ge pg A IP rapa tiomsshionlr sd oh A A Ee Cl AP 38 Bp SS aris Ra x : Rr i TSI Retr Sudo v Oe RARE Wot Sr Sr a LE RR Sol SN pA a Sey s - kx a ieee TITTY ELT Ieee fri weve ves vee THEODORE M. BANTA, BROOKLYN, N.Y. A FRISIAN FAMILY. THE BANTA GENEALOGY. DESCENDANTS OF EPKE JACOBSE, WHO CAME F:( M FRIESLAND, NETHERLANDS, TO NEW AMSTERDAM, FEBRUARY, 1650. By THEODORE M. BANTA, MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK AND LLONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETIES, OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, AND OF THE NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. > > ate s®, 008 507. 3 2 ae > eos ».2,3. 8 ‘os 9,0 > 38 I J ° 3s y * seo 0 ee _ » 0 & 871850 90 ye iige > 3.84 ale . 9:9 9.3 ° » SnD >» 8 ev 2% °® ® ) et 2% "vo NEW YORK: . 1893. PREFACE HE Constitution of The Holland Society of New York, organized in 1885, prescribes that members must trace their lineage in the male line to Dutch citizens who were resident in the American Colonies prior to the year 1675. In investigating his claims to membership in the Society the writer became interested in the subject of genealogy, and the present work is the result thereof. At the start he had but little idea of the amount of labor involved, nor of the numbers represented in the family. He had not then heard of the Bantas among the Kentucky pioneers, whose numerous descendants have so greatly multiplied the name in that State and the West. Nor did he at first appreciate the benefit of eliciting information in regard to items of personal history other than a mere list of names and dates. In consequence, the circulars and blank forms first sent out did not provide for replies on subjects which subsequently appeared to him as quite interesting in a family history, and this work is, therefore, not as complete as he deems desirable. It has been a gratification to find how ready the response has been for information requested, for though some have made no answer to repeated letters, yet the exceptions have been comparatively rare where persons have ignored all requests. The work was much facilitated by the fact that the earlier generations of the family in this country were generally all connected with the Reformed Dutch Church, and that the marriage and baptismal registers of that Church in New York, Hackensack and vicinity have been preserved, which furnished quite full records of the first one hundred years. Again, it was very fortunate that so many old Bibles were found containing family records extending for more than a century. It is quite remarkable that among all the hundreds who have sent statements to the compiler of this work there has been but one family bearing the name of Banta which it has not been possible to connect with the original progenitor, Epke Jacobse. This exception is descended from Jacob Banta and his wife, Mary Van Allen, who were resident in New Jersey during the latter part of the last century. There are several Jacob Bantas who appear in these records, one of whom may be the one in question, but it has not been possible positively to identify him. This family had an old Bible containing a record which would have cleared up the difficulty, but it passed out of their possession some years ago, duringlthe craze in regard to the “Holland fortune.” In common with many others of the old families of the country, many of the Bantas were victims of unscrupulous claim agents, who led them to believe there was in Holland an immense fortune to be distributed among them, and quite a number of ancient family Bibles and valuable documents were lost by transmission to these agents. As an amusing illustration of the preposterous stories circulated and believed by many, extracts are given from two letters written by Bantas residing in widely separated parts of the country, and at different periods. One of these accounts reads : 229496 1v. Preface. “Let me premise, however, by giving you the tradition of our family as concisely as possible. That we are descendants of a King of Holland —that a large amount of money was in Holland belonging to the family —that a man had been sent over to Holland during my grandfather’s time to obtain it, but he was never heard from — that my grandfather's house, together with valuable papers, was burned during the Revolu- tionary War by Indians and Tories.” The other account is equally absurd, setting forth that a rich Hollander by the name of Banta, being exasperated by his two daughters marrying without his consent, had so tied up his property that it could not be divided for several generations — that it consisted of valuable buildings in Amsterdam (the writer of the letter had seen photo- graphs of the buildings!) and other property now amounting in all to over fifty million dollars, which had been in the possession of the government of the Netherlands and was now to be distributed among the Banta heirs. These ridiculous stories would be simply amusing were it not that they were accepted as facts by scores of persons throughout the country, who, on receiving the circulars requesting information in regard to their lineage, assumed that the object was in connection with the ‘Holland fortune,” and it has been with no little pain that the writer has had to reply— to so many who were in lowly circumstances, and who had been long cherishing hopes for improvement from the riches beyond the seas— that there was not the slightest foundation for any expectations from such source. So numerous have been the inquiries at the government offices at Washington in reference to unclaimed estates in Europe, that the Secretary of State issued a series of circulars in reply to them, and the one in reference to estates in Holland is here inserted as a matter of general interest: ESTATES IN HOLLAND. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON, DD: Cy coon oo 188 Your letter of the “has been received. Your inquiry belongs to a numerous class, and the frequency with which applications for information with regard to supposed estates in Holland have been made to this Department for several years past, has led to patient and careful investigation thereof, in several instances where the information furnished by the applicants seemed to be specific enough to warrant such a proceeding. In no case has the existence of the supposed estate or alleged unclaimed fortune been verified. Moreover, the legislation of the Netherlands is such as to effectually and without appeal dispose of all claims, even if inherently just, and founded on an actual and known heritage, which were not presented and proven prior to 1852. For your further information on this point, I append a copy of a dispatch on the subject from the United States Minister at The Hague. I am, your obedient servant, Assistant Secretary. Preface. Vv. [ Myr. Birney to Mr. Evarts.] [No. 63.] LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES, The Hague, March 1, 1878. (Received March 18.) Sir: Iam in receipt, since my residence at this post, of a great many letters from citizens of the United States, asking information in regard to supposed claims to estates in the Netherlands, and requesting suggestions as to the best method of establishing them. They come from all parts of the country, from Maine to California. The de- mands range from $12,000,000 down to a more manageable sum, and extend over a period embraced within the past 200 years. Although neither the presentation nor prosecution of private claims is among the duties devolving upon me, I have been disposed to contribute such information to in- quirers as [ could conveniently find. But the letters, whether from lawyers or laymen, are almost without exception so entirely vague and indefinite that they rarely furnish any clew to an investigation. As there is little prospect of a cessation of such inquiries, and no doubt much time and money has been and will be uselessly expended, through the imposition of a certain class of a speculative turn of mind, who work upon the credulity of those who think they may have interests that can be realized, I have thought it might be well to address you a note containing a brief general statement upon the subject to which such letters relate, and, if it meets your approval, to put it in print, that I may attach it to more special answers sent to future inquirers. It is altogether probable that most persons in the United States who write for in- formation do so under the impression that it can be readily had, after the fashion in their own country, by stepping into a surrogate or probate office and examining the records. But in Holland there are no such offices open to the public for the record of wills. Wills in this country are deposited by the testator in the custody of the notary whom he requested to officiate as his draughtsman. He may select any notary he pleases. Notaries in Holland are usually appointed from the legal profession, and are functionaries of reliable character. Trusts of great value are safely committed to them. They are not admitted to the office until they have stood the test of a rigid examination as to their proficiency in the duties incumbent upon them. The will is filed in duplicate in the office of the notary, and its custody descends to his successor. The notary enters upon his register the title and subject matter of each paper filed with him, with a cor- responding number. This is examined each month by the procureur-general or district attorney, and, if found correct, is indorsed by him. Ordinarily, there is no difficulty whatever, on the part of those concerned, in find- ing the notary who may have possession of a particular will. The friends and members of the family will remember very well who officiated in that capacity. But when a quarter or a half century has elapsed since the death of the testator, and inquiries come from abroad, accompanied by no statement as to the locality of the property and former residence of the deceased, or the time of his death, it is no easy matter, often, to find the officer or the successor sought for. Extensive advertisement is sometimes the only means of discovering heirs. Wills are so carefully drawn that contests about them sel- dom occur, and it is very rare that heirs prefer to have the testator proved not of sound mind and memory. In numerous instances inquiries have been made by attorneys as to the judicial pro- ceedings customary here upon the assertion of such claims. I will, as succinctly as possible, refer to their history and present course. Many years ago the courts of the country exercised the right to appoint guardians for the persons and property of minors. In the fourteenth century there were established what were styled orphans’ courts. To them was delegated the care of the estates of deceased persons. At that period the courts had almost supreme power in their respective districts. The first mention of such delegation of power by any of them is that found in the statute published by the Countess of Margaritta on the roth of May, 1346. At that time cities acted as distinct sovereignties, according to the authority bestowed. In 1351 Philip of Burgundy granted to the city of The Hague such an orphans’ court. On the 13th of May, 1355, Count William of Bavaria bestowed upon the city of Delft the right to establish a chamber for orphans’ court. In 1485 Maximilian, by a statute proclaimed on the 16th of November, extended more generally this right. vi. Preface. Under this system such claims were settled until 180g, when all orphans’ courts were abolished by the introduction of the French civil law throughout the kingdom of the Netherlands. The methods of procedure under this code were concluded by the principles laid down in Grotius and Van Leuwen, who were to Dutch law what Black- stone has been to English and American law. On the 5th of March, 1852, the Staats General, or Parliament of the Netherlands, passed an act providing for the organization of a state commission, whose duty, it became to settle claims against the estates of deceased persons as well as against the government. All the funds heretofore under the care of the orphans’ courts, or other officials, and undisposed of, passed into the custody of this commission. This act also provided that for any sum not paid over, and which had been within the jurisdiction of the orphans’ court, the municipality in which it was appointed should still be liable to any one establishing his right to it. The rules of this commission require that all persons making demand for funds under its control shall make a full statement of the case in writing, with proofs of descent and identity. A receipt is given for the papers, and within two months the commission announces its decision ; if adverse, the claimant has the right of appeal to the courts. This act also provides that, as soon as practicable after its taking effect, an adver- tisement should be inserted in the official journal known as the Staats Courant, notifying all claimants to any portion of the funds in their hands to make demand and proof; also, that after an interval of six months from the first there should be a second adver- tisement, and that after the lapse of five years from such second notice all estates to which claims had not been established should escheat to the State. This law would dispose of such estates as were in the hands of the commission prior to 1852. [t is scarcely reasonable to suppose that any government would hold itself responsible without limitation as to time for all waifs that may have fallen under its protection. There are persons, however, who expend large sums upon travel and attorneys under the belief that this government has held in its treasury vast amounts, and is only waiting to welcome some one who will come and claim it. Not many months since, a respectable, zealous, and intelligent old lady from Brooklyn, N. Y., called upon me to inquire how she should approach the government to induce it to pay over without delay what was honestly due her as one of the heirs of a Dutch general who expired suddenly on horseback while engaged in a grand parade that occurred 200 years ago. She was accompanied by a French advocate whom she had engaged in France to prepare her brief in the case. He already had it printed in the shape of a large pamphlet. The lady claimed that the government had taken charge of the property, and had since been in the receipt of the usufruct. She admitted that the claim had become of such magni- tude that if ordinary interest should be added to the principal no government in Europe had the ability to pay it. She was, however, willing to accept the principal and allow further time for the interest. She was fully determined, as she said, if Holland did not meet her expectations in doing what was right and just, to have the government dis- honored in the eyes of all Europe. She called upon several of the embassies here to induce them to form a sort of alliance of the powers to bring a pressure to bear. = This she did because there were heirs in Germany, France, England, and the United States. She was determined that her petition should be laid before the highest authority. For this purpose she waited at the door of the palace, and, when His Majesty the King appeared, she presented it in person. He referred it to his minister of finance, who very soon addressed a note to the applicant informing her that the whole matter had several times been thoroughly examined in the courts and decided adversely to claim- ants. I advised her that it would be more judicious to save the money she was ex- pending upon steamers, hotels, and advocates. A recent mail brought me a letter from a citizen of Marysville. He sets out by saying that he had written to President Hayes, asking him to interpose in regard to an estate left him in Holland, and that in reply my address had been sent to him. He goes on to state that several newspapers had notified him that his ancestor, who died 100 years ago, had left a large amount and directed that it should be put at interest for 100 years and then divided among his heirs; that this time having arrived it was ready to be distributed, and that the sum total was now $12,000,000. He desired the matter to be sifted to the bottom, and offers, on realizing premises, to compensate liberally. Preface. Vii. This was followed by letters from persons of the same name, written, one from Lebanon, N. J., one from Ulster County, New York, another from Washington, all solicitous about the same interest. But in no one of them was there mention of the time or place of death of the testator, nor the location or description of the property, nor was a copy of the newspaper notice inclosed; in fact no clue by which investigation could be commenced. / Of one thing such inquirers may be certain, and that is, the Holland Government never has ordered its notices to be inserted in foreign newspapers. Not long since a gentleman of fair intelligence called upon me and represented that he had just arrived from a voyage across the Atlantic, having been employed by parties who supposed they were heirs to an estate somewhere in Holland. [I discovered that he had undertaken this business and made an expensive trip without the slightest knowledge as to the locality, or province, or part of the kingdom in which the testator had lived and died. I referred him to a competent barrister, by whom he was told that he would have to advertise in several of the leading newspapers for the notary who had the will. That discouraged him and he took his departure, no wiser than when he set off from New York. Advances may have been made sufficient for the trip, but not for advertising. I mention such instances to show that much is expended in such inquiries without avail. I may add, however, that if any one in the United States has a bona fide claim against the Government of Holland, or any of its officials, which can be clearly and satisfactorily shown, he may rely upon it that there is no government that will more promptly and fully meet the demand. Hoping that these hints may not be without some service to the many persons in the United States who look wistfully to the fortunes coming to them from Holland, I have, &c., JAMES BIRNEY. Since the chapter on ‘‘ The Origin of the Name” was printed, it was learned that there was a hamlet in Hungary by the name of Banta. This was the more singular because, in the History of Bergen County, by Clayton, page 188, it is stated that the Banta family was of Hungarian origin, the foundation for which statement could not be ascertained. A letter of inquiry to an intelligent gentleman in Budapest elicited the following reply : BUDAPEST, December 10, 1892. THEODORE M. BANTA, Esq., New York. DEAR SIR: Your esteemed favor of the 22d ulto. came duly to hand, and in reply I beg to remark that very often when I have read your name I thought that your family might be of Hungarian origin, as the name sounds Hungarian. On receipt of your esteemed favor, I addressed myself to Prof. D. Simonyi, who is the first linguist in the country, and Professor of the Hungarian Language at the Uni- versity of Budapest. I send you herewith enclosed his reply in Hungarian, and give you the translation of the letter, as follows: DEAR DOCTOR: There is no town named Banta in Hungary, but we have a village named Banota (with short “a” and ‘“0”’) in the Department of Zala, near Also Lendva, and it is possible that this name was abbreviated as a family name from Banota to Banta, as, for instance, Halvany from Halovany, etc. But we find ‘“‘Bonta’” also as a Hungarian family name in the sixteenth century (written ‘‘Bontha”) as it was published in the ‘‘ Hungarian Nyelvor,” in 1880, on page 364. It is very possible that from ‘‘Bonta” it changed to ‘‘ Banta,” as has happened in our language, from Mogyoro to Magyaro (hazelnut). In some parts of the country they use the word ‘“bonta,” which is an adjective, signifying ‘‘many-colored.” I am, dear sir, (Signed) SIMONYI Zs. I addressed myself also to the brother of Prof. Simonyi Zs., Dr. Eugene Simonyi, who is the first geographical authority in the country, in order to find out whether there is such a village near Veszprém, and I send you herewith his answer, the translation of which is as follows: viii. Preface. DEAR DOCTOR: I don’t know anybody by the name of Banta. There is a ‘“‘puszta Banta” (puszta is estate) in the County of Veszprém, between Var-Palota and Osku, and a village, ‘‘Banota,” in the County of Zala, in the neighborhood of A. Lendva. The ‘“a” in Banta, with western pronunciation, is certainly not the Hunga- rian *“a,” but a short “‘a.” Yours truly, (Signed) SIMONYL. I have never heard of the name of ¢ Banta” in our country, but it is true that your name sounds quite Hungarian, and nobody here would hesitate to take it for a pure Hungarian one. I shall also have searched the registers of marriages and baptisms, which extend 200 or 300 years back, and shall inform you of the result at a later date. These registers are in the hands of the municipality in every town, and are kept by the respective clergy- men. [I need not mention that in regard to any information you may desire I am en- tirely at your disposal. When I was in New York, in April of this year, I remember to have had the pleasure of seeing you on the day you occupied anew your position. I am, dear sir, yours truly, D. ARANYI. To add to the puzzle as to the origin and meaning of the name, it may be mentioned that Banta or Bantu is applied to a group of African races and languages, extending over a large part of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa—the language differing greatly from the true negro language.— Lippincott’s Universal Gaselleer, edition of 1893, page 584. The Encyclopaedia Britannica, gth edition, in interesting articles on the Kaffres and Zulus, thus refers to the language: ¢‘The word abantu, or abanta, denotes ‘people.’ Philologists speak highly of the beauty and flexibility of the Bantu languages, and of their grammatical structure.” There is a Post-office by the name of Banta in Johnson County, Indiana, a few miles from Franklin, named in honor of Judge D. D. Banta, Dean of the law school of Indiana University. There is also a post village by the name of Banta in San Joaquin County, Cali- fornia, on the Central Pacific Railroad, seventeen miles southwest of Stockton. The plan upon which this genealogy has been prepared will be readily understood. A separate chapter is devoted to all the information obtainable concerning each of the sons of Epke Jacob, all of whom were born in Holland, and came in early childhood with their parents to America. A succeeding chapter gives similar information regarding the descendants of these sons for each succeeding generation. The names are num- bered consecutively for the purpose of identification, and a small figure affixed to each name indicates the generation in which the person belongs. The head-line on each page shows the line of descent of those mentioned thereon. For example, on page 313 will be found No. 2758 John7 Banta, and below is 4577 Isaac T.® At the top of the page the head-line reads, ‘‘ Eighth Generation; Isaac® David? Henry* Hendrick? Hen- drick? Epkel,” indicating that Isaac T.% is of the eighth generation, and that he is the son of John,” who was the son of Isaac,6 who was the son of David,® who was the son of Henry,* who was the son of Hendrick,3 who was the son of Hendrick,? who was the son of Epke.l This volume contains descendants to the eleventh generation of Epke Jacob, the progenitor of the Banta family in America, showing an aggregate of nearly nine thousand persons who might claim him as their forefather. The number herein enrolled represents probably not more than one-half of his posterity, as in general the offspring of the daughters have not been recorded beyond one generation, and many in the male m. July 24, 1643, at Middleburg, Zieland. DAVID DEMAREST, = MARIE SOHIER, b. 1620, at Beauchamp, in Picardy. daughter of Francois Sohier. To N. A., 1663, by ship ** Bontekoe.” b. Nieppe, Hainault, SIMON DE RUINE, = from Landrecy, in Hainault. To N. A. by ship‘ De Trou,” February, 1659. EPKE JACOBSE, = — from Friesland to N. A, by ship ‘De Trou,” SAMUEL MARIE DEMAREST, = DE RUINE. b. Mannheim, 1656. ALBERT bp. N. A,, Aug. 13, 1651. Feb., 1659. In N. A,, 1663. Member E, New Jersey Died 1728. Legislature in 16g6. m. at Hackensack, Nov. 18, 1699. CORNELIUS EPKE BANTA, = MAGDALENA DEMAREST, b. 1650, Friesland. b. in New York. To N. A., by ship *De Trou,” bp. Apr. 21, 1680. Feb., 1659. Died at Hackensack, 1719. m. at Hackensack, April 13, 1728. JACOB CORNELIUS BANTA, = RACHEL TERHUNE, b. at Hackensack, Nov. 6, b. at Hackensack, Sept. 6, 1703. Died 1771. 170Q. MAGDALENA VANDERSTRAATEN. HENDRICKJE TERHUNE, Jr., = VAN VOORHEES. m. at Hackensack, Oct. 18, 1707. STEPHEN TERHUNE, = LYDIA DEMAREST, b. Flatlands, L. I., April 14, 1680. 1 PIERRE CRESSON, = b. Cresson Manor, Picardy. In 1640 was at Leiden. ‘Was gardener to the Prince of Orange. At New Amsdel on the Delaware, 1657. To N. A,, in ship * Beaver,” April 2s, 1650. RACHEL CLOOS. b. Breestede. m. N. A., April 4, 1675. DAVID RACHEL DEMAREST, Jr.,, = CRESSON, son of David Demarest b. Picardy. and Marie Sohier. b. Mannheim, 1652. In N. A., 1663. Died 1601. FRANS JACOBSON OUTWATER, = — in Albany, 1657. JOHANNES JANSEN VAN BRESTEDE, in N. A., 1641. Fire Warden, 1674. m. N. Y., June 16, 1686. THOMAS OUTWATER, = TRVYNTJE BRESTEDE, b. in Albany. b. in New York. bp. Feb. 2, 1666. Died April 8, 1706. . b. Hackensack. m. N. A,, Nov. 1, 1647. MARITIE = ANDRIES, daughter of Andries Luycassen, skipper in N. A., 1647. JAN JANSEN, = ENGELTE JANS, widow remarried in N, A, in 1641. JACOB OUTWATER, = MARTYNTIE BERTHOLF, b. in Bergen, Nov. 18, ABBREVIA TIONS. = Wife. bp. Baptized. b. Born. m, Married. N. A. New Amsterdam, 2. e., New York, m. at Hackensack, Nov. 26, 1763. CORNELIUS JACOB BANTA, = HENDRICKJE OUTWATER, b. at Hackensack, May 7, 1730. b. at Hackensack, March 23, 1740. Died at Hackensack, Jan. 14, 1812. Died at Hackensack, Nov. 8, 1803. NoteE.—The connecting lines unite parents and child. of Jacob Hendrick Zabriskie and W¥ntje Terhune. a THE LINEAGE OF THEODORE MELVIN BANTA, OF BROOKLYN, N.Y. ALBERT ALBERTSE TERHUNE, the Ribbon Weaver. 3 In N. A. prior to 1650. At New Utrecht, 1657, at formation of village. With others received patent for 5,000 acres of = GRIETJE Ri, b. 16co in Hees, Holland. To N. A. in 1660, by ship ** Bontekoe.” Diced February 16, 1684, at Flatbush, L. I. land on Passaic River, N. J., from Governor Carteret. GUILLAUME MARTINA HENDRICKSE BERTHOLF, = from Sluis, in Flanders, about 1680. Pastor at Hackensack, 1606. HENDRICK BERTHOLF, = MARITIE TERHUNE, b. in Bergen, N. J. bp. April 6, 1686. ALBERT HENDRICKJE = __ JOOST FYTIE ANDRIES GEERTIE VERMEULE. TERHUNE, Jr., = VAN VOORHEES. VANDERLINDE, == VAN GELDER. HOPPER, == HENDRICKSE. bp. N. A., Aug. 13, 1651. (First wife.) in N. A. in 1639. to N. A., 1652. Member E. New Jersey Legislature in 1696. m. at Hackensack, March 2g, 1707. bp. Oct. 11, 1686, at Flatbush, L. I. b. in Poland. To N. A. im ship * Fox,” 1662. Among earliest settlers m. at Hackensack, July 27, 1724. 1696. b. at Hackensack. bp. Fek., 1708. Thus, the line running above Jacob Cornelius Barta shows that he was a son of Cornelius Jacob Banta and Hendrickje Outwater, and the line above Wyntje Zabriskie, his wife, show's she was a daughter in Hackensack. JACOB CORNELIUS BANTA, = WYNTJE ZABRISKIE, b. at Hackensack, Jan. 14, 1768. b. at Paramus, N. J., Nov. Died at Hackensack, Nov. 5, 1844. 13, 1768, Died at Hackensack, Dec. 10, 1839. ship * Love.” STEPHEN COURTE VAN VOORHEES, SURGEON PETER VANDER LINDE, = ELSJE BARENTS. from Belle, in Flanders, to N. A. in 1639, by Made burgher in N. A. ; m. at Bergen, Jan. 8, 1677. ALBERT ZABRISKIE, = MACHTELT VANDERLINDE, b. in Bergen, N. J. bp. in N. A,, Jan. 19, 1661. m. at Hackensack HENDRICK ZABRISKIE, b. at Hackensack, Nov. 1, 1696. April 13, 1657. Died 1658. ABRAM DAVIDSE ACKERMAN, b. in Berlicum, Brabant, 1586. m. June 7, 1650, at N. A. JAN LUBBERTSE MADALENA ALBERT ALBERTSE GRIET]JE GERRIT AELTIE DAVID LISBET VAN BLARCOM, = JANS, TERHUNE, = -— BICKER, = LUBBERTSE. ACKERMAN = —. from Edam. from Voorsthuijsen. the Ribbon Weaver. at Flatbush, 1653. Clerk in Secretary’s In N. A., prior to 1650. office, N. A., Sept. 8, At New Utrecht, 1657, at Commandant at Fort Casimier on the Dela- 1654. formation of village. ware, 1654. Patentee of Bergen, With others received pat- Died prior to June 6, Dec. 1654. ent for 5,000 acres of land 1659, when widow re- Schoolmaster, Aug. 13, on Passaic River, N. ]J., married. 1658. from Gov. Carteret. Commissioner to forti- fy Bergen, 1663. m. at Bergen, Mar. 14, 1680. HENDRICK HOPPER, = MARY VAN BLARCOM, N. A. bp. Jan. g, 1656. , May 16, 1719. = GEERT JE HOPPER, b. at Hackensack. bp. Mar. 26, 1699. b. at Bergen. b. N. A, Aug. 13, 1651. bp. in N. A., Dec. 30, 1661. Member E. N. J. Legislature in 166. ALBERT TERHUNE, = ANNA MARIA ACKERMAN. b. in Hackensack. bp. Oct. 10, 1605. ALBERT TERHUNE, Jr. = WYNTJE BICKER. (Second wife.) | in 16356. from Berlicum, in Bra- bant, in ship *‘ Fox,” Sept. 2, 1662. ABRAHAM ISAACSEN VER PLANCK, = bought Paulus Hook, now Jersey City, in 1638. ADRIAN VAN LAER, = VER PLANCK. from Amsterdam, by ship * Gilded Bea- ver,” May 1658. Died prior to 1672. m. at Flatbush, May 28, 1683. ABRAM ACKERMAN, = AELTIE VAN LAER. b. in Berlicum, in the Maiery of Bois-le-Duc, m. at Hackensack, Oct. 24, 1719. b. at Hackensack. bp. April 6, 1701. JACOB HENDRICK ZABRISKIE, = WYNTJE TERHUNE, " b. at Hackensack. b. at Hackensack. bp. Nov. 19, 1727." bp. Dec. 3, 1732. Died Jan. 14, 1795. Died July 30, 1814. MARIE THOMAS SAYRE, VINGE, Bedfordshire, England, 1501. daughter of In Lynn, Mass., 1638. Adriane Among first settlers of Southamp- Cuvilje. ton, L. I., in 1640. Died 1671. ABIGAIL JOSEPH SAYRE, = MARTHA PHILEMON MARY in Southampton, L. I., —— DICKERSON, = PAYNE, b. 163s. 1640. from England to Lynn, eldest daughter Among first settlers of Mass., by ship * Mary of Elizabethtown, N. J. Ann,” of Yarmouth, Thomas Payne. Died 1609s. May, 1637. Among first settlers of Southold, L. I., 1640. DANIEL SAYRE, Sr.,, = — died in Elizabethtown, 1722. FE DANIEL SAYRE, JR, = b. Elizabethtown, N. J., 1702. Died 1763. id PHEBE — JOHN DICKERSON, Sk., = b. 1712. Died Dec., 1792, at Springfield, N. J. MARTHA — b. 1718. Died Oct. 5, 1703, at Springfield, N. J. DANIEL SAYRE, third, = — JOHN DICKERSON, Jr, = — b. in Elizabeth, N. J. CALVIN SAYRE, = MARY DICKERSON, b. at Connecticut Farms, N. J. b. at Springfield, N. J. ALBERT ZABRISKIE BANTA, = SARAH ANN SAYRE, hd b. at Hackensack, Nov. 24, 1798. b. at Connecticut Farms, N. J., Aug. 24, 1797. Died in New York, Aug. 31, 1854. Died at Augusta, Ca., Sept. 5, 1839. THEODORE MELVIN BANTA. b. in New York. Preface. ix, line also have been lost sight of. The numbers in the several generations which appear in the volume, separated to show the descendants of each of the sons of Epke Jacob, are as follows, calling Epke as of the first generation : Generation. Cornelius. Seba. Hendrick. Dirck. Wiert. 7otal. 2h I I I I I 5 3 14 To 6 7 4 41 4 65 55 32 40 24 216 5 148 130 61 30 90 459 6 214 189 232 7 181 823 7 354 392 495 5 270 1516 8 570 547 1336 7 349 2809 gL 0 any 381 1427 ih 255 2376 Io) 0. 47 va 414 i 54 587 EL I i 33 os a 34 Tomls . . 1727 1777 . 4037 97 1228 8866 It is an interesting study also to trace one’s pedigree back through both the several paternal and maternal branches. In the first preceding generation a person has two ancestors; in the second gener- ation he has four; in the third, provided there are no intermarriages of cousins, he has eight, in the fourth he has sixteen, and in the fifth he has thirty-two ancestors, and so on increasing in geometrical progression. A chart has been prepared and is here inserted, showing the genealogy of the compiler of these records through the various branches as far back as he could ascertain the facts. On his father’s side all his ances- tors in this country were of Dutch or Huguenot extraction and connected with the Reformed Dutch Church, and the: records of that church have been so carefully pre- served that they furnish quite a complete chain for five or six generations. Of his thirty-two ancestors in the fifth generation preceding his father, there will be found the names of all except five. On his mother’s side his ancestors came from England in 1638 and settled in Lynn, Massachusetts; subsequently were among the founders of Southampton and Southold, Long Island, and later of Elizabethtown, New Jersey. They were connected with the Congregational and Presbyterian Churches, the records of which antedating the Revo- lutionary War, are no longer in existence, and other records also have been destroyed ; the lineage on the maternal side, therefore, is not so complete as in the other case. It may be mentioned as a rather unusual circumstance in this country of mixed races, that there is not a drop of blood in his veins that has come from any ancestors whose lineage in America does not go back for a period of more than two hundred years. The writer will be pleased to have pointed out any errors or omissions which may be noted in these pages. It is possible that a second edition may hereafter be issued, and in view of this contingency he will be happy to correspond with any persons who may be able to give information that will make the record more complete. SOLDIERS IN THE WARS, OF THE NAME OF BANTA. The following lists are probably far from complete. The lists of Revolutionary soldiers in New York are taken from the volume recently published at Albany, those of New Jersey from a similar work in that State, and those of Pennsylvania from the Archives at Harrisburg. The lists of soldiers in the War of 1812 and the Mexican War X Preface. are made up mainly from statements made by their descendants. The reports of the Adjutant-General of Indiana, giving the names of all soldiers in the Civil War from that State, were examined, and a compilation made therefrom shows that nearly fifty bearing the name of Banta were enrolled in the regiments of that State. Some of these names are not found in this volume, indicating that many families have not sent their records for insertion in this work. As in the earlier circular sent out soliciting information specific inquiry was not made as to what members were in the army, it is quite probable that many more names should be added to these lists of the Bantas who were numbered among the soldiers in the recent conflict: REVOLUTIONARY WAR. PAGE. Hendrick, New York State, ; : ; : ; : . ; : 33 John, os . : . . . : ‘ : ; . 18 Hildebrant, oi . : . . . 3 g ; 8 Daniel, Bergen County, New Joos, : . . . : : \ . a of Dirck, ot i ; . : : : ; : : aes Hendrick, oe ot . ; : : : > ; 3 ; John, 4 i : . ; . : . : : . 02 Peter, ge o : . ‘ : : : : . .. a8 Samuel, oe vi ; : . . ; : . . oy Weart, oe he : : . . . : ; : : Abraham D., *¢ of . ; : . . : ] : .: 103 John, Essex County, ve \ . : . ? ; ; ; 80 Daniel, 8 ee Abraham, Pennsylvania, : . : . : ; : : ; : 28% Cornelius, $e ; : ; g : : : . : . «of John, tH ; : : : . : ; : . J og WAR OF 1812. Abraham, . ; 3 ; ; : ; ; ; : ; ; ; - 248 Andrew, ; : ; . ; ; : ’ . ) : : : S173 Andrew, : ; : . . . . . ; : . ; : «243 Henry, : : 3 . . ; ; . : : : : J STIG Henry, ; : : . ; : . 3 . " . . J eZ Jacob, : : ; ; : ; ; : : ; ; : ; sing Peter, : ; 3 3 : ; ; ; > : 3 3 ; . 244 Peter, ; 3 , : . : ; ; ; : : ; 243 Seba, ; ; 3 ] ; ; ] } ; ; . ; . SEA MEXICAN WAR. Harvey G., . ; : . : : : ; . : : : . + 23x CiviL WAR OF 1801. Frederick B., 26th Connecticut Regiment, . : : : g : X . zo4 Aaron Elverton, 140th New York, ¢f ; ; . : : ‘ ; a 134 Samuel, if te . J 2 . 3 ; ; 20% William, Jr., 37th ‘f 4 . J ; ) ; ; zo3 Charles G., 25th and gth New Jersey Redinient, ; ] : ; 3 i393 Preface. xi. John Jacob, 1st New Jersey Cavalry, 333 Albert Monford, — Ohio Regiment, 274 Abram, 25th Illinois ee 316 Lawrence, 98th Illinois Xe 323 Milton Fraley, 1st Missouri Light Avciflors, 340 John Calvin, 14th Iowa Regiment, 343 Smith, a 9 303 Warren H., 279 Abram T., ‘Co, F, aah Indians Reciment, Albert, of Johnson Co., Co. G, 132d Indiana Regiment, Albert, of Hancock Co., Co. D, gth ve Albert, Co. H, 124th Indiana Regiment, died at New Albany, Te 13, it, Andrew B., of Craig, Co. D, 93d Indiana Regiment, 299 Andrew J., Co. F, 44th oe Cary E, of Craig, Co. E, 146th 1¢ 4 202 Dallas F.,; of Craig, Co. E, 146th: a 303 Daniel J., of Dubois Co., Captain Co. E, 58th tadions Regiment, 308 Edward E., Co. E, 309th Indians Regiment, 8th Cavalry, Elijah, Johnson Co., 132d Indiana Regiment, 271 Frederick, Corporal Co. E, 44th Indiana Regiment, George, Noble Co., Co. B, 88th “ oe 273 Henry, of Collamer, Co. E, 17th Indiana Regiment, . 279 Henry D., of Decatur, Captain Co. I, 89th Indiana Regiment, 298 Henry D., of Craig, Captain Co. E, 146th ee £4 303 Isaac, of Johnson Co., Co. F, 7th Indiana Regiment, Isaac, of Craig, 2d Tint, 1oth Indiana Legion, Isaac F., of Craig, 1st Lieut. 139th Indiana Regimbnt, 300 Jacob A., of Yiciecton, Co. B, 44th ¢* 4 274 James H., of Franklin Co., Co. F, 18th £4 269 James p., of Salem, C ot sth Cavalry, goth Indiana Regiment, Jeptha F., of Bridgeport, 2d Lieut. Co. C, 70th oe 203 John, of Versailles, killed at Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862, 170 John, of Amsterdam, 2d Lieut Co. K, gth Indiana Regiment, John D., of Bluffton, Co. G, 30th Indiana Regiment, 273 John E; "Co. G., 3oth Indiana Regiment, 319 John F, of Cini, Co. E., 146th Indiana Realnient, 209 John Quincy Adams, Surgeon, 146th Indiana Regiment, 293 John V., of New Paris, 74th Indiana Regiment, : 275 John V., of Johnson Co., Co. G, 132d Indiana Regiment, 344 J. B., of Johnsen Co., Co. €, 115th 4 *2 Joseph, 85th Indiana Regiment, Joseph S., of Marion Co., Joseph 1.., of Jay C. H., Co. B, or adionz Remment, + 1390 Marcus L of Dubois, Co. M, 125th Indiana Reg’t, died at Pulaski pay Il, 90a. Merida, of Decatur Co., 134th Indiana Regiment, . .. 208 Merrit, of Vevay, Co. E, 146th *¢ oe 298 Moses M., of Versailles, Co. F, 83d Indiana Regiment, 170 Samuel J., of Henry Co., Major 103d a 203 xi, Preface. Washington A., of Versailles, Co. K, 22d Indiana Regiment, . ; ; . 7170 William Henry, of Bartholomew Co., Co. F, 39th Indiana Regiment, ] 4 270 William, of Logansport, Corporal Co. K, gth 5 ve Beda J William C., of Hendricks Co., Lieut.-Col. 7th £4 be : : . 204 William H., of Bennington, Co. F, 22d i ie 4 ; : 1.200 + William H., of Craig, Corporal Co. D, 93d 2 oe : ; . 200 William ]J., of Versailles, Co. K, 22d £4 £4 : : aT William Jesse, of Switzerland Co., 125th 4 he : : oii 173 William R., Co. I, 70th % 42 ; . 26g William V., of Ripley Co., 1st Lieut..Co. G; 13th 4 fs . : eh Persons not Identified. xiii. THE PERSONS MENTIONED BELOW, WHOSE NAMES WERE FOUND IN VARIOUS RECORDS, HAVE NOT BEEN IDENTIFIED, THOUGH SOME OF THEM DOUBT- LESS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME. From Munsell’s Annals of Albany. Daniel Winne, born April 4, 1731, married Jannette Banta. ISSUE. KILLIAN WINNE, b. Dec. 18, 1766. JILLIS WINNE, b. July 8, 1772. From the Dutch Church Records of Hackensack and vicinity. Jacob De Groot and Naomi Banta. ISSUE. HELENA CONOVER DE GROOT, b. Jan. 30, 1789. Jacob Valentine and Tryntie Banta. ISSUE. MARIA VALENTINE, bp. Feb. 16, 1777. William Jacox and Maria Banta. ISSUE. MARIA JACOX, b. Oct. 15, 1796, bp. at Tappan. Peter Bogert married at Paramus, July 27, 1812, Peggy Banta. ISSUE. PHEBE ANN BOGERT, b. Feb. 24, 1817. John Evertson married at Schraalenburgh, May 22, 1819, Elizabeth Banta. ISSUE. MARY ANN EVERTSON, b. April 2, 1820. Abraham Cole married at Schraalenburgh, Sept. 12, 1812, Maria Banta. John Frederick Myers married at Saddle River, April 18, 1818, Elizabeth Banta. ISSUE. MAGDALENA MYERS, bp. Jan. 30, 1819, at Pascack. Edward Eckerson married at Paramus, June 16, 1822, Polly Banta. James P. Paulison, of New Bridge, married at Hackensack, Ellenor Banta, of Old Bridge, who was born August 7, 1807. Jacob De Mott married, Oct. 2, 1845, Catharine Banta, who was born Oct. 6, 1827. Adolph Wannemaker married at Saddle River, Aug. 4, 1821, Ann Banta. Peggy Banta, wife of Abraham Ackerman, was received October, 1814, at the Church in Hackensack. Joseph H. Van Cleef married, Oct. 9, 1866, Eliza Banta. Children of John Banta and Jacomyntie Buskirk, baptized at Schraalenburgh. JOHN, b. July 28, 1799. MARIA, b. Oct. 6, 1802. CONTENTS CHAPTER. PAGE I. TheOriginof the Name... ......c.c0ceentniscsvsannmrscnne-eenoenton 1 II: The Frisian Emigrant... ...... oc... cnanieehiseonea.he ines shiidveeies 3 III. Third Generation... ... vu. sve cin bhi oils sl ele nis ela ise ole ale 10 IV. Tourth Generation. ..... ...-qiis seen seit ibe ie deine Je slo blot mses 17 V. Fifth Generation, line of Cornelius Epke.............................. 36 V1. Fifth Generation, line of Seba Epke ........ :............ choc ehce ees 43 VII. Fifth Generation, line of Hendrick Epke ....... ...................... 48 VIII. Fifth Generation, line of Dirck Epke...................c.oeh chins ons 62 1X. Tifth Generation, line of Wiert Epke................ctccooiilich -0L bs se 62 X. Sixth Generation, line of Cornelius Epke...... hata dis vat te fos 67 XI. Sixth Generation, line of Seba Epke..............ccecuehhidebh renee 75 XII. Sixth Generation, line of Hendrick Epke............... .......L..00. 86 XII1. Sixth Generation, line of Dirck Epke............/.....c. LLL. Lens 100 XIV. Sixth Generation, line of Wiert Epke...... ............c..00ehh-0hihs 101 XV. Seventh Generation, line of Cornelius Epke.......... ................. 118 XVI. Seventh Generation, line of Seba Epke.........................L..- y..132 XVII. Seventh Generation, line of Hendrick Epke..... .............00nveenen 156 XVIII. Seventh Generation, line of Dirck Epke........ ............00vneeen 188 XIX. Seventh Generation, line of Wiert Epke............................... 189 XX. Eighth Generation, line of Cornelius Epke................c0oviinnnnnn 203 XX1. Eighth Generation, line of Seba Epke.............ccviceerinnnns.enes 219 XXII. Eighth Generation, line of Hendrick Epke...........0 c.ovevvenniennns 241 XXIIl. Eighth Generation, line of Wiert Epke..............c0c0iiiniiin.en. 324 XXIV. Ninth Generation, line of Hendrick Epke.. ................00viinnnnnn 337 Errataand Addenda. ........c.. chon silane at vvisn ss leis 349 Dutch Baptismal Names. ........... av aw lee wala ie aes alse ats 350 IRAE. yi i a ae wn ye aCe me i ia es Ae ioe Nese ey 351 Soldiers inthe Wars. ............¢ cee. venues iiniechloie cbioniehiio tise ix. Names of persons not identified ....................... Ye ls xiii. ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Theodore M. Banta. .. ......e.0h eine rihh sinned cnine. nly Frontispiece. View of Ancient Harlingen..........o ci. vo iinectvhssuvaiia oes Opposite page 49 View of MINNErSGa. .. | civ vnanis nt yee inion sie dence ala sity ce 173 View of Q0SterDIErim,. . «sons vnns vrsiiincnlein fe dsesivitn sine $e 219 Portrait of Hon- DD. D. Banta ................0.. 0. eas b hss ¥% 252 Portrait of A. B. Bonta......... wuts arnnsin oie sions nuns ee 288 Portrait of Rev. J. H. C. Bonte, D., ot 335 CHAPTER 1. THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME. As is well known, the use of family names was not common among the early emigrants from Holland to New Netherlands. To distinguish one John, for example, from another, there was added to the name the baptismal name of his father, usually with the addition of s, se, or sen, indicating the relationship. Thus: Epke, the son of Jacob, was known as Epke Jacobs, or Epke Jacobse. Sometimes a surname was derived from the place of birth. Thus: Jan, from the town of Wyck, was called Jan Van Wyck to distinguish him from Jan, from the city of Norden, who was called Jan Van Norden. Frequently the surname represented the trade of its bearer. For instance, Jan, the cooper, was known as Jan Kuiper, and Jan, the mason, was Jan Metselaar. The progenitor. of the Banta family in America did not bear this surname on his arrival in this country. In all the records yet found his name appears as Epke Jacobs, which, as above stated, means simply Epke, the son of Jacob. Epke is a Frisian name, nearly corresponding to the English Egbert. The sons of Epke Jacobs, namely, Cornelius, Seba, Hendrick, Derrick (or Dirck), and Weart, appear in the earliest records as Cornelius Epke, Seba Epke, or Epkese, etc. The first appearance of the family surname Banta, so far as known, is in the records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey, August 22, 1696. On this date in the Marriage Register is the following record: Johannes Meyer, from New York, with Jannetie Cornelese Banta, from Ackinsack. The bride in this case was the first-born child of Cornelius, probably the eldest son of the original immigrant, the marriage being the first solemnized of any of the Banta family who were born in the New World. The following records subsequently appear : July 5, 1697. Twins of Cornelis Epke and Jannetie De Pree were baptized; one ot the witnesses was the wife of Dirck Epke. (The Cornelis Epke here mentioned is the same person alluded to as ‘ Corneles Banta” in the previous record, Dirck Epke being his brother.) July 10, 1698. Received into membership in the church, Antie Sibese Banta (she was a daughter of Seba Epke). > May 21, 1699. There was baptized a child of Seba Epke; a witness was Jacob Hendricks Banta, who was a son of Hendrick, brother of Seba Epke. Nov. 18, 1699. Cornelese Epke Banta, widower of Jannetie De Pree, married Magdalena Samuelse Demarest. (It will be observed that the groom in this case is the same person called Cornelis Epke in the record of July 5, 1697.) \ 1 2 The Origin of the Name. For a short time thereafter the surname of the sons of the immigrant appeared sometimes as Epke, and at other times as Banta, until after a few years the latter sur- name only was used. / We cannot determine whether the family ever bore the name in Holland, and if not, why they assumed it in this country. Advertisements have been published in the newspapers of Amsterdam and of Friesland, but they have not brought information of any persons now bearing the name in the Netherlands. The name itself is very ancient. Rev. William Arthur, in his work, ‘Origin of Names,” states that Banta is from the Gaelic, derived from Beaunta, hills or mountains. Others suppose it is derived from bandt, a ban. The earliest appearance of the name which has come under our notice is in Kemble’s “The Saxons in England,” published in London, 1876. We quote from page 149: A very remarkable document of Eadberht, King of Kent, is preserved in the Textus Roffensis; after the King’s own signature, in which he calls himself Rex Can- tuariorum, his nobles place their names, thus: ‘‘Zgo Wilbardus comites meos confirmare et subscribere feci ;)'* and in the same words Dinrheahac, Hosberht, Nothbalth, Banta, Ruta and Tidbalth sign. Now the fact of these persons having comites at all is only conceivable on the supposition that they were all royal, kings or sub-kings. The document here referred to is given in full in ‘A Hand-Book to the Land Charters and other Saxon Documents,” by John Earle, published at Oxford in 1888. 1Itis a charter by which Eadberht gives land in the Bishopric of Rochester. Earle remarks: ¢‘ After the signature of the grantor, several other signataries follow who use the same royal style, in that they make their Comities to confirm and subscribe.” Mr. Kemble has dwelt on this deed as conclusive evidence of the plurality of kings in Kent at this date, April, 738. This fact has’ probably not been published before in this country, and in view of it, the tradition mentioned in the introduction to this work has a curious interest. It is worthy of mention that Friesland, from which the Banta progenitor came to the New World, was the original home of the Saxons. In the fifth century, a band of the Frisii joined the Saxons and Angles in an invasion of Britain. Motley, in the ‘“Rise of the Dutch Republic,” says, page 20: The free Frisians, whose name is synonymous ith liberty, were the nearest blood relations of the Anglo-Saxon race. > > » ” ” > 2 The Frisian language is intermediate between hs Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse. Of all the Teutonic dialects, it shows the closest affinity to "English. There is a Frisian literature from the twelfth century. It may be noted that as early as 1671, a name nearly identical with that of Banta, but which belonged to an entirely different family, appears among the records of the Dutch Church in New York City. October 1st, 1679, appears the baptism of a child of Jan Pieterszen Bandt and Maria Pieters. The marriage of these parents is recorded April 1, 1671, and three other baptisms are recorded in which the name of the husband and father is given simply as Jan Pieterszen. This person’s name occurs in the records of the Register’s Office, New York, Liber 23, folio 159, where in a deed it appears as John Peters Bant. His descendants’ names appear under the same patro- nymic, but in some cases they have altered it to Bond. The name of Bant also appears early in the Boston records, the baptism of a daughter of Gilbert and Mary Bant being recorded April 28, 1689, and the marriage of John Grantham and Martha Bant being solemnized Dec. 8, 1690. * I, Wilbardus, have made my comz:fes confirm and subscribe. The Frisian Emigrant. 3 One of the Directors of the Dutch West India Company, residing in Zieland in 1652, was D. Bant or D. Bante, the name appearing with both spellings. Bant was the ancient name of an island north of Friesland, of which we find this account in an old Dutch Cyclopedia: Bant— Alfridius III, Bishop of Munster, who has also written the life of Lud- gerus I, calls by this name an island of Friesland, which lies between the Ems and the Lauwers; the fact that he names it as one of the six prominent districts into which he divides the country, is a certain proof that the Burchana of the Romans had not been diminished at the time of Ludgerus, 7. ¢., in the ninth century, so that it was yet attached to BANT, which formed the easterly part of it. As the Romans called the whole island Burchana, after Bozchem, the principal village on the west side, so Alfridius gives it the name of Bant, after another village which lies on the opposite side. After both of them had been very much decreased this common name also has been abandoned, and the western part has been called Borkna and the eastern part Bant. Now-a-days it has become so small that it can hardly be an abode for rabbits, much less for men. In the life of the holy Ludgerus, just mentioned, reference is made to the ‘‘pres- byter Bantus and his brother Beatus, by name and in works,” who lived on the island a hermit life. CHAPTER 11. THE FRISIAN EMIGRANT. / // The ancestor of the Banta family in America, Epke Jacobs, was a farmer who lived in the vicinity of Harlingen, an important seaport of Friesland, the most northern of the provinces of Holland. . Harlingen is at the entrance of the Zuyder Zee, 65 miles north north-east from Am- sterdam. It stands on the site of a former town which was engulphed by the sea in the year 1134. It is protected by a dyke forty feet high, one of the largest in Holland. On the register of the Dutch Church at Bergen, New Jersey, in recording the mar- riage of Seba Epke (son of Epke Jacobs), he is stated to have been born at Ooster- bierum, and in a similar record of Hendrick, Dirck and Weart (other sons), their birth-place is given as Minnertsga. These are small villages within a mile of. the Zuyder Zee, and about six and nine miles respectively, northeast of Harlingen. Epke Jacobs probably lived between these two villages. They are within the district of Barradeel and opposite the island of Schelling. Near them, and about a mile east from Oosterbierum, is an old convent called Lidlum. This part of Friesland is flat, much of it below the level of the sea and protected by dykes. A view of Harlingen copied from an ancient print, and views in the two villages named from photographs taken specially for this work, will doubtless be regarded with interest. The inhabitants of Friesland still retain that strong passion for liberty which distin- guished their ancestors, together with their old customs and manner of living, even te the ancient Frisian dialect and accent, which latter circumstance renders the language, of the country people in particular, unintelligible to the other Netherlanders.— Busciing. The Frieslanders are noted as a tall and muscular race. It may be observed that the baptismal name ‘‘Epke” is very uncommon. Mr. James Riker, author of the History of Harlem, stated that he had searched in vain many old Dutch chronicles and histories (full of christian names) for that of Epke. The compiler of these records has examined almost all of the early Dutch church records of this country and has found it only when borne by a descendant of Epke 4 The Frisian Emigrant. Jacobs, the progenitor of the Banta family. Mr. Riker thought it hardly found its English equivalent in Egbert, but came nearer the Teutonic Epikur (Epicurus). It may be observed, however, that the eldest son of Cornelius Epke Banta, who was bap- tized by the name of Epke, is mentioned in his father’s will as Egbert. The existing marriage records of Harlingen date from 1611 and the baptismal : records from 1613. The baptismal records of Minnertsga date from 1655, and those of Oosterbierum from 1694. These records were searched in the hope that they might disclose the name of the wife of Epke Jacobs, the date of his marriage, the baptism of his children, etc., but the examination proved fruitless. In volume 14, page go, of the Colonial Manuscript in the State Library, at Albany (copied into N. Y. Documentary History III: 52, 53), there is preserved the first record we have found of the forefather of the Bantas, being the bill of charges for passage to America. Translated from the Dutch, it reads as follows: EPKE JAcoBs, from Harlengen, farmer (boumann) Debet. For passage and board when he came over in the ship De Trouw, Jan Jansen Bestevaer, skipper, Feby. 12, 1659, - - - - =ite Fl 30 For his wife and five sons of 3, 2, 3, 4 and 6 years, - - - 108 Cash received from the Lord Directors, - - - - - 15 Fl 159 Upon arrival in the New World he probably settled at Flushing, on the north shore of Long Island, about eleven miles from New York. Unfortunately, all the town records of Flushing were destroyed by the burning of the town clerk’s house in 1789, so that we are cut off from information which these records might have revealed. Neither his name nor that of his wife appear on the records of any of the Dutch churches here that have been preserved. Valentine’s Corporation Manual for 1863 contains a page headed, ¢‘ Fac similes of the Original Autographs of the Burgomasters and Schepens, and many other distinguished individuals, in the early history of the City of New York.” Among these names is that of Epke Jacobs, though it is incorrectly stated to be ‘“Sibnd Jacobs.” Mr. James Riker, author of the History of Harlem, had seen the signature of Epke Jacobs on an original deed dated in 1685, conveying a farm in Bergen Co., N. J., to Hendrick Jorese Brinckerhoff, and recognized this signature of Valen- tine’s Manual as of the same person. Accordingly, the records of the Clerk of the Common Council, in the City Hall, New York, were searched, and the following mentioned document was brought to light. It became of special interest to us because it made known the residence and occupation of the forefather of the Bantas in this country, and gave us a specimen of his handwriting, the signature in the volume being his own sign-manual. The book is labelled: No. 4. BURGOMASTERS AND SCHEPENEN. 1661 — 1663. On the fly leaf is an inscription in English: HiGH COURT BLOTTER.—DUTCH. Both the label and English inscription, however, are erroneous, the volume really being the record of transactions with the notary, Solomon La Chaire. The records, The Frisian Emigrant. 5 of course, are in Dutch, and the penmanship so poor that several words could not be understood. Translated, the record as found on pages 83 and 84, is as follows: Appeared before me, Solomon La Chaire, Notary Public, admitted, etc., and before the after-named witnesses, the worthy Epke Jacobs, innkeeper, living at Flushing, on Long Island, known to me, the notary, and acknowledged for himself and his heirs really and lawfully to owe to Mr. Nicolais De Meyer, merchant of this city, the sum of one hundred and four guilders in good braided commercial sewan, and besides four- teen schepels (bushels) of peas for divers delivered wares received by the said Epke Jacobs of the said De Meyer in the rights, and received in a satisfactory condition. He, the said Epke Jacobs, therefore promises to pay the aforesaid one hundred and four guilders sewan to the aforesaid De Meyer or his order, upon demand, and the afore- named fourteen schepels of peas, on or before the first of October next. The said Epke Jacobs pledges his person and goods, movable and immovable, present and future not excepted, submitting all of them to the jurisdiction of all courts, rights and judges under lien of voluntary condemnation before the Hon. Court of this city, Consenting to the notary Tiedeman Van Vleek, and to therewith, the notary Mateus Devos, consenting to the above without any exception. Executed and delivered in a lawful manner, without fraud, at Amsterdam, in N. Netherlands, in the presence of Claes Marichael and Meyndert Barents Van 3 esnany witnesses, who were invited for the purpose, on the 2oth day of June, 1662. In 1669, he was yet residing at Flushing. From Liber A, of Wills, page 69, in the Surrogates office, New York, we find that in September of that year he served with John Lawrence, as appraiser of the property of Elizabeth Partridge, deceased. Law- rence, subsequently Mayor of New York, was the most prominent and influential man of his day in the neighborhood, and from the fact that Epke Jacobs was associated with him, it is a fair inference that our ancestor was not without consideration among his townsmen. Two years later he bought a mill in the adjoining town of Jamaica, as appears from the following extracts from the Town Book. The agreements signed by Coe and Epke are copied verbatim : January 20, 1669. The town voted to make a dam for a mill, and when it is suffi- ciently made, Benjamin Coe agreed to maintain it, and to build and maintain a mill, and to grind the town’s corn for the twelfth part; further, Benjamin Coe engaged to grind the town’s corn before strangers, and the town engaged to bring their corn to the mill such day in the week as he shall appoint. Further, the town gave to Benjamin Coe ten acres of salt meadows upon the furthest East Neck, and five acres of boggy meadow about the place where the mill stands, and upland to it, according to the rest of the town, upon the account of the building of the mill. The following record subsequently appears: Know all men by these presents that I, Beniaman Coe ynhabitant of the towne of Yemecah due by these presents firmly bind and ingage myself my heires exsecutors administrators or asines to mak and set up a good sofitient mill upon the river which is betwene the old towne neck and the Long Neck and to maintain in good Repair so as that he may grind the townes corn well and likewise to sarve the towne before strangers and take but the twelfe part for tousell the towne coming in at such days as the said Beniamin Coe shall apoint them to bring in their corn to grind and likewise the same 6 The Frisian Emigrant. beniamin coe do ingage that the land the towne gave me that lies abought the mill shall remain to the mill and either that ten acres of meadow the towne gave me or so much meadow in another place shall likewise remain to the mill but if in case that the streeme prove insofitient for a mill then the land to be the said beniamin coe’s own proper right and likewise when the dam is mad sofitiently according to the judgment of such workmen as shall be made chois of to vew it y the said beniaman coe do ingage upon my owne cost and charge to keep it in good Repair from time to time so that the towne shall not sufer for want of grinding and likewise if y the said beniaman coe do sell the mill the towne shall have the first Refusale of it. In witness whereof y have set to my hand the 21st September 1671. (Signed) BENJAMIN COE. Beneath the preceding agreement is the following : Know all men by these presents, that whereas y Ebkey Jacobsen have bought the mill of Benjamin Coe with the consent of the towne, y the said Ebkey Jacobsen do firmly bind myself, my heirs, exsecutors or asingnes, to perform the covenants above expressed to the utmost of my power, in witness whereof I have set my hand this 29 of December, 1671. —P rhe urbe The signature in the New York City Hall had the date affixed, as had the signa- ture on the deed to Hendrick Joris Brinkerhoff, mentioned on page 7, and this appears to be a peculiarity of Epke Jacobse’s signature. It may be observed that the above signature in the Jamaica Town Book is at the extreme bottom of the page, leaving no room for date underneath. The following records are also taken from the Jamaica Town Book: Jany. 24, 1675. The town made an agreement with Joseph Carpenter and Caleb Carman to build a sawmill and corn mill where the old mill stood, on condition that they perform the covenant made with Benjamin Coe. Towne Meeting, 22 September, 1680. The towne did give liberty to Benjamin Coe to selling a grist mill upon the river between Seller Nek and Plunder Nek, soe far as the towne hath right thereunto. Subsequently, Epke Jacobs removed to New Jersey, settling at Bergen, opposite New York City. At what date this removal occurred we are not advised, but from the above extracts we infer it was prior to 1675. Most of the early records of the Town of Bergen are lost. Two of his sons were married at Bergen in October, 1678. Feb- ruary 18, 1679, he was appointed one of the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held at Bergen, beginning the first Tuesday of March, 1679, the other members of the Court being John Berry, President; Lourens Andriesen (Van Buskirk), and Elias Michaelson (Vreeland). (Winfield’s History of Hudson County, page 100.) In 1681 he purchased land at Hackensack, and with his sons became among the earliest settlers of that ancient village. The first deed to Epke Jacobs that we find on record is in Liber 2, p. 141 of Deeds, at Trenton, for land located June, 1681, consisting of 183 acres, extending from Hacken- sack river to Overpeck creek (now known as English Neighborhood creek). The settlement here was known as Old Hackensack. A similar tract adjoining it on the south was located at the same time by his son Derrick, or Dirck, recorded Liber 2, page 142. The following abstract of a deed, recorded in the office of the Proprietors of East Jersey, at Perth Amboy, in Patent Book A, folio 175, seems to refer to the foregoing, though it is dated four years subsequently : The Frisian Emigrant. 7 1685. eed. Made in the 37th year of the reign of Charles 11. The Lords Mar. 25. Proprietors of the Province of East Jersey, to Epthey Facobs of Bergen, in Cons. the County of Bergen, Province of East Jersey; in fee for a certain tract £2. 155. of land: Lying and being upon the New Plantation upon the Hackinsack River and now to be called by the name of New Hackinsack. Containing 183 acres. In breadth 13% chains, in length 136 chains, running N. W. and be W. Bounded N. E. by Cornellis Christiansen, S. W. by parcel of land hereafter mentioned, S. E. by the west branch of Overpecks Crecke, and on the N. W. by Hackinsack River aforesaid. Allowance for barren land and highways the same to remain for 160 acres. And another tract of land adjoining the same containing 183 acres, in breadth 13% chains, in length 136 chains. Running N. W. and be W. Bounded S. W. by Albert Subberoscoe, S. E. by the W. branch of Overpeckes Creeke, N. E. by land above mentioned, and N. W. by Hackinsack River. Allowance, etc. Quit rent (on both) Ys penny an acre. A deed, not recorded, for property at what is now called Ridgefield Park, on the east side of the river, two miles below Hackensack, was in existence a few years ago. It was dated June 17, 1685, and was made by Epke Jacobs to Hendrick Joris Brincker- hoff, in the possession of whose descendants the land remained for two hundred years. Mr. James Riker, before mentioned, examined this deed, which was kept in an old oaken chest in the Brinckerhoff homestead, and recalled the peculiar signature of Epke Jacobs, with the date 1685 underneath. This land was purchased by Epke Jacobs, of Mrs. Sarah Kierstead ; at what date is unknown. June 9, 1686, Gawen Lawrie, Governor, deeded to Epke Jacobs, 240 acres on the west side of the Hackensack river, north of what is now known as Cherry Hill, and extending westward to Wynocksack brook, being 14% chains in breadth on the river and brook by 170 chains in length. This covered what was formerly known as Sluckup and is now named Spring Valley. A copy of this deed is here appended as found at Trenton, Liber A, folio 323: To all Christian people and others whatsoever to whom these presents shall Come. Gawen Lawrie Esquyre; One of the Proprietors & Deputy Governor of the saide Province Sendeth Greeting Whereas the Proprietors of the said province in & by one instrument or patent bearing date the seventh day of the Month of May last past Given under the Seale of the said Province & signed by the Major part of the Governor's Councill, and Such of the Proprietors and their Proxies as Reside in the said Province, Have Granted Released & Confirmed unto the said Gawen Lawrie his heirs and assigns in right of Peter Sonmans and other of the Proprietors of the said Province, All that Tract of land situate lying and being on the west side of Hackinsack River in the County of Essex Containing Seven hundred and Twenty acres Beginning at a White Oak Tree seven Chains from the River marked on two sides, and a Cross Notch within the mark on the west side, thence runing North East Twenty seven degrees along the River fourty three Chains to a Black Oak Tree on the top of a bank above the swamp and River, marked on two sides, thence runing Northwest Sixty three degrees one hundred and Seventy Chains to Winocksack brook, thence South West Twenty seven degrees along the brook fourty three Chains, thence South East sixty three degrees One hun- dred & Seventy Chains to Hackinsack River where it began Bounded on the south & North by Albert Sabriscoe’s land, On the East by Hackinsack River, & on the West by Winocksack brooke together with all and all manner of River Riveletts runs Streams feedings pastures woods underwoods trees waters watercourses ponds powles pitts easements profitts commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any manner of wise appertaining, & all the Estate right Title Interest reversion 8 The Frisian Emigrant. Remainder Clam and demand whatsoever of them the sd Proprietors of in'to or out of the same or any part or parcell thereof, The saide Governor Lawrie paying his pro- portion of the Chief Rent Reserved payable to our Sovereign Lord James the Second over England &c., therein as by the Records of the Secretaries Office of the said Prov- ince relation being thereunto had more at large doeth appeare. Now Know Yee that the said Gawen Lawrie by and with the Consent of good lyking of the said Petter Son- mans testified by his Signeing and Sealling hereto and for and in Consideration of the Sume of forty Six pounds payed and Secured to be payed to the said Governor Lawrie by Eptkey Jacobs of New Hackinsack in the County of Bergen, but to and for the use & behoof of Petter Sonmans, the Receipt whereof the said Governor Lawrie and Petter Sonmans doe hereby acknowledge, and themselves therewith fully satisfy’d & Con- tented & thereof & of and from Every part and parcell thereof doeth Clearly acquitt exonerate and discharge the said Eptkey Jacobs his heirs and assigns for ever Have aliened Granted bargained & Sold and by these presents doe aliene Grant bargaine and sell unto the said Eptkey Jacobs his heirs and assigns Two hundred and fourty acres part of the above resitede Tract of land upon the South Side thereof and lying in the very midle of said land To rune upon hackinsack River fourteen Chaines & One third of Chaine being One Equall third part of the above resited Premises Together with the rights libertyes priviledges immunities Easements profits and Commodities to the same belonging or in any manner of wise appertaining or to any part or parcell of the said bargained Premises To have and Hold the said Two hundred and fourty acres of land & Premises & Every part and parcel thereof with their and Every of their appur- tenances unto him the said Eptkey Jacobs his heirs and assigns forever To the only use and behoof of him the sd Eptkey Jacobs his heirs and assigns forever Yeelding & Paying therefore yearly and every yeare for the sd Two hundred and forty acres unto him the the sd Peter Sonmans his heirs and assigns six pence Sterling moneys of England On Every five & twentieth day of May Every years forever hereafter in lu and stead of all other services and Demands whatsoever In Witness whereof the said Gawen Lawrie and Petter Sonmans have hereunto Set their hands & Seals the Nynth day of June Anno Domini One thousand Six hundred eighty & Six and in the second yeare of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord James the second over England Scotland France and Ireland King — Gawen Lawrie. Sealled and Delivered in the Presence of Thomers Lawrance Ja: Emott— Ja fullartons — A True Copy from: Lib. A, fol. 323; etc. (Signed) JOHN SMYTH, Pr. Reg. This farm came into possession of Cornelius,? who was doubtless his eldest son and, under the law of primogeniture then prevailing, inherited the real estate of his father, who died without leaving a will (at least no will has been found of record). Cornelius, during his life-time, gave the west half of this farm, if not all of it, to his son John, some of whose descendants have continued in possession of a portion of it to this day. The latest notice we have found of Epke Jacobs is in the ¢‘ Journal of the Pro- cedures of the Governor and Council of the Province of East Jersey,” pages 137 and 138, under date of 23 October, 1686, a verbatim account of which reads as follows: The High Sheriffe of the County ot Bergen brought here the boddyes of Rowley Vanderhide (Ralph Vanderlinde), Andresse Lawrenson, Lawrence Lawrenson, Dericke Eptkeyes, Cornelius Christianson, Hans Christianson, Eptkey Jacobs, and Weart Ephkey — pursuant to a proclamac’on issued out to the s’ High Sheriffe for a Riote by them comitted in the s’ County, and for Refuseing to obey the King’s authority there, and sundry Depositions being here Read, and also sundry warrts, and the Sheriffes Retorne thereupon, wherein appeares the great insolency of the s’p’sons in breach of the Kings peace, and Contempt of the Lawes of this province—the pr’misses being duely Considered and upon mature Considerac’on, It’s unanimously agreed and ordered that the above s’ p’sons, and every of them stand Close Comitted to ye Com’on Gaole of Woodbridge there to Remaine untill they shall give good and sufficient security, and that in the sume of Each of them one Hundred pounds, before some Justice of peace in this County, for their p’sonall appearance att the next Court of Com’on Right to bee held att the Towne of Amboy Perth the second Tuesday in the month of Aprill The Frisian Emigrant. 9 now next ensueing, to Answer the p’misses, and that in the meane tyme to bee of the good behaviour, &c; and also that Im’ediately bee Committed to the hands and Cus- tody of the High Sheriffe of middx, who is hereby Required in the Kings name to take the said p’sons into his Custody and them safely keepe untill the shale give such secu- rity as above, or bee Discharged by due Course of Law. It's also agreed and ordered that Major John Berry issue out his warrt to the sheriffe of the County of Bergen, to take into his Custody the boddy of Lawrence Andress of Bergen and him safely keepe, soe that hee may have his boddy att the next Court of Com’on Right to bee held at Amboy the second Tuesday in the month of Aprill next, to Answer to such Articles and things as shall be objected agt him upon the p’t and behalfe of our Lord the King &ec. We have not been able to find any further particulars of this affair. The records of the Middlesex County Court from 1683 are preserved in the County Clerk’s Office at New Brunswick, N. J., but they contain no reference to the matter. Remembering that all authority in the Province at this period was vested in the Proprietors, the : Governor even being appointed by them, and that the title to the land was derived from them, usually under a stipulation to pay a small annual rental, it would seem probable that the difficulty was in reference to a dispute about the title to land. Law- rence Andress was one of the Governor's council, and all of the persons named were large land-holders, owning adjoining farms on the east side of the Hackensack whose title was derived from the Proprietors. We feel warranted in concluding, therefore, that Epke Jacobs and his two younger sons, with the other sturdy Dutch farmers, were not engaged in a lawless riot, but were standing up manfully for what they deemed their rights, and this view seems to be supported by the fact that all proceedings against them were abandoned. Possibly the following reference may explain the matter — In one of the ‘rent books” of Gawen Lawrie, Governor at the Proprietors’ office, , Perth Amboy — called ‘‘ Reseats and Pardon’s Books”—W.illiam Pardon being collector of the rents, appear the following entry : ““Apke Jacobs” and others in payment of rents received by the Proprietors 1673- 1685, in which Jacobs is credited £13. 1. 9. [He and his associates had 2,260 acres. ] It is conjectured that the persons named had declined to pay rent to the Proprie- tors, but their arrest caused them to think better of it, and that this ‘‘reseat” is an acknowledgment that they paid up all arrears. The name of the wife of Epke Jacob Banta nowhere appears, and the only mention of her is in the passage receipt given on p. 4. It is probable that she died prior to the removal to New Jersey, as otherwise her name would likely be found as witness to the baptism of her grandchildren. Neither her name nor that of her husband’s appears as members of any of the churches whose records are extant. It may be observed that there was no Dutch church at Flushing nor at Jamaica at the time of their residence there. As we have not been able to find the record of baptism of any of the children of Epke Jacobs, we are not certain as to the order of their birth. The account for passage given on page 4 states the ages of his sons, but does not give their names. In the church register at Bergen and Hackensack we find the names of five sons, and assume that these were the children who came with their parents from Holland. As only twenty-two years elapsed between the time of their arrival in this country and the marriage of the last one of their sons, it is not probable that any of the young emi- grants died here in infancy and other sons were born after arrival. We have given the 10 Third . nevation; Eplke! year of birth of the sons, however, on the assumption that they were all born in Holland, and have used our best judgment in arranging them as to seniority. ISSUE OF EPKE JACOBS.1 TI Jeanotie De Pré; 2— CORNELIUS?2 EPKE, born 1652, m.<{ 2. Magdalena Demarest; 3. Ablech Sloot Van Orden. 8 —SEBA?2 EPKE, b. 1654, m. Mary Arianse Sip. oe 1. Maria Lubbertse Westervelt; 4—HENDRICK? EPKE, b. 1655, m.§ I X08 abelier, 5 —DERRICK?2 EPKE, b. 1657, m. Ester Dedricks. 6 — WEART?2 EPKE, b. May, 1658, m. Gerritje Jillis Mandeville. CHAPTER 111. THIRD GENERATION. 2. CORNELIUS? EPKE BANTA married for his first wife Jannetie, daughter of Jan de Pré and Jannetie de Ruine, who was baptized in New Amsterdam Dec. 3, 1662. Mary Peeck, wife of Jan Peeck, made a contract for the sale of a house and lot in Smith’s Valley, New Amsterdam, August 19, 1660, to Jan de Pré, as appears from the records in the Register’s Office, New York. Jan de Pré resided in Flushing in 1661, and was a member of the church at New Utrecht at its organization in 1677. The church record states that he removed to Staten Island and Bergen, without men- tioning dates. It is probable that Cornelius and Jannetie were married at New Utrecht; the early marriage and baptismal records of that church, however, are missing. By his first wife he had seven children, and by his second wife he had six more. We do not find the record of the baptism of the first born. We think it very probable that one or two of these were baptized at New Utrecht, and the others, as well as those children of his brothers born between 1682 and 1694, were baptized at the Huguenot church at Kinderkamack, above Hackensack, which existed for a brief period only, and whose records have entirely disappeared. (See Dr. David D. Demarest’s interest- ing pamphlet, ‘The Huguenots on the Hackensack.”) We are not certain where he resided when he first removed to the vicinity of Hackensack. Many deeds in those early times were never recorded. That part of the present Bergen County west of Hackensack river belonged to Essex County prior to 1709, and the first book of Deeds of Essex County covering that period has for a long time been missing. We think it probable that he owned land on the east side of the river opposite Hackensack, at what is now known as Bogota, as well as west of the river. In 1695, with his three brothers and six other men he bought a large tract of land running from Overpeck creek to the Hudson river, and more than two miles in breadth from north to south. It comprised about three thousand acres, for which the sum of one hundred pounds was paid. It included within its bounds a large portion of the present townships of Englewood and Palisade. We give a verbatim copy of this deed as recorded at the office of the Secretary of State at Trenton, N. J., in Liber E of Deeds for East Jersey, folio 245: The Proprietors of the province of East New Jersey, To whom these presents shall come Greeting Know yee That we have Granted released and confirmed And by these presents doe grant release and confirme unto Sibah Eptke, Cornelius Epke, Hendrick Epke, Derrick Epke, John Cornelius, Ruliph Johnston, Martin Powlson, Hendrick Yorson, John Lotts And Ruliph Westervelt, All of the Toune of Hakinsack In the Countie of Bergen And in the province aforesaid In consideration of the sum of One Third Generation; Epke.l 11 hundred pounds Money of New York to us In hand paid whereof we grant the receipt, And discharges them the said Sibah, Cornelius, Hendrick and Derrick Epke,— John Cornelius, Ruliph Johnston, Martin Poulson, Hendrick Yorson, John Lotts, And Ruliph Westervelt theire Heires and assignes thereof forever All that trackt of Land lying seit- wate And being in the Countie aforesaid runing from Hudson River Northwest to over peck Creek And Line of James Emits Land to Cheche brooke in length, And from the line of Jacob Meburney heires deceased to the Line of Jacob Van Cortlands land North East in breath one hundred and sventie chaines more or Less Bounded by the said River and Creek, And Line of said Emit And by the said Melburnes and Van Cort- lands Land, Together with all and all maner of Rivers, Rivoletts, runes, streames, feeding Pastures, woods, underwoods, trees, water, water courses, waterfalls, pond, pools, pitts, Easements Proffits, Comodities, liberties advantages, Emoluments, foul- ing, fishings, hunting, hawkings, Mines, Minerals, Zwaves, Royalies, franchises, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any maner of wayes appertaining, And all the Estate right, title, Interest, reversion, remainder Claims and demand whatsoever of us the said proprietors of in to or out of the Same or any part or parcel thereof To have and to hold unto them the said Sibah, Cornelius, Hendrick and Derrick Epke, John Cornelius, Ruliph Johnston, Martin Poulson, Hen- drick Yorson, John Lotts and Ruliph Westervelt theire heires and assigries forever the said trackt of Land and premises with theire And every of theire apurtenances, To the only use benefitt and behoofee of all and every the said above mentioned freeholden of the Towne of Hakinsak theire and every of theire heires and assignes forever in comon yeelding and praying therefore theire proportion of the Cheeffe or Quitt, Rent, Reserved . due and payable from us unto our Soveraign Lord the King In witness whereof we have caused the seal of our said province to be hereunto affixed And the same to be signed by our Governor And the Major part of his councill for the time being and such of us as our proxies as resides In the said province at Perth Amboy the thirtieth of November, An Domi one thousand six hundred ninetie and five, And in the Seaventh year of the Raigne of William the third over England &c. King, Andrew Hamilton, O. David Mudie, James Dunday, Thomas Warne, George Willoks, Thomas Boell, John Bareley, John Reid, Thomas Gorden, Samuell Dennis, John Bishop. Dec. 3, 1702, Cornelius Epke Banta bought of Richard Pope 240 acres of land on the west side of the Hackensack river, extending to Wynocksack brook and adjoining on the north a similar tract which had been bought by his father in 1686, and which undoubtedly had now become his by inheritance. This’ tract of 240 acres Cornelius gave to his oldest son, Epke, by endorsement on the deed, September 7, 1711. The first wife of Cornelius Epke Banta died after giving birth to twins, July 5, 1697, and on November 18, 1699, he married at Hackensack, her cousin, Magdalena, daughter of Samuel Demarest and Maria De Ruine,who was born in New York City, April21,1680. * For a third wife he married, March 1, 1719, Abeltie (or Ablech), daughter of Pieter Jansen Slot, and widow of Adam Van Orden. Cornelius Epke Banta died in May, 1719. His will is the only one we have found of the five brothers who came from Holland, and we give it in full, verbatim: WiLL OF CORNELIUS EPKE BANTA RECORDED IN OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE, TRENTON, NEW JERSEY, Book A—PAGE 123, JUNE 20, 1719. In the Name of God, Amen, ye thirteenth day of April, in ye year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and nineteen. I, Cornelius Epke Banta, of Hackensack, in ye County ot Bergen, and in ye * The will of Samuel Demarest, senior, is filed at Trenton, Dated May 10, 1727. In it he says “I confirm the deed heretofore given unto Cornelius Epke Banta, for one farm.” The will further provides that his grandson, Abraham Banta, son of Cornelius Epke, when he marries, shall receive like unto his other children who married. 12 Third Generation ; Epke.t Province of East New Jersey, yeoman, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God for ye same, calling to mind ye mortality of my body and that it is appointed for man once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all, I give and bequeath my soul unto ye hands of God who gave it, hoping through ye death, merits and inter- cession of Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life, and my body I commit to ye earth to be decently buried at ye direction of my executor hereafter named, nothing doubting but att ye general resurrection I shall receive ye same again by ye Mightie Power of God; and touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of ye same in ye following manner and form, that is to say: FIRST. 7 Will that all those debts and duties as I do owe in right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contended and paid, or ordained to be paid in convenient time after my decease, by my executor hereafter named. ITEM: [7 Give and Begueath unto my well-beloved wife, Ablech, her abode of house roome, and ye management of my estate on ye place where I now live, as long as she and my children hereafter named can agree, and after they longer agree, that then, ye said children hereafter named shall pay unto my good wife ye sum of twenty pounds current money within two years after, out of my estate, and ye rest to be divided as followeth: ITEM: 7 Will that ye place where I now live and ye land which is in ye Hill, shall be equally divided between my two sons, ye one-halfe to my son Jacob Banta, his heirs and assigns, and ye other halfe to my son Abraham Banta, his heirs and assigns forever after my decease, they, ye said Jacob Banta and ye said Abraham Banta, paying equally in proportion to their three sisters, Rachel, Leah and Elizabeth, ye sum of seventy pounds a peece (sic) within sixteen years after they come to be of age. ITEM: [7 Will that my cattle and household goods that is moveable shall be equally divided, ye one-halfe to ye children begotten by my first wife to be equally divided amongst them, and ye other halfe of my cattle and household goods that is moveable, to ye children begotten by my second wife, to be equally divided amongst them, excepting ye two spinning wheels and churn and milk tubs shall remaine unto my three daughters, Rachel, Leah and Elizabeth, to be divided equally between them. ITEM: 7 Will that all the horses and mares, with the plough and plough tackling, with ye harrow and wagon, shall remain unto my two sons, Jacob and Abraham, to be equally divided between them. ITEM: 7 Will that my eldest son, Egbert Banta, shall have my sword as a preference or birth-right, over and above his equal part as is before mentioned. ITEM: 7 Give unto my well-beloved brothers-in-law, David Desmaret, Junr., and Samuel Desmaret, Junr., ye sole management of my estate, to order and dispose of ye same as is before mentioned, and do likewise constitute and appoint ye good David Desmaret and Samuel Desmaret to be my sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby revoke all other Wills and Testaments, and do hereby acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal ye day and year first above written, and in ye fifth year of his Majesty’s Reign, &c. his Sealed and delivered in the CORNELIUS C. + EPKE BANTA. [L. s.] presence of mark. his ROULOF + BOGERT, mark. ELIZABETH BONGUERT, RICHARD EDSALL, her ABLECH + BANTA. mark. Third Generation; Epkel 13 Memorandum, that on ye 20th of May, 1719, Richard Edsall, one of ye evidences to ye within instrument, appeared before me, John Bartley, Surrogate, authorized and appointed to take ye probate of Wills, &c., who, being solemnly sworn on ye holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposed he saw ye above Cornelius Epke Banta, sign, seal and declare ye same as his last Will and Testament, and that ye same time, he was of sound mind and memory to ye best of his knowledge, and that he also see ye other two evidences sign as witness to ye same in presence of ye testator. Sworn ye day and year above written before me, jopn BARTLEY, Surrogate. Letter of administration was accordingly granted by his Excellency, Brigadier Hunter, Governor of New Jersey, &c., unto David Desmaret, Junr., and Samuel Desmaret, Junior, ye Executors in ye said last Will and Testament named. Dated, June ye 20th, 1719. Bartley, Dnt. Letr. A Memorandum that on ye day and year above written, David Desmaret, Junior, and Samuel Desmaret, Junior, ye executors in ye last Will and Testament of Cornelius Epke Banta, hath appeared before me, and were duly sworn to ye execution thereof. Sworn ye day and yoor above written before me, jogn BARTLEY, Surrogate. The Inventory of this estate is on file in the office of the Secretary of State, Trenton, N. J., and as it shows what constituted the personal property and household furniture of a well-to-do farmer of two centuries past, it is given in full : 5s. Ls nd Lis od 6 Cows atgoo.. |. . I8 opoo 1 Old Puter'Bason, = 00 oz 06 5. 2-year-old Calves 200 . . .. 100000 1 Old Puter Bason and 2 Potaens, 00 OI 00 2 Yearling Calves ¥ (oor. 5 be (02 00.00 1 Glass Botal and Cup, . 00 OI 00 3 Young Calves biG OTE OD 2 Earthern Platters and 2 Cups, Co 03 00 3 Hogs QiE5. i 02 OF 60 11 (Illegible), 00 II 00 3 Pigs @©e3 . i060 0000 1 Money Scale and Waits, 00 II 00 5 Sheepandg lambs, -.. . ...'. 02.0500 2 Glass Botals and 1 Earth Jug, 00 OI 00 10 :Go0es, .. Gee on 10, 60 2 Brushes, : 00 02 00 2 Hivedof Bees,” 2". 7 7. pT 0000 1 Tin Bason anit Wooden Salt TOGun, i.e a or TOO Cellar, 00 OI 00 1 Negro Woman and Child, . . 40 oo oo EES a oy 1 Brod Ax, : 00 06 00 2 Wooden Pots and 1 Earth Plate, oo or oo 3 Narrow Axes, TL 00g 00 2 Grat Gumb]es, 00 OI 00 Y. Cubayd, .. 0 0 a0 Tonio7h06 4 Earthern Pots, 00 05 00 1 Grate Byble, 00 03 00 1 Grate Stone Jug, 00 05 06 1 Looking Glass, . ORL ODO 00 1 Wafer Iron, cn hE el oy EOD v CrateStone Jug, . . -:. .. 0005066 vr. Oldlron Pot: +» i. 00 O00 1 Frying Pan, . sh ah 00 03000 2 Iron Kittols, 00 I5 00 1 Parcel of Old Tooke, oe 03 00 1 Grate Iron Pot, OI I0 00 1 Bedsted and Curtains, —. . oz 0000 1 Small Iron Pot, oo 06 gi: Pater Plates 7 0 of 15 00 vr CoperKitiol,” .. .. =~. +. ©2.10/00 1 «Cubard;. 2 eo, 02 00 00 2 Books, a ih Taian Sik 00 103600) 3 Earthen Plattors end 2 Plates x. Pair of Andirons, i. +i. OT 00/00 withithe Rack, = . . . i... 00 1000 2 Trammels and 1 Pot Hook. 00 12400 I Smoking Jar, | . 00 03 00 2 Pals Bound with Iron, JL op 1000 1 Iron Handle and Candlestick. . OI 00 00 ¥ Tomes; . AER) EarthernJug, . . . . '. Joo 02:00 1 Cullod Coverlod, wi Slo LE OTRO 00 1 Iron Hands, Ca LE ee SOT 00 2 OldRugs, . . , .:.'. . “01 30.00 ¥ LyoniBack i is onl 0 i opioniog 2 Blankets, 1h pie iG OTOL O00 Can, oo, LCC ior 0200 1 Grat Cote,’ . #4 OI I0 00 Xa Onart: Pot, ide 0 00 iion 03.00 1 Vest with Silver Buttons and 2° Earthern Basons, ... . wo on 0200) Leather Briches,. ... ...». ... 02 00IOO 1 Earthern Platter with Hole, .. 0 co of 0b tT Cote, Vest and Briches, '. . . 05 00 00 1: Looking Glass, . " . 7 . . ooog oo 2 Wast Cotes, SpE A 6008 OD) 1 Spoon Case and Spoons, . . . 00 03 09 1 Cote'and Briches, =. ." . .: o1'70.00 14 Third Generation; FEpke.l £5, 8. dd. gt HA te Se or 00 1 Pair Dung Forks and Wood 1 Pair Shoes and Stockings, 00 IO 00 Shovel, A 00 04 00 f° Hankerchef, . 00 03 00 4 Horsehoos and 3 Forks, 00 0g 00 1° Grat Chair, 00 IO 00 Ix Oldi(?), 00 II 00 1 Oval Table, . 00 10 00 1 Plesur Sled, OI 00 OO 1 Fram Table, sn eo 10 00 2 Wood Sled, 00 I5 00 1 Fether Bed and 2 Pillows and t Corn Chest, . 00 06 oo 2 Blankets, 04 00 00 1 Grind Stone, : 00 02 00 Si (lllegible}, ... . . . 00 05 00 1 Old Cask and Tub, 00 02 00 1 Wood Mortor and Pistol, 00 02 00 3 Planks, 00 OI 00 1 Sadel, 00 IO 00 1 Knom, 00 03 00 1 Skepol, co o7 ob 4 Fouls, SET 00 03 00 I Fan, ce 00 04 00 7 Skepols of Rye, 00 17 03 2 —— and 3 Mattuks, 00 07 06 1 Stubing Hoo, : 00 04 00 2 Wooden Shovels, 00 OI 00 1 Woodin Scales, LE en ODNO0,0F 1 Sickol, : 00 co 09 3 Skepols of Wheat and 1 Buck- tr Pair of Curds, 00 oI 0b wheat, 00 I2 00 3 Old Bags, 00 02 03 1 Cask of Fethers, ; 00 IO 00 5 Old Casks, ere 00 07 06 Winter Wheat and Rye, 20 00 00 2 Bots for Pails and 1 Churn, 00 02 00 148 4 ors. 06d. Appraisement made by Nicholas Lozier and Andrew Van Orden, the 22 day of April, 1719, as witness our hands. AC 1719, Mey 2, Yck Abelse Banta wed Vrow Van Cornelijs Epke Banta bekenne ontfangen te hebben de som Van Tyen pont. New York’s gelt. Translation. acknowledge to have received the sum of Ten Pounds, New York currency. ISSUE OF CORNELIUS2 EPKEl BY HIS FIRST WIFE, JANNETIE DUPREE. 7 —JANNETIE,3 m. Johannes Meyer, Aug. 22, 1696. 8 —EPKE,3 m. Jannetie du Rij, April 3, 1707. 9 — JAN,3 m. Cornelia Van Sicklen, April 3, 1707. 92— FRANSYNTIE,3 m. Christian Cornelisse Van Horn, April 11, 1708. 10 — MARITIE,3 m. Joost de Groot, May 3, 1712. 11 —SARA,3 b. June 2, 1695, m. Jacobus Peek, Jany. 5, 1717. 12—JACOB,3 13— RACHEL,3 ¢ bp. July 5, 1697. died in infancy. BY SECOND WIFE, MAGDALENA DEMAREST. 14 —SAMUEL,3 bp. Jan. 12, 1701, died in infancy. 15— JACOB,3 Sept. 6, 1702, m. Rachel Terhune. 16 — RACHEL,3 April 24, 1704, m. Abraham Buskirk. 17 — LEAH,3 March 30, 1707, m. Johannes Lozier. 18 — ELIZABETH,3 Dec. 19, 1708, m. Jacob Day. 19 —ABRAM,3 June 8, 1712, m. Annaetje Van Horn. Det is + de marck van ABELSE BANTA. May 2, 1719, I, Abelse Banta, widow of Cornelius Epke Banta, This is + the mark of ABELSE BANTA. 3. SEBA2 EPKE BANTA, married at Bergen, N. J., Nov. 6, 1678, ‘‘in presence of the Court,” Mary, daughter of Arian Sip. Winfield’s Land Titles of Hudson County, page 79, states in reference to a patent granted to Casper Stymets, that lots, 81, 95 and 116, comprising over 200 acres, were sold by the patentee to Seba Epke Banta, who sold them April 6, 1693, to Elias Michaelse Vreeland. Many deeds in those early times were not recorded. Many of Thivd Generation ; Epke.l 15 those for lands in Bergen were recorded in the Bergen Town Book, which has been lost, and it is probable that Epke Jacobs and others of his sons beside Seba owned land in Bergen of which we have no record. Seba Banta, with his brothers, bought in 1695 a large tract of land on the Palisades, as mentioned on page 11. In the year 1700 his name, together with his brother Hendrick and Weart (probably his brother Weart’s son), appears among the signers of the Remonstrance of Inhabitants of East Jersey to the King against the Acts of the Proprietors, and asking for the appointment of a competent Governor. — N. J. Archives, Ist series, vol. 2, p. 326. ISSUE. 20—ANTIE,3 b. Aug. 17, 1680, m. Jurrian Westervelt. 21 —MARGRIETE,3 bp. June 7, 1682, m. Dirck Hendricks Blinkerhoft. 22 —AELTIE,3 bp. April 2, 1684, m. Lucas Van Horn. 23 —SITSKE,3 bp. Oct. 5, 1685, m. Samuel D. Demarest, Jr. 24 —ARIE,3 m. Fytie Lourens Van Boskerke. 25—DIRCK,3 m. Rachel de Groot. 26—JOHANNES,3 m. Margriete Janse de Groot. 27 —HENDRICK,3 bp. July 1, 1694, m. Annaetje Janse de Groot. 28 —JACOB,3 bp. Aug. 9, 1696, m. Cornelia Pieterse de Groot. 29 —ANGENITIE,3 bp. May 21, 1699, m. Johannes Banta. 