»rB drawn wagon. This house has demonHrated its worth as an overflow accommodation in sanitaoumB In this case the living room is used for sleeping and the smaller one for a warming room. It has an exceptionally big earning capacity when used for rental purposes at resorts. Two rooms, total floor spa&9 x 15 feet, ceilingB f^Hql^HcheBliigh, on^*dB>r, three floor sections, four windowBa chimney complete and a large screened opening^bn each ■de of the living room, provided withfttorm curtains; opBated from the in|ide, and awninlH Weight, 750fflouncfl Price^BnpletB $1 io.oo.** All pricI quofisSare f. o. b. WaukSha. Price, freight prepaid to all important points in the Bnited StatelMhown on page fortyBight.OUTDOOR SLEEPING HOUSES 7S AND 9S SLEEPING in one of these houses you will enjoy just as much fresh air as though you werelctully out of doors, and you will still be protected from rain, wind, dampness and insects. Eith*er we can be erected in the yard, on a flat roof or in the open, and serve as a comfortable fresh air bedroom. This type If house has received the hearty approval of manylanitariums, health resorts and hospitals. It also makes a convenient addition to the larger houses when used as a kitchen, bath or general utility room. Both houses have one door, two floor sections, two windows, awnings, largelcreened openings on both sides, and storm curtains operated from the inside. The 7S has one room 7 x 9 feet and weighs 450 poundl Price complete, $62.50. The 9S has one room 9x 12 feet and weighs 600 pounds. Price complete, $85.00. All prices quoted are f. o. b. Waukesha. Price, freight prepaid to all important points in the Unitdfl; States; Ihown on page fortylight. Awning Extention I___________________________I J 1 t j '' We have been using one of your Kenyon Take Cou n Houses No. 7S for the past year as an office on our tract. Wins hip Park, and find it satisfactory in every res/ ect. It has proven to be thoroughly weatherproof and cool in summer. During the winter months we heated it comfortably with a small oil stove. " — G. H. Umbsen, & Co., San Francisco, Aug. 19, '13. Page ElevenHOW roomy your house is,” instinctively bursts forth from every visitor on stepping into the interior of a Kenyon cottage. You’ll be surprised too, when your house comes, to find how much room you have for tables, chairs and lounging places, and how admirably the soft tinted mission interior lends itself as a background for your furnishings. The partitions, which are of canvas, can be draped back and tied with a cord, or it is the simplest of operations to close the room up tight, untying the cord and dropping the folds. One of the greatest attractions of the house to the wifBis the fact that the household duties are more than cut in half. The Kenyon House means a real vacation to the wife as well as to the other members of the family. The chimney, which is furnished with every house exRpt the one room buildings, is in the living room opposite one of the doors. The price for an additional opening and chimney is $5.00. If the chimney is not desired, the pipe opening in the canvas can be closed with the watertight cap which is furnished. A great variety of camp equipment is manufactured which can be used in the interior of a Kenyon House. We suggest the furniture, stoveBetc., illustrated and deSribed on pages thirty to forty-three. We manufacture the furniture especially so that it will harmonize perfectly with a cozy Kenyon interior. The other articles we have selected from the best products on the market today. We recommend them and give our endorsement to strengthen the makers’ guarantee. Page TwelveTHREE ROOM BUNGALOW No. 10 S A DESCRIPTION of thiBthe biggfttBelle^^Bour whole line^H almost unnecessary. Think of it, a three roomed bungalovflabsolutely complete for $^Eoo. Its^H-y low priceM:ompB:tness and lightneS in weight, whenBhipped, and the ample flooiBpace maBe this K^Bon House an ideal one for uS in eBry part of the world. In fact,'this, c^HNo. icBS, has become^^Bvell and fa®rabhBknown in the United States and foreigB coi^Bies as to make almost literally trB the phra^^^^EHienBer you see a little brown bungaloB, it’s a Kei^^^BakE Down PIoBe.” The photograph above shows a No. 10S in California, where. KeByon Houses are u^ed allBhe year ’round. THree rooms, total floor space Bo B2B feet,^Blirig 6 fftt 9/BinchS high, two doors, four floor sections, six windows, a HBmney complete and a large Breened opening on each side of the living room, provided with storm curtains. ^Berated from the inside, and awnings. B/eight, T.150 pounds. PricNcomplete, $155.00. All prices quoted are f. o. b. WaukeshB PricBfreight prepaid to all important points in theBJniteB States, BhMm on page forty-eight. “Mg wife and mpse and six months’ old babp lived in our house from about the middle of April until practicallp the first of October with the utmost comfort. We had some verp heavp storms, and at no time did we have anp trouble from leakage. '' — Geo. H. Bapne, New York, N. Y., March 2, ’14. Page Thirteen“Everyone is in raptures over them and we have hundreds of people who would