.3. ms :: ,:3.E.E;L.r..l: “.3. L “w .~ M SIDEBOARD'IN THE QUEEN ANNE STYLE. 02753 SPECIMEN BOOK 85A», , ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS, SHOWING PLANS, ELEVATIONS AND VIEWS OF E SUBURBAN HOUSES, VILLAS, SEA- SIDE AND CAMP GROUND COTTAGES, HOMESTEADS, CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, :S-. 53:33» LT. :5‘. ; INCLUDING SPECIFICATIONS, BILLS OF MATERIALS, ETC.; ALSO SEVERAL ORIGINAL DESIGNS FOR MODERN STYLES OF MANTELS AND I FURNITURE, PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS WORK. 3‘, “ VI 1 : Rama.” NEW YORK: A. J. BICKNELL & CO. 1878. ‘ 4 BICKNELL & .co.’s SPECIMEN. BOOK OF. § PREFACE. 1 *[N preparing the following collection of designs, we have not so much % intended to offer new and original studies, as to make a compilation from various published works. As the name implies this is a “Specimen Book of Architectural Designs.” Each design is suggestive and Of value in itself and together they probably offer a larger opportunity of selection, for the price, than any work published ; being in fact an epitomé Of almost all recent Architectural publications. In several cases descriptions have been given and in some specifications and bill of materials; where cost has been given our purpose has been to avoid underestimating, and at the present low cost of building, the work can in many localities be executed at less than the estimates here given. \Ve believe this collection will be Of great practical value to those contemplating building or remodeling. For the convenience of the reader who may wish to execute any particular design, we have in every case named the work from which each example has been taken, and can invariably supply the publication referred to. For the designs of Mantels and Furniture shown on Frontispiece and pages 65—68, we are indebted to Warren \Vard & C0., manufacturers of Artistic Furniture, of this city, who have had these designs engraved expressly for this work. This little book will, we think, be especially valuable to two classes: Those who Wish a home, and those who build for the purpose of‘in- vestment. To the former the present low cost of material and labor offers an opportunity of building and furnishing a home such as may not occur again in a life-time. To the latter an opportunity of securing an invest- ment superior to almost any now offered. With many thanks to our patrons for their past generous appreciation, and with a full determination to merit a continuation of the same, we remain, Yours to serve, A. J. BICKNELL & CO. NEW YORK, May, 1 1878. v" ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 5 ’IE) -I@ Fig. 1,—Front Elevation. Low priced Cottage. From “Biclcnell's Village Builder and Supplement." One large quarto v01., 77 plates. Price $10.00. BED ROOM KITCHEN I0 X12 IO X I2 —-—- LIVING ROOM /2’6”x// Fig. 2. First Floor Plan. ”’3! 6. BICKNELL & C0.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF Cheap Country Cottages. HE designs on pages 5, 7 and 8 represent three cheap but at the same time tasty and convenient country cottages, for men of moderate means. These designs are shown on plate I, Bicknell’s “Village Builder and Supplement.” The estimates. in work named, of the cost of these buildings, are : for Fig. 1, $750; while if the design of Fig. 3 be used, ' $1,000, and for Fig. 5, $1,2bo. These p'rices, however, do not include the cost of cellars, although in many localities they could now be executed, including cellars and everything com- plete, for prices named. The scale of the draw- ings is i in. to the foot. Fig. 2 is the ground plan, and requires no particular explanation. The second floor plan would contain the same , - number of rooms, and of the same size given on Fig. 2, except as they would be reduced by the necessary closets. The run of the stairs to be toward the centre of the house, and the stairs to be lighted from the roof. Figs. I and 3 give elevations, in different styles, of this design; and Fig. 4 shows a section of the wall corre- sponding to Fig. I. “’e give a general specifi- cation and bill of materials, with ample allow- l l 4! ance for necessary waste, adapted to New York a O: ideas, based upon Fig. 1, leaving prices to be ' carried out according to cost in different locali- ' W ties. The outside sills to be 3x6 inches, with cross-sill 6x8 inches under partition between Fig. 4. living-room and bed-room. Flooring joists 2x8 inches, 16 inches on centres, running from front to rear. The outer ends in the second floor to be set upon 1X4 inch pieces let into the wall studding (2x4 inches), and the inner ends to be carried by the partition. Steep raft- ers, 2x5 inches. Upper rafters, 2x6 inches. The estimate includes the cost of a cellar 7 feet deep under the whole house. BILL OF MATERIALS. Excavation, 28 cords. 800 cubic feet stone wall, 6? — cents. 4500 bricks for chimneys (one 8xr2 fine to eachkand underpinning wall (2 feet high and 8 Inches thick), @ 5— per ni. laid. _ ~ _ 3000 feet b. m. framing stufi‘, including partition studs, @, 5-— per in. 1200 feet wall lining (1 inch thick), planed and matched, @. $—. 7 windows complete (including plain beaded casings), @ $——- 2 outside doors, complete, $— 12 inside doors (including hangings and casings) (a $— 1500 feet b. m. roofing boards, those on porch roof and projecting eaves, as well as the rafters over the same, to be planed, @ $-—- per in. 6% squares slating, (ii $— per square. 6 squares tinning, @ $— per siuare. 1500 feet b. m. flooring boards, 1‘; inch thick, planed and matched, @ $— per in. 45 yards lathing, with one coat plastering, for ceiling of cellar, @ -— cents per yard. 325 yards lathing, with two coats of plastering, @ ——- cents per yard. Porch, eaves, corners, water-table, etc. 800 feet b. m. interior finishing stock, for base, stairs, shelves. etc., @ $— per m. Extra hardware and metal. Carpenter‘s work, besides that included in above items, Painting, Fig. fin—Front Elevation. Fig. 5 (page 8) glves the elevation and Fig. 6 the ground plan of a second design, much more complete than the one shown and described on preceding pages. The stairs to the second story (design, page 8) should be finished with newel-rail and balusters of some hard wood. The passage to the cellar to be inclosed by a partition beneath the outer string of the stairs. The qualifications of the previous esti- mate will, of course, apply to this design. - BILL OF MATERIALS. Excavation, 38 cords ...................... l 140 lineal feet eave-cornice, with tin gutter. . 7100 bricks, @ $— per m .................. , 7o lineal feet rain-water leaders, @ — cents. 