ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ENERGY TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, INC » BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT APPENDIX A (MAP VOLUME) NOTE TO REVIEWERS This volume contains all of the major maps which support the text of the EIS. It is not expected that changes will be made on these maps between the publication of the draft EIS and final EIS. At this time there are no plans to reprint«this map volume for the final EIS. Do not throw this map volume away as additional copies will not be available for distribution with the final EIS. MILEPOST AND PUMP STATION CODE Mileposts and pump stations were coded in relation to distance or sequential location and in relation to the alternative involved. Basic identifica— tion codes were established as follows: Proposed action Market alternative Cypress Bend pipeline — barge alternative Colorado alternative Independence lateral Boyce lateral New Roads - Wilton lateral North Antelope slurry gathering line North Rawhide slurry gathering line Niobrara Co. water line Oahe water line Crook Co. water line Combinations of codes P, M, and B were then used at mileposts and pump stations that were common to more than one route. Lateral mileposts and pump stations were further coded by following the combination code with I, B, or NW in :- parentheses. Initial milepost numbers were established for the proposed action, starting at 0 at Jacobs Ranch and concluding with 1404 at Lake Charles. Milepost numbers for the unique portions of the market and barge alternatives, through Kansas and Oklahoma, went sequentially from 0 to 512.5. The milepost numbers for the Independence, Boyce, New Roads — Wilton, and Baton Rouge laterals also started with O at the points where they branched from the main-line. Pump station numbers were selected to run in order from Milepost 0 at Jacobs Ranch. Examples of the adopted code follow: Milepost PMB—373.9 — This designation indicates that this is a common milepost to the proposed action, market alternative, and barge alternative 373.9 miles downstream from Jacobs Ranch. Milepost PM(NW)—75.6 —— This designation indicates that this milepost is on the New Roads — Wilton lateral off the proposed action and market alternative main line a distance of 75.6 miles. Milepost C—100 — This designation indicates that this milepost is on the Colorado alternative 100 miles from Jacobs Ranch. Milepost MB-200 — This designation indicates that this milepost is on the market alternative — Cypress Bend pipeline—barge alternative alignment 200 miles downstream from where these lines deviate from the proposed action at the Nebraska-Kansas border. Pump Station P—Z — This designation indicates that this is the second main—line pump station and that it is unique to the proposed action. Pump Station PMB-9 — This designation indicates that this is the ninth mainline pump station and that it is at the same location for the proposed action, market alternative, and Cypress Bend pipeline-barge alternative. Pump Station PM(B)—1 — This designation indicates that this is the first pump station for the Boyce lateral, which is a lateral common to the proposed action and the market alternative. \ fly‘ ‘\ ‘. v iv 7‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ fi.‘ \1 North 'awhie» al \ . 5; (.‘x LIN/n; (fr/y Prepara-\"on4?|anty . 1 \ A \‘ ( / c /‘ X “ / ‘ wt??? .- // ’3 49‘ ‘\ (./ Mo‘brapaWater S /’ I 9 \ ‘ + i ./ \ \ x) // ”Preparation Pla .7 .- . 7 W e / \r . / .\ nL /’\/' P a ,6 - \ " ' L\ ' \Tfig/X : ‘ - fiatNeCW 195x811 / . - /\ .5“ {_ , >, , . -, , 5 , \ .3 \ 'P MAP"), /— e l , 1 , ‘0 4‘ ‘K PP'Y'SMSfe 4&1» I;\o" 1 / \6 . r \ .\ *‘t‘pW I ‘ ov‘. 3 ,3 v.9 o _/ ‘ . INDEX TO INCLUSlVE MILEAGE ON STRIP MAPs Map A-2. NR 0 - NR 45 Map A-22. PMBil) 46 - PMB(I) 93 Map A-40. MB 364 - MB 427 Map A-3. NR 37 - PMB 49 Map A-23. PMB 1006 - PMB 1069 Map A41. MB 410 - MB 472 Map A4. PMB 45 - PMB 106 Map A-24. PMB 1061 - PM 1126 Map A-42. c 42 - c 103 MapA-5. PMB 101 -PMB 162 MapA-25. PM1110—PM 1170 MapA-43. C100-C160 Map A-6 PMB 158 - PMB 221 Map A-26. PM 1166 - PM 1228 Map A44. c 153 - c 220 Map A-7. PMB 216 - PMB 284 Map A-27. PM 1267 - PM 1206 Map A45. c 205 - c 266 Map A5. PMB 279 - PMB 342 Map A-28. PM 1319 - PM 1257 Map A46. 0 260 - c 320 Map A-9. PMB 339 - P 401 Map A-29. PM 1355 - PM 1303 Map A47. c 316 - c 377 Map A-10. P 394 - P 454 Map A-30. PM 1404 - PM 1350 Map A48. c 373 - c 434 Map A-11. P447 - P508 Map A-31. PMlB) 24- PMlB) 0, Map A49. C428 - 0490 Map A_12_ P 507 - P 568 PMlNW) 0 - PM(NW) 27 Map A_50_ c 482 _ c 543 Map A-13. P 561 - P 628 Map A'32' mm” 27 ' ”mm 99 Map A-51. c 535 - c 596 Map A_14_ P 623 _ P 684 Map A-33. PM(NW) 86 - PMlNW) 141.5 Map A51 3 28 _ B 805 Map A-15. P 672 - P 740 Map A‘34' "'3 ‘9 ' ""3 8‘ Map A53. N 46 - N 67.5 Map A-16. P 725 - PMB 786 M3” ”“35 MB 76 ' MB ‘37 Map A54. cc 42.7 - cc 0 Map A-17. P759-P835 M‘PA'36- MB 134'“ ‘95 Map A55. 049-00 Map A-18. P 831 - P 901 Map A'37- "'3 ‘92 ' MB 252 Map A56. 0103 - o 42 ' Map A-19. P 897 - PMB 959 Map A‘38- MB 248 ' "‘3 3°9 Map A57. 0 163 - o 98 Map A-2o. PMB 956 - PMB 1018 ”'39 A‘39- "“3 3°6 ' MB 367 Map A58. 0 230 - o 158 Map A-21. PMB(I) o - PMBlI) 51 Map A59. 0 276 - o 225 /. \\ /)< .\\ fl: » f / )'\ ) /\\ ‘ p1: \\.\),o':°u/ '<‘ '9 l ’ / V\ f Pdfi'éi‘ei‘tv pal“ . $ 0» ‘ :.«°9+‘€r>° /x\ o'y‘.\,- + ‘ , 9 «xx ‘1 \ “ ,.r’ 4 - *f .-Mu age D liver-y Terminal/ \ ’/ “Hunk/SA ( 1*” x)». ." “ ‘\‘ ‘ \ / In ,« ~ ,/ ,/\ /_ i» A 1‘ ’o\ ,. / <°/’ \ ,o . w” y/ ., v. x 4;. ‘ my we“ [ALTWWZE' . , 1‘ 0+ / ‘ 4 \3 an // 0 50 100 150 329 miles . Ls; LEGEND V” Slurry Gathering Line ; Proposed Action -~-- - — -— --Market Alternative _ _ _ _ _ Pipeline-Barge Alternative -------------Colorado Alternative ,_- —--—-~~—~-—--—--—Water Gathering Line .M .\‘ 3" -\* ,“l r‘ a ,1 5.3" .2; v " u 3‘ (SWEEP-85:33?" goaclwugg » P Q 66‘ ~ ail-15%?» \/ Data shown on the following maps does not represent a commitment by y the Department of the Interior to Lease or otherwise foster development of any or all tracts. INDEX FOR APPENDIX MAPS A-2 TH ROUGH A-59 See Map A-59 See Map ‘A-54 LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. 67 * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant — ....__ Water Gathering Line % Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line Map A-2. NR 0 - NR 45 5 4 3 s b 2 m 1 0 t n e m m. e .w V mm a.“ Mm Sm ML flL e 3 LM mm e e an an mm mm mm fim Ud 8.0 BA NA M S L F B I Delivery Terminal _ Proposed Action n .w d t d m i S W D. a w W P t s w m .m m 0 e c m 9 C .m e t t .5 u X 0 E R O O O O o 0 0 P8 0 O O O — o -— Market Alternative II - I- - - - - Colorado Alternative - _— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative / ‘ , w ancé Coal sm L J‘\\ LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — ..._-— Water Gathering Line - Preparation Plant * Microwave Station g Note: 233.2125"..ng 42$: 3e U . . . . the map scale. — P (R roposed Action Transmassnon LIne - Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management -— o — Market Alternative 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 - . Well Fie'd FS National Forest Service miles I I- - - - - - Colorado Alternative Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative O Pump Station Map A-3. NR 37 - PMB 49 See Map A-53 Wm xx. , N ix em , 2mg ,,, \/ \; s aw LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. § miles * Microwave Station - Preparation Plant — ----—— Water Gathering Line @= Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line BLM Bureau of Land Management I Delivery Terminal _ Proposed Action Administered Lands 0 o o o o o o 0 o 0 Existing Corridor — o — Market Alternative FS National Forest Service Administered Lands . Well Field Route Code/Milepost - - — - II- - - Colorado Alternative Map A-4. PMB 45- PMB 106 . Pump Station - — II Pipeline-Barge Alternative {47¢ («m/2" u N ’ o n ,_ / \‘LJ/ ix/ '1 ,« “yr: ,E l, {/l ’ § \ /, MW 0:” , 1'5 LEGEND __ Slurry Gathering Line — "u—— Water Gathering Line ' Microwave Station Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. — Pro ed Action ®= - - - p05 Transmnssaon Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management —— o — Market Alternative 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands M I - - - - - - Colorado Alternative p . . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles 80 Route Code/Mllepost Administered Lands . Pump Station Map A-5. PMB 101 - PMB 162 I- —- - Pipeline-Barge Alternative v y , >sz / @wfiafi: r l \ v LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant —"--——- Water Gathering Line Slurry Gathering Line BLM Bureau of Land Management - Delivery Terminal ®= Transmission Line _ Proposed Action Administered Lands 0 o o o o o 0 o 0 0 Existing Corridor — o — Market Alternative miles FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Map A-6 PMB 158 - PMB 221 . Pump Station m .m F w w t m m M / m C m U 0 R Pm I - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - _ II Pipeline-Barge Alternative / J / "”ng \CN . LEGEND -— Slurry Gathering Line — -- —-- — Water Gathering Line ' * Microwave Station Note: Tracts less .than 40 acres are usually omitted because of . . . . the map scale. Proposed Action Transmnssron Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — o — Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 - . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles .- - - - - - — Colorado Alternative 8'; Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - -_ - Pipeline-Barge Alternative 0 Pump Station Map A-7, PMB 216 - PMB 284 ,4 3’? q: ) 004 2, LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line _ Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative I - - - - - I Colorado Alternative - -— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative —---—°-— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o 0 o 0 Existing Corridor p 80 Route Code/Milepost I Preparation Plant I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station \,_ " " "f '~‘ King. * ' 2:1,, f: L \‘Q’ * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. 2 3 Map A-8. PMB 279 - PMB 342 See Map A-34 LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — ----—— Water Gathering Line ' * Microwave Station y Nate: Isrflgffylisriigi'é (3:23;: 3:8 the map scale. Proposed AWO” ®= Transmission Line - Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management _ . . . Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 —— . — Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 Exrsting Corridor b—J—g—‘g - - - - - - -C l ad Alternative . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles 0 0" ° 8% Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative 0 Pump Station Map A-9. PMB 339 - P 401 See Map A-34 2‘ 7i firkfififii Slurry Gathering Line — . . _..— water Gathering Line ' Microwave Station g Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are \ usually omitted because of _ Pro ed Act’on 6% ' ' ' the map scale. pos I Transmission Line - Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — ° — Market Alternative 0 0 o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor Adm'mmred Lands 0 1 2 3' 4 5 - . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles I - - - - - - Colorado Alternative Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A40. P 394 _ P 454 R21W See Map A-51 ' ~"\\_, /’ ~, /‘f L\ ‘ V X . ‘ W39?“ ’0 (.5/ Slurry Gathering Line — ----—-— Water Gathering Line - Preparation Plant * Microwave Station Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are g usually omitted because of _ P d Act' (I? ' ' ' the map scale. ropose Ion Transmission Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — 0 — Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 ' . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles I - - - - — - C°'°rad° Alternat've 8'; Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands II _ - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-11. P447 - P508 / \ ((l/ n [0 \ LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line _ Proposed Action —— o -— Market Alternative - I- I- - I- - - Colorado Alternative II _ - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — ----——— Water Gathering Line (g Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o 0 0 0 Existing Corridor p 80 Route Code/Milepost I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station BLM FS Microwave Station Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands National Forest Service Administered Lands 2 3 miles Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A-12. P 507 - P 568 LEGEND — Slurry Gathering Line "' l u 37 43%: ~ ‘ ,1}; ~ . . / y ,,< ‘/ ‘o , .1» Vaclav ,1 , 1") Q ‘90 1550‘" "cl ‘ , x/(n _ Proposed Action _ o — Market Alternative - - - - - I- - Colorado Alternative - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — --—--—- Water Gathering Line (1)'= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost . Preparation Plant - Delivery Terminal . Well Field O Pump Station * Microwave Station Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 l———‘—-l-—_I—_.L—_J FS National Forest Service miles Administered Lands Map A-13. P 561 - P 628 R2E FHE R1W R2W R3W LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant - -—---— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands I Delivery Terminal 0 o o o o o o 0 0 0 Existing Corridor _ Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative 5 m m e .m mm Sm mL mm Fm a.“ mm im md NA S F m .w F a W Route Code/Milepost - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative Map A-14. P 623 - P684 O Pump Station In —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action _ o — Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative —--—--— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line 0 o o o o 0 o o 0 0 Existing Corridor P 80 Route Code/Milepost - Preparation Plant - Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station y‘"\/x‘:~ ‘ x x \ / N. * BLM FS d, r . '~< .. 13A?!" , 5 Microwave Station Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands National Forest Service Administered Lands R7E l L, ’ 5 “ “é“ ’ 9‘1“: @W.’ \r\5$ /' r“D ‘ih, a ,m Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A-15. P 672 - P 740 See Map A-39 R12E R13E LEGEND ' ' .— . . _.._ ' ' ' ' ' Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are Slurry Gathering Line Water Gathering LIne - Preparation Plant * Microwave Statlon ® usually omitted because of - the map scale. Proposed Action Transmission Line - Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — o -— Market Alternative 0 o 0 0 o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.___..5 - . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative 8% Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-16. P 725 - PMB 786 A-39 / ‘l \3’ J, ‘ g \, O K b "/7 ‘2. K — 0 N « 4 \V ‘5‘ J/3 w _ \ r~ -\ '1 \ Q e5? *\ * r 3 3 v’ ‘ _\. 2// I‘\ UQ‘. ‘ \~< ; a\ \ < a“? a ('9 V \ ‘q/ a W k 1 i ) 5 ‘ J v“ \3 .y )L \ :3 (4’ Y) // \‘ / \i ‘- r" T?‘ ~ 5“ K J \M \ I 5 1*) b ;\ c «l “1 \ J / ~’§ 0'; n ,4 / i l / 1/ ° YL‘x ‘ C’ “1 . ‘ ”’g. 3 - J ’ x A.) 2 I. ‘ .o r o q t ‘/ 760 ‘ « Ive" \ :0 V v]: a u 81 - \ OHH‘H o o o \n \ x - c A ‘ ." ’,\ O P L , ve‘o \ «5 \n - “N“ E /\/\UII” LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — ----—-— Water Gathering Line CD= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor — Proposed Action —- - -— Market Alternative - - — - - II II Colorado Alternative P 80 Route Code/Milepost - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative \ ’\ , \3‘\< ,_\ fl t “ f" /‘r / ‘l 7 r )i ; (€K*/'\ _ I r» \ 4‘ / ' k //_' é Q’l, A; A g e, , I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station K ‘3 ‘7’? - ,. x - <\\/ ?