like to rent them from us. I was offered SI50.00 a month rent for one of the smaller houses, but we did not buy them for rental purposes. ’'— L. N. Green, West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 27, 73. SMALLEST FIVE ROOM HOUSE No. 12S /F the sight of this cozy country home shown above, with four handy little bedrooms and a big cheery living room, don’t make you long to spend the coming summer out of doors, it must be that the love of Nature has never gotten into your veins and you an a stranger to one of the most vivid joys of life. If you want larger sleeping quarters, take down the middle chamber partition and have two big airy sleeping rooms, each 6 feet 6 inches by 12 feet Should some friends come in to stay over night, hang the partitions up again and have the original five rooms. The 12S House, fitted with double deck berths, will nicely accommodate a club of eight members. Five rooms, total floor space 12 x 24 feet, ceiling 6 feet 9^2 inches high, two doors, four floor sections, eight windows, a chimney complete and a large screened opening on each side of the living room, provided with storm curtains, operated from the inside, and awnings. Weight, 1,500 pounds. Price complete, $195.00. All prices quoted are f. 0. b. Waukesha. Price, freight prepaid to all important points in the United States, shown on page forty-eight. ’'age FourteenFAVORITE FIVE ROOM HOUSE No. 14 S BECAUSE of its lightweight, division into five ro^ft. generous dimensions and price, this,Bie 14S hove, is perhaps the most fHpular of the five room houses. The chambers arBsufficiently large to contain a double bed and some furniture, while the living room is of ample dimensiBBj making it roomBand cheerful. When larger space is required the partitionBan be removed without marring the interior effect. If ■ have a fam^Bof four or five and a bunch of friends who are planning on spending the week-end with buy thiShouse and you can live happily and comfortably all the sumnir long. Five rooiB, total floor space 14 xB> feet, ceiling 6 feet gjA> inch® high, tv^Boorsftix floor sections, eight winfcws, a chimney complete and a large screen^BopenirB on each side of thBliving r 5-0 x 7 1-8 4- 7% 1-9K 5-8 4 ft. 8 in. 209 lbs. 33.50 4 5-8 x 8 L8> 4-11K mm 6-8 5 ft. 0 in. 260 lbs. 42.50 All prices quoted are f. o. b. Waukesha. Price, freight prepaid to all important points in the United States, shown on page forty-eight. “Our bungalow has certainlg made us a most charming little home during the past summer, and it is impossible to conveg in words the comfort we have taken in it. As mp wife expresses it, ‘ It is living outdoors, indoors. ’ ’ ’— Wm. R. Richards, Boston, Mass., Nov, 9, ’13. “ The Kengon Houses are all gou claim for them. Having lived in one last summer for about three months, I am in a position to know just what theg are in everg wag. I might farther sag that for an outdoor back-to-nature camp life theg are ideal. ”— H. G. Turner, Ottawa, Ontario, Jan. 7, '13. "After sleeping in mg Kengon, our daughter being alone in the house, we came to our second floor in our stucco home, and mg thirteen gear old bog begged us to go back to our cool house." — James H. Parish, Gainesville, Fla., Aug. 2, ’13. Page NineteenWe found it very comfortable. It withstood the hardest of wind storms without a sign of weakness, and not a drop of rain ever showed on the inside.”— C. E. Foster, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 27, '13. "To neglect to express to pou, the makers of Kengon Take Down Bungalows, mg thanks for their existence would be ungrateful. Mg familg, consisting of three adults and three bogs, have not get finished the most profitable and enfogable vacation we ever had. Thanking gou for the Kengon's big part in our verg pleasant vacation, and hoping to enjog mang more in the same wag.” — L. J. Walker, M. D,, Grafton, W. Va., Sept. 10, ’13. ‘ * Two gears ’ use of house proves that it is a dandg. ”—Mr. A. C.Maher, Joplin, Mo., November 10, ’13. SANITARIUM THE absolutely germ-proof treatment which is a part of the Kenyon process in treating the fabrics and all wood parts, makes the Kenyon house an ideal building for Sanitarium use. The Sanitarium house is a different color from the bungalow, the color being a soft olive green, pleasing in appearance and restful to the eye. In reasonable quantities we can make this Sanitarium house in most any size that is required. The open sides and perfect ventilation allow the occupants plenty of Nature’s best and cheapest gift: fresh, pure air. Every physician who haflhad an opportunity to examine the Kenyon House, has given his unqualified endorsement of it for Sanitarium use. The above photograph shows how the 7S house described on page eleven of this book, can be divided with partitions to accommodate two patients. The illustration shows the awning raised on the outside of one room and lowered on the outside of the other. We have hundreds of houses always in stock in our big warehouse. We can take care of most any requirement on one days’ notice. We are always pleased to go into detail regarding equipment