercise the glands of liberals and conservatives, but except in the rare cases, such as Teapot Dome scandal, it had little impact on what actually happened. Even in cases of scandal, the corrective action was aimed at con- straining the abuse of power by corrupt and avaricious men in a condition of abundance. The objective was to find sanitary procedures that would protect the public from such men. In practice, this meant letting a system of clean procedures make the value choices. Guided by these conflicting traditions, the Con- gress and the executive branch responded in ex- pected fashion. Within the Department of the In- terior, a formal “wall of separation” was con- structed between the organization responsible for allocating resources and determining revenue (Bureau of Land Management) and that respon- sible for conservation and follow-on management (US. Geological Survey). This was the case even though the effective exercise of these responsibili- ties required the agencies to be intimately inter- twined. For those resource allocation and revenue de- cisions assigned to the Bureau of Land Manage- ment, the traditions have further required the establishment of procedures that allow minimum discretion. Where competing companies were de- sirous of obtaining the right to develop resources, that right was given either by bonus bids or lottery, and where there were no competitors, it was given on a first-come basis. Where procedures are used to disguise and there fore make value decisions, the only information necessary is that Which is associated with the single decisionmaking variable, in this case, time of re- quest, lottery number, or size of bonus bid. On the other hand, where facts are used to disguise and therefore to make the value choices, as in the case of follow-on regulation, responsibility is assigned to the professional, scientifically oriented US. Geological Survey. In general, the information disguise was possible because a maturing resource industry and the Government shared common goals with regard to conservation. Those goals were the orderly and timely resource development and maxi- mum ultimate recovery of the resource. Although conservation management required sharing infor- mation and analysis between industry and Govern- ment, that did not pose a serious threat, given the shared goals of the postlease or heavily profession- al management phase. CHANGING VALUES As society’s values have changed and as scarcity has replaced abundance, the elements of the pub- lic interested in resource management have ex- panded, and many of the new elements manifest different values. This has resulted in resource policies being subjected to a different kind of scrutiny and has led to widespread criticism. The criticism re- flects a belief that existing resource management arrangements are not responsive to the threats of existing or potential scarcity, new kinds of mul- LEASE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION 33 tiple—use concerns, and heightened environmental sensitivities. These pressures have blurred the boundaries between the responsibilities of the pro- fessionals and the lay public. Similarly, the divid- ing line between the resource allocation and-revenue questions and the follow-on management activities is no longer clear. Stated differently, leasing and resource manage- ment must now be responsive to a much broader set of goals and criteria. Both leasing and resource conservation decisions must now reflect tradeoffs among revenue returns, accelerated resource avail- ability, and environmental-multiple-use concerns. The dilemma is well illustrated by the proposal to lease 10 million acres of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lands a year. It seems unlikely that leasing at that rate will generate a per-acre bonus-bid return equal to that produced under a program that leases 1 million acres a year, thus raising fair-value questions. Similarly, the need to lease according to some scheme of areas ranked for their environmental sensitivity, as proposed by the Council on Environ- mental Quality, will likely affect both revenue re- turn and rate of development. An equally complex condition is developing in the area of postlease management of resources, as environmentally responsive management appears to require substantial prelease planning. This re- quires early acquisition of a broad range of in- formation and a substantial increase in the range and amount of management expertise. These changing goals and the public attitudes they reflect spotlight two operational demands. First, there is a demand that at all times, Gov- ernment must have information and interpreta- tions on resources equal to those held by industry. The underlying assumption is that the complex and highly discriminating judgments Government must now make among conflicting values requires the best available information. If you cannot use a single variable and mechanical procedures, you try to substitute information and expertise. Second, there is the demand for public participa- tion in all resource decisions from prelease plan- ning through postlease regulation. Laymen want a role. The professionals find this difl‘icult because without professional competence, even with com- plete information, the layman does not understand the critical nuances of resource management. Few things are more offensive to a professional than a layman questioning his professional deci— sions. The professional and lay perspectives differ as follows: Experts focus on cause-and-effect re- lationships. They are oriented toward understand- ing what causes events to take place, and they un- derstand the complex and frequently difficult prob- lems associated with modifying causal relation- ships. Laymen are oriented toward what the effects mean to their value preferences. They manifest little concern for professional values. Laymen may not be able to explain why, but they can tell What they like and do not like. When dissatisfaction is high, the lay public demands the right to participate so that they can register their likes and dislikes. The changes I see in resource management are all linked to this demand for expanded public involve ment. When nonprofessionals assert the right to participate in resource management and when they further assert that nonprofessional values must carry equal weight, the system is politicized. That has happened to the resource management system. Succeszul political systems are those that find ac- commodations among conflicting values and con- flicting facts. Resource management in the future must find such accommodations. THE CHALLENGE This is a major challenge for resource managers generally, but especially so for a professional or- ganization such as the US. Geological Survey. The essence of the present demand for management change is that the contradictions be eliminated by assuring an adversary relationship between the Government’s professionals and those in industry. This is a major reason behind the demand for bet- ter Government information and more public in- volvement. The objective is to insure that Government pro- fessionals can and will perform as competent ad- versaries of the industry professionals. In this, as in every area of our technological society, the growing pressure is to create a system of “our professionals” and “their professionals.” This seems to reflect a belief that the public has been snookered by communities of experts who deny access to the uninformed. The critical public wants its own ex- perts—it wants the Government experts to demon- strate their loyalties by fighting with those in in- dustry. These demands are particularly threatening to the resource industry. From my vantage point, the resource industry reflects a distinctively conserva- tive posture. By this, I mean that it inherently fears change. The reasons appear to be at least threefold: (1) The industry has a history of liv- 34 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE ing with wide fluctuations—going from surpluses and low prices to scarcity and high prices—and its response has been to make stability a highly sought goal; (2) it has been an industry popu- lated by no-nonsense professionals; (3) it has made a conservative free-enterprise ideology its rhetorical touchstone. From the industry’s point of View, the changes that are being demanded are seen as a threat to its profits, a threat of Government meddling in its day—to-day operations, and as a result, a threat to the American way. Change in the way the leasing and resource management system operates is there- fore, to be resisted, as even small changes are viewed as having the potential for opening the floodgates. In my View, the industry’s approach to change must, in the end, fail. Existing or potential scarcity will probably not be effectively managed by institu- tions and arrangements set up to manage surplus. Nor will multiple use and environmental values be effectively responded to by a system established when they were of no concern. INFORMATION Central to the whole issue of industry-Govern- ment cooperation at present is the question of in— formation—how much there is, how adequate it is, who has access to it, and how adequate various or— ganizations are in an interpretive capacity. The great danger is that, given our traditions, the ad- versary process will involve a conflict over facts, when in reality the differences are over values. The importance of information is therefore more symbolic than real, but it is no less important for that reason. Only when both industry and Govern- ment approach resource information as a public commodity, in fact only when vigorous and posi- tive efforts are made to communicate it and make it understandable, will stable resource management be possible. The symbolic issue that must be ad- dressed is the belief that actions are being taken that are not in the public interest and that such actions are possible because of selective use of in— formation and expertise. Having said that information is central to the whole debate, let me repeat that I believe it is something of a red herring. Perhaps it is best char- acterized as having a distorting effect. It leads to industry exaggerating what it does not know and its critics exaggerating what it does know. In sub— stance, the availability of all of industry’s infor— mation will provide few answers. My point is that any effort at addressing the more basic issues re- quires taking actions aimed at getting the informa- tion issue into perspective. I believe that that re- quires Government having access to all resource information, and that as far as is possible, resource information should be made public. MAJOR ISSUES What would the major issues look like if infor- mation were eliminated as an issue. The “fair value” question would have to be faced for What it is. That is, how much of the profit should flow to Government? In practice, this is a question con- cerning what the Government gets after the com- pany has made a reasonable profit. I do not know what a reasonable profit is, but that is the basic value question. Given a decision on fair value, there are many straightforward ways of collect- ing the money. Either profit sharing or straight taxation arrangements could handle the mechanics, but to assume that a bonus bid-fixed royalty will result in “fair value” is to dodge the basic question. The question of who gets to develop the re- sources would require defining criteria sensitive to a broad set of public interests. Presumably, the criteria would focus on who could bring the re- sources on line rapidly and provide adequate pro- tection for multiple use and environmental con- cerns. The major concern revolves around big com- panies versus small operators. In the case of 008 oil and gas, my personal View is that we do not want small operators incapable of paying the costs of responding to a “Santa Barbara.” Should the value choice be to insure access for small operators, however, the Government would need to make ad- justments, such as developing the capability for responding to accidents. The question of postlease regulation and con- servation, like the other two, requires value choices. In this case, the issue is which of the conflicting values you bias the system toward. The Department of the Interior outlines its management objectives, in part, as follows: orderly and timely resource de- velopment, encouragement of development compati— ble with other land uses, maximum ultimate re- covery, protection of the environment, rehabilitation of lands, protection of public safety, compliance with NEPA, and insuring fair market value return on the disposition of its resources. That list contains some fundamental conflicts if one gets enthusiastic about any one of those objectives. Regulation in- volves finding the “golden mean” among these ob— jectives. It cannot be found with more information. Further, different interests have a different con- LEASE MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION 35 ception of what the “golden mean” is. The central regulatory question is where you rest what the lawyers would call the burden of proof. Regulation varies, depending upon whether you require the developer to prove that there will be “minimal environmental damage” or the critic to prove “major environmental damage,” or whether you require the use of “best available tech- nology” as opposed to “best practicable control technology.” In summary, regulation involves mak- ing continuous judgments in gray areas; vesting those judgments in a professional organization equipped with the best available information does not change that reality. A PROPOSAL FOR COOPERATION Basic to the needs of successful resource manage- ment in a complex society is the development of con- sensus among parties reflecting different values. This is the challenge to Government at present. Such an approach is juxtaposed to the call of many critics who want a more Vigorous adversary process which comes to a head at major decision points. Implicit in the preceding interpretation is the view that planning, resource allocation, and follow- on regulation are inseparable elements. They there- fore require close cooperation at every stage among industry, other interests and Government, and be- tween the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Geological Survey. Only such cooperation will provide the stability necessary to balance the mul- tiple values. On this point, I would note that we may have lessons to learn from other industrialized countries which seem to do better at working in such a cooperative mode. Achievement of cooperation requires a resource allocation-management system that makes coopera- tion beneficial to all parties-at-interest. Designing a system that would accomplish that goal requires craftsmanship of mind-boggling proportions. Un- der no circumstances would I claim to have accom- plished the task. Nonetheless, let me suggest the outlines of a system to which I have given some thought. Central to this scheme is the substitution of a system of licensing resources based on work pro— grams for the present leasing arrangements. Step 1 involves Government collection of early and expanded resource information. Such informa- tion would include all that collected by companies or individuals under exploration or prospecting per- mits, plus a substantially expanded Government ex- ploration program. Step 2 would call for long-term licensing sched- ules for each major resource. This would provide the necessarily long leadtime for planning resource development. Step 3 would require preparation of regional programmatic impact statements, as areas in new region-s are added to the long-term license sched- ule. These statements should be planning documents and should go considerably beyond present environ- mental impact statements. They should be prepared by interagency task forces and should be general development plans including resource, land-use, and environmental concerns. Their purpose should be to define the role and relationship of the resource de- velopment to the overall use of the region. The pro- grammatic statements should also include an as- sessment of the Government management struc- ture’s capacity to meet its obligations as defined in the statement. A major purpose of the programmatic statements should be to provide early access to in- formation and policymaking for all interested par- ties; the statements would therefore be the first step in the process of political accommodation and consensus-making necessary to resource develop- ment. Step 4 would involve preparation of a shorter, perhaps 5-year, license schedule consisting of areas defined by coordinates. More specific designation of the areas to be licensed is necessary to guide the resource and environmental data collection neces- sary for the preparation of the license impact state- ment. Step 5 would involve preparation of a license im- pact statement. It should be subsidiary to the pro- grammatic statement and concentrate on local con- cerns. The license statement should not repeat material covered in the programmatic statement except where it is necessary to amend the plan de- scribed in the programmatic statement. It should, however, include an assessment of the agency capa- bilities for managing the involved resource develop- ment. Step 6 would involve allocating licenses based on work programs that meet the requirements laid down in the impact statements. Where there are competing bidders, licenses should be allocated by choosing among the competitive work programs. The decisive variables should be (1) speed and completeness of exploration activity, (2) time schedule for initiation of production, and (3) re- sponsiveness of exploration and production activities to land-use and environmental concerns. All proposed 36 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE work plans should be made public when licenses are a redesign of much of the existing management awarded. system. It would require both new legislation and Step 7 should involve regulation that requires ap— major changes in the existing administrative ar- plication of “best available technology and proce- rangements. It is my view that nothing less is re— dures” for the protection of health and safety and quired to develop the cooperative system required the environment. to meet the new resource management circum- The scheme I have just sketched would involve stances we face. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS By DANIEL F. MERRIAM Chairman, Department of Geology, Syracuse University INTRODUCTION All the predictions on the depletion of our na tional resources are pessimistic. We are exhausting our raw materials, and now it is only a question of when. It is of top importance, therefore, that optimum use be made of these resources as they are exploited, and it will be necessary to achieve a balance between use, conservation, and environment- al considerations. As difficult as this may be, how- ever, the real problem will be in finding new reserves to replace the depleted ones. Geologists will play a key role in the exploration for these new mineral resources. I was impressed several years ago by the comments Bob Weimer (1970, p. 154) made in regard to fu- ture exploration for petroleum in the Rocky Moun- tains. Bob, among other things, advocated a team approach in the evaluation of scientific data, or, in his words a “. . . turn to sophisticated geology in the search for . . . [mineral resources] . . . .” In this day and age, when large volumes of data are auto- matically acquired, and techniques are readily avail- able by which to massage them, this approach de- mands use of the computer. Because significantly fewer prospects are being found by traditional methods and because the easy- to-find prospects are gone, the success ratio will obviously decline. This means an ever-increasing effort to find less and less. Thus, significant changes in philosophy, applied methods, and education are in the offing if explorationists are to meet the chal- lenge of the future. In the words of Andre Hubaux (1973, p. 160), former research secretary of COGEODATA, “The very future of the geological profession may well depend on its capability to set a policy for the presentation to proper authorities of the basic geological data to estimate the reserves of commodities.” The new philosophy will reflect team inquiry. The geologist now will integrate his thinking with com- puter scientists, statisticians, engineers, hydrolog- ists, geochemi‘sts, and geophysicists in outlining areas of interest and in monitoring their develop- ment. Methods will reflect the latest available tech- niques and perhaps simulated real-world models based on millions or even billions of items of data. New ideas wil be put forth by the younger better disciplined geologists who will have been trained to interpret and judge the interdisciplinary multi- based data that have been treated in a complex manner. Therefore, it is extremely important to train young professional geologists to think in a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving, to introduce them to all the latest developments, and to give them a thorough background and under- standing of computers and their use. In the past when new concepts were introduced, it was not long until methods and technology were de- veloped to implement the associated ideas. For ex- ample, the application of geophysics in mineral—re- sources exploration resulted in an entire new area of theory and an industry to provide the equip- ment. As each new exploration technique is intro- duced, the success ratio increases for a time and then declines slowly. This results in a series of surges followed by intervening low periods. Advent of the computer and application of it to exploration and exploitation problems will be no exception. Just now we are in the application phase of this con— cept and as the team approach is used and as oom- puters are fully utilized, we should witness a surge, although short lived, in successful exploration for mineral resources. It should be emphasized here that even though the locations of resources are 37 38 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE known, the resources may not be recoverable be- cause of economic or technological reasons—a point well made by Pratt and Brobst (1974) in their re- cent U.S.G.S. Circular “Mineral Resources: Poten- tials and Problems.” The computer also can help in problems of exploitation as well as in bookkeeping, as, for example, in the resource appraisal program of the US Geological Survey, and in projecting short— and long-term supply and demand. I would like to take, in turn, each of the areas— philosophy, applied methods, and education—and examine them in more detail. First, however, the data should be examined. THE DATA Data are accumulating at an almost alarming rate. If the geologist is to digest even part of them, he needs help, and that help must come from the computer. There are many advantages in computer-process- able data. These data are usualy collected under controlled or semicontrolled conditions, and thus they are, or should be: (1) objective (usually), (2) systematic (or in a form that easily can be made so), and (3) organized (thus ready for analysis by mathematical and statistical techniques). In the long run, computer-processable form is the most economical in which to store large masses of data. Most data files are accumulated for special proj- ects. In fact, objectives should be outlined clearly before initiation of such a file (Gilliland and Grove, 1973). In contrast, an archival file is one of basic data, diverse, but having widely accepted stand— ards (Hubaux, 1969). Several countries are working towards develop- ment of archival files, notably Canada, through the Canadian Centre for Geoscience Data (Burk, 1972). Romania also is making an effort on a national basis (Dimitriu and Dumitriu, 1973), as is Czechoslovakia (Hruska, 1971). I suggest that it would be proper for the US. Geological Survey to take the lead in this country and establish a na- tional center based on the one in Canada. One of the charges of the US Center for Geoscience Data would be the development and maintenance of data files for use by the geological community. Along with this function would be the responsibility of setting standards and exercising quality control of the files. Inasmuch as the Survey is deeply involved in data storage and retrieval already, this seems to be a logical next step. One notable example of the Survey’s ever-increas- ing commitment in this area is the recently estab- lished mineral-resources data bank, CRIB, a Com- puterized Resources Information Bank (Calkins and others, 1973). CRIB will provide a quick means for summarizing and displaying data on mineral re- sources. In just 5 months after the bank was im- plemented it contained about 10,000 records. An- other important file is RASS, a Rock Analysis and Storage System. The main file has been in opera tion a little more than 5 years and contains about 250,000 records. It is interesting to note that the national, state and provincial surveys have been in the forefront in developing data systems. This is undoubtedly because historically they have been repositories for these data. Museums also have been involved with data systems because of their special curatorial problems. Recently, two comprehensive summaries have been published on the status-of—the-art: “Computer-based Storage, Retrieval and Processing of Geological Information,” which appeared as Sec- tion 16 of the 24th International Geological Con- gress in Montreal (Bergeron and others, 1972), and “Data Processing in Biology and Geology,” which was edited by John Cutbill (1971) for Academic Press. The status of data processing in the earth sciences in Canada was reviewed by obinson (1970). Robinson (1974) of the Canadian Survey has noted that data must be the origin-a1 observations free from conclusions of the observer. Many geologic terms however have genetic implications and thus in fact have conclusions inherent in their use. This practice, of course, allows disagreements to arise because of the terminology. Semantic symbols as proposed by Colin Dixon (1970, 1971) and Pierre Laffitte (1968) are one possible solution to this dilemma. Data are important, and their half-life has been estimated as nearly infinite in contrast to con- clusions which have a half-life of only about 3.7 years. The preservation of data is of international concern, and COGEODATA, a committee sponsored by the International Union of Geological Sciences, presently is making plans for the future. “The aims of the committee are to facilitate access to avail- able geological data and to promote compatibility between these data on an international scale” (Hubaux, 1973, p. 163). A common data base would allow easy communication on a worldwide basis, en— hancing geological interpretations; effective use could be made of mathematical and statistical tech- niques where standard and comparable data were available; and many misunderstandings could be avoided. In addition to public files, several commercial sys- tems are in operation at present. The one best known to geologists is the Well History Control System (WHCS), which even 2 years ago had data from File GEODAT _________ SIIRS ____________ GEOMAP EDP System Agto _ GRENVILLE _____ RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS TABLE 1.—Tabulation of select special data files Organization Geological Survey of Canada. Smithsonian In- stitution . Department of Geology, Univer- sity of Reading, England. Geological Survey of (Sjweden and Boliden 0. Geological Survey of Greenland. Quebec Department of Natural Resources. Geological Survey of Canada. US. Geological Survey. Content General Chemical analyses, C” dates, sediment analyses, rock properties. Specimen records for rocks, marine crus— taceans, and sea birds. Many data sets, project oriented. Geologic mapping Geological field data; mainly for mapping igneous and meta- morphic terranes Field and laboratory data for a high- grade metamorphic area. Geological field map- ping in the Grenville province. Mineral resources Detailed geological and mining data. Mineral resources in- formation bank. Size 80,000 items as of 1972. About 25,000 speci- mens processed in the first 18 months at a rate of about 430 records/Week. 100,000 cards ________ To handle about 75,000 observation points, with 150,000 sys- temic registrations and approximately 15,000 samples. Descriptions of about 10,000 outcrops. Data on about 4,000 deposits. 10,000 records in the first 5 months. 39 about 700,000 wells in computer-processable files (Forgotson and Stark, 1972). A list of representa— tive special files is given in table 1. Hubaux (1972) has compiled a more exhaustive list. Remarks and references Started in 1964; di- rected by K. R. Daw- son (Burk, 1972). Started in 1967; re- trieval programs written in COBOL (Squires, 1970). Contains data back to 1964; utilizes ROKDOC (London, 1969) . Introduced in 1970; retrieval programs in FORTRAN; also contains data-anal— ysis programs such as DA (Discrim- inant analysis), PCA (Principal components anal- ysis) and FA (Fac- tor analysis) (Berner and others, 1972). Initiated in 1966; sys- tem programmed in Gier ALGOL 4 (Platou, 1971). Started in 1968; di- rected by A.-F. Laurin (Laurin and others, 1972). Contains information on Canadian de- posits (Burk, 1972; Robinson, 1970). Contains information on US. mineral resources; retrieval program, GIPSY (Calkins and others, 1973). RASS ____________ US. Geological Survey. Geochemistry Data on rock, soil, vegetation, or water samples. About 88,000 records with as many as 300 items for each record in analytical laboratory file; as many as 620 items for each sample of 162,000 records in airploration research e. Started in 1969; pre- 1968 data stored in a card file. Utilizes STATPAC (Miesch, written commun., 1974). 40 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE TABLE 1.——Tabulatiovn. of select special data files—continued File Organization Content Size Remarks and references Paleontology University of Cali- fornia, Museum of Paleontology. Western Interior Foraminiferal Data Project. Colorado School of Mines. Vertebrate, inverte- brate, plant, and micropaleontological collections. Cretaceous foramini- fers from the West- ern interior. About 84,000 localities and 100,000 speci- mens. 704 references; 6,000 species citations in- volving 3,000 differ- ent species from 4,000 localities. Started in 1965 (Berry, 1972). Retrieval uses SAFRAS (Kent, 19 72) . Well information Borehole data ' from central Scotland. Institute of Geological Sciences. Well data from Oasis Oil Co _________ Libya. Lithologic data from cores of Carboni- ferous age. Company records of boreholes; lithologic, stratigraphic, struc- tural, and paleonto- logic data. Four borehole records into the detailed file and 15 into the gen- eral file as of 1971; 60 more records ready. Retrieval programs in Atlas machine code—- utilizes ROKDOC‘ (Gover and others, 1971) Data retrieved in raw or summary form (Conley and Hea, 1972) Lithologic well U.S. Geological Survey Water-well records in _____________________ Started in 1965‘(Mor- data. and Kansas Geologi- Kansas; lithologic gen and McNellis, cal Survey. data. 1971) Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Subsurface geological 18,000 wells _________ Started in 1964; re- Government Government. and engineering trieval by TELLUS well-data data. (COBOL based) system. (Buller, 19172) RETRIEVING THE DATA Putting data in machine-processable form for inclusion in data system is all well and good but of little value if such data cannot be retrieved. Many retrieval programs, some rather sophisticated, are being used at present include GEOMAP, TELLUS, GIPSY, and SAFRAS. Many of the re trieval programs are constructed for use with a particular file system, for example, GEOMAP pro- grams with GEOMAP files, and the TELLUS pro- gram system with the Saskatchewan well-data file. GIPSY and SAFRAS, on the other hand, are de- signed for general use. GIPSY, for example, is be- ing used to process the data in CRIB. SAFRAS, an acronym for self-adaptive flexible retrieval and storage, was developed by Pete Sutter— lin and associates at the University of Western On— tario with a grant from the Geological Survey of Canada. Here, I would like to encourage Federal sup- port of research. The U.S. Geological Survey, through a system of direct grants, could commission special computer—oriented research at universities having special expertise. This system has been highly suc- cessful in Canada and could be equally successful in the United States. The SAFRAS system was de- signed for general application so that no prestruc- turing of the data is required; it is easy to use—files can be merged, sorted, and reorganized—and the re trieval is in plain language. A directory precedes the data, giving a complete description of the file; this feature allows the flexibility (Sutterlin and DePlancke, 1969). G-EXEC, an acronym for the Geologist EXEC- utive, is a super system designed not only for stor- age and retrieval, but for analysis and display of ' data as well. The system was developed mainly by Keith Jeffery and Elizabeth Gill 1 in response to needs of the Institute of Geological Sciences in Lon- don. It consists of two parts: (1) the data files and (2) the process programs. The system is data inde- pendent because each data set is self—describing. The system is modular so that it can be implemented on small computers and can be modified or improved easily. The user commands are in near—English, facilitating use of the system. Other systems undoubtedly will be developed in the future. There are pros and cons to big systems for archival data versus small specific systems for project-oriented data files. Small systems are cheap to develop and use, and search is quick because the data are limited. Large systems are expensive to develop, maintain, and use, and a search may be time consuming and thus expensive. However, the ulti- mate use is greater as the data base is larger. In the future, big data storage and retrieval sys- tems will be put into use and small specialized sys- 1Jeffrey, K. G., Gill, E. M., and Henley, S., 1974, G-EXEC system, user’s manual: Inst. Geo]. Sci, unpub. rept,, prelim. draft of issue no. 2, 136 p. RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS 41 tems will proliferate. Standards and quality control will gradually be installed at all levels, and geologists will eventually record all their data on standard forms utilized worldwide. The US. Geological Sur- vey, as already pointed out, can continue to be an effective leader in this area of electronic data proc- essing where so much expertise is available from years of experience. PHILOSOPHY OF SEARCH Now, I would like to turn to the philosophy of search, or if you prefer, exploration. In the words of John Grifi‘iths (Griffiths and Singer, 1973, p. 9), The search for non-renewable natural resources is usually conducted on the 19-century “cause and effect” philosophy. It is generally believed that if we could explain the origin of an ore body or petroleum deposit we could predict where to find additional resources. This philosophy is the main basis for much research devoted to the description and analysis of natural resources. Unfortunately, this philosophy, as outlined by Grif- fiths, was good enough in the past but may not stand us in good stead much longer, at least without modi- fication. Recently, a new approach to the search problem is emerging; that is, combining statistical techniques and geology with the expectation of increasing the exploration success ratio. This approach is through simulation, in which a stochastic model can simul- taneously consider many variables to determine the “best” solution to the problem. Since the work of Allais in 1957, in which the Algerian Sahara was used as a case study, the purely statistical approach has been modified to take into account geology and other factors. One note of caution here, and that too sounded by John Griffiths (1968, p. 6): “. . . the importance of the philosophy of the scientific method is that it encourages an investigator to take a new look at his problem and not, as is quite commonly done, to at- tempt to use new tools—more or less as fads—as additions to old practices.” The one big advantage of a new approach is that it allows the problem to‘be reexamined with a new outlook and to be appraised from a different point of View. The first step in any search is to outline the areas of interest, that is, to determine the favorable areas for exploration. The selection of favorable areas will be based on many factors, including geology. Once the areas are defined, then the exploration and development of the deposits require additional data. These data may be collected according to a prede fined plan, taking into account the size and shape of the suspected targets. Much has been written on the “best” methods to use, sampling schemes, and tech- niques to evaluate the data. Once a deposit is found and delineated, it needs to be evaluated. For each of these steps, computer techniques are available to assist the geologist. Dee Harris (Harris and Euresty, 1969) of the Uni— versity of Arizona has approached the problem by appraising the effect of economic factors which are evaluated prior to the allocation of exploration effort and concurrently with mineral occurrence. The tech- niques used to analyze simultaneously the probabilis- tic events between economic and geologic conditions are multivariate geostati-stics and simulation. This regional, multiple-mineral evaluation approach has been applied in several areas including Alaska (Har- ris, 1969) and northwestern Canada (Harris and others, 1971). Frits Agterberg and his associates at the Geologi- cal Survey of Canada also use a regional approach. Geological and geophysical parameters are assessed for cells of a predetermined size, and probabilities of mineral occurrence are extrapolated from known cells to unknown ones. The potential of any cell is the difference between the projected and the proven re— serves for each cell. The Abitibi area on the Canadian Shield is the object of an ongoing study (Agterberg and others, 1972). . John Harbaugh (Harbaugh and Prelat, 1973) and geologists of the Kansas Survey are developing an historical model for parts of Kansas. Outcome proba- bilities for exploratory wells are estimated for each step through time, on the basis of the geology as perceived at that particular time increment. The probabilities are revised with each increment of time for each cell, as information becomes available. Larry Drew (1974) of the U.S.G.S. developed a random-walk simulation model for exploration of petroleum deposits in the Powder River basin of Wyoming. The hindsight model was used to demon- strate the relationship between the intensity of drilling and the exploration outcome, as summarized by the quantity of petroleum and the number of de- posits discovered, and the probability of gambler’s ruin and different levels of success. These are just a few of the possible models that offer insight into exploration philosophy; refine- ments of these models, or new ones, certainly will be used in the future. The US. Geological Survey can continue its work in determining strategies for exploration for natural resources. These models would be helpful in evaluating Federal lands avail- able for lease and perhaps could be applied directly in areas where the private sector has no interest. 42 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE APPLIED METHODS Techniques are available for analyzing three types of data: (1) sequential data, (2) map data, and (3) multivariate data. Most techniques have been adapted from other disciplines, including medicine, engineer— ing, biology, statistics, and psychology. Individual programs are usually put together into systems to facilitate the analysis procedures, for example, G-EXEC, ROKDOC, and NTSYS. NTSYS is a large system of classification programs developed by the biometricians at the State University of New York (SUNY), Stony Brook. ROKDOC was developed by geologists at Reading University in England, and G-EXEC has already been described. Few techniques have been specifically developed for solving geological problems. However, one such set of techniques, regionalized variables, was de- veloped by the French school of geostatistics headed by George Matheron. Many examples could be cited of the successful application of statistical techniques to exploration and exploitation problems. For the most part, these techniques are applied to problems within the 19th- century context of “cause and effect.” That is, the techniques could have been applied years ago, if it had been practical to do the calculations by hand. Even so, their application now has not been without positive effect, and here are a few examples. The first used and probably the most successful technique has been trend analysis. Trend surfaces are used to separate map data into two components —regional and local. In structural geology, trend surfaces can be used to simulate regional dip of beds; the resulting residuals correspond to local structural highs and lows. The anomalous areas thus are em- phasized by removing the regional dip. The tech— nique has been used especially in petroleum explora- tion in areas of low dip, where local highs, masked by regional effects, may serve as petroleum traps. Harmonic analysis was used by Agterberg and Fabbri (1973) to determine that the pattern of clus- ters of copper and gold occurrences on the Canadian Shield are more or less equally spaced. The copper deposits were shown to coincide with geological structures of one age, and the gold mineralization was associated with features of another age. This technique was used also to demonstrate that algal limestone buildups were formed at approximately equal intervals in the Pennsylvanian seas of Kansas. These buildups occur in the subsurface and are of interest because they may serve as possible petro- leum reservoirs (Merriam and Doria-Medina, 1968). Effective use of cluster analysis of geological data of tungsten deposits of North America has been made (Collyer and Merriam, 1973). This particular study was traditional in the sense that the tech- nique was used to evaluate a “cause and effect” re— lationship; that is, which deposits formed in a simi- lar environment. Analysis of the clusters of deposits with similar attributes emphasized subtle or unrec- ognized relationships in the original data. Once these attributes were determined, they could be used in exploring for similar deposits. Because nonnumeric data can be used in this type of study, the technique offers promise in utilizing historic records. A similar analysis was made for 30 base—metal mining districts in the United States by Joe Botbol (1971) of the U.S.G.S. Factor analysis is a technique which displays data in a simplified and condensed form. It is used to determine structure within a complex interrelation- ship of variables. Factor analysis has been used ex- tensively with geochemical data (Miesch, 1969), and a factor-analysis exploration model was proposed by Ed Klovan (1968), a model in which factor scores would be mapped and favorable areas projected from the coincident patterns of known occurrences. Discriminant analysis has been used by John Grif- fiths (1964) to identify petroleum—producing from nonproducing sandstones. The technique can be used to assign unknown samples to previously defined groups. Many techniques are presently being tested to de- termine their range of applications and limits with geological data. The Geological Survey can do much to foster development of new techniques for analyz- ing geological data. Work along this line is proceed- ing, and the Survey is publishing results. These publications should be increased and made more readily available, as they constitute the only series of this type in the United States. I would like to sug- gest that the Survey take the responsibility in serv— ing as a clearing house for computer programs, in the framework of GEOCOMP as proposed by John Harbaugh (1964), and as the Kansas Survey did so admirably during the mid- and late 19608. This func- tion could well come under the aegis of the US. Center for Geoscience Data. I would encourage the Survey to consider making their network of computers available to the geological public. Just imagine some of the results in teaching and research if such access could be arranged! This possibly could be the forerunner of a national hookup having many remote terminals distributed around the country and operated on a basis similar to the Dartmouth system. RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS 43 EDUCATION Universities are responding—albeit slowly‘——to the needs of the modern computer world. Computers are introduced at an early stage in education, sometimes in high school, and certainly in university—usually in the first year. Mathematics and statistics are taught and used in geology courses. Many textbooks on geomathematics and computer applications now are available. Most universities have at least one numerically oriented faculty member. Computers are readily accessible and economical (at least they are for users in the university where generally they are free), and of course they are easy to use! However, despite all the activity, only about 10 percent of the geology students in this country are exposed to computer-oriented courses in university. More and more the interdisciplinary approach to problem solv- ing is being stressed. Professional geologists can take advantage of the published literature, take night classes and short courses, or attend any of the many workshops, seminars, conferences, and chautauquas that are held throughout the country each year. Communication and the handling of the published literature is an increasingly difficult problem. Some 2 million items have been published in geology, and that number is increasing at a rate of about 100,000 items per year. This means that the geological liter- ature is doubling every 6 to 7 years (Lea, 1972). No geologist, no matter how fast he can read, can possibly keep up with more than a fraction of the total publications. In fact, it may be difficult to keep up in his own field. Greater dependence then is placed on the bibliographies, current-awareness j our- nals, and such services as GEO - REF. GEOCOM Bulletin and GEOCOM programs for the computer- oriented geologists are available through Geosys- tems in London. The International Association for Mathematical Geology is an active organization, and membership is open to anyone interested in mathe- matical geology or computer applications. The As- sociation publishes a quarterly journal (which in 1975 becomes a bimonthly) and a newsletter. In addition to all the other sources of information, a new journal, “Computers and Geology,” starts in 1975. The US Geological Survey is making a contribu- tion to the national reference scheme in supporting GEO - REF. In addition to support for indexing pub- lished material, I suggest that it would be in the national interest to establish a US. Index to Geo- science Data. The index, patterned after the Cana- dian index, would include all sources of geoscience data, including computer-based files, published liter- ature, unpublished open-file reports held by govern- ment agencies, and relevant public documents. The index would identify original observations and measurements, but it would not abstract literature. The production of the index would be part of the US. Center for Geoscience Data. SUMMARY This summary of “Resource and Environmental Data Analysis” has been, of necessity, short and much abbreviated. Emphasis has been placed on the “resource,” but many of the generalities and sum- maries could serve the “environmental” aspect of data analysis equally well. Although many problems lie ahead, I look for geologists to meet their respon- sibilities and commitments with foresight and in- genuity. The future looks bright for the Geological Survey as it continues to fulfill its role as the or- ganizational leader in American geology. REFERENCES CITED Agterberg, F. P., 1971, A probability index for detecting favorable geological environments, in Decision-making in the mineral industry: Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Spec. Vol. 12, p. 82—91. Agterberg, F. P., Chung, C. F., Fabbri, A. G., Kelly, A. M., and Springer, J. S., 1972, Geomathematical evaluation of copper and zinc potential of the Abitibi area, Ontario and Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Paper 71—41, 55 p. Agterberg, F. P., and Fabbri, A. G., 1973, Harmonic anal- ysis of copper and gold occurrences in the Abitibi area of the Canadian Shield, in. Applications of computer methods in the mineral industry: Johannesburg, South African Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, p. 193—201. Allais, M., 1957, Method of appraising economic prospects of mining exploration over large territories; Algerian Sahara case study: Management Sci., v. 3, no. 4, p. 285—347. Bergeron, R., Burk, C. F., Jr., and Robinson, S. C., eds, 1972, Computer-based storage, retrieval, and processing of geological information: Internat. Geol. Cong., 24th, Montreal, Sec. 16, 222 p. Berner, H., Ekstrom, T., Lilljequist, R., Stephansson, 0., and Wikstriim, A., 1972, GEOMAP—a data system for geological mapping: Internat. Geol. Cong., 24th, Montreal, Sec. 16, p. 3—11. Berry, W. B. N., 1972, An automated system for paleon- tologic data retrieval—«A case history: Internat. Geol. Cong., 2'4th, Montreal, Sec. 16, p. 91—96. Botbol, J. M., 1971, An application of characteristic anal- ysis to mineral exploration, in Decision-making in the mineral industry:- Can. Inst. Mining and Metallurgy Spec. Vol .12, p. 92-99. Buller, J. V., 1972, Development of the Saskatchewan com- puterized well information system, 1964—1971: Inter- nat. Geol. Cong., 24th, Montreal, Sec. 16, p. 97—102. 44 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE Burk, C. F., Jr., 1972, Storage and retrieval of geological data in Canada: Earth-Sci. Rev., v. 8, no. 1, p. 153— 15.5. Calkins, J. A., Kays, 0., and Keefer, E. K., 1973, CRIB— The mineral resources data bank of the U.S. Geologi- cal Survey: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 681, 39 p. Collyer, P. L., and Merriam, D. F., 1973, An application of cluster analysis in mineral exploration: Internat. As- soc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 5, no. 3, p. 213-223. Conley, C. D., and Hea, J. P., 1972, A lithologic data-re— cording form for a computer-based well-data system: Internat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 4, no. 1, p. 61—72. Cutbill, J. L., ed., 1971, Data processing in biology and geology: London-New York, Academic Press, 346 p. Dimitriu, Alexandru, and Dumitriu, C., 1973, Geologic data processing in Romania: Internat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 5, no. 3, p. 313—318. Dixon, C. J ., 1970, Semantic symbols: Internat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour. v. 2, no. 1, p. 81—87. 1971, Machine language for representation of geologi- cal information, in Data processing in biology and geology: London-New York, Academic Press, p. 123—134. Drew, L. J., 1974, Estimation of petroleum exploration suc- cess and the effects of resource base exhaustion via a simulation model: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1328, 25 p. Forgotson, J. M., Jr., and Stark, P. H., 1972, Well-data files and the computer, a case history from northern Rocky Mountains: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 56, no. 6, p. 1114—1127. Gilliland, J. A., and Grove, G., 1973, Some principles of data storage and information retrieval and their im- plications for information exchange: Internat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 5, no. 1, p. 1—10. Gover, T. N., Read, W. A., and Rowson, A. G., 1971, A pilot project on the storage and retrieval by computer of geological information from clored boreholes in central Scotland: Inst. ‘Geol. Sci. Rept. 71/13, 30 p. Griffiths, J. C‘., 1964, Statistical approach to the study of potential oil reservoir sandstones: Stanford Univ. Pubs. Geol. Soc., v. 9, no. 2, p. 637—668. 1968, Operations research in the mineral industries, in Proceedings of a symposium in decision-making in mineral exploration: Vancouver, Univ. British Columbia, p. 5—9. _ Grifliths, J. C., and Singer, D. A., 1973, The Engel simulator and the search for uranium, in Application of computer methods in the mineral industry: South Africa Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, p. 9—16. Harbaugh, J. W., 1964, Computer pool may help geologists: Geotimes, v. 8, no. 7, p. 7. Harbaugh, J. W., and Prelat, A., 1973, Research in oil ex— ploration decision-making; estimation of wildcat well outcome probabilities, in Application. of computer meth- ods in the mineral industry: Johannesburg, South African Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, p. 83—89. Harris, D. P., 1969, Alaska’s base and precious metals re- sources; a probabilistic regional appraisal: Colorado Sch. Mines Quart, v. 64, no. 3, p. 295—328. Harris, D. P., and Euresty, D., 1969‘, A preliminary model for the economic appraisal of regional resources and exploration based upon geostatistical analysis and com- puter simulation: Colorado School Mines Quart, v. 64, no. 3, p. 71—98. Harris, D. P., Freyman, A. J., and Barry, G. S., 1971, A mineral resource appraisal of the Canadian Northwest using subjective probabilities and geological opinion, in Decision-making in the mineral industry: Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Spec. V01. 12, p. 100—116. Hrusk‘a, Jiri, 1971, A short review of data processing in the earth sciences in Czechoslovakia: Internat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 3, no. 4, p. 369-373. Hubaux, Andre, 1969, Archival files of geological data: In- ternat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 1, no. 1, p. 41— 52. 1972, Geological data filesASurvey of international activity: CODAT‘A Bull. 8, 30 p. 1973, A new geological tool—the data: Earth-Sci. Rev., v. 9, no. 2, p. 159—196. Kent, H. C., 1972‘, Computer-based information bank for foraminiferal data, Western Interior Region, North America: Internat. Geol. Cong., 24th, Montreal, Sec. 16, p. 112—118. . Klovan, J. E., 1968, Selection of target areas by factor analysis: Symposium in decision-making in mineral exploration, Vancouver, British Columbia, Proc.: p. 19—27. Laflitte, Pierre, 1968, L’informatique géologique et la ter- minologie: Mineralium Deposita, v. 3, no. 2, p. 187— 196‘. Laurin, A. F., Sharma, K. N. M., Wynne-Edwards, H. R., and Franconi, A., 1972, Application of data processing techniques in the Grenville Province, Quebec, Canada: Internat. Geol. Cong, 24th, Montreal, Sec. 16, p. 22- 35. Lea, G., 1972, GEO-ARCHIVE; an information retrieval system for geoscience: Internat. Geol. Cong, 24th, Montreal, Sec. 16‘, p. 204—211. London,'T. V., 1969, A small geological data"‘1ibrary: In- ternat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 1, no. 2, p. 155— 170‘. Merriam, D. F., and Doria-Medina, J. H., 1968, Analisis die tendencias pollinomias y de Fourier aplicados a la informacion estratigrafica: Inst. Boliviano Petroleo Bol., v. 8, no. 1, p. 59—74. Miesch, A. T., 1969, Critical review of some multivariate procedures in the analysis of geochemical data: In- ternat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 1, no. 2, p. 171— 184. Morgan, C. 0., and McNellis, J. M., 1971, Reduction of lithologic—log data to numbers for use in the digital computer: Internet. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 3, no. 1, p. 79—86. Platou, S. W., 1971, An electronic data processing system for geological field and laboratory data; the EDP sys- tem Agto: Gr¢nlands Geol. Undersogelse Rept. 39', 42 p. Pratt, W. P., and Brobst, D. A., 1974, Mineral resources: potentials and problems: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 698, 20 p. Robinson, S. C., 1970, A review of data processing in the earth sciences in Canada: Internat. Assoc. Math. Geology Jour., v. 2, no. 4, p. 377—397. 1974, The role of a data base in modern geology: Syracuse Univ. Geol. Contr. 2. (In press.) Squires, D. F., 1970, An information storage and retrieval system for biological and geological data: Curator, v. RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ANALYSIS ., ‘45 8, no. 1, p. 43—62. II: Vancouver, Univ. British Columbia, Extension Dept, Sutterlin, P. G., and DePlancke, J., 1969, Development of p. 11—42. a flexible computer-processible file for storage and. re- Weimer, R. J., 1970, New ideas, new methods, new develop- trieval of mineral deposits data, in Proceedings of a ments: Southwestern Legal Foundation Explor. and symposium on decision-making in mineral exploration Econ. Petroleum Industry Proc., v. 8, p. 145—154. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE NEW DIRECTIONS IN TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING By JAMES L. CALVER State Geologist, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources We are asked to consider a product of engineering, the topographic map, that has become a funda- mental, indeed an essential, tool in our society. It has won this important use in local, regional, state, and national levels from its unique ability to serve basic-planning and decisionmaking problems that confront all levels of society, from the individual to the most complex group within industry and gov— ernment. This accurate and up-to-date graphic rep- resentation of natural and manmade features por- trays location, shape, and elevation of plains, hills, mountains, valleys, rivers, and lakes, as well as roads, buildings, dams, mines, quarries, towns, and cities. The primary goal of the National Topographic Mapping Program has been to complete the 1 224,000 quadrangle map series of the 48 conterminous States and Hawaii. This objective was accomplished for Virginia in 1972 through a 10-year cooperative ef- fort between the US. Geological Survey and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia now has an ac- curate and consistent base to which a variety of cri- tical information can be related and combined for decisionmaking. Although the national goal is to have such coverage for all States, individual States may shorten the time period for such coverage by entering into a cooperative financial agreement with the US. Geological Survey. The primary reason for a State geological survey to become interested in topographic maps is to ob— tain an accurate base on which to depict geological formations and mineral resources and to show physi- cal features. Through expanded technology and a significant shift toward increased involvement by individuals in such activities as energy and resource exploration and development, land-use planning, en- 46 vironmental protection, urban development, reclama— tion projects, and outdoor recreation, new and some— what specialized products have been derived from the topographic mapping process. The US. Geologi- cal Survey has recognized the importance of these new approaches and has developed new products that can complement topographic maps and that fill some of the needs of urban planners and other spe- cialists. Urgent and demanding needs have brought about a product known as the orthophotoquad as a complement for line maps; used in combination with a standard quadrangle map, it will provide the detail of a photograph. These rectified photographs make possible direct measurements at the scale of 1:24,- 000, and provide information in photographic detail that is not portrayed on conventional quadrangle maps. Land use and the differentiation of coniferous from deciduous trees can be interpreted from them. Orthophotoquads are of such importance that the US. Geological Survey has proposed a 3-year plan to have all the country’s unmapped areas, except Alaska, photographed and have orthophotoquads available for sale. In Virginia, 11 orthophotoquads of growth areas have been received recently, and 15 others are awaiting printing. Demand for orthophotoquads has been accelerat- ing, and Robert Lyddan, Chief of the Topographic Division of the US. Geological Survey, has informed me that cooperative programs for their preparation are underway with Connecticut, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia, that orthophotoquads are in preparation for the entire State of Arizona, and that the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Soil Conservation Service are cost sharing with the US. Geological Survey for orthophotoquad preparation. Orthophotomaps, another product, combine the features of orthophotoquads and topographic maps NEW DIRECTIONS IN TOPOGRAP‘HIC MAPPING 47 and show, by using color tones, wetlands and vege- tation differences. The Dismal Swamp and Wacha- preague areas in Virginia are being prepared in this form. Of specific interest are two relatively new prod- ucts, the slope map and the land-use classification map. The first of these is a valuable tool for land— use planning and portrays various slope zones of the terrain. Such maps are prepared by mechanical techniques from the contour plate of standard topo- graphic maps. Classification of land into zones of slope may be elementary to users of topographic maps, but to individuals who have little or no train- ing in engineering or geology, a slope-classification map is more readily understood and is a usable item. These maps may find great use by legislators as a quantitative aid in making land-use decisions. Land-use classification maps have become a de— sirable product. Interpretation and delineation of land—use information in conjunction with the pro- duction and revision of standard topographic maps in Virginia has met with the acceptance of indi- viduals interested in current use of the land and planning for future uses. Land-use inventory has been overprinted in four 71/2-minute orthophoto— quads in the Fredericksburg, Va., area. Certainly more such information will be required in the future. It is our opinion that such maps should be made for each 71/2-minute quadrangle. In urban areas in Virginia where there is an update schedule for re- vision every 5 years, such maps would be of great value to local and regional planning groups. Eight states have land-use-mapping programs utilizing ERTS data and high—altitude photography (Alabama, Colorado, Maryland, Mississippi, Ne- braska, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Ten- nessee). To implement an efficient revision program to keep the topographic maps up to date, Virginia has been divided into five sectors of approximately equal size; one sector is flown each year to produce quad- centered mapping photographs. These are enlarged three times and compared with the existing printed quadrangle. This comparison is an efi‘icient way to determine cultural changes and to schedule priori- ties for updating the topographic maps. A quad- centered photograph replaces a mosaic of perhaps nine or more mapping photographs formerly needed to depict the area of a 71/é-minute quadrangle. These photographs are available for more than half the 805 Virginia quadrangles, and the remaining are scheduled within the updating program. Those maps selected to be photorevised depict growth features in purple; to date about 25 percent of the Virginia quadrangles has been revised. This aerial photo- graphy as a sales item from the US. Geological Survey is an important byproduct of the mapping program. Intermediate-scale maps are in demand and Vir- ginia is giving consideration to a county series at 1:50,000 scale. This scale is easily convertible to the metric system and will fill the present needs as well as lessen the future impact caused by this country’s adoption of the metric system. Careful consideration should be given to converting all the present 71/2- minute quadrangle series from 124,000 to 125,000 scale. Consideration should likewise be given to 1:50,000- and 1:100,000-scale intermediate or county— or regional-format maps. Such intermediate- scale maps need to be designed so that they would be suitable for enlarging or reducing for use by planners and engineers. I would like to spend a few minutes considering several items that would make a good product even better. It is necessary to keep up-to-date State cov- erage at several scales, the graphics of which could take one—half reduction. A program should be ex- panded to make mapping expertise available perhaps on a consulting basis to public bodies for large- scale mapping and to assist public agencies in the selection of a common scale for mapping. Other improvements would be to locate all routes of access such as trails and former roadways; to annotate all benchmarks; to correctly identify all public-use boundaries, especially those of the United States forests; to differentiate pipeline commodities; to identify river miles for the plotting of hydrologic data; to keep information at the same date that is used for county maps or maps that have scales of 1:50,000 or 1:100,000; to better annotate restric- tive land-use areas, such as hospitals, churches, cemeteries, military areas, actual forest boundaries, and airports; to identify all public recreation areas such as parks, forests, game management tracts, parkways, and so forth; and to develop physical and cultural map information in digital form. If such improved maps were available, there would be more meaning in the present topographic mapping goals. Briefly speaking, these goals are: to keep up to date the 1224,000- 1:250,000- and 1:500,000—scale map series; to have orthophoto— quads, slope maps, orthophotomaps, and county maps made for areas of demand; to inform the pub- lic of map availability and uses by means of press releases, mail-outs, displays, and conferences, and to provide a communications link between the map- 48 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE maker and the user; to identify map needs; and to advertise byproducts such as aerial photographs, stable base copies, stable base copies of color separa- tion plates, and geodetic control. Who are the users of topographic maps? The early development of topographic mapping had a close link with the need for an adequate base on which the geology of an area could be depicted. New groups have found uses for the topographic map that ex- ceed those of the geologist, even though his require ments have expanded to include detailed magnetic, gravity, and seismic data as well as stratigraphic, rock-type, mineral-resource, and surface- and ground-water data. Every individual is a potential user; at present his greatest use of the map is for recreation, including hunting, fishing, hiking, camp- ing, and vacationing. State agency uses throughout the country have increased. In Virginia, the Divi- sion of Mineral Resources utilizes topographic maps as bases for geologic maps and mineral-resource maps, and for benchmark data. The Division of Mined Land Reclamation uses the maps in delineat- ing areas to be strip mined and to be reclaimed, and the Division of Forestry uses them in fire-con- trol access and in the control and determination of insect infestation. The Division of Industrial De- velopment uses the maps as graphic aids for depict— ing potential industrial build-ing sites, the Depart- ment of Taxation utilizes enlargements as an aid for delineating properties, and the Game and Inland Fisheries Commission uses the maps to prepare sportsman guide maps on which campsites, picnic areas, and boat ramps are annotated. The Depart— ment of Highways utilizes the maps in planning new roadways. The Office of Emergency Prepared- ness maintains a file of 71/2-minute quadrangle maps to aid victims of natural hazards. The Outdoor Rec- reation Commission maintains up-to-date map files to locate and keep an inventory of recreational fa- cilities, and the Historical Landmarks Commission makes an annotation of buildings that are on the National Register. Regional planning districts util- ize the 71/2-minute series for an inventory of natural and cultural features and for land-use plans. City and county planners and engineering departments use the maps as an aid in the development and ex— pansion of public utilities as well as to portray vari- ous factors of environmental interest. Policemen, county sheriffs, firemen, and rescue squads utilize- the maps to shorten the response time in answering emergencies. Public schools find the maps invaluable in courses on geography and land-use planning. Land surveyors, realtors, and transmission com- panies have asked our organization for assistance, including questions on the availability of aerial photographs and topographic maps. One hesitates to mention quality control in such an overall excellent product, but inadequate depic- tion of public ownership of land has become a vexing and frustrating problem. In Virginia, our National Forests are not recorded properly, and the bound- aries as shown are erroneous and misleading. Con- sider a standard 71/2-minute quadrangle, half of which is designated as National Forest; however, within that 30-square—mile area, all the land is in private ownership. Not even 1 acre is owned by the National Forest. Further, consider the confusion of the poor hunter who is confronted with no-trespas- sing signs on land indicated on the map as National Forest. Also consider the frustration of the property owner who pleads with us to have correct boundary information on the map. The answer that the land lies within a proclamation boundary or a land ac- quisition boundary of the National Forest is of no help. These individuals become distrustful of an otherwise excellent product. If specifications do not allow accurate boundaries of forest lands and other public-use lands, the question will be raised over and over again—for Whom are the maps being prepared? Within the past few years a new and imaginative system has been developed to use various types of imagery in small-scale mapping. Such images have attracted serious investigators by offering the op- portunity to monitor temporal changes through re- petitive observations. Certainly users who are con- cerned with land-use analysis have welcomed the color composites derived from the spectral band of ERTS—l imagery. The images now available have a fitted Universal Transverse Mercator grid and a 1:500,000 scale. The map of tomorrow may be a re finement of such images. Technical advances that would make possible even greater resolution than exists today will become tomorrow’s commonplace method for making large—scale maps. Aerial photo- graphs will be replaced by satellite and airborne imagery, just as alidades and plane tables were re- placed by photographs and electronic measuring de- Vices. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE GEODYNAMICS By CHARLES L. DRAKE Department of Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College INTRODUCTION Almost 200 years ago, Benjamin Franklin (1782), after some geological observations, wrote to Abbé Soulavie in France Such changes in the superficial parts of the globe seemed to me unlikely to happen if the earth were solid to the centre. I therefore imagined that the internal parts might be a fluid more dense, and of greater specific gravity than any of the solids we are acquainted with; which therefore might swim in or upon that fluid. Thus the surface of the globe would be a shell, capable of being broken and dis- ordered by the violent movements of the fluid on which it rested. Franklin thus anticipated the Geodynamics Proj- ect and the plate-tectonics model that has caused a revolution in geological thought during the last dec- ade. Franklin continued, , If (these thoughts) occasion any new inquiries and pro- duce a better hypothesis, they will not be quite useless. You see I have given a loose to imagination; but I approve much more your method of philosophizing, which proceeds upon actual observation, makes a collectiOn of facts, and concludes no farther than those facts will warrant. Here I believe that Franklin is anticipating the existence of the US. Geological Survey and is put- ting his stamp of approval on the methodology that has been in its tradition since the days of John Wesley Powell. This tradition has served the coun- try well, as have the many distinguished geologists of the Survey, past and present. Of special import- ance has been the interplay of ideas, the interchange of people, and the coordination of efforts between the Survey and the academic community, a part of this tradition that has been of mutual benefit to all parties and that should be continued and strength- ened in the future. THE GEODYNAMICS PROJECT The roots of the Geodynamics Project are of some age, pregeological phylloxera, so to speak, and drew nourishment from the rich organic topsoil of geo- logical speculation. Speculation on the origin of the surface features of the Earth, the causes of natural disasters, and the reasons behind economic emplace- ment of mineral deposits and hydrocarbons has a long and varied history. The ideas were many, but the data necessary to substantiate or repudiate these ideas were few. Early ideas about the origin of the surface fea- tures of the Earth were many and often bizarre, but no more so than the model that we find most acceptable today. This model aSsumes that the Earth’s outer shell consists of a small number of large lithospheric plates that, as suggested by Frank- lin, are decoupled from the underlying substratum and move relative to one another, colliding along the young mountain systems, separating along the midocean ridge system, and sliding relative to other plates in regions such as that of the San Andreas fault system in California. Development of this model was less a question of establishment of new ideas as it was one of collecting and analyzing data that would allow selection from among many ideas. The basic data were in three areas. The first re- lated to the concept of a rigid lithosphere overlying a more plastic asthenosphere. This concept had many adherents, Barrell (1914—15) and Daly (1914) especially, who concluded on the basis of geodetic and petrologic grounds that the asthenosphere was either liquid or glass. Beno Gutenburg (1926) in the 1920’s, took full advantage of inadequate data from the propagation of body waves through the Earth and concluded that a low-velocity layer existed at 49 50 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE depth, a conclusion that was subsequently substan- tiated by studies of surface-wave dispersion when modern electronic computers became available. Hugo Benioff (1949) added to the concept through his studies of the energy release from South American earthquakes during the first half of this century. He found a large change in the rate of energy release of intermediate— and deep-focus earthquakes during the 1920’s that was not reflected by the shallow- focus earthquakes. This led to the conclusion that the outer shell of the Earth was decoupled from the interior. More recently, Joe Boyd of the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution, and Peter Nixon of the Department of Mines, Lesotho (Boyd and Nixon, 1973), have come up with what they suggest is the first direct evidence of a less competent as- thenosphere through studies of rocks blasted out of kimberlite pipes in southern Africa. From experi- mental petrology, geological thermometers and bar- ometers have been devised that allow equilibrium samples of certain rock types to be related to depth and temperature. From studies of the rocks from the kimberlite pipes, Boyd and Nixon (1973) were able to sort out the deep stratigraphy of the lithosphere and the upper asthenosphere. Their results indicate a jump in the thermal gradient at depths of about 150 km beneath South Africa, a jump that may be related to mechanical heat sources. Further, the rocks from depths greater than this jump are sheared, whereas those from above are crystalline. It should be noted that objections to this relatively simple picture have been raised both by geochemists and geophysicists. Nevertheless, the body of data that exists to date supports the first idea espoused by Franklin that beneath a rigid outer shell is a layer that is dense and fluidlike on which the outer shell swims. Franklin’s second thought, that this outer shell was capable of being broken and disordered by the motions of the underlying liquid, was followed by the concept of continental drift. This has had a long and checkered history, beginning with Snider in 1858, and had an early culmination in Wegener’s classic presentation in 1915. This culmination was premature, however, because many objections were raised to the concept, particularly with regard to the driving mechanism and the mechanics of the sys— tem, but also on emotional grounds because the con- cept was so fantastic. When paleomagnetic data in the 1940’s and 1950’s revealed consistent polar- wandering tracks for the individual continents and diverging tracks among the continents, the contro- versy was renewed. It remained a controversy until further magnetic work coupled with marine investi- gations and Deep Sea Drilling Project results led to the seafloor-spreading idea. This idea was based first on the time sequence of reversals of the mag- netic field established by Cox, Dalrymple, and Doell (1967) of the US. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, and second on the correlation, by several investiga— tors, of this reversal sequence with the linear mag- netic anomalies that parallel the midocean ridges. This correlation suggested that new crust was being formed at the axes of the midocean ridges and was moving laterally away from the axes at rates of a few centimetres per year, a conclusion borne out by basement ages determined by the Deep Sea Drilling Project. These findings did not solve the mechanism problems; they bypassed it by demonstrating that movements similar to continental drift had taken place. Marshall Kay likes to cite Ayer’s Law in cases like this, which states “Things that have happened, can happen.” Now Franklin did not, apparently, conceive of the Earth as expanding, but if we create new crust at the ridge axes, we either have to expand the Earth to fit it in, or we must somehow get rid of old crust. This problem was resolved by the seismologists. Most of the earthquakes of the world occur at shal- low depths—less than 70 km. The exceptions are found in the areas where young mountain systems and island arcs are found—around the Pacific and in a belt extending from the East Indies to the Medi- terranean. Deep-focus earthquakes were first noted by Turner in 1922,'and Wadati in 1935 showed that in the Japanese region they dipped on a plane from the Nippon trench to beneath the continent in China. Beniofi‘ in 1954 demonstrated that this was the case in the entire circum-Pacific region. Isacks, Oliver, and Sykes (1968) studied the Tonga region in detail and found evidence that the outer shell of the Earth, the lithosphere, was being underthrust to depths of at least 700 km. Thus, old lithosphere—old oceanic crust—was being returned to the deep mantle and reassimilated and at rates comparable with the rates of generation of new crust at the oceanic ridges. This was true in most areas around the Pacific, a prime exception being California, where the two plates slide along each other, producing shallow earthquakes of often devastating character. Thus Franklin’s concept has grown into the plate— tectonics model, a model that evolved during the Upper Mantle Project, an international project de- signed to study the outer 1,000 km of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle. The significance of the model was not lost on the scientific community, and GEODYNAMIC‘S 51 it resulted in the establishment of the Geodynamics Project, sponsored by the International Council of Scientific Unions at the urging of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and the Interna- tional Union of Geological Sciences, to which more than 50 countries have subscribedX'lThe program is strongly based upon the plate-tectonics model, be- cause it is the most promising model to date, and its purpose is to study the dynamics and the dynamic history of the Earth. A program for United States ' participation by Government agencies, academic in- stitutions, and industry was designed by a commit- tee of the National Academy of Sciences (Natl. Acad. Sci., Geodynamics Comm, 1973), with the aid of some 200 correspondents and advisors; a com- mittee, which includes the US. Geological Survey as a principal participant, has been established by the Federal Council on Science and Technology to co- ordinate the Federal program. THE FUTURE If we look to the future, we can see opportunities both in terms of basic science and in terms of prac- tical consequences of a better understanding of the dynamics of the Earth. Let me give a few examples. We have managed to bypass temporarily the ques- tion of the driving mechanism for plate tectonics by demonstrating indirectly that large horizontal move- ments of the lithosphere have taken place. Many models have been proposed, but we are hampered by the lack of boundary conditions—good physical and chemical parameters for the materials deep within the Earth. This is an area in which there are many opportunities for pioneering work. Our present model for the movement of the plates is essentially that proposed by Wegener in 1915. It is excellent on a large scale, but inconsistencies on smaller scales must be resolved if the model is to be useful geologically. For example, if the Atlantic is closed completely, we are faced with serious over- laps of ancient rocks in Central and South America that must somehow be accounted for. Resolution of this and similar problems will require careful analy- sis of the onshore and offshore data into a coherent picture. The model also assumes that the plates are rigid; yet there is both geodetic and geological evidence for vertical movements at rates comparable with the horizontal movements, that is, centimetres/year, within the plates. The apparent rates decrease by orders of magnitude as the length of time over which they are measured increases, which suggests that the vertical movements are oscillatory. Both the Geological Survey and NOAA are involved in the study of these vertical movements, through geologi- cal and geodetic investigations, and I can think of no efforts that are likely to be more fruitful than efforts in this area. Not only is it important scientifi- cally to see whether or how these vertical move ments are related to the major horizontal move- ments, but most of the hydrocarbons of the world have accumulated in areas that have been affected by these vertical motions. The petroleum industry has taken a very strong interest in the model. The search for hydrocarbons is focused upon structures that might trap them rather than upon oil and gas directly; thus, the best knowledge of the dynamic history of the Earth, the rates of motion and the accelerations and decelerations of these motions, will yield the most accurate structural interpretation. Recent studies of earthquakes by investigators from academic institutions and from the Geological Survey have led to plausible models for the initia- tion of major tremors. These models suggest that forerunners of such tremors may allow more ac— curate prediction of major events than has been the case in the past. As long as the lithospheric plates move relative to one another, earthquakes will take place, but it is not inconceivable to imagine that the stored energy might be released gradually rather than suddenly, thus mitigating the damage. A criti- cal unknown is the cause of major earthquakes in plate interiors, such as the ones in New Madrid, Mo., Boston, Mass, and Charleston, SC. These were very large earthquakes, but unlike those in the circum-Pacific region, they have no obvious relation- ship to the interplate reactions and perhaps are related to the recent vertical movements within the plates mentioned earlier. In recent years, identifiable relationships have been indicated between the plate-tectonics model and the occurrence of major ore deposits. In the Red Sea and Salton Sea areas—regions of diverging plate boundaries—metal-rich brines and sediments have been found. High metal contents have also been found in other parts of the ocean ridge system. Again, it is not inconceivable that metal concentra- tions may accompany the formation of new crust at the ridge axes, that these move laterally with time, and that a distillation process in the underthrusting areas concentrates these metals into exhalative, vein, or porphyry deposits. As most of the metal deposits with readily identifiable surface manifestations have already been identified, it is not unreasonable- to conclude that the future lies with those who have the best understanding of the dynamic history of 52 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE the Earth. Dan Merriam pointed out at the dedica— tion that new approaches are also needed, but these must be combined with the best genetic models. New tools and approaches will play an important role in this project. The Deep Sea Drilling Project has been an exciting and scientifically productive program that has enormously increased our knowl- edge of the geology of the ocean basins. Much more remains to be learned from further detailed study of the cores in the archives. Similarly, deep drilling for scientific purposes on the continents, combined with very deep penetration reflection studies, promises to be equally revealing. A panel established at the insti- gation of the US. Geodynamics Committee and sup- ported by the Carnegie Institute of Washington has studied this problem and has made far-reaching recommendations. Several sources have shown en- thusiasm for a continental drilling program, and it is inconceivable that such a program could be imple- mented without major participation from the US. Geological Survey. Of equal significance is the opportunity that ex- ists for reevaluation and synthesis of existing geo- logical data on the continents in light of the new model. Most of these data were collected and inter- preted prior to the development of the new model, and the reevaluation will not only have beneficial scientific and practical consequences, but it will also identify critical areas that deserve additional study. This observation provides an opportunity to offer strong encouragement to basic field mapping. This mapping provides the basic elements of all our geo— logical knowledge. Without it we have no boundary conditions. It is easy to lose sight of this When we have black boxes, computers, aircraft, spacecraft, ships, or other exciting things to work with. The Geodynamics Project is not designed to find minerals or energy sources or to prevent natural disasters. It is a project whose aim is to learn about the dynamics and dynamic history of the Earth and to provide basic knowledge that will contribute to better utilization of the Earth’s natural resources and to the mitigation of the effects of natural dis- asters. As such, it clearly falls into the area of responsibility of the Geological Survey. Many Sur- vey scientists assisted in the design of the US. Pro— gram (Natl. Acad. Sci., Geodynamics Comm., 1973), and I look forward to continued Survey participation in its implementation. REFERENCES CITED Barrell, Joseph, 1914—15, The strength of the earth’s crust: Jour. Geology, v. 22, p. 28—48, 145—165, 209—236, 289— 314, 441—468, 537—555, 655—683, 729—741; v. 23, p. 27—44, 425—443, 499—515. Beniofl’, V. H., 1949, Seismic evidence for the fault origin of oceanic deeps: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 60, no. 12, pt. 1, p. 1837—1856. 1954, Orogenesis and deep crustal structure—ad- ditional evidence from seismology: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 65, no. 5‘, p. 385—400. Boyd, F. R., and Nixon, P. H., 1973, Structure of the upper mantle beneath Lesotho: Carnegie Inst. Washington, Geophys. Lab. Ann. Rept, p. 431—445. Cox, Allan, Dalrymple, G. B., and Doell, R. R., 1967, Re— versals of the earth’s magnetic field: Sci. Am., v. 216, p. 44-45. Daly, R. A., 1914, Igneous rocks and their origin: New York, McGraw-Hill, 563 p. Franklin, Benjamin, 1782, [Letter to Abbé Soulavie; read at a meeting of Am. Philos. Soc., 21 Nov. 1788.] Gutenberg, Beno, 1926, Untersuchungen zur Frage, bis zu Welche‘r Tiefe die Erde Kristallin ist: Zeitschr. Geophys, v. 2, p. 24—29. Isacks, Bryan, Oliver, Jack, and Sykes, L. R., 1968, Seis- mology and the new global tectonics: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 73, no. 18, p. 5855—5899. National Academy of Sciences, Geodynamics Committee, 1973, US. Program for the Geodynamics Project— scope and objectives: Washington, D.C., Natl. Acad. Sci., 235 p. Snider, A., 1858, La création et ses mysteres devoiles: Paris, A. Franck et E. Dentu, 487 p. Turner, H. H., 1922, On the arrival of earthquake waves at the Antipodes and on the measurement of the focal depth of an earthquake: Royal Astron. Soc., Monthly Notices, Geophys. Supp, v. 1, p. 1—13. Wadati, K., 1935, On the activity of deep-focus earthquakes in the Japanese Islands and neighborhood: Geophys. Mag. (Tokyo), v. 8, p. 30>5~325. Wegener, A. L., 1915, Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane: Braunschweig, F. Vieweg & Sohn, 94 p. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE EARTH-RESOURCE SURVEYS By GEORGE J. ZISSIS Chief Scientist, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan INTRODUCTION In the summer of 1974 the world stands on the threshold of a new, greatly increased ability to in- ventory and monitor the Earth’s resources. It seems especially appropriate to examine a few of the im- plications of that ability on the occasion of this dedication symposium, for the US. Geological Survey has played a central role in bringing earth sciences to bear upon our need for earth—resource surveys. The aspects which I Wish to review briefly involve the development and application of remote-sensing technology to the attainment of the vitally needed resource data base. It is in this development and application that the U.S.G.S. has pioneered. Together with the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration (NASA), and many other Federal agencies, the U.S.G.S. has created the knowledge needed to exploit the capabilities of space-based and aerial remote-sensing systems. Leading this activity within the Department of the Interior has been the Earth Resources Observation Systems Program. Many persons come to mind as we think back over the growth of this effort. Leading them all, I am cer- tain, would be Dr. William T. Pecora, whose vigorous support and wise guidance of the program was an inspiration to all of us. Maintaining leadership in this field within the Department of the Interior has fallen upon the capable shoulders of Dr. John DeNoyer, and EROS still has the wisdom, insight, and counsel of Dr. William Fischer. The developments of which I speak are well doc- umented in the literature, particularly in a com- pilation of papers presented at the 13th Meeting Of the Panel on Science and Technology, for the US House Committee on Science and Astronautics (US Congress, House, Comm. Sci. and Astronautics, 1972). Since then we have seen many of the results of the first Earth Resources Technology Satellite, and even some from the Skylab Earth Resources Experiments Package. REMOTE-SENSING TECHNOLOGY Remote sensing has now begun to appear in sev- eral academic curricula; it is identified as measure- ments remotely made by sensors not in direct con— tact with the object of interest. Since its explicit identification as a field of endeavor, about 12 years ago, it has constituted an extension of the already established and accepted practices in aerial photog- raphy and ph‘otogrammetry, including the follow- ing innovations: 1. Imaging from space platforms. 2. Imaging in the nonphotographic wavelength re— gions, particularly the infrared and micro- wave regions. 3. Attainment of quantitative nonimaging spectro- radiometric measurements from space and aerial platforms. 4. Data recording and transmission in high-density electrical-signal form. 5. Establishment of signal- and data-processing methodologies, analog and digital, to assist human interpreters and to extract some in- formation automatically. 6. Active (that is, illuminated) systems such as radar and laser systems. Thus, this field has brought to bear the power of modern computer, space, and electronic technologies. Remote sensing has expanded our data-gathering and information-producing capabilities and now is engaged in enhancing translation from information to meaningful decisions. The chain we must follow can be visualized as: 53 54 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE DATA —> INFORMATION -> DECISION -> BENEFITS The changes introduced are so radical that remote- sensing technology can be viewed as a totally new attainment, one greater than the sum of the sepa- rate innovations. Some general observations can be made on the nature of this new technology. As it is heavily in- volved with the use of information-gathering tools, it can be deemed a passive technology, one whose output is without value in itself. Thus, if our pro» gress through the chain stops when information has been produced, we will find no “demand” in the eco- nomic sense. As a field, remote sensing is interdis- ciplinary in an integrating sense. It is nearing large- scale practical utilization. Although essentially benevolent, remote-sensing technology can be mis- used. This is dependent upon the decisions made. Much of what we have just said could also be said of “bugging” or so-called electronic surveillance. Such use of implanted sensors for spying purposes, whether industrial, political, or military, has had strong and widely discussed repercussions. Illegal phone tapping can be seen as a clear example of the misuse of a passive technology. Concern has been voiced internationally about the possible misuse of remote sensing from satellites for earth-resources surveys. Perhaps the most cogent treatment of this topic was given by the NASA Deputy Associate Ad- ministrator for Applications, Leonard Jafi'ee (1974), at the February 25—March 5, 1974, meeting of the US. Outer Space Committee’s Working Group on Remote Sensing. The political aspects of earth-resources surveys are thus as real as the technological ones and may well be the pacing elements in the future of this field. APPLICATIONS The remarkably successful operation of ERTS—1 has allowed many investigators to demonstrate a wide range of uses of this particular configuration. Applications which seem to be at hand, range from mapping in the cartographic sense at scales on the order of 1:500,000 or 1:250,000 to many areas of broad thematic information extraction. One imme- diate factor is the speed with which large areas are covered. In almost an instant, the data for mapping a 185- by 185-kilometre area can be obtained. In a relatively short time, a State can be covered. The resulting product is a map of things as they were at one definite time, whereas a conventionally made map may contain old and new information and may represent things as they never were at any one moment. Extraction of information on the renewable and nonrenewable resources has been treated in con- siderable detail in NASA’s ERTS Symposium (U.S. Natl. Aeronautics and Space Admin., 1974). Scien- tists in the U.S.G.S. have made significant presenta— tions at these conferences. Monitoring and inven- torying of agricultural products have been shown, within some limitations, to be valid activities, al- though they require ancillary data such as crop calendars and so—called “ground truth.” The use of ERTS data in disaster assessment and as an aid in directing efforts to alleviate the effects of floods and of drought have also been presented. Monitoring of World Bank projects is an example of a perhaps less known but practical use of ERTS imagery. Time does not permit an adequate treatment of the results already obtained and published. For example, the activities in Canada and Brazil have been out- standing. Taken altogether, they represent an ever- growing truly global capability for use of space sensors for earth-resource surveys. RESEARCH Research in the field of remote sensing for earth- resource surveys is particularly attractive. This has seemed so obvious that we may have failed to articu- late its merits properly. Recently, while in Indonesia, I had occasion to try to do just that. The attributes that came to mind were these. First, it is applied research having clearly understandable useful goals. Remote-sensing research attacks urgent world prob- lems, among them those of finite resources of food and energy. Second, the work is scientifically chal- lenging. The intellectual rewards are, accordingly, satisfying. Third, much of the research can produce good results reasonably quickly. This is an important attribute from the point of view of those seeking thesis opportunities. Fourth, much of the research work can be founded on and developed from a basis of earth sciences. Participation in such research in— evitably brings the scientist into invigorating en- counters with computer and space sciences. Fifth, and perhaps most important of all, this research brings the researcher and the operational user di— rectly together. This necessary and mutually benefi- cial partnership is an uncommon extension in inter- disciplinary interactions, beyond what is normally found in research. This attribute can be equally true for all those who engage in remote-sensing research —the earth scientist, the economist, the lawyer, the agriculturist, or the political scientist. Of course, not every program of study brings all disciplines to- EARTH-RESOUCE SURVEYS 55 gether, but engagement in a series of such works comes surprisingly close. These five characteristics of remote-sensing research can be most relevant for work by teams in less developed countries, but they hold true for developed countries as well . For example, one research area seeks to produce land-use maps by automatic processing of remotely sensed data. Our work at the Environmental Re- search Institute of Michigan, typical perhaps of that by several research workers in this field, has met with some success already. It involves participants from the users at State government level as well as our scientists. Such teamwork is both rewarding and challenging. Two other examples come to mind. Our research in oil-slick detection began with laboratory spec- troscopy and went through theoretical analyses and creation of models of predictive calculations, to the design of system concepts; we then worked with the ultimate operational user of the system on costs and reliability. The second example involves the creation of theoretical and empirical models to allow radiation-transfer calculations in real atmospheres and within vegetation canopies. One capability of these models is used for corrections to radiometric multispectral data, the other for prediction and an- alysis of such corrected data for forests and crops. Again, the involvement with many parties of inter- est is wide and, even today, growing. The quality of the work is reflected in the scientific publications that have resulted. Much remains to be done, but this will always be true in such fields of research. One frontier lies in the attainment of resource-management models ca- pable of efficient acceptance of remotely sensed data. Many gaps exist in our understanding of the connec- tion between the remotely made measurements of, say, spectral radiance as a function of wavelength and the particular properties of the object being ex- amined. Some applications remain just beyond our sensor configurations. Researcher eagerly await higher resolution multispectral systems having wider spectral coverage and having the observational advantages of geostationary platforms. THE FUTURE Dr. McKelvey’s letter of invitation to present this paper stated that the purpose of this symposium was “. . . to survey the public problems to which earth science . . . should be addressed.” No one today could resist such an invitation. One national issue is clearly evident in the field of earth-resource surveys. We stand, as I said before, technically on the thres- hold of attaining an ability to inventory and monitor the Earth’s resources. Will there be a national de- cision to cross that threshold? Let us be very clear what is at stake here. Simply having earth-resources surveys does not bestow social and economic benefits. Such surveys are merely a step toward the decisions that can bring about a wiser management of these resources. We cannot take as an article of faith that better information leads inevitably to better decisions. We can believe that the likelihood of better decisions is increased by having improved information. Indeed, the phrase “necessary but not sufficient” comes to mind. The larger problem remains. It has been couched in many different terms. One that comes to mind is “distribution of wealth.” If we consider that all the Earth’s resources —- human, natural, renewable, nonrenewable, energy, water, food—apply what mod- ifiers you wish—all of these are the world’s wealth, then we realize that the wealth is the world itself. How shall we divide the world? What share shall we leave for those to come? Will we consume the Earth, or husband and cherish it, sharing this wealth evenly with all humanity today and tomorrow? Others have pointed to the need for stabilization—— stabilized population levels, stabilized quality of en- vironment, stabilized growth rates. If we are to achieve the global-management capability inherent in such concepts, we must develop far more powerful tools than mechanistic input-output management models, however complex these may become. Here the challenge is the creation of management tools that include and are responsive to human values. I suggest that this task is a social and political one. The decision to cross the earth-resource surveys threshold is similarly a political one, involving or at least touching all countries. The international com- munity of earth scientists cannot stand apart from active participation in the decisionmaking process. There is little time left—delay can mean the oppor- tunity foregone. Not making a decision is as much of a decision as is any other action. REFERENCES CITED Jafl’ee, Leonard, 1974, [Statement at the UN Outer Space Committee’s Working Group on Remote Sensing, 25 February 1974]: US. Dept. State Bull., Apr. 8, 1974, p. 376. U.S. Congress, House, Committee on Science and Astron- autics, 1972, Remote sensing of earth resources. A com- pilation of papers prepared for the 13th meeting of the Panel on Science and Technology—1972: Washington, US. Govt. Print. Off., 224 p. 56 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973, 1974, Symposium on significant results and projected Symposium on significant results obtained from the applications obtained from the ERTS—l: Edited by O. ERTS—l: U.S. Natl. Aeronautics and Space Admin. G. Smith and H. Granger: Houston, Tex., U.S. Natl. Rept. SP—327, X—650—73—127. (Goddard Space Flight Aeronautics and Space Admin, Earth Resources Pro— Center, Greenbelt, Md.) gram Office, Johnson Space Center. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE FEDERAL INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF NATURAL-RESOURCES STUDIES By ROBERT M. WHITE Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration It is a great honor for me to be invited to par- ticipate in this seminar on the earth sciences, com- memorating the dedication of this magnificent new home of the United States Geological Survey. I bring you greetings and congratulations from your sister agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- ministration. I bring these congratulations with just a touch of envy. At long last, most of the Geological Survey in the Washington, D.C., area will be housed in one place, whereas we in N 0AA live and work in some 20 different locations. How.wonderful, I some times think it would be, if all in NOAA could get together as you are now doing in the Geological Survey. I would have hoped that Vince McKelvey would have asked me to talk about something I enjoy, such as the weather or fishing, both of which we have something to do with in NOAA. However, it is my lot to talk about interagency coordination in natural-resources studies. My participation in inter- agency coordination activities is generally something I would like to forget rather than talk about. Interagency coordination is about institutions and processes and is generally regarded as something apart from scientific and technical matters. When I first came to Washington a decade ago, the Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology of the De- partment of Commerce, Dr. Herbert Hollomon, in discussing my new duties as Chief of the US. Weather Bureau, told me that I would be spending most of my time on matters that would appear at first as irrelevant and far removed from the direction of the technical activities of the Weather Bureau. He did not tell me then that it would involve coor- dination of interagency activities. He was right. I spend more time on interagency coordination than any other single activity in which I am involved. After a few months, it was clear that interagency coordination may not be the stuff of scientific and technical substance, but it might very well be real substance in its own right. I would like to advance that thesis. After a decade in Washington, I have become convinced that unless we learn how to direct and orchestrate the work of diverse groups, solutions to our problems can 'be seriously retarded. One of the major substantive problems we must solve is an institutional one. Our ability, or lack of it, to establish the necessary net- works of specialized organizations to attack impor- tant tasks of society may very well determine suc- cess or failure. I have lost count of the number of interagency boards, committees, and panels in which my organ- ization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- ministration, participates. You name it, and we have it. Interagency bodies are ubiquitous. There are in- teragency bodies for every level and echelon in the Federal Government, for the big wheels and the small wheels, for almost every subject and topic, for satellites and weather, geodesy, oceanography, geology. We have them in every form—bilateral agreements, multilateral agreements, informal ar- rangements, and formal arrangements. We have cabinet level coordination bodies, such as the Domes- tic Council Committee on Environmental Resources, and the Water Resources Council, both chaired by the Secretary of the Interior. We have the Federal Council for Science and Technology and its sub- committees and panels. We have Federal committees to deal with coordination of weather services and 57 58 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE geodesy. We have bilateral arrangements with the Geological Survey, Federal Aviation Agency, Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Coast Guard, the Fish and Wildlife Service. We have an incredible array. “What do they all do?” This is the criticism heard so often. Sometimes that is a hard question to answer. Are they really as ineffective as some people feel? Do they really solve problems, or do they serve only to paper over unresolvable issues? As with most things in life, the truth is in between. Interagency bodies reflect the existence of trans- organizational problems. The real world develops in ways frustratingly different from the ones we have organized for. We continually make new stabs at changing organizational structures to meet new national problems, but we never really succeed in encompassing all aspects of a problem in a single organization. Interagency bodies reflect the com- plexity of modern problems. They reflect the wide spectrum of expertise that must be brought to bear on them. There is no way out, except to cajole, co— erce, or direct various groups that have the exper- tise and resources needed to get together. We cannot reorganize for every problem, and we cannot afford the duplication of resources that such an organiza- tional concept implies. What we are really about when we engage in Federal coordination, whether it applies to the field of natural resources or any other field, is establishing networks of expertise and resources. We do not have to cast about to understand what I mean by transorganizational problems. Take the problem of greatest concern to us now— energy. Take one segment of that problem—develop- ment of oil and gas resources of the Continental Shelves. Literally, an army of organizations is im- mediately involved. The Geological Survey has wide responsibilities for the geology, geophysics, and the safety of oil and gas drilling on the shelf; the Bureau of Land Management has the leasing re- sponsibility; the Environmental Protection Agency is concerned about pollution problems; the Coast Guard must monitor; and NOAA is concerned with the impact of oil development on fisheries. The solu- tion requires coordination, but even more, it requires joint participation. Another kind of resource problem is represented by the management of the coastal zones of the United States. Recent legislation, the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, sets up a system for State management of our coastal zones. It would be hard to find a problem involving more agencies. Some- times I think every single agency in the Federal Government must have a stake. The question is, how do you bring all Federal agencies together so that their interests are repre- sented. What is more important, how can their talents be used in establishing the policies and guidelines? It is not just that problems are more complex; other reasons underlie the formation of interagency mechanisms. Take multiple-application technology—— the technology that applies to many problems. A good example is space technology. It can be used to study mineral resources, fisheries, oceanography, meteorology—and so on. Suddenly we are confronted with the question of how to deploy such a technology. We are fortunate enough to have had the wisdom to establish a space agency to develop the technology for all space vehicles. The more difficult institutional question is whose responsibility is it to operate the space systems and use the data. There is no way to deal with that problem except by bringing inter- ested and affected groups together. Again, a need for interagency bodies. When you get right down to it, we might very well ask why there are so few interagency coordinating bodies rather than so many. I am being only slightly facetious. Federal coordination, however, is only one corner of a very much larger problem—one that deals with a phenomenon that is affecting the way Gov— ernment operates. It is not only Federal agencies that have interests. The people “out there”—the constituencies, interest groups, various State and local governments, the citizen himself—all are af- fected. They also want in. They want participation and they should have it. Coordination needs to be more than Federal. I am caught up in an activity that has illustrated to me the widening circles of who must be involved. In NOAA we deal with resources of a different kind from those you deal with in the Geological Survey. Let us take the conservation of the world’s whales as an example. I happen to be the United States Commissioner to the International Whaling Com- mission. We recently had our annual meeting in London. The issue we faced was how to establish conservation programs that would prevent endanger- ment of whale species and restore depleted stocks as rapidly as possible. The issue is emotional and symbolic. It is one on which environmental and con- servation groups have strong positions. It is also one in which the structure of the International Whaling Commission favors those who seek weak conservation measures. It became absolutely Vital FEDERAL INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF NATURAL-RESOURCES STUDIES 59 to involve nongovernmental groups in every stage of our planning in order to arrive at difficult decisions as to how to proceed. The Coastal Zone Management Program is also a good example of the necessity of bringing in the views of many groups at the State and local levels. Interagency coordination provides mechanisms for hearing all sides of a question within the Federal structure. These mechanisms can be good or bad. At their best, they can attack very difficult problems and yield excellent results. At their worst, they are bureaucratic fortresses of delay and procrastination and deterrents to innovation. Too often, they take the latter form. Why are they so often so frustrat- ing? There are many reasons. Often, the agency representatives are given no real authority; often, they have no real standing in their own agencies and no freedom for compromise or decisions. Often, the budgetary discipline of the system causes a built-in reluctance to innovate. We could go on. We need to look at the set of causes that makes these coordinating bodies sometimes ineffective. Unless we can make interagency mechanisms work and un- less we can get groups together, we are in deep trouble. Too frequently we think in terms of developing new institutions because of dissatisfaction with the old. In many cases, new institutions are needed, but in many more cases, the problem is to use institutions that already exist. I keep plugging away at Federal interagency coordination because I do see instances of magnificent results through the establishment of networks of institutions. It all makes it worthwhile. Let me comment on a few of these, in areas with which I am familiar. A good example was the execution of the Bar- bados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX) . This was an experiment which took place in 1969, off the island of Barbados. The purpose was a field study of the interaction between the oceans and the atmosphere. Through the Federal Committee for Meteorological Services, it was possible to enlist the efforts of 10 Federal agencies along with aca- demic and industrial institutions, working together on a program for 3 years, requiring extensive re- sources. Another good example is in the field of hydrology. The International Field Year of the Great Lakes was a successful field program only because of the active participation of many different agencies of the Federal Government. NOAA’s working relationship with the Geological Survey is a model of bilateral agency cooperation. The deputy directors of the two organizations meet regularly to plan joint efforts and resolve issues. The relationship works because Vince McKelvey and I both insist that it work. We have similar ar- rangements with NASA, the FAA, and the Coast Guard, all of which work excellently. I suppose we expect too much from interagency committees. Where they have directive authority as in many bilateral arrangements, they frequently work. Where there is a specific task to be done, they frequently work. Where they are of a standing variety, they frequently fail. Where interagency bodies do not have directive power, they can still be useful if we do not expect them to do more than their authority permits. I see of no way to get our jobs done without them. Some say they cannot get their jobs done with them. It sounds like marriage—and maybe that is what this is all about—the marriage of agencies. It is, in fact, a phenomenon more enduring than a great many marriages. It will be with us until death us do part. There is no alternative but to make it work. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE LAND RESOURCE—ITS USE AND ANALYSIS By JOHN C. FRYE Chief, Illinois State Geological Survey Organized human society cannot exist without the basic resources of land to sustain and support it. Although we speak of food, shelter, and water as the essential commodities, all of these are derived from use of a land area. Furthermore, for several thousand years, mineral raw materials have been an essential item for human society, and they, also, are derived from the Earth. Therefore, their procurement is another form of land use. Indeed, the concept of use of the land resource is so all encompassing that it is difficult to consider any societal problem that does not in some way involve land use. In spite of this universal dependence, the philo- sophical approach‘to the use of-land has historically differed widely among the many human cultures. In some ancient and in some primitive societies, the land—that is, the Earth on which we live and its indigenous plant and animal population—was held in great reverence. An ancient Sanskrit prayer ex- pressed the concept in the phrase “0, Mother Earth, ocean girded and mountain breasted, pardon me for trampling on you.” In America, the native Indians had a profound reverence for the land. Chief Joseph is quoted as saying, “. . . I never said the land was mine to do with as I chose.” More than 100 years ago, at a treaty parley in the Northwest, an Indian leader said, “The Great Spirit, in placing men on the earth, desired them to take good care of the ground, and to do each other no harm.” In contrast, western culture has generally viewed the land as being for the exclusive use of man, to be modified or exploited as the individual owner or the local society wishes at the moment. The contrast in attitude was eloquently stated a half century ago by Willa Gather. 60 When they left the rock or tree or sand dune that had sheltered them for the night, the Navajo was careful to obliterate all trace of their temporary occupation. He buried the embers of the fire and the remnants of food, un- piled any stones he had piled together, filled up the holes he had scooped in the sand. . . . Father L‘atour judged that, just as it was the white man’s way to assert himself on any landscape, to change it, make it over a little (at least leave some mark or memorial of his sojourn), it was the Indian’s way to pass through a country without disturbing anything; to pass and leave no trace, like fish through the water, or birds through the air. Against this historical contrast, we must view present-day North America. The western practice of unrestricted land modification, if carried to an ex- treme, can result in modifications of one locality that seriously interfere with land use in an adjacent area. Land-use practice by a local group may prevent the larger society from making desired or necessary use of the land, including the production of food and raw materials. Such conflicts of land use have forced upon our collective consciousness the fact that, if our civilization is to survive, the use of land, par- ticularly in the urbanizing areas, must be based on sound factual data and directed in such a way that it will not cause social deterioration. The numerical size of our population makes it abundantly clear that to support our citizens, even at a subsistence level, we are far past the point of return to the land ethic of the American Indian—even though there are those of us who wish that we could do so. The Honorable John D. Dingell underscored this fact when he said, “You are not going to sell aes- thetics to a starving Hindu.” Because our modern society cannot return to the ancient and primitive ethic of preservation of the terrain in its pristine condition nor continue in the western ethic of “do as you please to any parcel of LAND RESOURCE—ITS USE AND ANALYSIS 61 land you hold in fee simple title,” we must move to a position between these two, but quite different from either. We must say in effect that the owner of a parcel of land may use it to his own benefit as long as that use does not conflict with the overriding needs of the populace and of the Nation, and that, preferably, the use should be compatible with the long-term needs and desires of the national culture. Let me state clearly that I am not sufficiently presumptuous to contend that I can define the long- term needs and desires of our national culture, but I am convinced that those groups in our society that make such long-term decisions should base them on adequate scientific and technical data. Here enter geology, geochemistry, hydrology, geophysics, min- eral-resource evaluation, and topographic mapping —all areas of knowledge, or activities, in which geological surveys have particular and extensive expertise. We are here to take part in the dedication of the National Center of the United States Geological Survey, and particularly of the John Wesley Powell Building of that National Center. This is indeed an appropriate forum for the discussion of the applica- tion of scientific and technical data to the wise use of our land resources. Major Powell was a giant among pioneers, not only in scientific exploration but also in the development of governmental agen- cies that made possible the generation of data in a context in which it could be useful to public decision- makers. Now, let us take a brief look at techniques avail- able for attacking this broad basic problem and the directions that may be taken in the future. The geological sciences, in all their applied branches, must be called upon to furnish the needed information for evaluation of our basic land re- source. Many of the applications are obvious and have been described repeatedly and at length. Map- ping of the topography and of the surficial geology clearly is part‘of the first step, because many of the essential features of the land are derived from these basic elements and can be understood only in the con- text of such background. The distribution and litho- logic character of the earth materials at the surface, and to depths of as much as 50 feet, have a direct bearing on virtually any human use of the land. However, it is not enough merely to map the distri- bution of the formally described rock-stratigraphic or time-stratigraphic units. The mapped units must be characterized as to lithology, mineral compo- sition, engineering properties, hydrologic character- istics, and lateral and vertical variability, and indi- cation must be given of the rock type immediately underlying each unit mapped. The soils that have developed on the described deposits should be mapped from the standpoint of their physical prop- erties as well as their agricultural utility. Each of the materials units mapped should be evaluated as to its suitability for the many specialized uses that can be made of a particular parcel of land—be it for residences, large buildings, highways, recreation, waste management, mineral-resource development, agriculture, or other use. The type of map evaluation described is almost universally needed to determine what use of the land would be most beneficial to society. However, this basic evaluation is only the beginning of the application of the geological sciences. Essential in some areas, and for some uses, is a Wide range of specialized data that may pertain to rocks hundreds or thousands of feet below the surface. Examples of these supplemental data are the presence or ab- sence of aquifers containing ground-water supplies, and the quality and abundance of such potential water supplies; the presence and distribution of former or active underground mining that might at some time affect the use of the land surface; the character of deep rock units that are potentially useful for the safe disposal of liquid wastes; the seismic characteristics of the area, which can be used to evaluate earthquake hazard; and, of great future importance, the location and character of mi- eral resources that have potential for development so that their availability can be protected until they are needed. The last point is particularly relevant in the vast reaches of public land in the western half of our Nation, where we have been moving from an early policy of “free-for-all” for mineral claims and exploitation, toward a policy of preservation, but without accurate and detailed knowledge of the po- tential mineral resources that may be needed des- perately at some future time. The future availability of mineral resources is a problem that illustrates the importance of the con- cept of multiple-sequential use of land. If an area having an important mineral resource that has the potential to fill future needs is identified, the first phase of land use might be for recreation, for “open space,” or for preservation. The first phase can then be followed by a second phase of mineral production, after which a possible third phase could be devoted to waste disposal, urban development, agricultural production, or recreation, as the needs of society at that time might dictate. The concept of multiple- sequential use of land is not new, and in fact it has 62 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE on occasion been practiced by accident. In the future it should be practiced by deliberate intent, but it must be based on sound detailed information about the mineral resource involved and the suitability of the subseqently disturbed area for a third phase of use. This last phase clearly indicates the need for continuing research on the problems of reclama- tion or restoration of disturbed land areas. As our social structure becomes more complex, and as we become increasingly more dependent upon the products of science and technology, we require increasingly sophisticated data on which to base decisions for the specialized uses of our land resource. This is well illustrated by the area of waste management. Solid waste is generally contained in sanitary landfills, which are a specialized form of land use. Landfills, which now occupy only a very small segment of the land area, have a potential side effect for the pollution of water resources that may move far beyond the site. Research on the leachates from landfills and the resultant potential for pollu- tion is only starting at a few places, but it is an area of research that needs vigorous support in the near future from the earth-science agencies of the Federal Government. The effluent from landfills contains an amazing mix of potentially toxic trace elements and deleterious ions derived from the refuse in the land- fill. Basic research is required to determine which and how many of the many potentially toxic con- stituents will be carried outward from the fill into the regional terrain to become potential pollutants of the regional water supply or will remain trapped in the surrounding sediments. Such research, al- though considered by some to be pure science, is essential to our social existence in the near future. The hydrologic system through the landfill is as important as the geologic parameters that influence the circulation of fluids. Hydrologic data are also essential in evaluating the potential effects of in- jection of liquid industrial wastes into deep rock layers. Land use may be importantly influenced by a group of natural phenomena that have been loosely called “geologic hazards.” They include ground movement associated with earthquake shocks, un- stable ground and potential surface movement, epi- sode flooding, accelerated shore erosion, and poten— tial volcanic activity. At least some research is underway on all these problem phenomena. The best available information on these potential hazards must be part of the background data on which land— use decisions are based. An aspect of the land-use resource that has been generally disregarded is the societal use of subsur- face space. Although airspace above the land surface has been generally, and legally, regarded as being within the realm of public allocation, the use of volumes of space below the land surface has been considered subject to public control in only a few special circumstances. In our metropolitan areas, the use of subsurface space is becoming a societal prob- blem. Subways, sewers, water mains,vand service access for years have been normally situated under- ground in metropolitan areas. However, use of the subsurface for such purposes competes with ground- water supply, waste disposal, waste-water convey- ance and storage tunnels, mineral-resource develop- ment, and underground storage of commodities and presents a problem that has been given neither legal nor public consideration. It is to be hoped that, be- fore future decisions are made on the allocation of subsurface space that might permanently render it unusable for any other purpose, the earth sciences will be asked to provide the technical facts that should be background to any political decision on the subject. In an analysis of land use, we must consider such problems as reclamation of strip-mined land; possi- ble future subsidence of undermined land; regional effects of canalizati‘on, artificial impoundments, and levee construction along major rivers; and the con- version of vast acreages of agricultural land to urban use. The effects of such actions have long been predicted by earth scientists, but, unfortu— nately, the implications of future effects commonly have not been a component of the decisionmaking process. Furthermore, continuing research is clearly indicated. For example, we know more about ef- fective procedures for reclaiming shallow strip—mined land with relatively gentle slopes and an original cover of unconsolidated Pleistocene deposits than we do about techniques of preventing surface sub- sidence in undermined areas. Having considered the areas in which earth sci- entists should furnish needed data to guide the po- litical decisionmakers in the use of our limited re- source of land, we might briefly consider new tech- niques available to achieve their needed goals. Most of the approaches used by the geologist, geochem— ist, geophysicist, and hydrologist are well estab- lished, but new techniques of data gathering and predictive capability are constantly evolving. One of the major technologic changes is in our ability to analyze smaller and smaller quantities of potentially toxic substances. Publicly acceptable tolerances tend to follow our ability to detect. As the level of our LAND RESOURCE—ITS USE AND ANALYSIS 63 chemical and mineralogical analytical capability in- creases—particularly our ability to detect trace quantities—we as a society tend to become conscious of possible hazards, and we consequently tighten our standards of acceptance until all tolerance disap— pears. In the wise use of our land" and water re— sources, we must be aware of the fact that if we place our standards of acceptance beyond the level that existed before modern human societies occupied an area, we are being ridiculous. As a former Direc- tor of the United States Geological Survey has pointed out, nature’s normal functioning is the world’s greatest polluter. Clearly, therefore, an im- portant area of basic research is the establishment of “background” data—that is, the determination of the levels at which the many constituents existed in the environment before the advent of western culture. Furthermore, the concept of zero tolerance —that is, zero discharge to the environment of the products of human activity—is totally unrealistic. We must determine instead what level we can tolerate. New technologies have evolved that can aid the earth scientist in fulfilling his needed role of de- lineating and analyzing the factors involved in our land resource for the decisionmakers. Prominent among these are remote sensing, including sensors on satellites, and computer manipulation of data. Other new and exotic techniques will evolve through time, but it should be remembered that these are only new “tools of the trade,” to aid in achieving the needed results. In themselves, they do not alter the problem or the basic data needed by the political decisionmakers. In conclusion, let me return to the basic problem with which I started. The demands and needs of today’s increasing population require that we depart from the philosophies of earlier cultures—be they ancient, primitive, or western—in their approach to the use of our land resources. Social decisions for land-use must, in the future, be based on the best and most reliable information that our public de- cisionmakers can obtain. We can no longer afford whimsical or emotional decisions, or decisions based on vicious self-interest. Earth scientists must use all the developing and advanced technology available to furnish our public administrators with the needed data. In turn, governmental bodies must support the acquisition of the needed data—at Federal, State, and local levels—by encouragement and funding, and they must heed the data available to them in their formulation of public polices. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TRANSFER By JOSEPH S. JENCKES Administrative Assistant to Senator Paul J. Fannin I find myself in a very unique and ambiguous situ- ation, in that I don’t know a great deal about geol- ogy. I do know a little something about politics, and maybe I might have something to say that will re- late to some of the talks today. I first knew about this symposium a couple of days ago when Mr. Bettwy, who is the Land Commissioner of Arizona, called and said, “Joe, why don’t you go out there; it’s going to be very informal. Not too many people, no television—just talk for a little While about land use and other things in Arizona. No problem.” And I said, “Well, what’s the topic?” He said, “A very simple topic.” I’ll read it to you: ‘Interfaces for a National Response to Resource Demands—A Need for Interagency Interdisciplinary Coordination,’ sub- ject of talk: ‘Teohnology Information Transfer.”’I said, “What does that mean?” He said, “It’s a snap. It means how we communicate information.” I said, “Well that ought to be very simple, I’m an expert on that.” So, I got the information that he sent, including a paper that’s so technical I don’t understand it. That made me even more nervous. I thought, “I’m going to be speaking to all these technical people and experts, and I’m not going to know anything, and I’ll make a fool of myself.” And then I thought, “I ought to be able to just (stand up there and talk a little bit about Arizona and tell some of the prob- lems we have.” Then I began to think of the title of my topic, “Technology Information Transfer.” The title is so complicated, and it has to do with com- municating ideas, communicating data. And I thought, “The very thing I’m suppose to talk about is so complicated that the man on the street doesn’t understand it.” Then I began to wonder if the farmer, the city 64 planner, and the water man in Arizona would under- stand these data when they get them. To illustrate that, I must tell you a little story that’s true. It did not happen in Arizona. There’s a farmer out west and the coyotes are eating his sheep. He says to himself, “My gosh, I can’t control this thing. I have to go to the Government. They’ll help me out.” So he comes to Washington, and he meets a bureaucrat in one of the departments. The bureaucrat says, “There’s no problem, Mr. Farmer. We’ll handle this just like we handled the screwworm problem. We’ll feed the coyotes the same stuff and that will sterilize them and you’ll have no more problems.” And the farmer said, “Sir, you don’t seem to understand. The coyotes aren’t making love to the sheep, they’re eat- ing them!” So maybe that’s part of our problem. Maybe the politicians and the bureaucrats and the technicians somehow are not getting the point across. I come from Arizona. We’re very conservative in Arizona. Let me tell you a little bit about Arizona’s land. Arizona is a pretty big State: It covers an area of 114,000 square miles. Public land in the State, owned by the State, consists of about 11/2 million acres or 13 percent of the total. That’s just State land and it is scattered all through Arizona. The Federal land is 45 percent of the total. The Indian land is 27 percent. Private land is 13 percent. I don’t want to get too political here, but we had a talk on land use, and if you go to Phoenix, Ariz., and you tell them there that somebody in Washing- ton is going to tell them how to run their land, they’re unhappy. They want to control what little land they have. They are concerned that perhaps the Federal Government—some of the people in the Fed- eral Government—care more about the national in- TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION TRANSFER 65 terest than they do about the poor guy who lives in Arizona. Now that may be right, it may be wrong, but that’s what they’re concerned about. Let me tell you a little about some of the problems that relate to this data business that we’re all sup- posed to be talking about. How do you get the data out? How do you communicate it? How do you trans- fer it? I read through a technical paper about the ERTS satellite. As I was talking about what to speak on, I asked, “Well, is the farmer getting that infor- mation? Does the farmer know when half his graz- ing land is dead?” Remember it comes up white instead of red on one kind of image, because it’s dead and doesn’t have any heat anymore. I was told, “Well, we’re trying to get it to them.” I said, “Is the Geological Survey giving the Department of Agri- culture this information?” “Well, we’re starting to.” And I said, “How about the miners?” One percent of the land in Arizona is used for mining, and we pro_ duce 50 percent of the Nation’s copper. So, we have to be concerned about our things, and we’re a little concerned about some of these data. I asked, “How is it working?” and was told, “The satellite is work- ing grea .” You can get ERTS data. A satellite is great. It doesn’t have a vested interest, and they say it’s working fine. In Arizona, they found out that they don’t even have to make a field inspection anymore when they’re looking for powerlines because they have all these photographs. There are problems, but good things are also happening. Arizona is getting a land-use plan that they want on a local level, and with the help of the Geological Survey, ERTS, and other data-gathering systems, they’re getting a plan together. Let me tell what else Arizona has done. They have a system called the Arizona Trade Off Model (ATOM). Here’s what it does. They have a big com- puter, and they feed in a lot of demographic infor- mation—population, transportation, how the air is here, and how the water is there. They put it all in, and then a corporation will say, “We may want to move to Arizona. What can you tell us? Where should We move?” The computer is asked a question, and out comes the little card. It says, “Based upon your power need, your water needs, your electric needs, your real estate needs, the type of people, the skills that you have, and the people that you have, you should move to this point.” Maybe what I would like to see is this. A build- ing, a square building. A person walks into the build- ing and says, “I want to know X about this piece of land.” And he would get a transparency—just pick it up and there the information is. Now they’ve got something like that, I know. At the Land Office you can find out a little bit about land management. At the Agricultural Ofl‘ice you can learn a little about that. You can go to Soil Conservation, and you can go to AEC. You’ve got to go all over the lot. Then I find out that nobody speaks the same langauge any- more! Remember this title—“Technology Informa- tion Transfer.” I don’t know what it means! So there’s a problem; it has a technical name—“non- compatible data.” This agency’s got one mouthful and this one’s got another. Example, I can only live by examples. You know what an arroyo is? It may be many things. It may be a dried creek. It may be an ear muff. It may be a Mexican freeway. It may be contraband. So we have to get our data right. How do you do that? Scientists speak in gobbledy- gook, farmers speak in gobbledy—gook, AEC people speak in gobbledy-gook, and nobody understands anybody. Maybe we have to do something about our terminology; maybe we’ll have to go back to school and learn to use a simple language, like how do you communicate data or how do you communicate information? I don’t even know what interagency— interdisciplinary coordination means! We ought to be simple. Hopefully, we can take politics out of data systems. What we do with our land is a political decision; it’s a policymaking decision. But if data and systems get all confused and all wrapped up in the policy matter, you don’t come out with a very good conclusion. I don’t know what the answer is. I don’t know whether it’s one agency or not. I don’t know Whether we just have to call it a Government data agency, and no connection with any depart- ments. But you’ve got to get back to “square one,” you have to let people know, and you have to let the public know; we can’t make proper decisions without proper data. As a politician, I know we ought to make things as simple as we can make them. We need the Geo- logical Survey. When I saw all of this equipment out here, I was impressed; you can do great things, and it will help. So, keep it simple, keep the data coming, and don’t take all of Arizona’s land away. Leave us that 13 percent, and if we get the information, I think the people of Arizona will work up a good land-use plan. To get serious for a moment here, and I will end. The Governor of Arizona, Jack Williams, has writ- ten a letter to Mr. McKelvey. Mr. Radlinski, I think, is here to accept this letter and memento: 66 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE Dear Mr. McKelvey: On this occasion of the dedication of the new John Wesley Powell Federal Building, it is my pleasure to present this plaque, representative of over 100 years of historical ties between John Wesley Powell’s most significant accom- plishment in the State of Arizona. John Wesley Powell ex- plored this great land for over 40‘ years before Arizona ever became a State. He recognized the significance not only of the land and its resources, but he pioneered studies of the linguistics of the inhabitants of this land—the Ameri- can Indians—who today occupy over 14 of our State. It is highly significant that this new building be named after this great man. Arizona is proud of our long standing re- lationship with the U.S. Geological Survey and we are looking forward with high expectations to future accom- plishments which will take place in this new structure. Sincerely, Jack Williams Governor, State of Arizona It’s a tremendous structure; you’ve got tremen- dous people there. Just keep it simple. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO OF NATURAL-RESOURCES THE SOLUTION PROBLEMS By NATHANIEL P. REED Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks We must not, at the outset, consider the interdis- ciplinary approach to problem solving as itself new or in any way unique to this decade. Many of the so—called great individualists of the past in truth were great because they were adept at orchestrating a diverse collection of talents and resources into a focused effort to attain their objectives. Explorers before and after John Wesley Powell have enjoyed success substantially proportional to their ability to meld several disciplines in the pursuit of an over- riding objective and to pursue that objective with determination. The same can be said of the captains of industry and the famous generals of military history. More recently, we have been bemused with the mechanisms of operations research, systems analysis, and the like. Again, the emphasis was on the means of getting a mission accomplished, usually within a cost-effectiveness framework. Inputs and outputs were generally measured in dollars, or, varying non- dollar outputs were compared with alternative in- puts of dollars. The variants were many and were fully capable of earning a niche in history for their perfector. What We are talking about, then, is not a new concept but rather an expansion in the use of new planning tools, concepts, techniques, and disciplines, many of which were not available earlier or were not considered necessary. What we are considering, also, is the basic decision and its alternatives as well as the alternative means of implementing the decision once it is made. That is a basic change. To be specific, the construction agencies have been making decisions for decades to build water projects on the basis of engineering and economic analyses. The time has come to add systematic environmental analysis to the considerations that lay the basis for a go, no—go decision—to proceed or to halt. The en- vironmentalists must be a part of the basic decision- making appartus. At issue in the 1970’s is a belated recognition that factors heretofore ignored must be brought to bear in decisions that affect, particularly, the husbandry of scarce resources. Some resources are renewable, assuming that they are not irreversibly damaged by man’s activities; others are so finite in supply as to be exhaustible in terms of economic recovery. In short, we must look critically not only at the alternatives of how we do things, in the traditional sense of maximizing revenues, but also at whether there are more basic alternatives to the action that would maintain a measure of resource values for future generations; whether the decision should be made now, or whether the options should be held open; and whether to take no action, or whether to pull ahead, counting on the genius of our technicians to do something better later—buggies outclassed by autos, whale oil replaced by petroleum. Will petroleum be replaced by fusion, solar power, or other sources of energy to power this great econ- omy? Or must we settle for a more conservative level of growth? The full range of these decisions requires environmental knowledge and viewpoint. In short, both the depth and breadth of our considera- tions must be much greater. We now must consider not only whether to take oil and gas from the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana but also whether energy alternatives are available to the Nation that would have improved prospects for sparing our national en- vironment. This requires the advice, counsel, and, I 67 68 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE submit, the consent of discipline not previously privy to decisionmaking of the more profound type. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) mirrors the public interest and concern in looking at national problems in a multidisciplinary context. It requires that all agencies of the Federal Govern- ment “utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary ap— proach which will insure the integrated use of the natural and social sciences and the environmental design arts in planning and decisionmaking which may have an impact on man’s environment.” The courts have restated the essence of the NEPA requirement thus: NEPA mandates a case—by-case balancing judgment . . . in each individual case, the particular economic and technical benefits of planned action must be assessed and then weighed against the environmental cost; alternatives must be considered which would affect the balance of values. The magnitude of possible benefits and possible costs may lie anywhere on a broad spectrum . . . in some cases the (economic and technical) benefits will be great enough to justify a certain quantum of environmental costs; in other cases they will not be so great and the proposed action may have to be abandoned or significantly altered so as to bring the benefits and costs into a proper balance. To be redundant, the full meaning is that the mod- ern concept of multidisciplinary planning requires that the planning team must include persons skilled in the environmental arts and sciences, and they must be included at the earliest stage of planning and at the critical decision points so that the basic decision is the right one, in terms of the long-term well-being of man. This well—being of man is now the critical issue. There must be a clear recognition that, along with the Biblical authorization for domination by man of his environment goes a stewardship responsibility, which, if not discharged wisely, will eventually “do him in,” or at least Whittle down his numbers to some level more in keeping with a natural carrying capacity of his environment. You, as scientists, know that, and it is not necessary to belabor the point. Man is in every sense a part of the Earth’s ecoystem—a closed loop in which any disturbance to one sector reverberates through the whole web. The general public senses this relationship and, I fear, is more concerned with the implications than many scientists. Thank God for the public concern! If the NEPA mandates the interdisciplinary ap- proach, the principles and standards of the Water Resources Council provide the planning framework. They are, on first examination, so complex that they threaten to fall of their own weight. It is the challenge of the planning wizards to make them function. The standards do take into account mul- tidisciplinary considerations. What they do not yet take into consideration is the need for multiagency interaction. I can see little merit in adding environmental planners to the planning staffs of the water-develop- ment agencies, expecting thereby to have those agencies turned around from their traditional way of maximizing dollar benefits for a select clientele bent on a single objective—development. What is needed is the informed input of such agencies as the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Geological Survey in the planning of Federal and federally assisted projects. There must be a planning team represen— tative of advocate agencies—and of the general public—in a planning environment that invites in- teraction, opposing viewpoints, and outright friction at times. Alternatives representing the points of View must be formulated and compared. Tradeofi's must be evaluated and selections made. There must be recognition that some environments must be let alone and that nonstructural alternatives are the test. I believe that this interaction among agencies must take place and that, properly directed, it will produce enlightened results. As an example of the institutional aspect, the question of what agency performs the fish and wild- life aspects of planning is covered in the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. This Act requires that the Service be consulted in such instances and that the Secretary of the Interior provide a report based on such findings. It also mandates certain considera- tions of fish and wildlife. As environmentalists we are ill prepared for this kind of venture. The linkage between environmental excellence and human well-being is now only ob- «scurely traced in many facets. There is a dearth of basic information on the exact characteristics of ecosystems and the reactions of those ecosystems to disturbances of various kinds. “What can we reason but from what we know ?”, to restate Alexander Pope’s query. We must know more, and quickly. Generally, Federal missions concerning the en- vironment are pointed toward increasing our knowl— edge of the total environment, toward protection of the environment, and toward control and abatement of pollution. Understanding, describing, and predict- ing environmental phenomena require the investi- gation or study of weather, ocean—current patterns, earthquakes, and a host of other environmental dis- turbances and interactions. Basic inventories, which INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO THE SOLUTION OF NATURAL—RESOURCES PROBLEMS 69 describe the extent, location, and quality of natural resources must be compiled; probably the most im- portant are studies to understand the impact of man upon the environment. This is no simple task. It means that we must learn something of the composition of the biological community being affected, including species, num- bers, biomass, life history, and distribution in space of populations. It means that we must study the quantity and distribution of the nonliving materials such as nutrients, water, and soil types, and it means that we must examine the range or gradient of con- ditions in the community such as temperature, light, and other factors. After learning these basics, we must ultimately relate them to man and to man’s impact on those systems. Our environmental protection and enhance- ment activities must include preservation of unique natural areas and endangered species. These activi- ties must include conservation and management of our fish and wildlife resources; recreation and his- toric preservation and conservation must also be included. The greatest effort is in the area of pollution- control and abatement activities, including financial assistance to State and local governments for p01- lution-control programs, regulation of pollution and enforcement standards, research involving control and abatement of pollution, and the control of pol- lution from Federal installations. Superimposed upon individual agency programs are national commitments that cross agency bound- aries and shape the future of our natural resources. One program, as discussed in the President’s Bud- get Message for fiscal year 1975. is a comprehensive energy program to deal with current shortages and to reestablish our ability to be self-sufficient. This national energy program includes . reorganization of Federal administrative machinery to deal more effectively with short— and long-term energy needs; stringent energy conservation measures . . . and allocation of petroleum products . . . reporting of oil pro: duction, inventories, reserves and costs; modernization of regulations for railroads in order to permit energy sav- ings; policies to accelerate development of domestic oil and gas reserves . . . and development by private industry of western oil shale and offshore oil and gas deposits; meas— ures to permit increased use of our vast coal reserves, in- cluding environmental safeguards for surface mining, con- version of oil-fired electric power plants to coal, improve ment of mining techniques and accelerated efforts to de- velop technology for coal gasification, coal liquefaction, ad- vanced combustion systems, and pollution control; develop— ment of fast breeder nuclear reactors which it is hoped will greatly increase the amount of energy recoverable from our nuclear fuel resources; more timely approval of sites for energy facilities and accelerated construction of nuclear power plants; and increaSed research on advanced energy sources including fusion power, and geothermal and solar energy. I believe that several environmental problems re- lated to this energy program need special attention because of their massive size and the industrial and urban changes associated with them. I would like to mention one or two of these which I con- sider particularly important, but this list is not all inclusive by any means. Western coal and oil-shale resources—The pro- posed development of the largest coal deposit in the world in Colorado, Wyoming, and the Dakotas, as well as increased production in other sections of the Nation, and the development of extensive oil- shale deposits have the potential for enormous damage to fish and wildlife resources. Proper at- tention must be applied to these resources and to their associated values during development of both coal and oil-shale resources to prevent destruction and degradation of land and water resources. The Appalachian syndrome—the wrecking of land and man—must not be transmitted to the American West. Power plants.-—Power—plant development is ac- celerating at a rapid pace. By December 1972, the Atomic Energy Commission had issued operating licenses for 29 nuclear power plants. Another 84 nuclear power plants are either-under construction or under operating permit review. Nuclear and other forms of power development have the poten- tial for effecting irretrievable and irreversible en- vironmental losses. The impact of nuclear power plants on our national fisheries must be evaluated. Impingement, entrainment, loss of juvenile fish, and improperly designed screens must be mini- mized. Coastal ecosystems—The Nation’s coastal areas, including tidal wetlands, estuaries, contiguous oceans, and the Great Lakes, are being altered by man through dredging, filling, channelization, pol- lution, and related actions. These fragile environ- ments provide basic habitat requirements and food sources for more than 60 percent of the Nation’s fishery resources. Coastal areas further serve as an important nesting, resting, and/or feeding habitat for a variety of animal life forms, including migra- tory birds, fur animals, and sea mammals, as well as endangered wildlife. Without proper planning and remedial management efforts, renewable natural re- sources and their environments will continue to be degraded significantly or may be virtually lost in 70 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE the near future. We may not need the protein base of our coastal fisheries now, but our grandchildren may. We would be a foolish people if we continue to allow the desecration of our estuarine system. Stream alteration—This problem, I believe, is particularly appropriate for discussion, because the Geological Survey has a long history of involvement in water-resource problems through its collection of basic information and its basic and applied research programs. Stream alterations, including channeliza- tion, clearing, snagging, dams, and diversions, are common water—control and storage methods. The long-term ecological significance of such alterations has been largely ignored. These alterations affect the total ecosystem, which includes the channel proper and the flood plain. Flood-plain ecosystems general- ly are recognized as the most productive inland habi- tat in North America. As Federal, State, and local construction agen- cies have broadened their environmental perspec— tives in water use, demands for answers to fish, wildlife, recreation, and ecological questions have increased. Our capacity to respond has not kept pace with the need. Our ability to evaluate biologi- cal and socio-economic aspects of water-project de— velopment accurately is inadequate. It is necessary for various local, State, and Federal agencies to work together to prevent further degradation of our streams and rivers. This country is currently in a position where massive programs are going forward with inade- quate knowledge or consideration of environmental consequences. We can no longer afford the luxury of compartmentalizing each segment of a resource problem so that it may fall neatly into the techni- cal, scientific, or legal jurisdiction by law or ex- pertise of a specific agency. It is time to look at the entire system, the interactions of that system’s parts, and the required basic information for effec- tive and efficient management of these systems. We are living in an age of real or supposed crises. The real crises of overpopulation and overconsump— tion of finite materials, of food, and of declining energy reserves will be with us from now on. If light is to penetrate the darkness, if change is going to occur speedily to keep us on an even keel, then some old dogs must learn new tricks. Paul Ehrlich brilliantly pointed out that it is not the starving have-not nations that are creat— ing such a terrible strain on the world’s ecosystems. It is we—the inhabitants of the highly industrialized nations—who generate the spiraling never-ceasing demands that overload our systems and resources. He stated in a recent speech: We have got to end the insane growth of consumption in the overdeveloped countries, and this can be done with a great increase in the quality of life. We can reduce our energy consumption and live better. We have got to stop population growth in the over-de- veloped countries because it is the most serious population growth in the world, and it is starting to climb. We have got to convince under-developed countries that imitating the kind of development that we have done, say in the United States, would be a lethal mistake, and hope that they will choose diflerent development goals, and that in particular as they choose their options, they will try and take ones which will lead among other things to lower birth rates as rapidly as possible. We will never convince them to do that unless we change our own ways . . . and if people cannot change their behavior rapidly enough, then we just will not get the job done, and like many other species that have overshot the carrying capacity of their environment, we will pay the price.” The American people cannot continue their ac- celerating growth binge. Sooner or later, even with- out our intervention, limiting factors Will halt the growth. The major question is whether or not con— trol of the growth syndrome will be the result of rational carefully planned human action or of chaos. The scientists of the Geological Survey will be part of the great decisions which we as the world leader must make. The verdict on our success in this mission has not yet been rendered. The de— cision is in the hands of you, the educated. You must prepare a constituency to face up to the realities of the hard choices we collectively face. EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE NATURAL-HAZARDS REDUCTION By FRANK PRESS Chairman, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Up to this point in the symposium we have heard about energy and mineral resources and their de- velopment in the context of the need to conserve the environment. The same forces that created the hos- pitable and rich environment that enabled life to develop and civilization to progress beyond the Stone Age also trigger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and landslides and contribute to climatic change and destructive weather. The human need to understand nature in order to discover her material wealth and to gain protection from her vagaries survives to this day as the major motivation of earth scientists. It is fitting therefore to take up the question of the Nation’s response to natural hazards at the dedication of the new capital of earth sciences here in Reston, Va. I should like to review for you some of the scien- tific progress of recent years and to say something of the response required by our public agencies to match the technical advances. To begin with, let me first document the need for a national program dealing with natural-hazards re— duction. Some years ago, when I presented a pro- posal for research in earthquake prediction and earthquake engineering to the President’s Science Advisory Committee, one member questioned the need for a major investment in research, pointing out that in the history of our country only a few hundred lives were ever lost to earthquakes and that the apparent loss from earthquakes in this century could not have averaged more than about $20 million per year. What was overlooked in this critique was the future loss potential from a reoccurrence of a great earthquake such as those in San Francisco in 1906, Los Angeles in 1857, and New Madrid, Mo., in 1811. Tens of billions of dollars and tens of thou- ands of casualties are the kinds of numbers that have been appearing in sudden-loss estimates. Catas- trophic earthquakes have occurred in the past and will occur in the future, as any geologist would vouch. The new ingredient is the astronomic growth in population and investment in the earthquake- prone regions of our country. Some 30 million people now live in the 20 States that are in seismic-risk zone 3—the most dangerous category in the seismic—risk map of the United States. An additional 40 million live in seismic-risk zone 2. The San Fernando earth- quake of 1971 was a sobering experience to geolo— gists and engineers. This relatively small tremor (much less than 1 percent of the energy released in the San Francisco quake) occurred in a densely populated region. The damage bill came to $500 mil- lion. Too few people know that one dam was stressed to near the failure point and that a slightly larger shock on another day would have resulted in casualty figures in the tens of thousands. When one considers tsunamis, volcanism, hurri- canes, storm surges, tornadoes, and landslides, no communities in our country are immune to loss from natural hazards. On the bright side is the remarkable progress that man has made in understanding the natural systems that constitute his environment. In the limited time available to me I will highlight our new insights con- cerning the Earth’s internal forces, although an equally impressive report could be made about our new understanding of the atmosphere and oceans. The past decade has been a period of great dis— covery and excitement in geology. For the first time an all-encompassing theory—that of plate tectonics —ties together the large-scale geological phenomena of our planet. Most earthquakes and volcanoes, for 71 72 EARTH SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE example—their location and the forces that cause them—can be explained in terms of the relative mo- tions of about a dozen plates that make up the outer shell of the Earth. In the laboratory, rocks have been stressed under the conditions of high pressure and temperature that exist in the Earth’s interior, and physical changes that precede rupture have been found and explained. In research pioneered in the U.S.S.R. and extended here, these same changes have been shown to exist in the Earth’s crust prior to an earthquake. Volcanoes have been instrumented, and the progress of magma from the deep interior to the place of eruption has been charted. To draw an analogy with medical research, it is as if the etiology of 90 percent of cancers was understood for the first time. We have reached a point where prediction of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and accurate forecasting of tsunamis and landslides are achievable goals. Rapid progress has been made in another aspect of hazard mitigation—the physical description of the hazard, mapping its geographic extent, and al- lowing for the response of structures to the forces involved. For example, more data have been accumu- lated on ground motion and soil response due to earthquakes in the past few years than in all preced- ing time. A whole new approach to risk analysis is being developed involving a physical description of the hazard, its probability of occurrence, and hazard- resistant design alternatives, all of which raise de- cisionmaking from the level of guesswork to a highly professional act. In citing these few examples, I want to make the point that science and technology are opening the possibility of significantly reducing man’s vulnerability to natural hazards. As exciting as this progress has been, the effort has been sup- ported at below the critical level needed to achieve these goals, in an operational sense, in this century. Regardless of progress on the technical front, sig- nificant hazard mitigation cannot be achieved with— out a Federal policy and an organized program. For example, a policy decision to augment support in earthquake-prediction research can bring this goal to fruition in years rather than decades. The Govern- ment, through the many ways it influences construc- tion—disaster insurance, impact statements, US. Army Corps of Engineers approvals, Government construction, subsidies, disaster relief—can mandate land-use and construction-engineering practice on the basis of the new technology. Information trans- fer from the research centers to the communities can be expedited in this way. It is an interesting yet sad commentary that in hazard—risk analysis both in this country and in the U.S.S.R., specialists have de— veloped powerful techniques to rationalize decision- making in land use and construction, yet these spe- cialists have difficulty is finding customers for their new technology. Just as natural hazards know no geographic boun- daries and affect man and his culture in many ways, so does the Government responsibility cut across de— partmental lines. The Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Health, Education, and Wel- fare, Defense, Interior, and Transportation and the Atomic Energy Commission, Veterans Administra- tion, and the Food and Drug Administration have legitimate roles to play, as do State and county gov— ernmental units. There are not many precedents for pol‘icymaking involving so many agencies, some of which are potential users of new technology, some developers of new technology, and some serving in both capacities. Then there is the matter of relative urgency. If a major catastrophe were to strike to- morrow, the following day would almost certainly see a government-Wide policy in natural—hazards mitigation. How does one sell preventive medicine for a future afliiction to agencies beleaguered with current illnesses? I believe that scientists and engineers must as- sume a role of advocate and even special pleader When they perceive a sluggishness in the Govern- ment’s response to some new opportunity or to some future danger. It is not outside of the scien- tific tradition for scientists to make a case before the Executive Office or to brief Congress on an im- portant issue. Einstein did it in his famous letter to President Roosevelt on the possibility of an atom bomb. The possible stress to the environment from a fleet of SST’s, the nongovernmental expert testi- mony on ABM’s, the design of a national cancer- research program, the campaign against cigarette smoking—these are famous examples where experts have reached and influenced branches of govern- ment. Earth scientists anticipated the energy and min- eral—resource crises. They knew years ago that these critical shortages would trouble us, beginning with the last decades of the 20th century, yet they are liable to the criticism that they did not speak out loudly enough or did not reach the right pressure points to influence Government policy. Earth scientists have a case to make. They can point to housing tracts placed in fault zones or on unstable hillside slopes. They can cite newly built hospitals that collapsed when shaken by a moderate earthquake. They can question the policy of a de- NATURAL-HAZARDS REDUCTION 73 partment of the Government that spends billions in construction yet is unable to support research that would safeguard its investment. They can question the wisdom of budgeting less than 0.1 percent of the total construction investment for hazard-miti- gation research. They can show how a research dollar invested today can yield an enormous return in lives saved and property preserved tomorrow. At a time when basic research budgets have not kept pace with the growth in the GNP, earth scientists can point up the practical value to society of their new comprehension of the forces that have shaped our planet. What kind of Government policy is needed to encourage and then to exploit progress in the tech- nology of hazard mitigation? After we list the in- gredients of such a policy, it will become clear where in government the responsibility should lie for organizing and implementing a program. I list some of the ingredients of a national policy: 1. Goals for hazard prediction, with adequate re- search support to implement these goals; for example, earthquake prediction in California in 10 years. 2. Goals for hazard control; for example, hurri- cane modification in 20 years. 3. Regi‘onalization of the country according to disaster potential. 4. Land-use policy according to disaster potential, including regulations and incentives. 5. Research and development in antihazard engi- neering and risk analysis. 6. Development of construction codes in accord- ance with latest research and development re- sults. 7. Use of new approaches to risk analysis in siting, selection of alternatives, and investment de- cisions. 8. Insurance, disaster relief, and reconstruction policies consistent with the preceding. 9. Information-transfer and public education pro- gram. This list covers several disciplines and cuts across the responsibilities of various departments of the Government. Indeed, the budget for such a program would appear as a crosswalk table involving many agencies and many technologies. It seems clear that a disaster-mitigation program must receive a charter and guidelines from the highest levels of the Government. Management, co- ordination, and interdepartmental budgeting are essential elements, as are the involvements of state— of-the-art science and technology. I believe that a task force, chaired by the President’s science ad- Visor, which should include senior representatives of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the cognizant government departments, is called for. The coordinator must have authority, and he must enjoy the confidence of OMB, both of which go with proximity to the Executive Office. I believe a strong Government-wide program would receive the support of Congress. Does any one doubt that we would have a program similar to the one that I have de- scribed after the next magnitude 8 earthquake in a western State? Why not reduce the severity of future catastrophe by organizing a national program now. Earth scientists should take the lead in selling this concept and then getting on with this challenge. ‘1' U.S- GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1974 0‘585—470 /49 V 7 DAY. ;., Oligocene Marine Mollusks from the 3%: Pittsburg Bluff Formation in Oregon , 9. / GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 UUCUMENTS DEPARWENT MAY 4 7975 USS-9”“ L UNIVERSln'HiJRI-filgauronm ,‘ APR 5 1976 ESSDO Oligocene Marine Mollusks from the " Pittsburg Bluff Formation in Oregon By ELLEN JAMES MOORE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 Systematic paleontology and stratigraphic relations of the mollusks—48 species representing 31 families are described; 6 taxa are new UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1976 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Moore, Ellen James Oligocene marine mollusks from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation in Oregon. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 922) Bibliography: p. 56—60. Includes index. Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16z922 l. Mollusks, Fossil. 2. Paleontologyioligocene. 3. Paleontology#0regon. I. Title. II. Series. United States. Geological Survey Professional Paper 922. QE801.M774 564'.09795 76—608010 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC. 20402 Stock Number 024—001—02775—5 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract __________________________________________________ 1 Systematic descriptions—Continued Introduction ______________________________________________ 1 Class Gastropoda—Continued History of investigation ________________________________ 1 Family Fusinidae __________________________________ 36 Purpose and scope ______________________________________ 2 Family Fasciolariidae ______________________________ 36 Preparation of collections ______________________________ 2 Family Turridae __________________________________ 37 Abbreviations __________________________________________ 3 Family Pyramidellidae ____________________________ 40 Annotated chronology of reports dealing with Oligocene Family Acteonidae ________________________________ 40 formations and fossils, with primary emphasis on Oregon Family Scaphandridae ______________________________ 41 and Washington, 1892—1975 __________________________ 3 Class Scaphopoda ______________________________________ 41 Acknowledgments ______________________________________ 10 Family Dentaliidae ________________________________ 41 Pittsburg Bluff Formation __________________________________ 10 Class Pelecypoda ______________________________________ 42 Stratigraphy __________________________________________ 10 Family Nuculidae __________________________________ 42 General features and geographic distribution ________ 10 Family Nuculanidae ______________________________ 43 Type locality ______________________________________ 11 Family Mytilidae __________________________________ 44 Type area ________________________________________ 11 Family Carditidae ________________________________ 45 Check list of Pittsburg Bluff species ____________________ 14 Family Lucinidae __________________________________ 45 Ecology ______________________________________________ 16 Family Ungulinidae ________________________________ 46 Relation to other Oligocene faunas in Oregon ____________ 19 Family Cardiidae __________________________________ 47 Summary __________________________________________ 23 Family Veneridae __________________________________ 47 Age __________________________________________________ 23 Family Mactridae __________________________________ 49 Correlation ____________________________________________ 25 Family Mesodesmatidae ____________________________ 50 Systematic descriptions ____________________________________ 29 Family Tellinidae __________________________________ 50 Class Gastropoda ______________________________________ 29 Family Solenidae __________________________________ 51 Family Trochidae __________________________________ 29 Family Hiatellidae ________________________________ 52 Family Architectonicidae __________________________ 29 Family Periplomatidae ____________________________ 53 Family Turritellidae ______________________________ 29 Family Thraciidae ________________________________ 54 Family Epitoniidae ________________________________ 30 Class Cephalopoda ____________________________________ 54 Family Calyptraeidae ______________________________ 31 Family Nautilidae ________________________________ 54 Family Naticidae __________________________________ 31 US. Geological Survey fossil localities in the Pittsburg Bluff Family Neptuneidae ______________________________ 33 Formation, middle Oligocene, northwestern Oregon ________ 55 Family Buccinidae? ________________________________ 35 References cited ____________________________________________ 56 Index ____________________________________________________ 61 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates follow index] PLATE 1. Architectonica, Crepidula, unidentified trochid?, Cryptonatica, Sinum, and Polinices. 2. Neverita. 3. Bruclarkia, Opalia, Odostomia, Turritella, and Priscofusus. 4. Eosiphonalia. 5. Molopophorus. 6. Perse. '7. Spirotropis, Taranis, S uavodrillia, Dentalium, Scaphander, Acteon?, Acteon, and Aforia. 8. Acila and Nucula. 9. Litorhadia, Cyclocardia, and Yoldia. 10. Lucinoma, Felaniella, and Nemocardium. ‘ 11. Tellina? and Tellina. , 12. Pitar, Callista, and Crenella. 13. Selena and Solen. 14. Spisula. 15. Panopea and Aturia. 16. Thracia, ?Ervilia, and Cochlodesma. 17. N aticids, Molopophorus, Perse, Acila, and Macrocallista. III IV FIGURE TABLE 005103014;me 1. CONTENTS Page . Map showing location of area of study at Vernonia, Oreg ___________________________________________________________ 10 . Photograph showing type locality of Pittsburg Bluff Formation _____________________________________________________ 11 . Geologic sketch map of the Vernonia area showing fossil localities and location of measured sections _________________ 12 . Measured sections of the Pittsburg Bluff and adjacent formations, Vernonia area _____________________________________ 13 . Photograph showing contact between siltstone of the Keasey Formation and sandstone of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation ,,,,, 13 , Photograph showing siltstone rip-up clasts in Pittsburg Bluff Formation _____________________________________________ 13 Correlation chart of selected middle Tertiary stratigraphic units in Alaska, Washington, and Oregon _________________ 27 . Sketch of growth-line sinus on Turritella pittsburgensis, n. sp _______________________________________________________ 30 TABLES Page Checklist of species at US. Geological Survey localities in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation arranged in approximate strati- graphic order ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Holocene genera in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation and their preferred bottom sediment and water depth _______________ 17 Distribution of molluscan genera in the lower, middle, and upper parts of the Keasey Formation and their occurrence in the Pittsburg Bluff and Eugene Formations ____________________________________________________________________ 22 . Distribution of Pittsburg Bluff species in some other formations of late Eocene, Oligocene, and early Miocene age - _____ 26 . Checklist of Oligocene mollusks in the upper part of the Eugene Formation in Oregon _______________________________ 28 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON By ELLEN JAMES MOORE ABSTRACT The first recorded collection of fossils from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation was identified by W. H. Dall in 1896 and was assigned to the Oligocene. This was the first marine fauna on the Pacific coast to be assigned to the Oligocene. Although the fauna was briefly regarded as Eocene in the early 1900’s, it has since been referred to the Oligocene, then more precisely to the middle Oligocene, an assign— ment that still stands. The Pittsburg Bluff Formation occurs in northwestern Oregon, where fossiliferous exposures are found in streambanks and in cuts on highways, logging roads, and railways. The type area of the formation is along the Nehalem River near Pittsburg, Oreg., where a highway cut affords a good exposure of its lower part. Exposures of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation are relatively scarce; they are interrupted by broad areas of thick soil cover and dense vegetation. The formation is cut by minor Visible faults, and there may be others that are not visible, so the mapping is uncertain in some places. The Pittsburg Bluff Formation conformably overlies the Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene) and is conformably overlain by the Scappoose Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene). Because parts of all these formations are lithologically similar, the stratigraphic position of a nonfossiliferous exposure is sometimes uncertain. New stratigraphic studies indicate, however, that contrary to the opinion of some previous investigators, the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is conformable with the underlying Keasey Formation. The estimated maximum thickness for the entire formation is 200 m; the thickest continuous measured section of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is 100 In thick. In the present investigation, fossils were collected from newly measured sections. In addition, all the collections from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation on deposit in the US. National Museum have been studied, as well as those at the California Academy of Sciences, Stanford University, and the University of California at Berkeley. A total of 48 species of Oligocene mollusks representing 43 genera and 31 families are described; of these, 5 species and 1 subspecies are new, representing the genera Turritella, Opalia, Cryptonatica, Perse, N ucula, and Felaniella. The biologic affinities of all the species in the formation are reconsidered, and the fauna is correlated with other Oligocene faunas. The fossil mollusks represent a death assemblage; it seems likely that three habitats may be represented, one of deep water (about 100 In), one of moderately shallow water (about 20 m), and one of shallow nearshore water, partly intertidal. The remains of mollusks living in these dissimilar habitats were brought together by sub- marine grain flowage before being fossilized. The bottom sediment was sandy mud. Comparison with ranges of related living genera' indicates that the ocean temperature off the northern coast of Oregon, though cooler than it was in the Eocene and Miocene, was perhaps warmer than it is today. INTRODUCTION HISTORY OF INVESTIGATION The first description of the rocks in the bluff near Pittsburg was written by J. S. Diller (1896). In his re- port, Diller assigned the fossil mollusks collected from these rocks to the Oligocene on the basis of iden- tifications made by W. H. Dall. This was the first marine fauna on the Pacific coast to be regarded as Oligocene. In 1903, however, Dall described Callista pittsburgensis from Pittsburg and assigned it to the Eocene. But Clark (1915), after comparing the fossils from this section with other mid-Tertiary taxa of the Pacific coast, some of which had been dated by comparison at the generic level with mollusks in the type sections in Europe and by Lyell’s method of percentage of living taxa, reassigned the molluscan fauna from the bluff near Pittsburg to the Oligocene, stating that it was distinct from those of both the Eocene and the Miocene. The term “Pittsburg Bluffs” was first used for early Oligocene strata of Oregon in a correlation diagram by Hertlein and Crickmay (1925, p. 254), but these men did not formally describe the formation. In 1927 Schenck described what he called the “Pittsburg Bluff sandstone,” which he said overlaid the Keasey Shale, was of middle Oligocene age, and could be correlated with the Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), the Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), and the Yaquina Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene). In 1936 Schenck (1936, p. 44) defined the Acila shumardi Zone as delimited by the range of Acila shumardi and as being further identified by such forms as Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin), Callista pittsburgensis Dall, and Molopophorus gabbi Dall. All are common in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Schenck and Kleinpell (1936) proposed the west coast term “Refugian Stage” for rocks laid down after the Tejon and before the Zemorrian. The Refugian Stage included the Acila shumardi Zone, and its upper part marked the last appearance of Acila shumardi, Callista pittsburgensis, Molopophorus gabbi, and Bruclarkia columbiana. 2 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON Weaver (1937) suggested that the term “Pittsburg Bluff Formation” be applied to the entire middle Oligocene sequence of sedimentary rocks in Columbia County, Oreg., and that the type area of the formation be considered the exposures between Pittsburg and Mist on the Nehalem River in Oregon. In 1942, in a publi- cation on the paleontology of the marine formations of Washington and Oregon, he described and illustrated all of the then known species of mollusks from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Durham (1944) restricted the Pittsburg Bluff fauna to his Molopophorus gabbi Zone. Acila shumardi occurs in both his early and middle Oligocene faunas. Warren, Grivetti, and Norbisrath (1945) mapped the areal extent of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation in northwestern Oregon and divided the formation into two members. On the basis of the molluscan faunas, they believed the lower member and the lower part of the upper member to belong to the middle Oligocene Molopophorus gabbi zone (as used by Weaver and others, 1944). In 1946, Warren and Norbisrath described the Pittsburg Bluff Formation as follows: In the lower part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation are fine-grained marine sandstones containing numerous fossils in layers along the bedding and in calcareous concretions. These richly fossiliferous sandstones seem to pass upward into coarser massive sandstone which interfingers with cross-bedded, nearshore, marine and brackish- water sandstone. Upward in the formation fossiliferous bands are less common. Toward the top of the formation fossils are few and thick beds of tuffaceous material are prominent. No subsequent reports dealing primarily with the Pittsburg Bluff Formation have been published; its age, however, has been regarded as provincial middle Oligocene in references to and correlations with the formation since 1946. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The original descriptions of mollusks found in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation are in many papers, none of which deal primarily with the fauna. Many of the original photographs, moreover, are inadequate, and much of the taxonomy is out of date. In this paper all the described mollusks are reillustrated and redescribed, and some needed corrections have been made in their taxonomy. Five new species and a new subspecies, representing six genera, are described and illustrated. Also included are new stratigraphic sections of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation measured in Columbia and Washington Counties, Oreg., near the type area; these are presented together with a geologic sketch map. The middle Oligocene mollusks found in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation are compared with other known Oligocene faunas of the Pacific coast of North America, and the geologic and geographic ranges of each species are given. Information on the ecology of related modern genera is tabulated, and this data, together with lithologic data, have been used to infer generalities concerning the Oligocene paleoenvi- ronment. The type locality of Acila (Truncacila) shumardi (Dall) (sec. 23, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., Vernonia quadrangle) is in the type locality of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. This mollusk lived throughout the Acila shumardi Zone, which has been recognized by various authors at localities ranging from Alaska to California. Schenck (1936, p. 42) proposed the “Acila shumardi biozone” and accepted the definition of a biozone as “a deposit formed during the total existence of a species.” He goes on to define the Acila shumardi Zone (1936, p. 44) as being “that group of beds *** identified by an assemblage of fossils including Acila (Truncacila) shumardi (Dall), Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin), Macrocallista pittsburgensis Dall, and Molopophorus gabbi Dall, and limited by the upper and lower range of Acila shumardi.” It would seem that he may have had an assemblage zone in mind when he proposed the Acila shumardi biozone. Although A. shumardi is especially useful in stratigraphic correlation, its usefulness is enhanced if the entire molluscan assemblage living with it is recognized and understood. This paper seeks to fulfill that purpose. PREPARATION OF COLLECTIONS Each collection of fossils taken from the Pittsburg Bluff area in the 1890’s and early 1900’s was given a U.S. Geological Survey locality number that designated a geographic position without regard to its stratigraphic interval. This was, of course, the usual practice at the time, but it gave a false impression regarding the taxa that were actually found together in a given lens or layer of rock. During field investigations conducted in the 1940’s for the U.S. Geological Survey, H. E. Vokes collected many fossiliferous slabs from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation to aid in paleoecologic studies. The slabs average perhaps 8 X 15 X 20 cm in overall size; two of them are shown on plate 17. These slabs, most of them from USGS localities 15264 and 15310, have been in— dividually prepared as part of the present study, and on each specimen taken from a single slab the same letter has been put after the U.S. Geological Survey Cenozoic locality number, for example 15264a, to indicate what fossils were found together in the same slab. In other words, 15264 covers the general locality and 15264a, 15264b, and so forth, refer to specimens from different slabs from that locality. Some pieces of rock that could not be prepared by ordinary mechanical means without loss of specimens INTRODUCTION 3 were disintegrated by being soaked in kerosene and then heated in an oven at a temperature of 120°C. The samples were then washed through a 0.177-mm screen, which retained mollusks of larger diameter and fish remains. Part of the fines from each sample was then washed through a 0.125-mm screen, but the only ad- ditional complete organic remains thus recovered were two globigerinid foraminifers. ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used in this report: USGS: US. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., Cenozoic locality register. USGS M: US. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif, Cenozoic locality register. UCMP: California University, Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, Calif. CAS: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. SU: Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. UW: University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. UO: University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. ANSP: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. ANNOTATED CHRONOLOGY OF REPORTS DEALING WITH OLIGOCENE FORMATIONS AND FOSSILS, WITH PRIMARY EMPHASIS ON OREGON AND WASHINGTON, 1892—-1975l 1892. Dall, W. H., and Harris, G. D. Assign the Eugene Formation of Oregon [now considered early and middle Oligocene] to the Miocene (p. 227). 1896. Diller, J. S. Describes and assigns strata on the banks of the Nehalem River at Pittsburg Bluff, Oreg. to the Oligocene on the basis of fossil identifications made by W. H. Dall. None of the names used in Diller’s report are currently applied to Pittsburg Bluff mollusks, as they were subsequently recognized as new species and so described. This is the first notice of the occurrence of Oligocene strata in the Pacific Northwest. The report includes a photograph of Pittsburg Bluff (pl. 7, opp. p. 466). Diller describes the lithology of strata at Pittsburg Bluff as follows: "The upper soft gray sandstone is very fossiliferous in places, and about 30 feet thick. Below are 20 feet of dark shales which weather gray *** Some of the layers of sand are indurated so as to form slabs, thickly set with perfectly preserved ‘Stratigraphic nomenclature used herein is that of the references cited and is not necessarily in accord with that ofthe US. Geological Survey. My comments are in brackets. fossils.” [Diller did not always distinguish between the Keasey Formation, a shale now considered late Eocene and early Oligocene, and the shale that occurs in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation (p. 466).] On the Nehalem River “1 mile beyond Vernonia,” he con- sidered the Keasey to be part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. But at Wilson’s Bluff on the river 3 miles above Vernonia, he does recognize a difference and states, “it is evident the shales above Vernonia are older than those at Pittsburg.” 1898. Dall, W. H. Tentatively assigns the Tunnel Point “beds” of Oregon [middle Oligocene] to the Oligocene (table opp. p. 334). 1903 [1890—1903]. Dall, W. H. Describes and assigns Callista (Macrocallista) pittsburgensis from the strata at Pittsburg Bluff to the Eocene (p. 1253). 1906. Arnold, Ralph. Assigns the Tunnel Point “beds” to the Oligocene and correlates them with part of the San Lorenzo Formation [late Eocene to middle Oligocene] of California (p. 10). A list of San Lorenzo Formation fossils is given (p. 17). 1909. Dall, W. H. Describes two new species, Molopophorus gabbi (p. 45) and Eosiphonalia oregonensis (p. 51), from strata at Pittsburg Bluff, and gives the species, previously identified by Dall as Acila decisa (Conrad), the speci- fic name shumardi (p. 103). Dall regards these fossils as Eocene. 1914. Washburne, C. W. States (p. 73), in commenting on the fossils collected from beds exposed near Pittsburg that Dall called Eocene and Miocene, that those which Dall called Eocene appear to be higher stratigraphically than those that he called Miocene; he suggests (p. 74) that these fossils may in fact all be Oligocene. The fossil identifications made by Dall are given on page 31. 1914. Anderson, F. M., and Martin, Bruce. Describe Agasoma columbiana from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. 1915. Clark, B. L. Assigns the fauna at Pittsburg Bluff to the Oligocene and lists the mollusks, comparing them with faunas from the Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] For- mation of Washington [late Eocene to early Miocene], and the Oligocene of California. 1916a. Weaver, C. E. Refers the Oligocene rocks of western Washington to the Clallam Formation [now considered middle Miocene], which he divides into three zones, char- acterized, in ascending order, by Molopophorus lin— colnensis, Turritella porterensis, and Acila gettys— 1916c. 1916e. 1917. OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON burgensis. He calls the rock units containing these zones the Lincoln, Porter, and Blakeley “horizons,” respectively. He notes that Acila shumardi and Callista pittsburgensis, two species common in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, are especially common in the Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone. 1916b. Weaver, C. E. Assigns mollusk species common in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation to the Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone of western Washington (p. 167). Weaver, C. E. Recognizes the Oligocene age (p. 17) of the Gries Ranch Formation [early Oligocene]. 1916d. Weaver, C. E. Gives the sequence of post-Eocene for western Washington as follows: Montesano horizon—Yoldia strigata Zone—upper Miocene Wahkiakum horizon—Area montereyana Zone— lower Miocene Blakeley horizon—Acila gettysburgensis Zone— Oligocene Porter horizon——Turritella porterensis Zone— Oligocene Lincoln horizon—Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone—Oligocene [The Molopophorus lincolnensis and Turritella porterensis Zones contain mollusks that occur in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation.] Weaver, C. E. Gives a faunal list for the Acila gettysburgensis Zone, which he assigns to the late Oligocene. Dickerson, R. E. Describes 35 new species from the vicinity of the Grecco Ranch House, 4 miles east of Vader, Wash. [Gries Ranch Formation, early Oligocene]. He regards this fauna as being littoral, of early Oligocene age, and subtropical; and he believes it to be a lower facies of Weaver’s Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone. 1918. Clark, B. L., and Arnold, Ralph Assign the Oligocene marine rocks of western Washington to the San Lorenzo Group and include Weaver’s Lincoln, Porter, and Blakeley horizons and also the SookerFormation of Vancouver Island (p. 298). They believe the Oligocene of Oregon and Washington was deposited in geosynclinal depres- sions partly enclosed by land; one of these was proba- bly a large trough between the Cascades and the Olympics. They recognize three faunas in Washington; these are, in decreasing order of age, the Agasoma acuminatum beds, the Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone, and the Acila gettysb urgensis Zone. They believe the differences between the lower two faunas to be related to temperature. 1921. 1918. Van Winkle, K. E. Divides the Porter beds of southwestern Washington into an upper part that she calls the Turritella porterensis Zone, and a lower part [Gries Ranch Formation] that she calls the Barbatia mer- riami Zone. She regards Lincoln Creek “beds” as equivalent to the Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone and to the middle part of the Porter beds. 1918. Clark, B. L. Reports that Acila shumardi and Callista pittsburgensis, species common in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, occur in the Kirker Tuff [Oligocene] of California and assigns the Pittsburg Bluff locality to the lower Oligocene (footnote 18, p. 59). He records the occurrence of Callista pittsburgensis Ball and N uculana lincolnensis (Weaver) in the Kreyenhagen Shale of California [Eocene and Oligocene], which he assigns to the San Lorenzo Series (p. 63). Because certain species that occur in either the Molopophorus lincolnensis or the Acila gettys- burgensis Zones occur together in the San Lorenzo in the Mount Diablo area, he does not believe that these zones represent distinct geologic horizons. His paper includes a comprehensive historical summary of the literature on the marine Oligocene of the Pacific coast (p. 57—72). 1919. Smith, J. P. Points out that the Oligocene has fewer tropical genera than the Eocene and believes that although Oligocene faunas were already provincial, climatic zones had not yet been definitely established. He regards the Oligocene as oriental in its affinities, but considers both the Astoria [Miocene] and the San Lorenzo [late Eocene to middle Oligocene] Formations as Oligocene. Clark, B. L. Places all the Oligocene in the San Lorenzo, which he divides into two parts, on his correlation chart—a generalized section for Oregon, Washington, and northern California. He notes the occurrence of the typical Pittsburg Bluff species Acila shumardi and Callista pittsburgensis in the lower part of the San Lorenzo which he calls the “Molopophorus lincolnen— sis Zone”. He correlates this zone with the Kreyenhagen Shale of California and the Vicksburg Group of the southeastern United States (table opp. p. 586). He divides the Oligocene of the west coast into two subepochs; these subepochs are represented by the Molopophorus lincolnensis and Acila gettys— burgensis Zones which are equivalent to the Lincoln and San Lorenzo Formations (p. 591—592). 1923. Wagner, C. M., and Schilling, K. H. Correlate the San Emigdio [late Eocene and Oligocene] and Pleito [Oligocene] Formations of INTRODUCTION 5 California with the Pittsburg Bluff Formation and give a list of fossils for the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. 1925. Clark, B. L. Describes two new species, Tellina pittsburgensis and Spisula pittsburgensis, from the type area of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. 1925. Hertlein, L. G., and Crickmay, C. H. First recognize the rocks exposed at Pittsburg Bluff as a stratigraphic unit and first call them the "Pittsburg Bluffs.” They believe these rocks to be of undoubted Oligocene age, possibly early Oligocene, and possibly equivalent to those exposed in San Emigdio Canyon, California (p. 254). 1927. Schenck, H. G. Correlates the Yaquina Formation [late Oligocene and early Miocene], the Eugene Formation [early and middle Oligocene], and the Tunnel Point Sandstone [middle Oligocene], at least in part, on the basis of faunal evidence and reports that diagnostic species in each of these formations also occur in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, which he assigns to the middle Oligocene. 1928. Cushman, J. A., and Schenck, H. G. Tentatively regard the Bastendorf [Bastendorff] Shale and Keasey Formation as lower Oligocene; these formations are said to be of the same age and similar facies and to contain certain distinctive species of foraminifers. 1928. Schenck, H. G. Describes the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, cites some of its molluscan fossils, and correlates it with the Eugene Formation [early and middle Oligocene], the Tunnel Point Formation [middle Oligocene], and the Yaquina Formation [late Oligocene and early Miocene]. He lists mollusks from the Eugene For- mation, which in his opinion is equivalent to at least a part of the Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone of Washington. 1929. Schenck, H. G. Gives evidence that the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is younger than the Tejon Formation [Eocene] and older than the Nye Shale [early Miocene] and that it probably represents the Lincoln-Porter horizon of Washington. He notes that some of the diagnostic species occurring in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation also occur between rocks of Tejon and Vaqueros [Eocene and Miocene] age in California. 1929. Clark, B. L. Divides the Oligocene into three "faunal horizons.” In Washington, he recognizes three horizons, in decreasing order of age, the Gries Ranch, Lincoln, and Restoration Point, but in California he recognizes only two horizons which he calls the Lincoln and San Ramon. He finds the following typical Pittsburg Bluff species in the “Lincoln horizon” of the San Emigdio Mountains of California: Acila shumardi, Callista pittsburgensis, and Bruclarkia columbiana (p. 18). 1932. Clark, B. L. Believes the fauna of the Poul Creek [middle Oligocene to early Miocene] and Yakataga Forma- tions [middle Miocene to early Pleistocene] of Alaska is the same and belongs to one zone—the Blakeley horizon of Washington. He regards the Blakeley horizon as late Oligocene and correlates it with the San Ramon Formation of California and the Sooke Formation of Vancouver Island. 1936. Schenck, H. G. Correlates the Pittsburg Bluff Formation in part with the San Emigdio Formation [late Eocene and Oligocene] of California, and in part with the Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] Formation [late Eocene to early Miocene] of Washington (p. 65). He gives the name Acila shumardi Zone to a unit delimited by the range of Acila shumardi (Dall) (p. 44). This unit is said to be about 3,000 feet thick in Columbia County, Oreg. Among its other diagnostic species are Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin), Callista pittsburgensis Dall, and Molopo- phorus gabbi Dall. 1936. Schenck, H. G., and Kleinpell, R. M. Propose the name Refugian Stage for rocks laid down after the Tejon Stage (restricted) and before the Zemorrian Stage. This stage includes the Eugene [early and middle Oligocene], Pittsburg Bluff [middle Oligocene], Tunnel Point [middle Oligocene], Keasey [late Eocene and early Oligocene], and Bastendorf [Bastendorff] [late Eocene and early Oligocene] Formations of Oregon, together with the Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] Formation [middle Oligocene] and the Gries Ranch Formation [early Oligocene] of Washington. The Refugian Stage includes the Acila shumardi Zone. The upper part of the Refugian Stage is marked by the last occurrence of Acila shumardi, Callista pittsburgensis, Molopophorus gabbi, and Bruclarkia columbiana, all of which are common in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. 1937. Weaver, C. E. Suggests that the term Pittsburg Bluff Formation be applied to the entire middle Oligocene sequence of sedimentary rocks in Columbia County, Oreg. and that the type area be considered the exposures be- tween Pittsburg and Mist on the Nehalem River, Oreg. (p. 113). He states that fossils are scattered throughout the Pittsburg Bluff Formation but are especially abundant in lenses 2 to 6 inches thick, where they are so compacted as to form calcareous nodules (p. 171). 1937. Clark, H. L. Reports that a fossil sea urchin has been found in 6 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON the waste from a well dug in sec. 12, T. 3 N., R. 4 W., that it is supposed to have come from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. [Recent mapping done in connection with my report shows that it probably came from the Scappoose Formation of late Oligocene and early Miocene age.] 1938. Effinger, W. L. Correlates the Gries Ranch Formation with the Keasey Formation and the lower part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, both of which he believes to be early Oligocene (fig. 3, p. 359). He regards the Gries Ranch fauna as subtropical and believes it to represent a nearshore or littoral facies (p. 360). 1938. Clark, B. L., and Anderson, C. A. Show the Pittsburg Bluff and Eugene Formations as “lower Oligocene” on a correlation chart and correlate them with the Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] Formation of southwestern Washington and the San Lorenzo Group of California. They correlate the Wheatland Formation with the Keasey and Bas- tendorf [Bastendorff] Formations in Oregon and the Gries Ranch Formation in Washington and consider them to be of late Eocene or early Oligocene age (p. 944). 1938. Kleinpell, R. M. Assigns the type Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] Forma— tion of Washington and the Eugene, Pittsburg Bluff, and Tunnel Point Formations of Oregon to the upper Refugian. He regards the Bastendorf [Bastendorff] Shale and Keasey Formation of Oregon as lower Refugian and believes that the Gries Ranch Forma- tion of Washington also is probably lower Refugian. He notes that the molluscan assemblages of the Acila shumardi Zone of Schenck are definitely as- sociated with upper Refugian foraminifers. These foraminifers are believed to have lived in deeper water, or at least cooler water, than those of the lower Refugian Turritella variata Zone of California (p. 152). To Kleinpell the foraminifers of the Refugian Stage suggest a cool-water habitat near the edge of the continental shelf, but not necessarily in a boreal prov— ince. Foraminifers characteristic of shallower water are numerous only locally, and there is a notable decrease of the open—sea types so abundant in the late Eocene. Southern foraminifers are scarcer on the whole than in the two directly overlying stages, suggesting that the climate was somewhat cooler in the middle Oligocene. 1942. Weaver, C. E. Describes and illustrates all the known species of mollusks from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation and includes a checklist of all the species known to occur in the Tertiary formations of Oregon and Washington. 1943. Forrest, L. C. Includes a chart of Oligocene formations in California and compares current age assignments with former age assignments (pl. 3). 1943. Hanna, G. D., and Hertlein, L. G. Note the occurrence of Callista pittsburgensis in the Kreyenhagen Shale [Eocene and Oligocene] in California. 1944. Zimmerman, John, Jr. Regards the Tumey Sandstone, exposed in Fresno County, Calif, as late Eocene and early Oligocene, but believes that if the Acila shumardi zone is upper Refugian, the Tumey faunule is also. He correlates the Tumey with at least a part of the San Emigdio Formation, which also contains Acila shumardi. He notes that the Tumey Sandstone contains several mollusks characteristic of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. 1944. Allen, J. E., and Baldwin, E. M. Consider the Bastendorf [Bastendorff] Shale mostly latest Eocene but possibly in part early Oligocene. They report it consists predominantly of shale and is 2,095 feet thick. They note that the Tunnel Point Sandstone is mid— dle Oligocene, overlies the Bastendorf [Bastendorff] Shale with apparent conformity, consists mainly of sandstone, and is 800 feet thick. 1944. Durham, J. W. Reports the occurrence of Acila shumardi in the Molopophorus stephensoni, M. gabbi, Turritella olympicensis, and T. porterensis Zones, which col- lectively make up the Gries Ranch, Pittsburg Bluff, and Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] Formations. He states that the Pittsburg Bluff fauna is restricted to the Molopophorus gabbi Zone and is characterized by Bruclarkia columbiana, Molopophorus dalli, Perse olympicensis quimpersensis, P. pittsburgensis, and Mactra pittsburgensis. 1944. Keen, A. M., and Bentson, Herdis Show that a marked decrease in the total number of Tertiary molluscan species occurred in California during the Oligocene (fig. 3, p. 8). 1945. Warren, W. C., Grivetti, R. M., and Norbisrath, Hans Report the Pittsburg Bluff Formation to be dis— conformably underlain by the Keasey Shale [late Eocene and early Oligocene] and disconformably overlain by beds of Blakeley age [late Oligocene or early Miocene]. The basal member of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is a moderately indurated, massive, quartzose sandstone, marine at the type locality, but terrestrial on Pebble Creek. This basal member is at least 500 feet thick. It is overlain by a massive to poorly stratified, sandy tuffaceous shale member INTRODUCTION 7 which includes numerous ash beds that are mostly less than 1 foot thick. The thickness of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation along the United Railway is about 850 feet. Fossils at the type locality (USGS 15264) occur in the sandstone member and belong to the Molo- pophorus gabbi Zone, but the upper part of the shale member may belong to a slightly younger zone. The authors list 40 species of mollusks, identified by H. E. Vokes. 1946. Warren, W. C., and Norbisrath, Hans Describe the lower part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation as composed of fine-grained marine sandstone containing numerous fossils in layers along the bedding and in calcareous concretions. These beds apparently pass upward into coarser massive sandstone which interfingers with crossbedded, nearshore, marine, and brackish-water sandstone. Higher in the section there are fewer molluscan fossils and more brackish-water beds containing plant remains. Near the top there are few fossils and many thick beds of tuffaceous material. The type locality, on the Nehalem River Highway near Pittsburg, displays marine fossiliferous beds and is near the base of the formation. The formation as a whole is characterized by a nearshore megafauna that is rich in the number of individuals of certain species. Representative mollusks are listed (p. 230). The rocks disconformably overlying the Pittsburg Bluff Formation are named the Scappoose Formation [late Oligocene and early Miocene] (p. 231). The authors regard the fauna of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation as similar to that of the Molopophorus gabbi Zone of Durham (1944, p. 112), but believe that the middle part of the Quimper Sandstone and the beds at Clatskanie, Oreg., correlated by Durham with the Pittsburg Bluff, are equivalent to the Gries Ranch Formation and therefore older. 1946. Detling, M. R. Believes that the Bastendorf [Bastendorff] Shale is either Eocene or Oligocene and that it may have been deposited in warm or temperate shallow water near the shoreline. 1947. Lowry, W. D. States that the shoreline of the Oligocene sea in northwestern Oregon almost paralleled the present coastline and was east of Eugene, Albany, and Sil- verton and west of Portland, Oreg. (p. 3). Believes that the coal that occurs in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation 21/2 miles west of Scappoose and 1 mile south of Deer Island, Oreg., indicates the shoreline was nearby (p. 6). 1948. Vokes, H. E., and Snavely, P. D., Jr. Report that in the Eugene area the earliest middle Oligocene sediments were deposited in a restricted seaway north of the Eugene quadrangle. The con- tinental deposits of the Fisher Formation had been laid down throughout this area, and the sea advanced over them toward the south. In the transgressing sea, the Eugene Formation was deposited in shallow offshore water. 1948. Rau, W. W. Believes that all or part of the Porter Shale of northwestern Washington may be late Eocene, and possibly none of it of middle Oligocene age (p. 157). Reports that five species of foraminifers, and 20 closely related forms found in the Porter Shale, also occur in the Tumey Formation [early and middle Oligocene], and that one foraminifer has also been found in the Keasey Formation [late Eocene and early Oligocene]. The Porter Shale was deposited offshore in a fairly shallow, temperate to warm sea. 1952. Durham, J. W. Finds that the Stepof Bay fauna [Oligocene] of Alaska has subtropical or warm-temperate affinities. 1953. Moore, R. C., and Vokes, H. E. Briefly consider in discussing the age of the Keasey Formation, the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, and compare the mollusks occurring in the crinoid- bearing beds of the Keasey with those in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. They show part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation on an outcrop map of the area in which the crinoid beds occur. They report that the Keasey Formation includes the latest Eocene and early Oligocene and that the crinoid-bearing beds are probably early Oligocene. They believe that the Keasey Formation was de- posited in relatively deep water, below effective wave action, but near the shoreline. The crinoid—bearing middle member of the Keasey was deposited in water ranging to a depth greater than 500 fathoms [914 m]. 1953. Weaver, C. E. States that the Refugian is coeval with the “Keasey,” “Lincoln,” and "Blakeley” Stages, in ascending order. He regards the San Ramon Forma- tion [early Miocene (‘2) ] as Oligocene and correlates it with the “Blakeley” Stage. 1956. Stewart, R. E. Considers the Toledo Formation of western Oregon late Eocene to middle Oligocene in age and assigns the Moody Shale Member to the late Eocene. He regards the Bastendorf [Bastendorff] Shale of southwestern Oregon as late Eocene and early Oligocene; the upper 700 feet are Oligocene (p. 59). 1958. Brown, R. D., Jr., and Gower, H. D. Divide the Twin River Formation of Arnold and Hannibal (1913) in northwestern Washington into 1961. OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON three members, which they believe, on the basis of fossil mollusks, foraminifers, and plant leaves, to be late Eocene to early Miocene (p. 2510). They correlate the Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] Formation of Weaver with the middle and upper members of the Twin River Formation. 1960. Kanno, Saburo States that the mollusks Cyclocardia (Cyclocardia) hannibali and Lucinoma columbiana, which occur in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, also occur in the Ushikubitoge Formation [Oligocene] of central Ja- pan. MacNeil, F. S., Wolfe, J. A., Miller, D. J., and Hopkins, D. M. Show the Acila shumardi Zone as middle and late Oligocene, the Stepovak Series as early and middle Oligocene, and the Poul Creek Formation as middle Oligocene to early Miocene (on a correlation chart of Tertiary formations exposed in Alaska). They state that some stocks of the mollusks were of Asiatic origin and occur in older rocks in Alaska than in Oregon and California. 1963. Snavely, P. D., Jr., and Wagner, H. C. Describe marine Oligocene rocks of western Oregon and Washington as consisting of massive tuffaceous siltstone and fine-grained sandstone with interca- lated beds of pumiceous lapilli, tuff, and glauconite (p. 16). They include a paleogeologic map showing the Oligocene coastline (fig. 13, p. 15). 1964. Brabb, E. C. Subdivides the San Lorenzo Formation of the central California Coast Ranges into the Two Bar Shale Member [late Eocene] and the Rices Mudstone Member [late Eocene and Oligocene]. The foraminif— ers Uvigerina cocoaensis, "Planulina” haydoni, and Cibicides hodgei (p. 677) occur in the lower part of the Rices Mudstone Member. [These species are present in the Bastendorff Shale] The type section of the Rices Mudstone Member contains the Pittsburg Bluff mollusks Litorhadia washingtonensis and Nemocar— dium lorenzanum (p. 677). He reports that many or all of the mollusks found by Arnold (1908) in the San Lorenzo Formation occur in the upper part of the Rices Mudstone Member or the Vaqueros Sandstone (p. 675). 1964. Zullo, V. A., Kaar, R. F., Durham, J. W., and Allison, E. C. List the occurrence of 36 taxa, representing 7 phyla, in the Keasey Formation, which they believe to have been deposited in water about 200 fathoms (350 m) deep. They believe the undisturbed echinoids indicate either rapid live burial or a scarcity of scavengers and detritus feeders. 1965. Burke, C. A. Reports that collections of Oligocene fossils from the Alaska Peninsula are characterized by Acila shumardi and resemble those of the Lincoln Creek Formation in Washington (p. 113—114). 1965. MacNeil, F. S. Believes the Oligocene faunas of Alaska are pre- dominantly of Asiatic origin and many Asiatic species appeared earlier in Alaska than in Oregon or California. [Mollusks that occur in the Pittsburg Bluff For- mation are found in the Stepovak Formation, early and middle Oligocene] 1966. Oakeshott, G. B. Considers, on a correlation chart (fig. 3, opp. p. 36), the following marine formations of the California Coast Ranges to be at least in part middle Oligocene: Tumey Formation, “Kirker” Sandstone, San Ramon, San Lorenzo, and Alegria Formations. 1966. Dibblee, T. W., Jr. Reports that the Alegria Formation near Santa Barbara, Calif., contains Callista sp. cf. C. pittsburgensis and Acila shumardi, species that occur in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. The entire fauna indicates an Oligocene (Refugian) age, as does the fauna from the Gaviota Formation. 1967. Wolfe, J. A., and Hopkins, D. M. State that a sharp cooling took place during the middle Oligocene (p. 72, fig. 3), and that radiometric dates indicate this cooling took place within an in— terval no longer than 2 million years and possibly as short as 1 million years. 1967. DeLise, K. C. Lists the following Pittsburg Bluff mollusk species as occurring in the upper sandstone unit of the San Emigdio Formation of California (p. 16): Acila shumardi, Bruclarkia columbianum?, and Polinices washingtonensis. [Also cites Molopophorus dalli, a species that seems in Oregon to be restricted to the early Oligocene] 1969. Hickman, C. J. S. Describes two new species that occur in both the Pittsburg Bluff Formation and the Eugene Formation [early and middle Oligocene]: Tellina aduncanasa and Neverita thomsonae. Seventeen species common to both the Eugene and Pittsburg Bluff Formations are described. She states that the Eugene Formation is early and middle Oligocene and contains a fauna of mixed Keasey and Pittsburg Bluff affinities. 1969. Denton, G. H., and Armstrong, R. L. State that the Poul Creek Formation in southern Alaska is of late Oligocene or early Miocene age, is 1,875 m thick, and consists of marine sediments de- posited in a temperate or subtropical climate (p. 1137). INTRODUCTION 9 1969. Fairchild, W. W., Wesendunk, P. R., and Weaver, D. W. Report a slight cooling throughout the area of the present California Coast Range during the time that the San Lorenzo Formation, of late Eocene to middle Oligocene age, was being deposited. 1969. Snavely, P. D., Jr., MacLeod, N. S., and Rau, W. W. Refer the Oligocene siltstone of the Newport area, Oreg., informally called “siltstone of Alsea” and previously included in the upper Toledo Formation, to the upper Refugian and the Zemorrian Stages. [Mollusks indicate a middle Oligocene to late Oligocene or early Miocene age for this unit] 1970b. Addicott, W. O. Considers the Oligocene “Lincoln Stage” equiva- lent to the biozone of Acila shumardi, which is as- signed to the Refugian Stage. He believes less than 10 percent of the still-living genera from the Acila shumardi Zone of the San Emigdio Mountains, Calif, are tropical or subtropical. He believes the mollusks of the lower part of the “Lincoln Stage” are marginally subtropical to warm temperate. He reports that more than half of the molluscan genera from the lower part of the “Lincoln Stage” today range northward into the temperate Oregonian molluscan province. He believes the late Oligocene Echinophoria rex Zone of Durham (1944) was proba- bly warm temperate. He believes that the decreases in warm-water genera and taxonomic diversity show cooling during the middle Oligocene. 1971. MacNeil, F. S. Reports that species of mollusks and closely related forms found} in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation are found in the Poul Creek Formation [middle Oligocene to early Miocene]. 1972. Berggren, W. A. Considers the Refugian Stage late Eocene and the Zemorrian Stage Oligocene. 1972. McKeel, D. R., and Lipps, J. H. Believe planktonic foraminifers and coccoliths from the middle part of the siltstone of Alsea, exposed along the north side of Alsea Bay, near Newport, Oreg., suggest a latest Eocene or earliest Oligocene age for this unit. 1973. Addicott, W. 0. Reports thatBruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin), a Pittsburg Bluff species, occurs in the Cymric Shale Member [Oligocene] of the Temblor Formation in California. Neverita thomsonae Hickman, Panopea ramonensis (Clark), and Den— talium laneensis Hickman, also Pittsburg Bluff species, occur in the Wygal Sandstone Member [Oligocene] of the Temblor Formation. He notes that Bruclarkia columbiana is restricted to the upper part of the Refugian Stage in California but is found in the middle and upper part in western Washington, which is equivalent to the Acila shumardi Zone and the “Lincoln Stage.” He states that beds containing Bruclarkia columbiana can be traced into the lowermost part of Kleinpell’s type Zemorrian section suggesting that the Refugian and Zemorrian Stages are in part coeval. 1973. Jeletzky, J. A. Recognizes the post-late Eocene regional molluscan stages—Keasey (in part), Lincoln, Blakeley, and Clallam—of the Pacific northwest from southeastern Alaska to southwestern Oregon. Within this northern region of the Pacific coast, these zones persist through intertidal pebble conglomerate, grit, and sandstone to outer neritic or bathyal siltstone and shale. The southern molluscan faunas of the Pacific coast served as a basis for another regional sequence of molluscan stages—Lorenzian, Vaquerosian, Temblorian, Monte- reyan, and Margaritan. He suggests that the post-late Eocene molluscan and foraminiferal faunas of western North America were controlled by water temperature. He believes that the northern set of Tertiary molluscan stages and zones, when used within the northern region, are equal or superior to the regional foraminiferal zones and stages. He correlates the Lincoln molluscan stage of the northern Pacific coast with the upper Refugian foraminiferal stage, and places part or all of the Keasey molluscan stage of the northern region in the uppermost Eocene. 1974. Watkins, Rodney Names four communities of mega-invertebrates in the Kreyenhagen Formation [Eocene and Oligocene] in the Arroyo Ciervo area, Calif, that he considers mappable ecologic units. Two are named for characteristic Pittsburg Bluff species, the “Mac- rocallista pittsburgensis Community,” which consists largely of M. pittsburgensis, and the “Nuculana washingtonensis Community,” which consists almost entirely of N. washingtonensis and associated M. pittsburgensis. The Pittsburg Bluff Formation of Oregon is in a “Northern Province” with 17 or less percent of warm-water genera. The fauna probably lived in a littoral or very shallow sublittoral en- vironment. Macrocallista pittsburgensis is eurytropic and maintains large populations in several envi- ronments. 1975. Snavely, P. D., Jr., MacLeod, N.S., Rau, W. W., Addicott, W. 0., Pearl, J. E., and Quin- terno, P. J. 10 Name and describe the Alsea Formation [early to late Oligocene], exposed along the shore of Alsea Bay, Oreg., and correlate it with the Eugene and Pittsburg Bluff Formations and the upper part of the Keasey Formation in Oregon, and with the Lincoln Creek and Blakeley Formations and the middle and upper members of the Twin River Formation in Washington. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to my colleagues Warren 0. Addicott, US. Geological Survey; W. P. Woodring, US. National Museum; F. Stearns MacNeil, Fort Myers, Fla.; Arnold Ross and George E. Radwin, San Diego Natural History Museum, for helpful discussions, advice, and assistance. The late Leo G. Hertlein, California Academy of Sci- ences, provided me with type specimens and informa- tion pertinent to them and was helpful in many other matters. Joseph H. Peck, University of California, and Horace G. Richards, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, kindly made available to me type fossils that I needed. To Kenji Sakamoto, US. Geological Survey, I am especially indebted for his patience and care in taking the photographs that illustrate this report. The San Diego Natural History Museum kindly made office space available to me, and Mrs. Azalea Gorby, Librarian, obtained needed references. Anthony D’Attilio graciously agreed to draw the suture sketch of Turritella pittsburgensis, n. sp. To the entire staff of the museum I would like to extend my thanks for their kindness and willingness to offer assistance when needed. Kenneth W. Ciriacks, Amoco Production Co., Tulsa, Okla., provided me with information relating to the occurrence of Pittsburg Bluff species in Alaska. The release of this information was granted by Amoco Production 00., Denver Division, Colo. The Crown Zellerbach Corp., Vernonia, Oreg., kindly made available a map of the corporation’s tree farm. I am indebted to the late Frank C. Calkins, formerly a geologist in the US. Geological Survey, who at the age of 95 increased the readability of the nontechnical parts of my manuscript. PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION STRATIGRAPHY GENERAL FEATURES AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION The Pittsburg Bluff Formation is confined to north- western Oregon (figs. 1—3). Most of its exposures are in the Vernonia 15-minute quadrangle and in the north- western quarter of the Forest Grove 15-minute quad- rangle, but a few exposures of it, containing fossils, are found in the Cathlamet and Svenson 15—minute quad- rangles. The formation is characterized by gentle OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON R [l /,/\ ,_ 00 Astoria \~\[ / \ [Q ICOLUMB|A\(?’?6 CLATSOP COUNTY \ in COUNTY \ TI LLAMOOK \\ W\ COUNTY /WASH|NGTON\ OMA H 6 \« / COUNTY \ O DUN v ' Portland e/—.n / (W ______ l—J ——————— —‘ I I \ , I E 'Lfi L I v HILL IF‘T" CLACKAMAS AAAAA _) AM ( W 1’ COUNTY \ I COUNTY l / l \ I '_ ______ / \ 7,7, I ‘‘‘‘‘ I \ o i \\ _ 45 \ I bSaJem \\ I POLKCOUNTY /’ \~ I I l / Lg MARION COUNTY l 1/ //~\\/»\ ~_ .— L_ _________ /"\\ / \ \ v \\ COUNTY LINN COUNTY ___L_m Eugene COUNTY DOUG LAS I COUNTY I Area of map I I 1 OREGON O 10 20 MILES we 0 10 20 KILOMETRES FIGURE 1.—Location of area of study at Vernonia, Oreg. northwest—trending folds superimposed on an eastward regional dip of about 5°. It is underlain by the Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene) and over- lain by the Scappoose Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene) (fig. 4). The precise stratigraphic assignment of some fossil localities within the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is un- certain owing to discontinuity in outcrops. Local struc- ture compounds the stratigraphic uncertainty. South- eastward from the type locality, for example, many of the richest collections, all of approximately the same PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION 1 1 FIGURE 2.-—Type locality of Pittsburg Bluff Formation 1 km northeast of Pittsburg, Oreg. The calcite-cemented concretions are aligned with a bed rich in molluscan fossils. Trough-shaped sedimentary structure (at top) may have formed when sand slid downward on submarine slope. age, were taken at widely separated localities in a long anticlinal valley drained by the East Fork of the Nehalem River. TYPE LOCALITY The type locality, which exposes the lower part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, but not quite the base, is a roadcut on Oregon State Highway 47, 1 km northeast of Pittsburg, where the exposed section is about 10 m thick. The typical sequence in this cut consists of a 2-m-thick layer of sandstone showing prominent bioturbation overlain by a 10-cm-thick fossiliferous limy layer or a layer of concretions. These are overlain by a laminated sandstone with laminae about 5 mm thick, which becomes bioturbate 1 m above its base. The entire section is highly fossiliferous, but shells are most abundant in the limy layers. TYPE AREA The type area of the Pittsburg Formation extends along the Nehalem River between Pittsburg and Mist, Oreg. The Pittsburg Bluff Formation is about 200 m thick. The olive-gray siltstone of the Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene) is conformably over— lain by 30 m of massive olive-gray fine-grained sandstone (fig. 5). The sandstone is characterized by fossiliferous concretions (fig. 2), by trough-shaped prisms possibly resulting from internal shear during aggradation, and locally by siltstone rip-up clasts (fig. 6). Thin-bedded light-olive-gray fine—grained sandstone and siltstone with foreset beds and local coal beds near the top occupy the next 70 In (fig. 4). The uppermost 100 In consists of massive friable olive-gray fine-grained sandstone. The Pittsburg Bluff Formation is overlain by dusky-yellow fine-grained tuffaceous sandstone of the Scappoose Formation. Locally the contact is marked by a cobble conglomerate. A faunal break occurs approximately in the middle of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. This break possibly may be only an apparent one, and may merely reflect the facts that the lower part of the formation is generally more fossiliferous than the upper parts and that it in- cludes the easily accessible classic exposure on State Highway 47. Nonetheless, a difference in the molluscan fauna exists and may reflect a real change in the com— position of the Pittsburg Bluff fauna. At one locality, USGS 15588, at the base of the upper part of the forma- tion, species elsewhere confined to the upper or lower parts occur together. The following mollusks occur only in the lower 100 m of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation (excluding USGS loc- ality 15588). Gastropods Opalia (Dentiscala?) hertleini, n. sp. Crepidula pileum (Gabb) Polinices washingtonensis (Weaver) Sinum aff. S. obliquum (Gabb) Priscofusus stewarti (Tegland) Perse pittsburgensis vernoniensis, n. subsp. Taranis columbiana (Anderson and Martin) Spirotropis kincaidi (Weaver) Odostomia winlockiana Effinger Pelecypod Crenella porterensis Weaver The following mollusks occur only in the upper 100 m of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation (excluding USGS 10- cality 15588). Gastropods Architectonica blanda Dall Aforia campbelli Durham Pelecypods Cyclocardia (Cyclocardia) cf. C. hannibali (Clark) Spisula (Mactromeris?) veneriformis Clark The following mollusks occur throughout the entire thickness of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Gastropods Turritella pittsburgensis, n.sp. Cryptonatica pittsburgensis, n. sp. Neverita (Glossaulax) thomsonae Hickman Eosiphonalia oregonensis (Dall) Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin) Molopophorus gabbi Dall Perse pittsburgensis Durham Suavodrillia winlockensis (Effinger) Acteon chehalisensis (Weaver) Scaphander stewarti Durham 12 45° 55' 45° 50' 45°45' OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON . 'Q’z . Pittéburg ' ‘1 _- .seétiop ' . Tp -'.' '. _ Verpomaseétionr " .1'5533' , ‘.TP‘.".~M3312\X. - 'anl Creek ' ' 4‘ - ' 'seétiop- if M3. . 123°10’ 123 05 Miocene Oligocene Eocene 123° 00' EXPLANATION Astoria Formation Columbia River Group Scappoose Formation TERTIARY Pittsburg Bluff Formation J: m Keasey Formation Contact _3_ Anticline Showing trace of axial plane _+_ Syncline Showing trace of axial plane L Strike and dip of beds 15264 M3869 Fossil locality l—l Measured section 0 1 2 MILES eel—J 0 1 2 Kl LOMETR ES FIGURE 3.——Geologic sketch map of the Vernonia area, northwestern Oregon, showing fossil localities and location of measured sections. PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION 13 N S Coal Creek EXPLANATION .00009 Siltstone Cobble conglomerate Buxton Scappoose Formation W‘—‘)o 0 cocoooooooo E Pittsburg Bluff Formation Tuffaceous Coal sandstone M3 8 7 1 _ Sandstone, Fossil Locality With concretions FEET METRES 100 Divide 30° M3858 200 Vernonia 50 Type locality of Pittsburg Bluff " Formation lies between Moran 100 Farm and Pittsburg (Dilier, 1896) li/lcian Earm ‘L 0 0 T . Pittsburg ophlll . Pittsburg Bluff Formation M3860 Keasey Formation 6 MILES 9 1O KILOMETRES O——O oo——01 FIGURE 5.——Contact between siltstone of the Keasey Formation (be— low) and sandstone of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation (above), in roadcut along logging road 1 km southeast of Pittsburg, Oreg. FIGURE 6.—Si1tstone rip—up clasts in Pittsburg Bluff Formation in roadcut along logging road 2 km southeast of Pittsburg, Oreg. 14 Scaphophod Dentalium (F issidentalium?) laneensis Hickman Pelecypods Nucula (Leionucula) vokesi, n. sp. Acila (Truncacila) shumardi (Dall) Litorhadia washingtonensis (Weaver) Yoldia (Kalayoldia) oregona (Shumard) Mytilus cf. M. snohomishensis Weaver Lucinoma columbiana (Clark and Arnold) Felaniella (Felaniella) snavelyi, n. sp. Nemocardium (Keenaea) lorenzanum (Arnold) Spisula (Mactromeris) pittsburgensis Clark Tellina (E urytellina) aduncanasa Hickman Tellina? pittsburgensis Clark Solen townsendensis Clark Solena (Eosolen) eugenensis (Clark) Panopea snohomishensis Clark Panopea ramonensis Clark Cochlodesma bainbridgensis Clark Thracia (Thracia) condoni Dall The pelecypods do not indicate any striking faunal break, but the gastropods do; 9 of 23 species are re- stricted to the lower part of the Pittsburg Bluff Forma- tion. This break suggests, therefore, that two faunal zones may be present in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation in its type area, one in the lower 100 In and one in the upper. CHECKLIST OF PITTSBURG BLUFF SPECIES Exposures of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation are found in an area of about 150 kmz; they indicate a maximum thickness of approximately 200 In. As paleontologists and geologists have been collecting fos- sil mollusks from the formation since the early 1900’s, it is reasonable to assume that their collections contain specimens of most of the animals with preserved hard parts that lived in the middle Oligocene sea of that part of northwestern Oregon. A checklist of the Pittsburg Bluff mollusks is given in table 1. As most of the collections studied were made by other workers and had already been prepared, it was not possible to determine if all the specimens were collected from one stratigraphic interval, nor if each collection represented all the specimens available. Parts of the U.S. Geological Survey collections made by H. E. Vokes and others in the early 1940’s had not been prepared. For these and my own collections, abundance could be accurately noted, and it was noted during my own collecting in the field. The number of specimens representing a species in a collection of fossils is not necessarily related to the abundance of that species at a given fossil locality. If a species is easily removed from the enclosing rock, as are many of the naticids and also some pelecypods such as OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON Acila, it is apt to be collected in large numbers. If one attempts to remove a fragile valve of a pelecypod from its matrix in the field, it is likely to break up into small pieces which may or may not be brought back with the collection. If a genus, such as Turritella, Liracassis, or Acila, is known to be of special value for age determi- nation, or is uniquely sculptured, the collector is likely to make a special search for it, and to exercise great care in removing it from the enclosing rock. Even when a geologist is trying to collect a complete assemblage, he may fail to do so unless he collects ev— erything he finds, for it is often difficult to distinguish similar species in the field. The abundance and variety of species in a collection may depend on the purpose for which the collection was made; fewer specimens are required for a determination of age than for a thorough study of a fauna. In an attempt to estimate the relative abundance of species in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation as exposed in the area dealt with here, I have noted the number of specimens of each observed in the field and in collections prepared from slabs of rocks. For some species, the results thus obtained may be far from accurate, but no better method seems to be available. I have not given numbers of specimens for each locality but have adopted the terminology that Smith and Gordon (1948) used in reporting the abundance of species of living mollusks in Monterey Bay, Calif, and applied it to the fauna as a whole: Abundant: found nearly everywhere, usually more than 20 specimens. Common: usually found in moderate abundance (10 to 20 specimens). Scarce: found at several localities, usually singly or only a few together Rare: A total of only a few specimens found by me or known to have been collected by others. The following list gives the relative abundance of species found in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation: Gastropods Abundant Cryptonatica pittsburgensis, n. sp. Polinices washingtonensis (Weaver) Neverita (Glossaulax) thomsonae Hickman Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin) Molopophorus gabbi Dall Perse pittsburgensis Durham Common Perse pittsburgensis vernoniensis, n. subsp. Taranis columbiana (Anderson and Martin) Spirotropis kincaidi (Weaver) Suavodrillia winlockensis (Effinger) Scaphander stewarti Durham 15 PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION HH xx X xx X xx xx X xx X xx X xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xXx NH xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx X xx X X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x X x><>< x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxx xxx xxx x x x x x x x xxx x x xxx xxxxx xxxx x x x x x x x x x x x H H H H H xx xx xx Hx xx xx -x xx xx x- .x .x -x x xxxx xxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x XXX xx xx X xx X xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxx x x x x xxxxx x x x x x x x x xxxx x x xxxxxx xxxxxx xx xx X X xx xx xx xx X xx X X xx xx X X xx X X xx xx X X xx xx xx xx X xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx X X xx X X X xx xx xx xx X xx xx X xx xx X xx X X X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xxx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx H xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx x xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx x x x x x x x x XXX x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxx x x x x X xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx X X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx X X xx xx xx IX X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx X xx xx xx xx xx xx X X xx X xx X X xx xx xxxxxxxxXXxxXxxxx xx xx xx xx xx xxXxx xx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @5509 ES§W§~ 393‘ Hanoi—Eco xxxxxxxxxxxxxx =«Q .38».an 3.8935 5.8335 xxxxxxxxxx €30 figwwfiinwiaa uEmwfioEuaD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx V230 99%ch 698.5% xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ”1:30 flgwefifinécfi amtctum xxxxxxxxxx 235V mwmumtwuwxw 3&3an ESBM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx €30 fimrmwtwmtss :chm. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx €20 mi§®§€§i mafimws xxxxcmfixowm 3:53:33. 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Eosiphonalia oregonensis (Dall) Priscofusus stewarti (Tegland) Acteon chehalisensis (Weaver) Raw Architectonica blanda Dall Opalia (Dentiscala?) hertleini, n. sp. Crepidula pileum (Gabb) Sinum aff. S. obliquum (Gabb) Aforia clallamensis wardi (Tegland) Odostomia winlockiana Effinger Scaphopod Cmnmmz Dentalium (F issidentalium?) laneensis Hickman Cephalopod Rare Aturia angustata (Conrad) Pelecypods Abundant Acila (Truncacila) shumardi (Dall) Litorhadia washingtonensis (Weaver) Callista (Macrocallista) pittsburgensis Dall Spisula (Mactromeris) pittsburgensis Clark Cmnmmz Yoldia (Kalayoldia) oregona (Shumard) Felaniella (Felaniella) snavelyi, n. sp. Tellina (Eurytellina) aduncanasa Hickman Tellina pittsburgensis Clark Solen townsendensis Clark Solena (Eosolen) eugenensis (Clark) Panopea ramonensis Clark Thracia (Thracia) condoni Dall Scarce Nucula (Leionucula) vokesi, n. sp. Lucinoma columbiana (Clark and Arnold) Nemocardium (Keenaea) lorenzanum (Arnold) Pitar (Pitar) dalli (Weaver) Spisula (Mactromeris?) veneriformis Clark Panopea snohomishensis Clark Rare Cochlodesma bainbridgensis Clark Mytilus cf. M. snohomishensis Weaver Crenella porterensis Weaver Cyclocardia (Cyclocardia) cf. C. hannibali (Clark) ?Ervilia oregonensis Dal] ECOLOGY The Pittsburg Bluff Formation contains 43 identified genera of mollusks represented by 48 species, almost equally divided between pelecypods and gastropods and including one scaphopod and one cephalopod. Five of the gastropod genera are extinct: Eosiphonalia, Molo- pophorus, Bruclarkia, Perse, and Priscofusus, and three OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON are locally extinct: Architectonica, Sinum, and Turri- tella. The pelecypod subgenus Eosolen is apparently restricted to the Eocene and Oligocene, and so is Litorhadia, which some authors classify as a subgenus of N uculana. Thirteen of the total of 48 species are so abundant that almost any persistent collector would find them. Fourteen species are so rare that only one to five specimens of each have been found, presumably as the result of exhaustive collecting. The remaining 21 species are represented, on the average, by about 20 specimens each and may be assumed to constitute an important part of the fauna. A striking characteristic of the Pittsburg Bluff fauna is that an enormous number of fossils of a few species are tightly packed in the cal- careous concretions and lenses within the formation. These are Callista (Macrocallista) pittsburgensis, Acila (T runcacila) shumardi, Molopophourus gabbi, Perse pittsburgensis, and the four naticid species that the formation contains. The pelecypods, with the exception of two small mytilids represented only by incomplete shells, are characteristic of an infauna (Thorson, 1957) that lived buried or burrowing in muddy sand on the sea bottom. Of the gastropods, all but Crepidula (represented by one well-preserved and three poorly preserved specimens) lived on or within the sediment of the sea floor. Rare or absent are forms that lived only on rocky shores or on an open sandy beach. Several of the genera that are par- ticularly abundant in the fauna—for example Polinices and Neverita—are known to be voracious feeders on clams (Hedgpeth and Hinton, 1961; Keen, 1971). Gastropods of the extinct genera Eosiphonalia, Bruclarkia, Perse, and Molopophorus, which lack the round aperture usually possessed by herbivorous snails, have long siphonal canals, indicating that they may have been detritus feeders or carnivores, preying upon clams; their familial assignments, if correct, imply that they were carnivores. The drill holes found in some pelecypod valves are straight sided, similar to the holes made by the Muricacea, none of which are known from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, unless one of these extinct genera is missassigned. The formation also contains Turritella, which is known to live buried just beneath the sea floor and to feed upon detritus; Opalia, which is a carnivorous genus, with some species known to feed upon sea anemones and corals (Keen, 1971); and Odostomia, which is known to be parasitic upon other mollusks such as Ostrea, Pecten, and Crepidula, and upon polychaete worms (Keen, 1971). The only scaphopod represented is Dentalium, which lives buried under a thin layer of sediment on the sea floor (Keen, 1963), and the only cephalopod is Aturia, which presumably inhabited moderately shallow water and PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION was carnivorous, perhaps feeding on decapod crus- taceans (Miller, 1947, p. 13) or mollusks. The Pittsburg Bluff molluscan fauna contains none of the rock dwellers of the littoral zone with the possible exception of M ytilus, and no snails that are known to be herbivorous. None of the mollusks found in the for- mation, except the turrids, are considered indicative of deep water. No remains of echinoderms or crabs have been found, and foraminifers are represented by two poorly preserved globigerinids. Some fish remains have been found; the teeth identified are of sharks and rays. Welton (1972, p. 168) makes the following statement concerning the shark teeth: ***the lower sections of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation yield numerous teeth of a small squalid shark Centroscymnus and not uncommonly teeth of Raja, Squatina, Odontaspis, Squalus, Pris- tiophorus, and Notorhynchus. These genera, plus several additional forms, collectively constitute the most diverse assemblage yet known from the middle Oligocene of Oregon. Otoliths from USGS 15310, in the middle part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, were identified by John E. Fitch, California Department of Fish and Game, as belonging to the families Congridae (conger eels) and Macrouridae (rat tails), both bottom-dwelling families that typically inhabit moderate (200 m) to great depths (500 m), and, although found in all oceans of the world, are least common in tropical seas (John E. Fitch, writ- ten communs., May 23, 1973, and June 18, 1973). From the preserved molluscan fauna, a picture emerges of an infaunal community of filter feeders, detritus feeders, and carnivores living on or within the sediment of the sea floor. The table below (table 2, compiled from Abbott, 1954; TABLE 2.—Holocene genera in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation and their preferred bottom sediment and water depth 17 TABLE 2.—Holocene genera in the PittsburgBluff Formation and their preferred bottom sediment and water depth—Continued Genera Bottom sediment Depth of water Gastropods ,,,,,,,,,,,, Common in sand and Tideflats to 60 m. sand-mud bottom. Architectonica Genera Bottom sediment Depth of water Scaphopod Dentalium (Fissidentalium) __________________________ 7 to 1,200 m. Pelecypods Nucula (Leionucula) A _. Clay, sand. 20 to 1,800 m. Acila (Truncacila) H 10 to 1,300 m. Yoldia (Kalayoldia) _ Mytilus Crenella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cyclocardia ,,,,,, Lucinoma F elaniella Nemocardium (Keenaea), W _ Pitar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Callista (Macrocallista) ”fl Spisula (Mattromeris) ,,,,,, Emilia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tellina (Eurytellina) Solen Panopea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cochlodesma ______________ Thracia Mud. Sand. Sand or mud, under rocks, usually in nest of agglutinated rubble; intertidal sand-beach and sand flats; nearshore sand and sand-mud. Outer shelf, sand bottom. Coarse sand; intertidal sand-beach and sand flats; nearshore sand and sand-mud. Fine sand. Sand of exposed beaches; fine sand or firm sandy mud of bays, sloughs, or estuaries; fine sand or sandy mud of protected open coast. Sand or mud; coarse, shifting sand near entrances to bays, lagoons, or estuaries; sand or mud in bays; intertidal sand-beach and sand flats; nearshore sand and sand< Ennucula ____________________ Acila (Truncacila) ,,,,,,,, X N uculana Yoldia ______________________ M inormalletia Porterius ____________________ Propeamussium ______________ Delectopecten ________________ Lima ________________________ _ Crenella ____________________ >< Thracia ____________________ >< Thyasira ________________ X X "1, ____ ____ Nemocardium >< Fimbria ________________ >< __,v ____ ____ 11-- Pitar ____________________ >< __ __ u i _ x x Tellina _______________________ X , __ _ X X Gastropods: Turcicula ________________ >< __ _ X ",1 __,, E pitoni um __________________ Polinices ____________________ Turritella _____________________ Echinophoria ________________ Gyrineum Oleq uahia __________________ B ruclarkia __________________ Cancellaria __________________ Conus __________________ >< Exilia ______________________ F ulgurof us as ________________ "Gemmula” __________________ N ekewis ____________________ Scaphander __________________ ><><: ><><><><><>< I | | | x x I I I X I I I I I I I I XXXXXXXX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I XXXXX I I I I X I I I I PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION In northwestern Oregon the Keasey Formation, represented by shale, and the Pittsburg Bluff For- mation, represented by sandstone, are comformable but have almost no species in common; in southwestern Oregon, the Bastendorff Shale and the Tunnel Point Sandstone are conformable and contain no species in common. In both areas, depth of water is believed to be the controlling factor explaining the abrupt faunal break between early and middle Oligocene formations. In the Newport area, on the coast of Oregon north of Coos Bay, the Alsea Formation, considered early, middle, and late Oligocene by Snavely, MacLeod, Rau, Addicott, Pearl, and Quinterno (1975), is conformably overlain by the Yaquina Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene) and unconformably underlain by the Nestucca Formation (late Eocene). The Alsea Forma- tion has yielded 35 species of mollusks (Vokes and others, 1949); and 13 of these also occur in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. The upper part of the Alsea Formation contains mollusks of provincial late Oligocene age (Warren 0. Addicott, written commun., 1973). The following genera are represented in the Alsea Formation but not in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation: Gastropods Pelecypods Calyptraea Lucina (Here) Liracassis Loxocardi um? Exilia M acoma Ancilla Apolymetis There are no obvious differences in ecologic re- quirements between these genera and those in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Two small, poorly preserved molluscan faunas were collected in the Newport area, one of which has been correlated with a fauna from the Gries Ranch For- mation, the other with a fauna from the Keasey For- mation (Vokes and others, 1949). Further investigation may show that there was a close ecologic relation between the Newport area and the Pittsburg area dur- ing early and middle Oligocene time. SUMMARY Many of the genera found in the Keasey Formation are not found in the Pittsburg Fluff Formation. This curious fact can perhaps be explained as a result of differing habitats; the extinction of genera is not in- volved as most of these genera are still living today. The Keasey fauna lived predominantly in moderately deep water, at depths greater than 50 m, on a bottom of silt, whereas the Pittsburg Bluff fauna lived predominantly in water shallower than 50 m, on a bottom of fine sand. A similar ecologic difference existed near Coos Bay during the deposition of the Bastendorff and Tunnel Point 23 Formations, equivalent to the Keasey and the Pittsburg Bluff Formations, respectively. The Gries Ranch Formation, a shallow-water equivalent of the upper part of the Keasey Formation, contains 10 Pittsburg Bluff species, a strong indication that ecology is the limiting factor. The Eugene Formation may have been deposited in an environment in which the elements of the Keasey fauna that could tolerate shallower water, of 50 m or less, could live. AGE The first Pacific coast fossils to be assigned to the Oligocene were the mollusks collected by Diller near Pittsburg, Greg, and later identified by Dall (Diller, 1896, p. 466). Presumably Dall’s assignment was based on a comparison of the genera with those of the Oligocene of Europe and on the percentage of living taxa. Dall’s first assignment of the Pittsburg Bluff fauna to the Oligocene has been endorsed by most other molluscan specialists, on the basis of comparison at the generic level of its mollusks with those from the Oligocene of the Gulf Coast and of Europe, of super- position, and of the marked change in the molluscan fauna at the end of the Eocene, when many genera disappeared and others made their first appearance. In 1936 Schenck and Kleinpell proposed the Refugian Stage for part of the Pacific coast Tertiary. They de- signated as the type locality for this stage Canada de Santa Anita, on the south side of the Santa Ynez Mountains, Santa Barbara County, Calif:, about 5 miles west of Gaviota Pass. Schenck and Kleinpell (1936, p. 219) stated that “***the Refugian stage comprises the rocks deposited after the strata usually included within the Tejon Formation (restricted) were laid down and before the Zemorrian Stage.” They believed that the Refugian Stage is “probably equivalent in age to a portion of the upper Eocene or lower Oligocene series of Europe.” They considered it to be represented in Oregon by the Eugene, Pittsburg Bluff, Tunnel Point, Keasey, and Bastendorff Formations, in Washington, by the Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] and Gries Ranch Formations. They also. believed that the Refugian Stage included the Acila sh umardi Zone and was roughly equivalent, in its type area, to the Turritella variata Zone. According to Schenck and Kleinpell, the Keasey species Acila (Truncacila) nehalemensis Hanna first appears in the basal part of the Refugian Stage (1936, p. 220—221). The Pittsburg Bluff species Acila (Truncaci- la) shumardi (Dall), Callista pittsburgensis Dall, Molopophorus gabbi Dall, and Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin) make their last appearance in the uppermost part of the Refugian Stage (Schenck and Kleinpell, 1936, p. 221). Addicott (1972), in a paper on the provincial mollus- 24 can stages of the Temblor Range in California, discusses the Refugian Stage (p. 5), calls it early Oligocene (p. 4, fig. 3), and states that the Refugian and Zemorrian Stages in this area are at least in part coeval. He bases this conclusion on the occurrence of the Refugian index species Bruclarkia columbiana in strata that can read- ily be traced to the lowermost part of the type Zemorrian Stage of Kleinpell (1938). In 1963 Weaver and Kleinpell published an exhaus- tive study of foraminiferal and molluscan faunas from the Gaviota and Alegria Formations in the Santa Barbara embayment of California, which contains the type area of the Refugian Stage. One of the most noteworthy provincial correlations made by Weaver and Kleinpell on the basis of foraminifers and mollusks was that of the Bastendorff and Keasey Formations with the middle and upper members of the Gaviota Formation and an implied correlation of the lower 200 feet of the Alegria Formation (the uppermost part of the "Turritella variata Zone”) with the Lincoln Creek Formation of Washington and its equivalents, which would include the Pittsburg Bluff Formation (Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 45). Weaver and Kleinpell believe that several West Coast formations usually considered to be of early or middle Oligocene age, are on the basis of mollusks, in whole or in part of the same age as the Turritella variata lorenzana Zone of Santa Barbara. These formations are the middle and upper parts of the Bastendorff, the Tunnel Point, the Keasey, the Pittsburg Bluff, the Gries Ranch, and the Lincoln Creek Formations (Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 113—114). Although they found few molluscan species that are common to the Pacific Northwest and the Santa Ynez Mountains of California, they felt that these few are exceptional in their ap— parent stratigraphic fidelity. The occurrence of Acila nehalemensis in the upper Gaviota beds of the Santa Ynez Range makes it possible to correlate these beds with the middle and upper Bastendorff and the Keasey Shale. The Lincoln Creek Formation can be correlated with the lower part of the Alegria Formation—the Turritella variata-bearing members A to .C. They conclude that the Turritella variata Zone, since it contains 1—2 percent of living species and some giant venericards, is late Eocene and perhaps early Oligocene, and that the Refugian Stage is therefore late Eocene and perhaps very early Oligocene (Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963, p. 118). Schenck and Kleinpell (1936) defined the Refugian Stage on the basis of its carefully delineated type sec- tion, and although they used local first and last ap- pearances of both benthonic foraminifers and mollusks to mark the boundaries, they then did not intend strati- graphic range extensions to change the definition of the OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON stage (p. 221). Although other stages have been defined on the basis of provincial fossil zones, the Refugian was originally intended to be of fixed geologic age—the age of its type section. In recent years the Refugian has taken on more the character of a stage based exclusively on foraminiferal zones. This reduces its usefulness in molluscan paleontology because the provincialism of both benthonic foraminifers and mollusks is measura- bly significant over the distance from the type locality of the Refugian to, for example, the type locality of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Whereas in original concept the Refugian Stage might have had lasting utility in broad-scale West Coast stratigraphy, at this time it seems difficult, if not impossible, to use it judiciously. The type locality for Acila (Truncacila) shumardi of the Acila shumardi Zone of Schenck (1936) is at the type locality of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, and the Acila shumardi Zone has been recognized since 1936 in all the Pacific coast states, including Alaska, and has always been assigned to the Oligocene. Durham (1944) proposed magafaunal zones for the Tertiary of southwestern Washington; one of these was the M olopophorus gabbi Zone. M. gabbi is a common and characteristic species of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Presumably because M. gabbi is not as widespread geographically in its occurrence as Acila shumardi, the Molopophorus gabbi Zone is not as widely used as the Acila shumardi Zone. The Molopophorus gabbi Zone is, however, roughly equivalent to at least the lower part of the Acila shumardi Zone. Durham listed as characteristic of the Molopophorus gabbi Zone the species Bruclarkia columbiana, Molopophorus dalli, Perse olympicensis quimpersensis, P. pittsburgensis, and Spisula pittsburgensis; all but Perse olympicensis and Molopophorus dalli occur in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Molopophorus dalli, which Durham includes in the Molopophorus gabbi Zone, does not occur at the same horizon as M. gabbi in northwest- ern Oregon; it seems to be an older species, restricted to the early Oligocene. The position of the provincial Oligocene-Miocene boundary has been in dispute for many years (Moore, 1963, p. 1‘2), and complete agreement still has not been reached. The problems concerning the Eocene- Oligocene boundary seemed to be nearing solution, with generally good agreement, until fairly recent years. In the most extreme example of these recent problems, Eames, Banner, Blow, Clarke, and Cox (1962) published a paper on mid—Tertiary correlation in which they de- nied that there is Oligocene at all on the western coast of North America. David Bukry (written commun., 1973) considers a sample from USGS locality M3865, about 100 m below the top of the Keasey Formation, to be late Eocene or PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION earliest Oligocene in age on the basis of the following coccoliths that he was able to identify. USGS locality M3865. Railroad cut adjacent to State Highway 47, 0.5 km south of main street of Vernonia, Oreg., at 45°51.3’ N., 123°11.8’ W. Braarudosphaera bigelowii (Gran and Braarud) Chiasmolithus oamaruensis (Deflandre) Coccolithus eopelagicus (Bramlette and Riedel) Coccolithus pelagicus (Wallich) Cyclicargolithus sp., cf. C. floridanus (Roth and Hay) Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay, Mohler, and Wade) Dictyococcites scrippsae Bukry and Percival Isthmolithus recurvus Deflandre Many authors have cited the difficulties of provincial correlation in the Oligocene. Whereas the Eocene permits fairly easy correlations over wide areas, and the Miocene permits reasonable correlations, the Oligocene has always been troublesome in this respect. The usual explanations for the difficulty with the Oligocene have been (1) that the basins of deposition were isolated and (2) that distinctive Caribbean elements in the Eocene faunas migrated southward in Oligocene time. The problem of precise correlation is further complicated by the fact that since the most useful planktonic species of foraminifers and coccoliths do not commonly occur with the nearshore molluscan faunas either on the Pacific coast or at the European stratotype localities, detailed studies of interfingering of facies are required in both regions. And, the original series and stages in Europe were not as carefully defined as might have been desired (Fischer and others, 1971). However, the age deter- mination by David Bukry given above, based on coc- coliths from the middle Keasey as defined by Moore and Vokes (1953, p. 1 15, fig. 28), provides new evidence from this cosmopolitan planktonic fossil group for a late Eocene and early Oligocene age for the Keasey For— mation and its correlatives. On the basis of superposi- tion and its contained fauna, the overlying Pittsburg Bluff Formation is assigned to the middle Oligocene. The sum of all paleontologic and stratigraphic evidence now available indicates that the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is of provincial middle Oligocene age. CORRELATION The marine lower and middle Oligocene sedimentary rocks of the Pacific Northwest range in facies from conglomerate (Gries Ranch Formation) through sandstone (Eugene Formation) and fine-grained sandstone and siltstone (Pittsburg Bluff Formation) to deepwater shale (Keasey Formation). In some areas, such as those around Newport and Eugene, Oreg., depositional conditions during the Oligocene were apparently fairly constant. In other areas, such as those 25 around Pittsburg and Coos Bay, Oreg., an abrupt change took place at the end of the early Oligocene from relatively deepwater to relatively shallow-water dep— osition as evidenced by both the character of the sedimentation and the fauna. In the Pacific Northwest, a heavy cover of vegetation, discontinuous exposures, interruption by faults, and the recurrence of similar sediments at various horizons throughout the Tertiary make even local correlation difficult and make regional correlation impossible in unfossiliferous rocks. The Pittsburg Bluff molluscan fauna, however, although small in number of species, is distinctive and it includes some species of short time range that occur as far north as Alaska and as far south as southern California. It therefore permits consider- able confidence in provincial correlation. The distribution of Pittsburg Bluff species in some other formations of late Eocene, Oligocene, and early Miocene age and Pittsburg Bluff species not known to occur outside the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is given in table 4. A total of 48 species of mollusks has been identified in the Pittsburg Bluff; 9 of these are not now known to occur elsewhere. The number of species that occur in other formations with which the Pittsburg Bluff Formation has been precisely or approximately correlated, listed in north to south order, is as follows: Number of Formation species m Common Stepovak Formation of Burk (1965) ______ 3 Poul Creek Formation __________________ 9 Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) _-_- 9 Gries Ranch Formation __________________ 10 Lincoln Creek Formation ________________ 14 Alsea Formation ________________________ 13 Eugene Formation ______________________ 17 Tunnel Point Sandstone ________________ 11 San Lorenzo Formation __________________ 3 Wygal Sandstone Member of Temblor Formation __________________ 3 Cymric Shale Member of Temblor Formation __________________ 1 Kirker Tuff _____________________________ 2 Tumey Formation of Atwill (1935) ______ 3 San Emigdio Formation ________________ 2 Alegria Formation of Dibblee (1950) ______ 1 Of the total number of Pittsburg Bluff species, 28 species, or 58 percent, are known to occur in other formations of middle Oligocene age; 12 species, or 25 percent, occur in early Oligocene formations; and 10 species, or 22 percent, occur in formations assigned to the late Oligocene or early Miocene. Only two species are found in late Eocene formations. The correlation chart (fig. 7) indicates graphically the OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON 26 1-. 11 11 X 11 .-1 X X 11 -1- 1-. 11 X 11 X X ........... :aD €3.55 AEQEHEV Euuék 11 11 11 11 1-- 1-- 1-. an 11 X 11 11 11 1-- X X ........ v1.30 mwmrmwfifafig aEmmfieEooD 11 X 11 11 1-. 11 X 11 1.. X 11 .1. 1-. . 11 ..1 “““““““““““ #56 $3385? uKSSk 1.- 11 1-- -1. 11 1-- 11 X 1-. 11 1-- 1-. .1. 1-- uo 1-. “““““““““ x36 fim=§m§8§=m Sag-cm .1- 1-. 11 1-. 11 -.1 X go 11 11 X -1. .1. 11 can 11 ““““““““ 9139 £23.33; A5338 320m. -1- 1-. -1. 1-. 1-- .1- 11 X 11 11 1-. -1. 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Rm; M $500 *0 «ti : 3.20.3 m actmwnécmi co_SELou_ #2:»?an 655%: \ :oEmELOHH wwmoanmow $.5me h mc_:Um> mam 5.3V \ >2"..me W 59:55. we muom: \ m. I. . Lmans :EumELou. 8%» M w 2.9ng \ n 353:; :53an :mEmaum>: m w 23:.ch m_3m:_:wm 39.55 9:22 m . . . . mcwumcfmm; o_QE>_O vu_QE>_O mEQmeS. Mum—u.” >mm mooo Ptoaiwz emcmmzm 93%qu “WWW” Ecumwm Ebcwo .25 5:22 3:3 . . ‘5 . Lo mum m m a 5 Z 5 2 u v. > ton. :aomzzoé Hammuw mmtww cemmzo 50555.35 mmxmm_< 28 formations believed to be correlative entirely or in part with the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Pittsburg Bluff molluscan species are most abundant in the Tunnel Point Sandstone at Coos Bay, the upper part of the Eugene Formation in the Willamette Valley, and the Alsea Formation near Newport, Oreg. Other probable time-stratigraphic equivalents of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation on the basis of mutual occurrence of species are: parts of the Stepovak Formation of Burke (1965) and Poul Creek Formation in Alaska, the Lincoln Creek Formation and Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) of Washington, and the Wheatland Formation of Clark and Anderson (1938), Tumey Formation of Atwill (1935), San Emigdio Formation, Wygal Sandstone and Cymric Shale Members of the Temblor Formation, Alegria Formation of Dibblee (1950), and Kirker and San Lorenzo Formations of California. A mixture of Keasey and Pittsburg Bluff species oc- curs throughout the Eugene Formation, as pointed out in the section on ecology; some typical Pittsburg Bluff species such as Callista pittsburgensis, Acila shumardi, and Bruclarkia columbianum occur only in its upper part. Table 5 gives all the Oligocene species that were found high in the Eugene Formation by Hickman (1969, p. 16—19). TABLE 5.——Checklist of Oligocene mollusks in the upper part of the Eugene Formation in Oregon [Locality numbers and occurrence are from Hickman (1969)] Eugene area Salem area Locality No. 12 28 34 35 39 41 42 44 46 47 Pelecypods Acila (Truncacila) nehalemensis (G. D. Hanna) ____________________________ W W W W X W Acila (Truncacila) nehalemensis minima Hickman ______________ X X W W W W W W W 1 Acila(Truncacila)shumardi(Dall) W W W X X X X X W , Nuculana washingtonensis (Weaver) ______________________ X X W W W W X X W W Yoldia (Kalayoldia) oregona (Shumard) ______________________ >< __ W W X X W W W Modiolus eugenensis Clark ________ X X W W W W W W W W Mytilus snohomishensis Weaver W W W W W W W X W W W Parvicardium eugenense (Clark) W X X X X X __ X W X W Lucinoma acutilineata (Conrad) W W W W W W X W W W W Diplodontaparilis (Conrad) ______ X X W X W X x __ X X Callista pittsburgensis(Dall) ,,,,,, X W X X W W X W X W Callista n. sp _____________________ X X W X W W W W W W Pitar (Pitar) dalli (Weaver) ______ X X X X X W X W X W Pitar (Pitar) n. sp.? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X X W W W W W W W W Pitar (Lamelliconcha) clarki (Dickerson) ____________________ X X W W W W W W X W Spisulapittsburgensis Clark WWW W W W W W W X X W W Spisula eugenensis (Clark) ,,,,,,,, X X X X W W W W W W Pseudocardium sp. ________________ X X W W W W W W X Tellina pittsburgensis Clark ______ X X W W W W W X X W Tellina aduncanasa Hickman ______ X W W W W X X W W OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON TABLE 5.—Checklist of Oligocene mollusks in the upper part of the Eugene Formation in Oregon—Continued Eugene area Salem area Locality No. 12 28 34 35 39 41 42 44 46 47 Pelecypods—Continued Tellina? n. sp. __________________ X X W W W W W W W W Tellina eugenia Dall ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W W W X W W W W W W Tellina (Moerella) lincolnensis (Weaver) ______________________ X X W X W W W W W W Macoma aff. M. inquinata (De- shayes) ________________________ X X W W W W W W X __ Macoma (Heteromacoma) van- couverensis (Clark and Anderson) X X W W W W W W W W Semele willamettensis Hickman W W X W W W W W W W W Selena (Eosolen)eugenensis (Clark) X X X X __ W X X x X Solen sicarius Gould 111111111111 X X W X W W X W W W Mya (Arenomya?) kusiroensis (Nagao and Inoue) ______________ X W W W W W W W W Panopea (Panopea) ramonensis Clark __________________________ X __ __ W W W W W W Oper'tochasma turnerae (Hickman) W X W W W W W W W W Martesia Sp. ______________________ >< __ W W W __ W W W Pandora (Pandora) laevis Hickman X W W W W W W W W W Thracia condoniDall ____________ X X W X W X W W X W Scaphopod Dentalium (Fissidentalium?) laneensis Hickman ____________ X X W W W W W W W W Gastropods Epitonium (Boreoscala) condoni (Dall) ________________________ X X X X W W W W W W E. (B.)condonioregonensis Durham W W W X W W W W W W E. (B.)condonieugenense Durham W X X X W W W W W W Acrilla (Ferminoscala) dickersoni Durham ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X X W W W W W W W X A. (F.)becki Durham ____________ ? X __ W __ W W W W W Calyptraea diegoana (Conrad) WW X X W W W W W W W W Calyptraea sookensis Clark and Arnold ________________________ W W W W W W W W __ >< Crepidula ungana Dall ,,,,,,,,,, X X W W W W W W W W Natica(Natica)n.sp.? ____________ W X W X W W X W W W Neverita thomsonae Hickman WW X X W W W W X W X X Polinices washingtonensis (Weaver) X X W W W W W W W W Sinum obliauum (Gabb) __________ X X W W W W W W W W Ficus modestaiConrad) __________ X X W W W W W W W W Olequahia schencki Durham ________ X W W X X W W W W Molopophorus dalli Anderson and Martin ________________________________ W W W W W X Molopophorus fishii (Gabb) 11111111 X X X W W W W W W Bruclarkia vokesi Hickman ______ X X X X X W W W W W Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin) __________________ X X W W W W W W X X Perse lincolnensis (Van Winkle) W W X W __ W __ __ W W W Exilia lincolnensis (Weaver) ______ X X __ __ W W W __ W W Gemmula bentsonae Durham ______ X X W W W W W W W W Acteon parvuum Dickerson ,,,,,, x W W __ __ __ __ W W W Cylichnina turneri Effinger ________ X W W W W W W W W Scaphander stewarti Durham ______ X W X X W X W W W The presence of such typical Keasey species as Acila (Truncacila) nehalemensis and Olequahia schencki high in the Eugene Formation, combined with the absence of SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS any typical Keasey species in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, might permit considering the hypothesis that all of the Eugene Formation is slightly older than the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Since the uppermost part of the Eugene Formation and the lower part of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation contain 19 species in common, they are regarded as partly coeval. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Phylum MOLLUSCA Class GASTROPODA Family TROCHIDAE Unidentified trochid? Plate 1, figures 6, 7 This single specimen resembles the trochid Bathybembix in overall outline (USNM 213948). Some characteristics of the specimen recall “Turcicula” columbiana Dall (1909, p. 100, pl. 3, figs. 2, 11) that occurs in the Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene) in Oregon and has been assigned to Bathybembix by Rehder (1955, p. 255). This specimen does not have so high a spire as Bathybembix, is a much smaller form, and measures 24 mm in maximum diameter. Patches of the inner shell layers are pre— served, as are fairly large nodes on the periphery of the last whorl. The aperture and umbilicus are not pre- served. Locality.—USGS 15312. Family ARCHITECTONICIDAE Genus Architectonica Rbding' Architectonica Roding, 1798, Museum boltenianum, pt. 2, p. 78. Type species—By subsequent designation (Gray, 1847, Z001. Soc. London Proc., pt. 15, p. 151) Trochus perspectivus Linné. Holocene, tropical western Pacific Ocean. Architectonica blanda Dall Plate 1, figures 1-4 Architectonica blanda Dall, 1909, US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 80—81, pl. 3, figs. 4, 5. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 364, pl. 73, fig. 7. Two incomplete specimens of Architectonica blanda are in the collections. They are distinguished by the smoothness of the spire and by the paired spirals on the periphery of the body whorl. These paired spirals are of equal weight on one specimen and of unequal weight on the other; the more posterior spiral is narrower. Ac- cording to Dall (1909, p. 80), A. blanda has one strong spiral and one much weaker one. Four somewhat unequally spaced spiral grooves are visible on the base of the shell. Because the umbilicus and umbilical mar- gin are worn and corroded on the specimens at hand and are covered by matrix on the type specimen of the species, an assignment refined to subgenus has not been made. 29 Holotype.—USNM 107414. Figured specimens: USNM 213945, 213946. Type locality.—USGS 2697, north fork of Scappoose Creek, at the mouth of Fall Creek, Columbia County, Oreg. Scappoose Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene). A. blanda is the only post-Eocene species of Ar- chitectonica reported from Oregon and Washington. Although the type locality has been cited as middle Oligocene (Weaver, 1942, p. 364), it is actually in the Scappoose Formation of late Oligocene and early Miocene age. Localities.—USGS 15588, M3858. Occurrence elsewhere—Scappoose Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Oregon. Family TURRITELLIDAE Genus Turritella Lamarck Turritella Lamarck, 1799, Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris Mem., ser. 1, p. 74. Type species.—By monotypy Turbo terebra Linné. Holocene, tropical western Pacific Ocean. Turritella pittsburg-ensis, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 11—16; figure 8 Turritella pittsburgensis is a small species (largest specimen, incomplete, 32 mm high and 10 mm wide) with a shell of moderate thickness consisting of proba- bly 12 whorls. On the whorls of the spire, the two an- terior spiral ribs are the most prominent, and the an- terior space between them and the suture is deeply concave. These paired ribs are equal in weight on the spire, but the anterior rib becomes more prominent on the larger whorls nearest the body whorl. Above the paired spirals are two spirals of equal weight, and above them are two of lesser width just below the suture. These two finest spirals are absent on the early whorls of the spire. On the very earliest whorls, only the paired primary spirals and one secondary spiral are present; these spirals strongly suggest relationship to the bicostate Turritella uvasana stock of Merriam (1941, p. 42— 44). On one specimen (pl. 3, fig. 14), a fine spiral is present between the paired anterior spirals on the largest preserved whorl. The body whorl is not pre- served on the available specimens. The growth-line sinus is shown in figure 8; this deep antispiral sinus has the maximum swelling just above the whorl middle and no apparent growth-line angle. In this regard it re- sembles Turritella porterensis Weaver from the Lincoln Creek Formation (Eocene to Miocene) of Washington and Turritella oregonensis Conrad from the Astoria Formation (Miocene) of Oregon. Both of these species are assigned to the Turritella uvasana stock by Merriam (1941, p. 43). Holotype.—Herewith designated USNM 213991, plate 3, figure 16. 30 FIGURE 8.—Growth-1ine sinus on Turritella pittsburgensis, n. sp. Drawing by Anthony D’Attilio. Type locality.—USGS 15588. Roadcut on logging road along the headwaters of the second main tributary entering Coal Creek from the northeast of its junction with Pebble Creek. 3,900 feet west of grid 820 and 5,200 feet south of grid 2,650, Vernonia quadrangle, Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene), Oregon. Turritella wheatlandensis Clark and Anderson (1938, p. 949, pl. 3, figs. 10, 18) from the Wheatland Formation (late Eocene or early Oligocene), California, is a much larger species (holotype 59 mm high, incomplete, and 24 mm wide) with a heavy shell. T. wheatlandensis has four spiral ribs on the adult whorls whereas T. pittsburgensis has six. Although both forms have paired anterior ribs that are strongest, the paired spirals are stronger on T. wheatlandensis in relation to the other spirals than on T. pittsburgensis. Turritella oregonensis Conrad from the Astoria Formation (Miocene), Oreg. (Moore, 1963, p. 25, pl. 1 figs. 9—12), is similar in size and shell thickness to T. pittsburgensis. It also has prominent paired spirals anterior to the middle of the whorl. The paired spirals are, however, more prominent and bolder than on T. pittsburgensis and occupy a somewhat more posterior position. T. oregonensis has a total of no more than four spirals, whereas T. pittsburgensis has six on the later whorls. Turritella porterensis Weaver from the Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene) of Washington does not have the two strong paired an- terior ribs, although it does have a pair of primaries OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON with a secondary between them. It has more spiral ribs, and the whorls are gently and almost evenly rounded. Perhaps Turritella wheatlandensis, T. pittsburgensis, and T. oregonensis could appropriately be assigned to one branch of the T. uvasana stock and T. porterensis and T. diversilineata blakeleyensis Weaver (1912, p. 72, pl. 11, fig. 85; pl. 6, figs. 64, 67) from the Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene or early Miocene) in Washington, could be assigned to another separate branch (Merriam, 1941, p. 43, fig. 6). Localities—USGS 15278, 15457, 15499, 15519, 15530, 15537, 15588, M3873. Occurrence elsewhere—One poorly preserved speci- men from the top of the Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene), near Vernonia, Oreg., may be this species (M3864). Family EPITONIIDAE Genus Opalia. Adams and Adams Opalia Adams and Adams, 1853, The genera of Recent Mollusca, v. 1, p. 223. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Coss- mann, 1912, Essais de paleoconchologie comparée, v. 9, p. 78), Scalaria australis Lamarck. Holocene, Aus— tralia. Subgenus Dentiscala de Boury Dentiscala de Boury, 1886, Monographie des Scalidae Vivante et fossiles, 1, pt. 1, p. xxi. Type species—By monotypy, Turbo crenata Linné, 1758, Syst. Nat., p. 765. Holocene, Mediterranean and Atlantic. Opalia (Dentiscala?) hertleini, n. sp. Plate 3, figures 6, 8, 20 This species is of moderate size with a fairly thick shell. It has 12 strong, slightly arcuate axial ribs on the last preserved whorl and about 28 spiral threads. The axial ribs may be offset at the suture or may be confluent. No callus is present. The interspaces are wider than the axial ribs. The spiral threads are of unequal weight, closely spaced, and cross the axial ribs. The spiral threads are microscopically sculptured by axial threads that produce a finely reticulate pattern on well-preserved portions of shell. The suture is im- pressed, somewhat overlapping, and sinuous. The aperture is not preserved. It has not been possible to determine the presence or character of a basal disk. Holotype.——Herewith designated USNM 213983, plate 3, figure 20. Type locality.—USGS 15588. Cut in logging road along the headwaters of the second main tributary entering Coal Creek from the northeast of its junction with Pebble Creek. 3,900 feet west of grid 820 and 5,200 feet south of grid 2,650, Vernonia quadrangle, Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene), Oregon. This species most closely resembles the subgenus Dentisca‘la in configuration and primary sculpture. However, no punctations were seen on the shell, only CLASS GASTROPODA small preserved patches of microscopically reticulate sculpture. Since the outermost shell layer is known to be porous and to decorticate readily, it may be that the punctations are absent owing to lack of preservation of this layer. The only west coast fossil epitonid which this form at all resembles is Epitonium (Boreoscala) keaseyense Durham (1937, p. 498, pl. 57, fig. 17). It is distinguished from E. (B.) keaseyense by its lack of a callus at the suture where the axial ribs are joined and in having more axial ribs and many more spiral threads than E. (B. ) keaseyense. Opalia (Dentiscala?) hertleini resembles the living form Opalia colimana (Hertlein and Strong) which occurs from Santa Cruz, Nayarit, to Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico (Keen, 1971, p. 438). It differs from it in having two to four more ribs that are smaller than those on 0. colimana. Living species in tropical west America are found from southern California and the Gulf of California to Panama (Keen, 1971, p. 438—440). Localities.——USGS 15588, 21612, M3857. Family CALYPTRAEIDAE Genus Crepidula. Lamarck Crepidula Lamarck, 1799, Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris Mém., p. 78. Type species—By monotypy, Patella fornicata Linné. Holocene, Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. Crepidula pileum (Gabb) Plate 1, figures 5, 8 Crypta (Spirocrypta) pileum Gabb, 1864, Geol. Survey California, Paleontology, V. 1, p. 137, 228, pl. 29, figs. 2, 3. Crepidula pileum (Gabb). Stewart, 1926, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., v. 78, p. 341—342, pl. 29, figs. 2, 3. Turner, 1938, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 10, p. 90, pl. 20, fig. 6. Effiinger, 1938, Jour. Paleontology, v. 12, p. 378. Crepidula (Spirocrypta) pileum (Gabb). Clark, 1938, Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 49, p. 701—702, pl. 4, fig. 19. Crepidula pileum is a small species. The apex is low and does not rise above the shell. The shell is smooth except for bunched concentric lines. The internal deck is attached along the margins at about the middle of the shell With a sinuous free margin. Because part of the internal deck is missing on the figured specimen, the S-shaped outline of the free deck edge does not show. I am indebted to Bruce Welton, Portland State Uni- versity, who collected and donated the figured speci- men. It is the only well-preserved Crepidula in the collections; the others are poorly preserved or broken. Lectotype.—ANSP 4221 (Stewart, 1926, pl. 29, fig. 3). Type locality.—Tejon Pass, Kern County, Calif. (Te- jon Formation, early, middle, and late Eocene.) Crepidula pileum is distinguished from other species of Crepidula by its small size, low apex, and sinuous internal deck margin. L0calities.—USGS 15264, 15310, 15310d; figured specimen from road cut on the Vernonia-Scappoose 31 road, approximately 2 miles from the junction with State Highway 47. Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Occurrence elsewhere.—Cowlitz Formation (late Eocene) and Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Washington; Coaledo Formation (late Eocene), Oregon; Tejon Formation (early, middle and late Eocene), California. Family NATICIDAE Subfamily NATICINAE Genus Cryptonatica Dall Cryptonatica Dall, 1892 (1890—1903), Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans., v. 3, pt. 2, p. 362. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Dall, 1909, p. 85), Natica clausa Broderip and Sowerby. Holocene, Arctic Ocean to Queen Charlotte Islands. Dall proposed Cryptonatica for species with a smooth calcareous operculum and an umbilicus entirely filled with callus. Tectonatica is generally used for a small tropical species (Type: Natica tectula Bonelli) and Cryptonatica for a large boreal species. Another criter- ion that has been used for distinguishing the shells of the two forms is that the umbilical callus of the type species of Tectonatica does not completely fill the um- bilicus (Woodring, 1957, p. 88), whereas in Cryptonatica clausa it does. In the fossil species Cryptonatica oregonensis (Conrad) from the Astoria Formation of Oregon, specimens are found representing both types of umbilical closure (Moore, 1963, pl. 2, figs. 2, 16). Cryptonatica pittsburg'ensis n. sp. Plate 1, figures 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23 Cryptonatica pittsburgensis is small to moderate in size (largest specimen: 28 mm high, 23 mm wide); most of the specimens are small. The umbilicus is usually completely filled with callus (pl. 1, fig. 13) but there are rare specimens which have a slight groove behind the callus. When the shell exfoliates, only a round umbilical plug is left. The spire is small and low, and the whorls are evenly rounded without a shoulder. Holotype.—Herewith designated USNM 213951, plate 1, figure 13. Type l0cality.—USGS 15310h. First large roadcut on west side of Scappoose-Vernonia Road, south of cutoff to Wilark, Columbia County, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Formation, middle Oligocene. The body whorl of C. pittsburgensis is more inflated and is not so high as on Cryptonatica oregonensis (Conrad) (Moore, 1963, p. 27, pl. 2, figs. 2—4, 16, 17) from the Astoria Formation (Miocene), Oregon. The body whorl is less inflated than that of "Natica” weaveri Tegland (1933, p. 138—139) from the Gries Ranch (lower Oligocene) and Lincoln Creek (late Eocene to early Miocene) Formations in Washington. Localities—USGS 2714, 5394, 15264, 15264a, 15264b, 15264e, 15310, 15310a-j, 15586, 15588, 18638, 21612, M3857, M3871, M3872, M3877, M3878. 32 Subfamily POLINICINAE Genus Polinices Montfort Polinices Montfort, 1810, Conchyliologie systématique, V. 2, p. 223. Type species.——By original designation, Polinices albus Montfort (=Natica mamillaria Lamarck = N atica brunnea Link). Holocene, West Indies. Polinices washingtonensis (Weaver) Plate 1, figures 14, 17, 20—22, 24 Natica washingtonensis Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 44, pl. 5, figs. 73—76. Polinices washingtonensis (Weaver). Clark and Anderson, 1938, Geol. Soc. American Bull., V. 49, p. 954, pl. 3 figs. 16, 17. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 337, pl. 68, figs. 18, 23. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 84—85, pl. 11, figs. 12—19. N atica lincolnensis Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 44—45, pl. 5, figs. 71, 72. Polinices (Polinices) washingtonensis (Weaver) var. lincolnensis (Weaver). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geolo- gy, v. 5, p. 337—338, pl. 68, fig. 22, pl. 69, figs. 4, 7. Polinices washingtonensis is of moderate size with a fairly thick shell, moderate spire, evenly rounded body whorl, and spire without shoulders. The shell is smooth except for bunched radial lines that increase in prominence with erosion of the shell. Holotype.—CAS 7516. Type locality—Cut along Union Pacific Railway 1 mile north of Galvin Station, Lewis County, Wash. Lincoln Creek Formation, late Eocene to early Miocene. Tegland (1933, p. 139), Clark and Anderson (1938, p. 954), and Hickman (1969, p. 85) thought that Polinices washingtonensis and Polinices lincolnensis were probably conspecific. Effinger (1938, p. 377) thought that the forms were probably distinct. Weaver (1942, p. 337—338) considered P. lincolnensis as a variety of P. washingtonensis; he believed that P. lincolnensis dif- fered from P. washingtonensis by having the umbilicus wide open whereas the umbilicus of P. washingtonensis was covered by a heavy callus. He also believed that the two forms he described were of possible stratigraphic significance. On the basis of a comparison of type specimens of "Natica” washingtonensis Weaver (CAS 7516) and "'Natica” lincolnensis Weaver (CAS 7515A) and other available material, it is my belief that they belong to one variable species. The specimens that were removed from the same piece of rock represent the two forms (pl. 1, figs. 17, 20). Therefore it is difficult to believe that they might be of stratigraphic significance. The degree of closure of the umbilicus is not related to the size of the specimen. The type specimen of Polinices washingtonensis is smaller than that of Polinices washingtonensis lin— colnensis. Because the inner edge of the callus lobe is broken on the type specimen of P. washingtonensis lincolnensis, an erroneous impression is given of the extent of coverage of the umbilicus; the umbilical area is OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON larger than it is on P. washingtonensis. In the original description, the umbilical opening was said to be en- tirely absent on P. washingtonensis, but it is not en- tirely absent; the callus does not completely cover the umbilical area, there is a funnellike groove behind it. It is well known that the variability within species of the naticids can be great and that factors such as size, sex, and preservation increase this variability. With no evidence that the two forms P. washingtonensis and P. washingtonensis lincolnensis have different strati- graphic positions, it is illogical to separate them. L0calities.——USGS 2714, 5394, 15264, 15310, 15310a, c—e, g, h, 15588, M3871, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere.—Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington; Alsea Formation (early, middle and late Oligocene), Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon; Wheatland Formation of Clark and Anderson (1938) (late Eocene or early Oligocene), upper part of San Emigdio Formation (late Eocene to middle Oligocene), California. Genus Neverita Risso Neverita Risso, 1826, Histoire naturelle des principales production de l’Europe Méridionale, v. 4, p. 149. Type species.—By monotypy, Neverita josephinia Risso. Holocene, Mediterranean Sea. Subgenus Glossaulax Pilsbry Glossaulax Pilsbry, 1929, Nautilus, v. 42, p. 113. Type species.—Holotype by original designation, Neverita reclusiana (Deshayes). Holocene, southern California, and throughout Gulf of California to Tres Marias Islands, Mexico (Keen, 1971, p. 482). Neverita (Glossaulax) thomsonae Hickman Plate 2, figures 1—15 Neverita (Glossaulax) thomsonae Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 84, pl. 11, figs. 20—23. Neverita thomsonae is moderate to large in size (largest specimen 47 mm wide and 39 mm high, in- complete); it has a thick shell, large globose body whorl, and a small, low spire. The suture is overlapping and no tabulation is present. The shell is usually smooth, but on some specimens (pl. 2, fig. 15) spiral lines can be seen near the base of the body whorl. The shape and size of the umbilical callus is variable, depending largely on the size of the entire shell. The largest shells have a very thick callus Whereas the smallest shells have a callus of moderate thickness. The callus completely fills the umbilical area and is grooved. The posterior portion of the bifid callus is the largest and is rounded and pluglike; the anterior portion is small and triangular. CLASS GASTROPODA The outer lip protrudes a few millimetres beyond the callus. Holotype.—UO 27366. Paratypes: UO 27367—27372. Type locality—U0 2567. In well indurated brownish-gray tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone, east side of Oregon State Highway 47, 2 miles north of junction with Pittsburg-Scappoose Road. N1/2 sec. 23, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., Vernonia quadrangle. Type Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene), Oregon. N. thomsonae is a much larger and heavier shelled form than any of the Eocene species of Neverita that I have examined. It is larger than Neverita jamesae Moore from the Astoria Formation (Miocene), Oregon (Moore, 1963, p. 28) and has a much larger and heavier umbilical callus. N everita lives intertidally on sandbars where it preys on clams (Keen, 1971, p. 482) and in lagoons and shal- low bays (McLean, 1969, p. 37). Localities.—USGS 2714, 5394, 15264, 15310, 15310a, d—g, j, 15311, 15312, 15588, M3857, M3858, M3871, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon; Wygal Sandstone Member of the Temblor Formation (late Oligocene), California. Subfamily SININAE Genus Sinum Roding' Sinum Roding, 1798, Museum boltenianum, pt. 2, p. 14. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Dall, 1915, US. Natl. Mus. Bull. 90, p. 109),Helix haliotoidea Linné. Holocene, western Pacific Ocean(?). Subgeneric assignments are discussed by Addicott (1970c, p. 70). Sinum aff. S. obliquum (Gabb) Plate 1, figures 10, 11 Two small specimens of Sinum (largest: 10 mm high, 9.3 mm wide) were collected from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Sinum aff. S. obliquum (Gabb) is thin shel— led and has a small low spire and spiral cords of equal size with finer cords present in some but not all of the interspaces. The secondary cords are more numerous near the round shoulder. Of the described west Ameri- can species, it resembles Sinum obliquum (Gabb) (1864, p. 109, 225, pl. 21, fig. 112) from the Eocene and Oligocene of the Pacific coast, but it seems to have a higher body whorl and a more ovate and perpendicular aperture. It is much smaller than Sinum scopulosum (Conrad) (1849, p. 727, pl. 19, figs. 6, 6a; Moore, 1963, p. 29, pl. 1, figs. 2, 3, pl. 2, figs. 20, 21) from the Miocene and Pliocene of the Pacific coast and seems to have a less inflated body whorl. It has not. been possible to de- termine, on the basis of the two specimens available, if this is a new species. Localities.—USGS 15264, 15264e. Occurrence elsewhere—Of Sinum obliquum (Gabb): 33 Cowlitz (late Eocene) and Gries Ranch (early Oligocene) Formations, Washington; Keasey (late Eocene and early Oligocene) and Eugene (early and middle Oligocene) Formations, Oregon; Tejon Formation (ear- ly, middle and late Eocene), California. Family NEPTUNEIDAE Genus Eosiphonalia Ruth Eosiphonalia Ruth, 1942, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 26, no. 3, p. 288. Type species.—-—By original designation, Strepsidura washingtonsis Weaver, Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington. As noted by Ruth (1942, p. 288), Eosiphonalia is distinguished from Siphonalia by its lower spire, shor- ter and less recurved canal, biangulate body whorl that is more nodose, and lack of lirations on the inner lip. Eosiphonalia is an Oligocene genus endemic to California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. Eosiphonalia oregonensis (Dall) Plate 4, figures 1—9 Strepsidura oregonensis Dall, 1909, US. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 51, pl. 3, fig. 6. Siphonalia (Easiphonalia) oregonensis Dall. Ruth, 1952, California Unit. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 26, p. 290, pl. 47, fig. 20. Siphonalia oregonensis (Dall). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 439, pl. 86, fig. 12. Eosiphonalia oregonensis is of moderate size; the largest s specimen is 39.2 mm high and 27.5 mm wide (pl. 4, figs. 1, 3). The spire is low, making up a quarter of the total shell height, is tabulate, and has nodes on the shoulders. The body whorl is large, inflated, and sculptured usually by three or four, but sometimes five, prominent spirals that are separated by angulations. The spiral on the shoulder has nodes, and usually the next two anterior spirals are also noded. The entire shell is sculptured by fine spirals of approximately equal strength. The siphonal canal is deeply notched and slightly recurved. The area between the last strong spiral on the body whorl and the canal is moderately to deeply impressed. Holotype.—USNM 107395, plate 4, figures 4, 6. Type locality.—USGS 2714. In fine-grained brownish—gray sandstone in roadcut at Pittsburg Bluffs, Columbia County, Oregon. Pittsburg Bluff Formation, middle Oligocene. Two described fossil species resemble E. oregonensis: E. washingtonensis (Weaver) (1916a, p. 48—49, pl. 5, figs. 81—83) from the Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington, and E. califor— nica (Arnold) (1908, p. 370—371, pl. 33, fig. 12) from the San Lorenzo Formation (late Eocene to middle Oligocene), California. E. washingtonensis is a smaller form with a higher spire and stronger nodes, some of which are almost spinose. It has two or three raised 34 spirals with nodes on the body whorl; the finer spirals are more prominent than on E. oregonensis. Weaver (1942, p. 439) said that E. washingtonensis has a nonornamented band just posterior to the siphonal fasciole at the end of the canal that distinguishes it from E. oregonensis; such an area is not discernible on the two specimens examined. E. californica is a higher spired form, has stronger nodes than E. oregonensis, and has two angulations on the body whorl. L0calities.—USGS 15264, 15310, 15310a, (1, 15532, 15537, 15588, M3857, M3871. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (Oligocene and Miocene), Yakataga district, Gulf of Alaska. Genus Bruclarkia Trask Bruclarkia Trask in Stewart, 1926, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., V. 78, p. 397, 399. Type species.—By original designation, Clavella gravida Gabb. Lower Miocene, Contra Costa County, Calif. Bruclarkia is an endemic Pacific coast genus; it first appears in the early Oligocene and becomes extinct before the end of the Miocene. Its known geographic range is from California north to Alaska. Vokes (1939, p. 138) suggests that Bruclarkia may have developed from the Eocene genus U mpq uaia (Turner, 1938, p. 79). The degree of development of nodes and spines is not believed to be a specific character in Bruclarkia but rather to usually be an expression of variability within a species (Moore, 1963, p. 36). Exceptions may be found, of course, where there is a relation between degree of sculpture and stratigraphic occurrence. Characters that have been found to be valid in separating species of Bruclarkia are the configuration and extent of de- velopment of the shoulder on the body whorl, the number and spacing of the strong spiral cords on the body whorl, and the height of the spire in relation to the size of the body whorl. Bruclarkia columbiana (Anderson and Martin) Plate 3, figures 1—5, 21—23 Agasoma columbianum Anderson and Martin, 1914, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, v. 4, p. 73, pl. 5, figs. 6a, 6b. Bruclarkia columbiana (Andeeson and Martin). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 443, pl. 87, figs. 7, 8. Durham, 1944, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 27, p. 173. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 94, pl. 13, figs. 12, 13. Bruclarkia columbiana is the largest species in the genus; individuals grow to a height of 60 mm and a width of 48 mm. The spire is low, about one-fourth the height of the body whorl, and the body whorl is greatly inflated. The species has three prominent spiral cords on the body whorl; the one on the shoulder and the one below it are nodose to slightly spinose; the third and OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON most anterior spiral may be smooth or slightly noded. One noded prominent spiral may be present on the whorls of the spire at or just above the suture, which is strongly overlapping. On well-preserved specimens, a collar, sculptured by prominent spirals, is present at the suture (pl. 3, fig. 5), but this collar apparently exfoliates readily, as it is rarely preserved, even on specimens with the remainder of the shell intact. The entire sur- face of the shell is sculptured by subrounded spiral cords of varying strength that may be separated by finer secondary cords. The siphonal canal is long and re- curved. Holotype.—CAS 155. Paratype CAS 156. Type locality.—At Pittsburg Bluffs, Columbia Coun- ty, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene), Oregon. The holotype of B. columbiana is 56 mm high and 40 mm wide, bears three nodose spirals on the body whorl, and has an overlapping, sinuous, swollen and collared suture. There are no nodes on the spire. The paratype of B. columbiana bears three spirals on the body whorl. These spirals are slightly spinose over two-thirds of the body whorl, but smooth on one-third of the body whorl near the aperture. The suture on the body whorl of the paratype is sinuous, overlaps the spire, and is strongly collared near the aperture. The whorls of the spire bear nodes on the spiral just above the suture on the paratype; they are smooth on the holotype. Specimens of B. columbiana from USGS locality 15310 have much stronger nodes and are generally larger than specimens from other localities within the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. B. columbiana is distinguished from other described species of Bruclarkia by the constant 40° slope from the suture to the shoulder margin of the body whorl, the low spire, the strongly inflated body whorl, and the two prominent, noded spiral cords on the body whorl, one on the edge of the shoulder and the other below it. Durham (1944, p. 173) reportsB. col umbiana from the Molopophorus gabbi, Turritella olympicensis, and T. porterensis Zones of northwestern Washington. L0calities.—USGS 2415, 2714, 2715, 2721, 5394, 15264, 15264a, 15310, 15310a—c, e, f, j, 15312, 15316, 15499, 15532, 15586, 15588, 18638, M3858, M3871, M3872, M3877, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere.——Quimper Sandstone of Dur- ham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), Marrowstone Shale (early Oligocene), and Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington; Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), upper part of the Eugene Formation (middle Oligocene), and Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon; Cymric Shale Member of the Temblor Formation (middle Oligocene), California. CLASS GASTROPODA 35 Family BUCCINIDAE‘? Genus Molopophorus Gabb Molopophorus Gabb, 1869, California Geol. Survey, Paleontology, v. 2, p. 156—157, 219, pl. 26, fig. 36. Type species.—By monotypy, Bullia (Molopophorus) striata Gabb. Tejon Formation, upper Eocene, California. Molopophorus is an endemic Pacific coast genus appearing in the Eocene and becoming extinct by the end of the Miocene. It is found in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California, and is particularly common in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Molopophorus gabbi Dall Plate 5, figures 1—22 Molopophorus gabbi Dall, 1909, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 45, pl. 3, fig. 8. Anderson and Martin, 1914, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, v. 4, p. 78, pl. 6, figs. 5a, 5b. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 466—467, pl. 90, figs. 4, 6. Molopophorus biplicatus quadranodosum Weaver, 1912, Washington Geol. Survey Bull. 15, p. 75—76, pl. 11, figs. 91—93; pl. 14, fig. 122. Molopophorus gabbi is moderate in size (largest specimen 30 mm high and 20 mm wide); it has a rather thin shell, inflated body whorl, and short, deeply notched, siphonal canal. The most distinctive character of the species is its marked variation in body whorl sculpture. Usually the sculpture consists of four prominent spiral cords. Starting at the posterior end, the first three are equally spaced and the fourth has only half as much space separating it from the third spiral (pl. 5, figs. 10, 11, 16). On some specimens (pl. 5, figs. 8, 9), the four prominent spiral cords are equally spaced, and on the other specimens only three spiral cords are present (pl. 5, fig. 15). The spirals may be crossed by axial lines that form nodes (pl. 5, fig. 20) or spines (pl. 5, fig. 8) at the juncture or that may form axial ribs (pl. 5, fig. 12). The suture is sinuous and the collar overlaps the spire; more than one-third of the body whorl im- mediately below the suture is unsculptured. Immature forms lack the large unsculptured area on the body whorl and are usually more strongly sculptured over the rest of the shell. Type—USNM 107377 (pl. 5, figs. 19, 22) is herewith designated the lectotype. This is the specimen origi- nally figured by Dall (1909, pl. 3, fig. 8) and represents the smooth form. A strongly sculptured specimen in Dall’s type lot is assigned USNM 214016 (pl. 5, fig. 21). The remaining specimen in the type lot has been as- signed USNM 214015. Type locality.—USGS 2714. Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Formation, middle Oligocene. The lectotype (ANSP 4340) of Molopophorus bipli- catus (Gabb) 1866, p. 9, pl. 2, fig. 14), from the San Ramon Sandstone (early Miocene?) in California, has a less inflated body whorl and a higher spire than M. gabbi. Its collar is not so strongly overlapping and prominent, nor does it have as large a concavity below the collar on the body whorl as M. gabbi. The three specimens in the type lot are not too well preserved, but they do show axial ribs on the body whorl that may become obsolete toward the aperture. Clark (1918, p. 174) considered M. gabbi and M. biplicatus to be so closely related that he considered M. gabbi to be a subspecies of M. biplicatus. The two specimens figured by Clark (1918, pl. 6, figs. 7a, 7b) were collected from the San Ramon Sandstone and compare well with M. biplicatus. Weaver (1912, p. 75—76, pl. 11, figs. 91—93, pl. 14, fig. 122) described Molopophorus biplicatus quad- ranodosum from the middle Oligocene of Washington. Weaver (1942, p. 469) thought that the four promi— nently noded spiral ribs on the middle of the body whorl distinguished this subspecies. The large number of specimens of M. gabbi now available show that this ornamentation is common on M. gabbi. The holotype of M. biplicatus quadranodosum has been lost. Molopophorus dalli Anderson and Martin (1914, p. 78, pl. 6, figs. 7a, 7b) lacks the strong sculpture of M. gabbi and never has nodes or spines, although it may be cancellate or beaded (Hickman, 1969, p. 91, pl. 13, fig. 1). M. dalli was originally collected near Clatskanie, Greg, in rocks that are now assigned to the Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene) (Warren and others, 1945). Durham (1944, p. 170) reports M. dalli from his Molopophorus gabbi Zone, specifically from a locality in the Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (middle and late Oligocene), Washington. Hickman (1969, p. 91) reports the rare occurrence of M. dalli in the lower and middle Eugene Formation, which she assigns to the early Oligocene. She also collected some specimens of M . dalli from the Salem area, in beds questionably referred to the upper (middle Oligocene) part of the Eugene Formation. M. dalli has not been found in any of the collections from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation at hand, and it seems probable that M. dalli may be restricted to the early Oligocene. Molopophorus lincolnensis Weaver (1916a, p. 50, pl. 4, figs. 60, 61), a common species in the Lincoln For- mation (late Eocene to early Miocene) in Washington, is distinguished from M. gabbi by its smaller size and lack of spiral sculpture. The sculpture consists only of axial ribs. Localities.—USGS 2415, 2714, 5394, 15264, 15264a, e, d, 15278, 15310, 15310a—j, 15311, 15312, 15532, 15544, 15586, 15588, 18638, 18779, M3858, M3860, M3871, M3877, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere.—Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), reported by Weaver (1916d, p. 39) from the Lincoln Creek 36 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington; Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), USGS 5210, Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon; San Lorenzo Formation (late Eocene to middle Oligocene), California (Clark, 1915, p. 18). Family FUSINIDAE Genus Priscofusus Conrad Priscofusus Conrad, 1865, Am. Jour. Conchology, v. 1, p. 150. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Cossman, 1901, Essais de paleoconchologie comparée, p. 8), Fusus geniculus Conrad. Astoria Formation, Miocene, Ore- gon. Priscofusus is an endemic Pacific coast genus ap- pearing in the Paleocene and becoming extinct in the Pliocene. Its geographic range is Alaska to California. Priscofusus stewarti (Tegland) Plate 3, figures 17—19 F usinus (Priscofusus) stewarti Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull, v.23, p. 129—30, pl. 12, figs. 4—8. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 486—487, pl. 93, figs. 3, 4, 10, 14. Two small specimens of Priscofusus stewarti are in the collections; one is almost complete; the other has only the spire preserved. P. stewarti is slender in out- line with small somewhat elongate nodes one-third the whorl height above the suture. The surface is sculptured with closely spaced subrounded spiral ribs of slightly different widths; between the ribs there may be a spiral thread. Holotype.—UCMP 32238. Type locality—Restoration Point, opposite Seattle, Wash. Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene). Priscofusus chehalisensis (Weaver) (1912, p. 78—79, pl. 6, figs. 65, 66) is larger and has a much higher and slimmer spire than P. stewarti. Localities.———USGS 15264, 15588, M3871. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (mid- dle Oligocene to early Miocene), Yakataga district, Gulf of Alaska; Blakeley Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington; Alsea Formation [early to late Oligocene]. Family FASCIOLARIIDAE Genus Perse Clark Perse Clark, 1918, California Univ. Dept. Geology Bull., v. 11, p. 179. Type—By original designation, Perse corrugatum Clark. San Ramon Sandstone (early Miocene?), Cali- fornia. Perse is an endemic west coast genus found in Eocene to Miocene rocks in California, Oregon, and Washington. It first appears in the late Eocene and becomes extinct at the end of the early Miocene, or the end of the Oligocene, depending upon the age as- signment given to the Blakeley and San Ramon Formations of Washington and California, respectively. Stewart (1926, p. 401—402) proposed a new genus, Whitneyella and designated Hemifus us washingtoniana Weaver (1912, p. 46—47, pl. 2, fig. 11, not fig. 12) as the type species. Stewart considered the type specimen of Perse corrugatum to be generically distinct from the group represented by Hemifusus washingtoniana, although Clark had placed H. washingtoniana in his genus Perse. In 1938, Clark (p. 718—719) placed Whitneyella in synonymy with Perse, saying that the anterior end of the canal of the poorly preserved type specimen of P. corrugatum was broken off and that the original illustration was therefore misleading. Examination of the type specimen of P. corrugatum shows it to be congeneric with Hemifusus washing- toniana, and this group is therefore assigned the older name Perse. Perse is usually of small to moderate size, it has a thin shell that has a long, slightly recurved canal. The an- terior end of the canal is very narrow, and specimens are rarely collected with the canal intact. On broken specimens, the narrowness of the canal may lead one to suppose erroneously that it would have been about half of its actual length. Slightly rounded to flat-topped spi- ral cords form the predominant sculpture. These cords may have weak nodes or axial swellings. The suture is collared and overlaps the spire; the collar varies in strength and may be smooth or sculptured by spiral cords. The spire is usually low and less sculptured than the body whorl. A pronounced concavity occurs between the suture and the maximum inflation of the whorls; this concavity is particularly well developed on the body whorl. Perse pittsburg‘ensis Durham Plate 6, figures 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12—14, 18—20 Perse pittsburgensis Durham, 1944, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 27, p. 175, pl. 16, figs. 2, 4. Perse pittsburgensis is a small- to moderate-sized species (largest specimen: 27 mm high, 15 mm wide) with a thin shell. The suture is collared and overlaps the spire; the collar usually bears two closely spaced, flat spirals. The spire and body whorl are sculptured by slightly rounded, straplike spiral cords that are gen- erally smooth but may be slightly noded. The spirals are most strongly developed on the maximum swelling of the whorls, and all are separated by interspaces that may be equal to one and one-half times the width of the spirals. The Wider interspaces may bear a secondary spiral thread. A concavity is present on the body whorl between the suture and the first strong spiral just above the maximum point of inflation; it generally bears spirals of somewhat smaller size than on the rest of the body whorl. The whorls of the spire are roundly tabulate. The siphonal canal is long, very narrow, and slightly recurved (pl. 6, figs. 1, 4). CLASS GASTROPODA Holotype.—-UCMP 35409. Type locality. ——In bluffs along road along the east side of the highway along the Nehalem River, about 21 miles south of Mist and 0.2 mile north of junction with road to St. Helens, and 0.25 mile north of bridge. Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene), Oregon. P. pittsburgensis varies considerably in degree of sculpture, but it always bears straplike spiral cords and has a characteristic outline with a low spire and an inflated body whorl bearing a deep but relatively short sinus. P. pittsburgensis vernoniensis has a longer concavity between the suture and the periphery, and bears, if any, only one strong straplike spiral on this concavity. The sculpture usually consists of fine spiral threads. The entire shell is slimmer and the spire is higher than that of P. pittsburgensis. Perse olympicensis Durham (1944, p. 174—175, pl. 16, fig. 1), from the early Oligocene Molopophorus stephensoni Zone, does not bear the straplike spirals of P. pittsburgensis. P. Olympicensis quimpersensis Durham (1944, p. 175, pl. 16, figs. 5, 6), from the middle Oligocene Molopophorus gabbi Zone, is distinguished by having longitudinal ribs. Localities.—USGS 2714, 2722, 5394, 15264, 15264b,c,e,15278,15310,15310b, c,e—j, 15311,15312, 15519, 15537, 15545, 15586, 15588, 18638, 18779, M3856, M3857, M3858, M3866, M3868, M3871, cf. M3872, M3877, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere.—Alsea Formation (early, middle, and late Oligocene), Oregon. Perse pittsburgensis vernoniensis, n. subsp. Plate 6, figures 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15—17 Perse pittsburgensis vernoniensis is fusiform in outline, is of moderate size (largest specimen: 29 mm high, 16 mm wide), and has a higher spire than is usual for Perse. It is sculptured with rounded spiral cords which may be noded with axial swellings (pl. 6, figs. 10, 17), noded without axial swellings (pl. 6, fig. 16), or fairly smooth (pl. 6, figs. 2, 3). Secondary cords of about half the width of the primaries may be present in the interspaces, but their occurrence and distribution is random. The interspace may be two to three times as wide as the spiral cord. Fine spiral threads are present on the sinus of the body whorl and on the sinus of the spire whorls, if such a sinus is present. The canal is very long, slender, and slightly recurved; the entire canal is not preserved on any specimen. The inner lip is lirate; the suture is overlapping and collared and the collar bears one or two spiral cords. Below the collar is a sinus; it is strongly developed on the body whorl, occasionally shows on the two preceding whorls, but is never present on the first three whorls. The sinus is always sculptured by fine spiral threads and may also bear one strong spiral cord. 37 Holotype.—USNM 214017 is herewith designated the holotype (pl. 6, figs. 5, 8). Type locality.—USGS 15588. Cut in logging road along the headwaters on the second main tributary entering Coal Creek from the northeast of its junction with Pebble Creek, 3,900 feet west of grid 820 and 5,200 feet south of grid 2,650, Vernonia quadrangle. Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene), Oregon. The shape and sculpture distinguish P. pittsburgensis vernoniensis, although, as can be seen on plate 6, the sculpture is variable. The spire is higher, the sinus is less sculptured and more pronounced, and the spiral cords are finer and farther apart than on Perse pitts- burgensis; P. pittsburgensis vernoniensis, has a longer concavity between the suture and the maximum swell- ing of the body whorl, and bears, if any, only one strong straplike spiral on this concavity. The sculpture con- sists usually of fine spiral threads. The entire shell is slimmer than that of P. pittsburgensis. Perse lincolnensis (Van Winkle) (1918, p. 89—90, pl. 7, fig. 10) is higher spired than P. pittsburgensis ver- noniensis with finer spiral sculpture that bears nodes or spines. Perse Olympicensis Durham (1944, p. 174—175, pl. 16, fig. 1) does not bear straplike spirals like P. pittsburgensis vernoniensis does, and P. Olympicensis quimpersensis Durham (1944, p. 175, pl. 16, figs. 5, 6) is distinguished by longitudinal ribs. P. pittsburgensis vernoniensis occurs at only eight localities in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation but is very abundant at these localities and occurs with P. pittsburgensis at many of them. Localities.—USGS 2714, 15264, 15536, 15588, 18779, 21612, M3871, M3872, M3878. Family TURRIDAE Subfamily TURRICULINAE Genus Aforia Dall Aforia Dall, 1889, Mus. Comp. Zool. Bull. 18, p. 99. Type species. —By original designation, Pleurotoma circinata Dall. Holocene, North Pacific. The known fossil occurrences of Aforia are in the Pliocene of Japan, the Oligocene to Pliocene of Washington, the Oligocene and Miocene of Oregon, and the Oligocene or Miocene of California (Powell, 1966, p. 44; Javidpour, 1973, p. 197). Aforia campbelli Durham Plate 7, figure 22 Aforia campbelli Durham, 1944, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 27, p. 183—184, pl. 14, fig. 4. Javidpour, 1973, Veliger, v. 15, p. 199—200, figs. 1, 6, 10. Aforia clallamensis (Weaver) subsp. wardi (Tegland). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 516—517, in part, pl. 97, fig. 10, not pl. 96, fig. 6. Six whorls of the spire of one specimen are preserved as an external cast of Aforia campbelli. A rubber im— 38 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON pression that was made from it is illustrated in plate 7, figure 22. Aforia campbelli is a large species, pagodiform in outline; it has a sharp carina just above the suture. The whorl is concave above the carina and deeply concave below it. The sinus is deep and broadly U-shaped and is located in the middle of the shoulder above the carina. The shell seems to have been spirally sculptured below the carinae. Holotype.—UCMP 14961. Type locality—A1636. Type “Porter” Bluffs along northeast side of highway beginning at a point 270 yards southeast of first exposure southeast of Porter Station and extending 180 yards. Grays Harbor County, Wash. Middle Oligocene, Lincoln Creek Formation. A. campbelli has a slimmer spire and higher shoulder above the angulation than A. wardi (Tegland, 1933, p. 124, pl. 10, figs. 5—8), and the angulation is closer to the suture than on A. wardi. A. addicotti J avidpour (1973, p. 201, figs. 8, 12) has the angulation closer to the middle of the whorl and does not have as deep a concavity below the angulation as A. campbelli. A. clallamensis (Weaver, 1916a, p. 52, pl. 4, fig. 59) has the angulation near the middle of the whorl; the shoulder above the angulation is not so high nor so concave as on A. campbelli and the spire is slimmer. A. clallamensis does not have a deep concavity beneath the angulation. Javidpour (1973, p. 196—199) has discussed the phylogenetics of the six species ofAforia reported from the west coast of North America. To her record should be added the occurrence of A. campbelli in the Pittsburg Bluff middle Oligocene of northwestern Oregon and of A. clallamensis (Weaver) in the Astoria Formation, Miocene, of the Newport area, Oregon (Moore, 1963, p. 47, pl. 10, figs. 16, 18). Locality.—USGS 15519. Occurrence elsewhere—Lincoln Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington. Subfamily TURRINAE? Genus Taranis J effreys Taranis Jeffreys, 1870, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 4 (5), p. 447. Type species.—By monotypy, Trophon morchi Malm. Holocene, North Atlantic. Taranis has a very small, ovate-biconic, predomi- nantly medially angulate and spirally keeled shell. The protoconch is paucispiral, of barely two whorls, papil- late to slightly globose, superficially smooth, but it has a microscopic sculpture of closely spaced stippled spiral lirae. The sinus is shallow; its apex is at the peripheral angle or major keel; and its angles of approach are unequal—steep and straight above, protractively arcuate below. The pillar is abruptly twisted at the beginning of a short shallowly notched anterior canal. The subfamily position of Taranis is problematic, but based on the type of sinus, the apex of which is peripheral, the genus is provisionally placed in the Turrinae (Powell, 1966, p. 55). The known fossil occurrences of Taranis are in the Pleistocene of England, Sicily, California, and New Zealand; the Pliocene of Italy; the Oligocene and Miocene of Oregon; and the Miocene of California. Taranis columbiana (Anderson and Martin) Plate 7, figures 2, 3, 5—8, 16, 37 Drillia col umbiana Anderson and Martin, 1914, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, v. 4, p. 94, pl. 7, figs. 4a, 4b. Not Drillia columbiana Anderson and Martin of Adegoke, 1969, California Univ. Pubs. Geol. Sci., V. 80, p. 192, pl. 13, fig. 10. Thesbia columbiana (Anderson and Martin). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 537, pl. 99, fig. 13. Taranis columbiana has a rather thick shell and a moderately high spire. The sinus is shallow, U-shaped, and confined to the keel with almost equal angles of approach. The angles are perhaps a bit steeper above than below the sinus. The protoconch consists of a little more than one and one-half rounded, smooth whorls (pl. 7, fig. 8). At the apex is a twisted, recurved, hooklike process that is centrally located. This process forms a spur off the protoconch, rather than from the tip of the last whorl, and looks as if it were the columella pro- truded from the center. The body whorl is small and canal is short, recurved, and slightly notched. Holotype.—CAS 231; paratype CAS 232. Type locality. —Northwest Oregon. This is the locality cited by Anderson and Martin (1914, p. 94) and agrees with the label on the type specimens. The locality cited by Weaver (1942, p. 537), “(CAS 65) West bank of small canyon one and one-fourth miles northeast of Barker’s Ranch house in Kern County, California” is in error. In addition to checking the label with the holotype of “Drillia” columbiana, the late Leo G. Hertlein, Califor- nia Academy of Sciences, kindly checked the collection from locality CAS 65 and found no specimen labelled "D” columbiana. Presumably the type specimens of "Drillia” columbiana were collected from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation near Vernonia, Oreg. Twenty specimens that are well enough preserved to show shell sculpture are in the collections. These specimens show three different forms of sculpture, and specimens of each type are present at a single locality (M3871). On the smooth-keeled form (pl. 7, figs. 6, 16) the keel is smooth, straplike, slightly rounded, and not sculptured. There are no spirals above or below the keel on the spire. There is no spiral sculpture above the keel on the body whorl. Below the keel a strong spiral forms an angulation on the body whorl and above the angulation are one or two fine spirals. Below the second strong spiral is a weaker but still strong spiral and beneath this weaker one are eight fine spirals of equal strength. On the intermediate form (pl. 7, fig. 37) the keel on the early whorls is thin and smooth; the keel on CLASS GASTROPODA 39 the later whorls is again straplike but bears three to four spiral cords. The whorls have a ridgelike collar bearing one or two spiral threads. Between the collar and the keel may be an additional spiral thread. Below the keel on the whorls of the spire is a fairly prominent spiral cord. Below the keel on the body whorl are three equally spaced smooth spiral cords followed by about seven or eight finer, equally spaced spirals. On the sculptured-keeled form (pl. 7, fig. 5), the keel spiral is thin and rather pointed; above the keel are three fine spirals and on the collar one stronger spiral and one fine spiral. Above the keel, half way between the keel and the suture, is a strong, sharply pointed spiral and below it, right at the suture, is a smaller, more rounded spiral. The keel of the body whorl is formed by one sharply pointed spiral above which are three closely spaced finer spirals and one spiral on the collar. Below the keel are three strong equally spaced spirals followed by eight closely spaced finer spirals. Given only the smooth- keeled and sculptured-keeled forms, it would probably seem as if two species were present, but the inter- mediate form points to the fact that T. columbiana varies markedly in its spiral sculpture. Hickman (written commun., 1975) assigns Taranis columbiana t0 Ptychosyrinx. The specimen figured by Adegoke (1969, pl. 13, fig. 10) as Drillia columbiana Anderson and Martin, from the Temblor Formation (Oligocene and Miocene), Coalinga region, California, is much larger and different in outline than Taranis columbiana. It lacks the deep concavity below the whorl sutures of T. columbiana. Localities.—USGS 15264, 15264a, b, 15310, 15310d, M3871, M3872, cf. 15278. Subfamily CLAVINAE Genus Spirotropis Sars Spirotropis Sars, 1878, Mollusca regionis Arcticae Norvegicae, p. 242, pl. 17, figs. 5a, 5b. Type species.-—By monotypy, Spirotropis carinata Philippi. Holocene, Norway to Azores. Spirotropis is thin shelled and has a moderately high spire and has roundly keeled whorls. The sinus, which is rather deep and U—shaped, is confined to the shoulder above the keel. Powell (1966, p. 74) says that the typical adult has medially carinate whorls but is otherwise smooth except for some weak, oblique, peripheral nodes on the early postnuclear whorls. The known fossil occurrences of Spirotropis are in the Miocene to Pleistocene of Europe and the Oligocene to Pleistocene of northwestern America (Powell, 1966, p. 75). Spirotropis kincaidi (Weaver) Plate 7, figures 1, 9, 10, 13 Turris kincaidi Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 53, pl. 5, fig. 67. Turricula kincaidi (Weaver). Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs. Dept. Geology, v. 23, p. 126—127, pl. 10, figs. 12, 13. Spirotropis kincaidi (Weaver). Grant and Gale, 1931, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., v. 1, p. 548. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 522, pl. 97, figs. 18, 19, 25. Spirotropis kincaidi is small to moderate in size and bears a sharply rounded keel or shoulder just above the suture. The whorls of the spire are smooth above the keel except for the U-shaped sinus and three flat-topped spiral cords below the keel. The body whorl is sculptured with similar fiat spiral cords below the keel which are closely spaced. No nodes are discernible on any of the specimens examined, nor are they present on the holotype. The protoconch consists of two smooth whorls with the apex slightly arcuate and recurved. Holotype.—CAS 470. Type locality.—UW 256. In Union Pacific Railway cut 1 mile north of Galvin Station, Lewis County, Wash. Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene). Hickman (written commun., 1975) assigns Spirot- ropis kincaidi to the genus Parasyrinx. Spirotropis kincaidi has a shorter, wider spire and a more sharply rounded keel than S. washingtonensis Etherington (1931, p. 113, pl. 14, figs. 8, 22, 34). Localities.—USGS 15264, 15310, 15310d, 15588, M3856, M3857, M3871, M3872, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene) and Blakeley(?) Forma- tion (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington; Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon. Genus Suavodrillia. Dall Suavodrillia Dall, 1918, US. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 54, no. 2238, p. 331. Type species.—By original designation, Drillia kennicotti Dall, Holocene, Alaska. Bering Strait south to the Aleutian Islands. The known fossil occurrences of Suavodrillia are in the Miocene and Pliocene of Japan and the Oligocene of Washington and Oregon. Some of the diagnostic features of Suavodrillia, as given by Powell (1966, p. 82), are Shell moderately large, up to 37 mm, rather thin, claviform, with a tall pagodiform spire and a narrow body-whorl, quickly contracted to a moderately long, decidedly twisted, and rather deeply notched an- terior canal. Protoconch small, turbinate of 21/2 smooth whorls, the tip almost central and slightly inrolled. Spire-whorls dominated by a strong but narrowly rounded keel, which is situated at about a third whorl height. Body-whorl and a second keel, emergent at the lower suture, and seven more below to the anterior end, but becoming progressively weaker. There is also a broad but weak subsutural fold which bears two closely spaced fine threads at its lower margin. The shoulder slope is wide, flat and steep, which with the carina, impart the pagodalike profile to the spire. Aperture ovate-pyriform. Outer lip thin edged, with a moderately deep U-shaped sinus, at the apex of a wide, chevron-shaped entrance; the apex is on the lower part of the shoulder slope, immediately above the carina. The inner lip is a slightly excavated smooth callus with processes. 40 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON Power cites Suavodrillia hertleini Durham (1944, p. I 182—183, pl. 14, fig. 1) from the Oligocene of Washington as a characteristic species. Suavodrillia winlockensis (Effinger) Plate 7, figures 4, 11, 12, 15, 33—36, 38 Surcula dickersoni (Weaver). Dickerson, 1917, California Acad. Sci. Proc., ser. 4, V. 7, p. 161, pl. 31, figs. 3a, 3b. Spirotropis (Spirotropis) winlockensis Effinger, 1938, Jour. Paleon- tology, v. 12, p. 386, pl. 46, figs. 12, 16. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 520-521, pl. 97, figs. 5, 8, 9. S uavodrillia winlockensis is a small thin-shelled species with a high, slim, turreted spire. The aperture is ovate, and the siphonal canal is moderately long, re- curved, and notched. The primary sculpture consists of one strong narrow keel at the shoulder, a strong con— cavity just below the shoulder, and two strong rounded spirals on this concavity. The posterior spiral is one half as wide as the anterior one. The surface above the shoulder has fine slightly rounded spirals of unequal width that are closely spaced. Below the shoulder on the body whorl are three slightly rounded strong spirals alternating with weaker spirals of half the width. The remainder of the shell to the tip of the canal bears flat—topped spiral cords of lesser strength; these cords alternate with incised lines. The sinus occupies most of the shoulder and is shaped like a rounded, very open V. The early whorls of some immature shells show a second strong spiral just above the suture, and instead of being concave are straight sided. Well-preserved juvenile specimens may bear a fine reticulate sculpture on the shoulder; the sculpture is formed by fine spiral threads crossing the lines of the suture. The size and ar- rangement of secondary spiral cords varies considerably on different specimens. On a few specimens the keel is grooved. The protoconch is small and smooth with the tip almost central. Holotype.—UCMP 33607. Type locality—UW 239. South bank of the Cowlitz River at old Gries Ranch, Lower Cowlitz Valley, Wash. Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene). Suavodrillia dickersoni (Weaver) (1916a, p. 54, pl. 5, fig. 66), from the Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington, is not so strongly keeled and seems to have a much shorter siphonal canal. Localities.—USGS 15264, 15264b, e, 15310, 15310a, c, e, f, h,j, 15499, 15530, 18638, 21612, M3871, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Washington. Family PYRAMIDELLIDAE Genus Odostomia Fleming Odostomia Fleming, 1813, Brewster’s Edinburgh Encyclopedia, v. 7, pt. 1, p. 76. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London Proc., pt. 15, p. 159), Turbo plicatus Montagu. Holocene, Europe. Odostomia winlockiana Effinger Plate 3, figures 7, 9, 10 Odostomia (Odostomia) winlockiana Effinger, 1938, Jour. Paleon- tology, v. 12, p. 375, pl. 46, figs. 13, 17, 20. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 306—307, pl. 64, figs. 23, 24, 30. Shell very small (2.5—4.5 mm high and 1.0—2.2 mm wide), adult specimens probably have five whorls. The surface is white and polished, and the protoconch heterostrophic. A single fold can be seen on the col- umella. The sutures are linear and impressed. The body whorl is moderately large, and the aperture probably subovate. Holotype.—UCMP 33564. Type locality—In south bank of Cowlitz River at old Gries Ranch, N14 sec. 25, T. 11 N., R. 2 W., Cowlitz County, Wash. Gries Ranch Formation, early Oligocene. The species is distinguished by the moderately rounded whorls and impressed sutures. Odostomia may be parasitic upon the mollusks Ostrea, Pecten, and C rep- idula and on polychaete worms (Keen, 1971, p. 770). Localities.——USGS 5329, 15310. Occurrence elsewhere—Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Washington. Family ACTEONIDAE GenusrAgteron Montfort Acteon Montfort, 1810, Conchyliologie systématique, v. 2, p. 315. Type species.—By original designation, Voluta tornatilis Gmelin = Voluta tornatilis Linné. Holocene seas of Europe. Acteon chehalisensis (Weaver) Plate 7, figures 20, 21 Acteocina chehalisensis Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 55, pl. 4, figs. 55, 56. Acteon chehalisensis (Weaver). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 543, pl. 99, figs. 38—40. Three incomplete specimens are in the collections examined. The body whorl is large and somewhat elongate, and the spire is moderately high and consists of four whorls. The body whorl of the middle-sized specimen bears about 30 spiral ribs. The body whorl of the largest specimen has twice as many ribs; they each seem to have split in two. The smallest specimen does not have the outer shell layer preserved. Fine axial threads occur in the spaces between spiral ribs. The spirals are offset at irregular intervals on the largest specimen. Holotype.—CAS 474. Type locality.—UW 352. In Union Pacific Railway cut 1 mile north of Galvin Station, Lewis County, Wash. Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene). Acteon parvuum Dickerson (1917, p. 172, pl. 29, figs. 12a, 12b) from the Gries Ranch Formation (early CLASS SCAPHOPODA 41 Oligocene), Washington, has a more inflated body whorl, lower spire, and only about 20 spiral ribs. Al- though A. parvuum has been recorded from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation (Warren and others, 1945), it is not present in the collections studied. Localities.—USGS 15264, 15537, 15588, M3871. Occurrence elsewhere—Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington. Acteon? n. sp.? Plate 7, figure 19 A small (4 mm high, incomplete; 2.7 mm wide) in- complete, poorly preserved specimen of Acteon? is in the collections. It is unique in that the shell is not com- pletely sculptured by spiral ribs or incised lines. The smallest whorl on the shell has widely spaced spiral lines. The next largest whorl is smooth except for one incised line seen where the next whorl has broken away at the suture. The upper third of the body whorl is smooth; the lower two-thirds is sculptured with incised lines except at the base where the sculpture is of flat- topped spiral ribs. The aperture is almost completely missing, but the inner lip seems to be thickened, and the general outline of the aperture is similar to that of Acteon. As all the fossil species of Acteon seen have had all the whorls spirally sculptured, it seems improbable that this specimen is simply an immature form of Ac- teon chehalisensis (Weaver) or of some other described fossil species. Locality.—USGS 15588. Family SCAPHANDRIDAE Genus Scaphander Montfort Scaphander Montfort, 1810, Conchyliologie systématique, v. 2, p. 335. Type species.—By original designation, Bulla lig- naria Linné. Holocene, eastern North Atlantic to Mediterranean Sea. Scaphander stewarti Durham Plate 7, figures 18, 23—32 Scaphander stewarti Durham, 1944, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 27, p. 189, pl. 14, fig. 15. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 100—101, pl. 14, figs. 1—3. Scaphander stewarti is of moderate size, thin shelled, and subovate in outline. The spire is sunken and cov- ered with callus that continues as a ridge on the pos- terior edge of the aperture to the outer lip edge. The outer lip leaves the spire at an angle and flares out beyond the body whorl. The shell is so thin that the outer lip is usually broken off; it is not completely preserved on any of the specimens in the collections examined. The shell is sculptured with flat spiral ribs that are grooved medially on the posterior portion of the shell and are split into two ribs on the anterior portion. The ribs are of unequal width and are serrated along the edges. Holotype.—UCMP 35483. Type locality—In seacliff SWIANElA sec. 19, T. 29 N., R. 1 E., Nordland quadrangle, Jefferson County, Wash.Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene). Scaphander stewarti differs from Scaphander washingtonensis Weaver (1916a, p. 56, pl. 5, fig. 68) by having the lip more roundly truncated at the anterior end. The aperture is more inflated anteriorly, and the outer lip leaves the spire at an upward angle. Localities.—USGS 2714, 5407, 15264, 15264b, e, 15310, 15310a, b, d, j, 15312, 15537, 15545, 15583, 15586, 15588, 18638, 21612, M3858, M3868, M3871, M3872, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere.—Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), Washington; Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene), and Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon. Class SCAPHOPODA Family DEN TALIIDAE Genus Dentalium Linné Dentalium Linné, 1758, Systema naturae, ed. 10, p. 785. Type species.——By subsequent designation (Montfort, 1810), Dentalium elephantinum Linné. Holocene, Amboynaland, Philippine Islands. Subg‘enus Fissidentalium Fischer Type species.~—By monotypy (Fischer, 1885, Manuel de Conchyliologie, p. 894), Dentalium ergasticum Fischer. Living in Gulf of Gascony and the Atlantic Ocean ranging in water depth from 400 to 1,900 m. Dentalium (Fissidentalium?) laneensis Hickman Plate 7, figures 14, 17 Dentalium (F issidentalium? ) laneensis Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 74, pl. 9, figs. 1—6. About 30 specimens of Dentalium are in the Pittsburg Bluff collections; of these about 10 have some of the original shell preserved, although none of them are complete specimens. The longitudinal ribs are narrow, strong, and rounded near the apex. Secondary ribs may appear between 8 and 10 mm from the apex where the primary ribs become less pronounced. The primary ribs become broader and flatter nearer the middle of the shell, and may be completely absent near the aperture so that the shell is smooth. Wear and exfoliation make specific identification of most of the specimens impos- sible, but I think that all the specimens represent one species. The shell is moderately curved near the apex; the remainder of it is straight or nearly so. Holotype.—UO 27332. Type locality.—UO 2538. In roadcut, 30th Ave. and Agate St., Eugene, Oreg. NWM; sec. 8, T. 18 S., R. 3 W. Eugene quadrangle, Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene). 42 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON The longitudinal sculpture distinguishes Dentalium laneensis from other described species of the west coast Tertiary. Localities.—USGS 2723, 15264, 15278, 15310, 15310g, 15530, 15588, M3856, M3858, M3871, M3872. Occurrence elsewhere—Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon; Wygal Sandstone Member of the Temblor Formation (late Oligocene), California. Class PELECYPODA Family NUCULEDAE Genus Nucula. Lamarck Nucula Lamarck. 1799, Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris Mem., ser. 1, p. 87. Type species.—By monotypy, Arca nuculeus Linné. Holocene, France. Subgenus Leionucula Quenstedt Leionucula Quenstedt, 1930, Geol. und Paléiont. Abhand., Bd. 22, Heft 1, p. 112. Type species.—By original designation, Nucula al- bensis d’ Orbigny. Cretaceous, England and France. Nucula. (Leionucula) vokesi, n. sp. Plate 8, figures 10, 13, 16, 17 N ucula vokesi is a small species (5.2 to 7.3 mm long and 3.7 to 6.3 mm high) with a smooth shell sculptured only with concentric grooves. The shell is longer than high and moderately inflated, and it has a well-defined, elongate, heart-shaped escutcheon. The shell is pro- duced along the posterior margin and bears a faint sul— cus parallel to the anterior dorsal margin; the sulcus is about 1 mm from the margin. The poorly preserved hinge of one right valve (pl. 8, fig. 17) shows 8 or 9 teeth preserved in the posterior series (the teeth stop at the edge of the resilifer); and 9 teeth or more preserved in the anterior series (the teeth continue above the re- silifer to the beak). A left valve, also poorly preserved, shows 5 or 6 teeth in the anterior series and perhaps about 15 teeth in the posterior series that continue above the resilifer to the beak (pl. 8, fig. 16). The inner ventral margin has not been exposed. Holotype.—Herewith designated USNM 214074 (pl. 8, fig. 10). Type locality.—USGS 18638. Type area of the Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene), Oregon. The holotype is a small right valve 6.5 mm long and 4.7 mm high; the hinge is not exposed. The resilifer is longer, and the shell is less inflated and lacks the bunched concentric threads that characterize Nucula (Leionucula) nuculana (Dall) (Dall, 1909, p. 125—126, pl. 18, fig. 2; Moore, 1963, p. 52-53, pl. 11, figs. 2, 5, 10; pl. 12, fig. 1). Nucula han— niballi Clark (1925, p. 73—74, pl. 8, fig. 2), a species that occurs in the Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene), has radial sculpture. N. (Leionucula) vokesi is rare in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Localities.—USGS 2714,15264,15310, 15536, 15586, 15588, 18638. Genus Acila. Adams and Adams Acila Adams and Adams, 1858, Genera of Recent Mollusca, v. 2, p. 545. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Stoliczka, 1871, India Geol. Survey Mem. Palaeontologia Indica, V. 3, p. 325),Nuc ula divaricata Hinds. Holocene, Korea. Subgenus Truncacila. Schenck Truncacila Schenck, 1931, in Grant and Gale, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., v. 1, p. 115. Type species.—By original designation, Nucula castrensis Hinds, Holocene, Sitka, Alaska, to San Diego, Calif. Truncacila originated in the Cretaceous. It prefers a cool temperate habitat and depths of 5—500 fathoms (10—914 In) (Schenck, 1936, p. 33—35). Truncacila had its greatest development in the Oligocene (Schenck, 1936, p. 38). It is one of the most common fossils in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Slodkewitsch (1967, p. 64) proposed Lacia, a new subgenus of Acila, with N ucula (Acila) shumardi Dall as the type species. No diagnostic features were given that validly separate the subgenus Lacia from Trun- cacila and the subgenus Truncacila is here retained. Acila (Truncacila) shumardi (Dall) Plate 8, figures 1—9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18 Nucula (Acila) decisa Conrad. Dall, 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans, v. 3, pt. 4, p. 573. Dall, 1900, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans, v. 3, pt. 5, pl. 40, figs. 1, 3. Not Nucula decisa Conrad in Blake, 1855, Pacific R.R. Survey, v. 5, p. 322, pl. 3, fig. 19. Nucula (Acila) shumardi Ball, 1909, U.E. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 103. Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, no. 4, p. 75, pl. 8, fig. 11. Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 23, no. 3, p. 107, pl. 5, fig. 10. Acila shumardi Dall. Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, no. 1, pl. 3, fig. 43. Clark, 1918, California Univ. Dept. Geology Bull., v. 11, no. 2, p. 95, 121—122, pl. 13, figs. 7, 8, 17. Schenck and Keen, 1940, California fossils, pl. 28, fig. 2. Acila (Truncacila) shumardi (Dall). Schenck, 1936, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 4, p. 64—67, pl. 4, figs. 5—7, 9; pl. 6, figs. 1—11, text fig. 7 (18). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 25—26, pl. 7, figs. 5—7, 11; pl. 8, figs. 2, 5 [1943]. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 26—27, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7, 10. Acila shumardi is large to moderate in size (largest specimen: 30 mm long, 22 mm high, and 16 mm thick), and is sculptured with many narrow ribs separated by small spaces which on some specimens are barely discernible and could be described as incised lines. Secondary bifurcation of the ribs may be present at the ventral margin either in the midportion of the anterior half of the shell or along the anterior side of the primary bifurcation. On one specimen (USGS 18681) the ribs CLASS PELECYPODA 43 split near the dorsal margin on the anterior portions of both valves of an articulated specimen. Although areas of secondary bifurcation, if present, usually occur on the largest specimens, such bifurcation has also been seen on specimens of only small to moderate size. The beaks are located at the sharply truncated posterior margin. The hinges exposed on two left valves (pl. 8, figs. 4, 8) show 7—10 posterior teeth and 16—22 anterior teeth. The hinges exposed on six right valves (pl. 8, figs. 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18) show 7—11 posterior teeth and 17—20 anterior teeth. One specimen (pl. 8, fig. 18), at the anterior end of the posterior series of teeth, shows a deep irregular socket with an irregular toothlike projection at the ventral anterior edge. The number of teeth varies with the size of the individual shell, and the larger specimens have more teeth than the smaller ones. Holotype.—USNM 406405 (pl. 8, figs. 5, 6), figured by Ball (1900, pl. 40, figs. 1, 3). This specimen was erroneously cited as USNM 406505 by Weaver (1942, p. 26) and Schenck (1936, p. 64). Paratypes.—USNM 107402, four specimens. Type locality—USGS 2714, sec. 23, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., Vernonia quadrangle, Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Formation, middle Oligocene. The holotype is a right valve with the hinge exposed; the paratypes are articulated double valves and one specimen is an internal mold. A topotype from Dall’s original collection is figured on plate 8, figures 2, 3, 7. The sculpture of closely spaced ribs with narrow interstices, the size of average specimens, and the posterior truncation distinguish A. shumardi from other species of Acila (Truncacila). The Acila zones of Schenck (1936, p. 41—44), like many biozones defined by single species, are not so restricted in time as some scientists supposed. Acila (Truncacila) nehalemensis (G. D. Hanna) has been collected from the Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene) by Hickman (1969, p. 24—25), whereas it was considered a guide fossil to beds of Keasey age (late Eocene and early Oligocene) by Schenck (1936, p. 42—44, 60—63).Acila (Acila) gettysburgensis (Reagan) occurs in beds of Blakeley age (late Oligocene and early Miocene) as well as in the Astoria Formation (Miocene), as noted by Howe (1922, p. 58), Schenck (1936, p. 80), and Moore (1963, p. 54). Acila shumardi is found in the Gries Ranch Formation of early Oligocene age, and in the Oligocene portion of the Poul Creek Formation of middle Oligocene to early Miocene age in Alaska. Acila shumardi therefore ranges from early through middle Oligocene. The genus Acila is very useful for dating because of its abundance, good preservation, distin- guishing characters, and ease of collection. If its presence is used with descretion along with the presence of other species in a fauna, it is a valuable tool. Localities.—USGS 2415, 2707, 2714, 2715, 2721, 5394, 15264, 15264a, b, e, 15310, 15310a—c, e—h, 15311, 15312, 15530, 15586, 115588, 18638, 18779, M3856, M3857, M3860, M3871, M3872, M3877, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (mid- dle Oligocene to early Miocene), Yakataga and Katalla Districts, Gulf of Alaska, and Stepovak Formation of Burk (1965) (early and middle Oligocene), Alaska Peninsula; Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington; Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), USGS 5210, 15298, 15585, Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), upper part only, Alsea Formation (early, middle, and late Oligocene), Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon; Tumey (early and middle Oligocene), Alegria (middle Oligocene), Kirker (middle Oligocene), and upper San Emigdio (late Eocene to middle Oligocene), Formations, California. Family NU CULANDDAE Genus Litorhaxlia Stewart Litorhadia Stewart, 1930, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Spec. Pub. 3, p. 52—53. Type species.—By original designation, Leda acala Dall (1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans., pt. 4, p. 586, pl. 32, fig. 3). Eocene, Wood’s Bluff, Ala. Litorhadia washing’tonensis (Weaver) Plate 9, figures 1—10, 12 Leda washingtonensis Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 34—35, pl. 3, figs. 25, 26. Nuculana washingtonensis (Weaver). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 38-39, pl. 8, figs. 18, 20, 26. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p.27, 30, pl. 1, figs. 8, 11. Leda Zincolnensis Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 35, pl. 3, figs. 23, 24. Litorhadia washingtonensis in the collections examined attains a maximum length of 29 mm, although it is usually a small form. It is sculptured with concentric ridges. The posterior dorsal margin is markedly concave, and the shell is produced, turning outward, along the margin of the escutcheon. The posterior end is truncated and pointed, and the anterior margin is evenly rounded. The beaks are slightly anterior to the midpoint of the shell. The right valve has 20 posterior and 26 anterior teeth; the left valve has 24 anterior and 18 posterior teeth, as counted on the two available exposed hinges. The chondrophore is long, shallow, moderately impressed, and symmetrical. Lectotype.—CAS 451 is herewith selected as the lectotype. It is one of the two specimens cited by Weaver (1942, p. 39) as syntypes. Type locality.—In Union Pacific Railway cut, 1%; mile northwest of Galvin Station, in sec. 27, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., 44 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON Malone quadrangle, Washington. Lincoln Creek For— mation (late Eocene to early Miocene). The lectotype (Weaver, 1942, pl. 8, figs. 18, 20) is a left valve with the hinge exposed and the exterior of the shell showing the concentric ridges. The shell is worn at the posterior extremity and seems to be square, whereas it was originally pointed. Closely related forms are found in the Poul Creek (middle Oligocene to early Miocene) Formation, Yakataga District, Gulf of Alaska, and possibly in the upper Kreyenhagen Shale or Tumey Formation, California. Localities.—USGS 2714, 5394, 15264, 15264a—c, e, 15278,15310,15310a,g,j,15312,15519,15530,15532, 15537, 15545, 15548, 15583, 15586, 15588, 18638, cf. M3857, M3867, M3868, cf. M3869, M3871, M3872, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere.—Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), and Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), and Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene); upper part of Brabb’s (1960) Rices Mudstone Member of the San Lorenzo Formation (early Oligocene to early Miocene), California. Genus Yoldia Méller Yoldia Méller, 1842, Index molluscorum Groenlandiae, p. 18. Type species.——By subsequent designation (Verrill and Bush, 1898, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proc., V. 20, no. 1139, p. 858), Yoldia arctica (Gray) = Y.hyperborea (Gould). Holocene, northern seas of Europe. Subgenus Kalayoldia Grant and Gale Kalayoldia Grant and Gale, 1931, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., V. 1, p. 128. Type species.—By original designation, Yoldia cooperii Gabb. Miocene to Holocene, Pacific coast of the United States. Living from central California to northern Lower California, Mexico (Hertlein and Grant, 1972, p. 51). Yoldia (Kalayoldia) oregona (Shumard) Plate 9, figures 14, 16—18 Leda oregona Shumard, 1858, Acad. Sci. St. Louis Trans, v. 1, p. 121—122 (Reprinted in Dall, 1909, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 187). Gabb, 1869, California Geol.Survey, Paleontology, V. 2, p. 121. N uculana oregano (Shumard). Meek, 1864, Smithsonian Misc. Colln. 183, p. 5, 27. Conrad, 1866, Smithsonian Misc. Colln. 200, p. 3. Neilo oregano (Shumard). Conrad, 1865, Am. Jour. Conchology, V. 1, p. 153. Yoldia (Cnestrium) oregona (Shumard). Dall, 1909, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 105, pl. 19, fig. 4. Not Yoldia (Cnestrium) oregona (Shumard) of Dall, 1922, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 5, V. 4, p. 310, nor Yoldia oregona (Shumard) of Etherington, 1931, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 20, p. 67, pl. 1, fig. 8. Yoldia (Portlandia) oregona (Shumard). Weaver, 1942, (in part), Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 49, pl. 9, fig. 16; not pl. 9, fig. 8. Yoldia (Kalayoldia) oregona (Shumard). Grant and Gale, 1931, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem., V. 1, p. 130. Trumbull, 1958, Jour. Paleontology, v.32, no. 5, p. 900—901, pl. 115, figs. 2, 3. Moore, 1963, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 419, p. 58, pl. 12, fig. 20. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 31—32, pl. 1, figs. 14, 15. ?Yoldia tenuissima Clark, 1918, California Univ. Pubs. Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 11, p. 125—126, pl. 11, fig. 10; pl. 12, figs. 8, 14. Yoldia oregona is moderate to large in size and is sculptured with concentric lines. The umbos are located medially or slightly anterior to the midline. The anterior end is evenly rounded, and the posterior end is recurved and sharply attenuated. The lectotype has about 20 teeth on the concave hinge line and about 25 teeth on the convex hinge line. Lectotype.—USNM 562470 (designated by Trumbull, 1958, p. 900). Type locality—A few miles south of Oregon City, Oreg. (Oligocene). Yoldia tenuissima Clark (1918, p. 125—126, pl. 11, fig. 10; pl. 12, figs. 8, 14) is perhaps conspecific with Y. oregona. The poorly preserved holotype of Y. tenuissima seems to have a sloping anterior dorsal margin, rather than the almost straight margin of Y. oregona, but this is not true of a specimen subsequently figured by Clark(1925, pl. 8, fig. 5) as Y. tenuissima. Clark (1918, p. 126) differentiates the two species on the basis that Y. tenuissima has more posterior beaks, a somewhat more attenuate posterior end, and fewer teeth on the posterior margin. Localities.—USGS 2714, 2722, 15264, 15264e, 15310, 15310b, f, 15312, 15499, 15516, 15586. Occurrence elsewhere—Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon. Family MYTILIDAE Genus Mytilus Linné Mytilus Linné, 1758, Systema naturae, ed. 10, p. 704. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Anton, 1839, Verzeichniss der conchylien welche sich in der Sammlung von H. E. Anton befinden, p. 17), Mytilus edulis Linné. Miocene to Holocene; living, cosmopolitan except in extreme tropical water (Hertlein and Grant, 1972, p. 163). Mytilus cf. Mi. snohomishensis Weaver Two small, incomplete, and poorly preserved specimens of Mytilus are in the collections. Owing to the state of their preservation, they cannot be posi- tively identified. They are compared to Mytilus snohomishensis Weaver (1912, p. 59, pl. 13, fig. 110), a species that is found in the middle and upperOligocene CLASS PELECYPODA 45 of Oregon and Washington and possibly also in the lower Miocene. The two specimens have terminal beaks, and the dorsal margin has a pronounced angle, possibly atabout one-fourth to one-third the distance from the beak. Only the internal shell layer is preserved; it is smooth except at the ventral margin, where weak longitudinal folds can be seen. Localities.—USGS 2714, 15586. Occurrence elsewhere—Of Mytilus snohomishensis: Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Blakeley (late Oligocene and early Miocene) and Twin River Formations (late Eocene to late Oligocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon. Subfamily CRENELLINAE Genus Crenella Brown Crenella Brown, 1827, Illus. Conchology, Great Britain, v. 1, pl. 31, figs. 12—14; 1844, ed. 2, p. 75, pl. 23, figs. 12—14. Type species.—By monotypy, Mytilus decussatus Montagu. Holocene, northern Norway. Crenella porterensis Weaver Plate 12, figure 12 Crenellaporterensis Weaver, 1912, Washington Geol. Survey Bull. 15, pl. 14, fig. 116, Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 36—37, pl. 3, figs. 41, 42. Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 23, p. 112, pl. 6, fig. 2. This one specimen of Crenella porterensis is incom- pletely exposed in rock. The preserved inner shell layers show that some of the ribs bifurcate near the ventral margin. The margin of the valves is crenulate. The shell is moderately inflated, the inner shell layers are pearly, and faint concentric lines are visible on one small por- tion of the shell. Holotype.—CAS 454A. Type locality—In railroad cut on Union Pacific Railway 1 mile north of Galvin Station, Lewis County, Wash., sec. 27, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., Centralia quadrangle. Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene). C. porterensis is distinguished from Crenella washingtonensis Weaver (1916a, p. 37, pl. 3, fig. 40) from the Lincoln Creek Formation by its larger size and its strong radial sculpture. Locality.—USGS 15583. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (mid- dle Oligocene to early Miocene), Katalla District, Gulf of Alaska; Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene) and Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington; Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene), Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), and possibly in the Astoria Formation (Miocene), Oregon. Family CARDITIDAE Subfamily CARDITAMERINAE Genus Cyclocardia. Conrad Cyclocardia Conrad, 1867, Am. Jour. Conchology, v. 3, p. 191. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Stoliczka, 1871, India Geol. Survey Mem. Palaeontologia Indica, v. 3, XX, p. 281), Cardita borealis Conrad, Holocene, eastern United States, Labrador to Cape Hatteras. Cyclocardia (Cyclocardia) of. C (C.) hannibali (Clark) Plate 9, figures 11, 13, 15 Cyclocardia cf. C. hannibali is a rather small carditid, subcircular in outline. It has approximately 16 to 21 rounded, slightly nodose ribs. The nodes seem to be formed by the bunching of the concentric threads that sculpture the entire shell. A rubber impression of the hinge of a left valve (pl. 9, fig. 15) shows the anterior cardinal tooth to be rather small, somewhat trigonal, and blunt. The socket posterior to this tooth shows that the opposing cardinal tooth in the right valve was straight on the anterior edge. All the specimens of C. cf. C. hannibali are preserved as molds from one locality. The rubber impressions of these specimens show this species to be most closely related to C. hannibali (Clark) (1925, p. 88, pl. 19, figs. 6, 7). If well preserved specimens were available, they would probably prove to be conspecific. Cyclocardia hannibali differs from C. hannai (Tegland), from the Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene) of Washington, by having many more ribs; the ribs are a little thinner with wider interspaces but have similar sculpture. C. hannabali is distinguished from C. sub- tenta (Conrad), by narrower, higher, and more nodose ribs. The beaks seem to be higher and the anterior end more produced. C. hannibali occurs in the Astoria Formation (Miocene) of Washington and Oregon. Locality.—USGS 15537. Occurrence elsewhere—Of C. hannibali: Ushikubi- toga Formation (Oliogocene), Japan (Kanno, 1960); Poul Creek Formation (middle Oligocene to early Miocene), Alaska; Blakeley Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington. Family LUCINIDAE Subfamily MYRTEINAE Genus Lucinoma Dall Lucinoma Dall, 1901, US. Natl. Mus. Proc, v. 23, p. 806. Type species.—By original designation, Lucina filosa Stimpson, Holocene, Grand Banks, off southeastern Canada, and northwestern United States, to Gulf of Mexico. Lucinoma columbiana. (Clark and Arnold) Plate 10, figures 1—8 Phacoides columbianum Clark and Arnold, 1923, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 14, p. 144—145, pl. 25, figs. 2a, 2b. 46 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 15, p. 89, pl. 22, fig. 9. Lucina columbiana (Clark and Arnold). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 145—146, pl. 34, figs. 13—15, 17. Lucinoma columbiana is small to moderate in size. Both valves of the largest figured specimen are 21.2 mm long, 20.0 mm high, and 11.6 mm thick, but one poorly preserved specimen was at least 32 mm long. L. col- umbiana is inflated, subquadrate in outline with the beaks rather high, and situated anterior to the middle of the shell. L. columbiana bears closely spaced, raised concentric lamellae, and on one specimen (pl. 10, figs. 3, 7) the lamellae are more closely spaced toward the ventral margin. The anterior dorsal margin is concave, joining smoothly the rounded anterior end; the posterior dorsal margin is slightly convex, and it abruptly joins the somewhat truncated posterior end. The hinges il- lustrated (pl. 10, figs. 2, 6) are of a specimen that was articulated but the cardinal teeth were apparently destroyed when the valves were opened. The two valves are illustrated to show the muscle scars and the outline of the hinge. Of note are the large, heavy, seemingly flat areas posterior to the beaks on both valves, and the small node on both valves at the anterior end of the hinge. The ligament is mineralized at the dorsal edge of the posterior part of the hinges. The escutcheon is long and narrow. The lunule is moderate sized, impressed, and inequilateral, and the portion on the right valve is larger than that on the left. Holotype.—CAS 593. Type locality—From sandstone and conglomerate of the Sooke Formation (early Miocene?) in the sea cliffs between the mouths of Muir and Kirby Creeks, west of Otter Point, Sooke Bay, Vancouver Island, BC. The Holocene species Lucinoma annulata (Reeve) is less inflated thanL. columbiana in proportion to its size, it does not have the heavy posterior hinge plate, and it has a smaller equilateral lunule. Lucinoma acutilineata (Conrad) (1849, p. 725, pl. 18, figs. 2, 2a, 2b; Moore, 1963, p. 70-71, pl. 15, figs. 7—10, 12), an early to middle Miocene species, is thinner than L. columbiana in proportion to its size; it has a much wider escutcheon, and it lacks the heavy flat posterior hinge plate. Lucinoma hannibali (Clark) (1925, p. 89, pl. 22, figs. 2, 4) from Weaver’s (1912) Blakeley Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene) in Washington has a wider escutcheon and less concave dorsal margin than L. columbiana. Clark (1932) reportsLucinoma cf.L. columbiana from the Poul Creek Formation (middle Oligocene to early Miocene), Alaska. Localities.—USGS 15264, 15588, M3858. Occurrence elsewhere.—Ushikubitoga Formation (Oligocene), Japan (Kanno, 1960); Sooke Formation (early Miocene?), Vancouver Island, BC; Blakeley Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington. Possibly in the Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), the Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), and the Tunnel Point Sandstone (mid- dle Oligocene), Oregon. Family UNGULINIDAE Genus Felaniella. Dall Felaniella Dall, 1899, Jour. Conchology, v. 9, no. 8, p. 244. Type species—By original designation, Mysia (Felania) usta Gould, Holocene, Japan. Felaniella can be distinguished externally from Diplodonta by its less prominent, centrally positioned beaks, its subquadrate outline, and its lesser inflation. Taras goodspeedi Durham and Diplodonta parilis (Conrad) probably belong in the genus Felaniella. Durham (1944, p. 145) pointed out the resemblance of T. goodspeedi to the Holocene species T. sericata, which is now assigned to Felaniella (Keen, 1958, p. 103). Felaniella. (Felaniella) snavelyi, n. sp. Plate 10, figures 9—11 Felaniella snavelyi is subquadrangular, inequilater- al, and thin-shelled; it bears the ligament in a marginal groove. The beaks are small and situated about one- third the distance from the anterior margin. The posterior dorsal margin slopes away from the beaks in a straight line at an angle of about 20°, and joins the rounded posterior margin abruptly; the anterior dorsal margin is shorter and a bit more rounded. One right valve has the hinge exposed (pl. 10, fig. 10) showing two cardinal teeth. The anterior tooth is moderately thick and subvertical; the posterior tooth is thick, bifid, and oblique. The pallial line seems to be doubled. Holotype.——Herewith designated as USNM 214099, plate 10, fig. 10. Type locality.—USGS 15264. On east side of Oregon State Highway 47, approximately 600 feet north of junction of Highway 47 and Scappoose-Vernonia Road (3,500 ft south of grid 2,660 and 5,000 ft west of grid 820, Army Engineers Vernonia quadrangle), Columbia County, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene). In external characters F elaniella snavelyi is identical to the living species F. serricata (Reeve). The shell of F. snavelyi is thicker, however, and the configuration of the nymph plate and ligament groove are different. The nymph plate of F. snavelyi is larger, heavier, and flanged along the dorsal margin, and it lacks the flattened, shallow trigonal pit that holds the resilium on F. serricata. The ligament groove and ligament are larger on F. snavelyi than on F. serricata. F elaniella goodspeedi Durham (1944, p. 145) is more rounded at the anterior and posterior margins, has a higher angle between the beak and the posterior and CLASS PELECYPODA 47 anterior dorsal margins, and has more prominent beaks than F. snavelyi. Felaniella parilis (Conrad) (1848, p. 432; Moore, 1963, p. 71, pl. 23, fig. 9) has a more rounded anterior and posterior margin and a higher angle between the beak and the posterior and anterior dorsal margins like Felaniella griesensis (Effinger) (1938, p. 369). F. snavelyi is rare in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Most of the complete specimens preserved have the mineralized ligament intact. Localities.—USGS 2714, 15264, 15310, 15312, 15516, 15537, 15544, 15586, M3858, M3871. Family CARDIIDAE Subfamily PROTOCARDIINAE Genus Nemocardium Meek Nemocardium Meek, 1876, U.S. Geol. Survey Territories, v. 9, p. 167—168. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Sacco, 1899, I. Moll. Liguria, pt. 27, p. 56), Cardium semiasperum Deshayes. Eocene, France. Subgenus Keenaea Habe Keenaea Habe, 1951, Genera of Japanese Shells: Pelecypoda, no. 2, p. 152. Type species—By original designation, Nemocar- dium samarangae Makiyama. Holocene, Japan. Nemocardium (Keenaea) lorenzanum (Arnold) Plate 10, figures 12—14 Cardium cooperii Gabb var. lorenzanum Arnold, 1908, U.S. Natl. Mus. Proc., v. 34, p. 366, pl. 33, fig. 6; 1909, U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Santa Cruz Folio, p. 4, fig. 17. Cardium lorenzanum Arnold. Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 23, p. 116—117, pl. 7, figs. 16, 17. Nemocardium lorenzanum (Arnold). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 160, pl. 35, fig. 22, pl. 36, figs. 3, 5. Nemocardium (Keenaea) lorenzanum (Arnold). Keen, 1954, Am. Paleontology Bu11., v. 35, no. 153, p. 11. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 38, pl. 2, fig. 7. Nemocardium lorenzanum is a small form in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation; the length of the largest specimen in the collections is 18. 3 mm, but most of the specimens are about 10 mmm long. N. lorenzanum is subquadrate in outline, is moderately inflated, and has prominent beaks. The hinge is not exposed. The shell is very thin. The well-developed posterior ridge demar- cates the change in ribbing: the anterior portion bears flat small radial ribs separated by finely incised lines; the posterior portion bears narrow high ribs that are separated by interspaces almost as wide that bear a secondary concentric sculpture. This concentric sculpture is between the ribs and at right angles to them, and it consists of raised, thin, ridgelike inter- calations that are evenly spaced but commonly not alined. Holotype.—USNM 165444. Type locality—In cliff in north bank of Chehalis River, at the town of Porter, Grays Harbor County, Wash. In sec. 22, T. 17 N., R. 4 W., Malone quadrangle. Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene). This species is distinguished by its \subquadrate outline and by its sculpture of more than 60 flat-topped ribs anterior to the posterior ridge and a few more than 25 narrow high ribs posterior to the posterior ridge. Closely related forms occur in the Poul Creek For- mation (middle Oligocene to early Miocene), Yakataga District, Gulf of Alaska, and in Burk’s (1965) Stepovak Formation (early and middle Oligocene), McGinty Point section, Alaska. Localities.—USGS 15264, 15278, 15310, 15530, 15537, 15548, 18638, M3873. Occurrence elsewhere—Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene) and Weaver’s (1912) Blakeley Formation (upper Oligocene and lower Miocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (lower and middle Oligocene), Alsea Formation (early, middle, and late Oligocene), Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene), Oregon; upper part of Brabb’s (1960) Rices Mudstone Member of San Lorenzo Formation (late Eocene to middle Oligocene), California. Family VENERIDAE Subfamily PITARINAE Genus Pitar Romer Pitar Romer, 1857, Krit. Unters. Art. Moll., Venus, p. 15. Type species.—By monotypy, Venus tumens Gmelin. Holocene, West Africa. Pitar (Pitar) dalli (Weaver) Plate 12, figures 1, 2, 4 Pitaria dalli Weaver, 1916a, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 1, p. 41, pl. 1, figs. 1—4. Tegland, 1929, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull, v. 18, p. 278, pl. 21, figs. 4—9. Pitar dalli (Weaver). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 181—182, pl. 43, figs. 1—5, 8, 11. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 46—47, pl. 3, figs. 16—19, pl. 5, figs. 2, 5. An internal mold of one almost complete large specimen is subovate in outline and moderately inflated. The few small internal molds are also subovate in outline but are less inflated. On one of these molds, the beaks are very close to the anterior margin; on all the others, they are about a third of the distance from the anterior end. One incomplete left hinge is figured (pl. 12, fig. 2). Syntypes.—CAS 460A, 460C, 460D. Type locality—In railroad cut on Union Pacific Railway 1 mile north of Galvin Station, Lewis County, Wash. Sec. 27, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., Centralia quadrangle. Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene). 48 Localities.—USGS 15278, 15310, 15310a, 15499, 15516, 15532, 15537, 15548, M3873; cf. 15519. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (mid- dle Oligocene to early Miocene), Yakataga and Katalla Districts, Gulf of Alaska; Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene) and the Marrowstone Shale of Durham (1944), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligo— cene), Oregon; Tumey Formation of Atwill (1935) (early and middle Oligocene), California. Genus Callista Poli Callista Poli, 1791, Testacea utriusque Siciliae, eorumque historia et anatomia, tome 1, p. 30. Type species—By subsequent designation, Venus chione Linné (Meek, 1876). Holocene Mediterranean. Subgenus .Macrocallista Meek Macrocallista Meek, 1876, US. Geol. Survey Territories, v. 9, p. 179. Type species—By monotypy, Venus gigantea Gmelin = Venus nimbosa Lightfoot. Holocene, Caribbean. The mature specimens of Callista have much more massive hinge plates and all the teeth are larger than on specimens of Macrocallista of similar size; this is not true of juvenile specimens of Callisto. Macrocallista is much more produced anteriorly, is less inflated, and has a thinner shell than Callista. The configuration and arrangement of teeth on both valves of Macrocallista so closely resembles that of Callista that it does not seem proper to separate M acrocallista except subgenerically. Placing Macrocallista as a subgenus of Callista helps to show the close relation within this difficult and variable group. The hinge of Callista (Macrocallista) pittsburgensis differs from that of the type species of Macrocallista, Venus nimbosa Lightfoot. The hinge of C. (M .) nimbosa is here described in order that the differences can be noted and the reasons for retaining C. (M.) pittsburgensis in Macrocallista understood. In the following description, the right valve is consid- ered to have two anterior laterals, three cardinals, and a posterior lateral; the left valve is considered to have one anterior lateral and three cardinals. The right valve of Callista (Macrocallista) nimbosa has the two anterior laterals bordering a socket that receives the left anterior lateral. The right anterior laterals are smooth and rounded, the dorsal one is clearly defined with a slight pointed prominence at the anterior end. The ventral lateral is a thick, rather even swelling projecting a bit over the socket and perhaps, if strictly defined, is not a lateral tooth. The right anterior cardinal, the most prominent tooth, projects beyond all the others. It is thickest at the ventral end, and it thins and curves towards the anterior at the dorsal margin. The posterior edge of the tooth nearly parallels the OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON anterior side of the middle cardinal. The right middle cardinals form a very deep socket between their nearly parallel surfaces. The right posterior cardinal is thinner than the other two cardinals and is pointed at about midpoint. It parallels the posterior lateral tooth. The right posterior cardinal is not grooved in the strict sense of the word, but has a flange that looks like a deformity. However, examination of 11 right valves of C. (M .) nimbosa has shown that the posterior cardinal on all right valves has an anterior flange. The right posterior cardinal consistantly shows a slight groove along the anterior side at the highest part of the tooth, with the part of tooth anterior to the groove lower than the posterior part. The right posterior lateral is thin and bladelike. The anterior lateral of the left valve of C. (M .) nim- bosa is a prominent, somewhat triangular, pointed projection. The anterior cardinal is very thin except at the ventral margin where it thickens; its anterior edge is flat and almost perpendicular to the beak. The middle cardinal is thick and curved with the thickest portion at the ventral end. The posterior cardinal, which resem- bles a lateral tooth, is thin, bladelike, and long. It extends along the dorsal margin to a point just above the middle cardinal tooth where it forms a socket to receive the right posterior cardinal. Callista (Macrocallista) pittsburgensis Dall Plate 12, figures 3, 5—11, 13 Callista pittsburgensis Dall, 1900, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans, V. 3, pt. 5, pl. 36, fig. 22. Meretrix (Callista) pittsburgensis Dall, 1900, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans, V. 3, pt. 5, pl. 43, fig. 15. Macrocallista pittsburgensis (Dall). Dall, 1903, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans, V. 3, pt. 6, p. 1253. Clark, 1918, California Univ. Dept. Geology Bull., V. 11, p. 146. Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 15, p. 92, pl. 18, fig. 9; pl. 19, figs. 4, 5. Clark, 1932, Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 43, p. 816, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 175-176, pl. 32, fig. 7; pl. 41, figs. 4, 7, 10, 14. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 43, pl. 3, figs. 8—14. Callista pittsburgensis is of moderate size, subovate in outline, and sculptured with bunched concentric lines. It is elongate posteriorly with a subdued angulation; the anterior end is evenly rounded. The beaks are situated one-fourth to one-fifth the distance from the anterior end. The shell is usually brown; Dall (1903, p. 1253) attributed this to the preservation of the periostracum, which seems reasonable considering the tight adher- ence of the periostracum on Holocene species. A few specimens lack the subdued posterior angulation and are higher in proportion to length than the average specimen (pl. 12, fig. 8). These specimens are considered to represent normal variation within the species. The external ligament platform is commonly preserved. The elongate lunule is demarcated by an incised line; it is smooth because the concentric lines sculpturing the rest CLASS PELECYPODA of the shell do not cross it. The hinge of C. pittsburgensis differs from the type species of Macrocallista, C. nimbosa. The posterior cardinal tooth of the right valve of C. pittsburgensis is deeply grooved, whereas this tooth of C . nimbosa is not grooved; instead it has a small flange on the anterior side. The middle and anterior right cardinals slant toward the anterior end rather than being perpendicular to the beak; the socket bordered by the two anterior laterals is not parallel to the dorsal hinge margin, and both the anterior laterals are more prominent on C. pittsburgensis than on C. nimbosa. The left valve of C. pittsburgensis has an anterior lateral that is smaller, thinner, and less prominent than on C. nimbosa; the anterior cardinal is not perpendicular to the beak but slants toward the anterior margin; the middle cardinal projects over the ventral edge of the hinge plate and seems to be very slightly grooved; the anterior cardinal is essentially similar to that of C. nimbosa. In both valves of C. pittsburgensis, the hinge plate and attendant dentition in specimens of similar size are more restricted to the area below the beak. The anterior end of the shell of C. nimbosa is much more produced. Perhaps the most striking difference between the hinges of the two species is the grooved right posterior cardinal of C. pittsburgensis. C. hornii (Gabb) from the Eocene of California (Stewart, 1930, pl. 17, fig. 7) and C. cathcartensis (Weaver) from the late Oligocene and early Miocene of Washington have a grooved right posterior cardinal. C. densa Moody ( 1916, p. 58) from the Pliocene of California is said to have bifid posterior cardinals in both valves. Although the differences between C. pittsburgensis and C. nimbosa are consi- dered significant, it is my opinion that they could be the result of the evolution of the genus, and that the Pitarinae need much more study before it would be practical to propose, if necessary, a new subgeneric name. Lectotype.—USNM 107396 is herewith designated the lectotype (pl. 12, fig. 13). The lectotype is one of the two specimens originally figured by Dall (1900, pl. 36, fig. 22). The figured paratype (pl. 12, fig. 11) has been assigned catalogue number USNM 107399. Type locality—Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oreg. Sec. 23, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., Vernonia quadrangle. Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene). The posterior elongation and anterior location of the beaks of C. pittsburgensis separate it from other species. Locally very abundant, it occurs in great numbers in some rocks with only a few other forms intermingled but with no apparent life orientation. The mineralized ligament is preserved on some specimens (M3858). Localities.—USGS 2714, 5394, 15264, 15264a, b, e, 15310, 15310a, c, f, g,j, i, 15311, 15519, 15530, 15537, 49 15545, 15583, 15586, 15588, 18638, 21612, M3856, M3857, M3858, M3867, M3868, cf. M3869, M3871, M3872, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (mid- dle Oligocene to early Miocene), Alaska; Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington; Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), and Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon; Kreyenhagen Shale (Eocene and early Oligocene), Kirker Tuff (middle and late Oligocene), California. Possibly in Alegria Formation (middle Oligocene), California. Family MACTRIDAE Genus Spisula Gray Spisula Gray, 1837, Mag. Nat. Hist., new ser., v. 1, p. 372. Type species—By subsequent designation (Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London Proc., no. 179, p. 185), Mactra solida Montagu = Cardium solidum Linné. Holocene, Atlantic. Subgenus Mactromeris Conrad Mactromeris Conrad, 1868, Am. Jour. Conchology, v. 3, app., pt. 3, p. 45. Type species.—-By subsequent designation (Stoliczka, 1871, Geol. Survey India, Palaeontologia Indica, ser. 6, v. 3, p. 16), Mactra ovalis Gould, Holocene, North At- lantic. Spisula (Mactromeris) pittsburgensis Clark Plate 14, figures 3—8, 10, 11 Spisula pittsburgensis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 101—102, pl. 17, figs. 2, 4. Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 23, p. 120—121. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 235, pl. 54, fig. 9; p]. 61, figs. 1, 4. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 51, pl. 5, fig. 1. Spisula pittsburgensis is subovate in outline, small to moderate sized, and thin shelled. The posterior dorsal margin is straight except for a slightly inflated es- cutcheon. The posterior end is evenly rounded. A ridge extends from the umbo to the posterior ventral margin. The anterior dorsal margin is inflated in the lunule area; the anterior end is slightly pointed. There is little variation in size, outline, and degree of inflation in this species. The right anterior cardinal is thin, bladelike, and protrudes well beyond the hinge plate; it is fused to the dorsal margin of the shell. The right posterior cardinal is thin, does not protrude as far as the anterior cardinal, and borders the anterior end of the resilifer, which is moderately deep and oblique. The anterior and pos- terior paired laterals are thin; each are bordered with a moderately shallow dorsal pit and separated from one another by a very deep pit. The left cardinal has the shape of an inverted V, is small, and projects far beyond the hinge plate. The single anterior and posterior 50 laterals are thin, the posterior one bladelike, the an- terior one rounded and more produced. Holotype.—SU 5205. Type locality.—UW 476. From bluffs along highway near old mill at Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Formation (middle Oligocene). Spisula eugenensis differs from S. pittsburgensis by having an anterior umbonal ridge (Hickman, 1969, p. 50—51). Localities.——USGS 2714, 5394, 15264, 15264a—e, 15310, 15310a—f, i, 15311, 15312, 15499, 15532, 15545, 15586, 15588, 18638, M3856, M3858, M3860, M3869, M3871, M3872, M3877, M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (mid- dle Oligocene to early Miocene), Yakataga District, Gulf of Alaska; Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene) and Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington; Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Tun- nel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon. Spisula. (Mactromeris?) veneriformis Clark Plate 14, figures 1, 2, 9 Spisula veneriformis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 103, pl. 16, figs. 1—3. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v.5, p. 235, pl. 54, fig. 9; pl. 61, figs. 1, 4. Clark describes the hinge of this species as follows: Hinge plate rather heavy; resilifer pit deep, the two cardinals in the right valve well developed, both reaching nearly across hinge plate; anterior cardinal close to and connected with anterior dorsal margin. Cardinal in right valve apparently not deltoid. The deltoid tooth is a character common to almost all genera of the Mactridae; but in this species the cardinal consists of one heavy process extending from a beak to anterior edge of hinge plate. Keen (1969, p. N595) describes the hinge of the Mactracea as having one inverted V-shaped cardinal tooth in the left valve and two cardinals in the right valve. The right valve is here considered to have two cardi- nal teeth, rather than one deltoid tooth. The few specimens of Spis ula veneriformis in the collections are internal molds with no shell remaining. Rubber im- pressions were made of all specimens retaining a mold of the hinge. An impression of a right valve was ob- tained (pl. 15, fig. 2), and although the impression is not perfect, the right valve may have had two cardinal teeth originally. In examining Holocene specimens of Spisula (Mactromeris) in the collections, I found that in at least half the specimens of right valves the posterior cardinal was either completely destroyed or broken. Perhaps when the valves of this form are disarticulated, the fragile right posterior cardinal is destroyed. This may be the explanation for Clark (1925, p. 103) saying that the right valve had but one tooth. Holotype.—UCMP 54. OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON Type locality.——SU NR 42. In shale and sandstone in sea cliff at Tunnel Point, west of Coos Bay, Oreg. Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene). This species is very large and shaped more like a venerid than a mactrid. The beaks are high and about a third the distance from the anterior margin. The ven- erid outline distinguishes S. veneriformis from other species of Spisula. Localities.—USGS 15516, 15532, 15537, 15544, 15588. Occurrence elsewhere—Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon. Family MESODESMATIDAE Subfamily DAVILINAE Genus Ervilia. Turton Ervilia Turton, 1822, British Bivalves, p. 56. Type species.—Mya nitens Montagu. Holocene, Florida. ?Ervilia oregonensis Dall Plate 16, figures 2, 5 E rvilia oregonensis Dall, 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Trans, v. 3, pt. 4, p. 916, pl. 33, fig. 16. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 243, pl. 56, fig. 4. The single specimen is presumably conspecific with Ervilia oregonensis Dall. The hinge, though exposed, is not sufficiently well preserved for generic identification. The specimen is more quadrate in outline than the Holocene specimens of Ervilia. The shell is very thin and concentrically sculptured, and the ligament is presumably obsolete. Holotype.——USNM 107406. Type locality.—Nehalem River, Columbia County, Oreg. Presumably from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, middle Oligocene. Locality.—USGS 18638. Family TELLINIDAE Subfamily TELLININAE Genus Tellina Linné Tellina Linné, 1758, Systema naturae, ed. 10, p. 674. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Schmidt, 1818, Versuch Conchylien-Sammlung, p. 51, 177), Tellina radiata Linné, Holocene, West Indies. Subgenus Eurytellina. Fischer Eurytellina Fischer, 1887, Man. de Conchyliologie et de Paleont. Conch., p. 1147. Type species—By monotypy, Tellina punicea Born. Holocene, West Indies. Tellina (Eurytellina) aduncanasa Hickman Plate 11, figures 7—12 Tellina aduncanasa Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 55—56, pl. 6, figs. 7—12. Tellina aduncanasa is of moderate size and elongate; the length about twice the height. The anterior end is evenly rounded, the posterior end sharply attenuated. The posterior end is strongly beveled and set off by a CLASS PELECYPODA 51 ridge at the anterior side. The entire surface bears fine incised lines that change direction at the anterior edge of the beveled part, making an angle of about 90°. Hickman (1969, p. 56) describes the hinge of both valves. Holotype.—UO 27262. Type locality.—UO 2567. In well-indurated brownish-gray tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone on east side of Oregon State Highway 47, 0.2 mile north of junction with Pittsburg-Scappoose Road, N1/2 sec. 23, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., Vernonia quadrangle, Columbia County, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Formation, (middle Oligocene). Localities.—USGS 2714, 2722, 15264, 15264b, c, e, 15310, 15310b, 15312, 15544, 15586, 15588, M3858; cf. 15311. Occurrence elsewhere—Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon. Tellina? pittsburg'ensis Clark Plate 11, figures 1—6 Tellina pittsburgensis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 95, pl. 12, figs. 8, 9. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 200—201, pl. 48, fig. 4. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 55, pl. 6, figs. 3—6. Tellina? pittsburgensis is of small size, subovate in outline, and very thin shelled. The anterior end is evenly rounded and the posterior end is slightly pro— duced. The shell bears fine, bunched concentric lines that are deflected near the posterior end. Just anterior to this deflection is a slight sulcus. The shell is mod- erately inflated. The left valve is slightly larger than the right, and both valves are deflected to the right at the posterior end. Holotype.—SU Paleo. Type C011. 46. Type locality.—SU 10c. NP 5. In sandstone cliff along Nehalem River near old Pittsburg lumber mill, just past bridge below Vernonia, Oreg. Pittsburg Bluff Forma- tion (middle Oligocene). Because of the state of preservation of the specimens, the small size of the species, and the very thin shell, it has not been possible to prepare a perfect hinge. Several hinges were exposed and two are figured (pl. 11, figs. 1, 2) but still some details are not clear. No lateral teeth could be identified without qualification, although there is a suggestion of a lateral tooth on one of the valves. Hickman (1969, p. 55) found well-developed lateral teeth on specimens identified as T. pittsburgensis from the Eugene Formation. Her findings suggest that the specimens from the Eugene Formation may not be conspecific with the Pittsburg Bluff specimens. The following characters were noted on the hinges exposed: On the right valve there are two cardinal teeth, the posterior one thick and bifid, the anterior one very small and thin. A possible lateral tooth is posterior to the cardinals but near them; no lateral tooth was found anterior to the cardinals. On the left valve are two cardinal teeth, the posterior thick and bified and the anterior one very small and thin. A possible lateral tooth is anterior to the cardinal teeth. A closely related form occurs in the Poul Creek Formation (middle Oligocene to early Miocene), Yakataga and Katella Districts, Gulf of Alaska. Localities.—USGS 2714, 15264, 15264b, c, 15310, 15310d, 15519, 15530, 15586, 15588, 18638, M3871, M3877, cf. M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene) and Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon; Tumey Formation of Atwill (1935) (Oligocene), California. Family SOLENIDAE Genus Solen Linné Solen Linné, 1758, System naturae, ed. 10, p. 672. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Schumacher, 1817, Essai d’un nouveau systeme des habitations des vers testaces, p. 124, pl. 6, fig. 3), Solen vagina Linné. Holocene, Europe. Solen townsendensis Clark Plate 13, figures 3—5 Solen (Plectosolen) townsendensis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 97—98, pl. 22, figs. 7, 10. Solen townsendensis Clark. Effinger, 1938, Jour. Paleontology, v. 12, p. 372—373. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 225, pl. 53, figs. 1, 9. ?Solen sicarius Gould. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 63—64, pl. 8, figs. 5, 7, 9. Solen townsendensis is thin shelled. The few specimens in the collections are small. The anterior end is truncated at the dorsal margin and evenly rounded at the ventral margin. It lacks a sulcus but it has a slight broad depression. The posterior end is almost evenly rounded with a slight flattening in the midregion of the shell. Holotype.—SU 51. Type locality.—SU Loc. NP 272. In bluffs along Skamokawa River above big bend 1 mile east of junction of main and middle forks, Skamokawa, Wash. Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene). Hickman (1969, p. 63—64) assigned an Oligocene Solen from the Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon, to the Miocene to Holocene species Solen sicarius Gould, because she felt it impossible to determine the affinities of the fossil species without intensive study. One well-preserved specimen in the Pittsburg Bluff collections (pl. 8, figs. 10, 11) makes some comparison with S. sicarius possible. In the ratio of height to length, the fossil form is identical to S. 52 sicarius. However, both the anterior and posterior ends of S. townsendensis are rounded as in Solen rosaceus Carpenter, a Holocene species, rather than truncated as in S. sicarius. S. rosaceus is much more elongate in proportion to height than the Oligocene species. It seems probable that the Oligocene species is not con- specific with the Holocene forms examined, and the name Solen townsendensis is retained for the fossil form. Solen conradi Dall (1900, p. 953), a Miocene species, has a concave dorsal margin and is more sharply truncated at the posterior end than S. townsendensis. Localities.——USGS 2714, 5394, 15264, 15310, 15537, 15586, M3858, M3860, M3871, M3872. Occurrence elsewhere.—Gries Ranch Formation (early Oligocene), Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), Washington; Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene) and possibly in the Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene) and the Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Ore- gon. Genus Solena Mérch Solena Mbrch, 1853, Cat. Conch. Yoldi, pt. 2, p. 7. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Stoliczka, 1871, Geol. Survey India, Palaeontologia Indica, ser. 6, p. xvi), Solen obliquus Spengler. Holocene, Caribbean. Subgenus Eosolen Stewart Eosolen Stewart, 1930, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Spec. Pub. 3, p. 290—291. Type species—By original designation, Solen plagiaulax (Cossmann). Middle Eocene, France. On the basis of a distinct umbonal furrow, Solena (Eosolen) columbiana (Weaver and Palmer) (1922, p. 24, pl. 10, fig. 3) was placed in Eosolen by Stewart (1930, p. 292). The following species should also be assigned to this subgenus: Solena lincolnensis (Weaver), 1916a, p. 43, pl. 2, figs. 9—12, Oligocene, Washington. Solena clarki (Weaver and Palmer), 1922, p. 23-24, pl. 9, fig. 16, Eocene, Washington. Solena eugenensis (Clark), 1925, p. 98, pl. 22, fig. 1, Oligocene, Oregon. Solena. (Eosolen) eugenensis (Clark) Plate 13, figures 1, 2, 6 Solen eugenensis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 98, pl. 22, fig. 1. Solena eugenensis (Clark). Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 230, pl. 53, figs. 14, 15. Solena (Eosolen) eugenensis (Clark). Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 63, pl. 7, figs. 11, 12. Solena eugenensis is a large moderately thick—shelled form with a strong anterior sulcation. The shell flares outward at the anterior gape. The anterior margin is truncated at an angle of about 30° from the perpen- dicular; the posterior angulation is nearly perpen- OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON dicular. The shell is smooth except for bunched con- centric lines. Parts of the mineralized ligament are preserved on some specimens. Holotype.—UCMP 30338. Type locality.———UC 4182. New City Reservoir, Eugene, Oreg. Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene). Solena eugenensis is higher in proportion to length and has a lower anterior angulation than S. lorenzana Wagner and Schilling (1923, p. 256, pl. 47, fig. 1) from the Oligocene of California. A closely related form occurs in the Poul Creek Formation (middle Oligocene to early Miocene), Alaska. Localities.—USGS 2714, 5394, 15264b, 15278, 15310a, 15312, 15499, 15519, 15529, 15537, 15544, 15586, 15588, M3858, M3867, M3868, M3872; cf. M3871, cf. M3878. Occurrence elsewhere—Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), and possibly in the Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene) and in the Tunnel Point Sandstone (middle Oligocene), Oregon. Family HIATELLIDAE Genus Panopea Menard de la Groye Panopea Ménard de la Groye, 1807 , Mémoire sur un nouveau genre de coquille bivalve-équivalve de la famille des Solenoides, p. 16, 31 (Dall, 1912, Malacological Soc. Proc., V. 10, p. 34—35). Vokes (1967, p. 326) cites Panopea Ménard de la Groye (April?, 1807) as the nomenclatorially valid name predating Panope Menard de la Groye (August, 1807). A decision of the I.C.Z.N. for the emended spelling, Panope, is pending. Type species.—By subsequent designation (Schmidt, 1818, Versuch Conchylien-Sammlung, p. 47, 177), Mya glycimeris Born (cited by Ménard de la Groye, 1807, p. 32, in synonymy of Panope aldrovandi). Holocene, Mediterranean Sea. Panopea snohomishensis Clark Plate 15, figure 5 Panope snohomishensis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 105, pl. 10, fig. 2. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 261—263, pl. 59, figs. 3, 10. Panopea snohomishensis is moderate sized, subovate, and high in proportion to length. The anterior end is evenly rounded and the posterior end is attenuated and evenly rounded to moderately truncated (pl. 15, fig. 5). The posterior end is smaller than the anterior end. The beaks are slightly anterior of the midportion of the shell. The hinge line is not straight; instead it slopes from the beaks to the anterior and posterior ends of the shell and thus is not parallel to the ventral margin. The beaks are prominent and small. The hinge is not ex— posed. Holotype.—SU 59. Paratype SU 60. Type locality.—SU loc. N.P. 146. In Northern Pacific Railway cut one-half mile north of Cathcart Station, CLASS PELECYPODA Snohomish County, Wash. sec. 6, T. 27 N., R. 6 E., Maltby quadrangle, Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene). This species is distinguished by its subovate outline, the slope of the dorsal margin, and the large anterior end. Panopea cf. P. snohomishensis is reported from the Poul Creek Formation (middle Oligocene to early Miocene), Alaska. Localities.—USGS 15264, 15516. Occurrence elsewhere—Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene), Washington; Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene) Oregon. Panopea ramonensis Clark Plate 15, figures 1—3 Panope ramonensis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 106, pl. 10, figs. 2, 3. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 263—264, pl. 59, fig. 11. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 65, 68, pl. 8, figs. 8, 12. Panopea ramonensis is elongate and subquadrate in outline. The hinge line is straight and parallels the ventral margin. The posterior and anterior ends are of equal size; the posterior end is broadly truncated and gaping and the anterior end is evenly rounded. The beaks are small but prominent, inturned, and anterior of the midpoint of the shell. In his original description, Clark (1925, p. 106) says, “A fairly broad, shallow depression or sinus between beak and lower angle of truncated posterior end; this zone of depression more noticeable on some specimens than on others.” In the Pittsburg Bluff collections, the specimens with the shell intact do not show this sinus, whereas those from which the shell has exfoliated do. It seems possible that this sinus is simply the impression left at the boundary where thickened shell which forms the hinge line meets the thinner shell. Modeling clay was pressed into the shell of a Holocene specimen of Panopea abrupta and a “sinus” was produced on the clay similar to that seen on internal molds of P. ramonensis. P. ramonensis is more elongate in proportion to height and is much smaller than P. abrupta. It differs from P. snohomishensis by having a straight hinge line and a medially located beak. Holotype.—UCMP 30330. Paratype: UCMP 30331. Type locality.—UC loc. 1131. One-half mile southwest of town of Walnut Creek, on east side of Oakland- Antioch Railway bridge, elevation 150 feet, Contra Costa County, Calif. San Ramon Sandstone (early Miocene?) Localities.—-USGS 2714, 15310, 15310e, 15312, 15499, 15519, 15586, 15588, M3871, M3872. Occurrence elsewhere—Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene), 53 Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Oregon; San Ramon Sandstone(early Miocene?), Wygal Sandstone Member (late Oligocene) of the Temblor Formation, California. Family PERIPLOMATIDAE Genus Cochlodesma. Couthouy Cochlodesma Couthouy, 1839, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., v. 2, p. 170. Type species—By monotypy, Anatina leana Conrad, Holocene, Nova Scotia to North Carolina, United States. Cochlodesma. bainbridgensis Clark Plate 16, figures 4, 6—11 Cochlodesma bainbridgensis Clark, 1925, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 15, p. 86, pl. 13, figs. 3, 4. Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v.23, p. 112, pl. 6, figs. 3, 4. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 117, pl. 25, fig. 1, pl. 29, fig. 2. Durham, 1944, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 27, p. 141. Cochlodesma bainbridgensis is small to moderate in size; it has a very thin fragile shell that is internally nacreous. The shell is sculptured with faint, concentric, slightly irregularly spaced undulations that do not resemble those present on Cyathodonta, a generic assignment considered for this species (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 255, footnote). On the hinge of a right valve, the condrophore is small, deep, subtriangular and directed posteriorly (pl. 16, fig. 9), closely matching that illus- trated by Tegland (1933, pl. 6, fig. 3). The variation in outline of the four specimens figured (pl. 16, figs. 6, 8, 10, 11) is so great that it seems useless to try to use this as a specific criterion. Some of the variation is undoubtedly caused by deformation but some of it may be inherent. It has not been possible to separate the Cochlodesma in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation from C. bainbridgensis; possibly C. bainbridgensis is a species with a long time range. The preservation of the specimens in the collections is such that is has not been possible to determine if C. bainbridgensis is inequivalve with the right valve more convex. Holotype.——-SU 27. Type locality.—SU loc. NR 103. In outcrops of shaly sandstones along beach between south side of entrance to Port Blakeley and Restoration Point, Wash. Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene). Paratype.—SU 28. Same locality as holotype. A closely related form occurs in the Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), Oregon. Localities.—USGS cf. 5392, 15278, 15519, 15583, 15588, M3872. Occurrence elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (mid- dle Oligocene to early Miocene), Yakataga District, Gulf of Alaska; Stepovak Formation of Burk (1965) (early and middle Oligocene), Coal Bay section, Alaska; 54 Blakeley Formation of Weaver (1912) (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington. Family THRACIIDAE Genus Thracia Blainville Thracia Blainville, 1824, Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, V. 32, p. 347. Type species.—By subsequent monotypy (Blainville, 1825, Manuel de malacologie et de conchyliologie, p. 660, removes his division B from Thracia, leaving but one species in the genus), Thracia corbuloides Blain- ville. Holocene, Mediterranean. Sowerby (1823, The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, v. 5, pt. 1, p. 20) under the discussion of Mya mentions Thracia of Leach as a possible name to be applied to some forms he assigns to Mya. No particular species or figure is cited, and this reference to Thracia is considered a nomen nudum as listed by Vokes (1967, p. 339). Thracia (Thracia) condoni Dall Plate 16, figures 1, 3 Thracia condoni Dall, 1909, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 135—136, pl. 19, fig. 5. Clark, 1918, California Univ., Dept. Geology Bull., v. 11, no. 2, p. 137, pl. 11, fig. 12; pl. 12, fig. 2. Tegland, 1933, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v.23, no. 3, p. 113, pl. 6, fig. 5. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 119, pl. 25, fig. 10; pl. 29, fig. 15. Durham, 1944, California Univ. Pubs, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., V. 27, n0. 5, p. 141, pl. 13, fig. 6. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 72—73, pl. 9, figs. 10—14. Thracia condoni is usually of small to moderate size. It is not common in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation. The specimen illustrated is the largest in the collections; it measures 46.7 mm long (broken) and 34.7 mm high. The shell is smooth except for bunched concentric lines. The beaks are centrally located. The posterior end is elon- gate and the dorsal margin is almost straight. The ligament nymph and groove can be seen on the pre- served part of the hinge illustrated on plate 16, figure 3. Parts of mineralized ligament are preserved on some specimens. Because of the thin shell, most of the specimens of T. condoni are crushed and distorted, and many are molds from which the shell has exfoliated. On the best preserved specimens, the right valve, notice- ably larger than the left valve, overlaps the ventral edge. On a specimen with a left valve about 19.4 mm high, the right valve extends 1.7 mm beyond the ventral margin at the anterior end. On all specimens the beak on the right valve and the area along the dorsal edge of the anterior hinge have been abraded by the left valve. Holotype.——USNM 110460. Type locality.—Smith’s quarry, Eugene, Oreg. Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene). T. condoni has a straighter posterior dorsal margin and is more elongate posteriorly than Thracia schencki Tegland (1933, p. 112—113, pl. 6, figs. 6—11). The umbos are lower on T. condoni, the shell less inflated, and the OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON posterior end more elongate than on Thracia trapezoides Conrad (1849, p. 723, pl. 17, fig. 6a; Moore, 1963, p. 84—85, pl. 26, fig. 3; pl. 31, fig. 6). Localities.—USGS 15264, 15278, 15310, 15519, 15548, 15583, 15586, 15588. Occurrences elsewhere—Poul Creek Formation (Oligocene and Miocene), Yakataga District, Gulf of Alaska; Stepovak Formation of Burk (1965)(early and middle Oligocene), Alaska; Quimper Sandstone of Durham (1942) (early and middle Oligocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene), Alsea Formation (early to late Oligocene), Oregon; San Lorenzo Formation (Eocene and Oligocene), California. Class CEPHALOPODA Family NAUTILIDAE Aturia. angustata (Conrad) Plate 15, figure 4 Nautilus angustatus Conrad, 1849, U.S. Explor. Exped. Geology, v. 10, app. p. 728, atlas, pl. 20, figs. 5, 6. Nautilites angustatus (Conrad). Conrad, 1858, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Jour., v. 3 (new ser.), p. 335. Aturia angustata (Conrad). Dall, in Diller, 1896, U.S. Geol. Survey 17th Ann. Rept., pt. 1, p. 459, 465, 467, 468. Dall, 1909, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 59, p. 21. Schenck, 1931, California Univ. Pubs., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 19, p. 457—462, pl. 69, figs. 1—3, pl. 70, figs. 1—5, pl. 71, figs. 1, 3—8, pl. 72, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, text figs. 4, 5, 7—9, 20—23, 30, 33. Weaver, 1942, Washington Univ. (Seattle) Pubs. Geology, v. 5, p. 551—552, pl. 102, figs. 1—7, 10. Miller, 1947, Geol. Soc. America Mem. 23, p. 85—88, pl. 48, figs. 5, 6, pl. 88, fig. 1, pl. 90, figs. 1—3, pl. 91, figs. 12 pl. 92, figs. 1, 2, 8, 9, pl. 93, figs. 3. 4. Moore, 1963, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 419, p. 85—86, pl. 31, figs. 1, 5. Hickman, 1969, Oregon Univ. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 16, p. 101—102, pl. 14, fig. 10. Aturia ziczac (Sowerby). Conrad, 1865, Am. Jour. Conchology, v. 1, p. 150. Gabb, 1869, Paleontology of California, v. 2, p. 69. Ball and Harris, 1892, U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 84, p. 22$224 (NotNautilus ziczac Sowerby, 1812, Mineral Conch. Great Britain, v. 1, pl. 12, lowest fig.). Aturia cf. ziczac (Sowerby). Reagan, 1908, Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., V. 22, p. 171. Aturia angustata has been described in detail by Schenck (1931, p. 457—462) and by Miller (1947, p. 85— 88). Type species.—Larger figured syntype, USNM 3610 (Moore, 1963, pl. 31, fig. 1). This is the only specimen originally figured by Conrad (1849, pl. 20, fig. 5) that remains in the U.S. National Museum type collection. Type locality—Astoria, Oreg. Astoria Formation (Miocene). The only specimen of A. angustata known from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation is the one figured on plate 15, fig. 4. It was collected and donated by Bruce Welton, from Portland State University, to whom I am indebted. Locality—Type locality for the Pittsburg Bluff Formation, near Pittsburg, Oregon. (Bruce Welton, written commun., Feb. 16, 1973). CLASS CEPHALOPODA Occurrence elsewhere—Early Oligocene to middle Miocene in the Coast Ranges of Washington, Oregon, and California. Lincoln Creek Formation (late Eocene to early Miocene) and Weaver’s (1912) Blakeley Formation (late Oligocene and early Miocene), Washington; Eugene Formation (early and middle Oligocene) and possibly the Keasey Formation (late Eocene and early Oligocene), Oregon. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FOSSIL LOCALITIES IN THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION, MIDDLE OLIGOCENE, NORTHWESTERN OREGON USGS Cenozoic Description Collector Date locality collected No, Washington, DC, Register 2415 ______ Westport on Columbia River, Will Brown __________ ?1891 about 24 mi east of Astoria. 2707 ______ Sec. 4, T. 2 N., R, 4 W, J. S, Diller ____________ 1895 Washington County. 2714 ,,,,,, Pittsburg, Columbia County, sec. 23, ,,,,,,,,,, do ,,,,,,,,,, 1895 T. 5 N., R. 4 W. 2715 ,,,,,, Rock Creek, sec. 31, T. 5 N., R. 4 W., __________ do __________ 1895 Columbia County. 2721 ,,,,,, SW‘A sec. 27, T. 5 N., R. 3 W., .......... do ,,,,,,,,,, 1895 Columbia County 2722 ______ Nehalem River, 4 mi above Mist, __________ do ,,,,,,,,,, 1895 sec. 29, T. 6 N., R. 4 W., Columbia County. 2723 ,,,,,, Nehalem River near Mist, sec. 14, ,,,,,,,,,, do ,,,,,,,,,, 1895 T. 6 N., R. 5 W,, Columbia County. 5394 ,,,,,, Pittsburg road cut, Columbia County, G. A Macready ,,,,,, 1910 NWV4 sec. 23, T, 5 N,, R. 4 W, 15264 ,,,,,, East side of Oregon State Highway 47, W. C. Warren ,,,,,,,, 1944 approximately 600 ft north of junction of Oregon State Highway 47 and Scappoose-Vernonia Road, Columbia County, 3,500 ft south of grid 2,660 and 5,000 ft west of grid 820, U.S. Army Corps Engineers Vernonia quadrangle. 15278 ______ Wolf Creek Highway (Oregon 2), W. C. Warren 1944 third cut on north side of northwest and H. E. Vokes, and H. E. Vokes. junction of Buxton-Vernonia Road (Oregon State Highway 47). Locality is approximately 3/4 mi from junction. 5,500 ft south of grid 2,635, 5,500 ft east of grid 910, U.S. Army Corp, Engineers Gales Creek quadrangle. 15310 ,,,,,, First large roadcut on west side of H. Norbisrath 1944 Scappoose-Vernonia Road, south of and H. E. Vokes. cutoff to Wilark, Columbia County. 15311 ,,,,,, Same locality as 15310, but 20 ft __________ do .......... 1944 stratigraphically lower. 15312 ,,,,,, Cuts on east side of Wilson Lumber __________ do __________ 1944 Company road, 0.4 mi south of Kenusky Creek, on east branch of Nehalem River. 6,200 ft south of grid 2,655; 2,600 ft east of grid 820, US. Army Corps Engineers Vernonia quadrangle, 15457 ______ Cut on east side of abandoned road Wi C, Warren ,,,,,,,, 1944 grade paralleling Oregon Highway 202; 0.2 mi north of south edge of Svenson quadrangle, 15499 111111 Under United Railroad trestle, about R. M. Grivetti, 1944 1 mi north of Buxton, Washington W. C. Warren, County. Trestle bears notation "U.R. and H. Norbisrath. Tr 399 & 35." At south end of Gales Creek quadrangle. 55 USGS Cenozoic Description locality No, Collector Date collected 15516 ,,,,,, Road cut on Vernonia-Scappoose Road near divide. This is the first cut south of point Where the road passes over the railroad tunnel. Vernonia quadrangle. 15519 ,,,,,, Cut on line of United Railroad 2.0 mi (airline) north of Buxton, Washing- ton County. Cut is at north end of arcuate railroad trestle. Gales Creek quadrangle. 15529 ,,,,,, Cut on south side of Vernonia- Scappoose Road, 3.5 mi by road southeast ofjunction at Wilark, Columbia County. Vernonia quadrangle. 15530 ______ Cut on north side of Vernonia- Scappoose Road, 5.0 mi by road southeast of junction at Wilark, Columbia County. Vernonia quadrangle 15532 ,,,,,, Cut on north side of Vernonia- Scappoose Road, 1.7 mi west of Chapman School, Columbia County. St. Helens quadrangle. 15536 111111 North side of Scoggin Creek Road, 1.3 1.3 mi west ofjunction with Oregon and W. C. Warren, State Highway 47. 15537 ______ Cut on north side of Vernonia- Scappoose Road, 0.6 mi west of Chapman School, Columbia County. St, Helens quadrangle. 15544 ,,,,,, Cut on curve of United Railroad. This is first curve northeast of Buxton, Washington County. 3,050 ft west of grid 815,000 and 5,500 ft south of grid 263,500. U.S. Army Corps Engineers Vernonia quadrangle. 15545 ,,,,,, North end of trestle over ravine, Fossils from north bank below trestle, 5th railroad trestle north of Buxton, Washington County. 15548 ,,,,,, Approximately 34 mi up Flora Road from Nehalem River Highway, along poorly exposed bank and in roadbed Where road ascends hillside. Cathlamet quadrangle. 15583 ,,,,,, Prominent bluff of east side of Oregon State Highway 47, 1.6 mi north of the junction with the St. Helens highway, Columbia County, Oreg. 4,200 ft west of grid 820, 4,000 ft north of grid 2,260, Cathlamet quadrangle, 15586 ,,,,,, North end of short, abandoned tunnel about 1/2 mi east of Westport, Clatsop County, Greg, on south side of U.S. Highway 30. 700 ft west of grid 800, 5,000 ft north of grid 2,865, Cathlamet quadrangle, 15588 ,,,,,, Cut in logging road along the head- waters of the second main tributary entering Coal Creek from the north- east of its junction with Pebble Creek. 3,900 ft west of grid 820, 5,200 ft south of grid 2,650. Vernonia quadrangle. 18638 ,,,,,, Type area of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. 18779 ,,,,,, Type area of Pittsburg Bluff Formation, Wolf Creek Highway, north of Vernonia. 21612 ______ Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Oyster lens with Acila about 30 ft above Molopophurus. W. C. Warren ,,,,,,,, W. C. Warren and Hi Norbisrath. W. C, Warren ________ ,,,,,,,,,, do,,,,,,,,,, __________ do_-___._-u R. M. Grivetti W. C. Warren ,,,,,,,, R. M. Grivetti, H. Norbisrath, and W. C. Warren. ,,,,,,,,,, do,,,,,,,.,, H. Norbisrath and W, C, Warren. H. Norbisrath ,,,,,,,, W. C. Warren, D, Duncan, and H. E. Vokes, H. Norbisrath ,,,,,,,, Ralph Stewart ........ E, James, P. D. Snavely, and W. W. Rau, R. E, Stewart ,,,,,,,, 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944‘ 1945 1945 1945 1952 56 USGS Cenozoic locality No. Description Collector Date collected Menlo Park, Calif. Register M3856 ______ Lat 45°51.7’ N., long 123°13.4’., along private forest read 300 in northeast ofjunction of Kenusky Creek and East Fork of Nehalem River, Columbia County. Middle of Pitts- burg Bluff Formation. M3857 ,,,,,, private forest road 900 m southeast ofjunction of Kenusky Creek and East Fork of Nehalem River. Columbia County. Middle of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. M3858 ,,,,,, private forest road near divide between East Fork Nehalem River and North Scappoose Creek, 200 in north of bench mark 1232. Columbia County. Near top of Pittsburg Bluff Formation, Lat 45°55.0’ N., long 123°08.0’ W., along private forest road 750 in northeast of bench mark 580, which is about 1 km north of Pittsburg on Oregon State Highway 47. Columbia County. Base of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Lat 45°43.6’ N., long 123°11.1'W., along Spokane, Portland, and Seattle Railroad, 200 111 north of Hares Canyon. Washington County. Near top of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Lat 45°43.4' N., long 123°11.1’ W., along Spokane, Portland, and Seattle Railroad, 200 m south of Hares Canyon. Washington County. Near top of Pittsburg Bluff Formation Lat 45°43.3’ N., long 123°11.1’ W., along Spokane, Portland, and Seattle Railroad, 400 m south of Hares Canyon. Washington County. Near top of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Lat 45°48.6’ N., long 123°08.4’ W., along logging road on south side of Coal Creek, 350 m east of first tribu— tary to south. Columbia County. Upper middle of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Lat 45°48.9' N., long 123°08.0' W., along logging road 50 m east of first tributary to Coal Creek to north and 1,000 m northeast ofjunction of the tributary with Coal Creek. Columbia County. Upper middle of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Lat 45°51.5’ N., long 123°09.0’ W., along logging road on south side of second valley north of Coon Creek, 16 km east of Oregon State High- way 47 where it turns west to become the main street of Vernonia. Columbia County. Middle part of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Lat 45°51.0’N., long 123°06.6’ W., from roadcut along East Fork of Nehalem River, 650 in northwest of confluence of Jim George Creek, and 100 in south of main road. Columbia County. Middle of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. Lat 45°52.4’ N., long 123°07.5’ W., from roadcut along main road that follows East Fork of Nehalem River directly west of confluence of Dog Creek. Columbia County. Middle of Pittsburg Bluff Formation. M3 860 ,,,,,, M3866 ,,,,,, M3868 ,,,,,, M3869 ______ M3871 ______ M3872 ,,,,,, M3874 ,,,,,, M3877 ,,,,,, M3878 ,,,,,, Lat 45°51.2’ N., long 123°13.7’ W., along ,,,,,,,,,, do ,,,,,,,,,, Lat 45°50.2’ N., long 123°02.7’ W., along ,,,,,,,,,, do ,,,,,,,,,, E. J. Moore 1968 iiiiiiiiii dofluuuu 1968 ,,,,,,,,,, do,,,,,,,,,, 1968 ,,,,,,,,,, do,,,,,,,,,, 1968 .......... do_.,,,,,,,, 1968 ,,,,,,,,,, do,,,,,,,,,, 1968 OLIGOCENE MARINE MOLLUSKS FROM THE PITTSBURG BLUFF FORMATION IN OREGON REFERENCES CITED Abbott, R. T., 1954, American seashells: New York, Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 541 p., 40 pls. Addicott, W. 0., 1966, New Tertiary marine mollusks from Oregon and Washington: Jour. 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Page A Abbreviations ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 abrupta, Panopea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53 acala, Leda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HH H 43 (Acharax) willapaensis, Solemya ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Acila ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, 18, 20, 21,42, pl. 17 decisa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 22 gettysburgensis zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 4 nehalemensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 shumardi HH 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 21, 24, 28,42, 43 biozone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 9 Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 23,24 defined ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 (Acila) gettysburgensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43 (Truncacila) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18, 22, 43 nehalemensis ______________ 20, 21, 23, 28, 43 minima ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 shumardi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 14, 15, 16, 19; 21, 23,24, 26, 28, 42, pl. 8 type locality ,,,,,, 2 (Avila) decisa, Nucula ,,,,,,,, HH getiysburgensis, Acila ,,,,,,,,,,, shumardi, Nucula Acrilla ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Ferminoscala) becki dickersoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Acteocina chehalisensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Acteon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18, 20, 40 chehalisensis ,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26, 40, pl. 7 parvum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28, 40, 41 sp _____ H, 15,41,pl,7 Acteonidae H H acutilineata, LacinomaH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28, 46 Addicott, W. 0,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 24 addicolti, Aforia Hi ,,,,,,,, 38 aduncanasa, Tellina __ Tellina (Eurytellina) H 8, 21, 28, 50 14,15, 16, 26,50, pl. 11 Aforia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18, 19, 20, 37 addicolti ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 campbelli ____________________ 11, 15, 26, 37, pl. 7 clallamensis , H, 38 wardi H. . 16,37 wardi 11111111111111 L 38 Agasoma acuminatum beds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 columbiana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, columbianum H , Alaska Peninsula, Oligocene fossils ,H albensis, Nucula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 albus, Polinices ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, aldrouandi, Panope ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Alegria Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 24, 25, 28 Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43, 49 fauna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 24 Algae, coralline ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Alsea Bay, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 10 Alsea Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 36, 44 mollusks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 25, 28 Newport area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, 28 Greg ______________ 10, 32, 34, 37, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54 Alvania ________________________________________ 21 Analina leana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 53 Ancilla ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 angustata, Ataria ________________ 15, 16, 54, pl. 15 anguslatus, Nautilites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 54 Nautilus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 54 annalata, Lucinoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 INDEX [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Apalymetis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Arca ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, montereyana Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nuculeus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 Architectonica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 17, 19, 20, 29 blanda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26, 29, pl. 1 Architectonicidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, arctica, Yoldia HH (Arenomya) kusiroensis, Mya HH Arroyo Ciervo area, Calif ,,,,,,,, Arthropoda ,,,,,,,, Asteroidea ,,,,,,, Astoria Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 29, 30, 31, 43 Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30, 31,33, 36, 38,45, 54 Wash Astraea Astropecten sp ,,,,,,,,,,,, Ataria ___________________ anguslata ,,,,,,,, 15, 16, 54, pl. 15 ziczac ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 54 australis, Scalaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 bainbridgensis, CochlodesmaH 14, 15, 16, 26,53, pl, 16 Barbatia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 merriami Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Bastendorf [Bastendorff] Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 24 [Bastendorff] Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 6, 7 Bastendorff Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23 foraminifera _ . mollusks , , , , southwestern Oregon 1 Balhybembix ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 29 becki, Acrilla (Ferminoscala) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L 28 bentsonae, Gemmula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 28 bigelawii, Braarudosphaera ,,,,,,,,,,, _ 25 Biozone, definition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L 2 biplicatus, Molopophorus ________ , 35 quadranodosum, Malopophorus _ 35 bisectus, Dictyococcites ,,,,,,,, , 25 Blakeley beds _________ _ 6 Blakeley Formation, Oreg .H. Wash ,,,,,,,, 10, 30, 32, 36, 39,43, 44,45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 55 Blakeley horizon ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 4, 5 Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 9 blakeleyensis, Turritella diversillneata ,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 blanda, ArctheclonLca ,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26,29, pl, 1 borealis, Cardila ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 (Boreascala) condoni, Epitonium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 condoni eugenense, Epitonium H, __________ 28 oregunensis, EpitorLL'um ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 keaseyense, Epitonium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 Braarudosphaera bigelowii ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Brisasler ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 maximus LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 20 Brisingid sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Bruclarkia ________________ _ 16, 19, 20, 22,34 columbiana ........ 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15,21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 34, pl. 3 columbianum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 28 uokesi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 brunnea, Natica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Buccinidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 Bukry, David, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24, 25 Bulla lignaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41 Bullia (Molopophorus) striata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 Page C California, Oligocene fossils ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 californica, Easiphonalia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33, 34 Callisla ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18, 19, 20, 48 cathcarlensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 49 densa harnii nimbosa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 49 pittsburgensis ______ 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 21, 23, 28, 48, 49 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Macrocallista) nimbosa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 48 pittsburgensis HH 3, 15, 16, 19, 26,48, pl, 12 (Callista) pittsburgensis, Meretrix ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 48 Calyplraea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 23 diegoana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sookensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Calyptraeidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 campbelli, AforLa H, H, 11, 15, 26,37, pl. 7 Canada de Santa Anita, Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Cancellaria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 22 sp LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Cardiidae Cardiomya ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 22 Cardita borealis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 Carditamerinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Carditidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cardium coaperii lorenzanum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 lorenzanum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 semiasperum H solidum carinala, Spirotropis Caryophyllia sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, castrensis, Nucula cathcartensis, Callista ,,,,,,,, Centrascymnus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Cephalopod ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 16 Cephalopoda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Chehalis River, Wash ........ chehalisensis, Acteocina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Acteon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26, 40, pl. 7 Priscofusus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Yoldia (Portlandella) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Chiasmolilhus oamaruensis ,,,,,,, chione, Venus Cibicides hadgei ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 Clallam Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Clallam Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 clallamensis, Aforia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 wardi, Aforia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 37 clarki, Pitar (Lamelliconcha) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Selena ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 Clatskanie, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 35 clausa, Cryptonatica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Natica H, Clavella gravida , Clavinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Cnestrium) oregona, YoldLa ,,,,,,,, 44 Coal ,,,,,,,,,,, . 7, 18, 19 Coal Creek, Oreg ,,,,,,,, Coaledo Formation, Oreg _ 31 Coast Ranges, California H H H 8 Coccoliths ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 9, 25 planktonic ,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Coccalithus eopelagicus H . 25 pelagicus LLLLL L 25 Cochladesma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 18, 20, 53 61 62 Page Cochlodesma—Continued. bainbridgensis ,,,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26,53, pl, 16 cacoaensis, Uvigeriria ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 Coelenterata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 colimana, Opalia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 Collections, preparation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Columbia County, Oreg., stratigraphic section ,,,,,,,, . 2, 5 columbiana, Agasama ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Bruclarkia ,,,,,,,,,,,, 1,2, 5,6,9, 11, 14, 15,21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 34, pl, 3 Drillia ....... . ...,............. 38,39 Lucina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Lucinomu ,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 14, 15, 16, 26,45, pl. 10 Salem: (Eosolen) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 Taranis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 26,38, pl, 7 Thesbia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 Turcicula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 columbianum, Agasoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 34 Bruclarkiu ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 28 Phacoides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 condoni, Epitonium (Boreoscala) .. .._ . 1. eugenense, Epitonium (Bareoscalu) ... 28 oregonensis, Epitonium (Bareoscala) ,,,,,,,,,, 28 Thracia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21, 28, 54 (Thracia) ,,,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26, 54, pl. 16 Conger eels ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Congridae 1......1... conradi, Solen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 consimilis, Quercus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 Conus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 22 cooperii larenzanum, Cardium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 Ynldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 (Kalayoldia) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Coos Bay, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 25, 28, 5O Coral ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 Corbis ,,,,,,,,,, corbuloides, Thracia corrugatum, Perse Cowlitz Formation, Wash Crabs crenala, Turbo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 Crenelia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18, 19, 22, 45 porterensis ,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 19, 26, 45, pl. 12 washingtonensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 Crenellinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 Crepidula .1... . .. ... ..,.....1... 16, 17, 20, 31, 40 pileum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26,31, pl. 1 ungana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 (Spirocrypta) pileum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3] Crinoid Beds, Keasey Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Crinoidea Crinoids Crustacea Crypta (Spirocrypta) pileum .... Cryptonatica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 19, 20, 31 clause ............... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 oregonensis.. .. ... ., . 1 _ . ..-.......... 31 pittsburgensis .... ,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 26,31, pl. 1 Cyathodonta ............................... .- 53 Cyclicargolithus floridanus ...................... 25 Cyclncardia .......................... 17, 18, 20, 45 hannai..... ...1 ...................... 45 hannibali ............ , subtenta .......... (Cyclocardia) hunnibali ..-. 8, 11, 15, 16,45, pl, 9 (Cyclocardia) hannibali, Cyclocardia . ..... 8, 11, 15, 16, 45, pl, 9 Cylichnina . ................................... 22 turneri .................................. 22, 28 Cymric Shale Member ...................... 9, 25, 28 Calif .................................. Cypraea ................... ... .... D Dall, W, H., cited . .. .... 23 dalli, Molopnphorus . 6, 8, 24, 28, 35 Pitar .......... -. ... 47 (Pitar) . 15, 16,26, 28,47, pl. 12 Pitaria ...................................... 47 INDEX Page Davilinae 1 ................................... 50 decisa, Acila .................................. 3, 22 Nucula..- ......................... 42 (Acila) _- decussatus, Mytilus Deer Island, Oreg - Delectopecten --. sp ..... densa, Callisto 111111 Dentaliidae .................................... 41 Dentalium .................................. 16, 41 elephantinum ......................... ergasticum ........................... laneensis .................................. 9, 42 porterensis .................................. 22 (Fissidentalium) .......................... 17, 18 laneensis .-.. . 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 41, pl. 7 Dentiscala ........ . 1 .................. 30 (Dentiscala), Opalia ............................ 18 hertleini, Opalia ...... -- 11, 15, 16, 26, 30, pl, 3 Diatoms ................................... 20 dickersoni, Acrilla (Ferminoscala) ................ 28 Suauodrillia ................................ 40 Surcula .................................... 40 Dictyococcites bisectus ............................ 25 scrippsae .................................... 25 diegoana, Calyptraea ____________________________ 28 Diller, J, S,, cited ................ Diplodonta ...................... parilis .................................. 28, 46 divaricata, Nucula ._ _ _________________________ 42 diversilineata blakeleyensis, Turritella ............ 30 Drillia columbiana .......................... 38, 39 kennicotti .................................. 39 duplicata, Neverita .............................. 19 Durham, J. W., cited ............................ 24 E Echinoderms ........................... 17 Echinoidea ............................. Echinoids ................................ 8, 20, 21 Echinophoria ................................ 20, 22 rex Zone .................................... 9 Ecology ...................................... 16‘ edulis, Mytilus .................................. 44 Eelg‘rass ....................................... 21 elephantinum, Dentalium ........................ 41 Ennucula ...................................... 22 sp .......................................... 20 Eocene, provincial correlation ____________________ 25 Eocene-Oligocene boundary ...................... 24 eacernua, Ocotea ................................ 21 eopelagicus, Coccolithus .......................... 25 Eosiphonalia .......................... 16, 19, 20, 33 Californian 111 ........................ 33, 34 oregonensis .-. ...... 3, 11, 15, 16, 26,33, pl, 4 washingtonensis .......................... 33, 34 (Eosiphomzlia) oregonensis, Siphonalia ............ 33 Eosolen .................................. 16, 18, 52 (Eosolen) columbiana, Salem: .................... 52 eugenensis, Selena -- 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 52, pl. 13 Epitoniidae ...................................... 30 Epitonium .................................. 20, 22 keaseyensis ............................. 20 (Boreoscala) condoni - . . - condoni eugenense oregonensis ....... keaseyense ......... ergasticum, Dentalium .......................... 41 Emilia ................................ 17, 18, 20, 50 oregonensis ............... 15, 16, 26,50, pl, 16 Eugene, Oreg .......................... 21, 25, 52 Eugene Formation .............. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 23, 25, 28, 35, 43, 44 age ....................................... 29 fauna ............................ 8,21,22,28 lithology ................................ 21, 25 Oreg ........ 3, 10, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 eugenense, Epitonium (Boreoscala) condani ........ 28 Page eugenense—Continued. Paruicardium ......... eugenensis, Modiolus _________________________ 28 Solen ...................................... 52 Solena .................................. 21, 52 (Eosolen) ........ 14, 15, 16, 26, 28,52, pl, 13 Spisula .................................. 28, 50 eugenia, Tellina -- E urytellina ........ (Eurytellina), Tellina ........................ 17, 18 aduncanasa, Tellina ____ 14, 15, 16,26, 50, pl, 11 Exilia .................................... 20, 22, 23 lincolnensis .............................. 20, 28 F Fasciolariidae .................................. 36 Fauna, Eugene Formation ...................... 23 Gries Ranch Formation ............... 6, 21, 23 Holocene .................................... 17 Keasey Formation ____________________ 19, 20, 23 Pittsburg Bluff Formation ________ 2, 3, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23 Stepof Bay, Alaska ____________________________ 7 Tunnel Point Sandstone ______________________ 22 Faunas, Oligocene ................................ 2 Pacific coast... .......................... 2, 9 (Felania) usta, Mysia ............................ 46 Feloniella ............................ 17, 18, 20, 46 goodspeedi ______________________________ griesensis parilis ........................... serricata ......................... snavelyi ................................ 46, 47 (Feloniellu) snavelyi 1... 14, 15, 16, 26, 46, pl, 10 (Felaniella) snauelyi, Felaniella ........ 14, 15, 16, 26, 46, pl. 10 (Ferminoscala) becki, Acrilla ................... 28 dickersoni, Acrilla ........ 28 Ficus modesta filosa, Lucina 1 1 _ _ F imbria Fish ............ Fish scales ...... Fisher Formation ................................ 7 fishii, Molopophorus ............................ 28 Fissidentalium ................ (Fissidentalium), Dentalium ..-- laneensis, Dentalium .......... 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 41, pl, 7 F issurella ...................................... 19 Fitch, John, cited ................................ 17 F labellum ...................................... 21 hertleini .. .. ........................ 20 floridanus, Cyclicargolithus -. .................. 25 Foraminifera ..................... 5, 7, 8, 9, 20, 22 Bastendorff Shale ............................ 22 planktonic ............................ 9, 17, 25 Refugian Stage ....... stages ................. upper Refugian Stage ........................ 6 zones Formations, Oligocene, California ........... fornicata, Patella .......................... Fossil localities, US. Geological Survey, Pittsburg Bluff Formation ............ 55 Fossils, collection .............................. 2, 14 Ball identifications .......................... 3 fish ........................................ 17 fragments .............................. 17, 18 locality numbers ........................... 2 Pittsburg Bluff Formation ................... 7 plant leaves .................................. 8 preparation ................................ 2, 3 San Lorenzo Formation ..................... 3 sea urchin ................................. 5 Fresno County, Calif .............................. 6 Fulgurofusus .................................... 22 sp ....................................... 20 Fusinidae ..... 36 Page Fusinus (Priscofusus) stewarli ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36 Fusus geniculus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36 G gabbi, Molopophorus ____________ 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 14, 15, 16,23, 24, 26,35, pl. 5 Galvin Station, Lewis County, Wash ______________ 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47 Gastropoda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Gastropods ,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28 Gaviota Formation ______________________________ 24 fauna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 24 Gemmula ___________________________ 20, 22 bentsanae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 geniculus, Fusus ____________________________ 36 gettysburgensis, Acila (Acila) ____________________ 43 gigantea, Venus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 48 Globigerinids ,, W 17 Glossaulax ,,,,,, (Glossaulax), Neueriia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 reclusiana, Neuerita ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 thomsonae, Neverita ______ 11, 14, 15, 26,32, pl, 2 Glycymeris ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 glycimeris, Mya ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 goodspeedi, Felaneilla ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Taras ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Gorgonid coral ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 gravida, Clauella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 Grecco Ranch House ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ., _,, 4 Gries Ranch Formation ,, 4, 5, 6, 21, 23, 24, 25, 35, 43 deposition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, equivalent ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fauna Oreg , Wash __________ 6, 31,32, 33,40, 41, 44, 51, 52 Gries Ranch horizon griesensis, Felaniella , _ Gyrineum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, H Habitats, mollusks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18, 19 Haliotis haliotoidea, Helix ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hannai, Cyclocardia ______________ hannibali, Cyclocardia Cyclocardia (Cyclocardia) W 8, 11, 15, 16, 45, pl. 9 Lucinoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hanniballi, Nucula ,,,,, haydani, Planulina A Helix haliotoidea W, Hemifusus washingtoniana ,,,,,, (Here), Lucimz hertleini, Flabellum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Opalia (Dentiscala) Suauodrillia ,,,,,,,, (Heteromacoma) uancouverensis, Macoma Hiatellidae ______ History of investigation , hodgei, Cibicides 1 hornii, Callista _.,, hyperborea, Yoldia ,,,,,,, I inquinala, Macoma ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Introduction ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I Isocrinus _______________________________________ 20 nehalemensis _______________________________ 20 oregonensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Isthmolithus recurvus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 J jamesae, Neuerita ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Japan 11111111111111111111111111 Jones Beach ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, jasephinia, Neverita ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, INDEX Page K Kalayoldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 (Kalayoldia), Yoldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 cooperi, Yoldia 111111111111111111111111111111 19 oregona, Yoldia ,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 44, pl. 9 Keasey Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25 coccoliths deposition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 fauna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,28 mollusks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , "H 28, 29 northwestern Oregon ________________________ 23 Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 33, 41, 45, 47, 55 Vernonia area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 20, 21, 30 volcanic ash ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 Keasey Shale ________________________________ 1, 6 Keasey Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 9 keaseyensis, Epitoniuml __________________________ 20 Epitonium (Boreascala) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 Keenaea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 (Keenaea), Nemocardium ______________________ 17, 18 lorenzanum, Nemocardiumg14, 15, 16, 26,47, pl. 10 kennicotti, Drillia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39 kincaidi, Spirotropis ,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 26,39, pl. 7 Turricula ,, 39 Turris ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39 Kirker Formation, Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43 Kirker Sandstone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 Kirker Tuff ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 25, 28, 49 Kleinpell, R. M., cited ,,,,,,, H 24 quoted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H 23 K nefastia _____________ ,_ 22 Kreyenhagen Formation 9 Kreyenhagen Shale ,,,,,,,,,, A 4, 6 Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44, 49 kusiroensis, Mya (Arenomya) _ W 28 L Lacia u , 42 laevis, Pandora (Pandora) _ , 28 (Lamelliconcha) clarki, Pitar, __ 28 laneensis, Dentalium ,,,,,,, __- 9, 42 Dentalium (Fissidentalium) ________ 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 41, pl, 7 leana, Anatina _ Leda acala ,,,,, lincolnensis oregona washingtonensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43 Leionucula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 (Leionucula), Nucula ________________________ 17, 18 nuculana, Nucula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 vokesi, Nucula ,,,,, ____ 14, 15, 16, 26, 42, pl. 8 lignaria, Bulla ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L-.. 41 Lima ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 22 Lincoln Creek beds ,1" 4 Lincoln Creek Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25, 45 Wash ,,,. 8, 10, 24, 28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47,48, 49, 53, 55 Lincoln Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 35, 38 Lincoln horizon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4, 5 Lincoln [Lincoln Creek] Formation -- 3, 5, 6, 8, 23, 24 Lincoln Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 9 lincolnensis, Exilia Leda ______________ Molopophorus , , ,, Natica ,,,,,,,,,,, Polinices ,,,,,, washingtonensis ____________ (Polinices) washingtonensis H Selena ___________________ Tellina (Moerella) _________ Liracassis _________________ Litorhadia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 19, 20, 43 washingtonensis W" 8, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26, 43, pl. 9 Long Island, NY ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 lorenzana, Solena __________________ lorenzanum, Cardium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cardium cooperii ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 Nemocardium ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,19,21,47 (Keenaea) __________ 14, 15, 16, 26, 47, pl. 10 Lorenzian Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 Loxocardium ________________________________ 21, 23 Lucina columbiana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 filasa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 (Here) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Lucinidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 Lucinoma ____________________________ 17, 19, 20, 45 acutilineata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28, 46 annulata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 columbiana ,,,,,,,,,, 8, 14, 15, 16, 26,45, pl, 10 hannibali __________________________________ 46 M Macorna ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 22, 23 inquinata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 (Heteromacoma) vancouuerensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Macracallista ____________________________ 48, pl. 17 piltsburgensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 9, 48 community ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Macrocallista), Callista ,,,,,,,,,,,, nimbosa, Callista ____________________________ 48 pittsburgensis, Callista .......... 3, 15, 16, 19, 26, 48,‘pL 12 Macrouridae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Mactra ovalis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W 49 pittsburgensis 6 solida ...... Mactracea __. Mactridae H, Mactromeris ,,,,,,,, (Mactromeris), Spisula 1, W 17, 18, 50 pittsburgensis, Spisula __ ,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26, 49, pl. 14 ueneriformis, Spisula ______________ 11, 15, 16, 26, 50, pl, 14 Malletia ___________ 1 __ 20 mamillaria, Natica , 32 Margaritan Stage ,,,,,,, 9 Marrowstone Shale, Wash ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34, 48 Martesia sp ,,,,,,, maximus, Brisaster Megafaunal zones, Tertiary .1- Meretrix (Callista) pittsburgensis ,,,,,, merriama, Nuculana Mesodesmatidae minima, Acila (Truncacila) nehalemensis _____ Minormalletia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Miocene, provincial correlation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Mist, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 5, 11,20, 21 Mitra ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 22 modesta, Ficus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Modiolus eugenensis ,,,,,,,,, (Maerella) lincolnensis, Tellina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Mollusca ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Mollusks, Alaska ,,,,,, Alsea Formation ,, Asiatic origin ______ Bastendorff Shale“ Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 8 faunal zones ______________________________ 14 fragments ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 habitats ,,,,, infaunal community ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Keasey Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28, 29 Lincoln Stage 9 Newport area _____________ Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 Pacific Coast ______________ 9, 23 Pittsburg Bluff Formation "H 2, 7, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28 distribution post-late Eocene 64 Mollusks—Continued. stages _____________________ taxonomy Tertiary, Calif 111 Tertiary formations 11 Tunnel Point Sandstone Twin River Formation 1 8 zones _____________________________________ 9 Molopophorus ,,,,,,,,,, 19, 20, 35, pl. 17 biplicatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 quadranadosum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 dalli ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 8, 24, 28, 35 fishii ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 gabbi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 26, 35, pl. 5 Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 6, 7, 24, 34, 35, 37 of Durham ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 lincolnensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 3, 4, 5 stephensoni Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 37 (Molopophorus) striata, Bullia 11 Monterey Bay, Calif ,,,,,,,,,, Montereyan Stage Montesano horizon ,,,,, 4 Moody Shale Member, Toledo Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 rnorchi, Trophon _______ Muricacea _____________ Mya ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 54 glycimeris ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 nitens (Arenomya) kusimensis 1.11 Myrica 5p ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 Myrteinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 Mysia (Felania) usta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Mytilidae ______________________________________ 44 Mytilus ____________________________ 17, 18, 19, 20, 44 decussatus __________________________________ 451 edulis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 snohomishensis ________________ 14, 15, 16, 28,44 N Natica brunnea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 clausa ,,,,,,,,,,, lincolnensis mamillaria ,,,,,,, tectula ______ washingtonensis weaveri ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 (Natica) sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 (Natica) sp1, Natica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Naticidae Naticids ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Naticinae Nautilidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nautililes angustatus ,,,,,,,,,, Nautilus angustatus Nehalem River, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,, 2, 3, 5, 11, 37, 50, 51 Nehalem River Highway, near Pittsburg, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 nehalemensis, Acila ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 Acila (Truncacila) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 21, 23, 28, 43 Isocrinus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 minima, Acila (Truncacila) ,,,,,,,,,,,, 111 28 Neill) oregona ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 111 44 Nekewis 111 20, 22 Nemocardium __________________________ 111 22, 47 lorenzanum 1111 .1- 8, 19,21, 47 samarangae __1 (Keenaea) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 lorenzanum ________ 14, 15, 16, 26,47, pl. 10 Neptunea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 1. 111 '22 Neptuneidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 111 33 Nestucca Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Neuerita ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 18, 20, 32 duplicata ,,,,,,, jamesae josephinia ,,,,,,,,,,,, reclusiana thamsonae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 9, 21, 28, 32 INDEX Page Neverita—Continued, (Glossaulax) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 reclusiana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 thomsonae 1 1 11, 14, 15, 26, 32, pl. 2 Newport, Oreg .1 25, 28 nimbosa, Callista 1111 Callista (Macrocallista) 1. 48 Venus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 48 nitens, Mya ,,,,,,,,,, 11 50 Norbisrath, Hans, quoted 111 2 Notorhynchus castrensis decisa 1 1 1 divaricaia 1111 hanniballi ,,,,,,,,,,, vokesi (Acila) decisa _________________________________ 42 shumardi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 (Leionucula) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 nuculana ________________________________ 42 uokesi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16,26, 42,13], 8 Nuculana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 22 lincolnensis 4 merriarna oregona ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 washingtonensis ____________________ 9, 20, 28, 43 community ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 nuculana, Nucula (Leionucula) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 Nuculanidae ____________________________________ 43 nuculeus, Arca 1111111111111111111111111111111111 42 Nuculidae Nye Shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 O oamaruensis, Chiasmolithus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 obliquum, Sinum ,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 19, 28, 33, pl. 1 obliquus, Solen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 Ocotea eocernua ________________________________ 21 Odonlaspis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Odostomia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 17, 20, 40 winlockiana ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26,40, pl, 3 (Odostomia) winlockiana ,,,,,, 40 (Odostomia) winklockiana, Odoslomia 111 ,,,,,, 40 Olequahia __________________________________ 20, 22 schencki ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Oligocene, climate 1111111111111111111111 4, 6, 8, 9, 19 faunal horizons ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 formations ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6 marine rocks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 middle, US. Geological Survey fossil localities ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 55 provincial correlation ,,,,,,,, Oligocene faunas, Alaska ,,,,,,,, 8 Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, summary ________________ Pacific Coast ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Oligocene sea ,,,,,,,,,, 111 7, 14, 19, 21 Oligocene sediments, deposition ________________ 7, 25 Pacific Northwest ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Oligocene-Miocene boundary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 Oliuella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 olyrnpicensis, Perse __________________________ 24, 37 quirnpersensis, Perse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 24, 37 Opalia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 20, 30 colimana 1111 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 (Dentiscala) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 hertleini ,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26, 30, pl. 3 Operculina sp 11 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Opertochasma 11 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 turnerae ______________________ 28 Ophiuroidea _________________________________ 20 Oregon, Oligocene faunas ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Oligocene faunas, summary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 Oregon City, Oreg ______________________________ 44 oregona, Leda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 Neila N uculana 1 1 Yoldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 Page oregano—Continued, (Cnestrium) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 (Kalayoldia) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 44, pl. 9 (Portlandia) ____________________________ 44 oregonensis, Cryptanatica ________________________ 31 Easiphoualia ,,,,,,,,,, 3, 11, 15, 16, 26, 33, pl, 4 Epitonium (Boreoscala) condoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Ervilia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15, 16, 26,50, pl. 16 Isocrinus 1 1 1 1 Siphonalia 11 (Eosiphonalia): ,,,,,,,, Strepsidura Turritella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 30 Ostrea ______________________________________ 16, 40 Otoliths ________ oualis, Mactra 11 P Pachydesma ,,,,,, 22 packardi, Plectofrondicularia 20 Spisula 1 22 Pandora 11111111 1 22 (Pandora) laevis 111 1 28 (Pandora) laevis, Pandora 111111111111111111111111 28 Panope 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 52 aldrouandi 1111111111111111111111111111111111 52 ramonensis 1111111111111111111111111111111111 53 snohomishensis 111111111111111111111111111111 52 Panopea 111111111111111 17, 18, 19, 20,52 abrupta 1.1. 1111111111111111 53 ramanensis 1111111111 9, 14, 15, 16, 26,53, pl. 15 snohamishensis 1111111111 14, 15, 16, 26, 52, pl. 15 (Panapea) ramonensis 111111111111111111111111 28 (Panopea) ramonensis, Panopea 111111111111111111 28 Parasyrinx 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 39 parilis, Diplodonta 11111111111111111111111111 28, 46 Felaniella 1111111111111111111111111111111111 47 Parvicardiurn 111111111111111111111111111111111111 22 eugenense 111111111111111111111111111111111 28 parvuum, Acteon 1111111111111111111111111 28, 40, 41 Patella fornicata 1111111 Pebble Creek 11111111111 6 Pecten 11111111111111111111111111 16, 22, 40 pelagicus, Coccalithus 111 111111111111111 25 Pelecypoda 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 42 Pelecypods 11111111111111 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28 Periplomatidae 1111111111111111111111111111111111 53 Perse 1111111111111111111111111 16, 19, 20, 36, pl, 17 corrugatum _1__ 111111111111111111111111111111 36 lincolnensis 11111111111111111111111111111111 28, 37 olympicensis 1 111111111111111111111111 24, 37 quimpersensis 11111111111111111111 6, 24, 37 pittsburgensis 1111111111 6, 11, 14, 15, 16, 24, 26, 36, 37, pl. 6 vernoniensis 1111111111 11, 14, 15, 26, 37, pl. 6 perspectivus, Trochus 111111111 Phacoides columbianum 1111111 Phanerolepida 11111111111111111111111111111111 20, 21 Pholas 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 22 pileum, Crepidula 111111111111 11, 15, 16, 26,31, pl, 1 Crepidula (Spirocrypta) 1111111111111111111111 31 Crypta (Spirocrypla) 111111111111111111111111 31 Pitar 111111111111111111111111111111 17, 18, 20, 22, 47 dalli 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 47 (Lamelliconcha) clarki 11111111111111111111 1. 28 (Pitar) dalli 111111111111 15, 16, 26, 28,47, pl, 12 sp 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 28 (Pitar) dalli, Pitar 1111111111 15, 16, 26, 28, 47, pl. 12 sp,, Pitar 111111111111111111111111111111111111 28 Pitaria dalli 111111111111111111111111111111111111 47 Pitarinae 111111111111111111111111111111111111 47, 49 Pittsburg, Oreg 1111111111111111 2, 5, 11, 25, 49, 50 Pittsburg Bluff, Oreg 11. 3 Pittsburg Bluff Formation 1111111 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 23, 24, 41, 50 age 111111111111111111111111111111111 2, 23, 25, 29 coal 1111111111111111111111111111111111 7, 18, 19 correlation 1111111111111111 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 24,25 Page Pittsburg Bluff Formation—Continued. deposition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 ecology ____________________________________ 16 equivalents ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 28 fauna __________ 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 19,20, 21, 22,41, 47, 50 faunal zones ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fossil localities __________________________ 10, 55 fossil matrix ____________________________ 17, 18 geographic distribution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 habitats ______________________________ 17, 18, 19 lithology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11,25 lower member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 6 mollusks __________ 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19,20, 22, 25, 28,29 distribution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 northwestern Oregon ____________________ 10, 23 Oligocene faunas, Oregon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33, 34, 35, 37 shale ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 species checklist ____________________________ 14 stratigraphic sections ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 stratigraphy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -- 6, 7, 10, 19 terrestrial beds ..-- ._- 6 thickness ,,,,,,,,,, - 7 11 14, 19 type area ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 5, 11, 42 type locality ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,6, 7,11,21,24, 54 upper member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 Vernonia area ,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 20, 30, 31, 33, 37, 38, 43, 49, 51 Pittsburg Bluff sandstone _______________________ 1 Pittsburg Bluffs ,,,,,,,,,, ._ _____ 1, 5 pittsburgensis, Callisto __________ 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 21, 23, 28, 48, 49 Callisto (Macrocallista) ,,,,,,,, 3, 15, 16, 19, 26, 48, pl. 12 Cryptonatica ,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 26, 31, pl, 1 Macrocallista 2, 9, 48 Mactra ,,,,,,,,, ..-. 6 Meretrix (Callista) _ __________________ 48 Parse __________________ 6, 11, 14, 15, 16, 24, 26, 36, 37, pl. 6 Spisula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 24, 28, 49 Spisula (Mactromeris) ____________ 14, 15, 16, 26, 49, pl, 14 Tellina - . 5, 14, 15, 16, 21,26, 28, 51, pl. 11 Turritella _______________ 11, 15, 16, 26, 29, pl. 3 uemaniensis, Perse - 11, 14, 15, 26,37, pl. 6 plagiaulax, Solen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 52 Plantae ________________________ 20 Planulina haydoni .__ 8 Plectofrondicularia packardl ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2O (Plectosalen) townsendensis, Solen ________________ 51 Pleito Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 4 plicatus, Turbo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __ - 40 Palinices ______________________________ 16, 20, 22, 32 albus -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 lincolnensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 washingtonensis ,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 11, 14, 15, 21, 26, 28, 32, pl. 1 lincolnensis _____________________________ 32 sp __________________________________________ 20 (Polinices) ,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 washingtonensis lincolnensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 (Polinices), Polinlces ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 washingtonensis lincolnensis, Polinices ____________________________ 32 Polinicinae . .. . Porter horizon Porter Shale _____ .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 porterensis, Crenella _____ 11, 15, 16, 19, 26, 45, pl. 12 Dentalium A- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 Turritella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 30 Porterius ____________________________________ 20, 22 (Portlandella) chehalisensis, Yaldia ______________ 20 (Portlandia) oregona, Yoldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 44 Poul Creek Formation _______ __ ... 5, 8, 25 Alaska ______________ 8, 28, 34, 36, 43, 44, 45, 46. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 mollusks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 Priscofusus __________________________ 16, 19, 20, 36 INDEX Page Pr'iscofusus—Continued. ' chehalisensis __________ .- _ ,,,,,,,,,, 36 stewarti ,,,,,,,, .. 11, 15, 16, 26,36, pl. 3 (Prisca/usus) stewarti, Fusinus Pristiophorus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Propeamussium - sp ,,,,,,,,, Protocardiinae ,,,,, Pseudacardium ,,,,, sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Psychosyrinx ,,,,,,,,, Puncturella ,,,,,,,,,,, punicea, Tellina Purpose and scope ..-- Pyramidellidae _______________ Q quadranodasum, Molopophorus biplicatus ,,,,,,,, 35 Quercus cansimilis .- Quimper Sandstone . Wash__ ,,,,,,, 32, 34, 35, 41, 44, 50, 51, 52, 54 quimpersensls, Perse olympicensis ,,,,,,,,,, 6, 24, 37 R radiata, Tellina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50 ramonenszs, Panope - Panopea ,,,,,, (Panopea) _ Rat tails - Ray teeth ..__ reclusiana, Neverita ,,,,, Neuerita (Glossaulax) recurvus, Isthmolilhus_- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Refugian Stage ________ 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 23, 24 definition _.. foraminifers Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 type locality ..._ 23, 24 Wash ...................................... 23 Reports dealing with Oligocene Formations and fossils, annotated chronology ..-- 3 Restoration Point, Wash ........................ 36 Restoration Point horizon ........................ 5 Rices Mudstone Member, San Lorenzo Formation ........ 8, 44, 47 rosaceus, Solen .................................. 52 S Salenia ....................................... 20, 21 schencki ................................... 20 samarangae, Nemocardium .................... 47 San Emigdio Canyon, Calif ...................... 5 San Emigdio Formation .............. 4, 5, 6, 28, 32 Calif ........................................ 43 mollusks .............................. 8, 25 San Emigdio Mountains, Calif .................. 5, 9 San Lorenzo Formation ...................... 3, 8, 28 Calif ................................ 33, 36, 54 deposition .................................. 9 foraminifera ............................... 8 members ................................... 8 mollusks .................................. 8, 25 Mount Diablo area .......................... 4 San Lorenzo Group ............. San Lorenzo Series .............. San Ramon Formation .... San Ramon horizon .' ...... 5 San Ramon Sandstone, Calif .............. 35, 36, 53 Santa Ynez Mountains, Santa Barbara County, Calif ............... 23 Santa Ynez Range, Calif ........................ 24 Scalaria australis ................................ 30 Scaphander .......................... 17, 18, 22,41 slewarti ................ 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 26,28, 41, pl. 7 washingtonensis ............................ 41 Scaphandridae ................................. 41 65 Page Scaphopod .................. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 26, 28 Scaphopoda .-- _______ 41 Scappoose, Oreg 7 Scappoose Formation _ .. 6, 7, 10, 11, 29 Schenck, H, G., cited .. quoted ..... schencki, Olequahia Salenia -- Thracia __. scapulosum, Sinum -. .. scrippsae, Dictyacaccites Seastars ..... Semele ......... willamettensis .............................. 28 semiasperum, Cardium .......................... 47 sericata, Taras .......... serricata, Felaniella - Shark teeth ... .......................... 17 shumardi, Acila ................ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 21, 24, 28, 42, 43 Acila (Truncacila) ...... 2, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 42, pl. 8 Nucula (Acila) .............................. 42 sicarius, Solen .............................. 28, 51 Siltstone, Newport area, Oreg .................... 9 Siltstone of Alsea .-- Sininae Sinum ................................ 16, 17, 18,33 obliquum ............ 11, 15, 16, 19, 28,33, pl, 1 scopulasum ............................... 33 Siphonalia ................................... 33 oregonensis ............................... 33 (Eosiphonalia) oregoaensis ................. 33 snavelyi, Felam'ella ........................... 46, 47 Felaniella (Felaniella).... 14, 15, 16, 26,46, pl, 10 snohomishensis, Mytilus ............ 14, 15, 16, 28,44 Panape ...................................... 52 Panopea ............... 14, 15, 16, 26,52, pl. 15 Solemya ................. 20, 21, 22 (Acharax) willapaensis ...................... 20 Salen ................................ 17, 18, 20, 51 conradi .............................. eugenensis ............................ obliquus ................ plagiaulax .............. rosaceus ......................... sicarius .......................... townsendensis ......... 14, 15, 16, 26, 51, pl. 13 vagina ................................... 51 (Plectosolen) townsendensis ................... 51 Selena ...................................... 20, 52 clarki ...................................... eugenensis lincolnensis lorenzana (Easolen) columbiana ....................... 52 eugenensis ............ .- 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 52, pl, 13 Solenidae ...................................... 51 solida, Mactra ................................. 49 solidissima, Spisula .......................... solidum, Cardium ............................. 49 Sooke Formation ...... 4, 5 Vancouver Island, BC ...................... 46 soakensis, Calyptraea ............................ 28 (Spirocr‘ypta) pileum, Crepidula ....... pileum, Crypta ................... Spirotropis .................. 17, 18, 20, 21, 22,39 carinata ................................... 39 kincaidi ................. 11, 14, 15, 26, 39, pl. 7 washingtaaensis ..- ...................... 39 (Spirotropisl winlockensis .................... 40 (Spirotrapis) winlockensis, Spiratropis ............ 40 Spisula .............................. 18, 19, 20, 49 eugenensis .............................. 28, 50 packardi ................................... 22 pittsburgensis ..................... 5, 24, 28, 49 solidissima ......... veneriformis ....... (Mactromeris) ........................ 17, 18, 50 pittsburgensis ...... 14, 15, 16, 26,49, pl. 14 66 Page Spisula4Continued, veneriformis ________ 11, 15, 16, 26, 50, pl. 14 Squalus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Squatina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Stepof Bay, Alaska ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 Stepovak Formation , 8, 25, 28, 43, 47, 53, 54 Stepovak Series ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 stewarti, Fusinus (Priscofusus) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 36 Prisocofusus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26, 36, pl. 3 Scaphander ,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 26, 28 41, pl, 7 Strata, Nehalem River ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Stratigraphic sections, Pittsburg Bluff Formation ,,,,,,, 2 Strepsidura oregonensis H washingtonensis HH striata, Bullia (Molopophorus) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 35 Suauodrillia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 39 dickersoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 hertleini ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39, 40 winlockensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 26, 40, pl. 7 subtenta, Cyclocardia H 45 Surcula dickersoni H H ,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Systematic descriptions ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 T Taranis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18, 20, 38 columbiana 11, 14, 15, 26,38, pl, 7 Taras goodspeedi sericata Tectonatica ,,,,,,,,,,,,, tectula, Natica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 31 Tegula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Tejon Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 23, 31 Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 31, 33, 35 Tejon Pass, Calif ,,,,,,,, A... 31 Tejon Stage H, ,,,,,,,, 5 Tellina ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 22, 50 aduncanasa ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H 8, 21, 28, 50 eugenia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 pittsburgensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26, 28,51, pl. 11 punicea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5O radiata ,,,,,, 50 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 28 (Euljytellina) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 aduncanasa ....... 14, 15, 16, 26,50, pl, 11 (Moerella) lincolnensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Tellinidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Tellininae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50 Temblor Formation H __ 9, 25, 28 Calif ,,,,,,,, H, 33, 34,39, 42, 53 Temblor Range, Calif Temblorian Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 9 tenuissima, Yoldia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, terebra, Turbo Thesbia columbiana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 thomsonue, Neverita ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 9, 21, 28, 32 Neverita (Glossaulax) 11, 14, 15, 26, 32, pl, 2 Thracia H 17, 18, 20, 22,54 condoni ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21, 28, 54 corbuloides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .H 54 schencki ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, trapezoides ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 54 (Thracia) condoni ,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26, 54, pl. 16 (Thracia) condoni, Thracia __ 14, 15, 16, 26,54, pl, 16 Thraciidae ,,,,,, Thuja sp H Thyasira , Tindaria ,,,,, Toledo Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 9 Moody Shale Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 tornatilis, Voluta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 townsendensis, Solen , Solen (Plectosolen) , trapezoides, Thracia ,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26, 51, pl. 13 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51 INDEX Page Trochid, unidentified ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15,29, pl. 1 Trochidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Troohus perspectiuus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Trophon marchi H ,H 38 Truncacila ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 42 (Truncacila), Acila __________________ 17, 18, 22, 43 nehalemensis, Acila iiiiiiiiiiii 20, 21, 23, 28, 43 minima, Acila ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 shumardi, Acila ,,,,,, 2, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 42, pl, 8 tumens, Venus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 Tumey Formation ,,,,,,,, 7, 8, 25, 28 Calif 43, 44, 48, 51 Tumey Sandstone ______________ 6 Tunnel Point, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Tunnel Point beds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 Tunnel Point Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 6, 23, 24 Tunnel Point Sandstone ............... 1, 5, 6, 22, 44 mollusks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22, 25, 28 southwestern Oreg ,,,,,,, 23, 32, 34, 36, 39, 43, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Turbo crenata ..... 30 pli/Jatus ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4O terebra ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Turcicula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20, 21, 22 columbiana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 turnerae, Opertochasma . H- 28 turneri, Cylichnina , - 22, 28 Turricula kincaidi , H, 39 Turriculinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37 Turridae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37 Turrinae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 Turris kincaidi __________________________________ 39 Turritella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H 14, 16, 17, 18, 22,29 diversilineata blakeleyensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 olympicensis Zone oregonensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pittsburgensis ,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26, 29, pl, 3 porterensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 30 Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3, 4, 6, 34 uvasana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29, 30 variata lorenzana Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 Zone ,,,,,,,,, wheatlandensis H, Turritellidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29 Twin River Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7, 10 Wash ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10, 45 Two Bar Shale Member, San Lorenzo Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 U U mpquaia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 ungana, Crepidula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 Ungulinidae ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Ushikubitoga Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 Japan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45, 46 usta, Mysia (Felania) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ 46 uvasana, Turritella H 29, 30 U uigerina cocoaensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8 V vagina, Solen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 51 Vancouver Island 111111111111111111111111111111 4, 5 vancouverensis, Macoma (Heteromacoma) _ , 28 Vaqueros Sandstone 8 Vaquerosian Stage , 9 Veneridae ___________ veneriformis, Spisula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50 Spisula (Mactromeris)HH 11, 15, 16, 26,50, pl. 14 Venus chione ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 48 gigantea ,,,,, , 48 nimbosa ,,,,, , 48 tumensH,HH H H 47 Vernonia, Oreg ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19, 25, 51 uemoniensis, Perse Page uernoniensis—Continued, pittsburgensis HH 11, 14, 15, 26, 37, pl. 6 Vertebrata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Vicksburg Group ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Vokes, H, E,, cited ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 7, 14 uokesi, Bruclarkia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 N ucula ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 (Leionucula) 111111111 14, 15, 16, 26, 42, pl, 8 Voluta tornatilis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 W Wahkiakum horizon ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 wardi, Aforia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 Aforia clallamensis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16, 37 Washington County, Oreg, stratigraphic section ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 washingtonensis, Crenella ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 Eosiphonalia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33, 34 Leda ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43 Litorhadia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 14, 15, 16, 21, 26, 43, pl. 9 Natica ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 Nuculana ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H 9, 20, 28, 43 Polinices ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 11, 14, 15, 21, 26, 28 32, pl. 1 Scaphander Spirotropis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39 Strepsidura ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 lincolnensis, Polinices 1111111 , 32 Polinices (Polinices) ,,,,, , 32 washingtoniana, Hemifusus H, Warren, W, C,, quoted Weaver, D. W,, cited H weaveri, Natica ,,,,,,,, Welton, B, J,, quoted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Wheatland Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6, 28, 30 Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wheatlandensis, Turritella _ Whitneyella ,,,,,,,,,, Willamette Valley, Oreg willamettensis, Semele ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28 willapaensis, Solemya (Acharax) ,,,,,,,,,,,, ____ 20 Wilson’s Bluff, Oreg HH 3 winlockensis, Spirotropis (Spirotropis) ____________ 40 Suauodrillia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11, 14, 15, 26, 40, pl, 7 winlockiana, Odostomia ,,,,,, 11, 15, 16, 26,40, pl. 3 Odostomia (Odostomia) H, ,H 40 Worms, polychaete ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Wygal Sandstone Member ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9, 25, 28 Calif ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33, 42, 53 Y Yakataga Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Yaquina Formation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1, 5, 23 Yoldia ,,,,,,,,,, HH 18, 19, 20, 22, 44 arctica ,,,,,, cooperii hyperborea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H, 44 oregona ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, _H 44 tenuissima ,,,,,,,,,, H. 44 (Cnestrium) oregano (Kalayoldia) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17, 18 cooperi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 oregona ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, 15, 16, 26, 28, 44,pl, 9 (Portlandella) chehalisensis ,,,,,,,, (Portlandia) oregona _ _ _ strigata Zone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Z Zemorrian Stage ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5, 9, 23, 24 ziczac, Aturia ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 54 Zostera ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 21 sp ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2O PLATES 1—17 [Contact photographs of the plates in this report are available, at cost, from U.S. Geological Survey Library, Federal Center, Denver, Colo. 80225.]PLATE 1 Figures 1-4. 5,8. 6,7. 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23. 10, 11. 14, 17, 20-22, 24. Architectonica blanda Dali, p. 29 1-3. Height (incomplete) 10.0 mm, width (incomplete) 14.0 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213945. 4. Height (incomplete) 8.5 mm, width (incomplete) 14.0 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213946. Crepidula pileum (Gabb), p. 31 Height 4.5 mm, width 8mm, length 18 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213947. Unidentified trochid?, p. 29 Height (incomplete) 18.3 mm, width (incomplete) 24.8 mm. Locality USGS 15312. USNM 213948. Cryptonatica pittsburgensis, n. sp., p. 31 9. Height (incomplete) 19.0 mm, width 12.1 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213949. 12. Height (incomplete) 17.8 mm, width (incomplete) 16.9 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213950. 13. Height (incomplete) 16.0 mm, width (incomplete) 14.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310h. USNM 213951. 15. 23. Height (incomplete) 18.4 mm, width 18.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213952. 16. Height (incomplete) 18.4 mm, width (incomplete) 18.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213953. 18. Height (incomplete) 12.5 mm, width 12.5 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 213954. 19. Height 11.9 mm, width (incomplete) 11.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213955. Sinum aff. S. obliquum (Gabb), p. 33 Height (incomplete) 8.7 mm, width (incomplete) 9.2 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213956. Polinices washingtonensis (Weaver), p. 32 14. 22. Height (incomplete) 24.2 mm, width 23.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213957. 17. Height(incomplete) 17.4 mm, width (incomplete) 17.9 mm. Locality USGS 15310h. USNM 213958. 20. Height (incomplete) 23.8 mm, width (incomplete) 23.4 mm. Locality USGS 15310h. USNM 213959. 21. Height (incomplete) 29.8 mm, width (incomplete) 27.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213960. 24. Height (incomplete) 21.0 mm, width 19.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310h. USNM 213961.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 1 Xl ’/> ARCHITECTONICA, CREPIDULA, UNIDENTIFED TROCHID?, CRYPTONATICA .SINUM, AND POLINICESPLATE 2 Figures 1-15. Neverita (Glossaulax) thomsonae Hickman, p. 32 I. Height (incomplete) 34.0 mm, width (incomplete) 36.5 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213962. 2,5. Height (incomplete) 36.0 mm, width (incomplete) 41.2 mm. Locality USGS 5394. USNM 213963. 3. Height (incomplete) 39.6 mm, width (incomplete) 37.7 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213964. 4. Height (incomplete) 43.3 mm, width (incomplete) 45.2 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213965. 6. Height (incomplete) 21.5 mm, width (incomplete) 21.7 mm. Locality USGS M3878. USNM 213966. 7. Height (incomplete) 24.7 mm, width (incomplete) 29.0 mm. Locality USGS M3857. USNM 213967. 8. 12. Height 19.8 mm, width (incomplete) 23.3 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213968. 9. Height 15.3 mm, width (incomplete) 10.4 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213969. 10. Height 44.7 mm, width 49.6 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213970. II. Height 18.3 mm, width 19.6 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213971. 13. Height 23.1 mm, width (incomplete) 27.3 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213972. 14. Height 52.5 mm, width (incomplete) 46.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213973. 15. Height (incomplete) 36.0 mm, width (incomplete) 36.6 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 213974.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 2 xiy, NEVE RITAPLATE 3 Figures 1-5, 21-23. 6, 8, 20. 7, 9, 10. 11-16. 17-19. Bruclarkia Columbiana (Anderson and Martin), p. 34 1. Height (incomplete) 59.5 mm, width (incomplete) 48.3 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213975. 2. Height 12.6 mm, width (incomplete) 8.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213976. 3. 4. Height (incomplete) 5.6 mm, width (incomplete) 3.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213977. Note protoconch on figure 3. 5. Height (incomplete) 44.7 mm, width (incomplete) 30.5 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213978. 21, 23. Height (incomplete) 68.5 mm, width (incomplete) 52.7 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213979. 22. Height (incomplete) 59.5 mm, width (incomplete) 14.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213980. Opalia (Dentiscala?) hertleini, n. sp., p. 30 6. Height (incomplete) 6.6 mm, width 3.8 mm. Locality USGS 21612. USNM 213981. 8. Height (incomplete) 13.2 mm, width (incomplete) 8.1 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213982. 20. Holotype. Height (incomplete) 29.7 mm, width (incomplete) 12.0 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213983. Odostomia winlockiana Effinger, p. 40 7. Height (incomplete) 4.5 mm, width 2.2 mm. Locality USGS 5329, Gries Ranch Formation. On the Nehalem road about 14,871 feet south of Clatskanie, sec. 24, T. 7 N., R. 5 W., Oregon. USNM 213984. 9, 10. Height 2.5 mm, width 1.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213985. Turritella pittsburgensis, n. sp., p. 29 11. Height (incomplete) 21 mm, width 6 mm. Locality USGS 15278. USNM 213986. 12. Height (incomplete) 30 mm, width 11 mm. Locality USGS 15519. USNM 213987. 13. Height (incomplete) 33 mm, width 12 mm. Locality USGS 15519. USNM 213988. 14. Height (incomplete) 21 mm, width 8 mm. Locality USGS 15278. USNM 213989. 15. Height (incomplete) 30 mm, width 11 mm. Locality USGS 15519. USNM 213990. 16. Holotype. Height (incomplete) 28.6 mm, width (incomplete) 10.7 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 213991. Priscofusus stewarti (Tegland), p. 36 17. 19. Height (incomplete) 29.6 mm, width 12.7 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213992. 18. Height (incomplete) 16.7 mm, width (incomplete) 10.6 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 213993.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 3 vs % BRUCLARKIA, OP ALIA, ODOSTOMIA, TURRITELLA, AND PRISCOFUSUSPLATE 4 Figures 1-9. Eosiphonalia oregonensis (Dali) p. 33 1, 3. Height 39.2 mm, width 27.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213994. 2. Height 30.4 mm, width 23.2 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213995. 4, 6. Holotype. Height 30 mm, width 21 mm. Locality UW 500. In fine-grained brownish-gray sandstone in road cut near Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oreg. USNM 107395. 5, 8. Height 32.8 mm, width 24.5 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213996. 7, 9. Height 31.2 mm, width 23.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 213997.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 4 1 EOSIPHONALIAPLATE 5 Figures 1-22. Molopophorus gabbi Dali, p. 35 I, 2. Height (incomplete) 10.8 mm, width (incomplete) 7.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310f. USNM 213998 3. 6. Height (incomplete) 16.8 mm, width (incomplete) 12.6 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 213999. 4. Protoconch. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214000. 5. Height (incomplete) 16.7 mm, width (incomplete) 13.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214001. 7. Protoconch. Locality USGS M3857. USNM 214002. 8. Height (incomplete) 25.4 mm, width (incomplete) 17.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214003. 9. Height (incomplete) 17.3 mm, width (incomplete) 20.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214004. 10. Height 27.8 mm, width 20.9 mm. Locality USGS 15310a. USNM 214005. II. Height 27.0 mm, width 21.3 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214006. 12. Height 24.7 mm, width 20.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214007. 13. Height (incomplete) 26.2 mm, width (incomplete) 20.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214008. 14. Height (incomplete) 24.2 mm, width (incomplete) 19.2 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214009. 15. Height (incomplete) 19.8 mm, width (incomplete) 16.6 mm, Locality USGS 15264. USNM 21410. 16. Height 27.0 mm, width 20.1 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214011. 17. Height 26.6 mm, width 21.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214012. 18. Height 24.7 mm, width (incomplete) 21.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214013. 19. 22. Holotype. Height 19 mm, width 12 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 107377. 20. Height (incomplete) 23.7 mm, width (incomplete) 17.0 mm. Locality USGS 2415. USNM 214014. 21. Paratype. Height (incomplete) 16 mm, width 11.5 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 214016.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 5 X1 ’/, x1 ’/, MOLOPOPHORUSPLATE 6 Figures 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, Perse pittsburgensis Durham, p. 36 12-14, 18-20. 1, 4. Height 32.3 mm, width (incomplete) 15.8 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214017. 6. Height (incomplete) 21.0 mm, width (incomplete) 11.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214018. 7. Height (incomplete) 12.0 mm, width (incomplete) 10.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214019. 9. Height (incomplete) 6.7 mm, width (incomplete) 4.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214020. 12. Height (incomplete) 16.7 mm, width (incomplete) 12.2 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214021. 13. Height (incomplete) 17.6 mm, width (incomplete) 13.3 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214022. 14. Height (incomplete) 15.4 mm, width (incomplete) 11.5 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214023. 18. Protoconch. Locality USGS 15264b. USNM 214024. 19. Height (incomplete) 11.8 mm, width (incomplete) 9.8 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214025. 20. Height (incomplete) 13.5 mm, width (incomplete) 8.9 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214026. 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15-17. Perse pittsburgensis vernoniensis, n. subsp., p. 37 2, 3. Height (incomplete) 23.8 mm, width (incomplete) 14.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214027. 5, 8. Height (incomplete) 30.4 mm, width (incomplete) 15.1 mm. Locality USGS 15588. Holotype USNM 214028. 10. Height (incomplete) 23.4 mm, width (incomplete) 13.0 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214029. 11. Height (incomplete) 27.6 mm, width (incomplete) 19.4 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214030. 15. Height (incomplete) 24.3 mm, width (incomplete) 16.7 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214031. 16. Height (incomplete) 28.0 mm, width (incomplete) 15.2 mm, Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214032. 17. Height (incomplete) 23.0 mm, width (incomplete) 11.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214033.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 6 PERSE \ *PLATE 7 Figures 1,9,10,13. 2, 3, 5-8, 16, 37. 4, 11, 12, 15, 33-36, 38. 14, 17. 18, 23-32. 19. 20, 21. 22. Spirotropis kincaidi (Weaver), p. 39 1. Protoconch. Height (incomplete) 10.4 mm, width (incomplete) 6.4 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214034. 9. Height (incomplete) 17.2 mm, width (incomplete) 7.8 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214035. 10. Height 15.1 mm, width (incomplete) 7.3 mm. Locality USGS 15310a. USNM 225304. 13. Height (incomplete) 6.3 mm, width (incomplete) 5.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214036. Taranis Columbiana (Anderson and Martin) p. 38 2. Height (incomplete) 10.7 mm, width (incomplete) 5.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264a. USNM 214037. 3. Height (incomplete) 7.7 mm, width (incomplete) 4.7 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214038. 5. Height (incomplete) 10.8 mm, width 4.9 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214039. 6. Smooth-keeled form. Height (incomplete) 10.9 mm, width (incomplete) 6.1 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214040. 7. Height (incomplete) 8.1 mm, width (incomplete) 4.3 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214041. 8. Protoconch. Height 10.0 mm, width (incomplete) 4.8 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214042. 16. Smooth-keeled form. Height (incomplete) 9.6 mm, width (incomplete) 5.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264b. USNM 214043. 37. Intermediate form. Height (incomplete) 11.4 mm, width (incomplete) 5.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214044. Suavodrillia winlockensis (Effinger), p. 40 4. Protoconch. Height (incomplete) 8.0 mm, width (incomplete) 4.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310a. USNM 214045. 11. Height (incomplete) 3.5 mm, width (incomplete) 1.8 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214046. 12. Height (incomplete) 10.2 mm, width (incomplete) 4.4 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214047. 15. Height (incomplete) 4.9 mm, width 2.4 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214048. 33. Height (incomplete) 6.0 mm, width 3.3 mm. Locality USGS 15264b. USNM 214049. 34. Height (incomplete) 5.1 mm, width (incomplete) 2.2 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214050. 35. 36. Height 10.6 mm, width 4.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310a. USNM 214051. 38. Height (incomplete) 6.9 mm, width 3.2 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214052. Dentalium (Fissidentalium?) laneensis Hickman, p. 41 14. Length (incomplete) 19.0, diameter: greatest 5.2 mm, least 3.3 mm. Locality USGS 2723. USNM 214053. 17. Length (incomplete) 30.6 mm, diameter: greatest 10.0 mm, least 5.3 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214054. Scaphander stewarti Durham, p. 41 18. 29. Height (incomplete) 10.9 mm, width (incomplete) 6.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214055. 23, Height (incomplete) 9.8 mm, width (incomplete) 5.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264b. USNM 214056. 24, 27. Height (incomplete) 8.8 mm, width 4.9 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214057. 25, 26. Height (incomplete) 13.8 mm, width (distorted) 8.3 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214058. 28. Height (incomplete) 10.7 mm, width (incomplete) 6.1 mm. Locality USGS 15264b. USNM 214059. 30, 31. Height 12.1 mm, width 7.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214060. 32. Height (incomplete) 9.4 mm, width 9.0 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 214061. Acteon? n. sp.?, p. 41 Height (incomplete) 4.1 mm, width (incomplete) 3.0 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214062. Acteon chehalisensis (Weaver), p. 40 20. Height (incomplete) 8.2 mm, width (incomplete) 4.4 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214063. 21. Height (incomplete) 10.0 mm, width (incomplete) 5.4 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214064. Aforia campbelli Durham, p. 37 Height (incomplete) 28.0 mm, width (incomplete) 21.0 mm. Locality USGS 15519. USNM 214065.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 7 SPIROTROPIS, TARANIS, SUAVODRILLIA, DENTALIUM, SCAPHANDER, ACT EON1., ACTEON, AND AFORIAPLATE 8 Figures 1-9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18. 10, 13, 16, 17. Acila (Truncacila) shumardi (Dali), p. 42 I. Length 18.0 mm, width (both valves) 9.7 mm, height 13.4 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214066. 2,3, 7. Length 24.4 mm, width 14.5 mm, height 18.7 mm, Locality USGS 2714. USNM 107402. 2. End view of escutcheon. 3. Left valve. 7. Top view of lunule. 4. Length 28.0 mm, width 7.7 mm, height 20.2 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214067. 5, 6. Holotype. Length 24.2 mm, height 17.8 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 406405. 8. Length 26.2 mm, width (one valve) 7.5 mm, height 19.9 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214068. 9. Length 14.1 mm, width (one valve) 4.5 mm, height 10.3 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214069. II. Length 25.1 mm, width (one valve) 7.3 mm, height 19.3 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214070. 12. Hinge. Length 23.0 mm, height 16.8 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214071. 14. Hinge. Length (incomplete) 22.9 mm, height (incomplete) 18.0 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214072. 15. Hinge. Length 26.6 mm, height 19.9 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214073. 18. Hinge. Length 23.3 mm, height 16.9 mm. Locality USGS M3871. USNM 214074. Nucula (Leionucula) vokesi, n. sp., p. 42 10. Holotype. Length 6.5 mm, height 4.7 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214075. 13. Length 7.5 mm, width 3.2 mm, height 5.7 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 214076. 16. Hinge, left valve. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214077. 17. Hinge, right valve. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214078.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 8 1/2 1/2 x11/a ACILA AND NUCULAPLATE 9 Figures 1-10, 12. 11, 13, 15. 14, 16-18. Litorhadia washingtonensis (Weaver) p. 43 1. Length (incomplete) 22.7 mm, height (incomplete) 12.3 mm, width 3.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214079. 2. 8. Length (incomplete) 17.1 mm, height (incomplete) 8.1 mm. Locality USGS 19004, Lincoln Creek Formation, Washington. USNM 214080. 3. Length (incomplete) 23 mm, height (incomplete) 12 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214081. 4. Length (incomplete) 17.6 mm, height (incomplete) 10.5 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214082. 5. Length (incomplete) 20.4 mm, height 10.2 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214083. 6. Length (incomplete) 19.5 mm, height (incomplete) 9.3 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214084. 7. Length (incomplete) 16.2 mm, height (incomplete) 7.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214085. 9. Length (incomplete) 11.0 mm, height (incomplete) 5.2 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214086. 10. Length 20.0 mm, height 9.3 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214087. 12. Length 29.2 mm, height 13.7 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214088. Cyclocardia (Cyclocardia) cf. C. (C.) hannibali (Clark), p. 45 11. Length (incomplete) 17.6 mm, height (incomplete) 17.8 mm. Locality USGS 15537. USNM 214089. 13. Length (incomplete) 15.5 mm, height (incomplete) 12.0 mm. Locality USGS 15537. USNM 214090. 15. Right valve and hinge of left valve. Length (incomplete) 14.0 mm, height (incomplete) 13.0 mm. Locality USGS 15537. USNM 214091. Yoldia (Kalayoldia) oregona (Shumard), p. 44 14. Length (incomplete) 43 mm, height 28.0 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214092. 16. Hinge. Locality USGS 15310a. USNM 214093. 17. Length (incomplete) 41.4 mm, height 23.0 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214094. 18. Length (incomplete) 51 mm, height (incomplete) 23 mm. Locality USGS 15264e. USNM 214095.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LITORHADIA, CYCLOCARDIA, AND YOLDIAPLATE 10 Figures 1-8. Lucinoma Columbiana (Clark and Arnold), p. 45 1. Length (incomplete) 18.7 mm, height 15.5 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214096. 2, 3, 6-8. Length (incomplete) 21.2 mm, height 20.0 mm, width (both valves) 11.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214097. 4, 5. Length 11.0 mm, height 10.3 mm, width (one valve) 2.3 mm, Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214098. 9-11. Felaniella (Felaniella) snavelyi, n. sp., p. 46 9. Length 14.6 mm, height 13.0 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214099. 10. Holotype. Length 21.6 mm, height 19.6 mm, width (one valve) 4.2 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214100. 11. Length (incomplete) 15.0 mm, height 22.0 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214101. 12-14. Nemocardium (Keenaea) lorenzanum (Arnold), p. 47 12. Length (incomplete) 11 mm, height (incomplete) 10.0 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214102. 13. Length 12.3 mm, height 11.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214103. 14. Height 4.5 mm, length 4.6 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214104.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 10 x21/2 x1 ’/2 8 LUCINOMA, FELANIELLA, AND NEMOCARDIUMPLATE 11 Figures 1-6. Tellina! pittsburgensis Clark, p. 51 1. Hinge. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214105. 2. Hinge. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214106. 3. Length (incomplete) 13.7 mm, height (incomplete) 8.4 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214107. 4. Length (incomplete) 15.6 mm, height (incomplete) 9.6 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214108. 5. Dorsal view. Length (incomplete) 22 mm, height 13.4 mm, width (both valves) 5.4 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214109. 6. Height 13.3 mm, length (incomplete) 21.6 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214110. 7-12. Tellina (Eurytellina) aduncanasa Hickman, p. 50 7. Length (incomplete) 36 mm, height (incomplete) 20 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214111. 8,11,12. Length (incomplete) 18.6 mm, height (incomplete) 9.7 mm, width (both valves) 2.8 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214112. 9. Length (incomplete) 39 mm, height (incomplete) 19 mm. Locality USGS 15310b. USNM 214113. 10. Length (incomplete) 27 mm, height (incomplete) 14 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214114.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 11 TELLINA? AND TELLINAPLATE 12 Figures 1, 2, 4. Pitar (Pitar) dalli (Weaver), p. 47 1. 4. Length (incomplete) 65 mm, height (incomplete) 46 mm, width (both valves, internal mold) 28.5 mm. Locality USGS 15532. USNM 214115. 2. Left hinge. Locality USGS 15310a. USNM 214116. 3, 5-11, 13. Callista (Macrocallista) pittsburgensis Dali, p. 48 3. Left hinge. Length 13.0 mm, height 8.6 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214177. 5. Left hinge. Length 19.3 mm, height 13.0 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214118. 6. Length (incomplete) 42 mm, height 24.3 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214119. 7. 9. Length 34.0 mm, height 21.4 mm, width (one valve) 6.1 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214120. 8. Length (incomplete) 22.0 mm, height 16.5 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214121. 10. Right hinge. Length (incomplete) 7.1 mm, height (incomplete) 4.9 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214122. 11. Paratype. Length (incomplete) 31 mm, height (incomplete) 22 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 107399. 13. Lectotype. Length (incomplete) 36 mm, height (incomplete) 21 mm. Locality USGS 2714. USNM 107396. 12. Crenella porterensis Weaver, p. 45 Length (incomplete) 5.0 mm, height (incomplete) 5.4 mm. Locality USGS 15583. USNM 214123.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 12 PITAR, CALLISTA, AND CRENELLAPLATE 13 Figures 1, 2, 6. Solena (Eosolen) eugenensis (Clark), p. 52 1. Hinge of left valve. Length (incomplete) 87 mm, height (incomplete) 21 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214124. 2. Length (incomplete) 70 mm, height (incomplete) 26 mm, width (both valves, compressed) 12.7 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214125. 6. Interior of left valve. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214126. 3-5. Solen townsendensis Clark, p. 51 3. 5. Length (incomplete) 54 mm, height (incomplete 14 mm, width (one valve) 3.5 mm. Locality USGS 15310. USNM 214127. 4. Length (incomplete) 21 mm, height 5.6 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214128.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 13 SOLENA AND SOLENPLATE 14 Figures 1, 2, 9. Spisula (Mactromeris?) veneriformis Clark, p. 50 1. Rubber impression of left hinge. Locality USGS 15516. USNM 214129. 2. Rubber impression of right hinge. Locality USGS 15516. USNM 214130. 9. Length (incomplete) 83.2 mm, height (incomplete) 70.9 mm. Locality USGS 15516. USNM 214131. 3-8, 10, 11. Spisula (Mactromeris) pittsburgensis Clark, p. 49 3. Right hinge. Length (incomplete) 48 mm, height (incomplete) 34 mm, width (one valve) 9.7 mm. Locality USGS 15310d. USNM 214132. 4. Right hinge. Length (incomplete) 49 mm, height (incomplete) 36 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214133. 5. Left hinge. Length 32.1 mm, height 22.7 mm. Locality USGS 15264. USNM 214134. 6. 10, 11. Length (incomplete) 56.2 mm, height 39.6 mm, width (both valves) 21.0 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214135. 7. Right hinge. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214136. 8. Left hinge. Locality USGS 15310b. USNM 214137.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 14 SPI SUL AFigures PLATE 15 -3. Panopea ramonensis Clark, p. 53 1. Length 48.9 mm, height 28.5 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214138. 2. Length (incomplete) 42.0 mm, height (incomplete) 27.0 mm, width (both valves) 18.9 mm. Locality USGS 15499. USNM 214139. 3. Length (incomplete) 45 mm, height (incomplete) 34 mm, width (both valves) 22.6 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214140. 4. Aturia angustata (Conrad), p. 54 Height (incomplete) 30 mm, width (incomplete) 30 mm. Locality; roadcut on Scappoose-Vernonia road, about 2 mi from the junction with State Highway 47. USNM 214142. 5. Panopea snohomishensis Clark, p. 52 Length 83.4 mm, height (incomplete) 52.3 mm. Locality USGS 15516. USNM 214141.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 15 PAN OPE A AND A TURIAPLATE 16 Figures 1, 3. Thracia (Thracia) condoni Dali, p. 54 Length (incomplete) 46.7 mm, height (incomplete) 34.7 mm. Locality USGS 15586. USNM 214143. 2, 5. ?Ervilia oregonensis Dali, p. 50 Length (incomplete) 10.5 mm, height (incomplete) 7.0 mm. Locality USGS 18638. USNM 214144. 4, 6-11. Cochlodesma bainbridgensis Clark, p. 53 4, 8. Length (incomplete) 34.1 mm, height (incomplete) 21 mm, width (both valves) 8.2 mm. Locality USGS M3872. USNM 214146. 6. Length (incomplete) 40.0 mm, height (incomplete) 29 mm. Locality USGS 15519. USNM 214145. 7. Length (incomplete) 32.5 mm, height (incomplete) 23.5 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 225305. 9. Condrophore with mineralized resilium. Length (incomplete) 42 mm, height (incomplete) 30 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214147. 10. Length (incomplete) 53 mm, height (incomplete) 35 mm. Locality USGS 15583. USNM 214148. 11. Length (incomplete) 32 mm, height (incomplete) 23 mm. Locality USGS 15588. USNM 214149.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 16 THRACIA, TER VILIA, AND COCHLODESMAPLATE 17 Two fossiliferous slabs from USGS locality 15310 in the Pittsburg Bluff Formation showing typical groupings of naticids, Molopophorus, Perse, Acila, and Macrocallista. Natural size.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 922 PLATE 17 NATICIDS; MOLOPOPHORUS, PERSE, ACILA, AND MACROCALLISTA7 DAYS Stratigraphy of the North Half of the Western Sierra Nevada Metamorphic Belt, California GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 923 Prepared in cooperation with the California Division of Mines and GeologyStratigraphy of the North Half of the Western Sierra Nevada Metamorphic Belt, California By LORIN D. CLARK GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 923 Prepared in cooperation with the California Division of Mines and Geology UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1976UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Clark, Lorin D. Stratigraphy of the north half of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt, California. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 923) Bibliography: p. 25-26. Supt.ofDocs.no.: 119.16:923 1. Geology, Stratigraphic-Paleozoic. 2. Geology, Stratigraphic-Mesozoic. 3. Rocks, Metamorphic. 4. Geology-Sierra Nevada Mountains. I. California. Division of Mines and Geology. II. Title. III. Series: United States. Geological Survey Professional Paper 923. QE654.C54 557.94'4 76-608016 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 024-001-02785-2CONTENTS Page Abstract____________________________________________________ 1 Introduction________________________________________________ 1 Previous work___________________:____________________ 3 Fieldwork and scope of this investigation ______________ 3 Acknowledgments ________________________________________ 4 Terminology_____________________________________________ 4 Summary of geology__________________________________________ 5 Paleozoic rocks_____________________________________________ 8 Shoo Fly Formation _____________________________________ 8 Lithology _________:_____________________________ 9 Stratigraphic relations_____________________________ 10 Age_________________________________________________ 11 Calaveras Formation_____________________________________ 11 Fossils and age ____________________________________ 12 Relief Quartzite ___________________________________ 12 Cape Horn Slate_____________________________________ 13 Delhi Formation_____________________________________ 13 Clipper Gap Formation_______________________________ 13 Tightner Formation _________________________________ 14 Kanaka Formation____________________________________ 14 Page Paleozoic rocks—Continued Volcanic rocks_________________________________________ 15 Paleozoic and (or) Mesozoic rocks __________________________ 15 Volcanic and sedimentary rocks_________________________ 15 Epiclastic rocks _____________________________________ 16 Metavolcanic rocks_____________________________________ 16 Mesozoic rocks______________________________________________ 16 Triassic(?) rocks______________________________________ 17 Jurassic rocks_________________________________________ 18 Sailor Canyon Formation____________________________ 18 Milton Formation __________________________________ 19 Amador Group of Taliaferro (1942, 1943) ___________ 20 Cosumnes-type rocks____________________________ 21 Logtown Ridge Formation _______________________ 22 Monte de Oro Formation_____________________________ 22 Unnamed epiclastic rocks___________________________ 23 Unnamed volcanic rocks ____________________________ 24 References cited____________________________________________ 25 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plate 1. Geologic map of the northwestern Sierra Nevada__________________________________________________________________ In pocket Figure 1. Generalized geologic map of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt ---------------------------------------------- 2 2. Index of topographic quadrangle maps within and bordering the north half of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt __ 4 3. Sketch of fault-bounded structural blocks of the north half of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt__________ 7 III STRATIGRAPHY OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA By Lorin D. Clark ABSTRACT A belt of metamorphic rocks, about 180 miles (290 km) long and 20-40 miles (32-64 km) wide, crops out in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada from the latitude of Yosemite Valley northward. It lies between the Sierra Nevada batholith on the east and overlapping unmetamorphosed Tertiary strata on the west. The metamorphic rocks were derived from sparsely fossiliferous eugeosynclinal volcanic and epiclastic rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. Regional metamorphism is generally of low grade, in the greenschist facies. Lithologic similarities between Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks preclude correlation by lithology alone. The paleontologic record is incomplete, and some map units are undated. The Shoo Fly Formation is questionably correlated with the lithologically similar Taylorsville Formation of Silurian age exposed north of the report area. An unnamed unit of volcanic and sedimentary rocks has yielded fossils of probable Devonian age; the Calaveras Formation has yielded gastropods and corals of late Paleozoic age; an unnamed limestone contains fossils of Late Triassic(?) age; the Sailor Canyon Formation contains ammonites of Early and Middle Jurassic age; Cosumnes-type rocks have yielded ammonites of early Late Jurassic age; and the Monte de Oro Formation bears a Late Jurassic fauna. As a result of successive deformations, the structure of the metamorphic belt is complex and incompletely understood. The structure can be generalized in terms of four blocks separated by three steeply eastward-dipping reverse faults along which younger strata have been thrust beneath older. These include, from west to east, (1) a block of predominantly Jurassic and probable Jurassic rocks, (2) a block of predominantly Jurassic rocks, (3) a disconnected block of upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, including the Calaveras Formation, and (4) a block of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks including the Shoo Fly Formation. Mesozoic rocks lie on both sides of the metamorphic belt, and the eastward-facing bedding tops predominating over westward-facing ones suggest the central position of the Paleozoic strata results chiefly from faulting. Major fault zones are marked by zones of flaser rock or schist or both, which vary in width from about 100 feet (30 m) to nearly 3 miles (4.8 km) if large horses are included. Most major faults strike north or N. 30° W. Planar structures in the fault zones dip eastward more steeply than 70°. Lineations consisting of elongate rock fragments, amphibole crystals, and axes of minor folds of slip surfaces plunge steeply. In general, Paleozoic rocks are more deformed than Mesozoic rocks in the report area, but exceptions are readily found. The present structure results from several stages of regional deformation. The greater deformation of the older rocks results partly from greater lithologic susceptibility or geographic position or both, but Silurian rocks were deformed at least twice before deposition of Triassic (?) and Jurassic strata. Jurassic rocks were folded about moderately plunging axes, and older rocks were refolded, before major faulting was completed. INTRODUCTION This report is based on fieldwork by L'orin D. Clark during the period 1955-61 and is an extension of his earlier work in the southern half of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt. He prepared the bulk of the report in the mid-1960’s, but various factors, including illness, delayed its completion. This illness also prevented the preparation of a proposed major chapter on the structure of the metamorphic belt, and so this report is limited largely to stratigraphic considerations. The basic data that led to the interpretations herein are being released separately as a series of geologic maps and cross sections at a scale of 1:62,500, with lithologic annotations, along the American, Bear, and Yuba Rivers, and Camp Creek, a tributary to the Cosumnes River (Clark and Huber, 1975). N. King Huber, who spent the summer of 1955 in the field with Clark, assembled the final manuscrupt. Many of the internal inconsistencies inherent in most draft manuscripts and maps have been reconciled, but some remain, particularly with respect to the regional map in this report and the larger scale separate maps. In the western Sierra Nevada, metamorphic rocks are exposed in a 20-40-mile-wide (32-64 km) belt that extends about 180 miles (290 km) from about the latitude of Yosemite Valley northwestward to the north end of the Sierra Nevada (fig. 1). On the south and east they are bounded by granitoid rocks of the Sierra Nevada batholith, and on the north and west they pass beneath unmetamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. The pre-Tertiary surface can be traced westward by means of drill-hole and seismic evidence to about the center of the Great Valley of California. Sparse samples suggest that basement rocks under the valley fill are similar to those exposed in the metamorphic belt. The southern part of the metamorphic belt was described in an earlier j eport (Clark, 1964), and the northern part is describee herein. Throughout the belt the metamorphic rocks were derived from eugeosynclinal Paleozoic and Meso2oic volcanic and epiclastic rocks. 12 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA 122° 121° 120“ Figure 1.—Generalized geologic map of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt. Adapted from U.S. Geological Survey and California Division of Mines and Geology (1966). Regional metamorphism is generally of low grade, in the greenschist facies. Original textures and structures are preserved in much of the belt but were destroyed by dynamic metamorphism in some places. The metamorphic belt discussed here underlies the gentle western slope of the Sierra Nevada, a tilted block having a steep eastern slope that is partly a fault scarp. Most of the western slope is a moderately rolling and deeply weathered upland surface formed during Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary time. As a consequence of westward tilting during the late Tertiary, this surface is dissected by youthful canyons cut by streams draining west and southwest toward the Great Valley. Canyon walls are in many places steeper than the angle of repose, and debris from rockslides is common along major streams. Depth of the canyons varies from about 5,000 feet (1,500 m) in the eastern part of the region to a few tens of feet near the margin of the Great Valley.INTRODUCTION 3 Most major roads in the region follow the upland surface and, in general, parallel the canyons; only one major road runs northward through most of the area. Other roads crossing river canyons are steep and tortuous. The vegetation reflects progressively higher rainfall and altitudes eastward from the edge of the Central Valley toward the crest of the Sierra Nevada. Elevations of about 300-500 feet (90-150 m) are marked by grassland, and groves of deciduous trees are common at elevations of about 1,000 feet (300 m). Conifers become prominent at about 2,000 feet (600 m) altitude and are dominant at greater altitudes. Much of the total California gold production was obtained from placer and lode mines in the northern Sierra Nevada, and the present towns of the region were established as centers of gold-mining activity. Copper and chromite were also mined in the past, but in 1973 little metal-mining activity in the northwestern Sierra Nevada remains. However, production of aggregate, limestone products, roofing granules, and other industrial materials has grown in response to the requirements of rapid population growth and industrialization in northern California. PREVIOUS WORK No attempt is made to present a complete bibliography of the numerous publications treating various aspects of the geology of the northwestern Sierra Nevada. Papers cited below provide a summary of the evolution of knowledge of the stratigraphy and structure of the region, and additional papers are cited elsewhere in this report. Although more recent studies have made valuable contributions, the regional investigation described here was made possible by a series of geologic folios spanning the northern Sierra Nevada that were prepared between 1890 and 1900 by Lindgren and Turner (cited elsewhere in this report). These maps show rock distribution with considerable accuracy, although their structural interpretations are inadequate by modern standards and volcanic formations were treated as igneous rocks having no stratigraphic significance. Ferguson and Gannett (1932), in their study of the Alleghany mining district, refined the breakdown of lithologic units exposed near Alleghany. They were the first to recognize a major fault in that part of the Sierra Nevada and to suggest that it was an extension of a great reverse fault previously recognized by Knopf (1929, p. 46) along the Mother Lode, south of the area described here. Although most of Taliaferro’s (1942, 1943) work on the western Sierra Nevada was in the part of the metamorphic belt that lies south of the area of this report, his contributions to our knowledge of the stratigraphy and structure of the Jurassic rocks aid in understanding the northern part of the metamorphic belt. Hietanen (1351) and Compton (1955) studied chiefly the petrolo^ y of metamorphic and plutonic rocks in the northwestern part of the metamorphic belt, but their work also elucidated the structure of the metamorphic rock > as well as structural relations between the intrusive bodies and their wallrocks. Radiometric dates on isolated felsic plutons in the metamorphic belt md in the Sierra Nevada batholith, summarized by Evsrnden and Kistler (1970), are a valuable aid in work ng out the complex structural and intrusive history of the western Sierra Nevada. The regional geologic map accompanying this report was adapted from Burrett and Jennings (1962) and Strand and Koenig (1965). Among the sources cited by Burnett and Jennings for their compilation are unpublished maps by geologists of the Southern Pacific Company; their maps are not cited in the list of references herein. FIELDWORK AND SCOPE OF THIS INVESTIGATION Field mapping during this regional study was chiefly along major streams where exposures are nearly continuous and stream-polished surfaces facilitate observation of textures and minor structures. The purpose of the fieldwork was to obtain new structural and stratigraphic information that could be used to supplement existing information, chiefly from the folios by Turner and Lindgren, and thereby yield new structural and stratigraphic interpretations. Neither the plutonic rocks nor the Cenozoic strata that unconformably over-lie the metamorphic rocks were studied. Field observations, occupying a total of about 9 months during 1955 to 1961 inclusive, were compiled mostly on 1:24,000-scale topographic maps (fig. 2) but partly on aerial photographs. Results of detailed mapping, together with the reports and maps of previous investigators, were used to compile a regional map (pi. 1) at a scale of 1:316,800. Strip maps and cross sections were prepared at a scale of 1:62,500 for most of the streams studied and have been published separately (Clark and Huber, 1975). These maps or the topographic quadrangle maps will be required for location of some of the place names referred to in this report. Along much of the Bear River and lower part of the Middle Fork of the American River, preparation of detailed cross sections was not warranted because gravel choking the stream channels conceals the bedrock. Rocks exposed along the Middle Feather River and Slate Creek are so sheared that detailed cross sections would show only steeply dipping schistosity and small widely separated bodies of bedded rocks.4 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA 120° 15'o PARADISE 195 3 PULGA 1957 BUCKS LAKE 19 50^"^ A v.’f'e* 0 v? “ICY \ BLAIRSDEN \ 1936-56 PORTOLA \ _ ORO <4 SS VI LLE — "A -BIG BE A /A V 4 /--• q D MTN 48 S A A -MOOR RID A19 /ft <*> VILLE-GE A " //s s SA DOWNI /V A $N VILLE. A /■«** o SIERRA CITY 1955 \ SIERRAVILLE 1955 GRI 19 A ©v w V 3LEY « V A A BAN A GOR 41 / A Jt* A NEVAD 19 A A CITY 48 A & A V - ALLE // A fy 3HANY-50 g A EMIG G4 19 *cfS RANT - P / * A rep DONNE \ 19 SA >f this ort PASS- 5 A A** <■* -MARY 19 As »VILLE-52 w - WHEA k" A rLAND—' 99 / /* M t* GRASS 19 S A /s'* VALLEY 49 <,'* 4 A COL <4* /S FAX A? «t°'? A# A4* DUNCA a: / /A o PEAK 52 ,• Jt Ss fin, CH ^19 JA o< /f NILE EF tf- "/ft <4 KNIC LANC * 19 /A /s \ A A* AUB 19 A /s URN 54 * •K Sf A o GEORG 19 /A Cfs01 / A ETOWN 49 A A © A SADDL g S'* E MTN — 50 jf i' /'* - ROBB 19 A A PEAK- 52 A 4 /s DA 190 M Vis 9-54 o //, £ FAIR 19 v# / /**\ & OAKS — 54 /? fi FOL 19 4-' SOM ■PLACE 1 A A-v -A RVILLE 4 9 f A? A CA 19 /■ rV /A VINO 52 / A w LEEK < 1 A S' S SPRING LL 51 / /S 121°45’ t20° 15' Figure 2.—Index of topographic quadrangle maps within and bordering the north half of the western Sierra Nevada metamor-phic belt. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS N. King Huber and Hal G. Stephens assisted in the fieldwork as indicated on the individual geologic maps, and Huber also contributed to a petrologic study of the Shoo Fly Formation. Cordell Durrell freely discussed results of his work on the petrology of the Shoo Fly Formation and showed me in the field the stratigraphic and structural relations that he had established during his study of the northeastern Sierra Nevada. Discussions with Vernon McMath on results of his work in the Taylorsville area contributed to an understanding of Paleozoic stratigraphy in part of the report area. Ralph Imlay’s diligent search for fossils in the usually barren Jurassic tuff and siltstone resulted in discoveries that contributed substantially to the stratigraphic interpretations of this report. TERMINOLOGY Terminology used herein is similar to that in the earlier report on the southern part of the metamorphic belt (Clark, 1964, p. 5-6) but will be repeated for ease of reference. Because the emphasis of this study is on stratigraphy, most of the lithologic terms, such as "sandstone” and "pillow lava,” relate to the original character of the rock rather than to their metamorphic equivalents. Nevertheless, conspicuous metamorphic planar structures in most of the fine-grained rocks are reflected in the use of the terms "slate,” "phyllite,” or "schist” rather than "siltstone” or "shale.” Some rocks of volcanic origin in which original structures were obliterated by metamorphism are referred to simply as "metavolcanic rocks.” Original textures and structures of pyroclastic rocks forming much of the volcanic formations are indistinguishable from those of rocks of similar grain size composing the sedimentary formations. This similarity indicates that both sandstone and tuff, for example, were transported and deposited in the same manner— they are both sedimentary rocks. The significant difference between them is the origin and manner of comminution of the component fragments. In recognition of this, shale, sandstone, conglomerate, and the like are designated "epiclastic” rocks to indicate that the component debris was formed by weathering of preexisting rocks. The term "graywacke” designates poorly sorted sandstone with a matrix of silt-size and clay-size material (Pettijohn, 1957, p. 290-292.) The sand grains in the graywacke are mostly chert or other lithic fragments, but various amounts are mineral grains, most commonly quartz. Rocks in which the sand-size fraction consists entirely of volcanic rock and mineral detritus are called tuff, but those containing even widely scattered grains of nonvolcanic material are called graywackes. No fundamentally important aspect of the interpretation of geologic history of the region is masked by this usage, as sequences of definite volcanic material alternate with sequences of definite epiclastic material on both the regional scale and the scale of a single formation. The term "tuffaceous sandstone” is used only where it is known that the rock contains both grains formed by epiclastic processes and first-cycle grains formed by pyroclastic processes. Two kinds of conglomerate are distinguished: the gravelly conglomerate or paraconglomerate collected by ordinary water currents (Pettijohn, 1957, p. 254) and very poorly sorted conglomeratic mudstone (Pettijohn, 1957, p. 254) or pebbly mudstone (Crowell, 1957, p. 994), which in the western Sierra Nevada was emplaced as mudflows. Most conglomerate and conglomeratic mudstone in metamorphic rocks of this region are immature, for preserved in them are abundant pebbles of readily weathered rocks such as slate, tuff, and limestone. Such conglomerates are termed "petromict” (Pettijohn, 1957, p. 255). Flaser rocks occupy most of the wide fault zones in the area. They result from shearing and are marked by phacoidal rock fragments and by pronounced line and planar structures (Tyrrell, 1929, p. 286, fig. 69). SomeSUMMARY OF GEOLOGY 5 narrower fault zones are filled with cataclasite, "a structureless aggregate of fragmental material of various sizes” (Tyrrell, 1929, p. 284). In the absence of a purely descriptive term, the name "chert” is applied to microcrystalline, granoblastic rocks composed of quartz. Bedding characteristics and sparse structure suggestive of replaced radiolaria imply that these rocks were indeed derived from chert. In this area, such rocks have been referred to by most previous workers as either phtanite or quartzite. Phtanite has fallen into disuse in this country, and although quartzite is often used as a descriptive term, it suggests a rock formed from quartz sand. Most of the chert is sericitic, and rock containing so much sericite that it can be scratched with a hammer point is here referred to as quartzose slate. Three terms, "cleavage,” "schistosity,” and "slip cleavage,” distinguish different kinds of parting surfaces of metamorphic origin. Cleavage designates the planar structure characteristic of slate, the slaty cleavage referred to by many authors. In this region, development of cleavage is widespread. It has formed in fine-grained pyroclastic rocks and sandstones as well as slate. It commonly crosses bedding, forms a simple regional pattern, and in places is about parallel to the axial planes of folds. Schistosity designates a planar structure formed by the parallel arrangement of tabular mineral grains and clastic fragments in rocks sufficiently coarse grained to be termed schist. In strongly sheared schist, slip surfaces parallel to grains and fragments accentuate the cleavage. Slip cleavage consists of closely spaced crinkles and microfaults (White, 1949) cutting earlier schistosity and cleavage. Mica flakes formed prior to the slip cleavage are commonly bent to a direction parallel to the microfaults. SUMMARY OF GEOLOGY Metamorphic rocks in the northwestern Sierra Nevada were derived from eugeosynclinal volcanic and epiclastic rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. Most of the rocks are of low to intermediate metamorphic grade, but higher grade contact metamorphism is evident near some plutonic contacts. Bedding and original textures are distinguishable in most of the region but have been destroyed by development of metamorphic planar and linear structures in large parts of the area. Fossils are sparse, and some large bodies of metamorphic rock have not been dated. Formational units are measurable in thousands of feet, and structural and stratigraphic continuity are interrupted by nearly vertical faults having large displacements. There are some compositional differences between Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, but there are also similarities between the two groups that preclude using lithologic similarity to correlate unfossiliferous map units. Bodies of mafic intermediate volcanic rocks in the central part of the map area, for example, must be considered to be of Paleozoic or Mesozoic age until they can be dated, for late Paleozoic gastropods and Jurassic ammonites have been found in similar-appearing tuff exposed at different localities. In general, Mesozoic (Jurassic and probable Jurassic) rocks underlie the western third of the map area (pi. 1) and form a narrower belt in the eastern part. Paleozoic rocks crop out between the two belts of Mesozoic rocks and in a small area east of Auburn. The preponderance of east-facing bedding tops suggests that the central position of the Paleozoic rocks results from faulting combined with regional tilting. The oldest known rock in the western area is limestone containing tabulate corals and stromatoporoids of probable Devonian age, which is exposed 3 miles (4.8 km) east of Auburn (pi. 1). The limestone is apparently interbedded with volcanic rocks exposed in the immediate vicinity, but there is no assurance that all these volcanic rocks are of the same age. The volcanic rocks are of mafic to intermediate composition, but in the northern part of the unit, petromict conglomerate and bedded chert are interbedded with the volcanic rocks. The Shoo Fly Formation, exposed in the eastern part of the map area, can be partly correlated with the Silurian Taylorsville Formation north of the area of plate 1. The Shoo Fly Formation is divided into lower and upper lithologic members. The lower member, exposed east of the north-trending fault zone in the central part of the map area, consists largely of dark-gray slate but includes some bedded chert and sparse petromict conglomerate. The upper member consists largely of quartzose and locally feldspathic sandstone here referred to as graywacke. Subordinate rock types in the upper member are slate, quartzite, carbonate rocks, and mafic and felsic volcanic rocks. In the earlier report on the southern part of the metamorphic belt (Clark, 1964), rocks of the Shoo Fly Formation were included in the Calaveras Formation. The late Paleozoic Calaveras Formation is exposed in a wedge between two major fault zones in the north-central part and in a small area at the south edge of the map area (pi. 1). The Calaveras Formation consists largely of thinly interbedded chert and carbonaceous slate or phyllite. It includes some mafic lava and mafic or intermediate pyroclastic rocks and lenses of crinoidal limestone. Nearly everywhere in the map area, bedding in the Calaveras Formation has been destroyed by shearing. Unnamed volcanic rocks exposed in the vicinity of Gold Lake in the northeastern part of the map area are6 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA believed by Durrell and Proctor (1948, p. 171) to be of late Paleozoic age. They found that these rocks consist from bottom to top of metarhyolite with a thin basal conglomerate derived from the Shoo Fly Formation, a sequence of interbedded chert, slate, and mafic tuff, and a thick series of mafic lava flows and tuffs. Several other Paleozoic formations have been recognized previously in the northwestern Sierra Nevada, mostly as a result of mapping during the latter part of the 19th century. The present investigation indicates that the definition of some of these formations does not coincide with the outcrop pattern of lithologic units, and so detailed mapping is necessary to establish their validity. Some rocks in the northern part of the map area are mapped as epiclastic rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. These rocks are lithologically similar to Jurassic formations described below, but since no fossils were found in them, the present information does not preclude the possibility that these rocks accumulated during the Paleozoic. Several long narrow belts, chiefly near the fault zone that extends through La Mar Flat and Auburn, were mapped by Lindgren (1894) as the Calaveras Formation. Along the Bear River on the same fault zone, rocks also mapped as the Calaveras Formation by Lindgren and Turner (1895) are (laser rock derived from volcanic rocks of Jurassic age. Undated volcanic rocks in the central part of the area are mapped as metavolcanic rocks and assigned a Paleozoic or Mesozoic age. They are largely of mafic or intermediate composition but include some felsic rocks. Most rocks of this unit are schistose, but some are massive as a result of recrystallization; fine-grained bedded tuff exposed along the Middle Yuba River east of the mouth of Humbug Creek is included in this unit. A chert breccia and limestone unit of Triassic(?) age overlies the Shoo Fly Formation with pronounced angular unconformity in the eastern part of the area near the North Fork of the American River. The lower part consists of coarse chert breccia derived from the Shoo Fly Formation. The upper part consists of limestone, which is commonly argillaceous. The Triassic(?) rocks are overlain by the Sailor Canyon Formation from which ammonites of Early and Middle Jurassic age were collected. The Sailor Canyon Formation consists of slate derived from siltstone, graywacke, and tuff but contains sparse calcarenite. Bedding in the Sailor Canyon Formation is apparently concordant with that in the underlying carbonate rock, but relief on the intervening contact suggests an erosional unconformity. Along the North Fork of the American River, the Sailor Canyon Formation grades upward through a zone marked by an increasing proportion of volcanic rocks into a section composed of mafic or intermediate volcanic rocks that are assigned to the Milton Formation. In its type area, near Milton Reservoir (pi. 1) in the northeastern part of the map area, the Milton Formation consists predominantly of mafic or intermediate pyroclastic rocks but contains some felsite tuff, calcarenite, and epiclastic breccia. No fossils have been reported from the Milton Formation. The Cosumnes Formation of Taliaferro (1942, 1943), exposed in a belt extending discontinuously from the vicinity of Colfax to the south boundary of the map area, contains ammonites of early Late Jurassic age. The Cosumnes has been abandoned as a formational name, as discussed in a later section of this report, and rocks originally defined as the Cosumnes Formation are herein informally called "Cosumnes-type rocks.” Cosumnes-type rocks are predominantly slate and graywacke, but tuff, petromict conglomerate, and conglomeratic mudstone are commonly interbedded with these. Blocks several feet long are common in the pebbly mudstones, and one well-exposed block, probably derived from the Calaveras Formation, is about 30 feet (9 m) long and 15 feet (4.5 m) wide. Near the south boundary of the map area, Cosumnes-type rocks are overlain by the Late Jurassic Logtown Ridge Formation, which consists of pyroxene-bearing pyroclastic rocks and some pillow lava. Near the North Fork of the American River, the Cosumnes-type rocks are overlain by volcanic rocks possibly equivalent to the Logtown Ridge Formation. The Monte de Oro Formation, exposed in a small area near Oroville in the northwestern part of the map area, is of Late Jurassic age, but the stage is uncertain; study of the fauna (Imlay, 1961, p. D8) suggests a late Oxfordian and early Kimmeridgian age, whereas later investigation of the flora (Fry, 1964) suggests a late Oxfordian to and including Portlandian age. If part of the Monte de Oro Formation is as young as Portlandian, it is the youngest unit yet dated in the metamorphic belt, but this remains to be confirmed. The Monte de Oro Formation, like other Late Jurassic epiclastic units, consists mostly of slate, graywacke, and polymictic conglomerate but is distinguished by the presence at its base of crossbedded sandstone and conglomerate of apparent littoral origin. The sandstone and conglomerate consist largely of debris from volcanic rocks but contain pebbles of vein quartz and fossiliferous limestone. The Copper Hill Volcanics, named by Clark (1964), is exposed near the southwest corner of the map area. It is also one of the youngest formations in the metamorphic belt, for it intertongues with and overlies the Salt Spring Slate of Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) age. Some bodies of epiclastic rocks in the central and eastern parts of the area have been mapped as epiclasticSUMMARY OF GEOLOGY 7 rocks of Jurassic age. Although no fossils were found in this map unit, stratigraphic and structural relations suggest that the strata are of Late Jurassic age. In the southern part of the area, this unit consists of slate, graywacke, and tuff and overlies the Logtown Ridge Formation of Late Jurassic (Callovian to late Oxfordian or early Kimmeridgian) age. Northward this unit is mostly dark-gray phyllite, but it contains some volcanic rocks and bedded chert. No top directions were found in these epiclastic rocks, but east-facing tops in volcanic rocks overlying Cosumnes-type rocks to the west suggest that the epiclastic rocks may also be east facing. The epiclastic rocks of Jurassic age, near the eastern side of the map area, consist largely of dark-gray hornfels along the North Fork of the American River but contain thin layers of conglomeratic mudstone and sparse quartzite layers. Top directions suggest that these strata overlie the Milton Formation. Volcanic rocks that underlie much of the western third of the map area are assumed to be of Jurassic age; in most places they are moderately deformed and are exposed along the projection of a belt of similarly deformed Late Jurassic rocks that extends about 100 miles southeastward from the boundary of the map area of plate 1. The unit is mostly tuff and volcanic breccia, but lava flows, with some pillow structure, occur in some places. Field relations suggest that a body of volcanic rocks north of Greenwood, which is included with this unit, is possibly equivalent to the Logtown Ridge Formation, but there is little information to suggest the age of other bodies included in the same unit. Plutonic rocks, not studied in detail during this investigation, are mostly, if not entirely, of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. Similar to plutonic rocks south of this report (Clark, 1964, p. 41-42), they range in composition from ultramafic through a diverse assemblage of less mafic intrusive and metamorphic rocks to granodiorite. Serpentine, most abundant of the ultramafic rocks, is associated chiefly with sheared metamorphic rocks in major fault zones west of the Shoo Fly Formation. Rocks of gabbroic aspect, identified in this report as mafic plutonic rocks of Paleozoic or Mesozoic age, include medium- to coarse-grained contact metamorphic rocks as well as rocks of intrusive origin. Most of these plutonic rocks are generally considered to be parts of the composite Sierra Nevada batholith. The present distribution of metamorphic rocks in the region results chiefly from folding and reverse faulting during Late Jurassic and, possibly, Early Cretaceous time, but at least one deformation, and probably two, preceded deposition of the Late Triassic(?) carbonate rocks. The facings of bedding tops across the area underlain by Jurassic volcanic rocks are unknown, but facings across Cosumnes-type rocks, the Shoo Fly Formation, and the eastern belt of Mesozoic rocks are generally eastward. The order of succession of strata that would be inferred from bedding facings is reversed as a result of movement along the fault zone at the west boundary of the Shoo Fly Formation, the west boundary of the Calaveras Formation, and the west boundary of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic mafic intrusive and metamorphic rocks. Along all of these faults, younger strata underlie older, and the faults thus divide the area into four structural blocks (fig. 3). These major fault, zones were originally thought to have predominantly strike-slip displacement (Clark, 1960, 1964), but more recent data derived from many ongoing studies in the Sierra Nevada suggest that they are steeply eastdipping reverse fault zones (Bateman and Clark, 1974). The fault zone along the west side of the Calaveras Formation extends the full length of the metamorphic belt, a distance of about 180 miles (290 km), and throughout nearly the whole distance, the fault forms the boundary between Jurassic rocks on the west and Paleozoic rocks on the east. This fault is the northward extension of the Melones fault zone described previously (Clark, 1964). The fault zone at the west side of the Shoo Fly Formation can be traced from the north end of the Figure 3.—Fault-bounded structural blocks of the north half of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt.8 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA metamorphic belt many miles southward and is inferred to continue to the south margin of the map area. It is likely that a fault zone of this magnitude continues even farther south, but this has not been established. The third fault zone, that on the west side of the undivided Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks, appears to trend southward into the Bear Mountains fault zone (Clark, 1964). Other fault zones shown on plate 1 exhibit smaller stratigraphic separation and presumably had less total movement than the three fault zones mentioned above. Lineations and minor fold axes within the fault zones and in many places outside of the fault zones plunge steeply. The lineations consist of amphibole crystals, mineral pods, and elongate rock fragments in a matrix of schist or crush rock. Minor folds having steeply plunging axes are marked by deformed slip and schistosity surfaces. Recumbent folds in the southern part of the area underlain by the Shoo Fly Formation probably mark the earliest folding recorded in the region. Recumbent folds were not observed north of the Middle Fork of the American River, but bedding-plane schistosity, which is associated with the recumbent folds in the southern part of the area, was recognized as far northward as the North Yuba River. Complicated structure and steeply plunging fold axes in the eastern part of the Shoo Fly Formation along the North Fork of the American River suggest that the Shoo Fly Formation was folded more than once before the overlying Late Triassic(?) rocks were deposited. Regional strikes and large folds in the Jurassic rocks result from folding about gently plunging northwesttrending axes. This stage of folding also accounts for the generally homoclinal structure of the eastern belt of Jurassic rocks, homoclinal structure of Jurassic strata exposed near State Highway 49 in the southern part of the area, and folds south of Lake Folsom and in the vicinity of Colfax (pi. 1). Folds in the area underlain by Jurassic volcanic rocks are of diverse orientation, but bedding attitudes near Oroville, northeast of Smart-ville, and near Colgate Power Station are concordant with the regional trend attributed to this stage of deformation. Where age relations of folds and faults in Late Jurassic rocks were determined, the faults are younger. Near the north boundary of the map area, strikes of regional structures swing westward and project toward the Klamath Mountains (fig. 1; pi. 1). The part of the gross structure that is exposed in the northwestern Sierra Nevada is an anticline whose axis plunges steeply to the northeast. Felsic plutons in the northwestern part of the area are clustered in the axial region of this anticline. According to Compton (1955), plutons of this group that he studied were intruded by stopping and pushing aside wallrocks. Although Compton’s evidence for both of these processes is convincing, it is possible that development of the anticline aided the magma in pushing aside the wallrocks. PALEOZOIC ROCKS All metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks in the area described here were included in the Calaveras Formation as defined by Turner (1893a, p. 309; 1893b, p. 425). In part of the area (Colfax 30-minute quadrangle), Lindgren (1900) later divided the Calaveras Formation into the Blue Canyon Formation, Relief Quartzite, Cape Horn Slate, Delhi Formation, and Clipper Gap Formation at the expense of Turner’s name Calaveras. In the vicinity of Alleghany, Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 6-7) recognized two older formations, the Tightner and Kanaka Formations, which Lindgren had previously mapped simply as "amphibolite.” Of the formation names listed above, only the name Calaveras Formation is used on maps accompanying this report, and it is considerably restricted from Turner’s original definition. The name Blue Canyon Formation was abandoned by Clark, Imlay, McMath, and Silberling (1962, p. B17) when its rocks were found to be part of the Shoo Fly Formation named previously by Diller (1892). Although the boundaries of other units as previously mapped do not consistently correspond to lithologic boundaries found during this investigation, their names, even though not used on the maps accompanying this report, should not be abandoned until more detailed mapping is available. Problems related to use of these formation names are discussed later. SHOO FLY FORMATION The name Shoo Fly Formation was applied originally by Diller (1892, p. 375; 1908, p. 23) to a distinctive and uncommon sequence of stratified rocks exposed north of the 40th parallel and 5-10 miles (8-16 km) southwest of Taylorsville. Subsequently, other parts of a continuous belt containing the same lithologic assemblage were assigned to the Calaveras Formation or Group (Diller, 1895; Lindgren and Turner, 1894; Lindgren, 1896, p. 80-81; Turner, 1897, 1898) and to the Blue Canyon Formation (Lindgren, 1900). The name Shoo Fly Formation, having priority, was later extended to designate the entire belt of rocks characteristic of its type locality (Clark and others, 1962, p. B17). According to this usage, the Shoo Fly Formation underlies a belt as much as 20 miles (32 km) wide, extending the length of the map area (pi. 1). Its southern limit of exposure has not been determined; it was not differentiated from the Calaveras Formation in the earlier report (Clark, 1964). The formation is at least 5,000 feet (1,500 m) and proba-PALEOZOIC ROCKS 9 bly more than 10,000 feet (3,000 m) thick. It is here divided into two intertonguing lithologic members, a lower member consisting largely of dark-gray slate and phyllite and an upper member consisting largely of quartz-rich graywacke, slate, and quartzite. Intertonguing relations are most readily observed near the mouth of Scotchman Creek 1 mile (1.6 km) east of Washington on the South Yuba River. LITHOLOGY The lower member of the Shoo Fly Formation is exposed in a narrow belt east of a major fault zone in the central part of the map area and forms the core of a steeply plunging fold along the Middle Fork of the American River. Thin-bedded chert, sparse coarse epiclastic rocks, and sparse metavolcanic rocks in addition to slate are found in the lower member of the Shoo Fly Formation. A layer of calcarenite about 20 feet (6 m) thick is interbedded with slate about 800 feet (240 m) southeast of the tunnel near Horseshoe Bar on the Middle Fork of the American River. Conglomerate consisting largely of slate, chert, and volcanic rock fragments crops out along the North Yuba River in the eastern part of Downieville. A similar conglomerate crops out about 50 feet (15 m) west of the bridge in Washington. Conglomerate exposed along the Middle Fork of the American River at the northwest end of American Bar differs from those mentioned above in that it contains fragments of quartz-rich graywacke as well as slate and chert pebbles. The graywacke pebbles are very similar to graywacke in the upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation, suggesting either that rocks near American Bar are younger than the Shoo Fly Formation or that a tongue of quartz graywacke occurred at a lower stratigraphic position in the Shoo Fly Formation. The upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation is a eugeosynclinal assemblage of rocks derived chiefly from a terrane composed of metamorphic and granitic rocks but partly from contemporaneous volcanic rocks. The formation consists largely of sandstone and slate or phyllite but includes subordinate thin-bedded chert, carbonate rocks, conglomerate, pebbly mudstones, intraformational breccia, and felsic and mafic volcanic rocks. Sandstone is predominant in most of the area, but slate and phyllite are predominant along the Middle Fork of the Feather River and near the east edge of the metamorphic belt along the North and Middle Forks of the American River. Sandstones in the Shoo Fly Formation are medium to dark gray, bluish gray, or greenish gray on fresh surfaces. Graywacke is the most abundant sandstone, but composition and texture are variable and even include well-sorted orthoquartzite. The coarsest frac- tion in most of the graywacke is medium to very coarse sand, but some graywackes, particularly in the southern part of the area, contain granules. The matrix of the sandstones consists of white mica, quartz, and feldspar. Quartz is the dominant detrital mineral, and in some graywackes, as well as in the orthoquartzites, it constitutes more than 90 percent of the sand fraction. Potassium feldspar and plagioclase are found in much of the graywacke and in some places constitute about 10 percent of the sand and granule fractions. Sparse sand grains composed of granoblastic microcrystalline quartz are probably derived from chert. Most beds are between about 4 and 20 inches (10 and 50 cm) thick, but some beds are as much as 6 feet (1.8 m) thick. Graded beds are abundant throughout most of the area underlain by the upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation but are sparse along Silver Creek (pi. 1) where quartzite is the most abundant sandstone. Under the hand lens, glassy quartz is commonly the only recognizable detrital component of the sandstones, but in some graywacke, grains of quartzite distinguished by a sugary texture and feldspar can be seen. Most quartz and quartzite grains are nearly circular or elliptical in outline, but in some feldspathic sandstones they are angular. Among the glassy quartz grains, colorless, gray, and opaline varieties can be distinguished. In thin section both monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz grains can be distinguished. Nearly all show undulatory extinction, but because the Shoo Fly Formation is itself deformed, it is difficult to distinguish provenance on this basis alone. Many monocrystalline quartz grains have fluid inclusions, and others contain needlelike inclusions, probably of rutile. Internal boundaries of some polycrystalline grains are characterized by many straight segments, suggesting that these grains were derived from vein quartz or possibly from granitic rocks. Sparse grains, possibly derived from quartzite, have exceptionally pronounced undulatory extinction, marked internal planar structure, and deeply sutured internal boundaries. The upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation contains coarse-grained clastic rocks of both extrafor-mational and intraformational origin; conglomerate consisting of well-rounded fragments of quartz in a matrix of coarse sand is most abundant. In most conglomerates the fragments are 1 inch (2.5 cm) or less in diameter. Most pebbles are colorless vein quartz, but some conglomerates contain pebbles of gray vein quartz and, particularly in the southern part of the area, of quartzite. A conglomerate exposed along Camp Creek that consists mostly of well-rounded quartz pebbles also contains angular slabs of black slate of probable intraformational origin.10 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA Conglomeratic mudstone more than 20 feet (6 m) thick is exposed at the base of the Commodore mine trail on the Middle Yuba River. The mudstone consists of fragments of very fine grained felsite or slate and dolomite in a matrix of dark-gray phyllite. The dolomite blocks are as much as 4 feet (1.2 m) long. Another very poorly sorted breccia of probable mudflow origin, exposed along the North Fork of the American River in the western part of sec. 4, T. 15 N., R. 11 E., consists of fragments of slate, chert, quartz-rich graywacke, limestone, and volcanic rocks in a slate matrix. Intraformational granule conglomerate beds less than 2 feet (0.6 m) thick are exposed on the divide between the mouth of Big Granite Creek and the North Fork of the American River. The granules are rounded and consist of chert similar to that in the enclosing beds. Chert in the upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation is interbedded with gray and gray-green slate and phyllite. Most of the chert is light to medium gray, grayish green, or grayish blue and forms beds that are mostly less than 4 inches (10 cm) thick. In thin section, the chert is seen to be chiefly granoblastic quartz, but much of the chert contains white mica. Some chert contains round or elliptical bodies of more coarsely crystalline quartz that are possibly replaced radiolarians. Carbonate rocks constitute less than 1 percent of the upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation but are widely distributed. Most of the carbonate rocks are in parts of the section where orthoquartzitic sandstone and slate predominate over graywacke. Limestone, the most abundant carbonate rock, is mostly light- to dark-gray calcarenite containing detrital quartz and feldspar. Original textures of most of the carbonate rock are lost as a result of recrystallization, but in some thin sections, fragments of crinoid plates and echinoids can be distinguished. The noncarbonate fraction varies from less than 10 percent to about 50 percent and is comparable to the better sorted sandstones with respect , to quartz-feldspar ratios. The largest carbonate body found in the upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation is best exposed on the north wall of the Middle Fork of the Feather River Canyon about 3 miles (4.8 km) west of the mouth of Nelson Creek. The body contains dolomite, limestone, and dolomitic limestone and some interbedded poorly sorted orthoquartzite and quartz-pebble conglomerate. Limestone in this body is similar to that previously described, but the dolomite and dolomitic limestone contain closely packed pisolites as much as one-fourth inch (6 mm) in diameter. In some specimens the pisolites are completely replaced by chert, and in others only the matrix or a thin shell on the periphery of pisolites is replaced by chert. Although felsic volcanic rocks probably contributed detritus to sandstones in the Shoo Fly Formation, mafic volcanic rocks have been identified in only a few places. Pillow lava is associated with felsic volcanic rocks along the Middle Yuba River in the SE14 sec. 9, T. 19 N., R. 12 E. Felsic tuff occurs along the North Fork of the American River about a quarter of a mile (0.4 km) east of the mouth of Big Granite Creek but is more abundant near the granitic pluton that intrudes the upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation along Canyon Creek and the Middle Yuba River. Felsic volcanic rocks are interlayered with epiclastic rocks of the Shoo Fly Formation west of the pillow lava and along the North Yuba River; felsite tuff, partly quartz bearing, occurs between Sierra City and the small pluton to the west. Abundant felsite dikes, many containing quartz and feldspar phenocrysts, cut the Shoo Fly Formation along the Middle Yuba River east of the large pluton, suggesting a possible genetic relation between the pluton, dikes, and felsic pyroclastic rocks. STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS The lower member of the Shoo Fly Formation is in fault contact with rocks exposed to the west. On the east, the upper member is unconformably overlain by volcanic rocks of late Paleozoic age in the northeastern part of the area and by Late Triassic(?) and Early Jurassic rocks near the North Fork of the American River. Durrell and Proctor (1948, p. 175) found that in the northeastern part of the area rocks here included with the Shoo Fly Formation were folded before the overlying late Paleozoic rocks were deposited but that the angular discordance at the contact is small. They suggested that the pre-late Paleozoic folding was not severe and that intricate folds in the Shoo Fly Formation probably are mostly the result of a later deformation during which the Shoo Fly Formation and the more competent overlying rocks were folded together. In contrast, the Shoo Fly Formation near the North Fork of the American River is overlain with pronounced angular unconformity by rocks of Triassic(?) age (Lindgren, 1900, p. 2-3; Clark and others, 1962). The contact is well exposed on the north side of the canyon of the North Fork of the American River and near New York Canyon (Clark and others, 1962, fig. 6.1). The Shoo Fly Formation is immediately overlain by chert breccia. Both bedding and cleavage in the Shoo Fly Formation are truncated at the contact. Although the contact is a nearly straight line at map scale, it shows in detail a relief of several feet. In some places the contact alternately follows bedding of the Shoo Fly Formation and fracture surfaces that cut across that bedding. Owing to complex folding near the contact, the angle of unconformity between the Shoo Fly Formation and the overlying strata varies from near 0° to near 90°.PALEOZOIC ROCKS 11 AGE The Shoo Fly Formation has yielded few fossils, but according to Clark, Imlay, McMath, and Silberling (1962, p. B17-B18) and McMath (1966, P. 176,179), who correlated its upper part with the more fossiliferous Montgomery Limestone of Silurian age (Diller, 1908, p. 16) exposed near Taylorsville, the Shoo Fly Formation is of Silurian age. Four fossil localities have been attributed previously to the Shoo Fly Formation. Of two localities described by Lindgren (1900, p. 2), one is in a limestone exposed near the confluence of Big Granite Creek and the North Fork of the American River that was subsequently shown to be of Triassic(?) age, and the other yielded fossils that suggested only Paleozoic age. Diller (1908, p. 23) found "Carboniferous fossils, such as Fusulina” near Spanish Ranch, north of the area of this report, in rocks that he considered correlative with the Shoo Fly Formation, but McMath (1966, p. 178) considered that rocks at this locality are almost certainly separated from the Shoo Fly by a fault. Poorly preserved stromatoporoids suggesting a Devonian or Mississippian age were found by Clark (1930) in a chert lens near the contact between the Shoo Fly Formation and an overlying volcanic sequence southwest of Long Lake. His description of the locality does not permit unequivocal assignment of the fossiliferous rocks to either the Shoo Fly Formation or the overlying volcanic sequence. McMath’s (1966) extension of the name Shoo Fly Formation, the type locality of which is in the lower plate of a thrust near Taylorsville, to the nearby upper plate is based upon lithologic similarity of the Shoo Fly and overlying units in both plates. The type Shoo Fly Formation in the lower plate west of Taylorsville consists of the same assemblage of sandstones and slates that characterizes the formation elsewhere. An overlying unit in the Shoo Fly Formation is about 2,000 feet (600 m) thick and consists largely of black or grayish-green obscurely laminated phyllite and slate and also thin beds, commonly graded, of feldspathic, possibly tuffaceous graywacke. The same sequence occurs in the Shoo Fly Formation in the upper plate. CALAVERAS FORMATION The Calaveras Formation as mapped during this investigation includes rocks named the Blue Canyon Formation, Relief Quartzite, Cape Horn Slate, and Delhi Formation by Lindgren (1900) in the Colfax 30-minute quadrangle and rocks assigned to the Calaveras Formation by Turner (1897, 1898) and Lindgren and Turner (1894) in the Downieville, Bidwell Bar, and Placerville 30-minute quadrangles. The Calaveras Formation consists largely of in-terbedded chert and dark-gray commonly graphitic phyllite with subordinate interbedded mafic and inter- mediate volcanic rocks and sparse lenses of carbonate rock.This assemblage of rocks closely resembles a unit mapped as undivided argillaceous and chert members of the Calaveras Formation in the southern part of the metamorphic belt (Clark, 1954, p. 5-8; 1964, p. 8) and is probably stratigraphically equivalent to that unit. Strong shearing of the Calaveras F ormation precludes a meaningful estimate of its thickness. The Calaveras Formation is nearly everywhere in fault contact with adjacent metamorphic rocks. Possibly some blocks derived from the lower member of the Shoo Fly Formation have been mapped with the Calaveras Formation where the two units are separated only by fault zones or by fault zones and serpentine. The two map units are lithologically similar enough to make distinction difficult in greatly sheared areas. The phyllite and most of the chert in the Calaveras Formation are dark gray on fresh surfaces and light gray where weathered. On stream-polished surfaces chert beds are commonly much lighter colored than the surrounding slate, apparently as a result of percussion figures and other fractures. The chert in which mica is sparse has a chalcedonic luster and conchoidal fracture. In thin section the chert is seen to consist of microcrystalline quartz containing in some places roundish blebs of more coarsely crystalline quartz that possibly are replaced radiolarians. Much of the chert contains some mica, and composition grades from phyllite with little quartz to chert with almost no mica. Chert and slate are not uniformly interbedded in the Calaveras Formation; near Sherman Bar, for example, thinly interbedded phyllite and chert form units as much as 80 feet (24 m) thick in a belt several hundred feet wide that consists mostly of phyllite. Bedding is preserved only locally and is strongly crumpled in these places. A body of dark-gray fine- to medium-grained limestone or dolomite is exposed in an abandoned quarry on the east side of Bear River due west of Colfax. The rock contains abundant crinoid fragments, and corals were distinguished in one loose block. Foraminifera were recognized in thin sections. This body was considered by Lindgren (1900) to be a detached block of Clipper Gap Formation. Exposures are poor near the carbonate body, and its stratigraphic and structural relations to surrounding rocks are unclear. An exposure of sheared volcanic rock was found on the east side of the carbonate rock, and a small exposure of sheared epiclastic rock was found on the west side of it. The carbonate rock probably is a horse in a major fault zone (pi. 1) but is possibly a block that slumped into the area of deposition of the Cosumnes Formation of Taliaferro. Tentatively included in the Calaveras Formation is a block, exposed in sec. 18, T. 17 N., R. 10 E., along the South Yuba River, that is bounded by faults. Most of the12 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA MET AMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA block consists, as does the formation elsewhere, of chert, phyllite, and mafic or intermediate volcanic rocks but also includes some epiclastic breccia and conglomerate. From the belt of schistose volcanic rocks exposed in sec. 17 westward, the rocks are as follows: a belt about 700 feet (210 m) wide of bedded chert with slate partings; massive locally fossiliferous tuff about 100 feet (30 m) wide; dark-gray phyllite about .75 feet (23 m) wide that contains some conglomerates; and mafic volcanic rocks, about 700 feet (210 m) wide, with interbedded chert. Most pebbles in the conglomerate are chert, but some consist of carbonate rock that contains fossil fragments. Breccia consisting largely of chert fragments, but containing some volcanic rock fragments, is exposed •near the mouth of New York Canyon on the South Yuba River. The breccia is possibly of tectonic origin but is not sheared, as is most tectonic breccia in the region. Small bodies of carbonate rock exposed about 200 feet (60 m) downstream from the mouth of New York Canyon are surrounded by volcanic rocks and are probably slivers in a narrow gently dipping fault zone. Coarse-grained epiclastic rocks are not characteristic of the Calaveras Formation but also were found along the Merced River (Clark, 1964, p. 10) south of the area described here. FOSSILS AND AGE Fossils found at three localities in the Calaveras Formation suggest a late Paleozoic age but do not permit closer age assignment. In view of the lack of stratigraphic control within the area mapped as Calaveras Formation, it is possible that rocks included in the formation span much of late Paleozoic time. Although crinoid fragments are abundant in many of the carbonate rocks of the Calaveras Formation, more diagnostic fossils are sparse. Permian fossils were collected from the southern part of the metamorphic belt (Clark, 1964, p. 13-14) from rocks that are not necessarily stratigraphically equivalent to the Calaveras Formation exposed in the area of this report. A large isolated block of fossiliferous limestone is exposed along the Bear River west of Colfax. This block is believed to have slumped from an exposure of Calaveras Formation and been incorporated in the Cosumnes Formation of Taliaferro during Late Jurassic time. Lindgren (1900, p. 2), who first reported finding fossils in this limestone body, considered the limestone to be of early Carboniferous age on the basis of Clisiophyllum gabbi Meek, Lithostrotion whitneyi, and brachiopod fragments of various species. Helen Duncan (written commun., 1956) reported that a partly crushed and metamorphosed coral found at this locality during the present investigation is Stylidophyllum? sp. indet. She further stated that although Stylidophyllum is regarded as a zone fossil for the Permian by Asian workers, her own work suggests that in parts of the western United States it is associated with Late Mississippian faunas. However, she believed it certainly to be of late Paleozoic age. Fragmentary corals found in a small body of carbonate rock on the bank of the South Yuba River in the SWV4 sec. 18, T. 17 N., R. 10 E., were studied by W. J. Sando. He found (written commun., 1958) that although generic and specific determinations were impossible, one specimen appears to be a simple zaphrentoid coral and the others are possibly lithostrotionoid corals. He found the material suggestive of a late Paleozoic age but felt that further refinement of its stratigraphic implications could not be made. Three external molds of gastropods were found in massive tuff exposed at the mouth of a small tributary canyon on the north side of the South Yuba River south of North Bloomfield, about 500 feet (150 m) west of the east boundary of sec. 18, T. 17 N., R. 10 E. The specimens were identified by Ellis Yochelson (written commun., 1958) as Euphemites, a bellerophontid gastropod ranging from Mississippian to Permian. Yochelson stated that the specimens do not appear to have been previously described, but show some similarities to Euphemites blaneyanus McChesney, and are more likely to be of Pennsylvanian than of Mississippian or Permian age. He did not believe that the specimens warranted a systemic designation. RELIEF QUARTZITE Lindgren (1900, p. 2) named the Relief Quartzite for exposures near the hamlet of Relief, about 3 miles (4.8 km) west of Washington, Nevada County. He mapped it as a belt of rock about 1 mile (1.6 km) wide extending from a point northwest of Washington to near Towle (pi. 1) along the line of a major fault zone. He described the Relief as a very hard grayish siliceous rock with streaks of siliceous clay slate and noted that the stratification planes are extremely contorted. Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 12) later correlated several bodies of schistose micaceous quartzite exposed in the vicinity of Alleghany with the type Relief Quartzite and extended the formation beyond its northern limit as mapped by Lindgren. The Relief Quartzite is not differentiated on maps accompanying this report, and its validity as a formation is doubtful; the Relief Quartzite as mapped by Lindgren is a shear zone containing thin layers of serpentine and abundant sheared metamorphic rocks derived from formations exposed on either side of the shear zone (Clark, 1960, p. 490-491). Exposures along the South Yuba and Bear Rivers that were originally mapped as Relief Quartzite consist of blocks of volcanic rock and of chert in a matrix of flaser rocks.PALEOZOIC ROCKS 13 Rocks mapped as Relief Quartzite by Ferguson and Gannett, in areas too small to plot on plate 1, were examined during this study only at a point along Kanaka Creek about 1% miles southwest of Alleghany. There, the rock is true quartzite, unlike the shear-zone assemblage originally mapped by Lindgren as Relief Quartzite. The quartzite near Alleghany constitutes part of a stratigraphic unit that is distinct from those shown on maps accompanying this report or, more probably, is in fault blocks detached from the upper member of the Shoo Fly Formation. CAPE HORN SLATE Lindgren (1900, p. 2) applied the name Cape Horn Slate to a unit of clay slate and sparse bodies of limestone typically exposed at Cape Horn, a prominent point overlooking the North Fork of the American River, about 2 miles (3.2 km) northeast of Colfax. The rocks form a belt lVfe-5 miles (2.4-8 km) wide that extends northward through the central part of the map area (pi. 1). During the present investigation, sparse bedded chert and volcanic rocks were found interbedded with the slate, and in the northern part of the area, chert and volcanic rocks are more abundant than slate. The lithology of the Cape Horn Slate does not appear either sufficiently distinctive or consistent to warrant retaining the name. Rocks in the southern part of the area that were mapped originally as Cape Horn Slate are here tentatively shown as epiclastic rocks of Late Jurassic age, and the more cherty rocks in the northern part of the belt are mapped as Calaveras Formation. Lindgren (1900, p. 2) reported finding crinoid fragments in a small limestone body in the Cape Horn Slate below Cape Horn. This limestone is probably a fault block; it is in strata here included with Cosumnes-type rocks and is along the strike projection of conglomeratic mudstones exposed along the North Fork of the American River. DELHI FORMATION The Delhi Formation was named by Lindgren (1900, p. 2) for its typical development near the Delhi mine, about 5 miles (8 km) northwest of North Bloomfield, Nevada County. He stated that it consists mostly of dark-brown to black flinty rock that resembles hornfels and rarely shows bedding or schistosity. He noted that some rocks in the formation show a clastic character and others resemble chert. Crinoid fragments found in one of the few carbonate rock lenses in the formation suggested to Lindgren that the Delhi Formation is of Paleozoic age. Most of the characteristics ascribed to the Delhi Formation by Lindgren were confirmed during this investigation, but the absence of planar structures was not substantiated; rocks originally mapped as Delhi Formation show marked schistosity except in narrow zones of contact metamorphism near some intrusions. The Delhi Formation as mapped by Lindgren is indistinguishable from rocks mapped in the southern part of the metamorphic belt as undifferentiated chert and argillaceous members of the Calaveras Formation (Clark, 1964, p. 8), the formation to which its rocks are here reassigned. CLIPPER GAP FORMATION The Clipper Gap Formation was named by Lindgren (1900, p. 2) for exposures at the village of Clipper Gap, about 6 miles (9.6 km) northeast of Auburn in Placer County. He distinguished the Clipper Gap Formation only in the Colfax 30-minute quadrangle but stated that contiguous parts of the undivided Calaveras Formation in the adjacent Sacramento, Placerville, and Smartsville quadrangles should also be included in the Clipper Gap. As mapped by Lindgren, and subsequently by Chandra (1961, pi. 1), the Clipper Gap Formation includes a variety of rock types, some indistinguishable from rocks considered to be Jurassic by both authors. Stratigraphic problems are compounded by poor exposures, for most of the area underlain by the Clipper Gap Formation as originally mapped is a deeply weathered upland surface of moderate relief. The name Clipper Gap Formation probably should be abandoned, but more detailed mapping must precede formal action. According to Lindgren (1900, p. 2), the Clipper Gap Formation consists of slate, argillaceous sandstone, bedded and massive chert, and limestone. Chandra (1961, p. 14) included grit and conglomerate in the formation, as well as the rock types listed by Lindgren. During the present investigation, mafic pyroclastic rocks and massive volcanic rocks were found to be common within the area mapped by Lindgren and Chandra as Clipper Gap Formation. Ellipsoidal por-phyritic lava of unknown extent and age is conspicuous along Interstate Highway 80 between Clipper Gap and Applegate (pi. 1), within areas formerly mapped as Clipper Gap Formation. The ellipsoidal lava is exposed in roadcuts that were made after Chandra’s work was completed. In this report, epiclastic rocks assigned to the Clipper Gap Formation are mapped as Cosumnes-type rocks, and the volcanic rocks and chert, except for the ellipsoidal lava, are included with the undifferentiated Paleozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Contacts between these units in upland areas are generalized on plate 1. Graywacke, slate, petromict conglomerate, and conglomeratic mudstone exposed along Interstate Highway 80 between Bowman and14 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA Applegate and along the North Fork of the American River, in areas previously mapped as Clipper Gap Formation, are indistinguishable from rocks characteristic of the Cosumnes-type rocks as used in this report. Chandra (1961, p. 17-18), noting the similarity of conglomeratic mudstones and conglomerates in the Clipper Gap Formation to those in the Mariposa Formation (Cosumnes-type rocks of this report), suggested that those in the younger strata had been derived from the older by submarine sliding. This interpretation is untenable because current-bedded conglomerate as well as conglomeratic mudstone occur in both units as previously mapped and because the conglomeratic mudstone and conglomerate are not interbedded with the chert-bearing part of the Clipper Gap Formation but overlie them where they were seen during this study. No difference in the proportions of such labile constituents as slate and carbonate rock pebbles has been noted between conglomerates and pebbly mudstones assigned to the Clipper Gap Formation and those of Jurassic age. The Clipper Gap Formation was assigned an early Carboniferous age by Lindgren (1900, p. 2) on the basis of fossils found at three localities. The fossiliferous carbonate rocks at two of these localities are transported blocks. One such block, described by Lindgren as a small limestone mass and bearing fragments of crinoids and poorly preserved shells, crops out 2 miles (3.2 km) above Mammoth Bar along the Middle Fork of the American River in an area assigned by Lindgren to the Clipper Gap Formation but is here included with Cosumnes-type rocks. The locality could not be determined with certainty, but strata in this vicinity include conglomeratic mudstones with blocks of carbonate rocks that are as much as several feet long. Fossils at a second locality are in a limestone block west of Colfax along the Bear River, which Lindgren believed to have been torn loose from the main body of the Clipper Gap Formation by the intrusion of a diabase pluton. He reported finding here Clisiophyllum gabbi Meek, Lithostrotion whitneyi, and brachiopod fragments. The third locality is, from Lindgren’s description, apparently a limestone body exposed in a quarry in a small valley near the east boundary of sec. 8, T. 13 N., R. 9 E., and about 800 feet (245 m) south of the south portal of a Southern Pacific Railroad tunnel (Greenwood, Calif., Wi-minute quad.), where Phillipsastrea and Pleurotomaria were found. The stratigraphic relation of this carbonate rock to volcanic rocks that form the sparse surrounding exposures has not been established. TIGHTNER FORMATION The Tightner Formation, named for the Tightner mine, later part of the Sixteen-to-One mine, is about one-half mile (0.9 km) south of Alleghany and consists mostly of fine-grained greenish schist probably derived from andesitic volcanic rocks (Ferguson and Gannett, 1932, p. 6-7). It contains subordinate schist that is possibly derived from siliceous igneous rocks and some limestone lenses. The Tightner Formation was believed by Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 6-8) to be in fault contact with the Blue Canyon Formation (Shoo Fly Formation of this report) on the east and to be overlain unconformably by the Kanaka Formation on the west, although they recognized that the western contact was poorly exposed. No fossils were found in the Tightner Formation. The Tightner Formation is a mappable unit in the vicinity of Alleghany, but it is unlikely that it can be correlated with confidence over a larger area, owing to the great structural complexity of the belt in which the formation was originally mapped and the lack of distinctive lithologic criteria. The type area of the formation, about one-third mile (0.8 km) southeast of Alleghany, is in a block bounded by faults of large but unknown displacement (pi. 1). The Tightner Formation is similar to many bodies of schistose metavolcanic rock in the western Sierra Nevada associated with less metamorphosed volcanic rocks of both Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. In the absence of fossils, rocks outside of this fault block cannot be correlated with the type Tightner Formation except by lithology. KANAKA FORMATION The Kanaka Formation was named by Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 7-12) for exposures along Kanaka Creek, about three-quarters mile (1.2 km) south of Alleghany, Sierra County. They divided the formation into a basal conglomerate member, lower slate and greenstone member, chert member, and an upper slate and greenstone member, stating that the Kanaka Formation unconformably overlies the Tightner Formation and is conformably overlain by the Relief Quartzite. No fossils were found in the formation, but a Carboniferous age was assigned on the basis of Lindgren’s earlier interpretation of the age of rocks in that area. The two slate and greenstone members of the Kanaka Formation are megascopically similar to many other bodies composed of slate and metavolcanic rocks in the region and in this report are mapped as metavolcanic rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. The chert member is indistinguishable from rocks mapped as the Delhi Formation by Lindgren (1900) and is included with the Calaveras Formation in this report. The conglomerate member of the Kanaka Formation was not recognized along the three forks of the Yuba River during this investigation, and its outcrop is tooPALEOZOIC AND (OR) MESOZOIC ROCKS 15 narrow to show on plate 1; however, it constitutes a distinctive unit from Lafayette Ridge to Oregon Creek. The mode of origin of the rock is uncertain: It is either a tectonic breccia or a greatly sheared conglomeratic mudstone. Although it resembles coarse fragmental rocks in Jurassic strata of the region, it is exposed in an area that is distant from known Jurassic rocks. According to Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 8-9), the texture of the conglomerate member ranges from slate containing scattered pebbles to closely spaced pebbles in a slate matrix. The size of the rock fragments varies widely; the largest fragment observed was 14 feet (4 m) long. The most numerous pebbles are altered pyroxene andesite, and possibly dacite, but pebbles of quartz diorite are also numerous. Less common are pebbles of arkose and quartzite. During the present investigation, blocks of bedded chert were found in the conglomerate member along Kanaka Creek. Possibly the volcanic rock pebbles were derived from the Tightner Formation (Ferguson and Gannett, 1932, p. 9), which is separated from the conglomerate member by thin septa of gabbro and serpentine. The quartzite and arkose pebbles could have been derived from the Shoo Fly Formation and the chert blocks from the Calaveras Formation. Several possible modes of origin of the conglomerate member—pyroclastic, mudflow, tillite, fanglomerate, or fossil talus slope—were discussed by Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 10), but no definite conclusion was reached. The mudflow hypothesis is consistent with the concept that the conglomerate member is a sheared conglomeratic mudstone and cannot be eliminated on the basis of present information. On the other hand, the matrix of the conglomerate, which "though containing small fragments of probably detrital quartz*** consists largely of very fine grained opaque black material” (Ferguson and Gannett, 1932, p. 10), is more typical of flaser rocks found in the region than of the pebbly mudstones and is unlike the matrix of pebbly mudstones found elsewhere in the region. The matrix of the conglomeratic mudstones is not opaque and consists of white mica and silt- to sand-size grains of minerals and rocks. VOLCANIC ROCKS Volcanic rocks of Paleozoic age exposed along the northeast border of the area were mapped by Durrell and Proctor (1948, p. 171), who found that these rocks consisted of a lower unit of metarhyolite about 4,000 feet (1,200 m) thick, an 80-300-foot-thick (24^90 m) unit of shale, chert, and mafic tuff, and an exceedingly thick unit of mafic lava and pyroclastic rocks. The lower unit rests unconformably on rocks here included with the Shoo Fly Formation and has a thin basal conglomerate (Durrell and Proctor, 1948, p. 171,175). The thick series of mafic lava and pyroclastic rocks is probably of Permian age (Durrell and Proctor, 1948, p. 171; Wheeler, 1939, p. 107) and is overlain by the Milton Formation (Turner, 1897). PALEOZOIC AND (OR) MESOZOIC ROCKS VOLCANIC AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Volcanic and sedimentary rocks constitute a unit mapped in the southern part of the area; in the Colfax area it forms outcrops too small to map separately. It consists largely of mafic or intermediate volcanic rocks but is distinguished from other map units because conglomerate, carbonate rocks, and chert are interbed-ded with the volcanic rocks and because fossils older than those found elsewhere in the area were collected from a limestone body in the unit. The unit includes some of the rocks that were mapped by Lindgren (1894, 1900) and by Lindgren and Turner (1894) as diabase, Calaveras Formation, and Clipper Gap Formation. This unit crops out in the south-central part of the map area in the same general area as the Cosumnes-type rocks. The volcanic rocks in this unit consist mostly of breccia but include subordinate pillow lava and tuff. Bedding is obscure in the coarse volcanic breccia along the North and Middle Forks of the American River, and farther south most of the volcanic rocks are schistose. Coarse-crystalline carbonate rock, partly limestone, forms lenses in the volcanic rocks in the vicinity of Lake Clementine (North Fork Reservoir on some maps). The largest of these lenses, more than 1 mile (1.6 km) long and as much as 250 feet (710 m) wide, crosses the Middle Fork of the American River about 1.8 miles (2.4 km) upstream from the State Highway 49 bridge. Part of a carbonate rock lens, near where the south line of sec. 10, T. 13 N., R. 9 E., crosses the North Fork of the American River, is replaced by chert. Thin-bedded chert is interlayed with the volcanic rocks about 200 feet (60 m) upstream from the massive chert near the Colfax railroad station and along Interstate Highway 80. Thin-bedded chert is interbedded with slate, graywacke, and tuff within the dominantly volcanic section at several places between the dam at Lake Clementine and the juncture of the Middle and North Forks of the American River. The west boundary of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks is a fault zone, and the east boundary is faulted in places. Moderately dipping volcanic rocks with interbedded chert, believed to be part of this unit, are unconformably overlain by conglomerate of Cosumnes type in a cutbank at the Colfax railroad station. Truncated beds below the contact show an angular unconformity of a few degrees. Along the North Fork of the American River, slate and graywacke of Cosumnes type is in fault contact with the undivided volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Along Interstate Highway 8016 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA MET AMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA between Clipper Gap and Applegate, exposures of rocks typical of the Cosumnes alternate with exposures of volcanic rocks with interbedded chert. Low-dip angles that characterize these two units at this locality suggest that the contact between them is folded so as to cause an irregular pattern very difficult to trace on the deeply weathered and rolling upland surface. Tabulate corals collected from the limestone quarry south of the Middle Fork of the American River in sec. 6, T. 12 N., R. 9 E., are of probable Devonian age, according to C. W. Merriam (oral commun., 1962). Bryozoa collected from the same locality were identified by Helen Duncan (written commun., 1967), who believes that these also suggest a Devonian age. Exposures at the quarry suggest that this limestone body is interbedded with the adjacent volcanic rocks, but owing to the meager information on the internal structure and stratigraphy of this map unit, it cannot be assumed that all rocks in the unit are of the same age. The unit is therefore considered to be of Paleozoic and Mesozoic(?) age. EPICLASTIC ROCKS Epiclastic rocks near the site of Las Plumas, now flooded by Lake Oroville, in the northwest corner of the area (pi. 1) consist mostly of dark-gray phyllite but contain some graywacke, volcanic rock, and conglomerate. Phyllitic conglomerate exposed in railroad cuts northwest of Las Plumas consists largely of pebbles of light- to dark-gray slate and dark-gray chert in a slate matrix with sparse granules of dark-gray quartz. A block of coral-bearing carbonate rock, 10 by 4 feet (3 by 1.2 m) in size, surrounded by sheared phyllite is exposed in the bank of Grizzly Creek at the west boundary of the Las Plumas 71/2-minute quadrangle, about 3,500 feet (1,065 m) S. 80° W. of the Las Plumas powerhouse. Because the slate is sheared, it is uncertain whether the carbonate block was emplaced by faulting or by slumping, as were some of the blocks in the Cosumnes-type rocks, but it is unlikely that fossils in the block can be used confidently to date the surrounding slate. Blocks of fusulinid-bearing limestone occur on the west wall of Spring Valley Gulch at the 900-foot (270 m) elevation, the high-water mark of Lake Oroville. These blocks appear to be in fault contact with adjacent slate. METAVOLCANIC ROCKS Metavolcanic rocks occur in the central part of the map area and are spatially closely associated with the Calaveras Formation. They were mapped as amphibolite by Lindgren and Turner (1894, 1895), by Turner (1897), and by Lindgren (1900) and also as diabase and porphyrite by Lindgren (1900). Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 6-7) applied the name Tightner Formation to schistose metavolcanic rocks near Alleghany (pi. 1). Most metavolcanic rocks appear in the field to be basaltic or andesitic, but felsic volcanic rocks constitute the western part of the sheared and metamorphosed body of metavolcanic rocks along the North Fork of the American River south of Dutch Flat. The abundance of quartz in contorted banded schistose metavolcanic rocks assigned by Ferguson and Gannett (1932, p. 7) to the Tightner Formation was interpreted by them to suggest felsic composition. Bedded metavolcanic rocks along the North Yuba River east of Indian Valley consist largely of aphanitic dark-gray rocks that form massive beds 1-2 feet (0.3-0.6 m) thick. Interbedded with these are sparse beds of sand-size tuff. The massive aphanitic rocks superficially resemble chert but have a duller luster, and the beds are much thicker than normal for chert. Bedded metavolcanic rocks in the western part of the Middle Yuba River west of the mouth of Indian Creek consist largely of pyroclastic rocks, but one layer of lava shows suggestions of pillow structure. Chert is interbedded with the pyroclastic rocks near the pluton there. Massive metavolcanic rocks, some having the appearance of gabbro with grain size ranging from about 1-2 mm, are associated with the schistose metavolcanic rocks along the Middle Yuba River near Orleans Flat, and massive metavolcanic rocks constitute most of the eastern part of the body exposed along the North Fork of the American River. Massive and pillow lavas occur near the east and west ends of the segment of Slate Creek that is marked by structure symbols (pi. 1) and on the Middle Fork of the Feather River near a large serpentine body. Distorted pillow structure is retained in schistose metavolcanic rocks at the State Highway 49 bridge across the North Yuba River west of Indian Valley. Few clues are to be found regarding the age of the metavolcanic rocks, but some bodies may be temporally correlative with the late Paleozoic Calaveras Formation or, in the southern part of the area, with the Silurian Shoo Fly Formation. Preservation of original structures in some metavolcanic rocks near Slate Creek in the northern part of the map area (pi. 1), as well as the association with epiclastic rocks that are indistinguishable from Jurassic strata, suggests that at least part of these volcanic rocks may be Jurassic. If so, the volcanic rocks, as well as the associated sedimentary rocks, probably rest unconformably on the more deformed Calaveras Formation. In the absence of additional data, the metavolcanic rocks are tentatively assigned a Paleozoic or Mesozoic age. MESOZOIC ROCKS Epiclastic and volcanic rocks of Mesozoic and proba-MESOZOIC ROCKS 17 ble Mesozoic age underlie wide belts east and west of the belt of older rocks marked by the Shoo Fly Formation. They form smaller bodies that are associated with the Calaveras Formation in the central and northern parts of the map area. Probably none of these metamorphic rocks is younger than Cretaceous, for most map units are intruded by granitic rocks and no granitic rocks younger than Cretaceous have been recognized in the Sierra Nevada. Sparse Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the region, not differentiated in this report, are neither folded nor metamorphosed (Lindgren, 1894; Creely, 1965, p. 34-35). Fossils are generally sparse in the Mesozoic rocks, and they have been found in but a few map units. Epiclastic rocks here considered to be of Mesozoic age are lithologically similar to dated Jurassic rocks and resemble only the slate member of the Shoo Fly Formation among the Paleozoic strata. Some volcanic rocks in the northeastern part of the area (pi. 1), here considered to be of Mesozoic age, are possibly deformed outliers of the Paleozoic volcanic rocks that occur near the northeast boundary. Available structural and faunal evidence indicates that the Mesozoic rocks of the eastern belt are, in general, successively younger from west to east, but strata in the western belt are faulted and repeated by folds. The Triassic(?) rocks, comprising a basal chert breccia and an overlying limestone unit, are suggestive of miogeosynclinal deposition, whereas the Jurassic strata are eugeosynclinal deposits of metavolcanic rocks, silty slate, graywacke, and conglomeratic mudstone. Mesozoic strata in the eastern part of the area are broadly divisible into eastern and western outcrop belts of epiclastic rocks separated by an intermediate belt of volcanic rocks. Turner (1894b) assigned the name Sailor Canyon Formation to the western belt of epiclastic rocks (pi. 1) and the name Milton Formation to strata composed chiefly of tuff and lapilli tuff exposed in the vicinity of what is now Milton Reservoir. However, he excluded massive volcanic breccia that is interbedded with the Milton. Lindgren (1897, 1900) included both bands of epiclastic rocks with the Sailor Canyon Formation and did not discuss the stratigraphic significance of the intervening volcanic rocks. Clark (1930, p. 8, 19-20, 28, fig. 6), who viewed the two bands of epiclastic rocks as opposite limbs of a syncline, included the volcanic rocks as well as both bands of epiclastic rocks in the Milton Formation. In this report, the name Sailor Canyon Formation is restricted to the western belt of epiclastic rocks, in accordance with the original definition. The name Milton Formation is extended to include the interbedded massive volcanic breccia that Turner mapped separately, as well as volcanic rocks east of the Sailor Canyon Formation and along the regional strike of the type locality of the Milton Formation. The eastern belt of Mesozoic epiclastic rocks is herein discussed under the informal term "epiclastic rocks.” Taliaferro (1943, fig. 2) correlated the Gopher Ridge Volcanics of this report with the Logtown Ridge Formation. Turner (1894a) and Taliaferro (1943, fig. 2) included both the Salt Spring Slate and the epiclastic rocks east of the Logtown Ridge Formation with the Mariposa Formation of Late Jurassic (upper Oxfordian and lower Kimmeridgian) age. A sparse fauna in the Salt Spring Slate (Imlay, 1961, table 2, loc. 8) suggests that its age is about the same as that of the type Mariposa Formation, but no fossils have been recovered from the unnamed epiclastic rocks that overlie the Logtown Ridge Formation. Because the fossil record is inadequate for precise correlation, the author prefers to use separate stratigraphic nomenclature for the two fault blocks. Rocks of Jurassic and probable Jurassic age west of the Shoo Fly are more folded than those in the eastern belt, and stratigraphic continuity is interrupted by faults of large but unknown displacement. Stratigraphy and correlation problems are best illustrated near the south boundary of the area where stratigraphic sequences in two different fault blocks can be compared. South of Folsom Reservoir (pi. 1) the Gopher Ridge Volcanics of Jurassic (probable Late Jurassic) age, and the Salt Spring Slate and overlapping Copper Hill Volcanics, both of Late Jurassic age, constitute a sequence of folded concordant formations (Clark, 1964, p. 27-31, pis. 2, 8) that are more extensively exposed south of the area of this report. Farther east and separated from the above area by an intervening fault block, a similar sequence consists of Cosumnes-type rocks of Middle!?) and Late Jurassic (Callovian) age, the Logtown Ridge Formation of Late Jurassic (Callovian to upper Oxfordian or lower Kimmeridgian) age and an unnamed epiclastic formation of Late Jurassic (probably Kimmeridgian) age. Formations in the western fault block, particularly the Copper Hill Volcanics, possibly constitute parts of unnamed map units elsewhere in the area, but they have been identified in so little of the-area that further description here is unwarranted. TRIASSIC(?) ROCKS Rocks of Triassic(?) age were recognized only near the North Fork of the American River immediately east of the Shoo Fly Formation (pi. 1) where they include a basal chert breccia and an overlying limestone. The limestone is possibly equivalent to the Hosselkus Limestone of Late Triassic age near Taylorsville and Redding (McMath, 1966). Although the breccia and18 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA limestone were included by Lindgren (1900) with the Paleozoic rocks to the west, he was the first to recognize the existence of an unconformity in this vicinity. The lower of two units questionably assigned to the Triassic is medium to very coarse poorly sorted chert breccia having a thickness of 75 feet (23 m) or more. Chert and quartzose slate fragments similar to the rocks in the Shoo Fly Formation west of the unconformity are the most abundant rocks in the breccia; however, fragments of fine-grained dioritic or quartz-monzonitic rocks are common near Little Granite Creek, and sparse mica-schist pebbles occur on the north side of the main river canyon. Fragments of thin-bedded dark-gray slate and fine-grained graywacke or silicic tuff derived from the Shoo Fly Formation are common locally. In most places the largest fragments in the breccia are about 4 inches (10 cm) long, but near Little Granite Creek some are as much as 20 inches (50 cm) long. Near the contact on the divide between Big Granite Creek and the North Fork of the American River are outcrops of Shoo Fly Formation as much as 20 feet (6 m) long and 5 feet (1.5 m) wide that are surrounded by chert breccia; such an outcrop pattern might result either from deposition of the breccia on a very irregular erosion surface or from incorporation of detached blocks of the Shoo Fly Formation in the breccia. The limestone that overlies the chert breccia is about 400 feet (120 m) thick on the crest of the divide between the North Fork of the American River and Big Granite Creek. It is absent in New York Canyon and is absent or concealed on the south side of the main river canyon. The lower part of the limestone unit consists of alternating layers of thin-bedded argillaceous gray limestone that weathers very light gray. Well-rounded granules or angular fragments of chert characterize some of these beds. The middle part consists of less argillaceous cliff-forming limestone, and the upper part is thinly interbedded light-gray limestone and light-greenish-gray very fine grained pyritic sandstone probably derived from silicic tuff. The chert breccia overlies the Shoo Fly Formation with pronounced angular unconformity, and owing to pre-Triassic(?) folding of the Shoo Fly Formation, the angle between bedding in the Shoo Fly and that in the Mesozoic rocks varies from near 0° to near 90°. At the unconformity the surface of the Shoo Fly shows a relief of several feet; the contact alternately follows bedding and joints in the Shoo Fly Formation. North of the North Fork of the American River, the chert breccia is conformably overlain by limestone of Late Triassic(?) age. In New York Canyon it is overlain with possible erosional, but not angular, unconformity by the Sailor Canyon Formation. Although no fossils were found in the chert breccia, it is considered to be of Triassic(?) age. Evidence for the age of the limestone was stated by Norman Silberling (in Clark and others, 1962, p. B18) as follows: A Late Triassic(?) age for the limestone is based mainly on the occurrence *** (USGS Mes. loc Ml 167) of numerous spherical objects with the surficial and internal structure ofHeterastridium, a supposed hydrozoan coelenterate that is widely distributed in deposits of Norian (late Late Triassic) age. However, in view of the doubtful biologic affinities and unknown evolutionary history of this organism, the age must be considered provisional. A post-Paleozoic age for the limestone is corroborated by the presence of poorly preserved scleractinian corals, large cidarid echinoid spines, and Pentacrinus-like crinoid columnals with petaloid crenulations on the articulating surfaces. Lindgren (1900) reported finding Lithostrotion, Avicu-lopecten, Murchisonia, crinoid stems, and lamelli-branchs where, according to his field notes, the limestone crosses a trail on the southeast side of Big Granite Creek, but similar material was not found during the present investigation. JURASSIC ROCKS SAILOR CANYON FORMATION The Sailor Canyon Formation, named by Turner (1894b, p. 232) for exposures on a tributary to the North Fork of the American River, is mostly graywacke, silty slate, and tuff. Its maximum thickness is at least 10,000 feet (3,000 m). The lowest part of the formation is greenish-gray-weathering sparsely bedded andesitic tuff about 500-700 feet (150-210 m) thick. Its texture ranges from very fine grained tuff to lapilli-tuff. The tuff is overlain by silty, locally pyritic, or calcareous slate about 1,000 feet (300 m) thick that extends eastward to the mouth of New York Canyon. Some conglomerate and graywacke are interbedded with the slate; pebbles in some conglomerate beds are restricted to carbonate rocks and chert, but others also contain pebbles of vein quartz and amygdaloidal volcanic rocks. The most abundant rocks from the mouth of New York Canyon to the east side of Sailor Canyon are graywacke and silty slate, but tuff occurs throughout; the frequency of pyroclastic beds increases markedly near the top of the formation. Current-ripple bedding and graded bedding are common in the graywacke. In thin section, sand grains in the graywacke are seen to be mostly plagioclase and mottled untwinned feldspar, but quartz is common; some beds contain grains of microcrystalline volcanic rocks, granoblastic chert, and quartzite. Poorly sorted calcarenite or calcareous graywacke beds at the mouth of Sailor Canyon are less than 1 foot (0.3 m) thick. Detrital carbonate grains and recrystallized carbonate constitute most of these beds, but other rocks and minerals also occur.MESOZOIC ROCKS 19 Where the base of the Sailor Canyon Formation is well exposed in New York Canyon, its lower tuff unit rests on Triassic(?) chert breccia along an irregular surface having a local relief of about 10 feet (3 m). The tuff here contains a 4-foot (1.2 m) layer of chert breccia about 20 feet (6 m) above its base. The absence of Triassic(?) limestone and the relief of the upper surface of the breccia are interpreted as evidence of an erosional unconformity at the base of the Sailor Canyon Formation. The available evidence indicates that the Sailor Canyon Formation is structurally concordant with the Triassic(?) rocks, and the paleontologic record indicates but a very short time break at the unconformity. The upper part of the Sailor Canyon Formation grades into, or intertongues with, the overlying Milton Formation through a stratigraphic interval about 1,600 feet (490 m) thick. The transitional zone, here included with the Sailor Canyon Formation, consists of interbed-ded conglomerate and volcanic rocks. The top of the Sailor Canyon Formation is drawn at the base of a thick layer of massive dark-gray volcanic breccia with abundant needlelike amphibole crystals, which is exposed on the north canyon wall. The Sailor Canyon Formation is of Early and Middle Jurassic age. Hyatt (1894, p. 396-398) first identified Monotis semiplicata, Monotis symmetrica, Daonella? subjecta, Daonella boechiformis, Daonella cardinoides, Gryphaea, and ammonites including Peronoceras? americanum (an undescribed species). He believed that the presence of species of Daonella would ordinarily be regarded as evidence of a Triassic age, except for the fact that they extended into the ammonite bed which he dated as Early Jurassic (Lias) (Hyatt, 1894, p. 397). Lindgren (1900, p. 2) assigned the Sailor Canyon Formation to the Juratrias Period. Smith (1927) held that the Monotis species listed by Hyatt were synonyms for Pseudomonotis and that the Sailor Canyon Formation was therefore of Late Triassic (Noric) age. Smith’s age assignment was accepted by K. B. Ketner (in McKee and others, 1959, p. 6-7) for the lowermost part of the Sailor Canyon. C. H. Crickmay (in Clark, 1930, p. 49) studied collections made by Clark at three localities near the North Fork of the American River. Among fossils collected in Sailor Canyon above the Trinidad mine (probably the Sterrett mine of earlier reports), Crickmay determined two species of Arniotites, "Tubel-lites” sp. (=Gemmeltaroceras), and a hildoceratid. He thought that the first two indicated an early Lias date but that the third indicated middle Lias. Arniotites sp. and "Tubellites” sp. were identified also in a collection from the divide Between Big Granite Creek and the North Fork of the American River. In a collection from near the Placer Queen mine in the upper part of Wildcat Canyon, Crickmay identified sphaerocehatinid ammonites, which he believed to indicate a much younger age than fossils at the Trinidad mine locality. Similar ammonites near that mine were also mentioned by Clark (1930). In addition, Crickmay (1933, p. 52) redescribed and illustrated Monotis semiplicata Hyatt and Monotis symmetrica Hyatt, placed them in the genus Entolium, and dated them as "Lower Jurassic, Deroceratan.” Stratigraphically, these are the lowest known fossils in the Sailor Canyon Formation. Taliaferro (1942, p. 100) stated that Upper Triassic fossils were found at or near the base of the Sailor Canyon Formation along the North Fork of the American River, Lower Jurassic fossils occur 2,500 feet (750 m) above the base, and Middle Jurassic fossils occur 9,500 feet (2,900 m) above the base. More recently, all U.S. Geological Survey fossil collections from the Sailor Canyon Formation were studied by Imlay (1968, p. C7, C8, C12-C17; Clark and others, 1962, p. B19), who concluded that the formation reprsents most of the Early Jurassic and at least the early Middle Jurassic. The evidence consists of the late Sinemurian ammonite Crucilobiceras about 1,000 feet (300 m) above the base of the formation, the late Pliensbachian ammonites A rieticeras and Reynesoceras about 2,000 feet (600 m) above the base, and the early Bajocian ammonite Tmetoceras from 9,000 to 10,000 feet (2,700 to 3,000 m) above the base. The unverified report of sphaeroceratid ammonites near the Placer Queen mine suggests that the upper part of the formation may be as young as middle or late Bajocian. Several stratigraphically useful pelecypods collected in the Sailor Canyon Formation include Entolium? semiplicatum (Hyatt), associated with the late Sinemurian ammonite Crucilobiceras, and Lupherella boechiformis, associated with the late Pleinsbachian ammonites Arieticeras and Reynesoceras. In addition, Bositra buchii (Roemer) occurs with Tmetoceras of early Bajocian age, but its total range is late Toarcian to Kimmeridgian. Of these pelecypods Entolium? semiplicatum (Hyatt) occurs in Nevada, eastern Oregon, and southern Alaska in beds of the same age, and Lupherella boechiformis (Hyatt) occurs in eastern Oregon associated with many ammonites of late Pliensbachian age (Imlay, 1967, p. B9). MILTON FORMATION The Milton Formation was named by Turner (1894b, p. 232-234) for exposures near an old stage station at about the present site of the dam for the Milton Reservoir on the Middle Fork of the Yuba River. The Milton consists mostly of andesitic pyroclastic rocks;20 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA subordinate rocks are felsite tuff, calcarenite, conglomerate, mudflow breccia, and dark-gray slate or very fine grained tuff. Graded beds are few in the Milton Formation, but current-ripple bedding, small cut-and-fill structures, and load casts mark some tuff beds. Along Haypress Creek contact metamorphism has converted slate or fine-grained tuff to hornfels and destroyed original textures and structures of most volcanic rocks east of the pillow lava. Following Turner (1896, p. 624), isolated exposures of coarse-crystalline limestone along Pass Creek are included arbitrarily with the Milton Formation, although stratigraphic relations of the limestone are uncertain. The Milton Formation exposed along the North Yuba River is at least 10,000 feet (3,000 m) thick if not folded in concealed areas. Along the North Fork of the American River, the Milton is apprently equally as thick, but this is uncertain because contact metamorphism has obscured bedding in the eastern part of the formation. Owing to more moderate and variable dips along the Middle Yuba River, the exposed part there is probably less than 5,000 feet (1,500 m) thick. Near the North Fork of the American River, the western part of the Milton is coarse mostly thick-bedded mafic or intermediate volcanic breccia. The eastern part, owing to contact metamorphism, is mostly massive fine-grained rock of dioritic appearance. Thin- to thick-bedded tuff of probably andesitic composition constitutes most of the Milton Formation near the Middle Yuba River and much of the formation along Haypress Creek. Massive amygdaloidal lava occurs near the mouth of Haypress Creek, and at Loves Falls the North Yuba River cuts through a thick massive layer of pyroclastic or flow breccia. Massive felsite containing quartz phenocrysts occurs in roadcuts of State Highway 49 at the west boundary of sec. 27, T. 20 N., R. 12 E., and at the mouth of Haypress Creek. Very fine grained dark-gray slate with some interbed-ded fine- to medium-grained tuff and chert or quartzose tuff extends about 3V2 miles (5.6 km) north from Wild Plum Campground. Along the Middle Y uba River west of the mouth of the Milton-Bowman tunnel, bedded felsite lapilli-tuff having interbedded layers of dark-gray slate and chert as much as IY2 feet (0.5 m) thick is overlain by poorly sorted intraformational conglomeratic mudstone about 50 feet (15 m) thick with chert fragments in a matrix of felsite tuff. The fragments range from small massive pebbles to internally thin-bedded blocks more than 8 feet long and 2 feet thick (2.4 m and 0.6 m). Obscure layering in the conglomeratic mudstone is marked by differences in spacing of fragments and by parallel arrangement of elongate or tabular fragments. Con-stitutents of the breccia were apparently derived from tuff and chert beds that occur within 40 feet (12 m) stratigraphically below the breccia. Along the road about 500 feet (150 m) west of the Milton Reservoir dam, conglomerate layers less than 10 feet (3 m) thick are interbedded with tuff. Most of the pebbles are fine-grained dioritic and gabbroic rocks; less common pebbles are chert, mafic volcanic rocks, and biotite schist. Medium-grained dark-gray obscurely bedded calcarenite is exposed along the Middle Yuba River near the center of sec. 18, T. 19 N., R. 13 E. The calcarenite contains pebbles of mafic volcanic rocks, and under the microscope sand-size grains of plagioclase, untwinned feldspar, and mafic minerals are visible. Carbonate rocks along Pass Creek appear to be much less contaminated by noncarbonate detritus. Along the Middle and North Yuba Rivers, stratigraphic relations between the Milton and Shoo Fly' Formations to the west are obscured by shear zones marking faults of probable large displacement. On the North Yuba, this contact is tentatively drawn at a shear zone that marks the east limit of chert in this vicinity. Sheared mafic or andesitic volcanic rocks occur both east and west of the contact as drawn, but such rocks are known to occur in both the Shoo Fly and Milton Formations. On the Middle Yuba River, this contact is drawn at a narrow serpentine body at the west limit of unsheared rocks of the Milton Formation. Near the North Fork of the American River, the Milton grades into or intertongues with the underlying Sailor Canyon Formation. Turner (1894b) considered the Milton Formation to be younger than the Sailor Canyon Formation and older than the Mariposa Formation, that is, within the range of late Middle to early Late Jurassic age. This interpretation is consistent with available structural and stratigraphic information. Along all three rivers the Milton is truncated on the east by granitic intrusive rocks. AMADOR GROUP OF TALIAFERRO (1942, 1943) The Amador Group was named by Taliaferro (1942, p. 89-90; 1943, p. 282-284); he divided the group into the Cosumnes and overlying Logtown Ridge Formations on the basis of exposures along the Cosumnes River, the north boundary of Amador County. His original definition was slightly modified by Clark (1964, p. 17) as the result of reexamination of its type locality. Both Taliaferro and Clark described the Cosumnes Formation as consisting predominantly of sedimentary rocks and the Logtown Ridge Formation as consisting predominantly of pyroclastic rocks with associated volcanic breccia and pillow lava. Recent detailed mapping in Amador County, including the type locality of the Amador Group (Sharp andMESOZOIC ROCKS 21 Duffield, 1973; Duffield and Sharp, 1975), has resulted in the following major revisions within the Amador Group: 1. The basal contact of the Logtown Ridge Formation is located 2,000 feet (600 m) farther west than originally designated. 2. This contact is a fault, and thus the Logtown Ridge Formation is not conformable with the Cosumnes Formation as previously described. 3. Most strata originally defined and mapped as the Cosumnes Formation are part of a diverse assemblage of tectonically intermixed rocks—a melange—and thus the Cosumnes is not a valid formational rock-stratigraphic unit in Amador County. 4. The names Consumnes Formation and Amador Group are both inappropriate in their type areas and thus are abandoned. The decision of Sharp and Duffield to abandon the Cosumnes Formation and Amador Group is accepted in the present report, although a belt of rocks similar to the Cosumnes Formation as originally defined has been mapped northward from its original type locality on the Cosumnes River into the southern part of the area of this report (pi. 1). To provide continuity between the present report and the earlier report on the south half of the foothill belt (Clark, 1964) and still recognize the recent contributions of Duffield and Sharp, these rocks are here referred to informally as Cosumnes-type rocks, in much the same way that Duffield and Sharp (1975) describe some rocks of the melange discussed by them as having Cosumnes affinities. Cosumnes-type Rocks Cosumnes-type rocks include strata along the regional strike of the type locality of Taliaferro’s (1943) Cosumnes Formation as far northward as the Bear River (pi. 1). Much of the western part of the belt so included was assigned by Lindgren and Turner (1894) to the Calaveras Formation and a small part northeast of Applegate was assigned by Lindgren (1900) to the Clipper Gap Formation. Most of the rocks north of the North Fork of the American River that are here included with Cosumnes-type rocks were assigned to the Mariposa Formation by Lindgren (1900) and Chandra (1961). They were identified as slate and tuff of the Colfax Formation by Smith (1910, chart opposite p. 217). In some places between the South and Middle Forks of the American River, the east boundary of the unit is drawn arbitrarily, and much of the west boundary is also arbitrary owing to scarcity of exposures. The unit is at least 4,000 feet (1,200 m) thick in the map area. Cosumnes-type rocks include dark-gray silty slate, gravelly conglomerate, conglomeratic mudstone, graywacke, and a small proportion of volcanic rocks. Major components of the graywacke and conglomerate are angular fragments of light- to dark-gray chert, volcanic rocks, and quartz. Minor constituents of the graywacke identified in thin sections are detrital grains of quartz-rich graywacke having sparse plagioclase probably derived from the Shoo Fly Formation and, from other sources, quartzite distinguished by pronounced undulatory extinction and deeply sutured contacts between its component grains, quartz-mica schist, and microcrystalline graphite-bearing quartz phyllite. Current-bedded conglomerate and conglomeratic mudstone are sparse along the South Fork of the American River but are common farther north. Conglomeratic mudstone containing blocks of carbonate rock occurs along the Middle Fork of the American River from Kennebeck Bar to Poverty Bar, in Bunch Canyon, along the river near the south boundary of sec. 36, T. 15 N., R. 9 E., and along Interstate Highway 80. A conglomeratic mudstone about 1,000 feet (300 m) north of the south boundary of sec. 36, T. 15 N., R. 9 E., contains a block of deformed thin-bedded chert about 15 feet (4.5 m) wide and 30 feet (9 m) long. Most pebbles and boulders in the conglomeratic mudstone are of thin-bedded chert. Pebbly mudstone about 50 feet (15 m) thick, exposed 0.7 mile (1.1 km) northeast of the mouth of Codfish Creek, truncates bedding in the underlying slate and graywacke. Enclosed in the mudstone are blocks of interbedded slate and graywacke similar to strata underlying the pebbly mudstone. Other pebbly mudstones in that vicinity include contorted masses of slate and graywacke. Few contacts of Cosumnes-type rocks with other units are exposed in the map area, and of these, several contacts are with units that are not well fixed stratigraphically. Thick conglomerate in the basal part of the Cosumnes-type rocks suggests but does not prove that the basal contact is an unconformity. In cut banks east and west of the railroad station in Colfax, coarse breccia containing abundarlt fragments of volcanic rocks and some chert fragments, here included with Cosumnes-type rocks, unconformably overlies volcanic rocks having some interbedded chert. Truncation of the chert below the contact at the south end of the cut east of the railroad station suggests an angular unconformity of a few degrees, but the age of the rocks beneath the unconformity is uncertain. Cosumnes-type rocks contain rocks of early Late Jurassic (Callovian) age, which were originally considered younger. Hyatt (1894, p. 424-425, 427; in22 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA Lindgren, 1900, p. 3) identified Perisphinctes colfaxi Gabb collected from a railroad cut 1 mile (1.6 km) west of Colfax and Olcostephanus lindgreni Hyatt occurring about IV2 miles (2.4 km) south-southwest of Colfax and concluded that they indicated a Late Jurassic (Tithon-ian) age. Smith (1910, chart facing p. 217) mentioned the occurrence of Perisphinctes colfaxi Gabb in these strata, which he named the Colfax Formation, and believed them to be of Late Jurassic age and younger than the Mariposa Formation. Crickmay (1933, p. 57) identified Olcostephanus lindgreni Hyatt as Galilaeiceras lindgreni and gave its age as early Late Jurassic (Callovian). Imlay (1961, p. D6-D7) listed Ammonites colfaxi Gabb, Kepplerites lorinclarki Imlay, and K. (Gowericeras) lindgreni (Hyatt) from the Colfax Formation of Smith (1910) as Callovian ammonites. A fossil identified by Imlay (1961, p. D7-D8, table 3) as Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) mulbachi Hyatt of possible early Oxfordian but probably late Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) age is reported to have been found near Greenwood (pi. 1). A late Oxfordian age is more in accord with the age of the Mariposa Formation south of the area of this report than with Cosumnes-type rocks at Greenwood, but as the geologic structure in this area, as well as the name of the collector and precise locality of the fossil, is uncertain, the age is questionable. Logtown Ridge Formation In its type locality immediately west of the Huse Bridge on State Highway 49 over the Cosumnes River, the Logtown Ridge Formation consists largely of pyroclastic rocks, ranging from very fine grained tuff to very coarse volcanic breccia, but contains some pillow lava. Within the area covered by this report, it was examined only along the South Fork of the American River, where it consists of pyroclastic rocks ranging in texture from very fine grained tuff to volcanic breccia. The pyroclastic rocks consist largely of fragments of mafic or intermediate volcanic rocks, but some breccia also contains fragments of slate and felsic volcanic rocks. As mapped by Lindgren and Turner (1894), rocks here assigned to the Logtown Ridge Formation are continuously exposed from its type locality, 6 miles (9.6 km) south of the boundary of the present study area, to a point southwest of Placerville where they are truncated by a felsic intrusion (pi. 1). Similar pyroclastic rocks bordering the east side of Cosumnes-type rocks from a point south of Georgetown northward to a point near Cape Horn (pi. 1) probably belong to the Logtown Ridge Formation; however, no paleontologic confirmation was found, and thus they have been mapped simply as volcanic rocks of Jurassic age. The Logtown Ridge Formation is of early Late Jurassic (Callovian to late Oxfordian or early Kim-meridgian) age (Imlay, 1961, p. D6) on the basis of the presence of Pseudocadoceras in its lower 600 feet (180 m) and ofIdoceras aff. I. planula (Heyl) in its upper part. MONTE DE ORO FORMATION The Monte de Oro Formation was named by Turner (1896, p. 548) for a conglomerate-bearing slate exposed in sec. 33, T. 20 N., R. 4 E., along the road immediately south of Monte de Oro, a point on the southeast end of North Table Mountain about 3 miles (4.8 km) north-northeast of Oroville where it occupies a faulted syncline (pi. 1). Silty slate, part of which contains abundant plant fossils, constitutes most of the formation, but graywacke and poorly sorted conglomerate are interbedded with the slate. On the west side of the syncline, this sequence is underlain conformably by a 200-foot-thick (60 m) section of littoral sandstone and conglomerate, partly crossbedded, that contains-pebbles of vein quartz, carbonate rocks, and volcanic rocks and is much better sorted than the overlying silty beds to the east. Although the marked contrast between the littoral and deeper water facies suggests a hiatus at their contact, the littoral beds are here included in the Monte de Oro Formation following Taliaferro (1942, p. 92), who interpreted them as evidence of the west margin of a Jurassic sea. A more detailed description of the formation is given by Creeley (1965, p. 24-28). Although no depositional contact between the epi-clastic rocks of the Monte de Oro Formation and the underlying volcanic rocks was found, the synclinal structure of the formation and directions of tops of beds indicate that the Monte de Oro Formation overlies the adjacent volcanic rocks. There is no evidence to suggest that offset along faults that bound the Monte de Oro Formation is sufficient to invert the stratigraphic sequence. Deformation of the Monte de Oro is similar to that of other pre-Portlandian rocks of the western Sierra and is dissimilar to the moderately dipping and less metamorphosed strata of the latest Jurassic Knoxville Formation on the west side of the Sacramento Valley. There the Knoxville unconformably overlies metamorphic and intrusive rocks that appear to be comparable in their age and geologic history to the pre-Knoxville rocks of the western Sierra Nevada. Both flora and fauna of the Monte de Oro Formation suggest a Late Jurassic age, although agreement between the two is not precise. Results of paleontologic studies of the Monte de Oro Formation prior to 1942 are summarized by Taliaferro (1942, p. 91). More recently, Fry (1964, p. 64A) concluded that its flora indicated an age ranging from late Oxfordian to and including Portlandian, on the basis of Macrotaeniopteris, Baiera, Ctenis, Ctenophyllum,Pagiophyllum, and Taeniopteras.MESOZOIC ROCKS 23 However, the plant fossils lack an epidermis, and therefore specific and generic determinations are uncertain, according to Jack Wolfe of the U.S. Geological Survey (oral commun., 1968). Imlay (1961, p. D8-D9) concluded that the fauna is of Late Jurassic (late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian) age, on the basis of an ammonite similar to Perisphinctes (.Dichotomosphinctes) elisabethaeformis Burckhardt and two crushed specimens of Buchia that probably belong to B. concentrica Sowerby. Imlay (1961, p. D9) stated that the presence of Buchia in the Monte de Oro Formation indicates that its age does not extend to Portlandian. Pachysphinctes, indicative of the Kimmeridgian Stage (Imlay, written commun., 1965), was found 150 feet (45 m) below the surface in an excavation for a highway bridge in the NW'A sec. 5, T. 19N., R. 4 E. (See topographic map of Oroville quadrangle.) UNNAMED EPICLASTIC ROCKS Unnamed epiclastic rocks presumably of Jurassic age occur chiefly near the east side, in the central part, and near the northwest corner of the map area (pi. 1). Epiclastic rocks near the east boundary of the area were indicated by Lindgren (1897) to be of Juratrias(?) age. Those in the south-central part of the area were included by Lindgren and Turner (1894) with the Mariposa and Calaveras Formations, and those in the central part of the area were included by Lindgren (1900) with the Cape Horn and Delhi Formations. Epiclastic rocks in the northwestern part of the area were mapped by Turner (1898) and Creeley (1965) as the Calaveras Formation. A narrow belt of sheared rocks that extends northward along a fault zone from La Mar Flat, north of Lake Combie on the Bear River, is here included arbitrarily with this map unit. Correlation of these rocks with the Calaveras Formation, as indicated by Lindgren and Turner (1895), is unlikely in view of the narrowness of the belt and its isolation from known Paleozoic rocks. Where observed near the Bear River during this investigation, the unit consists of flaser rocks derived from volcanic rocks bounding the fault zone, but in the absence of new information on the remainder of the belt, the original interpretation that these rocks are of epiclastic origin is accepted. During this investigation the epiclastic rocks near the east boundary of the study area were examined only along the North Fork of the American River where they are more than 5,000 feet (1,500 m) thick and consist mostly of dark-gray slate now converted to hornfels. At the east boundary of the epiclastic rocks near the mouth of Serena Creek (pi. 1) is a conglomerate consisting of fragments of chert, quartz graywacke, black slate fragments, and angular to rounded quartz sand grains. Structure and top directions indicate that these epiclastic rocks overlie the Milton Formation and suggest that their age is within the range of Middle to Late Jurassic. Near the Drum Power Station on the Bear River, distant from any similar rocks (pi. 1), a block of epiclastic rocks about 2,500 feet (680 m) wide and more than 2,000 feet (600 m) long is surrounded, or nearly so, by serpentine. The block consists of dark-gray silty slate, graywacke, tuff, and bedded conglomerate. The conglomerate and coarse graywacke contain, in addition to quartz grains, fragments of chert, fine-grained quartz-bearing intrusive rock, graywacke similar to that of the Shoo Fly Formation, quartz-mica schist, mafic or intermediate volcanic rocks, and carbonate rock. The epiclastic rocks along Slate Creek in the north-central part of the map area (pi. 1) are represented by poor exposures of slate and graywacke. To the south, near the State Highway 49 bridge across the North Yuba River, petromict conglomerate is interbed-ded with dark-gray slate on the river margins and in highway cuts south of the river. Exposures near the North Yuba River west of Goodyears Bar that are included with this unit consist largely of sheared phyllite containing fragments of chert that before deformation were probably interbedded with the originally slaty fraction of the phyllite. This belt contains some interbedded tuff and, near the west boundary of sec. 12, T. 19 N., R. 9 E., contains conglomerate with pebbles of chert and volcanic rocks. The map pattern and facing of bedding tops suggest that these epiclastic rocks intertongue with the surrounding volcanic rocks. Preservation of bedding details in the epiclastic and, to a lesser extent, in the volcanic rocks permits an interpretation that they rest unconformably on the much more deformed Calaveras Formation. The unnamed epiclastic rocks along the Middle and North Forks of the American River differ from those farther south in that chert constitutes about 5 percent of the total section and some of the slate is quartzose. Volcanic rocks, some so altered that their original texture and structure are undecipherable, constitute about 10 percent of the section along the North and Middle Forks of the American River. Recognizable tuff occurs along the North Fork north of Iowa Hill. Pillow lava occurs on the North Fork at the mouth of a tributary canyon near the east boundary of sec. 30, T. 15 N., R. 10 E., and at Fords Bar on the Middle Fork. Volcanic breccia and tuff occur near the mouth of New Orleans Gulch along the Middle Fork. Unnamed epiclastic rocks in the south-central part of the area occur approximately along the strike projection of epiclastic rocks that conformably overlie the Logtown Ridge Formation along the Cosumnes River 6 miles (9.524 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA km) south of plate 1. These epiclastic rocks consist mostly of black siltstone but contain some beds of tuff, graywacke, and fine conglomerate. Along the South Fork of the American River, the composition of the epiclastic rocks is similar, dark-gray silty slate constituting most of the section east and west of State Highway 49. Conglomerate or volcanic breccia occurs in the SEy4 sec. 27, T. 11 N„ R. 10 E. Coarse fragmental rocks, some possibly of tectonic origin but most of epiclastic origin, occur along the North and Middle Forks of the American River. Conglomeratic mudstone containing fragments of carbonate rock and, in places, of volcanic rocks is interbedded with dark-gray phyllite in the bed of the North Fork of the American River about 500 feet (150 m) east of Cosumnes-type rocks. The matrix of the mudstone is phyllite similar to that with which the conglomeratic mudstone is interbedded. Conglomeratic mudstone is most readily observed along the Bunch Canyon road southeast of Colfax. The unnamed Mesozoic epiclastic rocks in the south-central part of the area are bounded on the east by major faults; on the west the epiclastic rocks adjoin volcanic rocks that are either known or inferred to be of Late Jurassic age. Epiclastic rocks at the south boundary of the area are on strike with similar rocks that overlie the early Late Jurassic Logtown Ridge Formation 7 miles (11.2 km) south of the area of this report (Clark, 1964, p. 26-27, pi. 8). Stratigraphic relations of the unnamed epiclastic rocks suggest that the same relation holds near the South Fork of the American River. Farther north, structural and stratigraphic relations are less clear, but no flaser rocks such as those characteristic of major fault zones elsewhere in the region were found between the unnamed epiclastic rocks and the volcanic rocks to the west. In the absence of a major fault, the epiclastic rocks must be younger than the rocks to the west, for tops of beds face eastward and different lithologies on opposite sides of the contract preclude the existence of any but minor folds. Two ammonites in the unnamed epiclastic rocks suggest a Late Jurassic age: A single specimen of Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes?) spp. (Imlay, 1961, pi. 5, fig. 6) was collected in Big Canyon about 2 miles north of Placerville in the SW14 sec. 36, T. 11 N., R. 11 E., and a specimen of P. (Dichotomosphinctes) muhlbachi Hyatt is reported to have been found near Greenwood (Imlay, 1961, p. D7-D8, pi. 4, fig. 8). UNNAMED VOLCANIC ROCKS Unnamed volcanic rocks of Late and probable Late Jurassic age underlie much of the area west of the Shoo Fly Formation. They were mapped as diabase, porphy-rite, and amphibolite by Lindgren (1894, 1900), by Turner (1898), and by Lindgren and Turner (1894, 1895). Lindgren and Turner considered the age of the volcanic rocks to be equivalent to or younger than that of the Mariposa Formation or, where stratigraphic information was especially scanty, simply as pre-Cretaceous. Creeley (1965, p. 11, pi. 2) considered volcanic rocks east of the Monte de Oro Formation near Oroville to be of late Paleozoic age on the basis of unspecified stratigraphic relations and degree of metamorphism. In this report these rocks are considered to be of Late and probable Late Jurassic age. In the southwestern, northwestern, and central parts of the area, the volcanic rocks are commonly schistose, but except in narrow shear zones, original textures and structures are readily identifiable. Most of these volcanic rocks appear in the field to be of basaltic or andesitic composition. Compton (1955, p. 13) found that in the vicinity of Bidwell Bar on the Feather River "by far the majority of the metavolcanic rocks were originally basalt or pyroxene andesite flows, dolerite flows and sills, and basic tuffs or tuffaceous sediments.” Hietanen (1951, p. 568) found that north of Bidwell Bar near the north boundary of the map (pi. 1), the metavolcanic rocks are metabasalt, metadiorite, metadacite, metarhyolite, and metamorphosed tuff and agglomerate. Abundant dikes suggest eruptive centers near Lake Combie on the Bear River, near the south end of Englebright Reservoir on the Yuba River where dikes as much as 30 feet (9 m) thick constitute about half of the area of canyon walls, at a locality about 1 mile (1.6 km) west of the Colgate Power Station on the North Yuba River and near Bidwell Bar. Pillow lavas are most abundant within a few miles of the dike complexes. The unnamed Jurassic volcanic rocks are generally similar to those in the southern part of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt already described by Clark (1964, p. 18-23, 26-29) and to those in the northern part of the metamorphic belt described by Compton (1955, p. 13) and Creeley (1965, p. 21-24). Accordingly, descriptions of these rocks are here limited to localities of special interest. Evidence of submarine slumping and contemporaneous deformation is well displayed along the Bear River east of the shear zone in sec. 34, T. 14 N., R. 7 E., in layers of fragmental rocks that overlie a bedded tuff unit. The bedded tuff is undisturbed except that a slumped and rotated block about 10 feet (3 m) long broke loose from the top of the upper part of the bedded tuff unit and is now separated from the in situ tuff by clastic dikes. The bedded tuff is overlain by chaotically deposited intraformational breccia about 30 feet (9 m) thick, which consists of fragments of bedded tuff that range in size from pebbles to blocks. A 4-foot-thick (1.2 m) layer of bedded intraformational breccia divides the chaotic breccia into two parts. Downstream from the breccia, thick-beddedREFERENCES CITED 25 tuff is planar, but thin-bedded tuff is contorted into complex patterns. Selvaged lava bodies of bizarre shapes occuring at The Narrows on the Yuba River and about 900 feet (270 m) S. 30° E. of the center of sec. 34, T. 14 N., R. 7 E., on the Bear River suggest submarine emplacement of lava into unconsolidated pyroclastic material. The bodies resemble pillows in that they are bounded by selvages but differ from pillows in their angular to amoeboid form and wide range in size. Jasper forms veinlike bodies and fills some amygdules at the Bear River locality. Transition of pillow lava upward into massive lava within a single flow unit is well shown on the Yuba River in sec. 15, T. 17 N., R. 7 E. The change from pillow to massive structure is marked by attenuation of pillow selvages into discontinuous partings that disappear upward into massive lava. Within the area of this report, fossils were found only in the volcanic strata that underlie the Monte de Oro Formation northeast of Oroville (pi. 1). These beds, as well as those adjacent to Cosumnes-type rocks in the vicinity of the anticline near Colfax are possibly equivalent to the Logtown Ridge Formation. The rocks of this map unit are considerably more folded than the eastern belt of Mesozoic rocks and those near the south boundary of the map area, and the stratigraphic section is probably duplicated. The total thickness of the exposed part of the broad western belt of volcanic rocks could be as little as 10,000 feet (3,000 m). Owing to facies changes and fault zones that interrupt stratigraphic continuity, most of the unnamed Mesozoic volcanic rocks cannot be assigned with confidence to named formations. The Gopher Ridge Volcanics possibly occurs in the broad western belt of volcanic rocks between Folsom Reservoir and Oroville, but fossils and more detailed mapping are needed to establish correlations. Graded bedding in the Cosumnes-type rocks and in the volcanic rocks adjacent to them on the east along the North and Middle Forks of the American River indicates that tops of beds face eastward and that the volcanic rocks overlie the Cosumnes-type rocks. Some evidence of faulting was found near the contact of these units along the North Fork of the American River east of Colfax, but no evidence of a fault was found at the contact farther south along the North Fork of the American River. A specimen of Perisphinctes sp. suggests that the volcanic rocks transitionally underlying the Monte de Oro Formation are of Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) age (S. W. Muller, in Creeley, 1965, p. 24). REFERENCES CITED Bateman, P. C., and Clark, L. D., 1974, Stratigraphic and structural setting of the Sierra Nevada batholith, California: Pacific Geology, v. 8, p. 79-89. Burnett, J. L., and Jennings, C. W., compilers, 1962, Geologic map of California, Olaf P. Jenkins edition, Chico sheet: California Div. Mines and Geology, scale 1:250,000. Chandra, D. K., 1961, Geology and mineral deposits of the Colfax and Foresthill quadrangles, California: California Div. Mines Spec. Rept. 67, 50 p. Clark, L. D., 1954, Geology and mineral deposits of the Calaveritas quadrangle, Calaveras County, California: California Div. Mines Spec. Rept. 40, 23 p. ------1960, Foothills fault system, western Sierra Nevada, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, p. 483-496. ------1964, Stratigraphy and structure of part of the western Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 410, 70 p. Clark, L. D., and Huber, N. K., 1975, Geologic observations and sections along selected stream traverses, northern Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-690, 3 sheets. Clark, L. D., Imlay, R. W., McMath, V. E., and Silberling, N. J., 1962, Angular unconformity between Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks in the northern Sierra Nevada, California, in Geological Survey research 1962: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 450-B, p. B15-B19. Clark, S. G., 1930, The Milton Formation of California: California Univ., Berkeley, Ph. D. thesis, 206 p. Compton, R. R., 1955, Tronhjemite batholith near Bidwell Bar, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 66, p. 9-44. Creely, R. S., 1965, Geology of the Oroville quadrangle, California: California Div. Mines and Geology Bull. 184, 86 p. Crickmay, C. H., 1933, Some of Alpheus Hyatt’s unfigured types from the Jurassic of California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 175, p. 51-64. Crowell, J. C., 1957, Origin of pebbly mudstones: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 68, p. 993-1009. Diller, J. S., 1892, Geology of the Taylorsville region of California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 3, p. 370-394. ------1895, Description of the Lassen Peak sheet [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 15, 4 p. ------1908, Geology of the Taylorsville region, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 353, 128 p. Duffield, W. A., and Sharp, R. V., 1975, Geology of the Sierra Foothills Melange and adjacent areas, Amador County, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 827, 30 p. Durrell, Cordell, and Proctor, P. D., 1948, Iron-ore deposits near Lake Hawley and Spencer Lakes, Sierra County, California, Pt. L of Iron resources of California: California Div. Mines Bull. 129, p. 165-192. Evemden, J. F., and Kistler, R. W., 1970, Chronology of emplacement of Mesozoic batholithic complexes in California and western Nevada: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 623, 42 p. Ferguson, H. G., and Gannett, R. W., 1932, Gold quartz veins of the Alleghany district, California: U.S.Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 172, 139 p. Fry, W. L:,1964, Significant aspects of the Late Jurassic flora from the Monte de Oro Formation in northern California [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 76, p. 64-65. Hietanen, A. M., 1951, Metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Merrimac area, Plumas National Forest, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 62, p. 565-607. Hyatt, Alpheus, 1894, Trias and Jura in the western states: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 5, p. 395-434. Imlay, R. W., 1961, Late Jurassic ammonites from the western Sierra Nevada, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 374-D, 30 p. ------1967, The Mesozoic pelecypods Otapiria and Lupherella Imlay, new genus, in the United States: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 573-B, 11 p. ------1968, Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian) ammonites26 WESTERN SIERRA NEVADA METAMORPHIC BELT, CALIFORNIA from eastern Oregon and California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 593-C, 51 p. Knopf, Adolph, 1929, The Mother Lode system of California: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 157s 88 p. Lindgren, Waldemar, 1894, Description of the gold belt; description of the Sacramento sheet [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 5, 3 p. — ---1896, The gold-quartz veins of Nevada City and Grass Valley districts, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. 17, pt. 2, p. 1-262. ------1897, Description of the gold belt; description of the Truckee quadrangle [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 39,8 P- — ---1900, Description of the Colfax quadrangle [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 66, 10 p. Lindgren, Waldemar, and Turner, H. W., 1894, Description of the gold belt; description of the Placerville sheet [California]: U.S. Geol. ■ Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 3, 3 p. ------1895, Description of the gold belt; description of the Smartsville sheet [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 18, 6 p. McKee, E. D., Oriel, S. S., Ketner, K. B., MacLachlan, M. E., Goldsmith, J. W., MacLachlan, J. C., and Mudge, M. R., 1959, Paleotectonic maps of the Triassic System: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-300, 33 p. McMath, V. E., 1966, Geology of the Taylorsville area, northern Sierra Nevada, in Geology of northern California: California Div. Mines and Geology Bull. 190, p. 173-183. Olmsted, F. H., 1971, Pre-Cenozoic geology of the south half of the Auburn 15-minute quadrangle, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 1341, 30 p. Pettijohn, F. J., 1957, Sedimentary rocks [2d ed.]: New York, Harper and Brothers, 718 p. Sharp, R. V., and Duffield, W. A., 1973, Reinterpretation of the boundary between the Cosumnes and Logtown Ridge Formations, Amador County, California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 84, no. 12, p. 3969-3976. Smith, J. P., 1910, The geologic record of California: Jour. Geology, v. 18, p. 216-227. -------1927, Upper Triassic marine invertebrate faunas of North America: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 141, 262 p. Strand, R. G., and Koenig, J. B., compilers, 1965, Geologic map of California, Olaf P. Jenkins edition, Sacramento sheet: California Div. Mines and Geology, scale 1:250,000. Taliaferro, N. L., 1942, Geologic history and correlation of the Jurassic of southwestern Oregon and California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 53, p. 71-112. -------1943, Manganese deposits of the Sierra Nevada, their genesis and metamorphism: California Div. Mines Bull. 125, p. 277-332. Turner, H. W., 1893a, Some recent contributions to the geology of California: Am. Geologist, v. 11, p. 307-324. -------1893b, Mesozoic granite in Plumas County, California, and the Calaveras Formation: Am. Geologist, v. 11, p. 425-426. -------1894a, Description of the gold belt; description of the Jackson sheet [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 11, 6 p. -------1894b, Geological notes on the Sierra Nevada: Am. Geologist, v. 13, p. 228-249. ----—1896, Further contributions to the geology of the Sierra Nevada: U.S. Geol. Survey Ann. Rept. 17, pt. 1, p. 521-762. -------1897, Description of the gold belt; description of the Downie- ville quadrangle [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 37, 8 p. -------1898, Description of the gold belt; description of the Bidwell Bar quadrangle [California]: U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Folio 43, 6p. Tyrrell, G. W., 1929, The principles of petrology; an introduction to the science of rocks [2d ed.]: New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 349 p. U.S. Geological Survey and California Division of Mines and Geology, 1966, Geologic map of California: U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-512, scale 1:2,500,000. Wheeler, H. E., 1939, Helicoprion in the Anthracolothic (late Paleozoic) of Nevada and California, and its stratigraphic significance: Jour. Paleontology, v. 13, p. 103-114. White, W. S., 1949, Cleavage in east-central Vermont: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., v. 30, p. 587-594.MESOZOIC AND PALEOZOIC PALEOZOIC Burnett, J. L., and Jennings, C. W., 1962 Compton, R. R., 1955 Hietanen, A. M., 1951 Lindgren, Waldemar, 1894, 1896 Lindgren, Waldemar, and Turner, H. W., 1894 Olmsted, F. H., 1971 Strand, R. G., and Koenig, J. B., 1965 Base from U. S. Army Map Service 1:250,000 Chico, 1961,and Sacramento, 1964, California This map was reproduced by electronic color scanning SEDIMENTARY AND VOLCANIC ROCKS — Gently dipping and nonmeta-morphosed. Differentiated only along western border of map GRANITIC ROCKS - Mostly quartz diorite to granodiorite in composition ULTRAMAEIC ROCKS Mostly serpentine. Includes some peridotite and dunite COPPER HILL VOLCANICS (Upper Jurassic) - Mafic pyroclastic rocks and lava. Locally includes lava with pillow structure MONTE DE ORO FORMATION (Upper Jurassic) - Slate, graywacke, tuff(?), and conglomerate. Contains plant fossils. Recognized only northeast of Oroville SALT SPRING SLATE (Upper Jurassic) — Dark-gray slate with subordinate tuff and graywacke. Recognized only in southwest corner of map area EPICLASTIC ROCKS — Dark-gray slate with some interbedded conglomerate, thin-bedded chert. Probably includes mafic tuff in eastern part of map area VOLCANIC ROCKS - Chiefly mafic volcanic breccia and tuff. Includes pillow lava near Yuba and Bear Rivers LOGTOWN RIDGE FORMATION (Upper Jurassic) — Volcanic breccia. Locally porphyritic with pyroxene phenocrysts, tuff, and subordinate pillow lava. Mafic to intermediate composition GOPHER RIDGE VOLCANICS (Upper(?) Jurassic) - Mafic pyroclastic rocks. Mapped only in southwest corner of map area. Approximate correlative of Logtown Ridge Formation COSUMNES-TYPE ROCKS - Slate, conglomerate, graywacke, and tuff or tuffaceous graywacke. Includes porphyritic ellipsoidal lava along Interstate Highway 80 MILTON FORMATION (Middle or Upper Jurassic) - Mostly mafic volcanic breccia and tuff. Includes dark-gray slate east of Sierra City. Includes sparse chert, conglomerate, and calcarenite near Milton Reservoir SAILOR CANYON FORMATION (Lower and Middle Jurassic) - Chiefly slate and tuff with subordinate graywacke, sparse conglomerate, and calcarenite CHERT BRECCIA AND LIMESTONE — Poorly sorted breccia consisting of chert fragments overlain by limestone that is in part argillaceous. Mapped only near North Fork of American River south of Cisco EPICLASTIC ROCKS - Chiefly dark-gray slate, but contains graywacke, conglomerate, and tuff. Near State Highway 49, possibly consists of flaser rocks derived from volcanic rocks VOLCANIC AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS - Chiefly mafic pyroclastic rocks. Northern part contains some thin-bedded chert. Southern part includes subordinate slate. Is, fossilferous limestone east of Auburn META VOLCANIC ROCKS Mostly mafic,schistose. Local amphibolite. Bedded near North Yuba River. Locally massive MAFIC INTRUSIVE AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS — Gabbroic and dioritic rocks and amphibolite. In part intrusive and in part the products of regional and of contact metamorphism CALAVERAS FORMATION (Paleozoic) - Dark-gray phyHite and schist derived from shale with interbedded thin-bedded metachert. Includes subordinate volcanic rocks of probable andesitic composition. Locally includes: Limestone. Two distinct lenses: one, near Middle Fork of the Feather River, is coarsely crystalline; the other, near Bear River west of Colfax, is fossiliferous Bedded pyroclastic rocks of probable andesitic composition, thin-bedded metachert,and subordinate limestone VOLCANIC ROCKS - Mostly mafic pyroclastic rocks and some pillow lavas. Includes rhyolite along southwestern margin of unit SHOO FLY FORMATION (Silurian) — Chiefly feldspathic quartz-rich sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone having graywacke texture and slate or very fine tuff. Subordinate thin-bedded chert, mafic volcanic rocks, and calcarenite. Locally includes: Dolomitic limestone. In part oolitic. Mapped only near Middle Fork of the Feather River Dark-gray slate with subordinate chert, conglomerate, and sandstone Contact 1 Fault Dotted where concealed. Most faults are probably steeply east dipping reverse faults Strike and dip of beds and lava flows Inclined Vertical Overturned Crumpled. Dip and strike generalized Strike and dip of planar structures. Symbols may be combined with bedding symbols Inclined schistosity Vertical schistosity Inclined phyllitic or slaty cleavage Vertical phyllitic or slaty cleavage Direction of tops of beds and flows. Plotted along strike with point of observation Graded beds Pillow lava 121°12’15" 121°00' 45' SCALE 1:316,800 5 10 15 30' laons'ao" Interior—Geological Survey, Reston, Va.—19 7 6—G75119 20 MILES 10 15 20 KILOMETRES GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE NORTHWESTERN SIERRA NEVADA, CALIFORNIASr -4 7 DAY HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Report prepared jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SEP 2 4 1975 U.S.S-D- i- ■ .4 •: . HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 By J. F. BAILEY and J. L. PATTERSON, U.S. Geological Survey and J. L. H. PAULHUS, National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 924 Report prepared jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1975UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FREDERICK B. DENT, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Patterson, James Lee. Hurricane Agnes rainfall and floods, June-July 1972. (Geological Survey professional paper; 924) Bibliography: p. Includes index. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 19.16:924 1. Foods--Atlantic States. 2. Stream measurements-Atlantic States. 3. Atlantic States-Hurricane, 1972. I. Bailey, James F., joint author. II. Paulhus, Joseph L. H., joint author. III. United States. Geological Survey. IV. United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. V. Title. VI. Series: United States. Geological Survey. Professional paper; 924. GB1216.P37 557.3’08s [551.4’8] 75-619211 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402FOREWORD The U.S. Geological Survey and the National Weather Service have a long history of cooperation in monitoring and describing the Nation’s water cycle—the movement of water as atmospheric moisture, as precipitation, as runoff, as streamflow, as ground water, and finally, through evaporation, its return to the atmosphere to begin the cycle over again. The cooperative effort has been a natural dovetailing of technical talent and responsibility: the National Weather Service as the Federal agency responsible for monitoring and predicting atmospheric moisture and precipitation, for forecasting river flow, and for issuing warnings of destructive weather events; and the U.S. Geological Survey as the primary agency for monitoring the quantity and quality of the earthbound water resources, including both ground water and surface water. This report represents another step in the growth of our cooperative efforts. In some ways, this closer working arrangement has been spurred by five major flood disasters that have struck the Nation in the last 5 years. In August 1969, the remnants of Hurricane Camille caused flooding of the James River and other streams in central Virginia that left 152 people dead or missing. In February 1972, the failure of a coal-waste dam sent a flood wave down the Buffalo Creek Valley of West Virginia, leaving 118 people dead or missing. On June 9, 1972, extremely heavy rains over the eastern Black Hills of South Dakota produced record-breaking floods on Rapid Creek and other streams, leaving 237 dead and 8 missing. Beginning on June 18, 1972, the remains of Hurricane Agnes produced floods in the Eastern United States from Virginia to New York that killed 117 people in what has been called the worst disaster in American history. Most recently, the spring 1973 floods on the Mississippi River produced a record 89 days of floodflow at Vicksburg, Miss., and 78 days at St. Louis, Mo., inundated more than 11 million acres of land, and damaged over 30,000 homes. These disasters have underlined the need to know more about and respect the force and flow of floodwater and have given impetus to further cooperation between the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Weather Service to combine their respective studies and information about flood events into single, unified reports. Hopefully, this documentation of the Hurricane Agnes floods will aid the understanding of such flood disasters and will help improve human preparedness for coping with future floods of a similar catastrophic magnitude. Joseph S. Cragwall, Jr. Chief Hydrologist U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior George P. Cressman Director National Weather Service Department of Commerce hiCONTENTS Page Abstract ______________________________________________ 1 Introduction __________________________________________ 1 Acknowledgments____________________________________ 2 Glossary___________________________________________ 3 Conversion factors--------------------------------- 4 Storm history__________________________________________ 4 Rainfall______________________________________________ 20 Flood frequency________________________________________ 56 The floods____________________________________________ 57 Streams tributary to Long Island Sound------------ 58 Delaware River basin______________________________ 58 Susquehanna River basin___________________________ 59 Susquehanna River main stem___________________ 59 Susquehanna River tributaries ________________ 60 Small basins tributary to Chesapeake Bay______ 63 Potomac River basin ______________________________ 65 Rappahannock River and York River basins----- 68 James River basin_________________________________ 69 Chowan River and Roanoke River basins_____________ 72 Ohio River basin__________________________________ 73 Allegheny River basin ________________________ 73 Monongahela River basin_______________________ 74 Page The floods—Continued Ohio River basin—Continued Kanawha River basin_____________________________ 74 Streams tributary to Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. 75 Sedimentation____________________________________________ 76 Flood-crest elevations__________________________________ 78 Effect of regulation_____________________________________ 79 Susquehanna River basin_____________________________ 79 Small basins tributary to Chesapeake Bay_______ 80 Roanoke River basin ________________________________ 80 Ohio River basin___________________________________ 80 Streams tributary to Lake Ontario__________________ 81 Determination of flood discharge________________________ 81 Streamflow data at gaging stations and miscellaneous measuring sites__________________________________ 82 Summary of peak stages and discharges-------------- 82 Station description and discharge tables___________ 82 Deaths and damage_______________________________________ 83 Selected references_____________________________________ 86 Streamflow data ________________________________________ 88 Index to streamflow data_______________________________ 358 Appendices _____________________________________________ 371 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1. Map showing area of report and location of flood-data sites, Middle Atlantic States ___________________In pocket Figure 1. Map showing storm track, June 14-23, 1972 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 2. Composite satellite photographs showing development of Agnes near east coast of Yucatan on June 15 and June 16, 1972 ________________________________________________________________________________ 8 3. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 17, 1972 ------------------------------------------------------------ 10 4. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 18, 1972 ______________________________________________________________ 11 5. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 19, 1972 ______________________________________________________________ 12 6. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 20, 1972 ______________________________________________________________ 13 7. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 21, 1972 ______________________________________________________________ 14 8. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 22, 1972 ______________________________________________________________ 15 9. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 23, 1972 -------------------------------------------------------------- 16 10. Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 24, 1972 ______________________________________________________________ 17 11. Pressure variation at selected stations along storm track----------------------------------------------------- 21 12. Upper-air soundings at Cape Hatteras, N.C., June 19-22, 1972 _________________________________________________ 22 13. Upper-air soundings at Sterling, Va. (near Washington, D.C.), June 20-23, 1972 _______________________________ 23 14. Upper-air soundings at New York, N.Y., June 20-23, 1972 ______________________________________________________ 24 15-31. Maps showing: 15. Precipitation for May 1972 in percent of normal _________________________________________________ 25 16. Precipitation for June 1-15, 1972, in percent of normal _________________________________________ 25 17. Rainfall, in inches over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 16, 1972 26 18. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 17, 1972 27 19. Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 17, 1972. 28 20. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 18, 1972 29 21. Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 18, 1972 30 22. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 19, 1972 31 vVI CONTENTS Figuers 15-31. Maps showing—Continued. Page 23. Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 19, 1972 32 24. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 20, 1972 33 25. Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 20, 1972 34 26. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 21, 1972 35 27. Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 21, 1972 37 28. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 22, 1972 38 29. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 23, 1972 39 30. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 24, 1972 40 31. Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 25, 1972 41 32. Mass rainfall curves for three stations in Pennsylvania and one in Virginia for the period June 20- 23, 1972 ________________________________________________________________________________________ 42 33. Mass rainfall curves for two stations in New York and two in Pennsylvania for the period June 20- 23, 1972. 43 34. Map showing total storm precipitation for the period 6 p.m., June 19, through 6 p.m., June 23, 1972 46 35. Maximum discharge versus drainage area for known floods___________________________________________ 57 36. Discharge hydrographs, Schuylkill River, June 21-28, 1972 ________________________________________ 58 37. Discharge hydrographs, Susquehanna River, June 21-28, 1972 -------------------------------------- 59 38-44.Photographs showing: 38. Susquehanna River at Wyoming, Pa ___________________________________________________________ 60 39. Susquehanna River at Kingston, Pa___________________________________________________________ 61 40. Susquehanna River at Wilkes-Barre, Pa_______________________________________________________ 62 41. Susquehanna River at Enola, Pa _____________________________________________________________ 63 42. Susquehanna River at City Island at Harrisburg, Pa -------------------------------------- 64 43. Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pa ________________________________________________________ 65 44. Susquehanna River at Steelton, Pa __________________________________________________________ 66 45. Discharge hydrographs, Susquehanna River basin, June 21-28, 1972 ----------------------------------- 67 46. Discharge hydrographs, Potomac River, June 21-28, 1972---------------------------------------------- 67 47-48. Photographs showing: 47. Occoquan River at Virginia State Highway 123 bridge at Occoquan, Va ---------------------- 68 48. Occoquan River at Occoquan Dam at Occoquan, Va _____________________________________________ 69 49. Discharge hydrographs, Potomac River basin in Maryland, June 21-28, 1972 ---------------------- 70 50. Discharge hydrographs, Potomac River basin in Virginia, June 21-24, 1972 _________________________ 70 51-52. Photographs showing: 51. James River at U.S. Highway 522 at Maiden, Va----------------------------------------------- 71 52. James River at Mayos Bridge at Richmond, Va_________________________________________________ 71 53. Discharge hydrographs, James River, June 21-28, 1972________________________________________________ 72 54. Discharge hydrographs, Ohio River basin, June 21-30, 1972 __________________________________________ 73 55. Discharge hydrographs, Genesee River, June 21-28, 1972______________________________________________ 75 56-58. Photographs showing: 56. Erosion on flood plain of Susquehanna River at Old Fort, Pa_________________________________ 76 57. Road washout in Shickshinny, Pa_____________________________________________________________ 77 58. Deposition on farmland bordering Susquehanna River near Exeter, Pa _________________________ 78 59. Graph of water and sediment discharge, Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pa., June 21-30, 1972— 79 TABLES Page Table 1. Minimum sea-level pressure and maximum surface wind speeds at selected stations, June 18-25, 1972 18 2. High tides attributed to Agnes, June 18-22, 1972 ___________________________________________________________ 19 3. Maximum 6-, 12-, 24-, and 48-hour rainfall amounts at selected stations recording 24-hour amounts of 10 or more inches during the period June 21-22, 1972 ____________________________________________ 44 4. Maximum depth-area-duration data for major tropical storm rainfall in the Eastern United States----- 44 5. Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972 ----------------------- 47 6. The 10 most destructive tropical cyclones in the United States since 1930 ____________________________ 83 7. U.S. deaths and damages attributed to Agnes_________________________________________________________________ 83 8. Classification of property damage __________________________________________________________________________ 84 Appendix A tables: A-l. Summary of peak stages and discharges_______________________________________________________ 372 A-2. Flood-crest elevations, June 19, 1972, for streams in Westchester County, N.Y. and southeast Connecticut________________________________________________________________ 389 A-3. Flood-crest elevations, June 1972 __________________________________________________________ 390 A-4. Flood-crest elevations, floods of 1936, 1969, and 1972, James River in Virginia_____________ 396CONTENTS VII Page Table A-5. Reservoir storage and peak flow reduction, June-July 1972, in the Susquehanna River basin in New York and Pennsylvania -------------------------------------------------- 397 A-6. Reservoir storage and peak-flow reduction, June-July 1972, in Roanoke River basin in Virginia and North Carolina__________________________________________________________ 398 A-7. Reservoir storage and peak flow reduction, June-July 1972, in the Ohio River basin in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia____________________________________________ 399 A-8. Summary of historical and 1972 water and sediment discharge________________________________ 400HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 By J. F. Bailey and J. L. Patterson , U.S. Geological Survey, and J. L. H. PAULHUS, National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ABSTRACT Hurricane Agnes originated in the Caribbean Sea region in mid-June. Circulation barely reached hurricane intensity for a brief period in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm crossed the Florida Panhandle coastline on June 19, 1972, and followed an unusually extended overland trajectory combining with an extratropical system to bring very heavy rain from the Caro-linas northward to New York. This torrential rain followed the abnormally wet May weather in the Middle Atlantic States and set the stage for the subsequent major flooding. The record-breaking floods occurred in the Middle Atlantic States in late June and early July 1972. Many streams in the affected area experienced peak discharges several times the previous maxima of record. Estimated recurrence intervals of peak flows at many gaging stations on major rivers and their tributaries exceeded 100 years. The suspended-sediment concentration and load of most flooded streams were also unusually high. The widespread flooding from this storm caused Agnes to be called the most destructive hurricane in United States history, claiming 117 lives and causing damage estimated at $3.1 billion in 12 States. Damage was particularly high in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. The detailed life history of Hurricane Agnes, including the tropical depression and tropical storm stages, is traced. Associated rainfalls are analyzed and compared with climatologic recurrence values. These are followed by a detailed description of the flood and streamflows of each affected basin. A summary of peak stages and discharges and comparison data for previous floods at 989 stations are presented. Deaths and flood damage estimates are compiled. INTRODUCTION A major flood caused by the exceptional rainfall associated with Hurricane Agnes ravaged the Middle Atlantic States in late June and early July 1972. The origin of Agnes can be traced back to a weak tropical disturbance first detectable over the Yucatan Peninsula on June 14. An interesting hypothesis advanced by Namias (1973a) regarding the antecedent meteorologic events that could have triggered its birth is presented. The depression intensified rapidly and moved eastward into the Caribbean Sea. Fed by the sensible and latent heat energy provided by the warm sea surface, its circulation developed further. It reached tropical storm intensity on June 16 and started to curve northward heading straight toward the Florida Panhandle. Its maximum sur- face wind near the center reached a speed of over 63 knots on June 18, while it was still in transit in the Gulf of Mexico. Agnes moved into the Florida Panhandle on June 19, with reduced maximum wind speeds. By the morning of the 20th the storm had weakened to tropical storm intensity. It never again reached the hurricane stage. Agnes would rank among the weakest hurricanes in intensity, but it had a relatively large diameter of 1,000 miles (1600 km). Also unusual was its extended overland trajectory after making landfall and the large amount of rainfall it brought over an extended area. Agnes’ “tropical” center was over water when the heaviest rains fell. Its long overland track extended through the relatively populous and industrially developed coastal regions of the Atlantic States. Furthermore, during the waning stage of its life cycle, the weakened Agnes merged with an extratropical cyclone circulation centered over Northeastern United States. This reinforced low then stagnated over western Pennsylvania for about 24 hours, yielding additional rain over the northeastern section of the Nation. The rainfall over Eastern United States from Agnes and other weather systems during June 16-25 produced record floods. Greatest point rainfall occurred in Pennsylvania and New York. The greatest 24-hour amount measured was 14.8 inches in southeastern Pennsylvania at Gage R44 in the Ma-hantango Creek basin. This amount well exceeds the value for the 100-year recurrence interval. A series of daily isohyetal maps and mass curves of rainfall for selected stations show the progression of the rainfall associated with Agnes from Southeastern United States toward the northeast. A rainfall map for Northeastern United States for the total storm period shows the magnitude of precipitation. Total precipitation at several locations from New York to Virginia was in excess of 15 inches. A comparison between Agnes and other tropical storms over the same region indicated that, for areas greater than 10,000 square miles and durations longer than 24 hours, Agnes rainfall set a record. 12 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 This complete description of the rainfall associated with this storm utilized considerable supplementary data as well as the regular reporting network. These supplementary data came from sources other than official gages and are included in tables of this report. The flooding caused by the exceptional precipitation ravaged parts of 12 States. Peak stages and discharges established new records on many streams, and many reservoirs in New York and Pennsylvania were at their highest levels since construction. In the Susquehanna River basin, peak flows at many locations exceeded the maximum of record. Along the main stem of the Susquehanna from the New York-Pennsylvania border to its mouth on the Chesapeake Bay, this was the greatest flood since at least 1784. Peak flows from Harrisburg downstream to the bay were in excess of 1 million cubic feet per second (cfs). Although flooding on the main stem of the Potomac River was not exceptional, many of its tributaries downstream from the Shenandoah River experienced record flows. Peak flows on the Conococheague Creek at Fairview, Md., and on the Monocacy River near Frederick, Md., were greater than the flood of 1889, and the peak discharge of Difficult Run near Great Falls, Va., was 5 times the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1935. On the James River from Lynchburg to Richmond in Virginia, peak flows exceeded those resulting from the passage of Hurricane Camille in 1969 to become the highest since at least 1870. A maximum flow of 313,000 cfs occurred at Richmond. Detailed description of the flood for each affected drainage basin together with significant discharge hydrographs for affected major rivers are presented in the text. The suspended-sediment concentration and load of most streams were unusually high. Sediment loads during the flood period on the Susquehanna and Schuylkill Rivers in Pennsylvania were three times their average annual loads. The effectiveness of reservoir-storage regulation in controlling the magnitude of peak flows for the Susquehanna, Roanoke, and Ohio River basins, and for some streams tributary to Chesapeake Bay and to Lake Ontario was examined on the basis of data supplied by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Total damage from Hurricane Agnes was estimated to be $3.1 billion, or over twice that produced by Camille, the second most destructive hurricane to strike the United States. Most of the damage resulted from flooding in the Middle Atlantic States. Damage reached $2.12 billion in Pennsylvania alone, making this the worst natural disaster in the history of that State. Damage included destruction of homes and other structures, flooding of public water and sewage facilities, inundation of industrial and public utility plants, loss of crops, and disruption of normal activities. Owing to the timely warning issued to the public, the total death toll of 117 persons was comparatively light considering the severity of the flooding. Data for 989 gaging sites are furnished in this report. These data should provide a valuable reference for future investigations. All sites, for which data on discharge, stage, and sediment are given, are numbered consecutively in downstream order and in the same sequence as is used in parts 1-4 in water-supply papers of the U.S. Geological Survey containing records of streamflow. Included in the numbering are gaging stations, reservoir stations, partial record stations, and miscellaneous sites. The location of each site is shown by report number on the map (pi. 1). The report number appears in parentheses preceding the site title in the section on streamflow data and in the tables in Appendix A. The permanent station number assigned by the U.S. Geological Survey is also shown in the stream-flow data. Peak stage and discharge at gaging stations, flood-crest elevations for selected stream reaches, and reservoir-storage data are given in Appendix A. This report was prepared jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Weather Service. Additional sources for both meteorologic and hydrologic data are included in Appendix B. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The meteorologic and rainfall analyses in this report are based upon the efforts of many individuals within the National Weather Service. These people make and record thousands of observations and analyze countless charts in supporting an effort such as this. Hundreds of precipitation observations are made by unpaid volunteers in the cooperative observing program of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The supplementary rainfall data included in this report were collected under the supervision of John Thomas, Regional Hydrologist, National Weather Service, Eastern Region. The hurricane track shown in figure 1 was obtained from the National Hurricane Center, Robert H. Simpson, Director. John F. Miller, Chief, Water Management Information Division, and Dr. Edwin Chin of that Division have reviewed the manuscript. Discharge records and other flood data in this report were collected as part of cooperative pro-INTRODUCTION 3 grams between the U.S. Geological Survey and the States of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut; county and municipal agencies within these States; and agencies of the Federal Government. Other Federal and State agencies, municipalities, universities, corporations, and individuals gave assistance, financial or otherwise, in the data-collection effort. Credit for this assistance is given in the appropriate place in the text. During the flood emergency, engineers and technicians of the U.S. Geological Survey from 23 States were detailed into the Northeastern area to assist in the collection of flood data. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. Photographs in this report were obtained from Federal and State agencies, newspapers, and individuals. Where appropriate, photograph sources are given. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provided the information on damage. GLOSSARY Acre-foot (acre-ft).—The quantity of water required to cover 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot and is equal to 43,560 cubic feet, 325,851 gallons, or 1,223 cubic metres. Contents.—The volume of water in a reservoir or lake. Content is computed on the basis of a level pool and does not include bank storage. Convective clouds.—A cloud which owes its vertical development and possibly its origin to convection. Cubic feet per second (cfs).—The rate of discharge. One cubic foot per second is equal to the discharge of a stream of rectangular cross section 1 foot wide and 1 foot deep, flowing at an average velocity of 1 foot per second. It equals 28.32 litres per second or 0.02832 cubic metres per second. cfs-day.—The volume of water represented by a flow of 1 cubic foot per second for 24 hours. It equals 86,400 cubic feet, 1.98 acre-feet, or 2,447 cubic metres. cfsm (cubic feet per second per square mile).—The average number of cubic feet of water per second flowing from each square mile of area drained by a stream, with the assumption that the runoff is distributed uniformly in time and area. One cfsm is equivalent to 0.0733 cubic metres per second per square kilometre. Crest-stage station.—A particular site where only information on crest stage and peak discharge is collected systematically. Depression.—An area of low atmospheric pressure. Drainage area of a stream at a specific location.— The area, measured in a horizontal plane, which is enclosed by a topographic divide. Drainage area is given in square miles. One square mile is equivalent to 2.590 square kilometres. Extratropical low (extratropical cyclone).—Any cyclone-scale storm that is not a tropical cyclone, usually referring only to the migratory frontal cyclones of middle and high latitudes. Flood-hydrograph station.—A particular site where a record of the flood hydrograph is collected systematically. Gaging station.—A particular site on a stream, canal, lake, or reservoir where systematic observations of gage height or discharge are obtained. Gust.—A sudden brief increase in the speed of the wind. Hurricane.—A severe tropical cyclone (windspeed 64 knots or higher) in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the Eastern North Pacific of the west coast of Mexico. Instability.—Areas of instability as referred to in this report are areas where the lifted index is less than four. The lifted index is the difference, in °C, between the observed 500-mb temperature and the computed temperature, which a parcel characterized by the mean temperature and dew point of the 50-mb-thick surface layer would have if it were lifted from 25 mb above the surface to 500 mb. Mean low water.—The average level of low water at a place over a 19-year period. Mean sea level.—The average height of the sea surface for all stages of the tide over a 19-year period. Miscellaneous site.—A site where data pertaining only to a specific hydrologic event are obtained. Precipitable water.—The total atmospheric water vapor contained in a vertical column of unit-cross-sectional area extending from the surface up to a certain pressure level, usually 500 mb. Runoff.—That part of the precipitation that appears in streams. It is the same as streamflow that is unaffected by artificial diversions, storage, or other works of man in or on the stream channels. Runoff, given in inches (1 inch is 2.54 centimetres), is the depth to which the drainage area would be covered if the runoff for a given time period were uniformly distributed over the surface. Sediment.—Fragmental material that originated from weathering of rocks and is transported by,4 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 suspended in, or deposited by water or air or is accumulated in beds by other natural agencies. Sediment concentration.—The weight of dry solids divided by the weight of water-sediment mixture and is expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/1). Sediment discharge.—The rate at which dry weight of sediment passes a section of a stream, or it is the quantity of sediment, as measured by dry weight or by volume, that is discharged in a given time. Sediment load.—The sediment moved by a stream, whether in suspension or at the bottom. It is synonymous with “sediment discharge” in this report and is used to avoid possible confusion between stream discharge and sediment discharge. Sediment station.—A river section where sedimentload samples are taken each day, or periodically. Sounding.—A single complete radiosonde observation of the upper atmosphere. Stage-discharge relation.—The relation between gage height and the amount of water flowing in a channel. Suspended load.—Sediment that moves in suspension. It is transported at virtually the velocity of water. Time of day is expressed in 24-hour time; for example, 12:30 a.m. is 0030 hours, 1:00 p.m. is 1300 hours. All time noted is eastern daylight time. Tons per day.—The unit used to express the quantity of sediment that passes a particular site during a 24-hour period. Tropical storm.—Tropical cyclone with winds 34 to 63 knots. Trough.—An elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure. CONVERSION FACTORS Most units of measure used in this report are English Units. The following factors can be used to convert English Units to the International System of Units (SI). Multiply English units inches (in.)__________ feet (ft) ____________ miles (mi)____________ miles (nautical)______ acres ________________ square miles (mi2) — By 25.4 ________ .0254 ______ .3048 ______ 1.609 _______ 1.853 _______ 4047 ___________ .004047 ___ 2.590 _______ To obtain SI units millimetres (mm) metres (m) metres (m) kilometres (km) kilometres (km) square metres (m ~) square kilometres (km2) square kilometres (km2) Multiply English units gallons (gal)_______ million gallons (10 0 gal). cubic feet (ft “)____ cfs-day (ft;7s-day) _ acre-feet (acre-ft)___ feet per second ____ miles per hour (mph). knot________________ cubic feet per second (ft3/s) gallons per minute (gpm). million gallons per day (mgd). ton (short) By 3.785 _______ 3.785 _______ 3.785xl0~3 __ 3785 ___________ 3.785xl()-3 __ 28.32 ________ .02832 _____ 2447 ___________ 2.447xl0"3 — 1233 ___________ 1.233x10-“ — 1.233x10 " __ .3048 ______ 1.609 _______ 1.853 _______ 28.32 ________ 28.32 ________ .02832 _____ .06309 _____ .06309 _____ 6.309xl0-3 43.81_________ .04381 _____ .9072 ______ To obtain SI units litres (1) cubic decimetres (dm3) cubic metres (m 3) cubic metres (m3) cubic hectometres (hm3) cubic decimetres (dm3) cubic metres (m3) cubic metres (m3) cubic hectometres (hm3) cubic metres (m3) cubic hectometres (hm3) cubic kilometres (km 3) metres per second m/s kilometres per hour km /hr kilometres per hour km/hr litres per second (1/s) cubic decimetres per second (dm3/s) cubic metres per second (m3/s) litres per second (1/s) cubic decimetres per second (dm3/s) cubic metres per second (m3/s) cubic decimetres per second (dm3/s) cubic metres per second (mVs) tonne (t) STORM HISTORY The formation process for a tropical storm is not always clear, and that for Agnes is no exception. The first signs of an incipient hurricane usually appear on satellite photographs as a large cloud mass showing indications of tropical storm circulation, and this occurs when the storm is already well along in the development stage. The problem of early identification of tropical storm formation may lie in the fact that different and perhaps multiple causes may be involved in the formation processes of different storms. Namias (1973a) has suggested that Agnes “may have resulted from a combination of events involving an antecedent massive cold air outbreak into the tropics and, perhaps crucially, the migration of a nucleating cloud cluster of intense convective cells from the Southern Hemisphere tropics into the Northern Hemisphere.” From satellite photographs, he hypothesized that the nucleus for Agnes firstSTORM HISTORY 5 appeared on June 9 in an area of abnormally warm surface water off the Pacific coast of Colombia at about lat 5° S. This nucleating mass of convective clouds moved northward over surface water with temperatures exceeding 80°F (27°C), crossed the Isthmus of Panama on June 12, and then started to curve northwestward over the Caribbean Sea. On June 13-14 this mesoscale cloud mass met a large-scale cloud environment associated with an intense cold front moving southward from the United States, across the Gulf of Mexico, and over the Caribbean Sea. This cold-air outbreak established record low temperatures for this time of the year at many cities in the Eastern United States. Again, quoting Namias: “Apparently, the large-scale convective cloud system associated with the cold front, the general cyclonic vorticity field, and the implied high moisture content aloft provided a favorable large-scale environment for triggering the hurricane by the nucleating intense mesoscale cloud system arriving from the south over anomalously warm water.” These immediate causes, Namias (1973b) further suggested, may be linked to midtropospheric anomalies in the large-scale air-sea circulation systems generated during the preceding 3 or 4 months. At about 0700 EST, June 14, a weak depression in the surface-pressure field observed at about lat 20.0° N.; long 89.0° W., near Cozumel, Yucatan, was actually the first indication of the tropical disturbance that would become Hurricane Agnes (fig. 1). The depression intensified rapidly and moved slowly eastward along the lat 20° N. parallel until about 0700 EST, June 16 and then began to curve northward (fig. 1) as it reached tropical storm intensity (wind speeds 39-73 mph, or 34-63 knots). The cloud systems associated with the storm while moving eastward from Yucatan on June 15 and 16 appear distinctly on the satellite photographs of figure 2. The storm continued northward at about 10 mph (16 km/hr) and was about 120 miles southwest of the west tip of Cuba by Saturday morning, June 17. By Saturday afternoon it had reached the Yucatan Channel, just west of the west tip of Cuba, with a minimum pressure of 986 mb (fig. 1). By early morning of June 18, the storm center was some 250 miles (400 km) southwest of the Florida Keys, and surface winds near the center were of hurricane force (over 73 mph, or 63 knots). The satellite photograph in figure 3 shows a second well-defined circulation system east of Agnes. This system, which persisted throughout the life of Agnes, enhanced the already enormous flow of moisture and nearly saturated air into Agnes as the latter moved northward over land. At 0700 EST on the 18th, Agnes was centered at lat 23.8° N., long 85.6° W., about 200 mi (320 km) west of Fort Myers, Fla. (fig. 4), and showers were occurring over most of Florida south of Orlando. The upper-air soundings at that time showed that the unstable air covering the Southeastern United States on the morning of the 17th (fig. 3) had spread slightly northward (fig. 4). A similar increase in precipita-ble water was noted. At about 0900 EST, the barometric pressure at Tallahassee, Fla., began to fall rapidly (fig. 11), and rain began about 1400 EST. Table 1 lists the minimum sea-level pressure and maximum wind speed at selected stations affected by Agnes during June 18-25. Agnes became a hurricane on the 18th. During the afternoon, maximum sustained surface-wind speeds near the storm center reached 85 mph (74 knots). Maximum sustained surface-wind speeds over land, strengthening first in the Keys and by evening as far north as Orlando, were 25-45 mph (22-43 knots), with gusts from 40 to 50 mph (35-43 knots). Wind speeds along Florida’s east coast were often higher than those along the west coast because the storm’s unusually large circulation, roughly 1,000 miles (1,600 km) in diameter (fig. 4), resulted in easterly to southeasterly surface winds with little reduction from overland friction. As a result, the highest gust reported in Florida was 69 mph (60 knots) at Cape Kennedy early on the 19th (table 1). By the afternoon of the 18th it was obvious that Agnes would cross the Florida Panhandle and that her most destructive weapon in Florida would be the storm tides along the west coast. At 0100 EST, June 19, Agnes reached her lowest central pressure, 978 mb, while in the Gulf of Mexico (lat 27.2° N.; long 85.7° W.), but neither the eye nor the wall cloud ever became fully developed. By 0700 EST the storm had moved to lat 28.5° N.; long 85.7° W., about 75 miles (120 km) south of Apalachicola, Fla. (figs. 1 and 5). Soundings showed an appreciable increase in precipitable water over the Eastern United States during the preceding 24 hours (figs. 4 and 5), with the maximum amounts in the extreme southeastern part well exceeding average values for June (Reitan 1960). The area of atmospheric instability had spread northward. With the exception of a stable area centered over Alabama, the degree of instability had increased also, with the greatest instability noted over the Florida Peninsula. Rain was falling as far to the northeast as Augusta, Ga., where the pressure began to fall rapidly6 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 0 300 600 KILOMETRES Figure 1.—Storm track, June 14-23, 1972.STORM HISTORY 7 about 0900 EST (fig. 11). Pressure at Charlotte, N.C., started to fall at about the same time, but rain did not begin until about 1400 EST. Agnes moved ashore on the afternoon of the 19th, with the center crossing the Florida coastline near Port St. Joe (about halfway between Apalachicola and Panama City). Maximum sustained surface-wind speeds reported at observing stations nearest the center were 40-45 mph (35-39 knots), with gusts reaching 45-55 mph (39-48 knots). Lowest pressure (991.2 mb) at Tallahassee, roughly 70 miles east of the storm center, was recorded at 1709 EST, with south-southeast surface winds veering to southwest and west (fig. 11), as the storm moved northeastward into Georgia (fig. 1). The high storm tides first occurred in the Florida Keys on the afternoon of the 18th, with Key West and Big Pine Key both reporting high tides of 1.2 feet above normal (table 2). The data reported in the first part of table 2 represent the actual storm surge, except as noted. The value given is the departure from the normal height of the hourly tide curve. Flamingo reported a high tide 2.0 feet above normal on the same date. Most of the high tides in Florida, however, occurred on the 19th (table 2), with the highest tide (7.0 ft above normal) being recorded by Cedar Key in the afternoon. The Corps of Engineers, in a survey after the storm, determined that tides along the west coast of Florida increased from Lee County northward. In Lee County, tides were about 2 feet above normal. In Charlotte and Sarasota Counties, they ranged between 2 and 3 feet above normal, while in Manatee and Pinellas Counties they ranged between 3 and 6 feet above normal. As Agnes neared the Panhandle, Apalachicola recorded a tide 6.4 feet above normal in the afternoon. The National Ocean Survey conducted a survey in early 1973 along the northwest Florida coast to determine high-water marks for use in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) studies for the Federal Insurance Administration. These data are given in table 2. Agnes spawned 15 confirmed tornadoes in Florida, all occurred on the 18th and 19th and all were confined to the peninsula south of Daytona Beach. Three tornadoes struck the Keys. The first roared through Geiger and Big Coppitt Keys early on the 18th. Before daylight, the second struck Key West, and the third ripped through Key Colony Beach, Grass Key, Conch Key, and Key Largo. Nine more tornadoes were reported in the afternoon and evening, with four occurring near Fort Myers. Another tornado was reported 17 miles (27 km) north of Okeechobee. Tornadoes also touched down west of Lakeland and in Palm Beach County. Early on the 19th, three tornadoes hit the Cape Kennedy-Cape Canaveral area. In Georgia, tornadoes on the afternoon of the 19th struck near Blackshear and near Douglas. Damage resulting from all these tornadoes is reported later in the section on deaths and damage. After crossing the coastline, Agnes changed her course toward the northeast (fig. 1) and weakened to a tropical depression (surface wind speed under 39 mph, or 34 knots) by 0700 EST, June 20, when the center was at lat 32.2° N.; long 83.8° W., about 30 miles (48 km) south-southwest of Macon, Ga. (fig. 6). By this time rain directly associated with the circulation around Agnes was falling from the northern boundary of Florida to southern Virginia. With the exception of Alabama, Misissippi, and northern New England, most of the Eastern United States was covered by unstable air. Except for some decrease in Florida, precipitable water had increased over the Southeastern States and was generally above June averages. The radiosonde observations at Cape Hatteras, N.C., for the 19th and 20th (fig. 12) show a slight warming but a large increase in moisture during the 24-hour interval between the two soundings, although the storm center was still some 500 miles (800 km) away. A shift of winds at intermediate levels from southeasterly to southwesterly brought in a flow of moist air from the gulf, increasing the precipitable water in the layer of air from the surface to 500 mb from 1.20 to 1.84 inches in the 24-hour period. This shift of winds resulted from the approach of the 700-mb Low, which was centered over southwestern Georgia at 0700 EST on the 20th (fig. 6). Later on the 20th Agnes deepened, and her circulation accelerated as a result of the release of energy from baroclinic sources (Simpson and Hebert, 1973) associated with an extratropical trough approaching from the west (fig. 6). This stimulation, however, was not enough to raise Agnes to the tropical storm stage but very likely led to the development of a secondary Low early on the 21st. Continuing northeastward as a tropical depression, Agnes crossed into South Carolina, and at 0100 EST on the 21st was centered at lat 33.8° N.; long 80.2° W., about 60 miles (96 km) north-northwest of Charleston (fig. 1). At this time a secondary Low center appeared at lat 35.0° N.; long 80.0° W., roughly 80 miles (129 km) north of the primary center (fig. 1). These two Low centers, which ap-8 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 2.—Composite satellite photographs showing development of Agnes near East Coast of Yucatan on (A) June 15 and (B) June 16, 1972. pear as one on the maps of figures 7 and 8, moved along fairly parallel tracks through the 22nd, when the original Agnes center was absorbed into the then dominant secondary center (Simpson and Hebert, 1973). Travelling at a speed of 12-15 mph, the Agnes center had moved into southeastern North Carolina by 0700 EST on the 21st (fig. 7). Precipitable water amounts had increased during the preceding 24 hours to well above June averages (Reitan, 1960) ahead of the storm all the way to the Canadian border (fig. 7). A comparison of the soundings at Sterling, Va., near Washington, D.C., for the 20th and 21st (fig. 13) shows a slight cooling in the lower layers, with some warming at upper levels. Dew-point temperatures, however, showed a great increase, with max- imum gains being above the 550-mb level. Precipitable water increased from 1.19 to 1.43 inches. Winds above the 700-mb level had backed from southwest to southeast and were now southeasterly at all levels up to 400 mb. Wind speeds had also generally doubled. The New York soundings for the 20th and 21st (fig. 14) showed temperature and dew point changes similar to those at Sterling, Va., with precipitable water increasing from 1.19 to 1.56 inches. However, northwesterly winds above the 700-mb level had backed to southwesterly on the 21st with little change in speed. At 0700 EST on the 21st, unstable air covered the Eastern United States from Florida to Canada, and rain was falling from the Carolinas to Canada as a result of Agnes and the northern low-pressure system.STORM HISTORY 9 Figure 2.—Continued. Continuing her northeastward movement, Agnes strengthened to a tropical storm during the afternoon of the 21st and crossed the North Carolina coastline about 1900 EST, the original center passing about 35 miles (56 km) north of Cape Hatteras (fig. 1). The pressure at Norfolk, Va., which had been falling rapidly since about 1100 EST on the 19th, reached its minimum of 985.4 mb at about 2000 EST, with the surface wind shifting from easterly to northwesterly about 2120 EST (fig. 11). At 0100 EST on the 22nd, the storm center was about 100 miles (160 km) east of Norfolk. At 0700 EST on the 22nd, Agnes was centered at lat 38.2° N.; long 73.1° W., about 210 miles (338 km) east of Baltimore (figs. 1 and 8). It was at this time that Agnes reached the lowest recorded central pressure of her entire life, 977 mb, as deter- mined by military reconnaissance flights. The sounding at J. F. Kennedy International Airport near New York City showed strong easterly to southeasterly winds at all levels (fig. 14), with pre-cipitable water having increased slightly from 1.56 to 1.73 inches during the preceding 24 hours. The moist unstable air accompanying the storm as it crossed Southeastern United States (figs. 3-7) had been replaced by dry stable air (fig. 8), which had moved in behind the storm, except over the extreme southern portion, where another weather system was active. The Kennedy Airport sounding (fig. 14) was the only one indicating instability in the Northeastern United States. The high amounts of precipitable water associated with Agnes on the morning of the 22nd were limited to southern New England, southern New York, and New Jersey10 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 3.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 17, 1972. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-m'b heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water in inches.)STORM HISTORY 11 Figure 4.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 18, 1972. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-mb heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water in inches.)12 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 PRECIPITABLE WATER CHART FIGURE 5.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 19, 1972. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-mb heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water in inches.)STORM HISTORY 13 SATELLITE PHOTOGRAPH PRECIPITABLE WATER CHART FIGURE 6.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 20, 1972. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-mb heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water, in inches.)14 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 7.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 21, 1972. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-mb heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water in inches.)STORM HISTORY 15 Figure 8.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 22, 1972. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-mb heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water in inches.)16 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 SATELLITE PHOTOGRAPH PRECIPITABLE WATER CHART Figure 9.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 23, 1972. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-mb heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water in inches.)STORM HISTORY 17 700-mb CHART SATELLITE PHOTOGRAPH Figure 10.—Synoptic situation at 0700 EST, June 24, 1972'. Satellite photograph is a composite from several orbits. (700-mb heights in tens of metres, surface pressure in millibars reduced to sea level, and precipitable water in inches.)18 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 1.—Minimum sea-level pressure and maximum surface wind speeds at selected stations, June 18-25,1972 ______Pressure (mb)__________ _____________________________ Wind (mph) Station1 Date Low Time Fastest Time r . Time (EST) mile (EST) UUSCS (EST) Florida Apalachicola__________________ 19 Big Pine Key _________________ 18 Crestview FAA_________________ 19 Daytona Beach WSO_____________ 19 Flamingo______________________ 18 Fort Myers WSO________________ 17 Do _______________________ 18 Jacksonville WSO______________ 19 Kennedy SC____________________ 19 Key West WSO__________________ 18 Lakeland WSO _________________ 19 Miami WSMO____________________ 18 Orlando_______________________ 18 Panama City___________________ 19 Panama City FAA ______________ 19 Pensacola FWF NAS__________ 19 Pensacola WSO ________________ 19 St. Petersburg AP FAA______ 19 Tallahassee WSO_______________ 19 Tampa WSO ____________________ 19 Tyndall AFB___________________ 19 West Palm Beach WSO________ 18 Alabama Dothan FAA ___________________ 20 Mobile WSO ___________________ 19 Montgomery WSO________________ 20 Georgia Albany FAA ___________________ 20 Augusta WSO __________________ 20 Brunswick ____________________ 20 Macon WSO ____________________ 20 Savannah WSO__________________ 20 South Carolina Beaufort MCAS ________________ 21 Charleston WSO________________ 21 Columbia WSO__________________ 21 Florence FAA _________________ 21 Greer WSO ____________________ 21 Myrtle Beach AFB _____________ 21 North Carolina Cape Hatteras WSO_____________ 21 Charlotte WSO_________________ 21 Elizabeth City FAA____________ 21 Greensboro WSO________________ 21 New Bern FAA__________________ 21 Raleigh WSFO _________________ 21 Rocky Mount FAA_______________ 21 Wilmington WSO________________ 21 Virginia Chesapeake L/V________________ 21 Dulles Int’l. AP______________ 21 Langley AFB __________________ 21 Norfolk WSO __________________ 21 Richmond WSO__________________ 21 Washington Nat’l. AP_______ 21 Maryland Andrews AFB __________________ 21 Assateague____________________ 22 Baltimore WSO_________________ 22 Kentmorr Marina_______________ 22 Ocean City CGS________________ 22 Patuxent NAS _________________ 21 Salisbury FAA_________________ 22 Delaware Dover AFB ____________________ 22 Indiana River Inlet CGS____ 22 Wilmington WSO _______________ 22 See footnotes at end of table. 987.1 1512 SSE 32 984.4 1556-1757 NE 39 1005.1 1656 E 29 3 SSE 42 E 25 2 1004.1 1630 SE 25 2 E 39 SSE 52 1002.0 0310 SE 43 1004.4 0230 SE 33 ESE 25 1005.1 1655 ESE 30 2 NNE 35 4 987.5 1600&1800 NE 40 2 997.0 1355-1655 NNE 35 997.3 1700 NNW 23 2 ‘ 1001.7 0353-0552 S 29 2 991.2 1709 S 312 1002.0 0600 SE 27 2 985.8 1458 NE 40 2 1008.5 1632 E 32 2 990.9 2200 N 29 2 1002.0 1745 N 22 2 998.3 0200-0400 N 25 992.2 0555 ENE 17 2 992.9 1800-2000 E 24 2 998.0 1558 995.6 1010 E 33 994.9 1800 E 37 2 992.6 0200 SE 29 2 992.2 0400 W 39 992.2 0300-0400 E 24 990.2 0400 WNW 23 2 994.9 0200 E 21 989.8 0700 WNW 29 2 986.5 1755 WNW 37 2 991.2 0400 NW 23 985.8 1758 SSE 23s 992.2 0700 NW 26 988.5 1450 SE 182 990.5 0956 N 24 2 988.2 1358 NNW 23 2 988.8 1055-1255 SE 26 W 26 986.1 2300 991.9 1555 NNW 25 2 985.8 1855 NNW 35 985.4 2000 NW 42 986.8 1658 NW 31 989.8 1955 NW 43 990.9 1855 NNW 29 SW 20 990.2 0042 NW 37 NW 50 2 985.1 0400 W 52 986.1 2358 NNW 25 2 984.4 0256-0356 NNW 37 986.1 0355 NW 46 986.1 0500 NW 46 986.1 0807 NW 35 E 55 0612 SE 55 1423 1140 0958 SE 50 1200 18/2237 E 45 0312 0735 1328 SSE 56 0700 0955 SE 53 0955 0637 SE 56 0637 0330 SSE 69 3 0330 0519 E 52 0144 18/1828 SE 55 18/1816 2228 SE 36 1523 18/2013 E 41 18/1928 0200 0700-0750 NNE 44 0200 0737 NNE 49 0648 1556 NNW 43 1556 0850 S 48 1455 1757 SSE 46 1817 18/2057 SE 43 18/2048 S 43 11/1109 0655 NE 52 0655 1632 E 46 1632 19/2157 N 43 19/2157 1457 N 35 1452 1421 N 37 19/1411 19/1156 NE 29 19/1115 19/2010 E 35 19/1957 E 52 19/1056 19/1537 NE 35 19/1555 19/1349 E 48 19/1340 19/1941 ESE 46 19/1901 0644 22/1455 E 40 19/2234 19/2255 E 34 19/2254 1354 WNW 44 1354 20/0200 N 29 20/2156 1136 NW 46 1350 2158 WNW 62 2155 0617 NNW 26 0622 0600 SSW 35 1159 0804 NNW 30 0747 0255 W 32 1855 1256 WSW 31 22/1555 1555 NNW 35 1555 20/1038 20/1346 SE 37 20/1004 1855 N 50 1853 22/0055 NW 54 22/0058 22/0037 NW 54 22/0032 1905 NW 32 1858 2317 NW 49 2103 2230 NNW 46 0209 1100 SW 50 0800 0116 NW 39 0155 0224 0730 22/0158 NW 63 0212 NNW 43 22/0257 0700 NW 57 0708 0928 NW 67 0918 1100 NW 50 1200 1055 WNW 51 1133STORM HISTORY 19 Table 1.—Minimum sea-level pressure and maximum surface wind speeds at selected stations, June 18-25, 1972—Continued Station 1 Pressure (mb) Wind (mph) Date Low Time (EST) Fastest mile Time (EST) Gusts Time (EST) New Jersey Atlantic City WSO _ 22 982.4 0900-1115 WNW 312 1255 W 49 1227 Trenton WSO 22 982.1 1300 SW 292 2018 Pennsylvania Allentown 22 983.5 1357 NE 25 2 0929 Harrisburg 22 987.5 1950 NW 30 1048 Philadelphia WSFO 22 984.1 0955 W 34 1318 New York J. F. Kennedy Int’l. AP WSO- 22 981.4 1451 WSW 32 2 1651 WSW 47 1712 LaGuardia Field WSO 22 981.4 1454 NE 41 0848 WSW 44 1747 New York City WSO 22 981.7 1450 NE 36 0843 NE 55 0839 Connecticut Hartford WSO 22 982.1 1730 S 29 1931 S 46 1923 New Haven FAA - 22 982.1 1712 SSW 29 2047 SW 40 1945 Rhode Island Providence 22 985.5 1559 S 26 2 1928 S 38 1923 1 Abbreviations after station name are: AFB, Air Force Base; AP, Air Port; CGS, Coast Guard Station ; FAA, Federal Aviation Administration ; FWF; Fleet Weather Facility; L/V, Light Vessel: MCAS, Marine Corps Air Station; NAS, Naval Air Station; SC, Space Center; WSFO, Weather Service Forecast Office; WSMO, Weather Service Meterological Office; WSO, Weather Service Office. ______ 2 Fastest 1-minute wind speed. 3 Upper limit of recorder. 4 Altimeter setting. Table 2.—High tides attributed to Agnes, June 18-22, 1972 1 Station name 2 _______Location____________ Tide height {ft Lat N. Long W. above normal) Time (EST)/Date Florida Apalachicola WSO 29°45' 85-00' 6.4 1512/19 Big Pine Key 24°43' 81°23' 1.2 /18 Cedar Key __ _ . . - - . . 29°08' 83-02' 7.0 /19 Daytona Beach WSO 29°14' 81°00' 31.7 0057/19 Flamingo . _ . 25°50' 80°38' 2.0 /18 Fort Myers WSO . - - 26°39' 81°52' 3.0 0830/19 Jacksonville WSO 30-24' 81°26' 2.8 /19 Key West WSO 24°33' 81°48' 1.2 1430/18 Panama City 30“04' 85-35' 3.4 /19 Pensacola WSO 30°24' 87°13' 1.7 0658/19 St. Petersburg FAA . . 27“46' 82°37' 4.1 /19 Tampa 27-46' 82°37' 5.0 1115/19 Alabama Mobile WSO 30°42' 88°02' 1.3 0330/19 South Carolina Charleston 32°47' 79°55' 47.0 /21 Virginia Norfolk WSO (Sewells Point) 36°57' 76°20' 1.2 1730/21 Maryland Assateague . 37 57' 75 06' 4.0 /22 Ocean City CGS 38°20' 75°05' 3.0 1500/22 Delaware Indian River Inlet CGS 38°37' 75°04' 1.5 /22 New Jersey Atlantic City WSO 39°21' 74°25' 2-3 /22 New York LaGuardia Field 40°48' 73°47' 32.9 1300/22 New York (Battery Park) 40°42' 74°11' 3.1 1107/22 Rhode Island Providence WSO . _ 41°48' 71°24' 3.2 1700/22 1 Parts of these data were obtained from the National Hurricane Center (Simpson and Hebert, 1978) and the Environmental Data Service (De Angel is and Hodge, 1972). 2 CGS, Coast Guard Station; FAA, Federal Aviation Administration; WSO, Weather Service Office. 3 Tide above mean sea level. 4 Tide above mean low water. A20 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 2.—High tides attributed to Agnes, June 18-22, 1972 —Continued Location Elevation of mark (ft above mean sea level) Average ground elevation of site (ft above mean sea level) Remarks Station LatN. Long W. High-water mark data, Florida Alligator Point - 29"52' 84°25' 8.3 5.0 Water mark on door at Alligator Point Marina noted 5 hours after storm passage. Apalachicola — _ _ _ 29”44' 84°59' 5.4 0.5 Water at top of curb. Carrabelle 29°51' 84°40' 8.3 15.0 Water level on piling. Carrabelle - - - 29°51' 84°39' 9.5 12.0 Water at top of piling. East Point, 6 mi NE _ Florida State Route 65 and US 98, 1.4 mi 29“49' 84°51' 6.4 5.5 Water elevation about 1 ft above cattle guard. W of junction. 29°50' 84°52' 7.4 9.0 State Trooper stated water was covering berm of Highway 98 in front of Florida Highway Patrol Station. Panacea, 4 mi S _ 29"59' 84°22' 8.4 8.0 Water reached seam on pavement of driveway entrance to motel. Verified by photograph. St. George Island 29°42' 84°50' 7.5 7.3 Water reached bottom of beams supporting floor of building. St. George Island 29"42' 84°50' 4.4 4.0 Water reached top first layer of concrete blocks above floor level of building. Some conflicting testimony by witness. (fig. 8). Rain was falling over the eastern Great Lakes region, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and the New England coastal areas (figs. 28 and 29). Maximum sustained surface-wind speeds along the coast from Norfolk, Va., to Providence, R.I., ranged from 25 to 45 mph (22-39 knots) with guests up to 55 mph (48 knots). At about 0700 EST on the 22nd, Agnes began to curve toward the northwest. The storm center just tipped the west end of Long Island and moved inland in the vicinity of New York City (fig. 1). The pressure at LaGuardia Airport reached its minimum of 981.4 mb at 1454 EST (table 1), and the northeasterly surface winds veered to southwesterly about 1700 EST. At about the same time, the surface wind at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., shifted from northerly to southerly. Lowest pressure at Wilkes-Barre was 981.5 mb at about 2000 EST (fig. 11). Sometime during the afternoon of June 22, the original weakened Agnes center was absorbed into the circulation of the now dominant extratropical Low center, which was located in western Pennsylvania at 0700 EST, the 23rd (fig. 9). This Low stagnated for some 24 hours (fig. 10) before slowly drifting northeastward. It dominated the weather in the northeastern United States for several days before passing out into the North Atlantic. Most of the heavy rain in the Middle Atlantic region attributable to Agnes, however, fell on June 21-22. RAINFALL The severity of the flooding associated with Agnes may be attributable in part to the wet weather that prevailed over a period of several weeks preceding the storm. Figure 15 shows that May precipitation was abnormally heavy over New York, eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and, especially Virginia, the southeastern part of which experienced monthly totals exceeding twice normal. Precipitation for the first half of June was generally above normal in eastern New York, western and extreme eastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, and southeastern Maryland (fig. 16). In Virginia, precipitation was generally below normal. A frontal system sweeping across Eastern United States on June 15-17 brought heavy rains to parts of the northeastern region and to scattered areas of the southern Appalachian Mountain region. The satellite photographs in figures 2 and 3 show that these heavy rains were associated with the cloudiness accompanying the frontal system and were not attributable to Agnes. The surface-weather map in figure 3 shows the northern part of the front passing out to sea at 0700 EST, June 17, with the southern part and associated cloud system, as shown by the satellite photograph, trailing southwestward from southern New England to Alabama and Mississippi. At this time Agnes had not yet reached theRAINFALL 21 Figure 11.—Pressure variation at selected stations along the storm track. Arrows and numbers show surface wind direction and speed in knots. west tip of Cuba (fig. 1), and her cloud pattern was well separated from that of the frontal system. The isohyetal chart for the 24-hour period ending at 0700 EST, June 16 (fig. 17), shows an elongated area of heavy rainfall with centers of 2 to 4 inches extending southwestward from Lake Champlain in northeastern New York to northwestern Pennsylvania. During the following 24 hours, rainfalls exceeding 1 inch were measured in an area extending southwestward from eastern Massachusetts to south-central Pennsylvania and also in southwestern Virginia, southern West Virginia, and southeastern Kentucky (fig. 18). One-inch rainfalls were measured also at scattered places near the Tennes- see-North Carolina border (fig. 19). The only mainland rainfall attributable to Agnes up to this time occurred in extreme southern Florida, where 24-hour amounts were less than an inch. The rains associated with the frontal system continued into the 18th. At 0700 EST of that date the dissipating stationary front extended across southeastern Virginia, the western Carolinas, and the extreme northern parts of Georgia and Alabama (fig. 4). The rainfall for the 24-hour period ending at that time extended southwestward from southern New Jersey to the southern Appalachian Mountain region (figs. 20 and 21), with maximum amounts being generally less than 1% inches.22 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TEMPERATURE |°C] TEMPERATURE |°d Figure 12.—Upper-air soundings at Cape Hatteras, N.C., June 19-22, 1972. Arrows and numbers show wind direction and speed in knots at various heights. (T = temperature; DP = dew point; precipitahle water evaluated for layer from surface to 500 mb.) The first heavy rainfall on the mainland produced directly by Agnes occurred on June 17-18. By 0700 EST, June 18, rain of up to about 4 inches had fallen during the preceding 24 hours over Florida south of a line between St. Petersburg and Vero Beach (fig. 21). During this day, the Agnes cloud shield advanced so as to cover most of Florida (fig- 4). By 0700 EST, June 19, the front had passed almost completely out to sea, except for the tail end, which dragged across New Jersey into eastern Pennsylvania (fig. 5). Precipitable water and at- PRESSURE (MB) PRESSURE (MB)RAINFALL 23 TEMPERATURE [°C] TEMPERATURE |°C| Figure 13.—Upper-air soundings at Sterling, Va. (near Washington, D.C.), June 20-23, 1972. Arrows and numbers show wind direction and speed in knots at various heights. (T = temperature; DP = dew point; precipitable water evaluated for layer from surface to 500 mb.) mospheric instability had increased generally over the Eastern United States during the preceding 24 hours. The heavy rainfall associated with this system stretched from Cape Cod, Mass., to northern New Jersey, then in a more southerly direction to southern Virginia. Twenty-four-hour rainfall amounts exceeding 4 inches were measured in south- western Connecticut and southern Virginia (fig. 22). Almost all this rainfall occurred during the evening of the 18th and the morning hours of the 19th and resulted from renewed activity in the frontal system. The overland part of the original front had dissipated, and a new front had formed along a24 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TEMPERATURE |»C) TEMPERATURE [°C| Figure 14.—Upper-air soundings at New York, N.Y., June 20-23, 1972. Arrows and numbers show wind direction and speed in knots at various heights. (T = temperature; DP = dew point; precipitable water evaluated for layer from surface to 500 mb.) squall line behind and parallel to the old one. This squall line is not shown in figure 4, but, at that time, it extended from Connecticut southwestward to extreme southeastern Kentucky. The new front had a short life, and only a remnant shows up on the surface map of figure 5. By 0700 EST on the 19th, rainfall directly attrib- utable to Agnes, which was still in the Gulf of Mexico (fig. 5), had spread northward into southern Georgia and southeastern Alabama. Rainfall amounts for the preceding 24-hour period ranged up to about 7 inches in the Florida Peninsula (fig. 23). Rainfall in extreme southern New England andRAINFALL 25 0 150 300 KILOMETRES Figure 15.—Precipitation for May 1972 in percent of normal. southeastern Pennsylvania continued, with breaks, into the 20th. At 0700 EST on that date, 24-hour amounts up to about 2 inches were measured on Cape Cod, Mass., and Long Island, N.Y. (fig. 24). At this time, Agnes was centered in Georgia (fig.^ 6) and was producing rainfall as far north as southwestern Virginia and southeastern Kentucky (fig. 24). Rainfall was heaviest along the eastern slopes of the Appalachians in these two States and in Georgia and southeastern Alabama, with 24-hour amounts up to about 6 inches in these two States (fig. 25). Except for light instability showers, rain had generally ceased over all of Florida by 0700 EST on the 20th. The 700-millibar chart for 0700 EST, June 20 (fig. 6), showed a deep Low over the Hudson Bay region, with a trough extending southwestward across the western Great Lakes into Illinois, with a secondary Low over Lake Superior. The high pressure ridge that had extended between this low-pressure system and Agnes on preceding days (figs. 3-5) had disintegrated by this time, and the northern low-pressure system and the tropical storm now O 150 300KIL0METRES Figure 16.—Precipitation for June 1-15. 1972, in percent of normal. lay in a common, though still somewhat discontinuous, pressure trough. The surface front associated with the Canadian Low and trough extended from Canada, across eastern Wisconsin, and into central Missouri (fig. 6). The Canadian trough continued to move eastward on the 20th, producing heavy rains over the Allegheny River basin and along the main stem of the Ohio River down to its confluence with the Kanawha River. At 0700 EST on the 21st, with Agnes centered over North Carolina, the secondary Low in the Canadian 700-mb trough was located over Michigan (fig. 7). The isohyetal chart for that same time (fig. 26) shows the extent of the 24-hour rainfall associated with this system, the greatest amount being about 8 inches on the central Pennsylvania-New York border. This rainfall is considered to be attributable to the Canadian pressure trough and associated surface-weather system because of (1) the elongated area of light rainfall between it and the heavy-rainfall area extending into south-central Pennsylvania from Agnes in North Carolina, (2) its location west of the Allgheny Mountains, and26 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 17.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 16, 1972.RAINFALL 27 Figure 18.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 17, 1972.28 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 19.—Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 17,1972.RAINFALL 29 Figure 20.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 18, 1972.30 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 21.—Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 18, 1972.RAINFALL 31 Figure 22.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 19, 1972.32 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 23.—Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 19, 1972.RAINFALL 33 Figure 24.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 20, 1972.34 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 25.—Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 20,1972.RAINFALL 85 Figure 26.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 21,1972.36 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 (3) the prevailing southwesterly winds at Buffalo and Pittsburgh during this period of rainfall. Agnes, however, may have been an important factor contributing to the unusual intensities associated with the Canadian system because of the circulation bringing into that system more moisture (figs. 7, 13, and 14) than might have been realized without the tropical storm. The satellite photograph of figure 7 appears to lend support to this view. It should be kept in mind, however, that the photographs are composites from several orbits during the daylight hours. The cloudiness conditions shown for the 21st in figure 7 are somewhat different from those that prevailed during the heavy rainfall that occurred during the night of the 20th to the 21st. Figure 26 shows that Agnes rainfall was also heavy during the 24-hour period ending at 0700 EST on the 21st. Amounts exceeding 6 inches were observed in northern and southwestern Virginia and in western North Carolina. Other heavy amounts were measured in South Carolina (fig. 27), although, except for scattered instability showers, it had already stopped raining there and in the other Southeastern States. The greatest rainfall intensities associated with Agness occurred on the 21st and 22nd, while she was moving from southeastern North Carolina to a point some 140 miles east of the Maryland coast (figs. 1 and 8), where she reached the lowest central pressure of her entire life—977 mb. The isohyetal chart for 0700 EST, June 22 (fig. 28), shows 24-hour rainfall centers exceeding 10 inches in southeastern Pennsylvania, Maryland, and northern Virginia, with some amounts exceeding 12 inches. True 24-hour maximum amounts exceeded many of the values shown on this isohyetal chart, however, because the heaviest intensities generally extended into two observational periods. The mass rainfall curves of figures 32 and 33 show the extraordinary intensities observed at selected recording-gage stations, with maximum amounts for 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours being indicated on the charts. The greatest 24-hour amount measured was the 14.8 inches in southeastern Pennsylvania at Gage RR44 in the Mahantango Creek basin (fig. 33), which is located approximately in the farthest north 10-inch center shown in figure 28. The 24-hour amount of 14.8 inches is over twice the 100-year value indicated for that location (table 3). Maximum 6-, 12-, 24-, and 48-hour rainfall amounts are summarized in table 3 for some stations recording 24-hour amounts of 10 or more inches during the period June 21-22, when the greatest inten- sities were experienced. For comparative purposes, the table also includes generalized point rainfall values for the 100-year return period, as read from rainfall frequency atlases (Hershfield, 1963 and Miller, 1964). Comparison of the observed amounts with the 100-year values indicates that, for the listed stations, the 6-hour amounts ranged from 97 to 128 percent of the 100-year values; the 12-hour amounts, from 125 to 192 percent; the 24-hour amounts, from 132 to 228 percent; and the 48-hour amounts, from 127 to 239 percent. Several other stations experienced 24-hour amounts equaling or exceeding 10 inches during June 21-22. These unusually heavy rainfalls may be attributed to high precipitable-water amounts and atmospheric instability, together with the approach of Agnes on the morning of the 21st (figs. 7 and 13), as rainfall tends to be heaviest in the forward part of a tropical storm. During the following 24 hours, precipitable water decreased and the atmosphere became stable (figs. 8 and 13). By 0700 EST, June 22, it had stopped raining over the Southeastern United States south of lat 38° N., except for scattered light showers. To the north, however, rain continued into the 23rd as a result of Agnes having reentered the coast near New York City and moved into Pennsylvania (fig. 1), where she was absorbed into the extratropical Low. This resulted in a greatly deepened 700-millibar Low centered over wester Pennsylvania, which, by 0700 EST, June 23, had brought in much drier and more stable air into the flood-plagued area (figs. 9 and 13). Rainfall, however, continued to be heavy during the transition period, 0700 EST, June 22, to 0700 EST, June 23, and 24-hour amounts of 4 inches or more were experienced in southern New York, Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, northern Delaware, and northern Maryland (fig. 29). By 0700 EST, June 24, the low-pressure system had filled considerably (fig. 10), and drier and more stable air covered the flood area, but some instability was still evident in the vicinity of New York City (fig. 14). One- to 2-inch 24-hour rainfalls were measured in West Virginia, southwestern and northeastern Pennsylvania, New York, and southern New England, where amounts exceeded 2 inches in western Massachusetts and northwestern Connecticut (fig. 30). The low-pressure system shown in figure 10 moved very little during the 24 hours after the morning of the 24th, but it did fill somewhat. The largest 24-hour rainfall amounts during this period occurred in southwestern and southeastern Pennsylvania, and these did not exceed 1.5 inches (fig. 31).RAINFALL 37 Figure 27.—Rainfall, in inches, over southern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 21, 1972.38 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 28.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 22,1972.RAINFALL 39 Figure 29.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 23, 1972.40 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 30.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 24, 1972.RAINFALL 41 Figure 31.—Rainfall, in inches, over northern section for 24-hour period ending 0700 EST, June 25, 1972.42 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 DATE DATE Figure 32.—Mass rainfall curves for three stations in Pennsylvania and one in Virginia for the period June 20-23, 1972.RAINFALL 43 Figure 33. Mass rainfall curves for two stations in New York and two in Pennsylvania for the period June 20-23, 1972.44 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 3.—Maximum 6-, 12-, 24-, and 48-hour rainfall amounts for some stations recording 24-hour amounts of 10 or more inches during June 21-22, 19721 Station Lat N. Elevation (in feet) Maximum amount 2 Long W. 6 (Duration 12 in hours) 24 48 Maryland Aberdeen Phillins Field (NR)3. 39°28' 76° 10' 37 10.11(7.2) 10.81(8.5) Parkton 2SW (R) - 39°38' 76°42' 600 6.2 (5.1) 7.7 (6.0) 10.3 (7.1) 11.9 (8.2) Pretty Boy Dam (NR) 39°37' 76°42' 520 12.25(7.1) Wheaton Regional Park (NR). 39°04’ 77°02' 330 10.00(7.4) 11.25(8.5) Woodstock (NR) _ _ _ 39°20' 76°52' 460 11.47(7.3) 12.67(8.4) Pennsylvania Harrisburg (R) 40°13' 76°51' 338 5.93(4.7) 8.37(5.6) 12.53(6.6) 15.04(7.4) Mahantango Creek Basin, 40"36' 76°32' 1050 5.9 (4.6) 10.6 (5.5) 14.8 (6.5) 17.4 (7.3) RR44 (R). Mahantango Creek Basin, 40°39' 76°31' 680 5.5 (4.6) 9.5 (5.5) 13.6 (6.5) 16.0 (7.3) RL45 (R). Sunbury (R) _ _ 40"51' 76°48' 440 5.13(4.5) 6.75(5.4) 10.30(6.3) 12.30(6.9) York 3SSW Pumping Sta- 39°55' 76°45' 390 13.50(6.8) 14.60(7.8) tion (NR). Zerbey Airport (R) 40°42' 76°23' 1700 4.45(4.6) 7.40(5.6) 10.35(6.5) 12.15(7.3) Virginia Dulles Int’l. Airport (NR)4- 38°27’ 77°57' 291 5.74(5.6) 10.32(6.6) 11.88(7.5) 12.63(8.7) The Plains (R) 38“54' 77°45' 530 7.3 (5.8) 9.2 (6.8) 10.3 (7.8) 11.4 (8.9) 1 Other nonrecording stations very likely experienced 24-hour amounts of 10 or more inches but the heavy rainfall may have extended into two observational periods, so that the once-daily measurements were less than 10 inches. There may also have been other qualifying: recording-gage stations. 2 Amounts in parentheses are 100-year values as read from rainfall frequency atlases (Hershfield, 1963 and Miller, 1964). 3 R = recording gage. NR = nonrecording gage; true maxima probably g. eater than indicated. 4 Amounts based on 6 hourly measurements; true maxima probably greater than indicated. The total storm rainfall over the region extending from North Carolina to New England for the period June 18-25 is shown in figure 34, with the center of maximum rainfall located near Valley View, Pa. A depth-area-duration analysis of this rainfall yielded the maximum average depths for 6 to 72 hours over areas from 100 to 20,000 square miles (51,800 km2) given in the last column of table 4. For comparative purposes this table also presents similar data for nine other tropical storms producing outstanding rainfalls over the United States east of the Mississippi River. The two Florida hurricanes of July 5-10, 1916, and September 3-7, 1950, produced the largest values shown in the table. However, if these Florida storms and that of September 10-13, 1878, in Ohio are eliminated so as to restrict the comparison to tropical storm rainfalls north of Florida and from the Appalachians to the Atlantic coast, the Agnes rainfall exceeds all others for all durations over areas of 10,000 square miles (25,000 km2) and over. This comparison serves to explain in part why the Agnes floods were so outstanding over an extensive region. Supplementary storm-rainfall data for New York and Pennsylvania during June 18-26, 1972, are presented in table 5. These data were obtained from field surveys by the National Weather Service, Corps of Engineers, and U.S. Geological Survey. Such surveys, often called “bucket surveys,” consist of scouring the areas suspected of having experienced unusually heavy storm rainfalls to find and check rainfall amounts caught in buckets, tubs, barrels, and so forth. Many of these observations are reported by citizens who maintain various forms of regularly available rain gages for their own interest but who do not regularly report their observations. The results are usually published by the NO A A Environmental Data Service; however, the data of table 5 were processed too late to meet the scheduled publication deadline and are presented here as a matter of record since they do not appear in any other publication.RAINFALL 45 Table 4.—Maximum depth-area-duration data for major tropical storm rainfalls in theEastem United States [Rainfall depths in inches] Period of heaviest rainfall (See footnote for location of rainfall centers) duration (hours) Sept. 10-13, 1878 Aug. 23-28, 1908 July 5-10, 1916 July 13-17, 1916 Sept. 13-17, 1924 Sept. 17-22, 1938 Sept. 3-7, 1950 Aug. 17-20, 1955 Aug. 19-20, 1969 June 18-25, 1972 100 square miles (259 km 2) 6 5.8 6.4 12.8 7.2 7.7 5.0 14.0 7.6 12.9 7.1 12 10.9 8.3 15.6 12.0 11.2 6.8 26.3 10.5 21.7 10.9 24 12.1 10.8 17.3 19.3 12.9 9.5 35.2 14.6 21.7 13.7 48 14.1 13.8 19.5 21.7 13.7 13.0 38.9 18.8 21.7 16.7 72 — 15.1 20.8 22.1 14.4 15.1 40.6 19.0 — 17.4 200 square miles (518 km2) 6 5.8 5.9 6.9 7.1 4.6 13.4 7.4 11.7 6.6 12 10.8 7.8 11.7 11.0 6.3 25.6 10.2 19.6 10.4 24 11.9 10.4 18.3 12.6 9.0 34.2 14.2 19.6 13.4 48 13.9 13.6 20.9 13.5 12.4 37.7 18.2 19.6 16.3 72 14.8 ___ 21.4 14.2 14.8 39.2 18.4 — 16.9 500 square miles (1,295 km2) 6 5.6 5.3 10.5 6.4 6.2 4.1 12.5 6.8 9.8 5.9 12 10.5 7.0 13.9 11.1 10.5 5.6 24.6 9.7 16.3 9.6 24 11.5 9.9 16.6 16.6 12.1 8.3 32.7 13.4 16.3 12.8 48 13.4 13.2 18.8 19.5 12.9 11.6 36.0 17.2 16.3 15.6 72 — 14.2 19.5 20.1 13.8 14.2 37.3 17.3 — 16.1 1,000 square miles (2,590 km 2) 6 5.3 4.7 9.6 5.9 5.5 3.7 11.4 6.2 8.1 5.3 12 10.1 6.3 13.0 10.4 9.5 5.1 22.6 9.2 13.5 8.9 24 11.0 9.5 15.9 15.0 11.5 7.7 30.2 12.4 13.5 12.3 48 12.9 12.9 18.3 18.1 12.4 11.0 33.7 16.2 13.5 14.9 72 --- 13.8 18.8 18.6 13.4 13.8 34.9 16.4 — 15.3 2,000 square miles (5,180 km 2) 6 4.9 4.2 8.4 5.1 4.8 3.3 9.4 5.4 6.3 7.6 12 9.4 5.6 11.8 9.3 8,2 4.6 17.7 8.0 10.7 8.1 24 10.4 8.8 14.6 13.3 10.7 7.2 24.8 11.2 10.9 11.5 48 12.2 12.4 17.1 16.3 11.7 10.4 28.4 14.9 10.9 14.1 72 — 13.1 17.9 16.8 12.7 13.2 29.7 15.2 — - 14.4 5,000 square miles (12,950 km 2) 6 4.1 3.6 6.8 3.9 3.7 2.7 5.4 4.0 4.4 3.8 12 8.0 4.7 9.7 7.4 6.4 3.9 9.7 6.3 7.5 6.8 24 9.2 7.7 12.0 10.9 9.4 6.3 15.5 9.5 8.0 10.0 48 10.9 11.1 15.0 13.4 10.6 9.5 19.7 12.6 8.0 12.6 72 — 12.1 16.5 13.8 11.6 12.0 21.0 13.0 — - 13.0 10,000 square miles (25,900 km2) 6 3.5 3.0 5.2 3.0 2.8 2.3 3.3 3.1 3.3 3.2 12 6.8 4.0 7.7 5.5 5.0 3.3 6.6 5.0 5.8 5.7 24 8.1 6.6 9.8 8.6 8.1 5.7 10.6 8.0 6.3 8.7 48 9.7 9.7 13.2 10.6 9.6 8.6 14.7 10.6 6.3 11.3 72 — 11.0 15.4 11.0 10.6 10.9 16.4 10.8 — 11.8 20,000 square miles (51,800 km 2) 6 2.8 2.3 3.3 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.3 2.1 2.5 12 5.4 3.2 5.5 3.8 3.8 2.8 4.3 3.6 4.4 24 6.7 5.4 7.4 5.9 6.3 4.9 7.5 6.3 7.3 48 8.1 8.0 11.3 8.0 8.3 7.5 11.2 8.3 9.9 72 — 9.7 14.0 8.4 9.4 9.6 13.5 8.5 — 10.5 50,000 square miles (129,500 km 2) 6 1.9 1.4 1.9 1.2 1.4 1.6 12 3.5 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.8 24 4.6 3.7 4.7 4.0 3.7 5.1 48 5.8 5.6 8.7 6.1 5.8 7.7 72 ___ 7.5 11.5 — 7.5 7.3 — 8.6 Storm dates Name Location of rainfall center(s) Storm dates Name Location of rainfall center(s) Sept. 10-13, 1878 — Jefferson, Ohio Sept. 17-22, 1938 — Buck and Barre, Mass. Aug. 23-28, 1908 — Vade Mecum and Monroe, N.C. •Sept. 3-7, 1950 Easy Yankeetown, Fla. July 5-10, 1916 — Bonifay, Fla. Aug. 17-20, 1955 Diane Westfield, Mass. July 13-17, 1916 — Altapass, N.C. Aug. 19-20, 1969 Camile Near Tyro, Va. Sept. 13-17, 1924 — Beaufort, , N.C. June 18-25, 1972 Agnes Near Valley View, Pa. 46 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 34.—Total storm precipitation for the period 6 p.m., June 19 through 6 p.m., June 23, 1972.RAINFALL 47 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972 Location 1 Lat N. Long W. Rain- fall amounts (in.)2 Date Time a.m. or D.m. (EST) Type of rain gage Accuracy 3 Remarks NEW YORK Allegany Co. Alfred___ Alma (1) 42"15' 77°47' 13.52 42°01' 78°04' 11.0 21 6 a.m. 7.0 22 6 a.m. .13 26 6 a.m. 8-in. standard Alma (2)________ 42"02' 78°03' 9.6 Standard bucket or pail. Fair Andover Center. Belmont (1) 42°09' 77°48' 16.0 _____________________ 4-in. circular Good glass. 42°13' 78°02' 7.95* 22 7:30 a.m. Govt, rain gage Good 7:30 p.m.______________________________ 7.95* 1.85 1.16 .22 .10 22 22 23 24 26 Belmont (2) 42°15' 77°55' 12.5+ - - 12.5-in. cylindar. Fair Belmont (3) 42°16' 77°56' 10.0 Tube Fair Belmont (4) 42°15' 77°54' 14.3 --- Agway tube Good Belmont (5) 42°15' 77°54' 12.0 Pot Fair Belvedere _ 42°15' 78°04' 9.0 5-gal. bucket Poor Birdsall 42°24' 77°55' 11.0 5-gal. bucket Fair Canseraga 42°28' 77“47' 10.5 Glass tube Good Centerville 42°01' 78°15' 10.0 + Sap bucket Poor Ceres 42°01' 78°16' 9.0+ 9-in. pot, 14-in. Fair-: diameter. Cuba (1) 42“13' 78°17' 12.0 _ Round Poor Cuba (2) 42°14' 78°17' 10.0 + Fillmore (1) 42°28' 78-07' 4.0* 21 Agway rectan- Fair 4.25* 26 9 a.m. gular 8.25 Fillmore (2) __ 42°28' 78°07' 7.25 . Plastic triangle. Good Hume (1) 42°29' 78°08' 7.5 Fair Hume (2) 42°29' 78°08’ 7.0 . Glass tube Fair Independence 42°04' 77°48' 4.00 21 6 a.m. 6-in. Taylor Hill. 2.00 21 Afternoon plastic tube, 5.00 22 10 p.m. 1.75 in. diam- 1.25* 26 8 a.m. eter, gradu- 12.25 ated 0-5 in. Obi (1) 42°04' 78°18’ 9.3 . Official 6-in. Good Obi (2) __ 42°04' 78°18' 7.0* 24 9 a.m. wedge, gradu- - 2.13* 26 9:30 a.m. ated one-tenth 9.13 . in. Rain heaviest on 21st. No record 23rd-25th. Observer evacuated home 4 a.m. on the 21st. Report supposed to agree closely with Wellsville’s but doesn’t. Rain began 6 p.m. on the 20th. Bucket overflowed 9 a.m. on the 21st. No further readings. Heavy erosion of road and adjacent topsoil. Emptied four times in open field. Container overflowed 12.5 in. rain. 12 in. in pot in garden in open. 8 in. plus 1 in. evaporation. Approximately 11 in. 10 in. from the evening of the 20th to the afternoon of the 23rd plus one-half in. 10 in. overflowed. Rain began 5 p.m. on the 20th. Pot overflowed between 9-10 a.m. on 22nd. Not reset so further precipitation lost. Pot was setting about 10 ft W of house. On post in field. Neighbors had gages with 10-11 in. Observer said neighbor had garbage can in open with 8.25 in. too. 6 in. plus 1 in. (shaded by tree; possible evaporation). Visual measurement. Exposure good. Gage obstructed E-NE side by trees and N side by poultry house; most precipitation on open side to W. 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. - Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.48 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26,1972—Continued Location 1 LatN. Long W. Rain- fall amounts (in.)2 Date Time a.m. or p.m. (EST) Type of rain gage Accuracy 8 Remarks NEW YORK—Continued Allegany Co.—Continued Petrolia ___ 42"05’ 78°01' 7.40 3.95 4.20 21 22 23 8:05 a.m. 8 a.m. 4:45 a.m. 4-in. Agway tube, graduated one-tenth 15.55 in. u Rain began 6 p.m. on the 20th. Also, plastic ice chest (11.25 in. deep, 16.5 in. long, 12 in. wide) on open porch overflowed. Time not noted. Rts. 14 and 70___ Rt. 19A between Fillmore and Rushford. Rts. 26 and 408_ Scio (1)________ Scio (2) 42°26' 77°44' 11.0 . •5-gal. bucket Fair 42”25' 78°10' 7.8 . Gage Poor 42°18' 78°04' 9.1 . .Good 42°10’ 77°59' 5.0 21 5:30 a.m. 5-in. Agway tube _ 3.9 22 5 a.m. tube one-tenth 5.6 23 5:30 in. 0.5 24 7:30 p.m. 15.0 11.12-in. deep and 11-in. wide at top of container. 1.12 in. evaporated. Rain began just after midnight on the 21st. Heaviest precipitation on the 21st. Fields flooded and erosion of roads. Observation point good. 42°11' 77°59' 4.36 21 6:30 a.m. 8-in. standard E-15 form lost in flood. 5.35 22 6 a.m. Gagehouse washed 1.40 23 6 a.m. away. Heavy damage to .40 11.51 24 6 a.m. fields and crops. Observer had some entries on paper but relied on memory for others. Actual rainfall may have been greater as observer may have forgotten to make entry. Swain 42°29' 77°51' 10.0 . ICA Good 8.5 plus 1.5 in., about 10 in. total. Heaviest rain on the 22nd. 42°20' 77°55' 11.5 Agway 5-in. Agway Good (1). West Almond 42°20' 77°53' 11.25 . Good 4.5 in. 9 a.m. on the 21st. (2). Cattaraugus Co. Portville (1) __ 42-03' 78°20' 4.7 21 7 p.m. 6-in. conical Good Rain began 7 p.m. on the 3.1 22 7 p.m. shaped, grad- 20th. Heavy rain be- 1.3 23 7 p.m. uated one-tenth tween 7 p.m. on the 20th 0.3 24 7 p.m. in. and noon on 21st. Crop 0.2 25 7 p.m. loss and loss of gravel. 0.2 26 8:30 a.m. Fields flooded. Portville (2) __ 42°03' 78°19' 9.8 10.0 10-in. round _ Rain began 7 p.m. on the plastic, grad- 20th. Measurement made uated one-tenth at 8:45 a.m. on the in. to 2 in., 26th. Heaviest rain be- five-tenths in. tween midnight on the to 10 in. 20th and 5 p.m. on the 22nd. Observer had fields flooded, fences downed, and topsoil washed away. Portville (3) 42°04' 78°18' 7.0* 23 6-in. Victor tube, Poor-fair Rain began 7 p.m. on the 1.3 24 graduated on- 20th to the 23rd. Little .5* 26 7 a.m. tenth in. damage to obsrever. 8.8 Gage obstructed by trees and shrubs. 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.FLOOD FREQUENCY 49 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972—Continued Rain- Time Location 1 Lat N. Long W. fall amounts Date or Type of Accuracy rain gage Accuiacy 3 Remarks (in.)2 (EST) NEW YORK—Continued Cayuga Co. Auburn 42°51' 76°35' 6.2 5-in. rectangular, Good Exposure good. 2-25 in. by three-fourths Moravis 42"44' 76°27' 6.0 . in. 5-in. glass tube, Fair Did not remember dis- graduated one-tenth in. tribution. New Hope Niles 42°48' 76°21' 6.0 . Wedge Fair 42“50' 76°24' 3.0 . Tube Poor Does not fit in the pat- tern, but observer seems to keep track of rain. Union Springs- 42°51' 76°37' 5.0 + 5-25-in. coffee Fair Rain began on the 20th. can Measurement made on the 25th.Gage may have splashed over. Weedsport 43°07' 76a33' 5.0 _ _ 5-in. wedge Good Rain began the evening 1 in. by 3 in. of the 20th. Measurement made on the evening of the 23rd. Chemung Co. Elmira (1) 42°15’ 76°45' 7.2 .. 4.5-in, glass tube, Fair Lost paper on which graduated one-tenth in. breakdown was written. Elmira (2) 42°05' 76°49' T 21 7 a.m. 3.30 22 7 a.m. 3.02 22 8 p.m. 6.32 Cortland Co. Scott 42°45' 76°15' 5.6 . 5-in. glass tube, Poor Did not remember dis- flared top and expanded scale tribution. Erie Co. East Aurora 32“46' 78°37' 4.0 Fair North Collins _ 42°36' 78°57’ 6.0 . Plastic test Good Rain began 2 p.m. on the tube 21st. On the morning of the 23rd, 5.34 was measured. Storm total measured on the 24th. Genesse Co. Bergen 43°05' 77=57, .15 20 7 a.m. , 6-in wedge, Good Open exposure. 1.25 21 7 a.m. graduated one- 1.60 22 7 a.m. tenth in. .45 23 7 a.m. .15 24 7 a.m. 3.60 Oakfield 43°04' 78°17' 1.4 21 7 a.m. 6-in. wedge, Good Open exposure. 1.5 22 7 a.m. graduated one- .3 23 7 a.m. tenth in. .2 24 7 a.m. 3.4 Livingston Co. Avon (1) _ . _ 42°55' 77045- .02 20 _ _ 6-in. wedge, Good Heaviest rainfall 2:30-4 .34 21 graduated one- p.m. on the 22nd. Ex- 1.25 22 tenth in. cellent exposure. 2.60 23 .37 24 .08 25 4.66 Avon (2) 42°53' 77°46' 4.5 6-in. wedge graduated one-tenth in. 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.50 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972—Continued Location 1 Lat N. Long W. Rain- fall amounts (in.)2 Date Time a.m. or p.m. (EST) Type of rain gage Accuracy 3 Remarks NEW YORK—Continued Livingston Co.—Continued Conesus (1) 42°45' 77-40' 2.5 21 7 a.m. 5-in. cone, 50 nercent loss in grape 2.5 22 7 a.m. graduated one- crop due to rainfall. 3.0 23 7 a.m. tenth in. T 24 7 a.m. 8.0 Conesus (2) 42°43' 77°40' 4.0* 22 5 a.m. 4-in. Agway, -Rain began at 9 p.m. or 4.5 23 graduated one- later on the 20th. Ex- 8.5 tenth in. posure fair. Cuylerville 42-47' 77°52' 1.20 10 6 a.m. 6-in. wedge, .Exnosure good. .52 20 6 a.m. graduated one- 1.50 21 6 a.m. tenth in. 3.00 22 6 a.m. .11 23 6 a.m. .14 24 6 a.m. 6.47 Dalton 42°33' 77°58' 9.5 Agway tube Good Greatest rain on the Geneseo 42“46' 77°50' .40 19 . 6-in. wedge, evening of the 22nd. 5.00* 23 . graduated one- 5.40 tenth in. Hunt (1) 42°32' 78°00' 4.1 21 11 p.m. 4-in circular Good 3.7 22 11 p.m. tube .3 23 11 p.m. .2 24 11 p.m. 8.3 Hunt (2) 42°33' 78°01' 8.0 i Tube Fair 8 in. at bottom of valley. Leicester 42°47' 77°53' 6.5 Agway tube, Rain began about 9 p.m. graduated one- on the 20th and ended tenth in. close to midnight on the 22nd. 700 acres of 1,500 were under water from Little Beards Creek. Livonia (1) 42°48' 77°40' 3.00 21 5-in. rectan- ■Station doubled some sur- 5.00 22 gular Agway, rounding rainfall re- 3.00 25 graduated one- ports. Amount possible. tenth in. Creek flooded flats. Sta- tion located between two hills. Livonia (2) 42"49' 77-40' .20 19 . . -5-in. Agway, Exposure fair. .85 20 graduated one- .00 21 tenth in. 1.50 22 2.80 23 .40 24 .15 25 5.90 42°50' 77°40' 1.00 22 5-in. rectan- Good 1.30 23 gular Agway, 3.55 24 graduated one- 5.85 tenth in. Mt. Morris (1)- 42°42' 77°52' .70 19 7 a.m. 6-in. wedge, -From Dansville to Hen- .65 20 7 a.m. graduated one- rietta, 2,000 acres of 1.50 21 7 a.m. tenth in. contracted crops suf- 1.95 22 7 a.m. fered. .25 23 7 a.m. T 24 7 a.m. 5.05 Mt. Morris (2)_ 42°39' 77°52' 3.5* 21 6 p.m. 4-in. Dlastic Poor 3.0* 23 6 p.m. tube. 6.5 Mt. Morris (3)_ 42°38' 77°48' 3.5* 22 6 a.m. 5-in. glass Fair 3.2 23 6 p.m. tuba 6.7 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.FLOOD FREQUENCY 51 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972—Continued Location 1 LatN. Long W. Rain- fall amounts (in.)2 Date Time a.m. or p.m. (EST) Type of rain gage Accuracy 3 Remarks NEW YORK—Continued Livingston Co.—Continued Mt. Morris (4) _ 42°43' Nunda___________ 42°34' Portageville____ 42° 34' Springwater 42°32' Livingston- 42° 45' Wyoming Co. line. Onandaga Co. Apulia _______ 42 “52' Camillus_______ 43°02' Fabius ________ 42°49' Navarino (1) _ 42"56' Navarino (2) _ 42°56' Ontario Co. Burbee Hollow _ 42°43' Canandaigua____ 42° 53' Canadice_______ 42"44' Canadice Lake _ 42°43' Gorham______ 42" 48' 77°54' .1 20 - _ 5-in. tube Good 1.4 21 2.3 22 3.0 23 .2 24 •1 25 7.1 77°57' 8.0 - Fair-good 78°03' 9.0 . 4.5-in. Agway Fair-good tube. 77°35' 2.96 21 4 p.m. Standard Good 2.10 22 3 p.m. Weather 2.98 23 3 p.m. Bureau .08 24 4 p.m. gage. 8.12 77°57' 6.25 . Triangle Good 76°01' .01 21 . Wedge Good 2.70 22 1.20 23 .32 24 4.23 76°21' 3.1 21 . 2.5 by 4-in. can. Fair 1.5 22 1.5 23 6.1 76°02' .01 21 7 a.m. Tru Check Good 2.70 22 7 a.m. plastic wedge 1.20 23 7 a.m. .32 24 7 a.m. 4.23 76°16' 5.2 5-in. glass tube. Poor 76°15' 6.0 4.5-in. glass Fair tube. 77°25' 3.50 21 7 a.m. Tru Check 5.00 22 7 a.m. plastic wedge. 2.50 23 7 a.m. 1.00 24 7 a.m. 12.00 77°12' 3.0* 4-in. Agway, graduated one- 2.3* 26 5.3 tenth in. 77°32' 4.0* 4-in. Agway, graduated one- 2.0* 6.0 tenth in. 77°34' .07 20 . 1.31 21 2.25 22 3.34 23 .40 24 .10 25 7.47 77°10' 3.3* 4-in. glass tube. Fair 2.0* 2.0* 7.3 Rain began about 7-8 p.m. on the 20th and ended about midnight on the 26th. Rain began about 7-9 p.m. on the 20th and ended about 6 p.m.-midnight on the 26th. Exposure good. Exposure good. Poor exposure, tall trees nearby. Did not remember distribution. Exposure good. Took two readings during storm. Emptied once. Did not remember dates. 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.52 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972—Continued Rain- Time a.m. or p.m. (EST) Location 1 LatN. Long W. . Date amounts (in.)2 Type of rain gage Accuracy 3 Remarks NEW YORK—Continued Ontario Co.—Continued Granger Point _ 42°40' 76°21' 2.80 21 7 a.m. 11-in. plastic . .Exposure good. 2.25 22 7 a.m. Taylor tube, 2.84 23 7 a.m. 4-in. diameter. .54 24 7 a.m. 8.43 Naples 42“35' 77°27' 11.0 . 5-in. rectan- Fair Rain began night of 20th. gular Agway. Heaviest rain on the 21st and 22nd. Wine Cellar 42"37' 77°26' 4.00 21 7 a.m. 12-in. plastic Exposure good. Hill. 3.20 22 7 a.m. Taylor tube 3.00 23 7 a.m. 4-in. diameter. 10.20 Orleans Co. Medina 43°13' 78°24' .0 20 . Weather Bureau Good Records sent to Dr. Pack, T 21 gage. Cornell Univ. .95 22 1.40 23 .24 24 .02 25 2.56 Schuyler Co. Mecklenburg Seneca Co. Covert . 42°24’ _ 42°34' 42"47' 76°45' 76-42' 76°50' 77°15' 8.2 4-in. glass tube Wedge 0.5-in. tube Fair Fair 7.5 _ 2.0* 3.0* 2.0* 7.0 .09 Did not remember distribution. Did not remember dates. Steuben Co. 42°07' 21 7 a.m. 1.81 22 7 a.m. 1.90 Arkport (1) _ 42“24' 77°42' 10.5 + 5-in. Agway Poor 5.5+ overflowed. tube. Arkport (2) _ 42“24' 77°43' 5.54- 21 8 a.m. 5-in. Agway Good 5.5+ in. overflowed on 1.5 21 10:30 a.m. tube. the 21st. 14 in. on an- 2.4 22 7 a.m. other gage at airport. 3.6 23 6:45 a.m. .9 24 7 a.m. 13.5 + Arkport (3) _ 42°24' 77°42' 10.2 .. •5-in. Agway Good Rain began the night of the 20th and ended the night of the 23rd. ArkDort (4) . 42°24' 77°41' 11.9 Wedge Fair Atlanta _ 42°31' 77°29' 5.05 21 10 p.m. Weather Bureau Good Rain began 10 p.m. on 4.15 22 10 p.m. gage and the 20th and ended 6 2.00 23 6 a.m. USD A gage. a.m. on the 23rd. 39- 11.20 hr period. Dansville _ _ 42°27' 77°35' 10.5 5-gal. bucket Fair Rain began 10 p.m. on and glass the 20th. Measurement tube. made at 7 a.m. on the 23rd. Ingleside . 42“34' 77°24' 2.45 21 7 a.m. 12-in. plastic Exposure good. 2.90 22 7 a.m. Taylor tube, 4.70 23 7 a.m. 4-in. diameter. .39 24 7 a.m. 10.44 Kirkwood . 42°31' 77°28' 5.05 21 10 p.m. 8-in. standard Exposure good. 4.15 22 10 p.m. 2.00 23 10 p.m. .19 24 10 p.m. 11.39 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.FLOOD FREQUENCY 53 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972—Continued Location 1 Lat N. NEW YORK—Continued Steuben Co.—Continued Lindley ________ 42°02' Stephens Mill _ 42°24' Wheeler ________ 42° 26' Tompkins Co. Fenner _________ 42°37' North Lansing 42°37’ Howser. Wyoming Co. Bennington _____ 42°50' Castile ________ 42°38' Hermitage ______ 42°39' Java (1) _______ 42°39' Java (2) _______ 42°38' Orangeville_____ 42°45' East Perry 42°45' Center. Pike ___________ 42° 34' Portageville____ 42°34' Warsaw (1)____ 42°47' Warsaw (2)____ 42°44' Warsaw (3) 42°45' Warsaw (4)____ 42°44' Yates Co. Branehport____ 42°37' Dundee________ 42°31' Keuka (1) ___ 42°30’ Keuka (2) 42°30' Middlesex ______ 42°43' Long W. Rain- fall amounts (in.)2 Date Time a.m. or p.m. (EST) Type of rain gage Accuracy 3 Remarks 77° 08' 2.30 22 7 a.m. 77°37' 77°20' 14.00 . . 11.00 _ Agway tube Fair Fair 3-day period. 76°36' 7.8 4-in. Agway tube, 0.63-in. diameter. Poor 3-day period. Exposure good. 76°30' 6.5 . 6-in. wedge Good From the 20th to the 251 78'° 25' 2.5* Circular can Fair Time of observations un- 1.0* . known. 3.5 78°03' 7.0 Plastic gage Good 78°13' 6.5 _ 4-in. Agway Good From the 20th to the 23rd. tube. 78°23' 6.2 5-in. Agway Good Rain heaviest the evening tube. of the 21st. 78° 23' 5.75 5-in. Agway Good tube. 78°16’ 9.5 Poor Seem to high. 78°00' 6.7 5-in. Agway Good tube. 78°09' 7.5 + 4-in. Agway Fair 7.5+ , not more than one- tube. half in. ran over. 78°04' 7.1 - 4-in. Agway Good 7.1 in. west of Portage- tube. ville; 8.1 in. in Portageville; 7.1 in. in Hunt lower elevation—neighbors. 78°07' 4.5 Agway tube Good Rain began the night of the 20th. Measurement made on the 23rd. 78°09' 5.25 Tube Poor Poor location of gage. 78°07' 6.0 . 6-in. tube Good Exposure good. 78 08' 7.00 4-in. Agway Fair 7 in. at least. tube. 77°48' 3.5* 4.5-in. gage, graduated one- Fair Did not remember dates. 4.0* 7.5 fourth in. 76°59' 3.8* 4-in. Agway tube, gradu- 3.7* on some days during ated one-tenth this period. Storm total in. given as 10.6 in. 77°08' 3.0 + 21 9 a.m. 3-in. glass Gage may have splashed 3.0 21 8 p.m. tube. over. 3.0 22 6 a.m. 1.5 22 6 a.m. 10.5 + 77°06' 3.1* 4-in. Agway Did not remember dates. 3.4* tube. 1.0* 7.5 77°16' 4.0 21 4-in. Agway 3.0 22 tube. 1.2 23 .8 24 9.0 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.54 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972—Continued Rain- Time Location a Lat. N. Long W. fal1 . Date or amounts „ /. p.m. Un-J (EST) Type of rain gage PENNSYLVANIA Bradford Co. Troy (1) 41°43' 76°39' 11.4 _ Plastic gage Troy (2) 41°48' 76°50' 10.2 Plastic gage Wyalusing 41°40' 76°13’ 7.5 Straight-sided (1). concrete mixing vat. Wyalusing 41°44’ 76°17' 6.6 _ - 5-in. plastic (2). Taylor tube. Wysox _ 41°48' 76°24’ 8.1 Milk can, 12-in. Accuracy 3 Remarks Elk Co. Johnsonburg 41°31' Lake City_______ 41°21' Fayette Co. Uniontown Lackawanna Co. Interstate 81 and Rt. 632 intersection. Luzerne Co. Nescopec ______ 39”53' McKean Co. Eldred (1) _ Eldred (2) Port Allegany _ 41° 47' Northumberland Co. Mt. Carmel___ 40°48' 78°40' 78°54' 79°43' 3.05 21 6 a.m. 1.06 22 6 a.m. 3.77 23 6 a.m. .17 24 6 a.m. .67 25 6 a.m. .37 26 6 a.m. diameter, 9-in. opening. 8-in. standard 9.09 9.0 . Straight pot .24 .63 4.34 .90 ■ 19 21 22 23 24 25 6.30 . Gage in open area. Emptied by observer a few times. _ Homes flooded W of town. 44 in. of water on first floors. Boy drowned on the 26th 1.5 mi below dam at Bending State Park 4 mi up Clarion River from Johnsburg. .Readings from the 20th to the evening of the 26th. Ruler used. 41°33' 75-44' 14.2 . Milk can, 17-in. diameter, 14- In open undisturbed area. in. opening. 41“03' 76°17' 13.8 Oval metal con- Observer assumed this tainer, 8 ft by amount covered more 3 ft. than 2 days. 41°58' 78°22' 5.3 21 11 a.m. Wedge Town suffered extensive 3.1 22 4 p.m. damage to business and 0.5 23 residences. Exposure 0.6 24 poor. 0.5 25 11 a.m. 10.0 41°58' 78°21' 3.03 21 7 a.m. 8-in. standard 2.19 22 7 a.m. 3.29 23 7 a.m. .05 24 7 a.m. .38 25 7 a.m. .16 26 7 a.m. 9.10 41°47' 78°14' 6.0 6-in. Victor tube, Fair Rain began 6-7 D.m. on 6.6* 21 11 a.m. graduated one- the 20th and ended 12.6 tenth in. about midnight on the 26th. Heaviest precipi- tation between 7 p.m. on the 20th and 11 a.m. on the 21st. 76°26' 12.06 ___________________ -Standard 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.FLOOD FREQUENCY 55 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18—26, 1972—Continued Location 1 Lat. N. Long W. Rain- fal1 . Date amounts (in.)2 Time a.m. or p.m. (EST) Type of rain gage Accuracy 3 Remarks PENNSYLVANIA- -Continued Schuylkill Co. Eisenhuth 40“48' 76°07' Reservoir. New Ringold __ 40°40' 75°58' Tamaqua 40°48' 76°02' Tioga Co. Gaines 41°45' 77°33' Maimesburg 41"46' 76°58' (1). Maimesburg 41°48' 76°54 (2). Mansfield 41°48’ 77°07' Wellsboro 41“47' 77°11' Westmoreland Co. Donegal 40°07' 79°22' Greensburg 40“14' 79°28' Kingston 40°18’ 79°21' Latrobe (1) .. 40°18' 79°23' Latrobe (2) 40°19' 79°23' Mt. Pleasant (1). 40°07' 79°30' 9.24 11.25 9.2 . .Schuylkill Co. Water Authority . Can in clear area. 5.18 ______________ 9.4 _______________ 6.5+ 22 11p.m. 7.80 8.00 .16 20 11 p.m. .96 21 11 p.m. 2.10 22 11 p.m. 4.17 23 11 p.m. .74 24 11 p.m. .12 25 11 p.m. .00 26 11 p.m. 8.25 .24 20 .45 21 2.00 22 3.73 23 .27 24 .29 25 6.98 .27 20 11 p.m. 1.50 21 11 p.m. 2.00 22 11 p.m. 2.56 23 11 p.m. .60 24 11 p.m. .12 25 11 p.m. .00 26 11 p.m. 7.05 2.00 22 3.50 23 2.00 24 7.50 .50 19 6:30 a.m. .00 20 6:30 a.m. .40 21 6:30 a.m. 1.30 22 6:30 a.m. 4.03 23 6:30 a.m. 2.30* 26 6:30 a.m. 8.53 .00 20 2.00 21 2.00 22 5.00 23 3.00 24 1.50 25 .00 26 Glass tube, 8-in. diameter, 0.38-in. opening. Straight-sided metal can, 15.75-in. diameter. Wedge ____________Tall trees around gage but open over top. Plastic ____________Gage in clear area. Plastic ____________Rain began 5 a.m. on the 22nd. Gage in clear area. Plastic ____________Gage in clear area. 9-in. calibrated ________________________________________ glass gage. ________________________________3.34 in. at 11 a.m. on the 23rd. 8-in. standard .Exposure good. 8-in. standard .Exposure good. 5-in. Agway, graduated one-tenth in. 8-in. standard .Exposure fair. .Exposure poor to fair. 10-in. metal Taylor, 3-in. diameter. . Exposure fair to good. 13.50 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor.56 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Table 5.—Supplementary rainfall data for Northeastern United States for June 18-26, 1972—Continued Location 1 Lat. N. Long W. Rain- fall amounts (in.)2 Date Time a.m. or p.m. (EST) Type of rain gage Accuracy3 Remarks PENNSYLVANIA- —Continued Westmoreland Co.— -Continued Mt. Pleasant 40°11' 79°28' 12.+ . 13-in. 5.gal. May have been measured (2). oil can, 11.13- on the 21st. Rain con- in. diameter. tinued after can em- ptied. Perryopolis __ . 40“05' 79°48' 1.5* 22 . 15.5-in. can, 11- Rain began on the 20th. 5.0* 24 in. diameter. Exposure good. An- 6.5 other farmer a half mile down road had identi- cal reading. Rector (1) __ . 40°11' 79°15' .00 20 . _ 8-in. standard Exposure good. .21 21 1.11 22 3.85 23 1.25 24 .20 25 .02 26 6.64 Rector (2) _ 40°11' 79°15' .00 20 7 a.m. 8-in. standard . _ Exposure good. .20 21 7 a.m. 1.10 22 7 a.m. 4.00 23 1 p.m. .63 24 7 a.m. .18 25 7 a.m. .00 26 7 a.m. 6.11 Smock . 39°57' 79°48' 1.0 22 4-in. Agway On the 23rd, overflowed 4.5 + 23 tube, 0.75-in. at 7 a.m. 1.0 24 diameter. 6.5 + Stahlstown . 40°10' 79°21' .00 20 Wedge _ .Exposure good. .38 21 1.04 22 4.05 23 2.20 24 .40 25 .03 26 8.10 Wyoming Co. 41°34' 76°03' 7.4 Plastic gage Meshoppen 41°37' 76°02' 6.1 Straight-sided Can in open area. metal can, 6- in. diameter. Mill City 41°30' 75°52' 5.7 _ Straight-sided Bucket in oven area. plastic bucket, 10.5-in. diam- eter. Rts. 6 and 92 41°29' 75°52' 6.0 _ 1 gal. can Road washed out a few intersection. miles south of here. 1 Location of the nearest town, etc., by State and county. 2 Daily amounts are generally listed. The total of these amounts at each location is omitted when one or more days of record are missing. Where a appears after an amount, it indicates accumulation since beginning of storm or prior measurement. In some cases, only storm totals are known. 3 Accuracy is listed as reported by field surveyor. FLOOD FREQUENCY Information on flood frequency is useful in the design of bridges, culverts, highways, flood-control structures, industrial plants or other buildings lying on flood plains, and in the development of criteria for land management. Recurrence interval in this report is defined as the average number of years within which a given flood peak will be exceeded once. The recurrence intervals are average figures based on historical data; consequently, a flood of a given recurrence interval may occur in any year, in successive years, or may not occur for a period much greater than the designated recurrence interval. Probability terms may be used to avoid any inference of regularity of occurrence. A flood with a 50-year recurrence interval would have 1 chance in 50 or a 2-percent chance of being exceeded in any given year; cor-THE FLOODS 57 respondingly, a 25-year flood would have 1 chance in 25 or a 4-percent chance of being exceeded in any given year. Flood-frequency information at gaging sites are shown in this report in table A-l. The flood frequency data shown were prepared using the methodology described by the U.S. Water Resources Council (1967). Peak flow data through 1971 were used in the frequency analysis. Flood-frequency information shown for some stations is based on regional flood-frequency analysis owing to insufficient length of record at the site. At sites where flood peaks are materially affected by regulation or diversion, flood frequency is shown only if 25 or more years of record are available during which effects of regulation or diversion on peak flows has remained virtually unchanged. Many stations experienced flood peaks whose recurrence interval was greater than 100 years. Owing to the short length of available record, frequency curves could not be reliably defined beyond the 100-year recurrence interval, therefore, stations whose peak flow exceeded the 100-year recurrence interval are shown in table A-l as >100. The outstanding aspect of the 1972 floods was their great areal extent, resulting in record-breaking extremely rare floods on major streams. Peak flows at some stations approached the highest ever recorded (fig. 35). Several major streams, the Schuylkill River, the Susquehanna River and its major tributaries, the Chemung and West Branch Susquehanna Rivers, and the James River experienced peak flows having recurrence intervals in excess of 100 years throughout most of their lengths. New record highs would have been recorded throughout the length of the Allegheny River had it not been for flood storage in reservoirs. Peak flows on many tributary streams had recurrence intervals greater than 100 years. Most gaged streams tributary to the Susquehanna River from Waverly, N.Y., to the Chesapeake Bay experienced peak flows having recurrence intervals near or greater than 100 years. This was also true of most Potomac River tributaries downstream from Point of Rocks, Md. THE FLOODS In this section the magnitude of floodflows in the report area is discussed. Storm precipitation and property damage are covered in other parts of the report and are not discussed here. The floods in the various river basins in the flood area are dis- Figure 35.—Maximum discharge versus drainage area for known floods.58 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 cussed briefly in the downstream order used in water-supply papers of the U.S. Geological Survey. Peak flows are described with reference to their recurrence intervals (the average number of years during which the peak discharge will be exceeded once) and by comparison with previous floods. A summary of data on flood stages and discharges is given in table A-l. STREAMS TRIBUTARY TO LONG ISLAND SOUND Unusually high floodflows were experienced on streams in Manchester County, N.Y., and the southeast corner of Connecticut on June 19. These high flows were caused by an intense frontal storm before the advent of Hurricane Agnes in other parts of the report area. Maximum peak flows for periods of record were recorded at most stream-gaging sites. Some of the peak discharges had recurrence intervals estimated to be greater than 100 years. Four gaging stations, with records dating back to about 1940, Blind Brook at Rye, N.Y. (site 11) ; Beaver Swamp Brook at Mamaroneck, N.Y. (site 13) ; Mamaroneck River at Mamaroneck, N.Y. (site 17) ; and Bronx River at Bronxville, N.Y. (site 19), had peak flows almost two times the magnitudes of the previously recorded maximums. Flood profile data for several streams are shown in table A-2. DELAWARE RIVER BASIN Severe flooding occurred in the Schuylkill River basin from the headwaters to its confluence with the Delaware River at Philadelphia. Flooding in the Delaware River basin upstream from the Schuylkill River was not unusual, and only the Schuylkill River and other right- (west-) bank tributaries to the Delaware River downstream from Philadelphia are included in the report area. Peak discharges recorded at several gaging stations indicate that recurrence intervals greater than 100 years were fairly common. The peak discharge for Schuylkill River at Berne, Pa. (site 23), was the greatest since records began in 1948, and the peak of 95,900 cfs at Pottstown, Pa. (site 28), was almost two times the maximum previously known since at least 1902. The peak stage of 29.97 feet at that site is about 9 feet higher than the previous maximum during the same period. At the gaging station at Philadelphia, Pa. (site 39), the peak discharge of 103,000 cfs was the greatest since at least 1902 but was exceeded by the historic flood of 1869. Information on flood-crest elevations along the Schuylkill River are shown in table A-3. Discharge hydrographs for the period of extreme flooding for Schuylkill River at Pottstown and Philadelphia, are shown in figure 36. Outstanding floods also occurred on Schuylkill River tributaries, Tulpehockan Creek, French Creek, and Perkiomen Creek. There was some reduction of peak flow of Perkiomen Creek owing to flood storage in Green Lane Reservoir; however, the peak discharge at Graterford, Pa. (site 32), downstream from the reservoir was 35,800 cfs, only slightly less than the maximum for the period of record beginning in 1915. There was no flooding of consequence on small tributary streams between the Schuylkill River and Christina River; however, record-breaking floods occurred on streams in the Christina basin (includes Brandywine Creek) in southeast Pennsylvania and Delaware. Peak discharge of White Clay Creek above Newark, Del. (site 50), was more than two times the previous maximum for the period 1953-59, 1963-72, and that of White Clay Creek near Newark, Del. (site 52), was the greatest since at Figure 36.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on Schuylkill River, June 21-28, 1972.THE FLOODS 59 least 1932. Peaks at both sites had recurrence intervals estimated to be greater than 100 years. New maximums of record were recorded at most gaging stations in Brandywine Creek basin. The peak discharge of Brandywine Creek at Chadds Ford, Pa. (site 64), was the greatest known since at least 1912, and that for Brandywine Creek at Wilmington, Del. (site 67), was the greatest since at least 1947. Recurrence intervals at these and several other sites in the basin exceeded 100 years. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN The 1972 flood in the Susquehanna River basin is the greatest known as regards both areal extent and magnitude of flood flow. Only the upper reaches of the basin escaped the disasterous effects of Agnes. Flood-crest-profile data for more than 1,000 river miles in the basin are tabulated in table A-3. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER MAIN STEM Flooding along the Susquehanna River and its tributaries upstream from Binghamton, N.Y., was not significant. The peak discharge of 58,000 cfs recorded for the Susquehanna River at Vestal, N.Y. (site 102), has a recurrence interval of only 2 years. However, flood flows increased rapidly downstream from Vestal owing to high rates of runoff from tributary streams; the peak discharge at a gaging station near Waverly, N.Y. (site 107), was about two times that at Vestal and has a recurrence interval of 40 years. The Susquehanna River, from the mouth of Chemung River, just upstream from the New York-Pennsylvania line, to the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, experienced the greatest flood known since as far back as 1784. Peak flows along the entire reach have recurrence intervals greater than 100 years. Some reduction of peak flows resulted from flood storage in reservoirs on tributary streams. The estimated reduction of peak stages upstream from West Branch Susquehanna River was less than 1 foot and was between 1 and 2 feet downstream from that point. (See table A-5). For the reach between Chemung and West Branch Susquehanna Rivers, peak discharges were about 1.5 times the previous known maximums, and peak stages exceeded previous maximums by 8.4 feet at Towanda (since at least 1865), by 7.8 feet at Wilkes-Barre (since at least 1784), and by 4.8 feet at Danville (since at least 1865). Flooding was especially severe on the Susquehanna River from Wilkes-Barre to Harrisburg. The peak flow of West Branch Susquehanna River at its confluence with Susquehanna River near Sunbury, Pa., was about 300,000 cfs, thus sustaining record peak flows in the river downstream. At Sunbury, Pa. (site 247), the peak discharge of 620,000 cfs on the Susquehanna was 64,000 cfs more than that for the great flood of 1936, the greatest previously known since at least 1819, and the stage was 1.2 feet higher. Flood flows increased rapidly downstream as all tributary streams experienced extremely high rates of runoff. The peak discharge of 1,020,000 cfs at Harrisburg, Pa. (site 283), was 1.4 times that of 1936, which was the previous maximum since at least 1786, and the stage was 3.4 feet higher. At Marietta, Pa. (site 296), the peak stage was 3.8 feet higher than that of the 1936 flood. The greatest peak discharge determined for the Susquehanna River was 1,130,000 cfs at the short-term gaging station at Conowingo, Md. (site 302). Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on the Susquehanna River are shown in figure 37. Pictures of flooding along the Susquehanna are shown in figures 38-44. Figure 37.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on Susquehanna River, June 21-28, 1972.60 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 38.—Susquehanna River at Wyoming, Pa. Photograph by Pennsylvania Army National Guard. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER TRIBUTARIES Some of the most destructive flooding occurred on the Chemung River and its principal tributaries, the Tioga, the Canisteo, and the Cohocton Rivers. Peak discharges having recurrence intervals greater than 100 years were recorded at most gaging stations in the basin, and only a few of the more unusual will be enumerated. On the main stem of the Tioga River, peak discharges were almost two times those previously known at the gaging station at Tioga, Pa. (site 113), Lindley, N.Y. (site 117), and Erwins, N.Y. (site 145), for periods of record 'beginning in 1939, 1930, and 1919, respectively, and the peak stage of Tioga was 2.3 times higher than that of the historic flood of 1889. High floodflows also occurred in the Canisteo River basin, but some reduction of peak flow was effected by flood storage in Arkport Reservoir on Canisteo River and Almond Lake on Canaceda Creek. (See table A-5.) Even with flood storage, the peak flow of Canisteo River at West Cameron, N.Y. (site 140), exceeded the previous maximum for the period of record 1937-72 and also exceeded the historic peak of 1935. Extreme flooding occurred throughout the Cohocton River basin. The peak discharge of Cohocton River at Avoca, N.Y. (site 150), was about four times that of the previous maximum since at least 1939, but the peak near Campbell, N.Y. (site 158), was slightly less than that of the flood of 1935. The peak flow of Mud Creek near Savana, N.Y. (site 157), a tributary to Cohocton River, was more than three times the previous maximum since at least 1939. Flooding along the Chemung River downstream from the confluence of Tioga and Cohocton RiversTHE FLOODS 61 Figure 39.—Susquehanna River at Kingston, Pa. Photograph by Pennsylvania Army National Guard. greatly exceeded any previously known. Flood peaks moving down the two tributary streams arrived at their juncture at about the same time setting the stage for unprecedented high flows along the main stem of the Chemung River. A peak discharge of 235,000 cfs occurred near Big Flats, N.Y. (site 162). The peak discharge of 189,000 cfs recorded at Chemung, N.Y. (site 167), was about 1.5 times that of the previous maximum since at least 1904. The peak stage was about 8 feet higher than the previous maximum known. Extreme flooding occurred on streams between Chemung and West Fork Susquehanna Rivers, except for tributary streams draining the area north of the Susquehanna River between Towanda and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., which experienced only moderate flooding. The flood peak of Towanda Creek near Monroeton, Pa. (site 170), was the greatest since at least 1914, and that for Fishing Creek near Bloomsburg, Pa. (site 189), was almost two times the previous maximum since at least 1939. Peaks at both sites had recurrence intervals greater than 100 years. Flooding in the West Branch Susquehanna River basin was reduced to some extent by storage in flood-control reservoirs, but the lower reaches of West Branch Susquehanna and some of its uncontrolled tributaries experienced peak flows greater than previously known. In the upper part of the basin, peak flows were generally slightly lower than those for the outstanding flood of 1936 but exceeded those of other known floods. Even with reservoir regulation, the peak discharges of West Branch Susquehanna River at Williamsport, Pa. (site 236), and Lewisburg, Pa. (site 245), exceeded those of the 1936 flood and were the greatest known since at least 1889. Without flood storage, it is estimated that peak stages would have been about 4 feet higher. (See table A-5.) The most outstanding peak flows on tributary streams occurred in the62 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 40.—Susquehanna River at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Photograph by Pennsylvania Army National Guard. lower part of the basin. Flooding was particularly severe in the Pine Creek, Lycoming Creek, and Loyalsock Creek basins north of Williamsport, where peak flows far exceeded any previously known. At the most downstream gaging station on West Branch Susquehanna River at Lewisburg, Pa., the peak discharge of 300,000 cfs was only slightly less than that for the Susquehanna River j ust upstream from their confluence. Extreme flooding occurred on all tributary streams between West Branch Susquehanna River and Juniata River. The peak discharge of Penns Creek, at Penns Creek, Pa. (site 249), was more than two times the previous maximum since at least 1930, and that for East Mahantango Creek near Dalmatio, Pa. (site 250), was almost seven times the previous maximum for the same period. The stage at Dalmatio was 13 feet higher than that of the 1933 flood, the highest previously known. Wiconisco Creek at Lykens, Pa. (site 251), experienced a peak discharge of 18,700 cfs from a drainage area of 29.0 square miles, and the peak discharge of Rattling Creek near Lykens (site 252) was 13,500 cfs from 18.9 square miles. Floodflows in the Juniata River basin, though outstanding, were generally less than those for the 1936 flood. The uncompleted dam on Raystown Branch near Huntingdon, Pa. impounded about 159,000 acre-feet of flood waters in Raystown Lake during the flood, thus reducing peak flows on Raystown Branch and on Juniata River downstream from Raystown Branch. Peak flows of the main stem of Juniata River were generally the greatest since the 1936 flood; at the most downstream gaging station atTHE FLOODS 63 Figure 41.—Susquehanna River at Enola, Pa. Photograph by Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Newport, Pa. (site 274), discharge was almost as great as that of the 1936 flood and would have been greater had it not been for upstream flood storage. There are no large streams tributary to Susquehanna River downstream from Juniata River, but extremely high rates of runoff occurred on most small tributary streams from Juniata River to Chesapeake Bay. In general, peak flows were the greatest known and have recurrence intervals greater than 100 years. The peak discharge of Stony Creek near Dauphin, Pa. (site 278), was about five times the previous maximum known since at least 1939, and that of Yellow Breeches Creek near Camp Hill, Pa. (site 286), was about three times greater than the previously known maximum in 1915. The maximum discharge recorded for Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern, Pa. (site 288), was more than two times the previous maximum known since at least 1919, but was exceeded by that of the historic flood of 1889. The maximum peak discharge for West Cone-wago Creek near Manchester, Pa. (site 290), was about two times that of the 1933 flood, and the maximum for Conestoga Creek at Lancaster, Pa. (site 298), was about four times greater. The 1933 flood was the greatest known since at least 1929. The 1972 peak stage for Conestoga Creek at Lancaster, Pa. was 10.5 feet higher than that in 1933. Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on Susquehanna River tributaries are shown in figure 45. SMALL BASINS TRIBUTARY TO CHESAPEAKE BAY Streams discussed in this section are west-bank tributaries to Chesapeake Bay in Maryland between the Susquehanna and Potomac Rivers. Consistently high rates of runoff were experienced throughout these basins with most peak flows at gaging stations64 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 42.—Susquehanna River at City Island at Harrisburg, Pa. Photograph by Pennsylvania Army National Guard. exceeding previously known maximums. Recurrence intervals for peak flow for many sites were around 100 years or more. In the Gunpowder River basin the most outstanding flood occurred on Baisman Run. A peak discharge of 38,000 cfs was determined at the gaging station at Broodmoor, Md. (site 317), from a drainage area of 59.8 square miles. This was more than six times the maximum previously known during the period of record beginning in 1945. Peak flows of streams in the Beck River basin were not unusual and were considerably less than those in 1971. Record-breaking floods occurred throughout the Patapsco River basin. The peak flow of North Branch Patapsco River at Cedarhurst, Md. (site 325), was seven times the previous maximum since at least 1946, and the stage was 10.4 feet higher. A peak flow of 80,600 cfs was experienced on Patapsco River at Hollofleld, Md. (site 330). This discharge was more than four times the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1949, and the peak stage was almost 12 feet higher than that of the outstanding flood of 1933. A peak discharge of 7,400 cfs from a drainage area of 5.52 square miles occurred on Dead Run at Franklintown, Md. (site 335). Flooding in the small South River basin was insignificant. In the Patuxent River basin flooding was quite severe upstream from the confluence of Patuxent and Little Patuxent Rivers and, to a lesser degree, along the main stem of the Patuxent River downstream to Chesapeake Bay. Flooding on tributary streams in the lower part of the basin was not unusual. The peak discharge of Patuxent River near Laurel (site 343) was more than two times the previous maximum since at least 1945, and the peak discharge of 35,400 cfs for Little Patuxent River at Savage was about six times that of the previous maximum since at least 1940. The stage was about 8 feet higher than that of the 1933 flood.THE FLOODS 65 p 1 B a . TU7T * - 0 1NP 5P* EHH91 Mi rrr r x*lfj Figure 43.—Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pa. Photograph by Pennsylvania Army National Guard. POTOMAC RIVER BASIN Flooding in the Potomac River basin upstream from Hancock, Md. was not unusual, and peak flows on the main stem of the Potomac River throughout its entire length were considerably less than those of previous floods. Floodflows in the lower reaches of the river were relatively greater than those upstream owing to extremely high rates of runoff from tributaries downstream from the Shenandoah River. Recurrence intervals of floods at the five gaging stations on the Potomac River, at Paw Paw, W. Va., at Hancock, Md., at Shepherdstown, W. Va., at Point of Rocks, Md., and near Washington, D.C., were determined as 5, 7, 18, 40, and 30 years, respectively, with the greater recurrence intervals in the lower reaches of the river reflecting high rates of runoff from tributaries downstream from Shenandoah River. The peak discharge of 347,000 cfs at Point of Rocks, Md. (site 437), was exceeded by the his- toric floods of 1889 (460,000 cfs), 1936 (480,000 cfs), and 1943 (418,000 cfs). Although flooding on the main stein of the Potomac River and its principal tributary, the Shenandoah River, were not outstanding, peak flows on some of the smaller downstream tributaries were probably the most outstanding in the entire report area. Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on the Potomac River are shown in figure 46. Peak flows on the Shenandoah River were not exceptional except on a few small tributary streams. The peak discharge of 103,000 cfs at Millville, W. Va. (site 433), had a recurrence interval of 18 years and was only the fourth largest flood since 1924. Peak flows on most north-bank Potomac River tributaries from Conococheague Creek at Fairview, Md. to Rock Creek at Washington, D.C., exceeded previously known maximums and had recurrence intervals estimated to be greater than 100 years. Conococheague Creek at Fairview, Md. (site 399),66 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 44.—Susquehanna River at Steelton, Pa. Photograph by Pennsylvania Army National Guard. experienced a peak discharge of 32,400 cfs. This is the greatest known discharge at the site and is about 1.5 times that of the flood of 1889, with a stage about 8 feet higher than the 1889 peak. In the Monocacy River basin in Maryland, the peak discharge of 22,800 cfs for Big Pipe Creek at Bruce-ville, Md. (site 441), was more than twice that of the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1948. The peak of 20,100 cfs for Liga-nore Creek near Frederick, Md. (site 448), was about five times the maximum for the period of record beginning in 1933. The Monocacy River at Jug Bridge near Frederick, Md. (site 449), had a peak discharge of 81,600 cfs, exceeding maximums of the floods of 1889 and 1933. Some other long-term gaging station sites on north-bank Potomac River tributaries experiencing outstanding peak flows were: Bennett Creek at Park Mills, Md. (site 450), about three times previous maximum since at least 1949; Seneca Creek at Dawsonville, Md. (site 963), greatest since at 1931; and Rock Creek at Sherrill Drive, Washington, D.C. (site 475), twice the previous maximum since at least 1930. The peak discharge for North Branch Rock Creek near Norbeck, Md. (site 473), was 10,100 cfs from a drainage area of only 9.73 square miles, and that for Northwest Branch Anacostia River at Norwood, Md. (site 478), was 3,750 cfs from a drainage area of 2.45 square miles. Peak discharges at other gaging stations on this stream were two to three times previous maximums for periods extending back to 1924. Except for the Shenandoah River, extremely severe flooding occurred on most south-bank Po-THE FLOODS 67 JUNE 1972 Figure 45.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations in the Susquehanna River basin, June 21-28, 1972. Figure 46.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on Potomac River, June 21-28, 1972. tomac River tributaries in West Virginia and Virginia from just west of Winchester, Va., and Martinsburg, W. Va., to Alexandria and Quantico, Va., in the east. Flooding on some of the streams in this area was even more outstanding than on north-bank tributaries, with estimated recurrence intervals exceeding 100 years at many sites. The peak dis-change of 19,000 cfs on Opequon Creek near Martinsburg, W. Va. (site 402), exceeded the maximum for the period of record beginning in 1948 and was about the same as that of the 1936 flood. Flooding in the Leesburg, Herndon, Manassas, and Occoquan area west and south of Washington, D.C., was particularly severe. Peak discharge exceeding 1,000 cfs per square mile on small streams were common. Peak data for some streams in this category are tabulated below. Report No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum discharge (cfs) (cfs per KCJ8) sq mi) 455 -South Fork Broad Run near Areola, Va. 4.12 4,180 1,010 456—_ -Frying Pan Branch near Herndon, Va. 1.50 1,840 1,230 457-- -Horsepen Run at Sully Road, near Herndon, Va. 7.20 8,250 1,140 494— -Long Beach at Vienna, Va. 1.18 1,280 1,080 505— -Bull Run near Cathar-pin, Va. 25.8 39,400 1,530 506— _Cub Run near Chantilly, Va. 7.13 8,300 1,160 507— -Cain Branch near Chantilly, Va. 1.67 2,200 1,320 508— -Flatlick Branch at Sully Road near Chantilly, Va. 5.92 6,600 1,120 510 _Big Rocky Run at Sully 6.10 Road near Centreville, Va. 7,100 1,16068 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Peak flows for larger streams were equally outstanding. The peak discharge of 78,100 cfs at the gaging station on Goose Creek near Leesburg, Va. (site 452), was about twice those of the floods of 1899, 1937, and 1942. At Difficult Run near Great Falls, Va. (site 468), the peak discharge of 32,200 cfs was about five times the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1935. Cedar Run near Catlett, Va. (site 500), experienced a peak flow of 38,600 cfs, which is about 5.5 times the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1951. The stage was about 6 feet higher than that for the outstanding flood of 1942. The peak discharge of 36,000 cfs for Cub Run near Centreville, Va. (site 509), was about 16 times that experienced during 1961-72. Bull Run at Manassas, Va. (site 511), had a peak discharge of 76,100 cfs, about six times the maximum during 1951-72. The peak discharge of 56,400 cfs for Occoquan River near Manassas, Va. (site 504), greatly exceeded the maximum previously known. Figures 47 and 48 show pictures of Occoquan River at Virginia State Highway 123 bridge and at Occoquan Dam. Figures 49 and 50 show discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on Potomac River tributaries. RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER AND YORK RIVER BASINS Flooding in the Rappahannock and York River basins was less severe than in the Potomac River basin to the north or the James River basin to the south. However, peak discharges having recurrence intervals of 50 years or more did occur at some sites in the basins. Peak discharges on the main stem of the Rappahannock River were probably the third largest since at least 1908 and were exceeded only by the floods of 1937 and 1942. The Rapidan River near Culpeper, Va. (site 535), experienced a peak discharge of 55,600 cfs, the second highest since at least 1931, having a recurrence interval of about 50 years. The small stream of Harpers Run near Mor-risville, Va. (site 528), had a peak discharge of 1,900 cfs from 2.28 square miles. This peak was estimated to have a recurrence interval greater than 100 years. In the York River basin, peak flows were generally slightly lower than those during the 1969 Figure 47.—Occoquan River at Virginia State Highway 123 bridge at Occoquan, Va., just prior to destruction of bridge. Photographed by Paul Muse, Potomac News.THE FLOODS 69 Figure 48.—Occoquan River at Occoquan Dam at Occoquan, Va. Washington Evening Star photograph. flood. The peak flow of 23,300 cfs on North Anna River near Doswell, Va. (site 546), had a recurrence interval of about 75 years and was slightly less than that of the 1969 flood. It was the second highest since at least 1927. The flood peak of the Mattaponi River near Beulahville, Va. (site 556), exceeded that -of the 1969 flood and was the greatest since at least 1942. The peak discharge of 16,900 cfs is estimated to have a recurrence interval greater than 100 years, Outstanding peaks were also recorded for several small streams in the York River basin as follows: Bunch Creek near Boswells Tavern, Va. (site 548), 2,580 cfs, drainage area 4.37 square miles; Harris Creek near Trevilians, Va. (site 549), 2310 cfs, drainage area 3.31 square miles; and Po River near Spotsylvania, Va. (site 554), 10,900 cfs, drainage area 77.4 square miles. Recurrence interval at each of these small-stream sites is estimated to exceed 100 years. JAMES RIVER BASIN Some of the worst flooding in the report area was experienced in the James River basin, particularly on the main stem of the James River. Peak flows upstream from Lynchburg, Va., though outstanding, were not unprecedented. Flooding on the James River downstream from Lynchburg was the greatest known since at least 1870; peak flows were considerably greater than those for the flood of 1969, which at the time, was considered to be the flood of the century. Peak stages downstream from Lynchburg were from 3 to 4 feet higher than in 1969. Information on flood-crest elevations along the James River are shown in table A-4. The peak discharge determined at main stem gaging stations ranged from 66,300 cfs at Lick Run, Va. (site 564), drainage area 1,373 square miles, to 362,000 cfs at Car-tersville Va. (site 608), drainage area 6,257 square miles. The 1972 peak discharge at Cartersville was more than 100,000 cfs greater than that of 1969.70 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 49.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations in the Potomac River basin in Maryland, June 21-28, 1972. Although there was some attenuation of peak discharge downstream from Cartersville the maximum discharge determined at the gaging station near Richmond, Va. (site 612), was 313,000 cfs, almost 100,000 cfs more than that experienced during the 1969 flood. Figures 51 and 52 are pictures of the James River at Maiden, Va., and at Richmond near the peak of the flood showing part of the inundated area. Figure 53 shows a plot of discharge hydrographs for selected gaging stations on James River in Virginia. Estimated recurrence intervals of peak flows at gaging stations on the James River range from about 25 years at Lick Run to about 100 years at Buchanan, Va., and exceeded 100 years at sites downstream from Lynchburg, Va. Severe flooding occurred on tributary streams in the James River headwaters in the vicinity of Covington, New Castle, and Catawba. The peak dis- Figure 50.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations in the Potomac River basin in Virginia, June 21-24, 1972. charge of Dunlap Creek near Covington, Va. (site 560), was the highest since at least 1929 as was that for Potts Creek near Covington, Va. (site 561). At New Castle, Va., the peak discharge for Johns Creek (site 567) was about the same as that experienced in 1935, which was the greatest since at least 1927. Peak flow for Craig Creek near Parr, Va. (site 569), was the highest since at least 1926; that for Catawba Creek at Catawba, Va. (site 570), was the greatest since at least 1944, but it was exceeded by an outstanding flood in 1936. Recurrence intervals of peak flows in this area ranged from about 50 years to more than 100 years. Flooding on tributary streams between Buchanan and Scottsville, although extensive, were not record breaking. In contrast, floods in the Hardware, Slate, Rivanna, and Willis River basins entering James River between Scottsville and Cartersville were veryTHE FLOODS 71 Figure 51.—James River at U.S. Highway 522 at Maiden, Va. Photograph by Virginia Dept, of Highways. Figure 52.—James River at Mayos Bridge at Richmond, Va. Photograph by Virginia Dept, of Highways.72 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Figure 53.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations on James River, June 21-28, 1972. outstanding and were generally the greatest known. The peak discharge of 42,200 cfs for Slate River near Arvonia, Va. (site 592), is 1.5 times the previous known maximum since at least 1927 and has a recurrence interval greater than 100 years. Severe flooding was experienced throughout the Rivanna River basin with peak discharges at several sites having recurrence intervals greater than 100 years. A peak discharge of 18,000 cfs from a drainage area of only 13.6 square miles was experienced on Lynch River near Nortonsville, Va. (site 600), a tributary to Rivanna River. On Rivanna River at Palmyra, Va. (site 605), the peak discharge of 73,400 cfs was second only to that of the 1969 flood, which was the highest during the period of record beginning in 1934. The maximum stage of Willis River at Flanagan Mills, Va. (site 607), was about 6 feet higher than the previous high since at least 1927. The Appomattox River basin upstream from Mattax, Va., experienced record breaking floods with recurrence intervals of peak flows exceeding 100 years at most gaged sites. The peak discharge of Holiday Creek near Andersonville, Va. (site 615), was 9,640 cfs from a drainage area of 8.53 square miles, more than 1,000 cfs per square mile. On the Appomattox River at Farmville, Va. (site 617), the peak flow of 33,100 cfs was about 1.5 times that of the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1927. Downstream from Mattoax the peak rate of runoff from tributary streams was not outstanding, and there was attenuation of peak discharge along the lower reaches of the Appomattox River. The peak flow of Appomattox River at Ma-toaca (site 621) was only 22,800 cfs or about two thirds that experienced at gaging station at Farmville. CHOWAN RIVER AND ROANOKE RIVER BASINS Flooding in the Chowan River basin was outstanding only in the upper Nottoway and Meherrin River basins in the vicinity of Keysville, Victoria, and Blackstone. The peak flows of Nottoway River near Burkeville, Va. (site 623), and Nottoway River near Rawlings, Va. (site 626), were slightly less than those for the 1971 flood, which were the greatest since at least 1947 and 1951, respectively. The peak discharge for North Meherrin River near Keysville, Va. (site 634), was the greatest since at least 1949. Flooding in other parts of the Chowan River basin was not significant. Extremely high flows occurred on the Roanoke River and its tributaries upstream from Smith Mountain Lake. Record-breaking peaks were experienced at gaging stations; South Fork Roanoke River near Sbawsville, Va. (site 640), Roanoke River at Lafayette, Va. (site 641), Roanoke River at Roanoke, Va. (site 64?), Tinker Creek near Daleville, Va. (site 643), and Roanoke River at Niagara, Va. (site 644). Peak discharge at each of these sites had a recurrence interval estimated to be greater than 100 years. Records of peak flows on the three long-term gaging stations on Roanoke River above Smith Mountain Lake indicate that the 1972 flood was probably the greatest since at least 1899. Flooding was alleviated in the Lower Roanoke River Basin below Leesville by operations of the flood-control reservoirs, Smith Mountain Lake and Leesville Lake. Operations of these two reservoirs are described in more detail in a later section entitled “Effect of Regulation.” As a result of flood storage in Smith Mountain and Leesville Lakes andTHE FLOODS 73 diminished tributary inflow downstream, peak flows of the Roanoke (Staunton) River were not outstanding. The peak discharge at the gaging station on. Roanoke (Staunton) River at Altavista, Va. (site 651), was reduced from 77,000 cfs to 37 300 cfs according to information furnished by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (see table A-6). Peaks were reduced to a lesser extent downstream from this site. Severe flooding occurred on tributary streams in an area just north of Brookneal, Va., at the gaging station on Falling River near Naruna, Va. (site 656). The peak discharge was the greatest for the period 1930-34, 1940-72 and is about 1.5 times that of the 1940 flood. Unusually high rates of runoff also occurred in the Dan River basin upstream from Smith River. The peak flow at several gaging stations exceeded previously recorded maximums. The peak flow of 54,200 cfs on Dan River near Wentworth, N.C. (site 671), was about 1.5 times the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1940 but was exceeded by the flood of 1908. The peak discharge of Mayo River near Price, N.C. (site 669), was slightly less than that of the 1937 flood and was the second highest since at least 1930. Flood storage in Philpot Lake on Smith River reduced what would have been near record-breaking peaks on that stream to only moderate flooding. Some reduction of peak flows on Dan River downstream from Smith River was also affected. Even with flood storage in Philpot Lake, the peak discharge of 64,800 cfs for Dan River at Paces, Va. (site 682), was the greatest since at least 1951 and the peak stage exceeded that of the 1940 flood by about 1 foot. Flood flows in the remainder of the Roanoke basin were not outstanding. Flood storage in John H. Kerr Reservoir effectively controlled flows in the Roanoke River downstream from the reservoir. A computed peak inflow of 141,000 cfs into the reservoir was reduced to 25,200 cfs peak outflow. OHIO RIVER BASIN Although considerable flooding occurred along the main stem of the Ohio River, peak flows were reduced considerably by flood storage in Allegheny Reservoir on the Allegheny River and many flood control reservoirs on tributary streams (see table A-7). At Sewickley, Pa. (site 842) , the peak stage was 10.3 lower than that of 1936, the previous maximum since at least 1934. At St. Marys, W. Va. (site 843), the peak stage was 8.2 feet lower than the 1943 flood (greatest since at least 1939) and 15.7 feet lower than the historic flood of 1913, which was the greatest since at least 1884. At Huntington, W. Va. (site 873), the most downstream point for which records are included in this report, the 1972 peak stage was 26.4 feet lower than that for the great flood of 1937. In addition to the data shown for the main stem Ohio River, flood data for the Allegheny River basin, Monongahela River basin, and the Kanawha River basin are contained in this report. Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations in the Ohio River basin are shown in figure 54. ALLEGHENY RIVER BASIN The upper Allegheny River and its tributary streams in New York and Pennsylvania experienced record breaking floods following the Hurricane Agnes storm. The peak discharge of 3,000 cfs for Newell Creek near Port Allegheny, Pa. (site 701), was about four times the previous maximum since at least 1960. At Allegheny River at Elrod, Pa. (site 704), the peak discharge of 65,400 cfs was the greatest since at least 1940, and the peak discharge of JUNE 1972 Figure 54.—Discharge hydrographs at selected gaging stations in the Ohio River basin, June 21-30, 1972.74 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 73,000 cfs recorded for Allegheny River at Salamanca, N.Y. (site 709), was about 1.5 times the previous maximum since at least 1904. The Allegheny Reservoir greatly reduced peak flows downstream. At the gaging station on Allegheny River at Warren, Pa. (site 712), the U.S. Corps of Engineers estimated the peak flow under natural conditions would have been about 94,000 cfs, about 1.5 times the previous maximum since at least 1936. The regulated peak flow was only 25,000 cfs and occurred June 28, about 5 days after the peak reservoir inflow. Comparable reduction in peak flows were effected at other points along the Allegheny River between Allegheny Reservoir and its confluence with the Monongahela River. This reduction was caused by flood storage in numerous reservoirs on tributary streams as well as that in Allegheny Reservoir (see table A-7). Had it not 'been for flood storage in the basin during the storm, record peak flows would have been experienced throughout the length of the Allegheny River; however, with storage, only moderate flooding was experienced on the main stem downstream from Warren, Pa. Outstanding and, in some cases, record-breaking floods occurred on unregulated tributary streams in the entire Allegheny River basin. Even with regulation by West Branch Clarion River Lake, the peak flow of 53,300 cfs for Clarion River at Cooksburg, Pa. (site 745), was only slightly less than the previous maximum since at least 1935, and the peak flow of 74,500 cfs for Clarion River near Piney, Pa. (site 746), was about 1.5 times the previous maximum for the same period. Record peaks were experienced at long-term gaging stations on Mahoning Creek at Punxsutawney, Pa. (site 751), and Little Mahoning Creek at McCormick, Pa. (site 752), with periods of record beginning in 1936 and 1940, respectively. The peak discharge of 13,200 cfs for Crooked Creek at Idaho, Pa. (site 756), was the greatest for the period of record beginning in 1937 and was only slightly less than that for the historic flood of 1936. Outstanding flood flows occurred in the upper reaches of the Kiskiminetas River upstream from Conemaugh River Lake and Loyalhanna Lake. Peak discharges for Blacklick Creek at Josephine, Pa. (site 763), and Two Lick Creek at Graceton, Pa. (site 768), were about two times that for the previous maximums since at least 1952. Peak flows on the upper Loyalhanna Creek were also outstanding. On the lower Kiskiminetas River, peak flows were greatly reduced by flood storage in upstream reservoirs. MONONGAHELA RIVER BASIN In general the flooding in the Monongahela River basin was not as severe as that in the Allegheny River basin. In the upper reaches of the basin, flood flows were outstanding only in the Tygert Valley River drainage. The peak flow of 15,800 cfs recorded at gaging station on Tygert River at Belington, W. Va. (site 782), was slightly less than that of 1967, which was the greatest since the flood of 1912. The peak flow of Middle Fork River at Audra, W. Va. (site 783), was the greatest since at least 1943, and that for Tygert Valley River at Philippi, W. Va. (site 788), was only slightly less than the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1940. Flooding in the West Fork River basin was insignificant; that in the Cheat River basin, although severe in some areas, was not record breaking. High flows were experienced, however, on Deckers Creek (site 800) and Corbun Creek (site 799) at Morgantown, W. Va., with peak discharges having recurrence intervals of about 50 years. Flooding along the main stem of the Monongahela River was severe but considerably reduced by flood storage in upstream reservoirs. Peaks were considerably less than those experienced in 1967. Flooding in the Youghiogheny River basin, principal tributary to the Monongahela River was not noteworthy except in the lower reaches of the main stem, where peak flows approached those of previously experienced maximums. The peak discharge of Youghiogheny River at Suttersville, Pa. (site 838), was 83,000 cfs, as compared with the previous maximum of 108,000 cfs in 1954 for the period of record 1921-72. KANAWA RIVER BASIN Only about one thind of the Kanawha River basin is in the area covered by this report. The Greenbrier River, the Gauley River above Sommersville Dam, and the Elk River above Sutton Dam are included. This basin is in a fringe area in regards to high rates of runoff, and flooding was noteworthy only in scattered localities. The most outstanding floods in the basin occurred on east bank tributaries of the Greenbrier River in the vicinity of Anthony and White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. High peak flows were recorded on Anthony Creek near Anthony (site 853), Dry Fork at White Sulphur Springs (site 854), Howard Creek at Caldwell (site 855), and Second Creek near Second Creek (site 856). Peak discharge at each of these sites was a maximum for the period of record. Records for only site 856 extended back as far as 1946.SEDIMENTATION 75 STREAMS TRIBUTARY TO LAKE ERIE AND LAKE ONTARIO That part of the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario drainage systems in which significant flooding occurred lies between Buffalo, N.Y., in the west and Rome, N.Y., in the east and is entirely within the State of New York. Data for only a few Lake Erie tributaries south and east of Buffalo are included in the report. Within that general area, the most severe flooding occurred in the upper Chautauqua Creek basin. A peak flow of 7,730 cfs was measured for Chautauqua Creek at Barcelona, N.Y. (site 874), from a drainage area of 36.0 square miles, with an estimated recurrence interval greater than 100 years. Near record flows for period of record extending back to about 1940 were also experienced on Buffalo Creek at Gardenville, N.Y. (site 881), and Cazenovia Creek at Ebenezer, N.Y. (site 883). The peak flow of 8,800 cfs for Cayuga River near Lancaster, N.Y. (site 882), was the greatest since at least 1939. There was no significant flooding on the Niagara River tributaries nor on Lake Ontario tributaries between the Niagara River and the Genesee River; data for this area is not included in this report. Flooding in the Genesee River basin upstream from Mount Morris Lake was extreme, and most peak flows had recurrence intervals estimated to be greater than 100 years. Peak flows on tributary streams were generally greater than any previously known. A few of the more outstanding peak flows determined are: Fullmer Valley Creek near Halls-port, N.Y. (site 889), 3,200 cfs (drainage area 11.8 square miles), Chenunda Creek at Stannards, N.Y. (site 891), 9,200 cfs (drainage area 30.6 square miles), and Indian Creek near Andover, N.Y. (site 896), 929 cfs (drainage area 1.07 square miles). At the long-term gaging station on the Genesee River at Scio, N.Y. (site 900), the recorded peak discharge of 41,000 cfs was almost two times the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1917, and the peak discharge of 90,000 cfs recorded on the Genesee River at Portageville, N.Y. (site 913), was about two times the previously experienced peak since at least 1909. The peak stage of 35.25 feet at Portageville was 12.3 feet higher than for the 1967 flood, which was the highest previously known. A discharge hydrograph for Genesee River at Portageville is shown in figure 55. Flood storage in Mount Morris Lake, (site 914) prevented what would have been a disastrous flood along the lower reaches of the Genesee River. Water stored in the lake increased from about 7 260 acre feet (elev. 603.1 feet) on June 20 to 322,600 acre feet Figure 55.—Discharge hydrographs of Genesee River at Portageville, N.Y., June 21-28, 1972. (elev. 755.46 ft) June 25, or an increase of about 315,000 acre feet and a rise in lake level of more than 152 feet. The peak lake level was about 36 feet higher than the previous maximum since the reservoir was completed in 1951. Flooding on Genesee River tributaries downstream from Mount Morris Lake, though not as extreme as that experienced on upstream tributaries, was still severe. Even though peak flows on the lower Genesee River were greatly reduced, the peak discharge of 29,600 cfs (gage height, 15.89 ft) at Rochester, N.Y. (site 933), is only slightly lower than that of the 1942 flood, 34,400 cfs (gage height, 17.08 ft), which was the maximum since the flood of 1927. Flooding upstream from Cayuga Lake in the vicinity of Ithaca was noteworthy, and peak flows on streams were the greatest known, some having recurrence intervals estimated to be greater than 100 years. The peak discharge of 4,800 cfs for76 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Cayuga Inlet near Ithaca, N.Y. (site 947), was the greatest since at least 1937, and the peak flow of 11,800 cfs at a downstream gaging station in Ithaca (site 949) was outstanding. Peak discharge of Canandaigua outlet at Chapin, N.Y. (site 963), was the greatest since at least 1940; that of Flint Creek at Potter, N.Y. (site 964), was more than five times the previous maximum since 1964. Outstanding flooding also occurred in the vicinity of Lake Owasco and Lake Skaneateles. The peak flow of Owasco outlet near Auburn, N.Y. (site 969), was the greatest since at least 1913, with a recurrence interval estimated to be greater than 100 years. Peak flows from Seneca River at Baldwinsville, N.Y. (site 971), and Onondaga Creek at Darwin, N.Y. (site 973), exceeded previously recorded maximums for periods beginning in 1950 and 1952, respectively. Severe flooding also occurred both upstream and downstream from Oneida Lake, with the peak flow of East Branch Fish Creek at Talberg, N.Y. (site 981), being the greatest since at least 1924. Records of lake elevations have been collected for 10 natural lakes in that part of Lake Ontario drainage in the report area. During the 1972 flood, maximum elevations for periods of record were recorded at nine of these lakes, and the maximum elevation of the remaining lake, Owasco Lake near Auburn, was virtually the same as the previous maximum for the period of record beginning in 1912. SEDIMENTATION The extremely high floods on most streams caused widespread movement and deposition of sediment. Sediment yield, especially on the large streams, was unusually high owing to the widespread flooding. Erosion and deposition, physical processes related to sedimentation, contributed significantly to the damage. Wyoming Valley near Wilkes-Barre and Harrisburg, both on the Susquehanna River, suffered heavy damage from sedimentation. Dramatic evidence of the erosive capability of a large stream is shown in figure 56. Figure 56.—Erosion on flood plain of Susquehanna River at Old Fort, Pa. Photograph by Media Affiliates, Inc. Wilkes- Barre, Pa.FLOOD-CREST ELEVATIONS 77 Damage by erosion was not confined to natural or undeveloped areas. Developed areas were also ravaged by the high flows, as can be seen in figure 57. Overbank areas, natural and developed, bordering on the major streams experienced deposition. Extensive amounts of sand, silt, and mud were deposited in these areas. A typical example of such a deposition can be seen in figure 58. The sediment particles deposited on the flood plains were generally sand-grain size or finer. The Schuylkill River at Manayunk, Philadelphia, Pa., Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pa., and Potomac River near Point of Rocks, Md., for flood periods of June 22-27, 21-30, and 21-26, respectively, carried a combined total of 9,649,000 tons of sediment. This amount of sediment is equivalent to approximately 0.5 inch of soil from a 200-square-mile area. The Susquehanna River carried the most sediment—by virtue of having the largest drainage basin. During the specified flood periods, the Susquehanna and Schuylkill Rivers transported ap- proximately three times their average annual sediment load, while the Potomac River transported 1.5 times its average annual load. The normal sediment load for a 3-year period at Harrisburg on the Susquehanna River and at Philadelphia on the Schuylkill River was exceeded in 10 days and 6 days, respectively, while 1.5 times the normal annual sediment load was carried past Point of Rocks in 6 days. Conestoga Creek at Lancaster, Pa., experienced the highest runoff and sediment load per square mile of any other major stream, followed, in decreasing order, by the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, and Potomac Rivers. The extremely high sediment yield per square mile shown for Stave Run near Reston, Va., reflects the extensive urban development in progress in the basin immediately preceding the flood. The Schuylkill River was the muddiest, transporting, on the average, 3.10 tons/cfs-day, while the Susquehanna River transported 1.76 tons/cfs-day and the Potomac River, 1.46 tons/cfs-day. Data on water and sediment discharge for the Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pa., during June Figure 57.—Road washout in Shickshinny, Pa. Photograph by Media Affiliates, Inc., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.78 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 21-30 are shown in figure 59. The data show that well-defined suspended-sediment-concentration peaks were experienced at Harrisburg, with the maximum peak concentration preceding the peak stage. The maximum suspended-sand concentration was well defined and preceded the maximum stage experience by more than 24 hours. Sediment data collected during the flood period are summarized in table A-8. FLOOD-CREST ELEVATIONS Information on flood-crest elevations was obtained for about 1,290 stream miles in the flood area. About 1,030 miles of the profile data are for streams in the Susquehanna River basin. These data include maximum stages recorded or observed at gaging stations, as well as many high-water elevations determined from field surveys made after the flood crest. The streams for which data were obtained are listed below in downstream order. Streams tributary to Long Island Sound East Branch Byram River Blind Brook Mamaroneck River Sheldrake River Hutchinson River Hudson River basin Sawmill River Delaware River basin Schuylkill River Susquehanna River basin Susquehanna River Tioga River (head of Chemung River) Canisteo River Cohocton River Chemung River Seeley Creek West Branch Susquehanna River Penns Creek Middle Creek Mahoney Creek East Mahantango Creek Pine Creek Wiconisco River Rattling Creek Juniata River Sherman Creek Conodoguinet Creek Paxton Creek Yellow Breeches Creek Mountain Creek Swatara Creek Little Swatara Creek West Canewago Creek Codorus Creek Conestoga Creek Pequa Creek Muddy Creek Figure 58.—Deposition on farmland bordering Susquehanna River near Exeter, Pa. Photograph by Media Affiliates Inc Wilkes-Barre. Pa. ’ ’’EFFECT OF REGULATION 79 X o LxJ X LU O < o Figure 59.—Graph of water and sediment discharge, Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pa., June 21-30, 1972. Potomac River basin Conococheague Creek West Branch Monocacy River James River basin James River Allegheny River basin Allegheny River Flood-crest elevations for streams tributary to Long Island Sound and for Sawmill Creek in the Hudson River basin are listed in table A-2. Flood crests in this area occurred June 19 and were caused by a frontal storm which struck just prior to Hurricane Agnes, which caused flooding in the rest of the area covered by this report. Profile data for James River in Virginia are listed for the floods of 1936 and 1969, as well as for the 1972 flood. The 1972 flood was considerably higher than the earlier floods in the lower part of the basin. Profile data for James River are shown in table A-4. Flood-crest data for streams other than those listed above are included in table A-3. Flood crests on streams listed in this table occurred during June 22-24, and the date of occurrence is shown when known, or it can be estimated from the time of occurrence recorded at gaging stations for other points along the streams. EFFECT OF REGULATION Reservoir storage during the flood period substantially reduced the magnitude of peak flows in some basins. In other basins the effect of regulation was not significant. Storage was supplied by reservoirs primarily designed for flood control as well as those constructed for water supply or hydroelectric-power generation. Some of the effects of regulation were briefly discussed in a previous section describing the floods. The effect of regulation on peak flow is discussed in the following sections for those basins where the effect is probably significant. Data presented in this report are adapted from information furnished by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN Peak flows of the Susquehanna River upstream from the Chemung River were only slightly reduced owing to the operation of flood-control structures on the Ouleout Creek and Otselic River. Natural runoff in the Susequehanna River basin above Wav-erly was relatively light, as compared to that downstream.80 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Peak flows on the upper Canisteo River in the Chemung River basin, in the reach from Hornell to Canisteo, were materially reduced by storage in Arkport Reservoir and Almond Lake. However, the effect on peak reduction rapidly diminished downstream as a result of extremely high flows from unregulated tributary streams, and peak reduction was not significant downstream from the confluence of the Canisteo and Tioga Rivers. Reservoir storage in the West Branch Susquehanna River basin significantly reduced peak flows on the main stem of the river from Curwensville Reservoir near Curwensville to its confluence with the Susquehanna River. Peak flows were also reduced on the following tributary streams: First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek and Sinnemahoning Creek (First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek Reservoir), Kettle Creek (Kettle Creek Lake), and Bald Eagle Creek (Foster Joseph Sayers Lake). The stage reduction on West Branch Susquehanna River ranged from about 7 feet just downstream from Curwensville Reservoir to about 4 feet near its confluence with Susquehanna River. Construction of Raystown Dam on Raystown Branch Juniata River was not complete at the time Hurricane Agnes struck, but storage above the dam caused a considerable reduction in peak flows on Raystown Branch and on the Juniata River downstream from Raystown Branch. The estimated peak-stage reduction on Juniata River ranged from 4.6 feet at Mapelton Depot, Pa., to 3.3 feet at Newport, Pa. Estimated stage reduction on the main-stem Susquehanna River was less than 1 foot upstream from West Branch Susquehanna and between 1 and 2 feet downstream. Effects of reservoir storage in the Susquehanna River basin are summarized in table A-5. This table lists the major reservoirs in the basin, shows the available storage at the beginning of the storm, the amount of water stored during the storm, and peak inflow, if determined. The reduction of peak stage and discharge are shown for selected points downstream from the reservoirs. The report numbers listed are the same as those used to identify the site descriptions in a later section entitled “Streamflow Data.” These numbers are also used to identify the location of sites shown on plate 1. SMALL BASINS TRIBUTARY TO CHESAPEAKE BAY Reservoirs in the area, although designed for municipal water supply for Baltimore, Md., and suburban Washington, D.C., did store water during the storm and consequently caused some reduction of peak flows on streams below these reservoirs. The storage space used during the flood in 5 water-supply reservoirs in the area are as follows. Report No. Name and location of reservoir Storage space used (acre-ft) 311_____Pretty Boy Reservoir on Gunpowder Falls 7,600 near Hereford, Md. 318_____Loch Raven Reservoir on Gunpowder Falls 21,900 near Carney, Md. 326_____Liberty Reservoir on North Branch Pa- 19,000 tapsco River near Marriottsville, Md. 341 ___Triadelphia Lake on Patuxent River near 5,500 Laurel, Md. 342 ___T. Howard Duckett Reservoir near Laurel, 4,600 Md. ROANOKE RIVER BASIN Storage of floodwaters in four major reservoirs in the Roanoke River basin in Virginia was effective in reducing peak flows for the June-July 1972 flood. Smith Mountain Lake and Leesville Lake on the Roanoke River reduced peak flows of the Roanoke River from Leesville Dam to John H. Kerr Reservoir. Reduction in stage in this reach ranged from about 9 feet at Altavista, Va., to about 4 feet at Randolph, Va. Peak flows along the Smith River in Virginia and North Carolina were substantially reduced by flood storage in Philpott Lake on Smith River. The reduction in stage ranged from more than 9 feet at Bassett, Va., to about 3 feet at Eden, N.C. Flood flows on the Dan River downstream from Smith River were reduced to a lesser degree. Reduction in stage along the Dan River ranged from about 3 feet at its confluence with Smith River to less than a foot at the upper end of John H. Kerr Reservoir. Floodflows from John H. Kerr Reservoir were completely controlled by storage in the reservoir. The peak inflow to the reservoir was computed as 141,-000 cfs. The maximum average daily reservoir release was 25,200 cfs and occurred after flood peaks from downstream tributary streams had passed. The effect of reservoir storage in the basin is summarized in table A-6. OHIO RIVER BASIN Three subbasins of the Ohio River drainage system—the Allegheny River basin, the Monongahela River basin, and the Kanawha River basin—are within the report area. Reservoir storage in the Allegheny and Monongahela River basins caused considerable reduction of peak flows on these streams as well as on the main stem of the Ohio River downstream from their confluence.STREAMFLOW DATA AT GAGING STATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS SITES 81 The Allegheny Reservoir on the Allegheny River stored about 526,000 acre-ft of water during June 20-27 and completely controlled flood flows at that point. A maximum inflow to the reservoir of 88,000 cfs on June 23 was computed with the maximum outflow of 25,000 cfs occurring June 27. Reservoir storage on tributary streams also contributed to the reduction of peak flows. In addition to the Allegheny Reservoir, there are seven other flood-control reservoirs in the Allegheny River basin that contributed significantly to peak-flow reduction. These reservoirs are listed in table A-7. At the beginning of the storm, space for storage of 1,292,-010 acre-ft of water was available in the Allegheny Reservoir and the 7 flood-control reservoirs on tributary streams. Of the available storage space, 1,051,-640 acre-ft, or about 81 percent of that available, was used to store floodwater. Peak flows on the Allegheny River were reduced from what would been record stages and discharges to moderate flooding. Conemaugh River Lake, the second largest reservoir in the Allegheny River basin, stored 233,150 acre-ft of water and reduced the computed inflow of 99,100 cfs to an outflow of 25,900 cfs. Storage in this reservoir contributed significantly to peak reduction on the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers. Flood storage in the Monongahela River basin contributed to a lesser degree to reduction of peak flows. Tygart Lake on Tygart Valley River and Youghiogheny River Lake on Youghiogheny River are the largest reservoirs in the basin, but only Tygart Lake had an appreciable effect on peak-flow reduction. The computed peak inflow to Tygart Lake was 52,000 cfs and the peak outflow was 16,800 cfs. The reduction of peak discharge on the Monongahela River at Greensboro, Pa., was estimated to be about 35,000 cfs, and that at Charleroi, Pa., to be about 42,000 cfs. Peak runoff from the area above Deep Creek Reservoir (hydro-electric storage) and Youghiogheny River Lake was not great; consequently, storage in these reservoirs did not significantly affect peak flows farther downstream. Reservoir storage, mostly in the Alleghney River basin, reduced peak flows in the Ohio River main stem significantly. Peak-discharge reduction ranged from about 224,000 cfs at Sewickley, Pa., to about 155,000 cfs at Huntington W. Va. The peak stage was reduced by about 11 feet at Sewickley and about 10 feet at Huntington. Without reservoir storage the flood of 1972 at Sewickley would have been the greatest since at least 1934. With storage, the flood was only the third highest during this period. The effect of reservoir storage in the Ohio River basin is summarized in table A-7. STREAMS TRIBUTARY TO LAKE ONTARIO Flood storage in Mount Morris Lake near Mount Morris, N.Y., virtually controlled flood flows at the reservoir outlet and prevented disastrous flooding on the Genesee River downstream from Mount Morris. The peak discharge of 90,000 cfs at a gaging station on the Genesee River at Portageville was about twice the previous maximium since at least 1909, whereas, downstream from the reservoir, the peak discharge of 17,800 cfs recorded at Avon, N.Y., was only about one-third of that of the flood of 1916. A large part of the 17,800 cfs was contributed by Canaseraga Creek which enters Genesee River downstream from Mount Morris Lake. The peak discharge of the Genesee River at Rochester, N.Y., was only about half the previous known maximum. Natural storage in numerous lakes on streams tributary to Lake Ontario moderated the magnitude of peak flows downstream from these lakes. DETERMINATION OF FLOOD DISCHARGE The discharge at a gaging station is usually determined from a stage-discharge relation (rating curve) defined by current-meter measurements at various stages. The reliability of the stage-discharge relation is dependent on how well the experienced range in stage is covered by current-meter measurements. Fairly reliable extensions of rating curves to about twice the measured discharge can generally be made by logarithmic plotting, from velocity-area or slope-conveyance studies, or by use of other hydraulic principles. The peak stages and discharges on many streams during the June 1972 flood greatly exceeded those previously known. Current-meter measurements were obtained where possible; however, the wide areal extent of the flood and the short period (June 22-24) during which the peak flows occurred made it impossible to obtain such measurements at many gaging stations. Measuring facilities were destroyed or overtopped, and access roads or bridges were inundated or washed out at many sites. Even if the site were accessible, reliable current-meter measurements could not have been made on many small streams owing to the short duration of the peak flow. Despite these difficulties, current-meter measurements were obtained at, or near, peak stage, and rating curves were reliably defined at many gaging stations.82 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1&72 At those sites where available current-meter measurements were inadequate to define the stage-discharge relation for extreme flows, it was necessary to determine peak discharge by indirect measurements, such as slope area, contracted opening, flow through culvert, flow over highway embankment, flow over dam, and others. These indirect measurements are based on field surveys of high-water marks, channel geometry, and geometry of hydraulic structures, such as bridges, culverts, highway embankments, and dams. The measurements are indirect only in the sense that the data are collected after the passage of the peak discharge rather than by direct observation of the flow. Techniques used by the Geological Survey in determining peak discharge by indirect methods are described in selected chapters in the series Techniques of Water Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey. STREAMFLOW DATA AT GAGING STATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS MEASURING SITES SUMMARY OF PEAK STAGES AND DISCHARGES Maximum stage and discharge information (contents and pool elevations for reservoirs) for 989 sites in the flood area is summarized in table A-l. This summary includes peak data for daily discharge gaging stations, reservoir gaging stations, crest-stage gaging stations, flood-hydrograph gaging stations, and miscellaneous sites. Sites are listed in the downstream order used in U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Papers since 1951 and are identified by a report number (a sequential number assigned to each of the 989 sites) and by the permanent eight-digit number used in Geological Survey annual series of surface-water reports. Some miscellaneous sites are identified only by a report number. Numbers used in the table correspond to those used to identify the site descriptions in a later section entitled “Streamflow Data.” The report numbers are used to identify the locations of sites shown on plate 1. In the table summarizing peak stages and discharges (table A-l), the first column under maximum flood previously known, the period of known floods, is not necessarily the same as the period for which the gaging stations have been operated. For instance, if a gaging station has been operated since 1942 but experienced a flood in 1936 for which the peak stage and discharge has been determined to be the greatest since at least 1891, the period of known floods would be shown as 1891-1972, and the peak stage and discharge for the 1936 flood would be listed. If only the stage of the 1936 flood is known, two periods will be shown. The period 1891-1972 will be listed with only the stage of the 1936 flood given. The next line will show the period 1942-72, with the maximum stage and discharge for that period shown. If the 1936 peak was the greatest known for the period 1891 to the time the gage was installed in 1942 but was subsequently exceeded by a flood in 1969, the period of known floods would be 1891-1972, and the peak stage and discharge for the 1969 flood will be listed. If it is not known whether the 1936 flood is the greatest for a given period of time, the periods of known floods will be shown as 1942-72, and information for the 1936 flood will be shown on the next line. The recurrence interval shown in the last column is the average interval of time in which the peak discharge during June-July 1972 can be expected to be exceeded once. Methods of determining the recurrence interval are explained in the section titled “Flood Frequency.” If the recurrence interval is estimated to be greater than 100 years, it is not listed, and the symbol indicating that the recurrence interval is greater than 100 years is shown. STATION DESCRIPTION AND DISCHARGE TABLES Information on stage and discharge (elevation and contents for reservoir stations) for 989 sites in the flood area is given. At some sites sediment data are also shown. The data generally consist of a station description, a table of daily mean discharges for June-July 1972, and a table of stages and discharges at indicated times during the period of severe flooding. Comparable sediment data are included where available. At miscellaneous sites and at crest-stage stations where only peak stage and discharge are known, only the station description is included. For some sites classified as continuous-record or flood-hydrograph gaging stations, malfunction of the recording gage during critically high flow periods did not permit inclusion of a table of stages and discharges at indicated times. This table was also omitted in some cases where the magnitude of the peak flow was relatively insignificant. The station description gives information relative to the location of the site, size of drainage area upstream from the site, nature of gage-height record obtained during the period covered by this report, datum of the gage, definition of the stage-discharge relationship, maximum stage and dis-DEATHS AND DAMAGE 83 charge during June-July 1972, maximum stage and discharge known prior to this flood, effect of regulation and diversion, and other pertinent information. The table of daily mean discharge for continuous-record gaging stations or reservoir contents for June-July 1972 follows the station description. Daily mean suspended-sediment concentrations and loads are also given if these data are available. The table also shows monthly mean discharge, in cubic feet per second, and generally the monthly runoff, in inches and acre feet. If data are available, the monthly mean sediment load, in tons per day, and the monthly sediment load, in tons, are also shown. The 2 months for which data are included are adequate to show conditions for antecedent and recession periods. The table of stage and discharge at indicated times gives sufficient data to permit reproduction of stage and discharge hydrographs. Suspended-sediment concentration detailed in a similar manner is included in this table, where data are available. Only data for the period of severe flooding are included in this table. DEATHS AND DAMAGE Although Agnes barely reached the hurricane stage and then only for hours, she was the costliest hurricane in United States history (table 6). While it is true that gradually increasing population, industrialization, and property values tend to make the latest hurricane costlier than earlier hurricanes of equal or greater intensity, Agnes’ large size was an important factor in her setting a new record for damage. Agnes and the extratropical storm each brought heavy rains over large areas. These heavy rains continued after the two systems merged. The combined rainfall produced severe flooding over a large area. That it occurred following generally wet weather over the heavily populated and indus- Table 6.— The 10 most destructive tropical cyclones in the United States since 1930 (De Angelis, 1972) Damage Storm Year (millions Deaths of dollars) Agnes _________________________ 1972 $3,102.6 117 Camille _______________________ 1969 1,420.7 258 Betsy _________________________ 1965 1,420.5 75 Diane _________________________ 1955 831.7 184 Carol _________________________ 1954 461.0 60 Celia _________________________ 1970 453.8 11 Carla _________________________ 1961 408.3 46 New England Huricane_______ 1938 387.1 600 Donna _________________________ 1960 386.5 50 Hazel _________________________ 1954 251.6 95 trialized Mid-Atlantic States added to its effectiveness as a producer of costly floods. The fact that the extratropical Low into which the tropical storm was absorbed stalled for a few days in the Pennsylvania-New York area, thus adding to the tropical storm rainfall, was a contributing factor, even though the heaviest rainfall occurred before the two Lows joined. The death toll of 117 was light considering the severity of the widespread floods. Total damage was estimated to be $3.1 billion, or over twice that produced by the very violent Camille in August 1969 and exceeded the combined total damage of the two next costliest hurricanes, Camille and Betsy (1965), by $257 million (table 6). Damage and deaths in each of the 12 States affected are summarized in table 7, and the number of families suffering property losses and the nature of these losses are given in table 8. The loss of life and damage to property would very likely have been much greater had it not been for the timely weather and flood forecasts (U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1973) issued in connection with this storm. Not included in the above estimates are the seven deaths and the damage resulting from the severe flooding in western Cuba. In Pinar Del Rio, 97 homes were destroyed and another 300 damaged. Pennsylvania.—Agnes was the worst natural disaster ever to hit Pennsylvania. Damage was so extensive that the entire State was declared a disaster area. There were 48 deaths, and damages were estimated to be $2,119 billion, or about two-thirds of the total damage wrought by Agnes. Damage in the Schuylkill River Basin alone was estimated at over $330 million. In that part of the Ohio River Basin lying within the State, damage was roughly estimated at $92 million. In Wilkes-Barre, 100,000 persons evacuated, and 60 percent of the city was inundated. Altogether, some 250,000 persons were forced Table 7.—U.S. deaths and damage attributed to Agnes (De Angelis, 1972) State Damage Deaths Pennsylvania $2,119,269,000 48 New York 702,502,000 24 New Jersey 15,000,000 1 Maryland 110,186,000 19 Ohio _ 6,818,000 0 Delaware Light 1 West Virginia _ _ 7,753,000 0 Virginia 125,987,000 13 North Carolina 6,558,380 2 South Carolina 50,000 0 Georgia 205,000 0 Florida 8,243,000 9 Total _________________ $3,102,571,380 11784 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 Table 8.—Classification of property damage (DeAngelis, 1972) State Families suffer- ing loss Dwell- ings destroyed Dwell- ings, major damage Dwell- ings, minor damage Mobile homes destroyed Mobile Homes, major damage Farm build- ings destroyed Farm build- ings, major damage Small busi- nesses, destroyed or major damage Virginia 7,063 95 1,307 3,086 125 450 u 27 205 Maryland 3,479 103 866 1,664 50 43 17 44 81 West Virginia 1,946 108 344 1.214 118 91 0 10 18 Washington, D.C. 506 0 0 350 0 0 0 0 0 New York 40,090 628 4,922 27,910 135 367 92 341 1,547 Pennsylvania- 69,860 2,321 33,412 29,455 1,266 1,908 435 1,249 3,003 New Jersey.1 Ohio 405 0 3 302 0 100 0 0 0 Florida 2,893 96 447 1,355 177 374 0 0 988 Georgia 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 North Carolina 7 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 Total 126,250 3,351 41,302 65.336 1,871 3,340 555 1,671 5,842 1 Almost all damage occurred in Pennsylvania. to evacuate their homes, and many returned to find their homes gone. Public water and sewage facilities were flooded out in many areas, and water had to be rationed in some communities. Fires that broke out in many places burned unchecked because flooding made them inaccessible. Crop losses were estimated to have been $120 million. The floods washed out or closed 569 bridges, and total damage to roads and bridges was estimated at $300 million. Damage to industry amounted to $1 billion. New York.—Second only to Pennsylvania in number of deaths and damage suffered was New York, with 24 deaths and $703 million damage, of which over $157 million was in the Susquehanna River basin. About 100,000 persons had to be evacuated from their homes. Almost the entire population of Corning was forced to flee, and about half the population of Elmira had to evacuate. Fear that dams would fail led many residing below the dams to flee. Lakeshore residents were forced to move to higher ground. The overflow of some of the Finger Lakes caused damage to boats, docks, marinas, and surrounding properties. Altogether, some 5,000 homes were destroyed or badly damaged, with the greatest loss being in the Corning-Elmira area. A tragic loss was the famous Glass Museum at the Corning Glassworks, where water rose almost to the ceiling of the museum rooms, with the result that many priceless ancient glass objects were lost. Other hard hit cities were Salamanca, Olean, Hornell, and Wellsville. At Wellsville, a hospital wing collapsed as a result of flooding. Rains and floods caused extensive damage throughout the southwestern tier and Finger Lakes counties. Greatest damage was to potatoes, corn, and hay. Dairy farmers suffered heavy losses also. Vineyards in the Naples area were inundated, and ruinous heavy rains occurred during the critical bloom stage. The enormous damage resulting from all the above losses led to the following counties being declared disaster areas: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tompkins, Wyoming, and Yates. New Jersey.—Total storm damage in New Jersey was estimated at $15 million, of which $10 million resulted from crop damage. One death was reported. Ohio.—Northeasterly winds generated 15-foot waves and a 3.5-foot rise in the lake level along the south shore of Lake Erie, which caused damage to ships, boats, buildings, houses, docks, and cars. Other damage resulted from flooding along the Ohio River between East Liverpool and Hannibal, with Powhatan Point being hard hit. Total damage in the State was reported at slightly over $6 million. No deaths were reported. Delaware.—One storm-connected death was reported, but damage was minor. Maryland-District of Columbia.—The 19 deaths attributed to the storm ranked third among the death tolls in the States affected by Agnes. No deaths were reported in the District of Columbia. The $110 million in damages ranked fourth. About 1,000 homes were destroyed or suffered major damage. The following counties, including Baltimore City, were declared disaster areas: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince Georges, and Washington. Also included were the counties in the Chesapeake Bay area: Calvert, Dorchester, Kent, Queen’s, St. Mary’s, Somerset, Talbot, and Wicomico.SELECTED REFERENCES 85 Disaster in the Chesapeake Bay counties was primarily in the form of losses to the shellfish industry, with resultant unemployment. Heavy rains cause excessive runoff into the bay, which reduces its salinity. The fresh water forms a layer on the surface of the bay. This surface layer gradually mixes with and dilutes the lower layer of salty water. Shellfish, particularly oysters, cannot survive prolonged exposure to low salinities. Also, a layer of fresh water overlying salt water with little mixing tends to reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen in the salt water. Damage to the industry was estimated to be somewhat less than that attributed to Camille in 1969. Virginia.—In Virginia there were 13 deaths, and total damage was estimated at $126 million, the third largest loss of the States affected by Agnes. Destruction was widespread throughout the central part of the State, but was particularly heavy in the northern part, where Fairfax County reported damage estimated at $25 million, the greatest county loss by far. In the Fourmile Run drainage area, which includes parts of Arlington and Fairfax Counties, damage was estimated at $14 million. Destruction ranged from agricultural damage on small streams to inundated cities and towns on the larger rivers, such as the Roanoke and the James, where total damage for these basins was estimated to be $20 million and $50 million, respectively. Richmond, the capital city, was hit hard. The water supply and sewage treatment plants were inundated, as were the electrical and gas plants, which were partly closed. Only one of the five bridges crossing the James River was usable. Downtown Richmond was closed for several days. Industry and business suffered much damage, and many residents were evacuated from their homes. Other cities and towns suffering great damage included Alexandria, Buchanan, Charlottesville, Danville, Farmville, Fredericksburg, Glasgow, Lexington, Lynchburg, Manassas, Occoquan, Roanoke, Salem, Scottsville, and Waynesboro. Altogether, through the State, some 1,400 homes were destroyed or suffered major damage. Much damage was done to highways. At the height of the flood, 600 miles (960 km) of road was under water, and 103 State highway bridges were destroyed or damaged. Most of the latter were small bridges on secondary highways. Real tragedies occurred along the small tributaries. Most creeks and streams overflowed their banks and swept the adjacent land clean. Homes, household goods, and other possessions were washed away. Losses were lessened somewhat by timely warnings, which also kept the death toll from being higher. West Virginia.—Most of the damage, estimated to be $7,753 million, occurred along the Ohio River between Chester and New Martinsville, with Wheeling being hit particularly hard. No deaths were reported. Some 3,000 homes and 1,500 businesses were inundated along this reach of the river. In Green-briar County, which adjoins Virginia, Dry and Howard Creeks overflowed their banks and damaged 22 businesses and 56 homes. Five houses were destroyed. Damage there was estimated at $323,000. North Carolina.—Two deaths were reported, and total damage in the State was estimated at $6,558 million. About two-thirds of the damage ($4.22 million) occurred in the Yadkin River basin, where 86,000 acres (about 135 mi2, or 350 km2) was inundated, and agricultural losses, mostly in growing crops, were estimated at $3.5 million. Flooding in Elkin, Yadkin College, and other river towns accounted for the remainder. One of the two deaths reported occurred in Surry County, when a canoe overturned, and the other, in Iredell County, when a man driving a tractor was swept away in the flood waters. In Catawba, Congaree, and Reedy River Basins, minor home and trailer damage and some crop losses were estimated at $32,000. South Carolina.—Damage in this State was restricted to the Pee Wee River basin, where floods caused about $25,000 in crop losses. Georgia.—Total damage was estimated at $205,-000, with no deaths reported. A tornado near Douglas, Coffee County, in the afternoon of June 19, was responsible, for damage estimated at $100,000. That same afternoon, another tornado near Blackshear, Pierre County, destroyed a mobile home for a loss of $5,000. Elsewhere in the State, total property damage was estimated at $80,000 and crop damage at $20,000. Florida.—Nine deaths were reported, another 170 persons were injured, and total damage from tides, winds, and the 15 tornadoes reported on June 18-19 was estimated at $8,243 million. The tornadoes alone accounted for $4.5 million of the damage. The gulf coast counties from Monroe to Bay (Key West to Panama City) were declared disaster areas. Panama City, 18 feet (5.5 m) above mean sea level, in Bay County, suffered little damage, but low-lying coastal villages between Carrabelle and Apalachicola in Franklin County suffered great damage. Damage in Franklin County alone as a result of the86 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 storm tides ran well over $1 million. These tides, the highest in many years, destroyed homes and businesses, washed out roads, and cut off access to many offshore islands. Pinellas County was also hit hard, particularly in the St. Petersburg area, with extensive beach erosion and shorefront property damage south to the Fort Myers area. Inland, winds and tornadoes were responsible for the damage and most of the deaths. The following counties were declared disaster areas: Brevard, Hardee, Hendry, and Okeechobee. At Okeechobee City, a series of windstorms cut a swath 100 yards (90 m) wide through Treasure Island Park, a fishing lodge, and several other mobile home parks, killed six people, and injured another 40. Damage, including destruction of 50 mobile homes, was estimated at $500,000. A windstorm near Ft. Denaud, Hendry County, destroyed a trailer, killing a woman and injuring her daughter. It then tore up some citrus groves and several other trailer parks near La Belle. Property damage was estimated at $200,000 and crop damage, $10,000. Other deaths included that of a child drowned in a rain-swollen stream and another caused by a heart attack attributed to the storm. SELECTED REFERENCES Benson, M. A., 1962, Evolution of methods for evaluating the occurrence of floods: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1580-A, p. A1-A29. Benson, M. A., and Dalrymple, Tate, 1967, General field and office procedures for indirect discharge measurements: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water-Resources Inv., book 3, chap. Al, 30 p. Bodhaine, G. L., 1968, Measurement of peak discharge of culverts by indirect methods: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water-Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A3, 60 p. Bogart, D. B., 1960, Floods of August-October 1955, New England to North Carolina: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1420, 854 p. Camp, J. D., and Miller, E. M., 1970, Flood of August 1969 in Virginia: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 120 p. Carpenter, D. H., and Simmons, R. H., 1969, Floods of August 1967 in Maryland and Delaware: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 98 p. Carter, R. W., and Davidian, Jacob, 1968, General procedures for gaging streams: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques. Water-Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A6, 13 p. Corbett, D. M., and others, 1943, reprinted 1957, Stream-gaging procedures, A manual describing methods and practices of the Geological Survey: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 888, 245 p. Dalrymple, Tate, 1960, Flood-frequency analyses: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1543-A, 80 p. Dalrymple, Tate, and Benson, M. A., 1967, Measurement of peak discharge by the slope-area method: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water-Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A2, 12 p. DeAngelis, R. M., 1972, North Atlantic tropical cyclones, 1972: Natl. Oceanic and Atmospheric Climatological Data Natl. Summ., p. 62-69. DeAngelis, R. M., and Hodge, W. T., 1972, Preliminary climatic data report, Hurricane Agnes, June 14-23, 1972: Natl. Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm. Tech. Memo. EDS NCC-1, 62 p. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, 1956, New England floods of 1955: Part 1, Storm data; Part 2, Flood discharges; Part 3, Flood profiles; Part 4, Flood damages: Part 5, Effect of flood-control projects: Boston, Mass., New England Div. Green, A. R., 1964, Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, Pt. 1-A, North Atlantic slope basins, Maine to Connecticut: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1671, 260 p. Hershfield, D. M., 1963, Rainfall frequency atlas of the United States for durations from 30 minutes to 24 hours and return periods from 1 to 100 years: U.S. Weather Bur. Tech. Paper 40. Hoyt, W. G., and Langbein, W. B., 1955, Floods: Princeton Univ. Press, p. 59, 60, 72-76. Hulsing, Harry, 1967, Measurement of peak discharges at dams by indirect method: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water-Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A5. Langbein, W. B., and Iseri, K. T., 1960, General introduction and hydrologic definitions: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1941-A, 29 p. Matthai, H. F., 1967, Measurement of peak discharge of width contractions by indirect methods: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water-Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A4, 44 p. Miller, E. M., 1969, Floods in Virginia, magnitude and frequency: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 371 p. Miller, E. M., and Kapinos, F. P., 1970, Floods of July 22, 1969 in the Northern Virginia area: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 35 p. Miller, J. F., 1964, Two-to-ten-day precipitation for return periods of 2 to 100 years in the contiguous United States: U.S. Weather Bur. Tech. Paper 49. Namias, Jerome, 1973a, Birth of Hurricane Agnes—triggered by the transequatorial movement of a mesoscale system with a favorable large-scale environment: Monthly Weather Rev., v. 101, p. 177-179. ------- 1973b, Hurricane Agnes—an event shaped by large- scale air-sea systems generated during antecedent months: Royal Meterol. Soc. Quart. Jour., v. 99, p. 506-519. Porterfield, George, 1972, Computations of fluvial sediment discharges: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water-Resources Inv., book 3, chap. C3, 66 p. Reitan, C. H., 1960, Distribution of precipitable water over the continental United States: Am. Meterol. Soc. Bull., v. 41, p. 79-87. Simpson, R. H., and Hebert, P. J., 1973, Atlantic hurricane season of 1972: Monthly Weather Rev., v. 101, p. 325-331. Speer, P. R., and Gamble, C. R., 1964, Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, Pt. 2-A, South Atlantic slope basins, James River to Savannah River: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1673, 329 p.SELECTED REFERENCES 87 ------ 1965, Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, Ohio River basin except Cumberland and Tennessee River basins: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1675, 630 p. Tice, R. H., 1968, Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, Pt. 1-B, North Atlantic slope basins, New York to York River: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1672, 585 p. U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, 1973, Hurricane Agnes, June 14-23, 1972: Natl. Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm. Natl. Weather Ser. Prelim. Rpts. on Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, p. 23-193. Walker, P. N., 1971, Flow characteristics of Maryland streams: Maryland Geol. Survey Rpt. Inv., no. 16, 160 p. U.S. Water Resources Council, 1967, A uniform technique for determining flood flow frequencies, Bull. 15, Hydrol. Comm., Water Resources Council, 1925 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 22205, 15 p. Wiitala, S. W., 1965, Magnitude and frequency of floods in the United States, St. Lawrence River basin: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1677, 357 p.88 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 <3 H •< Q £ O t=< § w H C/3 Si 0 CD C «> ITJ X T3 § 2 U P P T3 O « e - C in O CN P ovx §3 -8 . «• P £ P Q o' A .a ■>r p - T3 «J O' (0 33 ?£* ■V -P (0 p § 2 0x0 z i-P -p n P o •P 21 m C n O - -P U'X a p o u 5 id •H 0 O' a •H Q C I 0 \g M O' W VO Z • m W H < H C c O *P •H P 0 P X -P is — 0 , O' P O' 0 C H O' 0 §ss. h-} O' P O 0 CX-Q P 0 id O CO P o m O (N p IN O 0 - O' CM O 0 O P »r- m 0 - 0>r- £00 o oix 0 p o •H 0 0 a x 0 o p m .. -h m M 3 rH 0 ►d -P 1 1 S" ts-s 1 1 fa O TJ CJ 0 §*^. ! g W -0 06 C hOOM 1 P M i pj i 0 1 'O P i O X C6 0 sisi i i Z Tl i i W 0 X *p i < Q * i 0 0» 0 •rl P P o X 0 0 O' O' 0 0 O' h o' go io in vo oisniNinHOvcoinvo lONinoMomoioH rr r- vo co -n1 co'cn (nhm 3 O' CN O CO i in o in ^ HH01O sg 0 s§ 3 P ■8“ s§ P n 0 Oi C 3 >» 0 P C -3 P 0 P P P 0 3 P O P 0 CO x s O' I P •H £ 0 0 O' £ -P P X 0 0 * Z 0 0 52 ■ T3 C 10 0* •H P O' 0 POVH 0 0 CO P C o 0 30IN 0 C O rH 0 ■H 0O e p — c 1 0 o£ O>0 0 rH O' — >i — X IN 3 Z 0 p ° 8. 0 -H PP0 0 0 tJl'O > B co T3 rH O' 0 H C 0 X Q 35 0 3 0 Q >0 0 Z X 0 O' 0 •H P P P 0 O ffl 0 P x -h u P 0 0 •P O' T3 O CO 0 I > ’.5 0 x p o o P 0 O' 0 p 1 -8" JX 0 P P O 0 3 0. = 2 3 ' CO = 0 M 2 IN X tU O ?» fN 0 X -P m P Z O 0 0 o O - P 00 p P o X -P 0 O' u O' P o CO P P O' 1“ . p~ 0 p O O O' O' u -0 0 •H O' Q P o O' rH O C‘H ft 0 E X P 0 P l 0 c/l 0 rH C • 0 3 P E •P P p) 0 3 0 ‘X Ci in 3 fN o p» 0 = "rH w 6 o> o *4"1 0 O' -H rH Q rH ^ P - 0 0 0 Q T3 1 0 P O' 0 fl 00 >§ • 0 SI . 3 b ~ §523 O r' U o 0 O' So O'o IN 0 IN O O' rH Z 0 X P C P rH W 3 0 -P OhgS & CJ CO CO w w Z Q U S5 >H - X fa Z fa ^ o O P •H 0 P 0 P 8.3 P 0 5S 0 c O' 0 38* CO I 1 'O cn £ u 20o X P $ 0 s -o o 0 p r- cr. o i— m o oo co 03 fO IN IN C 0 X P 0 P X E P co C T3 0 0 rH -H P C 0 P o X -P O' 2 •H C p 0 fa P Z — o c o a c 0 r- O' O' 0 C 0 o • 0 0 0 0 O' < OtNOlHrl’TfNHO •p >i 0 p < -p >H 0 rP -O O' 0 O' U <£ 0 W p C P 3 0 0 O' CN rH VO Z 0 C p > Q CJ 0 X 0 rH > 0 0 0 P u s 0 >1 p X o O' vo rH O' Eh OOO't^rHrH'tfNOr- fa O' > « TS P rH P TJ 0 3 - p) IN ^ O' z 0 p -p T> 0. 0 O O $ w r'r'Mn(NO>r'VO'f Z 0 •P c •p 03 Z 0 0 o •p C p C CJ •p *p 3 co 1-3 CN z W p p 0 0 o o CQ P p 0 0 Ji 0 >i H 0 Id rH O' O 0 Z 0 0 rH Q) ■p o z § ooooooooo K p. 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SJ • 19 ter UJ 3 SJ UN CD E 2 2 w 3 3 CD "3 4-J C •H CD 2 2 3 o o m o mmoiM-f 3 -t 3 h o 3 0 3 3 -J- o -t o-t 3 0 0 0 in t O X uN ~~ tn ° 3 w — D CTN X D J, h" 3 3 CM CM CM C O 3 CM CM O CM O 3 CM - SJ -h - P. 2 2 : 3 O *0 tn CD X o a -O nO -O ^ -O -O -O -O -0 -o >£) -o -0 X '3-3 in 0 g P O QS 3- D 0 c 00 3 3 I- 0 re m 3 Slr< X O | Ih X *4H g CJ c 2 o in -o o co CM 0 e O ox 3 3 3 a O M g C CtJ 0 2 Dis and bove <1 os < X m o o m in m cm cm 3 -j- in in m m m CM CO CM 't O' -t 1 CO 0 t 5 O CT3 O to : d mi O CO 0 E 3^-~ O O - Ih O E - CtJ .. 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S3 <4-i 3 3 CO CD 6 > r» \o on >o 3 4-J 3 co o 3 X o 3 0 0 3 UNI - 3 3 : id o X > 3 o < co 0) CO 3 <4H 3 U ID 3 oo o 3 3 3 X X +-» ■4 3-3 - 3 3 00*4-1 3 O 4-J C/3 3 cm X3 -m r- 3 co on 2 -3 —I 4-J O CD o ex 3 oo X+-* CD J«S 3 —I C/3 3 J*H O 0 3 J 6 *4H a 3 os +-> O 3 o a. 3 to co Mh 3 -cm O 3 to • g i in oo 3 to .1 S3 • '3- -3 3 SO ■'3 4-J X -H 2 ON X 3 SJ 3 3 002 3MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CU3IC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 92 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 O O O in O 1 0C 1 o o o o o o e T3 > 4-J £ X 1 -t ^ -• o O CO o m c o) d) c CL l/) I -> -« Z rZ rZ 6 g «, r-. X E JZ o i CTT . o o i cm r- m- o o 5 CO 4-> 4) l/) r-t T3 rt X) •H X <—' im 4-J O uj i in -j- •* >»• ^ C 4-* 5 O E Ifl 33 •H 33 u C0 1 in o Q.T3 C.1* at c a> ca CL cO UJ 1 o o o o o o 3 O »4H O E g w «-* I CM •* ^ -J- H -J 4-» QJ l+H rH d) a) ^l E 1 O CM O CM in-H +j ® H SO 2 E 4-J a 1 sO 'o o o rt ** 4-1 O O « o 33 rH 3 1 1 C •h 33 cm a> cO 10 C 00 , a) 1 1 i JZ a> 4J w < •3 > . U in z O 1 CQ •H M 3 3 ’ c •H O E < 1 cm O cm o o o O' cm in ° 2 H < aj •HUM ^l O "5 Q sz X l *o co in u J ► ► - "1 ^ ^ o; o u i C 00 3 • 33 •H 4-J _ 1 ^ ^ 1-1 uj > Xh cm u <4-1 C W a> 3 o 1 aZ +-> -H c s « rt E JO 4J JO JO CO UJ X I m uh O rt C 1- <4-1 U 4> -rt oo . S a, 4) 2 ' LCS > 1 S I-* E 3 00 . 33 E c O (0 U) X 1 o o o moo o o 5 «z JZ c C 4-J • H <4-1 00 a> az K | H iH (M o -j- o — CM •“* -4" O CM CO D,-r4 -H •H 3 ’oo c ' o o in O, lo 3 4-> 5 «J 03 OO 2-H •H 4) o -C sC •0 0-0 O O ?5 33 <4H X >s c o +-j 4-* 00 o o H o E r~- O « li O Tt CO OO U to 4) DC CO to c oo o •Th 1 LO 00 • 03 CM 4) c co > i o C -IH 75 u CM* ' Ol 4-J . CO 4-J uj ! cm c o o i 4J O JO a ’2 5 o •H W CM <4-4 >. < U 1 a i om^-ivo-oinooo o o •iH *H E 00 7) (/> i 4, 4J 33 B? Q H-i az o X C O O CO in | »-« ^ -< r-l 21 3e Ri cr q ^ 'c oo c O 4J 4-J O a i i H +J H to i o « 1 x 3-1 4-> 4-J m x O 3 H—4 33 a £ o CO Ol i—1 CM 3 - si cm «* <4- -4- ooooooooo OOOf^Of^Of^O Oh-3hMNOJOJ(NJ CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM 'C-CsO'G'C'G'C'O'C O 03 -X 33 X . co O Z 3 r-l O X 4-> Q O O «o h OffiTJ 5S'S »-l tO UJ 0) *- U to an uj o c3 o az o H ^ II Z O' O -t Cm lOO o o Ifi o rtOcOO^ o oo -4 r- o cm -J" o H h CM CM CM vO O sC •£> -O JO cm CM CM CM CM in in o m o <-> «* cm -4- o O'f'CMi-H't O O -9 CM CM cm cm cm cm cm CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I •O sC -C sC -c o o o moo hco ^ CM CM CM mm h r- t*- r-o o o o o o cm o o o O O CM eomK'o®mO'm iMO’-i'fO'ff’m'O Hin^hr*iMH o h mm ^ c oininmomoo m^HnOnmo iDm>or^cooccM't HHHHHHlMCM O'C'C-C'C'C'C'C i T i i i i i i 'GtC'CsG'C-C'G'C in o o h cm o *4 O O CM CM moooommoo nOmmmriHmo ^■'00'0(M^'Om>t OOOhhHhCM(M ininininninminin (MfMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I O'CvO'O'O'O'O'C'o HiMioinooooo ^ cm*1 4 mi Oihcm i- h io is. o m ^ H o rtHm^coffaiCMn momomoooo ^o-jm^oomo OHHcmO'vj-^m^ OOOCOH-HCMCM O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O' O in f» CO o CM CM in o o o -* cm o o o cm -t o o CM CM O' cm in CM CM CM CM CM in in o o -4 -* cm o CM 00 O' 't CM CM CM CM I I I I sC sO O sC o vo O' in cm m 'l- co o m^HoKoi'O'® <-* cm -t in .4- p-h mou'ou'oic'oo •-cm^cm-'O—'OO HCMm^ ino'-l’O'J OOOOOO-'CMCM o o O o mm in vO r- I i i l l i i l l ill 'C^'C-C-C^C'CsC'C -c JO sO o E > o ■H Ih 5 > JZ U 3) 6 in ‘ o cx J >- 3 Q E az O a) 3 i*H 0 h i/n u. cu t 1 i-X 3 C oc 33 i g.5; (21) 01376500 SAW MILL RIVER AT YONKERS,MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND.................... 138 64 6 819 4 8.8 1,340 RUNSFF.IN INCHES................................................... 6,03 2-87 7 766 5 10 1,150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 666 4 7.2 1,170 9 605 3 4.9 1,330 STREAMFLOW DATA 93 o o iH 00 ~0 CT> O O LO LO tn \o Md- K) O O lO Or 4 i-H 00 00 VO u V X T-00 00 + CIS -H <4 o os'- vO tO ooim CM vO Y3- O r-~ r- IDT) h •M C 3 CCS CTJ O o o o 0)000 C«OTf 3 O CM CM o o 0) to o C o -t SON o o 0) to o fiOYt SON CM tO vO O O o to to O O O O O CM o o o o o o hooooso LO O O O LO LO c OO LO O vO \0 OO r LO 00 00 MOr-lr r—I SO O O O O OO LO cm to LO o vO N OliO N rl o o o o o o o o to OO o o VO VO to VO to 03 OO Tj- CT> i-H Tf LO O 00 CO o o o o o to O O O 00 >-l O O O CM lONOOOlOH +j It u I CM CM CM CM to to 0(1)30 E- S ft < o o o o o o 1- -t O O O O O CO CO O CM CO O' yJ-Ohhn co cc cm in HI cm r- CM s}- Yf co co m m o o ■J-HCOO «t Yt 00 Yt Ohhn cm in co co CM CM O O O O CM y}- 0 m o o co ^ co o -o O co m- •—* CM CM CM CO OC CC CO 1 I I I «o y0 «o o o m o co H o o m «t o o cm in m in i i i CO O O CO O' CO O' CM hi -4- m -o in h cm cm y^- in in ifiOOO --I o o o y}- CM O yJ- O HI CM CM O' O' O' O' I I I I yO -O y0 yO y£> hi -l- i-t -o co in ion-o r- O' yJ m >0 yO*t CM HI fH ■“* o o m o to o Yt o CM yO -t Yt O O H N •t O' O' o co in co co r- co HCVICVIHH .-H CM C\J ■ 3 0 P E X 0 3 hVph'hhhhph P •H 3 3 3 3 -r1 P §1 a O 3 O P in X p -3 P cd cd p P 3 X x o S E P 3 3 P O' W OOOOOOOOOO id rt a E rvlH P p p E O' b pocsjcNn-vor^oom p P P rH p p P (N p-cnpoipoot'^r-^'or-. o o E w in ^ 3 »» W S M CM - « x P 3 a, ja 3 3 0 3 X IN < -3 P p < p p'3 6 5 d -- ■° 1 P Q) a s 3 rH 3 ’ o 3 O' I -Q 6 id 0 E-* P 6 3 00 c/l a> H O' 3 JO H 2; /-v iU 3 3 P 3 O IN X OOOOOOOOOO 5^ o td *3 3 3 OO 04 3 >i 3 3' 3 P P O' W P covomoocNP'd-mooiN X p Si vO Eh 0 d U P p (NiNtnincNiNcniNiNiN pi p p » 33 22 1£ P C-0 •“p 0 co w d ai O 3 3 - g P g 8 -a 3 O 3 r iii oo CJ P 3 3 3 nj H E S 3 § c i in x u s p in 3 p ' O' E x p p i 0 (2 CQ g cNOomoooooo p 3 P P O P 3 O' P -H . 3 0 p b 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ _T ^ ^ ^ ^ kT 2 in a> CQ 0- < 3 • O in 3 S E O' 3 rH ( S 3 3 3 ■2* O' 0 IN u = u p b CO U D = 3 _3 3 3 p «j O' 3 0 o o c3 x m «Ol U ° +? 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X -3 s Eh -H 2 V 0 33 ■” is - 0 cJ cd D 3 u CO Id X u m < 2So CO 0 3“ - < Q 0 X fri a: ip E-< o o o < M o u U X o o < M o w in in l'' VO o o o o o o o o o o M O Cl VD CO O O O O o moo^'3' CO 'T f' cl ff, in o o o o >h o o o o O IN VO O ’f VD VO VO VO 13 3 in P id P 0) in 3 ai it 3 e vo 3 X § I - P 3 tig 5i = in ro o 3 x O O' = Q> m p nj id Is I? a) u p o 3 MH s m 3 •h ai p p > o o x si P O'P POP nJOS a) s p O' O P o x P m "i P 40 0 3-Inters r-~ 1 1 si 0 p u id 1 p in 1 P 3 . id ja §^c p p 3 3 >1 ! id 3 S 1 1 1 1 1 p id 3 < 8Q St0 3-^0 I UJ 1 Z X 0 1 1 Eh • W 0 3 2 O 3 3 P P 1 0 1 P 1 w 3 o < < 3 P x c in u <3 a) CON-OO'NO'hO^O'H con-'Oinr-inin«t'J-m't 000000'J‘'f0sJ- (M^--Of\jin^-ico>oinin N N in N H h o in in ini r- O' N3inmin-i«'t^r npiio.fin^hecO'H x m E in 0 P 3 rH in o X 03 p p a 3 id 0 E o 3 - a) CM P id .O' 3 3 O X O g* 3 in X 3 -rH 3 T m p p p in m X • acn 2 R 3 (i O' P 2 r^oooooooor^ P- O' u o' X p 3 X “5 •C r-l in m —1 r-4 r-4 P -H -H X 3 ^ i* IN 3 O' *H P P •d 3 O' \ “ > ^ 1 - § > § 0 3 P P IN 3 r-~ ^4 O ^HfNjm-tin'Or^cco'Op X X 3 _ P rn in x ► p p p p p P p p N- E 3 - 2 O' 3 P P 3 X x O P in 3 -P 3 3 O in-1 3 rH E 3 P P 3 CL xin eon ^ vj ° E in id P O' O MH P CL ”3 i?" p p X P 0 3 UJ 3 X 3 0 m 3 P a! U P 3 3 ss g in 3 u in S O P bi P 0 — CQ UJ •t •Oh'tOI't •fNW c P 3 id 3 O'P 0 in O X c CQ iH 3 P X O 2 a •H P x' VD 0 VD 0 P in id p id * UJ - P P 1 3^3 3 O' CL > 2 § 0) £ 0 O'X p p p id P in X P 3 OOP in O' o POO c/l > 5 I o •-■a s 3 in •3 X >i I P (0 o « r 3 0 O 3 P U 3 id dl 0 1 UJ 1 2 X 0* 3 "3 3 0 p 1 0 1 X 0 p P P W X P 0 3 0 X O IMS. ->m f 1 1966 1 1 1 1 t c p ) id O X O S p M P oooooi^csio'—icno cncncnc\ic\jnJc\jnJc\jnjcM coff inNcomofN'j -J & •£>■-< co m O' o in p r->o>oinin-4--4-inin't H-jNomi,'ino«iH 'Cf'lO'i'tINHO'CCCO inniniNiNiNf'jHHH HiN(tin>ci'itO‘' o X o 2 2 < •-* £ Z > ► P U. X u_ I- O 2 2 C X 2 aGAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 19 72 (2 9) 01472157 FRENCH CREEK NEAR PHOENIXVILLF., PA. STREAMFLOW DATA 95 3 rH I- o > TS X OS as DO 03 OS e 3 (X as a. o OS J3 CJ T3 OOvO •H vO OS • x os 0) « OCP 03 X DO DC 3 O' O I-H J3 in D. a) u co o in O