//?\13\\( \‘2 ‘f’ 1%? R22E v’\ s v I < \ 6?- 5 \' T A; A 18 -—A ._ _ / N O ‘ e . so See l Map / / / ' A41 V f \‘o ‘~ 'i T 4 35’ 17 / N L \ k V S’ Q “L t / D ‘0 A X . °o \ 0&9/ T 16 N (04“ ¢ , 0‘ r / ,, I T 15 N * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. 2 3 4 5 miles Map A-17. P 759 - P 835 R18E R19E , 9* 13"" WW " “‘ Y . \‘J \ rm ‘ m4 1 \ < ‘ A”, :- “L " Q ‘ a” l‘ \ I 2 ‘ \ J \3‘ ° _ : f‘ifga’ ' aetifi \ r. v‘ LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — --—— Water Gathering Line _ Proposed Action CD= Transmission Line — - — Market Alternative 0 0 o o o 0 o 0 o o E ting C d I II - - - - - Colorado Alternative 8% Route Code/Milepost - _ - Pipeline-Barge Alternative Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. * Microwave Station w BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands . Pump Station Map A-18. P 831 - P 901 ozAR See ‘ ‘ \ ~ ‘ r - A V \L ‘ ‘ ' L I 3 p w ' ’1 ’ ~L ,, . V I ; “ ‘aana'gF‘GOD? Map , ‘ 4‘“ , V “ _ ; - ,” ' v , L: s _ ‘ ~ ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ ' V , V “ T A-41 ’ « , , , 11 antain Tlp ,_‘>‘]‘>_ Hu- 2 z ( .24 '7 usorv , f7“: _‘ , . 18/ Elm C? R24 Scranton ‘ \\f;elgrc LEGEND _ I ' — - o —- - — I I - ' ' Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are Slurry Gatherlng Llne Water Gathering Line I Preparation Plant * Microwave Station : usually omitted because of @= the map scale. Proposed Action Transmission Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management —— o — Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 - . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles - - - - — - - Colorado Alternative Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - — II Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-19. P 897 - PMB 959 LEGEND -—-—- Slurry Gathering Line _ Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - —_ III Pipeline-Barge Alternative — ----—-— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor p 80 Route Code/Milepost I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station BLM FS Microwave Station Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands National Forest Service Administered Lands See Map A-23 Note: Map A-20. Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. PMB 956 - PMB 1018 e l? 54 \ ”Om/[9,, \\/’“l":' y‘. ‘»\\ 4; kg; 333%,, Q ' (IL/K Wrm\\°11nu M 5 ‘ :5; 31490 9 w' 0:] M 15 OW’g’” LEGEND —— Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - — - - - Colorado Alternative - ——I - Pipeline-Barge Alternative -— --——--— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line 0 o o I o o o I o 0 Existing Corridor I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station 8% Route Code/Milepost Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 FS National Forest Service miles Administered Lands Map A-21. PMB(|) 0 — PMBH) 51 743g”) A”, o/ LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative —--—---— Water Gathering Line @-= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost I Preparation Plant I Delivery Terminal . Well Field 0 Pump Station * BLM FS Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Microwave Station Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 National Forest Service miles Administered Lands Map A-22. PMB(|) 46 - PMB(|) 93 / ,, .3.» o LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station ion Plant I Preparat —---"—- Water Gathering Line Slurry Gathering Line 5 4 35 M 2m 1 0 t n e m m. e .m 3 math. Mm Sm .mL flL e a d Lm cow fe e on In .I a.lu mm mm mm fim ud ad BA NA M S L F B .Io .m m r e T M Y .nl. a F .W H a e D w t s e r m m m .. n .m m .w o e m w. m m n e 5 .U f. n .5 u m x o T E R . O O O o 0 0 P8 0 O O I —— Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative Map A-23. PMB 1006 - PMB 1069 O Pump Station - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative H3151. See Map A-52 0‘ >\"‘ kg! 26 LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant -- ---—— Water Gathering Line ®== Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line BLM Bureau of Land Management I Delivery Terminal — Proposed Action Administered Lands 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor — o — Market Alternative miles . Well Field FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Route Code/Milepost - - - - III - - Colorado Alternative Map A-24 PMB 1061 - PM 1126 . Pump Station - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative ’ . . S x/ r , 8 \ , / \ , J n 4 call x w; VIT. m: «zap . /L. '4 V W n w n . WW 1 T r C50 0 C N_.Nx. _ MIN/2,4 4 N. 0033131; , e \X s .. 6 1 T 5 . 1 , RV __ , T {,9 4,2. : s cm . lglrwgmzi \ , azfifiwoeozivi , is , Mtb/Y, +. x _ M a \ _\._ S . 4 1 T 4 , 7., T, ”r U 0., C Y E D S , A .QI. R T B , _ S , 2 M ,V 1 MOST: T O / w ism. .. x S 1 W . L, 3,; .3 Iii S 0 1 T ”464%.4: s .. . N m/ 553?. , “N W. ml. In. ,/, S __ 9 ., 1 a ,, T N. r r M a ,.f ,, ; ,/3 w_.,..&3 o: as: 3 m2? C13 . _ . *7. , . 4 4 < J , ,. S . .f, k S f .. \DD wk LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant — - - —---— Water Gathering Line CD= Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line 5 4 3 2 1 0 t n e m. mfi Mm .mL 3 LM 6 an u.m a.l mm BA M L B Ina Term I Delivery —— Proposed Action 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor — o — Market Alternative . Well Field miles FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Route Code/Milepost I - - I- - - II Colorado Alternative Map A-25. PM 1110- PM 1170 . Pump Station - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative R7E _ _ R4E . A \. AHS .o ,, N A: , a? - A- «A 6 \ AA. \8 c o... .H :0 .w. \ AA A AAVJC . A «A \A _ A AAA, : A .7- rl .‘ AA _. A_ r AA AAA T18N C \ T19N T20N T21N AA 2:9: T22N \_A Elia 3553 r A .. .AA (LAX (A 0 z AAAAAA. : A. >QI :_Z l-rr-u-r-rC um- \ r r- r 233* 2 gram ax A u 2.0:: :o . A .2, . A r- ,. ,2A A A: Mi-leu «- N . .- x n: T AN Ks: _ A.) QumM/Wr . _ A. - ' IMEKLLM. . _ . . . A we 33500 .5 1351.. ZELMA. m. m A .A . m _ a A. A. . . :52 .n . 3% w A A r k a :HC/ 5 or AA -. \ _ H A _. _ no? a E; .33 9 / *3 A \ . X \ 1. .u/ LL A M A. ..,A , AA. 6 , - rr 2: A m A .AA. J-rrrrr-r-Al. . . on. m\ wilt? o .mcwEAmr .r.-r._Al._ s .. u. H m A . \ w AA. A. AA_ \w... a .A/ «52 ,. 1 . fixr/ . w - \-..-. T 0? 0.x A . Hr A > -- u - EPA/Argus? AAA/Ax. 7 *7: A-/ . m \ .. . A A A AA. A A. A A, -r A. A\.tn A0 5.?) [I /K. 6// \ / ’ rrrrr lrlrrrrrrrrr rrlhrm \ .. . Wy/l .7 A .. rrrrr r- A xix AAAJr A A _ A I ‘3 ..\ N. -r 35¢ I. @tiex . {Aid \4 \AW /l/ / J A \ A\ .- L A AA. \ A S A . Lr-r -r A \tflpgx/A 0/ *3! now A n N. \ . wCEQm . rrr rcwthD rim k c _ AN - 0 r iii +r ll r/,- A A. .AA.-. 53. a 24/1 x A <5 :A - .AA-s..- .AA-Amr LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracu less than 40 acres are * Microwave Station ion Plant . Preparat —°'°-—— Water Gathering Line Slurry Gathering Line 8 2 2 1 M P a“ .m A m m 1 m M m D. t l 6 9.. A D. a M 5 4 35 M 2m 0 t n e m m. .m mm 3. Mm Sm .mL “L e mm mm fe Fe om ran wm mm mm fim ud ad BA NA M S L B F d .m m n e .m T rd. 3. v .w t a F An. .W H m a e D W m t s e r m .m o h. L d i n .m m .m o e m m. m m .m e m t t .5 u m x o T E R O O C C 0 . pm . C . O _ Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - - II - Colorado Alternative - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative 'Up’l .} , flu //[~ ‘Kk ,, , 5 I ‘ '1‘ 44/: , LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line _ ...._— Water Gathering Line I Preparation Plant * Microwave Station 9 Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of ' ' ' ' he map scale. — Pro osed Action 6% m t p Trans ISSIOI'l Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — 0 -— Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 ' . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative 8P0 Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-27. PM 1267 - PM 1206 See Map A-31 w nm/ L 2 Pa! W. A,” y l i ,, e ., R4E ( 4 8 ix. \x a a? .