4. HENDRICK?2 EPKE BANTA, married at Bergen, N. J., Nov. 17, 1678, Maritje Lubbertse Westervelt, ‘“in presence of the Court.” He united with the church at Bergen, March 29, 1680, and at the organization of the church at Hackensack in 1686 he was chosen one of the Deacons, and installed into office July 25, 1686. May, 1705, he was chosen an Elder of the church. He married a second time, Angenitie Hendricks. In 1700 he signed the Remonstrance to the King before referred to. April 13, 1740, the names of Hendrick Epke Banta and wife appear as witnesses at the baptism of a child of Weart Banta. If this is correct he lived to be at least 85 years of age, but we are inclined to think there is an error in the record, and that it was intended for his son or grandson. A deed dated June 10, 1708, acknowledged July 19, 1717, and recorded in Book A of Deeds, p. 85, at Hackensack, sets forth that Hendrick Epke Banta, Yeoman of Hackensack, in consideration of provisions in his last will, bearing even date, has sold to his son, Jacob Hendrick, the following pieces of land: First, a lot now in pos- session of Jacob, bounded west by Hackensack river, east by the Queen’s road, north by Henry Joris Brinkerhoff and south by John Cornelius Bogert. (Brinkerhoff’s land was the tract bought from Epke Jacobs.) This deed indicates that Hendrick owned land adjoining on the south that sold by his father to Brinkerhoff in 1685. He bought a share of the land between the Overpeck creek and the Hudson river, in connection with his brothers and others, as set forth on page 10. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE, MARITJE LUBBERTSEN WESTERVELT. 1. Diever Hendrickse; 30—JACOB,3 bp. Nov. 26, 1679, m.{ 2. Jannetie Van Horn; 3. Cornelia de Graew. 31 —ANGENITIE,3 b. April 18, 1682, m. Jacobus Hendricks Blinkerhoff. 32 —ROELOF,3 bp. August 25, 1683. 33 — SITSKE,3 m. Johannes Jacobs Van Winkle. BY SECOND WIFE, ANGENITIE HENDRICKS. 34— HENDRICK,3 b. Jan. 13, 1696, m. Geertruy Terhune. 35—MARGRIETE,3 June 14, 1700, m. Roeloff Martense. 16 Third Generation ; Epke.! 5. DERRICK? (or DIRCK) EPKE BANTA married at Bergen, N. J., Oct. 7, 1681, Ester, daughter of Hans and Margriete Dedrick. Hans Dedrick kept an inn at Bergen, which was the second one licensed in that town (Feb. 13, 1671). He was a Lieutenant of the Bergen Militia, and was one of the patentees of Acquackenonck, May 28, 1679. The record on the Bergen Church Register states that the marriages of Derrick and that of his brother, Weart, on the same day, were the first celebrated ‘‘in the new church.” He joined in the purchase, with his brothers and others, of the large tract of land on the Palisades already referred to. He and his wife united with the church at Hackensack, May 1, 1689. He was elected Deacon, May 4, 1699, and Church Warden in 1707. In the minutes of the Consistory under date of May 1708, appears the following entry : As Church Warden Dirck Epke Banta to keep his office yet for this year, to whom has been added Joost De Bane, which two aforesaid Church Wardens caused in this year, 1708, the steeple to be built on the Ackinsack Church which has here been recorded in their praise. In May, 1715, he was chosen an Elder. October 15, 1717, he was appointed Sur- veyor of the highways ‘by two of His Majesty’s Justices.” At that time he lived at Winkleman, which was on the east side of the Hackensack River, between Old: Hack- ensack and Hackensack. ISSUE. 26 —MARGRIETE,3 bp. Nov. 18, 1682, m. Dirck Hartman Vreeland. 87 —ANTIE,3 m. Nicholas Lozier. 1. Hendrickse Terhune. 38—JACOB,3 m. : 2. Geesie Thomasse. 89 —JOHANNES,3 m. Metie Hessels. 40—LEA,3 was a witness at a baptism in 1726. 41 —SITSKE,3 b. April 14, 1695, m. Dirk Johannes Vreeland. 42 —RACHEL,3 bp. Oct. 15, 1699, m. Robert Levesey. 6. WEART 2 EPKE BANTA (or Wiert, as it is usually found in earliest records), probably the youngest of the five sons, married at Bergen, Oct. 7, 1681, Gerritje, the daughter of Jillis Mandeville, who owned a large farm at Greenwich, in the vicinity of the present Ninth Ward of New York City. The records of the Dutch Church in New York contains the publication of the banns, Sept. 15, 1681. It was the custom of the times to proclaim the banns of marriage in the church on three successive Sundays. All the children of Weart2 Epke were baptized in New York, though they were born at Hackensack. The witnesses at the baptism of Elsie in 1687 were Jan Pieterszen and Maria Bon, to which attention is called because Jan Pieterszen was doubtless the ancestor of the Bant family, which; though of somewhat similar name, had another origin. Wiert and his wife joined the church at Hackensack, May 1, 1689. He died within a very few years thereafter, as is evident from the fact that the will of Jillis Man- deville, dated Sept. 15, 1696, describes his daughter, Gerretie, as “now the wife of Pieter Meet.” July 21, 1699, Gerretie married a third time, Increase Power, born near Boston, by whom she had several children who were baptized at Hackensack. ISSUE. 43 — WIERT,3 bp. Aug. 19, 1682, m. Mary Demarest. 44 —HENDRICK,3 April 8, 1685, m. Trintie Loots. 45—ELSIE,3 June 20, 1687, m. Johannes Herty. 46 —JACOB,3 March 21, 1690. Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Epke.l : 17 CHAPTER IV. FOURTH GENERATION. Cornelius 2 Epke.! 7. JANNETIE BANTA MEYER,3 see page 21. 8. EPKE3 BANTA, called Egbert in his father’s will which gave him his sword as a birthright, received from his father a deed for 240 acres of land (on survey found to contain 254 acres), extending from the Hackensack river to Wynocksack brook (now called Sprout brook). His father had bought this property from Richard Pope, Dec. 3, 1702, and conveyed it to his son Epke, Sept. 7, 1711, by endorsement on the back. As was quite common in those days, the deed was not recorded, and we be- came acquainted with the fact in this wise. The original grantor of the land was Peter Sonmans, one of the ‘‘ Proprietors,” who gave a deed for it 3oth August, 1686, at which time he was under age. To cure the defect in the title, Peter Sonmans executed another deed Dec. 2, 1728, to Cornelius4 Banta, called therein the son and heir of Epke? Banta, who was the son of Cornelius? Epke Banta, and this latter deed, recorded at Hacken- sack in Liber B, folio 308, sets forth all the facts. Epke,3 born at Hackensack, married Jannetie du Rye, April 3, 1707. He died prior to Dec. 2, 1728, his widow marrying Thomas Outwater, June 28, 1730. His two sons died unmarried, and the farm was inherited by his two daughters who divided it between them. Liber C, folio 52, at Hackensack, records a deed from Francyntie Earle, wife of Nathaniel Earle, blacksmith, of Stein Rapie, to Henry Mayer, Yeoman of Quacksack, for 127 acres, house, barns, orchards, etc. The deed recites that the farm of 254 acres descended jointly to Jannetie Van Zaen and said Francyntie heiress and ‘‘juberitrix ” of the said land and now equally divided between them —Iland bounded on the south by John Banta, on the north by Jacobus Van Voorhees and Hannis Losier, on the east by the Hackensack river, and west by the Sprout brook. Liber C, folio 54, records a conditional deed of the property by Henry Mayer to his loving son-in-law, Nathaniel Earle—land bounded on the west by Jacob Van Zaen, which indicates that the original farm of 254 acres was divided by a line running north and south, midway between Hackensack river and the Sprout brook, Van Zaen taking the westerly half and Earle the easterly portion. ISSUE. 47 —CORNELIUS,4 bp. Jan. 29, 1709, died unmarried. 48 —JANNETIE,4 June 15, 1710, m. Jacob Van Zaen, Jr. 49 —FRANCINTIE,4 Nov. 19, 1713, died in infancy. 50 —JAN,4 Nov. 6, 1715, died in infancy. 502—FRANCYNTIE,4 July 19, 1717, m. Nathaniel Earle. v 9. JAN3 BANTA married Cornelia, daughter of Ferdinando Van Sicklen of New Amersfort, April 3, 1708. 2 is not mentioned in his father’s will, having already received the gift of a farm adjoining on the south the farm given to his brother Epke?. He died subsequent to 1750, as we learn from a paper in the nature of a will dated in that year, in the possession of his descendant, Cornelius H. Banta of Spring Valley, N. J., a copy of which is here given verbatim: John Banta, of Hackensack, in consideration of £60, d., give and grant to my four daughters, Eva, Jannetie, Francintie and Margrety, that piece of land on West side of 2 18 Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Epke. the Moreess Kill, beginning on south line of the heirs of gr. Banta, runing thence westerly along said line till it comes to a run of water called the Moclekill, and then along said Kill to the line of Yost Boskirk, thence easterly along sd line to a run called Wybrig in Killetye, thence northerly along sd run to the north line of John Van Orden till it comes to the road, then southerly along sd road to the line of Yost Boskirk, thence easterly along sd line till it comes to Moreess Kill, then northerly along sd Kill to the place there at first begun—to my said daughters Eva, Jannetie, Francintie and Marya (sic), but if Marya should come die without heirs of her one body, then her money shall be divided among my children Cornelius, Eva, Jannetie, Francyntie and Margrety, but I say if Marya should come for to live till she can’t work you, Cornelius, E., J., F. and Margarette shall give her each 10 shillings a year as long as she lives, and you shall after her decease share all as is left equal, but if she should come to marry she is to have no more than her sixty pounds and share of the Mue Bills as equal with my daughters as is aforementioned that is, Eva, J., F. and M. is for to share her share of my daughter Marye should come for to die before she is not able for to work no more, but if God should be pleased for to let her for to live and can’t work, then I desire that my aforesaid children, Corn., Eva, J., F. and M., should each give her the ten shillings a year besides her sixty pounds. . . . . after the death of said John Banta and my wife Cornelia—one of the best horses I do give unto my son Cornelius and all the rest of my land lying on the west side of a run of water called the Muelekel—1I do give and grant unto my son Cornelius Banta, wherefore my son C. shall pay to my daughter Marya the sum of 15 pounds one year after that I, the sd John Banta and my wife Cornelia are dead and gone. Shall remain in the possession of sd John Banta and Cornelia, his wife, for her maintaining during her lifetime. Dated May 1, 1750. Jan Banta lived west of the present Spring Valley road, about two miles north-west of Hackensack. All his children except the youngest, were baptized at Hackensack. She was baptized at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. 51— CORNELIUS, 4 Nov. 8, 1708, m. 226 Rachel 4 Banta. 52 — EVA, 4 Sept. 9, 1711, died in infancy. 53 — EVA 4 July 5, 1713, m. John Huyler. 54 —JANNETIE, 4 July 31, 1715, prob. m. Johannes Lozier. 55—SUSANNA,4 Mch. 24, 1717. 56 — FRANSINTIE,4 Mch. 29, 1719, Frans Hooglandt. 57 —MARGRIETE,4 Oct. 21, 1722, Nicholas Toers. 58 — MARIA, 4 Nov. 17, 1724, Samuel Demarest. 59 —ANNAET]EN,4 Oct. 15, 1728, died in infancy. 10. MARITIE BANTA DEGROOT,3 see page 22. 11. SARA BANTA PEEK,3 see page 23. 14. JACOB3 BANTA married Rachel, daughter of Stephen Terhune and Lydia D. Demarest, at Hackensack, April 13, 1728. He built a house at Winkleman, on the east side of the Hackensack river, opposite Hackensack, near the present R. R. station of Bogota. His children were all baptized at Hackensack, except the eldest who was baptized at Tappan. In 1726, with Henry Brinkerhoff he bought of Marmaduke Earle, 63 acres of swamp land and upland at Quacksack and Moonachie. He and his wife united with the church at Hackensack in 1731. His will, dated Sep- tember 3, 1771, is recorded at Trenton, in Liber K, folio 405, March 23, 1772, and reads as follows: IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. 1, Facob Cornelius Banta, of Hackensack, in the County of Bergen, and Province of New Jersey, being at this present time, weak of body, but of perfect mind, memory Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Eplke.l 19 and understanding, thanks be to Almighty Ged for the same, but concerning the cer- tainty of death and the uncertain time thereof, submitting myself to the will of God, and humble with hearty sorrows for my sins, recommend my soul unto Him that made me, and trusting for salvation through the merits of Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and as touching my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me, I do make this my last Will and Testament in manner, as follows: FIRST: [7 Will and Direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid and satisfied. ITEM: [7 Will, Give and Begueath unto my wife Rachel, two Bonds and the growing interest, one of Jacob Van Zaen and the other of Richard Heaton, conditioned for the payment of Seventy Pounds. ITEM: [7 Give and Begueath to my wife Rachel, the Negro girl, Gin, the said bonds, and the Negro girl, Gin, to go to my wife and to her heirs and assigns forever. ITEM: [7 Will that my four children shall pay yearly and every year ensuing, after my decease, unto my wife Rachel, the sum of Twenty Pounds, each of them five, if she sees requisite to demand the same, to her and to her heirs and assigns forever. ITEM: [ Will, Give and Bequeath unto my wife, Rachel, one bed with its furni- ture and one cupboard and brass kettle, and one tea kettle and one elbow-chair, to her and to her heirs and assigns forever. ITEM: [/ Give and Bequeath unto my eldest son, Cornelius, one horse and one gun in right of primogeniture to him, his heirs and assigns forever. ITEM: [7 Will, Give and Begueat/s unto my son, Cornelius, and to his heirs and assigns forever, the house and lands where I at present dwell, called Wincleman, also all John’s land, also all my meadow in Tien Neck, also all my right in the Fike, also all my right in the Mountain, also all the Quacksack Meadow, also the equal half of the Maple Swamp. ITEM: [7 Will, Give and Begqueath unto my three daughters, Ledia, Lentye and Hendrickye, the land over the River where my son Cornelius now dwells, also all that land and meadow which I have purchased of Wiert Bantaw, also all that house and land at Quacksack, where George Blinckerhof now dwells, also the equal half of the Meadow Swamp, to be equally divided between them in quantity and quality the one no more than the other, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. ITEM: [7 Will that in case either of my children should die without issue and before the age of twenty-one years, that part of such one so dying shall go to the sur- vivor or survivors of my children, their heirs and assigns forever. a ITEM: 7 Will that my daughter Hendrickye shall have the like outset, or the value thereof, as my former married daughters have had, to her and to her heirs and assigns forever. ITEM: All other my estate whatsoever, after my debts and the above legacies are settled and paid, I do give, devise and bequeath in manner and form following, that is to say: Unto my son Cornelius one-fourth, and my daughter Ledia one-fourth, unto my daughter Lentye one-fourth, and to my daughter Hendrickye one-fourth, an equal share to each of them, the one no more than the other, to them and each of them, their heirs and assigns forever. ITEM: 7 do hereby Nominate, Constitute and Appoint my brother-in-law, Albert Terheun, and my son, Cornelius, and my son-in-law, Marte Powlson, and my son-in- law, George Blinckerhof, Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made whatsoever. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal, this third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one. his true Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and JACOB C. + BANTAW, [L. S.] declared by the said Jacob Cornelius mark. Bantaw as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, PIETER BONGAERT, GYLLEYAEIN BONGAERT, GUILLIAM BERTHOLF. 20 Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Eplke.l September 3rd, 1771. This Certifies to whom it may Concern, that in case I should suddenly dye, I desire that my wife, Rachel, shall have all the grain in the barn, and also the groen grain in the fields, also two milk cows, also all the clean flax, to her and to her heirs and assigns forever. In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand. his true Signed in the presence of us, JACOB C.. + BANTA. PIETER BONGAERT, mark GULLYAEM BONGAERT. Memorandum, that on the fourth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one, Pieter Bogeart and Gilliam Bogeart, two of the within subscribed evidences appeared before me, John Zabriske, duly authorized &c., and they being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, on their oath, do declare that they were present and did see Jacob Cornelius Banta the Testator in the within Will named, sign and seal the same and heard him publish, pronounce and declare it to be his last Will and Testament, that at the doing thereof, the said Testator was of sound mind and memory, to the best of their knowledge and as they verily believe, and that at the same time Guilliam Bartholf, the other evidence, was also present and signed his name as an evidence as they each did i in the presence of the said Testator. JOHN ZABROWESKI. Also, that at the same time Marte Powlson, Cornelius Banta and George Blinck- erhof, three of the within named Executors, came before me and were duly qualified by taking the oath of Executors as by Law appointed. JOHN ZABROWESKI. Probate granted by Governor Franklin (in the usual form, &c.). Dated the same, fourth day of December, 1771. PETTIT, Reg'r. Examined and agrees with the original. Bowes REED, Reg'r. ISSUE. § 1. Agnietje Bogert; 60—CORNELIUS,¢ b. May 7, 1730, m. ! 2. Hendrichie Outwater. 61 —STEPHEN,4 bp. April 15, 1733, died in infancy. 62 — LIDIA 4 Dec. 27, 1734, m. Martin Powelson. 63 —STEPHEN, 4 Jan. 1, 1738, died in infancy. 64 — STEPHEN, 4 April 8, 1739, died in infancy. 65—SAMUEL,4 Feb. 21, 1742, died in infancy. 66 — MAGDALENA 4 March 30, 1746, m. George Brinkerhoff. 67 —STEPHEN 4 July 1, 1750, died in infancy. 68 — HENDRICK]JE,¢ Feb. 14, 1753, m. Hendrick Van Giessen. 16. RACHEL BANTA BOSKERK,3 see page 23. 18. ELIZABETH BANTA DEY,3 see page 24. 19. ABRAM3 BANTA married Annaetjen Van Horn, at Hackensack, Sep- tember 19, 1735. On the marriage register he is said to bave been ‘living at Schraalenburgh.” By the will of his grandfather, Samuel Demarest, he received a farm. He also owned land at Wiermus, which he sold, and subsequently he removed to Rockland County, New York. On the Hackensack Road Book, under date of May 23, 1760, there is recorded ‘‘an application by Adolph Meyer, Thomas Ackerson, Abraham Banta and Isaac Alyea for a road from Abraham Banta’s land to old road of John Banta that comes down from Peremus, and also makes void the other road from east of the bridge to the corner of John Duryea’s road —a path that comes from Wiermus between John Meyer and John Banta.” Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Epke.) 21 ISSUE. 69 —MAGDALENA,4 b. Oct. 8, 1736, m. John Forseur. © 70— CORNELIUS, 4 b. Dec. 5, 1738, m. Maria Demarest. 71— SAMUEL A Mey 30, 1745, 1m. Elizabeth Blauvelt, Selif lswn/ 72 —JACOB,4 bp. Feb. 12, 1744, m. Rachel Smith. 73 —JACOMYNTIE,4 b. Jany. 26, 1747, died in infancy. 74— ABRAM, 4 bp. Aug. 3, 1749. : 75—JACOMYNTIE, 4 b. Sept. 10, 1750, died in infancy. 76 —JACOMYNTIE,4 b. June 15, 1752, m. John Gordonier. 77 —LEYA,4 Sept. 14, 1755, m. Peter Winter. 7. JANNETIE3 BANTA, born in Hackensack, married at that place, Aug. 22, 1696, Jan or Johannes Meyer, who was baptized in New York, June 12, 1667. He was a son of Martin Janszen Meyer, from Elsvliet, Holland, who probably is identical with Martin Janszen Van Breuckelen, who resided in New Amersfort as early as 1653, and who was Schepen there in 1656, 1657 and 1658. He was married Nov. 19, 1662, to Hendrickye Hermans, from Amsterdam. He and his wife made a joint will, dated March 16, 1693, which is recorded in the Surrogate’s office, New York. The baptism of the eldest and the youngest of the children of Johannes Meyer is recorded at Hackensack, while the record of the others is found on the books of the Lutheran Church, formed in New York in 1674, now located on the corner of Broome and Mulberry streets. These books indicate that the minister was accustomed to go to Hackensack and other places about New York to baptize children whose parents were in sympathy with the Lutherans. The will of Johannes Meyer (many of his descendants adopted the spelling Myer) was dated March 25, 1742. He is described as of ‘“Sadol (Saddle) river in the County of Bergen and Province of New Jersey.” The will was proved in Newark, N. J., and filed in Trenton, N. J., and letters were granted to his son, Johannes, April 10, 1755. The children mentioned were Martin (the eldest), Cornelius, Johannes, Isaac, Jacob and Abram Myer, Marijtie Prevoost (Brevoort) and Rachel Labagh. ISSUE. 78 —MARTIN MYER,4 bp. Feb. 25, 1700, m. Gerritje —. ISSUE. 1— JOHANNES MYER,5 bp. Oct. 12, 1729, at Lutheran Church, N. VY. 2— ABRAM MYER,5 bp. Nov. 18, 1750, at Paramus, N. J. 79 — MARITIE MYER,4 b. —, m. Samuel Provoost, March 2, 1723. 80 — RACHEL MYER,4 bp. April 1, 1705, m. Johannes Labagh, May 19, 1727. ISSUE. 1— CATHARINE LABAGH,5 bp. Jan. 28, 1728. 2— ABRAHAM LABAGH,5 bp. June 30, 1734. 801 —LEA MYER,4 bp. April 17, 1708. 802— SARAH MYER, b. Oct. 11, 1711. 803— CORNELIUS MYER,4b. Oct. 11, 1711, m. prob, 228 Lydia4 Banta, Dec. 12, 1735. 804— JOHANNES MYER,4 bp. Aug. 2, 1714. 805 — FRANSCYNTIE MYER,4 bp. Aug. 2, 1714. 806— ABRAM MYER,4 bp. April 6, 1718. 807— ISAAC MYER,4 bp. April 6, 1718, m. Lydia Campbell. March 12, 1760, he was appointed Supervisor of Highways at Newark, N. J., in which town he had probably lived for some years. ISSUE. 5991 — JOHN MYER,5 m. Rhoda Baldwin. 22 Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Epke.l ISSUE. 1—ZEBULON MYER.6 2— HENRY MYER.6 3—ABBIE MYER.6 5992 —HENRY MYER.5 He was Sergeant in Captain Morrison's Company, 1st Bat- talion, 2d Establishment of the Continental Troops of the Line from New Jersey and was killed at the battle of Germantown, Sept. 26, 1777. hl : Do: $ 1. — Post; 5993 — RACHEL MYER,5 b. 1758, m. ? 2. John Durand. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. I.— ASHER BROWN DURAND,6 b. Aug. 21, 1796, at Jefferson, Morris County, N. J., the celebrated painter and engraver. 5994 — BENJAMIN MYER, b. March 30, 1764, married first wife, Sarah Riggs, second wife, Rachel Spinning Johnson, a widow. Benjamin Myer5 was a soldier from Essex County, in the Revolutionary War. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. I.—IsaAc MYER,$ b. July 18, 1787, married in Philadelphia, Margaretta Shade, who was born Jan. 19, 1794, and died April 15, 1884. He died April 15, 1869. ISSUE. 1— Sarah Riggs Myer,” m. Hon. Anson V. Parsons, of Philadelphia. 2— Eliza F. Myer,” m. Dr. William J. A. Birkey, of Philadelphia. 3— Marie J. Myer,” m. Dr. Thomas W. Woodland, of New Orleans. 4— Lafayette Myer,7 m. Mrs. Ella Cooke, of Baltimore. 5—Susan S. Myer,7 m. Charles A. Day, of Philadelphia, General Agent of the Fidelity & Casualty Ins. Co., of New York. 6—Isaac Myer,” m. Mrs. Mary Helena Sharpstein, zee Abbott. He is a lawyer of Philadelphia and New York. II.—ALLIE MYER, m. Amos Munn. 1. John Tuttle; ? : Sh ; 1II.— SARAH MYER,6 m. $ 2. Calvin Baldwin. § She lived in Newark, N. J. IV.— HENRY MYER,6 b. Jan. 2, 1801. V.— JAMES MYER,6 VI.— EVELINA MYER,6 ISSUE OF BENJAMIN MYERS BY SECOND MARRIAGE. VII.— BENJAMIN MYER,$ b. Jan. 16, 1814. He is now living in Newark, N. J. 5995— JACOB MYER. 5996 —ISAAC MYER,’ m. Phebe Crane of Newark, N. J. 5997 LYDIA MYER,5 m. Robert Mount of New York. 5998 — SALLIE MYER,5 m. Captain John Crane of Orange, N. J. 10. MARITIE3 BANTA married at Hackensack, May 3, 1712, Joost Staets De Groot, born at Tappan. He died June, 1748. ISSUE. 81 — CORNELIUS DE GROOT,4 bapt. Jan. 8, 1715, m. Geesjen Vander Beck, May 13, 1742. ISSUE. 1—JOOST DE GROOT,5 bapt. March 26, 1743. 82 —SAMUEL DE GROOT,4 bapt. Feb. 24, 1717, m. Trintie Pouwer. ISSUE. 1—JOOST DE GROOT,5 bapt. Feb. 20, 1753. 2— MARIA DE GROOT,5 bapt. Nov. 3, 1761. 3—JOHN DE GROOT,5 bapt. May 31, 1767. Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Epke.! 23 83 —GEESIE DE GROOT ,4 bapt. March 29, 1719, died in infancy. 84— JAN DE GROOT ,4 bapt. March 23, 1720, died in infancy. 85 —GEESIE DE GROOT, 4 bapt. Sept. 23, 1721, m. Stephen Bordet, Sept. 25, 1741. ISSUE. 1—CATRINTIE BORDET,5 b. Aug. 1, 1742. 2—SAMUEL BORDET,5 b. June 3, 1744. 3—MARIA BORDET,5 b. April 27, 1746. 4—OLVERD BORDET,5 b. June 14, 1750. 5—HESTER BORDET,5 b. June 1, 1755. 86— JANNETIE DE GROOT,4 bapt. April 26, 1724. 87—JAN DEGROOT,4 bapt. May 6, 1730, m. Susanna Storm. 11. SARA3 BANTA married January 5, 1717, Jacobus Peek, who was born in New York. She died prior to September 17, 1726, when Peek married again, Rachel Demarest. : ISSUE. 88 — JOHANNES PEEK,4 June 10, 1717, died in infancy. 89 — JOHANNES PEEK,4 May 11, 1718, m. Susanna Demarest, Sept. 21, 1739. ISSUE. 1—SARAH PEEK,5 bapt. Aug. 3, 1740. 2—DANIEL PEEK,5 Feb. 24, 1743. 3—JACOBUS PEEK,5 April 7, 1745, died in infancy. 4—REBECCA PEEK,5 May 17, 1747, m. Peter Lozier. 5— RACHEL PEEK,5 Sept. 24, 1749. 6—DAVID PEEK,5 Nov. 8, 1751. 7— JOHANNES PEEK,5 b. March 15, 1754. 8— LEA PEEK,5 bapt. Aug. 7, 1757. 9—JACOBUS PEEK,5 bapt. May 2, 1762. 90 — CORNELIUS PEEK,4 Nov. 5, 1720. 91 —JANNETIE PEEK,4 Aug. 12, 1722, m. Jan Pieter Durye, Jan. 1, 1741. ISSUE. 1—SAMUEL DURYE,5 bp. June 28, 1747. 2— SARA DURYE,5 Dec. 18, 1748. 3— JAN DURYE.5 4—ELIZABETH DURYE,5 b. Dec. 17, 1758. 5—MARYA DURYE,5 bp. Feb. 10, 1760. 6—PIETER DURYE,5 Jan. 24, 1762. 7— DAVID DURYE,5 April 29, 1764, died in infancy. 8 — DAVID DURYE,5 Oct. 26, 1766. 92 — ELIZABETH PEEK,4 Feb. 26, 1725, m. Theunis Smith. ISSUE. 1— RACHEL SMITH,5 b. April 14, 1749. 16. RACHEL3 BANTA married Abraham Thomas Boskerk, who was born May 25, 1700. ISSUE. 93 —MAGDALENA BOSKERK,4 bp. Dec. 25, 1727. 931 —LEA BOSKERK,4 Jan. 31, 1731. / 932— JANNETIE BOSKERK,4 April 30, 1733. Baptized at Lutheran Church, N. Y. 933 — CORNELIS BOSKERK,4 June 10, 1743. 17. LEAH3 BANTA married at Hackensack, Sept. 8, 1727, Johannes Lozier. They united with the church at Schraalenburgh in 1738. He married again, August 20, 1744, 5 Jannetie4 Banta. 24 Fourth Generation ; Cornelius? Epke.l ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 94 — CORNELIUS LOZIER,4 Aug. 29, 1731. 95— BENJAMIN LOZIER,4 March 21, 1734. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 951 —FRANTO LOZIER,4 bp. Dec. 30, 1745. 952—ABRAHAM LOZIER,4b. Jan. 8, 1748. 18. ELIZABETH3 BANTA married at Hackensack, March 29, 1734, Jacob William Dey. ISSUE. 96— LENA DEY,4 bp. Feb. 16, 1735. 97 —MARITJE DEY, 4 bp. Nov. 28, 1736. 98 — RACHEL DEY, 4 Aug. 15, 1742. Seba? Epke.! 21. -MARGRIETA BANTA BRINKERHOFF,3 see page 26. 22. _AELTIE BANTA VAN HORN,3 see page 27. 23. —SITSKE BANTA DEMAREST,3 see page 27. 24. ARIE? BANTA married at Hackensack, July 28, 1711, Fytie Laurens Van Buskirk. He joined the church at Hackensack, July 3, 1715. He was Freeholder of Hackensack from 1729 to 1731, and also in 1738. ISSUE. 99 —SEBA 4 bp. June 29, 1712, died in infancy. 991 —LAURENS,4 b. Sept. 21, 1714, bp. Lutheran Church, N. Y. 100 —MARITIE,4 Nov. 25, 1716, died in infancy. 1001 — ABRAHAM, 4 b. Sept. 23, 1721, bp. in Lutheran Church, N. Y. 101 —SEBA, 4 July 5, 1724, m. Catelyntie Demarest. 102 —MARITIE,4 b. April 15, 1733. 25. DIRCK3 BANTA married at Hackensack, April 17, 1714, Rachel De Groot, who was born at Bowery Bay. They were both received as members of the church at Hackensack, April 6, 1716, and at Schraalenburgh in 1733. He was Deacon of the latter church. Were both members as late as 1746. ISSUE. 103—SEBA,4 bp. Dec. 4, 1715, m. Margriete Demarest, daughter of Samuel Samuelse Demarest and Annatie Cornelius Van Horn. 26. JOHANNES3 BANTA married at Hackensack, March 31, 1716, Margriete Janse de Groot. They were both received as members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1738. He was Road Surveyor in 1737. His farm was at Tenafly. He died De- cember, 1782, and his widow deceased in 1784, both far advanced in years. His will dated April 1, 1775, was probated 21st December, 1782, and recorded at Trenton in Liber 20, folio 344. ISSUE. 1..Divertjen — 104--SEBA¢ bp, May 3, 1717, m, ! 2. Rachel Loots. 1. Sara Demarest. 105— JAN 4 Sept. 28, 1718, m. ! I Sora Doman 106 —MARGRIETE,¢ Feb. 18, 1722, m. David Ackerman, March 31, 1749. ISSUE. 1—MARGRIETE ACKERMAN 5 b. May 24, 1751. Fourth Generation ; Seba? Epke.) 25 107 —MARITIE,4 March 15, 1724, m. Daniel Van Horn, Sept. 28, 1749. ISSUE. 1— RACHEL VAN HORN,5 b. June 8, 1751. 108 —ANNAET]JEN,4 Nov. 12, 1727, m. Woutheris Van Orden, Dec. 16, 1753. ISSUE. 1— JAN VAN ORDEN,5 b. May 7, 1756. 2— JACOB VAN ORDEN,5 b. Dec. 11, 1758, m. Catharine Paulusse. 109 —AELTIE,4 Nov. 9, 1729. 110—JACOB,4 b. Nov. 5, 1731, m. Altie Dedricks. 111 —DIRCK,4 bp. May 19, 1734. He was a carpenter in New York in 1795 at 182 Green- wich and 64 Partition St. Died unmarried (probably), Feb. 6, 1804, leaving his nephew, Aury Banta, sole legatee. See will, Bergen County, Liber A, p. 140. 112 — ANGENITIE, 4 April 18, 1737, died in infancy. 113 — PETRUS, 4 March 5, 1738, m. Hendrickye — 114—ARIEN,4 b. Nov. 6, 1739, died in infancy. 115— ARIE, bp. July 5, 74a, m. } - kina Wegorlt 116 —ANGENIET]E,4 b. April 23, 1744, John Eckerson, April 2, 1774. ISSUE. 1— LENA ECKERSON,5 b. May 8, 1778. 27. HENDRICK3 BANTA married at Hackensack, May 9, 1719, Annaetje Janse de Groot, who was baptized June 9, 1700. Both joined the church at Hackensack, Aug. 21, 1735, “with letters from Peremus.” He was elected an Elder of the church in 1757. His farm was at the English Neighborhood. His will dated in 1766 was re- corded in 1774 at Trenton, in Liber L, folio 151. In it he makes a division of his land among six of his sons, having made provision for Jan during his life-time. ISSUE. 117 —SEBA,4 bp. Mch. 6, 1720, m. 215 Lena Lozier. ' 118 —MARGRIETE,4 Oct. 22, 1721, m. George Brinkerhoff. 1. Margaret Duryea; 119—JAN,4 b. Oct. 6, 1723, m. $ 2. Vroutie Westervelt. 120 —MARIT]JE,4 bp. Sept. 4, 1726, m. Jacob Vreeland. 121— JACOB, 4 Sept. 29. 1728, m. Nellie Kristein. 122 — ARIE 4 June 27, 1731, m. Elizabeth Lozier. 123 — GARRET,4 b. Dec. 25, 1733, m. Neeltje Garrabrant. 124—ANT]E,4 bp. Aug. 21, 1735. 125 —HENDRICK,4 Jan, 21, 1739, in. Margaret Diedricks. 126 —ANNAET]IN,4 Jan. 21, 1739, m. Hendrick Haring. 127 —AELTIE,4 Jan. 18, 1741, m. John Fairbairn at Dutch Church in New York, Oct. 29, 1782. He was a weaver. She died Dec. 8, 1815, and her husband died Jan., 1827. Both were members of the church at English Neighborhood and were buried in the old churchyard there. 128 — WILLEMT]E,4 May 14, 1744, died in infancy. 129 —WILLEMT]JE,4 Oct. 20, 1745, m. Jacob Haring. 28. JACOB? BANTA married at Hackensack, September 23, 1721, Cornelia Pieterse De Groot (daughter of Peter De Groot), who was baptized October 13, 1700. They were both members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1738. He was Road Surveyor in 1737. He died prior to January 16, 1743, at which date his widow married Gozer Adriance, of Perth Amboy, N. J. ISSUE. 130 —MARITIE,4 bp. June 17, 1722, Petrus De Baen. 131 —BELITIE,4 April 5, 1724, m. Samuel Demarest. 26 Fourth Generation ; Seba? Epke.! 132 —ANTIE,4 bp. March 13, 1726, m. 446 Jan Bogert, April 12, 1746. 133 —LEA,4 bp. March 28, 1731. 134—ARIE,4 bp. March 4, 1733. 21. MARGRIETA3 BANTA married at Hackensack, October 31, 1702, Dirck Brinkerhoff (son of Hendrick Jorise). They joined the church at Hackensack, April 6, 1718. She died prior to October, 1733, when he married Abigail Ackerman. ISSUE. 135 —-HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,4 bp. Oct. 21, 1705, m. Mary Westervelt, Nov. 1, 1728. ISSUE. 1—ROELOF BRINKERHOFF,5 Sept. 12, 1731, m. Maritie — 2—OSSELTIEN BRINKERHOFF,5 June 23, 1734. 3—DIRCK BRINKERHOFF,5 Nov. 23, 1735. 4—JOANNES BRINKERHOFF,5 Aug. 6, 1738. 5—ZIBA BRINKERHOFF,5 March 23, 1740. 6—ANNAET]JE BRINKERHOFF,5 Dec. 19, 1742. 136 —ARIAN BRINKERHOFF,4 bp. Aug. 29, 1708, m. Margrieta Stagg, Oct., 1728. ISSUE. 1—MARGARET BRINKERHOFF,5 bp. Aug. 20, 1732. 137 — JORIS BRINKERHOFF,4 b. Jan. 13, 1715, died in infancy. 138 —SEBA BRINKERHOFF,4 b. Jan. 13, 1715, m. Belitje de Grauw Nov. 14, 1744. His will is dated Dec. 8, 1797. ISSUE. 443 —DIRCK BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Feb. 1, 1747, m. Osselchy Westervelt. She was born Oct. 1, 1749, and died Sept. 26, 1833. He was born at Old Hack- ensack, where he was a farmer. He died Nov. 5, 1833. ISSUE. 1408 — HENRY BRINKERHOFF,6 bp. Mch. 15, 1767. 1400 —SEBA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. April 16, 1768, m. Hannah Voorhis, Dec. 17, 1791. She was born Oct. 5, 1771, and died July 25, 1847. He was a carpenter in New York. For issue see note below.* 1410— DERICK BnINKERHOFF,6 b. Dec. 12, 1770. 1411 — ROELOF BRINKERHOFF,6 b.'May 3%, 1775. 1412— BELETJE BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Aug. 14, 1777. 1413— RACHEL BRINKERHOFF,6 b. May 31, 1780. 1414— JACOB BRINKERHOFF,6 b. May 31, 1780. Went to sea; never heard from. * ISSUE OF T1409. ~ 2455— OSSELCHY BRINKERHOFF,T b. Dec. 27, 1792, died Aug. 15, 1860. 2456 — JACOB BRINKERHOFF,T b. May 6, 1795, m. Elizabeth Frederick, Feb. 22, 1822. She was born Oct. 2, 178g, and died March g, 1859. He was a merchant in New York, and died in Brooklyn, Dec. 22, 188s. ISSUE. 3864 — John Henry Frederick Brinkerhoff,8 b. July 21, 1825, m. Theodosia J. Van Dalsem, May 17, 1849. 3865 — Richard Brinkerhoff,8 b. April 19, 1828, m. Susannah Harriet Passman, April 19, 1850, who was born Dec. 28, 1831. He is a publisher at 26 Duane Street, New York. ISSUE. 5613-— Jessie Glenn Brinkerhoff,9 b. Nov. 24, 1851. 5614 — Hattie Brinkerhoff,9 b. Feb. 19, 1854. 5615 — Mabel Lasar Brinkerhoff,9 b. Feb. 21, 1860. 5616— Jennie Fredrica Brinkerhoff,9 b. April 13, 1368. 5617 — Susannah Stienle Brinkerhoff,9 b. Dec. 22, 1872. 2457 — ELIZABETH BRINKERHOFF,T July 9, 1797, died March 30, 1876. 2458 — RICHARD BRINKERHOFF,7 Apri! 13, 1800. 2459 — RICHARD SEBA BRINKERHOFF,7 Jan. 28, 1803, died May 31, 1878. 2460 — HANNAH BRINKERHOFF,7 Oct. 17, 1805. 2461 — BALINDA BRINKERNOFF,T Sept. 18, 18009. Fourth Generation ; Seba? Epke.l 27 1415— SALLY BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Feb. g, 1783, died Feb. 12, 1785. 1416— DAVID BRINKERHOFF,6 b. July 23, 1785. 1417— JOHN BRINKERHOFF,6 b. April 4, 1787. 189 — JORIS BRINKERHOFF,4 bp. Aug. 14, 1720, m. : El aay CL ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 444 DANIEL BRINKERHOFF,5 b. 1746, probably removed to Philadelphia and married Sarah Campbell in 1770. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 1—MARGARET BRINKERHOFF,5b. March 13, 1748. 2—ANNATIE BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Aug. 16, 1752. 3—HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Dec. 31, 1755. 22. AELTIE3 BANTA married Lucas Van Horn, at Hackensack, April 21, 1705. Both joined the church at Hackensack, January 11, 1702. ISSUE. 140 —ANNETIE VAN HORN, bp. Dec. 1, 1706, died in i 141 —MARGRIETE VAN HORN,4 Feb. 25, 1711. 142 — ELSIE VAN HORN,¢ Feb. 6, 1715. 143 — (No name on register), Jan. 1, 1717. 144 —ANGENITIE VAN HORN,4 Jan. 25, 1719. 145 —ANNATIE VAN HORN,4 Dec. 18, 1720. 146 —SEBA VAN HORN,4 Dec. 18, 1720. 23. SITSKE3 BANTA married at Hackensack, April 21, 1705, Samuel Demarest (son of David, Jr.). Both joined the church at Scent April 10, 1710. He died before 1728, his wife surviving. ISSUE. 147 —DAVID DEMAREST,4 bp. Sept. 26, 1708, m. Mary Demarest, October 19, 1736. ISSUE. 1—SAMUEL DEMAREST,5 bp. Sept. 24, 1738. 2—ZIETSKE DEMAREST,5 b. Nov. 16, 1739. 3— CORNELIUS DEMAREST,5 Oct. 31, 1742. 4—SEBA DEMAREST,5 Sept. 24, 1745. 5— DAVID DEMAREST,5 June 12, 1748. 6—ARIE DEMAREST,5 Oct. 2, 1750. 148 RACHEL DEMAREST,4 bp. Aug. 22, 1714. 149 —SITSKE DEMAREST,4 Jan. 1, 1717. 150 —ARIE DEMAREST,4 bp. Feb. 23, 1718, m. Mary Ackerman, Oct. 25, 1719. ISSUE. 1—ZIETSKE DEMAREST, bp. Sept. 14, 1740, died in infancy. 2—DAVID DEMAREST,5 May 16, 1742. 3—SAMUEL DEMAREST,5 July 15, 1744. 4—DIRCK DEMAREST,5 March 31, 1746. 5—ZIETSKE DEMAREST,5 March 13, 1748. 151 —MARITIE DEMAREST,4 bp. July 26, 1721. Hendrick 2 Epke.! 80. JACOB3 BANTA married at Hackensack, February 27, 1703, Diever Hendricks, who died without issue shortly after her marriage. He married again Sep- 28 Fourth Generation ; Hendrick? Epke.l tember 28, 1705, Jannetie Van Horn (daughter of Cornelius). On August 8, 1719, he married a third wife, Cornelia De Graew, who was baptized in New York, March 12, 1699. He joined the church at Hackensack, July 12, 1702, was elected Deacon in 1709, and Elder in 1721. He was a Freeholder of Hackensack in 1717, and again in 1732. His will, dated May 26, 1739, was recorded in Trenton, N. J., November 25, 1748, in Liber E, folio 221. In addition to land in Hackensack and vicinity, he owned a farm at Kakiat or New Hempstead, Rockland County, New York, which he left by his will to his only son Hendrick. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 152 —MARITIE,4 bp. Oct. 20, 1706, m. Guillaume Janse Bogert. 153 —MARGRIETE,4 Feb. 15, 1708, m. Daniel Haring. 154—DIVERTIE,4 May 14, 1710, m. Albert Berdan. 155—ANNAETIE,4 March 30, 1712, m. Albert Van Dien, Oct. 30, 1730. He was a son of Gerrit Van Dien, and was bapt. Jan. 30, 1704. ISSUE. 467 —GERRIT VAN DIEN,5 bp. June 24, 1733. 156 —HENDRICK,4 June 10, 1716, m. Elizabeth Benson. ISSUE BY THIRD WIFE. 157 —JANNETIE,4 Aug. 27, 1721, m. Hendrick Kip. 158 —ANGENITIE 4 Sept. 21, 1723. 159 — CORNELIA, 4 Jan. 15, 1729, died in infancy. 160 — CORNELIA, 4 Feb. g, 1735, m. Garret Kip. 31. ANGENITIE BANTA BRINKERHOFF,3 see below. 33. SITSKE BANTA VAN WINKLE,? see page 31. 84. HENDRICK BANTA3 married at Hackensack, January 26, 1717, Geertruy, daughter of Albert Terhune, Jr., who was baptized November 4, 1694. He joined the church at Hackensack, January 12, 1718. He was a blacksmith. ISSUE. 1. Rachel Brower. 161 —HENDRICK,4 m. : 2. Ann Demarest. 162 —WYNTIE,4 bp. Aug. 13, 1721, m. Samuel Duryea. 163 — ANGENITIE, ¢ May, 1724. 164 —ALBERT,4 b. Aug. 29, 1728, m. Lena Van Voorhees. 81. ANGENITIE3 BANTA married April 17, 1708, Jacobus Brinkerhoff (son of Hendrick), who was born March 29, 1685. ISSUE. 165— HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,4 bp. May 1, 1709, died in infancy. 166— HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,¢ bp. Oct. 29, 1710, m. Elizabeth Kip, Nov. 19, 1731. She was a daughter of Nicholas Kip and Antie Bryant, and was baptized March 11, 1710. He died in 1760. ISSUE. 1— JACOBUS BRINKERHOFF,5 bp. July 8, 1733. 2—NICASIE BRINKERHOFF,5 bp. Jan. 13, 1740. 3— JORIS (George) BRINKERHOFF,5 bp. Oct. 28, 1744, m. 66 Magdalena4 Banta. 4—ANTIE BRINKERHOFF,5 bp. Nov. 4, 1750. 5—HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,5 bp. Feb. g, 1755. 167 —MARITJE BRINKERHOFF,4 bp. Nov. 28, 1714, died in infancy. Fourth Generation, Hendrick? Epke.l 29 168 — JORIS BRINKERHOFF,4 bp. Oct. g, 1719, m. Martyntie Bogert, Nov., 1745. He : was an Elder of the church at Schraalenburgh, and also a magistrate. He removed with the colony to Conewago, Pa., and was an Elder of the church there. He died Jan. 3, 1810. ISSUE. 525 — JAMES BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Nov. 27, 1746, m. Catrintie Voorhees. The children named below were baptized at Conewago. In 1796, he removed to Owasco, New York, where he died, May, 1813. ISSUE. 1— HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,6 Oct. 17, 1768. 2— MARTYNTIE BRINKERHOFF,6 Jan. 2, 1774. 3—ANNATIE BRINKERHOFF,$ Sept. 8, 1776. 4— JORIS BRINKERHOFF,6 May 23, 1779. 5—ALBERT BRINKERHOFF,6 Aug. 12, 1781. 6— ISAAC BRINKERHOFF,6 June 20, 1790. 526 — ROELOF BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Nov. 10, 1748, m. Belitie Demarest, daughter of David Demarest. He removed to Conewago, and thence, in May, 1793, with nine families removed to Cayuga County, New York, where he died, Feb. 28, 1830. The first of the children named below was baptized at Schraalenburgh, and the others at Conewago. ISSUE. 1— MARTYNTIE BRINKERHOFF,6 Aug. 12, 1772, m. Col. John S. Hardenbergh. 2— DAVID BRINKERHOFF,6 March 17, 1776, m. Cath. Van Middlesworth. 3—JORES BRINKERHOFF,6 b. May 16, 1778, died in infancy. 4— MARGARETTA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. May 16, 1780, m. Richard Parsell. 5—ANNATIE BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Nov. 8, 1782, m. Dr. Josiah Bevier. 6— JORIS BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Feb. 19, 1785, m. Jacomyntie Bevier. 7—HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,6 Oct. 14, 1787, m. Sarah Swartwout. 8— MARIA BRINKERHOFF,6 June 20, 1790, died unmarried. 9—JACOBUS BRINKERHOFF,6 Oct. 2, 1791. 527 — HENRY BRINKERHOFF,5 bp. July 4, 1751. 528 —GILLIAM BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Feb. 22, 1754, m. Elizabeth Ackerman. The children were all baptized at Conewago. He died in Adams County, Pa. ISSUE. 1— MARTYNTIE BRINKERHOFF,6 bp. June 30, 1776, m. John Bodent. 2— LENA BRINKERHOFF,6 Oct. 3, 1779, m. George Berlow. 3— JORIS BRINKERHOFF,6 Dec. 21, 1781, died unmarried. 4— CORNELIUS BRINKERHOFF,6 Aug. 31, 1784. 5—ANNATIE BRINKERHOFF,6 March 25, 1787, died unmarried. 6— MARGARITA BRINKERHOFF,6 Nov. 8, 1789, m. Peter Berlow. 7—GEERTIE BRINKERHOFF,6 April 1, 1792, died unmarried. 8— MARIA BRINKERHOFF,6 m. John Berlow. 9— ELIZABETH BRINKERHOFF,6 m. Peter Monfort. 529 — JACOB BRINKERHOFF,5 born Feb. 22, 1756, married Annatie Demarest. He left Conewago, April 30, 1793, with nine families for Owasco Lake, Cayuga County, New York, where he died, November 13, 1829. ISSUE. 1— JORIS BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Dec. 27, 1779, m. Jane Cartwright. 2— MARGARITA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. March 24, 1782, m. George Post. 3— DAVID BRINKERHOFF,6 b. May 25, 1784, died May 29, 1808. 4—HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Jan. 5, 1786, m. Rachel Bevier. 5— MARTHA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Nov. 11, 1787, m. Peter Selover. 6— BEELITIE BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Feb. 25, 1790, m. John Decker. 30 Fourth Generation ; Hendrick? Epke.! 7—JACOBUS BRINKERHOFF,6 b. June 21, 1792, m. Rachel Bevier. 8— JACOB BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Aug. 17, 1795, m. Harriet Johnson. 9— PETER BRINKERHOFF,$ b. Dec. 17, 1797, m. Anna Van Etten. 10— MARIA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. June 17, 1800, died Feb. 14, 1831. 11— JOHN I. BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Feb. 17, 1803, m. Mary Ann Shepard. 530 — JOHN BRINKERHOFF,5 born April 6, 1759, married Sarah Van Arsdalen January 25, 1785. He was a Justice of the Peace; died in Adams County, May 13, 1838. All the children named below were baptized at Conewago. ISSUE. 1— JORIS BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Oct. 26, 1785, m. Ida Cassatt. 2— GARRET BRINKERHOFF,6 May 11, 1787, m. SE i Ble 3— HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,b Aug. 3, 1790, m. Phebe Monfort. 4— MARTYNA BRINKERHOFF,6 March 7, 1793, unmarried, died April 6, 1849. 5—IsAAc BRINKERHOFF,6 June 20, 1796, m. Rachel McCreary. 6— JAMES BRINKERHOFF,6 Oct. 11, 1799, m. Susan Range. 7— LUCRETIA BRINKERHOFF,6 Feb. 12, 1804, m. David Schriver. 8 — JANE BRINKERHOFF,5 Nov. 11, 1806, m. Archibald Love. 531 —GEORGE G. BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Feb. 28, 1761, m. Sept. 19, 1789, Maria Van Harlingen. He became Pastor at Conewago in Nov. 1789, and in 1808 moved to Owasco Lake, N. Y. His death occurred on May 29, 1813. All the children named below were baptized at Conewago. ISSUE. 1— JORIS BRINKERHOFF,6 b. June 20, 1791, m. Susan Selover. 2— JOHANNES MARTINUS BRINKERHOFF,$ b. Feb. 23, 1793, died May, 1793. 3—SARAH S. BRINKERHOFF,6 b. April 5, 1794, unm., died Nov. 23, 1849. 4— MARTINA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Feb. 1, 1796, m. Abram Selover. 5— JOHANNES M. BRINKERHOFF,6 b. June 30, 1798, unm., died Sept. 20, 1827. 6— PETER V. BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Feb. 4, 1800, unm., died March 10, 1820. 7—ANNATIE BRINKERHOFF,6 b. April 4, 1803, unm., died June 7, 1851. . 8 — MARIA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Aug. 18, 1805, unm., died April 28, 1860. 532 —AGNITIE BRINKERHOFF,5 b. March 25, 1750, m. Daniel Haring. ISSUE. Baptized at Schraalenburgh. 1— JAcoB HARING,6 b. Dec. 26, 1780. 2— AGNES HARING,6 b. July 21, 1783. 3— DANIEL HARING,6 b. Feb. 20, 1786. 533 — ANGENITIE BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Feb. 27, 1752. 534— LUCAS BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Aug. 25, 1754, m. Maria Cole. From Cone- wago he removed, May, 1793, to Wayne County, N. Y. ISSUE. I— JACOBUS BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Jan. 4, 1785. 2—ANTIE J. BRINKERHOFF,6 b. July 16, 1786. 3—ANNATIE BRINKERHOFF,6 b. May, 1792. 535—ANNAET]JE (Jannetie) BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Jan. 30, 1757, m. John Christie. She died Dec., 1848. The children named below were baptized at Schraalen- burgh. ISSUE. 1— CATLYNTIE CHRISTIE,6 b. Dec. 10, 1775. 2— WILLIAM CHRISTIE,6 b. Dec. 25, 1780. 3— HANNAH CHRISTIE,S b. Sept. 3, 1784. 4—JACoB CHRISTIE,$ b. Sept. 28, 1786. Fourth Generation ; Hendrick? Epke.l 31 536— JACOBUS BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Feb. 27, 1759, died unmarried. 537 —HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,5b. March 19, 1761, died unmarried. 538 —ALBERT BRINKERHOFF,5 b. March 21, 1763, m. Kezia Voorhis, daughter of Albert P. Voorhees and Mary Doremus. He died Dec. 8, 1844. ISSUE. 1— ANNA BRINKERHOFF,6 b. May 12, 1797, m. David Christie, March 12, 1814. He was born Dec. 1, 1789, and died April 8, 1848. Issue, fifteen children of whom were 1— Mary Ann Christie,” b. March 3, 1815. 2— Cornelius Christie,7 a lawyer in Jersey City. 2— JACOB BRINKERHOFF,6 b. Aug. 6, 18c2. 3—ALBERT BRINKERHOFF,6 m. Elizabeth M. Van Saun. 539 — JORIS (George) BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Nov. 15, 1765. 33. SITSKE3 BANTA married at Hackensack, April 19, 1712, Johannes Van Winkle (son of Jacob), who was born in Bergen, June 25, 1686. They were members of the church at Acquackenonck and subsequently united with the church at Second River (Belleville, N. J.,) where they resided. ISSUE. 171 —HENDRICK VAN WINKLE, 4 b. Mch. 20, 1714, m. Maritje Jurrianse, Aug. 22, 1739. ISSUE. 1— JURRIAN VAN WINKLE,5 b. April 22, 1740. 172— JACOB VAN WINKLE,4 b. March, 1716. 178 — JOHANNES VAN WINKLE,4b. July 3, 1719. 174—ANGENITIE VAN WINKLE, 4b. Dec. 16, 1723. 175— DANIEL VAN WINKLE, b. Dec. 16, 1723. 176 —AELTIE VAN WINKLE, 4 b. Nov. 235, 1726. 177 —MARGRIETE VAN WINKLE, b. Oct. 24, 1729. 178 —SIMON VAN WINKLE,4 b. April 5, 1735. 179 —SAMUEL VAN WINKLE, 4 bp. Mch. 19, 1737. 35. MARGRIETE3 BANTA married at Hackensack, April 21, 1722, Roeloff Martense. He was the son of Marten Pouwelse and Margriete Westervelt, and was baptized at Hackensack, December 27, 1696. He and his brothers and sisters were known by the surname of Martense or Martensen, while his children assumed the surname of Roelofsen, and probably a later generation had the surname of Paulison. ISSUE. 180 —MARTE ROELOFSEN,4 b. Mch. 29, 1723, m. Charity De Groot, Sept. 12, 1746. He died Jan. 5, 1789. 181 —HENDRICK ROELOFSEN,4 b. June 25, 1728. 182 — MARGRIETE ROELOFSEN,4 b. Aug 15, 1731, m. Cornelia Haring. 36. MARGRIETE BANTA VREELAND,3 see page 32. 37. ANTIE BANTA LOZIER,3 see page 33. Dirck? Epke.l 38. JACOB? BANTA married at Hackensack, May 31, 1718, Hendrickse Terhune (daughter of Albert), who was born in 1701. He married a second wife, Geesie Thomasse Van Reipen. He was received as a member of the church at Hackensack, October 14, 1717. He died in 1767 intestate, administrator appointed at Trenton, July 14, 1767; see Liber |, folio 107. 32 Fourth Generation ; Dirck? Epke.l ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 183 —ELIZABETH,4 Mch. 20, 1720, m. Dirk Lozier. 184 —HESTER,4 Sept. 23, 1721, died in infancy. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 185 —DIRCK,4 Feb. 20, 1726, m. Antje Van Giesen. 186 —JANNETIE, 4 Sept. 27, 1728, m. Jan Van Rypen, Nov. 20, 1756. 187 —HESTER,4 June 27, 1731, m. Nicholas Prier, or Pryer, Jan. 8, 1761, at Schraalen- burgh. ISSUE. Baptized at Bergen. 549 — CASPARUS PRYER,5 bp. Feb. 8, 1762. 550 — JACOB PRYER,5 b. Sept. 13, 1767. 188 — THOMAS,4 bp. Feb. 13, 1735, m. Anna Stilwel, March 11, 1761. 189 —MARGRIETJEN,4 bp. July g, 1738, m. William Day, of Hackensack. ISSUE. 551 — JACOB DAY,5 bp. Nov. 11, 1759. 190 —HENDRICKYE,4 bp. Sept. 29, 1745. 191 —JOANNES,4 b. Nov. 26, 1747, Annatie Vanderhoff. 39. JOHANNES3 BANTA married at Hackensack, October 16, 1714, Metie (or Neeltje), Hessels, daughter of Hessel Pieters, one of the original settlers at Acquackenonck. United with the church at Hackensack, October 2, 1714. He mar- ried a second time, February 7, 1733, his cousin, 29 Angenitie? Banta. Johannes Dirck Banta made a mortgage January 14, 1755, recorded at Hackensack, in Liber C, folio 211, to John Roeloff Bogert, in which the land is described as follows: On the Kings road that runs along the Tiene valley at the line of Jacob Banta, so along the line to Hudson river, along the river to Hillebrant Lozier and Johannes Westervelt, in breadth six chains, reserving land of Benjamin Johannes Westervelt. ISSUE. 192 — ELIZABETH, 4 bp. July 31, 1715, died in infancy. 1983 —DIRCK,4 Jan. 16, 1717, died in infancy. 194 —HESTER,4 Jan. 25, 1719, Joseph Prim or Pymm, Aug. 8, 1750. ISSUE. 556 —HESSEL PYMM,5 m. Sarah3 ——. Hessel Pymm,5 Yeoman, bought Aug. 17, 1786, for £600, 5% acres at Harlem. Aug. 30, 1786, he and his wife Sarah, sold for £24, 7 acres adjoining Harlem river. He died in 1806. His will dated April 9, 1806, probated April 19, 1806, is recorded in New York, Liber 46, folio 278, and mentions his son George, daughters Maria and Fanny, and son Cornelius, then under twenty-one years of age. 195—DIRCK, 4 Oct. 22, 1721, died in infancy. 196 —DIRCK,4 Oct. 20, 1723. Lived in New York in 1761, where his name appears on poll list for that year. Died in that city intestate in 1785, his nephew, Hessel Pymm, Yeoman, as next of kin being appointed administrator of his estate. 197 —HESSEL,4 May 15, 1726. 198 — ELIZABETH, 4 Sept. 7, 1729, Benjamin Kouwenhoven. ISSUE. 557 —MELTIE (or Neeltie) KOUWENHOVEN,5 b. Dec. 15, 1754. 558 — JOHANNES KOUWENHOVEN,5 b. Feb. 27, 1757. 86. MARGRIETE?2 BANTA married, October 17, 1702, Dirck Vreeland (son of Hartman), born April 3, 1681. She was received as a member of the church at Hacken- Fourth Generation ; Dirck? Epke.l 33 sack, April 4, 1702, and subsequently lived at Acquackenonck, where their children were baptized. His will was probated December 9, 1773. ISSUE. 199 — HESTER BANTA VREELAND 4b. Jan. 20, 1704. 200 — HARTMAN .VREELAND,4 Jan. 24, 1706. 201 —RACHEL VREELAND,4 July 16, 1707. 202 —MARITJE VREELAND,4 April 17, 1709. 203 —HESTER VREELAND,4 Feb. 25, 1712. 204 —DIRCK VREELAND,4 Nov. 16, 1716. 205— JOHANNES VREELAND,¢ Oct. 12, 1719. 206 —ANTJE VREELAND, 4 July 4, 1722. 207 —MICHAEL VREELAND.4 208 —MARGRIETE VREELAND.4 87. ANTIE3 BANTA married January 26, 1709, Claes (or Nicholas) Lozier, born in 1668, son of Francis Le Sueur, whose first wife was Trintie Slot. She joined the church at Hackensack, October, 1708. ISSUE. 210—TRINTIE LOZIER,t bp. Mch. 12, 1710. 911 —HESTER LOZIER,4 Dec. 16, 1711, m. Samuel Moor. ISSUE. 1—MARITJEN MOOR,5 bp. May 14, 1738. 2—NICLAES MOOR,5 bp. Dec. 23, 1739. 3—SARA MOOR,5 bp. July 18, 1742. 4—FRENK]JE MOOR,5 bp. Dec. 3, 1749. . 212 —RACHEL LOZIER,4 May 17, 1714. 213 — JACOB LOZIER,4 May 24, 1719, m. Fytjen Zaborisky, June 6, 1739. 214— ABRAM LOZIER,4 July 1, 1721. 215—LEYA LOZIER,4 Sept. 22, 1723, m. 117 Seba3 Banta. 216 —MARGRIETJE LOZIER,4 Apr. 5, 1726. 217 —MARYTJE LOZIER,4 Jany. 15, 1729. 41. SITSKE3 BANTA married May 12, 1716, Dirck Vreeland, son of Johannes, bp. October 11, 1686. They were members of the church at Acquackenonck in 1725. ISSUE. 218 —KLAESJE VREELAND,4 b. April 25, 1729. 42. RACHEL3 BANTA married Robert Levesey. They lived at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. 219 —MARGARETTA LEVESEY,4 b. Mch. 28, 1726, m. Abraham Persel. 2191 — MARIA LEVESEY,4 bp. Sept. 19, 1730, m. Jan Persel. ISSUE. 1—RACHEL PERSEL,5 b. Apr. 17, 1757. 2—DIRCK PERSEL,5 July 24, 1759. 3—ABRAHAM PERSEL,5 bp. Jany. 3, 1762. 4— JACOB PERSEL,5 bp. Jany. 3, 1762. 5— PAULUS PERSEL,5 Sept. 16, 1767. 220 —DIRCK LEVESEY,4 Nov. 4, 1733. 221 — PAULUS LEVESEY,4 Feb. 17, 1739. 222 —HESTER LEVESEY,4 Oct. 12, 1746. 34 Fourth Generation; Wiert? Epke.l Wiert? Epke.! 43. WIERT 3 BANTA married April 27, 1705, at Hackensack, Mary, daughter of David Demarest, Jr. He was elected Church Warden at Hackensack, May, 1723. His will, dated January zo, 1732, in which he is described as a weaver, is recorded at Trenton in Liber B, folio 441, and is here given, verbatim: In the Name of God, Amen, This twentieth Day of January in the fifth year of the Reign of the Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith, &c., and in the year of Our Lord Christ One thousand Seven hundred and thirty-two, I, Wiert Banta of Hackinsack in the County of Bergen in the Eastern Division of the province of New Jersey, Weaver, being in good Healt in body and of good and perfect memory and understanding and a Sound Judgment, thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to Remembrance the uncer- tain Estate of this Transitory life and that all Flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to Call, I do make, Constitute, Ordain and Declare this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, Revokeing and Annulling by these presents all and Every Testament and Testaments, Will and Wills heretofore by me made and Declared either by word or writings, and this is to be taken only for my last will and Testament and none other; and first being penitent and sorry for my sins past, most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and Commit my Soul unto Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer, in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I hope and believe to be saved to have full remission And forgiveness of all my Sins; and that my body be buried in such place where it shall please my Executrix or Executors hereafter named to appoint. And now for the setling of all my Temporal Estate and all such Goods, Chattles and Debts as it hath pleased God far above my Desertts to bestow upon me, I do Order, Give and Dispose the same in manner and form following (that is to say): First, I will that all those Debts and Duties as I owe in right or Conscience to any person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly Con- tented and paid or Ordained to be paid within Convenient time after my Decease, by my Executrix or Executors hereafter named. Further, I will, Constitute, make, Ordain and Declare my Dear beloved wife Marie Banta to be the full and lawfull Executrix of this, my last will and Testament, During her natural life time unmarried. I will, further Constitute, make and Declare my beloved brother Hendrick Banta and my beloved brother in law John Zabowiesky, both of Hackinsack in the County and province above sd, to be the full and lawfull Tutors and Administrators of all my Minorene Childrens hereafter named, as also Co-executors and Assistants of my said loving wife Marie Banta, in the said Execution of this, my last will and Testament. I will further, Constitute, make, Ordain and declare if the said my loving Wife and Executrix Marie Banta should happen to Dye or should happen to Intend or Compleat a second marriage, that then my said brothers shall be the full, sole and lawfull Executors of this, my last will and Testament. I will further that the said my Executors of this my last Will and Testament shall take care to make and take a lawfull Inventory of all my whole Estate both Real and Personal, and every part and parcells thereof, as soon as necessity shall require it after my Decease, and cause the same to be well Observed as the law do direct. First, I will that my said Dear beloved wife and Executrix, Marie Banta, Do and shall have, hold and enjoy all my whole Estate both Real and Personal together with all the profits arising from the same, during her Widowhood or Natural Life time unmarried, and after her Decease all my said whole Estate to Devolve unto all my Childrens hereafter named, to be equally Divided between them as here- after shall be provided and Limitted and Prescribed, and in case my said beloved Wife and Executrix, Marie Banta, should happen to Intend and Compleat a second Marriage, I will that my said Whole Estate shall be lawfully, sufficiently and strictly secured ; and provided that the same may not be Diminished or Aliened, Further I will that my ‘said beloved Wife, Mary Banta, in such said case of a second marriage, shall and do have, hold and enjoy all my said Whole Estate secured as aforesd, During and till such time as my youngest child shall have fully compleat the age of thirteen years. I will further and do give and bequeath unto my said beloved Wife, Mary Banta, on such Limitted time of thirteen years of age of my yongest chile, the Just and equal half of Fourth Generation ; Wiert? Epke.l 35 all my movable Estate to her own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, to dispose of the same at her own will and plaisir. I will further and do give and bequeat unto my Eldest Son, Wiert Banta, a pare of Great Silver Botens for a Britshes, being worth about twelve shillings, for his allowance for his Birth right. Further I will and do give and bequeath unto my Youngest Son, Jacob Banta, my horse called Bloss, with my new sadle for his Inconvenience on his mouth. Further I will, do Give and bequeath unto my three yongest Sons, David, Hendrick and Jacob Banta, all my Cloases— that is to say, with the Silver bottons and all Cloathses that belongs to my body, to be equally divided amongst my said three youngest sons on equal shares between them. Further I will that all my land & Tenements in Hackinsack where I do live upon, and my other land on the Great Swamp according to my Deeds thereof; shall be put on a Publick Vendue or Highst bidder amongst and between my four sons Wiert, David, Hendrick and Jacob Bantas, and also my meadow below Hackinsack on the West side of Hackinsack River, and I will that two of my said sons who shall be the highest in biding, them two shall have and hold all my lands, Tenements and meadows with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to them, to be held by them, their heirs and assigns forever. Item—I will further that the price of my said Vandue of my said Land & Meadows, with the remaining part of movable Estate, shall be equally divided amongst all my children—viz: Wiert, David, Hendrick, Jacob, Rachel and Lidia, or their heirs, on equal shares and portions between them. I will further that if my said Children cannot agreed to settled the payments of said Vandue, that then in such a case I will that my said children shall be obliged to stand to and perform according and like my Executors herein named shall ordere and settled the time or times of payment and to whom they shall pay to each his and her full and equal portion. I do further give and bequeath to each of my children herein named and to their Heirs and Assyns forever, to their own proper use, benefitts and behoof, for Ever, to Each of them their full share and portions as and like the same is and are here above prescribed and Limited. In Witness Whereof 1, Wiert Banta, have to this my free last Will and Testament set my hand and seal at Hackinsack, aforesaid, the day and year first above written. his Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and WIERT + BANTA,[L. s.] declared by the said Wiert Banta as mark. his Last Will and Testament, in the presence of us subscribed, Viz: DAVID DEMOREST, SEN’R, JoosT VREDENBURGH, JOHANNES BONGART. ISSUE. 223 —DAVID,4 bp. Jan. 1, 1707, died in infancy. 224 —HENDRICK,4 Aug. 15, 1708, died in infancy. 225 — WIERT,4 m. Geertry Van Buskirk. 226—RACHEL,4 July 29, 1712, m. 51Cornelius Jan4 Banta. 227 — GERRITIE,4 Nov. 20, 1715, died in infancy. 228 — LIDIA, 4 Oct. 27, 1717, m. Cornelius Meyer. 229 —DAVID,4 Nov. 6, 1719, died in infancy. 230— JACOB, Mch. 17, 1722, died in infancy. 231 —DAVID, 4 Sept. 2, 1723, m. Antjen Ackerman. 232 —HENDRICK,4 m. Sarah Heerden. 232 —JACOB,4 b. Aug. 4, 1728, m. Lena Ackerman. 44. HENDRICK? BANTA married February 4, 1715, at Hackensack, Trintie Loots, daughter of John, who was baptized at Hackensack, November 15, 1696. He was received as a member of the church at Schraalenburgh, August, 1740. He died prior to July 22, 1751, when his widow married John Cammergaar. 36 Fourth Generation ; Wiert? Epke.! ISSUE. 234 — WIERT,4 bp. Dec. 8, 1715, died in infancy. 235 — ELENA, 4 Nov. 25, 1716, m. Frederick Webber. 236 — WIERT,4 Oct. 25, 1719, Annaetje Minthorn. 1. Trintie Demarest. 237—JAN,4 June 3, 1723, m. : 2. Cornelia Helm. 238 — JACOB,4 Nov. 2, 1725, m. : = En 239 —PAULUS,4 May 10, 1730, m. Francyntje Minthorn. 240 —DAVID,4 Feb. 12, 1733, m. Hellegond Webber. 45. ELSIE3 BANTA married April 14, 1711, Johannes Heerte (or Harty), born on the Bowery Bay. He died before the baptism of his daughter Lea. ISSUE. 241 — JOHANNES HARTY,4 b. Mch. 28, 1712. 242 —GERRITJE HARTY, 4 bp. Dec. 25, 1713, m. Jan Van Hoesen. ISSUE. 646—JOANNES VAN HOESEN,5 bp. Dec. 12, 1742. 243 — GEERTIE HARTY, 4 Dec. 4, 1715, Koenrad Roeger. ISSUE. 647 —JACOBUS ROEGER,5 Dec. 26, 1742. 244 —JACOBUS HARTY, 4 Nov. 24, 1717, m. Sara Brouwer, Apr. 12, 1744, at N. Y. ISSUE. 648 —ELSJEN HARTY,5 June 26, 1745. 245 —TRINTIE HARTY, 4 Mch. 6, 1720. 246 — LEA HARTY, 4 June 30, 1723, m. Albert Westervelt, June 13, 1742. ISSUE. 1—JOANNES WESTERVELT,5 b. Feb. 17, 1745. 2— JACOBUS WESTERVELT,5 Feb. 24, 1749. 3—WILLEMYNTIE WESTERVELT,5 Mch. 24, 1751. 4—STEVEN WESTERVELT,5 Dec. 2, 1753. 5—ANTIE WESTERVELT,5 Apr. 22, 1757. 6— GEERTJE WESTERVELT,5 Aug. 11, 1760. 7—SYTJE WESTERVELT,5 May 2, 1763. 8— TRYNTJE WESTERVELT,5 May 2, 1763. 9—ANGENIET]JE WESTERVELT,5 Dec. 31, 1765. CHAPTER V. FIFTH GENERATION. Epke3 Cornelius? Epke.! 48. JANNETIE4 BANTA married October 1, 1728, Jacob Van Saen, Jr. bp. November 17, 1706. She and her sister 3' Franscyntie inherited —by the death of her two brothers without issue — the farm of 254 acres owned by their father, extend- ing from the Hackensack river west to Sprout brook —the westerly half falling to the share of Jannetie. She and her husband were members of the church at Hackensack, in 1744. Fifth Generation ; Epke3 Cornelius? Epke.l 37 ISSUE. 247 —JACOB VAN SAEN,5 bp. Aug. 2, 1729, m. Johanna Begon, Apr. 13, 1754. ISSUE. 658 — JACOB VAN SAEN,6 bp. May 4, 1755, m. 682 Rachel 6 Banta. 659 — JOHANNES VAN SAEN,6 b. Jany. 16, 1757. 660 — CORNELIUS VAN SAEN,6 bp. Sept. 19, 1759, m. Hester Brouwer, May 28, 1791. 661 —EPKE VAN SAEN,6 b. April 19, 1765, m. Jane Ackerman, Oct. 1, 1791. 662 — RACHEL VAN SAEN,6 Aug. 12, 1767, m. Henry Bogert. 663 — JANNETJE VAN SAEN,6 Dec. 6, 1769. 664— JACoBUS VAN SAEN,6 Dec. 16, 1772. 248 —JANNETIE VAN SAEN,5 bp. Dec. 26, 1731, died in infancy. 249 — CORNELIUS VAN SAEN,5 bp. Mch. 23, 1735, m. Geesie Berdan, July 2, 176I. He married a second time, Jany. 13, 1765, Elizabeth Demarest, and died prior to 1800, his wife surviving him. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 665 — GEESIE VAN SAEN,6 b. Mch. 25, 1764. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 666 — JACOB VAN SAEN,6 Feb. 4, 1767. 667 —DAVID VAN SAEN,6 Oct. 5, 1769, m. Lea Brouwer (?). 6671—IsAAC VAN SAEN,6 Aug. 3, 1772. 668 — JOHN VAN SAEN,6 July 19, 1774, m. Sarah Huyler (?). 669 — CORNELIUS VAN SAEN,6 Nov. 6, 1779. 250 — RACHEL VAN SAEN,5 bp. Feb. 24, 1740, m. John C. Zabriskie (?). 251 —EPKE VAN SAEN,5 bp. Sept. 18, 1743. 252 — ISAAC VAN SAEN,5 bp. April 9, 1749, m. Jannetie Ackerman. ISSUE. 670 —LyDIA VAN SAEN,6 b. Sept. 17, 1772, m. 709 Cornelius5 Banta. 6701—JacoB VAN SAEN,6 bp. Aug. 9, 1774. 953 — JANNETIE VAN SAEN,5 bp. April g, 1749. 501, FRANSCYNTIE4 BANTA married August 19, 1737, Nathaniel Earle, son of Edward Earle and Elsje Vreeland, who was baptized at Hackensack, November 26, 1713. He was a blacksmith at Stein Rapie (Stony Arabia), on the west side of the Hackensack, above New Bridge, where his wife inherited a farm of 254 acres conjointly with her sister 48 Jannetie. Their daughter Elsche’s baptism is recorded on the books of the Dutch Lutheran Church in New York. . ISSUE. 2531 —ELSCHE EARLE,5 bp. Feb. 9, 1739. Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 51. CORNELIUS4 BANTA married at Acquackenonck, N. J., April 25, 1730, his second cousin, 226 Rachel4 Banta. They were members of the church at Acquack- enonck, and in 1750 united with the church at Schraalenburgh. They lived at what was formerly called Sluckup— now Spring Valley —about two miles northwest of Hacken- sack. His will was dated March 27, 1787, when he was nearly seventy-nine years old. The will was not recorded, but the substance of it, as given by one of his descendants, is as follows: My wife Rachel to have the use of my real estate. Eldest son John to have my Dutch Bible. John to have equal half of land south side of my 38 Fifth Generation ; Fan? Cornelius? Epke.} farm, with the house, barn and other privileges to the same belonging. Son Hen- drick to have north half of the farm, son Weart being removed out of the United States, and having his portion which I intend to allot to him, and I do wish that the All- gracious God will bless him, &c. Movables to be divided equally between my two sons and six daughters, Cornelia, Susanna, Maria, Antie, Grietje and Lydia. £120 to the six daughters after death of my wife. Sons John and Hendrick to be executors. ISSUE. 254 — CORNELIA,5 bp. Feb. 14, 1731, m. William Verberg. 255 — MARIA,5 Jany. 28, 1733, died in infancy. 256 —SUSANNA,5 May 16, 1735, m. Abraham Vanderbeck. 257 —JOHN,5 Dec. 18, 1737, m. Anaetje Demarest. 258 —MARIA,5 bp. Sept. 7, 1740, m. John Berdan, Jr. 259 —WEART,5 Aug. 21, 1743, m. Elizabeth Mildeberger. 260 — ANTJEN,5 Feb. 23, 1746, m. Dirck Wannamaker. aos 1. Samuel Retan; 261—MARGARET,5 July 3, 1748, m. 3 iy 262 —HENDRICK,5 June 30, 1751, m. Elizabeth Lake. 263 — LIDIA,5 Jany. 25, 1754. 53. EVA4 BANTA married John Huyler (Heuler). ISSUE. 264 —CORNELIA HUYLER,5 bp. May 28, 1738, m. Christian Helling, May 26, 1758. 265—EVA HUYLER,5 bp. May 28, 1738, m Conrad Pulisfelt. ISSUE. 720 —EvA PULISFELT,6 b. Feb. 14, 1762. 721 — CORNELIA PULISFELT,$ b. Aug. 8, 1772. 266 — GEORGE HUYLER,5 bp. Jany. 30, 1743, m. Maria Symessen. ISSUE. 722 —EvA HUYLER,$ b. Jany. 18, 1774. 7283 — MARIA HUYLER,6 b. Mch. 31, 1776. 267 —MARGARET HUYLER,5 bp. April 21, 1745, m. Cornelius Helm. ISSUE. 724 —EVAETJE HELM,6 b. March 24, 1773. 268 — CORNELIUS HUYLER, bp. April 3, 1748. 269 — JOHN HUYLER,5 bp. April 3, 1748. ISSUE. 725 — JOHANNES HUYLER,6 b. Dec. 15, 1778. 726 — PETRUS HUYLER,6 b. April 8, 1781. 727 — Joris HUYLER,6 b. Feb. 9, 1783. 270 — JANNETIE HUYLER,5 b. March 12, 1750. 271 — WILHELMUS HUYLER,5 b. Jany. 27, 1752, m. Christina Cole. She was a daughter of Jacob Cole and his wife Sara Demarest, and was baptized Aug. 15, 1754. ISSUE. 728 — JOHANNES HUYLER,$ b. May 26, 1775, died in infancy. 729 — JOHANNES HUYLER,6 b. April 28, 1783, m. Effie Westervelt. 7830—EvA HUYLER,$ b. Oct. 17, 1785, m. 2147 Richard Cooper, Oct. 8, 1808. 781 —JAcoB HUYLER,6 b. Dec. 7, 1787, m. Leentje Demarest. Fifth Generation; Fan? Cornelius? Epke.l 39 56. FRANSCYNTIE4 BANTA married at Acquackenonck, July 5, 1739, Franz Hoogland, from New York, who was baptized November 14, 1714. She was a witness at a baptism at Hackensack in 1762, and at Schraalenburgh in 1777. ISSUE. 272 — JOHANNES HOOGLAND,5 bp. N. Y., Nov. 15, 1741. 278 —FRANSCYNTIE HOOGLAND,5 bp. Jany. 27, 1745, prob. m. Anthony Steinbach. 2732— JOSEPH CODERUS HOOGLAND,5 b. May 29, 1747. 274 — CATRINA HOOGLAND,5 b. April 30, 1750. 275 — CORNELIUS HOOGLAND,5 m. Rutie Green. ISSUE. 732 —FRANCYNTIE HOOGLAND,6 b. July 2, 1777, died in infancy. 7383 —FRANCYNTIE HOOGLAND,6 b. Mch. 19, 1782. 734 —EL1ZABETH HOOGLAND,6 b. April 3, 1787. 57. MARGRIETE# BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, July 24, 1748, Nicholas Toers. She was a member of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1750. He was mur- dered in 1767 by a negro, who was sentenced to be burned at the stake. The execution took place just below Hackensack at Quacksack. ISSUE. 276— CORNELIA TOERS,5 bp. July 23, 1749. 277 —LENA TOERS,5 July 12, 1752, died in infancy. 278 — THOMAS TOERS,5 Jany. 26, 1755, died in infancy. 279 — LENA TOERS,5 Mch. 13, 1757. 280 — THOMAS TOERS,5 b. May 13, 1760. 281 —MARGARET TOERS,5 Nov. 21, 1762. 58. MARIA4 BANTA married Samuel Demarest. ISSUE. 282 —CORNELIA DEMAREST,5 bp. April 13, 1746. 283 —FYTIE DEMAREST,5 Oct. 24, 1762. Jacob3 Cornelius? Epke.! 60. CORNELIUS4 BANTA married Angenietje Bogert at Hackensack, June 25, 1752. She died subsequent to February 10, 1758, at which date her name appears as witness at Tappan. He married again November 26, 1763 (date of license), Hen- drickye Outwater, daughter of Jacob Outwater and Martyntie Bertholf, who was baptized at Hackensack, March 23, 1740. She died November 8, 1803. He was elected a Freeholder of the old township of Hackensack in 1800. He died January 14, 1812. His will, dated November 13, 1809, was recorded at Hackensack, January 23, 1813. By it he divided his large farm of many acres between his two sons, John and Jacob, with the proviso that if the former died without issue, his share of the patrimony should be divided between the sons of his brother Jacob. We do not find the record of the baptism of his son John, and are not certain whether he was by the first or second wife, but assume that he was by the second wife. This son John was blind, and died without issue. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE, ANGENITIE BOGERT. 284 —RACHEL,5 bp. April 8, 1753, died in infancy. 40 Fifth Generation ; Jacob? Cornelius? Epke.l BY SECOND WIFE, HENDRICKYE OUTWATER. 2841—JACOB,5 bp. Dec. 2, 1764, in New York, died in infancy. 285 —JOHN,5 m. Catharine Vanderbeck; no issue. 286 —JACOB,5 b. Jany. 4, 1768, m. Wyntie Zabriskie. 287 —RACHEL,5 Jany. 27, 1785, m. Peter R. Bogert. 62. LYDIA BANTA married Martin Powelson (or Powles), son of Paulus Mar- tense, bp. April 15, 1733. They were members of the church at Tappan prior to 1760, and united with the Greenwich Church (N. Y. City), July 28, 1811. He deceased a few months thereafter and his widow was dismissed from that church, April, 1812. Their children were baptized at Tappan. ISSUE. 288 — PAULUS POWELSON,5 b. Oct. 24, 1754, m. Maria Nagel. Their children were baptized at Tappan Dutch Church. ISSUE. 747 —LipiA POWELSON,6 b. Sept. 25, 1779. 748 — HENDRICK POWELSON,6 b. Aug. 29, 1782. 749 — MARTE POWELSON,$ b. March 13, 1785. 289 — JACOB POWELSON,5 b. July 11, 1756, m. Jannetje Verveelen. Their children were baptized at Tappan. ISSUE. 750 — MARTE POWELSON,6 b. Nov. 28, 1780. 751 —ABRAHAM POWELSON,6 b. May 30, 1783. 752 — PAULUS POWELSON,6 b. Oct. 8, 1789. 290 — RACHEL POWELSON,5 b. Jan. 24, 1758, died in infancy. 991 -— CATHARINE POWELSON,5 b. Feb. 21, 1760, m. Jacob Van Orden. Their children were baptized at Tappan and Clarkstown. ISSUE. 753 —ANTJE VAN ORDEN,$ b. June 29, 1781. 754 —MARTIN VAN ORDEN,6 b. Feb. 11, 1785. 755—DAvVID VAN ORDEN,6 b. July 24, 1788. 756 —POWLES VAN ORDEN,6 b. Sept. 29, 1794. 292 — MAGDALENA POWELSON,5 b. Nov. 10, 1761, m. Abraham Ferdon. Their children were baptized at Tappan. ISSUE. 757 —JouN FERDON,6 b. Nov. 10, 1785. 758 — MARTIN FERDON,6 b. Dec. 10, 1796. 293 — LEAH POWELSON,5 b. May 2, 1763, m. Jan Ferdon. ISSUE. 759 — LEAH FERDON,6 b. May. 28, 1785. 294—HENDRICKJE POWELSON,5 b. March 8, 1765, m. Isaac Blanch, Jr. ISSUE. 760 —MARTA BLANCH,6 b. Feb. 14, 1789. 295— JAN POWELSON,5 b. Feb. 2, 1767, m. Martyntie Haring. Fifth Generation ; Facob3 Cornelius? Epke.l 41 ISSUE. 761 —LipiA POWELSON,6 b. Feb. 3, 1792. 762 — SARAH POWELSON,6 b. July 21, 1794. 763 — RACHEL POWELSON,6 b. Oct. 29, 1797. 764—MARIA POWELSON,6 b. Aug. 12, 1803. 765 —PAuLUS POWELSON,6 b. March 8, 1806. 296 — GRIETJE POWELSON,5 b. Dec. 16, 1768. 297— CORNELIUS POWELSON,5 b. Aug. 13, 1770, m. Sophia Conklin. ISSUE. 766 —MARTE POWELSON,$ b. July 8, 1794. 298 — RACHEL POWELSON,5 b. July 7, 1773. 299 — JACOBUS POWELSON,5 b. May 20, 1775, m. Elizabeth Alyea. ISSUE. 767 —MARTE POWELSON,6 b. April 22, 1798. 768 —JANNETJE POWELSON,6 b. Dec. 10, 1802. 300 —STEPHANUS POWELSON,5 b. Nov. 4, 1777, died in infancy, 801 —STEPHANUS POWELSON,5 b. Feb. 20, 1781, m. Catharine Blauvelt. : ISSUE. 769 —Lip1A POowELSoN,6 b. Feb. 17, 1803. 770 —JANNETJEN POWELSON,6 b. Dec. 23, 1804. 771 —JoHN POWELSON,6 b. June 1, 1806. 772 —RACHEL POWELSON, 6 b. Dec. 14, 1808. 773 — JAMES POWELSON,6 b. Oct. 26, 1811. 66. MAGDALENA4 BANTA married 522George Brinkerhoff,?son of Hendrick Brinkerhoff and Elizabeth Kip. He died prior to September 27, 1801, his wife surviving him. ISSUE. 302 —HENDRICK BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Nov. 14, 1766. 303 — JACOB BRINKERHOFF,5 b. July 11, 1771. 304— ELIZABETH BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Nov. 30, 1773, m. Jacob Outwater. ISSUE. 7731—JoHN OUTWATER,6 b. Aug. 24, 1794. 7732—JAcoB OUTWATER,$ b. Oct. 26, 1798. 3041— RACHEL BRINKERHOFF,5 b. — m. Nicholas Outwater. ISSUE. 7733—EL1ZABETH OUTWATER,6 b. July 21, 1798. 7784— ANNA OUTWATER,6 b. Aug. 31, 1801. 305— CORNELIUS BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Sept. 23, 1780. 306 —JACOBUS BRINKERHOFF,5 b. Mch. 5, 1783. . 68. HENDRICKJE4 BANTA married Hendrick Van Giesen, son of Isaac Van Giesen and Maria Hopper. He was baptized Dec. 22, 1745, and died prior to 1805, his wife surviving him. ISSUE. 307 —MARIA VAN GIESEN,5 b. April 21, 1774, died in infancy. 308 — JACOB VAN GIESEN,5 b. Aug. 27, 1775. 309 —RYNIER VAN GIESEN,5 bp. Dec. 25, 1778. 810— RACHEL VAN GIESEN,5 b. Sept. 8, 1781, m. 1703 David 6 Banta. 311 — MARIA VAN GIESEN,5 b. Nov. g, 1783. 42 Fifth Generation; Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! 69. MAGDALENA BANTA FORSEUR,4 see below. 70. CORNELIUS4 BANTA married Maria Demarest. He was a farmer living near Paramus, subsequently removing to Rockland County, New York. ISSUE. 312 —ANNATIE,5 bp. Nov. 17, 1765. 313 —JOSEPH,5 b. Aug. 15. 1767, died in infancy. 314 —MARIA,5 bp. Dec. 31, 1769. 315 —JOSEPH,5 b. Aug. 15, 1772, m. Mary (or Mercy) Webb. 316 —MAGDALENA,5 b. Mch. 11, 1775. 3161 ABRAHAMS (?) 3162—ELISHA5 (?) 3163—ELLENORS5 (?) > Leloreon/ 71. SAMUEL4 BANTA married Elizabeth Blauvelt Ecker (or-Ackers) They were members of the church at Paramus in 1799. He died November 21, 1821. His will, probated April 1, 1826, is recorded at Hackensack, Liber C, folio 134. ISSUE. 317 —ABRAM,5 b. April 3, 1767, m. Divertjen Wortendyke. 318 — MARIA, b. Jany. 23, 1770, m. Nicholas Demarest. 319 — THOMAS D.,5 b. Aug. 27, 1773, m. Margaret Bamber. 320 —ANNAET]JEN,5 b. Aug. 12, 1778, m. Daniel Blauvelt. 821 —MARTHA,5 m. Gilbert Demarest. 322 —MAGDALENA,5 m. Peter P. Winter. 3283 —SAMUEL,5 b. Nov. 26, 1789, died in infancy. 324 —ELIZABETH,5 b. May 12, 1792, m. David Conklin. 72. JACOB4 BANTA married Rachel, daughter of John Smith. A few years after the Revolutionary War, with a small colony from Rockland County, he emi- grated to Prince Edward County, Canada, on the north shore of Lake Ontario. He was a farmer and miller. His descendants spell their surname Bonter, which was the Dutch pronunciation of the name. ISSUE. 825— ABRAMS bp. Jan. 4, 1770, m. § = en 8326 —MARIA,5 b. Nov. 3, 1771, m. John Alyea. 327 —ANNATIE,5 Jany. 3, 1774, m. Abraham Cole. 328 —CORNELIUS,5 Mch. 16, 1776, m. Sarah Wilkens. 829 —LANYS5 (Magdalena?), m. Peter Werse. 330 —JOHN,5 bp. May 30, 1784, m. Margaret Dempsey. 881 —AELT]JE,5 b. April 16, 1786, m. Samuel Peck, Sept. 2, 1807. Samuel Peck was born Sept. 8, 1787, dled Dec. 11, 1866. His widow died May 22, 1871. 69. MAGDALENA4 BANTA married John Forseur, who was born January 15, 1733. She died 1776-7, and was buried in the old churchyard at Kakiat, Rockland County, N.Y. The names of their descendants are variously spelt— Forshay, Foshay, &c. Most of the children named below were baptized at Tappan. The Cole Genealogy contains a long list of their descendants. ISSUE. 882 — JOHN FORSEUR,5 b. June 8, 1760, m. Catrina Quackenbush. Fifth Generation; Abram? Cornelius? Epke.l 43 ISSUE. 826 — KATRINA FORSEUR,6 b. Oct. 29, 1789. 827 —RYNIER FORSEUR,$ b. Jany. 12, 1795. 828 — PETRUS FORSEUR,6 b. Jany. g, 1800. 829 — MAGDALENA FORSEUR,6 b. June 13, 1806. 333 —ABRAHAM FORSEUR,5 b. June 26, 1761, m. Elizabeth De Baun. 834— PETER FORSEUR,5 b. July 12, 1763, m. Nancy Demarest. ISSUE. 830 —MAGDALENA FORSEUR,6 b. April 28, 1791. 335— HANNAH FORSEUR,5 b. May 4, 1765, m. Rynier Wortendyke. ISSUE. 831 —ANNAETJE WORTENDYKE,6 b. Nov. 16, 1789. 336 —BARENT FORSEUR,5 b. April 15, 1768, m. Anna Cole, June 22, 1791. ISSUE. 832 to 1085 — The names of the descendants of this couple, to’ the number of 254, are given in Rev. Dr. David Cole's Genealogy of the Cole family, Pp. I72-IgO. Ta \§D JF ; 1. Elizabeth Cole. 337 — CORNELIUS FORSEUR,5 b. June 6, 1770, m. : Le ISSUE. 1086 to 1252 — The names of the descendants, to the number of 167, are given in the Cole Genealogy, pp. 192-203. 338 — WILLIAM FORSEUR,5 b. Jan. 14, 1773, died Oct. 14, 1828. 839 —SAMUEL FORSEUR,5 b. Jan. 29, 1776. 76. JACOMYNTIE4 BANTA married John Gardenier (or Gordonier). ISSUE. 340 — JACOB GARDENIER,5 b. Feb. 16, 1772. 341 —ANNAETJE GARDENIER,5 b. June 1, 1773, m. Abraham Parsel. ISSUE. 1253 — ABRAHAM BANTA PARSEL,$ b. Dec. 14, 1810. 342 —BARENT GARDENIER,5 b. April 17, 1775. 843 — JANNETJE GARDENIER,5 b. Mch. 20, 1778. CHAPTER V1. FIFTH GENERATION. Arie3 Seba? Epke.! 101. SEBA4 BANTA married at Hackensack, September 7, 1744, Catelyntie Demarest, daughter of Simon Samuel Demarest and Vroutie Cornelise Haring, who was baptized November 2, 1725. He removed to Rockland County, N. Y., before the Revolution, and was one of the signers of the Association at Haverstraw precinct in 1775. 44 Fifth Generation; Arie3 Seba? Epke.! ISSUE. 864 —FYTIE,5 b. Oct. 11, 1745. : 365— VROUTIE,5 b. Dec. 30, 1746, m. Jacobus Van Buskirk, Oct. 24, 1765. He was one of the first settlers at New Antrim (now Sufferns), Rockland County, N. Y. In 1762 he obtained a mill site on Mahwah river, near Sherwoodsville, and built a mill. His widow was a member of the church at Kakiat, in 1795. 366 — ARIE,5 b. July 16, 1752, m. Aeltie Van Buskirk. 367 —SIMON,5 b. Oct. 28, 1758, m. Theodosia Van Buskirk. Dirck? Seba? Epke.l 103. SEBA4 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, November 15, 1735, Margriete, daughter of Samuel and Annaetjen Demarest. They were members of the church in Schraalenburgh in 1738, where he was elected Deacon in 1754 and Elder in 1765. His will, dated June, 1776, is recorded at Trenton in Liber 22, p. go. 104. SEBA4 BANTA married first, Divertjen ISSUE. 368 —RACHEL,5 bp. Oct. 20, 1737, m. Peter Bogert. 369 —SAMUEL,5 bp. Nov. 25, 1739, m. Evaetje Berdan. 370 — ANNAET]JE,5 b. Sept. 28, 1742, m. Cornelius Bogert, July 14, 1765. He died subse- quent to April 10, 1785, and she married, May 2, 1790, John Huyler, who was born April 7, 1748, and died April 3, 1818. She died July 17, 1817. 371 — MARIA,5 bp. Sept. 22, 1745, m. John Bant. 372 —DIRCK,5 b. Dec. 5, 1749, m. Elizabeth Benson. Johannes3 Seba? Epke.1 , and again, December 15, 1763, married Rachel Loots, a widow. He was received as a member of the church at Schraalenburgh, January 27, 1763. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 373 —JOHANNES,5 b. Nov. 20, 1758, m. Rachel Peek. 105. JAN4 BANTA married first, Sara Demarest, daughter of David Demarest, Jr., and Maritie Lozier, at Schraalenburgh, September 26, 1740. He married again, Lena Board, and removed from the neighborhood of Paramus to Totowa, near Paterson, N. J., and subsequently to the Slotter Dam, on Passaic river, near Acquackenonck, where he died. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 374—MARGRIET]JE,5 bp. Oct. 18, 1741, m. Peter P. Demarest. 375—MARIA,5 June 23, 1745. 376 — CATHERINE,5 Aug. 14, 1748, died in infancy. 377—JOHANNES,5 Mch. 24, 1751, died in infancy. 378 —AELTIE,5 b. June 30, 1754. 379— JOHANNES,5 b. Jan. 17, 1758, m. Jane Van Zile. 380 — CATRINTIE,5 b. Nov. 17, 1761. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 381 —GEORGE,5 b. April 30, 1768, m. Elizabeth Van Idenstyne. 382 —SARAH,5 b. 1770, m. Robert Glass. 383 —ANNE,5 b. Aug. 11, 1772, m. Michael Van Idenstyne. 384 —AARON.5 b. Jan. 19, 1776, m. Polly De Baun. 385 —RICHARD,5 b. Mch. 14, 1780, m. Sarah Goetschius Post. Fifth Generation ; Fohannes® Seba? Epkel 45 110. JACOB¢ BANTA married Aeltie Dedricks. License dated January 3, 1773. Was a mason in New York in 1791-3, residing at 79 Barclay Street. His will, dated Oct. 7, 1794, probated December 19, 1794, is recorded at Trenton in Liber 35, folio 66. ISSUE. 386 — JOHN,5 bp. Aug. 15, 1774, m. Rachel Sitcher. 387 —ABRAHAM,5 bp. Nov. 10, 1776. Was a blacksmith, 23 Warren St., New York, in 1795. 113. PETRUS4 BANTA married Hendrickie He was a carman in New York in 1796-99. Owned property in Thomas Street, which he bought in 1796 and sold in 1798. ; ISSUE. 388 —MARGRIETA,5 b. Aug. 31, 1766, m. Martin Winne. Probably lived in Bergen, as the children were baptized at the church there. She died Jan. 5, 1795. ISSUE. 1— JOHANNES WINNE,6 b. July 8, 1789. 2—AELTJE WINNE,6 b. June 18, 1792, died in infancy. 3—AELTJE WINNE,b6 b. June 27, 1794, died Oct. 6, 1794. 389 —GEESIE,5 b. Aug. 4, 1774, m. Isaac Montanye, April 12, 1789, in New York. This date is doubtless erroneous. There are a dozen or more marriages recorded under this date in the Fulton Street Dutch Church records, and it is probable that the correct dates of some have been omitted. Isaac Montanye was a mason in New York. ISSUE. 1329 — MARIA MONTANYE,6 b. June 15, 1798. 1330 —PEGGIE MONTANYE,6 b. Feb. 22, 1800. 390 —JOHANNIS,5 b. June 16, 1783, probably died of Yellow Fever in New York, 1799. 115. ARIE4 BANTA married Helena Westervelt, and for a second wife Elizabeth Ackerman De Baun, a widow. He was a carman and lived in New York—in 1790 living in Greenwich street, and in 1796 in Harman street (East Broadway), where he died. His widow married, April 21, 1798, David Brower. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 391 —MARGARET,5 bp. March 5, 1775, died in infancy. 392 —LENA,5 bp. Jan. 23, 1778, m. (probably) Aaron Betts. 898 —MARGARET,5 bp. Aug. 14, 1783. 8931 —AEGIE,5 bp. April 2, 1786. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 394 —AARON,5b. Jan. 25, 1795, m. Eliza Wiseman. Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 117. SEBA4 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Sept. 13, 1745, 21% Lea Lozier,4 daughter of Claes Lozier and 37Antie Dirckse3 Banta, who was baptized Sept. 22, 1723. They were members of the church at Hackensack in 1753. He was elected Deacon in May, 1757, and Elder in 1764. He resided at English Neighborhood in 1788, where he had a farm. ISSUE. 400 —ANNAET]JE,5 bp. Oct. 15, 1749. 401 —JOHANNA,5 bp. April 6, 1755. 402-—NICHOLAS,5 b. Sept. 13, 1757. He was a farmer at English Neighborhood, June 22, 1790. Was probably unmarried, as he executed a deed of conveyance Jan. 23, 1788, in which no wife joined. t 46 Fifth Generation ; Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l 119. JAN4 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Dec. 18, 1747, Margaret Duryea, daughter of John Duryea, who was born Feb. 11, 1729. He was Deacon of the church in Paramus in 1756, was subsequently Elder, and was delegate to Classis in 1790. His wife died June 30, 1779. He married again, March 27, 1780, Vrouwtie Westervelt, who was born Aug. 31, 1730, and died Oct. 25, 1823. He died Dec. 10, 1806. ISSUE. 403 —HENDRICK,5 b. May 27, 1749, in. Margrieta Demarest. 404— JAN,5 July 5, 1754, m. Elizabeth Cooper. 405—AGNIET]JE,5 July 5, 1754, died Jan. 13, 1780. 406— JACOB,5 Oct. 6, 1761, m. Hester Hopper. 120. MARITJE BANTA VREELAND,* see page 47. 121. JACOB4 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, July 8, 1756, Helena Carsteen (or Christyn), daughter of Jan Christyn and Naomi Moore, who was bap- tized Nov. 27, 1737. He died prior to March 1, 1764, at which date his widow married Stephen Bourdet (see 85). : ISSUE. 407 —NAOMI,5 bp. July 16, 1758, died in infancy. 408 — NAOMI CHRISTINE,5 bp. June 25, 1761, m. Nicholas Lozier. ISSUE. 1345 — ABRAHAM LOZIER,6 b. Dec. 20, 1778. 1346 — JoHN CHRISTIAN LOZIER,$ b. Sep. 14, 1783. 1347 —WiLLiAM LOZIER,6 b. Aug. 19, 1788. 1348 — MARIA LOZIER,6 b. Dec. 20, 1790. 2 4081 —SARAH,5 bp. May 8, 1763. : 122. ARIE4 BANTA married Elizabeth Lozier, daughter of Hildebrant Lozier and Christina De Baun, who was born Sept., 1737. About 1773 he removed to Sara- toga County, N. Y., purchasing a farm near the present site of Jonesville, on which some of his descendants still live. He died Dec. 20, 1811, his wife having died Feb. 17, 1307. ISSUE. 409 —HENDRICK,5 b. April 5, 1756, m. Engeltie Schermerhorn. 410— CHRISTIAN,5 Oct. 5, 1758, died unmarried, March, 1791. 411 —JOHANNES,5 Oct. 17, 1760, m. Engeltie Vedder. 412 —HILDEBRANT,5 Feb. 11, 1763, m. Deborah Van Epps. 413 —JACOR,5 Aug. 6, 1765, m. Hannah Harris. 414 — ARIE,5 May 5, 1771, m. Catharine Van Epps. oe 1. Jemima Harris ; 415— PIETER, Jan. 5, 1774, m. : 2. Hannah Kenyon Parker. 123. GERRET# (or Garret) BANTA married Neeltje (or Elleanor) Garabrant, who was born June 8, 1733, and died March 6, 1825. They were members of the church at English Neighborhood in 1794, at which time a new church edifice was erected, and Garret Banta was one of the committee which had in charge the build- ing. He died April 27, 1812, and was buried in the old church-yard in English Neighborhood. His will is recorded at Hackensack. ISSUE. 416—ANNAET]JE,5 b. Jan. 26, 1764, m. Richard Vreeland. 417 — CORNELIUS, bp. Aug. 8, 1766, m. Jannetje Vreeland. 418 — JANNET]E,5 b. Sept. 13, 1768. Fifth Generation; Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l 47 125. HENDRICK+ BANTA married Margaret Diedricks, the license being dated July 1, 1784. For many years he kept the hotel at New Durham, Bergen County, N. J. His wife died shortly after the birth of her only child, and he married again, Rachel Van Blarcom, who died Nov. 15, 1801, aged 54. He died Dec. 15, 1817. Both are buried in the yard of the old Dutch Church at English Neighborhood. His will, dated Feb., 1815, is recorded at Hackensack. 5 ISSUE. 419 —HENDRICK,5 Nov. 21, 1785, m. Martha Engle. 120. MARITJE4 BANTA, married at Schraalenburgh, Nov. 6, 1760, Jacob Vree- land, son of Michael. They lived at Acquackenonck, whence he removed to Fort Lee, N. J. His wife probably died in 1769. ISSUE. 423 —ANNAET]JEN VREELAND,5 bp. Nov. 23, 1761. 424 — JANNETIE VREELANDS, b. Oct. 4, 1763. 425 — MARGRIETE VREELAND,5 b. July 26, 1766. 426 —MARY VREELAND,5 b. Dec. 5, 1768. Jacob? Seba? Epke.! 130. MARITIEL BANTA married Aug. 5, 1743, Petrus De Baen (De Baun), born Oct. 14, 1719. He died Dec. 28, 1797, and his widow died Jany. 17, 1801. They were both members of the church at Schraalenburgh, March 1, 1752, and were buried in the church-yard there. ! ' ISSUE. 427 —JENNEKE DE BAUN,5 bp. June 23, 1745. 428 — CORNELIA DE BAUN,5 bp. July 30, 1749. 429 — CAREL DE BAUN,5 bp. Aug. 3, 1753, prob. married Maria Romyn. 430— JACOB DE BAUN,5 bp. June 14, 1756. 431 — MARIA DE BAUN,5 bp. Sept. 29, 1758. 432 — PETRUS DE BAUN,5 bp. Apr. 9, 1767. 131. BELITIE4* BANTA, married Sept. 7, 1744, Samuel Demarest, son of Sam- uel and Vrouwtie, born Oct. 25, 1723. Were members of the church at Schraalen- burgh in 1750. ISSUE. 433 — VROUWT]JE DEMAREST,5 b. Feb. 27, 1748. 434 — MARIA DEMAREST,5 Apr. 27, 1750. 435 —CATELYNTIE DEMAREST,5 Dec. 10, 1751. 436—SIMON DEMAREST,5 Dec. 3, 1754. 437 —ANTIE DEMAREST,5 Dec. 3, 1754. 438 — LEA DEMAREST,5 Aug. 10, 1759. 132. ANTIE4 BANTA, married April 12, 1746, #8 Jan Bogert, son of Guillaume Bogert and 192 Maritie 4+ Banta. : ISSUE. 439 — GUILLEAM BOGERT,5 bp. Oct. 12, 1747, m. Catharine Ackerman. ISSUE. 14201 — ANTIE BOGERT,6 b. March 12, 1774, m. Stephen Westervelt. ISSUE. 1— Gilliam Westervelt,7 b. Sept. 1. 1804. 14202— JacoB BOGERT,6 b. Mch. 31, 1779, m. Margaret Christie. 48 Fifth Generation ; Facob? Seba? Epke.l ISSUE. 1— Gilliam Bogert,7 b. Dec. 22, 1805, died in infancy. 2— Gilliam Bogert,” b. Nov. 26, 1806. 3— Maria Bogert, b. Nov. 4, 1807. 4— James Chrystie Bogert,7b. Jan. 29, 1815. 5— Sarah Bogert, b. July 14, 1816. 6— David Bogert,7 b. May 11, 1817. 7— William Bogert,7 b. Sept. 30, 1819, died in infancy. 8 —Grietje Bogert,7 b. June 12, 1822. 9— William Bogert, 7 b. Mch. 20, 1825. 14203 —AELTIE BOGERT,6 b. Aug. 9. 1782, m. Thomas Brickell. ISSUE. 1— Annie Brickell,7 b. Jany. 1, 1806. 2— Caty Brickell,7 b. Oct. 8, 1807. 3— Maria Brickell, 7 b. Sept. 17, 1811. 4— Rachel Brickell, 7 Mch. 30, 1813. 14204 — MARIA BOGERT,6 b. Jany. 2, 1787. 14205— CORNELIA BOGERT,$ b. Feb. 10, 1790. 440 — JACOB BOGERT,5 b. Dec. 17, 1749. 441 —HENDRICK BOGERT,5 b. Aug. 1, 1752. CHAPTER VII FIFTH GENERATION. Jacob3 Hendrick? Epke.! 152. MARITIE4 BANTA, married at Schraalenburgh, March 27, 1725, Guil- laume Bogert, son of Jan. She died March 21, 1799, in the 93d year of her age, and was buried in the old church-yard at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. 448 — JAN BOGERT,5 b. Dec. 19, 1725, m. 132 Antie 4 Banta. See page 47. 4481 — JACOB BOGERT,5 b. Aug. 3, 1729. 4482— HENDRICK BOGERT,5 b. Aug. 11, 1734. 449 — CORNELIUS BOGERT,5 b. June 21, 1741, m. Neeltje Leydecker. ISSUE. 1421 —GuIiLIAM BOGERT,6 bp. Oct. 21, 1762. 450 —JANNETYEN BOGERT,5 b. May 17, 1747. 451 —STEPHANUS BOGERT,5 (?) b. Jany. 22, 1753. 153. MARGRIETE4 BANTA married, April 28, 1726, at Hackensack, Daniel Haring. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1739, where some of their children were baptized; others were baptized at Tappan. ISSUE. 452 — CORNELIUS HARING,5 b. Sept. 23, 1727. 453 —JANNETIE HARING,5 b. April 1, 1729. 454— CATHLYNTIE HARING,5 b. May 3, 1732. 455— JACOB HARING,5 bp. April, 1734. 456 — JAN HARING,5 b. March 7, 1736. 457 —HENDRICK HARING,5 b. March 5, 1738. 458 —MARIA HARING,5 b. Nov. 18, 1739, died in infancy. 459 — CORNELIA HARING,5 bp. Sept. 20, 1741. 460 — DANIEL HARING,5 bp. March 31, 1746. 461 —MARIA HARING,5 bp. Oct. 16, 1748. A HAVEN VAN HARLINGEN, <5 = PORT DI HARLINGUE, ¢ pris du cotedu ZUIDERZREE. 3 ele foun jer MDD jong dons le shilind hey van de ZUIDERZER te zien. yf Tore de lo Collection dar Ports of Alollor ‘sack, Nov. 25, 1742 They lived at Tenafly, now 154. DIVERTJEN* BANTA married at Hael Berdan. They were both received as members of the ¢ 462—JANNETJE BERDAN 5 bp. Aug. 20, 1750. 468—EVA BERDAN 5 bp. May 6, 1734, died in fis 464—EVA BERDAN,S bp. May o, 1736. 465 —MARIA BERDAN 5 hp. May 23, 1742. 466— JACOB BERDAN,S b. March 28, 1746. 156. HENDRICK¢ BANTA married at Hae Benson, who was born in 1725. They were ; His farm of 100 acres was sold April 19, 1808, to Julse, farm at Orangetown, Rockland County, N. Y., where bs ISSUE. 468 —JANNETIE,5 bp. May 13, 1744, m. Jacob Wests io 469 — ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 16, 1746. 470 —MARIA,5 b. Nov. 26, 1750, m. Gideon Verveels 471 —CATLYNTIE 5 b. April 3, 1756, died unm. Ove & 472—DIRCK,5 b. Jan. 22, 1765, m. Maria Demarest 157. JANNETIE* BANTA married at | They were received as members of the church at Acquackenonck, Nov. 25, 1787. ISSUE. 473 — PETER KIP;3 bp. Jan. 29, 1744. 474— CORNELIA KIP,5 bp. July 27, 1746. 475 ELSIE KIP,5 bp. April 18, 1750. 476 —AGNIETJE KIP,5b. June 25, 1755. ar Jaces KIP,5 bp. July 6, 1760. 160. CORNELIA ¢ BANTA married Garret Bip SSSUE. 478 — JACOB KIP5 bp. March 20, 1736. 479 —GEERTIE KIP5 b. Feb. 15, 1756. 480 —MARIA RIPFbp. Jan. 3, 1758. Hendrick * Huondeich 161. HENDRICK* BANTA married ue 5 Brower, daughter of Abram Brower and look “hp Hackensack, Dec. 9, 1716. He was a momar of ily His wife died about 1750 and he muivied again, Sad David and Lea Demarest, who was baptised Tie He removed from Bergen County to Somes | oo church at Bedminster, Oct. 25, 1758 Tix ban been preserved, but at least four of kus chive county, whose date of birth we capmen 0 colony from New Jersey he removed 1a site of Cenyfmm ° and was a member 4 PORT DE HARLINGUE, : Z ZZ : ‘ EE rAd ra a " eA rid eh Direxit HAVEN VAN HARLINGEN pris du cotd du ZUIDERZEE. ble fone Jer MDD ong dears L meme on : van de ZUIDERZEK te zien. Tre de la Cllection dos Ports of Alollan Fifth Generation, Facob3 Hendrick? Epke.l 49 154. DIVERTJEN4 BANTA married at Hackensack, Sept. 29, 1727, Albert Berdan. They were both received as members of the church at Hackensack, Feb., 1731. ISSUE. 462 —JANNETJE BERDAN,5 bp. Aug. 20, 1730. 463 — EVA BERDAN,5 bp. May 26, 1734, died in infancy. 464— EVA BERDAN,5 bp. May 9, 1736. 465 —MARIA BERDAN,5 bp. May 23, 1742. 466 — JACOB BERDAN,5 b. March 28, 1746. 156. HENDRICK4 BANTA married at Hackensack, July 16, 1743, Elizabeth Benson, who was born in 1725. They were received into the church at Hacken- sack, Nov. 25, 1742. They lived at Tenafly, now called Highland Station, N. J. His farm of 100 acres was sold April 19, 1808, to John Zabriskie. He also owned a farm at Orangetown, Rockland County, N. Y., where his widow died, Dec. 8, 1312. ISSUE. 468 —JANNETIE,5 bp. May 13, 1744, m. Jacob Westervelt. 469 —ELIZABETH,5 b. Nov. 16, 1746. 470 —MARIA,5 b. Nov. 26, 1750, m. Gideon Verveelen. 491 —CATLYNTIE,5 b. April 3, 1756, died unm. Oct. 12, 1810. 472 —DIRCK,5 b. Jan. 22, 1765, m. Maria Demarest. 157. JANNETIE4 BANTA married at Hackensack, Dec. 4, 1741, Hendrick Kip. They were received as members of the church at Hackensack, Nov., 1742, and at Acquackenonck, Nov. 25, 1787. ISSUE. 473 — PETER KIP,5 bp. Jan. 29, 1744. 474— CORNELIA KIP,5 bp. July 27, 1746. 475 — ELSIE KIP,5 bp. April 18, 1750. 476 —AGNIET]JE KIP,5 b. June 25, 1755. 477 —JACOB KIP,5 bp. July 6, 1760. 160. CORNELIA4 BANTA married Garret Kip. ISSUE. 478 — JACOB KIP,5 bp. March 29, 1756. 479— GEERTIE KIP,5 b. Feb. 15, 1750. 