No. 91-16 CUIRIRIBN BIIBILIOGIRAIPIHIIGS JIN MIBDICINIE Triglyceride, High Density Lipoprotein, and Coronary Heart Disease BI January 1989 through February 1992 of Medicine 1636 Citations Aad ER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service ® National Institutes of Health PUsUL haadln LIBRARY aE a Lei aRY GUYERTY OF LALFORNIA ETT CBM 91-16 Triglyceride, High Density Lipoprotein, and Coronary Heart Disease January 1989 through February 1992 plus selected earlier literature 1636 Citations Prepared by Naomi Miller, M.L.S., National Library of Medicine Paula T. Einhorn, M.D., M.S., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine's .. Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE®, AVLINE®, BIOETHICSLINE®, CANCERLIT®, CATLINE®, HEALTH, POPLINE™ and TOXLINE®. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias, Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. To order the entire CBM series for the calendar year 1990 (20 bibliographies), send $52.00 ($65.00 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM90. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($2.50, $3.00 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title, CBM number, and the GPO List ID given above. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30, 1991. ii A TRIGLYCERIDE, HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN, AND 12 CORONARY HEART DISEASE M §< Great progress has been made over the past 30 years in identifying cardiovascular risk factors, and in | |S) 9 2. developing and implementing measures to correct them. The guidelines developed by the Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) of the National Cholesterol Education Program identified low density lipoprotein (LDL) as P UBL the major atherogenic lipoprotein, and high levels of LDL-cholesterol as the primary target of cholesterol- lowering therapy. Low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were recognized as a major risk factor, and general recommendations were made to raise HDL concentrations by hygienic means, but drug therapy was not advocated specifically to raise HDL in patients without high LDL-cholesterol levels. The ATP also addressed hypertriglyceridemia, using definitions and recommendations of the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia which convened in September 1983, The ATP regarded the relationship between plasma triglyceride levels and cardiovascular disease as controversial. Hygienic measures were recommended for all patients with hypertriglyceridemia; however, drug therapy was advocated only for those with marked hypertriglyceridemia which did not respond adequately to modification of diet. New scientific evidence, both laboratory and clinical, which has become available over the past few years warrants a further look at the role of triglyceride and/or HDL-cholesterol in atherogenesis and to what extent they should be the foci of treatment. This bibliography was prepared in support of the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference entitled "Triglyceride, High Density Lipoprotein, and Coronary Heart Disease" held in Bethesda, Maryland on February 26-28, 1992. Because the literature on high density lipoproteins and triglycerides is vast, this bibliography is necessarily selective. In addition to literature published from 1989 to the present, selected review articles from 1986 to 1988 and relevant clinical trials and monographs from 1980 to the present are also included. The entire search was limited to the English language. The literature is organized into sections on background; relationship of high density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and coronary heart disease; genetics and genetic syndromes; secondary causes of high triglyceride and low high density lipoprotein; measurement of high density lipoprotein and triglyceride; evidence from clinical trials; approach to high triglyceride and low high density lipoprotein; and monographs. A citation may appear in more than one section. The materials include primarily journal articles and monographs; case reports and letters to the editor were generally excluded. iii SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM'’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. Because of the large number of combinations of terms used to prepare this bibliography, two search strategies were necessary. Search 1: SS1= SS2= SS3= SS 4 = SS5= SS 6= S§7= SS 8 = SS 9 = SS 10 = HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA OR HYPERLIPIDEMIA, FAMILIAL COMBINED OR HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA OR HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA TYPE III OR HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA TYPE IV OR HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA TYPE V OR HYPOLIPOPROTEINEMIA OR HYPERLIPIDEMIA OR TANGIER DISEASE OR LIPOPROTEIN LIPASE DEFICIENCY, FAMILIAL EXP LIPOPROTEINS, HDL OR EXP LIPOPROTEINS, VLDL OR APOLIPOPROTEINS OR APOLIPOPROTEINS A OR APOLIPOPROTEINS C OR APOLIPOPROTEINS E OR CHYLOMICRONS HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA AND EXP LIPOPROTEINS, HDL OR HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA AND EXP LIPOPROTEINS, VLDL EXP TRIGLYCERIDES OR LIPOPROTEINS/GE OR LIPOPROTEINS/BL EXP ESTROGENS OR EXP CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL 5 AND FEMALE ANTILIPEMIC AGENTS OR CLOFENAPATE OR COLESTIPOL OR GEMFIBROZIL OR 3-HYDROXY-3-METHYLGLUTARIC ACID OR NICERITROL OR PROCETOFEN OR PYRIDINOLCARBAMATE OR TIBRIC ACID 10R20OR30R40R60R7 EXP CORONARY DISEASE OR EXP CORONARY VESSELS OR ARTERIOSCLEROSIS OR ATHEROSCLEROSIS OR CORONARY