for any special purpose, and to equip with Kenyon Hottses means to get your equipment into use immediately. Page TwentgKENYON TAKE DOWN GARAGE THE KENYON GARAGE is particularly advantageous to the family living in rented propert\lor an apartment or a flat building, because it can be packed and moved as reWil as househ x 28 ft. 2(XX) lbs. 3(XUK) .54 18 x 40 ft 3rices quoted Hre f. o. b. Waukfflha. Price, freight prepaid tojj^ll important points in the United Statffi, Biown on page fortg^Bht. "It is just the thing for the mountains, and as for being waterproof— I surely had all the proof I wanted last summer, during thunder and hail storms—it’s simply the real thing. ”— Alfred C. Smith, Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 20, ’13. Page Twenty-Three N0ISN31X3 SnTnmVvmamummma OODEKENYON TAKE DOWN BUNK HOUSES INSIDE this building six men can be accommodated comfortably, and under more sanitary conditions than in most camps. While primarily designed for miners, lumbermen, grading camps, surveying parties and construction gangs, this house can be well used in connection with the regular summer cottages as an overflow sleeping accommodation. The bunks are the finest quality steel springs, described in full on page forty-one of this book. The lower beds are 18 inches from the floor, and the upper ones 4 feet 6 inches high. The double tier bunks can be arranged in any Kenyon Take Down House at prices shown on page forty-one. Three sizes of special bunk houses priced below. Two weeks’ time is required after order is received for shipment from Waukesha. Send for our special folders containing information of value to every contractor. “/ think the Kenyon House is one of the best projects for living in the wilderness in comfort that ever was invented. We all enjoyed the houses very much at Camp Kennedy, and particularly the open air features." — C. F. Wiehe, Chicago, II!., Feb. 18,'13. Bunks Throe Foot Wide Size House Will Price Price Cotton Price Kara! Accommodate Springs Only Mattress Mattie- 81 14 x 18 f\ n $180.00 $260.00 82 12 x 14 ft. If* 233.00 281.00 340.00 83 14 x 2f, ft. in aii 3U>.oo 375.00 Page Twenty-SixKENYON PORTABLE AMUSEMENT BUILDING AMONG men engaged in the amusement and show business, including moving pictures, rinks, dance kails and carnival concessions, Kenyon Take Down Buildings are very popular. Tkis is true because of tkeir peculiar adaptability to all enterprises where floor capacity and portability are an important consideration. The Kenyon Take Down Amusement Building can be made to accommodate either hundreds or thousands, has all the advantages of a permanent structure, costs about half as much and can be moved easily at any time. These buildings are made along practically the same lines as the regular Kenyon TakeDown House, hut being larger, have a considerably stronger frame scientifically constructed for strength according to the most modern engineering practices. In any amusement enterprise, portability is a very desirable feature in a building, because when business drops off there is no need to await the expiration of a lease or to look for a buyer for your building; you simply move. These buildings are suitable, economical, and in use all over the country as skating rinks, dance halls, movk picture houses, gymnasiums, lecture and convention halls, chautauquas, summer vaudeville houses, side sho' dining and lunch rooms, ice cream parlors—in fact, their adaptability is unlimited. \\Te bave special literal pricing and describing this type of building which you may have for the asking, or tell us your needs and we quote you prices. Page TiuenWe enjoyed living in our Kenyon House immensely. We bought it as an addition to our father's farm house, where our two families spend the summer. Everyone wanted to sleep in it, so we had to take turns. At least twelve people took turns to enjoy the fine air and good sleeping. You slept like a log and didn't turn over once. The house stood steady in some of the severest summer storms this section has known. It went up and came down easily, and we have put it away for next summer. All of our visitors were delighted with it, as we were. ’ ’ —Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Rhetta, Baltimore, Md., October 4, '13. ‘ ‘In June last we purchased one oj your ‘ Take Down Houses. ’ An uncle of ours has occupied it constantly as a sleeping apartment, and it has agreed with him so well, he has gained twelve to fifteen pounds in flesh. It is certainly the best all-around house of its kind I ever saw, and we are all perfectly satisfied with it. It has been the coolest place we have had during the hot daps. The fresh air lover surely ought to have one of these. Just say it is a dandy.”