DETAIL DRAWINGS SHOWING APPLICATION OF Ss PAX N L E-Y PRODUCTS sy BUTTS BOLTS BLIND HARDWARE GARAGE HARDWARE STORM SASH HARDWARE SCREEN SASH HARDWARE T KONE E Y ® ' bre N < 4 a El i= «€ & f i: wa w <6 imu J wd < 22. 5 fa C Te [-3 foo wa 2. & C f [4 «f [-] a. « 3 214" : j $ j , ; f f 6" 6" t. 3460 whs . 8 2/” f f f f : . o f t 5 fr jpc. ; 4 27 b f ® § % : ; $ § sig" . ~BB 230 9 134" f ‘ § f . b 4 p .." .. v. ag 133" E f : ; M § j f 1: ~. . BB 183 no-: ~ 20 154" . f . ? f f § s /”X4/” y BB's," tara 134" s . § E f f j ? 4%” x34". . " BB -jp . «it ~stoi| 134" ; f ; f ; § § : 4° . ~a" stor ~ BB 230 :.. yt 13%" & f ; B f & f i a/ ty bb .~: ~ "T3 CABINET DOORS 34" ; f : : s p f $ 2/4" [>. "ea. tos see T4 114" _ § f f f ; f 012”x2/” iy <2 i - A94 CASEMENT SASH 134?" f f § f 2 f ; ; 3 .. % 4" vcl o tons a> 't; 2" E C f : f F f ; $2" x46" c. _.. _ l 2}4" f f f e f j . . {" x4" <.? 's sara g 134" _ 4 . . . f e s aay ar r a. e B93 in Fo 5" ¢ Yul . f f E § : /.... 96 sss 6 A14" s ; . : f f E f o / <. .. fa 7 134" ; R . a aes s f : 3... Tx 3" f :c i... 7 5" ¢ f ‘ ; . j f ? 3%" x 3/2” sc y ogy" ~~ a7 254" # f § 4 f f s f "_- x 4 ~ y- - ~ ~~ 134" § : ; f ; f B § 3" 34 ~ ac ay a r e f j f : ; f § f 3 $4” x “13” f ~ aig" o § % R : ¢ & it a x"af ek" <2 t a ip TRANSOM OF WOOD % 134" j f § f } f F wooley e 4 :g my ys atory "s 1g 2" e : f : j : f @ I2”x3/” ; castor ~..., 1g 234" ; P : § f f f 4” x4" usu- toals ~~" ag Pooks OF METAL 1344" Hollow Metal Door, Pressed Steel Jamb _. $. :~ lts to3 e 1§$4" Hollow Metal Door, Pressed Steel Jamb _. 5" x5" cy 194 e - App 1344" Hollow Metal Door, Pressed Steel Jamb . als" €4"*s" _ . BB 198 "~- ~ "209 §" Hollow Metal Door, Steel Jamb : ; 6"« +x 6" - ~BB thg ic -if 1344" - Hollow Metal Door, Pressed Steel Jamb . 332" x 4l4"_ . _-_! BB 174 ~. TRON AND GEASS DOOR 134" Iron and Glass Door, Iron or Steel Jamb . San o dae cay o 851 afs 134" - Heavy Iron Door with Glass panels f §7 e vtr - tn 167 3-493 Woon poor wiIrH METAL JAMB «I 134" Wood Door with Metal Jamb f § §". ex $" yy _BB 1638 .e 134" Wood Door with Metal Jamb s §: 3% 5" sis BB ic ~ 99 134" Wood Door with Pressed Steel Jamb f a)4" -/ ..- .~ BB 197 30 KALAMEIN DOOR 1344" - Kalamein Door, Pressed Steel Jamb §. s s. a. @ c. og 134" | Kalamein Door with Channel BuckJ'mlb C n_ y BB to ~ ~ ga TRANSOM OF METAL 133" Transom i i . ; f f Ja a, -~... 176 -~ aal 111” Transom % s f . : s a xj. w o/ apb --. vil Stanley Template Butts _. f R o y a o mt ete 20 Features of Stanley Ball Bearmg Butts j c f estas tsa. Oa .- 36 371 Clearances of Stock size Butts _. F $ - & yyy ." sct . ~ - 0 Butt-6" x 6" 'on 2:¢" Doot of Wood Stanley Extra Heavy Wrought Bronze Metal Ball Bearing Butt No. 181 F“ mowiraave Ser B N 1% <, Cisamance || _______ ¥. ba ss sales a if it I I| Gl Permin,» = | L l s I coll ‘ f -~ Door Cutten | F 1 w 1 | + I‘ I nyl [ _____________ a alel Open Posirion, | ““H\r\du-__.'tl Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size | 5x5 l 6x 6 ‘ TIX T } S:x.5 Weight lbs. per Butt without screws Furnished in all finishes. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. All sizes have four Ball Bearing Washers except the 5" x 5" size which has two Ball Bearing Washers. This butt may be identified by the number 181 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All exterior (or interior) doors are to be hung with three extra heavy Wrought Bronze Ball Mcaring Butts, Stanley No. 181 ...... inches high and of sufficient width to clear the architraves. Use Three Buits to a Door. Butt 5" x 5" on 2:4" Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Bronze Metal Ball Bearing Butt No. 180 *y trast l il.! : jos. . sore :s" Amcu:rrave SE7 az fi‘ % I 4 / ri . as* _ P ll, 1 : I "~a ns ---! «-- L =a Door n IN f ad _______ --- 3-4 Oren Posirion,_ sceontcta ? + SI SF I 1 % I “1 \\-/L ______________ Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size 8 x 8 l 34 x 314 4 x 4 Weight lbs. per Butt without screws A6 "M46 | 3 Furnished in all finishes. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number 180 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All exterior (or interior) doors and French windows are to be hung with three Wrought Bronze Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. 180. ..... inches high and of sufficient width to clear the architraves. Use Three Butts to a Door. Unies ete seige, nr mgs Butt 434" x44" on 13" Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Bronze Metal Loose Pin Butt No. 175 IV Luo i hea y) | fas-. Door irae _1(1 i «* 1 fi ret = gr]. 22... Open Posirion wiil? ly NFL z f I 3s L 3 v RJ For table of clearances see page 35. No. 175 cut open to show the flanged Sherardized Steel bush- ings which reinforce the bronze metal against wear both in the joints and around 'the pin. These bush- ings are so shaped at each end that a lubri- cant of lasting quality Is retained at every joint. The bushings interline each joint in the barrel. Scale: One-half size. 2%‘ 3x 8 ‘3%x3% 4x 4 ‘4%x4% § x5 ‘ Size | 216 x I 6x 6 | Weight lbs. | \ f oa | . '% 3 ts " 1g eis > | "te | one screws 1 N | Furnished in all finishes. For the four distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. Features I-3-4-7. This butt may be identified by the number 175 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All interior doors are to be hung with three Wrought Bronze Butts, Stanley No. 175 of sufficient width to clear the architraves. All casement windows opening inward shall be provided with a similar butt. The doors of wardrobes are to be hung with similar butts three to each door. The doors are to be equipped as follows: Doors 234" in thickness Butt 5" high *~ as3" in thickness " 4:4" high * ~ Pf" in thickness $ @" - migh Use Three Butts to a Door. Butt 4!!"x 43%". on 141" Door of. Wood Stanley Wrought Bronze Metal Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 183 s \ i. l///////ll | TTP lllh "Ill/Illllh "lhllll- T 557 lo / é" 4. Maximum Ci an; wok l’A UH lns as m* I r~_————-- soin on ee ee eee e seee es in en _._. _s in- 7 1 I t m L4 : I", iti - Jr, Door -T [s z 1 N i §) = n le oren anes - Open Postriow fimmnl: ~ I \ \\\ g i s Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size l 3 x 3 * 314 x 314 4 x 4 ¢ 414 x 414 5x5 t> o%s6 | | Weight lbs. per Butt | | : I without screws 4 Af | § 146 1% 224 | Furnished in all finishes. For the four distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. Features 3-5-6-7. These butts are recommended for use in hospital and asylum work. Notice tapered end of the barrel; objects cannot be suspended from it. The class number BB183 is stamped on the back of the butt, at the top and near the joint. How to Specify: All doors throughout the building generally including all French windows and casement windows opening inward are to be hung with Wrought Bronze Hospital Pattern Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. BB183, three to each door and French window: two for each casement sash under four feet in height; three for each sash over four feet in height. The sizes are to be as follows: Buttes" mek Doors 214" in thickness Doors and French windows 134" in thickness *- 414" high Closet doors 134" in thickness "* 4" ~ igh Casement windows opening in osa". -Mch Doors of cupboards, cases, etc. £ ~3"- 'high All butts shall be wide enough to throw the doors and windows clear of the architraves. Use Three Butts to a Door. Butt ;"*x 7" -on 3" Door of Wood Stanley Extra Heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt No. 252 C «unum‘u; jVIAnmmmm» RCON --<] w SEF 8 x Maximtm GreAarAnNcEe \ i ___________ Le f ame an mld 1‘1- —————— 174 # '| 1 Purnia f | 12, 4 } #14772 44 soave all l L____4;'_____.L_l Door ‘“‘IIL1' 4 1 1 N #171744 rE-—4r, I bland ‘__| _| _ Oren Pos,irion 3 ————— Sa . " c ~- Il +42 U “fi—___:L I ~ 1 \ I £4 voed <1 ake | 1 ~] 1 n ae he hoe hae tan on aed the me ane ma rile pan hae he hame mae rae aand Aid ae ae a Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. $ | | Lie Sart $7 | | | Size [6x4 | 6O=5 | 6x6 | 0x7 | 0x81 76 7x7‘7x8i7x10‘8x6 $x 5s (8x 10 Weight lbs. per Butt l | i 1 | | 1 without screws | 23% i 2v§ | 214% 'a | 346 | 3% 4 i6 | ome 1.39" | 4% | 554 1 8 Furnished in all finishes. As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. All sizes have four Ball Bearing Washers. This butt may be identified by the number 252 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All exterior doors (or interior) are to be hung with three extra heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. 252 of sufficient width to clear the architrave. The sizes are to be as follows: Butt 7" high Doors 3" - in "42 ata" in tmekness $062 high Use Three Butts to a Door. Butt 6" x6":-on 2%¢" Door of Wood Stan'ey Extra Heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt No. 250 A *A A .'..', ¥. -- l <4: / Se1 B \ Maxmeuvn Cireamanmes |} _____ iy ( at" fi I ta ..- i L1 £5 1 -f Door atc -d L H wm | » e Open POS/r/O/vqwflmm___gd U hote a s. H “mum.--“ ~ = bf \\ I I, \)L_.. _______ J Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. 4 x 4}414 x 414 Size 6x7 6x8) 7x6 7x 7|7 x | | f | Weight Ibs. per Butt } ch 37° 9° | f § sik | 414 | 5 | 45% | without screws | 146 1 4. 194 | 24 | 24 | 22%46 | 34 | 346 | 334 | Furnished in all finishes. f $ f As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. The 6 x 6" and smaller have two Ball Bearing Washers in the two center joints; larger sizes have washers in the two outer joints. This butt may be identified by the number 250 stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All exterior doors (or interior) are to be hung with three extra heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. 250 of sufficient width to clear the architrave. The doors are to be equipped as follows: ¢ Doors 3" in thickness Butt 7" high ". 314" in thickness '* ~ 134 and 2" in thickness A 6k 4” high "t> 1}9€" in thickness Use Three Butts to a Door Butt 5'"x 5" on a" Door 'of Wood Stanley Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt BB 239 v -v ‘Q‘. fay/21] I - fiftat 0 G r v Peinre ~~~ L n LAA LL._1_, eax if fl I 1 N 1 -J/ aZanpe ______________T__j Omen Posirion ""Hi l 1. U XZ I [h i \\-{ ----------------------------- g Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. . ST | + | Size [21s x 213 | ~9 x 9 ‘ 3M x 314 t 4 x 4 , | 414 x 414 | 5x5. |/ | | | Weight lbs. per Butt | | | | | without screws | 14 | H6 I e "Me d | 134 [| seris __ Furnished in all finishes. _ As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy platlng of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number BB239 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All interior doors are to be hung with three Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. BB239. The doors are to be equipped as follows: Moors 2" in thickness Putt 5). migh . in thickness \ g"" high i 15%" in siveness $o x>. The butts shall be of sufficient width to throw the door clear of the architrave. Use Three Butts to a Door. \to Buttog};!" x 4M" (on'15s4" Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 239 i -= Y $ 3 297 __( "sgt % Amrcmrrave SerérQb/x re | Perret //18 C € : é pe- Maximum Crearance - || , ~ nl iL ll yas | i a :| dy \ Cw ases. l_. Door inde 4 1 NM [4 w 1 TMF I* ‘fl -_ ya t f Open Posirion HHTZEE _I ~ H 14 \\ 1 ar lst aran Scale: - One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size | Mtle/Zt sxs | ax | axa | agx41g|) sxs | 6x6 Weight Ibs. per Butt | | | i without screws ; | ¥ He | He 1 134 [- | | | Furnished in all finishes. As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number BB239 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All interior doors are to be hung with three Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. BB339. The doors are to be equipped as follows: Doors 2" in thickness Butt 5° hugh " . $@" in thickness & 414 "high '~ _. 138" in thickness "> g" meh The butts shall be of sufficient width to throw the door clear of the architrave. Use Three Butts to a Door. UT Butt 4" x'4" on 13s" Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 239 Am Rave Ser Bac. xm ———> / ¥ l__g’___i_fi Door > 1 ~» las a n_ L_. Open Posirion l.-\ I ADs O POOL LLD bcc clon t 1 Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Weight lbs. per Butt without screws 1 14 46 Size }2%x2% ! 8 x3 31g x 81s 4 x 4 11s x 412 5x5 l 6x 6 | 4s 26 il tog J, Furnished in all finishes. As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy platmg of the fimsh required is placed upon the copper base. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number BB239 which is stamped on the back of the butt. # How to Specify: All interior doors are to be hung with three Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. BB239. The doors are to be equipped as follows: Moors 2" - in thickness Buct 3 high i o in titekness a gz meh t rse" in thiclsness s g., ugh The butts shall be of sufficient width to throw the door clear of the architrave. Use Three Buitis to a Door. 1% Butt 4:5" x 4:f" on 151" Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 237 Amrcrirhave Ser B ale & as Pemret 3 ® ips Maxtmaunm CLEARtNCé‘ \ I,- prom ses seme uo mee boe mos mar me mon mene has mee ae _—----"' 1 I #! ll : ,(' Y 4M pp ~- J._.J____-_.!..__.' Door fifluy/ZLJL" 1 [ 1 N | < I mrrm-n be | Open Positron hii? ul s I [1 \\ L | \'_-J —————————————————————————— J Scale: - One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. s | | Size | Sx 8 | 84x 8314 | 4 x 4 1 414 x 414 5 x 5 6 x 6 | | | | I Weight lbs. per Butt | | _ without screws A6 Me l § M6 14 | 1% Furnished in all finishes. For the four distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. Features 3-5-6 and 7. These butts are recommended for use in hospital and asylum work. Notice tapered end of the barrel; objects cannot be suspended from it. The class number BB237 is stamped on the back of the butt, at the top and near the joint. How to Specify: All doors throughout the building generally, including all French windows and casement windows opening inward are to be hung with Wrought Bronze Hospital Pattern Ball Bearing Butt, Stanley No. BB183, three to each door and French window; two for each casement sash under four feet in height; three for each sash over four feet in height. The sizes are to be as follows: Doors 214" in thickness Butts 5°__- migh Doors and French windows 134" in thickness ". 