920 cubic feet stone wall, @ —— cents ......... , Porch, water-table, etc ..................... 4200 feet b. m. framing, @ S— .............. i 13 squares slating, @ $-— ................ 2500 feet b. m. wall-lining, @ $— .......... l 1% squares tin (on porch roof). @ S— ....... 1400 feet roofing, @ $—— .................... 78 yards one coat plastering (with lathing), 2000 feet b. m. flooring, @ $- ............. @ — cents ............................... 1200 feet b. m. interior finish, @ 5— ....... 480 yards two-coat plastering, ((2, — cents. . . Carpenter’s work in above items ............ Painting .................................. 10 windows and 14 doors (complete) ......... ._._.__ Stairs ...................................... s The second story contains three bed-rooms and two closets, which are shown to working scale in Bicknell’s “ Village Builder and Supplement.” One large quarto vol., 77 9x12 plates. Price $10.00. BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF, Fig. 5,—Front Elevation. \ II II KITCH EN DINING ROOM Io’ 6"x13 12' 6”x 13 gllllllll 1" in“ PORCH PARLOR [2' 6"x I6 1::J I == '== Fig. 6.—First Floor Plan, Ill “1",”-.0“ ‘1 City Residence. From Cummings’ “Architectural Details.” One large quarto volume 56 plates. Price $6.00. Reduced Elevation of Suburban House, design 1, “Supplement to Bicknell’s Village " Builder.” Large quarto volume, 20 plates. Price $4.00. IO BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF Q1} Ornamental Cottage @eSig‘n, COSTING FROM $2,000 TO $2,500. 2 HE illustrations on following page show the right eleva- tion and first-floor plan of a very pretty Swiss Gothic Cottage, from Atwood’s “ Modern American Homesteads,” which contains three additional elevations, four plans, and principal exterior and interior details—~46 plates in all. Price $2.50. The same is also published to working scale, including Specifications, price $10.00. The first story is very commodiously arranged. The broad piazza runs nearly the whole length of one side, as shown on plan. In the second story are four good-sized bed- rooms, arranged around a central hall, besides a press or store closet, which might be turned into a commodious bath-room. The attic consists of a single large bedroom, having windows on all sides. The exterior of the building is very tastefully ornamented in rustic style with wood-work trimmings, the whole presenting a very handsome and artistic appearance. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. II Right Elevation. : - E E g a z n s .5 .. = z «3 I 35 g > 5': g ‘ - —-l— 5 n n A E a 2 d l I! C I III a > > '— n '< I r- n ? \ FIAZZA V ! ‘_4k I First Floor Plan. 12 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF VIEW BEFORE ALTERATION. \Ve offer the cuts represented on this and the following pages as an example of remodeling. The cut on this page is an exceedingly plain yet substantial structure, such as may be found in any New England village. That on page 13 repre- sents the same building modernized sufficiently to meet the requirements of present tastes, and is a good example of re- .awv ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. I3 \ ~>~ RAfiUN. VIEW AFTER/AL'l'E modeling at small expense. On the right of the house is a piazza connecting with the adjacent room by French Windows opening to the floor. For further examples of remodeling, both exterior and in— terior, we refer to the work from which this house is taken— Woollett’s “Old Homes Made New.” A neat little oblong volume of 22 plates, just published. Price $1.50. I4 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF A PICTURESQUE COUNTRY VILLA. It is quite possible that propositions which are mathematically accurate may not be true in practice. Thus while it is true geometrically that a circle encloses the greatest amount of space with the least length of boundary, it is not true architecturally. Led astray by the obvious correctness of the mere geometrical part of the proposition, certain reformers at one time carried the principle to an extreme, and we had a very loud and per- sistent advocacy, not only of square houses, but of those of which the ground plan was in the form of an octagon, the nearest practical approach to the circle. But practically it was found that mere quantity of cubic contents is not the only thing that is required. Avail- ability is quite as important as quantity, and hence it is found that convenience and utility, as well as appearance, are promoted by a departure from the bare rectangular form. The accompanying design illustrates this point very well. By abandoning the old “ dry goods box" style, the arrangement of the rooms and their individual comfort and convenience is greatly increased, while to the appearance of the whole there is- given such character and picturesqueness as will add greatly to the value and attractiveness of the property. A spe- cial and somewhat new feature is the location of a conservatory in front of first landing of stairway in octagon end at the right and dressing-room below. The library is in the rear of main hall, and at the right of back hall, which includes the back stairway. The parlor occupies the front of the house at left of hall, with dining-room, butler's pantry, store room, china closet and dumb waiter in the rear. The plan is arranged for kitchen in the base- ment, although it can easily be included on principal floor if desired. The second floor contains three bedrooms, bath-room, and five closets. Two or three rooms may also be included in the attic plan. The estimated cost in vicinity of New York is $4,000, although in many sections it may be executed at a cost of $3,000 to £43,500. The elevations, plans and details are shown on plates 45 and 46, “ Bicknell's Cottage and Villa Architecture.” One large quarto volume, 66 plates. Price $6.