~ mega 5“! A: LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station ion Plant - Preparat Line mg — .. —--— Water Gather ®= Transmission Line mg Slurry Gather 5 4 3 2 1 0 t n e m. m$ Mm .ML 3 Lm e an un a.l mm BA M L B - Delivery Terminal Line _ Proposed Action 0 o o o o 0 o o 0 0 Existing Corridor — - — Market Alternative miles FS National Forest Service Administered Lands . Well Field Route Code/Milepost - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative Map A-28. PM 1319 - PM 1257 . Pump Station - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative _ t P‘ E?» :‘L x . _ I y\ I .\ . _ A, _ . My 7. 3.2:: o 5.2%»! V Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Note: Map A-29. PM 1355 - PM 1303 See Map A-32 miles tered Lands tered Lands inis inIs Ad m Adm FS National Forest Service * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management ion Plant ivery Termina O Pump Station I Preparat - Del . Well Field mg Line Line ion ing Corridor Route Code/Milepost — ----—— Water Gather CD= Transm ooooooooooExist Ion ive Slurry Gathering Line - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative II — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative * Proposed ACt — o _ Market Alternat LEGEND LEGEND —— Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - III - - Colorado Alternative - —— III Pipeline-Barge Alternative —---—— Water Gathering Line (1% Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor p 80 Route Code/Milepost I Preparation Plant - Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station * Microwave Station Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 FS National Forest Service miles Administered Lands Map A-30. PM 1404 - PM 1350 See Map A-28 ' l / \ 7, 33,? \ $6? ‘ , o‘ LEGEND see Map A49 -——- Slurry Gathering Line — - - —---- Water Gathering Line I Preparation Plant * Microwave Station N0te= $33335;ng 22:11: 2:6 P d A ' g: T ' ' L' L: the map scale. — ropose ctlon ransmlsswn me I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — o — Market Alternative 0 o o o o o o 0 o 0 Existing Corridor Adm'"'5tered Lands 9____1._?__§_1_E} Well Field - - miles - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative Route Code/Milepost . FS fistfixsltgzzasfiaigglce 80 . Map A-31. PM(B) 24 - PM(B) 0, - — I- Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station PM(NW) 0 - PM(NW) 27 A’J \ 5 ‘L\ \ . I 4 a , Mm: \ e \\ i'r \~\\ ’ ' u \\ l \e i' ‘- \. , ‘\ 1“ BC / 4.3 / \ a . \é—h Slurry Gathering Line _ Proposed Action — a — Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative u 21,. " i 9‘4 e” ‘7/ ’ f‘firlg —-—---— Water Gathering Line (1% Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station BLM FS Microwave Station Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands National Forest Service Administered Lands 2 3 miles 4 Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A-32. PM(NW) 27 - PM(NW) 99 ~ rX». 3:: 2‘ , LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. § miles * Microwave Station - Preparation Plant -— ---—--— Water Gathering Line @= Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line BLM Bureau of Land Management _ Proposed Action - Delivery Terminal Administered Lands 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor III—- 0 — Market Alternative . Well Field FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Route Code/Milepost - - - - - III II Colorado Alternative Map A-33. PM(NW) 86 - PM(NW) 141.5 . Pump Station - —- - Pipeline-Barge Alternative w'o Kg“ R19W R20W R21W < \‘K w \x :m ,, \RSb/X \, , mmm. LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station - Preparation Plant - ~-—-— Water Gathering Line (1% Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line BLM Bureau of Land Management I Delivery Terminal — Proposed Action Administered Lands 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor — o — Market Alternative . Well Field miles FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Route Code/Milepost - - - - II - - Colorado Alternative Map A-34. MB 19 - MB 81 . Pump Station - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative .7 is humil‘” See Map A-51 LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant — ----—— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line BLM Bureau of Land Management I Delivery Terminal — Proposed Action Administered Lands 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor — o — Market Alternative . Well Field Map A-36. MB 134 - MB 195 miles FS National Forest Service Administered Lands . Pump Station Route Code/Milepost - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - ——I - Pipeline-Barge Alternative LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - —— III Pipeline-Barge Alternative — .._..._ Water Gathering Line 6% Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor p 80 Route Code/Milepost - Preparation Plant I Delivery Terminal . Well Field ® Pump Station * Microwave Station Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 b__l___a.__.l_l__l miles FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Map A-37. MB 192 - MB 252 .1? "”7/ ‘ I LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line —— Proposed Action — o -— Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - _ - Pipeline-Barge Alternative , ’7 ‘ . V ,‘ \ . 0 x43 \, \ O -. ‘~ ‘biié’ld‘ MIA“); — - ---—-— Water Gathering Line CD= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor p Route Code/Milepost - Preparation Plant I Delivery Terminal . Well Field 0 Pump Station * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands 2 3 miles 4 Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A-38. MB 248 - MB 309 Q ‘C W ' PU'W,“ V 7"," a}; Qflf '. ' -. r « www‘ifibav M .r . / 4, A» LEGEND —— Slurry Gathering Line _ . . __.. — Water Gathering Line - Preparation Plant * Microwave Station Note: Tracts less _than 40 acres are y usually omitted because of — P ' W ' ' ' the map scale- roposed Action Transmission Lme - Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — . — Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 Existing Corridor . Adm'm‘tered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 - Well Field FS National Forest Service miles - III II - II I- - Colorado Alternatlve 8% Route C ode /Mi|epost Administered Lands .. —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative 9 Pump Station Map A-39 MB 306 - MB 367 LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative .- u- - - - - - Colorado Alternative - —_ - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — --—-— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost I Preparation Plant * Microwave Station I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands . Well Field FS National Forest Service Administered Lands . Pump Station Note: Tracts lees than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A 40. MB 364 - MB 427 Slurry Gathering Line - Preparation Plant I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station — -----—— Water Gathering Line W Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - II - - II II Colorado Alternative Route Code /Mi| epost - -— - PipelineBarge AIternative * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A-41. MB 410 - MB 472 See Map A-3 T32N ‘ >555 Ni“: 8 L LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line _ Proposed Action — o -— Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - _ - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — -—---— Water Gathering Line % Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o 0 o 0 Existing Corridor p 80 Route Code/Milepost - Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station ,1 - ‘E‘i- Microwave Station Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands National Forest Service Administered Lands 2 3 4 5 miles 22-4.; .7 5.31 _ w k; r//- - lu'J'Jr If ‘5’ 1 $2" * i‘ "’ "' Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because oi the map scale. Map A-42. C 42 - C 103 28:21 T19N T20N T21 N T22N J”. 