—Mr. O. J. Kennedy, San Diego, California, Aug. 29, '13. KENYON SUMMER CAMP HOUSES THE above photograph was taken at a lake in the vicinity of Canton, Ohio. The equipment for this camp consisted of two No. 53 Dining Rooms, one used as a dining room, the other as a dormitory, and a No. 9S House used for a kitchen. This type was purchased by the Y. M. C. A. Board because of low cost and the fact that the Kenyon Houses are so sanitary and comfortable. The boys can “rough house,, all they want. Kenyon Houses were designed to stand the hardest knocks and usage. The berths we furnish, which can be fitted into any of our houses, are wholly of steel and so strongly made as to defy breakage. For boys’ and girls’ camps, babies’ summer hospitals, and a great many other uses where people must necessarily be confined in a small space, the Kenyon Take Down House is uniquely convenient. All of our customers who have purchased this type of take down building as a resort proposition, have used it to a profit. It rents on sight and will bring in returns in a single season, rentals enough to more than pay the original purchase price. Page Twenty-EightHERE and there, all over the country, you will notice on the lawn or somewhere about the grounds of the very nicest homes, a Kenyon Lawn House. It is deservedly popular, because of the many uses to which it can be put, the ease with which it can be erected or taken down, its attractive appearance and its low price. The lawn house is built on the same general specifications as the other Kenyon houses, but has an awning extension on all four sides. With the air wafting through the wide screened openings at the awninged sides and the screened door, the lawn house offers a pleasantly cool and fresh air retreat for an afternoon nap, a delightful and safe sleeping room for baby, a sewing room for mother, a smoking and reading room for father, and a quiet, restful den for all the members of the family. Eor lawn parties and quiet luncheons in the long, pleasant summer afternoons, the Lawn House is ideal. No. Size Price Weight 8 11 8 x 10 feet 10 x 12 feet $80.00 100.00 500 pounds 700 pounds “The house was very satisfactory and just as you represented. It was marvelous the little trouble it took to take it down.’’ — Miss Alline'Moss, St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 13, '13. Page Twenty-NineKENYON CAMP FURNITURE FAILING to find any camp furniture good enough to be used by the big Kenyon family inside their brown bungalows, we were forced two years ago to manufacture it ourselves. You will find that our prices are no higher than other lines on the market, and that the Mission Line of Kenyon Camp Furniture excels others. It is distinctive because of its straight lines, square corners, dark oak stain and harmonious colors. The stain presents a handsome appearance, preserves the wood and adds materially to the service. Kenyon Camp Furniture is not hideous with striped and variegated ticking or awning duck. It is in keeping with the most artistic interior. It can also be used on the lawn, porch, or for any purpose where inexpensive, staunch, folding furniture is needed. Kenyon Camp Furniture is easy to clean, tables can be shut up, chairs doubled, cots folded up and easily carried out doors by one person. THE FEATURES THA T MAKE THE KENYON LINE BETTER. Steel Rivets Strengthen Wood Parts on Each Side of Irons Page ThirtgTHE LAWN SWING \T 0 summer vacation, whether at home or in the woods, can * ' called complete unless you have a Kenyon Lawn Swin to make the lazy hours comfortable. The points of suspension are on the springs beneath, with rustproof chains; thus the hammock does not sag out of shape, as do other lawn swings, due to the stretching of ropes or canvas. The springs are of extra heavy woven wire, with tubular aluminum finished steel frame. The frame at the front has a dip, the spring being retained by a special steel support. This feature adds materially to the comfort. The cushion fillingy called Kapoc, imported from the Island of Java, is always soft and comfortable, and will not harden, lump or pack. The covering material on the cushion, back and sides is a strong woven double tilled canvas, color khaki or olive green. In the ends are pockets for magazines or newspapers. t The back of this swing can be easily detached, if desired, and the I No. 24. unique fastenings permit you to keep the back and sides always taut. jl The frame is of heavy angle iron, and can be folded into a small package and be set up in a short time. We can furnish the swing and chains only, or with the frame or complete with the canopy. Will Support Weight No. 2 with frame No. 2% without frame No. 3 with frame and canopy 1000 pounds KXX) pounds 1(XX) pounds 100 pounds 40 pounds 11.5 pounds Price SI 6.00 12.00 19.50 Paye Thirty-OneFOLDING COTS KENYON COTS are deservedly popular because they are made a little more staunch, neater and more durable— give a little better value than other goods built on similar lines. The No. i Cot is used by campers, hospitals, hotels and summer cottager] is re-enforced at points susceptible to breakage, stands firmly on the floor and folds very com-pRtly. The frame, as in all cots illustrated on this page, H rock elm—air dried and stained. Size 28 inches by 6 feet 6 inches. No. 2. The No. 11/2 Cot is built the same as the No. x, with thel exception that it has straps and buckles instead of tape fori tying when folded. The No. 49 Cot is the United States Government Cot, and is made strictly to government specifications. It is thel strongest built cot in the line and especially adapted to hard usage. The No. 50 Cot is the same as No. 1, only 8 inches-wider. The No. 2 Cot is exactly the same as the No. 1, with the exception that the side rails are not jointed, hence they will not fold as compactly. The No. 29 Cot is recommended for light service. It is well made, light in weight, and while it does not fold as compactly as the other cots, it represents splendid value at the price. style Will Support ^^Weik'ht Price No. \'A 1000 lbs. 17 lbs. $3.50 No. 50 1200 lbs. 21 lbs. 5.00 No. 49 1800 lbs. 21 lbs. 4.90 No. 1 1000 lbs. 17 lbs. 3.33 No. 2 800 lbs. 15 lbs. 2.33 No. 29 500 lbs. 12 lbs. i.