480 — MARIA KIP,5 bp. Jan. 3, 1762. Hendrick 3 Hendrick? Epke.! 161. HENDRICK 4 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Aug. 12, 1738, Rachel Brower, daughter of Abram Brower and Leah Demarest, who was baptized at Hackensack, Dec. 9, 1716. He was a member of the church at Hackensack in 1741. His wife died about 1750 and he married again, Antie Demarest, daughter of Samuel David and Lea Demarest, who was baptized Dec. 23, 1733, and who survived him. He removed from Bergen County to Somerset County, N. J., and was an Elder of the church at Bedminster, Oct. 25, 1758. The baptismal records of that church have not been preserved, but at least four of his children were born while he was living in that county, whose date of birth we cannot determine. About ten years later, with a colony from New Jersey he removed to Conewago, York County, Pa., near the present site of Gettysburg, and was a member of the church there at its formation, and proba- 4 50 Fifth Generation ; Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! bly an Elder. The oldest document on record in York County is a deed given by one Van Arsdale in 1768 for land described therein as adjoining land of Henry Banta, which fixes the date of emigration to Pennsylvania as early as 1768. The only records of the Conewago church that have been preserved are a few scattering items of the Consistory, and the baptismal register which is partially illegible. The latter begins Oct. 23, 1769, and on this date, among others, a child of Henry Banta was baptized. About 1780 with a colony from Conewago he migrated to Kentucky, and located at first near Boonsborough, on the Kentucky river, to which place Captain Daniel Boon had moved with his family four or five years previously and made a settlement. Collins’ History of Kentucky, p. 521, says: ‘‘White Oak Spring, sometimes called Hart’s Station, one mile above Boonsborough, was settled in 1779 by Capt. Nathaniel Hart and some Dutch families from Pennsylvania.” * * * ¢Not far is a spring twelve feet square at the top and one hundred feet deep, boiling up pure, cold and fresh and flowing off in a large and constant stream.” P. 529: “White Oak Station was settled in 1779. The settlers were composed principally of families from Pennsylvania—orderly, respectable people, and the men good soldiers. But they were unaccustomed to Indian warfare, and of some ten or twelve men all were killed except two or three.” P. 523: “The first Dutch emigration to Kentucky in a company was in 1781, to White Oak Spring Station, on Kentucky river, Madison county, one mile above Boons- borough. Among the immigrants were Henry Banta, sr., Henry Banta, jr., Abraham Banta and John Banta. A little later the colonists went where Harrodsburg now stands, but in the course of a few years they established themselves permanently about a village now called Pleasureville, then Six Mile, in Henry County. There some of them pur- chased twelve thousand acres of land which they called the ‘Low Dutch Tract,” and divided it among themselves.” : Those whose attention has not been directed to the subject, can have no adequate idea of the hardships and the perils of this long journey from eastern Pennsylvania to Kentucky. At that period Conewago was almost at the western limit of settlement, and between it and Kentucky was an unbroken wilderness of over six hundred miles. The road by which these pioneers travelled was doubtless that known as ““ The Wilder- ness road,” which passed through the valley of Virginia, between the Blue Ridge and the Alleghanies, and across the mountains by Cumberland Gap to Fort Harrod. The road was really only a “trace.” No wagon passed over it until at least fifteen years later, and these colonists were compelled to journey on foot and with pack-horses. The ¢ pack-saddle” was a forked branch of a tree fastened on the horse, upon which were hung all the household goods and provisions. One of the early accounts of such a journey in 1779, describes the “men on foot with their trusty rifles on their shoulders, driving stock and leading pack-horses, and the women, some walking with pails on their heads, others riding with children in their laps, and other children swung in baskets on horses, encamping at night, expecting to be massacred by Indians, subsist- ing on stinted allowances of stale bread and meat, encountering bears, wolves and wild- cats in the narrow bridle-path overgrown with brush and underwood.” Another account mentions that a colony, migrating to Kentucky in 1783, had reached within half a dozen miles of the first settlement in the territory, when seven families of the train stopped to encamp for the night, the others passing on. That night the Indians attacked the families who had encamped and all were killed except one man. One of Henry 4 Banta’s sons was killed by the Indians in Kentucky. Fifth Generation ; Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 51 At the time of removal to Kentucky, Henry4 Banta was the father of twenty-one children, of whom three had died in infancy, and his oldest son had recently died leaving nine children, who were brought up by their grandfather. Five or six of his sons were married, two of whom, Samuel and Peterius, remained for awhile in Pennsylvania, as did his three married daughters. His family, who accompanied him in this toilsome, dan- gerous journey of several months’ duration, consisted of his wife and twelve children, five of whom were under twelve years of age, and nineteen grandchildren, almost all of whom were under twelve years of age. An account of the settlement of the ‘Low Dutch Tract,” written by Mr. George W. Demaree, was published in the Shelby Courant, Shelbyville, Ky., May 15, 1873, and so much of it as refers to the Banta family is quoted therefrom, to illustrate some of the difficulties these hardy pioneers encountered in building their new homes on ¢“ the dark and bloody ground ”: I propose to devote this chapter to the origin of the purchase and final settlement of the Dutch tract, together with incidents connected with the men who figured in this part of our history. : About ten years before the final settlement was effected —4. e., about the year 1785, Capt. Daniel Banta, Cornelius Banta and John Banta, Sr., followed the “trace” leading from Harrod’s station in Mercer County to Hoagland’s station, in what was afterwards Shelby County, till within a few miles of the latter place where they boldly plunged into the wilderness, and built a cabin about two miles north-east of Hoagland’s station and what was afterwards known as the old Magruder farm, now the property of Thomas Eaton, Esq. This was, beyond doubt, the first cabin built in the limits of the Dutch tract. It was constructed of blue ash logs, and was torn down but a few years ago, after having braved the storms for more than eighty winters. The Bantas, while on their hunting expeditions, doubtless saw a considerable part of the tract of land after- wards purchased by the Dutch Company — though hardly all of it, as it was no child’s play to explore so vast a wilderness. I have no means at hand of knowing the precise number of acres contained in the original survey, but from my knowledge of the boundary thereof I presume it could not be less than fifteen or twenty thousand acres. The Bantas had enjoyed their novel position but a short time when one of those period- ical storms of wrath burst in upon the frontier settlements, and they wisely retired to Hoagland’s station. This station was poorly manned and provisioned at the time, and was threatened daily with an attack from the redskins. So squally did the times become that the little garrison determined to send to Harrod’s station for re-inforcements, etc. Jake Banta, an officer of the fort (brother to the other Bantas), volunteered to perform the dangerous mission. The wilderness being full of prowling savages, he chose the darkness of night to pass through the ¢ narrows” on the waters of Benson Creek, near where Hardinsville now is. But poor Jake never reached Harrod’s station. As he creptsilently and all alone in the darkness of night through the dreaded ‘‘ narrows”, the redskins pounced upon him from ambush and cleaved his skull with the tomahawk. They left Capt. Banta on the tragic spot with his own tomahawk buried in his skull as a to- ken of their fierce vengeance. The loss of this brave man was deeply felt by the frontier settlement. As soon as the storm had subsided our three heroes, who had taken an active part in the exciting scenes with which they were surrounded, went back to Harrod’s station fully satisfied that their attempt to take possession of an isolated wil- derness at that time was immature. It can hardly be doubted that their good report of the excellent quality of these lands, carried back to the Dutch Company of which they constituted a part, led to the purchase and ultimate settlement of the same. The Banta family was both dreaded and hated by the Indians. Being men of wonderful strength and constitution, and brave to a fault, they had taught the savages many lessons in their own mode of warfare. If all their conflicts with the Indians, the heroism of their women, etc., were traced by the pen of an able writer, a book of truly thrilling adventures would be the result. The writer remembers hearing the old folks talk of ‘Shaker John Banta.” This circumstance led him to inquire into the origin of the appellation, and his researches have satisfied him that the Shaker Society of Kentucky 52 Fifth Generation ; Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.! had its origin in the limits of the Dutch Settlement—7. e., in Shelby County, about the year A.D. 1804. The first Shaker meeting held in Kentucky, beyond doubt, was held at the house of John Banta, who was one of the original members of that sect in this State, hence the name Shaker John Banta. Some of the Voorhees and Montforts adopted the Shaker system at the same time. I doubt not that the long custom of the Dutch Company to have certain things ‘‘common,” such as tools, farming implements, mills, etc. (the writer has seen the “Dutch Company sledge hammer” many times, and he doubts not that it is now in use in Henry County, where he last saw it), had no little to do in preparing the minds of those good men to receive the friendly, though absurd, doctrine of Ann Lee. The doctrine of Ann Lee met with but poor success, however, with the mass of the company, hence John Banta and his few associates separated from them and returned to Mercer County, and purchased the present site of Pleasant Hill. The result is familiar to everybody. The following extract from a Kentucky paper on the same subject is also given. Among the purchasers mentioned will be found several of the sons and sons-in-law of Henry4 Banta: AN OLD COLONY WHO SETTLED NEAR PLEASUREVILLE AND PURCHASED LAND FROM SQUIRE BOONE. [Eminence Constitutionalist.) While this section of Kentucky was all forest and inhabited by Indians, the ‘Low Dutch colony” came and located on land now in and around where Pleasureville is now situated. The land was then owned by Squire Boone, brother of Daniel Boone, the famous pioneer. The colony purchased about 10,000 acres in 1774, and it is as remark- able as true that some descendents of this colony now reside on a portion of the original purchase. The company had a trustee whose duty it was to look after all the estate, as the thirty or more settlers with their families resided in a fort built of logs and stones. The hostility of the Indians forced the ‘‘ Low Dutch colony” to remove to Mercer and Clark Counties in a short while, but they returned in 1786. The Bantas, Bergins and Shucks still own the land of their ancestors, together with many old relics and papers which they value very highly. apers show that thirty-four lots of land were purchased by the company, varying in size from two hundred acres and upward, which was paid for in pounds, shillings and pence. The following is the number of each lot, purchaser, and price paid: Value. Value. No. isd No. £8, Jd. 1 John Commongore transferred 34 Daniel Banta, .. . .« . . +, . 5337 3 to'James' Morton, .". . . ‘ziIvr 7% 16 Heirs of Cornelius Cozine, ." . . 49 19 11 2: DanielVorees, *. . ©.) ... 527 17: Samuel Banta, ©... 0. 0 43.90 Tx 2 £2 Rn 18 Frances Casart, - . .'. '.'. . t4500'TY 3: Andrew Shock, . . . . . . 7011 17 20 Aaron & Jno. Munfort, . . .. . 5217 14 4 Albert Banta, 1. lL nisin 0g 23 Bin Jom Moras, '. «LS iioy 76-5 gsAlbertiVioras, 0. ac, Caf Bi gly 24 Lucas Vanosdal & Jacob Smock, . 21 16 7 6 John Banta, '. ..o. oh. Gay 3g 26 Peter: Bana, «ioe Ld caoinghig 7iAbroham Banta, .. i .0 JL 52 gig 27: Jacob Banta, . 0. LLL gea8 ig ¢ Simon Vanarsdal, .:. ... . 2477.8 g8legible, U. i. ili sn feild, g Henry: Banta, 't. . .. 2.6633 29 Wm. Shock & Big John Vores, . 52 17 3 10 Samuel Demaree, .. ©... vi 52:07 3 30 Uncle Peter Banta, Jt UsgiTgig 19 LE ot shit Arh a ASI TONTY 31 Abraham Brewer, Siig ean Rea TY 11 Daniel W.. Banta, ... . « . 49 3 3 32 Cornelius Bogard & Uncle Peter 12 Remus Monfort, transferred to Banta, hu) hha Sk Ger PON Louis Mastom,. =... i. 52.97:.3 g3: Peterins'Banta, . +». +7. - © 563.9 13: Benj. Spader, . . ... . . . 6216.9 34-SophiaiVeras, .... . . + i. 29;IhQ Fifth Generation ; Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.) 53 Mr. Richard Shuck showed us a deed for a section of this land which was signed by Jas. L. Whittaker, Shelby County Clerk, on July 22, 1833, which was a conveyance to Geo. Bergin and Tunice Vannyse as Trustees, the land being originally settled by Abram Banta. The old spring of water which used to supply the colony with water is still in use. We give, also, a letter preserved in the Theological Seminary, Reformed Church, at New Brunswick, N. J., which shows the religious condition of the State at that early period, and evidences that the venerable Elder, then seventy-six years of age, was still earnest in his Master’s cause: EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM A FRIEND TO THE DUTCH CHURCH AFTER HIS RE- TURN FROM A VISIT TO KENTUCKY, DATED JAN. 20, 1794. As I viewed almost every settlement in the Kentucky country, and tarried some time at different places, I had a very good opportunity to learn the state of religion and what progress the Gospel had made there, an account of which I doubt not but will be acceptable to you. The concern and works of ministers of various denominations which I saw there, to form congregations, was such that I was astonished. The people in general seem to be more concerned about their eternal welfare than any place I have been in. I have seen much devotion among them and heard many of their preachers, some of whom made use of expressions that would by no means be acceptable to our congrega- tions. I have never seen more preachers and travelling preachers in my life than I did there for the term of time — consisting of Presbyterians, Regular Baptists, Separate Baptists, Methodists and two Universalists, with several of whom I had the pleasure of conversing and thus got much intelligence, the particulars of which would be too much for a letter. I shall therefore be particular only in regard to our Low Dutch in that country, with the most of whom I am acquainted and with whom I principally resided while there. They are very numerous, scarcely credible considering the time the country has been settled. There are nearly 500 families, the major part live well, and if formed into a society they might make up £150 annually to support a minister, be- sides a good parsonage. These people are at present in a good deal of confusion, and no wonder they consider themselves as a people forsaken by the church to which they formerly belonged and from which they have long waited for help. They would before now have fallen in with other denominations, but many of them are firm-friends to our church constitution and very loth to part with our church forms, besides still entertain- ing some hope that our Synod will yet provide for them. They have at present no public worship of their own excepting the lecturing of old Mr. Henry Banta, and praying societies, which is not attended to by many, especially when within reach of preaching of any kind whatever. They are much exposed to be led astray by heterodox preachers, viz.: Separate Baptists and Methodists who are doing all in their power to gain them over to their churches, but have not as yet been able to effect it. They gained one person, viz.: Mr. 485 Albert Banta, who joined the Separate Baptists, and without license commenced preaching, and for some time made much disturbance among them, some favoring but the greater part opposed him, and by what I could learn he would no more be permitted to officiate for them. The oppo-* sition he met with made him move to a considerable distance from the Dutch settlement. But notwithstanding this, some of their leading men entertained senti- ments which, to me, were altogether new and strange, and which I firmly believe the presence of an orthodox minister would easily remove. A particular affair to which I was an eye-witness I cannot help mentioning: A number of them had children to baptize; they procured a minister of their own choosing on condition he should use our Form of Baptism, though only as far as he should think proper. He only read the explanatory part and then, without answer or promise of any kind, baptized seventeen children. Some of the people present expressed their dissatisfaction at this; but one of their leading men, and the principal one among them, stepped up and said that the minister 54 Fifth Generation ; Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.t had done right, and that it was wrong to cause an unconverted person to make answer of that nature. After hearing and seeing what I have mentioned, and especially the trouble and cost of other denominations to extend their churches, I was astonished and much dissatisfied at the conduct of our Synod — that they have never sent one mission- ary into that country. This led me to question myself in the following manner : Whether other denominations had not more concern for their churches than we have for ours? whether our young ministers have not the same courage and resolution, and zeal for the cause of Christ that others have? whether our Synod could not do a part of the same trouble and cost that others do? and whether that rising generation in the Kentucky country, originally of our church, were to be a forsaken people ? I heard several ministers of different denominations, who were acquainted with the situation of these people, express their surprise at the conduct of our Synod-—saying their people are in general very moral, they are strict in their observances, they have their church forms of which they are very tenacious, and yet we see no provision made for them. Other preachers there, especially Separate Baptists and Methodists, often endeavor to break their attachment to our church by saying that our Synod have suf- ficiently shown by their conduct that they pay no attention to them, and that waiting longer will only be in vain —and in reality they are almost out of patience. However, they have now sent a call to the Classis of New Brunswick for any minister of our church they can get, but in my opinion one is required who is very well qualified for the business. Many of these people have not subscribed for this call, giving for reason they might hear him first. I sincerely pray they may be successful, for if they do not get one soon, or if nothing else is done for them, they are without doubt lost to our church; but I am persuaded that if our Synod were acquainted with their real situation they would do more for them than they have hitherto done. The following communication, published by Rev. Dr. David D. Demarest, of New Brunswick, N. J., in the Christian Intelligencer, of New York, March 26, 1890, will also be of interest : THE MEMORIAL OF THE KENTUCKY SETTLERS. Mr. Editor: Many of the readers of the /ntelligencer have expressed great interest in the accounts you have been pleased to publish of the Dutch emigration to Kentucky in the last century. I know that the publication of the following memorial addressed to Congress, and of the letter of introduction by Dom. J. M. Van Harlingen, will be a great gratification to them. Copies of the originals were obtained by me through the kindly aid of Prof. Scott, of Rutgers College, from the State Department at Washington. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, in his fascinating work, ‘‘ The Winning of the West,” says that 150 heads of families of Low Dutch people came in a body to Kentucky in 1780, and he refers to this memorial as authority. But he made a mistake by failing to notice that only one-third of the 150 names attached to the memorial were names of actual residents at the time; the other two-thirds were names of their friends who in- tended to come and settle with them on the lands that should be acquired, but who were at the time in their homes at Conewago, Pa., as the baptismal records of that church show, and perhaps some were still in New Jersey. The emigration to Kentucky was by detachments. A few families went as early as 1771. We have no reason to think that a church was organized until the arrival among them of the Rev. Peter Labagh in 1796. But they had a meeting-house long before that time, located where is now the village of Pleasureville, and they doubtless held regular services under the direction of the Voorleser, and of Hendrick Banta, the Exhorter. The reader will notice that in some instances a name is spelled in various ways. I have in several cases presumed to try to aid those who are not skilled in interpreting signatures of that period by inserting modern forms in brackets. I also call attention to the fact that no date is attached to these documents. The copyist, in an accompanying note, assigns them to 1783. He must have had some authority for saying so, and we feel sure of his correctness when we call to mind that Fifth Generation ; Hendrick® Hendrick? I phe. 55 we learn from other sources that a grant of 12,000 acres of land was obtained which was divided among the settlers in 1784. New Brunswick, Feb. 17th, 1890. D. D. DEMAREST. 70 the Honorable President and Delegates of the Free United Stailes of A merica in Con- gress Assembled. : Gentlemen: A Memorial and Petition of a number of Inhabitants of Kentuckey Settlement of the Low Dutch reformed Church Persuasion in behalf of themselves and other intended Settlers was brought to me by one of those Petitioners desiring me in the Name of the rest to give a Testimonial of their Character to the Honourable Con- gress, because I was Personally acquainted with them. Some have lived amongst us and belonged to my Congregations. They were a Plain, honest, peaceble, Sober. and Industrious People remarkable for Agriculture, and by Current reports we have of them they are all hearty friends to our Glorious Revolution and the Honourable Congress. Gentlemen, I remain with due Respect, Your Most Humble Serv’t, J. M. VAN HARLINGEN, Minister of the Gospel at Sourliand and New Shennick. 70 the Honourable President and Delegates of the Free United States of America in Con- gress Assembled : : The Memorial and Petition of a number of Inhabitants of Kentuckey Settlement of the Low Dutch reformed Church persuasion in behalf of themselves and intended settlers, Humbly Sheweth, That in the Spring of the Year 1780, they moved fo Kentuckey with their families and effects with a view and expectation to procure a Tract of Land to Enable them to settle together in a body for the convenience of civil Society and propagating the Gospel in their known (own?) language; when they arrived there, to their sorrow and dis- appointment they were, thro’ the dangerousness of the times by a cruel Savage Enemy, oblidged to settle in Stations or Forts in such places where there was the most appearance of safety; notwithstanding all their precaution numbers of them suffered greatly in their property, several killed and others captivated by the Enemy, living in such distressed confined way, alway in danger, frequently on Military duty, it was impossible for them to do more than barely support their families with the necessaries of life, by which means they are much reduced; and what adds more to their dis- appointment and affliction is that, contrary to their expections, before their arrival and since, the most, or all the Tillable Land has been located and monopolised by persons that had the advantage of your Memorialists, by being acquainted with the country. And your Memorialists, being strangers and confined as aforesaid, and being so reduced, are rendered unable to purchase Land at the advanced price, and especially in a body conveniently together agreeable to their wishes. Whereas, Providence has been pleased to prosper and support the virtuous resistence of the United States in the glorious Cause of Liberty, which has enabled them to obtain an Honorable Peace whereby they have obtained a large extent of unappropriated Territory. And whereas it is currently and repeatedly reported amongst us that Congress has broke or made void Virginia's right or claim to Land in Kentuckey Settlement. Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray (in behalf of themselves and other intended settlers of that persuasion) the Honourable Congress would indulge them with a grant of a Tract or Territory of Land in Kentuckey settlement, if the Virginia claim thereto should be made void, or otherwise in the late ceeded land on the Northwest side of the Ohio river, whereto there is not any prior legal claim, to enable them to settle in a body together, on such reasonable terms as Congress in their wisdom and prudence shall see just and reasonable, they complying with, and performing all reasonable con- ditions required, to enable them to put their intended plan and purpose in execution, they having principally in view the Glory of God, the promotion of Civil and religious society, Educating and instructing their rasing generation in the principals of religion and morality. Hoping the Honrable Congress will give all due encouragement to such a laudable undertaking; The Premisses duly considered. Your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray, &c. 56 Fifth Generation; Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l INHABITENS. Hendrick Banta, Peter Demaree, Cornelius Bogart, John Demaree, Cornelius Banta, Samuel durie, Albert durie, Marga Cozart, widow, Antje durie, widow, Daneel banta, Albert Vorhis, John Vorhis, Junr., Luke Vorhis, Samuel Demaree, Peter Demaree, Junr., Henry Shiveley, Samuel Demaree, ]Jr., Benedick Yury, Henerv Yury, John Voreis [Voorhis?], Simon Vunosdol [Van Arsdale?], Sophia Voreis, widow, Francis Voreis, INTEND Samuel Banta, James Cook, John Vanasdale, Samuel Bogart, Peter Seabourn, George Seabourn, David Seabourn, Jacob Seabourn, William Seabourn, Derrick Conine, Brogun Covert, Derrick Kroesen [Cruser?], Peter Wickoff, Henry Bogart, James Westervelt, Tunes Vanpelt, Andrew Shoc, Mattis [Matthias ?] Shoc, garrit Vanarsdalen, Yoseph debaen [Debaun?], Abrahaem debaen, Peter Banta, Cornelius Couzine, Jun., John Couzine, Lucas Vanarsdal, Barney Smock, John O’Bleaner, Peter Monfoort, Garret Dorland, James Stagg, 2 George Burnett [Bonnett?], Daniel Brower [Brewer?], Aaron Von Hoor [Horn?], John Ryker, Cornelius Voreis, Henry Banta, Jr., Abraham Banta, ]Jr., Peter Banta, ]Jr., John Banta, William Vancleave, Catharine Darling, widow [Dorland?], Lambert Darling [Dorland ?], John Darling [Dorland?], James Voreis, John Vancleave, John Harris, Peter Banta, Samuel Westervelt, Mary Westerfield, widdo, Samuel lock, David Allen, Johanna Seburn, widow [Sebring?], Albert Banta, ’ Jacob Banta, Abraham Banta. FRINDS. Rulef Vorhis, John Brewer, Daniel Brewer, Jun., Henry Comminger, John Comminger, Samuel Demarest, John Conrad [Kneght or Servant], John Knight, Peter Persel [Parsell ?], Martin Neavous [Nevius?], William Jewel, John Monfoort, John Monfoort, Jun., Francis Cossaart, Jacob Cossart, Simon Van Arsdal, Peter Carmicle, John Van Arsdal, John Bodine, John Smock, Maties [Matthias?] Smock, John Kip, Barney [Bernard] Kipp, Abraham Degroff, Thos. Johnson, Abraham Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Thomas Vantine, Jaquish Vantine, Francis Monfoort, Peter Monfoort, Sen., Wilhelmus Hooghtelin, Fifth Generation; Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 57 Abraham Hooghtelin, Hezekiah Hooghtelin, James Vanderbilts, Charls Vantine, Mickel [Michael?] Degratft, William S. Degroff, John Cowoven [Couwenhoven ?], Peter Van Dyck, George Brinkerhof, Jacobus Monfoort, Cornelius Cosyne, Cornelius Vorhis, Cornelus Trueb, Laurens Trueb, Lawrence Monfort, Abraham Croire, Gilbert Brinkerhoft, Luke Brinkerhof, Andrew Conine, John Persyl [Parsell?], Cornelius Demaree, Corn’l D. Lowe, George Hall, Brogun Spader, Jacob Probascow, Samuel Briten, Gilbert Lowe, David Cossaart, Henry Stryker, Rhcalef Brinkerhoff, Jacob Brinkerhoff, John Aten [Auten?], Adrian Aten, John Aten, Cornelius Aten, George Williamson, Richer [Richard?] Persely [Parsell?], John hiels [Hols?], Daniel haris [Harris?], Beniemin [Benjamin?| Sloot, Jacob Smock. The following letters referring to the early settlers of Kentucky will be of interest to the descendents of the Dutch pioneers: To THE CLASSIS OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Beloved in the Lord, Grace, Peace and Mercy — Amen. Having at this time made a call for a minister of our Low Dutch Reformed Church, by the consent of our Low Dutch Society at Salt River, Mercer County, in the State of Kentucky, we hope it may have its desired effect. Therefore we do in the name of our Lord Jesus desire of you, our Rev. Classis, to aid and assist us with all possible speed. It is further the sincere wish and prayer of us that in case you could not send us a minister agreeable to our wish —that is, one that can preach both English and Dutch, that we then have a speedy supply, either in the Dutch or English language, to estab- lish a consistory, to preach, to baptize, etc., as there are at present upwards of 40 children to be baptized. And further, as we are like to be a scattered people, we hope a speedy remedy may take place, so that our desires are great, our case is distressing, our church affairs and religion in many respects lamentable. Though we have through the blessing of God yet so far united, and as it is the desire of our Society to send us a minister who can preach both languages, we hope we shall be blessed with such a man, and if not to be expected in a short time, then we pray for a supply as above mentioned, and we, the subscribers, shall reward him well for his cost and trouble; and once more we crave a speedy remedy, as we have reason to fear that we will soon be scattered — which we hope God will forbid. We shall add no more, as that we hope that God will grant us His blessing, that our Rev. Classis may aid and assist us as soon as possible, that our Society may be established and religion flourish in this and all other places, is the sincere wish and prayer of us, the subscribers, who being chosen as the voice of the people. Given from under our hands this 13th of August, in the year of our Lord, 1795. HENDRICK BANTA, GARRET DORLAND, JOHN SMOCK, Isaac VAN NUYS, ALBERT BANTA, CORNELIUS A. VAN ARSDALEN, SAMUEL DURIE, ABRAHAM BREWER. 58 Fifth Generation ; Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.l To Rev. |No. H. LiviINgSTON, D. D. Reverend Sir: On request of a certain minister of our Reformed Low Dutch Church, together with our lamented circumstances in the cause why we, your humble petitioners, take the freedom to acquaint you with our present calamities, which we hope, kind sir, you will pardon when you have examined your suppliant’s petition. We are, reverend sir, at present in a precarious situation in regard to church affairs, and have been so for a number of years past. We are surrounded by a number of societies who are of different confessions. We are a numerous people who are desti- tute of divine service. We are a people who scarcely know the difference between our and other church constitutions, which makes it difficult to keep them united. We are so situated that we can have supply at almost any time on making application, which we allow is dangerous, as we shall mention hereafter. We are a people who have the same feeling and possess the same degree of ambition as these, our neighbors. - We are hurt that there is no more done for us; we suspect that it is caused among ourselves by men who formerly have intimated that we were not like to become a church or nation ; we are satisfied and must reasonably suppose that all future efforts will be of no effect unless a speedy remedy takes place. Therefore we pray you, in the name of Him who has all power to will and to do, that you will assist us if in your power. With submission we crave your aid and as- sistance with all possible speed. We have sent a call to the Rew. Classis, of New Brunswick, likewise a letter of expostulation, and wrote to some others of the clergy, which we hope may have the desired effect. If not, we are a scattered people, as there are numbers among us at present that say we cannot wait longer — our children should and must be baptized, besides, great numbers that have been baptized by parents to whom it was a matter of indifference by whom it was done. Others have the boldness to say that, when there is no regard or attention paid to us, why should we wait longer ? Others say: our neighboring societies, and some who are much inferior to us, are great care taken of, such as missionaries sent and churches established, etc.,—and we, who are superior, there is nothing done for us. Our neighboring clergy have made several offers, and have sometimes preached, which only serves to weaken us and break the bond of unity; but wonder how we have united as long as we have —we may view it as something almost supernatural. Therefore, Rev. Sir, we have thought it a duty incumbent on us to inform you with our present circumstances, to enable you to form a just idea about us; and further, we are almost become a reproach by other nations on account of persevering and ad- hering to our church forms, constitution, etc., and not as much as a supply. It is needless to tell you the reflections we endure; but our nation here in general are liberal and generous, and look upon themselves to be superior to a number of others. They are daily increasing; we expect soon to be able to make up 500 dollars yearly as a salary. We have now made up 300 dollars and if well united might do more, but we hope that God shall forbid that we should be any longer without a minister. This much for your consideration, praying that if you have it in your power to help us, to let no means pass by, so that we might once more become a church and nation. On expectation of your aid and assistance, your petitioners shall ever pray. HENDRICK BANTA, GARRET DORLAND, ALBERT BANTA, LUCAS VAN ARSDALEN, JOHN SMOCK, SIMON VAN ARSDALE, IsAAC VAN Nuys, ISAAC VAN ARSDALEN, ABRAHAM BREWER, LAURENCE DE MOTT. CORNELIUS A. VAN ARSDALEN, Kentucky, Mercer Co., the Head of Salt River, November 2, 1795. HENRY #4 BANTA died in 1805, aged 87 years, and was buried on George Ber- gen’s farm in Shelby Co., being the first burial in that graveyard. His will, recorded in Shelby Co., devises his property to his widow, Ann. It is published verbatim herewith: Fifth Generation; Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 59 In the Name of God, Amen, the thirtenth of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred ninety-nine. I, Henry Banta, of the County of Henry and State of Kentucky, being weak in body, but of perfect and sound mind and memory, thanks be to God, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testa- ment. That is to say: I recommend my soul in to the hands of God that gave it, and my body to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executors, and as touching such worly estate wharewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life. I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form = Imprimis: It is my Will, and I do order that in the first place all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. Item: I give and bequeath unto Anna, my beloved wife, all and singular my lands, as also all my personal estate of every sort and kinde 1 die so possesd of, to have the same to her, her heirs and assigns forever — Item: I do hereby constitute, make and ordain Albert Voris, and Cornelius Banta, and John Voris, my only and sole Executors of this, my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former Testa- ments, Wills, Legacies, and Executors by me in any ways before this time named, Willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year first above written. HENDRICK BANTA. [1.. 3.] Signed, sealed and delivered by the said Henry Banta as his last Will and Testament in presence of us, the subscribers, CHRISTOPHER BERGEN, SIMON VANOSDAL, RACHAEL VANOSDAL. Shelby County Sct. At a Court held for Shelby County, the 14th day of October, 1805, this last Will and Testament of Henry Banta, deceased, was produced in Court and proved by the oaths of Christopher Bergen and Simon Vanarsdale, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded. Zeste, JAMES CRAIG, Ck. Copy Attest, A. J. STEPHENS, Clerk, Shelby County Court. Henry Banta was the father of twenty-one children, and is said to have left a larger number of descendants than any other man in Kentucky. We have been able to ascertain the names of nineteen children only. It is probable that two others were born while he was living in Somerset County and a member of the church at Bedminster, the records of which church have been lost. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE, RACHEL BROWER. Baptized at Hackensack. 481 — HENDRICK,5 bp. July 27, 1740, m. Maria Stryker. 482 —ABRAHAM,5 April 18, 1742, died in infancy. 483 —LEAH,5 Jan. 15, 1744, m. Jacobus Monfort. 484 — ABRAHAM,5 July 7, 1745, m. Margrieta Monfort. 485 —ALBERT,5 April 20, 1747, m. Styntie Monfort. 486 — GEERTRUID,5 Dec. 3, 1749, m. Frans Monfort. 60 Fifth Generation ; Hendricks Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE, ANTIE DEMAREST. + Th ili : 487 — RACHEL b. Dec. 19, 1751, m. ie Aledo Wily Baptized in Somerset County, N. J. 488 —SAMUEL,5 June 13, 1753, m. Dyna Dorland. 489 — PIETER,5 Feb. 9, 1755. m. Elizabeth Cosijn. 490 — JOHN,5 Sept., 1756, m. Polly Riker. 1. Mary Magdalena Shuck Durie; 491 — CORNELIUS,5 m. fz Agnes Shuck; 3. Nancy Van Nise. 492 —DANIEL,5 b. 1765, m. Annie Shuck Durie. 493 — JACOB,5 m. Catharine Voorhees, daughter of Daniel Voorhees and Maria Tallman. Killed by the Indians in Kentucky, see page 51. 494 — MARY,5 m. Henry Shively. Baptized at Conewago. 495— ANTIE,5 bp. Oct. 23, 1769, m. Barnett Rynierson. 496 —DAVID,5 bp. May 31, 1771, m. Mary De Mott. 497 —ISAAC,5 bp. Aug. 24, 1773. 498 —ANGENITIE,5 July 23, 1775, m. William Gordon.* 499 —HENDRICK,5 b. Mch. 1, 1778, m. Molly Van Arsdall. He was born at the Indian Springs in Pennsylvania. The Shaker records at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, refer to him as follows: ‘He was known among them as Vestus Banta. Believed in August, 1805. Residence, Henry County, Ky. Removed to Pleasant Hill, August 24, 1807. Was one of the signers of the first Church Covenant, in June, 1814. He acted as Deacon about four months, and as Elder a short time. Died February 28, 1854. His wife, Molly Van Arsdale, was born in Somerset Co., N. J,. July 3, 1777. She be- lieved February 20, 1806; signed the Covenant at the first organization of the church. Died January 3, 1856." ISSUE. 1549 — BETSY, b. Jan. 20, 1800. Was brought up in the Shaker community and was a member of the first Church Covenant. Died April 8, 1842. 1550 —ANN,8 b. Jan. 23, 1802. Was brought up among the Shakers and was a mem- ber of the first Church Covenant. ‘She was Kitchen Deaconess at the East House from July 22, 1850, till Oct. 23, 1861. Had charge of the weaving most of her life.” Died Jan. 19, 1862. 1551 —PoLLY,6 b. July 13, 1804. Was brought up in the Shaker church. Died Feb. 20, 1845. * NoTE.— The following account, contributed to the Selby Courant, Shelbyville, Ky., May 15, 1873, by George W. Demaree, refers to this William Gordon: ‘A hunter, named William Gordon, married a sister of Daniel Banta and became a member of the Dutch community about the year 1800. Among his many adventures with wild beasts, I give the following, which are every way reliable: Gordon and his brother-in-law, Dan Banta, were out hunting and had separated temporarily, when Banta heard the crack of Gordon’s rifle, and knowing that the latter never wasted his powder and lead for nothing, hastened to the spot from whence the sound came. When he arrived, he found Gordon lying on the ground terribly mangled and nearly lifeless. A few feet from him a large bear wallowing in his own blood was already stretched in death; and a short distance from the two, Gordon’s faithful dog was whining and tumbling about, badly used up. Gordon was carried home on a litter, and so dan- gerous were his wounds thought to be that his friends sent to Shelbyville for Dr. Morse—if I am not wrongly informed, the first physician located in that place— who dressed his wounds, and gave encouragement of his recovery. As soon as Gordon was able to converse, he gave the following version of his adventures: He had left Banta but a little while when he met the bear and shot him, but the ball failing to do its work completely, he was attacked furiously by the bear before he could reload his gun. He drew his hunting-knife, and the fight commenced in good earnest. When the bear would close on Gordon, the dog would assault him in the rear with desperate courage and force him to divide his attention between him and his master. After several rounds in this way, Gordon, cutting’ and hacking all the while, got in a deadly thrust with his knife and ended the conflict— but not till after himself and dog were terribly used up, as above described. He always gave his faithful dog the credit of saving his life. Some time after the 'above occurrence Gordon was a few steps in advance of his wife, when he heard a scream behind him. On turning around he espied a panther crouched on a limb of a tree in the act of springing on his wife. He commanded her to stand still, knowing that his wife’s life depended on his skill as a marksman. Gordon was equal to the emergency; raising his gun, with quick eye and unerring touch, a sharp report, and the once dangerous animal tumbled to the ground harmless at his wife's feet.” Fifth Generation; Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 61 163. WYNTIE4 BANTA married Aug. 5, 1744, Samuel Durie. He was prob- ably the son of Pieter Durie and Judick De Maree, baptized June 30, 1723. She united with the church at Schraalenburgh in 1743. They probably removed with the colony to Conewago, Penn., and subsequently to Kentucky. ISSUE. 500 —GEERTJE DURIE, bp. June 30, 1745, m. probably Joseph De Baun, son of Joost De Baun, who was born July 31, 1742. ISSUE. Baptized at Conewago. 1552 — WyYNTIE DE BAUN,6 bp. Sept. 8, 1771. 1563 —SAMUEL DE BAUN,6 bp. June 5, 1774. 501 —PETRUS DURIE,5 bp. June 28, 1747, died in infancy. 502 —MARIA DURIE,5 bp. Sept. 24, 1749, m. Pieter Cassart. ISSUE. Baptized at Conewago. 1554 — SAMUEL CASSART,$ bp. 1772. 1555 — JacoB CASSART,$ bp. Oct. 3, 1773. 1556 — PIETER CASSART,6 bp. Jan. 14, 1776. 1557 — HENDRICK CASSART,$ bp. April 12, 1778. 1558 — DAVID CASSART,6 bp. April 12, 1778. 503 —ANGENITIE DURIE,5 bp. Feb. 16, 1752, m. Abraham De Baun. ISSUE. Baptized at Conewago. 1559 — SAMUEL DE BAUN,6 bp. Jan. 1, 1775. 1560 — ANNATIE DE BAUN,6 bp. Aug. 17, 1777. 504 — PETRUS DURIE,5 b. July 13, 1754, m. Antie Seever. ISSUE. Baptized at Conewago. 1561 — SAMUEL DURIE,6 bp. June 15, 1775. 1562 — WYNTIE DURIE,S bp. Jan. 14, 1778. 505— HENDRICK DURIE,5 b. Nov. 26, 1756. 506 — WYNTIE DURIE,5 b. April 30, 1759. 507 — ALBERT DURIE,5 b. Jan. 4, 1762. 508 —DANIEL DURIE,5 b. Jan. 4, 1762. 509 —ANNAETJEN DURIE,5 bp. Nov. 13, 1765. 164. ALBERT * BANTA, married at Schraalenburgh, November 28, 1756, Mag- dalena Van Voorhees, daughter of Petrus Van Voorhees and Geesjean Romeyn. He was Church Warden at Hackensack in 1761, and Elder in 1765. Was chosen free- holder of the township of Hackensack in 1772 and 1781. During the Revolutionary War he had property destroyed by the British, for which he received £634 in settlement from the U. S. Government. He sold his farm at Schraalenburgh, June 5, 1784, and removed to Kentucky, settling near Harrodsburg, where he died Sept. 29, 1810. His wife died July 15 of the same year. ISSUE. 510 —HENDRICK,5 b. Jany. 31, 1758, m. Rachel Hopper. 511 — PETERIUS,5 May 17, 1760, m. Rachel Van Clefe. 512 —DANIEL,5 Sept. 13, 1762, m. Mary Voorhees. 513 —ALBERT,5 Nov. 5, 1764, died July 22, 1776. 514—SAMUEL,5 Dec. 9, 1766, died July 29, 1776. 515 —GEERTRUY,5 Mch. 30, 1769, died July 22, 1776. 516 —JACOB,5 Mch. 13, 1771, m. 1774 Mary 6 Banta. 517 —GEESIE,5 Aug. 3, 1773, m. Luke Voorhees. 518 —MARIA,5 Jany. 11, 1776, died unmarried, 1835. 519 —GERRITIES5 (Charity), Dec. 15, 1778, m. 1491 Hendrick Banta. 62 Fifth Generation, Facob3 Dirck? Epke. CHAPTER VIII. FIFTH GENERATION. Jacob? Dirck? Epke.! 183. ELIZABETH4 BANTA, married April 7, 1738, Dirck Lozier. ISSUE. 539 —HENDRICK]JEN LOZIER,5 bp. Jany. 21, 1739, died in infancy. 540 — NICHOLAS LOZIER,5 Aug. 2, 1741, died in infancy. 541 — NICHOLAS LOZIER,5 Sept. 25, 1743. 542 —HENDRICKYE LOZIER,5 Jany. 26, 1746, m. Jan Outwater. ISSUE. 1— NICHOLAS OUTWATER,$ b. Oct. 12, 1770. 543 — JACOB LOZIER,5 Oct. 9, 1748. 544— ALBERT LOZIER,5 Sept. 24, 1751. 545— ABRAHAM LOZIER,5 Dec. 9, 1754. 546 — JOHANNES LOZIER,5 March 9, 1760. 185. DIRCK# BANTA, married July 25, 1752, Anje Van Giesen. They were members of the church at Hackensack, May 23, 1756. He was a member of True Re- formed Church at Hackensack in 1761. Was Church Warden in 1763 and Deacon in 1771. 547 —JACOB,5 March 30, 1755. 548 —HENDRICKYE,5 July 7, 1757, m. Joost Lozier. 188. THOMAS4 BANTA, married at Schraalenburgh, March 11, 1761, Anna, daughter of Nicholas Stillwel and Kezia Edsall, who was baptized at Hackensack, May 27, 1733. No further record of them appears, unless the baptism at Clarkstown, Rock- land Co., of a child of Thomas Banta and wife, refers to their son, namely : 5481— JACOB,5 b. Aug. 26, 1780. 191. JOANNES4 BANTA married Annatie Vanderhoff. Were members of the church at Schraalenburgh, November, 1787. Received £56 for property destroyed by the British during the Revolutionary War. A John Banta was a soldier in the Revolu- tion, from Bergen County — probably this John. His wife died Sept. 7, 1828, and he died Dec. 25, 1828; both were buried at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. ISSUE. 552 — JACOB,5 b. May 12, 1776, died unm. April 30, 1812. 553 —CORNELIUS,5 May 26, 1779, m. Catharine Demarest. 554— JOHANNES,5 Oct. 26, 1783, m. Catharine Ackerman. 555— ———- June 24, 1788. Name omitted on church record. CHAPTER IX. FIFTH GENERATION. Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.! 225. WIERT4 BANTA married at Hackensack, Nov. 25, 1732, Geertruyd Van Boskerck, daughter of Tomas Van Boskerck and Margritie Brickers, who was born at Hackensack and baptized March 7, 1715. He was elected Church Warden at Hack- ensack in 1757. Fifth Generation; Wiert Wiert2 Epke.l 63 ISSUE. 568 — WIERT,5 bp. March 23, 1735, died in infancy. 569 — WIERT,5 March 6, 1737. 570 —THOMAS,5 Oct. 1, 1738, died in infancy. 571 —THOMAS,5 April 13, 1740, m. Gerretie (Charity) Terhune. 572 —MARGRIETE,5 Jan. 23, 1743, m. Jacob Valentine. 578 —DAVID,5 Oct. 4, 1747. 574—MARIA,5 b. Jan. 15, 1752. 226. RACHEL 4 BANTA, see page 37. 231. DAVID4 BANTA married at Hackensack, Sept. 27, 1745, Antjen (Aaltje) Ackerman, daughter of Johannes Ackerman and Maria Wiekvelt, who was born there, Aug. 20, 1727. He was elected Elder of the church in Hackensack in 1757, 1760 and 1766. Was a Freeholder of Bergen County in 1779-1780. During the Revolutionary War, when the British and Tories were annoying and injuring the residents in the vicinity of Hackensack, his farm being about a mile north of that village, he exchanged for a farm at Paramus with Cornelius Lozier, a Tory, agreeing to furnish substitutes for the latter’s two sons (John and David) during the war. He removed to Paramus, where he lived three years. He died Oct. 8, 1782. His will dated Oct. 7, 1782, was probated June 9, 1783. His widow received £710 for property destroyed by the British during the Revolutionary War. She died April 16, 1798. ISSUE. 575— WIERT,5 bp. March 15, 1747, died in infancy. 576—JANNETJEN,5 bp. June 6, 1750, m. Roelof Bogert. 577 —WIERT,5 bp. July 8, 1753, m. Leah De Groot. 578 —JOHANNIS,5 b. Aug. 17, 1756, m. Rachel Van Horn. 599 —MARYATHE,5 b. March 25, 1759, m. Isaac Kip, Nov. 22, 1779. He was a son of Nicasie Kip and Lea Vreeland. She died June 17, 1836. . ISSUE. 1720 —NicasiE Kip,6 b. Oct. 11, 1780. 1721 —HeNDRICK KIP,6 Dec. 11, 1785. 1722 —ANTIE KIP,6 Jan. 31, 1789. 1723 — LEA Kip,6 March 29, 1791. 1724 — Maria Kipr,6- March 26, 1793. 1725 —LENA Kip,6 Jan. 4, 1795. 1726 — Isaac Kip,6 Sept. 17, 1796. 1727 — JAMES KiIp,6 Jan. 24, 1799. 5 1. Gertrude Ryerson; 580—ABRAM,5 b. Jan. 23, 1762, m. : wR 581 —RACHEL,5 b. Sept. 3, 1764, died in infancy (?). 582— JACOB,5 b. May 3, 1766, m. Catharine Lambert. 232. HENDRICK 4 BANTA married Aug. 8, 1746, Sarah Herden. He was elected Church Warden in Hackensack in 1759. He died in 1778, his widow dying Sept. 9,1780. : ISSUE. 583 —MARITIE,5 bp. June 28, 1747, died in infancy. 584 —HESTER,5 bp. Jan. 29, 1749, m. John A. Westervelt. 585 —RACHEL,5 bp. Feb. 3, 1751, died in infancy. 586 — WIERT,5 bp. Sept. 23, 1753, died in infancy. 587 — WIERT,5 Nov. 30, 1755, died 1778. 588 —MARYATHE,5 b. Aug. 15, 1758, m. Jan Vervelen. 589 —SAMUEL,5 bp. June 14, 1761. Was a soldier in the Revolutionary War from Bergen County. Died in 1783. 590 —RACHEL,5 bp. July 17, 1763, m. John C. Bogert. 591 —SARA,5 b. March 29, 1769, m. Jacob De Groot. 64 Fifth Generation; Wiert? Wiert? Epke.l ISSUE. 1755 — LENA DE GROOT,6 b. Jan. 3, 1793. 233. JACOB4 BANTA married Lena Ackerman, daughter of John H. and Lena Ackerman. He died January, 1764. His will dated June 2, 1760, with a codicil dated September 15, 1762, six weeks after the birth of his youngest son, is recorded at Trenton, in Liber H, folio 402. ISSUE. 592 — MARIA,5 bp. Dec. 23, 1753, died in infancy. 593 —JOHN,5 Sept. 21, 1755. 594 — WIERT,5 Aug. 14, 1757. ; 595 —HENDRICK,5 b. Aug. 4, 1762, m. Maria Bogert. 228. LYDIA4 BANTA married December 12, 1735, 80° Cornelius Meyer. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1753, where she died October 27, 1792. ISSUE. 596 — JOHANNES MEYER,5 (?) m. Sarah Eckerson. ISSUE. 1763 —Lypia MEYER,6 b. Sept. g, 1760. 1764 — CORNELIUS MEYER,6 b. Aug. 13, 1767. 1765 —PETER MEYER,6 (?) Mch. 26, 1769. No name on register. 1766 — JACOB MEYER,6 Oct. 2, 1773. 597 — MARIA MEYER,5 Sept. 13, 1741, m. John Van Horn. ISSUE. 1767 — CoRNELIUS VAN HORN,6 b. April 22, 1769. 598 — JANNETIE MEYER,5 Nov. II, 1744. 599 — RACHEL MEYER,5 Nov. 30, 1746. Hendrick? Wiert2 Epke.! 235. ELENA4 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, October 29, 1736, Frederick Webber, son of Wolfert Webber and Grietje Stille, who was baptized in New York, September 23, 1705. ISSUE. 600 —WOLFERT WEBBER,5 bp. July 31, 1737. 601 —TRYNTJE WEBBER,5 Feb. 25, 1739. 602 —MARGRIETYE WEBBER,5 Mch. 10, 1741, died in infancy. 603 —SARAH WEBBER,5 m. Dec. 22, 1766, in New York, Abraham Retan, of Peremus. 604— MARGARITA WEBBER,5 Mch. 30, 1746. 236. WIERT 4 BANTA married January 22, 1746, in New York, Anaetje, daughter of Philip Minthorn, who was baptized in New York, March 26, 1727. He was a car- penter in New York. Was admitted as a freeman in that city in 1748, and was prob- ably the first of the family to remove from New Jersey and become a resident of New York. March 9, 1747, he bought from Dirck Dey a plot of land 25 x 85 on the south side of Dey Street, the consideration being £50. (Liber 46, folio 553, N. ¥. Deeds.) This property he sold June 4, 1791 —in the deed being described as ‘a carpenter, late of New York and now of Hackensack township.” In another deed, dated 178s, he is described as ‘of Tenafly.” He married for a second wife January 23, 1790, at Schraa- abi Fifth Generation; Hendrick3 Wiert? Epke.l 65 lenburgh, Elizabeth Eckerson, widow of Cornelius Vervelen, by whom he had a child in his old age, named after his first born, who had died. The children by his first wife were all baptized in the Dutch Church in New York, and his son by his second wife was baptized at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 605— HENRICUS,5 bp. March 1, 1747, m. Joanna Edsall, June 15, 1766. He died prior to 1791. ISSUE. 1768 — JOHANNA,$ b. June 29, 1767, died in infancy. 606— JOHANNA,5 Jan. 8, 1749, died Dec. 11, 1752. 607 —JOHANNES,5 April 8, 1752, died Dec. 20, 1752. 608 — ANNA ,5 Dec. 5, 1753, m. John Allington, Dec. 15, 1770. Died without issue. 609 —TRYNT]JE,5 June 15, 1757, m. — Lozier. She died in 1782. ISSUE. 17681 — HANNAH LOZIER,6 m. John Demarest. 610 —FRANCYNT]JE,5 April 15, 1761, m. Nicholas Nagle. ISSUE. 1769 —JAcoB NAGLE,6 b. April 19, 1784. 1770 —ANNATIE NAGLE,$ May 13, 1786. 611 —JOHANNES,5 April 21, 1765, died July 9, 1765. 612—HYLT]JE,5 Oct. 19, 1766, died Sept. 9, 1767. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1. Sarah Vanderbeck; 613 —HENDRICK,5 b. March o, 1791, m. ! niles 237. JOHN4 BANTA was a farmer at Tea Neck, N. J., and subsequently at Closter. His house and barn were burnt by the British during the Revolutionary War, for which he was awarded £457 damages by the appraisers under the Act passed December 20, 1781. His first wife was Trintie Demarest, daughter of David and Catrina Demarest, whom he married December 10, 1747. They were both members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1758. He married again April 12, 1769, Cornelia Huyler, widow of Christian Helm, who was born May 2, 1736, and died April 20, 1829. His will, dated December, 1785, was recorded in Trenton, February 24, 1786. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 614— HENDRICK,5 b. Dec. 4, 1748, died in infancy. 615—DAVID,5 b. Aug. 16, 1751, m. Femmetie Brower. 616—MARIA,5 b. Aug. 4, 1754, m. James Christie. 617 — WIERT,5 b. June 7, 1757, m. Jacomyntie Christie. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 618 —CATRINTIE,5 b. April 23, 1770, m. Henry Day. 619 —JANNETIE,5 April 14, 1773, m. Albert Demarest. 620 —HENDRICK,5 Oct. 29, 1775, m. Mary Bouton. 621 —CHRISTIAN,5 Dec. 13, 1778, died Feb. 24, 1793. 238. JACOB* BANTA married for his first wife, September 29, 1754, at Schraalenburgh, Claerte Van Winkle. He removed to the city of New York and was admitted as a freeman in that city in 1755. February 22, 1758, he bought on the east side of Fair Street (now Fulton) a lot 23x117 ft.—being described in the deed as a carman. In 1775 he bought a lot on King George Street (now William Street), run- ning through to Park Row, late Chatham Street. He married for his second wife, 5 66 Fifth Generation; Hendrick® Wiert? Epke January 31, 1773, Jannetje Stymets, who was born in August, 1745. He died July 20, 1783. His will, dated September 25, 1782, was probated May, 1784, and is recorded in the New York Surrogate’s office in Liber 36, folio 334. His widow for many years was a shopkeeper at 69 Chatham Street. She died April 10, 1829, her will being recorded in Liber 63, folio 37. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 622 —HENDRICK,5 b. Jany. 17, 1756, died Feb. 7, 1757. 623 —TRYNT]JE,5 bp. Dec. 3, 1758, died Nov. 7, 1759. 624— ANNAET]JE,5 b. Mch. 23, 1763, m. Frederick Mabie. 625 —TRYNT]JE,5 bp. June 2, 1765, died Sept. 8, 1772. 626 —REBECCA,5 b. Jany. 10, 1768, m. Henry Clapp. 627 —JAKOB,5 bp, Aug. 30, 1772, died Nov. 1, 1772. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 628 —JACOB,5 b. Jany. 16, 1775, m. Elizabeth Woods. RS 1. Elsie Van Voorhees; 829~PETERS Mch. 37, 2778. : 2. Letitia Post. 630 —HENRY,5 June 8, 1780. He was a tailor at 27 Chatham St., New York, and died un- married April 4, 1811. 239. PAULUS? BANTA, married in New York, June 5, 1756, Francyntje Min- thorn, daughter of Philip Minthorn, who was born January 22, 1738. He was admit- ted a freeman in New York in 1765. He was a carpenter and builder, and his name appears frequently in the records of the Register’s office in New York, in connection with the transfers of real estate. His father-in-law, Philip Minthorn, owned a farm of over one hundred acres, east side of the Bowery, extending from about First Street, north, to the Stuyvesant farm, and easterly to the East River. Oct. 16, 1776, Paulus Banta was among the Loyalists who signed the address to General Howe, then in com- mand of the British troops in New York. After the death of Philip Minthorn his farm was divided among his nine children, by lot, the map showing the division being re- corded in the Register’s office in Liber 50, folio 370. An advertisement in the New York Weekly Gazette, in 1768, reads as follows : For Sale, a house and lot in Batteaux Street. Also, a lot of ground in the mead- ows, facing Captain Smith’s. Apply to Paulus Banta, in the Bowery. In March, 1775, in Rivingston’s Gazette, appeared the following advertisement of Paulus Banta: To be sold, a lot of ground containing about 8 acres; one acre and three-quarters in salt meadow, being in the ¢ Out Ward” of this city, in the Bowery Lane, whereon is a good dwelling house and barn, &c. A week later another notice of a sale appeared of a house in ¢‘Dirick Dye’s Street, apply to Paulus Banta at the said house.” Thomas F. Devoe, in his Market Book, page 331, makes the following mention of the wife of Paulus Banta. Referring to the ‘Oswego Market,” which was built in 1772, at the corner of Broadway and Maiden Lane, he says: One of the principal market-women, who daily attended at this market both win- ter and summer, was Mrs. Frances Banta (usually known as ‘Aunt Frankey ”), one of the daughters of Philip Minthorne and a sister of Mangle Minthorne. (Mangle Min- thorne’s daughter, Hannah, married Daniel D. Tompkins, afterward Governor of New York and Vice-President of the United States.) On some eight or ten acres left to her by her father, near the present corner of Third Street and the Bowery, she lived and grew her produce or market truck. Fifth Generation ; Hendrick Wiert? Epke.l 67 Each market day. found ‘‘Aunt Frankey” ready for an early start, with her produce placed in her market-cart over night, and before daylight next morning she was on her way down the Bowery road, and into this market, ready to serve the then early risers, who were anxious to get the choice. She raised a large family, two of whom were daughters whom she taught the same accomplishments, or rather habits of industry, so peculiar to those early days. No doubt one of these daughters even exceeded the mother, as will be perceived in a sketch of her history in the Union Market (see No. 637); the other is also noticed in the Centre Market (see No. 638). Paulus Banta died Oct. 18, 1791, his widow surviving him nearly thirty years, and dying March 18, 1821. ISSUE. 631 —HENDRICK,5 bp. April 8, 1757, died Sept. 20, 1757. 632 —HENDRICK,5 bp. Nov. 8, 1758, died March 3, 1760. 633 —HENDRICK,5 bp. Jan. 20, 1761, m. Nancy Lippencott, died Feb. 11, 1819. 634—ANNAETJE,5 bp. June 10, 1763, died unmarried in 1852. 635—JACOB,5 bp. Nov. 17, 1765, was a gardener and died unmarried in 1800. 636 —PHILIP,5 bp. Oct. 28, 1767, died Aug. 25, 1768. 637— CATHARINES (Tryntje), bp. Aug. 10, 1769, m. John Barr. 638 —FRANCYNT]JES5 (Fanny), bp. Feb. 23, 1772, m. Robert Watson. 639 —HYLA,5 bp. Feb. 19, 1775. 640 —WILLIAM,5 b. Jan. 15, 1779, m. Sarah Wilkes. 240. DAVID4 BANTA married November 9, 1760, Helligond Webber. She was a daughter of Aarnout Webber and Sara Minthorn, and was baptized in New York November 28, 1736. He was a mason, and was admitted as a freeman in New York in 1765. October 12, 1764, he bought a house and lot on Partition Street, now Fulton Street, opposite St. Paul’s Church (Liber 37, folio 196). There is no record in the Register’s office how or when it passed from his possession. ISSUE. 641 —TRYNT]JES5 (Catharine), bp. Sept. 27, 1761, m. Philip Romaine. 642 —SARAH,5 Sept. 25, 1763, m. Simon Lozier. ISSUE. 1847 — PrisciLLA LOZzIER,5 b. Aug. 6, 1785. 1848 — SARAH LOZIER,6 b. Feb. 5, 1787. 643 —HANNAH,5 m. — Van Orden. 644— MARGARET,5 bp. Aug. 28, 1768, died unmarried Nov. 7, 1854. 645 —HENRY,5 died unmarried. CHAPTER X. SIXTH GENERATION. Cornelius* Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.! 254. CORNELIA5 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, April 9, 1758, William Verberg. They probably lived in New York during the Revolutionary War. ISSUE. 671 —ELIZABETH VERBERG,6 bp. May 27, 1758. 672 —RACHEL VERBERG,6 b. Nov. 23, 1760. 673 —CORNELIUS VERBERG,6 bp. March 18, 1764. 674— ANNAETJE VERBERG,$ b. Sept. 23, 1766, died in infancy. 675—ANNAETJE VERBERG,$ bp. Nov. 26, 1771, in New York. 676 — WILLEM VERBERG,6 bp. Aug. 7, 1774, in New York. 68 Sixth Generation; Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epke.! harck 3117573 256. SUSANNA? BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, dsps—es=ers8, Abraham Vanderbeck. ISSUE. 677—RACHEL VANDERBECK,$ bp. Feb. 8, 1756. 678 —FEMMETIE VANDERBECK,6 bp. Feb. 8, 1756. 679 — CORNELIUS VANDERBECK,6 b. Aug. 29, 1760. 680 —JANNET]JE VANDERBECK,$ bp. April 10, 1763. 257. JANS5 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, May 27, 1759, Anactje Demarest. In 1791 he sold his half of the farm inherited from his father, to his brother Hendrick, and removed to the vicinity of the Ponds, where he had bought another farm May 1, 1790. This latter farm he sold May 1, 1800, and removed to New York. June 1, 1801, be bought the house, 17 Bowery, ‘‘on the east side of Bowery Lane,” 37x 125, for $2,562 —being described in the deed as a “Gentleman.” He kept a grocery here till he sold the property in 1803 for £1,220 (deed recorded Liber 64, folio 526), and bought, June 3, 1803, on the west side of 2d street (No. 73), now Forsyth street (deed recorded Liber 92, folio 366), where he continued the grocery business until his death, Oct. 29, 1812. ISSUE. 681 —RACHEL,S6 bp. Oct. 25, 1761, died in infancy. 682 ~ RACHEL,6 bp. July 17, 1763, m. 658 Jacob I. Van Saan.6 ISSUE. I1—ANNATIE VAN SAAN,7 b. Oct. 16, 1783. 2— RACHEL VAN SAAN,7 b. Sept. 4, 1786. 3— JAN VAN SAAN,7 b. Jan. 7, 1792. 4— MARGARIETA VAN SAAN,7 b. Nov. 1, 1800. 683 —MARIA,6 b. Mch. 21, 1766, died in intancy. 684 — CORNELIUS,6 bp. Feb. 27, 1769, m. Catharine Bruce. 685 — PETRUS,6 b. Mch. 26, 1772, m. Dorothea Van Orden. 686 — MARIA,6 bp. Aug. 8, 1775, m. James Van Houghton, May 5, 1792. ISSUE. 1—JAcoB VAN HOUGHTON,7 bp. Nov. 14, 1792. 2— MARIA VAN HOUGHTON,7 bp. June 12, 1803. 687 — MARGARET,$ b. Oct. 27, 1778, m. David Pulisfelt. G88 — HENRY b Jo. 2, 705m. J 3 Ebert 689 — JOHN, 6 bp. May 2, 1787. 258. MARIA BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, April 9, 1758, Jan Berdan, Jr. ISSUE. 690 — JAN BERDAN,6 bp. Jan. 28, 1759. 691 — RACHEL BERDAN,6 bp. Feb. 20, 1763. 692 —CORSTYNTIE BERDAN,6 b. Aug. 21, 1765. 693 — CORNELIUS BERDAN,6 bp. Mch. 22, 1770. 694 — CORNELIA BERDAN,6 bp. Feb. 26, 1780. 695— MARIA BERDAN,6 bp. Feb. 25, 1784. 259. WIERT? BANTA married at the Dutch Lutheran Church in New York, January 3, 1766, Elizabeth Mildeberger. During the Revolutionary War he sided with the adherents of the King, and held a commission as Lieutenant in Captain Peter Earl's company of the ‘“King’s Militia Volunteers” —received from Sir Henry Clinton, Sixth Generation; Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epke.! 69 bearing date 2d February, 1779. He served under Lieut.-Col. Abram Van Buskirk in an engagement at ‘“ Hoebuck” (Hoboken) near Paulus Hook, N. J., where, in March 23, 1779, he received a wound by a musket ball in the knee, which permanently disabled him, rendering him a cripple for the remainder of his life. In October, 1787, he was living in Shelbourne, Nova Scotia. In a memorial addressed by him to the High Honorable Lord Cathcart, dated London, September 12, 1788, appealing to the Crown for aid, he recapitulated some of his services, as follows: During the command of his Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, at New York, I was frequently employed in procuring intelligence, and was the person who was sent into Bergen County, N. J., for the express purpose of taking the infamous Brouwer, who had murdered Captain John Richard, which I effected and brought him into New York. That among other services I was sent into New Jersey to intercept the rebel mail, in which I was disappointed, but at great risk I took the rebel General Ward Munter, Muster-General to the rebel army, etc., Colonel Bradford, and seized the general’s papers. When I returned to New York, I delivered the papers to your Lordship per- sonally one morning early, and if your Lordship can recollect, I requested to have two boats from one of the king’s ships lying in the North river, in order to take off my party, with the prisoners there in the woods concealed. That your Lordship was pleased to inform me the Papers which I had brought had given Sir Henry the utmost satisfaction. * * * * #* | heg leave to inform your Lordship that at the evacuation of New York I went to Nova Scotia, where I endeavored to settle my family; that in 1786 I was examined before the Commission for American Claims, Colonel Dundas and Jeremiah Pemberton, Esq., who were pleased to give me the following cer- tificate (certificate enclosed), with which I have now come to London, in order to petition for the half pay of a lieutenant, or such military compensation as has been allowed to others in the like predicament with myself. I therefore humbly beg leave to request your Lordship will be so kind as to honor me with your certificate of the activity and zeal I showed towards his Majesty’s service in America, and of such particular matters as your Lordship may recollect, and your Lordship’s recommendation in such manner as vou shall think proper for the bounty and relief of Government, which will greatly relieve my distresses, as I am now reduced to extreme poverty and have nothing to depend upon in this country, where I am a stranger, to the great inconvenience of my family in Nova Scotia, who, with myself, unless I succeed to that benevolence which has been extended to many of my fellow countrymen and sufferers, must inevitably be involved in utter ruin and distress. I beg leave to mention to your Lordship that during the war I recruited 62 men for the corps commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Bayard and Lieut.-Colonel Buskirk, that I was sent to reconnoitre Fort Montgomery by Sir William Howe, which I did to his Excellency’s satisfaction, and was at the taking of it when I received two wounds. That I went as guide to the Light Infantry, under the command of Colonel Abercrombie, to Tappan, where Washington’s Light Horse were defeated; that being constantly employed on these kind of services was the sole reason of my not getting a Commission, to which I was entitled by raising my quota of men of one of the new corps—all of which circumstances were proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioners at Halifax. Accompanying this memorial were testimonials from William Franklin, late Governor of New Jersey; from William Bayard, who refers to the fact that he remembers Weart [sic] Banta being on crutches for many months in New York, from the musket wound already mentioned (he mentions also that Wiert Banta had a large family to support); and from Lieut.-Col. Abram Van Buskirk, late N. J. Volunteers. That he was successful in obtaining recognition for his military services appears from the following bill of exchange, made by his widow, which also indicates the date of his death: Newark, 27 February, 1796. Gentlemen: When you receive the moneys due to the estate of the late Weart [sic] Banta, pay this, my first of exchange, second of same tenor and date unpaid, to the 70 Sixth Generation ; Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epke.l order of Andrew Heron, Sterling, value received, being in full of her military allowance from 25th of June to 29 August, 1795. I am your humble servant, Messrs. Phyn, Ellice & Inglis, Agents, (Signed) ELIZABETH BANTA. London, Eng. Wiert Banta probably died August 29, 1795. His widow lived with her grandson, 18% Weart7 Banta, in New York City, and died at the house of the widow of the latter in Christopher Street, New York City, April 19, 1833, at the age of eighty- four years. She was buried in the family vault of the Mildeberger’s in the church-yard of “St. Mark’s in the Bowery.” The children named below were baptized in the Lutheran Church in New York. One child, whose name does not appear in the records, was baptized at Paramus, February 27, 1769 — the parents’ names given in this latter case are ‘“Weart Banta and Elizabeth ———,” and it is possible that these were others than the Wiert Banta now referred to. It is probable that other children were born, as the certificate of Col. Bayard mentions a ‘‘large family,” but the church records during the war are missing. ISSUE. 696 —ELIZABETH,6 b. Nov. 19, 1766, m. Isaac Ara Davis. 697 —RACHEL,6 b. March 1, 1768. 698 — —— bp. Feb. 27, 1769. 699 — JOHN,6 b. July 29, 1770, m. Elizabeth Van Wyck. 700 —SARAH,6 b. May 8, 1774. 260. ANTJEN5 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, April 19, 1765, Dirck Wannamaker. ISSUE. 701 —RACHEL WANNAMAKER,6 bp. Jan. 24, 1768. 702 — CORNELIUS WANNAMAKER,6 b. Nov. 2, 1772, m. Elizabeth Van Wyck, widow of 699 John 6 Banta. 703 — CORNELIA WANNAMAKER, bp. Sept. 6, 1778. 261. MARGARET? BANTA married Samuel Retan, and upon his death she married Isaac Stagg. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 704— CORNELIUS RETAN,6 b. Nov. 24, 1773, m. Hette Fellow. ISSUE. 1887 — MARGARET RETAN,7 b. Nov. 20, 1793. 1888 — SAMUEL RETAN,7 Sept. 6, 1796. 705 —RACHEL RETAN,6 Nov. 23, 1775. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 706 —SAMUEL STAGG,$ bp. June 20, 1779. 707 —HENDRICK BANTA STAGG,6 b. Aug. 1, 1790. 708 —GRIETE STAGG,6 b. Nov. 12, 1793. 262. HENDRICKS BANTA married August 2, 1769 (date of license), Elizabeth Lake, who was born January 17, 1750. His father left him one-half of his farm at Sluckup (Spring Valley, N. J.), and in 1790 he bought the remaining half from his brother John. He and his wife were members of the church at Hackensack. He died August 12, 1817, and his widow deceased September 4, of the same year; both are buried at the old grave-yard at Spring Valley. Sixth Generation ; Cornelius* Fan’ Cornelius? Epke.\ 71 ISSUE. IR oT 1. 670. Lydia Van Saun; 709 — CORNELIUS,6 b. March 8, 1770, m. $ a 710 —JOHN,6 Dec. 22, 1771, m. Jannetje Van Saun. 711 —RACHEL,$ April 28, 1774, died Nov. 24, 1778. 712 — GILBERT, July 2, 1776, m. Lea Bogart. 718 —RACHEL,6 May 14, 1779, died Aug. 24, 1780. 714— WIERT,6 June 6, 1781, m. Margaret Demarest. 715—DANIEL,6 Jan. 7, 1784, m. Margaret Bertholf. 716—NELLIE,$ b. Jan. 5, 1787, m. Isaac Vanderbeck, June 3, 1805. He kept a hotel at : Hackensack, N. J. . ISSUE. 1909 — RACHEL RYERSON VANDERBECK,? b. Feb. 7, 1806. 717 —ELIZABETH,6 March 15, 1789, m. Abraham House, Dec. 10, 1808. He was born March 4, 1788, and died Dec. 13, 1849. In early life he was a school teacher, and afterwards Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. His widow died Oct. 21, 1373. ISSUE. 1910— JouN A. Housk,7 b. Feb. 17, 1811, died 1832. 1911 —EL1ZABETH A. HOUSE,” b. May 21, 1812, m. John Garret Tallman, of Nyack, N. Y. 1912 — MARIA HoOUSE,7 b. Sept. 26, 1815, m. Edward Perry, of Nyack, N.Y. 1913 — HENRY HOUSE,7 b. July 25, 1818. 718 —HENRY,$6 April 13, 1794, m. Wyntie Zabriskie. 719 —RACHEL,6 Jan. 7, 1797, m. Harman S. Lutkins, Nov. 6, 1813. ISSUE. 1920 — RACHEL LUTKINS,7 b. Sept. 2, 1815, m. —— Vreeland. 1921 —Evr1za LUTKINS,7 m. — Vreeland. Cornelius* Jacob? Cornelius” Epke. 1 286. JACOB? BANTA married, Oct. 12, 1788, Wyntie, daughter of Jacob H. Zabriskie and Wyntie Terhune, who was born Nov. 13, 1768. He lived at Winkleman, now Bogota, on the east side of the river, opposite Hackensack, where he inherited a large farm from his father. For a time he kept a store near the present site of the Bogota railroad station. In 1816 he was elected as one of the Members of Assembly of New Jersey, from Bergen County, and re-elected in 1817. In 1819 he was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He died Nov. 5, 1844, his wife having pre- viously deceased, Dec. 13, 1839. ISSUE. 735 —CORNELIUS,6 b. Aug. 6, 1789, m. Elizabeth Berry. = § 1. Maria Williams ; 736—JACOB,$ Jan. 9, 1792, m. { 2. Hannah Reed. 787 —MATILDA,6 Jan. 15, 1794, m. Nicholas L. Ackerman. 1. Sarah Ann Sayre; 738 — ALBERT ZABRISKIE,6 b. Nov. 24, 1798, m. : smn 739 —JOHN JACOB,6 b. March 10, 1802, m. Elizabeth Campbell. 740 — GARRET LANSING,6 b. June 4, 1804, died Aug. 22, 1804. 741 —WYNTIES (Lavina), b. Jan. 16, 1806, m. David D. Demarest. 287. RACHEL? BANTA married Feb. 4, 1809, at Schraalenburgh, Peter R. Bogert. He was a farmer residing on the east side of the Hackensack river, opposite Hackensack, near the present railroad station called Bogota. 72 Sixth Generation; Cornelius* Facob® Cornelius? Eplke.l ISSUE. 742 —ROELOFF BOGERT,6 b. Sept. 26, 1809, died in infancy. 743 —HARRIETTA BOGERT,6 b. March 22, 1811, died unmarried. 744— MATILDA BOGERT,6 b. Aug. 3, 1812, m. Enoch E. Vreeland, Dec. 31, 1829. ISSUE. 1966 — EDGAR E. VREELAND,7 b. Jan. 30, 1833, m. Rachel A. Westervelt, Oct. 28, 1858. She was born in New York, Feb. 14, 1834. He is a merchant in Hackensack. ISSUE. : 3333 — Enos Vreeland,8 b. Aug. 16, 1859, m. Mamie E. Denholm, Jan. 8, 1885. 3334 —G. Westervelt Vreeland,8 b. Nov. 21, 1860. 3335 — Walter Vreeland,8 b. May 14, 1864, died May 6, 1886. 3336 —Matilda Vreeland, b. Dec. 5, 1866, died Api 6, 1883. 3337 — Edgar Vreeland,8 b. Nov. 4, 1871. 1967 — PETER B. VREELAND,7 b. July 5, 1835, m. Jane A. Demarest. 1968 — RACHEL A. VREELAND,7 b. May 13, 1838, m. Richard P. Paulison. 1969 — MARGARETTA VREELAND,7 b. April 4, 1840, died June 10, 1858. 1970 —MARY MATILDA VREELAND,7 b. Nov. 23, 1842, m. Peter B. Bogert. 1971 —ENocH HENRY VREELAND,7 b. Oct. 24, 1844. 1972 — CATHARINE JANE VREELAND,7 b. Nav. 4, 1847, died June 22, 1849. 1973 —JouN VREELAND,7 b. Aug. 9, 1849, died Sept. 16, 1849. 745—ROELOFF BOGERT,6 b. July 26, 1817, died unmarried. 746— PETER R. BOGERT,6 b. Aug. 9, 1821, m. Maria E. Hopper, who was born Sept. 18, 1822. He is a farmer at Bogota, opposite Hackensack, N. J. ISSUE. RACHEL E. BOGERT,7 b. Nov. 26, 1855. Cornelius* Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! 815. JOSEPH5 BANTA married Mary (or Mercy) Webb. In 1803 he was a farmer residing in Sussex County, N. J., as appears by a deed recorded at Hackensack in Liber R, folio 226. ISSUE. 774— MARY,6 b. Oct. 1, 1805, m. Ezra Sandford Doty. ISSUE. 2001 — MARTHA ADELIA DoOTY,7 May 19, 1835, m. David B. Mac Nab, July 4, 1857. They live in Paterson, N. J. ISSUE. 1— Thomas G. Mac Nab,8 b. May 23, 1859, died May 29, 1873. 2— Mary E. Mac Nab,8 b. Oct. 1, 1861, died Nov. 5, 1865. 3— Isabelle M. Mac Nab,8 b. June 15, 1864. 4— Alexander D. Mac Nab,8 b. Sept. 8, 1866. 5— Frank R. Mac Nab,8 b. Nov. 29, 1869. 2002 —EzrRA BANTA Doty,” Dec. 21, 1837, m. Leonora Allen. They live in Herndon, Iowa. ISSUE. 1— Allen Doty,8 b. 1862. 2— Cora Doty,8 b. 1866. 3— James Doty,8 b. 1870. 2003 —MERCY ELIZABETH DOTY, May 14, 1839, m. William J. Miles, July 11, 1861. They live in Warwick, Orange County, N. Y. Sixth Generation ; Corneliust Abram? Cornelius? Epke. 73 ISSUE. 1— George Ellsworth Miles,8 b. April 11, 1862. 2— Edward Doty Miles,8 b. Nov. 10, 1867. 3— Charles Seymour Miles,8 b. July, 1870. 4-— Mary Elizabeth Miles,8 b. May 27, 1874. 2004 — CYNTHIA ELEANOR DOTY,” May 29, 1842, m. John N. Hyatt, Sept. 20, 1871. 2005 — JAMES HARRIS Do1Y,7 Feb. 7, 1847, m. Georgiana Lozier, Nov. 8, 1886. 775—HANNAH,6 m. David Paddock. 776 —DAVID,6 m. Rebecca Mosier. 777—JOSEPH,6 b. Oct. 1, 1813, m. Elizabeth Carr. 778 —MARTHA,6 b. Dec. 17, 1816, m. Thomas McCaulay, April, 1862. United with the Baptist Church at Warwick, N. Y., in 1845. She died March 22, 1883, without issue. Samuelt Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! 317. ABRAMS5 BANTA married Divertjen (Deborah) Wortendyke. He was a farmer of Franklin township, Bergen County, N. J. He died April, 1837; his widow died August, 1848. ISSUE. 779—ELIZABETH,6 b. Aug. 27, 1789, m. Bernard (Barent) Winter, Dec. 23, 1809, at Paramus. She died in 1816. ISSUE. 2017 — ABRAHAM B. WINTER,7 bp. Aug. 6, 1812, m. Catharine Acker. 2018 —Er1zA WINTER,7 bp. April 11, 1816. 2019 — DEBORAH WINTER,” m. Thomas Clenen. 780 —MARGERY,6 b. April 24, 1792, m. Henry W. Winter, Dec. 23, 1809, at Paramus. He was born April 24, 1779, and died Aug. 18, 1865. Was buried at Wyckoff, N. J. She died May 14, 1870. ISSUE. 2020 — GARRET WINTER, b. July 31, 1824, m. Hannah Maria Shunte. 2021 — DEBORAH ELLEN WINTER,7 b. May 6, 1827. 2022 — MICHAEL WINTER, b. Jan. 26, 1830. 2023 —EL1zA MARIA WINTER,7 b. July 3, 1834. 781 —SAMUEL,6 b. June 13, 1794, m. Margaret Valentine. 782 — ABRAHAM, 6 b. Sept. 17, 1796, m. Cornelia Crouter. 783 —DIVERTJENS6 (Deborah), b. Aug. 18,1798, m. John T. Straat, Oct. 23, 1819. She died July 4, 1869. 784—JUDITH,6 b. July 6, 1803, m. Peter Konnight. 785 — THOMAS A.,6 b. Aug. 19, 1806, m. Maria Acker. 318. MARIAS BANTA married Nicholas Demarest. ISSUE. 786 — ELIZABETH DEMAREST ,6 b. Feb. 4, 1790. 787 —JACOBUS DEMAREST,6 b. Mch. 1, 1793. 319. THOMAS D.’ BANTA married Margaret Bamper, daughter of Jacob and Antje Bamper. Was a farmer living at Wiermus, east of Paramus, N. J. He died May 21, 1853, and his widow died December 6, 1860. Both were buried in the church- yard at Paramus. ISSUE. 788 —SAMUEL,6 b. Nov. 2, 1797, m. Gerritie (Charity) Garrison. 789 —ANT]JE,6 Oct. 10, 1799, m. Gerard Vreeland, Jan. 29, 1817. 74 Sixth Generation ; Samuelt Abram? Cornelius? Epkel ISSUE. 2045 — JAMES J. VREELAND.7 790 —ELIZABETH,6 July 24, 1804, m. Stephen Terhune. ISSUE. 2046 — ALBERT TERHUNE,T7 lives at New Milford, N. J. 2047 — CAROLINE TERHUNE,7 m. Chilian Larue, New Foundland, N. J. 2048 — MARGARET ANN TERHUNE,7 m. Abraham Van Amberg, Hohokus, N. J. 791 —JACOB,6 b. March 16, 1807, m. $ A yn Die 792 —ABRAHAM,6 b. Jan. 9, 1809, m. Rachel Brevoort. 793 —GARRET,6 b. Aug. 7, 1813, m. Eliza Conklin. ? ISSUE. 2061 — CATHARINE WESSELS,” m. James Perry. 2062 — MARY C.,7b. 1844, m. Charles West, Aug. 28, 1864. 794 — THOMAS T.,8 b. Nov. 12, 1815, m. Ellen Tours. 795 —SALLY ZABRISKIE,6 b. May 28, 1818, m. John Christie, July 9, 1836. Living at Wind Gap, Spring Valley, N. J. 796—JOHN,6 b. Jan. 24, 1821, died Oct. 19, 1821. 820. ANNAETJENS BANTA married Daniel Blauvelt. She died prior to 1821. ISSUE. 797 —MARY BLAUVELT.6 798 — JANE BLAUVELT,6 m. Adam Folley. 799 —ABRAHAM BLAUVELT.6 800 — DANIEL BLAUVELT.6 322. MAGDALENA5 BANTA married Peter P. Winter. The children were all baptized at Wyckoff, N. J. ISSUE. 801 — ELIZABETH WINTER,6 b. Dec. 17, 1806, died in infancy. 802 —SUSANNA WINTER,6 Aug. 4, 1808. 803 —ANTJE WINTER,6 June 25, 1811. 804— PETER WINTER,6 June 25, 1811. 805— ELIZABETH WINTER,6 Oct. 11, 1813. Jacobt Abram3 Cornelius? Epke.! 325, ABRAHAMS BANTA married Catharine Babcock. He removed with his father from Rockland County, N. Y., to Prince Edward County, Canada, in 1796. He was a farmer and distiller. He died in 1841. His first wife died in 1805, and he married again, Lucy McCarthy. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 806 —RACHEL,6 b. July 21, 1794, m. William Lilly. No issue. 807 — CATHARINE,6 b. 1796, m. James Covert. 808 — JACOB,6 Sept. 12, 1801, m. Sarah Cole. : . Rachel Covert; 809 — JOHN,6 July 22, 1803, m. $ 3 Soe es ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 810 — MARIA 6 m. Aury Richardson. Had a son, John, who went to California in 1851. 811— MARY,6 m. William L. Hunter. She died in Davenport, Iowa, in 1885. Sixth Generation ; Facob* Abram? Cornelius Epke.! 75 326. MARIAS5 BANTA married June 27, 1790, John Alyea. They removed to Prince Edward County, Canada. > ; ISSUE. 812 — JACOB CORNELIUS ALYEA,6 m. Mary Ann Brady. 813 — ISAAC ALYEA,6 m. Abigail Varder. 814 — RACHEL ALYEA,6 m. Killop S. B. Auchbeabuy (?) 815— PETER ALYEA,6 b. Mch. 24, 1801, m. Elizabeth Shean, Oct. 7, 1824. 816— POLLY ALYEA, 6 m. John Moon. 817 — CATHERINE ALYEA,6 b. June 14, 1812, m. Elisha Lambert, Feb. 22, 1840. 327. ANNATIE5 BANTA married at Tappan, December 14, 1793, Abraham Cole, who was born June 18, 1768. ISSUE. 818 — RACHEL COLE,$ b. Jan. 10, 1799. 819 — CORNELIUS COLE,6 b. Feb. 21, 1806. ! 328. CORNELIUS BANTA married October 7, 1804, Sarah Wilkins, who was born August 7, 1780. They lived in Canada. ISSUE. 820 — ANN RIDGWAY,6 m. I. V. Murphy. 821 —CHARLES ROBERT,S6 died in infancy. 822 —MARY WILKINS,6 m. Bryan Sweet. 823 — ELIZABETH CASSADY,6 m. John Conklin. 824— JULIA SMITH,6 825—SARAH B.,6 m. Samuel Young. 329. MAGDALENA®S BANTA married Peter Werse. They lived in Canada. ISSUE. 8251— JOHN WERSE,6 m. Nancy Taylor. 8252— JACOB WERSE,6 m. Elizabeth Scrivier. 8253— OLIVE WERSE,6 m. Henry Lambert. 8254— MARY WERSE,6 m. Frederic Ditsell. 8255— CORNELIUS WERSE,6 m. Mary Rowe. 8256— RACHEL WERSE,6 m. Richard Davis. 8257— DAVID WERSE,6 m. Abigail Lambert. 8258— CHARITY WERSE,6 Aug. 30, 1817, m. William Whitney, Oct. 28, 1832. He was born Oct. 1, 1808. 8259— HANNAH MARGARETTE WERSE,$ July 20, 1821, m. John R. Blake, June 9, 1844. He was born july 30, 1821. CHAPTER XL SIXTH GENERATION. Seba! Arie? Seba? Epke.! 366. ARIE? BANTA married July 17, 1773 (date of license), Aeltie Van Buskirk, daughter of David and Rachel Van Buskirk. He removed to New York City, where he died prior to November 17, 1782. Their children were baptized at the Lutheran Church in New York City. His widow married, February 5, 1792, at the Lutheran Church in New York, Ludewig Mildeberger. As a curious illustration of the mis- spelling of names, it may be mentioned that her name appears on the church register on this occasion as ‘ Aeltie Errenbander”! she having doubtless been called the widow of ¢“ Aaron Banta.” 76 Sixth Generation ; Seba* Aried Seba? Epke.! ISSUE. 1254—DAVID,$ b. Jan. 10, 1777. 1255 —SIMON,$6 Jan. 5, 1780. 1256 —RACHEL,6 Oct. 18, 1782, m. John Heath, March 31, 1800. He was a carpenter and builder in New York, residing in Benson Street in 1811, and in 1840 was in partner- ship with his son David, in Elm Street. A deed dated Dec. 16, 1846, recorded, Liber 482, folio 317, conveys property situated on Leonard Street, east of Broadway, the grantors being John Heath and his wife, Rachel, of Princeton, N. J: John Heath probably died the following year, and his widow lived from 1848 to 1850 at 66 Elm Street, New York. ISSUE. Baptized at Zion Church, New York. 2097 — AARON BANTA HEATH,7 b. Jan. 20, 1801, m. Malvina——. He was a builder in New York, where he died, May, 1831. 2098 — SAMUEL HEATH,7 b. Oct. 24, 1803. 2099 —ALETTA HEATH,” b. May 14, 1806. 2100 — LYDIA HEATH,7 b. Dec. 31, 1807. 2101 —JouN HEATH, b. Jan. 25, 1810. 2102 — DAVID HEATH.7 867. SIMON® BANTA married Theodosia Van Buskirk. He removed to New York City, where two of his children were baptized in 1780 and 1781 in the Lutheran Church. In 1791 he resided in Robinson Street (now Park Place), and in 1797 was a dock builder, residing on the ‘Greenwich road.” He died about 1799. His widow married John Pulis. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of New York in 1805, and subsequently removed to Lyons Farms, N. J. ISSUE. 1257 -—CATHARINE,6 b. May 10, 1780, died in infancy. 1258 —CATHARINE,6 b. Nov. 6, 1781. 1259 — JAMES,6 b. Oct. 25, 1788, m. Mary Dickey. 1260—SOPHIA,6 m. Horace Bedell. Was a member of the First Baptist Church, New York. 1261 — CLEMENTINE,6 m. Joshua (?) Van Tassel, March 29, 1800, at Zion Church. 1262 —ALICES® (or Elsie), m. — Berry. 1263 — HANNAH, 6 m. ! 2 Jomes en 1264—MARY,6 m. Jacob Van Dien. 1265— ELLEN,6 b. Feb. 22, 1799, died in infancy, of yellow fever. 1266 — AARON,6 b. Feb. 22, 1799, m. } z ep Sebat Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 368. RACHEL? BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, March 22, 1759, Peter Bogert. Their children were baptized at Schraalenburgh, except the eldest, who was baptized at Tappan. ISSUE. 1267 —MARGRIETE BOGERT,6 b. Feb. 8, 1760. 1268 — MARIA BOGERT,6 b. June 11, 1762. 1269 —MATTHEUS BOGERT,6 Oct. 8, 1767, m. Maria Demarest, Nov. 24, 1786. ISSUE. 2127 — PETRUS M. BOGERT,7 b. March 3, 1788, m. 2869 Tyna8 Banta at Schraalen- burgh, Dec. 21, 1811. She died July 14, 1881. He died before 1846. Both of them were church members at Schraalenburgh in 1816. Sixth Generation ; Seba* Dirck3 Seba? Ephe 77 ISSUE. oe 1. Jane Vreeland Haughwout; 8475 —John Banta Bogert,8b. Sept.13,1813, m. $ 2 Thsabeth C. Bissoll 3476 — James Bogert,8 July 24, 1815, m. Maria Doremus. 3477 — Cornelia Bogert,8 Dec. 7, 1820, m. Jonas Sparks. 3478 — Matthew P. Bogert,8 Jan. 9, 1823, m. Matilda Cheethen. . : 1. b Cholwell; 3479 — Elizabeth Ann Bogert,8 June 14, 1830, m. : 4 Lone Somes 2128 —HESTER BOGERT,7 Dec. 25, 1789. 2129 — DAVID BOGERT,7 Oct. 9, 1791. 2130 —SEBA BOGERT,T May 2, 1794. 21831— RACHEL BOGERT,7 Dec. 21, 1796. 2132 —]JAcoBUS BOGERT,7 April 4, 1799. 2133 —SAMUEL BOGERT,7 April 29, 1801. 2134— MARIA BOGERT,7 July 4, 1807. 2135 — ELIZABETH BOGERT,7 July 25, 1811. 1270 —SEBA BOGERT,$6 b. Mch. 25, 1774, m. Sarah Blackledge. She was born May 20, 1776, and died December 20, 1841. He died April 14, 1846. Both were buried at the South Church, of Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. 2136 — PETER BOGERT,7 b. May 3, 1795, died in infancy. 2137 —BENJAMIN BOGERT,T Feb. 21, 1797. 2138 —MATHEUS BOGERT,7 April 9, 1799. 2139 — CorRNELIUS BOGERT,7 May 19, 1801. 2140 —SAMUEL BOGERT,7 April 19, 1804. 2141 —EL1ZABETH BOGERT,7 July 9, 1808. 2142 —HENDRICK BOGERT,7 June 15, 1811. 2143 —JAcoB BOGERT,7 July 7, 1813. 2144—PETER BOGERT.7 Aug. 6, 1815. 2145 — RACHEL BOGERT,7 Mch. 4, 1818. 1271 —FYTIE BOGERT,6 b. Aug. 15, 1776. 1272 — SAMUEL BOGERT,6 b. Oct. 24, 1778. 369. SAMUELS BANTA married May 4, 1758, Evaetje Berdan. They were both members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1762. He died prior to 1776. His widow received £146 for property destroyed by the British during the Revolutionary War. She died March 10, 1818. ISSUE. 1278 —MARGRIET]E,6 b. April 16, 1759, m. Tunis Kuyper. 1274— CHRISTINA, 6 (or Costyntie), Oct. 9, 1761, m. Isaac Berdan. He was born Nov. 26, 1747, and died May 7, 1828. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1813. She died Nov. 18, 1845. ISSUE. 2149 — JOHANNES BERDAN,7 b. Jan. 5, 1783. 2150 —EFFIE BERDAN,7b. Jan. 8, 1785, m. Roeloff Vanderlinde. ISSUE. 34983 — Isaac Vanderlinde,8 b. Oct. 28, 1811. 3494 — David Vanderlinde,8 b. Nov. 13, 1816. 8495 — Catharine Ann Vanderlinde,8 b. Mch. 6, 1822. 2151 —SAMUEL BERDAN,7 b. Mch. 28, 1790. 2152 —1IsAAc BERDAN,7 b. Feb. 18, 1797. 1275—RACHEL,$ Oct. 1, 1763, m. Peter Demarest, March 14, 1795. 78 Sixth Generation; Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.l ISSUE. 2153 —ErriE DEMAREST, b. Apr. 6, 1797, m. Daniel Christie. ISSUE. Margaret Christie,8 m. James Hering. 2154 — SAMUEL DEMAREST, b. Dec. 18, 1800, m. Rachel Cole. 1276—MARIA,6 Mch. 6, 1766, m. Peter Christie. They were members of the church in Schraalenburgh in 1802. ISSUE. 2155— SAMUEL CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 31, 1791. 2156 — DANIEL CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 16, 1793. 2157 —JouN CHRISTIE, b. Aug. 8, 1795. 2158 —EFFIE CHRISTIE,? b. July 10, 1797. 2159 — JacoBuUs CHRISTIE, b. May 19, 1799. 2160 — MARGARET CHRISTIE, b. Sept. 17, 1801. 2161 — CHRISTINA CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 27, 1803. 1277 —ANNAET]JE,$ Nov. 15, 1768, m. Simon D. Demarest, Dec. 8, 1787. They were members of the church in Schraalenburgh in 1797. She died Sept. 10, 1826. * ISSUE. 2162 — JANNETIE DEMAREST,? b. Nov. 20, 1789. 2163 — SAMUEL DEMAREST, Aug. 24, I79I. 2164— JANE DEMAREST,7 Aug. 21, 1793. 2165—DAvID DEMAREST, Aug. 23, 1795, m. Margaret Durie. ISSUE. Simon Demarest,8 b. Oct. 10, 1819. 2166 — ANNAETJEN DEMAREST, Sept. 24, 1804. 1278 —MAGDALENAS6 (Helena), b. Feb. 7, 1771, m. John D. Christie, at Schraalenburgh, Jan. 28, 1791. . ISSUE. 2167 — SAMUEL CHRISTIE, b. July 23, 1793. 2168 — DANIEL CHRISTIE,7 Sept. 19, 1796. 2169 — ErFriE CHRISTIE,7 Nov. 25, 1798. 2170 —FyTJE CHRISTIE, Jan. 20, 1801. 2171 —JoHN CHRISTIE,7 Mch. 27, 1805. 2172 — CHRISTINA BERDAN CHRISTIE, July 14, 1809. 1279 —SAMUEL,6 April 12, 1774, m. Lea Demarest. 871. MARIAS5 BANTA married John Bant. They were members of the church at Hackensack, where their children were baptized. They removed to Fonda’s Bush, Montgomery County, N. Y., where he was elected Deacon of the church at its organi- zation in 1798. ISSUE. 1280 — LENA BANT,6 bp. June 4, 1770. 1281 —MARGRIETE BANT,6 b. July 24, 1772. 1282 — CATYLYNTIE BANT,$ Sept. 18, 1774. 12883 — RACHEL BANT,6 Nov. 4, 1780. 1284 — MARIA BANT,6 May 13, 1783. 1285 — July 8, 1786. No name on record. 3872. DIRCK5 BANTA married at Hackensack, May 12, 1776, Elizabeth Benson, daughter of John and Elizabeth Benson. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1782. They moved to Fonda's Bush, Montgomery County, N. Y., Sixth Generation; Seba* Dirck3 Seba? Epke. 79 about 1791, and he was Elder at the organization of the church there in 1798. He subsequently removed to Marcellus, near Syracuse, N. Y., where he died, March 23, 1820. A Dirck Banta was a soldier of the Revolution, in a New Jersey Regiment from Bergen County, presumably this one. His widow deceased December 17, 1334. His decendants generally spell their name ‘‘Bonta,” to correspond with the original Dutch pronunciation. ISSUE. Baptized at Schraalenburgh. 1286 —SAMUEL,6 b. Nov. 14, 1778, m. Abigail Goodwin. 1287 —REBECCA,6 Jan. 14, 1781, died unm. Feb. 8, 1833. 1288 —MARGARET,6 May 20, 1783, died Nov. 14, 1783. Baptized at Tappan. 1289 — JOHN,6 Oct. 15, 1784, m. Lucy Macpherson. Baptized at Schraalenburgh. 1290 —SEBA,6 Oct. 26, 1787, m., Lucinda Smith. 1291 —MARGARET,6 Mch. 25, 1790, m. Nicholas R. Van Vranken. Baptized at Schenectady, N. Y. 1292 —DAVID,6 Dec. 27, 1793, m. Hannah Adela White. 1293 — PETER BOGERT,6 Oct. 13, 1795, died unm., Oct. 5, 1842. Sebat Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 373. JOHANNES? BANTA married, April 26, 1783, Rachel Peek, who was probably a daughter of David Peek and Sara Anderson, and born March 3, 1766; bap- tized at Schraalenburgh, March 23, 1766. They lived at Hackensack, and possibly in New York City about the year 18co. He died in May, 1804. His widow married again, July 15, 1805, John J. Westervelt, who had been appointed administrator of her first husband’s estate at Hackensack. John J. Westervelt lived on the corner of Hud- son and Perry Streets, New York, where he died in 1826. His widow continued to reside at 99 Perry Street, and died subsequent to 1840. ISSUE. 1294 —SEBA,6 b. July 19, 1785, m. Sally Westervelt. 1295 —DAVID,6 (probably —no name on register) June 24, 1788, m. Margaret Myers. 1296 — JAMES, 6 (no name on register), Aug. 30, 1790, m. Mary ——. Was a blacksmith in New York, 1817-25. He died Feb. 5, 1844, probably without issue. His will, pro- bated in Monmouth County, N. J., describes him as of Middletewn. He left his property, after death of his wife, to his sister and her children. 1297 —DIRCK,6 Dec. 23, 1792, m. Mary ——. Died at his mother’s house, gg Perry Street, N.Y., April 13, 1830. 1298 —MARGARET,6m. 1. Teunis Vreeland; 2. Horace Howell. Teunis Vreeland was a carman in New York, and in 1821 owned property in Sullivan Street. Her second husband was a shoemaker living at 105 Perry Street, where he died in 1832. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. JAMES B. VREELAND,7 m. Hannah Matilda He died July, 1859. - ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. ELLEN HOWELL.7 John Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 374. MARGRIETE’ BANTA married Peter P. Demarest. She probably married again, Cornelius Stagg, with whom she united with the Acquackenonck church, December 9, 1787, “with letters from Dr. Vanderlinde,” 8o Sixth Generation ; Fohn* Johannes? Seba? Epke. ISSUE. 1299 — PETER DEMAREST,6 bp. Nov. 25, 1764. 1800 — LENA DEMAREST,$ Aug. 3, 1766. 1301 —JANNETIE DEMAREST.6 Nov. 3, 1771. 379. JOHN> BANTA married Jane, daughter of Peter Van Zile, who was born September 5, 1760. Her father’s will is recorded at Trenton, N. J. He was a soldier during the Revolutionary War, in Captain Herring’s Company, Second New Jersey Regiment; also in State troops. Was then residing in Essex County. He removed to New York City about the year 1794, and was a carman there. Owned at time of his death, January 17, 1812, property on the corner of Spring and Orange Streets. His widow re- moved to Indiana in 1815, settling in Dearborn County, and in 1823 removed to Cin- cinnati, Ohio, where she died April 23, 1839. The descendents of this family spell their name Bonté. ISSUE. 1302 —HANNAH,6 b. Sept. 6, 1781, m. Benjamin Guion. 1303 —SARAH,6 — 1785, m. Ralph Bogert, Nov. 14, 1802. ISSUE. 2243 — JOHN BOGERT,7 b. June 20, 1803. 1304 — PETER ]J.,6 Sept. 22, 1787, m. Elizabeth Blauvelt. 1305— CATHARINE,$ July 22, 1789, m. David C. Perine. 18306 — JOHN, 6 Jan. 12, 1795, died in infancy. 1307 —JOHN,$ Nov. 13, 1796, m3 x io 381. GEORGES BANTA married at Acquackenonck, September 6, 1791, Eliz- abeth Van Idenstyne, who was born December 12, 1770. For many years he kept the hotel at Acquackenonck, where he died May 30, 1831. His wife united with the church at Acquackenonck in 1826 and died October 15, 1847. ISSUE. 1308 —LENAS6 (Eleanor), b. July 29, 1792, m. Samuel Van Saun, Feb. 14, 1813. He was born Jan. 14, 1794, and died Feb. 2, 1843. His widow died May 10, 1844. ISSUE. 2271 — CAROLINE VAN SAUN,7 b. Jan. 13, 1819. 2272 —IsAAc VAN SAUN,7 b. July 23, 1821, m. Sarah Saun,8 is a physician in Jersey City, N. J. 22783 — GEORGE VAN SAUN,7 b. March 21, 1824. 2274—EL1ZA ANN VAN SAUN,7b. Nov. 14, 1826. 2275— JANE MARIA VAN SAUN,7 b. July 27, 1829. 22'76— GEORGE VAN SAUN,7 b. Oct. 29, 1831. His son, John Van 1309 — JOHN, 6 April 22, 1795, died in infancy. 1310 —ANNAET]JE,6 April 8, 1799, m. Jacob Goetschius, June 29, 1817. -She died March 8, 1875. ISSUE. 2277 —JosEPH GOETSCHIUS.7 1311 —JOHN,6 June 17, 1803, m. Gitty Post. 1312 — GEORGE,$6 Jan. 13, 1806, died in infancy. 1313 —AARON,6 Oct. 10, 1811, m. Eliza Flearborn. 18314 — ELIZA, 6 April 20, 1815, m. John R. Berdan, who is a Justice of the Peace living at 27 Division Street, Paterson, N. J. Sixth Generation ; Fohnt Fohannes3 Seba? Epke.l 81 882. SARAH’ BANTA married at Acquackenonck, November 20, 1789, Robert Glass, who was born in New York. ISSUE. 1315— HENDRICK GLASS,6 b. April 10, 1791. 1316 — LENA GLASS,6 Mch. 19, 1793. 