1:3 Hair ‘21; . » r 3' 33333233 1!:- r x 3’ Lil-AI? .J 3’ ifgiiififi‘fv“ 1:53} ‘ ’éfi gififfirfi‘ag’l‘léfi’ 312;? ,_c r f 33333333333 *3 9 {95%}: E 13.73 .E 41.13;"; ' .' - 135‘, 3‘s 1:: {4%.} i331?“ - 3333333333 i ,. q 2 w' 3:33 ~- 3333 g; .323 ’3 . Lnurvncin pinnutil'uliu. . Pulysphnnln parasilim. . 2 3. Ulm lm’ Hum. 4 . Ilhudymvniu Incinzna. PLATE V. 5. Gracimviu cunfcrvuhlcs. n. Cudium hursn. T. h‘idzt‘a (:dulis. S. Znnm'iu purvuhl. f). Ecmmrpus (omnmmui. )0. Comlliua ofl‘Mnalis. OCEAN AND RIVER GARDENS: 31mm; 01‘ the maxim: mm mesh-3131211127: gtquarin, WITH THE BEST METHODS FOR THEIR ESTABLISHMENT AND PRESERVATION. WITH TWENTY COLOURED PLATES FROM LIFE. BY H. NOEL HUMPHREYS, AUTHOR OF “INSECT CHANGES,” “BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS,” ETC” ETC. PART I.—OCEAN GARDENS. PART II.-RIVER GARDENS. LOND ON: SAMPSON LOW, SON, AND 00., 47 LUDGATE HILL. MD CCCLVII. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . 1 CHAPTER II. THE FLOOR OF THE OCEAN . Q CHAPTER III. THE AQUARIUM . . . . . . . . . 20 CHAPTER IV. THE VEGETATION OF THE MARINE AQUARIUM . . . 40 CHAPTER V. THE ZOO'PIIITES . . . . . . . . . 53 CHAPTER VI. THE MOLLUSCS, ETC. . . . . . . . . 67 iv CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. THE ASCIDIANS, BARNACLES, SEA-CUCUMBERS, NAKED MOL- LUSCS, SEA-“T031118, ETC. . . . . . . 89 ' CHAPTER VIII. TH}: F1511 AND CRUSTACEANS OF THE AQUARIUM . . . 98 CHAPTER IX. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . 110 -—e—:94Jé(-‘-&7€- LIST OF PLATES. __+_.__ PLATE I. SEA-WEEDS. No. mm: 1. Delessem'a sanguz'nea . . The Crimson Delossoria . . . 46 2. Puncta/rz'a latz'folz'a . . . The Broad-leaved Punctaria . 46 3. C’hordwrz'aflagellz'formis . The Whip-like Chordaria . . 46 4. Vauclzem’a submam’na . . The Submarine Vaucheria . . 47 5. E'ldenbmndfla rubm . . The Red Hildenbrandtia . . 46 PLATE II. SEA-WEEDS. 1. Bangz'afusco-pmpurea . . The Dark-purple Bangia . . 47 2. Codz'um tomentosum . . . The Closely—haired Codium . 47 3. Bryopsz'splumosa . . . The Feathery Bryopsis . 42, 47 4. Callz'tlzammbn wrbusoula . The Tree-like Callithamnion . 47 5. Leathesz'a Berkley/5 . . . Berkley’s Leathesia. . . . . 47 6. Lamina/rm pkg/Hitch . . . The Leafy Laminaria . . . 47 PLATE III. 1. Porpkg/m vulgam's . . . The Common Porphyra . . . 47 ' 2. Dumantz'afilzformz’s . . . The Slender Dumontia . . . 48 3. Asperococcus Turnem' . . Turner’s Asperococcus . . . 48 4. Rytz'plzcea pinastm's . . . The Pine-like Rytiphaea . . 48 vi No. . Chrysemenia rosea 10. pa oo-qczcnypooyo 10. LIST OF PLAT ES. . Peyssonetz'a Dubyi . Chordarm da'rarz'cata . Ectocarpus sz'liculosus . Nemaleon multzfida . Nytoylzyllum punctatmn . Clwndrus crz'spus Gigartz‘na acicularis . . Ceramz'um strictum . . Taom'a atomam’a . Plocamz'um coccineum . Laurencz’a pinnatz'fulz'a . Polyspkom'a parasitz'ca . . Ulva latissinm . Rhodymem’a lacz'nata . Gracz'lm'z'a confervoz'dcs . . Codium bursa . Iridwa edulz's . . Zonan'a parvula . Ectocarpus tomcntosus . Corallz'na oflicz'nalis . . The Rose-coloured Chrysemenie . Duby’s Peyssonetia . . The Minutely-bmnching Chor- {daria.. ....} . The Podded Eetocarpus . . The Many-cleft Nemaleon . . The Spotted Nytophyllum . PLATE IV. SEA-WEEDS. . The Curly Chond1us j The Needle— shaped or Pointed } . ( Gigm tma . . . The Pink Cemmium . . The Speckled Taonia . The Scarlet Plocamium . PLATE V. SE A-WEEDS. {The Pinnnte-leaved Lauren— } 43 01a . The Parasitic P013:sphonia . . The B1oad—1eaved Ulv a . . The Lace—edged Bhodymenia 43, . The Sponge-like Gracilaria. . The Purse-like Codium . . The Eatable Iridea . The Lesser Zonaria . . . The Hairy Ectocarpus . The Common Corallina . PAGE 48 48 42 49 49 48 48 LIST OF PLATES. vii PLATE VI. SEA-ANEMONIES, STAR-FISH, ETC. No. PAGE 1. Gem'aster equestms . . . The Small Scarlet Star-fish . 104 2. Astem'na gz’bbosa. . . . The Gibbons Star-fish . . . 104 3. Palmzlnes membranaoeus . The Bird’s-foot Star . . . 104 4. Crz'bella oculata . . . The Eyed Star-fish . . . . 104 5. Palwmon scrmtus . . . The Common Prawn . . . 102 6. Edwardsz'a oestitw . . . The Clothed Sea-Anemone. . 56 PLATE VII. 1. Actim'a Clavata . . . . The Nailed Sea-Anemone . . 57 2. Pennatula pkospkorea . . The Phosphoric Sea-pen . . 63 3. A Group of Ascz’dz'ans . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4. A Shell of the Common Whelk, on which are two The Acorn-shell . . . . . 91 specimens of Balanus PLATE VIII. 1 8: 2. Actim'w mesembrycm- {The Carnation-like Sea-Ane- . 59 them-um mone of difi‘erent colours } 3. Actz'm'a gemmacew . . . The Gemmed Sea-Anemone . 57 4. Lemma/rid auricula . . The Aurieula-like Luoernaria. . 61 5. Vz'rgulam'a mzb‘abz'h's . . The Rod-like Sea-Pen . . . 65 PLATE IX. 1. Actz'm'a anguz‘coma . . ' {The Serpent-haired Sea-Amy} 59 mone . . . . . . . . 2. Algoom'um dzyz'tatum . . The Many-fingered Alyconium 63 . Eckzhus sp/zcem . . . . The Common Sea-Egg . . . 107 4. 0’me Izyalz'nus . . . The Glassy Sea-Cucumber. . 92 GO viii LIST OF PLATES. PLATE X. m A fS ulac :6 “GE 1' gm“? 0 ”1’ 0” 0”}The Twisted Serpula . . . 90 tuplwata . . . . . . The Thick—horned Sea-Ane- 2. Actzma orasswwms . . } 59 mone . . . PLATE XI. A Design for a Mainly-mounted Aquzirium . . . . . . . 35. PLATE XII. A Design for an' Aquarium mounted in handsome Rustic-work 35 OCEAN GARDENS; 0R, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. 1 {W Kr “W" HAT the vast majority of our migra- ." """" .' V [WP ; q (if; tory flocks of summer and autumnal $1?sz " idlers generally do and think at the sea-side, cannot be better exempli- fied than by reference to the clever sketches Which ale found occupying entire 2%)} 4 pages of our illustrated periodicals and news- ; papers, during the season of marine migra- , tion. But the habits and customs of the annual shoal of Visitors to our watering-places may be still more intimately comprehended through the me- dium of the sprightly essays which generally accom- pany those truly artistic delineations. And is there really nothing better to do—no . B a? OCEAN GARDENS ; better regime to go through, than the daily repetition of the monotonous programme of entertainment thus playfully described and ridiculed? Surely the visitor at the sea-side is in reach of something more pleasant and profitable than such a routine ! Do not the sublime aspects of the ocean—the sound of its deep ceaseless voice—the eternal on- coming of its waves, now in calm undulations, and now in hurtling wildness against the base of those cliffs whose white brows are wreathed with perennial flowers—suggest other matters both for reflection and amusement? Surely the very whispering of the breeze that has travelled so far over that vast moving surface of the fathomless deep, and which seems muttering of its mysteries, while laden with its sweet saline odour—~“ ce pmfum were de la mer,” as Dumas has termed it—might lead us towards other and higher trains of thought. Surely those voices in the wind, mingling with the strange mur- mur of the waves as they break in cadenced regu- larity upon the shore, ought to arouse, in the feelings of those who hear them for the first time, or after a long absence, strange sensations of admiration, and curiosity, and wonder. But no; to most of the idle crowd those sights and sounds are invisible and 2 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. unheard. Their ears have not been tutored to understand the word-music of Nature’s language, nor to read the brightly written signs on its glorious page. To appreciate either Nature or Art, the mind requires a special education, without which the eye and the ear perceive but little of the miracles passing before them. To the eye of the common observer, the farthest field in a landscape is as green as the nearest, in the scene outspread before him; while to the practised glance of the accom- plished artist, every yard of distance lends its new tone of colour to the tints of the herbage, till, through a thousand delicate gradations, the brightest verdure at last mingles with the atmospheric hue, and is eventually lost in the pervading azure. If, then, the ordinary aspects of Nature may not be fully interpreted by the untutored eye, how should her more hidden mysteries be felt or understood, or even guessed at? And, in fact, they are not, or the visitor to the sea-side, looking over that wide tremu— lous expanse of water that covers so many mysteries, would feel, like the child taken for the first time Within the walls of a theatre, an intense anxiety to raise the dark green curtain which conceals the scene of fairy wonders he is greedily longing to ’. g. OCEAN GARDENS ; behold and enjoy. But the lounger at the, sea-Side does not guess at the wonders concealed by the dark green curtain of the ocean, and, consequently, never dreams of wishing to peep beneath its waving folds, to gratify a curiosity which, in fact, he does not feel. When, however, the language of Nature is learnt, and her voice is no longer a confused mur- mur to the ear, but becomes a brilliant series of eloquent words, full of deep and exquisite meaning, then the student will see as well as [war ; but till then, in his intercourse with Nature, he is both deaf and blind. “ Speak,” said- Socrates to a youth; “ say something, that I may see you.” Socrates could not see a silent man; and those who do not hear and understand Nature’s language, cannot see her wondrous beauty. The mill-like repetition of worldly affairs brings on a torpor of mind, in regard to all without the narrow circle of selfish interests and easily pur- chased pleasures, which it is very difficult to wake up from. But I would warn the suffering victims of that baneful, though secret, presence; for with the consciousness of its existence, the first step will have been taken towards its eradication. I would remind all those thus suffering from inac- 4 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. tivity of mind, of the wholesome dread of that kind of mental torpor entertained by the Gymnosophists; who, as Apuleius tells us, when they met at meals, required that each should be able to narrate the particulars of some discovery, or original thought, or good action, in default of which, it was deemed that he did not exhibit a sufficient claim for being allowed to consume a share of the Viands, and he was conse- quently excluded from the repast. Were each of our most idle sea-side loungers to impose upon himself the necessity of a discovery, or an original thought, before he considered himself entitled to dine, that torpor, so deadening to the natural capacities of his mind, would soon give way to a state of activity, which, were it only from the brightness of the con- trast, would be found highly agreeable, to say nothing of its advantages, or of the elevating and refining trains of thought to which it would necessarily give rise. I know of nothing more likely to stimulate the mind to healthy exertion, and take it out of the immediate track of commonplace interests and plea- sures, the monotony of which is so oppressive, than the study of natural history in some of its least ex- plored fields; especially those which recent discovery and investigation have rendered so attractive in ‘ 5 OCEAN GARDENS; connection with the waters of the ocean. And yet, how few there are who seek that charming mode of dissipating the dreary monotony of social life, such as it is made by the routine of fashion or habit! A popular love of natural history, even in its best known divisions, is, in fact, of quite recent growth. Indeed, the very existence of such a science has been, till recently, altogether ignored in our great national seats of learning. The earnest investigators, who have done so much to lay bare its wonders, were either openly ridiculed, or treated with but small respect—as useless dreamers upon very small and insignificant matters. The very names of such true labourers in the mine of science as our glorious old naturalist Ray, or his follower Pulteney, or the indefatigable Ellis, the first detector of the true nature of Zoophytes, who measured pens" with the giant Linnzeus, received no academic honour; and those of their yet undiscouraged successors were rarely heard, either in our universities or among our general public, till the vast discoveries of geo- logy and other allied branches of science, in our own times, at last aroused attention to the importance of their investigations. A popular knowledge of that branch of natural history which especially concerns our seas and 6 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. shores, is indeed of very recent date. The subject, in fact, is but even now beginning to develope itself beneath the pens of an enterprising band of marine naturalists, with such leaders as Johnston, Harvey, John Edward Gray, 'the indefatigable Gosse, and the revered shade of the lamented Forbes at their head. A truly pOpular knowledge even of the more accessible regions of our woods and fields, is but little more ancient; for, till Gilbert White had made the story of such knowledge as attractive as romance, in his “ Natural History of Selborne,” few guessed what an arena of ever new interests and discoveries it presented. Through the fascinating interpretation of the good Gilbert, many now understand the attraction of those branches of natural history which he so curi- ously investigated ; but few are willing to admit that it is as easy to make the natural features of some obscure fishing village, with no herbage on its bare rocks, and no bush, no blade of grass, no bird to be seen or heard, equally interesting; yet I can assure them, that by lifting even the mere border of that great green curtain of the ocean, or by awaiting its unveilings, as therretiring tide bears back its folds9 a host of wonders will be revealed, sufficient to stir the most torpid mind of the most inactive idler 7 OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. to earnest and deeply inquiring contemplation, and arouse him to their devout admiration, as among the most exquisite miracles of that creative and sustaining Power which is the source of their existence. \ i ‘ “I wt/‘fgm \ ”\l. l x \‘w. W /~,//, 7// 2‘ \\$‘w‘\\\ 1'////7/ 5m ’ \ :\.--. \‘\\~;‘\.i 9/; , ./ -,\ ‘x k\ 5_ r.) \‘. _ \‘. , V CHAPTER II. THE FLOOR OF THE OCEAN. THE wonders of the ocean floor do not reveal them- selves to vulgar eyes. As the oracle was inaudible to sacrilegious listeners, and as none but poetic ears heard the cadenced beating of the feet that danced to unearthly music, near the fountain haunted by the Muses of classic fable—so, none but the initiated can see the myriad miracles that each receding tide reveals on the ocean floor. The initiation, however, is not mysterious; there are no dark rites to observe—no Herculean labours to accomplish, as I have said, before entering upon the noviciate, which at once Opens a large area of unexpected pleasures, and an ample field for admiration and investigation. A few elementary works carefully studied, or even this present little book attentively perused, would supply the first helps towards seeing, at all events, a portion of the “ wonders of the shore,” as the brilliant author of “ Glaucus” has eloquently termed those revelations of the retiring deep. It is the seeing that is everything. But let none ‘ 9 OCEAN GARDENS ; despair of acquiring that power. “ The name of the Devonshire squire, Colonel George Montague” (thus wrote the late Professor Edward Forbes), “ might have become one of the greatest in the whole range of British science, had his whole career been devoted to marine physiology ;” and that mainly be- cause, from a sincere devotion to a favourite pursuit of his leisure, he acquired the art of seeing—an art sought by so few, though open to all who will earnestly seek it. Each department of science requires a separate and distinct kind of sight. The astute merchant deciphers at a glance the precise state of the most intricate accounts, in the midst of thousands of seemingly con- flicting figures; but of the thousand interesting and wonderful things connected with the existence of the little beetle that crosses his path in his country walk, he is incapable of seeing any single particle. But the despised entomologist, whom he has con- temptuously observed turning over the stones at the road side, and peering curiously beneath them, could tell him a tale of wonder, could preach him a sermon upon that tiny type, such as would assuredly de- velope many latent and unsuspected powers in his mind, that would enable him to see wonders where all had previously been blank, and teach him that 10 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. there are things well worthy of investigation beyond the region of money-making, and the attractive but narrow circle distinguished by the fascinating cha- racters, £ 8. d. Those who cannot .966 Nature, who cannot see more than an unclean thing in the little creeping beetle, are like one gazing at the carved record of an obelisk, who perceives, in the hieroglyphic scarabaeus, simply the sculptured figure of a beetle, and no more—they are in a state of “ Egyptian darkness” as regards one of the highest and most enchanting fields of human research. But to those who have acquired this rare though easy art, and learned to see Nature, even to a moderate extent (for in that art are an infinite number of degrees and grada- tions), the aspect of the ocean floor must present an appearance as beautiful and strange, and seemingly as supernatural, as the wildest imagination could depicture. When poets would travel, in their inventive flights, to other floating and revolving worlds than ours, they describe rosy skies, instead of azure, and trees like branching crystals, with jewel-like fruits glittering on every stem. They present us with pictures, in short, in which all the ordinary aspects of our planet are reversed, or metamorphosed, in the 11 OCEAN GARDENS ; region of their invention; yet in their wildest and most fanciful pictures they do not surpass in strange- ness the wonders of the world beneath the sea. On the land, we have, as the ordinary aspect of Nature, the green herbaceous mantle of the earth below the eye, and the azure sky above; while a spectator, standing beneath the water on the ocean floor, would see these features more than reversed: he would see above him a liquid atmosphere of green, and below, an herbage of red or of purple hue, exhibiting strange yet exquisite forms, such as no terrestrial vegetation displays. Roseate shrubs of jointed stone, and arborets of filmy glass, and crea- tures full of active, energetic life, whose forms are stranger still, both in structure and in appearance; mere worms, whose colours are gorgeous as the tints of the butterfly’s wing, or the peacock’s tail, or the humming-bird’s breast. What scenery is formed by those miniature forests of Delesseria snguinea, so lovely in their tones of soft rich crimson; and those fan-like shrubs, the crisply graceful tufts of the brightly tinted and sin- gularly formed Padimo 1960730727366 : the tree-like masses of Oallz'thammon arbusc'ula, the delicate Ptilota plumosa, and the purple-tinted Corallmes, forming themselves into those 12 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. “ Arborets of jointed stone,” so exquisitely described by a recent poet. And then there are the high waving fronds of the grandly graceful Porplzg/rco vulgcwis, the deep carmine of the Iridma edulis, the nacreous tinges of the Chondrus 07°ispus, and the blood-red of the splendid Rhody- mania lacinata, with its embroidered and lace-like edges; these, with the gorgeous tufts of the rich purple Bangico, and other objects which form the elements of still life in a submarine landscape, surely cannot be surpassed, either for magnificence of colour or variety of structure. But to these features must be added others more extraordinary—forms that the elder naturalists ima- gined to be links between the animal and vegetable creation, but which are now known to have no affinity whatever with plants, though they exhibit, under many aspects, all the appearance of expanded flowers of various hues, displaying the forms of the Carnation, the Anemone, the Mesembryanthemum, and the blos- soms of other beautiful flowers Whose names they bear. These curiously beautiful Zoophytes, the won- derful Actim’a’, exhibit every tone of colour, from purple and scarlet, to green and white, and might be taken in their picturesquely placed groups for rare exotic flowers, planted among the rosy-tinted shrubs 13 OCEAN GARDENS 5 expressly to add the last touch of richness and effect to the scenery of an ocean flower-show. Yet they are not flowers, but animals—sea mon- sters, whose seeming delicate petals are but their thousand Briarean arms, disguised as the petals of a flower, and expanded to seize the unconscious victim as he passes near the beautiful form—fatal to him as the crater of a volcano ; in which he is soon engulphed by the closing tentacles of his unsuspected enemy. And if he pass not near enough for that deadly floral embrace, and escape the fatally beautiful petals, those pretty crimson tubercles that dot so gracefully the seeming stalk, beneath the seeming flower, can shoot forth a thread, armed, like the fisher’s line, with a barbed hook, which strikes and secures the distant prey; and so the unwary Annelid or In usory is captured and devoured. In this capacity the Syren actinea has been compared to Pope’s spider, who “Feels at each thread, and lives along the line.” But then the living thread of the Actinia (or of the Oirm'ped, which has a similar power) is a fact, while the sensitive gossamer of the poet is a fiction. But notwithstanding these ogre-like attributes, the lovely Actim‘a long deceived even our naturalists as to its true nature—and of course the poets—from 14 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. whom his flower-like disc and petaloid tentacles completely concealed his grosser nature. Then, as the tide recedes, he so meekly closes his beautiful oubliette, with so much grace, and looking so much like those shrinking flowers that close at eve, as though they dared not to look on the black darkness of the night, that it is no wonder poets were beguiled, and that the romantic Southey sings of the Actimla as of some lily of the deep that, on the retiring of the ocean, “ Sinks down within its purple stem to sleep.” To add to the wonders of this strange landscape come the creeping Nudibmmchs and Tectibmncks, gliding over the gracefully Waving Alyce ; their ele- gant forms decorated with their external breathing apparatus, so delicate and fragile, that it looks like a spectral star gliding above them, or like the pale , Vskeleton of some delicate flower, so fine are its milk- White filaments, arranged nearly always in a sym- metrical and star-like form. And then there are the singular and shadowy Medusw floating past, in the form of parachutes, with low suspended cars, just as though the science of ballooning had been carried to perfection under the sea; and that they were made of elastic glass, instead of silk, though richly flushed With iridescent and varying tinges, sometimes of 15. OCEAN GARDENS ; metallic azure, and anon of emerald green; hues that seem added by some delicate process which the glass- blowers above the water have not yet discovered. Some of these creatures are fragile as a soap-bubble, to which their transparency and prismatic flashes of colour give them a curious resemblance; and their ephemeral existence, dependent upon the will of even an angry ripple of the element in which they live, is doubtless as brief. The deep has even its butterflies, as well as the land: for the fluttering of the fins of some small and brightly coloured fish has been compared to the action of the wings of moths—as have also the locomotive membranes of some of the animals of the univalve shells. Then there are minute phosphorescent animals, which represent the fire-flies of the south, pouring a living flood of light through the water as they glide along—some emitting silvery, and others golden flashes, like floating lamps that seem hurrying to light up the darkness of the far ocean depths. Even the worms are gorgeous and wonderful in this subaqueous world. The Serpulaz, with their radiating coronets of crimson branchzke ; the Pecti- 7zarz'a, with its golden comb, glittering in burnished brightness; and the Nereis, with white and crimson stripes—arc all wonderful as well as beautiful objects. 16 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. But the Haliflzea, or sea-goddess, as Lamarck has named it, from the extraordinary beauty and the gorgeous colours that radiate from the silky hairs With Which it is clothed, surpasses them all. These, and other wonders of still greater beauty, ' Will reward the persevering student Who learns to see them ; but then he must learn. Even the intellectual giant, Shakspeare, could not see clearly many of the minuter things of Nature. In his line upon the slow-worm, for instance, vulgarly called the blind- Worm, which he describes as “The eyeless, venomed worm,” are concentrated two mistakes: in the first place, the minute eyes of this little creature are brilliant in the extreme, and not very difficult to discover, to the naturalist Who has learnt to observe Nature; and, in the second place, it has no venom, its tiny bite being perfectly harmless. In another place he speaks of “The blind-worm’s sting.” But it is useless to multiply examples of the phy- siological errors of great men Who had not learned to see Nature; or Milton’s errors in regard to the leaf of the Banyan-tree, and many others, might be readily Cited. ‘ 17 C OCEAN GARDENS ; There are, as I have endeavoured to show, many glorious things to be seen in the ocean, but we have to learn to see them; and those who find they cannot see with their own eyes, must do so through the more gifted sense of others. To many—how many, un- guided by an able cicerone——the fields round Selborne would appear common and uninteresting enough; but guided by a Gilbert White, whose searching eye knew where to seek the hidden forms of plants, whose car at once distinguished and classified the song of birds, and even the buzz of insects—guided by him, things assume a far different aspect; like another Prospero, he waves his wand, and every object begins to brighten, and a thousand new and beautiful fea- tures develope themselves under the magic of his descriptions; crowds of marvels springing up around, as from enchanted ground. In like manner, guided by the fascinating science of a Johnston or a Harvey, or the persuasive industry of a Gosse, or the elo- quently glowing descriptions of a Kingsley, students, who have not the energy or leisure to work for them- selves, will find the dark ocean glow with an unex- pected light; and the charmed explorer will long for the power to renew the impressions of his sea-side rambles after his return to his inland home, perhaps in the heart of a densely populated city. Even this 18 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. he may now do through the medium of the marine Aquarium, within the narrow boundaries of which he may, with a little care and experience, establish in healthy existence some of the most beautiful of the animal and vegetable forms that people the caves and depths of the ocean, making its watery world a region of wonders. ”~41?” fim (r. '1‘” :fifvw‘i”: "4- eex‘» (NWT “1* aims Mun! ’w-"éy 2.. via" 1" i; 1;»; We all ’3'; , s mg: * *""‘ .