z: .. ... Iiiflakfiu Lizvara €53.:,,r..{.:.n .. .:,ai2.€:v..¢..Lx, m I,v.2...,.f,.lr... . ,H ... Uxfrmu‘x. ,.. \ ,4 , l. E \ ., a .w . h LIL» ” H“ * ., 2 [:<> Beautiful Homes and Plans Price $1.00 per copy JENS PEDERSEN 210 Globe Building Copyright 1919 St. Paul, Minnesota C<> 0:1 . ui} <>:J A Word About Construction Interior FOREWORD HE primary object 1n publishing this book of BEAUTIFUL HOMES AND PLANS 18 to aid the prospective home builder In planning and designing, and to create a desire on the part of every AMERICAN Citizen to OWN HIS OWN HOME, for by so doing he 1s establishing for himself‘a standing of permanency and prestige in the community in which he resides and at the same time establishing a position, financially and socially for himself and family. of homes are in colors to show effects obtainable. show w1thout h1ndrance the architectural des1gn. These photographs In most cases all trees and shrubbery has been eliminated in order to Shubbery properly arranged will enchance the beauty wonderfully. The plans 1n this book are the studied result of years of experIence and co— o—peration of hundreds of housewi1es ’ ideals. Avoid making changes as they might destroy the artistic appearance, but if some are desired, interpolate them 1n _1ou1 letter when writing to the architect. The interior arrangements are magnificent. The arches, buffets, fire-places, china closets, book-cases, stairs, kitchen cabinets, etc., are most beautiful and will be a startling surprise to the owner on account of the wonderful interior effects produced. In these northern latitudes it pays to build a warm house, as the saving in fuel more than compensates for the additional ex- pense. The house should have at least one thickness of Flaxlinum insulation on the side walls, 11nd more especially on the ceiling or roof. This insulation not only keeps the house warm in winter but cool In summer and IS therefore recommended in southern cli— mates as w.ell All openings around window and door frames 11nd all small crevices should be packed with okum or flax tow. Be sure to see that this is done before plaster is applied. Foundations are Portland cement concrete, either poured or blocks. If ground is boggy or low, use poured concrete with ample footing. If suitable sand or gravel 1s on premises, poured concrete will be cheaper. If house is to be of brick construction, care should be exercized in the selection of brick, also 111 laying same. Stucco 1s beautiful. A varied color effect can be brought about with either Portland or Magnesite materials on the market today, and is thoroughly prac- Too much cannot be said about the interior arrangements, as they are practical and beautiful. The woodwork should have plain flat surfaces to show the grain of the wood, may it be mahogany, oak, birch or fir, all of which can be made most attractive with proper workmanship By having flat surface casings, one panel or slab doors and plain base mouldings, it eliminates 11 great amount of w 'ork for the housewife 1n keeping the house sanitary and clean. Good plumbing is an important factor 1n every house and money is well expended 1n selecting good fixtures, such as bathtubs, lava- tories with independent shut off, one piece sink and drain boards, etC., as they add to the one great idea of sanitation and labor saving. Connect ram water leaders from roof to sewer to avoid dampness 111 basement. Heating in these northern climates is one of the most important essentials that the home owners have to contend with.Fi1st decide on the kind of heating plant, whether hot water or hot air, then seek a reliable man to install it. Hot water heat 15 recommended for the far er houses or those with rooms on second floor. There are a mu titude of hot water boilers on the market today that are good with proper installation and sufficient radiation, proper proportioning of tical when properly applied. The stucco used in the past had the mud or dobby appearance which was not pleasing to the eye, but contrary to that, the stucco of today is an attractive material and of life long durability, with no fear of cracking if Flaxlinum Keyboard is used as a base If of lumber con~ struction, use either lap siding, drop siding, shingles, or both. Any color effect can be brought about with the use of l11mb1r. All lumber that is exposed to the elements or to wear and tear should be of good quality but the unexposed lumbei does not necessarih have to be as good a grade. Roofs are an important p1'11t of. house and great care should be taken 111 thei1 construction. Tile roofs are an adornment, but the cost is double that of p: 1tc11t asphalt shingles. These shingles with ground slate sulface and of l1eav1 thickness laid four inches to the weather make 11 good and at the same time effective roof and do not fade and me to 11 c1 rt1 