1317 — ELIZABETH GLASS,$ June 11, 1797. 1318 — JOHN GLASS,$6 July 1, 1800. 1319 — GEORGE GLASS,6 Jan. 13, 1806. 1320 —SUSANNAH GLASS, Sept. 5, 1809. 383. ANNIE5 BANTA married at Acquackenonck, October 23, 1791, Michael Van Idenstyne. She survived her husband for at least twenty years, and died December 17, 1852. She was a member of the church at Acquackenonck, N. J. ISSUE. 1321 — TEUNIS VAN IDENSTYNE,$ b. Jan. 19, 1793, m. Sally Vreeland, who was born April 15, 1793, and died Oct. 10, 1823. He died July 27, 1838. ISSUE. 1— JOHN VAN IDENSTYNE.7 2— AARON VAN IDENSTYNE.7 3—PETER VAN IDENSTYNE.7 4—HENRY VAN IDENSTYNE.? 5— RICHARD VAN IDENSTYNE.T 6— ANDREW VAN IDENSTYNE.T7 1322 — JOHN VAN IDENSTYNE,6 Oct. 14, 1794. 18323 — HELENA VAN IDENSTYNE,$6 June 20, 1800. 384. AARON’ BANTA married at Hackensack, June 10, 1804, Polly Debaun. He died Jan. 15, 1810. ISSUE. 1324 — LENA, 6 b. June 16, 1805, died in infancy. 1325 —LENA,6 Aug. 7, 1807. 3885. RICHARDS BANTA married at Paramus, Feb. 1, 1816, Sarah Goetschius, widow of Johannes Post. He died Feb. 18, 1834. His widow died Oct. 14, 1863, leaving a will, probated at Paterson, N. J., in which she is described as of Wayne (near Paterson). ISSUE. 1326 — ELLEN ELIZA,6 b. Nov. 5, 1816. 1327 —ANNA,6 Nov. 5. 1818, m. Uriah J. Van Ryper, of Praniuites N. J. ISSUE. 1— JACOB VAN RYPER,7b. Mch. 11, 1838. 2— SARAH ELIZABETH VAN RYPER.7 1. Rachel Van Ryper; 1328 —JOHN,6 Jan. 27, 1821, m. ! 2. Mary Ann Cadmus. Jacob? Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 386. JOHN’ BANTA married Rachel Sitcher. He was a carpenter in New York City, residing in 1795 and 1796 at 23 Warren Street, and in 1799 on the Greenwich road. His widow married, March 17, 1802, Garret Vreeland, and removed to Louisiana, 6 82 Sixth Generation, Facob* Fohannes?® Seba? Eplke.l ISSUE. 13281 —JOHN,6 m. Margrite Expiase Leonard. 13282—ELIZA,6 b. Dec. 24, 1797. 13283 —JACOB,6 b. Sept. 25, 1799. Arie* Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 394. AARONS5 BANTA married in New York City, Eliza Wiseman, daughter of Peter Wiseman. He was a shoemaker in New York, living in 1818 at 95 Reade Street. He died in that city Nov. 25, 1831. His widow died June 9, 1853. ISSUE. 1331 — JAMES A.6 b. , 1818, m. Mary C. Gilbert. 1332 —ELIZABETH,6 b. Jan. 13, 1822, m. William W. Champion. He was born in Pike, Pa., April 20, 1822. He was formerly a merchant in Chicago, Ill., and was burnt out in the great fire in that city. They now live at Springfield Store, Queens Co., New York. 1333 — CHARLES,6 b. Dec. 21, 1823, m. Elizabeth ———. He died in New York, July 27, 1864. Jant Hendrick3 Seba? Epke.! 403. HENDRICKS BANTA was a farmer residing at Pascack, N. J., owning at the time of his death about five hundred acres of land. He married Margrieta Demarest, who was born July 8, 1748, and died March 24, 1802. He died Feb. 13, 1803, and was buried at Schraalenburgh, N. J. ISSUE. 13834—JOHN,6 b. March 2, 1777, m. Elizabeth Blauvelt, who was born Aug. 2, 1783, and died March 13, 1849. He was a farmer in Bergen County, N. J. He died March 22, 1868. ISSUE. 2293 — JAMES PERRY,7 b. Jan. 25, 1805, died June 5, 1829. 2294 — MARGARET,” b. May 25, 1810, died Nov. 10, 1831. 1335 —JACOMYNTIE6 (Jemima), b. July 15, 1778, married at Paramus, Oct. 11, 1799, Aurie Blauvelt. In 1814 they belonged to the church at Pascack, and in 1836 were mem- bers at Hackensack. She died April 15, 1838. ISSUE. 2295 — HENDRICK BLAUVELT,? b. June 22, 1803. 2296 — MATILDA BLAUVELT.7 1836 — GERRIT,$8 b. Oct. 2, 1779, m. Elisabeth Zabriskie. 1337 —JACOB,6 b. July 6, 1781, m. Margaret Eckerson. 1338 —HENRY,6 b. Sept. 3, 1784, m. Jane Sickles. 1889 —MARGARET,8 b. Oct. 20, 1786, m. John J. Eckerson, July 26, 1806. She died Aug. 9, 1808. No issue. 1340 —TEUNIS,6 b. March 25, 1789, m. Rachel Benson. 18341 —AGNES,$ b. Jan. 2, 1791, m. Garret H. Van Ryper, June 27, 1810, at Paramus. He was born March 28, 1787, and died Jan. 25, 1864. She died Feb. 16, 1859. ISSUE. 2304 — MARIA VAN RYPER,7 b. Nov. 16, 1811. 2805 — MARGARET VAN RYPER,7 July 23, 1813. 2306 — HERMAN VAN RYPER,7 Dec. 2, 1815. 2307 —HENRY BANTA VAN RYPER,7 April 23, 1820. 2308 — ANN VAN RYPER,7 April 7, 1827. 2309 — JEMIMA VAN RYPER,7 Aug. 15, 1820. 2310 — HANNAH PERRY VAN RYPER,7 July 9, 1833. Sixth Generation; Fan* Hendrick? Seba? Epke. 83 404. JANS BANTA married, Dec. 5, 1784, Elisabeth Cooper, daughter of Aert Cooper and Tryntje Lesier. She was born June 11, 1759, received into the church at Schraalenburgh, Dec. 8, 1819, and died Dec. 19, 1833. He died Sept. 11, 1807. ISSUE. . Lavina West It ; 1342 —JOHN,$§ b. Oct. 19, 1797, m. : > Conn Blauvelt Eckerson. 406. JACOBS BANTA married (license dated April 17, 1789,) Hester Hopper, who was born June 21, 1771, and died March 3, 1843. He was a member of the church at Paramus in 1799, became an Elder in 1809, and in 1814 joined the church at Pas- cack. He died Aug. 28, 1831, and was buried at Paramus. ISSUE. 1843 —MARGARET,6 b. Oct. 21, 1792, died in infancy. 1344— MARGARET,6 b. Jan. 1, 1796, m. John N. Hopper. No issue. Arie Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 409. HENDRICKS BANTA married at Schenectady, June 7, 1787, Engeltie Schermerhorn, daughter of Jacob Schermerhorn. He was a farmer at Clifton Park, Saratoga County, N. Y. He was First Lieutenant in the Twelfth Regiment New York State Troops during the Revolutionary War. He was captured June 11, 1781, and taken to Canada, where he was kept a prisoner until November 18, 1782. He received a Captain’s commission, dated October 4, 1786. He died September 14, 1824. ISSUE. 1349 —ELIZABETH,6 b. Sept. 10, 1789, m. Hugh Mitchell. 1350 — JACOB,6 b. Jan. 21, 1791, m. Abigail Van Epps, Jan. 15, 1824. 1351 — ARIE 6 b. Aug. 15, 1793. 1852 — CHRISTIAN, b. Sept. 9, 1795, m. ! 3 ST ISSUE. 2328 —HENRY.7 2329 —MARIA,7 m. 2330 — JOHN. 1353 —JOHN,6 b. June 30, 1798. 1354— MARIA,6 b. Oct. 3, 1800, m. Francis Van Buren. Forrest. ISSUE. 28331 —JoHN VAN BUREN. 1355— HANNAH,6 b. Nov. 13, 1803, m. Isaac Marcellus, Jan. 28, 1827. They lived at Burnt Hills, Saratoga County, N. Y. He died Jan. 13, 1863. She died April 24, 1877. ISSUE. 2332 — NANNING MARCELLUS,7 b. Feb. 15, 1829. 2333 — HENRY MARCELLUS,7 b. Jan. 6, 1832. 2334 — MARIA E. MARCELLUS,7 b. Sept. 11, 1834. 2335 — HARRIET A. MARCELLUS, 7 b. Feb. 23, 1843. 18356 — HENRY, 6 b. April 5, 1806, m. Ann Eliza Van Buren. 1357 —PETER,6 b. Feb. 25, 1809, m. Hannah Johnson. 411. JOHNS (Johannes) BANTA married at Schenectady, February 23, 1790, Engeltie Vedder, daughter of Albert Vedder. She was born August 20, 1770, and 84 Sixth Generation; Arie* Hendrick? Seba? Epkel died April 3, 1833. He was Sergeant of the Twelfth Regiment of New York Troops during the Revolution. Was a farmer and lived at Perth, Fulton County, N. Y., where he died January 7, 1846. ISSUE. 1358 —ARIE,6 b. Oct. 28, 1791, m. Minnie Demarest. 1359 —ESTHER,6 b. Aug. 16, 1795, m. John Fisher. 1360 —ELIZABETH,6 b. April 1, 1798, m. Ruloff Van Vranken, Jan. 8, 1829. He was born April 1, 1801, and died May 13, 1886. She died March 5, 1866. ISSUE. 2348 — SARAH ELLENOR VAN VRANKEN,7 b. April 20, 1830. 2349 — JouHN BANTA VAN VRANKEN,7 b. Sept. 25, 1834, died March 11, 1875. 1. Jane Vedder; 1361 — ALBERT,$ b. July 10, 1800, m. $ Dene Vedder aN : 1. Esther Hagaman; 1362 —JOHN,6 b. Oct. 2, 1802, m. : 2. Nancy Swart. 1363 —FRANCIS,6 b. June 1, 1805, m. Jane Ann Bartlett. 1364— NELLIE,6 b. Mch. 4, 1808, m. Sylvanus J. Sales, May 20, 1831. She died Jan. 8, 1847. ISSUE. 2363 — ALBERT SALES.7 2364 — ANNA SALES.7 28365 — MARY SALES.7 1365 —JACOB,6 b. Feb. g, 1811, m. Lydia Van Brunt. 1366 — MARIA,6 b. Feb. 9, 1811, m. Harman Veeder. They lived at Broadalbin, N. Y. She died May 30, 1880. J ISSUE. 28366 — PETER S. VEEDER,7 b. Feb. 18, 1839. 2367 — ELLEN MAY VEEDER,7 b. May 27, 1844. 1367 —ANGELICA,6 b. July 1, 1815, m. Daniel Lefferts, who was born July 1, 1807, and lived in Amsterdam, N. Y. His wife died Aug. 7, 1876. ISSUE. 2368 — HATTIE ANNA LEFFERTS,7 b. Nov. 16, 1854. 412. HILDEBRANT5 BANTA married Deborah Van Epps, daughter of Abraham Van Epps. He died September 4, 1832. He was in the Revolutionary Army, in the Balston Regiment. His widow was living at Perth, Fulton County, N. Y., October, 1848, and applied for a pension. The application on file in the Pension Bureau shows that during the Revolutionary War ‘He was living at Clifton Park, where he enlisted to serve seven months under Captain Fonda in the New York Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Marinus Willett, which drove the British and Tories out of the Mohawk Valley and practically terminated the harassing hostilities, in October, 1781, about the date of the capture of Lord Cornwallis in Virginia.” ISSUE. (x Nancy Van Wormer; 1368 —ARIE,8 b. Feb. 1, 1797, m. < 2. Dorcas Worth; ( 3. Ruth Ann Taylor. 1369 —ELISABETH,6 m. John Van Vranken. 1370 —ABRAHAM,6 b. April 28, 1800, m. Gertrude Ox. 1871 — CHRISTIAN.6 1372 —DEBORAH,6 b. July 29, 1801, unm., died Feb. 1, 1869. 13783 — JOHN B.,6 b. June 4, 1806, m. Jane La Due. 1374 —HELEN,6 b. Jan. 5, 1809, not married. 1375 —MARIA,6 b. June 28, 1811, m. Walter Harrower, Jan. 1, 1835. He was born Feb. 17, 1811. They lived in Illinois, She died May 25, 1886, and he died Feb. 6, 1887. Sixth Generation ; Arie Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l 8s ISSUE. 2404 — PETER HARROWER,7 b. Nov. 30, 1835, died Nov. 16, 1864. 2405 —JoHN B. HARROWER,7 April 11, 1837. 2406 — MARY ELIZABETH HARROWER,7 Nov. 23, 1838, died April 13, 1839. 2407 —IsAAC HARROWER,7 April 5, 1840, died Aug. 7, 1864, at Hampton Hospital, Va. 2408 — WILLIAM J. HARROWER,7 Jan. 8, 1842, died Aug. 1, 1864, at Hampton Hospital, Va. 2409 — WALTER HARROWER,7 Jan. 6, 1844. 2410 —OscAR CLARK HARROWER,7 April 20, 1846, died Sept. 29, 1849. 2411 —ELLENOR HARROWER,7 Oct. 12, 1847, died July 5, 1850. 2412 — OscArR CLARK HARROWER,7 Dec. 22, 1850. 1376 — JACOB B.,6 b. Sept. 14, 1814, m. Hannah M. Leavitt. 13877 —ISAAC,6 b. 1816, m. Mary G. Hooper. 413. JACOB? BANTA married Hannah Harris. He removed from Saratoga County and settled at Sharon Springs, New York, where he died December 12, 1829. ISSUE. 1378 —JACOB,6 b. April 5, 1799, m. Maria Meringo. 1379 —ELISABETH,6 b. May 29, 1801, m. Eliab Cross. 414. ARIES BANTA married Catharine Van Epps, daughter of Abraham Van Epps, who was born June 19, 1774. He went to the Black River country, near Water- town, and all trace of his family has been lost. In the application for a pension made by the widow of his brother, Hildebrant, it is stated that Arie was living in 1839 in Am- sterdam, Montgomery County, N. Y. ISSUE. 1380 — CHRISTINA,6 b. Dec. 28, 1796. 1381 —ABRAHAM.6 1382 —ELISABETH.6 1385 —ARIE.6 415. PETER? BANTA married, July 14, 1799, Jemima Harris, who was born August 10, 1776, and died November 22, 1810. He married again in 1814, Hannah Kenyon Parker. He was a farmer living at Burnt Hills, Saratoga County, N. Y., where he died December 29, 1852. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1386 — CHRISTIAN,é b. Nov. 1, 1799, m. Hannah Hulin about 1820. He was a sailor for many years, and died about the year 1860, near Lockport, N. Y., leaving two daughters. 1387 —ISAAC,5 b. Feb. g, 1802, m. Amy Weeks. 1388 —ELIZABETH,$ b. April 10, 1804, m. John Coon. She died Nov. 4, 1828. 1389 — JEMIMA, 6 b. May 4, 1806, m. Samuel B. Hubbs. 1399 —HANNAH,6 b. June 25, 1808, died April 17, 1832. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1391 — ANNA JANE,6 b. April 22, 1815, m. Silas Briggs, Oct. 28, 1835. 1892 —ARIE,6 b. Jan. 12, 1818. He is alawyer at Fox Lake, Wis.” 13983 — PETER HENRY,6 b. July 4, 1820, m. Mary (Sarah?) Hollister. 1394 — MARY ANN,6b. Dec. 29, 1823, m. Isaac Van Hyning. They live at South Balston, N.Y. 1395 — HARRIET N.,6 b. Feb. 11, 1826, m. Harry Smith. They live at Burnt Hills, N. Y. 1396 — CAROLINE K.,6 b. June 6, 1829, m. Manley Van Vranken. She died about 1863. 86 Sixth Generation; Gerret* Hendrick Seba? Epke.t Gerrett* Hendrick3 Seba? Epke.! 417. CORNELIUS? BANTA married Jannetje Vreeland, who was born Dec. 16, 1768, and died June 11, 1864. He was a farmer living at English Neighborhood, Ber- gen County, N. J. He died Aug. 30, 1821, and was buried at English Neighborhood. The will of his widow, dated in 1855, was probated at Hackensack in 1864. ISSUE. 1399 — GERRIT,8 b. Dec. 1, 1792, m. Hester Westervelt. 1400 — CORNELIUS,6 b. May 22, 1795, m. Bridget Haring. 1401 —CATHARINA,8 b. Feb. 23, 1799, died Sept. 14, 1806. 1402 —ELLENORS (Neeltie), b. Feb. 27, 1803, m. John L. Van Buskirk. 1403 — JOHN VREELAND,6 b. June 2, 1805, m. Naomi Vreelard. 1404 — MICHAEL VREELAND,6 b. Sept. 27, 1809, m. Sarah Ann Bockus, May 31, 1832. He was a coal dealer in New York and Jersey City. He died Nov. 5, 1889, without issue. Hendrick * Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 419. HENDRICK5 BANTA married Martha Engle, born May 19, 1786. He kept the hotel at New Durham, N. J. He died prior to 1815. His widow married Michael Fisher. ISSUE. 1405 —HENRY,6 b. Sept. 23, 1805, probably died in childhood. 1406 —JOHN,6 b. Sept. 23, 1805, probably died in infancy. 1407 —MARGARET,6 b. Jan. 15, 1809, m. Dr. Rudolphus Rouse. She died March 17, 1886. ISSUE. 2445 — MARGARET ROUSE.7 2446 — AMELIA ROUSE.7 2447 —MARTHA RoUSE,7 died Oct., 1861. 2448 — CATHARINE ROUSE, died in infancy. 2449 — NANCY ROUSE, died in infancy. 2450 — HENRY BANTA ROUSE.7 92451 — MARY RoOUSE.7T She lives in Washington, D. C. 2452 — JANE ROUSE.7 2453 — RUDOLPHUS ROUSE.7 2454 — JoHN FERANDA ROUSE.T CHAPTER XII. SIXTH GENERATION. Hendrick Jacob? Hendrick? Epke.! 468. JANNETJE5 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Oct. 15, 1768, Jacob Westervelt, a widower, son of John Westervelt. He died before 1795. She made a will dated Dec. 13, 1810. . ISSUE. 1422 —FYTJE (Sophia) WESTERVELT,6b. Jan. 24, 1770, m. Albert J. Bogert, Aug. 9, 1787. ISSUE. 2467 —SARAH BOGERT,7 bp. May 4, 1788. . 2468 — JACOB BOGERT,” March 24, 1790. 2469 — ALBERT BOGERT,7 March 12, 1791. 2470 — JANNETJE BOGERT,7 Dec. 22, 1794. 2471 —GILLIAM BOGERT,7 March 3, 1797, m. Maria Demarest, March 22, 1817. Sixth Generation ; Henry* Jacob’ Hendrick? Epke.! 87 ISSUE. 3880 — Sally Ann Bogert,8 b. April 18, 1820. 3881 — Sophia Bogert,8 b. Aug. 28, 1822. 3882 — Daniel Bogert,8 b. Oct. 13, 1825. 3883 — John Bogert,8 b. April 9, 1828. 3884 — Hannah Bogert,8 b. Dec. 1, 1830. 8885 — Maria Bogert,8 b. March 25, 1833. 3886 — Andrew Bogert,8 b. May 29, 1835. 3887 — Belinda Bogert,8 b. Nov. 24, 1837. 3888 — Jacob Bogert,8 b. Feb. 21, 1840. 3889 — Elsie Bogert,8 b. May 10, 1842. 2472 —HENDRIK BOGERT,7 May 15, 1801, m. 2178 Margaret 7 Banta. 2473 —BEELITJE MARIA BOoGERT,7 Feb. 1, 1807. 2474 —JoHN WESTERVELT BOGERT,7 Sept. 20, 1812. 1423 —HENDRICK WESTERVELT,6 b. Dec. 20, 1771, probably died before 1808. 1424 — ARIE J. WESTERVELT,6 b. Jan. 4, 1774, m. Vroutie ——. 1425 —ELISABETH WESTERVELT,6 b. Dec. 20, 1775, died before 1808. 1426 —DIRCKIE WESTERVELT,6 b. June 16, 1777, probaby died before 1808. 1427 —BELITJE WESTERVELT,6 m. Stephen Bogert. ISSUE. 2475 — GiLLIAM BOGERT,7 March 26, 1801. 2476 — JACOB BOGERT,7 May 12, 1803. \ 470. MARIA BANTA married Gideon Verveelen, son of Bernardus Verveelen, May 5, 1768. He was born August I, 1739. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1800. ISSUE. 1428 — ELIZABETH VERVEELEN,6 b. Feb. 21, 1769. 1429 — DANIEL VERVEELEN,6 b. Jan. 3, 1772. 1430 — JACOB VERVEELEN,6 b. Dec. 27, 1774. 1431 JOHN VERVEELEN,6 b. Jan. s, 1778. 1432 —CATLYNTIE VERVEELEN,6 b. July 14, 1789. 1433 —MARIA VERVEELEN,6 b. Jan. 18, 1793. 472. DIRCK5 (Richard) BANTA, married at Schraalenburgh, May 7, 17971, Maria Demarest. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh, March 24, 1797, and at Greenwich, New York City, in 1812, returning to Schraalenburgh in 1818. ISSUE. 1434 —HENDRICK,6 b. April 10, 1792. 1435 — CATHARINA,6 b. Oct. 23, 1794. 1436 — BENJAMIN, 6 b. Dec. 21, 1798. ; 1437 —ELIZABETH,6 b. Oct. 28, 1800, prob. m. David Van Voorheesen at Acquackenonck, in 1824. 1438 —ANT]JE,6 b. Nov. 25, 1804. Hendrick¢ Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 481. HENDRICK? BANTA married, April 29, 1761, Maria Stryker, who was born June 11, 1738. He died in 1777 in Pennsylvania, just before the birth of his youngest son. When the babe was about six months old, the widow was killed by the falling of a tree. The children were cared for by their grandfather, who took them to Kentucky. 88 Sixth Generation ; Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 1439 —HENDRICK,$ b. Jan. 23, 1762, m. Sally Shuck. 1440 —PETER,6 b. June 10, 1763, m. 1456 Rachel 6 Banta. 1441 —RACHEL,$ b. Sept. 21, 1764, m. — Hull, who died, and the widow lived with her brother Henry until her death. 1442 —ABRAHAM,6 b. March 2, 1766, living in Kentucky in 1783. 1443 —ANNA,6 b. July 29, 1767, m. Albert Voris. 1444 — SARAH, 6 b. March 10, 1769. 1445—JOHN,6 b. Feb. 9, 1771, died March 17, 1771. 1446 —MARIA,6 b. Feb. 6, 1772, m. William Shuck. 1447 —1.EA,$ b. Sept. 12, 1774, m. Isaac Van Nice (or Van Nuys). 1448 —ALBERT,6 b. Sept. 3, 1777, m. Ruth Alexandria. 483. LEA5 BANTA married at North Branch, Somerset County, N. J., Jacobus Monfort. They removed with the other colonists to Conewago, Penn., and subse- quently to Kentucky. The first three children named below were baptized at North Branch and the others at Conewago. ISSUE. 1449 —RACHEL MONFORT,6 bp. Dec. 30, 1764. 1450 — MARGARET MONFORT,6 bp. Dec. 28, 1766. 1451 — PETRUS MONFORT,6 bp. June 4, 1769. 1452 —HENDRICKSE MONFORT,6 bp. May 31, 1771. 1453 — LEA MONFORT,6 bp. Oct. 2, 1774. 1454 —HENDRICK MONFORT,6 bp. May 18, 1777. 1455 —AELTIE MONFORT,6 bp. Aug. 27, 1780. 484. ABRAHAMS BANTA married Margrieta Monfort. He was a soldier of the Revolution. Was in Captain Hugh Campbell’s Company of the 2d Battalion of York County, Pa., commanded by Col. Robert McPherson when lying at Perth Amboy, N. J., Sept. 17, 1776. He was a Deacon of the Dutch Church at Conewago, and went to Kentucky with the other colonists. The first five children named below were bap- tized at Conewago, the others were probably born in Kentucky. ISSUE. 1456 —RACHEL,6 bp. Oct. 23, 1769, m. 1440 Peter 6 Banta. 1457 —HENDRICK,6 bp. May 31, 1771, m. Wilmuth Coombs. 1458 —JOHANNA,6 bp. July 4, 1773, m. —— De Mott. He lived in Preble Co., Ohio. They had a son, Isaac. 1459 —MARGRIETA,6 bp. Sept. 10, 1775, died in infancy. 1460 —MARGRIETA,6 bp. Aug. 31, 1777. 1461 —PETER,6 b. Oct. 24, 1782, m. Mary Voorhees. 1462 — CHRISTINA,6 m. 2496 '¢ Andrew Shuck.? 485. ALBERTS BANTA married Styntie Monfort, who was baptized December 8, 1751. The first five children named below were baptized at Conewago, Penn.; the others were probably born in Kentucky. A LETTER FROM JOHN COZINE TO REV. G. G. BRINKERHOFF, Dated Mercer County, Ky., August 30, 1805, has been preserved, in which is the following reference to Mr. Albert Banta: Mr. Demaree goes on to tell his friends what happened twenty years ago. At that time a Mr. Banta was predominant ruler here. * * * * * And after that, if I am rightly informed as to time, Mr. Swope came among them. * * * * # At this time Mr. Albert Banta rose, and did much as you have been informed; but Sixth Generation ; Henry* Hendricks Hendrick? Epke.! 89 please to understand that when Mr. Banta came forward with his heavenly call, Mr. Demaree said he also had a call. It was agreed on by the Society that they both might exhort, and go on as probationers and improve their talents, and he who was the most approved of by the Society should go on to the Synod for approbation and license. Nevertheless, although Mr. Banta was most approved of, our Society still thought it would not do, and expressed themselves to that import. Thus said, Mr. B. left them and joined the Baptists. : In the letter on page 53, will be found another reference to this Mr. Albert Banta. Some time later he removed from Kentucky to Preble County, O., where he died. ISSUE. 1463 —HENDRICK,6 bp. at Conewago, Oct. 23, 1769, m. Eliza Piatt, Sept. 16, 1834. She was the daughter of Louis Piatt, who was born in Virginia, and married first her own cousin, Aaron Piatt, who died just before the birth of his first-born son, William. He died August, 1859, and his widow died Feb. 17, 1864. ISSUE. 2573 —HENRY,7 b. 1835, died 1849. 2574—BELLE B.7, b. Oct. 12, 1847. She is a school teacher in Cincinnati, Ohio. 1464— PETER,6 bp. May 31, 1771, m. Effie Hole. 1465 —ALBERT,6 bp. Nov. 27, 1772, m. Mary Ackerman. 1466 — JAN,6 bp. April 2, 1775, probably died in infancy. 1467 —ABRAHAM,6 b. June 27, 1778, m. Catharine Nutts. 1468 —RACHEL,6 m. Peter Van Ausdall. 1469 —HANNAH,6 m. David Ausburn. 1470 —ISAAC,6 m. Mary Van Ausdall, sister of 1465 Peter. He lived in Columbus, Ohio. ISSUE. 2572 — CorNELIUS V.,7 died at age of 25 years.. 1472 — CHRISTINA, 6 m. Elijah Allen. Had a son, Captain David Allen, who was Sherift of Johnson County, Ind., and died in the Mexican War. 486. GEERTRUID? BANTA married Francis Monfort. All the children named below were baptized at Conewago, Penn. It is probable he removed later to Kentucky, as his name appears among the ‘Intend Frinds,” in list on page 56. ISSUE. 1473 — RACHEL MONFORT,$ bp. Oct. 23, 1769. 1474 — HENRY MONFORT,6 bp. May 31, 1771. 1475 —KINIEN MONFORT,6 bp. May 31, 1771. 1476 —GEERTIE MONFORT,$ bp. Dec. 12, 1773. 1477 — MARYA MONFORT,6 bp. Mch. 3, 1776. 1478 — JAN MONFORT,6 bp. Nov. 8, 1778. 1479 —HENDRICK MONFORT,$ bp. Feb. 11, 1781. 1480 —FRANS MONFORT,6 bp. May 1, 1784. 487. RACHEL5 BANTA married first at Schraalenburgh, June 22, 1777, Theodore Williamson. He died shortly after the birth of his daughter, and his widow married Simon Van Arsdale, who was born November 11, 1750. They removed to Kentucky, where he died June 21, 1820. She died December, 1831. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 1481 — MARIA WILLIAMSON,6 bp. at Conewago, Jan. 14, 1776, m. George List. 90 Sixth Generation ; Henvy* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 1— JOHN LisT.7 2— THEODORE LIST.7 3—ANNA List,” m. Samuel Van Nuys. 4— CATHERINE Li1ST.7 : 3 ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 1482 —- THEODORE VAN ARSDALE,$ died in 1823. ISSUE. RACHEL VAN ARSDALE,7 m. 3929 Abraham 8 Banta. 1483 — JACOB VAN ARSDALE,6 m. Susan Smith. ISSUE. 1— DELILAH VAN ARSDALE,7 b. Sept. 6, 1809. 2— ABRAHAM VAN ARSDALE,7 Mch. 23, 1811. 3— THOMAS J. VAN ARSDALE,7 Sept. 10, 1813. 4— JAMES M. VAN ARSDALE,7 Sept. 10, 1813. 5—SIMON VAN ARSDALE,7 Dec. 17, 1815. 6— ELIZABETH VAN ARSDALE,7 Mch. 6, 1818, m. 249632 James Van Nuys.8 7— JOHN VAN ARSDALE,7 Aug. 10, 1820. 8 — RACHEL VAN ARSDALE,7 Jan. 1, 1822. 9— THEODORE VAN ARSDALE,7 Mch. 18, 1823. 10— HANNAH VAN ARSDALE,7 May 28, 1825. 1484 ELEANOR VAN ARSDALE,$ b. May 4, 1786, m. 1521 Henry D.6 Banta. 1485 —ANNA VAN ARSDALE,6 m. Christopher Bergen (Presb. Elder). 1486 — RACHEL VAN ARSDALE,6 m. Harris. 1487 — LUCRETIA VAN ARSDALE,6 m. John Burns. 1488 — JANE VAN ARSDALE,6 m. Cornelius Cozine. 488. SAMUELS BANTA married Dyna Dorland, who was born April 7, 1753, and died May 25, 1812, in the Shaker Community. Three of the first four children named below were baptized at Conewago, Penn. He did not remove with his father and others to Kentucky. In the memorial already referred to he appears among the ‘Intend Frinds.” On the records of York County, Penn., under date of May 8, 1790, appears a sale of three slaves by Garret Dorland to Samuel Banta. At what date he went to Kentucky does not appear. In March, 1807, he joined the Shakers at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, and signed the Covenant at the first organization of the church among them. He left them April 24, 1827, at which time he was 74 years of age. A suit was brought by him to recover a farm which he had given to the society, which was decided against him in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, in the Spring Term, May 5, 1834. The facts stated in the opinion of the Court are of sufficient interest to be given in full : > Spring Term, 1834. COURT OF APPEALS, Chancery. May 5. of Kentucky. GOSS AND BONTA against WILHITE AND OTHERS, A SOCIETY OF SHAKERS. Appeal by plaintiffs from the Circuit Court of Lincoln Co. Proceeding in Chancery in behalf of Goss and Bonta, two seceding members of the religious society called Shakers, resident at Pleasant Hill, in Mercer Co., for the purpose of obtaining a division of the property belonging to the society, and of having their shares allotted to them, either upon the principle of equality, as two of the cove- nant members, or according to the amount of property each carried with him into the society. The following is the substance of the ¢‘ Covenant,” or Articles of Association: Sixth Generation ; Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.} 91 Preamble: The preamble recites that ‘‘all who come into membership do freely and voluntarily dedicate and devote themselves and all they possess to the service of God forever; and it being their faith that the union and relation of the church in one joint interest, is a situation the most acceptable to God, and productive of the greatest good of any state or situation attainable on earth,” they therefore covenanted and agreed by these Articles: : I. To gather themselves together and be constituted and formed in the order of a church. II. Creates an office of ‘“trustee” or ‘‘agentship,” and appoints three of the brethren thereto. = III. New members allowed to come in and devote to the joint interest of the church all such property as they justly hold. “The joint interest of the church thus formed by the free will offerings of the members, respectively, shall be possessed and held by the whole body jointly, as their natural and religious right.” Every member of the church to enjoy equal privileges in the use of the church property, ¢ according to their order, and as every one has need, without any difference being made on account of what any one has brought in.” It is the duty of all the members to support and maintain the joint interest of the church, according to their several abilities as members, for the good of the whole. IV. Provides that the trustees shall take and hold the property in perpetual suc- cession. In case of vacancy in the trusteeship, successor to be appointed. V. “As the whole end and design of our thus uniting in church relation is to receive and diffuse the manifold gifts of God, to the mutual happiness of each other, as brethren and sisters in the Gospel, and for the relief of the poor, the widow and the fatherless,” the members covenant and agree to give up all their property to the church, for charitable uses, etc., and relinquish all claim upon the society, or its members, for property contributed or services rendered. Held, That the third Article precluded a division of the effects according to what the members brought in. It was equally clear to the court that upon the whole covenant the ZnZent was that the whole property and labor of each shall be devoted to the ‘‘church,” as a quasi- corporation, for charitable purposes, the support of members, etc., forever. The ques- tion was whether such a covenant was valid in law. As to this it was Held, That the use was not void as a superstition ; that the trust being a ‘‘char- itable trust,” it was not void for indefiniteness; that it was not void as violating the rule against perpetuities, as this rule does not apply to charitable trusts and uses. (Opinion of the court given by Judge Nicholas — Judge Underwood dissenting.) In the application for a pension on file in the Bureau of Pensions appears the following: Samuel Banta, 1776. In May, 1833, he was residing in Mercer County, aged 80 years, where he had lived for more than forty years. He entered the service in December, 1776, at York County, Pennsylvania, under Captain Van Arsdale, marched to Philadelphia; from there, in ten or twelve days, he was ordered to Trenton, N. J., and when about eight miles from Philadelphia they met some Hessian prisoners who had been taken at the battle of Trenton (December 26, 1776). He joined the army of General Putnam, whose head-quarters were at Princeton, N. J., at which place and at Kingston he was stationed as guard on the lines, and was out in scouting parties to protect the inhabitants from the incursions of the British occupying New Brunswick. ISSUE. 1489 —ANTIE,$ bp. Dec. 13, 1772, m. Jacob Bruner. ISSUE. CALVIN BRUNER,7 died among the Shakers. 1490 —STYNTIE,6 bp. July 7, 1776, m. Lawrence Verbryck. He was killed by lightning. His widow joined the Shakers and died among them. 92 : Sixth Generation; Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.l ISSUE. 1— WILLIAM VERBRYCK,7 died among the Shakers. 2—SAMUEL VERBRYCK,7 married and went to Indiana. 3—DoTIE VERBRYCK,7 died among the Shakers. 1491 —HENRY,6 b. ———, m. 519 Gerretie 6 Banta. 1492 —MARY,6 bp. Feb. 25, 1781, m. Charles Riker. i 1493 — LAMBERT DERLING,6 b. June 8, 1783, m. Margaret Everly. 1494 —RACHEL,6 b. Nov. 5, 1789. United with the Shakers at Pleasant Hill, Ky., in Dec., 1807. Was a member of the first church Covenant. Acted as family Deaconess for some time. Died August 11, 1824. 1495— PEGGY R.,6 b. Sept. 27, 1793. The Shaker record reads: ‘‘ Believed in the Fall of 1805. Removed to Pleasant Hill in December, 1807. Signed the Covenant at the first organization of the church. Was an assistant Deaconess awhile in the Centre Family. Died Nov. 22, 1834." 1496 —DINAH,6 b. Jan. 19, 1795. Removed with her parents to Pleasant Hill in March, 1807. Signed the Covenant when the church was first organized in June, 1814. Died Nov. 11, 1828. 489. PIETERS BANTA was born in Somerset County, N. J., and married Eliza- beth Cosyn, who was born March 28, 1757, and died Sept. 28, 1831. He went with his parents to Conewago, Penn., and remained there a few years after his father and family had removed to Kentucky. About 1784, however, he also followed and bought a farm three miles south of the old Harrod Fort, now the site of the city of Harrods- burgh, which has remained in the possession of some of his descendants until the pres- ent time. The log house built by him, and occupied by four successive generations, was only recently removed to give place to a modern dwelling. Near it stand three very large locust trees which are supposed to have been planted by the sturdy pioneer over one hundred years ago. He died May 11, 1832. The first four children named below were baptized at Conewago. On the baptismal register there, the father’s name appears as ‘‘ Peterius.” : ISSUE. 1497 —HENRY,6 b. March 21, 1775, m. Polly Salter. They lived in Mercer County, Ky. ISSUE. 25931 — ELIZABETH ANN,7 b. Dec. 4, 1809, m. Samuel Daviess, June 17, 1830. He died May 12, 1844. His widow still lives (1892) at Harrodsburgh, Ky. ISSUE. 1— Maria Daviess,8 b. July 28, 1831, died June 2, 1856. 2— Ann Daviess,8 b. March 18, 1833, died Oct. 24, 1840. 3— Elizabeth Daviess,8 b. May 12, 1835, died Oct. 14, 1840. 4— Joseph Hamilton Daviess,8 b. Oct. 28, 1843, died Feb. 1, 1844. 1498 — ANNA,6 b. Oct. 15, 1777, m. Jacob Smock. 1499 — PETER C.,6 b. Nov. 1, 1779, m. 1564 Rachel6 Banta. 1500 — CORNELIUS,6 b. Feb. g, 1782, m. Betsey Thomas. In February, 1806, he united with the Shakers at Pleasant Hill, Ky. Signed the Covenant when the church was first organized among them, June 2, 1814, and died Sept. 11, 1816. His wife was born in Pittsylvania County, Va., Jan. 8, 1784. With her husband she united with the Shakers in 1806, and was the first female signer of the Covenant on the organ- ization of the church. ‘She was a leading member, and in the Eldership mostly from the time of her setting out till her decease, April 20, 1817, at which time she stood first in the Sisterhood at the Centre Family." Sixth Generation; Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 93 ISSUE. 2613 — GERETA,7m. Tyler Baldwin. Was brought up among the Shakers, but left them. ~ 2614 — CASSANDRA,7 b. Dec. 8, 1804. Was brought up in the church (Shakers) and died among them, Dec. 5, 1840. 1501 —MARY,6 b. April 4, 1784, died in infancy. 1502 —POLLY,6 b. Aug. 6, 1786, m. David Cassatt. 1508 —JACOB,6 b. Oct. 4, 1788, died in infancy. 1504— GARRETT,$6 b. Nov. 4, 1789, m. 1565 Magdalena6 Banta. 490. JOHNS BANTA married Polly Riker, daughter of Abraham Riker, who was born in New Jersey, January 29, 1760, and died March 7, 1838. During the Revo- lutionary War he was a drummer in Captain Hugh Campbell’s Company of the Second Battalion of York County, Pennsylvania, commanded by Col. Robert McPherson, and did duty at Perth Amboy, N. J., in 1776. He removed with his father to Ken- tucky, and was one of those who purchased the ‘Low Dutch Tract” already referred to. He was one of the first to unite with the Shakers in Kentucky, who held their first meeting at his house. A brief statement of the origin of Shakerism in Kentucky may be of interest: In the year 1800 began that extraordinary movement known as the ‘Kentucky Revival,” during the progress of which religious meetings were held attended by as many as twenty thousand persons at one time, the meetings being continued day and night for several days. The most singular manifestations characterized these meetings. Boys and girls of twelve years of age exhorted with wonderful eloquence and power, and many of the worshippers were so affected that they shouted and leaped for joy, while others fell upon the ground ‘‘like those who are shot in battle,” and lay for hours as in a trance. A history of the time (the Kentucky Revival, by Richard Mc Nemar, p. 24,) says of one ofsthe meetings: ‘“On this occasion no sex nor color, class nor description, were exempted from the pervading influence of the Spirit; even from the age of eight months (!) to sixty years, there were evident subjects of this marvellous operation.” As an outgrowth of this awakening, Shakerism had its rise in Kentucky. A delegation from the Community at New Lebanon, N. Y., visited the State and found a hospitable reception at the house of John Banta, who was one of the first to embrace their teachings. The work just quoted says (p. 85), ‘‘ The same faith produced by the preparatory work of God, began also to break out at Eagle Creek, some time in the sixth month; which gave occasion to the testimony being opened there. A few at first embraced it with full purpose of soul, as the only way of God. Through the faith and special light of Matthew Houston, Samuel Henry, John Bonta, Elisha Thomas, &c., the testimony entered and was received on the south side of Kentucky (river), about the middle of the eighth month, and continued to spread until it embraced as many as were willing to embrace it in Mercer, Shelby, Paint-lick and Long-lick. In each of which places there are a number of families who have denied ungodliness and worldly lusts, taken up their cross, live together in the unity of the Spirit and bond of peace, and while with open eyes they are travelling from death into life, they shine as lights in the world.” The Shaker records at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, make this mention of John Banta: “Believed in August, 1805. Removed to Pleasant Hill in December, 1807. Removed to South Union, Logan County, Ky. (one of the branches of the Shaker church), per- haps in 1811, before the church was organized in Pleasant Hill. Died at South Union, in the latter part of 1815, or the beginning of 1816.” He gave a very valuable farm to the Shakers at the time he united with them in 1807. ISSUE. 1505 —HENRY,6 b. ——, m. Nancy De Mott. 1506 — ANNA 6 b. Dec. 19, 1786. Removed with her parents to Pleasant Hill and signed the Covenant at the first organization of the Shaker Church in June, 1814. Died Oct. 30, 1842. 04 Sixth Generation ; Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke. 1507 —LEAH,6 b. Nov. 26, 1790. Removed with her parents to Pleasant Hill and signed the Covenant at the organization of the church. ‘Departed for the world July 8, 1827.” Was known among the Shakers as ‘ Love.” 1508 —RACHEL,6 b. April 16, 1792, died among the Shakers Dec. 28, 1813. 1509 —REBECCA,6 b. Oct. 31, 1795. Signed the Covenant at the organization of the Shaker Church. ‘‘Stood in the Eldership two or three years at the West Family.” Died Feb. 2, 1833. 1510 — JOHN LOGAN,6 b. Mch. 10, 1799, m. Elizabeth Voris. 1512 —ABRAM,6 b. Sept. 6, 1801, m. Elizabeth Reynolds. 491. CORNELIUS? BANTA married first, Magdalena Shuck, widow of Samuel Duree; second, her sister Agnes Shuck; and third, a widow, Nancy Van Nice, who sur- vived him. His first two wives were sisters of William Shuck, who married 1446 Mary Banta; another sister, Sally, married 1439 Henry Banta. He was in the Revolutionary War. He owned a large farm covering the present site of Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky, and lived there until his son, Peter W., removed to Indiana and settled about four miles from Madison, when he followed him, and lived for a short time near Canaan. He died about 1835s. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 15183 — PETER W.,6 m. Nancy Greenwell. 1514— HENRY,6 b. Oct. 19, 1785, m. Nancy Demaree. 1515 — CORNELIUS,6 Aug. 8, 1805, m. Rebecca Eckels. 1516 — MARGARET, m. Henry Monfort. The following from the Skelby Courant of De- cember 25, 1873 (written by Mr. Geo. W. Demaree), refers to this lady: ‘‘ As far as 1 have been able to learn, there is but one person now living that was an actual par- ticipant in this perilous march through the wilderness from Mercer to Shelby County, nearly eighty years ago. That individual is Mrs. Peggie Montfort, widow of Francis Henry Montfort. Her maiden name was Banta. She has been among the Shakers for fifty years, and is still with them at Pleasant Hill, Mercer Co., Ky., where the writer saw her and talked with her but a few days since. She was fourteen years old when the colony made the perilous move. She says they were nearly two weeks on the road, cutting their way through the wilderness." 1517 — ANDREW, $6 , m. Mary Cox. 1518 —JACOB,6 b. April 3, 1772, m. Phebe Fallis. 1519 — RACHEL,6 Feb. 6, 1804, m. Thomas Reid. He was a farmer living near Belleville, Indiana. His wife died March 15, 1859. ISSUE. 26741—JEessE LoTT REID,” m. Mary Banta, daughter of Henry Banta, of Canaan, Ind. He is a farmer. 26742— MARY JANE REID," m. Dr. J. M. De Ball. She died Oct. 3, 1850. 26743— WILLIAM DUN REID.7 He is a stock dealer in Kohoka, Mo. 26744— CORNELIUS MILTON REID,7b. Feb. 19, 1830, m. Mary Keller Nov. 2, 1856. He died Feb. 2, 1875. 26'745—SARAH ANN REID, b. May 18, 1832. She lives in Creston, Iowa. 26746— LORENA ELLEN REID,7 died in childhood. 26747 — FRANKLIN MARION REID.7 He is a machinist and engineer. Was in an Alabama regiment during the war. 26748 — SAMUEL GRAFTON REID,7 b. Jan. 7, 1842, m. Annie M. Camerer Nov. 22, 1870. He is a farmer. Was in the 78th Illinois Regiment during the war. 26749 — SABINA REBECCA REID,7 b. 1846, m. Elisha P. Hickox Aug. 12, 1866. He was graduated at Madison (now Colgate) University, Hamilton, N. Y. Was professor of ancient languages in Burlington College, Iowa, his wife teaching higher mathematics at the same institution. He is now Sec- retary of the State Immigration Bureau at Winfield, Kansas. 1520 —ANNIE,6 , m. James Egan. He kept a hotel at Belleville, Ind. Sixth Generation ; Henryt Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epkel 95 492. DANIEL> BANTA married Anna Shuck, widow of Peter Durie, who was born Nov. 2, 1759, and died June 10, 1829. He was known as Captain Dan. In the account by G. W. Demaree in the Skelby Courant, Shelbyville, Ky., 1873, quoted on p. 51, reference is made to Captain Dan and some of his brothers. We copy further extracts from the same paper, May 15 and 22, 1873. The incident in reference to Mrs. Annie Durie is also mentioned in Historical Sketches of Kentucky, by Lewis Collins, p. 422: HEART-RENDING TRIAL OF MRS. ANNA BANTA. This famous woman was first married to S. (Peter, Jr. See Collins’ History of Kentucky, page 422) Duree, in the State of Virginia, in the year 1771, and remained in that State till 1777-8, when Duree and his wife joined a small company of emigrants and “struck” for the territory — Kentucky —and landed safely at a place then called Lime Stone, now Maysville, Mason County. Remaining here a short time, they broke ground for a settlement about eight miles from the fort. Having made the necessary preparations, Duree, his wife and three children, and an unmarried sister and two young brothers of his wife, attended by a small guard, went ahead of the other families to build a cabin. As soon as they reached the location selected they went to work, and at the end of three days had a cabin up and finished, which was to answer for dwelling- house and fort. The guard now returned to Lime Stone to conduct out the other families. On the fourth morning Duree and his two brothers-in-law went a short dis- tance from the house to cut a block to make a mortar to ‘‘ bruise” their corn in, and were attacked by the savages; at the first fire one of the young men was killed on the spot, and Duree himself received a ball through his chest, inflicting a mortal wound, notwithstanding he ran to the cabin door before he fell. The other young man was cut off from the cabin by a fleet-footed Indian and tomahawked. Duree’s sister, hear- ing the fuss, ran to the door and was shot dead. Duree’s wife saw the whole tragedy through a port hole, with her three little children at her side. The Indians, either be- coming alarmed at something or supposing they had killed all the ‘pale faces,” dis- appeared without breaking into the cabin. Duree’s wife dragged her dying husband into the house and used every effort in her power to stop the blood which was flowing copiously from the wound; every other remedy failing, she literally corked the artifice of the wound with her handkerchief. Duree revived sufficiently to entreat his wife to take the children and flee to the fort, telling her that he was bound to die and that she could be of no further service to him. As the poor woman stood gazing at her dying husband, surrounded by death on every side, her three little children clinging to her, and he pointing to the door and uttering with feeble voice: ‘Save yourself and children, go, go!”—the conflict was short but terrible— the awful decision was made. Now let us drop the curtain while the sad parting takes place, while the faithful wife turns her back on her dying husband forever —not for her own life, but for her children. Having made up her mind to try to reach the fort, she mounted one child on her shoulders, taking another in her arms and the third at her side, was soon flying with all possible speed along the blazed way towards Lime Stone, distance about eight miles. A blind- ing storm of rain and sleet setting in, she soon lost the trace and wandered in the trackless wilderness till late in the evening, when she again discovered the blazed track, and although she had traveled all day she found herself not more than a mile from the bloody scene from which she was fleeing. She had gone but a short distance, however, when she met the other families coming out to join them, and told them the sad story. While they were parleying over what was best to be done the Indians raised the war whoop in the distance. = It appears they were on the track of Duree’s wife, and in a few minutes more she would have been murdered with her helpless babes, without mercy. The men saw the situation at a glance; to make a stand there in the wilderness with the women and children was out of the question, hence they cut their packs from the horses and let them fall to the ground, and mounting the women and children, the race back to the fort commenced in good earnest; the horses, maddened by the fierce yells of the redskins, went tearing through the thick undergrowth, lacerating the lower 96 Sixth Generation ; Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l limbs of their riders badly, besides which no accidents occurred, and they all reached the fort safely. The next morning they sent out a force sufficiently strong to drive back the Indians and bury their dead. A few years afterwards the brave and somewhat reckless Capt. Dan Banta met the widow Duree; having heard of her fame, she exactly suited him. It is enough to say he courted and married her, and bravely did she stand by him while he played a con- spicuous part in reclaiming Shelby County from the wildness of nature. Daniel Banta died Dec. 15, 1327. ISSUE. 1521 —HENRY D.,6 b. Jan. 29, 1785, m. Eleanor Van Arsdale. 1522 —DANIEL,6 m. Elizabeth Le Compte. 1523 —JACOB,6 died in Salem, Indiana. Had at least one son: 27221 — JAMES. 1524 —RACHEL,6 Feb. 26, 1792, m. Isaac Le Compte. He was born in Henry County, Ky., March 18, 1788. He removed to Macon County, Mo., where he died Dec. 21, 1824. His widow died June 2, 1869. ISSUE. 2706 — CHARLES LE CoMPTE,7 b. Aug. 31, 1811. 2707 —JouN S. LE COMPTE,7 b. May 2, 1813, m. Sallie M. Kelley, July 3, 1845, who was born in Clark County, Ky., Feb. 22, 1827, and now resides in Kentucky. Her husband died Jan. 9, 1886. ISSUE. 4429 —Isaac N. Le Compte,8 b. June 5, 1846, m. Mattie J. Hill, July 18, 1872. 4430 — James K. Le Compte,8 b. May 11, 1848, m. Annie Williams, March 2, 1876. 4431 — Melissa J. Le Compte,8 b. July 9, 1850, m. D. T. Maddox, May 2, 1867. 4432 — Josephine Le Compte,8b. Jan. 31, 1854, died Aug. 16, 1855. 4433 — Alice G. Le Compte,8 b. Oct. 19, 1860, m. Tandy Quisenberry, Nov. 26, 1884. 4434 — Charles O. Le Compte,8 b. Sept. 18, 1863. 4435 — Eugene M. Le Compte,8 b. Dec. 26, 1873. 2708 — CYNTHIA J. LE COMPTE,7 b. Jan. 14, 1815, m. William Thurman. 2709 —ANN LE COMPTE,7 b. Feb. 3, 1817, m. Jacob Parr. 2710 —EL1As LE CoMPTE,T b. Feb. 16, 1819, died Dec. 24, 1868. 2711—JosEPpH LE COMPTE,7 b. Dec. 25, 1821, died Jan. 6, 1868. 2712 —ELijaAH LE COMPTE,7 b. Apr. 20, 1823, died, 1868. 1525 —PETER,6 mn. Kate List. 1526 —JOHN,6 —— 1797, m. Nancy List. 1527 — ANNA, 6 m. George Holcroft. ho John Faught; 1528— MARYS (Polly), m. § Sn I. 2. 495. ANTIE> (Ann) BANTA married Barnett Reynierson. ISSUE. 1529 — JACOB REYNIERSON,6 m. Mary Asher. 1530 —ABRAM REYNIERSON,6 m. Leah Demaree. ISSUE. 2728 — JOHN REYNIERSON,7 b. Oct. 4, 1823, m. Lucy Ann Creen. He was born in Mercer Co., Kentucky. Sixth Generation ; Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke. 97 ISSUE. 1— Charles Biard Reynierson,8 b. March 15, 1856, died March 15, 1857. 2— Almarinda Reynierson,8b. April 18, 1858. Lives at Ossawatomie, Kansas. 3— John Jacob Reynierson,8 b. Feb. 5, 1860, died Aug. 28, 1866. 4— Charity Lee Reynierson,8 b. June 20, 1864, m. Geo. Wm. Conrad Ever- hard, March 1, 1883. 5— Virginia Reynierson,8 b. July 20, 1869, died July 26, 1871. 6— Harry Younger Reynierson,8 b. Sept. 26, 1872, died Dec. 31, 1873. 7— Philip Ebertz Reynierson,8 b. April 2g, 1875. Lives at Ossawatomie, Kansas. 2724 — ISAAC REYNIERSON.7 : 2725 — JACOB REYNIERSON.7 2726 — JAMES REYNIERSON.? 2727 — ANN REYNIERSON,7 m. — Lund. 2728 — NANCY REYNIERSON.7 2729 — SARAH REYNIERSON.? 2730 — MARY REYNIERSON.7 27831 — CHARITY REYNIERSON.7 1531 — ISAAC REYNIERSON.6 1532 — SAMUEL REYNIERSON,6 m. Kate Boice. 1533 — HENRY REYNIERSON.6 15834— PETER REYNIERSON,6 m. Nancy Lillard. 1535— CHRISTOPHER REYNIERSON,6 m. Mary ; 1536 — RACHEL REYNIERSON,6 m. Garrett Terhune. - 2782 — MARY TERHUNE,7 m. James Mann. 2733 — JANE TERHUNE,T died in infancy. 1. Mary Van Arsdall; 2734— WiLLIAM TERHUNE,7 m. be Nos Tyore. 1. Peter Van Arsdall; 2. David Robertson. 1. Nancy Silcox; 27836 — GARRETT TERHUNE,7 m.< 2. Mary Terhune; 3. Hannah Hall. 2787 — JANE TERHUNE,7 m. William Allen. 1. Elizabeth Van Arsdall; 2. Mrs. - Mitchell. 15837 — MARY REYNIERSON,6 m. James Stagg. 1538 —SARAH REYNIERSON,6 m. Thule Johnson. 1539 — ANN REYNIERSON,6 m. Boswell. 1540 — CHARITY REYNIERSON,6 m. Philip Keller. 1541 — JANE REYNIERSON,$ m. Milligan. 1542 — DIANA REYNIERSON.6 1543 — JOHN REYNIERSON,6 m. Nancy Cunningham. 496. DAVID BANTA married Mary De Mott. He was a soldier in the Indian wars and was at Harmer’s defeat in 1792. He went from Mercer, Ky., to Bloomington, Monroe County, Ind., about 1815; subsequently he was a Baptist minister. Died in 1844. ISSUE. 1544 —ANNA, 6 b. 1794-5, m. Thomas Martin. ISSUE. 97835 —SARAH TERHUNE,7 m. : 2738 — BARNETT TERHUNE,7 m. : 1—SARAH ANN MARTIN." 2— WILLIAM MARTIN.7 1545— JACOBS b. 1797, m. Cillinda Wilder. 1546 —ISAAC,6 b. Sept. 29, 1800, m. Eliza Barker. 1547 —POLLY,6 b. 1802, m. Richard Hastings. ’ ISSUE. DELIGHT HASTINGS.7 1548 —SALLY,6 b. —, m. William S. Roberts. 98 Sixth Generation ; Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! Albert Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 510, HENDRICKS BANTA married Rachel Hopper, February 9, 1782, in Ber- gen County, New Jersey. They were members of the church in Hackensack in 1788, removed two or three years later to the vicinity of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and subse- quently settled near Lebanon, Ohio. ISSUE. 1563 —ALBERT,6 b. Mch. 24, 1783, died July 11, 1798. 1564— RACHEL,6 b. Oct. 30, 1784, m. 1499 Peter C.6 Banta. 1565—MAGDALENA,6 b. Sept. 15, 1786, m. 1504 Garrett6 Banta. 1566 —MARY,6 b. Jan. 4, 1789, died March 7, 1833. : 1567 —GEERTIE 6 (Charity), b. Dec. 16, 1790, died June 2, 1791. 1568 —HENRY,6 b. Oct. 19, 1792, died Nov. 30, 1792. 1569 —MARGARET,6 b. Sept. 21, 1794. 1570 — CHARITY,6 b. Jan. 27, 1797, m. George Cos¥yn. 1571 —ELIZABETH,6 b. June 12, 1800. 1572 —ALBERT,6 b. Sept. 13, 1802, m. Mary Wigham. 1573 —SARAH,6 b. July 25, 1806, m. Abram Stagg. She died Mch. 27, 1835. 511. PETERS? (Peterius) BANTA married Rachel Van Clefe, July, 1782. She was born October 25, 1762, and died April 26, 1842. He was a soldier in the Revo- lutionary War from Bergen County, New Jersey, and is said to have served as a scout with great efficiency. He removed to Kentucky shortly after the Revolution and about 1796 became one of the pioneer settlers of south-western Ohio, locating at Lebanon, Warren County. He had a great reputation for bravery. His sons were almost giants in strength and, like himself, were well-to-do farmers. He died May 12, 1829. ISSUE. 1574—MARY,6 b. June 6, 1783, m. Peter Cassatt. 1575—MAGDALENA,$ b. Nov. 1, 1785, m. Albert Cassatt. 1576 —ELIZABETH,6 b. june 13, 1787, m. John Hatfield. 1577 —ALBERT,6 b. Dec. 12, 1788, m. Mary Voorhees. 1578 —RACHEL,6 b. Oct. 6, 1790, m. John Painter. 1579 —JOHN,6 b. Sept. 3, 1792, m. $ 5 Re 1580 —SAMUEL,6 b. April 24, 1794, died unmarried. 1581 — CHARITY,6 b. Jan. 6, 1796, m. John Collins. 1582 —CATHARINE,6 b. March 18, 1798, m. James Durham. 1583 —PETER,$ b. Jan. 30, 1800, m. Elizabeth Brown. 1584 —HENRY,6 b. Nov. 27, 1803, m. Mabel Gustin. 1585 —JANE,6 b. Aug., 1805, m. Joseph Venible. 1586 — BENJAMIN V.,6 b. June 8, 1808, m. Jane Malloy. 1587 —AARON,6 died unmarried. 512. DANIEL5 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, N. J., February 21, 1734, Mary Van Voorhees, daughter of Daniel Van Voorhees and Marya Taelman, who was born May 14, 1763, and died 1829. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and while fighting in New Jersey was wounded in the leg. In 1786 he moved to Kentucky, and in 1794 removed to Ohio, locating three and a half miles east of Lebanon, Warren County. In 1788 he was in the Indian wars, and stationed at a ‘block house on the present site of Cincinnati. In the application for a pension on file in the Bureau of Pensions, Washington, appears the following statement: . Sixth Generation ; Albert* Hendricks Hendrick? Epke. 99 Daniel Banta was born 1762 in Bergen County, New Jersey, and in October, 1832, he was residing in Warren County, Ohio. In the Fall of 1777 a British force was near New Bridge, Bergen County, N. J., and he volunteered to watch their movements, to prevent their foraging through the sur- rounding country; in scouting, and in guarding provisions and war stores for the use of the Continental army. In 1778 he served one month with Capt. Christie (see No. 616) at a point in the road to Gloucester (Closter?) about five miles from New Bridge, where he was taken pris- oner and carried to New York City. While in the presence of some Tories, one of whom aspersed the character of his father, he promptly resented it and was himself assaulted by them. In about a week hé was exchanged and returned to his company. He continued from time to time in similar service until early in 1781, when he enlisted at Hackensack for one year, marched under Col. Dye to Fort Lee, on the Hudson River, which the Americans captured—the enemy making their escape. In the attack on the fort he received a wound from a ball which passed through both thighs, rendering him unable to help himself until September, and in October he joined his company at Hackensack. His services prior to 1781 indicate a service in the classified militia, a sort of reserve for alternate duty on alarm, patroling a prescribed district, guarding the lines, &c. In 1834, under the act of Congress then recently passed, he received a pension of $80 a year for his services, which he drew until the date of his death, September, 1837. ISSUE. 1588 — CHARITY, 6 b. Sept. 30, 1785, unmarried. 1589 —ALBERT,6 b. July 16, 1787, m. Hannah Van Arsdall. Lived near the Wabash, Ind. 1590 —MARY,6 b. July 28, 1789, unmarried. 1591 —MAGDALENA,6 b. Sept. 24, 1791, m. George Painter. They had seventeen children. 1592 —DANIEL,6 b. Aug. 28, 1793, m. Tacy Newpert. 1593 — HENRY, 6 b. Sept. 24, 1795, died Sept. 12, 1796. 1594— MARGARET,$ b. July 28, 1797, m. David Newpert. 1. Sarah Roberts Pugh; 1595— PETER D.,6 b. Sept. 14, 1799, m. < 2. Louisa D. Hatfield ; 3. Achsah Longstreth. 1596 —HENRY,6 b. Sept. 13, 1801, m. Dorothy Demott. 1597 — RACHEL,6 b. Aug. 30, 1803, m. Abel Julien. 1598 —ELIZABETH,6 b. March 16, 1807, m. Benjamin Pugh. 516. JACOBS BANTA married, January 5, 1795, 1775 Mary 6 Banta, who was born August 19, 1778, and died September 16, 1853. He was a farmer in Kentucky, re- moving in 1832 to Illinois, where he bought a farm in Holland’s Grove, Tazewell County — a beautiful grove extending for miles along the Illinois River. He was a man of most excellent judgment and very sympathetic in his nature. In his old age he sold his farm to his son David, with whom he made his home until the end of his days. ISSUE. 1598 1—LENA,6 b. Oct. 23, 1796, died in infancy. 1598 2—PHEBE,6 b. April 1, 1799, m. Lawrence De Mott. 1598 3—DAVID,6 b. July 9, 1801, m. Sarah De Mott. 1598 4—MARY,6 b. May 18, 1804, m. Andrew Anderson. 1598 5— ALBERT,6 b. Sept. 15, 1806, m. Rachel B. Comingore. 1. Elisabeth Stine; 1508 c= CORNPLIUS Sb. July 3. nfo, sn : 2. Elisabeth Johnson, widow. 1598 7—JACOB,6b. Feb. 20, 1811, m. Mattie Kendig. 1598 8S—JANE,6 b. Feb. 4, 1813, m. George Ray. 1598 9—RACHEL,6 b. July 18, 1815, m. John Stine. 159810 —WILLIAM,6 b. Feb. 15, 1818, m. Elvira Page. 100 Sixth Generation; Dirck* Jacob? Dirck? Epke.l CHAPTER XIII. SIXTH GENERATION. Dirck? Jacob? Dirck? Epke.! 548. HENDRICKJE? BANTA married Joost Lozier, son of Jacob Lozier. He died June 17, 1822, and his widow died Feb. 26, 1827. ISSUE. 1663 — CHRISTIANA LOZIER,6 b. July 17, 1775, m. - Corson. 1664— JACOB LOZIER,6 b. Aug. 23, 1776, m. 1728 Gertrude6 Banta. 1665 — DIRCK LOZIER,6 b. Dec. 13, 1781, probably died unmarried. 1666 — NICHOLAS LOZIER,6 b. Dec. 29, 1785, died unmarried. 1667 — GEORGE LOZIER,6 b. Nov. 18, 1792, m. Hester , died prior to 1829. ISSUE. 1—NICHOLAS LOZIER.7 2— JOHN LOZIER.7 3— GEORGE LOZIER.7 1668 — JAN LOZIER,S b. July 8, 1705. Joannes* Jacob? Dirck? Epke.! 553. CORNELIUS5 BANTA married at the Reformed Church in King Street, New York City, July 22, 1826, Catharine Demarest, who was born Dec. 31, 1800, and died Aug. 19, 1336. He died Dec. 11, 1356. ISSUE. 1669 — JOHN C.,6 b. July 24, 1827, m. Jane Cole. 1670 — CATHARINE,6 b. Nov. 5, 1831, died unmarried. 554. JOHNS BANTA married Catharine Ackerman. She was a church member at Schraalenburgh in 1831. He died Dec. 4, 1837. His will was probated in Bergen County Dec. 13 of the same year. ISSUE. 1671 —SALLY,6 married at Schraalenburgh, Oct. 11, 1822, 2177 Aaron 7 Banta, who was born Dec. 23, 1799. He was a carpenter in New York and was accidently killed. Her second husband was Nathaniel Dezer who was born 1770, and to whom she was married at English Neighborhood July 28, 1844. After his death, which occurred July 7, 1860, she married her third husband, Dower Westervelt. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 2865 —LEAH.T 2866 — CATHARINE, m. Burnet. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 2867 —JoHN JACOB DEZER,7 b. Oct. 3, 1845. 1672 —JACOB,6 b. April 1, 1818, m. Ellen Demarest, July 15, 1837. He died Sept. 13, 1841. His widow married Sept. 12, 1844, Marcellus J. Cole. 1673 —ANNA,6 b. Feb. 9, 1826, died unmarried. 1674—JOHN,6 b. July 24, 1828, >> Sixth Generation; Wiert* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l 101 CHAPTER XIV, SIXTH GENERATION. Wiertt Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.! 571. THOMAS BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Sept. 7, 1765, Gerritie (Charity) Terhune, daughter of Johannes Terhune. She died Nov. 20, 1807. He was a farmer of the township of Franklin, Bergen County, N. J., and his land was partly situated in New Hempstead, Orange County, N. Y. During the Revolutionary War he was captured by three Tory neighbors and imprisoned in the old sugar-house in New York City for a little more than a year. He died May 29, 1824. The Minutes of the Council of Safety of New Jersey refer to efforts made to effect an exchange for him. COPY OF HIS DISCHARGE (IN POSSESSION OF ONE OF HIS DESCENDANTS) BY ANDREW ELLIOT, SUPERINTENDENT GENERAL OF THE POLICE. Permission is given to Thomas Banta to pass to Col. Turnbull to Powles Hook, he being discharged on parole. Given under my hand in the City of New York the 3oth day of May in the eight- eenth year of His Majesty’s Reign, 1778. To all whom it may concern. Q, A.D. Jones, M. G., ANDREW ELLIOT, Comdt. of New York. Supt. General. ISSUE. 1675—GEERTRUY,6'b. March 13, 1767, died in infancy. 1. Tryntie Durie; 1676—JOHN,6 b. May 3, 1768, m. ts Jane Bogert Banta; : 3. Cornelia Bogert Zabriskie. 1677 —GEERT]JES6 (Charity), b. Sept. 28, 1771, m. John B. Westervelt. 1678 —GEESIE,6 b. Sept. 26, 1773, m. Jacob De Baun (?). 1679 —EFFIE,6 b. Feb. 13, 1775, m. Henry Lutkins. 1681 —THOMAS,6 b. March 16, 1777, m. Elizabeth Haring. 572. MARGRIETIE5 (Margaret) BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, May 1, 1760, Jacob Valentine. ISSUE. 1682 — JACOB VALENTINE,6 b. Feb. 15, 1761. 1683 —GEERTRUY VALENTINE, b. Feb. 27, 1763. 1684 — WIERT VALENTINE,6 b. Jan. 31, 1765. 1685— HENDRICK VALENTINE,6 b. Dec. 24, 1766. 1686 —DAVID VALENTINE,6 b. Nov. 27, 1768. 1687 —MARGARET VALENTINE,6 b. Jan. 31, 1771. 1688 — JOHN VALENTINE,$ b. Mch. 28, 1773. 16881-MARIA VALENTINE,S6 b. Feb. 16, 1777. 1689 — ELIZABETH VALENTINE,6 b. Sept. 19, 1779. 1690 —ABRAHAM VALENTINE, b. Nov. 1, 1781. David* Wiert? Wiert? Epke.! 576. JANNETJEN5 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, August 24, 1765, Roeloff Bogert, son of Roeloff Peter Bogert. They were both members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1801. She died December 13, 1801. 102 Sixth Generation ; David* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l ISSUE. 1691 — JAN BOGERT,$ b. Dec. 6, 1766, died in infancy. 1692 — JAN BOGERT,® b. April 14, 1768, died at Schraalenburgh, Oct. 9, 1837. 1693 — DAVID BOGERT,$6 b. April 1, 1770, died suddenly in New York, Mch. 30, 1834. 1694— MARGRIETE BOGERT,$ b. Feb. 6, 1773, m. Peter Brower,who was born Feb. 6, 1774, and died Jan. 24, 1844. She died Oct. 16, 1843. ISSUE. 2889 — ABRAHAM BROWER,7 b. Oct. 24, 1792. 1695— WIERT BOGERT,6 b. Feb. 23, 1775. 1696 — PETRUS BOGERT,6 b. Mch. 18, 1778. 1697 —ROELOFF BOGERT,6 b. Sept. 21, 1781. 1698 —HENDRICK BOGERT,$ bh. Feb. 21, 1734. 1699 —ABRAHAM BOGERT,6 b. June 21, 1786. 1700 — JACOB BOGERT,6 b. May 10, 1788. 1701 —GUILLIAM BOGERT,6 b. Aug. 11, 1792, died Sept. 23, 1877. 577. WIERT? BANTA married May 11, 1775, Leah De Groot, daughter of Peter A. De Groot and Hester Brower. She was born June, 1759. During the Revo- lutionary War some of his property was destroyed by the British, for which the Govern- ment paid him Zior. He died January, 1834. His will dated May, 1832, was probated at Hackensack, N. J. ISSUE. 1702 — PETER DE GROOT,$ b. Feb. 16, 1776, m. Sarah Durie Froeligh. 1708 —DAVID,6 b. Aug. 22, 1778, m. Rachel Van Giesen. . : 1704—HESTER,6 b. Aug. 17, 1780, died July 1, 1783. 1705— JOHN, 6 b. June 6, 1782, died July 6, 1783. 1706 — JOHN W.,6 b. June 21, 1784, m. Sophia Westervelt. 1707 —ARIE,6 b. May 22, 1786, died Feb. 18, 1790. 1708 — ARIE 6 b. Feb. 18, 1790, m. Rebecca Hammond. 1709 — ABRAHAM,6 b. Oct. 7, 1796, died April 8, 1813. 1710 —JACOB,6 b. May 22, 1799, died in infancy. 1711 —LEAH,6 b. March 14, 1803, died July 18, 1805. 578. JOHN (Johannes) D.5 BANTA married Rachel Van Horn. She was born in 1754 and died 1798. He was a member of the True Reformed Church at Hacken- sack in 1787, died December 26, 1822, and was buried at the South Church of Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. 1712 —ANTIE,$ b. Sept. 1, 1782, died in infancy. 1718 —ANTIE,6 b. Aug. 17, 1783, m. Hendrick P. Vanderbeck at Schraalenburgh, June 16, 1804. He was born Dec. 7, 1773, and died Aug. 24, 1864. They were both members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1809. She died Nov. 24, 1860. ISSUE. 9917 — RACHEL VANDERBECK,T b. Oct. 12, 1805, died Dec. 2, 1856. 2918 — SARAH VANDERBECK,7 b. June 27, 1810. 9919 — JoHN BANTA VANDERBECK,7 b. Sept. 23, 1812. 2920 — ANNE VANDERBECK,7 b. Dec. 18, 1813, died 1831. 2921 — ELIZA CATHARINE VANDERBECK,T b. Sept. 22, 1816. 2922 — JEMIMA BANTA VANDERBECK,T b. April 15, 1822, died May 5, 1859. 1714 —ELIZABETH,6 b. Dec. 18, 1785, m. James B. Cleveland at Schraalenburgh, Nov. 29, 1807. She joined the church at Schraalenburgh in 1809. Sixth Generation ; David* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l 103 ISSUE. 2923 — RACHEL CLEVELAND,7b. Aug. 30, 1808. 2924 — JAMES BALDWIN CLEVELAND,7b. May 2, 1810. 2925 — JANE TOMPKINS CLEVELAND,7 b. Feb. 14, 1812. 2926 — MARY POWLESON CLEVELAND, b. Dec. 2, 1814. 2927 —JoHN BANTA CLEVELAND,7 b. Dec. 3, 1816. 2928 —IcuABOD CLEVELAND,7 b. Feb. 8, 1818, died in infancy. 2929 —EL1ZA ANN CLEVELAND,7 b. Feb. 6, 1820. . 1715—DAVID,6 b. June s, 1787, died in infancy. 1716 —JANE,6 b. July 5, 1791, married at Paramus, July 10, 1813, Moses Beam. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1818. ISSUE. 2930 — ELIZABETH SMITH BEAM,7 b. Feb. 6, 1814. 9931 — RACHEL VAN HORN BEAM, b. Dec. 10, 1816. 2932 — HENRY BEAM,7 b. Jan. 30, 1818. 2983 —JouN BANTA BEAM,7 b. Sept. 5, 1820. 1717 — JEMIMA M.,6 b. Jan. 3, 1793, died unm. Dec. 3, 1869. Her will is recorded in Essex County, N. J., in Liber Q, folio 107. 1718 — RACHEL, b. Dec. 26, 1793 married at Schraalenburgh, April 22, 1820, George Christie. ISSUE. 2934 — GEORGE HENRY CHRISTIE,7 b. Jan. 23, 1822, died June 29, 1847. 2935—DAvID CHRISTIE, b. Jan. 24, 1827. 1719 —DAVID,6 b. Dec. 29, 1796, died unmarried. 580. ABRAM D.> BANTA married first, Gertie Ryerson; she died February 21, 1784. He married again, Hyla (Helen) Van Sys, September 9, 1786, at the True Reformed Church of Hackensack, of which he was a member. She was born October 10, 1769, and died December 21, 1834. He died February 17, 1835. In an application for a pension on file in the Bureau of Pensions, Washington, appears the following statement concerning Abram Banta: ! He was born January 22, 1762, one mile above Hackensack, Bergen County, where he continued to reside until 1779 when his father, having been much annoyed and injured by the British and Tories, proposed to exchange his farm in Hackensack with Cornelius Lozier—a Tory —for his farm at Paramus, and to furnish a substitute for the latter’s two sons during the war (named John and David). His father moved with his family to Paramus, where he lived three years; and Abraham served as a substitute for the two sons of Lozier, besides performing the military duty for which he was liable when sixteen years old. In 1819 he removed to New York City, where he was residing in October, 1832. In May or June, 1776, his brother John D. (stated in 1832 to be dead) was drafted. He took his place under Capt. Beard in the ‘‘ Flying Camp” which was stationed imme- diately below Bergen town, on the east side of Newark Bay. His next service, in 1776, was as a substitute for his brother John, under Capt. Stagg of Hackensack, at the time the enemy were moving inland from New York City (which was occupied by them Sep- tember 15, 1776) towards Fort Washington, to assist in building Fort Lee in New Jersey, directly opposite to the former Fort (which was captured by the British Novem- ber 16, 1776, immediately followed by the evacuation of Fort Lee and retreat of Gen. Washington through New Jersey to Trenton, from thence crossing the Delaware river into Pennsylvania). 104 Sixth Generation; David* Wiert3 Wiert? Eplke.l In 1778 he served with Capt. Outwater, who was stationed at Aquackonock, guard- ing the lines, watching to counteract the movement of the enemy near New Bridge and Schrawlenburg, seeking opportunities for foraging incursions, and to attack the Fort on Brower’s Hill, now New Bridge. His company marched within three or four hundred yards when the enemy fired cannon upon them while they were going into the Fort, and Gen. Wayne, on account of the inequality of his force, retreated to where his brigade remained three or four weeks. During the latter period he ‘‘was out” with scouting parties around Hackensack. The British, commanded by Col. Boskirk, a refugee, came from New York City or from Hoboken in the night to Hopperstown, about two miles from the residence of Banta, and burnt it, when all the militia including himself ‘‘turned out” to .attack them, but were not organized under any captain, and pursued them to Fort Lee, killing some of them. The enemy were called ‘green coats” (from the color of the dress adopted by the refugees and Tories around New York City). He was stationed (year not recollected) under Capt. Romaine at the English Neighborhood, and a Capt. Bowman arrived with a company of Light Infantry, to whom Banta was detailed as a pilot to conduct him through the place to the lower part of the country. Col. Boskirk had the night before brought some troops from Hoboken up to near the English Neighborhood, both officers being ignorant of the proximity of the other. Capt. Bowman had proceeded but a short distance when he fell upon the hostile party and drove them back to Hoboken. During the same year he again acted as pilot to the same officer, at the same place, going as far as Bergen without meeting the enemy; then he marched to Bull's Ferry and the next day retreated to Liberty Pole. Under Capt. Blanch he ‘‘was out” in pursuit of a body of refugees who came from New York City and burnt Chester, taking all the cattle, which were recaptured. During the war he served as a substitute under Captains Demarest at Newbridge, Ward at Schrawlenburgh, Romaine at Liberty Pole and English Neighborhood, Huyler at Chester, Church and Harrington. He could not recollect the years in all cases, or the duration of the service. The character of the service appears like much of that of the New Jersey militia which was classified for alternate duty as the emergency required; viz: guarding the lines, scouting, patrolling the country to protect the inhabitants from incursions, foraging parties, etc. The duty sometimes was necessary for each class in alternate months. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. , 1728 —GERTRUDE,S6 b. Feb. 12, 1784, m. Jacob Lozier. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1729 — ANNE,6 b. Oct. 30, 1787, m. Abraham Berdan. 1780 —JACOBUS (James A.),6 b. Nov. 26, 1790, died unm. Aug. 29, 1851. 1781 —ELIZABETH,$ b. Jan. 10, 1801, m. Jacob J. Van Saun, died without issue, Aug. I, 1835. 582. JACOB D.5 BANTA married Catharine Lambert at Hackensack, Jan. 26, 1787. She was born Jan. 1, 1765, and died Nov. 16, 1841. He was a member of the True Reformed Church at Hackensack, and died July 21, 1832. ISSUE. 1732 —ANTIE,6 b. Nov. 24, 1787, m. James Lorimer. 1733 —JOHN,6 b. Dec. 1, 1790, m. Maria (or Martha) Christie. 1784—DAVID,6 b. Aug. 31, 1792, died unmarried, May 17, 1846. 1785 — WIERT,6 b. Aug. 20, 1794, m. Jane Haring. 17836—JACOB,6 b. Nov. 13, 1797, m. Maria Brinckerhcff. 1737 —ARIATJE®6 (Adriana), b. Dec. 7, 1802, m. Abraham Ely. 1788 —JANNET]JE,6 b. Jan. 23, 1808, m. John R. Romaine. co Sixth Generation; Hendrick* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l 105 Hendrick Wiert? Wiert? Epke.! 584. HESTER® BANTA married John A. Westervelt. ISSUE. 1739 —WILLEMYNTIE WESTERVELT,$ b. March 8, 1771. 1740— SARA WESTERVELT,6 b. Oct. 15, 1772, died in infancy. 1741 —MARIA WESTERVELT,$6 b. June 18, 1775. 1742 — —— WESTERVELT,6 b. Nov. 23, 1777. 1743 —WIERT WESTERVELT,6 b. March 14, 1785. 1744— SARAH WESTERVELT,$é b. Feb. 15, 1791. 588. MARIA®> BANTA married Jan Verveelen. ISSUE. 1745— SARA VERVEELEN 6 b. April 4, 1779. 1746 —HENDRICK VERVEELEN,6 b. April 4, 1783. 1747 —TIETJE VERVEELEN 6 b. April 29, 1788. 1748 — JOHANNES VERVEELEN,$ b. July 10, 1792. 590. RACHEL® BANTA married John Cornelius Bogert. He was born Feb. 1, 1764, and died June 30, 1847. She died July 19, 1831. ISSUE. 1749 —SARAH BOGERT,6 b. Oct. 5, 1785, m. John Hogencamp. 1750 —MARY BOGERT,6 b. Jan. 3, 1788, m. David Vanderpool. 1751 —MATILDA BOGERT,6 b. Nov. 8, 1789, died unmarried. 1752 —HESTER BOGERT,6 b. April 16, 1794, m. David Van Blarcom. 1753 — JOHN BOGERT,6 b. July 21, 1800, m. Mary De Groot. ISSUE. 2969 — RACHEL MARIA BOGERT,7 b. Nov. g, 1822, m. George Armstrong. 2970 —JoHN BOGERT,7 b. Feb. 27, 1825, m. Mary Neil. 2971 — ELIZABETH BOGERT,7 b. July 30, 1827, m. Jonas A. Houghton. 2972 — ANNA MATILDA BOGERT,7 b. Sept. 20, 1829, m. John A. Van Buskirk. She died Jan. 4, 1874. ISSUE. 4989 — Edgar Baxter Van Buskirk,8 b. Sept. 18, 1852, m. Ettie A. Flandrau. They reside in Brooklyn, N. Y., and have one child, Edgar Flandrau Van Buskirk,9 b. Dec. 8, 1883. 4990 — William Louis Van Buskirk,8 b. July 27, 1855, died Jan. 26, 1880. 2973 —SARAH AUGUSTA BOGERT,7 b. April 22, 1832, m. Cornelius Edsall. 2974— WILLIAM HENRY BOGERT,7 b. May 2, 1839, m. Minnie Grannis; died Jan. 3, 1883. 1754— HENRY,6 b. June 17, 1804, died in infancy. Jacob* Wiert? Wiert? Epke.! 595. HENDRICK? BANTA married Maria Bogert, who was born August 26, 1769. He lived in New York City in 1800-1807, keeping a grocery store in Partition Street (now Fulton Street), west of Broadway, removing thence to Bergen County, N. J., where he owned a farm. ISSUE. 1756 —LENAS6 (Ellenor), b. May 3, 1786, married first, Edward Hall, in New York, Nov. 28, 1802; and again, Frederick P. Wortendyke. Mr. Wortendyke was born Jan. 21, 1783, and died March 21, 1867. She died Feb. 2, 1874. 106 Sixth Generation ; Facobt Wiert? Wiert? Epke.l ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 2975 — JAMES BANTA HALL,7 b. March 3, 1803. 2976 — HENRY HALL,7 b. Feb. 20, 1805. 2977 —EDpWARD HALL,7 b. March 20, 1807. 2978 —SALLY MARIA HALL, b. Jan. 17, 1809. 1757 —SIETSJE6 (Syntje or Priscilla), b. Aug. 11, 1790, m. Cornelius Ackerman at Paramus, N. J., Feb. 16, 1811. They removed from Bergen County, N. J., to New York City, and the three youngest children were baptized at the Greenwich Reformed Dutch Church in that city. ISSUE. 2979 — JOHN ACKERMAN, b. Jan. 21, 1812. 2980 — HENRY ACKERMAN,7 b. Feb. 19, 1816, died in infancy. 2981 — MARIA ACKERMAN, b. April 6, 1820. 2982 — HENRY BANTA ACKERMAN,7 b. March 3, 1822. 2983 — CORNELIUS ACKERMAN,7 b. Aug. 8, 1825. 2984 — ELIZABETH PRISCILLA ACKERMAN, b. Jan. 12, 1833. ah § 1. Maria Storms; 1758 —JACOB,6 b. Aug. 9, 1794, m. } 2. Sophia Romer, 1759 —SARA,6 b. Nov. 2, 1796, died Dec. 21, 1802. 1760 — MARY, 6b. Sept. 15, 1800, m. Peter P. Wortendyke, at Saddle River, Jan. 16, 1816. He was born June 15, 1798, and died Jan. 31, 1835. She died Feb. 5, 1875. The two first named children were baptized at Pascack, N. J., and the younger one at the Greenwich Reformed Dutch Church, New York. ISSUE. 2992 — PETER WORTENDYKE,7 b. July 14, 1816. 2993 — MARY WORTENDYKE,T b. June 1, 1818, died April 14, 1835. 92994 — MARTHA WORTENDYKE,7 b. March 23, 1823. 1761 — CORNELIUS, b. Oct. 5, 1803, died July 2, 1812. a : 1. Charity Hopper; 1762 —JOHN,6 b. Feb. 18, 1807, m3 By a Wiert* Hendrick? Wiert? Epke.! 613. HENDRICK W.5 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Sept. 19, 1812, Sarah Vanderbeck, daughter of Jan Vanderbeck and Hannah Symers. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh. She was born Oct. 22, 1794, and died July 10, 1835. He married again Oct. 14, 1841, Ellen Kipp, widow of John G. Myers. He died March zo, 1848. His widow married again, Nov. 10, 1851, Dr. Abraham Hopper. ISSUE. 1771 —ELIZA ANN,6 b. Nov. 13, 1813, m. Lydecker L. Demarest, son of Rev. C. T. Demarest. 1772 —JOHN,6 b. Dec. 13, 1815, m. Lydia Bertholf. 1778 —JANE,6 b. Oct. 27, 1823, m. William H. Berry. They live at Hackensack, N.T. 3005 — WILLIAM BERRY.7 3006 — HENRY BERRY.T7 3007 —SAMUEL BERRY.7 3008 — EDWARD BERRY.T7 3009 —JoHN B. BERRY.7 Sixth Generation, Fohn* Hendricks Wiert? Epke.l 107 Johnt Hendrick? Wiert? Epke.! 615. DAVID? BANTA went to Conewago, Penn., with the New Jersey colonists, and there married Femmetie (or Phebe) Brower. He was killed by the Indians there prior to 178s, and his infant daughter was taken with the colonists to Kentucky. His widow married Cornelius Demaree and removed to Mercer County, Ky. ISSUE. 1774—JOHANNES,6 b. Jan. 26, 1777, was drowned at the age of two years, in Pa. 1775—MARIA,6 b. Aug. 19, 1778, m. 516 Jacob6 Banta. 616. MARIAS5 BANTA married Captain James Christie, son of William Christie and Catalyntie Demarest, who was born August 20, 1744. William Christie was bap- tized at Hackensack, August 28, 1720, and was the son of James Christie who was born in Scotland, married at Schraalenburgh to Magdalena Demarest, Sept. 8, 1703, and died April 16, 1768, about ninety-seven years of age. William Christie died Sept. 28, 1809. Captain James Christie was a member of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1772. He was a Captain in the New Jersey militia during the Revolutionary War, serving with great bravery in General Nathaniel Heard’s brigade for several years. He died July 3, 1817, very highly esteemed for his most excellent character. His wife died Sept. 13, 13715. ISSUE. 1776 — WILLIAM CHRISTIE,6 b. July 16, 1773, m. Sarah Duryee, Oct. 15, 1796. He died Jan. 16, 1824. 2 ISSUE. Baptized at Schraalenburgh. 8010 — MARIA CHRISTIE, b. April 8, 1797. 8011 —DAviD CHRISTIE,7 b. June 29, 1802, died in infancy. 8012 —JaMES CHRISTIE, b. Jan. 1, 1804. 3013 — JouN CHRISTIE,7 b. June 2, 1806. 8014—DAvID CHRISTIE, b. Aug. 19, 1811. 1777— CATHARINE CHRISTIE, b. Oct. 22, 1775, m. Henry Day, of New York. She died July 29, 18cq. ISSUE. 1— JAMES DAY,7 died unmarried. 2— MARIA DAY,7 died unmarried. 1778 —MARGRIETE CHRISTIE, b. March 3, 1778, m. 1420 Jacob Bogert.6 For issue, see page 48. 1779 — JOHN J. CHRISTIE,6 b. Oct. 27, 1780, m. Sally Welles, Dec. 29, 1808, daughter of Russell and Sarah Custer Welles, of Hebron, Conn. He entered Columbia College in 1799, and the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J., in 1802. He was pastor of the churches at Amsterdam and West Galway, N. Y., from 1803 to 1812. Was called to the Dutch Reformed Church of Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., and remained there as pastor for twenty-three years, when he resigned on account of ill health, He died March 14, 1845. His wife was born March 9, 1789, and died May 6, 1881. ISSUE. 30141— JAMES RUSSELL CHRISTIE,” b. Oct. 11, 1809, married first, Hannah Palmer; and again, Sarah Ackerman, who was born May 25, 1827, and died January 31, 1865. He was graduated at Rutger’s College, and sub- sequently attended the Albany Law School, though he never practiced law. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1— Elizabeth Christie,8 b. July 30, 1861, died April 22, 1868. 2— Sarah Christie,8 b. Jan. 30, 1865, m. Morris Rutherford, of Warwick, N. Y., Jan. 15, 13091. 108 Sixth Generation; Fohn* Hendrick? Wiert? Epke.l 30142—HENRY WELLES CHRISTIE,” b. May 22, 1811, m. Euphemia McJimsey, of New York. He died Jan. 24, 1844, while on a voyage from Havre to New Orleans. His wife died May 15, 1869. ISSUE. 1— John Christie,8 b. June 6, 1838, died March 6, 1843. 2— Effie Welles Christie,8 b. March 17, 1844, m. Morris A. Tyng, of New York, Jan. 9, 1867. She died Dec. 5, 1873. Mr. Tyng was formerly a lawyer and afterwards a clergyman. He is now residing at Decatur, Ala. ISSUE. 1 — Elizabeth McJimsey Tyng,? b. Oct. 11, 1867. 2— Effie Christie Tyng,9b. Oct. 27, 1868, died Jan. 3, 1891. 3— Caroline Wheelwright Tyng,9 b. June 5, 1870, m. Walter Earle Sawyer, of New York, Oct. 19, 1892. 4— Susan Wilson Tyng,9 b. Aug. 11, 1871. 5 — Mason Tyng,9 b. Oct. 28, 1873, died Nov. 13, 1873. 1780 —MAGDALENA CHRISTIE,6 b. March 17, 1783, m. David J. Demarest. ISSUE. 30143 — JAMES DEMAREST, b. 1811, m. Mary Alida Smith. He is a retired mer- chant of New York, still living, in 1892. ISSUE. 1— David Demarest.8 2— Madeline Demarest,8 m. Chapman Weir and had one daughter, Mary Alida Weir. 3—Adolph Hugentobler Demarest,8 m. Belle La Foy. He is a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ISSUE. 1— Arthur Demarest.9 2— Mary Alida Demarest.9 3— Madeline Demarest.9 4— Florence Demarest.9 4— Charles Demarest,8 m. Delia Rodwell. He is a merchant in Santos, South America; has one daughter, Beatrice Demarest.9 5—John Dowley Demarest, m. Lena Fahrenberg. He is a merchant in Laredo, Texas. ISSUE. 1— Lena Demarest. 2—Blandina Demarest. 3— —— Demarest.9 6— Edgar Demarest,8 died in infancy. 7— Blandina Smith Demarest.8 8— Anna Demarest.8 9— James Demarest, Jr.8 30144 — WILLIAM DEMAREST, m. Sarah Elizabeth Cornell. ISSUE. 1— Maria Frelinghuysen Demarest.8 2— Madeline Christie Demarest,8 deceased. 3— Theodore F. C. Demarest,8 married, first, Mary Lee; and again, Catherine Coffey. He was graduated at Columbia College, N. Y., taking first honors. He is a lawyer in New York. His first wife was the writer of ‘My Ain Countree.” 4— Frederick F. Cornell Demarest,8 m. Miriam Rusling. He is a physician in Passaic, N. J. Sixth Generation ; Fohn* Hendrick3 Wiert® Epke 109 ISSUE. 1 — Theodora Demarest.9 2— Frederick Rusling Demarest.9 80145— HENRY DEMAREST,7 b. 1816, married first, Sarah Hopper; and again, Elizabeth Zabriskie. He has been cashier of the Manhattan Gas Company in New York for nearly fifty years. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1— Madeline Demarest, m. Edmund Barnum. He is a lawyer in New York. ISSUE. 1— Madeline Barnum. 9 2— Elizabeth Barnum.9 2— James Demarest,8 m. Minnie Ackley. He is a lawyer in New York. ISSUE. 1— Donald Demarest.9 2— Dorothy Demarest.9 3— Ella Margaret Demarest,8 m. Rev. Oliver Walser. He is the pastor of the Reformed Church at Cohoes, N. Y. ISSUE. 1— Theodore Walser. 2— Olive Walser.9 3— Kenneth Walser.9 4— Elizabeth Demarest.8 5— Matilda Green Demarest.8 80146 — MARGARET DEMAREST.? 80147— MARIA CHRISTIE DEMAREST,” b. 1822, m. Rev. Aaron Lloyd. He was graduated at Rutgers College and is a minister of the Reformed Church, now residing in Belleville, N. J. ISSUE. 1— Henry Demarest Lloyd, m. Jessie Bross, daughter of Lieut.-Gov. Bross, of Illinois. He is a journalist and author, residing in Chicago, IIL ISSUE. 1— William Bross Lloyd.9 2— Henry Demarest Lloyd, Jr.9 3— Demarest Lloyd.9 4— John Lloyd.9 2—John Calvin Lloyd,® m. Sallie Gerhardt. He is a coffee merchant in New York. 3— David Demarest Lloyd,8 m. Alice Chase Walbridge. He was a journalist and author, now deceased. His widow was a niece of Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase. ISSUE. 1— David Lloyd.9 2— Beatrice Lloyd.9 4— Caroline Augusta Lloyd,8 m. Lothrop Withington, of London, England, Oct. 14, 1892. She was graduated at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 5— Madeleine Christie Lloyd,8 m. Henry Wickes Goodrich, June 1, 1886. He is a son of Hon. Wm. W. Goodrich, of New York. He was born April 26, 1860, was graduated from Amherst College in 1880, and from the law school of Columbia College in 1882. He is now practising law in New York. They reside at Belleville, N. J. 110 Sixth Generation, Fohn* Hendricks Wiert® Epke.l ISSUE. 1 — Constance Goodrich.9 2— Frances Goodrich.9 1781 —MARIA CHRISTIE,6 b. May 9, 1787, m. Cornelius Demarest, of Warwick, Orange County, New York. ISSUE. CORNELIUS HENRY DEMAREST.7 1782 — DAVID CHRISTIE,6 b. Dec. 1, 1789, m. 1650 Anna Brinkerhoff,6 March 12, 1814. ISSUE. 1— MARY ANN CHRISTIE, b. March 3, 1815. 2— ALBERT BRINKERHOFF CHRISTIE,7 b. Oct. 3, 1816, m. Lydia Ann Christie. 3— JAMES CHRISTIE,7 b. June 11, 1818, died in childhood. 4— WILLIAM HENRY CHRISTIE, b. April 4, 1820, died in childhood. 5— GITTY CHRISTIE,7 b. Feb. 10, 1822, unmarried. 6— JOHN JACOB CHRISTIE, b. March 29, 1823, unmarried. 7— DAVID CHRISTIE, Jr.,7 b. May 9, 1825, m. Hannah Maria Brinkerhoff. 8 —MARY CATHARINE CHRISTIE, b. Oct. 6, 1827, m. Nicholas T. Romaine. 9— PETER CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 13, 1829, unmarried. 10— JEMIMA CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 26, 1833, unmarried. 11 — CORNELIUS CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 6, 1835, unmarried. Is a lawyer in Jersey City, N. J. Resides at Leonia, Bergen County, N. J. 12— JAMES CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 21, 1837, m. Rachel Lydecker. 13— KEZIA CHRISTIE, b. Feb. 8, 1840, m. Henry V. Williamson. 14— WILLIAM HENRY CHRISTIE,? b. Dec. 24, 1841. 1783 — PETER CHRISTIE, b. May 15, 1792, m. Agnes Gillespie, April 6, 1817, at Erie, Penn. He was educated at Columbia College, and was graduated from its medical school in 1811 or 1812. Was appointed surgeon’s mate (or assistant surgeon) in the U. S. Navy, July 8, 1812, and surgeon April 27, 1816. He died March 5, 1853, at Buffalo, N. Y., and was buried at Erie, Pa., with Naval honors. His wife died Oct. 22, 1846, at Erie, Pa. ISSUE. 80148 —F1Tz- JAMES CHRISTIE, b. March 27, 1818, m. Elizabeth Anna Johns, eldest daughter of Dr. William Johns, Feb. 11, 1841. Died Sept. 19, 1848. ISSUE. 1— William Peter Christie,8 b. March 22, 1842, died young. 2— Anna Virginia Christie,8 b. Dec. 23, 1843, m. Frederic Wolters Huide- koper, Meadville, Pa., Jan. 22, 1867. He is the second son of the late Edgar and Frances Shippen Huidekoper, and was born Sept. 12, 1840. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1862. Was captain in the Pennsylvania troops during the Civil War. He was appointed by his father's will executor of his father’s estate, and in connection therewith was occupied for fourteen years in closing up the affairs of the Holland Land Company, of Pennsylvania. He was the first president of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois R.R. and has been president of sev- eral other railroads. He is at present receiver of the Richmond and Danville R.R. system. ISSUE. 1— Gracie Huidekoper,9 b. July 5, 1872, died young. 2— Frederic Louis Huidekoper,9 b. March 8, 1874. 3— Reginald Shippen Huidekoper,9 b. May 24, 1876. 8014 9— WILLIAM HENRY CHRISTIE,? b. Nov. 2, 1819, died unmarried in the Sand- wich Islands. 301410—JouN GILLESPIE CHRISTIE, b. Jan. 9, 1822, died unmarried in Florida. Sixth Generation ; Fohn* Hendrick3 Wiert® Epkel 111 801411 —ANNA MARIA CHRISTIE,7 b. March 2, 1824, m. Thomas Holdup Stevens. He is a son of Commodore Thomas Holdup Stevens, U. S. Navy, and was born at Middletown, Conn., May 27, 1819. He is an admiral in the U.S. Navy, and during the Civil War achieved distinction at Port Royal, S. C., and under Farragut in Mobile Bay, and elsewhere. ISSUE. 1— Ellen Elise Stevens,8 b. Feb. 7, 1846, died Jan. 25, 1863. 2— Thomas Holdup Stevens, Jr.,8 b. July 12, 1848. He was graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., June, 1868, and is now a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy. 3— Alice Creighton Stevens,8 b. Aug. 8, 1850. 4— Frances Henry Christie Stevens,$ b. April 1, 1855, died Jan. 13, 1856. 5 — Frederick Hamlin Stevens,8 b. April 1, 1855, died Feb. 27, 1856. 6— Mary Sherman Stevens,® b. Nov. 19, 1856, m. Robert Edmund Bradley, Nov. 29, 1884. ISSUE. Madeleine Oldfield Bradley,9 b. Jan. 19, 1886. 7— Pierre Christie Stevens,8 b. July 14, 1858, m. Sarah Goldsborough Magru- der, Oct. 7, 1885. ISSUE. 1 — Maria Christie Stevens,9 b. Sept. 12, 1886. 2— Elizabeth Worthington Stevens,9 b. Dec. 3, 1892. 8 — Raymond Rodgers Stevens,8 b. Nov. 23, 1861. Was commissioned Oct. 14, 1891, first lieutenant U. S. Army. 9— Rowan Wainwright Stevens,8 b. April 17, 1867. 801412— CATHARINE ISABELLA CHRISTIE, b. Dec. 5, 1825, died Oct. 25, 1831. 301413— ELLEN CHRISTIE, b. Jan. 30, 1828, m. John Horace Bliss, Oct. 1, 1850, at Erie, Pa. He is a son of Col. John Bliss, U. S. A., who served through the war of 1812. Mr. Bliss was born Oct. 4, 1823, at Fort Howard, Wis., and now resides at Erie, Pa. : ISSUE. 1— Anna Bliss,8 b. Dec. 5, 1851, m. Rev. Samuel DD. McConnell, Sept. 3, 1873, at Erie, Pa. : ISSUE. 1— Ellicott McConnell, 9 b. June 21, 1874, at Watertown, Conn. 2— Guthrie McConnell,9 b. Oct. 1, 1875, at Erie, Pa. 2— Horace John Bliss,8 b. April 11, 1854, died Oct. 6, 1871. i 3— Louisa Bliss,8 b. Jan. 7, 1858, m. Wallace De Witt, of .Harrisburgh, Pa., Sept. 10, 1885. ISSUE. 1— Ellen De Witt,9 b. July 18, 1886. i 2— Wallace De Witt,9 b. Nov. 29, 1889. 4— George Truscott Bliss,8 b. May 21, 1864. 301414 — ALBERT CHRISTIE, b. May 12, 1831, died May 30, 1831. 1784 —HENDRICK CHRISTIE,6 b. June 24, 1794, died June 1, 1797. 1785—JACOMYNTIE CHRISTIE,$ b. Feb. 27, 1797, m. John Demarest. She died Aug. 24, 1824. 617. WIERT5 BANTA married Jacomyntie Christie, daughter of William Christie and Catalyntie Demarest, who was born January 3, 1758, and died August 31, 1808. He married a second time, Aeltie Zabriskie, by whom he had no issue. He was a farmer living at Stone Arabia, two miles north of Hackensack. He united with the church at Schraalenburgh in 1782 and was elected Deacon in 1796. He died Novem- ber 6, 1819. His will was probated at Hackensack, November 12, 1819. Sixth Generation ; Fohn* Hendrick3 Wiert? Epke.l i — ~ ISSUE. 1787 —TRYNTIE,6 b. Dec. 27, 1781, m. Cornelius D. Westervelt, Sept. 2, 1809, at Schraal- enburgh. She died Dec. 3, 1838. ISSUE. 8015— WIERT BANTA WESTERVELT,7 b. Oct. 4, 1811. 3016 — PETER WESTERVELT,7 b. June 13, 1814. 1788 —MARGRIETE,6 b. Nov. 18, 1783, m. Peter Bogert, Feb. 10, 1804. She died Sept. 18, 1814. 1789 —DAVID,6 b. June 1, 1786, m. Jane Bogert, Feb. 10, 1804. He owned a farm of 100 acres at Steenrape (Stone Arabia). This farm was afterwards owned by John Cooper, who sold it to Jacob Vanderbeck. David Banta died May 20, 1831, without issue. His will, probated at Hackensack, June 21, 1832, left his property to the children of his brother John. His widow married, Dec. 4, 1832, 1676 John T.6 Banta, who lived on the adjoining farm. 1790 —MAGDALENA,6 b. Feb. 12, 1789, m. Petrus Wannamaker at Schraalenburgh, July 6, 1811. On April 13, 1817, she became a member of the Greenwich Reformed Dutch Church, New York, and died July 10, 1845. ISSUE. 3017 —HENRY WANNAMAKER,7 b. Sept. 16, 1813. 3018 — WILLIAM WANNAMAKER,7 b. May 22, 1822, died July 25, 1823. 3019 — MARGARET WANNAMAKER,7 b. Jan. 16, 1824. 8020 — SARAH CATHERINE WANNAMAKER,7 b. Feb. 18, 1826, died Aug. 20, 1842. 1791 —JOHN,6 b. May 4, 1791, m. Polly Westervelt. 1792 —MARIA,6 b. Sept. 5, 1793, married at Schraalenburgh, July 1, 1815, Abraham Al Terhune. He was born July 24, 1795, and died Jan. 24, 1850. She became a mem- ber of King Street R. D. Church, New York, Oct. 29, 1824, and died at Schraal- enburgh Dec. 19, 1873. ISSUE. 3030 — ALBERT TERHUNE,7 b. Aug. 17, 1822. 8031 — JEMIMA CHRISTIE TERHUNE,7 b. April 16, 1826. 80832 — MARGARET TERHUNE,7 b. June 25, 1829. 1798 — WILLIAM,6 b. Jan. 23, 1796, died in childhood. 1794—SARAH,$ b. Nov. 20, 1797, died June 29, 1827. 1795—WYNT]JES6 (Jemima), b. April 29, 1800, m. Cornelius A. Hopper, Oct. 25, 1820, at Greenwich R. D. Church, New York. She died May 22, 1823. ISSUE. 8033 — ABRAHAM HOPPER,7 b. April 12, 1822. 618. CATHERINE? BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, May 7, 1791, Henry Day, who was born November 30, 1769, and died March 26, 1847. He kept for many years the hotel at English Neighborhood, N. J. His wife died February 23, 1840. ISSUE. 1796 —MARY DAY,6 b. Aug. 10, 1792. 1797 — CORNELIA DAY,6 b. Nov. 5, 1794, died in infancy. 1798 — ELIZABETH DAY,6b. Aug. 18, 1797. 1799 — JOHN DAY, 6 b. Nov. 21, 1799, died in infancy. 1800 — SALLY DAY,6 b. Nov. 19, 1800. 1801 — JOHN LEE DAY,6 b. May 15, 1803, died in infancy (?). 1802 — RACHEL DAY,6 b. March 5, 1805. 1803 — JANE DAY,6 b. June 13, 1807. 1804 — WILLIAM HENRY DAY 6 (M. D.), b. July 16, 1810, m. Eliza Wake, Dec. 31, 1839. She was living, in 1886, in Fairview, N. J. : Sixth Generation ; Fohnt* Hendricks Wiert? Epke.l 113 ISSUE. 1— CAROLINE B. DAY,7b. Oct. 7, 1840, died Dec. 1, 1840. 2— HENRY DAY,7b. June 14, 1844, died Jan. 19, 1852. 3— CORNELIA B. DAY,7 b. June 26, 1851, died July 6, 1851. 4—ANNA BLANCHARD DAY,7 m. Benjamin R. Burdett, of Fairview, N. J. 1805 — MARGARET DAY,6 b. Oct. 14, 1812. 619. JANNETIE? BANTA married Albert Demarest (probably son of David Demarest) at Schraalenburgh, January 8, 1791. ISSUE. 1806 —DAVID DEMAREST,6 b. Oct. 1, 1791. 1807 — CORNELIA DEMAREST,6 b. June 11, 1793. 1808 — JOHN DEMAREST, 6 b. July 9, 1795. 1809 — JAMES DEMAREST, 6 b. Aug. 5, 1798. 1810 —HENRY DEMAREST,6 b. Dec. 10, 1800. 1811 — JANE DEMAREST,6 b. Oct. 21, 1802. 620. HENRY J.» BANTA married Mary Bouton, daughter of William Bouton and Sarah Benedict, of Norwalk, Conn. He was in the grocery business, owning the property on the S. W. Corner of Broome and Sullivan Streets, New York, where he died, Feb. 10, 1819. His widow married Christopher Gwyer, and upon his death she married Samuel Raymond, of Norwalk, Conn. ISSUE. 18111 — SUSAN ANN,6 b. Sept. 9, 1812, m. William Thomas. She died before 1865. ISSUE. 3034 — JOSEPHINE THOMAS.7 3035 — VIRGINIA THOMAS.T7 3036 — AUGUSTA THOMAS. 1812 —ELIZA,6 b. June 4, 1815, m. Linus Scudder. ISSUE. 3037 —EMMA SCUDDER,7 died in infancy. 3038 — SUSAN SCUDDER.7 8039 — GEORGE HENRY SCUDDER.7 3040 — LiNUsS MELVILLE SCUDDER.7 1813 — JOHN HENRY,6 b. Jan. 29, 1818, m. Eliza Ann Hunt, widow of Joshua G. Hunt. For some years he was a hatter in New York City, living from 1842 to 1849 at 175 W. 21st Street, subsequently he removed to Norwalk, Conn. ISSUE. 3041 — WILLIAM HENRY. 3042 — CORNELIA. 3043 —LEONORA.7 Jacobt Henry? Wiert? Epke.! 624. ANNAETJE5 BANTA married Frederick Mabie, March 25, 1783. In 1801 he was a cordwainer, and subsequently in the Custom House service, residing in Pearl Street, near Broadway, New York. He was an officer in the Dutch Reformed Church. ISSUE. 1814 — JACOB MABIE,$ b. Jan. 19, 1785, m. Margaret . 1815— SUSANNAH MABIE,$ b. Nov. 11, 1787, m. Edward Myers. 1816 —SARAH MABIE,6 b. Nov. 18, 1789, m. Bedell, 8 \ 114 Sixth Generation ; Facob* Henry’ Wiert? Epke. 626. REBECCA5 BANTA married Henry Clapp, who died before 1801, in which year she lived, as a widow, in Richmond County, New York. She subsequently mar- ried Amerman, a school teacher. ISSUE. 1817 —JOHN B. CLAPP,6 m. Christina Acker, March 10, 1811. ISSUE. 3044— WILLIAM HENRY CLAPP,7 b. Jar. 11, 1812, m. Hester Patterson. 8045 — MARY REBECCA CLAPP,7 b. March 14, 1814, m. Weart Acker. 3046 —EL1zABETH CLAPP,7 b. June 16, 1816, m. Stymets Fisher. 3047 — JouN JAcoB CLAPP,7 b. Oct. 7, 1818, m. 1828 Maria Caroline 6 Banta. 8048 — SARA FRANCES CLAPP,7 b. Aug. 17, 1820, m. Isaac Doolittle. 8049 — BENJAMIN ACKER CLAPP,7 b. Sept. 3, 1823. 3050 —JosEPH BARKER CLAPP,7 b. May 4, 1826, died in childhood. 3051 — ROBERT ACKER CLAPP,7 b. May 8, 1827. 8052 — JACOB BROUWER CLAPP,7 b. June 3, 1830. Is living at Sing Sing, N. VY. 83053 — OsCAR CLAPP,7 b. June 11, 1832, died in infancy. 1818 — PETER CLAPP.6 1819 — WILLIAM CLAPP.6 1820 —HENRY CLAPP.6 1821 — REBECCA CLAPP.6 628. JACOBS BANTA married Elisabeth Wood. He was a cabinet maker, living at 73 Third (Forsyth) St., N. Y. He sold his house in 1805. He died Dec. 29, 1825. ISSUE. 1822 —JANE,6 b. Aug. 9, 1802, m. Daniel Jones. 1828 —HANNAH MABIE,6 b. Oct. 14, 1804, died in infancy. 1824 —MARIA,6 b. June 22, 1808, died in infancy. 629. PETERS BANTA married, July 25, 1805, Elsie Van Voorhees, daughter of John Van Voorhees and Johanna Rome, of Dutchess County, N. Y. She died Septem- ber 1, 1811, and he subsequently married Letitia Post. He was a prominent mason and builder of New York; owned 223 William (originally King George) Street, which he bought from the executors of his father’s estate. He died February 27, 1848. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1825 — JOHN VAN VOORHEES,$6 b. Sept. 5, 1806, died unmarried, 1828. 1826 — MARY JANE,6 b. May 26, 1808, m. William Crolius. 1827 — JOHANNA, 6 b. Oct. 1, 1810, died in infancy. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1828 — MARIA CAROLINE,6 b. Aug. 30, 1819, m. 3047 John J. Clapp.? Paulus Hendrick? Wiert? Epke.! 637. CATHARINES BANTA married John Barr. He was a butcher in the Old Fly Market, New York, and lived on the south-east corner of Grand Street and the Bowery. He died of yellow fever in 1798. His widow kept a vegetable stand in Collect Market, when that market was opened in 1810; in 1817 its name was changed to Cen- tre Market. In 1850 she removed to Union Market in East Houston Street, and continued there until her death, October 21, 1858. Devoe’s Market Book, a history of the Markets of New York City, speaks as follows of Mr. and Mrs. Barr: Sixth Generation, Paulus* Hendrick3 Wiert? Epke.l 113 Yet living (1858) and nearly ninety years of age, is the active, intelligent widow of one of the victims of 1798, who told me the following facts. She said her husband, John Barr, was a butcher in the Old Fly Market, where he took the yellow fever. He came home to his residence, then at the south-east corner of the Bowery Lane and Grand Street, and with the assistance of his wife, dismounted from his horse —no carts being allowed after a certain time around the markets,— when his relatives and friends deserted him, all except his affectionate wife, and she for two days and nights was at the bedside alone with her, at times, deranged husband; and when in his senses, his wishes were, if he died, that he might not be taken by Parker, in his /Lorrid dead-cart, to ‘‘Potter’s Field.” His faithful wife promised he should not, if she lived. The humane Vogel heard of his sickness through the doctor (Underkill, she thought he was a doctor), and hurried there to find that the husband was speechless and the wife worn out. He stayed and did all that man could do, but the poor distracted wife knew he could not live, and she knew also that no other help could be obtained; she pre- pared his winding-sheet, that he might have the christian burial she had promised him. He died, and Vogel, having previously procured a coffin, laid him out; then, before the expected dead-cart came along for the body, he harnessed the dead man’s favorite horse before his butcher cart, to be at last used as his hearse, and in this he conveyed the body, followed by one, the chief mourner, to the family burial ground in the Dutch Reformed church-yard, at the corner of Eldridge and Houston Streets, where he wished it to lie. There the noble-hearted Vogel dug the grave, and the faithful wife redeemed . the last promise made to her once affectionate and her only husband. In an account of Union Market, page 584, there is this following reference to Mrs. Barr: Among these new faces here was one, a most remarkable character, previously noticed in the “Old Fly Market,” in connection with her husband, John Barr, who died of yellow fever in the year 1798. ‘“ Aunt Katy Barr” was known to many of our old citizens for the last half century, first, as an occupant of the ‘Collect Market,” when that first opened for business in 1810, in which she sold her vegetation for seven years, or until the occupants were transferred into the ‘‘ Centre Market” in 1817, where I, while going with my mother to this market, became acquainted with her and her sister, ‘ Aunt Fanny Watson,” both market-women, or hucksters, whom I thought in my boyhood stood in that relative relation to me and everybody else who addressed these remarkable women. I had lost sight of and forgotten her from about 1825 to 1857, when I heard of the ‘old market woman” in the ‘Union Market,” whose recollections of the past were most wonderful ; and when I visited her, and first heard the sound of her voice and quick answers, it told me it was the same ‘‘ Aunt Katy Barr.” Then, although almost ninety years old, she recollected my mother and her ‘“wild boys.” She had stood in the ‘Centre Market” from its first opening. * * #* = # = About the year 1335 she removed into one of her houses in Second Street, near Avenue C, with her married daughter (her only child), which created a longer distance to travel at an earlier hour in the morning. She was, however, among the first in the market, always ready for business; and on Saturday nights after a long, tiresome day’s work, sometimes as late as twelve o’clock found her traveling through deep snows and cold storms towards her welcome home. This active life she continued up to 1850, when she in sorrow parted from the old associations in the Centre Market and entered again upon new ones in this (Union) Market. Here she passed eight years in her business, and on Saturday night, the 17th of October, 1858, she left here for the last time, as she, after a short illness of only four days, expired, and her body was borne to that final resting-place where she, just sixéy years before, had followed her only husband, being a wife for a few short months and a widow of sixty years, always treasuring in her memory her young and loving husband. ISSUE. 1829 — FANNY BARR,6 m. Thomas O. Devoe, 1815. 116 Sixth Generation; Paulus* Hendrick? Wiert? Epkel ISSUE. 3061 — BENJAMIN DEVOE,7 died in 1817. 3062 — CATHARINE DEVOE.T 3063 — MARIA DEVOE,7 died unmarried in 1864. 8064 — ALBERT ALONZO DEVOE.7 3065 — FRANCES JANE DEVOE,7 b. June 1, 1830, m. Isaac Skidgell. 1830 — JOHN BARR. 638. FRANCYNT]JES (Fanny) BANTA married Robert Watson, May 10, 1800. She had a stand in Centre Market, where she was known as ‘‘ Aunt Fanny.” Devoe’s Market Book, page 461, says concerning her: Among the other occupants removed from the ¢“ Collect Market” into this were two remarkable sisters, daughters of Mrs. Frances Banta (noticed in the ¢“ Oswego Market”), who early taught them to know how to earn a livelihood, instead of not Zo know how, as is the fashion of the present day. They were early in life left widows, with families to support on small incomes; and although they had wealthy relatives, they felt not like receiving dependent charity, but rather preferred to call their early teachings into action, and earn an independent livelihood. A sketch of the life of one of the daughters will be found in the ‘Union Market,” and the other, Mrs. Fanny Watson, or rather Aunt Fanny, was long known in this market, in fact, until her death, which occurred in 1841. She was a large, well-formed, as well as a well-informed woman, very sprightly, quick, and a general favorite here, where she spent many years in accumulating a property, of which a part was unfor- tunately destroyed by fire. She, however, succeeded in bringing up her family in such a manner as to give her pleasure; and when she died, she left a snug property and a good name for industry, intelligence, and honesty. ISSUE. 1831 — ELIZABETH WATSON,6 b. March 2, 1801, m. George Kaler in 1833. ISSUE. 3066 — HANNAH AURELIA KALER,7 m. Robert Butcher. 3067 — FRANCES R. KALER,7 m. Joseph Porter. 1832 — HANNAH BANTA WATSON,6 b. April 5, 1805, m. George Kirk, Nov. 30, 1823. He was born in New York, April 21, 1800, and died June 29, 1859. She died May 10, 1876. ISSUE. 8068 — GEORGE WATSON KIRK, b. Dec. 22, 1824, m. Charlotte Lester, July 6, 1851. 8069 — EMMA ELIZABETH KIRK,7 b. April 1, 1826, died 1830. 3070— LEWIS JoNES KIRK, b. July 21, 1830, m. Jane Lindsey, Feb., 1851. He died Dec. 24, 1875. 8071 —SARAH EL1zABETH KIRK,7 b. Nov. 27, 1833. 3072 — MARY ANNA KIRK, b. Feb. 3, 1839, m. John Goldie. ISSUE. 1— George K. Goldie.8 2— Sarah Goldie.8 3— Emma Goldie.8 4— Marion Goldie.8 5— William Goldie.8 6— Frank Watson Goldie.8 3073 — FANNIE CATHARINE KiIRK,7 b. July 1, 1842, m. Hiram Hunt. ISSUE. Helen Watson Hunt.8 8074 — WiLLIAM S. KIRK,7 b, Dec, 29, 1845, m. Caroline Bell Holroyd. Sixth Generation ; Paulus* Hendrick Wiert? Epke.l 117 ISSUE. 1 — William J. Kirk,8 b. Dec. 2, 1868. 2— Hiram Merritt Kirk,8 b. Nov. 15, 1871. 3— Maude Kirk,8 b. Aug. 14, 1882. 1833 — SARAH MINTHORNE WATSON,6 b. May 5, 1809, m. George Clinton Tompkins. He was born in Westchester County, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1807, and died July, 1872. ISSUE. 8075—ELIJAH MARTINE TOMPKINS,7 b. Jan. 18, 1839, died March 2, 1883. 8076 — MINTHORN DYCKMAN TOMPKINS,7 b. July 20, 1841, m. Ellen M. Wilcox. Live at Mystic Bridge, Conn. ISSUE. Odell Dyckman Tompkins, b. 1872. 3077 — SARAH THEODOSIA TOMPKINS,7 b. Oct. 9, 1849, m. Edward T. Lovatt, May 22, 1871. He was born in Newark, N. J., May 22, 1850. Is a lawyer in Tarrytown, N. Y. 640. WILLIAM 5 BANTA married in New York, April 18, 1802, Sarah Wilkes, daughter of James Wilkes and Betsy Parks. He was a wheelwright in New York, living in Mulberry Street, near Bleecker Street, till 1820, and subsequently in Orchard Street. He died January 4, 1824. His wife was born March 17, 1782, and died in Brooklyn March 24, 1884, aged 102 years and 7 days. The New York Herald, of March 14, 1882, contained an account of the coming celebration of her one-hundredth birthday, with an interesting interview with the centenarian. ISSUE. 1834— ELIZA SUTER,6 b. June 5, 1803, m. Charles Coles, of East Chester, Feb. 23, 1826; removed to San Francisco, Cal. She died Aug. 28, 1860. 1835 — MARY ANN,6 b. April 20, 1805, m. William Coles, April 10, 1851. 1836— JOHN SUTER,6 b. April 18, 1807, died unmarried May 12, 1835. 1837 — CATHARINE BARR,6 b. May 27, 1809, m. John Brady. He died Oct., 1888. 1838 — WILLIAM,6 b. Aug. 17, 1811, m. Nancy Eliza Thorp. : 1839 — JAMES WILKES, 6 b. May 27, 1814, m. Melissa Drake. 1840 —SARAH ANN,6 b. Jan. 5, 1817, died unmarried, Feb. 29, 1884. 1841— JACOB,6 b. May 13, 1819, m. $ 3 Cainaing fois 1842 —HARRIET 6 (Hannah), b. Aug. 4, 1821, m. Peter Shute. David+ Hendrick? Weart? Epke.! 641. TRYNTJE5 (Catharine) BANTA married in New York, March 24, 1783, Philip Romaine. ISSUE. 1843 — PHILIP ROMAINE,6 b. April 2, 1784, married — ISSUE. CATHARINE ROMAINE,” m. John R. Ryerson. 1844 —HILLAH ROMAINE, 6 died unmarried. 1845 — NICHOLAS ROMAINE,6 m. Elizabeth —. 1846 —MARGARET ROMAINE,6 m. Elisha B. Haight. 118 Seventh Generation ; Fan Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epke.l CHAPTER XV. SEVENTH GENERATION. Jan’ Cornelius Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 684. CORNELIUS® BANTA married at Acquackenonck, Aug. 14, 1794, Catha- rine Bruce, who was born in 1775, and died March 17, 1858. He lived in 1794 at The Ponds, Bergen County, New Jersey, removing thence to New York City where he was a carman. Lived in 1811-13 at 73 Forsyth Street, and died Oct 15, 1815. ISSUE. 1861 —ELLEN,7 b. April, 1797, m. Cornelius Parker. 1862 — JOHN,7 b. Oct. 1, 1800, died in infancy. 1863 — FREDRICK BRUCE,7 b. August 25, 1802, m. Rebecca Pearce. 1864 — JOHN MARTIN,7 b. July 28, 1808. 685. PETRUS6 BANTA married at Acquackenonck, Sept. 21, 1793, Dorothea Van Orden. From 1796 to 1810 (?) he was a carman in New York. In 1812 had re- moved to a farm in Essex County, and afterwards returned to New York City where he was a carman, residing in King Street. He died, Feb. 7, 1829. His widow died at 77 Bowery, N. Y., March 10, 1840. ISSUE. 1865 —JOHN,7 b. 1794, m. Rachel Post. 1866 —ADAM,7 b. Sept. 16, 1796, m. Catharine Vreeland. 1867 —ANN,7 b. Nov. 9, 1800, m. James Ward, April 27, 1816, at Paramus, N. J. He was born Jan, 3, 1796. They moved to Boonville, N. Y., prior to 1829, and lived to a very old age. The children of Mrs. Ward speak of her as a remarkable woman, who kept her youth very long, and was active and bright to the last. Mr. Ward died May 3, 1885, and his widow followed him Jan. 27, 1886. Most of the children named below were baptized at Paramus, N. J. ISSUE. 8101 — PETER WARD,8 b. Nov. 2, 1817, m. Lucina H. Talcott, Dec. 30, 1839. 8102 — JouN WARD,8 b. Feb. 28, 1819, m. Mary J. Bucon, May 21, 1845. 8103 — NANCY MAUD WARD,8 b. Aug. 18, 1820, died Nov. 24, 1849. 3104 — HANNAH MARIA WARD,8 b. April 28, 1822, m. G. H. Bennet, May 13, 1847. She died Feb. 15, 1878. 83105 — THOMAS WARD,8 b. Sept. 28, 1823, m. Maria Lydecker, May 6, 1846. 3106— JAMES WARD,8 b. Jan. 8, 1826, m. Maria C. Dean, May 11, 1853. 3107 — WILLIAM GROOM WARD,8 b. Dec. 26, 1827, m. Martha Dodge, Dec. 14, 1853. 3108 —MARY JANE WARD,8 b. Dec. 22, 1829, m. John M. Whipple, May 28, 1850. 8109 — DELIA ANN WARD,8 b. Feb. 15, 1832, died Sept. 9, 1849. 8110 — CATHERINE LOUISE WARD,8 b. Dec. 27, 1834, m. A. M. Esler, Oct. 11, 1861. She died March 4, 1865. ; 8111 — MARGARET MALINA WARD,8 b. Jan. 10, 1837, m. L. W. Fiske, May 24, 1864. 8112 — GEORGE HENRY WARD,8 b. April 29, 1841. 18671 —HANNAH,7 m., March 13, 1828, Matthias Williamson. ISSUE. 8145 — GEORGE H. WILLIAMSON.8 1868 —HENRY,7 b. Feb. 8, 1803. Went West and disappeared. 1869 —DAVID,7 b. March 20, 1805, m. Eliza Martin. 1870 —MARGARET,7 m. John Barron Sickels. ISSUE. JoHN SICKELS,S died Nov. 12, 1892. Seventh Generation, Fan® Cornelius Fan3 Cornelius? Epke.l 119 1871 — PETER,7 b. Dec. 28, 1808, m. Celia Williams. 1872 —WEART (sometimes called George),7 April 26, 1816, m. Martha M. Howell. 1873 —ABRAHAM HOPPER,7 b. May 4, 1818, m. Mary Jenkins. 1874— CORNELIUS,7 m. Rachel They lived in New Jersey; had one daughter who died unmarried; another daughter, Adelia,8 married. 688. HENRY 6 BANTA married April 1, 1809, Elisabeth McFall, at Zion Episcopal Church, New York; she died in 1811. He married again May 26, 1813, Eleanor Sarah Brunn, at Zion Church; she died July 28, 1875. During the war of 1812 he served two terms of three months each — namely, from September to Decem- ber 1812, and from September to December 1814, in Captain Foreman’s Company of New York Artillery, under the command of Colonel Carson, in the forts of New York and vicinity. He was a hay carman, residing at 73 Forsyth Street, New York, from 1815 until 1840, when he removed to New Rochelle, Westchester County, N. Y., where he died September 8, 1862. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1877 — JOHN HENRY,7 b. Nov. 14, 1809, m. Almira Griffin Chase. 1878 —HENRY,7 b. Aug. 1, 1811, died in infancy. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1879 —HANNAH,7 b. April 10, 1814, m. William Dally, Nov. 12, 1834. He was born July 12, 1811. She resides (1891) in Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE. 3154— ELEANOR CYNTHIA DALLY,8 b. Oct. 2, 1835, died Aug. 8, 1841. 8155 — WILLIAM H. DALLY,8 b. Aug. 12, 1837, m. Josie A. Guild, July 10, 1875. 3156 — HARRISON DALLY,S b. Aug. 21, 1840, died May 27, 1845. 8157 — MARY LouisA DALLY,8 b. July 15, 1842, m. Rob’t H. Allen, Aug. 20, 1863. She died May 26, 1884. 3158 — THEODORE DALLY,8 b. Aug. 18, 1844, died April 3, 1846. 3159 — HANNAH ELIZABETH DALLY,8 b. Oct. 10, 1846, m. William H. Guild, Nov. 11, 1868. 3160 —THoMAS L. P. DALLY,® b. June 10, 1848, m. Adelaide A. Crasto, June I2, 1872. : 8161 — ALMIRA DALLY,8b. April 29, 1850, died Dec. 27, 1851. 8162 — CYNTHIA DALLY,8 b. May 20, 1852, m. William S. McKellar, Oct. 20, 1875. 8163 — ANN ALIDA DALLY,8 b. Aug. 14, 1854, m. Alfred E. Miller, April 24, 1883. 1880 — MARY,7 b. July 14, 1816, m. April 5, 1836, Edward Spinning, who was born at New- ark, N. J., in 1804, and died Oct. 4, 1885. ISSUE. 83164 — ALMIRA BANTA SPINNING,8 b. Feb. 12, 1837, m. George H. Bromley. 8165— HENRY EDWARD SPINNING,S b. Feb. 26, 1839, died. 3166 — MARY AUGUSTA SPINNING,8 b. March 29, 1841, m. Edward Wheeler. 3167 — ELEANOR SARAH SPINNING,S b. March 14, 1844, m. William T. Manley. 1881 —CATHARINE,7 b. May 20, 1819, died July 22, 1820. 1882 —HENRY,7 b. May 20, 1819, died Sept. 18, 1821. 1883 —ELEANOR S.,7 b. Nov. 30, 1824, married first, Henry Guion; and again, James K. Howard. Mr. Howard is a jeweler in New York City. Weart> Cornelius Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.! 696. ELIZABETH® BANTA married Isaac Ara Davis, who was born in Wales. He was connected with the Navy Yard in Washington, D. C. ISSUE. 18831 —WEART BANTA DAVIS,7 b. 1795, m. Mary Rebecca Stillwell. 120 Seventh Generation; Weart> Corneliust Fan? Cornelius? Epke.! ISSUE. 1—IsAAc BANTA DAvis,8 b. 1818, died 1889. 2— WEART BANTA DAvIs.8 3— JOSEPH DENNIS DAvVIS.S 4— MARY ELIZA DAVIS,8 b. July 29, 1826. 5— CHARLES HARDEN DAVIS,8 b. Dec. 25, 1828, m. Dr. Lawrence C. Service, June 27, 1847. Dr. Service died in Augusta, Ga., Feb. 6, 1874. His widow is still living in Augusta, Ga., the city of her birth. 2 18832—ENOS ROBERT DAVIS, b. 1797, m. — Mitchell. 18833 —ISAAC ARA DAVIS, Jr.,7b. 1799. 18834 —ELIZA DAVIS, b. 1804. 18835— HENRIETTA DAVIS,7b. 1806, m. —— Sossard. 18836 — NELSON TROWBRIDGE DAVIS,7 b. 1809, m. 1885 ' Elizabeth Brown. Widow is living at Whitney Hill, Texas (1892). ISSUE. 1—NELSON TROWBRIDGE DAVIS, Jr.8 2— ISAAC DAvVis,8 deceased. 3—ANNETTE DAVIS.8 4— HENRIETTA DAVIS.8 699. JOHN 6 BANTA married Elizabeth Van Wyck, daughter of Samuel Van Wyck. He was a carpenter in New York, living in James Street from 1816 till June, 1824, when he died. His widow married 702Cornelius Wannamaker,% a cousin of her first husband. ISSUE. 1884— WEART,7 b. Nov. 20, 1793, m. Sylvia Allen. 1885 — SAMUEL,” b. — 1796, died Nov. 5, 1830. 18851-ELIZABETH,7 b. —, m. Capt. Robert Brown. He removed to Savannah, Ga., and subsequently to Texas. ISSUE. ELIZABETH BROWN,8 m. 1883 ¢ Nelson Trowbridge Davis.7 Hendricks Cornelius? Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.! 709. CORNELIUS6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Oct. 1, 1791, 570 Lydia Van Saan.6 She died Feb. 22, 1804. He married again, at Hackensack, Nov. 30, 1805, Agnes Van Saan, daughter of Jacob Van Saan. He lived on his ancestral farm at Spring Valley, N. J. He and his wife were members of the Reformed Church at Hackensack in 1820. He died Aug. 17, 1854. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1889 —ELIZABETH,7 b. July 11, 1792, m. John Lucas Voorhees, Nov. 16, 1822. He was born April 26, 1791, and died Feb. 22, 1849. She married again, Benjamin Demarest. They resided at Spring Valley, N. J., where she died March 23, 1869. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. Lucas J. VOORHEES,8 b. Aug. 10, 1824, died May 4, 1855. 1890 —JANE,7 b. July 25, 1795, m. Hermanus Vanderbeck, Oct. 9, 1814, at Paramus, N. J. He was born Sept. 1, 1793. They became members of the Reformed Church at Ramsey's, N. J., July 27, 1827, and she united with the Reformed Church in King Street, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1841. He died April 10, 1875, and his widow died Feb. 6, 1879. Seventh Generation; Hendrick Cornelius Fan? Cornelius? Epke.! 121 ISSUE. 3169 —LyDIA VANDERBECK,S b. Aug. 11, 1818, died July 8, 1829. 8170 —JAcoB H. VANDERBECK,S b. May 25, 1821, m. Margaret Demarest, June 24, 1841. . 8171 — HENRY H. VANDERBECK,8 b. Oct. 26, 1823, m. Elizabeth Larue Bush, May 3, 1854. 8172 —JoHN BOGERT VANDERBECK,S b. May 20, 1828, m. Margaret Ann Blauvelt, July 11, 1850. 8173 — JAMES BRINKERHOFF VANDERBECK,8 b. July 13, 1831, died Sept. 11, 1831. 3174— GARRET BRINKERHOFF VANDERBECK,S b. April 1, 1833, died Feb. 16, 1841. 8175— CORNELIUS BANTA VANDERBECK,S b. July 6, 1834, died Sept. 2, 1834. 8176 —SARAH MARIA VANDERBECK,3 b. Nov. 4, 1836, m. Garret A. Hopper, Oct. 1, 1863. They reside at Ridgewood, N. J. 1891 —HENDRICK,7 b. Jan. 12, 1799, m. Sally Timpson. 710. JOHN6 BANTA married at Acquackenonck, Oct. 11, 1795, Jannetje Van Saun, who was born, March 27, 1778, and died, June 12, 1875. He moved to the town of Hanover, near Boonton, in Morris County, New Jersey, afterward to Spring Valley, Bergen County, and thence to Hackensack, where he died June 29, 1855. He and his wife were buried at Spring Valley, N. J. His will is recorded at Hackensack. ISSUE. 1892 —HENDRICK,7 b. Sept. 15, 1796, died in infancy. 1893 —HENDRICK,7 b. Dec. 23, 1798, m. Catharine Low. 1894 —JANNET]JEN,7 b. Aug. 2, 1801, m. Abraham J. Demarest. 1895 —ISAAC,7 b. Sept. 23, 1804, died Sept. 19, 1819. 1896 —ELISABETH,7 b. April 7, 1807, married first, David Vorhis; and again, Simeon Ackerman. She died July 14, 1860. 1897 — CORNELIUS? b. Dec. 14, 1809, died Dec. 19, 1813. 1898 — LIDIA,7 Dec. 3, 1813, m. Cornelius Wortendjke. 712. GILBERT ® BANTA married, Feb. 5, 1800, Lea Bogert, daughter of Jacob Bogert. He was a farmer, living north of Hackensack, N. J. He died, July 16, 1849. ISSUE. 1900 —HENDRICK,7 b. Jan. 4, 1801, m. Elizabeth Cooper. 1901 — MARGARET, b. May 20, 1803, m. Peter H. Ackerman, May 27, 1822, at Hackensack, N.J. ISSUE. 3206 — ANNA ACKERMAN,8 b. Dec. 5, 1823. 8207 — LEAH ACKERMAN,8 b. June 13, 1829. 3208 — GILBERT BANTA ACKERMAN,8 b. May 22, 1834. 3209 — RACHEL ELIZABETH ACKERMAN,8 b. Dec. 14, 1836. 3210 — MARGARET MARIA ACKERMAN,8 b. March 31, 1840. 1902 —RACHEL,7 b. Oct. 7, 1805, married at Hackensack, April 20, 1825, Nicholas I. Voorhees, who was born Nov. 2, 1804. After his first wife's death, which occurred May 24, 1882, he married Mrs. Lavina Brinckerhoff, daughter of Abraham H. Zabriskie, who was born August 27, 1808. He died April 10, 1887, and his widow died in 1891. ISSUE. 8211 —IsAaAc VOORHEES,8 b. Feb. 7, 1826, m. Annie Ackerman, Nov. 6, 1845. 3212 — GILBERT BANTA VOORHEES,8 b. Oct. 13, 1828, m. Euphemia Huyler, Nov. 15, 1849. 3213 —JoHN VOORHEES,8 b. March 3, 1838, died Feb. 7, 1847. 19083 — JACOB, b. 1808, m. Williamse Ackerman. 1904 —ELIZABETH,7 m. Jacob Westervelt. ' 122 Seventh Generation ; Hendrick® Cornelius* Fans Cornelius? Ephe.! ISSUE. CASPER WESTERVELT,8 b. Sept. 20, 1830. 714. WIERT® BANTA married Margaret Demarest, who was born April 22, 1783, and died October 22, 1844. They lived in Harrington Township, Bergen County, N. J., and were received as church members at Schraalenburgh in 1814. He died May 24, 1842. ISSUE. 1905 —ELIZABETH,7 b. April 7, 1804, died in infancy. 1906 —ELIZABETH,7 b. Sept. 25, 1805, m. John J. Demarest, Dec. 12, 1824. He was born Nov. 10, 1800, and died Nov. 11, 1877. She died Jan. 1, 1877. ‘The children named were baptized at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. 8216 — GERRIT DEMAREST,8 b. May 25, 1828. 3217 —MARGARET DEMAREST,8 b. Nov. 20, 1838. 1907 —PETER,7 b. March 5, 1808, died Aug. 10, 1810. : 1. John H. Voorhis, Dec. 20, 1828; 1908 —ANNA,7b. April 28, 1810, m. : 2. John H. Zabriskie, April 11, 1850, at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 3218 —MARIA VOORHIS,8 b. July 14, 1832. 8219 — MARGARET VOORHIS,S b. Feb. 28, 1835, m. Jacob Demarest. 715. DANIELS BANTA married at Hackensack, November 16, 1806, Margaret Bartholf, daughter of John A. Bartholf and Lydia Decker. She was born May 22, 17388. He was a carman in New York. ISSUE. 19081 — JOHN B.,7 died in infancy. 19082—ELIZA,7 b. 1808, m. Henry Mabie. 1. Catharine Cooper; “ § 19083— JOHN BARTHOLF,7 b. Sept. 6, 1812, m. } 2. Ellen Conklin. 718. HENRY 6 BANTA married at Hackensack, January 23, 1813, Wyntie (Lavina), daughter of Hendrick Zabriskie. She was born September 4, 1791, and died January 16, 1862. In 1828 they joined the church at Paramus; he was a Deacon from 1842-48, and was chosen an Elder in 1854. At the time of his death, which occurred February 29, 1864, he lived at Wiermus, in Washington Township, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. 1914 — MARIA ANNE, 7b. June 28, 1814, m. Thomas Ackenbach, July 11, 1829. She died Sept. 2, 3831. 1915 —ELIZA,7 b. May 6, 1817, m. Cornelius A. Demarest at Paramus, May 3, 1838. He was born Sept. 22, 1818, and died May 27, 1885. They were church members at Schraal- enburgh in 1848. She died Jan. 6, 1883. They were both buried in the old grave- yard at Spring Valley, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. 3230 — AARON DEMAREST,S b. Feb., 1848, living at Cresskill, N. J. 1916 — ELSIE HOPPER,7 b. Aug. 29, 1819, m. John J. Van Saun, Oct. 9, 1834. They were members of the church at Paramus, N. J., in 1838. She was residing at Ridgewood, N. J., in 1890. Seventh Generation ; Hendrick® Corneliust Fans Cornelius? Epke.l 123 ISSUE. 8231 — GARRET ZABRISKIE VAN SAUN,8 b. Aug. 7, 1836, lives at Cincinnati, O. 3232 — LAVINA VAN SAUN,8 b. April 7, 1842, m. John J. Bogert; lives at Ridge- wood, N. J. 8233 — ISAAC VAN SAUN,8 deceased. 8234 —SARAH VAN SAUN,8m. C. P. Crouter; lives at Ridgewood, N. J. 1917 —HENRY,7 b. July 19, 1822, m. Anna Maria Williams. 1918 — RACHEL PARKS,7 b. Jan. 24, 1826, m. Edward C. Harris at Paramus, July 20, 1843. They live at Chatham, N. J. ISSUE. 8249 — CHARLES AUGUSTUS HARRIS,8 b. July 2, 1845, died in 1861. 8250 — ALICE HARRIS,S m. Frederick Lum. 1919 — GARRET ZABRISKIE,7 b. April 23, 1828, died Oct. 16, 1832. Jacob? Cornelius¢ Jacob? Cornelius? Epke.! 735. CORNELIUS6 BANTA married, October 29, 1814, Elisabeth Berry, daugh- ter of John W. Berry and Elizabeth Terhune. She was born January 19, 1797, and died November 18, 1875. They lived at Hackensack, N. J. ISSUE. 1928 — JACOB, b. April 7, 1816, m. Freelove A. ——, who was born Sept. 29, 1822, and died June 19, 1884. He was a cooper in New York and Brooklyn, dying in the latter city, Oct. 8, 1875. ISSUE. 1— WILLIAM, b. 1846. 2— GEORGE,8 b. Feb. 7, 1836, died Nov. 7, 1862. 1929 — ELIZA JANE,7 b. Oct. 10, 1817, m. John J. McCleece. 1930—JOHN,7 b. Dec. 4, 1819, m. Rachel Ann Frederick. 1931 — LAVINA MARIA,7b. Feb. 19, 1822, m. Richard A. Terhune. She died June 25, 1845. ISSUE. 3263 — MARY E. TERHUNE.S 1932 —SARAH BERRY,7b. Sept. 18, 1824, died Oct. 3, 1826. 1933 —MATILDA,7b. Jan. 5, 1829, m. George Whitlock. No issue. 736. JACOB6 BANTA married Maria Williams, who was born May 21, 1792, and died March 31, 1835. He married again, Sept. 11, 1836, at Hackensack, Hannah Reed. From 1828 to 1836 he was a carman in New York, and subsequently was a farmer, living near Old Bridge, Bergen County, N. J. He was an Elder in the First Reformed Church in Hackensack, N. J., and afterwards Elder of the Second Reformed Church in the same village. He died April 9, 1871. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1934 —LAVINA,7 b. May 13, 1813, m. John Van Houten Zabriskie. 1935 —WILLIAM,7 b. March 2, 1815, m. Louisa A. Rogers, Dec. 26, 1850, who was born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 26, 1820. No issue. 1936 — MARGARET, b. March 3, 1818, m. John S. Lozier, Dec. 25, 1854. He was a farmer at New Bridge, N. J., where his widow still resides (1892). ISSUE. 8264 — ROBERT GOSLEE LOZIER,8 b. Sept. 28, 1857, died April 2, 1859. 3265 — LEMUEL LOZIER,8 b. March 13, 1862, m. May D. Moses, Oct. 8, 1884. 124 Seventh Generation; Facobs Cornelius* Jacobs Cornelius? Epke.l 19387 —JACOB,7 b. Nov. 8, 1820, m. Hannah Catharine Froeligh. 1938 — MARIA ELIZABETH,7 b. July 21, 1823, died Aug. 28, 1826. 19839 — RACHEL MATILDA,7b. May 28, 1826, m. Martin A. Scott. 1940 — JAMES HEATON,7b. July 17, 1829, m. Harriet Bell. 1941— JOHN ].,7b. April 6, 1832, m. Margaret Demarest. 1942 — MARIA ELIZABETH,7 b. March 25, 1835, m. John H. Westervelt, Dec. 31, 1855. He was born Sept. 4, 1832, and died July 28, 1870. His widow died Oct. 22, 1878. ISSUE. 8283 — JANE WESTERVELT,8 b. June 9, 1857. 3284— EDWIN WESTERVELT,8 b. Feb. 13, 1859, died July 9, 1883. 3285 — HENRY WESTERVELT,8 b. Jan. 5, 1861. 737. MATILDA6 BANTA married Feb. 28, 1817, Nicholas L. Ackerman, who was born July 20, 1798. He was a farmer at Hackensack. For some years lived in New York and returned to Hackensack where he died April 26, 1873. His widow died Oct. 3, 1876. ISSUE. 1943 — JACOB ACKERMAN,7 died in infancy. 1944 — SOPHIA ACKERMAN,7 b. Nov. 25, 1819, m. Christian Z. Westervelt, who was born in New York, June 29, 1817. They live in Ithaca, N. Y. ISSUE. 3286 — CHARLES H. WESTERVELT,8 b. June 2, 1840, m. Maria Carr, Oct. 17, 1860. ISSUE. 1— Eleanor Westervelt,9 b. May 9, 1864. 2— Mabel Westervelt,9 b. Dec. 18, 1875. - 3— Roy Westervelt,9 b. Oct. 23, 1879. 3287 —MATILDA WESTERVELT,8 b. June 11, 1842, m. Baltus Dater, Oct. 28, 1863. ISSUE. 1— Etta Dater,9 b. Oct. 23, 1864. 2— Lizzie Dater,9 b. Aug. 15, 1866. 3— John Dater,9 b. Jan. 1, 1868. 4— Noah Dater,9 b. Aug. 6, 1877. 5— Edna Dater,9 b. May 13, 1883. 3288 —EL1zA WESTERVELT,S b. April 29, 1845, m. Kingsley Clark, Nov. 17, 1863. ISSUE. 1— Charles Clark,9 b. Sept. 3, 1864. 2— Wesley Clark.9 3— William Clark.9 3289 — LAVINA WESTERVELT,S b. June 7, 1848, m. Daniel Harrison, Dec. 29, 1867. ISSUE. 1— Floyd Harrison,9 b. June 30, 1869. 2— Frederick Harrison,9 b. Feb. 12, 1873. 3290 — HELENA WESTERVELT,S b. Dec. 30, 1850. 83291 — ALBERT WARREN WESTERVELT,S b. Nov. 29, 1853, m. Alice Dunham, Oct. 20, 1874. i ISSUE. ~ Leon Westervelt,9 b. Aug. 28, 1883. 8292 — RALPH J. WESTERVELT,S b. March 17, 1856, m. Ella Henry, Nov. 24, 1875. ISSUE. Henry R. Westervelt,9 b. April 13, 1877. Seventh Generation; Yacob Cornelius Yacob Cornelius? Epke.l 23 8293 —MARY V. WESTERVELT,8 b. Aug. 19, 1858, m. Frederick C. Thompson, July 14, 1880. ISSUE. Mildred Thompson,? b. June 8, 1883. 1945 — LAVINIA ACKERMAN,7 b. Sept. 2, 1821, m. Jan. 13, 1846, Jacob A. Zabriskie, who was born July 18, 1826, and died Nov. 22. 1882. He was the son of Albert Zabriskie who was born Feb. 17, 1805, and died Sept. 3, 1872, and of Catharina Van Reyper, who was born Sept. 24, 1807, and died Dec. 31, 1868. He was a farmer at Bergen Five Corners, now part of Jersey City, where his widow still resides. ISSUE. 3294 — MATILDA ZABRISKIE,8 b. May 1, 1849, m. Geo. W. Freeland, Dec. 21, 1869. He is an engineer in Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE. George Lincoln Freeland, 9b. Aug. 21, 1870. Lives at New Brunswick, N. J 8295 — ALBERT ZABRISKIE.8 Lives in Jersey City, N. J. 8296 — CHARLES WARREN ZABRISKIE.8 Lives in New Brunswick, N. J. 8297 — JACOB ZABRISKIE.8 Lives in Jersey City, N. J. 3298 —NICHOLAS LAWRENCE ZABRISKIE.S Lives in Jersey City, N. J. | 8299 — CATHARINE JANE ZABRISKIE.8 Lives in New Brunswick, N. J. 1946 — ANN ACKERMAN,7 b. Jan. 28, 1824, m. James Vanderpool. 1947 — JOHN HENRY ACKERMAN,7 b. Aug. 22, 1826. 1948 — RACHEL JANE ACKERMAN,7 b. March 21, 1828, m., Jan. 27, 1853, Cornelius V. H. Vreeland, who was born Oct. 27, 1824. They live at Bayonne, N. J. ISSUE. 8300 —ELENOR JANE VREELAND,8 b. Feb. 23, 1855, died April 19, 1855. 3301 —MATILDA VREELAND,8 b. May 7, 1857, died May 9, 1857. 3302 — WILLIAM HENRY VREELAND,S8 b. July 14, 1858, m. Mary Ann Post, Oct. 17,1881. ISSUE. Edith May Vreeland,9 b. Nov. 2. 1882. 3303 —JoHN JACOB VREELAND,8 b. Oct. 14, 1862. 8304— BERTHA CELESTA VREELAND.8 b. Nov. 11, 1868. 1949 — ALBERT S. ACKERMAN,7 b. Feb. 4, 1834, m. Sept. 25, 1856, Juliet R. Post, who was born Dec. 28, 1838, and died Dec. 19, 1861. He married again, Feb. 21, 1866, Letitia Berry, who was born Nov. 12,1838. He is living at 411 Totowa Ave., Paterson, N. J. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 8305—SOPHIA ACKERMAN,8 b. Aug. 22, 1857, m. John Jacob Bogert, Nov. 27, 1878. ISSUE. 1— Charles De Witt Bogert,9 b. Aug. 13, 1880. 2— Edwin J. Bogert,9 b. Jan. 13, 1883. 3— Juliette Bogert,9 b. Aug. 31, 1885. 3306 — JouN HENRY ACKERMAN,8 b. July 10, 1859, m. Elizabeth A. Ryerson, Nov. 25, 1885. 8307 — JULIETTE ACKERMAN,8 b. Dec. 18, 1861, died April 17, 1862. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 8308 — JENNIE B. ACKERMAN,8 b. June 3, 1867. 3309 — EMMA ACKERMAN,8 b. Nov. 5, 1868. 3310 — ALBERT Z. ACKERMAN,8 b. July 7, 1870. 3311 — WILLIAM W. ACKERMAN,8 b. June 30, 1873. 3312 — ELLA M. ACKERMAN,8 b. Nov. 4, 1877. 3313 — AGNES ACKERMAN,8 b. Sept. 17, 1881, died Oct. 15, 1881. 1950 —JACOB ACKERMAN,7 b. Nov. 29, 1838, died June 14, 1847. 126 Seventh Generation ; Yacohd Cornelius* Facob3 Cornelius? Epke.! 738. ALBERT ZABRISKIE® BANTA married in New York, Sarah Ann Sayre, who was born at Connecticut Farms, Elizabethtown, Essex County, New Jersey, August 24, 1797, and died in Augusta, Georgia, Sept. 6, 1839. She was the eldest daughter of Calvin Sayre and Mary Dickerson, the former being a descendent of Thomas Sayre, who came from Bedfordshire, England, in 1639, to Lynn, Mass., and who was one of the founders of Southampton, Long Island, in 1641. The house erected by him in that town in 1649 is still standing—one of the oldest buildings on the island. Mary Dickerson was a descendent of Philemon Dickerson, who came to Lynn, Mass., in 1648, and was one of the founders of Southold, Long Island, in 1641. Albert Z. Banta married again, June 5, 1842, Mary Ann Hopper, widow of Bartholomew Skaats. Albert Z. Banta learned the cabinet maker’s trade and had a large furniture establish- ment in Catherine Street, near East Broadway, in 1832. In 1837 he removed to Augusta, Ga., where he continued in the furniture business. While in that city he held a commission as Lieutenant in the Georgia Militia. On his return to New York in 1841, he engaged in the hay and grain business, which he conducted till his death, August 31, 1854. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 1951 —EMILY MARIA, b. Dec. 31, 1820, died Feb. 3, 1883. 1952 — LAVINA MATILDA,7 b. July 23, 1822, died Sept. 17, 1823. 1953 —SARAH JANE, b. Jan. 4, 1824, m. Horace Sill. She died Oct. 19, 1865. ISSUE. RICHARD HENRY SILL.8 1954 — LAVINIA MATILDA, b. Nov. 17, 1825, died April 6, 1883. 1955 ALBERT, b. Dec. 4, 1827, died Sept. 7, 1832. 1956 — WILLIAM SAYRE,7 b. Sept. 18, 1829, m. Mary Jane Torbett. 1957 — JACOB CALVIN,7 b. July 25, 1831, m. Sarah Ann Hopper. 1958 — ALBERT ZABRISKIE,T b. Feb. 16, 1833, died Sept. 5, 1839. 1959 — THEODORE MELVIN,7 b. Nov. 23, 1834, m. Cornelia Crane. 1960 —MARY CAROLINE,7 b. Dec. 24, 1836, m. Robert G. Cornell. 1961 — CHARLES HENRY,7 b. Jan. 5, 1839, died July 15, 1840. 789. JOHN JACOBS BANTA married, August, 1822, Elizabeth Campbell, who was born 1802, and died Oct. 4, 1853. He died March 9, 1848. ISSUE. 1962 — JANE CAMPBELL,7 b. May 21, 1823, m. Nath'l H. Wilcox. She died April 27, 1851. 1963 — JOHN CAMPBELL,7 b. May 23, 1825, died in infancy. 741. WYNTIES® (Lavina) BANTA married, Dec. 25, 1822, David D. Demarest, who was born Nov. 2, 1798. For many years he kept the hotel at Hackensack, known as Washington’s Head-quarters — subsequently removing to New York. He died Dec. 8, 1850. His wife was drowned in the Hackensack river, Aug. 13, 1827, in a runaway accident while crossing the bridge with her husband and two children. ISSUE. 1964 — ANNA MARIA DEMAREST,? b. Nov. 12, 1823, m. Clement Fosdick, an artist— subsequently in the Custom House, Buffalo. He died in Buffalo in 1867. ISSUE. 1— LEONARD FOSDICK,8 b. 1848, m. Oct. 1, 1873, Lizzie Erwin, of Jersey City. He is an insurance agent, and lives in Montclair, N. J. Seventh Generation ; Facobd Cornelius* Facob3 Cornelius? Epke.t 127 ISSUE. 1— Bessie Fosdick,9 b. Aug. 19, 1874. 2— Josephine Fosdick,9 b. March 4, 1876. 3— Laura Fosdick,? b. May 19, 1879. 4— Clarence Fosdick,9 b. March 20, 1887. 2— WELDON F. FospICK,8 b. Oct. 2, 1850, m. Natistia A. Post, Oct. 16, 1872. She was born in Bergen County, N. J., July 6, 1853. He is a real estate and insur- ance agent in Hackensack. ISSUE. 1 — Harry Fosdick,9 b. August, 1873. 2— Nellie J. Fosdick,? b. Dec. 1874. 3—Anna Maria Fosdick,9 b. May, 1878. 4— Jennie B. Fosdick,9 b. Feb. 1881. 5— Walter Brainerd Fosdick,9 b. March, 1883. 6— Weldon A. Fosdick,9 b. Nov. 1884. Joseph? Cornelius* Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! 777. JOSEPH6 BANTA married Elizabeth Carr, who was born Feb. 9, 1817, and died Dec. 24, 1860. He was a farmer in Sussex County, N. J., where he died Jan. 21, 1873. ISSUE. 2006 —NANCY,7 b. Jan. 13, 1839, m. Henry Osborne, of Franklin Furnace, N. J. 2007 —MARTHA E.,7 b. Aug. 1, 1840, m. Thomas H. Grimstead. They live in Paterson, N- JI ISSUE. 3338 —KiTTIE E. GRIMSTEAD,8 b. June 20, 1867. 8339 — JOSEPHINE GRIMSTEAD,8 b. Aug. 13, 1869. 88340 — NANCY J. GRIMSTEAD,8 b. March 30, 1879. 2008 —CATHARINE,7 b. June 3, 1842, died Dec. 13, 1870. 2009 — DAVID, b. Jan. 5, 1844, died Feb. 3, 1867. 2010 — RACHEL ]J.,7 b. Dec. 30, 1846, died Nov. 24, 1867. 2011 —JOSEPH,7 b. Jan. 16, 1848. He was a physician in Paterson, N. J., died Sept. 30, 1876, unmarried. 2012 — VINCENT,7 b. March 20, 1850, m. Minerva Tappan, Sept. 3, 1874. Lives at Oak Ridge, New Jersey. ISSUE. 8341 —BERTHA B.,8 b. Jan. 29, 1875. 8342 —JosEPH J.,8 b. Dec. 11, 1877. 8343 —SorHIA C.,8 b. April 9, 1881. 8344 — VINCENT, ]Jr.,8 b. Sept. 3, 1882. 3345 — HARRY A.,8 b. May 25, 1884. 8346 —MAMIE M.,8 b. July 11, 1886. 2013 —WHITFIELD,7 b. Sept. 14, 1852, m. Anna Armstrong, Jan. 7, 1880. He lives in Paterson, N. J. ISSUE. 8347 —EL1ZABETH,S b. July 4, 1882. 3348 — WHITFIELD,8 b. March 30, 1885. 2014— WESLEY, b. Sept. 14, 1852, m. Mary Monroe, Nov. 3, 1879. 2015 —JOSEPHINE,7 b. Nov. 7, 1854, died Dec. 3, 1882. 2016 —RANDALL,7 b. Nov. 20, 1861, died Aug. 6, 1881. 128 Seventh Generation ; Abram Samuelt Abram? Cornelius? Epke.l Abram?’ Samuel* Abram3 Cornelius? Epke.! 781. SAMUELS BANTA married at Paramus, February 3, 1816, Margaret Val- entine. He was a farmer, living in Bergen County, where he died in 1874. ISSUE. 2024 —SAMUEL.7 2025— RACHEL,” m. John A. Ackerman. 2026 — DEBORAH,” m. John Carlough. 2027 — JANE,” m. Andrew Doremus, Feb. 5, 1853. 2028 —ABBIE,” m. Abraham Blauvelt. 2029 —ELIZA,7 m. James Goetchius. 782. ABRAHAM6 BANTA married at Kakiat, N. Y., June 29, 1816, Cornelia Crouter, who was born April 23, 1798, and died July 22, 1871. They united with the Reformed Church at Ramapo, November 13, 1841, and he was elected an Elder in March, 1851. He was a farmer in Hohokus, Bergen County, N. J, and died March 23, 1874. ISSUE. 2030 —ABRAHAM,7 b. Sept. 28, 1817, m. Margaret Van Horn. 2031 —MARIA,7 b. June 6, 1820, m. James Fox; died June 12, 1843. 2032 —DEBORAH,7 b. Dec. 14, 1824, m. Wm. M. Serven. They live at Monsey, N. Y. ISSUE. MARY ELIZABETH SERVEN,8 b. Feb. 21, 1846. 2033 — CORNELIA,7 b. Dec. 14, 1824, m. Adolphus Folley, Sept. 12, 1846. He died Oct. 2, 1878. ISSUE. MARGARET CATHARINE FOLLEY,8 b. Dec. 26, 1847. 2034—JACOB,7 b. Dec. 11, 1828, m. Margaret Wannamaker. He died July 22, 1868. 2035 — ELIZA,” b. Aug. 23, 1835, m. David I. Christie. ISSUE. CORNELIA CHRISTIE,8 b. July 31, 1859. 2036 — THOMAS, b. June 8, 1836, died July 30, 1848. 785. THOMAS A.6 BANTA married at Saddle River, N. J., January 21, 1825, Maria Acker (or Eckerson), who was born 1810, and died October, 1880. He joined the church at Ramapo, October 24, 1846, and she united with the same church, Novem- ber 10, 1848. In 1853 he became a Deacon at Ramapo, and in 1887 was living at Ramsey’s Station, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. : 2037 — ABRAHAM T.,7b. Dec. 2, 1825, m. Mary Peterson, Sept. 12, 1846, at Ramapo, N. J. ISSUE. 8865 —THOMAS,S b. Jan. 17, 1848. 3366 — JAMES,8 b. Aug, 3, 1854. 8367 — MARY,8 b. Feb. 21, 1857, m. David Carlough. 8368 — WILLIAM, b. Nov. 21, 1858, died November 19, 1878. 8369 — DEBORAH,S b. Aug. 11, 1861, m. Amos Shuart. 3370 —PETER,8 b. March 8, 1866. 2038 — MARGARET, b. Feb., 1827, m. Wm. Serven, March 5, 1845. 2039 — PETER T.,7b. Aug. 29, 1830, m. Rebecca Foshay. They live at Ramsey's, N. J. ISSUE. 83701 —MARY EL1ZABETH,8 b. April 22, 1865. Seventh Generation ; Abram5 Samuel Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! 129 2040 — DEBORAH,” m. Aaron Winter. 1. Sarah A. Valentine, June 3, 1865; 2041 — THOMAS T.,7 b. Jan., 1842, m. $ Lema Nl 2042 —CATHARINA MARIA,7 b. Jan. 29, 1843. 2043 —SAMUEL T.,7 b. Oct. 4, 1847, m. Rachel Winter. Thomas’ Samuel? Abram3 Cornelius? Epke.! 788. SAMUELS BANTA married Gerretie (Charity) Garrison, who died Novem- ber, 1875. He was a farmer in Hohokus, N. J., where he died March 8, 1875. ISSUE. 20431 — LEAH ANN,7 b. June 1, 1827, m. William Leary, May, 1846. He died Sept. 30, 1862. His widow is living in Hohokus. ISSUE. ‘8371 — SAMUEL BANTA LEARY,S b. Jan. 31, 1849. 8872 —EDWARD DUNSCOMB LEARY,S b. July 13, 1851. 8373 — WILLIAM GALE LEARY,8 b. Jan. 4, 1854. 83374— FRANK A. LEARY.8 2044— JANE ELIZABETH,7 b. Feb. 24, 1833, m. Aaron Vanderbeck. ISSUE. 3375— CORDELIA LEVEASA VANDERBECK,S b. April 16, 1849, m. Lewis De Castro. 8376 — GEORGE VANDERBECK,8 b. March 3, 1851. 38877 —SAMUEL A. BANTA,8 b. Oct. 20, 1852. He is an officer in the Fire Depart- ment of New York, and has received several medals for his bravery in performance of duty. 8378 — HANNAH GERTRUDE VANDERBECK, $b. Oct. 16,1854, m. John H. Wortendyke. 83879 — WALLACE VANDERBECK,S8 b. June 15, 1856. 791. JACOBS BANTA married at Paramus, November 18, 1826, Rachel Van Dien, who was born March 28, 1808, and died November 29, 1840. His second wife, Catharine Van Dien, whom he married January 24, 1842, was born July 22, 1821, and died February 7, 1886. He died March 25, 1857. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2049 — GARRET VAN DIEN,7 b. April 21, 1828, died July 21, 1828. 2050 — JACOB ]J.,7 b. June 17, 1829, died Aug. 12, 1848. 20501-MARGARET ANN,7 m. Guilliam J. G. Zabriskie. 20502-JOHN D.7 20503-GARRET,7 b. Oct. 3, 1837, m. Matilda Westervelt, Feb. 14, 1874, died Feb. 16, 1874. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2051 —ABRAHAM ].,7b. Feb. 7, 1843, m. Mary C. Young, of Arcola, July 4, 1863. They live in Ridgewood, N. J. ISSUE. 3381 — CATHARINE E.8b. Jan. 24, 1865, m. William J. Lally, April 23, 1883. ISSUE. William Banta Lally,9 b. Aug. 25, 1884. ¢ 3382—JAcoB T.,8b. April 13, 1867. 3383 — ALBERT L.,8 b. Sept. 23, 1869. 8384— JouN ELTON,8 hb. July 26, 1874, died Jan. 17, 1875. 3385 — MINNIE MAY,8 b. May 8, 1876. 3386 — CHRISTINA ANNIE,8 b. Aug. 26, 1879. 130 Seventh Generation ; Thomas Samuel* Abram3 Cornelius? Epke.l 2052 — ALBERT,” b. ——, m. Elizabeth Vanderbeck. 2053— RACHEL JANE,7b. ——, m. Jacob Perry. 2054 — THOMAS ]J.,7 m. Elizabeth Van Horn, Dec. 31, 1861. 2055 —MARIA.7 792. ABRAHAMS®6 BANTA married in the True Reformed Church at Hacken- sack, Oct. 8, 1831, Rachel Brevoort, who was born Dec. 9, 1811, and died July 25, 1848. He lived at New Bridge, above Hackensack. ISSUE. oo 1. 3518 Kate Ames,8 Jan. 9, 1859; 2056 —SAMUEL,? b. 1832, m. 3 Elsie A. Cole, Dec. 28, 1865. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 3387 — ROBERT.8 ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 3388 — BARNEY.S 2057 —HENRY BREVOORT,7 b. Nov. 8, 1842, m. Mary Elizabeth Hillyer, Nov. 12, 1863. Is a carpenter and builder in Brooklyn, N. Y. 2058 — THOMAS A.,7 b. Nov. 9, 1845, m. Elizabeth Olcott. Lives in Paterson, N. J. ISSUE. 3389 — MARGARET,8 b. Dec. 1, 1866, m. Whitfield Maybe. 8390 —ANNIE,8 b. March 5, 1870. 8391 —JENNIE,S b. Sept. 9, 1874. 3392 —TiILLIE,8 b. April 27, 1877. 3393 —RACHEL,8 b. May 25, 1878. 8394—EvA,8 b. Dec. 24, 1884. 2059 —JACOB.7 Deceased. 2060 — CHRISTIAN.7 Deceased. 794. THOMAS T.6 BANTA married at Paramus, April 11, 1835, Ellen Tours. He is a farmer living at Hillsdale, Bergen County, N. J., on his ancestral farm. He is a member of the Reformed Church at Paramus. ISSUE. 2063 — ANNA ELIZABETH,7 b. Sept. 22, 1836, m. Albert W. Terhune, April 3, 1862. They live at West Englewood, N. J. ISSUE. 3395 — JAMES TERHUNE,8 b. Jan. 17, 1863. 3396 —DAvID TERHUNE,8 b. April 17, 1869. 3397 — NELLIE TERHUNE,® b. Jan. 1, 1872. 2064— JACOB ].,7 b. Jan. 18, 1839. 2065 — HANNAH,7 b. Feb. 13, 1841, died Nov. 22, 1844. 2066 — CHARITY JANE,7 b. May 19, 1844, m. James D. Christie, Sept. 27, 1862. ISSUE. 8398 — NORMAN CHRISTIE,8 b. June 19, 1863. 3399 —IpA CHRISTIE,S b. Oct. 19, 1865. 8400 — HERBERT O. CHRISTIE,S b. Aug. 17, 1869. 3401 —THoMAs T. CHRISTIE,S b. June 17, 1872. 3402 —MAy ELLA CHRISTIE,8 b. March 11, 1875. 8403 — JENNIE GRACE CHRISTIE,8 b. Nov. 19, 1877. 2067 —AARON VANDERBECK,7 b. Feb. 7, 1847. 2068 — THOMAS S.,7 b. Jan. 12, 1850, died May 4, 1870. 2069 — MARGARET ELLEN,7 b. Sept. 4, 1852, m. Peter H. Winter, Jan. 22, 1874. Seventh Generation ; Thomas® Samuel* Abram? Cornelius? Ephe.l 131 ISSUE. 3404 —IpA WINTER,8 b, Jan. 1, 1875. 8405— HENRY WINTER,S b. Sept. 15, 1877. 8406 — Lizzie WINTER,8 b. Sept. 13, 1882. 3407 — WALTER WINTER,8 b. Sept. 30, 1886. 2070 — JAMES VREELAND,7 b. Sept. 8, 1854, m. Mary Oughletree, Mar. 24, 1883. Lives in Jersey City. ISSUE. 8408 — CHESTER V.,8 b. Oct. 29, 1883. 8409 — PERCY A.,8 b. June 27, 1885. 2071 —ABRAHAM ACKERMAN,7 b. Sept. 13, 1856, m. Sarah L. Fritz, April, 1887. 2072 —HENRY LAWRENCE,7 b. Mar. 7, 1860, died April 1, 1864. 2073 —JOHN WILBUR,7 b. Jan. 6, 1863, m. Hannah Augusta Haring, Nov. 26, 1884. They live at Hillsdale, N. J. Abraham?’ Jacob* Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! 808. JACOB® BANTA, who was born in Prince Edward’s County, Canada, married, March, 1822, Sarah Cole, who was born June 6, 1806, and died February, 1877. He died July 27, 1865. His descendants spell their name Bonter. JSSUE. 2074— JOHN COLE,7b. March 27, 1824, m. Charlotte Ann Sewards. He died June 27, 1873. 2075—JACOB,7 b. Aug. 28, 1826, died Oct., 1827. 92076 —ABRAHAM,7b. Oct. 28, 1828, m. Ann Hicks. 2077—JACOB JAMES, b. Dec. 27, 1830, died April, 1831. 2078 — WILLIAM HENRY,7 b. April 28, 1835, m. Mary Fanning, May 14, 1856. He died April 7, 1863. ISSUE, OSCAR WASHINGTON,8 b. July 26, 1857. 2079 —FRANCIS B. H.,7 b. Sept. 25, 1837, married first, Lodica Mary Sprague, March 8, 1865; and again, Esther C. Brainerd, Feb. 19, 1879. They live in Chicago, Ill. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 8410 — DELLA GERTRUDE,8 b. July 9, 1881. 3411 —BonNIE PHILO,8 b. May 14, 1883. 8412 —FRrANCIS JACOB,8 b. Jan. 16, 1885. 2080 — CLARINDA HELEN VICTORIA ANN CECELIA CORA,7b. July 17, 1844, m. Robert Stuart Sills, Oct. 9, 1866. ISSUE. 3413 — HARRY VINCENT ERNEST SI1LLS,8 b. Aug. 18, 1867. 8414 — FRANCES GERTRUDE DELLA MAUD SiLLS,8 b. Jan. 7, 1869, m. Ezra Collins, March 31, 1887. 8415—EFFIE EUGENIA LILLIAN MAY SILLS,8 b. Jan. 4, 1871, m. Joseph Peake, June 15, 1887. 8416 — NELLIE EVELINA SARAH ELIZABETH SILLS,8 b. Feb. 16, 1873. 3417 —MINNIE GRACE HELENA CECELIA SILLS,8 b. Nov. 13, 1875. 3418 — CorA MABEL SILLS,8 b. Jan. 17, 1877. 8419 — ROBERT STEWART FRANKLIN SILLS,8 b. Dec. 2, 1881. 8420 — ARTHUR CLEVELAND SILLS, b. Jan. 4, 1883. 8421 — FREDERICK VERNEY SILLS, 8 b. May 22, 1887. 132 Seventh Generation ; Abraham’ Facob* Abram? Cornelius? Epke.l 809. JOHN6 BANTA married, March 26, 1827, Rachel Covert, who was born 1813, and died August, 1848. His second wife was Mary Chase. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2081 —CATHARINE,7 b. Sept., 1828, m. James Wannamaker. 2082 — JACOB, m. Jane Henry. 2083 — JANE,” m. Wm. Church. 2084 —ASA.T 2085 — SARAH MARGARET,7 m. Michael S. Church. 2086 —SAMUEL,7 m. Theresa Homan. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2087 — SILVA ANNA,7 m. John Fitzgerald. 2088 — CATHARINA MARIA,” m. Lewis Lature. 2089 — JOHN ALVA.7 2090 — GEORGE WASHINGTON,7 died May, 1872. 2091 —ADELAIDE,” m. Thomas Stapleton. 2092 — JAMES ABRAHAM,7b. Feb., 1851. 2093 — FRANCIS WERSE,7 b. Feb., 1852. 2094— WESLEY GILBERT.7 2095—TILDA MARGARET.7 2096 —HENRIETTA.7 CHAPTER XVI. SEVENTH GENERATION. Simon?’ Seba Arie? Seba? Epke.l 1259. JAMES® BANTA married Mary Dickey on March 2, 1811. He was a millwright ; lived, in 1827, in Sussex County, N. J., and removed to Utica, thence to Rochester, N. Y., where he lived from 1838 to 1847. He died September 28, 1865. ISSUE. 2103 — ELIZA JANE,7b. Jan. 23, 1812, died March 17, 1812. 2104— JULIA, b. Feb. 15, 1813, m. Silas Horton. 2105 — JAMES, b. Aug. 20, 1815, m. Hannah Williamson. 2106 —MARY,7 b. March 26, 1819, m. Miles Decker, Jan. 12, 1837. 2107 —WILLIAM,7 b. Sept. 2, 1820, died Sept. 23, 1822. 2108 — GABRIEL,7 b. June 24, 1822, died Oct. 14, 1826. 2109— JOHN DICKEY,7 b. Sept."4, 1825, m. Olivia Davis. She resides in Rochester, N. Y. ISSUE. 8425 —NELLIE,S m. J. H. Yates, of Philadelphia, Pa. 2110 —THEODOSIA AURELIA, b. March g, 1827, m. George G. Cooper, 1847, who was born in Waltham, Mass., April 2, 1823. He came to Rochester, N. Y., when a lad of twelve and began work in a paper mill; afterwards, he learned the wood turners’ trade. In 1848 he became city editor of the Rochester Advertiser, in 1852 he became city editor of the Rochester Urion, and was connected with that paper for more than thirty years. He died Sept. 8, 18go. ISSUE. 3426 — GEORGE BANTA COOPER,8 b. Aug. 27, 1848, died March 21, 1868. 3427 — SHIRLEY COOPER,8 b. April 24, 1853, died June 24, 1854. 3428 — JAMES BANTA COOPER,$ b. June 15, 1855, died May 29, 1856. 3429 — EVELINE COOPER,8 b. May 17, 1857, died June 19, 1882. 8430 — WILLIAM BRIGGS COOPER,8 b. June 24, 1859. 8431 —1zorRA M. COOPER,8 b. Aug. 30, 1867. 2111 — ANDREW JACKSON,7b. July 1, 1830, m. Mary Franklin. Seventh Generation; Simon® Sebat Aried Seba? Epke.l 133 1268. HANNAH BANTA married first, James McCrea. After his death she married Henry Lyon. She died at Lyons Farms, N. J., Aug. 28, 1864. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 2112—ANN ELIZABETH McCREA,7 m. Matthias Lyon. She was living, in 1888, a 112 Baldwin Street, Newark, N. J. ISSUE. 3439 — HANNAH THEODOSIA LYON.8 3440— THOMAS LYON.8 3441 — CLARA LyYON.8 3442 — MARY LYON.8 3443 — WALTER LYON.8 2113 — THEODOSIA McCREA,7b. Jan. 4, 1819, m. David E. Bedell, Aug. 8, 1838. She died May 21, 1887. He is living in Newark, N. J. ISSUE. 8444— EMMA L. BEDELL,8 b. Jan. 10, 1839, died May 17, 1842. 8445 — HANNAH E. BEDELL,8 b. Sept. 17, 1840, died May 18, 1842. 8446— EMMA L. BEDELL,8 b. April 27, 1843, m. John H. Shoemaker, Feb. 12, 1862. Living in Newark, N. J. ISSUE. 5292 — Alexina Shoemaker,9 b. Aug. 30, 1865. 844% — KELSEY HovyT BEDELL,8 b. Oct. 3, 1846, died Dec. 7, 1846. 3448 — ANNIE BEDELL,8 b. April 10, 1853, m. Silas W. Pickering, April 10, 1872. ISSUE. 5298 — David B. Pickering,9 b. Jan. 18, 1873. 5294 — Theodosia McCrea Pickering,? b. Nov. 26, 1874. 5295 — Reynold S. Pickering, b. Nov. 11, 1880. 3449 — HENRY L. BEDELL,8 b. Nov. g, 1859, died Jan. 6, 1860. 1266. AARON6 BANTA married first, August 4, 1821, Catharine Egbert, daughter of Deacon Egbert, of the McDougal Street Baptist Church, N. Y. She was born June 19, 1806, and died Feb. 12, 1825. April 3, 1826, he married again, Ann Van Buskirk, who was his cousin. He was a shoemaker at 41 Green Street in 1822, and at 41 Watts Street in 1823. From 1825-27 he was a grocer in New York, and afterward moved to Lyons Farms, N. J. About the year 1834 he went to Rochester, and at the time of his death, which occurred Aug. 14, 1880, he was in the shoe business. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2114—SUSAN EGBERT,7 b. Sept. 9, 1822, m. Joseph C. Parks. 2115— JOHN PULIS,7 b. June 11, 1824, m. Henrietta Stanley, Oct. 22, 1846. She was born in New York, March 24, 1828, and is residing in Bridgeport, Conn. ISSUE. 8450 — CHARLES HERBERT,8 b. Dec. 18, 1848, died Feb. 17, 1849. 3451— CHARLES HENRY,8 b. Nov. 25, 1849, m. first, Hattie Saunders; and again, Sophia Kunff. He is living in Chicago, Ill ISSUE. 1— Addie.9 2—Nellie.9 8452 — NELLIE, b. July 8, 1851, m. Smith C. Blackman. ISSUE. 1 — George A. Blackman,9 b. Feb. 2, 1872. 2— Smith Charles Blackman, Jr.,9 b. June 29, 1873. 134 Seventh Generation ; Simon’ Seba* Arie3 Seba? Epke.l 3453 — ELIZABETH STANLEY,8 b. March 28, 1858, died Aug. 20, 1858. 3454 — WILLIAM STANLEY,8 b. Aug. 30, 1862, m. Sadie Francis Thompson, Aug. 30, 1883. They live in Bridgeport, Conn. ISSUE. Bessie Stanley,9 b. May 27, 1887. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2116 —JAMES,7 b. March 3, 1827, died Jan. 28, 1849. 2117 — ANDREW JACKSON,7 b. Nov. 11, 1828, m. Laura Jane Penny, Oct. 3, 1852. He is in the shoe business in Rochester, N. Y. ISSUE. 3455— EMMA IRONETTA,8 b. Sept. 10, 1853. 8456 — FLORENCE MAY,8 b. Oct. 26, 1855, died Dec. 20, 1861. 3457 —GEORGIANNA,S b. June 24, 1859, m. Allen R. Sheffer, Jan. 18, 1882. ISSUE. 1 — Merle Louis Sheffer,9 b. Oct. 11, 1882. 2— Alleen Sheffer,9 b. Nov. g, 1884, died Aug., 1885. 3— Marian Eloise Sheffer, b. Oct. g, 1886. 4— Lindsay Pond Sheffer,9 b. Oct. 10, 1888. 3458 — HERBERT WRAY,8 b. Feb. 17, 1871, died July 12, 1871. 8459 — GRACE AUGUSTA,8 b. July 13, 1872, died Sept. 9, 1872. 3460 — ARTHUR SPENCER,8 b. June 20, 1874. 2118 — AARON ELVERTON,7 b. April 29, 1830, m. Lucinda Lakey Hawes, Aug. 5, 1852. She was born in Peekskill, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1833, and is living in Rochester, N. Y. He was in the 13th and 140th regiments, New York Volunteers, during the Civil War, and was killed at Gettysburg, July 12, 1863. ’ ISSUE. 3461 —IpA MAY JULIETTE,8 b. May 19, 1854. She is a school teacher in Rochester, N.Y, 2119 — ANN ELIZA,7 b. Sept. 24, 1832. 2120 — MARY JANE,7 b. July 22, 1835, m. George L. Smith. i ISSUE. 1— FREDERICK SMITH.8 2—Lucy SMITH.8 3— PERRY SMITH.8 2121 —THEODORE,7 b. Dec. g, 1837, died Sept. 26, 1838. 2122 —HANNAH,7 b. Feb. 11, 1839, died Nov. 29, 1840. 2123 —WILLIAM CRANE,7 b. Nov. 3, 1840, m. Mary A. Mead. He died Dec. 2, 1882. His widow, in November, 1888, was living at 156 West Avenue, Rochester, ISSUE. 3465—Guy.S 3466 — CLYDE.3 3467 —AARON.8 3468 —BERT.8 83469 — THEODOSIA.8 3470 —ANNA.8 2124 — ELLEN MATILDA, b. Aug. 3, 1845, died May 24, 1848. 2125— EDWIN ROSS,7 b. June 17, 1851, m. Charlotte Jane Marvin, May 1, 1873. They live in Rochester, N. Y. ISSUE. 1— WiLLIAM EDWIN,8 b. March 11, 1874. 2— MILTON LUKE,8 b. Sept. 28, 1875. 3— GEORGE DELBERT,8 b. Dec. 23, 1879. 4— ESTELLA MAY,8 b. June 23, 1882. Seventh Generation, Samuel® Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.l 135 Samuel’ Seba! Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 1278. MARGRIETJE® BANTA married first, Tunis Kuyper (Cooper). He died prior to 1800. She married again, June 12, 1802, at Schraalenburgh, Dower R. Westervelt. She died August 1, 1829. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 2146 —EFFIE COOPER, b. Oct. 5, 1783. 2147 —DIRCK COOPER,7 b. Oct. 9, 1786, m. 730Effie Huyler,7 Oct. 8, 1808. He was a mill owner in Schraalenburgh in 1840, and a Freeholder of the town in 1846. He died Aug. 28, 1854, and his widow died June 14, 1862. ISSUE. 8480— TEUNIS R. COOPER,8 b. Aug. 9, 1809, m. Sarah Vanderbeck, Aug. 20, 1829. He was a chair manufacturer at Schraalenburgh, N. J., where he died May 18, 1887. ISSUE. 1—Ann Cooper,9 b. July 20, 1830, m. 4877 Peter W.8 Banta, Dec. 20, 1849. 2— Richard Cooper,9 b. Jan. 19, 1834, died Nov. 11, 1867. 3— Henry Cooper,? b. July 17, 1837, m. Maggie Miller. ISSUE. 1— John W. Cooper.10 2— Ira Cooper.10 3— Joseph Cooper.10 4— Amelia Cooper.10 4— Euphemia Cooper, b. Oct. 15, 1839, m. William S. Bogert. ISSUE. 1— Anne Bogert.10 2— Eva Bogert.10 3— Tunis Bogert.10 4— Emma Bogert.10 5— Harry Bogert.10 5— Rachel Cooper,9 b. April 23, 1849, m. James D. Christie, April 24, 1878. She died July 5, 1881. 6 — Margaretta Cooper,9 b. June 12, 1853. 3481 — WILHELMUS COOPER,8 b. April 30, 1812, m. Maria Voorhis, Dec. 31, 1840. He was formerly a mason, and is now (1891) a farmer at New Milford, N. J. His wife died Oct. 9, 1888. ISSUE. 5342 — Richard Cooper,? b. Nov. 1, 1841. 5343 — Rachel Ann Cooper,9 b. Nov. 17, 1843, m. David S. Zabriskie, July 11 1883. He resided at Paramus, N. J., where he died May 3, 1888. 5344 — John Cooper,? b. May 1, 1847, died March 29, 1848. 5345 — Euphemia Cooper, b. March 17, 1849. 5346 — Mary Cooper,9 b. Aug. 24, 1851, m. Thomas Zabriskie, of Arcola, N. J:, June'1, 1372. ISSUE. 1— Myra Zabriskie. 10 2— Elizabeth Zabriskie.10 3— Cooper Zabriskie.10 4— Richard Zabriskie, 10 5— David Zabriskie.10 6— William Zabriskie.10 136 Seventh Generation, Samuel Sebat Dirck? Seba? Epke.l 3482 — MARGARETTA COOPER,8 b. March 30, 1814, m. John W. Christie, Feb. 27, 1834. They lived at Schraalenburgh. He was born June 2, 1806, and died Oct. 15, 1850. His widow died March 6, 1878. ISSUE. 5347 — Sarah Christie,9 b. Feb. 28, 1835, m. Jacob. D. Demarest, of Kinder- kamack, N. J. 5348 — Euphemia Christie,? b. July 8, 1837, m. John Powles, of Sparkill, N. Y. 5349 — William Christie, b. Jan. 20, 1840. 5850 — Caroline Christie,9 b. Nov. 10, 1842, m. Jacob Herring. 5351 — Mary Ann Christie? b. Nov. 25, 1844, m. James Voorhis, June 29, 1867. 5352 — Margaret Christie,9 b. Feb. 21, 1848, died Aug. 26, 1849. 8483 — TYNE COOPER,3 b. Nov. 7, 1816, m. Albert J. Bogert, Jan. 11, 1837. He was formerly a mason, and is now a farmer at Tea Neck, N. J. ISSUE. 5353 — Jacob Bogert,9 b. March 27, 1838, m. Catherine Campbell. 5354 — Euphemia Bogert,9 b. June 1, 1842, m. James P. Christie. 5355 — Rachel Bogert, b. April 24, 1844, m. Jacob Westervelt. He died Nov. 24, 1883. 5356 — Margaretta Bogert,9 b. Oct. 8, 1846, m. Cornelius Cooper, Feb. 6, 1867. He is a son of James C. Cooper and Maria Zabriskie, of Old Bridge, N. J. ISSUE. 1— James Irving Cooper,10 b. Nov. 2, 1868. 2— Alvin Milton Cooper,10 b. March 25, 1882. 5357 — Catherine Jane Bogert,9 b. Feb. 22, 1853, m. William Herring, Dec. 31, 1878. 5358 — Sarah Maria Bogert,9 b. June 14, 1854, m. Frank Demarest, Nov. 29, 1877. 3484 — GEORGE COOPER,8 b. August 19, 1824, m. Maria Ferdon. He is a mason at Schraalenburgh, N. J. ISSUE. 5359 — Catherine Cooper.9 5360 — Evelina Cooper,9 m. Peter Durie, Aug. 17, 1867. They live in Ne- braska. 5361 — Ada Cooper.9 3485 — JoHN R. COOPER,8 b. June 19, 1827, m. Hetty Maria Dodge. She was born Aug. 7, 1828, and died May 18, 1856. He was formerly a blacksmith, and subsequently became a minister at Monsey and Nanuet, Rockland Co., N.Y. His second marriage was with Sophia Bogert, daughter of Gilliam A. Bogert. He died Feb. 26, 1877. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— Euphemia Cooper,9 b. April 18, 1848. 2— Christina Cooper,9 b. Jan. 4, 1851, m. Thomas D. Brickel, of Westwood, N..J. 3— John Richard Cooper,? b. April 13, 1853, m. Anne Scott, May 1, 1887. 4— Samuel Cooper,9 b. May 9, 1856. Moved to Maine. 2148 — TUNIS COOPER,” m. Lydia Lydecker, Feb. 8, 1812. She was born July 3, 1792, and died Oct. 24, 1863. He was a farmer at Englewood, N. J. He died June 22, 1872. ISSUE. 3486 —Tunis COOPER,8 b. Oct 13, 1812, m. Elizabeth Brison. His second wife was Eliza Sherwood. He was a blacksmith in New York, and died April 28, 1881. de os Seventh Generation; Samuel® Seba* Dirck3 Seba? Epke.! 137 ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— Tunis Cooper.9 2— Allan Cooper. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 3— Franklin Cooper.9 3487 — JAMES L. COOPER,8 b. May 8, 1814, died unmarried May 5, 1878. 8488 — MARGARET COOPER,8 b. Aug. 19, 1815, m. James Ely, of New Bridge, N. J. He was born April 6, 1804, and died Feb. 16, 1880. His widow died March 8, 1888. ISSUE. 1— Lydia Ely.9 2— Abraham Ely.9 3— Rachel Jane Ely.9 8489 — MARIA COOPER, b. April 12, 1818, m. John W. Deronda. They live at Tea Neck, N. J. ISSUE. Lydia Jane Deronda.9 83490 — SARAH ANN COOPER,8 b. Nov. 6, 1825, m. Ralph J. Demarest. They live at Englewood, N. J. ISSUE. 1— Jacob Demarest.9 2— Frank Demarest.9 3— Edgar Demarest.9 4— John Demarest.9 5— Anna Maria Demarest.9 8491 — RACHEL COOPER,% b. April 22, 1831, m. David J. Bogert. He died May 20, 1873. 8492 —LypIiA JANE COOPER, b. July 24, 1834, m. Abraham Anderson, Nov. 18, = 1852. He died March 20, 1868. She married again, James A. Demarest, of Schraalenburgh. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 1— Richard Anderson.9 2— John Anderson.9 3— Eva Anderson.9 1279. SAMUEL6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, February 28, 1795, Lea Demarest, who was born November 11, 1777, and died October 16, 1849. He joined the church at Schraalenburgh in 1797, and died August 5, 1846. ISSUE. 2174—EFFIE,7 b. Nov. 22, 1795, m. Henry Ferdon at Schraalenburgh, Aug. 2, 1814. He was born January 15, 1790, and died Feb. 27, 1853. She died Aug. 27, 1879. ISSUE. 8496 — LEA FERDON,8 b. Aug. 2, 1815, m. Abraham Ferdon. ISSUE. 5381 — Samuel Ferdon.9 5382 — Jesse Ferdon.? 8497 — JANNETJE FERDON,8 b. Aug. 29, 1817, died March 2, 1820. 8498 — JANE FERDON,S b. Sept. 28, 1821, m. Jacob T. Blauvelt. He died April 7, 1879. His widow was living in New York in 1892. ISSUE. 5383 — Dr. Alonzo Blauvelt,9 b. April 29, 1855. 138 Seventh Generation ; Samuel Seba* Dirck? Seba? Ephe. 3499 — ANNA FERDON,8 b. April 1, 1824, m. Henry H. Voorhes (no living issue). She died June, 1869. 8500 — SAMUEL B. FERDON,8 b. Sept. 21, 1826, m. Sarah Christie; lives in New York City. 3501 — HENRY FERDON,8 b. Dec. 14, 1831, m. 4933 Sophia Ann8 Banta; lives at Cresskill, N. J. 2175—ARIE,7b. Oct. 1, 1797, died in infancy. 2176 —ANNA,7 b. Sept. 30, 1798, m. Rowland Hill, May 20, 1817, at Schraalenburgh. He was born Feb. 7, 1797, and died Aug. 25, 1868. She was a member of the Reformed Church (Seceders), King Street, New York, in 1838. She died Feb. 13, 1865. ISSUE. ; 8502 — JaMEs HiLL,8 b. March 4, 1818, died Oct. 4, 1819. 8508 — JAMES HILL,8 b. Oct. 19, 1819, died 1889. 3504 — SAMUEL BANTA HiILL,8 b. Oct. 22, 1825, died 1889. 3505 — SARAH JANE HILLS b. Oct. 9, 1832, m. Samuel Archer. She died May, 1889, 3506 — MARGARET ANNA HILL,8 b. March 29, 1834, m. George Holmes. 2177 —ARIE,7 b. Dec. 23, 1799, m. 1671 Sally 6 Banta. He was a carpenter in New York, and was killed by accident prior to 1844. ISSUE. 1—LEAH.8 2— CATHARINE, m. —— Burnet. 2178 —MARGARET,7b. Jan. 21, 1801, m. 2472 Henry A. Bogert, May 10, 1821, at Schraalen- burgh. They lived for several years in New York where, in 1827, she was a member of the King Street Reformed Dutch Church. Returned to Schraalenburgh, where she died March 25, 1851. ISSUE. 1—ALBERT B. BOGERT,8 b. March 28, 1822, died in Michigan. 2— LEAH ANN BOGERT,8 b. Sept. 19, 1829, married first, —— Ackerman; and again, James Vreeland, of Bergenfields, N. J. 3—SOoPHIA BOGERT,8 b. Aug. 7, 1834, deceased. 4— SAMUEL BOGERT,8 b. Oct. g, 1836. 5— HENRY BOGERT,8 b. March g, 1839, deceased. 6— JOHN BOGERT,8 b. May 23, 1841, deceased. 2179 —SAMUEL,7 b. Nov. 8, 1802, m. Belitje Bogert. 2180 —BEELIT]JE,7 b. Feb. 4, 1804, m. Samuel Haring, Dec. 13, 1821. She died 1840. 2181 — MATILDAT (Tyna), b. Sept. 4, 1805, m. Robert Ames, Sept. 25, 1823. He was born May 11, 1800, and died June 3, 1867. Both were church members at Schraalenburgh in May, 1842. She died Oct. 17, 1866. ISSUE. 3517 — LEAH AMES,8 b. Aug. 4, 1831, m. Henry Brinkerhoff. Died June 7, 1867. 3518 — CATHARINE AMES,8 b. July 4, 1834, m. 2056 Samuel A. Banta, Jan. g, 1859. 3519 — JoHN AMES,S b. June 28, 1840, died Aug. 17, 1853. 2182 —LEA,7 b. Sept. 17, 1807, died in infancy. 2183 — GERRIT,7 b. Dec. 30, 1809, m. Sally Brinkerhoff. 2184 — RACHEL, b. Feb. 10, 1816, died unmarried. Dirck? Seba! Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 1286. SAMUELS BANTA married in 1798, Abigail Goodwin, who was born at Hartford, Conn., Dec. 2, 1779, and died 1849. The descendents of Dirck changed the spelling of their name to Bonta, to correspond with the Dutch pronunciation. Seventh Generation ; Dirck Seba* Dirck3 Seba? Epke.) 139 ISSUE. 2185 — ELIZABETH,7 b. Nov. 29, 1799, m. Alpheus Bemus. 2186 —CATHARINE,?” m. James De Golyer. 2187 — MABEL ANN,7 b. 1808, m. Hosea Davis. 2188 —MARIA,” m. Dr. Joseph Hubbard. 2189 — FANNY,7 b. May 26, 1812, m. George Whitlock. 2190 —DERRICK,7 b. 1814, died unmarried, July, 1842. 2191—LYDIA G.,7 b. 1816, m. $ * fady Defy 2192 MARGARET R.,7 b. Dec., 1819, m. : I, Hany Yoo Dusen; 2193 —JOHN,7 b. Feb. 2, 1821, m. Hannah Dean. 1287. JOHN6 BANTA married Dec. 25, 1808, Lucy Macpherson. He died July 18, 1847. John and his brother Seba went into business together at Marcellus, N. Y., and ordered a sign which the painter, in error, spelt ¢‘ John and Seba Bonta.” As this was the ordinary Dutch pronunciation of the surname, John Banta and his descendants thereafter changed the spelling of their name to correspond. ISSUE. 2194—SARAH,7 b. May 10, 1810, m. Hugh M. Walsh. 2195 —SAMUEL,7 b. July 14, 1812, m. Louisa H. Manly. 2196 — REBECCA ANN,7 b. March 22, 1815, m. Robert Every. 2197 — ELIZABETH," b. April 25, 1817, unmarried. 2198 —DAVID,7 b. Nov. 18, 1819, m. Carolina H. Clark. 2199 —RHODA MARIA B.,7 b. Jan. 29, 1822, m. Julius Sheldon. 2200 — WILLIAM EDWIN,7 b. March 13, 1824, died Aug. 22, 1826. 2201 —MARGARET ADELA,7 b. May 15, 1826, m. Aurora S. Root. 2202 — GEORGE BRAINERD,7 b. Oct, 25, 1828, m. Alice E. Rathbone. 2903 — WILLIAM EDWIN,7 b. Sept. 19, 1331, m. Clara E. Curtis, Oct. 27, 1857. He died April 24, 1862. ISSUE. 3595 — SHELDON CURTIS,S b. Aug. 12, 1858, died Aug. 7, 1860. 3596 — WiLLiAM EDWIN,8 b. Feb. 16, 1862, m. Minnie M. Engdale, April 14, 1886. They live in Wataga, Illinois. 1290. SEBA6 BANTA, married March 18, 1810, Lucinda Smith, who died in 1867. He removed from Fulton County, New York, to Marcellus, in the vicinity of Syracuse, N. Y. He and his brother John changed the spelling of their name to Bonta, which form has generally been adopted by their descendants. He died Nov., 1832. ISSUE. 2204— HARVEY SMITH,7b. Feb. 20, 1811, m. Elne Bradt, March 24, 1852; she died April 11, 1881. He died April 9, 1879. ISSUE. 3597 —EDGAR O.8 3598 — HELEN,8 m. Charles Osborne. 8599 — JouN S.,8 died in infancy. 2205— ELIZA MARGARET,? b. March 23, 1813, m. Wm. M. Hoyt. 2206 — EMELINE CLAUSSA,7 b. March 29, 1815, m. Jonas P. Lane. 2207 — WILLIAM EDWIN,7 b. Nov. 1, 1817, died Dec. 15, 1817. 2208 —ALMIRA LYDIA,7b. Dec. 31, 1818, m. Reuben Hungerford. 99209 —HELEN MARIA,7 b. March 5, 1821, m. Charles Bell. 2210 —SARAH MEHITABLE,7 b. March 22, 1823, m. Aaron Hoyt. 2211 —FRANCES AUGUSTA, b. Feb. 23, 1826, m. George L. Pratt. 140 Seventh Generation; Dirck’ Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.l ; 1. Emeline R. Shaw; 2212 JAMES WILLIAM, b. Aug. 10,1828, m. § I Peni Phe 22183 — CHARLES BARTLETT, b. May 19, 1831, m. Persis Bell, July 10, 1855. 29214—LOUISA CORNELIA,7 b. April 24, 1834, m. James Madison Rude, Dec. 25, 1855. She died Oct. 30, 1878. ISSUE. JAMES RUDE.8 2915 THERESA VENETTE,7 b. July 7, 1837, m. Enos R. Cowell, Feb. 24, 1859. They live in Telluride, Col. ISSUE. 83635 — CoRA ELLEN COWELL,8 b. June 8, 1868, m. O. W. Wilcox, Nov. 26, 1884. 1291. MARGARET® BANTA married Aug. 29, 1811, Nicholas Van Vranken, son of Richard Van Vranken, one of the patentees of Schenectady. He was born at Schenectady in 1779, and died Feb. 19, 1863. She died Aug. 12, 1872. ISSUE. 2216— SARAH MARIA VAN VRANKEN,7 b. March 9, 1818, m. Horace M. Stone, March 11, 1847. She died Sept., 1864. 2217 — JOHN BENSON VAN VRANKEN,7 b. May 14, 1821, m. Sarah E. Talbot, Feb. 9, 1848. They live at Marcellus, N. Y. ISSUE. 3637 — MARY ALMIRA VAN VRANKEN,S b. Nov. 14, 1848, m. Fred. A. Thompson. 3638 — MARK BENSON VAN VRANKEN,S b. Feb. 23, 1851, m. Anjie Judd. 3639 — MARGARET ANNA VAN VRANKEN,S$ b. Jan. 28, 1854, m. Irving I. Clark. 3640 — EDDIE TALBOT VAN VRANKEN,8 b. May 16, 1856. 2918 — ELIZABETH VAN VRANKEN,7 b. Sept. 3, 1825, died Nov. 9, 1852. 2219 — RICHARD VAN VRANKEN,7 b. Aug. 24, 1828, m. Rhoda Davis, Feb. 4, 1852. They live at Geddes, N. Y. ISSUE. 8641 — ELIZABETH VAN VRANKEN,8 b. Dec. 25, 1852. 3642 — LEWIS NICHOLAS VAN VRANKEN,8 b. April 8, 1854. 3643 —LETTIE VAN VRANKEN,8 b. Oct. 27, 1858. 8644 — NELLIE VAN VRANKEN,$ b. Aug. 13, 1861, died May 1, 1864. 1292. DAVID6 BANTA married March 27, 1826, Hannah Adela White. He died April 5, 1877. Some of his family still live in Syracuse, N. Y. ISSUE. 2220 —DERRICK HULBERT,7 b. Jan. 21, 1827, m. Frances Cox. 2221 — HANNAH FIDELIA,7 b. July 24, 1829. 2222 — JOHN OLMSTED,7b. Aug. 15, 1831, m. Thankful Kirk. 2223 —HOPE ANN,7 b. June 15, 1833. 2224 — CATHARINE TEALL,7 b. Aug. 27, 1835, m. Wm, B. White, Aug. 10, 1871. 2225 — MARGARET MARIA, b. Dec. 1, 1839. 2226 — MARY SHELDON, b. Jan. 15, 1841. Lives at Syracuse, N. Y. John’ Seba! Johannes? Seba 2 Epke.! 1294. SEBA6 BANTA married at Hackensack, July 2, 1802, Sally Westervelt, whose sister Hester married 13% Garret6 Banta. They were living in New York in 1800, where he was a smith. It is said he was a soldier during the war of 1812, and died shortly afterward. His widow married Peter Myers, who was born Aug. 9, 1761, and died March 4, 1834. The widow died May 8, 1849. Seventh Generation ; Fohn® Seba* Fohannes3 Seba? Epke.l 141 ISSUE. 2227 —RACHEL,7 b. June 23, 1805, m. Thomas Shepherd. 2228 — JANE MARIA,7 b. Sept. 7, 1807, m. Isaac Amerman. 2229 —SARAH ANN,7 m. William W. Lyon. 1295. DAVID6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, January 1, 1807, Margaret Myers, probably a daughter of Cornelius Myers and Bogert. They lived in New York. After the death of her husband, his widow lived with her sons on City Island, Westchester Co., N. Y. ISSUE. 2280 — JOHN,7 b. March 15, 1808, m. Mary Taff. 2231 —CORNELIUS,7 b. Sept. 29, 1809, m. Amelia Taff. John’ John Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 1302. HANNAH6 BANTA married Oct. 13, 1799, Benjamin Guion, youngest son of David Guion. He was born in New York, Jan. 10, 1777, where he was a car- man. In 1815 he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and the following year to Tylers Creek, or York Ridge, Indiana, where he owned a farm. His wife died Dec. 10, 1820, and he afterwards removed to New Orleans, where he died in 1831. ISSUE. 2234 — DAVID BONTE GUION,7 b. March 4, 1801, married first, Caroline L. Rogers, 1825; and again, Catharine Neff Gans, Aug. 7, 1836. 2235— JOHN GUION,7 b. April 1, 1803, died Nov. 8, 1803. 2286— WILLIAM DRAKE GUION,7 b. Sept. 13, 1805, died unmarried in 1833. 2237 — JANE ELIZA GUION,7 b. Nov. 24, 1807, m. Isaac Waldron, Aug. 26, 1829. He died Oct. 13, 1831. His widow was living, in 1889, at 64 West gth St., Cincinnati, O. ISSUE. 3674— HANNAH JANE WALDRON,8 b. Aug. 30, 1830, married first, John Booth; and again, William H. Hasson, June, 1863. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 1— Ralph Booth.9 2— Lyman Booth,9 m. Ida Belle Hill, 1882. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. Jane Hasson,9 b. April, 1864, m. William Donaldson, June 24, 1885. 29238 — CATHARINE GUION,7 b. July 22, 1810, m. March 14, 1830, Prior Medaris. ISSUE. 836%75— WILLIAM MEDARIS,8 b. Nov. 20, 1831, died Dec. 5, 1831. 3676 —JouN EDWARD MEDARIS,S b. Nov. 18, 1832, died Feb. 25, 1833. 8677 —ANGELINA M. MEDARIS,8 b. May 7, 1834, m. Henry E. Holtzinger, Sept. 18, 1851. ISSUE. 1—Ida May Holtzinger,9 b. Dec. 2, 1853, m. L. A. Ault, Sept. 23, 1879. 2— William M. Holtzinger,? b. Oct. 14, 1855. 3678 — ELIZABETH MEDARIS,S b. July 30, 1836, m. Thompson Neave, Oct. 27, 1857. She died July 16, 1873. ISSUE. 1—Ella M. Neave,9 b. March 6, 1859. 2— Florence May Neave,9 b. Nov. 29, 1867. 8679 — ELLEN MEDARIS,S b. Oct. 25, 1838, m. Benjamin F. Wright, Oct. 27, 1859. They live at Hartwell, Ohio. 142 Seventh Generation ; John Fohnt Johannes Seba? Epke.l ISSUE. Ella M. Wright,9 b. Nov. 8, 1863, m. Dr. Wilson Saffin, Oct. 17, 1883. He is a physician in Carthage, Ohio. ISSUE. 1 — Willis Saffin,10 b. Sept. 15, 1884. 2— Marie Vera Saffin,10 b. Sept. 15, 1886. 2239 — JOHN PERRINE GUION,7 b. Oct. 20, 1812, m. Wealthy Sprague, 1836. He died July 14, 1850, of cholera. His widow died in 1881. ISSUE. 86791 — WILLIAM ALFRED GUION,S b. July 8, 1837, m. Belle Baldwin. They live in Cincinnati, O. ISSUE. 1— Grace Eva Guion,9 b. Aug. 5, 1873. 2— Bertha Guion,9 b. Sept. 21, 1875. 3— John Alfred Guion,9 b. Jan. 4, 1877. 4— Clifford Parker Guion,? b. Sept. 7, 1879. 86792— CHARLES HENRY GUION,8 b. Nov. 2, 1839, m. Ella Pounsford. They live in Omaha, Neb. 86793 — THEODORE GUION,8 b. Dec. 20, 1841, died Feb. 17, 1843. 86794 — EVA JANE GUION,S b. Jan. g, 1844, died June 30, 1850. 86795— MARTHA GUION,S b. Sept. 17, 1846, died June 30, 1850. 86796—ELLA GUION,8 m. Arthur Augustus Parker, M. D. They reside in Omaha, Nebraska. ISSUE. 1— Alice Gertrude Parker,9 b. April 15, 1872. 2— Ada Helen Parker,9 b. Dec. 7, 1874. 3— Blanche Wealthy Guion Parker, b. March 17, 1876. 4— Cecil Belle Parker,9 b. Oct. 8, 1880. 2240 — SARAH MALVINA GUION,7 b. April 27, 1815, m3 dey 2241 — BENJAMIN COOMBS GUION,7 b. June 6, 1818, m. Eliza S. Wright, May 3, 1843. He died June 25, 1849. ISSUE. 38797—SARAH EMMA GUION,8 b. June 13, 1848. 36798 — BENJAMIN TRIMBLE GUION,S b. Feb. 14, 1850, m. Laura Bell Zell, Nov. 25, 1874. ISSUE. 1— Harold Thornton Guion,? b. Sept. 2, 1876. 2— Clifford Avery Guion,9 b. Feb. 16, 1880. 2242 — PETER CORNELIUS GUION,7 b. Dec. 3, 1820, m. Sarah Randolph, Nov. 15, 1846. ISSUE. 86799 — CAROLINE GUION,8 b. July 5, 1848, died Aug. 23, 1848. 867910— PRIOR MEDARIS GUION,S b. July 17, 1849, married first, Minnie Ern- estine Krombka, Feb. 15, 1874; and again, Mary J. Dockweiler, May 17, 1884. 867911—JusTICE R. GUION,8 b. June 16, 1852, died Sept. 23, 1852. 8680 —JoHN GUION,8 b. Aug. 12, 1853, died Aug. 3, 1884. 8681 — JAMES R. GuioNn,8 b. Feb. 20, 1856, m. Elmer E. Clements. 3682 —DAvID B. GUION,8 b. Sept. 30, 1858, died Sept. 3, 1887. 8683 —SArRAH ELONEZE GUION,8 b. Jan. 19, 1860. 3684 —PETER GUION,S b. Jan. 19, 1860, died Feb. 16, 1860. 8685 — JANE E. GUION,8 b. May 12, 1864, m. Charles E. Long, May 11, 1885. Seventh Generation ; Fohn® Fohn* Johannes Seba’ Epke.! 143 1304. PETER J.6 BANTA married at the Dutch Reformed Church of New York, February 7, 1808, Elizabeth, daughter of Harmanus Blauvelt. She was born May 29, 1791, and died November 30, 1877. In 1807 he was a grocer on the corner of Spring and Orange Streets, N. Y.; moved to Dearborn County, Ind., in 1815; thence to Cincinnati, O., and died December 20, 1842. His family changed the spell- ing of their name to Bonte. ISSUE. 2244 — JOHN HARMON,7 b. Nov. 19, 1808, m. Eliza Lytle. 2245 — JANE MARIA,7b. June 25, 1812, m. Daniel Raymond. 2246 — ELIZA ANN,7b. July 6, 1815, m. George M. Raymond. 9947 — CHRISTIANA,7 b. April 5, 1818, died unmarried. 2248 — PETER CORNELIUS,7 b. Nov. 20, 1820, m. Imogene Augusta Blanchard. 2249 — HANNAH REBECCA,7 b. Aug. 21, 1825, m. Robert McKee. 2950 — ORLANDO BELLOWS,7b. Sept. 25, 1827, died Aug. 28, 1834. 1305. CATHARINES BANTA married, February 14, 1807, David E. Perrine. He was born in New York, August 7, 1774, and died August 23, 1850. She died April 11, 1863. ISSUE. 2251 —JOHN HENRY PERRINE,7 b. March 22, 1808, m. Margaret Ann Penybaker, Oct. 23, 1832. . 2252 — JANE SUSAN PERRINE,7 b. Jan. 21, 1810, m. Abraham Snell, Dec. 17, 1828; died Oct. 13, 1836. 2253 — DAVID CORNELIUS PERRINE,? b. July 2, 1811, m. Mahala Ann Kinley, July 13, 1834; died Oct. 19, 1879. 2254— BENJAMIN JAMES PERRINE,7 b. Jan. 1, 1813, m. Eliza Tucker, Feb. 18, 1835; died Dec. 29, 1854. 2955 — WILLIAM THOMAS PERRINE,7 b. Nov. 22, 1814, died Aug. 22, 1834. 92956 — PETER RALPH PERRINE,7 b. Feb. 6, 1817, m. Mary Tucker, Jan. 25, 1838. 2257 — CASSIA ANN PERRINE,7 b. June 22, 1819, died Oct. 30, 1825. 2958 — HANNAH ELIZA PERRINE,7 b. March 25, 1821, m. Pollis S. Lockridge, Nov. 14, 1838. 2259 —SARAH REBECCA PERRINE,7 b. Aug. 10, 1823, m. Peter Henry Rowe, Jan. 28, 1841; died April 30, 1857. 2960 — CATHARINE ANN PERRINE,7 b. Dec. 1, 1825, m. Robert Duck, April 2, 1860. 2961 — ALFRED TOMSON PERRINE,?7 b. Sept. 14, 1827, m. Martha Jane Randell, March 5, 1853. : 2262 — TRUMAN BANTA PERRINE,? b. May 20, 1830, m. Huldah Jane Smith, Jan. 19, 1857. 1307. JOHN6 BANTA was born in New York City. In 1815, with his mother and family he moved to Dearborn Co., Ind., thence, in 1823, to Cincinnati, O. He mar- ried, December 3, 1819, Rachel Davison, who was born in New York, November 9, 1802, and died September 15, 1835. January 7, 1837, he married again, Rohanna Adams Cross. In 1826, in partnership with his brother, Peter J., he established cord- age works in the vicinity of Cincinnati. He died October 9, 1869. His family changed the spelling of their name to Bonte. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2263 — JANE ELIZA,7b. June 19, 1821, m. John Templeton Chambers, Oct. 4, 1841. He was born March 24, 1814, and died Aug. 7, 1855. His widow lives in Kansas City, Mo. ISSUE. 1— AMELIA FRANCES CHAMBERS,8 b. Oct. 13, 1842, died Oct. 28, 1843. 2— MARY EMELINE CHAMBERS,3 b. May 18, 1844, m. Winthrop W. Phelps, Aug. 10, 1873. 3— ANNIE MARIA CHAMBERS,8 b. Oct. 18, 1845. 144 Seventh Generation ; Fohn® Fohn* Johannes? Seba? Epke.l 2264 — SARAH ANN,7 b. Aug. 3, 1823, m. James Ross Miller, May 9, 1847. 2265 — HANNAH ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 28, 1825, died June 13, 1826. 2266 — ELIZABETH LOUISE,? b. April 18, 1827, m. William Angevine, Feb. 13, 1850. She died Sept. 22, 1872. ISSUE. 1— MILLIE B. ANGEVINE,8 m. —— Schuyler. 2— RACHEL D. ANGEVINE,8 m. — St. George. 3— GEORGE G. ANGEVINE.8 He lives in Cameron, Mo. 2267 — CATHARINE AMELIA,7 b. Oct. 5, 1829, m. William Hasson, March, 1853. They lived in Cincinnati, O., where she died Feb. 18, 1861. ISSUE. 1—ALICE MARIA HASSON,8 b. April 25, 1854, m. Albert Davis, Sept. 25, 1879. ISSUE. 1— Alice Hasson Davis,? b. Aug., 1880. 2— Frederick Davis, b. April, 1882, died Nov., 1886. 3— Albert Davis,¥ b. April, 1884. 2— WILLIAM FREDERICK CONVERSE HASSON,8 b. May 11, 1857. 3— CHARLES BONTE HASSON,8 b. May 18, 1861, m. Anna Dannentold. ISSUE. 1— Catharine Hasson,9 b. June, 1886. 2— Charles Hasson,2 b. Nov., 1887. 2268 —MALVINA MARIA,7 b. March 9, 1832, m. Joseph H. Marshall, May 28, 1855. He was born June 26, 1831. Their home is in Elderville, IIL. ISSUE. 1— PERCY SEYMOUR MARSHALL,8 b. May 30, 1858, died Jan. 17, 1873. 2— HENRY BLISS MARSHALL,8 b. Nov. 29, 1859. 3— GERTRUDE MARIA MARSHALL, b. Sept. 2, 1861, m. William Henry Berry, Oct. 2, 1880; lives at No. 143 N. 4th Street, Quincy, Ill.; have two sons, Ralph and Paul. 4— ELLA PRATHER MARSHALL,8 b. April 28, 1863. 5— JOHN BONTE MARSHALL,8 b. March 22, 1868. 6—JosEPH HENRY MARSHALL,8 b. May 15, 1870. 7—RENNSSELAER LEE MARSHALL,S b. Oct. 4, 1871, died July 4, 1875. 2269 — JOHN, b. March 12, 1834, died Oct. 2, 1835. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 92970 — CHARLES EDGAR,7 b. Oct. 21, 1844, m. Mary E. Butterfield, who was born Oct. 23, 1852. He was in the cordage business in Cincinnati, O., and is now an officer in the Ohio Soap Co. in the same city. ISSUE. 1— GEORGE WILLARD,8 b. May 16, 1873. 2— EDGAR,8 b. Aug. 4, 1877. Deceased. 3— HARRIET,8 b. June 19, 1879. George’ John Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 1811. JOHN6® BANTA married, January 6, 1823, Gitty, daughter of Johannes and Sally Post, who was born January 16, 1806. Both were members of the R. D. Church at Paterson in 1826. In 1845 and 1846 he was a member of the Legislature (Assembly) for Bergen County, N. J. He died April, 1868. His widow died in 1891, at the Slotterdam, near Passaic, N. J. Seventh Generation ; George Fohn* Johannes? Seba? Epke.l 145 ISSUE. 2978 —SALOME,7 b. March 30, 1825, m. Edmund Williams, Oct. 16, 1851. He was a school teacher in Hackensack. 2279 —GEORGE,7 b. Nov. 19, 1827, m. Jane Alyea, Feb. 5, 1852. She was born June 16, 1834, and died Jan. 20, 18go. They were residents of Passaic, N. J. ISSUE. 8710 — RACHEL JANE,8 b. Dec. 10, 1854, m. Roosevelt Van Buskirk, Dec. 22, 1881. 8711 —GiTTY.8 8712 —MARGARET.8 2280 —ANN ELIZA,7 b. Aug. 3, 1831, m. Henry C. Doremus. 2281 —MARGARET ELLEN,7b. Jan. 23, 1835, m. John Henry Ackerman. 1318. AARON® BANTA married May 31, 1830, Eliza Flearborn, who was born May 2, 1807, and died April 7, 1875. He owned a farm of 20 acres on the road from Godwinsville to Paramus, Bergen Co., N. J., which he sold Nov. 21, 1833. In 1834 he became a member of the Reformed Church at Paramus. His wife united with the Reformed Church at Ramapo Nov., 1843. He died June 17, 1852. ISSUE. 29282 — GITTY ELISABETH,7b. March 18, 1831, died in infancy. OR 1. Mary Ellen Bayard; 2288 — GEORGE A.,7 b. Nov. 5, 1832, m. 3 I platy 5,00 2284 — JOHN A.,7 b. Feb. 4, 1834, m. Amy Dougherty. 2285 — ELLEN MARGARET,7 b. March 18, 1838, m. William Bloomfield Warren, Jan. 1, 1858. He was born at Paterson, N. J., Feb. 21, 1836, and died May 28, 1875. In 1886 his widow resided at No. 313 Van Houten St., Paterson, N. J. ISSUE. 3729 — EMMA AURELIA WARREN,8 b. Dec. 3, 1859. 8730 — THOMAS WARREN,8 b. May 24, 1863, died July 29, 1865. 8781 —LizziIE BERTHA WARREN,S b. Nov. 14, 1866. 3732 — SELINA WARREN,8 b. July 4, 1869, died Dec. 21, 1870. 2286 — RICHARD ABRAHAM, b. Dec. 7, 1845, m. Henrietta Le Comte, Oct. 16, 1867. She was born in New York City, March 9, 1844. In 1886 they resided at No. 266 'W. 38th St., New York. ISSUE. 37383 — OLIVE HENRIETTA,8 b. Aug. 17, 1868. 8734—VioLA MATILDA,8 b. March 12, 1876. 8785 —ESTELLE,8 b. Jan. 31, 1880, died June 21, 1880. 3736 — IRENE CAMILLE,8 b. March 8, 1884. Richard’ John¢ Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 1328. JOHN 6 BANTA, of Saddle River Township, N. J., married for his first wife Rachel Van Ryper, daughter of Stephen Van Ryper. She was born March 17, 1826, and died Jan. 14, 1851. His second wife was Mary Ann Cadmus. He died March 27, 1857. 10 ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2289 —RICHARD J.,7b. July 9, 1846, m. Rosina Ryerson, Nov. 27, 1867. 2290 —RACHEL ANN VAN RYPER,7 m. William I. Herrick. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2291 — JOHN HENRY,7 b. Sept. 27, 1854, m. Stella Dunning. He is a Pian in Patet- son, N. J. 2292 —ANDREW.7 146 Seventh Generation, Fohnd Facobt Yohannes? Seba? Epke.l John’ Jacob4 Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 1328.1 JOHN6 BANTA married Margaret Expiase Leonard, in Louisiana, who died June 21, 1825. He was an engineer, and soon after the decease of his wife disap- peared, and was never heard of afterwards. ISSUE. 22921 — GEORGE WASHINGTON,7 b. July 17, 1824, m. Eloise Celima Robert. Aaron’ Ariet Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 1331. JAMES A.6 BANTA married Mary C. Gilbert, March 25, 1841. He lives at Oyster Bay, L. I. ISSUE. 22922— JOSEPHINE STRANG,7 b. Jan. 16, 1842, m. William W. Hicks, Oct. 3, 1868. 22923 — CHARLES CLINTON, b. Dec. 21, 1844, lives at Massapequa, Long Island. 22924 — GILBERT SOLOMON,7 b. Feb. 27, 1848, died March 3, 1849. 22925— EDWIN CHAMPION,7 b. Dec. 18, 1849, m. Emma Polhemus, Dec. 12, 1877. ISSUE. JosEPHINE HICKs,8 b. Jan. 17, 1831. 22926 — ADELAIDE GILBERT, b. Feb. 8, 185—. Hendrick? Jan Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 1386. GERRIT® BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, September 23, 1809, Elizabeth Zabriskie, who was born July 19, 1786, and died December 30, 1855. He died May 22, 1841. Both were buried in Old Hook Cemetery at Kinderkamack, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. 2297 —HENRY G.,7b. Aug. 4, 1813, m. Maria Demarest. 13387. JACOB® BANTA married Margaret Eckerson, daughter of Garret Ecker- son. She was born March 23, 1790, and died June 24, 1882. He died October 7, 1859. Both were buried in Old Hook Cemetery at Kinderkamack. ISSUE. 2298 — MARGARET, b. July 2, 1810, m. Peter A. Jersey at Saddle River, June 7, 1828. ISSUE. HANNAH JERSEY, m. — Perry. 29299 — RACHEL BENSON,7 b. July 19, 1822, m. James I. Demarest. 1338. HENRY ® BANTA married Jane Sickles, who was born January 19, 1792, and died September 2, 1870. He was a shoemaker by trade, but became a farmer and merchant at Pascack, N. J. In 1833 he removed to Hackensack, where he entered into partnership with his brother, Teunis, in a general merchandise business. He was Elder in the Reformed Churches of Pascack and Hackensack. He was Postmaster at the latter village, and was Adjutant in the State militia. He also served as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for fifteen years. He was influential in politics, and was a man of marked energy and strictest probity. He died February 11, 1849. Seventh Generation ; Hendricks Fant Hendrick3 Seba? Epke.l 147 ISSUE. 2300 —MARGARET,7 b. Dec. 14, 1812, died Sept. 17, 1847. 1. Sarah W. Zabriskie; 2301 — WILLIAM SICKLES,7 b. Dec. 12, 1824, m. { 2. Adelia Zabriskie; 3. Jane Ann Berry. 2302 — JANE,7 married at the English Neighborhood, July 11, 1860, I. De Peyster Stagg, who died July 8, 1886. She still resides at Hackensack, N. J. ISSUE. 8741 — HENRY BANTA STAGG,8 b. Oct. 28, 1861. 8742 — ANNA DE PEYSTER STAGG,8 b. Jan. 10, 1863. 1340. TEUNIS6 BANTA married, Nov. 12, 1812, Rachel Benson, daughter of John and Mary Lydecker Benson. She was born Sept. 14, 1789, and died Aug. 23, 1874. From 1816 to 1832 he lived in New York City and was a carman, afterwards returning to Bergen County, N. J., where he opened a store at Hackensack in partner- ship with his brother Henry. He was one of the trustees of Washington Institute, and interested in education and the general improvement of the village. He died April 18, 1870. A part of the farm owned by John Benson forms the site of the Presbyterian Church at Englewood, N. J. ISSUE. 2303 — JOHN HENRY T.,7b. Feb. 21, 1824, m. Susanna C. Steinle. Jan’ Jan* Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 1342. JOHN ¢ BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Dec. 12, 1812, Lavina Wester- velt, who was born April 14, 1791, and died May 21, 1835. On June 29, 1836, he married his second wife, Cornelia Blauvelt, widow of Garret C. Eckerson; she was born Jan. 9, 1799, and was received into the church at Schraalenburgh, by certificate, on Oct. 2, 1836. He lived in New York City 1829 to 1832, where he was in the lumber busi- ness; afterwards he was a Justice of the Peace at Schraalenburgh, and was usually called “Squire.” He died Nov., 1852. The name on his tombstone is ‘‘ John Banta, Esquire.” ISSUE. 2311 — ELIZABETH," b. Nov. 24, 1813, m. William D. Kipp, Sept. 15, 1831, at Schraalen- burgh. He was born Aug. 19, 1812, and died July 20, 1871. She died Aug. 13, 1849. They were buried at Schraalenburgh. ISSUE. 8747 —DAvID K1pp,8 b. Sept. 27, 1833. 8748 — Joun Kipp,8 b. March 5, 1836. Lives at Closter, N. J. 8'749 —IsaAc Kipp,8 b. March 20, 1839. 8750 — LAVINA Ki1Pp,8 b. July 13, 1841. 8751 — JAMES Kipp,8 b. Oct. 15, 1844. Lives in New York City. 8752 —EL1zABETH KIPP,8 b. Feb. 25, 1848, died July 30, 1849. 2312 —SARAH,7 b. May 2, 1816, m. John Demarest Blauvelt, at Schraalenburgh, Dec. 9, 1837. She died April 25, 1852. ISSUE. 8754 — LAVINA BLAUVELT,8 b. July 17, 1830. 3755 — LEAH SARAH BLAUVELT,8 b. March 8, 1844. 8756 — SARAH BANTA BLAUVELT,8 b. Dec. 1851. 2313 —MARGARET,7 b. Aug. 13, 1829, m. Isaac I. Zabriskie, Nov. 15, 1849, at Schraalen- burgh. She died May 20, 1886. He lives at Englewood, N. J. ISSUE. 8%5%7 — CASPER ZABRISKIE,3 m. Amanda Voorhis. 3758 — ANNIE ZABRISKIE,S m. Abraham Terhune. ’ 148 Seventh Generation ; Hendrick Ariet Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l Hendrick’ Arie Hendrick3 Seba? Epke.! 1349. ELIZABETH® BANTA married, January 22, 1807, Hugh Mitchell, who lived at Spraker’s Basin, N. Y. She died February 8, 1848. ISSUE. 2314 — ANDREW MITCHELL,7b. April 12, 1810, died Nov. 8, 1837. 2315— HENRY BANTA MITCHELL,7 b. Nov. 22, 1812, died April 7, 1864. 2316— MARIA MITCHELL,? b. Sept. 26, 1815, died May 25, 1883. 2317— JOHN MITCHELL, b. Nov. 23, 1817, m. Margaret Selmser; died June, 1885. 2318 — ANGELICA MITCHELL,7 b. June 23, 1820, m. Hon. Joseph Spraker. One son is cashier of a bank at Fonda, N.Y; another son is cashier of a bank at Canajoharie, N. Y. She died May 26, 1889. 2319 — JACOB MITCHELL,7 b. June 25, 1822, m. — Spraker. 2320 —HUGH MITCHELL, b. Aug. 8, 1824, died March 16, 1835. 2321 — JANE AGNES MITCHELL,7 b. Sept. 18, 1826. 1350. JACOB6 BANTA married, January 15, 1824, Abigail Van Epps, daughter of John Van Epps, who was born at Glenville, N. Y., June 21, 1798, and died August 8, 1881. He died August 15, 1880. / ISSUE. 2322 —HENRY H.,7b. Feb. 3, 1825, m. Nancy A. Van Vleck, Sept. 20, 1849. She was born June 19, 1831, died May 5, 1865. In 1889 he lived at Sacramento, California, and previous to that resided at Garnett, Anderson County, Kansas. ISSUE. 8759 —HARMANUS,8 b. June 21, 1851. 8760 — ABIGAIL M.,8 b. Feb. 23, 1853, died March 27, 1853. 8761 — WiLLIs A.,8 b. May 11, 1856, died June, 1881. 2323 — JOHN M.,7 b. Dec. 25, 1827, m. Angeline Van Vleck. 2324 — JESSE DE GRAFF,7b. Dec. 18, 1829, m. Elizabeth Towle. 2325— HUGH MITCHELL,7 b. April 2, 1832, m. Charlotte Louisa Knieskern, Feb. 8, 1870. He was formerly a school teacher in Bergen County, N. J. Now lives at Hagaman'’s Mills, Montgomery County, N. Y. No issue. 9326 — ISAAC HAMILTON, b. Oct. 25, 1833, m. Sarah Ann Truax. They lived at Hamil- ton, N. Y.; where he died Feb., 1884. No issue. 2327 — JANE ANN,7 b. Nov. 9, 1838, died May 4, 1853. 1856. HENRY6 BANTA was born at Perth, N.Y., married, January 28, 1831, Ann Eliza Van Buren, who was born at Mayfield, N. Y., May 2, 1805, and died May 17, 1877. He was a farmer at Hagaman’s Mills, and died February 13, 1880. ISSUE. 2836— CATHARINE ANN,7 b. April 23, 1832, died Jan. 30, 1834. 23387 —MARCUS,7 b. July 23, 1834, m. Amand Melvina Hicks, Oct. 7, 1857. He died Aug. 29, 1862. 2338 — MARY ELIZABETH,7 b. March 23, 1838, died Jan. 21, 1844. 2339 — JOHN H.,7 b.' March 28, 1844, m. Hester Jane Vosburgh. She was born at Glenville, N. Y., April 3, 1847. He is a farmer living on the old homestead at Hagaman'’s Mills, N. Y. ISSUE. 8771 — ANNA EL1zA,8 b. April 10, 1871, m. William Edward Parker, Sept. 26, 1888. ‘8772 —ALBERT,8 b. May 9, 1874. 8773 —LOTTIE,8 b. June 26, 1885, died Feb. 23, 1886. 1857. PETER6 BANTA married, January 5, 1831, Hannah Johnson, who was born March 18, 1815. He lived at Johnstown, New York, and died July 6, 1879. Seventh Generation, Hendrickd Ariet Hendrick? Seba? Epke. 149 ISSUE. 2340 — MARY ANN,7 b. Oct. 11, 1832, married first, James Alsdorf, Dec. 29, 1852; and: again, Alexander M. Rose, May 6, 1858. She died April 18, 1864. 2341 — AMANDA M.,,7 b. July 31, 1837, m. Truman Brown, Feb. 10, 1858. ISSUE. 1—IDpA O. BROWN,8 b. Jan. 18, 18509. 2—ALICE M. BROWN,8 b. Aug. 25, 1862. 3—ARTHUR H. BROWN,8 b. May 10, 1868. 4—NETTIE E. BROWN,8 b. June 29, 1872. 2342 — SARAH C.,7 b. July 9, 1840, died Jan. 23, 1863. 2343 —REBECCA,7 b. Nov. 30, 1843, died May 21, 1863. 2844 — JOHNSON T.,7 b. Sept. 11, 1848, died March 31, 1869. 2345 —JAMES A,,7 b. July 22, 1854, m. Anna Walker, Dec. 16, 1886. They live at Johns- town, N. Y. ISSUE. 377931—MiNA G.,8 b. Sept. 30, 1887. John Arie* Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 1358. ARIE6 BANTA married Minnie Demarest. ISSUE. 2346 —ANGELICA.7 2347 — JOHN A.,7 lives in Mitchellville, Towa. 1361. ALBERT6 BANTA married Jan. 30, 1828, Jane Vedder, who was born March 10, 1810, and died Nov. 9, 1850. He married, on Jan. 14, 1852, Mrs. Sarah B. McNeil, who died Oct. 8, 1870. He was a railroad contractor, a man of influence, and much respected. Lived at Phelps, New York, where his memory is perpetuated, in a street named after him. He died Jan. 19, 1864. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2350—JOHN,7 b. Dec. 21, 1829, died Sept. 14, 1848. 2351 —ALBERT,7 b. May 14, 1838, died May 23, 1855. 2352 — CHARLES A.,7 b. July 30, 1841, died Sept. 13, 1864. 2353 —STANLEY A.,7 b. June 19, 1844, m. Alice H. Richmond, Jan. 9, 1867. She was born at Adams, Mass., May 30, 1847. He died Sept. 20, 1881, at Elgin, Ill. ISSUE. CHARLES R.,8 b. Oct. 30, 1867, died June 4, 1886, 1362. JOHN6 BANTA married June 17, 1835, Esther Hagaman, who died Feb. 10, 1839. He married again, Jan. 7, 1841, Nancy Swart, who was born in 1815, and died July 21, 1875. In 1867 he removed to Delaware, where he died Dec. 26, 1875. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2354— MARY ANGELICA,7 b. June 19, 1836, died Sept. 27, 1851. 2355— JOHN EVERT,7 b. Feb. 8, 1838, died Feb. 11, 1840. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2356— EDWIN, b. June 18, 1845, m. Mary M. Macklin, Oct. 11, 1879. She was born in Milford, Delaware, April 25, 1858. They live in Wilmington, Delaware. ISSUE. 3774— EDWIN, ]Jr.,8 b. Oct. 21, 1882. 8775—JouN CHESTER,8 b. July 20, 1885. 3776 — CLAUDE,8 b. Sept. 4, 1887. 150 Seventh Generation ; Fohn® Arviet Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l 1363. FRANCIS6 BANTA married in 1830, Jane Ann Bartlett, who was born in Mayfield, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1806, and died Sept. 22, 1889. He was a dry goods merchant in Phelps, N. Y., and died January, 1863. ISSUE. 2858 — FRANCES A.,7 b. Aug., 1833, m. William Tyrrell, May 12, 1852. He is a lawyer in Batavia, N. Y. ISSUE. 3778 —KitTIiE E. TYRRELL,8 b. March, 1853. 3779 — NELLIE TYRRELL,S b. Sept., 1858, died April, 1863. 3780 — WILLIAM J. TYRRELL,8 b. Jan., 1861. 2359 — ELLEN E.,7 b. Sept. 9, 1836, m. Hugh S. Sanford, Oct. 20, 1858. He was born Sept 5, 1833. When about twenty years of age he was a school teacher at Spring Valley, Bergen Co., N. J. They are now living in Jackson, Mich. ISSUE. 3781 —KiTTiE E. SANFORD,8 b. Aug. 31, 1859, died April 25, 1879. 3782 — JEssiE H. SANFORD,8 b. Nov. 28, 1862, m. Glen W. Mills, May 28, 1884. ISSUE. Nellie Helena Mills,9 b. Dec. 17, 1888. 3783 — FRANK T. SANFORD,8 b. Sept. 2, 1866. 8784 — GEORGE F. SANFORD,8 b. Dec. 22, 1870. 2360 — EMMA V.,7 b. Sept. 16, 1843, m. Abner Dwelle, March, 1872. They live at Grass ? Lake, Wis. ISSUE. 3785 — ANNIE B. DWELLE,8 b. Aug. 24, 1875. 1365. JACOB® BANTA m. Lydia Van Brunt, June 11, 1839. She was born in Monmouth, N. J., Oct. 24, 1814, and died May 28,1892. He was a railroad contractor, living in Urbanna, Ohio, where he died Nov. 4, 1887. ISSUE. 2361 — JOHN A.,7 b. May 16, 1842, m. Emma Gerger. She was born Dec. 30, 1847. He lives at Urbanna, Ohio, and is a dealer in coal and wood. Is Secretary of Harmony Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. ISSUE. 3786 — EDGAR S.,8 b. Nov. 30, 1871. 8787 —JoHN A. 8b. April 14, 1874. 8788 — HARRY H.,8 b. Jan. 5, 1878. 3789 — EMMA E.,8 b. Jan. 20, 1881. 3790 — CHARLES L.,8 b. April 10, 1883. 2362 — WILLIAM EDGAR,7 b. Feb. 3, 1847. He is a jeweler and electrician in Springfield, Ohio. Hildebrant5 Arie¢ Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 1368. ARIE® BANTA married, January 4, 1821, Nancy Van Wormer, who died May 16, 1822. On December 12, 1822, he married Dorcas Worth, who died June 9, 1859. He married a third time, October 24, 1861, Ruth Ann Taylor. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2369 —DEBORAH ANN,7 b. Oct. 25, 1823, m. David P. Tomlinson, Jan. 27, 1847. They live at Broadalbin, N. Y. Seventh Generation ; Hildebrant® Arie* Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l 151 ISSUE. 8791 —SEYMOUR D. TOMLINSON,8 b. Dec., 1847. 3792 — GEORGE A. TOMLINSON,8 b. May 6, 1850. 8798 —ESTHER M. TOMLINSON,8 b. Jan. 18, 1852. 38794— HELEN L. TOMLINSON,8 b. July 31, 1858. 8795 —MARTHA A. TOMLINSON,8 b. Dec. 18, 1860. 2370 —HANNAH LOUISA,7 b. May 29, 1825, m. Sept. 3, 1843, Benjamin Eli Seabury, of Galway, N. Y. ISSUE. 8796 —HENRIETTA SEABURY,8 b. May 15, 1846. 8797 —ARABELLA SEABURY,8 b. Oct. 20, 1847. 8798 — Lucy ANN SEABURY,8 b. Oct. 26, 1849. 3799 — HENRY SEABURY,8 b. Jan. 6, 1852. 3800 — EMILY LOUISA SEABURY,8 b. Feb. 19, 1854. 3801 — STEPHEN ABRAHAM SEABURY,S b. July 3, 1850. 2371 —ABRAHAM,7 b. Nov. 13, 1826, died Dec. 26, 1829. 23872— JOHN A.,7b. Oct. 24, 1828, married Rebecca Maria Wright, Feb. 29, 1860. She was born Nov. 30, 1828. They live at West Galway, N. Y. ISSUE. 3802 — MARY HELEN,8 b. Nov. 20, 1860, died May 15, 1862. 3803 — Lucy ANN,8 b. Dec. 29, 1862. 3804— MARY HELEN,8 b. July 15, 1864. 3805 —1InA LoUISE,8 b. Feb. 27, 1866. Graduate of State Normal School, Cort- land, N. Y. 3806 — JENNY ALIDA,8 b. Dec. 22, 1868, died Dec. 2, 1870. 3807 —GENEVIEVE,8 b. May 31, 1872. 3808 — JESSIE WRIGHT,8 b. Jan. 8, 1876. 2378 —ABRAHAM,7 b. Oct. 22, 1830, m. Mary Fuller. They live at Reno, Nevada. No issue. 28374— LUCY MARIA, b. April 17, 1833, died Jan. 30, 1863. 2375-—ARIE,7 b. March 20, 1835, died July 3, 1835. 2376 — STEPHEN CROMWELL,7 b. Oct. 14, 1836, m. Feb. 28, 1866, Mary Johnston, of New Middletown, O., who was born March 23, 1841. They reside at Taylors- ville, Cal. ISSUE. 3809 — Lucy ETHEL,8 b. Dec. 2, 1866. 8810 — FLORENCE CAPITOLA,8 b. May 11, 1868. 8811 — THOMAS FRANKLIN,8 b. Jan. 12, 1870. 3812 —ABRAM,8 b. Feb. 18, 1872, died July 8, 1875. 3813 —DEBORAH,8 b. Sept. 6, 1873. 3814 — PHILIP S.,8 b. Sept. 3, 1875. 8815 — SALLIE HELEN,8 b. March 28, 1877. 3816— MARY Louisa,8 b. May 22, 1879. 3817 — STEPHEN CHESTER,8 b. Oct. 28, 1881. 3818 —RosAMOND E.,8 b. Oct. 18, 1883. 3819 — HARRISON ARIE,8 b. Dec. 30, 1887. 2377— ELIZABETH HELEN,7 b. Dec. 28, 1838, m. Jan. 30, 1867, James Tyler Clark He was born Dec. 23, 1840. He lives at Amsterdam, N. Y., where he is a manu- facturer of knit goods. ISSUE. . 3820 —MYRON BANTA CLARK,8 b. July 26, 1875, died Dec. 30, 1880. 1370. ABRAHAMS BANTA married Feb. 23, 1831, Gittie (Gertrude) Ox, who was born Aug. 25, 1799, and died May 5, 1862. He lived at West Galway, N. Y., and died May 11, 1884. 152 Seventh Generation; Hildebrant> Arviet Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l ISSUE. 2378 —ELIZABETH MARY,7 b. Oct. 20, 1832, died Feb. 4, 1854. 2379 — CATHARINE ANN,7 b. March 20, 1834, died April 1, 1852. 2380 —HELEN CAROLINE,? b. May 15, 1836, died May 20, 1857. 2381 — SAMUEL OX,7 b. Oct. 10, 1838, died Oct. 5, 1855. 2382 SARAH JANE,7 b. April 11, 1840, m. George Donnan. 2383 — JOHN H.,7 b. Dec. 2, 1842, died Feb. 11, 1864. 2384— MARTHA W.,7 b. Sept. 15, 1845, m. Martin J. Serviss, July 3, 1866. 1373. JOHN B.6 BANTA married Jane LaDue, or Dow, who was born July 12, 1813, and died Nov. 5, 1883. He lived at Prattsburgh, N. Y., and died April 13, 1881. ISSUE. 