2, ma ll T23N T24N T25N tyww , 7.3:: mi a” . . L I/ 9e 5 u/ , P Czaoo E «5 $228 u» (an usually omitted because of the map scale. Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are Map A-43. C 100 - C 160 _n~3 11., vExAl 66 c2 gist-inane cflwooww V .5:- 54 w L _., +l/4l+l40, w L : Twoivmwt Sc , ll air! lllml (TINA miles Tsaflfli ll+lll in: arelAh “will,” T2GN T27N {Ii}, / _th l/ l ooh 55-: E fl ., 3U T28N Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management . Pump Station . Well Field I Delivery Terminal I Preparation Plant — ....__ Water Gathering Line Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost \ Slurry Gathering Line - —— II Pipeline-Barge Alternative — o — Market Alternative - - - - II I- - Colorado Alternative — Proposed Action LEGEND T11N / T12N T13N T15N T16N T17N T18N T19N T20N LEGEND usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. 67 * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant -- ---—— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line 5 4 3 s h 2 m 1 0 t n e m m e .w "5 vs 3.0 r. Mm am .mL “L e 3 LM mw fe FE 0.“ Us um mm 3.:- I mm .flm Ud 3.0 BA NA M L R. B I Delivery Terminal _ Proposed Action . Well Field — o — Market Alternative :- - - - - - II Colorado Alternative 0-. m m n .m m 0 e c w 9 C .m e t f. .5 u X 0 E R O O O O o 0 0 P8 0 O O 0 Map A-44. C 153 - C 220 O Pump Station - ——- I- Pipeline-Barge Alternative Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — - - Market Alternative - — - - - - - Colorado Alternative - -—II— - PipelineBarge Alternative — ---—-— Water Gathering Line CD== Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o O 0 Existing Corridor p Route Code/Milepost usually omitted because of the map scale. . Preparation Plant * Microwave Station y Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 |—l—I—l—J—.l . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles Administered Lands O Pump Station Map A-45. C 205 - C 266 LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — . — Market Alternative - - - - - - In Colorado Alternative - -——I - Pipeline-Barge Alternative -— -——--—- Water Gathering Line CT: Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o 0 o 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost - Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station * BLM FS Microwave Station Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands National Forest Service Administered Lands Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A—46. C 260 - C 320 R45W R43W R42W \ R41 W \ FMUN R39W \ ' l " N ’ rt) a . K 1 - 3% @911??? S§§fi§§é\\/§\ S‘ ' Rgelwfi flfflfifixflt‘ \, “amt—1x“ $4 M?” wt / ”x q \mn-i th—l LEGEND ' ' —. . . —.._.. _ ' ' ' ' ' Not : Tracts less than 40 acres are Slurry Gathering Line Water Gathering Line * Microwave Station 5 e usuauy omitted because of . the map scale. Proposed Action Transmission Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — . — Market Alternative 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor . Admmmered Lands 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.__.5 - Well Field FS National Forest Service miles - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands Map A-47. C 316 - C 377 - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Slurry Gathering Line — -- —--— Water Gathering Line ' * Microwave Station y New IJSZWY'mfliZ $23.: 2:6 the map scale. I I I I . I _ PTODOSBd AWO“ ®=“‘“ Transmissnon Llne I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management _ _ _ _ Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 — o — Market Alternative 0 o o o o o o o o o Exrstmg Corridor '—'_“—"—‘—_‘ Well Field - ' "m” - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative P . FS National Forest Servrce 80 Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-48. C 373 - C 434 9W » i\. \ My, c: ' Q n. Rn ‘ \ * t.“ u"- o \, /\/ 3C“\ “V » ‘ \ _ ‘ J ’ ' “W“ A Ska ‘ :‘w 2% :7 92$ . -, x , i \ \ \ \ ‘ " 7::‘21W 8%): ”\IV _ .< x. g H / \E . S s, in} ‘ 2k! IV I , f I»; , ., t - ‘ " 6 M; a) “M LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — --—-— Water Gathering Line ®== Transmission Line 0 o o o o o 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost I Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 FS National Forest Service miles Administered Lands Map A-49. C 428 - C 490 See Map A-10 R21W \ R20W R19W -. v H; X .. -." . 1' 1" r “ . en ' . \ 1» «a x y , 1. g .1 «g «fig 1 wgwfiswfi yo mg; 4 ‘ a ‘L' ‘ V «~ V 1 « \ «a ‘ . w 1 i 31 1, \ t ‘ ,4 .V - v. 2 - . x.- ‘ , l l I ‘ a O / «:x 3 \ \ \ jig 3:913“ , g; g LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — ....._.._ Water Gathering Line - Preparation Plant * Microwave Station y Note: Tracu less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of — Pro ed Action ®= ' ' ' "'9 "‘39 ”"9- pos Transmissaon Line - Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — o -— Market Alternative 0 o 0 0 o o o o 0 0 Existing Corridor Admmmemd Lands 0. 1. .. ..2. t_.__..3 ‘ 5 Well Field ~ - miles I - n - u - - Colorado Alternative _ . FS National Forest Serwce Route Code/Mllepost Administered Lands - —I - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-50. C 482 - C 543 R7W ‘la ‘5 i ‘: 1.6“ \ x 51%: '. ‘ L, ”A > V A. . i \i y; .é :Qy'3r / 4 «l flaw; LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line _... ”..__ Water Gathering Line I Preparation Plant * Microwave Station @ Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of . . . . the map scale. Proposed Action Transmission Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — o — Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 - . Well Field 1 FS National Forest Service miles - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands - — - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-51. C 535 - C 596 4? . 9 u f' 5 / OUR! V' in!" \ [Ala Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are LEGEND __ Slurry Gathering Line _ ...._— Water Gathering Line * Microwave Station 5 usuauy omitted because of . . . . - the map scale. Proposed Action Transmnssaon Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management -— o — Market Alternative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor . Adm'"'5te'ed Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 - Well Field FS National Forest Service miles - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative 8P0 Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands Map A-52. B 28 - B 80.6 - —- - Pipeline-Barge Alternative O Pump Station R55W R56W v . . .. \f? x 372.4 f ._ a, $1,..QNQ: a x. viva/xx ”ghee .4? / l . . . o ‘l x M .. %/Au‘...“\VJ//2W&x] \‘ wily , x2 9‘. 6 \/. , 3 is. “V... \ ,. . R57W R60W R61W R62W LEGEND _ 3,? met; Raw. .1, usually omitted because of Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are the map scale. Map A-53. N 46 - N 67.5 miles Administered Lands BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service * Microwave Station I Delivery Terminal . Pump Station I Preparation Plant . Well Field Route Code/Milepost — ----—— Water Gathering Line ®= Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor Slurry Gathering Line - —I—II— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — o — Market Alternative In - - I- - - II Colorado Alternative — Proposed Action r ' 4 r a _, . ._ .- {7? 23-1 \;__'3\ 0( / A / M v ram 1/7} " ' ,/ \I/ if \‘"' me "4 u \ .\. 1L0 la zg-I ...