‘pa: 0! ’ 4/ ’ ' i / . I” v , 19 CHAPTER III. THE AQUARIUM. . '_ HE successful treatment of aquatic plants ' and animals, in the confined space of a glass _ _ Aquarium, depends entirely upon the dis- covery that there exists in Nature a self-adjusting balance between the supply of oxygen created in water with the quantity consumed by aquatic animals. Without the knowledge of these facts, and the prin- ciples by which they are regulated, it would have been impossible to establish such a marine Aquarium as that we may now any day examine in the Regent’s Park; where, in a few glass tanks of very moderate size, we may see examples of some of the most curious forms of animal and vegetable life peculiar to the depths of the ocean—forms so singular, that their first exhibition created a sense of wonder little less intense than that which must have been caused, long years ago, by the first public display of the mountain form of the elephant to the people of cold northern countries; and much more so than the recent introduction of the giraffe or hippopotamus, although, 20 OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. till the beginning of the present century, they had never been seen in Europe since the days of the Romans. Those principles, the knowledge of which was requisite to enable us thus to view the wonders of the ocean in their living state in an Aquarium, were not mastered at once, or by one man, or in one generation. The nature of certain relations between animal and vegetable life, upon which they are founded, was first advanced by Priestley, towards the close of the last century, who proved that plants give forth the oxygen necessary to animal life. The learned Ingenhauss, a native of Breda, but who prin- cipally resided in England, defined this principle still mere clearly, in a work the title of which pretty fully explains the entire nature of his discovery. It was published in French, at Leyden, in 1778, and in London, in English, in 1779. The French edition is before me, the title of which may be thus trans- lated, “ Experiments upon Plants, which prove their important influence in the purification of the atmo- spheric air when they are exposed to the rays of the sun, and the contrary results which ensue when they are placed in the shade, or during the night.” The action of the sun’s rays in disengaging the oxygen generated in plants is thus clearly announced, and ' 21 OCEAN GARDENS ; the knowledge of this principle is one of those which have mainly conduced, as I have said, to the successful establishment of Aquaria. In the course of his essay Ingenhauss states, still more directly, that plants “immersed in water,” when exposed to the action of light, emit an air which he announces as oxygen gas; and this idea is the key- stone of the Aquarium. But, although the discovery of Ingenhauss at once rendered the thing practicable, Aquaria did not then come into fashion. The science of natural history was not at that time sufficiently advanced; for the specimens, even in public museums, were merely heterogeneous collections, aSsembled without the slightest regard to classification, or any other useful purpose. A stuffed cat with nine legs, stood, perhaps, next to a bottled snake, followed by the skin of a crocodile, to be succeeded in turn by a very moth-eaten specimen of a King Charles spaniel, “ sup- posed, upon good authority, to have belonged to Nell Gwynne.” A few scores of such objects, with the addition of an ostrich egg and a few sea-shells, without any attempt at name or description, formed, with a few striking exceptions, a very respectable museum in those times; and we may therefore easily conceive that (in so far as experiments illustrative of 22 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. natural science were concerned) the suggestions of Ingenhauss remained tolerably dormant. It was not till the year 1833 that Professor Daubeny communicated, to the British Association at Cambridge, a paper concerning some new researches prosecuted in the same direction; and not till 1837 that Mr. Ward became the first to apply the prin- ciple to any purpose analogous to that of the Aqua- rium. In that year he made a report to the British Association, on the hermetically closed glass cases in which he had succeeded in growing many classes of plants, and keeping them in a healthy state without any fresh supply of air. He stated, at the same time, his belief that certain classes of animals would live and thrive under similar circumstances. This was the first direct hint towards the formation of a closed Vivarium, whether atmospheric or aquatic. In 1842, Dr. Johnston satisfactorily proved the true vegetable nature of Oorallines, by observing their. growth in a vessel containing sea-water ; and thus was established the first true Aquarium. With the experimental tuft of C’orallme was a small frond of a green Ulva, and numerous Rissoae, etc., and several Annelids afterwards appeared, having been, no doubt, attached to the branches of the Coralline, or the fronds of the Ulva. At the end of four weeks 23 OCEAN GARDENS ; the water was still pure, the Molluscs and other animals alive, and the Confervae grown; the Coral- line itself having thrown out several additional articu- lations. After eight weeks, the water still remained sweet. But had any animal, of even the lowest order, been so confined, without the accompanying presence of vegetables giving off oxygen, all of that vital gas contained in so small a quantity of water would have been quickly exhausted, and the water would have become corrupt, ammoniacal, and poison- ous to the life of any living thing. But the author of this experiment had not in View the testing of the possibility of preserving the forms of ocean life in a healthy state in confinement; his business had been to settle an important point connected with the classification of the Corallines ; and having success- fully decided that question, the embryo Aquarium was abandoned. In 1849 Mr. Ward stated, at a meeting of the British Association at Oxford, that he had succeeded, not only in growing sea-weeds in sea-water, but in sea-water artificially made. On the 4th of June, 1850, Mr. R. VVarrington communicated to the Chemical Society a series of observations on the adjustment of certain relations between the animal and vegetable kingdoms, still more important to our 24. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. present purpose. Two small gold-fish were placed in a glass receiver, a small plant of Valisneréa spiralis being planted at the same time in some earth, beneath a layer of sand in the same vessel. All went on well by this arrangement, without any necessity for changing the water; the oxygen given off by the plant proving itself sufficient for the supply of its animal co-tenants, and the water therefore remaining clean and pure, until some de- caying leaves of the Valisneria caused turbidity, and confervoid growth began to accumulate on the sides of the vessel. To remedy this evil, Mr. Warring- ton brought to bear the results of previous obser- vations on water in natural ponds under analogous circumstances; and, guided by these observations and their results, he placed a few common pond-snails in the vessel containing his gold-fish and plant of Valis- neria. ' ‘ The new inmates, immediately upon their intro- duction, began to feed greedjly upon the decaying vegetable matter, and all was quickly restored to a healthy state. They proved, indeed, of still further advantage, for the masses of eggs which they de- posited evidently presented a kind of food natural to the fishes, which . was eagerly devoured by them, so that the snails became not only the scavengers 25 OCEAN GARDENS ; but also the feeders of the little colony. And so this first of true Aquaria prospered; the animals and plants proving of mutual value and support to each other. The snails disposed of the decaying leaves, which would have tainted the water and rendered it unfit for the healthy existence of the plant, and the plant in turn gave forth, under the rays of sun- light, the supply of oxygen necessary to both fish and snails. In January, 1852, Mr. VVarrington commenced a series of similar experiments with sea-water; which were, at first, not so satisfactory, but in the end proved as entirely successful. In the course of his experiments, he found the red and brown Algae, or sea-weed, less proper for the formation of oxygen than the green. Of the latter class he procured spe- cimens of Enteromorplm compressa and Ulva latic- sima, which he chiselled from the rocks about Broad- stairs, along with the pieces of chalk or flint to which they were attached; and, when he placed them in his own marine Aquarium, he put in along with them, to represent the pond-snails in the fresh- water tank, some of the common sea-snail, better known as the Periwinkle (I/ittorma littorea). These proved, it appears, insufficient for the destruction of the mucous and gelatinous matter that arose from 26 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. the rapid decay of nearly all the red sea-weeds, which, however, I have no doubt may yet be cultivated with equal success with the green; this has, indeed, been subsequently proved by their successful culture by Mr. Alford Lloyd. Under the then existing difficulty, however, it was found necessary to aerate the water by other means, many processes being equally avail- able; such as injecting fresh Water from a syringe, or establishing a drip, of some height, from a vessel containing a supply of entirely fresh water. Mr. Warrington also discovered, in the course of these experiments, the necessity that the light should pass directly through the surface of the water to the plants, as in natural ponds and seas—a very im- portant step in the successful management of Aquaria ; and he therefore had a slab of slate adjusted to the side of his tank which stood next to the light, to pre- vent the sun-rays from penetrating to the plants in a lateral direction. These successful experiments, both in fresh-water and marine Aquaria, assign to Mr. Warrington, beyond dispute, the credit of being the practical originator, or inventor, if the term may be so used, of these charming additions to our conservatories, corridors, and even living-rooms, to which they are certainly a much more attractive and instructive 27 OCEAN GARDENS ; addition than the old globe of blank water, with its pair of gold-fish swimming round and round in ceaseless gyrations, tiresome to behold, in the vain hope of escaping from their glaring and incon- venient prison ; in which they would inevitably have perished very shortly but for the daily change of water, which, previous to onr knowledge of air- emitting plants and their use, was absolutely neces- sary. But another experimentalist was now in the field. Mr. Gosse, whose charming works upon Aquaria, and other subjects connected with natural science, have perhaps made his name more widely known than that of his predecessor, Mr. \Varrington, commenced a series of experiments on the subject of the marine Aquarium, about the same time as the last-named gentleman, in the beginning of January, 1852. His attempts were crowned with such com- plete success, that he was induced to put himself in communication with Mr. David Mitchell, the enterprising Secretary of the Zoological Society, the result of which was the removal of the collection of Annelids and ZOOpkg/L‘es which Mr. Gosse had formed, to the gardens of the Society in the Re- gent’s Park, where it formed the nucleus from which has grown the magnificent series of Aquaria 28 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. in the building recently constructed for their recep- tion. These marine Aquaria at once became a subject of public as well as private interest, and the Aquarium house was so crowded daily with its curious visitors, that it became difficult to get a glimpse of 'the wonders of the “ ocean floor,” and its zoophytic denizens, which were so successfully exhibited there ; principally through the skilful aid and untiring in- dustry of Mr. Gosse, through whose hands above five thousand specimens passed at the time, collected at the request of the Zoological Society. In his interesting record of his early essays, Mr. Gosse gives us many valuable particulars con- cerning his successive experiments, and the various disappointments to which he was at first subjected; many of them from causes now too well understood to require repetition. His principal difficulty arose from over-crowding, although his tank did not appear, as he states, too much filled. Another disappoint- ment was caused by putting in animals before the smell of the putty, with which the glass sides were fixed, had sufficiently gone off. Mr. Gosse’s tank was made with a slate bottom, and birch pillars, in which were grooves to receive the glass; and its dimensions were, two feet long by one foot six wide, the depth not being mentioned. 29 OCEAN GARDENS ; Taking these dimensions into consideration, it will be easy to conceive, when the following list of specimens which Mr. Gosse introduced into his Aquarium is examined, that his population was too dense for the extent of his province, although the space might not have appeared too much filled for picturesque effect. Of vegetable specimens, he in- troduced at once the following :— 1. A tuft of Eweellaria fasti- 7. Several masses of Corallz'na giata. qflt‘cinalis. 2. Two of Rhodymeniw palmata. 8. One Grg'flitlzsia setacea. 3. One of Dictyoz‘a dicizoto-ma. 9. One Delesseria alata. 4:. A small Facets serratu-s. 10. One Plocamium coccineum. 5. One Laminm'ia digitam. 11. One Plzylopizom Tubens. 6. Two tufts of Padinapavonia. 12. One Zostera marina. In a few days the water in which these specimens were placed became clear as pale green crystal, the pale green tinge being too slight to obscure the colour of any object seen through its medium. From these weeds alone, before any supply of Z00phytes or Molluscs were intentionally added, a whole host of minute animal life swarmed forth; some, doubtless, issuing from eggs newly hatched; others from the shelter of the matted ramifications of some of the sea-weeds, in which they had been taken, as in a net. Among these swarming crea- 3O OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. tures were Annelids of the genus Syllis, Rissom, and other minute shell-fish, but principally Isopodous and Entomostmcous Crustacean, many of them being so minute as not to be perceived without the use of a powerful lens. Of the animals next placed in this tank, of only two feet by one foot six inches, the following is the topogcboxgpgomr—I list given :— FISH. 1. Fifteen, Spined Stickleback . . Gasterosteus spinacln'a. 2. Seven, Grey Mullet (young) . . Mugil capito. 3. One, Black Goby . . . . . . Gobious Myer. 4. One, Corkwing. . . . . Orem'labrus cornubz'cus. 5. One, Five- bearded Rockling . . Motella 5-02'7'mta. 6. One, Great Pipe- fish (young) . . Syngnatkus wow. 7. One, Worm Pipe . . . . . . Syngnatkus lumbrg'fm'mis. SHELLS, MOLLUSCS, ETC. . Two, Ashy Top . . . . . . . Troclms cinemm'us. . One, Navel Top . . . . . . Trookus mnbih'catus. Three, Common Periwinkle . . . Littom'na littorea. Three, Yellow Periwinkle . . . Littorina Zittomlz's. . One, Purple . . . . . . . . Purpum lapz'llus. . One, Scrobicularia. One, Anomia. Two, Common Cockle . . . . Cardium edule. . Two, Ascidia. CRUSTACEA, ETC. 1. Two, Hermit Crab . . ' . . . . Pagurus Bernhardus. 2. One, ditto . . . . . . Pagums Prideauxiz’. 31 came-co 03.5”!“ Oil-P OCEAN GARDENS ; . Four, Sand Shrimp One Prawn . . Three, Crown \Vorm . Three, \Vhite-line Worm ZOOPHYTES. Two, Thick-horned Anemone Three, Weymouth Anemone . Two, Parasitic Anemone . Six, Plumose Anemone . Five, Daisy Anemone Cragnon vulgar-2’s. Palwmon serratus. Scrpula triguetm. Nereis bilineata. Actinia crassicorm's. Actinia clamm. Actinia pm'asitica. Actim'a, dianflms. Actinia bellis. There were thus above seventy specimens, animal and vegetable, already in the tank, Without counting the swarms of smaller creatures, some the young of large species, daily increasing in size; yet our bold experimentalist, anxious, like another Napoleon, to conquer his “ Russia” at one grand invasion, still poured in fresh specimens. carol-l @fisvcwe FISH. One, JEquorial Pipe-fish These consisted of :— Syngnaflms (eguoreus. MOLLUSCS, CRUSTACEANS, ETC. One, Rough Doris TWO, Magus Top . . One, Nerit . . One, Squin . One, Pholas One, Pisa One, Cleanser Crab . One, Ebalia Doris pilosa. T/roclms mayus. JVat'ica Alde/ri. Pecten opercularz's. Pkolas [Jam-cc. Pisa tetraodon. Portmms (Zepumz‘or. Ebalia Pemzantii. PLATE XI. .......uun .1 AnLv in V kiUd NOISHCI V ' ’ Hi, ‘ ‘ 111‘ “ +,?,.!i!iéfi5539' "w OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. 9. One, Hermit (small) . . . . . Paguru-s. 10. Three, Lobster Prawn . . . . . Athanas nilescens. STAR-FISH, ETC. 1. One, Brittle Star . . . . . . Opkiocoma msula. 2. One, Eyed Cribella . . . . . . Or-ibella oculata. 3. Two, Scarlet Sun-Star . . . . . Solaster papposa. 4:. One Bird’s-foot Star . . . . . Palmipes membranaccus. 5. Three, Gibbons Starlet . . . . Asterina gibbosa. 6. One,_;_Purple-tipped Urchin . . . Echinus miliaris. 7. Seven, Scarlet Madrepore . . . Balanopkz'llia reg/id. 8. Three, Cloak Anemone. . . . . Admnsia palliam. These additions brought the collection up to above a hundred specimens, and no doubt the tank made a glorious show; but Mr. Gosse, though the Napo- leon of his specialty, was forced to acknowledge that there was an “impossible.” Although his collection was superb, and his interesting tank did not look over-crowded, yet he soon discovered that a forbidden limit had been passed, and that the creatures of the ocean that have yards—fathoms—of their native ele- ment to their own separate share, cannot accommodate themselves to the allotment system, in the proportion of a square inch to each individual. To remedy this state of things, the evil effects of Which soon became apparent, artificial aeration was resorted to, by means of another vessel, which kept up 33 D OCEAN GARDENS ; a continuous supply of dripping fresh water. But even this assistance did not enable the crowded colony to exist more than ten days. In the first place, there were many predatory species, which destroyed their associates; these kinds must, there- fore, be excluded from an Aquarium, or kept in a separate tank. But, after all, the impossibility of providing a sufficient supply of oxygen was evi- dently the great and principal cause of failure. The Univalves and smaller Crustacea disappeared first, a disagreeable smell giving intimation that decay was going on; the creatures that had perished having, many of them, died in concealment, under the stones, weeds, etc., at the bottom of the Aquarium. The first signs of unpleasant efHuvia rising from the tank must, therefore, be carefully attended to ; and, in such cases, the Aquarium ought to be immediately searched for the cause; which, when discovered, should be carefully removed. Mr. Gosse having taken out the whole of the specimens, dead and alive, and carefully cleansed the tank, a much smaller number was put in, which, being well selected, and having sufficient space, throve abundantly well; and the ingenious experimentalist was at last amply rewarded for all his persevering exertions. This result benefited others as well as 31' PLATE. XII. A DESIGN FOR AN AQUARIUM MOUNTED IN HANDSOMN IU'S’I‘ICJVORK. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. himself, for a general taste suddenly arose for this kind of pursuit, arising mainly from the various works which soon appeared on the subject; and, to gratify the new taste, a host of dealers in Aquaria also sprung up, who are all of them driving a brisk and profitable trade. The first experiments of Mr. Gosse sufficiently point out the kind of cautions to be observed in the formation of a marine Aquarium. The vessel itself may be either quite plain in its framework, as shown in Plate XL, or made more or less ornamental, to assimilate, if necessary, with surrounding objects or furniture. The rustic style of frame designed in Plate XII. has been found to accord well with the general character of the Aquarium itself, and it produces an agreeable contrast with the usual forms of the furniture of our ordinary sitting-rooms. Those made by the dealers are generally formed with slate floors and backs, and zinc columns and mountings ; the smallest and most simple, about fifteen inches long by ten inches broad, costing from a guinea to twenty-five shillings, and those of the proportion of two feet by one f00t six, costing from two pounds ten to three pounds. A small syphon will be found useful, in order to remove a portion of the water, if required, without disturbance; and also a syringe, in 35 OCEAN GARDENS; order to aerate the water when necessary, if a second reservoir of fresh water, in a suitable position, should not be convenient. A miniature landing-net is also useful for the removal of decaying matter, or occa. sionally the living specimens, when any change may be required. A layer of sand and pebbles, about three inches deep, placed upon the slate floo1in g, is the first step towards arranging the inte1io1 of the tank. Upon this beginning, removing portions of the sand and stones, where required in places, to procure a firm basis, the rockwork may be built; which should be picturesque and fanciful in character, as partially sug- gested in the two Plates, leaving miniature archways and caves for the shelter of such creatures as shun the light, either constantly or occasionally. Such a dispo- sition of the rock imparts, at the same time, many pleasing effects to the pictorial composition. These matters are not, however, much attended to by dealers, whose arrangements of the Aquaria they offer for sale are generally tasteless enough. But that is perhaps all the better, as it entails upon the amateur the neces- sity of providing his own taste, instead of purchasing it, which is at all times both a useful and pleasant effort of mind, and which, moreover, leaves, after each period of exertion, a permanent trace of an increased 36 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. refinement, which inevitably influences the whole character. In the distribution of the rocks, I would always allow at least one point to project above the water, in order to afford the opportunity to those animals whose instincts lead them to seek occasional exposure to the air the means of gratifying it by that contriv- ance. I have thought, indeed, of constructing a kind of double Aquarium, and perfecting an arrangement by means of which a large portion of water should flow gradually from one tank to the other at fixed periods, in imitation of the ebb and flow of the tide. Many interesting phenomena would be exhibited in this manner, such as the closing of the Actimae as the water receded, and their expansion as it covered them on its return ; accompanied by a host of other effects full of interest and instruction. This alternation, too, might be found highly advantageous to the health and development of the animals whose natural habitat lies between high and low water-mark, and whose constitution is therefore framed to require entire or partial exposure to the air at certain intervals of time. I also prefer, as preserving a similar set of analogies, a sloping bottom, similar to that of the coast. For instance, if the slate back of the Aquarium be placed next the light, which is its proper position, as the light 37 OCEAN GARDENS ; ought to penetrate the water entirely through its upper or horizontal surface, then I would fill the side next the slate back nearly to the top with pieces of rock, gradually reducing their height, till, at the other side, they should hardly rise above the floor of sand and pebbles, leaving, at last, a flat portion of the pebbly or sandy bottom quite level. When this form of rockwork is decided upon, the Aquarium should be of rather wider proportions than usual, in order to allow. of the slope being pretty gradual. Supposing the tank to fill entirely the recess of a spare Window, which is a position in which it looks exceedingly well, a solid slate back may be found to darken the vessel or the room too much ; in such a case, a glass back must be preferred, which can be shaded from the direct influence of the light by a blue or green shade of calico neatly fitted to the frame; and it must be borne in mind, as essen- tial, that the Aquarium must be so placed as to receive the direct rays of light during some part of the day, being slightly screened when the sun is too powerful; as, should the water become tepid, it would be fatal to many of the inhabitants of the miniature sea. With due observance of these precautions, the amateur may hope to frame and establish an Aqua- 38 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. rium in a suitable form, and in a suitable position for the reception of its inmates ; an account of which, and of the manner of their introduction Will form the sub- ject of the ensuing chapters. 39 CHAPTER IV. THE VEGETATION OF THE MARINE AQUARIUM. zens can luxuriate in its shades, so ' the submarine shrubbery of the Aquarium must be perfected before the aquatic animals can be introduced. For it has been shown, in tracing the his- . tory of the experiments which resulted in o the establishment of ”the principles that regu- late the formation of Aquaria, that it is by plants only that a supply of oxygen can be kept up, sufficient for the health and existence of all forms of animal life beneath the water.* It is necessary, also, that the rays of sunlight should fall upon the foliage directly through the surface of the water; and when an Aquarium, with its plants, is placed in a position to receive the light in this manner, their fronds may be observed giving forth 3* Analogous principles are at work in our fields and forests, but we have now only to do with the submarine production of oxygen. 40 OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. the gas in small silvery bubbles and coruscations, which have a brilliant and gem-like appearance. Some marine plants appear to succeed much better than others, but I believe that happens only from their treatment being imperfectly understood; and I believe not only that all the exquisitely beautiful marine Algfi of our own shores may be successfully grown, but also that the more splendid varieties of the tropical seas may be made to thrive in properly heated Aquaria, and thus form one of the most attractive features of our hothouses—one that has not yetbeen dreamed of. In ordinary Aquaria, such as I am now treat- ing of, I shall name first those species of sea-weed recommended by Mr. Gosse and others as most easily cultivated, but I shall also point out many other species, which I feel convinced may be suc- cessfully grown under proper management; and they certainly deserve every effort that can be made to establish them in Aquaria, as they are among the most beautiful of their tribe.” Most of the plants named may be purchased of dealers, but if collected by the amateur himself, care must be taken to detach a portion of the substance to which they are growing, and they must be very carefully packed in damp refuse sea-weed, and kept 41 OCEAN GARDENS ; out of their native element as short a time as pos- sible. The plants in most flourishing condition in the marine tanks of the Zoological Gardens, were at first those of the Chlorospermatous order, but others have since succeeded nearly as well. Plants . of Ulva and Conferva have always done very well; but the most successful growth has been that of a plant of the genus Bryopsis, which entirely envelop- ing a large stone in its mossy and almost feather- like foliage, produces a very beautiful appearance. Those unlearned in scientific names will be glad, perhaps, to learn that beautiful Algae of this last- named genus derive their title from two Greek words, Bryon (,Bpuov), a moss, and Opsis (031m), a resem- blance, from their likeness to some of the most deli- cate and feather-like mosses of our woods. The delineation of Bryopsis plumosa in Plate II., on the extreme left near the lower part of the Plate, will convey some idea of these elegant sea-weeds. Chondms crispus is a beautiful plant, and well suited to the Aquarium. It will often be found under ledges of rock, completely concealed by a pendent veil of Fucus, commonly known as the olive weed; and, on lifting the tangled mass of its rank growth, many beautiful and unexpected plants 42 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. are frequently found, but none strike the explorer more than the Chandrus. Its nacreous tints, like those of a pearl shell, varying wonderfully according to situation, being very remarkable. It is the Carrageen Moss of the herb market. This plant forms the principal object 1n the lower part of Plate IV., to the right. Laurencz'a pinnatifolia is a pretty branching plant, also varying in hue according to the aspect in which it grows. In the shade, it is purple; but When receiving the full influence of the sun’s rays, it assumes a light yellow tone; just as the 121/00- podz'um, known as Fortune’s Moss, is purple when grown in the darkest part of a room, but becomes of an ordinary green tone when placed for some time near the light. The Laurencia is shown at the upper part of Plate V., coloured pale violet. The splendid plant Rhodymema palmata, with its finely coloured, semi-transparent fronds, is also recommended. It is the Dulse or Dellis, eaten by the inhabitants of our northern coasts as a delicacy. Another species, B. lacinata, forms the specimen to the left of Plate V. Its light crimson fronds, which are semi-transparent, produce a very pleasing effect. Mr. Gosse tells us that the Rhodymem’a palm‘ata is not suited to an Aquarium, because it appears to 4:3 OCEAN GARDENS; require the motion of the sea, and soon begins to decay in still water. If that be the case, let us attempt to provide a remedy, for this beautiful Algw is one of the most beautiful among all its lovely congeners. When a plant of the gigantic lily of the Amazon river was first introduced, it refused to flower in the tank provided for its northern home, at the Duke of Devonshire’s residence at Chatsworth. But Sir Joseph Paxton, who then directed the floricultural operations of that magni- ficent abode, was not discouraged; and seeking to impart to the still water of the reservoir something of the motion of a deep and majestic river, he con- trived that a small but continuous stream of supply should, as it entered, turn a small paddle-wheel, the action of which imparted a gentle, undulating mo- tion to the water- of the whole tank. The device was triumphant, and the glorious Victoria regéa, formed and expanded its giant flowers in the elegant house which its curator had constructed for it, the graceful plan of which eventually suggested the creation of the “ Crystal Palace.” Let us not despair, therefore, of cultivating successfully the beautiful Rhodymem’a palmata in our Aquaria. The construction of a suitable apparatus for impart- ing motion to the too still waters will form a plea- 4:4 PLATE 1. l. Delcssm'iu sanguinon. 