^H Page Thirtp-TwoTHE FOLDING TABLE ■ gTAUNCHNESS, compactness, adaptability and neat appearance, are the four big features in the folding tables illustrated on this page. The tops are made from selected, straight-grained, matched yellow pine, finely sanded and finished with Valspar, the best varnish that can be had for this purpose. Table legs are finely finished and stained a dark brown mission color. In Nos. 60, 70 and 80, the legs fold snugly under the top, making a flat package for shipment. The steel braces slip ^%r a bolt in the legs Hf the table, which need not be removed when setting it up. The braces are black enameled and sherardized to prevent action of rust. The No. 7 can be folded very compactly. It is especially deSrable for camp use because of its lightness and the fact that it will fit into almost any corner. When in disuse the legs telescope and the whole table packs so closely as to defy breakage. The No. 60 Tables are extensively used in Kenyon Dining Room Buildings; both designs have been favored with a steady demand for use in all types of Kenyon buildings as well as in permanently built lunch rooms, ice cream parlorsHetc. The lH^7 Tablelp particularly adaptable for “overflow” dining room accommodations, and has bed® used on camping trip*>f auto partifi and motorcycle jaunts with much satisfaction. Both of the tables illustrated on this page are great space makers, and considering thiBj and the low price at which they are for sale, together with their many other serviceable qualities, they will be found almost indispensible about the Kenyon House. St> Ip Size Will Support Weight Price No. 60 3x4 feet 350 lbs. 30 lbs. $4.00 No. 70 3x5 feet 350 lbs. 38 lbs. 4.50 No. 80 3x6 feet 350 lbs. 42 lbs. 5.00 No. 7 2-6x3 feet 250 lbs. 18 lbs. 3.25 Page Thirty- ThreeTHE COLLAPSIBLE CHAIR THE reinforced, olive green, government woven cover of this chair is attached to the frame in only four places. Fits easily to the form of the occupant, making it ultra comfortable. It is exceptionally staunch, made of rock elm with all parts doubly reinforced at important points. No. 3 stands 30 inches from the floor. No. 4 Chair is the same, except that the back is 8 inches higher and when folded is 6 inches longer. Size Will Support Weight Price No. 5 300 pounds 0 pounds $1.70 No. 4 300 pounds ()lA pounds 2.10 THE RECLINING CHAIR To look at the picture is to be convinced of the comfort and convenience afforded by the No. 11X Chair, so that it is only necessary to state that the chair is strongly made and folds very compactly to convince you of its f desirability for camp, porch and lounging chair. It is adjustable to four different positions. Frame, rock elm, mission stained, double olive duck cover. The No. 11 Chair is built on the same lines as the No. 11X, but has no leg rest, folds very compactly and will give excellent service. Chair No. 11A is the same as No. 11, but has arms the same as No. 11X. Style ; Will.Support Weight _______Price^ No. 11 X 400 pounds I \\Vz pounds SI.75 No. 11 400pounds 8 pounds 1.15 No. 11 A 400 pounds 10 pounds 1.40 No. 11 X. No. 11. 1 Page Thirtp-FourNo. 35. POSITIVELY the most comfortable and durable folding chair in the whole list, and indispensable about the camp, home, porch, or den. The exceptionally heavy, olive green, duck back and seat give ^almost hammock-like comfort. Metal braces and hinges, enameled forest green to match the duck. Frame, mission stained, rock elm. When you occupy this chair your legs will not “go to sleep,” because the supporting bar usually found across the front of the seat in camp chairs, is absent in the Grandpa Chair. Instead, the Grandpa Chair is doubly braced at the sides, affording quite as much strength and considerable more comfort. The Grandpa Chair is to be found on hundreds of well equipped porches all over the country, as well as in the KenHoiBHouses. It is our deHre to make a leader out of thi*:hair. Up to the present time there has been nothing on the market corrSponding to the ordinary dining room chair. It is a staunch, durably built, folding chair, about Hinches higher than the orHnary camp chair andiflkde with extra largHpiec^in the frame. It i£ without exception the strongest camp dininH chair on the market, neat in appearance and very comfortable. No. 35 300 pounds 13 pounds $2.25 No. 10 ^ 250 pounds 6 pounds .80 Style Will Support Price No. 10. Page Thing-FireNo. 