2385 — DEBORAH ELLEN,? b. Feb. 10, 1835, m. John V. Scott, Oct. 3, 1859. He was born April 7, 1838, and lived at Prattsburgh, N.Y. He died March g, 1879. ISSUE. 3821 — ROBERT ScoTT,8 b. April 7, 1861, died May 29, 1863. 3822 — ROBERT J. ScoTT,8 b. April 28, 1865. 2386 — JERUSHA S.,7 b. Dec. 7, 1836, died Aug. 7, 1839. 2387 —ISAAC,7 b. July 3, 1839, died Aug. 30, 1841. 2388 —SAMUEL L.,7 b. April 3, 1841, died June 5, 1864, in U. S. Hospital, Alexandria, Va. 2389 —JOHN,7 b. July 15, 1844, died May 4, 1848. 2390 — JANE E.,7 b. June 18, 1847, m. Gilbert Carley. He was born May 25, 1839. ISSUE. 3823 —FroyD CARLEY,8 b. June 11, 1884. 8824 —SARAH L. CARLEY,S b- Aug. 22, 1886. 2391 — SARAH MARIA,7 b. Nov. 25, 1852. 2392 — JOHN E.,7 b. Oct. 15, 1855, died Nov. 18, 1887, at Helena, Montana. 2393 —EMMA V.,7 b. May 6, 1859, died April 23, 1867. 1376. JACOB B.6 BANTA married March 7, 1839, Hannah (Helen ?) Melinda Leavitt, who was born July 17, 1818. He lives near Hagaman’s Mills, N. Y. ISSUE. 2394 —JUSTUS L.,7 b. April 28, 1843, m. Nancy A. Peek, March 1, 1866. She was born Dec. 6, 1841. They live at Hagaman’s Mills, N. Y., where he is a farmer. ISSUE. 3825 —FRANK ].,8 b. Jan. g, 1867, died Jan. 19, 1868. 3826 —MYNDERT P.,8 b. May 7, 1868. 3827 —HENRIETTA S.,8 b. May 31, 1870. 3828 — WILLIE L.,8 b. Sept. 30, 1871, died Jan. 11, 1872. 8829 — CHARLES A.,8 b. May 10, 1873. 8830 — ALVIN ].,8 b. May 11, 1874. 3831 —EpiTH M.,8 b. Nov. 16, 1875. 3832 —KATIE,8 b. April 8, 1877. 3833 —JESSIE,8 b. Sept. 30, 1878. 3834 — EARLE, b. May 25, 1880. 3835— LENA M.,8 b. Jan. 7, 1882, died Jan. 1, 1888. 2395 — MARY E.,7 b. March 26, 1846. 2396 — CHARLES HENRY,7 b. Oct. 14, 1849, m. Mary J. Burney, Dec. 24, 1873. They live at Hagaman'’s Mills, N. Y. ISSUE. 3836 —FEvA E.,8 b. Feb. 21, 1876, died Oct. 25, 1882. 3837 — HENRY FLOYD,8 b. June 20, 1882. Seventh Generation ; Hildebrant® Arie Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 153 2397 — JANE ANN,7 b. April 20, 1853. 2398 — GEORGE S.,7b. July 23, 1857, m. Minnie E. Blood, Nov. 19, 1884. She was born March 14, 1861. They live at Hagaman's Mills, N. Y. ISSUE. 3838 —MAy,8 b. Sept. 5, 1885. 3839 —ADDIE,8 b. Dec. 4, 1886. 3840 —NELLIE,8 b. Dec. 7, 1887. 2399 — CLARA A.,7b. Sept. 24, 1860. 1377. ISAACS BANTA married Mary G. Hooper, May 2, 1846. He lived for a number of years at Norwalk, Ohio, and removed to Passadena, California, where he kept a hotel, and was a large holder of real estate which became quite valuable. He died there May 16, 1888. His widow survives him in 1892. ISSUE. 2400— GEORGE," b. 1847, m. Rosamond Dickerson. 2401 — JENNIE,7 b. 1854, m. Charles Moore. 2402 — LUCY ANN,7b. 1858, m. Wm. Pierce. He is a hotel keeper at Passadena, Cal. 2403 —MATTIE,7 b. 1872, died in childhood. Jacob’ Ariet Hendrick 3 Seba? Epke.! 1378. JACOBS BANTA married Maria Meringo, Nov. 18, 1823. He was a farmer at Sharon Springs, N. Y. She was born at Sharon, Nov. 13, 1799, and died July 5, 1876. He died June 26, 1868. ISSUE. 2413 —HANNAH,7 b. Sept. 13, 1824, m. John Henry Hyney. ISSUE. 1— AMANDA MARGARET HYNEY.8 2— MARY ELIZABETH HYNEY.8 3—JuLIA ANN HYNEY.8 4—ELLEN FRANCES HYNEY.8 5— JOHN ARTHUR HYNEY.8 6— JACOB BANTA HYNEY.8 2414—ISAAC,7b. June 30, 1826. 2415—JACOB,7 b. Aug. 11, 1829, m. Mary M. Stam, Feb. 23, 1870. Is a farmer at Sharon Springs, N. Y. ISSUE. 1— HARRIS,8 b. Jan. 2, 1871, died Feb. 1, 1871. 2— GRACE,8 b. March 12, 1873. 2416— MARGARET LAWRENCE, b. Dec. 4, 1831. 2417 —ELIZABETH,7 b. May 27, 1834, at Sharon Springs, m. April 4, 1855, Daniel Collins Becker, who was born at Schoharie, 1833. He is a miller at Dixon, Lee Co., Ill. ISSUE. 8841 — EDGAR S. BECKER,8 b. Nov. 27, 1859, died April 5, 1861. 2418 —JOHN,7 b. May 14, 1837, m. Kate Anthony, July 17, 1861. He is a carpenter at 44 Union St., Amsterdam, N. Y. ISSUE. 3842 — MAY 8 b. Nov. 28, 1862, died March 15, 1863. 8843 — FRANK G.,8b. Dec. 12, 1863. He is a broom maker in Chicago, II. 3844 —JAcoB,8 b. Oct. 1, 1867. 8845—KATE,S b. July 17, 1870. 2419 — MARY,7 b. Aug. 25, 1839, m. James Madison Lawyer, Oct. 17, 1878. He is a farmer. 154 Seventh Generation ; Facob> Arie Hendrick? Seba? Eplke.! 1379. ELIZABETHS6 BANTA married Eliab Cross. ISSUE. 24191 — JACOB B. CROSS,7 b. March 5, 1822, married Catherine Winne, Feb. 29, 1844. ISSUE. J 38451— ELIZABETH CROSS,8 b. Dec. 22, 1844. 88452— CATHERINE CROSS,8 b. March 17, 1846. 38453 — FRANK L. Cross,8 b. March 20, 1848. 38454 —ANGELINE CROSS,8 b. Nov. 5, 1849. 38455— HANNAH CROSS,8 b. Jan. 20, 1851. 38456— RANSLER CROSS,8 b. Sept. 12, 1855. 38457— HARRIS J. CROSS,8 b. Dec. 24, 1858. 24192— MARY CROSS,7 m. Roswell Shelp, of Shukley, Fillmore Co., Neb. 24193 — JUSTUS H. CROSS,7b. Nov. 10, 1825, m. Alida Winne. ISSUE. 38458 — EVELINE CROSS,8 b. Dec. 13, 1846. 38459 —Isaac W. CRross,8 b. April 17, 1849. 24194 — HANNAH L. CROSS, b. Oct. 10, 1830, m. Albert Gillett, Jan. 16, 1850. She died Oct. 28, 1883. ISSUE. 384510 —STEPHEN E. GILLETT, b. Nov. 8, 1850. 884511 —DELPHENE GILLETT,8 b. Oct. 19, 1852. 884512— ELLEN O. GILLETT,8 b. Feb. 14, 1854. 884513— JouN L. GILLETT,8 b. Sept. 30, 1856. 884514—LuzeLL F. GILLETT, b. May 14, 1858. 884515— MARY O. GILLETT,8 b. Sept. 13, 1860. 384516— CoRA GILLETT,8 b. Feb. 4, 1864. : 884517 — FLORA E. GILLETT,S b. Nov. 24, 1865. 884518—DE Witt C. GILLETT,® b. May 6, 1868. 384519 —MoTT M. GILLETT,8 b. Sept. 27, 1871. Peter’ Ariet Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 1837. ISAACS BANTA, married Oct. 24, 1824, Amy Weeks, who was born Sept. 29, 1802, and died Aug. 2, 1839. He died March 27, 1859. ISSUE. 2420 — PETER NILSON,7 b. July 28, 1825, m. Charlotte Frink, Nov. 9, 1859. Lives at the old homestead, Jonesville, Saratoga Co., N. Y. No issue. 2421 — ANN ELIZA," b. Jan. 11, 1827, m. George Mackey, May 9, 1843. 2422 — DANIEL W.,7 b. Oct. 1, 1829, married first, Frankie B. Clark, Oct. 6, 1856; and again, Mary Elizabeth Shelby, May 5, 1864. They live in Kansas City, Mo. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 8846 — VERDI ISAAC,8 b. June 7, 1865. 3847 —HATTIE SHELBY,8 b. March 26, 1867. 2423 — EMELINE, b. Oct. 1, 1829, died Dec. 11, 1829. 2424 — WILLIAM HENRY,7b. Oct. 5, 1831, m. Frankie Burgher, Nov. 25, 1859. 2425 — IRA SWAN,7 b. April 8, 1833, m. first, Helen Swartwout, Feb. 18, 1854; and again, Anna Campbell, 1883. He died in Kansas City, Mo., June 30, 1890. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 38471 — HARRY S.,8 b. 1867, m. Lydia Gookins. 88472— FRANK C.,8 b. 1873. Seventh Generation; Peler® Arviet Hendrick? Seba? Eplke.l 155 2426— LEVI STIMPSON,7 b. Feb. 20, 1835, m. Mary Skaats. Died Dec. 25, 1880. 2427 — GEORGE CHADSEY,7 b. Nov. 9, 1838, m. Lizzie A. Regan, Aug. 22, 1860. They live in Detroit, Mich. ISSUE. 8848 — FRANK SEWARD,8 b. 1861. 8849 — GEORGE IRVING, b. 1863. 8850 —EDITH AGNES,S b. 1870. 3851 — BERTHA OLIVE,S b. 1874. 2428 — CAROLINE M.,7 b. July 12, 1845, died Aug. 23, 1864. Cornelius’ Gerrit¢ Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 1399. GERRITS BANTA married in the R. D. Church at N. Y., Nov. 30, 1815, Hester Westervelt, who was born Jan. 26, 1793, and died March 3, 1865. Her sister Sallie married 1294 Seba6 Banta. Gerrit® Banta was a merchant in New York City, where he died Oct. 23, 1828. ISSUE. 2429 — CORNELIUS, 7 b. July 30, 1816, died Sept. 4, 1889. From the New York Herald, Sept. 8, 1889.— CORNELIUS BANTA, who died at York, Nebraska, last Sunday, was born in this city on July 30, 1816, and while a young lad had a fondness for water which led him into steamboating. He finally became captain of the Hudson river steamboat Swallow. He followed this vocation for several years, but gave it up to accept a clerkship in the Astor House under the Stetson ségime. He remained there for nearly thirty years. In 1873 he went West and took charge of hotels at Geneva and York, Neb., with considerable success. He was one of the charter members of the Old Guard, being a member of the Light Guard when it joined forces with the City Guard to form the present organization. Mr. Banta's death was the result of a second paralytic stroke. Otherwise he had been enjoying perfect health. He leaves a widow. Beso ELLEN m, 11 JH Spt er st 2431 —SARAH,7 m. Simon Wolcott Manwaring, Nov. 2, 1837. ISSUE. SARAH FRANCES MANWARING,8 b. March 19, 1841, died Sept. 8, 1847. 2432 —MARY,7 b. March 25, 1825, died Nov. 25, 1826. 2433 —NELSON H.7 1400. CORNELIUS C.6 BANTA, married 1815, Bridget Haring, who was born May 2, 1797, and died Oct. 1, 1867. He lived for many years in the Ninth Ward of New York City. : ISSUE. 2434— JOHN HARING, b. Aug. 4, 1819, died Feb. 14, 1820. 2435— CORNELIUS VREELAND,7 b. May 31, 1824, married first, Harriet Louise Bogert. She was born in 1827, and died Nov. 2, 1866. He married again, March 11, 1868, Emma V. Rosseau. He is cashier of the Merchants National Bank, of New York, with which institution he has been connected for many years. He resides in Roselle, N. J. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 3853 — ANNIE ELIZA HARING,8 b. Oct. 8, 1849, m. Maximillian Otho Luttgren. 3854 — PETER BOGERT,8 b. 1853, died Aug. 15, 1854. 8855— CORNELIUS V., Jr.,8 b. April 14, 1857. Is a broker in Chicago, Ill. 1402. ELLENORS6 BANTA, married at the New York Reformed Dutch Church, Aug. 14, 1820, John L. Van Buskirk. She was still living at Hackensack in 1886. ISSUE. 2436— JANE VAN BUSKIRK,7 b. June 16, 1821, m. ——— Hatfield. 2437 —CORNELIUS VAN BUSKIRK,? b. Aug. 31, 1826. 2438 —ABRAHAM VAN BUSKIRK,7 b. Jan. 26, 1829. 2439— LUCAS J. VAN BUSKIRK.7 156 Seventh Generation ; Cornelius® Gerrit* Hendrick? Seba? Epke. 1403. JOHN VREELANDS6 BANTA married at English Neighborhood, Jan. 24, 1828, Naomi Vreeland, daughter of Jacob Vreeland. He died Feb. 9, 1876. ISSUE. 2440 — JACOB VREELAND,7 b. Jan. 16, 1829, m. Clausia Demarest, Jan. 17, 1856. He is in the coal business with his brother, John C., at Ridgefield, N. J. ISSUE. 3856 —NAoMI CHRISTINA,8 b. March 4, 1859. 3857 — CORNELIUS DEMAREST, b. Feb. 3, 1863, m. Elizabeth Westervelt, Dec. 4, 1884. He is in the grain business in New York. ISSUE. 5605 — Jacob Vreeland,9 b. July 2, 1885. 5606 — Clifford Demarest,9 b. Feb. 12, 1887. 2441 — JANE REBECCA, b. Sept. 26, 1830, m. John H. Brinkerhoff, Jan. 4, 1882. 2442 — NAOMI CHRISTINA EDSALL,7b. Dec. 23,1834, m. Jacob B. Zabriskie, Sept. 6, 1862. ISSUE. 3858 — JENNIE C. ZABRISKIE,S b. May 27, 1864, m. J. Wesley Clark, March 23, 1884. He died Dec. 13, 1886, at Ridgefield, N. J. ISSUE. 5607 — Henry W. Clark,9 b. Dec. 31, 1884. 5608 — John B. Clark,9 b. Jan. 26, 1886. 3859 — CLARA E. ZABRISKIE,S b. Sept. 28, 1866. 3860 —NAoMI B. ZABRISKIE,S b. April 4, 1869. 2443 — ELLEN VAN BUSKIRK,7 b. Oct. 17, 1837, m. Garret J. Christie, April 3, 1862. ISSUE. 8861 —JoHN B. CHRISTIE,S b. March 26, 1863, m. Kate Vanderlinda, Aug. 4, 1885. They live at Ridgefield, N. J. ISSUE. 5609 — Eleanor B. Christie,9 b. Sept. 29, 1886. 3862 — SARAH CATHERINE CHRISTIE,8 b. Oct. 21, 1866, died March 6, 1877. 2444 JOHN C.,7b. Feb. 15, 1849, m. Catherine Louise Hopper, Aug. 23, 1883. He is a coal dealer at Ridgefield, N. J. ISSUE. 3863 —MARY ELEANOR,8 b. March 23, 1885. CHAPTER XVII SEVENTH GENERATION. Hendrick’ Hendrick* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 1439. HENRY 6 BANTA was born in Somerset County, N. J. He married Sally Shuck, who was a sister of Magdalena, the wife of 491 Cornelius® Banta. He moved from Shelby County to Bourbon County, Ky., living at Flat Rock, about twelve miles from Paris. He died Oct. 17, 1844. His widow died April 1, 1851. ISSUE. 2477 —POLLY,7 b. March 3, 1785, m. George Dwelly. She died Feb. 9, 1860. 2478 —HENRY,7 b. Nov. 20, 1786, m. Jennie Fulton. : 2479 —MARGARET,7 b. Nov. 17, 1788, m. Samuel Fulton. 2480 —ANDREW,7 b. Jan. 9, 1790, m. Elisabeth Haden. Seventh Generation ; Henry> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! ‘157 ISSUE. 2481 — PETER, b. Oct. 24, 1791, m. Judic A. Zachary. 2482 — RACHEL, b. Oct. 9, 1793, m. James C. Bryan. 2483 —SALLY,7 b. April 5, 1796, m. William Boardman. 2484 ELIZABETH," b. Dec. 17, 1798, m. 249628 Peter Van Nuys. 2485—ANN,7 b. Aug. 4, 1802, m. Reason Brand. She was yet living in 1888. 2486 — ABRAM,7 b. April 18, 1805, m. Dorcas Hedges. 1440. PETERS BANTA (‘Tanner Peter”), was born in Somerset County, N. J. He married 1456Rachel6 Banta, who was born in Adams County, Pa., and baptized October 23, 1769. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Pleasureville, Henry County, Ky.; removed thence to Switzerland County, Ind., in 1822 or 1823, and died April 23, 1832. “‘He was industrious and thrifty —a characteristic of his Dutch an- cestry —and was considered one of the well-to-do men of his age. Was noted for his fair dealing, uprightness and integrity. He was a devout member of the church, and scrupulous in the observances of those religious duties thought by him to be right. His widow, Rachel, survived him many years. She was known for her many eccen- tricities.” She died June, 1842. ISSUE. 2487 —HENRY,7b. Jan. 8, 1787, m. Mary Mitchell. 2488 — ABRAHAM,7 b. 1789, m. Mary Demaree. 2490 —PETER,7 b. Dec. 23, 1792, m. 249625 Vrouchie Van Nuys.7 2495 —MARY,7b. March 4, 1794, m. Garret Bergen. 2489 —ALBERT,7 b. March 14, 1796, m. Rachel List. 2496 — MARGARET,7b. Nov. 8, 1798, m. Robert McAuley. 2494 —RACHEL,7b. March 14, 1800, m. George Kerlin. 2491 — JOHN PETER,7 b. April 4, 1802, m. Katharine List. 24911 HANNAH, b. 1804, died 1820. 924912—DAVID,7 b. 1806, died 1812. 2493 —ISAAC,7b. July 27, 1809, m. Casander Demaree. 2492 —JACOB,7 b. Aug. 14, 1811, m. Sarah Demaree. 1443. ANNA6 BANTA married Albert Voris, April 2, 1783. He was born March 25, 1753. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. 2496 1— CORNELIUS VORIS,? b. March 25, 1784, m. Mary, widow of 2487 Henry 7 Banta. 2496 2— HENRY VORIS,7 b. Jan. 4, 1786. 2496 3—MAGDALINE VORIS,7b. Nov. 21, 1787. 2496 +— MARY VORIS,7b. Feb. 1, 1790. 2496 5— CATHERINE VORIS,7 b. May 18, 1792. 2496 6— RACHEL VORIS,7 b. Aug. 24, 1794. 2496 7—ANNA VORIS, b. Feb. 18, 1797. 2496 S— LEAH VORIS,7 b. March 6, 1799, m. 249626 Henry Van Nuys. 2496 9— ALBERT VORIS,7b. July 11, 1801. 2496 0— FRANCES VORIS,7b. Nov. 1, 1803. 249611 — JOHN VORIS,7 b. Jan. 19, 1806. 249612— PETER VORIS,7 b. April 20, 1808. 249613 — ELIZABETH VORIS,7 b. June 7, 1810. 249614— JOANNA VORIS,7 b. Sept. 18, 1812. 1446. MARY 6 BANTA married William Shuck. She was well known as ‘Aunt Polly Shuck.” He was a farmer, originally from Virginia, who lived and died in Henry Co., Kentucky. 158 Seventh Generation ; Henry Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 249615 — WILLIAM SHUCK,T7 died unmarried. 249616 — ANDREW SHUCK,7 m. 1462 Christina® Banta. 249617 — HENRY SHUCK,7 m. Martha Buchanan. ISSUE. 1— WILLIAM THOMAS SHUCK,8 m. Susan Demarest. 2— ANDREW SHUCK,8 lives in Indianapolis, Ind. 3— MARY SHUCK,8 m. —— Maddox. 4— MARTHA SHUCK,8 m. John J. Shuck. 249618— PETER SHUCK,7 b. Aug. 24, 1800, m. Amelia Johnson. ISSUE. 1— MARY SHUCK,8 died in infancy. 2— WILLIAM HENRY SHUCK,8 b. May 23, 1827. Farmer. County Commissioner, Franklin, Ind. 3— JOHN JOHNSON SHUCK,8 m. Martha Shuck. 4—RUTH ANN SHUCK,8 m. James Gilmore. 5— SARAH ELIZABETH SHUCK,8 m. Frank Codman. 6—DAVID MONFORT SHUCK,8 m. Hattie De Lane. 7— JOSEPH SHUCK,8 m. Minerva Powell. 249619 — JOHN SHUCK,7 b. Aug. 24, 1800, m. Catharine Wis, Feb. 29, 1829. He is a farmer and Justice of the Peace in Johnson Co., Ind. ISSUE. 1— MARY E. SHUCK,8 b. Dec. 13, 1829. 2— MERCY A. SHUCK,8 b. Dec., 1831. 3— MARGARET F. SHUCK,8 b. Oct. 14, 1833. 4— WILLIAM W. SHUCK,8 b. Aug. 21, 1834, died Oct. 1, 1834. 5—LEMUEL F. SHUCK,8 b. July 21, 1835. 6— JOHN S. SHUCK,8 b. Sept. 26, 1837, m. Anne Barron, Sept. 3, 1868. Is alawyer at Holton, Kansas. ISSUE. 1— Ollie Shuck,9 b. Aug. 21, 1871, died Feb. 6, 1875. 2— Ira Voris Shuck,9 b. Nov. 21, 1874. 3— Eda Catharine Shuck,? b. Nov. 6, 1877. 4— Warne H. Shuck,9 b. March 27, 1880. 5— Gordon R. Shuck,? b. Feb. 8, 1884. 7—LucIiNDA B. SHUCK,8 b. Aug. 9, 1840, died Sept. 30, 1846. 8 — CORNELIUS SHUCK,8 b. April 25, 1843, m. Annie Bell, Dec. 1, 1870. She died Per 8, 1884. 249620 —ABRAHAM SHUCK.7 249621 SAMUEL SHUCK,7 b. 1813, m. Mary A. Henderson, 1848. He is a farmer in Putnam Co., Indiana. ISSUE. 1— JANE SHUCK,8 b. 1848, m. William Bohanan. 2— HENRY SHUCK,8 b. 1849, m. Angie Heavin. 3— WILLIAM T. SHUCK,8 b. 1851, m. Rebecca Woods. 4— JEMIMA SHUCK,8 b. 1853, m. Oliver Duncan. 5—JoHN H. SHUCK,8 b. 1855, died 1858. 6— MARGARET E. SHUCK,8 b. 1857. 7— CHARLES SHUCK,8 b. 1860. 8— MARY F. SHUCK,8 b. 1862, m. Charles Waters. 9— ROBERT SHUCK,8 b. 1864, m. Minnie Wright. 10—EL1ZA A. SHUCK,8 b. 1866, died 1888. Seventh Generation: Henry Henryt Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 159 249622 — MARGARET SHUCK,” m. — Shaw. 249623 — ELIZABETH SHUCK,7 m. John Voris. 249624 — RACHEL SHUCK,7 m. Sepleton Rucker. 1447. LEAH 6 BANTA married, May 22, 1793, Isaac Van Nuys, who was born May 3, 1765. He was a farmer in Kentucky and removed to Switzerland County, In- diana, early in the present century, and there died, December 28, 1845. His widow died June 11, 1857. ISSUE. 249625 — LEAH (Vrouchie or Flora) VAN NUYS,7 b. Feb. 24, 1794, m. 2490 Peter 7 Banta, Aug. 1, 1811. 249626 —HENRY VAN NUYS,7b. June 20, 1795, m. 24968 Leah Voris,7 June 22, 1819. He was a farmer in Indiana. Was a member of the Presbyterian Church, as were almost all of his large family of children. He died Aug. 10, 1873. ISSUE. 1— MARY JANE VAN NUYS,8 b. June 22, 1820, m. John V. Covert in 1841. She died July 22, 1866. ISSUE. 1— Sarah Jane Covert.9 2— Albert N. Covert.9 3— Henry Covert.9 4— Elizabeth Amanda Covert.9 5— Cornelius M. Covert.9 6— John Harvey Covert.9 7— Leah Christina Covert.?9 2— ALBERT V. VAN NuUvYs,8 b. Aug. 8, 1821, m. Rachel Kerlin. He died March, 1888. His widow lives in Vinton, Iowa. ISSUE. 1— Mary Van Nuys.9 2— Henry C. Van Nuys.9 3— George A. Van Nuys.9 4— Katie C. Van Nuys.9 5— Edmund Harvey Van Nuys,9 died May, 1889. 6— Leah R. Van Nuys.9 7— Isaac W. Van Nuys.? 3—IsAAc VAN Nuvs,8 b. Nov. 24, 1822, died Oct. 22, 1876. 4—EL1ZABETH VAN NUYS,8 b. Feb. 15, 1824, m. Benjamin F. Williams, March 21, 1859. She lives at Vinton, Iowa. ISSUE. 1— Leah Margaret Williams,9 b. Dec. 16, 1859. 2— Nelson Harvey Williams,? b. Jan. 17, 1861, died Nov. 28, 1889. 3— Edgar Samuel Williams,9 b. Nov. 8, 1862, died May 11, 1889. 4— Mary Harvenia Williams, b. April 29, 1868, died July 22, 1868. 5— CATHERINE VAN NuUYs,8 b. Dec. 2, 1825, m. John V. Covert (above). She died March, 1885, a few years after the death of her husband. 6—LEAH JANE VAN Nuyvs,8 b. March 22, 1827, m. Abram Sebern. She lives at Denison, Crawford County, Iowa. ISSUE. 1— Emma Sebern.9 2— Sophronia Sebern.9 3—Ora V. Sebern.9 4— Harvey O. Sebern.9 160 Seventh Generation; Henry5 Henryt Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l 7— HENRY VAN NuUvYs,8 b. Dec. 4, 1828, died March 27, 1834. 8—JoHN NEWTON VAN NuUvYs,8 b. Sept. 20, 1831, m. Caroline Williams. They live at Omaha, Neb. ISSUE. 1— Charles Van Nuys.9 2— William Van Nuys.9 9— CORNELIUS HARVEY VAN NuUys,8 b. Dec. 2, 1833, died Dec. 3, 1853. 10— HENRY CALVIN VAN Nuvs,8 b. May 17, 1836, died Aug. 4, 1843. 11— ARCHIBALD VAN NuUYS,8 b. Jan. 7, 1838, died Jan. 21, 1844. 12— EMELINE VAN NUYs,8 b. Dec. 20, 1839, died Jan. 24, 1843. 249627 — ISAAC VAN NUYS,7 b. Nov. 2, 1796, m. Agnes Blunk in 1820. He was a farmer. ‘Was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He died in 1842. ISSUE. 1— LEAH VAN NUYs.8 2— JoHN VAN Nuys.8 249628— PETER VAN NUYS,7 b. Feb. 5, 1798, m. 2484Elizabeth? Banta, June 7, 1821. He was a farmer. Was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. For issue, see 2484. 249629 — MARY VAN NUYS,7 b. Nov. 11, 1799, m. Albert Voris, Jan. 4, 1819. He was a farmer in Indiana. She died June 2, 1881. 249630 —JOHN VAN NUYS,7 b. Oct. 20, 1801, m. Elizabeth Henry, April 13, 1829. He was a farmer in Indiana, living for fifty years on the same farm in Switzerland County, where he died Dec. 17, 1873. His widow died February, 1874. ISSUE. 1—ALICE VAN NuUys,8 b. Sept. 23, 1830, m. Thomas McGregor, Jan. 18, 1849. She died December, 1853. ISSUE. 1— Elizabeth McGregor,9 b. March 3, 1850, m. George Hays. She died in 1887 in Hamilton County, Ind. 2— Susan McGregor,9 b. Jan. 19, 1852, m. Dr. S. Charlton. Reside in Trin- idad, Colorado. 3— John McGregor,? b. Dec. 13, 1853. Is an attorney-at-law and a member of the Indiana Senate. 2— WILLIAM VAN Nuvs,8 b. Feb. 19, 1832, m. Agnes S. Heaston, Nov. 23, 1859. He is a physician in Anderson, Madison County, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Minna Van Nuys,? b. Aug. 24, 1860. 2— Jean Bradbury Van Nuys,? b. July 10, 1865, m. Thomas M. Rust, Jan. 19, 1888. ISSUE. Raymond Van Nuys Rust,10 b. Feb. 26, 1889. 3— Kate Van Nuys,? b. March 12, 1868. 4— Ophelia Van Nuys,9 b. Dec. 29, 1877. 3—DAviD HENRY VAN Nuvs,8 b. Nov. 27, 1834, m. Kate Custer, June 19, 1864. He is a physician in Lebanon, Boone County, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Franklin Bache Van Nuys,9 b. May 2, 1865, m. Della Wisner, Sept. 20, 1887. He is a physician in Evansville, Ind. 2— Fred Rollin Van Nuys,? b. April 16, 1874. Seventh Generation; HenryS Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 161 11 4— JEAN VAN Nuvs,8 b. Nov. 17, 1836, m. David P. Anshutz, May 8, 1864. She died April 7, 1868, at Vevay, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Elwood Anshutz,9 b. April 4, 1865. He is married and is living in Ken- tucky. 5— GEORGE VAN Nuys,8 b. Nov. 2, 1839, died'in 1842. 6— THOMAS CHARLTON VAN NuUvYs,8 b. March 24, 1844, m. Elizabeth Hunter, Dec. 28, 1875. He was. graduated from the Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, March, 1867, and practiced medicine in Evansville, Indiana, until 1869, in the spring of which year he went to Germany and became a student of Liebreicht in the chemical laboratory of the Pathological Institute of the Berlin University. He worked there until the fall of 1871, when he returned to Evansville and re- sumed the practice of medicine and taught chemistry in the Evansville Medical College and in a select school for young ladies. In the spring of 1873 he returned to Germany and studied chemistry and physics in the Scientific Institute at Wies- baden, of which Fresenius was director. In one year he completed the course given in that institute and received a statement, or diploma, to that effect. He returned to this country, and in June, 1874, was appointed to the chair of Chem- istry in the Indiana University at Bloomington. In 1876 he again went to Germany and studied Organic Chemistry with Fittig, in the University of Stras- burg. He returned to the Indiana University the following year. Except the year absent in Germany, he has taught chemistry in that institution for eighteen years. ISSUE. 1— Fresenius Van Nuys,9 b. Sept. 27, 1876. 2— Morton Van Nuys,9 b. March 5, 1879. 249631 — ABRAHAM VAN NUYS,7b. June 16, 1802, m. Elizabeth Demaree, August, 1829. He was a farmer, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. He died Aug. 12, 1866. ISSUE. 1—NANCY JANE VAN Nuys.8 2—IsaAc VAN Nuys.8 3—JAMES VAN Nuys.8 4— LEAH VAN Nuys.8 5—ABRAHAM VAN NUYs.8 6—Lucy VAN Nuys.8 7—EMMA VAN Nuys.8 8 — MARTHA VAN NuUYs.8 249632—JAMES VAN NUYS,7 b. April 9, 1805, m. 1483 Elizabeth Van Arsdale.?7 He was a farmer, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. He died March 19, 1891. ISSUE. 1— SUSAN VAN Nuys,8 m. James Polly. Live at Pleasant, Ind. 2—JAcoB VAN NuUys.8 949633— ANN VAN NUYS,7 b. April 12, 1807, m. Andrew Morton. He was a farmer, and they were members of the Presbyterian Church. She died Dec. 21, 1840. ISSUE. 1— SUSAN FORREST MORTON.8 94963¢— CORNELIUS VAN NUYS,7 b. July 18, 1809, m. Susan Dickinson, April 25, 1832. He died Dec. 9, 1885. 949635— THOMAS VAN NUYS,7 b. Feb. 4, 1811, m. 3930 Martha8 Banta, Dec. 26, 1833. He was a farmer, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. He died June 27, 1842. 162 Seventh Generation ; Henry> Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel ISSUE. 1— HENRY VAN NUYS.8 2— SAMUEL VAN NuUvs.8 3— MARY ELLEN VAN NuUYs.8 249636— ALBERT VAN NUYS,7 b. Sept. 27, 1812, m. Indiana Hukill. He was a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Church. He died Aug. 31, 1864. His family live in Iowa. ISSUE. 1— ROBERT VAN Nuys.8 2— MELVINA VAN Nuvs.8 3—EUPHEMIA VAN NuUys.8 4—ROXEY VAN Nuys.8 5—URETTIE VAN NUYS.8 6— THOMAS VAN NUYS.8 7— LUTHER VAN NUYS.8 249637 — WILLIAM VAN NUYS,? b. Dec. 13, 1814, m. Elizabeth Elston, Dec. 6, 1838. He is a farmer, and a member of the Presbyterian Church, living at Mediapolis, Towa. . " ISSUE. 1—PARTHENIA VAN Nuys. 2— SOPHRONIA VAN NUYs.8 3— CHARLES VAN Nuys.8 249638— CATHARINE VAN NUYS,7 b. Oct. 16, 1816. She is a member of the Presby- terian Church, living at Lebanon, Ind. 1448. ALBERT6 BANTA, who was born in Adams Co., Pa., married Ruth Alexandria. He was a hatter by trade. He moved from Kentucky to Indiana in 1829 or 30. ISSUE. 2497 — DAVID ALEXANDER,7 b. Dec. 13, 1796, m. 2542 Rachel 7 Banta. 2498 — JOHN." 2499 — ALBERT.7 2500 — HENRY,7 m. Nancy Smith. 1. Elisabeth MacNary ; 2501 — BEAUFORT? b, Feb. 3, 18d, m, § 1: Elfsabem MacNpry; 2502 —MARY,7 m. Cyrus Kisner. 2503 —SOPHIA.7 2504—RUTH,7” m. Thomas Ludlum. 2505 —SARAH ANN.7 Abraham?’ Hendrick4 Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 1457. HENRY® BANTA was born in Adams Co., Pa., married Wilmuth Coombs. He lived in Madison Co., Kentucky, and thence removed to Henry Co., Missouri. He was a farmer, and died in 1840. ISSUE. 25086 — MARGARET,7 b. 1798, m. Thomas Heatherly. 2507 —ABRAHAM,7 b. Sept. 28, 1800, m. Elizabeth Thorp. 9508 — WILLIAM,7 b. 1802, m. Martha Thorp. 2509 —ELIZABETH,7 b. 1804, m. James Moupin. 2510 —PETER,7 b. 1806, m. Nancy Carlosle. 2511 —HENRY,7 b. May 30, 1808, m. Fanny Carlosle. 2512 —ARTEMISIA,7 b. 1809, m. Simeon Maberly. 95183 — MALINDA,7 b. 1811, m. William Fales. 2514— WILMUTH,7 b. Aug. 23, 1818, m. Madison Boulware. 2515 —MINERVA,7 b. 1815, m. Daniel Boone Good. 2516— MIRANDA,7 b. 1817, m. David Gillespie. 2517 —TALITHA,7 m. Carter Don Carlos, Seventh Generation ; Abrahams Henrys Hendrick? Hondyick? Eple 163 1461. PETER A. BANTA (known as « Sugar Pete ”’) married, February 6, 1806, Mary Voorhees, who was born February 1, 1790. After her death he married, Feb- ruary 9, 18—, Margaret Niles. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2518 —ABRAHAM,7b. July Ee 1807, m. Emma Ransdall. 2519 —ALBERT,7 b. Sept. 14, 1808, m. Martha Vooris. 2520 —MARGARET,7 b. Jan. 1, 1810, m. Samuel Headly. 2521 —CORNELIUS,7 b. July 26, 1811, died unmarried, Sept. 6, 1833. 2522 — CATHARINE, b. Feb. 15, 1813, m. Clellan Adams. She died Sept. 29, 1836. ISSUE. 40001—ARWOOD ADAMS.8 40002— CATHARINE JANE ADAMS,8 b. April 13, 1833, m. Gilford Murphy, May 20, 1852. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 1— George Murphy.9 2— Elsworth Murphy.9 3— Viola Murphy.9 4— Addie Murphy.9 5— Nora Murphy.9 25283 —HENRY,7 b. May 19, 1815, died Sept. 21, 1847. 2524 — WILLIAM,7 b. Nov. 25, 1817, m. Eleanor Copeland. 2525 —MARY ANN,7 b. Nov. 1, 1819, m. Samuel Headley. 1. Emeline Campbell; 2526 —ELIJAH,7b. Jan. 5, 1823, m. 3 Se 2527 —CHRISTINA,7 b. March 15, 1826, m. James Jenkins. She died July 22, 1850. Albert’ Hendrick4 Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 1464. PETER® BANTA married Effie Hole, daughter of Zachariah Hole, who was born in Passaic Valley, New Jersey. He moved from Kentucky to Preble County, Ohio. ISSUE. 2528 —CHRISTINA,7 m. Isaac Roberts. 2529 — ALBERT, b. March 6, 1805, m Ae hy Jone I ns 2530 —HANNAH,7 m. Martin Foutz. 2531 —PETER,7 b. Nov. 25, 1808, rm. iy Kerioh Bridge; 2532 —ISAAC,7 b. 181—, m. Anna Reed. They lived in Goshen, Indiana. He wa a Bap- tist minister. 2533 —MARY,7 m. William De Groot. 25834— JAMES,” m. Elizabeth Jackson. He was a Methodist minister in Goshen, Indiana. He died in 1863, leaving at least one son, ALONZ0.8 2535 ANNA,7 b. 1818, m. George Brubaker. 2536 —RACHEL,7 m. Samuel Johnston. 2587 —EFFIE,7 m. Rev. Thomas S. Wells. 2538 — HENRY, b. July 6, 1825, m. ! ¥ La, 1465. ALBERT 6 BANTA was born in Conewago, Penn., and married, August 12, 1800, Mary Aukerman (Ackerman), who was born March 12, 1782, and died March 16, 1858. He was a farmer in Kentucky and moved to Preble County, Ohio, and subsequently to Randolph County, Indiana, where he died April 13, 1853. 164 Seventh Generation ; AlbertS Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel ISSUE. i 2539 — JACOB, b. July 27, 1812, m. Mary ‘Rohrer. f . = 2540 — ALBERT MONFORT,7b. Feb. 21, 1819, m. Hannah Allen. 2541 —ELISABETH,7b. Aug. 18, 1801, m. William Jones. 2542 —RACHEL,7 b. Jan. 18, 1804, m. 2497 David 7 Banta. 25483 — JOHN V.,7b. June 1, 1810, m. Catharine Rohrer. 2544 —MARY,7 b. March 29, 1808, m. Robert Irvin. 2545 — SARAH," b. Feb. 21, 1805, m. Matthew S. Sawyer. 2546— CATHARINE, b. Nov. 14, 1814, m. Joel Root. 2547 —ELIZA,7b. Jan. 21, 1817, m. Joseph Hickman. 1467. ABRAHAMS BANTA lived on Bante’ Fork, Preble Cots, Ohio. He married, November 27, 1800, Catharine Nutts, daughter of Frederick Nutts. She was born September 12, 1784, and died November, 1849. He was a tinsmith, and also preached. He died December 4, 1864. ISSUE. 2548 —SOLOMON,7 b. Oct. 2, 1801, m: Melinda Small. 2549 — CHRISTINA,7 b. Oct. 29, 1803, m. David Van Winkle. Sh Tr § 1. Barbara Miller Tanner; 2550 —JOHN,7 b. Oct. 12, 1803, m. 1 2. Margaret M.. Shepard. 2551 —ABRAHAM,7 b. Nov. 23, 1807, m. Anna Piseri~ -He died Nov., 1847. ISSUE. 4098 — KATHARINE, Wving at West Branch, Wis. 2552—LUCY,7b. March g, 1810, m. Wm. Kinkennen. 2553 — HANNAH,7 b. Feb. 8, 1812, died Oct. 22, 1812. 2554—HARRIET,7 b. Aug. 2, 1813, m. Edwin Parke. 2555 —FREDERICK,7 b. Oct. 17, 1815, m. Sarah Gray. 2556 —ELLENOR,7b. Dec. 21, 1817, died-June 25, 1836. 2557 —HENRY,7 b. June 4, 1820, m. Mary Jane Robinson. 2558 — JULIA, b. April 8, 1822, m. Nathaniel Moore. 2559 —1LOUISA,7 b. April 9, 1824, married, first, Joseph Wilson ; and again, Asa Gibson. She died Dec. 21, 1881. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 4136 — ELVIRA WILSON,8 b. Jan. g, 1844, m. 3959 Benjamin$ Banta, Mark 12, 1867. 4137 — JAMES WILSON.8 Died while in the army. 4138 — GEORGE WILSON.8 ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4139 — MARIA GIBSON,8 m. —— Buchanan. 4140 — ROBERT GIBSON.8 4141 —MALINDA GIBSON,8 m. — McCloskey: 4142 — SCHUYLER GIBSON.8 4143 —MiLo GIBSON.S 2560 — KATHARINE, b. Jan. 27, 1827, m. I 1468. RACHELS BANTA married, in 1808, Peter Van Ausdall (Arsdall), who was born in Martinsburg, Va. He died Dec., 1857. She died 1843. ISSUE. 2561 — JOHN VAN AUSDALL,7 b. 1809, died 1835. 2562 — ISAAC VAN AUSDALL;7b. 1811; m. Eliza Graff, 1836. 2563 —JAMES M. VAN AUSDALL,7 b. 1813, m. Martha Kitson, 1843. -9564— CHRISTINA VAN AUSDALL,7 b. 1815, m. Levi Higgins, Dec., 1835. 2565—SARAH VAN AUSDALL,? b. 1817, m. Isaac Van Doren, 1835. 2566 — HENRY VAN AUSDALL,7 b. Nov. 13, 1819, m. Sarah Ann Deem, 1843. He was born in Eaton, Ohio, and lives in Keokuk, Iowa. Seventh Generation ; Albert Henryt Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 165 ISSUE. 41471—ALONzO B. VAN AUSDALL,8 b. Sept., 1844, m. Mary Jane Graham, Dec. 23, 1868. ‘in ISSUE. 6202 — Laura Ellen Van Ausdall.9 : ty 41472—MELISSA E. VAN AUSDALL,8 b. Nov., 1846, m. David Black, 1865. ISSUE. 6208 — Howard Black.9 6204 — Laura Black.9 6205 — John Bertram Black.9 6206 — Maud Black.9 414%3—LUCIEN B. VAN AUSDALL,8 b. 1848, m. Sarah Orr. ISSUE. 6207 — Lalaa Van Ausdall.9 6208 — Laura Van Ausdall.9 6209 —H. Van Ausdall.9 41474—JoHN S. VAN AUSDALL,8b. 1850, m. Marintha A. Dollery. ; ISSUE. 6210 — John H. Van Ausdall.9 6211 —Nelly C. Van Ausdall.9 6212 — Madge Van Ausdall,? died in 1886. 41475—DANIEL B. VAN AUSDALL,8 b. 1852, died 1854. 414'76— Tom D. VAN AUSDALL,8 b. Oct. 8, 1853. 41477— CHARLES A. VAN AUSDALL,8 b. 1858, died Sept., 1864. 41478—DAN VAN AUSDALL,8 b. 1860, died July 5, 1868. 41479 —LAURA VAN AUSDALL,8 b. Dec. 26, 1862. 2567 — CORNELIUS VAN AUSDALL,7b. 1823. 2568 —LUCIAN B. VAN AUSDALL,7b. 1825, died in. 1871. 2569— ARTHUR ST. CLAIR VAN AUSDALL,? b. 1827, m. — Walters, 1850. He died in 1880. 2570 —CHARLES GEROME VAN AUSDALL,7b. 1827. 2571 — CAROLINE VAN AUSDALL,7 b. 1831, died in 1857.’ Samuel’ Hendrick* Hendrick 3 Hendrick? Epke.! 1491. HENRY ® BANTA married 519Gerretie> (Charity) Banta. He removed from Mercer County, Kentucky, to Hart County, thence to Green County in the same State, and afterwards to Illinois, where he died in 1843. 25711—-SAMUEL.7 25712—LAMBERT.7 : 25713— ABRAHAM, b. 1819, m. Eliza Rountree in 1841. He removed to Northwest Mis- souri in 1843, and died July 14, 1888, leaving three daughters and one son, Moses ‘T.,8 born Nov. 11, 1856, who is a lawyer in Maryville, Nodoway County, Mo. 25714—MAGDALENA,7 m. John Van Arsdale, and was living recently in the vicinity of Lexington, Ky. 1492. MARY ® BANTA married Charles Riker, who was born in New Jersey, Jan. 25, 1774. They lived at Rose Hill, Mercer County, Kentucky. He died June 12, 1857. She died Aug. 10, 1865. Seventh. Generation ; Sam uel 5 Henry + Hendrick 3. Hendrick 2 Epkel ISSUE. 2575 — CYNTHIA RIKER. 2576 —SAMUEL RIKER,7 m. Mary Ann Van Arsdall. 2577 —DIANA RIKER,7 m. Jacob Sutfield, 2578 — CORNELIUS RIKER,7 m. Ann Daviess. 2579 —IDA RIKER,7 b. May 3, 1808, m. John Van Anglen, May 4, 1828. 2580 — SALLIE RIKER,7 b. Nov. 3, 1811, m. William Van Arsdall, son of Addison Van Arsdall, Nov. 3, 1830. She is a widow, living at Harrodsburgh, Ky. ISSUE. 4148 — ANN VAN ARSDALL,8 b. April 1, 1832, m. Eugene Terhune. 4149 — MARY EL1zA VAN ARSDALL,S b. March 30, 1833, m. Coleman Vandeveer. 4150 — CHARLES VAN ARSDALL,8 b. July 11, 1835, m. Georgian Terhune. 4151 — HARVEY ALEXANDER VAN ARSDALL,8 b. Sept. 9, 1837; died July 28, 1838. 4152 — SAMUEL RIKER VAN ARSDALL,S b. May 17, 1839, m. Nancy Vanfleet. 4153 — WILLIAM HARVEY VAN ARSDALL,S b. May 19, 1842, m. Mary Parish. 4154 — JOHN ALEXANDER VAN ARSDALL,S b. Oct. 26, 1844, m. 4197 Emma38 Bonta. 4155— JANE SMITH VAN ARSDALL,S b. May 18, 1847, m. Henry Smith. 4156 — HoLMAN C. VAN ARSDALL,S b. Aug. 20, 1849, m. Elizabeth Rose. 2581 — CHARLES RIKER.7 2582 — JANE RIKER,7 m. Peter Daviess. 2583 — WILLIAM RIKER,7b. 1819, m. Martha Smedley. He is a merchant at Harrods- burgh, Ky. : 2584 — HARVEY RIKER,7 b. 1819, m. Ann Commingo. He is a merchant at Harrods- burgh, Ky. ae 1493. LAMBERT DERLING 6 (Dorland ?) BANTA was born in Mercer County, Ky. He married, May 29, 1814, Margaret Everly, who was born May 23, 1792, and died Nov. 1, 1850. He was a farmer and died March 11, 1861. ISSUE. 2585 — MARY ELIZABETH,7 b. March 7, 1815, m. Walter Denny. She died Jan. 8, 1848. ISSUE. 1—ARTEMISIA DENNY,8 m. Lewis Bradshaw, Burgin, Ky. 2— GRANVILLE DENNY,8 m. Zerelda King, Burgin, Ky. 3—LEONIDAS DENNY,8 m. Sarah Campbell. 4—ERASTUS DENNY,8 m. Annie Proctor, Burgin, Ky. 5—Joun U. DENNY,8 m. Lucy King, Burgin, Ky. 2586 —JOHN GARRARD,7 b. Sept. 4, 1816, m. Nancy Williams England. 2587 — SAMUEL PATTON,7 b. March 21, 1818, m. Louisa Proctor. He is a farmer near Trenton, Mo. ISSUE. 1—JouN LAMBERT.8 He was a carpenter. Died Dec., 18go. 2— WILLIAM.8 He is a carpenter. : 3—DAvIs.8 —JAcoB WESTLEY. He is a farmer near Trenton, Mo. 5— SARAH FANNY,8 m. Bruce Martin. x. Whitson Tyler 6—MARY,8 m. 5 PS taatong, 7—JENNIE.8 8—ELIZABETH,8 m. Taylor, Trenton, Mo. 2588 — JACOB WESLEY,7 b. Nov. 15, 1819, m. Mary Utley. He died Dec. 26, 1861. ISSUE. THOMAS.8 Seventh Generation ; Samuel Henvy* Hendrick Hendrick? Epke.l 167 2589 — WILLIAM HENRY,7 b. Aug. 14, 1821, m. Elizabeth Sallee. She died Jan. 2, 1882. He was a wagon-maker, living in Danville, Ky., where he died Dec. 19, 1883. ISSUE. 1— GEORGE THOMAS,8m. Ella Colston, Sept. 11, 18go. He is a grocer in Danville, Ky. 2—Lucy J.8 3—ADA T.8 4— MARY AGNES,8 living at Harrodsburgh, Ky. 5— LAURA B.S 2590 —DIANA DORLAND,7 b. Aug. 21, 1823, m. William Proctor. ISSUE. 1— JoHN PROCTOR,8 m. Mary England. They live in Stanbury, Mo. 2— FRANCIS PROCTOR,8 m. Sitta Martin. They live in Gault, Mo. 3— WILLIAM PROCTOR,8 m. Belle Martin. They live in Stanbury, Mo, 4— BENJAMIN PrROCTOR.8 He lives in Gault, Mo. 5—JosepH PrRocTOR.8 He lives in Trenton, Mo. 2591 — ELIZA JANE,7 b. Jan. 9, 1826, m. Walter Denny. She died May 15, 1875. ISSUE. 1—ALEXANDER DENNY,8 lives in Tiptop, Arizona. 2— WILLIAM DENNY,8 lives in Vernon, Texas. 3— LESLIE C. DENNY,8 lives in Iowa Park, Texas. 4— BENJAMIN DENNY,8 lives in Amarillo, Texas. 5—SYLVESTER DENNY,8 lives in Iowa Park, Texas. 6— JAcoB DENNY,8 lives in Vernon, Texas. 7—ARTHUR DENNY,8 lives in Burgin, Ky. 8— SANFORD DENNY.8 2592 — SARAH ELLEN,7 b. June 29, 1828, m. William England, April 2, 1867. He was a farmer, living near Chilicothe, Mo., where he died Oct. 21, 1889. His widow is still living there. ISSUE. 4166— JAMES DORLAND ENGLAND,8 b. Jan. 16, 1868. 2593 —MARGARET HELEN,7 b. Dec. 10, 1837, died Jan. 23, 1840. Peterius® Hendrick4 Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 1498. ANN6 BANTA married Jacob Smock, October 20, 1796. He was a farmer living in Kentucky. ISSUE. 2594— ELIZABETH SMOCK,7 b. Sept. 20, 1797, m. Henry R. Comingore, Jan. 26, 1815. He was a farmer of Mercer County, Kentucky. Most of their children were members of the Presbyterian Church. ISSUE. 4171 — RACHEL BREWER COMINGORE,8 b. Dec. 22, 1815, m. 1593 Albert J.6 Banta, Oct. 16,'1833. 4172 —JacoB S. COMINGORE,8 b. Sept. 3, 1818; was a farmer at Greenwood, Ind. He died May 12, 1891. 4173 — DANIEL C. COMINGORE,8 b. Oct. 12, 1820, died Nov. 16, 1845. 4174 —JoHN S. COMINGORE,8 b. Jan. 1, 1823. Is a farmer at Greenwood, Ind. 4175 —ANNIE S. COMINGORE,8 b. March 29, 1825, married first, John Brewer; and again, William Brooks. Lives at Greenwood, Ind. 4176 —DAvVID C. COMINGORE,8 b. Nov. 24, 1827, died March 14, 1832. 41761—WiLLIAM J. COMINGORE,8 b. Nov. 9, 1829, died Oct. 15, 1841. 4177 — MARY E. COMINGORE,S b. Nov. 20, 1831, m. David Brewer. 4178 —NANcYy COMINGORE,8 b. Sept. 20, % 2034 m. William Lamasters. Lives at Greenwood, Ind. 168 Seventh Generation; Peterius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 2595 — MARY SMOCK,7b. Oct. 11, 1798, m. Cornelius Van Arsdall. ISSUE. 4179 — ANNIE VAN ARSDALL,8 b. Nov. 23, 1816, m. —— Brown, 1853, died June 1, 1856. 4180 — ELIZABETH VAN ARSDALL,8 b. Nov. 5, 1819, m. Pike McGrath, 1865. 4181 — JAMES VAN ARSDALL,8 b. May 27, 1822, married first, —— Everly, 1854; and again, Kate Cochran, 1866. Died June 25, 1875. 4182 — HARRIET VAN ARSDALL,8 b. Oct. 29, 1824, m. —— Mitchell, 1851, died July 22, 1856. 4188 — GEORGE VAN ARSDALL,8 b. April 29, 1827, m. Elizabeth Adams, 1850. 4184—JoHN W. VAN ARSDALL,8 b. Oct. 4, 1829, m. Anna Miller, 1860. 4185 —NANNIE VAN ARSDALL,8 b. July 8, 1832, died July 13, 1856. 4186 — EDWARD VAN ARSDALL,8 b. Nov. 25, 1834, m. Elizabeth Mitchell, 1869. 2596 — ANNIE SMOCK,7 b. May 20, 1800, died unmarried, 1820. 2597 — JOHN SMOCK,7b. July 27, 1801, died May, 1803. 2598 — JOHN SMOCK,7b. Jan. 26, 1804, died 1822. 2599 — JENNIE SMOCK,7 b. Jan. 26, 1804, died in infancy. 2600 — NANCY SMOCK,7b. Nov. 27, 1806, m. Isaac Van Arsdall, Oct. 14, 1824. She died in 1880. ISSUE. 4187 —JoHN VAN ARSDALL,8 b. June 27, 1825, m. Mrs. Parr, 1850. 4188 — THOMAS VAN ARSDALL,8 b. March 16, 1827, m. Helen None, 1850. 4189 — JAMES VAN ARSDALL,8 b. Oct. 22, 1830, m. Margaret McKee, 1854. 4190 — CHARLES VAN ARSDALL,8 b. June 10, 1837, m. Kate Thomas, 1856. 4191 — FRANK VAN ARSDALL,8 b. 1843, died 1864. 4192 — NIMROD VAN ARSDALL,8 b. 1846, died 1864. 1499. PETER C.6 BANTA was born in Conewago, Pa., and married 1564 Rachel 6 Banta, January 10, 1802. He was a farmer in Mercer County, Ky., where he died October 18, 1827. His widow died September 10, 1860. ISSUE. 26001 —ELIZABETH,7 b. Nov. 28, 1802, died in infancy. 2601 —RACHEL,7b. Aug. 19, 1804, m. Nathaniel Randolph. Lived in Tuscola, Ill. 2602 —HENRY,7b. Aug. 7, 1806, m. Eliza Hungate. 2603 —PETER,7 b. March 26, 1808, m. Martha Lodewick. 2604 —GARRETT,7b. Feb. 11, 1810, died in infancy. 2605 —SAMUEL,7b. Nov. g, 1811, died in infancy. 2606 —MARY,7b. Sept. 22, 1813, died in infancy. 26061 —POLLY,7b. Aug. 11, 1814. 2607 —DAVID,7 b. Aug. 30, 1816, m. Elizabeth L. French. 2608 — CHARITY, b. Jan. 19, 1818, m. George W. French. 2609 — ELIZA ANN,7 b. Oct. 29, 1819, m. Jacob Carney. 1. Edward French ; 2610 — JANE, b. Oct. 29, 1821, m. $2 De a 2611 —HARVEY G.,7b. June 1, 1824, m. Elizabeth Collier. 2612 —JOHN,7 b. Sept. 4, 1826, m: Frances Wright. 1502. POLLY ® BANTA married March 10, 1805, David Cassatt. He was born March 25, 1778. She died Dec. 28, 1838. He was among the first settlers of Wabash, Ind., in 1834, and died Oct. 8, 1854. Seventh Generation ; Peterius® Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Eplke.l 169 ISSUE. 2615— ANNA CASSATT,7 b. July 4, 1807, died Dec. 11, 1824. 2616— ELIZABETH CASSATT,7 b. May 9, 1809, died Oct. 28, 1824. 2617 — JACOB D. CASSATT,7 b. April g, 1812, married Aug. 7, 1836, Louisa Jane Roberts. May 1, 1849, he married again, Emma Jane Townsend; and April 18, 1853, he married a third time, Elizabeth Backer. He was among the first settlers of Indiana, in 1834, and still resides in Wabash, Ind. His first wife was born in Wheeling, Va., April 21, 1821, and died Jan. 28, 1846. His second wife was born Nov. 30, 1830, and died Jan. 24, 1850. His third wife was born Sept. 23, 1829! ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4199 — EDWARD R. CASSATT,8 b. April 9, 1839, m. Emily H. Neal, June, 1861. 4200 —ANNIE E. CASSATT,8 b. July 24, 1842, m. Elias B. McPherson, July, 1862. Live at Bonifacio, Florida. ISSUE BY THIRD WIFE. 4201 —DAvVID C. CASSATT,S b. Jan. 5, 1855, m. Fannie Homer, July 13, 1876. Lives at 2347 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 4202 — CHARLES ELSWORTH CASSATT,8 b. March 25, 1857, m. Molly Moon, Sept. 16, 1877. Lives at Wabash, Ind. 2618 —MARY BANTA CASSATT,7 b. Dec. 28, 1818, m. John S. Matlock, Aug. 25, 1836. He was born Feb. 16, 1812, and died Sept. 11, 1879. His widow was yet living in 1888. ISSUE. 4204 —MELISSA MATLOCK,8 b. Oct. 26, 1839, m. Francis B. Stone, April 30, 1857. She died Jan. 19, 1873. Her husband died Oct. 27, 1879. ISSUE. 6213 — Thomas J. Stone,9 b. Feb. 21, 1864. Is a merchant living at Kerwin, Kansas, in 1888. 4205— EMMA E. MATLOCK,8 b. June 6, 1850, m. Isaac Ferguson, Oct. 6, 1869. 1504. GARRETT 6 BANTA married, Nov. 12, 1808, 1565 Magdalena ® Banta, who was born in New Jersey, and died June 10, 1863. He was born in Kentucky and lived in Harrodsburgh. He died Aug. 28, 1860. He and most of his descendants spelt their name Boznza. ISSUE. 2619 — PETER G.,7 b. Aug. 9, 1809, died unmarried August, 1857. 2620 — DAVID C.,7 b. Dec. 3, 1810, died unmarried August 19, 1839. 2621 —HENRY LOUIS, b. Jan. 3, 1813, m. Diana E. Robert. 2622 — RACHEL G.,7 b. June 13, 1815, m. Wm. Pemberton. 2623 — JACOB CASSATT,7 b. July 14, 1817, m. Sarah W. Bingham. 2624— WM. ROBERTSON, b. May 14, 1821, m. Hester Ann Budd. 2625—MARY ANN,7 b. May 20, 1823, m. James Clarke. 2626 —ABRAM BREWER,7 b. Oct. 10, 1825, m. Elizabeth Taylor McDonald. - John’ Hendrick¢ Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 1505. HENRY 6 BANTA married Nancy De Mott. He removed from Kentucky to Switzerland County, Indiana, where he was a farmer, his farm adjoining that of two cousins with the same name as himself. He was known as ‘Old Smoke,” and also as “Sheriff Hank.” In 1829 he was elected Sheriff of the County, and held the office two terms. He died about 1833. 170 Seventh Generation ; Fohn> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 26261 —MOSES M.,7m. Cynthia Ann Beckley. He enlisted in Co. F, 83d Indiana Regi- ment, Aug. 15, 1862, and was mustered out of the service June 1, 1865. At that time he resided at Versailles, Ripley Co., Ind. 26262—NANCY,7 m. James Dodd. 26263 — WASHINGTON A.,7m. Sarah Crowder. He resided at Versailles, Indiana. En- listed Aug. 15, 1861, in Co. K, 22d Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. He died May 31, 1864, of wounds received at the battle of Rome. ISSUE. 1—JoHN,8 enlisted Aug. 15, 1861, in Co. K., 22d Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. ‘Was killed at the battle of Perrysville, Oct. 8, 1862. 2— WILLIAM,8 enlisted Aug. 15, 1861, in Co. K, 22d Regiment, Indiana Volunteers." Was killed at Perrysville, Oct. 8, 1862. 3—JosEPH.8 Is a railroad engineer. 4—MosEs.S Is a railroad engineer. 5—LAFAYETTE.8 Is a railroad engineer. 26264 — MARY,” m. Joseph Ellis. 26265— MARTHA,” m. William Voiles. 26266 — KEZIAH,” m. Albert Voris. 26267 — MARGARET,” m. John Wesley Beckley. 1511. JOHN LOGAN6 BANTA married Elizabeth Voris. He was about six years old when his father joined the Shakers in Kentucky, and when about fourteen years of age he ran away from them. He became a blacksmith. He died in the winter of 1867. ISSUE. 2626 8—AMASA DELONG.7 2626 9 —1LOUISA.7 : 262610— LAVINIA JANE,7 b. March 17, 1832, died May 1, 1864. 262611 —AMZI WARREN,7b. Feb. 22, 1834, m. Sarah E. Osborne, May 2, 1854. 262612— MARIA LOUISA,7b. June 5, 1836, m. Charles Clark. She died Aug. 18, 1878. ISSUE. 1— FLORA TEMPLE CLARK.S She lives in Louisville, Ky. 2— JOHN CLARK.8 3— CHARLES CLARK.8 4— FREDERIC CLARK.S 262613 — SAMUEL ANNINGTON,7 b. Sept. 10, 1838, died Nov. 23, 1870. 262614 — MARY LUCINDA,7 b. Jan. 2, 1840, m. Jeoffrey B. Radford, Nov. 9, 1864. 1512. ABRAM6 BANTA was born in Shelby Co., Ky. He was brought up among the Shakers, and remained among them until the age of 41 years, when he left them. He married Elizabeth Reynolds, who was born in 1827 and died in 1867. He died in 1877. ISSUE. 2627 —-SARAH,7 b. April, 1849, died July 13, 1874. 2628 —JOHN LEWIS,7 b. Oct. 12, 1856 (?), m. Carrie Jones. He is in the grocery business in Rock Port, Missouri. 2629 — GEORGE MARION,7 b. April 16, 1858, m. Georgie Stagg. Lives at Harrodsburgh, Kentucky. 4237 —Louis.8 2630—WILLIAM GARRETT.7 2631 —ELIZABETH,7 b. April 24, 1863, m. John C. Clark, or Clarkson. ISSUE. Seventh Generation ; Cornelius® Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 171 Cornelius’ Hendrick ¢ Hendrick 3 Hendrick? Epke.! 1513. PETER W.6 BANTA married in 1817, Nancy Greenwell, who died in 1868. He was a farmer living in Jefferson County, Indiana, four miles from Madison. He was killed by the explosion of a steamboat boiler in 1836. ISSUE. 2632 —HENDERSON G.,7 b. Dec. 24, 1818, m. Eliza Hampton, Feb. 20, 1840. 2633 — HENRY GRAFTON,7 b. 1820, m. Bettie Elizabeth Kelley. 2634— REBECCA," m. Nelson Parish. 2635— CYNTHIA,” m. Charles Lyle. 2636 — ELIZA,” m. Mat. Kiphart. 2637 — SIMPSON HENDRICKS, b. 1832, deceased. 1. —— Bundurat; 2638 —MARTHA,” m.< 2. — Lewis; 3. —— Yount. 1514. HENRY C.6 BANTA married, November 1, 1804, Nancy Demaree, who was born February 18, 1788, and died May, 1845. He lived ten or twelve miles south of Mt. Sterling, Ind., to which State he had removed from Kentucky. ISSUE. 2639 — MARY MAGDALENE,7 b. Aug. 29, 1805, m. Wm. Plunkett, 1826, died in 1844. 2640 — PHEBE,7 b. Oct. 10, 1807, m. Wm. Plunkett, died in 1876. 2641 —ELISABETH,7 b. March 6, 1810, m. Henry Bell in 1826, died in 1885. 2642 —VIOLETTA,7 b. Jan. 26, 1812, m. Jonathan Plunkett. She died in 1880. ISSUE. 4253 1— WILLIAM H. PLUNKETT,8 b. 1833. Was a lumber dealer at Clinton, Mo. 4253 2— JosEPHUS P. PLUNKETT,8 b. 1834, m. Rebecca A. Wilhite. Was a farmer. He died in 1883. 4253 3— RANSOM PLUNKETT, died § in infancy. 4253 4+—LEvVI H. PLUNKETT, enlisted in 72d Indiana Regiment. I.ived in Mon- mouth, Iowa. Was a farmer. 4253 5— ARMINTA PLUNKETT,S enlisted in 72d Indiana Regiment. 4253 6— GEORGE W. PLUNKETT,8 enlisted in 72d Indiana Regiment. Is a farmer. 4253 "—JouN W. PLUNKETT,S b. 1842, married first, Mary E. Dieling; and again, Viola B. C. Wiggins. Was 2d Lieutenant Co. E, 72d Regiment, Ind. 4253 8—PHEBE A. PLUNKETT,8 b. 1843, m. Jacob Hayden. Is a carpenter. 4253 9— ELIZABETH FRANCES PLUNKETT, b. 1848, m. Wm. T. Shepherd. Is a farmer of New Richmond, Ind. 425310 —DocToR M. PLUNKETT,8 b. 1851, married first, Annie Bastian; and again, Angie Garrett. Was a farmer of New Richmond, Ind. 2643 — GEORGE W.,7b. Feb. 19, 1814, died in 1838. 2644 —ANN,7b. Oct. 6, 1816, m. John Roberts, 1834. She died in 1866. 2645 — JOHN DEMAREE,7b. Oct. 24, 1818, m. Mary Jane Roberts. 1. Malinda Voiles; 2646 — HENRY HARRISON, b. Oct. 12, 1820, m. § 1 Riaynda Ko € § 1. Harman Haskell; 2647 PERMELIA,7 b. Nov. 24, 1822, m. { 2. John Lee. 2648 —JAMES A.,7b. April 6, 1825, died in 1834. 2649 — POLLY W.,7b. July 20, 1827, m. Jesse Lott Reed,? 1844. See page 94. 2650 —REBECCA,7 b. Feb. 28, 1829, died in infancy. 26501 —BEVERLY V.,7 b. Sept. 20, 1831, m. Eliza Edwards, 1854. Lives at Canaan, In- diana. No issue. 1515. CORNELIUS6 BANTA married Rebecca Eckels. He was a merchant in Belleville, Indiana, and died April 4, 1857. His widow died May 20, 1871. 172 Seventh Generation ; Cornelius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 2651— JOHN QUINCY A.,7b. Nov. 25, 1827, m. Sarah Evelyn Farrell. J 2652 — MARY A. ELIZABETH,7 b. Oct. 8, 1829, m. Milton Lindley, June 13, 1849. He is Treasurer and ex-Supervisor, Los Angeles, Cal. He is a member of the M. E. Church, and she is a member of the Christian Church. ISSUE. 4279 — FLORA LINDLEY,8 b. May 22, 1850, died June 18, 1851. 4280 — WALTER LINDLEY,8 M. D., married Lou C. Puett, Aug. 18, 1875. She died May, 1881, and he married again, his second wife being Lilla Leighton, Nov. 22, 1882. He is President of the Medical Society of the State of California, Member Board of Education of Los Angeles, Cal., is an ex- Health Officer and ex-County Physician, and a member of the official board of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 6281 —Flora Banta Lindley,9 b. Aug. 20, 1876. 6282 — Myra Josephine Lindley,9 b. July 24, 1880. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 6283 — Mary Lindley,9 b. Sept. 13, 1883, died June 6, 1889. 6284 — Milton Lindley,9 b. Oct. 16, 1885, died March 29, 1886. 4281 — HERVEY LINDLEY,8 b. June 25, 1854, m. Kate C. Owens, Sept., 1875. He lives in Los Angeles, Cal. Is President of the Board of Trustees of the State Reform School. Is a Police Commissioner. Also Director in a Na- tional Bank. ; 4282 — IDA BANTA LINDLEY,S b. March 5, 1856. Is Professor of Latin in the Univer- sity of Southern California. 4283 —EvA LINDLEY,8 b. Nov. 20, 1857, died Sept. 26, 1858. 4284 — ARTHUR LINDLEY,8 b. June 20, 1860, m. Ruth Kennison, 1882. ISSUE. Alma Smith Lindley,9 b. March 17, 1883. 4285 — WILLIAM EDGAR LINDLEY,8 b. Jan. 12, 1862, m. Elsie Farrell, 1881. Is a physician at Albion, Idaho. ISSUE. Ida Strout Lindley,9 b. March 17, 1890. 4286 — BERTHA LINDLEY,8 b. Feb. 2, 1862, m. John E. Coffin, Dec. 31, 1889. 4287 — ALBERT LINDLEY,® b. June 13, 1864. Is Deputy Tax Collector at Los Angeles, Cal. 2653 —NANCY JANE,7 b. March 31, 1832, m. R. Henderson Cook. ISSUE. 1— HORACE G. CoOK.8 2— EDGAR Co0OK.8 3—LUELLA M. CoOK.8 4—EpIiTH R. CoOK.8 5—JoHN BANTA COOK.8 6—EDWARD COOK.8 7— CHARLES COOK.8 2654— JEPHTA FOWLER, b. July 7, 1834, m. Eliza A. Ballard. 2655 —SAMUEL JEFFERSON,7 b. March 8, 1837, m. Cynthia M. Richards, Aw 12, 1860. 2656 — WILLIAM CYRUS, b. Aug. 30, 1839, m. Lizzie M. May. 2657 — ALICE RACHEL,7 b. Feb. 26, 1842, m. Risdon C. Moore, M. D., March 18, 1860. He died Sept. 4,1888. In 18goshe lived at No. 221 Fifth Ave. East, Hutchison, Kansas. MINNERTSGA, FRIESLAND. Seventh Generation, Cornelius® Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke. 173 ISSUE. 4289 — EDWIN S. MOORE,8 b. Sept. 10, 1861. Is a book-keeper. 4290 — EMMETT B. MOORE, b. April 30, 1863, m. Hattie Harte, Sept. 10, 1888. He is a baggage master. 4291 —MArcUs D. MoORE,8 b. Nov. 3, 1865. Is a ticket agent on Santa Fé R. R. 4292 — CHARLES P. MOORE,8 b. Feb. 16, 1867. Is a teacher. 42983 — ANNIE M. MOORE,8 b. April 13, 1869, died Sept. 13, 1870. 4294 — CLARENCE A. MOORE,8 b. Aug. 30, 1871. Is a teacher. 4295 — JEssE M. MOORE,8 b. July 25, 1873. 4296 —ALMA E. MOORE,8 b. Feb. 17, 1877. 4297 — Roy H. MoOORE,8 b. May 13, 1879. 4298 —ERWIN M. MOORE,8 b. Oct. 23, 1830. 4299 — THOMAS CORWIN MOORE,8 b. May 23, 1883. 2658 —SARAH REBECCA," b. Dec. 17, 1843, m. Edward D. Lotshar, April 1, 1867. He was born March 28, 1839, and died Nov. 9, 1888. Both were members of the M. E. Church. He was a member of Company A, 7th Ind. Vols. ; member of the Official Board of St. Paul's M. E. Church at Cincinnati, O., and Treasurer of the M. E. Church at Los Angeles, Cal. ISSUE. 42991 — ANNA TOWNSEND LOTSHAR,8 b. Jan. 3, 1868, died Jan. 17, 1869. 42992 — WILLIAM LOTSHAR,8 b. March 26, 1869, died day of birth. 42993 — FREDERICK LOTSHAR,8 b. Dec. 21, 1869, died Dec. 6, 1870. 42994 — ROBERT BANTA LOTSHAR,8 b. Oct. 21, 1874, died Dec., 1874. 42995— EDWARD D. LOTSHAR, JR.,8 b. May 6, 1876, died March 11, 1879. 42996 — HENRY R. LOTSHAR,8 b. Feb. 29, 1880. 42997— PAUL BANTA LOTSHAR,8 b. Oct. 11, 1883, died May 3, 1884. 2659 — LAURA AMELIA,” m. Lathan Alfred Patton, Sept. 13, 1873. He was born in Mis- souri, March 19, 1853. He is an artesian well borer. They live (1890) at Nordhoff, Cal. Are members of the Christian church. ISSUE. 4300 — CLARENCE ALBERT PATTON,8 b. Dec. 19, 1874. 4301 — ALFRED CORNELIUS PATTON,8 b. Feb. 21, 1877. 4302 —IpA LAURA PATTON,8 b. Jan. 5, 1883. 4303 — LUELLA REBECCA PATTON,8 b. Feb. 28, 1888. 2660 —LAWRENCE ALBERT,7 died in infancy. 2661 —EVA,7 died in infancy. 1517. ANDREW 6 BANTA married Mary Cox. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was wounded at the battle of the Thames. He was a farmer, and after- wards a miller at Mount Sterling, Indiana, where he died Feb. 18, 1862. ISSUE. '26611—JESSE,7 b. 1813, died in 1839 at Bayou Sara, La. Had one son, William.8 26612—ANN,7 b. 1816, died in infancy. 26613 — JAMES HARVEY,7 b. June 15, 1818, m. Christina Cotton, April 5, 1838. He was a farmer and carpenter, and is now an apiarist at Mount Sterling, Ind. ISSUE. 1—WIiLLIAM JESSE, b. Dec. 7, 1841. He enlisted in the 125th Indiana Regiment, 10th Cavalry, and was captured at the battle of Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864, and died in a Confederate prison in Florida. 2— MARY LoUIsA,8 b. Nov. 16, 1843, m. James Cunningham. 3—JoHN HENRY, b. Jan. 4, 1846, m. Mary A. Bennett, Feb. 25, 18378. He is a painter in Alameda, Cal. 174 Seventh Generation ; Cornelius’ Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epkel ISSUE. 1—Meda E.,9 b. May 15, 1881. 2— Paul, 9 b. Dec. 30, 1888. 3—Eliza,9 b. Jan. 30, 1891. 4— ROBERT ANDERSON,8 b. April 23, 1848. He is a carpenter in Jeffersonville, Ind. ISSUE. Homer.9 26614—MALINDA,7 b. Dec. 1, 1824. m. William W. Smith. He is a carpenter at Temple Station, Crawford Co., Ind. ISSUE. 1— THEODORE HARVEY SMITH.8 2— ANDREW BANTA SMITH.8 3—ALBERT WALLACE SMITH.8 4— WILLIAM C. SMITH.8 5— CLARISSA, C. SMITH.8 6—ANNA L. SMiTH.8 1518. JACOB6 BANTA, was born in Henry Co., Ky., married in Shelby County, Déc. 6, 1810, Phebe Fallis, who was born in Mercer Co., Ky., April 4, 1793, and died April 4, 1876. He enlisted at New Castle, Henry Co., Kentucky, and served from May to November, 1813, under Captain Rice, in the Kentucky Mounted Volun- teers, in the command of Col. R. M. Johnson (afterwards Vice-President of the United States). He marched to join General Harrison, and was in the battle of the Thames, in Canada, Oct. 5, 1813, at which time the celebrated Indian warrior, Tecumseh, is supposed to have been killed by Col. Johnson. He moved from Kentucky to Jefferson County, Indiana, where he was a farmer, and died April 10, 1844, at Hagerstown, Wayne Co., Indiana. ISSUE. 2662 —ISAAC,7 b. Nov. 20, 1811, m. Jane Welch. 2663 — MARY MAGDALENE,7 b. Sept 12, 1813, m. Samuel Stevens, Nov., 1836. She died Nov., 1837. ISSUE. 4314 — NANCY STEVENS, m. Sanford Leap. 2664 —ELIZABETH,7 b. March 15, 1815, m. first, Levi Hall, Aug. 31, 1833; and again, Amos Gilbert. Lives at Brownsburgh, Indiana (1888). ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 4315 — ANDERSON HALL.8 4316 — MARIA HALL.8 4317 — PHEBE JANE HALL.S 4318 —MARY ANN HALL.8 4319 —JEssE D. HALL. 4320 — JAMES EDWARD HALL.8 4321 —EL1zA ELLEN HALL.8 2665 —ELISHA,7 b. Sept. 1, 1816, m. Mary Bradley. 2666 — MARGARET,7 b. July 23, 1819, m. Henry Hall, March 12, 1835. He was born in Jefferson Co., Ind., April 18, 1815, and died Feb. 28, 1874. She died Aug. 25, 1874. ISSUE. 4328 —MizeLrA HALL,8 b. March 31, 1836. 4329 — JONATHAN BONAPARTE HALLS b. March 14, 1838, died June 13, 1858. 4330 — MARTHA JANE HALL,8b. Oct. 26, 1840, died Oct. 17, 1883. 4331 — LuzeTTA AYERS HALL,8 b. April 25, 1843. 4332 —CyrUs M. HALL,® b. Sept. 19, 1845. 4333 —NICcAUDIE HALL,8 b. Jan. 16, 1849, died Jan. 16, 1849. 4334 — ALBERT HALLS b. May 5, 1851, died May 5, 1851. 4385—ScorT C. HALL,8 b. May 3, 1852. 4336 — EMMA HALL,8 b. Sept. 19, 1854, m. Samuel Wesley Orem, Aug. 4, 1878. Seventh Generation ; Cornelius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke 175 ISSUE. 6319 — Eddie Orem,9 b. Oct. 31, 1881. 4337 —EVALYN A. HALL, July 12, 1857, died Sept. 17, 1858. ‘2667 — CORNELIUS, b. Nov. 23, 1820, m. pe Dolan Lshell; 2668 — PETER WAGONER,7b. June 25, 1822, died unmarried, March 12, 1847. { 2669 —SARAH,7 b. Sept. 1, 1823, m. George M. Gordon. 2670— JAMES M.,7 b. 1825, died unmarried, Sept. 14, 1850. 2671 — REBECCA FRANCES, b. Feb. 27, 1827, m. William Sanders. 2672 —JACOB,7 b. 1828, died unmarried, Nov. 10, 1850. 2673 —ROSANNA,7 b. Nov. 19, 1831, m. William S. Miller. 2674— CITHA EDWARDS, b. 1834, m. Gabriel Leap, in 1851. He died in 1880. No issue. His widow lives, 18go, at Madison, Ind. Daniel’ Hendrick* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 1521. REV. HENRY D.¢ BANTA married his cousin, 148 Eleanor Van Arsdale,6 June 23, 1803. He was born in Kentucky, and removed across the Ohio into Switzer- land County, Indiana, prior to the War of 1812. He enlisted, and served from April to August, 1813, as a ranger under Captain W. Dunn. He was a farmer. For many years he officiated as a minister of the Baptist denomination — ‘‘ old school” — declining all pay for his services. He died Jan. 21, 1867. His widow survived him more than twelve years, dying April 22, 1879. A sketch of his life, and that of his wife, written by his son, was published ina local paper in 1878; it is given in full, and is a quaint narrative of the pioneer life in which so many of the Bantas participated : AN OLD PIONEER. MRS. ELEANOR BANTA — A BRIEF SKETCH OF HER LIFE — NARROW ESCAPE FROM THE INDIANS — HARD TIMES—REV. HENRY D. BANTA, ONE OF THE EARLY PIONEER PREACHERS OF SWITZERLAND COUNTY —INTER- ESTING ALLUSIONS TO EARLY TIMES. Vevay, Ind., May 4th, 1878. Editor “Reveille” -— Having some time since promised you that I would give you a short history of the life of one of the oldest settlers of this county, viz., that of my mother, Eleanor Banta, I therefore proceed to redeem that promise, and as much as possible will give it in her own language. She was born in Ketcham Station, or Fort, in Shelby Co., Ky., May 4th, 1786, and of course is 92 years old to-day, this being her birthday, and therefore as suitable a time as any for such history. When she was nine days old the Indians drove her mother, with the other women in the Fort, six miles back to the nearest settlement at that time, and they had to retreat in the night for fear of being shot down or toma- hawked and scalped by the Indians, as she was afterwards informed by her parents. She resided in that section of the country until after her marriage. She married Henry D. Banta, and lived with him until his death, which occurred at the age of 81 years, they having lived together 64 years. Many of your readers will recollect him as the old regular Baptist preacher. Being a regular Old School Baptist, he never did, or would, receive a salary for preaching, believing it to be wrong to do so. He preached regularly, as health permitted, for 41 years and 6 months, both in this State and Ken- tucky. He was pastor of Four-mile Church in Kentucky for years, and pastor of the Baptist Church in Vevay for 7 years; was pastor of Brushy Fork, Grant’s Creek and other churches—1I know not how long. His membership was in Bethel Church, in Craig Township, for 41 years and 6 months, all of which time he was the regular pastor of the same up to the time of his death. He was buried in Bethel Cemetery. But I have left the history that I commenced writing, and have given part of that of another. I know, however, that your readers will pardon the digression, and I will return to the subject upon which I started out — that of the history of Eleanor Banta. She says: 176 Seventh Generation; Daniel> Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epkel ¢ My parents told me that the morning I was born one of my uncles was shot near the Fort, and the woods around the Fort was full of Indians. They were driven off, however, and we had peace for a spell again. We remained in that section of the country until the year 1817, then moved to the State of Indiana, County of Switzerland, in Pleasant Township, near or perhaps on the farm now known as the George Hotch- kiss farm. There we erected the first horse-mill in the settlement, which for many years was called the Old Dutch Settlement. We had to pay $4 per bushel for salt then, and carry it in sacks on the backs of mules from the salt licks, or furnaces, as they sometimes called them in Kentucky, and we had to pay in proportion for many other things. Before we built the horse-mill we had to grind all of our corn on hand- mills. They were a very simply constructed affair. The hopper, as it was called, would be a portion of a trunk of a large tree, two or three feet in diameter and three or four feet high; one end of this block would be chopped out or burned out deep enough to receive the mill-stones; the bottom stone would be securely fastened in this hopper, and a small hole cut in the side of the hopper, just at the top of the bed stone, and a small spout attached to carry off the meal; the top stone, or runner as you would call it now, had two holes in it, one in the center to receive the grain to be ground, the other near one side, in which was placed an upright pole, two or two and a half inches thick; the top end of the pole was placed into a timber or beam overhead for that purpose, and the operator would take hold of this pole and turn it round, much the same as the apothecary would his pestle in a medicine mortar, turning with one hand and feeding the mill with the other at the same time. Many and many times I have ground my meal on the hand-mill, and that was the way we got all our corn ground in those days, for we had no wheat then. If we had had wheat, we had no mills but the hand-mills to grind it on, and I think they would have made bad flour. “1 recollect of hearing my parents tell that my uncle Samuel Dure and his brother and his brother’s wife were out some little distance from the house, and two uncles were cutting a tree for the purpose of building a hand-mill, when they were surprised by the Indians and fired upon, and all three fell mortally wounded and died in a few minutes. Dear me, folks now-days know nothing about trouble and hard times, for the Indians would frequently come into the settlements of nights and kill the milch cows and cut out a slice or chunk from their hams, and leave the balance for an aggravation to the owners. Talk about hard times, you know nothing about it. After the Indians were driven from the country, so there was not so much danger, I used to take my little spinning-wheel and go many times of nights and spin flax and tow by the light of the brush heap fires that my husband was burning in the clearing. “In 1825 we moved from the Dutch Settlement to Craig Township. We bought 173 acres of land from George Craig, one mile from the Ohio River, now known as the farms of the Widow Elizabeth Banta and Zachariah Cotton. There we remained until the year 1840, when we moved to Vevay, and remained in the vicinity of Vevay eight years; then moved to the neighborhood of Allensville, in Cotton Township, and re- mained there nine years, and then moved back to Craig Township, near Braytown, on the farm now occupied by Dallas F. Banta; remained there until the death of my husband. “I am now living with my son-in-law and daughter, Justus Thiebaud and Mary Thiebaud, on the Ohio River, three miles below Vevay. I live half of the time with my son and daughter-in-law, Jacob and Sarah Banta.” She was the mother of thirteen children, and raised twelve of them to have families— one died at the age of two years— leaving six girls and six boys. Now there remain but six children, viz.: Daniel, Jacob, Abraham, Mary Thiebaud, John W., and Eleanor Beach. She has had ninety-one grandchildren and eighty-one great grand- children. She reads well without glasses, having her second sight, but prefers glasses for steady reading. She says she can sew very well and knit just as good as ever, but not quite so fast. Takes great pleasure in reading the Bible and Spurgeon’s Sermons, and is a good Scripturian for one of her age. She has been a faithful member of Bethel Church ever since its organization, which is now upwards of fifty years. Her health is very good, and she retains her mind remarkably well for a person of her extreme age. Respectfully, [Signed] J. W. BANTA, Seventh Generation; Daniel’ Henryt Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l 177 ISSUE. 2675 —ANNA,7 b. June 5. 1804, m. George Voiles. She died May 3, 1833. ISSUE. 4368 — NANCY VOILES,S died unmarried. 4369 — HENRY C. VOILES.8 4370 — BENJAMIN F. VoILES,S died 1886. 4371 —MALINDA VOILES,S b. April 13, 1821, m. 2646 Henry Harrison? Banta, Feb. 5, 1845. 2676 — RACHEL," b. Nov. 30, 1805, m. Elijah Matthews. Died Nov. 21, 1867. 2677 —DANIEL H.,7b. Oct. 27, 1807, m. Eliza Roberts. Died Aug. 2, 1885. 2678 —ISAAC V.,7b. Nov. 24, 180g, m. Elizabeth Roberts. 2679 — JACOB, b. Feb. 7, 1812, m. Sarah Ferris. 2680 — MARY A.,7b. June 24, 1814, died Aug. 25, 1816. 2681 — JANE," b. Sept. 13, 1816, m. Robert T. Weaver. Died Jan. 18, 1887. 2682 —ABRAHAM,7 b. April 30, 1818, m. Cynthia Garner. 2683 — POLLY? (Mary), b. July 13, 1820, m. Justi Thiebaud. 1. Nancy Ferris; 2684— JOHN W.,7 b. July 13, 1823, m. $ a. Nara Vande, 2685 —HENRY,7 b. April 16, 1825, m. Harriet Todd. Died Oct. 16, 1856. 2686 — ELEANOR, b. Dec. 5, 1827, m. Dennis Beach. 2687 —NANCY,7 b. Aug. 24, 1831, m. John Jessup. Died Sept. 4, 1856. 1522. DANIEL® BANTA married Elizabeth Le Compte. During the War of 1812 he served in Shelby’s troop under Capt. Rice, and also took part in the battle of Tippecanoe. He was a farmer. In 1841 he removed from Kentucky to Illinois, and thence to Eagle Mill, Mo. ; subsequently he was a grocer in Clinton, Illinois. ISSUE. 2688 —PRISCILLA,7 b. Nov. 29, 1814, m. Ransford Peyton. 2689 —PETER,7b. May 15, 1816. 1. Ellen M. Shuck; 2690 —JORDAN,7 b. Aug. 13, 1818, m. 3 2. Llcavesta Upton, 2691 — WILLIAM RICE,7b. July 29, 1820, m. Eliza Ware. 2692 —ANNA,7 b. ‘Aug. 4, 1822. 2693 —ISAAC,7 b. Oct. 19, 1824, m. Margaret M. Pitner. 2694— MARTHA,7 b. April 3, 1827, m. Joel Hall. 2695—MARY,7b. April 11, 1829, unmarried. 2696 —DANIEL M.,7b. July 7, 1831, m. Clarissa Jane Webb. 2697 —TABITHA,7 b. March 10, 1834, unmarried. 2698 —AMANDA,7 b. Aug. 26, 1837. 1524. JOHN® BANTA married Nancy List, who was born in 1799 and died in 1851. He removed from Kentucky to Cass County, Missouri, where he died in 1845. ISSUE. 2699 —ELIJAH,7 m. Sarah James. ISSUE. 1—JoHN W.8 2—THomAs C.8 3— CATHERINE ANN.8 4—MARGARET.8 2700—JEPTHA,” m. Martha J. Wright. 2701 —EUNICE.7 2702 —PERMENAS,7 m. Jane Barron. ISSUE. 1—MARY S.8 2—MALVINA.8 12 178 Seventh Generation ; Danield Henry* Hendyick? Hendrick? Epke. 2703 —ALFRED,7 m. Martha Ann Terrill. ISSUE. 1—JoHN W.8 2—JAMES A.8 3—ALFRED, Jr.8 4—MARTHA.8 5—JANE.8 2704— JOHN A.,7b. Jan. 24, 1832, m. Mary Helen Willson, March 26, 1873. She was born June 11, 1851. He is a miller at Macon City, Mo. ; also owns a farm of 160 acres. ISSUE. 1—JOSEPH,8 b. Aug. 28, 1875. 2—ABBIE,8 b. Aug. 8, 1877. 3— VIRGINIA,8 b. Oct. 6, 1881. 2705 —EMILY.7 1527. ANNAS6 BANTA married George Holcroft. She died in Switzerland County, Indiana. ISSUE. 2713 —DANIEL HOLCROFT.7 ki 2714— ELIJAH HOLCROFT.7 2715—SAMUEL HOLCROFT.7 2716 —SALLIE HOLCROFT.7 2717 —ELIZA HOLCROFT.7 2718 — NANCY HOLCROFT.7 v 2719— POLLY HOLCROFT.7 1528. MARY ® BANTA married first, John Faught; after his death she married again, Baxter. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 2720 — ANNA FAUGHT.? 2721 —GEORGE FAUGHT." 2722 —PARRY FAUGHT.7 David’ Hendrick* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 1545. JACOB6 BANTA married in Gibson County, Indiana, March 20, 1826, Cillinda Wilder, who was born in Vermont, Sept. 10, 1803, and died December, 1887, in Texas. He was born in Mercer County, Ky. For many years was a farmer in Gibson County, Indiana, then in Illinois, removing to Miami County, Kansas, where he died January 30, 1881. ISSUE. 2789 —DAVID H.,7 b. Feb. 21, 1827, unm., lived in Louisburg, Kansas, in 1887. 9740 — LUCINDA, b. July 23, 1829, m. $ y raw 2741 —ISAAC JACKSON,7 b. Sept. 10, 1830, m. Aylsyana Keel. 2742 —DANIEL JEFFERSON,7 b. Feb. 10, 1832, m. Nancy Gibson. 2743 —JOHN.BOLEN,7 b. March 2, 1833, lives at Louisburg, Kansas. 2'744— MARY JANE,7 b. May 19, 1834, m. Samuel Gray. 2745 —BENONI STINSON,7 b. July 22, 1835, m. Caroline Fairchild. 2746 —LOURANY,7 b. Oct. 26, 1836, died Nov. 5, 1841. 2747 —SALLY ANN,7 b. Aug. 10, 1838, m. Josiah Wills. 2748 — JACOB,7 b. Sept. 19, 1840, died Sept. 22, 1841. 2749 —JESSE,7 b. Oct. 23, 1842, killed by Indians, 1865, in Texas. 2750 —MINERVA,7 b. July 2, 1844. She married four times; her first husband was Jerome Temple Gibbs. Her fourth husband was Ephraim John Skinner, whom she married Sept. 16, 1884. He died April 17, 1887. She resides in Johnson City, Texas. Her only child was by her first marriage. Seventh Generation ; David Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 179 ISSUE. 4520 —DAviD WILBUR Gi1BBS,8 b. Dec. 4, 1870. 2751 —AMELIA,7 b. Oct. 9, 1846, m. Solomon Hobbs, Jan. 30, 1870. She died in 1880. ISSUE. 4521 —JouN HoBBs.8 4522 — ANDREW JACKSON HOBBS.8 4523 —Bisuop McKENZIE HoBBSs.8 4524 — AMELIA HOBBS.8 2752 — CYLLINDA,7 b. Jan. 5, 1849, m. John Francisco, Nov. 7, 1867. 1545. ISAACS BANTA was born at Lexington, Ky., married Eliza Barker. She was born in Indiana, June 26, 1806. He removed to Indiana as early as 1827, and in 1840 he removed to Texas, and there died July 16, 1855, in Burnet County. His widow married a Mr. McDonald, and was living, in 1887, at Centre Point, Texas. ISSUE. 2753 —HENRY,7 b. Aug. 11, 1823, m. Susan Winneford. 2754— MARY ANN,7 b. July 12, 1825, m. Milton H. Langford, June 22, 1843. 2755— WILLIAM,7 b. June 23, 1827, m. Lucinda Hairston. 2756 —DAVID RILEY,7 b. April 17, 1829, m. Margaret Keith. 2757 — CELESTINE,7 b. July 17, 1831, m. Robert A. Gibson. 2758 —JOHN,7 b. Feb. 22, 1833, m. Angelina McDonald. 2759 — JACOB RHINIERSON,7 b. April 2 mm m. Clara McDonald, 2760 —ABIA LOUISA,T b. April 9, 1837, m a Jes Mo 2761 —ROXANNA,7 b. Dec. 31, 1839, died July 7, 1857. 2762 — GEORGE GORDON WILSON,7 b. Jan. 28, 1841, m. Susan M. Rippy. 2763 —PERMELIA VICTORY,7 b. Feb. 26, 1843, m. Edward C. Holden. 9764— ELIZABETH SELINA,T b. April 5, 1846, m. 32 Zork McDonald; 2765 —ISAAC FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS,7 b. Dec. 28, 1848, m. Helen Sims. 1547. SALLY 6 BANTA married William S. Roberts. ISSUE. 2766 —ELIZA A. ROBERTS, b. 1826, m. Jackson Woods. She died in 1849. ISSUE. 4633 — LEANDER Wo0O0DS,8 born at Nashville, Ind. 2767 —BENONI S. ROBERTS, b. 1828. : 2768 — SARAH M. ROBERTS,7 b. 1834, m Williams. 2769 — WILLIAM DAILY ROBERTS, b. Jan. 5, 1837, m. Mary Pudney, May 27, 1857. He was born at Bloomington, Indiana. They live at Seymour, Mo. ISSUE. 4634 —JosepH W. ROBERTS,8 b. May 28, 1858, m. Mary Hunt, 1884. 4635—BERTHA ROBERTS,8 b. Oct. 10, 1875, died Aug. 6, 1886. 4636 —RoMULUS ROBERTS,8 b. July 24, 1879. 4637 — WILLIAM ROBERTS,8 b. Oct. 2, 1882. 4638 —MAUDE ROBERTS,8 b. June 5, 1885. 180 Seventh Generation ; Henryd Albert* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l Hendrick’ Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 1572. ALBERT® BANTA married, July 22, 1824, Mary Wigham, who was born Oct. 25, 1805, and died Sept. 18, 1872. He was a farmer in Harrodsburg, Kentucky, and died in 1853. ISSUE. 2770 —RACHEL,7 b. May 22, 1825, m. John French, March 21, 1884. 27791 —HENRY,7 b. Jan. 24, 1828, m. Susan M. Neff. 2772 —JOHN,7 b. Sept. 3, 1830, m. Lizzie Sanders. 2773 —ABRAM,7 b. Dec. 28, 1832, m. Martha Randolph. 2774—JAMES,7 b. Jan. 28, 1835, m. Mary J. Crane. 2795—ANN,7b. Oct. 20, 1837, m. Wm. McCarthy. 2776—JOSEPH,7 b. Oct. 19, 1840, m. Armilda Allen. They live in Marshall, Ind. 2711 — THOMAS McCLANHAN,7 b. May 28, 1843, died in the army. 2778 —SARAH,7 b. Jan. 28, 1846, m. George M. Clure. 2779 — BEVERLY WILLIAM,7 b. Feb. 21, 1849, m. Frances Barnes. They live in Mar- shall, Ind. Peter’ Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 1577. ALBERT® BANTA was born in Boyle Co., Ky., married Jan. 17, 1809, Mary Voorhees, daughter of John Voorhees, of Warren Co., O. She was born 1790, and died June 11, 1846. Both were members of the United Brethren Church. In 1823 he removed from Warren Co. to Darke Co., O., where he was a farmer. He died Sept. 10, 1848, very much respected by the people of the communities where he had lived. ISSUE. 2780 —JACOB,7b. Jan. 20, 1810, m. Jane Shields, Jan. 21, 1830. 1. Daniel Caile, March 12, 1843. 2781 —RACHEL,7 b. March 23, 1812, m. ! 5 Ayddlott, 1847. . 1. Sarah Cassiart; 2782 — PETER VOORHEES, b. Sept. 9, 1814, m. ! am 2783 —JOHN C.,7b. Sept. 28, 1816, m. Catharine Robertson. 2784 —MARY,7b. Sept. 6, 1818, died Sept., 1840. 2785 —DANIEL,7 b. Aug. 30, 1820, m. Myriam Dauler. He died Feb. 8, 1844, and his wife deceased four days later. Their only child, 4672 Joseph W.,8 b. June 14, 1843, was raised by his uncle Peter. He was killed by the premature explosion of a cannon at Greenville, O., Sept. 3, 1864, during a celebration. 2786 — MAGDALENA,7b. Oct. 30, 1822, died May 15, 1847. 2787 —ALBERT,7 b. June 24, 1825, died July 26, 1825. 2788 —CORNELIUS,7b. June 24, 1825, died July 27, 1825. 2789 —CATHARINA,7 b. Feb. 13, 1827, died May 30, 1847. 2790 —ELIZABETH JANE,7b. June 24, 1836, died Oct., 1854. 1580. JOHN 6 BANTA married Hannah Newport, and upon her death he married Nancy Cook. : ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2791 —BENJAMIN N.,7m. Mary Schnorf. 1583. PETER® BANTA married Elizabeth Brown, who was born December 18, 18035, and died October 3, 1849. He was a farmer in Preble County, Ohio. ISSUE. 97911— RACHEL,7 b. May 26, 1824, m. Jacob Trager, 1843. He was born Oct. 13, 1810. Was a blacksmith in New Sharon, Iowa. Seventh Generation ; Peter® Albertt Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 181 ISSUE. 1— Li1zziE TRAGER,8 b. Dec. 20, 1843, m. Matt. Wymore, of Taintor, Iowa, 2— SARAH J. TRAGER, b. July 12, 1846, m. Joseph Kuntz, of New Sharon, Iowa. 3—JoHN R. TRAGER,8 b. July 11, 1848, m. Ida Hudson. He is a farmer, 4—MARIETTA TRAGER,® b. Jan. 15, 1850, deceased. 5—ELLA S. TRAGER,8 b. Feb. 15, 1851, m. James Wymore. 6— WILLIAM F. TRAGER,8 b. March 10, 1852, m. Martha Evans. He owns a grist mill at Union Mills, Iowa. 7—ANGELINA TRAGER,8 b. May 25, 1854, deceased. 8— MARTHA A. TRAGER,8 b. Feb. 5, 1858. 9— Louisa TRAGER,8 b. Dec. 28, 1860. 10—JAcoB F. TRAGER,8 b. May 23, 1863, m. Belle Forbes. He is a farmer. 11— MICHAEL TRAGER,8 b. Nov. 7, 1865. He is a blacksmith. 27912— JOSEPH L.,7b. Oct. 17, 1830, m. Jane Gard. 27913— MARTHA C.,7 b. Nov. 14, 1840, m. Jeremiah Achey, March 17, 1857. She died Dec. 19, 1866, and her husband died May 24, 1877. ISSUE. 1— CLARA ACHEY,8 b. April 20, 1859, m. Benjamin Buchanan, Dec. 25, 1878. He is a farmer. They live at Garum, Tama Co., Iowa. ISSUE. 1— George Buchanan,9 b. Nov. 16, 1879. 2— Clayton Buchanan,9 b. Dec. 2, 1883. 3— Glenn Buchanan,9 b. Jan. 3, 1886. 2— Li1zz1E ACHEY,8 b. June 18, 1862, died Feb., 1871. 3—FANNY ACHEY,8 b. Feb. 24, 1865, died Dec. 1, 1865. 27914— WILLIAM.7 He lives at Pulaski, Iowa. 27915—MICHAEL.7 27916—SARAH B., 7m. — Dye. They live at West Sonora, Ohio. 1584. HENRY 6 BANTA was born in Warren County, Ohio, married, July 3, 1823, Mabel Gustin, who was born in Westmoreland County, Va., February 5, 1805. He was a farmer. He died November 23, 1886. His widow died April 28, 1890. ISSUE. 2792 —BENJAMIN A.,7 b. Oct. 11, 1831, m. Catherine Jane Yowell. 1. Michael Tanner; 2793 — MARY ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 6, 1835, m. ! 2 2794—SARAH,7 m. John Brown. i . i 1. Lydia Ann Rogers; 2795— ROBERT WILSON,7 b. June 19, 1842, m. : z. Amanda Shelley. 2796— JAMES DUNHAM,7 m. Emily Crisler. 1586. BENJAMIN V.6 BANTA married, Nov. 27, 1833, Jane Malloy, who was born Oct. 30, 1815. He lived in Preble Co., Ohio, and died July 30, 1882. ISSUE. 2797 —MARY E.,7b. Aug. 31, 1834, m. John Disher. They live in Indianapolis. 2798 —PETER,7 b. May 28, 1836, died Feb. 5, 1843. 2799 — RACHEL ANN,7 b. Nov. 2, 1837, m. Daniel Baker. They live at El Dorado, Ohio. ISSUE. 4690 — JoHN BAKER,8 b. April 30, 1856. 4691 — JAMES BAKER,8 b. June 15, 1857. 4692 — FRANK BAKER,8 b. Sept. 4, 1858. 4693 — MARY MARTHA BAKER,8 b. Dec. 28, 1860, m. Albert Brenner, Feb. 25, 1879. 4694 — SARAH JANE BAKER,8 b. Oct. 4, 1865. 182 Seventh Generation ; Peterd Albert Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 2800 — HENRY M.,7 b. March 20, 1840, m. Mary A. Brower. Is freight agent at West Man- chester, O. 2801 —SARAH ELIZABETH,7b. Dec. 26, 1842, m. Charles A. Davies. ISSUE. 4695 —LiLLiE DAVIESS b. Dec. 6, 1870. 4696— WILLIAM BENJAMIN DAVIES,8 b. Feb. 19, 1872. 4697 — CHARLES ADEN DAVIES,8 b. July 25, 1877. 4698 — ANNIE CORNELIA DAVIES, b. April 15, 1881. 2802 — MARTHA J.,7b. May 22, 1844, m. Dr. J. W. Miller. They live at New Baltimore, O. 2803 —MABEL,7 b. March 20, 1846, m. William H. Brower, Nov. 8, 1871. They live at El Dorado, Ohio. ISSUE. 4699 — JAMES HARLAN BROWER,8 b. Aug. 6, 1881. 2804 — ADELINE, 7b. Nov. 25, 1848, m. Thomas F. Quill. 2805 — WILSON THOMPSON, b. June 9, 1851, m. Mary A. Marshall, April, 1871. She was born Jan. 26, 1850, and died Oct. 26, 1880. He married again, Florence E. Hoffman. He resides in Indianapolis, Ind. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4700 —OMER H.,8 b. Aug. 21, 1873. 4701 — CHARLES M.,8 b. Feb. 23, 1876. 4702 — WHARTON F.,8 b. Aug. 15, 1878. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4703 —OPAL,8 b. June 7, 1885. 2806 —ROBERT ALEXANDER,7 b. June 23, 1858, m. Clara Burgett, Nov. 15, 1880. She was born in Johnson County, Ind. They lived at West Manchester, Ohio, and thence removed to Clinton, Ill. ISSUE. 4704— LEONARD EARL,8 b. March 19, 1882. Daniel? Albert Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 1592. DANIEL6 BANTA was born in Kentucky. He married in 1815, Tacy Newpert, who was born in Ohio, July 9, 1798, and died in 1845. He was a farmer, living near Lebanon, Ohio. He died Aug. 29, 1877. ISSUE. 2807 —MARY,7 b. March 12, 1817, m. William Evans, Aug. 20, 1839. They live at Pleasant Hill, Cass County, Missouri. ISSUE. 4705— JoHN EVANS.8 4706 —SALLIE EvANs,8m. William Henderson, Jan. 13, 1857. 4707 —TuOoMAS M. EVANS,8 m. Anjie Jones, Jan. 1, 1868. 4708 — WILLIAM J. EVANS,8 m. Emma Braden, Jan. 15, 1869. Live at Lebanon, O. 4709 —MATTIE J. EVANS,8 m. William Ely, Dec. 11, 1885. Live at Johnstown, Mo. 4710 —VoOoRHEES EVANS,S8 lives in Kingsville, Mo. 4711 — CHARLES E. EVANS,8 lives in Gates, Tenn. 4712 —KATIE EVANS,8 m. William Anderson, March 26, 1882. 4713 —MARY L. EvANs,8 b. Nov. 1, 1859. 4714—FrANK L. EVANS,8 b. Nov. 1, 1859. 4715—Lucy M. EVANS.8 Seventh Generation; Daniel® Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Ephke.l 183 2808 — ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 19, 1818, m. Martin Earhart, July 3, 1849, who was born in Lebanon, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1810. He died Feb. 26, 1884. She died in 1855. ISSUE. 4716 — JAMES ALBERT EARHART,S b. July 29, 1850, m. Clara A. Camerer, Sept. I, 1881. She was born March 24, 1854. They live at Chrisinan, Edgar Co., Ill. He is a dealer in agricultural implements. 2809 —HENRY,7 b. Dec. 29, 1819, m. Mary Bean, Oct. 10, 1850. 2810 —HANNAH,7 b. June 28, 1821, died 184~. 2811 — THOMAS, b. Dec. 30, 1822, died 1849. 2812 —TACY,7 b. Sept. 25, 1824, died 184—. 2813 —SARAH,7 b. Dec. 12, 1825, m. Jacob Potter Halsey, Dec. 2, 1845. 2814— RACHEL, b. Aug. 25, 1827, m. Hiram Lind, Dec. 24, 1848. He lives in Waynes- ville, Ohio; his wife died in 1851. ISSUE. 4717 —Awmos LIND.8 4718 — DANIEL LIND. 2815— DANIEL C.,7b. March 18, 1829, m. Isabel Gosnell. 2816 — MATILDA,7 b. April 4, 1831, m. Henry Greathouse. 2817 —MIRA,7 b. June 2, 1833. She was married, Nov. 4, 1852, to Ambrose Ivins. He died in 1854, and she married in 1865, William Morton. They reside at 316 Dale Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 4732 — WARREN S. IVINS,8 b. 1853. Is a Methodist preacher at Baden, Schuyler County, IIL ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4733 —PHEBE J. MORTON,8 b. June 11, 1866. 4734 —JosepH C. MORTON,8 b. Aug. 8, 1868. 4735— HENRY F. MORTON,8 b. Sept. 9, 1870. 4736 — RHODA M. MORTON,8 b. Aug. 9, 1873, died 1877. 4737 — WiLLiAM L. MORTON,8 b. Oct. 20, 1878. 2818 — JOHN M.,7b. May 5, 1835, m. Christina M. Mullen, June 18, 1856. She was born at Pottstown, Penn., Aug. 7, 1836. He is a wagon-maker in Springboro, Ohio. ISSUE. 4738 — JANE MARETTA,S b. Jan. 27, 1858. 4739 — HENRY WELLER,8 b. Feb. 21, 1860. 4'740 — CHARLES CLEMENT,8 b. May 16, 1865. 4741 —JouN EDWARD,8 b. Sept. 6, 1868. 4'742 —L.ucy CHRISTIANA,8 b. Feb. 2, 1871. 4743 —RosA MAY,8 b. Sept. 15, 1872. 4'744—MARrRy EMMA,8 b. July 25, 1875. 4745 — JAMES WILLIAM,8 b. Dec. 18, 1877. 2819 — JAMES," b. Sept. 5, 1839, m. Emily Jane Eulass, March 24, 1864. They live in Spring- boro, Ohio. ISSUE. 4746 —MINNIE TAcy,8 b. Dec. 11, 1864. 4747 —HELENA,S b. Sept. 11, 1868. 1595. PETER® BANTA married in 1819, Sarah Pugh, who was born near Charlestown, S. C., and died March 20, 1836. In April, 1838, he married his second wife, Louisa D. Hatfield, who was born July 26, 1807, and died April 14, 1851. On October 3, 1853, he was married to his third wife, Achsah Longstreeth, who was born in New Jersey, July 17, 1814. He died April 8, 1880. 184 Seventh Generation; Daniel® Albert* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2820 — CATHARINE P.,7b. Feb. 5, 1822, died March 6, 1887. 2821 —MARY ].,7 b. May 16, 1824, m. John M. Hatfield, March 4, 1841. They live near Lebanon, Ohio. ISSUE. 4748 — PETER D. HATFIELD,8 b. Feb. 28, 1842, m. Lydia R. Evans, Dec. 24, 1867. ISSUE. 6578 — Harry M. Hatfield? b. Oct. 1, 1868. 6574 — Luella Hatfield,? b. Nov. 29, 1869. 6575 — George Wilbur Hatfield,9 b. July 11, 1871. 6576 — Mamie Hatfield? b. Feb. 1, 1874. 6577 — Evans Hatfield,9 b. July 13, 1875. 4749 —MELISSA C. HATFIELD,8 b. April 17, 1845, m. Frank Drake, Jan. 13, 1869. ISSUE. 6578 — Albert Drake,9 b. Oct. 18, 1872. 65'79 — Bessie Drake,9 b. Sept. 18, 1877. 4750 — GEORGE D. HATFIELD,8 b. August 22, 1847, m. Cornelia Hamilton, Jan. 12, 1870. ISSUE. 6580 — Lily May Hatfield? b. April 14, 1873. 6581 —Miles Bruce Hatfield,9 b. Sept. 30, 1875. 6582 — Vera Pearl Hatfield,? b. Nov. 27, 1877. 6583 — Keturah Alice Hatfield,9 b. May 8, 1879. 4751 —MARTHA ANN HATFIELD,8 b. Sept. 12, 1853. 4752 —LENNA MAY HATFIELD,8 b. Sept. 17, 1859. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2822 —ELIZABETH A.,7 b. April 24, 1839, m. George W. Lewis, March 4, 1858, who was born in Bucks Co., Penn., April 9, 1834. They reside in Lebanon, Ohio. ISSUE. 4753 — MAGGIE B. LEwIs,8 b. March 11, 1859. 4754 —WiLLiAM. A. LEWIs,8 b. June 26, 1862, m. Frances B. Simpson, Dec. 27, 1888. 4755— PETER B. LEWIS,8 b. Feb. 6, 1864. 4756 —AcHsAH G. LEWIS,8 b. May 23, 1866. 4757 —FraNcis J. LEwIs,8 b. April 29, 1871. 4758 — PERCY E. LEWIs,8 b. Feb. 11, 1873. 2823 —SARAH,7 b. Dec. 20, 1842, m. Joseph M. Lewis, May 31, 1863. He was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 20, 1825. They live in Lebanon, Ohio. They claim to have a rare relic, being an iron pot brought by Epke Jacobs Banta from Holland. ISSUE. 4759 — Gussie LEWIS,8 b. June 6, 1864, died April 19, 1866. 4760 — AMELIA B. LEWIS,8 b. Dec. 14, 1866, m. Adam B. Morris, Dec. 29, 1886. 4761 — GEORGE A. LEWIS,8 b. Nov. 28, 1868. 4'762 — HARRY LEWIS,8 b. Oct. 5, 1871. 4763 — JESSIE R. LEWIS,8 b. Oct. 16, 1874. 4764— JuLIAN LEWIS,8b. Oct. 9, 1876. 4765—ALMA A. LEwis,8 b. Feb. 25, 1880. 4766—EDNA LEWIS,8 b. April 12, 1883. 4767 — ALBERT LEWIS,8 b. Aug. 14, 1886. 1596. HENRY 6 BANTA married Dorothy De Mott, March 26, 1826. She was born in Kentucky, Dec. 21, 1800. He was a farmer and removed from Kentucky to Ohio about the year 1837, and subsequently to Illinois and Iowa. He died Nov. 21, 1865. a Seventh Generation ; Daniel® Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 185 ISSUE. a 92824 —PETER,7 b. Jan. 26, 1827. He was a miner in Wyoming, where he died, unmarried, Oct., 1888. 2825 — DANIEL H.,7b. May 30, 1829, married first, Kitty B. Nebb, Dec., 1851; and again, Moore. 2826 — DAVID,7 b. July 4, 1831, m. Ellen Jane Brewer. 2827 —LAWRENCE,7 b. Jan. 28, 1833, m. Mary Ann Ross. 2828 — JOHN T.,7 b. Dec. 25, 1834, m. Caroline Maxwell. 2829 — WILLIAM T.,7 b. April 17, 1837. Died unmarried. 2830 — MARY M.,7b. May 13, 1840, m. William L. Jordan. They live in Newton, Illinois. Jacob? Albert Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 1598.2 DAVID6 BANTA was born in Harrodsburgh, Ky. He married, Dec. 2, 1824, Sarah De Mott, who was born in Harrodsburgh, April 12, 1805, and died April 14, 1882. He bought his father’s farm at Holland’s Grove, Tazewell, I1l., and lived upon it until his death, May 31, 1874. ISSUE. 2831 —MARY,7b. Aug. 30, 1825. Unmarried. 2832— JACOB C.,7 b. Dec. 27, 1826, m. Elisabeth Phillips, Dec. 8, 1853. They live at Eureka, Ill. ISSUE. 4782 — CORNELIA,8 b. July 15, 1855. 4783 — CHARLES F.,8b. Sept. 24, 1856. He is a physician in New York. 4784 —1IDA S.,8 b. Sept. 28, 1862. 4785—NELLIE E. 8b. Feb. 18, 1866. 4786 —LORA JANE,8 b. April 12, 1869. 2833 — SARAH, b. Feb. 29, 1828, m. Henry L. S. Haskell, Dec. 25, 1862, died Aug. 16, 1879, without issue. 2834— MARTHA E.,7b. Sept. 19, 1831, m. Moses P. Page, May 4, 1854. They live at Colfax, Wyoming. 2835— JOHN D.,7 b. Sept. 3, 1834, m. Mary A. Shuster, April 7, 1860. They live in Chenoa, Ill. 2836 — WILLIAM E.,7b. Dec. 7, 1836, died Dec. 7, 1878, unmarried. 2837 — THOMAS ]J.,7b. March 4, 1842, m. Adella S. Ruger, Sept. 14, 1869. They reside at Chenoa, Ill. ISSUE. 4790 — BEULAH MAY,8 b. May 24, 1870. 4791 —ARTHUR,8 b. Feb. 24, 1872. 4792 —ADELLA LUCILLA,S b. July 26, 1876. 2838 —ANDREW ]J.,7b. Jan. 8, 1845, died Jan. 14, 1881, unmarried. Several other children died in infancy. 1598.5 ALBERT ® BANTA was born in Mercer County, Ky. In the year 1831 he went with his father to Illinois, with a view of locating a farm. In the following year they bought land at Holland’s Grove, on the Illinois river, and Albert returned to Kentucky, where he married, Oct. 16, 1833, 4171 Rachel B. Comingore,® who was born in the same county, Dec. 22, 1815. They then removed to Illinois, driving with their possessions in a big farm wagon drawn by three horses. He had lost the sight of one eye four years previously at a fire, and on this journey to Illinois by an accident the other eye was injured so that he became blind. In those early days there were few oculists in that part of the country, but fortunately in the following spring a Dr. Van 186 Seventh Generation ; Jacobs Albertt Hendricks Hendrick? Epke.l Zant, from Utica, N. Y., removed to that State, and by his skillful treatment the sight of one eye was partially restored. He owned a farm at Partridge Point, one mile from Metamora, Woodford County, Ill., where he died Nov. 21, 1850. His widow is yet living, 1892, at Metamora, a cheerful, active life. ISSUE. 2839 — WILLIAM V.,7 b. March 24, 1835, m. Mary Ann Sentle, Nov. 8, 1855. She was born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 5, 1833. Their residence is at Salem, Iowa, where he is a merchant. ISSUE. 4798 —ROzZELLA,8 b. April 28, 1857, died April 4, 1874. 4794 — ALBERT A.,8b. Nov. 22, 1858, m. Florence E. McMillan, Sept. 8, 1880. ISSUE. 1— Euna R.,9 b. July 4, 1881. 2— Merle Wayne,9 b. Nov. 6, 1891. 4795 —DANNA A.,8Db. Oct. 15, 1861, died Jan. 3, 1863. 4796 — LANDON V.,8 b. Feb. 23, 1865, m. Maria Masden, Dec. 3, 1891. 4797 — OSCAR A. 8b. Oct. 3, 1867, m. Mattie Rigley, Oct. 25, 1891. 4798 —MARcuUs A.,8 b. Dec. 25, 1870, died March 25, 1874. 4799 — WALTER H.,8 b. Sept. 7, 1875. 2840 — SARAH S.,7b. Nov. 3, 1837, died Nov. 10, 1857. 2841 —HENRY,7 b. Oct. 28, 1839, died July 9, 1859. 2842 —LENA,7b. March 13, 1842, m. Thomas Finch, May 31, 1861. She died Jan. 17, 1862. 2843 — DAVID O.,7 b. April 13, 1844, m. Martha C. Baird. He is a Baptist Minister in Vallovia, Decatur County, Kansas. ISSUE. 4800 — HARLAN Q.,8 b. Dec. 2, 1869. 4801 —ALprHEUS C.,8b. Jan. 22, 1872. 4802 — GEORGE ROBEY,S b. July 8, 1877. 2844 — CYNTHIA,7 b. Nov. 15, 1846, m. J. Milton Triplett, Dec. 5, 1861. They reside at Salem, Iowa. ISSUE. 4803 —ETTA TRIPLETT,S b. Sept. 28, 1868. 4804 — HERBERT TRIPLETT,S b. Sept. 20, 1873. 4805 — MARY WINIFRED TRIPLETT,8 b. Jan. 7, 1882. 2845 —DANIEL,7 b. March 20, 1849, died Aug. 13, 1857. 1598.6 CORNELIUS6 BANTA married in 1839, Elizabeth Stine; and married again, August 20, 1860, Elizabeth Strawser, widow of Johnson Strawser. He was a wagon-maker by trade. He bought a farm about a mile from the present site of Metamora, Illinois, and died there November 28, 1878. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2846 — GEORGE W.,7 b. Sept. 5, 1839, m. Victoria Wolf, November, 1865. They reside at Sydney, Nebraska. ISSUE. 4806 — Louis,8 b. Nov. 13, 1868. 4807 —DELL,8 b. Jan. 27, 1872. 4808 — GEROME,S b. Oct. 13, 1874. 2847 — CHARLES DELAVAN,7 b. Aug. 26, 1841, m. Ellen Angeletta Low, Oct. 15, 1873. They live at Parsons, Kansas. Seventh Generation; Facob> Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 187 ISSUE. 1—ALICE,8 b. Aug. 13, 1874, died Oct. 18, 1875. 2— MARTHA ANN,8 b. Dec. 15, 1875. 3— NELLIE,8 b. Jan. 26, 1880. 4—1DA,8 b. Aug. 11, 1881. 5— GEORGE CORNELIUS,8 b. Feb. 15, 1833. 6— JAMES WILLIAM,8 b. Sept. 9, 1885. 7— COLLIE,8 b. Nov. 6, 1887. 8—JoHN HENRY,8 b. Jan. 19, 18g0. 2848 — CORNELIUS JACOB, b. Dec. 24, 1847, m. Mary Foltz, July, 1875. They reside at Kearney, Nebraska. ISSUE. 4809 — LizzIE,8 b. Dec., 1876. 4810 — CHARLES,8 b. Oct., 1878. 4811 —HENRY,8 b. Sept., 1881. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2849 — ELLA MAY,7b. May 23, 1861, died Sept. 17, 1865. 2850 —A. LINCOLN,7 b. Feb. 26, 1863. Grain merchant at Low Point, near Metamora, Ill. 2851— JOHN LOREN,7 b. Jan. 31, 1866. Farmer, Metamora, Ill. 2852 — FRANKLIN DEHAVEN,7 b. April 13, 1868. Grocer, Low Point, Ill. 2853 —ARCHIE DEMEREE,7 b. July 11, 1872. Farmer. 1598.7 JACOB® BANTA married Martha Kendig, May 1, 1834. He was born in Kentucky and moved to Iowa, thence to Missouri, thence to Arkansas and, after his wife's death, back to Wayne Co., Iowa. He was a farmer, and died Feb. 15, 1884. His wife was born in West Virginia, Oct. 3, 1813, and died Sept. 13, 1883. Both were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. : ISSUE. 2854— ELLEN JANE,7b. March 3, 1835, died Sept. 16, 1835. ol ; § 1. Miles Morgan, 1858; 2855—MARY,7b. April 17, 1836, m. { 2. John Derrick, 1872. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 48111— OSCAR MORGAN.8 48112— ELMER ELLSWORTH MORGAN,8 b. 1861. 48113— SEYMOUR GRANT MORGAN,8 b. 1863. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 48114 —FLORA DERRICK.8 48115— WALTER DERRICK.8 28551 —LEAH,7 b. Nov. 1, 1838, m. Cornelius Peterson. She was a school teacher in one of the public schools previous to her marriage. He was a soldier in the late war, and is a farmer and carpenter. Their home is in Foster, Bates Co., Mo. ISSUE. 48116—RosIE BELL PETERSON,8 b. Oct. 8, 1866, died Nov. 20, 1866. 48117—VioLA ELLORA PETERSON,8 b. Nov. 22, 1867, m. Edward Josephus Smith. ISSUE. 1— Nora Alma Smith,9 b. Nov. 2, 1887. 2— Clark Alen Smith,9 b. Oct. 23, 1889. 4811 8— CLARA PETERSON,8 b. June 11, 1871, died Oct. 14, 1876. 4811 9— EDWARD PETERSON,8 b. Nov. 20, 1874. 481110 — CARRIE ALTIE PETERSON,8 b. Oct. 14, 1877. 481111 — FRANCES MAY PETERSON,8 b. Oct. 17, 1880. 188 Seventh Generation ; Facob Albertt Hendrick? Henarick? Epke.l 28552— MARTHA M.,7b. May 28, 1841, m. Albert M. Smith, a farmer, in 1870. Died Sept. nen ISSUE 481112— HART SMITH,8 b. Sept. 19, 1871. 28553— HENRY KENDIG,7 b. Oct. 2, 1843, died Sept. 19, 1864, in the U. S. Army. 28554 — SUSAN, b. Aug. 1, 1846, died Nov. 4, 1849. 28555— JAMES ANDREW,7 b. Jan. 27, 1849, died June 23, 1857. 28556— BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, b. Jan. 1, 1832, died June, 1857. 98557 AMANDA ELIZABETH,7 b. Aug. 8, 1854, died Jan. 27, 1857. 1598.10 WILLIAMS BANTA was born in Harrodsburgh, Ky. He married Elvira Page, Jan. 13, 1842. She was born in New Hampshire, Oct. 12, 1817. He is a farmer living in Wayne Co., Iowa. ISSUE. 2856 — MARY E.,7b. May 10, 1844, m. Francis Marion Stewart, Nov. 3, 1867. He was born in Harrison County, Mo., Nov. 16, 1844. They live at Warsaw, Iowa. ISSUE. 4812 — HENRY EPHRAIM STEWART, b. Dec. 28, 1868. 4813 — OMI WRIGHT STEWART,8 b. Sept. 9, 1873. 4814— FLORENCE N. STEWART,8 b. Oct. 27, 1875. 4815— CHARLES IRA STEWART,S b. July 5, 1877, died Sept. 9, 1877. 4816 — FRANK PAGE STEWART,S b. Dec. 5, 1881. 4817 — ELSIE GRACE STEWART,8 b. Oct. 1, 1885, died Sept. 7, 1886. 4818 — LAURA ALICE STEWART,8 b. Jan. 5, 1887. 2857 —IRA,7 b. Aug. 10, 1849, m. Sarah Jane Weeks, April 18, 1875. They live in Sewal, Wayne Co., Iowa. ISSUE. 4819 —IvAN,8 b. March 10, 1876, died Aug. 27, 1886. 4820 —JouN N.,8 b. June 16, 1877. 4821 — ALVIN IRA,8 b. July 27, 1878. 4822 —EARL,S b. Dec. 1, 1880. 4823 — ALMA,8 b. Feb. 25, 1883. 4824 —DELL,® b. April 25, 1884. 4825 —ZuLA,8 b. Nov. 28, 1885. 2858 — ALBERT GIDEON,7 b. 1854, died in 1856. 2859 — ALICE R.,7b. June 23, 1858, m. James H. Ludington, March 9, 1879. He was born in Frankfort, West Va., Jan. 27, 1856. ISSUE. 4826 —FLoY,8 b. May 4, 1880. 4827 — CLYDE,8 b. March 16, 1884. 4828 —IrRA BRrIGHT,8 b. Dec. 10, 1886. 2860 —LAURA E.,7b. Sept. 22, 1860. CHAPTER XVII. SEVENTH GENERATION. Cornelius’ Joannes¢ Jacob3 Dirck? Epke.! 1669. JOHN C.6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, March 20, 1845, Jane Cole, the only daughter of Abraham Cole and Martha Westervelt. She was born August 17, 1825, and died May 22, 1890. He lives at Cresskill, Bergen County, N. J., and is a real estate agent. Seventh Generation ; Cornelius® Foannes* Facob3 Dirck? Epke. 189 ISSUE. 2863 —CATHARINE JANE,7 b. Nov. 5, 1846, m. John F. Haring, July 4, 1869. He is a blacksmith at Cresskill, N. J. ISSUE. 48281 — HENRY D. HARING,S b. 1875. 48282 — JENNIE HARING,8 b. 1879. 48283 — MATTIE L. HARING,8 b. 1880. 