2. Puncmrin lszolia. 3. Chul‘duriu flagellifurmis. 4. Vuucherin Submarinn. 5. lliMrnhrundtiu lubru. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. sant passetemps for some of our fair admirers of the pursuits of the Aquarium; and their success would be a signal triumph, But at present the beautiful red weeds, in general, are difficult of cultivation, and when they begin to exhibit spots of orange——-a vegetable plague-spot not to be mistaken—it is a symptom of decay which should at once cause their removal from the Aquarium, before their decomposi- tion leads to further mischief. The common Coralline, Oomllz'am aficmalis, of which a small spray is represented in the extreme lower part of Plate V., near the centre, is the “arboret of jointed stone,” alluded to by the poet, and is well suited to Aquaria, thriving with little trouble. The smaller and slenderer kind is also suitable; but care must be taken, in collecting, not to choose the detached white fragments, which are washed up with every tide, for they are only the skeletons of the plant. It is the rosy-tinted specimens, verging to violet and purple, and still attached to pieces of rock, that are alone in a living state, and fit to remove to the Aquarium. The Oladopkorw are also stated to be very suit- able, 0. rupestm's being a very useful plant for the purpose. It is of a bluish green, that harmonizes well with the tone of the sea-water, and fills up 4.5 OCEAN GARDENS ; little chasms in the artificial rocks with very good effect, especially in contrast with the reddish purple tufts of Poly/siphonia arceolata, which do well in an Aquarium, and are a great aid to the foliage of the little marine landscape. The elegant, fan-formed, and brightly radiated Padina pavom’a is likewise mentioned, and should at all events he tried, as the tufts of that graceful marine plant form very singular as well as beautiful objects in the tank.* I would also recommend the trial of all the plants delineated in the five Plates devoted to the sea-weeds in this little book. In Plate I., the first, occupying the upper part, with leaf-like fronds of transparent crimson, is the beautiful and not uncommon sea-weed, Delesseria sanguinea. The delicate pale plant below, to the right, is Punctam'a latifolia, thin as tissue paper, and speckled over its pale buff surface with bright but minute grains of black. To the left is a branch of Chordaria fiagelléformis, the rich olive of which contrasts well with the red kinds of Algae. In the front, growing on a detached pebble, is the Lichen- like Hildenbmndtia rubra, rich with tinges of deep carmine, which might be made to form an exquisite * Alist of the plants with which Mr. Gosse furnished his first Aquarium is given in Chapter III. 46 l. llnnzin fusco-purpurm. 3. Bryop>is plunmsn. 5. Loalhcsia Berkley-i. '2. Codium tnmcmosum. 4. Cullithumnion nrhusuuln. n. Laminnria phyllins. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. touch of colour, if tastefully placed in the Aquarium ; and to the extreme right is a small tuft of Vauckeria . submarine». In Plate 11., the principal object, near the top of the Plate, is a bush of Callitkammon arbuscula, which receives its specific name from the tree-like aspect which it assumes more distinctly than any other of the marine Algw. Behind it, to the right, are the tall and graceful forms, with their crimped edges, of the slender Laminarm phyllitis. Below, still to the right, is a branch of Oodium tomentosum, distinguished by its light, vivid green, and the edging of delicate ciliae, which have the appearance of a border of paler green, to every branchlet. Still to the right, in the extreme foreground, is a broken piece of rock, on which plants of the curious Lea- thesia Berkleyi have grown, like convex kernels of bronze. T o the left, are the red violet tufts of the Bang/5a fusco-pwpurea, and behind them a branch of Bryopsis plumosw. 1n Plate 111., the bright green feathery plant in the extreme background is Ectocarjms siliculosus ; and behind it, the violet-toned, antler-like fronds of Nema‘leon multifida. The large, gracefully bending frond of rich purple, with narrower and younger fronds springing from the same root, is Porphym 47 OCEAN GARDENS ; vulgaris, one of the commonest, but most splendid of our sea-weeds, with which, in combination with other plants of suitable contrast, the vegetation of the Aquarium may be rendered truly splendid, if it can be successfully cultivated; of which I have no doubt, when its natural wants are sufficiently studied, and ingeniously supplied. The finely marked plant to the right, with its black maculations and richly frilled edge, is Nitopkg/llum pmzctatum, one of our most elegant species, in front of which is the curious pale buff, tubular plant Asperococcus Tumeri. Near the foot of the Nitaphg/llum is a little tuft of the deli- cate Dumonfia filt’jbrmis ; and, to the extreme left, a branch of the brown-fronded Rytipkwa pinastris, which receives its specific name from the somewhat Pine-like growth it frequently assumes. Immediately beneath it, on the extreme right, is a little cluster of Ckorclam'co divaricata ; and below, in the left fore- ground, are a few pink fronds of the curious Alga, Ok7°ysemema rosea ; while, in the foreground, to the right, on a detached pebble, is a small mass of the pale crimson Peyssonetia Dubyz'. In Plate IV. the principal object is a fasciculus of Taomla atomam’a, rising behind the point of rock at the tOp of the Plate, behind which are two long fronds of the spotted Asperococcus ; to the left is the horn-. 48 PLATE II I. A. Porphyru vulgaris. 5. Chu‘symcniu row-.1. .5. Eczocurpus silicuh-sus. '2. Dumontia filifnrmis‘ :7. IN; ~.>-mc:i.|1)ubyi, 9. Ncnnlcm mulzifidn 3. Asperococcu; Turnm'i. 7. Cimrd‘lria dimriculm 1‘". Staphyllum puuclzuum. 4. Rytiphlma pinnitris. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. like Gigartma acicularis ; and in the front, to the left, the crimson tufts of a prettyweed ( Ceramium strictum ), which our engraver has made too like the Bang/6a fusco-purpwea. In Plate V. the violet-toned Laurencia pinnati— foliw is grouped behind the solid, deep crimson fronds of .073an edulis, which are often perfectly pear- shaped, somewhat resembling pieces of crimson leather neatly cut in that form; but the action of tides in rough weather often tears the edges, and wears holes through the texture of the plant, as shown in the prin- cipal frond. To the left is the bright crimson Rhody- men/75a lacinata—one of the most exquisitely beautiful of our marine Algae. The fronds are as thin as the finest conceivable tissue, and beautifully transparent, which is shown wherever the lacinations of the edge overlap each other, in which places the double thick- ness of the texture doubles, at the same time, the in- tensity of the colour, as indicated, in the representa- tion. On the same level, to the right, is a small group of the delicate green Ulva latissimw—«a plant which has proved useful beyond all others in Aquaria, as throwing off, under the action of the light, a much greater profusion of silvery globules of oxygen than any other species yet known. At the same level still, on the extreme right, is a sprig of the delicately 49 E OCEAN GARDENS ; branched parasite, Polysphomla parasitica, growing on a small mass of pale sulphur-coloured Melobesia lichenoides, the Lichen-like Melobesia. To the ex- treme left, under the beautiful Rhodymemla, is a small branch of the olive-tinted Ectocarpus tomentosus, looking much like a spray of wild Broom, and imme- diately below it, a few purple branchlets of Gracilaria confervoides ; while in the left foreground lies a peb- ble, partly covered by a small plant of Zonariaparvula, from beneath which straggles a little branch of the common but pretty Coralline, the Corallina ofiicinalis ; and, to the right, a globe of the curious Ooclium bursa, of the French coast, which might easily be added to our native species in the Aquarium. Such are a few of our beautiful coast Algw, all of which I would advise the admirers of the beauties of the marine Aquarium to try; and if some refuse, in the present state of our knowledge of their habits and requirements, to make themselves happy in their pretty “ crystal palace,” choosing rather to consider it a “ prison of glass,” still a good number of them, I am persuaded, may be coaxed into displaying their beauties very genially within its transparent walls, which admit the bright sun rays as freely as the pale green liquid glass which forms their native element. ' 50 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. Many have indeed been added, since the former edition of this work, to those at first successfully treated. The following being a list containing several red species, all successfully cultivated at the present time by Mr. Alford Lloyd :— Entermorpka compressa. Delessem'a alata (even more Entermorpha intestinalis. beautiful). Oladopkom arcta. Gracilamia confervoicles. Oladopkom rupestris. Gelidium corneum. Iridcea edulz's. Chanel/ms crispus. Delesseria sanguinea (one of the Pkg/llopkom rubens. most beautiful red weeds). Ceramium rubrum. The best time for making collections at the sea- side is a day or two after the full moon, when the tide recedes to its greatest extent, and parts of the shore become exposed, where some of the finest species grow, which cannot be conveniently ap- proached at any other time. It must be borne in mind, also, that few of the floating pieces will grow, however fresh and seemingly washed off with their root. Certain success is only to be secured by chisel- ling off a portion of the substance on which the weed is growing—thus transplanting it with its own soil, as it were, about its roots, into the ocean garden of the Aquarium. It may here be remarked that those plants and animals found between high and low water- 51 OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. mark, or the very next zone of depth, are the most adapted for healthy preservation in the Aquarium; such as belong to the deeper water being found almost invariably unfitted for such a purpose. 52 CHAPTER V. THE ZOOPHYTES. ,HE Aquarium having been furnished ' with its vegetation, and rendered as picturesque as possible by the well- : arranged juxtaposition of felicitously .. """ l ‘ contrasting forms and colours, the water .. must be allowed to settle for some days, until _, it is as clear as pale green crystal, before the {i animals are introduced to their new home. ‘Vhen the Alpine scenery of the submarine landscape appears perfectly settled, and all its colours and forms are seen With beautiful distinctness through the clarified waters, then the still life is ready to be asso- ciated With the more active organizations of animated creatures. Before speaking of Molluscs, or Crustacea, or of Fish, suitable to the Aquarium, let us first devote all our attention 'to our Zoopkytes, those singular creatures Whose strange instincts and anomalous forms have been mainly instrumental in attracting the atten- tion of many classes of the public to that curious in- 53 OCEAN GARDENS ; terest in Aquaria, which is fast spreading into a mania, threatening to absorb all others in its vortex, like Infusorim drawn within the fatal tentacles of the Actim’a. First, of these Actiniw, or Sea-Anemones. These flower-shaped animals were once thought to form an anomalous link between the animal and vegetable world. Many curious speculations, based upon that idea, were put forth, among which the gradations sup- posed to exist between man and the inferior animals, and between quadrupeds and. fishes, were asserted in further illustration of the former theory. But the deceptiveness of superficial knowledge, based upon imperfect observations, was never more strikingly exemplified than in those speculations. It was thought that because these creatures were found attached to rocks, they necessarily drew their nourishment prin- cipally through the medium of roots, as all true plants do; more accurate observation, however, has shown that they are not permanently fixed to the rocks, and that they have the power of moving from one place to another, and attaching themselves anew, whenever a sufficiently disturbing ’cause renders such removal desirable. Again, oysters and mussels remain fixed to rocks without being considered allied to plants on that account; and even some fish have the power of at- 64 l’LA'I‘l-z VI I. 1‘ Actinia cluvmu. IS. l‘l'nnululu phmlulmx'm. :3. A gmup n! An 1'”le 4, A Shell oft)": Cuummn Wholk, nu which are Um wt rum-“KM “IIIIUIHM OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. taching themselves to similar substances by means of curiously formed ventral fins, peculiarly fitted for the purpose. The pretty little two-spotted sucker, Lapi- dogaster bimaculatus, possesses this faculty. But the flower-like form into which the arms, or food-seizers, of the Actimlw are spread, radiating from a centre, like the petals of a flower, was the main reason for supposing a close analogy between these strange creatures and plants—a fancy now utterly abandoned, as it is quite evident that they are fur- nished with a mouth and stomach, like all true animals, and with a set of arms called tentacles, for seizing their prey; and perhaps, at the same time, through the medium of delicate ciliae with which the tentacles are connected, with a breathing apparatus, through which a current of water is taken in, and discharged after its oxygen has been abstracted. The discovery of the true nature of these singular creatures, however, still leaves their flower-like appear- ance very remarkable, and to a superficial observer is as deceptive as ever; and few (not professed natu- ralists), meeting with these singular Zoopkytes for the first time, would hesitate to pronounce them a kind of sea-plant. Let us turn, for example, to Plate VIII, and note the appearance of the two varieties of Actmia dicmthus 55 OCEAN GARDENS ; —-the carnation-like Actima, as its name imports—— and we shall easily excuse our early naturalists their pretty but erroneous fancies concerning them. This species is more subject than many others to vary in colour, like the flower after which it is named, being found of every tone between snow-white, orange, pale scarlet, and blood-red—while some specimens take duskier tints, from a dull brown to a kind of orange- green. But we will describe our illustrations of this curious family in regular succession, noting what is most peculiar in the subject of each Plate. Plate VI. contains a representation of one of the last discovered species of Actim’a—one which displays a habit that distinguishes it from all its congeners hitherto described by naturalists, and which has en- titled it to be classed in a separate genus, and distin- guished as Edwardsia vestita. The generic designation is from that of a well-known naturalist, and the specific name, vestita, from its habit of forming for itself a shell, or clothing, into which it has the faculty of retiring at pleasure; or, if an inhabitant of the shallow water, when the tide recedes, and leaves it inconveniently exposed to the air. This species, unless it have the power of quitting its shell, like some Molluscs, is of necessity permanently fixed and confined to the posi- tion in which the egg from which it was hatched was 56 L Aumm grlmnuuu. 1‘ LA'I‘IC V] I I. l: A l. Amnm lm-wminymlm mum. J. I,u(c1n:n]u uunguld. 4;. \‘zuzulux m mirubllh. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. placed by the instinct of the parent or the caprice of the waves. The other objects in Plate VI. will be described in another place. In Plate VII. we have two remarkable species of Actinia ; the one with drooping tentacles of dull brick- red being a very curious variety, resembling Anthea cereus, which never withdraws those filament-like appendages within its body like the other species. The species below is Actimla clwvata, one of the most delicately beautiful kind, which, from its brilliant whiteness, at once attracts the attention. In Plate VIII. are two varieties, previously de- scribed, of Actimw diam/ms, commonly called the plumose, or feather-like, Anemone. In front, below them, is the representation of one of the most splendid of all the species, which has received the specific name gemmacea from the gem-like appearance produced by the touches of colour—blue, buff, and brown— about the orifice of the mouth or stomach, and about its sharply pointed tentacles. Brightly tinted tuber- cles are arranged in rows upon the stem or body, the whole surface of which is clouded with pale iridescent, or rather nacreous, tones of pink and azure, varied with occasional flushes of orange. All the species are furnished with tubercles of a similar description about the stem, but in many they are not so conspicuous, 57 OCEAN GARDENS ; and in others almost imperceptible; yet they no doubt exist in all,_as they are not merely ornamental, but essential organs, peculiar to this class of creatures; being reservoirs from which they can shoot forth a thread, furnished with a barbed and poisoned dart, by means of which they are able to attain an enemy, or victim, far beyond the reach of their tentacles. Mr. Gosse very graphically describes the death of a small fish struck by one of these thread-borne poisoned arrows, at some distance from the offended Actim'a, who launched his dart, as it seemed, for no greater provocation than a slight disturbance of the water rather nearer to his retreat than was agreeable. The Actimia gemmacea, it would appear, is a more voracious creature than most of his congeners, for Dr. Johnston, in his splendid work on the British Zoophytes, describes one of this species that had managed to swallow a shell of P6025672 m-aximus as large as a common saucer, its own natural diameter not exceeding two inches. It managed, however, to distend its elastic form sufficiently to receive the enor- mous prey; but the shell divided the stomach into two completely separate departments, the lower one being thus perfectly shut off from its usual supplies. To meet this difficulty, the organic economy of the crea- ture adapted itself in a most extraordinary manner; a 58 PLATE IX. 1- Actinia anguiCuma. ‘2‘ Cucumis hyaliuus. 3. Echinus splnum. 4. Alyconium digimtum. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. new mouth was opened below the division, furnished with two rows of new tentacles, and thus the lower portion becomes provided with a means of taking in nourishment, the whole creature forming a singular double monster, that, not contented with its one giant mouth, surrounded with its hundred arms to supply its voracious appetite, had actually succeeded in sup- plying itself with a second, equally furnished with its formidable feeding apparatus. In Plate IX. a beautifully distinct form of this singular race of animals is very carefully delineated ——Actim§a anguicoma—which seems to be shaking loose a mass of serpent-formed hair, like another Medusa; from which appearance, its specific name, anguicomco, signifying snake-haired, has doubtless been given. The tentacles of the Actmm mesembryanthemum are generally of a beautiful rosy pink, and the body of a rich warm brown. But of all the species, A. crassicornis—represented in the lower part {of Plate X.—is, perhaps, the handsomest, the orifice or mouth being of a delicate straw tone, the tentacles white, variegated with bands of delicate pink, and the body, or stem, a rich orange-brown, thickly sprinkled with tubercles of bright yellow. This fine species sometimes measures five inches across, when 59 OCEAN GARDENS ; the tentacles are fully expanded. Actimla coriacea is also a fine species, which thrives well in the Aquaria of the Zoological Gardens. When the Actiniae are in a state of repose or sleep, the tentacles are entirely drawn in, and the stem or body closes over the orifice, leaving only a slight indent to mark its existence. In this state, they might be mistaken for short-stemmed fungi, the pale-bodied species being very much like a half- grown mushroom, if one can imagine it placed close to the ground, without any visible stem. Most of the species can be easily detached from the rocks to which they are found adhering ; yet, in some cases, it is found necessary to cut out the portion to which they cling by means of a hammer and chisel. But when this is done, and they are placed in the Aquarium, they often willingly leave the stone to which they are attached, which they would not do by gentle persuasion, or any moderate amount of force; and they then take up their station on some suitable portion of the artificial rockwork, just as those do that have been originally detached from their native rocks. Above twenty species of Actiniae and their allies are known to British na- turalists. The Imcemarm are another class of Zoophytes, 60 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. or plant-like creatures, as the term Zoophyte implies, being formed of the Greek Word Z0672- (é’wou), sig- nifying a thing possessed of animal life, and phyton (@7012), a plant. This general term is applied to all the creatures—some of them of very distinct character—that belong to this class, which forms a separate division of natural science known as Zoophytology. The species of Imcemaria, which has received the specific denomination of auricula, from its slight resemblance in form to the flower of that name, is de- lineated in Plate VIII., attached to a slender branch of sea-weed, just above the two large Sea-Anemones. This species of Lucemwm’a is generally of a light pinkish colour, and is, in general form, perhaps more like a convolvulus than an auricula. Two species have been most beautifully delineated in all their details by Mrs. Johnston, in her husband’s magnificent work on British Zoophytes. These drawings are, in fact, so charmingly and, at the same time, accurately executed, that it would seem that the pencil ought to be guided by delicate female fingers when portraying these minutely intricate and unusual forms of animal life. The exquisite drawings by Mrs. J. E.‘ Gray, in her work on the curious molluscous animals—whose habitations alone, 61 OCEAN GARDENS; the beautiful sea-shells of our cabinets, were, till recently, all that was known of them—afford further evidence, if it were needed, of the aptitude of the more finely-strung female capacity for this depart- ment of scientific portraiture. The name of Mrs. Griffiths is also honourably associated with the study of natural science, especially that connected with our marine Algw—a beautiful division of sea-weeds having received its name, Gmfiiths’ia, in honour of the esteemed services of that accomplished lady. The Lucemmria cmnpcmulata, which is of a some- what more bell-shaped form than the preceding, is of an uniform liver colour; and in the hollow of the flower-like cup the “ mouth” projects, in a square form, in the centre. There are three known species of British Lucemzariw, which would all form highly curious objects in the Aquarium; but they are ex- cessively delicate and fragile creatures, hanging sus- pended from the object to which they are attached, like a mere lump of jelly, when taken out of the water, and would doubtless be very difficult of transport, and probably not capable of retaining life in a state of confinement, except for a short time. 62 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE \YATERS. The “compound Zoophytes,” or, more properly, Polyps, as being, as it were, many creatures in one, are still more curious than the two classes just described. A common example of this class is the Alyconium digitatum (Plate IX., No. 4.), looking like a mass of short fingers, when the final florets are closed, as its specific name imports. Its popular name has also a somewhat similar signification, being sometimes called, by the fishermen of our northern coasts, Dead Men’s Toes. Each finger-like cell of the general structure contains a separate creature, of which the tentacles, when expanded, form the floret, somewhat analogous to those of the Sea-Anemones. But the most singular character of this organization, or masses of organization, is that each separate creature is vitally attached to a central polypidom, or spine, which binds the whole group into one ' existence. Of this class are the curious Pennatulz’dae, one of which is commonly known as the Sea-Pen. The three species of this class of Polyps known to in- habit the British seas are so distinct from each other, that they form at the same time three distinct genera. The most beautiful of the three is the Pennatula phosphorea, the Sea-Pen, which is not uncommon 63 OCEAN GARDENS ; on some parts of our northern coasts. It is represented in Plate VII. The purple branches, or pinnae, of the upper portion form the feathered part of the pen to which it‘ is likened; the bare portion of the polypidom below having certainly some resemblance to the quill. This curious zoophytic form is often seen in an erect position, planted, as it were, in the mud, like a miniature purple pine, though it is capable of motion through the water from place to place, by some action of its organs which has not been accurately de- tected. It is one of the handsomest of our British Zoophytes. The polypidom, or trunk, is three or four inches long, fleshy, and of a purplish red. It is naked at the lower end, and feathered above with long, closely set pinnae, along the margins of which the polyp-cells are placed. The pinnae are curved backward, and capable of either separate or united motion. They are supposed by some to be capable of the action of regular oars; but this is very doubtful, though their bearing on the polypidom, which is strengthened by an internal column of calcareous or bony matter, would give them considerable power for that purpose. The creature’s specific name, phosphorea, must not lead to the supposition that it always emits a phospho- 64 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. rescent light, for it is only when irritated that this is produced. If plunged into fresh water, it scatters a shower of phosphoric sparks in all directions, which forms a magnificent and curious spectacle, far more brilliant, no doubt, than the fabled hues of the dying dolphin. The Virgularia mimbilis is another of this class of creatures, almost as elegant as the Sea-Pen, but more slender, and in the form of a branching rod, as its name imports. (See Plate VIII.) The Sponges form a curious class of Z00phytes, which have perhaps a much closer affinity to plants than any other. They are occasionally very singular in their forms; and Dr. Johnston enumerates fifty-six species belonging to our coasts; they are, however, unsuited to the Aquarium in the present state of our knowledge; and when portions of rock are - collected on the shore, for the tank, care should be taken to clear off any Sponge formations that are perceived, as their certain and rapid decay would be liable to injure the condition of the Whole colony of the Aquarium. When the collector resorts to the sea-shore in search of subjects for his Aquarium, he should avoid sandy beaches. It is on the rocky shores alone that Adi/nice, Madmpores, Serpulaz, or other specimens 65 F OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. of ocean life, desirable for the Aquarium, are to be found. The noble rocks of some parts of the Devon- Shire coast are the most favourable localities; but even 011 the chalk rocks of Ramsgate and Margate many kinds are to be found. 66 CHAPTER VI. THE MOLLUscs, ETC. HE curious floral similitudes of the Ii Zoophytes have as yet attracted the “ greatest degree of attention among the constructors of marine Aquaria; yet other forms of ocean life offer equal, if not superior, opportunities for curious obser , i vation, and are equally well calculated to bear the confinement of the tank. Among them all, none more than the Molluscs, especially the shell- ' bearing division, which merits the careful attention of the student of Nature, as containing some of her most singular manifestations. The knowledge of the structure and habits of many of the most curious shell-bearing Molluscs is of very recent date, with the exception of those which possess obvious qualities which have fitted them for articles of diet or commerce; such as the Oyster, Mussel, Cockle, etc., as eatable species—and the Purples, Sepias, and Cuttle-fish, as containing valu- G7 OCEAN GARDENS ; able dyes. “With the exception of such as these, the pearl-yielding Bivalves, and a few others, nothing was known of the animals that create and inhabit the beautiful shells that have so long been ranked among the most elegant objects of the cabinets of the curi- ous. Many of these were, in fact, scientifically classi- fied by learned naturalists before the nature of the animal, of which they formed the mere senseless husk, was even guessed at. The ordinary col- lector did not even desire to know anything of the creature which produced the shell he so much prized; it was sufficient for him that it was esti- mated as “rare” by his brother collectors—rarity being a quality more highly prized than even beauty. With this feeling, prices as great were given for single shells as ever enthusiastic Hollander paid for a coveted bulb during the height of the Tulipo- mania. N 0 amount of guineas was too much, at a sale of shells, for such a contested prize as a Many-ribbed harp, a Gloria maris, a Cedo nulli, or a Voluta Junonia. But that race of idle shell- fanciers has given place to a race of true concholo- gists, who are investigators as well as collectors, and whose labours are daily develoPing unexpected and valuable knowledge from those long obscure pages of the great book of Nature. 