tin exuut fireproof. Cedar shingles if dipped in oil or creoSote last a long time. pipes, etc., to insure an easy circulating s1 stem whith will 11111111 11 great saving in fuel, and if you can possibh affold it, install an mu. 1 flue 1n your t’chimney and run a few gr av itv ducts of 1'.e11til 1tiou into same in basement, as it will pay for itself 111 11 few \1111s' in the s1 11 ing of fuel and at the same time 1emove all cold or foul an hour all looms which from a health standpoint IS ind spensable. IIot air or pipeless furnaces can be used 111 tl1esm11lle1 bungalow s but do not expect isolated rooms to be heated without openings f10m the rooms 1n which the register is placed, also do not g11'e up your basement to a network of huge pipes leading 111 e1 c1) di1ettio11, if such is the case, install 11 hot water boiler. In wiring house for electric lights, plate switches 111 the most convenient places, also put in a few base outlets fo1 1 acuum c111 mm or floor lamps, whether 1ou have one or not, as \ou 111:11'l1a1e 11111 at some future time. Also have your ironing boa1d wall cabinet either in kitchen or laundry. Dust proof coal bins, w'ell arranged veget table and piescne cellar, clothes chute, odor flue from kitchen range and 11 multitude of other items can be installed which add to the comfo1t 111d 1on- venience of the home. Refer to page 62 for prices of plans complete with specifications. Interior of Design No. 127 Plan and Description for Design No. CLOSET 1 I m CgéhflBER 00x1 CflhMBER " woe Iddorfi lllS a1tistie bungalow is 281 _1 11V 3(11‘eet CXLTUSTVC of sun room. a I I The exte1‘io1 is Ve1\ unique the buildinLr 11 is a L“L111L1ete loun— VESTTBULE U HALL 2‘ ' Ll: ttion with :12/ inLh smooth Lement water table whiLh alwaxs I I I ' keeps clean. There is stuLLo to the 11th LL‘1uise and shingles on the gables. The interior air: 111Lrement is VerV pr‘1L“:tiL 11 there not being BAT-Tl R 00M an ineh of waste sp: 1Le. l he sun room li\ IDLE room and dining loom 1 REF are at the liont L11 the house with the three 1L1oms openinL' up into PORCA one another, LriVinLr :1 \L1\ belutilul ell eLt L‘speLiall} with the de- tailed bullet and L‘hina Llosets An elliptie arL‘h, bookcases and :1 lireplaee with l‘ reneh doors on eaLh side, all work out to make :1 11:11‘111onious whole. There is also a L‘L‘nter 11:111 from whiLh you can enter :111 rooms. making: it \‘L‘rV L‘onVeniL‘nt for the housewife. 1n ' the woodwork line eVethhinL‘ is 11:11 surfaces. square edge and one panel doors throughout. therL‘bV eliminating; :111 beads. Li‘rooVes and (‘I‘C\'1(CS for dust and dirt. The interior finish Lan be made either oak L11 bith or both but this 1:1Lt should alw: 1_\s sbe borne In mind and that is that \oui woodwo1k should either be \e1\ dark or Ve1_\ light, suLh :1s dark 111:111oLv'anV, i1 bireh old 1 11L'lish illoak, and it light woodwork is desired, old iVorV. ()n biIL‘h w 111Lh is now the predominating sule, :1 sharp contrast must alwaxs exist between the woodwork and wall decorations. The house is warm and sub- stantially built, using lila\linum 1\'L‘\ boaid :1s :1 base for Portland “L“..“nLn‘ _——- 2‘ \‘\\sn\\s_ : 2 s L V . \ . V V V L SL111 Room E D A A R 7-7‘X 16‘4“ Lement or \1: 1L1'11esite stuLL‘o. The lloois are oak and maple with u_ 1 1 C1 00/“ tile tloor in the bathr.oom Hot water heat is 1eLo111111e11LleLl with g)" 13 O X12 6' I ample iadiation. 111L1e is :1l:1undr',\ VeL‘et: 1ble L‘:‘e1111 and (lust- [fl plUUT Lo: 11 bin in b:‘1se111ent lhe L‘leetiiL \VTI‘TIILY pIoViLles tor b‘ 1se LL‘1nneLtions in Various rooms 1or V :‘1Luun1 Lle: 111er T here :1re storm sash and pearl wi1e streens 1o1 :111 windows. lhe kitchen proVides 1L11 :1 kitL‘hen L‘abinet \Vith drawers and L‘upboard bins, ineluLlinLr refrigerator spaee for outside iL‘inLr. There is also a linen L‘loset with drawers and shL‘lVes and a medicine cabinet in the bathroom. r 1 1 1 1 l I 1 I I 1_-____ F——"_— l I 1 1 1 l | I 1 1 I I I ‘~\\\‘\§\ w .\\\\\\§\\\\\‘\\‘\\\\‘\\ nun“. h\\§~‘\\\~\‘ LL nu, FLOOR PLAA Page Four Design No. 7 Plan and Description for Design No. 15 11181111use1s 201111» 291eett, 11111111de111 Spanish (ll‘C1111'CClllI‘C 11I1vinLr the e\t1‘e111c— 011k 1i111she(1 111d 1‘111Lr1is.1 o1‘ birLIh— st11111LI11 111111111L1111\. 11111 111I11s1I11 111 I111-111111;; 11.11111 1\ “ide e11\ es \xith 8111 1111811 rolled tile 1‘11111 which gives it 1111 I1t pronounced 1)ez1i1t1- 1111(1 (11111111,: room, but the sun room 111111 11re11k1I 1st 1'1111111sh1111111111I 11111s111I1| 111 1111111-1\I111\ 1111 e11eLIt (1111s1L1er111Lr its ground men, the interior 111‘11111Lren1e11t 1s mo;t LI\'- 11111sh the kitchen 111 white e1111111el. The second 1111111 1111:111LILI1111-11t is most 11111111111— quisite The 1I1rLre11\111L> 11111111 “1111 11 fire p111LLI 1111(1 111‘e11k111st room 111 the 1‘e11‘,sep- (hous, 1111111115; 1111 11111111111 o1 1I'IIII1111\1111111LLs, suLh 11s LIotth 111‘11te(1 b\ FrIenLh doors 111111 the 11e1111t11111 Gothic 111'LI11 111111 st1111‘ 111Lh whiLh (1e11111 1s chute, 1111e11 closet 1111111111 LI111sL-t, 1111' closet 111111. 