48284+—KiTTIE B. HARING,S b. 1887. 2864 — MARTHA ELLEN,7b. March 27, 1851, m. Benjamin C. Lewis, Nov. 1, 1870. ISSUE. 48285 — JouHN BANTA LEWIS,8 b. 1871, m. Nannie Smith. Lives at Orange, N. J. 48286— WiLLIAM V. LEWIS, b. 1873. 4828 7— CorNELIUS H. LEWIS,S b. 1877. CHAPTER XIX, SEVENTH GENERATION. Thomas’ Wiert! Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.! 1676. JOHN THOMASS6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, October 16, 1790, Tryntie Durie, who was born November 7, 1773, and died August 29, 1793. On December 14, 1794, he married again, Cornelia Bogert, widow of Zabriskie. She was born March 25, 1768, and died June 2, 1832. On December 4th of the same year he married a third time, Jane Bogert, widow of 1789 David Banta. She was born March 28, 1782, and died July 5, 1863. He was a grocer in New York City 1797 to 1804. He and his wife were members of the King Street Reformed Dutch Church at its organization in 1823. He was for many years a Commissioner of Deeds, living in McDougall street, where he died August 28th, 1846. His will is recorded in the Surrogate’s office, New York, Liber 72, folio 716. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2868 — GERRIT,7 b. March 10, 1792, m. Harriet Terhune. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2869 —TRYNTIET (Tynie), b. Oct. 21, 1795, m. Peter M. Bogert. 2870 —ANN,7 b. Oct. 28, 1797, m. Dower J. Westervelt. 2871 — CHARITY (Gerritje) b. May 20, 1800, died in infancy. 2872 —JOHN,7 b. May 27, 1804, died in infancy. 2873 —GERTRUDE,7 b. Oct. 31, 1805, died July 29, 1808. 1677. GEERTJES (Charity) BANTA married, April 5, 1801, John B. Wester- velt. She died March 7, 1865. ISSUE. 2875 —LINAH WESTERVELT,7b. Nov. 9, 1802, m. John Christie. 2876 — THOMAS WESTERVELT,7 b. Sept. 4, 1806, died Dec. 28, 1812. 2877 —KEZIAH WESTERVELT,7 b. Nov. 5, 71808, m. John Hopper, Nov. 4, 1826. 190 Seventh Generation; Thomas Wiert* Wiert® Wiert? Epkel 4845 4845 4845 4845 4845 4845 4845 4845 4845 ISSUE. 1— ABRAM HOPPER,8 b. Jan. 26, 1828. 2—JouN W. HoPPER,8 b. Aug. 5, 1830. 3—EL1zA HoOPPER,8 b. Dec. 24, 1832, died in infancy. 4—THOMAS BANTA HOPPER,8 b. June 22, 1834, died May 31, 1855. 5—EL1zA HOPPER,8 b. June 28, 1836, died Aug. 8, 1842. 6 —BENJAMIN W. HOPPER,8 b. May 15, 1839. 7— MARY HOPPER,8 b. June 29, 1841. 8 — HENRY HOPPER,8 b. Aug. 30, 1843. 9— WILLIAM A. HOPPER,8 b. May 18, 1846. 484510 —JAacoB HOPPER,8 b. July 1, 1848. 484511 — LEVI HOPPER,8 b. Sept. 3, 1852. 2878 —BENJAMIN WESTERVELT,7 b. April 8, 1811, died in infancy. 2879 —CHARITY WESTERVELT,7 b. Jan. 12, 1815, m. Wm. Ackerman, June 14, 1832. ISSUE. 484512—JouN W. ACKERMAN,8 b. Oct. 5, 1833. 484513 —HESTER L. ACKERMAN,S b. June 13, 1844. 484514 — CHARITY M. ACKERMAN,8 b. Nov. 16, 1846. 484515—SopPHIA G. ACKERMAN,8 b. April 22, 1854. 1679. EFFIE6 BANTA married at Paramus, Dec. 14, 1792, Henry Lutkins. ISSUE. 2880 — STEPHEN LUTKINS,7b. July 16, 1801, m. Eliza Larue. ISSUE. 4846— ALFRED A. LUTKINS,8 m. Julia De Mott. He is a physician in Jersey City, N. J. ISSUE. 1— William Clark Lutkins,9 m. Maggie Cameron, Oct. 27, 1886. He is a physician in New York. 2— Julia Lutkins.9 3— Ella Lutkins.9 4847 — THEODORE LUTKINS.8 4848 — CLINTON LUTKINS.8 1681. THOMAS T.6 BANTA married at Paramus, Sept. 6, 1800, Elizabeth Haring, who was born March 1, 1784, and died May 29, 1859. In 1844 they became members of the Greenwich Reformed Church, in the Ninth Ward, New York. He was a carman for many years, living in the Ninth Ward. He died Feb. 10, 1861, nearly 84 years of age. ISSUE. 2881 —BREYCHET (Bridget) b. Nov. 1, 1801, m. John T. Eckerson, Sept. 4, 1819. ISSUE. 4849 — THOMAS ECKERSON,8 b. Nov. 25, 1822, died Nov. 22, 1845. 4850 — EL1ZABETH ECKERSON,8 b. Nov. 20, 1826, died 1834. 2882 — JOHN T.,7b. Jan. 29, 1805, died Nov. 21, 1821. 2883 —ABRAHAM,7 b. Aug. 28, 1807, m. Cornelia Eckerson, at Saddle River, N. J., Sept. 6, 1828. She died Nov. 25, 1865. 4851 ISSUE. — RACHEL MARIA,8 b. Aug. g, 1829, m. Garret Post, Nov. 17, 1849. ISSUE. 6618 — Margaret Jane Post,9 b. Sept. 2, 1855, m. David Felter, Nov. 20, 1872. Seventh Generation; Thomas Wiertt Wiert3 Wiert® Epke.l 191 ISSUE. 1— Jennie C. Felter,10 b. Nov. 10, 1873. 2— Smith Felter,10 b. Sept. 21, 1875. 3— Lila R. Felter,10 b. Sept. 3, 1877, died in infancy. 4— Christina E. Felter,10 b. Sept. 24, 1880. 4852 — ELIZA ANN,8 b. Feb. 17, 1832, m. Garret Van Blarcom, Sept. 17, 1853. 4853 — JACOB A.,8 b. May 28, 1835, married first, Harriet Jane Peterson, March, 1857; and again, Maria House, Feb. 6, 1867. He isa farmer at Saddle River, Nes ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 6619 —Cora,9 b. Oct. 24, 1867, m. Henry J. Goetschius, Dec. 31, 1885. 9884 — THOMAS T.,7b. March 27, 1813, m. Ann Helms, 1836. He was a carman in New York, and died in that city Feb. 28, 1842. ISSUE. 4854—JoHN T.,8 b. 1839, died in 1856. 4855 —THoMAs T., Jr.,8 b. 1842, died in 1872. 2885 — CHARITY,7 b. Feb. g, 1816, m. Henry Froeligh, April 24, 1836. ISSUE. 4856 — ELIZABETH ANN FROELIGH,8 b. April 27, 1838. 4857 — PETER DiTMAS FROELIGH,8 b. Dec. 21, 1842. Killed at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864. 4858 — MALVINA FROELIGH,8 b. Dec. 1, 1844. 4859 — JESSIE FROELIGH,8 b. Aug. 4, 1846, m. Alexander Keiller, April 7, 1867. ISSUE. ' 6620 — Franklyn Keiller,9 b. Aug. 31, 1868. 6621 — Jessie A. Keiller,9 b. April 9, 1873. 6622 — Harry Keiller,9 b. March 28, 1878. 6623 — Blanche A. Keiller,9 b. Nov. 20, 1880. 6624 — Alexis Keiller,9 b. Dec. g, 1884. 4860 —JoHN ALVIN FROELIGH,8 b. Sept. 29, 1848. 4861 —HELEN JESSIE FROELIGH,S b. April 27, 1850, m. George Van Horn, May 27, 1886. 4862 — FRANKLYN FROELIGH,8 b. June 26. 1855, died March 15, 1858. 2886 — DAVID,” b. Nov. 23, 1818, m. Martha Vanderbilt, May 10, 1841. She was born March 19, 1819. He was a mason in New York, living at 130 W. 16th St. from 1846 to the date of his death, Aug. 15, 1861. His widow is still residing at the same place, 1892. ISSUE. 4863 —JouN THOMAS,S b. April 19, 1842, died May 27, 1862. 4864 — AMY BANTA,S b. July 25, 1849, died July 27, 1849. 4865 —ANNA BANTA,8 b. Aug. 25, 1855. 2887 —JOHN,7 b. Dec. 3, 1821, m. Rachel Van Valen, May 1, 1847. He is a mason and builder, living at 294 W. 4th St., New York City. Was for two terms, 1876 and 1877, President of the Mechanics and Traders’ Exchange, and for thirteen years represented them as a member of the Board of Examiners in the Department of Buildings, New York. He has been a member of the Holland Society of New York, almost from its date of organization; President of the General Society of Mechanics and Trades- men, and chairman of important committees in that organization. 192 Seventh Generation ; Thomas® Wiertt Wiert3 Wiert? Eplke.l ISSUE. 4866 — CHARLES,S b. Jan. 13, 1850, died Aug. 31, 1852. 4867 — WILLIAM,8 b. Jan. 17, 1852, died April 21, 1857. 4868 — EMMA JANE,8 b. July 9, 1853, died Nov. 21, 1856. 4869 —Lizzie,8 b. Nov. 26, 1855. 4870 — CHARLES WILLIAM,8 b. Sept. 14, 1857, died July 19, 1860. 4871 — JAacos,8 b. March 19, 1859, died April 13, 1859. 4872 —LEWIs,8 b. Jan. 27, 1861, died in infancy. 4873 —AGNES,8 b. July 25, 1868, died Aug. 25, 1868. 2888 — STEPHEN GOETCHIUS,7 b. Jan. 1, 1825, m. Harriet Davis in 1859. He was a carpenter, living at 104 Charles Street, New York, for a number of years. He died July 19, 1877. ISSUE. 4874 — ANNIE,8 b. 1861, died in infancy. Wiert> David¢ Wiert3 Wiert2 Epke.l 1702. PETER DE GROOT®6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, May 16, 1796, Sarah Durie Froeligh, who was born 1776, and died March 15, 1853, in New York. He died in New York, Dec. 23, 1839. ISSUE. 2890 — WIERT,7 b. June 12, 1797, m. Mary Carr. 2891 —SOLOMON FROELIGH,7 b. Sept. 22, 1801, m. Maria Romer. 2892 — PETER DE GROOT,7b. Feb. 14, 1811, m. Mary Dekline. 2893 —RACHEL,7 b. Jan. 4, 1813, m. Daniel Smith. 2894— ABRAHAM,7b. June 24, 1816, m. Margaret Garrabrant, Dec. 31, 1835. He lived at one time near Fort Lee, N. J., and subsequently at Asbury Park, N. J. Died in New York, Dec. 18, 1865. 1703. DAVID6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, April 27, 1799, Rachel Van Giesen, who was born Sept. 18, 1781, and died Aug. 27, 1831. Both were church members at Schraalenburgh in 1802. He died Aug. 30, 1829. ISSUE. 2895 —LEA,7b. Nov. 22, 1799, m. Samuel Berdan, Feb. 14, 1822. ISSUE. 4892 — RACHEL VAN GIESEN BERDAN,8 b. Jan. 4, 1823. 4893 — JoHN S. BERDAN,3 has a son ———, in Hackensack. 2896 — SARAH,7 b. May 9, 1802, m. Abraham H. Bogert at English Neighborhood, N. J., 3 May 27, 1820. They became members of the church at Schraalenburgh in May, 1825. ISSUE. 4894 — HENRY BOGERT,S b. Sept. 21, 1821. 4895 — RACHEL VAN GIESEN BOGERT,8 b. Oct. 13, 1822. 4896 — LEA BOGERT,S b. Feb. 3, 1825. 4897 —DAvVID A. BANTA BOGERT,8 b. March 28, 1827. 4898 — SARAH BOGERT,8 b. March 4, 1829. 4899 —HESTER BOGERT,8 b. Jan. 25, 1831. 4900 — ABRAM BOGERT,8 b. March 31, 1833. 4901 — SUSANNA BOGERT,8 b. Jan. 28, 1837. 4902 —MARY ELIZABETH BOGERT,8 b. June 3, 1842. 4903 — JACOB BOGERT.S 4904 —IsAAc BOGERT.8 2897 — JACOB, 7b. Feb. 13, 1805, died unmarried, Sept. 7, 1882. 2898 —HESTER,7 b. Dec. 11, 1806, m. John J. Benson, jan. 27, 1831. 2899 —DAVID,7 b. Aug. 18, 1810, died unmarried, Nov. 27, 1834. 2900 — ISAAC VAN GIESEN,7b. April 14, 1819, m. Hannah Matilda Rudyard. i Seventh Generation; Wierts Davidt Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l 193 1706. JOHN W.6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Aug. 21, 1802, Sophia, daughter of Jacob Westervelt, who was born Aug. 12, 1784. Both were church mem- bers at Schraalenburgh in 1809. They removed to New York City, where they were members of King Street Reformed Church (Seceders) in 1837, and were living in Hackensack in 1853. He died Nov. 27, 1859, and his will was probated in New York, June 26, 1860. She died Feb. 17, 1875. ISSUE. 2901 —ANT]JE,7 b. Oct. 7, 1803, m. Theophilus Bolton. 2902 —ABRAHAM,7 b. 1805, died in infancy. 2903 —LEA,7b. March 25, 1807, m. John Van Horn. 2904— JACOB WESTERVELT,7 b. Nov. 19, 1809, m. Augusta Letitia Stewart. 2905— WIERT,7 b. June 12, 1811. Went West. Probably in Mexican War. 2906 — JANE,7 b. Aug. 21, 1813, m. John Walling. 2907 —ABRAHAM,7 b. Feb. 7, 1815, m. Clarissa Westervelt, Nov. 29, 1849. She was born Nov. 5, 1831, and died March 27, 1877. In 1887 he was living in Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn. ISSUE. 4930 — RACHEL ELLEN,8 b. Nov. 17, 1850, died Jan. 5, 1852. 4931 — RACHEL JANE,8 b. March 17, 1854, died Sept. 12, 1854. 4932 — JoHN JACOB,8 b. Feb. 26, 1856, died July 17, 1856. 2908 —DOWER,7 b. April 9, 1817, m. Gitty Westervelt. 2909 — CORNELIUS DEMAREST,7 b. Nov. 24, 1818, m. Henrietta Walling. He died Sept. 10, 1843. His widow lived for a number of years in Jane St., New York. ISSUE. 4940 —Joun.8 4941 —CoRrNELIUS L.,8 b. 1843, died May 11, 1845. 2910 —ELLEN VAN WAGGENER,7 b. Feb. 7, 1821, m. John R. Van Giesen, who was born Dec. 1, 1820; he was a farmer in Hackensack, N. J., and died Dec. 11, 1883. She died Jan. 20, 1881. ISSUE. 49411—IsaAc VAN GIESEN,8 b. May 31, 1841. Was in Co. C., 22d Regiment, N. Y., during Civil War. Died Oct. 23, 1864. 49412— ANNA J. W. VAN GIESEN,8 b. July 29, 1843, killed Feb. 20, 1851, in the Greenwich Avenue (New York) school disaster. 49413 — MARY E. VAN GIESEN,8 b. May 10, 1849, m. Josiah A. Zabriskie, June 18, 1874, of Wortendyke, N. J. 49414— JoHN BANTA VAN GIESEN,S b. Dec. 1, 1851, m. Mary C. Hardenburgh, Oct. 11, 1887. 2911 —MARIA,7 b. Sept. 27, 1823, m. Peter P. Bogert, Dec. 10, 1840. ISSUE. 4941 5—PETER BOGERT,8 b. 1842, m. Mary Matilda Vreeland. Is a mason. 4941 6— CORNELIUS BOGERT,8 b. 1844, m. Sarah Brinkerhoff. Is a carpenter. 4941 7— JoHN BOGERT,8 b. 1847, m. Rachel Berdan. Is a mason. 4941 8—EUPHEMIA ANN BOGERT,S b. 1854. 4941 9—MARIA JANE BOGERT,8 b. 1856, m. Norman W. Hay. 494110 — ABRAHAM BANTA BOGERT,S b. 1859, m. Demarest. Is a farmer. 2912 —MARGARET,? b. 1831, m. George W. Wygant. They live in Columbus, Ohio, ISSUE. 494111 — CHARLES WYGANT,8 b. 1853, died 1873. 13 194 Seventh Generation ; Wiert> David* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l 1708. ARIE6 (Aaron) BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Dec. 30, 1813, Rebecca Hammon, who was born Jan. 22, 1795, and died Jan. 16, 1885. Were mem- bers of the church in Schraalenburgh in 1818. He died Jan. 26, 1837. ISSUE. 1. Esther Van Saun; 2914— ABRAHAM A.7 b. Nov. 3, 1814, m. § I {7her Youn Sar 2915—ELIZA,7 b. Oct. 20, 1820, m. Henry R. Westervelt, June 10, 1841. She died in 1860. ISSUE. 494112— REBECCA WESTERVELT,8 b. May 25, 1845, m. 3002Abraham B.S Banta, June 27, 1866. 494113 — RALPH WESTERVELT,8b. Oct. 5, 1847, m. Lydia Bartholf. 2916 — PETER, b. June 28, 1825, m. Louisa T. Brown, Oct. 28, 1847, at Greenwich Reformed Church, N. Y. She was born Aug. 1, 1827. In 1851 he was a ship carpenter, and lived at No. 100 gth St., Brooklyn, E. D., for many years thereafter; in 1886 he was living at No. 328 South 2d St., Brooklyn, E. D. ISSUE. 494114 —ERSkINE E.,8 b. May 2, 1849. Was an engraver at 284 South 1st St., Brooklyn. Died April 7, 1884, at Paterson, N. J. 494115— MARTHA JANE,8 b. Oct. 14, 1851. 494116—LipAa W.,8 b. Sept. 20, 1854. 494117— MAGGIE Louisg,8b. Feb. g, 1857. 494118— WESLEY H.,8 b. March 27, 1859, m. Emma Munsey, of Paterson, N. J. He is the manager and foreign carpet buyer of an extensive establishment in New York. ISSUE. 1— Louisa Marcellite,9 b. Sept. 24, 1884. 2— Russell Vincent,9 b. Sept. 23, 1888. 494119— ABRAM DE WITT,8 b. June 3, 1861. 494120 —REBECCA B.,8b. Oct. 30, 1864. 494121 — WILLIE B.,8 b. Feb. 5, 1867, died May 6, 1872. Abram’ David¢ Wiert3 Wiert2? Epke.! 1728. GERTRUDE®6 BANTA married January 1, 1803, Jacob Lozier, who was born in Bergen County, August 23, 1776. Both were members of the church at Hack- ensack in 1821. She died December 16, 1854, and he followed her September 8, 1858. ISSUE. 2936 —ANNE LOZIER,7 b. March 25, 1803, died Aug. 19, 1807. 2937 — RICHARD LOZIER,7 b. Jan. 27, 1807, died unmarried July 16, 1874. 2938 —ABRAHAM LOZIER,7 b. April 28, 1809, m. Mary Ann Van Bryck. He died June 11, 1848. 2939 — ANNE LOZIER,7b. May 23, 1814, m. Peter C. Westervelt, May 30, 1835. He was born Aug. 18, 1811, and died Oct. 30, 1884. ISSUE. 4942 — GERTRUDE L. WESTERVELT,S b. Dec. 18, 1835, m. James Blauvelt De Mott, who was born Aug. 9, 1835, and died Nov. 22. 1862. Subsequently she married Albert G. Bogert, of New York. She died Feb. 2, 1866. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6682 — Gertrude De Mott, b. April 11, 1857, m. Walter V. Carlock, Sept. 19, 1877. Seventh Generation ; Abram’ Davidt Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l 195 ISSUE. 7806 — Walter Jacob Carlock,10 b. Nov. 26, 1879. 7807 — Gerard De Mott Carlock,10 b. Jan. 21, 1882. 7808 — Eleanor Carlock,10 b. June 11, 1886. 4943 — JASPER LOZIER WESTERVELT,S b. Dec. 2, 1837, m. Anna Maria De Mott, June 22, 1865. She was born June 22, 1845. ISSUE. 6683 — Edward Payson Westervelt,9 b. Sept. 2, 1866, died June 27, 1869. 6684 — Blauvelt De Mott Westervelt,9 b. Sept. 22, 1868. 6685 — Peter Edward Westervelt,9 b. March 13, 1870. 6686 — Annetta Westervelt,9 b. Nov. 21, 1871. 6687 — Gertrude C. Westervelt,9 b. July 15, 1876. 6688 — Margaret Mary Westervelt,? b. July 3, 1878. 6689 — Theodore Romeyn Westervelt,9 b. Aug. 18, 1880. 4944 — MARY ANN WESTERVELT,S b. April 6, 1856, m. William E. Harper, Nov. 5, 1879. He was born June 4, 1856. ISSUE. 6690 — Chester Westervelt Harper,9 b. March 10, 1880. 2940 —GEORGE LOZIER,7 b. Sept. 8, 1822. 2941 —JACOB J. LOZIER,7 b. June 22, 1828, m. Sophronia Bogert, Jan. 27, 1855. She was born Jan. g, 1838. ISSUE. 4945 — THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN LOZIER,8 b. Aug. 14, 1855. 4946 —DAvID CLARK LOZIER,8 b. Dec. 23, 1856, m. Maria Deuel, March 1, 1880. She was born Feb. 4, 1856. ISSUE. 6691 — James Deuel Lozier,9 b. Dec. 2, 1880. 6692 — Alfred Lozier,9 b. Oct. 19, 1882. 6693 — Ethel Palmer Lozier,9 b. Oct. 13, 1885. 4947 — GERTRUDE BANTA LOZIER,8 b. March 4, 1859. 4948 — ESTHER BOGERT LOZIER,8 b. Dec. 1, 1860. 4949 — MILTON SHULTZ LOZIER,8 b. July 19, 1863. 4950 —RuTH LOZIER,8 b. May 8, 1865, died July 21, 1865. 4951 — CHARLOTTE LOZIER,8 b. Oct. 22, 1866. 1729. ANNA6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, N. J., January 27, 1809, Abraham Berdan. She died June 6, 1857. ISSUE. 2942 — JOHN BERDAN,7 b. Sept. 15, 1810, m. Mary, adopted daughter of Jacob Jordan, of Closter, N. J. He lived at 702 Greenwich Street, New York, for many years. Died at Leonia, N. J., in 1884. ISSUE. 4952 — HELEN BERDAN,8 m. William Betts. ISSUE. 1— Charles Betts.9 2— Ada Betts,? m. Seymour Parker. 4953 — JACOB BERDAN,8 4954 — JAMES BERDAN,8 196 Seventh Generation ; Jacob David* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l Jacob’ David 4 Wiert? Wiert2 Epke.! 1732. ANTIE6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, December 13, 1809, James Larimer (or Lorimer). They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh in 1815. She joined the church in King Street, New York, December 31, 1852, at which time her husband had deceased. ISSUE. 2943 — JOHN LARIMER,7 b. May 21, 1810. 2944 — ELIZA LARIMER,7b. Feb. 18, 1813. 2945 — CATHARINE LARIMER, b. June 24, 1815. 2946 — JAMES LARIMER,7 b. March 7, 1817, m. Eliza Ann Boyd. ISSUE. 4955 — IRENE LARIMER,8 b. Oct. 6, 1856. 4956 — CHARLES DUNCAN LARIMER,S b. Aug. 18, 1858. 4957 — MARIA ELIZABETH LARIMER,S b. Nov. 18, 1862. 2947 — ANNE LARIMER,7b. July 6, 1821. 2948 — JACOB LARIMER,7 b. June 30, 1823. 1733. JOHN J.6 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, March 6, 1813, Martha Christie. He died February 17, 1815. ISSUE. 2949 — ELIZABETH CATHARINE,7 b. Sept. 26, 1815, m. Morse Ackerman. 1735. WIERT® BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Dec. 24, 1818, Jane Haring, who was born Sept. 8, 1792. They lived for many years in New York and afterwards moved to Bergen County, New Jersey, where he died July 29, 1874. ISSUE. 2950 —MARIA CATHARINE, b. Dec. 11, 1819, m. James J. Demarest, Dec. 15, 1843. She died May 21, 1872. ISSUE. PETER DEMAREST,8 b. April 11, 1850. 2951 —ELIZA,7 b. Feb. 21, 1822. Unmarried; living in 1887. 2952 — JOHN W.,7 b. Aug. 18, 1824, m. Fannie G. Darrow. She was born Nov. 4, 1841. He is a wood carver in New York City. ISSUE. 4958 —EL1zABETH C.,8 b. Sept. 7, 1865, died July 28, 1866. 4959 — GEORGE A.,8 b. Dec. 16, 1866, died April 28, 1870. 4960 —JoHN W., Jr.,8 b. Jan. 2, 1869. 4961 — FrANK P.,8 b. March 29, 1870. 4962 — KATIE ].,8 b. Dec. 7, 1880. 2953 — JACOB, b. Oct. 14, 1827, drowned in North River, July 10, 1850. 2954 — AGNES ANN,7b. Dec. 8, 1829, unmarried, died July 2, 1850. 2955 —DAVID,7 b. Aug. 10, 1832, drowned in North River, July 10, 1850. 2956 — ALBERT, b. Aug. 2, 1835, died Sept. 2, 1838. 1736. JACOB J.6 BANTA married at the True Reformed Church, at Hacken- saek, Feb. 9, 1825, Maria Brinckerhoff, who was born Jan. 30, 1805. He lived at Hackensack, N. J., and died April 15, 1868. ISSUE. 2957 —JOHN,7 b. Feb. 28, 1826, m. Martha J. Chrisfield, June 5, 1852. No issue. 2958 —DAVID,7b. July 31, 1828, m. Leah Ames, Oct. 8,1851. Hedied July 7, 1854. No issue. 2959 — ABRAHAM, b. Dec. 17, 1830, m. Sarah J. Long, Jan. 28, 1857. She was born in Bath, England, July 19, 1830. They live in Roxbury, Mass. Seventh Generation ; Facobd David* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l 197 ISSUE. 4963 — ALICE EUGENIE,S b. Nov. 8, 1857, m. 5 eR a. 2 oto, ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6696 — Myrtle Beatrice Kersey,9 b. Oct. g, 1878. 6697 — Melville Carter Kersey,? b. June 28, 1880. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6698 — Edwin Oscar Childs,9 b. Nov. 5, 1883, died Nov. 14, 1886. 6699 — Edna Viola Childs,9 b. July 19, 1884. 4964 — GEORGE WALDEMAR,8 b. Feb. 1, 1863. 4965 — FLORENCE ISABELLE,S b. Feb. 25, 1865. 4966 — ELLA FRANCES,S b. June 27, 1867. 4967 — LAURA ESTELLA,8 b. Dec. 23, 1871. 2960 — JANE,7 b. April 28, 1833, m. James K. Fagan, June 1, 1852. They reside on Spring- field Avenue, Boston, Mass. ISSUE. 4968 — DAVID FAGAN,8 b. 1853. 4969 — HARRY FAGAN,S b. 1854. 2961 — MARY CATHARINE,7 b. June 24, 1836, m. Leonard Sneeden, March 22, 1855. They reside at Hackensack, N. J. ISSUE. 4970 — WALTER SNEEDEN,8 b. Oct. 24, 1855. 4971 — MARY LAVINA SNEEDEN,8 b. Feb. 26, 1858, m. H. N. Holder. ISSUE. 66991 — George E. Holder,9 b. March 28, 1878. 66992 — John Francis Holder,9 b. June 27, 1879. 66993 —Andrew R. Holder,? b. Sept. 19, 1832. 66994 — Harry A. Holder, b. Dec. 29, 1883. 4972 — Lucy ELLA SNEEDEN,8 b. April 12, 1861, m. George E. Holder. ISSUE. 66995— George E. Holder, Jr.,9 b. July 25, 1881. 4973 — LESTER SNEEDEN,8 b. June 27, 1866. 49'74— CLARENCE SNEEDEN,8 b. Sept. 8, 1868. 49%5—PURLIN SNEEDEN,8 b. March 20, 1873. 2962 —ELIZA,7 b. Sept. 27, 1839, m. Cornelius Van Horn, of Asbury Park, N. J. 2963 — JACOB, b. Jan. 30, 1843, m. Ella A. Evans, Oct. 3, 1871. They live in Boston, Mass. ISSUE. 4976 —HARRY,8 b. 1872. 1737. ARIATJE® (Adriana) BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Jan. 21, 1820, Abraham Ely, who was born July 2, 1797, and died April 3, 1848. She was a member of the King Street Reformed Church, New York, in 1853. She died Oct. 1, 1885, and is buried at the old French Burying Ground, north of Hackensack, N. I- ISSUE. 2964 — MARY ELY,7b. Nov. 14, 1820, died Aug. 5, 1822. 2965 — CATHARINE B. ELY,7 b. March 1, 1829, m. Nicholas C. Westervelt, Oct. 4, 1849 ISSUE. 4977 — CASPER N. WESTERVELT,3 b. April 14, 1854, m. Clara Loder, Oct. 15, 187 Seventh Generation ; Facobd David* Wiert® Wiert? Epkel ISSUE. 6700 — George D. Westervelt,9 b. Oct. 4, 1880. 4978 — ABRAHAM E. WESTERVELT,8 b. Feb. 27, 1858, m. Jane Amelia Parker, Oct. 12, 1881. ISSUE. 6701 — Almira Westervelt,9 b. Dec. 1, 1882. 4979 — WILLIAM S. WESTERVELT,8 b. Dec. 25, 1869. 2966 — WILLIAM ELY,7b. Oct. 10, 1832, m. Ann Elizabeth Cluss, Sept. 7, 1854. ISSUE. 4980 — ABRAHAM ELY,8 b. Aug, 17, 1855, died May 24, 1858. 4981 — RACHEL ADA ELY,8 b. Sept. 13, 1859, m. John Zabriskie, April 5, 1879. ISSUE. 6702 — Clyde Zabriskie, b. Jan. 15, 1880. 6708 — Elizabeth E. Zabriskie, b. May 23, 1881. 6704 — Christiana Zabriskie,9 b. Sept. 24, 1883. 4982 — WILLIAM ELy, Jr.,8 b. Feb. 27, 1862, m. Elizabeth Van Buskerk, Oct. 25, 1882. 4983 — CATHERINE W. ELY,8 b. July 8, 1865. 4984 — GEORGE C. ELY,8 b. March 1, 1871. 4985 — ADRIANNA ELY,8 b. Aug. 11, 1874. 2967 — ABRAHAM ELY,7 b. Sept. 24, 1835, m. Ann Elizabeth Giles, April 29, 1860. He died May 10, 1876. 2968 — JOHN B. ELY,7b. Jan. 4, 1839, m. Matilda Bogert, Aug. 6, 1859. ISSUE. 4986 — MARY ADA ELY,8 b. April 29, 1860, died Sept. 5, 1860. 4987 — EDWARD GODFREY ELY,3 b. Sept. 7, 1861. 4988 — FROELIGH BoGART ELY,8 b. Oct. 25, 1862. 1738. JANNETJE6 BANTA married at Hackensack, Nov. 5, 1827, John R. Romaine. She died March 15, 1829. ISSUE. 2969 — JANE BANTA ROMAINE,7 b. March 12, 1829, died June 4, 1829. Hendrick’ Jacobt Wiert? Wiert? Epke.! 1758. JACOBS BANTA married at Saddle River, June 7, 1817, Maria Storms. He married again, January 26, 1823, at Hackensack, Sophia Romer, who was born June 20, 1800, and died May 16, 1853. January II, 1826, he bought of his father a farm of 193 acres, at West Milford, or New Foundland, Passaic County, N..T. He died July 19, 1834. In February, 1843, Commissioners were appointed to divide his farm among his heirs-at-law. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 2985 — MARIA,7b. Aug. 31, 1818, died Sept. 11, 1838. 2986 — HENRY,7 b. Jan. 23, 1820, m. Sarah Angle. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2987 —SALLIE,7 b. Dec. 21, 1823, m. William Van Blarcom. 2988 — JACOB,7 b. July 18, 1828, m. Arminda Perry. 2989 — JOSEPH,7 b. Aug. 25, 1830, died March 2, 1852. 2990 — LEVI, 7 b. Jan. 20, 1833, m. Eliza Ann Vanderhoof. He died July 7, 1859. Seventh Generation, Henry Facob* Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.! 199 ISSUE. 5018 —EDWIN,8 b. July 9, 1857, died Sept. 28, 1858. 5019 — SUSAN ANN,8 b. March 9, 1859. 2991 —SUSAN,7 b. Dec. 13, 1834, m. Samuel Angle. She died May 8, 1864, without issue. 1762. JOHN HENRY®6 BANTA married, March 22, 1828, Charity Hopper. She was born Aug. 15, 1809, and died Oct. 10, 1828. October 14, 1830, he married again, Margaret Yeury, who was born August 24, 1810, and died July 8, 1886. He was a farmer, living in 189o at Saddle River, N. J. ISSUE. . 2995 — CHARITY MARIA,7 b. Jan. 5, 1836, died Sept. 19, 1842. 2996 — JOHN HENRY,7 b. April 6, 1838, died Sept. 15, 1842. 2997 — JANE ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 23, 1843, m. Abram John Terhune, Oct. 23, 1862. They live at Saddle River, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. 5020 — MAGGIE ANNA TERHUNE,8 b. Aug. 23, 1863. 2998 — CHARITY MARIA,7 b. Sept. 23, 1846, m. James P. Demarest, Dec. 23, 1869. They live at Fair Lawn, N. J. No issue. 2999 — JOHN HENRY,7 b. March 7, 1852, died Feb. 5, 1857. Hendrick’ Wiertt! Hendrick? Wiert? Epke.! 1772. JOHN H.6 BANTA married, May 12, 1836, Lydia Bartholf, who was born February 24, 1818. He was in the grocery business at Hackensack. Was Sheriff of Bergen County, and also County Collector. He died Nov. 29, 1886. His widow was residing there in 1889. ISSUE. 3000 —HENRY,7b. June 8, 1837, m. Martha V. Gould, April 27, 1864. He is a merchant (dry goods) in Hackensack, N. J. He was elected Deacon in the Second Reformed Church at Hackensack in 1867. ISSUE. 5021 —JouN RAYMOND,8 b. Aug. 3. 1865, m. Harriet Louise Maidment. Isin the insurance business in New York. 5022 — JosePpH GouLD,8 b. Nov. 3, 1867, died March 5, 1888. 8001 — JANE TERHUNE,7 b. Dec. 21, 1839, m. Thomas H. Cummings, July 16, 1861. They live in Hackensack, N. J. ISSUE. 5023 — HENRY B. CUMMINGS.S 5024 —LyprA CUMMINGS,8 died in 1868. 5025 —SPEARS B. CUMMINGS.8 5026 —TrHoMAs HERBERT CUMMINGS. 5027 —AsHTON CUMMINGS.8 Died. 3002 — ABRAM BARTHOLF,7 b. March 1, 1842, m. Rebecca Westervelt, June 27, 1866. He is a merchant of Hackensack, N. J., of the firm of Banta Brothers. He is Chief of the Fire Department and President of the Board of Commissioners. ISSUE. 5030 —LILIE,8 b. June 1, 1867. 5031 —IrRVING W.,8 b. April 15, 1870. 5032 — ABRAM B., Jr.,8 b. June 22, 1872. 5033 — HENRY W.,8 b. Oct. 2, 1878. 5034 — MARION,8 b. July 19, 1881. 200 Seventh Generation; Henryd Wiert* Hendrick3 Wiert? Epke.l 8002 —JOHN,7 b. Oct. 4, 1846, married first, Helen Matilda Doremus, April 18, 1867; and again, Emma Kate Brinkerhoff, Aug. 18, 1874. He lives at Hackensack. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5035 — FRANK. 5036 —GEORGE.S3 5037 —Joun.8 ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5038 — JANE,8 b. May 11, 1875, died May 30, 1879. 5039 — EDWARD E.8 5040 — HENRY RAYMOND.8 5041 —FREDERICK.S « 3004— CORNELIUS TERHUNE,7 b. March 5, 1849, m. Sarah A. Gould, April 26, 1871. ISSUE. 5042 — CORNELIUS ROSCOE,8 b. Sept. 18, 1879. Wiert> John Hendrick? Wiert2 Epke.! 1791. JOHN 6 BANTA married Polly Westervelt, who was born Dec. 16, 1797, and died March 26, 1865, at 546 Broome St., New York City. He owned a farm of 100 acres at Steinrapie, Bergen Co., N. J., before going to New York. In 1826-1839, he was a carman and subsequently a lumber dealer in New York City. He died Oct. 10, 1839. His will, dated May 17, 1839, was probated Oct. 28, 1839. June 9, 1856, a division of his property was made in the Orphans’ Court, Hackensack, the youngest child becoming of age on that day. ISSUE. 8021 — WIERT,7 b. Oct. 27, 1819, died July 3, 1828. 3022 — JOHN ]J.,7 b. March 18, 1821, m. Maria Voorhis, Nov. 18, 1843. She was born May 17, 1822, and is a daughter of Lucas Voorhis and his wife Effie Bogert. He died April 8, 1888, at 309 Fourth St., Jersey City, N. J. ISSUE. 5043 — JouN HENRY,8 b. Feb. 11, 1846, m. Katie Rose, July 10, 1867. 5044 —1L.ucAs VOORHIS,8 b. July 16, 1848, died May 27, 1884. 5045 —DAvVID,S b. July 26, 1850, died Nov. 2, 1878. 5046 —AuGuUsTUS,8 b. Jan. 8, 1853, died Aug. 13, 1855. 5047 — GEO. WASHINGTON, b. Feb. 15, 1855, m. Eliza Jane Lear, Feb. 11, 1882. 5048 — ELIZABETH RUTAN,8 b. April 1, 1860. 5049 — ANNA MARIA,S b. April 16, 1865. 3023 —DAVID,7 b. March 29, 1823, m. Susan Lapin. He died May 24, 1881, in Paterson, N. J. 50491 —SARAH.8 8024 — BARNEY, b. July 22, 1825, m. Margaret Catherine Leighton, at Passaic, March 28, 1850. She was born July 25, 1827. In 1888 they resided at No. 242 Tyler St., Pater- ISSUE. son, N. J. ISSUE. 5050 — MARGARET LoOUISA,8 b. Feb. g, 1851, m. Henry Frederick Geldermann, Oct. 13, 1874. ISSUE. 6755 — Kittie Geldermann,9 b. Aug. 4, 1875, died July 30, 1878. 6756 — Frederick Geldermann,9b. July 10, 1877. 6757 — Lillian Geldermann,9 b. July 16, 1879. ' 6758 — Jennie Geldermann,9 b. Oct. 29, 1881. 6'759 — Annie Louisa Geldermann,9 b. March 8, 1884. Seventh Generation; Wiert> Fohn* Hendricks Wiert? Epke.! 201 5051 — MARY EL1ZABETH,8 b. Nov. 29, 1852, died June 19, 1860. . 5052 —JuLIA,8 b. July 22, 1855. 5058 —HENRIETTA LEIGHTON,8 b. Sept. 8, 1858, m. Charles Gustave Burr, Nov. 22, 1882. ISSUE. 6760 — Kittie May Burr,9 b. June 20, 1888. 5054— HENRY E. MILFORD,8b. July 25, 1861, died Sept. 26, 1861. 5055— WILLIAM,8 b. June 19, 1865, died July 30, 1866. 5056 — FRANK,8 b. March 23, 1868, died Dec. 2, 1874. 8025 — WILLIAM,7 b. Feb. 11, 1828, died, unmarried, in New York City, Jan. 1, 1874. 8026 — WIERT,7 b. May 17, 1830, m. Jennie Kelly. He died in 1872. His widow lives at New West Brighton, Staten Island. ISSUE. 5057 —NELSON,8 b. Oct. 24, 1863. 3027 —LAVINIA,7 b. May 4, 1833, m. Robert Miller. 3028 —SARAH,7 b. June g, 1835, m. William Kane. 8029 —HENRY,7 b. July 22, 1839, died Dec. 20, 1839. Peter’ Jacob* Hendrick? Wiert? Epke.! 1826. MARY JANE®6 BANTA married February 19, 1835, William Crolius. In 1891 they were living at 651 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE. 8054— PETER BANTA CROLIUS,7b. Feb. 24, 1837, married Eliza J. Bergen. He was a clergyman of the Reformed Church. Died April 19, 1879. ISSUE. 5058 —EL1ZA JEROLOMAN CROLIUS.8 5059 —ELSIANAH CROLIUS.8 3055— WILLIAM ALBERT CROLIUS,7b. April 30, 1838. 8056 —ELSIANAH CROLIUS,7 b. Oct. 14, 1839, m. William J. Bartow. ISSUE. 5060 — WILLIAM J. BARTOW, Jr.8 1828. MARIA CAROLINE® BANTA married, November 18, 1846, 3%47 John J. Clapp.” He was a lawyer in New York, and died February 6, 1866. His widow for many years resided at White Plains, New York, and in 1892 was living at Port Chester, New York. ISSUE. 3057—JOHN HENRY CLAPP,7b. Sept. 6, 1847, m. Mary Jane Ropes, née Purdy. He is a lawyer in New York City. No issue. 3058 — PETER BANTA CLAPP,7b. Oct. 27, 1849, died Nov. 19, 1872. Unmarried. 3059 — OSCAR CLAPP,7 b. Jan. 12, 1852, m. Jane Taylor, Oct. 19, 1871. ISSUE. 5061 — HENRY ERNEST CLAPP,8 b. April 26, 1875. 5062 —Joun Jaco CLAPP, b. July 30, 1879. 5063 — CARRIE CLAPP,8 b. Sept. 13, 1884. 8060 —MARIA CAROLINE CLAPP,7 b. July 22, 1855, died March g, 1860. 202 Seventh Generation, William Paulus* Hendrick3 Wiert? Epke.l William? Paulust Hendrick Wiert? Epke.! 1838. WILLIAMS BANTA married, January 2, 1838, Nancy Eliza Thorp, who was born in Stamford, Conn., March 26, 1808. For many years he was a well-known hatter in New York City, formerly on the corner of Chatham and Pearl Streets, and subsequently at the corner of Canal and Wooster Streets, where one of his sons carries on the same business. He is residing (1892) in Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE. 30771— HARRIETT THORP, b. Oct. 27, 1838. 30772— GEORGE WILKS,7 b. July 24, 1840, died Dec. 27, 1844. 3078 — WILLIAM, ]Jr.,7 b. March 10, 1843, married, June 6, 1866, Charlotte J. Magill, daughter of Dr. A. H. Magill. ‘She was born Dec. 31, 1846, and died Jan. 23, 1878. During the civil war he enlisted in the 37th New York Regiment, and was after- wards in the sth and 12th Cavalry. Was also on staff duty. He is in the hat business in New York. ISSUE. 1— MARY AGNES.8 2— WILLIAM ARTHUR.8 3—EDWARD WOODRUFF.8 4— CHARLES F.,8 b. Feb. 21, 1875, died July 26, 1875. 3079 —GEORGE WILKS,7 b. Aug. 7, 1845, married first, Eliza D. Brown, who was born Sept. 30, 1856, and died Nov. 20, 1873; he married again, Aug. 13, 1890, Elizabeth Cowan. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1—EDNA A.,8 b. April 17, 1876. ISSUE BY SECOND WIEE. 2—ELIZABETH.8 3080 —AUGUSTA WILKS,7b. Oct. 7, 1848. 30801 — PAUL,7 b. May 10, 1851, died Oct. 25, 1871. 30802— CHARLES THORP,7 b. May 18, 1854, died March 8, 1858. 1839. JAMES WILKES6 BANTA married Susan Melissa Drake. He died August 6, 1863. ISSUE. 3081 — JAMES HENRY,7 m. Ella Martha McKnight. ISSUE. 5075— JAMES WILKES,S b. Oct. 6, 1872, died April 25, 1874. 5076 —- SUSAN MELISSA,8 b. June 7, 1874. 5077 — JAMES HENRY, Jr.,8 b. Aug. 30, 1876. 5078 — WILLIAM FRANCIS,8 b. June 23, 1878, died April 21, 1879. 5079 —JoHN SIDNEY,S b. April 25, 1880. 5080 — ROBERT ROYAL,8 b. Oct. 31, 1881. 5081 —BESSIE FRANCES,8 b. Jan. 29, 1886. 1841. JACOB® BANTA married, July 5, 1842, Catherine Sophia Harris, who was born November 2, 1823, and died September 13, 1856. He married again, Sep- tember 30, 1862, Lucetta Shreves, who was born September 4, 1820. He is in the hat business, and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 8082 — MARY TUDOR,7 b. Dec. 14, 1844, died Sept. 16, 1857. 8083 — WALTER WILKS,7 b. April 8, 1847, m. Emma Louise Post. He is a book-keeper, living in Brooklyn, N. Y. : 8084 —HENRY HARRIS, b. April 29, 1849, m. Emily Elizabeth Prescott, Oct. 21, 1868. Seventh Generation ; William? Paulus* Hendrick3 Wiert? Epke.} 203 ISSUE. 5082 — HENRIETTA EMILY,8 b. Sept. 12, 1869, died March 28, 1872. 50883 — CAROLINE,8 b. June 23, 1871. 5084 — THEODORE STEWART,S b. Jan. 14, 1874. 5085 — HENRY HARRIS,8 b. March 16, 1876, died Sept. 17, 1877. 5086 — SARAH ToPHAM,S b. July 26, 1878. 3085 — THEODORE ALONZO,7b. Oct. 1, 1851, died April 6, 1891, in Chicago, Ill. 3086 — FRANK PURDY,7 b. Feb. 18, 1854, died May 10, 1855. 3087 — FRANCES EUGENIA,7 b. Feb. 17, 1856, died April 20, 1859. 1842. HARRIETTA HANNAH6 BANTA married, November 30, 1842, Peter Shute. They are living at 988% Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE. 3088 —PETER WILKES SHUTE,7 b. Oct. 24, 1843, m. Hattie Van Nostrand, June 4, 1868. No issue. 8089 — HARRIET AMELIA SHUTE,7 b. Jan. 29, 1847. 8090 — ELISHA MORGAN SHUTE,7 b. June 21, 1849, m. Adelia Kolyer, Dec. 3, 1874. ISSUE. 5087 — CHARLES ELISHA SHUTE,8 b. Oct. 15, 1876. 5088 — HENRY CLAY SHUTE,8 b. June 23, 1878. 5089 — HATTIE SHUTE,8 b. Oct. 31, 1884, died July 23, 1885. 8091 — JOSEPHINE SHUTE,7b. Nov. 23, 1851, m. James Dickie, Jr., April 22, 1885. 8092 — ELIZA ANN SHUTE,7b. Oct. 4, 1855. 3093 —EMMA LOUISA SHUTE,7 b. March 8, 1858, m. Thomas Cobb, Jr., June 16, 1881. ISSUE. 5090 —ELsA Louisa CoBs,8 b. April 4, 1882. 3094 — MARTHA WASHINGTON SHUTE,7 b. Dec. 2, 1859, m. Henry Pinckney, Oct. 16, 1886. 3095— ELLA AUGUSTA SHUTE,7 b. March 14, 1862, m. Alfred Simpson, May 13, 1885. ISSUE. 5091 —NELLIE AUGUSTA SIMPSON,8 b. June 22, 1886. CHAPTER XX, . EIGHTH GENERATION. Cornelius ® Jan? Cornelius? Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.! 1863. FREDERICK BRUCE? BANTA married Rebecca Pearce. He wasa car- penter in New York City, and about 1825 both were members of the John Street M. E. Church. She died Feb. 8, 1842, and he died Dec. 17, 1874. ISSUE. 30951 —CORNELIUS,8 m. ——. They live at Lyme, Conn. ISSUE. 50911 —FREDERICK.Y 50912— AMELIA.Y 50913 — CORNELIA. 204 Eighth Generation ; Cornelius® Fan® Cornelius* Fan3 Cornelius? Epke.l 80952— WILLIAM B.,8 m. ——; deceased, left one daughter. 80953 — ROBERT.8 30954 —MARY,8 m. ; deceased, left three small children. 30955— FREDERICK B.,8 b. May 4, 1840, m. Anna M. Lay, Nov. 24, 1863. He enlisted in Company C, 26th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Aug. 25, 1862; was a Sergeant, and was wounded at Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863; mustered out Aug. 17, 1863. He is a carpenter, and lives at Lyme, Conn. ISSUE. 50914 — CHARLES L.,9 b. Dec. 27, 1866. 50915— WILLIAM F.9 b. July 23, 1868. 50916 — Lizzie A.,9 b. Oct. 15, 1869. 50917—DiINA L.,9 b. Jan. 25, 1871. 509183 — FLORENCE A.,9b. Feb. 11, 1875. 50919 —FRrEDERICK E.,9b. Jan. 18, 1879. Peter Jan’ Cornelius‘ Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 1865. JOHN7 BANTA was born at Hohokus, N. J. He married Rachel Post, who died Nov. 22, 1822. The children named below were baptized at Acquackenonck, NJ He removed from New Jersey to New York City, where he died Nov. 15, 1829. ISSUE. 3096 — PETER ]J.,8b. April 28, 1814, m. Catherine Quackenbush, May 17, 1834. She was born at Riverdale, N. J., and died Jan. 5, 1877. Her will is recorded in the Surro- gate’s Office in Bergen County, Liber L, folio 8. - He lives at Oradell, N. J. ISSUE. 5092 — ABRAHAM P.,9 m. Ella Jane Bogert, April, 1858. They live in Newark, N. J. ISSUE. 6761 — Peter A.,10 b. July, 1859, m. Phebe Hughson, Sept., 1883. She died March, 1885. ISSUE. 7811 — Evarena,l1 b. Sept. 6, 1884. 6762 —David B.,10 b. Jan., 1862. 6768 — Charles M.,10 b. June, 1865. 6'764— Mary Elsie, 10 b. Sept., 1868. 6765 — Margaret Ann,10 b. Oct., 1873, died Aug., 1877. 6'766 — Robert Le Roy,10 b. Sept., 1880, died March, 1884. 5093 — RACHEL ANN,9 b. Aug., 1837, m. Aaron T. Remsen, July 1, 1866. 5094 —JoHN J.,9 b. July, 1841, m. Ellen E. Huldie, March 28, 1869. He died June, 1883. 3097— ELIZA ANN,8 b. Jan. 27, 1817, m. $ 1. Frank McVicar; 2. Silas D. Huff. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 5095 —ALPHEUS MCVICAR,? lives at No. 155 13th St., Buffalo, N. Y. 5096 — GERARD MCVICAR,9 lives at No. 346 Pennsylvania St., Buffalo, N. Y. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 5097 —— HUFF,? m. R. D. Roff; lives at Orange, N. J. 5098 — HUFF,9 m. Robt. Caruther; lives at Tonawanda, N. Y. 3098 — JOHN ]J.,8 b. July 7, 1819, m. Rebecca R. Philips, July 27, 1839. He died Sept. 25, 1863. His widow lives at Orange, N. J. \ Eighth Generation ; PeterS Fan Cornelius Jan Cornelius? Epke.! 205 ISSUE. 5099 — CHARLES WESLEY,9 b. Sept. 8, 1840, m. Ellen Williams, June 15, 1864. 5100 —ARIADNA H.,9 b. July 31, 1842, died Nov. 5, 1860. 5101 — ROBERT LE RoY,9 b. Oct. 14, 1844, m. Marianna Beach, Nov. 24, 1869. 5102 —LiLLY REBECCA,9 b. Sept. 8, 1851, m. Francis Eugene Burton, Sept. 26, 1871. ISSUE. 6767 — Lula Burton,10 b. Aug. 5, 1885. 5108 —RAETTA,9 b. Oct. 10, 1859, m. Charles R. Vincent, Aug. 10, 1881. 1866. ADAM? BANTA married, August 6, 1814, at Acquackenonck, Catherine Vreeland, who was born February 3, 1795, and died August 16, 1824. He was a car- man in New York City. In 1822 he bought 32 lots on Great Barn, now Ward's Island, in the East River, N. Y., which he sold in 1823; he enlisted in the United States Army, and was last heard of in Green Bay, Wisconsin. ISSUE. 3099 —PETER ADAM,8 b. Sept. 17, 1818, m: Caroline Britton, April 14, 1840. She was born at Rahway, N. J., Oct. 1, 1821. For many years he was connected with the Police force in New York, and was Assistant Captain. He died Feb. 20, 1884. ISSUE. 5104 — CHARLES,? b. June 22, 1841. 5105 — HARRIET CAROLINE,9 b. March 23, 1844, died June 12, 1861. 5106 — ALFRED PETER,9 b. Dec. 14, 1847, m. Cordelia Day, April 14, 1870. Lives at Rahway, N. J. ISSUE. 6768 — Alfred Charles,10 b. Aug. 1, 1871. 6769 — Herbert Day,10 b. Aug. 9, 1875. 6770 — Alice Fredericks,10 b. Jan. 16, 1879. 3100— JANE ANN,8 b. Sept. 13, 1821, died Aug. 22, 1823. 1869. DAVID V.7 BANTA was born in Christie Street, New York City. He married Elizabeth Martin, who was born Sept. 19, 1807, and died Dec. 27, 1868. In 1842-5 he was a dock builder, living in Charlton Street, New York; 1846-7 in Vandam Street; in 1848-54 at 179 Prince Street. Was a carman in 1854. He died February 10, 1856. ISSUE. 8113 — JOHN MARTIN,8 b. June 30, 1828, m. Emily Winterble. He died May 6, 1854. 3114—MARY,8 b. Jan. 29, 1830, m. James Mackenzie. 3115—HENRY,S b. Sept. 3, 1832, m. Celia V. Reynolds, Sept. 24, 1854. She was born Dec. 23, 1836, and died Dec. 16, 1875. He is a plasterer and decorator, living in New Durham, N. J. ISSUE. 5107 —ELLEN E.,9 b. Oct. 23, 1855, died July 23, 1864. 5108 —MARY,9 b. May 3, 1857, died May 23, 1857. 5109 — CORNELIA F.,9 b. Dec. 6, 1859, m. Geo. A. Paulson, Dec. 17, 1879. 5110 —DaviD D.,9 b. Feb. 23, 1861, m. Minnie Sperritt. 5111 —EMMA,9 b. March 30, 1863, m. Charles L. Sturm, Nov. 30, 1886. 5112 —JaMEs H.,9 b. Sept. 11, 1865. 5113 — CHARLES E.,9 b. May 31, 1868. 5114— DE Witt C.,9b. Jan., 1870, died Sept. 15, 1872. 5115—RosE B.,9 b. Sept. 15, 1872. 8116 —DAVID,8 b. May 9, 1834. 3117 — PETERS b. July 6, 1836. Died. 8118 — ELIZABETH M.,8 b. Dec. 16, 1845, died Feb. g, 1880. Unmarried. 206 Eighth Generation ; Peter® Fan® Cornelius® Fan® Cornelius? Epke.l 1871. PETER7 BANTA married Celia Williams, January 15, 1831. She was born March 11, 1810, and died May 20, 1884. For some years he kept a hotel at White Plains, N. Y. He died in New York, January 20, 1882. ISSUE. 8119 —ADELIA,S b. Nov. 7, 1831, m. John Gatfield, Jan. 15, 1854. 3120 —MARGARETTA ANN,8 b. Aug. 23, 1833, died Aug. 22, 1834. 8121 — EMILY FRANCES, b. Aug. 23, 1833, died Feb. 6, 1835. 3122 —PETER,8 b. March 25, 1836, m. Mary Angelina Fabria, Sept. 5, 1859. He died July 14, 1869, at White Plains, N. Y. His widow died Dec. 9, 1881. ISSUE. 5116 — PETER LobDIvVICI,9 b. June 3, 1860. Lives in New York. 5117 — Francis F.,9 b. March 23, 1862. Lives in New York. 8123 — JOHN DILL,8 b. March 1, 1838, m. Nancy Caroline Harris, who was born at Cross River, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1842. He is a fireman, residing in New York City. ’ ISSUE. 5118 —CELI1A,9 b. Oct. 10, 1863. 5119 —JouN DILL, Jr.,9 b. June 18, 1869, died Dec. 9, 1869. 5120 — WiLLiAM CAULDWELL,? b. Aug. 28, 1873. 3124 — HANNAH MELISSA,8 b. March 5, 1840, m. Joseph Dodge, Feb. 22, 1862. 3125— ABRAHAM HOPPER,S8 b. May 9, 1842. 8126 —CECELIA ANN,8 b. May 6, 1843, died Sept. 28, 1849. 8127 — MARGARET DUTILLA,8 b. Oct. 14, 1845, m. John Y. Baker, Oct. 25, 1870. She died July 1, 1883. 3128 —MARTHA ETTA,8b. Oct. 2, 1847, died Jan. 14, 1849. 3129 —MARY IDA,8 b. June 22, 1852, married first, William Finch, Sept. 1, 1869; and again, John H. Sergeant, Oct. 31, 1877. She died June 15, 1878. 1872. WEART7 BANTA (also known as George W. Banta) married, December 20, 1837, Martha Melissa Hovell, who was born at Philadelphia, Pa., September 10, 1823, and died July 9, 1888, in New Haven, Conn. He was an engineer in New York City. ISSUE. 8130 —PETER,8 b. Nov. 23, 1838, m. Sarah Jane Hurd, Aug. 16, 1863. For his second wife he married Margaretta Benney, Aug. 18, 1878. 31831 — GEORGE WEART,8 b. Oct. 11, 1841, m. Rosalie Sophia Norman, March 24, 1863, who was born in London, England, Sept. 6, 1842. He is a printer and newspaper publisher, living in New Haven, Conn. ISSUE. 5121 — GEORGE WEART, Jr.,9 b. Dec. 27, 1863. Is a printer in Texas. 5122 — WILLIAM,? b. Feb. 9, 1867, died Feb. 22, 1867. 5123 — MIRIAM ALICE, 9 b. Aug. 18, 1868, m. Edward Osborne Kirkland, Oct. 3, 1888. 5124 — FRANKLIN NEWMAN, 9 b. April 8, 1871. 5125 —NORMAN,9 b. Nov. 9, 1876. 5126 — ARTHUR WINFIELD,9 b. Feb. 10, 1879. 3132 — WILLIAM HENRY,8 b. Dec. 3, 1843, died Sept. 17, 1862. 8133 —ANTOINETTE DUTILLY FARREAR,8 b. Sept. 21, 1845, died Aug. 26, 1846. 3134 — MATTHIAS W.,8 b. May 28, 1847, died Sept 1, 1849. 3135— EDWIN PERRY,8 b. April 28, 1851, married first, Sarah Ann Gibson, June 27, 1870; and again, Sarah W. High, Feb. 1, 1877. 3186— JOHN SPENCER,8 b. June 24, 1861, died May 29, 1876. 1. Catherine Henry, March 17, 1884; 3137 — WILLIAMS b. Nov. 8, 1863, m. $ 2. Euphemia Haney, Dec. 29, 1887. 8188 — RICHARD HOVELL,S8 b. April 25, 1866. Is living in New Haven, Conn. Eighth Generation ; Peter® Fan® Corneliust Fan3 Cornelius? Epke.l 207 1873. ABRAHAM HOPPER7 BANTA married Mary Jenkins, who was born May 2, 1819, and died October 31, 1880. He was an engineer in New York, and died May 17, 1878. ISSUE. 83139 — ANNA ELIZA,8 b. 1842. 3140 —WILLIAM,8 b. Feb. 22, 1845. 3141 —ABRAHAM H.,8 b. May 11, 1848, died Oct. 17, 1853. 3142 — MARY ANTOINETTE,S b. 1853, m. Richard Edward Madden, May 3, 1882. ISSUE. 5127 — FLORENCE JARDINE MADDEN, b. April 16, 1883. 5128 — CHARLES ARMSTRONG JARDINE MADDEN,9 b. Oct. 13, 1885. 5129 —EDITH JARDINE MADDEN,9 b. Oct. 13, 1885. 3143 — CARRIE LOUISA,8 b. 1856, m. William M. Peters, Sept. 7, 1881. They reside at 540 E. 117th Street, New York City. ISSUE. 5130 — CARRIE ELIZABETH PETERS,9 b. July 2, 1882. 51831 — ERNEST EUGENE PETERS,? b. June 26, 1884, died, 1885. 5132 — ELMER M. PETERS,? b. April 14, 1886. 8144 —1LYDIA,8 b. 1858, died 1860. Henry$ Jan’ Cornelius¢ Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 1877. JOHN HENRY’? BANTA was born in New York, married in April, 1836, Almira Griffin Chase, who was born in Cayuga County, New York, in 1314. He removed to Mobile, Ala., in 1835, and is still residing there (1892). ISSUE. 3146 — MARY ELIZABETH,S b. July, 1838, m. George Washington Pistole. ISSUE. 5133 — HENRIETTA W. PISTOLE,9 b. Oct. 12, 1861. 5134 — FANNY PISTOLE,9 b. Feb. 20, 1862. 5135—JouN E. G. P1STOLE,? b. Feb. 14, 1866. 5136 — JESSE FRANKLIN PISTOLE,? b. Sept., 1867. 5137 — GEORGE WALTER PISTOLE,9 b. Sept., 1869. 5138 — CLARENCE HENRY PISTOLE,? b. Oct., 1872. 5139 — WILMER PI1STOLE,9 b. Nov., 1875. 5140 — JAMES SHELTON PISTOLE,? b. April, 1877. 5141 — OLIVER SEMMES PISTOLE,9 b. May 19, 1880. 3147 —HENRY,8 b. Oct., 1840, m. Ella Higgins in 1861. No issue. 8148 —ALMIRA ELEANOR, b. Jan., 1843, m. Alexander Blackburn Pistole. They live in Mobile, Ala. ISSUE. 5142 — EpwIN L. W. PISTOLE,? b. Feb. 18, 1871. 5143 — JESSE O. PISTOLE,? b. Jan. 7, 1873. 5144 — ALICE MAY PISTOLE,? b. April 29, 1875. 5145 —ALMIRA C. PISTOLE,? b. Oct. 28, 1877. 5146 —BERTHA M. PISTOLE,? b. May 7, 1882. 3149 — JESSE CHASE,8 b. Nov., 1845. 3150 — JOHN EDWIN,S b. March, 1848, died Oct., 1870. 3151 — ALICE BEDELL,8 b. May, 1852. 3152 — FRANKLIN PIERCE,8 b. March, 1855, died Sept., 1859. 3153 — GEORGE BEAUREGARD,8 b. July, 1861, died April, 1862. 208 Eighth Generation; Fohn® Wierts Cornelius* Jan? Cornelius? Epke.l John® Wiert> Cornelius? Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 1884. WEART7 BANTA married, April 24, 1811, Sylvia Allen, who was born Nov. 29, 1795. She is said to have been a descendant of Gen. Israel Putnam. Weart Banta had a bakery and confectionery establishment in New York City. He died of cholera, in that city, July 22, 1832. His widow maintained a fashionable boarding house in New York for many years, and was very highly esteemed. ISSUE. 31671 —EUPHEMIA MARIA, b. March 22, 1816, m. Jacob Hand Vanderbilt in 1834. Capt. Jacob H. Vanderbilt is a brother of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, and was born on Staten Island, Sept. 2, 1807. Mrs. Vanderbilt is described as one “whose personal and mental charms, joined with her wide-spread benevolence, made her a leader in society, and at the same time beloved of the poor and dis- tressed.” She died Nov. 2, 1877. Capt. Vanderbilt is yet living on Staten Island. ISSUE. 1— ELLEN VANDERBILT,9 b. July 31, 1838, m. Herman D. Caesar. ISSUE. 1— Philip V. Caesar,10 b. June 21, 1866. 2— Effie Caesar,10 b. July 17, 1873. 3— Sylvia Caesar,10b. Nov. 22, 1875. 2— CLARA VANDERBILT,? b. March 1, 1847, m. James McNamee, who was born March 31, 1846. 5 ISSUE. 1— Faith McNamee,10 b. June 16, 1870. 2— Jessie McNamee, 10 b. Sept. 11, 1873. 3— James McNamee, Jr.,10 b. Sept. 8, 1875, died Sept. 22, 1875. 4— James Lawrence McNamee, 10 b. April 28, 1883. 3—JAcoB HAND VANDERBILT, JR.,9 b. 1856, m. Mary 31672—SARAH 8b. Jan. 16, 1818, m. Algernon Sidney Collins, May 22, 1839. He died ; Nov. 4, 1847. 816%73—JOHN,8 b. March 7, 1820, m. Lydia Wheeler, March 7, 1844. He was a ship-builder at Goxsackie, N. Y., where he died Jan. 21, 1884. ISSUE. 1—SYLVIA,9 m. Henry Murray, of Chatham, N.Y. 2— LOTTIE,9 m. Everit H. Peake, of Chatham, N. Y., July 4, 1877. 3—HELEN,9 m. John Gardinier, of New York, Sept. 14, 1871. 4—LoUIsA,9 m. Simon Gardinier, of Stuyvesant, N.Y. 5— EFFIE M.,9 m. Martin Hotaling. 81674— ELIZABETH,S b. April 21, 1822, m. Asa Curtis, Aug. 4, 1845, who was born in Stratford, Conn., Dec. 16, 1817. He is a merchant in New York City. ISSUE. 1— WEART PUTNAM CURTIS,? b. May 25, 1846, died Feb. 11, 1875. 2— ALGERNON SIDNEY CURTIS,? b. April 4, 1849, m. Ella H. Jewett. 3— CARLYLE AsA CURTIS,? b. May 25, 1859, m. Mary E. Gibbon. 31675— SAMUELS b. Dec. 29, 1823, m. Charlotte Wheeler. He served in a New York regi- ment during the Civil War. He died Oct., 1873. His widow resides in Albany, N.Y. Eighth Generation ; John® Wiert> Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epke.l 209 ISSUE. 1— WEART,9 b. Aug., 1861, m. Naomi Evans, July 2, 1887. He is an engineer in New York. 2—MARTHA,? b. March 17, 1863. 3—CLARA.Y 4— SARAH,? m. William Detterling, of Dover Plains, N. Y. . 5— EMMA. 31676— WEART,8 b. Jan. 26, 1826, m. Henrietta C. Goodwin. He was an artist, formerly of New York, and afterwards of Stroudsburgh, Pa., where he died Oct. 20, 1892. ISSUE. 1— MAY DaAIsy,9 b. May 6, 1860. 2— WEART CLEVELAND,9 b. June 17, 1862. 3— FLORENCE SILVIA,9 b. June 15, 1864. 4— GOODWIN,? b. March 31, 1868. 5— ALLEN,? b. March 25, 1870. 6— JESSIE ETHEL,9 b. April 23, 1872. 7— ARCHIBALD ROBERT,9 b. Feb. 4, 1877. 81677—LOUISA,S b. April 12, 1828, m. Henry S. Samuels, June 21, 1851. He was born in Bermuda, Aug. 10, 1817, and resided for many years at Clifton, Staten Island, N. Y., where he died Sept. 24, 1892. His widow lives on Staten Island. ISSUE. 1— HAKRY SAMUELS,? b. June 21, 1852. Lives on Staten Island, N. Y. 2— HERBERT SAMUELS,9b. June 4,1856. Lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. 3— HERMAN SAMUELS,? b. April 19, 1858, deceased. 4— FREDERICK SAMUELS, b. March 6, 1862. 5— RALPH SAMUELS,Y b. April 5, 1864. 6— JOHN SAMUELS,Y b. Feb. 1, 1872. 31678—MARTHA PUTNAM, b. June 12, 1830, m. Hermann Richard Baltzer, May 12, 1855. He was born Feb. 6, 1826. ISSUE. '1—CLOTHILDE PUTNAM BALTZER,9 b. June 28, 1856. 2— HELEN VIOLETT BALTZER,9 b. Sept. 12, 1858. 3—LoUIsA MARIE BALTZER,9 b. Aug. 9, 1860. 4— ERNEST VICTOR BALTZER,9 b. Aug. 7, 1863. Cornelius® Hendrick’ Cornelius? Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 1891. HENRY 7 BANTA married at Hackensack, Aug. 2, 1818, Sally Timpson. He was a farmer, residing with his father on the ancestral farm at Sluckup, N. J. (now Spring Valley), where he died Sept. 13, 1821, in the twenty-third year of his age. ISSUE. 3177— CORNELIUS,8 b. March 13, 1819, m. Catherine Terhune, Sept. 30, 1841. They united with the church at Hackensack, April, 1849, and now reside at Spring Valley, N. J., on a part of the original farm of his ancestors. ISSUE. 5150 —SARAH,9 b. Jan. 15, 1843, died Aug. 8, 1845. 5151 —ELLEN,9 b. Sept. 28, 1844, m. John J. De Mott, Dec. 31, 1863. He was born in 1841. They live at West Hackensack. ISSUE. 1— Gertrude De Mott.10 2— Catherine De Mott.10 3— Jane De Mott.10 14 210 Eighth Generation ; Cornelius® Hendrick Cornelius* Jan? Cornelius? Epke. 5152 —LyDIA,9 b. Nov. 28, 1845, m. Benjamin W. Huyler, Dec. 31, 1863. ISSUE. 1— William Huyler.10 2— Catherine Huyler.10 5153 —HENRY,9 b. July 19, 1850, m. Mary Moore, Jan. 20, 1876. ISSUE. John Moore.10 5154 — ABRAHAM,9 b. Nov. 6, 1852, died Nov. 16, 1886. 5155—1.ucAs VOORHEES, b. Aug. 31, 1855, m. Helena Christie, Jan. 20, 1880. She was born Aug. 31, 1855. In 1888 they lived at Walhalla, Oconee County, S. C. ISSUE. 1— Maude W.,10 b. Nov. 16, 1880. 2— Edith,10b. Oct. 5, 1882. 3— Cornelia H.,10 b. April 14, 1884. 5156— SARAH EL1ZABETH,? b. Aug. 18, 1857, m. George A. De Baun, Dec. 11, 1878. ISSUE. 1— Conrad F. De Baun,10 b. July 30, 1879. 2— John De Baun,!0 b. August, 1881. 3— Henry C. De Baun,10 b. July 17, 1883. 4— Margaret De Baun.10 8178 — LYDIA VAN SAUN,8 b. Sept. 15, 1821, m. James G. Cadmus, Oct. 24, 1839. They reside at Clifton, Passaic County, N. J. ISSUE. 5157 — SARAH ELIZABETH CADMUS,? b. Dec. 22, 1840, m. Jacob W. Van Riper, Nov. 13, 1861. ISSUE. 1— Walling Van Riper,10 b. Feb. 10, 1864. 2— James Cadmus Van Riper,10 b. July 4, 1869. 5158 — GARRET J. CADMUS,9 b. Dec. 25, 1843, m. Agnes Ann Outwater, Nov. 10, 1875. ISSUE. Mary Elizabeth Cadmus,10 b. Feb. 5, 1877. 5159 — EMMA CADMUS,9 b. Aug. 11, 1850, m. Adam Hopper, Oct. 20, 1875. ISSUE. 1— Lida Cadmus Hopper,10 b. June 1, 1878. 2— Edna E. Hopper,10 b. Feb. 24, 1883. 5160 — HENRY BANTA CADMUS,? b. April 14, 1859. 5161 — HARRIET CADMUS,? b. June 13, 1862, m. William Henry Brinkerhoff, Jan. 18, 1887. John® Hendrick? Cornelius* Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.! 1898. HENRY 7 BANTA married Catherine Low, Dec. 9, 1820. She was born May 16, 1801, and died July 10, 1886. He was a farmer and lived near Boonton, N. J. His children were baptized at the Reformed Church at Boonton. He died August 14, 1879. His will was probated in Morris County, N. J., Sept. 13, 1879. Eighth Generation ; John Hendrick® Cornelius Jan® Cornelius? Epke.l 211 ISSUE. 8179 — ISAAC VAN SAUN,$8 b. March 29, 1821, married first, Louise Smith; and again, Anna Maria Beach. He was a farmer, living near Boonton, N. J., where he died Sept. 8, 1870. ISSUE. 1—ANNA LOUISA.9 2— HENRY SMITH.9 3180 —RACHEL,8 b. Sept. 3, 1824, unmarried. Lives at Boonton. 3181 —JANE,S8 b. Feb. 20, 1827, m. John Stone. She died Feb. 17, 1871. ISSUE. 1— HENRY STONE.9 2—LouIsA STONE,? m. Philip D. Estler. 3182 — JOHN,8 b. Sept. 27, 1829, m. Elizabeth Eleanor Van Duyne. She died Oct., 1892. He is a farmer and miller at Boonton, N. J. ISSUE. 1— RACHEL MILDRED,? b. Jan. 21, 1863, m. Frederick Weigand, Nov., 1891. 2— JoHN VORHIS,Y b. May 26, 1872. 3—GEORGE E.,9 b. Jan. 7, 1876. 3183 —ELIZABETH,8 b. Nov. 21, 1831, m. Daniel D. Tompkins. 3184 —EDWARD,8 b. Aug. 6, 1833, m. Mary Caroline Osborn. He is a farmer at Boonton, N. J. ISSUE. 1— CHARLES,? m. Ida M. Culvert, Nov., 1889. 2— WALTER,? m. Lena De Hart, March, 1888. 3—ELInvu.? 3185 —CATHERINE,8 b. March 9, 1837, m. Horace N. Van Duyne. ISSUE. 1— FREEMAN H. VAN DUYNE,9 m. Mamie Crane, 1886. 2— HATTIE M. VAN DUYNE,? m. William Smith, 1891. 3186 — JEREMIAH,8 b. Sept. 11, 1843. He is a farmer at Boonton, N. J. 8187 — HENRY,8 b. Dec. 26, 1846, m. Susan G.- Martin. He is a farmer in Boonton, N. J. ISSUE. 1—ANNA L.,9 b. June 5, 1865, died Dec. 23, 1884. 2— FRANK N.,9 b. Feb. 20, 1869, m. Dora Vreeland, Nov., 1892. 3— HATTIE E.,9b. Feb. 14, 1874. 4— RHODA M.,9 b. June 12, 1878. 1894. JANE7 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, N. J., April 1, 1820, Abraham J. Demarest, who was born March 12, 1796, and died May 2, 1888. She died Febru- ary 17, 1371, ISSUE. rr 1. Maria V. Wood, March 6, 1847 ; 3188 — JACOB A. DEMAREST,S b. Jan. 15, 1821, m. : bg Ll eg ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5162 —JoHN HENRY DEMAREST,? b. August 24, 1851, m. Sarah Jane Vreeland, August 8, 1874. 5163 — ROBERT S. DEMAREST, b. March g, 1853, m. Mary Fowler, Feb. 22, 1878. ISSUE. Henry J. Demarest,10 b. June 28, 1879. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5164 — KaTie DEMAREST,? b. Sept. 6, 1865, died July 24, 1866. 5165— MARIA JANE DEMAREST,9 b. Jan. 11, 1868, died July 22, 1868. 212 Eighth Generation; Fohn® Hendrick® Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epke.! 3189 — JOHN A. DEMAREST,8 b. Jan. 17, 1823, m. Hester Demarest, March 27, 1851. He died Nov. 6, 1878. No issue. 3190 — DAVID DEMAREST,8 b. April 10, 1825, m. Annie Thorpe, Dec. 30, 1848. No issue. 8191 — HENRY BANTA DEMAREST,8 b. Dec. 30, 1827, m. Fanny Conklin, Sept. 5, 1857. ISSUE. 5166 — HESTER DEMAREST,? b. July 2, 1858. 5167 — ANNIE DEMAREST, b. Nov. 4, 1860. 8192 — HELEN ANN DEMAREST,8 b. June 29, 1830, m. Samuel J. Demarest, Sept. 19, 1850. ISSUE. 5168 —ABRAHAM S. DEMAREST,? b. July 8, 1851, m. Eliza Jane Doremus, April 28, 1875. ISSUE. Leroy A. Demarest,10 b. June 19, 1885. 5169 — Francis M. DEMAREST,9 b. Nov. 29, 1854, m. Mary Ellen Furman, July 4, 1880. ISSUE. Francis Edward Demarest,10 b. May 3, 1881. 5170 — RACHEL JANE DEMAREST? b. Aug. 9, 1857, m. John A. Westervelt, May 17, 1881. 5171 —DAvID N. DEMAREST,?b. Jan. 25, 1862, m. Alice Blauvelt, July 29, 1884. ISSUE. Veda Demarest, 10 b. Dec. 21, 1885. 5172 — CARRIE DEMAREST,? b. Sept. 29, 1868. 5173 — WILLIE L. DEMAREST,? b. Sept. 29, 1868, died June 26, 1869. 5174 —JAacoB I. DEMAREST,? b. Nov. 20, 1870. 5175-— NELLIE DEMAREST.? b. Sept. 21, 1873. 3193 — MARIA JANE DEMAREST,$ b. July 27, 1833, m. John Blauvelt, Dec. 23, 1852. ISSUE. 5176-— SARAH BLAUVELT,? b. Jan. 3, 1854, m. William E. Middleton, Nov. 1, 1882. ISSUE. 1— Clarence Landon Middleton,10 b. Sept. 5, 1883. 2— Viola Middleton,10 b. Oct. g, 1884, died Feb. 23, 1886. 3— Virginia Blauvelt Middleton,10 b. July 3, 1886. 5177 — JANE ANN BLAUVELT,9 b. Aug. 19, 1855. 5178 — EMELINE BLAUVELT,? b. Oct. 12, 1857, died May 29, 1859. 5179 — Lizzie BLAUVELT,? b. Sept. 2, 1859. 5180 — JAMES NELSON BLAUVELT,? b. Oct. 7, 1862. 5181 — CORNELIA BLAUVELT,? b. Nov. 19, 1864. 5182 — HELENA BLAUVELT,? b. Sept. 27, 1867, died March 22, 1872. 5183 — JoHN A. BLAUVELT,? b. July 21, 1870, died Nov. 30, 1870. 5184 — REGINALD TILGHMAN BLAUVELT,? b. April 7, 1875. 3194 — ELIZABETH DEMAREST,8 b. Dec. 7, 1836, m. Albert F. Haring, Jan. 21, 1860. He was born Oct. 22, 1835. : ISSUE. 5185 — MARY HARING,9 b. Oct. 13, 1861, m. Joseph J. Marsh, March 3, 1885. ISSUE. Edward J. Marsh,10 b. April 8, 1886. 5186 — EDWIN A. HARING,9 b. Nov. 8, 1876. 3195 — ISAAC DEMAREST,S b. Jan. 23, 1839, m. Henrietta Hoburn, April 13, 1884. Eighth Generation ; Fohn® Hendrick® Cornelius* Jan? Cornelius? Epkel 213 ISSUE. 5187 —HiLAH DEMAREST,? b. Nov. 14, 1886. 3196 —ABRAHAM DEMAREST,8 b. June 7, 1841, m. 4934 Elizabeth8 Banta, Dec. 30, 1865. ? No issue. Gilbert® Hendrick? Corneliust Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 1900. HENDRICKY7 (“Rick”) BANTA, married at Hackensack, Dec. 30, 1820," Elizabeth Cooper, second daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Cooper. She was born Dec. 13, 1800, and died March 13, 1858. He died May 29, 1861. ISSUE. 3198 — GILBERT,8 b. Dec. 8, 1822, m. Agnes Westervelt, Aug. 7, 1851. He died in 1883, at Hoboken, N. J. 3199 — ELIZA 8 b. Nov. 12, 1824, m. Isaac J. Bogert, May 25, 1843. 8200 — JACOB,8 b. April 23, 1827. Died in Newark, N. J. 3201 —MARGARET,8 b. Oct. 7, 1830, m. Jacob S. Lozier, Aug., 1849. a : § 1. William I. Demarest, Feb. 17, 1853; 3202—LEAHS8b. April 7, 1832, m. { 2. Henry J. Brinkerhoff, June 16, 1859. 3203 — HANNAH,8 b. Aug. 3, 1834, m. David J. Demarest, March 23, 1853. 3204— RACHEL,8 b. April 10, 1839, m. Jacob C. Brinckerhoff, June 2, 1860. 3205 — HENRY,8 b. April 15, 1842. Was a surveyor. Died in Newark, N. J. 1903. JACOB7 BANTA, married at Saddle River, N. J., May 15, 1833, Williamse Ackerman, who was born Jan. 5, 1815, and died Aug. 14, 1844. He died June 4, 1362. ISSUE. 3214—GILBERT,8 b. April 3, 1835, m. Christiana Brinckerhoff, May 10, 1855. They are living at Englewood, N. J. ISSUE. 51871 — RALPH BRINCKERHOFF,? m. Leah C. Blauvelt, Jan. 1, 1881. They live at Highland, N. J. : ISSUE. 1— Cora,10 b. Feb. 15, 1884. 2— John R.,10 b. May 29, 1886. 3215—ABRAHAM,8 b. April 15, 1837, m. Mary C. Vanderbeck. They live at Spring Valley, N. J., on a part of the original farm of his ancestors. ISSUE. 5188 — WILHELMINE,? b. June 19, 18—, m. John H. Christie, Feb. 3, 1886. 5189 — RAYMOND VANDERBECK,? b. May 3, 1869. 5190 —MARGARETTA,? b. May 23, 1878. Daniel ® Hendrick? Cornelius? Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.! 1908.2 ELIZA7 BANTA, married at the Greenwich Reformed Church, New York, Jan. 31, 1824, Henry Mabie. ISSUE. 8220 — DANIEL MABIE,S b. Dec. 4, 1824, m. Josephine Demarest. ISSUE. 5191 — GEORGE MABIE.? 5192 — JOHN JACOB MABEIE.9 5193 —MYERS MABIE.? 5194 — JOSEPHINE MABIE.9 214 Eighth Generation ; Daniel Hendricks Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epke.! 3221 — MARGARET MABIE,S died at the age of 15 years. 3222 — MARIA MABIE,S m. John Demarest. 8223 — PETER MABIE,8 m. Ann Eliza Wolfkill. ISSUE. 5195 — GEORGE MABIE.9 5196 — ERNEST MABIE.9 3224 — LYDIA MABIE,S b. Aug. 27, 1834, m. Hezekiah Alberts, of Moonachie, N. J. ISSUE. 5197 — JOHN ALBERTS.? 5198 — ANN ALBERTS.Y 3225— ANN MABIE,S m. Henry Herring. ISSUE. 5199 — MARGARET HERRING.9 5200 — JoHN ALBERT HERRING.9 5201 —LiBBIE HERRING.9 1908.3 JOHN BARTHOLF7 BANTA married, Nov. 21, 1833, Catharine Cooper, daughter of Albert Cooper and Mary Ackerman. She was born at Milford, N. J., Sept. 17, 1817, and died Jan. 5, 1874. His second wife was Ellen Conklin, a widow. She died August, 1880, without issue. He was a carman for a number of years in New York, living in Morton Street. He returned to Hackensack, where he died Nov. 22, 18go. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 8226 — DANIEL, b. Aug. 28, 1834, m. Rachel Stimus, June 17, 1857. She was born 1837. He was a carman, living at No. 10 Cornelia St., N. Y. He died Nov. 27, 1884. His widow still resides in New York. ISSUE. 5202 — JonN GRIFFITH,? b. Aug. 21, 1858, m. Rosa J. Newcomb, Oct. 29, 1884. He is a carpenter, and lives in New York City. ISSUE. Griffith N.,10 b. Nov. 12, 1885. 5203 — STEPHEN S.,9 b. Aug. 2, 1860, m. Mary F. Seward, June 13, 1883. He is a plumber in New York City. 3227 — ALBERT ]J.,8b. Aug. 24, 1838, m. Joan Beers, of Bridgeport, Conn. Henry ® Hendrick? Cornelius! Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! 1917. HENRY? BANTA married, June 29, 1839, Anna Maria Williams, who was born Jan. 27, 1822, and died March 15, 1887. He is a farmer, living at West- wood, N. J., in 1890. ISSUE. 3235— ELIZA DEMAREST,S b. Sept. 19, 1840, m. Peter Duryea, Jr., Dec. 5, 1858. He lives at Nanuet, N.Y. She died Sept., 1886. ISSUE. CHARLES EDWARD DURYEA,? b. Aug. 18, 1863. 3236— JANE MARIA,S b. Sept. 5, 1842, m. Jeremiah Carlock, April 7, 1860. They live in Greenville, N. J. Eighth Generation; Henry® Hendrick Cornelius* Fan? Cornelius? Epkel 215 ISSUE. 5206 — MARIA ANNA CARLOCK,? b. 1861. 5207 —JouN EpwIN CARLOCK,9 b. 1863. 5208 —ScHUYLER CARLOCK,? b. 1870. 5209 — RACHEL JANE CARLOCK,? b. 1872. 5210 — CHARLES CARLOCK,9 b. 1882. 8237 — HENRY SCHUYLER,S b. Sept. 18, 1844, m. Catherine Lavinia Yeury, May 19, 1867. She was born at Saddle River, May 31, 1848. They live at Westwood, N. J. ISSUE. 5211—1IpA,9 b. May 27, 1869. 3238 — LAURA ZABRISKIE,8 b. March 16, 1846, died Feb. 7, 1850. 3239 — CATHARINE ANN,8 b. April 22, 1848, m. John V. B. Terhune, Sept. 16, 1868. They live at Hawthorne, N. J. ISSUE. 5212 — LAURA TERHUNE,? b. July 2, 1869. 3240 — GARRET HOPPER,8 b. July 17, 1849, died Feb. 14, 1850. 8241 — BENJAMIN DURYEA,8 b. Jan. 14, 1851, died Oct. 3, 1856. 8242 — GARRET LYDECKER,8 b. April 13, 1852, m. Carrie Bell, May 17, 1886. She died December, 1886. 8243 —EDWARD CALVIN,S b. Jan. 24, 1854, m. Minnie Armstrong, June 5, 1878. They live at Pascack, N. J. : ISSUE. 5218 — HERBERT, b. March, 1880. 5219 — EDWARD CALVIN, Jr.,9 b. Dec. 15, 1832. 5220 — HowARD (or Henry) GouGH,9 b. March, 1885. 3244 — ALICE LAVINIA Sb. Jan. 14, 1855. 8245— EMMA LOUISA,8 b. April 6, 1856, m. John Naugle, Oct. 19, 1876. They live at Ridgewood, N. J. ISSUE. ARTHUR NAUGLE,? b. 1883. 8246 — BENJAMIN,8 b. May 12, 1860, m. Sarah E. McCasker, April 15, 1885. They live at Collignon's Mills, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. GEORGE ELMER,9 b. 1887. 3247 — CHARLES AUGUSTUS,8 b. June 17, 1861, died Oct. 7, 1861. Cornelius® Jacob? Cornelius! Jacob? Cornelius? Epke.! 1929. ELIZA JANE7 BANTA married at Acquackenonck, Dec. 31, 1834, John J. McCleece. She died Oct. 3, 1848. The children named below were baptized at Acquackenonck, N. J. ISSUE. 8253 — CORNELIUS McCLEECE,3 b. Nov. 18, 1836, m. Helen A. Van Riper, December, 1860. No issue. 3254— JAMES McCLEECE,S b. July 2, 1838, m. Kate B. Smith, April 4, 1867. She wa born in Brooklyn, N. Y. They live in Franklin, N. J. ISSUE. 5226 — ELBERT W. MCCLEECE,? b. March 19, 1872. 5227 — JAMES H. McCLEECE,9 b. Oct. 2, 1875. 216 Eighth Generation; Cornelius Jacob® Cornelius* Jacob? Cornelius? Epke.l 3255— ELIZABETH McCLEECE,S b. Feb. 18, 1840, m. Henry Brown, May 23, 1860. They live in Bloomfield, N. J. ISSUE. 5228 — JAMES C. BROWN,9 b. Jan. 19, 1861, m. Susan De Hart. ISSUE. Sophia D. Brown,10 b. March 2g, 1885. 5229 — EVERETT H. BROWN,9 b. Nov. 28, 1868. 3256 — CHRISTINA McCLEECE,8 b. June 22, 1841, m. Frederick Greenwood, Aug., 1878. 3257 — LAVINA McCLEECE,S b. Oct. 3, 1842, m. William H. Cadmus, June, 1865. She died August 9, 1865. 3258 — MARY MATILDA McCLEECE,S b. Sept. 18, 1844, m. Ambrose F. Harvey, Oect., 1869. ISSUE. 5230 — LAVINA F. HARVEY,9 b. Sept. 24, 1871. 52831 — CLAUDE W. HARVEY,9 b. Sept. 14, 1873, died Dec. 2, 1886. 5232 —C. ALLEN HARVEY,? b. April, 1876. 1930. JOHN7 BANTA married, June 13, 1844, Rachel Ann Frederick, who was born July 15, 1824. He died October 31, 1852. ISSUE. 3259 — JANE ANN,8b. May 14, 1845, died Feb. 17, 1870. 3260 — WM. HENRY,8 b. Oct. 27, 1847, m. Mary Catherine Preston, Dec. 21, 1871. She was born Aug. 14, 1846. They live at Franklin, Essex County, N. J. ISSUE. 5233 — HENRY FREDERICK,9 b. July 15, 1873. 5234 — AMELIA GLAsS,9 b. Sept. 18, 1875. 5235 — JANE ANN,9 b. April 4, 1877. 5236 — LoTTIE MAY,9 b. Oct. 7, 1879. 5237 — RACHEL ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 25, 1882. 5238 —FANNIE,? b. Jan. 17, 1885. 3261 —SARAH MATILDA,8 b. March 3, 1850, died Nov. 2, 1851. 3262 — CATHARINE MARIA,8 b. Aug. 2, 1852, died July 25, 1853. Jacob? Jacob? Corneliust Jacob3 Cornelius? Epke.! 1937. JACOB ]J.7" BANTA married, October 22, 1845, Hannah Catharine Froeligh, who was born at Saugerties, N. Y., July 20, 1824, and died February 1, 1892. He is in the real estate business in New York City. ISSUE. 3266— MARY E.,8b. June 2, 1847, m. James Morrison, Dec. 30, 1875. ISSUE. 5239 — JosepH T. MORRISON,9 b. Oct. 18, 1876. 5240 — JAMES MORRISON,9 b. Aug. 20, 1878. 3267 —HARRIET C.,8 b. Oct. 12, 1851, m. David McClunham, Oct. 30, 1873. ISSUE. . 5241 — JAMES M. McCLUNHAM,? b. Sept. 13, 1875. 8268 —SUSAN A.,8b. Nov. 1, 1855, m. George B. Shaw, June 18, 1874. Eighth Generation ; Facob$ Facob® Corneliust Facob? Cornelius? Epke.t 217 ISSUE. 5242 — GRACE GREENWOOD SHAW,9 b. June 23, 1875. 5243 —MAUDE M. SHAW,9 b. June 20, 1878. 3269 — EUGENE ].,8 b. Feb. 12, 1858. 1939. RACHEL MATILDA? BANTA married Martin A. Scott. He was an engineer, and resided for many years at Greytown, Central America. His widow now lives in Hackensack, N. J. ISSUE. 8270 — CHARLES D. SCOTT,8 b. Sept. 16, 1851, m. Frances E. M. Salter, Nov. 21, 1874. She was born at Greytown, Oct. 10, 1855. They live at Greytown, Central America. ISSUE. 5245 — FRANCIS PERCY ScorT,? b. Feb. 20, 1876. 5246 — Louis MARTIN ScoTT,9 b. Feb. 8, 1877. 524% — FLORENCE EDpITH MAUD ScoTT,? b. June 24, 1878. 5248 — CHARLES EMANUEL ScoTT,9 b. July 28, 1880. 5249 — RACHEL MAY ScorT,? b. Aug. 5, 1885. 3271 — WILLIAM HENRY,S b. Sept. 15, 1853, died Sept. 16, 1853. 3272 — WALTER M. 8 b. Oct. 12, 1835. 8273 —MARY ].,8 b. Sept. 18, 1858, died April 30, 1866. 3274 — LOUIS PERCY,8b. Jan. 19, 1864, died April 11, 1866. 3275—IDA SCOTT,S b. April 12, 1867, died April 30, 1867. 1940. JAMES HEATON? BANTA married, November 4, 1851, Harriet Amelia Bell, daughter of John Bell, of Piermont, N. Y., who was born March 7, 1832. He is a carpenter, living at Tenafly, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. 82751 — GEORGE WASHINGTON,8 b. Oct. 4, 1852, m., June 15, 1881, Margaret Adaline Haring. He is a carpenter at Sparkill, N. Y. ISSUE. 1—ED1TH HARING, b. July 5, 1883, died in infancy. 2—FLoYD,? b. April 3, 1891. 32752— WILLIAM AUGUSTUS,8 b. May 19, 1856. 32753— WALTER SCOTT,8 b. April 2, 1858, m. Rebecca H. Devoe, Nov. 6, 1878. He is a carpenter at Tappan, N. Y. ISSUE. 1— OSCAR DEVOE,? b. Sept. 26, 1880. 2—LILA,9 b. Aug. 6, 1884. 3—EDNA,9 b. Sept. 15, 1886. 82754— ANNA MARY,S b. April 7, 1861, m. William Post Haring, of Piermont, N.Y. Feb. 10, 1892. 1941. JOHN ].7 BANTA, of Hackensack, married, May 12, 1856, Margaretta Demarest. He was formerly a farmer, then held a position in the Custom House, and now resides in Hackensack, N. J., where he is on the police force. ISSUE. 3276 — WILLIAM WILLIAMS,S b. July 20, 1857, m. Emma Hopper, Nov. 24, 1885. Is a school teacher at Hillsdale, N. J., (1889). 3977 —DAVID DEMAREST,S b. Nov. 3, 1859, m. Lelith Stults, Dec. 25, 1885. They live in Stockton, Cal. ISSUE. 5250 — CLARE? b. Dec. 22, 18386. 218 Eighth Generation ; Facob® Facob> Cornelius* Facob? Cornelius? Epke.! 3278 —MARY LOUISE,8 b. March 19, 1861. 3279 —ELMER ELSWORTH,8 b. Nov. 2, 1864. 3280 — HERBERT,8 b. Feb. 7, 1871. 3281 — ANNA,8 b. May 21, 1872. 3282 — ELIZABETH, b. April 27, 1875. Albert$ Jacob’ Corneliust Jacob? Cornelius? Epke.! 1956. WILLIAM SAYRE7 BANTA married, March 1, 1852, Mary Jane Torbett, who was born November 4, 1829. He was a produce merchant in New York. He died in New York City, April 21, 1872. His widow is living in Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE. 8314 — ALBERT ZABRISKIE,2 b. Jan. 22, 1854, m. Lulu Daggett, Jan. 22, 1883. She was born Feb. 7, 1871; is a daughter of Thomas West Daggett and Mary Ann Tillman. He is a farmer, residing in Horry County, South Carolina. ISSUE. THEODORE MELVIN,? b. Feb. 27, 1891. 3315 — WILLIAM SAYRE, b. May 30, 1855. He has the agency in New York of several large fire insurance companies. 3316 — CHARLES JOSEPH, b. Feb. 2, 1857, died Jan. 17, 1862. 3317 — MARY ISABEL,8 b. Nov. 9, 1858, died Feb. 3, 1862. 3318 —ANNIE ELIZABETH,8 b. April 30, 1861. 3319 — CHARLES JOSEPH,8 b. Oct. 18, 1864. Resides in South Carolina. 3320 — MARY ISABEL,S b. May 26, 1866, died April 22, 1867. 1957. JACOB CALVIN? BANTA, married in New York, Jan. 2, 1853, Sarah Ann Hopper. He is a photographer at Vineland, N. J. ISSUE. 3321 —FANNY,8 b. Aug. 11, 1855, died March 21, 1858. 3322 — LILLIE, b. Dec. 19, 1858, m. David J. Wingfield, June 30, 1880. He is a photographer in Wilmington, Delaware. ISSUE. 1— HAROLD WINGFIELD,9 b. May 7, 1881. 2— SARAH MAY WINGFIELD,Y b. July 23, 1884, died Nov. 18, 1884. 3—DAvID COLBERT WINGFIELD,9 b. Dec. 12, 1888. 1959. THEODORE MELVIN? BANTA married in New York, Feb. 17, 1862, Cornelia Crane, who was born Feb. 14, 1843. He entered the College of the City of New York at its opening, January, 1849, and completed a two-year course. He was an accountant for several years. In April, 1858, he took charge of the actuarial work of the New-York Life Insurance Company, and in 1863 became Cashier of that company, which position he yet occupies. He is Secretary of The Holland Society of New York. Is also a member of the St. Nicholas and Huguenot Societies, the New York and Long Island Historical Societies, the New York Genealogical and Biographical So- ciety, and of the American Historical Association. Is a fellow of the American Geographical Society. Has been for twenty years Superintendent of the Sunday- School of the Marcy Avenue Baptist Church of Brooklyn —the largest in the State, — and President of the Board of Trustees of that Church. Has been President of the Baptist Social Union of Manhattan, and Treasurer of the Baptist Social Union of Brooklyn. RA A OOSTERBIERUM, FRIESLAND. Eighth Generation ; AlbertS Facob® Cornelius* Facob® Cornelius? Epkel 219 ISSUE. 3323 —ARELEE,S b. Sept. 2, 1863, died Feb. 20, 1864. Bez Mave b. May 1, 1865. Was graduated from Wellesley College, Mass., in Class of 1889. 3228 ErrIRs b. Oct. 3, 1867. Was graduated from Wellesley College, Mass., in Class of 1891. 1960. MARY CAROLINE? BANTA married Robert G. Cornell, for many years a commission merchant in New York, where they still reside. He is a Deacon of the Baptist Church of the Epiphany, has been President of the Baptist City Mission So- ciety, and Treasurer of the Southern New York Baptist Association. ISSUE. 3220 —THPODORY: BANTA CORNELL,S b. Jan. 23, 1861, m. Augusta Morton, Dec. 22, 1891. 3327 — CARRIE CORNELL, b. June 19, 1864. 8328 — GRACIE SAYRE CORNELL,8 b. Feb. 19, 1866, m. James Bull, Dec. 15, 1890. 3329 — MARY CORNELL, b. Sept. 6, 1868. 3330— ROBERT GWYER CORNELL, JR.,8b. Sept. 13, 1875. 3331 —BESSIE CORNELL, b. Sept. 19, 1878. Abraham Abram?® Samuel¢ Abraham3 Cornelius? Epke.! 2030. ABRAHAM? BANTA married at Ramapo, April 5, 1840, Mrs. Margaret Van Horn, who was born May 21, 1820. They live at Ramapo, N. Y., where she united with the Reformed Church in 1852. ISSUE. 3358 — WILLIAM,8 b. Feb. 19, 1841, m. Elizabeth Mason, May 1, 1862. She was born Aug. 4, 1845. They live at Mahwah, N. J. ISSUE. 5273 —SArRAH C.,9 b. July 10, 1863, m. John S. Rowe, 1889. 5274 — WiLLIAM C.,9 b. July 24, 1865. 5275 —ABRAM,9 b. Nov. 28, 1867. 52'76— ALBERT,9 b. June 27, 1872. 5277 —PETER G.,9 b. Aug. 22, 1874, died April 26, 1879. 5278 —MAY,9 b. April 27, 1877. 5279 — GEORGE W.,9 b. May 21, 1879. 5280 — LILLIE,9 b. April 19, 1880. 5281 — FRANKLIN P.,9 b. Sept. 3, 1831. 5282 — EVERETT R.,9 b. Aug. 30, 1882. 5283 —BLANCHE E.,% b. March 31, 1885. 3359 — EMMA, 8 b. March 15, 1847, m. John Valentine, April, 1866. 8360— SARAH CORNELIA,8 b. Oct. 28, 1850, m. Peter C. Kemp, Oct., 1868. She died Oct. 1, 1360. 3361 —ABRAM,8 b. Feb. 17, 1855, m. Sophia Van Dien, Feb. 1874. CHAPTER XXI. EIGHTH GENERATION. James$ Simon® Seba! Arie? Seba? Epke.! 2105. JAMES? BANTA married Hannah Westwood Williamson, daughter of Rev. Moses Henry Williamson, a Scotch Presbyterian Minister, of Berwick-on-Tweed, Scotland. He was a millwright at Utica, and at Rochester, New York, where the following named children were born. 220 Eighth Generation; FamesS Simon Seba* Arie3 Seba? Epke.l ISSUE. 3422 — JOHN HILL WILLIAMSON,8 b. July 16, 1844, m. Rachel E. Dusenberry. She was born in New York, July 7, 184-. He is an editorial writer and compiler, living in Brooklyn, N. Y. Ci pa a Sa SE ISSUE. 5285 —JoHN WILLIAM,9 b. Sept. 1, 1870. 5286 — RACHEL MARIAN,9 b. March 30, 1872. 5287 — MARY ELIZABETH,? b. Jan. 8, 1875. 5288 — HARRY VAN CoTT,9 April 20, 1879. 5289 — GEORGE ALONZ0,9 b. Sept. 22, 1882. 3423 — MARION MATILDA, b. March 17, 1847, m. Frank Biznett. They live at North Raisinville, Mich. 3424 — ELLEN THEODOSIA,8 b. 1850, died in infancy. 2111. ANDREW J.” BANTA married, January 1, 1861, Mary Franklin. They are living at Warkworth, Ontario. ISSUE. 3432 — JAMES F.,8 b. Sept. 18, 1861, m. Laura Bunnil, Sept. 18, 1882. ISSUE. DELL,? b. Feb. 9, 1886. 3433 — THEODOSIA A.,8b. Jan. 12, 1863, m. Charles, W. Maidens, Feb. 11, 1885. 3434 — EMILY,8 b. Nov. 27, 1864, m. Walter A. McKenzie, April 24, 1830. ISSUE. JAMES McKENZIE,9 b. July 19, 1882. 3435— MARY ELIZABETH,8 b. Feb. 10, 1867. 8436 — ANNIE EDITH,8 b. Jan. 16, 1869. 8437 — ANDREW ]J., Jr.,8b. Feb. 18, 1872. 3438 — GEORGE COOPER,8 b. July 19, 1878, died Dec. 6, 1878. Samuel ® Samuel’ Seba! Dirck? Seba? Epke.! - 2179. SAMUEL S.7 BANTA married at Schraalenburgh, Nov. 8, 1823, Belitje (Belinda) Bogert, who was born Feb. 1, 1807, and died March 31, 1886. In 1840 they were members of the church in Schraalenburgh. He died in New York June 28, 1857. ISSUE. 8507 —LEAH,8 b. Jan. 8, 1826, m. Henry Haring. 3508 — ALBERT S.,8b. Oct. 16, 1827, m. Eliza Demarest, May 20, 1848. She was born in New York Nov. 3, 1828. He is a stair builder in New York City. ISSUE. 58384 — SARAH JANE,9 b. Nov. 28, 1849, died July 23, 1851. 5385 — EMMA ADELIA,9 b. May 1, 1852, died April 21, 1853. 5386 — FRANCIS MARION,9 b. Feb. 14, 1854, m. Mary Struthers Walter, June 18, 1885. He is a physician in New York. ISSUE. Ronald F.,10 b. April 15, 1886. 5387 — EMMA JANE,9 b. Aug. 18, 1858, m. Delos Palmer, June 15, 1882. 3509 —SAMUEL,8 b. March g, 1830, m. Jane Coleman. He was a carpenter. He died May 27, 1859. 8510 — SOPHIA,8 b. March 16, 1832, m. Cyrus E. Personette, June 6, 1850. He was born March 7, 1828. They live in New York. Eighth Generation ; Samuel® Samueld Sebat Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 221 ISSUE. 5388 — ANNA AMELIA PERSONETTE,? b. April 12, 1854, m. John Doty. ISSUE. Personette Doty,10 b. March 14, 1879. 5389 —LIONETTE AGNITA PERSONETTE,? b. April 24, 1857, m. William S. Hillman. 5390 — SAMUEL BANTA PERSONETTE,Y b. April 14, 1861, died Jan. 23, 1887. 5391 — CHARLOTTE SOPHIA PERSONETTE,? b. July 19, 1863, died July 16, 1864. 3511 —EUPHEMIA,8 b. Oct. 13, 1833, died Aug. 30, 1834. 3512 —ANNA,8 b. Oct. 20, 1836, died Sept, 5, 1853. 8513 —SARAH JANE,S b. April 18, 1841, died Nov. 31, 1846. 3514 —PRISCILLA,8 b. Jan. 23, 1846, died July 12, 1846. 3515 —MARGARETTA,8 b. Jan. 23, 1846, died June 23, 1846. 3516 —AARON,8 b. April 15, 1847, m. Hattie Britton, Oct. 6, 1869. He was living in New York in 18go. ISSUE. 5392 — LILLIAN VIOLA.9 2183. GERRIT S.7 BANTA married Sallie Brinkerhoff, who was born May 11, 1810, and died Sept. 13, 1877. They were members of the church at Schraalenburgh,- and lived at Englewood, N. J. He died Aug. 4, 1884. ISSUE. 8520 — JOHN G.,8 b. May 21, 1829, m. Lavina Demarest, May 1, 1852. They live at Engle- wood, N. J. ISSUE. 5394 — GARRET ]J.,9 b. 1856, m. Ann Elizabeth Durie, April 21, 1886. ISSUE. Rachel Ann,10 b. Nov. 20, 1886. 3521 —LEAH,8 b. Sept. 10, 1831, m. Nicholas Loder, Jan. 24, 1850. 3522 —SOPHIA,8 b. Dec. 23, 1833, m. Augustus Ackley, Dec. 28, 1854. She died Feb. 24, 1887. No issue. 3523 —BELINDA 8 b. Aug. 6, 1836, m. David Moore. He died July 1, 1887. His widow is living at Leonia, N. J. 3524 —1L.YDIA,8 b. July 2, 1839, m. John S. Edsall, Feb. 25, 1858. He was born in Leonia, N. J., Dec. 14, 1835, where he yet resides. ISSUE. 5395 — LENA EDSALL,9 b. Dec. 6, 1858, m. Abram Christie, Oct. 27, 1880. ISSUE. 1— Jennie Christie, 10 b. Aug. 31, 1881. 2— May Christie, 10 b. March 20, 1884. 5396 — GERTRUDE EDSALL,? b. June 16, 1863. 5397 — MARY AGNES EDSALL,9 b. June 16, 1863. 5398 — SADIE EDSALL,9 b. Nov. 29, 1867. 5399 — CHARLES EDSALL,? b. April 12, 1870. 5400 — GARRET EDSALL,9 b. Oct. 8, 1871. 5401 —AGNES EDSALL,9 b. Aug. 13, 1875. 5402 —LiLLIE MAY EDSALL,9 b. Oct. 4, 1881. 3525 —SAMUEL,8 b. March 26, 1842, married Oct. 16, 1862, Annie Eliza Cooper, daughter of Benjamin Franklin Cooper, who was born Dec. 15, 1846, and died April 6, 1874. He married again, June 5, 1875, Dora B. McCormack. He is a merchant in New York. 222 Eighth Generation ; SamuelS Samuel® Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5403 — ANNIE E. C.,9 b. July 15, 1863, died June 5, 1864. 5404 — BENJAMIN FRANKLIN COOPER,? b. April 6, 1865, m. Cora Anna Bassett, June 19, 1888. He is a grocer in Brooklyn. ISSUE. Benjamin Franklin Cooper, Jr.,10 b. June 9, 1889. 5405 —MINNIE M.,9 b. 1867. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5406 —JouN McC.,9 b. March 30, 1876, died March 21, 1877. 5407 — ANNA M.9 b. 1877. 3526 —DANIEL G.,8 b. March 16, 1845, m. Gussie Decker. 3527 —SARA JANE,S b. May 1, 1848, m. Thaddeus Burr, Feb. 29, 1872. 3528 — MARGARET ANN,8 b. Feb. 1, 1851, m. Ebenezer Bryant, Aug. 16, 1875. They re- side in Brooklyn, N. Y. ISSUE. 5408 — SAMUEL BRYANT,? b. June 18, 1876. 5409 — GEORGE BRYANT,9 b. July 16, 1879. 5410 — LiLy BRYANT,9b. March 27, 1883. 5411 — GRACE BRYANT,9 b. June 15, 1887. Samuel® Dirck’ Seba! Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 2185. ELIZABETH 7 BONTA married in 1815, Alpheus Bemis, who was born Sept. 14, 1790, and died Jan. 19, 1877. She died Aug. 23, 1858. They lived in May- field, New York. ISSUE. 3530 — WILLIAM BEMIS,8 b. 1817, m. Caroline Demorest in 1837. 3531 —SAMUEL BEMIS,8 b. March 11, 1819, m. Marietta Burr, Oct. 18, 1843. She was born in Broadalbin, N. Y., May 1, 1825. ISSUE. 1— MARY C. BEMIS,? b. April 19, 1845. 2—ALPHEUS BEMIS, JR.,9b. Sept. 17, 1847, died May 8, 1848. 3— JAMES A. BEMIS,9 b. June 19, 1849, m. Nellie L. Tomlinson, Jan. 19, 1881. They live in Broadalbin, N. Y. ISSUE. Nellie Belle Bemis, 10 b. Dec. 10, 1881. 4— SARAH EL1zABETH BEMIS? b. Nov. 20, 18571, died June 30, 1866. 83532 —ASENATH BEMIS,8 b. 1821, m. George McCall in 1851. 3533 — MARY BEMIS,8 b. 1823, died in 1825. 3534— MARY ELIZA BEMIS 8 b. 1826, m. William Vail, 1844. They live at Vail's Mills, N.Y. ISSUE. 54111— MARY E. VAIL,9 b. Sept., 1845, died in infancy. 54112— EMILY ELIZABETH VAIL,9 b. April 21, 1847, m. Peter McDermid, Dec. 5, 1866. 54113 — GEORGE VAIL,9 b. April 6, 1849, m. Ida Antoinette Halliday, Dec. 8, 1869. ISSUE. 1— Hattie Vail.10 2— Mollie Vail.10 3— Alpheus Vail.10 Eighth Generation ; Samuel® Dirck® Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 223 54114— WiLLiAM VAIL, Jr.,9 b. April 8, 1851, m. Charlotte Mary Lee, Oct. 17, 1868. ISSUE. 1— Leah Vail, 10 b. Aug. 9, 1869. 2— Lewis Vail, 10 b. Jan., 1872; deceased. 3— Lena Vail, 10 b. Sept., 1875. 4— Clyde Vail, 10 b. Aug. 7, 1877. 54115— FRANCES MARY VAIL,9 b. April 18, 1853, m. John McLaren Kennedy, Jan. 16, 1870. ISSUE. 1 — Archibald Duncan Kennedy,10 b. Feb. 16, 1871. 2— John M. Kennedy, Jr.,10 b. Oct. 8, 1879. 3—George V. Kennedy,10 b. Aug. 8, 1882. oo > 1. Lucy J. Cleveland, Dec. 8, 1375; 54116 —AARON VAIL,9 b. June 18, 1855, m. 3h Ida May Hagadorn, March 19, 1879. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. Lefler Hagadorn Vail.10 54117— CHARLOTTE Lucy VAIL,9 b. Feb. 7, 1858, m. Peter McGlashan, March 8, 1879. ISSUE. George McGlashan,10 b. Nov. 11, 1883. 54118—CAROLINE VAIL,9 b. Jan. 11, 1861, died Oct. 17, 1863. 54119— CHARLES EDWIN VAIL,9 b. July 1, 1863, m. Margaret Deuce, Feb. 27, 1884. ISSUE. 1— Charles Herbert Vail, 10 b. Feb. 28, 1885. 2— Harry Vail, 10 b. July 3, 1886. 541110— HARVEY EUGENE VAIL,9 b. April 24, 1866. 3535 — ABIGAIL BEMIS,8 b. 1828, m. Michael Swobe, 1852. They live in Crete, Nebraska. ISSUE. 541112— CARRIE SWOBE,? b. Jan. 9, 1854, m. William McOmber, Jan. 18, 1877. ISSUE. 1— Frederic McOmber,10 b. July 21, 1878. 2 — Belle McOmber,10 b. March 19, 1880. 3— Frank McOmber,10 b. Nov. 8, 1884. 4— Edward McOmber,10 b. July 28, 1886. 541113 — GODFREY SWOBE,? b. Sept. 22, 1855, died July 22, 1873. 541114 —ALPHEUS SWOBE,9 b. March 7, 1858. 541115— BELL SWOBE,9 b. May 24, 1861, m. Alymer E. Perrott, Aug. 2, 1880. ISSUE. Serena Perrott,10 b. July 2, 1882. 541116— ABIGAIL SWOBE,? b. Oct. 15, 1863, m. Newell Brush, Feb. 7, 1883. ISSUE. Frances May Brush,10 b. May 6, 1885. 541117 —DAvip D. SwoBE,9 b. July 5, 1865. 541118— MARY EMILY SWOBE,9 b. Aug. 24, 1867, m. Noah Artz, March 15, 1885. ISSUE. William Artz,10 b. March 16, 1886. 8536 — WILLARD S. BEMIS,8 b. 1832, m. Elizabeth A. Frederick, 1863. They live in Gloversville, N. Y. 224 Eighth Generation ; Samuel® Dirck Seba Dirck? Seba? Epkel ISSUE. 1— ANNA BEMIs,9 b. 1866, m. H. J. Snow, 1885. 2—LoTTIE BEMIS,? b. 1875. 3— KATIE BEMIS,? b. 1877. 3537 — CATHARINE BEMIS,8 b. July 10, 1836, m. John Blanchard, July 1, 1856. He was born Sept. 22, 1833. They live in Kingsboro, N. Y. ISSUE. 1— EMMA BLANCHARD,9 b. Nov. 18, 1857, m. Eugene Dennie, Dec. 30, 1875. 2— ALBERT BLANCHARD,9 b. Oct. 28, 1859, died Feb. 6, 1861. 3— WATSON BLANCHARD,9 b. May 10, 1861, m. Bell Brooks, Dec. 24, 1880. 4— MARCUS BLANCHARD,9 b. Jan. 1, 1864, m. Matie Brooks, Oct. 15, 1881. 5— HATTIE BLANCHARD,? b. June 14, 1868, m. Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1886. 6— ALBERT BLANCHARD,? b. Jan. 21, 1870. 7— CORA BLANCHARD,9 b. Feb. 6, 1872. 8 —Li1zz1E BLANCHARD,9 b. Dec. 22, 1879, died July 26, 1880. 3538 — EMILY C. BEMIS,8 b. 1838, m. Marcus D. Fonda in 1855. 3539 —MARGARET BEMIS, b. 1841, m. Samuel P. Berry, 1866. 2187. MABEL ANN7 BONTA married in 1830, Hosea Davis, who was born in Granville, Vt., June 1806, and died 1885. She died in 1880. ISSUE. 8540 — GEORGE W. DAVIS Sb. Oct. 30, 1831. 8541 — HOSEA DAVIS, JR.,8 b. Sept. 10, 1835, m. Sally Maria Sowlse, Oct. 17, 1855. She died in 1868, and he married, Jan. 17, 1869, Ann Eliza Steenburgh. They live in Gloversville, N. Y. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5412 — ORCELIA DAVIs,? b. Aug. 25, 1856, died Dec. 23, 1862. 5413 — ORLANDO DAVIS,9 b. Nov. 30, 1857, m. Belle Wilcox, July 11, 1875. He died July 27, 1877. ISSUE. Earl Davis, 10 b. Nov. 8, 1876. 5414 — CHARLES DAVIS,9 b. Oct. 27, 1859, m. Jennie Falvy, Feb. 25, 1880. They live in Gloversville, N. Y. ; ISSUE. Charles J. Davis, 10 b. April 2, 1884. 5415 — MAGGIE A. DAVIS? b. July 27, 1862, m. George Heard, Jan., 1877. They live in Gloversville, N. Y. 3 ISSUE. 1— Annie Heard.10 2— Mabel Heard.10 3—Eva Heard.10 4— George Heard, Jr.10 8542 —HUBERT J. (or Hubbard) DAVIS,8 b. Oct. 28, 1838, m. Helen Warner. He died Sept. 28, 1863. 3543 — CATHARINE DAVIS,8 b. April 19, 1840, m. Harrison Howland, March 10, 1860. They live in Gloversville, N. Y. . ISSUE. 5418 — ADELAIDE HOWLAND,9 b. June 27, 1861, m. Frank Atty, Jan. 12, 1887. 5419 — GEORGE HOWLAND,9 b. July 18, 1864. 5420 — EMMA JANE HOWLAND,9 b. Oct. 25, 1867. 3544— MARGARET E. DAVIS,8 b. March 19, 1845, m. Albert Stowe, Dec. 8, 1866. 3545— ANNIE A. DAVIS,8 b. July 19, 1848, m. Miles Stowe, May 15, 1870. Eighth Generation ; Samuel® Dirck Seba Dirck3 Seba? Epke.) 225 ISSUE. 5421 — FREDERICK B. STOWE,9 b. April 11, 1872. 2189. FANNY 7 BONTA married, June 29, 1834, George W. Whitlock. She died December 3, 1878. In 1887 he was living at Dwight, Illinois. ISSUE. 3546 GEORGE QUINLAN WHITLOCK,8 b. May 12, 1835, m. Helen T. White, Nov. 4, 1869. She was born in Albany, Dec. 28, 1845. They live at Sterling, Nebraska. ISSUE. 5422 — GEORGE WHITE WHITLOCK,9 b. June 16, 1871, died Jan. 29, 1873. 5428 — JouN PORTER WHITLOCK,? b. Nov. 16, 1873. 5424 — HELEN FRANCES WHITLOCK, b. Feb. 22, 1876. 5425 — BENNETT FARLEY WHITLOCK,? b. April 29, 1878. 3547 — MARTHA ANN WHITLOCK,8 b. April 24, 1839, died Nov. 14, 1340. 3548 — CHARLES WHITLOCK,8 b. May 9, 1841, died Oct. 22, 1841. 3549 —SARAH MARIA WHITLOCK,8b. Oct. 2, 1842, m. —— Wilson. ISSUE. 1— EDWARD WILSON.9 2— SARAH WILSON.9 3— BURLIE WILSON.9 35491 —MARTHA ANN WHITLOCK,8 b. Dec. 8, 1844, died Sept. 11, 1851. 8550 — MARY LOUISE WHITLOCK,8 b. Oct. 26, 1846, m. Adolphus W. Davis, Jan. 28, 1869. They live in Davis City, Iowa. ISSUE. 1— MARY HELEN DAvIs,? b. Aug. 28, 1870. 2— ALEXANDER GRANT DAVIS? b. Oct. 29, 1872. 3— BENJAMIN WHITLOCK DAVIS? b. Sept. 7, 1876. 4—MALINA PERMELIA DAVIS,9 b. June 15, 1879. 5— FRANCES MATILDA DAVIS? b. July 24, 1882. 3551 — CATHARINE AMANDA WHITLOCK, b. Feb. 28, 1849, m. Edward Parker, Jan. 26, 1871. They live in Madison, Nebraska. 8552 —MALINA CELESTIAL WHITLOCK,8 b. Feb. 5, 1852, m. John Gallup, Oct. 6, 1874. She died Dec. 19, 1876. 8553 — JOHN FLETCHER WHITLOCK,S b. Feb. 5, 1855. 2193. JOHNT BANTA married, February io, 1842, Hannah Dean, who was born in Providence, Saratoga County, N. Y., March, 1823. He is a minister of the Gospel, living in Abrams, Wisconsin. 15 ISSUE. 3555— DERRICK DEAN,8 b. Aug. 5, 1844. He was living in New York in 1889. 3556— JOHN CLARK,8 b. Dec. 10, 1846, m. Mary Ann Eudelia Hamilton, March 13, 1866. She was born in Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1848. They live in Abrams, Wisconsin. ISSUE. 5426 — WILLIAM ALPHEUS,Y b. May 4, 1868. 5427 — EDWARD LESLIE,? b. Jan. 20, 1871. 5428 — HENRY CLARK,9 b. May 19, 1872, died May 21, 1872. 5429 — ANNIE EDITH,9 b. June 3, 1873. 5430 — MARY ADELL,9 b. Aug. 13, 1876. 5431 — JENNIE DE GOLYER,9 b. Jan. 6, 1878. 5432 — HERBERT DEAN,9 b. Aug. 16, 1879. 5433 —HoRACE CLINTON,9 b. Aug. 24, 1880. 5434 — MARGARET KATE,9 b. May 3, 1882, died Oct. 8, 1882. 5435 — SAMUEL WILLARD,? b. July 7, 1883, died May 12, 1884. 5436 — NELLIE ELIZABETH? b. Oct. 15, 1884, died Oct. 20, 1884. 5437 — MARIAN BEATRICE,? b. July 31, 1386. 226 Eighth Generation; Samuel Dirckd Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.l 3557 —MARY LYDIA,8 b. June 24, 1849, m. Henry W. Mott, Dec. 31, 1870. They lived at Milwaukee, Wis., where she died Nov. 3, 1874. ISSUE. 5438 —EpA BELLE MoTT,9 b. Dec. 31, 1872. 3558 —SAMUEL SEBA,8 b. Sept. 23, 1852. He lives at Abrams, Wis. : 3559 — HANNAH ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 28, 1856. 3560 —EMMA JANE, b. Jan. 26, 1859, died Nov. 23, 1871. 8561 —ELLA MAY,8 b. Oct. 7, 1862, m. Edwin J. Martindale, April 7, 1879. They live in Abrams, Wis. ISSUE. 5439 — SAMUEL GRAY MARTINDALE, b. July 25, 1880. 5440 — FRANK ELLIS MARTINDALE,9 b. Aug. 23, 1882. 5441 — FLORENCE MAY MARTINDALE,? b. April 3. 1885. John 6 Dirck? Sebat Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 2194. SARAH? BONTA married, Sept. 14, 1836, Hugh M. Walsh. They live at Grand Rapids, Mich. ISSUE. 3562 — HARRISON WALSH,8 b. Nov. 5, 1839, died Dec. 4, 1844. 8563 — HENRY FITCH WALSH,$ b. July 19, 1848, m. Mary Susan Horton. ISSUE. 5442 — HADLEY HorRTON WALSH,? b. Aug. 7, 1872. 2195. SAMUEL? BONTA married, Feb. 11, 1836, Louisa Hutchinson Manley. He was early in life a cabinet-maker, and later a salt manufacturer. They live in Syra- cuse, N. Y. ISSUE. 3564— RASSELAS ADELBERT,8 b. Feb. 4, 1837, m. Mary E. Anderson, Sept. 6, 1859. He is Cashier of the New York State Banking Company, Syracuse, N. Y. ISSUE. 5443 — JESSIE ANDERSON? b. Dec. 12, 1863, m. Charles R. Jones Oct. 12, 1886. 5444 — ROLLIN ADELBERT,? b. Sept. 23, 1870. 8565 — FRANCES AUGUSTA,S8 b. Feb. 15, 1840, m. Nathan S. Curtis, Aug. 2, 1859. 8566 — SARAH ELIZABETH,S b. Aug. 5, 1842, died March 23, 1844. 3567 — FRANK MANLEY,8 b. April 14, 1845, married first, Laura Seymour Benner, July 29, 1871; and again, Helen Amelia Plumb, Oct. 18, 1883. He is Assistant Cashier of the Salt Springs National Bank, Syracuse, N. Y. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5445 —SAMUEL,9 b. June 6, 1873, died Dec. 31, 1874. 5446 — HirAM BENNER,9 b. Feb. 9, 1876. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5447 — EMILY DILLINGHAM,9 b. May 31, 1884, died June 6, 1884. 5448 — EDWARD WITTHAUS,? b. Jan. 15, 1886. 8568 — GEORGE LLEWELLYN,8 b. April 7, 1848, m. Hettie V. Morgan, June 20, 1871. 8569 — ROBERT FOWLER,8 b. Aug. 7, 1851, died March 22, 1857. 2196. REBECCA ANN7 BONTA married, June 24, 1835, Robert Every, who was born at Lishard, Cornwall, England, March 10, 1811, and died Nov. 3, 1880. His widow is living in Elkhart, Indiana. Eighth Generation; John Dirck® Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 227 ISSUE. 8570 — WILLIAM JOHN EVERY,S b. Sept. 24, 1836, died Jan. 24, 1837. 3571 —MARY ELIZABETH EVERY,8 b. March 5, 1838, m. William A. Nickless, July 2, 1857. ISSUE. 5449 — HELEN ANDELLA NICKLESS,9 b. Aug. 16, 1859, m. Robert A. Winslow, June g, 1886. 5450 — CHARLES ALISON NICKLESS,? b. Oct. 30, 1863, died Dec. 20, 1863. 8572 — WILLIAM JOHN EVERY,8 b. Sept. 3, 1841, died in the army July 15, 1863, at Jackson, Miss. 8573 —HENRIETTA VIOLA EVERY,8 b. Dec. 6, 1843, m. Ebenezer Herrick, Sept. 10, ; 1867. ISSUE. ; 5451 — CLARA BELL HERRICK,? b. Dec. 26, 1868. 8574— HELEN MARIA EVERY,8 b. Aug. 21, 1846, m. Herrick Martin, Jan. 6, 1874. He died April 15, 1874. She married again, May 15, 1876, Christian H. Goettel. 2198. DAVID7 BONTA married, Sept. 25, 1848, Caroline Helen Clark, who was born in Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 8, 1824. They live at Elbridge, Onondaga County, New York. ISSUE. 8575— FRANK DE WITT,8 b. July 27, 1849. 3576 —FREDERIC CLARK, 8b. March 3, 1852, died Sept. 14, 1854. 3577 —FREDERIC CLARK,8 b. May 28, 1856, died May 28, 1858. 3578 —DAVID ADELBERT,8 b. March 13, 1858, m. Ella Higgins, Dec. 30, 1830. He is a theatrical manager, living in New York. 3579 — WILLIAM GEORGE, b. Nov. 8, 1859, m. Edith Emerick, June 1, 1887. They live at Elbridge, N. Y. 3580 — CHARLES LINVILLE 8 b. Sept. 9g, 1861, m. Cora Hagar, July 25, 1883. They live in Elkhart, Indiana. 2199. RHODA MARIA? BONTA was born in Marcellus, N. Y., and married, March 2, 1842, Julius Sheldon, who was born in Brutus, New York, Feb. 17, 1819, and died Feb. 24, 1879. She was living in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1889. ISSUE. 3581 —ROLLIN BONTA SHELDON,8 b. May 13, 1843, m. Emily Lorinda Ensign, Dec. 13, 1866. She died Nov. 6, 187¢, and his death occurred Jan. 3, 1871. ISSUE. 5452 — EMILY JULIA MEAD SHELDON,9 b. Aug. 24, 1870. 3582 — HENRY ARMSTRONG SHELDON,8 b. July 17, 1844, died Aug. 18, 1845. 3583 — GERTRUDE PENETTE SHELDON,8 b. June 13, 1346. 3584 — CLARENCE BENSON SHELDON,8 b. July 10, 1847. 3585— EMMA AUGUSTA SHELDON,8 b. Aug. 27, 1852, died March 8, 1853. 2201. MARGARET ADELA7 BONTA married, Feb. 17, 1847, Aurora S. Root. They live in Elkhart, Indiana. ISSUE. 3586 — ERVIN BENSON ROOT,8b. March 3, 1848, m. Flora McQueen, June 19, 1872. 228 Eighth Generation, Fohn® Dirck Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.l ISSUE. 5453 —EpiTH RooT,9 b. Aug. 25, 1873, died Feb. 2, 1874. 5454 — ALBERT JESSE RooTt,9 b. May 8, 1875. 5455 — WALLACE RooT,9 b. Oct. 2, 1878, died Nov. 4, 1878. 8587 —EUGENIA VANETT ROOT,8 b. Sept. 3, 1849. 3588 — GEORGE WILLIAMS ROOT,8 b. July 26, 1855, died Aug. 22, 1858. 3589 —GERTRUDE EMMA ROOT,8b. June 2, 1857. 3590 —FRANK BONTA ROOT,8 b. Jan. 12, 1860, died Feb. 19, 1861. 3591 — WILLIAM EDWIN ROOT.8 2202. GEORGE BRAINERD? BONTA married, Nov. 2, 1858, at Roselawn, Columbia County, N. Y., Alice Elizabeth Rathbone. He is a merchant in New York, residing in Brooklyn. . ISSUE. 3592 — CAROLYN RATHBONE, b. May 3, 1861, m. William Blackwood Smith, Dec. 16, 1885. A WHITE,S b. Sept. 25, 1868, died in infancy. 8594 — SUSIE LUCIA,8 Db. June 22, 1875. Seba Dirck’ Seba! Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 2205. ELIZA MARGARET? BONTA married, October 7, 1834, William M. Hoyt, who was born in 1806. In early life he was a teacher, and afterwards became a farmer. They lived for some years at Manlius Station, N. Y. He died January 16, 1889. His widow is living with her daughter, Mrs. Fisher, at Pittsfield, Mass. ISSUE. 3598 — FLORA ROSELL HOYT,8 b. July 27, 1837, m. Lawten Caten, March 17, 1859. ISSUE. ; 5456 —EvA ADELE CATEN,9 b. Dec. 30, 1859, m. Frederick Remington, Oct. 1, 1883. 5457 — WILLIAM LEONARD CATEN,? b. Aug. 29, 1861, m. Edith G. Eaton, Dec. 1, 1886. 5458 — CLARA ELLA CATEN,9 b. April 5, 1864, m. Horatio L.. Burr, Jan. 7, 1884. 5459 — FREDERICK AUGUSTUS CATEN,? b. May 21, 1866. 5460 — EMMA LouisA CATEN,9 b. June 19, 1869. 3599 —HELEN MARCIA HOYT, b. Sept. 14, 1839, died Jan. 27, 1854. 8600— OSSIAN M. HOYT,8 b. March 3, 1842, m. Fannie Park, Sept. 19, 1866. He is a merchant at Harriman, Tenn. ISSUE. 5461 —DELwWIN B. HovyT.9 5462 — CLARENCE M. HoyT.9 5463 —ADpA M. Hovyrt.? 5464 —PArRk W. HovT.9 5465 — FREDERICK F. HovyT.9 5466 —RoLLIN J. HovT.9 5467 — OLIVER N. HoyT.9 5468 —FLoRrRA S. HoyT.9 8601 — CELIA ANNETTE HOYT,8 b. Nov. 27, 1843, m. Elmer White, Jan. 22, 1868. They live in Defiance, Ohio. ‘ ISSUE. 5469 — IRVING E. WHITE. 5470 — LyMAN WHITE.Y 3602 —ADALINE AMELIA HOYT,8 b. Dec. 2, 1849, m. Fredcrick J. Fisher, June 17, 1875. He is a commission broker in Pittsfield, Mass. : Eighth Generation ; Seba Dirck® Sebat Dirck? Seba? Epke.l 229 ISSUE. 5471 — LEILA FISHER,9 b. May 30, 1876. 5472 —RoLLIN Hoyt FISHER,? b. Oct. 25, 1880. 5473 — HUBERT GRANT FISHER, b. Sept. 16, 1882. 8603 — ELLA MARCIA HOYT,8b. June 17, 1855, died June 20, 1859. 22068. EMELINE CLAUSSA7 BONTA was born at Fonda, N. Y., and married, March 18, 1836, Jonas P. Lane, who was born at Skowhegan, Maine, January 23, 1809, and died January 16, 1863. She was living in 1886 at Woosung, Illinois. ISSUE. 3604 — FRANCIS B. LANE,8 b. Jan. 1, 1837, died Dec. 21, 1339. 