68 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. The marine Aquarium may be made the means of many curious discoveries regarding the habits and organization of the shell-bearing Molluscs; and, with this feeling, I may direct the attention to several of their singular characteristics, in order that they may serve as clues to the deteCtion of others. The term Mollusc, from mollis, soft, is intended to express that the Whole class are invertebrate; that is, entirely without spine, or any bony support to their curious fleshy forms. The term was invented by the illustrious Cuvier, but is objectionable as a distinctive one, the characteristic on which it is founded being shared by other distinct classes of animals. When, however, the application of a term is well understood, its inner signification becomes un- important; it is, therefore, now too late to criticise the one invented and applied by the prince of modern naturalists. Among the interesting facts detected by recent science, it has been shown that many of the seemingly shapeless masses of soft substance, scarcely to be termed flesh, possess all the senses of the higher animals. In the Cephalopoda, the organs of sight ' and hearing are both well developed; and. Professor Owen considers that the Nautilus possesses even an organ of passive smell. The Gasteropoda too, are 69 OCEAN GARDENS ; according to Siebold, nearly all furnished with ears and eyes, the former organs being described as forming round capsules, conspicuously visible near the roots of the tentacles. Some of the Conch/(fem, also, are furnished with numerous eyes, which, like those of the Scallops and ( 71ams of our own shores, are also placed among their tentacula. It appears probable, says Dr. Johnston, that many have also the sense of taste, as they are observed to. select 1')articular articles of food in preference to others, and there. is no other sense that appears fitted to regulate the choice. The mouth, as it is termed, of many of the niolluscous tribe is furnished, as among the Oastcmpoda, with a. fringe formed of filaments, which may be organs of touch, and they have also a complicated breathing apparatus. The strength of these boneless creatures is some- thing very extraordinary, and almost incomprehen- sible. The Strombus gigas, for instance, a soft, snail- like creature, carries a shell which Often weighs more. than five. pounds; the (708858 tuberosa supports one nearly as heavy, and many naked Molluscs, that have no shell to carry, have other modes of exhibiting strength of a very extraordinary character. The shells of the clothed Molluscs are senseless, 70 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. being permeated by no vessels, and are formed by the animal itself from a secretion with which its outer integuments are invested, and which may be described as lime in a state of solution. The thickened edge of the mantle, by means of which the form is given to the shell, and the general manipulation effected, is furnished, as may be seen with the aid of a moderate lens, with a minute and highly sensitive fringe, the cilia of which are of various colours, corresponding in tone and position to the tints which decorate the eX- terior of the shell. The coloured cilia or fringes have doubtless a dyeing power, which colours the calca- reous solution at the time it is added to the shell by their plastic instinct. The solution becomes a hard testaceous substance so soon as it leaves the body of the animal, and is duly deposited, in architectural layers, upon the beautiful structure of the shell, by ‘ the “trowel” and “brushes” of the edge of the mantle. This process is beautifully described in Jones’s “ Animal Kingdom,” with all the details relating to the successive ridges on the shell, by means of which the age of the animal may be defined since its birth ; it having been ascertained what time is required for the completion of each story of the edifice. The power of locomotion is one of the most curious 71 OCEAN GARDENS subjects for observation in the structure of shell-coated Molluscs, and for this purpose the marine Aquarium offers many advantages. Other classes of animals have been distinguished by the number of their feet ‘—we have, for instance, a tribe of worms termed centipedes, or hundred-footed creatures—and, to pass over many gradations, to the superior grass-feeding and carnivorous animals, we find them termed quad- rupeds, or four-footed creatures—while the human race, along with birds, has been termed biped. Why, therefore, may we not coin a word for our present purpose, and call these curious Molluscs unopeds, or monopods, as being single-footed creatures l—for they walk with a solitary foot, being compelled to do so by the very simple fact that they have no other. This limb, or foot, when about to be used, is gradually pro- truded, and its bearing against some substance forces , the animal forward. When the foot has attained its full distension it is drawn in, and a new bearing ob- tained, and by the repetition of this process, a certain amount of locomotion is effected. Some species float on the surface of the water by means of this member; a feat which is performed in the following manner :— Having crawled up a rock to the height of the surface of the water, the foot is protruded and exposed to the air, when it soon becomes suddenly dried, and in that 72 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. state serves as a cork, which enables the animal to float away close under the surface of the water. But if any agitation should cause a ripple to wet this floating apparatus, or the animal should choose to Withdraw it voluntarily beneath the water for that purpose, the shell and its inmate immediately sink to the bottom. The swimming power of this race of creatures is as curious as the contrivance for floating. The 06- phalopoda, by the ejection of a jet of water, propel themselves rapidly in the opposite direction to that of the jet, and by the repetition of this singular motive power at equal intervals, a beautifully steady motion is obtained with much less labour than that produced by ordinary swimming, by means of the action of fins or other oar-like limbs adapted to the purposefi‘e Some Molluscs are, nevertheless, furnished with a kind of fin; the Pteropoda, in their little shells, translucent as glass, swimming by the action of small fin-like paddles placed near the head. The Bévalves do not make so clever a use of their single foot as the Univwlves. The foot in this tribe * Some species efi'ect leaps by an analogous contrivance—col- lecting water within the. closed mouth, and then emitting it at a. gush from a small portion of the aperture, suddenly opened, which propels the creature to a considerable distance at a single bound. 73 OCEAN GARDENS ; appears to be furnished with a terminal hook, which, when the foot is protruded, clings to some substance, and the animal is drawn up to that point, when the operation has to be repeated. This would appear likely to produce but a slow rate of progress, and yet some of the sand-boring Bioalves manage, when alarmed, to retreat and conceal themselves with great rapidity by that means. The Mollusca, as feeders, are divided into three classes—those which take only liquid food, the vege- table feeders, and the carnivorous species. Those which are only able to take food in a liquid form, are such as have no means of seizing prey, their food consisting of the countless myriads of infusorial animalcules which float in the sea-water, and which are carried into the orifice of the stomach or mouth by the current. Of these, the Demicam, Brachio- poda, and Comical/("era are examples. The liquid feeders exhibit a very low form of molluscous life, but other classes are furnished with means of defence and aggression, equal to those of terrestrial quadrupeds, and much more extraordinary in their form. Some of the carnivorous Univalves, for instance, feed upon the Bivalves by drilling a hole through the solid shell, and withdrawing the animal piecemeal, as required. 74 ‘ OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. The Eolis papillosa has been observed tearing away the tentacles of different species of Sea-Anemone with extraordinary veracity, and that tribe must there- fore very evidently be excluded from the Aquarium. The Cuttles, also, are to be avoided from the same cause; they are fierce tyrants of the deep, that would make sad havoc among the delicate creatures with which we delight to furnish our tanks of glass. The curious substance termed Sea-Grapes, which are the eggs of this c1eatu1e, might, however, be placed in the tank, and the p1ogress of development watched, without fear of injury to the other inmates. Even the full-grown Cuttle is so curious a creature that, in a tank prepared with that special view, his habits might furnish food for much curious observa- tion—indeed, carefully fed up, he might form very excellent food himself. His German name, Kuttel, signifies tripe, the flavour of which his flesh is said to resemble; and the common Squid, which is eaten by the poor of our coasts, and is a kindred species, is also said to have a similar flavour. Molluscs of this class, as well as the disgusting-looking Poulp, or Many-feet, are seen in profusion in the markets of the south of EurOpe, and are as highly prized as the Oyster with us. The ancients ca1ried their taste for them so far as to feed them up artificially; and at the nuptial 75 OCEAN GARDENS ; feast of Iphicrates, one hundred Polypi and 36197363, as we are informed, were disguised with different sauces so as to impart to each a different flavour. The land Molluscs were also much sought as a table delicacy, a species of the large Garden-Snail being bred in large quantities for that purpose ; and fed upon a prepared paste, which so accelerated their growth, that we learn from the industrious Pliny many particulars concern- ing their enormous dimensions; the shells of some of the finest being capable of holding eighty measures of water, called quadrants. But, in speaking of Molluscs, I must principally confine myself to such as are suit- able for an Aquarium. Among the Sea-Snails of our own coast, which are still eaten by the lower orders, is the Periwinkle, considered by some superior in flavour to the Oyster or Shrimp. This creature, the I/ittorina littorea, is one of the most useful creatures in an Aquarium, by cleansing it from all decaying vegetation, which is its natural food. The Periwinkle varies much both in size and colour, the ground tone of the shell being sometimes red, orange, or even scarlet, occasion- ally with handsome black bands. Such as are coloured in this attractive manner should obviously be selected as inmates of the Aquarium, in preference to the dull- coloured varieties. A few of the small yellow kind, 76 OR, GLIMPSES BENEA’I‘H TEE WATERS. I/ittorma littoralis, may be added by way of variety, though they do not succeed so well in confinement as the other species. The Whelk (Buccimom undatum), another of the snail-like Molluscs of our coasts, which is considered good eating by the lower orders, and often seen on fish-stalls at particular seasons, is well worthy a place in our miniature sea ; especially under certain circum- stances, when the shell of this creature assumes a most singular aspect, well calculated to excite the wonder of the young naturalist. It is sometimes found sur- mounted by a mass of living substance, which might be taken for the body of the creature, residing in pre- ference on the roof of its dwelling during the summer months, where it may be observed spreading a set of tentacles, from a mouth-like orifice for the collection of food. Within, however, a pair of protruding eyes ~ are seen glaringly on the watch for prey, and another set of food-clutching machines may be noticed beneath them, ready for their work, and only awaiting the 0p- portunity. They look much like the claws of a lob- ster, and if any suitable object comes within their reach, it is seized by one or both of these two-fingered hands, and carried towards the yawning mouth be- neath; but before it reaches that evidently impatient receptacle, a brightly shining crimson finger, orna- 77 OCEAN GARDENS ; mented with two white stripes, darts from under those claws and mouth, and, snatching away the rich morsel, disappears as suddenly as it came, leaving the ex- pectant mouth and astonished claws both empty. The mystery of this seemingly compound creature having, as it were, a first self living outside the house and getting a separate living, a second self located in the from parlour, and prevented from eating its own dinner by a third self residing in the back parlour, may be easily explained, now that the persevering observations of our naturalists have solved it. It is as follows 1—— V The internal dweller in the front parlour is the Hermit Crab (Pagwrus Pridemwii), a creature which, having a less solid shell than his brother crabs, is seldom contented with its own habitation, but ever seek- ing some further protection, which it generally finds in an empty \Vhelk-shell. It is, moreover, very particular as to fit, and other details; for it has been observed, when looking out for a house, to try and reject many before finally adopting an abode. The inhabitant of the baa/c parlour is the Sea-\Vorm (1Vereis bilincata), a creature which, instinctively knowing the voracious propensities of the Crab, and determining to share his abundant feasts, seizes his Opportunity, when mine host of the \Vhelk-shell is pretty well surfeited and in 78 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. a semi-dormant state, to sneak past the dangerous claws into the “ back parlour,” which is the interior of the narrow spiral of the shell—a form of apartment which affords him a most comfortable and convenient home, established in which, by the superfluous vora- city of the Crab, he is furnished with board as well as lodging. The external tenant of the Whelk-shell is a parasitic Sea-Anemone, known as the Cloak-Anemone, ‘ from its power of nearly enveloping the object to which it attaches itself, by means of the extension of its stem or body. It is known in scientific classification as Adamsia palliata, having been made a separate genus, and its specific name is ingeniously taken from that of the Roman cloak, the well-known pallium of the classical writers. Almost invariably, when the Hermit Crab is dis- covered inside the VVhelk-shell, the Adamsia is found _ outside; and the Hermit is seldom without his dinner assistant, the prettily striped Nerez’s. This fact is so well known to fishermen, that when in search of this worm, which is an excellent bait, they never fail to break the shells tenanted by the Hermit Crab, and are seldom disappointed in finding the object of their search in his company. Another parasitic Anemone, still more fond of tra- velling, the Act/£92m parasitica, often selects the back 79 OCEAN GARDENS ; of a Crab itself (generally Pagm'us Bernlzardus), and in that position is hurried along, in the sidling gallop of his steed, in a way that must often prove inconve- nient; for in passing under ledges of rock, the Crab, doubtless, only takes his own measure. Yet, in such cases, the Anemone probably knows 110w to take care of himself; and when Bernhard/us becomes skittish and adventurous, “ draws in his horns,” as many other bold spirits are obliged to do at certain crises of their career; and in this state, presenting only a semi- spherical mass of tough leathery substance, he can fearlessly allow himself to be driven beneath stony archways, or under impending branches of the marine forests, by his ferocious Jehu, with less chance of in- jury than that which used in the good old times to threaten the outside passenger of a terrestrial stage- coach passing beneath the low gateway of some inn- yard. Our largest native shell of the Whelk tribe is the Fusus antiquus, often used by the Shetland islanders as a lamp; for which purpose it is sus- pended horizontally, the cavity holding the oil, and the wick projecting from the canal. The Whelks belong to the interesting family Muficidw, some of which, natives of our own coasts, are very pretty objects for the Aquarium. It was 80 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. one of them, the Mama," trunculus, which yielded the Tyrian purple, different species affording distinct tones of colour. In form, these shells are somewhat like our Common Whelk, but finely marked with broad, dark, spiral stripes. The ancient mode of extracting the dye, as described by Pliny, was verified by Mr. Wild, in 1838, in a very interesting manner In the neighbourhood of the site of the ancient Tyre, he found, in the rocks on the sea-shore, a vast number of round cavities, evidently the work of the hammers and chisels of generations long past away. These cavities varied in size, from that of a small flower-pot to that of a cauldron, and round about them still lay scattered immense masses of the remains of the shells and bodies of the easily distinguished Murex, in many instances aggluminated together. The shells with their inmates had evidently been pounded in those cavities, exactly as stated by Pliny, and the dye ex- tracted according to the formulae so graphically detailed by the ancient naturalist. The Purpura lapillus of our own shores yields a similar dye, and might be kept in our Aquaria as a reserve bottle of “ marking-ink ;” for the ingenious Mr. Gosse has shown how its dye may be thus used for household purposes. The shell is a small white univalve, with one or more bands of pale brown. It 81 G OCEAN GARDENS ; perishes on being immersed in fresh water, when the dye may be extracted from a thick vein of yellowish white, near the head; it is a liquid of a creamy thick- ness and of pale indistinct colour. But if it be painted in the forms required, as a cypher, or any other ornament, on linen, or any other textile fabric, with a camel’s-hair pencil, and exposed to the air, it rapidly assumes a rich yellow tone. This first changes to green, then blue, till at last it becomes a full strong indigo, exhibiting plainly all the forms that have been traced. A crimson-red change next ensues, and the final colour, which is indelibly permanent, is a red- dish purple. There is also a large naked Mollusc, one of the Aplysia, that pours forth, under excitement, a secre- tion of rich purple hue; but the colour is considered valueless as a dye, from its extreme volatility, though it is stated that it may be rendered permanent by means of nitric acid. The common Planm'bis 007'- neus, a shell coiled in the form of a ram’s horn, has a similar property; but the colour of the fluid is still more volatile. The purple liquid, however, contained in another of our native shells (Scalaria) is very per- manent. It is well known that the ink of the Chinese, which we term Indian ink, is prepared from the 82 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. Cuttle, and the Cuttles of the Mediterranean Sea furnished the principal black inks and dyes of the Greeks and. Romans. It is a kind of Sepia, in fact, that still furnishes the rich brown colour which bears the name of the animal from which it is derived. The common Sepia oulgam's might be introduced to the marine Aquarium, many of its habits being singular; and its power of enveloping itself in a cloud of its own rich dye might often be observed when it became irritated by the presence of a real or fancied danger. It has the faculty of propelling itself hither or thither by the emission of a jet of water, as described in speaking of the locomotive power of other Molluscs, with the additional faculty of guiding its motions by the rapid movement of two ‘fin-like paddles, which, when in agitation, produce an effect not unlike the fluttering action of the wings of a moth. This little C’epkalopod has large projecting eyes, and a group of arms, that hang listlessly down when the fins are in motion. It changes colour fita fully and beautifully, exhibiting in the course of such changes pretty metallic spots and rings, which appear and disappear, now like gold, now like silver, as seen through a semi-opaque substance. The whole crea- ture is at one moment of a dusky grey tone, but fit- 83 OCEAN GARDENS ; fully changes to white or deep brown when alarmed. These Sepias are exceedingly voracious, not even sparing their own kind; and when one was observed by Mr. Gosse to seize another, of its own species, the victim shot out its defence of dark black fluid. Some of the Track/us tribe of shells look pretty in an Aquarium, but at present their treatment is so imperfectly understood, that they do not seem to thrive well. The specimens can, however, be renewed as required. Troclms zizipkinus, the pearly Troclms, the animal of which is of a rich orange colour striped with black, moves freely about, and forms a very attractive object. The animal of T. granulatus is larger and handsomer, but shy, and displays little activity in confinement. The small Troohus, T. cinemrius, if placed in an Aquarium, may often be observed rasping down the minute Confervae that grow on the inside of the glass; and the curious method of the operation, and the singular instruments with which it is performed, may be plainly distinguished by the aid of a small pocket lens. fimpets—those curious bonnet-shells, as they are termed in some places, which are found in the form of a flattened and inverted funnel, adhering closely to the flat rocks of the sea-shore in all the European seas—are 84 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. more curious than they appear at a first glance, and have characteristics that well repay the labour of per- severing observation. I should always place a few in an Aquarium. The Common Limpet (Patellw vulgatco) has a power, which appears extraordinary when the soft substance of its body is considered, of excavating, more or less deeply, a portion of the rock which it makes its home. It is supposed to leave its hollow in the night, returning infallibly to its home in the morning. This habit might be watched in an Aqua- rium, and, if verified, a very interesting fact would be established, which at present remains somewhat doubtful, although Mr. Lukis, of Guernsey, is said to have marked a Limpet, and found it return to its haunt. These creatures belong to the order named » Cyclobranchiata, from the breathing apparatus being arranged in a circle round the body. The pretty British shell, vulgarly called the Ark of Noah, should be tried in Aquaria, as well as the elegant Heart-shell of the beautiful genus Isocardz'a ; the movements and habits of the latter, as described by the Rev. J . Bulwer, being very curious and in- teresting. » The pretty little Cowry is an object that must not be passed over in silence, when treating of objects 85 OCEAN GARDENS ; fitted for the marine Aquarium, although, in a little book of this extent, many others must of necessity be omitted. This beautiful little creature, prmea Europwa, carrying its porcelain-like dwelling on its back, is enabled to move steadily along by the action of its single foot. When in action, the mantle, as it is termed, which is the general covering of the body, is greatly distended, and protrudes from the shell, which it perfectly encloses, folding up at the sides, and meeting at the top, where the joining is scarcely per- ceptible, and the whole surface fits so tightly to the shell that the little ribbings are seen distinctly through it. It is exceedingly curious to observe the act of respiration, and all the associated phenomena of this wonderful little animal. The foot is pale orange, the mantle delicate olive, spotted with black and studded with protruding glands of yellow. It is, in short, when in a state of activity, a most singular and beautiful creature, of whose appearance and habits thousands, who only know and admire the de- serted shell, can have no idea. The bivalves, of which all are acquainted with at least one kind—the delicious edible Oyster—offer many animals suited to Aquaria. The curious Razor- shell, but for its habit of burrowing, would form a very curious object; and the Cockles, from the rich 86 PLATE X. . A group of Serpulu coutortuplicum. >7 Actinin crassicornis. OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. colour of their beautiful fringes when the shells are partially opened for feeding and breathing, are very beautiful additions to the collection. The means of movement of the common Scallop, .or Cockle, and other bivalves, by means of a single fleshy “ foot,” have been described in speaking of Molluscs in general; but the spinous Cockles, Oordium aculeatum and 0. tubercutum, have been termed the aristocracy of the Scallop tribe. The valves of the largest open three-quarters of an inch, exhibiting a portion of the spongy-looking fleshy mantle, which is of a pellucid orange colour. At the end is protruded a double tube, thick and short, enveloped in a fringe of cirrhi or tentacles. The foot, which has been compared to a tongue, is smooth, glossy, and semi- transparent, like scarlet cornelian, and its use is so well understood by its possessor that its motions are very rapid. It moves about with great activity in an Aquarium, insomuch that some specimens sent by the Rev. C. Kingsley to Mr. Gosse, startled that gen- tleman one morning by the noise they were creating, among the pebbles and other objects of his tank, by their violent movements. Many other kinds of shells might be mentioned if space permitted, but I must content myself with men- tioning, en passant, the polished Donax, which, when 87 OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. the animal displays itself, exhibiting its bright yellow colouring, with its curious stripes and gay pink fringes, would form a real ornament to the drawing- room sea. I must just hint, also, the introduction of a specimen of the Tritoma Hombergi, remarkable for a power of producing an audible sound like the click of .a steel wire. The pretty little bivalve, the Lima Mans, is also. a very attractive addition to the Aquarium, especially in motion, when its long orange fringes shape them- selves into a train, or tail, like that of a “ fiery comet,” as Dr. Landsborough has observed, while it glides along, propelled by the discharge of a jet of water, the mechanism for the pr0pulsion of which forms its swimming apparatus. 88 CHAPTER VII. THE ASCIDIANS, BARNACLES, SEA-CUCUMBERS, NAKED MOLLUSCS, SEA-WORMS, ETC. \W: GROUP of Ascidians forms a very curious A . . “M e object for the Aquarium, the1r .. J\\ . shapes being singular, and some- 11> w \5 v jg times delicate as a transparent egg- shell. Those delineated in Plate VII. Will ‘ ‘ convey some idea of the general appearance of these creatures, Whose habitations might be taken for a store of fairy pitchers, placed snugly in their submarine china-closet for extra safety, and partially covered With sea-weed ‘ as a further means of conceahnent. There are above fifty native species, varying greatly in appearance. They may be found at the extreme verge of low water, many having the aspect of pellucid bags, formed of a substance between jelly and leather; While others present a far more robust and rugged appearance, both inform and texture. Some are very dingy in colour, but a few species—more rarely found—are very attractive, and sometimes 89 a .10.. 