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•H X Q U op oi rH a in o in r--~ P in •H p p TS aS • • b : ^ g E OO o as T! ° CM O w* Q O aS TS 2 UJ < O X f-u 1 c_s o X i Q CJ < CJ CO Q X $ oooooooo OOXCMXOOO M'OrHXin'OCMrH 00000X00 OOOOOTXO toxc\jxr-'a'fMT OoHiHHHCNIM totoxiocoiocovo nioMndmc M/UO Oi O Hr XOOOOOOO ■hooxxooo O Ol l£l O H N n If OOHlNININNN CMCMCMCMlMCMCMlN I I I I I I I I lOVOtOtOlOlOiOVO o o o o o o CM X ID O O rH O O O O CM M* O O P O Q) 3 • mu o' - £ -H = O T) X P as X £ in ns -U O QJ 3 in p O' c <0 C 3 3 o o tr rH T3 in O D4J M1 O' P -o o P -H C <0 P J jQ in I SP g as M > X 8 3 § Si c > •H O Q) "S in in UH H o in as o XJ o x c g CM a> i P x 3 cm in iO as Q) C g 3 as P -P o as mh f* •p p c o as u 21 i as Q o 05 O O x O 3 >, •H X P P P 10 C <0 H Q| (D OS g C p a) p p a) 3 O O' in mh p 10 ns as in x g *0 -h as i c P as as O' am (0 o p P I -H in 3 3 i as i -p in • o c §3 o P -H O -p -P CJ C 3 SO rH o as < TJ 5So in as 3 •H 0'J3 Q 3 O O' in M •• rH p CM iO r->1 g x a) 3 S i? o O X -p 2 g r o o S P 1 1 1 > I | X 1 j X 1 i Eh W X CJ CJ UJ | XOOOOOOOO'O 1 O f- J eh ^ w X Z>!x°OCM'OOlMOO'rH 1 -S' a u 1 r* CM n 3 (M H H H 1 rH 1 i s XCMCMXXXO'XXr-X (MO'X^-sJ-^-oO'I-'XX j m i0X.©O-hXM-XX CMH(\jlO(M'JCMHj"t CMC'JIMIMl'JIM'tfO'tX ' x r- x O' o -xx-4-r'-X'tf~-i'^r-< -xr-M-oooxor~ cr-xxxxxxx^- 0'xr~X'to--|'i-rHX XOl'CMHO'IX-S It x-tmmmiMiMiMCMCM HCVJIt^X^McO'H x x •— UJ O X z z >■ ► J u. X U. t- o z z O O z oc 3£ o o o o o X M- o O o ib co co O o O o o o o o O x x CM o o O o X O o o t—I IB CM T OOHCM D rH X O O r x x x x o o X CM U X a 1 o o o o o o 1 x m o o o o Eh 1 O o rH rH cm CM < CJ | rH rH rH I—1 rH rH 1 CM CM CM CM CM CM < Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | to to to x to CO96 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 tfl CM to «- N~. cn 1^ > Lp (U -3 fX C H9- M- CM tO T}- tO CM CM CM O LO <0 0 0 C9 as 0 tn <9 0 CTl CTl CTl CTV CTl X 3 p)- 165 Tons secc 0 0 0 O O OOOO 000 0 0 ze cla nillim t and 5 than 3 E E S O u ^ ' C P-N C O r-H C r-H 00 00 0 tfl C -p <9 •H 1/5 I-H "a C 3 w p p p «P 0 p on C co 6 01 to to to to 1 rt to to rt H T3 cp P 0 3 ’p . tp 0 U P V c p p id N vO tO N tO 3 0 3 CM i) n TJ <9 0 3 3 - 3 O O O O OOOO O O i-H 00 CTi vO O M-LO tO CTl T) (9 p r-~ tsj LO to lOtMOt CTl <0 3 •3 19 •3 •H 0043 K, PA 3 P O C ft (f ter m P 3 X X 00 • H 3 Q <9 (9 (X pu< iad 0 0 ■—1 r-- 0 CJ < cx O P 3 0 E 00 1 3 on X 3 OC p 3 X r—. 00 Ci P CO *o X * «p 0 O >3 r-H 3 1—! c 3 • Q X gocg C 0 CM COHHIM 3 3 COHN 3 3 c O P P-r a E 3 C *3 (X ' ' E on 3 tp 3 tp CO P ”3 0) O < LOOOOCMH < P e • •H -3 tn 0. C O O O O CM <0 Oi M- Tt tO H CM H <£> tn •H 3 O P U os < P 2 0 3 ■-H CO < O <0 O 00 in 0 OOOOO OOOOO M O Ol