CIRCULATION 8 AND 9 SS 11 = (TW) HELSINKI AND HEART OR CPPT OR CORONARY AND PRIMARY AND PREVENTION AND TRIAL OR LIPID AND RESEARCH AND ALL CLINIC# OR LRC OR PROCAM iv SS 12 = EXP BLOOD COAGULATION OR EXP BLOOD COAGULATION DISORDERS OR EXP BLOOD COAGULATION FACTORS OR EXP BLOOD COAGULATION TESTS OR HEMOSTASIS SS 13 = *TRIGLYCERIDES/BL OR *LIPOPROTEINS, HDL/BL OR *CHOLESTEROL, HDL/BL OR *LIPOPROTEINS, VLDL/BL OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS/BL OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS A/BL OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS C/BL OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS E/BL OR *CHYLOMICRONS/BL SS14=10R2O0R 4 SS 15 =12 AND 14 SS 16 =100R 11 OR 13 OR 15 SS 17 = 16 AND NOT CASE REPORT (MH) AND NOT LETTER (PT) SS 18 = 17 AND NOT FOR (LA) Search 2: SS 1 = *HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA OR *HYPERLIPIDEMIA, FAMILIAL COMBINED OR *HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA TYPE III OR *HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA TYPE IV OR *HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA TYPE V OR *HYPOLIPOPROTEINEMIA OR *TANGIER DISEASE OR *HYPERLIPIDEMIA OR *LIPOPROTEIN LIPASE DEFICIENCY, FAMILIAL OR *HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA SS 2 = EXP *LIPOPROTEINS, HDL OR EXP *LIPOPROTEINS, VLDL OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS A OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS C OR *APOLIPOPROTEINS E OR *CHYLOMICRONS SS 3 = EXP *TRIGLYCERIDES AND HEART DISEASES (PX) OR LIPOPROTEINS/GE OR LIPOPROTEINS/BL OR HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA/GE SS 4 = *ANTILIPEMIC AGENTS OR *CLOFENAPATE OR *COLESTIPOL OR *GEMFIBROZIL OR *3-HYDROXY-3-METHYLGLUTARIC ACID OR *NICERITROL OR *PYRIDINOLCARBAMATE OR *TIBRIC ACID OR *PROCETOFEN SS5= 10R2 SS 6 = 5 AND EXP CLINICAL TRIALS OR 5 AND CLINICAL TRIAL (PT) OR 5 AND MULTICENTER STUDY (PT) OR 5 AND RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL (PT) SS 7 = RISK FACTORS OR MASS SCREENING OR ALL SCREEN: (TF) SS8= SAND 7 SS 9 = EXP ESTROGENS OR EXP CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL SS 10 = 9 AND FEMALE AND HEART DISEASES (PX) SS 11 = HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA AND EXP LIPOPROTEINS, HDL OR HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA AND EXP LIPOPROTEINS, VLDL SS12= 10R20OR30OR40RI00R 11 SS 13 = 12 AND REVIEW SS14= 60R 8 SS 15 = 14 AND NOT CASE REPORT (MH) AND NOT LETTER (PT) SS16= 130R 15 SS 17 = 16 AND NOT FOR (LA) GRATEFUL MED°® To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM- compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. vi SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus®*. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (:) may appear within an author’s name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title a Grundy SM , Denke MA. Dietary influences on serum lipids and lipoproteins. J Lipid Res 1990 Jul;31(7):1149-72 / / 1 NN Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Authors/Editors Title 7” N Gotto, Antonio M.; Pownall, Henry J. Manual of lipid disorders. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1991. 160 p. / / ri Place of Publisher Date Total No. Publication of Pages *For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication: Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA;PB91-182030. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Relationship of High Density Lipoprotein, Triglyceride, and Coronary Heart Disease Metabolic Studies General Articles In Vitro and Animal Studies Human Studies Epidemiologic Studies Estrogen, High Density Lipoprotein, and Coronary Heart Disease in Women High Density Lipoprotein, Triglyceride, and the Coagulation System Genetics and Genetic Syndromes Secondary Causes of High Triglyceride and Low High Density Lipoprotein Measurement of High Density Lipoprotein and Triglyceride Evidence from Clinical Trials Trials of Clinical Endpoints Regression Studies Approach to High Triglyceride and Low High Density Lipoprotein Screening Hygienic and Pharmacological Management of High Triglyceride and Low High Density Lipoprotein Monographs ix page 16 22 33 36 38 52 56 57 58 73 BACKGROUND A symposium: The significance of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the prevention of coronary artery disease. September 8-10, 1989, Phoenix, Arizona. Am J Cardiol 1990 Sep 4,66(6):1A-31A. Assmann G, Funke H. HDL metabolism and atherosclerosis. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1990;16 Suppl 9:515-20. Assmann G, Gotto AM Jr, Paoletti R. The hypertriglyceridemias: risk and management. Introduction. Am J Cardiol 1991 Jul 24;68(3): 1A-4A. Assmann G, Schulte H. Modelling the Helsinki Heart Study by means of risk equations obtained from the PROCAM Study and the Framingham Heart Study. Drugs 1990;40 Suppl 1:13-8. Austin MA. Epidemiologic associations between hypertriglyceridemia and coronary heart disease. Semin Thromb Hemost 1988 Apr;14(2):137-42. Austin MA. Plasma triglyceride and coronary heart disease. Arterioscler Thromb 1991 Jan-Feb;11(1): 2-14. Austin MA. Plasma triglyceride as a risk factor for coronary heart disease. The epidemiologic evidence and beyond [see comments]. Am J Epidemiol 1989 Feb;129(2):249-59. Comment in: Am J Epidemiol 1990 May;131(5):942. Austin MA, Goto Y, Lenfant C, Tyroler HA. The hypertriglyceridemias: Risk and management. Epidemiology. Am J Cardiol 1991 Jul 24;68(3): 22A-25A. Avins AL, Haber RJ, Hulley SB. The status of hypertriglyceridemia as a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Clin Lab Med 1989 Mar;9(1):153-68. Babiak J, Rudel LL. Lipoproteins and atherosclerosis. Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab 1987 Aug;1(3): 515-50. Betteridge DJ. High density lipoprotein and coronary heart disease. BMJ 1989 Apr 15;298(6679):974-5. Brunzell JD, Austin MA. Plasma triglyceride levels and coronary disease [editorial]. N Engl J Med 1989 May 11;320(19):1273-5. Bush TL, Riedel D. Screening for total cholesterol. Do the National Cholesterol Education Program's recommendations detect individuals at high risk of coronary heart disease? [see comments]. Circulation 1991 Apr;83(4):1287-93. Comment in: Circulation 1991 Apr;83(4):1456-7. Criqui MH. Epidemiology of atherosclerosis: an updated overview. Am J Cardiol 1986 Feb 12; 57(5):18C-23C. Dunn FL. Hyperlipidemia in diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Metab Rev 1990 Feb;6(1):47-61. Frohlich J. Clinical significance of serum HDL cholesterol. Can J Cardiol 1989 Jun-Aug;5(5): viii. Frohlich JJ, Pritchard PH. The clinical significance of serum high density lipoproteins. Clin Biochem 1989 Dec;22(6):417-23. Ginsburg GS, Safran C, Pasternak RC. Frequency of low serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in hospitalized patients with "desirable" total cholesterol levels. Am J Cardiol 1991 Jul 15; 68(2):187-92. Glueck CJ, Sanghvi VR, Laemmle P, Unger L, McCray C, Tracy T, Speirs J, Lang J, Tieger M, Kunkel R. Lack of concordance in classification of coronary heart disease risk: high-risk HDL cholesterol less than 35 mg/dl in subjects with desirable total serum cholesterol, less than 200 mg/dl. J Lab Clin Med 1990 Sep;116(3):377-85. Gordon DJ. Role of circulating high-density lipoprotein and triglycerides in coronary artery disease: risk and prevention. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 1990 Jun;19(2):299-309. Gordon DJ, Rifkind BM. High-density lipoprotein--the clinical implications of recent studies. N Engl J Med 1989 Nov 9;321(19):1311-6. Gotto AM Jr. Interrelationship of triglycerides with lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins. Am J Cardiol 1990 Sep 4;66(6):20A-23A. Grundy SM, Goodman DW, Rifkind BM, Cleeman JI. The place of HDL in cholesterol management. A perspective from the National Cholesterol Educational Program [published erratum appears in Arch Intern Med 1989 Apr;149(4):940] [comment] [see comments]. Arch Intern Med 1989 Mar; 149(3):505-10. Comment on: Arch Intern Med 1988 Jan;148(1):36-69. Comment in: Arch Intern Med 1990 Jul;150(7):1548. Grundy SM, Vega GL. Hypertriglyceridemia: causes and relation to coronary heart disease. Semin Thromb Hemost 1988 Apr;14(2):149-64. Grundy SM, Vega GL. Role of apolipoprotein levels in clinical practice. Arch Intern Med 1990 Aug; 150(8):1579-82. Gwynne JT. HDL and atherosclerosis: an update. Clin Cardiol 1991 Feb;14(2 Suppl 1):117-24. 2 Halpern MJ, Mesquita MF. Triglycerides and atherosclerosis. Klin Wochenschr 1990;68 Suppl 22:107-8. Hamsten A. Hypertriglyceridaemia, triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and coronary heart disease. Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab 1990 Dec;4(4):895-922. The hypertriglyceridemias: risk and management. Am J Cardiol 1991 Jul 24;68(3):1A-42A. LaRosa JC. Women, lipoproteins and cardiovascular disease risk. Can J Cardiol 1990 May;6 Suppl B: 23B-29B. Little JA. Coronary prevention and regression studies updated. Can J Cardiol 1988 Jul;4 Suppl A: 11A-15A. Miller M, Kwiterovich PO Jr. Isolated low HDL- cholesterol as an important risk factor for coronary heart disease. Eur Heart J 1990 Dec;11 Suppl H: 9-14. Miller NE. HDL metabolism and its role in lipid transport. Eur Heart J 1990 Dec;11 Suppl H:1-3. Miller NE. High-density lipoprotein: a major risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis. Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab 1987 Aug;1(3):603-22. Miller VT. Dyslipoproteinemia in women. Special considerations. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 1990 Jun;19(2):381-98. Nikkila EA, Taskinen MR, Sane T. Plasma high- density lipoprotein concentration and subfraction distribution in relation to triglyceride metabolism. Am Heart J 1987 Feb;113(2 Pt 2):543-8. Patsch W, Patsch JR, Gotto AM Jr. The hyperlipoproteinemias. Med Clin North Am 1989 Jul;73(4):859-93. The recognition and management of hyperlipidaemia in adults: A policy statement of the European Atherosclerosis Society. Eur Heart J 1988 May; 9(5):571-600. Rifkind BM. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and coronary artery disease: survey of the evidence. Am J Cardiol 1990 Sep 4;66(6):3A-6A. Roberts WC. Atherosclerotic risk factors--are there ten or is there only one? Am J Cardiol 1989 Sep 1; 64(8):552-4. Schwandt P. The triglyceride controversy: a review of the data. Eur Heart J 1990 Dec;11 Suppl H:38-43. Schwandt P. Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and atherosclerosis. Drugs 1990;40 Suppl 1:38-41. Sirtori CR, Mancini M, Paoletti R. Consensus: hypertriglyceridaemia as a vascular risk factor. The Italian Group for the Study of Metabolic Diseases and Arteriosclerosis. Eur Heart J 1990 Dec;11 Suppl H:44-8. Tall AR. Plasma high density lipoproteins. Metabolism and relationship to atherogenesis. J Clin Invest 1990 Aug;86(2):379-84. Vega GL, Grundy SM. Pathogenesis of hypertriglyceridemia: implications for coronary heart disease and therapy. Adv Exp Med Biol 1988;243: 311-26. RELATIONSHIP OF HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN, TRIGLYCERIDE, AND CORONARY HEART DISEASE Metabolic Studies -General Articles Anantharamaiah GM, Brouillette CG, Engler JA, De Loof H, Venkatachalapathi YV, Boogaerts J, Segrest JP. Role of amphipathic helixes in HDL structure/function. Adv Exp Med Biol 1991;285: 131-40. Angel A, Fong B. Modifications and degradation of high density lipoproteins. Adv Exp Med Biol 1986; 201:37-49. Barter PJ. High density lipoproteins and coronary heart disease [editorial; comment]. Aust N Z J Med 1991 Jun;21(3):299-301. Comment on: Aust N Z J Med 1991 Jun;21(3):330-4. Barter PJ, Chang LB, Rajaram OV. Factors regulating the distribution of cholesterol between LDL and HDL. Adv Exp Med Biol 1991;285:59-64. Barter PJ, Hopkins GJ, Ha YC. The role of lipid transfer proteins in plasma lipoprotein metabolism. Am Heart J 1987 Feb;113(2 Pt 2):538-42. Beck-Nielsen H, Hother Nielsen O, Damsbo P, Vaag A, Handberg A, Henriksen JE. Impairment of glucose tolerance: mechanism of action and impact on the cardiovascular system. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990 Jul;163(1 Pt 2):292-5. Betteridge DJ. Lipoproteins and coronary heart disease. J Hum Hypertens 1989 Dec;3 Suppl 2: 13-24; discussion 24-5. Bierman EL, Oram J, Mendez A. HDL receptor- mediated cholesterol efflux from cells and its regulation. Adv Exp Med Biol 1991;285:81-3. Brewer HB Jr, Gregg RE, Hoeg JM, Fojo SS. Apolipoproteins and lipoproteins in human plasma: an overview. Clin Chem 1988;34(8B):B4-8. Castelli WP. The role of plasma lipids as predictors of risk for coronary heart disease. Drugs 1990;40 Suppl 1:1-4; discussion 5-6. Crepaldi G, Baggio G, Manzato E. The hyperlipoproteinemias. Ann Ital Med Int 1986;1 Suppl 1:1-5. Criqui MH. The roles of alcohol in the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases. Acta Med Scand Suppl 1987;717:73-85. Criqui MH, Cowan LD, Heiss G, Haskell WL, Laskarzewski PM, Chambless LE. Frequency and clustering of nonlipid coronary risk factors in dyslipoproteinemia. The Lipid Research Clinics Program Prevalence Study. Circulation 1986 Jan; 73(1 Pt 2):140-50. Crook D, Godsland IF, Wynn V. HDL as an independent risk factor in British men (and women) [letter; comment]. BMJ 1989 May 6;298(6682): 1249. Comment on: BMJ 1989 Apr 15;298(6679): 998-1002. Curb JD, Reed DM, Yano K, Kautz JA, Albers JJ. Plasma lipids and lipoproteins in elderly Japanese- American men. J Am Geriatr Soc 1986 Nov; 34(11):773-80. Demant T, Shepherd J, Packard CJ. Very low density lipoprotein apolipoprotein B metabolism in humans. Klin Wochenschr 1988 Aug 15;66(16):703-12. Duverger N, Ghalim N, Theret N, Duchateau P, Aguie G, Ailhaud G, Castro G, Fruchart JC. Lipoprotein A-I containing particles. Adv Exp Med Biol 1991;285:93-9. Eisenberg S. Lipoprotein abnormalities in hypertriglyceridemia: significance in atherosclerosis. Am Heart J 1987 Feb;113(2 Pt 2):555-61. Fachnie JD, Foreback CC. Effects of weight reduction, exercise, and diet modification on lipids and apolipoproteins A-1 and B in severely obese persons. Henry Ford Hosp Med J 1987;35(4): 216-20. Fruchart JC. Insulin-resistance and lipoprotein abnormalities. Diabete Metab 1991 May;17(1 Pt 2): 244-8. Gambert P, Lagrost L, Athias A, Bastiras S, Lallemant C. Role of apolipoprotein A IV in the interconversion of HDL subclasses. Adv Exp Med Biol 1988;243:263-9. Garg RK, Arora RC, Agarwal N. High density lipoprotein. J Assoc Physicians India 1991 Mar; 39(3):269-71. Getz GS. The involvement of lipoproteins in atherogenesis. Evolving concepts. Ann N'Y Acad Sci 1990;598:17-28. Getz GS, Mazzone T, Soltys P, Bates SR. Atherosclerosis and apoprotein E. An enigmatic relationship. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1988 Oct; 112(10):1048-55. Gianturco SH, Bradley WA. Lipoprotein-mediated cellular mechanisms for atherogenesis in hypertriglyceridemia. Semin Thromb Hemost 1988 Apr;14(2):165-9. Gibbons GF. Assembly and secretion of hepatic very- low-density lipoprotein. Biochem J 1990 May 15; 268(1):1-13. Gibbons GF. Insulin, diabetes and hepatic very-low- density lipoprotein metabolism. Biochem Soc Trans 1989 Feb;17(1):49-51. Ginsberg HN. Lipoprotein physiology and its relationship to atherogenesis. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 1990 Jun;19(2):211-28. Gotto AM Jr. Apolipoproteins and metabolism in atherosclerosis. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc 1989;101:46-57; discussion 57-8. Gotto AM Jr. Lipoprotein metabolism and the etiology of hyperlipidemia. Hosp Pract [Off] 1988 Jun;23 Suppl 1:4-13. Gotto AM Jr, Patsch J, Yamamoto A. Postprandial hyperlipidemia. Am J Cardiol 1991 Jul 24,68(3): 11A-12A. Grundy SM, Vega GL. Causes of high blood cholesterol. Circulation 1990 Feb;81(2):412-27. Grundy SM, Wilhelmsen L, Rose G, Campbell RW, Assman G. Coronary heart disease in high-risk populations: lessons from Finland. Eur Heart J 1990 May;11(5):462-71. Gwynne JT. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels as a marker of reverse cholesterol transport. Am J Cardiol 1989 Oct 3;64(13):10G-17G. Halpern MJ, Mesquita MF. Increased VLDL. Adv Exp Med Biol 1988;243:327-32. Havel RJ. Biology of cholesterol, lipoproteins and atherosclerosis. Clin Exp Hypertens [A] 1989; 11(5-6):887-900. Havel RJ. Role of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in progression of atherosclerosis [comment]. Circulation 1990 Feb;81(2):694-6. Comment on: Circulation 1990 Feb;81(2):470-6. Hazzard WR. Biological basis of the sex differential in longevity. J Am Geriatr Soc 1986 Jun;34(6): 455-71. Hyperinsulinemia and coronary artery disease [letter; comment]. N Engl J Med 1989 Aug 31;321(9): 616-8. Comment on: N Engl J] Med 1989 Mar 16; 320(11):702-6. Hyperlipidemia in childhood and the development of atherosclerosis. May 2 to May 4, 1990, Bethesda, Maryland. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1991;623:1-482. Hypertriglyceridemia as vascular risk factor: findings of the international evaluation [news]. Can J Cardiol 1991 Sep;7(7):XI-XII. Islami Y, Ribeiro LG. Lipid lowering effects on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Clinical evidence and therapeutic guidelines. Arq Bras Cardiol 1988 Jul;51(1):43-8. Jacques H. Effects of dietary fish protein on plasma cholesterol and lipoproteins in animal modes and in humans. Monogr Atheroscler 1990;16:59-70. Johnson WIJ, Mahlberg FH, Rothblat GH, Phillips MC. Cholesterol transport between cells and high-density lipoproteins. Biochim Biophys Acta 1991 Oct 1; 1085(3):273-98. Jonas A. Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase in the metabolism of high-density lipoproteins. Biochim Biophys Acta 1991 Jul 30;1084(3):205-20. Kalin MF, Zumoff B. Sex hormones and coronary disease: a review of the clinical studies. Steroids 1990 Aug;55(8):330-52. Kaplan NM. The deadly quartet. Upper-body obesity, glucose intolerance, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypertension. Arch Intern Med 1989 Jul;149(7): 1514-20. Kashyap ML. Basic considerations in the reversal of atherosclerosis: significance of high-density lipoprotein in stimulating reverse cholesterol transport. Am J Cardiol 1989 May 2;63(16): 56H-59H. Keniston RC. An isolated total cholesterol level is inadequate [letter]. JAMA 1989 Jun 9;261(22): 3241-2. Kita T, Ishii K, Yokode M, Kume N, Nagano Y, Otani H, Arai H, Ueda Y, Kawai C. Lipoproteins and atherosclerosis. Jpn Circ J 1990 Sep;54(9): 1226-32. Knopp RH. Effects of sex steroid hormones on lipoprotein levels in pre- and post menopausal women. Can J Cardiol 1990 May;6 Suppl B: 31B-35B. Koay ES. Plasma lipid profiles: the expanding repertoire of tests, their clinical significance and pitfalls. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1989 Jul;18(4): 436-43. Kostner GM. Lipoprotein receptors and atherosclerosis. Biochem Soc Trans 1989 Aug;17(4):639-41. Kovanen PT. Atheroma formation: defective control in the intimal round-trip of cholesterol. Eur Heart J 1990 Aug;11 Suppl E:238-46. Kovanen PT, Camejo G. Lipoproteins and the pathobiology of the arterial intima. Ninth Paavo Nurmi Symposium. Arterioscler Thromb 1991 Mar-Apr; 11(2):452-5. Krauss RM. Lipoproteins and coronary heart disease. Postgrad Med 1989 Apr;Spec No:54-8; discussion 89-90. Krauss RM. The tangled web of coronary risk factors. Am J Med 1991 Feb 21;90(2A):36S-418S. Krauss RM, Nichols AV. Metabolic interrelationships of HDL subclasses. Adv Exp Med Biol 1986;201: 17-27. 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(Clinical biochemistry (Berlin, Germany); 3). Fumagalli, Remo’; Kritchevsky, David ; Paoletti, Rodolfo, editors. Drugs affecting lipid metabolism. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism; 1980 May 28-31; Milan, Italy. New York: Elsevier North Holland; 1980. 394 p. (Symposia of the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation; 7). Gallo, Linda L., editor. Cardiovascular disease: molecular and cellular mechanisms, prevention, and treatment. 6th International Spring Symposium on Health Sciences; 1986 May; Washington, D.C. New York: Plenum Press; 1987. 591 p. Galton, David J. ; Assmann, G., editors. DNA polymorphisms as disease markers. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on DNA Polymorphisms as Disease Markers; 1990 Sep 26-28; London, England. New York: Plenum Press; 1991. 160 p. (NATO ASI series. Series A, Life sciences; 214). Galton, David J. ; Krone, Wilhelm. Hyperlipidaemia in practice. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott; 1991. Gennes, J. L. de ; Polonovski, J. ; Paoletti, Rodolfo, editors. Latent dyslipoproteinemias and atherosclerosis. New York: Raven Press; 1984. 316 p. Ginsburg, Bengt-Erik. Studies on lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism in newborn infants [dissertation]. Stockholm (Sweden): Karolinska Institut; 1980. 45 leaves. Godfrey, Martin. The hyperlipidaemia handbook. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1990. 108 p. Gotto, Antonio M., editor. Plasma lipoproteins. New York: Elsevier; 1987. 405 p. (New comprehensive biochemistry; vol. 14). Gotto, Antonio M. ; Jones, Peter H. ; Scott, Lynne W. The diagnosis and management of hyperlipidemia. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers; 1986. [65 p.] (Disease-a-month; vol. 32, no. 5). Gotto, Antonio M. ; Paoletti, Rodolfo, editors. Triglycerides: the role in diabetes and atherosclerosis. New York: Raven Press; 1991. 232 p. (Atherosclerosis reviews; 22). Gotto, Antonio M. ; Pownall, Henry J. Manual of lipid disorders. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1991. 160 p. Gotto, Antonio M. ; Smith, Louis C., editors. Drugs affecting lipid metabolism ten. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism; 1989 Nov 8-11; Houston, Texas. New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; 1990. 575 p. (International congress series; 905). Greten, H. Heiner ; Lang, P. D. ; Schettler, Gotthard, editors. Lipoproteins and coronary heart disease: new aspects in the diagnosis and therapy of disorders of lipid metabolism. International symposium; 1979 May 12-13; Vienna, Austria. New York: Witzstrock; 1980. 203 p. Gruber, Wolfgang, moderator ; Warnick, G. Russell, editor. Recent advances in lipid and lipoprotein analysis. A Boehringer Mannheim Diagnostics workshop held at the 35th National Meeting, American Association for Clinical Chemistry; 1983 Jul; New York. Indianapolis (IN): Boehringer Mannheim Diagnostics; 1983? 26 p. Grundy, Scott M. Cholesterol and atherosclerosis: diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1990. 