50 OCEAN GARDENS ; brilliant in their hues. Ascidia mentula is a kind which may generally be procured of any of the dealers. The Barnacles must not be omitted in furnishing an Aquarium, nor the fable connected with the Common Barnacle (Pentelasmis anatéfera), in which it is affirmed that the Barnacle Geese were their offspring. Our old naturalist Gerard not only gives a detailed account of the transformation by which this wonder of the good old times was accom- plished, but positively illustrates his description with an engraving, in which the metamorphosis is seen in progress. Mr. Lloyd has generally in stock Balonus belanoidcs and Dyrgoma anglicum. The tube-like cells of the Serpulaz have some resemblance to the cells of the Common Barnacle, but that of the solitary Serpula, Serpula tub-Maria, is much taller, often rising a foot from the substance it adheres to. The fan-like feathers, forming the feeding, and perhaps also the breathing apparatus, of Serpzola contortuplicata, are exceedingly rich in colour, as is also the member which acts as a “ cork” to the tube when the feather-like tentacles are with- drawn, and which is familiarly termed the “ stopper ;” for when, on alarm, the feathers are suddenly drawn in, the “ stopper” immediately follows, shutting up '90 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. the opening of the tube in a very perfect manner. This organ is often of a rich orange, and the feathers a brilliant scarlet, though they are sometimes pale, or nearly white, as shown in Plate X. These fan- like organs, termed feathers, appear to act as breathing organs, by separating the oxygen from the currents of water which pass between their fibres. The Sabellae, an allied tribe, form their tube of mud; While that of the Serjmla is always of hard shell. The golden-combed worm, Amphitrite auri- coma, another singular creature of this class, may be best alluded to in this place. Just below the cork- like head, when it leaves its tubular shell, are the scarlet gills, slightly resembling those of fishes, and across the head the golden comb-like appendage is expanded, from which it derives its p0pular name. _ When the animal retires within its tube, the upper part of the head has, like the Serpulw, all the ap- pearance of a cork or small stopper. This creature is one of the most curious of its class. The Balaml, or Acorn-shells, which are generally parasitic, fixing themselves to the shell of the Whelk or some other univalve, spread their crimson tentacles, when seeking food, exactly in the manner of the Sew/um, the feathery filaments forming a kind of living casting-net, as it has been observed, 91 OCEAN GARDENS ; ' in which the minute Annelid or Infusory is en- tangled and devoured. Two Balcmi are represented in Plate VII. on the shell of a Common Whelk. The Holoflmm’adw, or Sea-Cucumbers, are very singular creatures; their form, as it floats in the waters, exhibiting as good a miniature representa- tion of a small pickled Gherkin as can be conceived, except in colour, the shells or cases of these ani- mals being generally white. One of the species, Hyalma, has a case which seems formed of crisp rice-paper, and is covered with spines of the same colour and texture. The tentacula, or breathing apparatus, eight in number, are curiously branched, and, when expanded, have the appearance of a skeleton flower, of which the figure in Plate IX. will convey a tolerable idea. The functions of this flower-like set of organs are probably the same as those of the Nudibmnch class of Molluscs, which, though generally considered as being a breathing apparatus, are, probably, at the same time food- collecting organs, as all the creatures thus furnished are liquid feeders. Thy/07w papillosa, one species of Sea-Cucumber, has ten branches to this set of organs, which it sel- dom displays when in captivity; but a little gentle motion artificially imparted to the water, as sug- 92 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. gested in another place, would probably produce the kind of excitement requisite for their expansion, as the introduction of fresh water to the tank seldom fails to produce this effect for a time. When irri- tated, these creatures have the capacity of committing self-destruction in a most determined and complete manner, by expectorating the whole of the intestines, and leaving their case or shell bare and empty. But Sir J. Dalzell has observed that the shell, thus deprived of its living inmate, must be much more intimately connected with its life and organization than the shells of the Molluscs; for, after a considerable lapse of time, he observed that the rejected parts have been renewed by gradual growth. The introduction of a single drop of fresh water will at once drive the creature to this summary mode of putting an end to p the inconvenience. Mr. Lloyd has generally two spe- cies of Sea-Cucumber on sale, which he describes in his list as Pentactes pentacta and Ocnus brunneus. OF THE NAKED OR SHELL-LESS MOLLUSCS. The Sea-Lemon, Doris tuberculwta, is one of the most attractive. It derives its popular name from its peculiar form, which is like that of half a Lemon cut longitudinally. It is generally of a yellow tone of colour also, which greatly adds to the fancied re- 93 OCEAN GARDENS ; semblance. It has its breathing apparatus exposed externally, like other N udibranchs, spreading over the mantle, near the head, in a flower-like shape; and, as it moves slowly round the Aquarium, forms a very singular object. The Doris pilosco is a pretty white species of the same order; and the little black shining N udibranch, Runcina Hancocz', is a pretty and interesting creature. But the handsomest of the N udibranch, or naked- gilled tribe, as the term might be Englished, is the Eolis cowmzata, which forms certainly a splendid ornament to the Aquarium. Its general colour is a pellucid indistinct tone, of pinkish hue ; the papillae or branchiae are in clusters, and the central canal is of a rich crimson. Different parts of the surface reflect the brightest metallic colours, and the whole creature has a very gem-like appearance. In captivity it is very active. Another species of E01229 has the power of making a singular clicking noise, like the Tritomla. The Aplysiw, or Sea-Hares, have been unenviably celebrated among their congeners as containing a virulent poison. The species common in the Medi- terranean, A. Lepom'nm, furnished the venom with which the infamous Locasta destroyed the enemies of Nero; and with which she eventually prepared, at the tyrant’s request, a draught for himself, that he 94 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. had not the courage to swallow. The British species, A. Izybrida, might probably be kept in confinement. Many of the Sea-Worms are very beautiful. The Nereis bilineata, is very brilliant, its crimson body being brightly marked by two white longitudinal stripes. The Phyllodoce are a class of Sea-Worms, some- what resembling the land Centipede, which form cu- rious objects of observation when they are in search of food. Instead of spreading a set of tentacles, like some of the Zoophytes and Molluscs previously de- scribed, they have the faculty of turning the cavity which forms the stomach inside out, like a stocking, the inverted organ protruding from its mouth to a considerable distance. When it becomes sufficiently covered with the minute Infusoriae which form its - food, it is drawn in, assuming gradually its natural position, where it remains till the nutriment so in- troduced has been absorbed, when the operation is repeated. The Sea-Mouse, one of the largest and commonest of our marine worms, is of a flattened and somewhat oval form, pointed at each end, its general colour being pale brown. The clothing of silky hairs, how- ever, with which it is invested, is so splendid, glit- tering in iridescent colours like the plumage of a 95 OCEAN GARDENS ; humming-bird, that Lamarck has apprOpriately named it Halithea, or Sea-Goddess—Linnaeus having pre- viously given it the name of Aphrodite, the Marine Venus. When, indeed, it receives the rays of light, and reflects them from the depths of the sea, rich with prismatic hues, the effect has been. compared in splendour to that of the peacock’s tail when outspread in the sunshine. In the Aquarium it crawls rest- lessly to and fro, as though anxious to exhibit its splendours in every possible point of View. The me- tallic tinges, which change with every position, are by far most magnificent by candlelight, when red and orange hues predominate, while by daylight pearly greens and blues are most frequent. The bodies of many of the Euricidce and Nereidce exhibit changing colours of similar character, though less splendid; but many of them possess an opal-like tenderness and delicacy of tone in their hues which is almost equally attractive. The little Sea-Slug, fli’gmes punctiluceus, is a brilliant little creature, well worthy the trouble of being permanently established in our Aquaria. Its general colour is pale reddish-brown; but, with the aid of a moderate lens, it exhibits a number of small black tubercles, in the centre of each of which is a speck of resplendent blue or green, forming a suc- 96 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH TEE WATERS. 'cession of gem-like ornaments that have been com- pared, by enthusiastic naturalists, to sapphires and emeralds; but, without exaggeration, the jewelry of this little creature may be said to surpass that of the Diamond Beetle, notwithstanding his superior repu- tation. A few Okitons—a sort of Sea Wood-Louse—would do well in a tank; and a specimen of Gastrophwna modolma is said to have thriven well during many months. 97 H CHAPTER VIII. THE FISH AND CRUSTACEANS OF THE AQUARIUM. MARINE Aquarium may be rendered ,___ ; ,. very interesting without the introduction - of fish; but as their presence requires that the tank should be aerated once each day by means of additional water, introduced by the syringe or by a drip from another vessel, many may prefer the lovely Sea-VVeeds, curious Zoophytes, and beautiful Molluscs, alone. In which case, if the balance between the amount of animal and vegetable life be felicitously balanced, and the natural scavengers, in the shape of ' Periwinkles and other Sea-Snails, for the consump- tion of decaying vegetable matter, and a few Prawns to perform a similar office for perishing Infusoriw, or any other animal matter, be properly supplied—the tank may remain for a long time undisturbed; the supply of oxygen being ample for the lower classes of animal life alluded to. The beautiful Actimlw, in- deed, will exist in apparent health for a considerable time in water in which no vegetable growth has been introduced. Mr. Gosse describes instances in which 98 OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. the water in glass Aquaria, containing Sea-Anemo- nies, has remained perfectly pure for more than a year. The addition of fish, however, undoubtedly en-- livens the general aspect of an Aquarium very con- siderably ; and many may not grudge the task of daily aerating the water, in order to enjoy the cheerful spectacle of their agreeable and ever-active move- ments. One or two young F lounders, very small, and the young of other species of flat fish, add, indeed, very much interest to an Aquarium ; partly in conse— quence of their mode of swimming being so different to that of the class of fishes with whose movements the ' eye is more familiar. Among the fish mentioned by the most expe- ‘ rienced 1n the keeping of Sea Aquaria as best suited to that purpose, the first is the pretty little Tansy, Blenmlus 191101738, with its bright scarlet eyes, and the many changing hues of its body. This little fellow will live and flourish in a tank with a poorer supply of oxygen than any other fish yet tried. I The fifteen-spined Stickleback, Gasterosteus spi- naclzia, does well, and 1s very cheerful and brisk in his movements. Three or four would be an improve- ment to any tank, as with proper management they would doubtless construct their nest, a detailed ac- 99 OCEAN GARDENS; count of which I have given in my “ River Gardens.” Other species of Stickleback might also be introduced, as the whole of the genus has the faculty of living either in salt, brackish, or fresh water. Young of the grey Mullet, too, do well, even with- out artificial aeration, for, if the supply of oxygen be rather inadequate, they are observed to put their heads partly above the surface of the water, and ob- tain a supply in that surreptitious manner. The black Goby, Gobius Myer, has also been tried with success; but his voracious character— devouring without scruple even his own congeners—renders him on the whole not a very desirable tenant; and yet it is a fine sight to see the little warrior turn black with the ex- citement when he seizes his prey, his turquois-coloured eyes dilating with fury. Several other kinds are mentioned, in a previous page, in the list of animals placed by Mr. Gosse in his first experimental Aquarium. The Pogge, Aspidopkoms catapkra'ctus, is a singularly formed fish that might be added by way of experiment. The plate armour in which his body is clothed is arranged in regular longitudinal lines, showing eight sharp ridges, running from head to tail, that have a singular and unfish-like appearanCe. In confinement, however, he does not display himself to 100 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. advantage, generally lying near the bottom of the Aquarium. The beautiful crimson maculations of the Ancient Wrasse, Labms maculat‘us, render him a very de- sirable tenant; but his size—small specimens being eight or nine inches long—causes him to be inconve- nient ; and, moreover, he is difficult to manage, and would probably require altogether a special treatment. One of the smaller W rasses, however, Orenilabms 007°- mobicus, is a desirable guest; his minute size, and varying and often gay colours, rendering him very attractive. He is an active and eager searcher for food, but never takes any loosely floating object, only darting at and detaching such atoms as are attached to the different species of Algae. ‘ The Pipe-Fish, Syngnathus acne, is interesting in the tank, and also the two-spotted sucker, Lepido- gaster bimaculatus, a prettily-coloured and curious little fish, which has the faculty of attaching itself to the side of the tank, or any other hard flat surface, by means of two singularly-formed ventral fins, which act like those leather suckers by means of which boys enjoy the sport of lifting heavy stones at the end of a string. The spawn of this fish is like tiny amber beads, and is attached to shells and other sub- stances. 101 OCEAN GARDENS ; Among the Crustacea fitted for an Aquarium, the Common Prawn, Palaemon serratus, holds the first rank. In the first place, his cleansing properties, in devouring all decaying animal matter, are most im- portant. But not less interesting are his graceful movements: Now, he steals stealthily over the peb- bles or the fronds of the Algae, with his long, slender, hair-like horns in gentle motion, with all the seeming wariness of a cat (the resemblance being increased, at candle-light, by the fiery glare of the eye); next, leaving his walking apparatus, or legs, inactive, he uses only the swimming members, which arelarger and flatter, and bordered with a compact fringe; agi- tating these instruments with beautiful regularity, he rises in the water with graceful ease (see Plate V1,), his semi-transparent body, as he ascends, giving to his appearance a strange and somewhat apparition- like aspect, which has caused him to be compared to a marine spectre. ' The Prawn takes its food with its second feet, which are, in fact, two-fingered hands or claws, and carries it to its mouth. The hands of the first pair of legs are only rudimental in appearance, but-are precisely fitted to their special purpose: they are his cleansing apparatus; and it is most interesting to watch the operations of his toilet when he uses these 102 PLATE VI. 1. Edwardsia vnsum. 4. Cribclla oculam. '.‘ S' 3. UNILIHU‘!‘(‘qLIL‘sU'Cm .3. Asmrnm gibbosa. Ii. l‘ulmipos mrvmhrnnnccus. 7. I‘alzl‘mun sormtus. on, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. fringes as brushes, with which he cleanses his whole person most thoroughly, being almost unmerciful in the amount of severe scrubbing to which he subjects himself. An allied species, P. sqm'lla, is scarcely distin- guishable from P. sewer/tats ; but the handsome scarlet-striped Prawn, Pardulus anmwicornis, about the size of a Shrimp, is quite distinct, and would make a valuable addition to the collection. The Lobster Prawn, also, Aflwmas nilescens, has like- wise been tried. The proper management of Shrimps and Prawns in the tank has not, however, as yet been discovered; for they do not live long in a healthy state, and it is, therefore, necessary to procure fresh specimens very frequently. ‘ Some kinds of Crabs may be admitted, but not many; for several are extremely voracious, and would soon clear off all the naked Zoophytes and most of the Mollusc‘s. _ The Climbing Crab, Mrynome aspem, is inte- resting in .a tank from his habits. His climbing is as graceful and skilful as that of a monkey, and when he has succeeded in perching himself upon the highest point in the tank, he forms a picturesque object. Crabs, like Prawns, are sea-scavengers, and the 103 OCEAN GARDENS ; kinds that do not attack living creatures as well as dead are consequently useful in a tank. The great Fiddler Crab, Partmws 197.6667", is remarkably hand- some. He is clothed, in part, with a velvety brown fur, and the bare places of his shell are of a shining black. His eyes are marked with scarlet, and there are a few touches of bright blue about the head. If introduced, however, his proceedings should be carefully watched, as it is possible he might prove very destructive. There should certainly be a specimen of the Hermit Crab in a Whelk-shell; and the Cleanser Crab, Portumos depumtor, has been tried, but these active and greedy Sea-Spiders must, as I have said, be closely looked after. It remains to speak of the Star-Fish tribe, which affords some of the most beautiful and easily ma- naged subjects for the Aquarium. In the centre of the lower part of Plate VI. are a large and a small specimen of the beautiful scarlet species, Gem'aster equestres ; just above, to the right, the graceful pink Cribella oculata ; further to the right, Asteria gibbosa ; and immediately above the Crébella, the thin leathery species, the bird’s-foot Sea-Star, Palmipes membranaceus. All these species are small, easily managed, and especially 104 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. suited to the Aquarium; as is also the finely-marked and long-rayed Ophicoma rosula, his deep scarlet, with bright black marks, and his slender limbs or rays, rendering him a conspicuous object. These . Star-Fish glide round the Aquarium, by the aid of their thousand sucker-like feet, in a very interesting manner. All the true Star-Fishes, the Asteréw, have the body divided into rays, like a star, and are furnished With sucking feet, or cirrhi, which are tubular, and filled with water. The internal structure of 'these creatures is very intricate and beautiful, and the skeleton of almost any kind offers the appear- ance of that of some exquisitely symmetrical flower. There are fourteen British species of Star-Fish, the finest being the Sun-Star, Solaster papposa, the disk surrounded with twelve or thirteen rays varying in colour from scarlet to deep purple, the rays being sometimes of a different colour. The Luidz’w fragilissima is also a large kind, sometimes two feet across, which is peculiar to the British shores. It possesses the singular faculty of breaking itself into fragments when enraged or captured; and, in a work by the lamented Pro- - fessor Forbes, there is a very graphic and facetious account of a specimen that escaped him in a very 105 OCEAN GARDENS ; determined way by a suicide committed in that manner. Stars of this class, having the power to dislo- cate their structure, are popularly known as brittle Stars. Some affect to consider this faculty not so very wonderful; but let such suppose for a moment some higher animal—a man, for instance—gifted with a capacity for exploding his trunk and limbs into moderately-sized fragments—into joints, as a butcher would say—at any slight provocation, and then the character of such a power would appear very sufficiently extraordinary. It is possible that the fragments of the disruptured Star-Fish have the power, in each separate fragment, of renewing the absent portions, and that each remnant may become a perfect fish, the dissevered portions having been noticed to retain their vitality long after their sepa- ration. lVe know that the little Garden Lizard has thepower of dislocating his tail without effort, and leaving it between the thumb and finger, when he is playfully caught by that appendage; and, also, that he has the power of renewing his caudal extre- mity within a very short period. It is thought therefore not impossible, reasoning by analogy, that the Star-Fish may possess powers of a similar kind, though of a somewhat more extensive character. 106 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. The Amnion Star-Fish, called sometimes F ive— fingered (Asterias rubens), belongs to the division Echinodermata, that is, skinned like the Hedge- hog. The Sea-Egg, Sea-Urchin, or Egg-Urchins, as they are sometimes called, belong also to the Echinoder- mata, or Hedgehog-skinned class, and form interesting objects in the Aquarium ; the flat species exhibiting much more evidently their close affinity to the Star- Fish tribe, than those of the more common spherical form. Mr. Lloyd has generally two species, Eclzimos miliaris and Echinus 3191mm, on sale at his reposi- tory for marine plants and animals. To revert to other classes that occur to me as suitable objects for an Aquarium, I may mention the “ Red-noses," as they are graphically termed (Sawi- cava mogosa), a colony of which, peeping out of their holes in the cliff, would form a very striking object; and if a piece of their native rock could be detached of sufficient depth not to disturb them in the recesses of their tube-like burrows, their removal “ en blogue” would not be difficult. When touched, the Red-nose squirts a stream of water at you in defiance, before he darts back into his cavern. He is a small bivalve, having his inner or immediate home within two rough brown shells. The double-tubed proboscis with which 107 OCEAN GARDENS ; he is furnished is extended, when in search of food, to the mouth of his cave, in which position the ap- pearance of its ruddy terminus has given to this tribe the characteristic name of “ Red-noses.” How he contrives to bore a hole in the solid rock, with any of the soft pulpy members with which he is furnished, appears a mystery. Other Conchifers have, however, similarcapabilities, their ingenuity not being confined to rocks, and their industry not being always harmless. Such, for instance, is that of the Teredo, or Ship- worm, a species of which has long proved so inimical to the formation of a Russian fleet in the Black Sea— the late war having, however, proved a far more serious impediment to the development of that portion of the Russian navy. The Sea-Leaf, formed of twenty thousand, or more, cradles for young Polypes, is also a curious object. It is the Polyzoon, sometimes called the Hornwrack. A few of the translucent Medusae, in a young stage of their existence, might be procured and tried, though their transport would be difficult; and a group of creatures, of the genus Zoo'tlzammmn, form- ing, as they do, an object like a little tree of glass, covered with trumpet-shaped bells, of the same crys- talline aspect, each exhibiting its rotating circle of 108 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. minute cilia in rapid motion Within, would form a singular and beautiful complement to the wonders of the Aquarium, if its removal from its native depths, and its location in its new home, could be successfully managed. (”’7' a \ ‘ ' l -4 J ‘®' . ‘3‘ i f 'A_7-.—-..—_—. : ‘ :1" -.‘~,_ Zfiy w) ‘ // I72: 4 :‘ _'i:=:’5\~7|-“m“m ‘ ‘ as 1' , a ir- M126: M ,7 ._ 3:" :5 77;? a ’ i“ ' . a 45» 3859‘s, /2 mm -/, N- ‘ .. . .9 , 7‘ I . 3’7 git-94 4" \- . “m ' ”7" “63;; . .1 I 1'1€;~5;_I“14R-z‘l.\‘3\3\¢“ - "I’ll?”rn'vlqm I - any: ' . (r \- 4%” fit* «mum, v: _ ~ ; ~.‘. . ‘1 ~ ' , 1”". . . u at; \4 l u,” .g- '-;-’,_:’.‘ r Mum-“f. . '. I. 3- 3, . ,x «” / = -~, ‘ r ‘ 4 ‘ 109 CHAPTER IX. CONCLUSION. N conclusion, a few general remarks may be made, the observance of which will usually ensure success in the formation of an Aqua- rium. In the first place, if the vessel in which the Aquarium is to be established be home-made, care must be taken not to use any cement that has a dis- agreeable smell—-—which would be very soon fatal to creatures accustomed to the pure waters of the ocean. Scott’s cement is said to be better than putty, for fixing in the glass to the columns at the angles. If cement be used to fiX the rock-work of the miniature marine landscape, let it be the best Port- land cement, which, when dry, must be soaked by filling the vessel with water, and the water changed several times before the tank will be fit for use. The best sand for the artificial beach, or bottom, is the Thames’ sand, used by builders; but this must be washed several times, till the water runs off quite clear, before it is fit for use—any other kind of sand, if that cannot be procured, must be submitted to similar washings. Sea-water can be procured by fur- 110 OCEAN GARDENS, ETC. nishing the steward or captain of any Thames steamer, or the guard of a railway in connection with the coast, with a clean barrel; the charge, in either case, for carriage and trouble, would not exceed two or three shillings. The artificial salt-water has been found sufficient for Zoophytes, but not for fish and other of the higher class of marine animals, except for a certain given time. . The composition for artificial sea-water is as follows _:—— Common salt . . . . 3% oz. Epsom salts . . . . . i oz. Chloride of magnesium . 200 grs. } troy. * Chloride of potassium . . 4O grs. * Another formula, as given by Dr. Lankester :— Oz. Grs. Chloride of sodium . . . . 43% 0 - Chloride of magnesia . . . 6 0 Chloride of calcium . . . . l}: O Bromide of magnesia . . . 0 21 Sulphate of magnesia . . . 7% O Sulphate of lime . . . . 2-15 0 Such are the proportions in which the saline constituents of sea- water e‘xist in 100 lbs. of the water ; that is to say, the water of a special locality, for the proportions vary in difi'erent situations, other distinct substances being held in solution in the sea on some parts of the coast which are not found in other places. - 111 OCEAN GARDENS ; T 0 these are added four quarts of water, and when the salts are thoroughly dissolved, say on the following day, the liquid must be filtered through a sponge; it is then fit for use. Care must be taken to observe whether, when the sun shines and the light is bright, the silvery bubbles of oxygen are prOperly formed upon the fronds of the sea-weeds; and if not, it is certain that the marine plants are not in a healthy state, and must be re- newed. Mr. Gosse gives the following final directions as to the class of animals and plants that should be se- lected in preference for the experiments of beginners. ‘Vith regard to sea-weed, he observes, do not take Oar-weeds or Tangle; all the Fuci are of a slimy nature, which it is difficult to manage, and as their size is inconvenient, and they have but little beauty, their absence is not to be regretted. Of animals, he says, take z—Of Fisk—Blemies, Gobies, VVrasses. OfMollusca—Aplysia, Periwinkle, Chitons, Scallops, and Burrowing Bivalves, such as Venus, Pullastra, etc. Of Crustacew—Eurynome, Portunus puber, Carcinus maenas, Ebalia, Corystes, the Paguri, Porcellana platycheles, and the Cran- gones, and Palaemones, that is, Shrimps and Prawns. OfAnnelids—select Pectenaria, the Sabellae, and the 112 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. Serpulae. 