TO>0'<-<0'*000'0'tM cocof'-r~-r'-r^r-~r-'0'Cr~- H(M(0-l-|n'OM»aOr-t IMlMCMCMCMIMCMlMCMCOCO O CO <0 CM CM (M <0 O'COhhcpO'O'OO'B rt —* -< IT\ ITl t it P co to 00 > CM CM lO > <9 <9 C P 3 (9 P ip O I to (9 P O V C >1X 3 to 3 C 3 a tr in - in £ -P <9 tfl to p . TJ 3 E >1 tr to <9 P -H TJ C -H In x o x p 3 O' 1 a • 3 >1 to >1 o P U rH p •H &■£ > O.P to . 3 P vo in (9 tr m o, O' P-H «rH (U a O Q) -H a o x x -H 43 xi c c (0 3-0 93 tr E <9 <9 (9 r—I pX PH C OO O 3 *P P p tr P to T) C P P (9 O •h o in o §p 3 co in p in -h <9 -H VO I— CO O Day Elevation Contents Elevation Contents Elevation Contents Elevation ContentsSTREAMFLOW DATA 97 P cd C * •rC 00/—, T3 P t/l 3 cd d to x O o P X t/i ' •H T3 cd 3 O C. r oo o VO f- CM fll-H cD p \ II c CO vtOKIHf CTl Ol HHOIOI 00 P C O. O 3 D. x to to Ol f ifliooimco tool to lOvOtOiON I-. rH _ - CD H- cD •iH v—l P 'D- P OO c o p -3 C 3 o g ■—1 O s ^ p E X t-O CD •3 P c o p t 3 oo -3 d T3 3 O 'D- in CTl 00 0) t3 -h cm m to UO O • W> 05 CJ to c 3 oo CD to O o (0 d P to 3.. cD /—N a> ID 0) co a ' o c •H O CJ ri 1 - 3 CX C Eh rH 3 C <0 CD P \ C *3 O -H ■ 3 u E 10 CD a p as - cj X CO CM •3 Ol oo f" ' CD CO CD t—t T3 2 3 CTl 3 0 X o 53. O os cd CD 1st U4 CJ * X X rH CD 3 3 2 oo in « evj -D- C • • o > Q i E— P OS d o CD E C « t0 tO rH rH P {XrH UJ X o a. PJ 3 > cm CTl rH O 3 X »P 3 0 0 -4 . -r» z cr u CO CJ CTl P r ° 2 tow . 3 CU h 2 >h < ax to Tt Ol r Q.rH rH X to x o 1 CTl ^3 H 6 O X -p X to w 3 ft 5 e 10 "3 •H T3 3 O CNJ C 3 Q P 3 O XDOU1N mtOTti^o CO CO CTl to H tn oo in n x HDMnxx X ”3 Q 6 C X c P rH CD P to x a c e-h M M CO to 3 -3 3 3 3 d 00 CD O CD 3 -H 3 ° P O W CQ P P E p 3 0 tp to P 3 O •a p h in P T3 • H 3 CD co a m *<* C 3 3 X O w co 00 OXtOIDN rH CTl 00 CVJ CTl tO CTl CM tO tO CTl rH tO CTl X O 0 00 X CM X to Ol H to rH 00 to O ° J 3 C ^ ■H O d e cd'to' in to to hd- to tO CVI N CH N rtiHtsintM tM CM CM CM 1—1 rH rH rH rH rH rH H rH H CM • CM x p P O 3 Q CD 300 in d ‘p 3 T3 ;H d o e ° to 3 3 P X X CD p" P •3 . X rH X P E D. 3 C UH cd‘ ^ 3 p1 00 o 26 3 p 00 OlXONH in to H- to CTl CTl IO CM t^ P 3 tp OO X 3 0 CX X 3 if* L 7. 00 O CX X P cD 0 to x m 00 00 X tO rH m CTi 1 in m to CM CM rH HXCTlHH Tt rH to O H in CM O T* IO tO Tf t 25C .09 S •H a. O P OO'—' ° 3 d « « m t 3 OH P • CJ d 1 ° to : • p P P o o e 3 o rH CD C 'P P T3 t-H t3 3 P P ox p • 9. 3 O in cti m Tf 0 co to CM 0 0 OO X X tO CM DCOtOOO m in cti 0 HtOTf (MN o O oo tp P • O rH 3 3 O -H C 00 E CJ X 3 rH P ,—i x CD to 300 OOf 3 d +-* 3 CD r—\ XfHf ^ rH o 3 a a) X 3 O tfl to cD •fH a) t3 e 3 etJ oo 3 cd a o "3 u o at cD 3 3 J X oo i oo 3 Q 3 OS > o o u XI a« E-