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 15 l [5' c; H’/ ,_/ P": J E ' KITCH: N " IO'XIS' ”gag... ’l i i: ‘ 1‘ DININCR m; | / I2Xl5rll1lllé % LIBRARY T‘- HALL ' IO'XJB’G' ; PARLOR —;; . IS'XIS‘ l l" “3 | I _' i 15' ll I __I I GROUND PLAN. CHAMBER PLAN. From IIussey’s “ Home Building.” One quarto volume of 42 plates, showing 45 original designs of medium and low-priced buildings. Price $5.00. I6 BICKNELL & CO.,S SPECIMEN BOOK OF Ii 1 "l M, all1 DESIGN OF A SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. We present herewith a design of a suburban residence, to be built of brick with stone trimmings. It should occupy a some— what spacious lot, and be so situated as to give the dining and sitting rooms a cheerful and sunny aspect, and secure the front entrance against the penetrating blasts of winter. The principal hall is spacious, having no stairway to obstruct it. The interior finish should be in keeping with the general design; the roof can be of tin or slate, the latter being, of course, far preferable and the cheapest in the end. This house was erected some time since at a cost of $10,000, but with the present low prices of materials and labor could now be built at from thirty to forty per cent. less. Full plans and elevations of this design, drawn to an eighth-inch scale, are given in the “Village Builder and Supplement,” a work containing 77 plates of practical designs, sent free of charge to any address on receipt of ten dollars. . ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. I7 Plans suitable to this elevation will be found on plates 7 and 8, “ Supplement to Bicknell’s Village Builder," :1 large quarto volume of 20 plates. Price, $4.00. 18 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF rm Raw—W FRENCH COTTAGE. We give above a front view of a French Cottage of moderate accommodation. The lower floor is devoted to the parlor, dining- room and kitchen; the parlor has a bay window, facing the street; the bay window on the right opens from the dining—room; the kitchen is immediately back of the hall, and has an entry to the rear and a door entering the dining—room. Two windows light the kitchen—one on the left, not shown in this view, and the one to the left of this view, looking toward the street. On the upper floor there are three chambers and one bed—room, well supplied with closets. This design can be executed at an expense of from $2,000 to $3,000, according to locality and style of finish. The plans and elevation of this cottage are represented on an eighth-inch scale in the Supplement to‘ “ Village Builder,” a work containing IS practical designs, mainly in the French style. Sent post-paid to any address on receipt of $4.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 19 A MODERN VILLA RESIDENCE. Mr. \Voollett, in his book on “Villas and Cottages, or Homes for All,” describes a villa of frame structure designed for erection on a stone foundation, with cellar, with heavy sill, corner posts, girts, and plates, and filled in with brick. The house being intended for a central location between other buildings on a lot of moderate width, has a nearly sym- metrical front. Individuality is given to the details by using panels and bands covered with cut shingles, instead of clapboards on rough boarding. The roof is also covered with shingles, and both those of the roof and band are painted in deeper tints than the main wood-work. The finish of the interim is to be in white ash and butternut. There are four good- sized rooms and pantry on the first floor, the parlor and dining-room being at the left and the sitting-room and kitchen at the right side of the house. All these rooms are well lighted, airy, and cheerful. The second story contains four bed chambers, bath-room, and three large-sized closets. The estimated cost of this house was $8,000, in I876, but at the present reduced prices of labor and material, could now be built for about $6,000. This cut is reduced from design 4, \Voollett’s “Villas and Cottages,” where are also given the first and second story plans, drawn to scale. One oblong volume of 40 plates, giving plans and elevations of ten villas and ten cottages. Price, post-paid, $3.00. 20 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF Miniature cut of plate 7. Miniature cut of plate 12. Published size inside of margin, 9 x 1:: in. Published size inside of margin, 9x 12 in. Miniature cut of plate 43. Miniature cut of plate 49. Published size inside margin, 9 x I2 in. Published size inside margin, 9x 12 in. Scale indicated on plates. From Croff’s new work, mainly on Details, entitled “ Progressive American Architecture.” One large quarto volume, 97 plates. Price, $6.00. o VONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 21 ‘1 “ii [M 1!: ‘ PANTRY ‘ DINING ROOM PARLOR LIBRARY Perspective view and first floor plan of design shown on plates 3 and 4, “ Bicknell’s Village Builder and Supplement,” which contains elevations. plans, full specifications and form of contract. One large quarto volume, 77 plates. Price, $10.00. 22 BICKNELL & C0.’s SPECIMEN BOOK OF mm: O The above cut represents a very elegant suburban house, i double French or concave and convex roof. This deSIgn is the i first of its class erected in the vicinity of New York, but since its completion this style has become quite popular and been . followed in-several instances. This house, known as the “Case House,” is situated in the City of Elizabeth, New Jersey, and is regarded one of the handsomest in the city. This selection is taken from Bicknell’s “ Detail Cottage and Constructive Architec- ture," one large quarto volume of 76 plates, price, $10.00, where are also given front and side elevations, details, and first and second floor plans, drawn to working scale. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 23 DINING ROOM 'BED ROOM SITTING ROOM PARLOR PIAZZA . Perspective view and first floor plan of design shown on plate I3, Supplement to “ Bick- nell's Village Builder.” One large quarto volume, 20 plates. Price, $4.00. )4“; 17?, A ‘ lll “lug ll . JO QIOOH NEIWID'EIdS 8"03 7? 'I'IEINXOIEI ,w FARM HOUSES. From Allen’s “ Rural Architecture.” A complete description of farm houses, cottages and out-buildings, comprising barnslwood-houses, tool- houses, carriage and wagon houses, ice-houses, apiary, poultry-houses, piggery, etc., etc. Fully illustrated. Price $1.50. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. . 25 :Z/ _ m mg” iJ‘ ;'//J z: 7‘ l’Xl'thli‘ VIEW OF HALLWAY. \Ve offer this cut as an example of remodeling. In the orig— inal house the stairway was narrow and enclosed. This has been , removed, and a new staircase in hard wood introduced, with fire- place and settle at the foot of the same, and at the end of the settle the old hall-clock. The upper portion of this fire-place has the brick-work exposed, the lower portion being encased for mirror, &c., and above the mirror a small sconce mirror. As will be noticed, the doorways into the principal rooms from this hall are without doors; a curtain of heavy material, hung to a rod with rings, forms a means of shutting off the View from the Hall when desirable. The end of the main hallway is marked and divided from the staircase by a Newell column bracketed each way. 0 The above selection is from \Voollett's ”Old Homes Made New." One oblong vol., 22 plates. Price, post-paid, $1.50. 