0f ZoopkytesT-the Madrepores, and all the Actiniae. * Few will establish an Aquarium without deriving great mental improvement, and the enlargement of their circle of acquirements, in a direction highly calculated to develop some- of the best and highest feelings of our nature. Even the scientific cannot fail greatly to enlarge their sphere of knowledge in this new, and almost untrodden, field of research. Even entomologists, sighing that there are no new Tiniae to add to the already enormous list, no new Curculios with which to form another volume to the already portly series—these and other physiological Alexanders, weeping for new regions to subdue, may hail the Aquarium as a fertile source of further con- quests; for, notwithstanding the numerous and curious discoveries of recent investigators, the depths of the ocean are as yet, comparatively speaking, one of the untrodden fields of science; and a glorious arena it presents—the Aquarium being one of the fairest channels for the detection of its myriads of yet hidden mysteries. The marine Aquarium is, however, as yet a play- thing, a mere toy; but it is destined to become a far more important means of advancing science, and ministering to popular instruction, amusement, and 113 I OCEAN GARDENS ; wonder, than is yet dreamt of. It has yet to do for the ocean that which our menageries and vast gar- dens, devoted to the service of natural history, have done for the forests and mountains of the terrestrial portion of our planet. We shall yet have tropical Aquaria, in which the temperature and qualities of the sea between the tropics will be so successfully imitated, that the glo- rious shells of those regions will be exhibited in living motion to our greedily-curious gaze; and intertropical fish gleaming with unusual dyes—metallic azure, and silvery crimson—will dart and glide in tanks arti- ficially warmed, as in their own tropic ocean, for our delight and gratification. Through the medium of Aquaria, we are now entitled to expect from science that it shall exhibit to us the wonders of the tropic deeps, as it has shown us the glorious plumage and velvet-spotted furs of the denizens of its terrestrial forests. This is, in fact, the only thing that still remains for us to do, in making a fitting popular display of the wonders of Nature, such as may surpass the doings of the ancients in that field of instruction and gratification, in which their efforts were framed upon a scale of magnificence that we have not yet approached. ‘ 114 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. Even in the days of ' Cyrus, we learn from the graphic Xenophon and other sources, that every eastern satrap had his “ paradisus,” in which the most curious animals of distant regions were preserved in a state of liberty, and in a manner suited to their natures, either for the sport of hunting, or for the curious gratification of the eye. The Romans, long before they had attained to the material wealth of the modern nations of Europe, had exhibited to the people of their capital all the noblest animals of Asia and Africa. Even the Giraffe and the Hippopotamus were familiar forms to the Roman populace; while, with the great modern na- tions of the west, the sight of these wonderful creatures is but quite a recent gratification. It only remained to the ancients to have exhibited a Titanic Aquarium, to render our triumph over their labours in the field of popularized natural history impossible. Had but a Roman Warrington or Gosse developed the germ of such an idea, and an Osler existed, to furnish the glass—the Pompey, or Caesar, or Crassus, would not have been wanting to feast the eyes, both of patrician and plebeian Rome, with an Aquarium containing hundreds of fathoms of sea-water, inwhich the monsters of the deep would have been exhibited in deadly conflict, and human divers, armed with net 115 OCEAN GARDENS; and trident, like the retiariae of their gladiatorial combats, would have encountered beneath the waters the Shark, the Whale, or the Torpedo, encouraged by the shouts of crowded circuses, the centre of which would have been a glass-walled ocean. But a gigantic Aquarium is, fortunately, a feat that yet remains for modern science to achieve, and which it will doubtless accomplish. The day will arrive when we shall see the living Behemoth—the Titan of the deep—rolling majestic in waves of his native element, perhaps pursued by his cruel enemy the Sword-Fish, or harried by a shoal of Herrings. Or we may see the dreaded Shark float round and round the vast glass prison seeking his prey, and the Shark-hunter of the South Seas may be imported to exhibit his skill in a bloodless conflict—mocking the attempts of the sea monster to seize him, as the Spanish matador plays long with the infuriated bull; but without necessitating the same catastrophe to the animal, defenceless against the specially-trained skill of his human antagonist. \Ve have already had our crystal palaces, covering their acres, and filled with objects of art and wealth from every quarter of the globe; it is not impossible, therefore, that we may have crystal-walled seas, in which aquatic menageries will form the last new object of fashion and wonder. 116 OR, GLIMPSES BENEATH THE WATERS. For the present, however, the Aquarium is, as I have said, but a toy, yet one full of pleasant in- struction ; and it doubtless contains the germs of a development, the precise direction of Which it is at present difficult to guess. THE END. London: Thomas Harrild, Printer, 11, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. I .\ 3. Hm (‘umxnun Nivklxlluu-ln Jun/Muslims Irmiusrm uml [mun-us). ."L 'Hw (":uldis \\ur1u. 1 Thu Mnnh Mulil, 71, 'l'hr \VHIL‘K‘ Scwrpitvn. RIVER GARDENS; BEING 3n gamut 0f the “£231 3112mm OF CULTIVATING FRESH—WATER PLANTS 1N AQUARIA, IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO AFFORD SUITABLE ABODES TO ORNAMENTAL FISH, AND MANY INTERESTING KINDS OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. BY H. NOEL HUMPHREYS, AUTHOR 0!“ “OCEAN GARDENS ;” “INSECT CHANGES ;” “BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS ;” ETC. L O N D O N: SAMPSON LOW, SON, AND 00., 47, LUDGATE HILL. MDCCCLVII. LONDON : THOMAS HABRILD, PRINTER, SALISBURY SQUARE, FLEET STREET. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II. DISCOVERY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE AQUARIUM, AND THE BEST MODE OF CONSTRUCTING ONE 9 CHAPTER III. PLANTING THE RIVER GARDEN IN THE AQUARIUM 19 CHAPTER IV. CONCERNING THE CHARACTERISTICS I OF TILE PLANTS SELECTED FOB TEE AQUARIUM . 30 CHAPTER V. THE MOLLUSCA AND THE FISH 46 CHAPTER VI. STICKLEBACKS AND THEIR NEST-BUILDING 66 iv CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. GOLD-FISH . CHAPTER VIII. REPTILES FOR THE AQUARIUM CHAPTER IX. AQUATIC INSECTS, ETC. PAGE 80 92 . 101 LIST OF PLATES. PLATE I. A GLASS AQUARIUM. PAGE Design for Planting a Circular Aquarium With Arum, SundeW, Forget-me-not, etc.. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 PLATE II. WATER LILIES. Nb. 1 8c 2. The Water Lily . . . Nymphwa albw . . . . 25 3. The Yellow Water Lily . . Nwha/r lutea . . . . . 25 4. The Small Yellow Water Lily Nupha/r pumfla . . . . 25 PLATE III. AQUATIC PLANTS, ETC. . Forget-me-not . . . . . Myosotz's palustm's . . . 26 . Frogbit . . . . . . . Eydrocha/m's morsus mm' . 32 The Water Beetle . . . . Dytz'ous ma/rginah's . . . 101 The Larva of the Dyticus. . . . . . . . . . . 102 . The Lesser Water Beetle . . . . . . . . . . 102 . The Lesser Water Beetle in its Larva state . . . . 102 @OVPPOMH vi LIST OT PLATES. PLATE IV. FISH. No. 1 & 2. Minnows 3. The Perch 4. The Tench 5. The Roach 6. The Pike . PLATE V. STICKLEBACKS AND THEIR anrs, ETC. (FRONTISPIECE.) 1 & 2. The Common Sticklebacks Gasterosteus, Trackums, and their Nests . { . The Water Scorpion . The Marsh Snail . The Caddis Worm . and Lemma Chi-{>03 PLATE VI. GOLD-FISH, WATER SNAILS, AND VALISNERIA. 1. Gold-Fish . . . . . . Cyprmus auratus 2. Valisneria . . . . . . Valisnem'a spiralis PLATE VII. AQUATIC REPTILES. 1 & 2. The Smooth Newt . . Lz'ssotm'ton punctwtus 3 & 4. The Large Smooth Newt . . . . 5. The Water Persicaria . . . Polygonum amlw'bz'um PAGE 64 49 56 58 59 }67 . 105 . 47 . 105 . 83 .' 4O 94 94 33 LIST OF PLATES. PLATE VIII. AQUATIC PLANTS, ETC. Nb. 1. The Arrowhead . . . . . Saggz'ta/m'a sagz'ttz'folz'a 2. The. Yellow Water Iris . . Im's Pseudacoms . 3. The Water Soldier . . . . Stratz'otz's aloz'des . 4. The Water Spider . . . . Amy/renew aquatiow . 5. The Crayfish. . ' . . . Astacusflum'atzlz's 6. The Tree Frog . . . . . Rama a/rborea . vii PAGE ' 32 24 31 . 105 . 106 97 RIVER GARDENS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. -‘ Y the culture of some of our most beautiful fresh-water plants, in glass Aquaria, many _ ; of the Wild beauties of Nature, 1n some of her most pleasing and interesting aspects, may be wrought into attractive decorations for our ordinary living rooms, With very little trouble or expense. But this is not the chief object of such Aquaria. Their formation has been suggested by the dis- covery that the growth of aquatic plants will main- tain the water, contained in such a vessel, in a state of purity sufficient for the healthful existence of all kinds of animal life of Which water is the natural element. By means of an Aquarium, there? fore, the forms and habits of fish, reptiles, and aquatic insects may be made to develop themselves 1 B RIVER GARDENS ; under our eyes, undisturbed by the continual neces- sity of changing the water; thus affording us the curious spectacle of many phases of animal life that have hitherto lain concealed in depths inaccessible to the observation of the most curious observer. I can well recollect my first longings, as a young naturalist, to unravel the mystery of the teeming world of life beneath the waters. The Pictures of those days are still vivid as things of yesterday. Perhaps more so; for later sensations are faint in comparison to those keen first impres- sions of nature in the days of early youth. I re- member the eager, straining curiosity with which I endeavoured to look down into the transparent depths of the brooks and ponds of my native War- wickshire, seeking to trace the outline and move- . ments of dim forms that I could imperfectly per- ceive gliding among the tangle of rushes and Algae far beneath the surface. But one favourite fish- pond, in the orchard of an old house, the residence of a distant relative, riveted more than any other my greedy curiosity. I have lain for hours on the grassy border of that weed-grown water, peering between the floating leaves of the Frogbit, or Water Plantain, into the clear brown depths be- neath. It seemed a world full of wonders. I saw 2 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE 0F FRESH-WATER PLANTS. the great Water-beetle row himself swiftly past with his fin-like legs far below the surface—now darting through a clear open space, and now disappearing in the deeper shadows, or gliding away among the undulating stems of the water weeds. I saw the strange form of the same creature in its larva state, but did not know it then; indeed what could lead me to guess that it was the infant shape of the same insect P As I lay there in the early summer sun, gathering the pink-tinged ears of the Soft-grass—of which I afterwards learned that the botanical name was IIolcus lanata—the woolly Holcus, from the white and downy surface of its blade-like foliage— I turned again and again from my grassy bouquet to my world of mystery, deep in the water; con- tinually catching glimpses of some moving thing that increased my curiosity to the highest pitch. There was a certain exciting charm to a young lad, already an expert angler, in detecting the form of a great Jack lying suspended in midwater, en- joying his warm noon siesta ; or in seeing a noble Perch glide majestically past, urged forward by a dig- nified wave of his graceful tail—and with his great dorsal fin nobly erect, bristling with a defiant fringe of spears, which even the voracious Pike generally 3 RIVER GARDENS ; considers an effectual defence. There is, as I have said, a certain indefinable charm, especially to a young angler, in watching these larger and better known denizens of the water; but how much more eager is the stirred curiosity to define the stranger forms of creatures unknown, or much less fre- quently observed, such as the larvae of many semi- aquatic insects, or the early stages of the Newt, during which his external breathing apparatus, those mysterious branchiae, appear like some parasitic plant springing from his head. How much more eagerly the eye follows the gem-like gleam, as it passes, which is emitted from the air-filled globule of the Water-spider, shooting past like an aquatic firefly, but bearing a flame of silver instead of gold; and then the mysteriously moving mass that con- tains the Caddis-worm, or the strange antics of the larva of the Gnat. These are the moving things, with hundreds of other kindred shapes, which fill the young imagination with elfin pictures, dream-like as those it might embody in some dark chamber of romance. How often did I try, frequently at the risk of falling headlong into the deep pond, to fish up some of the dimly-seen creatures which so strongly excited my curiosity ! But they generally escaped through the meshes of the little net I had 4 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. contrived; and one which I afterwards constructed of muslin was far too conspicuous in the water to afford me many chances of capturing the objects of my pursuit. Even when I was successful, and had the good fortune to see one or more of these curious inhabitants of the world of waters safely deposited in some earthen pan or bottle, I was seldom able to keep them many days. The young larva, disturbed by the continual changing of the water, to keep it fresh, died; or, when I attempted to clean it un- disturbed, the water itself became putrid, and had to be cast away, along with the miniature monsters I had hoped to make my pets, and preserve for a long time, observing and studying their evidently curious habits and instincts. I had one triumph, however. A strange scorpion-like creature, after exercising its voracious appetite upon every other living thing in the vessel in which I had placed it, seemed suddenly to lose all taste for the luxuries of the palate, notwithstanding a copious supply of the living delicacies it was most fond of, and with which I had taken -. care to furnish it at regular intervals. It became restless, and apparently dis- eased, and I concluded that I was about to lose this favourite specimen as I had lost so many others. Its uneasiness, however, took quite a different turn 5 RIVER GARDENS ; to the one I expected, ending in nothing less than a determination to leave its native element. Had I seen a Carp or a Tench quietly walk out of the fish- pond and climb a tree, I could not have been more astonished than when I saw this creature of the water—which, with its fin-like tail and other ap- pendages, was evidently intended for a denizen of that element, , quietly crawl up a stick which was standing in the vessel, and emerging from the water, remain quietly attached to the support it had selected, at some inches above the surface of the element it thus so strangely and suddenly quitted. Its determination appeared the more astonishing, as I soon perceived that its finny tail, its legs, and at last the whole of its skin gradually hardened and blackened, and it appeared to have shared the natu- ral fate of “a fish out of water.” After watching it for some days, without perceiving any further change, other matters occupied my attention and I entirely forgot the fate of my voracious pet, which had met such an untimely end in consequence of rashly leaving the proper sphere of its existence. Some little time afterwards, I was about to empty the jar, and throw away the stick to which the dried and hardened form of the victim to getting out of bounds was still attached, when I thought I 6 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-W'ATER PLANTS. perceived a division in the blackened skin of the back. As I saw that the opening widened, my curiosity became again excited, and I determined to watch and see if any other change would follow. Taking a book, therefore, I sat down near the object of my attention. I had not read many pages, turn- ing frequently towards the remains upon the stick, when suddenly—I shall never forget the surprise of that moment—when suddenly, the opening of the back was much widened, as by some sudden effort, and the greater part of a glittering Dragon-fly be- came plainly visible; very quickly the whole insect emerged from the blackened shell, spreading its great gossamer wings to the sun, which was shining brightly through the window. I had, by a lucky accident—for I can hardly call it the result of a course of observation—witnessed one of the most extraordinary and complete of the metamorphoses that occur in the whole range of insect life, and was all anxiety to pursue my dis- coveries. I was, however, baffled in all future attempts, at that time, to extend my knowledge of the mysterious creatures of the world of waters, and it was not till recent discoverers have shown how the Aquarium may be made the means of facilitating studies of that class, combined with an elegant and 7 RIVER GARDENS, ETC. delightful mode of amusement, that I resumed the course of observation which had been so long inter-.- rupted by difliculties that appeared insurmountable. Now, however, that so much has been done to- wards smoothing the way, I have been again at- tracted to the long neglected aquatic studies, and snatch every moment I can spare from the literary labours which have carried my pursuits in a very different direction, to renew my old and ever plea- santly remembered acquaintance with the interest- ing inhabitants of our ponds and streams. CHAPTER II. I DISCOVERY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE AQUARIUM, AND THE BEST MODE OF ““6323: CONSTRUCTING ONE. ' s I stated in my little essay on the " formation of a marine Vivarium (en- titled “ Ocean Gardens”), the first /: clearly defined views upon the subject \ -. of the mutual interchanges of gases "‘QN‘ going on between vegetable and animal life, by means of which the vital prin- ciple in each was sustained, were put forth by Lavoisier, Priestley, and Ingenhauss, towards the close of the last century. The theories of Ingen- hauss, especially those concerning the functions of aquatic plants, were announced in greater detail than those of Lavoisier and Priestley, the following passage being found in his last essay :——“ Plants immersed in water, when exposed to the action of light, emit an air known as oxygen.” The know- ledge Of this principle is the keystone in the con- struction of the Aquarium. The first successful Aquaria were, nevertheless, 9 RIVER GARDENS ; the result of accident rather than scientific experi- ment, as neither the establishment of Aquaria nor the illustration of the principles announced by Priestley and Ingenhauss were sought, when it was first found that fish would live longer and more healthily in vessels in which aquatic plants were growing, and also that the water, under such con- ditions, remained clear without artificial aeration, or the addition of fresh water. Nevertheless, it is interesting to know who were the ingenious and philos0phical experimentalists who first, while in pursuit of other results, became the means of demonstrating that a miniature “lake” or “ocean” could be constructed in a glass tank little more than a foot square, exhibiting the plants and animals peculiar to each, all maintaining themselves in a healthy condition, as in real lakes or oceans, without any further care being bestowed upon the little world after its first creation. Mr. Ward, in 1837, threw out, incidentally, the first practical hints towards the formation of glass vessels, whether for terrestrial or aquatic plants, in describing the success of his attempts to grow ferns in closed glass cases. Dr. Johnston, in 1842, proved that sea water containing marine Algae in a growing state, would remain pure for almost any 10 ' OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. length of time, though the experiment he was pro"- secuting was for another and perfectly distinct purpose—that of ascertaining the true vegetable nature of corallines. Dr. Lankester, in his capital treatise on the Aquarium, states that he kept Stickle- backs in a glass vessel with a plant of Valisneria, in .1849, which was, in fact, a true Aquavivarium upon principles now adOpted; but he did not then an- nounce it as a discovery, nor probably consider it as such. Mr. R. Warrington was, in fact, the first (in 1850) to publish, in a paper communicated to the Chemical Society, a series of observations upon the subject. In that essay he entered, with some detail, into the functions assigned to plants for the conversion of carbonic acid gas into oxygen, and the consequent necessity of their presence for the pre- servation of animal life, which would otherwise, by the quantity of carbonic acid which it throws off, become poisoned by its own secretions. He further stated clearly that a third, or cleansing agency, was absolutely necessary, inasmuch as certain por- tions of plants, or the whole, having arrived at ex- treme maturity, naturally perished, and that the de- caying matter so produced was calculated to cause as much injury as the superabundance of carbonic acid, or the absence of oxygen. In fact, parts of 11 RIVER GARDENS ; the aquatic plants of his tank having so perished, he found the water become suddenly impure, and his fish die. In this state of affairs he had direct recourse to the book of Nature for further informa- tion. He examined natural ponds, in which a certain amount of decaying vegetation must necessarily be found, yet without causing putrefaction of the water. His next step was, doubtless, to procure por- tions of such decaying matter, and examine its peculiar condition. It was then, we may imagine, that he found the remains in question covered with Water-snails, which, acting as natural scavengers, were consuming the putrescent substances as fast as they occurred, and so preventing the results which had proved so fatal to his tank. This was his great and original discovery. He added Water-snails to his tank, and the crowning element of success was achieved. Thenceforth his miniature lake went on as self-supporting as its great prototypes among the mountains, all the main conditions insisted on by the laws of Nature having been complied with. The reading of the paper containing these interest- ing facts, and the publication of subsequent essays on the same subject, in the “ Annals of Natural History,” must give Mr. Warrington the honour of being the more immediate founder of the Aquarium, 12 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. in its practical form, and upon true and distinctly announced principles. Mr. Ward had, it is true, described in 1849 his success in growing marine plants in artificial sea- water, which established another interesting feature connected with the establishment of Aquaria, though it had been previously proved by Dr. Johnston’s experiment. He did not, however, make any state- ment in reference to the necessity for plants to sustain animal life in Aquaria, leaving it to Mr. Warrington, who had been so completely successful in his fresh-water experiment, to turn his attention to the establishment of a marine tank upon similar principles, in which he has been also more tho- roughly successful than any other operator. Many have since followed in the track of the pioneers I have named, among the most distinguished of whom the names of Mr. Gosse and Dr Badham stand pre-eminent. Experiments of a different class, which were in the main pure Aquaria, had been long in operation. Such, for instance, as the Vivarium described by Mr Jesse, at Hampton Court, in which many kinds of fish were kept alive and in a healthy state. This happy result, however, was accidental, and arising from the size and situation of the Vivarium in ques- l3 RIVER GARDENS ; tion, in which plants and snails, the air-givers and. scavengers, established themselves unsought, and the Hampton Court Vivarium assumed, therefore, similar conditions to those of a natural pond, and cannot, therefore, enter into the category of glass Aquaria, such as can be placed upon a drawing-room table; nor can its establishment be Considered to interfere with the credit of the inventors of Aquaria, as its success was not the result of the premeditated application of a new discovery. The successful illustration of the principles ne- cessary for the artificial cultivation of aquatic plants and animals in small vessels, has been so splendidly exhibited at the Zoological Gardens of London and Dublin, that the taste for imitations upon a smaller scale has become quite a mania. A distinguished writer on the subject has, in fact, happily quoted a passage from J uvenal in illustration of the reigning fashion for Vivaria of this kind, which is exceed- ingly apt, though the Roman satirist referred not to little glass tanks, but to the collections of wild beasts which were so much sought after when he penned the passage— “ Omnes tanquam ad vivaria currunt.” It only remains, in this portion of my little work, to say something practical of the manner of 14: OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. preparing a “ River Garden,” or, in other words, a fresh-water Aquarium. In the first place, care should be taken that the paint and cement of the glass tank (an article of room decoration now too common to require description) should be perfectly dry, and entirely free from any unpleasant smell, which would be fatal to many of the animals, if not even to the plants also. The layer of earth at the bottom of the tank, it is to be observed, is used more as a kind of anchor- age, to retain some of the plants in their places, than as necessary to their growth ; for the water is to water plants what the earth is to the terrestrial ones, and from it they take their chief nourishment. It is better, therefore, to use only cleanly washed river sand, a slight disturbance of which will not render the water turbid, as when other kinds of earth are used. Some plants, however, such as the great Water-lily, are found to do better with a layer “of rich earth under the sand; but plants of that size are more suited to aquaria on a large scale in a con- servatory, than to a small tank at a chamber window. In placing a few shells, or other objects on the sand, as stays to the roots of plants that should have a fixed position, care should be taken to select such objects as would naturally be formd in fresh- 15 RIVER GARDENS ; water. Sea shells, or corals, so often used for this purpose, have a very anomalous appearance, and de- stroy the natural character of the whole arrangement. The kind of water is not very material, if the balance of animal and vegetable life, after added, be nicely adjusted, and not introduced too profusely. A few cautions, however, are necessary. Water that has been boiled would not do; in fact, fish will live but a very short time in boiled water, because in that operation the greater part of the oxygen has been expelled from it. The water of chalybeate springs is likewise unfit, as the salts contained in it are very injurious to vegetation. River water is best, but pump or well water will answer very well, especially if well aerated, by pouring from one vessel to another before used. The water in the tank may be occasionally aerated, also, by means of a common pair of bellows with a piece of gutta-percha tubing attached to the end of the pipe. A contrivance of this sort is adapted for all the tanks at the Dublin Zoological Gardens, with branch pipes leading to each separate tank, so that one pair of bellows aerates the whole series. The action. of the air, as it enters the vessels from these tubes, is said to produce a very pleasing effect, insomuch that Dr. Ball, when he described 16 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. the apparatus at the Cheltenham Meeting of the British Association, stated that “ visitors were so fond of blowing the bellows, that the curator found it quite unnecessary to employ attendants to inject fresh air into the tanks ;” an amusing remark which has been repeated by Dr. Lankester. A small hand-net is useful for occasionally re- moving fish or other animals; or, for more minute objects, a glass tube, to be used in the following manner :—If the thumb be placed tightly over the upper end of the tube, when about to be intro- duced into the water, and so held till its lower end is close to the object it is wished to take out, and then withdrawn, the water will rise into the tube itself, expelling a portion of the air, and the ; object may then be taken out along with the water in the tube. Experience, however, will best suggest many such contrivances necessary to the possessor of an Aquarium; and as they will be of more value when arising in the course of such experience, than when derived from hints thrown out in this place, I shall leave the student to make his own disco- veries, in all mere matters of convenience; as he will necessarily adapt them more aptly to his own peculiar views and wants, than one who should 17 C RIVER GARDENS, ETC. attempt to describe them without the special evil to be remedied immediately before his eyes. All that the teacher can safely do, therefore, is to make the student thoroughly conversant with principles, and the details Will naturally follow. 18 CHAPTER III. PLANTING THE RIVER GARDEN IN THE , ’3 . , AQUARIUM. . ’fi/” ' HE very first plants placed picturesquel)r . 