20. THE COLLAPSIBLE BATH TUB THE Kenyon Folding Bath Tub is an economizer of space and fills a distinct need in the home or camp. The frame is all mission stained, rock elm, the tub proper of heavy rubberized canvas, which will last many years. When partly filled, the bottom of the tub rests partly on the floor, minimizing the strain on the fabric. When folded, the tub measures 5 feet long and 5 inches square. In use, 5 feet long, 27 inches wide, 16 inches deep. Style No. 20 will support 300 pounds, weigh| 19 pounds, price $9.00. THE FOUR LEGGED STOOL •When folded, this stool can be carried under the arm as easily as- an umbrella. It is superior in construction and appearance, solid and comfortable. The canvas is heavy and cliKely woven and is doubled at the corners and fastened in such a way a A to make ripping impossible. Thil stool is especially adaptable for use at concerts, parades and on fishing trips. Style No. 32 will support 300 lbs., weight 1 lb., price 34c. Page Thirty-Six THE FOLDING CUPBOARD A Folding Cupboard is almost a necessity in every camp. The sizes listed below are suitable for dishes, food or clothing. This cupboard is so strongly made that it will hold any quantity of articles and bric-a-brac that usually collect around a summer camp. The shelves are of a good quality of light wood, joined together by a canvas back and sides, bound and stayed with black webbing. When foldBI as shown on the top of the open cupboard Shown here, these cupboards take up a very small amount of space, hence are usually included with orders3for inside fittings for Kenyon Take Down Houses. Style 1 Weight ! Price No. 40—10 in. wide. 30 in. high. 3 shelves. 5 pounds $1.00 No. 41—14 in. wide, 30 in. high, 3 shelves. 7 pounds 1.50 No. 42—18 in. wide. 40 in. high, 4 shelves.| 10 pounds | 2.25FOLDING STOOLS AND CHAIRS TT'OR conventions, chautauquas, ball parks, and big gatherings where a light, strong seat is needed, the chairs and stools illustrated on this page are very desirable. The No. 5 and 6 Stool and Chair have reinforced joints, which insure stability and strength, the iron braces being so placed as to distribute weight equally. Both the No. 5 and No. 6 are made of rock elm, and mission stained. No. 6 is the same as No. 5 with the addition of a strong, comfortable back. Because of the unique manner in which the canvas is fastened to the framework and the accuracy of all measurements, you will find that these chairs sit squarely and firmly on the ground, not tipping and wabbling about as do many chairs of somewhat similar construction. A half dozen or so of these folding chairs or stools will be found very convenient about the Kenyon House, and the price is indeed reasonable. No. 5. No. 6. The No. 27 and No. 28 Stool and Chair are designed to meet the demand for a low-priced camp chair, sturdy in appearance and good value for the money. Frame, sanded smooth and mission stained drab colored canvas is used for cloth parts securely fastened with rustproof tackH These stools and chairs are wonderful space makers about a camp, and very convenient for use on the lawn, in the woods, or as extra seats in motor cars, launches or rowboats. No. 28. Style No. 5 No. 6 No. 27 No. 28 Will Support 503 pounds 503 pounds 350 pounds 350 pounds Weight 3M pounds 4/4 pounds 3 pounds 4 pounds Price 50 cents 75 cents 35 cents 45 cents Page Thirty-SemTOILETS — PORTABLE AND CHEMICAL The Kenyon Portable Toilet. ANY place that an inside toilet is not available, the Kenyon Portable Toils'* is a necessity—and a satisfaction. The building iJp/4 feet high, with a floor space of 30 x 38 inches, materials and mode of construction being the same as in other Kenyon htHses. The building is simple in coiBtructionHncl can b^Ht up in an hour’s time. The structure is anchor® to the ground by means of stakes that bolt to the flooring. It is necessary to dig a pit about 18 inche®quare and 3 or 4 feet deep over which the toilet is placed. It cannH be used ii» connection with a water flushe^wewerage system. galvanized steel hopper is placed^®r the hole in the floor and nared to the flooring. A hinged fits over the top of the hopper. Toilets are shipped with almost every' Kenyon Take Down House going to points where sewerage accommodations cannot be had. Shipped in a small bundle, weighs 110 pounds. Price, complete as illustrated, $12.50, f.o.b. Waukesha. SANITARY, CHEMICAL, ALL METAL TOILET The Sanitary Toilet may be installed either indoors or out, and is the most satisfactory article of this character that we have been able to discover in oul ■>untry-wide search. It «M odorless, cleanly, sanitary, easily portable, inexpenHte as to both first Host and maintenance. A four months’ supply of chemical goes free with the toilet, and when that is used an additional supply can be had that will make the expense less than aHent a day. If used inside, the Chemical Toilet is so odorless that a^^^sn or curtain is the enclosure necessary. When used outside, the Kenyon Toilet Building accommodates the toilet admirably. The chemHal used is recogniHd a.s a germiciH of great strength, but not harmful to the skin, and this type of toiletHs allowecHin placHof sewerage in restricted districts where other types are prohibited. Price of Chemical Toilet and Kenyon Closet Hnlding, complete ..................