111111111: closet \e1‘\ harmonious, with 11 large opening into the (lininLr room \xith 111111et 111111 (1111111 spI1LILI 111r 1111 LI111I111111LI1‘s, 1111 (-111111I 1.111111‘ 111I111Lr 11111s111I11 111 1111111 (losets‘ sun 11111111 “1111 11CLI111‘L111 I111 IrenLh (1111115 sep1‘111I1tinLI (1111111LY 11111111 and sun 1‘,oo111 11 1111c LI111I1111e1e(1,1111h 111111111L r111'1\ st:1111L(1,11111I1111-1111 1111111‘s. 1111 also paneled DutLh \\“111L111\\ seut 111 (1111111Lr 11111111 produces 11 most gorgeous 111tLI,1"1o1 1111se111LI11t 11111111LL111LI111 is 1(I1\ 1II11111111111I,111x111Lr11111111111111111LIL— e11LILt. The (111111111111111111st'111‘s10111111< ”:0 17113151 1713011 13121111 wing 41111; COM 1118 artistiL bungalow is 38 bV 4U 1eet t, and 101‘ the housewife “110 wants all the rooms on one 11001 it is hard to s111‘1p1ss both 11s to pr1 '1L‘tiL‘al 111‘1‘11111_:e111ent 01 rooms and interior and e\te1‘101‘e11eL‘t. A LL111L‘1ete 101111d1 '1tio11 e\tends under the entire house. 11‘1e1e 1s 11 27 inch cement \\11te1 table around the base 01 the buildingT “1111.11 alans keeps dean and white. StuL‘Lo with llixlinum 1\e_\boa1d as 11 base 15 used 11‘0111 the w11te1 table to the belt course and brown asphalt shingles on side gables, with white trin1111i11g1s and green asphalt shingles 011 the 1“.001 The sun room in 1ront has 1“ mm 11 11L“L01di1 1'11 doors betw een it and the 11\ 1115: room. There is a fireplace and beamed ceilings 111 the liVing 100111 and a heaVV Gothic arch and bookcases between the liVing 1‘00111 and (111111111 1.00111 The b1111‘et L‘oVe1s the entire 1‘1‘e11 wall 01‘ di111n1Y room. A DutLh window seat with panel sollit and sides s. also 11 L111 i111o11d- shaped beamed ceiling: are in the di11in1_11 100111. T he sun room should be bith finished old 1\o1_V. The liVing room and dining 1‘00111 L1111 111 we birL‘h 1111ish either old 1\ on or dark 1111 1110111111); and 11‘ 011k 1inish is used, old English. The. kitchen. 01‘ birch, white enameled. has a kitchen cabinet with built- 111 It‘l‘l‘lf’t‘l 11to1‘ 101 outside iLing. also odor llue from gas stme to top 01‘ 1001‘. The L111 1111be1s 111111 and l)1'1th100n1 are 01‘ b11111 1111is11 with 11111110g1111V stained doors. T here 1s 11 tile 11001111 the bath room. 11 111eLliL‘ineL ‘abinet with mirror, and one L‘ha111be1 (1001‘ 111 as 1‘1111 le111‘th 11111‘1‘01‘. The house is wired for eleetriL‘ light with base smkets 101‘V11c1111111 Lleaner. Modern plumbing 11xt111‘es including laundry tubs are 111 the basement, also (111st p1oof L‘oal bin and Vegetable cellar with shelves and bin. The house can be heated with hot water 01‘ hot air. Page Ten Design No. 31 ‘ v , z ., . , - Piping: €21». Plan and Description for Design No. 39 OUTHERN California st\le predominates 111 this house, or rather it is some“ |111t Spanish 111 architectuIe Its plain construction 11nd wide cor nices with w hite 111111 |)|e stucco applied to Flaxlinum l\_ev board base, and red Spanish rolled tile roof,gives it 11 rich e\terior 11ppe111r1nce. The size of this house is 21’) |)\138 feet The downstairs arranirement 1s admirable and 11 most beautiful effect 15 noticeable at 11 first trlance upon entering, large living room with dining mom to the left, separated by 11 Gothic a1ch with built—in bookcases, the dining,r room has buffet and china closets. The staircase shown in this plan is very effective and also very practical in as much 11s 1111 entry can he 111111111t|1rough the hall leading f‘1'o111 the dining room and the kitchen. The breakfast room 11nd sun room being separated from the livine room |)\' F1ench doors are features of this house \\l111|1e11chances1ts practicability, also 1ts |)e1 '1uty of irranirement; fire- pl. 1ce being;r so p1|11ed that it c1111 be utilized from the sun room and also the liv 1111,11, r1oom UEEER KlTCflElf X“; 10'-6“x |0i‘ 9“ M5111 CNS.’ TOILET _________ 1 —-——-- :1 Clirlx : ‘HCLOSET : 1- | I [l I f lil— ——————— J ——————— ll 1' 'Ir “““““ 1 r """" 1 r """" 1" 1| |l1 :I ll I|| :l 11;. 1: 1; :15; .11 1 ' l‘ 1 1x —————— L ————————— J 5: :1 1311171111. R ,w p111. -------- 1.1 ---------- 1 11 1 1. I 5;. :n+4u}O;. ml: H I I I m.:- f! {l H I. :I 1 . 1'1 1‘1 .1: 1: .: 1 ______________________ I1 _______________________ 11‘ I. "|— 11? il- : lows“: if I. I I1 5:1 CAM :: ll l - ----’ ‘- | CLOSE 11 II I 1: II If I c ________ IL _______ JL _______ 1 CLOSET 5TO0P FIRST FLOOR PLM lll CABMET 5 mil R0 00 -- as Another convenient feature being,1 the toilet on first floor which in addition to the bath- room on the second floor will accommodate 11 |a1, ,_,_ , _|I, l | It i. I ,. _ _. _ .II'ITT- "h“-- lel‘lG—lfic?!