26. ' ’ BICKNELL &-CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF fl Fig. 3, plate 55, “Cummings’ Details.” One large quarto vol. Price $6.00. Reduced elevation of Fig. I, plate 5, Bicknell’s “Village Builder and Supplement.” Otne large quarto volume, 77 plates. Price $10.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 27 A Screen of Books. From “The House Beautiful." By Clarence Cook. One 8vo volume, beautifully printed and very fully illustrated. Price $7.50. 28 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF 53 ll fill": Design for Mantel, from page I75, Gardner's “ Home Interiors." One 121110 volume, cloth, containing over (10 illustrations. Price $1.50. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 29 ll“ ll ‘ l 1‘ i l: l l Ill. 'l'he above superb mantel is made of richly carved marble, but a more simple one may be substituted ; and we offer it, more to show a tasteful and artistic arrangement, than for the mere form of mantel. An improving effect is produced by applying heads found on (re/mule or in the Decalcomanie designs, or more artistic still by using photographs, to silk merino or any smooth Cloth, arrangingr one as a medallion in the center of each lambrequin point, then surrounding with embroidery. The antique fire screen in front of the grate may be beautifully imitated by a paintingr in Grecian style, or it may be embroidered in silk or Berlin wool-work at pleasure. u) The above cut and description are taken from xeautiful Homes, or Hints in House Fur- nishing," by H. J \Villiams and Mrs. S. C. Jones. A beautifully illustrated volume of 314 pages, cloth. Price $1.50. DESIGN FOR A PARSONAGE HOUSE. The parsonage house, of which a perspective View is given on this page, was built in Matteawan, N. Y. Local stone was used in its construction, the quoins and belt courses being of, a good quality of brick. It contains, on the ground floor, a parlor, study, chamber, dining—room, butler’s pantry, and kitchen, with side and back entrances. Present ,cost, $8,C00 to $10,000.. The effect of the whole building is unique in the extreme, and ? its connnodiousness and convenience must at once he recog- nizcd. This view is taken from Bieknell’s “Detail Cottage and Constructive Architecture,” where are shown perspective view, front and side elevation, and two floor plans. Price $10.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL «DESIGNS. 31 Illustration from “ licautifying Country Homes.” A hand—book of l.and>cape Gardening, by J. \Veidenmrum. Containing I7 full-page and 7 double-page colored litho- graphs of places already improved. Price, prepaid, $15.00. 32 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF View of picturesque villa, shown on plate 20, Croff's “ Progressive American Architecture.’ One large 4t0 volume, 97 plates. Price $6.00. View of Residence, of which elevation and plan are given on plates 36 and 37 of Croft’s “Progressive American Architecture.” One large 4to volume, 97 plates. Price $6.00. Wauwmlnl ,, ,, LJ‘ Summer House. Shown on plate 2I, Bieknell’s “Detail Cottage and Constructive Architecture.” Large quarto vol., 76 plates. Price $10.00. “a“ “MK Stairway shown in Loth’s “ Practical Stair Builder.” Large 4to vol., 30 plates. Price $10. 34 BICKNELL & co.’s SPECIMEN BOOK OF uuuli‘o o , 6'51» 70 0%; ouoP°9 390° 0°19 WM “’J‘“ «4‘. Fig. 25.~—Eastlake Hints. executed from a design by Chas. L. East- luke, and is here given as an illustration from “Hints 011 Household Taste," :1 work of 30.} pages Svo, very fully illustrated; price $3.50. )1 The above cut represents a “ Book-Case, ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 35 ‘ Frontispicce of POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. By \VILLIAM C. PRIME. Illustrated. 8m, Ornamental (lover, Gilt Tops :1an uncut; alges, $7 ()0. 36 BIC'KNE'LL & co."s SPECIMEN BOOK OF Reduced Elevation of design plate II, “ Supplement to Bicknell’s Village Builder," which shows eighteen working plans. One large quarto vol., 20 plates. Price $4.00. View of Court House, suited to plans shown on plates 49 and 50, Bicknell’s “ Village Builder and Supplement.” One large quarto vol., 77 plates. Price $10.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. ' 37 ’17 Ol‘ ‘A summit- This cut represents quite a picturesque little story-and-a-hnlf Cottage, and is selected from Gardner's “ Homes and How to Make Them,"——a very desirable little book, contain- ing letters between an American Architect and his friends, giving hints and suggestions relating to the building of homes. Illustrated by :severnl views. 314 pages, Izmo. I’ricelSI . 50. .- .—.—_~..‘. The above cut represents 21 vetycommodious English Cottage, and is known as the “Judge's House ” in “Illustrated Homes,” where will be found floor plans of first and second story, and description, in form of conversation between the architect and his client. This cottage can now be executed for about $3,000. This book contains 287 pages. 121110. Price $1.50. 38 BICKNELL & ico.’s SPECIMEN BOOK OF City Store Front. E give on the following page an elevation for a city store front; it is arranged with an important and conspicuous flight of stone stairs to the’upper stories. This gives picturesque— ness to the facades and increases the importance of the whole upper part of the building. This is one of the constructive fea— tures which, instead of being ignored or hidden away, is made to play a prominent part in the architectural treatment. It is the same with the girder over the broad store front; this is made to look like iron, since no other material used in a horizontal mass will satisfy the necessity of supporting the brick-work above. This girder, with its broad bearings on the substantial bracketed piers, gives a gratifying sense of security. These features, although purely constructive, can be made as rich with appropriate decora- tion as the mass of meaningless features so often seen. The almost invariable absence of any apparent means of sup— port for these broad arches so frequently occurring in store fronts of late, leaves an unpleasant feeling of insecurity, although we know that in most, if not in all of these cases, the arch has ample .invisible means of support in the way of iron ties, or arched iron ‘ girders concealed by the masonry. In these days of so much sham building, straightforward dealing with honest construction will give the beholder at once a comfortable sense Of substantial security, and help to raise archi- tecture to its proper position in the arts. This design is taken from the work entitled “Bicknell’s Street, Store and Bank Fronts,” containing 22 plates, showing 3.; designs of Street Fronts for Dwellings, Stores and Banks, including several plates of details. Drawings to scale. Price $4.00. é; . ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. ’i’i] , ‘ Wit, - y :\\ \\\. Elevation of a City Store Front. 39 4o BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN- BOOK OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ELIZABE'I'M, N. J. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. - 41. Country Church. Design from “ House of God.” One Small volume, containing views, plans and sections of several Churches; price, post-paid, $1.75. -_ m; 42 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK ‘OF , @eSign for a Chapel Churn]. SEE FOLLOWING PAGE. EHE Illustration shows the front elevation of a church edi- fice, with accommodations for about seven hundred per- sons. It is intended to be built of stone or brick, with cut-stone dressings, although the same design might be carried out in wood. The entrances are numerous and conveniently arranged, as well as amply large. In the front is a vestibule, 9 feet wide, extending entirely across the building, containing four entrances to the audience room, as well as the stairs to the small gallery above. The audience room is 60x70 feet, with a chancel 20 feet wide at the end opposite the principal entrance, containing the pulpit or any other arrangements which denominational peculiari— ties might require. There are 136 pews on the principal floor, with five sittings in each. The organ is on one side of the chancel, and on the opposite side is a minister’s retiring room. Access to the audience room is also had through vestibules on either side, and these vestibules communicate with the vestry and committee rooms. The vestry is 40x48 feet, the committee rooms each 18 X 20 feet, communicating with each other by folding or sliding doors, and also with the vestry by means of sliding sashes in addition to the ordinary doors. Above the committee rooms, and reached by an ample flight of stairs from the vestibule below, is an additional room for the use of the ladies of the society. All these various rooms should be abundantly lighted and well ventilated. The expense of the building would 'of neces- sity vary much with different localities, and with the amount of cut stone used upon the exterior; but under favorable circum— stances it might be built of stone for about $20,000. ‘ , é f2 - ~¥ VONET-HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 43 ‘3‘ ”y. - M . i g m». ; m ~va ,, ‘ .x =.:;/lf‘:j"(2‘_ -.< 2x ”83%" ‘ . um Z71plates. Price $10.00. I Elevation of Chapel Church. Reduced from plate 42, Bicknell’s “Village Builder and I Silpplement," in which the plan is shown and description given. One large vol- 44 BICKNELL & CO.’S.SPECIMEN BOOK OF SOUTH NYACK CHAPEL. A VVAYSIDE SABBA TH-SCI/OOL CHAPEL. Situated on the river-side road, a mile below Nyack, on the Hudson, is a chapel, 24x40 feet, built of brown stone, quarried from the neighboring hills. The interior is finished in walnut and chestnut oiled; the cross-beams or rafters are finished in their natural wood, and are appropriately lettered in Scripture mottoes; the walls are kalsomined a neutral tint, and a suitable border runs round the ceiling and wains- coting. The building will seat two hundred comfortably. The seats in the nave of the chapel have alternately reversible backs, and those on the sides are half-circles for Sabbath—school classes. On the walls are appropriate engraved pictures; and altogether it has a cosy, attractive look, inviting to all who enter. This design is given in elevation and detail in Atwood's “Modern American Home- steads." 8vo, cloth. Price $2.50. My» ‘ 3“ . "k-‘ug‘ .»,, humanly.» ‘ " . manna 1514.21“: 2‘“ (LL’A » ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. V 45 ',,P (a; fig FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 01* IIIGIILAND FALLS, N. Y. SEATING CAPACITY, - - - 284. From “\Vithers’ Church Architecture.” One large volume of fifty-one 9x I4 plates substantially bound in extra cloth; sent by express to any part of the United States, upon receipt of price, $15.00. View BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF ‘ l In“; ,mumlsilr / W ”WWI/ll Imam/I 111mm” . * — of Chapel with Bell Gable. volume of 51 plates. Price $15.00. 15mm \Vithers’ “ Church Architecture." One large ‘ 1113.4 ”h; r' aka 47 ONE HUNDRED ARCHHECTURAL DE$GNS aiming 21 plate> (,7 out n (1" b3. Suildin I From Bicknell's “ Public I Opera House and Library. 0. 5 rice 33. Plans and Details. ' v of Elevation~ 48 , BICKNELL & co.’s SPECIMEN BOOK OF ll 1; l1 [W ‘ f: I: a *‘j * n {.461 ' IL_-_(C° E E3 0 0 A_0 O {:1 0 1 l 0 fl [LJ i * I ‘ ,J—w o o _; .0, __OJ / 0 O i/ 0 i- __| IE; ”V i _ it I“ X ‘ 7 M} 1 l, l J J F 4 Bank Finish shown on' plate 00. Bickncll‘s “Detail Cottage and Constructive Architect- ure." One large quarto volume, 76 plates. Price $10.00. 5 :. 'J‘unfl’ “‘63; am». .» tauu‘zm‘mfiflu units”. a Acid.- ‘ada‘fim . M .Lufs ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 49 gs‘ 000003600 ‘ 44.4!» (Lag Mtg“? ‘ - 44% . D 0 000000000000 Wufl ‘DO—Efifi _.-.-.-x _-.--.v .-.-n __ -_ :-.-.-_ _- .? e egege+cyeE<>—s*¢ ' Bank Front. From “CrofT’s Progressive American Architecture." One large quarto volume, 97 plates. Price $6.09. 50 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF VEYSEY HOMESTEAD COTTAGE. * The “Veysey Cottage" was erected recently in the pic— turesque village of Tenafiy, N. J. Present cost about $2,000. This sum includes a large school—room communicating with the dining—room, and a cellar and finished attic of four rooms, not shown in accompanying plans. The interior finish corresponds with the ornate style of the exterior. The materials were se— lected and first-class of their several kinds, and constant super- vision given to the execution of all the work. From Plate 1, Alwood's “ Modern American IIomesteads." One Svo volume, 46 plates Price. $2.50. 7.01.9! From Hussey’s “ Home Building.” DINING ROOM ONE 'HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. SI \_—\1_ .7 .1 I, 11111\ ”1111111: 11—11111m1iiill‘ .l-l1 ‘ ' 1.1111111111111114, ‘ Design for .1 Cottage, by E. C. Hussey, Architect. 31 4’ 7'6" 7! i “8‘ 13'6" E T K lTCIr.‘ IN I ll'6“,\€’6” IS‘XI7'5" ‘51 p/AQLOR IS’XIB' 5 I 529]! ‘3 3'9“ 7% ~ 861'” GROUND PLAN. 7'C")(IO' CID [2'10"Xl5' CHAMBER PLAN. One quarto volume of 42 plates, showing 45 original Price $5.00. 52 BICKNELL & (3035 SPECIMEN BOOK OF h. , :4- ,A . .