9,‘ in an Aquarium produce an effect so 3" 2 pleasing that the trouble of structure, Ia‘Jor the expense of purchase, are forgot- \ M v" ten in a moment. The object at once \f‘f‘g'fifiv forms, in fact, a most exquisite orna- V““ \F ment for a living room, and especially a study. The cool, fresh aspect of water is always delightful; and the peculiar growth of aquatic plants, straggling in graceful spiral, or in a thousand other ‘ singular and playful forms, towards the surface and the light, are both beautiful and interesting, espe- cially when seen as a fish would see them, that is, sidewise, and not from the top, or looking down upon them indistinctly, as is our ordinary point of View for these objects. The gentle gliding move- ments, too, of many. of the water creatures, subse- quently to be introduced, are of a soothing and ' placid character, that seem to fill the mind with a 19 RIVER GARDENS ; sweet and lulling sensation, as by a kind of silent music. But, instead of stepping to admire the effect of the first steps in our plantation, let us first ascertain whether all the necessary conditions in the preparation of the vessel have been properly complied with. In the first place, it should be filled with water some days before the introduction of the plants, and so long as any prismatic scum makes its appear- ance at the surface, the water should be changed, as that is a certain indication that the cement, or other materials used in the construction of the tank, are not, as yet, thoroughly cleansed and seasoned. When, at last, the water remains perfectly clear, then, and not before, we may begin to introduce our plants. It may be as well to observe, en pas- scmt, that the scum just alluded to may possibly arise from some improper materials employed in the ornamental rockwork intended to imitate the picturesque bed of the river, on which the garden is about to be planted. Any pieces of rock con- taining metal are bad, as are also all kinds of dross, such as clinkers from glasshouses, etc., and should be removed, if found to produce the effect described. Picturesquely formed stones, gathered from the pebbly beds of brooks or the rocky shallows of 20 PLATE 1. E i 2 Q9 DESIGN FOR PLANTING A CIRCULAR AQUAHH'M, Wl'l'll ARUM, SITXDEW, FUIUEI‘J'llbll-JANU'P, Ll'l'U. I‘Aux 1‘1. OR, THE HOME-CULTURE O-F FRESH-WATER PLANTS. lakes, are best. I have recently seen some very handsome pieces, brought from Loch Erne, which are of a beautifully mottled grey tone, that has a charmingly cool and natural effect in an Aquarium. If it be intended, in addition to the purely aquatic plants, to add a few of those which, with- out growing in the water, love to linger on its mar- gin, a plan which I strongly recommend, then a portion of the rockwork must be made to ascend above the surface, as shown in the circular Aqua- rium (Plate 1.), in which two pieces of the rockery are made to project above the water, each contrived with cavities sufficiently deep to contain a supply of earth for a small group of plants. The Aquarium represented in that Plate is one of the simplest and cheapest kind, being formed by . the inversion of a common bell-glass, which is mounted upon aturned wooden stand of the simplest design. One of the projecting pieces of rockwork, the highest and driest, has been planted with a small root of Fern, belonging to the more dwarf and delicately foliaged kinds. The other has been made to form the receptacle for a fine tuft of Forget- me-not—a plant which never flourishes so luxu- riantly as when its roots find their way into water. Its flowers, in such a position, attain nearly 21 RIVER GARDENS ; double the size they do when in a drier situation, and become so beautiful in their tender shades of delicate turquoise-blue, enamelled with their deli- cately small touches of white and amber at the base of the petals, that one can fully understand how the fair girl in the German legend longed for those growing out of her reach in the broad shallows of the Rhine. One can sympathise, too, with the enthusiasm of her lover, who, endeavouring to grasp them, lost his balance, and fell into the stream; being carried away by the treacherous current, still holding the coveted flowers in his clenched hand, and flinging them to the shore as he sunk, crying, “ Vergeis mein nicht !”——Forget-me-not I It was the popular name—perhaps thus acquired—which probably in- duced one of our last Plantagenet kings, Henry V., to assume this pretty flower as his badge, instead of the Broom, which had been that of his ancestors. The name, when so taken, however, as a soldier’s motto, was no longer a love-cry, but a shout of defiance; and the warlike successes of that victori- ous leader were such as to make the war-cry, “ For- get me not!” appropriate enough when addressed to his enemies. I was about to say more upon the subject of the sweet little Forget-me-not and its associations, but space forbids. 22 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. The pretty plant growing with it, in the same Plate, is the Sundew, which delights also in damp situations. Its leaves delicately fringed with pink, and its pretty rose-coloured blossoms, combined with its general neatness of growth, make it a generally desirable plant for the Aquarium, in which, with proper care, it thrives well. In the centre of the vessel I have placed an Arum (O’alla Ethiopica), a plant which always flourishes best in water, forming a truly magnifi- cent ornament for the borders of ponds, where I have seen it introduced with great success. In such situations it dies down in the winter; but protected by a sufficient depth of water, does not suffer from any degree of frost, though avery slight one is sufiicient to destroy it when grown in a pot. In the Aquarium it forms a very beautiful object. The foliage rises like a column of some semi-trans- parent green marble through the water, spreading into a finely foliaged capital above; and when the flowers eventually shoot up from this fine coronet of elegantly formed leaves, the effect is magnificent. But, even before the appearance of the flowers, there cannot be a finer central object for an Aquarium than a group of such leaves as those of the majestically graceful Calla. Among aquatic flowering plants, 23 RIVER GARDENS ; the following will be found suitable to the Aqua- rium, taking care to select those of small growth for tanks of ordinary size, while all kinds may be grown with success if Sufficient space be allowed, especially in Aquaria on a large scale established in conserva- tories, which are now becoming very general :— . The Greater Water Plantain. . The Floating Water Plantain. . TheWater Soldier,orWater Aloe. . The Yellow Water Iris (Plate Alisma plantago Alisma natans . Stratiotes aloides Iris pseadaeoras VIII., No. 4). Hydroekaris morsus rani . . . The Frogbit. Sagittaria sagittifolia . . . . . The Arrowhead. Polygonam amphibia . . . . . The Amphibious Persecaria. . The Featherfoil, or Water Violet. Hottonia palastris . . Ranancalas aqaatilis . . . . . The Water Crowfoot. Veronica Beeeabanga . . . . . Common Brooklime. Nasturtium ofieinalis . . . . . Common Watercress. Batomus amtellatas . . . . . The Flowering Rush. Teueriam seordiam . . . . . Water Germander. Micropkyllam spicata . . . . . Water Milfoil. Tabalaria aquatica . . . . . The Aquatic Owlwort. .Hijrparis valgaris . . . . . . The Common Marestail. Callitrielie verna . . . . . . The Water Starwort. Ceratopkyllam demersam . . . The Hornwort. Tke Lemna tribe . . . . . . Duckweeds. Aponogiton distaekg/am . . . . The Cape Aponogiton. .Potamogeton peetinatas (and other ' species) . . } l‘he Pondweeds. Anaekaris alsinastram. Lastly, the most important and useful of all, Valisneria spiralis. 24. OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. To this list must be added the species of native W'ater Lilies, where space admits :— Nympkcew alba . . . . . . { The White Water Lily (Plate 11., N o. 1). The Yellow Water Lily (Plate NupIza/r lutew . . . . . . . { II., No. 2). . The small Yellow Water Lily Mp 7‘ W 1’ “W“ { (Plate IL, No. 3). Wlla/rsz'a nympkwoz'des . . . . The Lily-like Villarsia. When there is sufficient space and a certain de- gree of warmth, foreign species of the Water Lily tribe may be added, as the beautiful Nympkcea caemolea, one or two of the Euryalz’ tribe, and even the giant Victoria regiw ; but as one leaf alone of this Titanic example of water vegetation would cover the space of half a dozen drawing- room Aquaria, it is in ordinary cases out of the question. The ingeniously persevering processes of Chinese gardeners might, indeed, be able to reduce the scale of this stately queen of the waters of the Amazon to such a scale as would enable them to grow it in one of their own quaintly painted minia- ture tea-saucers; but we have not, as yet, at- tained to much skill in this kind of “ gardening in small.” To these plants may be added some of the 25 RIVER GARDENS ; Water Grasses, which are very ornamental, and more especially the fresh-water Algdz and the Stoneworts. There are also the plants growing at the margin of the water to be noted ; among which the follow- ing stand foremost as among the most desirable :— - Myosotz’s palustm's . . . . . The Forget-me-not. .DrosemAnglz'ca (and other species) The Great Sundew. C Ztk Z t d bl d 1 a a pa as Ms ( ou ean sing e H} The Marsh Marigold varieties) . Mnyantkes tmfolz'ata. . . . . The Buckbean. Pingmcula vulgar/ms (and other } The Common Pinguicula species). . . . . . Esgm'sz'ta syhzatz‘ca . . . . . Drooping Joint Grass. Of such plants as may be grown on higher por- tions of the rockwork, rising out of the water, the following Ferns have been named by Mr. Hibberd as well suited to our purpose :— Bleclmum boreale . . . . . . The Northern Blechnum. Polypodz'um phegoptem’s . . . . Beech Fern. vulgar/re . . . . . The Common Polypodium. dry/Owen's . . . . Oak Fern. Cetemch oficinam'w . . . . . The Common Ceterach. Lastrea spinulosa . . . . . . Withering Fern. Cystoptem's fragilz's . . . . . Brittle Bladder Fern. — Alpz'na . . . . . Alpine ditto. Antkym'um filis fwmz’na . . . . Beautiful Lady Fern. Scolopendrz'um vulgar/r68 . . .I . Common Neat’s Tongue. Adz'antum capz'llz's-venem's . . . True Maidenhair. Trickomanes Tunbm'dgense . . . Tunbridge Filmy Fern. Opln'oglossum mom . . . . Adder’s Tongue. 26 \ I'LA\I.\, I. 'l'llr‘ ‘ ruuhll illyrlmrlmm mumm mni», ‘J. 'l )w l‘rvrm-l-mtulml (Jig/mum [ul’rmh'm] barn x.—I. The Iurm nl'Ilw \Vzltur I‘m-ll.- [Hy/Inn mm'gin 11w. LL 'I')u- \\‘;nnr lhwln [III/11mm v. urg ,u/Iw m its rerfrct Ham. 8. The Inna nfllw Luxwr \\'nlcr lit-cur. é 'Ihc 1.8:M'r \S'ulvr lit-c112 in it:- 11'rfl'vtnlnlc. OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. ‘ ' To these may be added the following, which I have selected from the splendid and extensive col- lection of Mr. Henderson, of Pine Apple Place, Edgware Road :— Adz'antum cuneatum. Poke/podium Zepz'dosmw. Asplem'um attenuatum. Ptem's cretz'cw. bulbz'femm. serrulata. Cassebeem hastata. Selagz'nella dentz'culata. Davallz'a solz'da. 2'nwgualz's. Gom'oplzlebzhum nerz'z'folz'um serpens. Lz'tobroo/cz'a dentz'culata. stolom'fem. Polypodz'um latq'pes. Mrtensz’z’. There are also several Fern-like .lI/ycopods well I worthy of cultivation on the raised dry rockwork of the Aquarium, one or two species of which will thrive and grow during a year or more, by having the foot-stalks of the fronds or leaves placed in the water, and allowing the feather-like foliage to droop over the sides. A very pretty effect was produced in this manner in the Fernery of Mr. Henderson, where every information regard- the culture of Ferns and their allies is freely and obligingly given by the intelligent attendant. In collecting wild Ferns, take in preference those found within the drip of waterfalls or on the banks of streams as most likely to succeed on the rockwork of the Aquarium. Care must be taken to 27 RIVER GARDENS; arrange plenty of drainage where you plant your Ferns, bits of charcoal, sharp sand, or rotten leaves have been recommended by Mr. Hibberd and others. The water must be prevented also from running in constantly to the roots; a certain de- gree of dryness about the root is essential to Ferns, and your Fern-ground must be constructed accord- ingly. As a general principle, the water-plants do not re- quire much, if any, soil; as water is to them, as pre- viously stated, what earth is to terrestrial ones, and the bed of the stream or pond only serving them as anchorage. Nevertheless, some plants, especially the Water Lilies, apparently require a somewhat strong soil to grow in. Plants of this class are, however, too large for most Aquaria, though it is stated that the Nuphar looted may be grown in a vessel one foot square. When the Aquarium has been furnished with its plants, with snails to destroy the confervoid growth on the glass, and to consume decaying vegetation, at the same time furnishing a vast num- ber of eggs to nourish the fish and other animals in the tank, a complete circle of compensating prin- ciples may be said to have been established which impart to an Aquarium many of the permanent 28 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. qualities of a real lake. The vessel must, however, above all things, be placed Where it Will receive a sufficiency of light, for Without that vivifying influ- ence neither the Aquarium, nor even the natural lake itself, could carry on its interesting processes. It is in the sunshine, indeed, that some of the most beautiful phenomena involved in the creation of oxygen by the plants are exhibited, especially When the bubbles of the newly emitted gas rise quivering to the surface, displaying, With beautiful variations, all the colours of the prism. )4 A‘ ' IV \h N “so \ “WWW 29 CHAPTER IV. ,. ' 4 CONCERNING THE CHARACTERTSTICS OF THE PLANTS SELECTED FOR THE f- f , g! gm?! AQUARIUM. ‘2-‘Q <3? “4% \ N order that one about to establish an £5; Aquarium may be able to form a tole- ‘ ably accurate idea of the plants, from‘ among which he is about to select the ornaments of his aquatic garden, it will be necessary to give some further ac- count of the most remarkable of those named in the lists contained in the last chapter. Of the plants growing in the water, which are the most important to an Aquarium, in conse- quence of their aerating qualities, the first on the list is the Great Water Plantain. Its botanical name, Alisma, signifies a dweller in the water. When finely grown, in a favourable situation, it is one of the most stately of our water plants, and is consequently too large for a very small Aquarium; but it is remarkably handsome, and very suitable where there is sufficient room for its display. The Alisma natams is a swimming or rather floating water 30 8y RIVER GARDENS, ETC. plant. It is excessively pretty, and its white- cupped, three-petalled flowers are shown peeping ' above-the water in Plate VIII. (No. 2). It is a plant of convenient dimensions for the Aquarium. The Water Soldier is also a plant of most manage- able dimensions; and its compact Aloe-like growth and handsome white flower make it very desirable for tanks of the smallest dimensions. (Plate VIII., N o. 1.) Its military name is supposed to have been given in consequence of its erect, soldier-like ‘ appearance. The pointed leaf resembling, by a stretch of the imagination, a sword, which is in fact so sharp, that it often pricks the fingers of collectors; the flower, too, has been supposed to resemble a bronze helmet, surmounted with a white plume. The roots of the parent plant must be . placed firmly in the sand or soil at the bottom of the tank, from whence it will send forth runners, each of which, when it has reached the surface, forms a separate plant, which, after flowering, sinks again to the bottOm and takes root in the bed of the pond or tank, to send up fresh flowering offsets to the surface, as its parent had done before it. When at the bottom of the tank, and in the under-water period of its growth, this plant gives off oxygen freely, and forms, also, a grateful shelter for small 31 RIVER GARDENS ; fish; but it must be closely watched, as it is subject to sudden decay when its treatment is uncongenial ; in which case it should be removed from the colony immediately. A group of the Iris pseud-acoms (Plate VIII., No. 4,) forms a handsome central object to a tank. Its bright yellow flowers, in their season, being very attractive. Its name, the Im's, or rainbow, has been given to this tribe of plants on account of the great variety of rich colours with which the flowers of the different species are enriched; rang- ing, as they do, from yellow and red to almost every shade of blue and purple. The Frogbit, the botanical title of which, Hydrocharis, signifies “grace of the waters,” is as elegant and beautiful as its name implies. Its flowers, of a delicate creamy white (see Plate III., No. 1), are deli- cately reared just above the surface, from among its purplish leaves, while its roots float down- ward from the plant, like slender threads, moving gently with the slightest agitation of the water. It is strictly a floating plant. The Arrowhead is one of the handsomest of our native plants“! both leaves and flowers being re- markable; the shape of the former has, indeed, given to it both its botanical and popular English 32 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. name. The large white flowers, finely blotched with pink in well-grown specimens, appear in July, and at that season would form a grand attraction to the Aquarium (see Plate VIII., No. 3). The plants of Arrowhead might be sought in their native brooks and ditches just before the flowering season, and, as they bear removal well, they need only be allowed, like many other plants, to occupy the Aqua- rium during the period of their inflorescence, though it is always worthy of culture for the beauty of its leaves alone. The rhi'zoma, or under-ground stem, of the Sagittaria is very fleshy, and is used for food in several European countries. The amphibious Persicwria, with its pyramidal spikes of pink-tipped blossoms, forms a very pretty object for artificial culture (see Plate VII.); as does also the Featherfoil or Water Violet. The last is indeed an exceedingly desirable Aquarium plant, its feathery leaves having a very graceful appearance beneath the surface, spreading their elegant forms about the lower portions of the tank, like plumes of green feathers, while the flowers, growing in a series of whorls, appear above the water, and have a very pretty effect, being of a delicate pinkish purple, becoming yellow towards the centre. This plant has received its botanical 33 D RIVER GARDENS ; name, Hottomla, in honour of the well-known Dutch botanist, Hotton. The Water Crowfoot, or White Water Butter- cup, should always form one of the plant-collec- tion inan Aquarium, on account of its peculiar and interesting growth. The leaves of this plant, while they grow beneath the water, are so deeply “ cut ” or branched, as to appear almost fibrous in their character, like those of the class of plants which never appear above the surface. But the fibres of those leaves which are developed above the water become connected by the same kind of tissue as that which usually connects the veins of ordinary aerial leaves. In this new condition the upper foliage assumes quite a different character, and the plant has thus the appearance of being furnished with leaves of two remarkably distinct kinds. The common Brooklime, though rather coarse in its growth, puts forth its racemes of pretty blue flowers very abundantly; and the esculent Water- cress is also worthy of cultivation in the Aquarium, especially when treated in the following manner :—A few seeds should be procured,which can be purchased of any of the leading seedsmen, and sown in the bottom of the tank, where they will soon produce a very pretty green crop, over the undulations of the 34s OR, THE HOME-CULTURE 'OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. sand and rockwork. The plants may be allowed to come to maturity, if thought proper, as they flourish well in such confinement ; but as few will deem the Aquarium a fitting place .to reap a harvest of Water- cress, they may be removed after the more pleasing early stages of their growth are passed, and a few fresh seeds sown so as to continue the desirable effect. The Flowering Bush is the monarch of its tribe; being crowned with a wreath of rosy flowers, which form the floral glory of our streams, and the chief ornament and desideratum of a river-side bouquet. I never, in the season (June and July), consider my nosegay of brook and river flowers complete without it. The plant is, however, somewhat large for Aquaria of the smaller sizes, as the leaves at- tain two or three feet in height, and the flower-stem rears itself high above them. Its growth, however, in confinement would be less vigorous, and as it does not occupy much space laterally, one grand towering ornament in the centre of the tank, when the situa- tion suits, might be desirable. The botanical name of the genus, Butomus, signifies “ hurtful to an OK,” and, in fact, the sharp points of the leaves often wound the mouths of cattle when they go to drink. The Water Germander and Water Milfoil are both manageable and desirable plants in an 35 RIVER GARDENS; Aquarium; especially the latter, for its graceful foliage beneath the surface of the water, the minute divisions of which have given to the genus the name of Milfoil, from Millefollz’um, or thou- sand leaves, which name, however, in its botanical sense, belongs more properly to another genus, the plants of which are not aquatic: the Water Mil- foil having, in fact, for its botanical title, a Greek instead of a Latin title, Myriaphyllum, meaning, however, the same thing. The Awlwort is a curious little water plant, worth growing on account of the peculiar awl-like form of its leaves, which has conferred upon it its botanical name of Subularia, from the Latin subula, an awl. The common Mare’s-tail derives its scientific name Hippums from the Greek words hippos (om-woe) a horse, and 02m» (ofipa) a tail. It has pretty whorled leaves, but inconspicuOus flowers. It has, how- ever, been highly recommended for the Aquarium, but is not so desirable, in my opinion, as many other aquatic plants, requiring, as it does, a good depth of soil to make it flourish healthily. The Starwort is a much more suitable plant than the one last named, both on account of the ease with which it is cultivated in a small tank, and also its curious habits of growth. The star- 36 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. like form assumed by the leaves, in the position they invariably take on the surface of the water, forming a number of very symmetrical asteriods, has given the plant its popular name—a name which might be further confirmed in its propriety, if need were, by an examination under the microscope, in which position a number of minute rosette- shaped excrescences will be discerned on the leaves, occupying, apparently, the position and functions of the hairs of other plants. It is so subject to vary in its appearance that botanists have been much inclined to subdivide the species. The Hornwort is always introduced into lists of plants for the Aquarium, and is, perhaps, some- what interesting on account of the horny excre- scences of its leaves, from which its botanical name Oeratophg/llum, from the Greek acres, or rather hams (Icepas‘), a horn, and phillon ((1900.01)) a leaf. The plant has, however, little beauty, and might with advantage, as I think, make way for others. ’ The tribe of Duckweeds, however, though scarcely more ornamental than the Hornwort, have other advantages that compensate for their want of beauty. The plants of this family are said to derive their botanical name Lemma, from lepis, a scale, on account of the close scale-like manner with 37 RIVER GARDENS ; which they cover the surface of still waters. In the Vivarium the Duckweeds are found of great advan- tage, from their peculiar habit of growth, which affords a natural screen to the animals below, when the sun is too powerful; and Dr Lankester tells us, in his instructive little work, that these plants harbour a number of minute creatures, among which the microscopist may hunt for some of his most valued game, which at the same time pro- vides food for the fish and other inmates of the Aquarium. All that is necessary to establish a Duckweed screen is to remove a small portion of it from the surface of some neighbouring pond, when it requires no other replanting than merely throwing it into the Aquarium, where, being strictly a floating plant, it soon establishes itself and spreads rapidly. The loose pieces should, however, be picked out, as it ‘is only in a mass that it produces a pleasing effect. The Cape Aponogeton is one of the most desir- able plants for the Aquarium, as it continues flower- ing nearly all the year round, and the flowers themselves, besides being very pretty, are sweet- scented. It is quite hardy, and grows with great luxuriance in our open ponds. In the Botanic Garden, in Edinburgh, and the tanks of the Zoolo- gical Society, in Regent’s Park, London, this plant 38 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-\VATER PLANTS. has been greatly admired, and few amateurs of Aquaria, who have seen it, have failed to procure immediately a few roots for their own tanks. Anacham’s alsmastmm is another plant which: if no longer to be termed exotic, is, at all events, of very recent foreign extraction. It should find its place in every Aquarium. It has been called the New Water Weed, or, by some, Water Thyme, from its slight resemblance to plants of that class, and its history is somewhat interesting. It was unknown in England so lately as 18412, when the late Dr. George Johnston, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, noticed it for the first time in a pond, at Dunse Castle, in the month of July of that year. Specimens were sent to the Cambridge Botanic Gardens, where it grew far too abundantly, and the refuse, which was from thence thrown into the Cam, has thriven with ‘ such extraordinary luxuriance that it threatens to form a serious impediment to the navigation of that stream. From Kew Gardens it has, in like man- ner, escaped into the Thames, where it is already one of the most abundant and troublesome of the water weeds; while in some of our canals it posi- tively threatens to put a stOp to the navigation entirely. In the Aquarium, however, it is easily kept within bounds, and is exceedingly valuable, 39 RIVER GARDENS ; not only for its graceful appearance, but also as one of the most effectual of vegetable aerators. The Valisnem’a has the same valuable pro- perty, and its grass-like foliage is, at the same time, one of the most graceful adjuncts to an Aquarium, as shown in Plate VI., in which it is supposed to be a central object, round which gold fish are sporting in the enjoyment of the grateful shade it affords. The Valis'neriw and Anachamls have a pretty effect grown together, and are the only plants (attended by a few fresh-water mollusca) necessary to an Aquarium in which a few choice fish only are kept. Valisnemia is named after the Italian naturalist Valisnei, who wrote on insects and plants in the last century. The Water Lily tribe have been described in another place, as also the ornamental Water Grasses, and we now come, therefore, to a series of water plants of a lower range in the scale of vegetation, though not less curious and interesting. These consist of a class of fresh-water vegeta- tion analogous to the sea-weeds of our coasts, and also of another family, consisting of two genera of plants only, Nitella and 07mm. These two genera contain, however, some pretty vegetable forms. The Flexile m’tellw may be known by the 40 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. branched character of its stems, and its smooth, pellucid appearance. The Charm Hedwegia and Chara kispida are both very elegant, and their somewhat angular forms would afford an agree- able variety to the other vegetation. Their pre- sence is indicated in the plate of fish. (Plate IV.) Of the fresh-water Algae the most interesting sec- tions are, perhaps, the Quiverworts, or Oscillatomlw, the singular movements of which have led to many conjectures and to much discussion among learned naturalists. They have been thought by some to form, in fresh-water, the same link between vegetable and animal life as that of some of the lower order of marine polyps. In short, the subject is so at- tractive, that I make no apology for introducing here the interesting paper on the subject read by Professor Knowles, of Birmingham, at the late meet- ' ing of the British Association at Oheltenham :— “ ON THE OSCILLATORLE, BY PROFESSOR KNOWLES, “ OF QUEEN’S COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM. “The Oscillatomlae belong to a group of plants which seem to stand intermediately between the animal and vegetable kingdoms. “ With regard to the extraordinary movements observable in this interesting family of Aigw, I have 441 RIVER GARDENS ; not hitherto met with any explanations that appear to me to be satisfactory. “Dr. Hassall, in his work on the flesh-water Algae, observes, that he can perceive nothing extra, ordinary in these motions; nothing indicative, as most suppose, of a sensitive or animal life. He then goes on to state that the Oscillatorice are naturally straight; that the act of placing them under the microscope must, of necessity, bend them; and that the motions that are then per- ceived are nothing more than a return to their naturally straight position, depending upon their elasticity. He further states, that currents almost imperceptible in the liquid in which they are im- mersed, and perhaps unequal attractions amongst the filaments themselves, are causes amply sufficient to explain any motion which he has ever witnessed amongst the Oscillatom'ae. “This appears to me to be a