nd to O CM 00 . to to CM CM rH CD D. X C in 3) ,250 465 243 480 230 196 141 114 152 130 111 347 ,110 818 189 109 229 125 206 126 100 97 85 69 145 IflNNCMO rH r-H T O t- CO vQ io CTl rH 6 1 sedi Tons secc CM M S O •h f-t3 1-1 rH r-~ 33 Cl) Oion -f f-H rH rH d) 00 *3 C 0) o 3) -h Of-vOHN 15 12 11 14 12 CM CM O lO CTl f—1 rf M rf rH 13 23 12 21 15 mrt't IO>J H- O LO OO vo to 1 i i 1 33 c 3 0 3-.'-' in o ■*-> rH CO X o X CD CO ^-v a c h --I in co +j ■— at 0) 00 o o o o o o o o o o o o m S o E X Mh M rH CTl LO LO LO LO LO C o ^f CCJ w CTl vo 'd- 39 24 IS r r- e o a> •H <1)3 tf +H C 3 CM LO O O CM LO LO O CM O O CM lo O CM O O to O fd- O to o 33 Q X d) H Is ft C O H CM CD O to M-c o rH CM d)Ot COT d) O ff CJOCM C O CM C ° CM cO cO ’-0 4-J - (U CX X OOONN OlflN'tH vO LO O M M ocooiiflo to o o o o O O O O o CM rt o CD CD -3 c C in T3 to to o io cm 3 £ S tn rH -J CT‘ rH H to to to CM 01ffl00>0 to H N Cl t 1 to l i LO n •rH o rH rH O rH M vO E o ONH CM to CM CM *7" if CM H rH to d> C d> ■ ' ro c o 00 c 0) H -3 6 *3 c o *3 • C ^ oooooo d> 3) -h C 4-> COONftN m rj- ft to tO CM CM LO rH O 00 VO CM CM rH rH CM 31 41 48 39 77 O to O OO CTl t- in co cm co 00 IO M CM LO CliOiOft LO 1 i 1 i 1 u d) d> -H \ a u +j oo 00 00 vO o o vo cm IO CTl VO 00 ff o O 'TO Ol O O CO tiO d> 0) Of C 1- --I in co \ rH c d> 33 O Sh w in u +■> 1-1 rH rH CM CM rH rH rH Vh cO X u *3 3 DEM SUE U w o 33 d) d) oo 3r /-v rt in o o o o LO LO CTl CO lOiO to IS o o o o o o o o OOOOOO oooooo H OO O M CM rH 33 § a) oo 3-1 rt X o»toeo CO'O'ON'O vO O O CTl rH OH*tlMiO 1 1 vo -oo 33 oo oo y O O M 00 3C 8C 2] rH MtlO to 00 O 9) O O 2 in w (MOiOrttO to CM CM CM H rH rH rH rH rH rH to to CM VO rt vO tO tO vO lONOlWOl rH CM J U d)'-' N N lO vO 7. 8. 12. to in tt tint •3 vo X oo X d)3 tf CM O LO LO O 22 45 45 30 o to CM O O O O O O Day H CM tO rj- IO vo m oo cti o H CM tO rf LO rH rH rH rH rH O Is CO Ol o H CM to rt LO CM CM CM CM CM 26 27 28 29 30 31 Tota Mean Inchi Ac-f 0) oo rt CJ3 03 rt O Q X June 00 00 21 24 C o f—C CM 3 -» CM d) CM vO 00 CM O rt C O O O rH CM CM 3 •n in O C 0) o OOl in 1- to to oi in oo n o in vo to OOOOvOlOCMrHrH to^-Tt'O'OtONpg t to to tj-to r (U "0 Vh ^ C 3 c« rt o CM LO O O O O i—i to to o o OO'tOl'O't G O O O rH CM O H N t' to O O rH r-l o o o o o o o o o o o o O N to rt O) o in 00 c rt e O ' 100001010100100001010100 ooTt'OTtootoooooooor- HtOlOlOlOTf'JtOlO’JOlCOrtNNr OtOIOvOOOOOOvOM flON'O'O^ttCONCOH ttO'OOlt'lONlO'OOlM H Ol >0 O S T 0) T3 (-*-> C 3 cO cO O NiflOOlOiflOlflOiOOOOlOlfllflO rHOOrHrHOrHtOrHOOtOrHrHrHO OHtOlOlOiOCOOlNlOlOlOOlHNlOfl' Cooooooohhhhhmnnn §>-* 0) • OO c T5 O X c d) X U h o C u* ?$ o o 5 S OJ U t-HSTREAMFLOW DATA 99 10 /-% 0'--'cc'0 o co m cn cn O' < in rH o re ko w x x o O © C. M ^ S ic ® Cl C, 3 X M''0-OtM®C'O'C'OC O' CM re 6 O 3 vO 3 (J x c « *jh cn “17 3 -rH X E c cn o U4 • rH f—1 (/) 3 X X) Ol X O re- c r\ ■M cn UJ 'OoocMn-HcncM'Hincn O' -t X 'O 3 cm >•3 in O 1-4 a “5 « 3 -h x. oovCOf—iD'csjcnmoovo c re X o ►- 4-* c « E °* • “ o o - re ex UJ 0) U X OS ci t3 e 3 DC ^ c C -t n - "3 CJ i H < X u *4-1 4-1 X UJ inmf-hCMMHCMO' c Ifl I** u 3 o re /—> mcocvjCTiinvooonjcNi'O s ^ 3 a tj o n o r> c -o U T3 c CJ in O < CJ o & z •3 a o i x cm US -4- a o •rj O CO 3 g b o 4-* o rt E UJ 3 CJ r-j m |4 a) 4J 3 cc X Eh . mo-, oooooooo >. CM — H^tCOC^inNHH Q a> re .-h 10 o u c Q C " 1 <4-1 u X a z X 2 o rH T3 . re o •H UJ • ^ '• • *r» (_ Eh . ,-> moomoooinoo in • o E -H CO 1 > CM _J H rH rH -H z re X Eo lONNHHCOMCf'X _ a* X m OCX Ol “J 2 x o - o ' c x> O 1-. rH ^00 1 q rH < 3 ° V in a2 do x c ►3 u X 2 I C_) *4-1 o; 4-> 3 re c < s ° U 3 3 z o cm O oj E- "3 S TJ •J -> < < z z Q b Q 4-4CMm-tin'Of"00O'rH X oc CM Of" C'tO'OomrvJOO'f" cm #-< cMiMiMCM-4'ininmxrH O- —4 o-'OCT'O—''OmO'Orvj 00s 5'OO'Hifl^'f HO'C1 CM CM (M CM CM X X in o inininmmoinooo rH O H^^H^OrtCl^O o ~t ^r-i't'0f"0'a'(\ir"'T OIM OOOOOOOxxcm «j- -4- inminininminininin CM CM CMCMIMCMCMCMIMCMCMCM il i l l I i I I l I I >0*0 ■O'C'C'C'O'O'O'O'O'O *4-mO'M,inininM,coni'0 «j-ir\fMHr"cocoC'-0 m(MO"rn^H'i'a\'t(M CMCOcn'S,TJlin'3’COC'JCMfM in O' CM X CM CM CM O' X O' CM X inomoinoininmino >4-crexfnxm-j-,4->i-xo COaOH(M4-NCOO''M-f OQHHHHHHHfMfM in o cn o H m ^ o OK1IMJ-O O H (VJ CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I I I •O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O CM CM CM CM till vO -o o o o HHO'lA'OCCmfVf'O HHH(MHH(ClO'(M CM «t in cm i" u h in O' ro c ere <-i >t'tm^cocncMO'«t r-r~0'OCDO'CMr"in HHHNHHNNm oif'inminininoo 0't>Cf'-iNNCC''i- OHHHIMCJCNJIMN CM I o CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I 'OO'C'C'C'C'^'C CO o O' f" CO X CO CM f" CM o —■ cn cn CM CM CM CM in m in m o in ■t ^ h ^ in H o h cn in mo o o o o o o CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I C «0 'C -c ~c >c 1 -J do re 3 IH u •h e X o cx u E cr re 2 Q DC m Eh x o cn 'O 3 U 3 X c in re o X E 3 E 3 O re -M 3 •3 Eh in 0 3 3 - M -H 3 X in rex 0 , °- ■ W X X in a re * ® - X m O. c 3 -rH re E •H 3 3 00 0 •H -3 4-> E • X 4-j re 0 X Q ‘H 3 3 c: 3 /-v **"* -H E w re re ”3 c o O *4-1 o *H re *+H 2 £ ^ C 3 s rH O re 3 c Q E C x JC 4-J ft 3 c ^4 0 re C O re 3 X •H X 3 • 3 in cn 3 DO E X X4 X h; "3 E X X TJ re 3 •HX •3 Eh X 0 s <4H U X) C DC DO U. Eh X 03 re c 00 1 “ ■ UJ Q ■H C cm ^ 2 - U* X 3 O 3 >4 3 '—' X < O *+H -H "3 *< C 3 c *j •H 3 re c -rl O JH C" Ol 3 C c Sj 3 re X o- U E 3 ' Q K xo re -H h> DC g xcn 3 e •3< H ”3 3 p r re 3 Ihio < X 3 3 •rl Eh ' E Eh 11 0 c 33 C u « O 3 Ol X CJ M in CJ do 3 CM X 4-1 c aj "5 3 S> o Ql - a. re cj X-H re a) •3 DO H o X O re M O C" < x 00 re x Eh X 3 X in in •3* _ X ^ p* . CC O4 c ►3 3 x a. 3 3 2 , 8 UJ •3 •3 O w re g ■3 0, X X Eh re ? DC'—J X 2 s - Jh *4H a. •3 CJ x"" 5 re cn 3 -Se 00 . O. CJ re O X E Ui 3 O X *M X x 0 O. X C 3 0 0 Eh O rt . 2 re “ w “ CM C x 3 O -H x *x U : hj 3 in CM E 2 X : E re" x re Eh X O 3 CM O. W E - Eh - X CM 3 X 0 C X • X X X r-, 0 0 cn c* CM CJ u> *4H Si Tr MM 5 in ^ ^ 3 1- 0 0 Eh "re X CM . °- DC 0 *4H u. re 3 3 x 4J 00 cn 0 O. 3 Eh 3 X O O X C re w 0 £ U 1" O 3 S) M 0 x £ CJ . Eh 3 1 H3 X u c Q 1-1 1-1 o DOC" re •H X X Q CJ CJ 2 D0*4H E Eh 3 X O • -H 0 3 O --H 3 in O re in X C3 O O O M x a> in re cc 3 e V ° M- •H Vh ^3 • • wQ 1-12 ^ mi x b -3 CJ 04 DO *0 O : 3 • re X CO 0 rH re O' DO 3 3 "3 S COO § i^<-H W 2 re rH CM Ol O - M q re 3 Z £ E 8 X re s O 3 D- O • a. X c O' CO 00 re cn Ol 1 C XX • re cn x X -3 Eh a 3 o T3 3 a • ►re ^ X 0 3 “ O E ! 0 Sx E UJ in X M-S rt T o Q os i in re 3 M S 0 3 Q g E—■ x re a c O CM re c« x < 1 o u 5 o o x 0 x re e -h < UJ O O ax 0 in Z C 3 UJ 3 Eh CJ 3 X 5 > 00 O s s x a. ■ E < f- s •re X 4-> i o in X M E a r” St! Z cr in 0 3 0. cn CJ Ol X 1-1 . -a -5 5 . X • CJ in . O vO cn oo oi (2 ^ < 5 *M wo 1 *x 2 3 X S M-* d e 3 s <; UJ 3 OS 4-J *< c 2 O rH !re O E °° CJ UJ Tt cc 0 Z 3 3 z 1 re 3 3 3 0 f— i- re Z ¥ 3 51 [Ml ft c z ^ 5^ S S3 s a *re 3 3 O' y CJ o X 2 a GAGI cn Q X ■ < s U O X 2 O CJ cn 0 3 2 e E cn 3 UJ cn X s c 3 ►re CD 0 00 From floodmark.(41) 01475510 DARBY CREEK NEAR DARBY, PA 100 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 ■ l Ouj i m (A m m r o in o o in o C\l CM pg CM pg pg *~ ! < i i i i i i i G G> G> CM -4- 00 00 «M ro eg eg -4 in O o o -* en m o o -t -t mooooomoomo ^*ooroom-HOfn-*o OOOOOOO—-—■—(pg ininininminminininm rgrgpgrgrgrgpjrgcgcgpg I I I I I l I I I l I OO-C-C-O-C-C-O-C'O-C o -O O O O o -4 * O' >0 -O O' i in in r> * r- «© -t (*\ i m o o o o o m l ^OmomiflH I CO O' O' O O -4 eg I O O O ^ o m o m o o m nj pg cn ro «j- m O m o O o Cl Y4 |*1 |Y\ O 00 O *t I^I^!^£'JtNJfNJf'J i o i z i t-" I mi I O O ► I <3 ~ t- I Ouj x I X C I I | CT'°'^f^®'OocD«tton--4fn^-^4 )ir----- - JfMMPgpgpgpgpgpgpu^mm omininooooinoinomino ■lOdOdrtd'fO'i'fO onjinvor^r-coco^pgpgmfPifn^- O^HHH-*Hrt(M(M(g(v|pgpgpg O I UJ | #-* *■ ! ii£ ' 17777777777 '0'0'0<©'0*00'00'Oo>or-^-o 0O'r»'Oi*)pgrt(fig^ inomoooinomo 0>-4"-*cgminf~r^r-~cc oooooooooo ><11111111 GGGGGGGGGG C 3 m c x> a> *-4 C 5° o a> NE3 OlJO - *3 E m 6 E 0 O O 01 h TJ 41 ^ > o 4i U rH OOpg hi r-» M£ a] so 00—1 a> rt § 00 -> in r~-n. ct> 3 o X « c o T3 U C E 41 T3 DO 0) rt TJ S. 14-1 u u ’”3 X ■ « 4>S i •j in o s co O' O ' •J in p- ct O' , E E rt £ . 4-1 00 G.T3 O 41 CO 41 »- M U 3 0 3 J C O • 41 E Z > > O o O •-H UX> H a. « < o e a) X J3 I- «44 U a> co •3 X3 c a •3 4) U > O 41 v- ers 3 X> JC o c U 4-> ST h 4f 5 OY os i/i < *+4 5° o N. tfl 3 •H X Q O in •• Q cm N OY •• Q 41 a£ 4-< O x U 41 3 S § O • >£} sg OY ^^mo'Pgt'Ng-wo muicnf— *0ifi'0inmin •O Oh O' -O CO f in in •os m in eo r •-4 pg ro ir.^Ncc O' .-< m *-* a Q X l_l z z < — X z > --I u. 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'OhCCO'H 1/3 «n O X o z z < »- z z >- ► CO CO CM 43 4) cm o m m „ r- r- in OC"" O' O' CO CO O' oinoomoinino (PHI<10H(f|H40 (Mm(fi4‘n4)0'(o4 OOOOOOOrHCM 444444444 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMcncncOCMC oomoininoooininininininmo 004«4Hm0l0H4H4HHH0 cMinm'0r-0'o^^Hf'j(''j4-inr'-0'fn4-000000-—*'—,*-<'_i>—•'-<‘—,CMCM 4)-04)43'b'b'b434)4)434)43'b4)4)43 (•cf3cnco4-inin4-coc< oinoinomoinoinooooomo 0H(fi-f0H|fiH0-((fl0ocP(P'C0 rt 0 •h 6 0 0 Q 0 CC > o o <-> 43 a ° rt 0 42 00 O W< 0 0 OO &. rt o in in ir. cm in O'O'O'IMOO'U'IJ'lJH in in r-3 co 4) 1 cc o HCM(Ci4in4N®0'0 ^OCHO-f HO in ir r— r— o fIMHO'O'fflCDO' 0 (C ^ IO 4 ffi O' - MnNTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. RUNOFF,IN INCHES............................(48) 01478000 CHRISTINA RIVER AT COOCHS BRIDGE, DEL 102 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 30 100 > 'J'CMfMCM’—‘(\jOr-i<—10(0 d CN e -3 c rj g w VH W aS -r 5 *■» m m cm CM VH X 15 © X - E 3 © ^ • 3 15 CO W 3 d W © t_5 00 rH 3 CM o « W W © in as H TJ © © U M 3 _ « r-t ^ o U m w tj X VH O W •3 in o c z o in c « CM IH z -U x 2. m •HJ5U - __ « o s W w rt g3 n - x o W s V ” OS © ' ac > 3 to O O CM •3 © W g « 03 ©we u Cl “ X o Q h im (fl M ‘C' -O P CO O'o m w tv. -3 o U 1> rt ® X « U 00 OCX <0 2 o X « •H 3 os- X Cl in © v < = to W X ^ -n H C 3 t^ in • • *H •T > c-'j-O'OomcMooo' r o s CO ^ «•*■ ui 3 r-t -Z in Q • 3 x*-* »H •• CM c 00 06VH tOU O in ■ cm cn 3 1 304 XP rH Ol < ai i-. x S § ” • © © •3 1^ 3 i s © a: i- u © 3 Vlj 3 3 in < as rt U£H Z O • X w aS fr* aS in x 1 H “5 < •— • X H < a o W Q *■ • M X z o ,r: s (3 W s S .3 > _1 U. 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O 34 6-3 CJ> ^ .. mm 34 UJ 43 X X o. 00 4-1 « X oo oo 43 00 e « 3 oo in o 34 x> 3 oi OH CO 43 nH 34 43 3 in e •H 43 TJ CX 04 "3 CO 43 «J 4J CO O in 34 •H CO Q X O u U CUTS as Xt' H-l Ol 3 r4 c 3: 3 *-> O §2 z x s r~*i-HHOO''OH4CM(^"t xxcx:cnocr^oor~xx •0- H h cm cn ^ inxr^o IX IX i— UJ o X l_3 Z z z z O 3 X cc-106 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 m m 10 H o H vj ,—I r—| P OG Ol 00 X inino^oino •4- -I O -t O -H O in o- o o to h t OOHHHnjM •O 4) 4) 43 VO vo VO in o -< o nj -j- p cu co r- c O' <4- r in fSJ r j-«4-p-oo^-iin(nrc «\jo r-o-r-o-coCT'O'CT'OP hhhhhhhhmm omomoomooo mH(n4(*iOrtOoo oeocn>J-mXp<\im>fr OOhhhhNNNN 42 p u E o 1 T3 E PS 03 o p 1 ' O

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STREAMFLOW DATA 107 uj z < H- o uj 55 < HH U UJ E 2 O O U43 O O O O o o o o cm o t O >H (N (N VD VO VO VC o o o o o o m o r- p' co co vo co o co vo 05 D. c o O •—c H HHHHnn O O O i—1 CM CQ cfl 3 2 to [£ rt' +j ■H CO US 8— CN CM 8-< O O C 4-> 3 "5 -rt UJ CJ5 --I 3 CO CO •H jfl < 5 O' ov co O O U X5 • CO Q OS 43 OS H 3 Z43 CS5 OS < 05 O 0 7 O E 43 O C3 UJ CM CM CM CM CO ro <0 4 4 <0 4 m CO cO 3 < a * C_5 43 UJ C_5 X a • H 7 05 1 3WII 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 O 0 >H O H CO lO 05 CM 4 000000 0 8-1 Hh X CJ5 in UJ • as +-> uj x U 05 os u c 1 05 E- 3 Z CT to Q H Z U5 s 05 05 X +-> rH CO 3 CM CM 05 05 X eO S 0 ■»* E 0 Uh 8—• 05 »-• < C_5 *+H z UJ r-c < 43 X c C_) co ^ 14-1 g s •-j •■j Mar CO E— S CM CM CM CM CM CM 1 - ' 43 vO 1 CM CM CM CM CM CM 1 1 1 1 1 1 VO Ml Vo ID VO VO O -J S Q < CS5 Q UJ C55 UJ i 3 *-> r-C 05 r-OO'OfM^cc-ineoo lA-mNJ'rt'C'tO'N HONnmNrHrfOyjN -occcoorvjOmoaO'l j q> B (f\ rH fi; ff. cnromror--cMO'Oco-j- m^-O'-'ceerf^r'-O'O co h _i r-< _i w ir >c ^ cc a- h in in O I o z z z z O 3 z a o o < —< o uj •4 -4 O' 4" r- -< -4 r~ -4 co cm co in m m o -i *4- -4- o O O (M 4 O —I cm -h0'4 OhhIMIM 45 O 45 45 -O incvOiMOOoooooooo l'lin40'N4l’Tvo0'0'4in'-<4 cc^-4^-mr~mcN^'f^4o\och- •_l(MTrvO'045^~r'45'4 o o o m o o m o •—< o - co 4 OOHNN 45 45 45 45 45 0 0 0 0 4 •4- o co o' r-moQ44 45 45 45 45 -O mnoeo- tn <4-c C o gr 43 W CO in 05 05 rC r-< 4-> -H U E O 4-> 43 i+H C a) co sx o 8-> t- 115 X O O r-teoincx54CMCMO'44n-eomcx3 ooo<-,'tinr-icnr--r-rH-4r~.<\j CM CO 4> m •-< r-c O CO CO CO UJ a C_3 8h C3 UJ ici4440®0'OOOHHOO' O' 45 m «t -4- 4-5 a 05 -C z r-.mm-40'4o-4oooo^-0 r-C O CO O O OOOOr^r-CrHr—1,-1—C^lr-tCMCM O O O r-C CVJ in 1- CMCNJCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM CMCVJCMCMCVJCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM co co co co co CM CM CM CVJ CM vO 0 CO r- in a oo 3 gE HH O H 8-< Mh •rC X oo a. •H CO • D. Q O OS 4-> o U E a 2 C5 4-< hh U-c uj a: <=> 5 * in 4 4 4 0'4hjh ■iO'eof^cx)CMO'cop-'Or» 3 40'-*Or<0'«l0'H ^-i>j-inr^in^-«Mnjnj4-4- cm X to 05 - (1) 00 3 C« 3 oo r- r- O' O' r- inm450'C0H0’N44 XC5 3 t-3 X 5 4 in 43 f- 00 O' r-c MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. RUNOFF,IN INCHES............................108 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972STREAMFLOW DATA 109 D CO OO O') O' O' O' TO'O'COinOOOOOOO -JXrMOOOOOOOOO O O O O *3- u "OOiO'O'O •H 3 U X C. U TJ C U W o © £ © -H O U Q. O E X r © P.U X go cts a>'—' 3= x OOOOOOOOOOO'O-3-C ^OMCOOOO^ONON'tC nnnnonhcohooonoiO^t t o o o o f o o o o 3f"OvOO! >©©©©© 33335353B33333 • 3 T-5 ’-5 *-) T-3 *-J «-S *-J *-5 *-5 *-5 >s © X 3 X lx U *x £2 X Lfl X o © c X © a * rj X c a rt rg 3 -> P 0 X © x O o u u O <2 T) Mh X io X © X c X © X o X © X © o © to • ° rt to r~. — O X 0 X © 00 c X X o’ C o. o E © X o in > U] it X X E X 3 (0 lx K1 CH O' 3 o X E X 3 O X © © O' U0 X © > O X « © ‘'l . p X g X w X • oo X X to X X OO z X IN X • X X LH u X X -H x « tu Q X X lx © X X X •H O ft O O'HJ* -rH X •© m E •x - IX o E - •rt X Z G G © rn X C X oo i X ro x © c o X 00 © 5 M 0 - G X •2 X S)w X •2 X C4 s >i O X X G G © 3 00 rH o c G © 3 © 00 X Eh < G O' 3 G •H so O' •H O © O O' Z O -H U g rt x © 10 z 1 ffl t In X : x X o rH U X = “ X X CM o = m in w LO X X rH •LO o IO w X -3 X x 3 - o IN >, - (rt - G m a> K1 C_J ; i-< 00 O O c O 10 ln 0) O X cn -h m a © O. © * oe-H js © V* X u M rt to to X X G -H © O O Q X © 3 00 O it it a « QS X O 3 u o. w g as o o U4 S TJ U G CO « © • rt G x S 3 X ^ BOO •XX co x SE © O' => MH '• g os © o > u o w x os © Et x M co W «N 33 • 8 in 81 e © •H O' — -a m m © rO G in X 0 U X >i in rH -H •h -a c o © -H g X •h © — TJ X X © X \ 01 C O' © g >1 o — < O g 8 © © © G G G 3 3 3 »3 23, 0330 hours 29,000 15.49110 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 ommcoinoo •C-CO-O'C-C'C-O o mu' o o ^ ■} H c o c cc n m >t C .M CM CM CM CM CM (V CM - oO'J’OcO'Oincoininm-o CO r-c E 3 0) A 3 -> 2 w O CM 0 •H 3 3 CM X s ■ E ^ - 93 (4 • V 2 X X •O -t O ■-+ —1 CMO CM CC N 10 r-i O. 0 3 *-> m X M’ 3 •OONC'O'OHMncO m co in CM •—1 H 3 -3 C CO 3 M 00 . X +j 3 «*4 0 3 10 M cm 0 m 3 m 3 3 E X -♦J 3 X 00 00 CM a X M 0 M 3 00 3 '-'X O' < Q HiMccdin^MoifOH . oT 3 3 •M 3 CO 3 O > ■° x 3 3 z • a 4-1 CO 3 G G UJ • < x E O cm M M -> O O >- 'OfOCOCO'OCMCO'O'O'J' I oi « O 44 E 3 M rH a 3 —> * 3 *J X 0 * X to 1— G M a •3 0 X X • w 0 tn G vO +J 0 0 0 in • o * ♦J 0 X 0. CM 3 3 in co CD cro-aNCM-to-ON-t c . 3 M "3 O U) O 3 H (\J H 0 CO <+4 M O X CJ z l o o r 0 0 m X 03 V ■3 U *-* 3 o» 0 0 “CTl X PER CO 00 H H CO O 3 2 00 X M at < I DAY r-iCMfo«tin«cr^ooa'0 JL ; X in M 00 X 3 j > s> 10 M ; CO n c a ** X a x z CC ' ' x c •H M TJ X X >- OO'OOCMOOCMCMO' O r 4) 3 OMnd-ind3d)-tc*i(M Z • -3 . 1/1 3 ~> Ot M X o> • y) O ; «_ _ O x a ! 3 X s • CO it • 0 a 1 X c 1* *-*1+0 X 0 G Z X h-coeo>oh-r~«oinfOfO 0 1 x co cm a H x • oi m -> O 1 <-• X 3 z 0 z • 03 3 X u • 03 3 § m 2 C3 U4 X cC 0 20.3 H > m 2 \ £ S 0 X X go §■ X | a O X 5 CO X a >< CM 1 DAY xcMc*3»j-in^r~-cco-r-i H- O z z 0 3 s- .v o Tf o o o o o o o o co r- o T o o o o X CM o o o o o o o o o o ONCOOH O O O X X X O >0 D O ^ X XI *-> 3 E O O E 44 E O i£ a> * E «-* 3 in 0) G. 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NAGE -HEI 086. te 0 HARG MUMS 194 en i Max rks. RKS. >- -—J u. LOCA fr an DRAI GAGE 1, si DISC MAXI th ma REMA DAY ••••o Gegrei^-inoGocO'G P- O Z 2 c X 2 orMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PFR SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 116 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O O O O C O' r~ in in ^ in in ^ —i a O' cc cc CC C" o- o o o o o o o CO O O O CO O CO 4 O 4) 4 0 4 O 00 HIM O CM O ro ro co co -4 -4 in CM CM CM CM CM CM CM 1 I I I II 4 O in O in cc o O' cc in co *4 4 in cc O o o o o 4) o CC 4 CO in in co co o a vC o h o in •H CM >4 43 -I ro co ro co .4 ro Mn 4 4) O' in in cc O' cc O' O cc co o o o o o o C C CO o ^-■^roco<4 O CM CM CM CM O O O O O C CO CO ro O in o> o cc 4 OOHHCM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I 4) «C 43 4) 43 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I 'C«'CC UJ w Pi u < E- U < co < 5 u X c/> G 0 O S u oo O • - o 05 O 4-1 - O G 1i G 3 CX rt O 3 -J S i X 0 0 Q > Pi o O X U rt l/l G G 6 UJ u Pi u co 10 43 4h 0 O CL, O O M X 0 O 00 V) G m *4 2 05 X tH CD HO'M"Om4io IMHHHHHHH O' OSOOHOiniOOHtfl -omoo'inHtM-ocoN CMC-C0434COCM.H.H4 ■i(McO4in>0M0OO HrM4l'ffitMO(d'0 7 xr-m4oO'cor--in4> CM fH f-1 »H rH F-ir~o'eoxincMCM'0>4 i40'0-h4*MO'CMO' IOH IO CM H H H HtMld^-inOt'ICO'r cm -o 4 cm 4) r~ o- r-t 0s co Is- m 4 in ro ro co cm 43 CM 4 CM O H O' O' ro co cm cm O O O O ro co o o •-1 CM IO 4 *—I •—t CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I 4) 43 4) 43 -i 4) O' 43 CM CM in O' 4) 4 o co o o o 4 CM CM I 4) CM I 4) O O O O O O CO CM 4 —i 4 CO 4 0 4 0^0 O 43 4 O' 4) X CO O' f— O' 4) 43 4 4 ro co ro ro 4) 43 4 4) 1—1 O co ro ro O O 4 CM O O O O O O ro CO o CO o O O CO o 4) CM 4 OOhhcmcm o o ro co o r- o o 4 CM cm ro co ro co ro ro 4 4 4 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I III 4) 43 43 43 4) 43 43 4 4) 43 O 00430'00CM4)OO 4>r-0'CM4)r-i430 HHIdOCC o o o o o o O X 43 in o «o o 4) o co in O' CM CO in 4 cm h cm 4)00—MMO'COO OHNC04M0O CMCMCMCMCMCM4in O O' CO CO CO CM 4 cm co O' o r~ in in 4 co 4 4 oooooooo OCOcOCOorOoO HinO'OHHio4 OHHCMCMCMCMCM O O O O O o ro O o co ro O H O CO N o CO o OHHCMCM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I 434)43434)434)4) CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I 43 4 43 43 4) 4) X CM 1 4 1 ,, 1 1 cc o o o o 10 /r™\ 0 X OOOOOOCOinO'443 1 0 O G O 0 0 03 G CM CM CM H rt LH -H oo 1 r- • X 43 43 43 in G O 0000000000 UJ 0-0 Z) iFHcocoo'ino'incMCD 1 0- 6 G 2 ’0) ^ 05 4 43 4 cmCMhHhh 3h co 0 X O c<10'in(M'0c'lO|F4)4) 1 r- X X -H ® G G O rt LLI 0 oox CM CM CM CM 2 ^ CJ D) 4! 43 43 43 G G 0 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCO « h- G +-> ts G 00 2 0 /-H 1 05 G 10 U 3 G G tH G 0 oooooooooo E— < 10 r- 43 in 4 4 4 oo m 4 co 45 4) m co ro cm cm UJ t— O - 1— G X O CO rt Pi rt 4-c rH tH UJ O O ? 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W u 3 1-1 a CJ CJ 1 2STREAMFLOW DATA 119 OOOOOO'OUlOC oooini'iNOtf'Oi ^or-ooi’icoi/i-j! oooooooooo OMA'tNIl'aJOON CM.-i»-ir-ir-i(Min'i-(ncM Ifl H (fl •}■ Ifl H CO 1*1 in IA omo'Oi'J(0'tf,'H(c 0'«»-*0000000 o-mcoo^ CNJfSJ^'Oir.-tCMfMCMf^ HMm^in^if'ccO'H ° E >r i*-«o -J o o o o CM nJ-CM CM o o o *t -a- *t •i- ® r- ^ -a- o o o CD CD O O O' •* o «o —1 r- O' o o CD O O -J X • o • - UJ X inin-ovooooooooo xxoco'-4ino*i-r-- ► IX OoOhHhHhHcmIMim < 1- o 2 2 CMCMCMCMCMCmIMCMCVCmCVCM x ct C 'Ci'C'C'C'i'C'b'C'b'C^ o o •t CD O' O •D CD cm r~ fD CM CM CM I I •O <3 O O O O O O O OCC'^’O'CMCCf'-^ (Vi IT CD (J| IT in >1 -t >o O' in o o o o O' >t co eo *o O' CD fH co I' O O -O CO O' O' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o id o cm in co o -C .111111 CMCM-f ooininooooo O'O'CDC— (Dr-cO"Of~-0(M>I HHNNCDinMOOHOO O o O o r- -H *C i CD CM Ifl > • W 3 o S P AS 3 >P C O fO P ja qj p 0) CO P P 3 UM D Cl 3 co x I 4J P 3 c p o O iO co « Or (X J >1 CO CM P 10 CW3 10 0)0) P O' c O T> -H o e -h - 10 c O 0) 10 CD LI > -HOE P O u p I 3 10 1 >i 0) • 10 P 2 U P 2 E 3 E-i 0 ? < P 0 U ip *3 O' O' (0 CD O'O' <4-1 O P CD It P CO 3 P C OOP a X3 p ac A CM * »-h P CD 3 O' O 3 £ O' * o 0) o O' ' P CO (0 cm 3 >1 1-3 3 I 2 ooooooooooo cDO'HoincMincDCMO'in hOiDH(OMn«tmHO vJ-CDCDrDCMCMCMCMCMCMCM OOOOOOOOOO *1-000000000 CC-l’OCM.-Hr-HO'O'inCM OOOOOOOOOO llD(C!H(Ct40rtH 03'fO"OOMCCC--'C dvCininin^^^inin. oooooooooo COIMOrDOinOOO-4 'fCDO'O'OO'CDCDOd O' co -o -o in i- -iMCDiindMroo oooooooooo ooooooiDO'CMr- COHn-lO'D-fcD-O'l oooooooooo •4-OOOOCOOM-in >i>oo-o*c>or"t'-r'-r-cc ICDCDCDCDCDCDCMCMCMCMCMCDCDCDCDCD "UO'O'&O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O' -ooooooooooooooo 2C7'*0'OCOCMH>OCMcDn-n-0r^r~n-n-r^r-A'CDO'0'0'0'0'c 111 (Mf O' O'O' O' O' O' CMMM' O' C -ooooooooooooooo z^-r-'t(MCM^^)coOoco-Hin^oo j'iMDO'Cor~inr-0'00'coco*0'DvO <0'*OCDcDIDcMCDcD(DcDCD»DCMCMCD >xf-r~xf'-xr'-r'-xt-r'-xr'-xr'- UlO'O'O'O'O'O'O'O’O'O'O'O'O'O'O' I/) ►-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ZcDHinLiMMocMainincoiMin cuo^onjcMOr-icon-ooincD^-r-co ZCDCDCDCD^-CDCDCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM o z OPrtO'>OHO't'tCDdl(rCM(CWC|CD MIM'lCM'lCMCCICIlHOHCOn--.•..!!!!!!!!!!! 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I c 0' CD P Xi CO P CD id CD CO E id o pi ^ c XI pi •H CN • • xi • • o P -rl p to id in jj X I ojMoinHJ'Hrr'Hi'cNCNiN I • • Cn x: cn S c Id -rl p -a tx P o P o CD d> TJ P P G 0 O O c XJ co TJ o CD • CO O' ■H HP C PH OJ -H d) - P p x: 3 o O CO ■H Xi P co id ■si o o 0 P - P P o id c-H rH d) £ d> E XI p d) 4J P -H CD 3 P p cd P> id a) o x £ h 3 0 P I O CO U o l CD cn I 4J . O d) Q Id > 05 P 0 U C s °d CMPlr. C" P oj in ph •• -9 g p x: Id 3 pi P> C < -o P KG* U 3 CD CO P CD oj 2 O O' rH -D O ns c 2 d> pi c. hp —• : rooomHi'r H 00 I" rl 00 in c H in in H COOIMM3J HC'HOO (OfOfOCMIOOJOJVO'O'P ) CD C' CD OJ O OIDM1 oj '!■ to c i—i r-~ oo m r CO OJ JO "I" Tj" IJ GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD.—Digital-recorder tape punched at 15-minute intervals except 0200-0500 hours June 22 for which a graph was constructed on basis of floodmark in gage house. Datum of gage is 998.03 ft above mean sea level.MFAN 01SCHARGF« IN CUBIC FFFT PFR SFCONO, 1972 (122) 01521000 ARKPORT RESERVOIR NEAR ARKPORT 122 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 o in o d o 3 G O CD X 3 3 in 3 CD OO ID O 3 x x a> o X) u 3 vO o LO x o d 3 S 3 o c O O Un 3 3 C_) ^ TJ CTl O C -C XH • O 00 - 3 X X G 3 3 O 01 0-0 OO 3 i- r-3 T3 •- U C+H 3 (D X 3 £ OOr • O 00 J X H 3 XI l in C O 3 l X O O -3 .G •- > 3 x oh ox a X O H H rt X 3 3 33 o c g • c X O 3 o E OXMJ’O m o 3 3 G I X >,rH CO "3 I 0) D H £ ® • 11'H.rf O 10 c/) e o p, f co X *rj O t/l 01 OJ >lNC\ieNC\Jl\IC\llNCNJl\JCNrvllNlNlNlNlN UJ IN CN CN CM CN IN (V CN (V; (Si <\j IN IV W <\ CM z^^^H^HrHOOOOooocM'-'r^ UJ (MOIOHOIONH »— ■cO'ir\mo'tO'-t CNlNINlNlNlNlNCNlNlNC\jrvJlNlNCNlNlN LL|CVJCVjC\JCSjC\J(\jCNJfsjC\IC\jCVJCNjC\Jf\|C\J Q^r^O'r~0'-4-^-ieor-r~>Oircircinp- *--^HO'ccCT'ajoDccr-r~r~i^r~r~r~r~ >C\llNf\Jl\ICNCN(\jlNlNe\JlNlNlNfNlN UICNININCNCVCNCNCNCNCNCNCNINCNIN JHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH UJ <••••••••••••••• .............. oo in G 3 o 5 C G 3 3 S oo I G O UJ oo G 3 CO Q 3 VO Xl • 3 tO u. 3 CO oo 003 o 2 ^ « S t o to M t 00 3 -r— O CD C 3 - rt oocn oi X to "3 rt -ON 3 XN 00 i-H OI to 3H3 X 1-5 . rH I >>LO 3 3 rt t-3 cs - • r- 3 o CO to X! o 2 G> I-H 1 00 CO 00 o i' r- -o cvjr-r-'^foesjCT.O'fO'H X-O'CCO'O'O'COin CM oor^'tmPcMioo'® rv|CN^,HrH,-lfSj,-.,_0' cm co co co r~ v#-r-'OsO-or-orvioor^'O •—i CNJ (fi ^ if, iC (t g- rH l/l to 51 I- o zz O 3 X 05 m G rt I in 1 CN I“p > -oinomco-t OONO-O j ®3 y CtICCPM"C'£'C'Oir O' i S LO O' 3 CN CO CO i—1 ON g in rt 3X <4HO vomo 03 H co x o x oo x cn ^3 “5 -O^ffllMfVlCVlt'lHHrtH | ® J p' i cn N* CN CN CN 3 3 o Jl INF ioOoHx['‘ic'rPrs 33 uJ oo cn CN O 3 1 1 Q 1 .2, c 3 3 rt rt G 3 oo rt «305 > < c rCMCC. ■JlT.OpttO'CH m : s EH 1 < CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN >- G X in W X G 1-000 Ill 11^ 1 ,1^ 1^ rt g 3 X x ,3 Eo in rt 3 0 p, cx-p-moccNX-ooc -|CrCT'(J'(X. ccf^CCCvi HtNjfOsj-inxr^cco'C z z c r 5 a w « u o < H u w o o o o o o o o o o r» o If) 3 lO ^ rH X N H X t P' VO CO C X 3 3 G «n 3 3 rt X» -3 3 G X 3 3 d o CN oeo«tcorHX-co oiommiH£oxx[w IO(VJCNCSJCNX->OlOcnCN Hfcim^m-oxopo OOOOOOOrHCNO' OO'tO'OCOHCMMO rHC0'OCNO'*OC0 OOHPOCOOP'l ICl cMBXxiomXiOom x-4-mr->tX'3'coioio HNlCI^IO^MrO'r 0 • I to to I 5* ! : < ** i UJ I z z i ►- i >- i -I u. 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- rt dj < in *p p 3 a vo* - 64 26 25 75 64 vo o rt • oo id 3 i p o a. o w in Nfr m m m m < P C Qy p p r-yU-I UJ X P P UH P p E C x P . 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Eh o P to Q ■ E 3 00 ! p 3 U C3 O r'r'rHmTfroocncM S cn O Q rt i CIS J2 ITS 3 i o 3 S ” 1 3 u. CJ M O rl H CM ^ Is r~ in r> +J o < a 6 p CJ CIS C 3 O o P 10 X « -H < tq p 2 p O P CJ c C 3 0 l_z cn rc cn c^ CM rH x o rj d) s 8 i •3 P ^y C > 1 0 XI a Eh X Sb -> X g o o o o o o c o o o o o CO 1 Uy < 5 P. . vO . 3 3 E in O • U X 1 O • vo z M Eh i—i vo r~ oo oo o' rH OHHHHHCN CM T CM CM vo r~ o o |I UJ o < UJ X 05 cn < S rH X 0 3 0 H-rl P 8 < W X E o S X D > P u. I LL £ S HHHHHHr rH rH CM CM < .2 UJ 6 JD s < X CQ 3 Q 8^ u S H >- c z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 vo vo vo vo vo vo vc 1 1 vo vo vo vo v_J rJ s < CJ 5 1 X O X Q 1 c -cv CC yfr If ,£ r- a o £ a. OOOOOOOOOlMOO o>*or-r^f*,i>or'-r\jm>c OOOOOOOOOO 'tOOOOOOOlf'O XyfrOOOyfrO'CMif'-O OOOOOOOOOO 'C-J'tON'COoOlfl fOc\jc>jc\jrvjf\jrOf\jc\j(\i OOOOOOOOOO ,-ArHXr-IXrHlMXXX xiMcnyfrif'.or^coa'O ONOKHDIWU-OO om'CiM'tiMOyfrXco 'J’l^mo-'Cininyfriom OOOOOOOOOO CT'xiMr-O'CMmiMinm fHCD^HO'mmsiO'O - ► _J u. X a. t- o z Z i§ I X CM I U r~ | in O' i — O I UJ I I- I UJ <5 I X a i *-> x I H-O I Z I x I ULI C I Z I C I o l UJ UJ I O oo j oc a: i X if IS I — H- I O UJ I UJ | X LL | UJ I I O O O I < •—I - I OUI CO I I O I CO | X I O I I c i uj Z I o < I CL I < ► I X t- I o uj I oo UJ I ►-U- I o O o o O ec f\j o o o o o o in o •C ITi C o yO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO tMrtfrfrha®o OOOOOOOO 00000000 (M-fry0C0(\J^!O'fr OoOohhM(\| CMcmCMCM ' p X p P p ^ X P X in X >73 3 c r-^.P CLP O c •H O C E E in P rfr 3 O P 1 3 . X m IJ 3 3 > P O 3 'fr • 1 3 -H X CO won P 3 CM 3 O' ■* in O in o vC* in 3 cm • in 3 P C 3 3 O E *• P < § 3 T> O' 3 O' P P P OO a. X poo'0 E T 3 M rQ . 3 P OO 3 3 3 3 3 X O • C W O' P C 3 in P VO X o p p §u X E X OO T3 C 3 *H C C *-H &, cj *73 ss < *73 55 Q O •• Q *-3 X I 3 uj 2 c 3 O *~3 P I to • vO - 3 X 0) P P c u *0 § 3 g P 0 CQ P oo ifl CM 3 - p VO P O' dJ C X 0 -H cn in p p P 3 -P Q .73 c X 3 ■o ai • CD <73 &> UJ ^3 *-i <73 tr< o o> p c 3 o 3 P CVH O' 3 X <33 0) P S Cn-P p p -p a) d) o x > *o p O' p x5 -i , P E-< 173 < X P tq I I 3 X 3 d) Uh OOP *o o o CM O *3 X I 03 d> sGAGE HFIGHTt IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 132 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O C cn co co O O' in cn co o o o o -< O CM CM CM I I 43 4) o o o o o O O O C 43 h c H m ^ o o c o o O O O O o 43 -O 43 >0 4) O o o o o o cc vj- o o o o O O sj- o ^ H Ifl CO 03 CL E. «j x: M P 0 3 03 o X to •3-s 3 'd s § 03 0) Q) C 0J4J s O r-4 rt O 0 0 3 0 'd -p >h >1 rtJ >i-H T3 o-p o Q) C -H -H -P X! OE 3 -p co o> •h u -d 0) 3 CP O Oi P 0) l(H4J tjl 44 C IC POP X -t o g Q 4-1 0 •h rt >d to 4-1 O' o -P XI o 03 C P X 3 0) C P P 3 O'HH ■POO >.cn > p xi p o o P 'd • 03 simooio oi Is id 'f n O' O' O O VO MrlHOO m m in in in m co co co co r-' i" r* t" r-in in in in in co co co co co r" t" r" r" r" in in in in in CO CM CM CM CM CM t" r" t" i" r" r" in in in in in in o cm o o o o O' h ® F' vo in in in m r" o o o o ro vo 'T vo vo cn co h o o o o ■'* in in vo oi in co r-~ vo m o' o' co co co co r" t" i" i" t" m in in in m f o m o o MOOIOO in in in vo vo M'COfMl^r' oi co cd r-in in in in in vo r~ co o> o in t" t" m i" CO i-4 O' co o o' co vo co vo o co vo n- co o> t" in m in in in in in rr CO CD co o m1 co in o co in in in co vo r- vo 'i* ^ 'J* i" t" r-1" r-in in in in in CO CO CO CO CO [-- r~~ r-- r- e'en in in m in o o O' cm co M1 in co O' M1 o O' co e- r- 1-4 'S' 00 OI O VO r-4 CO r- O' co co in in in r-4 CM in CM co n- co in co in in in in in in (M CM CM »C 'C \C -x >c o o o o COCO 'S- P p >" 'IS 2 P C O a) o H > -H 3 a) ►o c >1 I 3 rt CD 2 I 0 o • X 43 So2 4 a) p 13 -H rt 4 d> o> co t" co in in i" f" i" i" I" in m in in m 'S' Tf co co co r* r~ i" f" m in in in in co co co co co t" r* t" t" r" in in m in in r4 CM CO t}* in CO t' CO O' o o o < w O uj o o o c ro o r- co -t o —I CM r—< r-l O O r-t st O CM CM CM CM CM 43 43 .O >4- -S' >t -4- o in in o o co <4- >4 co o ■O CO O' CO O O O -4 CM 43 43 -O 4) 4> cccMOOininmomcoo <;incocMi^«4-r~—'O' C co i^ccoHi^r'^4 4-p-m 434343 VD43'0ininv0'043 in o in oooommmo HOS-OOCIOH^HO OCM(0'S,r-0'r-4'f0'CMvt OOOOOOr-**—IHCMCM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM cmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcm III I I I I I I I I 43 43 4) VD 43 43 43 4) 43 4) 43 •4 -t -S' -4 -4‘-4‘-4'4-inin434)434)43 omino ooominccininoo C'H-JoOtoCH-Jc^'fHmC O CM -4* CC O'O'OOOCMCMCM O H H H HHfMCMCMCMCMCM — CO c CO co >4-CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I >C«c>£>C •C'C'C'C'G'C'C'C'C'C'C 03 P 6 C P C_P P O rt X P Z X O p 1-4 P H O < C t s p p c 03 0) oo E P 0) rt P X 3 O V) SI O p u u . S P 44 P O w c uoo OS U r-4 03 O 0) 3 3 O cr g ’V c 03 o e o i § 00 T) c c o « 03 03 t- 00 P O' •• ClJ 3 r-4 CM p in e'en rt xen 0) 2 § o z s O X 1-4 00 03 a w o 03 2 § o P p 5 0 0 rt O M W p - 01 E co p co pin O 03 . in c - O' t3 a) .‘■SI o' : CM VO 4 d) CO i* cr a> , -d 5 1 rt C Z 5 to OXO) M d>r-4 E4 -P -H E E4 c rt o E P >iJ< fl) r4 o ?S8 ® Oj o •H p O 00'S-p r-4 '—'43 03 3 in O' AT ( tior § r-4 p 1 OOt" P 43 ClJ 43 in 3 03 0003 U4 i >1 r-4 r-4 p -H rt c Ed ■3 E PS 1 3 0) 3 •H P 43 t s s 00 L3 CM r-4 rt >N CM rt Ul p o u .H OP WH o u log in o 0>E» r4 . P >irt P X x rt o a) rt n C 0) o X -H O X 0) o a a rt o p p p E a> o •d p P 44 o o a) p rt M u p c o ^ p . 3 p i a) rt : 031-4 •r4 Q m 8 01 §, -P O'-H 03 O' O' rt « O' O'"- a P CM > .8 P *— P ' rt a) X O' o p •H P 01 rt 33 i to P cn rt i a) x i p P W r4 -<4 2 to P rt W >1 r-4 OXO) « p 1 irl 3 O ►3 PSTREAMFLOW DATA 133 e 03 m a) o 5 CMI^cnCC -C IT. CM O 1^ P-^j-cc'cniNJCMCMcMCMCM'-gr-g c\ CM Cc -h -p e is ID P C P 0) O' s ^ 5 CO p d) 03 0 rH xj (0 O' d) X3 IT. ■p E >1 p 03 P O' p cm o h •! fn in ui m r- a <1 Q -H c u o 1-1 z O P § e ■H C Cg —> g-) in «TJ S x: c i PA. itl X3 H W 03 <0 d> d> O' -« p d) 0 di CM >- E-* •H P P P rpW O a) (0 > u p w O' *D d) d) o O' OA^i HCMCCI-f in-OMCdOH CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCClfCl b o 5 p 1 C 0) CM O CM a> £ <3 i? X) •0 O -H ai t3 S x: •H C 03 a!1 -r „ „ ... _ . .. O1 03 *• e d) p o * X z « in in ^ -j- cc r~- m in in 2 z 3 H 0) a U 0 O P “3 l_ § m eo 0) o a o - < : co § ID P o rH m w ► a G (N H ffl ■-1 e - *■ Cg CD a -J CO - P i 03 < o •H 03 •H TJ •• a d> X >- CM cc CM O (M If -1 >C cfl = w O' § d) > O' 0 TJ 5 CM CM H -H H p Vr P ip m 5l M r1 o P u ib o P 00 w >1 O' jH rH a O W o CO §0 • 1 3 O'00 3 r 1 p p 'TOO 1 s-s p c 1 to o Cg t 2 if P (MNCMHHHH 2 Z *— 1 u o < XJ 1 CM n) 5 e g w H H tf w* 2 p « -rl H O H < S3 ^ < 03 _l u. C P P H W rH u o l-l O os > c o PJ s Q < o H Q $ 1 c H cm (f g If f I O' 1—1 c 3 a dJ e S3 o < S 2 vi- -g- 2 cm cn •H CM CM p 03 O' if -a (0 S O' a P p o O' X UJ X O' -$• rH »-C 03 cc f- r~ -j P m •4- o | O P CD . Cg O p X ■4- >t -t -J" ■4" >4- u < 3 P P c p p O'CD dJ 1 p In Q e •H in d) O o X o o o o o sf (V) -4- -H 'J- O O CM -4- M Cg 3 X o (U Q D *“ CM O CM O CM O CM c X2 S3 CO ITJ d) O' *• d) CJ z in -o o t— r-CM CM CM CM CM co co CM CM P > Cg E OiX — O' c •H 03 < o >o •c «o >c i •O O a” p <; O' P C (D P CM d) CM x e 3 c CQ e i P o - ■H e P P X ^ r-g o r-g cc >4- in CO CM ai C +* C d> XJ XJ d) • cn cm CM 5 o O CD < *-■ CM rH —g O' co o> -g O' -4- < z ns dJ s u ITJ p 1 03 3 p 3 OP 44 03 0 § 'd o O (0 1 o < 3.5 D C LO O P z X o o o o o o o o o o •D -4- r-< *4- O o o o o •—i CM >0 O u < P - Cg d) a o - •H O' o - o d) 3 ► •" H CM O CM -< HHrtIM 1-1 33" Lma p P (0 P in P o p cc3 cn st >4- in in in in in o o — »H cm CD Cg di d) O' dl < < II II l l i i i 'S c Cg - 3 X o c >0 0 <3 O O o >c «o >o p 0 H O' £ X O' 3 m i—i (U > ITJ Cg 03 3 •H o C 3 1 rH O (0 Q O 03 z o o oo -< ITJ ITJ •H d> T3 £ •H •• Q ** < rg 4 in P p S' 4 in in r- o cc o cm - ITJ = o •H £ -H 10 1 CM o in CD rH d) 01 3 % O' d) 3 Cg O' .. rH CM 1 d) 1 Qg 3 3 O O' co P X < *— in co cm p> in co cc o C cm >o P >o <4 cn >4' >4 CM 5 8 i i O 0 u p §■3 1 3 dJ S Cg 5 h- I O p X CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM P M CTJ P < S" O U >, 3 0 S in 0 -H i e s p Eh P IE 8* ? ^ rH O fcg I P X 020C 210C 240C 1 50C 170C 1 90C 240C 010C 060C • C 4D >0 >c »C >c i l X >c W Q CD Q nj S S cm>4>dcmpooco«4-ccp rvjHHtNjCT'Ojriifiair CMm'tin>Opcco O r-i CM CM 4-in>opa i-fir'-cr^cco'*-1 a x o z z < ~ LL X z >- ► _) u. X U. P C z z C X x a cm i <_> p i I »-* — I p I < a: i X UJ i o I o o O I < *-< H I OtU O I 00 I •-* I O I I Q I UJ Z I o < I CC I < ► I X P I u UJ | 03 UJ I •« U_ | Q I Z I P *- l UJ I i e o ► i < — P I CD UJ X | I CD I UJ I UJ : | uj l P I < I C P cn CM O' in cm cm O' CM H rH O O CO o O '* cm r- co t-H o O O in in «c p CD CM IMHhIM^HO co co co co sj- uo u in ooif'inmc O CO ^ -t He O' cm «t in O'eg ' Ohhhhnc >D 43 >D 43 O CD CO O O' CM O O >* in o ■—«co o p o o CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I 43 «o «o «o «o CO O' o ^ >t K CO N *-• CM 't CO o in in © O H fO co in P eo o o o o CM CM CM CM i i i i e a) o Cg Cg P Cl 3 0 d) P 03 ;s CO-J'CCOO'J’O'lO- p'tr-gccpO'43>4mc JCMNhhhHhh, >i O "3 "S to C Cg POOCOOOOOO- (OOOHCMrtHKllC. O' a) a) o £ Dieo ITJ - a) a) p tr> C (0 t-3 01 3 S3 O' O O' o M3 I' t •J' co cm in m C O' c If p co o- o OCO^O'CmO’CU'O cccch^hO'Ococc ro r^cccr~-vOir. m^-co^- H£H WOO h-h > i x Q) W s -H • *0 a a) o xj aj W C XJ O 3 C 000000'4‘Cpfi*-i cccnPmr-gcMapccp >t N CM >t O' H CC gjIfO- C^ . _ rH rH _ f If -C f' CC O' ■“134 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 I W I U I X I O O c loco I O O O' I i w x ! I U O I | < M I I o w W X o u < M o w O I w « I EH < I < Eh | U W I X W I H Ei I OW X I x O I c o c c co p' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o m o g cm cm o o rH ^ O CM O O O COO o o o r» 1 a -P 3 - s • in Oi-P trw £ c • o 0 P P H «P c _ 0 £ f' OJ (U in O' P - T3 -P VO -H 10 ^ipa o X 3 Eh a C 6 3 § o a) (1) > p a> Q a) X > O 0 U X P -P c a) a) ^ £ p a) nJ P x 3 u to to ns ■A <9 -a £ i a) its O' c r ajiMiMO'i'j^g-opr-(cgmocC'Cif'-ticP in cm rH m 1 g i X | i Eh 1 U X I eg vo vo O'n H H eg eg n UO i iningcoioHo o co p CM t" 1 CM 1 CM 1 Eh Q OWIegegcMCNCMcgcM n h h l W X a u < H o o o' co eg m N in P eg CO lO H id vo in in co co O' co rH H co eg co eg eg in vo eg m O 'f IO eg eg eg eg m c in m o o o eg eg eg eg eg eg eg l I I I l I I VO VO VO VO VO VO VO CO CO o o to h eg g1 M eg eg eg in in in o o >r g1 co o o p co p g o o o M eg mg'egcooc o' vo r-» co hj1 c co oi co o' g* o oooooooo ego'cgHvoo'cgoo in ri co o'in n eg o> ooMn HOiHIO O' vo o' m oinomoininoinoininoo rOHJ,OHOH)*rrcO*g'OHHOO 'ocooegg'tnvor'r'cococjcog' ooHHHHHHHHHegegci 0 VO VO VO VO VO VO VO ■ gHOiogocco Ht^oegr'Hfcoo'eggr HHegginncoinmN o o o o o H g co to co rH oi g o o X • o • in m z M Eh W X o u cgHotopocgHcoincoij'ginn oing coin ooocgcogiopeggioidvoinrg otggoo o X Eh O W rHrHrHrHHrHrHHcgCNCNCOCOCOCO CO CO CO CO CO z z G X X z W s ooinoinmoinomoooino o in o o in IdCOHCOHgoHOHIdlOOHO IOHOOH >- » W H £i offloiHinMi'ij'OOOHoidg o rH eg m vo ooor-HrHrHrHrHegegegegegegeg ooooo X u. K C < O HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CM CM CM CM CM x a i < Q Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f T T T f f i Y i i voiovovovovovovovovovovovovovo io vo vo vo vo “OttaaeciccoM' -oooccoocmm CpgMpMHP-Cru h h (vi wi O' -c, g ■—i cc r— •ClCHClCt'ilMffipvO ■K'jicgir-cpccO'C cc rp in m a in c e- pgP(vc'(j'ing--r( p ic g nJ- m eg cv iNj no e\. m, ecrH^oc — incviin apcaPMvif'Cir p-m. in-jvj-eci(o<\jevfc> o o O com c- vO in r- r- O' O' cc r~ g g g o o o moo co p g c o o o «M CM .-I O' o- o in p- o o o o m o o o opgg OO HIM O' g n cc in in mc h in rH rH C\J m m o o o o o o o o co o H N M N g O rH CSJ CVj CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I •O *C US X. rH M as guil Its p -p P o ns P “tO . ns o S S X O Its M rH . Eh 0) -P < a w .ss U Q) s6 a 3 as o ax ns (9 ■p ■p P mh (I) T3 vo P IN 0 • O in a) o' p in o> tr> •H ItS a cr as -P CnX its O' O'-rl P o 3 O o c v 'a <9 c C Its CO o O' 3 to ft, ip o to o o (9 (9 O' £ P (9 ns P Xi 3 o to to ns •H (9 ro £ (9 ns O' <9 ns P -P ns 8 § X < to X tp u o •3 >i l ns <9 £ i o' ns t/3 O' gooooooooo mmmocccC'Ogoo in in in o eg g h oc m o r-'OmO'rHOininmm o>n. h cm ic g m, go',n gmmmmm^-mtMCM p-moomr^r-m-orH oo o O' m in cm im g p (OMninginmging ' gmoMoao ooc o o o o m oo r~ OOlM'OlM'OlMgHO O' oc n- o gjin m g g in ooooor-ago'o gO'Hif'^pocdgp ■-H cc g cm n O'to >o gi g • ^idgin'Cpcco'r in in | — vu I Q X I O I Z Z I >- ► I _» u- i 1 £ 1 t- O I Z z I c X | x a ISTREAMFLOW DATA 135 15 •p e 4-' C •H O -id P -P ss 5 > +> d. Id H X O 0»-H X •P flJ +> P 05 3 - P O >i+> P P C H §S§ U C d) O P d> p Ed) to tji a d) 73 3 N -P 3 P <0 X d) .*11 in id o Ofl SIS H 73 X -P O' 0 P H p d) O' O' E -^•P 73 d) o d) O' c « e 3 O' O P in -3 c. -P OHU 0"p to 3 O d) O' a idi i id to d> £ C IP 3 0 0 i r m c o 4 cn in r* -^-*amr~oc«ca'C VJ lf> H (d K O 4 (n (V -H 1 M 1 cncNiNcNcnincncN-H.' ^O'^innccnsfM m 4 4 m 4 -4 o m cn -i cn © r- m in LL. C I 2 2 2 Z c r Z n W EC O O < M ° x o m o o ro 'too lOOrl'J O CN CN CN cn m co vo h id n n ^4 CN CN CN in o in o rH m I—I O OfflHV O O CN CN CNCNCNCNCNCNCOrTini n in o ■ w. .H>IO h in in co cn 'T 5inOOlDHCOiHCOCNOCO icNCNiniocoMoirincDc omininininooinintninooincininoo OINC00'OH(NI'1(v)^'l0r^C0C0C00'0'CT'HH OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHrHHfNCN e x P 0) O H o >1 X o c c O d) H E p id d> d) E o C to d> •h a 73 0 CN-5 to in P in 3 O' id d) X O' O P to Id •H X Q O ■P •• Q >i IS o o o r- oo cn in -4 cn O O < ~ O 111 o o cn 4) cn •4 4 CN CN I I •c 4> o o o 4f)N c o o o o o 4 r~- cn 45 in cc o cn in in 4 -4 «4 4 45 o o o o o cn cn fr, cn jr t—i IN O' 4 00 o O O -I 45 >0 «C 45 4! - OO O c m -h +-* X cd p X X I oo I -H • 0J § p P to to a d) 3 s p E O O vo id 73 P 73 •P -P d) P - P >lP P CO Si = d> CN P in P - to cn c sg in T3 o p - P m id h to d) r d) d) . * H to d) p x m Cd-H o d) *0 o P P -H O 0 3 U p p d) a p p d) to c O c o x o c d> o P X c n) a-P P id 73 c P id •P O' , 1 X i p X Eh PH 1 - 0 • P EH < X cn id 0 o CN e 2d) ° © g M P 0 8 < H 'o E W d) O 3 X C 0 P O' X O d> O'45 •p cn d) O' X to id -p MH 5! P : tape July ; : more lean se O ■4 ■P cn P id P rP Id m o TfO •• cn «• p CN H 1 LL' 1 C 1 or i >- O CO id d) « p P id S M 8 >1 8-° 73 8§ os < to 53 to id 73 •P X c Q O Id §OU T) P I I IT P . 00 IP oococoocooo ooo-cn-cNin. it4CO cocoooocoo 000045CN0000 HMn4O05C0N44 'im4in4iMc0'O coccoococo occccccoco IMCCINCM4HH(COin ooocoocooc ooccooccco in in O' it - ► —I LL X u. I- c S5 2 aMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER ^FCDNO, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 136 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O U < M U w w a: o u < H o w 3 g co co r* in -a* cm CM CM CM o o o o o o in o CM CM (Ti CO CO r CM CM r o m m o HOfOO in id co a* O O CM CM ooooooinoinooinininoomin OOCO’JON'fOHCMOadaoiOi-l'f Q) (0 iQ 01 CO H CP 3 C O -H x rH Q) CP P iB (X CP <9 I O <9 x a Q) IB 'O H 05 -P x w o c h m to CP CO H o x c o o 3 <9 -h <9 h x E ib h > ■poo •H p x> • C cv S3 cm ►3 • O rH U W CO TS P c o CP h H iB CP x o (9 (9 CP > (B O • (9 a T3 « c O (9 • <9 H CP (9 iB •' > CP -—' -H p a g P 3 3 CP • P b IB oo o 0010 0845 1305 1555 1615 1655 1755 1905 1940 2015 2115 2235 2400 0050 0140 0145 1 H . P z w O < O O (9 ho tr ta ib RGE I and e 1 T> • E cp - 0 W 3 (P P 0 § E co x: h 1 1 1 1 6-21 6-21 6-21 rH rH CM CM VO VO rlrlrlrlHHHrl CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VOVOVOVOVOVOVOVO CM CM CM CM CM CM 1 1 1 VO VO VO LOCATI Mill < Z H 1 Q GAGE-H to 1 of g DISCHA cfs 5 -H -H tPIX S X -H H IB (9 £5 E X 1 1 > 1 S 1 c ooooooooooo ooocO'i-'i-cMCMcocMr'- -J-O'CT'srcM-4-r-cMcoincM =h r-> c c- sc i- X -c in ir. i oooooooooo oooooooooo CMCMOOOOfOlOf—1»0 'Or-dCMCcinx'C-cstro HC'^cvimao'MP-f oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO ■om-idfciccocMO-o re*-*.*-*.**.**. r-in^-co«MC\j*i-«j-co-d oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO vfcomcocM-oor-cnx) ^HCMcn^-irivOr^c oooooooooo oooooooooo «o>i->ocno<-ieo(Pinr- oooooooooo oooooooooo cnO'Of-'XcomcMoo 1/5 1/5 O X o z z < — LU , z z >- ► _J u. X U. K O z z Eh W X o a < H o w e@ o o o o o o CM CM I I vo vo CM CM I I vo vo o o o o o o CM CM r~ cp cp cm oo in vo in vo CM CM CM vo vo vo o o o o o o o o o o CO O o o o o o o o o o vo co vo CO CO CM o o o o O o m vo o’ O H CM CM CM I I vo vo o o o o o o O O O O O O O O H CO O O O O O O O o O O O O o o 00 CM H* O ■HT OOHHCMCM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I vo vo vo vo vo vo vccoecox>>j-cpo'c c\jt-r-cor-inccco,-ird HOdipCMHHHH H (VI (C5 a Id >C f -iC\.0 CO M1 M1 o o o o o (O CO O CO CO CM r-H CO VO O i i i vo vo a) (9 6 * »§ p co X V) bOX •H (9 05 (9 0 CH t-j 0) „s p r-> u g V) 05 •H H •X 3 1 to 05 cB bO 05 cB E Pi 05 o a CJ o < -3 5 5 (/) cB •H X Q O P T5 E £ 5 > o a) X) tp dS X (9 P (9 <9 iH rH *H E O CP •»o P . Is « P X H H 3X2 ol-S o 0 C HO® ap „ So « a x n E (9 -H O 05 U m ib Hjjtr h g: II rH P (0 tP P o C rH P H 05 3 P > C B ® i§: O ffi co a os s*s X o *0 ftE 0) IB X H 0 O tP> OOP CX-H p cB X P > co vo H H • (9 0 0 TJ P •«* 3 OJ a > « o 11 h *d (9 0) P*0 H «■ H 05 3 P O O 0) CO ■Srf p P a> ib p a> « H rH 3 a) o) i (9 a) H 5 tp IB 3 IB p 175 tP •H 05 0) P •H H O ?S9 '.*3 SO IB CO Q 0 C 05 a) •H a •o o 1 i 0) «0 O' 19 iB P P O W IB ! I ! o q> u >i W (9 <9 7 §S «b O' X • O' C5 ^ H 0) (9 iB •H m X Q 3 O 0 01 •3 x >i O' 05 IB S C §lo‘H •3 0 p X *0 c « p ft oi O 2 P rH o o aSTREAMFLOW DATA 137 a a a a 5 5 5 Z P UJ u O P O os HH CD < < H x z a: < C_) HH u c_> c cn s-s X s X TJ X c CP cd a -P P (d a) a tpr~> •h • (U cn CPX Id x CP CP P OS saa; uo d> (X x id X 3 cp •3 — c u S3 C CP d) W VO MH in M cd X s x » ~£ H P 3

x £ X CP •H l*H S *7 cd cd cn CO Id CD C X TJ ,M W 0 = 2 XinCMO M- CC >0 CM CC CT> u T3 P u a rH -P a I1 O O O 0) “3 •H i o § c - C •£ P- O O'COC'JP- - d) = 3 mi •H CP w . C cm O' >o o c cn •d H X X 1 1 X AREA ;ht r !3 to mean u 0 S m 3 o id o 1-3 X CP 1 TJ ) M- c o r X CC>C9 CC -J" CM CM rH CM Z 3 O X w CP O CM m a) w a> > zco i 3 x w t> «j u 3 4 O' r- P~ m >4 c*l C\J CM -H CM r\; H H H H H -coocoocco ■lO-cor-co^-t^—*ir> IT fC IT, a IT f -c\jff'srir><£r'Cco-' A- UJ to CM *-h o O' CC CC P*- >0 4 m cm o O pH * CL o o O O o o o 0 > MCMCMh HH H rH -H rH rH CM rH inm-Ornp-incMOttr- >c >t CM X O cci CO >o m oo in X 3 CP id 40 X -> “> f- o~ in cn cm CM rH rH rH rH a CP 3 X id 0 UJ UJ I CM rH O 00 in -p cm -H d) X rH •4 O r < H-. r. • 'I ^ ^ 1 id 3 in in • ^ '• ^ UJ JOOOOOOOOO O O' X M M M in ■H C z O'OI'IIMHH X O'om^vCr^oincno CM UJ CP rH i X MH => CCXiCCINHhhh A < z CO o m O °oo H •H rH a z K O CM •c o O CM r- r- CVJ CM CM C 0 d> c in id in id 1 . X • m d> CP - ~ >- OAY Hivimj-inoMco-OH CMCVJCMIMCMCMCMCMCMmm i- < < o CM CM 1 1 >0 o CM CM «o o >o «o <) ■ff* •H X Sh CP H d) X Jh X d) o X CPX “ CP c h m m 4 m-or— CM CM (M CM CM CM CM CC O' O —h cm cm co m o i •rj •H E oo CM X z c Eh id d) x d) d) o in IV O O O O O (-> Z M - 0 X 3 d) fv* -* f,*, r,* „* ^ •J’Nif'ivjm^OttH^ h m o ccw o ■c in coo cc < X o in «o CC rH o O O rH O' cn c~ cn CM o c in •H 6 H V 3 id in or UJ X in ^ r- in in a in O' O' « r- «*■ >4- * CA < S3 in u 3 vo • i— a z in X X H X r-i UJ UJ K z rH rH TJ > in - u. o o O' CM C- x o OS M £ d> C M* CM o cc P- 1c >o >c a- £ in UJ z miMrHeocMcorH^-oco m0'Mn>cmmN4)0' C 2 • • m X O UJ X •4- O' 00 CO -O vO -o in OS 9 Xm 3 • X cm O c 3 d) § T3 in x x a) CD X o z X c Z a CrnacoO'cncnp-.j-in 0'fninm«4in>4cncn.i- OOCO'OC'HlflcOht (MCMC'00'inO'0'4C -f Haa.oin^^icif l/> in •— UJ Q I 2 Z C 3 z a o o o OlflO CM t-H >J-O CM CM CO-JNOO ■-1 'i- >o ■—1 r~ in in co cm a- m mm in ^ O O O o o O fci o cn c rHlOCC—l't o Hrt CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I • I 1 •c o •£ •£ «c o o o mmo O O >4 O CM CM O O CA O O >4 O CM O C O O O >00000 -Ort|(l CCD oo O' •-* m in o o o o o cn o o o o in r- O' c*> O O O CM CM O' £ O CP P O ^ •H £ Id - d) o e X CP a) -» tj 3 mm cn ocg. ^mmiMCMHHH- — CMro>s-in«cr^«CT'>-< MONTHLY MFAM DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FFET PER SECOND..................... ?,450 b<*0 RUNOFF,IN INCHES.................................................... 1GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 138 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 r. oo m o o r~ H CO O rH CO CO "> CM CM CM H H 1 (N CM M (N (N M inooominoooininoo nincocB^orinTrcoon'T OOOOOrlrlHrli-KMfMN INtNNC I I I I I I I I I vovovovovovovovovov. •1 CM CM CM CM CM o o o m o o CM m O CM O O OniBVOO'T O O O O CM IN CN IN CM CN CN CN VO 1C VO VC VC VO MH e « e 73 ITS Li a) d) Li > -P it) in 0J o CQ 3 H CO CO CO CM (0 C C H O • 0 O >iin r- o p <0 • cm -P 3 in rr t) c H co *-0 0 r-l ^ -H O O •rl - H 0 rH -MH 03 w C -H ‘ O L d) G -rl O G -P o -P Mn 0 ai -rH CO -H P -P > 73 -P O cO rH 0) rH O -h a 73 -p o CD «0 Lh 4J co -H • flj >1 O 10 O' -P 0, > -P C -H O' Li C 3 O cO o, 0, ITS Li co -P £ ao o) c -p ns -p a o •HU 10 O o o o o o vo vo cn r-r—I rH rH o O o o c c o MDVDCOO ON ON CO CO CO o o o o o c OOMn-JN > MO VO VO VO >i co vo cm (—i in co h ooooo coooo ooooo Mn^om oi vo r- H n co cm vo cn m O O O O ON CN N IO CD CO VO M^ in O inoooooininomoinooino iriniHN'ininnM,MiHH'j|ono ' in C- CO CO CO OV H i—I rH (M CN CM n CO -T HHHHrHrHrlcMCMCMCMCMCMCNCMCM VO vo VO VO vo VO vo VO VO VO VI in O rH M hCOovOVTCOCOVO’ m m in m m in in in o ri cm m- in in O rH rH rH rH rH CM O O O O O O O VO VO VO vo VO VO VO oomoinomoinoc HcMinOinOOHHOf’ OMDOOHHHfMCOO OOOHrlHHHHHr CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCN I I I I I I I I I I I I I VOVOVOVOVOVOVOVOVOVOVOVOVO rlCMN'MOmohhCO voooinmr-inroincoM rlrlCMCOCOCMrlrH inmooininoinoo OCMinrHCMCMrHOCOrH OHClN'inMJ'OHlM OOOOOOOrHrHrH VO vo VO vo VO vo VO VO VO vo 3 S ' 3 MH os o O E in in o dl -PH C O 0 oi u d) E • d) -P 73 VO h i 0 on o ® -P H H Li Li H . •rl ‘ C US C d) 9H H O d) > Si OO MH O • O d) p d> -h - a a in d) co 73 On k m ecu ITS ns its i m c a O'. d> -H -H >, si o, p d) ja ■PJ O dl P p its tn d) si m d) «s jc o d) tn o p c ITS o o C -rl SPov-P II I O - cn > oo •P in -h cran'd cn c 73 • UO HITS dJ -p ’rl PC E mh si 3 SS P 3 • tn o o -—- -rl d) vp in MH H [p -P .00 ITS p in o Cn •rl Cl - CL • 0 ■'* -P C d) > -MH c o O PH I 0 -rl -H d> d) -H -P 3 10 - p .p ITS H d) C O ITS d) (0 OS 0 ns > P 1 H P O si 1 -P o d) d) u . ITS O CO P c cn > CM c -H !xS d) - 0 73 I 2 H H O c cm < 0) O' •—" CT3 C 2 'rt ooooo MN VO CM (M VO Cl H Ol Ol o o cn co on co i CO M I I I o o o o i m in -MM N CM CM OOOOO VOMOOVO H cm m m1 in o o in in o m r- cn o o o o o o in ON H r oo cm 3 M1 CM o co in o o cn o O ■'P O CM CM CM VO NO o o o o o o H vo cn o o o moo nnN1 n" m o o o in vo o H H m m vo on m cn in in vo vo r- r- o o o o o o o m m m o o HHN'innN' O H H H H CM O O O O O MM O HCinH o o o o o o o o Is O CO vf o o o o in vo ITS 0, Q H •rl G) E a h 3 -p P O ITS u U -P cn c 73 O h E cn G) 0 P •H P G) MH MH 'O ISE.§ d) ITS H d) E U P o -p p o E cn CO CL MM3 H P -rH G> E - > - ITS M C 73 if §S 0 si ■M* d) -3 as -P D1 H its in h J 3-H 1 cn > i cn • si C 2 0 0) o c 3 H ITS P MP3 emu a tn « c o w EH cn as a o P ITS c > 0 • 0) u tl C >1 I 3 ITS mbs O C - • MH o O >1 I -P 3 • 0 0) -P -P ITS >i 0) > •• P d) si ■ its -p -P >i 3 ITS •h +j -P tn 3 -rl MH MH O 0 d) >1 ITS o d) ITS CLO >i P 3 Its • 73 Si S73 d> O CD -P 0 3 E d) > O C id tnP o 73 ITS d) *0 U - s 0) I 73 0) O 01 1) 01 >iO M 01 01 m . u 3 p CO ITS Q. 73 cm cn 0) | CM O -H P G CM > P P 0 H P QJ •rl H d> Si 0 -P cn cn > ns -H qj G £ P > os qj c d) d) -P > h 01 H MH -rl c Q) G) • tn : TJ • MH QJ 03 00 | p 03 H CM d) 3 ITS H CM P tn CL H - O -rl >, n H ITS CL S3 OOOOO OOOOO ov M1 cm in n •n-HMvon' m m in in vo vo vo in vo vo OOOOOO c n" cm ITS 01 fSS '. o, 2 2 tn 3 O 73 U H -rl fi P MH $S3 0 3 -S It 03 0 S3 tn p •H o a o 85 § Eh 0, SC -P O ITS H 3 W _ EC 73 W 3 MAXIMUMS.—June-July 1972: Discharge, 8,590 cfs 0815 hours June 25 (gage height, 11.40 ft) 1956 to May 1972: Discharge, 15,700 cfs Mar. 10, 1964 (gage height, 14.19 ft).STREAMFLOW DATA 139 rt CD -X3 ~g P > rt d. >J hH O d) M T) w CJ < S 2 < s OT z 5 s IP o PI s Q C/3 Q 5 s O' • p o : P m P VO c Q PI w ield 24,8i < CJ CM p aco o cm (0 -H CM CM O d) ► 1 1 P P CM O X; Ju 1 I • fflP ID CTJ (j; | PER M 1 1 a i p 5 rt .C ►J 00 a a - o ■m* o CM ID CD d) T3 > p a) O -p CJ TT P X) P P o <0 >1 1-3 ITJ p I S in 1 X. 3 . O' dJ 2 -h £ O £ P m 3 Eh P O < O in § -M § O P CD CJ P m CO P 2 o to . a Eh ID 3 d> d) O' g P d) to P si 3 CJ CO cn CO •H dJ d) O' CD «0 P ss 2 rij CO 2 P CJ CJ 0000000000 HIAOOI^H^MC'C -4 ir r-^(rir, ccctnrM r~- .h 4- r- in m cm cm cm > o oc O ' o ccoocoooox OCOCOOO'OOr-IO' o-4-4-4-imxi-4-c''.'0' i—cmr-iMro4'r*'r—co cm x >r cr ^ ^ ic a ia a mcNjcnm-cmm (\jr\it\: Z 2 >- * CD CD CD U in o ID - H ro to TT ID ID 00 O' CO ^ CO CO tJ* ^ O O o o CO CO o o CO O O o O' CM O O Ol'DO'T ID ID VO ID -O >C H (D h O h- 4’ CM vO in rH H (VI -O O' H O' CC O O O' COcOCO(NjC\IcO»-H H W f\J H r-ooooooooo O CO CC CO f-H CM -O -4- CO o mr-in-H't4-cocMaco —i.-HCMXxxxr-r- dO'£4 MOOffiNO «0(omincoo'0occr-j CCMl'4't4'O.C(OfO o o co o r- -h o t 1^ -J 0"t CO h I (M CM CO *-h sO CO M" • ' 4- in «o r- x O' o oooooooooo O'400'IO-Jlf'lCCOfO OCntMlMIM tC'jfCl^lfl^’f'CCO'r o o CM CO 4- O in o *-H O o O CM O O CO CM O o O O CM 4 ■O O O' CO CO CO O O' o o o o m h O CC o o CO O f- CM O' O' co in 4 4 co o c in cm - » i i •O vO -o JCOOOOOOO ' r- H o 4- co ro co 4- o co h r- co .-h h h co co >o r— coco4-4-in'Dr-0'0' inooomoinoo H O CO o 4 to 4 co o vj-CMcMfOcnmr~'H4- OHhhhHhCVJcm 444444444 cmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcm I I I I I I I I I >0'0-0'0-0'0'0'0'0 o ^ o o o in in in co oc CO in o o H co o CD f. 4 O •—I CM o o o O CM 4 O CM co to co-o co in in in in in o o 'OoinrH4-cci'HincoHO'in CMCM(04"4"4‘'D«OCOO''HCM -im44444444in ommininocf'ooooo CO 4 4- Hi ICOHOCOCOCOO Or^CO^H4-'OC~OOr-HCM4- OOOhhhhcmNcmNm CMCMfMCMCMCMfMCMCMCMtMCM I I I I I I I I I I I I •O'O'O'O'O'C'OOO'OO'O OoOoOOOo O'OOMOh'Jh r- f- CO vO O CO 'O CM HrHlMCMCMHHCM in in in .o 'O i O' CO -t o •o -o inminoio inoo in o 444-m4--Hioo h co O' in co o o h cm 4 'Or- o H H cmN cm IM(M o o CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CMCMfMCMfMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I vO'O'O'O'O'C'O'O ccmrn cc m co cr, co 4- 4 f- X to >- -C'OvC'CMJ'O-O'Oinmm Sp 03 -H -) d) g P P in of l ft) r ■8 d) XJ CM CO .02 1X3 § P p co ^ iMoco'O'omo'O'r-in m r- P p - 2 c d) -p CM CO r* si o p < d) p s: oo O'ID "3 in cn ITS CD CM -C § i ITS g (D p 1— O' $ PA -Q P P P P 0) P ID nj O' O'-P _ IMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCO a si g tn n3 ■h qj c •H d> e CM (D § c M p P c 11 ir. in in 4^ O' Ci a o a c p •o — > cM'-icO'O'-HO'CDr-r- < >i d) e 3 O cn rH P r- a 5 *■? < w Be p >i XI 0 rp si ID IDi RUN CJ CM ItJ O TJ d) ined cfs. 0335 . 16 O o in voo cm 43 in c >H a O § o, p d) cn tD r- ID cfs Sept =) o JUNE 2 O o g d) d> — 0 P a> cn in 03 = ’>1 CM CO ns' ns' P ITJ P ID o p cc 03 O O - P p o si ge, 558 oc < < :::::::::: H o CO T3 si p a d) d) p P ITS ' o ID' in r- CJ P P in O O' - o O' « p o a d) •p ns t— b a P O' rH O' ITS P cn o < 3 U O' •p - a • = id mi P •H g O' 0 T3 d) i P CM Q r- 2 CO P rH sq •p p Q P O' i ITJ d) O' up O P > CO co p 77 i _• p co ^0 rH E < o c < •O' o p 3C0RI 770 i 9 >T 2 XJ 1 >1 id ns ir-ca h a 4 -h in n o in in ITJ O' 0 t-3 tQ P ! T* m < a 2 -&H 8 ts a g B s •-J O l P “3 o 2 2 < •— '• S3 1 S “ W _cn . CD Z 2 O g P H O 3 < H - ► —1 u. < P CO 8 i-3. M & Q GAGE- 9c O r-W w Q H X $ DA Y hCM(C, •Ill''CMCO'rt 1- C 2 2 C 2 Z X140 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 j/x x x c o x et xxx(J'xO'0''4xO' r-'C't -j- x x x x >-h i! C m O NN ' x x -h —* x »■ X X - cc x t c x r— it. x tv. r x x't ir -C x a- •— x o o in O' O' O' r^- r-- x O' '£• sf x cm xi -t x M- -J- -J- x x x x x x x o x o x x o o x o —i •-* cn o x co o o cm x -4-h r~4 cm cm ni cm x x x x x x x x l I I I l I I •C -O >0 X O -O 'O o 'O X in -4- o in o cm o cm oo'C'moo'C'O ((IOhhOCIhO o H -< cm in CO CM •}■ OOOOO*—cCMCM CMCMCMCMfMCMfMCM I I I I I I I I sC'G'O'CO'O'C'O x e P 3 §•2 5“ HH O O CM o to T3 u > z •H 3 p X •H si o CO O rt C9 < O P C_3 CJ 1 3 Q) 3 2 3 US ai o c0 PS C9 O 10 P <9 z z c0 a> 0) *o I rt <9 12 cn H S cd u rH 1 P X O <9 CO H O z •H r* o VO u •H r M w X w M-- rH rH X >N (9 o X -H o o1 P X o f- 00 A ■H- n- o H X 00 cO w OOP s o o Q o O P Q rH •H •H oo cO p :* g X X r A s tj- cd O' rt P o X a. O' 3 O 6 X ! rH o (9 'S' -H Q *—1 P O O (9 p rJ H 1 w § a S H) rJ • I O 3 % 5 5 2 2 0) E P o P p Ul-P +) P S'* O o U o us P 'O <9 «J 3 « C o 3 ~ A T3 h> CM X O -O -4- >4- O' O' u.s o o o cu g << to p . -H 3 o to 3 X J,* 0 -p x: o X 't in rH o ■4- >4- -4- O CC cc •4- X X 3 o o p