-‘. __v..»._r.._- . 41¢st Il‘IEIIHI weal ////M[ 1 " The above cut shows in miniature a few of the designs and details in “Bicknell‘s . Detail Cottage and Constructive Architecture,” containing 76 9x12 well filled plates, all finely lithographed, including 8 plates in color. Price, post-paid to any address, $10.00. ' I‘m-.95}! v1 ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 53 y PLATE 12. Fiat PLATE 3. Fit: 3. PLATE 5!. Fit: 8. Designs (reduced from plates indicated) from Cummings' New Book, entitled “Archi tectural Details,” containing 387 designs and 967 illustrations of the various parts needed in the construction of buildings, public and private, both for the city and country; also plans and elevations of houses, stores, cottages, and other buildings. One large quarto volume, 56 plates. Price S6..oo 54 i ' BICKNELL & co.’s SPECIMEN BOOK or , @eSign for‘ a Country gouge. HE dwelling shown on the following page was erected at % different periods; the main building in 1868, and the later additions, consisting of laundry, dining-room and dinner- service rooms and pantries, in 1870, making a I6—roomed villa of superior accommodation. In remodelling, many difficulties were surmounted of an architectural and constructive kind to obtain that complete unity of style apparent now. This is emphatically a modern homestead, as every appliance for making the house service systematic, safe and pleasant was employed here. The materials of construction were wood, the frame sheathed and felted, the roof slated, and the interior finish tasteful and sufficiently elaborate to harmonize in character with the style of the house. A stable called a “cottage stable” was enlarged at the same time, and a gas-house built, with fixtures for lighting the dwelling. The cost of the first con— tract was $8,000; of the second, $6,000; and of the third, $4,000. The same could now probably be executed complete at a cost not to exceed $8,000 to $10,000. This design is from Atwood’s “Modern American Homesteads.” One Svo VOL, 46 plates. Price $2. 50. ‘, ,. ,‘V.~ ., v a.» n.» .- ..,. . minding? f-ua‘k- 3mg. “gamma J...k‘;. /. w LE; mm Design for a Conny House. $. Example of Ancient Intrniture, from a new publication, entitled “Examples of Ancient and Modern Furniture, Metal—Work, Tapestries, and Decorations,” by B. I". Talbert, Architect. This book, which is very finely printed, contains many exceedingly interesting drawings, most all in antique style, which may furnish useful hints to such architects and manufacturers of furniture who aim at the production of something different from the prevalent and too common style. This illustration, which is taken from this work, represents a settec of a genuine ancient design, a style which at the present day has been introduced with great success and general approval in a very large number of the most fashionable residences in New York City. One folio volume, 21 plates. Price $8.00 99 .10 )IOOH NEIWIOHcIS 5"03 75’ rl'IflNXOlEI ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 57 I“ [ RST FLOOR PLAN. 1 From “Supplement to Bicknell’s Village Builder,’ which shows Plans, Elevation and Details. One large quarto volume, 20 plates. Price $4.00. 58 BICKNELL & c0.’s SPECIMEN BOOK OF View of School-House, representing Eveieth’s “School-House Architecture." One quarto volume. Price $4.00. View of Stable, representing Harney’s “ Barns, Out-Buildings and Fences." One quarto volume, nearly 200 designs. Price $4.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 59 View of Country House, representing VOIS. I. and II., \Voodward's “National Archi- tect.” Quarto volumes of 100 plates each. Price per v01., $7.50. “kit.“- '- A Suburban Residence. From \Voodward’s “Suburban and Country Houses." One small volume, containing 20 designs. Price $1.00. 6O BICKNELL & CO.’S.SPEC1MEN BOOK OF Design from Hussey’s “Cottage Architecture.” One quarto Volume. Price $4.00 Ms "E '5, % "=iflallglsa _<-==§§:L Reduced cut of Perspective View, plate 28, \Voolleu's “Villas and Cottages." One volume oblong Svo, of 40 8x 12 plates. Cloth. l‘rice, post-paid, $3.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 6! i u l l Miniature cut of iant Elevation, design 3 plate 4. .Pl’l/K' fieefibf’n ”k m; ~—-—fl'rd‘tf/a ar———- Taken from Atwood’s “ Modern American Homesteads,” which shows three plans and three elevations of this design, drawn to scale. One Svo volume, cloth, 46 plates, Price, post-paid, $2.50. This cottage can now be executed at a cost of $2,200 to $2,800 according to locality and style of finish. >62 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF Reduced cut of Elevation, plate 50, “Detail Cottage and Constructive Architecture." One large quarto volume, 76 plates. Price $10.00. Tower Cottage. From “Detail Cottage and Constructive Architecture." One large quarto volume, 76 plates. Price $10.00. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 63 AN ORNAMENTAL COTTAGE. The accompanying View, designed for a gardener’s cottage, shows a building, small, but very picturesque in appearance. It would be very suit- able for a gate-lodge, or a seaside or summer cottage, and would look extremely well among the trees of a camp ground. The living room is of good size, well lighted by a square bay window. The kitchen is well sup- plied with closets. The second floor contains three bedrooms, very conve- niently arranged, and each provided with a closet. The two downstairs rooms and the large front bedroom are supplied with open fireplaces, the value of which for ventilation is so often overlooked in cheap houses; besides this, there should be ventilating tubes or shafts in the chimney side, with registers opening from each room, thus insuring a good system of ventilation. The roof should be ventilated by openings under the project- ing eaves. The estimated cost of this building is from $1,200 to $1,500, according to locality and style of finish. “he make this selection from Bicknell’s “ Cottage and Villa Architecture,” one large quarto volume, 66 plates, including specifications for frame and brick dwellings, price $6.00, where may be found the plans of this design drawn to scale. 64 BICKNELL & c0.’s SPECIMEN BOOK OF French-Roofed House, with lower. From Reed’s “ House Plans for Everybody." A new work, fully illustrated with many designs and plans, some of very low cost, to which are added careful estimates of materials, labor, etc. Price $1.50. Half Timbered Cottage. From Atwood’s “Country and Suburban Houses.” Illustrated with about 150 engravings. Price $1.50. ’Wéfi’w; 51E? <5\“»‘5£“ ' ’n w. , 4,..3 ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. QUEEN ANNE MANTEL, WITH MIRROR. FROM “'ARREN \VAKD 8: CO. 99 T 5: TT TTT mimwllfiifil‘ Tnrnummmnn1% llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll nun [mm|\\fl||1“N© ,lllllllllllmlllllu Tl f;— ‘9 E: —x E "3.4.5:“ m: do HOO’J NEIIUOEIJS ‘5"03 75’ ’II'JNXDIEP Fig. 1. Fig. 2. . Fig. 8. A Fig. I.