4146" Inigh Closet doors 134" in thickness " 4" nigh Casement windows opening in ~ Doors of cupboards, cases, ctc. "4". - meh All butts shall be wide enough to throw the doors and windows clear of the architraves. Use Three Butts to a Door. + I3 Half Surface Butt 4" on 134 Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Steel Half Surface Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 165% 5 < r‘ RIG Ss (| ' -\\\\\\§\\\\‘:5: Tchtravé set ba ck“ Clearance 1% x E yr -:-" e ss t "fan" "j ~~". sl .! y. $2! | illic _i ---, & a .u 1 1: I P 1 g 5 | Sxy}: [of _ al ; } . __ C . '. ___ 4 Scale: One-half size. Sizes Clearances 3 I” 314 114" 4 / I%I/ 44/4 154 Size 3 314 I 4 5 Weight lbs. per Butt | | | without screws _ | 34% 4 ‘ Ere | 15% | 1% I Furnished in all finishes. For the five distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. Features 1-2-5-6 and 7. By unscrewing the slotted tip, reversing pin and applying tip to opposite end the butt can be used on right or left hand doors. How to Specify: Interior doors generally are to be hung with Wrought Steel Half Surface Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. BB165%%4. Doors are to be equipped as follows: Doors 134" in thickness Butt 44" high 5 13s" in thickness ts 3f - «men i. in thickness 1 gts" meh Light Cabinet Doors tos 3" . Use Three Butts to a Door. Bat C Butt 234"®on 3¢" Light Cabinet :Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Brass Loose Pin Butt No. 195 Scale: One-half size. Made in sizes 2", 214", 3" and furnished in all finishes. These butts are also made in Wrought Steel No. 297 Polished and plated. Sizes I%ll’ I%II) 2/1, 2%”’ 2%1/, 311, 3%II and 41/- How to Specify: (Nos. 195-189) All cupboard and cabinet doors throughout are to be hung with Wrought Brass Loose Pin Butts, Stanley No. 195. The sizes are to be as follows: Poors: 34" in thickness Butt 2" - high § 74" in th_1ckness '* ~ 216" high < "43 in thickness 5 "a* high Butt 234" x 2%" on 1314" Light Cabinet Door of Wood Stanley Wrought Brass Light Loose Pin Butt No. 189 " ong ~ Scale: One-half size. Made in sizes 3" x 3", 212" x a", al4" x24", 4" x 2156", 3" x 3" and furnished in all finishes. The 214" x 2" and larger have five knuckles. This butt is also made in Wrought Steel No. 28934, Sherardized and plated, Polished and j plated. Use Three Butts to a Door. ¥3 Casement Sash Opening Out Stanley Wrought Bronze Metal Fast Pin Butt [N6. 192% Made im sizes 3" x 3" and 312" x 34". Furnished in all finishes. & Section: - One-half full size. Butt No. 19248, 3" x3". k How to Specify: All casement windows opening outward are to be hung with bs \ Fast Pin Wrought Bronze Butts, Stanley No. 1924 Polished, No. 192 "&. \ Planished or No. 13419 Galvanized Steel with brass pin (specify which). \ \‘r J The sash to be equipped as follows: Section: - One-half full size. Sash 134" in thickness Butt 3" - high Butt No. 19214, 314" x 314". S * r34" in thnelkness is 312" nigh S art" in thickness y ;* memers \ Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size i o x 8 1 34 x 314 Weight lbs. per Butt without screws 46 g 46 Machine Screws 14 x 10-24 with No. 8 British Head I 14 x 10-24 Furnished in all finishes. How to Specify: All hollow metal or kalamein and wood transoms with pressed steel jambs throughout the building, except as otherwise noted, are to be hung with Wrought Bronze Fast Pin Template Butts, Stanley No. 1964 or Wrought Steel No. 176. (Specify which). The butts shall be not less than. ..... inches high to suit the details. This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. 25 Butt 6"x 4" on is¢" Iron and Glass Door and fron or Steel Jamb Stanley Extra Heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt No. 851 Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Weight lbs. per Butt | | 4%¥ | 5% | | Size 6x4 | 0x5 6x6,6x7}6x817x6 7x7‘7x8 7x10‘8 ‘8X88x10 | | | | without screws 244 | 236 | 25% | | o: | As | 3M | 24% | 19 Furnished in Plain Steel only. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number $51 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All iron and glass exterior and vestibule doors are to be hung with Extra Heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butts, Stanley No. 851. The doors are to be equipped as follows: Doors not exceeding 2 6" in width and 7 in helght Batt 6" migh Doors not exceedmg 3' in width and 7° 6° in herght sy a meh Doors exceedlng 3 in width and 7 6" in height t* $" migh For doors up to 8", three butts to a door. Extra butts according to the welght of the door. These butts are to be fitted in the shop by the door manufacturer to suit the conditions. They shall be painted in the same manner as the doors. Use Three Butts to a Door. * 26 Butt 6x6" on- 2" Hollow Metal Door and Pressed Steel Jamb Stanley Extra Heavy Wrought Steel Template Ball Bearing Butt U Reinforcement \ "*s r esr 2223 Try Tr TTT T 7z7 77777 zz 7 zzz Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. -~ raege -= 'A - pa Ct iIA‘L-QJDA «-- t-rex it Size | 6 x 4 | ‘ 6x 5 6 x 6 Weight lbs. per Butt | without screws | 246 214 21% | 1 ese Machine Screws | 4 x 14"-20 i 14 x 14"-20 | 4 x 14"-20 Furnished in all finishes. c G As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number BB169 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All hollow metal doors or kalamein and wood doors with pressed steel jambs throughout the building, except as otherwise noted, are to be hung with three extra heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Template Butts, Stanley No. BB169. The butts shall be..... . inches high of sufficient width to clear the architrave. Where the butts are exposed to the weather or in toilet rooms or lavatories they are to be Sherardized before plating. f This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. & ~ Use Three Butts to a Door. 37 Butt 35" x 5" -on 134" Hollow -Metal Door and Pressed -Stcel-JamB Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Template Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 168 Reinforcement Reinforcement a fl Scale: - One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size . 4 x 4 | a % 412 | 5x 5 6x 6 Weight lbs. per Butt | without screws 146 1946 | 1174 2%, Machine Screws is x99 | | sx 1294 | | 14 x 14"-20 14 x14"-20 f | Furnished in all finishes. As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy platmg of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. For the seven distinctive features of this butt, see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number 168 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All hollow metal doors or kalamein and wood doors with pressed steel jambs throughout the building, except as otherwise noted, are to be hung with three extra heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Template Butts, Stanley No. BB163. The butts shall be.. -... inches high of sufficient width to clear the archltrave Where the biltts are exposed to the weather or in toilet rooms or lavatories they are to be Sherardized before - plating. This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and lamb : manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. 28 Butt ;"~s" on '14%¢" Wood Door and Pressed Steel Jamb Wrought Steel Mortise Template Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 174 w M 4 & san then sx mo y % § sa reg H 111/16: Scale: - One-half size. Table of clearances on page 35. m wees « "‘ t is f 7 1. " Clearance P1 fl E t* s a 1 p $ sa. ba f irc ~- al < i - Coa) 1 --\..\.\~.\_;‘J ya. 3 53 ~> I U % : \-.""":\<‘|tl1 .. (an % GS a | 1 'B a Io oo we ae ao oo ans ane an aie an an ae nee Ee i L2 3 [ d g ~- rices (tva, "' | Size ‘2%x2%’ 9x 8 ¢3%x3% A x4 ,4%x4%% 5x 8 5 x 4 5 x6 6 x 5 Weight lbs. per Butt without screws 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I ‘ | M4 afi’l5/3 , L. I Machine Screws [1g x 8-32) 14x10-24 | with No. 8 | British Hd. Furnished in all finishes. . f : g As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished Ic)old rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper ase. For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number BB174 which is stamped on the back of the butt. | | I How to Specify: All hollow metal doors or kalamein and wood doors with pressed steel jambs throughout the building, except as otherwise noted, are to be hung with three extra heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Template Butts, Stanley No. BB174. The butts shall be...... inches high of sufficient width to clear the architrave. Where the biltgs are exposed to the weather or in toilet rooms or lavatories they are to be Sherardized before plating. This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. V4x10-24 - |l&x12-24) 1412-24 (4x12-24 14x12-24 29 Butt 41" x 41?" on 131" Door of Wood and Pressed Stee! Jamb Stanley Wrought Steel Tight Pin Template Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 197 AA I "I Roeinforcement- 8. N far y is sl.". +> $1.1. (a tarts t ceectectt+ \T mermorere Clearance Ji Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size 9x8 || 816 x 814 ( 4x 4 l 414 x 414 l 5x 5 L 6x 6 Weight lbs. per Butt i | ‘ | | without screws 46 | He | 21 | 15¢ | 173 15% x 10-24 | | | | Machine Screws with No.8 | 14x 10-24 | 14x 12-24 M4 x 12-24 ‘ 14x 12:24 | !s « 1{"-20 British Hd. ‘ F Furnished in all finishes. For the four distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. Features 3-5-6 and 7. These butts are recommended for use in hospital and asylum work. Notice tapered end of the barrel; objects cannot be suspended from it. The class number BB197 is stamped on the back of the butt, at the top and near the joint. How to Specify: All hollow metal doors or kalamein and wood doors with pressed steel jambs throughout the building, except as otherwise noted, are to be hung with three Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Template Butts, Stanley No. BB197. The butt shall tse ..... inches high of sufficient width to clear the architrave. - Where the butts are exposed to the weather or in toilet rooms or lavatories they are to be Sherardized before plating. This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. 30 Butt 4%s"x 434" on 13¢" Hollow Metal Door and Pressed Steel Jamb Stanley Wrought Steel Mortise Template Butt No. BB 174 // G 6 he-=P// Reinforcement E-, C3 Eft " it Ciearani e 1% gains §#> L6. Se Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. ; : Size 2M4& x24) 8x8 |8l4x38l4) 4x4 :4%\4 | Weight lbs. § i y ( as y § per Butt | eA 24s 54 "A6 | IMs - | 1 £46 -| 158 12% without screws ‘ | 14x10-24 | | | Machine Screws | 4x8-82 fwiéthCES‘ Vx10-24 | 14x12-24 | 14x12-24 | l4x12-24 | 1&x12-24 | 14x 12-24 | l&xl4"-20 |_ Britis | \ - Head | Furnished in all finishes. f § f As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. s*. £5 R For the seven distinctive features of this butt see pages 36-37. This butt may be identified by the number BB174 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All hollow metal doors or kalamein and wood doors with pressed steel jambs throughout the building, except as otherwise noted, are to be hung with three Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Tem- plate Butts, Stanley No. BB174. f s ; & 'The butts shall be. .. .. : inches high of sufficient width to clear the architrave. Where the butts are exposed to the weather or in toilet rooms or lavatories they are to be Sherardized before lating. ; ; f o This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. (H Half Surface Butt 5" on 134" Kalamein Door and Pressed Steel Jamb Stanley Wrought Steel Half Surface Underwriter Template Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 172 \ The Stanley Works half and full surface underwriter butts are furnished with bolts and grommet nuts as illustrated. The advantage of this form of nut is that in bolting the butt to the door the grommet nut draws the metal tight over the wood core preventing buckling of the metal. The grommet nut makes for ease of application and a neat finished job. % N N N N Y Q Reinforcement N \ \ ~ \ X ligh Scale: -half size. Clearancerfé < cale: One-half size ry. x "~ HH an os we Hie a anis up mn us me whe me us aP ~a oe ie ie =" // s r i i Ac «o; o tu l-fl-— 1 H at 1 1 { I H p24 ye 4 H gud y t 11 jod 1.4 11 at . } | ! I l $54 #1 1 g 1; P4 "/ | 1 hex. .~" LT ~ _ ¢ -------- . - ne Size Weight lbs. per Butt | Clearances without screws | ~a *. 