‘ '11 13lo x14 1 i 1—1 '1 ‘ ' 11 1‘ I '4 , ,-_. 1‘1 __________ lf‘_‘ 3" ,,, ii if: 1 - ,‘,,,,' ' ,f, ,:L ' - ;:;:,‘ Tm pQRCH 1‘: HQ Q'JT flOC'JIW T )l\,"(\‘ has a fireplace book cases, beamed ceilings, Gothic detail ath bullet and china Closets and paneled window seat which all go to make a beautilul interior ellect 11s shown by the A kitchen cabinet with all neeessarV equipment inLluLling refrigerator space for outside 1cinER 12'.6‘X11.4' III C LOSET SEOOIIO FLOOR PLIIIII in IivinII 100111, .1Is0 in sun 1I00111 \\i1I1111.IIII11iIILLI111I11‘IILI1LsILI1(Ii11III101Ii11111LI;I00:11.I111:I51;1i1' LII 'ISC, (lISI) I)UIII- 111 I)llIIL’I .IIIILI Lhi11.1 LIIIsLIls I11 1'IIL110ILIi11i11II 100111 .IIIIII I‘IIILIII III (IUI)I'\.'1I (’I‘ICI] SI(I(‘ ()I I11LI11II1LILI IL"I(Iin*’” 10 51111 100111, :1“ III thLIh UIHIIIIHIILS 10 II: III\ 0111 :1 $111IIII1I) LIIILLIt. A SKIC IIIII IILILI LI1111‘_'\ 10 I).'ISL'111(‘HI 1.11LI I\i1LIhLI11 I; 1110\1: ILII IIII in IIIis IIIII 111 All LIII.’ UHI)L’I'S 011 SL‘UIIMI IIIIIIII hII IVC IllII hLiIII11 LILIiIi11IIs 1111I1I111111II (I(I\L‘I \p‘lL‘C. IhI “HIKI- \MIIk finish 111 this IIUlISL LI. 111 IILI LI 11"I1iL. I0111 i11 IIIILIIIIIIII I11II1LL \\IlI1.\'llj'I'('\IIIIH\ 1x IIIIIIIIILIII 111 I01‘1'wuLl. H01 11': ItLII‘ IIL’I‘II Is I"‘.( 0111111II11IILIII IIIIIIIIIgI1IIIII, iIILIIIIIing; x1111 100111. \\III| :11111)Ic 1:1(Ii.11.011. A smcn I001 I)IIH("IIILHI I\lI11 Is IIIIIIIII' IIIIIiI'II IIUIISU, \\Ii1hIIII| 111IIIII-1’11 CUHVCHICHCL’S 111LII11IILIII. I 1 E"x1~‘11*,~ 11 1 II 1 IIO R 1111111 11. 11 1.1500173 1114. R O O M 8-61 I-I‘O~ IIOOR I‘I NI I’:1I,I.I-'I\\II111\ ~IIIIII' Plan and Description for Design No. 95 MED CIAB' 10111118111 BATAO'CrlI lll CAAM BER CLOSET 9 OX” 6 . \ Ill D 1A1AO ROOM ‘j>;::jl lL—Eilul L 14 0x 12 0 [46/ 3 iLNIDnIG I ‘IIIKLL IIII / "Do 1 r i li—IT 053$; CLOSET CLOSET :I I L ________________ J I ________________ _J Lnlgyl __::'_‘_'.‘.:::::__ ““""”‘Aafi‘§::::::::_:‘; CLOSET :: BOOK 1 lEll 1 1 ”SE : ___________ I I AA CAR I: h C, IRBER IWBER , i: n 101031131; 12114111211; LIV I A G . ., RQOM ! l 1: 25-11 x 12-1, 5 : I: 1 ________________________ 1L _________ _J , IIIII r _________________________ I 1r__u_"i32511__l'll [ : C1155 : L -------------------- ' VESTIBULE CLOSET ' SecorID FLOOR FLAA l ‘ 5 WI R 00M HIS strictly modern and practical house is 2013' In" 38 feet, exclusive of sun room. I6 OX8 6 The exterior, although Very plain has beautiI‘uI lines and is recommended for STOOP stability, its smooth troweled wate1 table and belt L1‘>urse \\ith stucco walls and , e.1\ cs on I l 1innum I\e\ b1). 1rd as I)1 11sc p1‘o1IL11es1 I1st1nIIS II III‘IeIt IIII'III\ IIIIIIIIs III II\II IIIIIIII I)III\ IIIIIIII III III tIIIs I)II III 'I IIII I IIIII II\ IIII; IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII I‘()()nl. IIIItII IIIIIIIIIIIIIICI III the sun IIIIIIII “IIII I IIIIIII (I()l>l\. IIIIIIIIIIII\ :III eIIeIIt \III\ seICIIIIII IIIIIIIII III II IIIIUSC III IIIIS (IIIHCH\IHH. TIIII IIIIIItII III [II IIII IIIIIII; IIIIIII tIIII, IIIIIIIII. IIIIIIII. kItIIIICII IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII IIII ll]1I)(‘l\‘. :Ll\ClI)II\(1k\ \II IIIIIIII (II\IIIII III IIII IIIIc IIIIIII‘ III- l‘:lll§_’.‘€l]1(‘nt5. This INHIEIIIII)“ HIM) IIIIS II I)IIIIII. \IsIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII (IIIStt llISU II IeI‘II IIIItI\ III:IIIIIIIr IIII‘IIII\II ' I‘I‘UII] IIIC IIllISIdC III I)I‘1\‘CIII(‘IH. II III l.\ IIII IIIII III; ItlllC\ IIILIIIII III IIIIIIII CVI)CII\I\C IIIIIIIII» SL1LI1:1<.IIICI;)I"‘.1L( I)llII IIIt IIIIII IIIIIIIII (I(I\kt\'. I)IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIS IIIIII GIIIIIII :‘IIIII I)Ct\\CCIl II\IIIII IIIIIIII. IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII; kIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII‘I iII kItk‘Ilt’Il I)l‘()\‘I(IC(I \IItII SIICI\C\‘ III; 1\\CI.\‘ IIIpIIIII lI(I\ sI)IIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII I‘IIIIIIgIII'I-IIIII \IIIIIII IIII IIIItsIIIe IIIIIIg; IIIIIIICIII III)— tII— IIIItII [)IUIIII)II‘I“ II\IUM‘ tIIII IIIIIII' III IIIIIII I'IIIIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII)IIICt \VItII IIIIIIIII. IIIIII SIII III IIIIICII LIIISCI III III III “ItII sIIIIIVsLII TIIII \IIIIIII\\IIII; III \'II_\IIIIIIIII. II\"iIII_r IIIIIIII IIIIII (IIIIIIII; IIIIIIII IIIIII IIitIIIII IIII IIIIL‘, IIIIIsIIIIII III IIIII ICIIinxII III' I'IIIIIIIII IIIIL'; the sun I‘IIIIIII Is IIIIIsIIIIII III I)IIIIII-IIIII IVIII'I‘, the kitchen. IIIIIII I'IIIIIII. CIILHIIIX‘I\' IIIIII IIIIII III‘II IIIIIsIIIIII iII IIII‘IIII—IVIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. tIIII IIIIIII‘s III IIIII L‘IIIHHIM'I'\ IIII- xtIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIgIIIIV. BHSCHICHI IIIIIIIII‘ IIIIIII‘I‘ IHIHSC \\I[I1 I:llll](Il‘\, \IIgIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII‘. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII \\III1 I)II].\‘ IIIIII SIICIVCS, IIIIII (IUSI I)I'lN)IV I‘IIIII IIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII‘ IIIIII IIIIIII III‘IIIII. ’I‘IIII II\tIII'IIIII IIIIs SHHHIIII tI‘II\\'IIIIIII \\I ItII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII tIIII IIItIIII IIIIU\‘C. \IULUI IIIIIII \\ ItII‘ t1I)I€ to un- IIIIIsIIIII III \\’IIIIIII\V IIIIIII PUIII IIIII III \II IIIIII1‘-\('lII\-K'I;LIH Design No. 103 Plan anchDescription for Design N0. 111 BUFFET / ____/ (I I I I | : I I I L F" H I I I I I I l I I I I VESTIBULE Poncfi FIRsI FLOOR PLIA CHAMBER 6"” IZ‘IB‘ II‘-o“x I313“ II‘~c;x I3‘~3" SECOAD FLomIPLIH IIIS I)IIIIIII'I II IIIIII substIIntII-II IIHUSC Ix 2(Il by 28 feet. with \HIUUIII IIII\\CIC(I \\'I' ItIII tIII)III IInII \Illkk'1)\\ilII\IlH(I IIII\II_\ IIppIiIIII (In FIIIX- IIIIIIIII I‘LII\I)IIIIIII. IInII green SpIInIsII I'HII('(I I'III IIIIII', “IIIL‘II [)l‘IKIllL‘CS II I)IIIIII- IIIllI:Il1(II:l\II[I;_( \IIIII‘tIII‘II. TIIII intIIIIIII‘ |)II'llllIIHfI ix ”1th I)IIII‘IIIII I1:'l\III}" IItiI— I/IIII II\II\ \(IIIIIIII IIIIII III IIUUI prIce. I III II lfj’t‘ Iix III" [001]] with III IfJJIIIILCIIt IIIIIII IIIIIIIIilx ICI'HIIH“ III \tIIIIII [SC and (IIHIIIf’ IIIIIIII III\II I)IIIIIIt IInII IIIinII LII),\(‘I\ III IIIII III II III (IIIIIIIU IIIIInI pm- (IUICN III sIIpIII) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. This IIUUSC IIIIS II \iIlII gIIIIIII IInIIIInIII, giving easy I‘ILL‘OINS III tIIII I)I'INCIIICIII. IIIII living I‘IIIIIII IIIIII (IIHIIILfl IIIIIIII Is IIHISIICCI In IIIIIIIIIII \II\\t(I ()(lk IIIII I‘ngIIsII finish. I)! I)IIIII \‘t: IIIIIIII III lIIU“ III\ the kitchen III I)IIIII— \\IIIII IIIn IIIIIIIIII. I‘IIC SCCUIId IIIIIII IIHHII IIIIIIngIIIIIIIIII Is must per- Iit‘L‘I, Inning; IIII IIIItsIIII‘ I)IIII‘II \\IIII‘II IIIIn I)II IIxIIII III\ (1 \‘IIIIIpIng porch and also (I)IIVCHICIII IIII' IIiIIng I)IIIIIIIng, It IIIIx’ IIII IIIIIIIIIx‘xIIIw [)L’I'qllISIICS IIIIIt \\'III I)II IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII IIp— III- III III IIIIIIxIIS. IIIII I)I‘ISL‘IHI‘HI is IIIII_\ IIIIIII[)I)IIII \\IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIII II‘IIIIxIIIIIIInII“ IIIII \\- IItIII' IIIIIII \IIIII I'll11|)I(‘ IIIIIIIIIIIIII |\ I)ImidIIII tIIIIIIIgIIIIIII. I)IIgII ‘I‘IlIlIy Design No. 111 Plan and Description for Design No. 119 Room I C‘f-l_V\MBER , 11011103" ll L511, CLOSET CLOSET lllS bungalow with Cobble stone porch and 1)L11‘1rol11 clleLt is‘ 28 l)v 3‘) leet, exclu- sive of sun room, it is strictly 11 southern (1‘11lilo1ni1 txpe 11nd has 11 \erx striLin1r rustic appearance, allording 1111 opportunitx to l)e1111til\ l)\ the1)1rro1)e1)l11ntin1' of roses 11nd ramblers over the pia/za 11nd pe11rola. th inte1ioi 1111‘11nge111ent is most perleLt, having the lar1re livin11 room with lirepl1 1Le in LLntL1‘,11n(l connecting to the sun room with 11Lcordi1 1n FrenLh doors, also 1111 1ssixe I)ooL1'.1sL 11‘Lh le; 1din1_1 to dinin1r- CV-l A M BE R room whiLh contains 11 twelve toot bullet 11nd Lhin: 1 LlosL1.ts th 1)l.‘ 1nnin1 of the kitchen l4"0”>1|Z"0” l)11th1oon1 11nd chambms all leading; to 11nd Lonneaing \\ith a LL11‘ntL1 hall is 11 desirable l lieature for 1)rivaL‘\ as well as {or conxenience. The Lli111L11s‘ions ol Lh11111l)e1‘s‘ are such 11s to permit re—arrangement and settino1 of l1‘11nit111L 111 \111io11s positions. The kitchen is arranged so as to provide ample sp1 1Le lot sto\L t1l)le 11nd L'1h1i1‘,s \xithl)11ilt-111L‘itLhen L11l)inet h11vi11,1_,r shelves, (111 '1\\ers, bins and 1el1i11e1‘1‘1to1space loro11tsi1'Li1in11'. The b1th- 1‘oon1 has modern plumbing fi\tures and tile floor, also mediLine L' '1l)i11et with mirror. The W'oodwork in living room and dining 11mm 11111_\ he oaL, linis‘aeLl old Lnglish or r —————————— 1 r— _________ 1 . . . . . y ‘ 1 :1 1 hr,st111ned 1n darL brown shade, or birth stained 11111110111111): lhe sun room may be : 1: 1 bith or fir, finished in old men. Kitchen, l)athr,oom Lh: 11nhe1s and rear hall should 'I I j: 11 i have birch, finished 111 white enamel, “ith 1111 1hogam stained (l()()[\ Basement under 1 __________ 1:112:21: f_‘_‘_‘::::::::.| IE::::‘_'_::‘_‘_‘1J;:::::::::_'j enti1e house including sun room, h11vin1r (lust proot Loal hin l1‘111111h\ \\ith tubs and , :1 ',l It 1 lloo1 drain, and ve11et11l)le Lell1 1r \\ith shelxe.‘ and l)i11s.|lot \1. 1111 heat \\ith s‘ullieient 1 11v l‘l R :1 1i 1 1adi11tion to heat all rooms, inLluLli1111 sun 1‘111111 is 1)1‘ele1'.' 11.l)lL lhe 1\tL1111 has 11 1 L1]; 217. C‘ I .091,“ :l : smooth [FUWLlCLl \111te1tal)le extending a1ound entire housL, e'\LL1)t 1)or',Lh he11\_\ lap 1 I: 2x 3 O 5: ll 3 sidin11 being used from water table to \Vi[1(l()\\ le\ el and tom 111L l1 l 11) sidinu thence to belt i. ll 11 H I Lourse with shingled gables . T he house 1s insulated th1oughout, l)et\\een the studs, also ___________ __________ ___________ ___._ .