“ My . v t‘ .._fl ‘1’ a v ' ‘ _ :té‘yug ‘4 lgxssf..fi%¥:0n . : to I: 31V; -. — 3mm, Gathering Line ... ...._ _ Water Gathering Line ' Microwave Station Q Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of . . . . the map scale. Proposed Action Transmnssuon Line I Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management — o — Market Alternative 0 o o o o o 0 0 0 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 - . Well Field FS National Forest Service miles - - - - - - - Colorado Alternative 8% Route Code/Milepost Administered Lands II —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative O Pump Station Map A-54. CC 42.7 - CC 0 I R80W R81W R25E R24E R23E R 78W R79W R26E THN \ THN TWN lxl/f / O (x) l..__ \ \ WW , ulllvlyw ___ 5 w/I \ [ fix. r\~l\ x ; llwlmw/ r ,F\, 1;. law fishil VIN /. .I/ \ xv? W a 5% ,. /_ k.,\/l\.m 7% \ca l. fa .ii. \ ix ._ 3f / l 3W, Wfikfiwm ,,, , F M\\Kfi§ tN ANN/u.» .. . u \a\ \ . N 300- /_ N UGHE H . - \ (\yx ~K ,0} o. .’ 1\ \‘5 \ \ a defie- lr\ LEGEND Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of * Microwave Station I Preparation Plant — ----——— Water Gathering Line (1% Transmission Line Slurry Gathering Line 0 O 9 4 . 0 h. a . a a m A. e p m m 5 4 35 h 2m 0 t n e m e m .m ”5 vs ad rd Mm ac; .mL .mL e um NM f8 F” om ms un mm a.l ' mm mm BA NA M S L B F N .m m n M d .m Y M .m r e F D. .W H m d e D W m — Proposed Action t m mm. "m 0e cw 9C n fim .wu X0 ER 0 O O O 0 .pm 0 O O O - - - - I- - - Colorado Alternative - _— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — o — Market Alternative R15E 1 ‘ , 79K ‘1', W 1;) v\}\ I ‘9 ,l’ (bf/03‘ \ y» \ L) A Go ”Jim/m LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line _ Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative - - - - - - II Colorado Alternative - —— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative — ----—— Water Gathering Line Cr: Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost - Delivery Terminal . Well Field . Pump Station * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands miles 4 2 3 Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A-56. O 103 ~ 0 42 ~ R6E \ R7E l RBE l R95 l R13E l R15E i -+’.T \ . x i i.“ m i V ‘ .g K Q “* of NH K ., Wufi 5? J 8 .. “f ‘\ \ii {if \‘9 \ “KAN? % ye/ ; 'Ji 2W E i“ ~H‘ \ f i” <1 ”’ .5, Wm 2'Cheye’m- , r g; “is. '\ m g -fm— ~ - ’ V g— . s . magma. ~ g m \ 5g.» m g- ’/+' g iv \ m ’ u i \i l { "\ U 'I ‘ «if f ' ‘ ‘1 ‘M . \| \ ’4 T‘°\ {\ 'g if. E k \ o "\ -. g ‘ a .271 \ © Y. Gray8‘\ , X / E . l L \ - \ M ‘x A; V1 i \ \> V m “ 7‘“ ST 0 l ' ‘77:”, ‘ "-‘7/ [f Fix _ \ "‘1 ' . ”\4— \V‘ 5; .\ .1— . , ) Bear \ \| >,} . vi? “i l” l? ,g \ - v, % E ‘ I ' / 7\r rF .7 “ V :‘ J I, -7 I . V 00 i . . \I . V . . , \l . V . w g . ~ / K, » MW; ~ , 3 gig \ g g: g9 /“$ 1‘30 . Lgk 3 \ : ' r .-\ a . , a", {I _J/ . Foes. \ V V 26 O [1 5M L) . \ 0 V 3 ' / V /‘ 'g C _I ,/ g A d \ g 3%; , Wm“ g3 /e d h 1 . ~ l \m . J r \ ~/ \ g o 'v i egg. urgls V I 6% ravel ~» ‘ \t‘ \ \ \ / ‘\// ‘ \ U”: / “ \ . \\ BDalzelfli ‘/ 5 _ / I X y\ '. \ --»\ i .( \‘ 1’“ \ \ ,1 R 3 32 . m Ii .k'r r 2 '5 K \\ h 0 Egg 0 V et ‘ oog ‘ . 000 +1“ \‘ .Ké > $2 .4 i \ \7 V x V \ ., ,1 5 a 3 °‘ .‘(j‘ee , \':%1:_“Vfl4~,4 \xgio‘D \ \i V. V\ _ m -\\ \ . ~ " ‘ i/v-g .3“ l’N.>J\ 9V \ gH‘LgXS‘ \\ \ \ \g'q QC,“ W, ‘ .a'n \ ‘_I g f> 9» ' L, ' a 17 m l m < 1N» — i '\\ \\ ‘ , m f”! g g \ i ~ . V /, J / f \ > V I _ /' r [i W “U ‘32? VV 3 . . \ «£595 Elm Springs \ i \ V / ‘ r N ‘7 -- “V mew ARV" i g: ‘ “ mm ' h \H , \ ‘ k ‘ ‘“ Jim-7 / g» mg mg MW,ng *m\m\g :2 IV\ \ Dr ,1. /7 ,,.T./’i» V, I i ‘ I 500)\ ./"' I“ \l \ Q‘Ba \ _. /v 3 25 \ \ P 1,1174, V j§\ g \ l \ 2 ,0 2489 . . 4. mg a F “W t” r i g“ .» A i g g g .> rams/r"? , o \ ‘ \ \ \\ \a . Ngg/x \1 / "/ Eb i i \ HL \ ' \ J, M £1” "J r é V ' V - g g. . \ . t \ 32 i g g; “MEN K \ \ I ‘7 \‘ rf , j \ g \k a r 2:: V \ CA ,/ \ >( \ w 2 O k \E \4 a i i T l I V V .rt. fl 0 M l K VV‘ / / c T \ E “\—g ‘ fl *7 140 W r“ i ‘ 3 “v mime Keg >31. g w P g is». ~ 5“ . J 2' °> ' 9 m N k , \'~d £32m v‘\. is; x ,J g .\ ~10 l \ .___.. (<9 T) )r , \ V . 7E) ‘\ \\i\\Q §\\_:Z l V; \ i , VV . , \ \\_\ u- h/ \ 0 m: “A "x m \ g»?! g ' 'f' W N} a ll “‘ ”a g f - , \\ iv v \ o. ‘0. ° ' . \ _ . 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[der ”33+“ _ \ 4 mfi ‘\ 1% Sufi. g _ . \ g I " r“ QC). . l, y ‘ 16 ,~ """" ‘ """ Rd. 7? x \ r' i g 4.4 , x m, _ . "i . .fq" G * : " . K \ ' 3 a ‘9“ ”v, *’ ’ g «0 T wer__,_,.fl--V ‘ \‘-\_<...- -' fl; 4 , — , all Wmdmli . ' V 0 N 5a 00 p 9 h ,, ' I a .n1 0 Q // Igg ' 1%: ‘ k 1‘ K1 ‘\ a. ‘ i I \V/ Kid—>33 M’ , ' \ (27 W "P Q00 _ .‘ 0 . VV . . . i ) \K\ A {k . '1 Xi :Pllflfli 7 A”; M Tel 9 \ \ \ ' V g ' “ J ' ‘ ' ‘ l‘ ' (i\ 7H” ’ '—’-\ (ix 5 r . \ ' QKHW A we ‘ 9 \ \ My LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line —----—— Water Gathering Line I Preparation Plant * Microwave Station Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are Q usually omitted because of the map scale. — Proposed Action ZOI-l ®= Transmission Line — o — Market Alternative 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor I - II - III - - Colorado Alternative 8% Route C ode lMilepost - —— II Pipeline-Barge Alternative I Delivery Terminal . Well Field O Pump Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands Map A-57. O 163 - 0 98 ‘ LEGEND Slurry Gathering Line — Proposed Action — o — Market Alternative ------- Colorado Alternative - -— - Pipeline-Barge Alternative . _ :\ \zr“?K "n." .. / . a if, 'V (o 3. .l w» 9 w 4015‘ - J- . . V, ‘OR .- . " r, \ B la n!“ —----—— Water Gathering Line 6': Transmission Line 0 o o o o o o o o 0 Existing Corridor Route Code/Milepost - Preparation Plant I Delivery Terminal . Well Field O Pump Station $5?“ J ,7, ,, J 4%? . . - “3“»... ”0 I l u '\ ' ‘ ‘3‘?“ 5&1 t a. 4 ' K . 1 » A 1,} ‘i ":_ *1" r \ a / - K ' 4211f: lg “:3“ Fr.” a‘?"h/IIIIM '@A V r ' 9. ,- “tug-“u; “U ‘ ‘7 r V” '1 1 “- ‘q‘lfiil‘fi “v , l, ' IL», . [/‘fiy‘v ' ’ ' f a . :I \\ ‘ t : -4‘ ‘ . K \__\ ‘5 ' i I, ’ " u: . 32‘5“ .' d A * Microwave Station BLM Bureau of Land Management Administered Lands FS National Forest Service Administered Lands To /” \ i‘ «at w m i? Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of the map scale. Map A-58. O 230 - O 158 1 R66W n64w \ _ "my. 4% {e * m "’ -' . “We trl'“ \ O/Substation ,ah 5? M” -,, - *************** ,, .5 :FéwerPT a Mane—~A\ ' II.‘ 20 - a a I f \‘ o, Pinnacles v \ \\ v ‘f . ,l i \ \3Iw’jrw / \ .1 {7. ‘P’m "Q / 2 ( \ : 0 J\ 2; f\ Cree .‘.‘- _ e 2 mm : _ rl/A\/ CODL LEGEND — Slurry Gathering Line — --—-— Water Gathering Line ' * Microwave Station Q Note: Tracts less than 40 acres are usually omitted because of — P d . ® . . . the map scale. ropose Action Transmission Line - Delivery Terminal BLM Bureau of Land Management —— 0 —— Market Alternative 0 I 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 Existing Corridor Administered Lands 0 1 2 3 4 5 Well Field - - miles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colorado Alternative _ . FS National Forest Servnce Route Code/Mllepost Administered Lands - _ :- Pipeline-Barge Alternative . Pump Station Map A-59. 0 276 - 0 225 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980*680066 (R-2) _-/ f , ,4 I a—II- - h -- I . , , I a .-._. . .._- .. , \ l . .. / . 'DI o. ' I n . CH I M- —v« « __ {N / MWL‘" PJ7 Bntron < as w v J ' ‘h N . ' j. -- Pg" '13, ‘l ~IJr [ MI“! I I v/ 9 \ ’ Mr.- I 4 ' 4' , - ' a ..- \ /, I MKRSIJA‘LL' «e Is I . . SAW III! 7““ I 'I w -.ofi'- IDA l_;__II__.. J SK \ I _/ _ - . ‘ .l 4 I. . . . I I I . bl , é?” I Rh' el'uae 1‘ Cundon J ‘9 a. I \'b é ' ‘ — —-§—. _ - ' P C __ s 1 IoI . l I ‘9 . 5 MIN E o I ' I ' . . I r -.q I . A R R S I I I——;«—- 1- 2.: .1 A, f g s‘ 4 . ._7__ _ ’ . N - _ __ - . ' . run I . F’ J N 0 L I L N A E | I» j V> “on; p. - . . .44. §> J' ,7 I er I | O a «q ; ,’Sw\h I“. _ - ".9 J T A Y L M O .nolmn "00““ North Rawhide Coal Slu « 'I IV ' «- .. — ----- ' . ‘ 7 " ' *' "y I 5 J c I aw 7 7 7 I ‘ I; o I swing; -I to I Prep tI PI t . - ° . é . :I‘f;_ ara 9" an I I "T , MAR I H A L.‘ 7 I 4?,» 5 no“ ‘Y _ I lr' ,. .J I C uppewa Fall ' ' . J Q‘ N 4 - ' . D E‘UE |_ |__ «1—1157... " ‘ I )4 n mom .