1 vol. (various pagings). Halpern, M. J., editor. Lipid metabolism and its pathology. Proceedings of an International Colloquium on Lipid Metabolism and Its Pathology; 1980 Dec 9-11; Lisbon, Portugal. New York: Plenum Press; 1985. 246 p. Halpern, M. J., editor. Lipid metabolism and its pathology. Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Lipid Metabolism and Its Pathology; 1984 Nov 18-22; Lisbon, Portugal. New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; 1986. 244 p. (International congress series; 670). Harno, Kari. Metabolic abnormalities in siblings of patients with obesity and maturity-onset diabetes: a study on glucose tolerance, plasma insulin, insulin binding and serum lipoproteins [dissertation]. Helsinki (Finland): University of Helsinki; 1980. 104 p. Hauss, Werner Heinrich ; Wissler, Robert W. ; Grunwald, Jorg. Recent advances in arteriosclerosis research. 4th Munster International Arteriosclerosis Symposium under the protectorate of Rheinisch- Westfalische Akademie der Wissenschaften; 1985. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag; 1987. 172 p. (Abhandlungen der Rheinisch-Westfalischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; 76). Hietanen, Eino, editor. Regulation of serum lipids by physical exercise. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 1982. 174 p. Jacobson, Marc S., editor. Atherosclerosis prevention: identification and treatment of the child with high cholesterol. New York: Harwood Academic Publishers; 1991. (Monographs in clinical pediatrics; 4). James, R. W. ; Pometta, Daniel, editors. Dyslipoproteinaemias and diabetes. European Atherosclerosis Group Meeting; 1985 Mar 15-16; Montreux, Switzerland. New York: Karger; 1985. 180 p. (Monographs on atherosclerosis; 13). Klor, H. U,, editor. Lipoprotein subfractions omega-3 fatty acids. 2nd European Workshop on Lipid Metabolism; 1987 Nov 6-7; Munich, Germany. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1989. 133 p. Kostner, Gert M. ; Sirtori, Cesare R., editors. Beclobrate: a new lipoprotein regulator. International 75 Atherosclerosis Congress; 1989; Vienna, Austria. Lewiston (NY): Hogrefe & Huber Publishers; 1990. 86 p. Kritchevsky, David ; Holmes, William L. ; Paoletti, Rodolfo, editors. Drugs affecting lipid metabolism VIII. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism; 1983 Jul 27-30; Philadelphia, PA. New York: Plenum Press; 1985. 502 p. (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; 183). LaRosa, John C. ; Glueck, Charles J. ; Segal, Pesach, editors. Dyslipoproteinemia in North America: the lipid research clinics program prevalence study. Dallas: American Heart Association; 1986. 133 p. (Circulation; vol. 73, no. 1, pt. 2; American Heart Association monograph; 118). Lenfant, Claude, et al., editors. Biotechnology of dyslipoproteinemias: applications in diagnosis and control. Proceedings of an international symposium sponsored by the Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini and others; 1989 May 8-10; Milan, Italy. New York: Raven Press; 1990. 330 p. (Atherosclerosis reviews; 20). Lequime, Jean ; Kesteloot, H., editors. Symposium on Lipoprotein and Apoprotein Structure and Metabolism: 1st Meeting of the Atherosclerosis Group of the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Medicale; 1980 Sep 20; Brussels, Belgium. [Brussels]: Acta Cardiologica; 1981. 108 p. (Acta cardiologica. Supplementum; 27). Levy, Robert L., et al., editors. Lipoproteins and atherosclerosis. New York: Raven Press; 1988. 311 p. (Atherosclerosis reviews; 17). Lewis, Barry ; Assmann, G., editors. Current views on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of hyperlipidaemia. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Parke Davis Research Laboratories; 1986 Nov 14; London. New York: Royal Society of Medicine Services; 1987. 54 p. (International congress and symposium series; 122). Lewis, Barry ; Miller, N. E., editors. Lipoproteins, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease. New York: American Elsevier; 1981. 214 p. (Metabolic aspects of cardiovascular disease; 1). Lewis, Lena Armstrong ; Opplt, Jan J., editors. CRC handbook of electrophoresis. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 1980-. Lippel, Kenneth, editor. Proceedings of the Workshop on Apolipoprotein Quantification; 1982 Sep 21-22; Chevy Chase, Maryland. [Rockville]: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health; 1983. 467 p. (NIH publication; no. 83-1266). 76 Lippel, Kenneth, editor. Proceedings of the Workshop on Lipoprotein Heterogeneity; 1986 Sep 29-30- Oct 1; Rockville, Maryland. [Rockville]: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health; 1987. 468 p. (NIH publication; 87-2646). Malmendier, Claude L. ; Alaupovic, P., editors. Eicosanoids, apolipoproteins, lipoprotein particles, and atherosclerosis. 4th International Colloquium on Eicosanoids, Apolipoproteins, Lipoprotein Particles, and Atherosclerosis; 1988 Mar 17-19; Brussels, Belgium. New York: Plenum; 1988. 362 p. (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; 243). Malmendier, Claude L. ; Alaupovic, P., editors. Lipoproteins and atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium of the Fondation de Recherche sur I’ Atherosclerose de la Communaute Francaise de Belgique; 1986 Mar 13-15; Brussels, Belgium. New York: Plenum Press; 1987. 256 p. (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; 210). Malmendier, Claude L. ; Alaupovic, P. ; Brewer, H. Bryan, editors. Hypercholesterolemia, hypocholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, in vivo kinetics. Proceedings of the Sth International Colloquium on Atherosclerosis; 1990 Mar 14-16; Brussels, Belgium. New York: Plenum Press; 1991. 