____ _________1 .. . .. 1 . 1 . . . r ----------- i r ---------- -1 l1- ---------- 1 —————————— , the ceihngs w1th Hanged hall 111ch l'laxhnuln. (Jreen asphalt shingles being used on root. I I I I | | l I 1 | 1 | 1 1': {I : l : 1 1! 1' , l I 1 11 II I | 1 --_______1L__._-L__-_JL _________ J l . 1 l S 11 Room 12 z x 1111 111 FLOOR PLLA Page Thirty-Mu) Design No. 119 Plan and Description for Design No. 127 1115 magnificent house is of southern California style of architecture. producing a mahogany producing,r a most beautiful efl‘ect, The kitchen is linished in white enamel palatial appearance, interior and exterior. On exterior walls from the smooth with all modern conveniences. The second lloor has l’our spacious chambers and trowcled water table to and including the eaves, stucco is used on Flaxlinum Kev- sleeping porch, with a center hall leadingr to all chambers and bath room, also has a rear board base. The roof is Spanish rolled tile which adds wonderfully to the exterior ell‘ect. balcony {or airing bed clothes, clothes chute and broom closet, linen closet, and the The interior has a large living room with grand staircase, sun room and library to the latest plumbing lixtures in bath room including tile lloor making a most convenient and sides and the dining room to the rear. A magnificent lireplace is provided for in practical arrangement complete in every (letail,thereb\* redminer the housewil‘e’s labor the living room, also in the sun room. Detailed Gothic arches with book cases, to a minimum. The linish is birch, white—enameled with mahogany one panel doors. beamed ceilings in dining and living rooms, bullet and china closets are genuine Hot water heat is used and everv modern l'acilit) is pimided l‘or in the basement. (dirlA, CLBSET KiTcAEa l2" E x 13'0‘ D while ROOM l7'0‘xl333 LsonlES (Kn/IE l: (h‘fll‘mwm; : ‘lm l ll! .‘1 l Law/mo Room w ITOKEaO ” Sun Room; it 57:156 1 .5 leRRRY i: li’Oxlb'E, FIRST FLOQR thl L ’agw lliiiH—luiil :55; . 7 M, Design No. 127 Plan and Description for Design No. 135 It” lfi‘w":;v_fi [ " ' A I r ‘ ‘ F) ‘ l jg]? ( H I ‘ ‘ K \ x H ‘ 3 ‘ /’ / C6557 V | \‘ :: "\‘Ibfltri “370\% L . 3U“ it“! V7m~éyi4 o lll\ ([111)l{\1\ 251 In 4?» test C\'- Lll1\l\c wt. \lIH IHHH], the cxtunu (”(11 gin-x it the appearancc Hf :x \ingglv nmmiun. w much (lexircd in (lll[)1('\ cnnqmctinn. \IUL‘LU is used Hum \mu‘r Lublc 1n and imlmling Cur— niu‘x Jpplicd m1 l“[‘x\linum Kmbnnnl. ’l‘lu- intuiwl' ‘lI'IXHILLCIHCIlt is all tlmt mm by \lwiuwl. :1 critinul cxmllnutiun ut' the plum “ill Lumim'c thy qu \Ln‘pliuxi that 11H brttmmvnt. III\ ;In\. (gm lu‘ Ubt‘lillt‘tl, “(gr Yunnan Design No. 135 Plan and Description for Design No. 14.3 CRAMBER i '09 9‘6" ." 1030.180- l \\\ 1111.112; I401WL 111L14 (.%1115ER DifiiAo R0011 l “a ‘IIII CLOSET :I.\‘ RECEDTIOFJ flwLL FLOOR P111 PORCN lllS l)1111;;:1l1)\\ is 281» )8 feet. The e\te1“i111 1111);)1‘ 11‘ Mice is \1‘1‘\ :11t1‘11Ltixe 1111(lL‘1);/.\. l he 1111111 [)111‘1‘l1 pun i1l1‘Ll l111‘in thisplun(l1)es1111t11l)st1‘111‘t s1111ligl1tlr11n1penetr11t- 11111‘111t11li\‘111111‘1111111. A L‘e111e11t\\11te1t1l)l11‘\t1‘11(ls111‘1111n1le11111‘1‘h1111se “1th stueLo 11l111\ 1‘ including gubles :11)[)l1e1l 1111 l l11\li1111111 l\e\l)11111‘1l.ll11‘ int1‘1‘i111 is “CH pl' '.11111e(l lliL reception l1:1ll l1: 1s :1 11111111 sent 111111 C11tl111‘111‘1‘h l1‘1‘11lin11 111 li\ 111;“1 1‘1111111, which 11111111 l111s11 l1‘11ge li1epl‘1Le, l1e11n1e1l Leiling :1111l [111111111 ‘1se 11‘1Ll1 1111111115; t1)1l111i113_1 11111111. The l11tt1‘1‘n111ne(l 1‘1111111 l111sl)11llet11111l1‘lii1111Ll11s1‘ts All 111 these li\t111‘1‘s L‘11-11pe1‘11te 111 Larry- 11111 11111 :1 l)L‘1111til‘11l (‘ll‘CL‘L These 111111115 1‘1111 he linishL‘Ll 111 1111; old linglish or birch, st11111e1l 111111111111111\‘. The k1t1l1en,h:1ll l)1‘1tl111111n111111l 1‘1l111nl11‘1‘s should be finished in l)111‘h, “hite 1‘11111111‘l1‘1l \\ith (lows st; 11111111 111:1l111g1‘111_\. lhe 11111il)1n1‘1| 111‘1‘1 1ngen1ent 11l these moms is \“e1\‘ 1‘1111\‘1‘11i1‘11t 111111 peiniits 11l the utniust 1)11\‘1‘11\.l\\11 moms 111ulLl 11ls11 he pl‘()\'l(lC(l l111 111 :1ttiL‘ 11t :1 slight 1111111111111: 1l L‘\1)1 11s1 B1sen11‘nt extends under entire l111111se11111l is 1)1‘11\‘11lL‘Ll with l1111111l1‘_\ tubs, vegetable1ell111‘11111lLlust [)1‘11111 L‘111il bin. ll' mums are finished 1111 s1‘L11111l ll11111‘, |11>t \1111e1‘ he11t is 1‘1‘1‘111111111‘111l1‘11, 11tl1e1‘\\‘1se hot 1111‘ 1‘1111l1l he used. Page 'I‘hirty-eight Design No. 143 1311111 and Description for Design N0. 151 “1.915381111111111 5111113311118111111- 111111;.1': 1111\V $11.11 3—11 1)_\ 20 111111 CK111181V11111‘51111‘ p:11“.11>1 with” 111111 2—1111111 1111111111.: 1111 111st 1111111' 11111 11111 8-111111 2—111111 1111111111. 