-O rH ■H P P O CO p -4" X O ~H O rH X O rH X I A P A 10 P C 3 z H d p g CO H o -H P CO X H O' Eh -H < A g 3 CO O d) p P EH -p W E a o 3 P P g CO o u o o g • HOC EH P 3 CO T3 g § p V <9 o P in 11 <9 o P o P CM 3 *• c c £ I O CO •H <9 p g P <9 (9 > T3 (9 O CO <9 (9 P CO <0 <0 P (9 •H E a > i o '.8 O P u as 8'H s 0>P CO A O' tT' <9 O' C «5 3 O' <9 (9 O' CU P O <9 -P O' C (0 O -P O a -a « c O cO U CD o OS o < ro P - c0 (9 A O' O P CO (0 *3 >i I CO <9 S XOOOOOO'f'-O-J- cNcno'inr-i^-'CH'O't r-C O O' CO I x x o o cm x x r h x x *4" x >c r O X o z z X x H C z z C X x a U CD < H cd w ss < w cd w o o CM C3 cm r" o o n o O H-O CM o o o CM CM CM HOMO o o CO o O HT o in o O rH O X O x x x CM CM CM CM CM I I X X in x r-' x o CM CM X X X ci rr x » ci M1 x ai CM CM CM CM O X X O X M1 M1 O OHOlM1 CM CM CM CM I I I I X X X X P »o SS 3 - . p 1o ai i •*22 o u U p (0 a O' 0 0 P P A -H -H S3 3 01 01 A m m ■P S S S**B IPS® 3 P 'O 3 to 3 x o rt8 CM X X <9 0\ 3 • O P Mi o x a S3 32 C0 o ■P “S Eh 1 QKIO X H O' X rH H < 3 rH (9 3 1 § 3 r-j cd I <9 01 •H O -O tr to >0 V (9 rH 3 a «-> u to o w rH (9 rH * j CD I x x oo x x o' ) W j x x o o n- w a s 3 rt P P <9 A o •3 41 <0 E P O P a CO D CO POP PoO cd - O d)H 0| i p •6 § •H P CJ P o O o O X •H « > to 3 <9 O (9 E- 10 < HH g £ = lOJi x £ a) r s g X flu o « 0 c CO 4-1 o M0 c C* A O 00 0) H >iS - C0 x re O E ° <9 <0 H 4J 0) HC 10 P P A P co to P CO « O' H O ■ss O <9 2 g O' Q) • O 8-8 <9 A O' ss X! 0 S3 •H «o 1 O p CO W CO £ •H A A a o oi to -H . »0 H CM to >1« p ^Hl •D >1-V oi 5 8 S O 9H ►o A I g I x O • x p (flOlP X X X X XMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SFCOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 141 ooocoooooo ccooo'co>-i'j'ccor'~ -tOX-j-cccNf-CN—< cn m oc x. w (mh h h h omr-mi P P P n u c 6 c O OS P X o in OS » G o' ■rH in o c •h gj ns a) T3 d) p > o a) - x x m o x o • § 05 lOt'^rHCT'OOOOO o o O O' P G -b as •• a o o ° p 3 CN -t in If MS H O' ocxmon- HNOICN 2 • X INNCON1 VOlOOrlOl tn^ « ° E O' as as o O'—! p~ as •• _J rH cn CN r- x. o O' cn O' rH in f-OC X X CN O' cn C cn, t. o • W W X cn M a p cn cn cn n- m cn s L9 * 0 and O1 cn a i as i > ns in p cn >i rH CN >,03 (NIN-.CN r^ CN CN CN ~c'- < • X • IN Eh N1 rl CO ID CO O MS CO N- o -• S S Q XI X ns '• TS 3 *3 >1 < X UJ CN M CN CN rH —i vj- CN CC cn m — UJ O I Eh CD O < M cd w inMBOCNOlNfON1 OOOHlNMnflN1 1 o in co X p ns as < U P sr § 3 o U tn as S • c — 3 o in UJ M h O' O cn cc O' m M ^ c : 3 CN rH (N CN CN ^ ^ 2 Z CD 1 P s Eh cn S o 1 p l_s inn •fiT' x -J- cn cc, cn n z z UJ X z X s oocnocnocnoo cn o • U ' C O as W O • cn e >- ► P u_ I u. 1- c GAGE Eh W OOOOOrHrHrHCN rH rp rH rH rp rH rH rH rH O rp CN CN :at iot from ing. o < 2 se-he: is 7( X o < -X rH O cn SH 6 3 0 S P M P > I U. l- c < C h in cn ^ in X I' If O' H z z C 12 z caN(Mti\! OOOOOOOOCNXO 'J-MXCNCNOf'-'J'CNOr'- inmi\i>tvt-tmoo'0'eo o o o o in m oooooooooo 0-000000000 x o- cn O' in O' —• (n r- oc ss < H o w o o cn o O -'T in in as co O'x: ns o>-p oooooooooo O'OHHCDMT, MO-J-'j-XHcC'fininmcco 'tcncnCNCNCNCNCNCNr-i o o O O in oo o as -P P MH 0) H C CN as cn P CO p 3 T) a) ns 03 T3 a> as oooooooooo x x —i x cn x x O' oo x h-'tincoocno'Oooin HHHMdlNHNHH OOOOOOOOOO OOO'4'O'mO'MmOO CO Ifl CO Ncn O' CC O' —l CN oooooooooo -j-'OcNCNOO'xr'-vtcn •O'l'C’l'tMMCCncvjCO Mco-r O X l_) z z u. X z > ► u cd ■< H CD H 85 cd w o o o H Cl h in O' rH Is O CN cn m m CN CN I I vo vo o o o o CN vo O O -H r- r-' N- CN CN (N VO VO vo vo vo vo vo CN CN vo vo p 2 CCS x; P OO P O i - ns h u as a - ns V 6 h as O p CO U 0>P C P o o W " § N" 0) -P - Cn P T 3 O P nS O ns s Jx+J I O' in i -p as • x: s Z .C o e p MOP Eh P O p a> as > ■a as O ns as as P in ns § a > i o I XI . ns § p as as P O' 3 P in ns ns x: as 0 E in -p ns -d as 1 P as ns O' i ns as p a cn o I rH i in §> o _ U T3 W in CD P X O >i as 3 *3 SnGAGE HEIGHT* IN FEET* AND DISCHARGE* IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND* AT INDICATED TIME* 1972 Gage height, discharge, sediment concentration, and sediment discharge, at indicated time, 1972 142 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 p c a> per id O' H vO VO :ers Lay 062) inooioocooioicoinooNcooinNO O'OO'OOinO'O'O'oooiO'O'OO'O'O' 3 o 10 L> •H- rH rH CM CO CM CM O O O O o o o CM Tt- O 00 LO CO O O rH O O O CM o o o o o o o o o o o o o ,01 , 01 .02 ,02 ,03 o CO O o o o o o o OO ooooooo oo ooooooo in ip o «.g ^ g (0 o to o U rH C X 3 CP J 3 c 1 G HV G O rH in o m o o o in o o o o LO O 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 oo o lo oo in in in ov O' o O LO LO M- ■H' M- in G *n ip cm (0 U P 00 C rt E nirH r G •H - cn CJ P G P CP CM G P P vo inOHOONHHNWNIOCMOinMO (U E (P 3 3 0 0 O CJ c 4J • M- rH rH P r-N 3 (O O CM to VO M3 VO H9- lo oo in vo rH C33 Ht in CM M-in co LO rH vo CO CM o vo ■3 vO (Ji Ol rr CM CO CO OO 00 LO CM rH in VO rH rH O' O' CO rH CO co in co o oo o lo vo in oo C-H ONI— 00 •Tt CO in LO

vovoc^inmininininininininininin i 3 IO o OOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooo o o o o O O O O O O ooooooo O O O nO 0-3 G U 3o 3 no 6 to E-h o •3 G b-O E X cm cn o v_/ g 3 • G r-s b. IP (P a> -h \ 12 12 12 14 H CO CM CM O 00 I-^ voin-t co m in vo vo in O'o in co co o vt vO v£> CM P r-s O-H-CMHtOOOOOOOOOOOOrH 3 C 3 6 cn X'H in rH oinvob'dbrfH'omHO'ooco cn CJ P o 3 v-' rH CMCMCMCMCOinvOvOvOvOinm CP oo p /—- 00 00 \0 CO vO rH H rH h-SNvOC'vO'OCO O' OO v£3 VO 00 774 OOCONCONOl LO vO LO CO O' vO 165 L33 L06 o O' H CO CM C--vO rH M1 LO in C' O' oo CM o o o o o o CO O rH CO in H vt O O O rH 00 CO S P § P to b X >p o o rH“rn‘ HHHHNN oTrnV CP o.u' p go . . . Q X p p 3 oooomoooooooooooo COOOOTtOCOCOCOpCOCOOCOCOCOCO OO OOP tOCOtJ-CvC-COCOCTl rH rH O O rH CM O' h in co cm ■** to CO CM CM rH oo o lo co rH rH H H- O' O CO CO CO O' o X OOOOOrHrHrHOrHOrHrHOrHrHO L3 CP v-h X o rH rH rH rH rH HN rH CM rH CM ... S cm o o in o u M Oh M •: 0) o co co co r G O O O O r inOinOLOoOO 'tKI^O^tWOO (VJLOLOOOLOOOO ■ctrHOfO'3-OOO (D'OMOfOtOinO't GO OHHHHNN IMOinoinoOO O f-H to ^ o o o DOlCTlOi®OH«J GrHrHrHrHCMCMCM JLOOOLOOOO rH O CO CO O O D>OSHHNtO>t O -H P 0) u DUdOJlUllOHIUtllllDlltMMJX §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§■3 O O O co ro cm ■COO O' O CM •COO O O O CO C o r- s>- -4- o o o o o o co >4-cn o o o o o o cn eo «a-O O CM O O CO o O -4-O CM o o ~o m O CO o o m o o -4- o o o moo 0-0-4- o o CO o O -4" O CM CO o o o o -O *4" ITI <-H 4- O CM CM \ CO o o n co O' r- -o-oo o o o o o CO CO O r— -4- o -4-o CM CM a) -H r s H O 0 X CP (0 cr p C 4J O H O O -P E c 3 oo C d) 0 IP u p 1 ° m ^ u c •H s-s - E rH (P O C o G CO -H I'' cn O'* x* c H -P 0 0 3 H fc 0 E I to CO • G <9 gJH O > -H 3 (P H E 0 C O O

3C i G C 0 (P U P CO CO -P CP G O CP H P 3 C O 0 co U CP Q CCJ « P O G U CP § 0 O P •VO - 0 VC CM c -3 m c O P CO --H 3 H rl P (P (O P ‘-a > o •H c 0)

-3 10 p 0 pm 0) o O O O H p G *P WHO rH O P <0 3 3 OP E (P cp -H CO rH G 3 HOH •H c E CO ip . -H X O fN, P O'. P P C P 00 CO -H -I 3 G 0 I CP --H > I ID 3 P J C G P <0 1 3 0 O co ( >i *P $ ' 43 3 • > CP c •a • h co 30 O i ■H P 3 3 i (P (P 1 PJ33C i > P SO ' PI CM c CP CP CO P • - ( (PO->,l a co >,p c I 3HJ I o s o • OH 10 I cn co rH a c o o o o o vo h* cm o> r~ vo in co m > o o c J ■'T C 0 4 CM CO C r- in -h- vo HHHHH CJi O' O' Ch O' c o c c o M1 VC O' a CO c c c o o 0 oo co c H H H r M O' O' c c c o c c in vo in oo c C rH c vo c 4 CM CO ^ C H H r ' O' O' C o c o c c VO rH O CC CM O' rH O' C CM 1 CM CM CM CM CMVDCCf'CM O C O O O CM CM CM CM CM o\ o\ O', O'. 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E •3S as -P T3 P o ns 3 3 CP' •as^ i c > o o as p to 3 ns ns as ■«3” as x c x a 3 0 3 0) as •o £ c i as p -p c x o 0 u SI O 3 X V) p T3 O 0 O O O -P P P «w 0 O TJ P IN H CH 3 3 ■P 1-3 W 2i 0 0 P O’ 3 p CO 3 3 o i •H P 0 a 3 os I O 3 « o O O oo U O £ W 0 M TSS W O G 4J E e 0 o O' P 8-8 ^ m O O P P O iH O 0 O' - 3 r 0 O' r T3 O P C ' 0 o 3 -H 0 Si - x O' o o O M p 3 CM (0 P 3 0 -h 3 x p -p Q £ 0 3 in no 0 P H ro £3 •• 0 Q O' 3 H I (N CO O' X O' iH P >1 O'O' 3 P -H -H . X 3 x p o 1-3 >1 3 0) I £ 3 S H 0 o s -a CP p 3 p O O — “ in OoP Kop r<'f\jr-r--cr-c rf'oecN-o-pminfvju ■j- •4-mmf\jmmmmr t IT i h- tt O' H 04 O' o o t" o CO OJ m r-no in CO NO in o' m (M o' in IN IN o o o o mo mo ON- O N1 O 0 E •H 3 E -H •H P <1 x 0 P X 0 PH X IN U3 pm c P C OO IN X l 1 1 Z ME E P X 0 E rH U VP cn P m p P TS 3 O < o ^ c 0 H3 g 33 a o W 00 E P O TS C w ^ J g m O P s P p X S 5 x 2 O GO 3 p O' X 33 •H p 0 0 in o U U c £ •H (1) TJ T3 rH 0 X Or 0 X 0 p ' ' H-’ X • Z O 3 C x: •H O P 5 OO Z 0 2 c/3 O E I 0 H3 in £ e o a 3 C3 SC 3 E P < u o o Or p e o O rH •H P GO W • p p g. •H O 3 X c 0 Z W E 3 P 3 O P -H •H •• OO 0 P r—, O o o o co os x: P 0 o 0 3 X X P i i '"l fN o S* O P p os o in o O eo Q.c ’C p . 0 p c O o P C p in vp o p o oo P. r~- 3 in LS 0 0 > p 3 P 1 T3 • o u E 00 Q i Ifl U 0 w E is U o P o P 0 •3 P 8 “■ o : - • E GO 0 in B? | p o o cr Q 3 3 0 Z p u X If 5 n§§ lo • E cn p *3 a ** 3 in o Oi Q 0 2 > ■ as . p 2£ 03 es •S O X o n- M £ 8 ° Q 3 t- P 2 in IN fN /-N p O Q ; 2 05 o as W 0 3 0 3 > Q IN In O' X O' rH 1-13 C U in ■ O O 2 H p z cr O 0 cn U O' X O' H- in • s c Z 0 03 5 rH P i p H H • X co p 22 21 28 3 s p- O' p o e > es IH O 0 < ££ p z w • X oo i 2 . 5 p Z 0 ss Z S 2 3 S ? 000 sss O P p o p 3 -3 -3 1954 s 1942 Adjusted for change in contents in First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek Reservoir.(215) 01544800 KETTLE CREEK LAKE NEAR WESTPORT, PA. GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 144 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 w as o u < H o w o o O O') o' c M 3 ■P § o c p > 3CQ O §, X Li 4 d) Z P O E -P H O 1/1 eh p a. O -P as c p i 3 O rH W *3 -P < d) d) E CP d> ns > P CP p a c d) d) -h p o c C X-P •p d) o •n d) 43 93 p am p C3 93 p d) POP • id O O ~ d> 3 a 93 P P <0 d) I P E 43 d) on o cp c o c ITJ o -P 3 -p o 43 a w d) a i p to d) p P a d) 43 CP id P Cl. O p to id a s p o P CPP d) cp o CP O Xi §93 0) c P o id x u o p os o id <1 i id j- on occoom-4-inon N' in m (NrtHHHHHHHON O'JON'OHOI'-C'fO ininin^'t^mooimin h on m .J- in >o r- c O' h in m M UJ a i o z z < *H £ Z > -_J a. I u. O W 83 < H W 33 O O 3 H O' r- ON ON in o rH O O 'S’ in o 'S’ O O 'S’ O ON m o rH O O 'S’ o o o o o o on t** r- h* in o rH on co co m ^minmpp o o o o o o o o o o on o H'finoo"f O O O rH H ON vo vo vo vo vo vo O vf M on in O in co co in in o H’fO o o CPHOOOOOO on p p co o' ov ov ov oNino^onp-ovr- ON VO O' H H on ON ON ON rH H on on on on mooinoooo 'S’OOMOOOO inPinvoooorH^r OPPPPONONON ONONONONONONONON ONONONONONONONON I I I I I I I I vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo P 93 i S PS 43 c P O 3 o E E id ■°s 94 P O MH Si P 93 c c 3 Id - p - id r- cp on 3 - cn cp £ c id O d) B - in 3 d) *3 C >i i 3 id -p TJ O O 0 d) P g ON r- •p p ovr ohco CO 'S’ O' t- O'. 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CC'OI'COiCCli •f44Cd44(d(dc -HO'O-oO'-JO'Or O' CC h O' (T H O' O' c -OMCGO oooooooooo -j-o-r-XincMOCMCcin Dininm-Of^t^-Dinin cdOfficmHC-o'din r- m cmcmhhoocc CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM o X o z z h im m in r o o o C' o o H O OI o o o moo m'D'f cm oi CO •M* n- o oi o in m cm m P cm cm m m m o o m in o c CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I ID ID ID ID ID ID in o o nom i in m in o o 'TOO mcM’f 9 5 3 * 0 0) -D GJ X CO S 6 X3 O 51 54 Q> ir* S'0 0 P U 01 54 - 3 Dio C CM 0 CM ID X in o cn §D> TJ H P Eh 54 U <3 01 GJ x Id p G) 01 P 54 4* TJ C 54 in (U 05 G) •M' P G) P«T O £ C o 3 •rl 54 QJ - P > 0) m oi O C QJ O m i oi 54 cm • P 3 CM QJ oi P P >0 GJ O oi £ P -p I 54 54 P QJ O c a o GJ G) 54 54 54 54 O g^S Tl P >i 54 3 X5 O O 01 V OJ C a) X o TJ Oi QJ C 54 C P 54 P CL O QJ 54 O T3 P GJ G) E 01 Dix! i oi gj nS p oix: Q ll3 01XI 1 O H* CM P OI X " P 54 CM id >i E oi Q GJ • XI X C P 01 '.r 3 54 *3 QJ >i in'HOinrH.-HOOOOO ^O'OcdCMHOO'CO'O't •O'Ouiinininm^'t'l-'t vOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo r-'00oom«0'0r^co oooocMt^— ► z z C X) 3: CCGAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 147 «tooooooooo inOOO'CincOiniM'O o cc vO cn (N-i (\j f\j cm occmoc r-i p- o o m ,—I • ,—I (\| m M H rt N oooooooooo iiNco-a-in'Cr'-c O O < M CD w CD CD < H CD W o o o MOO oo in cm O id M VO H CM CM CM 3 VO 1 ID 1 IOOO 1 O co 0 Eh I O rH rH 1 W 1 | rH rH rH 1 1 CM CM CM 1 1 1 1 1 VO VO VO o in o o o o O 00 CO CO o o CO M rl MS’ r> P» in O h o 2a a nj o u E 0) o •a h H P • T3 Vi Vi H O • 3 O 111 O OJ C « o P C" XI fflVD Ij a) E w H d) TJ U Vi iO> P *-3 >1 I m d) s c 3 O •"3 P I I O' 83 (MfM CM (M (M Osi CM CMC f IP - CC .-H —• U M -f -t -t IP IP -f f f IP O Mf O' C W S3 CD CD < H CD W IN CM I I vo vo E ,P d) O P C P P C p -H d) O as c in U in as as aj in vi si td 04 vi a •H O 3 3 Q, H 1 d) > d) P (0 Vl c O 04 O r 00000 OrlCOsf H IP m VO CTl H Cl 00 CO CO 03 00000 000000 or in ip >o co co co cm o o o CO MO in ID VO VO M M M CO 00000 CO CO (M CO CO vo vo VO VO vo 00000 VOTVOVOO CP CO M VO M 00000 CO IN CM CM CM vo vo vo vo vo 00000 rl H O ID ST CM O VO CD Tt OOOOOO CM CM CM CM CM CO vo vo vo vo vo vo 00000 H1 IP in CN CM O rH rH M O 85 0000 0000 co cm m* m o o m o O CO rH o iPoin«r O O rH CM W X CD CD < H CD W COrHON’OOOO "JrlPOCMHPO PI CO Tf H1 P CM in CO CM O O O O O r oomomoinoo COCOrHCOrHOrHOO oopimnoiopsr OHrHHHHCMPIPI CMCMCMCNCMCMCNCM I I I I I I I I vovovovovovovovovo C VI s° S3 S I o M r-~ p r> cp § in o — rH o £ p .x as o XI O I Vi 10 Vl 5 o 1 0) S3 CU CD Vi H 0 W U B -S rH C u P 0 S3.. 10 CM > r-•• d) o CM H H r- d) o >1 rH Cd ID s 'P dlD 1 (0 Vl Vl >30 0 o Cp o C T) C 3 C P Id P r 'd >1 *> c HH O — P <0 C 3 CP 0 d> •H V O P O s P Vl (0 d) TS XJ 5 01 d> C g 'O Vl d) rH 0 d) Id P dJ o H Si d) d> o in M P Vl -H §U 3 EPH C 3 c Q4 0 >, E 0 E >, O P -H O 0 XJ -H c o CP O .rl TJ O 3 C 3 E O 3 S-H 04 O P Id >1 rH w Vl P U Vl P -H 0 3 (0 P XI CVC 00000 CO CO CM CM CM VO VO VO VO VO 00000 ID co CM CM CO O O CM O O O O M3" 00 CO co co in in in vo vo vo vo vo 00000 o M N’ VO CP in in H1 n o 00000 H H in CO T O VO M M rH CP CO CO CO CP CO VO co O co vo vo vo vo vo 00000 00 VO O rH CO in id vo vo vo ID CO CM H rl vo vo vo vo vo 00000 M O O M CP r- 00 co 00 00 o cp cp cp c co CM CM CM c vo vo vo vo vi 00000 CM ID CM CO 00 I— CO CO CP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 o 00000 00000 • ■*- 2 s ° s 2 CM I O d) o o M > • E o Jh in h 3 d) P P 1 d) id a) d) id 00000 CM CM CM CM CM VO VD VO VO VD 00000 vo vo vo vo vo 00000 CO CM m CO CO vo vo vo vo vo VO I CO o O H CM ID n: RECORD.-of Engir u 1 1 rH O 3 d) P *3 C H H3P-H •h Si u p 0 P 0 O 'O cd > 0 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM 0 U rH -rl rH dJ rH M S cn 3 d) si • 3 tP in - 0 P d) • “ § c h) O ■H f' VO CO O CO CD O O rf in r| |s H CM c- a; P c 0 MONTHLY M FA N DI SCHARGF,IN CUBIC FFFT PER SECOND RUNOFF, IN INCHES..............................148 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O 2 H *-> O' +-> in a) - a) P 73 (0 P (0 73 -P O <4-1 P a) <4-4 c§ O 0) >1 oi -p c ii O <0 - p vo (fl CM 73 CO ffl •H Q) > -P dl 0) UH -P 3 3 P 3 c -p a> •h in m e c O O § 73 XS O a) sxxi x: in44r'-mcD4incco o-iUxr'O'OONiro 4cn4450'in0'ininrn O' 41 4 4 4 O' CO in CM O' <\J CM CM CM CM in 4 cn m CM H CM CO 4 VO -O Is OOOOOOCOOO wr'0'00'(7(ci(n0''0 O cn o O 4 co in m r-4 4 O O 4) ; >N cn io <5 o O o Q o • 1 dl i a 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 < X • 1 • 1 IN E HT vd cd cn •4 VD 41 15 rH Q 1 ITS 1 1 1 73 OS O (U •”3 73 0 •P -H P O o p So? OS oi o dl • 2 c — 1 uj l mr-0'4cMOCCO'HH l 2 l ccHinHinr'cciff'Coin 1 l o X l O 1 rH CM 2 2 2 2 CM cn 6 9 E XI CO < c • o a <3 a ?■“« 1 >1 «3 • co d) i < ■P 73 tH 0 K cm 0 O CN H a-° 73 w c: b^4) 1 p 1 <0 O' • E H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < 2 1 2 1 H | 1 W 1 W 1 X 1 2 | O O O o o o o o o cn o O O o cn o o o cn cn o 2 *-> O < 01 D 0 ^ 1 1 l 1 1 > U- | W I E-< l 2 ! ! rH r-H CM CM CM O o OHH 6- CO 2 X CJ 2 E-< -h a M K 1 CL | i < i 1 Q 1 i i vo vo i i i i VD ID ID ID 1 vo i VD i t i VD VD VD 1 1 in i 4) | - 1 Eh W 1 W X g 1 q o H 1 rtj w 4) ! 1 H 1 d« 1 X W S3 S 0 < M O W o o CD O', r- cn O O' r- vo c o r-~ cd m a\ o o vo 4 a. a> ctv r-vo in o in in 4 o o cn o o 4 in in CM CM l i o o o coo o o o o o o o o o o o o vo r- o o cn in oo io in o n VO vo VO vo o o o o in c- t-' H a\ oo o o CO o o o o mo n vo ci O' vo co r~ cm r-' CM CO "C vo CO CO o o o o o CM CM O O O co oi n in cn r- m c in ■t ci o CO CO 4 O O —I ls-f' CM CM i 7 i 7 i o 4> o 43 *c O «-< o O O' I"- r 0!M''4'04< o o' h O in o -i co co 4 4 m r- HHCMCMlOlOCOCOr ininooooominin 4-4 cofOoCor,<—<4 ocoino'OO-cccco'O' X'C-C'O-O'CvO'OvC'C « e dl o p p c e is 73 P O' C -H 3 p os .8 >i 3 - -p x: = 01 -p O' C 3 -°0E cm 73 ru§ r» <3 cm c x: gH o 3'- 0) vd -p a)' P CO X3 3 dl -P Blew dl J cO 3 O' d) O >i <0 i e xj 3> : p p '-I P O <0 d) <4-1 d) co - C o d) d) c P OS 7 10 0) >1<*H p XI O X3 73 O -P dl -4 -H C t" 5 U O C -H 3 43 a a co d) p a cn co o 73 g P o 0 P O +> CO !-» •» ■P d) d> <0 E P r-l d) P d) P o P 3 O d) lO 73 O' d> c p e <0 CO X3 <0 01 0 dl 73 01 p P ■H fl 0 73 I O I d) d) d) a P O' 0 I -H -P 01 d) a o> os co O O' g< di S 73 O 3 §1 O c3 V a o co 03 o xi < 3 O' (0 H 2 dl O' I" •3 -P S3 40cc4co44incnco>o 040'coincMO'r-mcocM 4(CIIMlM(MNrtHHHH CDOOOOOOOOO •040'f-iMcor^cno'co —i>04l^40'in(MOO -mcMHrt- 04r-'04,-iCMC4—< 4 40'Cici«hH(m'C HO'r^r^xccr^xiin4 X)Hxn-4"--- ► _J U- 1 IX X c 2 2 C 3 2 a l oi i o l 0C I < I X CM I O r- i m O' i — 4 i a i - i t-UJ I UJ I 2 10 0 —•»<•— I- I O UJ I h-O I 2 I | uj O I 2 I O I O I H I mi I o o O I < — IP I o i uj CL I K < I < O I I a i uj 2 | O < I ac I < - I X b- I O IP I I/) UJ I — U. | Q I 2 I h~ —• I IP X I o o I < i- I o uj X I X O I - I UJ I UJ X I 2 O I < I O I UJ cm in O' CM C0 4) in 4 h in in o ■4 4 0 n in 4 o o CM Nomo cm in o O' ■“■*•“< CM CM O O O O cn cn o o o cm cn 4 O CM CM m o I-H O o -4 O CM o o 4 O O O' r- O' O' co CM O O O O cm cc o m f» m 4 n- o o c^ co O' cn 4 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I 4) v0 4) O 4)STREAMFLOW DATA 149 le p o «D £ a) m P 0) +> p CO -P G 10 s a O 3 AJ r' .• ■p A! « x: aj u S' Q) O a: S' o c * iD W J’H'P 3 E O O -p U P to Ip ID S' d> ■SIS gas o -p c >1 co J a® 3 a) H r» T3 'O § S"J- M C «5 0) ON (D = ^ to in£ fl IN S' X . rH O T3 *w H -H C Eh P O d) d) £ rH dJ c a id (0 0) ■p E p n> d> > T3 O S-8 §‘H o d) u s S<0 S' Eh >p 5° M £ +J p •S. 2 cn S' g P> S' •D £ to S' o -P -H c c +> o tO d) P •h a o -sou i i n> d) TS P S' d) (0 -P P ■P O d) W ID£ I P -P I -P (D • c d) QOS « O O 4h U >1 o vo to S' IMP ID *0+1 O 0) ID to S' 0) -H P P Q (0 I >i ID d) ID 2 G 2 cooomcNO'inenp->4-HCDP^-'Oh'CHCMn HhC aj’f NHh CD in 5 p NO® - T3 +J 4S S 1 S3 P d) 3 C CO 3 iD P) dJ iD +J ,G 0) O P (0 K P <4H OOP iD >10-0 XI o 0) O U TJ * C -P CJ 0 C •H d) d) -P E C iD d) -H H PH d) 3 P to P iD 0 S' £ to 5 CD P U P 0 to iD U S Eh S' .C «h S' OOP to P id ■h a.,c a ID c o o U to w c ID a o e a o -n u V C d) g s. 0 c 8 5 0) 0 P TJ U SS -P G ID 0 Q -H to P H O co a > to P c E g >tooocooooo ■J-^OSh^ccihO-h CC'O'O'COCO'OcntNCN o o cn o o ^ o CN o o o o ■c ■* o o o O O rH rH O rH (V P K o o o r- m, <7- «C rH rH O O cn O O ■* O CN 00 0 3 v-' ID 00 OOw CD OOP' cn h c\j h n co O—irOvO o^inooidioo-tcd 'J-Hj-'l-'t'l-p-'Oininvj- o o o men c CN CO «fr O O O O CN ^ C p P' E d) p- ID >1 d) ID S' P cn c +> O to +3 h c a -* s = T3 O in p> in +J - to p cn 3 d> o -n +J • iD £ 2 S <0 03® H S' P *0 d> p > o d) 3§ 51 § 5^ • TJ n c 0J (0 « o < * S3 *3 >1 d> I « p d) 2 G S 30 0 ►3 +J rH *r OOCOOCCOOO "■uiPNOCHcaH lO CN O' P P CD O' O' P 'C-O'OioiAiO'tmm^ OOOPN’OCNOO'-J-0'-OhO'ONO®'Ch mcPO'Oinu' + ^-ii' n m m ^ in o p c Z 2 c X x a o o o o o o CN CO O' O' cn CN -f ■} O -HPCU CN CN CN Cd Id ^ o o o o o o CN CN CN CN CN CN I I I I I I •C -O -O -C o JS O +j ■3 a os -a O a> U TJ ag < T> 5 SDISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 (236) 01551500 WEST BRANCH SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT WILLIAMSPORT, PA. 150 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 * § 3 « X tn c c 3 3 x g c 3 3 3 o p - o O' CL in in Q) rH CP - T3 O tPrH o c VO -rH 3 i x x tP (9 x 3 co P O' O *P . o 5 "3- O to 3 X 3 O' 0) XI <0 POP (DDK ■O Cl Q P P O to 0 c • 3 O T3 POP 1 C P C to 3 •P C to to o g X -p P 3 X 0X0) fri in 3 p •P 0) u to T3 T3 ss§ 0) p 0) o 3 JC O CJ 3 CO 'duo a) P ■PU « b E Ltr i o d o P S c l P O' it) • CO g tomaj-o S^HO I > CO . P rH tfl 0) 'f wb O' utN ooooooooooo OOlOlOMOlNCOincON 'OOl^-'OPO'NNNNin oooooooooo vOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOrpOOOOOCTl oooooooooo oooooooooo NiOOlOOHOIOJOlN oooooooooo oooooooooo TOlNP'DNMOl'Or' oooooooooo i/no o \o n ifl oo in m vf MOit'OMflMOON ^ vO vO vO 'O P U SB £ 05 o a < H o w W EC a e> < H o w jg < o o o o o o o o o o u cn O' cm in co vo vo VO rH CO H Q fn in CM CM CM CM O' vo rH rH M" O' VD Eh W 35 in pH O' vo cn CM o w EC 34. 7 22.3 30.0 r-~ CM CM CM t^ 16. 8 16.3 14.6 S o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o Eh rH CM CM H CM o CM H CM CM g m co on CM CM CM ■24 -24 in m CM CM vo vo CM CM -27 a vo vo vo vo vo vo vo OOOOOOOO INNtSHinO'OO in in in mj\ co o id CM CM CM CO CO to oooommoo o rno o p- o o pr'H'T'rinP^ OOHHHHtNtN ID'DlD'DlDlO'D'D O o o o o o o o fO ID O O O O O O O O o o CM t* CO rr vo vo vo vo o o o o o o g a) O P p -p a) to P 0) -P IH O P P EP g -P id ss O P O'* c O o o •H _ X to g P rd 3 Id XL g CM P O O -P c 0) 3 P O c P id -p 3 P P P ►"3 to to id C p p O >iP CL o XI O a) p cl 0 w id to X X! 3 C d) CL C Id id p in P X Eh rH O' P id -p p e-gio d) -P to P p x c c C U o 3 •P ,to g p -p p d) o P P p p id id 3 da C 'Ed) •as 8s 1 i id tn 3 3 H tn 3 b O' tn 3 O C a’0 X >3 P 2 0 cd o) 1 3 X & 3 X o tn O 3 tn X-P a ' h co d 3 3 CM c > a 3 3 rH ■Q ^ g I ooooovovor HOOMOi—t'S-OC DintOHOCONv oooooooooo oooooooooo '.OOOOOmrHi-HC' 30000000 J^N'DNOMOl SiOCOONOONCO MOOiOvOO NnO 'in'jinai'D'TCitn iininincioi'>ovo oooooooooo ooooooooTfi-n OH-inKiMinvOH-fnM h-to m m m in m to m lCO"t HOL HWHCOHr 3 t vO O l- S : Stfl w X Ch 35 Ch Eh o f in vo N CO O' r ss < H o w o o o o o o o o c o in m CO o c o o o o on 1 0) 5 P U) P C 3 0 3 O C O EC u in O'S’i c cn-p *38 B vo -'J >iG - Id 3 O' S 05 o x O cph -P rH P" 35 • X in a P P 3 m o • id -p Sle E5.Sb < S CM 8 d) a 'd 3 a6 0 u tu -p P Xl 1 a rP 3 3 p P O' O' a u u P 2 p EH O EC r- 0 cn M ■> er 1 to w -p u d) X 3 d) O' X vo O' in rP •o o d) C o d) 3 O' in P 3 3 d) X g O tn O' OJ 3 O' a 3 0 p I w 'O I 3 I p g*4 < T3 m co -t -o iv c ■»IMCMP0'r-P~'O,OU inv0'j-(\jir>0'n-0'^-ic' M’IVOh'O^-WnIVI/' ddiH wivm-jinor'coo'O r^r^'OinmcvjHO'OO' ■icvjfn^-iri>oC'ooO'r-iGAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 151 incooooomo'r-o'o minoeoff''0('iO"Om(M eo it u' >r ni m i\ (\j cm (m co cn oooooooooo ooooeo.H'Oeo-4r- 4 O' C- "4 «O O O O id O vOir\-4-f^«tir\0'-‘coo OOCCO'r-tMMMO joo^no’^oo® ocvjocor-r-r-'Oiri'O OOOOOld>OCOCOO m >o N h o co o mm ^ ,HiMcn'4id'Of—000'r .92 W 1 cfs E O P O C P « 1 o O o O o P p H Q l o vp p P O E *4 Eh 1 in in m u= C • rt 3 CO rt ob M Eh 1 cm cm ■26 •21 CM - w p X. X P w 3 < Q 1 vo vo vo vo VO hJ oo P m oo-H X £ S p 3 3 1 £ in tu a) jr * 00 • H 3 3 00 g IT. X) 79C V % o P *4 vO X 0) 3 >4 c 3 P in 3 rH a. U 1 ' ' ' in i in oo o CO H rl ON M1 CM d X +J c eO CM ON C M rH 3 O o UJ * Fh Q i U4 o x i'lp 0) < O x P X) X P Id rH w Eh 1 -T H in 4 o CO oo 3 o -3 3 O z w In i in O

3 • • a ON P 3 •3 s V X i ininvoMncMCDfoco on co o in s > aj m rt CM in S Mrt 3^ > in d- .. W in i H H* VO ON H CM CM co rH C Ifl u rt E 2cm CM 6 in Q _ «!£ 6 P d~ a Q 1 O P ON ! cn co XON 00 • O cn p XrH z EH 1 o cfl H Q i p 3 ' o P tn Q E 1 3 rH 3—X l/> ID ID I in in vo co 51 9C 11 41 96 O co VO rl H- V O Q i ,J 4 -4 in ' O P Q C p ■ £ X Eh O g i coiococo 4 41VO dd ON o rH CM rl rl rl P O a O X U O C 3 O P rH 05 < B° O P O u x u §2 2 O H l 1 rj P S3 E-r 7 ^ a E-r • X P 2 X £ i ooooooooo o o o o * » 5 UJ >N • >o . X p 13 cn UJ C . ON *7 M EH I O O H -H OOrirH O P s UJ X £ 2 o x a> ID UJ X X -H £ IL o s o TE >1 >1 ;>i >1 ***** CM CM CM CM 3 UJ *3 U 5 cn £ X 5 < 1 1 1 1 1 Q 1 vo vo vo vo 1 1 1 1 1 vo vo vo vo vo 1 1 1 1 vo vo vo vo o hJ Q < ID Q i r-J Q 13 a £ o o < — O UJ in id o id o rH rH O rH O co ro ^ O H H H INI in in o o H ff| O O O' N -t O O M CM 'O •€ 'O •C •O d CM O o in m m l *—• CM CM (M OOlf'OOK'O (ocn^oo-o o O' h m in co OOHHHCVIN ■C ~C -C ~D O -C e p mh m o o in rH - d i e -p J O 01 P X _-*P 3 C7N E cn in nj Q) - Cl) rH H P -H o -p £ tJNP C'H'O So § vo - 3 o (u « - to m 3 in CM -rl >, o P 10 H M- O ■P « E «so J £ 1 I t7>P O E 0) HOP Eh P -P C P in s-i o o X o •H 3 W E -p I o c in 3 co H p d) Ifl C 0) o > 'd cj o a; .a x: x «j o a c d -p 3 IP a* tn ■3 S’S ■P *3 O' in § ■rH p P a 3 a i o a i x: §0-0 OOOCOO O -t O' o coooomcD co 4 co co lOO'HHpl^HCO'O'f co io co co ^ o in io h O' in 0 -o ^ O' o O' h in o CM *-H rH >-H CM •O'J’COCM NCMMNCM-O'tlOlOCO >f 0(0 OOO CM 00 d- >4 oO'On-r-CM 'tinnO' O' d m 4 m 4 m cm cm cn H'teo^j-HcoO'CCO' o 4 o O' 4 id cna-r-O' •o 4 4 m 4 m cn cm cm cm o o o co in O' •4- O' r- cm -o -o m d in •o in in o o O r- >4 O' CC CM •4 -4 UJ X O (3 < •— X U-H C 2 2 C X X cc o o o o o O O 4 -O -< on -o r~ o co (O O’ O' ^ 4 o in o ici o co «4 o -h o CM >4 O' O' >4 O O O -> CM iMOmooooo >-iH'OHr-vOCMCO co in o o co 4 co (OCOlO'4'OCCCOCO oidoomooo COHCIOhCOoO OCMin4)flDOCM4 QHHHi-iCMCMCM CMCMCMCM CMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I »0'0«C'0'0'£'0'X in o o p o o 0 0 4 O CM CM O O O O •4 >4 O O c— in -c in o id o o O H (O o Id CC CO CO O O P HMONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND...................... 240 93 MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND...................... 38. 152 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 in o vO P H O Cl Ol CO o 0 0 < H 0 H W X 0 0 < H 0 a 35 < M 0 a O O O o o o co in n-O O CM VO ID VO VO CM CN VD VD ooooMominooomcNior VD OV VO VO 'S' V ■iNfll t in in in in 'S' oinoooooooomininoo M'l'OfoofOonomHH'S'oo MMOoovoHiNCN'S'iniDMCoo'S' OOOOHHHrlHHHHHNN VD VD VD VD VD VD VD VD VJ ONI" mfnrO'r'f'S'inin' ooooooooooo ooooorooocooo 'S’l'-orvimco'S'incoov'S' OOHHrlrlHHHrllN CNCNCNCNININCNCNCNININ I I I I I I I I I I I VOVDVDVDVOVDVOVDVOVDVD in o m o o o o o OCOOfl cn m 'S' vo o o o o (N (N CN (N I I I I VO VD VD VO o 0) 0) m +J qj r- 3 Q H.P = Id P X D'SD't'S'OONCO't'OW 00 IO P P E D ►o •H 8 - 1 d id p (D tT ■H TJ CD Id co x • 2 g 1 A O’ p to nj Q •H ip p p p —. ~ P X 11 OvP 2 aiNOooioKiaiNO P cn © CD Qj i < O © H 3 CD 3 CM -H 1-1 NNNNNNNNNMIO •rl >1*0 gs a a P 3 CD >3 P I id P P S 2. c s« y P P && SR" CO HVOO'ON'ftl'-COO p a a rtOOtJiOlOlMHOO -1 1 ft O 'O O m g X O' ^ *3 3 CD l-g, J5 o M g P id -h o * S 3*i 3 p | "© p O CN §■3 •' CD A P si *p P*~ £ nnnonoinois*o 0 CO CD 8* CD CD T3 P 3 8 O -n g inmininmoovot'-'Ocn 2 C 0 -H •H E O' >1 r—1 3 co O id 'S' P CD h - O O a c Sc 7 7 id _ VD -H nW a 3 a - 0 0) CD c 0) VO H g CO 'S' CD -H 3 P ‘O' 33 < a - CTi vd in • /Brl CD 0) Cn a P O 1L 1 PPPPPPPPPCN a E-i P • p tj © a) a> ca p p iVD i id CHS ‘ W CO CO « >p

^ •s’ co cn CN m u in ID P •H E ip o o Q O in © g

cd P • 9-1^ J O UJ X •s n n cnmcncN cncncn CN CN CN P cd o in P -

0 «0 >0 «0 'O'O'D •o o o P p cn © bO © A © box; > 3 T3 •H 2 3 B w P -s- E ^ cd UJ ° P (X p © bo in O' ooooooooooooooo o o o cd u 3 rt in © rt oc UJ X O cNHh-OHH(n'Oicic6cN'S,'S'Oin in O' PA 3k 0) B p 3k in P 3 wvo cn 1— o >H 0? § bo 3 22. a p f © CN SJ 1- 2 •H O 3 © © U rt S'" o o CNCNinsOf^MCNN-fClN’CTiVOP'S'iH CO -s- o * in bO CU O 3 s o bO 3 • VH © 3 ►3 • P co O P I vOr-MD'DDD'On-COCOCOMMr' o 6 *3 in ? IS

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I a) in ■ 3 03 (1) c e 3 o 3 *3 -h •") O S-. o as rH O 3. 3 3 > ^ P a> in 3 C • «-o o to A O c 0) C o' 6 S O 3 P +J cn co 1-3 -h 00 § 0044 •H i-j C O Q *H 1 p T3 e W >n in n X cH « I 3fi I W *-3 ° t *4H O O moo 3) O 0) S-> 3 t-H c 3 P 3 U x 3 f- r-o in Si u in as o u •h 3 o r--3 6 c . o<.o In . O w 3-°' T3 f W C 0 3 i 01 4 < in 5 m c o c o c o 3 . o X Sh -4) « O 6 O .H JJ U O ix 3 P O X 3 m 3 o X 00 CX ooooooooooo OOOff'ffl-1 >t O' N H M-ICiO'fClCT'lNJCOfCI'O'-iinO mnocccocoN'O'Oiriin OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO •OOOOOOOOOO OMinommoin-M- -C 'Hoor-'0'0 1 N M H H OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO ooooooooc-cm r-mcC'O'-t^-iCMO'MD'J NIMHhh^Nhhh OOOOOOOOOO >T)CMincO'fr«ooCT'inrci ccivO'—I'OsocO'—'r~0'ir' ■O'OMJuuf'ccoff'COir ni\iro,j-in.or-o OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOlT. O'O—'CCCMfM vOOO'CCMOincMCMin CvJ cvj ‘ O' CT- O' CC CC f- M2 o o o o o o e> u < M O M o o o o O o u a u o < H o w o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CD •>? M CM CM o' vo vo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o vo co vo o o r- in on r~ ro CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I VO VO vo VO IO o o o o o o o o o o o CM o O o o o o o o o o o o o CM incM (D OOHHCM CM CM CM CM CM 3 vo vo vo vo C 'O i § s& A cn 4-> TJ o 3 S s 3 3 O M s •* 0 0) rH Q) A Q) i » X A tn m •o u (U C O •h co m co flj - TJ CM O' tn P (0 3 Q) A 6 0 in 3 •H Q) 'O P 1 3 QJ I O' Q) 3 a Eh a) a > U I >H I A I D I >H I >3 I D I >3 ’ < 1 p 55.4 3. 59 IARGE 158 5 81 565 >52 >49 L 89 i t ! 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1972 DISCI ] w tn H W p a u §g w 5* Z A ti a t-EH c w a o o < M co r~ in in CM CM I I VO VO vo co in m 0 o o o o rH CO in CO CO 01 VO 00 CO o o in cm pi pi f' CO vo H CD r* r~ co r-~ o o o o o O O O CO o VO C- OV H M1 VO VO VO VO vo O rH vo co co in oo p' ro vo r» vo vo CM CM CM I I I vo vo vo CMCMVOCOOVOO'T CMCOMT'IOf'-TCM i* in in in in oooooooo OCOOOOOCOO •M-riavcoincorH-^r OOOHHrICMCM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I vovovovovovovovo co in o CM vo OV vo r* cm QJ p +> +J tn tn 0) C 3 B w TJ Q) O' A •H 4-1 S4 3 S2 A C O TJ S4 M -rl QJ EH P m < a a qj aj C O' 3 3 ►o O' >1 • Xl tn MH t3 O 0) C O •H O m o Q) - 3 C ■3 8 sh qj O' in U 3 3 QJ EH QJ a > a qj a 3 I QJ w tn 3 0) A O' O V4 W 3 O' QJ 3 a 4-1 O C0 rH i tn I • >1 P XI a o -o u c g 3 in W m o u a < O a o U CM cn 1 3 qj a154 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNEJULY 1972 = S o x O O' • d> CO 2 Cr> o 73 e O (9 il CLX <9 o Li o x g 0) <9 73 P d) <9 O' CL P o cfl o> x m •h O' § . O o OS o < o to <9 P •rl O' 10 O id £ O' U tj-ocx)0'0'h-oir\in oooooooooo O-J-'JN-tCOlMCC^w * cm ro -j- in sc x c z z O => z a: I I 013 *- I < *-L I OlU u. I IUI I o o O I < ■ — I O LU os I t- < I < X I O O I I O I I O I C I i o o -J- o O' rci o o O' CO o o o o CM -4 O CM o o vO -c x-4- o o o o o o o o IO OOh o o o o m o o o >J- vO fC| -4- O O CM CM CO O O o O O O *0 cm *—* in co co o m «}• -o -o o' cri vi o' m oo co oo o o o o o o o O o CO CO fO fO o •-i h- co cm in vt OOOHHCMN • I I I I I I vO v£) ■£) >C -c vO '0 o o o 0 4 4 o o o CO o o in O' o O' ifl -H -H Ll X ifl C E 73 0 §” 2 73 M* - rs M1 p 5o> 73 CL-H <9 • <9 CO 0'-' o co ITJ x X X O' p CO o O H X CO 73 E O > as 3 g p X p <9 <9 io io xi ■p E Q C -H c •H X o to • -H d) d) to -p X C (0 3 CM o -p G CM -H P -H x o E d) co a I C -p to o p to c CO H> cO X p X £ 10 0 P X Ifl ip 73 (9 0 0 73 c x p x OOdC C O P fl) 3 <9 -H E Q.P S4J 0) O' to <0 CL G G CL cfl-H O P to to to -p P • H P (fl 0 2 Id-P 73 CL C P E co o • o > 0 O' O H d) CM >, P o to 1 P Q 3 P d) I 0 73 > I £ >ldl OS CO tQ nj O CM G d> U rH (TJ to = C X O I 3 (0 X Wb jl X O' G CM 0) CM p 3 d) co C 3 3 <9 *3 E O 10 73 O -P d) O' to c - •P O' >, ip vo XI s ssns d) 10 o O' (9 O P E d) CO p X CO O d)£ to P -P •P 10 -p 3 73 P 5 C P 3 c3 O Oo to OS o -p < o to 5 XS O P ip 0(9 0 O' 5 - o>o (9 H O' c X X O' O P p •H 6 G E >1 I O CO (9 P S W CM O' S vo rH IvJ H CM x E E • O o LO id o C <9 P CO P C_) CLrH P 3 CO 3 X o CEE cO O cO XI p 19 X E to oo CO p. •P <9 3 ° g rH - o’e >•>73 73 O tp P -H P O as P L-I JL p • CO (9 <9 Z 5 P X O X P p H 00 CO P HP GO < X 3 G O X X CL (9 as W O <9 p p G d> as p E CM (9 <9 P P (9 <9 3 G o G p <9 O X CL U X o <9 CL 03 c C OCX C9 p > p as c p O X O <9 CP P P P T) 73 U P I P o (90 0 0 ODCTi vp (9 OS 73 73 c O (9 as 1 CJ 73 ( S 5 g 4 C_3 CM OJ d) X p <9 O <9 bo 1/1 p p CM (9 Q X 00 O' as . P X <9 as as C E S 3 73 >3 0 0 u X rH rH O' CO O NCMNHHOlOlNNN winONcooio f (SMONOl'OIOWO cn cn Sg 1-3 as (l EH o 2 2 gg O O' P c 0-P •“t! X P <0 (9 G • A!d)>i X XX *.S5 O' E W •H O *P P u o G X X O X x O' 3 G 73 to 3 c 0) O CO rH .•s- X > -C1HM - X d) O' to <9 M- G p O cu VO d) X CL C g cn M- O E o P O - O' P M- ' (9 E p X CO X Ifl Q in X G 1 c k I --H O • X 73 co • IS <0 <9 p p P X 3 w o a (9 x C x •P o <9 <9 O' > P o <0 X X CO I 73 d) d) O'73 co G X <9 31 O io u w to S x VO P oo o) rH X O • O O X X P 73 CM O' Ifl Orl rH E O O' 73 rH E • rH o CL 3 cn - sr W CM CD M X X u ! E3 < U 1 g : g S u S5 o o o o o o CO M" CM O' o o rH M1 O cm o o o o o o o o o o o o O X CM co vo in CM CM I I vo vo o o o o o o o o o o O CM o o o o o o O' o o O X vo C7 X O o o o o o o CM X 4MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 155 oooooooooo oooooor-ofsj-t s*00 o ex a a E CO D4 P CO CX o cj X 2- c0 Q cO . 4-> Z -Ol 3 ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ininfflHeooo'mcOcM'O oooooooooo oooooooooo coooooooooo r-0'cno''*ms0'00'0 NOl'lOOt'lO'frlH IMIOOIOCCIHHHH oooooooooo oooooooooo incncMcn^jOh-'OO'O' h mcn-t in d r oooooooooo oooooooooo O H CO ^ Mfi N N n n .-'0'ina'CC.ocMeoin-j- oO’CODininin^'f't oooooooooo oooooooooo ^ NDCOhOCOCdOO- ■‘CMin^-in^e-coO'r^ z z 2 => x oe *4-1 * X> a> cn E cf S id CM cn « 3 •H X> cfl s . * p 'Oin5^e--4-fncncMCMCM c cn P P a> *0 O' cn — (D P P O' c O* cO O in rH CM cd in 2 aj xi e 0 C0 X • « oo 26 4J -H , a id •H P P CM X CD X P - c ■H z ' P CQ P P B (0 0 < t) 1 % C cO § — 00 z P 0 P E ( - U in cm or hOO'HCJ'HhMJ'O “ •o in id b o o' n X £ -H 10 (0 H >i 1- cJ | P P cO - o ai z (0 •p 0 'O a) o -3 cn 3 3 x c ;S » D- « 1 as 3 xi in CD • O < •0 in z cncMfMCMrHmpcncMP z X cn 'O O I-I z E a- o p CO t"- P z —> X X a p •HO - o •H P -H p (0 O CM P * ^ rH a "*,• in i a m - 7 § H Ol CD 7 P Oicn P P ae < X DAY ^-icMcnN-m-or-coCT'O o ID CC r- O rH 0 CD O' X CD P -P O O' 00 a So a! O' 3 H CD x p; -h co Q ri OP rH th qj b < — [X4 ■H •H p a) •b 3 ” *h >- inoin'OocnmHHj' L = 0 o> a) co r~ X cnCncnCMCMCMCMCNCMCM cn xi in a co S ^ rH •• . ’ UJ CO £ CM I E in h b o ai S cn IPX X 2 *3 z •- 1 *H < X ^ P i P W 0 H CN I5, SSI > H E CO < Z Mcoo l o • X g S « 5 x a u g 8 cn >< < 2 z hi Q 0 a ^ u HCMn-Jin'CC'CEn'r* z et h O O' CJ 3 (d K cm cr -t cC' cn cn cn cm mm-fcncM—•mm-O'O lO-Hr--tr'DC\jO'(»0 cn«*o -c cMCMin'-'«j-0'to«ocDomo—* cMCMcnn-n-O'cnO'eccM'tO'S-o HHHHHCMOCJCMCClrnfClfCl-f ■J cm cm cm cn cn o ooo*no*^inino*noooo ldldo-t(CigHH(i'HfrO(nO O -f l" ** - -----■*■ O o -4 r-i ' CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMimcm I I I I I I I I I I D'C>0'£'D'CD'O'£'C D D D >C D D156 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 < CU u g u E-t < K l s < Eh < § >3 O' a) •H O' p 03 O to U a) cl O -P T3 P O' o c c •H ■p a) (0 XI ■P <0 co M O i—I 8 i O r- "ro rH (N 4-1 a) i co i p x: +j o -p C O-H 223 S-a co c X3 o (3 u C SCO O U-l O TJ a) a) c O' 3 nJ •3 O' P co 3 (0 O o' to P t*H flj O £ ooooooococninc^ ttinmw^MHoC'tDcc (0OOOOOOOOO •OOOO'CMfOCOo^-l^ coio-Hrt-trO'OfOtMto OoOO'OH'Ofl'KK (NjtnO'cc-HfOio^O'r^ 10>4-(0C0'4>4C0<0oin O O O o IO o (0 o O >4 O -4 O CM O CM to in >0 >0 CM CM CM CM II II •0 >0 >0 >0 o o o o o o o O O O O O CO f- •4 CC V0 >4 O' 10 rH oc r-- co r— o- o- *o rH CM CM rH •0 co •4 -o O' f-■4 >0 O O o O O O o CO O co CC' O (0 (0 >0 4 H414 O O' H CM O rH CM O O cm cm co to cn -4- >4 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM II III II O -0 VO >© .0 00 <0 to a) < 0, 00 T3 OS P O m u Q S 05 O '< OS E s < “•6! to 4 •• -H ( CM Q I § t ►3 0 J OOO>fOOt0M-^H-H >t>OCCl0CM-HOO'O'«$- ococcr^O'oO'r^.00 •0fC|iHCM>OCDHl0HfM Oh>JM0O'OhO'O l0-4>4>4l0-4rO(0CM4 «0 cm r- r- co >h (\J C- .0 >0 CM O' H 10 O' I*- >0 CO CM CO (0 4 10 t0 10 CM fi - O CM T3 CO tso O C UMS. ■ 19 36 oodm; 1 z; z 1 1 V r 1 UJ | 1- 0 1 < 1 | rH f-H >4 >0 CO (0 4 | 0 rH rH rH H CM CM 1 1 ■4 O O rH Si l-H P w 0 < § z i cn 3 £ rH H VH l>-| •••••••••• 11-01 l0 >0 >0 >0 >0 0) >0 1 (M CM 1 1 >0 >0 < C u 0 i Q O C0 8 X s s§ S ■P XS (0 d) c a> - n X -H C TJ <0 C J3 "3 O' E •H O P P C to 3 a O 3 3 ■§ 0) O BHH W >1 >1 IX) HC O E h o Eh P < UH U -d M P w o s o 3 'O s s I™ >Or~--00'4O'r'--Or0CM(M '04cO4(MOO-H0'OOCO CMlMN(MM(MtM(M-HrtH OOOOOOOOOO COOOMOh-J I0KI0->tCDh-H-l-(MlCI^Ot*l XJ 0) P •P u 01 m •p p 3 -P C C 28 C->j-O«j'Ji0O'COC--ro '*HiEen'CJ1oOH tn44i0i044<0(O p a) ■p p (0 X) X3 -P ll c ai to p MH Ifl O £ l0(CIOCO't'fiOM->Ol0 r~t0'l-r~co-otMCMO'co cmcmcOcocmcooM-cOco C O' O P H 3 P > 85 » E P I ■P 58 P P fl P x: 3 o o 4) T) O O' d) O <0 C vo rH .. d) CM -P - >lt^ rH rH OtMOf'-OOOO'CO r-4 CT'-0O'f~O'f'Occii-(C| Dr-^40>cMtMOcof~-r~ M >, Eh «J < 5 r Q C B 05 O O -H 4J U -P C S3 g d> QJ W P P 2 < r» nj S3 i •3 tO C 1 >1 3 di eg 4-cc'>4->d->0«tcc'c<,'c«'cci h cm co >j- i0 >c r II 00 00 00 O fO CO r-4 O' O' <0 >0 >0 CO f- «M >0 CM O f- 10 o rH o O <4-O CM CM rH O' -O r- 10 «4" >0 C— >0 O 10 10 O 10 O rH o rH O O >J- 0-4- O CM O CM >0 >0 r~ c- CM CM CM CM II II •0 >0 <0-0 000 000 «4- r- >4 O' O' 10 co 10 10 CC C- 10 000 OC- 4 10 10 o rH vj- O O 10 -t O rH tM o 0 0-0000 fC| ^ M- *4- >0 O CO >4- -0 C0 C0 (0 0000 10 o o o 10 CM to (Cl rH C0 >4- LL1 o CM CC -0 C- 10 C0 CM 10 rH ,0 >0 (0 10 4 10 tc O' O 10 o o o o (0 4 oecco o O 10 10 7 4 O rH rH rH rH CM CM (M CM I I I ■c 'C -c -0 10 o 10 o >4 0-4 0 -0 (0 C0 >4 O CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I >0-0 0-0(257) 01557100 SCHELL RUN AT TYRONE, PA. MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUHIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 157 OO'WO'OI'llfiC'O'H' (*1iDhO'COhO'OI^'J,( oCT'0'COco'Ajf~-ajr^f'-r oooooooooo (NjOOOO®'4u’'C'm cD'O-tinr^-j-CNjoincNi OOOOOOOOOO 0'f'-m»4ino'4-(nrHrH 5h cc co ? p«- 5 r- o —< CO CD (Nj -4 rH rH m -4 -4 (NJ HHHNNHHH OOOOOOOOOO •0s}-s4C<'(J'O'00'r'-s4 rH.O(NjOOf'--<'OCrlCNJ (ncNimcoroo'cntNicgCNJ OOOOOOOOCNI-C O'O-o-tO'^-'coir.vOfM h-fflfDror^CD^OO'^ in •-> r- O •C O' >£ in rH c o -4 O (\J f\J (NJ •c -c r~< O o <4 o eg o o o o o o o O' •£ O m -4 o O' so in o o rH O O f- (\l sj- (M (M (M I I I «o -o >o c o o o o o inott-O'Cc HOiNO’ini'i HHHfOinP i\j (\i n -t in -o o m in in in o 1^ 4 -1 H •! C OfflHfsH^ OOhhNN (\! (\) M M M M -CsCi C>CsC CC sO •-> in in -4 in o o ^ o o o o -4 m o -H c o -4 O (NJ o o o -c n. cc in o -H O O sl- (ni (\j rv •c «c -c a .2 • H o 4J "3 5? eox: c +-* O 3 § a i Q) O (0 S ai X3 O ui e -p x: c -P d) -H e p a) nj P O' 3 O c a> (U -3 p c P 0) XI -3 -3 (3 P o cd -h -3 x: p a o O' P (8 m ■p i cn 0 i a i o (NJ O (D P- C •4 _! r* (s. C (NJ (NJ O' m O' -o *o O' -P C tn m r m (IN IN' (NJ (NJ (NJ O -O'jHimonc Hr-l--lsl-rNJ(NJ(M^ (NJ (NJ I— (NJ (<■> ■& ' ho- pcc p m ^ < (NJ O' m (NJ o 4 CIO (O ( -X IP- (NJ O (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ h (nj o', st in ^ P (C O' H r a> o c o o -3 (/) ai 4h C u MH vO C -3 .2 § bC V) P +-* rt c -G a> o 6 ia a> ••H P •3 3 a> 3 oo m rt E (0 Q> X M U P tj- cn O T3 vO rH § i I 0) 1 p < H X. (X sx W X *3 2 cn o hh x: UJ C3 < OJ a: C3 XI cx < -3 cn l Z w 5§ T E a) o rH P 1“ (N (O . d> O P -p - M m a §3 XI d) ■p § C P = p eg d) . a* x: rH X> 0-0 3 00 c O O' 3 E O' a E c -H o O 3 P - O' -P rH P 0) •NT -H Oj O > 3 3*1 I >p S«R •o P o a d> (0 -O d) ■p p -p O-H P o w d) d) -O P -P P I <0 O d) O 0>n4 aj (0 m P -P O' (OP' •P d) -H •H -P O' <0 . •H 5 O a d> I -O Q S o § O O' P OHO 3* -O > Sd> rH CO u o ■P to C -H O d) -a nt E I -H d) dJ ' p O' m 3 (0 to -P x> r.H (N 3 P m d) d> o' E -P H d) d) o E pa O' 3 C O O -H ■p c -a to p §“§ •H O O -P O (0 in 4h O' d) c (0 E C K d) O o axj U O <0 < -O -P 5 S S vo E • O VO P O' ' (0 4-> oix: d> d) C O' 3 (0 •o O' P o 3 in O O' O O m o . d) (0 to O' (0 P -p X3 (0 C x: d) c u E o to o> •H p to -a 3

c to p ll^ C rH H O' 10 3 rH »3 d) P I Jh-P (0 d) (0 -H S SE “s, I-J O -P o I -P (0 DH Pfci S <0 H E MO'iniNjinoJOocc'Oi OvOOOOOOOOO co®oog-f'inf'(Ni,o ^-ir^co(Nir*.>tmiNj(nfn o O' m sf o r- r— (nj ma-oriinminco ininoHOOOC’ccN i g- in ® n do o> o oooooooooo 0'st(NjO'(Njcn,-ir--in-j- (NJ(NJ(NJrH(NJ(NJ(NJ»-lrNrH -i (M m 4 in x r s z > ► z z c o z: a: in o -4 o vO sT (VJ (NJ •c «o o o o oo in vo Is o Is o o o o -c (nj in o- o o o o ro o m o O ffl O' 4 O O rH (NJ g (N nj vo vo vo -nj o co r~ n- ^ CO O -O O' O' (NJ in o o o in n- -o r-< •o 4 o m in in o o (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ I I I I I I -c •£ sO -c -c -c158 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^TULY 1972 85 3 ^ e S3 O 3 Eh m X • O r-~ o e H 0 u o < H ON U m X < UH u z H s Q s” R 5 X> cn (0 to tr> O P g£ co in - 4-H CO O cm in Is* -H on Q §&• •o £ rHinvOCM>X'OCMCM'3CN-3’ 1A (J"J H CC.J HOO'fflN C iCMA 4 -J- vj- rn CO ft-1 oooooooooo 0-000000000 NOMfO'lC'COOOO H O O' CD (C K r 2 cr -o a m — cm o a x cc o O O CM CO 1C •O O'CCK H O'CCl' o H h o ■no'ooocvj vO-tco-tr-cocMco-tcNj in m in in m -x M- >x cm O' oooooooooo OCMIMOC1IAOH1DO Hc\jin<-icccoocoinco oooooor~-mmo hO'-J'ICION^^^h ^^HOHOfflO'C'O C O < C a: in vj- -O -X CM CC •o in >3- o o 0 'O o o 0 in r- cc O' r- -4- r~ x o X t- X f- X o m o o o o -t co o co o O —I CM CO X x x «x x a) • P -P -P O W Q. C rH (D e c 3 in £ -X in C in It3 IO X3 5 t^x: •h tn P -H C O T3 TJ -H O' »H C X3 r 8 M T3 (D ID o cn X (0 0) O' o §5 CL tfl Q) cQ ■2 S 3 C -P 3 •rl »-3 PPM I 3 ID I O > id a) s? ►o tr m P m 3 co O on -H O' HH C a) -h XS 4-1 4-1 c o O rH •h a 4-1 nj u si O' P P iO 10 O' 3 at o > (0 o o in o H4 o O OrH P (0 - o -~ § ! 1 03 o O o 3 U O 3 • 3 §1 •o 1 >1 d) 3 4-> 03 ’ § H W O 3 C S f-§ i Eh -P S ss *3 O 1 4-> X 1 P • O < 1 grog gS 1 P • iO 3 gm m e e A 1 W W 3 : x 3 > cn co g S O' 3 5 -H 0 l- 0 SiJ s ■z H i X w U *4H s o M rH A c i 1 o X o p 2 ^ CO N O MU O I CM M rH X in -3 - (MHCMHHH- J CM CM CM CM CM in o o o o in o 30100(030 CM CO (O -O 33 O 3 I I I I I I I >0 >0 X X X X X in o o o o hcoiooo CM CO O' h 3 O O O CM CM X X 33 <3 X rH o rH -3 O CM OX-3XMrHOOC ioin3inHinco(0 (NO''OCOHco303inmoinH(M'Oio CMCMfMfMfOCOrOCOfOCMCM 3 CM CM CM CM CM CM inoininminominoo H(AHhhj03H(00 f03on-oocoo'0'00i 3 Eh 3 O < ? e P a) O > O ID 3 W 4-1 § •H ID q e Q O ID 3 O' tn P 3 ” I O U) O' J 4-1 C 3^ 3 H 03 - e id di O' a 3 o 4J I 03 CO I ID I -P • o Q 3 03 P O 4-1 U C < X3 5 S CO - CD o CN rH • i—i r- o . rH O W U O' MH 3 HH -uSOio CM O CO Xj o- 3 3 3 0 3 X tJi3£ O M d) O in as U in " Q oi ffl M rH ^ - P si >101 rH rH . O 3 U -H 1-2 >i 3 9H 1 r 3 s e §MH O OOP -P 4H I Tl I O O -• O' O — eg cn rH p S rH 03 I I I I I I I •X >C vO vO X) vC x m -X m •£ v ir-rHincNCor^Ocno—i -33'Omm33m333 OOOOOOO'COrHCO in co 3 O'in o'o n io h r—^H^cMMOf-mmO' tDrimoiniOriOcMiu CMO'ooiOfOinrM^O'CC o30'OCMHco30'nj fflMD0030HO'a) rH CM CM rH cooinmmocc -trHO'-tMrHmO'rHp- lf\3-(OfC'4lC'3-fOfO(M HCMco3m. 'Cn-ao'r o o o CO O' o -t CM CM o o o CO o o O CO -t O CM CM o in m cm CM oo o o CO o o ■* O CM o o CO o o O CM CM CM I I o o o o o •C O 00 O o rH o o o CO co o in cn 3 o o o O' in O' CM -3 o o o CO CO o O ® 3 3 3 (O CD h O O id o in mo in o rH H CO 00 rH 3 o o o o o o o O O CO CO co o o rH O' O rH CM M 3 OOHHHHIM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I •O "O \X «o »o *o >x m co m rH rH O o o o o o o rH in 3STREAMFLOW DATA 159 ooooooooooo cDO'j3o3(MHmmr-HO' C'r'-'OinmM-cnmcMCMP oooooooooo O'OOOOOOOOO COOOlM'OlflMNJ^O OOOOOOOOOO (MrO'J’OiriororO'J-si-•o h co -o it. o r~ o cm (nmvO--H(NJCOO'(MO oooooooooo minOff''fMCDCOOJ- CDfnOI^'J-CO'J-HO'CO s: z >- ► _J IL I a. co a < H u w ss co co < M O W o o o o x cri o o o o x cm O VO CM O v£> in o o o o cm m o o o o o o ID M'l cm cm in cn o o o o o P CO in o o c +-* 42 rt p -J 3 P C5 C -H 0 C •o > 10 P rt rt 0 - P in

o -a rO 4h ' O 0 >. P P CQ P 0 E 0 •o p C O' P C 4~: CO ■H Q) P E p C iCM = fO P m s P a) an - O'co p < c_> u a 05 e o u rt • rt CD S c 3 O cfl Eh ■P +J s COCO E O < H g 8 •-j *-> J OP 1 C P 4h i < w CJ 5 U rt CP ' CO CD 05 O, MS. -1960 1 O 4h • CD 3 O E3 O O' 10 3 < u o < z X < o 5S X T. H 'C CD p Eh -H p O < p -p c < H i a S < CO cn Q X < 2 CJ Si CO -H o J s Q Q) -P C CO 10 3 -P -r-i t) P (0 Q) C TJ 3 O' co Q C I to I 0 §X! 10 E-* P I co W P CO co t^x: -o o o •p o Q) a> E C O' o 3 CO P Id O M-I P O J 3 in 4 O cr. X2 o o TJ VO Q) -C O 4h 0) -P -O <0 o c ■p a) •p E 10 Q) CO c •p a) 'O o. i0 ^T> X ffl Cl O O'X CO p O ■p (0 10 P -C 0 O P co I O cm Q co 0 | X CO OS 0) rP .. -P -P CM * CO O >iM ,H 1 (0 ip O' IP 3 rH Q) • P P> C PC I >i 3 IX O (U (0 p O O C 2 w tj co c 05 (0 < x co u 4h co o • O' O co CO O SIOIH ooooooin -Tom OOOPCDCMhMMM cr -o m h- m o' *0 co co 3 X CM m vC CO X -'tfncMinMr^inolf' H H H >1 rt oj co m cm **h OCO^COO'COhO^CO (OhhcOhO'OO'IDCD ^i^i^i1-i^l«t(yvf<'rncM i cm co -4- m >o r* •) co oj o cr o >i -4- o m n- h m -p "4- —cincMO U\4cOCO(tCOCMCMH -I sj- O' C 'J- CO -O O O' rn i- cohcocohcohmoc ^•t-ffcimcvjcviHHP Q I o z z I U. K C z z «i e c « 1 s .1 8 S“ P -0 s § *3 P CO TJ co p a) o ? *p >a aj 0) ip “•a in -P - i0 CM -P l P 05 • X3 25 _ Qc ° e 3 H O O EjPX 3"" 3 -P (0 a a) CD P o x x a) p co co E 'd'OH CD CD CD x: p > o o a> 04-P <0 CO CD 0) c co a o co o c p fo x: a) p a e Q) co 'OP'" P O' P o o T3 m 0) -C o -P 00 4-1 Q) -P TJ 10 C -P O C Si (0 (D p O' > a) a> jx o O O' e o 3-8 O CM W 0) 3 K C -P I 3 cO s co 10 ■S8 co id •H I t) a) I 04 Q) O O'ip <0 CO •p CO >1 I XJ . -O s s 8 CO 5^ >1* <0 P S 10 3? O'OCM't'T'OCDlOO’COCO 4(MO"0'tlMHH0001 't.fcc'mcOccicOfocomcM oooooooooo -OOOOOCMMinOO iDHii-OHcocor-Hm CMCMCMvOOCXJ't'OCOO' Mr---- ni 4 m C7> O IO (j coMMi'Ooo'0«oin-4- MDCCIOCM^iOhCM-J pcoMcommaD'J-ocn -4-mcnrc''tinr-4oovOin OOOOOOOOOCM OC'IM'IOONOMf r-0'0in<0'0inrop0' (MfMHrtHrti-HH O-Ort-HJIIMCMTCJ •tcMmociff'C'iO'-tm mcoMM'Oinin-4->t'J' CO CD < P CO 0J O CO < p CJ OJ VO VO vO vO 05 O O P -H 4-> O T3 CO CO CO < p o 'T m O' M M . 73 . 89 .55 .26 . 4 < c U E S O O E o rt P rt s e CO CP X vO M C— 17 16 16 14 11 E-4 < o CJ C VO o C ‘P O P o ~Q 2 o rt p 0 z p OO CD +-I -H O z ^ 4H X P CP s O O O o cn o in o o o o o o o •“J ■H T3 P Oh O 3 P 05 C E-c PCMCVI O P" O CM p- P- O P CM 5 § S p 3 CQ X P vO p . P O /—> £i X rt rt o5 O o X o X3 TO CP H 22 22 22 cn cn CM CM CM CM CM 1 H C o o 0 5 CO r- 0 § vO vO vO vO vO vO vO vO co XT lav p XCM 0 P C - P -H 1 oo - o 0 m x: e DO o ^ H • H o rt 0 POP in P rt CP S rt 00 a) rt X c o b o o 05 M CM CM O O O O O O O O o ■3 w in -h 0 0 b p ^rt X CO ov m cn p" o' is- in oo cn in cn m- c^ oo o o o O' cn o o o C P O X) mi ak -3 rt 3 +j in % TS S cn PCM vOt^OlO 15 20 30 o cn XX 0 O' Oi X in rt rt v—- 0 O' P5 c^b, 0 0 rt G 8-h p : 2 3 m x: o CM m O C i o P XXi o' m p X 3 X) oinmoommL MvTHMOvrvt' O CTl M M vO O H c OOPPPCMCMC vO vO vO vO vO vO vO vO vO CD • X P* Q rt CD 05 cn e o ■ C_) P P l W CO c 4 05 (D CD C C P W PCGAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET »ER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 Mean discharge, sediment concentration, and sediment discharge, 1972 160 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 o o o o o ONHOC H CN Ul Ol tO rt t/i X Mh O U O O o o o o O O t" o o o o r-' ro o o o o o 0001N>0 -3- cm oo h- o o o o o o o o o o o o r-- oi (ni rj i o co n vo MMP a -h m-i O lo HMCO-TH C H pH rt +-> \ ID C M UP M s « e O H ^ 0 LO O O LO 0 00 ■H- -H- NK)Tt to o o o o o o NtONOOO ONNONO lo lo oo "3- cr> oo o o o o o o oo lo o O o LO o OO T* H oo OlOOCON o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 5 0 0 5 LO •H- - o 43 o o o o o N H N N Pt O to 00 H- H o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o T* cm o o O' o o o o o o o o o o (SI O 00 CM 4) X /-(30 00 P CO -H <+ O 05 V 'OOtP LO (■"-(- vO t— 00 03 O (MOOOOOO CM O O o oooooo o o o o (M to O N Ol ^ COHHHHN grHrHCM CM O O O O o o o o O O N to Tf C rH CM CM CM o o oo co 45 O' o o CO O O -*■ o o ro o O -4-O CM o c o o o o o O c co ro o p-i co •—< co x -4 4 CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I D >C '£'•£■£ >C ig g^ O E -o m -H -p u 05 ■P rt 03 - — 4J O' < a HCMCC\4in^NC00'O (MCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMcn > u 6 p oo oo x -P pH 3 g X o Q o 4-t 05 0) E H 33-3 CM -rH z o a 03 pH (S o p LO i-I S X 3 05 X o ID cc o o o o o o o o o 0-0 4 s TJ 3*p O O rt 0) >1 sj on Is, 3 •H H H § 05 t-j O' rt to as X _i CC'CMCMpHHpH'OCMpHpH HhHhH(MHhHh X p-l CO cc 3 • +-> LH 3 23 25 s ID O 0) O' H — CL ”5 •- cr cm CM pi pi US a P P rt ,23 X 05 H o ■P S 1-1 X X 3 O o ID u O 6 P pH 5 x s s s rt T3 _ O' UJ U- u-1 O O CO CO CM P-I CC CO f" CM 45 CO CM a « o 1/3 05 rt 05 rt > US 3 •p| CO vo - <_5 H O' 4) O' 4 in in 41 o UJ CO X -4 4-0 0' pj od pH 05 is • H (J LH Ml O O Z a -p (3 rt o X o pH CM CQ 3 UJ z 'tCC3-4-4-CC3CMX45434- 5 C <4-i -H £ -3 co ° .V* § o § H-H O X o o o o o o 8" • H s p 3 - ■h- b cn b d s a z - O' 43 -4 04 4 < CtJ Q •H 43 O s ‘ J a ■p -p vo cn 00" 22 , rt rt . 00 a CM 0 ■p H 0 05 pH (in * O UJ o < CO CO CO CM CM CM 1 1 1 CM CM CM 1 1 1 (30 s to x 3 05 P H 3 05 0) 3 03 3 3" E ■ H CO (U pH pH H 05 7 m a 05 O 0) O' co H oo < X a HCMC04U34MnO'0 o c? ° 00 05 X X oo X E 0 -H S"g to OO OO « 3 rt 0) rt O 00 25 n 05 Q c i P b rt Q rtft u r- g° V -H ui M Q H z o cc io 4 cm in o o O O O O o CO P4 • •h 6 ■3 •• so VO in pH " r- . rt fl •H +5 d) -d 03 1 o X .. 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H o §z 3 woi w §J p ‘ C ^ 3 b' ■T3 ;H p r° p rr CM a 01 O P p P U 01 cd in *3 43_ | p 43 i 01 Ol p tn 43^ C 43 • H P vO LU X I h in in o m i o U G P o 03 i x w oo G O 2 > •3 P 43 P 43 01 < —• 03 00 ^ o ai C S r-l CO p ^ in 01 43 43 G P cd 2 01 P p P I 6 10 13 14 14 14 13 11 11 8 6 € CQ m ai 3 P in >-} § 01 o U cd’ p tn oo • 43 LD cd m ' fc c-l n Ti in o in Q u p 3 OOP -6 P o ° cd 2 1 O r-HoOOOOO r-HOOOO i/l u e C o o u § in U E 01 43 o G o • H P 00 h- i O O O i—1 »—1 i—1 CM CM O O P CM o Sh -oo •HO P o U - (U J •H P r •S) G 01 ro o o K* as o P o 01 p 01 p 2 m cd 43 P -H •H 01 P > o O P ICMCMCMCMCNCMCMCM CMCMCNCM MD - o3 •Jj 01 Ol J10 o 433 i! i 3 P P CD -H 0) _ cd 43 43 P Q IlflltMOlDlDlfllOlO VDVOVDP £ ro cO o p P V o P o o 01 •O P P C o P p in' ro - w cd oo In "3 r- •H O - 01 oo b o in 01 OO Q t-. 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O •>t'~ - o o in c t'CN'Or CN CN rH O to to to to o O' o nc CN o o o o o o cn o o o OJHfNinOrf c O n H CN CN •30000 o o o o DfNO-U-'t CN o o o o o o o o © CN O *3- TfInstantaneous suspended sediment and particle size, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE* IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 167 r—co(r'OOLf\'00'Om ocoinrotvjiTioO'CC'O'O oror-(oor~'00'f^ o-ooco-fH^iinoN c\J,_i^-_i>j-coin©f'-r- on isi <-> UJ Q I Z Z C 3 Z CL Si o o c P -H CD CD 0T1 WOf g cd e O P >—' U P OWNHiOiOOnKI iDHODW-J-"i''Cn lOOlCDCOOlNiOH (I C <° U Oo fX O -H j- u wo 6 e c ooooooooo OOOOOOOOO ooooooooo COOlDOCOOKJ CON ■t U1DOIOIOHCON N'tOlOOlf'l/INrl OOLOOOOOOO OMNOMOIDMO CTl lO "t Ol M O) CO (O H OrHrHOrHOOrHrH O "rH P 0) (_> CM CM CM p a) cu p cnx: p p cn -p a) ns cn x: P o to = 3 CM d) as : i § s o o U XI 8" < TO EC G CJ to < Or a C_) cn C3 w a CO •Cinin-jttimcvKVHHf 3o0'r^f'00'-^0'0 jd-DoicoNinifiind- •j- ■—< rO'O'MJ'CM'i-t'-' --OHD'O-O'O^Dr-CO O'vCvOmmo'cCsomm mmmmmcvjCMCMCMCM cc cn mo -j -J cn •CHrtomeOCCCDCON £ P to w a) to P 0) P Xj in p C 3 T3 X3 P P O tO o a) a 0) P £ o a> o P 0) 3 p p o in tu 3 -h -p p tu cn -P G gj O E -h >iP p cn S B •§2S cx o •H CCi f ss o cn P m to x: Q -d J in a) cn X3 p c U O -H d) d) p p p p 3 0 O O >iT5 •°S •3 d) cn C TJ •H P 4H 0 1 E m s rH h x: • o cnm o -H M1 X3 TO p c S to to Pi an o tna £ c § Eh -H 10 < in U tn o cn •rl P -H Q d> I CM ? I CM I • a> 8 S3 0 3? U i-j 8 »3 P £t 3 -d K 0 C o x: <0 • H rH W O ^ d) 33 m p > rH tO d) W O e rH 03 d) p < G to 33 3 P U i-o cn i Poi E d) to o o cEaiP £ E < - D 0 vj £ P MONTHLY MFAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND,MONTHLY MEAN DI SCHARGE » IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND....................... 699 152 RUNOFF » IN INCHES....................................................... 10.33 2 168 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 (0 to (9 P P d) 8s 'O .X -P C 3 nS O CT> 3 C O (0 = £ r- in in 2 S O M tji O S -P o a-H c a) iu d) m P 4-> d) +1 VO P P • 3 0 in O C O >1*0 -H J3 H -P O ns •O O -P nS in ns ip d) c o c N < d) T3 P . 0 rH U ro d> H >i 1 H rH 3 nS t-j ■P •h O tr-P P vo O 6 X in d) -p -h P -H 3 3 J O' TS i i O pj u P 1 P « d) P P < o a o u o o J3 cd Eh § m 9h >i ns < K CM O CM 0 w >, •H d) X p x o 10 to ■H •• d) P CM tjl ns o) tr H CM C r- 3 X p> P >i I as as ) co in -t co im ^ h inin>omr>j-taa'0'n- r-rCif^fCift-,r->}-c\jo.O' n-«oin>O'0ininin^--4- I ^CMtfi^-iO'OI^OOO'- co to Q X o z z X LL t— o z z 13 O < •-O LU cm O' r~- r- in a- r- in •a- -a -a- «* o o in o o m -t o rH (\J <0'0>0'Omm inmomooooommoo •M’-M'O'HOOOOfn^-.'tcOO ONM'M'inior'COO'PMOM- OOOOOO000r-4r-4f\J(M CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM CMCMCMCNCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM .........I I I I I I I I vo id io m vo vo >o m m m m m o r-4 O O vO o o m vO m co cm vO m m (M -t cn s f r-l .-l ,-t CM^NH-Hf a co n h cr co co ,0 O' co cm .* in cm cm cm cm co co co cococococococo^mmom oooomo momommo- ----ww CO o O' O H rf ^COHOM-HlO^H^COo O -Oh (M CM CM CMCO'OOOO'OOO " * O O rH •—i r-4 r-4 hhhhhNCMCM m in o o • - CO o CM <$• CM CM CM CM CM CM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c ~c m m in a ^ h a m -OM'-'O'n-mmm - - -- r-. o h in o m -a- ■I rvj CM CM I I I I I in o -a o -4 a- o CM ro -o •—1 co —■ O' CO o CM ' -4 rH in m m m m o o o h ro oi o o o -a- O O CM -O-O-O'OvO'O'O'O'O'OaD ■a-oo'rHO'OO'O-oO'co r-<,-(r-lCMrOlMCOinO''Of'- «a>a>a'a'a'a'a«aii omommommmmo (oacna'-canaao ONaamhHCMiMcoa OhhhhhcmNCMCMCM (MCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I I I 'CvO'CiC«CvC'C«C'CnC'C m co co co O *"“• O' r—i -O'O'O'O o m m m m <-4 a- a o -• cm «a o o o o •H X p -p *8 E C O p in OJ £ a) H in g § .x u fl o Cn ns ■H ^ >W d) 3 8 CJ O d) - -p >1-p T3 vo d) O' gr. • a] 3 -H d) d) p x: c -p d) O 3 10 O' P d) u-l d) O P o a o T5 CM P 0 'CM • 0 O' CM >0 d) CM P P 0) 0 1 d) c o H C 3 d) ns 3 o P -P P) •H , O' O' in *p c •H P O-H P 3 C I O TJ -H I X! 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M3 - »r" d) d) -m-O' CO P 3 -nS O d> co d) nS ■h oix: P ns o • X CM SeS cn i i i D O 2 P g H Mh X ! s € s 1 c 1 ooooooooooo or^mcM«--t P 4h +J4J O §0) a-p 0 3m Oo3 > iw CP fl co -P e m 3 i a a o aci 3 e m E p o a) 3 P > OHO p a) m 3 CP h am c P •H O • e >p w I CP in 3 c H PH O T3 ■pom 3 Oj 3 'O QJ iO m XI o 3 c- P - ' O m co o H (N D O P _ O 3 6 cm m ■h - c ai a> o XI H -3 ■p m -P 3 c oj Q) m p 6 -p p a) c o gi° m ai 4-i 3 P O QJ 3 Emm 3 -H P a) m aj E 3 •P D Q) CP E C C I -H O -pc: cm3 a) o< qi p o -P -O -P Tf 3 C P COO •H O O c t5 xx O C CP •H 3 -H ■P Q) 3 Hi 3 P 3J O >i I • uximp Q) O O P 'd -H C\ 3 0 MM ■P P P O •H -P O cp m -P •h 3 3 c Q 3 o r ’Si : o -p 9 -H 3 3 « -P c -r» O 3 O 'O i •• 3 QJ S H X5 > 5 CM Q) 4 X! H j qj a : c 3 3 3 P Q) -O E I -P 3 C 4-1 CP 3 O • 3 E m -P 3 m c W P3 O I 3 O H i m -h -P • 3 P 3 Q 3 3 -P a: E am o U 3 P >1 S3 O XJ P 4-1 p COOP S3 H 3 O UmCH §— CP m o 3 •3 M -P CP OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOCM'Or-(\JO' '0000H'0'l,33('j OHHinX)o“JO'0® O co Xi sC cc o (nj cc r\j (MrtfMH'-'NfMfsjHH 1 >o Is- CO O' O oooo®r-xiooo >>oM-inf'oinNM,(M CM«\|CCIC\JCMC\J0'0'(omHoo ^NhhN^hhhh HMff|^lA>cf'(CO'rt 2 Z iS 3 33 3 C P 3 ■P m - a.X 3 3 XJ O -P § M-l p 3 03 .X 3 P 3 O P >i X) f" E Cpo 3 .x ■P > p 3 < O h3 >i I -O I C 4h . 3 O M 3 m P CP P 3 3 3 E CP o m • X 3 E 3 XI 3 -P TJ M 3 m c p ■P c M 3 3 0 E COE •h ox: E

aj 3 H 3 > P CP 3 1 >1 3 rH H H CP 3 3 3 -P i"3 3 3 •H 3 m CPT5 -H •asss Q >1 O 3 CC -H > O 3 m O U D tPXJ So.5fl -P T3 -P Eh 3 4m 33 3 U(N P M CO W 3 >H • K C C® i 3 3 in W 1-3 E co P P C 3 0 0 O Hi -H 3 -H X3 X3 P -P O 3 H m CP 5 cn > 3 i o P i A P • (3 o §■3° O 3H U3 O £ 3 m -P -h w x m 0 3 3 OX XJ < *0 Be c 3 O o ' > in P vo M O O 3 o a OX 3 3 TJ •H 3 -a c 3 0 0 CP 3 O P 3 O 3 P ' -•S CP P >1 3 3 3 < x: • 3 ° O • E O E CO TJ CP rH 3 S O H ti 3 DO P 3 > O P C 3 3 3 CP E 3 m SI < 3 C E 3 O O P O 4M m c E B 3 TJ 3 P 3 O *0 O P CM 3 HIT O CP 3 3 3 ■P 3 -P Cm3 •h -a 3 S -P ■P gj 3 -H 3 E E > 3 I O 3 3 P -P CM I 3 *» H Q (Jl I 3 ' § I Q h) 3 S3 O rH O CO -iH H O' E 3 P P o 3 4H m 3 'O 3 P E O P O c POO 3 O' -H ■a c : 3 3 j 5 g'S 3 'O O P O P 3 3 3 P CP > P O XJ 3 X* x: 5 -h o o s 3 m 3 •P C -H CO O 3 < 'O g§! 1-^ -a e X m P 3 O P . >1 o .* 'O P '00 = U >1 x: xx cp-p +j C 3 3 O O O hw m i O co o s h m -P S 3S 'co i §' O -h m rH -P 4-1 4H 3 C C > 3 H 3 -P -H C 3 O 3 I" >i C O' -H 3 rH 3 D D >1 I m 3 3 P T § O O d x: -p ChU 3 O >1 -p U O XJ c 3 rH a) 4H ro x: >1 • 3 5 3 VO p 4-> 5^03-0 •H TJ CP 3 C- 3 3 3 3 m c m mh 3 3 3 3D m P -P m -h 3 C -rl -a P -H 3 C O P CP 3 C C -H 3 O 3 o P m O CP > O 5 3 PH O T3 XJ 3 m 3 : m cp TJ 3 c > 3 3 o rH rH c 3 o c rl 3 3 O •H D rH MM 0 3^ M C 2 -P 3 O -H OP O -P O P TJ • -P 3 H H m TJ 4J MH C C 3 I 3 m 3 h m m h Cl. P 3 x: E o p p H O 3 Q.. 3 P O 3 4J 3 O p 3 3 P O 2 •HOC CO ' -H -P 3 > co a) . c P cm P m 3 >i 3 3 3 P XJ m m x: -P P 3 -H 3 3 'O OX C CP 5 3 -P 3 E mh > p m P • -HOC O -P O CP-P O Mh MH . O -H in m 3 4-> p o co a) p -H -H . -cr Jh H-» ro 0 in 3 c > co ' CP-P O P m* c -H 4 - 3 OIH-i l o co . O TT CO CO CP i i D M tl s i s , C P 5 I -P O 3 O ) 3 O >3 C CP CP. CO CO voiovovoio in in in in m in r'-r'-r'r't'' c- r~- i— r-- cororococo rocococororo ocooo cocvocv cMinvcmvo co cm m1 h *4,'3,CMCMCM > m m H H co in m c > co co av a, co !• OV CP VO VO co r' p' co r- r-'- r-- r~ e'en ro ro ro ro r'r-'p'p'r--r~r'p'r'r' co co co co co m in in in in in m in in in r'l^r'p'p' t^r-r'p'r-- vo Is co Ol oMONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND...................... 2,050 462 6 551 350 521 902 RUNOFF,IN INCHES..................................................... 10.29 2.40 7 499 175 236 809 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g 445 145 174 750 170 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 m o o o vo VHONCO O W N 03 NvOO MCI O M M Cl H 00 Cl f" vO vO tO O O NOO O tS- n o o sj o o CN Tt CTl O O O o HNUlMOOlS o o o o o o o U3 O CO vO M N N H N O N Lfl C' M 'J'tiOWO o o o o o o o O r* 00 o o o o NMNOVOO cn o o o o LO O O t" OOCONr to to L - o» to oo t* m *-> rt O 1 O 03V0HlC oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO MC'1'HomoHfMO'T o o o ro o o oo m 'i* o o o o o o o 0 f' inin 'T ci co 01 f Cl CD -J ^ CM CN CN vo vo vo r" oi o o o o o o O CN in in CN CN I I vo vo OOOOOOOO rooovooiooo VON-OlCN'S'i-Hr'-o -jr'CO'cnincNvo OOOOOOOO oonocnooo rHcNCN'CN'invor' OOOOOOOO vo vo vo vo vo VO VO VI CO H CO fl O g H £ -1 - T3 S§ 3 0) 0 4-i A «J O > -P 3 d) C d) A O co u o B co § •P fl! o H A H tn fl d> I d) Cn l C fl . 3 tn o CN fl r" aoi T3 vp • H 0) U -- fl C X g •H OH Cng §fl tn o 3 O Cn > d) H 14 C ! I ooooooooooo ooooooooooo r^in«i‘f\ji'-f'-®tDcocN in co co m O' r-CN ^ r-i oooooooooo oooooooooo in o • — -'i — >© «* in «n o O' X) O' I oooooooooo o o o o O o O CvJ CO h O H OOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo o o o o m r~- •O'-ir-CN ino'CdjH^oincom •o-d-cn.-iO'cooor-'©® oooooooooo oooooooooo mO'moi'JineoHineo h (ijm^ i/\>o Mod h MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND....................... 41,900 61,500 RUNOFF,IN INCHES...................................................... 1.80 2STREAMFLOW DATA 171 M T3 o fa o cn d) pH * 4J S3 XI u CD O -P P -H 3 3Eft Jo 5 o P T3 4) P > O i a) o pH u -H £ P CO = CN 00 VO in o 3 0 tnos § 0) VO CP r 3 1 « 0) > CP o (0 XJ ■S'” a) cn 81 W ®> S x> I O'! C C POO P 3 (0 to O P *0 O >i a) X'do _ c o T3 (1) vo a) -p - CXP a) 'a > 10 S .8 to +J « •H C pH -a a) a) i 6 P ® a) CP P d) <0 3 CP -p to p • CA (0 ttj to i a) a p i £ o o . to Q IB -H o K 0) 3 o O P I VO O U 0) ' SI Cpvo 3 (0 rH CU-P W O to P UP flj a to oo < cog 33 >i av t0 O 4J to to oo to CO M o\ P D P S g h E 3£ P P P « 2 43 • P = 3 o» o C pH O pH 03 PO J-- P r^ iJSS 2 P o^S vo oi to > •- o O X) to 3 P OO O 3 XO! 3 p-3 >- OS 3 O CD u o < 03 5§ ctj P - E OO nj •H 0> Q to U ® tu > OS o x: o m a> 5 2 W 33 U U ■< M U W o o o o o o o o o o o o vo vo vo vo o o o o o o o o VO CD H H* O P CN CN vo vo vo vo o o o o o o « E H; tN P CD O O CJ 3 c •H O 'S h3 ^ OO h- tn *3 X E <00 o o £ > rt C H C CtJ 2 co cj ■3 ctj to - ■ * ' 1 > O ^ P -H . to u o tn in X3 X3 J3 ID P 3 P X) CtJ P •H ^.P w O ^ rt to ,-A > vp H- v£> to P o XJ •H T? rP oo c 4h C "3 D-T) m 3 d p 3 Q P E CD E /—vO CD E o P 3 CN E CD P g ^ r~~ +-> p vp . rt in d 3 ® 3 00 vo < P o > < 3 ctJ *3 TJ -rH 3 o rt us 3 t-i P r-t OO P p P co 3 x: u *■> ■H ^ 22 s CJ >,P P X-H > Jo 6 E X) ,H 4J o p ® O T) to’ CD ip u P CtJ CtJ 3 ct) H ■3 P x: p x: 3 +-> X3 a> co B • < P 3 C CD P o 3 to 3 3 JXl e TJ 3 > E oo P p O P cj r • s, , • o xs i 3 P P CD -H W 03 J 03 pH P OS 10 O C < u o 33 3 P cj X) as p Q P OS CD O CD CJ U 3 2 a- o ® U PDISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 19/* GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, ANO DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FFET PER SFCOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 172 ! S ! ! i : s S 5 3i II s s s !si ggg ^ o o 1,020 7A0 ss x o 618 5A5 asg fg sa ■i- m m (\j ir. m ifv m in m in in m ssg (M ru -t -• OvJ oo sSISai sSIsaSM O •-( <\J (\l CM <\j OCOOO*-H,—l-—1 rorvifviCV I: 3 id! 3 •• | • rsi Q as -~£ o» r”s a5 «s =•« S 2 i K D ?| S V 2 S a o> t X t" i'3 .5. PI m 33 3 < § 2 I si m« Sr3 2« 4J II ♦J -■“2 §2 ^5 1° U *1 M 5 22 11: I II Is s “.S u- •“ '‘V * S 3 ~ 1 l/> •H T, . 2 l 5 II 1 •= ® a si i “3 5 (M cm r~ S i I . £2 2 . K i 3: II B •H XO P* .O 00 t s f oo in w ^ 3S S Is ”1 s ■3- u- 3 g “ S.* 5 2'" P» a> rt 32 3 f 3E 3 1 I US - 2 i, .. 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V a D 4< o s rt +j ^ c ® ® a. g o *j 4. rt ® 4. t3 a> >- c o ® ® 0) 00 > cfl 01 V c 3 •"5 W 4. 3 O X o o CM o c o •h ra ♦j z o >H . 4J r-N 1 >H U ® tn oo C rt o 0 - c > X 3 4. 4-» g 01 -H w u 4. oi rt o OS Cl. 4-1176 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O T) v- c O 3 O © e to 3 - o ■h v. r-c X rt rH > 3 Vi -3 « «-* a) 3 e p QO a; t+4 44 « •H X CO P <+4 0) TJ C 44 •rH 4) -3 X Q Vi -rt E e O in CO ■*r E i TJ +4 C C rt x ® 60 4> rt 60 60 s X ■H C rt e o - 4) CM 44 3 ® i rt +J C re June gage C o X CM O >0 O XT) 4J re C O 3 P CM to Vi o Vi oo 3 co u • CO 22 (ga 1933 ( X z H • to >>V +4 rt C X 3 ^ •ri 3 E —J m x rH P Vi u Vi 3 o o n- re ' Vi 3 rH o t-^ X 03 r per : JULY inincocoincoCT'CMCMCD U 0 O 4) +4 Vi 44 00 rt 60 X X • o TJ O 4) rH 4> - e to 3 CM *-> z X p CJ 44 sl +4 Vi rt oo TJ V. 4) 4, X CM TJ 44 9 rt C in T - X rH o U- o CNJCNJ-O in •£) O' rl T o E « o •H CO <+4 to 00 1+4 3 X CO 0 1+4 •ri O X TJ O Vi t+4 Vi <+4 3 CQ X cocoto-i-coino'ino'x rH O 3 TJ O rH +4 rt to 3 O P 0) TJ > o re U 3 £Q a> OO rt C a>_ CO t+i O 14 X f— cq a> * V 1 O 14 rH U X V +4 rt 44 rH C9 03 O o i : 44 x 3 T O rt 60 +4 re +4 X rt 60 rH 3 CM O O •O o in 0 CM O rH e o 9 Vi to +4 4> - 6003 Vi o o X CM O a> • TJ v. 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(0 MO. O t4 TOO CO Q -C I iH GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD.—Digital-188 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O O 1*1 o O rt O CM 5 ^ o O' pH rt r—* CM CM O O CD O o rt O CM in o in m o rt o rt rt o 1+1 O' O' O rt O O O CM CM I I I I I o in in o o -* rt o CD CD C+l -t CM (\J CM CM f\j cm I I >c ■c -* pm nj i-e o ^ e 0 to 01 t3 ft* CM e « « oo in race ft* ft. o -h u ft. o *h © ra o 9 E ft in ra v o c > x *-> ft. © © o 4> in m > X D C -h o X •* 4) 00 C ph o ra <-*-< m 2 in ft- o Cl ft* © CQ •—< a> in X 3 X 4) ft. 00 4-» -H © ft* -H ft. pH X «+4 X O P. E • z P. 4) 4) 3 > ft. - C W O U 4-> -rH t' o'M i ft f— T3 • ra © < 4) Cl 130X 4) ftHocrac © m -h c.-h f- H “Cxi 4-> -H 00 U4 P. X cue X e ft * © -h x u- O-H O in 4) O ftHTj o ftM 43 ft-i ft. 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C 3 o © C ft re •H * E to M IA C 3 re © x x ♦j t-< <4-t O « C 3 TJ O C U 3 to C tO -H - It CT1 D. BO >4-1 c O s ft re © • m r ** o tA o c - 2 o o to "3 o o» © to ft Ss x o C X •H O E C re © © •3 C © -H X oo o c e w 3 D.C+4 D. >A re o. gj H o « y > © © ft re re © *J IA •H BO C •h re q © • © Q > os o O X U 3 a« *-» e c <44 O © >* E CTl >44 © ft ^ • - 3 eg f« tA gj re •44 X « c U BOO tA »-« •H re IA QXtt o u • X”3 © re © C X -3 3 C TOO §x ft *g H 3 < o u C-3 < 2 0 o w o» X eg 1 LO X “ w 0 QC 1 u IMUMS. 1949 urve e: eak fit i i i i i i > U E O X 3 a a ft 3 to Q X (JO. S S o i tMOO'OejoegOOO'J' -ooine-tntnintntno Heornginoecoo-OH (MegegejejegeotMegfOro jooao-gBOing • ooeooKimeo tiMmgiri'OefflO'O ooDOO'g-O'CDoego ff4-toeg«J-«t>t>4-<^eg O- in co nJ oc tr eg _ . t'it\joff'3ottee3' 2 I Hhh to to — LU Q X O Z 2 j m g in oMt a . REMARKS.--Flow partly regulated by Savage River Reservoir190 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 o o o o o vooiifin C OClOlCl (Jl Ol Ol Cl Ol 'O \D vO 'O 'O 0 © o 1C1OM 01 © fH o o o (O K) fO o u < -< u w o o © 00 o o i/l o <-* o O *4 o o o o o 00 o OOlH O '•O © t-l I-* o o o o o o COK1 lO M •-IMONiOS Cl LO o CO Tf iO Cl o to to Tfr- ci Ci O o o to o O •'I 'O CD CM CM vO cD sm^on o o oo co tt- \o r-~ uc 'J- co to NCOlOlOl H O M J to to to to to t* O LO o CO O u Cl Cl Cl Cl Ol Cl o o o o o o oo to cm m ■*»■ lo N H to N O CC1 HNIOiOt'ifl 1 lO Cl Cl CO COCO oohhhn to to to to to to IO 2 » 6 X O E B0 L O X re 6 l> ® re c Lt ® 3 D L. O w L> U C V) * CX 6 0 3 O 03 p w 'Ll O V 6 *h *H See ® Li l/l ■** 0.0 *3 3 C • re «-* v

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  • -3 Ol O L> *W CNI X C • 6 » ® 6 O C BO ® L. 3 re Lt 'Ll •o oo 3 »• VD ® 'Ll 3 to E O Ol o O ® X - ex rt w Lt o BO co -3 L. C « rt • O X XV o O BO w rt W Lt 'Ll o •H rt o Lt Q X u o • l/l O 'T ••■HON CM Q “Ol Ol CM •- •* « • CM > Ol XN O CM HOli 3 re • *3 Lt i XT3 rt ® rt ® X C23 3 C 'Ll . ►-j o ® o a i l> l> re i X T3 « • i lfc C X l. 5 ►130MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 191 sj-ooooor-O' O' -t -O IT\ CO u M co co O' h r r>«-i-4-m'00'0'0'CO'C OP'COO'O'rMCOCOO'O fO^J'J’O'CMO'-OO'O'l' M’OO'OM-if'vJ’fOcocNjcg w at CO CM Vi a oooooooo ° ° O ° ° O LO LO LO O *3 (0 cn r-N 43 0 10 J -«2 43 Q c c= ra oo 03 Vi E rt - C V* 'S’ O Lh O X w X UJ X CO U iflSH oouo M rt«t COM- NO CO rH O CO 03 O O CM 03 Vi Vi 4> V» X o E U no s CM CM -rH “O • - CO t- to w X Ui Q w e C 3 3 M-* c o LH X 03 CM 00 00 • ■ r UJ i#1 o a e c 43 rH V> CO O < x -• p p K1HMHO rH rH ° c—< O rH O CO o cT o u X - OO Vi rH LH H rt.nicMCM OHN O CM O CM O CM 1 CO _c C0 cn 43 •3 00 00 43 4) “ 2 a: M 3 CO 43 •H Vi 00 rt 3 rH H NNNNNNNN CO CO CO o o o o o o CQ CO w in E 4-i UJ O 00 3 • < Q O X O X VO O O O NO®® f- I’m r-~ r-' nn X w 2 43 O *J CM -iH 00 rt 3 LM rH •5 43 cO 43 3 E Z 3 cH £ 43 ■3 X 3 C W «N u uj to Z on 2 3 3- e J E rH U £ to £ 290 330 S 80 430 410 884 B 7 8 338 CO O CO 545 737 L 80 324 ) 9 0 uj •H E 6 J= u u O 3 c Vi -3 - , O 3 3 rH 3 O uj u r-Tr* cTr-T 1-7 , ? ,7 2 *J 0) LO C u ”2 LW X 3 O • r £ 3 U X X c« •3 OH 3 <0 uj (U $ U W CO CO CO rt LVI C to CO . 17 .76 .72 ,73 ,71 O O 'O -own •m- oo 03 co o E- cTh •3 43 43 43 43 C CJ- rt 43 3 .2 -r X 3U ' CJ w 24 24 LO.O «« t- C- 28 28 28 03 03 03 03 03 H r Vi 43 3 43 rt 3 E X CN $ < •C 'p •P P -o •P 'P 'P ■p 'p -p ^ O -S- C •p U C v» C V CM O E 03 u 00 ^ 6 00 U C- 43 *-J X CO 3 '•’3 o 4) 03 n i X s ^ in « V. co in x Q m o C 43 . 43 L3 q 3 U V» Q O X 3 X • z CO o rH -H CO •H o ‘ • E ♦J in O -h co 3 CM CM 'S’ CM HT 00 rH vO 00 CM 00 00 CO 1-0 CM O O O 03 Cm - 6 •H •H 43 UJ c Q 4J cm Vi Q rt Q H CO rTiT • • • • r O . oo in OO CL rt O 43 03 C -3 c s rM^^C - w" • rt M-* O ^ a-g. 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U 3 Vl LO O LH lo 3 03 . a X ffiN’OlA’J M-M-COfOCO u i Vi 00 C • r-H 4J X X X 4J CM CM »v jjj . 0 d rt in O rH rt 3 3 UJ X 87 52 >2 17 17 rH rH O. rH 00 lO S' 0 0 3 41 4) •-H J Vi X X 0 UJ X 'S- rs 'S' -S’ 'T 'S’ H, CO CO CO 'S’ 'S’ tj rt c J' *H 4> CL X C -H O -rl CJH CM 4) in U O Uh 0 tl Lh Uh 0 00 CD X z ^C'lrtS'C-iAONH'}’ JJClOHfflO'^lAO'CO c z i •H Vi CLUJ OU O 4) « X rH O COO COO <-H O ■'S’ O rH rH 03 -D J «Uj O co in rt rt f— O CM O CM O CM O CM CM CM O O r do LO *3 v> 8| 00c as j S1 St u7 as UJ 'S 'S Lo lo 00 r-~ c^ OO 00 03 03 OS 0 CM -H - Vi CL rH Vi V. 3 - «x rt rt 4) CM as >■ z s *° •3 U Vi 0 4> 3 I 0 riCMcdM’IA’ONfflO'O 0 co rt O DO UH V. X 4) id O U CO LL 0 0 04-H 0) o> rt V. > X Id V tl 41 4) •h rt Vi Vi UJ 0 d c2 rH Jh W do • • < 3 CM'OLOrH'OOOOO NNCOO 0 n c- oi co 0 •3 • v> rt *3 z >- OOOOOOOOOO ?j CM CM CO CO i-H rH H in N CO CO /-N : rt E o* in 4) im a co 2j 2, X 4NtAriO'inr''f ho to 0 X CT Q C rt rH * • 4) « « (MrtHrtr-INr-HHH Q w to jo i 4) tO XN O S . as H 0 Z 03 Q C 1 3 ^H rt . . in I U C3 LOM3r^'ror-M3CMCM CM O 03 O CO 0 4 N CO S g O > ^ , X-3 « « t> £ U UJ COCOCO'S-'S'S'S'S-'T 'S’ 'S CO 'S’ •O' LO LO LO 'S’ Vi vi - uj x 6 C X "3 ’ O N(HMC0HHMA40 O X rj 3 • UJ “ - UJ rj O 4) O O O 3 O ~1 -S-fOcOCOrOCMCNlCN z z UJ LOLOLOOLOOOLOO LO LO LO 0 0 0 0 10 0 ' -n r* < XUH , X "3 ”3 O UJ lOOCOOHlO'OCO'S’ O O rH rH to LO M3 'S z d to UJ LH CO O t/3 CO OO UJ HHHHHHHHH H 4) 4) H -3 rH < Z X • < . 00 X S ^H > CL U. 3 2 u 0 J. X 1- LL c 2 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM OOOOiOOOOO CM CM CM CM OOOO CM CM CM CM CM U in E O rj 2 Q U O CO < VH t5 Q XU rt 2 0 —ICMCOM-IT. «CN-CCO'rH c X asMEAN DISCHARGE, SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION, AND SEDIMENT DISCHARGE, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 192 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 fooviTi-'cc-omo O -4- in ec m O' ■C O' co (V <\j cc m C\J CM CM fM in ia o o- >C rH fd ■h m —■ n- BMCinOO m c m o' o m r— o o m in m -o c r- m OBB-H-rO-ICON't in -o ^min-tin-jT'in o 2 O in -< o- 0'*-‘i^0''0omcM -ii'OmHinccOfcicD cm in in m O' r- m O' in .c cm co co O' run O' in vO o- O' O' n- -o o in -j- o m cc o o m O' o o o o o o o cm CC 4- o o o moo o o -t O •—4 CM m m m m m m m -C M- CM CM (M I I I o fr^w^r-o-o-r ■J m o O' ^ in-o in •—* •—* m in m cm m >o CC -C vO vO •o 'O m m r-r-0'moO'eo- - 2 2 C 3 z a mi'ji'coO'inm^ OHHICi'OMnH mmmmmm-j-m m r- «o r^-sf m -j- -t in in «}- -t oocooooo oooo oomcmmoc mcoo HCOttHIMinO-t -I ON'f OOOHHHNCM o o CM CM •OvO«Ovb'CvO'Cv£ CM CM < CO X n* u o ifl»f MVMHOOlOnO 'OClMMinMOOtOOOl/lr Cl »H r-l rtSNH (OOONNiOMr ooooooooooommLnvocOf-co'oair^mO'OLOoor-Lninaioo KIOKl’tMH^MflM^OM^WCOOliCICOO^OUrtNONO^'OiO'O MoooHioMNVNOOi®MOifluunv'j«fnriicriri'tuiininui f n M H CJ Id N r lONOOOlOi-INr NNOiriounori' N N l/l H lONcocomoiajiocOMOiNHcoHOiHi/ir'OOcgo'f’- HHHHHHHHHHM’t'fMNNlCeOHinhNONT HNNHMN M^MWONN^N^HOOOHlrtNr N'MflMMCOONMSCUCUdNO'f’ aiN'OmuiTf'f'frtn'OKiMM'f'f' noooooooooo WHOlflNMdOCO't INOClOONMNiflCOeo HlON OlKlIOMHiO CO HNId^KI-ONMOlOr NM'tifl'OMI MOONO CO CM O 00 CM 'O O CM CM < z x u. H < U ■ O W Z U H X - < W X O CJ O IU w £ u u <*H o u u 5 o o o o o oo O O O O ^ O CM OHlfl LO CM CMS o o r-» r-» o o K» Kl o» oo wo mo •HO H- O O M’ O H- O CM O CM to to -*■ o o o o c-" t" p>. o o o oo in o mo O VO CM CM O/O CM CM vO vO CM CM vO vO cm ^ in o o o OWCOOINN^ ^^inoioowt CM CM CM to ^ o o m o m m o WO’f lO^HO ONOlH-OOl^ O O O H 00 o to oo o ^ •H oir\"3‘ir\'-'>3'rp. pjpm OOC^lOOOIf. uuo 3-mtOMPMfMPOHHH e in o O' 3 o e H P~ < • cj o w cj V) M Q £ O' £ o o« U-4 tU C 0) <0 14 O to r o O T3 -3 qj o M X H 00 T3 < tH C CJ X to o I 3 O' 6 « O M >H U « O. CJ 3 o m e<« O' cH PM E W O XI in j a _1 Cl 3 c-c O W > 4) to 4> »- «-» CO 3 e w z 3 • Z X O (U 2 > o u V W o ■D "3 *-» w 4> 4> > u tu X 4) CJ 00 to Vf 4J W 00 CO CO V Q 4» OS > o o CJ X W c0 *-> W ( < «4H Qi r H O *3 < x e uh « • pm X ”3 WO cj e CJ rH CO to g s co co is s co o o •o PM •too-fomo-o-co-o 0'000'3"O00PM0'*HPJ fH •—4 ■o IOOMOOOH PMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMPMfClfO >C3-mococccoootnp- (Njt'Jt'jI'JHH.HHrtH pmhoo'Ohh^ioco HrtMHPj^tfi^irtPM o 2 o l_> ec O' o HHN oocciir\vO»Hf^Ofpi^cc p~M5in«tMDin«J-fompM ............... HPMtCMlO-CSCCO'H _J u_ X u. (- c •f ^ O’ PM O' P-(O PM PM O O O n no CO “O sp O fH PM PM PM in o 3- o o 3- o PM in m •t PM m O' Psj O PM PM in o — o O PM 3-3 3 in in PM C\J PJ PM PM III II •C -C O sO X o 2 o *h O o o o o o pm (? him O' o' n- >o o rH O' pm x ao in -3 3 o H in >o (C| 3 in 3 w m in in o in in o 3- o 3- 3- O H 3 ® w H 3 O O O H p\j PM O O O O O p- vO >h co in 3P30 C •c3roH x h pm 0"0 m 3 3mm m o O o o m O o m O ^ O' p J co 3 o OhhPM O PM PM PJ PM PM PM PM PJ PM PM I I I I I 3} 3) O 3) pj mm PM PM PM l i i mm 3- PM PM PM i i i in a c\imo3jPMO'PM mjp-minmjO' hi\ m 3 3i pinnO'IMt'lpO' 3PO-HinMEH •HrtfHPMPMPMPMm o in o m .3 c o pm 3- o o pj Qinominooo c3m — — cmo 0'0'OhMhcm3 OOhhhPMPMM Oi < £ O co Pi w H < Ph M CJ o W X Pi 03 CJ VO < ^ -H 3 O' O X X o co o . oo (U to C £ 3 <-) o £ o' £ o o. to to X C 3 w v- E C to O tu o 3 > O o tu -•h in x> w c u us tu to pi > a194 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 C O C O O O ^ X 4- O C O O O O O ro 4- O O . C C I C >0 CO •“1 i x us o o c o o o -< CO 4 ca-'Jr-oooo O(sJ.--us(-,Cr*-tt o><-i C I o z z z z c 3 X CC O' o • (O O >, HI ID D. O 01 0) •o > a 3 eg o X rH o 4 u o U CM H 4J SB O O CO SO S3 O' C E 3 O z z o M £ H O • O' O X CM O 53 O' ^ ; Vi M W so lf\0^ HOOC'O'OO 0'cr>f'-(siO''Ous'Cr—-$■ x 44((sc«s- 04®®cf'uscsi0'(sj4 USXX.—lO'USO'rsjCS"—i I*. C f f- O' 4 (CO' O xr-'Ous4444(r>4 N-tvf'O^fSlOr-lClIfl f'-us4X40'Xxr'-us csj(sj<\jcsj44us4us4 i- us x x O' o or-c»sf^oooooo Md H (SMA O O •- M O HCMOhtOOldMSlO >-i (SJ (SI ^ i r—i 4'(SIUS.-HX<\|US( o O' rsl 4 4-000000 IS H o H O O O r- i-t O' 4- -a- 'O x r* -4 US O O O J f«S 4- X O' O' O' O O O US O us O C o o i-* (»s 4 o r~o(six(sjx4-Q _i ^ _i (SJ (SJ (SI (SJ (SI (SJ (SJ (SJ (SI (SJ I I I I I I I X X X X X X x (376) 01607500 SOUTH FORK SOUTH BRANCH POTOMAC RIVER AT BRANDYWINE, W. VA.MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 195 CO O' CO "O (M -< 4- cm <\j u THWinn cm c\j •OOlONCOIOCDfOir\- cocm — — C'-xiocm-•- O iS < — O uj LJ I o o <5 — r- f- m — o 4> «o 4> o o o m o on on o — c O -t CO CO 4 O O — — CM 4> 4) 4) 4) «0 eo ao in cm co co ^ o cm — — nj inco-f h •f co co o in o o CO ho o lOMMt O — CM CM CM CM CM CM O O O O CO c CO o vO CM CM O — CM CM m co cm cm in o in o — to 4- o ooint O O — CM cM4-cc4>oC'r~4-in-o — co in 4> r- 4- 4) cm to HHHHHH(MCM(M u o w c 3 I CD O I E — O TO T3 W It c K E M U >, Cl mor-r^coincovOCMcoo CM-OO'CMO-H-OiniOOit r-r--sO'Oinin4-4-4-4-0' oooooooooo 4'000(0'0(MHCO't OHHHffl-fliflOO'® h oo co cm in co cm cm — co ooooo — cnocM' C'CcM'OinincncMr-o iniOHOOtfO'CMO'C O' m c- co r — O x i" c 4 4- co co r OOOOOOOOOO inx0'4-'04-— —<4-4-HCMf~-4-cc4-inccr'-o O — XO'O'OO'OO'in xcmo--moincMr^4-oo'r-r-'O'Oir. m4-4^ ^CMcO-tin'CNCCO-' ifliOfflOfflinHtinff'ffi mtt4-fOcoiocoffl®o co ro ooino'ffl't omr-r- — ® -O (T O IM O O' CO H O' CO 4) CM CM — — co co coiOO-fflccincMint® ocooxr'-f'oxcoo CM — — CO o CO — — — f-O 4) o o o o n- r- m O' CO O CM X O' O' o o o o co co o O O O' O' 4-O O — CM CM CM CM CM in o X 4- co cm o o o co co o O co 4-O CM CM lO'XCOOOOOC d—'Cinr^xO'ce HHH|/lHlfl-Cl CM CM CM CM CMCMCM4-inr-XXX oooo oocoooooo COCOO (OlOcCCioCOiOCC — 4- — 4" 4-in4)f— XCM-’“*C04" o — cm CM OOOOO — M CM CM OOOO — — — — ,-h — — — CM CM CM CM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM till I 4> 4) 4> 4i - O C E E w to I I ^ • J3 Q OS T3 O C I I cu O' C CM 3 O'. I I - /- 2 0'" 4)4>4>'04;434:4>4: o o o o in o O' X O' 4- - " • •" o o -w - in in O' in co cm m o Xf'-in(M0'4)X4'CMCM 4‘oxxO'h-——r'in CMCM — — — — CMCM — — h cm co 4- in 4 r co m cm co it, o i a. ? a. 5 “5>S «t-S 111 &?S Iff! *-> oo ts'z IP siS 'HN Cl ? >.s L-CJ »H f—I *r PI II £ p! r-i Vw m # -=? 2S “ i cm <+. fn |sa Sli Is3 si S > I OOOOOOOOOOC _j I cccMO^rocMininmcMr — : in it. j w —1 c o h cm cm r is 2: s S°o§oSS22g in r~ >4 k m o- -h m m m -Nffi-j-iO'Chcca'OrH cMCMCMCMCMCMCMiMCMmcn gg2§gggg?S cirniMCMiMCMiMiMCM.- Slssllfiip gg§g?gg?gg IlilliSssS ci .............. s 3 I I Q - i : 5 < •- 1111 III li ii 35 O CT) ’"SS 222 2” oo vo vO ^4 8.04 10.08 13.01 13.32 14.31 14.25 13.04 13.00 10.35 10.33 8.83 8.81 8.00 1315 1615 2145 2400 1200 1445 2400 0015 2400 0015 2400 0015 2400 2233 ■OvOvOvO 222 vO vO vO o o r-- 7-02 7-02 7-03 7-03 ill 22 1 1 ii ,950 ,770 SK3 £2 2" O 00 O CM OO O vO CM v© WN N'Ort io «M CM CM CM r- oo 225 S3 33 2“ »v 11! 1! 1! 35 35 O H CM O CM rH CM ON O CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM vOiOiO vO vf> vO VO vOvO vi v£> 115123 iillli lilll 225353 333 SS SS3SSS 333333 33332 lO U1W lO CO o NWIOWWM N Kl N 00 00 fH HHNNNN CM CM CM CM CM sills! iillli ills! OHHHN N OOOHrlN O O r-C CM CM HHHHHrt CM CM CM CM CM CM MMMCOM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM VO VO VO VO -O VO VO VO VO VO VO VO v£> O vO v© vO 5 • 5 4H fH ZS -5 *» !l P 2 ! 3 O' I — *h I O § SS 88 ?S o o cm cm r~- O' in CO CM CM f 2 Q ! c5 Su; li S ! S •4 CM CM Cl -O O' vO O 0-0 CM vf -4 ro CO -4- si I si si CM O CM O CM •© r- r- oo co O' O' CM CM CM CM CM CM CM i ii li II ill °ii ii 52 e w £ * IS 5 X 5 s 1 o e $5 5SS SS |— r- -4- vf ON N- ID gsg £§ 2 5*; §::£ g£ voi-o i-o CM >4 O C a 0C- O O' JCMCMvJ-in O' Cl >4 -4 CM sS!2§ SPRSf C HHC, - - rf >h CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM iiiii lilll sills lilll 1 OOhhM O i K 1 3 i I s s o § 874 11 S2SSS in -4 cn «4 cn 391 290 in tl\ 53 in *4 3Sg22 ^ «4 >4 «4 CM 00 •H f- «4 CO I CM 0015 2400 0015 2045 2115 2200 2400 II 6-25 6-26 6-26 6-27 6-27 6-27 6-27 6-27 6-28 6-28 s ? 3 £ 2 IsrsIbIr ;;<-vi.vv 7,270 2,650 1,580 1,560 934 12.27 13.42 13.39 12.83 12.00 12.00 12.76 12.65 282 CM O' t- 7.11 5.66 0645 1500 1615 2230 2245 2300 2315 2400 0015 1215 2400 0015 2100 iiiiiili 6-24 6-24 6-24 22 ii n 98 118 216 376 680 2,660 P.Ittlttl inff'OHON'ON'O ssssss cm cm cn >4 m O' 11.64 13.33 13.87 14.13 13.68 12.83 12.29 12.65 12.42 0030 1115 1630 1815 2000 2400 0400 0845 1330 1515 1815 2145 2200 2245 2400 6-21 6-21 6-21 6-21 6-21 6-21 6-22 6-22 6-22 6-22 6-22 6-22 6-22 6-22 6-22STREAMFLOW DATA 197 sfcoir\»ocMr'-f'-r- inM-xeO'OinHtM-xxx o o -O f\i x (M ■c r- o -* o x m cm m o •? 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C - T3 3 vO o 'O’ (U 6 n- -h E r- E O X OOrH <44 C • O o E • a> Z a> O oo v H3 E a" to Cl 0) O. a cl os o o +-» tU e £2 TJ 0 10 U U cm cm Q Ll Li 3 3 o o X X tu tu c c 3 3 <-| IVJ h m m ^ in so cc O' o h njCMMNtMtMtMnjtMmm Q z c -c H N M HH CC -J —l v0 cc oif’inco^ino (ChhCcIhC CM CM CM CMCM CM CM CM >C«C«C>C'C>C*C«C G O G G cMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 (413) 01624300 MIDDLE RIVER NEAR VERONA, VA. 204 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 a> X O rj m 2 a,C0>C4,-0M00'5'O4' cc PM g to 00 G opH-Oin-f-l'J'Oecin T3 o C X e 3 o S 3 x 3 -H > X x . 82 t'rM X - G oooininccocoom 3 PM G • X z MOOfflmMO'OOU' O ft E X M => k at c k, anc 60.78 G 3 05 41 X CO X 3 DO •> eg G X G X G '-'00 ^ < o HlMKl^in-OMCO-OH PMPMPMPJOSJPMPMPMPMCnm G X G is G i i •H 3 G X oo G C 00 G c G O CO 00 4) ^3 00 OO DJ w in 00 coOinmooMoxpjco X G G X > CC —1 nPoHO'JMOaf' X O ° U O CTl X Q. -) G X 3 G X X 0-3 X o e U 3 3 Q ■3 mo G x cm m 3 x 3 G c X X 03 3 G X CL X 4) x 2 3 5 oj x q z z 3 O G ox 3 l_ G O un x' — «o So X 3 T3 0) X CM -3 *• PM 3 x u. - 6 O 4> 3 P- 10 CC > O t— 4) G • C X o xnjfn.tin^p-eoo'q aiPM 4) oo X 00 3 1/5 OJ G X — a 00 PM 00 01 OS X to 3 a •H X Tl - 6 p- to 10 Q 3 3 < rH >, G •3 •• Q T) x >- maicoiNOPMOinM 3 E G 3 M G D MWCMNnCCinfOKlN CO OO or S cf X CM O. - X on XOI o a o a> p Q • 3 . 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LO 57' Hi 4. °°. ■ b CO X OV o DP O 0TJ WPG X 00 Q DP g *# 3 X X o 4-> 1 S g oP 0 .* ►H LO co x < OP G 3 3 to’ O o Z 0'f'j-fOvj-rorot\jfMt\i O 1 o 3 OP H 9 s 1 Jh DP < . • 0 6 3 w • E to ! 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    Jh to P«X *P 0 X U CO 0 c 00 0 f-> E CtJ 0 G 0 p p CO G . o- o 0-^-0 Z co x G 00( Td o • o to J *o ^ • H - P X V0 E 0 3 E 0 00 S E oo o X ctj o > Jh r-H •H O t/i Jh 00 2 o 00 p X 00 V-H (J 3 E G 6 *w o 0 X o X ft jgh X C7) 0 G Jh 0 E ftp <* 0 o o to 4-4 2 c X CM > CtJ ° 2 > a O. 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O O O O O O O ooocpoooo E- CM CM CM CM O O O OOOHHHCMfM UJ o os UJ e- HHHH CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM x! a O O O -O 0-0 0 vO'OOOO'O'OO to Q o UJ Z < u os CO O 010034-0 tOrHLOOEOOOOO H UJ =5 u CO rH rH 3 rH LO 3 LO 05 UJ U-. Q Z E— UJ X CJ C3 rH 3- COiflOlHH 05 o» 05 o o 3 r- 05C001CM00050rH3 3l0'0-0t'HHN'0 H X a O UJ rH r-H H CM CM CM CM CMCMCMI03LOLOLOLO UJ X UJ s OO OOOOOOOOOOLOOLOO OO OOOOOOOOtOOrHtO^O CM3 CM3000fM3'00000050505050 u < o UJ HHHHHHHHH E- a CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM 3 % F ! 33 i 4h 4-5 O •H 3 V) rH •3 4h [ j e o S 50 a> 3 -t-nT} - j T y c o. 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O CMSTREAMFLOW DATA 211 44 O ° s d • J2 ■3 •H o -h re 3 • 44 (X in re in 3 tn re o 3 T3 co -3 • O co E J rt O rt •3 O E 4) re 00 X re o O O 3 O. rt u • d re x 0 3 re •rt 4) > «H « rt ‘rt ore O re -h ‘ ' ^ r-srC 4) * IX *“ 3 rt -oo E 0 re rt 0 44 re re ui rt rt O - d -re 3 rt CO o 00 • co V. rH O 4> 00 44 rt Q u re 3 rH CO 3 O do 3 00 rH ♦J E o’ O O - rt 3 « rt o re rt 01 a < m 3 x; 44 CM re u • 3 -re 3 ■3 rt cj M3 x o re 4T X •x E re • 3 d •H OO rt* X 0 i •3 cm E O C» “ * rt rt . > E « 3 re 0 X -H o >4 re rt 4-1 :x X 3 rt ' rt X d 04 re xx x > * «t! rt 44 X -H o 44 rt in d rt o E 0. 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CJ -H • 3 E l Oi H oi re i rt ! o *1 Qi H rt CX 3 X d 0 ►h re rH 1 TJ rt rt 3 £»*"£ CJ W X • in CJ x *3 .re • 3 i rt 04 • W co Ol rt rt O » 4> u Ul 12 O oo 00 3 u] m cx re Z X Z 3 g X 00 01 X Z g.re X H -re -H Z * ® ^ 44 2 -h X dr-n' X -H d re $ < CO CJ X < uxw o | CJ 04 < co o d Q -3 X 10 Q CJ *3 X IS} X -3 *3 -3 < X 1 CM 1 1 CO 1 i i O 1 CX 1 3 ON-t-OOH o co o >o O' ■—< O O' O' -4 810 1 i i CM 1 < i X 1 o m O o o o O' m 0 cc sf x m co X CM ■j" rH rH CM CO cc ro (\j r IS) IS) — LU o x o z z LU X z > -it o m O' Oh^ CO O O' in oo •t mo •c -c ■# ir\ o 'J- o o -4-o CM o o o -too -J O O' moo ^ o o o o o m o~ >o en -4- x r- -c x -o o m m o m o o m »4 -s- o 4- mo 0 0'0'-<«M4-'t OOHHHHN m o rH o o -t o cm «0 'O 00 oo >o o m o rH O C m m o H •! 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X O X a x os x Si T3 u c CO rt • on i CO X — r O 4) T3 1 rt rt 3 X rt X J s rt c 3 o u cjMEAN DISCHARGE, SEDIMENT CONCENTRATION, AND SEDIMENT DISCHARGE, 1972 (441) 01639500 BIG PIPE CREEK AT BRUCEVILLE, MD. 212 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 E O 0) g a 3 E o o u u © X MX rH U 3 U oo « OO “U. C -4 o cti a» - vO -H *j MI-4 o 5 CT» 4) ZOO O MU >-X T3 ♦JO 3 C MX « G •HO, DO 0) a © © o. 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CM CM S X LO*dtOCMCMXXXOO 3 E rt Cd T3 P o 5 o x o LU o o o o o o oooooooooo X 3 00 CO o o CM 3 - 60 X X z to - XMMH-lOvO o o o o o o I'-OOCTlOXCMtO'dlOvO oooxxxxxxx « P Z to CTl 3 H- S P o 3 P p LO •H O P O rt -X CTl CTl p x re X - o T3 3 o td UJ Q- o td u. 22 22 22 22 22 22 CM tM (M CM CM CM CM CM CM fM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM X csjm«tir\ p UJ o o Ifl o to ai n X rt < < Cd to X CM CM OOtOOOOOOOO ' CM p T> 3 •• X • 7J 3l >- ID X^-COCOXOCOCNJO r X XXX XdOOlCTIOdXN : - E p • 3 re x s 3- P •O iDirt'd'tCOCMtNIfMCM m to CM to vO O LO OO CTl x X o' S 3 cd E x O 3 P p o» i 3 c/i rt X_3 O td z X o rt (M Q ■ p 3 O' X LU U. cj O o O -d -d to^iNMOtoimod to x J 6 3 Q “ 73 to to CJ LU to to to to MdOlNOOdON P -H • rt X oo < UJ cd 3 O P CJ O 3 -P 3 r- O CJ z XrOxoXxCMC'CCCO o CJ ',3 3 cd H 3 P cd to i i 3 cd -0 < X X ‘"s o o o o ooooooooo j cd 3 CJ E ? 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    E (D 'tfj cc >- O (NJ P CD P P P rt P X O rt(\j(*N4UNvOr-000'0 NO o M (D IN 3 ID 00 in P rt X u 3 CM o OOP rt X E rt ■3 n-N ° c w W M rt < 3 rH ■H P TJ -H *3 X > oinuNCinr-(Ni4inco r (d X P 3 - (NJ -H in Z rt o' rt CX 29' 1 n Ol CO "3 ►* o o a co --( ■34 Q Pi 1 p _• ° 3 rt) US X <_ ■ 8 Cd P CD p UJ rt 4 < S CJ c 3 o Z M(MHH(flOMn(NIH O ,1 O ai E-< Pi o > Pi < • cis’ U W X 1 z z o x o PJ /-N Pi 2 co > E-! z ' ' «»' 2 e 2 Pi X LL U g a cb X 2 < z X Q co ca S cc - (NJ 1*1 4 U*. •CMtC H z a oooooooo oooooooo NMrt-OCOOM't iO'OiO'OiOiO'O'O KlMIOKl 43 43 43 43 oooooooo OOOiONiO*tiO NvOlOUlt— NO —h on HHOICOMOUIW o o o o to in OtONO-'Ot-'COKlO Os o o o o o o oooooooo oooooooo HM Wrt in-OCOO OOOOOOOr—( oooooininomino OlOLCO-tHMCOCOiO OH-NNKliniONCO oooooooooo oooooooooo lOMNdniONCOOlOH OHHHHHHHMM 234 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 o ,92 o to o • O >- oipirtirt trjtntrjirjifjoco 4 -J u t+J «+J o OJ 24, X .-H *x «x D - ^ x _ -J ^ 2 2 2 N CO rt x rt 00 o X OJ ° O UJ to X o rO M - 4 3 3 e V) X tjj UJ 000004CMCCJ00 ■3 to rt c 00 to 3 O' O O in CM vC CM X CM CO corcj'O'O O' >o in 4 o h o X tfl Uj oj Q e OJ OJ CO x; cm n 4 m h (\j - $ 0< 3 oj - J-!CM rt 2 rt xs CM o f- rt X> X) > X OJ e X OJ cm x; O' a -JCMC04 IT. vCXXCTO-t w x C o e ^ OJ O OS OJ (5 to 6 C rt Z o s X X X 1-3 w l_> OS < UJ z O UH X *H * rt E XU cs 6 X X 3 lours 1942 PER S JULY oinxotr>if\4oO'ifj un(nccNcvo>cMrjcc, (j< CM(M(Mcm(Mh44(Mh OS UJ CEO 3 O KJ x O X-3 u t+j cs X XJ ^ r-1 £ x e T> ”2 X u •H S U x JH Uj o co UJ CMtoOHin c OJ w z s ra ca uu 3 CL a o u OJ z •_ UJ CL' "3 0) cl •H rH O _ s to oj rt ■-h <-t X x rt UJ o Q- ■4 E 6 X OJ OJ X flj to 00 < X < a H(M(Ci4in^(v®jO UJ o o OJ X X • OJ rt oj HHHrtHHH JHM CM O' o u © X O X o vO 00 •> ct) CHOI X OJ JS o •h x: a u z X to rt rt X OJ to ■rj TJ •rj •• a X >- <0CMO4 CO O' CM 4 N UJ o s rt 3 6 oo OJ r-~ 3 xtotTiirt 4 4 ccj (fj co cm - o X rt O' Q rt 2 CM 4 Z -H IT) • e UJ XCT> < oo • Q 0> OS > 3 •"J X o \ u jo § oj k UJ X«Of-Jxr-^jXCM>-iCM UJ X rt ^ « < OS u 3 O OHO'«ao'Mn4tn u i o o OS E- UJ OS < - • OJ c U tM w ’.St . z d-o m u UJ • oS • S rJ >- l(- E-| !-< rt 1 ^J s j; 2 ra X U ’ O XI s a u < CJ CO £3 X 5 < c H M (C| 4 tCN >C X X O' <—I z o z z 3 X oj I O O < •-» O Ul I UJ X I o o I O "4 OONN < > os < UJ os E- o H VO X> OOU cs o cs 00 to X rt i OJ < • U rH o CS < UJ u o X < i >- UJ -1 > X o s 03 UJ 03 UJ u o »x • o CM rt O HinO'4rMr'4iMC' ■o O' 0 4 rtJ o rt oj > J O JC . CM ■3 X © OJ • 3 X X o X NO rt rt 3 X -H i—t X rH o § E vO oo s c rt © oo -rt x CM > X CH X «x »x w o *4 X X C/J ►J rJ US o X x cm X © X X © v_/ 60 CM © O' DAV HiMtn4tn-Of'aO'CH CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMfCJ CO > X x ^ C cm O X -H US 0» 5 oj E © e © © Q 3 M O OJ O X •rt H < 0) c X © X 3 rt c u U-4 X OS ° rt c © oo • /-N rH •M CL © 00 ° X 3 6 X X OJ OC X o T3 6 •rt o> o 00 o rt 00 OJ < C TJ o to O rt CM X S Q. 3 X rt rt to 00 X OJ OS UJ O OJ U rH X X u XJ o - X «n rt cm CM rt "e -3 O CM CM U- V X g 9) © o X to © C - o CO 4 CO CO rt rt •3 -X 3 X S o u 3 o • o . to V rt X < o rt H © CL o cs •rt © 00 u L/J • U Ci X CM U to X rt © LCJ r-t M x ^ «o o ^ rt X © 3 © - oc >- r-i X a x 00 r^ s to X ■3 rt X X Q rHc\jt04ir>4>r-ccCT'0 • V o rt • vO vO o oo E X © t/J O' rt O X U 00 s r -H © • rt oo rt X o u • 00 WJ 5 -s •ri rt e 1 CL 6 .ri Q X z « 8 ^ m rt o o rH -4 US rt E • H © rt o • • X TJ LCJ •> X 3 e •H O ! ° CM Q X tfJCMCMXCCJcOCMCOtrttM z • Z X a o © jo 3 E cr •H US 00-3 Oi 3 •4 > o* U rt rH •• - oo E i rt' X X o . r-t 3 1 i t/j XO- rH X X • oo t rt HOI < • 00 B o S •• 3 -• ■-> oo © -24 OS CL • X Q C C_J • l/J to to O X ■ U Qj5 « rt rt rt X x © U X w DS o O o cs s UJ 4^-'OOOOr~-rH4(MCM Q X rt OS U 3 t—J X UJ d UJ X •“J o =5 CM z 2 i rt OS H Otf l X 1 O CL < as cm t £ • x • * U UJ . 00 z © UJ HH u cs C/J -4 O rt X u uj os 5 =? 3 12 a: HH H3 © h'Hrl < z UH UJ o s- u UH s ^ U- c < o o U3U 2 < - 3 U3 E O i U rH < C/J u < c 3 3 -J Q U Q 5 1-1 4- OC 4 PM 4 >0 HMO'HrtCC CM CM rH CM •—< o o o o o o ommmoo •JH J-COO-f O O O O -h CM o o co o O -* O CM o o c<-JC'0'o4 4 O' OC CO vO 4 o e < •-O UJ «4-‘Hfflo'C'iO<'10 r-ococcJCMi^-f^f^cncM -HrHCMCMirv|'-0'0'>0ir> oooooooooo (Cotc'oacctciof'lc -J(MCMCCJtr.O'CMCCl^->4 COOOOO^rHCMtM o o CO O O 4 O CM CMCMCMCMCMfMCMCMCMtM I I I I I I I I I I ■CO'COOO'C'O'OOGREAT WIOCOMICO RIVER BASIN (524) 01662500 RUSH RIVER AT WASHINGTON, VA. STREAMFLOW DATA 235 CC IT IT\ ^OOOO-CCTO'r a; oo -h OOf'JCO'CO'COO rn (M O T3 07 CO ■ m h O' x h h k r > *c x O' o V) co •H JZ Q U O OO oo o +-* o CO -J c ■j-C'0' a l Z Z Q X O z 2 2 2 C X X O' XXHO'CCXOhXO'O' G g o o Z G : S co >o£ m •©CC U't'CcC'l’CNjCCf— •©CT''too©i©ir.i©'t'J- HOIC'-f -OO O' CC ir\ir\u'if-m^ir\f-c0'O -i(NJro-4-m-©r^coO'0 cnj co m ro m cm c\j no'cocoir'c\jcocoO'r- o o- o O' in co <\i c\jO'r~h-cccD^Hi^-©~© . 1 CJ JJ •C X oo X O uj * "a. 2 a UJ in x 00 O O O' 4 C"0 H o in X m o o OO p 00 p intniMNN-tii-i o X OO 4-1 p p x m o o o o o o o X 0 X 0 • to 04 DO (_) 03 0 O 0 > X (0 o 03 t'- o o o o o o o < to to 2* c m UJ r) r, r) rl rJ CO 0 > CO 0 x >- UJ p ag< of OO -to P AT 7777777 X C O m UJ on X c xtvitOij-in'Oxcca'Ox l\J C\J (\l (\J t\J t\J 04 04 f\l to ro cs 43 oox w oo - 43 p -J 43 p Q o o o H 03 2 CO X > T3 c u 03 P t_3 UJ < ^P X a ^P 00 UJ to in < C p 3 p C 00 In OS z < tf —1 otM-t-tO'CCtno-^-ii i i i i nj 04 h h z >~ P X •H CL p E it O X oo 10 PER X o H CO c 0 to 43 < H CO "d O CO e is a < c < o 3 VO X « < p X p to •o as p P CO tO TD UJ X X • x' X r-4 UJ X z p 3 c x UJ p 3 C X 2 « CL X m - U- UI X o o co m x co x oi o OS C_J 0 m X 03 X 0 X X 03 o in m in o co •o ^ f- 00 o 43 P c OO -H 03 C4 1 O UJ > 00 c 0 4) X T3 43 - UJ 00 tO e 0 43 T3 as 3 2 •O'O'OM'MOinHO c 2 1 03 a- P 43 t/> 00 X t-J os in 3 P p 0 Fun 24 as P in •rl 3 O C O 3 to “3 c_ X to X u < 2 2 o o o o o o o < p to x >1 P p ' X X 03 o o vo w O O X <4 to to 13- x 43 < 0 m 0 2 43 < O x z - OS DS O o 43 P p as to Li m h t_) 03 p co 28 t C O X X to til to P O os > Q- o X 43 43 O as < <1 7 717 7 7 7 7 >i X 43 CO in >3 43 O to I Q ifvjto^-insor^ooO'O 2 (0 p X t_3 lOOiOiOiOiOlO 0 C4 43 O 0 t4 43 O C4tn to — -i „ i i i nc\j U. o O' C 00 oo X 43 IS t° 7 tn 00 03 X lo 00 X in 00 4) X o c_ m 43 P to in P O vO > 00 to 'O > w> CO c? - 2 < a: C 03 O X X t> X V) b x o Pi 2 < UJ o as O C TJ O p in O co 00 tO 0 C 03 0 *1 tn O CO OO CO 2 >• HinmtB'OO' m tn oj h x-omxxxxxxx 2 to X mi, *T3 T3 O t c4 b X o 4-in to tn n tn it to in Ln 4- s C -H -“7 E X C4 W 2 E 7 TD •• X f4 -3 LO O If bs it oo Ui to 03 LU in w to co cr P u CO* 03 •• CO CO in cr tn p u 00 03 •* C OS 27' est 00 i co x£ 2 t- 21' of .6 CO X XQ3 03 0 00 •_ P CO X XCT3 I cj ° 2 oo X it Q 1— . as cl 3 it X o o 03 X X 03 to to X 00 In ks 0 OS 3 *-> >i lo « 25 Q OS 3 l—S X UJ Vi > x E OS 03 to' O UJ Nt04inxx\0 43 1 u § 4) Z 43 1 X as 43 Z 2 ^ Oil H rt H H -1 t_3 aJ C < as o u 3* O to P < as X 3 O CO P < OS X 3 O 1 trt as t- X os i P UJ 0 0 0 0 0 in 0 ' 0 t- as ■ ■ O as X os |J 4-1 2 2 J.x X to UJ • v£3 x X 00 00 03 03 03 . • G X UJ • iO . • C X UJ • vO > O E X uj oo as Z 03 o P 43 CD LU as Z it b 43 X UJ os z 2 _J X u. H vn z ■ CL X 1" o 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 X -H Z 7 X Z X *H z *? X z riNm^ino hxo' h 2 2 2 tf X it O 3 X P X < 1 V_J X X < «5 n q C S CD < CO < u q 1 X < to X 0'0'<0t\imc0'00'f\jmo •o-4'mf\ioi:or-0'x(\jm l\J(\J(\JC\Jf\JiX'-if\im't r- I in O' I — X I « o o 4- VO o oo o o C4 to o oo E C o 2 p o p p o POP tn cm OOOOOO'tOOO f'- o O' CC (O O' to ■-< ini'-■cco-orO'Oi-icro-i-1' o o < — CD UJ o o tO O O 'S’ ooo •H • 43 O vO vO VO VO X X <4 CM vO VO •H-OH P P • o o> cm O Vi 03 3 6 5) o o > X t-< *rt m as Vi o e e a tO O 43 43 P a vi c H *j V = 43 E U1H o OO *H Vi - Em n oooj to > 2 DOS O T) 5) X -H X f-1 Vl-rl < x> OS jC p o O U 0) 4) > Vi 4) a 4) OS > o o X Xi UJ as X 00 l CO UJ r^'l-0' - ccf''00'0in4-itn vj-int<30(\jasm>i-cDX in -o n O' m cc cc --t nj x inmtnnjmNNNNN to to *- OJ Q X o Z 2 2 2 > -_ J UL X u. « I 2 I O I as ! x UJ I o CL I to I- I o I o o O I < ► x I ID UJ uj oo C to 3 oo o o o o O O O *-l OOlOllfl *j- to CNi oo tO tO Oi vO o o o o to to o o itl>0 0*t OONN O O it 04 to to to to C4 14 14 XI X vO vO O 0 o o o o o o HNtOMOOO 1NNNCOOO 1 it rf CO to r -»-»+-»>• C to -it 3 aoS O 3 E C 0 4J jS x oS O O * • LO x 04 - oo to x c O 3 oo • oS to CO P O C to to x c m ■ o m < 3 • 4) OS Z oo 03 E O 4) OS > o o X X UJ to H m X CD to it 04 O' XOI 3 X >1 I to 4) Z c 3 O ooo 04 04 04 vO 'O vO STREAMFLOW DATA 237 3 E 4-> 0 0 oo--h x O E 3 V MW co -h e x x •* • to 2 • W *4 00 O • h X 14H ^ *4 3 CT> O *-H ►-3 XX ■ cO 0 Z 0 C oo 3 O CO oooooc-jir. cr- ID X DJ -H -H W ^•JOlOKl*'. O-Ott CC «V c tv CC cc c CC ID CC i-j-irivof^crO'O Oh HJ- MTOffiOO (NJvfir. r~'C(MCC^-(MO P-iD-j-rOrorcojDJojoj DJ I O r- i o a p- x o X ID o o CO O O -4 O DJ •OidM^IDO r- co o t •o eo O' O O -• -I — ^ -I Dl DJ DJ D' DJ DJ DJ I I I I I I I X -o >0 X -0 X -O 0 0)0) O .-I <~l -r-l O E O 4-> QJ C co >-O 0) 4-1 >1 10 •u c X s 4-> E O c ota 3 >1 O <4-1 t/> GO'S- 3 e •—i u 0X0 r » o O X ro oo4-> CO 4-1 tJ ro rt 3 4-» O 2 oo E O T3 l-H -r-t O H . 6-°~ 4J > X « C -H 00 4-* D CL -H x E 0 oo X4-> O o X <0 o ro to 3 (H O t44 0)0 u C X w O 0) u > P CD Q 0 cc > o o ux W (0 CC P3 O XX I (0 (h 1) s co 2 3 IDNN'OhO'IPhi^-OCD O'lDrMCOlDNOlPtDN't -f^-rcoipfpipipip-rr' oooooooooo vOOO’-'iDI'I'OhOP hcoiPOICPOO"00' O-tfflpHNOOlP'C DJXOlDDJtDDJlJ'O't*' D-xoof~xtDp-DjxiD •f-UPCDIDCOONeOO' 0'OIDO'40'OC14«1 (OmiPIP'tlP'tlDlD'f \ X X 00 O' o OOOOOOOrODi- isjcvjfNj-t'DoO'Or^c r-co4XDi4-HC'oof 0-4--<--<4>-|-• ID 3 O

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    CJ P CD E ched at fined t cfs. OS o p cp O u. o co UJ MOCOCMMOCOO'l't c o < Q P.OO 3 0 CD Q 3 3 P r-~ 3* OS 00 •• X —> ccpp0'0'0'cor~-xx u z p 21' rid CM , E c/) • 3 cm X-H O^ a < o o .81 .89 .11 o o O- oo .05 .58 ,17 ,71 78 33 o X oo P P Q CD i O. OS > _• O 3 •") P X o to oo P 3 3 CO to UJ UJ OS cj < cj CO TO O dl p !h 4h OC 3 c o CO 3 4-* P c o 3 u. o CJ 5k 3 < LU OS < UJ cj < s Q c0 3 3 O JO cO 3 do 4-1 O X P 4. DO 3 DO c/1 Q OS o CJ UJ OS H X CJ o 3 JO 3 u JO 3 c c o CO CTi P X 3 Oi O X o o O CM K1 3 CM DO P -CO 3 CO CTI Z X X z X 1 3 3. 6 o u m ■3 P O U 3 OS -cCMrci^-cAvOf'XCTO z z ig 3 4h 'o O P 3 O O ■3 •h g CO cO sea « c-n 4-> CM 4-1 C 4-1 3 3 6 P • 3 X 3 G 3 S 3 O rH .H rH OO CO 3 COH P G •—l X 5 ■<-* 3 E 3 • 3 3 f- • G CO O > C 3 G 3 > CO « 4-> 4J 4->4j 3 O CO DO 3 3 3 JO 3 DOO O 6 -H O rH PtIQ 3 £ ft G Jj O X 3 rH JO < -X oo 'o o 3 DO r C JD X X 6 DOJJ -H z UJ X P 3 G *H 3 3 'O’ 3 e > ^ 3 CO is 4J CM xi U 3 O 3 X I_1 CO fH 3 ' G DO G G z os O X E 3 G 3 DO DO cn X •> 3 CTI G 3 O •H ffl X P CM O 3 3 3 4h > OS < 3 3 E -G rH •> o > z 0 0 3 x JO O *>4H 3 os p X 4h - Q 3 O 3 1 SIh G G CO < CO X 3 > X 4h 4h 3 O 3 z 3 X X 3 3 3 3 ■5 z U z o. P DO G rH O 3 X § 1 _*> X p •H -O w t~~ 1—1 3 3 CTl 3 3 o - E O O 3 3 CO 3 3 LO CTl CTl +-> P 3 3 3 CJ G G '■O X 0 0 3 f- 2 3 DO DO JS 00 3 G Cl h 3 3 I'lctl. 3 4H o ong 602 les 3 X -C -H Jj U Q 03 3 3 to 3 C 3 tO ^ XE •H P •H -H CTl 3 •• Q rH 3 12. : S3 S X 3 r-. J-. 4-» O DO CM w S 3 H CM JD P. X X •> -d- P CTl C/D XCTl 3 > HH J O o 3 e r- X 3 CO Q OS ■ 3 a. • 3X3 3 X CO ! CJ OS 02 U 3 -G < OS U 3 O -H O < O G OS < H OS 1 3 OS • 3 P CJ UJ • -*f o ! O 3 CJ W * OS SHU, CO H P -H z 1 I OS CJ i CJ CO X n X Q CJ Q Z OS E P. 4H 3 -J- O 3 « O 3 O >- oor-c\jcM3iocn.4-xo c x O p 3 4-4 3 P 3 O 4h —> xoc'® 4-) 4-1 4h VA. • OS C •*-> 3 > U 3 X X 3 G E 3 2.56 , 26. S —) c 3 P 3 3 6 G 3 E P 3 • x in heigh »ge he cr 0 < Q HNCfl'tlil'Ol'CCaOH (\JCNJ«\JC\JCSICNJCSJ G 3 G *-> G 0 3 O DO 5.18 f P O 3 <=r x tl me 22 16, 19 OS UJ 0. ll 3 -) ioi’io'°0'OHr'cc® >ocfic\jcvj^3*d-rcioo' co hhinjIMhhhNhh 0. 3 p DO 3 3 C 4h 3 C -301 3 rH UJ > OS G -H rt E X^j 3 3 -H X—3 3 m 3 X G C 3 j 4h O LL O co rH^-f>-r-XCC10000 C 3 3 G 3 5 cfs s May CJ 0 z z 0 - . P • -a- C/3 0 G 3 3 DO P 4h 3 3 3 P 3 ',000 >0 cf: CJ z 3 coxx^cooxo-to c c_ LL O 3 CM 4H rH U X < r P -rC P 3 E •H 3 10: ,oc * OS JJ P. 3 P -I-~ i 0 s - OP rH P 3 +-> 3 P 3 3 Q 3 x E 3 3 P 3 0 - 3 X DO OS < I DAY H3W dio^i Nao- 0 a P 00 O P 3 X J= 3 P 3 X X 3* CJ DO CO P •H 3 Q X 0 0 0 00 3 0 to- 3 CJ 3 DO P -CUM P 0 • U CTl 3 CM 1 3 >charge )w-over- 3 3 X 00 0 p •H X Q 0 0 CO 0 z < hhhhhhhhhN LL CJ cc mi. 3 3 in 0 rH 3 3 rH X E 3 3 ♦-* 3 3 4h Q a: > OOOOOOOOOO OCMOOCNJCCCOCNJlTiCClCCl 0 3* O X Si CTl !o = X 0 3 0 cr DO W •H P Q 3 3 3 OO G 3 3 CTl 3 3 3 r. r- Cfl O' O -O CM 0 CO .C^fClfflCMfflCMCMCMX u. 58 CO xt"- rH CTl w CTl *H 3 596 > X tO 3 X CTl OS < 0 OS 3 0 p 3 OO -H p Q O os 0 • P • 3 3 3 X CJ • UJ r-N OS 3 3 C Z ! CJ X OS 3 3 2 UJ OOOOOOOOXCO 0 X UJ OS p, u 3 3 O 3 0 0 < R] to CJ 0 3 O 3 xcsjinccimvOffi--.0' cc CJ z z < ! 114-1 < H X CM oS in : .cti . N(MhHh-Hh LL UJ CJ < UJ X X P CJ < CO 3 Z CTl Z 3 O E 3 •-HOP UJ CJ W 3 X G CJ X OS CO co'S 'in Z X x x > £ CU P □ W E-* P +-* z • 3 X G Z rt 3 > C s Q < CJ Q < CJ O X 3 Q CJ < CJ CO Q X C -H^rfi'Jin^r-cco'r. c z 1 < > 3 O. E d> CJ CJ X 'H 3 X ■3 DO O O 4-1 • -3 Q 3 OS OMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SFCOND, 240 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, Jt NE-JULY 1972 NfflKlHl^^OO'COO '''-t'f-tcnmi’ifOifleci’' o o o o o o o o o 'O^-m vO m m <\j .4- in HHHHHHHHlflv i^OOOU'O'JhNO 'HH.jtfioif'O'i/'r'i' ffl-tccm'OtoHHiMH o o < r-H O LU •C O' •* r- «4" vj- (U -OOX 3 x oo oo 'O'O'O'O •C O' m oc in O' n- •£ in im .j- m _< ooooooooooo ooo irtcoHifl^ooifluiHin vo cm to oiinMOOKiKioocoK) cm 1/3 oicooi'ON'OcoiooN^r to oi oi NUI'OSMCOCOCON'OW (N X T OlOlOlOlCIClOlOlOlOlC. CTi 00 CO X > X vO 3 03 com ■— in «j- iv. i-i oc <, Nm-Cmf'iM N(n,h h COCOCC-J-'T'-I-JO c wm'Of'coo’O ooooooooooo ooo ooooooooooo ooo ONnt to x cn NNNMMNNNNlMN M M (O NNNNNNNNNMN CSJCSJCJ O O O O >h c- in rj-X CT3 O O : o o O rH to X OOrH 3 C 'H o O E E 1-1 E X 3 3 (U X E W in -O ME O' o ■finocMMeoccj- -toci(\jccinmfnc\jr\i 'Oc^cttcctt^-cin C X o z z < •— LU X z > ► o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ENUICOON^ o o o o o o o o vOM o o o o 'O'O vO lO o ? w x a, j M3 O 3) *H o H 3 • com • (J l“3 >N Q 3 i 3 o2 x (US Ox c 0 3 3 0 U1 O I-J X 02 U I I 03 OJ X • h- OX CO 03 i-i w .h u a ININJlT, W(\lM(M- Z Z C 3 x a rHOOOOOOOJOL o< «h «* inin-O'CHH', •toif'(\j®in(fi(\j. NI'IOH inminc®C'0(f'oo •h eg cn ^ in o r •j-ooO'Ommc-'Occ NMNNHWHH m m -t in -c r Z 2 O 3 X 02 E O *3 x c nj o 3 x CO D X 3 s o 3 o X O X X) X E tO rH CO E x co “J r* E ft 3 00 • CO K3 X • 43 cO 3 Q c co oo oo ill rH C- H 4 O' in Cl H O' Z x a> X 3 •H X hnN^imhhhh M to 1 3 SQ 3 o o in 03 (X Ol 3 3 m CO U O x 3 X X 3 o « 3 LU 1 x lx 0) cO a T3 ) h 12 3 a. H Q (/> CO 3 to • CO u OCOOrHO'O'OOXO' X U X X Uh rH O. x to Tt (U a> X - 3 X O HNitl^in'OMOO'O Li o X rH 10 f- - IMNrlHHniMHHH : ? o X 3 X 3 - * >H O0X (0 S cO rH C-J CU UJ • 00 i: ai to > CO X33 O 02 • o • O » H X • z «; X s 02 X u. U ’ s o CO X s! < 2 Z X Q O a 02 H<\i®^in^ cbO'h xa (30 O 3 'O o X X o rt >- ft ft ft Q CO z e 4J < c 22 22 ft ft ft ft ft ft < o G o 4-J DC X < ft X X X X X X x x „ ft g to c DO 3 < « C/3 z a) > ft o 3 X 3 CL < 2 o o Ul 3 595 rt 3 rt M DO z o to CL 00 X ftOOOOCOftCTlOl MCOOMftOftCCO > 04 c at to G E 'ft CTl oi < o ■pH rt Q. o E—' +J 0) u ft 2 X rt X m ft < g ccf X XI 3 s to 3 UJ ,,, t z g 3 3 ft a u 0 o o < ft in O co rj tt oun eo in n i—i P4 ft. rt o i U4 u p CP X ft 1/1 uoftOoooiOLOioio P4 OS CO ft 3 3 <4-4 <4-< 3 u < CL o u o o G o ft o to < X rt z X o c oooocoooc vOftOOCOOftfttOft 3 X . £ o to u z < T3 - m < X -3 o X o ft o X H o o cl X ot CM ft’ ft ft1 ft ft1 ft ft ft ft X to X u M to o X o ft XXXXXXXXXXX ft w °oo • c o •H 3 *3 .. -u _ft £ X ft ft X ft f— cr o a> oo ai b < ft - <4H ft o o o ft to Q 4-> [/) lo - <4H oo O 0 +j UJ X o o < l-l .68 oo ft ft ft ft ft o ft 00 CO Cl LO to LO 00 to to ra 3 to Ct: o cj a CL <“5 3 rt • ft to to 3 X X rt ft < os u 3 to rt 4-J m UJ o o o o o o o o i o I to oS < H X Qi r 4-j u 1 o 1 G UJ 1— ft to O Cl O ft ft to O O O ft ft ft ft Z to O 3 [14 cj [14 s CL W 10 03 2^01 o Z to O 3 < H ft z * X s rt ft H -H u ft S 21 2] 21 2] ■2] 2] 2] cj s CJ C/3 X u ft x o VO VC X X VO LO Ul Q CJ Q s ft ind £>2 ? 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C to 3 >C+4 tfl r-l o a> ws: -h Sh Or 3 O O O' O « o o vO CM i OinOHHiTiBm®^ i 'tr'Oin>-OOOlOl or'OooooooootM IMMOMIOP'Ol oooooooooo oooooooooo ®»ON>t®»ON’t o o o o o o N Tj vO o o o CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM BO'O'O'O'O'OvOiO'O to co co t o o o o m®oHolf'Otf' mooo'cn^-m^cncocM i ^.fMfO'fin'Cr-c co CO | •- uj i O X I c_> I Z Z I ZZ I I •“ I I >- I o X r-4 E o cu « K $ 1 in ^ h CD ff1 h 00 vO vO O' t- oooooooo oooooooo OCNRtOMONsr (559) 02012500 JACKSON RIVER AT FALLING SPRING, VA. GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SFCOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 244 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 X cm M o in co co cm o o CO o o •* - CC CM * r- ro ;• j- o cc o o o c o o O' fl >o CM o o o r- -4- ec co cm r- f-H CNJ r~ CM CM CO in >C O CM CM o o o o c o o o o o o o c O o c O cn CO h cm min c o h o o p O O -h CM «C >0 >C c IT. CM r-4 CO O O' CC •—i O' 'O cm co m r~ vO >o o co >o o IT. CM St- CM o o m co -i- o cm in cm to O O rH in ro CM CM — «o cm >o CO CM CM CO, CM CM hh < O -i(M(O^in>0M00'O'-i CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCO •—I CM CO -t in vO f IMHMnO-f 00>IOO CMO-'tCOinoCMO'COC CMHHfHCOh-'tCMCMCM *-|CM - o eoo oo •H • C 0 co 3 M 4-1 -H 3 x:*3 00 00'—‘ C 3 C -h •fi <13 in O e 03 3 0 xi oo H *>03 3 0 X OOT3 OHO) tn o3 X •h x o 0 0 3 tn 0 T3 3 H •• Q . cis a) Z 5 X 0x344 H M3 H-H O o3 in ■ as a) '.Si Si"5 o ac U O -3 S33 » c W X o CJ X> *H eg D S C C 3 O'H in i-5 4-l «4-4 I T3 U I \£5 O • CM O O CAOIHO SHU.O o .59 O 00 3 o >- 'Op'cocr-pcoincoooo •J- CM *44 -H £ *44 D “3 COCOCOCMCMCMCMCOCOCOO' O' E rH o3 oS a> u- OO 3 4-> E *44 rH C 0 -H CM r—\ 1/5 H 44 1+4 g.tH 3 - ' U r- 3 44 x; O' o UJ OOOOOCOXHCMH o CM *44 03 3 0 0 ■H-t ' 3 v0cc5cn-}-oh-'0inr~'0 o o 4- 0 -H x: m CTMM H H ^ 3 3 0 44 4-4 d 5 03 O 3 3 0 in ”oo 0 (h ai 4-1 • C c-v 1-3 P 0 C 44 t4 x: MOO O' < O H(M(Cl'3:3'OMCO'Or4 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOCO d E 4- 0 0 E •H ob U 3 t-Oltl >- C0CMO-—tO 4-> 00 i w 3 3 O 5 in-t^-tcOCOCOCC. 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Z A " K *4H S T u- CJ 2 u co X < 2 Z N-) Q CJ Q 2? r-MlO-JlC'-OSCCO'H 2 or -h CC m -t o o o o rH O CM O O CO o o O CM O O O O CO ro O O O CO CO sj-O iH CM CM O O CO o o -1- M-OOOOOOO (O^ ffi-OOOO inMnO'inHO'ec oooooooo CO m CO cocoo co^-inco^-ir-0'>t OOOOrHrH,—i(M ■ i ■ i i i i ■ 'C-C'C-O'O'C'C'O E o *4-1 E o CM O 3 E o o CJ 4- • a> go Z MC O TJ -H HH -H > H M o < X) cj 0) 00 4-1 C 3 3 3 ME in 05 *44 4- *o p 3 a» m-c t3 0 a) 4-C 3 00 4-1 in 3*44 *44 < rH 0 0 O. 4- O 4- 0J O > u 0 o3 a> X 00*3 0 4-0 in os X •H c OO 03 •H 0 Q E 0 0 oo a dJ o Q 03 CC 4-O 4-1 <_> c W O 03 O W X ~- SI i o> o • CM O WOlHSTREAMFLOW DATA 245 1 CO UJ 1 • 05 O O O Cl Cl co -C CO u ' O 3 rs* -J O'COXl— OC-Xr— C1XC1 I rH X <\J Cl Cl CC co o in X • H 'P . —1 04IM1IHCCH^0(1I in “0 £ (NJ HH tJ CIO 45 *H -) " C CCT cT z tz o rt o’ • - 1 ► J- +j' E <-* f- x o CO X O <£ O r-i HI/> Si co co o S O X o 53 1 • S- O UJ in -4- -4- c\ Cl CO CO Cl E +J E in 4-J O 2 O'OcoincccHrtKro i o Q o as 2 3 MUH 2 ooocjO'Oocir-O' in "J •.***• - ► 1 ► X UJ o o o o o o o o Sh c Q E 45 OO +-> “5 * - o L"~ o "j- O -4 o ^ o ~t aS ui Sh q o Cl C1 —I c x 3 a> in W DO 03 " UJ >4- 't ill O ~o •o c- c- as rd as 45 DO DO “ CJ < 1- < ^ p r I' ^ n op 45 Sh 00 £> O' < COCOCOCJCJCOCOCOCOCOCO 1 X'H O ■M 45 ^ 2 f\JINJf\jCJCjCJCJCJCvjCOCl • 1 c < ■H t-l •5 45 45 ro 6 as Q • 1 c > 4) 3h.h 3 C 1 u O 2 o 3 3 J .s DO lL • >- •4-r^*cot/'OoO'«4‘Cocoi/o 1 < o conh Cl 5 O' 05 ►O +-j Sh Shu •H X ocoqoqoqqcc • p X'4>4'4ClC0cicU<\J(\J 1 £ o ► *•**•_*• *" n ^ « UN o 3 o • OCCCIT'COCJhhoO' • 1 ^ ^ 2 3 X as ro O ' CjHHHH-HHHH • 1 UJ U 3 45 aS X ° 'H 45 UJ • 1 u- UJ I o Cl O H 4 co ci r- < +J bO-H 03 <+H 6 as u • 1 o < ~ r» • • • (• Z j 05 3 2 3 in rt V3 o • UJ r-tcoep>4-oin«ococo>-H i a 5 I ^H -H rH > ° . 2 u •3 t O 'f. 45 == UJ h co x s c a- o o o o c p 'H'HHCOCO'HCOCICOiO 1 o o s 3 •3 o - +u l_5 Zl iouiior-co'CiO'1/iHh o 1 UJ 2 X o co o o o CO p o 05 CQ V) D. C ro X DO X 2 J ^ ^ -H UJ *- CO O H (M CJ OhIM 5 H o 45 rt •H X --UJ 1 UJ UJ UJ HH CO CO CO CO Cl CO Cl *3 LO 45 *H O 0005 +-> aS DO h Sh CIS X UJ O a < o HCOCO^UOONICO'O I UJ < I < Q 1 till •o o o o rt in 45 O 1-5 ! - o UJ o 3 Uh 1 2 u Q •• l 2 m • u < 05 IflHNOCOO OOOOOO •H as as •H Ch r~- UJ o -J oofom^-coSsc- ! Z - I CO CO 1/1 00 O' CO nC Cl CC 1/1 -o cc X • 4) •H w N H H X McpooSccH 2 3 UJ vo .-H H INI CO CO 111 4 VO H-J Sh w •H C 00 CTl X Sh 3 3 ► 1 o U- a - 3 +J ro i q +J S X E 2 r-H ^ q 1 < 2 3- o as ro . ^ U.J tH- O 45 o < J U J> o o ui in o if o o -4- -1 «t r- OD O' 3* H-t 2 > H) O in o S- O UJ CO CO CO Cl Cl «4" 4 l/l O' —' CJ CO 4h U ! U x s q <3 »H r t 2 ociff'uimcoHoccc i o o fflOtH < 05 u 5 Xh .3 o 2 OHO'NOHOIf'Hff q *3 l < •- UJ UJ o o o o o o OOOOOO 1 1 o 05 HUH 1 H-X3 05 3 r-, ^ oc < *- 1 X 2 - rt CD M -f H 4 co co r- i/o o co . .3 o 5 o w • co o ! 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I UJ I l o o o i < — H I OUJ o o o o o ^•CO Kioco O Ol Ol Ol CO o o o o o o o o o o 'OMON’t o o o o o o o o vO N CO Tf OHHN to to to to <0 VO O VO o o o o o o o x o o o o o o ^■COCOON't N M» O to N Ol O H iO N O tO Ol o o o o o o o o o o o o o o N'tiOMON't cm cm cm cm cm cm o E X X 0 0 00 X os C 00 cl x 03 0 X H 00 O 0 0 X CMC 3 03-H t/> c to «4H 3E f to x ox o 't cj r- 0 - O 00 3-. - 03 4> 73 X OO 03 OCX to 03 o o s to a> •H X 73 3 OS 0) O CL cj o UJ .-I >3X3 I 03 < 0) 2 cj ooa>r-i'-f"^>j-rcio xtMtNfOO'^-'Or-'Otn O' in cm —> HCMfOvJ-lTivOr^COO'O i «o x oc O' h O' X CM f\J •O IT' CM f\J to o rH O o •4 O CM o o c o o o to vT -J- -3" X O O' C" r-. < >4 O' O' O O' -C to .4 to o to to lO o ■3 c r-O'O'ioO'-t O O O r-l -H CM -O X >0 -C >0 •£ roroto-ff'JO'iO'OiO'O t\jc\im>0'J'tO'Oioioio H H(M ^ .o « >1 lO M Nf •4- X -H C •4" O' CO fO •4 m oi ro to o o c Hono O CO Cl -3 O O CM (M o o o -4 0 CM C*1 fO «4 *4 OlOIOOClOlOlOlOO (l-HHCfC HHH^O O'00'«mt'omm3 OOCHHHIMMWM o o o o o to O CO r- c CM CC I"- o 'C 1 O to it MClHr ; -> co >4 5 o o c I I CM I o 0- I to O' I - rH I o UJ I UJ X X I o o — I < •— h I OUJ O I — •- I X O I Z I I UJ O I U • UJ UJ I O i < os I X UJ I o CL I 00 U. 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OS cj X 03 •rH 73 o X 73 03 0 03 73 x « o X CJ C LO X u X' CJ X OO a i a) < • H X 73 CJ CL X to X c_> cj oo 03 o z O o X X CO 0 0*"°- o X r1 X 6 0 0 o o to vO o o 0 u CtJ - o 03 X X X 0 X - 03 0 o oo 0 OO U X 0 O 00 o o o co OO'-H o OO X X 00 CJ X o oo oS X •H 03 tH. 00 73 X X •H X ° c o X t/) o vt u o o X O W Q w X 73 ...H o £ 73 lo 73 • • a VO LO s* mi 0 0 r-v :* O x 0 t-' Ol • • ’06 bs u 03 X 1-1 CM X LO to • - 0 3" X CO I *H cO X o to CM *, co X Ol w O X to X .57 . >Ol X X 3 t-~ Q CZ 3 x *“3 l-H oS x as os i rt ! u s 0 CO CJ OS 0 2 X ns • < X as o CJ 3 " 03 0 < as o CJ 3 O X 0) as H OS *■} o 1 X ! X < H 0 as • t X • m < CJ X . • O CJ 3 cu . o Z rt o CJ UJ o <; X X as < 2 cn O x X to S < UJ -H z x as < 2 x Z H 5 z = 2 E- 0 z UJ < z 2 < 4J U Z o X i Q s < u co a X. < 2 CJ O X i a C3 < C3 00 a X s 73 X 0 73 X o 29 E 0 X o >- •OOO'O'CMOOXeOCM'OfO < r X 0 to X Z ■4 CO E 03 X s CO 03 0 2 0 rsl . 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Da reme hei L2.1 3-1 -> coo'04mcMHH-t)in 4 in h X 3 OO0^] CQ 00 +-* "3 0 Cd If < -a *4-4 TJ 3 X 4-* •h 0 C cn cd cn UVER >ckbr 1 400 )unch def i )0 cf :fs M the CUBIC Z 3 CM O C0 CM 4-4 CO N O' tM O mmcMmmcMmmmco c 2 C • • os c e • f" x W cd 0 00 -0 jo ~-az - a. -h 0 to 0 3S« cd -4-1 0 4—4 -O "3 3 UJ • tn • CALFPAST 79°29'38 it Goshen jcorder t Level. irge rela it at 16, icharge, irge, 16, furnishe ISCHARGE, DAY HMm-rin-oMDO'O hhhhhhhhh(m FEET PEI 00 (-4 X 0 -H X 3 0 0 c •• 3 JULY 0 -t h m 0 0 cd O' co m or-4-tr^r^ccr^vf<40' •B cm tM ,-4 cm -j mm (M H O • Z • - -h tn 1 -M E oil 10 C/) cd XOI O CM ^4 O • CL • I^O0t3-QO 'tn 3 in f-*J rH OSJD • cd X tn '-Jtncd 1 O cd Q ■ icdT) X . l_> • in tn -Lat on Si REA. - T REC 4 ft RECOI slopt -June to J Recoi UJ z 3 •-HocDr^O'OmvO'Hr- oO'XO'Xinm>3-'j m r—* O X 0 z z 1 < 32 00 1 O) 1 .0 33 . uj X • m 1 X z O ”3 O UJ 00 os 2 4-t V) i-4-h < X to <-3 3 )»s >- E—. »-• Z 1 » X C 2 CS < JJ l-l WH U Cd HH < CJ < C3 CO X 2 O ai < HH < U4 -j Q CJ Q 2 a: DAY Hmm^ifi-cf'ccT’H MDNTHl RUNOFF CO CM r-4 O' -t O o 00 mm m 4- O' CC O' >* cm O O O o o o o o o o -tvO'-'r-'J- OOHHIM O 00 in CM O' in -o to- rn o o o m m o OB 4 O »-4 tM •C vD v0 -O -O eomooino'OOO mtMC-BJsJ-OOO wtMtM'fB'OC'Jj- i m m -4 >o o --I o o o O O o >-• oo -4-O 4—t CM oooooooo mmcn mccoc Hmin>ocoHH4 00000*-4 0 XXI os > o o U X) 00000000000 r-O<3'0CT'O'0CM0'OO 0000000 000 OOOOOMrOI'ICOIf' -NOinmcc'0'Oinr'~cM ^ 00 3 3 o < to u <-l o OOOO0O0OCO ^■Homo'THHcc'O 0000000 000 o m co 10 o s >c cn m ,Olf'-t-t'OOinO'OCO oooooooooo XcnoOOOOI'->-<0' (MH^JOmCD^ >o co jfM(Nj«\JCN.. rM H H 1 ph N (ti ^ in -c r o o o x •3- r- 10 o "-I o o o CM 000 000 1^00 in o o •3-00 H03 000 000 o o in o o CO C C X 0 +J X) -H a- e O \£> - o GO « CTi +j 00 x: 0 0 3 00 3 « |h « cO 0 x: 00 U ^H XOl »H rH 3 -3 X •-H PJ 00 C_J p-r^n-oO'O-AO'OOo inirMOO-lOCMHlOCMCO-f hhCMhhhHhIOO'O' OOOOOOOOCMOO 3- ■OCOXCOO'tCOMP in <3 cm ^3 mm 3 co ip 3 mO'0O0''0>-icM0'O 0'30®K'33'MOO '.ICMNhhhhhiHh iojIO^IT^NcO'h o X o z z z z 5 = x a O' CM o cm ci on 000 000 ■o r~. 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C 3 4-c cO 0 0 TJ E to o - o to o -to ■o X i co e 0 2 -H 1 n- +-* cn cn E 3N03hC'(*i3n00 CM cn CO CN CM h mo o O' IP CM X CO oor»3(M in hd 1*' 3- cn (D cn (\j cn tm cnp~*-ioocM3Xmcncn 3cncn3CMcneoxm3 ■3" A-H h-i(D3)30"03'OCD mmcDiMCMHHHHH -CMCD^IDoPBff'H vo m O X250 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-^TULY 1972 LU IP U •3 63 O' X ,940 ,880 ooooooooooo 0^*CMXPXXXXXX OvttONNvOHf^tOvOtO ,010 ,410 ,960 ,630 s % P rom towr 3 ,400 • O P >P LP >- p X IfuOlONOOOOU'LOCC -f^^NHOCCO'Olf'ff' (VjCVIC'jCMCvJfVJHC'JfCl'OfO CO X CO 1- oo X 00 OOlCOMx O'OiniflT't tO^rH^H 3 > f of CO LO E cx) o P « o X 3 u u £ c0 P CD CO 3 o • CM z7 LU X CD O 87 59 LO VO LO oo to CTlNTHO p LO LO LO H O CO VO *t H CO vO CXJ lx CXI to ^fvOHvO X X p CC) p a) E X P CC t- CD LU CO Ol Ol Ol Ol CJ> Ol COCOOOCOStx O LO LO Tl- x 3 3 P LU ocoooiocccofoa o CO « CO P 6 o X 3 OOO) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o > CL P '-x'-' O P P P E 0) lx X CX) ro MO H H o o z “ ex) to fl-l^vONCO OVOHNtO't vocxico^r OHHN E- co Pi n U.S rom t flow .18 f .32 f < O -H cx e .39 f 3 S Q) » 00 OO CM t- < < o vO O O O 'O X X vO vO X X cxi cxi exr cxi X vO X X X 5 o V—' o P trt P P Oi w 3 " n) to X ; 444 E P o coco P 3 •H a) « oo 3 c o z 3 cti p da) 00 a) ' ,i? .&0 3 c LU o >- /-x p P X 3 3 00 LL cc < X ,400 .030 ,570 ,010 ,300 , 40C , 98C , 24C , 36C ,11' , 86C , 86C , 7 4 C , 74C , 11C , 96( < H o rt •H p. 00 CO g ct) 3 a) o oo oo Oi on mou1 Lw O P 3 p X 3 O) O rP > Oi LL >- OsJPXCMlOCMlMfxJ-CO rvjio. xecro cmc\.'3’cc'£ rn'4-rxcOrocorO'J'CM h- UJ « ai t— in 3 3 X cm ^ oi P o 3 _P p X O CX) CD jj LL LU X 24 18 to tx o lo tx to x 12 12 37 00 oi uj M CJ o n3 o o e Q T) CD OO 2 o < *h CD LU X -- LO VO VO .or.,~r.r.,~r. rx ix tx oo > s 3 P 3 p 3 o 3 UH co o 3 a) O P X

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    ■ UJ o C Oh M c 3 to 05 M p > CM(\jC\J(\jXXO'XC0C0 _J ID IT. '0(mCOO + 0|OI*'' »m r~ C -*. >i si ro ro cv; csj c_ o 5/5 „HtN ococcr-N Oh u. • 03 tp o p 3 3 05 O X > a! J 3 p(fl>t(Cl(MMCM(MHH (=» H < P »H • GCL - UJ z DU O X O hJ e D. p 3 50 -3UH to o tp o o X p o z J J “ ' x H-t O UJ ■-sr “ OMf K)XM»0>OHNKlf in OOOOOXXXXXX XNCOOiO Oh (A o - q> u o o •H O -o o o X cc PER o CC £ o o o X X X X X X X r-H X rH H o o o X 50 •3 p 3 - x oo -00 X CJ UJ DAY —ioff^-4-irixr^coO'O £ < I o < (3 XXX 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6- 6-: 6-; f- -H O X O 5/5 P o 3 o 3 p p 3 3 M p « 3 3 c p < I o < o FEET o Q o ih n,om^infO''fioq U ► X £ NN(MMfh-r-C0C0OU505 HMMNOHHMOCOXU5 f Hino LO X i—1 w «° e u -3 3 I to •• Q ■3 X z 3 m 50 rH rH CM CM CM rH rH rS CO rH • p 3 3 t" 05 •• p 3 => ► LL (3 o x r-i to i= 3 E p X CSI &, e cc < z (— LU X 05 LnooC'ioocnoLnt'-Lncvi OMOO B42 ly and X X 3 X05 o u < I JUNE ocftoniof-fcc CIhOhO^ PINHO o 5/5 1/ •— u C I <-Z 2 < •- HEIGHT, < —■ O LU X x o o NNU5U1'OXXl/lffMM oooooooooooo oooooooooooo xx ox o o o o o o o o f' s XX -MX P -H 3 3X3 X o 1 43 u If < w < oi o CJ w OS t-I RECORD. slope-a: *3 X 1 3 3 s c 3 O ■o p to 3 p 0 CJ 3 01 JUNE CDlUMtlOH^ COf H OOOOO'tXJh-X'OX IEAN DISC 1 INCHES. Z 2 4 eg HNWfLnXOlNUICOHf OOOOOOOrHXrHtMCM X CM X CO OHHH • 3 C Z p 3 CJ UJ X cj x ■ 3- /—. 05 05 to \ X I LJ < o - 18 05050501C530105050105C1 o o o o ATIC on 5 Indi < z X 1c X P 2 rt oS >- X LL I LL p c < c Z 2 c - X a (3 X X X X X u o X s Q CJ < CJ CO Q X s 2 UJ OS c O 3 z a: lflXfD'O'OCMOOI^'4-CO rH rH rH —* r—< ro ro oooofM'l-r^'tofin cvir-h-O'fDO'^-iX-i-o Xincvjr-if'miDCMfMCNj DISCHARGE252 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-^IULY 1972 c«iNonir>(r‘(C(\jff o -I'-O- cc >0 in .4- in cn cc cm o oo in m r- •-* m r«- 0-0 v0 -4- m cd 'Com f- O' in «*■ o ci (*i n im oocec'j-^ao'cr-O' O C f« Iftif. >C CM O * cm O' m CM CO «* cn O o o cn cn o o cn <4-o o CM -ICO-CH^CCHIC'O ec *0 cv O' ^ cm h O c Ms}-C«l-CMCMcMmM-ino^^^4-1 CU K) U cr, 3 vo O cn §s ■“3 O c o a> oo T) -Q CM o oo a> o o cl e u -C CL OO o cl o e cr CM CM 3 CU oo rt 00 <4-4 o X c o cn a> oo CO e o +j o. >u e C. 00 rt • E vO Z OO'O O T3 • H 'H rt h COO < J3 --H E cr co OJ C3 < z £ a •H C rt 3 +J -3 •H OO <0 •H Q 3 Coo tl V) tfl E 4) S- XJC -T3 00 01 OO C C al O O CM cn ooooooooooo r'-ain<-4incMO'O'r-4 ooomN-H >-i CM <-4 ^4CMcn^-in^>r-ooo-,x I • • >j-rt r-vOinr^-co'CMCMCMcr OOOOOOOOOO ^-icnincnmoxooo'o momO'C'CiMOeoT' inir-j^cnmcncfiCMcM i ^ in o N cc 7 - in m — UJ O I o z z UJ X z > -_J u. X U. V- o z z o 3 x aSTREAMFLOW DATA 253 < > W 3 Eh CJ E- cC < 2 CJ CJ Eh Hi lb O Eh 2 •P CTl CTl cti in <4H o ID T3 C o E o' in < 2 £ Q in ID Eh CJ ■P vO -X - +j oop C vo ip p-T -3 TJ h u cc •> p ■10 1/1 2 3 U u con in P id P CO Eh Q X O ID CJ Oh W O I x u (D cC O c s 3 «P •"J o O 2 T3 CJ (3 CO cC O p p- CTi oo ooommvop-c X CJ ininp-tn tnmmppp tj O' 2 o ID P cm oo o 3 LU X 51 28 03 76 57 30 06 76 60 37 X w • < -■ lOvOvcm in in in hj p » 3 OO X OO IP O UJ 2 o 2 < z motoo tooooooiH ID vO 3 LO *- mmmm ooooooc cc in O OO z < CO

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P 1 p ooppmmmtnH^-^inin _• p CD CC w r- P; CD p p p p p p O E CD U4 bo os Z Cl CD UJ ^^^^^^pppppp H >3 2 'l' Oh 2 2 < u -=/ < CD P CO X 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 d CD Q Z o o in o o t\j co in ® r •t >0 N •* P ooco-tO'iM^ino'-t ■O'CinN.O'OO'MNH h -o in m (vj OMNMT'OCOOl Nv/COO-t OlOvf inSiOSKIOlOM Mtao'O-t hoco t^OvOLOLOLOLOTj- oooooooo oooooooo in^OlNinCOHHt OOO'pppmcq MintOMlOKlKUn M (M M (M M N M fvl O O O O o o o o IONOO'5- vo O VO vo P I Z I O I CJ I ui LU | O in I OS ooooooooooooc oooovomoor-^j-oCTi^ HinoiNMn^i'nooinciP oo ooooooooooooooo oo ooooooooooooooo tort HNiorfinvOMooiOHMininco mm ooooooooopppppp vOvO vOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOvOO t- H^-vOTj-omooooooooooo in LnoLnrovooivo^-mooooooo p m^f’tintvmoiHmovomf'OO't'O HHin Z I P — I LU I I CD CD * I < P I— I CD LU I I I CD I vjMjioiominmoi'ivtOHHuio MHIONOvOCOvtCOMOMOmCOW M-v-ca)omOM»oiOHm vo < > >~ m (O OS Uh e o P 3 cC o ►J in O -h o 3 in P ►3 2 I Eh X 3 cC cC C E S 3 "3 •3 O O S Ed 3 OH T Eh USE 3 moo e ■^■'0 6 - I-- cC m vo id ID on oo p o CD < CD in ■p CJ OS ID O O. CJ O 2 OO T3 O O ip cm 2 oo ID 43 ID OO vO U 3 Eh in in cc ■H 33 Q O U254 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 OOCDHmh>fO' —tOO mooXtMcoXincoxin INJ O' LU o as o o o o o o o O' P- >t m >0 CO o u-> 'i- in co cc vf m m cm cm x .—t ■—i —-i X CTl oooooooooo OOOf'-O'O—IC'fMO t'OCCHO't'JSrtOO' fOOOmiflHHI •OlNJ'CNH^Hi -O'Oinmo'COh-r- > •4- cm —i o h m o in X'tmooor-x-tco-j-XX NCCO-O ooor-ooor-mr^ •O C'C' O ^ N K'O -"'1 «t—loO'xmoO'eor- OONITUCOOCDHUl •oor-'OiouMfi-t -4- m h t -O h -t m CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I X X X X >0 x x o Li Lh 3 u ° LU X o o om o o m m ocot ■3 00 3 -CM •- O LU X n- m m 3= Lt JZ X • coo o o o o o o o o o o cr <_) 23 .2 O c LH b CM M o os 3 •H (D 00 o :> T3 (0 3 UJ_^ q o o in in o in in < CL. 3 3 a o OS < X cm o oo in W tn cm os o >s -H o 3 O- in -c lu £ s X o 1- « = £ o u X X) o • ? LU X o m o o o o o 2 < OS cl 3 c 3 00 b I-H 3 < o Lt CD U C|H z> (_) OS 2 X TJ o o o o o o o o E-* X O O ■re- o 00 Cl Cl O O i-H CM s 1 3 4J H - tn o o £» .3 4) (D > O OS < < CM CM CM CM CM CM CM in u. x 3 L. oo I o « lOiOiOiOiOOiO * 00 00 00 x re CO o 2 3 ifl u o O 3 X (h I Q -H Q AND o OS tn vo in o o o o o X - E E ”o o if X c_) in rH CM TT KW r ^ 5T ll cc? —1 Cl LL « X Lh LO O 63 cn X I-H >s z M,t r- X Jh 7 2 "a O 3 U E a OS •3 Z (D O o o O LU m- n co in m- n in COMTiOMOO cc? 3 < OS u cj 3 o 1 3 os < H -C Z CL OS I vO i Cl I z o o o tn o tn o ’Tin'O'OLNCO Z -H O E w cd I-H L LU 00 cd os CO o E-i i-c z i a z z o LU 7 ^ 7 "M -~| -”l -”l CJ X o -J 3 a CD 4-> < CD CO c X < < « 7, o CL re oo 7 O e X 3 > •H ■-H re~ CL re re 3 oo re a> 3 7,7 X 00 Li OO O 7T7 z re O X X Lh Lh Z CL re ^ Lh X re re O in CD o X 3 x o X 6 3 < re E e tn . cn 3 6 X X > cn L. u 2! o O CJ * * u c w Li X - > 4) re X X X X ° •+H L» oox - TJ X X re 3 3 > ? 4) -H X X X Q os Li 6 2 C O X 4) > X t-. o 3 3 < z X re x 00 4> re oo cn z re 591 X re re oo oo < H re a>* w oo H X' X 3* cn c « So re l-H W O o 3 •H re cm r~- OS < ■H 4-> 00 X X Z X O 3 X 3 X p; z re 3 <4H 3 X < X re •3 3 - t-j o X V) U 0 « •3 • z re X 3 tn g 0) 4) T3 •H LH os 00 re o £ lh >s u 00 re 4) X "3 U X > X 4) e 3 S o *H I/) Li X O z s T X X c o re o Lh o 4J < O X re z re Q O - u E— 4) s“ X X o z X s* X re X o LU U in X nH -o X w tn X -in o tn o 3 oo m X o CM CD tn x 3 O X MO X o Ht 00 4) i-H re 4) 00 Li X 4) u 00 £ 00 -H X > 3 Si X X 3 U 00 re X in CM OO-iH re X ■h re o 00 "3 re 4= •H 3 o 3 > O re re re o o o rt re re O o L •H *-> H3 ■ • >H /-l re •H X T3 CM Q = 3 6 re CD 4) X o r cn 3 3 cn Tt D re u re x •• w X Lh re CD re X •• i2/ vo in ! in XX ■xt" VO I LO Xt- O o • Q ! 3 x r re tn Q •m 3 rH tn +j i O Q i X tn 3 i O Q 1 X L> CD • w O 3 Z X X • LU O 3 S 3 X w W *3 O X o LU W 7 o 1 4) < z C3 LU r- • re < Z CD w Z *iH o s W I-H CD LU CD OS cn x S O' Z 3 O X LU x CD LU CD OS cn o lx E-h m Z i 3 z H S Z • Z S < • U -t o X 3 1 a u in Q X < s CD X O X 3 1 Q CD Ul Q X < T3 3 X E O O E X £ E tn cn x 3 3 i£ *3- 0) - O X 3 2 0 tn re O Lh X 3 3 °7 O X X X O 3 X *3 X CM Lh s 3 O re X re 3 - X -3 OO CO X 3 3 3 3 £ < z in X X X Lh > Lh re 3 X 3 E 3 X 0 X > cn 5 O OC x 0 E-i 50 nil - X O 3 Lh 0 X w z Lh X • LL M X 3 3 « X 3 X Lh 3 O 3™. > E x X X > ° 3 ° 3 X CL 0 CM 3 X X 00 •H O X re 3 v_/ M OS Lh C 3 x re X X < > oo X X 3 z 3 3^ E Q 3 X < 3 o 3 CM X 3 X X x M 3 ■5 E— cn ° 6 3 3 OO > Lh 3 3 00 00 X os o re 3 X e Z O0 OS 7 O E X-H 3 X , H > LU z X re X Q 0 X X < 3 CL 3 30 O X O CM 19 Lh O > X re 3 X 0 01 i CJ O 3 X CL 3 - 3 < E-i X CL O u ”0- re z 0 - > 3 X x w •a x •3 U 3 -H *3 tn X CQ X oo 3 3 00 Lh in tn g 3 3 E X x > U 3 •H 3 Lh 6 Lh O 3 Z 3 H o X 3 3 3 Z re 3 0 X 3 3 TlX 3 O re X Z X CD X 3 u 2 < re 3 3 X X co u >s 13 os - 0 X tn Lh H _- re 3 •iH OOX JH 0 E— UL o o 3 X 3 -Oi O z x • X 3 3 S°“ 0 *3 X S UL O -H X CL 3 X 3 x 00 - EJC X x E 3 Lh X X O 3 3 00 X • H cn tn > o re X 3 3 3 s O • Uh x > 3 re 3 3 3 X o 00 T3 X 0 X O X r- X 0 x X re x u X Lh o o OO 3 •3 X x js 0 ooai 3 X XX 3 •H X tn O X X re ° re 0 0 0 cn x Lh re 3 re re 3 o x cn X t3 T3 • • b n-s X"0 • x tn T3 X Q -o ° r o s O O 3 r-- O = 53 E oo • 3 > 0 7 cn O U o X 00 X o Q • OS x 1 X 3 Z X 0 3 z 00 X r- ca -h x OS 1 3 0 •*3 3 3 z 3 *3 o ! U > § 3 3 Z X 0 ! 8 Si OS 3 3 • Z X re C < OS x X O 3 O 3 3 < OS 00 CD X O 3 re O U “f 3 S E-i 3 £ ? 7 *■* 1 O 3 OS H Lh £ ^ re • ‘ X OS ’.X <9' CD re UJ X . O • 3 3 CD UJ 3 re • E r- O CD UJ 3 os z 2J O Z Lh CD UJ 3 OS X O x cn E- • Z Z 3 1 3 Z 3 S E- X O Z 1 3 ZLh 3 Sj x os CJ g CD cn X CD ^ cn X 2? o X o CD a s X a cd Q z osMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 (607) 02034500 WILLIS RIVER AT FLANAGAN MILLS, VA. STREAMFLOW DATA 255 3 M-( 3 0'0r~ooo ^3NhO CMX'-C'OXCMCMCMfMCM 3 s X 00 3 3 o rt cj cj O DO 3 rt 3 DO r 0 t3 O t3 i3 3 3 0 0 3 CJ harg 580 -3 PER o r 3 o a. 3 6 3 3 4-4 4-4 3 CO 6 3 3 X o CL X PEP 0 3 0 -63 o x S1-1 3 O 3 3 3 3 3 CTl CL DAY ir, o X 3 O 3 • 3 Q 3 3 3 3 DO tn « < I O Q 11. 12. 13. v}- X -o X X o- o 3 3 —» 3 H 3 CM UJ o . OZ 00 o -re sea 3 003 3 3 O CO -* -H 1 (M LL o X 3 • C^ 3 cs| O • O Is- DO 3 3 6 xs o DO f-i o x 6 3 O 3 3 o O ° do' 3 3 X 3 •H xz D0O 3 3 04 3 O X 3 3 4-1 O 6 XZ CO 3 3 3 x Q U 3 •3 z < a o o O rt 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 •H 3 3 < > O O o o o o c o o o 3 o mi. 3 3 -3 X Q cm 3 3 JULY X CO CM CM CM CM o o o o CM CO CM X ,380 61 5 312 z - 3 6 : 3 x x 3 3 OO 3 3 3 ' 3 3 > 00 3 cn z> 3 •t -O X C «b X CM 3 X X O X 3 O DO 1/1 =• 3 X 3: 3 DO O 3 Ol i-H CM 3 O. 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O' a HNir, fioOMCttOH c\j(\jc\iCNj(\)C\ic\j(M(\jmm • X is let 3 o • -1 X __ 3 i 3 00 3 c 3 § 3 3 •3 oo 00 • a-, ^ -c a m k ir, -t m 1 6 3 X 3 •H >- <7''Cc\/popoOccr~- H rii m i\i h h h ,-p I ' < w O 3 5 ^ rpc^xxmrPtoXpfm i OS X s E X rH o X rP X . > £■) T3 x x’ O X 3 LU : o: 4p 3 Q -3 X 3 “■ i w . .s 3 3 < CO o O'Mocooinoo' r-i a < I Sl£ . 6 n 'a. 3 3 T3 X CJ 3 LX the 3 l_) JUNE HOCO'O'llf^OOO' (NjiMpppppm-jm C X LU on cj < m .1 OO 3 O X "iH o o •o >N X Z LL LU : t'' 3 o 3 •3 3 X rH -VO X o a cNjm-4-in«op~coo'0 1— UJ ; o o CO o LO X o co CJ X 3 X 3 x5 « 3 X < X DA'i rP ini m -j m -o f>- co O' o LL i o r-~ o 00 3 X X 00 3 U X LX 3 X . o 00-3- CP 3 X •H X -3 3 . ° X 3 in 3 3 O 3 < ^^oioojorsjc'j^- . to r ^ X T3 •• Q « X > OO OOOH'pPO'f ^CClCNJrPCsJrp^-Irp r. t30'fl . E X 3 fp X 3 J'jNO'O'J'miMNW LU oxo O' S 3 rH CM > CP X X ^ Of CM . 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O (M CM CM o to •© in OOCOOCMCCI-OO-J ro .h cm >0 co cm x in co j ir. o c >f i'i cw1' h i -'j-cCoccr-cTitf'oc1 oCMtMO'infC'cnrc'CMC * cm io -j- in >o c* c<4cox-c>©cmxo>ox in«co*ooff'cc CCS £ o co rt *4H w 04 DO *4H X 4-> 6 S E co’ O0 ■*9- Eh 4-* c 4-> z ° CJ U Q E 00 3 “3 S-. aT2 > 5 d co w rt a> 00 4-4 CM i-J Eh DODO O' < US •H O 4-* <14 ■' 04 i 4-> C 10 * a) E X 04 Q Z s S 4-> 3 « E 4-4 X O 4-> m 4-< • rt XJ O CO to 3 w E « £ 3 o < W o *44 *44 X *J 3 O 3 X> <44 CJ 3 < co u c pH z m «^C = u D- 1 ,( ooc s. _ o m rt ••<44 o in to 60 cu £ M O < < 5 °_ P t-. 04 CCS (14 *J X *4-1 3 u • Eh O Eh 04 £ w>| -H t-. p x: •H pC p CM 6 p d p-4 a> CO CO O < -O 4-4 ^ 4-4 ^ XI •• Q ccl X > = CL. E OO O > § j> X <14 rt a) < OSX) CJ 3 O Eh Z t p -H os H os l CJ X) • 4-* "" CJ *4-1 w • M- GO o-a CJ W vO os SH'H E- 3 C z ^ . 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X r. 3 6 u 3 0 3 X 4-» OS >- CM o m <4h X o TJ ^ • *4H Ih 3 rt 3 3 X Q rHmm4-mxxcoo'0 rtHHHHHHHHN u. x o 3 a O rH o 3 /—\ X ra m mmmcoc0v04-mm u <_ fO X o , O H-HH 3 •< x s m QJ > _• rt <-) X X 3 o ■H • CJ XI OC T3 3-3 2 i- UJ rt cd < Q> U X> 3 E O O Z oooooooooo o 1 ,c ai E— >+4 CX 3 1 Ih u. 3 < O OJ tu X OJ ! z O 4^ u UJ • CC 23H 05 > t- o 2 I X I C 2 rt tx X LL CJ s u w >< m < z Z nJ Q C3 Q ^ os ^Hmm4m'OxccCT—• X a o o o o o o o o o x m o m O' o co x 4 4 m 4 O O' O' O' O' x x COHO' 4- m m 4- o •—t 4 o m moo •-too h O' 4 o —• m mm xx xxx mm mm m m m ll ll III XX X X XXX o o o o m oo o o o o m m X (\j m m rH in m *h m o 4- o o 4- o o o o o o o o o o o o comno-Jo x x x m o o m m -h -t -< •-* m x x m x i>. m x 4- co x 't m O' co x x m o o o *h m m m o o x m o o o -< o o 4 m mm mm mm mm ii ii XX XX 4 4 4 4 4 4 m m m m m m l l l i l i X X X X X X o o o o 4- 4- m m 4- m O' m o o o o o o m x o> o o o x m m x o «-h m m m o co oo •h 4" in UJ o (OmHm x a h m m m 4- 4 o m m o m -< 4- o o o- o 4-o o m m m o> x x 4- x m o *-• 4- m m 4- m x co co o in m o m o o h ^ m ^ m o om4-xm4-o o o o —> m OOOO H HHHHH mmmm mmmmmm l l l I I i I l I l X X x X X x x X x X278 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 C E 3 O o h u m to 0 rH rH nJ E 3 oo O vO X5 CTI CO -s- in z. Z 3 3 O tj(3 ►h Tt W tH CO CO OO X3 o 3 3 oo > cO O Q T3 Q* C O 4) U H-> UJ X OS V W T3 U 3 00 •H M Q cO Xrg 3 cn |C10HNM(<10'33'0 XinO'^rOMMrHM-i in O' cocc cccomooo m^r-'Ovj-oo^o'io -t'JmiomrOfnroO'-O inro^OHcn^HO'ccr~- nj m cc m o o o iO(Moo-h>ooMnin Q I O z z S3 CM O X> vO o o o o r- i o o lo o o XlMNOOlM to to to to to (VI cm o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o »—< i—i cm cm C Ol N l/l ooooooooo ooooooooo OOOHHrINNN Jh 3 Mh +j in m e x; >- X £ MH 3 3 s rA 3 3 > +J o UH oo O 3 AJ C UH 3 o LO X Uh to o 6 E 3 3 M 3 3 3 <4H O *-> *-> O +J +J UH UJ W O X 00 in o- 3 3 OOvO 3 g 3 • rH 3 <+H 3 3 ^ o 3 £ C|H oo - XJ -H S 3 O0H-> > 00 MH oo x: < E H-» CJl E OO OO X > 3 oo ° W.h 3 • vO tH 3 z o - Uh c csi x: < in H-> 3 00 •H o H-» 4-> 3 -) M 0 X r +J 3 oo 3 tn in U C 3 +J 1 Vh r- < 3 H-> 4H ^H X 5o > cc < •H U < y O CTi z C_J Vh U O rH 3 3 OCNJ u > +J 3 rH • u 3 X OO •H in oo C/3 X 3 •H in 3 z 00 +J tn 3 u < CJJ H-» XJ 'd. TJ " u 3 z US in •H T) "3 o in o •H 3 fH o 4h ° 3 os X O O Ol u CJ in O 3 rH -O uj "f r* 3 +J rH O : in 3 H-> +J rH 5 •3 • O o rH -in o ^ iH ”2 rH lx 2 00 rH vO oo 6 U f-. 3 00 •H < < s w r1 tn 3 3 - o O 00 J- 3 3 3 3 . ^H u ° x o t- U OO o nj 3 Vh 3 U ^h UH z 1 00 ■3 x: •H 3 r-H oo - cd XJ 6 •H x; •3 ° o • x; y in o 00 O '» in in oo m 3 < rH i •H •3 *3 •• -H X •H ^H T3 -H •• Q •3 X X vO r +-> E O 3 :* J *-> 3 3 3 to x: in lx 3 2 •• rH OO in 3 O f—l CM tx r U o vO ! CO VO a; ! cn t3 XOI O CC c. O cO <-> E X O I cx UJ o c. s 3 3 o Q cO ai t-O +J u c uj o mcOHcnomcceo oooooocoO'O'Coeoocvji- 'OrO'OO'O'fO'O O' 0'0'0'0'0'0'0' 00''J‘ -Ol'lNHrtHOO'OO' ^njfo>tinv0r~c CO 00 •— UJ O X o z z 5?S: c 3 2 rH o *H -3 e §i O Sh •3 3 00 O ^ cO XI H-J CO 3 O "3 U 3 UJ -3 C*J C cO XJ ■M CO 3 3 X C 3 3 2 UJ X O O < O UJ o o < >-H O UJ o o < r- O UJ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o rH CM T 'O CM 03 HJ OOOOIOOOO OH'O'OtOrHHItO -OHOOlM'OtO toiwoto rxtot'H ooooooooo ooooooooo cNjtO'3-Ln\Of'COCT>o \0'00'0v03'0v0'0 o o o o o o o o o o o o ^NcoaiOH O O O O rH rH (691) 02077240 DOUBLE CREEK NEAR ROSEVILLE(686) 02076600 WHITETHORN CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR GRETNA, VA. MEAN DISCHARGE STREAMFLOW DATA 279 CM >0'Oinincncnmcn'Ocn^ O' 4 UJ CM CM MiOiOiOOvtMOO . 50 CD X >■ ^ «M cn O CD X CM t~- cm co m CH OJ O 3 33 2 o X? X X (JMNO'OinvtBCONrr 4 O CD i vO 00 4 to 30 23 18 —) cn •3 Sh X Q in C rt o r- * * a - E— 6 in E ID - E-i oviM4ccininccin cn o X X < -H CTl co r-- vO m Ih -H D > in . . “i •k X X < oo r- r-cnin4cncMCMiMCMCM 4 o X cn X G 33 +-> 2 152 ise 92 46 34 26 20 IS 22 1 £ X rH rH rH i-H rH Z> UJ 3 • E •H X CD < O o o o o "3 ID< £ 33 O < k o o ooo Q H o »—i cm cm u rt rt .05 3 D CD i-H 3 Q z E- rH CM CM CM CM DAY H(Mm4U''Crccff'OH CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMcncn AT 11 DATE 6-21 CM (M (M CO (M CM CM CM lOiO CT vO UJ C ^ rt CD X (D s 400 G 33 OO r- ai DAY HNCOvtlOOtsMOlOH CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO AT I DATE CM CM vO VO 6-25 6-26 6-27 - +J c_> •H ID CD Q 2 > 00 CD CD G O z >- in r-f-inO'-i'-i'-1 -^cnocncMCMcncMCMCM X UJ cn UJ x CD coiDvONoeocoi/iH cn s on r: Doub] CIS on 4-1 G CD G G ►S oo 3 in oo G '—' UJ cn X VO vOMinHinrlMMNIO CJ CD cn CD X CD o o vo in 4 X CM IM X CM CO CD X •“l i—l ^ o 3 3 X X CM « X CTl CM f- X X rH rH CD cn UJ x o 1 33 vO J CD X rH i—l E-1 n G 4-1 +-> X O CD H Q UJ E- UJ O E a ■3 CM - u. CO H coB'OB®'0'0-<-Cin X X CTl O CM to CTl CTl CTl 'S- CM CD CD G u CTior-r-cMoiM^j-vooo X X rH in CMC'r-C' CM O CTl m rt«HH-HHrH(M-lCM C HH X UJ r-\ CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM O 4-* X 4-1 4-1 X CD UJ vo vO in in m m -4 oi co ci 2 CJ CD o CO vo in 4 4 4 x z 3 C =3 ~ S I- C « "3 S U X CJ X “3 UJ ooooooooo X CD o DO C l~~ V) 2 J cn s oooooo ooo X X r-cti h in in >o eo o X - U •H - ij CD l—* 4 00 CM 4 CO 4 00 vO 4 Q UJ X o cn Pi" X ID "3 G O ID e, < 400 UJ o CD CD CJ CD CM CM CM CM CM CM XXX DA> HfMCfl^inBMCO'O HHHHHHHHHM CD 3 E- S lO'O'O'OO'O'CO'O o vo 6 o CTl • 4-> E U CD G ID 00 G° CM 3 < X u < Q HNCO^inOMOCTlO HHHrHHHHHrlCVI UJ CD CD < X CJ g CM CM VO VO CM CM CM CM CM CM CM cn CM I-- i—1 X ID O CD CJ cn 4 a r- OO - |H CIS 33 • H G d Q cnHco>omHcci(iinir\ a UJ CO OO vO CTl CM CM in O in CD in in X < CM OO tO vO u Q CD CM (MCMHHCMCNIHHHH CD rH CM CO CO rf CT CT CO G 25 • • in s X inCOHCTlNvfNCTlCON z CD r— r-H CTl O04v0000000 —i « X CM : as •H +-> (D Q X t - g rHX4vOXt-.l-.1O —> CD cn v£> 1-1 lo aj •H J CD UJ X rH CM CM CM CM CD CD o CO -H in ■ cn XCM CD CD Q 2 E-* o'* X Q i 3 CTl s z H O'ldcflic. cn-iHCCttH X X 4 44ifl in in lo r- co cn ; O d 00 vO to to CTl CTl CM cn a X X CM X If) CTi4t--xinoovot'-in (MCMCMCMCMCMCMH-iM O X E- X UJ rH fH •—1 - UJ x E- O »-H f-H CM OOOO O MO 1—1 T3 CD CJ < CD X s 32 a> ”3 a; oo G 3 00 1/5 UJ X a; u X G 00 3 3 •~i oo 3 O O CTl 33 rH s' CD < CD CD CD CD X 10 00 c • O X o o VO X +J in < • X rH o e a* in CD CD < 3 ID 00 oo c o id G 4h x e rH CO • cO CD 2 S D O 3 O G o +-> O VO CO HK1 ft O (D CD > G 0) : co cn X ? (D CODH • a> co Z oo mh 0 3H Q CD CD > O O X X CD CO CD *3 O CD X -3 CD C < -3 or c X cO ■ - G i in cO •O 6 co cti -a Sho in CM BOCT'lOCMOH^N^i/i OCN-OIO^ O-OCMiOO fOCMCMCMCMCMCMCOfncOvO O' m o o o f- >C rH o x O' in CM O' CM o -c or- ct r- r- m ooooo'f'or'oco joocf-i’H'M'r cMO'r-r^cocovO'tiri'O •4- 4 in f* »-4CMcO'4-cfi>or^coo'0 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCO cor-coocoO'^r-or- -.ocMr-CT'cncrvO^fvj 44coi/if—4ccic-i 'tCOCOCMCMCM-CCM^-t CMCMCMCMMCMCU-t-t-T O z o o co CD UJ •-HCMCO^-lOvOh-CDCT'O O' 4N in r- -c o- r- r- r- cr O' co ® m 4 v#- cn cow in m in o -o t- r- CM CM CM CM CM CM CM III II II GOG O O O O o o o o o O CM Id H0> O' «0 in CM rH -4 ® o in cn cn *d o «o cm x o m *1- O' o eo oo co •—i rH «-h O' CM CM CM CM CM X O O O O O O O cn o cn o cn o o cn 4 o 4- 004- CM CM O CM O CM CM cm cm cn cn 4 4 4 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM II II III o o o o o o o vjcMoOocnmcn u « ocn 4 4 o- cm f cn o in co eo 4 4- > CM 4 ' (More o m cn c -i in cm cn cm cn i O' cx: r- •£) in n CM CM CM CM CM HCMm4in'OM»0'H oo if) O I o z z h cn co r- -< o cn 4- in 5 o o > o o * CM 4 > -i CM oo cn o o c 1-0400 v0 O' oo cn r cn 4 r- >o m o o o o o cn cn o cn o COO-H44 OOHHCM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I G G O G O280 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^TULY 1972 M O O. G 3 O 6 6 oo rt iH Q > G Pi O 4) P US T3 X • o p rt • rt 43 oo X e- M “43 O X G 43 43 -H 2 UH N OH pi o OOPH Pi z P« o a) e HH > O h H h < PSPH co g H -H Z OO W G t— w ) 10 +■ 00 £3 43 PH CtJ S 43 'O P Pi Pi G O t/> G P> (04) O O O i-H 43 O O • 4) MCNH'H 4J CS-H U /-i J, 111 'H IO W P S3 P 43 • P O Pi ctj ctj oS /-^PH O Pi G T3 > P • oo P £ P 4) O O 4)<« Kl'H pH eg PWP-H OH I P > • O -H BJPH 4) 4) C B C 00 • £ S CtlPH Pi 4) G O WOl • > CUP -H • O .4) 4) tj C PP •3- tO XTJ M H 4J 4) O O W rH 03-HLO 43 rH SO O'M J 301 iH P O Pi £ rH HP o O-OH c U • O H P Ctj Pi £3 * ffl O 4) C -H -H PH « P S) PH P OP CP o X G P eg o P •H c4 c/3 eg to P O Ph r-- p ctj T3 p-> > ^ -H O I iH C ctj 43 4) (J 43 T3 P 3 rt > rH .XGrtwPiCGOO 43 43 (TO £3 3 CVH U Ctj 43 43 • HVH P O Ctj Ctj W P OO 4) G PC O P * 43 3 '—/oo 4) 0033 PH O Pi Pi Pi -H LO £H 43H i O 4J 0.4) C X O M£Pnl4)^S £ !P P h TO 3J- Ci TO CO £ W r-Pi-HS 3H 4) eg o o 4) OC t-j to 00 • O «PH Pi >H TO X -C CMOP 4) -H P TO P TO-H TO *-Ph 4) PC “PH