443 p. (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; 285). Miller, N. E., editor. Atherosclerosis, mechanisms and approaches to therapy. Proceedings of the Biological Council Symposium on Atherosclerosis: Mechanisms and Approaches to Therapy; 1982 Apr 5-6; Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. New York: Raven; 1984. 225 p. Miller, N. E., editor. High density lipoproteins and atherosclerosis II. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on High Density Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis; 1988 Oct 6-8; Leeds Castle, Maidstone, England. New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; 1989. 338 p. (International congress series; 826). Miller, N. E. ; Miller, G. J., editors. Clinical and metabolic aspects of high-density lipoproteins. New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; 1984. 459 p. (Metabolic aspects of cardiovascular disease; 3). Mills, G. L. ; Lane, Patricia A. ; Weech, P. K. A guidebook to lipoprotein technique. New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; 1984. 512 p. (Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology; 14). Mulvany, M. J. ; Rasmussen, Knud, editors. Hypertension, lipids, and atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the 37th Scientific Meeting of the Danish Society of Hypertension; 1989 Sep 22; Herlev County Hospital, Copenhagen. Oxford (UK): Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1990. 72 p. (Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation; vol. 50. Supplement; 199). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (US), Lipid Metabolism Branch ; National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (US), Lipid Metabolism- Atherogenesis Branch. The Lipid research clinics population studies data book. [Bethesda (MD)]: The Institute; 1980-. (NIH publication; 80-1527, etc.). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (US), Lipid Research Clinics Program. Manual of laboratory operations: lipid and lipoprotein analysis; Lipid Research Clinics Program. 2nd ed. Bethesda (MD): The Institute; 1982. 143 p. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (US), Office of the Director. First Lipoprotein Symposium: laboratory research, joint population studies. 1st USA-USSR Lipoprotein Symposium; 1981 May 26-27; Leningrad, USSR. [Bethesda (MD)]: The Institute; 1982. 407 p. (NIH publication; 83-1966). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (US), Preventive Cardiology Branch. Model Workshop on Nutrition Counseling in Hyperlipidemia; 1978 May 15-19 and Sep 10-12; University of Iowa College of Medicine. Bethesda (MD): The Institute; 1980. 192 p. (NIH publication; 80-1666). Noseda, Giorgio, et al., editors. Lipoproteins and coronary atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lipoproteins and Coronary Atherosclerosis; 1981 Oct 1-3; Lugano, Switzerland. New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; 1982. 450 p. (Symposia of the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation; 13). Olsson, Anders G., et al. Studies on serum lipoproteins and lipid metabolism: analysis of a random sample of 40 year old men. Stockholm: Acta medica Scandinavica; 1980. 47 p. (Acta medica Scandinavica. Supplementum; 637). Ottosson, Ulla-Britt. Oral progesterone and estrogen/progestogen therapy: effects of natural and synthetic hormones on subfractions of HDL cholesterol and liver proteins. Umea: Scandinavian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; 1984. 37 p. (Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica. Supplement; 127). Palkovic, M., editor. Hormones, lipoproteins, and atherosclerosis. Satellite symposium of the 28th International Congress of Physiological Sciences; 1980; Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Elmsford (NY): Pergamon Press; 1981. 543 p. (Advances in physiological sciences; 35). Paoletti, Rodolfo ; Kritchevsky, David ; Holmes, William L., editors. Drugs affecting lipid metabolism. 9th International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism; 1986 Oct 22-25; Florence, Italy. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1987. 451 p. Parnham, Michael J., editor. Lipids. 2nd Cologne Atherosclerosis Conference; 1984 May 2-3; Cologne. Boston: Birkhauser; 1984. 241 p. (Agents and actions. Supplements; 16). Pietila, Kari. Arterial smooth muscle cell in the pathogenesis of hyperlipidemia-induced atherosclerosis in the rabbit: a study with cultured cells [dissertation]. Tampere (Finland): University of Tampere; 1982. 1 vol. (various pagings) (Acta Universitatis Tamperensis. Ser. A; 130). Quiney, J. R. ; Watts, G. F., editors. Classic papers in hyperlipidaemia. London: Science Press; 1989. 420 p. Radberg, Thomas. Contraception in diabetic women: evaluation of hormonal and non-hormonal methods with special reference to lipid metabolism [dissertation]. Goteborg (Sweden): Goteborgs Universitet; 1981. 1 vol. (various pagings). Ricci, Giorgio, et al., editors. Therapeutic selectivity and risk/benefit assessment of hypolipidemic drugs. New York: Raven Press; 1982. 329 p. Rifkind, Basil M., editor. Drug treatment of hyperlipidemia. New York: M. Dekker; 1991. 280 p. Scanu, Angelo M., editor. Lipoprotein(a). San Diego: Academic Press; 1990. 226 p. Scanu, Angelo M. ; Landsberger, Frank R., editors. Lipoprotein structure. New York: New York Academy of Sciences; 1980. 436 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; 348). Scanu, Angelo M. ; Spector, Arthur A., editors. Biochemistry and biology of plasma lipoproteins. New York: Dekker; 1986. 