1111 51111111111 1111111'———-—| 1111111111111 1111— 1111 VV1111 :11)_\‘11111t111\' 1111VV 15111 511111111 :111VVV1111111 11: 115 1115.111 11V11131 11111111 :11‘1‘1155 11111 111111111 110111 with 111111111 \\‘1n(111\\'_\‘ :11111 1111111 111: 111111}. 111 $11111:)111'111 111'11L‘ 111'1- 111:11111: 111111L111 (1808 111:111111 opening; G11111111:‘1111111_< with 81):.‘11111 (1111:111;1:11'§.1'11 13—10111 P ‘11 1)1111‘11I :11111111111:11111\‘11t 111111111111. 1'1111111 VV1111 \\111(111\\'\‘ :11 1):11L :1‘1V111}.1 11 :1 5.1111111 :11)- ORC ." .. _-. W .W 1.1 911511 CMMBER 71911110“ 011111113111 11 91,1126 1111 CMMBER 1:] 1610111312“ 1 "—1 \ 1 ‘ \/ :1; 1551mm SECOND FLOOR P111 1 o . _J U 311111 R OOM 1111:11‘11111 1.1111 111111111111 1111111115 111 1111111 11\'1H}."111111 111111113. 1'1111111x‘ 11111VV11111111111111‘1111'VV111111- 150‘8'6 “1111115 \1111:1i111111:111111.:111.-11'1‘V111.111111])-11‘1111.1\V <111111111:11'111111111111‘1 1.1V111~.1111111~1 11111111111- 11111-1;11111VV1>1>11VV111L111 1111\1 1'1111111s1x >111111.11111L 111114111111111111110111111;.1‘11<111>1'111111111 510013 11111 11:11:1111111 111 11111 111111>11 l\ 1111111111111 1111'111 11111x11111 11111111'VV11111 111111111111 111 11:11111111. 1"1‘1111111 \\1IIL111\\>1[1,\U|1 p:1"11111:11111\1111111 1: 11‘ \\1[1111)\\\' 111 51111|)1111. 11111111. 1111 11111111 111111~1 1x111x111111111 VV1111 1111\111111111 111 11111111;.1‘111111111§.'1 111$11111111 1111111 1111111111.“ 11 VV111111111 VV111111':1111111>111111x1111111111‘;1 111111111111111111111111111” 111111111111111'11 111111~1111111 1111111111V 111111<11- 11111111. 1111 111111x1.111111111111;.1 x1111 11111111.1~1111:1t1111V11111 11111 VV11111'1111111111111 11111111111115. 11\- 1111'11\ VV1111 11111 1111111 111 11111111110111, \11111 111111'V 112111111}.{1111:111111111111 111111~11111|1:11|. F1RST FLOOR F1111 11 1:111 IV Design No. 151 Plan and Description for Design N0. 159 K ITCII ErI 10‘-9“x'I‘-0“ BUFFET CIOEET C LOSET ‘ . , I . - . ‘ Cm“ III: IIIIIILruILIVV IILII‘LI \IILIVV II 1878 IIV 3(I ILIILI. I IIL LIVILI I‘ [U] l\ VLIIV zlrthUC IIIILI presents CLossr I1 C()/\‘1n(I IILIIIIeIIke :1p])LI:1I‘IIIILI.LI I he I'CL‘(‘\'8(‘(I ])U['LI1 III IILLIx It IHUI‘C CLILIIILIIIIILII '1I ED III CLInstIuL'tILIII. T he LI1I)IIIILr LIIIL'L‘I III Hunt 1\ VLI‘V unique. DI‘LIp \‘ILIIIIL" IS Used II‘IIALL B, II‘LIIII water 1' l'I)IC tLI IIIILILIrsILIe LII \VIIILILIVVs VV IIII SIUCCI) ()n the I"ILIII1IIIIIILr pLIItILIII I1ppIILLI E) SATSII ROOM III FI' 1VIIIIIIIII [\LV I)()‘ 1rd, the ceilings IIIILI sILIIIIL‘I IILIIIIuII III‘LI HIM) InSUI; 1tLILI One IeIIIIII‘LI LII IIILI IIVIIILr ILILIIII III tIIIs I)unLrI1ILIVV Is IIII 1t I1 IIIILrL IIIIIIIIILII LII VVIIILILIVVs III '1\C been pro- D IAHIG R 00M \ ILILLI Ior VVIIILII LIIVSLI IIII IIIIIIIILII1'IIL‘e ()I IILrIII I1IILI ICIILIS LIILILIIIIIIILIss. IIILI re Is I1 book— CL05E L Isc I1rLIII between IIV'IIILI room and LIIIIIIILr ILILIIII IIIL LILt: III LII VVIIILII Is VLIIV III 111(ISLHIIC. I .. ~ I '4'6 X “-0 TIIC dining room III 13 IIIIIILt IIIILI LIIIIII'I LILIsets VVIIII I‘IILII L\IL'IILIIIILr LIV er s; 1IIILI tLI IIII I1ILII IIIc I)()()I\'L£ ‘lSC I1I‘ILII pI‘L'IL LIrIIILr I1 III ‘lI‘lIlOIlIUUS I1II[ILII1I‘IIIILLI. I IIL III III LLIIIIILIL'LIIILr LIII lIIIbCI‘\‘ and bath room IIIILIrLIs pI‘IVI1LV :1IILI C()II\CIIlCnLC IIILILI Is IIISU IIIIIpILI CIUSCt 5})II,1LLI VVItII IIIICII LILISLII III III III. The. IIV IIILr ILILIIII I1IILI LIIIIIIILr I‘LILIIII IIII I) be IIIIISIICd III III 5t: 1IIILILI VVIIIIIut, III LI'1L‘, IIIIISIICd LIILI ILIILrIIsII LIr bIrLI,I1 st: '1IIILILI IIII '1IILIL‘II 'IIIV LII‘ IIIIISIlt‘d LIILI I\ LIIV IIIIV LII \VIIIL'II VVIII be most pICIlSInL“. TIILI L'III1IIIIILIIs II IIIIIUHIII IIIILI LLIIItLII‘ IIIIII SII()llI(I be finished III IIII‘LII, \VIIItC‘ LIIII1'IIILIIL'LI,\V1III (I()()l,\‘ st: '1IIILILI III IIILILIIIIIV. TIILI L‘ItLIIL‘II IIII 1V CI‘IRMBER be finished III III‘ LII‘ bIrCII, LIItIILII III 1t11r' 'II or white LIII' I'IIIL'ILILI. A SCV LIII ILILIt I);lSClIlCIIt extends IIIILILII‘ tIIL‘ LIIItIIc house with IIII IK‘LCSSIH'\ LI‘LIIIVLIIIILIIILLI IIIILI LILIIIIpIIILIII SULII IZI‘TXII‘O" HS II1IIIILII‘V, VVIIII tubs IIIILI IILILII‘ LII‘I '1III \LILYLItI lI)IC LLIIII "II \VIIII \IICI\ LI I1IILI I)In\‘, I1I