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Ia a>- - re 00 P - p X --G vO rH P LA -H r s X 00-3 rH P LO O G p oo re P -H o rg re • p (A CD G - 3 (A o G re ur Ia 1/1 O 4) oo re re 4) CCJ Q 34 o H- CJ 04 Eh X 3 re u re t'~ 3 x oa're P o oo re 4) s e e< O 3 re o - 00 X •H Eh 00 P OO P G P 3 re Eh •G •H rg Q r~ o re cj 00 rH CD h-P rg 4) X •H O 3 Q x Ah 1 ' - p O Oh o rH £ re cr ■ST O 3 P? rH Eh - p rg 0 sc y IS 28, H rH EH A- « E cr cj re i P • O P CO 1-1 O XP 9*23 reet tie re oo o Q Eh e 1 3 3 . O P P CO X •3 SX i d) 3 CO OS P< O P cj o uj cj I 3 4) • X rH 2 OO-H o OO p m 3 P H -h re < (< ft U3 3 CJ ah • UJ rH U«S OS CO O 4) E- P Oh X CJ (A P HN O uj /- X 4) 3 U* co p o o ft S CTJ E rH rt X Eh 3U.2 a -p 0 P rH O < s 8 3 2 •H p P 3 X rt) fO CO « c x o P E p o O P O Dh o 3 00 X 4-» 4) (JO 4) C a a < uj UJ cj 3 3 S 5 2 2 p is .00 re NWlNJCMOgninHAiA X 3 3 1-1 o 3 > AlAlAlAgwrOCMCJIHH A O X p oo 6 rt 3 00 rVO D ■3 o rt P p re C o o O 3 E 3 rt rH 3 rt "3 3 X • 3 X P 50 3 -H Eh 6 re Uj >CO'iAf\jOxCOA>Cg- C rH P P rH P C 3 X p OOP 3 3 jo O 3 3 •rH C 3 re rH P rt rg EO OS ? A J E OOP CT < CO rH r 3 E- rgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgcMCAro X G P P rg 3 c x: 3 re E 4) c •H 00 P -H ute at P G 3 oo •-0 rt C (J! H(\j >0 CVJlAtt X c G P re '-n 04 P XX XX 4 h A IA CC (A 00 ^ vD 3 3 o a =s XP rHP X ot m § G « rH H- - LL cj •3 • C O rH CJ O CM O' CA X G c3 T3 rC CJ O O P ft 3 p c X gcOIMMlA^HH-CA C 3 -H 5*4 P § o •3 Aj o 3 c c. SS C o re - p P. o •H 00 « o ► cc X EP p p rt -H o e a o 1 p 3 3 P P O < X DAY HlNIrn^ lA-OAXCO O P P /—\ 3 (X re 3^ c/> u Ah in o re' 3 E P O re -h b p re re Q CJ oo 3 O 3 p 1 CJ i—1 *H ux re p ■h ar Q o Z rg O X 3 rH rH •H P Oh X Eh •• Q X K4lANH(\rH(J'CCW r C OO P 3 00 A- "t • re Q O re <-t rH rg CJ (A CTJ l o' CO X XCTJ O 3 G rH 00 rt H Tj 00 r § e o o '• 3 9 > 3 !-5 X a ia c c\j cr g- If •H 3 P P rH ai o o G z KCignMAOMAlA 4 CM H H X o rJ ^ < 1 3 a c-t P a-B 9 P • 3 Eh p • VO 6 uei CJ W ECT X PS 3 _1 LL E-H O Ep 2 *V J-H Fj X s > P C 6 u ° o rJ 3 Q G < CJ CO o 1 c • o H(\jrr, g-lAXf^XO'rH c r 5. a o o o o CM hJ-(\i c\j 4 O IT"C r ro rr ro rn c •o x -c x -c (A O O •-H m o co o.«t -h rg eg rH o rH «* O (M ffiOOBHMNC (\j co od (M in 4 ia r nT g 4 in tt cc f' r h't-t'tir'iniAiAi OOOOClAOlAO ^U'MinO'C’O-H'j- OOhhhhinjIMn >0'0'0'0'0'0'0'0'0 Hhom g- cc iriOoooooOrHrniAr-o co co -OcoiAXvCocNJr^r-rH^JCT'rHxt r-H -J OOHOM'jHff'MJ'ID-C '00'0'ClAlAlAlAli c CA o CA o O lAO'AOlO'AlAOlAIAO'A'A r- ; c ^ o f' h p -t c C(70,!) MARVIN CREEK AT SMETHP0R1 , PA. mean UISCHAKlit, i« ludic FFFT PER SFCOND, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 283 0000000004)10 !■ o i it, ,* o n -i c c- x OOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOCDCC PiMO'0''4pccpinco OOOOOOOOOO (N-fOCOmfMOj--4mc''i4- o o o o o o o-o o 43 fi-isOOvO-tOCDCMr^-iX Otf'-t'flCONrtff’O' s 2 >■ -_J U-I u. UJ P 3 erf O a o O O O c O O O O o >- X 2 P CO to X) £ O' CM CM P p P p O' O' C F-o oo OO P VP o 3 - 05 of S o 03 UJ X >c 43-4 00 -4 O' O' cm trt 3 O X3 OO ,—, < *-> 43 a p in ^ >o CC PZ 3 p ••Ip X p cr C O tt CC X P Pr e •H P p 2 HE P 05 e OOtO X o o c o o o o o O E 05 0) 00 x p CM O CM O CM p O -4 O CM CM < x: •H CD 3 p CD Eh P 3 MX CM p CM CM CM CM CM O' O' O' CM CM CM X H xS. > s OO-H O' X < o 1 -o II II >0 4) 43 4) 1 1 1 O 43 43 Ph PH P 3 3 05 05 P Eh 05 X X) CJ CD 3 05 X bOrH 05 3 P 05 CM 3 00 a 2 OS PE

    c w «rf CM CJ3 3 c H) U. in < o o O o o o o O O o o o O O CD COV4H Eh O) X 3 03 a X o „ 2 p PJ 3 «oT 3 3 p a 3 “5 o 6fi 72 o in cd p cm p 4) in in -4 CM >4 s u 3 XP tn P CM 05 X X “ p p < NS 3 S 3 X p cD XI O CM to o o o p o o O 43 CD in 43 CM CM >0 in P 03 M CD uj o) X) 3 CM P O O m m -4 CM CM CM O p p s -3 §fi x:

    4 >4 in in CM CM CM CM CM 26 O - o - Eh 2s 05 '4 3 3 *4 OS < < o ■ i •o o 43 4) O -0-0 i o O o -o a- m o o cm -4 cc o f~ m HHlNJlflMO cm co >4 in o- o o o o o o o o o o o o o NfflHIO K) O O H H M (\J cm cm cm cm cm c\j I I I I I I «o >c o «o «c 43 o o o o o o CM O' P O o o o o o co O' >4 •—1 *-H CM •H o 6 p o -m 3 00 D. •H O Q P CO 3 XO) < JO P §i < T) gg Q> S 3 3 O OOOOOCDCChOcO •t>0C\)0'CM[^lfl0'(Cl(M OCCH^IDmNHNN 1 >f IA N m O' O ■H(MCf)^-lA^('-ecOrt l/> I/) I— UJ O X o 2 2 X u-t- o 2 2 O 3 X O' 3 E o o U V. s s VO 0) e - 05 00 s o E P O 21 E- O < T3 g £ < OS PB Jrf o 00 •> ■ H i—l E-. 3 vO W lO X X g C 3 < 8 S 3 E < O 3 U 3 P O 05 3 O .-H < a a | . Eh < a g r.-a 1 • CD 3 Z oo 0 3^. Cl) CD > > 6 Eh -h 3 U> I-H 3PM V) 3 3 C'H <15 O 3 X U-H u o §10 -r-1 cd T3 Oh* CO 05 J2 T3 P.D.C cij CD a) 3 3 P I cD rH Eh 3 o o •H O P o CD - 05 CD 00 Eh P CD 3 X3 05 U E 10 05 i 05 tO '.S7 Q3 S S x: *-5 10 05 CD •H MX Q CD O 00 10 “CO 0\ M ■■ HEN XE® 3 Eh O 0) X ■ P cO 05 CD S §?=, OX P < X) g § cM>00'inoc\jroomcoco ONCCN'ONNJO'O')' p in 4- .4 «4 4- m co m cm cm OOOOOOOOOO moooooo'f 'O -4 co-Hr'O-ro'cocMj-o •t CM in O' IM ^ OJNJ-O-CMO'OCCCOO'C oEOinooo"OinO' cor-mr'coCT'cO'O -4 in '4CT'CO00O'C0'OO'4-4cciop.4pcccoco (OhiC'OC'HOHO'CCrt O' O' rH O' CC 4 -O O' O' o •O'CCMCMOCO'CM'OCMCC m4inin^44ioiOfci hM io 4 in -cm o p in oo o I o 2 2 ► o o o o o o o p ro 8g < p U w VO OV ov vo o o o o o o o o (D440 o o o o o o o o cO N H vf VO vo VO VO o o o o o o CM CO CN CM CM CM I I I VO VO vo in n uni) c o o o OD(M4inCOlDlOO in co ai vo vo co oooooooo oooooooo (NCMC0410 01014 OOOOOOPCN CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I vovovovovovovovo o o o o VO o284 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 •oo-Ha'ininminm>i-cN eo'OO'O'CM/'mixjHocr' mooooooooo otsjCf-CT’OOmo ri (O in (\l m^rofMfvjfvJojcg^-in OOOOO^'f^l'tO® in o iru UJ o x o z z V » _J U. X U- o o O' cc o o o o f- -J-O (M O O O O O C o o c o (M O (M m -J O M (M M CM i ■ i • l >c x> o «c «o -O O o o O' 00 H cn oo -j- c-- o o o o O o o o CN I- •-< vf OONN o o o x> e o O' T) t'- -H J-l 00X1 o 6 - CD • S-. O r-c CD O I -H O o in VO CO 6 O Q T) CD TJ C U s 3 3 0 CX P P p cn O in O P. 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I P 0 0 m ns ^ 0 c > • m h p o -h x: SHoOOOtJiOi H O O (0 P i -h o a >i in 3 IP- o P 0 X) • x: o H ■«* -H P tn cn p CD H IN H 3 P « IjH 3 -III Dip ; 0n ■-N fftn Di o o o o o n m id co o' n cn cn n- m o o o o o cd in o' in m cn cn vo vo cn o o o o o o cn cn co cn cn vo vo r- M1 r- id cn m o ("C n h cn f in'f'OO' C'fNM’J ooooo O' CN cn rr M1 CN O CN VO VD co o' O' oi ci h O' in co io in in in in in vo vo co ai o o o o o c in co cn h r r- in r- m r ooooo cm r- o oi o CN H M1 I- m ooooo in h o' j-OOOoOOOO -^vOOoO'coror'Or- KO^NCCO^mOO I(J'O(0h1hOoOh coirMnniOHCC-t-}-® O' O' O' O' ooooooco Hnjm>j-in.©r^ooo- o o rt cr> 04 4. rH o 00 X dJ X X o 1—•—•CNJ LU LL d> rt (0 P ■3 o O ° 3 ( t \ 10 o Q X z co 3 z o •J H- (VJ O O co cc vt in >o rH (\| CM ^ 0) mi . rt V) oo 3 ■3 d) in CM Q (s- 3 oo LLl z IULY oooooooomnj- HiohninMi-Hm^ CCNCVIIMHHOO'Ot' u z hT < I (_> H- d) - 3 bs Q •h" CTl 3 rH o < I UJ I e o cn cn in r«- oo cc x c cn cn ^ X 3 3 cr ■1-10 3 o x (_) rt Q 03 O ' X j-inincMCMC\JC'0'o in in •— UJ o X X O UJ X O O rH _ Hi - - La on S auta \REA V+H H a ■"3 O i X U, z> —> z z < I [ME o o o o o o o cn o •-‘fvf^vtir'or^ecO'—. z z X CX o o o o •O in o o m o O 'T O CM o o in o in o r- M-^ -o ^ m o o o o m o o o MC O' >t o o o nj •c -c -c o o o <3 O in m o o in o vO o o o o o NO •!- H d) d) SS ? g p > 03 0 O XI 0 ITJ < 8* 8 I cm 8h < VO d) X. 13 d) d> B 3 t7'rD o r- ^ t" X iH . »W Q X O O ITJ TO 0) l >i ns SIE § vO o •3 « +j D- 3 r o 4-> 0 4h vO . 3 XOV O rtH rH 3 X rt 1 J h- cn h- h- cn CM CM CM CM CM cn cn cn cn cn CM CM CM CM CM OOOOOOOOOO inNNNNeoooooi 23 Z < H is P t< a: fc Eh C W • 1 0 . 1 Eh H Q 03 • 1 ft, • 1 Z Eh S3 • 1 H 0 Cfl 1 H W 1 a s: i O 1 Eh S3 0 0 2 a ug 0 0 e! w o o o o o o r- o S O d) 3 3 d) 4-i 3 0 0 rt P G X O U O l/l 3 d> O JM rH X O oo o i §! a x •H O E 3 I d> o x U 3 §“ 3.4H o d> o. in rt p, 4-* p o 3 0 a) w TS 3 rH o d) d) 3 n-O H-X CT> cn u «+H cx o< o l/l r-s 4H CTl (J 3S p 3 rt •s o s • P rt z X $-p OOOOOOOOINJO '4ooo>o>4inf'-cof^>4 m .4 r- cm r~- .-h in .4 cc cc in in co f- O' co co vOOr-< Oitiino"fHSu"Cin ccm-4(nco4rocM(M(M >0'4r-iM--<'4'-|r—>ocn in -t -f -O MD O' O' •—i CO H H H H H in f\J N H jro-tin-ohcciO'O ooooooomoc h ^ h o ® n o sO m cc Hin^or-r--cO' r n m -o M O' t ri CM CM CM CM CM r-l - Q X Z Z o o < — O IU o o o O' m in O' —< o «C -4 m -4 o o o ro co to o o O' in r- o o >o O' co o o co o o 4 O' O' O' O' 4- o ocoo'J-t'-r-(\j (M 4 4 O' O o o o o o o o CO CO O O C r-i -4 r- o co 4 o H H (VI CM (VJ ^5 >C o >C c ooooooooocc mccccoO'--ir^C'Co'co H(flin'd(M't(M<'i-‘CO oooooooooc r^-tocccoccc rH w 4 ® 4 4 r- r- cm O' ooccoccc cOcccmcccc r-HO-cv(\i-cr~cor ' 4 MT m •O •£■ IT ooooocoooo 4N(*'0-OMn04(Vi 0- 4: co r- r--i ro ro c o i 4 m o r~ tt> O’ o ocooocoooc ooooocoooo (VlOM-C-OMf. 0-00 fci co co co m p cooccoooco ''-OO-'tO'CM.CO'vCvC -r-O'O'COcDO'cccccc O I o z z cocor'-cor-in-o.-HCoinro O' i*- in 4 in in -4 4(*'mi<' coooooooooo h-coincoorgcccocooo co o i-- co O' O' r- -icn^- tvj in 4i co ® co r- 4> •-h cm co in 4D r- cc O' o h CMCM(M(MCM(M(M CMCMCOCO 0000'40'4’4r- 4(MICiO'B4NHOin ococn^HO'coccr^r-O' o in in in o in 4 in co co %4--4 o o o o CM -4 o CM *0 (M 00 in t-t co co >4 -4 o o o O c o CM CM -4 o CM CM .4 r- «c ■4 in >o o o o O O o •4 O 4 H CM CMMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET EER SFCIINO, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 287 M X o o < M I O W I 85 [ < H I U U [ o o o VO CM 00 in vo W X l U O I < M u U o o o o r-' oo ov rn o o o o o CM o o o o 0 o o o 01 H VO VC o o o o o o o o VO CM O rr O H (N (N CM CM CM CM VO VO VO VO o o o o o o o o vo CO CO ^ OOH(S m m in in CM CM CM (N I I I I vo vo vo vo o o o o o o o o VOOH o o o o o o f VO fflrr O o Noincivon o o o o o o t'' X o O XI u nj o> a> C O' 3 c0 l-D O' q £ -H >-3 0^ oooooooooo 'HOODM-rO'INHCMlA (VJ CM -o Ifl lO N O' CV| CM O 'tooooocinmm n^iXo'ircfMnMrt O' i cm O' o ir> in Ocnr'C'J'O'toino cvi-^o' — r-ooo'oa- rt(CO'OC''HCrO,OrH O'O'inromccNJCCvJo ec^'CO'Omivjoocv o o in O' cm CM o r-r- -o in -}■ o o o moo vo O' ^ OON M CVI (VI I I I VO o o o o r- «o cm in o o m o o o CM o o o cm o m in h o >C m momooooo r~0'ricMonJO'«l’ h mm ^ m ^ r-(f oooooooo omcmoooc —• -t co cm r- O' ro O OOHhhpmCVI CMCMCMlMlMCMlMlM I I I I I I I I ^'OO'O^'CO'O o o o O' f" O' o *«• 5 "3 in r~ O' o o o o m o CM CO r-> -< CM (inMciC''Cnocr echOr'O'flininmin-i o> a) *o +> o»-h 0) *4-1 0 -P fl e •V >* in o o —t m o o m -t § to X3 3 R) • > 4J p a r- r-•4- cm -* •* h cc m HMJlO rr cm m o in vo cm cm x: -P O' cfl •H £ ■P P 3 0 C -H •P P e x 0) -P in 3 CM c a) 3 P o -P u w occ^-cmo'C'c-tiM o o in o WOhO cn h- cm -t —H r-4 CM CM C -p 3 C a g cu -p a m 10 3 o o o -00 00 wiroMccr o (T, O' ic, < IT CC o CV c CV ^inoin^nnconn z z I C -I X Ct CM CM CM CM I I I I vo vo vo vo I O -O CM O omoomommo Wr-CClO'ICV't'RO O'J'f'OOO'OCM'f OOHHHHCMCVIM vj CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I I I Z-C'C-C-C-C'O-C-C 4) P 00 CO p oc 4) > 00 O cU Xl • -3 9 C 05 43 8x a* 4)£ 3 O *5 c o O X co s e o I c p i o *p sag HO 11 0 0) 0) o > x: 4) d) O' .ygs ?§, 5-as § x; o> u O' m P •h co Q JS >il" r-4 OV 3 rH £ OV t D -H : £ 4288 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 f^C'-j-minO'roroo'cco' or^'OCT'iri(\jocj'r'-'Oin mc\i(\i(\ji''Jc\ji\JxHxx •OOOOOOOOfMs •t-tNNO'CWO'lf'r m o- >c o -t im - o O O -J-O CM o o o OCOH cm co in CO X X ooo CO ro O O *3-0 1-0 0 H O' CO X U O o CO O O -J-O CM 2 S G 0 - f- (1) M 'O- P > P X - 0) 00,2 O O U rCJ 0 0 00 i tn o o o ooooo J N CJl 't CO I^OnOHW Ol *f CO CO CO in O' 00 LO z § p p ai p * o x p p o. G § G X o to X X t- O o o o ooooo o w 2 rt o x - X 3 o r •H . i . ^ >- occcMcnr~-mr~0'Cr' in OS ooo oo ooo E P 'o x 3 C O ° 0 G nShhh x cm n- io x x VO x in in 3 OoiC'ic'-JiTiin-jmc*' os I o cc -j st o cm in -J- os C « o P O ClJ X O x

    oap c o O ID o o co cot' r- r~- t- w E X o 10 H- rt 3

    ( p 0 0 n- n- ov m cm lO in CM to CM x 00 - O' O -j- O P CM -t E-* - rt P u , oc 1, 2] X dl -H -H o c G o oo x m -n- tn cm x U 59' tre •a p HO -x x io ip « > ot. x o p P u U >- < OS CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM Z o in a. o o •3 p p •> rt G P dl ip 01 PX 10 • T3 c 3 C ooooo o o o o x I O z o° ■ p P OOP dl E • c* p 1 J •H ‘v “ in X 0) Cl /—\ E ip ai 5 XQ x ai p G inin*t'T't to tn CM CM CM X X X X X o 00 bO-H « p o -i 1-4 g 0 0 3 o z ID O s O rH n- . in 5 in dl . C G CJ E x o P UJ > xooooococno r~cninincrcominin "g G c O' NhH" (X 41 Z 10 0 0 G 0 UJ lAMMCDCdl'PCd^H X O ID cm cm cm cn cn >4- in in t ® p c o 2 y° d 3ot^. oi cn p p ra •“5 o 94 11 54 4] 2 / 44 94 54 SI 5 / *3- (M 'S' 00 M- C 3 (C1NMMCMHHHHCM z o X P P 1 P* V) S hi a ,'rn 11 "3 X ^ 01 OS 0 X P p xx222 •H- tn tn tn cn tn tn tn tn oo u z X X OOOOOO OcnOo i ai • C S < E U x w 1 p X •

    0 CM CM CM_ CM_ CM_ CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM in o b- O H HH CM (VI o rH CM CM ° _ p O W > S oi *-j cn o. oi x oi UJ 0 I u. < PJ rj rj PJ h 5 o Z ^ -H S o 5 o Li co 0 G < z •- CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM u 1 3 < cn X rt S X X CM tn H- in lOMOdlO x cm tn *3- in jC HCMCn, «pmxhCCOrH Q C X X ^ X O X X X 'C X X Q CJ Q S s a < Cl, 1 UJ Pi H OS C UJ US w a u z s o X 6 G 0 C 3 O P XP G in v a> X * 0 0 »H > o o PL X) - e ov O "U- B < s o ex V> o a; v* oo g v* (50 G O 9 C os a> o p u x X to oox: CD (D in tx CTV •• rH CM XCTV rH X 3 •"5 X i G (D S § O t-v P . VO CO Ov X 3 - 00 CO . CM CM O 4J 5 ‘ ifl o X J 4-» 3 o -p e H c o Eh 0 X < O 4H o § p (0 •a a> > a) io a> in s I io to •H s tr cn £ 10 Q) »H > O' 0 s - I m i X C w -H - •h c »-P m U O C as U 3 -H O 0 0 T3 P -H X 0 G -P O G o > ns ai -h 'i1 a > M O' PH 0) c H (U H T3 W a) c c G OS >p •H 0 rH o (D O rH C 5 0 0 tn co x a p q - J Is p e o 0) *p -h >, O' I G TJ X co Q) -H O p p s’ o ta o o rH a; -P 10 . *w x co _____ in ° . P -h ° 8 -s e tr a) r ■ * D.O O e co o > . fl U • P in TJ O HID f' in C Srt1j. P - c9 H rH 4J -P 14H CO C c > ai • oi ai o SC CD P -P io -P o 3 G G P >1 O' G X TJ O (D Q) X oo oi tQ X Q) (D (UPS C 3 3 0 0 •n X -P tn Eh W x O' cn Z g 3 S P H

    . C PC CD (1) O X X > . 0) -H CD W OOOOO M'OwrCM’T o ov hj* co co CM CM rH O O OOOOO Hoincon cm co *3- in o o o o o o O' O' O' O' Ov O' r~(Mr'~ooco io co cm 'i (M vf H Ul C\ O' co 00 00 00 CO OO OO 00 CO CO OV O' O' CO CO CO CO CO CO CO OO OO CO CO CO CO ooooo ooooo oooooo ooooo in o in c in P CM M P C- OOOOO in in rH cn in av t- r-- t- o ooooo in co *j* o o' t' O O X r- cm H o' io in h r- vr n- io cm o> o' oi O O O' Ov O' O'O'COCOCO rH rH O O O OOOOO ooooo OOOOO OOOOO ID O Ov CM CM cn Tr ■'31 t-' co o' co ov o o ov cm in co OO CO O' ov OV vd oo co coovovovov ovovovoo CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 CO CO 00 O' Ov ooooo ooooo ooooo IO Is CO P O o O' in CM VO CMSTREAMFLOW DATA 289 p o> e CD P X •H tU 3. H X o P u o c p P ecs cn C P 3 (Dffi 3 o X W P P 3 ccS 3 rH o -H -cn £ 5k p £oo ' 3 3 ) -H (U » E PC - u oo -c ^ c OtJi o F-J 6 N MO 0 3 3 H p -h E 0 3 0 3 CCS tn E O' ccS 3 rH P cn 3 P H I/) CCS E a) rt oo 3 rt p oop

    U OT) m3 4) i GOT! T3 o * e o « C - rt 0) X5 00 o p o 3 E r-C P> CCS A CCS 3 ■p p X CORD. Pri( ■ m pj • CCS P Q 3 H B «eo 3 3 X >, ■ as e 3 s -H OOi-l 3 X Gage- ■p cn p cc) in < s . O ccS p pi u c §03 3 o O X ! xs JUNE O' O X X oo X X (N oo A A A O co 1 o • 3 3 Z 00 < CD SIGHT level S ip S) E o p a) UJ CIS P ^2H= 3 X P 3 ■ XI i O P cn 03 £ iH O tu 1 c 1 o . oo Z P O 3 i-i X 8- in X fH X X X X -•CSC -~vOXXXXvOXXini- 3XOOOOOOOO lOO^mN'O^TfKl tOHCOL/lCONrrON gM'tl/lvOf'COOlO OOOOOOOXr- "jinaiN^’O^cof' W • 1 U • 1 E H Q 05 • 1 < • I Z Eh X • 1 U • 1 H SS x cn i H W 1 Q ffi 1 U ! s 3! CJ CJ < H a w cj cj < H cj w O O ik x in in o o H 03 a\ r-' in o 5ko P O (X o rt 3 E •h +j ex E -h rt oo P oo -CCS +j 003 3 3 c » 3 rt 3 OO P O' 3 o o oi 0 3 X <4-1 00 C P «) at P. x o CJ I in *3 •h a> •3 p ■ o V rt oo P rt p ** c cn o rt 3 X 00 U P .. Q>5 CN P t-' 3 01 •• M hn3 O xoi o 03 X X rH A e • x 05 e i O O • JK Q X 3 5k • cc) E XXX O r-H P O ci) 3 P P MO i 3 X 1 U P < ss S HP 05 03 U C a3 3 X O e p 3 OH 3 P o o o o o o i -H 3 • p rH < 5^ cn W *P 1 rH P • X H x a Z XI 3 w PH o o w x < xx Z • « O CJ cn O' O O X 0 3 HH X-H H cc) S 05 < o XpH X XXX XXX < 3 w U g S" O x cn X 1 1 1 XXX o XI 3 s xoinxO'Co'O' o cc co 'HrH-oxxxxirOAA CT'CT'f- 'Oxxrnm x x in oooooooooo cn cn cc Xoxcco cc--< coCT-r-croxxoroxx —•xr-i'-ccccr-'-J OOOCOCNOCOCN r-iccxr'^xx-HO'Cv c_c-jH0'O'^Hino' ooxxxrHinxino XXX X. IO id -f ICi N MNN IMWXCCID CO CO OOOOOOOOOO comcNO'xxxxfl-o o r-o- •! (*umocc cn XAXXXXXXXX oo x x x c X A A A • x, cn cn cn c XXX X c A a >1- A X I CN CN CN CN CN i •} xx Mt cr -< *i I 5 CL w tc cj cj < M CJ w o o o o x cn o o o CN O A A O' O h co in n 03 x a cn x cn r- x x x x x o x o A r-H X A* O O 03 03 03 A O O O O CN X X X X X CN CN CN XXX X CO CO 00 O O O O X A cn « X o o iH O O O CN A f" X o o o ot x 03 A 03 O X CN r- O TO r CO 03 O H rl ■ CN X x CN X P X X X X O O O O O X XXX O O o o 03 X X A X CN X X X X I I X X O O O X O O X rH X X X X M X X X I I I I 0 X X X § 5k O 3 3 > P P -3 £5 OO P c o o c ■3 O 0) 03 C X O 3 •H E +-* 3 cn 3 •H o, 3 O X • x P rt 3 T. O P cn 3 •H X. Q O 3 x: 3 -P M U -P O cn C h 3 -H o 3 ss X * s§ XI os tr p •H +J U >1 A t-- [ P o cn cc) i p 5k O' oo -H P x X O o 3 3S A Q 05 O ■ p Q O 3 3 X ■H 3 3 A p 05 ccS rt C < s O u 5K io jat St J 3 . 05 1 H a-° 3 P 1 C 3 1 o H • 3 Z «> O 3 OJ CJ O UJ w c CJ rt 05 . so X O' T rH Z 3 > O O' 3 h 3 cn H P < m CJ z 3 w CJ 5u X Eh -H 3 < P Q U J3 05 I 1 ■p e §o • P c 0 3 u ec O 1 3 03 3 3 c u u m -P -P c m >1 3 a p > 3 P 3 A O «P - o O iH X 03 3 rH h ow Oi’S 3 1*8 a-p O 3 u > 3 3 zs ?8 I • 3 S8 8-a w ® M X I O « -O H a ® i? 1-3 O' P O' 3 x O 03 o *• X X O' X o m C «H ITS O 3 o » O «w O O xo x: 3 O O' m P •H «J Q-6 I >1 3 ftS SS 1" 3 $(734) 03025200 PATCHEL RUN NEAR FRANKLIN, PA. 290 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O T3 US H (1) H > 3 O U X) C -C rt 4-> C 3 3 O > e ° £ XCi 3 <-) X H 60 < X O - 5jr £ j cc -c cn c x t O' -t W (\J rJ rH r-l (M ffi •! ftl O J) 1*1 -iO CM a x o Z 2 X O 2 2 C X T cl < D- E— < a: g s 5 UJ o 35 • rH M- C • “ O ■«* * T3 3 0) H-h > 0) O O +J CT3 rt : X ■O- cd •H 3 H o a) u • TJ 3 rH H 3 H Cd P. "3 -3 X C I CO cd o ci m h I- cn m co cn m oocooococo rOGOOOCOCOO OMlf'CCOC'CClT-C X «* IT X IT. C IMM If O' Hj3JlXXiOOCOXXM •-•i\jm-finJ -J Cl H O cm -t in co O' i-i H H H H rl CM o o •* CM in in o o in o o H H Cl Cl M" O O O in O CM CM Cl •* OOHHHCMCM in o o MOO O X M O O CM in in in in in in CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I *0 *C -O •G sO 'O in in CM CM I I vO «o vO >0 >0 -O «0 -O vO CM CM CM cm CM CM CM I I I I I I I o -O o ~C ~0 'C ~c CM O o o < •— o ID -OOOVOOCOMMX—'OO'C -offiO'Oiccoo' M ci x o m i -HHCMlClinN-HH 10''OMOO''OMO' IXCMffiX'O'OciO HCMM H H COCOCOM'O'MCOCOCOCOCMCMCMCM CM CM CM CM Cl Cl Id f oininmoinoinooinooo Cl-tHHCl-JCd'JOO-'OC, o CMCMMinXXCMCOMO'C'O^M 000000»-*«—'•“‘HHCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~0 o o Cl Cl Cl H o OO-iCMM O O CM CM CM lOMDOlOOCMOin CD O O C Cl Cl r OOOOrH.-HrH,—irH H H f\j H (M M 0 n o ui «■' o *»• o m c_> »'■ o o o m o -Ci^^C’“OhC'JoC'CC XxXX'CxXxXxXxXxXxXX pH e O o . >-< > inci'O'O'Jin^tMXXK o CM >4-1 4-> 3 xXvOXiinmsj-'f-j-cdiiri CO I) IM 4J CO rH TJ « ? O To to rH O • o s > £> ^ rH in CD ^ 2 <* 4J - ID xoooocoooo o 4-> a) S c OCX o 3 O'CimnMCiiOO'ino CM CD H T3 S 3 -H a ' rHX0'CM'CMCMO''Cin CO s H x: £ C0 rH to W OO 3 X 2 rt e oo rt 3 > co e H rH C HlMlditlC-OXtCO'Crl c. 4-» > 0) CM to ► (X iie • H rH 3 3 Ol O 2 - ■H cd tt) cO 3 O V H 3 co c VO to E- O 10 El > CL CL •^O'^r-^ox'Ca x - 3 ■ a> 3 6 o >' Cl —> a 4-» 4-> - ft X 0J 3 o o +4 > cO O X) o <-H x: c J" & o •3 « 3 H U So CM X _4H •S <+4 2 3) co ID cncoooooooo.* C 5 s * §^r 3 • o -n X <_) 3 m jmcMHintM^ Ntr C § CD O D.'H- _ c o o 2 rH H -H (M CM rH H ID u. 4-> 0) Ol O 4J -o CO O io ° rH X> *—< uT o CM cd ' rH rH O. *lfl H CL > Tt X Cl 4) 10 H O OO X) I O HCMid^moxtoco o o o in 3 E= rt 3^ 4J i/) U- o X VO U OO H 4-> U H O c U c-i oo a) > OO x: h •h x: 3 2 ff to ° 5 rH PH to oo to C O es e 4-> "3 rH • • a to -J ^cM-omaoxincicM z r a> a* 3 X X 3 =; rH -H d rt 3 rH CM rt ^ cn cn cn >1 cn o o cd CM . cn > XOI <3 - ‘y, °. d • > X) 3 oo l_) W- OO R Q X) J U| ^ O 3 g oX 2 xointfoidinccocM l_) -> c 1 o s E- H X) 4H XX 1 V- a. < r- . 3 b -3 OJ x • rH E - o T? u W O CL, i-s cn .1 U. H H 2 i C U g 35 cn X 2 C hJ d 3 o 2 £ MONTHLY MFAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND.................... 21,300 21,400 RUNOFF,IN INCHES................................................... T.QP x,GAGE^HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 291 o o o o VO o o o o o o vo HHHCcmO'O'tHO'O' O O < H X 4-> X §S 5-J 6 o a) S > o r- r- *-< m co moo> o.—lO'cor-'Oiri CO O' >0 N lOh-O cnmmcncno'Ocor-r~- m in in in CM CM O'! M3 c oo o c x O cd gg o o o o r~ r- cm o CD oi H ■i CM CM CM 1 VO H Is r m- m m o o o o o o o o CM^f O'f OHMCN o o o o o o o o o o CM in 'D' CM cn in in ov m co on o oo cm cm vo vo VO VO VO O' CO 3 0 0 0 0 n o o o o f HCOCMT vo vo vo vo vo o o o o o o o o m vo o h o o o o o o o o HVOOM1 rt C X cu U S OS -> X I id 0) S oo id Q E l-l o W CTl a; in cd ■h x Q O cn > >s cn SS < T3 as cM'Cc\jO'm«tO'<-‘ocr vomr~r''Oin-d->j--4->j- < cv m ^ in -c n cc o~ - on in UJ 0 I o 2 2 < 1 2 >- ► _J U- 1 U- h- O 2 2 O 3 2 a o o < H o w gg o o o on p cn m c o o c I J3 -P 1 w • >1 d) 2 « S h x: -U Eh O’ P y!cc -DOC 3 3 G CPE aj X > x a d) O CO rH C.X c io O Itj ■p -h a) • X E P PS O’ P O O -H O >4-1 X X U CTl d) SO O’ CD io +J O O’-H On o dl n CM 6 W £ ITJ K (U 3 in S' 3 V b Q (0 3 co o d> £ p x O’ p P nJ co O’ X o CD d) O’ > nJ o Q « C O d) u -u W TJ O C « c3 < 35 UJ U UH cn o CCOOOOOOO'O-O •4-'TC0-tCMCMO—iCM«0 ^■•-^O'tr^O'iO’oecf'- inoccominccHO^ CCIM'CiCO'hCCcCCO irivj-cnmcMincncncNjcn ■O h d-mm o in o cn cn MfiO-J-U’O'OiflM-H HHiro'OO'b'tmm moooo>om^)eoo OOOlO'i-J-CM^-CMt^CMin ininoHffiO’-o^^r-i HO'-OOltOM^M c^M-ecm^cncMpHc o o o h- O' O' in m co in o o o Hcncno r -a- r- cm O' o in ^ m m in O O O o in O OM o CM H H CM cn m m cn >o «© -o in in vo -o -> cm cn >j- in «c o 2 Z C 3 2 a: o o m o o o cn co ^ o «n o o in co h m ^ o rH l-l CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I »0 >0 >o 'O o vb «oGAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET >ER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, L972 292 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 OO <•-O UJ oo < ~ O UJ o in o -h o r-H (C CO >* o r- cnj cm -t -t o o o cn cn o o O' o o o o in oo in •4- O' im in -t m o o cn o o o o 0 in 01 co 0 m 01 o CM CM l i o o o o o O cn cm innn °oo o CO -t o o o n- —> cm oo m o ooo o cn «* N N CM I I I OOO ooooooooo oo <\lfM'0-HO'CC'0O''0 r-1 o rHCMincnincn«*0'f'- moo CM CM CM ^ rH rH r-t (NJ rv'fo-0't'0'tom ^%o>or^- 3 OO rt C 4) 3 P ss 4) H rH D, 4) 4) "3 00 4) (U rt h > POO 10 3 XI « P rt P P 03 tn 4-J W glH S-H 43 x oo Hi C« UJ oo X P ■ O Ph lU'P O 4> U 13 -H 6 CX o p •H -H P P rt rt iH OO 4) O 4) 43 00 T3 to e Q£n OS cxnt O rt •> U P rt a "» Q X3 05 c o rt u UJ to 2 *h 43 4) § rt P 0> 3 nt o o <4-1 S o to O «H U O OS o < oo 5 \o 3 o' ’-o o 3 P rH T» X 3 i rt 4) •o 4) IS OO e2 D. < 3 CvJ-d-O'H'J-O'tNJ-C' OMOO'-O'flO'Jf (<1<\j(Nirg(Nj(NjCNj(Njr OOOOOOOOOO tc o INJ 03 to IN! O' vJ (Nl o cn cr m C •* cn cn (NjcNj'J-cn onjO'd-mmO'tooeo cc^-oocCvOmo-C'im ^H^^^iOvjtnmnjfNico OOOOOOOOOO moDir. Xr-HCCf-m-too o cc a r~- cc h- r~- ooo m«o(Ni«oommoo>c 4->} c ^-c io-j sj- cc a H M ^ ^ h O X o 2 2 < *■» 2 2 >- ► _J LL X U. h- c 2 2 C -2 a W X o o < M u w 85 < M o w DOOO D H ffi OD D Ol CO CO O O O O o O O O O o M lO CO (N 'T ooo CO o oi r- oi 0 o o o 01 r~ nt o cm o ct. o o o o o o o o O lO CO T OOO VO o r-~ ("• r* ooo ooo VO co ooo m (N VO a\ co h ooo cn vo m co oo in cm vo m in in cm m in in ooo ooo O CM NT CM CM CM I I I vo vo vo 00 o o o o cm oo oi oi in cm cm vo fN m o o o o o o o o o o f' O "T O T I I I I I vo vo vo vo vo ooo nnn CO O NT co in on ooo ooo in CM NT CM CM CM VO VO VO o o o o o o in o r-N o o o o vo co H vo vo Is CM CM H (Jl Ol in vo in oi oi oi o o o o o o m o o o on o on rH vo o on nt O rH I-H CN CM CM VO vo vo vo VO VD UJ X o o < — O UJ m in o Sm$ O H CM in in o >* o o m -o-o ^ cm in o rH O o «* n- CM CM CM CM CM cm m n r-cn-r cm "J- c- r~ -o m m -o- vj- -t o o o o m o o cn o cn o 00 m O rH cm O rH CM CM (M CM oooooo cm m h- cm CCl rH rH CO in -t cm h m cr r~ 'J- ~T cn cn ■O cm m o> in o cm b-o to cm in o nmino rnocnmn-cno'om M'N-CCOO'O'-trtlM CMCMCMm-T'TsT^-vJ-M'NT^-vf oooo mmoomomoo cn cn o cn HHCm-tO^mo o rH cm cm ■^■mvon-r~cooin-T OOOO O O O O O O rH rH CM CM CM CM CM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMfMCM I I I I I I I I I I I I I OOOO OOOOOOOOO §3 •h tn SIS rH -H u e A in o . S’* H T3 "S ■P U V4 rt o tu C P - -r| >1 w otf *> Q) §3 g S6S r« rt = a) c O > rt NT -H H -am in on c +J o o to CO -H Q) M42 tJlrH X g°2 H-g* .'SS m P c m m © tr to cn 43 H NT o rt c CM 3W8 i « § 1 JEP 1 rt 4H 1 i a • e z H rt w O 0) 4) o H > H < £ rj 4* z 8“" S Q A a o o c a ai E- H 5 S w C » = 2 *4H *4H O o rt in o in o cn . cn cm in CM moot in rt -H t - a h rH rt ITJ r CM C +J m -H w ■P C c 0} H - a) a) o e c rH H rt O A 0) S 0) > „ ^ 0 A 4) E -P 4) -H rH rt IH ItH c 4) Q I iH | 0) — 4) O 3 > H 0 0 -H VO • O Q, H tn m xi rt O 4) EUffl rH O O 3 o 4) rt o £ uh p O P Cn P - -P P >H • C • 3 ‘*Jr>0 C A E -h rt o 0 tn rt O 0 H -P 73 rt O TJ J a a c O O O O O HHcnoin r*. vo in cn o o o o o CO Ol O NT rH H Ol 00 VO NT o o o o o o NTBCOoiinH rH 00 in CM Ol vo rH U rH r •rl rH 9 MH 3 A • MH I -P CN---- I P m m rt cti -P 4) rH ih n §4) m i C co : 3 -P -P ) tO -rt > 4) a < p J o - 4) (0 t P P IS X3 -rt T3 P i a So P rt > 0 Olr~. H UH 4) to 4) X 4) m m -P 4) •H 4) rt 05 03 01 p rt •rt P -P • O 0 l)-H p P to o a > p h o p u SS P X3 ■P 4) to A ! 3 I 0 nt • A m SoS D o SS 00 4 W -P 4 . 4) 3 1. to rt o tu - 4) 4) P X3 4H T3 6 X3 M o rt § t cn -P m o « C -H O K 0 CO P P 4) 0 > U ■r rH 05 (3 cncncncMOM cm cn cm cm H hhhooc VO VO VO VO vo VOVOVOVOVO VO O VO VO VO VO vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo OOOOO OOOOO vo in c- cm oi vo m1 oi cn 03 r- r- vo vo vo o cm to co h OOOOO Is* Ol rH CM H cn o cm oi cn cm rH o oo OOOOO r-~ r-- c-vo vo vo vo vo 00000 vTCNHCNCn 01 CO Ol [N |N OOOOO OOOOO rH H* CD fN [n cn VO CM NT cn r- vo nt cn r> m cm cn m vo ai r~ vo nt cm h oi mc in Nrcncncnm r~ r~ n- n- r~ n vo io vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vovovovovo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo 00000 01 cm m vo O rH rH cn cn OOOOO 00000 01 vo VO NT CM co fn vo m in OOOOO r~~ r' r' C" r~ vo vo vo vo vo OOOOO n'i^r>r>r' vo vo vo vo vo OOOOO (•» l> r* p» vo vo vo vo vo vo n- co oi o rH cm m nt in a e €0 H Q “ c X O 4-> -H s s O rH U U M A rH (J UJ c m m 00 E o P 00 UH Sb O E 43 P A P 43 43 4) ■P C rt -h S oo • 3 • UJ 43 4) C r-i 3 00 O rt 3 rt »H *~3 00X3 _/ 03 v) in o P n rt o 3 m x o O oi mo 43 vo rH m oo rH . p >.00 rt P « 43 H rt 43 A 3 3 OOO 41 O P rt P to rt 43 43 • H X P UH a o <4h tn r-H •H iO rt •• Q NT Ol 4 3 >. H X> >. rt tn • rt S 3 p E • rt rH < ££• O U 3 *P O 3 0 0'S 8. rJ LO 43 O H U a ■-J P i X3 H Uh i o rt • K z - OK 3 < UJ u IE i-' O UJ J3 1 MS. -1949 Floo 00 f tn H O rH UJ rH C3 < tD < 5 cn Q 3) O X 5 £ ySTREAMFLOW DATA 293 0) > X x 3 3 0) c* T3'H +J o > 2 r: oo < i*j UJ Q C_) E x in £ X CL X • S a> x oo u c cS *X X a> x <-) Cl, = > CTl O tO X Z X O rt hh 4) < U £ < a> oo rt in s o X OO O rt X a« •3 0J C U rt a: < in 5t! 0) X oo O X in rt •h x Q u •3 X t rt 4> 2 s e o rt "3 4) 3 6 O X X X X rt X Cl, X rt c w C o • OU 00 •H X X « 3 U rt X O -E— O - 4) QJ r oox 'O'O'H 6 IS cr -h 4> w Q E x 6 rt o ”3 X X c I «x rt O 4) X XI X 3 E- X O H O CJ • a •x O 4-t X 4) CL O0-3 rt 4) X "3 CO C ■O 6 x tO /-N 4J Tl-X • Q X >i rt " 2 3 OX 1-3 X OO X CO O' o CC O' X CM X -4 m m >* m cm x oo ■oocomror—or—inr— -j-'OinO'O'inxr'in-t xMin-tin'Oxcoo'Ox in x r- O'tCC'i-O'CVXxCOX nNrtH in; x x CT’IMfOxC'OXCOIMCO fMiMin-4->tt^-j-ioro(o xf\jco4‘inxx-co3' o INJ 0'Oin«4-mcMO«4-in 4 io o r- a o x 0 X o 2 Z < X X z > - _J LL 1 LL i H Q Z El < M CL Q 5 Z U X n o < H o u ominooomoo CMHO'TOfMlMCOH M'lOVDNCM'CM'OH 3OCV0VV0V000C0 r M1 rg (M n OM1 4 ooinoinoooo ocorrroriocooo tNCMcoTrr-'COcTiO'^' HxIrlrHi—IrlrlCMCM loioioioioioiovoio o o o o o o OHM1 o o o o o o o o o s M 4 CO H H rl (M rt §2 in vo x CT> 3 t—i 4) E MX X X O X in rt •h x Q u -3 X i rt 4> 2 ss OC < -3 5§ xx(MnMcixo>Mnin '4->tCO>tCOCOCOCMCMCMCM OOOOOO-^COvOCO O'cnr-f-coCT'-OxxO' '0>toocMO''0^-rn«i-co X CM CM X xcM’O'tinvOr^coO'Ox CMCMCMCMCMCMCNJCMCMCOCO 4inintf‘inO'OxoiM xO'iococooor-'Oinm (OCMHOCMe-oinoo1 com-tcciM-4>oinin«t (NJCOcncCO'CMvOOCMCM OfC'cnccr~cT'in4cci4' CMO'rtO'CMrtxXCOO' m-4-uvh-in«}->tcococo 1 4 m -OMT O- X MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND.................. 417 99 -------------------------------------------- RUNOFF,IN INCHES................................................. 7.38 1.82 MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUNOFF, IN INCHES.................................294 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^JULY 1972 G TJ o § O p! X 0 tP B •H O P P tP -(0 4-* tP43 CN X! d) a) 0 B «J * a) 3 G •rH G 0) p CO U P X 3 x . TJ X > go go o o o O o o 4-» 4J G co 0 § U 0 O re -P . 3 O >i .3 43 H d) G O -H ir. i z> —> cc re cc r~ 4 O M3 X x ce cn x r- x o' X O' O' X X CN X — tP o TJ . p w CO P c*H o TJ TJ 10 P P 43 ■P d) -H tPCN x -re p CP 3 CTJ KrH g < X o o —i CN X X X X f"“ CC O' o —1 — —1 —1 rH CN r- 4-> nj O -H d) d) P CO CO tP O tP - P CO P -I 3 o «j o -p 43 cn itj a c i 1 oo T3 4-* c £ o a id o T3 4h a s UJ X 0X1 os < rd 5S si oo cn) re CO O CP rH CM rH CO rH CN x -x re rH CN CN O I a d) 3 rrxxo'Oxccr - (M IP H h O' H C r'oor^ooi^xxu TJ B i a) 4-1 u C -P OOOOOOOOCCO rprpnp-tchcco'ccip xx—ir~inxxr-i0'0 o o o re o re xxx cn cn re re re oooxo o o o rH o O X O CN X H rH CN CN CN X X X X X si ei w o o o o o o o o o o rH X o CN X O rH CN CN CN O O O O O O XXX O O CN CP CN rH CP X O X X X rH X —I CN CN CN cn ce x x in re CN cn CN CN in o o o o rH o o o o (N X X O X o rH rH CN CN CN CN CN CN CN I I I I I X X X X X MH O MH O 0) X CN 43 CN X tP ITJ c O X - tP CP -H P H X d) rH (JJ 5 X 4-1 ITJ ITJ U -P 4J *C W g ►4 O I G P 1 O *P 2 d) £ O tP ITJ H TJ CD a W ITJ 3 P ITJ a) tj - P H o a) u > 2 l-cococccncntocMlMCMCM sj- tmvor~-coo'0 in m m c on >o ^ o m w mmiOff'mMMM-oco (3 19 < rH O UJ ,-t rH CM ooiniooo m m h h m o in O' m O' CM -t OOHHNN •c •o >c 'b ~b md >0 M" rH CM CM co •£> r- o O' CO CM <-H rH o If' ITl Ifv o O -* 4- -H O HM'OO't O O O CM CM •C 'O «o -o >o CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I M3 v0 M3 •© vO in io o io o o inooio H^OHCIO rH O O rH o -O CO M O M X- -* 00 O' OOHHIMCM o ,-t _4 rH CO CO CO CO CO CO CM CM CM CM CM CM J) vf) ><3 «0 <3 >0 + + + + CM CM CM CM I I I I •O 'O M3 M3 CM CM CM CM CM CM f OIOOIOOOIC'K'O w^cnM'Oifl'tHO O'tCOMJOOOOO'O't OOOHHHHNCM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I inff'OHH-t •4- in CO -H o CM vfr CM CM CM CM CO U\ ir\ inicMO o o ^ H H -J (Cl ici ■c -h ■*■ m r- o QHHHHN i L i i_ i i E E rt O 03 4 4 MH £g o O X3 o a) £= E 23 co <02 x> « 3 'rt = O O o cd -1^0 : .?e • xl a> Z „J= O E rt 1-t O rt E- 4 0) C 4h « -•H O H 4 a> a> X) « rH 4-1 43 4) • rt +-i E co p, O +-> +J 4-i rt 0) co CX rt -X £ rt S h rt 4-> • 0) ■CM 4 4 CXC" rt 4) Clj CD CO X) 4. P, 4 Min 3 4-1 4. 4-4 •HOOP 004-1 4-> i CO rt i CM rt 4-» Q rt Q a> u i-j oo^i- a 4. X) H 3 rt as o a) o 43,1= 4c i-c 4. 03 rt > 4= O 04= X) X) i 43 03 XJ rt § 4-» 4-> 03 X - St wo o X X o OOrH ■ -rt- rt 3 [IJ rH 00 X) XJ O 03 r-C c ex 4-1 U _43 -H C rt O -rt CO to C .0 4) /-vO 4= rH O 4-* W O 4) o Oi O 4 43 - rt rt 00 03 XJ 4= rt 00 U 00 4 3 ■HCcS O -H o CO 4) ^ ’H 4-1 .. 4 Q -rt cm rt co rH 4* CM CO 4) C" M X4J CD 4i rH ClJ rH rt 3 S E •"3 • X’S I 4= rt o 4) 002 o 3 !c o 4H X) 4-1 1 E E I O CD O • 4rl 4l 'H CTl 4H 2 li 43 E 4 4-> ■rt- . ! J= • O 4) 4-rH CX 43 ° exex ■rt- O £ HC« O rt rH rH > ex CS 43 4. > > X) 4 4) X I 4) O 10 4. I 4H rt C E XJ 43 O 4-i 4i -h rt 4-1X3 o 43 4i -H E o 4. 03 O CH'H 3 rt CO cj 43 X) c«u 03 O vO r-. 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H in o 1 X 3 S 3 i-j 3 H X < 2 X 3 X x X x O H o < 2 X O i X jh X s US OS J LL LL - O UHI o s Q X -2 < U E O X S Q s < X cn Q X < X X o X S Q X < X X a X s! UJ OS < o HCMffi^in^i'ioiJ'H 2 Z Eg o 3 3 o 3 u TJ o c o OS < UJ 2 2 r> os H E- O C-J to 3 CO 3 3 u o 3 X 3 3 O e c 3 O CO CJ 0) U-, *3 “ c : co ; 3 CM J-. to 3 - < UJ OS < 2 10 3 3 u X o UJ X UJ u < o 3 TJ 3 OOMEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PE* SECOND, 1972 MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 222 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O CM inr-mO''OmiM'txmx i'-'0'Oioinmininininin UJ I OOOOOOOOfNJ't z i iroooiii'icmcoj ZJ I CT'OCMO'CCCD'ClOvOr- ^rsjcn.tin.of-coo'ox CMlM<\jlMCMlMCMlMlMC0f^coo'0 UJ UJ 0' X ■oo-HHuiiji^OLifin ■onnninj--f-t^nn 125 1 -3 O 3 CU i—. Q 3 • O ni oo o • j-> ^x“ O O L O Ptf L X o • -X . 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I 00 I ~ o o < -1 O LU O I I UJ z i * i 00 | Q I U. I i I 2 I O'r'-m-Or'-r^in't—i «-4cocnc'r,-incMiM ■* CM CM CO CO 0 “■'oif'ooiruruno r-r-r-cocoo-H'-i'J- QOOOOH^('Jf'J XXXX'OX'OX'C O O O' O' r- in o cm O (J' O' o m in o o ■t-f mo r-coiNj-i-O H MIM o^-0''C-ro'inoooo 0'CMC\J>-i-J‘0'fMrO,-iiniN r-(Mf'jmM^h--HCC(cin oinmoomininifioo •tfflO'OOO-'HMUl't oo—<-bxxx O' r- o o cm co -r -t O co nj cm in in in o - ^ -t o sj- m r- «* OOhN ro to cm O' cm cm cm -* m o o o •f mo o o in o- -t O O O CM -iHH(MMIM(fim(M-tP h h h ,-i cm n cm cm cm cm cm co ro in >t in in u oininooininoooinomininooinoino O-or-r-xc00'0'C<-<-HCMinv0r~r~O'O(Mr0s}- OOOOOOOOr^rl'^pirtHriHH(MCM(M(M UCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMC OCCH^OH^ r- -h ro x r- o in in ac «$■ r- cm r- in pmiMcimr m in in in o o o O -f 'OMBO •? 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O U CD © X 3 3 33 © U C > 03 S-. X 3 X O U CO C O • ■h © o co -3 O.H -3 CO L) CO ■ 3 -H O I Cl CO CD • *-> 3 X Q C X *J CS O 3 O U C CD U OS CU X OS X -3 *3 CD C UJ -3 *-> 3 REMARKS.--Flow affected by two reservoirs upstream; Needwood Lake on Rock Creek since Sept. 1966 and Bernard Frank Lake on North Branch Rock Creek since Feb. 1968. Total drainage area above lakes about 25 sq mi.224 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 DO G G in CU C 3 O in - d) C E X ■-H O "3 C * « n3 r X E- -h 3 < G O U3 in a -h (1) c u o o£ 3 0) d) c c 3 3 oo oo a. 3 3 0) < < CO i O re <3 -> ■C cm -t >0 ro cm O' r-HCNjco^-ir. or-ccC'r in P >w •h co U Q X ^ r'focsoooovo hfnNinm'TiNCOooooooH CILOCOrHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CNr-HOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SNimninowminoinNOinm^oo •ICO^tOlMOHCO'O'tNHH ^3-LO o o o o o r-- o o VO t—I to 0)000 M o o o o to O to o U N to to Tt t to to to to O r-JOOOOOOOOOOH tOOOOOOOOOOO- (UOHNIO'tiniOt'COOlOr COOOOOOOOOOr 300000 ---3 O C O’ VO CO O f- 03 Ol MOO O O O O V£> CO o O O O CO CO CO CO O O 00 OOOOOOOrHOOOOlO OOOOOOOOOOOOOfHCNCOC OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC OLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC CsjTHi-Hi-HOLOLOOr^-l^t^OtOOOLOOOtOOU NiOOlTtiONHHCOtnO'OtOrti/lCTl' 040000000000000000000000 oooooootoooootootoootootooto ONifiOt'COOlOON^i/l'OiOf't'OOOlOlOOHH COOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNN Ul E _« is zz c ai ai vOvJ-IMO'O'f'-O'rHCMCMM •4-'tvl-corcicoco>l->t'l-'t r- rH ■C CM oc < c~oc«HinHino)NOO'th-co IfltslOOOllOinNNHHNf' Ul >M >4-1 G o> DO 0) c •h x m XrtC X >- X CM 04 X u E > CO O OO M s X in (j 4J X Ol Q G U O o rt ex c x'x a) 2: (— ui x C3 O H\oHoito«^oitocotoc-^ OHCO"tTtNK)HHOOrlN CX o 3 X 3 X ex o SI >44 Q co co o tn co COO'O'CO'O'OCOCM o ID f- O U) VNHMMHHHHHHHN ft esi X 4-> (/) 3 X UJ CO vO (O CM rH CO O' Q 0) >- O 3 H Ul ooooooooooooo O X to u E o o c U a z f- «f 'OMMOlON'TOCOON't OOOOOHHHrtHNNr) Dank Le no n in rt a) m Dn nu X c C -H cd x O Id--. CM AT I DATE 0'ir'4r'404040'jo4r'io4C'40'jr--4r-4 a x £ ■+4 0) CO g a> 4-4 u u Ol o 4-4 O X 21 i x \ x e oo H d) E i X 5 1 O' < o HCjm-JiO'OueoO'OH CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOfO a j o •r-( £ X c Q u a Z o Ul o - x 4-. a) Csl X o H 1/1 CO IC1 o O CO CM CO ui u o -Tt; c (1) X • X X Of X Ul u t- 3 CO u . ai >4-4 di a X u 6 >> p 3 X X X X H ui X CC rt o X 1 X •H X ai ai 85 E 56 ID u. Ul X o a oHvO’t'Om^'h.o o m tv ClOONCOHfMOH Ol CO Oi £ ctj O 0) D X ai s c o Ul U-I E to O Nriuiumoucooeo c*D(ocncocci(o>t>j-><-fc» CO U Ul X mtoH-f moooo lolo^ Ul in 4-> 4-1 a) ex E CD 3 UJ z c z u X O P. a c o DO X t_ z inoooM’toioo to o o OlOHNNNIOIOV OrlN «X oo 0) P. o •H +4 X g X U * IS Ul HHHHHHHHH N C4 N 00 o o 'd- *H NOP - co p. ** rt 0) X P* 0) X c 0) a) rH d) X DO d) X ID O ae > UJ Cl cc 5 % f- § (NMOMMNMNr4 CM CM CM O'O'OO'O'OiO'O'O vO vO X vO o O f- X X t"- CT) G X Ul o o Lng ta Lschar Ccfs) 695 rt X 260 X o m Q rHCMCClvJ-in-Or^CDO'O HHHHHHHHHN FEET a cn ooo: co g a X O • o 3 a rt Q Ul -f Ol N Oun VO '3- O >v'-H rH e m X qi ; < r*»cocMi>-oor-«oi^^)in 3 < 'ai 04 NIONtO-OHOMOCON a> r 4-1 O X ^ X n* o X X >- CM X • si r-i CO z g w oojd a>_ 9 « PC oS d) 3 Ul CO o z a) 5f X rt cn u-i d z u X LD a. Q r-- in 4-| CO . DO CO >4-1 LO x ct: u d) cc z H ° C O Q x I ' vD 3 Ul -H o w I O C3 co cncccocooHOioi’tcjt' M X ; O 4-4 0 0 4-4 H ai c P* iri'l’cciO'Ovt'J-cciccicci oo oo H 3 Ul O OOOOHHOOHNIO 4-> CO d) • Ul £ O 4-> ^ M X > 04 to Ol vO t" LD a x O ►J G -H Ul Ui Ul 44 C z co cd p o> CV4 3 z z Ul Ul O OOOOOOOOOOO , ° E < X w P. E X Q 1 rt rt UJ 'f t'l'TO COONVONoaOl z’ G • O ON Ul u El ( ft x 6 u oS o 3 E— Z f- Z C/D X S 3 C^«V4 o C3 < H I-H X z X I o XX id c c G DO X u-X U- U H 04 NNNNNNNNNNN cj b «s < C3 -3- in « g Q Q X C X X X X < < z z 2 O ooxxxxxxx'ox X a X Q X 8s ^ X rHCMrC|»l-|fl«Or>-COO-*-t X a 2200STREAMFLOW DATA 225 X 3 C O W E P P • c p oo 3 P 3 0) o i P x i n co i i ai -I o.« . o oo co -i -J I 01 > I P in • 3 0) Z *i Xm p h -H • 13 3 0-4 3 C -P •3 3 O -H i SXvO in . r-< f- 01 I/) H O E S POi ffl X 13 =? 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C O —l P —I'M. o o o IOvOO --I o cn CUE O 1- w O 4-1 01 -C /■ 00 004 CO -H 14 U 01' 1-OOHHOlCOCOOlCTi CMOOOOOOOOOOOOO moc-iooomoooooo OlOHOIOONMTlNOHNJf COOOOOOOO—4C'JC'JCNCN ooo r~ cn OOOCn—4CNOO CN OOOOOOOOrH—I r-IOin 0000000000-4000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOr-HTT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lOOOOOOOOU 40inor^'0inoor M- (M to —4 OllONU •IHNHH’T't't'OIOL C P to 3 XI x> •H c U4 ♦4 3 « O E X p p VI oi m E P. • O 3 3 0 0 0 0 cq : 31 P 4-j IS 5 P -H • o ;t 4fi .le » C C cO HHU ppm 44 -* 1 o CM CM CM CM 1 1 1 1 W -l 00 ai *ii p p in O VO C SIM p 4-J ctj p S) p /—' o o o 3 o 9 9 9 9 H C-. • cn p in ai O P oo p C —i OO CO -H o o UH - c p 00 X U4 1 O 1 cn i i J3 O ^ E a> o oo co oo 1 P CM c •H cn uj -4 ib *•» 00 C cn u 1 U4 O -H Q cO oo CJ o Q —t 00 O -4 —J cO O aJ •H p E 6 > •H • C Hhno x to E • H CM in 1 OQ W cm S oi <4-4 c in in p cr • 4-> i—J 0013 in ^ * O P P E P —4 - oo in i ai p • 4-1 P —4 0-4 -H W P. 44 in 13 E 0X3 • X > -4 ^ rt S HO* cO C 3 cn t in cn in cm aS in —4 . 4-1 44 O x TS -4 1 v P. E ui OS O P z x; -j s e P o m m in > oi cn E X < as p P U CQ • o CJ U4 •H i-H —4 oi cn oi ' 3 o c as H C as x p u* oop s ^ i 44 -4 X •Jj - m -t o P C3 01 01 E W 13 > i 1 X Q X H CM CM S oo in in CM CM CM CM o so in C3 W P O in OS cO O 2 P- i 2 13 js 3 O ? t-'HH in Z Y o p •-> ^ in o •> S O 2 P 2 ' c c c OO p 00 £ CM CM CM CM u x s p <; u p in co cn u ui —i Q 01 ^ Q U4 X C *3 ^ *3 ^ CSC •C ~C 'O O X Q O Q cn cn s uj O CM co o in r- o oo NiAin CL < X vj- in —j X —1 CM -4 0-4't •n r— cm —' 11 11 15 2^ 18 12 8. A, 2. -< -J O o ooo 4-1 Uj , 1972 in o CTi UJ X uj i in co cn >t in r- OCMHCM-O-Ommp o-jn-'Cinin-ot'C cOrJC'XcnoD'O-J-inincniMCM—•—<—* HOP 1- IS UJ X ---- CM CM —J —• - - ~J ^ ^ -1 ^ —1 -* -4 ^ P *4/-» u o o m in in o m o in o O < X h cn -} O h cn in M- 0-4000 ° m ^ -j 01 K1 X 0° ui o - CM CM CM CM O O o O OOOOO 0 0 0-4 -4 ^4 -4 CM O —I CM 01 CM UJ CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM in cn cn cn CM CM CM CM cn m m cn m CM o O O 4) ^ <0 ■9 ■9 ■9 ■9 9 •9 ■9 01 01 X 3E E o f* QS x r-- v» p p Min o c o c O V> rH o cn U. 0) Oi U3 "SS V. p. X co 3 Oi O VO C cn in oo Ui 3 o C X 01 U 00 m Vi (3 P. OS o O *4 01 01 00 Vi rt 3 Q to os oi O V. u co w O i-i OS H Uj OS 01 01 to c s 3 ' *3 o . V» 13 z V. .* O 0) CO 1-4 > O cMOOoooooooooooaom ooooomooomfomocnoi-i aiNr-cooiooN'OM'COcrii-iHNy COOOOHHHrtr-IrlrtH'NNNfc UJ o CJ --4 as in X 13 u c cn eo o o < I- O uj ocom>j-inini-40ONMOO'0'OH(M(lHC'n>0'0'0'0'0'0-0'0'0'0-0'0'0'0'0'0'0'0'0'0>0'0-0 mrj-inrsjin—•c«'Oinr^(vcofM ooo—*—i-coooo—^ino'ffl^rt^'Ji'00'0''Oi,'HOO'J h rfi j' cm cm i m r— !—< •■—J m in —* .-j m m >f utin ainHOiMO'^Nrtinoi'NMnic'oiN'OOeoOiCinvoo'ffl OOHNNHHHHH(M(f|iniCec0'O0,0’VD0''-*IM0'f‘Ou' cinininininmincOino -f no-*' or-coooo'O-jfnm'O OOOOO—'-4-4-4-* ifioinoon'oK'ii'Oii'Oinoo^K'O hICI^Oc-'(n-O-—iO—iflOOCl-*>j-o >C'0.or-®eoeoeco—•—I-*—■CMCMcnm'* hhhHhhhhINJIMMMMIM to > > E rt X rt rt E 3 X o X X 3 rt 3 (1) 0) 3 U r3 :s 3 3 > 3 X s X) .evel 3 O X rt 3 > 3 t, at 3 C 3 rt •x c U X belc nt at > rt 3 3 •rt rt 3 r-N rt 3 rv rt • X rt 3 3 CO 3 to 3 X C-vOI X <" 3 <3 X 3 sea 3 X ^-sX 3 3 rt rt 3 X X • fro: of o C 3 3 3 <-sX co o rt t3 vO o rt 3 • 3 c 4-1 c n- r-4 o 3 rt X r- 4- 4-> e o 00 J1 E O CO o 10( E E 3 (SI - rt rt 3 3 E 3 3 rt 6 (SI 00 X rt 3 > CM • 3 ■«* x 3 3 3 > 44 rt 3 • X 3 3 X 00 3 X < X > 3 3 - 00 > 3 > rt 3 XI •H > 3 X O -H < •3 O o 3 -H* X X rt X^ 3 C O w 3 OC o 3 X X z « r OOX < 3 3 E 3 3 X < O rt! rt ft 3 C. CO 3 o E-1 01 to X O OO 3 •H 00 H 00 O OO 3 z o Q ft o 3 3 X OO OS Q X 3 3 +J 1-1 £ E > X 3 Z 3 3 X OO Z at rt X CJ z rt O 2 3 00 DO S3 < C OO ? Mv-1 E o (SI C 3 3 rt 00 OO * o s CL MCO OS r-v - X 3, W)OI X 3S - CTl a. 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OS 3 « CJ S o 3 2 • CJ ^ O 3 S e ! CJ OS O 3 s oS ■ CJ OS 3 S 3 X OS 3 3 rt < QS CJ 3 O rt X! < OS O 3 0 rt 3 < OS CJ 3 0 rt 3 < OS X 3 0 3 rt T3 < os X O 3 I o 3 t— OS 3 1 o OS E-> OS 3 1 '« < os E— OC 3 ■ r 3 OS (- OS i 3 i O OS E- CJ W o • vO CJ WO -VO **■ CJ WO -vO • X X w • LO X X w x u • O O -3 CJ w OS 5 2 x § X CJ P4 * OS 5 s .-H O > CJ W OS 2 x ° t! X w OS 2 x -a c o X w OS o 2 CT. 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STREAMFLOW DATA 227 4-> S Q 4-c O # ^ (4 O 3 3 -SB U 2 os O 3 re x) O' •oiw S 3 3 as o < X o as oo . i—4 tO < r 3 3 3 O rX « to o • nj -h x O oocc HH T3 s H -h T3 O < 3 C 3 CD X 3 44-1 >- 2 rt O O *4-1 co cOlfYNHH(iYriY C I u OOOCOOOCM-OCCIO o C O •< c. -4 ^ 6 "f < O ov^riONCMOif. m m in Cl/'OOlCUf'OOoiC’O rr'«j-oo—■'J’COo-^o oocM«ocroNfr-oM)M>M3MMM)M)M) :CMCrr'0'4MOlTcerfM00OOOOOOOO -oo'J’ao--'-rMO>rc*YtrCTf^uYO-r-oo rc'jf'jCMfpi'-fNPY'fNHip'rmoc'ON «-fM'J-(M'teOfooc CMrY(tYfO(4Y(r,C<'(»Yc>r 000000-w«-'--.-‘^—CHHHfYjNPMCMN (MCMCMPMCMPMCMCMCMCMCMCMPmCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I vC-OO'COO'C^'O'OvOOiO'C'Oj^-OO'O _i — „H^fv^,<\;<\j(M(MCM(M(M(Mr OlT. ITC-lf'incmCinOOOOOOOO r «r—•c*'i^f«'. ooc^oooo o O' « h Mr inu'inONcccooNrY'J ' 0'C4!i^>0"f-OvCO'f'3'00‘C LfY O l Sf CY * O — l o o c CM CM PM I ' I Ml M3 M~ o 3 CD O CD X MD 3 —-4 a) - rX *-4 6 C H O as < 3 3 CD 43 « tD CD X o 3 3 CD CD CD aS 3 X 2 • OOO X DO 4-> ■H Dh 4-) 3 0 3 neasui 18, OC ;uremt [gage »ht, ] rge ur CM 1 l 1 S- 3 CD O ChE H CO -3 3 -H 3 4-J 10 4-1 4-1 3 -H 3 H 3 3 CM 3 X 0) E CM X O O' < O HCMCd'tinMDMOO'OH 1 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMfOcn 1 e 6 •r4 23 3 03 4-> 3 3 3 *H O 1 Xoo 3 03 3 44H •33 3 3 ' O 1 3 0 3 3 3 X '-' 4-1 UJ 1 O “3 ■HUM 3 3 (0 3 M3 >- 0000000004-03 i '0 3 CO O +j T 0 x m 3 r-4 3 3 rO O OY • 0 3 X —■ hy PEF 3 3 rl (VI 1 1 00 CD 3X3 O 3 4-1 c-3 4-1 3 3 3 0 X 3 O •> X 3 3 fO H- 4-i 3 X rH rH 3 3 UJ 1 1 1 33 03 oo>—c •3 O 3 3 M3 3 3 • X 3 • *4-1 3 4-13 0 1 1 US E O ^ *4H CD O 3 DH CO UJ ncococoinmcMO’co-t l c •f-C CD M3 3 3 3 T3 rH -H O 0 S3 1 c CD 3 rH ' f 1-3 3 3 OH DO z 1 u. «tn aD 3.'CD S- *H 3 00 4-3 0 3 4-> U <4H 3 0 d UJ 1 u. -3 - 3 "3 3 3fl 3 •• ot >■ IflCCH •3 0 0 3 4-1 3 3 X Q —•(Mco«i-mM3i^eoO'0 i u M3 r-H -H 0X3 00 x e x 3 0 00 1 u CD CO 3 3 3 4-3 (0 3 3 0 1 3 3 23 4-1 1 O • Oi3 Q X z i CO M ►. 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O 3 cf™ o >o CC 03 O d> O T3 UJ G as I < I a I > I s ^ MT CO -O h 'Of\j-HC'aor'-f-coCT'.- momocoanoor' HON f- .H O CVJ (* CO O (fl O’ CO P co o co ^NHrMNO'tO'OCD rw«\jfO'tir\'Or>-cocr I •-~ I t-Q I O I o I UJ UJ I o ir> i cc I < UJ I UJ I t-li I UJI I o o X I Q O I oiDOinoo 'O-O’OM^COCOCOCOO'-t HHHrJHHHHHHN 'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O •O "O IO •! N N , mirtinoininoo QOHHHHIMN oooooooo oo>Dtr>inooo o«r>>or^p>jfOfo^ 0^-<«H^-IC\JC\J<\Jf\J •o -o ~o -C C ■£> -c -c n m m n n h h o o in in o io o Ifl in H HQH n -£> -O -C O -O O O ■Mninoi'fidNcDinin'OcO'O viNPirntn^rtomHiNioO' »h ro ro ro ir\ co co inooominoominoinoinc HomoH^oidHHin^m^c Hcn-oO’HNiniifi'Or'coO'Hfii' OOOOHHHHHHHHNnit (MIMCNJINJCNJfSJCVJCMCMIMCMfMCMfMIM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'OnO'C'O'^’O'O'O'C'O'O'O'C'O'O r x o O G OJ d) MH rt d> 3 J 00 I T3 Q O at, a. O O d) o *-> o a> or d) rH -H GOGH g E O -G C G U (UG I d) X) • +J d) Q O +-* a£ rt O G 3 U 4-* -r-T UJ G x) G O a) MAXIMUMS.--June-July 1972: Discharge, 4,900 cfs 1230 hours June 22 (gage height, 9.80 ft). 1966 to May 1972: Discharge, 1,180 cfs Aug. 28, 1971 (gage height, 7.19 ft). MAXIMUMS-June-July 1972: Discharge, 7,840 cfs 1630 hours June 21 (gage height, 12.87 ft). 1951 to May 1972: Discharge, 3,100 cfs June 8, 1955 (gage height, 9.59 ft). MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972 Flood in October 1942 reached a stage of about 13 ft, from information by local residents.MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND..................... 107 RUNOFF,IN INCHES.................................................... 9, STREAMFLOW DATA 229 in— 0'(or^'£)inmif>'0'00o , (!o to to 1 UJ s o o X c O' < X it O O O lO rl Mil i/l IflMHiO hOOICO X X U-l OT 3 Uj o o o E T3 •3 -H o to t" O' H 00 o «i x a. x X 3 X o Ol CTl * o t-l X Uj E rt UJ X uj x o o 'tifli/iuiLnoi'O'OM looiwci OOIONOOO'OWM-M HOIXS e 3 to ST © X X 6 UJ • rH 1— o ui Lnimnx'tTtTt'tTt to to to S) to ~x x « ft m: cd C E Uj 1— UJ ooooooooo oooo m- E © X cm O o -> t- MONrtvOXONtt vO CM 00 M-ohhhhhnnn ohhn C X O W X 3 to h- H CD z UJ tototototototototo M- M- 'd- ^ c G 3 3 X cd ctJ 3 © E to - X «x o X X Uj AT < XiOiOiO'O'OX'O'O lO'O'O'O > c X X 30-H -H * E- X Cd 00 LO x 6 © X £ z o H UJ •H O0 x a CM E CM © X © 30 Uj G O H c X CM C X cd O0 « 30 < 4 6 C 650 000 530 355 282 232 207 207 220 239 297 346 52 8 CJ •X © G X to X v_x Lh LO > UJ Q- o CO ~ jj < UJ x 4-> E c o *"3 u cd CM CTl CM rH Uj UJ « z O Uj u a. © X Uj U © X G - 3 3 oo o © U. UJ X o o "JNMOUnONMONH H N Ol ONXMHNtOHHNtf « H Ol Cd X 3 © © X © © o C O *-> X © 3 X O UJ OlOOt^vOvOLOLOLOlOLOlO LO vO Ul < 3 x X •X CO Uj - Uj 3 Uj 3 UJ cr w 26 a cd © X TJ to o to © X X Z UJ X ooooooooooo ooo ooooooooooo ooo Uh o 30 G X X O 3 X - 1— OOOHrlHHHNNN OOO o r © © X X 00 O 3 to o •3 UJ O a; UJ t- NNNNCMNNNNNN tO tO tO v© LO v© to i - E N O rH © © E X © © -3 X V) X o « vOvO'OvOOO'OvOO'OO vOvOO o r- o © X X © 3 30 tO X «x 3 © U X 30 3 X 3 « o o LO 00© G = cd cd © X £ to 3 X •H X •3 z < o OS < X O tOI^OXMOOOOOO o x HHNwn.^uii/i'Ot'O t3-N M CTl M (O N N \0 o » X » cd •H E x © x • tO 30 •h e •a -h • e 72: Dis 1942 •3 © w to N LCIM- tO ION CM CM X rH O0 cr cd 3: © 30 X. cd o CTl •• - 3 °r u. « 00 i m- ■ © 00 *3 XOl o z 1— UJ X o o lo lOO'OinuiNTto'ttON f—t I*- »OlOl«t'OWMflMtstO CM o © 00 M to 3 to Ol Q cd cd ■ X • u 3 x *3 X U 1- o w CM NNNIOltINHOaOlO, Ol 4-* X to U to w Qi X O X © s G Uj X o o -L« jn uj cd UJ o >3 x © UJ I UJ TIME O OOOOOtOOOOOO o 'S’ 'ONtOtl/l'Of'MON^t CM CM O H H H H r—1 H r—1 CM CM CM O i x • a> x Z 30 © °TIH < X CJ Z E U t-t © w > UJ X U X Q£ JMS. -1951 Flooc CO < o UJ O HHHHHHHHHHH CM E—■ x cd < x cj u z «; 'i' X W cd u X C U cd CO X £ « vO iOiOOiO'OOOOiOiO'D sO X Q o Q S UJ Oi coiTvfNjroirr^r-i^j-iryr-O ooO'*or->*oir\ir> ■0O'0rooxinifi>o HHHNMHHminm HHHHHHHHHN Ofr>cnO'r^<oor~r'3or-cD-£iiri 0' CJ UJ o o < •— o UJ o e> < •-o lu •O ^ 4 M (c, ro o O CO Cl CM 0 -^'CcMcrr^-H-j-cM CM C^ -J •» 4 CMhH OOOOOOOO ooocnoocoo f^O'>-C •£> Uj x O 3 X X ■3 X 3 -3 X rH > > 5 3 3 > 3 3 W 2 <2 1 <’ © © 3 > X tJ 3 o - o © ^ w c c X < z 30 > © < ? 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X 3 o u © © 3 CL x x o c • © t-~ 3 30 *rJ X * G r-~ X M- LO >© 0 f- 0) X © © © -3 30 £ © X © X 3 © X X 30 3 CJ X Uj 30 G O Dis 255. o 30E G O CM 3 X 3 X 3 3 CJ 3 X 3 3 X ■H X TJ a cj c 3 3 „ . E CM G CTl M- O mi. X © 3 E O I CJ Q TJ CM © r-. x 33" ale 3 r-~ O CTl -H JO o M" CM bs 3 x X © 30 G X 3 X x CTl • •• 3 X /-NCM CL ► 'O o c to 3 3 X > X © 00 M- >, LO i 4) CO © TJ - g. G X 3 CTl • O x 3 x Ol cj o G oo G to << oo 3 x *-> © oo ^ to X 7 § 3 O © Q3 - •3 X XOl 3 i 3 X TJ x Uj © © C o 30 X X CJ 3 UJ Cd © 3 O X UJ © © 2 X G oo - O 3 O X < W 3 3 *3 Uj X i tu w cd 3 Eh © UJ 3 cd X o t—J OOX CM © > cd < i 3 t X • 3 < I E CJ X CM UJ G 00 ' Gf' X ■ • *H X 1 Z* ? OX w CJ CO t S X Z X O C/3 UJ CJ x 4) W > CJ o - cd UN CO CTl 3 g X X *3 CO x X < z 5 © S x E- G z i X Z xx 2 3 x cd x £ Uj < < o O G O X 2 o x S U O X 2 Q CJ 3 CO Q X S 2 S230 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 4H O 4u 3 O E 3 'OO'pjfflind'inaiooo' X f-. UJ +-> O -3 >- vO-4--4-cococM(Mco>tr~r- vC o in Q 0- O 3 £ C 4h •3 m *3 O E 4-> rH O 4) Sh " e 4-1 W « 4-J ■o X -O c ft l f z ©ooor-'ocor-icotrt c CvJ •3 E J ^ —1 UD U»S X • 00 4-> -H UJ -J OO C- 4-» in cO 3 4-J -UJ CVJ VA. U 3 CJ c 4-> -3 e UJ -H 00 3 •H UJ O' < o Hcvjm^-iooi^bo-oh C\JCM(\IC\JC\J CO o lO o O H < o b C_) 4H 19; Sh 3 VO > CM CTl cc —I 3 OS e e CIS CO 4) o UJ H 4 • 3 C LO 4) UJ •h !n ^ -3 ■3 • 3 LL 5 3: -H 4-* C in p. cb 44 3 O CVI-CCOCOCO'tfMlOO-f -j u 3 in 3 0) UJ CU 3 in UJ z 2 JD £ “ .5 u. ^ y O 44 -> c_ m °' £ U H S - UD - co io : x 4h 4) 4) 4-> 3- to Tl- T3 ► a x rH O »H 4) f-H Ol - « UJ O a LO ^J- -W U IX OO -H < < 0 0 4) Sh 4) 3 cO 3 3 S-< u HHHHHHHHHN u x •»-< 4) S-. 4-J 'b Ui 4-4 LO oo 3 o CO CO UJ 3 •H UJ T3 to O UJ tn E in 3 cn 3 < •H 4) •h n 3 T3 3 •• Q -3 X Oooio-trvjcDCT'COrci J 'H 4J o 3 cO r- 4-> 3 - CM -H in ac lo 3 E rH CM (X to +J . 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GO o o. o e o u< 4H X c o in Ih cj UJ o < 3 rO U S-H in 3 T3 O O -3 CJ 3 UJ *3 uj +-» U X OS u 3D co H < 3D oS Q < o CO UJ 3 00 o •H CO s (3) T3 00 C VO o o •H O +-> VO Qi 3 O Q, CJ o C -3 a: c U 3 a) rH UJ 3 3 oo o o o CM in 3 4-1 -} u -o vo o rH vo 3 rH oo CM 3 UJ X z -O — o 3 $ UJ PS ■ONIOmOM'COOOO' -j-m-i-fcifcifvjfvjrvjcci-j-fcv CVJ co vO CvJ UJ I OOOECDCDOO'OO z i CT''0'J-r~-'f'£>'tromir\ 3) l inovcD^-cM^^^^fn fCl fCl rH i-i«\jfci>i-iri>of^oco'0'-‘ i\irvjiNjojcvirg(Njc\JiMfcirci v o r- b a o D^-lTl^r-CCO'^- (508) 01656910 FLATLICK BRANCH AT SULLY ROAD, NEAR CHANTILLY, VASTREAMFLOW DATA 231 0 p « X CJ rt 00 00 3 CD p X P X o X o > P ov'Cnofi'Cin-OMDiM CMCMCMCMPPPPPCMCO .08 0. «7 p D P CD P o rt oo X p —> Ol O OS P O' £ o • X < TJ E S is 0 X P PV p p p 66 s 42 CD 3 O O P rt P 0 o 0 00 p ft, 27 LU ooooccraiO'Joo o co s s « p 3- w -J P 42 oo £ O Oi 3 3 t £ 3 . p p u 3 O o P in CD £ cm - w CO 42 p C E in to P O U -42 E— on 3 O 0 3 0 « 00 CM , VA. O CD P P P CD rt 42 -H OO CD 0 W CJ OS p CD P 42 > 3 p era e X Q P 0 p X 0 00 X 0 0 O' < o h cvi ro •! in >o mi O'o h CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOfO w x X CD • H CJ 04 X z O < CO p • p to ■25 E rt Q z 43 P rt 00 OO CJ P < P X CM p 00'—' •H CJ w p ° Oi 00 Q "in at E i 3 rt 0 001^ P CO H ‘c kJ w V 5* O • H P • ° - 3 P Oi > cc p iTiinininfricopin^-co W cj p X -S p to cv, p cn p p > < w X 3 P OS X ° P O a. 3 OS p 3 0 OO 43 3 3- W 3 3 3 X o. X 3 CM 0 w CJ -H 00 X ID X CO •H O X o X X Z 3 u. IS o CJ b 3 lo 3 X p rt s ' 59” lie. C" 43 o r p oo cn "3 p rt -P X -to 0 X UJ CD a u a vO P- ^ g P 00 CD COP p t" o u p 00 •rt < < vO o X CD rt - OfMcoxr-cC'txoLn r o (D CD t- O r to t" o 2 * E p • 0 rt t'- p 3 r-(Mxnjppppp LO p LO CJ rt p cm O CD LO P cr S 0 rt 6 P CM CD UJ O' E vO i CO XOl LO P 42 LO +J o X > P CD N 1 0 co rt XOl o o oc O CD oo P 39 )RD 3 X X CO o vO >-5 (D o rt co 5 Q oS rt i P _• rt 3 X X cn I c_ i CJ § CD 2 CD 0 'oo • CJ cn oS 0 0 k P —• UJ rt 3 < os CJ 3 O '-o P J -H < w 3 rt X) P Lat Hi < OS 3 CJ o W P 3 O X P o 0 Z ri-c-jcn^-ccicc', fonjcvi CJ i CD oi H 1 t 0 OS H 0 1 ( 3 < —• . -H CD w • vO • o • « X W X . LO ■ X z O 3 W X S p O P s S E- O CO CD W > OS ' 2 p CO > H • Z 1 xi S H T3 z is p H 3 z X Sc 2 OS 5 LL CJ O s 'i Q CD CO Q X < CJ rt O -J < OS Q x z < s: U O X 2 Q GAGI CO Q X s k w oS DAY H CM fd -t in O MO O' H z z O 3 x ac X 3 3 P OS 00 • rt p oox XX P P c o O 0) X XP P lo 3 lo O cn P rt X rt 0 P X P 3 X S 4) CJP W 00 p 3 o < P P X in raw n x , c • I O X • 0 Z 0 X O 00 C p X O Xt"-P CT1 3 P 0 rt Q 00 u oo oS p W O rt 01 p u xl o wo H cS ra X 0 -H CD X W Q l! W CD P co o O O O O hO LO vo o vo -JN-JNCTlN'OOUl'J CTitsiCTiPOP*ra-OLOP ppoocicor^r^vovo oooooooooo oooooooooo NmOCOONTOCOO oooopppppcm LOCMOOtOOOOOOOO ■IinNMCOMMOOOO Ht co m «!■ h co h io in w ^ in vO'fm'0>*c\jcocr'inin pPpPpfOfOCVJCvJP h-potno'-'coxr- *4-in'j-co>tv0>o-O'0C\Jc\j mr-rvjO'O'trvJ'Orvjr^ ^■pinc»4-fMO'ineoo' sO'J’^'trOCOCMCMCMP -incoroo'tpco riOOMNHMO pCNiro'i'cnor-coo' p in co •— UJ O X X u. P o z z C X232 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 in in 'u rM C P CO o o TJ cO 4= • Cj a A Oi IM o o •H U o rH T3 A a O IPI 33 -rl 3 £ •H X p. © J3 o . OS A P» o JC © X a o Vi os co T> CO in *J C A cx A p> ipi in u o V o a. p> o’ « 3c p* +J £ X o o o © 4-* »4H © nJ p. a o © rH cpl tpl Q u. a 3 in CM C> T Mh P* o o pi 3 A E Ol O 2 x in co © > o V A © LC1 . . A P> a o A 3 © a oo r- W £x ^ - s OO A ipc E 'rl X p* p* X © 3 > O p* © J3 - •H J= © a X X OO 00 £ •h in 3 « 00-H o J3 3 tpc © tp< © © 1 U A s ? © J5 _J <4H M o a o X X uj CJ >PI * O -H C « ° A m C G M M oS a •H u OO A UJ T3 rH • H V. E DO 00 < o •3 VO C 3 00'—' CQ C o A E © 3 V. z x CO in rH M ■ CT> < p» A 2 A CJ 3 A a: cj a J -o cm at z pi © Ht J3 © © rH •D ® a O -3 © z p* T3 O d3 E 3 B3 t* d X r—4 o C 3 m OS 04 C A © G A *3 vO x P. X 3 tM *"* - X P* O - 3 «Pi Vi <+H • UJ Q 4i c •H •3 - «4H 3 < 3 X P» •H •3 V. U u. in o « o § £ u ^ u to A 3 o o CM X o v> •rt > in t+2 Vi < O O •H I • tPl * w cm O - « 3 CM O m CM A • P* 3 A O MJ- U 0 * « o o — rH ©ipi © CM O at ♦ 0> o 00 Vi vO in A O •3 V> o -o N d in 00 o ’S C4 o vO CJ A 00 A X © s o • M .2 *3 A Vi r-x “ A* A 04 A t-s o C -H © O P 33 in u « * QjS o rH m c o O P» A •C 3 A C a j= in H HO, O « . 4-i •H o T3 rH M w rH rH • <: *h P4 •H © •3 n. A • • *rl in r o oo j2 CM a 1 -rl • u 3 cH *3 o O 00 pi rH a • Vi • p* 3 rH *3 id DP 1 o as « A* m a i o § o • X V* O ■rf s O 3 iz pi © w o u c z —1 a 1 rH n a H ai *3 O i P* •?! s H UJ X OS X •3 O l Pi • « < g u • 1 O c X § UJ W o X CO vO § A O 2 S *c CO vO H 3 m < z X sZ 12 S HH © < H rH 2 X U»pl DJ- OP N V4NHOj'VO'Ohin •—i (\j CM j: o cc CM A X “ r i; 3 A o o 2 v. 0 © vO • vO Cft 3 pi 2 l-> u-i CCtMNIdO'fvJ'O'OlMO' X O' >4 O X -3 U 2 C © X OCX Z 3 4-p-rHin(rvrPi(MPvjrciM-M3 -i -J p> a © ^ ■ MD. J2 Uh a a X A A > 3 A © a © - A X 00 oo p- >- o' CJ H © Pi P X Pi 00 A •rl (X v. 3 Vi © Pi c ■meter PM ° ^ © © CO O' Q Z < O HMmjmoi-ttO'O -i PvJlMCMtMPvJPvJ(M(MlMC 3 DO CJ CJ G V A O m >- (OOin'CinNidHrvicc H < pi oo a Vi 3 3 Ol m J 3 i—l (\J \0 fO CM Cv1 CM CM CM ■—1 X 3 o m X U UJ CJ nj A X o o UJ CJ A A t3 r- u. o P - ”© X .g a a o n o 4 o in 4 H S CJ CJ C © ch © u cn co 3 Z -O'OK'tCPCOrMtMO'O in ro rH cm 2 i p» Pi a. ,A O A ° 3 i_ CJ J X -CJ P, •rt ” VP> >J t t/ o o m O pi P< O A O rH 00 rH O -OO O a a vO vO vO X o (h vo o © TJ P O P P-© P> 00 A OOP- p X © < I o DA\ H[M(d41n4iV(DO'C u P- oo © C rH © • Vi -—V 1 Pi A X X C U © A P Q X a z a X rH E •H A E pi •H © 33 P ...i z X P-'CPJOO'p-rHvO'CrH p in o cr eo-H •H X © in 00 A Ol 3 ^ « i A x E <_ PM Vi _• OO ? A rX Ol < 00 > rH oS p. • P •3 c 3 ■ CJ P> DS 1 © A 1. ‘'iJ. I A ^ < oS E CJ Pi 3 1 Z J-l HHtdH P) i A OS E— U 0S rH |J X 3 < - • X CJ '-i W • oo z 2 6 -H CJ UJ pi os x S Ol t-> _ z X r X 33 1 I u o g CJ rH cn a X < 2 2 s d CJ Q 1-1 rH(MCO'tin«CP-aO'rH z or oiMr-inninjiMfOcnr-O' r-oocv>oinoor^ooin OM'IOK'dN9'H^ nj r*- X co >4- cm rH p«j O' a z o o UJ to ^-tfsirO'J-iri'Or^coo'O^ (MiMiMiMCMiMCMCMiMrcifn >*-! >t •* cm in cm cm ^CMfn*tir>cr>-«oa'-* to to •— UJ O I 1U I UJ] Z I CJO — I < l-i I- I UJ < I z O I — O I UJ Z I o < I cc o o o o r- o HI >4" CM m -h -h M O' -t O x o •o in® o o o moo O O"! O X CM (M f\J o ^ in «*■ .j- o o o hi o o O OO -t O x CM O O O O O in -c in <4- cm ■1 ffi m ® 4 fO in O' o co •} O O' o o •o -o ~o -o o o o o o hi co o hi o OHCMr-4 O O O rt CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I •C M3 <3 xO vO ■o O' in m r~ cm o o •h cn 4- h o h m H 41 O Id (MCMIdO o o o o o o cn o O 4 ON OHCMN CM CM CM CM © 0) 33 -H •rl P p m x o w PiX 3 ® ID x S x> e X VO 3 0) O 33 CJ C • 3 -mo : 3 « 3- X © H OO P . CD • Z 00 X O 33 H'H3 E- P C < X A cj Q ID OS > O O CJ X x on oo •rl O C 00 3 CO ►3 00 oi 3 VO O Ol jo in tw 33 o CD 3 oo in P co co id X oo u P ■3 X ■ cO a) s cd o in co r- r CM p~ O' CM -* >■ ■4- p- mr--vOO'Or~-f'-cMsfo HHrlHNHHCMNfd h CM Id 4 ® -o r o in o h O' O' OoO'O'O'ffdhincM in^-iCM'0X0'P~0'fr!0' 'C-4-HlCMCMHl'tCMlMX ->CMcn«J-mvcXecO'i- RUNOFF,IN INCHESGAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 233 o o O UJ a- I CD CD < — o o o o o m in 't CC O O' •—* co <\J co 4 o 4 n -4 in 'O -c •£> m m o o o o o o o c*n on o o o c. o in -o n- co -£> nj -4 O o oo-*nn •O -O >0 'C vO •& o 3 4 Nt i c- -c nj (\j (nj o o o o o o •C O «0 O >0 •£> >0 o o in m N im on m r*i re r o o o o o o o O on o O on on c o o O —1 —i nj nj o >o •o -o -c o o o o o nj rg (nj nj nj I l i i i o ~c c ~c •C o o o o O C o o (f| (!) 1*1 ^ O O NN cc cc oc cc till -C ~C -C o o o on os o o m -t O fM IM in O' 4 o hOM<1 rt rt 4■ 'C o o o o G C C C -4 nj on in o o o o o o o o on re o o o o rt 4 O nj f\j nj O' O' O' i I I I •C nC 'C ■ From ind 0) - cc -o 4 m 4 (nj (nj m O' 4 2.00 E - rt x 3 3) P 3 of 3 O in in 6 CD CD 3 E o o 3 in .01 Cm C x: u-i z hOOinNHH-OOCNI MS (J- 4 Mn 4 fil 4 4 nC «p e < E •h in in ro O CD P X • a . 4-* in in CD .. C CX ccj 3 “ E ■p S)X (NJ > Z P CD ID C P CD O 22 ( heig O' o H(\K*l4lf''CMOO'0'4 PJ <-* s E - O ID O z u C (O *-> p 3 rt u DS < c p us W in z p m P p 3 e P Os 3 o cc _J 3) (NJ (NJ O' in (NJ (NJ 4 CO (NJ —H X 3 C m E X ^4 J PJ CJ E te x>1 P o - m u in --i t3 in d d U- E— P Q) C CD ° X o | 2 o u c P-i CD T3 ip 3 co cnjcnj—■.(■ncNjO'OMmm c J pp ex O o cn u 3) —) c p g 0) O 1 ►o o H = i u CO P ID "4 O m -h p .-I o a) - o a TJ o p I < O — (Nl 1*1 4 UN 4) M cc O' o O • *-i O O0P4 X CD -4 (NJ a NO P. OJ rt T3 in P Q i O CMC 1 ^ u rt Q X z cc HN ID rt rt •H op LU c r rt <4-i E bO U CD c nj d A P 4 (*1 (NJ (NJ (*N 4 (NJ (NJ in (NJ z o PC bs Q XI rt cx CO-rt Ifl in . rt cn . cc ^ 3 00 Q 00 1 CD 3 d < I in P p • O CX Q O • X m in *->*-> o PJ -P o p c s UJ o <*n no O' n 4 un O' in 4 c i ►J 1 c in PJ CC E E-i O PJ c Pi o -Jl to 3 (M z z C3 U-i PJ • Ol z z d ooe s PJ Pi X3 2 os >- H-hn z 1 P4 2 'o 1" X U- CJPD m o -3 s Q C3 co < O w o3 Q X s < £3 H(\j|*14Ul^|NCCO'-i z c X Z oc UJ I l_) a • in I •-* U. I UJI I O CD O I < — M I OUJ in i O I I O I UJ Z I o < I cc « I UIX i e o •• I < *-h mooooooo^oo omrer—o'mr— •O'Ocni inoonif^O'fno'^'O't •4- m in -o -o >o -o in 4 4 oooooooooo ooonoononooono os44m.©r-coinoo4 OOOOOOO"— 'OvO'b-O'b'O'b'O'b'b r- n o ^ x o 4 MW X 43 n0 nj i- on 4 (*l m O O os o o 4 O CM o o on o on 4 (NJ (M o o o o o o o ON on a m o CO N CO O Cl 4 O rt -4 (NJ (NJ -<('JfN|(NJ I I I I I I (NJ (NJ co x (ni on o o o o rt (NJ o O m o •- o O -4 o on H cc co in in 4 4 (Nl (NJ (NJ (NJ O O O O o o o o -.4-4 I (NJ (NJ •O -0-0 -c on o oo x x o cc -O -o co cc cc oooom-4-oo'O 40'incn4(\ir'-'0r~- M1IOO'4h inminoominino i-.44CC1o4h4o o^ina)H-ooW4 O O O O --I ’—I (NJ (NJ (NJ -O'O-O-O-O-C-O'O-O 4 4 in o in o o o -4 os 4 O ON O co cc m x co 4 OOhhhN (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ I I I I I I •o -c -o -o -o -o f O' in o n o o ■■ m h ^ rt -h -h cn 4 o- (NJ CM (NJ (NJ CM 0 i in o o o o -* •—* on (*n on c 104in0'4 43 vC 43 -c -c -c -o (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ (NJ 4 4 -C X CO O' rt —!'-'4>-|4-.mo—<4. 430l*N44inu30'00' O-hh-hhhMMC B-C-C'C-C-CC-O-C'CB'C^ C 3 Pi o in cm h-OO-O-OINIO'O'O .79 X CX X >- CCr~r~Mh-UN444NOCO 4 o P Q rt p o p U4 33 “3 CO CD o 3 nJ C rt o rt m X rt cc oo E o in P J. •H P p U4 U4 C as oo z SouiiONO^mS? (NJ O' 4 (NJ rt rt -4 (*■ (N X p 1 ft E (D P ID X -4 (*N < rt X - r-ojoinommoocc d XT3 •3 3 O UJ Pi 3 ^ P o ' pj o - P X'«P o a> " rt < TJ o rt 1 P -H C O w co o H

  • c t- CC O' O H i < lp P p . or c Q CL o E P E x C M <3 z c - p •H p X) ID q CD 1 < p'p P p o in m P in < 1 o o o o o -t O X UJ li O P « 3 x “ cc p p « <0 >C- n If. h O CC O UJ ► CJ o ■ O cn 43 • o “• - HH 1 P X ““ < TJ XX O X p x UJ OS 05 ID rt CM 43 p X u. uj X i o co O' in o X in cm S p x o3 ID C P o < •-• i • • • • • J. • . os O X x E X & > X t r-. x rn _ ri cl CD G HE 1C 1C 7 7 z P • C ID P in 43 3 z HiniMOO-iiMoi'O 2 o z CL 13 o o 14- X j; G • z z i cn o o coo 6 cn m s T3 ID 9 SJ - o P p X in • X | O X CM O CM O CM z r p rt* p ” <• b o c - UJ 1 8 X CS -o P c cc X 1 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM x 10 Q) . X c 00 in oo < < X O 1 -COO vO -o >o •o >o o o rt P p ID CL rt a) P • G UJ • in X X iO O ID P i cj p xm X o o OO P X p •rH 43 03 X o UJ 1 o O 05 X ID in U in < OC I CM00*3"OOOOO O O O O o Xi • P T3 P •• Q 43 X > oooococooo X | HIMNdiOoa-H x co cn x lO E oo rt « C X TJ O = Id t 3 -O 0"3 O' x in I UJ in i t m in cd cm -l- in co W O ^ p o* Q E oS O X CM X CL Cd CM CM CM IM CM CM xxx LL1 • U- Q 1 i ID cn x XO> rH U CC • z x 1 o P O X b o '-a 3 M-O I • CD CD 1 OHldt^HOO- X O' < <■ ; 8“ b c OS 03 |J o3 ID 2 P c X CD UJ 1 CMCMCMCMin-O'O't 3 in in x POO o e UJ COOOO'CCM O'OCO o 1 1 >3 (DP i oo in H CM aii 3 PJ? i P X O Uh u —> COXxOOCOX •O'O'O z z I X 1 OldOCdldOcdO cn cn cn o • x 3- u UJ o • M E . 03 z z UJ IX | OrlHHHrlHCM O X CM CM §3. q U x OS o S x o cn id > r < H X O z 5S is x HH X 2 05 < 43 >- I U. X C X | CM CM CM CM IM CM CM CM 1 < 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 >0'C>0'C>C'0>C'C CM CM CM CM till «o >o >o >o u O ►J S Q CD < CD cn Q s 2 c. H CM d. t IT 'D 1— Ct O x C r Z cc GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 (766) 03042260 YELLOW CREEK LAKE AT YELLOW CREEK STATE PARK, PA. 'E TIME GAGE DISCHARGE DATE TIME GAGE DISCHAF.GE DATE TIME GAGE DISCHARGE LCCATION.—Lat 40°35'27", long 79°03'11", Indiana County, in gatehouse at right end of Yellow HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT Creek Dam on Yellow Creek, at Yellow Creek State Park, 3 miles southwest of Penn Run. STREAMFLOW DATA 301 in £ oo o cn -H O O o O o ^noiNOio !N P) M IN H c o o o o o in in co os r- in (NININHHH ITS CN > m a) os o c c o o o CO 00 00 00 00 00 PI IN CN IN IN IN OOOOO in in rt oo r- PI PI PI H H O O O O O in r' co in m n oi mo m O O o o o CO OO 00 CO CO IN CN PI CN w rt <0 >|S -H 3 . Cn Q) 0 • O C O > -H o v-l 1-1 f- 4J -h 0 3 a) in o -u o I0H o Id -U B a) n-i a) c a) K - I l-i ID OS 1 -jin o e I rH . QJ -P -H . h ii h id co >i « +> X rt <3 u a c 1 ^ S R S g 8 ooooo ooooo in o pi ffi cn in o in m cn Cl O H PI PI PI PI H H H ooooo ooooo CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN (N CN OOOOO Cl in CN CN H OOHHH ooooo CN IN CN CN CN in r- oo si-, o is* O rt T) "3 Is - o VO rt O <4-1 O rt 4-> HH U U H 4) O < t** £ u xs O Os :* £ O 3 rt rt o 4) CL 4-4 O rt £ 4) 3 TJ : 8x • w a. < art fc X a) rt rt 2 U 4-> <44 O 4-4 C* 3-H O CL+-> U 6 rt < -3 5SS w OO •H CN ,£ 4) 4> rt OO CD 3 0 0 OOH 41 C 4) P rt o >-5 rt <44 J 4) WAS XS <4H U U rt W X> <44 O'—' rt E CD 4) rt £ rt "3 HN4J M XS XOl 00 •.si woi E O' CN CONPI^OCfl-JO'OMO' cn't-t-Op-in-i-vj-cnmcN CCl o OOOOOOOOOO' -j-oooo'O'Oocoin H4'lPlPO't('|l'IHH cn in -h ^4CNcn«4-in>nr~coo'0^-i picMMPiPipjpjiMPinm PjOO'fC'OOCMIPO' r--'Om'tcn«l'inin^-cn mocNr-cnooooo rcicci'tlci|CioC''Oifiici W IP ON eo O' O occcO'OeOHO'PiPiPi CMONOMOlOdOffl cT>m«ofNooom- O' P IP MO CO CSJ (MO H O O rH o in N" co x cn cn m o -c +J 4) CN Nh £ CN CN rH PICMrlrtrlwHH cn 14 7 7 4 tt cn cn cn "3 O Si os W C rH "3 tO NH cn in os p* CN rH in rH £ 4j o jo rt 0 r. ^ 'J. ID -H e rt *> in vr H "J +J 4-> £ p "SrH 2 O' IN O 'OCNMO'O'OM 00 CL Q E CD - —> o o o o o o o o c 3 lr O O CN O CN O CN o CN 6 ^H in « rt o OO-rH rt CD in in in in x x co co C 4> rt > E ^ 00 X 7 7 7 r i i 7 7 PA X> 1h CD in rt m oo O r-iCNin ^IO'CMBO'Oh in in in in 4-> e +J 4J oo - w 2 MU ft £ 2 X rt rJ 4-4 4-* CD m 0 dr £ Q £ 4) 3 rt rH cn O O O O O o o o o o cn t- E H rt 3 - « _l fp, -0^- (SI O' If O P p CO ro if *3 x e o b £ rH Q. “5 12 14 44 49 43 23 21 §£ X rt O Vh m o rt u CN XI UJ cn "i as rt r- mN- omp W rt * T3 CD i +4 os cn ® S £ rt •£ CN •H p, . Nh o • -* 9 9 IF 16 17 12 12 12 10 9 •H rt COS CD rH <44 rt A! ~ 2 in cm in O' O cc in co O' in 2 U £ 3 O.^ ° O rt c_ o o o o o o o o o o rj 4) 4) O O £ O -° CN O O rH rH CN CN O CN CN U rt g 4-4 r CN Os O - CX o 4-1 r-4 CS i-H «rH <4H CD CL CN CN CN CN CN ■23 ■23 CN CN CN Uto* CD "3 H 4-» So ^ < < in in in in in m in m m in o In - 4) ID J3 > E •H X O - to o'd r4 rt rH £ rt E < 2 CN CN H o o o o o o o o o w 4-> (D T3 rt •• Q 2 > p 0 in in cc m cn 0 in 0 mpoicnopo in -H r- 2 : <“3 e bi) 4> O CD P •O'lsf'fj-p-in'S’pico - cn r- i^ r- m "T m co co CN 4-* ID a* Q rt rt c H CN +4 00 rH • e cn -h £ Xos __ oc > OS Q (D 1 ^ § 3 m X in x o in in oo in rt "f rt O IN N- _ ^1 ; O O Q 3 a m cn cn rt n* in m in in iniopp 4J 4J rt a “ O E^ £ UJ in-fCO-J-O^-CNCNO' c X ►J f- CP a 4J U j 0 CD <"5 +J rt 21 HHCO(Oin|ClCSJI\|HH 2 2 O o o o o o o o o o o o < gl+4 < L X u 1 CN CD cn cn m r- co o cn 5 S o in S Z 0 tu H4 00 (D 1- cn os - OHHHHPIPI IN ht) in < X m O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in in in in in H r-i r-i >-i r-i E4* M £ 3£ £ H E4 2 IH Eh" X U H s 8 3 S Eh £ H t-> in in n1 o o os co os as in H os in m in o o in x o o co co in in in rH CN CN o o o o o o o cn o cn o o cn o P- CNN1 N- X X "S' O rH rH CN HHN O O cn cn cn cn CN CN CN CN I I I I in in m in CN I m as o o cn m in o co cn m cn m cn m x ooooo IN Ol O "S' N H Ol in CN Ol -H h m in m o o H cn cn "S' pi "S' h in in in Is os os ooooo o o cn o o rH cn in O "4* O rH rH CN CN OOOOO o o cn cn o o 00 H rt "f rH rH CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN I I I I I CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN I I I I I in m m in m MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND..................... 324 RUNOFF,IN INCHES.................................................... 6302 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 0 W I o u < H u w 00 O O O OOO r-~ r- co d co o ' in 'T H O O g- o T3 * SCO) o e ■« o cm © © X C/l X rt rt © 5 a O O OOO OOO rH ^ X 4h P ^ 1-1 r~ -J CM hH H TT M- CNTHT O' Cl M1 « 2 CtJvO 3 CD** < P o CO to 0) oo 00 r—' CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO CO OO'+H Xs 3 O 3 00 <=• -f Uj ooo oooo o , fi o t! -h in oo Jh X g _ tt o cm i—looo o H sfl d E X 3d coq^ > HinCB"Ccccccm fC. CC < O' co rH Ml U» C\: r- 0 « h ^ H H V —> H U 4-1 O r-H O O Jh ** O. H H CM CM CM 0JT3O ^ E >^.<0 O 1/1 4-> 1- S rt O 4-> rt04J ^ o -H Sd11-' u 5 CD O' O TJI o O CO CM (Drt T3D d) O 4-> 3h *C H ^ “i^ ^ ^ 2 O C X X CM .5° V4IO O Z. g r-j <7 J-l 4-1 3 g d) 10 HI O' t/l z vOincon-incMr^ccc-^i 2 hJ _ O 1 OOO OOOO O >; -HOT JU„,"2 _T2 l! ■“ in Eh OMCM o iH rH CM CM Xr rH CdlHdJr—, 4->4-‘ N C- (Dr CL cm rt E ° m rH e ^ C Q. s CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM 2° i E ^ .. 5 < c. Hcvico^ir, •or-«0'0 H Q m- otN c o m i u oo to X oo pm U. o o CM M" V£> 00 o o o o o o o o H M 5> "t O O O CM O O rH M* O CM CM CM *i> vi> oo rt « 3 3 C °£2 i-l OOC£ _-x © IO O'H co +j e - rt © +-> rt X E • h X U Q O 10 00 to T3 -H •• Q rt O X i CO T3 2 9 u c a s < t3 5S CMOOOOOOvCC _ ccoroHiM^ moo •—*Ot\JCNJ'C CO I'- CO CO fO O'C-oec-ccvocMu m* in o in co cm o i—i oi in ■'T co o\ r- o o cm m (*)H >r n co to o o o o o o o o in o- r- m- O CM O CM r~ co co CM CM CM CM II II vo vo vo io o o o o o o o o o o o o cm in ra n ci m1 r-" ri ov o r-' o cm ov o in CM CM CO O OOOW' vo vo vo vo VI m* o in o o o 00 Cl CM 00 oo m H CM O' H Is M1 o o o o o o o o o o o o HVO'f E o rt C 3. O rt X O X a <4H C SI S 4-> <4H X E rt X 3 'Or-^-rHoccr~'Oin'J-fo n « 00 Ol p CD c 4-> -rt 00 o rH • X rt Oh rt o ID X r-N X 4-> Oh 3 E CM f- E rt 4-J rt d> UJ OvOCOOOOlMM-CC c X rH E 4-> C O0C-. X 4-1 3 H^Minn^dind «f c E ^ «4H . 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S Tl ^ > Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl c §0 w M C CO CO Cl • ’c rt p H ’in p < E b Z D o S o ^ ^ rt o O' p 01 W W M IN < rt ai oi Dh &i rt O ►3 £ Q < o § CJ l I rt Q °'3 1] 12 12 14 15 u P P in rt P X rt 4-> 3 X O >n E ( •m rt : e o •< % c h O O OJU ° > c CTl O O NT) U -x E ioo 1) " rt w •i ooa X) 3 Xi rt P P rt >vH . bO . Z -H 3 O X O rt X e p rt rt G O P I rt rt i p e Q a>x a mu O to 3 U P rt S ».o 33 P rt O rt rt I-H 3 C UJ -H K h3 bo W rt W o X o o ro « S 3 O rt -H O O c > •rt P co p 1 1 1 1 S" 1 > 1 < § 1 o 1 M3ccmxxmrri-iri'i3in MHHoO'HHir\ooo N-f\J30000000 CNJ'OCOO'—'00lr'0'0' (MCOm^O'N-)-®mO H fd -J ^ -4- sj- IT. r^«oo'0'»o-ocn>ooo n-_(r-<_i_<,-H^Hinoo ^H(\JCMf\J(VJC\J(\Jf-li-Hr-l tn a) -h O’ P tj o e rt o p Vi §3 - Vi rt = rt C ^ > 5 cm x rt O O' X cri 3 O r-" rt P O' rt E c c o O O Vi * c > o •• rt v « o o c U rt 3 rt PCX I 3 rt rt P S l 3 in . rt • Z E x O rt H C'O HOC < U rt i P rt E .10 •p o ^ rt p c rt o o o o o •i m h co co VD rH CO (M CM O O O o o p o o n- in X P VO CM O o c o o c o Cl O 3 VO X vo .060 o o 6 rt CS 6 P o u /-iG ip P o rt JULY ooooooooocoin XfCiC'rt'OO'O'XinO'X inincMrtrtrtrtrtrtOvx C IT X m c a o o ^ (0 o -p -p c 0 x oi x vo vo in in in vo x vo vo vo in in in cc •H U X in -P 4H p o vo E O rt •H > ^.^Hrtrtrtrtrtrtrt fC s: ip 1 i § rt CM _P rt X •H . P P (1) 3 C CO O O O Cl M1 3 CO in 3 p p oi vo C Cl X P CM IN 3 oi CO 1— 03 p CM P CO P vo rt o rt X T3 X p in • . in x u in co p m-i rt rt 33 Cl p X P Cl CM co VO vo inP3voo3 co x vo 3 3 in p p in in in p p >ht ft rt *H rt X UJ oooocooooo C rt pea) rt CO CO 03 CO 03 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 CO SH 3 p 6 •H O IP 3 —> vj-rtxmrMinc'O'coO c >1 rt rt ^ P -V3* c in W rt E in rt 2 P 3 X p E O rt rt CM CM IN CM (N P rt Cl - rt 3 rt • -h C rt bO « P > P O 33 P rt x: P o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o c o5 PS 6 bOX in p cm 1n ^ r3 o ^ o rt P Cl VO P 03 cm o p oi in O O N- P O IT rt C • p P •H 3,® O' < 33 rt — q< a) c Ul U) CM Cl 3 VO Cl Cl P CM O p N" P X o 02 ^ > p CM X in Mh CMlNCMCMCMlNlNCNCMfClfn P rt rt O p . u rl CM CM NPrlP + XI rt rt E rt rt rt c O' rt oi a) o< P in p rt c 13 C x m x in o in 3 m co vo p oi x p in z •rH rt p ^ « c rt ^ rt ►o bo E in c O o rt rt P Xl £ P Uo 3 in rt P O P X CM IN VO CM X 03 00 3 CO p 3 VO E- C rt p 0 0 3 p 3 • P in P in rt 3 > ooooopoooo ■HP 3C0-HP p > Cl Cl co 00 CO CO Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl < Xi rt d o cn rt p io 3 MO-O'Oioomcob'O in - cv rt P Pi POP p b X rt CMCvIrtrtrtrtlNCOCvIrt rt rt P o • *■ w g ^

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CM vo CM O Cl vo o 3 CM OI -rt V rt P » IN P P X O rtiurn^ inoMoo-o rt rt p S C >1 v ^ . o Cl j o vb P X oo cn O i m U. >,p rt o rt rt CM p p o O O Cl Cl Cl co CO CO CO CO 03 o - .rt rt 3 X in rt P P Q l_ 0i rt P 33 rt P a) PI OP r*1 OO W Q U a in rt z cc rt P rt l 0 in in u P -H T) • • Q . •H P o UJ in p s. v oooooooooo p p a) c h p c o x: rt o p * o w - c a c = c ^ c cr bo rt rt bO cm in X bO p co •3 rt ~ 3 iNrtoinoinoinxo 3 OP b c OI O 3 O vo p in x 3 co 3 IN CM Cl vo P H rt Xi Q rt P rt CM -H P P X o If O' Mf Id Mf m Id p rt a) o in p p x +j -in rt m . “ XOi rt rt ° VP oc P P a) P > o 3 p p p p a •—1 If o o’ Q O ,3 . H bOX I o a) p p 3 o p rt c 3 bo bo i ° S Q i rt rt P T3 P 1/ in P M rt rt in K w 3 C P P oi in in PVOCOP3 P P CM IN co p -h rt p . tq P o C rt 5 rt o ID •1-000000000 C X in rt u rt J P "1^. . c hJ xi rt % BJ Q a •b p P ^-1 G 3 O’rtMIdldf-OO'MM 2 2 a E 0 p in rt CO CO Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl 03 CO CO CO Cl Cl ■ >n O rt < S • o d I o o rtrtrt_jrtfVlrtrtrt i o in > c rt ZSpfi w P X s CO CTl T) . m t3 CO P - 33 rt P W rt 3H ’bo o 3 < E «' < % ss.s - U. a rt x q) rt o a) cm a « o c rt < xi p 'p xi w oo U u cn rt X X ^ °x > < 2 O z 8 Dai c . 3 G u Q s a rtMidMUl'OMCO'H 2 OC MEAN DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, 1972GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 (777) 03049500 ALLEGHENY 304 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 P d) P i—I W -H &E P P (0 •4-1 •O s § AS P S S P AS (0 O J O < TJ 8 0) P P <0 3 e o O' G C 3 W O (9 dl > P dl Q § : g ss o o u -9 H *3 d) O’ C «J 3 Cr> P co 3 03 O .H ■*o in o o o d> CO 03 4-1 P u d) CM Cr> (73 P 9 e CS 0) O P U 3 ns d) P X tn dl o P d) 70 (73 G -H X *rl Q O CJ3 « c 05 (t3 < dl 35 P CJ (73 (73 (73 W - CO O - d) o <73 AS O 4-1 (73 ' 7/1 (J 03 d) ID 1 g" (73 ITS AS 3 >1 (73 O’ O hJ 3 f4 (73 (73 P T3 3 3 c cr (73 eg 3 6 173 -44 P 3 >i d) (73 XJ 05 C >44 its x: o 03 - 3 P P (73 (73 •h O d) 4J > c P O 03 d) u c 01 -H d) 'Tj >i d) O C p X d) U d> H o -H coo P (73 >iU Qj •3 >1 I (73 >4 d) S J3 TJ M dl d) X! P d) d) (73 P C H U -H 03 03^ I vo •. . x | 7/1 03 I H 73 3 7/1 dl dl « > » ooooooooooc OCO-4—‘Xv4XXO'-4 Tv-O'i-ini^-fM^HinO'h-o -4x-HC00'C-xr'-Xxx OOOOCCCOOO COOOOOOOCO xoooooooc O' OOCCCOOCC< COCcCoCcC( ^xif'-stx—40'xr~-- oooooooooo O'tmooooooo O-OHrtlrtiflO'O'Oi/' O M •/ (31 4 O (C(7 OOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo «4x<4X'4oc4Xi'-o oooooooooo (Tioir^ccm^r'rt-i n-Oxxx-O'r—o-4X o X o z z is c < •— 753 U_' O O C O o o o c c c o o c o o c o O O' C cc in o — c OJ -4 43 X CM CM I I 43 X O O C C C O C C C X ** x ■4 O' O' COO cr C C 0^4 O CM x cc CM CM 43 X C O O C C «C X. O 4 O x -4 CM CM O o o o c c o X X —< X r-> 3 3 o 7J 01 00X1 o o ctS _-to fo e I-H O tn m o X3 O *H 44 P . xi « P G CCS >N+J 05 > o o 7-1 Xi a “ dl o 1 -H +J J c CIS 3 rt G U 3 ctS O C r—( vO O oi to m 70 CO P I dl 'G I P X OS 01 c o o. o 7—1 O OJ i—( T3 CC CO 01 73 X X T/3 03 CC 2H < ”73 dl X 5 g £ S X o H o cm X O CM 111 X o o < — 0-4-4 (M CM CM •4- X •* (M CM (M I I I x «o x O O O o O' CM '4 CO r- t'' o 03 X X O O >4 H O O CM (N Tj* Tf X VO VO VO OOXO (7 0 HO CM 4 N -4 H H H CM O O O o ino o VO o O' O CO o o o 03 O' «c co CO CO (M CO (O X o o X X H X O H -4 H r-l X 4) X O O P AS P p e - G r ctS oo > o e 1-4 o t-* P 0 01 01 > P 01 l 01 I E Q 01 os > O O 7-1 X B p o-X X OO • o c •H 01 p E o o § g B « as OJ o 73 O OS O < * o o E to rto X -G EX bo S 3 O >s CIS O X G dl G *P cm rt cp x x 0) § Ors C) PIS i P I O CIS O - 0) G. O 01 . TO P to 44 01 • ass? i i i i < O O (+4 i >-i < a | c i oooocooocco XCMC0Xs4CvJCM’O''C*—(r-i X^HO''C'CXX-4XXO OOOOOOOOOO xr-oooooooo oc^Xi-Hr-o'ccxX74 7 (41 (VI CM CM CM CM r 00000X0000 HlMM'IMff'OXO® '4CMOOXcrr-Xf430' oooooooooo OOOOOI^X-HCMCC xcMCcr^<4xix, xo—i oooooooooo X. x r~ ,-c, fC, - C 0 4 N (C, ■4^M'Ct(ClHMM —' cm x m- x x a: ( O X o z z z z C z z CC O <-2 < *- O U-* o o o o o o 43 4 -H o o o o c o —< CO -4 o o o o o o c o •4 o o o o X CM CC O' t'- O' 43 X o o o o o o r- «o x o o CM ° o o o o CO X CM CO f- X o o o o o o O CM -4 *—c CM CM o o o o X -4 -I O r- O' O' o o o o o c c o c CM CC CM -4 O C CM CM o o o o CM -4 O CM o o o o o o CO X CM o o o c o C O CM >4 XXX CM CM CM I I I CM CM X X(775) 03049000 BUFFALO CREEK NEAR FREEPORT, PA. MFAN DISCHARGE STREAMFLOW DATA 305 •4- in cm —> cm cm in O rH O rH -4 cm (M ■> O' o o •j •-1 nj o cc in <\j m (f\ m m cm . o o c c m o 3^ IMWtMHrtO 3 <3 P- CC O' O nj cm cm cm cm m o in in o o o in o X m m o >4 o m tt in cm m m >4 H H H r\J (M (\| n cm cm cm cm cm cm cm Pi N NM\I PJ N I I I I I I I IC 1C o o >o o <1 mmmpiwpjNPJNN oomoooomom mO'towmoHmj- OOOOOOrHrHrHrH i i i i i i i i i i 'OO'O'O'C'O'C'O'O'O «o o 4 in o .-h o (MKOttOOP^IP-O loino r in in co y oooinmooo OHp|P1loiniO*4 OOOOOrHrHcM oinminminmo X u. c z z I I I I I I to IO IO IS IS II -d 4 6 o X 00 /—\lH 00'XO'X4l4)r'4)44 in OO *x E co IX r—1 X In ° i/i -a X ■H X >o 3 lO • ro CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMmm D» •5 X x' O rH ID o o T3 O « U. a ^ X rH X c oa o c CO z u. •X rt •H c «o CTl X X rt E UJ - c X a> x 0) rH CD > 'S' 10 T3 w X - X c xpym 4 in 43 N CO cr o CTl f-H O 00 cfl “ to « o X C co i o a) Q O z X rH T3 <0 •H CO •H ID l_ • CO ■H •H > HH o o X §•“ '. n "n X X co ! u X S c cin-4 4-cc O I CD s H X lx tJ ^ “3 • a) 5 cm UJ .'Tr-> z z O X u W P' OS O ^ ^ f > 63 z ti,- S CO I c < C3 cn X < X Q CJ Q s L" HMn'4ir"Cxcco'r. z a o o o o o o >* *4- 0 o o r- >t n •4- in co «o *h <-* r*- > » • • • » 4 P- x >4 o >4 O CM O -H CM O CM in m -o so -o r— r- CM CM CM CM CM CM CM II III II •43 >D >0 O >0 >43 -4) O O O O CD CO CM *4* p- o-i p- cn » * » » O' oi r~ .4 O' H O CO o cm r- o o o o o o m m o ■o oo -o >4- O O H CM o o o m co o CM -4 >4 * CM «VI O X O' o m cm p- in in o o o moo O -43 >4 o x CM cm m m m m -4 >4 -4 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I III •O 0 «C 'O'O'O in o >0 o O O 00 o 4 « P o in in so cd m >4 O' co «ooooo h O' p- O' cm O'mM'io ► * ► * HnCMm ID o r~< o m >o m 'O O' m o o ^ cm cm m 4 4 m cci •c in cm 4 m moin« 4 m -4 >4 m >o UJ o o o o o o o o «n O o O o H (M in 41 4 4 O o O O x CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I < 4) O -£ <| -C o o O O c m o m cn m 4 cm m 4) CM O X rH rH CM ^ 4 4) 4> S cO 2 0) oo cO O X u id > X X <1) cO X 05 3 a) pa > o -X O Cfl - a) 'O i—I ° 6 CT> p' in oo m o -d in oo - T3 'S' X O . 0) < •- in o o inminoCMD'tmi'JO' ~ cc -J h cc rni o O' o o r- o -J C\J cm o 43 - 3 O in o o o «-< ro cn o O ® -t in o o H(no O -O sf O •* cn r~ •c £) n o X o z z UJ X O O < ►- cm cm cm m m o o o co o cn cn c c o oo . o -4- CM (Ml CM CM CM r- 4- O' t*1 * 4- o o o C cn m o o • D. a e 03 O I 3 • Q. a e O O o CO f o cn ? ^ o -t f h O' CO O o O M O O O o o o o co o o o m CM CO N -J no CM r~- O' o o c O' 0(cWinmoH'C®o c\i«-.rr.*^_4 0'r-Cr-(\j CM H rO H H CM cn o co •a r C S O-j^O'-O'C-OClOH 4- o 4- r- 4- co cm o o o o o o o o o o o o C J-J 3 C a. a ® >o ® ® -o -o OOOOOOO’-'CMO' j-inmO'Oin^NHH •O-J-COCMCOCMCO-J-enCM n cc o.o o o n .-I cm o- .-i -o m m o cm cn cm o o -tvO'CcMOOO'J-mc JincdMMCMO®H( ®0>tcci®0b «o -o >b MONTHLY MFAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND....................... I»100 RUNOFF,IN INCHES...................................................... 4(781) 03050650 UNNAMED RUN AT GII.MAN STREAMFLOW DATA 307 O 3 O' CO o m o 0) O 00 4-1 0) Cl Z -J o w e H O O >4-1 O X O O m W to O C 2 O' 3 CM p-, o • I U vO m—'ccCT-'J-r*', sTtnctMco f\jrvjr\j(Mf\jfMror\jfNjr-in tD-ONMOM-CHiMO -O fM (M Occf^iAvj-r^-j-roroifNJ O' sf nJ- —' fM r- CO tM tM }■ m m fM in cm ec m >o r mo-r^r^ominmr' ■4 C 'C O O O O o o o m cm cm r-O O -I -H «o «o »o «o cr O' m m -t n- 'O in -> 4 H to VO O. 0) a t-l O o T3 I O z « o X o ©0 0) 00 -H 0) U-l X O M rH • I B Q > 4 OS O < O XI H 4J X O' to O M D. W • 3 W O' W O < o o OS o «C o u-1 O to Q Q 4 o co m co MtlOO-O 4-4-HO- <0000000000 H'000't'-40"0(0(0 inCOM-NNCOtMOO'CO (MHN-f HHHHH ooininno j'Noio CT>'J’--4'J'>—irci-j-cO'O'l" nmm(M©jiCMMHH-i ootom®r'0''0f('oin •—i.—*00"—,00-C-‘Hf~-HHHHO'^o-Mnm ooo'O'oooocon- NONH't+'t'tiniM ®m®N(MO-mNNiri OOHHMMHtfl® in '0(M'fO®M^IOHH ^■ltllM(Mr4HHHHH O o o O' in cm m ^ >t fM O' in o o o o o -t CM CM O O o r- O CO o o m o O 't O CM O O O CO CM «-< •O <0 >j- o o o ci mo o m -* O H fM in in -o o hN(MN ClCl'O® ci ci cun o o o o o o o o -4 -4- O' «a- o o o I— r-4 —« O' f— o (M Cl o o o moo o m >1- -4 tM tM o o o m -o co DISCHARGE RECORD.--Stage-dlscharge relation defined by current-meter measurements below 10,000 cfs.MEAN DISCHARGE« IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND? 1972 (791) 03056600 RIGHT FORK WICKWIRE RUN ON U.S. HIGHWAY 119 NEAR GRAFTON 308 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^JULY 1972 u c <0 O >. e cm 3 o O' T3 *J J3 O ^ 3 H »H coo lfWl>CN^NlAMfO OOOOOOOOOO ooooooooom OOCMO'O'O'O'O'O'O'OO j O' M H vO sO N O I -J N H CO NP1 N i n n D vO lO lO iO c\j cm l i •o «0 CO CO CO cm cm cm l i i O «C vC C O o o o O O' -j" 0 h ^ m h o OaOfdf^'t OOH-.CM O' O' O' O' O' CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I •c .-c o c o o o •c in o •* o o o o moo O O' •* o o o o c o O' cc f- n o o - o o M ° 4- o o CM cc >o in o o 1*3 O CM -4 O O O O r- a o o o o «o -c c o •o m •c O' OOOOOOOOOO IflHOOCMOK'K'HH cM-fmr'-tinc'jiH'Ocn r^o>f — hhhcm r-oooH'f mhON 00 4-IC'O'lf'HO^-H CMmCMhhNCMhHh H(M(CI^ moMcO'H > • _J U. X U. O O < ►-* O UJ o o o o n m ro ^ CM CM CM i o i CO o •O -c •O >0 o o CO o O '*■ o CM CM CM I I >o c o o o o r- cm O CC 00 o o o ir\ oo r- CM CM CM CM <-* CM CM CM o o CO O “3 “3 1 <_3 1 UJ 1 z X o < « £ C o w m CO Z ■"* *"* i C/3 1 CM - n CO •'10 o. ► a) o O >. i— CM < 1 1— < 6- 6- 1 •O -o X a H CM >3- in -0 CO O' o CM CO in •a r- qo O' o l_) •H r-l <-! r-l ,—1 1 UJ •—1 1 UJ CM n) <0 in O d 1 *—1 i o i < CL r-t cn •o -3- o o o o O n C X V o o o o o O o o o o > i CM Jj —i r- o o 1—1 1 z O' cn r- •O ■4- r» O' O' o 1 z cm m CM CM co •H o -3- 3 in in O' m eo in ► * * “3 CM -3 ► * +■ »■ o4 • —1 1 o CM <—i i o CO CD i x i o CO O' •3- p"- cm (—i CO I in UJ -4 O’ in c ^ ^ UJ O -3- *4- -i- o IT >C cn 'O m 1 cn r- in o 1 o X | x X X >3- -4 o 4 l_ Z O' O' ■3- «3- CM o cc f~- r- i o i o 1 < — 1 UJ O O O u 1 X Z 1 O '3- O «M CM CM o o — CM 2T3-3 W CJ3 O WHO 6 1 > CM CM i i «o "C CM CM I I •c c O ~C O >0 S'OninooooO'OO ocM'Oi^'tmcocninincn n •! m in m m m cm cm a O'OOOOOOOOO cc'CoooK'^Hinj Mn o cn cm o in h o id 0'0'i,'*cccMec—iiticd ro-ifcn-Jco-oon-o oeoco'Cin'CC'ininh -iCMcn-Jin-cn-cco'''GAGE HEIGHT» IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 (793) 03057500 SKIN CRIEK NEAR BROWNSVILLE STREAMFLOW DATA 309 oo cfl O >—i W a. os o H Z B O U-. - B to 0) W T3 O C OS to < O M-l W O ■ to • oo f'- to W m CM Q H < to a) c to 0) -O tu 4J O C B 3 to o a) c_> ■ am O H H 00 CO < H 0) u x: 3 o a oo C • 3 o O. H o *-> to O 00 I O H I O 3 • W <-> < OS W O ^ OS H 4J to < X U o chi W Hrl tl owe < 33 >N H Z I H 00 M W3C < o ■-> w OS < a o to tu to M tu to tu 0) C 00 CM to oininoOioioioiooo fT"ICMt\J(\JCM*—l»—HC\l'4' o O' r-i r- O' o cm CM CM M3 CC M3 O' M3 -t •O CO H M cc IO O’ >o rM in HtNJHHO' >-iCMrci'4-tnM3r^coo'0 (MCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCCl ICCCOCCvO 'OCMOOmH IO'JOMJCMCOmHMC lflHH(MOCMH ) M) IO M- |C) (M rM m -t CM CO «i- in >C !• z z C 13 Z OS CM O' O' co O' O' ^ to o o *4" 4- •— o ^ cn O' 'J' CM CM CM •“t *—* H O O O O O O O O hOh4 o --T CM cm in in in in CM CM CM CM I I I I M3 •£> M3 M3 h CM H K1 CO in M3 M3 in in in in o o o o o o o o H O M -I O CVJ CJ CM M3 M3 M3 M3 CM CM CM CM I I I I M3 -0 M3 M) O O O CC O CO CC C O' in O' M3 M3 CX3 CO O' O' O' o o o o o o O' Cl M ■h Cl CM o o o M3 O' O' O' -4- O' 'M CO O O' CO f- 1300 (3 0 0 '■* CO 4" (3 hCM cn co cn CM CM CM M3 M3 -O it- -4- 4-CM CM CM I I I M3 M) 43 CM h CM CO co cn cn 4- in o o cn co 4 o o o o o o o o CM CO CT 4 o •— CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM till M3 M> -C M3 CO O' O 4 CM 4 CO 4 in in in m> o o o o o o o o cm in r- O' o o o o cc err cn err CM CM CM «M I I I I M> M3 M3 M3 o o o O' ^ in o o o o o o o CM CM o o o o m co cm -4- m CM CM 'O' CO CO CO CM CM cm I I I M) M3 M3 O o o cn co to CO CO o o o o -■ 4- O CM O O O O 4-O CM O O O o o o 4IO M O CM CM o o o o o o o O -• z o z o C_> O B m 60 « e -h o o. O' X o o tu CO 60 C/3 a o a w o co a 60 03 •9 60 00'-' CM O' Q X 1U tfl e s 3 o o o o a o u w w z w o < CJ o u o u w OS o u e tu 3 H O a) o e U 0) e •• o CM U H W w w oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo IOMI(ON\O40iHN4'OC0C0l040' HHHOOHHCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM C3H-4C'HHM)C'CO-4mC'OC'C3M3 HNO'OiOHtOMin'OMOO'MOOl •4'4'4tOCO-4'4'4'4'J'4'4't'4'4-4 O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O' oooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooc lON'OHNCOlfllCIMN'JCO'ONvO •4‘OCOO'CO'OO'ONCOrIHNCON HHHHHHHOOmT-OCOHO'O'O' HHHHHHHHCMCMCMCMHHH O'HMCOO'-OHONNtOrltOCOn CO 00 H Cl CO HMintTCN-IIT4)(JWs mvocococ' NtocooiMcOrininvi OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH 'OMOO'OHNtO HHHHCMtMCMCM MIOlOMOONOH CM CM CM CM CM CM CO CO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooo r^'3-ooH'3--a-HO'tnr'Hr~c3'oom CMOOOOOlOtnHCM-4-Hinr^CMvO oiria'nOMO»H4«incMcrnH O>CM(M'4tnrCC0(TIM4'44'4'J'4 CMCMHOOi—IOOO'O'3'O'O'O'O' HHHHHHHHOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO r''3-m-4-cMHr^Hu-iH00r^'O\O'4 tT4444 4t,intMtMHHHHCM Hr~ 4J S rH O <0 00 u u 0) o n I J= 60 a « x o\ M Q ^ o 3 O ►3 o o u •H O Q t\j -t o m o -o f to MO N ' eoH-t(0®o-t-for HHOlOlOIONHH C X o z z no •« m O' ' in m o r-i ~j c o m -O' x co =0 i i i r- i— i— in o -< o O 't O X O O O •—i to a: o •t Hm m O n w (\i in o m o r- -0 •£) vO -o < in m. o o o o lO O H Cl 4-O O o .-t ■—1 (\J n -o in m m n- «o x t o o i x x 5 X -O m I I - n- r- r- oj o x -< o o X - o 00 o o a co c X O cn o I a) o a M 3 H < J-> U n-i 0) o w en a. Q m n l 3 to I O E • j= -a a o as o o O O rH Uiow u x X o\ 0) 60 00 J o H(\j(n,fir^iSKO O'-! CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMXX ^ (CCCO INI to r. m h rt OOococo-OHO^m cm*-hcm>0'4-X'C>4-x-4- >- I a^NKHCCOOOJOJ _i I inio^ ^ ^ niMHHH m -r o o o (MtMCMXr-i^jxcMCMX •-‘CMX.j-x.cr-irO' w > PS w u H P O O 00 o CO o to TJ VO X u i oininofflH-tininm _i i Hg-ecfflh'OHir'Oin -4 O O O O' td N O O Id 6jHHH-lMM(d.Oin o z o UJ X H M (Cl -t in >C d- 1 O' o <-c CM ooBnio.oai't'tffl in O' cn in o r- -4- x r— x •o in cn cm m a* ^ n h h oim. cHOif.NHM ^■CdCClCdCClCMCMCMCMCM HM(Cl^-m^McO' io <✓> *— UJ C X o z z < —> UJ X z >- ► _) u. I u. I- o z z O 3 X a O O' -* X n- O CM CM o o o •O vO o o CM CM CM CM I I I I •O XXX o o o ox CO 0>J CM H J) Is- x >c in n- o m O' x in cm o r- -o 4- -m in ~j- x o o o o o o o o o O ^ CM *"-* o CM CM O »—i X >t -4- >fr CM X CM CM X X O X O •4" CM CM O X X X X r-c x n- x CM o o o o c o o c CM X X -4- o o o o o o o o x x O' r-o o o rH CM X CM CM CM CM CM CM •C •£ O •© X X x X X CM CM CM I I I I •O «C «0 X C 00 0) K S 3 ■u x 3 co X J-S uh o o E to a> -o E «h a) E sc •—c o o o *j x x E c a) u oo u rH E C0 w o < z Q C • E O as m o > W IM O O' c o OJ X Q X X 2 oi X 3 o • I—l E «h X 3 o > 14H o o MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND RUNOFF,IN INCHES..............................MONTHLY MFAN DISCHARGE tIN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND...................... 519 467 (800) 03062500 DECKERS CREEK AT MORGANTOWN RUNOFF,IN INCHES...................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------—-------------------------------- (Gaging station, discontinued 1969) STREAMFLOW DATA 311 o -o o u ■H O OS 00 o H a. o (U c 00 or>-coa'—■ Q Q Z o o LL O C\J -O CM O o o h ^ O' -o .4- ro CM C— m -O -o o 3* o o ® in m 4 in in o -i -h o o m -t O f—l CM OOO O 4 CO r- vO in 4 4 cn h in a- io O' cn r~- CM CD N cc m m m. o o rH m O 0^4 o cm CM m in m CM cm CM I I I -O *£> n0 r- -o o o o 4 -o cm in CM f~ -< cn o < o CM CM CM CM CM CM i O' Cl ID O' vO -o cn 4 m co m in in o -h 4 -< o cm r- 4 4 00-*(M CD (Cl CD CD CM CM CM CM I I I I •c «o «o W O' H O 040CMi^ CDlDiniMO'O'OCMin'O CDCOCDCMCMCMfMCM HCVI(D4in'OMDO' CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM O -C cn cn inotno'J-oooooo r-n-cM40'cooco 4 m444CDCDNO'4cD Df'44lfMOHinoO' CMOCD'Df''00'4CMN NCMHCMCDCDCMCMNCM H(MlD4in-0MD0'O ooooooooom 4CM04®in4CM'0(M inmn---ivOO'OcnO'n- COCM—*CM'-^CMCM^-i oococMoo4om-ocoeo f^4(D(DinN4H0'O' CMCMCMCMNCMCMCMHfl ........ hcm(D4IT4)MEO'h MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND.................... 1,120 902 DATE TIME GAGE DISCHARGE DATE TIME GAGE DISCHARGE DATE TIME GAGE DISCHARGE RUNOFF,IN INCHES................................................... I-64 1-37 ____ HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT(805) 03069500 CHEAT RIVER NEAR PARSONS 312 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 O B w H O < • C_> CO 00 C J •H <0 t a 0 o cof'-inc*'iin<\i.-iCMofM oooi^'Oir\'Om>tr~o' OtMOOOOOOOOfM MooN>teO't'0(<'vOco t*itMCMf*it*i.4-iMin-J-0' CM r*H r—* OOOOOOOOOO W (*1 N O 10 O' 1*1 o 1*1 (M cofsjr'OinCT'r-.sOO'vj- OI^M'OOJ'OUIMO'O 'Oaor*!'S-0'ui(\jO''CO' o O 10 1*1 t*l C*1 CM CM CM h n m -t m ® r 00 00 O X o z z X u. t- c 2 2 o o o c —1 -4- O 4 -O in O (M -o -o I I vO -c O O 4" r-in sO f*l CM O O O O -I- 4-O C\l (M CM •c -o OOOOO OOOOO 'O'COHIO OOOOO OOOOO st O' 1*1 ^ -t O O ■—' CM CM cc o o o o o o O' O' r-j in ^ a: o in -f c*i -t 1*1 co 4- in in m co m c*i c*i 4- in r- r- c- 0000000 o o o o o c c IM (M in O’ CM 1*1 ■S’ o >-1 H rt (M IM CM I I I I I I I ■C ~C ~C ~C 'C ~c ~c 000 O o O -* O' 4- o o s§ CO r-H o 3 • o CO o Q > OS o o ,0 I XI Q *0 CM 4" - •o O' in cm c (VJ H H H f ooooooomoo CMr-ONf^-ttMcM-Ocn |f|'000'l"0(*IO''IN * 1*11*1 in n h h omcMcMt~-con-r^'J''0 *—• -* h ^ m c HrMc*i-tin OS o O XI H > < to o a OOOO'JOOOO'C^'O J'OtM ► _J U. X U- I- c 2 2 C X x aSTREAMFLOW DATA 313 inOK'CK'Oi/'Oifi xxin'l--o->t'$-xxxiM I a) - OtMCCCOO^^ xcMCMst-j-xx-J-vj-x 1 O h CO O' O I >> (U n) C £ Nrt-tO'J-c-roa-r X m - - _J u. 1 u. t- o 2 2 C s X a inooioo O h c*l O' •t CM (V CM CM CM I I I I I X X X X x xxxxxxxco x x x x x •c x x inmoo H-tnO o o x ^ O r-l cm lOOlOHMflffl 1*1 ^ ^ O ffi c OO^OU'OO m O 'J m •» Id o or-omO'<\jsf O O —* *—i *—• CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I X X X X X X X x in f\j cm ** o —• CM IT> O O lA lO lO O O O «t r-* •* O IA N CD O H -t O CM CM X O CM 11 II O' 00 c • •H (0 U QUO. 1 E V a > c OS o * O X I 0) Q X U X co C JZ O U x O O' CM X X I CO Cl I' I cox mm^xxxxxx'to OHh-XHOlA'^O'CMX ■t XCMCMIMHHHHIOX OOOOOOOCMOX XOCMXCMA-Xr-OCT-oxxocr— ^H-H^-iCMXXOX'J'r FlCMX'flAOMOO O HHHHHHHHHIM OCMXXOOO>J-XX xr-xxmxo^xo c-X'J’m-s-iniMf-m.j- m^-xxcnmxo®® CMr-«-i®X>J-XX#• (y> X t—t X o o o o H •* o CM moo X cm X X CM CM X r-C CM X O' O O' I"- o in m O O -*r -* o O' t O CM •*■ X O' o CM O' O' moo ^ o o m X -t o o o O' CM ir\ Hin O' O' f-cm x cn r»- .* '*• o o CM X m x in o x o o -* o CM OsJ’CMOOOOO ^O'mr-nXofMm >f mO'omo”f x •HCMCMxmmmm X X CM CM m o -* o o * O CM o o o r~ x o' x o —■ m m o X x o o O' .* o o o m x cm x X O' moomoooo omo ^XO'J’OfCdXO x*-«o cMXf^f^O'ocn-i- f- o hhhhhcijCMCM O CM CM xxxxxxxx314 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 «UT) '„S •H f-> ^ 3 o u OO - "il *-<3 6 4-i « D OJ O) § O 0) Ohrt U O-H 6 e e f') a> o> • o> d v ■-'6 0 -T3 4-i M « J f- o T3 HH O O H in . u < OIN O C -H . « cm a x: o^o o oo i C rtX-H 3 00 oo'O 4N E4l 3 \0 o OOl i-t r- 4-i O 4-1 rj . vO o t 4-1 -H O 3 < o o 4h in o 4 C <0 OlWXI l 3 4J *TS = U 3 O ' O (U tn S o I o> o . K) O • W Ol rl l/l 7HU. Ih d 6 u c « a.g oocrooooorooo CO-Cl^MIMO'-CCeCOO' mi^ccif'cromtr', O'OCim ooooooocoo f~r-ocoooooo I*1him^(CCNHhO' OOOCOOOOOC •j-r^vOfM^-i'Cf^O'Nj-cc 4 4 14*. miMiMincncMCM oooooooooo ooooooocoo 040'0'CCCCCC4<-i4 oooooooooo HOD'^C-fOIMOU' O' -nOHinmoicoio C I o Z 2 < *- 2 2 >- - X LL (- c 2 2 o o o o o in id o o o Hf OMO 10 VO VO VO VO 1 m CO CO ^ o i 'r in in in m in o o h m o in r- 'j o o o o o o MOrl o o o o o o I—I I" I" o o in in o o nn-iHoo O O H rl IN IN o o o o o o o o o c MM^INO ooooooooooooo M»10'^0 0'H(NMCOO« fMn'tr-0'0'0®fN<-f>c o o o o o o o 4) o 4 4 m o cm O' 4 m m im inff>cMfMino'iOcc«o>tf 4fnc4fn«M<\j»-'«vjfn o c m o m o m cn •-< o •“* n momomoomo ChMhC'JoOhC t>rwi'0cO'c\jfninmo>-4<\i>t OOOOO-1-'—'' - - M f in in o o in m o .$• «-■ rr O r-t 4 O ro in ec Cl o- O 4 O O O O O CM u cm cm cm cm cm r oo'ffiOOOMHm^o njfnO'n--^r~Cl^HO'4^ 4ao4>inmin44m4—< oooooooooo inv00000'0^4'-|4 -h o~ in in o r- 4 m o r- ooo4h®41ho OHHOin®1 40'ot* m''!O0'r-?^^-,c'in«n 430'C'~0'000©00 n->0(M>on-0''00'ineo cncnromO'in«Moor-cn oooooooooo 43040'f'-0'-|rMIM4) 0't-*mm4^4^4r->00' cncncMCMcocM^mcM*-' ooooooooomco m in n 4 « a) c i O’ in n m o n 4 m m cn ^CMfn4in-cr^e in -o r- r~ 4 cn o o o o o o m o eo o o o o O 4 O O O (CCIO o O' 4 co co co CM CM CM I I I 4) >0 4) 4 4) CM —• 43 CD CM C0 4) co O' r-r~- f— r— >0 4-4- inoo h m o o r-fM0 mCMOOMCM4)CC®- H4(M(C14COinXH 3 45 cm co in cm cn incMminr-r'-cM^r-m rHCo^-- * I C in 4 N CC O' !-< (813) 03072590 GEORGES CREEK AT SMITHFIELD, PA. iCATION.--Lat 39°47'44", long 79°47'47", Fayette County, on right bank at downstream side of bridge on Georges Township Road at Smithfield, 1.6 miles upstream from Mountain Creek, and 2.5 miles southwest of Fairchance.0400 7.24 1,310 MONTHLY MFAN DI SC HA RGF,IN CUBIC FFFT PFR SECOMD STREAMFLOW DATA 315 — if c a IT 4 4- r C IT. C C C O if. J H If, o^ciru'irJT<'X.f CpH IT -C C C. U- C cr cc O' a r- a r Ifl-O X CC ^ O 04-' c •H a « - •CO'CMO'K'Ot'incfild O' c S cH rt U3 ■4- M IM 1-r- X -H Mh ^ o O co 3 X a> 4H /—x LU cccoOcmcmcccm-ct CM 3 O ai 00 MH s intM^cincnwri—i—i XX 1 ai o •4- r. X 3 < cm c rt So J4 in > 6 O0 4-> > UJ 3 rH ai Ut oo H CI rHCMCCl^'in'Or-CCO'OrH —1 S C 4-» CM (U r > s tu z +-> 4-> |3 00 o < c ai 00 in u o oo s 3 H or x D x, in rt c\ a .£ ic in u . o n- o. =; UJ U) X c ' ' rH i- 3 in X rt £ i—1 - uT UJ CJ 3 T3 v 6 o M (U ^ x: tn * - 3 ai u o 51 Z (M^c\j'0'4ccr^?irnc\j L-Z p-J x ai ai 3. e O t4H => l_ 2 tn ^ a; o vO - in UJ z u u S' +j H iO o ► a; to rH 00 e-1 o. o CM | JZ •3 3 rH OO < < oo o rH 3 Ih ai x rt ai o U- c-~ co CW u 0 U; (J Sh r- •2 Min E 3 rt' x: > ■h x: id O BN rH (> tn ^ in < X +J -H T3 •• Q > cmxoffcittXDtc co : 5 e OOP. tu o X-1 r- in' cis x of Q 3 tU c 2 CM LU cn x in 1 O cn XOl oc o tn 3 to 0 o ■ Z 3 X to 3 m ' 8 e a t3 'J .« in in 3-n 1 a g O rt c Z u- MXCOCMHHffiXK Q X -J S 1 o s r t-1 rt c < TJ rt 5 UJ W s v X LL 3 t3 CO >< < z z rj Q C3 ci 2 “ ■-•CIcrM'in'Cr'tCO'n X a O I - -H I t- Q I I - I Q I Z I O I U I UJ IU | O 00 I cc I < a I X I o o O I < — H| Olll Z I K - I 1UI I o o X I 2 O I — I lu I UJ in in cm 45 4) -j- 0' o- r- cc cc in (N nj (\j CM f\l O o O m o O mo rH o 't O *4- O •* CM O CM O CM -$■ in m -o -o CM CM (M CM CM I II II «0 45 vO 4) -O "4- OOOOOOO CM >C IM >C O) 00 (O O’ n- CM O Ifl o cm ^ H h ^ x if) in pj m co o O' >o to cn h «o O' v0 CM CM CM CD in ro cm cm m >o to in o in o o iii o in o O rH o O rH O rH O >4- h ^ co od in m ^ CM O O O O H CM CM cm m m m n m m m CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I I 45 »0 4) "O 45 »0 45 <0 cm in CM f- •4" CM infCliriOfMCCOCM^ stmvocfincM<\iinr~ •—i »o oo cm in cn 0®HHO'Hlf OO1 ccucunHcoHifi^^ CM CM oomoooooo (Cicfij-(cicn(cicmo OOOOOO*— ■“‘CM •0'0-P'Ci'01 •> X 01 o u 5 o e rH O a) X1 35 Q tu cu MX 3 X ■M < 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MH X CT c, H (\J in 4 K' 4) S CO O' O rH . « S > (U Ln to X ‘ s XI 4J tu

    3 '—' < o ooo o ^ r- r- rH -b -o 4- 43 X 4c'jmoU'inxtrtMO o r r r ^ - •; C- cn on iii X • 3 Mh 3 ai • -1 -1 rH < rH }h t3 X : 4J . X X ii' o O H4 UJ X j6 NO <> co D4^ 00 -4 O' CM O' tn a 3 a ^ -3 ^3 lO 3 ! < ~ u U in Ih tu X 3 3 o • X - ^ ^ rH rH Q 3 C X QJ -H in o X3 3 o q r- n~ o 1 £ .ne ol X rH X *D CL < 1 l l 1 1 1 1 l 1 i i i l o 00 E 4J IU co X M < < m c * ” ■c -o r O 4J (U x in (U tfl C 3 , •• Q s. > OCOOOC'C'OCC-O o -D ^ r 6 M iu rt X o n-4inocnr-cc4-cMCM in 3 e a* 33 3 S -oi cc c o o o o o 0 o c c c c cM'fccr--<>j- O 0 O 1-1 <\J CM O' O' O' O' O O' 1 I I I I I •£ >C 45 45 45 -C o o c o o o c c o c xo'om-l -C >C «C -C X i e 3 I rt o . a> s >—i W O H 3. X < 3-4H Di 0) l/l C 0.-3 u o X *-5 >-0) 2 § o UJ l-5 X i o UJ X 5 S'S O' 05 O O O O O OOO ■fr'iMO'OOinmoo CD'0»-i'0'4' (cif-icci ■* cm cc*. ^ in o cc O' r o i o z z o w o o o o o o r" m '*■ ooo ooo O O CM O O M* M1 O CM VO O O O O O ID f O lo O X ai r> in co oi in W X U O < H U W in vn co oi oi co o o o o o o o o o o o o in io co in id d1 OOOHHN OOO n in id m co m CM CM VO ID in r~ cm m H H CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I ID ID ID ID in O O oi oi r-cm co in o co o o co o CO CO 'T316 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 W »P W g >p w *p CMOioOcMmooH-ooiM CTivOM'Ot-'Ol'OCOrtM OON vp to CM i-H cm CM vO rH vO OH'tNLOin'tOMH OWOONiOCOOlON'O K1 to M in Ol O N IO lO tj- oo u CO o o vo m rH in Cl rH m m m i 3 O O Cl ^ no mm mm (N tN o o o o o o o o m M* OH* H CM H CM mm vo vo CM CM CM CM II II vo vo vo vo « w Oh Eh W Eh s H o o o o o vo -c vo m h H CO vo VO M1 m* r> co m h m o o vo o oo oo o c o o o o o o m o o o cm oo m r" t O O rH rH CM O CM CM Cl ci r~ vo m o o o m ci m m m m mm m- m* CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I II vo vo vo vo vo vo vo moo f ICO m ci m CM oo o m vo o o o c o o o H CM CO rr o o o o o o Cl 00 H* O H CM i i H rt 3 in « *o -H r E O Eh Xc uc 1 D 1 Ip rH £ rt vO cn a) cn H- Eh O . *4H to 1 1 O Eh 3 rt m * e 4014 1 I h3 cn X - *+H S cnrHMH 1 S § o o • T3 m | u 3 ••H • 3 v—h »h rt 1 w ^ cn H-> E 43 H* o CD O 1 D 1 ip 3 rH ■H Q H-> X rt - ^ J rt l 1 X) £ 23 Lor rt rt 43 m r-H oo oc -h ^cn +j «o 1 1 < x 'C 00 rH CD OO Eh ECO. E rt u H- .e r-H rt o oo o - x 1 >* ov l 5 0 H VO 4 1 i—r 3 o CO CD r-H CD 3 rt o ^ XO o Q 1 § rt 3 Eh *r m v—' vn o p. o ! U I X) X Eh X M E 3 cn r- rH m 3 y w ; < 3 43 o OCX Eh 3 0 ° 3 *H -rt T3 ■ >H Cs 1 iJ U o Sh c 3 43 rt X) rt rt rt W ! D Dh ! Ip H ccj rt x O t" H-> 3 m 43 1 Eh 1 3 -c a in cn tM 43 rt •H £ in cd O W I W 1 g rH >5 0 00(1) . 'rt Eh . Eh T3 in h 1 Eh o a) c a> 3 *H S ^43 rt r-H U 1 £ X O 00 too <+H in 4h cn 3 -H O S 1 W xi W rt rt in yi X 'rt o y 'rt O O O U I r> i S E oo w *4-c 3 « o oo rt ID o IN CD _->rd Eh X •2 rH O r-^+-> 3 in rt o i C m E -a e 3.0 rt OO i 1/1 rt rt c E3 i O 1 o - Eh tO O ON o rt r—*\ rH rt o rt -n CH 1 H rH* a) a) v_r Eh rt « CD 3 rt 3 rt K ! < CJ 1 Q o o rt t o m 3 oo 3 H M c o cn U w cn i o Eh rH OO Eh > rt rt in rt in rt oo P. O rt rt a i 1C 3 W E o Q 3 u Eh OO ° Q w Z l < i o rH ^ +4 •H i O rt rt • H ’m’q a> ^ X X W 1 E 04) in 6 7 CM O rH H a> X) X ^rt 1 jj Ol 00 +-> c w « m 3 « OO CTi 43 •• rt « rt rt N J I ip 1 CO - m i rt CD X ■H 3N rH a rt rH Eh l 1 O O M m • a T rH rH 00 X-H 3 rt > l o « a> m* o! a > m E X 00*3 2.S** 1 l U ! U H S rt Ej S 3 ^ cn x 1 1 W Mho <* S E U 3 O O O 2 3 O « rt 1 B 1 rt p. S < H O «+H H- s I rt EhTDH- U-O 00 i ip i '• S CD X O O* w • rt oo E O ! 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X X Lj 1 1- u. U- 0 Q VO VO VO VO VO VO VO vb vb vb vb vb vb VO VO O -J < O Q O —1 3 Q £ 1 »CM®8'®8l'®0'rt j 0 3 Z X 1 1 •O H I 1 r- g 0 O' 4- cv in ro co O' 4- -O X X h in h 0 in x X in x 1 1 ! 0 *-H -t X O CO 0 G in co cm C <44 *r4 0 00 1 >- 1 1 —1 1 1 3 1 O 0 Q O 03 X> O rt 0 e 5-. 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O' o 03 X Q C os m O -p U X W Q) -d a> a) p 03 £ cn o a) a) rH P Cn 03 • o 2 P • O S O CO -VO 2001 D vo • 2 CO rl t/l J) H « > « 05 -H £ OOOOOOOOOOO (vjininoicoxoiHcoin't miflinniMHHHooo 0000000000 HO'OOOHioin4-o 4-m. nrciococMcdO'® iinnuiO'Hoox 'I^'tcci4‘43'4''tcn oO'cncnoO'inxom iniro'0 0'H>£im4’4 CMO'O'CCXXCOCOCCO' rt(vioi4ic'4:xcco'' O I (_) 2 2 < —• 2 2 >- ' GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD.--Crest stages only. Altitude of gage is 830 ft (from topographic map). DISCHARGE RECORD.--Stage-discharge relation defined by current-meter measurements below 60 cfs and by contracted-opening and slope-area measurement at 586 cfs. MAXIMUMS.--June-July 1972: Discharge, 586 cfs June 23 (gage height, 5.25 ft). 1959 to May 1972: Discharge, 394 cfs Aug. 19, 1969 (gage height, 6.29 ft).STREAMFLOW DATA 323 43 X p p P P a. iS J 5 t3 > §£ TJ -H p o X 0) c U3 (3 HH P P W Oh x y ■ 0) h-i UJ P O o P E *P O p 0O Vp X V) «4-» T3 U 4> C O •H O *P vO 43 *• •3 rH C *J O rt P P 03 3 00 (/> P rt rt a> x E a> oo §w *3 O O X O rH rH 3 O *-3

    0'OiC^C'0 O >D C o o m M- c fo o o h c\j r\j >f O O C O CM I I I I I -C'O'O'O-O OOOiO cj r\j cj I I I I >C lO -O <1 CMCMCMCM(D44lD OidooOididc n-f omoif ho IDM30'hhCMCM(D.J- HHHMNWNM -C'O'OvO'O'O'O-O ooinHHHHi-KNOunmcoMnm'rinoi otNMOO'mocor'OMCiniflvo^Lnin'rT xxij-i'^ocmcic-ih MCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMC irioininmoiriooooinLnc 'JOrlHHOlM'noOIOlHfC oHNVuuohaiN^Maajr OOOOOOOOrHrHrHrHr—1C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I dvdvovovovovdvovovovovovovovovovo Xf^4rHO'CT'iri<\|00''Oco4cC ^H^.^.fsjfsj'tvj-ooMor^vo HCMCMCMfvjf'.CMCMCMr. oinooooiooooioifioo CD«j-(DrnC(D4o C O H 3 MX o - 4) O O' X 0 0) tJi-O iH 0) T3 iH H I3P H E E ITS O 'T5 P Z IP oo e CM 0 E - hi IT) m *p os Z «w O CM u 0 Eh O rH Z ^(DrH J 2 a O 4) hi aj a > O 0 u X xxx I O ITS W x T3 O'CO as co X CO a) - Cn-P ITS X Cn Cn (U Cn s s ^ — 0) VO hi ro 3 ai o . hi (0 ITS ITS 43 x o> 0 hi w ns XOV 3 hs X I o I 03 I < < I X o I •-*- I K Q I UJ I c oo i a I < cc I I I o o O 1 < — M 1 Olil O I I 111 Z I X 03 I H-< I < x i a O I < I 03 I < I X t- I <_> UJ I 00 UJ I — u. i a X I e> i — I UJ I UJ X I X o o o CD (D o o o •* O CM CM o o o o ID «* o o o coo X O -4- T7? <5 <0 >C o o rH ^ O CM O o (D o O ■4" O O o ID O O 0 0-4-O CM CM O O o CC rH ir\ ID 4 X X O' CM CM CM CM I I vo m: 4> • ta *-> hi c C3 03 E 3 03 O y T O -cr «'0 5U 4-» > CTJ tH X a) > • hi 0) AS E hi 3 03 V) 0) CTS hi 4) 03 4) (S> E i X P X •H O P LT) 03 oo 43 E oo o) P T3 oo c •rl 03 Q 43 I0S o O X U o! a o 04 -H O p U 03 i-)IO A IflOl M o. u UJ E U oo (3 uo H 5 j os 03 LT X O0 y p CT3 +■ •P X -C xa. rH 1—I E 3 3 >-3 XE « 2EX a « 3 o E p ss-5 1 -s a.c4cccrHXinCiD 4 ID CM CM H M CC 4 ID (\J OlfllOrlrlKllfllMlCO CM CM rH (VJ CM rH rH i •£ x co a o h HO cc Mt O' (VC o o < — O uj ID O O rH O O O ID 4 CM CM CM I I I I I O -c 'C M3 O 0'X4CCO4OOC0CMOC (DCT'CC'C4CDO(DXX'£)' ID N ID io 4 (^ •} Mr. n 'C ( (MCJ(M(MCMCMCM(DCM(D(D(D(D(D(DO OOlDOlDiniDlDOlDlfVOOiDOOlDlDO 0(DrHrD4rH4404—io> 0) to c s I W NO O m co oo o o \D l£! O' 0 CC CC N f. lO ic u ‘I'OO'JHO wmvOMOc K £ S H M M z x z E U H E -H woe COvor^vO~3-r^'3" ooooooococ W IA VO NCO O' r ooooooooooo (THIMO'trf'!CO''OmiM m'0.Pin>tcn(J'.0>0cnr^ in-4->frmcnmiNlN(NCNCN oooooooooo oooooooooo oinoo-otDh-'OmN OOOOOOOOOO owr-if. •jH^O-OOrt^O’H OOOOOOOOOO miNiioo-or'Mocoeo ro*4‘OjfoO'Ofri(Nj'OfW oooooooooo oooooooooo ^■aHNMO'mCDO’Cl oooooooooo (\J>J-0'I'CCCCr^^H—In}-r~cNccr-i~-ir\r-co-p.-i co in ro cv cn cn m m W IT -C N a (T - O I o z z £ Z >- - K C z z C 3 2l CL O U < H O W o o o o o o CN in CN in o o i-H o o O CN V CN CN CN VO vo VO o o o o o o o o CN H CN in CO CO «» ID co i— t"- vo io io in o o o o o o o o inioioo o o o o o o o o o o 00 Oi o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n in in o o H O o o CN T CN CN CN CN O O O O O O O O O O CN CN O O m (T. Tf r- r~ iH tt t o o in o H Cl O N1 O MClOf CN CN CN CN CN CN CN I I I I I I I VO ID ID VO lO ID VO oooooooo oooooooo r-'r-'o-icocoino'iio mooooomo N-cnmocno-HO OHCO'TinoClN' OOOHHCNCNCN CNCNCNCNCNCNCNCN I I I I I I I I VOlOlOlOlOlOUMO (h t«xl p a> rt in h M D.P C -i OS < C W o3o o - P CD X P h U *1 c >%cp O 3 ss p hh 00 ID O a> oo C « 3 oo p o P o 3 o CJ -

    o os < > < o . -3 P P - a) x. ctf id «p VJ « 1-1 c/> Q. a srP P b X. ' •p o Oh g •P p V) u Cfl ^ > < O oo P - cccococooc r 3 >p" bo (D 3 T3 = ooocoinop-J cn 52 Se l 1 O p P Q rt Ui « PMHN p p C-O'^r-CVi-CPm^m 2*5 ! G cn .b' >sb» w -p > pp ppp p CTl Q CD 1 T) 3 . o 00 CD p- S> e 1 o o Q § P CD P -P Q g O c/i g* M 3 f UJ ooocooocco in 1 T3 & p E- ‘p i “ *b p oo ip a> P« |P 3 HHCHCcooomcn . rt m cj o w o . fO -P i rt h ooin C3 O OS « < O 3R oooooooooo oooooooooo •nmcoooccco 'C>tcc>a-f-inc'-<<\Jr- n'OH-jciHCD'Oioc’. ooccooccco ccccccccoo c-'Ct^r-'OCPCN--'^ 1 O O' O' CC c' o «-< «\ m ^m>c^-cco . MONTHLY MEAN 0ISCHARGE.IN CUBIC FFET PER SECOND....................... 68,900 50,800GAGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 KINAWHA RIVER BASIN STREAMFLOW DATA 325 3 -V O C O (C 00 o c O 0) OS o o o U -4 H 4J O VO I X «-l 0) nJ c X o OOOOinf'-O'OinO' ir>r~-r^roroo'«4‘iriroo (V4-mr^cc.j-m(v(V(v in fNJ CD O' O' -4 O' CO -t >-i -4 in in -c -4 m f\j HN(fi'J100M)0'0 'J’O'fCTOOCClOvOvO (MO'HN-l’HOMCOO (\i--icvj(\jcrror~v}-rvjfM H (\l I'" ^ u\ sO C oo •— LU Q X O z z z z O r) x a t" -c O' cc m rvj vO 0) in nj nj nj nj (ni vO vO o o o •C —< CO 4- cc co (nj ~4 4-—• -* (nj ■o vO in in «c -4 c■ o o o o o nj 4-o o o o o o o r- o nj o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o * o o £ 3 00 O 1-4 UD 3 co • oo o u-i C m -H o •—( >-, QJ (0 f-4 « 3 -H = -C E in oo to CO M QJ 4J 0J c o 3 m a. • r-0J r- QJ QJ O rH U 3 u n o Q E OS QJ o u U 3 CO cn QJ vO 33 • vO oo iCH-jinMn-jior^-J C-lOOvOvOOmCNICNOvOv rlN'DOfvvO(r10iin4 inCOr'O'NC'CONOr-J OvOvOvOvOvOvOvOv OO O < o < w s >< s s ►J 3 3 O (0 (0 QJ 13 *—J 3 •H O B *o o o •H ^ O c 3 -u O (0 U O 3 CJ o W 33 U CO W f-* O m < o o o m t3 VO 0) S ov » IH MHmHininN>o«Hin COO'ONHrlrl-QNNrl OOOOOnOVOvOvOvOVOnOvOv jrvOo rv co n o O'O'COO'O'O'O'O'O'Oi 5 X Z 5 Cr~r-»oir' inin-*r-r-cn.H>j-ocM vtrominvOiritMO't'J-cn in -4- cm m 4- in ^ r •J-HlMCOOONH^lfl ■^-cncMCMNj-'tinmiM.-i z z O D Z CL -o m O' -o cn CM o O -L O CM O' •—< CM O O rfi cm r- '*r-CM CM (M If' CO -J- -4- -4- in c o o o (C■ O C O OOCMfO'J o CM CM CM , c CD O ■-H x E C —c -t 'O r-4 O O J O CO CM CM CO CO (Ohhh, lAOIAlAlAOOlTlAOlCMAlAOO ^■cn^Hj.ooHHOH^^Oo HCMMidKi-tincr --- — - * OOOOOOOC a -o cr r- •4- -4- -a a. ^ id O E 60 O •h a n o cm so a o O' 3 jHioccimciOHO-•—I CM CM CM CM f—t I X J-' -o 0) C0 0) C O z T3 z z O D a cl w in o o' o >o (CI^ChCC^h^hcco OCOO'O'O'O’OO"—iCMCO *-< -t C o O —4 ■“1 CM CM CM CM CM OOOO OOOOOOOOOCOOO it. it. in ir o o o o (850) 03181900 MOODY MOORE HOLLOW NEAR HUNTERSVILLE, W. VA. DRAINAGE AREA.—144 sq mi(851) 03182500 GREENBRIER RIVER AT BICKEYE, W. VA. MEAN DISCHARGE* IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND* 1972 STREAMFLOW DATA 327 (MOCT'ccP'-vO’^U'V'Gir O'tO'OCCOO'O'cm 1n O «3 o O «*■ O c -c ■& o CM (Si ■c o o o m o O '!■ (M t\J o > oo ra 3 oo x .3 E 3 W X u gi o. >> E a o' i 3 • O O 4 <0 00 (0 u m a> © a: ih _* * e In • o •£> ■f m «o (\J m cn o o o o o o o o -3 o nj o o * o 00 C 3 3 CO O © E oo'fnoO'njO'Nor-^4 'mO''jO'aiif-tiT'o o m O' in o cc o o •o o ec o o -o •o cc O O' o o 4-1 O o o -oo'coO'P'jmO'invOfNj rtNOinO'MI O «3 O HHHHCCC-ff'0,'Oin o o < •—I O uj m re, m m cn ro o o o o O' -3 o o o o cn -3 o cm o O o o -J-o cm -ojci'jino^mO'O CJO'ONOOOOCO' 0'p->oooo-^0f'3t'03 o oooo>-*'-,pgf''J •c n* m O' r> >o o o o o o o o o o m ci g-—I eg eg cm o o o © © © h rg g-O CM CM O O O O r~< 3 o nj328 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^TULY 1972 'OinifuflK'^m^ooo oooooooooo OOOOf'-i'OO'O-J -txr-->4-0'r^(\jxxnj oocoon-oxf-x Xr^.-ifnxcoxovxo' O'xm.-ioxxr'-r'-x xc\ixxO'r--oooo oxX'4-r~-o.-4(nxo c\j x x r\j HNw^i^or-eoCT'O oooooooooo Hino-r^voooo'o-o cotonomHj^^in ^mu\r'0'0'Hirieom n in « cufi a o ^ w O'xxr^xxxx'j'4- -icvj^^-in^r—ecO'«- oo ko •— OJ O I o 2 2 < *■" 2 2 >- -_J U. X U. h- o 2 2 i CO -' I 2 oc I C 0) • 3 u x O O • 60 E -o (0 3 to iH ai o 1-4 n L. .-I I 4-1 VM I 10 • >. a. ai Z <0 3 x 0 3 3 H 60.—( U < -H X 3 O X E -H Q > a! o O -O ) HI vO 00 00 01 CO I o >,o a) r- to C o X >V 3 X •-) CO O I HJ U T) I O 0) • X X o c o e'er oc vt 'J- -f I I I vC vC vC o o o o o o -< o o o c o cv f" a- m IT. a r4 CVJ r4 ^ u ■} -O « Mo o o o o o o o o o o O o X X vO X X X -rooooooo r-j^O't'O^-'O'J X 0S O' (\J O O O O O O O X (\J -4- H M M O (\J X X (NJ 0'l^-P IdOnNHH r o s oj in m r< ■J- O'O^h xoooxxr-icoxcox in O' ci nj ^ h -* o o O (M o in c o o —4 X o o *-* x —4 r-4 {\j (NJ X X X x 0 o x x 1 i •o x ■i® in h O' in mm r 0 0-00 ■4- x -4 x cc «-< x in ino'f~>oo'inorooo .-t^.- 4) in 4 m 4 4 43 —* 4) 4> 1 co o r-i 4 in cn -• c o o o cn o o O CNJ ■, o o m o o 1 m o o o - t' co ® o 4 H r-H H CM (\J 4) 4) 43 -b 4) 4; 43 NfO'omcn'C-cr-ir, n-[\JHHHH4(\]n4CM «oc\jO'm^-0' com ^0'0'0''C'Ccnm m t-> cocnO'O'r-ccf'-ocn -4-0'0>--is uj j m m CM CM CM CM inoomininino ,-,cOro44440 oor^comcno'f oooo^-<>-434>4> 43 43 '0 4, 4) 4) 42.43 *0 4) mmmmmmmmm «o 1 >o 1 i) * >0 1 -o 1 o' cm in cn m co —< —1 m m f-< lN44304> oininininoomoino (Ci44hhC1|<'4oh|<14hOh4h 0'OfflO'OHNCMfficiicii'i4ininini' OOOO'-.'-i*—1 inomininomoocmoo -*H(*14C|C|l,'HCfIC mu, r'r“r'0'0'H(C|f04 r-l.-l.-,.-l.-l.-l.-n it. occcoo°o OoOoOO°0 If, iNSHffl°4 00O0—1 ^ cm OOO ooo H in 4 c -o D *-l O < u u C CO O 0) 1 4 in >0 o- 0 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I 434)4343'04343-© 0000000000 O'4'Cr-oO'^ccxo ^-o cm O'01 4 in 0 o o' CMcM^CMC os o o OOO4lM4>CMCMl0in oO'«0'C04mx4,—• ~'r~n--043inin444 o x o 2 2 j m cn cn m 000000 000000 cm cn 4 in 4> 4 ooo ooo o m r~~t *—i CNJ OOO ooo CO O' .4 00m o o o o *—1 4 o m 1 4 ir. 41 m; o- h 2 2 O Z> X OC •O \0 4) «C -C vO O' O' I I 43 4) DISCHARGE RECORD.—Stage-. GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD.--Crest stages only. Altitude of gage is 1,850 ft (from topographic map). 7,000 cfs and by slope-,(864) 03189590 SUMMERSVILLE LAKE NEAR SUMMERSVILLE 330 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 Sn 0) C tH 3 e a) o U U 4 O C “ V* 3 O i a> «h ' D.HT3 ' r-l O' J2 3 >H I >, O -O u PS r < S O r CJ ■J r> z ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooc ooooo ooooo HulvOCNvO O' to >0 O' H -C CO -J (N \o r-» oo O' o f 'O 'O 'O vO M ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo h co cNJO-'0'0'>0 i oooocooooo i O'if'ooooocrc,a-j I OOI'II'JN^OB'IN o O N N N <1 m ■ M'lmif'OcnwnOO -«oin«*fnmtm(MNmm® o r- in ® ® «$■ CM CM <£>0tr'000 ® in CO M (\jtnrgr^r^'Oo®- ► _i a. X U. o o cn O o «r o CM o o o o r- -o o cm r- >c in -< m- o o ® -fr O IM (\l f hONOOOOO -J0'0<'l-l®'0f'f' <\io®® (vK'immiPO-o-t-r ino®>omu'oOO LT'®0'0'Of'JCM'-<'^ OOOO H H H (\l (\J I I I I I I I I I >C'C'C'C'C®0'0'C x> o o *J O 00 E O H >0 ji Em cm 3 o nj -a o o c » E u ; nj m o to O o os o 0 so ® n- ® ® ® r o> ® C 'O 'f 'J' f MNINJH r4 OHHlNIMIM h -i o a a m 4- co co O' O' o o o o c c o c o 'O r- -4 o o o o o 4- -x o' cm co in in cm f o o o o o co o o O' CO CO o o -< o •C VC o o r-< H —t CM -c o -o o o o CC cc CM CM cm cm r- e'en cm cm o o o o co co co c O O CO Sp O O CM CM 3 in o o o o ii h 4 in m cm cn co o -c m in cn cd 4 P- X C CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I •C 43 4> •c 43 'C OS o o m rocMinr-O'C'OOo HinO'OmcMfficno4 ncM(MHHH4iomo' oooooooooo iAinOOcciXHp-(ci4 cMvor^O'coo'O'cocoo' 44)KOIO(MHHHH 04444,0'04lr‘'|CI lXl^-CMCOX'lTilTl^-Or~ r''OX4(d(ci(dcf|X. in CMO'O'OOOOOO-f O'O'4'Ox-oocooinH (MhhX)4hi^hOis HCMtci4mxt'®0'0 oooooooooo 4-oincM4-in4-in.-ix O' -O l"0 MM O H 4 O' fCl CM CM CM O' |— CO CM »““* 4-f OXOlOOOHf' -4c^mM'Oc*di-iO''CM 04CON(M(MIMhhh 1 4 IO XI P- CC O' r ^ § o *fr o CM o o co co p— co o o -4 CO >0 o o o o o o o o in r- m *4 >0 CO CM 4 in r— r— in 43 X X 43 o o o co r~ >o •O IM 4 o o o o CM X co in h in o o H CO O O CM >4 O CM CM 4 4® 4 O O O "I cc cc m r- o o o o co CO o c O O CO 4 O O CM CM OOOOOOOOO ®incM4ocon4(M O'CMcop-ooinin^) HHlCl-OXXffl-O OOHCMCOC044CO ininininmooino 4 h 4 4 H O CO h O XOOH(dONX4 QHHHHHHHIM CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I XI c <0 lO MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, RUNOFF,IN INCHES...............................HE IGHT , IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 r,AGE HEIGHT, IN FEET, AND DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, AT INDICATED TIME, 1972 332 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 1,850 1 ,850 1,600 1 ,760 3,040 3,720 7,070 7,250 7,250 5,620 4,960 O O O o o O' vO cm r- m cm co m o r- •t MCM NH 1,700 1,200 1,190 1,190 897 897 SS2 CO *c >o 1300 13.64 1600 13.64 2400 13.32 0400 13.53 0800 15.04 1100 15.80 1700 19.52 2400 19.72 0300 19.72 2300 17.91 2400 17.18 0100 16.43 0600 14.84 1500 14.47 1900 13.91 2400 13.51 -t cc co co cm cm III CM CM CM 0100 12.81 0200 12.41 2400 12.41 1200 12.41 1300 12.04 2400 11.97 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-05 7-05 7-05 7-05 7-05 7-06 7-06 7-06 7-07 7-07 7-07 7-07 7-07 7-08 7-08 7-08 7-09 7-09 7-09 0 o o 1 1 1 DI SCHARG S2 •4- cc XA s|I Is IT CO CM CM Pint t\j < CM CM ni CM HI 1,720 gggss (*- >!■ *4- O c sggss o cm cm in in I GAGE HEIGHT 19.91 19.23 S2S3S O' co m -4- -a- SSSRKS -t ro m 'J' ■4_ co 13.89 13.33 13.47 co r- -c X) m m O O OC 4.00 3.92 3.92 cm co in in O' cc cc cc co co ro co coco co co 0130 2100 2400 0030 1400 2000 2 400 0645 1400 2000 2400 7-08 7-08 7-08 7-09 7-09 7-09 7-09 o o o o till r- r- r- r~ gsss in it. in c -• -4- C S-S? - in cm in co o m ssss + j ; s 2S§ 'f «!■ s^sg ssg sss 7-06 7-06 7-06 7-06 7-07 7-07 7-07 SI ex ui J 2S u 10 • 0) CM O IUH •H (U xi • CO 4-1 4J co id c u » O 4J to c oo * 0) c >v U -H c n-i ex U" u c u »’! 0) 4-1 10 2 it O 0) to -:si M &U o 3 X. 01 ?:3s ^^^^CMfO'l-CMCMp-ro 1 104 119 112 1 110 119 (867) 03 1° 35’50", : ridge, 6.5 Lon, 8.9 m; O' CO CD CO C* O'OCM—ICMO co m co co co co ^ •* in in in •n oo r» vo oo in m m m m 0030 1245 1645 1830 1930 1945 2000 2015 2145 2215 2400 0230 0300 0330 0715 0745 ill 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-04 7-0 5 7-05 7-0 5 7-05 7-05 pH 11 II £ t 2 2 c x: si 3 O C e a. H si" l X 14 3 H S„2 - IT.S l co a) SUSS 3 0 C •o xt e o) 01 O O C J= O U -H O 0) CO <4-1 C M XI 0) S.i» •” •J£ 1 CO 01 4-4 4-1 4-4 1 <*4 CO Xl rH 1-1 0) C 0) •H 3 00 00 <-> s.? *85 2*2 SgS £23 r:d w I i-H »H W 3 3 S'’*’ 5SSS x: ct> co to *—i —— § ."S .-I c-v CO ■S2-SS o . - O 144 X 44 44 o c c * ^ 0) 01 3g 5 S3 sr x u co • " e a 01 0) rH 0) X< 00 CM 4J * s .?£■; 10 H ►> ~ S -S “S ■“ n. xi 4-i O' o oi 3 H •• X M O n a co >, r- w 4-i is i-H O' CO 01 3HH 4-4 H-) vO CO C si2-si 3 C x: 1-5 O -H U CO I 4-4 CO I 3 01 X m ino-mMmomin-Joo r- c- —< r- -O' cm cm co —< co in miMCM<- CJ O I vi u o CJ m < O co vo o r- OO'O'OCOCOO'CO o cn COvO^TvOirisJH-C1 inO'OflOvO'OOrNC'J CTl CC C00'0'00' o o I o W O' CJ < cj o X o VO LJ CM 0) 4J O X c oo 2 O' h MinofowineovON Q''OfairiH'joc'vOio Q H'O-JNVtO'NO'DCl ov-nOfflinriHOOCo ' vO vO vO vO vO vj CJ 3 O •H VO n) • > O o X T3 0) 3 H O vO X O' O O - vO CO >v «w S O' - o o' o O' C) CJ HI C •• o CM CJ r-i O' CO VO 2 O' 2 w w o u Q z ooooo ooooo oooooo cm cm o' cn vo o co co co o m n s in o' n in m o-i vo cn vo nt nt nt -3- -jiflnnnH 3 vO vO vO vO vO vO vO >* < Q CO O' O H N CM n to o o o o o ooooo 1 Ol Ol CTl O' o o o o o o bi CJ O 0) W X X x o I o o x o • CJ 00 CO 3 0) m E CJ o X o < o oo X X oo •H 0) m oo to 2 •OOooOOO'tWO'COOO OmiMMNtMOO'OOOH •4-^-rjPvinj-tH^-^-O'-' t\i in OOOOOOOOOO ffl'CHOfn-O'OO'Oin (MO'Mrff'fNcomfM'O On-OHHHHHHO •ttO'CH'-lHHHCf'C 'J-aD'*mc*itnmfri--'c\j NOIMNOHOinCON •4-IMHHOvt ON-fH •Hi-liHHCO'^O'CD'O HNin^in-oiNcoao OOOOOOOOX'J- NOO^IMOMOhO Hiricn>oin>or-'Oa'H HHHH>roNH vfnooHO'HmiriO'tv o«oo'oH>t«a-fnm>t nNt'jininmt'iHHH Htvjtn^in^fNcoO'H 4 MONTHLY MEAN DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND.................. 1,990 1,230 RUNOFF,IN INCHES.................................................. A.09 2GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD._Digital-recorder tape punched at 60-minute intervals. Datum of gage is GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD-Crest stages only. Altitude of gage is 1,040 ft (from topographic map). 490.263 ft above mean sea level, Sandy Hook datum. DISCHARGE RECORD.--Stage-discharge relation defined by current-meter measurements bel iw 320 cfs DISCHARGE R2CORD.—Stage-discharge relation is a constant-fall rating defined by current- and extended above by logarithmic plotting. 334 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 X 43 83 o • 03 > (MnmO'O^-tmcMO'cc e tn c fO P P - p 3 “3 •J-'t'l-'tcocococofOnjCNj o p 4-1 p S o 03 • i X x p. d) 9. ( Mai p p E 3 d> >, E x OOP • >• P -H - X x to to X CO - Q Hdjin^in^MEO'OH oox XI 3 CJ 3 p b X! p p x oo C0 P DO > 2 x e o P X p 3 nt-me ,000 GPU 3 00x O cOw DO z o UJ CO a 3 CD to co '—'04 > omO'MO'ccuncMO^ ' XI < E X 3 O 3 m oi O m x r> cvjrciccf'-f— co.-1 f- -O m O P o U P X! co ^ - < J* CO XTJ O 03 ne 28 P 3' cO 03 o x • ** 3 UJ 3 to 3 CD CD • P co p. cj CJ X x X x 4h CO "■ co UJ O'CXjOJ-J-O'^HfOO'fOO' C O cn o X p e g 3 • d) o3 ■ - 4-1 CJ Z c O CO X) 4-1 UJ u, UJ r .2 C 4-J O U 03 Z X O CO 03 — X G*3 P -r-» lati 000 X O X O o a a d) « oo>—< £ X d> C 3 X oox x: X 00 < I < o xtMccisj-inxr-cDO'O p cO - 00 > O - -ge at X2 - 4ineoo®mOHfflo c_ 00 - c X •H CD i 3 NQ - -J t'' x> U1 uT, 00 CO 03 P' IN - G to 1 CO p E MC4 " P >sX- in 05 • E 1 CO x 03 < 3 X cn G X « p • X 03 P P CO C 2 P G u o W X cC > O ID CD co' -C 2 P 3 -C z coiniMd-Pi'J'OctiMo O'cor-X'Oxm. ininm *— UJ O I o 3 o 1 p X I c a H P X O cd x ^ O DO ~3 < u. • z 0) X CJ CJ X • 03 x: cn to 2 CT. 3 x _X 3 < X ^ CJ G i - s’ I u. u < x i Q UJ o C s 6' X < CJ a s xcvico^-in^jr-ccO'^. c z => cc O' in •O o ,0 >4 O O m o o c 4 Cl O' (\J |<1 lO co r- o vO -o —1 o o o o o o o •O •€ ■£) 43 -C «0 ■£> o «c cr m in vC vC m cc -c c o o c c o o —i ' mincuuNHOO CC^O'tM'OlNlO' H (\MM in N O’ o 43 10 P O0 G 10 03 P X X DO XI c 3 +-> P X* c o X 03 P DO P O P DO >, P X x p u > (O O X X3 3 G O P X 00 x 0003 P 10 O0 CO 43 ^•HOl g c x x o Q r-- 03 • in O' cc in in -o c-fNJCO'Oinr-m r^ocvcnccrsisj-in h (\j m N |\| ci ci •} o o o COO -I -C sf O —< nj oooooooo mo^ci^fnco m-fttciO'oiM't CCCHHMNN l\i(\,C\:C\,l\Jf'vJC\,<\j (\.rMnjnj(\j<\j(\jc\i I l l I l I l I XXXX'CX'OX I X • p Q 05 3 o c u ns UJ 05 10 X UJ o cj OS o < O o - CO 43 X l Ol r-l p i-h c 3 - P I X) oo • co a) V) to x 2 ai o w O X o o m o r- o CO O m o co co o n- r'^rvovo'crvococooo'o CT>0'crr^^Hcd00m<3- 0030'0"00"0'T'00 ONO’OO'O’OCOO'D X e> w a < o X S X JDS X 2 2 H M X Z X Z O < H S X X <0 3 G P u O P St G P. G g 510 5 E oo P X 3 2 P G S 3 E o o 10 x: co P G1 p X >- X X P E X T3 X x p E 00 o P 00 o CO P P • X z p 3 C P X G • p p. o C p P to cn G P G Tj p 3 CJ 00 P cn p 2 O. O X X E o 3 to 1 on o G O E -a o t- X X ccS r- P P X < E- p 3 P Z p X p o s E ~ oo P X < 3 O < T> G 05 DO

    X o P TJ X 4-c U XV G G O p p '—-io 3 03 05 /-n CJ P 3 3 X p < P P lx to* X x. CJ x O P CJ CO 3 CO CN Y TO X CO X 05 co CJ 3 3 oo G is < CO P 3 X OOP of g ^ to G 04 -3 X 3 CJ li 3 00 3 G 3 CC O O' • 3 H P 3 X p P U *“5 • G x < p E-i 53 G G ° < G X C G T3 3 x o co D. X lO X P H G G co m O' G O x 3 3 4h co P 10 p p ■g- u cn X - < X U x P u « E-c < x H P tJ u . o £ 36. 3 o G 04 S ■25 )RD ! P 3 x • p >3 Q U i x 00 CN 3 3 3 *3- to POX \ P E P o 1 CJ • UJ <; q£ 05 G P G ox 3 2 CO p p < P G G X ■ G X < s 3 O X 4c S X UJ 3 3 0 05 O ■ P 'V1 E < 7 i G P • O 3 Z X O < 1 E • G 2 P < X CJ UJ X UJ . to cj >-, cn vo o5 x 2 03 • to Z • O x UJ 3 2 O P x O P H X G <: CO CO p M cn) a> X O' -5 o CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCOfO w z _ E H 3 0> - 1 G CD 3 M z c CQ UJ 00 CO 3 G •H G • lACOW't.jWcoCOoCO ofMcc^-prtcrir. u^sj- 0 3 lo U X cn Q. UJ - E h X >n -MX o o - P cj HE G G CO 0 3 o X < O lm CD G G W P o > ; E UP o 2 ff) X C0C0CT'—'COCT'OOO',^- Q z •h 4> 3 • -a • o w o o U O 0 < o CM < uj h ' a) c c w CD H O P to u z X cj - O. O. W p h = 3 cO 3 H H 12 500 02 O o a LO -o- -H 3 3 O P I o x(\jfO«tlO^IPCCO'0 X CM oo O - M E X o' Q G co x hH X Ol PJ i CD CO O) XN 02 o C to Q i O 3 x I ^4 ■ O > Q ”c0 ' > to H to • XX 03 G 2 X lOCOOCOxfOO'iOfOx o I X OS UJ U3 fj O z> z z i 0 < x'p a> • 00 CJ UJ H '.X X z z ’op cj x oo 02 X < C HH X O CJ C x >- o O £ < HH J Q C3 Q s c MCMfr-JmiCs-cciTiH c 3 ) cfs O P • O (J vOO''0'0'j-Pro(Oroc\itri c\ O 6 CO o G C a> P P CO Pi Pi X • •4- 00 CM x H 580 f ream irals iieasu neasu G «• MP CM < P Pi X W CD Pi CO C C P • CJ O OJ O cr DA\ HNi'i'tcri'OMrij'OH CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMfMCOfO Z x o -h a) ore CD o 2 h a> i cp 3 M c CJ MO 3 __ GO M H < pi P P CD G W E E w G P 3 X > ^-CMCMCOpCO^-PcOO or . 2 30 an Cl anc. X ai X CL 3 ~5 UJ Q2 '4- ID Sg >s PE X ^ o o - m G G 0 O'CocoomrocM-4-xo o • z • < P cO O.P CM O X —> o • H O (D lo OP •* ^ to • (_) - co' • P OJ O ► 02 • o H CO to i-H G PN CD CD CD H+ o X • o LO to LO X 3 W CD o G P ID G p < I < Q xwifl^in-oMOO’O £; P G U CD p W CO CD M C0 CO W P to o M P CO X CD G Ol ■ M U E O to i-H W a x u z co • W • HO 3 C z >- OXfOlOsOXoCOcMO CJ • g E ME CD c 3 pifi^-OlO'Ox-OirvO x . LO x_ O' Q p co p. hH ” x X P P > Q CO ' >.C- 02 • o to Q i a> 3 x I • 4- p ■ OX Q u ' X to to p P • x G OP G 2 X CO O ffl O 00 O- iO x u*\ X O X X X M X C i C 02 H 02 O ►3 o i X 3 COCMfMCMCMCMCMCMxx z z . O ID X • o X z z O M O X P 02 X 2 CT. - H -H Z "i" O XX) 2 X X ux < OP CO CO X < z z X Q O Q S 1_|fMfO*4‘trv>£‘POCCT'X e>2 O 1 Q2 1 -O ■c o in p m d at CM I 1 >t O 1 M- CM CM CM p o X G 5 c 0) <7- O 1 X 00 G ID p ! o z 3 z O O 1 ^ CO O O O' co a> X G p O x i co co co CO CM CM o G rt 3 E Q 1 Lh E cn E UJ_, X 1 o in o in in o s G X E o HH 1 -J- O M- O p -4- >H CD w O G CD c i z 4-> ID o X i to P 1 CM •o -o CM CM p p p CM CM CM cn CU 3 G CD G Z D 3 CD < ci i i 1 •o >o •0 >C lO 1—) CD G < a. G H o w CJ G o 1 o s E CD - CD 31 H o 1 S g in o X 3 CD o X O 1 z 04 w w G P < 1 "t oocoto eo^-p o' o 3; E CJ o CL to i un O 1 CM CM 4 ^ p p < lJ ^ £ +J G 3 C-H H PN < CD H -o >> H - X X X 1 o CO CO O' O CO O P p •£> 2 w w H 02 3 CJ CM UJ 3 G o < HH I • • u.r • 'l °» ^ a E ^ g"p G CJ 3 CJ P 3 co I 1 p p fi HO OOP 3 02 id G CD o 1 n r! ^ : w c * G n z X1 1 6 6 co o ^ o poo co H S g g u w < p o 02 p CJ CD o cn Oh o ► P 1 CM 1 OOPPCM O P CM O 5S -X : a Ol - G p X e 02 X 1 CM P 1 CM co co CM CM o co co 4 4 4 in M CM CM CM CM CM CM -4- LH - o r^s tn h LO >H m X I £) v0 02 in •4- X CD oc P ID CD Jo W S p 3 G O * G o o r w rG o P O CD X a x ! G w p LO OOX w . < 02 ! -t H rocMO oopPincMpoo o p p . Q oo o 3 G Q ► X 1 PpPCMCMtinnCM n - E E W CJ P X Jo ! P CM co ™ CM cr p Z HP X a i W - CM w a. ■4- W cn z p ! O 3 O >. qi o w o O C 1 co i Jo in io 'O CO CO O' CM V i? Jo P G in 3 o so X c3 X i CM CM CM CM CM X 1 CMCMCMCMCMCOCOstin P w . a; "4 G +-> 1 o G 1 3 1 X i-i W 3 G w G < G X X | co ro co ,-1 O ! s < 1 CD CD 02 3 X o p i OHrtCMCM 1 OOOOOOppCM Z 00 w • X P Z c0'C^ cj cn' o s i <; 14 • HH UNO <2 X P z X Q 2 o CD -H w LH G CD 02 o o ° o O O O OOE 3 o o G CM I o lOCMH p to co §i Ih • UD CM lh z 6 cr CO CM CM CM P E 3 CD s o in G O l+H rt' a) p CM LH z X X O CX CM CO CO CM (O cm CM >0 cm m in in h E tw G X H G E ID G O x I to -J CO r CO CD 3 U CD w H /pX +-> G W H G CD Lh p G o) < o o z p 00 30 2100 2400 o o CO O o -t O CM o o CO O o O CM • a. w >H OO 3 *|H • to G z Ol +j P P C+H CD E ID > a) G 3 w G LO X o • CD P M o 3 Pi 3 • CO w >H X H ID Ol CHP — X < to ir\ to CM CM CM •O 'o CM CM CM O'H G 3 H CD H oox P Ol X G G p Q z G 3 E E X ' _ OH x 3 Z G G X HO 3 E G2 W lh o p G CD oo 00 CM cn o x to 02 O o O o O O O o O o o O z 3 P LH ° G oo • X p P s <2 3 GO FT PER i to o p co 'C tr O' in co mi •H CM CM CM CO co C’'1 CO O' in cm o> «4 pl^i p in m co E CREEK AT ng station County, on downstream Si 3 o X • p. to CD cm cn CD W 2 P G G p 02 0 o o as -x Z G >s W X o X I o o < H- .85 , 17 .80 , 30 in in cm o P -O P O' CM P CO 4 O CO P CM 00 LH 3 lh ID O 3 U 3 o X w G p W 3 G X 00 o z X 3 X o CM I-H Hi O O' 00 p p so •<> in hJ -H P 00 CD W 2 CO -H 4 -4 P <4 CM O O CM W W -H w •» e H G Z o : -=r CD -H P • G a G O H •iH G +J G H X ID - OC 14 G X oo G H <2 W W Uh •' CD X G - 2 5 o : x o 02 < < CO (O CO CO CM^^OJ co co co co CM CM CM CM to -4 ^ -4 CM CM CM CM W ciS •M to - G CD S G E CD O oo w H to G G - O OH O G X o •C O -C 'O •o sb -c •O -£> •£> -O o o O O 0) 00 +J CD G G Q to CM 00 P W -4 G O M G ifl G G o P 00 P P o CM w G 14 1 OX +J o E w Q P Ol *4 H 00 E o w G < 02 < X in csj cm m •c O' —1 >c CO CM ■* *0 -t O P -c ooooooooo OOCCPppOOO O'040'OC0IMC0CD W G <—» Q O 3 P I Ol o G CM O 14 P o oo i X CM CM CM CV CM co 4444tn4)®0'0 H* G G G G O w O G G H G nj e | _ w W G H-3 00 £ X o o © o C O O0O0O0O0O i CD W <2 X o 1 f 1 G X o o o o o —i p a- ChHh CM CM OOOOOOOOO COO'p4'C®OCM'4 OOPpPpP'CMfM Z E CD O -H X PN U W P cj w < I DISCHARGI and by cn x S cn X P Z CD • O MAS X CJ c X < c cm CM CM (\J ilii CM CM a CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM CMcmCMcmCMCmCMCmP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'C.C'O.C'C.O'O-C'C < G O u o w o J p w s s Q CJ X H P CD < G G CJ X CJ o X z a Q GAGE-HEIGHT RECORD-Crest stages only. Altitude of gage is 896 ft (from topographic map). DISCHARGE RECORD.--Stage-discharge relation defined by current-meter measurements below 3,000 cfs and by contracted-opening measurement at 9,260 cfs.(886) 04220384 OREBED CREEK NEAR STANNARDS, N.Y. (899) 04220500 DYKE CREEK AT WELLSVILLE, N.Y. (Miscellaneous site) (Gaging station, discontinued 1960) LOCATION. -Lat 42°01'37", long 77°56,15", Allegany County, at upstream side of bridge on Graves LOCATIONLat 42°07'14", long 77°56'13", Allegany County, at bridge on Miller Street in Road, 0.7 mile upstream from mouth, and 4.2 miles southwest of Stannards. Wellsville, 0.6 mile upstream from mouth, and 1.2 miles downstream from Trapping Brook. 336 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 P E o houi tele rge :t 3 O P o rt X 00 CM CM 1.20 reme 8 ft ip o X rt CO P X CO O -H U CO 11, ( ing X 3 3 cp di z> ~i cnocnincO'OO'irir-vtoo rv rf 3 cm 0) fH rt to • 3'HCO G S 9 rt>W rt x iea !»0 8 p ® ip p 00 P up •p 3 G p rt o rt X P G p 3 P ' ' 3 -H P UJ oooooooooo c O' G G 3 O 3 o rt 3 3 O OOO'tfClf'-rOOO'CM •£ G. -H O P X o to rt 3 M P ^ o o O O'vO'O vOcOppp p p p CM c\ 3 > 3 3 U 3 o P X CO O X *p *—c O rt to G 3 3 CO P 3 3 X

    G co 3 P 3 E- < - •H XI -H E "3 P P P P 3 cc —i ^PoOt^POCOOCCOCO 23 Ju cd p o P G P U CL -5 3 CO > 3 3 X rt p 3 U OS 3 rt P^! rt S *-5 O x X 3 G 3 P 3 P

    OT ftUP c •H O -3 X * b b p os • CO E rt P 3 PC P o a (DOW O0 P -H pj - X 00 P P X rt 3 • P 3 3 3 X PE rt < < rt -H o o O P3 £ P 3 P o pppppppppCM UP” Pv X W 0 o 6 g. P cb G •H P vO o OOP p >P P ’ x 3 is £ > P w o E P X O co _ _ p < — .H 1-1 to P rH ”3 G O p p X >- ooooooooco s N SN CM O VO • : o mi OO 3 l' -3 3 C o o 3 cco«croif'if''f sf- in bs LO 3 - G bs Q o'p O i—1 Ip 0 3 rt G. X P O P o o XX 'T > HOOD ci rt o 00 _• CO G p 3 • G O CO co < 3 G rH CM 3 CO G33G O p rt • P Q O • G p p p cm rt p CM 3 3 o o o £ ci lo "3 UJ inoovooopmcocovj-co c I X 3 p Ol G X X X ^ 00-H x G 0J G U Ol rt rt p o 3 2 2 < i o, I (U • £ 3 £ i rt • E < 3 CO 3 P E U O i UJ ° 3 X P co rt' - >p a e U- X IN 3 2 U Ol 3 6 _3 3 X o’ 3 OS X p S rt 3 ° ° ° >■ 2 2 ”3 O f- G 2 i G P 3 O n: -3 s V G G > o X 2 Q 3 3 E X! rt < 3 co « rt X Q ^ G 3 "0 b b p z rt x Ol < Q pCMcO'tlTlvCpeCO' p 2 c X 2 a O o O C c C C«1 o o o o o o CM •€ -t CM £ if ir o o o o o o o o o o CMNj-CCCM't H H rt M IM O O -O vC >o O O O O O O CC N -t OOcOoOoO OOOOOOCO P-CVcCoOcC OICiH'OHhfMO' CO O' O' O ^ f oooooooo oooooooo O'pffiirixo'p.j' OHrHHrtHCMCM O'C'O'O'O'O'O'O o IT1 o o o o o •J- (M «$■ CC >£) o o H H H H (\J O o o O o o o O o o o o o o o HICOHNCO^ O X CM CM CM CM CM ■c *C *C *C 'C *c OOoOoOOO OOOOOOOO CCCCcOCC HlHlftMOOfM (O (T, (M M CM r. OOOOOOOO oooooooo ro-O(X)'- 3: p O

    G o 22, « W co o u G 3 UJ 3 U G. 3 X 3 U 3 3 G LM P CO OS 3 CJ X o £ x co DS 3 o u 3 G < -H X '3 O 3 U E me .47 3 p O X co >3 P X O OS 3 X G co 3 G X 3 G P 3) 8— O 3 X C P 3 3 c 3 Z * 3 C 3 3 G rt P CO -H tp rt U G rt 3 OOP 3 *3 < rt OO o co X G X rt rt co oo rt G 3 Q rt 00 <0 X o X 3 p - 1-5 W P 3 G u P X p X P 3 -H P E 10 p 3 G u X p OS p 3 3 *3 3 p p u CC P 3 E X