very easy, but unsatisfactory mode of disposing. of a difficulty; in short, it is an opinion that is evidently the result of hasty or insufficient observation. “ Now, I have no hesitation in stating that, after very careful and repeated examinations, I have fully satisfied myself that the motions of this family of fresh-water Algae are entirely independent of any 42 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. electrical influence ; of any current in the fluid in which they are placed; or of any effort to recover their straight position. The movements, in fact, have very much the appearance of being spontaneous; an Opinion in which I am pleased to find that Cap- tain Carmichael fully concurs. The' late Captain Carmichael devoted his attention for many years to the investigation of marine and fresh-water Algae, and his opinions upon this subject are consequently entitled to the highest respect. “ Many of the larger Oscillator/lice, if carefully examined, may be seen to move in various direc- tions—sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left, sometimes slowly, sometimes briskly. I have, however, never perceived in them anything like an effort to recover the straight position which is con- sidered natural to them. On the contrary, they may often be observed to bend gradually, so as to form a very considerable curve; return again to the straight position; and then bend in an Opposite direction. They have also a progressive motion; and two filaments, lying side by side, may frequently be seen advancing in opposite directions on the field of a microscope. This progressive motion, in all probability, is effected by means of cilia, although I have not hitherto been able to detect them. 43 RIVER GARDENS ; “ Of the correctness of these facts any one may readily convince himself by examining, with a little attention, fresh specimens of any of the larger Oscillatoriw. “ The evidence which I have adduced on this subject is sufficient, I presume, to prove the fal- lacy of Dr. Hassall’s views. “ Closely allied to the Oscillator-ice is the genus Spirillum, the motions of which are equally re- markable. Some time ago I met with one which may, possibly, be new, as I do not find it to agree altogether with any species described either by Dr. Hassall, or any author to which I have been able to refer. It comes nearest to Spirillum Jenner/13 ; but Dr. Hassall has not seen that species with more than eight or ten spiral coils; while the specimens I am alluding to have often fifty or sixty spires, and occasionally nearly 100. “ I have usually found it mixed with various species of Oscillatorice. Its motions are occasionally very active, and are very like those of the larger Oscillatomlae, except that, in advancing across the field of the microscope, the movement is distinctly Spiral. I have also very often seen two of them entwine with each other, and thus present a beau- tiful chain or cable-like appearance.” ‘ 4A: OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. After the reading of the foregoing paper, it was remarked by Professor Balfour that the motions in question might be the result of the growth of the cells of the plant; but Dr. Lankester considered them en- tirely owing to the proteinaceous protaplasm within the cell, a matter which, both in plants and ani- mals, is known to possess a contractile power. It was the source of the movements in the Proto- pkg/ta and Protozoa, and might be regarded as containing the essential elements of a nervous and muscular system. So far Dr. Lankester’s argument agrees with the theory of Professor Knowles; but he omitted to state whether he con- sidered the movements voluntary or not, so that this interesting physiological question is still an open one. It will be seen, from these observations, that the . keeping of an Aquarium should always be accompa- nied by the possession of a micros00pe, with the aid of which it is evident that an abundant, curious, and instructive course of investigation need never flag, while the inmates of the tank are kept in that flou- rishing condition, which a prOper attention to the principles upon which it is founded cannot fail to secure. CHAPTER V. ; / % THE MOLLUSCA AND THE FISH. W-EHEN the plants are well established, ‘ :‘I pr: the water not forming the slightest ’- ' scum, and the tank furnished with three or four common Pond Snails to consume any decaying vegetation - that may occur, and keep down the ~ growth of the confervae which would cover the glass, and render the spectacle of its inmates imperfect, then the Aquarium is ready for the reception of the fish; which, from their grace- ful forms and agile and pleasing movements, are always the greatest favourites. Previously to describing the fish most suitable for our purpose, we may derive some entertainment and instruction from the examination of the family of shell-bearing mollusca of our fresh waters, whose ser- vices as scavengers are so important in the circle of compensating principles, upon which the establish- ment of the Aquarium is founded. The common Pond 46 RIVER GARDENS, ETC. Snail alone has been found to fulfil these functions with great completeness, but as variety of form is a great desideratum when it is sought to render an Aquarium an ornamental object, several other kinds of fresh-water mollusca may be added. The Trumpet Snail, with its flat coiled form, similar, in miniature, to that of the giant Ammonites, so remarkable among the shells of a former epoch of the world’s natural history, will, for instance, form a pleasing contrast to the sharp spiral of the shell of the I/o'mneus pereger, or small Mud Snail. Then there is the beautiful though. common Marsh Shell, Paladina vivipam, and its relative, Paladinw achatina, both of which would be ornamental as well as useful. These species only attack the small decaying portions that fall from the plants, or the minute confervoid growth that attaches itself to the glass. But some . other species are very destructive to the plants themselves. Among these the larger Mud Shell, Lymneus stagnalz’s, is most voracious in an Aqua- rium, and a couple of them would soon clear it of its little forest of aquatic vegetation. Some of our bivalves of the fresh-water Mussel tribe may be added, for variety of form, though it is not yet ascertained whether they are useful as cleansers. Among these the Swan Mussel (Anodon cygneus) is 47 RIVER GARDENS ; interesting on account of its large size and agree- ably tinted semi-transparent shells. The British Pearl Mussel (Alasmodon margaritiferus) might also be introduced. Pearls are occasionally found in all the fresh-water Mussels, but most frequently in the last-named species, being generally caused by the accidental presence of some small irritating substance within the shell, which cannot be ex- pelled, and which is therefore coated with layers of the same substance as that which forms the nacreous lining of the shell itself. The artificial introduction of such substances has been tried with success, but not with sufficient certainty of result to be of any commercial importance. The pearl fishery in some of our British streams was, however, at one time followed with such perseverance as, no doubt, rendered the trade in them to some extent remune- rative, and in the time of the Romans they were sent to Italy in considerable quantities. Anti- quarians have collected many interesting particulars concerning this traffic, which we have only alluded to en passomt. There are many other varieties of I British fresh-water shells which might be intro- duced with advantage into the Aquarium, but I must refer those who would make them a pro- minent feature in the tank, to the beautiful and 48 PLATE IV. \. 'Hw l‘oruh Ll'n'mflumx/I’M}. J ‘l'hc‘lum'll (’l'nm: rub/urn). .1. Th» Hnm‘h (Leurllt'us ruhluu'r. t. The I'ike “\Emr {Imus}. Tn. v Alumnus [Laurisrmyhnnmm). OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. complete works on our British fresh-water shells, such as those of Turton and others. The cleansers having been duly located to keep the apartment in order, like the neokorio of the celebrated temples of Greece, the fish may be introduced. I shall speak of Gold and Silver Fish in a separate place, and commence my description of the British species suited to our purpose with the Perch. (Plate IV., No. 1.) He is a fine fellow, and we should take care to make his acquaintance, and know some- thing about him before requesting his company in the little glass palace to which he is about to be invited. Baron Ouvier, in his great work, has chosen the common Perch as the type of his order: Perm—an honour to which his finely marked charac- teristics fully entitle him. His distinct markings, his strikingly erect dorsal fin, and fine bold movement in the water, early attracted the notice of ancient as well as modern naturalists, and we thus have him accurately described under the name of wepm) (perké) by the great Greek physiologist Aristotle. He was the Perca of the Romans, as Mr. Yarrell tells us in his beautiful work; and his ancient name has been but little mutilated in his modern titles. Pergesa, in Italy; Perscke, in Germany; Perche, in France; and more briefly Perch, in England. 49 E RIVER GARDENS ; This handsome fish is found in nearly all the lakes and rivers of temperate climates, but in the colder regions, towards the north, he becomes rare, and at last disappears. Even in the lochs north of the Forth he is but sparingly found, and entirely wanting in the more remote lochs of Scotland. Yet his distribution is somewhat capricious, for although he is not found in Orkney or Shetland, he is described by Nellson as not infrequent in Scandinavia. The Perch, if not of too large size, in which case he would be dangerous to his neighbours, is exceed- ingly well suited to the Aquarium, both on account of his robust constitution, and his susceptibility of being tamed, to say nothing of his handsome appearance. Mr. Jesse, in speaking of Perch placed in a Vivarium in Bushy Park, says, that after be- coming familiar with their new mode of life, they came up boldly and took worms greedily from the fingers. This fish is, in fact, one of the most fear- less of his tribe, and his rashness often proves his destruction, for he is generally the first prize of the young angler. Perch have been known to breed in small vases, and there is little doubt that they might, with only ordinary care, bring up a nume- rous family in a well-managed Aquarium. They are so hardy that they live for many hours out of water, 50 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. and revive when put in again without appearing to have sustained much injury. In Catholic countries, indeed, where fresh fish is much more prized than with .us, fine Perch are often brought to market and exposed for some hours on Open stalls, upon a little damp moss, and if not sold, taken back, and put into the pond again. The Perch frequently attains four pounds in weight, or even more. Donovan, in his “ History of British Fishes,” says they have been taken from Bala Lake weighing five pounds; and it is stated by Yarrell, that a gentleman residing near Dudley took one six pounds in weight from the Birmingham Canal. Colonel 'Montague re- cords the capture of a Perch of still greater size, stating that one was taken in the Avon, in Wilt. shire, with a night-line baited for a Pike, which weighed eight pounds; dimensions which Pennant’s famous specimen considerably exceeded, the one he records as taken in the Serpentine, weighing nine pounds ! This must have been a magnificent fish; but it is stated by Block that a head of a Perch is pre- served in the Church at Luehlah, in Lapland, mea- ‘ suring near twelve inches from the nose to the gill cover. This, however, must doubtless be the head of some allied species, and not our common Perch; probably the last of some now extinct species. 51 RIVER GARDENS; The colouring of a healthy and well-marked Perch is very striking. The back and upper parts are of a rich olive-brown, variegated by several broad bands of a dark purplish hue. These upper tones pass into rich golden tints, which grow gradually paler till they become nearly white underneath. The ventral, anal, and caudal fins are bright ver- milion, the others, different shades of brown, the dorsal one being marked with a few black spots. Specimens of the Perch are occasionally found nearly white, in ponds impregnated with the par- ticles from particular soils; and they retain this colour even when removed to other waters. A white Perch would form a splendid addition to the Aquarium, but such a prize is but rarely to be met with. It should be observed here that fish placed along with the Perch should be of nearly or quite his own size, as he is terribly piscivorous. I stated, in reference to the Perch, that it was desirable to know something of his character and antecedents before introducing him into the Aqua- rium. The same remark applies in like manner to the other fish recommended for that purpose, as the more we know respecting their habits, qualities, history, etc., the more we shall find them sur- rounded with pleasing and instructive associations, . 52 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. and capable of inspiring many kinds of interest which we should not have dreamt of without some'previous knowledge concerning them. I shall therefore make no apology for appending a brief historical notice to each of the fish about to be described. The Carp is a desirable fish for the Aquarium— perhaps even more so than the Perch, as he is not so voracious; indeed, he seldom attacks fish, living almost entirely upon small aquatic insects or worms, etc. The common Carp, Cypmlmos carpio, was noticed by both Aristotle and Pliny, but was not held in so much estimation by the ancients as by the moderns, especially during the middle ages. The Carp declines in size when removed from the warmer regions of the temperate zones; but he is “ cultivated ” as a table delicacy with much success both in Austria and Prussia, where Carp ponds form an essential feature in rustic economy. An acre of water stored with Carp will, in fact, let for as much as an acre of the richest land. In central Europe, where it is difiicult, indeed nearly im- ' possible, to obtain sea fish, those of the fresh-water are very highly prized, and their‘ growth and various methods of fattening them have been studied with much success. 53 RIVER GARDENS ; From the custom of keeping them in artificial ponds, the great age to which a Carp will live has been frequently noticed, and there are several cases recorded of their living for a 100 and even 150 years. The celebrated tame Carps of the ponds of Fontainebleau are, indeed, said to have been placed there in the reign of Francis 1., which would give them a much greater age. It is said, however, that after a certain time they lose the golden hue of their scales, which assume an ashy tone, by which their advanced age may be known. Mascal claims the credit of having introduced Carp into England, but they were certainly known before this time, if, indeed, in our southern waters they are not indigenous. In the curious book of Dame Juliana Berners, prioress of Sopewell Nun- nery, called the “ Boke of St. Alban’s,” and printed at Westminster in 1496, by Wynkyn de Worde, the Carp is mentioned as “ a deyntous fish 3” and in the privy purse expenses of Henry VIII., for the year 1532, various sums are entered as paid to persons for bringing Carps to the king. The Carp loves sluggish rivers, especially when the bed is formed of soft mud ; but he grows much more freely in some waters than others, without any apparent cause. In Scotland Carp grow very 54 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS slowly, and it is said do not breed at all. They live for a great length of time out of water if kept moist with damp grass or moss, and are often suspended in that way in the dairies in Holland, and fed upon bread and milk, under which treat- ment it is said they fatten very quickly, and the flesh becomes exceedingly delicate. In ponds they feed well on boiled potatoes, and have been known to attain to three pounds in weight as early as their sixth year. They attain, occasionally, a remarkable size even in England, though not so great as in some parts of the Continent. Mr. Ludbrooke, from his park at Gatton, as we are told by Yarrell, presented Lord Egremont with a brace that weighed thirty-five pounds; while at the fishing of a larger piece of water, on another estate, a Carp was found thirty _ inches long, and weighing eighteen pounds. Aristotle calls the Carp ICU'7pr09, which Pliny translates prm'flms, the name by which the genus is still known in scientific natural history. His popular names have, however, for a long period been Carper/0, Oarpo, Karpfen, Cowpe, or Carp. It is said that the Carp was originally introduced from Persia, and became distributed in EurOpe by degrees. 55 RIVER GARDENS ; I have mentioned the fine Carp in the ponds at the Chateau of Fontainebleau; and M. Orbigny* men- tions others as fine, and probably of as great age, at Chantilly and Pontchartrain. The Carp in the Dniester and Volga attain to a very large size, not infrequently weighing as much as seventy pounds. The Crucian Carp, prrinus curassia, by the French termed Oarpe camssin, and in Sweden, Oarussa or meuclze, is another species, generally of inferior size, which is well suited to the Aquarium; as is likewise another distinct species, the Prussian Carp, prrimus gibelio, which is a very hardy fish, and it is said will live for thirty hours out of water. Our old favourites, the Gold and Silver Fish, are of the Carp family (Cg/primes carat/Ms), but I shall speak of them separately in another place. The Tench (Plate IV., No. 2,) is also easy to keep in a moderately sized glass tank. His fine deep bronze tones, touched here and there with a sparkle of gold at the edge of the scales, as though brightened by his passage through the water, give to him a richness of hue that produces a good effect among the foliage of the tank; while his small and delicate scaling forms a remarkable con- trast to the large horny scales of the Carp. In the 9“ See Hist. Nat. vol. iii. 56 V OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. Aquarium at the Zoological Gardens there are several Tench, which appear to enjoy themselves as well as in their native ponds. They generally lie near the bottom, as though in a dreamy and pleasing abstraction, but if too closely watched glide myste- riously away and disappear, taking advantage of some deep shadow, or projecting stone, or tuft of Valisneria. Like the Carp family, the Tench is very tenacious of life. ”Daniel, in his “ Rural 5*» Sports,” mentions a curious example of this tenacity under very peculiar circumstances. A pond had been filled up for many years, when it became necessary to clear away the ground below the depth of the former pond. On the last portions being re- moved, it was found that the mud at the bottom had never thoroughly dried, and there were a few holes imperfectly filled by the rubbish, which still con- tained a small quantity of water. In these cavi- ties several Tench of large size were found in per- fect health. Their habit of hybernating in the mud having made this long interment only appear, it would seem, like a somewhat unusually long winter. Under the roots of a buried tree a larger hole than the rest contained rather more water, and in this an immense Tench was found, which had grown to the form of the hollow which had so long been his 57 RIVER GARDENS; prison, and could not be removed till the roots were cut away. This singularly shaped creature was perfectly healthy, and remained so after being re- moved to an ordinary pond, where he continued to flourish at the time that Daniel wrote his account of the circumstance, which was some years after the removal of the monster Tench to his new abode. The Tench is a good table fish, but is sometimes unpleasantly flavoured by the presence in the pond of some rank weed. This kind of susceptibility is, however, very capricious; for occasionally Tench, which were positively stained black by the mud of the waters in which they have been bred, have been found perfectly sweet, while those taken in much more favourable situations have had a muddy or earthy taste, which is a very common objection to the flesh of the Tench. This forms no obstacle, however, to the adoption of the Tench as an inmate of the Aquarium, and only refers to his eligibility for the fryingpan or gridiron. The Roach, Leuciscus rutilus (Plate IV., No. 3), is a very pretty fish. His white scales glisten like silver, against which the bright red fins are seen to great advantage, giving him that bright, sparkling, healthy appearance which perhaps led to the saying, “as sound as a roach.” This may have 58 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. arisen, however, from his French name, Roche, that is, rock ; and “ sound. as a rock ” may possibly have been the original form of the saying. But as the Italians have a proverb, “somo come él pesoa” (sound as a fish), it seems that we may leave the English form of the same idea, “ sound as a roach,” undisturbed, for it is certain that he always looks positively gleaming with bright fresh health; the vivid orange circlet of the eye and the ruddy fins tending to increase that pleasing impression. Roach of from a quarter to half a pound are considered by the angler fine fish, quite above the usual run; but Pennant refers to Roach of five pounds in weight. Jesse states that the largest ever taken in the Thames weighed three pounds; and old Izaak Walton tells us, in his quaint way, that he considered a Roach of two pounds worthy of . “ particular attention.” The Pike (Plate IV., No.41), may be added to the Aquarium without danger, if space should allow; but he must be a small specimen, not much larger than the Roach, or the latter would stand but little chance of exhibiting his personal charms for a very lengthened period. The Perch, the Carp, the Tench, and the Pike should, in fact, be selected of as nearly the same size as possible. Taking away 59 RIVER GARDENS; the Pike and Perch, the others would agree well together, of almost any size, as they are not vora- cious—at all events in a fish-devouring way—and are content with much smaller prey. If, however, variety be sought—and certainly the elongated figure of the Pike and the fine dorsal battlement of the Perch add greatly to the diversity of the forms and characters of a group of fish in an Aquarium—then the caution just put forth must be carefully observed. The Barbel (Barbus vulgaris), a name sug- gested by his seeming beard, will also do well in confinement; but he is rather a clumsy-looking fish, and also somewhat sluggish in his movements. He is represented, though upon a very small scale, in Plate I. Jesse mentions Barbel among the fish kept in the Vivarium in Bushy Park, stating that they were the strongest and most un- tameable of all the kinds. In spring, however, when they could perceive no one watching them, they would sometimes roll about and rub them- selves against the brickwork, in many playful gambols. In the Thames they sometimes attain the weight of fifteen pounds. They become quite torpid in winter, sheltering themselves under some projecting bank, or sometimes under the lee-side of 60 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. a stationary barge, where they occasionally congre- gate in large numbers, lying one over the other. This state of torpidity becomes so complete in the depth of the winter, that they may be taken by the hand without making any attempt to escape. The Flounder may be placed either in a fresh or salt water tank, as he frequently ascends our rivers, sometimes not finding his way back to the sea. His singular action in swimming is so distinct from that of the kinds of fish more frequently observed, that it forms an agreeable variety in the Aqua- rium. It is from its peculiar action when swimming, near the bottom, that the Swedes give this fish the name Flzmdra, from which the English name is derived. Another kind of swimming action may be ex- hibited by the introduction of an Eel or two to the ~ collection, care, however, being taken not to over- stock the colony; for it is said that two small fish and as many aquatic plants are enough for each gallon of water. The sharp-nosed Eel (Anguilla acutorostris), and the broad-nosed species (A. lati- rostm's), are equally common. Both belong to the Lamprey tribe, Cuvier’s Murwnidce, or eel-shaped fishes. The specimens selected should be small, as large ones have been known to devour small-sized 61 RIVER GARDENS ; Gold fish. They are torpid in winter ; and it is their habit to make their way to the sea to spawn towards August, when they will leave the ponds and travel for miles over the meadows to reach their desti- nation. At the time that the young fry ascend the rivers towards the fresh waters, vast shoals of them have sometimes been observed. The passage of young Eels up the Thames at that season, as Yarrell informs us, is an extraordinary sight. Above 1800 per minute, averaging about three inches long, have been known to pass a given point. This passage of the young Eels, says the same writer, is called Eel Fare, from the old Saxon word, to travel, or pass. From this migratory habit it is evident that at a certain season the pet Eel will escape from the Aquarium, and most likely come to some un- timely end, unless the requisite precautions be taken. Among the smaller kinds of fish, I have tried the Loach, or Beardie (006615219 barbatula), in an Aquarium, and found the species bear confinement well. It would be worth while to observe very carefully the movements of this little fish, as it is said that by them the changes in the weather may be ascertained as readily as by a weather-glass. At certain periods I have, indeed, noticed that it 62 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. becomes restless; and its p0pular name, Loach, or Loche, is derived from the French verb locker, to be uneasy. A continental species, the lake Loche, is in an old naturalist’s miscellany termed the Ther- mometmm 2273mm, ; and it is certain that they are ex- tremely sensitive to atmospheric changes, as thunder frequently kills them. The Loach is not altogether solitary in this extreme sensitiveness to change of weather, for the Gold Carp frequently die in large numbers during thunder-storms; and Lobsters, as Pennant tells us, sometimes cast their claws at a loud clap of thunder. It has also been observed that the high swimming fish are less aficected by electric changes than those that swim near the bottom. ' The Loach, considered by us as an utterly insig- nificant fish, is considered a choice table delicacy in Sweden, where it was naturalized by Frederic I. as a table delicacy. The Gudgeon (Gobio fluvialis) holds a more con- spicuous place among our smaller native fishes. The tones of purplish green which decorate his back are very pleasing, and, in some individuals, of remarkable richness, and he occasionally attains the length of - eight inches, though seldom exceeding four. Three or more should be kept, if any, as they are accustomed to swim in shoals, and a phalanx of 63 RIVER GARDENS ; these little fish swimming about the Aquarium, in company, produce a pleasing effect. The Miller’s-thumb, or Bull-head, would form a curious and interesting object in the Aquarium, but that he has the habit of concealing himself under stones or any other shelter he can find. In Switzerland children watch for them and spear them as they attempt to dart from the shelter of one stone to that of another. It is considered deli- cate food in Italy, as we are told by Rosso ; and in Russia it is used as a charm against fever. The Minnow, Leuciscus pkoxinus (Plate IV., Nos. 5 and 6), is one of the very smallest of British fish, but he is a very elegant little fellow; His motions, are sprightly and agile in the extreme, and when the sun shines upon the tank in which he is placed, the fresh olive-green of his back shading to silvery white beneath, has a very glittering effect as he darts playfully about. In summer the white por- tion of the body is delicately tinted with rose colour, which has doubtless given to him one of his popular names, the Pink. The name Minnow, however, or, more correctly, Minim, is no doubt derived from the Latin word minimus, as he is, in fact, one of our smallest fresh-water fishes. But there is one native genus of still smaller dimensions, 64 OR, THE HOME-CULTURE OF FRESH-WATER PLANTS. the Gasterosteus, or Stickleback, Whose habits are so interesting that it would be well worth While to assign a tank especially to his service; and in that feeling I shall devote an entire chapter of this little book to his history. 65 F ,.~ 73/] CHAPTER VI. / / STICKLEBACKS AND THEIR NEST- < " “"“ BUILDING. OME of the pleasantest associations, ;bound up with the recollections of my ,, 1;; P backs. All the scenes of those days of § \ '1. :‘O/ sunshine are still green in my memory, /é/‘\