414" 114 1%" 5" 191/6 13//// Furnished in all finishes. For the seven distinctive features of this butt, see pages 36-37. Furnished with 14 x 12-24 F. H. screws for jamb leaf and 56 x 24 R. H. with U. S. S. threads and grommet nuts for door leaf. § \ As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled stee and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. This butt may be identified by the number BB172 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All kalamein doors with pressed steel jambs to stairways, fire-escapes, pipe and wire shafts, boiler room and elsewhere marked F. P. S. C. (fire proof self-closing) are to be equipped with three Wrought Steel Half Surface Underwriter Template Butts, Stanley No. BB 172-5". § The jamb leaf shall be packed with machine screws of the proper size and the door leaf with through bolts and grommet nuts. Where the butts are exposed to the weather they are to be Sherardized before plating. f This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. Full Surface»rButt 5" on 13" Kalamein Door and Channel Buck Jamb Stanley Wrought Steel Full Surface Underwriter Template Ball Bearing Butt No. BB 170 The Stanley Works half and full surface underwriter butts are furnished with bolts and grommet nuts as illustrated. The advantage of this form of nut is that in bolting the butt to the door the grommet nut draws the metal tight over the wood core preventing buckling of the metal. The grommet nut makes for ease of application and a neat finished job. SAZ Scale: One-half size. z- Clearance 13% <... mye, \‘_ _____ Nese ~ ir -_- ; ghagh a T t I I1 t {I II II D I I)" (4% r PX i? i & say Size Weight Ibs. per Butt Clearances without screws a14" 114 134" 5" 114 134" Furnished in all finishes. For the seven distinctive features of this butt, see pages 36-37. Furnished with 14 x 12-24 F. H. screws for jamb leaf and %g x 24 R. H. screws with U. S. S. threads and grommet nuts for the door leaf. As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. This butt may be identified by the number BB17z0 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: All kalamein doors throughout the building with channel buck jambs are to be hung with three Wrought Steel Full Surface Underwriter Ball Bearing Template Butts, Stanley No. BB 170-5". The jamb leaf shall be provided with machine screws of the proper size and the door leaf with through bolts and grommet nuts. Where the butts are exposed to the weather they are to be Sherardized before plating. This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. C 33 Full: Surface Butt 5" on 13¢": Heavy Iron Boor with Glass Panels Stanley Wrought Steel Special Full Surface Door Butt No. BB 167 Scale: One-half size. Size | Weight lbs. per Butt Clearances [2 * without screws 414" | t 134" 5" | 1% 134" Furnished in all finishes. For the seven distinctive features of this butt, see pages 36-37. Furnished with 1% x 12-24 F. H. screws for jamb leaf and § x 24 R. H. screws with U. S. S. threads and grommet nuts for the door leaf. As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. This butt may be identified by the number BB167 which is stamped on the back of the butt. How to Specify: The iron or iron and glass doors (state which) are to be hung with three Wrought Steel Full Surface Butts, Stanley No:! BB1G~ ;". They are to be plated to match the other hardware or furnished in plain steel Sherardized and painted to match the doors. (State which). This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. 34 Butt. 3" x3" 'on 15;"- Transom of Metal Wrought Steel Fast Joint Template Butt No. 176 A A Met r Scale: One-half size. For table of clearances see page 35. Size 24 x 244 3 x 244 5 x 8 34 x 314 4 x 4 Weight lbs. per Butt H6 {M He "Ms 24 without screws J; 14 x 10-24 14 x 10-24 Machine screws _| with No.8 . with No.8 fl 14 x 8-32 British Hd. British Hd. 14 x 10-24 14 x 10-24 Furnished in all finishes. As a foundation for the final high finish, a heavy plating of copper is deposited on the polished cold rolled steel and an additional heavy plating of the finish required is placed upon the copper base. How to Specify: All hollow metal or kalamein and wood transom with pressed steel jambs throughout the building, except as otherwise noted, are to be hung with Wrought Steel Fast Pin Template Butts, Stanley No. 176 or Wrought Bronze Stanley No. 19614. (Specify which). The butts shall be not less than.: .... inches high to suit the details. This contractor is to provide the necessary templates for the use of the metal door and jamb manufacturer in preparing his work. Use Three Butts to a Door. 35 Common Practice of locating the Butts EQUAL on a Door Align top of upper butt leaf with the bottom of the top rail. Align: bottom of lower butt leaf with the top of the bottom rail. Place the third butt an equal dis- tance between the top and bottom butts. For extra wide bottom rails set the bottom of the butt up twice the height of the butt leaf. (C-- Scale: One-half inch to one foot. Clearance of Regular Stock Size Butts for Door of Wood Thickness Size of Maximum |_ Thickness Size of Maximum Thickness Size of Maximum of Door Butt Clearance _| - of Bogor Butt Clearance of Door Butt Clearance ifs". 5 € 42.02... 38" /s" to' .c ang" ong uas ¢. .. a 3%" 3s ® aN... L_ 6 2%" { 6 ' x6... $93" e ~f 22 tsk". |_ __ I 6 ~~ ., 36" | 6. 29%" $:)". Amex 4 nl" y 6... 4 34" 6 ' A2» 373" 4V4 x 4% .... 134" xt #.. K- 6... c X 178” " $ 5 5 / | $ < pis f 22% - aG. 1&4" | # x ica 17% fess 4." 0... 13%" < | 7 /y $.. e. 25%" 6° x f=" - $ -y $p sits 29%" | 7. x10. a. 43%" | $ x tro. a_. 438" Stanley Sherardizing We strongly recommend the use of Stanley Sherardized Finish upon all steel butts exposed to the elements. Stanley Sherardizing should not be confused with electro-galvanizing, as it is a more durable and an entirely different process. Stanley Sherardizing penetrates into the pores of the steel as well as forming a deposit on the surface of the steel. A sherardized product may be plated in any regular finish to harmonize with the other hardware. This finish is designated by the letter "Z" which is stamped upon the back of the butt at the top and near the joint. Use Three Butts to a Door. 36 Some of the Features 0 easily removed but is non-rising under the action of the door. The ball tip and pin are made of one piece up to and including the 6 inch sizes. Self-lubricating Feature These grooves hold the lubricant, pre- venting wear on the inside of the knuckle and insur- ing silent action of the butt. Non-rising Loose Pins There are wings on the pins which fit into corresponding grooves in the knuckles of the butt. The pin does not turn in the top, center, and bottom knuckles which elimi- nates wear on the inside of these knuckles The pin is £4 Beveled Edges The inner edges of the leaves conform to the curve of the barrel and make a closely fitting joint. Use Three Butts to a Door. minley Ball Bearing Butts 4 Square Shoulders The square shoulders of the ball tip are flush with the knuckle, and fit closely. Stanley Ball Bearing Washers The construction of the closely fitted, hardened steel raceways holds the ball bearings intact at all times. These bearings will each sustain a running load of 1000 pounds without any indication of wear. The bronze jackets prevent dust and moisture from entering the bearing. When assembled, the washers are packed with a non-fluid oil and need no further attention. Non-detachable Square Corners Washers Clean cut square corners add Each washer is permanently to the general uniformity of fastened to the Butt prevent- the Butt. ing it from being lost when the Butt is taken apart. Use Three Buils to a Door. 37 Paste on here additional Stanley Butt Detail pages which will be sent you later. Paste on here additional Stanley Butt: Detail pages which will be sent you later. 5-1-22 B 75 a PRINTED IN U S. A. R. S. PECK & CO., INC., PRINTERS, HARTFORD, CONN. ANP Standard Constructional Classincation No. 2/ oIANLELI R» &_# M BRUONLLE ST ANLE ¥ BOLTS DETAIL DRAWINGS sHOWING APPLICATION 0 F S FA NL E Y BRONZE aNp STEEL 5°C L- T S T HE»-STAaAKt®Y -W oRrKkKs NEW EBLITAIN._CONN.. U.S.A. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SEATTLE Manufacturers of Wrought Hardware and Carpenters' Tools Copyright 1922 The Stanley Works. Index BOLTS Bronze Metal Lever Mortise Case, Wrought Steel Chain, Wrought Steel Cremone, Wrought Steel 64 66 66 Flat, Extra Heavy Spring Flush, Wrought Steel Lever Foot Wrought Steel % e "* Positive Action Garage, Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Mortise, Wrought Steel Lever Shutter, Wrought Steel 6€ €€ 6C €€ €€ 6C Surface, Solid Brass CC CC Surface, Wrought Steel 6C a €€ 64 €€ 6€ Transom, Wrought Steel HOLDER Door, Wrought Steel No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Page 386 3 416-1096-415- 1095 23 355 19 371 £3 379 o 372 13 1870 14 374 14 $50 105;0 10; 1 10 387 4 395 5 393 6 397 7 397% 7 400-1028 8 394 9 393% 9 396-1026 8 356-1056 20 357 1957 21 ' tos 6 385-386 3 i Ho 32 1i14 23 1118 53 366 $7 367 ¥ 381 $9, 379 17 380 18 15 «456 24 No. 385 Wrought Steeh Lever Mortise Bolt £. to of ee me oe ee at ae on m hal sl _s R Elevation. Section. Scale: One-quarter size of 12 inch. Made in sizes: 9, 12, 18 and 24 inches. This bolt is made of wrought steel with extra long bronze metal No. 385 levers. The bolt when thrown either up or down cannot be removed until operated by the lever. The throw is 34 of an inch. The strike plate is self centering and the hole is large enough to allow for any shrinkage of the door. The springs are made of strong and durable music wire. Liberal screw holding power is provided, sufficient for heavy doors. The rod may be unscrewed from the lever plate at the sleeve near the offset, also from square bolt. Plate 61:4 x 114 inches. Rod 34 inch diameter, strike plate, 114 x 2 inches. Bolt, 4 inch square. Guide plate, 14 x 234 inches. Furnished in all finishes. No. 386 Wrought Bronze Metal Lever Mortise Bolt Made in sizes: 9, 12, 18 and 24 inches. This bolt is similar in construction to the one illustrated except it has wrought bronze metal plates, levers, bolt ends, guides and strike plates. Furnished in all finishes. No. 387 Wrought Steel Lever Flush Bolt Elevation. Section. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. Made in sizes: 9, 13, 18: and 24 inches. This lever flush bolt is made of wrought steel with extra long bronze metal levers. The bolt when thrown either up or down cannot be moved until operated by the lever. 'The throw is 34 of an inch. The bolt is designed to be applied to either the edge or the face of the door, as desired. The mechanism occupies a small space, the working parts are covered and the plate extends the full length of the bolt. The strike plate is self centering and the hole is large enough to allow for any shrinkage of the door. The springs are made of music wire. Liberal screw holding power is provided, sufficient for heavy doors. / No. 387 has a lip extension of 114 inches; depth of case 3{ of an inch; measurement of rod 34 inch square; bolt proper 4 inch square; plate 114 inches wide. Furnished in all finishes. No. 395 Wrought Steel Flush_Bolt Elevation. Section. Scale: - One-quarter size of 9 inch. Made insizes: 6,9,.12,13,19,24,30,.30, a2, 4° and 66 inches. The bolt has a lip extension of 1%4 inches. Plate is 1 inch in width. Bolt is 1% inch in diameter and has a throw of 34 inch. Furnished in all finishes. No. 393 Wrought Steel Flush Bolt Elevation. Section. Scale: - One-quarter size of 9 inch. Made in sizes: 6, 9, 13, 1s, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 inches. The bolt is made of cold rolled wrought steel and plated in all finishes. It has a lip extension of inches. The plates are 134 inches in width. Bolts, 1% inch square. The bolts have a 34 inch throw. No. 397 Wrought Steel Flush Bolt A4 & | I Elevation. Section. Scale: - One-quarter size of 6 inch. Made in sizes: 3, 4 and 6 inches. This bolt has a lip extension of 54 inch. The 3 inch size has plate 54 inch wide and 34 inch round bolt. The 4 inch and 6 inch; 1 inch plate, 4 inch round bolt. Bolts have 14 inch throw. Furnished in all finishes. No. 397% Wrought Steel Flush -Bolt Made in sizes: 3, 6, 9 and 12 inches. In construction this bolt is similar to the one illustrated. The bolt has a lip extension of 5% inch. Plate 34 inch wide; %4 inch round bolts; 44 inch throw. Furnished in all finishes. No. 396 Wrought Steel Sunk Flush Bolt Elevation. Section. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. Made in sizes: 6.9.13, 15, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 inclues. The bolt has a lip extension of 134 inches. The plate is 1 inch in width and the bolt is 58 inch square. The bolt has a 1 inch throw. No. 396 No. 1026 is made in the above sizes and is similar in construction to the bolt illustrated except it is made of Bright Steel. Furnished in all finishes. No. 400 Wrought Steel Sunk Flush Bolt Made in sizes: 6, 9, 12 and 18 inches. Similar in construction to the bolt illustrated with the following dimensions: The bolt has a lip extension of 134% inches. The plates are 134 inches in width and the bolt is 314 inch square. The bolt has a 1 inch throw. No. 1028 is made in the above sizes and is similar in construction to the bolt illustrated except it is made of Bright Steel. Furnished in all finishes. No. 393% Wrought Steel Sunk Elush Bolt <-- V i~4 + Elevation. Section. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. Made in sizes: 6, 9, T2, 1G, 18, 21, 30, 26, 42 and 48 incles. No. 3934 The bolt has a lip extension of 1%¢ inches. Plate is 34 inch in width. - Bolt has a 34 inch throw and 34 inch round rod. Furnished in all finishes. No. 394 Wrought Steel Sunk Flush Bolt Made in sizes: 4, 6 and 8 inches. Similar in construction to bolt illustrated with the following dimen- sions: The bolt has a lip extension of 34 inch. Plates are 14 inch wide; bolts, 44 inch round. Bolts have throw of 1% inch. Furnished in all finishes. IO No. 350 Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Flat Spring Bolt Section at head. Doors opening out. Scale: One-quarter full size. Section at head. Elevation. Doors opening in. Scale: One-quarter size of 8 inch. Made in sizes: -8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 24, 30, 30, 42, 48, sq and 60 inches. Section at head. The bolt is equipped with an exception- ally heavy spring; it is recommended for warehouse doors. Doors opening in. Scale: One-quarter full size. Plates, 134 inches wide; bolts, 34 inch t square. § Loop handle is 1°4 inches in the clear. s This bolt has a throw of 134 inches. Furnished in Antique Copper and Light *~ Bronze. No. 1050 is made in the above sizes, © (Y: !! a finished in Bright Steel and Stanley t y/f ) fl}— H Sherardized. e * No. 1051 is made in the above sizes, Section at sill. finished with Japanned plates, Bronze Doors opening in or out. Plated bolts. Scale: - One-quarter full size. No. 2 No. 3 II No. 1165 Wrought Steel Bolt # a - Elevation. Section. Section. Scale: One-quarter size of 2 inch. Made in sizes: I1 and 2 inches. This bolt is of wrought cold rolled steel. - The springs are of music wire. - The large ring handle and bolt is made in one piece of steel and cannot be broken. The ring is of sufficient size for easy opera- tion with window pole. Furnished in all finishes. T2 No. 371 Wrought Steel Cremone Bolt Plan. Window opening out. Scale: One-quarter full size. This bolt is for doors or windows opening in or out. The bolt is made of wrought cold rolled steel except the knobs which are struck up from wrought brass. The rod is made in the following lengths: 4 and 41% feet. Back plates for the handle and guides can be furnished at a slight additional cost. Center plate is 134 inches wide, 534 inches long; guides, 17% inches wide; bolts 34 inch wide. Staples Nos. 1 and 2 regularly packed, No. 3 substituted when specified. Furnished in all finishes. ( j\ Section. Window opening out. Scale: One-quarter full size. No. 3 13 No. 372 Wrought Steeh Cremone Bolt I > Plan. Window opening in. l Scale: - One-quarter full size. | | | | This bolt is for doors or windows opening in j or out. The bolt is made of wrought cold rolled steel } except the knobs which are cast brass cege- f shaped. The rod is made in the following lengths: > 3, 3%, 4 and 43% feet. Back plates for the handle and guides can be furnished at a slight additonal cost. Center plate is 134 inches wide, 534 inches long; guides, 17% inches wide; bolts 54 inch wide. Staples Nos. 1 and 2 regularly packed, Nos. 3 and 4 substituted when specified. Section. f as Furnished in all finishes. Window opening in. Scale: One-quarter full size. No. 373 Wrought Steel Cremone Bolt Plan. Window opening in. Scale: One-quarter full size. This bolt is for windows opening in or out. The rod is Sherardized and plated, the knob is cast brass. The bolt is made of cold rolled steel. The rod is made in the following lengths: 3, 3%, 4 and 43% feet. Back plates for the handle and guides can be furnished at a slight additional cost. Center plate is 134 inches wide, 534 inches P 7 » 37 long; guides 1 7§ inches wide; bolts, 5§ inch wide. Staples Nos. 1 and 2 regularly packed, Nos. 3 and 4 can be substituted when specified. No. 374 is identical to the bolt shown except it has an "S" shaped handle. Section. Furnished in all finishes. Window opening in. Scale: One-quarter full size. No. I 15 No. 377 Wrought Steeh Cremone Bolt I Plan. | Window opening out. Scale: One-quarter full size. This bolt is for windows opening in or out. The rod is Sherardized and Plated, the knob is cast brass. The bolt is made of cold rolled steel. (~ The rod is made in the following lengths: 3s 32°, 4 and 47% feet. 3a Center plate is 13% inches wide, 534 inches f long; guides 1 74 inches wide; bolts, 34 inch wide. - Back plates for the handle and guides can l be furnished at a slight additional cost. o> Staples Nos. 1 and 2 regularly packed, Nos. C 3 and 4, can be substituted when specified. Furnished in all finishes. 1\ Section. Window opening out. Scale: One-quarter full size. No. 1 16 No. 1052 Wrought Steel Extra Meavy Garage Bolt Section at head. Door opening in. Made in the following sizes: 7, 714, 8, 814 and 9 feet. They may be adjusted by }{ inch intervals to 6 inches beyond sizes mentioned above. - This adjustable feature cannot be tampered with after the bolt is placed in position. Action is positive and consists of few strong parts which are operated only by the lever handle. Designed for use on garage and other heavy doors. The lever handle is made of brass and the rods are Sherardized Steel. The plates are manufactured from wrought cold rolled steel. The bolt proper is half oval steel, 114 inches wide and 34 inch thick. . The brass lever handle is 7 inches long and 13% inches at widest part. Plates are 334% inches wide; the bolt has a 14 inch throw. Furnished in all finishes. No. 1140 No. 1 No. 2 Section at sill. fi Door opening in Nol3 Section. or out. # % y Door opening out. Staples Nos. 1, 2, 3 and No. 1140 No. 2. Nos. Scale: One-eighth full size. 4 and 5 included when ordered. No. 5 Section at head. Door or window opening out. Scale: - One-quarter size of 9 inch. St Sx Section at sill. Door or window opening in or out. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. ; No. 367 Solid Brass Surface Bolt Elevation. Section at head. Door or sash opening in. Scale: - One-quarter size of 9 inch. No. 367-Solid Brass % inch Rod. Made in 6, 9, 12 and 19 inch sizes and similar in construction to the bolt illustrated except made in Solid Brass. No. 381-Wrought Steel 14 inch Rod. Sizes: 6, 9, 12 and 18 inches. The bolt has 14 x 14 inch Half Round Steel Rods and 74 inch throw. Furnished in all finishes. No. 366-Solid Brass 34 inch Rod. Made in sizes: 4 and 6 inches with 34 x }% inch Half Round Rods made of Solid Brass. Furnished in all finishes. No. 379-Wrought Steel 3§ inch Rod. Sizes: 4 and 6 inches. The bolt has 34 x %g inch Half Round Steel Rods and a half inch throw. Furnished in all finishes. */ Section at head. Door or window opening out. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. No. 381 No. 380 Wrought Steel Surface: Bolt Section at head. Elevation. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. Made in sizes: 9, 12 and 18 inches. These bolts have 1% x 34 inch half round steel rods and have a 3 inch throw. The lower guide staple is 156 x 7§ inches. The top guide staple is 17% x 214 inches. The strap staple is 174 x 1%4 inches. Furnished in all finishes. /VA / Door opening in. Door or window opening out. Section at head. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. moto Section at sill. Scale: One-quarter size of 9 inch. 8 19 No. 355 Wrought Steel Chain-Bolt Plan showing 3 inch bolt. Scale: - One-quarter full size. Section at head showing 3 inch bolt. Door opening out. Section at head showing te nen bole. Scale: One-quarter § full size. Door opening out. Scale: - One-quarter full size. The bolts can be used on the inside or the outside of doors by removing the set screw, and reversing the bolt. A strong music wire spring throws the bolt automatically when the chain is released. A sufficient length of chain for the regular height of door is furnished with these bolts also different styles of strikes. The box staple is to be specified, if desired. The pear-shaped ring cannot be separated from the chain, and the chain is held in place by guides which are furnished with the bolt. Size 2” 3/1 6” 8” I ol/ Width of plate 114" 134" 32 23%" 338" Diameter of bolt 34" 34" 34" 3A" Ts" No. 1055 is identical to the bolt shown except it is furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes for garage use. Furnished in all finishes. 20 No. 356 Wtought Steel Foot Bolt Plan showing 3 inch bolt. Scale: One-quarter full size. Showing No. 1140, No. 1 self cleaning concrete strike. Section at sill showing § Section at sill showing No. 1138 strike and 10 inch bolt. 3 inch bolt. Scale: - One-quarter Scale: - One-quarter full size. full size. Made in sizes: 2, 3, 6, 8 and to inch sizes. The bolt is operated by a pressure of the foot on the cap and released by a pressure on the trigger. When released, the bolt proper is retracted by a heavy sherardized music wire spring. The rectangular floor plate has an oval shaped hole to take care of the shrinkage of the doors. No. 1138 strike is included for concrete floors. Size a" 3" 6" u ns Width of plate 1" 134%" 5" x if 33%" Diameter of bolt iy" 5%" 34" l Tel Throw of bolt 14" 14" 1" w | 1x4" No. 1140 No. i self cleaning concrete floor strike. No. 1140 No. 1 self cleaning concrete floor strike is furnished when ordered with the 10 inch. No. 1056 is identical to the bolt shown except it is furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes for garage use. Furnished in all finishes. 2T No. 357 Wrought Steeh Positive Action Bolt Showing No. 1140 No. 1 W Self-cleaning concrete strike. No. 1138 No. 1140, No. I1 Self cleaning concrete floor strike. Section at sill showing No. 1138 concrete strike. Scale: - One-quarter full size. Made in sizes: 6, 8 and 10 inches. The bolt is operated by a pressure of the foot on the cap and released by pressure of the foot on the trigger. The bolt need not be thrown to its extreme length before it will hold, as it is positive in its action, holding in any position. Size ' 6" $" 10" Width of plate | a4 2%" 338" Diameter of bolt 1 5s. 34" 3%" Throw of bolt } / 114" 1° No. 1138 concrete floor strike is regularly packed with all sizes. No. 1140 No. 1 when ordered. * No. 1057 is identical to the bolt shown except it is furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes for garage use. Furnished in all finishes. 22 No: 1140 Wrought Steel Shutter Bolt Elevation. Scale: - One-quarter size of 12 inch. Section at sill. Scale: One-quarter size of 12 inch. Made of Cold Rolled Steel. In sizes: 6, 8, 10, tz and 14 inches. Furnished with Japanned plates and Polished bolts. Also Galvanized under Class No. 1326. No. 1110 No. 11 14 Wrought Steel Shutter Bolt Elevation. Scale: One-quarter size of 8 inch. Made of Cold Rolled Steel in sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 inches. Furnished with Japanned plates and Polished bolts. No. 1118 Wrought Steel Lock Shutter Bolt Made in sizes: 6, 3, ro and 12 inches. Furnished with Japanned plates and Polished bolts. No. 457 Solid Brass Door Holder Section at sill. Elevation. Scale: One-quarter full size. The holder is fastened to the door near the floor, which allows easy operation and a firm purchase on the floor. The holder is equipped with a composition rubber tip, and by means of a heavy spring inside of the base it is self adjusting to over- come any unevenness of floor. A slight pressure on the trip knob releases the holder and allows the door to swing free. The holder is made of solid brass. The plates are 5 inches long, 2 inches wide; the diameter of the bolt is 34 inch. The throw is extra long being 114 inches. Furnished in all finishes. No. 456 is similar as shown above only made in wrought steel. 25 No. 416 Wrought Steel Case Bolt Plan. Scale: One-quarter size of 6 inch. Made in sizes: 2, 4, 6 and 8 inches. An exceptionally strong case bolt. Furnished in all finishes. No. 1096 made in the same sizes and construction as shown above except furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes for garage use. No. 415 Made in sizes: 3, 4 and 6 imches. A lighter yet sturdy type of case bolt. - Furnished in all finishes. No. 1095 made in the same sizes and construction as mentioned above except furnished in ' Japanned and Sherardized finishes for garage use. Paste on here additional Stanley Bolt Detail pages which will be sent you later. Paste on here additional Stanley Bolt Detail pages which will be sent you later. 5-1-22 B 75 8 PRINTED IN U. S. A. R. S. PECK & CO., INC, PRINTERS, HARTFORD, CONN and SHUTTER HARDWARE Standard Constructional Classification No. 27 STANLEY BLIND and SHUTTER HARDWARE DETAIL DRAWINGS s$sHowINc APPLICATION OF S T A NL E Y B L I N D a». $ H UCT T ER HARD W AR E THE STANt EY Works NEW _ BRKIMTAXIY, CONN, U. 9. *. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SEATTLE Manufacturers of Wrought Hardware and Carpenters' Tools Copyright 1922 The Stanley Works. Index FASTENERS: No No. No. . 1680 Standard 1682 Double Acting . 1672 Mortise HINGES: No. No. No. No. FOR FRAME CONSTRUCTION . 1640 Top and Bottom . 1642 Center . 940 Strap . 1624 with No. 1666 Hook . 1620 with No. 1666 Hook . 1616 with No. 1650 -334 Hook . 1608 with No. 1650-434 Hook . 1606 Safety, with No. 1652 Hook . 1647 %s Gravity FOR BRICE 1644 Top and Bottom 1646 Center 1640 with 1644 Hook Top and Bottom 1642 with 1646 Hook Center . 1612 Strap, with 1650-514 Hook FOR FRAME AND BRICK CONSTRUCTION . 1628 Strap with 1666 Hook Page 14 14 AL & : (G3 th :' t Un Blind Hinges for Frame Construction Wrought Steel Blind Hinge No 1640 Maxitaun Throw 2" / z aya { Ming open Wan? ________________ 4 Scale: _ One-quarter full size. No. 1640 One-quarter full size. These hinges are used on blinds hung flush with the casing. The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. This gives added strength to the blind. . Size: 4" on the vertical and 5" on the homzontal. Width of hook plate 114". Regularly furnished in Bright Steel. Galvanized finish under class No. 1360. Center Hinge for Frame Construction No. 1642 This hinge is used in connection with No. 1640 and is recom- mended for extra high shutters or blinds where three hinges are necessary. Maximum throw 2". Length of hinge on blind 6". / It Width of hook plate 114". No. 1642 One-quarter full size, Blind Hinges for Brick Construction Wrought Steel Blind Hinge No. 1644 a r SS \\\/ @ss = X $ =r aT t] 13 £.; a 1 - Blind open § Scale: One-quarter full size. No. 1644 One-quarter full size. These hinges are used on blinds hung flush with the casing. The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. This gives added strength to the blind. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel. Galvanized finish under class No. 1364. Size: 4" on the vertical and 5" on the horizontal. Width of hook plate 114". Center Hinge for Brick Construction No. 1646 This hinge is used in connection with No. 1644 and is recom- mended for extra high shutters or blinds where three hinges are necessary. Length of hinge on blind 6". Maximum throw 414". F4 Width of hook plate 114". No. 1646 One-quarter full size. Blind: Hinges for. Brick Construction Wrought Steel Blind Hinge No. 1640 with Hook No. 1644 Scale: One-quarter full size. No. 1640 Hinge with No. 1644 Hook,. One-quarter full size. These hinges are used on 134" standard blinds hung on the outside of the casing or where the construction has a deep reveal. The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. This gives added strength to the blind. The hinge has an offset of 1%" and a throw of 314" when used with No. 1644 Hook. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel. Galvanized finish under class No. 1360 with Hook 1364. Size: 4" on the vertical and 5" on the horizontal. Width of hook plate 114". Countersunk for No. 8 screws. Center Hinge for Brick Construction No. 1642 Hinge with No. 1646 Hook This hinge is used in connection with No. 1640 and is recom- mended for extra high shutters or blinds where three hinges are necessary. It has a maximum throw of 34". Length of hinge on blind 6". 14" Width of hook plate 114". No. 1642 Hinge with No. 1646 Hook. One-quarter full size. Wrought Steel Strap Shutter Hinge f No. 940 | 8 sss ( S> ~ e ceed uj + y row .~ d No. 940 One-quarter size of 8 inch. These hinges are made in the following sizes: Size, Length of Strap Width of Strap Inches Inches 6 1 ' 8 334 10 14 I2 1 14 I4 I% 16 134 18 134 Width of hook plate 114". These hinges are used on blinds hung flush with the casing. The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. This gives added strength to the blind. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Dead Black Japanned. This hinge can be furnished with offsets for various throws. A sketch of the construction is necessary. Blind Hinges for Frame Construction Wrought Steel Strap Blind Hinge No. 1620 with Hook No. 1666 Scale: One-quarter size of 4 inch. One-quarter size of 4 inch. No. 163206 Size Length Width Inches Inches 4 1 5 I 7 e These hinges are used on blinds hung flush with the casing. The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. This gives added strength to the blind. These hinges are furnished with Hooks 2", 24" and 3". Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. Blind Hinges for Frame Construction Wrought Steel Strap Blind Hinge No. 1624 with Hook No. 1666 *= iéBlind open t! g Scale: One-quarter full size No. 1624 with No. 1666 Hook One-quarter full size. " with Offset 14"-Throw (Casing to face of hinge) 78" Sizes: 1624 Hinge with Hook 1666-2 4 1624, €« € ec I666_2%ll cc ac §(il/___ ec ec CC. tf ~ ec 195” 1624. f a o ( 1666—3 fxs % tas ae fe ec ec C6 ft "At ec 174" These hinges are used on blinds hung flush with the casing. The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. to the blind. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. These hinges are 5" long on the blinds, and 1" wide. This gives added strength Specify offset or throw when ordering. Blind for Frame:and Brick Construction Wrought Steel Strap Blind Hinge No. 1628 with Hook No. 1666 MAXIMUM 2 7/3 THROW 27 H v‘__cv,::::::::-_::::(w y a": | g Blind: open i 1628 Hinge with Hook 1666-3 1628 6C CC CC [666—312], €€ 64 II/gll_n 6C 6€ C€ CC €€ C€ 1628 cC C6 CC 1666—3}/2/I 6C 1/34”_ 6C €€ €€ C€ C€ C€ I628 €€ CC C€ 1666_3%” 6C €€ 2 . pmand € C€ CC CC €€ CC These hinges are used on blinds hung flush with the casing. to The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. This gives added strength to the blind. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. These hinges are 5" long on the blind and 1" wide. Specify offset or throw when ordering. 10 Blind Hinges for Frame Construction Wrought Steel Strap Blind Hinge No. 1616 with Hook No. 1650-3%" Scale: One-quarter full size. One-quarter full size. These hinges are used on blinds hung on the outside of the casing. The strap of the hinge extends across the joints of the blind. This gives added strength to the blind: Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. Strap is §" long, 34" wide. Blind Hinges for -Frame Construction Wrought Steel Blind Hinge No. 1608 with Hook No. 1650-4%%" Scale: One-quarter full size. One-quarter full size. These hinges are used on blinds hung on the outside of the casing. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. Height of Innge 3". - 131 Blind-HMinges for Masonry Construction Wrought Steel Blind Hinge No. 1612 with Hook No. 1650-5%%" $2 r si t B Blind Open $1. K Scale: One-quarter full size. One-quarter full size. These hinges are used for blinds hung on the outside of the casing. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. Height of hinge 3". f f 4 f _ 13 Safety Blind Hinges Tor Frame Constfuction Wrought Steel Blind Hinge No. 1606 with Hook No. 1652 eight Bop Ar---- WNW/KT 77 Maximum Thy-om": <7 Blind Open 1&in Scale: One-quarter full size.. These hinges are used on blinds hung on the outside of the casing. The hinges are made so that the shutter cannot be lifted off except when the shutters stand at certain angle. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. Height of hinge 234". One-quarter full size. Blind Hinges for Frame Construction Wrought Steel Gravity Blind Hinges No. 1647"%/ U One-quarter full size. Scale: One-quarter full size. The blind cannot be removed except when opened wide enough to allow the hook plate to be lifted clear of the eye plate. This strong hinge is reversible and automatically holds the blinds open or closed. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Sherardized finishes. 14 For Frame and Brick Construction Wrought Steel Standard Screw Blind Fastener No. 1680 h //',/ For Brick [07/1] i 7k f === C4 No. 1680 for Wood ZAM / One-quarter full size. /\ A; } Y‘fi/ f \ £ Scale: One-quarter full size. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel and Galvanized. No. 1680 Bright Steel Frame Construction a a3Sse Galvanized * l "_ 168014 Bright Steel Masonry Construction 66 66 "*~ a380%f% Galvanized Wrought Steel Double Acting Blind Fastener No. 1682 if?“ (te X No. 1682 \ \ , " me f Y \\ oa One-quarter full size. For Brick a yee "ya Scale: One-quarter full size. This fastener is of the gravity type extremely simple and strong. Furnished also for masonry construction. Regularly furnished in Bright Steel. For Galvanized specify No. 1382. Mortise Wrought Steel Blind Fastener No. 1672 g ELEVATION Blind * A se € M"‘MM§5‘I Closed position ~ {~} H & f Edge of Sill u o- PLAN LOOKING UP Scale: One-quarter full size. & Open position C - No. 1672 One-quarter full size. These fasteners are for use on blinds or shutters hung close to the screen or where there is not sufficient room to use other types of fastener. The latch is made of spring steel with a malleable head. The latch automatically holds the blind open or closed. Stanley Sherardizing We strongly recommend the use of Stanley Sherardizing upon all steel hardware exposed to the elements. Stanley Sherardizing should not be confused with electro-galvanizing as Sherardizing is a more durable and an entirely different process. Stanley Sherardizing penetrates into the pores of the steel as well as forming a deposit on the surface of the steel. 5-1-22 PJSC PRINTED IN U.S.A R. S. PECK & CO., PRINTERS, HARTFORD, CONN. (IAKAb b HARD W ARE Standard Constructional Classification No. 27 x) P I S F A NLE ¥ GARAGE HARDWARE DETAIL DRAWINGS APPLICATION OPF S I A N L B ¥ G A R A CG E H AR DW AR E T ur Stanly Works NEY BRIIAIN, CONN. U. S. A. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN.FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SEAYTYTLEE Manufacturers of Wrought Hardware and Carpenters' Tools Copyright 1922 The Stanley Works. Automobile Manufacturers, name and address . Bolt, Extra Heavy Garage 6€ Chain =~ Foot 6C Foot 66 Case Butt, Ball Bearing Catalog, Stanley Garage Hardware Door Holder, Cushion Type Garage CC €€ Garage Sets, Stanley Finishes, Stanley Garage Hardware Handle, Extra Heavy €€ Hasp, Safety Hinge, Ball Bearing Latch, Extra Heavy Duplex 6€ Duplex ©€ Extra Heavy 6€ Extra Heavy Sherardizing, Stanley Turning Radius of Automobiles Washers, Stanley Ball Bearing No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1943 . 1055 1056 tosy 1096 452-8" x 6" ~ 1266 : +1205 « Segrg!s . . 1458-36" :' 1459 36° ' 1497 - 234" 34356-2324" . t{453= to" 3304 - . ~1203 . - (JQ ~I ihe) Fo a m B p ~I I I Stanley Garage Hardware HE Stanley Works were the original designers and manufacturers of Ball Bearing Hinges specially designed for garage doors. The Ball Bearing Washers used in these hinges eliminate the wearing down of the joints and permit the doors to open and close easily. The hinges are made for right or left doors without taking apart and reversing. Stanley Garage Hardware is sold in sets using the various combina- tions of hinges, handles, bolts, latches and door holders. This method of packing a complete set is very much appreciated as the set includes screws, bolts and nuts also instructions for applying the different articles of hardware. In the following pages detailed drawings are shown giving the correct application of the various pieces of hardware. If any unusual con- ditions of construction are encountered we would appreciate your advising us of the condition so we might suggest how to solve it. No. 1458 Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Garage Hinge With Ball Bearing Washers *We, & 6 z A ~N 3 L Codi o « Pias. Scale: One-quarter full size of 36 inch. These Ball Bearing Garage Hinges are exception- T ally heavy and strong. All sizes are corrugated near the joint and are equipped with Stanley Ball Bearing Washers. The Ball Bearing Washers eliminate the wearing down of the joints of the hinges and permit the doors Section or Heap. Scale: One-quarter full size of 36 inch. Top rail should not be less than 8 inches wide for 36 inch hinge and 7 inches wide for smaller sizes of hinges. to open and close easily. In applying, the casing only is mortised and the strap fastened to the surface of the door. Packed regularly with Wood Screws. Lag Screws or Carriage Bolts when so specified. For sets with which these Hinges are packed, see page 16. . No. 1458-36" No. 1459-36" 8! No. 1458-12", 18", 24 Length of joint g" Length of joint §* Width of pad Bro Width of pad 34" 3" Width of strap 3" Width of strap * 4" Offset 146" Offset 146" 24" Throw al4" Throw al4" 414" No. 1459-36" long. These Ball Bearing Garage Hinges, in design are similar to No. 1458 except they give a 434" throw. For Finishes, see page 18. No. 1457 Wrought Steel Heavy Garage Hinge With Ball Bearing Washers Ornamental Design o s J ~ rb ; g5, Prax. fi T&~ w $ £, (355 Scale: One-quarter full size of 24 inch. INJ 1 I [AIL QCQ cns 1 / / "L\3l‘;§>_ ll These strong, sturdy, ball beating hinges are corrugated near the joint and are equipped with Stanley ball bearing washers. In applying, the casing only is mortised and the ornamental strap is fastened to the surface of the door. Lag Screws or Carriage Packed regularly with Wood Screws. Bolts when so specified. For sets with which these Hinges are packed, see page 16. It It No. 1457-10", 24 Section or Heap. Scale: One-quarter full size of 24 inch. Top rail should not be less than 7 inches wide. Length of joint Width of pad 2l4" Width of strap 3" Offset 14s" Throw 2l4" For Finishes, see page 18. No. 1456 Wrought Steel Full Surface Garage Hinge With Ball Bearing Washers Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size of 24 inch. These hinges permit the door to be opened entirely clear of the opening. In applying no mortising is necessary. The pad is set on the door casing and the strap to the surface of the door. The casing must be flush with the surface of the door. SEcTION Scale: One-quarter full size of 24 inch. Top rail should not be less than 7 inches wide. When the doors are closed only two screws in the pad are visible, the other three are concealed by the strap of the hinge. In this position it is difficult to remove the hinge from the door. Packed regularly with Wood Screws. Through bolts when so specified. For sets with which these Hinges are packed, see page 16. No. 1456-12", 18" No. 1456-24" Length of joint 9" Length of joint ig Width of strap 3~ Width of strap 4". Width of pad J . Width of pad 314" For Finishes, see page 18. No. 1453 Wrought Steel Heavy Strap Hinge With Ball Bearing Washers Prax. cordion garage doors. Section. with ball bearing washers. Packed regularly with 134" No. 14 Wood Screws. Through bolts when so specified. No. 1453: each leaf ;. No. 252 Extra Heavy Wrought Steel Ball Bearing Butt These butts are used on segment head doors or where the rails have not width enough to accommodate the regular garage hinges. All sizes have four Ball Bearing washers. - When used on top tail in con- nection with 36" hinges on the lower rails specify size 9" x 6". When used with smaller hinges specify size 7" x 6". For Finishes, see page 18. is“ |L An ornamental, ball bearing strap hinge for use on folding and ac- These hinges conform in design to the No. 1457 Ball Bearing Garage Hinges. They are made of heavy wrought cold rolled steel and are equipped Length of each leaf 10"; length of joint 3"; number of screws 10; holes in 6 ¥ “VJ 1 17 p Teas 7 Nuveen <2 "33%, AQ! *~ 6 v £3 7 Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size of 8 x 6 inch. No. 1052 Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Garage Bolt SeEcrion or HEap. Door opening in. ~ Designed for use on garage and other heavy hoe f doors. The lever handle is made of brass and the ( rods are sherardized steel. The plates are manu- factured from wrought steel. Made in following sizes: 7, 714, 8, 834 and 9 feet. They may be adjusted by 14" intervals to six inches beyond sizes mentioned above. This adjust- able feature cannot be tampered with after the bolt is placed in position. Action is positive, consisting of a few strong parts operated only by the lever P handle. a TO The bolt proper is half oval steel, 114" wide and $% The brass lever handle is 7" long and 154" at widest part. Plates are 354° wide: the bolt has a 114" throw. Tio For sets with which these Hinges