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X X 'S' t~- 10 t-~ rt O X P X o- X t". 3 rt X o o X u CM I'' 3 t-~ 3 p rt X u o £ X CM 3 t^- 3 CM oor~- w OOP co P oo OOP G rt co G p •H "S' o 00 u co G •H o w G-rt 3 p Q o E Q > "S' o o > Q ° P O Q P3 O rt P T3 3 Ol Q p X ^ X •H OO •• 5 P - 3 TUI Cl E E o G - 3 mi w E Cl _-rH- E * o O X vO 3 Ci CM M 3 C O vp CM O o 3 CM 3 X 3 P CM 3 o 3 CM -3 CO 3 ^ rt X 3 P 7 *3 "S' o o ; *3 o P •3 p P CO ■ P 3 3 't' P P ! ? rt P G \ 3 X P oo 0) -G Cl < § 3 G 3 •3 • -Lat >rd Br < os •< 3 P C rt 3 -P •3 3 • G, . - -Lat le wes over. < X cC < G 3 *3 rt O, X 3 i 3 < X CC < G > 3 O *3 ' S • o co a, X 3 • 1 co 1 3 "3 • P P < X < G 3 >3 rt C X rt i p 1 C/5 < X OS < G 3 3 X 3 • 1 3 1 3 O • P O c •H G G 0? 0 OS X-< G -"3 X (J W M3 as /x -X E O as /-> G -X G X os 0 E O G 2 o >> to G to OO 3 w « 2 -H X 3 M TJ w . 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OS < E-* OS G S3 t G s 1 G < X to ; ^ < X 0 ; ? ! E < ? 1 4) 4) < > 0 < • o 2 UJ CJ UJ X CJ X C/3 X3 X 2 G X 1- X >N CO X) 2 0 w x S O s S z 0 UJ 2 X -H X O E X 0 s O -x T3 H ttS X < 2 UJ X OS 43 £■» MUM 19 15 ^ i < 2 X < X "3 l3 H 3 < 2 X < W X s x X E-* to < 2 1 E- X O < 2 ! H 04 < • < 2 =) s < o CJ G O X s Q GAGE CJ G CO ctS Q X ■'* i U X o X i Q GAGI CO 3 Q X $ U 3 0 X i Q 0 < 33 CO X Q X U 3 O X 3 Q X s CJ O to 0 X 3 Q I CJ to 0 X 3 Q X £338 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 lg G - O t O P «/5o©oOoOoOoOoC>OOoO KOOOI,'-IO'Of'lH!ClCOiOO'mh l-OHOO'C»in^fnMMI'NKmcOm ZrOCMrHC'COr'-.©in»t.*f<', rO(\JCMrHP O p p p in cm r- m ec r\i >ocecr-'f-.©inin't«t(r'c*ifnfvjC •£ «C •C^C-C^-C-C'C-C'C-C'C-C'C Dam a Ci CT3 G > Ol ,—. G -Gw X O G X G Oil in o oooqoqoooo°o o O o o G - m ft w >; (/) CCJ £ 3 G 3 G -H z >o XGCOCMO'O'OCOin-.COO cc -a G G 23 o ca E z CO 2 P 2 m O ca 2 G mean , 1955 25 (e tion, H H C 01 •H 3 O i—1 P, 00 CJ P IT) 51 O U P. 3 FEET, H -O Z o o COCCHHOCOO-OrHOCMCO H11NOMCMHO cm ro co ro co on rH z o *t — o ror^cMrHrHcoororoomcM HHCMrHrHODrHinrHO-'tCO .75 ,35 z © p ■p G tO ^^ CJ Sr- ca G CJ 25 p. o H 2 3 O 2 UH G CO E cO P gage i ted Jan hours I960 (e G rH *rt 51 f H 0- SWAIN, nued 15 G 21 G ige hei] height C/3 VO < Ol Z rH < CJ P p , on ri least o E O G LH os < uj G G G w 3 3. , of co w o 3 G O - P Ol LO ■H-OO CJ 3 51 • 23 If) LO O > 51 £ H G < G G DO P w a < G UJ *H X G G G 22, 7. uj CJ G 0) Datum table igine -ft 1 \pr. ca lo p T3 G Q if) G G H Z o o O GCOO'OHCMCOJ'lfi-OGCD HHHfMIMNCMCMfMCMNIM (fOH cm ro ro X CJ UJ If) OS T3 3 O CJ p «a C X o UJ CJ uj m 3 G O cj in p June , 196 21 G p if) E w p X G G CVH -H • XMH G G ca z L0 o oqoooqooooop O o G 3 Oi CJ P c'-H fs 28 . 25 •HO CO i « Z "O COCMCMCO-CHCM'trrCOCOCM rH -J- ds o P Sc ° . OS o 2 H > - -J P G - G cO G oo 2 n capac Corps 22,600 )0 acre jravity :ontrol ;en ele )9 acre P N FEET, >- H fO Z CC O CM CJ vO'Oino->oinin«a-CMfMrHO' r-23'Om^-cocMrHOC'covo (MCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMrHrHrH •O fO m -a S G uj ca G in o LO P < 700 cf: Mar. 5 S ° UJ G co ca < G Z -a- LU H _J OX'O-tO'ONCO-fO^H •acfimiflcCKMNHHHOO r-f-HH-Hr-r-o-o-r-r-o- in o O' O' vO o •H- i O G , 51 LO schar; 720 i O O0 23 CJ H- ca tr- O C" P. G CO ca -=a 25 -O LO w s 00 O 25 G f 2 §*-H O G OH C_1 4) ^ UH G in O CJ _j rH CJ Ol 0025 G G O 3 £3 P o G*P O o P W O 51 E - 3 : 25 E q mi. G p & G co 3 •• O G 10 CM CJ G t-~ Hco C0 301 O 5) rH O Q P CXI G G 25 >- rENTS >580 oooooooooooo i^o=M,j-ir, rHv3-a.cOsOCroj ‘Mv3-'3'oC7'n23cnmr—ocm c O CO CO ro in E r E E cm 25 O 21 q mi. CM 25 r- cj oi m Ol O G G - O G LO 3 • GG rH •• G ■ V OS P O C CJ P ■ ca p ■ X S3 G 0) cfl in 01 XP •H C G rH Gag< inec Z> -i z O -4- >-. vj- -4-i— tnO'Gco'Oroo-oH'O •oO'-tf'-ocoO’cc^iMccH o -a in O' Z t 42 stre ne-J tima 1965 eak. H- -3 [ ne-J 19 6 f ■ -Lat 2.0 m > ups < UJ 0=5 OS G UJ H O 3 CJ m p O UJ P i G -Lake E Eng :apac if sp tes. • w Z #| | LEVA! 595. 't^-r-cocoHHHr-occco' O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O'O' ininininininmcninincnio O O' O' O' in m z c o 3 P. rJ 3 1 P < UJ tx < 3 m p. H P O 1 G cm l >-, o- ca g —1 1 G i O < UJ X < - - Ju l to _• 5i cj o G • CM 1 o rt rH O in z Z -H UJ WHPH Z 51 UJ CO o O GP H O E H > CJ < 2 2 O. ■ G HO 2m Z CCJ 33 rH W P. 2 co tn h w X P.23 51 51 OS G 03 G c ss. UJ G UJ o H to < z S2~2 rn p 3 rH p1 H -h < G < z 2 rH 5 OS -a- O -J 2 Q GAGE Cc Z o X s i ^ U 3 ' G OS O CJ O u •a m < X CJ CJ o o rJ i S3 X > H $ o -J 2 Q 1 „. G G p m LH E E p O. u in 3 to E ca E 62 <4H P o p CJ ? G ca - o 25 rH E ca G - ca X) G os E la 00 m G rH G G 3 ° O, o G N 00 G P > ca OO ca G E p LH P 25 G G •H E 3 o 3 O P E X ca CJ LH rt ca o G X o G G E S in «J- WNhHhHhH si Sgggg sggggggs sc X nj o r- ^ cm nmNNiM <7- IT. iciWh^c O TIME 1600 1900 2100 2300 2400 0200 0600 0800 0900 1500 1900 2300 2400 DATE 6-23 6-23 6-23 6-23 6-23 CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM AAAAAAAA 3 S 1 Q iiiiili mu SStSg si gssgsss SSSSS m o >o cn m CO m CM CM CM CM CM SKSSS TIME 0300 07 00 1100 1300 1600 2200 2400 0200 0300 07 00 1000 1200 UJ CM CM CM CM (M CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM S AAAAAAA aaaaa 1 3 g Q si Isllsllllli sssssggssss >4->a->tincccM*frini'-roo sllslsillll OOOhHHhh(MNM CMCMCMf\jCM ooooooooooo o -j- < o o c m 4f •tnCMCMHHoOO' p r-NHinmmcMHO'Mn o o 00 X 4t « O 3 ~5 C5CICICICIC1C5CICICM h-r~r~«tmfncnrricMCMCM o -4 ^4 4> in X ► 1- « -i o o o X o o in c O' S to in • z oooooooooo Of^OOOOOOO-4 c CM o O Ul I S s a Cl Xo o • 4) CM ai o-x ai z H>oo'0'inffH40'fo inmco-d’CMOO'-o-d-'t p cM®®-jtMO'f~inr'0' re 1- II 1 3 O P o ai -5 ci-d-'O'O'O'Oininmin CM HnHin®4jntMOO' < u o z X 1- o o 4fr -4-CM CM in 40 o ■4- CM tw o « < a) O m 3 rH O 3 ro ro 5 O' DAY H(M(C|'t®'ON®0'Ow CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMcncn < < o 1 i •O 40 1 •o 2 UJ o X >4 c/> cO 3 ai e ai 4-j +J U Q1 3 3 > 3 3 *-» < o ^nCMci'tin'Or^coo'O CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCI o z o z o m oo ♦-> XI U o o UJ 2 41 X 4-> 3 r- !✓) >- OOOOOOOOOO cc cc < X o O o O O O O O o o 41- 500 X OS on I.S. 3 u <4H •H 41 £ Ul O o • o i-c > HoO'0'®«i'n'£® P t'n-t'Cr"0'J04on CL u ■c UJ X o in • CM 05 u- “5 d-j-cicicicicicicr, ci oocoooccoooooocoh-r~ -4 n-4 -4 ^4 -* 3 O 2 o 4-J u UJ UJ si 1— o X rt y O lO z “■ o o O' 40 £ -d- in 67 X r, S -a o -h « co p UJ z r-^HOXO'-HOOOO c CD p o uj X ci in >o oo n n n n o -t o -t UJ o h m rt m X 4) 4) out® 3 ro ft Apr 1— I o z eo4t--4 1UX t .91 ft I “3 nnnnnnnmnn IN . £ in oo cm -j- >*- -I" ° E 4i -h o 40 s UJ Ul o PFR o UJ Cl Cl Cl Cl -t in £ 21” 1.9 ro x 6 +-> • 3 4) *■> X 'fr • sq o < o < X DAY H(MCo -0 X «o CM 1 40 CM 1 40 CO o - Cl P Hi ro a •a u 0 4-> 2.71 J < o ^HfMcir-m-on-coo'O HHHHHHHHHUJ in CM u to p- o o C® < o u o on M 00 ai 41 z cc o UJ £ 3 |h ’/ 41 P CJ ' * UJ X >- oooooooooo Nonhn.jff'n'O-j u < cc < X 120 280 750 120 6A0 120 CTl ■H X CO £ ro g ro +j 3 0 00 CM CJ U 3 —J ®cMCii~"4cion®c- CMHOO'®h-®dClCM p OttinO-MM^-tO® m o m- m cr •H Id OJ 05 U “» inmm4d-^4j-4t4j-^-4}- ®r-c'0f'0'ff‘0'0'® UJ c UJ u o - UJ m ■ 3 rt 4J z h- O- G • X 1 f-H 05 2 u o c 32 78 12 — Cl m ro oS o uh U4 UJ ooooinooiMOin o X 1- X ti uj X r- r- o 4* O' CM CM s 3 4-1 -H rt • < C_3 O 4-1 WH Cd QS 0 ro 3 2 3 ro Q1 UJ z 0'40CMO'-J O^onn d't'tnicicicMCMrHH P ®HinHO'oO'M'-o z z I Ul X o in o in in o ■ 2 X i O 0S < H 4-1 - X i- 1 4-1 < “5 ClClCIClClClCIClCICl X IN UJ r; O O' -J-OhCM Cl Cl r-4 CM CM o 2 3 3 BIG 23 rve CO VO r'n ¥ u < w p X t-> "H < 2 X 01 CD i 3 m OS DAY • •••••• 4.0 rtCMcr^-m'Of^CCO'4-4 1- c z z c p x a c 1 1 1 - oo +j ro X i"- o> a> .-i oo oo o to vO Z 05 X S 4) T3 t- 3 V rt 4i 6 i-h ro 4) e * o x • S3 4-» O C T3 3 o a> u X c’e 1/1 ^-4 0x63 o U 3 O l/> « 4-> X o Q.A in E O id ♦JO X P.O 6 > X « U X > 41 41 X U 4->x u a> C +J CO i/l •H a> c c 3 o 4) O U HI C'l •o 4> ; I- X o s I O C O l/l 4-> 3 U •H 1-5 -o C 00 X CO X (/) X 41 Q h 3 *j 4) 3 € 4) 3 U t/> 3 C0 co 6 3 i 4) «J O. 3 O a> ■ U T3 U 4) 10 CO <4-1 4) U M X 3 O 0 <0 £ 4) 10 OO CO CO 4) - oo ro -H • ro X 41 O r-4 CM 0 rH Tt +J -H rt > •p ♦-> in .--153 sc i 3 0 i O C® 41 • X u > Q rt O OS O X X OO U rt U® id WHH4J ORD. - -Sts e-area m< ne-July ! 1916-68, at diffei i i i i i i i uj i inffd rt to 3 x ro i 3 Q < g-H 2 P <4-1 o H4>t)0 Up. 3 /—> OJ o 1-1 <0 - £ os x i x cm ro Z 1 X CM CD P 1 Cl CM H 2 41 O O 00 M U U 2 U X OS X < X ”3 IflEH*/ S3HI0 P O 05 3 son J CO (0 X <4H OOOOOONClI/W O ooh-h H IO >0 O' 00 o 00 ITl lMfMCMCMCMC5CMCM.-.CI •ON® OOOOOOO co 00 n- h -9 o J cvj h h -4 ^ l\J -4 -I H -4 hnio •4-in^f-ooO'O h(*io -c cn m o t»n«or^oco'»-< I OO 1/5 Q X o z z « — x z > * I I- o I Z Z I C P I O O I < •-* I O UJ I o o CM Cl m o 0,0 ci o O * O O CM CM CM CM I I I sC •£ -0 oooooooooo i >oininini-ou'>'tO'in oo'J'inino'cno'iM^H I f-^t QO-4HHNNCMCMCM I ■G'C'O'G'O'G'O'O'O'O O O O O co cm r- in in in in o H>f HO cn r~ vt o o o CM i o o o o o o - o -4 C ,c 'O -c «c in o o o o ■J n c'l o o CM O 00 4-< *t o o o t o o U CO 4) 3 X oo C 3 rt o u 3 X 4-J in as in Q X 4J C 3 O 3 U O £ < °°- u o X VO 41 05 t-1 X o m O -H 00 Q •H 4) Q C U O UJ X OS c«STREAMFLOW DATA 341 E ip O .07 E P 30C >• MCl44lllOlC\4lMHH HHHHfMlMHHHHH O' H cn pH in 0 in P E 0 r H rt me a ean 0 P rt oo 3 O 0 in ip o 0 J3 OI • - p 3 o > Pl o o ■3 E 3 P « P P Mh UJ r^HOEMMCOCDCMN 4" cci -3 X P rt p P Q 0 E rP 0000 X —) t- in cm h h - P ip O ip o P p: C' X • o in in o - Z O rH ^ rt 0 rt p: CM - P

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    ooomooooo in cp 3 O P W O o 'm 3 —> «0 CM CO CM p p CM • w o 00 T3 P W P O O. o p o lo x: • p p O Q P o o WO O rH O W U 3 OS "3 3 o a> OO - 3 £ CM UJ P O 0-. o CO z S3 P OX o • o p •rH to -< o w 3 -J z O ^ X W •3 x: 'O rr o li- CJ 3 *H •H W xs CM O 3 ;H 3 W 00 X -H 3, CJ r-t K tp u cd P«rH 3 X ^ £ b o < 3 Z CmhhhhMCINCMh 2 gS H2 o < O £ H (x 3 x: o •-> o >

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    ^jCMcn-tin'Opcco'rH U 3 O 2 Q X s CD 3 q 2 Q X i (948) 04233250 BUTTERMILK CREEK NEAR ITHACA, (Miscellaneous site)STREAMFLOW DATA 345 ,-H 4-> p . wOO to P p P tO 3 •>- o to HH " re 3 'tf (0 3 3 3 2 CJ P P < o G s to 3 £ to o o re O 3 rt o re g g o re CTl 3 G E < 3 •H p 3 " 3 re p 3 00 <; X p P re ai *4-4 s re O p £ C_J rH 8-* p re 3 3 3 t-' -H p 3 Z '—• P OO < p 3 a OO • 3 p 3 P 3 '-h X P X p 3 z 4-> 3 •H O 3 re OO 3 p 3 o 3 a <4-1 „ G < T3 p P > -H < E P +J 3 tO 3 3 < 5 3 u 3 3 X P U UJ 6 o < 3 aj tO 6 <4-4 P OO C_) o a < P o £ 3 CTl 3 3 z o o < 1-1 „ 00 i U P 3 o re 00 00 i T) o X H 3 £ p 3 < 3 (J E to XI £ G < G o re 3 w H to P G OO " 2 2 3 o H O to to 3 O oo oo re p re to 3 re to 3 p *H p CO '—< re to £ 3 r-N •r4 p 00 >. g < p 'c P •> p *4-4 f-H ‘ S " E O > G p 3 /—s " P 3 /-p H O X >. tu 3 rH < 3 >s-H P O o X • 3 3 < 3 X 2 3 X “ < -H a re O rH P P P P 3 -H P 3 OO u to o H p P P 3 P P 3 +-> G 3 3 < P G P re CM 2 G O UJ P G H re 3 3 oo 3 ^r 3 10 3 >> 3 3 00 3 CO 3 H to 3 to UJ a o oo 3 C G "3 cm 3 O P CM US p O O 3 3 tO O P H O 3 P 3 to U -H P 3 3" aS m U -H 3 to U E p G 3 3 to O tfl CJ G O z o ■3 3 CM 3 3 3 o •3 • 3 O H 3 U re 3 3 3 w 3 3 to o to 3 OS 3 to £ a 10 3 O m a o oo G 3 a 3 O 3 U P 0.3 3 10 P. 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Z c X s a o o 00 x x <\i —• ■* o o a- cm .4- *4- p o «4 -4- O' CO co co o o o o p ~t O CM O O O O ■t hit O cr- oc p p o o o o •h -4- o CM o o CO o .H -4-O CM CM CM I I x x o o CO o p *4- o o o o o xpo.4-.4- CM O O' CO P »fi CO H H -* —• co co t~- tn ~J 3 J c < -H u a 3 G o o a u U in S3 z a US a 3 to p a> +J 2 co 3 c a 2 3 o o a (0 ■M 10 G 6 re Xi to XQ a o G « 32 CMCMCMCMCMCMCVCMCMCMCM I I I I I I I I I I I sOXxX>cX>ciXxX>o H 10 < a. cj 3 oS a) 3-d u c a 00 3 -h 00 o u re 3 3 re 3 G 2 to 3 •H 3 P 3 to P u o < ►- O a ffl -f J- X r- x -4- «t't U oo re O P •H O 3 a G •H 3 CTl a cm as oo re o •H a 3 P p to G P 3 3 XP O P TJ ®3 30 u 2 re X a o z 3 305 24fi 115 115 115 117 113 111 111 111 z o o Z w O 1 re a a 3 a • p a u oo 3 a G P E 3 3 a • to P P 3 • X G -H X) 3 O P a z a z X rH S o m a o o o p O if) in O 3 p G G 3 a oo C/J G re G G 3 - 3 ax p •h re a o re P E p re p 3 £ p M- o 3 3 a OS a P ^4 ^H CM O O o p CM O CM 2 P u " a = p x o •h a a a re o x a p a •" us c o " to r 3 to P •h a a a re o P P -H ■«4- U E P 10 3 3 re x > a> - o os X os p CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CTl ~ T p 3 3 o a - E p 3 3 3 P P 3 M. T3 3 P 3 p 3 X o •HCMcO'i-inxr-cca-o a X Q XXX X X X X X X X X £ LO 3 o o P * x a x ° 3 o o P X O 00 00 3 3 P 33 00 a oo X> P p E to 3 OOE P 3 3 to CM 3 x to 3 P O tfl 3 00 E P 3 3 3 3 O ooa G oo re 3 00 P ■ P re re p PS x 3 3 X) re X u e 3 a to P a 3 P a z o CO Q O a 00 o G • O CM to 3 -H U P to re •H 3 a oo o re a " E 00 o G tM g O P o re a 3 -H U P to re •h re ? a 3rX L) o P G ■h ooxi re 3 to X a o < os rH P CO X CM rH o o o o o O O O •H "XI •H 3 ■ -H P 3 tfl cm a a oooooooooo z * X cm c«i in I-H X X x CM x r- o " G r re E to 3 i p 3 P 3 CTl to w m " re : 2 E E to 3 i p 3 cm a ^ p CTl 3 H- P - a CT“ to a a oo 3 US G re 3-a p P O O P 3 CTl re a o a a 00 Q •H |H |H P CM ■* r~ fi to U re a a p re u LO 00 3 -•HP to u re 3 a p •• p CM CTl p- G tH o a’ 3 i a p p 1 3 3 to P CTl 3 P 3 OO i z P a i OKl-f •H -4 CM CM CM cci X sj- r~ -4- r- H- 3 o O o a . > i o 3 ” X tfl o X 3 X a ■ > i o P CTl 3 P " 42 ll‘ O i a o p i X p oo oo ► < •- . ^ ^ o a re i P G ; o a re i >sP P 3 UJ O p O O P! G 2 2 a iflOCMCMOOrJ-CClOOCM O X i I -i a o a o a G p a b 3 s o a G 2 • a p UJ ^ p uj G Pa a o ,H a CClCClCOCClCClCOCClCClftlCCl z z a p UJ a i a o a -h a a a a o re • o Z p < w x a CJ IH XJ u oo " re a p to ps a x re x> 3 • X X z X X 003C 054? 070C •tf’ 't P O' c OOP C O .H X o N -J •} t- J- <4 a <4 >4- O' O OOP ■ E • re Z 3 < a X o 3 a a tj X • X co x i o • X Z 3 • < a X C3 3 a a CJ X • x a co x p346 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-^IULY 1972 P G 'p. p 43 G c M Lp P M • >P 43 SX 43 • in > AS O P M in p s - g - G M OO P u • p h>

    P 33 P G M O P O sx o erne 790 p X r-- CO 43 X 43 o p P M LO >P X LO X m in (X p M - D 33 n righ stream o 43 LO P g G P P OO 43 -H P P 43 00 G P S3 rH U4 CJ 33 ^ i oo p, 33 G •H M M E-43 43 -H P P 43 OO w U4 -4 S3 Q bridgi and 5.. is 690 rent-mi d over 43 P 00 P G OO OO G w sq X SX < z E-* - m g O SX 3 Si M M 3 OO OO cvj °° H -H < p G P O G M LP 00 00 OO 2 1= O OS -H p G - X p oo M G 3 G U '—'03 43 tO 03 H < h P W -H p E- rt < p Count) 3 mils