514 p. (Biochemistry of disease; 11). Schneider, J. ; Kaffarnik, H., editors. Lipoproteins and age. International symposium; 1980; Marburg. New York: Thieme-Stratton; 1982. 76 p. Schwandt, Peter ; Richter, W. O., editors. Lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis. 3rd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Obesity Research; 1987 Oct; Munich, Germany. New York: Thieme; 1988. 77 57 p. (Hormone and metabolic research. Supplement series; 19). Segrest, Jere P. ; Albers, John J., editors. Plasma lipoproteins. Orlando: Academic Press; 1986. 2 vols. (Methods in enzymology; 128-129). Shepherd, J. ; Packard, Christopher J. ; Brownlie, Sheena M., editors. Lipoproteins and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lipoproteins and the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis; 1991 Feb 24-27; Gleneagles, Perthshire, Scotland. New York: Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; 1991. (International congress series; 970). Simons, Leon A. ; Gibson, Joyce Corey. Lipids: a clinicians’ guide. Baltimore: University Park Press; 1980. 84 p. Sirtori, Cesare R., et al., editors. Human apolipoprotein mutants two: from gene structure to phenotypic expression. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Human Apolipoprotein Mutants: from Gene Structure to Phenotypic Expression; 1988 Mar 27-30; Limone sul Garda, Italy. New York: Plenum Press; 1989. 255 p. (NATO ASI series. Series A, Life sciences; 167). Sirtori, Cesare R. ; Nichols, Alex V. ; Franceschini, G., editors. Human apolipoprotein mutants: impact on atherosclerosis and longevity. Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Human Apdlipoprotein Mutants: Impact on Atherosclerosis and Longevity; 1985 Mar 31-Apr 3; Limone sul Garda, Italy. New York: Plenum Press; 1986. 233 p. (NATO ASI series. Series A, Life sciences; 112). Steiner, George ; Shafrir, Eleazar, editors. Primary hyperlipoproteinemias. New York: McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division; 1991. 352 p. Steinmetz, A. ; Kaffamnik, H. ; Schneider, J., editors. Cholesterol transport systems and their relation to atherosclerosis. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1989. 112 p. Strauss, Jerome F. ; Menon, K. M. J., editors. Lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism in steroidogenic tissues. Proceedings of a Symposium on Lipoprotein and Cholesterol Metabolism in Steroidogenic Tissues; 1984 Jun 30-Jul 1; Laval University, Quebec. Philadelphia: Stickley; 1985. 259 p. Stuyt, Paul Marie Joseph. Clinical and metabolic studies in type III hyperlipoproteinemia [dissertation]. Nijmegen (Netherlands): Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen; 1982. 167 p. 78 Sweden, Socialstyrelsen, Kommitten for lakemedelsinformation. Treatment of hyperlipidemia. Sweden: National Board of Health and Welfare; 1989. 158 p. (Workshop; (Sweden. Socialstyrelsen. Kommitte for lakemedelsinformation); 3). Contains review articles from a workshop initiated by the Drug Information Committee of the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare; June 1988. Thompson, G. R. A handbook of hyperlipidaemia. London: Current Science; 1989. 236 p. Vance, Dennis E. ; Vance, Jean E. Biochemistry of lipids, lipoproteins, and membranes. New York: Elsevier; 1991. (New comprehensive biochemistry; 20). Widhalm, Kurt ; Naito, Herbert K., editors. Detection and treatment of lipid and lipoprotein disorders of childhood. Proceedings of the 3rd International Atherosclerosis Conference; 1983 Apr 4-9; Vienna, Austria. New York: Liss; 1985. 229 p. (Progress in clinical and biological research; 188). Widhalm, Kurt ; Naito, Herbert K., editors. Recent aspects of diagnosis and treatment of lipoprotein disorders: impact on prevention of atherosclerotic diseases. Proceedings of a meeting; 1986 Aug 21-23; Vienna, Austria. New York: Liss; 1988. 383 p. (Progress in clinical and biological research; 255). Widhalm, Kurt ; Sinzinger, H., editors. Current aspects of atherosclerosis lipids, lipoproteins, platelets, prostaglandins, and experimental findings. Vienna: Maudrich; 1983. 210 p. (Atherogenese; 5). Williams, Christine L. ; Wynder, Ernst L., editors. Hyperlipidemia in childhood and the development of atherosclerosis. New York: New York Academy of Sciences; 1991. 482 p. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; 623). Windler, E. ; Greten, H., editors. Intestinal lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. Proceedings of a conference; 1988 May; Hamburg. San Francisco: W. Zuckschwerdt; 1989. 200 p. Wolfram, G., editor. Genetic and therapeutic aspects of lipid and purine metabolism. New York: Springer- Verlag; 1989. 162 p. Wood, Clive, editor. The management of hyperlipidaemia in general practice. Proceedings of a panel discussion; 1988 Sep 22; London. [London?]: Royal Society of Medicine Services; 1989. 34 p. (Round table series (Royal Society of Medicine Services (Great Britain); 12). #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1992-316-297/50780 GRATEFUL MED Software For Macintosh & IBM Please send me Please send me Handling $3.00 + Billing Fee* P.O. #: = Total * Add $7.50 Billing Fee if using a Purchase Order. Please attach this form to any purchase order you use. copies of GRATEFUL copies of GRATEFUL MED for the MED for IBM and Macintosh. compatibles. Order No. PB89- Order No. PB86- 196083/GBB at $29.95 158482/GBB at $29.95 each. each. Total Mac versions + Total IBM versions + Enclosed is check / money order payable to NTIS for $ Charge to (check one): American Express [_] VISA [J MasterCard [_] Card Number Exp. 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