- _ I 3.5 pLEIIIgg - Sh! 0 ’— ’_ . . “3:1; . ___ ' ICleav'a Lake 7[ YE Iswor h __ _ _._—- -I n ‘ ' E‘I J: 4 —_ ~ I LLOW - Rs, . I a, . f‘JIH'iJ‘E'éfm I a _____7_ 5 I E R c I——I I‘M? v I '3‘ - I ‘ a" ' «mt-J RRE I ...L. '1' ' V ' “\“Jx/ v9 5 P 'nl I '3. GreenI ———_R .7 . II 1 R _ _ _ , _ I .. . W J g- Buy “guns: L4 «r7: Ivanhoe I - \ ed WIng Id _J A p CA G J 1:1 ' ANI E‘ I ROOK G m' I / r-- ‘1 J ' J ____.I nsIn' I7oRTAGE A WN I I _. IN L CO | /—/ l - '3‘ --._ Oahe Altem t' w s m“ °°J’“”EIR' .4 B .. L I W- “I" .. c o . 'I R «a» J W - - r ‘ a - . fi..- __. «L- - - ' a we ater Supply System_ I; H. . .. .. — .. .- .I I .. m o I 3.35... I... . . -.«4. R I F ' K“: 4 Point «. Gann II o "sucker; . I! I ———\——.-—I , av ‘\ I LAKE .mtowoc Vi ”‘0' "T's ' I' M I N E R 'I MadIg I Flandrégy. IPIPEsIouE J I «5‘! J. “'0 I J w“ 0‘5" | ‘J . mm e u mute ' - I . .g‘v-TI— _____ ISANB ‘ I Howard I \z a; i Moobv I , I Rochester wInona' ~ M 0 R 0 II J, “ " -._ _s_ - I 5 J" 1 I _ N I _ I I . , 71.— 7 “VA K g u I I PIpesIone I Slang): : \‘ n 'LMsTED I w I N o N A 0+ I parla gA' 520$” E. I T— I' I . I I0 77 I , ‘—-II——~L-_._I_r__1_;,_5I___I"'__;,JI_A‘7_.~:/A\I Jr“ 7 I _¢ J “' _J._ “—1—" . I‘ve ADAMS I “9 ? GR in a e _ oshebovfl" ' LN 3.“: u 0 r... hell 0 Jsahm ' ,E 4 ' I » 7. - ‘ ‘ '- ___ V Riv I, M n n HUI. a J" and uLac I e I Planklnton “ o, ‘ I Q I I ./ 4W- I | it?" aCro 3“ L E I c H: v A . 4 , __ __— a N DU . I AURORA IyeAIoexanIIrc (:00K7‘I I M NNEHAHA / I LING“; NOBLEs if" .5 REEBORNPJ M 0 W Preston JI USTON _ -4 7J- — f0 --— I I 2. 0°“ l e 7 7—7477 .7 7 Jim“ Falls; ,_7 ROCK I ' WorlJ’II'ng I 7 éjfi Aim”: If Aus :WM Guam“ 6: U§N _—_'_:;_\_17_;- ge , mg I, I w SI ' L I ’ ‘ F‘JI -._._ _ . . e North Antelope Coal SI L °°°°LASJ 7 —-.«'—T-- m 4. «'39 .. . «I ., . , I \ A G _. ___. 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HurIIngI l H E R M A N I 0le J —————— ' ‘ “_" —‘ .“’ “Re R ‘ 4 I PI IsIIeM ~— \' I In" 'ITMC J K I T c A R s o :1 on I 80 III a J T AS I HDxe J II JConcomIa/‘l I_I_‘_" ————J I Atchlsono zHiMJQLJJtJONI'C KI gsIon II ' Q‘s/I Rafi!“ m 9%; \\L 9‘ ‘~w wcng'e' JMERGA WW Chafleswn JW 0 an I _ I 4 K E -_.-a— , "V , I 7777 I I. ~ I SHERJ'DAN I Dem" II CLOUD J'fi'm m LATCHISON LA g-J PJIafI'stwrg I:»— CHA ITON IRAN (”PHI ’5?» K V. ; T I, I ,II OJ‘JRJS IAN, ”V736 745:7 —J J\ I _ E MITCH av -____‘« _ P TT .I~—- ' ‘ ’ , . 4‘ —————— I “““““ T-Rl—7__ l~ I' ELL' ._______ I CW9") JACKSONI I Leaf; II ‘ I 1 o swueil HuntvalJe I‘MQ” , J4 I BowlIng 5,95 ‘J 4— fiREENE V1977 00“" I ILA—LT—IT- \VSJTJ'JWQJ Cuu5%RLJJ'J‘°/I pencer I :7 0C1 ’TTR— E- —7—-__ I " — “~_ __ _ CLAY r 0" 4 ‘ I » 7 . _, , ‘ 7 I I OIJJB - J ’, ’ 5...... , 1 7 . ,, «IIePT “In; mm... 4.3.5: ‘ A? ““J I c J ."J Law * . i -7. ‘ ‘ ‘ “I“ . / 3% o «I a J“ “PM?” - 4+” ‘ W“ ‘ I ”‘3’“ P As 0 ' «Ix . J WALLACE I L o G ‘ ‘ ::::: I J"”‘" *‘flv‘ 4"" a I § lva47erO "3'“ WW J ‘_—'7‘L‘_" J‘WCRA‘N 4 J\' ' 7’ ‘ ’ ———' " " J J I J J, ’0 ' : gimJJJ" 7 CheVeWe We”; 0 J A ”j. (530% ’—_~—_ ‘ L F 0053 J I "f SAL' N E ”ng” A] J 4 J ITO DJ ‘J ”7...? J ‘ "0 3! m Jeyséywne [ng NIVJSbOV$ \ \ / mt ‘0 0°, H 0 l Sharon spnn I I 4 ‘ *I Ran, J a sas I40 LexIngIon7 I OI II MEXIICO’ I I 0 I JIIIH‘I'I? \' ‘J v I I,“ E Y E N N gs I G 0 V E JunctIo ' <‘ vm Olndepend' nae 3/ | Marshall \ HC‘WJ‘FJP/ ' J J o JERSEY ,' , MPELJPLAJJP “'—77 r. E ' J I ' . i “men J R 1""; _ [IL/,9: I — " ”—FL'T'IY ‘\ B 'L 5.770LN RIP . *k—T ‘31 "“‘fi ————— _‘_ ————— .,_I'_ ‘ Sum/.II/ . v D; 5" IJSHIAWNEB J Kroy Z J ‘ , ' 30 D "r ““““ I ‘““T"- R—L :I r - I ” LI- I Hum: I. oHNso I' . I RIR _____ _ “.4. DICKINS m ———- I I. _____ / L7: ,_ , r IIIE Grgenyille. L k ' ‘R— Eads J ' '_‘ —-__ R J-— DOUGLAS I 8‘3““ I a e c”, S ~~~~~~ I4} I I I I, 03 7-; l GRE I I I --‘r—— M o l I 40%;, 4 ._ o | SlCharIés I\ I IINIIII \\\‘ aguache \ w ~r.— .1; , Puebla I a w A 7. a l ELEV WICH I I I I R R I s lr-__.-__J J o , ». I Wane" DI. J A LE5 Io M D I so N14,» Lu; 3 EsthIlle II 3.. 0 CR0 ”A s I . , um.” I...” / - ST 49“ R 0. , 7I 7 L“7A7G U A co C I 1,. WLEY I o ' Tnbm J o J enemy 'DJRhtOn I I I 340 I I 03A $1(—-,—— WARRgIN I x, , 7.77 ,7 QILIN < r W ‘ """rmJjJ E ‘I7\ U.0 S T E R JJ P U J D'dw5 I’m/A" mp— J @Q M |/' // II/I4 I Leo" IS OT J O J Ne sCI ' ~ 0 ——_J____ —J CWJJCJJO J J AW“ 'WI a erman7n J 9 — 1" J‘ ‘ " ' D I Creea;\_ IR77L III E B 'L 9 hi III/Inpufl l 'J'JZ‘ 7‘“ 77%” “-"J J . T l L A N E I '9' ~' J A— - GIOVE S I [:32 / HBIIII*OI'WIJIE Claym I' \ 3 I CI’JYJ’ «‘4 ' , K '\ ‘I7I ’ 72“? II777\ ..v, I 77; I . R14 __7‘ —llI. I J I NIE S S I I gI__-_.v_l;77 . I Lyndon A'J’RANKLIN I | \I. I ST Ul ., Ievme ,IJI"$""' r,I__;_'_I7—\ , I \ 4 . . _I77, I ______ __~.« I IMCP I gun,” ., , ‘ , T LNPW‘ . , , , E ‘3‘); -‘_\7 q/ (I: 1' 77‘7‘4 :72 "'IJ‘“ I TJ “T I J IRIGIMI7 oBénd J ““55 ‘ HERSONJ >RY3‘ J \ J Cottonwood “:90."- ‘‘‘‘‘ -I7 I' ' ‘ ("‘9 ' J' '— , \ s ‘ 4 . Nashvvfle I, 'J‘ \*J 43' J RaLrIIeld '\ N TEz ' I I. , I I MINERAL 1 Gran 4 """"" \‘ I ', La “We I‘REBiAmIIjs 7I L.7am7577, CC I I' PAWNEE __4 R I c E, I McPherson I MARIO aHOIJ WM 4 Dona ICOFFEY I ‘f‘ffiK'JT-R‘M-I I . IE F7 NJ‘flO N I . I ‘ W3 W0 ‘ I WASHJNOGTDNI I‘I ‘ofi'm’n'IW ‘ "71/ , I- . — 7 . I 4 4 v, I _ . _ , _ 4 ~ . 770 UIMA/I/ :1, I I R100: we HUE HIF ‘ l B E T. I PROW “HLMIgérgII I7 KEARNy . F l N N E Y I J Jam... 'IcWLamed \7IR‘5R ,, . __ I J. J I WWIJWF’Y: J ' “ I a A ,II, 0.30,, MORG NI I“; I WWI, “Mimi 7:7- 7—7.7; JEFEWSON 7 Kg—1 VT“; 'I CONE“ ’ LI P' NAIR» III—“T" I RANDE /-4 RF _ ’ I E R34 ' Sy’acuse I Lalmer +7 .7 ': . __.___II HQJJGSM I ‘*1 0‘4“. IJ \‘(IIIIIIIIIIJh ‘J— '—_ "'__“‘ *1 I_____I_I B I m !AN?RSON ' '(I N N 41 O JEFFERSOJ’k‘ . ‘k ' 'J "in. ,9 ooanJe I} r L A TA W'LI 7wa'IJenbu'80'a J D m rm) 1.117. I J I 'de" C’JY J ° 4*» I 7 W AN' '7 J‘ T' L 45:}: \ :RDJ Hutchms n G LH "“0” II—777 J -_ J m m m" k 0 . ~17 ' ’/ a I—J ‘J P E 0R R Y ' cTeznsbovoO§ ' ' c ) ;%u,3ng° I 3:16:52 I _____ ‘I I‘ _____ L ""“M w. I 4 J I II . I-R—7I _____ I cIKIrISIey T’T—T: « :7 I; L , I7 C'— L Mound cIIy . ‘ oe ”TI ‘- (gL €45. R DOLE, J PmckneyI/IJJE ( FR' ' “J" J ' C‘ W“ gnu-G. ‘7‘ , g5 ' ~ - h‘ -~. -_ ‘ Cuman I I ' . . 4 77..., . __, . ——‘ I-7— ._ 777 {7; e e 14.77717 1777—4/ . Ion . J 4 r; - / s f I —-—J_ ‘R—-.I_‘ M L ‘1 E R E ‘ J “L T: . , ., 4*: - --7-~19“ _ _ 7 ‘6? .. «y .5 J! A R C H L E J J I .J T 7%” 77__7_J ____I7I____. G R e I JD I DWARDS I\’ NI 0 ,7IIL____‘ _7_II I II Yates I7 I ramfeIIIIF—JI: ~, 0%“; ‘4’ SI IVIIIé .r‘ o J\‘“ I STE cnederl} III , 77_7I f \ Can I J Sun STANTON J GRANT ' JJJASKELL J , J I GIeensburs \ UT, E R J T J J' "TAR? Fwst’” "we“? “ 1 /' ‘J'Cu‘gsK'J' — J , \ W'WJUE “‘"""""I' 0' L I 0‘5“" \DW E I e, I II ngIIeIdo I I I I _J_ I I K I 0 ~\ .. I wIchaS !. , I .III MIMI/3.71 I 573‘, . J , P991“? ‘T \ I Lebamn \J;K ,I I-{I 7' _I \V J'PBRRY 3:. . , ‘ . , "II". , |h\oufl\ {7 ———————— .v IA) I ‘ ‘0 4 -. . 7_____ _I . I I __ -7- I I B A C A I -.IJ‘T______II7I7~inbIeIIe I - _I_I 77777 —J 0 w A SEDGWI \K I I. _____ l" I I , __._“‘ I$Iockmn J BDIIvaIJIo I J LACLEDE; II: _‘JJ. 1:71 I T T‘JT’EIOPFCP’O" CR L. _ 4) . . fi'hz—PKT 7». WJ; - . . I «I __ ‘ __ - u -‘-- J E0 N 4. I TM“ J k I J I Mead J J .. 'I ~~~~~~ L“‘““—’J—-‘JT'+-'. ——— 3 6”” l I A RVOE‘I' + J POLK J Jim J_ 5 J" I J r. , 'L _ J . J AI JFWde'JCJ‘WMJ L7 J 47 UN J 9” IJmIINsou'I' -35 .: "“ ,/ artiord D I I ‘ MORTON STEVENS J 9 I I I I Forsdo I “I .II .44.- - __ j~ ’ ‘ _‘I C‘ III. I71 MADISON II 'i . IA I. I I :J I . . 4...... . M E A o a J .‘ i . II -' I. 'C ”W i’ I I“ ° E J ————— «A T J " —«I “*6” ‘ . - J’J I Barge Route (R .x I Jim . .. I 7M J I . H I L _- _____ J .eeeIIIIeIaI I IWI - 4, 'REY'IOLDSW, . ~__ , ai oa ..q I J (V, ‘~-_ Emu” J ' J I A0 m COMANCHE II . ' J/Inheld —d J I '7I7JI ‘ \ J J ‘ ' ‘ '1 ' 3"" T173 MJ Ni ' 5 “W“ ' "mu” ’6‘ °a"' I - JJ'II'I'IH/ —_._ - OLJbeval I .J 5 and]! I 4 S U M N E R J '—“-—_‘ G R E E IFE IV‘IEBSTER IW RC', ‘1'“ TJ T El 2. ‘ T4 J “‘9 4I'1J"'§£ 9"“ s \h (In " A 3"“ UWELWIJ‘JT ’3‘ ’ I II ' —-_J_ .J JI II \ |\ PWLEV EROKEE JASPEl' 4 ‘. O_ , J Ham‘IIIeI7 I I "~,7L 'IIII.III'.'IIII .J4 41', ’ -. CI m. .,_ ddyvl e 0 \WP‘ )éJIFW, .4 I I I -J .. N LL MIV mm} \I SpIrmgerld 1 I Emmence ' 1 >§JIW eIN.IIe'.»