are packed, see page 16. Packed with 114 x 12 F. H. wood screws, two end guide plates, four guide staples, one No. 1 staple, one No. 2 staple, one No. 3 staple, and one No. 1140 No. 2 concrete strike. The No. 4 and No. 5 staple will be included only when so ordered. For Finishes, see page 18. SEcriOn OF SILL. Section: Door opening out. Scale: One-eighth full size. No. 1055 Wrought Steel Chain Bolt The bolts are reversible by removing the set screw and re- versing bolt. This feature permits the bolts to be used on doors opening in or out. A strong music wire spring throws the bolt automatically when the chain is released. These bolts are furnished regularly with 24" of chain. Angle strike and strap staple are packed regularly, box staple can be used instead of the angle strike as shown when so specified. No. 10355 6" No. toss 3" Length of bolt 6" Length of bolt g" Length of plate .;" Length of plate - 7" Width of plate - =" Width of plate 234" Diameter of bolt 34" Diameter of bolt _ }{" No. 10355 -10" Length of bolt fo" Length of plate g Width of plate 375. Diameter of bolt - 14" The plates on the NO. 1 O 5 6 6 and 8 inch sizes ( 10 inch Size. have straight sides. Wrought Steel Foot BOlt Section or Heap. Scale: One-quarter full size of 10 inch. These bolts are operated by a pressure of the foot on the cap and released by a pressure on the trigger. The rectangular floor plate has an oval shaped hole to take care of the shrinkage of the doors. No. | 1138 strike is included for concrete floors with 10 inch size only. 4 No. 1140 No. 1 self-cleaning concrete floor strike furnished when so specified. No. 1056 6" No. 1056-8" Length of bolt 6" Length of bolt Length of plate § Length of plate 2 Width of plate o Width of plate Diameter of bolt _ 54" Diameter of bolt Throw of bolt 1" Throw of bolt No. 16056 -- to" Length of bolt - to Length of plate Width of plate Diameter of bolt Throw of bolt For Finishes, see page 18. When released, the bolt proper is thrown by a heavy sherardized music wire spring. U Section or SLL. Showing self- cleaning concrete strike, No. -t110 megs No. 1. No. 1140 No. 1138 . |." V Saal 10 inch size. f z ale: "he plateslon the No. 1 Secrion or Sircr. Showing Strike No. 1138. One quarte: folk 6 and 8 inch sizes Self cleaning size of to inch. have straight sides. concrete strike IO No. 1057 Wrought Steel Positive Action Foot Bolt gal? as it s & 1 fei -. f gre -',._'_' ; el 7%. % a # .< A 10-inch size. The plates on the Section or SILL. 6 and 8 inch size have Showing self-clean- straight sides. ing concrete strike. No. 11406 No. 1. No. 1140 No. 1 Self cleaning concrete strike No. 1138 Section or Showing Strike No. 1138. Scale: One-quarter full size of 10 inch. These bolts are operated by a pressure of the foot on the cap and released by pressure of the foot on the trigger. The bolt itself need not be thrown to the extreme before it will hold, as it is positive in its action, holding in any position. The rectangular floor plate and No. 1138 concrete floor strike is furnished with 10 inch size only. The No. 1140 No. 1, concrete floor strike can be included but must be specified when ordering. No. 1057-6" No. 1059 --S" No. 1057-10" Length of bolt 6". Length ofebolt 8" Length of bolt 10" Length of plate §" Length of plate 9" Length of plate 9" Width of plate 4" Width of plate 234" Width of plate 33%" Diameter of bolt 54" Diameter of bolt 34" Diameter of bolt 34" Throw of bolt 34" Throw of bolt 114" Throw of bolt 114" Ir Su Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size. No. 1096 Wrought Steel Case Bolt These bolts are used on the inside of the active door or pair of doors so that the garage may be locked from 'the inside. These bolts are used on the garage that has a small entrance at side or rear. We recommend sizes 6 and 8". It will be substituted for the safety hasp in any set when so specified. For Finishes, see page 18. 11 No. 1264 Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Duplex Latch & Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size. It is adjustable for doors from 134 to 214" thick, although it can be supplied on special orders for doors of any thickness. There is a handle on both sides of the door. Combination holes in the escutcheon plates permit securely bolting the plates together through the door using 14" carriage or stove bolts. Length of bar, 12"; length of escutcheon plate, 1414"; width, 234". Handle proper, 1014" long and 134" wide. For sets with which these Latches are packed, see page 16. No. 1269 Wrought Steel Duplex-Latch These latches are recommended for use on doors of medium size where a smaller latch is desired. A door can be operated easily from either side as there is a handle on both sides of the door. They are adjustable for doors from 114 to 234" thick. Length of bar, 834"; length of escutcheon plate, 94"; width 22". Handle, 7%" long and 33" wide. For Finishes, see page 18. No. 1263 Wrought Steel-Extra Heavy | Latch l PLAX. Scale: One-quarter full size. These latches are made of heavy Cold Rolled Steel. The handles are of generous proportions and mounted on a large escutcheon plate which distributes the screws over a wide area. With combination holes for either bolts or screws. Length of handle, 10:4"; length of bar, 12"; length of es- cutcheon plate, 1456"; width, 234". For sets with which these Latches are packed, see page 16. / Pa | y" Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size. No. 1252 Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Latch This latch is used and operated similar to No. 1263 shown above. These latches have combination holes permitting the use of either bolts or screws. Length of handle, 1o0!4"; length of bar, 12". For Finishes, see page 18. +3 No. 1266 Wrought Steel Extra Heavy Handle Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size. , The handle is riveted to an escutcheon plate which increases the holding power of the screws as they are spread over a much wider space. Equipped with combination holes for screws or bolts. Made in one size only. Plate is 1414" long and 234" wide. Handle proper, 1014" long and 1}4" wide. For sets with which these Handles are packed, see page 16. No. 1265, length 10% inches; width 134 inches; width at ends 21% inches. No. 165 N.1266 No. Sc915% Wrought Safety Hasp Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size. The hasp, when closed, covers all the screws preventing them from being removed. The adjustable feature of the staple permits the hasp to operate when the position of the door is changed by shrinkage. The staple is in a vertical position which permits the lock to lie flat against the door. Length of strap, 7"; length of joint, 24". For Finishes, see page 18. 14 No. 1773 Wrought Steel Cushion Type Garage Door Holder Prax. Looking up. On special order, a bracket for Scale: One-cighth full size. segment head doors will be furnished. Two heavy springs covered by a cylinder, act as a cushion, relieving the strain on the door or the screws holding the hinges. Doors equipped with these Holders are held open by the action of the bar which is fastened to the door, engaging with the bumper plate which is attached to the soffit. By a slight pull on the handle the holder is released and the door easily closed. The arm is 30" long and made of heavy wrought steel. These holders can be used on doors with square or segment heads and are reversible for right or left hand doors. For sets with which these Holders are packed, see page 16. A 44" length of chain is furnished. For Finishes, see page 18. Showing No. 1773 Garage Door Holder applied to a door in the open position. 1s No. 1774 Wrought Steel Garage Door Holder Es. -p / o L ZI Cet sy aoe. On special order, a bracket for segment head doors will be furnished. Puran. Looking up. Scale: One-quarter full size. These Garage Door Holders securely hold the doors open. They can be used on doors with square or segment heads and are reversible for right or left hand doors. Doors equipped with these Holders are held open by the action of the bar which is fastened to the door, engaging with the bumper plate, which is attached to the soffit. By a slight pull on the handle the door can be easily closed. The heavy wrought steel arm is 30" long. A 44" length of chain is furnished. For sets with which these Holders are packed, see page 16. For Finishes, see page 18. No. 1774 Garage Door Holder is shown applied to a wooden garage with the doors in the open position. 16 Stanley Garage Hardware in Sets Set 1780 2 pairs 1458-36" Hinges 1 pair 1 pair 1 only 1 only 1 only 1458-24" Hinges 1773 Door Holder Cushion Type 1052 Garage Bolt 1264 Extra Heavy Duplex Latch. Sc9154 Padlock Hasp or one only 1096-6" Cased Bolt. Gross weight 88 pounds. Packed one set in a case. 2 pairs 1 pair 1 pair 1 only 1 only 1 only 1 only 1 only UV S Za SUS igyt. Set 1781 2 pairs 1458-36" Hinges 1 pair - 1458-24" Hinges 1 pair - 1773 Door Holder Cushion Type 1 only 1055-10" Chain Bolt 1 only 1056-10" Foot Bolt 1 only - Sc915%4 Padlock Hasp or one only 1096-6" Cased Bolt 1 only 1264 Extra Heavy Duplex Latch 1 only 1266 Handle and Plate Gross weight 88 pounds. Packed one set in a case. Set 1783 2 pairs 1457-24" Hinges 2 pairs 1 pair - 1457-10" Hinges 1 pair 1 pair - 1774 Door Holder 1 pair 1 only 1055-10" Chain Bolt 1 only 1 only 1056-10" Foot Bolt 1 only 1 only 1264 Extra Heavy Duplex Latch 1 only 1 only 1266 Handle and Plate 1 only 1 only - Sc915%4 Hasp or one only 1096-6" 1 only Cased Bolt Gross Weight 50 pounds. Packed one set in a case. Set 1785 1457-24" Hinges 1457-10" Hinges 1774 Door Holder 1055-6" Chain Bolt 1056-6" Foot Bolt 1252 Extra Heavy Garage Latch 1265 Extra Heavy Door Handle Sc9154 Padlock Hasp Gross weight 3134 pounds. Packed one set in a case. 2 pairs 1 pair 1 pair 1 only 1 only 1 only C NL (L -of Set 1782 1457-24" Hinges 1457-10" Hinges 1774 Door Holder 1052 Garage Bolt 1264 Extra Heavy Duplex Latch Sc915%4 Hasp or one only 1096-6" Cased Bolt Gross weight 50 pounds. Packed one set in a case. Set 1784 Cased Bolt Gross weight 50 pounds. 1458-24" Hinges 1458-12" Hinges 1774 Door Holder 1055-10" Chain Bolt 1056-10" Foot Bolt 1264 Extra Heavy Duplex latch 1266 Handle and Plate Sc9154 Hasp or one No. 1096-6" Packed one set in a case. Set 1786 3 pairs 1457-10" Hinges 1 pair - 1774 Door Holder 1 only 1055-6" Chain Bolt 1 only 1056-6" Foot Bolt 1 only - 1260 No. 4 Thumb Latch 1 only 123% No. 4 Door Handle Gross weight 22 pounds. Packed one set in a case. 2 pairs 1 pair 1 pair 1 only 1 only 1 only 1 only 1 only Set 1787 1458-18" Hinges 1458-12" Hinges 1774 Door Holder 1055-8" Chain Bolt 1056-8" Foot Bolt 1252 Extra Heavy Garage Latch 1265 Extra Heavy Door Handle Sc915l4 Padlock Hasp Gross weight 3134 pounds. Packed one set in a case ir Wheel Base a 110 of Automobiles Method Used to Estimate the Turning Radius 43 #% Zn to be taken 1_ as face of gara ' Tread U1 _ [meiprmurm dz; $5550 4:3: {543—4 | 13% I | |, AurormoBiE® - DIMENSIONS > + 1 o Q "1 38 u‘ —-||\ H 1 b'3 4 - --' \ 1 I Q I us (s } $f _ fo yas \\ 1 : g rfl'nq 0,19 \\ Il If \ ml \ ( I 14 / s l | \ | | \ U b A I NJ aat 1 XLS Nr N ¥3 ‘~_-_J{ "x Wheelbase 138 "or 1/'G" Over all - 18-3 Wheel bases, Names and addresses of passenger car manufacturers in the United States Manufacturer Allen Motor Co. arson, 8 130 Apperson Bros. Auto. Co. urn, 6-51, 121 Auburn Automobile Co. le, B1, B5 121-5 Biddle Crane Motor Car Co. ister, 91 {33 Brewster & Co. e ° 118-24 Buick Motor Co. lac, 61, 132 Cadillac Motor Car Co. mers Maxwell Chalmers Co. adler Chandler Motor Car Co. rolet, 490, - 102 Chevrolet Motor Car Co. rolet, FB, 110 eland, 41, 112 Cleveland Automobile Co. iingh'am, V-4, 1274 Cole Motor Car Co. 132-42 James Cunningham Son & Co. els, 8, D19-32, 132 Daniels Motor Co. ge 114 Dodge Bros. , 17 and 12, 108 Dort Motor Car Co. is, 6-80, 132 - Dorris Motor Car Co. enberg 134 Duesgnberg Auto. & Motors o. ont 124 DuPont Motors, Inc. int, A22 109 Durant Motor Car Co. 6 cyl. int, B22, 123% Durant Motor Car Co. 4 cyl. x 1084 Essex Motors § T, 100 Ford Motor Co. iklin, 9B, 115 H. H. Franklin Mig. Co. it Six 116 Grant Motor Car Corp. dley-Knight, B125 nes, 48, 132 nes, 55, 121 nes, 75, 132 son Super Six, 126 mobile, 1 an, MX, 120 an, F, 127 el, CB-6 124 yette, 134, - 132 ngton, T, 128 oin 136 mobile, M-48,142 arlan, 147, - 140 mon, 34, 136 well 109 cer 132 hell, F-50, n, 6-48, 122 Handley-Knight Co. Haynes Auto. Co. Hudson Motor Car Co. Hupp Motor Car Corp. Jordan Motor Car Co. Kissel Motor Car Co. Lafayette Motors Co. Lexington Motor Co. Lincoln Motor Co. Locomobile Co. McFarlan Motor Co. Nordyke & Marmon Co. Maxwell-Chalmers Co. Mercer Motors Co. 120-7 Mitchell Motors Co. Moon Motor Car Co. City. Columbus, Ohio. Kokomo, Ind. Auburn, Ind. New York City. L. 1. City. Flint, Mich Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio. Detroit, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Indianapolis, Ind. Rochester, N. Y. Reading, Pa. Detroit, Mich. Flint, Mich. St. Louis, Mo. Indianapolis, Ind. Moores, Pa. Muncie, Ind. Flint, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Highland Park, ich. Syracuse, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio. Kalamazoo, Mich Kokomo, Ind. Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio. Hartford, Wisc. Indianapolis, Ind. Connersville, Ind. Detroit, Mich. 16 W. 61 St., N.Y. Connersville, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Detroit, Mich. Trenton, N. J Racine, Wisc. St. Louis, Mo. Car Wheel Base Nash Four, 112 Nash Six 121 National, BB 130 Oakland, 34-D 115 Oldsmobile, 43-A 115 Oldsmobile, 46, _ 122 Oldsmobile, 47, - 115 Overland, 4, 100 Packard, Single Six, 116 Packard Twin Six, 186 119 Paige, 6-54, Paige, 6-66, 13 Paterson, 22-6-52 120 Peerless, 56-7, Pierce-Arrow R. & V. Knight, 125 138 3, 127 R. & V. Knight, R 116 120 Reo, T6-B Revere, D 13 Rlckenbacker Six, 117 Roamer, 6-54E, Roamer, 4-75E, Rolls-Royce Saxon-Duplex, 125G Scripps-Booth, B, 128 218 14334 112 115 Scripps-Booth, F, 115 Standard Eight, 11, Stearns-Knight, S 4 Stevens-Duryea, E Studebaker, Light Six, Studebaker, Spec. Six, Studebaker, Big Six, Stutz, K, Templar Velie, 34, Velie, 48, Velie, 58, Westcott, A-44 Westcott, D-48, 127 138 112 119 126 120-130 118 112 115 115 120 125 Wills Sainte Claire121 Willys- Knight, 20,118 Winton, 25, 132 Manufacturer Nash Motors Co. National Motor Car & Vehicle Corp. Oakland Motor Car Co. Olds Motor Works Willys-Overland, Inc. Packard Motor Car Co. Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co. W. A. Paterson Co. Peerless Motor Car Co. Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co. R. & V. Motor Co. Reo Motor Car Co. Revere Motor Car Corp. Rickenbacker Motor Car Co. Barley Motor Car Corp. Rolls-Royce Co. of America Saxon Motor Car Corp. Scripps-Booth Corp. Standard Steel Car Co. F. B. Stearns Co. Stevens-Duryea, Inc. Studebaker Corp. Stutz Motor Car Co. Templar Motors Co. Velie Motors Corp. Westcott Motor Car Co. C. H. Wills Co. Willys-Overland Inc. Wintor Co. 7 City. Kenosha, Wisc. Indianapolis, Ind. Pontiac, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Toledo, Ohio. Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Flint, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. East Moline, IIl. Lansing, Mich. Logansport, Ind. Detroit, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Springfield, Mass. Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Pittsburgh, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio. Chicopee Falls, Mass. South Bend, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Cleveland, Ohio. Moline, IIL. Springfield, Ohio. Marysville, Mich. Toledo, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio. 18 Stanley Garage Hardware Finishes J-Heavy coating of bright Japan. J1-Dead Black Japan, a lusterless finish especially appropriate for Garage Hardware. + Z-Stanley Sherardized; an anti-rust finish. - Folders describing this process in detail sent on request. ZJ1-Sherardized and then coated in Dead Black Japan. Thus finished, the article has the rust preventing feature of Sherardizing, together with the rich appearance of dead Black Japan. Sherardizing is done before Stanley Products are assembled and is stamped with the letter "Z". In ordering Stanley Garage Hardware, specify the number of the article followed by the symbol for the desired finish. Thus the Garage Door Holder illustrated on page 15; Sherardized and coated in Dead Black Japan should be ordered as No.: 1774 ZJ. Stanley Sherardizing We strongly recommend the use of Stanley Sherardized finish upon all steel hard- ware exposed to the weather. Stanley Sherardizing should not be confused with Electro-galvanizing as Sher- ardizing is more durable and an entirely different process. Stanley Sherardizing penetrates into the pores of the steel as well as forming a deposit on the surface of the steel. A Sherardized product may be plated in any plated finish to harmonize with the other hardware. This finish is designated by the letter "Z" which is stamped on the back of the butt at the top and near the joint. 19 Stanley Ball Bearing Washers -The illustration shows the Ball Bearing washers which are used in Stanley Garage Hinges. The tool steel balls roll in hardened steel raceways. These bearings will each safely sustain a running load of 1000 pounds without any indication of wear. The copper jacket prevents dust and moisture from entering the bearings. The brass eyelet acts as a bushing between the pin and the washer. When assembled the washers are packed with a non-fluid oil and need no further attention. . tins € he. -R Stanley Garage Hardware Catalog A separate catalog has been published showing the various sets of Stanley Garage Hardware also the separate items of hardware. Included in this catalog are a few photographs of garages actually trimmed with Stanley Garage Hardware. These photographs will help your clients visualize just how the hardware will look on their garage. This catalog will be gladly sent upon request to architects interested. 5-1-22 B 75 o PRINTED IN U, S. A R. S, PECK & CO., PRINTERS, HARTFORD, CONN. STANLEY SCREEN anp STORM SASH narpwarcs CBs No UCAR OT CRE aN Tane ® a 6th 6 0 dite, Ai, Hs, ett tcc iret cess DETAIL DRAWINGS sHoOowIINCG APPLICATION OF S TA N L E ¥ SCR E E N aan. STORM SASH H A R D WAR E T' ur STaxLEYy Works NEW BRITAIN. CONN. U.S. A. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SEATTLE Manufacturers of Wrought Hardware and Carpenters' Tools Bolts 66 Braces 6C Butts 6C Catches 66 Couplings Fasteners Hangers Fasteners €€ €€ Index Screen Door and Window 6C 6C 66 6C Screen Window and Door 6C €€ 6C 6C Half Surface 6C CC Screen Window Screen Door Screen Porch Screen Sash Half Screen Full Length Screen 6C 6C 6 € €€ Screen Door Spring Screen Door sTrORM . SASH HARDWARE Storm Sash Window CC 6C Page No. 1055 Chain 12 No. 1056 Foot s No. 37 tT No. 28 tt No. 160 5 No. 16514 § No. 34 to No. 210 10 No. 15 16 ts No. 1718 9 No. 2P] 6 No: 13 6 No. 1723 8 No. 1 P) 7, No..19 7 No. 1734 8 No. 150 Open Spring 4 No. 158 Enclosed Spring 4 No. Open Spring 4 No. 159 Enclosed Spring 4 No. 1756 3 No. 1716 16 323 & No: 4723 18 No. 1706 Flush with Casing 19 No. 1708 Outside of Casing 19 No. 1713 13 No. 1716 13 No. 1714 14 No: 1717 14 No: 1728 I5 No. 17/11 I § No. 1750 Wrought Steel Screen Door Set Y gai A Prax. The butts in this set are applied to the sur- face of the door and casing. The ball tip loose pins allow the door to be taken off. The articles included in this set follow: One pair of No. 1751 3 x 3 wrought steel orna- mental loose pin butts with 34" x 8 screws. One No. 479 wrought steel pull, 474 inches long, with 34" x 7 screws. One wire spring No. 3. One 23% inch hook and eye. Furnished in Japanned, Sherardized, Sanded and Plated finishes. f ErevaTIion. Scale: One-quarter full size We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. No. 151 Wrought Steel Screen Door Spring Hinges The hinges are 3 inches on the joint. The leaves are corrugated, add- ing to their strength and appear ance. The inner edges of the leaves are equipped with gauge lugs acting as guides when setting the hinge on the door or the door casing. The door may be taken off by removing 'the ball tip loose pins. Stanley Spring Hinges are equipped <& with strong, specially constructed springs of original design. Furnished in Japanned with Plated Ball Tips and Plated finishes. \ Prax. Scale: - One-quarter full size. al *C pe «ll o foos ea Ld No. 1§0 No. 158 No. 151 No.-15<) f Tight pin-open spring _- Tight pin-enclosed spring - Loose pin with ball tip- __ Loose pin with bil“ tip- f open spring enclosed spring We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. No. 160 Wrought Steel Half Surface Butts Ornamental ag ‘ -,’////, 7 Jr 5! /L. t: ' < AME} a cvs vata o _ // ,f/, // Q o / Prax. Ensvarion. No. 160. Scale: - One-quarter size of 4 inch. Made in sizes: 2, 25, 3, 3"@ and 4 inches. The butts are reversible and can be made either right or left hand by unscrewing the ball tip, reversing the pin and screwing the tip in the opposite end. Made in all finishes. No. 165% Wrought Steel Half Surface Butts Prax. EnevaTIONn. Scale: One-quarter size of 4 inch. Made in sizes: 114, 2, 24, 3, 3%%, 4, 414 and 5 inches. The slot in the lower ball tip allows the tip to be unscrewed for the purpose of reversing the butt. Made in all finishes, polished and plated. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. No. 2PJ Wrought Steel Half Screen Hangers Strip nailed y to top qffcreen n duo f \ ¢ A b Andon - ohare o:. It] &i ! Scale: One-quarter full size. Screens hung on these hangers are swung from dowel pins driven into the casing. The screen frame must be mortised to correspond with the slot in the turned over flange of the hanger. Length of plate 2% inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. No. 1 3 Wrought Steel Half Screen Hangers a o an One inch escutcheon pins are driven into 8 |///2/ + the blind stop, the hangers fastened with nails to the screen frame and the screen is ready to hang. An offset acts as a gauge in- suring correct location. The hangers may be placed either on the inside or the outside of the screen. % Length of Hanger 24 inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. UPPER SASH ErgsvarTION. Section. Scale : - One-quarter full size. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. No. 1PJ Wrought Steel Full Length. Sereen Hangers Sdn - tt ttr TI Scale: - One-quarter full size. The hangers hang the screens satisfactorily and brace the frame as well. Length of eye plate 214 inches. Width of hook plate 174 inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. No. 18 Wrought Steel Safety Full Length Hangers EngvarTIiOo®. Section. Scale: - One-quarter full size. The broad over-hanging guard on the upper section of these hangers prevent the screen from being blown off. The prongs on the lower portion are driven into the top of the sash, locating the hanger accurately. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. No. NA1S furnished with 74" x 12 nails. No. Sc18 furnished with 34" x 6 screws. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. N6. 1.724 Wrought Steeh Full Length Screen -Hangers (// / [ I // / | I / EnsvarTION. Section. Scale: - One-quarter full size. Width of hook plate 23% inches. Extra eyes furnished when desired. Length of eye plate 3 inches. _ Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. No. 1725 Wrought Steel Half Screen Hangers ga | Section. ErsvarTION. ¢ SoN > Scale: One-quarter full size. Extra eyes furnished when desired. Length of eye plate 114 inches. Length of hook plate 144g inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. No. 1718 Wrought Steel Screen Fasteners azz | \ | § hw Prax. SECTION AT SIL4, One-quarter full size. Scale: The fasteners are attached to the side of the sash and the window casing. They allow the sash to be held open for cleaning or ventilation. When the sash is are reversible for either right or left hand. closed the fasteners are firmly locked by engaging the fastener with the pinion driven into the casing. Length to inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather to No. 210 Wrought Steel Screen Door Catches a 4 M A M EngvaTION. Scale: One-quarter full size. The catch operates automatically. The door strikes the two rubber rollers, releases the Stanley Sherardized spring and the one rubber roller catches the door and holds it tight. The rubber rollers are held in place by Stanley Sherardized pins. Apply catch 12 inches from top of door. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. No. 3% Wrought Steel Screen Window Catches ErsvaTION. Prax. Scale: One-quarter full size. The catch may be set on a strip of wood as narrow as 134 inches. The cam action pulls the door or window into place and holds it firmly. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. n Nos. 15-16 Wrought Steel Screen Couplings Scale: - One-quarter full size. These couplings are used to hold sectional screens of a porch together. The slight projec- tions are for driving the couplings when drawing the screens together. When taking down screens, release the screws slightly in the couplings.. It is not necessary to remove the screws. The small hole in the corner of the couplings is used to fasten coupling to screen when in storage. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. C GA miri __G.._}L._& {$2275.75 Prax. Scale: - One-quarter full size. Nos. 27 - 28 Wrought Steel Screen Braces Lirt EngvarTiOn. f Scale: - One-quarter full size. Center Brace Corner Brace These braces are used to reenforce screen doors and window screens, also screen sections for porches. Braces are equipped with prongs to be driven into the wood. No. 27 Set consists of four corner pieces and two center pieces packed with screws for screen doors. No. 28 Set consists of four corner pieces and one lift with screws for screen windows Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather No. 1055 Wrought Steel Chain Bolts Prax at 4xE4Ap. Scale: One-quarter size of 3 inch. f e L-- ~ % N Pm iga ak S Section. Scale: - One-quarter size of 3 inch. PLAX AT SILL. Scale: One-quarter size of 3 inch. Made in 2 and 3 inch sizes. 2 inch size-Width of plate 11% inch Diameter of bolt 34 inch 3 inch size-Width of plate 1 34 inch Diameter of bolt 34 inch The bolt is reversible by removing the set screw and reversing the rod. This feature permits the bolts to be used on doors opening in or out. Strong Sherardized music wire spring throws the bolt automatically when the chain is released. f Furnished in Japanned, Dead Black Japanned, Sherardized and Sherardized Dead Black Japanned and regular Plated finishes. No. 1056 Wrought Steel Foot Bolts Made in 2 and 3 inch sizes. 2 inch size- Width of plate 1 inch Diameter of bolt 14 inch Throw of bolt 14 inch 3 inch size-Width of plate 134 inch Diameter of bolt 1% inch Throw of bolt 14 inch The bolt is operated by a pressure of the foot on the capped top of the bolt and released by a pressure on the bronze metal trigger. The bolt is retracted by a heavy sherardized music wire spring. Furnished in Japanned, Dead Black Japanned, Sherardized, Sherardized Dead Black Japanned and regular Plated finishes. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. 13 : No. 1745 Wrought Steel Pull Length Sto‘rm Sash Hangers 7 f - % N EnrevarTiONn. SEcTION at HEAD. Scale: - One-quarter full size. The angle on the hook in these hangers guides the eye up and over the hook so the sash can be easily hung from the inside of the building. Extra eyes furnished when desired. Length of hanger 274 inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. No. 1716 Wrought Steel Full Length Storm Sash Hangers EnevarTION. SECTION AT HEAD. Scale: - One-quarter full size. This storm sash hanger is exceptionally strong. - It is easily fastened to the window casing and sash. Extra eyes furnished when desired. Hanger is 334 inches long. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. 14 No. 1714 Wrought Steel Full Length Storm Sash Hangers Pr T éfik/év/ N 3 >> >> SECTION AT HEAD. EresvaTiOn®. u Scale: One-quarter full size. The hooks of these hangers are fastened to the sides of the window casing; eyes being fastened to the sash. This type of storm sash hanger is used to advantage on a Reveal frame. Extra eyes furnished when desired. Length of eye is 244 inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. No. 1717 Wrought Steel Full Length Storm Sash Hangers SECTION AT HEAD. ErgsvatiO®. Scale: - One-quarter full size. These hangers are made from cold rolled steel, are very strong and easily applied. Extra eyes furnished when desired. Length 2% inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. 15 No. 1728 Wrought Steel Ful] Length Storm Sash Hangers TH L/ NAY JP *% / yt yt SECTION AT HEAD EnrevaTION. Prax. Scale: - One-quarter full size. Scale: One-quarter full size. This hanger is used when the storm sash is to be placed on the outside of the window casing. When closed, the sash is held in place by the fasteners and hook. Hanger a 14 inch offset. Length of hanger 4 inches. No. 1728 includes: 1 pair of hangers, 2 only fasteners, 1 only hook and eye. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. No. 17 1 1 Wrought Steel Full Length Storm Sash Hangers SECTION AT HEAD. Scale: - One-quarter full size. The hanger is used on storm sash hung flush with the window casing. The eye is con- structed to pge#®nt rattling. Extra eyes furnished when desired. This hanger is 234 inches long. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. No. 1719 Wrought Steel Storm Sash Fasteners *A ~ ~ R | H N ~ R V SECTION AT SILL, 17///\/ ZLL R PL4K. Scale: - One-quarter full size. The fastener is attached to the side of the sash and window casing. It allows the window to be opened for cleaning and ventilation. When the sash is closed the fasteners pull the sash inward and they are fastened securely by engaging the hole in the fastener with the pinion driven into the casing. They are made in two lengths, five inches for windows four feet and smaller; ten inches for windows over four feet. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. No. 1722 I Wrought Steel Folding Storm Sash Fasteners 7 g | Srecrio® aT siLL. Prax. Scale: - One-quarter full size. The fastener is applied to the window sill and the bottom rail of the storm sash. When the sash is closed the fastener is folded as shown in the illustration. prevents the window from being opened from the outside. Length when opened 1234 inches. Length when closed 714 inches. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. The flange We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. 18 No. 1723 Wrought Steel Folding Storm Sash Fasteners I~. I ¥ ; 1 1 7 | / /\ 4 1 ""pmo sft & fly, / Rot 1 f Sim t A £598 *y ,/ Bs. 1 7 / /,/ 1 nr All 4 ~ /: ~ Comd! OTs mit a a 3 *~ 1 ~d ~S*& T> 6 I 5&0" 4. . ls (3 ary rete Scale: L-- rng N v Aae." ~ \ ~ ~. Section at Sirr. One-quarter full size. The fastener holds the Storm Sash open and also securely locks it when closed. The catch part is attached to the upper sash run-way, about to inches above the sill. This part does not interfere with the operation of the upper sash. The application of this fastener does not interfere with the screen runner and it is not necessary to remove the parts of the fastener which have been permanently attached to the sash or the casing, when taking down the storm sash for the summer months. To allow for the locking feature, the hinge top should be placed to inches from the bottom of the sash. Length when open, 12 inches. casing. The fastener is made right or left hand. When closed, 64 inches. Eye piece extends 74 inch from It is not reversible. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. ‘N 19 No. 1706 Wrought Steel Sash Fasteners = Torm sAsH \ CASK AAX (-_ SECTION AT SILL. EnevarTIOn. Scale: - One-quarter full size. Applied on the inside where the sash is set outside of the window casing and is to be held firmly in place. When applied, it draws the sash tight to the window. Four pieces to a set, two right hand and two left hand. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. No. 1708 Wrought Steel Sash. Fasteners 9 €\ \G \\$\ 4 a 4 // SECTION AT HEAD. EngvaTion. a w Scale: One-quarter full size. The fastener is applied on the outside edge of the sash and the window casing, when the sash is set on the outside of the window casing and is to be held firmly in place. Four pieces to a set, two right hand and two left hand. Furnished in Japanned and Sherardized finishes complete with screws. We recommend Stanley Sherardized finish on all steel hardware exposed to the weather. PRINTED IN U. §. A. R. S. PECK & CO., INC., PRINTERS, HARTFORD, CONN B 75 ¢ STANLEY TEMPLATE BUETS SCREW HOLE SPECIFICATIONS SC ITE W HOL E SPECIFICATIONS 5 I A N L E ¥ BRONZE AND STEEL TEMPLATE BUTTS > & THE Works NEW BRIIAINX, CONN., U.S. A. NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SEATTLE Manufacturers of Wrought Hardware and Carpenters' Tools eve SCREW HOLE SPEUGOIFIGA TIONS Standard Construction Classification No. 27 Copyright 1924 The Stanley Works Sze or Butt Q%” x 2%Il 3 t x 2%II 3 L x 3 U 3%Il x 3 U $%" ©4314" ”x3 It L X3%” I x 4 U I x 5 U x 6 I 454" x3 "} 418 x 33:4". 4158" x 33%" 4%Il x 3%I’ 4t2" x a. / 452" x 4:4" 4%” x 5 I U x 3 II} It x 3%II I U + > p P A X39”? ”X4 n I/x4%ll llx5 0 "x 6. " ”X7 ”X8 L ”X4 n x $ " ~:G ." " y go " ”X4 If} ”X5 ”x6 L ”X8 1/1 "x r0 "J L ~ » % «® m. aaa n in uu us un tun un un Gn 43%" 5 I 43" 5 L4 INDEX MORTISE TEMPLATE BUTTS Crass NumsBErRrs 174, 176, 178, 179; 194, 856 BB174, 174,176, 178, BB179, 179 BB193, 194, 196, 19614, BB197, 197 BB198, 198, BB856 PPB174, 174, 176, 178, BB175, 199 BB193, 194, 196, 19634, BB197, 197 BB198, 198, BB856 BB193, 194, BB197, BB198, BB856 L }BB168, BB174, 174, 176, 178; BB179, 179 {BBr68, BB174, 174, BB179, 179, BB193, 194 BB197, BB198, BB856, BB199 {BB168, BBi72, BB173, BB174, 174 BB179, 179, BB193, 194, BB197 BB198, BB856, BB199 {BB168, BB174, BB199, BB1G3, 194 BB197, BB198, BB199, BB8§56 BB16S, BB172, BB17;, BB174, 174 BB179, 179, BB193, 194 BB197, BB198, BB199, BB856 BB16S3, BB174, 174, BB179, 179 BB193, 194, BB197, BB198 BB199, BB8 56 {BBI68, BB199 BB168, BB199 HALE SURFACE TEMPLATE BUTTS BB17y2, BB173 BB163, BB172, BB173 FULL SURFACE TEMPLATE BUTTS BB170, BB171 BB170, BB171 Ry *s Rempe Magie Mi Rly. Resumen * » Siegen rand Pace 10 11 12 13 14 15 Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts v Standard A The location of holes shown is standard for: sizes: tes f 21/2 x 21/2 inches. __ 4m“ E; ’ m: , | SeRew > ¥ CLASS No. SIZE Swen 3IZES - ‘Rz-MARKs ira ___| 2gx2}| 089 |(a6-32 FULLMoR'mE 176 -- "z _ __L _ -__ __ [TRAN IFEX LL M CB pay pris 1st £ Standardize on Stanley" Screw Hole Specnhcauons Stanley Template Butts Standard A s The location of holes shown is standard for sizes 4 ~ 3 x 2% inches and 3 x 3 inches. -__ ___ vee | Mach ing] _ ela CLaAss No. |S1 B.B.1?74r174 | 3 «3 - 3 «25 +3 13 a +3 13 3 x 3 e SCeREew E |STtocK | Sizes |. ARKS - f ’_|0;z4 |1Fu L" Mortise ~ te f RAN Som MoRTISE $ F # ABL CETET] SHT LL & Standardize on Stanley" r RTiSE __ emrryy3 avec s ns args ® Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts & & Standard A , ,> ~ f The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 3% x 3 inches and 3% x 3! inches. <--1395 -- AV&E|MACHINE or | Serew e o CLASS No. _| Size K | S 1ZES MARKS __ ___ 123 |$x10-24 |Fuuumortise _ #» o R [e] ae B.B.174 +174 | 179 +179 « _ ___ -_. "Standardize on Stanley" _ Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts Standard A and Standard B The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 4x 3 inches and 4x 3%, inches, 4x4 inches, 4x5 inches and 4x6 inches. 2- fam my; . at } [1 GAUGE | MACHINE (e) 3 SCREW S1ZE |Srock | Sizes REMARKS 170 x12-24 A HEaAvY = V ORTISE Pi LLMORTISE ** Standardize on Stanley t F B is a t A Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts Standard A-2 and Standard B-2 The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 4, x 3 inches and 4% x 3%, inches. ? € --L166 --|~- UM66 --- 1166 -~ AUG MAchc' or | SerEew yao CLASs No. |Size |StocKk | Sizes | REmARKS B.B. 168 x34 | 180 |£x12-24 | ExtTRaA Heavy ’l h ' R F & ; 32 $> 79 +179 o 194 1986 -¥ -SB) g Standardize on Stahle'ly fs Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts Standard A and Standard B 22 The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 4, x 3%, inches, 4% x 334 mches, 4, x 4 mches, 41/2 x 41/2 mches and 4%_ x 5 mches f --14234 - ;E|MacmHINE or | ScREw |- } [ f RE leo 1224 _ | | HE = F, VRFACE Tes ul S> & «Standardize on Stanley" - 6 % g _ Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts Standard A-2 and Standard B-2 - The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 5 x 3 inches and 5 x 3% inches. e fame oo jan om J Tj _ s ape ene . ~.. 14d E|MacH INE ___ Or | Serew | _ «Standardize on Stanley" - Screw Hole Specifications _ Stanley Template Butts 5 -Standard A and Standard B >* The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 5x33/4 Inches, 5x4 inches, 5x4%4 inches, 5x5 inches, 5x6 mches, § 5 x 7 inches and 5 x 8 inches. -- "|<---14684¢ --- AVGE |MACHINE or | ScREw ; s Crass No | Size |STocK |S1ZES REemaRKS .B. 166 §x4+5x$| 190 1224 ExTRA HEAVY s 8 IT * HALF SVRFAC bb|73 ~ sait « .6.174r1?74 | 5x4 +sx5 « § | B.P.179 vi 6.B.1793 ___ __| 5 ax 5 [| 4 * 197 * 19° een ae |I 0 [o We feJ4 «445x5]| 146 «Standardize on Stanley" % sR Se Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts Standard A and Standard B The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 6 x 4 inches, 6 x 5 inches, 6 x 6 inches and 6 x 8 inches. R |] */L219"|af 381: SCALE HALE SIZE vae MacHINE Or SCREW CLAsSs No. |SizE |StocKk | S1zEs REMARKS B. " Standardize on Stanley"! Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts § ' Standard B-2 The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 8 x 4 Inches and 8 x 5 inches yes pe 7d -| -L167 =| "|_ GaveE| MAcHIN ‘ or Screw sal- Class No _|SIZE |StockKk | SIZES | Remarks _ B.8.168 ___ |8.4-45| 203 |42.%-20 |A Bari bean P" 5 to a v LJ " Standardize on Stanley" size ___ Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts ays Standard B ‘ The location of holes shown is standard for sizes: 8 x 6 inches, 8 x 8 inches and 8 x 10 inches. 17210 ”final 0|- f Y SZE UGE | MACHI (e) a SCREW | _ "> CLASS No. | SIZE Ock | SIZES REMARKS 5.5;l l pee enki ay ) BALLBEARINGS q «e m eg ak a «o e* R 1 C es Stdnddfdize on Stanley" Screw Hole Specifications - - Stanley Template Butts : Standard A and Standard B dut location of holes shown is standard for size 41/2 mches TW/2 6. MACHINE | v Or | ScrREw 4 CLASS No. Srock|S1ZES _| REMARKS _ B.B.I63 _ 4:5: 180 ‘ “fix 12:2,4‘ fEx-rRA» HEAVY & 8B.B.172 E [EF % o e , B.B. 173 ae .|34 , < For MoRTISE LEAF 2x4-20 OHM S WITHCROMMETNUTS F'onSunrACELEAr-BB (P210 “£220 - j , _BBJ6é3 " Standardize on Stariley gd. Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts Standard A and Standard B The location of holes shown is standard for size 5 inches. L500 GAUGE‘ MACHINE OF |ScREW . CLASS No. SrocKk | S12 E5 REMARKS BB.163 _| Extra Heavy 8.9. 172 146 8.B.173 [Er2 J * For Mortise LeAr O H.M.S W ITH GROMMET NUTS FORSURFACELEAEfllzgfififi _ ~ «e a to a a s C aBJ‘s 20 h 0 '* Standardize on Stanley" Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts Standard A The locatnon of holes shown is standard for size 41/2 mches. 1400 -| MACHINE 4 <4 Scacw CLASS No. SIZES f? PULLS urfFrace _ d ase 2 Seat C so ' a 3. knee 5 LD *FOR MORTISE LEAF _ xé-zo O.H.M.S. Wi With GROMMETNUTS FORSURFACE. LEAF "* Standardize on Stanley" Screw Hole Specifications Stanley Template Butts | Standard A The location of: holes shown is standard for size 5 inches CLASS No. MACHINE SCREW SIZES REMARKS FULL SUVRFAcEe »«4$x12-24 so toe *FOR MORTISE LEAF 2 WITHGROMMET Nuns For SurFrace LEAF 4 Standardize on Stanley" Stanley: Template =»Butts The Stanley Works have made a very careful study of Template Butts and is familiar with the practices used by the leading steel door and trim manufacturers. The Stanley Works Template Punching is used as a standard by a great many of these manufacturers. A template butt is one in which the screw holes have been accurately punched with the aid of a template. These holes will exactly line up with screw holes punched in metal doors and jambs to a similar template. The punching of the holes in Stanley Template Butts was scientifically worked out by this organization and has been used many years. With the assurance that the punching of our template butts are thoroughly standardized, the manufacturer of metal doors knows he will not be called upon to make alterations on the job. The standardization of the template punching insures easy application. The butts are packed with machine screws of the proper size and each butt is stamped with the class number. The Stanley Works high standard of quality has a special ©pportunity to prove itself in the Template Butt line.. Each individual butt is carefully inspected and is held within close com- mercial limits which have been established thru long experience and close attention to the needs of the manufacturers. A Stanley Template Butt is guaranteed to fit. All leading manufacturers of metal doors and jambs have been personally interviewed by members of our organization in order to facilitate greater cooperation and assistance to those interested in the application of Stanley Template Butts. "Standardize on Stanley." 2-15-24 PRINTED IN U. S. A. B 75r R. S. PECK & CO., INC., HARTFORD, CONN.