$25.00 Toilet only ................................................................... 15.00 Both prices f. o. b. WaukHha. Page Thirty-E'ght Descriptive illustration of the Chemical ToiletTHE ROWE SANITARY LAVATORY The Rowe Sanitary Lavatory. The Cabinet. THIS lavatory provides running water in any room, at any timSwithout plumbing. It is a neat, attractive arrangement that can be quickly attached to the walls of the Kenyon House with a bracket, which we furnish without extra cost. This outfit requireHno pipes or holes in the wall or floor, comes in a small packagHand can be set up ready for use in a few minutH time. The cabinet is solid oak, highly polished; haSa 12 x 16 inch plate glasamirror and an inside tank with aftufficient capacity to completely fill the heavy white vitrous porcelain basin—17 inches in diameter—nine times. Included with the outfit are soap and glass holders and a faucet. All metal parts are nickel plated. The pedestal is made ofR.pollo galvanized sheet steelH absolutely unbreakable, rustless, and finished with baked on white enamel. The pedestal acts as a retainer for waste water and adds to the attractiveneffl of the lavatory. The cabinet is 5 feet 8 inches above the floor. Boxed and ready for shipment at a price of $16.50, f. o. b. Waukesha. The Basin. The Pedestal. Page Thirty-NineDELTOX GRASS RUGS Pattern No. 812. WOVEN Grass Rugs have proven very serviceable and attractive for use in Kenyon Take Down Houses. They are sanitary, light in weight and harmonize nicely with our general scheme of cool and comfortable summer living. Deltox is made from very tough wiregrass fibre, held together by a chain of first quality cotton warp. It iSa long, tough, jointless stem of great strength and is used in its natural color. The warp is colored with an absolutely fast dye. Thesl rugs are purchased direct from the manufacturers in large quantities, whereby we obtain the lowest possible price. Rugs in stock in both brown and green color. We can ship any rug, in the two patterns shown, the same day your order is received. If special sized rugs are desired, we require three daB extra time to secure the same from the manufacturers. Si/e Designed for Price 27 inches by 54 inches Chambers $0.85 36 inches by 72 inches Chambers 1.50 54 inches by 90 inches Nos. 7S. 9S and 90 2.90 8 feet by 8 feet Nos. 90. 10S and 12S 5.85 8 feet by 10 feet Nos. 12S and 14S 9 feet by 12 feet Nos. 14S. 16S and 18S 9.65 Pattern No. 352. THE LIFE PRESERVER PILLOWS The Kenyon Pillow, while essentially a life preserver, is the best little comfort maker you can imagine to use around your home. It is softBsanitary and resilient-Hmade in plain and Spanish Artificial Leather—tan, red and green. As a life preserver, it is guaranteed to support the heaviest person in water for forty-eight hours. It is an article quite essential to be used in your launch or boat—and as a shock absorber in an automobile it is invaluable. The Kenyon Life Preserving Pillow is filled, to a four inch thickness, with imported, silky, non-absorbent fine fibre down, which makes the pillow exceptionally resilient. When sat upon it yields to the weight of the body slowly, and sinks gradually into soft comfort that no other pillow made can offer. Price, $1.25 each. Patie FortvTHE FOLDING BED AND MATTRESS THE majority of owners of Kenyon Houses have found that the beds which we sell and mattresses which we manufacture are ideal, not only for their summer camps, but also in their permanent homes. The springs are woven steel wire, with a sturdy non-breakable frame. Extra tubular springs at each end help toward the flexibility of the wire fabric. In shipping, the legs and head fold, making a compact package. The Kenyon non-absorbent mattress is a revelation to the camper or summer home dweller, and will outlast the common cotton and the more expensive hair mattress twice. It costs you no more than in the first case and less than half in the latter. It is infinitely more comfortable, more resilient and more sanitary. The filling is Kapoc, a fibre floss which we import from the Island of Java. The ticking is eight ounce. Our mattresses are tied closely with buttons fastened in with our patent “never pull out buttonB We guarantee that the buttons, once in, are in forever. Pillows filled with Kapoc we can furnish also. Price, 20x26 inches, $1.50 each. Style | Size Price Weight I Complete................$12.00 81 pounds No. 15 6ft. 3in.x 2 ft.6in. Spring only..... 4.50 65 pounds ________________ Mattress only, V/t in. thick 8.00 16 pounds ! I Complete................$13.50 93 pounds No. 16 6 ft. 3 in. x 3 ft. Spring only........... 4.75 i 73 pounds I Mattress only. 4 in. thick... 9.25 20 pounds Style 1 Size Price Weight Complete*................$19.00 112 pounds No. 17 6 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. Spring only.......... 6.00 86 pounds _■ Mattress only. 4j^in. thick 13.25 26 pounds I Complete...............