~I , 0 “I17 \Y I o Pnncem"JR '4 I 7'» 477 w «)4, c J M AER R o N I! I T! 53,. , J l ‘41C0Jumbu5 CarthastII; e SHANNON -r'J-JL ""I A " N F7» ‘T’IjL; ‘39 Pad“ \ 7 ’4}. ‘TIjI'LOG/ w s ., 0 NM?! J T E x A s J I @Bwe' I Ewan: J . . J - l — -._ _'"__ EI'_ J V’ Elie“ «aAlNR'RR IMF: ‘ dIZ JIHIovkms'J"? “ U N J 0 N J ’ 'J De Ira-J -J B E A J' H A R F' E ‘R ’ AI J , J J M ' New""® J7 'Jl‘ J I . w ‘I' f— ' CA I E R 1719 583'“ HRIsTIA .3 o, _ o I “WON IN V E R J R W o o :0 I Chera eel ed'o'd K A , Z I ‘LQMIMI I N E To“ | —__" * . Illa“; g‘Qi, IIJro ”“R— "p‘IClayIOnG _§_ 7, ‘I I J I 'J'é,. ,- S In“, Sam/I JG R A N T '\ I ”A, R ‘8 I I ieosho I J I ' ' MWJJe‘d w I J . I77 4; I II.II.4.4 my“ I V: Barnes. IO U I OTT ’1 MANGRAVESJ .— II It- I I . .JI “_‘I~I——~J I ALFALFA ' IIJ‘"JJ l \ , z :Ahr— —"--—I ‘J BEWARRY I 7 IcALLOWA 4, I e—J—_ —__ .Im w, ”H. L _-_ 12H \ Pawm‘ka “‘ J ‘ JNowa' . “Mm" I I P L EY ' «4 R « - I . \ cIaIksw 8 H «D A L . A M 444...... . 7""°” . J on "' “‘ ‘ 7% S A G E " ’ J Colo a e we m "‘ IRE” I W 8"“ L " W1- “W .;., a SMERMA J l P c ty D I T J ‘ 9 h D I ry T i I4 I 4 "J _ —— 7 MI I J IJ (”KI ‘27 J N IJ HANSFORD I ‘bCHILTREE IJ LIPSCOMB I: ca I We lvery eMinalaLE — C 4.. I. II... .7, 45' I‘ er na VIII: I 7‘7 | -J'I':J"J‘I '5'- Covrrms':_ M] 4”“ J HE R Y STEWA/ 0“ I. __ 1 .‘ , I ‘ 4 _ \\ . \ 7 : N L, ‘ —— JG J \ " J 7 * —§‘§ J 1H!“ ”J" spea'mano J J I L'psco'a‘b IJJ J I J PM" J u A H r ' EL U J Pawnee If" J \' ‘ 5' P KYO’JZJ'I \ 7 “fig gu'eIKaBSp'mgIsI' IIIII RI I u " 0 ”8mm N J WEAK'TEY' ° ' GEM '__ "II”. T: 7 _~‘<_ , IN I .7 7 4 . 4 , . . 99 II 4I erryw i , 4 4 H0 , , «a \J‘ 72114-; A N G I T 4 . —————— J 'L “RT 4 , . ! L J Perry.:41?fW~EE N4.» I J 'Y . 1m: $31} «.9444 . - < _. 3.5.: 4 "5 In «w J. r I , J v I —_ e 7- I ‘ ————— _Il Amen . T—T—Ax—d— —__ _-_ I “J V M’ J I I I__ .I? I Lasve , Q J Mos I l .\ II I r-vblIl7 , . H\ . “I Iw . . , L \ hen SA I 835 I Quero H A . ‘.D If R7 7 7 I; . ,J H4 I III. IIv—R ——J ulsaL _ I y i |_L_ I J ARF -L, ' x‘ ‘ \. N‘IIA FE I 9 I; I I_7‘7 lJ [10/ R T L E y umas I Stump,“ ,4 J ggnad.“ J , I ‘ imam—my I «a J I‘D/(é A 'I" \. / I_ or e iver erm "a Jam? I JZARD "J SH Powhata¥¢ jGPZaEOEIdN E (49' - ‘ ‘ , ' “HI/4 H 0 ' ‘ I4 P A v N E 4. —.,: wx ‘ , LL777' _.- 5"“ . 4 ‘ " J : ,, I 177777: (1,, I UTCHI7~soN IRQ 3 5 RTS HEMPHIL‘f‘ III ,« ; I BIAINF I LOGAN ”hi—“‘9 7 Grapes, FA?” I77 G- E Js‘ 7 I77 EI,eI:§I.II7e7 I IM A D777I $70 7 77397 J .7777 $241er igoum724Evemns +W3J 7I77R7Id7IIe7L77 E B I III 0 L 2 I WWI “““““ J I J I ' ‘ ‘ WASHINGTON I . 33"“ J ‘MarsthlI ___ I ‘JI: a I ‘ DJ 1 I 4 a —— w r H E A D I: 9 n I I . “I “WEB . ' .I' ‘ , \'~ JI , ‘ II NEWTOMI SQARCYI STONE l-k‘)_ ' I‘PJPRA'GG , J I 32,?" caocxgnrkr ._J_,I(H:7 R‘ IQN E... o . v I' ——7-JI _Muskogee Delivery Terminal; ‘ Ii! . , J1; I . — * w VII “SH J I... WW 6‘" R , RT go .4 «Iii M I. L ‘ / , -——'—-.“'" _“ - V ' —-——~*- I I D D H A M I Jl \\\'ah VJ IE .. 77777 ‘I I R ,A’ , WM ,I I71; JI— ‘L7___7_I___I.1‘,_-I,,.._J . I__4__I_ I ; I.J_.__.._.. —I osona'I ylfi'fl/I/J. BIDWIIMIe IJI Jiikson 77 LEI" ILE W/I'I‘fi: LIgaenYl—F—Wfixummma. ‘ J ' 4. 1‘ nflcaiurn e I \ I. «7 (a ' MI H" M Vi— ,' T“JI IF- -AM ' (F J J J ' J ’J Ii V?!) ’— NDEM l "—fiJ‘I; -— - J ' __— ‘ ————— ‘ ' EPH ' 8a 5,. ‘ .- ‘ J———~—~— I ' «- \ , I. \ .\ \ thJI leklt Alternative ELT “ I' I' I pIaIIVIew I _I' II'I'I-w .JJ %Uanah I LMAN L Walteyso I ENS I IM—URRA { I _7I7_7 AL I U WW II J 7 , I. White u e m Mauls III I—— ”I“ I . ..L_ I \HARDEMA I I '—- Atoka o i P SHMATAHA l . ' ’ f D I ry T IE \ Barge Alternative I . 7; I' 'H A I_ E I I7 JM OT I7 77 1' II \ N I mm - 4 COTTON J“ _____ "J c A R 7 E R 1? J—jOHNs7T0NI IrII A -r o I K A! I I I} ' ' ‘I 4 . . ‘ , Ive ermina 'Ipunmmc I “gem“ ":RRR77 - Lo Y , a ' I . - 4. 2. r4 , .. E'\ I III _Ii: 7U v 7D 7 7 I C OTOT L E 'J C741,“, yen,“ I Waunka I AIdmOIec II .. Io J6. I “Mm _:II man (‘1‘? l I .1 477NJ17TA“ De WJI” 5J7): PHCIIMPL/Ma} 1, ___I7___JI PDNT TGQJ\E\IJJ\ _J_\ ====== mp...“ Action 4. ..I . J m II ' ' w..........I , . -__ ..II ----- . R———«w«.-«:«J 2: ., I . ~ i: sme W $24.... J-J «LP, 4 ~ I OCH J I' J I‘,___ 7 ForgRD I & ' +£~ekiaflg \ C 7CL‘IJRTAIINL 7 7/"; I J 71; \ Jg flyALoBuSHA' :17" fiw‘ \ ‘ .___ l RAN J HocKLEY I 'Lu I «. I ‘ II“¢..,,II.\ l_ _____ Manetlae 4 l (I , L. ' 4,7”? | ollgevlllel H§UNJC CHxIcKAszwI Ma k 1 AI . 4 I o I Boaocx lCrosbyion 5. D l c K E N J II RILII: "PEEP ,\ I “.C’ NI II \ D A L LAS \ c 7W .7 II II. II”; 7 I § 7CAL 77/3” “Page? —o_o— I' 9 termmva J Levenand I Lubbgk ICR J 9 s I' K '9” 4G J' I“"\' III/II J ' | F Q'dabe' rs “”8 ‘ F Me L «J: , 77/2: osedale I 54 . I .Iu d I I IV; . Barge Alternative 0 I _____ 7J I I7 I IIIISISIBIIv I I Gums II K0” ox J BAYLO R . ’.II7‘..,. ...m. I MONTAGUE I c I' I ..I' I7... ...7,.I JProessgslI/ ""7?’7—°- I BQLIVAR > cIenaI a —————JF'—II7 4. _______ ‘ o J OOKE g I " “ I C I _ _____ I I I Bamamm I Seymo MonIQaIII.a .. LITTLE kHEMPsTEfq J J.— :7cYp B d B I II I Pia v T I" CCCCC ‘JJ-‘_h' -J- J I ”'J ' ' :YWI'IJ IGameSvIIIe'3 “ .‘J, 44 ~ :IIsIIdowix hk J ' rIess en arge Loading FaCilityI—I 3"“ . '"5 I T I “‘ -—— —— _ I . o —_ “'0me A000" I o A? U M J E R R Y 6' J ”J J " J z '— ___' L ____ - g ' ‘ I JP" ‘ J‘ L- ‘J L‘ — .v Blown?leld I Tahoka I ,4 Men I z I‘T- ————— —l._I..-__ ' IVER : -’ 7r - I12 INmonao Lown. sI IIR ; Market Alto - . . J p - . . _. — 4--- -. I o < 44 CA W“ I 'Is neawI °= mauve , . LYN N OSIZ A . I' STONEWALL . I ,.,., I I’ ~RI ’7‘ ‘. I Eosmno ma 0 a”Icuk-IoIIIEBTAwI | IcK {use .051: m: n; ... — _ ‘ ~ _, 4. n c er _L_____ I I A 0 . . J Ag K I H «DIME/“II I Demo" | I Jcmfiel/‘w IZ T'VI I We b w *ImE I ‘RLJ' (L‘ ‘4 \ e _I__,fl_ '5’ IA— . c. Ir-J onI/ B"° I _ : I Spe'mum Jacksburo o I 0 . ‘ I J - 7. I ,” fus C 3.. n I‘ — m ‘ a. l/J .- ”so" 0053/ I--- . RL—~_~ . WI . . , 4 l S I J ATTALB/ . M n u- - - - I Colorado Alternatlve . , . T —I—_ 7,:I:__L I S E J D E N T I: !meenv9I||e - e Hopxms JgoMINer on I 9»; . . J‘fl‘ 8° ”€923” . 0L M E sx K sy/ LICJ o 5""! J NMC: I 4, ——— ~ 7 L. 7 I . ,, L .pr ~ 5cm __ - . l I 7 I \ JI:+«- | I .I I JIII . TI Giulphur I< (PI asanIJI ij 37¢ S 5x . 0 o J I WI 5 ON I I 7 : ,. . , ———7— _, _ . __‘R’;§7 I Drlngs : D I Id J ‘ —ll0—eoe —..._ B . . J S 'ItUR RY J Roby IJ ' J , I , ‘ ’ 'I'II- " ' H IL J HI'IJIJJJ' I _" —; ET“ I __7_7_I7'::.'I!"§6:?\ J.‘ OaJng kle eLlhden ' IP—I arge Route (PIpelIne) , . I may I m a I J10 @Anson II mama“, I. W h I Emma/I7 | I 0y gem—'3 r R . 77 F/ C i J HER NES eat er Ia N7T7 7I ___ -————— ooeeeooeooooeoeeooe Barge Route 4 __ -,A\%) I J I] J ,. I Q‘Qflbanyi TEPHENS J FALo O '8 414’ I ~;LA§—_' EmO'JJJ “16:00 a . —__ I___I _____ L7 I I a,” (7i 0,9 I I II 59%;; p A R K E R I FoII Wow I I, L I .. 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I w - -—-— ' - G d oennrcIIc e - 0‘ -'—_-:—-—-I‘ 7 , aIlroad Alternative .J 3' ”CW . sTERIIfNG ’ Robyn... I 4 / < e 4. N A v A n a o o 4-7—7— 1" L{SK 1"”,313 I . RU NELs ' \r \ "””"‘ H I L L " ~ I 7¢mm II . Merlmane 3y: II mm In“. , LI 7 ) L I4 I, ___-_-— R . I _______ 133m 77“.” \EOSQUE I\ I 'w 7// I , , 7I \\ _ _ BIII’OId-BOI" Altematlve I I I 3,0 7 7 r H12]; "on , . 7/« 4 7 __77‘7/ N D E R10 N ¢HEROK€§ T —‘ _I 4 L— _ ' l "mm" ”A" V 4’ J 4 . ,/ \ F I I ' ’ ' ‘I o \ oee'eeooooveoooeeo. Bu” Rout. (R 144/34? III'J‘" rjIijfi‘fi‘ I j \ HAMILT N \ ,/ \\ al'lad PIO M J Rusk \‘>4._ ‘ fig.” II road) - SJ” Anzac 00‘ J g “I I /’ \ ’ \ \LIMES‘I’ONE 4 FREESTC ”5"" \ I ,I ‘Lumhno’cn 441? mm Rock ’ ‘ M‘ \ ’ 2', MIA; 0 . ,. .I we... . » ”UAW ‘ L L 5 \ (In I 2 3‘ ix .. I R» Boyce Delivery Terminal«‘ Coll s. I CONCHO I I «hmfioldlhwalle / ‘ MevalJe E) \ )j/ \ 61095ka /’ I ’ . uffy . 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