-—S[I)ICBUARI). This illustration is taken from :1 Black-\Valnut Sideboard of the Queen Anne period. It is relieved by English )9“ tiles above the shelf, and is :1 very handsome piece of furniture. "4', g ' i“. Fig. 2,—MAN’I‘EL. 'l‘his engraving is from an Ash Mantel, plain, massive and rich. Fig. 3,—NEWEL. Black-VValnut Newel Post, very unique and handsome. ALI. FROM WARREN WARD & CO. NW: IJ ___ mu ‘ H i ‘ ‘I IIHI tum" u ItllllllltlilllllllllIIIll - '1" , “fl“ PARLOR SUITE. 'SNDISHCI ’IVEIQLOELLIHDHV CIEIHGNQH GINO FROM \NARREN WARD & C0. This is engraved from a suite in the Queen Anne style, covered with raw silk. The suite is composed of seven pieces, and is very stylish and at moderate price. CHAMBER SUITE No. I.——From Warren Ward & Co. This suite, made after Enstlake's designs, either in Ash or Black-\Valnut, is very chaste and elegant, and is finished with either marble or wood tops. The pieces are: a Bedstead, French Dressing Bureau (French Plate Glass, 30x20), \Vashstand, Table, two Chairs, Rocker and Towel-Stand. é It: ’ 1 i‘ I‘ll}: ll" ‘ i i tilluiiw- i ‘ i i l lithium \ ii CHAMBER SUITE NO. 2.—From \Varren \Yard 8: Co. This is a very stylish suite, after English designs, made both in Ash and Black~\\’aln11t, and composed of the same pieces as No. I. This is made with the Dressing-Case as illus- trated and with theFrench Bureau. ' ¢ émdnifii ' . BICKNELL & CO.'S SPECIMEN BOOK OF H... W11 moans? - These Paints are in every respect strictly first-class. and are warranted unequalled by any others in the market in purity, richness and permanency of color, beauty of finish and durability. They are prepared ready for the brush in sixteen newest shades and standard colors, suitable for the tasteful decoration of all classes of buildings, inside and out, and for all purposes where a perfect protective coating is required. Owing to the wonderful (111'111'1'1151' properties of these Paints (two coats of which are fully equal to three of any other), the farmer, merchant or manufacturer can, by their use, preserve and beautify their build- ings, fences or other wood and iron work, at from one-half to two-thirds of the usual cost of other ready-mixed paints, or white lead and linseed oil. They contain no water, alkali or other useless 0r deleterious adulterations or dilutions, such as are used in nearly all the liquid 01 so called chemical paints, and are 5’11111'1111/111‘11’ to be (/1; 11111.11 11’111‘1111/1' [1111111 1'11 1111‘ 1101/11’ for 1'111111111/711101/ 111111’ 1'1'011 7001/. @1’ 1/11‘ 1111111111tf111 111/1/1/1'1'1111' [11111111 for 1/11‘ Gil/1:1! L/ 1 1111111’ [1111/11 1111’ 11f Ana Yolk Cz'ly "111.1 11711111"11’111’ 111 1/1 1/111 15 [/11‘ [1110111f 1111111 1111‘ 1 t 11 1111111? 1211 11‘111'11/1'111r 11111' 11'1111/1 511111- [1111 1'11 1/111 111111111_1'. egg Roof Paint—for tin and shingle roofs, iron work, agricultural implements, fences, out-buildings, etc. \Ve guarantee this to be a better and more economical paint than has ever before been offered to the public for similar purposes. W 77111 P111111! 711111 1011/ :t'I'l/I 3111111 11111115, 70/1111 11/] 111/1111 fol/811’, 11191111 [/18 7‘_'1717/ of (/1: lil/II/IZH/IOII Bill/11’1”": 111‘ [’/11"/1I11’1/[1/1111, {/15 /111c151’1111‘11 of [1'11 11111j111> 111 {1137111 ‘./11' E Fire- 1’) 00f I’fll'ut—for the protection of inside \1 0011 11 01k of factories, bridges, boiler- -rooms, and othet wooden structures in danger of ignition from sparks , Cinders or flames. mfg?“ T /11': P111111 [1111‘ been off/1111' 1‘11 111111‘1‘ [111111 4% 1111211 of :r'ond-zr‘urfl’ 1'11 [1111‘ [7017 111111151155 11132371111117: 51/111221 fill/121211.11 :1. T. 515101111 S" ('11., of 32:1" 117136 C11} C55: ASBESTOS ROOFING, - with \VHI'rE anl’uoor COATING. This well-known Rooting is now in use in all parts of the 'world, and is the only reliable substitute for tin. It is adapted for steep or flat roofs, and forms the handsomest, coolest, and most durable por:able rooting made. In rolls ready for use. Easily applied by any one. Costs only half as much as tin E3?“ 7711.1: rue/1'11; 1'1 11.1‘1'11’ 1'11 [1‘11/81‘1'111‘1‘ 1’11 111'." 11.1" ‘ 1"{1' 1‘15 [1'51]: rr'mz' 0‘“ 12111111111, [Cw/11111311111 5" 51711.1, and (Zr 1/11 111115! 1111111,. _l/__'1.'11 “I: 1:1. :1‘ 811.111 ' GUN/111111111, (1‘12, 1'11 1/11‘ ( '111'11‘11' 5111151. ,fi: Asbestos Steam Pipe and Boiler ("0l'€l‘i)lg[.~'——~consisting of -711-1’111115 Cemnu‘ [iii/(1'11; 111111’ .-11'1‘ ('1'111111131'1' (‘11:2‘1‘1'11gx. l’repaied ready for use. lfasily applied by any one. The most durable, effective and economical appliances known for preventing radiation of heat : will save from 25 to .10 per cent. of fuel. 0:73:52 ((151! {11' 1111‘ ('111'1’1‘11’ .8'1‘111‘1‘1‘ .'\'11:;1' D.»:1‘.1:‘/u:.~'111‘ 111111 in 1111‘ 111.15! 1111511511; 1111/7/16 [11117111113111 Asbestos Boards for Gaskets, Steam Packing. Sheathings. Fire, Acid. and Water- Proof Coatings, Cements for Gas Retorts, Leaky Roofs. etc. 51111171 [1’111'."1'n1112’ it?" All these materials are prepared ready for use. and can be easily applied by any one. ‘1153 LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO GENERAL MERCHANTS 8s BUILDERS. Send for Samples, Illustrated Catalogue and Reduced Price.- List, eh. H. W. Johns Mfg. Co., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. ONE HUNDRED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS. 71 ESTAB LISHED1850. , WARREN WARD & CO, Manufacturers, Wholesale ancl Retail Dealers IN ALL KINDS OF J “V BEDDING, &o. 75 c3: 77 Spring Street, cor. Crosby, One Block East of Broadway, bet. St. Nicholas & Metropolitan Hotels, V FACTORY, 379 & 381 West 12th Street, 3 extending through to 120 & 122 Jane St., 5‘ N E W Y O R K . A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF + i3mlur,flihmrg, flitting fluent and @ltmnhet‘, ‘FURNITURE, Made of Ash, Black Walnut and Other Woods, in EASTLAKE, QUEEN ANNE, JAPANESE, And other New Styles of our own exclusive designs. ALSO Superior Hair Mattresses, Pillows, Spring Beds, Cornices, Curtains, Lam- brequins, Window Shades, &c., At Prices to suit all Buyers. Orders solicited, and designs and estimates given for fitting up Banks, . Offices, Stores and Public Buildings, with