  • OXSLO ’iiijrjffi::35:EE:Z:TLTLQ"_‘ V r""_7r _____ 7 1 1' I p ‘L' 1 I II 1 I; L______~-I L_____ _ _ 7" 7 I iiiiiiiii T l 11 U” Hmnm ROO H :,Isonse ' l 1 J1 i:““r:::::;“r”“”fi%| 1i“ 3 1 L 1: :1 III. DIILLILL. ROOM 1 ” II ‘ Ivmmt' I '1 [I I i1 1I ' 1| II I___ PK___. 11 I VESTIEULE / FIRST FLOOR PLEA \‘IL'L'piIIII 1)()1LI1‘:111(I .III LILItsiLIL' I): IILLIIII ILIL :LiIinII IILLILIiIIII. TIIL‘ finish ()11 this IILHIY sIILILIILI Huscrncnl (‘\I(‘IILIS L'ntIrL' IILILIsL' .III IIL' L\\‘:II‘I (LIII\(‘III(‘111(‘\'. IIUI II:I1L'I‘ IIL':I1 IIIIII :IIIIpIL' In I)iIL' II IIIIi1L L'II. IIIILIL'LI I:IILI III. IIILIII: II_I\ \‘1: IiIIL'LI LILILII‘x'. iIILILILIiIIII sun 100111, :IIILI II: ‘1\‘ 1|(IllIIHIII\1(‘1“‘L)1111]1(H(I11I [7111 II M . _. w _ w ~ w Design No. 223 Plan and Description for Design No. 245 SEWT L1RO1HO D “£51101. BRTR ROON1 . *_—_' 1:1 \ C1113 CRRMBER 121111 111‘; RRLL \ LihE11 , \(JLOSET CLOSET CLOSET CHAMBER \\\ 101011210“ #- $ 3 U CRAMBER 1 '3" 0114-0" SEOORD FLOOR PLRA ’ .1; l 1118 11111g11111ccnt 1111115L' 15 32 111 31) 1'cct, L'xL'111511L' 111‘ 51111 1‘1111111 11 15 111‘ 11111119111 11' 1111 '111 111‘L1111L'L't111L'. T he L'\'1L'1‘1111‘ 11' '1115 111‘L 5111CL'111111 1111\111111111 [\C) 1)L1111‘.L1 The 1‘11111 15 Sp111115h 1‘1111L'L1 111L. T1115 11111156 111111 1)1‘111)L'1‘ 50111111r 15 \L'1‘_1 11111L111L'1111L1 1)L1111111111 11nd 1111111 the ()1‘1L11t111 C()1()1‘1Il1" c11th :15 511111111 111 p1L‘t111L 1)1‘L'5L'1115 11 511.111) L“1111111 151 11111111 other 111‘L1111LL'1111‘1 11 L1L'511r11. The 11151 1111111‘ 111‘.1‘ '1111'L'111L'111 15 1111151 511|)L'11) 1)111h 115 111 1)L'1111t1‘ 1111L1 [)f1L11L11)1111'\',t11€ 11‘111rL 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111rL 111‘1'p11 "',1LL 1anL1111L'L111‘1111'111 L111111511pc111111r111111511111‘1111111,111115511L' C111111L‘1“11L11L'51L11111111::111111111'1‘111 L11111n1f 1‘1111111 1111L11r1‘1'111L1511111"1L15L', 1)11111LL'115L'5111 111)11 '111‘, })1'111L'1L'11 11111L111\\ 51'111, 1)1111L'1 .111L1 L'11111'1Ll115L'15 11t1‘L11r111L1111111;_(1‘,1111111 111111 1‘11L‘h L'xtL'11L11111r111L'1‘ 5'1111L",111511 1)L'11111L'11LL'111111,;5 111 111111;; 11111111 111111 (1111111141‘1111111,1111111111‘111L‘h 11111'L' SpCL‘11’11 L1c111115111111 111L‘L‘111CL‘L [)1‘11L111L'L'11 151111"111L'11)115.'111L1prL5L'11t11 [)1'111111111 111)[)L111‘1111LL'.T11L'5L 11101115111111 1)L' 11111511L'Ll 111 11111— 1101,5111“ 1L'11L'L'r (1111111131 51111c11 1111k111‘1)11",Lh 111d 11"_‘.111\ 1hL k11LhL'1115111115111'11111 1)11‘Lh 1111110 L111111L'1LL1 '1111115111‘111'1111'11 111111 k1tLth L" 11)111L'1 111111 1"111‘11'L".'111111‘ 51111L"L 1111‘ 1111151111' '35—" RRLL K1TCREH . . . . CLOSET IOBMOQ L1BRRR1 103611110" 11 5111 ROOM 111 F1RST FLOOR P111 |fl RO'WU m icing. [11L L'111111111L'15 1111 5L'L'111111 1111111 .‘11"L 1111 111'11 L1111111 1)L' 11L'5‘11‘L‘L1 \11111'11111)1L'L1115‘L't 5|)11L'L'. IhL 11111511 1111‘11111-1111111 1111 11115 1111111‘ 15 1111111 1111111L'111'1111L'1L'L11111L1 L111L11‘5‘ 5111111011 1111111111111111. A 51'1L'11 111111 1)115L'111L111 L'xIL'11115 1111LlL'1 L'11111L' 111111.50 1111111111 1111111L'111.111L1 11L'L'L'551‘11_\ 1‘L'L11111‘L'111L'11t5. 11111 11 .'1111 11L'1'1t 151"LL11111111L"1111111 1’11911' 151111-1111) Design No. 245 Plan and Description for'Design No. 257 BHUFFET lllS mini-bungalou' is 31111» 30 feet and is :1 \ery popular and at- tractive design. The exter- ior is stucco from grade to belt course applied on Thu- linum [\e_\ho:1rd \\ 1th shinLrl- BM. . 1 1‘1 Siwrrlc, \ : 500 “T T _ ‘l lED U C) 110“? J (AXE C ‘l’l l‘\ M BER C({l side L1':.1l)les. The} le: I1ture ‘0“6X $519,. 1 o t 1e inte1ior is t 1e aiLre D l ll I llG R 0 0 Nl li\ er room across entire l4l‘Oxl5i’Ca liont of the house \\ith :1 hque lireplace and built-in bookcases on CzlLll side. also 111:1§_:nilicent Gothic arches leading to grand staircase and dininLr room and the fourteen loot bullet and china closets at rear ol dining room. \ * _ ___________ this room is also proVided ‘ ' “““““ \\1th :1 paneled umdow seat. All of these features contri- . hute in makinLr an artistic “::_: ::_“ and striking; appearame. The linish in these rooms can be oak. linished old English or birch. stained 111:1hoL-‘any or old ivor}. The kitchen is linished in birch. white enam— eled and is litted “ith all netess:'11\ equipment. The 1h: 1ml1e1s on second lloor a1e lull height ceilinL's and :11e ol good dimensions \\ith l:11L‘e :11e:1 loi cl1set 1oom. séufi,g The linish on this llooi is birch. “hite enameled \\ 1th doors stained ma l1 113.111 11_\ . Basement extends under e11— _ tire l’1ouse \\ith grade door at P l’l side. The basement is equip- ORC ped \\1tl1 laundry tuhs. Veg- etahle cellar and dust proof coal l1i11 \\itl1 L 1st i1on c:o1l chute. llot \\ 1ter he 1t \\ith ample 1adiation is ieeom— - mended. 010557 ’ 010551 1131011310“ ll SECNJnD tLOOR PLRA FIRST FLOOR Ptal llaLc {Tim—1111.1 Design No. 257 Plan and Description foriDesign N0. 290 1101:1111“ L ¥- 11,3111: Z'Jxll'd 1_'—'fi SELORDF 10 . 11511 l 1 DRC‘H 1 J— RECEPTIOIT 111111 lfi'O'Xlli‘J' Duhrlc R 00M 121051100“ BUFFET = [115 L‘oloni1 11 house 1s 3—1 bV' 2‘) leet eVelusiV'e ol sun room. The 111"ehiteetur1l (le- siun is V e1_V unique and In 11L'l'1ss bV itsell. A b1iLk VV'1ter t11ble L'Vtends around entire house, VVith stueL'o 11boV',e applied to l'laVlinum l\("1'\l)o11d. The tirst floor 11r- 1'1 invement is 11111(rniliLent 11nd 1s V'erV ImpressiVe 11s Vou enter reLeption hall, VVith its