$23.50 127 pounds No. 18 6 ft. 3 in.x4 ft. 6in.I Spring only.. — .. 6.50 95 pounds Mattress only, 5 in. thick .._18.00_I 32 pounds The illustration here shows the springs without the legs, as we furnish them as single and double berths in any of the sleeping rooms of the Kenyon Houses. The head rest and foot attachment we furnish at no advance in price over that shown for beds on this page. On another page is illustrated one of our No. 90 Houses, equipped with double deck berths. It is often found, especially where a large family is going to occupy one of our three room or smaller five room houses, that it is the most practical to have the house equipped, at the factory, with these double deck berths. Bed Folded Showing Springs. Page Forty-OneHANGING LAMP DECORATIVE, CONVENIENT, INEXPENSIVE. CANDLE LAMP A CONVENIENT CAMP ACCESSORY. This Hanging Lamp will be iound most convenient to use in the living room of any Kenyon HoustL It can be hung with a hook, which is furnished. Cowered, it is an excellent reading or dining table lamp —raised, a generous illuminator of the whole interior. The frame and chain are mission brass. I.amp furnished complete with smoke bell, white shade and globe. Price, $3.40. The Candle Lamp is especially designed for use in the bed rooms or kitchen of the Kenyon House. It is clean, convenient and cheap; so constructed that it remains lighted, without flickering, in the heaviest wind. Price, complete with frame, globe and one candle, 20c. AIR TIGHT HEATER Where stove heat in a Kenyon House is desired, the “Air Tight” stove, above illustrated, will be found very satisfactory. It is the most economical and reliable stove, suitable to Kenyon House needs, that can be found. Fancy steel top, legs bolted to stove, rigid construction. Takes a 6 inch pipe and is shipped securely crated. Can be had with or without an inner steel lining. 10. I Size Height | Price !1 20 x 15 x 16 30 in. (Not lined) $2.25 (Lined) 2.50 -5 i 20x17x22 34 in. (Not lined) 2 80 (Lined) 3.25 Page Fortg-Two Extra heavy blue 6 inch pipe lengths cut to fit. Per length, 20c.BON AMI KEROSENE OIL STOVES AND OVENS THIS Oil Stove is alwa^»ready, simple and very reliable. Fires instan-tanfflusly a^Hlow cost for oil, and will not explode. The heavy glass ■Ql tank is removable and can be taken away to fill while stove is left burning. Cannot explode. It 3easily cleaned, simple of construction, with a neat and pleasing appearan^Swith the burner drums finished with blue enamel. It is aSsimple anfflSsy to regulate as a common kerosene lamp. No. Burners. Height. Size Top. Price. 2 ^©0 in. 2$fexi6in...........$ 8.75 K43 3 29 in. .......... 12.00 4 29 in. 41 x 16 in.......... 15.75 High back shelf, a burner, ad 11.55 13.09 15.79 Helena, Mont 2.09 9.41 12.54 14.63 24.04 31.35 35.53 42.35 Houston, Texas 1.16 5.22 6.% 8.12 13.34 17.40 19.72 23.78 Indianapolis, Ind 1st M'/i 1.69 2.25 3.63 4.31 5.63 6.38 7.69 Jacksonville, Fla 1.01 4.55 6.06 7.07 11.62 15.15 17.17 20.71 Kansas City, Mo 3rd .45 2.03 2.70 3.15 5.18 6.75 9.23 Little Rock, Ark .77 3 47 4.62 5.39 8.86 11.55 13.09 15.79 Los Angeles, Cal 1.85 8.33 11 10 12.95 21.28 27.75 31,45 37.93 Mobile, Ala .79 3.56 474 5.53 9.09 11.35 13.43 16.20 Memphis, Tenn .59 2.66 3.54 4.13 6.79 8.35 10.03 12 10 Miami, Fla 1.80 8.10 10.80 12.60 20.70 27.00 30.60 36.90 Madison. Wis .22 .99 1.32 1.54 2.53 3.30 3.74 4 51 Minneapolis, Minn .40 1.80 2.40 2.80 4.60 6.00 680 8.20 New York Citv 1st .75 3.38 4.50 5.25 8.63 11.25 12.75 15.38 New Orleans, La 3rd .79 3.56 4.74 5.53 909 11.85 13.43 16 9 Oklahoma City. Okla 1.07 4.82 6.42 7.49 12.31 16 0.5 18.19 21.94 Omaha, Nebr .45 2.03 2.70 3.15 5.18 6.75 7.65 9.23 Norfolk, Va .72 3.24 4.32 5.04 7.88 10.80 12.24 14.76 Peoria, 111 .26 1.17 1.56 1.82 2.99 3.90 4 42 Phoenix, Ariz 2.09 9.41 12.54 14.63 24.04 31.35 35.53 42.35 Portland, Ore 2.45 11.03 14.70 17.15 28.18 36.75 41.65 50.23 Portland, Me 1st .82 3.69 4.92 5.74 9.43 12.30 13.94 16 81 Philadelphia, Pa .73 3.29 4.38 5.11 8.40 10.95 12.41 14.97 Pittsburgh, Pa .51 2.30 3.06 3,57 5.87 7.65 8.67 10.46 St. Louis, Mo 3rd •31H 1.42 1.89 ? ?i 3.62 4.73 5.36 Salt Lake City, Utah 1.85 833 11.10 12.95 21.28 27.75 31 45 37.93 Savannah, Ga a 1.04 4.68 6.24 7.28 11.% 15.60 17.68 21.32 Spokane, Wash 2.09 9.41 12.54 14 63 24.04 31.35 35.53 42.85 Seattle, Wash 2.45 11.03 14.70 17.15 28.18 36.75 41.65 50.23 St. Petersburg 1.43 6.44 8.58 10.01 16.45 21.45 24 31 29-32 San Francisco, Cal 1.85 8.33 11.10 12.95 ! 21,28 27.75 31.45 37.93 Toronto, Ont .45 2.03 2.70 315 . 5.18 6 75 7 65 9.23 Vancouver 2.50 11.25 15.00 17.50 28.75 37.50 42.50 51.25 Winnipeg 1.12 5 04 f, 7? 7 84 13 88 16 80 IQfli Montreal .75 3.38 4.50 5 25 8.63 11.25 12.75 15.38 (VENIN9 WISCONSIN CO., CATALOOUE PRINTER S, MILWAUKC c, wis. CO — * S O fVJ $23.32 39.60 9.90 15.84 45.98 18.04 24.20 4.40 10.12 9.90 9.46 24.20 8.80 9.68 29.48 16.94 45.98 25.52 8.25 22.22 9^90 16.94 40 70 17.38 12.98 39.60 4 84 8.80 16.50 17.38 23.54 990 15.84 5.72 45.98 53.90 18.04 16.06 11.22 6.93 40.70 22.88 45 98 53 90 31.46 40.70 9.90 55.25 24.68 16.50am II H*PZKHP| jyn «B|f ■': ;' «JK