Partitions, Wainscoting, Desks, Tables, Bookcases, &c., in all kinds of hard woods. Also,4Front and Vesti- bule Doors, Mantels, NeWels, Wainscoting and all other interior work required in finishing private residences complete for the builders. For several specimens, see frontispiece and pages 65 to 68 of this work. Wamxuuigsns - 1. .v H», mm,» , '72 BICKNELL & CO.’S SPECIMEN BOOK OF GARNKIRKCHIMNEY TOPS. After many years' use in this country, the Chimney Tops of the GARNKIRK FIRE CLAY COMPANY have been found to resist the action of coal gas, and of wet and freezing weather. They all tend to improve the draft: and those marked as Windguards are especially useful where, with the wind in a certain direction, there is a tendency to occasional pufis down the chimney. Their use makes the chimney a pleasing feature of a dwelling, and in many cases, at a cost no greater than that of common brick—work. To give the best effect, the brick—work should be built up a short distance above the roof. The tops may be set on the bricks in cement or mortar, but it is better to let them into a stone cap made to cover the brick- work and project over it. Pattern Sheets will be sent on application. O 1£M%1 W mwwmumm Udb m 0 mill“ Musulflly t hlIanwmflfitlixflflwflqma .1qu WE n k w W\ - ak w @ mYa mag w M MN7 ebh 2 ,,,,, V nwwue E am 0.w Cartfi CoaO .l,.. n88 m .Wk90. mwmmc mad alemPnMOw m m z 0£W .M y yd MMbwm bfww wB 18 deWJ. eflm meWA SEND FOR FULL DESCRIPTION AND PRICE-LIST TO THE "y?“ $®§§ 50 GREENPOINT AVENUE, I I —; ‘ = r; E : : C REV 2:§é% _ ;« _ _ \ . ~ \ \ \\ \\\\\\\‘\ \\ x \ ‘ \ \ \ \\ \\ H \mm“ m u\ \\\ BROOKLYN, E. D. P. 0. BOX 2528, New York City. 76 ' BICKNELL & co.’s SPECIMEN BOOK OF THE YALE LOCK Magma gimme 00., OFFICE AND WORKS, STAMFORD. CONN. SALESROOM, 53 CHAMBERS Sr, NEW YORK. ARCHITECTS not provided with our large illustrated catalogue are requested to so notify us, and it will be forwarded to them without charge. We respectfully invite attention to our several lines of Locks and Real Bronze Hardware. We make no second grade work, “brass plated,” or . otherwise. Our goods will always be found to be exactly what they appear to be, and we mean them to be always [/16’ éesz‘ in their respective classes. THE YALE LOCKS. A complete line, including Rim and Mortise Door Locks, in great variety and an assortment of Cabi— net Locks for drawers, desks. chests, etc. These locks are especially for use where sccurity and Izo/z-{alert/Ira”gm/21727)! of keys is an object. wuiunmuum r THE “ST;\NI.);\RD" LOCKS. , A complete line of mortise locks, applicable to all the various sizes and kinds of swinging and sliding doors. The design and workman- ship of these locks are of the best. T THE YALE BRONZE GOODS. A full line of Knobs, Butts,Bell-pulls,Bolts, Hinges, Sash and Shutter Trimmings, etc., etc. All of these goods are of the best ’ ‘ quality of real lnmzzz’. The Burglar-Proof Sash-Lock, illustrated above, indicates the general character of these goods. Beware of Deceptive Imitations not hearing our Trade Mark. v pw 16-11-531! . INDEX TO A. J. BICKNELL & CO.’S No. 13 ILLUSTRATED AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. M 0276117 10 (my address, on 75(6sz of ten cents. PAGE American Architect and Building News ........ 26 Ames' Compendium of Penmanship ............ 39 Applied Mechanics ............................ 49 Art Worker. The ............................ 41 Atwood’ 5 Country and Suburban Houses ....... 51 Atwood 5 Modern American Homesteads ....... 45 Atwood's South Carolina .................... 27 Atwood 5 Swiss Gothic Cottage ................ 15 Babcock' 5 Elementary Architecture ....... . . . . . 44 Bauman 5 Foundations ....................... 44 Banzer' s Monuments ......................... 5o . Bells Carpentry .............................. 25 Bicknell 5 Cottage and Villa Architecture ...... 5—6 Bicknell’ 5 Detail Cottage and Constructive Architecture ................................ 18—24 Bicknell’ 5 Public Buildings .................... 8 Bickrnell s School- House and Church Architec- Bitckrnell’s Stables, Out- Buildings, Fences etc ....................................... 10—11 Bicknell’s Street Store and Bank Fronts ....... 7 Bicknell’ 5 Wooden and Brick Buildings ........ 11 Bicknell & Co.'s Specimen Book ............... 27 Bicknell's Village Builder, with Supplement. . . 3—37 Bicknell's Supplement to Villa e Builder ...... 36-37 ' Boller’s Construction of Iron ridges .......... 42 Boston Architectural Sketch Book ............. 26 Building Construction ....................... 49 Burns' Drawing Books ....................... 55 Burns' Building Construction ....... . . . . . . 4o Burns' Timber and Iron \Vork ...... . . 4o Burns’ Stone, Brick and Slate Work ........... 4o Butler’s Ventilation ........................... 44 Carria e Painters’ Manual .................... 46 Cassell 5 Technical Manuals ................... 49 Colling’s Art Foliage ......................... 26 Colling’s Examples of Mediawal Foliage ........ 26 Color. Church. ............................. 49 Copley’ s Alphabets. .......................... 54 Crofi"s Pro essive American Architecture ..... 31—32 Cummings Architectural Details ............ 52— 53 Davidson, House Painting .................... 4o Disinfectants and Disinfection ............. Dixon' 5 Pencils ............................. 60—61 Draining for Profit and Health ................. 42 PAGE Drawing for Bricklayers ...................... 49 Drawing for Cabinet— makers. . . . . . . . . _ 49 Drawings for Carpenters and Joiners. 49 Drawings for Metal- Plate \Vorkers ............. 49 Drawings for Machinists and Engineers ........ 49 Drawings for Stonemasons ................... 49 Drawin Instruments and Materials ........... 62—64 Dresser 5 Principles of Decorative Design ...... 48 Dresser 5 Studies in design .................... 48 Du Bois Llements of Graphical Statics ........ 42 Earth- Closets and Sewage ................. 42 Eastlake, Hints on Household Taste. . . ..... 26 - Elliott, Book of American Interiors ............ 26 Esser's Alphabets. . . . ....................... 43 Eveleth's School—House Architecture. . . .. . . 54 Evarts’ House of God ......................... 50 Examples of Modern Architecture ............. 26 Fanning Water Suppl y ........................ 42 Franke’ S Monuments .......................... 46 F reehand Drawing ............................ 44 Fryer, Architectural Iron-Workers’ Manual 42 Gardner, Home Interiors ..................... 28 Gardner, Homes, and How to Make them ...... 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