    oo CJ -H 2 T} G O in M (AS O P P W G OS P M 33 33 3 LP LZ sj CJ o P 3 Lp P OS P P Lp 3 p Lp 33 P P x p, u < O G > « cj oo G G G P G P P 33 . < p X P E- ■ m p P O G P 33 P U o in (AS P sq p S3 00 2 „ G O M O P < G O O M O G °0 2 < p cj in X -H g ,95C Fet P4 in 3s P M X P - P < G G O M P P 03 X tv. U m p sq u oS in o O -H O P 3 U CO > X P G p in X - u p o oo LO G 04" 1.0 i, 1 cfs fJ O LP’ O Tl- O 43 - 3 X G O P to CO w cn g -3- p K) G -3 P o oo 77022- East G O P rge re above. charge 1,370 to T C-4 P -3 in O P O 'G rH G icharge 1 cfs. 1,520 tO Tf O P w in t'' p G O in M 43 00 P 3 00 o M M G 43 OOP M G -43 P U OO in m to TT o G ^-\P CO to p OO G G 00 G P G 43 G U O Q P HU G oo o G 33 •HO » Q LO P 4) OOP G g o p in 43 P O in ;s Q 43 LO 1 O 4> in in -h M* 03 ° u P M 03 P 43 p o in 43 VP (/> p M CJ - X : G 00 £ g cr in p M 33 G p p 00 X • • G Ti- P -64.2 J S3 oi o p in u ! g • 43 S3 P Q X 3 •• T co i 4) to P o in o p to 3 ■H- 43 o OOQ X G 3 P •• T G 03 i M 4) - TT o X CH G Ti- 3 43 --29.3 Q OS O CJ m c i o • p S3 G CrS P Xtv p 03 3 p T ■ X P G - -Lat on Sta AREA. - CJ sq OS E- X OS -H O M CJ G UJ 00 OS O P 03 G P 3 T> O i P , --Lat Le soul < U4 SZ < G lp P 3 O T> O > O . - -Lat te Hig! < yj rZ < w s* H X CJ O 3 CJ SX sq g S3S o u sq C 2 3 ■-3 O i P LOCATION. bridge DRAINAGE CJ W X w CJ < CJ 44 CJ X OS 43 X 33 CJ C w g S3 MAXIMUMS. 1959 LOCATION. 0.5 mi] U4 CJ < z s S3 MAXIMUMS, extensi 196f LOCATION of Sta Creek. 0J CJ < z 2 Q W X sq CJ 5 DISCHARG and by MAX IMUMS 196 ^ C fl O P P P W tn O 4) , t tvj - -r^r-'OO'O-OvO'O-C'O X M X G T) o u wp G in O P lH •H P P p > x H«C u p W G SX O0 6 3 O X •HUTJ G p d 0} ctj g P 3 P o M SXA! w u P G O AS G X g M J h 3 3 4-. 2 • o •H E 6 P O G H trii'H uitr\u'iir\iriv0'0'0'0'0 h M m ^ in r oo m o G - x oo G P -O O 43 H P 3 -GO = oS LO O g p •POM CO M P X X in Q G ■ G i 0) • g O > cj o sq 43 0) as p MOP < O G inir\ini^iniT'iniAir>'0 00 S3 G o s O M S3 OO 00 X 03 00 O 33 CJ P yj 33 OS G T O P 03 E- in £ < SX CJ 3 r- CJ tO 3 C/3 3 rH P as S rt > 2 Go < P G 43 2 rt cj G ti cv rr. -t in o m ec a ■-* O o H T) < G C_J G LOCATION-Lat 42°36'19", long 77<:,24,47',, Ontario County, at bridge on State Highways 21 and 245, 0.1 mile southwest of Naples, and 0.15 mile upstream from mouth at Eelpot Creek.STREAMFLOW DATA 347 CD x: 5 CCCCoOCMCMCMCOinCC CMHHOO'CONOin-1' * p 3 > CM 10 3 cccoccccr-r~i^r-c^h- G O > X CD 3 +-> CD 3 3 3 O X UH 10 re P. >nhH 3 O co 2 owcMOXinHincMin cor-40'Cor"04cd(*i +-> CD re co CJ -3 X o 3 r-cooooooooo (J CD CD CO O -H 10 z o 10 G rH O CD 3 3 < z> o -3 CD .3 mterv >is of of ga o -O re 3 ID re < Q HCMffl.tinoMDff'O CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCO Q 3 re g Sh vO CM < 2 10 H-> ' H-> 3 cd re g CTl x> O' d « ffl- ■rH +-> O r CD H-l ► (MH00'CCl''C'f'10C'l H < - 3 >. OO ■ G • in o * g • re 3 SJ 3 O'O'CTCOCCCOCCCOCCCC UJ 3 3 3 -3 -3 0) +-> CD CX 3 JO reg 2 J U « b 'HH < o ^rt CD 3 ft f1 * b b co g 4 13 O 2 ncciccircircivt'JM-M'in < a h-> O c 3 O H-I (X u CTl • • CTl X ■» r—r— i— r— r^i— r^r~-r~-r— 5 CO P 3 3 rH - g < r •, CT) -H (962) r—C - CD ; * co re 3 _J • TUI bs -Digital )urs Junt ige from CM Q Ol P 3 3 C 3 p re -Area c by ci1 JUNE (D-ram-ocMinr-OH o>Oinin^-^-fcifnffic»i • J OK) MU) • CTl . CO o o o < UJ *H X CD 3 C S CTl X rH 2 CO ID CZ H-l < s U CD o —1 i a GAGE Ju re me i S = UJ cZ < o HCMfc,4ir. wr-ccaH W O'ino'p-iHO'HCMccocM CM in CX co E X 3M-CM0'3-tCMO0Cr~CO 3 -U X 3 ^ ^ ^al 1 .00 f1 X OOQ O -H O 3 • X 3 • •H CD O CD * 3 re 3. co (0 X X X X 'HH 2 >4-000000000 cxjrH^-oocnincMXXO •C CM (*! U 3 3 g •H ^ 3 (MO^X'Oin'JCM ^-4 u ' CD > -H u. re • 3 X • >> HJ 3 re oo 10 CD 3 -~N 3 CO 3 CO re CD 00 - 2 u* re > O 3 CD g MX r~ >- '•III re 3 CD Lw CJ 3 3 •H Q HH- ocnr-inrHCMXqm-D H £ 1 X 10 Ih 3 3 c 3 ocrCT-cocDccr-r^f^r^ X +j' p X 3 3 b X 3 •H ' rH X 3 H-* X >s x' o - re w CJ 3 CD CD 3 in 3 CO LL X O O 0) U 3 3 3 CD o IH P ' *x 4h re CO CD UJ inmHxcnoococox C d H-l CD 3 3 3 CO 3 O. 3 3 w 3 O 10 CD CJ 3 c 2 O -H g O 3 a> cj re 3 3 o * re 2 l/- cJ ; to re' 3 - > X 10 CD X re 3 O o re .» o O 3 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 00 o 0L >- l l l l l l l l l l CL o 3 3 CJ U (D 3 re X Q HNid^inWMDO’O a. CO r~- oo O OS 3 oo X CD 3 in LL a> 3 re re CO 3 3 a l_ 31 re1 o 3 3 X S u 10 Q X CJ X 2 £ vO 00 X 3 CD > 3 10 X z >- oooooooooo l_ : X s 003 X CD 3 3 KicMCMIMCMHrHHOO - O CD CT* d co co re rH .. HH ; HHHHHHHHHH u. in nj 1 3 X C+H cn XN 3 a o cn CTl q x 3 x •l 3 3 00 X UO :p ; O o co to CJ O - 1"- Q os 1 X cd re 3 or in re cd _J 00 < UJ UJ M- 3 X OS 3 CD X 10 o u UJ 3 3 O s o z O0000'4-ro0'«4-in XM-CMOO^XOI'-X C_ 2 X o < H O CX-H x x re 3 < 2 X UJ HH 3 OO OO X 3 g < X CD 3 00 < i ^ 1 u. H -M 3 X 3 X'X X 3 i > 3 o o ►J s Q < a s s c rHCMm'4-inxr-cco'3 C Z 3 a o o CO -h in in o o o o nj -4 O (M O O r- r- •4 13 cn cm in in O o o o ■4- «o o o x CM CM CM o o o o •4- -4- 34 x in in m m in >4- 4 CM CM I I x x HOOWCMHO' •4- n m >o a o Hiciin« H H H IM CM |C1 C<1 o o o o o o o O o o o o o o CM 4 l“~ © >0 fM 4 OOOHHCMCM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I x «c •o «o o x «o o o o o O CM 4 4 CJ> O H H CM *4- f- f-4 4 4 - CO ■4- •H X u E CO o >- omcoO'XrHecrcif^cni'- CT O X P m N P 3 ^ 3 .H « E cd re OO re ? o Uh P oo OO O 3 X x LH o p X • oo *4 x CL re 3 g 3 re X x“x CCOOOiOicIOhhim in in 3 10 p 00 3 cninccO'O'X'4'cocMin >c LU rH p p in cn cn -H 3 g * ■ re 3 re CTl p re x CM N.Y. re x -a 3 P 3 p • w OO tn cd O' < O HiMi'i^inoMOO'OH CMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMIdld : Uh ™ ■H P Uh a u 3 g P /-> \ ° 3 oo c X 3 TJ 3 3 G o b oo in -X •H P g 3 3 •> 3 m CO 3 in OL OininoininxcccMX < X CO q oo u 6 cti CL 2 3 ID O > UJ X >> re O r S o -3 E a P CO 3 TJ o X JZ 3 3. P CJ 3 3 O Uh 3 P 3 Uh t-0 2 incdc0NC0aO o vo p O 00 X P E in a Z3 X P P re p CO 3 •!-> a u. CTl 3 P, O 3 , b U 3 re p, Q X P o o 2 < a •H x re • H p •3 O i CJ CM Q Z > _j r-ooO' 2 12’ mi Q 3 OOUh re o CTl t" 3 co i p X cn p Xr- a o w q . re 3 3 3 I m- re o > Q P •J X CT x re re x < UJ X os re o re X 3 S X 3 P 2 M-r-r-inccmof^OO u b1 HH as H x as X ,J X ^ < • UH X UJ • x UH Z 2 o ", x X UJ 00 ai x 2 CTl X - H re 3 2 t -4- X -3 2 X LL X P g o X 3 Q GAGI 7< cn re a X 3 s C himW^IOWM CT hh 2 2 O 3 z a o co co co co in in in in -c .-h co —* f~ f- m in co O CO CO CO o in inn CO CM CM CM O O CO O o -4 O CM o o CO o O 4 O CM in in x x CM CM CM CM II II X X X «o co in 3 O' CM rH O O O' 4 O' 4 o o o o X X X 4 4 'O CT CO o o cm in co oo co in cm co o co in in in ^ o o o o CO CO o o co in co 4 O OH M -4" O CO COHO o o o co co O O -H vf O CM CM co co co co CM CM CM CM I I I I x x x x o hh o m o o o X X 3 >t CC X 4 H H CM CM CO O CD h* N (O CO ^ H (M co co in x o~ O' x H HHH H (MCO o o o c o Hinocoo x 4 O' ci x CM CO CO >4- co O' co O' >j- h H f- O' CM O' 4 4 4 in 4 o o o o o CO CO CO o co •O N H CM CO O O HH I ,-1 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I I I X 'O x o x «c x CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM I I I I I O Cl 'O -C '£ O E hH re a) g x 3 +J O 3 •to o S O I lO +j f—i 3 - O0X> Xi •HO 60 (U Ol ’H J3H O HO 3 E ■3 P a> p, P o o 3 •H +J h-> 3 0) 3 OO o 3 3 X - o i—I >tO N (SOI a.2H •H rH Q 0 3 U UJ H 00 < -H U JS QS +J O 3 o p. • Sij: 3^3 u c« 3 O >s Tf'H I CTl 3 • LO O WOO348 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 M 3 cO X> < 3 3 O c o c > •rl O 33 XI CU 33 10 o Pi < i t3 a> 3 a> 3 x: in +-> OS +J S3, r r— — r~- r— r~- r— r~- xxxxxxXx«9«t fi in m pi m m p r~ r» p~ p- r- p- p xxxxcmxxxxx r~f^r-r-r~r-r^r-r“r- jm^in^r-ccO'O ^ M Ifl i*i m Cl (II Cl 1*1 N p~p~r^r^r^r^p-p-p~r' 3 4-1 O CO g P-3 O. -> < 3 X O Ol cccMXXvjinmcc ^ o ip 9 .9 CM oooooooooo XCCCMOXXO'X X O NOOMOP-^MOO' Xcm90'XoP'-99cu P-CMrH^jocMccxrM—, -ixxecoc9x.-icM XO'XOO'XOOCOXO' 99XX9XXXXX 000009xxr rnoxp-p-xO'xc p~X9xcmoxx. 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Mo-O N -t CO i ■OM'CMhH .49 .51 3.07 3.30 2.40 1 .85 1.68 1.67 SSSSSSFSi i 0100 1730 i 1800 2000 i 2100 2200 i 2230 2400 » 0030 i 0130 > 0230 . 0 300 > 0330 . 0 500 > 0600 . 0700 aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa p gg ss .76 23 11 ss ss ss .50 1.15 .90 II II si r-t CM 5 0100 ) 0130 D 0200 aa aa AA CJ CM co iii II !l h 5 ‘*3 f fl I §11 32 I S I! ss 72 SE lb 3. +-» o WO) Xf y ?! § 2- - "S BN O-CB rt Ah r g e -ss iii ■ti s s 3« » 2 “S S g to :t 3'2 ■ Xi §° SS II S* P r § ih ns :. «!< i| i;: I-: Ah !« °S So 3 3, +J JS a>° Us % *3? 3Sl 3 1 *£ °5£ S S-H< i* 78 • CM CO LO 12 §g S3 sg- ojEJ-a llss 2DAILY GAGE HEIGHT STREAMFLOW DATA 357 o 3 3 X 10 »3 o .30 f*''C—<0'X<\IO'0'CCCCvC f--r-xr--aococccccccoco c o o o a> CD 00 ,10C 'oT > X CcCcCccOcCc cr\v9-(\j>C'J'foccr^O'(Njcc CCCC l^-XXO—i—•—<— > s 3 t+-i CO O «T CQ T) so -H E •H 3 3 3 (D >c z i^ir\eo- c X 3 3 CD < a V1 3 3 .3 ■3 O (U X z OOOOOOOOOO (OO'CM'J’OOircCMOfO O'—urO'HOtt'C-jcNi c •3" a'OrH,-,-,,-,r*,-i— — U O. “S ITIP-O'O'OOO'O'O'O' IT O, a) r* co e rH CD 3 -H r-T 3 X > X CD X 3 c 3 E •3 ^ CD 3 X ;;;;;;;;;;; Q ^<\jc^«4-if'>or~coO'o-4 CNJCM(\i(\if\jc\i(Njr\jc\jmfO *- d x X o 3 -H 3 3 3 CD 3 s ( in ( Q —•cvjro.j-ib^xooO'O—• (\j(\jcNjt\j(\je\if\jc\irvjrOfO o . 5 00 9) CD 3 c w c+H _ •3 > •( § s ID c X -• o c c 3 j 4h 3 ill ir;«toDifvfO(^inco'ta' N'C-Jff,(M<-(CO'cCf' X < u 3 <3 o 6 £ 6 ■ O O 3 3 3 3 3 3 O O © (D »3 X O 3 or X ccoooooooo O'r-'ftNjoo-xo'foo' “J O' O' O' O' O' O- O' CD 00 CO VC <3 ° J—1 cco —> < 3 3 c 3 3 e CO cD 00 13 O 3 •iH X iL OS LU o c X 3 £ T3 ro CD 4) ul 2 o X 3 3 » s> CD O o Z HO’rt^.COO'Olf'CCH 'o—io icMcvjin C z c O' O' O' CO CD O' O' O O' O' w O -H o' CTl trt 3 0) O 3 3 - X oo 3 3 z 1/ o o '12", 1.6 ughde 5 3,10 U 3 ro 3 3 « OO 3 e, 10 e 26. aily O 3 •H O 3 3 3 CO o a a DAY ^(Mrci^in^c-co^c >£> O •> CD HHU 0 3 3 cn (D OO 3 X CD CO 3 00 o 3 00 0030 3 3 3 •-> X _ •• 3 rH 00 3 CD 3 3 3 < X o < o —i(MfT>^X0C0'O o u CTl CD to CD 3 W3N rH 3 c 3 oo 3 /—> CO O 0) X ... • X CD CO Di 65 IS 3 O *3 z cc x _i r~ O' < < «o ® —ic\jvoco •HOO'CChir>'t(MOCO CTi rH 00 3 c * cD O : «'H q mi gita from sea X 3 172: 11. i May 10 o ID 3 CO 3 2 X OOOOOOOOOO .j-'C,tO'<\j'Crocc<,n«t IN C “j -<—•00000000' - CD 00 00 Q £ 3 • CD 3 ■ a •: ^ •3 3 l/> to z O'Offff'Or'O'OMCI r~o-o— X 4> rH CO l-H LL v ! ’ ! <0 3, yj . vO u *-H 3 < b X l • • 1 c < c —.(Vrc«l‘if''Cf'~0CO'—‘ 6 X Q < X X ui a: c .c a 3 > O *H 13 3 C3 CD CD C-J 10 p, O t/1 i—I X > 4) O X X i 3 to + i CO «-*-! y I u u c (jo -a) 3 x oo O X to rt - X C 4) O U CD OOTJ CO o 3 3 -H 00,3 3 3 O 3 3 3 w »4-4 o a> Oi • O X U 3. X >-• X 0) l-H T3 LU 3358 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 INDEX TO STREAMFLOW DATA A Page Abers Creek near Murrysville, Ba------------------------------323 Abrahams Creek at West Wyoming, Ba----------------------------13 5 Abram Creek at Oakmont, W.Va----------------------------------l8T Accotink Creek at King Arthur Road, near Annandale, Va--------229 near Annandale, Va-----------------------------------------229 near Newington, Va----------------------------------------- 228 A ft on, Va., Stockton Creek near-----------------------------252 Akeley Run near Russell, Ba-----------------------------------286 Albright Creek at East Homer, N.Y-----------------------------117 Alderson, W.Va., Greenbriar River at--------------------------- 329 Griffith Creek near------------------------------------------329 Alexandria, Va., Cameron Run at---------------------------------227 Fourmile Run at--------------------------------------------226 Alfred, N.Y., Canacadea Creek near----------------------------123 Canacadea Creek tributary No. 1 at----------------------- 123 Canacadea Creek tributary No. 2 at-----------------------12 3 McHenry Valley Creek tributary No. 1 near--------------12U McHenry Valley Creek tributary No. 2 near--------------12U Railroad Brook near------------------------------------------337 Alfred Station, N.Y., Canacadea Creek at---------------------- 12U East Branch Canacadea Creek at-----------------------------— 12 3 Allegheny Reservoir near Kinzua, Ba-----------------------------28U Allegheny River at Coudersport, Ba----------------------------282 at Eldred, Ba-----------------------------------------------2 83 at Franklin, Ba----------------------------------------------290 at Kittanning, Ba--------------------------------------------297 at Natrona, Ba----------------------------------------------— 30U at Barker, Ba----------------------------------------------29 at Salamanca, N.Y--------------------------------------------282 at Warren, Ba------------------------------------------------285 at West Hickory, Fh---------------------—------------------286 Allen Creek near Beydton, Va------------------------------------280 near Rochester, N.Y------------------------------------------3^3 Almond Lake near Almond, N.Y----------------------------------12l Almond, N.Y., Almond Lake near--------------------------------12l Canisteo River tributary near-------------------------------12 3 Canisteo River tributary No. 2 near-----------------------12 3 Karr Valley Creek near---------------------------------------12U Altavista, Va.-, Roanoke (Staunton) River at--------------------269 Amelia, Va., Nibbs Creek tributary near-----------------------2 59 Amherst, Va., Buffalo River tributary near— ------— —-- 250 Andersonville, Va., Holiday Creek near-------------------------2 56 Andover, N.Y., East Valley Creek tributary near— -------------337 Fullmer Valley Creek tributary near------------------------— 336 Indian Creek near--------------------------------------------337 Quig Hollow Brook near---------------------------------------337 Angelica Creek at Transit Bridge, N.Y-------------------------- 338 near Angelica, N.Y-------------------------------------------338 Angelica, N.Y., Angelica Creek near-----------------------------338 Baker Creek near------------------------------------------- 338 Annandale, Va., Accotink Creek at King Arthur Road at---------229 Accotink Creek near---------------------------------------- 229 Holmes Run near----------------------------------------------226 Annapolis, Md., North River near--------------------------------182 Anthony Creek near Anthony, W.Va--------------------------------326 Anthony, W.Va., Anthony Creek near------------------------------326 Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Md------------------------------203 near Waynesboro, Ba------------------------------------------202 Appomattox River at Farmville, Va------------------------------2 58 at Matoaca, Va-----------------------------------------------258 at Mattoax, Va-----------------------------------------------258 near Appomattox, Va—-—--------------------------------------— 256 Appomattox, Va., Appomattox River near------------------------* 2 56 Right Hand Fork near-----------------------------------------271 A quia Creek near Garrisonville, Va-----------------------------233 Arbutus, Md., East Branch Herbert Run at----------------------180 Archbald, Pa., Lackawanna River at----------------------------- 133 Areola, Va., South Fork Broad Run near--------------------------2l6 Ark, Va., Beaverdam Swamp near—------------------------------- 2U0 Arkport, N.Y., Arkport Reservoir near---------------------------122 Canisteo River at-------------------------------------------— 122 Arkport Reservoir near Arkport, N.Y.----------------------------122 Arlington, Va., Doctors Run at----------------------------------226 Long Branch at-----------------------------------------------226 Lucky Run at-------------------------------------------------226 Bage Arvonia, Va., Slate River near-------------------------------253 Ashland, Va., South Anna River near--------------------------21+1 South Anna River tributary near---------------------------2Ul Ashville, Ba., Bradley Run near------------------------------139 Atlee, Va., Totopotomoy Creek near---------------------------—2k2 Auburn, N.Y., Owasco Lake near--------------------------------3U8 Owasco Outlet near-----------------------------------------3^8 Audra, W.Va., Middle Fork River at---------------------------306 Aughwick Creek near Three Springs, Fa------------------------159 Augusta, W.Va., Tearcoat Creek tributary near----------------198 Avoca, N.Y., Cohocton River at--------------------------------127 Goff Creek near--------------------------------------------128 Tenmile Creek at-------------------------------------------127 Avon, N.Y., Genesee River at---------------------------------3^1 Avondale, Md., Little Ripe Creek at--------------------------212 Axemann, Ba., Spring Creek near------------------------------lU5 Aylett Creek at Aylett, Va-----------------------------------2U3 B Back Creek near Jones Springs, W.Va--------------------------200 near Mountain Grove, Va-----------------------------------2l3 Bacon Ridge Branch at Chesterfield, Md-----------------------182 Baisman Run at Broodmoor, Md----------------------------------177 Baker Creek near Angelica, N.Y--------------------------------338 Baker, W.Va., Lost River at McCauley near--------------------197 Bald Eagle Creek at Beech Creek Station, Ba------------------1^9 at Blanchard, Fa-------------------------------------------1^6 at Tyrone, Ba----------------------------------------------157 below Spring Creek at Milesburg, Fa-----------------------1^6 Baldwinsville, N.Y., Seneca River at-------------------------3^9 Banister River at Halifax, Va--------------------------------279 Barcelona, N.Y., Chautauqua Creek at--------------------------33^ Bard, Pa., Little Falls Creek at-----------------------------190 Barnesville, Md., Bucklodge Branch tributary near-----------—218 Barnum, W.Va., North Branch Potomac River at-----------------187 Barrackville, W.Va. Buffalo Creek at---------------------—310 Barton, Md., Savage River near--------------------------------188 Basin Run at Liberty Grove, Md-------------------------------172 at West Nottingham, Md-------------------------------------172 Bassett, Va., Smith River at-----------------------------------27 Batcheliars Run at Oakdale, Md--------------------------------225 Battle Run near Laurel Mills, Va-----------------------------235 Bear Creek at Friendsville, Md-------------------------------319 Bearskin Creek near Chatham, Va-------------------------------278 Beaverdam Swamp near Ark, Va----------------------------------2h0 Beaver Swamp Brook at Mama rone ck, N.Y---------------------- 90 at Rye, N.Y------------------------------------------------ 90 Beck Creek near Cleona, Pa-----------------------------------167 Beech Creek at Monument, Pa— --------------------------------lU 8 Beech Creek Station, Pa., Bald Eagle Creek at----------------1^9 Bel Air, Md., Bynum Run at------------------------------------17^ Bel Alton, Md., Clark Run near-------------------------------2 32 Belden, Ba., Dunning Creek at---------------------------------158 Be lews Creek near Kernersville, N.C-------------------------272 Belington, W.Va., Tygard Valley River at---------------------307 Be lie grove, Md., Sideling Hill Creek near------------------197 Be lie point, W.Va., Big Creek near-------------------------328 Be Ilona, N.Y., Kashong Creek near--------------------------3^5 Bellwood, Pa., Sandy Run near--------------------------------156 Belmond, N.Y., Feathers Creek near----------------------------337 Bel Pre Creek at Layhill, Md-------------------------------22U Bennett Creek at Fhrk Mills, Md----------------------------215 Bennetts Creek at Canisteo, N.Y-------------------------------126 Bennetts Creek tributary at Greenwood, N.Y-------------------126 Benson, Md., Winters Run near--------------------------------17^ Bent Creek, Va., James River at---------------------------250 Berne, Ba., Schuylkill River at--------------------------- 92 Berryville, Va., Opequon Creek near--------------------------200 Bethesda, Md., Little Falls Branch near----------------------220 Beulahville, Va., Mattaponi River near-----------------------2U2 Big Creek near Be lie point, W.Va----------------------------328 near North Horne 11, N.Y----------------------------------123 Big Elk Creek at Elk Mills, Md-----------------------------112 Big Flats, N.Y., Chemung River near-------------------------129INDEX TO STREAMFLOW DATA 359 Big Flats, N. Y., Sing sing Creek near------------------------- Big Lickinghole Creek tributary near Fern Cliff, Va------------ Big Otter River near Evington, Va------------------------------ Big Piney Run near Salisbury, Pa------------------------------- Big Pipe Creek at Bruceville, Md------------------------------- Big Rocky Run at Sully Road near Centreville, Va--------------- Big Run near Sprankle Mills, Pa-------------------------------- Big Sandy Creek at Rockville, W.Va----------------------------- Birchardville, Pa., Middle Branch Wyalusing Creek tributary near-------------------------------------------— Birdsall, N.Y., Black Creek near------------------------------- Bishopville, N.Y., Canisteo River at--------------------------- Bixler Run near Loysville, Pa---------------------------------- Blackbird Creek at Blackbird, Del------------------------------ Blackbird, Del., Blackbird Creek at---------------------------- Saw Mill Branch tributary near------------------------------ Black Brook at lyre, N.Y--------------------------------------- Black Creek at Churchvilie, N.Y-------------------------------- near Birdsall, N.Y------------------------------------------ Blacklick Creek at Josephine, Pa------------------------------- Blacks Creek near Mt. Airy, Va--------------------------------- Blackstone, Va., Hurricane Branch near------------------------- Blackwater River at Davis, W.Va-------------------------------- at Zuni, Va------------------------------------------------- near Dendron, Va-------------------------------------------- near Franklin, Va------------------------------------------- Blanchard, Pa., Bald Eagle Creek at---------------------------- Foster Joseph Sayers Lake near-------------------------------- Marsh Creek at---------------------------------------------- Blind Brook at Rye, N.Y---------------------------------------- near Purchase, N.Y------------------------------------------ Blind Brook tributary at Purchase, N.Y------------------------- Bliss, N.Y., Wiscoy Creek at----------------------------------- Blizzard Run at Danville, Pa----------------------------------- Block House Creek near English Center, Pa---------------------- Bloomerville, N.Y., Neils Creek near--------------------------- Bloomington, Md., Savage River below Savage River Dam near----- Savage River Reservoir near--------------------------------- Bloomsburg, Pa., Fishing Creek near---------------------------- Blue March damsite, near Reading, Pa., Tulpehocken Creek at— Blue Mount, Md., Little Falls at------------------------------- Bonica Run on U.S. Highway 250, near Philippi, W.Va------------ Boswells Tavern, Va., Bunch Creek near------------------------- Bower, Pa., West Branch Susquehanna River at------------------- Bowery Run near Quarryville, Pa-------------------------------- Bowling Green, Va., Mattaponi River near----------------------- Boydton, Va., Allen Creek near--------------------------------- John H. Kerr Reservoir near--------------------------------- Braddock, Pa., Monongahela River at---------------------------- Bradford, N.Y., Mud Creek tributary near----------------------- Bradley Run near Ashville, Pa---------------------------------- Brandywine Creek at Chadds Ford, Pa---------------------------- at Wilmington, Del------------------------------------------ Brandywine Creek tributary near Centerville, Del--------------- Brandywine, W.Va., South Fork South Branch Potomac River at------------------------------------------------ Breesport, N.Y., Rorick Hollow Creek near---------------------- Brewerton, N.Y., Oneida Lake at-------------------------------- Bridgeport, Md., Monocacy River at----------------------------- Bridge Run near Buckhannon, W.Va------------------------------- Brien Run at Stemmers Run, Md---------------------------------- Briery, Va., North Meherrin River near------------------------- Brighton, Md., Triadelphia Lake near--------------------------- Brink, Va., Fontaine Creek near-------------------------------- Broad Creek tributary at Whiteford, Md------------------------- Broad Run at Buckland, Va-------------------------------------- near Warrenton, Va------------------------------------------ Broad Run tributary at Buckland, Va---------------------------- Brockway, Pa., Mill Creek near--------------------------------- Brokenstraw Creek at Youngsville, Pa--------------------------- Bronx River at Bronxville, N.Y--------------------------------- Bronxville, N.Y., Bronx River at------------------------------- Broodmoor, Md., Baisman Run at--------------------------------- Brookneal, Va., Roanoke (Staunton) River at-------------------- Snake Creek near-------------------------------------------- Browns Branch tributary near Church Hill, Md------------------- Browns Creek near Nineveh, Pa---------------------------------- Brownsville, W.Va., Skin Creek near---------------------------- West Fork River at------------------------------------------ Bruceville, Md., Big Pipe Creek at----------------------------- Brushy Run near Petersburg, W.Va------------------------------- Page Buchanan, Va., James River at------------------------------- 2U7 Mill Creek near-------------------------------------------- 2U1 Buck, Pa ., Conowingo Creek near---------------------------- 171 Buckeye, W.Va., Greenbriar River at------------------------- 3'27 Buckhannon River at Hall, W.Va------------------------------ 307 Buckhannon, W.Va., Bridge Run near-------------------------- 306 Mud Lick Run near------------------------------------------ 306 Sand Run near---------------------------------------------- 307 Buckingham, Va., Frisby Branch near------------------------- 253 Buckland, Va., Broad Run at--------------------------------- 230 Broad Run tributary at----------------------------------- 2 31 Bucklodge Branch tributary near Barnesville, Md------------- 218 Buckstown, Pa., Clear Run near-------------------------------- 298 Buckton, Va., Passage Creek near------------------------------ 20° Buena Vista, Va., Maury River near-------------------------- 2U8 Buffalo Creek at Barrackville, W.Va------------------------- 310 at Gardenville, N.Y---------------------------------------- 33U near Freeport, Pa------------------------------------------ 305 near Hampden Sydney, Va------------------------------------ 257 near Romney, W.Va------------------------------------------ iqU near Rowlesburg, W.Va-------------------------------------- 313 near Wales Hollow, N.Y------------------------------------- 335 Buffalo River near iye River, Va---------------------------- 250 Buffalo River tributary near Amherst, Va-------------------- 250 Buffalo Run tributary near Manns Choice, Pa----------------- 157 Bullpasture River at Williamsville, Va---------------------- 2bb Bull Run near Catharpin, Va----------------------------------- 230 near Loganton, Pa---------------------------------------- 1I9 near Manassas, Va---------------------------------------- 2 31 Bunch Creek near Boswells Tavern, Va------------------------ 2U0 Burdett, N.Y., Hector Falls Creek at------------------------ 3UU Burketown, Va., North River near---------------------------- 20 5 Burke ville, Va., Nottoway River near----------------------- 260 Burton Creek tributary near Lynchburg, Va------------------- 2b 9 Bush Mill Stream near Heaths ville, Va---------------------- 235 Butcherville, W. Va., West Fork River at--------------------310 Butler Creek at Gibson, Pa------------------------------------ 132 Button Creek near Rustburg, Va------------------------------- 270 Button Creek tributary near Rustburg, Va---------------------- 270 Buttermilk Creek near Ithaca, N.Y--------------------------- 3UL Butternut Creek at Morris> N»Y------------------------------ 115 near James ville, N.Y-------------------------------------- 35b Bynum Run at Bel Air, Md------------------------------------ 17U C Cabins, W.Va., North Fork South Branch Potomac River at------- 503 Cabot, Pa., Little Buffalo Creek at------------------------- 305 Cacapon River above Wardensville, W.Va---------------------- -|_q8 near Great Ca capon, W.Va-------------------------------- Cain Branch near Chantilly, Va------------------------------ 230 Caldwell, W.Va., Howard Creek at---------------------------- 327 Calf pasture River above Mill Creek at Goshen, Va----------- 2U8 Camden-on-Gauley, W.Va., Gauley River at-------------------- 330 Cameron Run at Alexandria, Va------------------------------- 027 Camillus, N.Y., Ninemile Creek at--------------------------- 352 Campbell Creek near Kanona, N.Y----------------------------- 128 Campbell, N.Y., Cohocton River near------------------------- 128 Camp Hill, Pa., Yellow Breeches Creek near------------------ 167 Canacadea Creek at Alfred Station, N.Y---------------------- \2b near Alfred, N.Y------------------------------------------- 123 near Horne 11, N.Y----------------------------------------- 125 Canacadea Creek tributary No. 1 at Alfred, N.Y-------------- 123 Canacadea Creek tributary No. 2 at Alfred, N.Y-------------- 123 Canadaraga Lake at Schuyler Lake, N.Y.---------------------- 113 Canandaigua Lake at Canandaigua, N.Y------------------------ 3U7 Canandaigua, N.Y., Canandaigua Lake at---------------------- 3U7 Canandaigua Outlet at Chapin, N.Y--------------------------- 3U7 Canasawaeta Creek near South Plymouth, N.Y------------------ 116 Canaseraga Creek at Canaseraga, N.Y------------------------- 338 near Dansville, N.Y---------------------------------------- 3U0 Canaseraga, N.Y., Canaseraga Creek at----------------------- 338 Canisteo, N.Y., Bennetts Creek at-------------------------- 126 Purdy Creek near------------------------------------------- 126 Canisteo River at Arkport, N.Y------------------------------ 122 at Bishopville, N.Y---------------------------------------- 123 at Erwins, N.Y----------------------............—........ 127 at West Cameron, N.Y--------------------------------------- 126 below Canacadea Creek at Horne11, N.Y-------------------- 12U Canisteo River tributary near Almond, N.Y--------------------- 123 Canisteo River tributary No. 2 near Almond, N.Y------------- 123 Page 129 256 268 321 212 231 295 31b 131 337 123 l6l 110 110 111 3^9 3b2 337 301 279 261 312 262 262 263 1U6 lU7 1U6 89 89 89 338 137 lb9 127 189 188 136 9b 17*» 309 2U0 137 172 2b2 280 280 323 129 139 107 109 109 19b 130 356 213 306 179 263 183 265 171 230 230 231 29b 287 91 91 177 269 271 112 316 309 309 212 19b360 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Carney, MdLoch Raven Reservoir near---------------------- Carsonville, Pa., Clark Creek near----------------------- Cartersville, Va., James River at----------------------— CasseLman River at Grantsville, Md----------------------- at Markleton, Pa-------------------------------------- Castle Fin, Pa., Muddy Creek at-------------------------- Catatonk Creek at Spencer, N.Y--------------------------- Catawba Creek near Catawba, Va--------------------------- Catawba, Va., Catawba Creek near------------------------- Catharpin, Va., Bull Run near---------------------------- Catherine Creek near Montour Falls, N.Y------------------ Catherine Creek tributary No. k near Montour Falls, N.Y- Catlett, Va., Cedar Run near----------------------------- Catoctin Creek near Middletown, Md----------------------- Cat Point Creek near Montross, Va------------------------ Cattail Creek at Roxbury Mills, Md----------------------- Cattaraugus Creek at Gowanda, N.Y------------------------ Cattaraugus, N.Y., South Branch Cattaraugus Creek near— Caughdenoy, N.Y., Oneida River at------------------------ Cayuga Creek near Lancaster, N.Y------------------------- Cayuga Inlet at Ithaca, N.Y------------------------------ near .Ithaca, N.Y.------------------------------------ Cayuga Lake at Ithaca, N.Y------------------------------- Cazenovia Creek at Ebenezer, N.Y------------------------- Cedar Creek near Winchester, Va-------------------------- Cedarhurst, Md., North Branch Patapsco River at---------- Cedar Run near Catlett, Va------------------------------- near Warrenton, Va------------------------------------ Cedar Run, Pa., Pine Creek at---------------------------- Cedar Run tributary near Culpeper, Va-------------------- Cedarville, Md., Wolf Den Branch near-------------------- Centerville, Del., Brandywine Creek tributary near------- Centerville, Pa., Evitts Creek near---------------------- Centreville, Va., Big Rocky Run at Sully Road near------- Cub Run near------------------------------------------ Chadakoin River at Falconer, N.Y------------------------- Chadds Ford, Pa., Brandywine Creek at-------------------- Champlain, Va., Farmers Hall Creek near------------------ Chantilly, Va., Cain Branch near------------------------- Cub Run near------------------------------------------ Flatlick Branch at Sully Road near-------------------- Chapin, N.Y., Canandaigua Outlet at---------------------- Chaptico Creek at Chaptico, Md--------------------------- Chaptico, Md., Chaptico Creek at------------------------- Charleroi, Pa., Monongahela River at--------------------- Charlestown, Md., Northeast River tributary near--------- Charlotte Creek at West Davenport, N.Y------------------- Charlottesville, Va., Moores Creek near------------------ Chatham, Va., Bearskin Creek near------------------------ Chautauqua Creek at Barcelona, N.Y----------------------- Chautauqua Lake near Mayville, N.Y----------------------- Cheat River at Rowlesburg, W.Va-------------------------- near Parsons, W.va------------------------------------ Chemung River at Chemung, N.Y---------------------------- near Big Flats, N.Y----------------------------------- Chemung, N.Y., Chemung River «t-------------------------- Chenango Forks, N.Y., Chenango River near---------------- Chenango River at Eaton, N.Y----------------------------- at Greene, N.Y---------------------------------------- at Sherburne, N.Y------------------------------------- near Chenango Forks, N.Y------------------------------ Chenunda Creek at Stannards, N.Y------------------------- Chenunda Creek tributary near Stannards, N.Y------------- Cherry Tree, Pa., West Branch Susquehanna River at------- Chester Creek near Chester, Pa--------------------------- Chesterfield, Md., Bacon Ridge Branch at----------------- Chesterfield, Va., Falling Creek near-------------------- Chester, Pa., Chester Creek near------------------------- Chester Springs, Fa., Pickering Creek near--------------- Cheswold, Del. Leipsic River near------------------------ Chickahominy River near Providence Forge, Va------------- Christians Creek near Fishersville, Va------------------- Christina River at Coochs Bridge, Del---------------------- Church Hill, Md., Browns Branch tributary near----------- Church View, Va., Dragon Swamp near---------------------- Churchvilie, N.Y., Black Creek at------------------------ Cincinnatus, N.Y., Otselic River at---------------------- Clarion River at Cooksburg, Pa--------------------------- at Johnsonburg, Pa------------------------------------ at Ridgway, Pa---------------------------------------- Clarion River Dam, Pa., East Branch Clarion River at----- Page Clarion River Dam, Pa., East Branch Clarion River Lake at— 202 Clarion River near Piney, Pa--------------------------------- 29 5 Clark Creek near Carsonville, Pa----------------------------- 162 Clark Run near Bel Alton, Md--------------------------------- 232 Clarksburg, W.Va., West Fork River at------------------------ 310 Clarksville, Pa., Tenmile Creek near------------------------- 315 Clarkton, Va., Roanoke (Staunton) River at------------------- 270 Clayton, Del., Paw Raw Branch tributary near----------------- HI Clear Creek near Sigel, Pa----------------------------------- 293 Clearfield Creek at Dimeling, Pa----------------------------- 139 at Irvona, Fa---------—----------------------------------- 13° Clear Run near Buckstown, Pa-----------------— --------—— 298 Clements, Md., St. Clements Creek near----------------------- 233 Cleona, Pa., Beck Creek near--------------------------------- 167 Clifton Forge, Va., Cowpasture River near-------------------- 2UU Cloverly, Md., Nursery Run at-------------------------------- 22U Coate sville, Pa., Sucker Run near--------------------------- 1^6 West Branch Brandywine Creek at--------------------------- 105 Cobbs Creek at Darby, Pa------------------------------------- 100 at U.S. Highway No. 1 near Philadelphia, Pa--------------- 100 below Indian Creek, near Upper Darby, Pa------------------— 101 Cobun Creek at Morgantown, W.Va------------------------------ 310 Cochran, Va., Great Creek near------------------------------- ^63 Cocktown Creek near Huntingtown, Md-------------------------- 1®^ Codorus Creek at Spring Grove, Pa---------------------------- 1^9 near York, Pa--------------------------------------------- 1^9 Cogan House, Pa., Larrys Creek at---------------------------- 150 Cohocton, N.Y., Cohocton River at------------------ Cohocton River at Avoca, N.Y----------------------- at Cohocton, N.Y---------------------------------- near Campbell, N.Y-------------------------------- Colesville, Md., Northwest Branch Anacostia River near--------------------------------------------------------- 225 Colfax, W.Va., lygart Valley River at----------------------- 393 Colgrave, N.Y., Hunter Creek at----------------------------- 331* College Park, Md., Paint Branch at Interstate Highway 1+95 near------------------------------------- 222 Collegeville, Pa., Skippack Creek near------------------------ 97 Colonel Bill's Creek at South Canisteo, N.Y----------------- 126 Columbia Cross Roads, Pa., North Branch Sugar Creek tributary near---------------------------------- 131 Columbia Furnace, Va., Pugh Run tributary near-------------- 209 Stony Creek at-------------------------------------------- 209 Comstock Brook at North Wilton, Conn------------------------ 89 Conemaugh River at Tunnel ton, Pa---------------------------- 303 at Seward, Pa--------------------------------------------- 300 Conemaugh River Dam, Fa., Conemaugh River Lake at----------- 303 Conemaugh River Lake at Conemaugh River Dam, Pa------------- 303 Conestoga Creek at Lancaster, Pa---------------------------- 171 Conesus Lake near Lakeville, N.Y----------------------------- 3L1 Conewango Creek at Russell, Pa------------------------------- 285 at Waterboro, N.Y----------------------------------------- 285 Confluence, Pa., Youghiogheny River below------------------- 320 Conicville, Va., Crooked Run tributary near----------------- 208 Conklin, N.Y., Susquehanna River at------------------------- 116 Connellsville, Pa., Youghiogheny River at-------------------- 322 Conococheague Creek at Fairview, Mi--------------------------- 201 near Fayetteville, Fa------------------------------------- 201 Conococheague Creek tributary at Kemps, Md------------------ 200 Conodoguinet Creek near Hogestown, Pa---------------------- 162 Conodoguinet Creek tributary No. 1 near Enola, Pa---------16U Conodoguinet Creek tributary No. 3 at Enola, Fa----------16U Conowingo Creek near Buck, Pa------------------------------- 171 Conowingo, Mi., Susquehanna River at------------------------- 171 Constantia, N.Y., Scriba Creek near------------------------- 356 Conway River near Stanardsville, Va------------------------- 236 Coochs Bridge, Del., Christina River at---------------------102 Cooksburg, Pa., Clarion River at----------------------------29U Toms Run at------------------------------------------------293 Cooper Run near Green Bank, W.Va-----------------------------235 Cootes Store, Va., North Fork Shenandoah River at------------ 207 Corey Creek at Mansfield, Fa----------------------------------120 near Mainesburg, Fa----------------------------------------120 Corry, Pa., Hare Creek near-----------------------------------287 Corning, N.Y., Post Creek at--------------------------------128 Cortland, N.Y., Tioughnioga River at--------------------------117 Coudersport, Pa., Allegheny River at------------------------282 Mill Creek at-—------------------------------------------282 Covington, Va., Dunlap Creek near---------------------------21U Potts Creek near-----------------------------------------21*5 Cowanesque River near Lawrenceville, Pa----------------------121 Page 177 162 255 320 321 171 119 2U6 2U6 230 3U3 31*3 229 210 238 183 335 33^ 357 33U 31*5 31*1* 31*6 335 208 179 229 228 1L 8 239 232 109 193 231 231 285 107 238 230 230 230 31*7 232 232 316 112 111* 255 278 331* 28U 313 312 130 129 130 119 117 117 117 119 336 336 137 102 182 256 102 95 111 259 20U 102 112 239 3l*2 118 29l* 292 293 292INDEX TO STREAMFLOW DATA 361 Page Page Cowpasture River near Clifton Forge, Va----------- Coy Glen Creek at Ithaca, N.Y--------------------- Crabtree Creek near Swanton, Mi------------------- Craig Creek at Parr, Va--------------------------- near New Castle, Va---------------------------- Craig Creek tributary near New Castle, Va--------- Craigsville, W.Va., Gauley River near------------- Cranberry Branch near Westminister, Md------------ Crooked Creek at Crooked Creek Dam, Pa------------ at Idaho, Pa----------------------------------- at Tioga, ftt---------------------------------- Crooked Creek Dam, Pa., Crooked Creek at---------- Crooked Creek Lake at Crooked Creek Dam, Ra——■ Crooked Creek near Huntingdon, Ra----------------- Crooked Run tributary near Conicville, Va--------- Cross Fork, Pa., Kettle Creek at------------------ Crozet, Va., Powells Creek near------------------- Cryder Creek at Genesee, Pa----------------------- Cuba, N.Y., Johnson's Creek at-------------------- Cub Creek at Rienix, Va--------------------------- Cub Run near Centreville, Va---------------------- near Chantilly, Va----------------------------- Cub Run tributary near Montevideo, Va------------- Culpeper, Va., Cedar Run tributary near----------- Mountain Run near------------------------------ Rapidan River near----------------------------- Cumberland, Md., North Branch Potomac River near- Wills Creek near------------------------------- Curwensville Lake near Curwensville, Pa----------- Curwensville, Pa., Curwensville Lake near--------- West Branch Susquehanna River near------------- -2UU -31+5 -189 _2 U T -21+6 -2UT ,.331 -178 -299 -298 -121 -299 -299 -157 -208 -IU3 -252 -335 -282 -271 -231 -230 -207 -2 39 -237 -238 -191 -190 -138 -138 -138 D Dailey, W.Va., lygart Valley River near------------------- Daleville, Va., Tinker Creek near------------------------- Dalmatia, Ra,, East Mahantango Creek near----------------- Dan River at Danville, Va--------------------------------- at Paces, Va------------------------------------------- near Francisco, N.C------------------------------------ near Wentworth, N.C------------------------------------ Dansville, N.Y., Canaseraga Creek near-------------------- Little Mill Creek near--------------------------------- Little Mill Creek tributary near----------------------- Danville, Ra., Blizzard Run at---------------------------- Schler Run at------------------------------------------ Susquehanna River at----------------------------------- Danville, Va., Dan River at------------------------------- Sandy River near--------------------------------------- Darby Creek near Darby, Pa-------------------------------- near Waterloo Mills near Devon, Pa--------------------- Darby, Pa., Cobbs Creek at-------------------------------- Darby Creek near--------------------------------------- Darwin, N.Y., Onondaga Creek at--------------------------- Dauphin, Pa., Stony Creek near---------------------------- Davis, W.Va., Blackwater River at------------------------- Dawsonville, Md., Seneca Creek at------------------------- Dead Run at Franklintown, Md------------------------------ Deckers Creek at Morgantown, W.Va------------------------- Deep Creek near Mannboro, Va------------------------------ Deep Creek Reservoir near Oakland, Md--------------------- Deer Creek at Rocks, Md----------------------------------- near Kalmia, Md---------------------------------------- Deer Park, Md., Little Youghiogheny River tributary near- Dendron, Va., Blackwater River near----------------------- Denniston, Va., Hyco River near--------------------------- Devon, Ra., Darby Creek at-------------------------------- Difficult Run at Washington and Old Dominion Railroad, near Vienna, Va-------------------------- near Great Falls, Va----------------------------------- Dimeling, Ra., Clearfield Creek at------------------------ Dinwiddie, Va., Stony Creek near-------------------------- Ditch Run near Hancock, Md-------------------------------- Doctors Run at Arlington, Va------------------------------ Dodge Creek at Portville, N.Y----------------------------- Dog Creek tributary near Locust Grove, Md----------------- Doll Run at Red Lion, Del--------------------------------- Dollyhyce Creek at Libertytown, Md------------------------ Dorsey Run near Jessup, Md-------------------------------- Doswell, Va., Little River near--------------------------- North Anna River near---------------------------------- -306 -266 -15U -277 -277 -273 -27*+ -3U0 -339 -339 -137 -137 -136 -277 -276 -100 - 99 -100 .JL00 -163 -312 218 ’”l82 -311 -259 -318 -173 -173 -317 -262 -281 - 99 -220 -221 -139 -26l -199 -226 -282 -203 -110 -215 -18U —2Ul -21+1 Double Creek near Roseville, N.C-----------------------------278 Dover, Del., St. Jones River at------------------------------110 Downingtown, Pa., East Branch Brandywine Creek near----------106 Doyles River near Whitehall, Va------------------------------2 53 Dragon Swamp near Church View, Va----------------------------2 39 Dranesville, Va., Sugar land Run near------------------------219 Dresden, N.Y., Keuka Lake Outlet at--------------------------31+5 Driftwood Branch Sinnemahoning Creek at Emporium, Ra-----— ll+0 at Sterling Run, Pa---------------------------------------ll+O Dry Fork at Hendricks, W.Va----------------------------------312 at White Sulphur Springs, W.Va----------------------------327 Dryden, N.Y., Virgil Creek at--------------------------------31+6 Dunbar, Pa., Gist Run near-----------------------------------322 Dunkard Creek at Shannopin, Ra-------------------------------315 Dunlap Creek near Covington, Va------------------------------21+1+ Dunning Creek at Belden, Pa-----------------------------------158 Durbin, W.Va., Greenbriar River at---------------------------32 5 Dyer, W.Va., Williams River at--------------------------------329 Dyke Creek at We 11svilie, N.Y-------------------------------336 near West Greenwood, N.Y-----------------------------------336 E East Branch Brandywine Creek near Down ingt own, Pa---------106 East Branch Byram River at Riversville, Conn---------------- $9 at Round Hill, Conn--------------------------------------- 88 East Branch Canacadea Creek at Alfred Station, N.Y--------123 East Branch Chillisquaque Creek near Washingtonville, Ra---151+ East Branch Clarion River at East Branch Clarion River Dam, Pa-----------------------------------------292 East Branch Clarion River Lake at East Branch Clarion River Dam, Pa-----------------------------------------292 East Branch Codorus Creek tributary near Winterstown, Pa------------------------------------- East Branch Fish Creek at Taberg, N.Y------------------- East Branch Herbert Run at Arbutus, Md------------------ East Conemaugh, Pa., Little Conemaugh River at---------- East Freedom, Ra., McDonald Run near-------------------- East Homer, N.Y., Albright Creek at--------------------- East Mahantango Creek near Dalmatia, Ra----------------- Easton, Conn., Paterson Brook near---------------------- East Sidney Lake at East Sidney, N.Y-------------------- East Sidney, N.Y., East Sidney Lake at------------------ Ouleout Creek at------------------------------------- East Valley Creek tributary near Andover, N.Y----------- East Victor, N.Y., Mud Creek at------------------------- East Waterford, Ra., Lick Run near---------------------- Eaton, N.Y., Chenango River at-------------------------- Eden, N.C., Smith River at------------------------------ Eighteenmile Creek at North Boston, N.Y----------------- Ebenezer, N.Y., Cazenovia Creek at---------------------- Elders Branch near Hustontown, Ra----------------------- Eldred, Pa., Allegheny River at------------------------- Elimsport, Ra., White Deer Hole Creek near-------------- Elkins, W.Va., Tygart Valley River at------------------- Elk Mills, Md., Big Elk Creek at------------------------ Elk River at Sutton, W.Va------------------------------- below Webster Springs, W.Va-------------------------- Elk Run near Mainesburg, Ra----------------------------- Elmira, N.Y., Newtown Creek at-------------------------- Seeley Creek near------------------------------------ Elmsford, N.Y., Rum Brook at---------------------------- Elm Valley Creek near Elm Valley, N.Y------------------- Elm Valley, N.Y., Elm Valley Creek near----------------- Elsmere, Del., Little Mill Creek at--------------------- Emlenton, Ra., Richey Run at---------------------------- Emporia, Va., Meherrin River at------------------------- Emporium, Pa., Driftwood Branch Sinnemahoning Creek at- Waldy Run near--------------------------------------- West Creek near-------------------------------------- English Center, Pa., Block House Creek near------------- Enola, Pa., Conodguinet Creek tributary No. 1 near------ Conodoguinet Creek tributary No. 3 at---------------- Enterprise, W.Va., West Fork River at------------------- Erwins, N.Y., Canisteo River at------------------------- Mulholland Creek near-------------------------------- Tioga River near------------------------------------- Etna, Pa., Little Pine Creek near----------------------- Evingt on, Va., Big Otter River near-------------------- Evitts Creek near Centerville, Ra----------------------- Ewart Creek at Swain, N.Y------------------------------- ,168 ,35U ,180 ,299 ,155 ,117 ,15U 88 ,115 ,115 ,115 ,337 ,31+6 ,l6l ’ll7 275 ,335 ,335 ,159 283 152 306 112 333 332 121 129 130 92 337 337 10U '291 261+ ll+O ll+l ll+0 ll+9 T61+ T61+ 311 127 127 127 30l+ 268 193 338362 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 F Page Page Fairviev, MdConococheaque Creek at---------------------------- 201 Falconer, N.Y., Chadakoin River at----------------------------285 Fall Creek near Ithaca, N.Y-----------------------------------3^7 Falling Creek near Chesterfield, Va--------------------------- 256 Falling River near Naruna, Va---------------------------------271 Falling Spring, Va., Jackson River at------------------------- 2kk Falls Creek tributary near Victoria, Va---------------------— 260 Fanners Hall Creek near Champlain, Va-------------------------238 Farmville, Va., Appomattox River at--------------------------- 258 Fayetteville, N.Y., Limestone Creek at------------------------ 355 Fayetteville, Pa., Conococheaque Creek near-------------------201 Feathers Creek near Belmont, N.Y------------------------------337 Fern Cliff, Va., Big Lickinghole Creek tributary near---------256 Ferndale, Pa., Stony Creek at---------------------------------297 Fincastle, Va., North Fork near-------------------------------3U7 Fine Creek at Fine Creek Mills, Va----------------------------256 First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek near Sinnemahoning, Pa---------1U3 First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek Reservoir near Sinnemahoning, Pa----------------------------------------lU2 Fishersville, Va., Christians Creek near----------------------20h Fishing Creek at Mill Hall, Ra--------------------------------n+ 8 near Bloomsburg, Pa-----------------------------------------136 near Lewistown, Md------------------------------------------21 h Fivemile Creek near Kanona, N.Y-------------------------------128 Fivemile River near Norwalk, Conn----------------------------- 88 Flanagan Mills, Va., Willis River at--------------------------255 Flatlick Branch at Sully Road near Chantilly, Va--------------230 Flint Creek at Phelps, N.Y-------------------------------------3^9 at Potter, N.Y-----------------------------------------------3^8 Flinton, Pa., Glendale Lake at Prince Gallitzin State Park near------------------------------------------138 Fontaine Creek near Brink, Va---------------------------— 265 Forest City, Pa., Lackawanna River near------------------------133 Stillwater Lake near----------------------------------------132 Fort Run near Moorefield, W.Va---------------------------------19 ^ Fort Washington, Kt., Wissahickon Creek at---------------------- 98 Pine Run tributary at---------------------------------------- 98 Foster Joseph Sayers Lake near Blanchard, Pa------------------ 1^7 Fourmile Run at Alexandria, Va------------------------------— 226 Foxtown, Md., North Branch Casselman River tributary at——-- 320 Francisco, N.C., Dan River near---------------------------------273 Franklin, Md., Georges Creek at---------------------------------190 Franklin, Pa., Allegheny River at-------------------------------290 Patchel Run near--------------------------------------------290 Franklintown, Md., Dead Run at---------------------------------l82 Franklin, Va., Blackwater River near----------------------------263 Franklin, W.Va., Friends Run near------------------------------193 South Branch Potomac River at-------------------------------192 Unnamed Run on North Fork Mountain near---------------------193 Frankstown Branch,Juniata River at Williamsburg, Pa----------- 156 Frederick, Md., Linganore Creek near Frederick, Md------------ 215 Monocacy River at Jug Bridge---------------------------------2lU Fredericksburg, Va., Rappahannock River near------------------2 39 Freeport, Pa., Buffalo Creek near-----------------------------30 5 French Creek at Utica, Pa-------------------------------------29 0 near Rioenixville, Pa---------------------------------------- 95 near Union City, Pa------------------------------------------289 Friendship, N.Y., Van Campen Creek at-------------------------337 Friends Run near Franklin, W.Va-----------------------------— 193 Friendsville, I Id., Bear Creek at------------------------------319 Youghiogher.y River at---------------------------------------319 Frisby Branch near Buckingham, Va—1---------------------------253 Front Royal, Va., Happy Creek at------------------------------210 South Fork Shenandoah River at------------------------------ 206 Frostburg, Md., Savage River near-------------------------------188 Frying Km Branch near Herndon, Va-----------------------------216 Fullmer Valley Creek near Ha11sport, N.Y---------------------- 336 Fullmer Valley Creek tributary near Andover, N.Y-------------- 336 G Galeton, Pa., Pine Creek at------------------------------------lU8 Ganargua Creek at Macedon, N.Y.--------------------------------3k6 Garbutt, N.Y., Oatka Creek at---------------------------------- 3^1 Gardenville, N.Y., Buffalo Creek at..........................— 33U Garrisonville, Va., A quia Creek near--------------------------2 33 Gauley River at Camden-on-Gauley, W.Va-------------------------330 below Summersville Dam, W.Va--------------------------------330 near Craigsville, W.Va------------------------------------— 331 Qenesee, Pa., Cryder Creek at----------------------------------335 Genesee River at Avon, N.Y-------------------------------------3U1 Genesee River at Portageville, N.Y------------------- at Rochester, N.Y---------------------------------- at Scio, N.Y..........................-............ at Stannards, N.Y---------------------------------- near Mount Morris, N.Y----------------------------- Georges Creek at Franklin, Md------------------------ near Gretna, Va------------------------------------ at Smithfield, Pa.................................. Germania Branch at Germania, Pa----------------------- Germania, Pa., Germania Branch at--------------------- Gettysburg, Pa., White Run near----------------------- Gibson, Pa., Butler Creek at-------------------------- Gillespie Run near Sutersville, Pa-------------------- Gilman, W. Va., Unnamed Run at------------------------ Gilmer Run near Marlinton, W.Va----------------------- Gingoteague Run near Port Royal, Va------------------- Gist Run near Dunbar, Pa------------------------------ Glade Run at Muncy, Pa-------------------------------- Glebe Branch at Valley Lee, Md------------------------ Glendale Lake at Prince Gallitzin State Park near Flinton, Pa------------------------------------ Glennmoore, Pa., Marsh Creek near--------------------- Glyndon, Md., Slade Run near-------------------------- Goff Creek near Avoca, N.Y---------------------------- Goff Creek tributary near Howard, N.Y----------------- GoIdvein, Va., Rock Run tributary near---------------- Goose Creek near Huddleston, Va----------------------- near Leesburg, Va---------------------------------- near Middleburg, Va-------------------------------- Gordonsville, Va., Mountain Run tributary near-------- Goshen, Va., Calfpasture River above Mill Creek at— Gowanda, N.Y., Cattaraugus Creek at------------------- Graceton, Pa., Two Lick Creek at---------------------- Grafton, W.Va., Right Fork Wickwire Run on U.S. Highway 119 near-------------------------- Tygart Lake near----------------------------------- Grand Valley, Pa., West Branch Caldwell Creek near— Grantsville, Md., Casselman River at------------------ Graterford, Pa., Perkiomen Creek at------------------- Great Cacapon, W.Va., Cacapon River near-------------- Great Creek near Cochran, Va-------------------------- Great Falls, Va., Difficult Run near------------------ Rock Run near--------------------------------------- Great Mills, Md., St. Mary’s River at------------ Green Bank, W.Va., Cooper Run near-------------------- Greenbriar River at Alderson, W.Va-------------------- at Buckeye, W.Va------------------------------------ at Durbin, W.Va------------------------------------- at Hilldale, W.Va----------------------------------- Greene, N.Y., Chenango River at----------------------- Greenfield, Va., Rockfish River near------------------ Green Lane, Pa., Green Lane Reservoir at-------------- Green Lane Reservoir at Green Lane Pa----------------- Green Lick Reservoir, Pa., Green Lick Run at---------- Green Lick Run at Green Lick Reservoir, Pa------------ Green Meadows, Md., Sligo Creek at-------------------- Greensboro, Pa., Monongahela River at----------------- Greenwood, N.Y., Bennetts Creek tributary at---------- Griffith Creek near Alderson, W.Va-------------------- Grimes, Md., Marsh Run at----------------------------- Gretna, Va., Georges Creek near----------------------- Whitehorn Creek tributary near---------------------- Grottoes, Va., Middle River near---------------------- Guffey, Pa., Kinzua Creek near------------------------ Guilford Downs, Md., Little Phtuxent River tributary at-------------------------------------------------- Guilford, Md., Little Kituxent River at--------------- Gum Springs, Va., Rocketts Creek tributary near------- Gwynns Falls at McDonogh, Md-------------------------- at Villa Nova, Md.................................. near Owings Mills, Md------------------------------ -339 •3U3 -336 -336 • 3Uo -190 .278 • 3lU .1U3 .1U3 -212 .132 .322 .307 • 331 .239 ■ 322 ■152 ■234 ■138 ■107 ■175 ■128 ■ 127 ■ 236 • 269 • 216 • 216 ■ 2U0 . 2U8 335 • 302 308 309 . 289 320 97 198 263 221 221 23b 325 329 327 325 328 117 251 96 96 323 323 227 3lb 126 329 203 278 279 205 283 185 185 256 181 181 181 H Halifax, Va., Banister at------------------ Hall, W.Va., Buckhannon River at----------- Hallsport, N.Y., Fullmer Valley Creek near- Hammondsport, N.Y., Keuka Lake at---------- Keuka Lake tributary No. 13 near---------- Hampden Sydney, Va., Buffalo Creek near---- Hancock, Md., Ditch Run near--------------- 279 307 3 36 3^U 3bb 257 199INDEX TO STREAMFLOW DATA 363 Page Page Hancock, Md., Potomac River at--------------------------- Potomac River tributary near--------------------------- Haneytown Creek near Stanardsville, Va------------------- Hanover, Va., Pamunkey River near------------------------ Happy Creek at Front Royal, Va--------------------------- Harbor Brook at Hiawatha Boulevard, Syracuse, N.Y-------- at Syracuse, N.Y--------------------------------------- Hardware River below Briery Run, near Scottsville, Va--- Hare Creek near Corry, Pa-------------------------------- Harman, W.Va., Horse Camp Run at------------------------- Harmony, Md., Little Catoctin Creek at------------------- Harpers Run near Morrisville, Va------------------------- Harper Tavern, Pa., Swatara Creek at--------------------- Harrisburg, Pa., Paxton Creek at Wildwood Lake at-------- Susquehanna River at----------------------------------- Harris Creek near Trevilians, Va------------------------- Harriston, Va., South River at--------------------------- Hayfield, Va., Hogue Creek near-------------------------- Hay Meadow Branch tributary at ftjplar Springs, Md------- Hazel River at Rixeyville, Va---------------------------- Headsville, W.Va., Patterson Creek near------------------ Heathsville, Va., Bush Mill Stream near------------------ Hector Falls Creek at Burdett, N.Y----------------------- Henderson Creek near Shadwell, Va------------------------ Hendricks, W.Va., Dry Fork at---------------------------- Henryton, Md., South Branch Pa tapsco River at----------- Henson Creek at Qxon Hill, Md---------------------------- Hereford, Md., Piney Creek near-------------------------- Prettyboy Reservoir near------------------------------- Herndon, Va., Frying Ran Branch near--------------------- Horsepen Run at Sully Road near------------------------ Merrybrook Run at Sully Road near---------------------- Higgins, N.Y., Sixtown Creek at-------------------------- Hightowers, N.C., South Country Line Creek near---------- Hilldale, W.Va., Greenbriar River at--------------------- Hinton, Va., War Branch near----------------------------- Hoekessin, Del., Mill Creek at--------------------------- Hogestown, Pa., Conodoguinet Creek near------------------ Hog Rock Creek near Moores Springs, N.C------------------ Hogue Creek near Hayfield, Va---------------------------- Holiday Creek near Andersonville, Va--------------------- Holcombs Rock, Va., James River at---------------——— Hollofield, Md., Patapsco River at---------------------— Hollow Road Creek near Middletown, Md-------------------- Holmes Run near Annandale, Va---------------------------- Homer City, lb., Yellow Creek near----------------------- Honey Brook, Pa., West Branch Brandywine Creek near------ Honeoye Creek at Honeoye Falls, N.Y---------------------- Honeoye Falls, N.Y., Honeoye Creek at-------------------- Honeoye Lake near Honeoye, N.Y-----------------—--------- Honeoye, N.Y., Honeoye Lake near------------------------- Hopwood, Pa., Lick Run at-------------------------------- Horne11, N.Y., Canacadea Creek near---------------------- Canisteo River below Canacadea Creek at----------— Horse Camp Run at Harman, W.Va--------------------------- Horseheads, N.Y., Newtown Creek at----------------------- Horsepen Run at Sully Road, near Herndon, Va------------- Hoskins Creek near Tappahannock, Va---------------------- Howard Creek at Caldwell, W.Va--------------------------- Howard, N.Y., Goff Creek tributary near------------------ Hoyes Run, Md., Toliver Run tributary near---------------- Huddleston, Va., Goose Creek near------------------------- Hunter Creek at Colgrave, N.Y---------------------------- Hunters Branch near Palmyra, Va-------------------------- Huntersville, W.Va., Moody Moore Hollow near-------------- Hunting Creek at Jimtown, Md------------------------------ Huntingdon, Pa., Crooked Creek near----------------------- Juniata River at--------------------------------------- Raystown Branch Juniata River below Raystown Dam near- Ray stown Branch Juniata River near-------------------- Huntington Creek near Pikes Creek, Pa--------------------- Huntington, W.Va., Ohio River at-------------------------- Ohio River at 2l*th Street----------------------------- Huntingtown, Md., Cocktown Creek near--------------------- Hurricane Branch near Blackstone, Va---------------------- Hustontown, Pa., Elders Branch near----------------------- Hutchinson River at Pelham, N.Y--------------------------- Hyattsville, Md., Northwest Branch Anacostia River near- Hyco Creek near Leasburg, N.C----------------------------- Hyco River at McGehees Mill, N.C—------------------------- near Denniston, Va------------------------------------- ____199 ____199 ___25b '~~2b2 "III210 IIII352 ____351 ____252 ____287 ____311 ____211 ____237 ____166 ___167 ____165 ____2bl 206 II”l99 180 236 .193 ___235 3U IIII255 ___312 “”3.80 IIII227 ___175 ___175 ___216 ___216 ___215 ___338 ___276 ___328 ____205 ____105 ____162 ____273 ----199 ----256 ____2U9 ___l8l ____211 ___226 ___301 ____105 ___3Ul ____3Ul ___3U0 ___3U0 ____317 ___125 ____12U ___311 ___129 ___216 ___238 ___327 ___127 ___318 -.269 ___33lt „25lt 326 ___2lU IIII157 ___156 ....158 ___159 136 33U 333 186 II"26l ---159 --- 90 ___227 ___278 ___280 ___281 Hyndman, Pa., Wills Creek below- .190 I Idaho, Pa., Crooked Creek at--------------------- Idlewylde, Md., West Branch Herring Run at------- Independent Hill, Va., South Fork Quantico Creek near------------------------------------------- Index, N.Y., Oaks Creek at----------------------- Indiana, Pa., Stony Run at----------------------- Indian Creek near Andover, N.Y------------------- Indian Draft near Marlinton, W.Va---------------- Indian Rock Reservoir near York, Pa-------------- Irvona, Pa., Clearfield Creek at----------------- North Whitmer Run at--------------------------- Ithaca, N.Y., Buttermilk Creek near-------------- Cayuga Inlet at-------------------------------- Cayuga Inlet near------------------------------ Cayuga Lake at--------------------------------- Coy Glen Creek at------------------------------ Fall Creek near-------------------------------- Six Mile Creek at Fotlers Falls near----------- Six Mile Creek above--------------------------- Six Mile Creek tributary near------------------ Itaska, N.Y., Bioughnioga River at--------------- .298 .177 -232 .113 .300 .337 .326 .16 9 .139 .139 31*1 .3b$ 3bk 31*6 .31*5 .3U7 .31*5 .31*5 .31*5 119 Jackson River at Falling Spring, Va--------------------------2UU Jackson Run near North Warren, Pa---------------------------2®6 Jacobs Creek near Wentworth, N.C-----------------------------2?1* James River at Bent Creek, Va--------------------------------250 at Buchanan, Va-------------------------------------------2i*7 at Cartersville, Va--------------------------------------2 5 5 at Holcombs Rock, Va--------------------------------------2i*9 at Lick Run, Va-------------------------------------------2 ^5 at Scottsville, Va-----------------------------------------252 near Richmond, Va------------------------------------------257 James ville, N.Y., Butternut Creek near-------------------—35 j* Jefferson, Ra., South Fork Tenmile Creek at------------------316 Jessup, Md., Dorsey Run near--------------------------------1®~* Jimtown, Md., Hunting Creek at-------------------------------21 ^ John H. Kerr Reservoir near Boydton, Va----------------------2®0 Johns Creek at New Castle, Va--------------------------------2j* ® Johns Creek tributary near New Castle, Va-------------------- Johnsonburg, Pa., Clarion River at----------------------------92 Johnson's Creek at Cuba, N.Y- 82 Jones Falls at Sorrento, Md----------------------------------183 Jones Springs, W.Va., Back Creek near------------------------200 Josephine, Pa., Blacklick Creek at---------------------------301 Juniata River at Huntingdon, Ra-----------------------------156 at Mapleton Depot, lb-------------------------------------158 at Newport, Pa--------------------------------------------l6l at Warrior Ridge Dam, Pa----------------------------------156 K Kalmia, Md., Deer Creek near---------------------------------173 Kanona, N.Y., Campbell Creek near----------------------------12® Fivemile Creek near---------------------------------------12® Karr Valley Creek near Almond, N.Y---------------------------i2i* Kashong Creek near BeIlona, N.Y-Karthaus, Pa., West Branch Susquehanna River at-Keene, Va., Thomas Creek near- Kendig Creek near MacDougall, N.Y- Kennedyville, Md., Morgan Creek near---------------- Kernesville, N.C. Belews Creek near----------------- Kerrs Creek near Lexington, Va---------------------- Kettle Creek at Cross Fork, Pa---------------------- near Westport, Pa-------*------------------------- Kettle Creek Lake near Westport, Tb----------------- Keuka Lake at Hammondsport, N.Y--------------------- Keuka Lake Outlet at Dresden, N.Y------------------- Keuka Lake tributary No. 12 near Pulteney, N.Y------ Keuka Lake tributary No. 13 near Hammondsport, N.Y- Keysville, Va., North Meherrin River near----------- Kilgore Creek tributary near Leasburg, N.C---------- Kingston, Pa., Loyalhanna Creek at------------------ Kinzua Creek near Guffey, Pa------------------------ Kinzua, Pa., Allegheny Reservoir near--------------- 3 U5 ,11*0 ,2 52 Kemps, Md., Conococheague Creek tributary at----------------2p° .31*5 -111 .272 _2l*9 _11* 3 ll*l* .11*1* 3U1* 131*5 3l*l+ 3U1* J6 3 .278 ’302 "283 ”281*364 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Page Page Kirkwood Creek near Kirkwood, N.Y---------------- Kirkwood, N.Y., Kirkwood Creek near-------------- Kishacoquillas Creek at Reedsville, Pa----------- Kiskinlinetas River at Vandergrift, Pa---------- Kittanning, Pa., Allegheny River at-------------- Kitzmiller, Md., North Branch Potomac River at- 126 126 160 30U 297 186 L Lackawanna River at Archbald, Pa-------------------------------133 at Old Forge, Pa----------------------------------------------13^ near Forest City, Pa------------------------------------------133 Lafayette, Va., Roanoke River at-------------------------------26U Lakeland, N.Y., Ninemile Creek at------------------------------353 Lakeville, N.Y., Conesus Lake near------—--------—-----------—3^1 Lancaster, N.Y., Cayuga Creek near-----------------------------33*+ Lancaster, Pa., Conestoga Creek at-----------------------------171 Landenberg, Pa., Middle Branch White Clay Creek near----------- Lantz, Md., Owens Creek at--------------------------------------213 Largo, Md., Western Branch near-------------------------------- Larrys Creek at Cogan House, Pa--------------------------------150 Laurel Brook, Md., Little Gunpowder Falls at-------------------^6 Laurel Hill Creek at Ursina, lb.-------------------------------320 Laurel, Md., Patuxent River near-------------------------------1®5 T. Howard Duckett Reservoir near-----------------------------1®** Laurel Mills, Va., Battle Run near-----------------------------235 Lawrenceville, Pa., Cowanesque River near----------------------121 Lawrenceville, Va., Meherrin River near----------------------—262 Lawsons Creek near Tubeville, Va--------------------------------277 Lawsonville, N.C., Little Snow Creek near----------------------272 Layhill, Md., Bel Pre Creek at---------------------------------22U Leaksville, N.C., Matrimony Creek near-------------------------275 Leasburg, N.C., Hyco Creek near--------------------------------278 Kilgore Creek tributary near----------------------------------278 Leesburg, Va., Goose Creek near------------------------------—216 South Fork Sycolin Creek near--------------------------------217 Lees ville Lake near Lees ville, Va----------------------------2°° Leesville, Va., Leesville Lake near----------------------------268 Leipsic River near Cheswold, Del---------------------------—m Lenah Run at Lenah, Va-----------------------------------------217 Lenah, Va., Lenah Run at---------------------------------------217 Lenhartsville, Pa., Maiden Creek tributary at------------------9^ Leslie, Md., Northeast Creek at--------------------------------H3 Levels, W.Va., Little Cacapon River near-----------------------197 Lewisburg, Pa., West Branch Susquehanna River at---------------153 Lewistown, Md., Fishing Creek near-----------------------------214 Lexington, Va., Kerrs Creek near-------------------------------249 Liberty Grove, Md., Basin Run at-------------------------------1^2 Liberty Reservoir near Marriottsville, Md----------------------1^9 Libertytown, Md., Dollyhyde Creek at---------------------------215 Lick Run at Hopwood, Pa----------------------------------------317 near East Waterford, Pa---------------------------------------1~1 Lick Run, Va., James River at----------------------------------24 5 Limestone Creek at Fayetteville, N.Y---------------------------®^5 Lindley, N.Y., Tannery Creek near-------------------------------123 Tioga River at------------------------------------------------122 Linganore Creek near Frederick, Md------------------------------215 Little Buffalo Creek at Cabot, Fa------------------------------30 5 Little Cacapon River near Levels, W.Va-------------------------^97 Little Catoctin Creek at Harmony, Md--------------------------- Little Conemaugh River at East Conemaugh, Pa--------------------299 Little Conneauttee Creek near McKean, Pa-----------------------289 Little Crum Creek at Swathmore, Pa---------------------------—^ Little Falls Branch near Bethesda, Md--------------------------220 Little Genesee Creek at Little Genesee, N.Y------------------ oAo Little Genesee, N.Y., Little Genesee Creek at------------------282 Little Gunpowder Falls at Laurel Brook, Md--------------------- Little Juniata River at Spruce Creek, Pa----------------------- at Tipton, Pa---------------------------------------------— Little Lost Creek at Oakland Mills, Pa------------------------- Little Mahoning Creek at McCormick, Pa-------------------------297 Little Mill Creek at Elsmere, Del------------------------------101* near Dansville, N.Y------------------------------------------339 Little Mill Creek tributary near Dansville, N.Y----------------339 Little Patuxent River at Guilford, Md—--------------------——185 at Savage, Md-----------■-------------------------------——J.8U Little Patuxent River tributary at Guilford Downs, Md----------185 Little Pine Creek near Etna, Pa--------------------------------30U Little Pipe Creek at Avondale, Md------------------------------2 12 Little River near Doswell, Va----------------------------------21+1 Little Schuylkill River at Tamagua, Pa------------------ Little Snow Creek near Lawsonville, N.C----------------- Little Wills Creek at Bard, Pa-------------------------- Little Yellow Creek near Strongstown, Pa---------------- Little Youghiogheny River tributary near Deer Park, Md- Liverpool, N.Y., Onondago Lake at----------------------- Loch Raven Reservoir near Carney, Md-------------------- Locust Dale, Va., Robinson River near------------------- Locust Grove, Md., Dog Creek tributary near------------- Loganton, Pa., Bull Run near---------------------------- Long Branch at Arlington Boulevard near Vienna, Va------ at Arlington, Va------------------------------------- at Vienna, Va---------------------------------------- Long Run near Parsons, W.Va----------------------------- Lost River at McCauley, near Baker, W.Va---------------- Lovingston, Va., lye River near------------------------- Loyalhanna Creek at Kingston, Pa------------------------ at Loyalhanna Dam, Pa-------------------------------- Loyalhanna Dam, Pa., Loyalhanna Creek at---------------- Loyalhanna Lake at----------------------------------- Loyalhanna Lake at Loyalhanna Dam, Pa------------------- Loyalsock Creek at Loyalsockville, Pa----------------— Loyalsockville, Pa., Loyalsock Creek at----------------- Loysville, Pa., Bixler Run near------------------------- Lucky Run at Arlington, Va------------------------------ Ludlowville, N.Y., Salmon Creek at---------------------- Luke, Md., North Branch Potomac River at---------------- Lunenburg, Va., North Meherrin River near--------------- Luray, Va., South Fork Shenandoah River tributary near- Lutes Run at Lutes, Md---------------------------------- Luzerne, Pa., Toby Creek at----------------------------- Lycoming Creek near Trout Run, Pa----------------------- Lykens, Pa., Rattling Creek at-------------------------- Wiconisco Creek at----------------------------------- Lynchburg, Va., Burton Creek tributary near------------- lynch, Pa., Tionesta Creek at--------------------------- lynch River near Nortonsville, Va----------------------- Lyndell, Pa., Marsh Creek near-------------------------- Iynnwood, Va., South Fork Shenandoah River near--------- ■ 93 .272 .190 .300 .317 .35^ .177 .237 .203 .lh9 .229 .226 .229 .312 .197 .250 .302 .303 .303 .303 .303 .150 .150 .161 .226 .3U7 .189 .262 .206 .225 .23U .151 .155 .155 2U9 .287 .25U .106 .207 M Mac Dougall, N.Y., Kendig Creek near----------- Macedon, N.Y., Ganargua Creek at--------------- Mahoning Creek at Mahoning Creek Dam, Pa------- at Punxsutawney, Pa------------------------- Mahoning Creek Dam, Pa., Mahoning Creek at----- Mahoning Creek Lake at---------------------- Mahoning Creek Lake at Mahoning Creek Dam, Pa-Maiden Creek tributary at Lenhartsville, Pa--- Mainesburg, Pa., Corey Creek near-------------- Elk Run near-------------------------------- Mamaroneck, N.Y., Beaver Swamp Brook at-------- Mamaroneck River at------------------------- Sheldrake River at-------------------------- Mamaroneck River at Mamaroneck, N.Y------------ at Winfield Avenue, Mamaroneck, N.Y--------- Manassas, Va., Bull Run near------------------- Occoquan River near------------------------- Manatawny, Pa., Pine Creek near--------------- Manchester, Pa., West Conewago Creek near------ Mannboro, Va., Deep Creek near----------------- Manns Choice, Pa., Buffalo Run tributary near- Manns Creek near Mansfield, Pa----------------- Manor Run near Norbeck, Md--------------------- Mansfield, Pa., Corey Creek at----------------- Manns Creek near---------------------------- Tioga River at------------------------------ Mapleton Depot, Pa., Juniata River at---------- Marietta, N.Y., Ninemile Creek near------------ Marietta, Pa., Susquehanna River at------------ Marietta, Ohio, Ohio River near---------------- Markleton, Pa., Casselman River at------------- Marlinton, W.Va., Gilmer Run near-------------- Indian Draft near--------------------------- Marriottsville, Md., Liberty Reservoir near— Marsh Creek at Blanchard, Pa------------------- near Glennmoore, Pa------------------------- near lyndell, Pa---------------------------- Marsh Run at Grimes, Md.----------------------- Martinsburg, W.Va., Opequon Creek near--------- .3U5 .3 U6 .296 .296 .296 296 296 . 9h 120 ’l21 ! 90 . 91 . 91 . 91 . 91 .231 .231 - 9^ .168 .259 .157 .121 .223 .120 .121 .121 .158 .353 .170 m32h \321 .331 .326 .179 .1U6 .107 .106 .203 201INDEX TO STREAMFLOW DATA 365 Page Page Martinsburg, W.Va., Tuscarora Creek above-------------------- Tuscarora Creek near mouth below-------------------------- Martinsville, Va., Smith River at---------------------------- Marvin Creek at Smethport, Pa-------------------------------- Matoaca, Va., Appomattox River at---------------------------- Matrimony Creek near Leaksville, N.C------------------------- Mattavoman Creek near Pomonkey, Md--------------------------- Mattoax, Va., Appomattox River at---------------------------- Mattaponi River near Beulahville, Va------------------------- near Bowling Green, Va------------------------------------ Maury River at Rockbridge Baths, Va-------------------------- near Buena Vista, Va-------------------------------------- Mayo River near Price, N.C----------------------------------- Mayville, N.Y., Chautouqua Lake near------------------------- McCormick, Ra., Little Mahoning Creek at--------------------- McDonald Run near East Freedom, Pa--------------------------- McDonogh, Md., Gwynns Falls at------------------------------- McGehees Mill, N.C., Hyco River at--------------------------- McHenry Valley Creek tributary No. 1 near Alfred, N.Y-------- McHenry Valley Creek tributary No. 2 near Alfred, N.Y-------- McKean, Pa., Little Conneauttee Creek near------------------- McLean, Va., Scott Run near---------------------------------- Meadow Brook at Hurlburt Road, Syracuse, N.Y----------------- Meherrin River at Emporia, Va-------------------------------- near Lawrenceville, Va------------------------------------ Merrybrook Run at Sully Road, near Herndon, Va--------------- Middle Branch White Clay Creek near Landenberg, Pa----------- Middle Branch Wyalusing Creek tributary near Birchardville, Pa------------------------------------- Middleburg, Va., Goose Creek near---------------------------- Middle Fork River at Audra, W.Va----------------------------- Middle River near Grottoes, Va------------------------------- near Verona, Va------------------------------------------- Middlesex, N.Y., West River near----------------------------- Middletown, Md., Catoctin Creek near------------------------- Hollow Road Creek near------------------------------------ Milesburg, Pa., Bald Eagle Creek below Spring Creek at------- Spring Creek at------------------------------------------- Mill Branch near Mitchellville, Md--------------------------- Mill Creek at Coudersport, Pa-------------------------------- at Hockessin, Del----------------------------------------- at Patchinville, N.Y-------------------------------------- at Sinclairville, N.Y------------------------------------- near Brockway, Pa----------------------------------------- near Buchanan, Va----------------------------------------- near Warrensville, Pa------------------------------------- Mill Hall, Pa., Fishing Creek at----------------------------- Millington, Md., Unicorn Branch near------------------------- Millville, W.Va., Shenandoah River at------------------------ Minister Creek near Truemans, Pa----------------------------- Mink Creek at Richfield Springs, N.Y------------------------- Mitchellville, Md., Mill Branch near------------------------- Patuxent River at U.S. Highway 50 near-------------------- Modena, Pa., West Branch Brandywine Creek at----------------- Monocacy River at Bridgeport, Md----------------------------- at Jug Bridge near Frederick, Md-------------------------- Monongahela River at Braddock, Pa---------------------------- at Charleroi, Pa------------------------------------------ at Greensboro, Pa----------------------------------------- Monroeton, Pa., Towanda Creek near--------------------------- Montdale, Pa., South Branch Tunkhannock Creek near----------- Montevideo, Va., Cub Run tributary near---------------------- Montour Falls, N.Y., Catherine Creek tributary No. 4 near— Montour, N.Y., Catherine Creek near-------------------------- Montross, Va., Cat Point Creek near-------------------------- Montvale, Va., South Fork Goose Creek at--------------------- Monument, Pa., Beech Creek near------------------------------ Moody Moore Hollow near Huntersville, W.Va------------------- Moon Creek near Yanceyville, N.C----------------------------- MoorefieId, W.Va., Fort Run near----------------------------- South Fork South Branch Potomac River near---------------- Williams Hollow near-------------------------------------- Moores Creek near Charlottesville, Va------------------------ Moores Springs, N.C., Hog Rock Creek near-------------------- Moravia, N.Y., Owasco Inlet at------------------------------- Morgan Creek near Kennedyville, Md--------------------------- Morgantown, W.Va., Cobun Creek at---------------------------- Deckers Creek at—-----------------------------------------— Morris, N.Y., Butternut Creek at----------------------------- Morrisville, Va., Harpers Run near--------------------------- Moshannon Creek at Osceola Mills, Pa------------------------- 202 203 275 283 258 275 231 258 2k2 2h2 2k8 2h8 27h 28k 297 155 181 280 12U 12k 289 221 355 261* 262 216 102 — 131 — 216 — 306 — 205 — 20k — 3U6 — 210 — 211 — lU6 — 1U5 -185 — 282 — 105 — 339 — 281* — 291* — 21*7 — 151 __lU8 __110 __210 __288 __113 -185 — 185 —106 — 213 — 211* — 323 — 316 — 311* — 130 — 132 — 207 — 31*3 — 3l*3 238 _ 268 __11* 8 __326 276 __ 191+ — 195 191+ — 255 .273 3k9 111 II310 __311 115 237 “ll*0 Moshannon Creek at Phillipsburg, Pa--------------------------ll*0 Mountain Grove, Va., Back Creek near-------------------------21*3 Mountain Run near Culpeper, Va-------------------------------2 37 Mountain Run tributary near Gordonsville, Va-----------------21*0 Mt. Airy, Va., Blacks Creek near-----------------------------279 Mount Jackson, Va., North Fork Shenandoah River at-----------208 Mount Morris Lake near Mount Morris, N.Y---------------------338 Mount Morris, N.Y., Genesee River near-----------------------31+0 Mount Morris Lake near-------------------------------------338 Mount Storm, W.Va., Stony River near------------------------187 Mud Creek at East Victor, N.Y--------------------------------31*6 near Savona, N.Y-------------------------------------------129 Mud Creek tributary near Bradford, N.Y-----------------------129 Mud Lick Run near Buckhannon, W.Va---------------------------306 Muddy Creek at Castle Fin, Ra--------------------------------171 Muddy Run near Standardsville, Va----------------------------2 53 Mulholland Creek near Erwins, N.Y----------------------------127 Muncy Creek near Sonestown, Pa-------------------------------151 Muncy, Pa., Glade Run at--------------------------------------152 Murrysville, Pa., Abers Creek near----------------------------323 N 'Nantawny, Pa., Pine Creek near------------------------ Naples, N.Y., Reservoir Creek at----------------------- Naruna, Va., Falling River near------------------------ Naticoke Creek at Union Center, N.Y-------------------- Natrona, Ra., Allegheny River at----------------------- Nedrow, N.Y., Onondaga Reservoir near------------------ Needmore, Ph., Tonoloway Creek near-------------------- Neils Creek near Bloomerville, N.Y--------------------- Nettleridge, Va., South Mayo River near---------------- New Albany, Pa., South Branch Towanda Creek at--------- Newark, Del., Pike Creek near-------------------------- White Clay Creek above------------------------------ White Clay Creek near------------------------------- Newburg, Ra., Newburg Run at--------------------------- Newburg Run at Newburg, Pa----------------------------- New Castle, Va., Craig Creek'near---------------------- Craig Creek tributary near-------------------------- Johns Creek at-------------------------------------- Johns Creek tributary near-------------------------- Newell Creek near Port Allegany, Pa-------------------- Newfield, N.Y., West Branch Cayuga Inlet at------------ Newington, Va., Accotink Creek near-------------------- New Market, Va., Smith Creek near---------------------- Newport, Pa., Juniata River at------------------------- Newtown Creek at Elmira, N.Y--------------------------- at Horseheads, N.Y---------------------------------- Niagara, Va., Roanoke River at------------------------- Nibbs Creek tributary near Amelia, Va------------------ Ninemile Creek at Camillus, N.Y------------------------ at Lakeland, N.Y------------------------------------ near Marietta, N.Y---------------------------------- Nineveh, Ra., Browns Creek near------------------------ Norbeck, Md., Manor Run near--------------------------- North Branch Rock Creek near------------------------ Normalville, Pa., Poplar Run near---------------------- North Anna River near Doswell, Va---------------------- North Boston, N.Y., Eighteenmile Creek at-------------- North Branch Casselman River tributary at Foxtown, Md- North Branch Patapsco River at Cedarhurst, Md---------- North Branch Phillips Creek at Withey, N.Y------------- North Branch Potomac River at Barnum, W.Va------------- at Kitzmiller, Md...................................- at Luke, Md----------------------------------------- at Pinto, Md---------------------------------------- near Cumberland, Md--------------------------------- North Branch Rock Creek near Norbeck, Md--------------- North Branch Sugar Creek tributary near Columbia Cross Roads, Pa--------------------------------- North Cameron, N.Y., Stocking Creek tributary at------- Northeast Branch Anacostia River at Riverdale, Md------ Northeast Creek at Leslie, Md-------------------------- Northeast River tributary near Charlestown, Md--------- North Fork Moormans River near Whitehall, Va----------- North Fork near Fincastle, Va-------------------------- North Fork Rivanna River near Proffit, Va-------------- North Fork Shenandoah River at Cootes Store, Va-------- at Mount Jackson, Va-------------------------------- near Strasburg, Va---------------------------------- ■ 9k • 3U6 .271 .118 •30U -127 -272 -131 -103 -103 -10U -162 -162 —2U6 -21*7 ,.21+6 -21+6 -282 ..31*1* -228 -207 l6l -179 ..129 -267 -259 -352 —353 ..353 ..316 ..223 ..222 -321 -2 Ul -335 -320 -179 -337 -187 ,_l86 , J-89 -191 —191 -222 —131 -129 ,.222 .113 ..112 -2 53 ..21*7 I25I+ ”207 ‘208 ’>09366 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Page Page North Fork Shenandoah River tributary near Waterlick, North Fork South Branch Potomac River at Cabins, W.Va North Garden, Va., South Branch North Fork Hardware River near-------------------------------------- North Home 11, N.Y., Big Creek near-------------------- North Mayo River near Spencer, Va---------------------- North Meherrin River near Briery, Va------------------- near Keysville, Va---------------------------------- near Lunenburg, Va---------------------------------- North River near Annapolis, Md------------------------- near Burketown, Va---------------------------------- near Stokesville, Va-------------------------------- North Warren, Pa., Jackson Run near-------------------- Northwest Branch Anacostia River at Norwood, Md-------- near Colesville, Mi--------------------------------- near Hyattsville, Md-------------------------------- North Whitmer Run at Irvona, Pa------------------------ North Wilton, Conn., Comstock Brook near--------------- Nortonsville, Va., Lynch River near-------------------- Norwood, Md., Northwest Branch Anacostia River--------- Nottoway River near Burkeville, Va--------------------- near Rawlings, Va----------------------------------- near Sebrell, Va------------------------------------ near Stony Creek, Va-------------------------------- Norwalk, Conn, Fivemile River near--------------------- Norwalk River at South Wilton, Conn-------------------- Nursery Run at Cloverly, Md---------------------------- Va-----209 .......193 _______252 .......123 .......273 .......263 _______263 .......262 .......182 .......205 _______204 .......286 .......223 .......22 5 ......_227 ......-139 ......89 ......254 .......223 _______260 .......26l .......26l ......260 .......88 .......88 ....._22h 0 Oakdale, Md., Batchellors Run at----------------- Oakland, Md., Deep Creek Reservoir near------- Youghiogheny River near----------------------- Oakland Mills Pa., Little Lost Creek at---------- Oakmont, W.Va., Abram Creek at------------------- Oaks Creek at Index, N.Y------------------------- Oatka Creek at Garbutt, N.Y---------------------- at Warsaw, N.Y-------------------------------- Occoquan River near Manassas, Va----------------- Octoraro Creek near Rising Sun, Md--------------- Ohio River at Huntington, W.Va------------------- at Point Pleasant, W.Va----------------------- at Point Pleasant, W.Va. (auxilary gage)------ at Pomeroy, Ohio------------------------------ at St. Marys, W.Va---------------------------- at Sewickley, Pa------------------------------ at 24th Street, Huntington, W.Va-------------- near Marietta, Ohio--------------------------- near Waverly, W.Va---------------------------- Oil Creek at Rouseville, Pa---------------------- Old Forge, Pa., Lackawanna River at-----------— Oldtown, Md., Sawpit Run near-------------------- Town Creek near------------------------------- Olean Creek near Olean, N.Y---------------------- Olean, N.Y., Olean Creek near-------------------- Olney, Md., Williamsburg Run near---------------- Oneida Creek at Oneida, N.Y---------------------- Oneida Lake at Brewerton, N.Y-------------------- Oneida River at Caughdenoy, N.Y------------------ Onondaga Creek at Dorwin, N.Y-------------------- at Spencer Street, Syracuse, N.Y-------------- Onondago Lake at Liverpool, N.Y------------------ Onondaga Reservoir near Nedrow, N.Y-------------- Ono, Pa., Reeds Creek near----------------------- Opequon Creek near Berryville, Va—--------------- near Martinsburg, W.Va------------------------ Orebed Creek near Stannards, N.Y----------------- Osceola Mills, F&., Moshannon Creek at----------- Ossian, N.Y., Sugar Creek near------------------- Oswego, N.Y., Oswego River at Lock 7------------- Oswego River at Lock rJ} Oswego, N.Y------------- Otselic River at Cincinnatus, N.Y---------------- Otto, N.Y., South Branch Cattaraugus Creek near- Ouleout Creek at East Sidney, N.Y---------------- Owasco Inlet at Moravia, N.Y--------------------- Owasco Lake near Auburn, N.Y--------------------- Owasco Outlet near Auburn, N.Y------------------- Owego Creek near Owego, N.Y---------------------- Owego, N.Y, Owego Creek near--------------------- Pumpelly Creek at----------------------------- Owens Creek at Lantz, Md------------------------- ..225 ,_318 -317 -160 .J.87 -113 -341 -341 -231 .JL73 -334 ,_332 -333 -324 -325 -324 -333 -324 -325 -289 . JL 3 4 ■-197 ,-196 -282 -282 -221 •-355 ..356 -357 -351 -350 -354 -350 -166 -200 -201 -336 -104 -339 -357 -357 -118 -334 -115 -349 -348 .348 .118 -118 .118 .213 Owens Creek tributary near Rocky Ridge, Md-----------------213 Owings Mills, Md., Gwynns Falls near-----------------------l8l Qxon Hill, Md., Henson Creek at----------------------------227 P Paces, Va., Dan River at-------------------------------------227 Paint Branch at Interstate Highway 495 near College Park, Md---------------------------------------------222 Palmyra, Va., Hunters Branch near----------------------------2 54 Rivanna River at-----------------------------------------2 55 Pamunkey River near Hanover, Va----------------------------242 Parker Branch near Stanardsville, Va-------------------------253 Parker, Pa., Allegheny River at------------------------------294 Park Mills, Md., Bennett Creek at----------------------------—215 Farr, Va., Craig Creek at------------------------------------247 Parsons, W.Va., Cheat River near------------------------------312 Long Run near---------------------------------------------312 Right Fork Clover Run near--------------------------------312 Shavers Fork at-------------------------------------------313 Passage Creek near Buckton, Va--------------------------------209 Patapsco River at Hollofield, Md-----------------------------18l Patchel Run near Franklin, Pa--------------------------------290 Patchinville, N.Y., Mill Creek at--------------------------339 Paterson Brook near Easton, Conn----------------------------- 88 Patterson Creek near Headsville, W.Va------------------------19 3 Patuxent River at U.S. Highway 50 near Mitchellville, Md-----185 near Laurel, Md----------------------------------------- 185 near Unity, Md--------------------------------------------183 Paw Paw Branch tributary near Clayton, Del-------------------111 Paw Paw, W.Va., Potomac River at-----------------------------196 Paxton Creek at Wildwood Lake at Harrisburg, Pa--------------167 near Penbrook, Fa-----------------------------------------167 Pelham, N.Y., Hutchinson River at---------------------------- 90 Fanbrook, Pa., Paxton Creek near-----------------------------167 Fanfield, Pa., Wilson Run at---------------------------------l4l Penhook, Va., Smith Mountain Lake near-----------------------266 Banns Creek at Penns Creek, Pa-------------------------------144 Perkiomen Creek at Graterford, Pa----------------------------- 97 Petersburg, W.Va., Brush Run near----------------------------194 South Branch Potomac River near--------------------------194 Phelps, N.Y., Flint Creek at----------------------------------349 Phenix, Va., Cub Creek at-------------------------------------271 Philadelphia, Pa., Cobbs Creek near---------------------------100 Schuylkill River at--------------------------------------- 99 Wissahickon Creek at Livzey Lane at------------------------- 99 Wissahickon Creek at mouth at---------------------------- 99 Fhilippi, W.Va., Bonica Run on U.S. Highway 25O near---------209 lygart Valley River at-----------------------------------30 8 Phillipsburg, Pa., Moshannon Creek at----------------------- 140 Phillips Creek at Withey, N.Y---------------------------------332 Philpott Lake near Philpott, Va-------------------------------27 5 Philpott, Va., Philpott Lake near----------------------------275 Smith River near------------------------------------------274 Phoenixville, Pa., French Creek near---------------------------95 Pickering Creek near Chester Springs, Pa---------------------95 Pigg River near Sandy Level, Va------------------------------267 Pike Creek near Newark, Del----------------------------------10 3 Pikes Creek, Pa., Huntington Creek near----------------------136 Pine Creek at Cedar Run, Pa--------------------------------148 at Galeton, Pa--------------------------------------------148 below Little Pine Creek near Waterville Pa---------------1^9 near Manatawny, Pa—------------- —.......................94 Pine Run tributary at Fort Washington, Pa--------------------98 Piney Creek near Hereford, Md--------------------------------175 Piney Creek tributary at Taneytown, Md-----------------------213 Piney, Pa., Clarion River near-------------------------------295 Piney River at Piney River, Va-------------------------------251 Piney River, Va., Piney River at-------------------------------251 Piney Run at Res ton, Va-------------------------------------221 near Sykesville, Md--------------------------------------1®1 Pinto, Md., North Branch Potomac River at--------------------191 Piscataway Creek at Piscataway, Md----- near Tappahannock, Va--------------- Piscataway, Md., Piscataway Creek at--Point of Rocks, Md., Potomac River at- Point Pleasant, W.Va., Ohio River at-------------------------332 Point Pleasant, W.Va. (auxilary gage),Ohio River at----------3 33 Pomeroy, Ohio, Ohio River at---------------------------------324 Pomonkey, Md., Mattawoman Creek near-------------------------2 31 Poplar Run near Normalville, Pa------------------------------321INDEX TO STREAMFLOW DATA 367 Poplar Springs, Md., Hay Meadow Branch Tributary at- Po River near Spotsylvania, Va----------------------- Portageville, N.Y., Genesee River at----------------- Port Allegany, Pa., Newell Creek near---------------- Port Royal, Va., Gingoteague Run near---------------- Portville, N.Y., Dodge Creek at---------------------- Posd Creek at Corning, N.Y--------------------------- Potato Creek at Smethport, Pa------------------------ Potomac River at Hancock, Md------------------------- at Paw Paw, W.Va-—-------------—----—-------------- at Point of Rocks, Md------------------------------ at Shepherdstown, W.Va----------------------------- near Washington, D.C------------------------------- Potomac River tributary near Hancock, Md------------- Potter, N.Y., Flint Creek at------------------------- Potts Creek near Covington, Va----------------------- Pottstown, Pa., Schuylkill River at------------------ Powder Mill Creek at Rocky Mount, Va----------------- Fowelis Creek near Crozet, Va---------------------— Pratt Hollow tributary at Pratt, Md------------------ Pratt, Md., Pratt Hollow tributary at---------------- Prettyboy Reservoir near Hereford, Md---------------- Price, N.C., Mayo River near------------------------- Principio Creek near Principio Furnace, Md----------- Principio Furnace, Md., Principio Creek near--------- Proffit, Va., North Fork Rivanna River near---------- Providence Forge, Va., Chickahominy River near------- Pugh Run tributary near Columbia Furnace, Va--------- Pulteney, N.Y., Keuka Lake tributary No. 12 near----- Pumpelly Creek at Owego, N.Y------------------------- Pinxsutawney, Pa., Mahoning Creek at----------------- Purchase, N.Y., Blind Brook near--------------------- Blind Brook tributary at--------------------------- Purdy Creek near Canisteo, N.Y----------------------- Q Quarryville, Pa., Bowery Run near— Quig Hollow Brook near Andover, N.Y- R Railroad Brook near Alfred, N.Y------------------ Randolph, Va., Roanoke (Staunton) River at------- Rappahannock River at Remington, Va-------------- Rapidan River near Culpeper, Va------------------ near Ruckersville, Va-------------------------- near Stanardsville, Va------------------------- Rappahannock River near Fredericksburg, Va------- near Warrenton, Va----------------------------- Rasselas, Pi., Seven Mile Run near--------------- Rattling Creek at Iykens, Pa--------------------- Rawlings, Va., Nottoway River near--------------- Raystown Branch Juniata River at Saxton, Pa------- below Raystown Dam near Huntingdon, Pa--------- near Huntingdon, Pa---------------------------- Reading, Pa., Tuplehocken Creek near------------- Reamstown, Pa., Stony Run at--------------------- Redbank Creek at St. Charles, Pa------------------ Red Clay Creek at Wooddale, Del------------------- Red Clay Creek tributary near Yorklyn, Del-------- Redding, Conn., Saugatuck River near-------------- Red Lion, Del., Doll Run at----------------------- Redstone Creek at Waltersburg, Pa----------------- Reeds Creek near Ono, Pa-------------------------- Reedsville, Pa., Kishacoquillas Creek at—--------- Remington, Va., Rappahannock River at------------- Renovo, Pa., West Branch Susquehanna River at----- Young Womans Creek near------------------------ Reservoir Creek at Naples, N.Y-------------------- Reston, Va., Piney Run at------------------------- Smilax Branch at------------------------------- Stave Run at----------------------------------- Richey Run at Emlenton, Pa------------------------ Richfield Springs, N.Y., Mink Creek at------------ Richmond, Va., James River near------------------- Ridgway, Pa., Clarion River at-------------------- Right Fork Clover Run near Parsons, W.Va---------- Right Fork Wickwire Run on U.S. Highway 119 near Grafton, W.Va------------------------------ Right Hand Fork near Appomattox, Va— Page Page 180 2U3 339 282 239 282 128 283 199 196 211 202 220 199 3U8 2U5 9h 2 66 252 196 196 175 27h 112 112 25h 259 209 3UU 118 296 89 89 126 172 337 337 271 236 238 237 236 239 23^ 291 155 26l 159 15° 159 9h 171 295 105 105 89 110 317 166 160 236 1^5 lUU 3U6 220 217 217 291 113 257 293 312 308 271 Ringtown, Pa., Trexler Run near---------------------- Rising Sun, Md., Octoraro Creek near----------------- Risingville, N.Y., South Branch Michigan Creek near- Rivanna River at Palmyra, Va------------------------- Riverdale, Md., Northeast Branch Anacostia River at- Riversville, Conn., East Branch Byram River at------- Rixeyville, Va., Hazel River at---------------------- Roanoke Creek at Saxe, Va---------------------------- Roanoke Rapids, N.C., Roanoke River at--------------- Roanoke (Staunton) River at Altavista, Va------------ at Brookneal, Va----------------------------------- at Clarkton, Va------------------------------------ at Randolph, Va------------------------------------ Roanoke River at Lafayette, Va----------------------- at Niagara, Va------------------------------------- at Roanoke Rapids, N.C----------------------------- at Roanoke, Va------------------------------------- Robinson River near Locust Dale, Va------------------ Rochester, N.Y., Allen Creek near-----------------— Genesse River at----------------------------------- Rockbridge Baths, Va., Maury River at---------------- Rock Creek at Sherrill Drive, Washington, D.C-------- Rockdale, N.Y., Unadilla River at-----------------— Rocketts Creek tributary near Gum Springs, Va-------- Rockfish River near Greenfield, Va------------------- Rockland, Del., Willow Run at------------------------ Rock Run near Great Falls, Va------------------------ Rock Run tributary near Goldvein, Va----------------- Rocks, Md., Deer Creek at---------------------------- Rockville, Md., Watts Branch at---------------------- Rockville, W.Va., Big Sandy Creek at----------------- Rocky Mount, Va., Powder Mill Creek at--------------- Rocky Ridge, Md., Owens Creek tributary near--------- Romney, W.Va., Buffalo Creek near-------------------- Roseville, N.C., Double Creek near------------------- South Hyco Creek near------------------------------ Rossville, Md., Stemmers Run at-—-----------------—- Rorick Hollow Creek near Breesport, N.Y-------------- Round Hill, Conn., East Branch Byram River at-------- Rouseville, Pa.., Oil Creek at----------------------- Rowlesburg, W.Va., Buffalo Creek near---------------- Cheat River at------------------------------------- Roxboro, N.C., Storys Creek near--------------------- Roxbury Mills, Md., Cattail Creek at----------------- Ruckersville, Va., Rapidan River near---------------- Rum Brook at Elms ford, N.Y-------------------------- Rush River at Washington, Va------------------------- Russell, Pa., Akeley Run near------------------------ Conewango Creek at--------------------------------- Rustburg, Va., Button Creek near--------------------- Button Creek tributary near------------------------ Rye, N.Y., Beaver Swamp Brook at--------------------- Blind Brook at------------------------------------- 137 173 128 255 222 89 236 272 28l 269 269 270 271 26U 267 28l 31*3 3U3 2U8 223 115 256 251 109 221 236 173 220 31 .266 213 191* 278 279 178 130 88 289 313 313 280 183 237 92 235 286 285 270 270 90 89 S Saint Charles, Pa., Redbank Creek at-------------------------295 Saint Clement Creek near Clements, Md------------------------233 Saint Jones River at Dover, Del------------------------------ 110 Saint Mary’s River at Great Mills, Md------------------------231* Saint Marys, W.Va., Ohio River at---------------------------- 32h Salamanca, N.Y., Allegheny River at-------------------------- 282 Salisbury, Pa., Big Piney Run near--------------------------- 321 Salmon Creek at Ludlowville, N.Y----------------------------- 3^7 Sand Run near Buckhannon, W.Va------------------------------- 307 Sand Spring Run near White Deer, Pa--------------------------153 Sandy Level, Va., Pigg River near---------------------------- 267 Sandy River near Danville, Va-------------------------------- 276 Sandy Run near Bellwood, Pa---------------------------------- 156 Sasco Brook near Southport, Conn----------------------------- Saugatuck River near Redding, Conn--------------------------- 89 Savage, Md., Little Patuxent River at------------------------l®14 Savage River below Savage River Dam, near Bloomington, Md---------------------------------------- 189 near Barton, Md------------------------------------------ 188 near Frostburg, Md----------------------------------------- 188 Savage River Reservoir near Bloomington, Md------------------ 188 Savona, N.Y., Mud Creek near--------------------------------- 129 Saw Mill Branch tributary near Blackbird, Del---------------- HI Saw Mill River at Yonkers, N.Y------------------------------- 92 Sawpit Run near Oldtown, Md-------------------------------- 197368 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 Page Page Saxe, Va., Roanoke Creek at------------------------------ Saxton, Ife., Raystown Branch Juniata River at----------- Schell Run at Tyrone, Ra--------------------------------- Schenevus Creek at Schenevus, N.Y------------------------ Schenevus, N.Y., Schenevus Creek at---------------------- Scio, N.Y., Genesee River at----------------------------- Snowball Hollow Creek near---------------------------- Vandermark Creek near--------------------------------- Schler Run at Danville, Pa------------------------------- Schuyler, N.Y., Canadarago Lake at----------------------- Schuylkill River at Berne, Ra---------------------------- at Philadelphia, Pa----------------------------------- at Pottstown, Pa-------------------------------------- Scott Run near McLean, Va-------------------------------- Scottsville, Va., James River at------------------------- Hardware River below Briery Run near------------------ Scriba Creek near Constantia, N.Y------------------------ Sebrell, Va., Nottoway River near------------------------ Second Creek near Second Creek, W.Va--------------------- Second Creek, W.Va., Second Creek near------------------- Seeley Creek near Elmira, N.Y---------------------------- Seneca Creek at Dawsonville, Md-------------------------- Seneca Lake at Watkins Glen, N.Y------------------------- Seneca River at Baldwinsville, N.Y----------------------- Seven Mile Run near Rasselas, Pa------------------------- Seward, Pa., Conemaugh River at-------------------------- Sewickley, Pa., Ohio River at---------------------------- Shadwell, Va., Henderson Creek near---------------------- Shamokin Creek near Shamokin, Ra------------------------- Shamokin, Ra., Shamokin Creek near----------------------- Shannopin, Pa., Dunkard Creek at------------------------- Sharpsburg, Md., Antietam Creek near--------------------- Shavers Fork at Parsons, W.Va---------------------------- Shawsville, Va., South Fork Roanoke River near----------- Sheldrake River at Mamaroneck, N.Y----------------------- Shellpot Creek at Wilmington, Del------------------------ Shenandoah River at Millville, W.Va---------------------- Shepherdstown, W.Va., Potomac River at------------------- Sherburne, N.Y., Chenango River at----------------------- Sherman Creek at Shermans Dale, Pa----------------------- Shermans Dale, Pa., Sherman Creek at--------------------- Sideling Hill Creek near Beliegrove, Md------------------ Sigel, Pa., Clear Creek near----------------------------- Silvara, Pa., Tuscarora Creek near----------------------- Sinclairville, N.Y., Mill Creek at----------------------- Singsing Creek near Big Flats, N.Y----------------------- Sinnemahoning Creek at Sinnemahoning, Pa----------------- Sinnemahoning, Ra., First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek near- First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek Reservoir near--------- Sinnemahoning Creek at-------------------------------- Six Mile Creek at Potter Falls above Ithaca, N.Y--------- near Ithaca, N.Y------------------------------------- Six Mile Creek tributary near Ithaca, N.Y---------------- Sixtown Creek at Higgins, N.Y---------------------------- Skaneateles Lake at Skaneateles, N.Y--------------------- Skaneateles, N.Y., Skaneateles Lake at------------------- Skin Creek near Brownsville, W.Va------------------------ Skippack Creek near Collegeville, Ra--------------------- Skippack, Pa., Zacharias Creek near---------------------- Slade Run near Glyndon, Md------------------------------- Slate River near Arvonia, Va----------------------------- Sligo Creek at Green Meadows, Md------------------------- Smethport, Pa., Marvin Creek at-------------------------- Potato Creek at-------------------------------------- Smilax Branch at Reston, Va------------------------------ Smith Creek near New Market, Va-------------------------- Smithfield, Pa., Georges Creek at------------------------ Smith Mountain Lake near Rsnhook, Va--------------------- Smith River at Bassett, Va------------------------------- at Eden, N.C------------------------------------------ at Martinsville, Va----------------------------------- near Philpott, Va------------------------------------ Snake Creek near Brookneal, Va--------------------------- Snowball Hollow Creek near Scio, N.Y--------------------- Snow Shoe, Ra., South Fork Beech Creek near-------------- Solomon Creek at Wilkes-Barre. Ra------------------------ Sonestown, Ra., Money Creek near------------------------- Sorrento, Md., Jones Falls at---------------------------- South Addison, N.Y., Tuscarora Creek near---------------- South Anna River near Ashland, Va------------------------ South Anna River tributary near Ashland, Va-------------- -272 -159 -157 -llU -11** -336 -337 -337 -137 -113 92 - 99 - 9** -221 -252 -252 -356 -26l -328 .328 -130 -218 —3**3 —3**9 -291 -300 32U -2 55 -155 -155 —315 -20 3 -313 .. 26 b - 91 -10 3 -210 -202 -117 -162 -162 .-197 -293 -132 -28** -129 -lUl -lU3 ._1**2 ...11*1 -3U5 __3** 5 __3U5 -338 __3**9 —3**9 —309 - 97 - 96 —175 -253 —227 —283 —283 —218 —207 —31** -266 __27** -275 -275 —27** —271 -337 __1**7 -135 -151 -183 -127 —2Ul ..2Ul South Branch Cattaraugus Creek near Cattaraugus, N.Y---------33** near Otto, N.Y--------------------------------------------3 3** South Branch Codorus Creek near York, Pa---------------------169 South Branch Michigan Creek near Risingville, N.Y------------128 South Branch North Fork Hardware River, near North Garden, Va-------------------------------------2 52 South Branch Patapsco River at Henry ton, Md-----------------180 South Branch Potomac River at Franklin, W.Va-----------------192 near Petersburg, W.Va-------------------------------------19** near Springfield, W.Va------------------------------------19 5 South Branch Towanda Creek at New Albany, Pa-----------------131 South Branch Tunkhannock Creek near Montdale, Pa-------------132 South Canisteo, N.Y., Colonel Bill's Creek at----------------126 South Country Line Creek near Hightowers, N.C—----------------276 South Dansville, N.Y., Sponable Creek near------------------339 South Dansville, N.Y., Stony Brook at-----------------------339 South Fork Beech Creek near Snow Shoe, Pa------------------1**7 South Fork Broad Run near Areola, Va------------------------216 South Fork Goose Creek at Montvale, Va---------------------268 South Fork QuanDico Creek near Independent Hill Va-----------232 South Fork Roanoke River near Shawsville, Va-----------------26b South Fork Shenandoah River at Front Royal, Va---------------206 near Lynnwood, Va------------------------------------------207 South Fork Shenandoah River tributary near Luray, Va---------206 South Fork South Branch Potomac River at Brandywine, W.Va—19** near Moorefield, W.Va-------------------------------------19 5 South Fork Sycolin Creek near Leesburg, Va-------------------217 South Hyco Creek near Roseville, N.C.------------------------279 South Fork Tenmile Creek at Jefferson, Ra--------------------316 South Mayo River near Nettleridge, Va------------------------272 South Plymouth, N.Y., Canasawacta Creek near---------------116 Southport, Conn., Sasco Brook near--------------------------- 88 South River at Harr is ton, Va-------------------------------20 6 near Steeles Tavern, Va-----------------------------------2*+ 8 near Waynesboro, Va---------------------------------------20 5 South Wilton, Conn., Norwalk River at------------------------ 88 Spencer, N.Y., Catatonk Creek at-----------------------------119 Spencer, Va., North Mayo River near--------------------------273 Sponable Creek near South Dansville, N.Y---------------------339 Spotsylvania, Va., Po River near-----------------------------2*+3 Sprankle Mills, Pa., Big Run near----------------------------29 5 Spring Creek at Milesburg, Ra--------------------------------1**5 at Spring Creek, W.Va--------------------------------------326 near Axemann, Pa----------------------------------------1 ** 5 Springfield, W.Va., South Branch Potomac River---------------19 5 Spring Grove, Pa., Codorus Creek at--------------------------169 Springmills Creek at Springmills, N.Y------------------------335 Springmills, N.Y., Springmills Creek at----------------------3 35 Springwater Creek at Springwater, N.Y------------------------3**0 Springwater, N.Y., Springwater Creek at----------------------3*+ 0 Spruce Creek, Pa., Little Juniata River at-------------------156 Stanardsville, Va., Conway River near-------------------------2 36 Haneytown Creek near---------------------------------------254 Muddy Run near---------------------------------------------253 Parker Branch near-----------------------------------------253 Rapidan River near-----------------------------------------236 Swift Run tributary near----------------------------------2 5** Stannards, N.Y., Chenunda Creek at----------------------------336 Chenunda Creek tributary near------------------------------336 Genesee River at-------------------------------------------336 Orebed Creek near------------------------------------------336 Stave Run at Reston, Va--------------------------------------217 Steeles Tavern, Va., South River near------------------------2U8 Stemmers Run at Rossville, Md--------------------------------178 Stemmers Run, Md., Brien Run at-------------------------------179 Sterling Creek at Sterling, N.Y------------------------------3**2 Sterling, N.Y., Sterling Creek at----------------------------3**2 Sterling Run Ra., Driftwood Branch Sinnemahoning Creek at—1^® Stillwater Lake near Forest City, Ra--------------------------132 Stocking Creek tributary at North Cameron, N.Y---------------i29 Stockton Creek near Afton, Va---------------------------------252 Stokesville, Va., North River near---------------------------20 ^ Stony Brook at South Dansville, N.Y---------------------------^39 Stony Creek at Columbia Furnace, Va---------------------------209 at Ferndale, Pa--------------------------------------------2^9 near Dauphin, fh--------------------------------------------^3 Stony Creek, Va., Nottoway River near-------------------------2^® Stony River near Mount Storm, W.Va--------------------------- Stony Run at Indiana, Pa------------------------------------- 800 Reamstown, Pa----------------------------------------------171INDEX TO STREAMFLOW DATA 369 Page Page Storys Creek near Roxboro, N.C-------------------- Strasburg, Va., North Fork Shenandoah River near- Strongstown, Pa., Little Yellow Creek near-------- Sucker Run near Coatesville, Pa------------------- Sugar Creek at Sugar Creek, Pa-------------------- near Ossian, N.Y------------------------------- Sugar Creek, Pa., Sugar Creek at------------------ Sugarland Run near Dranesville, Va---------------- Summersville Dam, W.Va., Gauley River below------- Summersville Lake near Summersville, W.Va--------- Summersville, W.Va., Summersville Lake near------- Sunbury, Pa., Susquehanna River at---------------- Susquehanna River at Conklin, N.Y----------------- at Conowingo, Md------------------------------- at Danville, Pa-------------------------------- at Harrisburg, Pa------------------------------ at Marietta, Pa-------------------------------- at Sunbury, Pa--------------------------------- at Towanda, Pa--------------------------------- at Unadilla, N.Y------------------------------- at Vestal, N.Y.................................- at West Pittston, Pa--------------------------- at Wilkes-Barre, Pa—--------------------------- near Waverly, N.Y------------------------------ Sutersville, Pa., Gillespie Run near-------------- Youghiogheny River at-----------------—-------- Sutton Lake at Sutton, W.Va----------------------- Sutton, W.Va., Elk River at----------------------- Swain, N.Y., Ewart Creek at----------------------- Swanton, Md., Crabtree Creek near----------------- Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern, Pa---------------- Swarthmore, Pa., Little Crum Creek at------------- Swift Run tributary near Stanardsville, Va-------- Sykesville, Md., Piney Run near------------------- Syracuse, N.Y., Harbor Brook at------------------- Harbor Brook at Hiawatha Boulevard------------- Meadow Brook at Hurlburt Road------------------ Onondaga Creek at 6pencer Street--------------- Onendaga Creek at Dorwin Avenue------------------- 280 ,209 300 106 ,291 339 ,291 219 330 330 330 15U 116 .171 ,136 .165 ,170 ,15U .131 Ilk ,118 ,132 .135 .119 ,322 322 ,333 ,333 338 .189 .166 ,101 ,25U 181 351 352 355 350 351 T Taberg, N.Y., East Branch Fish Creek at----------- Tamaqua, Pa., Little Schuylkill River at---------- Taneytown, Md., Piney Creek tributary at---------- Tannery Creek near Lindley, N.Y------------------- Tappahannock, Va., Hoskins Creek near------------- Piscataway Creek near-------------------------- Tenmile Creek at Avoca, N.Y----------------------- near Clarksville, Pa--------------------------- Tearcoat Creek tributary near Augusta, W.Va------- Thomas Creek near Keene, Va------------------------ Thornton Gap, Va., Thornton River tributary near-Thornton River tributary near Thornton Gap, Va--- T. Howard Duckett Reservoir near Laurel, Md------- Three Springs, Pa., Aughwick Creek near----------- Tinker Creek near Daleville, Va------------------- Tioga, Pa., Crooked Creek at---------------------- Tioga River at--------------------------------- Tionesta Creek at Lynch, Pa----------------------- at Tionesta Dam, Pa---------------------------- Tionesta Dam, Pa., Tionesta Lake at--------------- Tionesta Lake at Tionesta Dam, Pa----------------- Tionesta Dam, Pa., Tionesta Creek at-------------- Tioughnioga River at Cortland, N.Y---------------- at Itaska, N.Y--------------------------------- Tioga River at Lindley, N.Y----------------------- at Mansfield, Pa------------------------------- at Tioga, Pa----------------------------------- near Erwins, N.Y------------------------------- Tipton, Pa., Little Juniata River at-------------- Toby Creek at Luzerne, Pa------------------------- Toliver Run tributary near Hoyes Run, Md---------- Toms Run at Cooksburg, Pa------------------------- Tonoloway Creek near Needmore, Pa----------------- Totopotomoy Creek near Atlee, Va------------------ Towanda Creek near Monroeton, Pa------------------ Towanda, Pa., Susquehanna River at---------------- Town Creek near Old Town, Md---------------------- Transit Bridge, N.Y., Angelica Creek at----------- Trapping Brook near Wellsville, N.Y--------------- 35U 93 213 123 238 239 127 315 198 252 23b 23U 18U 159 266 121 120 287 288 288 288 288 117 119 122 121 120 127 156 13U 318 293 198 2U2 130 131 196 338 337 Trevilians, Va., Harris Creek near---------------------------2U1 Trexler Run near Ringtown, Pa--------------------------------137 Triadelphia Lake near Brighton, Md---------------------------183 Troups Creek near Troupsburg, N.Y------------------------------- Troupsburg, N.Y., Troups Creek near----------------------------- Trout Run, Pa., Lycoming Creek near----------------------------- Truemans, Pa., Minister Creek near----------------------------288 Tunkhannock Creek near Tunkhannock, Pa-------------------------- Tulpehocken Creek at Blue March damsite, near Reading, pa— 9U near Reading, Pa------------------------------------------ 95 Tunkhannock, Ra., Tunkhannock Creek near------------------------ Tunnelton, Pa., Conemaugh River at---------------------------30 3 Turbeville, Pa., Lawsons Creek near---------------------------277 Tuscarora Creek above Martinsburg, W.Va-----------------------702 near mouth below Martinsburg, W.Va------------------------203 near Silvara, Pa------------------------------------------132 near South Addison, N.Y-----------------------------------127 Tuscarora Creek tributary near Woodhull, N.Y-----------------126 Two Lick Creek at Grace ton, Pa------------------------------302 Tye River near Lovingston, Va---------------------------------250 Tye River, Va., Buffalo River near----------------*----------250 Tygart Lake near Grafton, W.Va--------------------------------309 Tygart Valley River at Belington, W.Va------------------------307 at Colfax, W.Va------------------------------------------308 near Dailey, W.Va-----------------------------------------306 at Elkins, W.Va-------------------------------------------306 at Riilippi, W.Va-----------------------------------------308 lyre, N.Y., Black Brook at------------------------------------3^9 Tyrone, Pa., Bald Eagle Creek at------------------------------157 Schell Run at-...................-.......................157 U Unadilla River at Rockdale, N.Y-----------------------------H5 Unadilla, N.Y., Susquehanna River at------------------------H** Unicorn Branch near Millington, Md--------------------------110 Union Center, N.Y., Naticoke Creek at-----------------------H® Union City, Pa., French Creek near--------------------------2®9 Union City Reservoir near--------------------------------2®® Union City Reservoir near Union City, Pa---------------------2”° Unity, Md., Patuxent River near------------------------------183 Unnamed Run at Gilman, W. Va---------------------------------307 on North Fork Mountain near Franklin, W. Va.--------------*-93 Upper Darby, Pa., Cobbs Creek below Indian Creek near--------101 Ursina, Pa., Laurel Hill Creek at----------------------------320 U.S. Highway No. 1 near Riiladelphia, Pa., Cobbs Creek at—1°® Utica, Pa., French Creek at----------------------------------29° V Valley Lee, Md., Glebe Branch at------------- Van Campen Creek at Friendship, N.Y---------- Vandergrift, Pa., Kiskiminetas River at------ Vandermark Creek near Scio, N.Y-------------- Verona, Va., Middle River near--------------- Vestal, N.Y., Susquehanna River at----------- Victoria, Va., Falls Creek tributary near---- Vienna, Va., Difficult Run at Washington and Old Dominion Railroad near----------- Long Branch at Arlington Boulevard near--- Long Branch at--------------------------- Villa Nova, Md., Gwynns Falls at------------- Virgil Creek at Dryden, N.Y------------------ .23b .337 ,30U .337 ,20U .118 .260 .220 .229 .229 .181 ,3U6 W Waldy Run near Emporium, Pa--------------- Wales Hollow, N.Y., Buffalo Creek near— Waltersburg, Pa., Redstone Creek at------- Wapwallopen Creek near Wapwallopen, Pa---Wapwallopen, Pa., Wapwallopen Creek near- War Branch near Hinton, Va---------------- Wardensville, W.Va., Cacapon River above- Warren, Pa., Allegheny River at----------- Warrensville, Pa., Mill Creek near-------- Warrenton, Va., Broad Run near------------ Cedar Run near------------------------ Rappahannock River near--------------- Warrior Ridge Dam, Pa., Juniata River at- Warsaw, N.Y., Oatka Creek at-------------- Washington, D.C., Potomac River near------ —lUl —335 ___317 —135 ___135 ___205 ___198 ___285 ___151 ___230 ___228 ---23l ---156 .—31*1 ___220370 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Page Page Washington, D.C., Rock Creek at Sherrill Drive-----------------223 Washington, Va ., Rush River at--------------------------------23 5 Washingtonville, Pa., East Branch Chillisquaque Creek near-----x5^ Waterboro, N.Y., Conewango Creek at----------------------------285 Waterlick, Va., North Fork Shenandoah River near---------------209 Waterloo Mills, near Devon, Pa., Darby Creek near-------------- 99 Waterville, Pa., Pine Creek below Little Pine Creek near-------xi*9 Watkins Glen, N.Y., Seneca Lake at-----------------------------3^3 Watts Branch at Rockville, Md----------------------------------220 Waverly, N.Y., Susquehanna River near--------------------------xx9 Waverly, W.Va ., Ohio River near-------------------------------325 Waynesboro, Pa., Antietam Creek near---------------------------2®2 Waynesboro, Va., South River near------------------------------2^5 Webster Springs, W.Va., Elk River below------------------------332 Wellsville, N.Y., Dyke Creek at--------------------------------336 Trapping Brook near------------------------------------------337 Wentworth, N.C., Dan River near---------------------------------27^ Jacobs Creek near--------------------------------------------27^ West Branch Brandywine Creek at Coatesville, Pa----------------10 5 near Honey Brook, Pa-----------------------------------------105 at Modena, Pa------------------------------------------------106 West Branch Caldwell Creek near Grand Valley, Pa-------------2®9 West Branch Cayuga Inlet at Newfield, N.Y--------------------3^U West Branch Clarion River at Wilcox, Pa------------------------293 West Branch Herring Run at Idlewylde, Md----------------------1^7 West Branch Mamaroneck River at White Plains, N.Y------------ 91 West Branch Susquehanna River at Bower, Pa---------------------137 at Cherry Tree, Pa-------------------------------------------137 near Curwensville, Pa----------------------------------------138 at Karthaus, Pa---------------------------------------------1110 st Lewisburg, Fa---------------------------------------------153 at Renova, Pa------------------------------------------------1^5 at Williamsport, Pa------------------------------------------150 West Cameron, N.Y., Canisteo River at---------------------------x2® West Conewago Creek near Manchester, Pa------------------------1^ West Creek near Emporium, Pa-----------------------------------x ^ West Davenport, N.Y., Charlotte Creek at-----------------------x^ Western Branch near Largo, Md-----------------------------------1°5 Western Run at Western Run, Md---------------------------------1^;? Western Run, Md., Western Run at-------------------------------1^6 Western Run tributary at--------------------------------------1^ Western Run tributary at Western Run, Md----------------------- West Fork River at Brownsville, W.Va----------------------------^°9 at Butcherville , W.Va---------------------------------------310 at Clarksburg, W.Va-..........-.............................3X0 at Enterprise, W.Va------------------------------------------3X1 West Greenwood, N.Y., Dyke Creek near---------------------------336 West Hickory, Pa., Allegheny River at--------------------------2Q6 Westminister, Md., Cranberry Branch near------------------------x7® West Nottingham, Md., Basin Run at-----------------------------1?2 West Pittston, Pa., Susquehanna River at------------------------132 Westport, Pa., Kettle Creek near-------------------------------x^ Westport, Pa., Kettle Creek Lake near--------------------------ij1^ West River near Middlesex, N.Y----------------------------------3^6 West Wyoming, Fh., Abrahams Creek at----------------------------135 White Clay Creek above Newark, Del-----------------------------103 near Newark, Del---------------------------------------------10^ White Deer Creek above Sand Spring Run near White Deer, Pa-----153 near White Deer, Pa------------------------------------------153 White Deer Hole Creek near Elimsport, Pa-----------------------x 5 2 White Deer, Pa., Sand Spring Run near---------------------------153 White Deer Creek, above Sand Spring Run near----------------x 5 3 White Deer Creek near---------------------------------------x 5 2 Whiteford, Md., Broad Creek tributary at-----------------------x^x Whitehall, Va., Doyles River near-------------------------------253 North Fork Moormans River near------------------------------2 5 3 White Marsh, Md., Whitemarsh Run at----------------------------176 Whitemarsh Run at White Marsh, Md------------------------------176 White Plains, N.Y., West Branch Mamaroneck River at------------ 91 White Run near Gettysburg, Pa-----------------------------------2X2 White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., Dry Fork at----------------------327 Whitethorn Creek tributary near Gretna, Va---------------------2?9 Whitney Point Lake at Whitney Point, N.Y-----------------------xx® Whitney Point, N.Y., Whitney Point Lake at---------------------llQ Wiconisco Creek at Iykens, Pa---------------------------------- 155 Wilcox, Pa., West Branch Clarion River at----------------------293 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Solomon Creek at-----------------------------135 Susquehanna River at-----------------------------------------135 Williamsburg, Pa., Frankstown Branch Juniata River at----------156 Williamsburg River near Olney, Md-------------------------------221 Williams Hollow near Moorefield, W.Va---------------------------19^ Williamsport, Pa., West Branch Susquehanna River at--------- Williams River at Dyer, W.Va--------------.----------------- Williamsville, Va., Bullpasture River at-------------------- Willis River at Flanagan Mills, Va-------------------------- Willow Run at Rockland, Del--------------------------------- Wills Creek near Cumberland, Md----------------------------- below Hyndman, Pa---------------------------------------- Wilmington, Del., Brandywine Creek at----------------------- Shellpot Creek at---------------------------------------- Wilson Run at Benfield, Pa---------------------------------- Winchester, Va., Cedar Creek near--------------------------- Winfield Avenue, Mamaroneck, N.Y., 2iamaroneck River at----- Winters Run near Benson, Md--------------------------------- Winterstown, Pa., East Branch Codorus Creek tributary near Wiscoy Creek at Bliss, N.Y---------------------------------- Wissahickon Creek at Fort Washington, Pa-------------------- at Livezey Lane, Philadelphia, Pa------------------------ at mouth, Philadelphia, Pa------------------------------- Withey, N.Y., North Branch Phillips Creek at---------------- Phillip-- Creek at--------------------------------------- Wolf Den Branch near Cedarville, Md------------------------- Wooddale, Del., Red Clay Creek at--------------------------- Woodhull, N.Y., Tuscarora Creek tributary near-------------- .150 -329 _2^ -255 -190 J-90 J-90 J-09 J-03 J-hl ^08 . 91 J.7U J.68 .338 - 98 - 99 - 99 .337 -337 _232 ^05 _L26 Y Yanceyville, N.C., Moon Creek near-------------------- Yellow Breeches Creek near Camp Hill, Pa-------------- Yellow Creek near Homer City, Pa---------------------- Yellow Creek Lake at Yellow Creek State Park, Pa------ Yellow Creek State Park, Fa., Yellow Creek Lake at---- Yonkers, N.Y., Saw Mill River at---------■------------ Yorklyn, Del., Red Clay Creek tributary near---------- York, Pa., Codorus Creek near------------------------- Indian Rock Reservoir near------------------------- South Branch Codorus Creek near-------------------- Youghiogheny River.below Confluence, Pa--------------- at Connellsville, Pa------------------------------- at Friendsville, Md-------------------------------- near Oakland, lid---------------------------------- at Sutersville, Pa--------------------------------- at Youghiogheny River Dam, Pa---------------------- Youghiogheny River Dam, Pa., Youghiogheny River at---- Youghiogheny River Lake at------------------------- Youghiogheny River Lake at Youghiogheny River Dam, Pa1 Youngsville, F&», Brokenstraw Creek at---------------- Young Womans Creek near Renovo, Pa-------------------- Z ..276 367 ..301 .301 .301 .. 92 3-05 369 369 369 ,320 322 .319 .317 322 .319 .319 319 319 .287 3 U U Zacharias Creek near Skippaek, Pa Zuni, Va., Blackwater River at--- . 96 262APPENDICES APPENDIX A, TABLES A-l— A-8 APPENDIX B, DATA SOURCES372 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges Perma- nent station No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Maximum June-July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Streams tributary to Long Island Sound 1 01208900 Patterson Brook near Easton, Conn.——————— 1.21 2 01208950 Sasco Brook near Southport, Conn. ——————— 7.27 3 01208990 Saugatuck River near Redding, Conn.——————— 20.8 4 01209600 3.53 5 01209700 Norwalk River at South Wilton, Conn.—————— 30.0 6 01209770 Fivemile River near Norwalk, Conn.— 8.96 7 01211700 East Branch Byram River at Round Hill, Conn.— 1.69 8 01212100 East Branch Byram River at Riversville, Conn.——— 7.40 9 01299000 Blind Brook near Purchase, N.Y.------------------ 1.79 10 01299100 1.04 11 01300000 Blind Brook at Rye, N.Y. — 9.20 12 01300450 Beaver Swan?) Brook at Rye, N.Y.—————————— 1.64 13 01300500 Beaver Swamp Brook at Hama rone ck, N.Y.----—------ 4.71 14 01300700 West Branch Mamaroneck River at White Plains, N.Y.- 1.09 15 01300800 Mamaroneck River at Winfield Avenue, Mamaroneck, RY. 14.5 16 01300900 Sheldrake River at Mamaroneck, N.Y.———————— 5.55 17 01301000 Mamaroneck River at Mamaroneck, N.Y.-------------- 23.4 18 01301500 Hutchinson River at Pelham, N.Y. ———————— 5.76 19 01302000 Bronx River at Bronxville, N.Y.—————————— 26.5 1960-72 1962 5.37 90 June 19 5.1 80 (i) 1960-72 1968 4.15 340 June 19 7.00 1,640 (i) 1962-72 1969 5.88 2,160 June 19 4.33 851 a) 1960-72 1971 3.91 250 June 19 3.13 130 w 1963-72 1971 4.37 1,700 June 19 4.79 2,220 (i) 1956 1955 13.5 a) 1962-72 1962 5.10 1,070 June 19 6.09 1,600 (i) 1960-72 1968 3.50 184 June 19 4.19 245 a) 1963-72 1968 6.77 1,040 June 19 7.62 1,700 a) — ... ... June 19 ... 1,140 a) ... —. ... June 19 ... 119 a) 1944-72 1955 9.62 1,360 June 19 12.44 2,320 >100 ... ... ... June 19 ... 135 a) 1944-72 1962 3.09 167 June 19 3.06 197 >100 ... ... ... June 19 ... 253 (1) ... ... ... ... June 19 ... 2,590 >100 ... ... ... June 19 ... 372 (1) 1944-53, 1971 6.68 2,260 June 19 9.71 4,740 >100 1955-72 1938 1944 1938 Td 1944-72 1971 5.18 526 June 19 4.53 257 3 1944-72 1969 7.31 1,580 June 19 9.63 2,500 >100 Hudson River basin 01376430 01376500 .93 25.6 June 19 June 20 331 Saw Mill River at Yonkers, N.Y.—————————— 1945-72 1955 5.34 890 5.55 636 Delaware River basin 22 01469500 Little Schuylkill River at Tama qua, Pa.—————— 42.9 1920-72 1955 11.10 7,790 June 22 7.64 3,800 12 23 01470500 Schuylkill River at Berne, Pa.—————————— 355 1948-72 1955 15.73 29,400 June 22 19.0 42,800 >100 24 01470720 Maiden Creek tributary at Lenhartsville, Pa.——— 7.46 1962-72 1965 1971 3/6.7 5.09 800 June 22 6.44 1,530 TO 25 01470960 Tulpehocken Creek at Blue Marsh damsite, near Reading, Pa. 175 1966-72 1971 11.68 9,400 June 22 18.7 16,100 50 26 01471000 Tulpehocken Creek near Reading, Pa*———————— 211 1951-72 1971 a) 10,000 June 23 15.65 17,000 27 01471800 Pine Creek near Manatawny, Pa.———————— 15.6 1961-72 1969 9.2 809 June 22 9.25 812 28 01472000 Schuylkill River at Pottstown, Pa. ——————— 1,147 1902-72 1902 21.0 53,900 June 23 29.97 95,900 29 01472157 French Creek near Phoenixville, Pa.——————— 59.1 1969-72 1971 9.66 3,330 June 22 13.66 11,200 35 30 01472174 Pickering Creek near Chester Springs, Pa.---------- 5.98 1967-72 1971 4.99 1,640 June 22 5.21 2,410 90 31 01472200 Green Lane Reservoir at Green Lane, Pa.---—------- 70.9 1956-72 1961 4/288.25 3/15,430 June 23 4/290.08 5/17,030 — 32 01473000 Perkiomen Creek at Graterford, Pa.---------------- 279 1915-72 1935 18.26 39,900 June 22 17.08 35,800 60 33 01473100 Zacharias Creek near Skippack, Pa. 7.27 1960-72 1971 10.8 10,000 June 22 9.76 5,860 >100 34 01473120 Skippeck Creek near Collegeville, Pa.——————— 53.7 1966-72 1971 22.5 40,400 June 22 10.48 5,240 4 35 01473880 Pine Run tributary at Fort Washington, Pa.———— 2.01 1962-72 1967 7.34 300 June 22 6.40 128 >2 36 01473900 Wissahickon Creek at Fort Washington, Pa.-———— 40.8 1961-72 1971 13.32 4,250 June 22 10.50 2,670 >2 37 01473980 Wlssahlckon Creek at Livezey Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 59.2 1965-72 1971 6.27 5,390 June 22 4.39 2,390 >2 38 01474000 Wissahickon Creek at mouth, Philadelphia, Pa.——— 64.0 1965-72 1967 6.45 4,310 June 22 June 23 6/6.02 2,380 >2 39 01474500 Schuylkill River at Philadelphia, Pa.——————— 1,853 1869-1972 1869 17.0 135,000 June 23 14.65 103,000 30 40 01475300 Darby Creek near Waterloo Mills near Devon, Pa.—— 5.15 ... ... ... ... June 22 5.49 985 41 01475510 Darby Creek near Darby, Pa.——————————— 37.4 1964-72 1968 9.12 4,610 June 22 7.04 2,690 >2 42 01475530 Cobbs Creek at U.S. Highway No. 1 near Philadelphia, Pa. 4.78 1965-72 1971 6.97 1,040 June 22 5.12 306 >2 43 01475540 Cobbs Creek below Indian Creek near Upper Darby, Pa. 9.65 1965-72 1971 11.12 2,920 June 22 8.18 1,300 4 44 01475550 Cobbs Creek at Darby, Pa.- —--------- 22.0 1964-72 1971 7.21 4,390 June 22 5.16 2,010 4 45 01475030 Little Crum Creek at Swathmore, Pa.—------------ 1.15 1971-72 1971 9.77 605 June 22 4.34 105 46 01477000 Chester Creek near Chester, Pa. 61.1 1932-72 1971 24.59 21,300 June 22 13.28 6,180 6 47 01477800 Shellpot Creek at Wilmington, Del.————— Christiana River at Goochs Bridge, ©el- 7.46 1940-72 1971 11.91 6,850 June 22 6.66 2,240 5 48 01478000 20.5 1944-72 1947 12.41 2,620 June 22 11.35 3,320 IT 49 01478200 Middle Branch White Clay Creek near Lasdenberg, Pa. 12.7 1960-72 1960 9.41 1,900 June 22 12.29 3,860 60 50 01478500 White Clay Creek above Newark, Del.——————— 66.7 1953-59, 1963-72 1967 9.97 4,540 June 22 13.77 10,200 >100 51 01478950 Pike Creek near Newark, Del.————————— 6.04 1969-72 1969 9.15 2,550 June 22 6.78 942 11 52 01479000 White Clay Creek near Newark, Del.——————— 87.8 1932-36, 1944-57, 1960-72 1937 1967 1937 16.41 23 6,640 (1) June 22 17.74 9,080 >100 53 014T9200 Mill Creek at Hockessin, Del. It.19 1966-72 1969 11.29 2,100 June 22 7.98 687 (i) 54 01479950 Red Clay Creek tributary near Yorklyn, Del.—— .38 1966-72 1969 6.53 200 June 22 5.29 56 (i) 55 01480000 Red Clay Creek at Wooddale, Del.----------------- 47.0 1944-72 1960 9.93 4, 780 June 22 8.96 4,120 56 01480100 Little Mill Creek at Elsmere, Del. ———————— 6.70 1964-72 1967 8.58 3,960 June 22 5.85 1,130 (i) 57 01480300 West Branch Brandywine Creek near Honey Brook, Pa. 18.7 1961-72 1960 8.60 1,870 June 22 11.41 8,160 >100 58 01480500 West Branch Brandywine Creek at Coatesville, Pa.—- 45.8 1942-72 1942 1/12.3 8,600 June 22 9.92 7,770 >100 59 01480610 Sucker Run near Coatesville, Pa.—------ 2.57 1964-72 1970 5.78 590 June 22 6.96 926 >100 60 See 1 01480617 ootnotes a West Branch Brandywine Creek at Modena, Pa.———— t end of table. 55.0 1970-72 1971 8.17 2,530 June 22 11.48 7,950 >100APPENDIX A 373 TABLE A1 .—Summary of flood stages and discharges--Continued Perma- nent station No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Delaware River basin—Continued 61 01480675 Marsh Creek near Glenmoore, Pa. ———————— 8.57 1967-72 1971 3.73 884 June 22 4.68 946 9 62 01480680 Marsh Creek near Lyndell, Pa.————————— 17.8 1960-72 1960 6.32 1,150 June 22 7.80 (i) 63 01480700 East Branch Brandywine Creek near Downingtown, Pa. 60.6 1966-72 1971 8.49 4,440 June 22 12.06 8,070 ao 64 01481000 Brandywine Creek at Chadds Ford, Pa.-—----------— 287 1912-72 1920 15.0 17,200 June 22 16.56 23,800 >100 65 01481200 Brandywine Creek tributary near Centerville, Del.— .97 1966-72 1971 9.35 • 405 June 22 5.92 170 (i) 66 01481450 Willow Run at Rockland, Del.----— .37 1966-72 1971 12.70 620 June 30 8.26 263 67 01481500 Brandywine Creek at Wilmington, Del.——————— 314 1947-72 1971 13.83 21,300 June 23 15.49 29,000 68 01482310 Doll Run at Red Lion, Del.—— 1.2 1966-72 1971 4.71 140 June 22 5.59 215 69 01483200 Blackbird Creek at Blackbird, Del.—————------- 3.85 1952-72 1960 4.10 510 June 22 5.04 712 >100 Smyrna River basin 70 71 01483290 01483400 Paw Paw Branch tributary near Clayton, Del.——— Saw Mill Branch tributary near Blackbird, Del.—— 1.3 .6 1966-72 1966-72 1969 1969 8.13 4.88 350 39 June 22 June 22 8.43 4.82 760 37 (1) (1) Lei )sic River basin 72 01483500 Leipsic River near Cheswold, Del.——————— 9.35 1944-72 1960 6.45 1,340 June 22 5.53 785 13 St. Jones River basin 73 01483700 St. Jones River at Dover, Del.————————— 31.9 1959-72 1960 9.45 1,900 June 23 7.52 996 6 Che ster River basin 74 75 76 01493000 01493500 01494020 Unicom Branch near Millington, Md.—------------- Morgan Creek near Kennedyville, Md.---------------- Browns Branch tributary near Church Hill, Md.—— 22.3 10.5 1.7 1949-72 1952-72 1971-72 1960 1960 1971 7.17 8.88 12.3 1,060 1,530 890 June 22 June 22 June 22 7.03 13.07 10.95 1,020 7,500 450 40 >100 (1) Elk River basin 77 01495000 Big Elk Creek at Elk Mills, Md.—----------------- 52.6 1932-72 1884 1937 1884 14.5 19 10,600 (1) June 22 13.46 8,720 30 Northea st River ba sin 78 79 01496000 01496080 24.3 1.7 1949-72 1967-72 1967 1970 7.74 5.08 4,060 380 June 22 June 22 8.41 6.4 4,800 615 60 (1) Northeast River tributary near Charlestown, Mdu—— Princ ipio Creek basin 80 01496200 Principio Creek near Principio Furnace, Md.-———- 9.03 1968-72 1969 9.26 7,060 June 22 8.49 3,020 Cl) Susquehanna River basin 81 82 83 01496370 01496450 01496500 Mink Creek at Richfield Springs, Conadarago Lake at Schuyler, N.Y. Oaks Creek at Index, N.Y.-------- N.Y 84 85 86 87 01497800 01498500 01499500 01500000 Schenevus Creek at Schenevus, N.Y.------- Charlotte Creek at West Davenport, N.Y. East Sidney Lake at East Sidney, N.Y.— Ouleout Creek at East Sidney, N.Y.-----. 88 01500500 Susquehanna River at Unadllla, N.Y. 89 01502000 90 01502500 Butternut Creek at Morris, N.Y.* Unadllla River at Rockdale, N.Y. 91 92 93 01503000 01503980 01505000 Susquehanna River at Conklin, N.Y. Chenango River at Eaton, N.Y.------ Chenango River at Sherburne, N.Y.— 10.4 1969-72 1970 4.13 380 June 22 65.0 1969-72 1972 5.66 June 25 3.11 102 1930-32, 1938-72 1959 6.87 2,550 June 23 4.35 57.8 1963-72 1964 8.14 2,200 June 23 (1) 167 1938-72 1938 4/ 9.65 14,000 June 23 4/ 4.93 T,158.63 103 1953-72 1960 1,194.4 5/25,100 June 24 103 L941-72 L935 1942 1935 7.62 (1) 7,250 16,700 June 30 3.72 982 L938-72 1942 1960 13.94 14.25 21,500 June 23 7.87 59.7 L938-72 1964 8.47 4,260 June 22 6.05 520 L930-33, L938-72 1942 12.98 17,400 June 23 8.73 2,232 1913-72 1936 1948 20.14 20.83 61,600 June 23 12.89 24.3 1964-65, 1967-72 1964 8.12 2,570 June 22 7.92 263 1938-72 1936 1942 1964 1936 2/9.99 9.80 10.6 9,200 (1) June 22 9.57 100 <2 608 <2 200 <2 1,820 <2 1/5,480 1,170 <2 6,140 <2 1,480 <2 6,640 <2 26,500 <2 1,100 <2 7,500 17 See footnotes at end of table374 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^JULY 1972 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges—Continued Perma- nent station No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfa) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfa) Recur- rence interval (years) Susquehanna River basin—Continued 94 01505500 Canasawacta Creek near South Plymouth, N.Y. — 57.9 1945-72 95 01507000 Chenango River at Greene, N.Y.—-—————— 593 1937-72 96 01508500 Albright Creek at East Homer, N.Y. 6.81 1939-68, 1970-72 97 01509000 Tloughnioga River at Cortland, N.Y.——————— 292 1939-72 98 01510000 Otselic River at Cincinnatus, N.Y.———— 147 1938-72 99 01511000 Whitney Point Lake at Whitney Point, N.Y. 257 1943-72 100 01511500 Tioughnioga River at Itaska, N.Y.------------------ 735 1930-67, 1969-72 101 01512500 Chenango River near Chenango Forks, N.Y.----------- 1,483 1913-72 102 01513500 Susquehanna River at Vestal, N.Y.—---------------- 3,960 1936-72 103 01513790 Naticoke Creek at Union Center, N.Y.-------------- 89.7 1956, 1963-64, 1966-68, 1970-72 104 01513840 Pumpe11y Creek at Owego, N.Y.---------------------- 8.59 1967-68 105 01514000 Owego Creek near Owego, N.Y.--------------------- 185 1930-72 106 01514100 Catatonk Creek at Spencer, N.Y.----—------------- 26.5 1955 107 01515000 Susquehanna River near Waverly, N.Y.-----—------- 4,773 1936-72 108 01516500 Corey Creek near Mainesburg, Pa.———————— 12.2 1955-72 109 Corey Creek at Mansfield, Pa.—————————— 22.1 — 110 — Tioga River at Mansfield, Pa.——————————— 156 — 111 01516800 Manns Creek near Mansfield, Pa.—————————— 3.01 1960-72 112 01517000 Elk Run near Mainesburg, Pa.——————— 10.2 1954-72 113 01518000 Tioga River at Tioga, Pa.- 282 1939-72 1889 114 01518500 Crooked Creek at Tioga, Pa.————————— 122 1954-72 115 01518970 Troups Creek near Troupsburg, N.Y.---------------- 30.2 — 116 01520000 Cowanesque River near Lawrenceville, Pa.---------- 298 1952-72 117 01520500 Tioga River at Lindley, N.Y.——————————— 771 1930-72 118 01520507 Tannery Creek near Lindley, N.Y.----------------- 9.13 — 119 01520970 Canisteo River tributary near Almond, N.Y.—-——— .17 — 120 01520973 Canisteo River tributary No. 2 near Almond, N.Y.-— .31 — 121 01520991 Canisteo River at Bishopville, N.Y.———————— 22.4 — 122 01521000 Arkport Reservoir near Arkport, N.Y.——————— 30.5 1952-72 123 01571500 Canisteo River at Arkport, N.Y.---- — 30.6 1937-72 1935 124 01521610 Big Creek near North Hornell, N.Y.——————— 16.8 1935 125 01522075 Canacadea Creek near Alfred, N.Y.———————— 1.28 — 126 01522076 Canacadea Creek tributary No. 2 at Alfred, N.Y.—— .52 — 127 01522078 Canacadea Creek tributary No. 1 at Alfred, N.Y.-—- 1.02 — 128 01522083- East Branch Canacadea Creek at Alfred Station, N.Y. 6.54 — 129 01522085 Canacadea Creek at Alfred Station, N.Y. 14.8 — 130 01522430 McHenry Valley Creek tributary No. 2 near Alfred, N.Y. 1.73 — 131 01522435 McHenry Valley Creek tributary No. 1 near Alfred, N.Y. .96 132 01522500 Karr Valley Creek near Almond, N.Y.-——————— 27.6 1937-68, 1971-72 133 01523000 Almond Lake near Almond, N.Y.————————— 55.8 1950-72 134 01523500 Canacadea Creek near Hornell, N.Y.— ———— 57.9 1927-28, 1935, 1939-72 135 01524500 Canisteo River below Canacadea Creek at Hornell,N.Y. 158 1943-72 136 01524610 Bennetts Creek tributary at Greenwood, N.Y.- 3.14 — 137 01524990 Purdy Creek near Canisteo, N.Y.—————————— 21.2 1935 138 01525000 Bennetts Crqek at Canisteo, N.Y.———————— 95.3 1939-47 139 01525050 Colonel Bill's Creek at South Canisteo, N.Y.——— 10.1 — 140 01525500 Canisteo River at West Cameron, N.Y.——— 340 1931, 1935, 1937-72 141 01525750 Tuscarora Creek tributary near Woodhull, N.Y.—— 9.43 1967-68 142 01526000 Tuscarora Creek near South Addison, N.Y.————— 114 1937-72 143 01526070 Canisteo River at Erwins, N.Y.—————————— 551 — 144 01526495 Mu 1 ho 11 and Creek near Erwins, N.Y.———————— 5.06 1967-68 145 01526500 Tioga River near Erwins, N.Y.————————— 1,377 1919-72 146 01526976 Kirkwood Creek near Kirkwood, N.Y. ——————— 3.70 — 147 01527000 Cohocton River at Cohocton, N.Y.———————— 52.2 1951-72 148 01527428 Neils Creek near Bloomerville, N.Y.——————— 18.0 1935 149 01527485 Tenmile Creek at Avoca, N.Y.——————————— 17.9 — 150 01527500 Cohocton River at Avoca, N.Y.————————— 157 1939-45 151 01527580 4.86 — 152 01527620 Goff Creek near Avoca, N.Y.—————————— 23.8 — 153 01528000 Fivemile Creek near Kanona, N.Y.————————— 66.8 1937-72 154 01528210 Campbell Creek near Kanona, N.Y.———————— 32.7 1935 155 01528375 Stocking Creek tributary at North Cameron, N.Y.—— 2.64 —- 156 01528950 Mud Creek tributary near Bradford, N.Y.——— 2.34 — 157 01529000 76.6 1919, L937-72 1961 5.94 6,980 June 22 5.40 5,000 7 1942 18.33 18,900 June 23 14.50 12,000 5 1947 3.71 787 June 23 4.40 1,200 >100 1964 12.49 13,000 June 23 10.47 7,730 4 1942 10.67 8,390 June 23 9.39 5,530 4 1950 1948 4/ 10.68 t, 005.0 7,830 71,440 June 25 ^/996.52 ^51,720 ... 1935 16.61 61,100 June 23 8.38 11,400 2 1935 20.3 96,000 June 23 11.19 26,200 3 1936 30.5 107,000 June 23 22.35 58,000 2 1955 — 9,900 June 23 15.33 13,500 >100 1967 5.15 1,100 June 23 7.17 1,660 >100 1935 11.50 23,500 June 23 10.15 10,600 9 1955 1,680 June 23 1,500 4 1936 21.4 128,000 June 23 21.24 121,000 40 1955 7.88 2,120 June 23 10.44 5,580 >100 June 22 10,600 >100 ... June 22 ... 24,200 80 1965 5.79 566 June 22 7.00 714 16 1955 V 6.77 1,240 June 22 6.00 3,940 >100 1946 15.47 39,000 June 22 19.70 59,000 >100 1889 17.4 ci) 1955 12.73 10,900 June 23 18.29 21,000 >100 June 23 4,500 (D 1964 11.89 25,400 June 23 17.26 40,500 >100 1946 22.87 75,000 June 23 26.27 128,000 >100 ... ... June 23 2,730 100 — ... June 23 ... 56 (1) ... ... June 23 43 (1) A/ — [7268.4 June 23 kj — 3,400 30 1956 1/2,730 June 23 1,304.04 5/7,940 — 1938 2,000 June 23 3.60 1,080 19 1939 5.63 — 1935 4,820 1935 11,900 June 23 ... 6,680 >100 ... — June 23 656 (i) June 23 358 a) June 21 570 (i) June 23 2,660 >100 June 21 6,080 >100 — — — June 21 — 1,100 (1) — — — June 21 — 450 (1) 1967 9.11 6,250 June 23 12.2 10,900 >100 1956 £286.0 5/8,700 June 23 t[298.58 5/14,100 1935 16.61 21,000 June 23 6.14 5,880 (1) 1943 13.30 9,340 June 23 13.45 9,560 >100 ... June 21 680 (1) 1935 y — 8,990 June 22 1,160.12 6,940 >100 1946 1,130.50 10,000 June 22 4/1,134*41 19,500 >100 ... — June 22 — 2,820 >100 1935 20.8 35,000 June 23 23.48 43,000 >100 1968 4.67 2,360 June 23 6.53 1,440 (X) 1951 8.79 14,000 June 22 10.4 18,700 >100 — June 23 967.4 65,000 >100 1966 3.20 96 June 23 590 (1) 1946 23.54 94,000 June 23 26.74 190,000 >100 ... June 23 — 810 >100 1960 6.23 883 June 23 9.82 2,260 >100 1935 5,040 June 23 — 3,750 >100 4/ — June 23 ... 2,240 >100 1942 1,188.22 3,880 June 23 ... 13,300 >100 — June 21 — 660 100 ... ... June 22 ... 3,550 >100 1940 1/6.10 — June 23 5.95 5,110 >100 1956 4.59 2,680 1935 14,000 June 23 ... 7,340 >100 ... June 23 ... 452 (1) ... — June 23 ... 757 (1) 1956 6.89 1,860 June 23 8.66 6,100 >100 See footnotes at end of tableAPPENDIX A 375 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges--Continued Perma- nent station No. Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination age area (sq mi) Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Susquehanna River basin—Continued 158 01529500 Cohocton River near Campbell, N.Y.---------------- 470 1919-72 1935 11.6 41,100 June 23 11.16 32,000 >100 159 01529530 01530200 01530285 South Branch Michigan Creek near Risingville, N.Y. .96 31.6 14.7 1953 1953 --- 819 June 22 ... 168 3.000 3.000 (1) >100 >100 161 Sing Sing Creek near Big Flats, N.Y.----—-------- ... June 22 ... 162 01530303 Chemung River near Big Flats, N.Y.———————— 2,150 1936 1936 — 87jr200 June 23 It/ 898.7 235,000 >100 163 01530440 Newtown Creek at Horseheads, N.Y.———————— 56.4 — ... ... — June 22 ... 5,200 >100 164 01530500 Newtown Creek at Elmira, N.Y.—————————— 77.5 1938-72 1942 15.23 3,460 June 23 —/l9.28 4,000 >100 1955 17.06 u> it/909.48 165 01530770 Seeley Creek near Elmira, N.Y.- ——————— 95.6 ... —. — ... June 23 18,900 >100 166 01530910 Rorick Hollow Creek near Breesport, N.Y.————— 1.65 ... — — ... June 23 — 333 (1) 167 01531000 Chemung River at Chemung, N.Y.-------------------- 2,506 1904-72 1946 23.97 132,000 June 23 31.62 189,000 >100 168 01531250 North Branch Sugar Creek tributary near Columbia 8.83 1963-72 1967 5.14 1,150 June 22 6.24 2,410 70 Cross Roads, Pa. 169 01531500 Susquehanna River at Towanda, Pa.----------------- 7,797 1865-1972 1946 25.08 191,000 June 24 33.43 320,000 >100 170 01532000 Towanda Creek near Monroeton, Pa.--------------- 215 1914-72 1946 12.53 31,300 June 22 15.30 47,000 >100 171 172 01532200 01532850 South Branch Towanda Creek at New Albany, Pa.—— Middle Branch Wyalusing Creek tributary near 13.3 5.67 1963-72 1960-72 1964 1967 7.4 6.20 1,530 640 June 22 June 22 9.86 6.85 2,850 1,120 35 16 Birchardville, Pa. 173 01533250 Tuscarora Creek near Silvara, Pa.———————— 11.8 1963-72 1964 12.92 1,350 June 22 13.07 1,610 9 01533800 01533950 7.38 12.6 1963-72 1961-72 1967 1970 17.2 5.73 2,460 1,440 June 22 June 22 7.8 5.43 870 1,160 175 South Branch Tunkhannock Creek near Montdale, Pa.- 3 176 01534000 Tunkhannock Creek near Tunkhannock, Pa.---------- 383 1914-72 1964 14.26 33,600 June 23 11.26 15,100 3 177 — Susquehanna River at West Pittston, Pa.----------- 9,533 ... ... 4/ — June 24 4/ — 339,000 >100 178 01534180 Stillwater Lake near Forest City, Pa.————— 37.1 1960-72 1960 1,603.2 A/5,860 June 23 1,602.00 5/5,460 — 179 180 181 01534300 01534500 01536000 Lackawanna River near Forest City, Pa.———— Lackawanna River at Old Forge, Pa.———————— 38.8 108 332 1942-72 1940-72 1939-72 1942 1942 1955 10.58 20.05 2,530 9,510 31,000 June 26 June 22 June 23 4.84 6.09 8.78 1,010 3,000 9,340 CD (i) a) 182 183 10.5 9,960 June 22 June 24 1,040 9 01536500 Susquehanna River at Wilkes-Barre, Pa.————— 1784-1972 1936 33.07 232,000 40.91 345,000 >100 1865 33.1 184 01537000 Toby Creek at Luzerne, Pa.-—————————— 32.4 1942-72 1942 ... 3,010 June 22 6.07 3,390 70 1946 5.01 — 185 01537500 15.7 1940-72 1955 1933 9.83 11.4 2,450 (1) June 22 6.92 1,220 186 01538000 Wapwallopen Creek near Wapwallopen, Pa.———— 43.8 1920-72 1955 9.23 3,140 June 22 11.04 5,410 >100 187 01538800 Huntington Creek near Pikes Creek, Pa. — ———— 4.94 1960-72 1969 8.87 740 June 22 9.34 948 60 188 01539000 Fishing Creek near Blooms burg, Pa.——————— 274 1939-72 1940 12.08 18,100 June 22 15.18 30,900 >100 189 01540200 Trexler Run near Ringtown, Pa.————————— 1.77 1959-72 1961 3.11 178 June 22 5.15 487 60 190 01540500 Susquehanna River at Danville, Pa. ———————— 11,220 1899-72 1904 3/30.7 ... June 24 1/32.32 — 1936 27.4 250,000 June 25 32.16 363,000 >100 1865 1865 28 u) 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 01540650 01541000 01541180 01541200 01541308 01541340 01541500 01542000 Schler Run at Danville, Pa.----------------------- Blizzard Run at Danville, Pa.————————— West Branch Susquehanna River at Cherry Tree, Pa.-West Branch Susquehanna River at Bower, Pa.——— Curwensvllle Lake near Curwensville, Pa.——— West Branch Susquehanna River near Curwensville,Pa. Bradley Run near Ashvllle, Pa.—————————— Glendale Lake at Prince Gallitzin State Park near Flinton, Pa. North Whitmer Run at Irvona, Pa.————————— Clearfield Creek at Irvona, Pa.——————— Clearfield Creek at Dimeling, Pa. ———————— 5.42 1.95 58.8 315 365 367 6.77 41.9 20.7 193 371 68.8 1899-1972 1966-72 1956-72 1968-72 1963-72 1914-72 1941-72 1936 1936 1968 1964 1971 1967 1936 1964 1936 4/ 19.74 1,197.06 14.19 4/ 2.68 1,429.40 *8.49 9.34 19.36 31,500 5/54,500 15,700 5/ 558 ^29,180 June 22 June 22 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 25 June 23 June 24 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 4/ 18.64 1,214.11 11.40 4/ 3.82 1,431.63 17.56 14.25 2,310 460 6,790 27,500 —/ 87,650 8,590 679 1/33,390 >100 50 50 >100 (I) 6 30 >100 (1) >100 30,600 2,930 (1) 2,650 24,800 22,400 5,120 £03 — Moshannon Creek at Phillipsburg, Pa#——————— 81.1 ... — — June 23 — 6,070 100 204 01542500 West Branch Susquehanna River at Karthaus, Pa.— 1,462 1936-72 1936 24.5 135,000 June 23 18.57 84,300 (1) 205 01542720 Wilson Run at Penfieid, Pa.——————————— 8.34 1962-72 1964 4.39 592 June 22 4.68 403 2 206 01542810 Waldy Run near Emporium, Pa. ———————— 5.24 1963-72 1967 6.32 828 June 22 5.86 469 4 207 — Driftwood Branch Sinnemahoning Creek at Emporium, Pa. West Creek near Emporium, Pa. 86.2 — — ... — June 22 — 6,180 9 208 01542860 59.1 ... ... ... June 22 — 7,510 30 209 01543000 Driftwood Branch Sinnemahoning Creek at Sterling 272 1914-72 1942 14.70 47,800 June 22 12.20 32,000 40 Run, Pa. 60,800 40 210 01543500 Sinnemahoning Creek at Sinnemahoning, Pa.——— 685 1936-72 1936 21.94 61,200 June 23 4/ 21.78 211 01543900 First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek Reservoir near 243 1956-72 1964 it/ 994.50 5/39,250 June 26 r,015.87 £/62.030 — S innemahoning, Pa. 7,150 u) 212 01544000 First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek near Sinnemahoning, Pa. Germania Branch at Germania, Pa.———————— 245 1942-72 1942 — 80,000 June 28 4.75 213 01544450 2.40 1964-72 1964 2.63 141 June 23 4.55 210 2 214 01544500 Kettle Creek at Cross Fork, Pa.--——————— 136 1936, 1936 14.0 20,000 June 23 11.76 14,300 215 216 01544800 01545000 Kettle Creek Lake near Westport, Pa.——————— Kettle Creek near Westport, Pa.————————— 226 233 1941-42 1962-72 1955-72 1970 1956 it/913.50 —/45,350 7,970 June 25 June 28 ft/ 919.13 8.69 5/51,700 5,750 (i) 1959 1/13.31 — >100 217 01545500 West Branch Susquehanna River at Renovo, Pa.——— 2,975 1889-1972 1936 29.39 236,000 June 23 26.56 181,000 218 01545600 Young Womans Creek near Renovo, Pa.——————— 46.2 1965-72 1970 3.33 844 June 23 7.98 5,370 18 219 01546500 Spring Creek near Axemann, Pa. 87.2 1941-72 1950 5.44 1,670 June 23 8.75 5,410 >100 1936 1936 8.6 u) 220 01547100 Spring Creek at Milesburg, Pa 142 1967-72 1970 7.14 1,360 June 23 13.20 8,170 >100 See footnotes at end of table.376 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges--Continued Perma- nent station No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Susquehanna River basin—Continued 221 01547200 Bald Eagle Creek below Spring Creek at Milesburg,Pa 265 1956-72 1964 /, 6*60 638.68 8,950 June 23 11.67 21,300 >100 222 01547480 Foster Joseph Sayers Lake near Blanchard, Pa.— 339 1971-72 1972 5/46,100 June 25 it/ 658.41 5/103,950 223 01547500 Bald Eagle Creek at Blanchard, Pa. ______ 339 1955-72 1964 11.59 10,100 June 28 9.37 4,890 a) 224 01547700 Marsh Creek at Blanchard, Pa.——————— 44.1 1956-72 1961 6.63 3,300 June 23 7.96 4,870 80 225 01547800 South Fork Beech Creek near Snow Shoe, Pa.—— 12.2 1959-72 1964 4.92 967 June 23 5.36 1,170 45 226 01547950 Beech Creek near Monument, Pa.—— — —— 152 1968-72 1970 10.24 3,070 June 23 15.22 9,740 13 227 01548000 Bald Eagle Creek at Beech Creek Station, Pa.——— 559 1911-72 1936 14.42 25,600 June 23 12.29 19,400 a) 228 01548020 1.99 1963-72 1967 7.26 113 June 22 8.97 351 13 229 ... Fishing Creek at Mill Hall, Pa. ———— 179 — — — — June 23 — 25,000 >100 230 Pine Creek at Galeton, Pa.— — — 167 ... ... ... ... June 22 ... 15,900 30 231 01548500 Pine Creek at Cedar Run, Pa. ——— 604 1919-72 1946 14.39 52,000 June 23 16.0 66,000 >100 232 01549500 Block House Creek near English Center, Pa. —— 37.7 1936, 1941-72 1936 9.0 5,780 June 23 9.34 6,260 60 233 01549700 Pine Creek below Little Pine Creek near Waterville, Pa. 944 1958-72 1959 1964 2/16.0 13.67 45,300 June 23 22.76 104,000 >100 234 01549780 Larrys Creek at Cogan House, Pa.——————— 6.80 1960-72 1964 4.49 701 June 22 5.29 1,130 100 235 01550000 Lycoming Creek near Trout Run, Pa..— 173 1914-72 1946 19.37 21,800 June 22 20.19 25,900 >100 236 01551500 West Bench Susquehanna River at Williamsport, Pa. 5,682 1889-1972 1936 33.57 264,000 June 23 34.75 279,000 >100 237 01552000 Loyalsock Creek at Loyalsockville, Pa.—— — 443 1926-72 1926 1950 12.3 12.32 51.200 51.200 June 23 14.74 88,700 >100 238 01552100 Mill Creek near Warrensville, Pa.———————— 11.9 1961-72 1964 4.73 962 June 22 6.14 2,230 23 239 01552500 Muncy Creek near S ones town, Pa. ---—------------- 23.8 1941-72 1952 8.61 7,310 June 22 8.94 8,260 >100 240 ... Glade Run at Muncy, Pa.—————————— 6.62 — — — .— June 22 — 1,780 50 241 01553050 White Deer Hole Creek near Elimsport, Pa.———— 18.2 1961-72 1964 9.05 1,480 June 22 11.83 4,200 >100 242 01553120 White Deer Creek above Sand Spring Run near White Deer, Pa. 17.8 1968-72 1970 5.30 302 June 22 9.47 2,330 30 243 01553130 Sand Spring Run near White Deer, Pa.-------------- 4.93 1968-72 1971 5.38 180 June 22 5.68 1,000 50 244 01553140 White Deer Creek near White Deer, Pa.————— 40.0 1968-72 1970 1971 6.22 3/6.84 637 June 22 9.89 6,410 >100 245 01553500 West Branch Susquehanna River at Lewisburg, Pa. 6,847 1936-72 1936 32.1 287,000 June 24 34.23 300,000 >100 246 01553600 East Branch Chillisquaque Creek near Washington, Pa. 9.48 1961-72 1970 7.85 1,440 June 22 11.11 4,390 >100 247 01554000 Susquehanna River at Sunbury, Pa.————————- 18,300 1819-1972 1936 34.65 556,000 June 24 35.80 620,000 >100 248 01554500 Shamokin Creek near Shamokin, Pa.——————— 54.2 1940-72 1962 5.00 3,120 June 22 8.72 4,070 >100 249 01555000 Penns Creek at Penns Creek, Pa.———————— 301 1930-72 1934 13.00 14,900 June 23 14.85 34,600 >100 250 01555500 East Mahantango Creek near Dalmatia, Pa.--———— 162 1930-72 1933 13.66 10,600 June 22 26.62 69,900 >100 251 Wiconisco Creek at Lykens, Pa.—————————— 29.0 — — — — June 22 — 18,700 >100 252 ... 18.9 — — — — June 22 — 13,500 >100 253 01555800 McDonald Run near East Freedom, Pa.—------------- 1.54 1959-72 1966 3.38 350 June 23 3.63 134 <2 254 01556000 Frankstown Branch Juniata River at Williamsburg, Pa. 291 1889-1972 1936 1889 18.58 19.1 47,600 35,500 June 23 18.39 16,400 15 255 01556400 Sandy Run near Be11wood, Pa.— 5.58 1962-72 1967 6.25 887 June 22 5.75 628 7 256 01556500 Little Juniata River at Tipton, Pa. ————- 93.7 1946-72 1950 9.06 5,700 June 23 9.24 6,140 16 257 01557100 1.68 1958-72 1969 3.00 225 June 22 2.68 220 5 258 01557500 Bald Eagle Creek at Tyrone, Pa.————————— 44.1 1945-72 1936 1950 1936 i/J-5 5,140 (1) June 22 6.66 5,050 60 259 01558000 Little Juniata River at Spruce Creek, Pa.——— 220 1936-72 1936 19.1 39,800 June 23 16.98 28,600 >100 260 Juniata River at Warrior Ridge Dam, Pa.—— 805 — — — — June 23 — 53,700 90 261 01559000 Juniata River at Huntingdon, Pa.——————— 816 1896-98, 1900-22, 1924-29, 1931-38, 1942-72 1936 21.87 81,000 June 23 20.02 57,000 90 262 — Crooked Creek near Huntingdon, Pa.-------------- 26.4 — — — — June 22 — 4,540 >100 263 01559700 Buffalo Run tributary near Manns Choice, Pa.—— 5.28 1962-72 1967 4.26 1,010 June 22 3.33 528 5 264 01560000 Dunning Creek at Belden, Pa.———————— 172 1936, 1940-72 1936 17.8 16,900 June 23 12.67 12,000 >100 265 01562000 Raystown Branch Juniata River at Saxton, Pa.—— 756 1889-1972 1936 24.54 80,500 June 22 17.74 40,000 45 266 01563000 Raystown Branch Juniata River near Huntingdon, Pa. 957 1936-72 1936 31.0 87,000 June 23 y725.2 48,000 u> 267 01563200 Raystown Branch Juniata River below Raystown Dam near Huntingdon, Pa. 960 1970-72 1970 18.54 24,100 June 23 18.22 23,300 a) 268 01563500 Juniata River at Mapleton Depot, Pa. 2,030 1936-72 1936 38.2 145,000 June 23 33.07 125,000 >100 269 01563800 Elders Branch near Hus ton town, Pa 3.46 1960-72 1967 7.23 294 June 22 8.60 540 8 270 01564500 Aughwick Creek near Three Springs, Pa.———— 205 1939-72 1889 1950 1889 18.04 19.3 20,600 (1) June 22 19.20 23,700 80 271 01565000 164 1940-72 1950 13.12 9,830 June 23 16.17 16,400 >100 272 01565700 Little Lost Creek at Oakland Mills, Pa.——— 6.52 1960-72 1970 7.33 288 June 22 8.41 468 (U 273 01565920 Lick Run near East Waterford, Pa. 8.38 1962-72 1966 9.33 340 July 16 9.85 1,870 274 01567000 Juniata River at Newport, Pa. —.... 3,354 1889-1972 1889 35.9 209,000 June 23 33.97 187,000 >100 275 01567500 Bixler Run near Loysville, Pa.--—-------------- 15.0 1954-72 1956 10.39 8,780 July 16 9.69 6,570 30 276 01568000 Sherman Creek at Shermans Dale, Pa.————— 200 1927-72 1927 20.34 44,000 June 23 18.09 27,500 60 277 01568500 Clark Creek near Carsonville, Pa.——————— 22.5 1938-72 1937 1946 4.81 988 June 22 10.98 4,800 >100 278 01569000 Stony Creek near Dauphin, Pa.-------------------- 35.0 1938-72 1943 7.97 2,360 June 22 14.44 9,990 >100 279 01569340 Newburg Run at Newburg, Pa.————————— 5.29 1964-71 1969 8.6 5,000 June 22 7.4 1,180 in 280 01570000 Conodoguinet Creek near Hogestown, Pa. 470 1912-19, 1930-58, 1968-72 1952 12.16 15,700 June 23 17.01 33,700 >100 281 01570100 Conodoguinet Creek tributary No. 1 near Enola, Pa. .77 1969-72 1971 3.49 64 June 22 5.71 604 >100 282 01570300 Conodoguinet Creek tributary No. 3 at Enola, Pa.-- .38 1969-72 1970 5.04 77 June 22 7.73 263 >100 283 01570500 Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pa.—————— 24,100 1786-1972 1936 29.23 740,000 June 24 32.57 1,020,000 >100 284 01571000 Paxton Creek near Penbrook, Pa.————————— 11.2 1940-50 1949 6.97 1,900 June 22 — 3,300 >100 See footnotes at end of table.APPENDIX A 377 TABLE Al..—Summary of flood stages and discharges-Continued Perma- nent station No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Susquehanna River basin—Continued 285 01571020 Paxton Creek at Wildwood Lake at Harrisburg, Pa.— 19.0 June 22 ... 2,290 Cl) 286 01571500 Yellow Breeches Creek near Camp Hill, Pa.——— 216 1909-19, 1955-72 1915 8.61 5,550 June 22 18.33 14.74 15,900 >100 287 01572900 Reeds Creek near Ono, Pa.———————— 8.63 1962-72 1966 7.55 1,700 — (i) — 288 01573000 Swatara Creek at Harper Tavern, Pa.———— 337 1899-1972 1889 25.6 88,000 June 23 23.72 66,700 >100 289 01573086 Beck Creek near Cleona, Pa.------—--------------- 7.87 1964-72 1970 6.25 640 June 22 11.53 5,150 >100 290 01574000 West Conewago Creek near Manchester, Pa.——— 510 1929-72 1933 24.14 47,600 June 22 30.26 81,700 >100 291 01574500 Codorus Creek at Spring Grove, Pa.---------------- 75.5 1930-64, 1966-72 1933 11.84 11,200 June 22 15.57 19,400 >100 292 01574700 Indian Rock Reservoir near York, Pa.———— 93.7 1943-72 1952 4/402.80 5/3,360 June 23 it/ 436.44 -/30.220 ... 293 01574800 East Branch Codorus Creek tributary near Winterstown, Pa. 5.17 1960-72 1969 7.02 351 June 22 10.44 2,190 >100 294 01575000 South Branch Codorus Creek near York, Pa.——— 117 1928-72 1933 17.97 19,300 June 22 22.62 26,700 >100 295 01575500 Codorus Creek near York, Pa.——————— 222 1933, 1940-72 1933 24.0 32,000 June 22 26.36 30,000 >100 296 01576000 Susquehanna River at Marietta, Pa.— — 25,990 1889-1972 1936 60.73 787,000 June 23 64.54 1,080,000 >100 297 01576320 Stony Run at Reams town, Pa.——————— — 3.55 1964-72 1968 6.30 890 June 22 7.00 995 35 298 01576500 Conestoga Creek at Lancaster, Pa. ———————— 324 1929-72 1933 17.52 22,800 June 23 27.80 88,300 >100 299 01577500 Muddy Creek at Castlefin, Pa.———————— 133 1929-38, 1968-71 1933 21.11 16,600 June 22 20.25 18,000 70 300 01577940 Broad Creek tributary at Whiteford, Md.————— .77 1971-72 1971 6.62 156 June 22 9.65 310 a) 301 01578200 Conowingo Creek near Buck, Pa.———————— 8.71 1963-72 1970 6.94 693 June 22 7.76 1,270 11 302 01578310 Susquehanna River at Conowingo, Md.------—------ 27,100 1968-72 1970 26.40 434,000 June 24 36.83 1,130,000 >100 303 01578400 Bowery Run near Quarryville, Pa.———————— 5.98 1963-72 1964 7.7 2,220 June 22 6.55 1,050 14 304 01578500 Octoraro Creek near Rising Sun, Md.-- ———- 193 1933-58, 1963-72 1884 1942 1884 17.57 24.3 35,000 (1) June 22 18.92 29,000 (1) 305 01578800 Basin Run at West Nottingham, Md. ——-——----- 1.3 1967-^1 1967 13.60 825 June 22 11.80 640 a) 306 01579000 Basin Run at Liberty Grove, Md.- ——————— 5.31 1949-58, 1965-72 1967 7.66 3,500 June 22 6.92 2,560 16 307 01580000 Deer Creek at Rocks, Md. ——————--—-—— 94.4 1888-1972 1933 17.7 13,600 June 22 17.09 12,200 70 308 01580200 Deer Creek near Kalmia, Md.— ————— 125 1968-72 1967 10.45 6,130 June 22 16.08 16,800 80 Bush River basin 309 01581500 Bynum Run at Bel Air, Md.—————————— 8.52 1945-50* 1956-72 1945 6.25 3,620 June 22 8.32 4,650 60 310 01581700 Winters Run near Benson, Md.———————— 34.8 1968-72 1971 8.96 5,350 June 22 11.60 7,600 100 Gunpowder River basin 311 01581900 Prettyboy Reservoir near Hereford, Md.——— 79.8 1933-72 1934 V 522.46 ^21,110 June 22 i/ 525.12 -122,480 312 01582000 Little Falls at Blue Mount, Md.---——------------- 52.9 1945-72 1933 1950 1933 13.32 14 5,730 (1) June 22 18.54 8,280 >100 313 01582510 Piney Creek near Hereford, Md.-------------—----- 1.5 1966-72 1971 13.27 790 June 22 19.4 1,370 a) 314 01583000 Slade Run near Glydon, Md.---------------------- 2.09 1948-72 1956 4.68 485 June 22 4.80 515 60 315 01583495 Western Run tributary at Western Run, Md.-———— .26 1966-72 1967 8.11 236 June 22 — 515 CD 316 01583500 Western Run at Western Run, Md.——— ———— 59.8 1945-72 1956 10.84 5,590 June 22 26.0 38,000 >100 317 01583580 Baisman Run at Broodmoor, Md.—————————— 1.47 1965-72 1968 ^85 8/ 490 28,520 June 22 6.08 ^ 248.62 692 (1) 318 01583980 Loch Raven Reservoir near Carney, Md.-——— — 303 1914-72 1933 June 22 —'31,040 319 01584500 Little Gunpowder Falls at Laurel Brook, Md.-—----- 36.1 1927-72 1933 10.3 9,200 June 22 10.18 9,030 60 320 01585100 Whitemarsh Run at White Marsh, Md.———————— 7.61 1960-72 1971 14.05 8,000 June 22 10.04 2,170 a) Back River basin 321 01585200 West Branch Herring Run at Idlewylde, Md.————— 2.13 1958-72 1971 6.80 1,740 June 29 6.50 1,560 12 322 01585300 Stemmers Run at Rossville, Md.————————— 4.94 1959-72 1971 11.34 5,950 June 22 7.55 1,530 4 323 01585400 Brien Run at Stemmers Run, Md.————————— 1.97 1959-72 1971 10.75 3,500 June 22 5.66 632 6 Patapsco River basin 324 01585500 Cranberry Branch near Westminster, Md.-------——-- 3.29 1949-72 1970 5.54 1,070 June 22 5.85 1,510 80 325 01586000 North Branch Patapsco River at Cedarhurst, Md.—— 56.6 1946-72 1955 4,10.38 8/M3° June 22 4/ 20.75 27,800 >100 326 01586990 Liberty Reservoir near Marriottsville, Md.—— 164 1953-72 1956 *421.60 “44,670 June 22 427.42 “'49,550 — 327 01587050 Hay Meadow Branch tributary at Poplar Springs, Md. .54 1966-72 1971 10.55 630 June 21 8.48 420 CD 328 D1587500 South Branch Patapsco River at Henryton, Md.——— 64.4 1949-72 1956 19.40 12,100 June 22 28.14 26,900 >100 329 D1588000 Piney Run near Sykesville, Md.——————— 11.4 1932-72 1956 12.0 7,380 June 22 11.0 9,700 >100 330 01589000 Patapsco River at Hollofield, Md. ——————— 285 1945-72 1956 15.88 19,000 June 22 31.3 80,600 >100 1933 1933 19.5 Cl) 331 01589100 East Branch Herbert Run at Arbutus, Md.————— 2.47 1956-72 1971 5.94 1,180 June 22 6.35 1,340 CD 332 01589200 Gwynns Falls near Owings Mills, Md.——————— 4.90 1959-72 1971 5.13 1,360 June 22 5.70 5,500 >100 333 01589240 Gwynns Falls at McDonogh, Md. 19.3 1958-72 1967 8.81 1,650 June 22 18.8 14,700 >100 334 01589300 Gwynns Falls at Villa Nova, Md.------------------- 32.5 1956-72 1956 12.6 5,270 June 22 21.5 16,200 >100 335 01589330 Dead Run at Franklintown, Md.------------------ 5.52 1960-72 1968 10.22 2,750 June 22 12.5 7,400 >100 336 01589440 25.2 1958-72 1968 11.30 2,160 June 22 18.11 iS,?O0 >100 South River basin 337 01590000 North River near Annapolis, Md.—————————— 8.5 1933-72 1944 6.22 5,000 June 22 2.36 122 >2 338 01590500 Bacon Ridge Branch at Chesterfield, Md.————— 6.92 1944-52, 1944 5.49 2,100 June 22 3.68 215 >2 1965-72 See fc otnotes at end of table. 378 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges -.Continued Perma- nent station No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Patuxent River basin 339 01591000 Patuxent River near Unity, Md.— ——————— 34.8 1945-72 1971 18; 60 21,800 June 22 16.1 14,500 35 340 0159150Q Cattail Creek at Roxbury Mills, Md.---------------- 27.7 1945-56 1956 14.19 10,100 June 22 16.4 (i) 341 01591600 Trladelphia Lake near Brighton, Md------------- 78.4 1942-72 1971 4/367.5 8/7,250 June 22 4/371.0 8/8,210 — 342 01592495 T. Howard Duckett Reservoir near Laurel, Md. —----- 132 1954-72 1971 4/289.1 8/7,130 June 22 4/289.65 8/7,290 343 01592500 Patuxent River near Laurel, Md. 132 1945-72 1971 18.5 12,000 June 22 25 26,000 a) 344 01593350 Little Patuxent River tributary at Guilford Downs,Md .95 1966-72 1968 8.53 a) June 22 10.28 620 (i) 345 01593500 Little Patuxent River at Guilford, Md. 38.0 1933-72 1952 13.26 5,300 June 22 18.38 12,400 >100 346 01594000 Little Patuxent River at Savage, Md.--------------- 98.4 1940-72 1933 1952 1933 13.15 17.5 6,280 (1) June 22 25.4 35,400 >100 347 01594400 Dorsey Run near Jessup, Md. 11.6 1949-72 1955 12.77 1,400 June 22 14.0 1,700 60 348 01594440 Patuxent River at U.S. Highway 50 near Mltchellville, Md. 348 — — — — - June 22 —- 31,100 (i) 349 01594445 Mill Branch near Mltchellville, Md.----------------- 1.1 1966-72 1969 11.42 540 June 22 6.56 150 (1) 350 01594500 Western Branch near Largo, Md.--- —------- 30.2 1950-72 1971 8.87 1,760 June 22 8.54 1,540 12 351 01594600 Cocktown Creek near Huntingtown, Md. 3.86 1957-72 1960 7.96 1,120 June 22 5.63 165 <2 Potomac River basin 352 01595200 Stony River near Mt. Storm, W.Va. 48.8 1962-72 1963 3/8.41 3,120 June 23 5.10 750 (i) 353 01595300 Abram Creek at Oakmont, W.Va. 47.3 1955, 1957-72 1955 9.82 3,830 July 5 6.95 1,540 <2 354 01595500 North Branch Potomac River at Kltamiller, Md.- 225 1950-72 1954 13.73 33,400 June 23 7.07 4,680 <2 355 01595800 North Branch Potomac River at Bamum, W.Va.- 266 1967-72 1967 9.70 12,200 June 23 7.47 5,440 <2 356 01596005 Savage River near Frostburg, Md. 1.5 1971-72 1972 19.60 60 June 23 19.74 70 a) 357 01596500 Savage River near Barton, Md.------------—-----—- 49.1 1949-72 1954 8.45 7,510 June 23 3.39 854 <2 358 01597000 Crabtree Creek near Swanton, Md.-- — -------------- 16.7 1949-72 1949 5.01 3,260 June 29 2.19 233 <2 359 01597490 Savage River Reservoir near Bloomington, Md.-------- 105 1952-72 1954 4/1,471.78 5/21,200 “ 6,530 June 29 4/1,469.87 5/20,500 360 01597500 Savage River below Savage River Dam, near Bloomington, Md. 106 1949-72 1954 7.70 June 29 4.57 1,660 <2 361 01598500 North Branch Potomac River at Luke, Md.—----------- 404 1900-06, 1950-72 1924 1954 1924 17.15 39,400 51,000 June 23 7.50 5,620 <2 362 01599000 Georges Creek at Franklin, Md. — 72.4 1931-72 1924 1936 1924 9.6 10 8,500 (1) June 29 6.44 1,250 <2 363 01600000 North Branch Potomac River at Pinto, Md.--—--— 596 1924,1936, 1939-72 1924 24 55,000 June 29 10.45 8,380 <2 364 01600700 Little Wills Creek at Byard, Pa.-- — 10.2 1961-72 1967 8.91 1,100 June 22 9.13 789 4 365 01601000 Wills Creek below Hyndman, Pa.- —-— — 146 1952-72 1954 11.02 11,600 June 23 8.91 7,560 6 366 01601500 Wills Creek near Cumberland, Md.-------------- — --- 247 1924, 1930-72 1936 20.2 38,100 June 23 10.06 11,300 8 367 01603000 North Branch Potomac River near Cumberland, Md.--- — 875 1889-1972 1889 29.2 89,000 June 23 14.55 17,400 <2 368 01603500 Evitts Creek near Centerville, Pa.-—————— 30.2 1933-72 1936 7.13 5,240 June 22 5.06 2,750 17 369 01604500 Patterson Creek near Headsvllle, W.Va.——————— 219 1939-72 1955 12.20 16,000 June 23 9.93 4,090 <2 370 01605500 South Branch Potomac River at Franklin, W.Va.------- 182 1941-69 1936 1949 1936 11.40 13 15,000 (1) June 21 5.68 3,610 <2 371 01605600 Friends Run near Franklin, W.Va. —-— 4.55 1970-72 1969 1.87 58 June 21 (1) 9/40 (1) 372 01605700 Unnamed Run on North Fork Mountain near Franklin, W.Va. .45 1965-72 (i) <4.47 (i) June 22 3.40 17 (i) 373 01606000 North Fork South Branch Potomac River at Cabins, W.Va. 314 1936-72 1949 18.0 50,000 June 21 9.15 6,530 <2 374 01606500 South Branch Potomac River near Petersburg, W.Va.-— 642 1877, 1929-72 1949 22.83 62,000 June 21 9.25 10,600 <2 375 01606800 Brushy Run near Petersburg, W.Va.——————— 1.43 1965-72 1971 4.62 57 June 22 4.30 46 a) 376 01607500 South Fork South Branch Potomac River at Brandywine, W.Va. 102 1944-72 1949 14.6 41,200 June 21 8.55 6,170 4 377 01608000 South Fork South Branch Potomac River near Moorefleld, W.Va. 283 1924, 1929-36, 1939-72 1949 16.1 39,000 June 22 7.28 5,740 2 378 01608050 Fort Run near Moorefleld, W.Va.--——————— 4.92 1970-72 1972 3.18 137 June 23 8.49 888 (1) 379 01608100 Williams Hollow near Moorefleld, W.Va.--—-------- .24 1965-72 a) <5.37 100 397 01614000 Back Creek near Jones Springs, W.Va. 243 1929-31, 1936, 1937-1972 1942 25.17 22,400 June 22 23.15 18,700 >100 398 01614090 Conococheague Creek near Fayetteville, Pa 5.05 1961-72 1961 2.80 114 June 22 3.45 392 50 399 01614500 Conococheague Creek at Fairvlew, Md.---------------- 494 1889, 1928-72 1889 16.5 22,000 June 23 24.5 32,400 >100 400 01614700 Conococheague Creek tributary at Kemps, Md.——— 1.1 1968-72 1970 3.81 100 June 22 3.55 43 a) 401 01615000 Opequon Creek near Berryvllle, Va.----------—--—-- 57.4 1944-72 1942 1970 1942 12.82 18.4 10,600 (1) June 22 12.59 9,870 >100 402 01616500 Opequon Creek near Martinsburg, W.Va.--------------- 272 1906, 1948-72 1936 1970 1936 15.81 17.5 14,000 (1) June 22 17.45 19,000 >100 403 01617000 Tuscarora Creek above Martinsburg, W.Va.--- ——— 11.3 1949-63, 1968-72 1971 10.52 308 June 2j 11.20 450 >100 404 Tuscarora Creek near mouth below Martinsburg, W.Va.- 25.0 — — — — June 23 — 900 >100 405 01617800 March Run at Grimes, Md.-----— ———------ 18.9 1964-72 1971 2.74 146 June 22 3.44 268 (l) 406 01618000 Potomac River at Shepherdstown, W.Va.------— 5,936 1889-1972 1936 42.1 335,000 June 23 31.58 187,000 18 407 01619000 Antietam Creek near Waynesboro, Pa.—— 93.5 1949-51, 1966-72 1970 7.87 2,040 June 22 12.53 5,430 (i) 408 01619475 Dog Creek tributary near Locust Grove, Md.-—--— .13 1966-72 1967 8.10 111 June 22 5.36 30 (i) 409 01619500 Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Md. 281 1929-72 1956 16.73 12,600 June 23 14.30 9,880 50 410 01620500 North River near Stokesville, Va.- — 17.2 1942, 1947-72 1949 10.9 11,100 June 21 5.25 1,650 7 411 01621200 War Branch near Hinton, Va. — 9.45 1949-72 1949 6.70 2,500 June 21 3.70 700 4 412 01622000 North River near Burketown, Va.--— 379 1852-1972 1949 36.3 62,600 June 22 16.58 12,900 4 413 01624300 Middle River near Verona, Va. 178 1968-72 1971 13.79 7,220 June 21 13.10 6,590 7 414 01624800 Christians Creek near Fishersville, Va. 70.1 1968-72 1969 12.78 3,800 June 21 12.50 3,630 7 415 01625000 Middle River near Grottoes, Va.----—------- — ----- 375 1877-1972 1936 28.57 24,500 June 22 21.51 16,300 15 416 01626000 South River near Waynesboro, Va.----———————— 127 1928-72 1969 15.27 17,400 June 21 14.25 14,000 20 417 01627500 South River at Harriston, Va.--—---—----—-------- 222 1924-51, 1969-72 1870 1942 1870 17.2 18.8 23,100 (1) June 21 15.25 21,300 20 418 01628500 South Fork Shenandoah River near Lynnwood, Va.---—- 1,084 1870-1972 1942 27.2 80,000 June 22 23.45 50,700 15 419 01628600 Cub Run tributary near Montevideo, Va.-------------- .42 1966-72 1969 5.15 92 June 21 5.12 91 4 420 01629100 South Fork Shenandoah River tributary near Luray, Va. .54| 1966-72 1967 6.60 102 June 22 6.48 99 4 421 01631000 South Fork Shenandoah River at Front Royal, Va.--—- 1,642 1870-1972 1942 34.8 130,000 June 22 23.98 75,100 20 422 01632000 North Fork Shenandoah River at Cootes Store, Va.---- 210 1836-1972 1942 25.3 50,000 June 22 14.98 13,900 4 423 01632900 Smith Creek near New Market, Va.------— 93.2 1961-72 1971 9.96 2,860 June 22 13.22 6,280 >100 424 01632950 Crooked Run tributary near Conicville, Va.-—-— .31 1966-72 1967 4.32 26 June 22 4.72 34 <2 425 01633000 North Fork Shenandoah River at Mount Jackson, Va.-— 506 1942-72 1942 20.2 80,000 June 22 16.08 21,200 6 426 01633500 Stony Creek at Columbia Furnace, Va. 79.4 1947-72 1942 1959 1942 9.20 11.5 6,900 (1) June 22 9.19 6,850 40 427 01633700 Pugh Run tributary near Columbia Furnace, Va.------- .56 1966-72 1971 4.54 84 June 22 4.96 98 3 428 01634000 North Fork Shenandoah River near Strasburg, Va.----- 768 1870-1972 1942 31.2 100,000 June 22 20.88 25,100 8 429 01634500 Cedar Creek near Winchester, Va. 103 1936-72 1942 27.0 22,000 June 22 23.19 20,300 90 430 01635200 North Fork Shenandoah River tributary near Waterlick, Va. .48 1966-72 1971 3.89 29 June 21 4.86 63 3 431 01635500 Passage Creek near Buckton, Va. t — 87.8 1933-72 1942 15.5 21,000 June 22 13.56 13,100 20 432 01636210 Happy Creek at Front Royal, Va.---------------— 14.0 1949-72 1942 1948 1942 7/6.40 10714 2,490 (1) June 22 6.13 1,600 9 433 01636500 Shenandoah River at Millville, W.Va. —— 3,040 1870, 1896-98, 1900-01, 1903-18, 1924, 1929-1972 1942 32.4 230,000 June 23 21.89 103,000 18 434 01637000 Little Catoctin Creek at Harmony, Md.---—---------- 8.83 1948-72 1952 8.49 5,400 June 21 5.64 1,960 9 435 01637500 Catoctin Creek near Middletown, Md 66.9 1948-72 1949 11.18 7,760 June 22 12.28 11,200 >100 436 01637600 Hollow Road Creek near Middletown, Md. 2.3 1965-72 1971 6.28 440 June 21 9.4 815 a) 437 01638500 9,651 1889-1972 1936 41.03 480,000 June 23 37.43 347,000 40 438 01638900 White Run near Gettysburg, Pa.-- 12.4 1961-72 1961 11.9 2,760 June 22 13.55 4,360 >100 439 01639000 Monocacy River at Bridgeport, Md 173 1943-72 1933 1943 1933 20.53 25 15,000 (1) June 22 24.05 21,300 >100 440 01639095 Piney Creek tributary at Taneytown, Md.—-------—-- .62 1967-72 1969 10.22 210 June 22 11.64 278 a) 441 01639500 Big Pipe Creek at Bruceville, Md.---— 102 1948-72 1949 11.92 9,500 June 22 17,86 22,800 >100 442 01640000 Little Pipe Creek at Avondale, Md.------------------ 8.10 1948-56, 1959-64, 1967-72 1956 8.47 1,880 June 22 10.45 2,400 60 443 01640500 Owens Creek at Lantz, Md.- — 5.93 1932-72 1934 8.4 3,270 June 22 5.14 940 6 444 01640700 Owens Creek tributary near Rocky Ridge, Md.- 1.2 1967-72 1970 13.40 383 June 22 12.29 363 (i) 445 01641000 Hunting Creek at Jimtown, Md.-- 18.4 1950-72 1952 4.94 1,170 June 22 5.26 1,330 15 446 01641500 Fishing Creek near Lewis town, Md.---------- — ----- 7.29 1948-72 1949 3.73 500 June 21 4.01 610 50 447 01642400 Dollyhyde Creek at Libertytown, Md. 2.7 1967-72 1969 8.88 760 June 21 13.20 1,620 (i) 448 01642500 Linganore Creek near Frederick, Md.-------------—- 82.3 1933-72 1955 11.39 4,130 June 22 19.46 20,100 >100 449 01643000 Monocacy River at Jug Bridge near Frederick, Md. —— 817 1930-72 1889 1933 1889 28.1 30 51.000 56.000 June 23 35.9 81,600 >100 450 01643500 Bennett Creek at Park Mills, Md.———---------- 62.8 1949-72 1971 14.33 13,000 June 21 22.1 32,200 >100 451 01643700 Goose Creek near Middleburg, Va.----—------------- 123 1966-67, 1970-72 1967 14.44 6,920 June 22 27.46 19,200 >100 452 See fc 01644000 otnotes at Goose Creek near Leesburg, Va.--— end of table. 332 1910-12, 1930-72 1889 1937 1942 1889 7/26.86 29 35.600 35.600 45,000 June 22 30.59 78,100 >100380 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges—Continued Perma- nent station No. Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfa) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Potomac River basin--Continued 01644100 . 01644200 01644250 01644264 01644271 01644272 01644290 01644295 01644370 01644420 01645000 01645200 01645895 01645950 1966-72 1962-72 1966-72 1969 8.00 550 21 12.33 1,130 40 1.09 1969 1967 4.34 10.80 (1) 1,070 21 8.46 (1) (1) June 21 16.80 4,180 >100 456 1.50 7.20 1.43 .08 .32 13.4 .27 101 3.70 24.7 2.06 3.22 57.9 4.69 21 4/302.63 4/287.38 4/281.15 1.84 1,840 (1) 21 8,250 (1) 458 21 1,330 (1) 1969-72 1967-72 1960-72 1967-72 1931-72 1958-72 1971 1.61 ' 55 June 21 87 (1) 1971 1969 4.38 4.68 70 June 21 5.79 230 (1) (1) June 21 8.69 8,800 (1) 1969 11.60 153 June 21 13.75 396 (1) 1971 1970 16.32 6.55 25,900 'June 22 16.4 26,100 >100 1,220 June 21 7.22 2,900 >100 465 Difficult Run at Washington and Old Dominion Railroad, near Vienna, Va. June June 22 21 4/227.0 4/300.60 5.9 12,000 1,270 (1) (1) 1967-72 1935-72 1961-72 1968 1967 1,200 June 21 1,360 (1) 01646000 01646200 01646500 01646550 01647685 01647720 01647725 01648000 01649100 01649500 01650050 13.18 6,610 June 22 21.40 32,200 >100 469 1966 23.30 3,560 June 21 25.0 2,800 (1) 11,560 1931-72 1945-72 1967-72 1967-72 1967-72 1930-72 1933-72 1967-72 1967-72 1967-72 1963-72 1967-69,* 1971-72 1924-72 1936 7/28.1 6.82 484,000 2,680 June 24 22.03 359,000 30 1966 June 21 6.62 2,540 25 2.25 9.73 1.01 62.2 16.5 72.8 2.45 .35 1971 1,140 June 21 8.26 3,110 100 (1) >100 (1) 1971 260 June 21 4.85 695 (1) 01650190 01650450 01650470 01650500 01650990 01651000 01652400 01652430 01652470 01652500 01652610 01653000 01653500 01653600 01653950 01653960 01653987 1969 240 June 21 4.09 550 (1) 1.69 .47 21.1 13 49.4 .94 .90 1.22 14.4 7.10 33.7 16.7 39.5 1.18 2.12 18.2 23.5 39.9 12.3 93.4 2.94 50.5 .79 343 25.8 7.13 1.67 5.92 39.6 7.10 148 57.7 7.64 34.9 1971 1967 8.49 7/4.60 10.99 1,030 June 21 10.47 1,930 (1) '570 June 21 5.92 571 (1) 483 484 485 Northwest Branch Anacostia River near Colesvllle, Md 1953 4,910 June June 22 22 15.89 11,000 6,990 >100 (1) Northwest Branch Anacostia River nearfyattsville, Md 1933, 1939-72 1963-72 1966-72 1966-72 1951-72 1960-72 1953, 1955-72 1949-72 1966-72 1960-72 1947-72 1966 1969 1969 1969 13.50 26.9 8.6 7,000 1,280 June June 22 21 14.47 24.6a 18,000 980 >100 (1) ^87 1*780 June 21 5.44 700 (1) 488 489 1^900 June 21 8.22 1,250 (1) 1969 1967 1966 1971 1971 1969 11.6 14^600 June 21 12.4 10,000 (1) 2^700 June 21 9.2 3,000 (1) ^91 14.14 7.63 7.19 9,300 June 22 18.14 19,900 (1) 492 3,440 June 22 6.89 2,450 9 1,180 June 22 9,80 4,900 a) 2,000 June 21 5.85 1,280 u) 495 496 Long Branch at Arlington Boulevard near Vienna, Va.-Accotlnk Creek at King Arthur Road, near Annandale, Va. 1969 11.85 7,870 June June June 21 22 22 4/290.73 4/255.24 15.96 1,800 11,500 12,000 a) u) (i) 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 01655112 01655500 01656000 01656200 01656500 01656600 01656700 01656725 01656800 01656850 01656910 01656940 01657000 01658000 01658500 01660400 01660900 01660930 01661000 01661050 01661430 01661500 June 22 68.8 19,000 (i) 1951-72 1942 1951-72 1942 1950- 72 1951- 72 1966-72 1969-72 1967 1969-72 1963-72 1961-72 1951- 72 1950-72 1952- 72 1955 9.59 13 17.25 22 6.99 13.08 9.10 14.64 16 8.52 6.22 11.44 19.27 7.52 8.40 3,100 June 21 12.87 7,840 >100 1942 1955 1942 1967 1956 (1) 7,300 June 22 27.66 38,600 >100 (1') 200 June 21 7.86 276 3 11,600 June 21 13.92 16,800 >100 1968 310 June 21 16.20 575 >100 1971 16,900 June 22 50.31 56,400 >100 1967 1969 1967 (1) 2,940 June 22 18.92 39,400 >100 506 507 508 443 June 21 10.68 8,300 (1) Cain Branch near Chantilly, Va. Flatlick Branch at Sully Road near Chantilly, Va.— - 1971 2,300 June June June 21 21 22 4/266.51 4/253.44 23.9 2,200 6,600 36,000 (1) (1) (1) 510 Big Rocky Run at Sulley Road, near Centrevllle, Va.- 1967 13,000 June June 21 22 4/247.62 37.80 7,100 76,100 (1) >100 1955 1969 9,300 June 22 7.10 7,350 50 513 514 South Fork Quantlco Creek near Independent Hill, Va. 1,040 June June 21 22 11.35 16.32 3,940 11,600 >100 >100 1966-72 1966-72 1948-72 1969-72 1968-72 1947-72 5.42 7.00 8.56 5.55 8.66 13.34 140 June 22 6.59 255 (1) 516 517 518 519 520 10.4 10.7 18.5 1971 1950 1969 1969 1969 320 June 22 8.91 4,820 >100 7,800 June 22 6.63 1,600 35 1,500 June 22 6.55 4,350 >100 100 June 22 4.56 29 a) St. Marys River at Great Mills, Md.----------------- 24.0 7,950 June 22 9.75 1,890 5 Great Wiocomico River basir 521 01661800 6.82 1964-72 1969 6.13 450 June 22 5.42 165 3 See footnotes at end of table.APPENDIX A 381 TABLE A1.—Summary of flood stages and discharges--Continued Re- port No. Perma- nent station No. Maxi mum pr< •viously kn own Maximum June—July 1972 Stream and place of determination age area (sq mi) Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Rappahannock River basin 522 01662000 523 01662300 524 01662500 525 01662800 526 01663500 527 01664000 526 01664800 529 01665000 530 01665200 531 01665300 532 01665400 533 01665500 534 01666500 535 01667500 53b 01667600 537 01668000 538 81668200 539 01668300 5to 01668500 54l 01668800 5te 01669000 Rappahannock River near Warrenton, Va.---------- Thornton River tributary near Thornton Gap, Va. Rush River at Washington, Va.------------------- Battle Run near Laurel Mills, Va.--------------- Hazel River at Rixeyville, Va.------------------ Rappahannock River at Remington, Va.' Harpers Run near Marrisville, Va.---- Mountain Run near Culpeper, Va.------ Rock Run tributary near Gold vein, Va.------- Rapidan River near Stajiardsvllle, Va.------- Conway River near Stanardsville, Va.-------- Rapidan River near Ruckersville, Va.--------- Robinson River near Locust Dale, Va.--------- Rapidan River near Culpeper, Va.------------- Cedar Run tributary near Culpeper, Va.------ Rappahannock River near Fredericksburg, Va.' Gingoteague Run near Part Royal, Va.--------- Farmers Hall Creek near Champlain, Va.------- Cat Point Creek near Montross, Va.----------• Hoskins Creek near Tappahannock, Va.— Piscataway Creek near Tappahannock, Va. 195 I942-72 1942 23.5 32,000 June 22 20.87 1.3f 1967-72 1971 8.34 54 June 22 9.90 140 14.7 1954-72 1955 8.14 2,500 June 22 6.44 1,460 27.6 1958-72 i960 11.37 1,120 June 21 11.53 287 1937, 1942-72 1942 31.8 60,000 June 22 23.40 2)500 620 1828-1972 1942 30.0 90,000 June 22 24.82 2.2f 1966-72 1969 5.65 460 June 21 12.53 1,900 15-9 1950-72 1950 1955 11.20 5,440 June 21 9.86 3,oto 1.00 1966-72 1967 4.70 200 June 21 7.37 37.6 1967-72 1971 17.0 (D June 21 18.28 (1) 25.8 1967-72 1971 17.33 W June 21 20.43 (1) n4 1942-72 1942 20.8 30,700 June 21 16.87 17,600 24,500 179 1942-72 1942 23.9 44,000 June 22 20.92 472 1931-72 1942 30.3 58,100 June 22 29.53 55)600 .5* 1966-72 1966 6.43 U7 June 21 6.63 '125 107,000 1,596 1889-1972 1942 26.9 140,000 June 22 22.56 2.82 1966-72 1969 8.4 130 June 22 9.94 *388 2.If: 1966-72 1969 19.20 510 June 22 15.72 U52 45.6 1935. 1944-72 1969 10.45 6,820 June 22 9.33 4,200 15.5 1965-72 1969 10.23 1,380 June 22 5-99 289 1,090 28.0 1952-72 1969 7.52 2,380 June 22 6.04 Piankatank River basin 543 01669500 Dragon Swamp near Church Viev, Va. 84.9 I9I4.72 1935 1963 1935 10.00 17 June 24 Ware River basin 5^4 OI67OOOO Beaver dam Swamp near Ark, Va. 6.6311950-72 i960 | 5.88 570 June 22 7.81 1,610 3.39 York River basin 50 <2 h 50 20 35 >100 10 90 1 (1) 20 35 50 9 55 15 35 to 3 11 545 01670100 Mountain Run tributary near Gordonsville, Va. .50 1966-72 1971 8.50 118 11.13 147 23,300 13 75 15 90 546 OI671OOO North Anna River near Doswell, Va. — 441 1927-72 1969 32.60 24,800 June 22 31.58 547 01671100 Little River near Doswe11, Va. 107 1928 1962-72 1928 1969 33.7 11.09 12,000 June 22 9.88 8,300 2,580 2,310 548 01671500 Bunch Creek near Boswells Tavern, Va. 4.31 1949-72 1969 10.64 2,750 June 21 10.44 549 01671750 Harris Creek near Trevilians, Va. 3.31 1969-72 1969 16.7 3,300 14.54 550 01672400 South Anna River tributary near Ashland, Va. •3: 1966-72 1969 9.3 360 >100 30 551 01672500 South Anna River near Ashland, Va. 394 1928, 1931-72 1969 24.99 17,100 June 21 21.90 12,600 552 01673000 Pamunkey River near Hanover, Va. l,08l 1942-72 1928 1969 1928 31.12 32.6 40,300 (1) June 23 29.22 29,900 50 553 01673500 Totopotanoy Creek near At lee, Va. — 5.8S 1945^ 1949-72 1955 8.62 748 June 22 6.88 308 11 554 01673800 Po River near Spotsylvania, Va. 77.4 1963-72 1969 14.00 4,48o June 22 10.0^ >100 75 555 01674000 Mattaponi River near Bowling Green, Va. 257 1942-72 1928 1942 1928 17.45 19.5 10,1400 15,000 June 23 18.95 13,400 556 01674500 Mattapani River near Beulahville, Va. 601 1928, 1942-72 1969 24.04 12,300 June 25 23.97 16,900 >100 557 01674700 Aylett Creek at Aylett, Va. 6.17 1969-72 1969 4.50 320 June 22 4.75 625 20 James River basin 558 02011500 Back Creek near Mountain Grove, Va. — 134 559 02012500 Jackson River at Falling Spring, Va. 411 560 02013000 Dunlap Creek near Covington, Va. 164 561 02014000 Potts Creek near Covingtco, Va. 153 562 02015700 Bullpasture River at Williamsville, Va. HO 563 02016000 Cowpasture River near Clifton Forge, Va. 461 564 02016500 James River at Lick Run, Va. — 1,373 565 02017300 Craig Creek near New Castle, Va. 112 566 02017400 Johns Creek tributary near New Castle, Va. 1.57 567 02017500 Johns Creek at New Castle, Va. — 104 568 02017700 Craig Creek tributary near New Castle, Va. — 2.0' 569 02018000 Craig Creek at Parr, Va. — 329 570 02018500 Catawba Creek near Catawba, Va. 34.3 571 02018800 North Fcrk near Fine as tie, Va. 4.17 572 02019400 Mill Greek near Buchanan, Va. 29.6 1951-72 1967 10.77 12,700 June 21 9.25 8,270 1913 1913 17 (1) 1926-72 1936 14.74 24,700 June 21 12.72 16,100 5 1913 1913 20 50,000 1929-72 1969 13.13 10,300 June 21 15.65 13,400 >100 1913 1913 18 (1) 1929-56, 1935 10.10 7,510 June 21 12.33 12,400 60 1966-72 1913 1913 12.5 CD 1961-72 1967 5.91 6,230 June 21 4.54 3,720 3 1926-72 1936 18.62 34,200 June 22 12.63 15,700 5 1913 1913 20.8 45,000 1924, 1936 25.65 66,600 June 21 27.01 66,300 25 1926-72 25 1877 1877 33 120,000 1967-72 1969 10.49 3,600 June 21 17.09 16,500 80 1967-72 1971 4.32 75 June 21 8.48 354 8 1927-72 1935 10.80 8,000 June 21 12.48 7,960 60 1968-72 1970 6.38 252 June 21 7.85 372 7 1926-72 1935 17.0 19,100 June 21 19.29 20,200 50 1944-72 1954 6.58 2,780 June 21 10.35 7,740 65 7.940 1940 13.26 (1) 1968-71 1968, 5.15 304 June 21 7.00 620 7 1971 1950-72 1961 10.83 7,200 June 21 9.08 4,370 6 1928 1928 14 1 (1) footnotes at end of table382 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE A1 .—Summary of flood stages and discharges Re- port No. Perma- nent station No. Stream and place of determination Drainage area (sq mi) Maximum previously known Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Maximum June—July 1972 Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) James River Las in--Continued 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 58s 583 581* 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 02019500 02020500 02021500 02022500 02023300 02021*000 02025500 02025800 02026000 02027000 02027500 02027700 02027800 02028500 02029000 020291*00 020291*50 02030000 02030100 02030500 02030800 02030900 02031500 James River at Buchanan, Va.------------------------ Calfpasture River above Mill Creek at Cosher, Va.— Maury River at Rookhridge Baths, Va. Kerrs Creek near Lexington, Va.------ South River near Steeles Tavern, Va. Maury River near Buena Vista, Va.— James River at Holcombs Rock, Va.-- Burton Creek tributary near Lynchburg, Va.' James River at Bent Creek, Va.-------------- Tye River near Lovingston, Va.-------------- Piney River at Piney River, Va.--------------------- Buffalo River tributary near Amherst, Va.----------- Buffalo River near Tye River, Va.------------------- Rockfish River near Greenfield, Va.—----------——— James River at Scottsville, Va.--------------------- South Branch North Folk Hardware River near North Garden, Va. Thomas Creek near Keene, Va.------------------------ Hardware River below Briery Run, near Scottsville, Va. Frisby Branch near Buckingham, Va.-------—---------- Slate River near Arvonia, Va.—---------------------- Stockton Creek near Afton, Va.---------------------- Powells Creek near Crozet, Va.----------------—-— North Fork Moormans River near Whitehall, Va.------- 596 02032200 597 02032300 598 02032530 599 02032550 600 02032550 601 02032600 602 02032680 '02033300 02033700 02031*000 02031*050 02031*500 02035000 020351*00 020351*50 02036500 02037500 02038000 02038800 02038850 02039000 603 60I* 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 6ll* 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 621* 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 631* 635 636 637 638 639 Doyles River near Whitehall, Va.-------------------- Muddy Run near Stanardsville, Va.------------------- Parker Branch near Stanardsville, Va.--------------- Haneytown Creek near Stanardsville, Va.------------- Lynch River near Hartonsville, Va.------------------ Swift Run tributary near Stanardsville, Va.--------- Marth Fork Rivanna River near Proffit, Va.----------- Moores Greek near Charlottesville, Va.--------------- Henderson Creek near S halve 11, Va.---------------- Rivanna River at Palmyra, Va.------------------------ Hunters Branch near Palmyra, Va.-------------------- Willis River at Flanagan Mills, Va.------------------ James River at Cartersville, Va.--------------------- Big Lickinghole Creek tributary near Ferncliff, Va.' Rocketts Creek tributary near Gum Springs, Va.------- Fine Creek at Fine Creek Mills, Va.—----------------- James River near Richmond, Va.---------------------- Falling Creek near Chesterfield, Va.----------------- Appcmattax River near Appomattox, Va.---------------- Holiday Creek near Andersonville, Va.--------------- Buffalo Creek near Hampden Sydney, Va.-------------- 02039500 02040000 0201*0600 0201*1000 0201*1650 0201*2500 Appomattox River at Farmvllle, Va.' Appomattox River at Mattoax, Va.-- Nibbs Creek tributary near Amelia, Va.- Deep Creek near Mannbaro, Va.--------— Appcmattax River at Matoaca, Va.------- Chickahominy River near Providence Forge, Va.- 2,075 144 329 35.' 15.' 646 3,259 2 3,683 92 •3< 1*7. ll*7 91*. 1*,581* 6, 5: •2f 116 4.3: 226 2.8c 2.3: 11.1* 6.7c 3.3c 3.21 i*.i*: 13.6 .3: 176 3.52 1.76 661* 1.63 262 6,257 •55 .31* 22.1 6,758 32.8 5-79 8.53 69.7 303 726 158 l^W 21*8 •35 Chowan River basin 0201*1*000 0201*1*200 0201*1*1*00 0201*1*500 0201*5500 0201*6000 0201*7000 0201*7500 0201*8000 0201*9500 020501*00 02050500 02051000 02051500 02051600 02052000 02052500 Nottoway River near Burkeville, Va. Falls Creek tributary near Victoria, Va. Hurricane Branch near Blackstone, Va.— Nottoway River near Rawlings, Va.--------- Nottoway River near Stony Creek, Va.-Stony Creek near Dinwiddle, Va.—-— Nottoway River near Sebrell, Va.----- Blackwater River near Dendron, Va.--- Blackwater River at Zuni, Va.-------- Blackwater River near Franklin, Va.— North Msherrin River near Briery, Va.---- North Msherrin River near Keysville, Va. North Msherrin River near Lunenburg, Va. Meberrin River near Lawrencevllle, Va.-Great Creek near Cochran, Va.---------— Meberrin River at Emporia, Va.-Fontaine Creek near Brink, Va.- 38.7 •3b 1.61 309 579 112 1,1*21 291* 1*56 617 1.19| 9.2 55.6 552 30.7 71*7 65.2 1930-72 191*7-72 1962-72 1967-72 191*0, 1951-72 1930-72 19U7-72 191*0-72 191*0-72 191*0-72 191*0-72 1966-72 191*9-61, 1966-72 191*0 191*7-72 19I1O 1873-1972 1958-72 1873-1972 1954-72 19W 1870-1972 1877 31*.9 11*2,000 June 22 30A9 111,000 100 1939-72 191*9 12.Ill — June 22 11.1*3 13,700 25 1971 11.97 16,600 1929-1972 1936 13.07 33,000 June 22 10.81 19,000 15 1927-72 1950 2/1.3.8 23,000 June 21 7.92 3,300 3 1951-72 1969 8.70 4,700 June 21 5.80 2,040 10 1936-72 1969 31.23 105,000 June 21 17.10 27,800 12 1900-17, 1969 35.50 150,000 June 22 32.28 126,000 70 1927-72 1966-72 1970 5-1*0 380 June 21 7.88 790 35 1925-72 1969 21*.77 ll*l*,000 June 21 27.13 176,000 >100 1931*, 1969 29.0 80,000 June 21 11*. 34 12,200 15 1939-72 191*9-72 1969 13.8 38,000 June 21 9.95 10,000 45 1966-72 1971 3-32 30 June 21 7.18 187 25 1961-72 1969 27.9; 1*5,000 June 21 25.22 36,600 >100 191*3-72 1969 31.2 70,000 June 21 18.11 17,500 15 1870-1972 1870 30.7 215,000 June 22 34.02 301,000 >100 191*9-72 1969 8.7 6,200 June 21 8.80 (1) (1) 1966-72 1969 7.37 1*1*0 June 21 6.96 325 >100 1939-72 1969 31.0 52,000 June 21 25.50 21,600 50 1967-72 1971 7.80 800 June 21 16.50 2,110 >100 1927-72 1935 22. IE 26,900 June 22 25.10 42,200 >100 1967-72 1969 9-3 650 June 21 9.68 678 12 1967-72 1971 3.9£ Cl) June 21 5.21 (1) (1) 1952-72 1955 7.91* 2,1*00 June 21 7.1*2 2,190 30 191*2 191*2 11.7 7,620 1967-72 1971 12.01* CD June 21 12.90 (1) (1) 1967-72 1971 6.77 2,500 June 21 7.20 3,160 >106 1967-72 1969 8.51* 1,300 June 21 8.1*1* 1^270 1967-72 1971 12.7C 520 June 21 13.72 l] 120 20 1967-72 1971 14.35 6,500 June 21 16.50 18,000 >100 1966-72 1971 6.2C 19 June 21 8.50 63 80 1970-72 1971 16.67 5,000 June 21 30.1*0 31,800 >100 1967-72 1969 16.85 2,000 June 21 16.30 790 20 1966-72 1969 9.60 2,000 June 21 11.59 (1) (1) 1931*-72 1969 39.85 86,000 June 22 37.34 73,400 50 1967-72 1969 10.82 1,500 June 21 10.50 L400 >100 1927-72 1937 23-86 9,580 June 22 29.8 12/21*. 000 1899-1972 1969 33.75 250,000 June 22 37.87 362,000 >100 1962-72 1969 5.55 600 June 21 4.93 ’280 1966-72 1969 9-72 190 June 21 9.58 187 191*5-72 1961 8.35 3,61*0 June 22 6.60 2,140 1935-72 1969 21*.95 222,000 June 23 28.62 313,000 >100 1955-72 i960 12.67 2,510 June 22 8.46 '6l4 1955-72 1971 6.06 780 June 21 8.68 3,870 >100 1967-72 1971 5.21* 635 June 21 14.64 9*640 191*7-72 1971 11.96 8,280 June 21 12.38 9,160 >100 191*0 191*0 15 „ fl) 1927-72 191*0 23.60 21,000 June 22 29.70 33,100 >100 1901-05, 1940 35.3 35,ooo June 25 34.08 31,100 75 1927-72 1966-72 1969 8.00 us June 21 9.48 740 >160 191*6-72 1971 19.53 10,200 June 22 16.93 7,640 191*0, 1971 l**-35 22,000 June 27 14.60 22,800 25 1970-72 11.67 191*2-72 1955 7,710 June 25 10.07 3,440 6 191*0 1971 1971 1971 1971 19I1O 1971 19I1O 191*0 191*0 19I1O 1971 1971 191*0 1971 191*0 191*0 1959 1966 19I1O 1958 191*0 27.I* 22.33 5.75 9.20 21.36 23.66 15.07 29.7 13.1 22 7.85 7.9!* 10.3 28.30 1*8 1*2.0 14.58 31.5 I8.18 18.5 (1) 13,1*00 138 1*1*0 23,900 25,200 5,03° 1*8,000 10,000 16,000 21,000 1*72 1,670 ,(D ll*,l*00 (l) 38,000 l*,8l0 1*0,000 2,660 (1) June 21 June 21 June 22 June 21* June 23 June 27 June 24 June 26 July 2 July 16 June 21 June 21 June 23 June 22 June 2k June 22 21.95 9.15 13.31 20.42 19.85 8.72 18.58 l+.l*6 8.25 8.7U 7.65 8.03 20.65 23.96 15.31* 21.81* 13.60 11,800 '31*3 1,31*0 21,100 8,630 1,01*0 9,81*0 81*8 1,010 1,610 448 1,720 1*,780 9,760 5,1*70 9,770 1,600 >100 >100 >100 6 <2 1* <2 <2 <2 35 60 1* 20APPENDIX A 383 TABLE A1 .—Summary of flood stages and discharges —Continued Re- port No. Maxi mum prt viously known Maximum June—July 1972 nent station No. Stream and place of determination age area (sq mi) Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Roanoke River, basin 640 641 61*2 61*3 61*1* 61*5 61*6 61*7 61*8 61*9 650 651 652 653 651* 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 661* 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 67U 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 681+ 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 69^ 695 696 697 698 02053800 0205^500 02055000 02055100 02056000 020571*00 02057700 02058400 020591+00 020591+50 02059500 02060500 02061500 02062500 02063600 02063700 02061+000 02065100 02065200 02065300 02065500 02066000 02066500 02068500 02068610 02068660 02069030 02069700 02070000 02070500 02070810 02071000 020711+10 02071900 02072000 02072500 02073000 02071+000 02071+500 02075000 02075160 02075230 02075500 02075900 02076200 02076500 02076600 02076700 02077000 02077200 02077210 020772lt0 02077250 02077300 02077310 02077500 020791+90 0207961+0 02080500 South Fcrk Roanoke River near Shavsville, Va. - Roanoke River at Lafayette, Va.----------------- Roanoke River at Roanoke, Va.------------------- Tinker Creek near Daleville, Va.---------------- Roanoke River at Niagara, Va.------------------- Smith Mountain Lake near Penhook, Va.----------- Powder Mill Creek at Rock Mount, Va.------------ Pigg River near Sandy Level, Va.---------------- Leesville Lake near Leesvllle, Va.-------------- South Fork Goose Creek at Montvale, Va.--------- Goose Creek near Huddleston, Va.---------------- Roanoke (Staunton) River at Altavista, Va.------ Big Otter River near Evlngton, Va.-------------- Roanoke (Staunton) River at Brookneal, Va.------ Button Creek near Rustburg, Va.----------------- Button Creek tributary near Rustburg, Va.------- Falling River near Iferuna, Va.----------------- Shake Creek near Brookneal, Va.----------------- Roanoke (Staunton) River at Clarkton, Va.------- Right Hand Fork near Appanattax, Va.------------ Cub Creek at Phenix, Va.------------------------ Roanoke (Staunton) River at Randolph, Va.------- Roanoke Creek at Saxe, Va.--------------------— Dan River near Francisco, N. C.----------------- Hog Rock Creek near Moores Springs, N. C.------- Little Snow Creek near Lawsonvilie, N. C.------- Belews Creek near Kernersville, N. C.----------- South Mayo River near Nettleridge, Va.---------- North Mayo River near Spencer, Va.-------------- Mayo River near Price, N. C.-------------------- Jacobs Creek near Wentworth, N. C.-------------- Dan River near Wentworth, N. C.------------------ Matrimony Creek near Leaksville, N. C.---------- Philpott Lake near Philpott, Va.----------------- Smith River near Philpott, Va.------------------- Smith River at Bassett, Va.--------------------- Smith River at Martinsville, Va.--------—----— Smith River at Eden, N. C.---------------------- Sandy River near Danville, Va.------------------ Dan River at Danville, Va.—--------------------- Moon Creek near Yanceyville, N. C.-------------- South Country Line Greek near Hightowers, N. C. Dan River at Paces, Va.------------------------- Lawsons Creek near Turbeville, Va.-------------- Bearskin Creek near Chatham, Va.---------------- Georges Creek near Gretna, Va.------------------ Whitethorn Creek tributary near Gretna, Va.----- Blacks Creek near Mt. Airy, Va.----------------- Banister River at Halifax, Va.------------------ Hyco Creek, mear Leasburg, N. C.»--------------- Kilgore Creek tributary near Leasburg, N. 0. Double Creek near Roseville, N. C.-------------- South Hyco Creek near Roseville, N. C.---------- Hyco River at McGehees Mill, N. C.-------------- Storys Creek near Raxbaro, N. C.---------------- Hyco River near Denniston, Va.------------------ John H. Kerr Reservoir near Boyd ton, Va.------- Allen Creek near Boydton, Va.------------------- Roanoke River at Roanoke Rapids, N. C.----------- 110 257 395 11.7 512 1,02k 350 1,505 7. 188 .61* 56 1,789 320 2,1*15 •59 .16 173 1.68 2,691 2.08 98.0 2,977 135 121* •30 5A 15 81*.6 108 260 16 1.050 12.0 216 216 259 380 538 112 2.050 29.9 7.1 2,550 8.7 1*.06 9.21* 1.93 3.1*1* 5l*7 1*1* .0 .22 7.1*7 55 191 2.0 289 7,780 53.1* 8,1*10 1961- 72 1959 I9I0-72 1899-1972 1957- 72 19i*0 1927-72 1963- 72 1967-72 1964- 72 1962- 72 1967-72 1924-27, 1930- 72 1928 1931- 72 1937- 72 1878, 1924- 72 1966- 72 1962- 72 1930-34, 1940-72 1967- 72 1964-72 1964- 72 1946- 72 1940 1878, 1901-72 1947- 72 1940 1925- 72 1916 1954-72 1954-72 1954-72 1963- 72 1929- 72 1930- 72 1954-72 1940-72 1908 1958- 72 1950- 72 1947-72 1938- 72 1930-72 1940-72 1930-72 1892-1972 1954-72 1954-72 1951- 72 1940 1951-72 1967-72 1950- 72 1966-72 1966-72 1905, 1929-72 1965- 72 1954-72 1965-72 1962-72 1965-72 1954-72 1929-34, 1951- 72 1928 1950-72 1962-72 1771-1972 1967 1959 1940 1940 1961 1940 1940 1971 1969 1964 1965 1968 1937 1928 1940 1937 1939 1940 1971 1964 1940 1971 1967 1971 1948 1940 1940 1971 1940 1937 1916 1964 1962 1969 1970 1947 1937 1954 1945 1908 1969 1971 1949 1937 1937 1940 1940 1940 1954 1955 1954 1940 1959 1967 1967 1967 1971 1944 1968 1961 1968 1968 19 66 1955 1929 1928 1958 1971 1940 6. 9. 12. 18. 8, 9. 17. 4/795. 15. 21. 4/614, 5. 25. 3,340 (1) 19,000 22,800 2,180 (1) ■J 24,400 ‘1,146,500 1.58 14,900 5/98,180 750 20,300 2/35.3 4o.o8 23.1 46.5 4.05 4.65 26.5^ 7.10 24.87 9.50 13.0 17.5 41.6 15. 6/25 12, 15 22, 23, 24, 10, 15, 14, 28, 27, 34, 1 / 17' 4/977, 20, 22, 21, 19 14, 20, 20, 22, 25, 32, 14, 11, 7, 5, 10, 4o, 35.92 24.21 4.74 21.0C 15.5£ 20.9= 21.8E . . 26.4 4/309 21.8c 39.0 OiH. (1) 105,000 27,500 130.000 72 45 22,000 380 24,700 400 2,720 (1) 150.000 7,110 (1) 12,400 16,000 279 2,000 3,600 3,290 17,200 30.000 2,800 38,100 (1) 2,300 5/174,740 17.000 38,200 39.000 45,600 23.000 75.000 3,050 2,360 34.000 (1) 7,740 1,530 1,440 340 870 50.000 2,480 252 892 2,400 3,870 350 7,630 (1) 1,965,700 5,620 261.000 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 22 July 5 June 22 June 23 June 21 June 21 June 22 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 22 June 21 June 22 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 22 June 21 June 22 June 22 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 22 June 21 June 21 June 23 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 22 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 22 June 21 June 22 June 27 June 22 June 28 11.12 15.60 19.61 9.82 18.98 4/797.6 15.65 24.07 4/613.0 8.10 19.43 26.78 21.03 34.27 5.65 4.35 29.21 10.00 35.56 15.54 20.37 30.96 13.11 6/14.79 9.32 19.95 24.3 24.87 18.32 13.41 14.02 30.2 31.60 18, 4/983, 8, 8, 14. 16, 9. 21. 13. 17. 33. 14. 13. 7. 7. 2l: 2.97 21.74 I5.I5 20.7 16.82 4/314, 16.80 9*55 14,200 24,500 25,300 4,000 5/ 28,800 T, 200,600 202 22,700 5/94,960 2,060 13,600 37,300 18,800 58,400 152 35 32.600 o 715 85.500 705 7,380 72.500 4,270 7,530 145 3,000 5,600 16,100 12.600 27,100 4,500 54.200 2,800 5/191,700 4,560 6,550 20,900 24.800 10.500 59.200 4,010 1,050 64.800 2,040 1,920 1,160 510 1,080 16,000 2,54o (1) 178 2,770 3,420 320 3,820 58 ^ ,332,300 2,160 24,600 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 (I) 25 (i) 10 4 15 10 8 3 >100 >100 10 50 25 15 25 11 3 >100 100 75 35 50 35 >100 100 (lj m 25 25 50 3 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 <2 4 15 (1) See footnotes at end of table.384 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges—Continued Perma- nent station No. Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination age area (sq mi) Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Allegheny River basin 31.3 44.6 — ... 7.79 1960-72 i960 6.9: 55.2 — - — ... 160 — — 550 1940-72 1942 27.6 37.0 — — — 45.7 — 2.1 1967 1967 — 198 1959-68, 1970-72 1967 16.06 1,608 1904-72 1956 15.11 46.4 1966-72 1967 2,180 1966-72 1969 2,223 1936-72 1956 19.9: 290 1939-72 1947 — 1956 n.5f 17.6 1954 1954 189 1950-72 1956 10.61 194 1935-72 1947 4.56 816 1940-72 1947 10.6s 1936 1936 10.9 9.64 1962-72 1966 2.96 12.8 1963-72 1972 5.3: 12.3 1964-72 1964 6.3c 321 1910-72 1913 14.2 3,660 1942-72 1956 17.2c 233 1938-72 1959 11.2' 10.8 1961-72 1969 4/ 3-87 -1,161.5: 478 1941-72 1964 479 191*1-72 1964 1964 11.33 4.37 1964-72 1964 9.9S 300 1910-72 1959 4/ 11-97 263.9C 220 1970-72 1972 221 1910-72 1947 13.5C 3.60 1961-72 1969 4.9C 1,028 1912-72 1913 15.7 166 1932-72 1946 11.4s 5.69 196]-72 1968 5.17 5,982 1864-1972 1865 25.0 5.88 1963-72 1963 3.3: 1964 3.3: 1966 3.3: 7.84 1952-72 1967 4/ 11-7S ^,676.5! 72.4 1952-72 1956 73.2 1949-72 1957 7.2' 1946 1946 8.3 63.0 1954-72 1967 10.01 204 1946-72 1946 9.2 1942 1942 16.7 303 1941-53 1942 16.4 8.67 1960-72 1964 7.22 12.6 1960-72 1964 2/4.37 1964 4.17 807 1935-72 1936 19 951 1935-72 1936 (1) 7,671 1865-1972 1665 29.4 1959 1959 I/29.6c 2.12 1965-72 1966 6.43 7.38 1964-72 1966 6.2; 528 1919-72 1936 I/18.6C 158 1936-72 1936 2/15.6 87.4 1940-72 1952 11.42 1959 L/2A3.86 -£,161,32 340 1942-72 1964 344 1939-72 1942 8.1c 8,973 1806-1972 1913 30.7 191 1936-72 1936 18.6 277 1941-72 1948 4/889.02 278 1910-72 1936 17.86 3.68 1961-72 1961 5.3C 1*51 1914-72 1936 30.26 183 1935-72 1936 (1) 715 1935-72 1936 26.4 192 1952-72 1954 12.67 4.39 1964-72 1969 ,8.33 7.36 1960-72 1963 5/5.56 1964 i/ 5.06 -i, 282.90 52.5 1971-72 1972 699 70c 701 705 703 704 70; 706 707 70f 709 710 711 712 713 714 Vi 716 717 7l£ 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 72£ 729 730 731 735 733 73*< 73! 736 737 736 739 740 741 742 743 744 74: 746 747 74£ 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 03010500 03010678 03010718 03010783 03010800 03011020 03011800 03012520 03012600 03013000 03013070 03013990 03014500 0301500C 03015080 03015280 03015390 03015500 03016000 03017500 03017800 03019500 03020000 03020440 03020500 03021518 03021520 03021700 03024000 03025000 03025200 03025500 03026400 03026500 03027000 03027500 03028000 03028500 03029000 03029200 03029400 03029500 03030500 03031500 03031780 03031950 03032500 03034000 03034500 03035500 03036000 03036500 03038000 03038500 03039000 03039200 03040000 03043TOO 03041500 03042000 764 03042170 76; 03042200 766 03042260 Mill Creek at Coudersport, Pa.---------------- Allegheny River at Coudersport, Pa.----------- Be veil Creek near Part Allegany, Pa.--------- Marvin Creek at Smethpart, Pa.---------------- Potato Creek at Smethpart, Pa.---------------- Allegheny River at Eldred, Pa.---------■------ Little Genesee Creek at Little Genesee, N. Y. Dodge Creek at Partville, N. Y.——------------- Johnson's Creek at Cuba, N. Y.---------------- Olean Creek near Olean, N. Y.----------------- Allegheny River at Salamanca, N. Y.-- Kinzua Creek near Guffey, Pa.-------- Allegheny Reservoir near Kinzua, Pa.' Allegheny River at Warren, Pa.------- Conevango Creek at Waterbaro, N. Y.- Mill Creek at Sine lair ville, N. Y.~ Chautauqua Lake near Mayville, N. Y.-Chadakoin River at Falconer, N. Y.--Conevango Creek at Russell, Pa.------ Akeley Run near Russell, Pa.---------- Jackson Run near North Warren, Pa.---- Hare Creek near Carry, Pa.------------ Broke ns trav Creek at Youngsville, Pa.-Allegheny River at West Hickory, Pa.- Tionesta Creek at lynch, Pft*--------- Minister Creek near Truemans, Pa*----- Tionesta Lake at Tionesta Dam, Pa.---- Tionesta Creek at Tionesta, Ra.------- West Branch Caldwell Creek near Grand Valley, Pa.— Oil Creek at Rouseville, Pa.------------------------- Union City Reservoir near Union City, Pa.------------ French Creek near Union City, Pa.-----------------— Little Conneauttee Creek near McKean, Pa.------------ French Creek at Utica, Pa.--------------------------- Sugar Creek at Sugar creek, Pa.----------—----------- Patchel Run near Franklin, Pa.-------------------- Allegheny River at Franklin, Pa.-------------------— Richey Run at Ernienton, Pa.------------------------- Sevenmile Run near Rasselas, Pa.------------------ East Branch Clarion River Lake at East Branch Clarion River Dam, Pa. East Branch Clarion River at East Branch Clarion River Dam, Pa. West Branch Clarion River at Wilcox, Pa.---------- Clarion River at Johnsonburg, Pa.---------------- Clarion River at Ridgvay, Pa.-Clear Creek near Sigel, Pa.-— Toms Run at Cooksburg, Pa.----- Clarion River at Cooksburg, Pa.- Clarion River near Piney, Pa.--- Allegheny River at Parker, Pa.— Mill Creek near Brockway, Pa.------------ Big Run near Sprankle Mills, Pa.—-------- Redbank Creek at St. Charles, Pa.—-—— Mahoning Creek at Punxsutavney, Pa.------ Little Mahoning Creek at McCormick, Pa.- Mahoning Creek Lake at Mahoning Creek Dam, Pa.- Mahoning Creek at Mahoning Creek Dam, Pa.------ Allegheny River at Kittanning, ftt.------------ Crooked Creek at Idaho, Pa.-------------------- Crooked Creek Lake at Crooked Creek Dam, Pa.—■ Crooked Creek at Crooked Creek Dam, Pa.-------- Clear Run near Bucks town, Pa.---------------— Stony Creek at Ferndale, Pa.------------------— Little Conemaugh River at East Conemaugh, Pa.- Conemaugh River at Seward, Pa.------------ Blacklick Creek at Josephine, Pa.--------- Stony Run at Indiana, Pa.----------------- Little Yellow Creek near Strongs town, Pa.- Yellow Creek Lake at Yellow Creek State Park, Pa.— 7^0 55,000 632 18,200 49,100 , 4,090 719,560 60.500 8,600 2,740 2,050 14.400 14.600 735 1,020 I, 370 18.000 101,000 15.000 726 6111,320 13.500 500 21,000 5/21,600 20,000 830 35.600 10,000 504 196.000 509 509 509 1,620 5/73,230 2,590 4,000 5,490 II, 700 (1) 34.000 766 656 56.000 50.000 250.000 306 822 50.000 12.500 5,300 5/72,580 10.400 269.000 19.400 5/58,020 21.000 250 59.000 28,800 90.000 11,900 394 , 541 5/l6,4io June 22 June 22 June 21 June 22 June 22 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 6.40 29.05 11.52 June 23 June 22 r / June 27 £1,362.: June 28 June 26 June 23 June 25 June 24 June 26 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 25 June 23 June 23 June 25 June 27 June 23 June 23 June 26 June 26 June 23 June 26 June 23 July 2 June 25 June 23 June 21 June 24 June 24 June 22 June 22 June 23 June 22 June 22 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 22 June 22 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 27 June 27 June 23 June 23 June 25 June 25 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 June 23 24.01 ■“I* 14.12 10.16 10.17 4.01 8.81 2.60 4.22 5.63 IO.78 11.18 10.42 ,/ 3.41 8.59 10.25 ,264.30 8.00 4.52 10.01 9.85 6.28 15.84 3.4o 4/ 4.84 -1,685.55 6.03 9.64 9.94 19.49 7.57 3.65 18.84 22.23 6.15 6.11 17.75 15.94 13.20 ^,160.16 7.85 25.42 , . 15.93 4/901.29 8.85 4.53 13.36 10.48 I8.93 13.99 8.56 6.10 -,285.02 i 3,490 5,790 3.000 4.200 12,800 65.400 8,330 4.200 609 6.000 73.000 5,220 ,121,120 25.000 з, 970 2,070 1.650 9,920 683 627 744 и, 8oo 42,300 12.400 , 539 5/72,080 8,890 397 12.000 5/22,170 2,880 596 13,600 8,240 1.650 85.400 521 976 5/85,010 1,810 4,900 11,600 19,000 871 532 53.300 74,500 147.000 235 854 32.800 17.300 6,200 2/69,870 7,820 184.000 13,200 5/61,450 5,350 266 22.800 16,600 49.300 20,800 420 820 5/18,420 80 >100 >100 40 100 >100 >100 15 (1) 3 >100 >100 (i) 2 a a? 3 2 3 0? 16 <2 4 7 U) .25 (D 10 >100 (1) 5 (1) 18 (1) (1) 3 11 >100 >100 (1) 4 14 60 >100 50 8 ’ 6 <2 11 >100 >100 >100 <2 1*0 See footnotes at end of table.APPENDIX A 385 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges--Continued Re- port No. Perma- nent station No. Stream and place of determination Maximum previously known age Gage Dis- area Period Year height charge (sq mi) (ft) (cfs) Maximum June-Jcly 1972 Gage Dis- Recur- Date height (ft) charge (cfs) rence interval (years) Allegheny River basin—Continued 768 769 770 771 772 773 TJh 775 776 777 778 03042280 Yellow Creek near Hcmer City, Pa. 59.5 1968-72 1968 1971 03042500 Tvolick Creek at Graceton, Pa. 171 1952-72 1954 03043500 Conemaugh River Lake at Conemaugh River Dam, Pa. 1,351 1952-72 1964 03044000 Conemaugh River at Tunnelton, Pa. — 1,358 1940-72 1945 03045000 Loyalhanna Creek at Kingston, Pa.—-— 172 1918-72 1954 03046500 Loyalhanna lake at Loyalhanna Dam, Pa. 290 1943-72 1948 03047000 Loyalhanna Creek at Loyalhanna Dam, Pa.— 292 1940-72 1941 03048500 Kiskiminetas River at Vandergrift, Pa. 1,825 1920-72 1936 03049000 Buffalo Creek near Freeport, Pa.— — 137 1941-72 1954 03049100 Little Buffalo Creek at Cabot, Pa.— — 4.66 1959-72 1962 03049500 Allegheny River at Natrona, Pa. — n,4io 1936-72 1936 03049800 Little Pine Creek near Etna, Pa. —-— 5.78 1963-72 1963 1971 3/7. 3/8, i»/968, 21, . . 15. i/956, 1°, •a. 13, 5, 32, 76 1,300 June 23 12,900 June 23 i/230,520 June 25 59,200 June 25 29,700 June 23 5A7,910 June 25 11,700 June 30 185,000 June 25 14,000 June 23 326 June 23 365,000 June 23 360 June 23 7.46 14.69 V 969A5 12.60 13.76 4/967.1*1 8.05 17.81 11.21 7.49 3.82 4,100 19,600 5/237,980 25,900 21,500 5/72,830 6,080 32,600 9,980 404 205,000 357 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 03050000 03050500 03050650 03051000 03052000 03052300 030523to 03052500 03053500 03054500 03055020 03055500 03056600 03057000 03057500 03058000 03058500 03059000 03061000 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 03061500 03062400 03062500 03063600 03065000 03066000 03069000 03069500 03069650 03069850 03069880 03070000 03070500 03072000 03072500 03072590 0307281*0 03072880 03073000 03071*300 03074500 03075000 03075450 03075500 03075600 03076000 03076500 Tygart Valley Elver near Dailey, W. Va.- Tygart Valley River at Elkins, W. Va.---- Unnamed Run at Gilman, W. Va.------------ Tygard Valley River at Belington, W. Va., Middle Fork River at Audra, W. Va.— Bridge Run near Buckhannon, W. Va.— Mud Lick Run near Buckhannon, W. Va. Sand Run near Buckhannon, W. Va.----- Buckhannon River at Hall, V. Va.---- Tygart Valley River at Philippi, W. Va.- Bonica Run on U.S. Highway 250 near Philippi, W. Tygart Lake near Grafton, W. Va.------------------ Right Fork Wickwire Run on U.S. Highway 119 near Grafton, W. Va. Tygart Valley River at Colfax, W. Va.-----------— Skir. Creek near Brownsville, W. Va.- West Fork River at Brownsville, W. Va.— West Fork River at Butchsrville, W. Va.-West Fork River at Clarksburg, W. Va.— West Fork River at Enterprise, W. Va.— Buffalo Creek at Barrackville, W. Va.- Cobun Creek at Morgantown, W. Va. v-Deckers Creek at Morgantown, W. Va., Horse Camp Run at Barman, W. Va.---- Dry Fork at Hendricks, W. Va.------- Blackwater River at Davis, W. Va.— Shavers Fork at Parsons, W. Va.----- Cheat River near Parsons, W. Va.----------- Right Fork Clover Run near Parsons, W. Va. Long Run near Parsons, W. Va.-------------- Buffalo Creek near Rowlesburg, W. Va.------ Cheat River at Rowlesburg, W. Va.---------- Big Sandy Creek at Rockville, W. Va. Dunkard Creek at Shannopin, Pa.—— Monongahela River at Greensboro, Pa. Georges Creek at Smithfield, Pa.----------- Tenmile Creek near Clarksville, Pa.-------- Browns Creek near Nineveh, Pa.------------- South Fork Tenmile Creek at Jefferson, Pa., Lick Run at Hqpwood, Pa.------------------- Redstone Creek at Waltersburg, Pa.--------- Monongahela River at Charleroi, Pa.-------- Little Youghiogheny River tributary near Deer Park, Ml. Youghiogheny River near Oakland, Mi.--------------- Toliver Run tributary near Hoyes Run, Mi. Deep Creek Reservoir near Oakland, Mi.---- Youghiogheny River at Friendsville, Mi.— 187 272 1916-72 1945-72 1932 1969 17.2 15.65 10.90 21.7 13,100 June 23 12.77 .38 1964-72 1964 13,100 June 2k 14.42 408 1888, 1888 310 June 23 4.25 1908-72 21,200 June 23 17-52 149 1943-72 1967 12.68 U.4o 2.60 1967-72 1969 10,900 June 23 13.67 2.33 1967-72 1969 330 June 23 9*50 14.5 1947-72 1950 7*90 15:0? 250 June 23 6.72 277 1908, 1967 2,000 June 23 6.07 14.42 1916-72 13,000 June 2k 916 1940-72 1967 li*93 43,000 1912 1912 June 23 24.67 .60 1965-72 1971 (1) 1,184 1939-72 1958 4,15^ ^43,600 June 23 ,/ '*•9° 2.33 1965-72 1969 June 25 4.,155-22 430 June 23 7-50 1,366 1940-72 1948 46.86 £A9.77 1946-72 1963 22,500 June 25 13-85 25.7 1957 — 1950 7.90 8.64 17.20 16.81 23.4° 28.05 2,280 June 23 4.85 102 1947-72 1950 —- 181 1916-72 1950 6,420 June 23 9.89 384 1924-72 1967 18,000 June 23 6.21 7^9 1908-16, 1967 17,800 June 2k 9-36 1934-72 1888 1888 36,500 June 2k 12.10 33 18 115 1908, 1912 ,1912 (1) 1916-23, 1933-72 11,600 July 17 6.77 10.9 1965-72 1967 9.87 63.2 1947-69 1956 983 June 23 12.80 6.57 1970-72 1970 5,680 June 23 9.40 3^5 1941-72 1954 15.23 ,13.20 7/ip 5 304 June 23 3.58 86.2 1922-72 1924 47,000 June 23 9.67 214 1888,1907, 1888 7,170 June 23 6.86 19U.-26, 1941-72 25,000 June 23 10.15 718 1888-1972 1954 19.08 2.21 1967-72 1968 52,100 June 23 13.79 .95 1967-72 1969 (1) June 23 4.50 12.2 1968-72 1971 5.66 205 June 23 7.36 972 1844,1888, 1844 2,69° June 23 4.56 1912-18, 1921, 1925-72 J-O.7 89,000 June 23 13.**6 200 H88, 1910-72 1888 20 30,000 June 23 15.86 229 1941-72 1941 1>*.02 29.61 4,407 1936, 1939-72 1967 16,800 13^,000 June 23 June 23 2?$ 1888 1888 36 6.80 10*8? (1) 16.3 1964-72 1967 133 1969-72 1971 1,100 June 23 10.01 17.5 1963-72 1963 4,200 June 23 6.28 180 1932-72 1941 18.45 3.85 2,100 June 23 10.02 3.80 1959-72 1971 13,800 June 23 12.07 73.7 19i*3-72 1954 371 June 23 4.30 5,213 1887-1972 1888 4,400 June 23 14.83 1967 11.63 5.05 156,000 June 2h 35->* • 57 1965-72 1968 158,000 131* 1942-72 32 June 29 5.31 1954 1936 1936 J^.16 11,800 June 23 8.01 •53 1965-72 1971 k 1949 3 , v L (1) 64.7 19e6-72 , 60 June 23 / 5 «°3 295 1898-1972 1924 5/93,258 July 6 £,460.3 15,600 June 23 6.72 10,400 10,800 25 15,800 U,500 145 110 1,050 12,000 39,500 86 2/251,100 220 16,800 900 2,000 2,790 4,700 9,740 1,340 1,770 5,120 223 16,900 1,920 11,800 33,600 (1) 65 1,520 55,000 16,200 iol;ooo 1,640 6,620 1,420 6.980 690 8,660 110,000 40 4.980 5/86,700 7,250 (1) (1) 6 50 <2 10 25 <2 (1) <2 Ik 10 <2 15 90 <2 <2 1+ 22 ko 3 2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 60 ko <2 k <2 8 6 (1) <2 15 15 22 7 4 3 2 12 >100 3 (1) 3 (1) 2 See footnotes at end of table386 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE A1 .—Summary of flood stages and discharges—Continued Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. nent station No. Stream and place of determination age area (sq mi) Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Mbnongabela River basin—Continued 82; 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 83J* 835 836 837 838 839 8I0 81*1 03076600 03077000 03077500 Bear Creek at Friendsville, Mi.-------------------— Youghiogheny River Lake at Youghiogheny River Dam, Pa. Youghiogheny River at Youghiogheny River Dam, Pa.--- 03077700 03078000 O30785OO 03079000 03080000 03081000 03082200 03082500 North Branch Casselman River trihutary at Foxtown, Mi. Casselman River at Grantsville, Md.---------------- Big Piney Run near Salisbury, Pa.------------------ Casselman River at Markleton, Pa.------------------ Laurel Hill Creek at Ursina, Pa.------------------- Youghiogheny River below Confluence, Pa.——--------- Poplar Run near Narmalville, Pa.------—------------ Gist Run near Dunbar, Pa.-------------------------- Youghiogheny River at Connellsvllle, Pa.----------- 03083000 Green Lick Run at Green Lick Reservoir, Pa, 03083500 Youghiogheny River at Sutersville, Pa.- 03083600 03081*000 03085000 Gillespie Run near Sutersville, Pa. Abers Creek near Murrysville, Pa.--Monongahela River at Rraddock, Pa.- I8.9 1965-72 1971 L/ 9«6 -/ 11,650 June 29 ,/ 5.12 1,880 <2 1+34 19II-72 1967 ^,1(57.23 2210,250 June 26 4,152.11 5/191,810 1*36 191(0-72 195l( 6/19.05 June 27 8.39 6,710 3 1965-72 191(8 11.25 13,700 1.0 1971 6.31 81 June 23 1.92 51 a) 62.5 191(8-72 195l( 10.70 8,100 June 23 1.80 1,820 <2 2U.5 1933-72 1951 8.56 6,850 June 23 3.83 '686 <2 382 1915-72 195l( ll.OC 50,000 June 23 8.83 11,300 3 121 1918-72 1951 10.6; 10,900 June 23 7.08 6,350 5 1,029 1936-72 1936 21.6 85,000 June 23 11.88 23,200 5 9.27 1962-72 1971 8.3' 1,890 June 23 6.76 L210 5 7.36 1,326 1860,1888, 1891-99, 1951 21.95 103,000 June June 23 23 16.53 1,230 51,600 10 10 1901-72 3.07 191(2-72 19l(3 19U 5.1 5.1*2 1,100 June 23 3.13 818 17 1,715 1921-72 1951 32.5 108,000 June 23 83,000 30 l.ol 1969 June 23 •229.7 1959-72 6.2; 586 June 23 5.25 586 5 1(.39 1950 7.72 1,600 June 23 5.78 720 5 7,337 1936-72 1936 38.8 £10,000 June 24 31.39 180,000 22 Ohio River main stem 03086000 19,500 26,850 (1) 35,600 (1) 1931-72 1881-1972 1939-72 1936 31.7! 51.2 16.67 (1) 571.000 (1) 121.000 June 2)* 21.12 370,000 w 1913 (1) June 25 38.18 382,000 (1) 03150800 03160000 1969-72 1936-37, 19IO-72 1913 M June 25 30.65 M — 31.7: (1) (1) (1) 551,000 633,00c June 26 36.09 1 — 1913 June 26 13.71 (1) Kanawha River basin 817 03180500 Greenbriar River at Durbin, W. Va. 13U 19II-72 1956 1967 81£ 03180680 1.52 1966-72 1970 81? 03181200 Indian Draft near Mar lint on, W. Va. ■ — 3.06 1969-72 1969 850 03181900 Moody Moore Hollow near Huntersville, W. Va.- •55 1966-72 1969 851 03182500 Greenbriar River at Buckeye, W. Va. 5^0 1930-72 1932 852 03182650 Spring Creek at Spring Creek, W. Va. 120 1972 1972 853 03182700 Anthony Creek near Anthony, W. Va. — ill 1972 1972 85I Dry Fork at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. 23.0 — — 855 03182950 Howard Creek at Caldwell, W. Va. — — 81.1 1972 1973 856 03183000 Second Creek near Second Creek, W. Va.— 80.8 191,6-72 1958 857 03183500 Greenbriar River at Alder son, W. Va. — 1,357 1896-1972 1918 858 03183550 Griffith Creek near Alders on, W. Va. — 3.81, 1966-72 1969 859 03181000 Greenbriar River at Hi 11 .dale, W. Va.— — 1,625 1936-72 1936 1967 860 0318I200 Big Creek near Bellepoint, W. Va.- 8.27 1970-72 1972 861 03186500 Williams River at Dyer, W. Va.— — 128 1930-72 1932 862 03187000 Gauley River at Camden Gauley, V. Va—— 236 1909-16, 1930-72 1932 863 03189100 Gauley River near Craigs vllle, W. Va. — 528 1965-72 1967 861 03189590 Summers vllle lake near Summer sville, W. Va. — 803 1966-72 1966 865 03189600 Gauley River below Summer sville Dam, W. Va. —— 804 1967-72 1966 866 03193830 Gilmer Run near Marlinton, W. Va. 1.80 1969-72 1971 867 03191700 Elk River below Webster Springs, W. Va. 268 1960-72 1861 1967 1861 86£ 03195100 Sutton Lake at Sutton, W. Va. 537 1961-72 1961 869 03195500 Elk River at Sutton, W. Va. 5^3 1918, iato-72— 1918 Ohio River main stem 870 03201500 Ohio River at Point Pleasant, W. Va. 52,760 1896-1972 19U1-72 1913 19l(3 191(8 871 03202020 Ohio River at Point Pleasant, W. Va. (Auxilary gage) (!) 191(1-72 872 03205220 (1) 1935-72 — 873 03206000 Ohio River at Huntington, W. Va. 55,900 1935-72 1937 2/9.20 — June 23 6.11 1,810 3 9.1! 12,200 3 7.0C 230 June 21 1.25 65 <2 5.26 1*28 July 1 5.87 266 2 l.lC 20 June 21 3.95 13 <2 17.5 11-500 July 5 13.35 21,800 •1 11.52 8,820 July 5 12.93 7,020 1 I6.9C 12,900 June 21 17.1 13,500 35 --- — June 21 — 1,100 >100 13.»(5 6,710 June 21 18.6 11,000 >100 J-77 6,100 June 21 9.11 7,170 60 22.0 77,500 June 21 15.21 38,000 3 10.7c 120 -— 7.00 115 <2 21.8" 60,800 June 22 17-7S 39,300 3 22.6C 56,100 1.6c i,olo June 17 1.19 971 8 18.1,' 22,000 June 23 9.21 6,770 <2 27.3! 12,500 June 23 15.19 12,900 3 ,10,700 2121,800 June June ti ,/ 18.73 4,658.80 21,700 5/211,300 2 19.3c 17,800 June 2h 18.I9 15,700 "(1) 6.5; 169 July 5 5.81 119 <2 13.3: 21,100 June 23 12.25 17,100 8 V950llC 2(11^300 June 21* 1/911.81 5/99,910- l5.2 19,000 June 21* 20.15 8,000 (1) 66.81 (1) June 26 10.95 385,000 (1) — 522,000 55.00 — — June 27 11.03 (1) - — — June 27 15.26 (1) ... 69.15 651,000 Jung 27 13.0^ 375,000 (1) See footnotes at end of tableAPPENDIX A 387 TABLE Al.—Summary of flood stages and discharges—Continued Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. nent station No. Stream and place of determination age area (sq mi) Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Streams tributary to Lake Erie 874 04213320 875 04213490 South Branch Cattaraugus Creek near Otto, N. Y.- — 876 04213492 South Branch Cattaraugus Creek near Cattaraugus, N.Y. 877 04213500 878 04214200 Eighteenmile Creek at North Boston, N. Y. 879 04214400 Buffalo Creek near Wales Hollow, N. Y. 880 04214410 881 04214500 882 04215000 883 04215500 Cazenovla Creek at Ebenezer, N. Y. Streams 884 04220360 Springmills Creek at Springmills, N. Y.— 885 0422037A Cryder Creek at Genesee, Pa. — 886 04220384 887 04220412 888 04220418 Fullmer Valley Creek tributary near Andover, N. Y. 889 04220420 Fullmer Valley Creek near Hgllspart, N. Y. 890 04220422 Chenunda Creek tributary near Stannards, N. Y. 891 04220431 Cbenunda Creek at Stannards, II. Y. —-— 892 04220450 893 04220455 Quig Hollow Brook near Andover, N. Y.- 894 04220460 East Valley Creek tributary near Andover, N. Y.- 895 04220465 Railroad Brook near Alfred, N. Y.- — 896 04220472 Indian Creek near Andover, N. Y. — 897 04220478 Elm Valley Creek near Elm Valley, N. Y. — 898 04220492 Trapping Brook near Wellsvllie, N. Y. — 899 04220500 Dyke Creek at Wellsville, N. Y. 900 04221500 Genesee River at Scio, N. Y. —-— 901 04221510 Vandermark Creek near Scio, N. Y. 902 04221518 Snowball Hollow Creek near Scio, N. Y. 903 04221554 North Branch Riillips Creek at Witney, N.Y. 904 04221555 Riillips Creek at Witney, N. Y. 905 04221561 Feathers Creek near Belmont, N. Y. — 906 04221600 Van Campen Creek at Friendship, N. Y. 907 04221640 Black Creek near Birdsall, N. Y.— — 908 04221700 Angelica Creek near Angelica, N. Y. — — 909 04221710 Baker Creek near Angelica, N. Y. 910 04221720 Angelica Creek at Transit Bridge, N. Y. 911 04222510 Sixtown Creek at Higgins, N. Y. 912 04222600 Wiscoy Creek at Bliss, N. Y. 913 04223000 Genesee River at Portageville, N. Y. 914 04224000 Mount Morris Lake near Mount Morris, N. Y.- 915 04224550 Ewart Creek at Swain, N. Y.——— 916 04224650 Canaseraga Creek at Canaseraga, N. Y. 917 04224700 Sugar Creek near Ossian, N. Y. — 918 04224800 Stony Brook at South Dansville, N. Y. 919 04224810 Sponable Creek near South Dansville, N. Y. — 920 04224900 Mill Creek at ftrtchinville, N. Y. — 921 04224965 Little Mill Creek near Dansville, N. Y.— 922 04224970 Little Mill Creek tributary near Dansville, N. Y. 923 04225000 Canaseraga Creek near Dansville, N. Y. 924 04227500 Genesee River near Mount Morris, N. Y. 925 04227980 Conesus Lake near Lakeville, N. Y. — 926 54228500 Genesee River at Avon, N. Y. — 927 54228845 928 54228900 3pringwater Creek at Springwater, N. Y. 929 54229500 Honeoye Creek at Honeoye Falls, N. Y. 930 54230380 Datka Creek at Warsaw, N. Y. 931 54230500 Oatka Creek at Garbutt, N. Y. 932 54231000 Black Creek at Churchville, N. Y.- — 933 54232000 Genesse River at Rochester, N. Y. 934 54232050 Allen Creek near Rochester, N. Y. See footnotes at end of table. 36.0 25.6 70 1*32 37.2 80.1 14.0 144 94.9 134 1963-72 1967 7.23 2,780 June 23 June 23 7.34 7,730 2,910 >100 5 1940-72 1956 14.14 34,600 (1) June 23 12.17 4,000 25,300 <2 1964-68, 1970-72 1967 12.50 5,790 June 23 11.05 4,670 10 1964-68, 1970-72 1967 11.61 9,260 June 23 u.37 8,830 19 1964-72 1967 6.66 1,680 June 23 5.81 1,160 12,000 1939-72 1942 2/H.90 — June 23 9.09 14 1939-68, 1955 9.43 13,000 1959 10.09 8,750 June 23 10.09 8,80c 35 1971-72 i960 2/12.58 — 1941-72 1955 15.82 13,500 June 23 13.53 12,30c 19 Streams tributary to Xaloa Ontario 5.01 50.0 4.07 179 .72 11.8 .04 30.6 1.64 4.24 1-59 1.05 1.07 4.18 3.19 71.4 308 22.0 3.47* 7.16 24.1 3-69 45.8 19.4 61.3 22.4 86.5 17.8 21.8 981 1.075 3.90 58.2 9.83 2.23 .69 5.00 7.54 1.42 153 1,417 69.7 1,667 41.1 10.1 195 41.9 204 123 2,457 30.1 1964-69, 1971-72 1964-72 1964-68 1964-67, 1971-72 1956-60, 1964-67, 1969 1917-72 1964-68 1942 1964-68 1962-65, 1967-72 1909-72 1952-72 1964-65 1964-68 1964-72 1964-69 1964-67 1964-72 1911-12, 1916-68, 1971-72 1904- 05, 1909-13, 1916-72 1964- 72 1956-72 1965- 72 1965-68, 1970-72 1946-70 1964-72 1946-72 1946-72 1835-1972 1905- 72 1960-72 — June 22 — — June 22 — — — June 22 — — — June 22 — — June 22 — —- — June 22 — — — June 21 — --- — June 22 — 1971 7.47 (1) June 22 8.5 1964, 4.15 254 June 23 5.11 1971 1966 3.38 920 June 22 3.04 1971 2.05 115 June 22 4.75 — — — June 23 — — — June 23 — y — — June 23 i960 1,508.28 5,230 June 23 — 1950 11.22 23,300 June 23 14.12 — — — June 23 V — — — — June 21 1,552.29 — — — June 22 4/ — — — — June 22 — y — — June 23 1967 1,487.78 13,400 June 22 1,485.60 — — — June 23 1942 — 1,400 June 22 — — — June 22 1967 — 9,560 June 22 — — — June 22 1964 3.38 — June 23 4.06 1967 3.21 1,050 1967 22.94 47,300 June 23 ,, 35.25 V755.46 i960 4/719.40 s/216,000 June 25 1964 3.80 720 June 22 3.75 1967 — 5,480 June 22 1964 6.45 — June 23 6.85 1967 5.92 948 1968 2.64 (l) June 22 ^.4fi 1967 2.04 (1) June 22 3.03 3.01 1964 3.79 — June 23 1967 2.58 626 — — — June 22 — — — June 22 1940 1/9.93 9,110 June 23 14.85 1916 25.44 55,100 June 24 24.50 1971 1956 20.53 37.20 15,600 June 24 June 25 22.50 40.67 1971 4.72 — June 23 1971 5.37 184 June 23 7.29 1950 4/616.40 4,630 June 23 1967 7.28 1,760 June 23 9.75 6.89 i960 8.64 7,050 June 24 i960 9.44 4,880 June 25 1865 — 54,000 June 25 15.89 1916 1/15.3 48,300 i960 6.06 5,040 June 23 4.82 595 6,6lC 96: 20,20C 17: 3,20C 2' 9,20C (1) 9,208 70C 67C 92! 1,84C 63c 12,00c 4i,ooc ■8,67c 58c 1,73c 5,91c 933 9,40c 1,86c 6,12c 3,05c 8,40C 2,46C 1,85c , 9O,00C 5/322,60C 70C 12, 40C 1,38C 49C 121 1,35C 835 11: 9,6oc 17,8oc 16,50c 1,18c 4,800 4,oic 3,840 60c 29,60c 1,280 >100 >100 ft >100 (1) >100 15 >100 >100 >100 >100 10 >100 (1) >100 ft (1) (1) ft (1) (1) 25 40 45 5 <2 (1)388 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE A1 .—Summary of flood stages and discharges—Continued Perma- nent station No. Maximum previously known Maximum June—July 1972 Re- port No. Stream and place of determination age area (sq mi) Period Year Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Date Gage height (ft) Dis- charge (cfs) Recur- rence interval (years) Streams tributary to Lake Ontario—Continued 935 01232100 936 0I232192 937 0I232198 93» 0I232I00 939 0I232I06 9I0 0I232I50 911 0I232I5A 9I2 0I232I68 9*»3 0I232I82 9ll 0I232I90 915 0I232630 946 OI232902 917 0I233000 918 0I233250 9*9 0I233255 950 OI233257 951 0I233310 952 0I23331I 953 01233317 951 0I233500 955 01233676 956 0I23I000 95 T OI23IO18 958 0I23I200 959 01231250 960 0I23IIOO 961 OI23II28 962 0I23I5OO 963 96k 0I235000 01235150 965 0I235250 966 OI235276 967 01235300 968 01235396 969 OI235500 970 0I236000 971 0I237500 972 0I238500 973 0I239000 974 04240010 975 01210100 976 01210105 977 01210180 978 01210200 979 01210300 980 Ol2lpl95 981 01212500 982 01213500 983 01215000 981 01215200 985 01215236 986 OI2I58IO 987 01216000 988 01216500 989 OI2I9OOO Sterling Creek at Sterling, N. Y.------------- Catherine Creek tributary No. 4 near Montour Falls, N. Y. Catherine Creek near Montour, N. Y.----------- Seneca Lake at Watkins Glen, N. Y.------------ Hector Falls Creek at Burdett, N. Y.------------- Keuka Lake at Hanmondsport, N. Y.------------- Keuka Lake tributary No. 13 near Hammondsport, N. Keuka Lake tributary No. 12 near Pulteney, N. Y.- Keuka Lake outlet at Dresden, N. Y.--------------- Kashong Creek near BeIlona, N. Y.----------------- Kendig Creek near Mac Dougall, N. Y.-------------- West Branch Cayuga Inlet at Nevfield, N. Y.------- Cayuga Inlet near Ithaca, N. Y.------------------- Buttermilk Creek near Ithaca, N. Y.--------------- Cayuga Inlet at Ithaca, N. Y.--------------------- Coy Glen Creek at Ithaca, N. Y.------------------- Sixmile Creek near Ithaca, N. Y.------------------ Sixmile Creek tributary near Ithaca, N. Y.-------- Sixmile Creek at Fotlers Falls near Ithaca, N. Y. Cayuga Lake at Ithaca, N. Y.---------------------- Virgil Creek at Dryden, N. Y.----—---------------- Fall Creek near Ithaca, N. Y.-----------------— Salmon Creek at Ludlowville, N. Y.---------------- Mud Creek at East Victor, N. Y.—-----------------— Ganargua Creek at Macedon, N. Y.------------—---- West River near Middlesex, N. Y.----------------- Reservoir Creek at Naples, N. Y.—---------------- Canandaigua lake at Canandaigua, N. Y.------------- Canandaigua Outlet at Chapin, N. Y.-------------- Flint Creek at Potter, N. Y.----------------------- Flint Creek at Hielps, N. Y.--------------------- Black Brook at Tyre, N. Y.----------------------- Owasco Inlet at Moravia, N. Y.------------------- Owasco Lake near Auburn, N. Y.------------------— Owasco Outlet near Auburn, N.Y.———————— Skaneateles Lake at Skaneateles, N. Y.----------- Seneca River at Baldwinsville, N. Y.------------- Onondaga Reservoir near Nedrov, N. Y.------------ Onondaga Creek at Darwin, N. Y.------------------ Onondaga Creek at Spencer Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Harbor Brook at Syracuse, N. Y.—----------------- Harbor Brook at Hiawatha Boulevard, Syracuse, N. Ninemile Creek near Marietta, N. Y.--------—----- Ninemile Creek at Camillus, N. Y.---------------- Ninemile Creek at Lakeland, N. Y.----------------— Onondago Lake at Liverpool, N. Y.---------------- East Branch Fish Creek at Taberg, N. Y.---------- Oneida Creek at Oneida, N. Y.---------------------- Limestone Creek at Fayetteville, N. Y.—------—— Butternut Creek near Jamesville, N. Y.----------- Meadow Brook at Hurlburt Road, Syracuse, N. Y.— Scriba Creek near Constantia, N. Y.-------------- Oneida Lake at Brewerton, N. Y.-------------------- Oneida River at Caughdenoy, N. Y.------------------ Oswego River at Lock 7, Oswego, N. Y.------------ 11.1 1958-72 i960 1.00 — — 38.2 701 1957-72 196I 11.8 1971-72 1971 1935 1935 182 1961-72 1961 .23 — — • 85 — — 207 1966-72 1971 30.7 1965-70 1967 13.8 1965-72 1968 1971 8.05 — — 35-2 1937-72 19I2 11-3 — — 86.7 1971-72 1971 3-55 — — 12.0 1967-69, 1971-72 1967 ■ 69 — — 15-5 1935 1935 1,561 1906-25, 1957-72 1916 20.6 1966-70 1969 126 1926-72 1935 1971 81.7 1965-68, 1970-72 1966 1935 1935 64.2 1959-68 1963 101 1965-69 1966 29.3 1965-72 1969 5.76 — — 184 1929-72 1956 195 19I0-72 1912 31.0 196I-72 1961 102 1960-72 i960 1963 19.0 1966-72 1970 106 1961-68 1961 1961 205 1912-72 1936 206 1913-72 1936 72.7 1891-1972 1917 3,136 1950-72 i960 67.7 1953-72 I960 88.5 1952-72 1960 1961 109 1971-72 1971 9.63 1960-72 1969 11.3 1971-72 1971 15.5 1965-72 1971 81.3 1959-72 I960 115 1971-72 1971 285 1971-72 1971 188 1921-72 I9I5 113 1950-72 1950 1959 85-5 1910-72 1950 1961 32.2 1959-72 1961 1972 2.90 1971-72 1972 38.1 1966-72 1971 1,382 1952-72 i960 1,382 1903-12, 1948-72 1903 5,098 1901-06, 1936 1931-72 19I0 5.13 1,190 June 22 3-63 — — June 22 — June 22 U/8.56 — June 25 10.17 2.73 (1) June 23 5.10 — 1,600 5-79 — June 24 9.35 — — June 23 — — — June 23 — 5-17 2,320 June 22 8.37 3.I9 (1) June 23 3-19 6.14 713 June 23 1-93 2/6.23 — June 23 — 7.58 1,110 June 23 8.10 — 22 2/10.71 (1) June 23 14.6 — — June 22 — 5.59 2,610 June 23 9.13 — June 22 — 1,330 June 23 — 8.4 — June 26 9.76 5.09 (1) June 23 3.90 . 9-52 15,500 June 23 5-38 2/11.16 — 7.23 1,910 June 23 10.62 — 13,700 6.6 5 1,370 June 22 7.85 5-91 1,520 June 22 6.75 5-77 1,530 June 23 6.82 — — June 22 U/9-13 — June 24 10.94 1161 1,100 June 24 5.62 6.87 920 June 23 10.15 5.83 2,910 June 24 5.75 2/6.20 — 6.68 (1) June 23 3.61 1/723-81 11,600 June 23 1/727-81 /S/72I.I0 5/716.91 June 25 1/716.88 1.88 2,090 June 23 6.28 63-75 June 25 65.20 9-21 7/17,200 June 28 — I/I85.9 June 30 9.21 5/5,960 June 24 4/480.43 5.06 2,130 June 23 6.12 5-11 6.71 1,610 June 23 6/8.09 7.13 371 June 23 7.15 6.17 lio June 21 6.55 5.36 313 June 22 8.65 8.25 2,760 June 23 8.73 6/7.12 1,600 June 23 8.58 1/367.11 — June 30 1/369.21 10.90 13,600 June 22 11.71 13-78 7,110 June 22 u.61 2/l't-30 — 7.78 7,010 June 23 7.56 7.95 — 6.29 1,260 June 21 7.15 7.51 — 3.61 179 June 21 3-35 6.I5 870 June 22 7.12 IO.69 — June 26 11.84 — 2/13,800 June 25 — — 37,500 June 29 11.87 13-16 — < Less than value shown. > Greater than value shown. 1 Not determined. 2 Hurricane wave. 3 Result of ice jam. U Elevation above mean sea level, in feet. 5 Contents, in acre feet. 6 Affected by backwater; see station description. 7 Site and datum then in use. 8 Contents, in millions of gallons. 9 Maximum dally discharge, In cubic feet per second. 10 Site and datum used prior to 1950. 11 Maximum daily gage height, in feet. 160 <2 296 (1) 3,150 18 - - - — 1,500 4o 119 (!) 255 (l) 1,000 (1) 610 <2 117 <2 1,180 (1) 1,800 >100 1,060 (1) 11,800 >100 516 (1) 5,360 >100 187 u) 1,130 (1) — — 1,380 4 1,600 5 1,160 6 1,800 15 1,950 5 2,790 30 1,600 (1) --- — 1,710 >100 5,010 (1) 2,820 21 530 <2 (1) — — 3,250 >100 1/17,100 25 5/3,670 3,200 >100 3,100 (1) 158 m 171 1 1,030 (i) 1,930 2,290 (1) --- — 11,500 >100 9,260 >100 3,800 1 1,120 6 156 (1) 1,200 <2 ___ 2/10,100 >100 29,500 24APPENDIX A 389 TABLE A2 .—Flood-crest data, June 19, 1972, for streams in Westchester County, N.Y. , and southeast Connecticut [Stationing is that used by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in flood-plain information studies in the area] Stream and location Station- ing (ft) Eleva- tion (ft) Stream and location Station- ing (ft) Eleva- tion («) East Branch Byram River: Hutchinson River: Riversville, Conn., U. S. Geological 23,600 151*-1* New Rochelle, N.Y., 80 ft upstream from 2,900 211.7 Survey gage. Hutchinson Boulevard. Glenville, Conn., bO ft upstream from 8,800 35.5 New Rochelle, N.Y., 70 ft upstream from 350 197.6 Comly Avenue bridge. Old Wilmot Road. Glenville, Conn., 30 ft downstream from 8,700 31+.0 Eastchester, N.Y., at New Wilmot Road-- 0 191.5 Comly Avenue bridge. Pelham, N.Y., upstream side of Lincoln 6,300 27.0 Port Chester, N.Y., just downstream from 2,300 10.0 Avenue bridge. U.S. Highway 1 bridge. Pelham, N.Y., U.S. Geological Survey gage, 1*,000 17.1* Blind Brook: 100 ft downstream from Pelham Lake. Rye, N.Y., downstream from Purchase Street 1^,930 35.0 Pelham, N.Y., 20 ft upstream from Sanford 500 6.0 bridge. Avenue bridge. Rye, N.Y., 500 ft upstream from Highland 12,700 29.2 Saw Mill River: Avenue. Eastview, N.Y., upstream side of River 12,500 196.1 Rye, N.Y., 65 ft downstream from Highland 12,100 29.6 Road bridge. Avenue. Eastview, N.Y., downstream side of River 12,500 19*+. 5 Rye, N.Y., U.S. Geological Survey gage 11,000 25.5 Road bridge. Rye, N.Y., 60 ft upstream from Central 8,800 18.3 Elmsford, N.Y., 55 ft downstream from 1*,200 177.0 Avenue bridge. Mine Brook. Rye, N.Y., 100 ft downstream from Central 8,600 16.8 Elmsford, N.Y-, Warehouse Lane (A&P 3,600 176.1* Avenue bridge. access road). Mamaroneck River: Elmsford, N.Y., at downstream side of 2,000 175-1 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 6 ft upstream from 10,700 37.8 Penn Central Railroad bridge. Winfield Avenue bridge. Elmsford, N.Y., upstream side of Tarry- - 50 171*. 2 Mamaroneck, N.Y., kO ft downstream from 10,600 35.9 town Road bridge. Winfield Avenue bridge. Elmsford, N.Y., downstream side of Tarry- - 100 172.8 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 300 ft downstream from 8,500 32.2 town Road bridge. foot of Warren Street. Ardsley, N.Y., at N.Y.C. water-supply 2,1*00 131.0 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 75 ft upstream from 5,500 25-5 blowoff. North Barry Avenue. Ardsley, N.Y., 300 ft upstream from Old 2,000 130.1* Mamaroneck, N.Y., upstream side of 3,560 23.8 Ashford Avenue. Jefferson Avenue bridge. Ardsley, N.Y., at downstream side of Elm 200 127.6 Mamaroneck, N.Y., U.S. Geological Survey 2,700 21.2 Street bridge. gage, 113 ft downstream from Halstead Yonkers, N.Y., 200 ft downstream from 21,1*00 Hi*. 9 Avenue bridge. Tonqpkins Avenue bridge. Sheldrake River: Yonkers, N.Y., 60 ft downstream from 19,800 113-1* Mamaroneck, N.Y., 10 ft upstream from 12,500 83.8 Hearst Avenue bridge. Weaver bridge. Yonkers, N.Y., downstream side of Odell 16,700 112.7 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 25 ft upstream from 10,900 78.5 Avenue bridge. Bonnie Briar Road bridge. Yonkers, N.Y., 125 ft downstream from 12,000 109.1* Mamaroneck, N.Y., 100 ft upstream from 10,200 77.1 Nepperhan Avenue bridge. Rockland Avenue bridge. Yonkers, N.Y., at downstream side of Silk 10,500 107.8 Mamaroneck, N.Y., at downstream side of 9,300 71.0 Place bridge. Forrest Avenue bridge. Yonkers, N.Y., at downstream side of 9,500 106.2 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 1+0 ft upstream from 9,000 70.1 Worth Avenue bridge. Briarcliff Road. Yonkers, N.Y., at downstream side of Lake 8,000 101*.!* Mamaroneck, N.Y., at confluence with 8,300 59-7 Street bridge. East Branch. Yonkers, N.Y., 300 ft downstream from 6,500 102.2 Mamaroneck, N.Y., l8 ft upstream from 6,960 31A Axminster Avenue bridge. Sheldrake Dam. Yonkers, N.Y., upstream side of Ashburton 5,600 102.8 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 5 ft downstream from 6,9^0 30.1 Avenue bridge. Sheldrake Dam. Yonkers, N.Y., downstream side of 5,500 100.5 Mamaroneck, N.Y., downstream side of 5,200 26.8 Ashburton Avenue bridge. Rockland Avenue bridge. Yonkers N.Y., U.S. Geological Survey gage 1+.500 96.5 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 50 ft downstream from 3,1*00 25.1* at Old Croton Aqueduct. Fenimore Avenue bridge. Yonkers, N.Y., 20 ft downstream from 3,800 88.6 Mamaroneck, N.Y., 100 ft downstream from 1,800 2U.9 Nepperhan Avenue bridge. Waverly Avenue bridge. Yonkers, N.Y., 100 ft upstream from Elm 1,300 63.O Mamaroneck, N.Y., 200 ft downstream from 500 21*.3 Street bridge. Mamaroneck Avenue bridge. 390 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE A3.--Flood-crest elevations, June 1972 Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Delaware River basin Susquehanna River basin Schuylkill River: Susquehanna River: River View Park, Pa., 500 ft upstream 80.2 23 2142.8 Athens, Pa., downstream side of high- 286.1 2b 766.5 from Ashebrown Street. way bridge. River View Park, Pa., 100 ft down- 79-^ 23 2141.2 Mouth of Chemung River 283.5 — 760.14 stream from Laurel Run. Tioga River (head of Chemung River): Reading, Pa., 125 ft upstream from 76.8 23 225.5 Lawrenceville, Pa., U.S. Highway 15 114.19 23 1,002.5 Schuylkill Ave. bridge. bridge• Reading, Pa., 1+50 ft upstream from 75.8 23 219.2 Lawrenceville, Pa., intersection of 13.50 23 1,001A Reading Railroad bridge. James and Main Streets• Reading, Pa., 800 ft upstream from 7^-5 23 215.8 Lawrenceville, Pa., Presbyterian 13.12- 23 1,000.7 Lancaster Ave. bridge. Church• Reading, Pa., abandoned sewage dis- 72.8 23 207.2 Lawrenceville, Pa., 150 ft downstream 13.07 23 999-5 posal plant. from highway bridge. Titus Power Station 70.8 23 197.3 Lawrenceville, Pa., upstream from 12.87 23 999-2 Neversink, Pa., under U.S. Highway k22 69.0 23 187-5 Cowanesque River. bridge • Lawrenceville, Pa., downstream from n.65 23 997-1 Gibraltar, Pa 67.2 23 182.7 Cowanesque River. Birdsboro, Pa., under State Highway 82 63.I4 23 173.2 Lindley, N.Y., U.S. Geological Survey 10.65 23 990. 2 bridge . gagetjust downstream from County Monocacy, Pa., 600 ft upstream from 61.3 23 166.7 Highway 120 bridge. Monocacy School. Leland Harris barn (right bank) 10.10 23 989.1 Monocacy Station, Pa., 1+50 ft upstream 60.8 23 165.0 No. 891 Presho-Lindley Road 9.>45 23 986.5 from Monocacy Creek. Penn-Central Railroad track 8.65 23 983.2 Douglassville, Pa., 250 ft downstream 58.1* 23 158.5 8.25 23 980.8 from Reading Railroad station. 7.65 23 977.8 Douglassville, Pa., 1.5 miles down- 56.8 23 156.3 7.00 23 976.9 stream. Upstream side of Presho-Lindley Road 6.35 23 9714.9 Pottstown, Pa., 0.3 mile upstream from 5b .b 23 150.2 bridge. State Highway 100 bridge. Downstream side of Presho-Lindley Road 6.30 23 972.6 Pottstown, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 53-6 23 II47.8 bridge. gage, at Hanover Street bridge. Country Club building 5.145 23 968.8 Pottstown, Pa., at sewage disposal 52. b 23 H43.8 Mouth of Canisteo River 1+.05 23 plant. Canisteo River: Sanatoga, Pa., at highway bridge 14-9-1 23 I3I4.I4 Addison, N.Y., old water tower 6.05 23 991.5 Linfield, Pa., upstream side of Parker 146.8 23 130.3 Addison, N.Y., American Legion 5.90 23 989.14 Ford bridge. building• Linfield, Pa., 0.2 mile downstream bb.5 23 1214.9 from Vincent Dam. Between Addison, N.Y., and mouth 5A5 23 985.2 Spring City, Pa., 150 ft upstream from b2.2 23 117.6 14.00 23 978.14 Bridge Street • 2.90 23 971.9 Spring City, Pa., at sewage treatment >41.3 23 115-3 1.95 23 968.5 plant • Near junction of State Highway 17 and •76 23 9614.9 Mingo, Pa., mouth of Mingo Creek 140.8 23 113A U.S. Highway 15• Cromby, Pa., powerplant 39-6 23 111.3 Downstream side of old U.S. Highway 15 .55 23 962.7 Phoenixville, Pa., waterworks 39-1 23 110.8 bridge. Phoenixville, Pa., railroad overpass, 35.6 23 100.1 Tioga River—Continued State Highway 29. Erwins, N.Y., Gang Mills Diner 3-145 23 961.9 Oaks, Pa., 700 ft upstream from rail- 32.8 23 914.2 Erwins, N•Y., Cemetery 3-15 23 958.6 road bridge. Erwins, N.Y., U.S. Geological Survey 2.95 23 958.0 Perkiomen Junction, Pa., downstream 31.7 23 92. 5 gage,20 ft downstream from from Paulingo Road bridge. Mulholland Road bridge. Valley Forge, Pa., mouth of* Valley 30.6 23 90.1 Gang Mills, N.Y., 150 ft north of Mo- 2.30 23 956.2 Creek. bil gas station on State Highway 17. Port Kennedy, Pa., at State Highway 28.3 23 80.5 Gang Mills, N.Y., No. 61+0 Addison R»d— 1.90 23 955.0 363 bridge. Gang Mills, N.Y., corner of Forrest 1.50 23 953.3 Barbados Island, Pa., at powerplant 2b. 5 23 75.3 and Hamilton Streets. gage. Gang Mills, N.Y., Corning Gas utility 1.05 23 952.6 Norristown, Pa., downstream side 23.8 23 714.1 building. DeKalb Street bridge. Gang Mills, N.Y., Corning 1st Bank .65 23 952.0 Norristown, Pa., sewage.treatment 23.2 23 72.0 and Trust Co. plant at Ford Street. Confluence of Tioga and Cohocton 0 — ■ Ivy Rock, Pa., at left end of railroad 21.9 23 67.2 Rivers. bridge. Cohocton River: Conshohocken, Pa., 275 ft downstream 20.1 23 62.3 Kanona, N.Y., 0.2 mile downstream 2b.2 23 1,1141.2 from Fayette Street bridge. from U.S. Highway 15 bridge. Spring Mill, Pa., at Reading Railroad 18.8 23 58.6 Kanona, N.Y., 0.9 mile downstream 23.6 23 1,1140.14 station. from U.S. Highway 15 bridge. Miquon, Pa., 260 ft downstream from 16.7 23 52.0 23.0 23 1,136.5 small creek. 22.8 23 1,128.2 Shawmont, Pa 16.0 23 51.0 Bath, N.Y., 0.05 mile upstream from 22.1 23 1,1214.3 Philadelphia, Pa., Flat Rock Road iu.8 23 143.0 Veterans Administration bridge. Philadelphia, Pa., 1,000 ft downstream lb.0 23 39.6 21.7 23 1,123.14 from Green Lane bridge. 20.5 23 1,102.6 Philadelphia, Pa., at mouth of 12.8 23 32.6 19-7 23 1,096.1 Wissahickon Creek. 18.14 23 1,091.9 Philadelphia, Pa., at U.S. Geological 8.5 23 20.14 18.1 23 1,089.5 Survey gage, 150 ft upstream from 0.6 mile downstream from Morgan bridge, 17.0 23 1,082.6 Fairmont Dam. southeast of Bath, N.Y. APPENDIX A 391 TABLE A3.—Flood-crest elevations, June 1972— Continued Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Susquehanna River basin—Continued Cohocton River—Continued 0.8 mile downstream from Stocking 16.6 23 1,079-0 Creek. 16.2 23 1,075-7 11+.6 23 1,051*.!* 0.3 mile downstream from Erie Rail- ll+.O 23 1,050.1 road bridge, west of Savona, N.Y. 12.1+ 23 1,039.8 11.6 23 1,032.8 Campbell, N.Y., U.S. Geological 11.1 23 1,027.7 Survey gage 1.9 miles upstream from Michigan Creek. Campbell, N.Y 10.6 23 1,021*.6 Campbell, N.Y., upstream side of 9.1 23 1,012.5 State Highway 333 bridge. 8.8 23 1,010.8 7-8 23 1,007.0 7.1* 23 1,002.1* 0.1+ mile upstream from Curtis Highway 6.5 23 991*.0 bridge. 0.3 mile downstream from Curtis 5.8 23 986.7 Highway bridge. 0.3 mile upstream from Meads Creek— 2.6 23 956.9 U.S. Highway 15 overpass west of 1.6 23 951*. 0 Painted Post, N.Y. Painted Post, N.Y., 57^ West High 1.2 23 950.8 Street. Painted Post, N.Y., church on • 50 23 950.5 Hamilton Street, south of High Street. Painted Rock, N.Y., corner of Stanton .10 23 950.0 and Rand Streets. Chemung River: Corning, N.Y., intersection of West 1+1+.2 23 91*5.8 William and Poultney Streets. Corning, N.Y., corner of Fuller 1*3.8 23 91*3.9 Avenue and Onondaga Street. Corning, N.Y., Grace Church on Bridge 1*3.2 23 91*1.1* Street. Corning, N.Y., No. 21+7 E. Poultney 1*2.5 23 939-3 Street. South Corning, N.Y., 35 ft upstream 1*3-8 23 91*1*.7 from State Highway 17 bridge. South Corning, N.Y., corner of Chest- 1*3.0 23 939.5 nut and Market Streets. South Corning, N.Y., No. 119 East 1*2.6 23 932.0 Market Street. South Corning, N.Y., corner of East 1*2.2 23 929.6 Market and Columbia Streets. South Corning, N.Y., at sewage 1*1.2 23 928.3 treatment plant. South Corning, N.Y., Corning Saw and 1+0.6 23 921* .5 Supply Co. on State Highway 225. Along Erie-Lackawanna Railroad 1*1.8 23 931*.2 (left bank). Gibson, N.Y., Main Street 1*1.2 23 928.5 Gibson, N.Y., 0.6 mile downstream 1*0.6 23 924.9 Along right bank 39-1* 23 920.8 Rex Robertson property (left bank) 38.0 23 912.0 East Corning, N.Y., corner of Sidney 37-0 23 908.5 and Steele Streets. East Corning, N.Y., upstream side of 36.0 23 901*.6 Corning Road bridge. East Corning, N.Y., fire station 35.1* 23 903.1* Along State Highway 352 31*.8 23 901.9 Along State Highway 352 33-0 23 898.7 Along State Highway 352 31.8 23 891.8 Harris Hill Manor, N.Y 30.2 23 881*.1 Golden Glow, N.Y., 11*85 Golden Glow 29.8 23 882.2 Drive. Elmira, N.Y., Woodland Apartments 29.6 23 881.9 (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 67 Durland Avenue 28.2 23 871*. 0 (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 901 Water Street 27.1* 23 868.1 (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 303 Homewood Avenue 27.2 23 868.8 (right bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 63I+ Water Street 26.9 23 866.8 (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 306 West Hudson 26.1* 23 862.7 Street (right bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 360 Water Street 26.1* 23 861*.1 (left bank). Stream and location £hemung River—Continued Elmira, N.Y., Chemung Canal Trust Co., State Street (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., 101 Henry Street (right bank). Elmira, N.Y., corner of Orchard and East Church Streets (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., mouth of Newton Creek (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 1+58 Maple Avenue (right bank). Elmira, N.Y., corner ctf* Luce Street and Baylor Drive (right bank). Elmira, N.Y., on State Highway 17 (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., on State Highway 17 (left bank). Elmira, N.Y., No. 1301 Maple Avenue (right bank) At dead end road by Seeley Creek (right bank). Mouth of Seeley Creek----------------- Seeley Creek: Chemung River—Continued 1 mile downstream from Seeley Creek (right bank). Along State Highway 1+27 (right bank) — Wellsburg, N.Y., Methodist Church----- Along Erie-Lackawanna Railroad (right bank). Venturia Inn (left bank)-------------- At State Highway 17 bridge (right bank). Left bank---------------------------— Texaco gas station (left bank)-------- Chemung, N.Y., U.S. Geological Survey gage,100 ft upstream from State Highway 1+27 bridge (right bank). Susquehanna River—Continued Athens, Pa., at railroad bridge over Wolcott Creek. Mouth of Sugar Creek------------------ Towanda, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage at Bridge Street bridge. Wysox, Pa., 0.1+ mile downstream from Wysox Creek. Mouth of Wyalusing Creek-------------- Skinners Eddy, Pa--------------------- Myobeach, Pa-------------------------- Mehoopony Station, Pa., former bridge site. Vosburg, Pa--------------------------- Tunkhannock, Pa., 83O ft upstream from State Highway 309 bridge. Tuckhannock, Pa., downstream side of State Highway 309 bridge. Falls, Pa., 0.2 mile downstream from State Highway 92 bridge. Ransom, Pa., mouth of Gardner Creek— Cox ton Yards, 1+00 ft downstream from railroad bridge. Erie-Lackawanna Railroad bridge------- West Pittston, Pa., east of York Avenue. West Pittston, Pa., 0.2 mile downstrean from Ft. Jenkins Bridge. West Pittston, Pa., National Guard Armory. Exeter, Pa., streamward end of Schooly Street. Port Blanchard, Pa., 0.5 mile upstream from Wyoming Bridge. Kingston, Pa., railroad embankment at Pierce Street. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage, 800 ft downstream from North Street. Miles’ upstream Day Eleva- from tion mouth (ft) 26.-0 23 861.1 26.0 23 860.5 25.6 23 859.0 21*.8 23 856.2 21*.8 23 853.5 21*. 6 23 850.2 21+.5 23 852.1* 2I+.0 23 81*9.8 23.5 23 81*7.5 22.1 23 81*2.9 21.1*5 23 839A 7-1*5 976.2 6.1*5 — 952.7 1+.91 909.5 901*.5 1+.15 886.1* 3.20 865.3 1.60 81+2.1+ 0 — 839-1* 20.1* 23 836.1 19-8 23 831*. 3 18.6 23 831.6 17-6 23 828.9 16.1+ 23 827-3 15-6 23 821.2 ll*.5 13-8 12.1 23 23 23 821.8 817.9 810.2 283.1* 21+ 759-7 273-2 270.2 21+ 2l+ 731.6 727.8 265-5 21+ 716.9 250.3 239-2 233-1* 229-2 2l+ 21+ 2l+ 2l+ 679-7 658.1* 61*7-1* 61*0.2 221.6 217*8 21+ 2l+ 621-5 613-1* 217.1* 2l+ 613-“* 206.1* 2l* 587.5 200.7 196.9 21+ 21+ 575-1 566.5 195-8 195-5 2l+ 21+ 561*.9 561*. 2 195.O 21+ 563-0 191*.5 21+ 562.0 193-7 193-1 2l+ 21+ 561.3 559-8 187.8 21+ 551-3 187.6 2h 553-0392 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE^IULY 1972 TABLE A3. —Flood-crest elevations, June 1972-- Continued Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Susquehanna River basin—Continued West Branch Susquehanna River—Continued 36.6 23 525.9 Susquehanna River—Continued Railroad bridge over Loyalsock Creek-- 36.3 23 525.1 Kingston, Pa., railroad embankment 186.9 24 551.1 Railroad bridge over Carpenters Dry 29.7 24 509.4 at Northampton Street. Run. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., upstream side of 186.2 24 550.9 Muncy, Pa., junction State Highways 27.7 24 501.5 railroad embankment. 405 and 147. Plymouth, Pa., 500 ft upstream from 183.9 24 548.6 Montgomery, Pa., 700 ft downstream 22.6 24 491.5 Gaylord Avenue bridge. from highway bridge. Breslau, Pa., Wilkes-Barre Avenue 183.8 24 548.3 Allenwood, Pa., downstream side of 18.2 24 481.9 at First Street. highway bridge. Plymouth, Pa., 3^5 ft downstream from 183.8 24 548.4 Watsontown, Pa., upstream side of 15.8 24 477.4 Gaylord Avenue bridge. highway bridge. Avondale, Pa., base of Sickler Hill-- 181.8 24 546.3 Milton, Pa., near east end of 5th 12.1 24 471.5 Nanticoke, Pa., at Nanticoke Creek 180.9 24 545.4 Street. Nanticoke, Pa., upstream side of 179-9 24 545.0 Milton, Pa., 275 ft upstream from 11.6 24 470.8 highway bridge. Broadway Street. Hunlock Creek, Pa 176.3 24 537-3 Milton, Pa., 100 ft upstream from 11.0 24 468.3 Shickshinny, Pa., 350 ft upstream 170.5 24 526.2 Reading Railroad bridge. from highway bridge. Lewisburg, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 24 462.4 Shickshinny, Pa., 650 ft downstream 170.3 24 525.6 gage at downstream side of Market from highway bridge. Street bridge. Beach Haven, Pa., 1 mile downstream, 161.7 24 506.0 Winfield, Pa., mouth of Winfield 3.6 24 458.2 at mouth of Salem Creek. Creek. Nescopeck, Pa., 1,000 ft upstream 159.5 24 503.5 Northumberland, Pa., 200 ft downstream .1 24 453-9 from railroad bridge over Nescopeck from bridge on U.S. Highway 11. Creek. Susquehanna River—Continued Mifflinville, Pa., downstream side of 155.0 24 493.2 Sunbury, Pa., downstream side of 122.0 24 448.8 highway bridge. highway bridge. Bloomsburg, Pa., bridge on State 147.6 24 482.8 Mouth of Shamokin Creek 121.2 24 447.6 Highway 1+87. Sunbury, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 120.2 24 444.4 Bloomsburg, Pa., railroad station 146.8 24 481.5 gage at Shamokin Dam powerplant. Rupert, Pa., Reading Railroad bridge- 145.6 24 479.6 Selinsgrove Junction, Pa., 200 ft up- 117.8 24 440.2 Catawissa, Pa., upstream side of 144.3 24 477-6 stream from Pennsylvania Railroad highway bridge. bridge. Boyd, Pa., 1.6 miles upstream from 137.0 24 463.8 Confluence of Penns Creek and Middle 115.9 24 435.0 Danville gage. Creek. 135.4 463.6 114.1 24 gage, 200 ft upstream from Mill Penns Creek: Street bridge. Glen Iron, Pa., 150 ft downstream 29.0 23 605.1 Wolverton, Pa., 0.8 mile downstream-- 128.1 24 456.9 from bridge on State Highway 235. Packers Island, Pa., downstream side 124.2 24 453-5 Penns Creek, Pa., U.S. Geological 20.3 23 521.6 of railroad bridge. Survey gage, 200 ft downstream from Mouth of West Branch Susquehanna 123.9 24 bridge on State Highway 104. River. New Berlin, Pa., 100 ft upstream from 16.0 23 496.2 West Branch Susquehanna River: highway bridge. Bower> Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 199.8 23 1,225.8 Mouth of Monongahela Creek 8.1 23 ,454.6 gage at downstream side of highway Mouth of Middle Creek 1.9 23 435.0 bridge. Middle Creek: Curwensville, Pa., U.S. Geological 183.8 25 1,135.9 Middleburg, Pa., downstream side of 12.7 23 497.7 Survey gage, downstream side of bridge on State Highway 104. highway bridge. Kreamer, Pa., 250 ft upstream from 7-7 23 472.2 Karthaus, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 132.4 23 849.2 bridge on U.S. Highway 522. gage,900 ft upstream from bridge on Susquehanna River—Continued State Highway 879* Mouth of Mahanoy Creek 112.2 24 428.4 Renovo, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 97.6 23 660.8 Mahanoy Creek: gage, upstream side of Eighth Street Gowen, Pa., 1.5 miles southwest on 22.3 23 607.7 bridge. downstream side of bridge on State Mouth of Young Womans Creek 93.8 23 648.0 Highway 125. Hyner, Pa.* upstream side of State 90.8 23 633.8 Domsife, Pa., 125 ft upstream from 8.0 23 498.7 Highway 120 bridge. bridge on State Highway 225. Glen Union, Pa., 0.7 mile upstream 84.8 23 608.8 Herndon, Pa., 1.5 mile northeast 1.2 23 432.5 Mouth of Tangascootack Creek 77-3 23 585.7 Susquehanna River—Continued Pennsylvania Railroad bridge 74.0 23 580.1 Dalmatia, Pa 106.7 24 418.9 Lock Haven, Pa., Lock Haven State 70.9 23 568.3 102.9 College. East Mahantango Creek: Lock Haven, Pa., U.S. Post Office on 70.2 23 566.8 Klingerstown, Pa., upstream side of 17.4 23 535.0 Main Street. highway bridge. Lock Haven, Pa., 300 ft upstream from 69.3 23 565.9 Mouth of Pine Creek 16.8 23 543.9 U.S. Highway 220 bridge. Pine Creek: Mouth of Bald Eagle Creek at down- 67.6 23 564.8 Sacramento, Pa., at highway bridge, 12.2 23 674.9 stream side of railroad bridge. 1 mile east. McElhattan, Pa., downstream side of 64.8 23 560.1 Sacramento, Pa., 450 ft upstream from 12.1 23 661.8 highway bridge. highway bridge. Avis, Pa., junction State Highway 44 58.7 23 558.9 Klingerstown, Pa., upstream side of .4 23 534.9 and old U.S. Highway 220. highway bridge. Jersey Shore, Pa., downstream side 55.4 23 551.4 Klingerstown, Pa., 425 ft downstream .3 23 534.9 of highway bridge (left channel). from highway bridge. Mouth of Larrys Creek 53.2 23 542.3 East Mahantango Creek—Continued Linden, Pa., 500 ft downstream from 46.6 23 539-2 Pillow, Pa., 50 ft upstream from 9-35 23 482.6 Quineshakeny Run. highway bridge. Duboistown, Pa., upstream side of 41.9 23 535.6 Pillow, Pa., 250 ft downstream from 9-3 23 480.7 Arch Street bridge. highway bridge. Williamsport, Pa., U.S. Geological 39-3 23 529.7 Dalmatia, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 2.2 23 427.1 Survey gage on upstream side of gage, 3*2 miles south of Dalmatia Market Street bridge. at highway bridge. See footnotes at end of table.APPENDIX A 393 TABLE A3.—Flood-crest elevations, June 1972— Continued Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Susquehanna River basin—Continued Susquehanna River—Continued Paxton, Pa., 1.1 miles downstream--- Millersburg, Pa., mouth of Wiconisco Creek. Wiconisco Creek: Williamstown, Pa., downstream side of highway bridge. Lykens, Pa., east end of North Street. Lykens, Pa., 100 ft upstream from Market Street. Lykens, Pa., 516 North Street-------- Mouth of Rattling Creek------------- Rattling Creek: Downstream side of railroad embankment at railroad station. Downstream side of railroad embankment. Wiconisco Creek—Continued Elizabethville, Pa., upstream side of highway bridge. Susquehanna River—Continued Halifax, Pa-------------------------- Clarks Ferry, Pa., 0.3 mile upstream from highway bridge. Mouth of Juniata River--------------- Juniata River: Huntingdon, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage, 170 ft downstream from Smithfield Bridge. Mapleton Depot, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage,0.3 mile downstream from bridge on State Highway 655* Mount Union, Pa., downstream side of highway bridge. Mouth of Aughwick Creek-------------- Ryde, Pa., upstream side of railroad bridge. Lewistown, Pa., upstream side Penn-Central railroad bridge. Lewistown, Pa., 500 ft downstream from Penn-Central railroad bridge. Lewistown, Pa., downstream side of railroad bridge. Mifflin, Pa., upstream side of bridge on State Highway 35* Port Royal, Pa., at bridge on State Highway 75. Vandyke, Pa., 0A mile upstream------ Thompsontown Station, Pa., downstream from highway bridge. Ihompsontown Station, Pa., 700 ft upstream from highway bridge. Millerstown, Pa., mouth of Raccoon Creek. Newport, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage, at downstream side of highway bridge. Trimmers Rock, Pa., 0.35 mile downstream. Power line crossing----------------- Susquehanna River—Continued Duncannon, Pa., railroad station---- Mouth of Sherman Creek--------------- Sherman Creek: Landisburg, Pa., 300 ft upstream from bridge on State Highway 233. Bridgeport, Pa., upstream side of bridge on State Highway 'Jb• Bridgeport, Pa., 1.2 miles southeast-— Falling Spring, Pa., mouth of Perry Furnace Run. Dromgold Corners, Pa., upstream side of highway bridge. Shermans Dale, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage, on downstream side of bridge on State Highway 3*+* Dellville, Pa., upstream side of covered bridge. Downstream side of truss bridge----- Upstream side of old U.S. Highways 11, 15 bridge. 100.6 96.5 32.2 27.95 27.85 27.7 26.9 .85 21. 21. 23 23 23 23 1.01.5 389.9 700.0 682.3 680.1. 673.9 23 699.8 .55 23 683.8 15 A 23 526.0 91.1 21+ 376.6 85.0 21+ 365.8 81.-3 21+ 9k.2 23 619.7 85.0 23 590.1. 82.3 23 571-8 77-7 23 551.6 67-*+ 23 520.2 1+9.1+ 23 1+91-5 U9.3 23 1+90.2 1.6.8 23 186.9 31.-6 23 1.1.8-3 31-7 23 V.2.3 26.5 23 1+21+ .2 22.9 23 1+23.2 22.8 23 1+22.1+ 17.2 23 109.8 IS. 3 23 397.9 10.75 23 396.0 •7 23 366.1+ 83* 21+ 361.3 83.0 21+ 26.0 22 530.6 23.0 22 508.0 21.1. 22 196.5 16.8 23 168.6 15.6 23 157-6 13-5 23 H0.7 7-5 23 1+02.9 3-1. 23 376.7 •15 23 318.1 Susquehanna River—Continued Dauphin, Pa., 0.2 mile downstream from Stony Creek. Rockville, Pa., upstream side of railroad bridge. Lucknow, Pa., 100 ft downstream from State Highway 39 underpass. Harrisburg, Pa., intersection McClay and Susquehanna Streets. Mouth of Conodoguinet Creek---------- Conodoguinet Creek: Plainfield, Pa., 0.55 mile downstream from Grieder bridge. Meadowbrook Road, downstream side of bridge. Spring Road (State Highway 3I+), upstream side of bridge. Middlesex, Pa., upstream side of highway bridge. Rich Valley Road, downstream side of bridge. Hogestown, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage, 0.1+ mile downstream from Hogestown Run. Lambs Gap Road, downstream side of highway bridge. Sporting Hill Road, upstream side of highway bridge. Orrs' Road, downstream side of highway bridge. Upstream side of railroad bridge----- Susquehanna River—Continued Wormleysburg, Pa., 200 ft downstream from bridge on U.S. Highways 11 and 15. Wormleysburg, Pa., 100 ft upstream from Locust Street. Harrisburg, Pa., upstream side of Walnut Street bridge. Harrisburg, Pa., City Island at Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa., southeast corner of Front and Tuscarora Streets. Harrisburg, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey gage at Nagle Street. Mouth of Paxton Creek----------------- Paxton Creek: Harrisburg, Pa., Progress Avenue bridge, upstream side. Harrisburg, Pa., Progress Avenue bridge, downstream side. Harrisburg, Pa., Crooked Hill and Paxton Church Roads. Harrisburg, Pa., Wildwood Lake Dam, upstream side. Harrisburg, Pa., Wildwood Lake Dam, downstream side. Harrisburg, Pa., Harrisburg Community College campus. Harrisburg, Pa., farm show-grounds garage. Harrisburg, Pa., Maclay Street-------- Harrisburg, Pa., PP and L steamplant--Harrisburg, Pa., Paxton and Cameron Streets. Harrisburg, Pa., Shaonis and Cameron Streets. Harrisburg, Pa., mouth of Paxton Creek. Susquehanna River—Continued Harrisburg, Pa., south city boundary— Mouth of Yellow Breeches Creek------ Yellow Breeches Creek: Mount Holly Springs, Pa., 1.1 mile upstream from State Highway 3^* Mouth of Mountain Creek------------- Mountain Creek: Mouth of Hunters Run---------------- 1200 ft upstream from State Highway 3k- Yellow Breeches Creek—Continued Boiling Springs, Pa., municipal park, 200 ft upstream from highway bridge. Brandtsville, Pa., 250 ft upstream from State Highway 'Jb bridge. 76.9 21+ 338.2 75-3 21+ 332.1 71.8 21+ 331.0 71.2 21+ 326'. 6 71.1 21+ 326.7 1+6.1+ 22 155.1 11.8 22 1+1+1.5 31.0 22 in. 9 31.8 22 111.3 21.7 22 390.7 18.0 23 368.0 15A 23 360.9 11.7 23 318.2 8.5 23 310.0 0.15 21+ ’326.7 70.3 21+ 326.6 69.8 21+ 325.9 69.5 21+ 321.1 69* 21+ 323.3 68.9 21+ 323.1 68.8 21+ 322.6 67.7 21+ 320.0 8.39 22 358* 8.37 22 356.8 6.02 22 332.6 1.91 22 331.2 1.88 325.6 1+.05 321.0 3.1+0 322.6 3-09 1.81 1.01 21+ 21+ 322.2 322.2 321.9 .1+7 21+ 320.8 0 21+ 320.0 67.6 66.9 21+ 318.6 31-7 32.6 22 22 526.7 1.85 2.85 622.5 587.8 28.7 22 175.6 21.3 22 139-3 See footnotes at end of table394 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 TABLE A3 .--Flood-crest elevations, June 1972-- Continued Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Susquehanna River basin—Continued Codorus Creek—Continued Indian Rock Dam, upstream 15.1 22 Yellow Breeches Creek—Continued York, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 13.1 22 382.7 Rose Garden, Pa., 150 ft upstream 20.8 22 1*17.5 gage, 0.5 mile upstream from Rich- from highway bridge. land Avenue bridge. Lisburn, Pa., upstream side of high- 13-1 22 370.2 York, Pa., upstream side George Street 10.1+ 22 365.8 way bridge. bridge. Lisburn, Pa., 0.1 mile downstream 13.0 22 369.4 Pleasureville, Pa., upstream side Emig 6.8 22 351*. 7 from highway bridge. Mill Road bridge. Spanglers Mill Road, downstream side 5.1* 22 336.7 Pleasureville, Pa., 1,000 ft downstream 6.6 22 351.8 of railroad bridge. from Emig Mill Road bridge. Camp Hill, Pa., U. S. Geological 3-1 22 325.8 Sherman Road, waste-water plant 5-0 22 31*7.1 Survey gage, 50 ft downstream from Codorus Furnace, Pa., 300 ft down- 0.6 22 277.7 highway bridge. stream from highway bridge. Susquehanna River—Continued Susquehanna River—Continued New Cumberland, Pa., New Market 66.8 21+ 316.8 Marietta, Pa., 0.25 mile upstream------ 1*6.7 23 268.9 School. Marietta, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 1*1*. 3 23 265.1 Steelton, Pa., U.S. Highway 230 at 65.3 21+ 3H+.2 gage, 1+20 ft upstream from Chickies railroad underpass. Creek. Middletown, Pa., corner Union and Ann 60.0 21+ 306.1* Mouth of Chickies Creek 1*1*.2 21+ 263.1 Streets. Columbia, Pa., U.S. Highway 30 bridge— 1*2.2 21+ 21+5.0 59.9 21+ 39-3 39-2 237.2 236.8 Swatara Creek: Washington, Pa., mouth of Stamans Run— 21+ Pine Grove, Pa., East Pottsville 56.7 22 516.9 Cresswell Station, Pa., mouth of 37-2 21+ 23l*.8 Street, downstream side of bridge. Wisslers Run. Pine Grove , Pa., 1,200 ft upstream 55.5 22 506.0 Safe Harbor Dam, tailrace 31.9 21+ 196.3 from State Highway 61+5 bridge. Mouth of Conestoga Creek 31.7 21+ 195.9 Pine Grove, Pa., downstream side State 55.3 22 505.2 Conestoga Creek: Highway 61+5 bridge. 1*0.0 331.7 Suedberg, Pa., upstream side of high- 50.8 22 1*80.9 from State Highway 322 bridge. way bridge. 32.1* 301*.3 Green Point, Pa., mouth of Trout Run— 1+5 A 22 1*51*.6 highway bridge. Inwood, Pa., downstream side of high- w*.3 22 1*1*1*.8 Bushong Road, downstream side of 29.7 23 296.6 way bridge. bridge. Lickdale Pa., upstream side State 1*1.8 22 1*28.1 Hunsecker, Pa 27.1 23 288.1 Highway 3I+3 bridge. Lancaster, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 22.5 23 273.1* West Jonestown, pa., 300 ft upstream 38.2 22 1+14.6 gage at Penn-Central Railroad bridge. from highway bridge. Mill Creek, 300 ft upstream from mouth— 11+.1+ 23 21*5.1 Mouth of Little Swatara Creek 37-5 Mill Creek, 200 ft downstream from A.3 23 21+1+.1+ Little Swatara Creek: mouth. Freeport Mills, Pa 5-1 22 1+25.1 Rockhill, Pa., downstream side of high- 3.6 23 210.6 Southeast corner of Jonestown, Pa .75 22 1*11*. 8 way bridge. Swatara Creek—Continued Downstream side of Safe Harbor bridge— .05 23 195.9 Upstream side of State Highway 72 37-2 22 1+10.7 Susquehanna River—Continued bridge. Mouth of Pequea Creek 29.5 21+ 195.2 Abandoned powerplant 35.8 22 1+05.0 Pequea Creek: Harper Tavern, Pa., U.S. Geological 28.3 23 380.1* Byerland Church, 50 ft upstream from 11.2 22 280.6 Survey gage,at downstream side of wooden bridge. State Highway 93I+ bridge. Martic Forge, Pa., downstream from 3-3 22 230.1 Mouth of Quittapahilla Creek 21.7 23 365.6 bridge at Martic Forge Hotel. Hummelstown, Pa., filter plant 10.2 23 31*1.3 Susquehanna River—Continued Pleasant View, Pa., 0.1 mile down- 8.8 23 336.6 21.2 stream from railroad bridge. Muddy Creek: Fiddlers Elbow, Pa., Logan residence— 7-1* 23 333-6 Muddy Creek Forks, Pa., 200 ft down- 16.8 22 373.8 Railroad bridge, 250 ft upstream .6 23 307.8 stream from highway bridge. Susquehanna River—Continued Bridgeton, Pa., 100 ft downstream from 11.9 22 316.1 South Royalton, Pa 59.5 21+ 301*.9 highway bridge. Hill Island, Pa., on left bank across 59-0 21+ 301.8 Castle Fin, Pa., 150 ft upstream from 1+.7 22 211.5 from Hill Island. State Highway 7*+ bridge. Threemile Island, Pa., radio shack 58.1* 21+ 301.1+ Castle Fin, Pa., U.S. Geological Survey 3A 22 196.0 Threemile Island, Pa 58.1 21+ 300.3 gage, 200 ft upstream from Legis- Threemile Island, Pa., north side of 56.1+ 21+ 298.1* lative Route 66062 bridge. railroad crossing. Susquehanna River—Continued Falmouth, Pa., south of Falmouth 55.2 21+ 287.6 Peach Bottom power facility 19.0 2l+ 115.7 55.05 21+ 286.0 18.1* 21* in*.7 Mouth of West Conewago Creek 55.0 Peach Bottom power facility, discharge 17-1+ 2l+ 113.8 West Conewago Creek: control structure. Detters Mill, Pa., 300 ft upstream 26.6 22 377.1 Conowingo Power Plant, Pa 9.6 2l+ 112.3 Alpine, Pa., upstream side of Kunkle's 18.7 22 361.8 Potomac River basin Mill bridge. Strinestown, Pa., upstream side State 6.8 22 307.3 Conococheague Creek: Highway 295 bridge. Pennsylvania, upstream side of bridge f 27.1 23 1+1+3-6 Manchester, Pa., U.S. Geological 3.0 22 293-9 0.3 mile upstream from West Branch. Survey gage,500 ft upstream from Downstream side of bridge,0.3 mile 27.1 23 1*1*2.5 bridge on State Highway l8l. upstream from West Branch. Susquehanna River—Continued 26.8 Mouth of Conoy Creek 51.6 21+ 277.9 West Branch: Mouth of Codorus Creek 50.2 21+ Upstream side of highway bridge 0.2 23 1*1*3.5 Codorus Creek: Downstream side of highway bridge 0.2 23 1*1*2.7 Spring Grove, Pa., U.S. Geological 21+.6 22 1*1*6.1* Conococheague Creek—Continued Survey gage, at downstream side of J.0. Elliot Farm, Pa., 0.3 mile up- 25.9 23 1*39.1* county bridge. stream from Diehls Run. Grayblll, Pa., 0.1 mile downstream 18.2 22 1*37-0 J.0. Elliot Farm, 0.1 mile downstream 25.5 23 1*38.5 from highway bridge. from Diehls Run. APPENDIX A 395 TABLE A3.—Flood-crest elevations, June 1972-- Continued Miles Stream and location upstream from Day Eleva- tion mouth (ft) Potomac River basin—Continued Conococheague Creek—Continued Adam Martin Farm, Pa., 2.0 miles upstream from Pennsylvania-Maryland State line. 23.7 23 1*30.6 Upstream side of Maryland State Highway 58 bridge. 21.1 23 1*21.1* Fairview, Mi., U.S. Geological Survey gage, 0.7 mile upstream from highway bridge. 19.1 23 1*16.3 Fairview, Md., upstream side of State Highway I49I4 bridge. 18.k 23 1*11* ,1 Fairview, Md., downstream side of State Highway 1+9^ bridge. i8.u 23 U12.3 Upstream side of Broadfording Road 15.8 23 1*05.7 Downstream side of Broadfording Road— 15.8 23 1*01*.2 Spade Road, Md., 1.1 miles upstream from Rush Run. 13.9 23 399.5 Mount Tabor Road, Md., 0.5 mile downstream from Rush Run. 12-3 23 392.5 Upstream side of private drive, Maryland. 10.k 23 387.2 U.S. Highway kO bridge, Maryland 8.8 23 383.7 Off Walnut Point Road, Md., 2.5 miles upstream from Meadow Brook. 7-fc 23 380.2 Kemps Mill Road, Mi. (bridge washed out). Off Kemps Mill Road, 0.8 mile downstream from Meadow Brook. 5.0 23 371*. 2 k.l 23 372.7 Junction of Kemps Mill Road and Maryland State Highway 398. 3-b 23 370.8 Upstream side of Western Maryland Railway bridge. 0.9 23 366.8 Downstream side of Western Maryland Railway bridge. 0.9 23 365.7 Williamsport, Mi., State Highway 68 bridge. 0.5 23 365.0 C&0 canal aqueduct Monocacy River (river miles furnished by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers): 0.1 23 361*. 3 Bridgeport, Mi., U.S. Geological Survey gage, 60 ft downstream from State Highway 97 bridge. 52.6 22 361*.9 Keysville, Mi., Keysville Road bridge- 1*9.6 22 2256.6 Tom Creek at Sixes Road, Ml 1*8.1 22 351.9 Sixes Bridge, Mi 1*6.9 22 31*6.2 Momma Ford, Md 1*3-8 22 338.1* Rocky Ridge, Mi., upstream side of Western Maryland Railway bridge. 1*2.2 22 335-9 Rocky Ridge, Md., downstream side of Western Maryland Railway bridge. 142.2 22 331*. 9 Rocky Ridge, Md., State Highway 77 bridge. I4I.6 22 331*. 1* LeGore Bridge, Mi., upstream side of bridge. 38.1* 22 323.8 Le Gore Bridge, Md., downstream side of bridge. 38.1* 22 321.9 Creagerstown, Md., upstream side of State Highway 550 bridge. 35.1* 22 316.6 Creagerstown, Md., downstream side of State Highway 550 bridge. 35-1* 31*. 0 31.9 29.9 22 22 22 23 311*.8 310.2 301.1* 293.2 Biggs Ford, Md., upstream side of bridge. 26.8 23 288.5 Biggs Ford, Mi., downstream side of bridge. 26.8 23 287.2 Penn-Central Railroad bridge, upstream side of bridge. 25.5 23 281*.8 Penn-Central Railroad bridge, downstream side of bridge. 25.5 23 283.1 Ceresville, Ml., State Highway 26 bridge. 23.9 23 280.1* Stream and location Miles upstream from mouth Day Eleva- tion (ft) Monocacy River—Continued Frederick, Md., filtration plant 21.5 23 276.1* Frederick, Md., Gashouse Pike bridge--- 20.3 23 273.6 Frederick, Md., U.S. Geological 16.9 23 267.8 Survey gage, 0.2 mile upstream from Jug bridge. Frederick, Mi., upstream side of Jug 16.7 23 265.7 bridge. Frederick, Md., downstream side of 16.7 23 261*. 3 Jug bridge. Reich Ford, Mi -| 15.7 23 263.1 B&0 Railroad bridge II4.O 23 260.0 Upstream side of Maryland State High- 13.8 23 259.0 way 355 bridge. Downstream side of Maryland State 13.8 23 257.1 Highway 355 bridge. Upstream side of Interstate Highway 13-2 23 256.0 70S bridge. Downstream side of Interstate Highway 13.2 23 253.2 70S bridge. Buckeystown, Md 10.2 23 250.9 Buckeystown Md., State Highway 80 9.6 23 21*8.5 bridge. Lilypons, Md., highway bridge 6.3 23 21*3-8 Greenfield Mills, Md., (bridge washed k.O 23 239.3 out). Furnace Ford, Mi., upstream side of 1.9 23 23l*.8 State Highway 28 bridge. Furnace Ford, Md., downstream side of 1-9 23 231*.1 State Highway 28 bridge. C&0 Canal 0 23 231.7 Allegheny River basin Allegheny River: 0.1 mile upstream from Pennsylvania- 260.2 23 1M0.1 New York State line. 0.14- mile upstream from Dodge Creek 257-8 23 1,1*38.1 Olean, N.Y., at Mobile gas station 251+.2 23 1,1*30.8 Olean, N.Y., 0.8 mile downstream from 253-1 23 1,1*29.2 Haskell Creek. Olean,N.Y., 0.2 mile upstream from 251.6 23 1,1*27.5 Union Street bridge. Olean, N.Y., 0.3 mile downstream from 251.2 23 1,1*26.6 Union Street bridge. Olean, N.Y., Olean sewage plant 250.3 23 1,1*25.5 Olean, N.Y., Gargoyle Park.building 21*9-3 23 1,1*21.8 Olean, N.Y., across from St. Bona- 21*7-9 23 1,1420.0 venture College. Olean N.Y., 0.h- mile upstream from 21*6.8 23 1,1*17-9 Five Mile Creek. Olean, N.Y., 0.7 mile downstream from 21*5.8 23 1,1415-0 Five Mile Creek. Vandalia, N.Y., at peat moss plant 21*2.3 23 1,1410.0 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bridge 238.3 23 1,399-1* abutment. Erie Railroad bridge 237.2 23 1,398.1 2.1 miles upstream from Tunungwant 231**7 23 1,395-0 Creek. Along railroad track north of 232.8 23 1,390.6 Carrolton, N.Y. Salmonica, N.Y., 0.6 mile downstream 231.5 23 1,388.3 from State Highway 17 bridge. Salmonica, N.Y., upstream side of 230.0 23 1,383.8 State Highway 17 bridge. Salmonica, N.Y., downstream side 230.0 23 1,383-1 of State Highway 17 bridge. Salmonica, H.Y., U.S. Oeological 229-5 23 1,382.0 Survey gage, 23O ft upstream from Main Street bridge. Salmonica, N.Y., 0.1 mile upstream 229.14 23 1,380.8 from Main Street bridge. Salmonica, N.Y., 1.5 miles upstream 228.0 23 1,373-1* from Main Street bridge. Backwater from Susquehanna River. 2About 2 to 2.5 ft higher than 1933 flood,396 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972APPENDIX A 397 a) ft -P CVJ c— o\ i—l cd •H S a si I J>s 0 CQ d d P d fT ft O d •H 03 ft J O ft P d ft o 4 d o d 0) *H ft CQ cd ft pq d cd d a? bO *H cd ft d o cd -p 3 03 S cd a ft o1 U 03 0 g 03 CQ 0 ft I d -p ft d •—' cd 03 ft ft -p d ft o 0) ft ft o CVJ -4 o o q o LPv-4- -4 CVJ o co co LTN 8 8 0 o o o o o o CO ON VO CO CO ON ■ -P O P 1 1 i l 1 1 1 1 i i 8)^ 1 CVJ 1 VO b- i i ON i vo 1 1 i co i rH t— i vo co On ft cd -p 1 1 i i i 1 1 i i 0 -p ft 1 C 1 CVJ i—1 i i CO i 1 1 1 LTN i -4 i—1 i -4 CO rH ft CQ 1 1 1 1 i i i l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i ft ft 0 0 dO 1 o 1 O O i l a O 1 o 1 1 ! o i O o i ooo O O < > < > ! 8 o o o o o g -P . d^ rH -4 ft* LTN o o o o ooo d 1 Cd rd ft 1 VO i—1 o i i ON o i 1 1 1 rH i ON o i LTN t— O 0 bD ft cq ' 1 rH LTN i i CVI l I 1 CO i h- (VI i CVJ CO CVJ CO i 00 1 rH i CM vo i rH rH O e 0 *H 1 i l 1 1 1 i i d ft 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1—1 ft tO 0 & 1 8 1 O O i l O o 1 o 1 1 ! o i O o i Q O O 0 -P cd d ^ 1 88 i 1 8 o o 1 1 o o 1 1 ! ° o i i O O 8 i i OOO OOO 0 ? cdd ft VC H CO i CO CO l 00 1 1 • ft- i vo CO i CO vo o •ri 0 ft CQ CVJ LTN CO CO i 1 CO ON VO CVJ CVI -P i CO i CO 1 ! 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CO ON 1 CO ft O OJ VO ft i—1 CO ft 1 1 co i i 0 > •H CO ft 1 1 0J O 1 1 rH CO .3 g 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 +3 CQ 0 2 0 0 xH ft S OJ LTN 1 VO 1 1 CM rH 1 1 VO 1 1 1 1 LTN CO 0J VO 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ft a CO rH 1 1 H CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ft •H 0 bD H 0+3 2 >2 +3 a o o 1 I o 1 OJ o CO O CO J o 1 1 s i o b- 1 1 O 1 1 ft 1 1 8) 2 o & 1 1 1 i Q O i i vo ft ft O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CVI VO VO 1 CM 1 ft i b- ON 1 1 O 1 1 LTN OJ •H 1 1 1 1 2 ft rH 8 0 S rH 0 1 OJ t— 00 l (Tn 1 CO 1 00 O I i o O 1 1 CO b- o 1 1 1 CO 1 OJ l VO 1 co i VO ON 1 1 S b- 1 1 OJ ON 1 1 1 LOx 1 OJ p> 0 ft 0 CH 0 <3 0 ft O v—' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) l 0 CD 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 >> 1 1 1 2 1 2 P> 1 0 +3 0 0 1 1 * f? 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C H 44 |4) 4-1 M 4-J • 4-J 4-J 43 C CU CO 44 CL > CU 44 > CO dJ cu C CO O O •rH CU •H cu CU •H t4 Li M •> Li 44 o O Ll CU 44 u to •rH CL >, *.-4 X) •o 4J CO CO TJ T3 CO D CO 4-1 a 44 CL a 43 c C CO d) •rH O O CU cr dJ C/D 43 M •r4 43 CL CO CO Li C C c c c CO c O CO CO i-'* o MI- NO o o o IT) vO CM o I CM O o o VO m o o o co m oo r''. vo co CO H O co O cu C C m CM vo o o CM CM 1—I CM 00 VO o CO CM CO CM I o CM CM CO O VO •rH in co r-~ u • Q O CO 43 Northwest Branch Anacostia River 21.1 7,810 1.02 14,200 672 21-23 11,000 3,200 50.47 4,150 13,000 616 near Colesville, Md.APPENDIX B 401 DATA SOURCES METEOROLOGIC DATA The original records of observations provide the most detailed information about weather events, and such records were the sources of the wind, pressure, and temperature data presented in this report. Examples of these records are presented in R. M. DeAngelis and W. T. Hodge, “Preliminary Climatic Data Report, Hurricane Agnes June 14-23, 1972,” NOAA Tech. Memo. EDS NCC-1, Aug. 1972. Precipitation data used in constructing the mass curves of rainfall and the isohyetal maps were obtained from the monthly publications “Hourly Precipitation Data” and “Climatological Data.” These data were supplemented by the bucket-survey measurements listed in table 4. Information on deaths and property damage was obtained from R. M. DeAngelis, “North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones,” 1972, Climatological Data National Summary, Annual 1972, pp. 62-69. The above records and publications, as well as radar photographs of storm precipitation and cloud patterns, may be obtained from the NOAA-EDS National Climatic Center, Federal Building, Asheville, N.C. 28801. Satellite photographs like those presented herein may be obtained from the NOAA National Environmental Satellite Service, Washington, D.C. 20233. Government regulations require payment for providing copies of unpublished and published data and other material, and a cost estimate should be requested before placing an order. FLOOD DATA This report contains the most frequently used types of information on the floods of June, July 1972, but much detailed additional information was not published owing to space limitations. These additional data consist of continuous-stage records, miscellaneous water-surface readings, measurements of flow, cross sections of channels and surveys of stream reaches, floodmarks, and other direct observations. Though applying only to a relatively small number of places, the data greatly augment those presented here. Additional streamflow data may be obtained by contacting the U.S. Geological Survey at the following addresses: State Address Connecticut_______P.O. Box 715 Room 235 Post Office Building 135 High Street Hartford, Conn. 06101 New York__________P.O. Box 948 Room 343, U.S. Post Office and Court House Broadway & Albany Streets Albany, N.Y. 12201 Pennsylvania _____P.O. Box 1107 4th Floor Federal Building 228 Walnut Street Harrisburg, Pa. 17108 West Virginia_____Room 3303 Federal Building 500 Quarrier Street, East Charleston, W. Va. 25301 Maryland__________8^09 Satyr Hill Road Parkville, Md. 21234 Virginia__________Room 304, 200 West Grace Street Richmond, Va. 23220 North Carolina —P.O. Box 2857 Room 440 Century Station Post Office Building Raleigh, N.C. 27602 State agencies concerned with such activities as highways, health, planning, and public works frequently collect information on outstanding floods. Counties, towns, cities, and villages are possible sources of local area information. Among the Federal agencies where flood data may be obtained are: Civil Defense Administration; Department of the Army, U.S. Corps of Engineers; Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The U.S. Geological Survey and its cooperating state agencies have published many reports on the floods of June-July 1972. These publications consist primarily of hydrologic atlases and open-file reports. The publications are available for inspection in the offices of the Geological Survey previously listed and in offices of cooperating state agencies. Copies of many of the reports can be obtained. The following reports have been published: Hydrologic atlases.—Flooded areas are delineated on 7.5' topographic maps at scales 1:24,000. Darmer, K. I., and Wagner, L. A., 1973, Flood of June 1972 at Elmira, New York: U.S. Geol. Survey Hydrol. Inv. Atlas HA-518. ------- 1973, Flood of June 1973 at Corning, New York: U.S. Geol. Survey Hydrol. Inv. Atlas HA-519. Flippo, H. N., Jr., and Lenfest, L. W., Jr., 1973, Floods of June 1972 in Wilkes-Barre area, Pennsylvania: U.S. Geol. Survey Hydrol. Inv. Atlas HA-523. Page, L. V., and Shaw, L. C., 1973, Floods of June 1972 in the Harrisburg area, Pennsylvania: U.S. Geol. Survey Hydrol. Inv. Atlas HA-530. Open-file flood maps.—Flooded areas are delineated on 7.5' topographic maps at scale 1:24,000.402 HURRICANE AGNES RAINFALL AND FLOODS, JUNE-JULY 1972 Quadrangle Name Map Title Addison, N.Y.------------Canisteo River, Tuscarora Creek and Tioga River near Addison, New York. Angelica, N.Y. ----------Genesee River near Belfast, New York. Bath, N.Y. --------------Cohocton River at Bath, New York. Belmont, N.Y.------------Genesee River at Belmont, New York. Big Flats, N.Y.----------Chemung River at Big Flats, New York. Borden, N.Y.-------------Canisteo River near Rathbone, New York. Burdett, N.Y. -----------Seneca Lake Inlet at Watkins Glen. New York. Caledonia, N.Y.----------Genesee River at Avon, New York. Cameron, N.Y.____________Canisteo River at Cameron, New York. Campbell, N.Y.-----------Cohocton River at Campbell, New York. Canisteo, N.Y.-----------Canisteo River at Canisteo, New York. Caton, N.Y.-Pa.__________Chemung River at Corning Manor, New York. Corning, N.Y.____________Chemung, Tioga, and Cohocton Rivers at Corning, New York. Elmira, N.Y._____________Chemung River and Newton Creek at Elmira, New York. Fillmore, N.Y.___________Genesee River at Fillmore, New York. Geneseo, N.Y. ___________Genesee River at Geneseo, New York. Genesee Junction, N.Y.____Genesee River near Rochester, New York , Harrisburg West, Pa._____Susquehanna River, Paxton Creek, and Conodoguinet Creek at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Hornell, N.Y. ___________Canisteo River and Canacadea Creek at Hornell, New York. Houghton, N.Y.___________Genesee River at Houghton, New York. Ithaca West, N.Y.________Cayuga Inlet and Cayuga Lake at Ithaca, New York. Kingston, Pa. ___________Susquehanna River at Kingston, Pennsylvania. Knapp Creek, N.Y.________Allegheny River at Allegany, New York. Lemoyne, Pa._____________Susquehanna River at Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. Limestone, N.Y. _________Alleghenv River near Limestone, New York. Lock Haven, Pa.----------West Branch Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Creek at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Middletown, Pa. _________Susquehanna River and Swatara Creek at Middletown, Pennsylvania. Mill Hall, Pa.___________BaH Fao-le and Fishing Creeks at Mill Hall, Pennsylvania. Montour Falls, N.Y.______Catharine Creek and S°neca Lake Inlet at Montour Falls, New Moravia, N.Y.____________Owasco Inlet at Moravia, New York. , Mount Morris, N.Y._______Genesee River near Mount Morris, New York. Olean, N.Y. _____________Allegheny River and Olean Creek at Olean, New York. Pittston, Pa.____________Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Wilkes-Barre and Pittston, Pennsylvania. Portageville, N.Y. ______Genesee River at Portageville, New York. Portville, N.Y.__________ Allegheny River at Portville, New York. Rathbone, N.Y.-----------Canisteo River at Rathbone, New York. Rush, N.Y. ______________Genesee River near Avon, New York. Quadrangle Name Map Title Salamanca, N.Y.___________Allegheny River at Salamanca, New York. Savona, N.Y. _____________Cohocton River at Savona, New York. Seeley Creek, N.Y.-Pa.____Chemung River near East Coming, New York. Steel ton, Pa. ___________Susquehanna River and Yellow Breeches Creek at Steelton, Highspire, and New Cumberland, Pennsylvania. Syracuse West, N.Y._______Onondaga Lake and Leg Creek at Syracuse, New York. Towlesville, N.Y. ________Canisteo River near Canisteo, New York. , Waverly, N.Y.-Pa._________Chemung River near Waverly, New York. Wellsburg, N.Y.-Pa._______Chemung River at Wellsburg, New York. Wellsville North, N.Y.____Genesee River at Scio and Dyke Creek at Wellsville, New York. Wellsville South, N.Y.____Genesee River and Dyke Creek at Wellsville, New York. Wilkes-Barre West, Pa.____Susquehanna River at Wilkes-Barre and Plymouth, Pennsylvania. Open file flood maps delineating flooded areas were prepared for the flood of June 1972 using aerial photographs obtained at or near the flood crest. The delineation is shown directly on the photomosaics compiled from the photography. These maps have been prepared for selected reaches on the following streams: Potomac River near Washington, District of Columbia Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Yellow Breeches Creek near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Occoquan Creek near Occoquan, Virginia Four Mile Run at Alexandria, Virginia Patuxent River near Laurel, Maryland Seneca River near Seneca, Maryland Rappahannock River near Fredericksburg, Virginia James River at Richmond, Virginia Anacostia River near Washington, District of Columbia Patapsco River near Hollofield, Maryland Other technical information available on the June-July 1972 floods include: Tropical Storm Agnes, Hydrologic Study, Reports, 1, 2, 3, by Department of the Army, U.S. Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division, New York, New York 10007. Pictorial reports were prepared on the June-July 1972 floods by many magazines and newspapers. These reports can generally be inspected at the publication offices from which they originate.APPENDIX B 403 The U.S. Geological Survey and its cooperating state agencies have published many reports on previous floods in the areas of the East that experienced the June-July 1972 floods. These reports provide much detailed peak-flow information on previous floods for comparison with June-July 1972 data. The following is a selected list of such publications : The New England Flood of November 1927, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 636-C. The New York State Flood of July 1935, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 773-E. The Floods of March 1936 (Part 1) New England Rivers, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 798. The Floods of March 1936 (Part 2) Hudson River to Susquehanna River, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 799. The Floods of March 1936 (Part 3) Potomac, James and Upper Ohio Rivers, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 800. Hurricane Floods of 1938 in North Atlantic States, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 966. The Floods of August-October 1955 New England to North Carolina,, U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 1420. New Year Flood of 1949 in New York and New England, U.S. Geol. Survey Circular 155. Floods of August and September 1972 in New Jersey, New Jersey Dept, of Environmental Protection, Div. of Water Resources, Special Report No. 37. Floods of August 1967 in Maryland and Delaware, U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report. Flood of August 24-25, 1967 in the Washington Metropolitan Area, U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report. Flood of July 22, 1969 in the Northern Virginia Area, U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report. Flood of August 1969 in Virginia, U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report. ☆ U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975 0-211-317/19S3U13IAI01IM 001 5 L i— 05 —i— 52 —i 52 S31IIAI 001 5 L —i— 05 52 —i 52 S3XVXS 3IXNV3XV 33<3(im ‘S3XIS VXVCI-a0033 30 NOIXV0O3 <3NV XHOd3H 30 V3HV ONIMOHS Ulatisian £ 2g £ o W a ° "Domengine” a H 05 Lower W H o> u 2 CD £ "Capay” Penutian Eocene CD £ s ® 3 t, S3 "Meganos” Bulitian 0) £ (D .2 t>o cd 1dM Oh 2 2 S Oh cd ^ ft CD fl-a O rD -+H 4H> CO . „ s s 2 CO’S ,2 £ Sh fa cd ^ » -g £ .2W d d O rD Sh ^ D £ CO d CO W fa - g§ = 05 _ Sh o- d ^CQ C3 „ D dT O 05 O LO P 05 Cd Cl g J h D cd ® CO CD ^5 WJ d rH i-G CD O 2 2 05 £ ^ cd w fa 3 _ lO IS G co .S fe G C 3 g g ^ © n G ® o G !x ^ T3 G G G CO £ G *c g pq -*j - GO O •g 05 -G C G ^ o 05 CO G Sh G Q S'S G 9 ® Sh ££ G |£ CO O ^ CO •3® G C-05 cd T3 CO S ^ G c O G N ^ n° CM Oh t> r-05 T3 rH G w G >» W 9 05 G a*?i §i co O 05 G CJ, G CO *2 co G [—• 9r G be ^ cd ^co | G C- G § G G G _ s.-§ G - ^ 05 ^ || w Number of occurrences ______________ 18 12 20 18 16 9 13 6 18 1916 6 19 15 18 13 14 18 18 6 8 19 15 7 9 10 15 15 4 3 11 18 15Table 3.—Comparison of thicknesses and depositional intervals of inferred deep-sea fan deposits of the early Tertiary continental borderland and adjacent areas of California [See text for sources of nomenclature and data. Provincial benthonic foraminiferal stages from Kleinpell (1938) and Mallory (1959).~^unconformable contact;-conformable contact; -nature of contact unknown; ? position of contact in stage uncertain] 10 TERTIARY SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS, CONTINENTAL BORDERLAND OF CALIFORNIA (6961) J9UJ30Q PUB JO UOIJBUIIOJ juioj qjnos pUBJSJ SBJOOIN UBS 1 3,445' uoijbuuo j ojinbspuBij ubs SB3JB OUUSXjBA PUB UOXUB3 aqcq qi3qBZ]I3 ! 4,000'- 6,900' < SUOIJBUIJOJ BpBUB3 pUB OZOJ puBjsj ubs { 2,247' a* < Z as « (6961) 19UI90Q puB i3AB9yW jo uoijbuiioj juioj qjnos spuBjsj pnSiw ubs PUB bjubs 2,290'- 3,445' C/5 w £ X H D pUBJSJ ZnJ3 BJUBS 880' O in (£fr6l) JO UOIJBUIIOJ 9JBDBS SUIBJUnOJ^ Z9U^ BJUBS o a OUOJSpUBS Bfl|I}BW suiBjunojv Z9UA bjubs 2,000' UOIJBUIIOJ JBOUnf SUIBJUnOJ^ Z3UA. BJUBS 3,500'- 4,500' \ } 9UOJSpUBS SjpOtf JO JUIOJ 93ubj lojquiaj uiaqjiON 1 2,900'- 5,000'+ L < uoijbuiioj opoq JO J9qUJ3JV 9UO}SpUBS BHJUB3 ‘B9IB SOjp9flBA 4,500' J as < Z as w (8361) apuoips PUB II9}J JO 9UOJSPUBS SOUIJ S9IJ B9IB >|IBJ OpB|Og o o OS m < w X H as (£i6I) “!W*n»T>W ‘(££61) nsuusg ‘(0161) re)«D ‘(0Z.6I) nagnsag jo sauojspuBS ‘boib osof ubs r 3,750'- 4,000' j Z sjjnBj sBgjpuy ubs PUB SOjpiBJIJ U99A\J9q 9UOJSpUBS ‘B9JB 9SOf UBS i L 1,200'- 1,700' i I J3qUI9J^ 9UOJSPUBS X9p|IBft B9JB OiqBIQ junoj\ U1 PL UOIJBUIIOJ Abmijjbj B9IB 9gpig Abmijjbj “T ? 800'- 3,600' j 2 u SJlUn P9UIBUUQ 9§UE3 9jpBJ\ BJJ9IS ) 16,000'- 20,000' T u hJ aa Z < SJIUn P9UIBUUQ S9SUB3 bzubj bj puB Bpnq bjubs uiaqjnos } 20,000' { < in < (1^61) dmoqi jo auojspuBS sapotf aqi 93ub3 Bpnq bjubs uiaqjiON o o 1,450' J. as < Z as w (BJ96I) U9MOg JO UOIJBUIIOJ 0I9UIJB3 soqoq juioj f o o 00 “1 J in W £ X H ouojspuBS ouBjng suiBjunoj^ zni3 bjubs { 5,000' (possibly 10,000') * ? O Z Jiun P9UIBUUQ oipaj UBS Ju!°d i ) 1,300' C896I) qjJOMjuoAV jo uoijbuiioj oqouB^ ubuiioq B9IB BJBJBnO * _L 10,000' (possibly 20,000') Narizian Ulatisian Penutian Bulitian Ynezian Cretaceous S9SBJS JBJ9JIUIUIBJOJ JBpUIAOJJ NORTHWESTERN AREA 11 Twobar Shale Member, 650-790 ft (200-240 m) thick, of Narizian age, and the overlying Rices Mudstone Member, 1,030-1,700 ft (310-520 m) thick, of Refugian and Zemorrian age (Brabb, 1960, 1964; Cummings and others, 1962; Clark, 1966, 1968; Smith, 1971). The Twobar Shale Member is a hemipelagic shale deposited at lower bathyal or abyssal depths in a basin with unrestricted access to the open ocean. The Rices Mudstone Member was deposited at bathyal to neritic depths in a [ basin with restricted access to the ocean (Brabb, 1964). SAN JUAN BAUTISTA AREA ^ Strata of Eocene to Miocene age crop out south and east of San Juan Bautista; they rest unconformably on mafic crystalline basement rocks to the north and are in fault contact with granitic basement rocks to the south (Allen, 1946; Ross, 1970, 1972; Clark and Reitman, 1973).The lower unit of this sequence, the San Juan Bautista Formation of Kerr and Schenck (1925), is of Penutian or Ulatisian to Zemorrian age. The lower part of this formation consists of foraminiferal siltstone 600 ft (180 m) thick that was deposited at bathyal depths. It is overlain by fine-grained sandstone and siltstone 1,200 ft (370 m) thick that contains molluscan and foraminiferal fossils indicative of deposition in shallow marine conditions (Castro, 1967). The foraminiferal faunas near the base of the sequence indicate a Penutian or Ulatisian age and those 1,250 ft (390 m) above the base indicate a Refugian age (Castro, 1967; Waters, 1968; Clark and Reitman, 1973). POINT LOBOS A sequence of marine conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and shale of the Paleocene Carmelo Formation of Bowen (1965a) crops out in a small area broken by numerous faults near Point Lobos at the northwest end of the Santa Lucia Range. The sequence is probably as much as 800 ft (240 m) thick, although the thickest continuous section measures only 725 ft (220 m) (Bowen, 1965a, b). The sequence rests unconformably on porphyritic biotite granodiorite; the upper contact is not exposed. Scattered mollusks, foraminifers and plant remains indicate a Paleocene age. The conglomerate clasts are composed primarily of andesite, rhyolite, granodiorite, chert, and quartz; the sandstones are feldspathic. Paleocurrents are variable but suggest a source area to the east (Nili-Esfahani, 1965). Nili-Esfahani (1965) and Bowen (1965a) suggested that deposition was by turbidity currents, subaqueous sliding and slumping, and traction currents on a submarine fan. NORTHERN SANTA LUCIA RANGE ~ ^7^1 Lower Tertiary strata in the Church Creek area of the northern Santa Lucia Range consist of (1) Paleocene conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone at least 750 ft (230 m) thick resting unconformably on granitic and metamorphic basement rocks with the upper contact eroded; (2) the Junipero Sandstone of Thorup (1941), 0-150 ft (0-45 m) thick of Penutian age, also resting unconformably on basement rocks; (3) the Ulatisian Lucia Mudstone of Dickinson (1965), 0-250 ft (0-75 m) thick, resting either conformably on the Junipero Sandstone or unconformably on basement rocks; (4) The Rocks Sandstone of Thorup (1941), 400-800 ft (120-240 m) thick of Ulatisian and Narizian age, resting either conformably on the Lucia Mudstone or unconformably on basement rocks; and (5) the Church Creek Formation, 1,250-1,500 ft (390-450 m) thick of Refugian age, consisting of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone that rest conformably on The Rocks Sandstone (Herold, 1936; Wardle, 1957; Masters, 1962; Waters, 1963; Dickinson, 1965; Kleinpell and others, 1967; Brabb and others, 1971). In the Reliz Canyon area farther to the southeast, the conformable lower Tertiary sequence has been divided by Durham (1963, 1964, 1965, 1974) into (1) the Reliz Canyon Formation (Eocene), which he subdivided into three unnamed members: (a) conglomerate and sandstone (the Junipero Sandstone of Thorup, 1941), 180 ft (55 m) thick, probably Penutian and resting unconformably on basement rocks; (b) massive siltstone with thin sandstone beds near the top (the Lucia Shale of Thorup, 1941), 150-350 ft (45-110 m) thick and Ulatisian ; and (c) thickly bedded sandstone (The Rocks Sandstone of Thorup, 1941), 1,450 ft (440 m) thick and probably Narizian; and (2) the Berry Formation, nonmarine conglomerate and sandstone 650-1,100 ft (200-340 m) thick, probably Refugian and Zemorrian and possibly disconformably overlying the upper sandstone member of the Reliz Canyon Formation (Thorup, 1941, 1943; Durham, 1963, 1974). The Paleocene rocks in the Church Creek area grade upward from thickly bedded feldspathic sandstone and conglomerate containing primarily plutonic clasts to thinly interbedded sandstone and mudstone (Dickinson, 1965). The massive and cross-stratified Junipero Sandstone includes conglomerate lenses and some bio-clastic limestone; its sandstones—arkosic arenites containing more potassium feldspar than plagioclase feldspar—are inferred to be shallow marine deposits (Dickinson, 1965). The Lucia Mudstone, which contains abundant pelagic foraminifers, was probably deposited in quiet waters having unrestricted access to the open ocean. Dickinson (1965) interpreted the Junipero-Lucia sequence as representing a marine transgression from east to west. The Rocks Sandstone consists of massive sandstone beds from 2 to 15 ft (0.6-4.6 m) thick that are separated by thin mudstone layers; it increases in grain size and12 TERTIARY SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS, CONTINENTAL BORDERLAND OF CALIFORNIA bedding thickness toward the southeast (Link, 1975). Compositionally it is arkosic arenite, with three to five times as much potassium feldspar as plagioclase feldspar and conglomerate clasts composed of granite, quartzite, volcanic rocks, amphibolite, schist, and gneiss (Dickinson, 1965). Although some sandstones near the base of The Rocks Sandstone have been interpreted by Dickinson (1965) as shallow marine deposits, the unit has many sedimentary features in common with inferred deep-sea fan deposits of the Salinian block (table 2). Link (1975) concluded that it had been deposited as a submarine-fan complex by turbidity currents, fluidized sediment flows, and grain flows that transported sediments northwestward into a moderately deep basin. Nannoplankton from the overlying Church Creek Formation suggest deposition at outer-shelf or slope depths (Brabb and others, 1971); sandstones in The Rocks are arkosic arenites with four to six times as much potassium feldspar as plagioclase feldspar (Dickinson, 1965). Eastward, The Rocks Sandstone may grade laterally into nonmarine conglomerate of the Berry Formation (Dickinson, 1965). ADELAIDA AREA Taliaferro (1944, p. 513) assigned Paleocene sedimentary rocks in two small areas north of Adelaida to the Dip Creek Formation; he concluded that the 1,320-ft-thick (400 m) sequence rests unconformably on similar Upper Cretaceous rocks and is overlain unconformably by Oligocene or Miocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks. Durham (1968, 1974) includes these strata in an unnamed formation of Late Cretaceous and Paleocene age, does not recognize any unconformities within the sequence, and concludes that they are over-lain unconformably by Oligocene or Miocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks. The Paleocene part of the sequence consists primarily of sandstone with some conglomerate, siltstone, and mudstone. Molluscan faunas of "Martinez” age indicate that deposition occurred in a shallow, inner neritic marine environment; however, foraminiferal faunas indicate deposition in outer neritic or deeper environments (Durham, 1974). LA PANZA, SOUTHERN SANTA LUCIA, AND SIERRA MADRE RANGES A continuous Upper Cretaceous to Ulatisian (?) sequence of strata about 20,000 ft (6,000 m) thick crops out in the southern Santa Lucia and La Panza Ranges. The sequence has been informally divided in ascending order into conglomerate, sandstone, shale, and sandstone units. It rests unconformably on granitic basement rocks and is overlain unconformably by Miocene(?) sedimentary rocks. Thick sequences of Penutian to Narizian strata crop out in the Sierra Madre Range to the south, a dominantly sandstone and conglomerate sequence about 16,000 ft (4,900 m) thick in the northern part, and a dominantly shale and sandstone sequence more than 20,000 ft (6,000 m) thick in the southern part. The base of these sequences is not exposed; they are overlain unconformably by Oligocene and Miocene strata (Hill and others, 1958; Gower and others, 1966; Vedder and others, 1967; Vedder, 1968; Vedder and Brown, 1968). Stratigraphic units have not been formally named, ages are only approximately known, and correlations between the three ranges have not been well established to date. Sage (1973) classified Paleocene sandstone in the northern La Panza Range as arkose, with more potassium feldspar than plagioclase feldspar; he also identified conglomerate clasts composed of granite, rhyolite, andesite, gneiss, quartzite, and quartz. Chipping (1969, 1970a, b, 1972a) inferred that these rocks were deposited in a single large basin which he called the Sierra Madre basin. He determined southward-directed paleocurrents in the lowest part of the sequence in the southern Santa Lucia and La Panza Ranges, northward-directed paleocurrents in the uppermost part of the sequence in the Sierra Madre Range, and westward- and northwestward-directed paleocurrents in the other parts of the sequence in each range. He inferred that source areas were located to the north, east, and south, and that the basin shoaled eastward. Deposition was inferred to have been by turbidity currents, grain flows, and gravity slumping and sliding on a submarine fan. The basin was deepest during the Penutian and Ulatisian Stages. Sage (1973) also determined southward-directed paleocurrents from Paleocene strata in the northernmost lower Tertiary outcrops in the La Panza Range. Both he and Chipping (1972a) concluded that these rocks were deposited in very nearshore or nonmarine environments, probably at the northern edge of the Sierra Madre basin. Chipping further concluded that during most of its depositional history the Sierra Madre basin was separated from the Santa Ynez basin to the south except during Ulatisian time, when they were connected by a seaway in the east. PATTI WAY RIDGE AREA - ” ' 4 Lower Tertiary rocks crop out in the southeastern Caliente Range and along Patti way Ridge about five miles (8 km) to the southeast. Paleocene molluscan and P Ynezian foraminiferal faunas have been reported from the Pattiway Formation in the Caliente Range (Hill and J others, 1958; Vedder and Repenning, 1965; Vedder, 1970a). Although the age of the rocks along Pattiway Ridge is uncertain, they have been lithologically correlated with the Pattiway Formation by Sierveld (1957) and Van Amringe (1957). Basal contacts are not exposed in either area; both sequences are overlain uncon- ~j formably by nonmarine sedimentary rocks of probableNORTHEASTERN AREA 13 j_01igocene age. The Caliente Range deposits consist of interbedded conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and shale as much as 3,500 ft (1,100 m) thick; the Pattiway Ridge deposits consist of 800 ft (240 m) of fine-grained to pebbly sandstone with subordinate amounts of shale and siltstone (Sage, 1973). The sandstone in both areas is arkosic in composition, containing more potassium feldspar than plagioclase feldspar, with minor amounts of biotite and lithic fragments that include granitic, metamorphic, volcanic, and quartzitic rocks; the conglomerate clasts include granite, rhyolite, andesite, gneiss, quartzite, and quartz (Sage, 1973). On the basis of paleocurrent measurements and sedimentological analyses, Sage (1973) inferred that (1) the Caliente Range sequence was derived from a source area underlain by volcanic, granitic, and gneissic rock located to the north-northwest, and was deposited as a relatively shallow submarine fan built out to the south-southwest; (2) the Pattiway Ridge sequence was derived from a source area underlain by granitic and metamorphic rocks to the north, and was deposited as proximal turbidites in a south- or southeast-trending basin. MOUNT PINOS AREA Unnamed Eocene strata about 2,200 ft (670 m) thick crop out in a narrow fault wedge along the south flank of Mount Pinos and locally rest unconformably on granitic basement rocks (Carman, 1964). The strata consist primarily of shale but include limestone, siltstone, mudstone, thinly bedded arkosic sandstone, and pebble conglomerate containing granite, chert, mudstone, siltstone, and silty limestone clasts. The sandstone is about 70 percent quartz, 25 percent feldspar (mostly plagioclase and microcline, but with orthoclase and perthite common), and minor amounts of chlorite, mica, and lithic fragments. Rare molluscan fossils suggest a "Capay” age. Carman (1964) inferred, in the absence of graded bedding and slump structures, that deposition occurred in shallow marine, nearshore environments, but did not indicate the location or orientation of the shoreline. NORTHEASTERN AREA A great variety of lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks crop out in this area (figs. 1 and 2). Nonmarine deposits are present in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada, in subsurface beneath the eastern Great Valley, and in the Tehachapi and El Paso Mountains along the southern edge of the area. Marine deposits are present in the western foothills and southwestern edge of the Sierra Nevada, in subsurface beneath the Great Valley, and in the northern and southern Coast Ranges. Recent studies in the western part of the northern Coast Ranges indicate that the "coastal belt” Franciscan rocks, previously thought to be of Mesozoic age, contain fossils diagnostic of an early Tertiary age (Berkland and others, 1972, p. 2295). SIERRA NEVADA - Plant fossils from the prevolcanic auriferous gravels of the northwestern Sierra Nevada indicate Eocene and Oligocene ages; the gravels are inferred to have been deposited by large westward- and southwestwardflowing streams; (Lindgren, 1911; MacGinitie, 1941; Bateman and Wahrhaftig, 1966; Wolfe and others, 1961; Dalrymple, 1964; Durrell, 1966; Peterson and others, 1968; Clark, 1970; Yeend, 1974). The gravels are generally less than 50 ft (15 m) thick except along the ancestral Yuba River, where they are 500-600 ft (150-180 m) thick. They typically consist of (1) "blue gravels” in the bottoms of channels which contain clasts of adjacent bedrock types and small amounts of granitic clasts; and (2) overlying "white gravels,” which are mainly quartz, chert, and quartzite clasts. The gravel clasts are generally of pebble and cobble size. Sands associated with the "blue gravels” are arkosic and contain biotite, hornblende, and epidote; sands associated with the "white gravels” contained quartz, anauxite, and biotite, a mineral assemblage commonly attributed to deep chemical weathering in a tropical climate. The uppermost sandstones contain fresh feldspar and biotite indicative of less intense chemical weathering. Other lower Tertiary nonmarine and marine sedimentary rocks in the westernmost foothills of the Sierra Nevada include (1) the Dry Creek Formation of Allen (1929), which rests unconformably on Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in a small area near Oroville; it is as much as 80 ft (24 m) thick, contains a "Meganos” age megafauna, and consists of interbedded shale and sandstone with abundant feldspar, hornblende, and biotite; and (2) the lone Formation, which is more widespread and possibly as much as 1,000 ft (300 m) thick locally; it rests unconformably on crystalline basement rocks with as much as 1,000 ft (300 m) of local relief or without angular discordance on the Dry Creek Formation (Allen, 1929; Creely, 1965; Bateman and Wahrhaftig, 1966; Durrell, 1966). The lone Formation has been divided informally into (1) a lower member which typically rests on a deeply weathered lateritic surface and includes (a) sandstone as much as 415 ft (125 m) thick and composed of quartz, anauxite, biotite, hornblende, heavy minerals, and little or no feldspar, (b) clay beds composed mostly of kaolinite and halloysite, and (c) lignite beds as much as 24 ft (7.3 m) thick; and (2) an upper member consisting primarily of feldspathic sandstone containing biotite, chlorite, and kaolinite, characterized by cross-strata, gravel lenses, and abundant channels. The upper member rests unconformably on the lower. Locally abundant megafossils indicate a "Capay” age and shallow marine and nonmarine depos-14 TERTIARY SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS, CONTINENTAL BORDERLAND OF CALIFORNIA ition, including deltaic, lagoonal, and fluviatile environments. The unusual composition of the lower member suggests deep chemical weathering in a tropical climate. Allen (1929) proved that sediments of the lone Formation and the nonmarine prevolcanic gravels were transported and deposited by the same streams, and that the Eocene shoreline lay between the two units. According to Hackel (1966, p. 227), the late Eocene lone Formation grades laterally northward into the nonmarine Butte Gravel Member of the Sutter Formation, which overlies granitic rocks along the northeastern edge of the Great Valley. A possible nonmarine partial equivalent of the lone in the southeastern Great Valley is the Walker Formation, which is poorly dated but may contain strata as old as Paleocene or Eocene in its lower part and early Miocene in its upper part. It is thought to have been deposited by westward-flowing streams and may be partly equivalent to the prevolcanic gravels of the northern Sierra Nevada (Hackel, 1966). FRANCISCAN ASSEMBLAGE IN THE ^ t*'* NORTHERN COAST RANGES Although the Franciscan assemblage has traditionally been considered to be of Mesozoic age, probably Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous (Irwin, 1957; Bailey and others, 1964), recently discovered fossils in the northern Coast Ranges indicate that much or most of the "coastal belt,” or westernmost sequence of Franciscan rocks (Bailey and Irwin, 1959), is early Tertiary (Berkland and others, 1972; O’Day and Kramer, 1972). These "coastal belt” rocks consist mostly of interbedded flysch-like sandstone and shale; the sandstones are feldspathic graywackes with more potassium feldspar (4.5 percent average) than other Franciscan rocks and very little chert, greenstone, serpentine, or high-pressure metamorphic rocks (Bailey and others, 1964; Raymond and Christensen, 1971; O’Day, 1974). The "coastal belt” sequence contains zones with disturbed and broken bedding (melanges) and also pebbly mudstone (Kleist, 1974); it contains large exotic blocks of sandstone, limestone and volcanic rocks, but almost no blocks of the high pressure-low temperature metamorphic rocks characteristic of older Franciscan strata. Sedimentary features of the "coastal belt” rocks indicate deposition by turbidity currents, debris flows and grain flows; the chaotically bedded zones probably indicate submarine slumping and gravity sliding (Chipping, 1971; Kleist, 1974). The "coastal belt” rocks probably are a complex comprising deep-sea fans deposited on the floor of an elongate offshore trench, and gravity-slide and debris-flow materials deposited on the lower slopes of the trench. In addition to the lower Tertiary "coastal belt” sequence, lower Tertiary strata are also preserved on some outliers of Great Valley sequence rocks that are thought to have been thrust westward over the Franciscan assemblage along an active subduction zone; these relations suggest that subduction along the offshore trench in which the "coastal belt” rocks were probably deposited continued into the early Tertiary in the northern Coast Ranges (Berkland, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973). There is little evidence in the early Tertiary stratigraphic record of central and southern California, however, for continued subduction; rocks of the Franciscan assemblage and the Catalina Schist in these areas seem to be restricted in age entirely to the Mesozoic (Page, 1970b). % ROUND VALLEY AREA A sequence of lower Tertiary strata up to 2,000 ft (600 m) thick disconformably overlies Cretaceous rocks in a large klippe that rests on Franciscan rocks southwest of Covelo in Round Valley. The klippe, like others in the Middle Mountain, Rice Valley, and Clear Lake areas, is inferred to be part of a thrust sheet detached from the main outcrop belt of Mesozoic and lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks along the west side of the Sacramento Valley and thrust westward, without significant rotation, over the Franciscan assemblage (Swe and Dickinson, 1970). Clarke (1940) divided this sequence into (1) the Martinez Formation, fine-grained sandstone about 130 ft (40 m) thick containing biotite, muscovite, chert, shale chips, and carbonaceous material, that locally has asymmetrical ripple marks; (2) the Meganos Formation, carbonaceous sandstone about 300 ft (90 m) thick that locally contains conglomerate composed of shale, quartz, and dacite or rhyolite clasts; and (3) the Capay Formation, dark shale and fine sandstone about 1,500 ft (450 m) thick with fragments of chert, slate? shale, and volcanic rocks and a heavy mineral assemblage consisting principally of epidote, garnet, ilmenite-leucoxene, titanite, magnetite, tourmaline, and clinozoisite-zoisite. The contacts between these units are apparently conformable although poorly exposed. Clarke (1940) noted shallow marine molluscan faunas of Paleocene age in the Martinez and Meganos Formations and of "Capay” age in the Capay Formation. ' 1 RICE VALLEY AREA Lower Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks more than 1,150 ft (350 m) thick unconformably overlie Cretaceous marine sedimentary strata in a small, synclinally folded klippe of Great Valley sequence rocks that rest on Franciscan rocks near Rice Valley (Berkland, 1971, 1973). The lower Tertiary sequence consists of (1) unfos-siliferous, cross-stratified sandstone 200 ft (60 m) thick, (2) unfossiliferous pebble conglomerate 150 ft (45 m) thick that is more than 60 percent clasts of Franciscan rock types, (3) unfossiliferous quartz grit 150 ft (45 m)NORTHEASTERN AREA 15 thick with minor coal seams, (4) calcareous sandstone 150 ft (45 m) thick containing a "Meganos” molluscan fauna indicative of deposition in shallow marine conditions, and (5) glauconitic sandstone and greenish silt-stone 500 ft (150 m) thick that contains a sparse molluscan fauna questionably assigned to the "Capay” stage. The entire sequence is overlain unconformably by Quaternary sediments. The abundant Franciscan detritus in the second unit indicates rapid, local uplift of Franciscan blueschists in the early Tertiary (Berkland, 1973). MIDDLE MOUNTAIN AREA Lower Paleocene sandstones are reported to conformably overlie the Great Valley sequence in a klippe that rests on Franciscan rocks near Middle Mountain (Berk-land, 1969,1972). However, detailed stratigraphic data have not been published to date. CLEAR LAKE AREA - n '* A conformable sequence of lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks about 5,500 ft (1,700 m) thick is faulted against (but may locally be in depositional contact with) the Great Valley sequence in a large imbricated klippe near Clear Lake (Swe and Dickinson, 1970). The lower Tertiary sequence is overlain by Quaternary volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Brice (1953) divided the lower Tertiary sequence into (1) the Paleocene Martinez Formation, 2,200-4,200 ft (670-1,300 m) thick, subdivided into (a) a lower fine- to medium-grained, thickly bedded, massive arkosic wacke unit 1,400 ft (430 m) thick containing moderate amounts of chert and a heavy mineral assemblage of tourmaline, zircon, epidote, hypersthene, garnet, rutile, brookite, clinozoisite, and staurolite; (b) a middle feldspathic sandstone 700 ft (210 m) thick with thick lenses of pebble and cobble conglomerate composed of rounded clasts of dark chert, quartzite, and fine-grained porphyritic igneous rocks; (c) an upper fossiliferous well-bedded, silty shale 2,150 ft (660 m) thick containing some interbedded sandstone in the lower part and inferred to have been deposited in warm, quiet, shallow marine conditions; and (2) the Eocene Tejon Formation, about 1,000 ft (300 m) thick, consisting of locally fossiliferous medium-grained arkosic to lithic wacke containing a heavy mineral assemblage similar to the underlying Martinez Formation, and beds and lenses of granule and cobble conglomerate of dark chert, quartz, and volcanic rock clasts. The Tejon is inferred to have been deposited in shallow marine to continental conditions. Clark and Vokes (1936) assigned the youngest strata, mistakenly referred to the Tejon Formation by Brice (1953), to the "Meganos” stage on the basis of molluscan fauna. MOUNT DIABLO AREA AND SACRAMENTO VALLEY AREA Lower Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks more than 9,000 ft (2,750 m) thick crop out in the Mount Diablo area where they have been mapped as the Martinez Formation, Meganos Formation, Capay Formation, Domengine Sandstone, Nortonville Shale Member of the Kreyenhagen Formation, and the Markley Formation. This sequence unconformably overlies Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and is unconformably over-lain by Oligocene and Miocene sedimentary rocks (Colburn, 1961; 1964). Major unconformities within the sequence are present at the base of the Domengine Sandstone on the north flank of Mount Diablo (Colburn, 1961) and at the base of the Capay Formation farther north in the Sacramento Valley (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1960; Lachen-bruch, 1962; Safonov, 1962). A related lower Tertiary sequence in the Pacheco syncline area to the west has been described by Weaver (1953) and Smith (1957). The Ynezian Martinez Formation is 900-1,000 ft (270-300 m) thick on the north flank of Mount Diablo but absent on the south flank. The lower half is poorly bedded, medium- to coarse-grained, locally pebbly sandstone with a thin fossiliferous basal conglomerate of limestone pebbles and cobbles apparently derived from the underlying Cretaceous rocks. The upper half is massive mudstone and siltstone (Colburn, 1961; Berry, 1964). The Bulitian Meganos Formation is more than 4,000 ft (1,200 m) thick on the north flank of Mount Diablo (Mallory, 1959; Colburn, 1961; Berry, 1964). The base is marked by a 20- to 50-ft-thick (6-15 m) conglomerate (member A) that contains angular boulders of sandstone and limestone up to 1 ft (30 cm) long, and rounded pebbles and cobbles of chert, quartzite, and vein quartz (Colburn, 1961). The remainder of the Meganos consists of thick alternating sandstone and shale units, with sandstone predominating in the lower and upper parts (members B, C, and D of Clark and Woodford, 1927 and Colburn, 1961). A 20-ft-thick (6 m) bed in the upper part of the formation contains abundant thick-shelled mol-lusks, thin beds of orbitoidal limestone, and, toward the east, thin lignite seams (Colburn, 1961). The composition and heavy mineralogy of upper Meganos sandstones suggest a source area of felsic plutonic rocks (Clark and Woodford, 1927). Colburn (1961, 1964) inferred that the Martinez and Meganos Formations were deposited in shallow marine conditions during a southward transgression onto an area of low relief. Both the Martinez and Meganos Formations extend northward in subsurface for about 60 miles (100 km) beneath the Sacramento Valley, where they conformably overlie Upper Cretaceous strata; farther north and east they are truncated by pre-middle Eocene unconformities (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1951,1960; Safonov, 1962; Lachen-bruch, 1962; Hackel, 1966). Abrupt lateral facies16 TERTIARY SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS, CONTINENTAL BORDERLAND OF CALIFORNIA changes from sandstone to siltstone in the Meganos about 25 miles (40 km) northeast of Mount Diablo have been interpreted by Safonov (1962) as the result of deltaic sedimentation, by Silcox (1962) as siltstone-filled channels cut into sandstone, and by Fischer (1971) as submarine canyon and fan deposits. In any case, the distribution of sandstones in the Meganos indicates that they were transported southwestward and apparently derived from the Sierran landmass. The combined thickness of the Martinez and Meganos Formations increases abruptly from about 2,000 ft (600 m) to nearly 3,500 ft (1,100 m) westward across the Midland fault zone (fig. 2), which is downthrown to the west, indicating early Tertiary movement of the fault (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1951). Strata referred to the Capay Formation, the Meganos E shale, or the Marysville Claystone Member of the Meganos Formation, of Penutian to Ulatisian age, are about 700 ft (210 m) thick on the north flank of Mount Diablo (Berry, 1964; Johnson, 1964). They extend north of Mount Diablo as far as 130 miles (210 km) into the northern Sacramento Valley as a 200- to 300-ft-thick (60-90 m) blanket of glauconitic siltstone and claystone that unconformably overlies Paleocene and older rocks (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1951,1960). Sandstone and conglomerate to the north and east suggest source areas in those directions (Safonov, 1962). To the northwest beneath the Sacramento Valley, shales of the Capay Formation are truncated by the "Capay” or "Princeton” gorge, a north-south-trending erosional feature that has been interpreted as a submarine canyon cut into Cretaceous strata and filled by 2,000 ft (600 m) or more of sediments of "Capay” age (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1960; Safonov, 1962; Redwine, 1972). The deposits filling this postulated submarine canyon are sparsely fossiliferous silty to sandy mudstones with some interbedded sandstone and conglomerate (Hackel, 1966). The original type section of the Capay Formation in Capay Valley may represent canyon-fill deposits; Stewart (1949) reported that molluscan fossils in this section are abraded and larger than those from the underlying mudstones, and suggested that they were transported from shallow marine environments. The Capay Formation contains various fossils suggestive of moderate depths and stagnant bottom conditions (Stewart, 1949) and records the greatest extent of the marine transgression begun earlier in "Meganos” time. The formation thickens abruptly west of the Midland fault zone, indicating that vertical displacement on this fault continued into the Eocene (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1951). The Domengine Sandstone, of Ulatisian age, is about 800 to 1,200 ft (240-360 m) thick on the north flank of Mount Diablo (Colburn, 1961; Johnson, 1964; Berry, 1964). It consists of a lower member of massive, medium- to coarse-grained, quartzose arenite with interbedded coal seams, a middle member of silty mudstone and fine sandstone, and an upper member of interbedded mudstone and very thickly bedded, medium-to coarse-grained sandstone (Colburn, 1961). Nearshore deposition in an area of possible low-lying beaches and swamps similar to the modern Florida coast is suggested by the presence of thick-shelled mollusks, coal, and silicified wood in the lower Domengine; an eastward increase in abundance of coals suggests that a landmass lay in that direction (Colburn, 1961). Shallow marine depositional environments are also indicated by molluscan faunas in the upper Domengine (Colburn, 1961). The Domengine crops out along the southwestern edge of the Sacramento Valley and extends in subsurface northward from Mount Diablo for about 80 miles (130 km). It records the last major early Tertiary marine transgression of the Sacramento Valley area and deposition in a complex of marginal marine, littoral and sublittoral environments (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1960; Todd and Monroe, 1968). It is about 500 ft (150 m) thick throughout this region and may be partly nonmarine to the north and east, where it partly correlates with the lone Formation of the Sierra Nevada (Safonov, 1962; Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1951, 1954, 1960). The Nortonville Shale Member of the Kreyenhagen Formation, of late Ulatisian and early Narizian age, consists of mudstone with some interbedded sandstone. It is about 500 ft (150 m) thick on the north flank of Mount Diablo, where it is included in the upper part of the Domengine Sandstone by Colburn (1961), and as much as 2,500 ft (760 m) thick on the south flank (Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1960; Johnson, 1964; Berry, 1964). It extends in subsurface northward from the Mount Diablo area for about 45 miles (72 km) beneath the Sacramento Valley; along its northern and eastern margins it is truncated by a post-Eocene unconformity (Johnson, 1964; Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1951 and 1960). The Nortonville "represents a deepening water phase of the Domengine transgression” (Johnson, 1964), and is similar in age, lithology and faunal content to the lower part of the Kreyenhagen Formation of the San Joaquin Valley (Fulmer, 1964). It contains some volcanic ash northeast of Mount Diablo (Safonov, 1962). The Narizian Markley Sandstone Member of theNORTHEASTERN AREA 17 Kreyenhagen Formation is as much as 4,500 ft (1,400 m) thick on the north flank of Mount Diablo, where it is a massive, medium- to coarse-grained sandstone with £,_some interbedded thin shale (Stewart, 1949; Colburn, 1961; Berry, 1964; Mallory, 1959). Thick sections are also present farther north in the Vacaville area (Bailey, 1930; Day, 1951; Weaver, 1953). However, it is absent on the south flank of Mount Diablo. The sandstones are arkosic, with 50-65 percent quartz, 10-25 percent potassium feldspar, 5-25 percent plagioclase feldspar, and minor biotite, muscovite, and glauconite; heavy minerals include much green hornblende, tremolite-actinolite, and epidote, lesser amounts of garnet, sphene, zircon, and tourmaline, and small amounts of glaucophane and andalusite (Morris, 1962). Paleocur-rent directions from outcrops in the Mount Diablo area indicate transport of sediment to the west. Foramini-feral faunas from the lower part of the Markley in the Vacaville area indicate deposition at bathyal or greater depths and in a basin connected to the open ocean; faunas from the 700-ft-thick (210 m) late Narizian Sidney Shale Member of the Markley Formation of Clark and Campbell (1942) on the north flank of Mount Diablo indicate deposition at neritic to mid-bathyal depths (Mallory, 1959). (Case, 1963, 1968). The Pinehurst Shale rests conformably on Upper Cretaceous marine shales. The unnamed Eocene strata are not found in contact with the Pinehurst Shale and are either in faulted contact with or unconformably overlain by Miocene marine sedimentary rocks. SAN JOSE AREA Lower Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks crop out in separate areas located east of the San Andreas and Pilarcitos faults in the general vicinity of San Jose. They have not been studied in great detail in this structurally complex area and their stratigraphic relations to one another are not known. Relatively thick sequences of sandstone that were probably deposited in deep marine environments and resemble the type Butano Sandstone of the Santa Cruz Mountains have been mapped and named the Butano or Butano(?) Sandstone by workers in this area. However, these sandstones overlie Franciscan rocks, and it is probable that they were originally deposited well over one hundred miles (300 km) southeast of the type Butano Sandstone and reached their present position by large amounts of right-lateral slip along the nearby San Andreas fault. The lower Tertiary strata that crop out between the Pilarcitos and San Andreas faults about 30 miles (48 km) northwest of San Jose are 1,200-1,700 ft (360-520 m) thick and have been mapped as Butano Sandstone by Esser (1958), Mack (1959), Burtner (1959), and Brabb and Pampeyan (1972). These strata rest unconformably on the Franciscan assemblage and are overlain unconformably by Miocene marine sedimentary rocks. They are mostly thickly bedded, internally structureless, fine- to coarse-grained arkosic sandstone with some interbedded thin- to medium-bedded fine-grained sandstone, siltstone, shale, and locally abundant pebble conglomerate. A basal conglomerate contains angular fragments of Franciscan graywacke and diabase (Burtner, 1959). The sandstone is 40-50 percent quartz, 20-25 percent plagioclase feldspar, 5 percent potassium feldspar, and smaller amounts of biotite, muscovite, glaucophane, zircon, sphene, and other heavy minerals (Mack, 1959). Pebble clasts are primarily volcanic rocks and chert, with very small amounts of quartzite (Mack, 1959). Foraminiferal faunas indicate an Ynezian or Bulitian age for at least part of the sequence and deposition at depths greater than 600 ft (180 m) in a basin with access to the open ocean (Esser, 1958). Deposition by turbidity currents and slumping was inferred by Esser (1958) and Mack (1959). Lower Tertiary strata about 4,000 ft (1,200 m) thick that crop out east of the San Andreas fault about 20 miles (32 km) northwest of San Jose and west of Palo Alto have been mapped as the Butano(?) Sandstone by18 TERTIARY SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS, CONTINENTAL BORDERLAND OF CALIFORNIA Dibblee (1966c) and Brabb and Pampeyan (1972), as unnamed Eocene sandstones by Page and Tabor (1967), and as informally named sandstones by Beaulieu (1970). These strata rest unconformably on the Franciscan assemblage and are unconformably overlain by Miocene sedimentary rocks. Planktonic foraminiferal faunas indicate a late Paleocene to late Eocene age for these rocks and benthonic foraminiferal faunas indicate a Penutian to Narizian age (Graham and Classen, 1955; Graham, 1967; Page and Tabor, 1967; Clark, 1968; Beaulieu, 1970). The sequence consists mostly of inter-bedded arkosic sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone with locally abundant conglomerate lenses. A basal breccia and conglomerate that contains fragments of Franciscan graywacke up to 15 ft (4.5 m) long is locally present. Chaotically bedded zones are abundant throughout the rocks; they consist of large blocks of sandstone set in a sheared mudstone matrix and are probably of both tectonic and synsedimentary origin (Page and Tabor, 1967; Beaulieu, 1970). The sandstone composition averages 55 percent quartz, 25 percent plagioclase feldspar, 17 percent potassium feldspar, and lesser amounts of mica, glauconite, and heavy minerals such as zircon, tourmaline, staurolite, anatase, sphene, and garnet. Chert accounts for about half of the conglomerate clasts, the remainder being quartzite and volcanic rocks. Beaulieu (1970) concluded that the basal breccia and conglomerate were deposited at neritic depths, after which the basin subsided rapidly and the overlying sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone were deposited at upper to lower bathyal depths by turbidity currents. He also determined southward-directed paleocurrents and suggested that the source area consisted primarily of the granitic and metamorphic rocks of the Sierra Nevada to the east. A Sierran rather than a Salinian block source was also inferred by Tieh (1965, 1973), on the basis of the abundance of staurolite in the heavy mineral suite. Lower Tertiary rocks also crop out southwest of San Jose in the southern Santa Cruz Mountains and have been mapped and described by Bauer (1971), McLaughlin, Simoni, Osbun, and Bauer (1971), McLaughlin (1973), Dibblee (1973a), and Simoni (1974). This sequence comprises (1) a lower shale and mudstone unit that contains some interbedded sandstone and a conglomeratic sandstone near the base, of Late Cretaceous to middle Eocene age and 170-1,800 ft (50-550 m) thick, and (2) an upper sandstone unit, mapped as the Butano(?) Sandstone by Bauer (1971), probably of middle and late Eocene age and 1,300-1,800 ft (400-550 m) thick. The sandstones are fine- to coarse-grained and thin- to thick-bedded, but become more massive higher up in the sequence; they are arkosic, about 55-65 percent quartz, 18-25 percent potassium feldspar, 15-20 percent plagioclase feldspar, 5 percent rock fragments, primarily chert, siltstone, schist, and quartzite, and minor amounts of apatite, magnetite, and biotite (Bauer, 1971; McLaughlin, 1973; Simoni, 1974; E. Osbun, written commun., September 1973). McLaughlin (1973) concluded that the lower unit had been deposited at bathyal depths in a basin with unrestricted access to the ocean, and that the upper unit had been deposited at outer neritic to bathyal depths in part by turbidity currents. Farther east in this area, Bailey and Everhart (1964) described a lower middle Eocene sequence in the Santa Teresa Hills that consists of shale and overlying sandstone containing scattered lenses of fossiliferous limestone. Lower Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks that crop out along the western edge of the Diablo Range about 15 miles (23 km) southeast of San Jose have been described by Gilbert (1943), Ortalda (1950), Frames (1955), Carter (1970), Bennett (1972), and Dibblee (1973b). They rest both conformably or unconformably on similar Upper Cretaceous marine sedimentary rocks and are overlain unconformably by Miocene marine sedimentary rocks. Carter (1970) determined a maximum thickness of about 6,600 ft (2,000 m) for these strata and divided the sequence into (1) a sandstone unit 600 ft (180 m) thick of Paleocene(?) age; (2) a mudstone unit 2,300 ft (700 m) thick of Paleocene age; and (3) a thinly interbedded sandstone, siltstone, and shale unit that contains some interbedded massive arkosic sandstone and a basal conglomeratic sandstone, 3,750 ft (1,150 m) thick and of Eocene age. The sandstones are 35-60 percent quartz, 15-25 percent potassium feldspar, 1-10 percent plagioclase feldspar, 5-15 percent chert; less than 5 percent volcanic, schistose, and shale rock fragments; minor amounts of mica, sphene, epidote, garnet, zircon, and chlorite; and locally large amounts of glauconite (Carter, 1970; Bennett, 1972). Conglomerate clasts are primarily chert, porphyritic volcanic rocks, granitic and metamorphic rocks, sandstone, siltstone, limestone, and shale (Carter, 1970). The sequence is apparently incomplete in adjacent areas and different ages, thicknesses, and informal names have been assigned to it by other workers. Carter (1970) determined northwestward-directed paleocurrents from flute casts and primary current lineations. Bennett (1972) inferred that most of the sequence was deposited in deep marine environments with access to the open ocean, although some of the basal conglomeratic sandstones may have been deposited in shallow marine environments. I TESLA AREA •****. The Tesla Formation, which is as much as 2,000 ft (600 m) thick, crops out along the northeastern flank ofNORTHEASTERN AREA 19 the Diablo Range near Tesla. In this area, it is of Paleocene to lower Eocene ("Capay” age, unconform-ably overlies Upper Cretaceous marine strata and is unconformably overlain by Miocene strata (Huey, 1948). The Tesla is a heterogeneous assemblage of ar-kosic, quartzose, and anauxitic sandstone, carbonaceous shale and claystone, and lignite seams. The anauxitic sandstones are characteristic of the formation and resemble beach sands in that they are fine to medium grained, well sorted, and crossbedded. These sandstones are 75 percent or more angular quartz, 19-22 percent orthoclase (often kaolinized), up to 3 percent each of oligoclase-andesine and microcline, and traces of chert and biotite (Huey, 1948). Heavy minerals are sparse but include andalusite, zircon, tourmaline, and lesser amounts of staurolite, garnet and several other minerals (Huey, 1948; Morris, 1962). A Sierran source for the anauxitic sandstones was suggested by Huey (1948) partly on the basis of mineralogical similarities to the lone Formation. Allen (1941) postulated a contemporaneous Franciscan source in the Coast Ranges for interbedded micaceous sandstones that contain fresh biotite, albite, and glau-cophane. The lower part of the Tesla contains brackish-water megafossils, and the upper part shallow-marine megafossils (Huey, 1948). The character of the Tesla sediments and faunas and the absence of the Tesla in outcrops farther north and in subsurface to the east suggest that the early Tertiary basin in the San Joaquin Valley shoaled northward and that basins in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley areas were separated from Paleocene to early Eocene time by a structural or topographic high, presumably the Stock-ton arch. ORESTIMBA AREA A conformable sequence of lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks crops out for nearly 25 miles (40 km) along the western border of the San Joaquin Valley near Orestimba; it conformably or disconformably overlies Cretaceous marine strata and is unconformably over-lain by Miocene marine strata (Collins, 1949; Booth, 1950; Hacker, 1950). The sequence comprises the Tesla and Kreyenhagen Formations. The Tesla Formation is carbonaceous siltstone and shale with interbedded fine-grained anauxitic quartzose sandstone (Booth, 1950) containing ripple markings and cross-strata, about 2,300 ft (700 m) thick, of Paleocene to "Domengine” age. Brackish-water megafaunas are present in the lower 1,000 ft (300 m) of the Tesla (Booth, 1950) and shallow-marine magafaunas are present at the top in a greensand of as much as 20 percent glauconite and 70 percent or more quartz (Stewart and others, 1944; Collins, 1949; Booth, 1950). The Kreyenhagen Formation is a locally carbonaceous shale with some andesitic sandstone in the lower part, 750-1,100 ft (230-340 m) thick and of Narizian age (Collins, 1949). These sandstones also contain zoned plagioclase, hypersthene, augite, and basaltic hornblende, and montmorillonoid-coated volcanic fragments that impart a distinctive blue color (Booth, 1950). LAGUNA SECA AREA Lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks about 2,000 ft (600 m) thick crop out for about 11 miles (18 km) along the west flank of the San Joaquin Valley south of Los Banos in the Laguna Seca area. The sequence comprises the Laguna Seca Formation of Payne (1951), the Tesla(?) Formation and the Kreyenhagen Formation, disconformably overlying Upper Cretaceous marine strata and unconformably overlain by Miocene nonmarine strata. The Laguna Seca Formation of Payne (1951) is shale, siltstone and fine-grained massive micaceous sandstone, about 1,200 ft (370 m) thick, of "Martinez” to "Capay(?)” age (Stewart and others, 1944; Payne, 1951; Briggs, 1953). Deposition in shallow marine environments is indicated by crossbedded and ripple-marked sandstones, abundant molluscan and coralline faunas, glauconite, numerous petrified logs and wood fragments, andPholas borings in sandstone (Briggs, 1953). The Tesla(?) Formation is a glauconitic quartzose sandstone and soft anauxitic carbonaceous claystone, locally ripple-marked and crossbedded, 50-200 ft (15-60 m) thick and "Capay(?)” to "Domengine(?)” in age (Briggs, 1953). Heavy minerals are sparse and include andalusite, zircon, garnet, epidote, sphene, and tourmaline. Deposition in shallow marine environments and a Sierran source are indicated by the sedimentary structures and sandstone composition. The only fossils are leaf imprints and wood fragments. The Narizian Kreyenhagen Formation, diatoma-ceous and radiolarian shale with some thin limestone lentils and volcanic ash layers, is about 700 ft (210 m) thick in this area. Glauconitic sandstone and siltstone containing Tesla(?)-like pebbles and cobbles are present near the base of the Kreyenhagen, suggesting that the contact with the Tesla(?) Formation is an unconformity (Briggs, 1953). Deposition of the lower part of the Kreyenhagen in relatively shallow marine environments is suggested by the presence of mollusk burrows and cross bedding; deposition of the upper part in quiet, somewhat deeper marine environments is suggested by the presence of thin and regular bedding (Briggs, 1953). BOLADO PARK AREA The lower Tertiary strata that crop out along the west20 TERTIARY SEDIMENTATION AND TECTONICS, CONTINENTAL BORDERLAND OF CALIFORNIA flank of the Diablo Range near Bolado Park have been mapped by Kerr and Schenck (1925), Wilson (1943), Taliaferro (1945), Washburn (1946), Dempster (1951), and Dibblee (1972b, 1973d) as consisting in ascending order of (1) the Indart Sandstone of Taliaferro (1945), (2) The Los Muertos Creek Formation of Wilson (1943), and (3) the Tres Pinos Sandstone of Kerr and Schenck (1925). The sequence was generally thought to be internally conformable, to overlie Upper Cretaceous marine strata, and to be unconformably overlain by Quaternary nonmarine sediments. The stratigraphic order of the sequence has been reinterpreted by Kaar (1962) on the basis of foraminiferal studies, by Sullivan (1965) on the basis of nannoplank-ton studies, and by Kleinpell, Weaver, and Doerner (1967) on the basis of general biostratigraphic relations, to consist in ascending order of (1) the Bolado Park Formation of Sullivan (1965), (2) the Tres Pinos Sandstone of Kerr and Schenck (1925), (3) the Los Muertos Creek Formation of Wilson (1943), and (4) the Indart Sandstone of Taliaferro (1945). These writers consider the top and bottom of the sequence to be truncated by faults and the sequence to be internally conformable, even though the contact between the Los Muertos Creek Formation and the Indart Sandstone is thought to be faulted and the contact between the Bolado Park Formation and the Tres Pinos Sandstone is covered. Dibblee (oral commun., April 1974) considers the Bolado Park and Los Muertos Creek Formations to be equivalent and exposed on the opposite limbs of a syncline. We have not resolved the differences in the stratigraphic interpretations of this area and are not certain which stratigraphic superposition of units is correct. Preliminary work has suggested that the area is more complex structurally than has been previously shown. The following description of the formations is based on all of the previous work, with the ages based primarily on the paleontologic studies. The Bolado Park Formation consists of foraminiferal mudstone and shale about 400 ft (120 m) thick. It is thought to-be of Ynezian to Penutian age, deposited at bathyal depths in a basin having access to the open ocean, although the lower 40 feet (12 m) may have been deposited in somewhat restricted conditions (Sullivan, 1965). The unfossiliferous Tres Pinos Sandstone consists of thickly bedded sandstone with thin shale interbeds. It is as much as 900 ft (270 m) thick and is thought to be of Penutian age. It is composed of quartz, lesser amounts of feldspar, and small amounts of zircon, biotite, garnet, glaucophane, and sphene (Wilson, 1943). Our preliminary work indicates deposition on a submarine fan by turbidity currents, grain flows, and fluidized sediment flows; paleocurrent measurements indicate sediment transport toward the north and northeast, with a source area consisting of granitic and metamorphic rocks located to the southwest within the Salinian block. It may be equivalent to the Cantua Sandstone Member of the Lodo Formation in the Vallecitos area (Nilsen, Dibblee, and Simoni,1974). The Los Muertos Creek Formation is 1,100-1,250 ft (340-380 m) thick and consists of (a) a basal fossilifer-ous conglomerate 10-15 ft (3-4.5 m) thick that contains pebbles of quartz, chert and limestone; (b) siltstone and fine-grained sandstone about 600 ft (180 m) thick that contains local beds of coarse-grained sandstone as much as 4 ft (1.2 m) thick compositionally similar to the Tres Pinos Sandstone; and (c) interbedded siltstone, mudstone, and siliceous shale about 600 ft (180 m) thick. The Los Muertos Creek Formation thought to be of Ulati-sian and Narizian age. Molluscan faunas indicate deposition of the basal conglomerate in shallow marine environments; foraminiferal faunas from shale in the middle part of the formation indicate deposition at bathyal to abyssal depths and foraminiferal faunas from siliceous shale in the upper part of the formation indicate deposition at intermediate depths. The Indart Sandstone consists of unfossiliferous fine-grained sandstone about 900 ft (270 m) thick and is thought to be Narizian or younger. VALLECITOS AREA Lower Tertiary strata as much as 5,000 ft (1,500 m) thick crop out in the Vallecitos syncline and along the adjacent eastern flank of the central Diablo Range. The strata disconformably overlie Upper Cretaceous marine strata and are conformably overlain by Refugian marine strata. The sequence is internally conformable except for an unconformity at the base of the Yokut Sandstone of White (1940) and the Domengine Sandstone (Anderson and Pack, 1915; White, 1938, 1940; Payne, 1951; Schoellhamer and Kinney, 1953; Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1957b; Mallory, 1959; Enos, 1965; Dibblee and Nilsen, 1974). The sequence comprises four units: (1) the Lodo Formation, about 500 to 5,000 ft (150- 1,500 m) thick, is here subdivided into three members: (a) the Cerros Shale Member, 100-700 ft (30-210 m) thick of Ynezian and Bulitian(?) age; (b) the Cantua Sandstone Member, 0-4,500 ft (0-1,400 m) thick of late Bulitian and Penutian age; and (c) the Arroyo Hondo Shale Member, 500-1,100 ft (150-340 m) thick of Penutian and Ulatisian age (White, 1938, 1940; Mallory, 1959; Sullivan, 1965). The shale members are similar in age and lithology to the Lodo Formation of other parts of the southern Diablo and northern Temblor Ranges and are mostly glauconitic, foraminiferal mudstone and siltstone but contain minor amounts of interbeddedNORTHEASTERN AREA 21 fine-grained sandstone. Only where the Cantua Sandstone Member is present are the shale members separable. The Cantua Sandstone Member in outcrop wedges out in shale 7-8 miles (11-13 km) north and south of the Vallecitos syncline and probably in subsurface about 15 miles (24 km) east of it (White, 1940; Regan, 1943; Pacific Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1958). The Cantua consists mostly of fine- to coarse-grained, massive, thickly bedded, arkosic sandstone beds as much as 25 ft (7.6 m) thick, separated by thin shale interbeds. Regan (1943) determined a composition of about 40 percent quartz, 40 percent potassium feldspar, 15 percent andesine, and 5 percent heavy minerals and rock fragments. Nilsen, Dibblee and Si-moni (1974) counted 21-51 percent quartz, 13-29 percent potassium feldspar, 12-33 percent plagioclase feldspar, 1-4 percent glauconite, and 0-6 percent lithic fragments, biotite, and heavy minerals, and calculated a mean quartz:feldspar ratio of 0.92:1 and a mean potassium:plagioclase feldspar ratio of 1.18:1. The heavy mineral assemblage is characterized by variable but often high percentages of green hornblende, epidote and titanite, small amounts of garnet, zircon, and tourmaline, and rare andalusite and pyroxene (Regan, 1943). The mineralogy suggests that it was derived principally from a source area underlain by felsic plutonic rocks. Moderate depths and open ocean conditions are indicated by foraminiferal faunas from both the Cantua and lower Arroyo Hondo Members (Wood-side, 1957; Mallory, 1959). The thickness of the Cantua Sandstone Member together with the presence of fossils in shales of the Lodo Formation only a short distance to the north and south indicate deposition at shallow to medium depths and suggest that the sandstone was deposited in an east-west-trending, relatively narrow, subsiding trough. Regan (1943) concluded that Cantua sands were transported eastward through the Vallecitos "channel” from granitic source rocks west of the San Andreas fault. Nilsen, Dibblee, and Simoni (1974) determined that sediments were transported northward and northwestward, suggesting that the source area was located to the south, in the granitic rocks of the Salinian block west of the San Andreas fault. (2) The Ulatisian Yokut Sandstone of White (1940) is 0-300 ft (0-90 m) of fine- to medium-grained massive sandstones that are silty, micaceous, and somewhat carbonaceous near the base, and clean and well sorted in the upper part (White, 1940; Mallory, 1959). It is characterized by high potassium to plagioclase feldspar ratios (as much as 30:1) and a sparse heavy mineral assemblage dominated by zircon, tourmaline, garnet, and andalusite (Regan, 1943). Both abundant mollusks and discocyclinid Foraminifera suggest deposition in shallow marine environments (White, 1940). Regan (1943) suggested that the Yokut sands were derived from a western source. (3) The Ulatisian Domengine Sandstone, 0-800 ft (0-240 m) thick, consists mostly of silty glauconitic shale with minor amounts of interbedded fine-grained sandstone and a basal fine- to medium-grained fos-siliferous pebbly sandstone (White, 1940; Mallory, 1959). It overlaps the Yokut Sandstone north and south of the Vallecitos syncline area and is widespread in the northern San Joaquin Valley. Thin lignite seams and fossiliferous "reefs” that contain abundant molluscan and foraminiferal faunas suggest deposition in shallow marine and locally brackish-water environments (White, 1940). Common heavy minerals include zircon, tourmaline, titanite, garnet, and glaucophane; variable amounts of epidote, andalusite, and hornblende are also present (Regan, 1943). The abundance of glaucophane and red and green radiolarian chert pebbles suggests a Franciscan provenance probably located in the area of the present central Coast Ranges (White, 1940; Regan, 1943). The Domengine and Yokut cannot be separated throughout the area, and Dibblee and Nilsen (1974) mapped them as an undivided unit, both deposited in shallow marine conditions, locally with angular unconformity on older rocks. (4) The Kreyenhagen Shale, 1,000 to 2,000 ft (300-600 m) thick, of Narizian and Refugian age, consists of shale that is semisiliceous in the upper part and contains foraminiferal faunas indicative of deposition at medium or greater depths and free access to the open ocean (Mallory, 1959). NORTHERN TEMBLOR RANGE, SOUTHERN DIABLO RANGE, AND ADJACENT SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY — cJU