3605— MILTON H. LANE,8 b. Aug. 18, 1838, died Aug. 19, 1839. 3606 — FLORA E. LANE,8 b. Nov. 26, 1841, m. Eugene B. Bidleman, Nov. 20, 1862. ISSUE. 5474 —Ep1rtH L. BIDLEMAN,? b. Nov. 26, 1863. 3607 — LAURA M. LANE,8 Db. Jan. 20, 1843, m. John H. Anderson, Aug. 5, 1879. ISSUE. 5475 —DorRA LLANE ANDERSON,9 b. Jan. 6, 1881. 3608 — GEORGE B. LANE, b. Jan. 9, 1845, m. Ella A. Hutchins, May 20, 1875. ISSUE. 5476 —HALLIE J. LANE, b. July 16, 1877. 3609 — ALBERT J. LANES b. Feb. 7, 1847, m. Jennie F. Meade, Oct. 28, 1877. ISSUE. 5477 — HARRISON MEADE LANE.9 5478 — ALICE M. LANE,9 b. July 10, 1884. 3610 —EDWIN S. LANE,8 b. Feb. 10, 1849, died Dec. 21, 1852. 3611— LOUIS E. LANE,8 b. Feb. 21, 1851, died Oct. 22, 1854. 3612 — JAY P. LANE, b. March 3, 1853, m. Clara J. Conklin, June 22, 1884. ISSUE. 5479 — FLORA E. LANE,9 b. April 25, 1885. 2208. ALMIRA LYDIA? BONTA married, Dec. 13, 1837, Reuben Hungerford. She died May 30, 1883. ISSUE. 3613 — FRANCES ELIZA HUNGERFORD,8 b. Dec. 8, 1839, m. George W. McCormick, Aug. 30, 1876. They live in Albion, Michigan. ISSUE. 5480 — ErRwWIN McCoORMICK,9 b. May 20, 1877. 3614 — CHARLES MILTON HUNGERFORD,8 b. May 20, 1842, m. Emma C. Colonery, Nov. 2, 1868. 3615— EDWIN HUNGERFORD,S8 b. Jan. 26, 1846, died Feb. 17, 1846. 3616 — ANDREW HARVEY HUNGERFORD,8 b. March 20, 1847, married Rosina Bate- man, Sept. 30, 1869. She was born Nov., 1842, and died Feb. 17, 1885. He married again, March 23, 1886, Ella Hill. They live in Niagara County, N. Y. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5481 — Louris REUBEN HUNGERFORD,? b. Oct. 6, 1873. 5482 — GEORGE HENRY HUNGERFORD,9 b. July 26, 1875. 5483 — MELTIE HUNGERFORD,9 b. Oct. 14, 1880. 230 Eighth Generation ; Seba Dirck® Scba* Dirck? Seba? Epke.l 3617 — FLORENCE HUNGERFORD,8 b. May 28, 1849, m. Edwin Francis Miller, March 1, 1871. They live in Albion, Mich. ISSUE. 5484 — GrRACE ErL1zA MILLER,? b. March 15, 1872. 5485 — MARION MILLER,9 b. Dec. 17, 1876. 3618 — EUGENE HUNGERFORD,8 b. May 15, 1851, m. Mary J. Blood, July 29, 1871. She was born Feb. 13, 1855. They live in North Ridgeway, N. Y. ISSUE. 5486 — EMILY ADELIA HUNGERFORD,? b. Nov. 21, 1872, died Oct. 16, 1873. 5487 — CLARENCE THOMAS HUNGERFORD,9 b. April 30, 1875. 5488 — FREDERICK PARKER HUNGERFORD,9 b. Dec. 24, 1883. 2209. HELEN MARIA? BONTA married, Feb. 18, 1841, Charles Bell. She died April 23, 1849. ISSUE. 3619 — JOHN BELL,S m., Feb. 4, 1868, Sarah J. Bell. ISSUE. 5489 — WILLARD BELL.9 5490 — JAMES BELL.9 5491 — ELMER BELL.9 5492 —ApA M. BELL.9 5493 — STATA H. BELL.Y 5494 — CHARLES BELL. 3620 —HELEN M. BELL,8 m., March 10, 1868, James A. Laird. In 1887 they lived at Weedsport, Cayuga County, N. Y. ISSUE. 5495 — ARTHUR BELL LAIRD.9 5496 —EDITH LOUISE LAIRD.9 3621 —LOUISA C. BELL,8 m. Charles Wood, March 27, 1867. ISSUE. 5497 — CHARLES HorATIO WOOD. 5498 — MABEL HELEN Wo0O0D.9 5499 — MARIETTA RuTH WoOD.9 3622 — CHARLES BELL,8m. Linnie IL. Smith, Dec. 19, 1877. 2210. SARAH M.7 BONTA married, March 24, 1842, Aaron Hoyt. ISSUE. 3623 —SOPHIA L. HOYT.8 8624 — JAMES L. HOYT,8 m. Priscilla Bobinnyn, Aug. 17, 1879. ISSUE. 5500 —AUurRA EDWARD HoyT.9 5501 — VIrRA HovT.9 3625— FRANCES M. HOYT,8 m. Willard Park, June 7, 1871. ISSUE. 5502 —WiLLIS W. PARk.9 5503 — MELVILLE B. PARK.Y 5504— CLARENCE P. PARK.9 3626 — TURNER L. HOYT,8 m. Maude A. Sauvy, May 5, 1880. ISSUE. 5505—MAUDE BELLE HovyT.9 5506 —IrwIN HovT.9 Eighth Generation ; Seba Dirckd Seba* Dirck? Seba? Epke 231 w 3627 — JONAS L. HOYT.8 3628 —IRWIN B. HOYT,8 m. Aletta Taylor, Sept. 1, 1830. ISSUE. 5507 —NELLIE MAY Hovyr.9 5508 — CLARA HovyT.9 .. 3629 —BELLE T. HOYT.8 2211. FRANCES AUGUSTA? BONTA married, Nov. 11, 1851, George L. Pratt, who was born in Clarendon, Orleans County, N. Y., June 29, 1830. ISSUE. 3630 — FLORENCE PRATT,8 b. Oct. 7, 1855, m. Frank H. Britt, April 12, 1877. ISSUE. 5509 — MABEL BRITT.9 5510 — Lois FRANCES BRITT.9 3631 —GERTRUDE CLARA PRATT,8b. Nov. 4, 1865. 2212. JAMES WILLIAM? BONTA was born in Marcellus, N. Y. He married, Jan. 20, 1853, Emeline R. Shaw, who was born in Cato, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1833, and died Feb. 14, 1883. He married again, April 20, 1884, Frank Morgan, who was born in Altoona, Pa., March 13, 1861. He is an electrician and inventor, living in Phila- delphia. Has made important improvements in the telephone. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 3632 —_ NEWELL MAY,8 b. May 15, 1854, m. Charles Rufus McDowell, Oct. 27, 1878. They live in Philadelphia. ISSUE. 5511 — MAY BELLE McDOWELL,? b. July 23, 1879. 5512 — CHARLES RUFUS McDOWELL, Jr.,9 b. Aug. 25, 1884. 3633 —ARTHUR KNOX,8 b. July 16, 1860, m. Mary Wilson, June 23, 1882. They reside in Hoboken, Jersey City. He is Superintendent of the Hudson Electric Light Co., Superintendent of the City Fire Alarm Telephone System and Consulting Electri- cian of the North Hudson County R. R. Co. David ® Dirck? Seba! Dirck? Seba? Epke.! 2220. DERRICK HULBERT7 BONTA married, March 27, 1826, Frances Cox. His widow is living in Syracuse, N. Y. ISSUE. 3645 — HENRY EDWARDS (or Edwin Henry), b. March 25, 1854, m. Mary Myers, Sept. 28, 1881. They are living in Syracuse, N. Y. ISSUE. 5519 — HULBERT ALDRICH,9 b. Feb. 6, 1834. 5520 — HENRY EDWARD,? b. Aug. 22, 1886. 3646 — FANNY ADELA,8 b. July 22, 1856, m. Wm. E. Barton, Sept. 25, 1875. 3647 — JENNIE L.,8 b. March 28, 1858. Living in Syracuse, N. Y. 3648 —OLIVER TEALL,8 b. March 6, 1860. Living in Syracuse, N. Y. 232 Eighth Generation ; Seba John? Seba* Johannes? Seba Epke.! t] Sebab John’ Seba* Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 2227. RACHEL 7 BANTA married at Bergen, N. J., June 29, 1823, Thomas Shepherd. She died in 1875. ISSUE. 3649 — GEORGE HEDDEN SHEPHERD,8 b. Sept. 19, 1824, m. at Nashville, Tenn, July 8, 1851, Elizabeth Hardcastle, who died Aug. 29, 1857. He died Nov. 6, 1858. ISSUE. 5521 — DoUGLAS HARDCASTLE SHEPHERD,? b. Aug. 8, 1852, m. Feb. 25, 1876, Mary A. Greer, who was born May 6, 1855. ISSUE. 1— Jane E. Shepherd, 10 b. April 12, 1877. 2— Johnson Cram Shepherd,10 b. Jan. 6, 1879. 3— Charles Shepherd,10 b. Jan. 14, 1881. 4— George Shepherd, 10 b. Jan. 13, 1883. 5— William Shepherd,10 b. April 21, 1885. 6 — Mary Shepherd,10 b. Sept. 19, 1837. 5522 — MARIA CRAM SHEPHERD,? b. Jan. 14, 1856, died Nov. 11, 1856. 5528 — GEORGE THOMAS SHEPHERD,Y b. Aug. 26, 1857, died July 26, 1861. 3650 — SARAH JANE SHEPHERD,8 b. Feb. 25, 1826, married first, Edward C. Huntley, Jan. 23, 1845; and again, Jan. 20, 1858, Pryor Jones. ' ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 5524 — THOMAS NELSON HUNTLEY,9 b. Nov. 21, 1845, died in 1865. 5525 — EDWARD HUNTLEY,9 b. May 23, 1847, died July 3, 1847. 5526 — FERDINAND DE LAMARTINE HUNTLEY,? b. June 14, 1849, died June 27, 1855. 5527 — CATHARINE ANNA HUNTLEY,9 b. Jan. 11, 1851, m. Richard Gaines, July, 1871. ISSUE. Ferdinand Gaines,10 b. 1880. 3651 — MARIA LOUISA SHEPHERD,8b. Oct. 15, 1828, m. Johnson Cram, March 3, 1859. 3652 — PETER MYERS SHEPHERD,8 b. Oct. 17, 1830, died March 31, 1831. 83653 — MARY ELIZABETH STEPHENSON SHEPHERD,8 b. Feb. 12, 1832, m. Oct. 16, 1849, William Gilliam. She married again, June 14, 1858, at Cincinnati, Ohio, Captain John Soast Bishop, of the U. S. Army. Captain Bishop was born in Phila- delphia, March 23, 1834, and was the eldest child of William and Catharine Bishop. He learned the bookbinding trade, and in 1858 removed to Jacksonville, Ill., where he engaged in the book business. On the outbreak of the Civil War he took charge of and drilled several companies of recruits, and was commissioned Major 32d III. Volunteers, Nov. 12, 1861, but resigned to facilitate the consolidation of portions of several regiments. In May, 1862, he enlisted in the 68th Ill. Volunteers and was made Sergeant, and a week later was made regimental Adjutant. He served with his regiment in Maryland and Virginia during the Second Bull Run Campaign, and was honorably mustered out with his regiment Sept. 26, 1862. He served as Corporal, First Lieutenant and Captain in the Indiana Legion during the Morgan raid in 1863. Was commissioned as Lieut. Colonel of the 108th U. S. Colored Infantry, June 14, 1864, and as Colonel Sept. 19, 1865, and was honorably mustered out March 30, 1866. Was appointed in the regular service as Second Lieutenant 30th U. S. Infantry, March 7, 1867; First Lieutenant, 13th Infantry, Jan. 19, 1872; regimental Quar- termaster, Sept. 1, 1880 to March 1, 1882; and Captain 13th Infantry, March 1, 1887. Served in Kentucky and Mississippi in 1864, 1865 and 1866; on the Western frontier from 1867 to 1874; and in Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas during the reconstruc- tion times in 1874 to 1879. Was at Wilkesbarre, Pa., during the labor riots of 1877, Eighth Generation ; Seba® John Sebat Johannes? Seba> Epke.l 233 as Quartermaster and Commissary, winning compliments from his superior officers for ability and conduct. Was in New Mexico during the Indian troubles, from 1880 to 1888, when he was transferred to Indian Territory, where he has since served, with the exception of sixteen months at Little Rock, Ark. In the Geronimo Campaign in 1885-6 he was complimented for efficient service. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 5528 — MARY ELLEN BisHopr,9 b. Sept. 14, 1861, m. Lieut. Vasa Edwin Stolbrand, U. S. Army, Dec. 13, 1882. He is a son of Gen. Carlos Johann Stolbrand, of the U. S. Army, and was born in Chicago, Ill., July 14, 1859. ISSUE. 1— Carlos Johann Stolbrand,10 b. Aug. 2, 1883, at Washington, D. C. 2— Nellie Bishop Stolbrand,10 b. Oct 20, 1884, at Fort Wingate, N. M. 3— Florence Alma Stolbrand,10 b. Sept. 12, 1887, at Fort Collins, Colo. 5529 — EDWIN ARTHUR BisHoP,9 b. Dec. 16, 1862, died Oct. 8, 1865. 5530 — FLORENCE AUGUSTA BIsHOP,9 b. Aug. 14, 1864. 5531 — WILLIAM THOMAS BisHor,9 b. May 28, 1867, m. Nov. 23, 1890, Emma J. - Jones, daughter of Daniel and Sarepta Jones. ISSUE. Cora Sarepta Bishop,10 b. 1891. 3654— JACOB HALLETT SHEPHERD,8 b. April 15, 1834, died in 1856 in Nicaragua, while with the Walker expedition. 8655 — CATHARINA ANNA SHEPHERD,8 b. Jan. 15, 1836, m. John J. O’Mahoney, March 3, 1859. 2228. JANE MARIA7 BANTA married at the Reformed Church at Harlem, Isaac Amerman, who was born in New York, Oct. 2, 1786, and died April 25, 1877. He was for many years engaged in the wholesale flour business in New York City, and subsequently in real estate. She died in 1892, at Greenville, near Jersey City, N. J. ISSUE. 8656 — ISAAC AUGUSTUS AMERMAN,8 b. Aug. 29, 1828, died Feb., 1877. 8657 — JULIA SEAMAN AMERMAN,8 b. Feb. 4, 1830, m. Daniel D. Foote, July 2, 1849 She died July 5, 1850. 3658 — LOUIS DE LA MONTAGNE AMERMAN,8 b. Oct. 13, 1831, m. Maria Dixon. 83659 — EMMA LOUISA AMERMAN,8 b. May 20, 1834, m. Horace L. Bliss. 3660 — FRANKLIN AMERMAN,8 b. April 20, 1836, died Sept. 16, 1859. 3661 —- HELEN MARY AMERMAN,8 b. March 2, 1838, m. Davis Beal. 3662 —ABRAM D. MYER AMERMAN 8 b. March 1, 1840, died June 20, 1863. 3663 — JOSEPHINE AMERMAN,8 b. March 22, 1842, m. Wm. M. Dupree. 3664 — JANE FOWLER AMERMAN,8 b. March 29, 1844, m. Corydon L. Gray. Died April 21, 1879. 3665 —WILLIAM HENRY AMERMAN,8b. Sept. 22, 1846, m. Lizzie Armitage, June 30, 1870. 3666 —EVA M. AMERMAN,8 b. Jan. 7, 1849, m. Joseph Ebling, Dec. 25, 1869. 3667 —ALBERT PETER AMERMAN,8 b. July 28, 1851, died Aug. 12, 1851. 8668 — FRANCES AUGUSTA AMERMAN,8 b. July 17, 1853, m. Geosge Chesebrc, Nov. 11, 1875. 2229. SARAH ANN7 BANTA married, Dec. 13, 1832, Wm. W. Lyon. She was living near Tarrytown, N. Y., in 1887. ISSUE. 3669 — CAROLINE LAVINIA LYON,8 b. Nov. 26, 1834, m. Wm. V. Morgan. 3670 — FLETCHER LYON.8 3671— JOSEPH LYON, m. —— Van Cleef, daughter of Judge Van Cleef. 3672 — FANNY LYON,8 m. —— De Hays. 3673 — ALBERT LYON.8 234 Eighth Generation ; David Sohn Sebat Sohannes 3 Seba? Epke. David® John’ Seba* Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 2230. JOHN7 BANTA married Mary Taff, March 10, 1831. She was born at Oyster Bay, July 6, 1811. He was born in New York City, and removed to City Island, Westchester County, N. Y., prior to 1833, and died there Sept. 6, 1848. ISSUE. 836731 — MARY ANN,8b. June 1, 1833, m. William Williams, Aug. 29, 1849. ISSUE. 1—JoHN EDWARD WILLIAMS? b. July 10, 1850, m. Evaline Virginia Rowland, Oct..27, 1875. 2— ESTELLE ARMENIA WILLIAMS,9 b. June 29, 1852, m. Henry Buhre, Oct. 27, 1870. 3— MARY EvA WILLIAMS, b. May 28, 1855, m. Edward Underhill, 1877. 4— EUGENE WILLIAMS,9 b. March 4, 1858, m. Rebecca Paterson, 1879. 5— WILBUR ANDERSON WILLIAMS,? b. Oct. 2, 1860, m. Sarah — , Dec. 18, 1387. 6—ALICE EpITH WILLIAMS, b. Jan. 9, 1874, died Aug. 11, 1874. 86732— EMILY, b. Sept. 28, 1835, m. Isaac Van Allen, Sept. 3, 1853. He was born on Staten Island, June 27, 1829. ISSUE. 1— CORNELIA VAN ALLEN,9 b. June 13, 1854, m. James T. Quail. ISSUE. Wallace Isaac Quail, 10 b. Dec. 23, 1882. 2—ANN Louisa VAN ALLEN,? b. July 5, 1857, died Aug. 6, 1859. 3— JoHN EDGAR VAN ALLEN,9 b. July 23, 1859. 4—MARY ELSIE VAN ALLEN,9 b. Nov. 26, 1861. 5—ALBERT MARION VAN ALLEN,9 b. March 12, 1864, died Aug. 24, 1865. 6—ISAAC WASHINGTON VAN ALLEN,9 b. April 5, 1867. 7— EMILY MARTHA VAN ALLEN,9 b. Sept. 25, 1873. 8 — ELMER LAKE VAN ALLEN,9 b. May 31, 1876, died March 17, 1881. 9— CLARENCE HENRY VAN ALLEN,9 b. May 7, 1878, died Aug. 22, 1882. 10— IDA HALSEY VAN ALLEN,9 b. Sept. 16, 1883. 36733— ALBERT HENRY,S b. 1837, m. Louisa Price, July 3, 1863. He died March 19, 1881. ISSUE. 1— JOHN,9 b. Sept. 23, 1867. 2— SARAH ELIZABETH,9 b. July 9, 1869. 3— ALBERT HENRY,9 b. Oct. 9, 1873. 4—ADELINE A.,9 b. Dec. 26, 1879. 3673+ —EDWARD,8 b. 1839, died in 1841. 36735— ALEXANDER STEWART,8 b. April 11, 1843, m. Imogene Adams, Oct. 2, 1864. He is a pilot, living on City Island, Westchester County, N. Y. ISSUE. 1— CHARLES F.,9 b. Dec. 1, 1865. 2— MARY ADEMA,? b. Oct. 27, 1867. 3— CARRIE A.,9 b. Jan. 16, 1870, m. Clarence M. Horner, of Albany, N.Y., Dec. 24, 1888. 4— OSCAR J.,9 b. March 22, 1872. 5s—DELIA IMOGENE,9 b. April 7, 1874. 6— ALEXANDER S., Jr.,9 b. March 30, 1876. 36736—ELIZABETH,8 b. Oct. 2, 1848, m. George Stevens, July 18, 1866. They live at Port Washington, Long Island. : ISSUE. 1— GEORGE EDWIN STEVENS,Y b. Aug. 20, 1870. 2— WILLIAM MOUNT STEVENS, b. Oct. 29, 1831. Eighth Generation; David 6 Fohn’ Sebat Johannes? Seba? Ephe.! 235% 2231. CORNELIUS? BANTA married Amelia Taff, who was born at Oyster Bay, Aug. 29, 1813. He lived at City Island, N. Y., where he died Oct. 25, 1852. ISSUE. 1— SARAH A.,8 b. May 23, 1833, died Dec. 28, 1879. 2— SUSAN M.,,8 b. Aug. 25, 1836. 3— WILLIAM HENRY,S b. Aug. 13, 1838, died Dec. 16, 1863. 4—PHEBE ].,8 b. April 6, 1840. 5— GEORGE W.,8b. July 25, 1843. 6— JOSEPH S.,8 b. Aug. 15, 1846, died April 26, 1870. 7— CORNELIUS B.,8 b. Oct. 15, 1848, died Sept. 13, 1876. 8—JOSHUA,8 b. Oct. 25, 1850. Peter® John’ John! Johannes® Seba? Epke.! 2244. JOHN HARMON? BONTE married Eliza Lytle, who was born in Louis- ville, Ky., Dec. 23, 1374. ISSUE. 3686 — JOHN HARMON C.,8b. Feb. 21, 1832, m. Emily Woodbury Storer. 2245. JANE MARIA7 BONTE married Daniel Raymond. She died July 27, 1849. ISSUE. 3687 — PETER J. BONTE RAYMOND,$ b. Nov., 1837, m. Rachel Emeline Wolfe, Jan. 11, 1858. He was graduated at the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, O., and practiced medicine at Milford, Ill., where he died Oct. 12, 1875. : ISSUE. 5554 — SARAH JANE RAYMOND,9 b. April 7, 1860. . 5555 — ESTELLA CHARLOTTE RAYMOND,9 b. Nov. 1, 1861, m. Geo. Washington Gilbraith, Jan. 1, 1879. ISSUE. 1— Nellie May Gilbraith,10 b. Oct. 29, 1880. 2— Grace Estella Gilbraith,10 b. Sept. 28, 1882. 3— George Walter Gilbraith,10 b. July 8, 1884. 4— Raymond Morris Gilbraith,10 b. May 22, 1886, died Jan. 21, 1887. 5556 — DANIEL BONTE RAYMOND,9 b. Nov. 13, 1863. 5557 — WM. HORACE CARRINGTON RAYMOND,9 b. Dec. 4, 1865, died Aug. 12, 1867. 5558 — MARY Lois RAYMOND,Y b. Jan. 25, 1868. 5559 — EMMA GERTRUDE RAYMOND,9 b. Jan. g, 1870. 5560 — HERBERT EWING RAYMOND,9 b. July 22, 1873. 3688 —SAMUEL RAYMOND.8 3689 —SARAH J. RAYMOND,8m. John C. Dorman. They live in Madisonville, Ohio. ISSUE. 5561 —VioLA MAY DORMAN.9 5562 — FANNIE B. DORMAN.9 5563 — ALFRED R. DORMAN.9 5564 —]. WESLEY DORMAN.9 2246. ELIZA ANN7 BONTE married, Oct. 5, 1836, George M. Raymond. She died April 26, 1886. ISSUE. 83690 — REBECCA RAYMOND,8 b. July 19, 1837, m. George F. Adams, Jan. 1, 1856. He was born in Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 19, 1832. They live in Indianapolis, Ind. ISSUE. 5565— ELLA HORTON ADAMS,9b. March 13, 1857, m. Charles P. Watson, Oct. 15, 1879. 236 Eighth Generation ; Peter John John* Johannes? Seba? Epke.! ISSUE. 1 — George Adams Watson,10 b. Sept. 3, 185c. 2— Charles Lewis Watson,10 b. Jan. 12, 1882. 5566 —EL1zA RAYMOND ADAMS,9 b. May 26, 1869. 8691 — SAMUEL RAYMOND,8 b. July 29, 1839, m. Susan Little, Sept. 6, 1860. 3692 — GEORGIANA RAYMOND,8 b. Dec. 4, 1846, m. George R. Ellis, May 15, 1367. They live in Indianapolis, Ind. ISSUE. 5567 —MARJjorY ELLI1S,% b. March 6, 1874. 5568 —BERTHA ELLIS? b. Aug. 11, 1880. 8693 — CHARLES W. RAYMOND,8 b. Jan 17, 1851, m. C. Viola Palmer, Feb. 20, 1872 They live in Dayton, Ohio. ISSUE. 5569 — ELLIS PALMER RAYMOND, b. Jan. 17, 1873. 5570 — GEORGE MCMULLEN RAYMOND,% b. April 11, 1876. 5571 — CHARLES HERBERT RAYMOND,9 b. Dec. 1, 1880. 8694— PERLEY BONTE RAYMOND,8 b. Sept. 15, 1855, m. Catharine P. Blind, Oct. 21, 1875. . They live in Indianapolis, Ind. 5572 — HARRY WILLARD RAYMOND,9 b. May 14, 1876. 5593 — HuGH BONTE RAYMOND, b. Oct. 10, 1878. 2248. PETER CORNELIUS? BONTE was born in Dearborn County, Indiana. The traditions in Mr. Bonte’s family are to the effect that an ancestor, Demarest De La Bonte, an eminent Huguenot, was executed in Paris, December, 1550, as a heretic, his estates confiscated and his family driven out of France. Some of them settled in Holland, where they lived until the departure of Hendrick Hudson, with whom they sailed for the New World in 1609. This story is quoted as a curious illustration of the little value to be placed upon tradition, as we know positively that the first of the family to reach New Amsterdam arrived half a century later than the date assigned, and we have no information of the family during their residence in Holland except as to the birth of the children. “At the age of seventeen years Peter C. Bonte entered the cordage works of his father as an apprentice, and learned all the practical details of the business. Upon the death of his father, which occurred when the son was only twenty-two years of age, he took charge of the business in connection with his uncle, John Bonte, and conducted it with the greatest success. It is said to have been the largest establishment of the kind in the West, employing more men and material than any similar works. After some years Mr. Peter C. Bonte withdrew from business and devoted his time and energies to the improvement of his own property, and to the interests of the city of which he may be considered one of the pioneers. He was twice elected to the City Council from a district in which his own party had always been in a minority, and his public duties were discharged with assiduity and zeal, and characterized by unswerving fidelity to the public good. He has always been active in the work of reform, and has been a constant friend of the common schools of the city and State. He was for several years Captain of the ‘Jefferson Greys,’ a private military company composed of the most substantial and patriotic citizens of Cincinnati. This company volunteered for service during the Mexican War, but their offer was not accepted inasmuch as the Ohio quota had already been filled.” May 3, 1843, he married Imogene Augusta Blanchard, a native of Cin- cinnati, who was born March 28, 1825. They reside at 16 David Street, Cincinnati. Eighth Generation; PelerS Fohn® Fohn* Johannes? Seba? Ephke.! 237 ISSUE. 3695 — EDWIN CORNELIUS.8 3696 —IMOGENE AUGUSTA,8 m. Louis H. Blakemore, Oct. 19, 1876. He is treasurer of the Poundsford Stationery Co., of Cincinnati. ISSUE. Louis BoNTE BLAKEMORE, b. May 19, 1887. 3697 — WILLIAM ORLANDO,8 died August 10, 1851. 3698 —LIZZIE.8 3699 — JENNIE, died August 10, 185T. 3700— CORWIN.S8 8701 —CORA,f m. John L. Frazee, Sept. 1, 1887. 3702 —ANNA,S8 died Sept. 18, 1858. 37083 —CORNELIA,8 m. Alfred W. Macbrair, July 10, 1883. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Macbrair Lithographing Company, of Cincinnati, O. ISSUE. 1— BLANCHE MACBRAIR,Y b. June 16, 1884. 2— BESSIE MACBRAIR,? b. Nov. 18, 1888. 3704 —HARRY.8 3705 —ELLIS.8 John George’ John* Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 2280. ANN ELIZA7 BANTA married, Oct. 28, 1850, Henry C. Doremus, who was born July 15, 1828, and died May 23, 1889. He was a resident of Paterson, N. J., where his widow is now residing. ISSUE. 3713 — CATHARINE JANE DOREMUS,8 b. Oct. 29, 1851, died Sept. 4, 1853. 3714 — ANNIE GERTRUDE DOREMUS,8 b. May, 5, 1855, m. Dr. Frank D. Vreeland, Nov. 3, 1881. He is a physician in Paterson, N. J., having been graduated at Roch- ester, N. Y. His wife died suddenly July 8, 1892. ISSUE. 5524 — RALPH DOREMUS VREELAND,? b. Sept. 18, 1883. 8715— SALOME WILLIAMS DOREMUS,8 b. July 13, 1861, m. Hon. William Nelson, July 25, 1889. He is a leading lawyer in Paterson, N. J. In 1871 he drafted the charter for the city of Paterson. He is Corresponding Secretary of the New Jersey Historical Society, and is one of the editors of the New Jersey Archives, published under the direction of that Society. He is a member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, of the American Archaeological and Numismatical Society, of the Medico-Legal Society of New York, of the Congres Internationale des Ameri- canistes, and of other literary and scientific societies. For more than twenty years he has been Clerk ot the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Passaic County. He is a Trustee and Elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Paterson. His private library is considered one of the largest and most valuable in the State, and is especially rich in American works. 2281. MARGARET ELLEN7 BANTA married John Henry Ackerman, who was born Jan. 6, 1831, and died Feb. 6, 1865. His widow died Oct. 17, 1884. ISSUE. 3716— JOHN EDMUND ACKERMAN,8 b. Sept. 4, 1857. Lives in Passaic. 8717 — PETER GILBERT ACKERMAN,3 b. Sept. 22, 1859, m. Nettie Hopper. 3718 — GEORGE HENRY ACKERMAN,8 b. Dec. 27, 1861. 3719 — JACOB WESTERVELT ACKERMAN,8 b. Sept. 13, 1863, died Feb. 3, 1879. 238 op Generation ; Aaron George® Fohn* iii Seba? font Aaron® George’ John* Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 2283. GEORGE AARONT7 BANTA married Mary Ellen Bayard, who was born May 13, 1836, and died Oct. 11, 1879. For his second wife he married Emma Penny. He is a manufacturer of refrigerators in New York City, and lives in Brooklyn. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 3720 — WALTER AUGUSTUS,8b. Feb. 7, 1860, m. Adelaide B. Contant, April 14, 1888. 3721 — CAROLINE PERMILLA,B8b. July 6, 1862. 3722 — ELLA WARREN,8 b. May 29, 1864, m. Henry W. Phillips, Aug. 5, 1885. JSSUE. WALLACE B. PHILLIPS,9 b. 1886. 3723 —ALIDA CATHERINE,8 b. April 9, 1867. 3724— EMORY FRENCH,8 b. June 1, 1869. 8725 — NELLIE, b. May 2, 1872, died 1876. 2284. JOHN AARON? BANTA married Amy Dougherty. He is a mason, living at No. 325 E. 77th St., N.Y. ISSUE. 3726 — AMY E.8b. June 17, 1856, m. Joseph Edward Blake, Oct. 9, 1882. ISSUE. 1— EDWARD Louis BLAKE,9 b. 1883. 2—EDITH M. BLAKE,9 b. 1885. 3— MABEL BLAKE, b. 1888. 8727 — JOHN WILLIAM,S m. Ann Emelia Boylan, Nov. 24, 1882. ISSUE. 1— EDWARD,9 b. 1883. : 2— EMMA, b. 1886. 3— WILLIAM,9 b. Dec., 1888. 38728 — EDMUND WALTER,8 m. Annie Wasdell, Sept. 1, 1887. John® John’ Jacob? Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 2202.1 GEORGE WASHINGTON7 BANTA was born in Bayou Plaquemine, Louisiana, and married Eloise Celima Robert, Feb. 25, 1855. He is a planter in Plaquemine. ISSUE. 1—MARGRITE LUDORE,8 b. March 31, 1856, m. Charles B. Bis June 14, 1887. 2— LOUIS,8 b. May 17, 1857, m. Anna Brusnahan, Jan. 3, 1882. ISSUE. 1— ANNA CELIMA,9 b. Dec. 16, 1882. 2— Lours ALVIN,? b. Sept. 10, 1884. 3— CATHARINE AUGUSTA,9b. Aug. 1, 1886. 4— SARAH GEORGIANA,9 b. April 5, 1888. 5—MARY LLADORA,9 b. Sept. 24, 1889. 3— JOHN SEBASTIAN,8 b. July 7, 1858, m. Bellile Gurnett, June 12, 1889. ISSUE. JouN THEODORE,? b. March 16, 18go. 4—LADOCIA GEORGIANA,8 b. March 12, 1860, died Dec., 1878. 5— GEORGE ARLINGTON,S b. July 29, 1861, m. Agnes Barbay, Jan. 24, 1887. Eighth Generation ; Fohn® Fohn® Facob* Johannes? Séba® Epke.! 239 ISSUE. 1—AGNES,? b. Nov. 3, 1887. 2— GEORGE ABNER,9 b. Feb. 28, 18go. 6— HONORE HORACE, b. Dec. 10, 1862, died July, 1863. 7—ETIENNE ALEXANDER,8 b. March 18, 1864. 8 —FREDERIC ALONDE,8 b. Aug. 17, 1865, died Sept., 1870. 9— EDWARD ALDEN,8 b. Oct. 6, 1866, died Nov., 1886. 10— MARY FELICITE,S8 b. Jan. 7, 1868, died June, 1868. 11— WILLIAM WASHINGTON,8 b. Feb. 22, 1869. 12— PAUL ARNEAUX,8 b. Feb. 3, 1871. 13— CHARLES RENEAUX,8 b. Feb. 3, 1871. 14— LEON ROBERT,8 b. March 19, 1872, died March, 1872. 15— HUBERT ALDUS,8 b. Dec. 9, 1873. 16 — JAMES DE WITT, b. Sept. 9, 1875, died May, 1876. Gerrit® Hendrick’ Jan! Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 2297. HENRY G.7 BANTA married Maria Demarest, April 27, 1833. She was born Feb. 4, 1812. He is a farmer, living at River Side, N. J., where he also carries on an extensive nursery. ISSUE. 3737 —GERRIT H.,8 b. Dec. 22, 1835, m. Helen Durie, Oct. 4, 1860.. He died March 23, 1884, and was buried at the old Hook Cemetery, Bergen County, N. J. ISSUE. 5575—JouN H.,9b. Dec. 5, 1861, m. Rachel Van Wagoner, July 23, 1884. ISSUE. 6863 — Henry G.,10 b. July 3, 1885. 5576 —ELEANOR,9 b. July 25, 1865. 5577 — DAVID SCHUYLER,9 b. Oct. 17, 1868. 5578 — MINNIE ALICE, b. July 13, 1872. 3738 —ELIZABETH,8 b. July 16, 1842, died June 5, 1845. Henry$ Hendrick’ Jan* Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 2301. WILLIAM SICKLES7 BANTA was born in Pascack, N. J. He was graduated from Rutgers College in 1844, studied law with Chancellor Abram O. Zabriskie, and was admitted to the bar in 1847. He was appointed Prosecutor of Pleas in 1860, and held the office till 1867, when he resigned. In 1872 he was appoint- ed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Bergen County, and held the office for many years. He has been especially interested in educational work. He lives in Hackensack, N. J. He married at Hackensack, May 30, 1850, his first wife, Sarah W. Zabriskie, who was born 1829, and died Jan. 27, 1853. On Sept. 3, 1869, he married Adelia Zabriske, who was born June 3, 1834, and his third wife was Jane Ann Berry. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 3740 — JOHN HENRY,8 b. Jan. 3, 1853, died Sept. 1, 1853. 240 Eighth Generation ; Teunis® Hendrickd Fant Hendrick? Seba? Eplke! Teunis® Hendrick? Jan‘ Hendrick? Seba? Epke.! 2303. JOHN HENRY T.7” BANTA was born in New York City, where he resided for nine years, when his parents returned to Hackensack. At the age of eighteen he entered his father’s store, and succeeded him in business in 1850 — father and son carrying on the business for half a century. He was one of the founders of the old Bergen County Bank, and was one of the Commissioners of Hackensack. Was a member of the old Dutch Reformed Church at Hackensack, and for many years was Deacon and Elder. His residence, which he built on the corner of State and Passaic Streets, with its beautifully laid out grounds, is one of the most desirable in Hackensack. He married June 16, 1869, Susanna C. Steinle. He died Jan. 16, 188s. ISSUE. 3743 —FREDERICK,S b. Dec. 3, 1870. 8744 — JOHN HENRY, 8 b. May 8, 1872, died May 20, 1872. 3745 —ADELIA,8 deceased. 28746 — WILLIAM,$ b. Jan. 19, 1877. Jacob’ Hendrick® Arie! Hendrick? Seba? Epke.l 2323. JOHN M.7 BANTA married Angeline Van Vleck. He died March 8, 1865, in the United States Hospital, while connected with the army. His widow resides in Princeton, Wis. ISSUE. 8762 — JULIA A.,8 m. Albert J. Parker, July 7, 1864. He was born Nov. 4, 1841. ISSUE. 5579 — JESSIE S. PARKER,? b. Feb. 27, 1867. 5580 — HATTIE A. PARKER,? b. Feb. 26, 1869. 5581 —- JENNIE H. PARKER,9 b. April 28, 1871. 5582 — WiLLiAM O. PARKER,? b. Sept. 29, 1874. 5583 —DAIsYy D. PARKER,9 b. April 28, 1877. 5584 — ELLA FRANK PARKER,9 b. Sept. 16, 1880. 8763 — JANE A.,8m. James E. Parker, Oct. 3, 1870. He was born Oct. 2, 1841. They live at Owatonna, Minn. ISSUE. 5585 —1IpA M. PARKER, b. May 20, 1875. 5586 — HARVEY G. PARKER,9 b. Sept. 5, 1877. 5587 — MABEL C. PARKER,Y b. March 2, 1879. 5588 — FRANK C. PARKER,9 b. Nov. 16, 1882. 5589 — GRACE M. PARKER,9 b. Nov. 6, 1887. 3764 — JEESSE,S b. March 20, 1854, m. Sarah Canterbury, Oct. 21, 1874, in Wadena County, Minn.; they were the second couple marricd in that county. He is now a farmer at Endicott, Whitman County, Washington. ISSUE. 5590 — ELLA S.,9 b. Dec. 21, 1875. 5591 — ROBERT ]J.,9 b. Dec. 11, 1877. 5592 — ABNER A.,9 b. Feb. 14, 1880. 5593 — HENRY W.,9 b. Feb. 19, 1882. 5594 — Francis H.,9 b. June 5, 1884. 5595 — JessiE P.,9 b. Oct. 10, 1886. 8765— ELLA A.8m. George H. Greer, March 6, 1873. He was born July 27, 1851. They are living at Wadena, Minn. Eighth Generation ; Facob® Hendrick® Arie* Hendrick? Seba? Epkel 241 ISSUE. 5596 — GEORGE GUY GREEN,? b. June 28, 1877. 5597 — FRANK BANTA GREEN, b. April 16, 1879. 5598 — ALICE MADGE GREEN,9 b. July 17, 1881. 5599 — ELLA MAUDE GREEN,Y b. March 21, 1884. 5600 — GRACE M. GREEN,9 b. Jan. 31, 1886. 5601 — MITCHELL VINTON GREEN,9 b. Oct. 18, 1889. 3766 —FRANK.S 3767 —HENRY.8 3768 —JOHN.8 2324. JESSE DE GRAFF7 BANTA, of Perth, Fulton Co., N. Y., married Eliza- beth Towle, Nov., 1856, who was born June 14, 1838. In 1889 they resided at No. 20 Garden St., Amsterdam, N. Y. ISSUE. 3769 —ISAAC MITCHELL,8 b. Nov. 17, 1857, m. Lottie Banker, June 10, 1877. ISSUE. 5602 — JESSE B.,9 b. May 11, 1879. 5603 —FLoYD,9 b. Jan. 28, 1889. 8770—ALLEN,8 b. Nov. 10, 1867. CHAPTER XXII. EIGHTH GENERATION. Henry ® Hendrick? Hendrick¢ Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2478. HENRY 7 BANTA married Jennie Fulton, who died October, 1833. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and was a corporal in Capt. Hendy’s company in Shelby’s forces in October, 1813. He was a farmer; removed from Kentucky and settled in Indiana near the mouth of the White River, where he died October 14, 1872. ISSUE. 3890 —HENRY,8 b. Aug. 15, 1809, m. Mary Stogdale. 3891 —ELIZABETH,8 b. April 20, 1811, unmarried. 3892 —SARAH,8 b. Jan. 1, 1814, m. James Aikman. 3893 — JAMES STEWARD,8 b. Nov. 8, 1816, m. Eunice Salmon. 3894— JOHN FULTON, b. Oct. 12, 1818, m. $ % ron 3895— NANCY ANN,8 b. Nov. 12, 1820, m. Moses Hawkins. 3896 —ABRAHAM,8 b. Dec. 31, 1823, m. Eliza Ann Stephens, Oct. 2, 1845. 3897 —MARIA,8 b. Aug. 8, 1826, m. David Murbarger. 3898 —ANDREW JACKSON,8 b. Dec. 15, 1830, m. Rachel Greenwood. 3899 —MARGARET JANE,8 b. Nov. 28, 1832, m. Stephen Grow. 2479. MARGARET? BANTA married General Samuel Fulton, who was born in 1780. He represented Nicholas County in both branches of the Legislature of Kentucky. He died September, 1843. His widow died October 23, 1851. ISSUE. 3900— SALLIE B. FULTON,8 b. —, m. James Long. 3901 — JOHN L. FULTON,8 b. Aug. 14, 1812, m. Epsa Jane Robinson. 3902 —HENRY FULTON,8 b. Oct. 3, 1814, m. Nancy Raveal, Aug. 3, 1837. He lives at Ji Mitchell's Mills, Mount Olivet, Ky. His wife died June 15, 1883. 242 Eighth Generation ; Henry® Henry Henryt Hendrick® Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 5638 —SAMUEL FULTON,9 b. June 30, 1838, m. Nancy B. Rigg, Sept. 18, 1859. She was born Sept. 15, 1840. For his second wife he married Martha Ann Mulliken, March 12, 1874. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— Mary E. Fulton,10 b. Nov. 5, 1860, died Sept. 13, 1861. 2— Louisa Ellen Fulton,10 b. July 18, 1862, m. Abraham Gore, April 30, 1880. ISSUE. 1— Elsie Gore,11 b. June 15, 1881. 2— Nannie Lee Gore,11 b. June 20, 1883. 3— James Samuel Gore,11 b. Oct. 5, 1885. 3— John William Fulton,10 b. July 8, 1866. 4— James Henry Fulton,10 b. Aug. 11, 1869. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5— Walter Perry Fulton,10 b. Nov. 23, 1876. 5639 — MARGARET FULTON,? b. July 1, 1840, died Aug., 1840. 5640 —JouN T. FuLTON,? b. Oct. 16, 1841. 5641 — JAMES W. FULTON,9 b. March 1, 1844. 5642 — CATHARINE A. FULTON,9 b. April 30, 1846, m. Dearborn Wallace, Sept. 4, 1866. He was born Sept. 6, 1843. They live at Mitchell's Mills, Mount Olivet, Kentucky. ISSUE. 1— Isaac Newland Wallace, 10 b. Jan. 26, 1868. 2— Nannie Lee Wallace,10 b. July 7, 1869, died in infancy. 3— Samuel Henry Wallace,10 b. Jan. 14, 1871. 4— Laura Ellen Wallace,10 b. Sept. 19, 1873. 5— Charles Wesley Wallace,10 b. Dec. 12, 1875. 6— Martha Ann Wallace,10 b. Oct. 16, 1878. 7— Dearborn Boone Wallace,10 b. May 16, 1880. 8— Jane Kate Wallace,10 b. Oct. g, 1882. 9— Wilbert Thomas Wallace, 10 b. Feb. 22, 1885. 10— Jesse Franklin Wallace,10 b. Feb. 13, 1887. 5643 — Nancy E. FuLToN,9 b. March 15, 1849. 5644 — MARY E. FuLTON,9 b. Sept. 17, 1851, m. John William Pursell, June 15, 1870. He was born May 11, 1848. ISSUE. 1— Cora Margaret Pursell, 10 b. Nov. 6, 1871. 2— Harris Wilbert Pursell, 10 b. March 1, 1873. 3— Perry Pursell, 10 b. Jan. 27, 1875. 4— Sarah Madeline Pursell, 10 b. Aug. 30, 1877. 5— Nancy Ann Pursell, 10 b. Dec. 23, 1879. 6— Franklin Henry Pursell, 10 b. June 18, 1882. 7— Susan Pursell, 10 b. Feb. 20, 1884. 5645 —SARAH FRANCES FULTON,? b. Sept. 10, 1854, m. John T. Linville, March 16, 1869. He was born Aug. 2, 1840. ISSUE. 1— Aura Thomas Linville,10 b. June 15, 1874. 2— William David Linville,10 b. Sept. 3, 1875. 3— Morgan Henry Linville,10 b. June 18, 1882. 4— Samuel Clifton Linville, 10 b, Oct. 27, 1885. Eighth Generation ; Henry® Henry® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 243 5646 — LAURA P. FULTON,9 b. Feb. 15, 1857, m. Alexander Porter, June 15, 1874. He was born Sept. 13, 1856. ISSUE. 1— Henry Winters Porter,10 b. Aug. 14, 1875. 2— Isaac Newton Porter,10 b. Nov. 25, 1877. 3— Jasper H. Porter,10 b. Sept. 21, 1879. 4— Millard Colvin Porter,10 b. May 20, 1881. 5— Samuel F. Porter,10 b. Aug. 30, 1883. 6— Laura Bell Porter,10 b. Dec. 12, 1885. 5647 — HENRY F. FULTON,? b. July 11, 1860, died June 11, 1861. 5648 —ANDREW D. FULTON,? b. June 27, 1863, m. Lizzie J. Gifford, Nov. 6, 1831. She was born Sept. 18, 1862. ISSUE. 1— Samuel Henry Fulton,10 b. Nov. 24, 1882. © 2— James Thomas Fulton,10 b. June 25, 188s. 8903 — JAMES S. FULTON,S8 b. 1816, m. Sally A. Alexander. 1. Alexander Rigg; 3904—MARY A. FULTON,38 b. Dec. 4, 1818, m. 5) ny hors \ 1. Tolliver Hughes; 8905— ELIZABETH J. FULTON S$ b. 1821, m. 32 ents Tn Bonta. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. ToLLIVER HUGHES,? b. Aug. 26, 1838. (For issue by second marriage, see 39I0.) 3906 —SAMUEL FULTON,8 b. 1823, m. 3919 Cynthia Ann8 Banta. They live at Ridge Farm, Ill. 3907 —MARGARET A. FULTON,8 b. —, died in infancy. 3908 —NANCY ANN FULTON,8 m. John Cattenham. 1. Frank Cracroft; 3909 — RACHEL ELLEN FULTON,S m.§ [= [ron (acrof 2480. ANDREW 7 BANTA married Elizabeth Hayden, August, 1814. She was born January 13, 1797, and died in 1862. In the War of 1812 he was a soldier in Capt. Wm. M. Rice’s company, in Col. Johnson’s regiment, Kentucky Militia. In August, 1813, they set out for Detroit, and in a battle, October 4, 1813, on the Thames River, his horse was shot. He claimed $140 from Congress, which was denied him. See Report of Committee, No. 568, 24th Congress, First Session, Vol. III. He was a farmer in Bourbon County, Ky., and served as Deputy County Clerk for some years. He was a member of the church at Flat Rock, Ky. He died in 1873. ISSUE. 39091 —MARY JANE,8 b. April 1, 1816, m. William Gillispie. They live at Little Rock, Ky. 89092—SARAH ANN,8 b. Oct. 15, 1817, m. Henry Arnold, Jan. 17, 1839. They live at Greencastle, Ind. 39093 — ELIZA ELLEN,8 b. March 4, 1820, m. Barton W. Graves, April 23, 1841. They live at Bramblett, Nicholas County, Ky. ISSUE. 1—DAVID A. GRAVES,9 b. Feb., 1844. He was in the Confederate Army, in Co. B, 1st Kentucky Brigade. 2— MARY Louisa GRAVES,? b. Dec., 1845, m. James Wilson, 1872. 3— MARGARET ELLEN GRAVES,9 b. Jan., 1848, m. Barton Kerns, 1877. 4—JoHN HENRY GRAVES,? b. May, 1850, m Mary Crouch, 1880. 5— HARRISON GRAVES,? b. July, 1854, m. Ellen9 Banta. (See page 244). 6 — KILGORE GRAVES,? b. 1856, m. Jane Scott, 1885. 7—PETER GRAVES,? b. 1859, m. Jennie Henry, 1884. 244 Eighth Generation ; Henry Henry Henryt Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 39094 —HENRY,8 b. Jan. 14, 1822, m. Katharine Henry, Sept. 28, 1843. ISSUE. 1—NANCY,? b. July 10, 1844. 2—DAVID,? b. March 7, 1846, m. Bettie Sharp, Nov. 19, 1867. 3— ELIZABETH,9 b. Aug. 15, 1847, m. Perry Iswell, Sept. 8, 1868. 4—ELI1SHA,9 b. Oct. 31, 1848, m. Alice Bannister, Nov. 15, 1876. 5—HAYDEN,9 b. March 4, 1851, died Sept. 15, 1855. 6—SARAH,9 b. Aug. 19, 1853, died Sept. 22, 1873. 7—RACHEL,? b. Feb. 19, 1855. 8 — ANDERSON,9 b. April 15, 1858, m. Kezia Soper, Nov. 27, 1879. 9— JOHN,9 b. March 26, 1860, m. Susan Clenkerbeard, Oct. 8, 1888. 10— ELLEN,9 b. Sept. 17, 1862, m. Harrison Graves,? Nov. 27, 1882. (See page 243.) 11 — LILLIE,9 b. Jan. 13, 1865, m. James Squires, June 16, 1884. 89095—LOTT,8 b. Jan. 19, 1826, m. Mary Jane Wilson, Jan. 29, 1852. They live at Little Rock, Ky. ; ISSUE. 1—ANDREW,9 m. Dora Hughes, Nov., 1876. 2— MARGARET,9 m. Jonah Sparks, Feb. g, 1872. 3— BRECKENRIDGE. 4—MAY,9 m. William Young, Dec. 11, 1830. 5— JAMES,? m. Irene Evans. 89096 — MARGARETTA,S b. March 4, 1828, m. Edmond O. Elliott, Jan. 27, 1875. They live at Little Rock, Ky. 39097— ANDREW J.,8 b. Oct. 5, 1831, m. Marian Coliver, Dec. 9, 1852. They live in Plum Lick, Ky. ISSUE. 1— JAMES,9 m. Fannie Bramblett, Nov. 30, 1876. 2— WILLIAM,9 died 1887. 3—SUSAN,9 m. James Call, Sept. 20, 1876. 4— CATHARINE,9 m. Columbus Kokendolph. She died July 7, 1887. 5— JENNIE,9 died July 25, 1888. 6—BELLE,? m. Benjamin Sledd. 7—Lucy.9 8— JOSEPH.9 9— RICHARD.9 10— EDWARD,9 died about 1875. 39095— JAMES C.,8 b, Dec. 15, 1833, m. Nancy Ann Gillispie, Dec. 21, 1854. He died Jan. 9, 1865. His widow removed to Illinois and married Orville Boaz. All the children are dead. ISSUE. 1—MAY.9 2—ALICE.9 3— MARIE. 4— LUCINDA.9 5—ELI1ZA.9 89099— NANCY ELIZABETH,8 b. March 28, 1839, m. Ambrose Arnold, Jan. 27, 1859. She died Jan., 1863. 2481. PETER? BANTA, of Bourbon Co., Ky., married Judie A. Zachary, who was born in Charlotte Co., Virginia, Sept. 1, 1799, and was yet living in 1337. He was a soldier of the War of 1812; died March 15, 1815. ; ISSUE. 3910 HENRY D8 b. April 17, 1819, m. 3905 Elizabeth Fulton Hughes.8 He died Sept. 12, 1854. Eighth Generation ; Henry Henry Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 245 ISSUE. 5650 —ANDREW P.9 5651 —SAMUEL,9 died in childhood. 5652 — MARGARET,? died in childhood. 1. ——Matfelt; 3911 — SALLIE S.,8 b. Sept. 14, 1821, m. in rn 8912 — ANDREW ]J.,8 b. Aug. 2, 1824, m. Oct. 4, 1844, Elizabeth B. Johnson, who was born Nov. 29, 1824. He was Sheriff of Nicholas County, Ky., in 1860. Was in the Con- federate Army for three years. Was Probate Judge from 1874 to 1882, and subse- quently was proprietor of a hotel at Carlisle, Ky. © ISSUE. 5653 —JupIE L.,9 b. Sept. 3, 1847, m. M. A. Glenn, June 15, 1875. 5654 — JoHN PETER,?9 b. March 3, 1852. 5655 — MARGARET H.,9 b. April 3, 1856, died July 20, 1860. 5656 —Naowmr K.,9 b. April 19, 1859, died May 4, 1862. 8913 — MARY ANN,8 b. Dec. 17, 1826, m. Henry McClannahan. 3914— DE WITT CLINTON,8 b. May 25, 1829, m. Naomi F. Johnson. He was a soldier in the Mexican War. 3915 —LEONIDAS FULTON,8 b. Dec. 15, 1831. Died in the Sandwich Islands. 3916 — WILLIAM BENTON,8b. June 9, 1834. Died April 10, 1862, of wounds received in the Battle of Shiloh. 8917 —MARGARET K.,8 b. March 13, 1837, m. Spencer Boyd, Feb. 18, 1858. She died Nov. 23, 1880. 8918 — PETER JEFFERSON,8 b. May 24, 1843. Killed in the Battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862. 2484. ELIZABETH? BANTA, married 2492 Peter Van Nuys,” June 7, 1821. He was born in Shelby Co., Ky., and was a farmer. ISSUE. 39191 —SARAH ANN VAN NUYS,8 b. July 21, 1822, m. William M. Weaver, Nov. 5, 1840. He was born in Nicholas Co., Ky., Oct. 16, 1814, and died in Sheridan, Hamilton Co., Ind., Dec. 10, 1890. His widow lives at Lebanon, Ind. ISSUE. 1— JAMES HENRY WEAVER,? b. Sept. 28, 1841, died Feb. 13, 1863. 2— MARY ELIZABETH WEAVER,9 b. Nov. 6, 1842, m. William H. Richey, Dec. 25, 1866. She died March 31, 1876. 3— LEAH ANN WEAVER,9 b. Jan. 1, 1844, m. John Sexton, April 2, 1866. She died Jan. 10, 1869. 4— JOHN WESLEY WEAVER,9 b. April 29, 1845, m. Sarah E. Stephenson, Dec. 24, 1867. 5— MARGARET ALMIRA WEAVER,? b. Jan. 5, 1847, m. William H. Richey, April 13, 1879. 6— RACHEL ELLEN WEAVER,9 b. Aug. 16, 1849, m. William R. Morrison, Aug. 20, 1871. 7— WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON WEAVER,9 b. Aug. 4, 1851, m. Caroline Clark, Sept. 20, 1874. 8—PETER VAN NUyvs WEAVER,9 b. May 23, 1853, m. Jennie E. Hughes, Jan. 21, 1877. 9— MARTHA JANE WEAVER,? b. June 14, 1855, m. Amos Enderly, March 28, 1875. 10— THOMAS ANDERSON WEAVER,9 b. June 19, 1861, died Feb. 18, 1871. 11—SARAH ETTIE WEAVER,9 b. Feb. 9, 1869, m. John H. Glaze, Dec. 24, 1886. She died June 16, 1891. 39192— ISAAC VAN NUYS,8 b. Dec. 24, 1823, died Aug. 27, 1825. 39193— LEAH VAN NUYS,8b. Feb. 11, 1825, m. Henry Charlton, March 13, 1851. She died July 18, 1868. He lives at Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind. 246 Eighth Generation ; HenryS Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel ISSUE. 1— NEWTON EDWIN CHARLTON, b. Nov. 28, 1851. 2— FRANCES MARION CHARLTON,9 b. Nov. 25, 1852. 3— WILLIAM S. CHARLTON,9 b. April 20, 1859. 3919¢ MARGARET VAN NUYS,8b. Feb. 18, 1827, m. John Demaree, June 5, 1856. He was born July 23, 1819. They live at Lebanon, Ind. ISSUE. 1—Li1zzIE BANTA DEMAREE,? b. June 25, 1857, died March 5, 1882. 2— PETER SYMMES DEMAREE,% b. May 19, 1862, m. Sadie Smith, March, 1883. She was born Dec. 17, 1860. ISSUE. Arthur E. Demaree,10 b. Aug. 15, 1888. 89195— MARY VAN NUYS,8 b. Feb. 3, 1829, m. Joseph Voris, Nov. 16, 1848. He was born June 6, 1825. They live at Jay, Switzerland County, Ind. ISSUE. 1—JoHN A. Voris,? b. Nov. 21, 1849, married Lucy Atkinson, Dec. 13, 1874, who was born Feb. 10, 1855, and died June 30, 1885. He married again, April 24, 1888, Margaret Van Nuys, daughter of Samuel Van Nuys, who was born Nov. 30, 1849. . 2—ROZELLA E. VORIS,2 b. Feb. 14, 1351. 3— HARVEY B. Voris,9 b. April 24, 1852, married Mary L. Wilson, Sept. 7, 1882. She died Aug. 27, 1883. He married again, Mary Ann Culbertson, Sept. o, 1886. She was born Sept., 1858. 4—MiLToN T. Voris,9 b. April 15, 1853, died May 22, 1854. 5—PETER V. Voris,9 b. Feb. 25, 1855, m. Emma Campbell, Aug. 16, 1883. She was born Jan. 8, 1854. 6— CORNELIUS A. VORIS,? b. May 19, 1856. 7—OLIVER L. VoRis,9 b. May 21, 1859, m. Carrie Peitsmyer, May 19, 1891. She was born May 19, 1862. 8 —JosEpH H. VoRrIs,? b. Nov. 11, 1862. 9— MARY ELIZABETH VORIS,? b. May 3, 1865. died Oct. 6, 1883. 10— ROSCOE S. VORISs,? b. Sept. 12, 1868, died Aug. 11, 1871. 89196 —HENRY VAN NUYS,8 b. Nov. g, 1830, m. Catharine Demaree, March 11, 1858. She died May 26, 1865. He married again, Nov. 22, 1874, Mrs. Jerusha Hammond, who died Sept. 27, 1876. He is a dealer in building materials in Lebanon, Ind. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— CATHARINE ELIZABETH VAN NUYS,9 b. June 29, 1859, died Nov. 27, 1864. 2 —MARY MINERVA VAN NuUYs,9 b. Oct. 27, 1860. She is a school teacher. 3— CLARA VAN NUYs,9 b. July 9, 1863. She is a school teacher. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4— EvA BLANCH VAN Nuys,9 b. March 24, 1876. 39197 — JOHN VAN NUYS,38bh. Dec. 11, 1832, m. Mary E. Carmine, Dec. 25, 1856. He lives at Thornton, Ind. 39198 — THOMAS VAN NUYS,8 b. March 8, 1835, died June 5, 1865. 39199— ANDREW BANTA VAN NUYS,8 b. Aug. 4, 1837, m. Harvenia Frances Mount, of Montgomery County, Ind., Oct. 5, 1866. They live at Lebanon, Ind. ISSUE. 1—ETTA IoLA VAN NuUYs,9 b. Aug. 25, 1867, died Nov. 24, 1882. 2— EMMA LucINDA VAN Nuys,9 b. Aug. 14, 1869. 3— ASHTON MOUNT VAN: NUYS,? b. Aug. 7, 1872. 4—MABEL ESTELLA VAN Nuys,9 b. April 15, 1879. $ Eighth Generation ; Henry ® Henry Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 247 391910— PETER SYMMES VAN NUYS,8 b. Jan. 24, 1840, m. Amanda Holby Mathews, April 19, 1866. She was born Feb. 5, 1843. He died Jan. 17, 1880. His widow lives at Thornton, Ind. ISSUE. 1— ROBERT GAYLE VAN NuUYs,9 b. April 29, 1875. 2— MARY MATHEWS VAN NUYs.9 b. June 11, 1878, died Dec. 28, 1882. 2486. ABRAM? BANTA, of Bourbon County, Ky., married Dorcas Hedges, Sept. 4, 1824. She was born July 28, 1806, and resided, in 1887, at Carlisle, Ky. He died Feb. 12, 1883. ISSUE. 3919 — CYNTHIA ANN,8 b. Dec. 24, 1829, m. 3906 Samuel T. Fulton, Feb. 22, 1848. They reside at Ridge Farm, Ill. ISSUE. 5657 — MARY ELIZABETH FULTON,9 b. Dec. 11, 1848. 5658 — SALLIE F. FULTON,9 b. Feb. 19, 1850. 5659 — ABRAM B. FUuLTON,9 b. Dec. 16, 1855. 5660 — MARGARET E. FULTON,?9 b. Oct. 20, 1857. 5661 —MARANDA I. FULTON,9 b. May 23, 1861. 5662 — WILLIE F. FuLTON,9 b. Nov. 16, 1865. 5663 — Lucy D. FurLToN,9 b. Feb. 20, 1868. 5664 — JAMES S. FuLTON,9 b. Dec. 20, 1870. 3920 — JAMES HENRY,8 b. Aug. 14, 1831, m. Mary Russell. 3921 — MARGARET LUCINDA,8 b. May 28, 1833, m. Thomas M. Campbell. 3922 — ANDREW JACKSON,8 b. July 24, 1835, died Aug. 20, 1864, unmarried. 3923 —SARAH FRANCIS,8 b. April 4, 1839, m. Edmund Collins. They lived in Carlisle, Ky. She died March 19, 1877. ISSUE. 5673 — EDMUND COLLINS.9 3924 — WILLIAM FRANKLIN,8 b. May 28, 1841, m. Sarah E. Long, May 7, 1865. She was born in Vermillion, J1l., Oct. 4, 1849. They now live at Humrick, Vermillion County, Illinois. ISSUE. 56'74— ANDREW JACKSON,9 b. Nov. 27, 1866. 5675— JAMES ABRAM,9 b. Sept. 28, 1870. 56'76 — VINNIE,9 b. Sept. 23, 1874. 5677 —BETTIE,? b. Oct. 4, 1876. 56'78 — ANNIE,9 b. Sept. 29, 1879. 5679 —AMyY,9 b. March 20, 1881. 5680 — WILLIAM HENRY,9 b. May 9, 1884. 5681 — GRACIE,9 b. May 17, 1886. 3925 ELIZABETH JANES b. May 28, 1844, m. L. M. Campbell. 3926 — AMY MARIA,S b. Aug. 5, 1846, m. H. D. Bogert. Peter® Hendrick? Hendrick4 Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2487. HENRY 7 BANTA married, Dec. 3, 1810, Mary Mitchell, who was born at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 23, 1792. He was born in Henry County, Ky., and removed to Switzerland County, Ind., about 1823. There were several Henry Bantas in that county, near kinsmen, and he was distinguished as ¢‘ Tanner Hank,” as he carried on a tannery. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Pleasant, Switzerland Co. He died of cholera, July 12, 1833. His widow married 24%" Cornelius A. Voris.”7 She died Oct. 7, 1362. 248 Eighth Generation ; Peter Henry> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke. ISSUE. 3927 — PETER H.,8 b. Oct., 1811, was a school teacher, died unmarried in California, 1862. 3928 — WILLIAM M.,8 b. April 28, 1813, m. Elizabeth Crowder. 3929 —ABRAHAM,8 b. Nov. 4, 1814, m. 1482 Rachel Van Arsdall.7 3930 —MARTHA,8 b. Dec. 15, 1815, m. 249635 Thomas Van Nuys.7 3931 — JAMES M.,8 b. Aug. 19, 1817, m. Nancy Van Orsdol, 1835. 3932 —HANNAH,8 b. March 12, 1819, m. Williamson Van Orsdol. 3933 —MITCHELL,8 b. July 25, 1821, died unmarried, in Napa City, Cal. 3934 —RACHEL,8 b. Feb. 15, 1824, married first, William M. Gardner; and again, Ransom Tinker, October, 1838. Lives in Walker, Mo. 3935 —ALBERT,8 b. Nov. 20, 1825, died in infancy. 3936 — THOMAS, b. July 27, 1827, died May 6, 1828. La ) 1. Martha Jane Roberts; 2937~JOHN, CALVIN 3b. Nov. 13, 1329, ™, : 2. Elizabeth Anderson Stewart. 3938 — NANCY JANE,8 b. May 6, 1833, m. Richard Hallgarth, April 27, 1854. They live at Cross Plains, Ind. ISSUE. 5717 — MARY ELLEN HALLGARTH,9 b. May 24, 1856. 5718 — MARTHA JANE HALLGARTH,? b. Nov. 29, 1858, m. Charles Taby, July 2, 1855. He is a merchant at Cross Plains. 5719 —SARAH ETTA HALLGARTH,9 b. April 19, 1860, died in infancy. 5720 — ARCHIBALD HALLGARTH,? b. April 18, 1862, m. Florence Stevenson, April 15, 1889. Is a blacksmith at Elgin, Oregon. 5721 —EvA CLEMENTINE HALLGARTH,9 b. May 8, 1864, m. John Twineham, Oct. 7, 1880. Is a farmer at Aaron, Switzerland Co., Ind. 5722 —LuLy HALLGARTH,9 b. April 3, 1866, died in infancy. 57283 —HANNAH HALLGARTH,9 b. March 27, 1868. 5724 — GEORGE HALLGARTH,? b. Jan. 7, 1870. 5725 —DAILY HALLGARTH,9 b. Feb. 18, 1873, died in infancy. 5726 — HARRY HALLGARTH,? b. Jan. 14, 1875. 2488. ABRAHAM? BANTA married Mary Demaree. He was a farmer in Henry Co., Ky. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was killed in the Battle of the Thames, Oct. 6, 1813. It is said by one of his comrades in the campaign that, during the fight, the company to which he belonged took shelter behind trees and logs, from which place they fired upon the enemy. Abram was behind a tree, and while en- deavoring to get a shot a ball from the foe struck him in the exposed part of the head, killing him instantly. His widow dying shortly after, his father took Abraham’s two children and brought them up as members of his own family. ISSUE. 39381 — PETER DEMAREE,8 b. Oct. 9, 1810, m. Hannah Voris. 39882—NANCY,8 b. Sept. 28, 1812, m. Andrew Carmine. 2489. ALBERT7 BANTA married Rachel List. He was a farmer, and died in Kentucky. ISSUE. 39383 — CATHERINE,? b. Dec. 5, 1816, m. Ann Legrange. 39384 — MARY ANN,8 b. Nov. 29, 1818. 39385—-MARGARET,8 b. May 12, 1821, m. John R. Covert. 39386 —SARAH,8 b. Nov. 18, 1823, m. Joseph V. Covert, Oct. 12, 1843. No issue. 2490. PETER 7 BANTA married, August 1, 1811, 24962 Vrouchie Van Nuys,? who was born in Mercer County, Ky., Feb. 24, 1792, and died March 1, 1851. He was a soldier in the Indian wars, in which his brother Abraham was killed in battle. He moved to Indiana about the year 1828, settling in the neighborhood of Hopewell, Johnson County. He had a numerous family, was a large man physically, and was known as ‘‘Big Pete”; Eighth Generation ; Peter® Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 249 was a farmer; a modest, retiring man. With his wife, he united with the Shiloh Pres- byterian Church, Johnson County, Indiana, June 19, 1836, and two years later trans- ferred his membership to the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, in the same county. He died October 6, 1851. ISSUE. 3939 —RACHEL,8 b. Oct. g, 1812, m. Francis Johnson Dobbins, Sept. 26, 1839. He was born in South Carolina, May 3, 1808. He died June 14, 1881, and her death oc- curred Oct. 30, 1882. ISSUE. 5760 — JAMES HARVEY DOBBINS,9 b. July 3, 1840. 5761 — WILLIAM MILLER DOBBINS,? b. Jan. 21, 1843, died Sept. 24, 1850. 5762 — PETER BANTA DOBBINS,9 b. May 15, 1844, m. Sarah Matilda Botefuhr, Jan. 26, 1874. She was born in Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 8, 1850. They live at Jacksonville, Florida. ISSUE. 1— Etta Frances Dobbins,10 b. Sept. 12, 1880. 2— Gussie Dobbins, 10 b. Dec. 2, 1882, died Dec. 2, 1882. 3— Mary Harvey Dobbins,10 b. May 4, 1884. 4— Alice Estelle Dobbins, 10 b. April 16, 1886. 5763 —MARY CATHERINE DOBBINS,9 b. Sept. 16, 1845, died Sept. 25, 1846. 5764 — ALBERT NEWTON DOBBINS,9 b. Feb. 17, 1847, m. Malinda Howell, June 24, 1875. She was born in Cuthbert, Ga., July 31, 1853. They live at 44 West Forsyth St., Jacksonville, Fla. ISSUE. 1 — Arthur Newton Dobbins,10 b. April 1, 1876. 2— Emma Gertrude Dobbins,10 b. Sept. 4, 1877. 3— Annie Irene Dobbins,10 b. March 7, 1879. 5765 —LouIisiANA WooDns DoOBBINS,? b. June g, 1850, died Sept. 29, 1850. 3940 —ISAAC,8 b. Oct. 18, 1814, died Sept. 15, 1817. 3941 — LEAH, b. Jan. 4, 1816, died Sept. 11, 1817. 3942 —POLLY,8 b. Jan. 28, 1818, died June 18, 1822. 3943 —ANNA,8 b. April 18, 1819, died March 7, 1821. 3944 —ABRAHAM,8 b. Nov. 16, 1820, died in 1843. 8945 —ZURILDA,8 b. May 13, 1822, m. —— Henderson. She died Oct. 8, 1845. 3946 —ISAAC,8 b. Dec. 4, 1823, m. Nancy Rodgers, Oct. 10, 1844. Lives at Pecksburg, Ind. No issue. 3947 —LEAH,8 b. Nov. 5, 1825, m. William Huffman. She died Sept. 29, 1853. 3948 —ALBERT,8 b. Aug. 31, 1827, married Martha Sebern, April 13, 1848. She died Sept., 1854, and he married Mary Jane Dickson, who was born at Armagh, Ireland, April 23, 1829. He was originally a farmer in Indiana, and afterwards became a contractor. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5766 — ABRAHAM CORNELIUS,9 b. July 8, 1849, married Margaret Jane Carmine, Feb. 17, 1876. She was born June 29, 1853, and died July 12, 1881. Er- minia Isabelle Van Arsdale became his second wife Sept. 13, 1882. She was born Sept. 3, 1863. He was formerly a farmer of Johnson County, Ind., and is now a plasterer, living in Bridgeport, Ind. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. Samuel Nicholas,10 b. April 27, 1877. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1— Ethel May,10 b. May 2, 1884. 2— Bessie, 10 bh. Dec. 28, 1886, died Dec. 29, 1886. 3— Albert McCauley,10 b. Dec. 29, 1887, died Aug. 1, 1888. 4— Leonie, 10 b. July 24, 1889, died Aug. 2, 1889. 250 Eighth Generation ; Peter® Henry Henvy* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l tucky. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5767 — WiLLiAM ALLEN,9 b. March 29, 1856, died Oct. 17, 1876. 5768 — SARAH BELL,? b. Oct. 7, 1859. Lives at Jefferson, Texas. 5769 — ALBERT DICKsON,9 b. Dec. 11, 1863. Is Cashier of National Bank of Jef- ferson, Texas. 3949 —JACOB,8 b. June 22, 1829, m. Sarah Fine Waltman. He died in Brown County, Indiana, and his widow married again, Thomas J. Kelso, of Georgetown, Indiana. ISSUE. HirAM.9 3950 —SAMUEL,8 b. May 16, 1831, m. Elzora Jane Hedden, Nov. 27, 1862. Lives in Frank- lin, Ind. No issue. 3951 —KATHERINE,8 b. March 16, 1833, died Nov. 2, 1839. 3952 —MARY ANN,8 b. March 20, 1835, died May 22, 1838. 3953 — ROBERT M.,8 b. April 16, 1838, m. Esther Ann Crump, April 2, 1874. He is a farmer in Greenfield, Hancock County, Indiana. ISSUE. 1—ISAAC,9 b. May 16, 1875. 2— MARTHA ELLEN,9 b. March 26, 1879, died July 13, 1879. 3— MARY ELZORA,9 b. March 26, 1879, died July 15, 1879. 4— NOBLE EARL,Y b. Nov. 29, 1881. 5—ANDREW ALEXANDER,9b. August g, 1885. 6— WESLEY,9 b. Dec. 29, 1886. 2491. JOHN PETER? BANTA married Catherine List, Nov. 16, 1820, in Ken- He was a farmer, and later became a banker. He moved to Johnson County, Indiana, in 1827. Was known as Capt. Banta, having beén Captain of militia in his younger days, and was considered wealthy for the time and place. He was for many years an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. ISSUE. 39531 — PETER JOHN,8 b. Oct. 3, 1821, m. Nov. 9, 1843, Mary Ann Brewer. He was a farmer in Johnson County, Indiana, died Sept., 1891. ISSUE. 5770 —JouN EDWARD,9 b. March 29, 1845, m. Margaret Lagrange, March 31, 1870. He is a farmer in Franklin, Indiana. ISSUE. Minnie, 10 b. Nov. 16, 1874. 5771 —DANIEL BREWER,? b. Nov. 24, 1847, m. Mary Heckman, Feb. 17, 1881. He was graduated at Hanover College in 1874, and was graduated from Princeton Seminary in 1877. He is a Presbyterian Minister at Lebanon, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Mary Derland,10 b. Aug. 14, 1884. 2— Frederick Heckman,10 b. Oct. 28, 1886. 5772 — GEORGE CALDWELL,9 b. July 8, 1850, m. Irene Vawter, Oct. 17, 1878. Is a farmer in Franklin, Indiana. v ISSUE. 1— Clara Vawter.10 2— Frank Caldwell .10 57783 —DAvVID WESLEY,9 b. July 30, 1853, died Jan. 6, 1889. 5774—MARY,? b. Sept. 11, 1857, m. Dillard L. Deming, Oct. 11, 1882. Is a mer- chant in Edinburgh, Indiana. Eighth Generation ; Peter® Henry Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 251 ISSUE. 1— Byron J. Deming.10 2— Edward Lawrence Deming.10 39532—MARY JANE,S b. Dec. 2, 1823, m. Daniel Brewer, Oct. 29, 1840. She died Sept. 30, 1846. ISSUE. 5775 —CLARINDA BREWER,9 b. Aug. 19, 1846, m. William H. Legrange, Feb. 27, 1862. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 1— Jasper Wesley Legrange,10 b. Nov. 1, 1865, m. Abbie J. Robertson, who was born May 15, 1865. He was graduated from Hanover College, Indiana, in 1886. Is a farmer. ISSUE. Ethelyn Legrange,11 b. Aug. 30, 1887. 2— Mary Olive Legrange,10 b. Oct. 16, 1869. 3— Frank Edward Legrange,10 b. Oct. 12, 1872. 4— Eleanor Jane Legrange,10 b. Nov. 18, 1878. 5— Willie Legrange,10 b. Oct. 24, 1881, died Oct. 27, 1881. 6— Charles Brewer Legrange,10 b. May 23, 1883. 7— Lelia Clarinda Legrange,10 b. March 13, 1886. 39533 —EMELINE,8 b. Oct. 7, 1826, m. Peter Ditmas. He is a farmer in Johnson County, - Indiana. No issue. 39534{— GEORGE ABRAM,8 b. Sept. 3, 1829, died May 16, 1838. 89535 — CAROLINE, b. Jan. 29, 1832, married Cornelius Ditmas, Feb. 22, 1850. He is a farmer, residing in Johnson County, Ind. She died Oct. 16, 1861. ISSUE. 5776—JouN WESLEY DITMAS,9 b. Sept. 5, 1852, married first, Hattie Oug, Sept, 5, 1877. No issue. He married again, Mary Etta Graham, Feb. 10, 1886. ISSUE. 1 — Marie Ditmas,10 b. Sept. 28, 1887. 2— Edith Ditmas,10 b. Nov. 24, 1889. 5777 — MARY BELLE DITMAS,9 b. Sept. 6, 1855, m. Everett McCaslin, Sept. 6, 1876. He is a farmer in Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Herbert D. McCaslin, 10 b. March 8, 1882. 2— Carolyn McCaslin,10 b. April 30, 1886. 5778 — WILLIAM S. DiTtMAS,9 b. Oct. 4, 1857, m. Minnie Rebecca Graham, Dec, 16, 1885. He is a farmer in Franklin, Ind. . ISSUE. 1— Jane Ditmas,10 b. July 17, 1888. 2— Cortez Ditmas,10 b. Oct. 24, 1889. 5779 —EmMMA DiTMAS,9 b. June 28, 1860, died Dec. 30, 1861. 839536 — JOHN WESLEY,8 b. Nov. 4, 1834, died unmarried, Aug. 14, 1865. 89537 — CHRISTINA, 8 b. March 7, 1837, m. William B. Ellis in 1854. He was formerly a tailor; is now postmaster at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 5780 — CATHERINE ELLIS? b. Aug. 27, 1857, m. Joseph C. Smith, Oct. 24, 1883. He was a banker's clerk, and died Oct. 22, 1888. ISSUE. Christine Smith,10 b, March 30, 1887. 252 Eighth Generation ; Peter Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 5781 — FRANK ELLIS, b. March g, 1860, died June 19, 1863. 5782 —MArY EMMA ELLIS,9 b. Sept. 24, 1866, was graduated at Franklin Uni- versity, 18go. 5783 — ANNA MOORE ELLIS,9 b. March 19, 1870. 5784 — GEORGE ELLIS,9 b. July 13, 1873. 2492. JACOB7 BANTA married, December, 1831, Sarah Demaree. She was the daughter of Judge David Demaree, a son of Samuel Demarest and Susanna Brouwer, who were married at Schraalenburgh, N. J., December ‘1, 1768. He is referred to in the following extract from the Skelby Courant, Shelbyville, Ky., May 22, 1373: But then, if the Dutch Company had its heroes and heroines, it also had its men of talent as well as legal ability. Among these, perhaps, Judge David Demaree ex- celled. He was born at Hackensack, N. J., October 15, 1769, and participated in Gen. Harmer’s campaign in 1793. He was appointed by the Governor, in 1801, one of the six magistrates of Shelby County, and was elected Presiding Judge in December, 1804, which position he held for several years. Having married a daughter of Jacob Bruner, one of the signers of the original Constitution of Kentucky, his acquaintance with the leading men of the day was quite extensive. That he was regarded as a man of more than ordinary ability is evinced by the fact that at his death, which took place in 1814, many officials and members of the bar of the State honored his memory with their presence at his funeral, riding on horseback many miles for no other purpose. Jacob Banta was captain of a militia company in Kentucky, and moved to Johnson County, Indiana, in 1832, where he made a farm among the woods. He died in his twenty-fourth year, of malignant fever. ISSUE. 39538— DAVID DEMAREE,8 b. May 23, 1833, m. Mrs. Melissa Riddle Perrin, June 11, 1856. She was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, March 27, 1834. He is Dean of the University of Indiana, at Bloomington. He received his education there, and was graduated in 1855. He practiced law in Indiana from 1857 to 1889, except during six years in which he served as Judge of the Circuit Court. Is author of a history of Johnson County, Indiana, and has written numerous articles and made many addresses on the pioneer history of the State. His home is in Frank- lin, Indiana. ISSUE. 5785 —GEORGE,? b. July 16, 1857, married Lillian Vowter, May 3, 1881. She died July 24, 1883. He married a second time, Lucy Lee Pleasant, June 16, 1886, at Menasha, Wis. He was graduated from the University of Indiana in 1876. After leaving college he taught school, devoting his leisure hours to the study of law. In 1879 he became local agent for a fire insurance company at Franklin, Ind., and thence removed to Menasha, ‘Wisconsin, where he is State Agent of the Phenix Fire Insurance Company, of Brook- lyn, N. Y. He served two years as an Alderman in the Menasha Council, and in 1892 was elected Mayor of that city. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. Mark,10 b. Jan. 16, 1883. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. Lucy Lee Pleasant, 10 b. June 2, 1888. 5786 — CHARLES? b. Oct. 16, 1859, m. Martha Evelyn Graham, Oct. 14, 1883. He lives at Mount Vernon, N. Y., and is an Inspector of Insurance risks. ISSUE. 1— Catherine,10 b. Auy. 30, 1886. 2— Elizabeth,10 b. Aug. 20, 188q. Hon. DAVID D. BANTA, FRANKLIN, IND. | + Paws Bogs bh March g, 1860, died June 19, 1863. et © Mwy Bwmwa Erris® b. Sept. 24, 1866, was graduated at Franklin wirsity, 18go. : eo Awaa Moore ELvis®b. March 19, 1870. citronse ELris9b. July 13, 1873. (ACE BANTA married, December, 1831, Sarah Demaree. She was the : 5 SWsgier of fudge David Demaree, a son of Samuel Demarest and Susanna Brouwer, “8 wi shsovied at Schraalenburgh, N. J., December “1, 1768. He is referred to in = Shwe febtowing extract from the Shelby Courant, Shelbyville, Ky., May 22, 1873: “4 then, i the Dutch Company had its heroes and heroines, it also had its men “ + ss well as legal ability. Among these, perhaps, Judge David Demaree ex- wots. He was born at Hackensack, N. J., October 15, 1769, and participated in Gen. Horses campaign in 1793. He was appointed by the Governor, in 1801, one of the “is suaglstrates of Shelby County, and was elected Presiding Judge in December, 1804, whch position he held for several years. Having married a daughter of Jacob Bruner, ; tw of the signers of the original Constitution of Kentucky, his acquaintance with the ‘#ading men of the day was quite extensive. That he was regarded as a man of more than ordinary ability is evinced by the fact that at his death, which took place in 1814, many officials and members of the bar of the State honored his memory with their presence at his funeral, riding on horseback many miles for no other purpose. 2 3 2 i: Jacob Banta was captain of a militia company in Kentucky, and moved to Johnson {_ounty, Indiana, in 1832, where he made a farm among the woods. He died in his twenty-fourth year, of malignant fever. ; ; ISSUE. 885388 — DAVID DEMAREES b. May 23, 1833, m. Mrs. Melissa Riddle Perrin, June 11, 3 1856. She was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, March 27, 1834. He is Dean of the University of Indiana, at Bloomington. He received his education there, and was graduated in 18535. He practiced law in Indiana from 1857 to 1889, except during six years in which he served as Judge of the Circuit Court. Is author of a history of Johnson County, Indiana, and has written numerous articles and x made many addresses on the pioneer history of the State. His home is in Frank- lin, Indiana. : ISSUE. . - 8785 —GEORGE,? b. July 16, 1857, married Lillian Vowter, May 3, 1881. She died July 24, 1883. He married a second time, Lucy Lee Pleasant, June 16, 1886, at Menasha, Wis. He was graduated from the University of Indiana in 1876. After leaving college he taught school, devoting his leisure hours to the study of law. In 1879 he became local agent for a fire insurance company at Franklin, Ind., and thence removed to Menasha, Wisconsin, where he is State Agent of the Phenix Fire Insurance Company, of Brook- lyn, N. Y. He served two years as an Alderman in the Menasha Council, and in 1892 was elected Mayor of that city. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. Mark,10 b. Jan. 16, 1883. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. | Lucy Lee Pleasant,10 b. June 2, 1888. | 7 5786 — CHARLES,? b. Oct. 16, 1859, m. Martha Evelyn Graham, Oct. 14, 1883. He lives at Mount Vernon, N. Y., and is an Inspector of Insurance risks. ISSUE. 1— Catherine, 10 b. Auy. 30, 1886. 2— Elizabeth,10 b. Aug. 20, 1889. DAVID D. BANTA, FRANKLIN, IND. Hon. Eighth Generation ; Peter’ Henry Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke. 253 5787 —MABEL,? b. Nov. 19, 1864. She was graduated at the University of Indiana in 1885. : 39589—PETER,8 b. July 22, 1835, died July 26, 1835. 2498. ISAAC7BANTA married Cassander Demaree. He was a farmer and tan- ner, and lived all his life on his father’s farm, near Pleasureville, Henry County, Ky. ISSUE. 395310—JOHN WESLEY, 8 b. July 3, 1832, died Feb. 5, 1837. 895311 — ELIZA ANN,8 b. July 17, 1833, m. Joseph Baker. He is a farmer in Henry Co., Ky. She died July 10, 1862. ISSUE. 5788 — MATTIE BAKER.9 5789 —IsAAC BAKER.Y 395312— MARTHA JANE,S b. July 30, 1834, m. Napoleon B. Wells, M. D., Sept. 20, 1857. She died July 22, 1859. ISSUE. 5790 — CoRA D. WELLS,9 b. Sept. 12, 1858, m. Warren L. Kepheart, Jan. 28, 1879. He is a farmer, living near New Castle, Ky. ISSUE. 1— Edwin Murray Kepheart,10 b. March 24, 1880. 2— Bessie Wells Kepheart,10 b. Nov. 18, 1881. 3— Harold Kean Kepheart,10 b. Aug. 9, 1883. 4— Isaac Stuart Kepheart,10 b. Jan. 4, 1887. 395313 — SARAH MARGARET,8 b. Sept. 24, 1835, died Dec. 24, 1847. 895314— WILLIAM DEMAREE,S8 b. Dec. 10, 1837, m. A. V. Wilson, Oct. 6, 1858. He is a farmer, living near Eminence, Ky. ISSUE. 5791 — CAssA RETTA,9 b. July 18, 1859, m. V. O. Tucker, Feb. 18, 1879. 5792 —BETTIE ELLEN,? b. May 30, 1861. 5798 —IsaAac OTHO,9 b. Sept. 5, 1862, died March 2, 1868. 5794 — WILLIAM CALLOWAY,? b. March 26, 1864, m. 5838 Laura Belle Bergen,9 Dec. 19, 1888. ISSUE. Charles Otho,10 b. Dec. 29, 1889. 5795 —0OcTAvius NEWTON,9 b. Oct. 22, 1866. 5796 — JOSEPH AUGUSTUS,? b. Dec. 12, 1868. 5797 — JONATHAN EDWARDS,9 b. Dec. 30, 1870. 5798 — BENJAMIN THOMAS, b. June 11, 1872, died Jan. 10, 1873. 5799 —ERrRAsMUS BRENT,9 b. June 14, 1874. 5800 — CLEON ALLEN,9 b. Feb. 28, 1876. 5801 — VIRGIL AMBROSE,? b. Sept. 20, 1878. 5802 —MARY STRANGHAN,9 b. July 26, 1883, died Feb. 23, 1885. 395315 — ABRAHAM THOMAS,$ b. Nov. 5, 1839, died July, 1863. 895316— PETER FORCE,8 b. April 23, 1841, died Sept. 3, 1861. 395317— ISAAC NEWTON,8 b. April 25, 1843, m. Sallie: Kinder, March 1, 1866. He is a farmer, living at Shelbina, Missouri. ISSUE. 5803 —MATTIE ELLEN,9 b. Sept. 29, 1870. 5804 — ANNIE MAY,9 b. June 24, 1873. 5805 —IsAAc WILLIAMS,9 b. April 23, 1875. 5806 —CAsSIE BELLE,9 b. Oct. 21, 1878. 5807 —SEATON ALFRED,? b. Jan. 19, 1882. 5808 — JoHN ADAMS PRICKETT,? b. April 6, 1885. 254 Eighth Generation ; Peter Henry Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke. 895318—GEORGE ERASMUS,8 b. Nov. 25, 1844. 895319 — CASSANDRA ELLEN,8 b. May 11, 1849, m. Seaton E. Thompson, Jan. 28, 1869. He was born Dec. 15, 1844, in Shelby County, Ky.; was graduated at Georgetown College, Ky., in June, 1866, and in the Law Department of the University of Louisville, in February, 1868; in 1869 he received the Degree of A. M. from Georgetown College. He taught school in Kentucky for a number of years; among other positions held was that of principal of the Shelby Graded School, at Shelbyville. In 1886 he removed to Texas and was elected Superintendent of the city schools of Sulphur Springs. In 1887 was chosen principal of the Preparatory Department of Baylor University, at Waco, Texas, and the following year was advanced to the Chair of Latin. He is now Vice-President of the University and Professor of Latin and I.ogic, and has full charge of the Female Department of the University. Professor Thompson has established an excellent reputation as an educator, and has been offered the Presidency of Mary Sharpe College, Win- chester, Tenn., Bethel Female College, Hopkinsville, Ky., and other institutions. ISSUE. 5809 — WiLLIAM ISAAC THOMPSON,9 b. Nov. 24, 1869. 5810 — LizziE THOMPSON,9 b. Aug. 21, 1880. 5811 — ETHEL THOMPSON, b. July 6, 1881. 895820— BENJAMIN LEWIS,8 b. April 2, 1853, married Lucy Jane Quisenberry, Dec. 24, 1874. He married a second time, Eliza Barcom Bishop. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5812 —MAUDE MERRITT, b. Nov. 13, 1875. 5813 — Lou ELLA,9 b. Oct. 30, 1883. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5814 — WILLIAM VERNE,9 b. Feb. 14, 1887. 2494. RACHEL? BANTA married George Kerlin, December 5, 1816. They moved to Johnson County, Ind., in 1828. He had a farm among the woods of Indiana, where they both died. ISSUE. 895321 — JOHN KERLIN,8 b. Feb. 16, 1818, m. Rachel Luyster, Feb. 21, 1839. ISSUE. 5815— JAMES HARVEY KERLIN,9 b. March 3, 1840, m. Mary Garr, Oct. 25, 1863. 5816 — MARTHA JANE KERLIN,9 b. April 19, 1841, m. Lewis C. Deer, Feb. 22, 1860. They live at Providence, Ind. ISSUE. James V. Deer,10 graduate of Franklin College, 18go; candidate for the Legislature on Farmers’ Alliance ticket, in 18go. 5817 — DELILAH CAROLINE KERLIN,? b. June 23, 1847, m. George Parris. They live at Providence, Ind. 5818 — MARGARET COUN KERLIN,? b. Nov. 2, 1849, died Dec. 7, 18—. 5819 — ELIZABETH LAVINIA KERLIN,9 b. Jan. 21, 1858, died Jan. 7, 1880. 5820 — EMMA RACHEL KERLIN,9 b. Nov. 12, 1860, died Jan. 17, 1882. 895322 PETER KERLIN,8 b. Aug. 27, 1819, married first, Catherine Dollins; and again, Margaret Core. He died Sept. 8, 1862. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5821 — GEORGE DOLLINS KERLIN,9 b. Feb. 21, 1851, m. Clara Titus, Jan. 10, 1878. They reside in Providence, Ind. Eighth Generation ; Peter® Henry® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 255 ISSUE. 1— Stella May Kerlin,10 b. May 4, 1879. 2— Gabriel Leslie Kerlin,10 b. May 4, 1880. 3— Estelka Kerlin,10 b. Nov. 30, 1885. 4— Guy Kerlin,10 b. Feb. 19, 1888, died Dec. 8, 1888. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5822 —NaNcy KERLIN,? b. July 19, 1853. 58283 — MARY KERLIN,Y m. Edgel Green. 5824 — MATILDA KERLIN,? m. Egbert Green, of Trafalgar, Ind. 5825 — ALMIRA KERLIN,? m. Frank Cole, of Trafalgar, Ind. 5826 — PETER KERLIN.9 895323 —ARTEMISIA KERLIN,8 b. Feb. 4, 1821, m. Simeon T. Riggs, Jan. 14, 1847. He is a farmer, living in Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 5827 —EMILY RIGGS,9 b. Nov. 29, 1847, m. James B. Broyles, Aug. 2, 1870. Re- moved to Missouri, where she died. ISSUE. 1— John Henry Broyles.10 2— Sarah Eliza Broyles.10 3— Simeon Edward Broyles.10 4— William Broyles.10 5— Minnie Artemesia Broyles.10 6— Anna Broyles.10 7— Harry Broyles.10 8 — Orion Broyles.10 5828 — MARY RIGGS,9 b. Oct. 14, 1849, died Oct. 29, 1854. 5829 — RACHEL Ri1GGS,9 b. Sept. 23, 1851, died Dec. 29, 1866. 5830 — GEORGE RANSOM Ri1GGS,9 b. March 28, 1853, m. Nancy Catherine Thomp- son, May 19, 1879. Removed to Tennessee. ISSUE. 1— Ruby Riggs.10 2— Pearl Riggs.10 5831 — JoHN WILSON RIGGS,9 b. Feb. 22, 1857. 5832 —DAvVID BANTA RIGGS,9 b. Sept. 15, 1861, m. Sarah J. Dollins, Sept. 14, 1882. They live at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. Mabel Riggs.10 58383 — SARAH RIGGS,9 b. Aug. 5, 1864. 39532¢— DELILAH KERLIN,8 b. March 17, 1823, m. Samuel Bergen, April 3, 1851. He is a farmer and tilemaker. : ISSUE. 5834 — JAMES SYLVESTER BERGEN,9 b. Dec. 26, 1851, m. Mary Eveline Blair, Oct. 20, 1880. She was born Jan. 23, 1857. He is a musician by profession, and resides in Lafayette, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Etelka G. Bergen,10 b. Nov. 12, 1881. 2— Alonzo George Bergen,10 b. Sept. 15, 1884. 3— Flora May Bergen,10 b. Jan. 28, 1887. 4— Carl Fredrick Bergen,10 b. April 26, 188g. 5835 — HARRIET ANN BERGEN,9 b. Feb. 8, 1855. 5836 — JoserH EDGAR BERGEN,9 b. April 20, 1857, m. Lurany C. Covert, Nov. 23, 1882. He is a farmer in Franklin, Ind. 256 Eighth Generation ; Peter Henry5 Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 7129 — Cecil Covert Bergen,10 b. May 9, 1884. 5837 — RACHEL MARGARET BERGEN,? b. Jan. 23, 1862. 5838 — LAURA BELLE BERGEN,9 b. Aug. 16, 1864, m. 5794 William Calloway 9 Banta, Dec. 9, 1888. . 395325— JAMES KERLIN,8 b. Feb. 12, 1825, m. Lou. J. Tyler, Aug. 24, 1871. He was a farmer ; died July 8, 1887. ISSUE. 5839 — SEATON TYLER KERLIN,9 b. Nov. 23, 1872. 5840 —L. LEoNA KERLIN,9 b. Aug. 24, 1875. 5841 —M. WyoTA KERLIN,9 b. May 7, 1877. 895326 — RACHEL KERLIN,8 b. Jan. 14, 1827, m. Albert Van Nice. He is a farmer, living at Vinton, Iowa. ISSUE. 5842 — MARY VAN NicE,9 died. 5843 — HENRY C. VAN NICE.9 5844 — KATE C. VAN NICE.9 5845 — GEORGE A. VAN NICE.9 5846 — LEAH R. VAN NICE.9 " 5847 —EpMUuND HARVEY VAN NICE,? died May, 1889. 5848 — ANDREW KNIGHT VAN NICE. 5849 — Isaac W. VAN NICE.9 o7__ 1. Jerusha Covert ; 395327 JOSEPH KERLIN,S b. Oct. 27, 1828, mz bee. 7, 3008, ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5850 — WARD BEECHER KERLIN,9 b. Feb. 9, 1858, m. Eva Williams, March 2g, 1878. He is a farmer in Franklin, Ind. : ISSUE. 1— Clarence Kerlin.10 2— Edna Kerlin.10 3— Gertrude Kerlin.10 5851 — GEORGE WASHINGTON KERLIN,9 b. Feb. 2, 1863, m. Mary L. Qoninger, Oct. 4, 1887. He is a farmer, living in Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. Joseph Paul Kerlin, 10 b. June 5, 1889. 5852 — CHARLES BERGEN KERLIN,9 b. May 27, 1865. 5853 — VioLA KERLIN,9 b. Jan. 27, 1868. 5854 — MABEL KERLIN,? b. Feb. 25, 1874. 895328— MARGARET KERLIN,8 b. May 23, 1830, m. Isaac Covert. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 5855 — ARCHIBALD ALLEN COVERT,9 b. 1858, m. Ragsdell. 895329 — LAVINIA KERLIN,$ b. April 21, 1832, m. Lewis C. Gaw, M. D., Nov. 20, 1851. They moved to Kansas, where she died. All of her children reside in that State. ISSUE. 5856 — GEORGE GAW.9 5857 — STEPHEN GAW.9 5858 — CAROLINE GAW.9 5859 — HERSCHELL GAW.9 5860 — LEE GAW.9 5861 — ELLA GAW.9 5862 — MAY GAW.9 Eighth Generation ; PeterS Henrys Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.l 257 395330 — GEORGE KERLIN,8 b. Feb. 15, 1834, m. Susan Keaton, Feb. 25, 1864. She was born Aug. 22, 1838. He is a farmer and carpenter at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 5863 — Lizzie A. KERLIN,9 b. Feb. 4, 1865, died Oct. 17, 1883. 5864 — WiLLiAM H. KERLIN,9 b. June 8, 1866. 5865 — GEORGE L. KERLIN,9 b. July 30, 1868. 5866 —JoHN E. KERLIN,9 b. Dec. 29, 1873. 395331 — HIRAM KERLIN,8 b. Aug. 10, 1836, m. Lucy Ann Clarke, Dec. 24, 1863. He is a farmer at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 5867 — JOSIE ALBERTINE KERLIN,9 b. Oct. 22, 1864, m. Ara Vandiver, Aug. 5, 1886. He is a farmer in Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. Kenneth Vernon Vandiver,10 b. Nov., 1887. ; 5868 —ELLA BELLE KERLIN,? b. Dec. 14, 1866, m. Alonzo Barnett, Sept. 30, 1883. He is a farmer of Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Virgil Layton Barnett,10 b. Oct. 22, 1884. 2— Minnie Barnett,10 b. March 1, 1888. 5869 — Isaac WEBSTER KERLIN,9 b. Dec. 11, 1868. 5870 — MAGGIE MAY KERLIN,9 b. Dec. 18, 1870, died Aug. 7, 1871. 895332— CAROLINE KERLIN,S b. Oct. 5, 1838, m. James Bradley. ISSUE. 5871 —BETTIE BRADLEY,9 b. June 8, 1863. 5872 — ROBERT LEE BRADLEY,9 b. Sept. 3, 1866, died. 5873 —NAoMI BRADLEY,? b. April 5, 1869. 2495. MARY 7 BANTA married Garret Bergen, January 13, 1814, in Kentucky, and moved to a quarter-section adjoining the then newly laid out town of Franklin, in Johnson County, Indiana. She died in Vinton, Benton County, Iowa, August 23, 1858, while on a visit to her children. Her husband was a tanner, and operated a tanyard as well as owning a farm. He served as a soldier under Lieut. Zachary Taylor during the Indian campaign of 1812. 17 ISSUE. 395333 — MARGARET BERGEN,8 b. Jan. 13, 1815, m. Alfred C. Scull, March 16, 1842. ISSUE. 5874 — ADA ScuULL,9 b. 1844, died 1864. 89533¢t— RACHEL BERGEN,8 b. Sept. 5, 1816, m. William A. Grim, March 10, 1842. He is a carpenter in Benton County, Iowa. ISSUE. 5875—MARY M. GRIM, b. Sept. 17, 1843, m. W. P. Rhodabeck, Dec. 18, 1866. Lives at Ophir City, Utah. ISSUE. 1— Harry Rhodabeck,10 b. Oct. 17, 1867. 2— Joshua Willard Rhodabeck,10 b. Dec. 8, 1868, died Feb. 8, 1880. 5876 — GARRET GEORGE GRIM,9 b. Dec. 23, 1845, m. Rebecca Winks, Jan. 17, 1871, ISSUE. Maud Maria Grim,10 b. Oct. 21, 1872. 258 Eighth Generation ; PelerS Henry Henry * Hendricks Hendrick? Epke. 5877 —SAMANTHA C. GRIM,? b. Oct. 23, 1849, m. Jerry Alcom, Sept. 27, 1870. ISSUE. Gabriella Alcom,10 b. Oct. 19, 1872. 5878 — MALINDA JANE GRIM,? b. Aug. 26, 1854. 5879 —EmiLy S. B. GRIM,9 b. March 29, 1856. 895335 —ABRAM BERGEN,8 b. Sept. 17, 1817, married first, Sarah E. Henderson, March 15, 1842; and again, Fanny K. Warner, Jan. 3, 1878. He has always lived in Franklin, Indiana, except for a few years when he operated a tannery in Brown County. Was for many years an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5880 — ALONZO NEWTON BERGEN,9 b. Sept. 29, 1843, married first, Fannie Martin, April 17, 1866; and again, Martha E. Crawford, Feb. 24, 1869. He is a harness maker at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1— Cora Eva Bergen,10 b. July 30, 1871. 2— Arthur Gersham Bergen,10 b. Jan. 9, 1874. 5881 — SANFORD MARTIN BERGEN,9 b. Sept. 18, 1845, died July 16, 1846. 5882 — SYLVESTER SCOVILL BERGEN,9b. March 7, 1847, m. Sallie Anderson, March 30, 1875. He was graduated from Hanover College in 1870. He is a Pres- byterian minister at Belleville, Mifflin County, Pa. : ISSUE. 7144 — Nellie Bergen,10 b. March 16, 1876, died Aug. 3, 1876. 7145 —Laura A. Bergen,10 b. Oct. 8, 1877. 7146 — Sylvester Fithian Bergen,10 b. Aug. 15, 1879. 7147 — Stanley Vanzant Bergen,10 b. Feb. 10, 1881. 7148 — Hattie Oliphant Bergen,10 b. June 28, 1883. 7149 — Harry Henderson Bergen,10 b. Nov. 5, 1884. 7150 — Lizzie Belle Bergen,10 b. Sept. 1, 1886. 5883 — CORNELIUS BERGEN,? b. Jan. 3, 1849, died Sept. 29, 1864. 895836 — GEORGE BERGEN 8 b. April, 1820, m. Margaret Jane Eoff, April 25, 1846. He is a farmer and tanner in Benton County, Iowa. ISSUE. 5884 — GARRET C. BERGEN,9 b. Oct. 24, 1847, m. Rachel C. Voris, Dec. 18, 1877. 5885 — MARY E. BERGEN,9 b. June 20, 1849. 5886 — ARCHIBALD M. BERGEN,9 b. Feb. 28, 1851, died July 22, 1864. 5887 —LOUISIANNA W. BERGEN,9 b. May 20, 1853. 5888 — SARAH ANN BERGEN,? b. Sept. 4, 1855. 5889 — GEORGE W. L. BERGEN,? b. May 17, 1857. _ 5890 — MARGARET JANE BERGEN,9 b. Oct. 12, 1850. 5891 — LAURA E. BERGEN,9 b. June 19, 1862, died Sept. 12, 186-. 5892 — VIRGEL A. BERGEN,9 b. Nov. 3, 1868. 5893 — JoseErH A. BERGEN,? b. Oct. 1, 1870. 895337 — MALINDA BERGEN,S b. April 10, 1822, died May 12, 1822. 895333— MARY BERGEN,8 b. April 29, 1824, m. James Franklin Young, Oct. 25, 1349. He died Sept. 25, 1855. ISSUE. 5894 — JosEPpH CONOVER YOUNG,? b. Sept. 24, 1850. 5895 — MARY CLARA YOUNG,? b. Oct. 13, 1853. 895339— JOANNA BERGEN,S b. April 29, 1824, m. John P. Chinn, Jan. 6, 1848. He is a farmer, Eighth Generation ; Peter® Henrys Henryt Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 259 ISSUE. 5896 — GARRET C. CHINN,9 b. April 11, 1853. 5897 —JouN T. CHINN,9 b. May 21, 1857. 5898 —EDDIE DURRING CHINN,9 b. March 21, 1863. 395340 — PETER BERGEN,8 b. Aug. 1, 1826, married first, Emily S. B. Gwin, March 28, 1848; and again, Martha A. Fleming, Aug. 24, 1856. He is a farmer residing in Benton County, Iowa. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5899 — ANDREW CONOVER BERGEN,9 b. Feb. 3, 1849. Is a physician. 5900 — WINFIELD SCOTT BERGEN,? b. Feb. 19, 1851, died Sept. 8, 1852. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5901 — JAMES KIRK BERGEN, b. July 14, 1860, died April 30, 1861. 5902 — OscAR CLARENCE BERGEN,9 b. Aug. 20, 1862. 5903 — WILLIAM SHERMAN BERGEN,9 b. March 29, 1866. 5904 — ALICE BERGEN,9 b. Sept. 22, 1868. 395341 — ANNA BERGEN,8 b. Aug. 1, 1826, died Aug. 25, 1826. 395342 —ISAAC BERGEN,8 b. Sept. 3, 1828, m. Martha H. Voris, Oct. 25, 1853. He is a farmer; moved from Johnson County, Indiana, to Iowa in 1858. Is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church. ISSUE. 5905 — JosEPH CONOVER BERGEN, 9b. Aug. 19, 1854, m. Mary J. Burvis, Sept. 12, 1877. 5906 — ERNEST BERGEN,9 b. Jan. 13, 1857, died Feb. 1, 1882. 5907 — JANE MARY BERGEN,9 b. June 2, 1859, died Jan. g, 1859. 5908 —RACHEL MATILDA BERGEN,9b. Jan. 12, 1862, m. William Hanna, Sept. 5, 1883. 5909 — MARTHA JANE BERGEN,9 b. March 23, 1864, m. Dr. De Witt George, Sept. 9, 1884. 5910 —EMETT DUNNING BERGEN,9 b. Dec. 2, 1866, m. Samuel D. Weber, June 4, 1879. She died Feb. 1, 1882. 5911 — JAMES THADDEUS BERGEN,? b. July 6, 1869, died July 17, 1873. 5912 — Guy LAWRENCE BERGEN,9 b. July 31, 1875. 395343 — ARCHIBALD BERGEN,8 b. Dec. 1, 1830, died May 17, 1837. 395344 —HARVEY LOGAN BERGEN,8 b. June 30, 1833, died June 20, 1866. 2496. MARGARET? BANTA married in Henry County, Ky., Feb. 12, 1824, Robert McAuley, M. D. ‘‘He was educated at the University at Edinburgh, Scotland. Came from New Orleans with the Kentucky soldiers who had been with General Jack- son against the British. He moved to Indiana and settled a tract of land, upon which he and his wife died. He was an active practitioner of medicine until death, which occurred in 184-. They had three children, two of whom married. They have had twenty-three grandchildren and forty great grandchildren. All the males have been farmers, and the females married farmers. The great majority of descendants have lived in, or in the near vicinity of Johnson County, Ind., and many belonged to the Baptist denomination.” ISSUE. 395345 —MARIA McAULEY,8 b. June 2, 1825, m. Henry Byer, Jan. 9, 1845. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 5913 — ROBERT MCAULEY BYER,? b. Nov. 17, 1845, m. Jennie Parr, Aug. 31, 1876, died Nov. 30, 1888. . ISSUE. 1— Robert Ernest Byer,10 b. March 4, 1878. 2— Ethel Byer,10 b. Jan. 27, 1882. 3— Iona Byer,10 b. April 6, 1884. 4— Haskell H. Byer,10 b. April 17, 1886. 260 Eighth Generation ; PeterS Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 5914— MARY ELIZABETH BYER,9 b. March 27, 1847. 5915 — SARAH MARGARET BYER,9 b. Oct. 4, 1848, m. Isaac H. Vandiver, Dec. 7, 1871. He died May 20, 1875. ISSUE. Elmore Vandiver,10 b. Oct. 3, 1872. 5916 — GEORGE WASHINGTON BYER,9 b. June 15, 1851, m. Olive Rice, Dec. 31, 1873. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 1— Gracie Lualie Byer,10 b. Feb. 9g, 1875, died August, 1875. 2— Emma Byer,10 b. March 12, 1876. 3— Bertha M. Byer,10 b. March 3, 1879, died in infancy. 4—Ida M. Byer,10 b. March 3, 1879, died in infancy. 5— May Edith Byer,10 b. June 26, 1881. . 6— Walter H. Byer,10 b. Aug. 2, 1883. 7— Florence Gertrude Byer,10 b. April 23, 1885. 8 — Carl Rice Byer,10 b. Jan. 20, 1887. 5917 —ALONzO NEWTON BYER,9 m. Laura Morgan, Nov. g, 1876. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 1— Leona Byer,10 b. Oct. 13, 1877. 2— Hattie Byer,10 b. July 2, 1880. 3— Rosie Byer,10 b. May 9, 1883. 4— Susannah Byer,10 b. April 5, 1887. 5918 — CAROLINE ADDA BYER,9 b. Dec. 9, 1855, m. John O. Wilks, Dec. 20, 1877. ISSUE. 1 — Stella Wilks,10 b. Nov. 13, 1878. 2— Carrie Wilks,10 b. March 21, 1881. 3— Lora Wilks,10 b. Aug. 14, 1883. 4— Della Wilks,10 b. May 21, 1886. 5— Nella Wilks,10 b. May 21, 1886. 5919 —ADALINE BYER,? b. Dec. 7, 1855. 5920 — SYLVANUS BYER,9b. April 20, 1858, m. Maretta Hamilton, Dec. 15, 1880. ISSUE. 1— Jesse Byer,10 b. Oct. 20, 1831. ~ 2— Cecilia Byer,10 b. May 8, 1884. 3— Earl Byer,10 b. Feb. 25, 1887. 5921 — CLARISSA BYER,9 b. July 4, 1860, died April 4, 1863. 5922 — RACHEL BYER,9 b. Nov. 10, 1862, died Dec. 4, 1865. 5923 —ALMIRA BYER,9 b. Feb. 7, 1864, died April 22, 1865. 5924 — SUSANNAH BYER,9 b. April 13, 1866. 5925 — ARCHIBALD BYER,9 b. Dec. 28, 1869. 395346 —RACHEL MCAULEY,8 b. June 12, 1826, m. Joseph S. Vandiver, Jan. 2, 1845. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 5926 — WILLIAM S. VANDIVER,? b. Jan. 4, 1846, m. Sarah E. Carney, Oct. 8, 1868. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 1— Ella J. Vandiver,10 b. July 15, 1869. 2— Clara T. Vandiver,10 b. Dec. 15, 187—. 3— George A. Vandiver,10 b. April 19, 1875. 4— Albert H. Vandiver,10 b. May 19, 1878. 5— Lillis O. Vandiver,10 b. July 31, 1879, died Sept. 9, 1879. 6— Chester C. Vandiver,10 b. Aug. 3, 1884, died Sept. 8, 1884. 7— Leary M. Vandiver,10 b, Oct. 28, 1885. Eighth Generation ; PeterS Henry® Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel 261 5927 —NoAH E. VANDIVER,? b. Feb. 28, 1848. : 5928 — CAROLINE VANDIVER,? b. July 6, 1850, m. William V. King, Jan. 19, 1879. 5929 — EMELINE VANDIVER,9 b. Nov. 21, 1852, m. Wesley Deer, Oct. 7, 1875. ISSUE. 1— Effie Deer,10 b. April 14, 1877. 2— General Edward Deer,10 b. April 14, 1877, died May 18, 1877. 3— Louisa Deer,10 b. June 26, 1880. 4—Anna Bell Deer,10 b. Sept. 8, 1885. 5930 — PAULINA VANDIVER,? m. Benjamin Merriks, Feb. 13, 1879. He is a farmer. She died July 6, 1880. ISSUE. Clarence E. Merriks,10 b. March 5, 1880. 5981 —SUSANNAH VANDIVER,9 b. Feb. 23, 1857, died March 24, 1857. 5932 — CORNELIUS A. VANDIVER,9 b. April 10, 1858. Is a farmer. Unmarried. 5933 — SARAH I[SABELLE VANDIVER,? b. May 27, 1861. 5934 — MARGARET A. VANDIVER,? b. May 9, 1864, m. Jesse Harris, Nov. 12, 1885. ISSUE. Hazel Harris, 10 b. Sept. 18, 1886. 5935 — LAVINIA VANDIVER,? b. May 9, 1864, died April 7, 186—. + 395847—MARGARET McAULEY, 8b. June 18, 1828. Albert® Hendrick? Hendrick¢ Hendrick 3 Hendrick? Epke.! 2497. DAVID ALEXANDER? BANTA married 2542Rachel? Banta, October 8, 1818. She was born in Winchester, Ohio, January 18, 1804, and died February 26, 1863. He lived in Cass County, Ind., and died October 6, 1867. ISSUE. 3954 1 —ALBERT,8 b. Aug. 19, 1819, m. Cynthia Bradford, July 14, 1844. He died Dec. 13, 1864. ISSUE. 1—EDWIN.Y 2—EZRA.9 3—RACHEL.9 4— CANDACE,9 m. — — Davis. 5—SARAH,9 m. —— Mangas. 3954 2—DAVID,8 b. March 3, 1821, died Jan. 21, 1824. 8954 3—ISAAC,8b. Nov. 19, 1824, died Dec. 4, 1824. 3954 +—JACOB,8 b. Oct. 19, 1826, m. Rebecca Lorning. He died May 7, 1862. 3954 5— JOHN,8 b. Dec. 23, 1828, m. Mary Croft. He died in California, 1859. 3954 6— ELIZA JANE,8 b. Sept. 30, 1833, m. Abner Page. She died July, 1876. 8954 T—SARAH,8b. Jan. 27, 1836, m. John Smith. 3954 8—SAMUEL R.,8 b. July 2, 1839, m. Elizabeth Carton, Aug. 30, 1862. They live in Metea, Cass County, Indiana. ISSUE. 1—DAvip ToDD,9 b. June 3, 1863. 2— MARY,9 b. Aug. 15, 1876. 3—JOHN,9 b. April 27, 1879, died May 16, 1879. 3954 9—RACHEL H.,8b. July 2, 1839. 895410 —RUTH,8 b. Dec. 1, 1841. 395411 — WILLIAM,8 b. Feb. 27, 1844. 895412 MARTHA,S b. July 10, 1846. 262 Eighth Generation; Albert Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 2501. BEAUFORT? BANTA was born in Bourbon County, Ky., and married, August 12, 1829, Elizabeth Mac Nary, who was born in Kentucky. She died November 30, 1860. He married again, January 13, 1863, 2560 Katherine? Banta. From Kentucky Mr. Banta removed to Indiana, settling near Curveton, where he died in 1891. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 395413 —SARAH ANN,8 b. March 17, 1831, died Jan. 2, 1851. 3955 —MARY JANE,8 b. March 16, 1833, m. Amos Chilcott, April 15, 1854. They live at Burnett's Creek, Indiana. ISSUE. 5936 — Li1zzIE CHILCOTT,? b. Dec. 24, 1854, died Feb. 26, 1863. 5937 — MARY CHILCOTT,? b. Dec. 24, 1854, m. John Hanna, Nov. 28, 1873. They live at Burnett's Creek, Ind. : ISSUE. 1— Julia Hanna, 10 b. Nov. 2, 1874. 2— Thomas Hanna,10 b. Aug. 3, 1876. 3— Guy Hanna,10 b. Feb. 18, 1878. 4— Irma Hanna,10 b. Dec. 21, 1879. 5938 — ELLA CHILCOTT,? b. May 12, 1857, m. John Cochran, Oct. 31, 1877. They live at Burnett's Creek, Ind. ISSUE. 1 — Ethel Daisy Cochran,10 b. Aug. 26, 1878. 2— Merlin Cochran,10 b. Aug. 14, 1880. 3— Frederick Cochran,10 b. Feb. 21, 1882. 4— Mabel Cochran,10 b. Feb. 16, 1834. 5— Donald Cochran,10 b. March 16, 1886. 5939 — JENNIE CHILCOTT,? b. June 16, 1860, m. Alcester Cochran, Aug. 1, 1877. They live at Burnett's Creek, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Irwin Cochran,10 b. May 26, 1878. 2— Eva Cochran,10 b. April 23, 1880. 3— Herbert Cochran,10 b. Nov. 14, 1881. 4— Samuel Dudley Cochran,10 b. Jan. 2, 1884. 5940 — MATTIE CHILCOTT,? b. May 20, 1863, m. John Duffey, Oct. 20, 1883. They live at Burnett's Creek, Ind. ISSUE. 1— Frederick Duffey,10 b. Sept. 8, 1884. 2— Nellie Duffey,10 b. Aug. 11, 1886. 5941 —EsTELLE CHILCOTT,? b. Sept. 11, 1866. 5942 — MINNIE CHILCOTT,9 b. Feb. g, 1869. 5943 — FRANKIE CHILCOTT,? b. March 3, 1871, died March 26, 1872. 5944 — CHARLES CHILCOTT,? b. Nov. 16, 1875. 8956 — RUTH ANN,8 b. Oct. 28, 1834, died April 9, 1835. 3957 —ELIZABETH,8 b. April 26, 1836, died Dec. 29, 1846. 3958 —JOHN,8 b. Jan. 1, 1838, married, Feb. 23, 1864, Sarah Hildebrand. She was born July 4, 1841, and died Feb. 27, 1880. He married again, Oct. 12, 1882, Eliza A. ‘Wirick. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5945 — CLARA,9 b. June 20, 1865, m. Frederick Mader, Oct. 7, 1884. 5946 — BEAUFORT,9 b. Dec. 7, 1866. 5947 —ELLA,9 b. Dec. 11, 1868. Eighth Generation ; Albert® Henry Henry 4 Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 263 8959 —BENJAMIN,9 b. June 16, 1839, m. 4136 Elvira Wilson,8 March 12, 1867. She died Sept. 12, 1875. He lives at Curveton, Ind. ISSUE. 5948 — EVERETT,Y b. Oct. 21, 1867. 3960 — ELLEN 8 b. Jan. 3, 1842, m. George Wolford. They live in Topeka, Kansas. 3961 — HENRY,8 b. March 30, 1844, m. Clarinda Coa. He is a farmer, living at Lake Cicott, Cass County, Indiana. ISSUE. 1—BEAUFORT.? 2— CHARLES.? 3— CLIFFORD.Y 4—ARTHUR.9 5— ERNEST.Y 6—RENA MYRTLE,9 died Aug. 10, 1892. 3962 — WILLIAM,8 b. Jan. 1, 1846, m. Maggie D. Zinn, March 28, 1872. She was born in Butler County, Ohio, Sept. 8, 1847. ISSUE. 5949 — CHARLES LEROY, b. May 13, 1873. 5950 — IRA ELVIA,9 b. May 20, 1831. 3963 — GEORGE 8 b. Sept. 7, 1849, died March 29, 1851. Henry ® Abraham? Hendrick‘ Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2507. ABRAHAM BANTA was born in Madison County, Ky., and married Elizabeth Thorp, Dec. 29, 1825. She was born Oct. 12, 1809. He was a farmer in Kentucky, whence he removed to Henry County, Missouri, about 1834, and died March 15, 1882. His widow was living in 1887, at Canyon City, Colorado. ISSUE. 3965 —MAHALA,8 b. March 26, 1827, m. Thomas M. Renfro, May 15, 1844. She died Jan. 17, 1863. ISSUE. 5951 — MARY RENFRO,9 m. Green Briggs, of Colorado. 5952 — ELIZABETH RENFRO,9 b. Feb. 6, 1847, married first, Charles Chalmers, April 22, 1867. She married again, Jan. 20, 1878, Ruel Walter Johnson, of Calhoun, Mo. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 1-— Mollie Chalmers, 10 b. March 3, 1868. 2— John Edwin Chalmers,10 b. Oct. 20, 1869. 3— Charles Emanuel Chalmers, 10 b. Nov. 17, 1871. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4— Erin Phinehas Johnson,10 b. Sept. 9, 1885. 5953 — WILMUTH RENFRO,9 m. Anderson Carpenter, of Pueblo, Col. 5954 — ABRAHAM RENFRO,9 m. Miss King. 5955 — MALENA RENFRO,9 m. King, of Cal. 3966— WILLIAM J.,8 b. Oct. 28, 1830, m. Margaret C. Goff, Jan., 1854. She was born in Henry County, Mo., Nov. 18, 1837. They reside in Canyon City, Colorado. 264 Eighth Generation ; Henry Abrahams Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epkel ISSUE. 5956 — CHRISTOPHER HARRIS,9 b. April 22, 1855, m. in California, April, 1886. 5957 — CHARLES WARREN,9 b. April 19, 1857, m. 5966 Nannie E.9 Banta, Dec. 25, 1884. 5958 — WILLIAM EPHRAIM,? b. Sept. 26, 1859, m. 5967 Florinda Mahala9 Banta, Dec. 15, 1885. 5959 —ABRAHAM,9 b. May 12, 1862, m. Anna M. Martin, Sept. 7, 1886. 5960 —ELI1ZABETH,9 b. March 12, 1865, m. Jeff. Milner, June 14, 1882. 5961 — HENRY L.,9 b. Nov. 23, 1867. 5962 — BEAUFORT A.,9 b. Nov. 3, 1870. 5963 — WINNIE A.,9 b. Oct. 16, 1873. 5964— LuLu A.,9 b. Nov. 1, 1876. 3967 — THOMAS H.,8 b. April 14, 1833, m. Louisa Embury, Oct. 28, 1858. She was born in Virginia, Oct. 3, 1835. They reside in Calhoun, Mo. ISSUE. 5965 — LAURA JANE,? b. Aug. 31, 1859, m. Joseph Kemmel. 5966 —NANNIE ELIZABETH,9 b. May 27, 1862, m. 5957 Chas. W.8 Banta, Dec. 25, 1884. 5967 —FLORINDA MAHALA,9 b. April 1, 1865, m. 5958 William E.8 Banta, Dec. 15, 1885. 5968 —SusAN ELLEN,9 b. April 8, 1867, m. Chas. Francis Van Winkle, Feb. 21, 1887. He was born Nov. 12, 1862. 5969 —LURETTA,? b. Dec. 30, 1868, died April 16, 1870. 5970 —MAZELA,? b. June 4, 1871, died Dec. 13, 1874. 5971 —MALENA DELLA,9 b. Feb. 14, 1874. 5972 — CoLLINA FATIMA,9 b. Nov. 28, 1875. 3968 —HENRY C.,8 b. Oct. 1, 1835, m. Winnie Louisa Truett, March 19, 1862. She was born in Arkansas, April 2, 1846. They live in Tracy, California. ISSUE. 5973 —ELIZABETH MAHALA,9 b. July 13, 1864, died Dec. 17, 1866. 5974 — JAMES FRANKLIN,? b. May 13, 1866, m. Amelia E. Wacksmuth, Oct. 30, 1885. 5975 —MARY Louisa? b. Jan. 10, 1868, m. William Isiam Janes, Jan. 1g, 1886. 5976 — HENRY ABRAHAM,9 b. Sept. 19, 1870. 5977 —WiLMUTH EVALINE,? b. April 19, 1873. 5978 — WINNIE ELLEN,? b. April 12, 1876. 5979 — MINNIE MABEL,9 b. Jan. 17, 1881. 5980 — WiLLIAM HAROLD,9 b. April 25, 1884. 5981 — GROVER CLEVELAND,9 b. April 5, 1886. 3969 — ZACHARIAH T.,8 b. March 14, 1838, m. Louisa Owens, Sept. 14, 1862. 3970— JOHN O.,8 b. March 5, 1841, m. Margaret Dorethea Chalmers, June 1, 1864. He died July 25, 1869. ISSUE. 5982 —EL1ZABETH,9 m. —— Packstene. 5983 — ABRAM.9 5984 — MARGARET.? 3971 — JAMES H.,8 b. March 3, 1844, m. Nancy E. Parks, June 8, 1866. She was born in Henry Co., Mo., March 23, 1847. They live at Ruthford, Wichita Co., Texas. ISSUE. 5985 —BELLA CELENA,9 b. March 19, 1867. 5986 — HENRY R.,9 b. July 15, 1868. 5987 —LORINDA ].,9 b. Feb. 4, 1870. 5988 — HENRIETTA, b. June 15, 1871. 5989 — MARTIN L.,9 b. July 17, 1874. Eighth Generation ; Henry ® Abraham’ Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 265 2508. WILLIAM? BANTA married, December 19, 1822, Mahala Thorp, who was born in 1805. Both were living in 1890 at Ferguson, Garfield County, Colorado. ISSUE. 39711 —ELIZABETH,8 b. May 1, 1824, m. Christopher H. Black, Feb. 4, 184c. He was born in Campbell County, Ky., Feb. 17, 1817, and lives at Ridgely, Mo. She died Oct. 8, 1851. ISSUE. 5990 — ROBERT HENRY BLACK,9 b. Oct. 4, 1842, m. Elizabeth Neumann. ISSUE. 7211 — Mary Black,10 b. March 14, 1866, m. George Moran, Dec. 20, 1885. 7212 —Ida May Black,10 b. Aug. 18, 1868. 7213 — Fannie Black,10 b. Feb. 8, 1870. 7214 — Darwin Black,10 b. Sept. 16, 1884. 5991 —FrANcCIS BLACK,% b. Dec. 29, 1844, m. J. S. Holland, April 12, 1867. He died Feb. 15, 1879. ISSUE. 7215 — Annie D. Black,10 b. July 29, 1872. 5992 —HENSLEY HARRIS BLACK,9 b. Dec. 13, 1847, m. Julia Lucinda Burnam, Yeb. 13, 1873. ISSUE. 7216 — Louisa Ann Black,10 b. Oct. 22, 1873. 7217 — Fannie Black,10 b. Aug. 16, 1875. 7218 — John C. Black,10 b. July 2, 1877. 5993 —MAHALA BLACK,9 b. April 30, 1849, m. James N. Stanford, 1866. ISSUE. 7219 — Woodie B. Stanford,10 b. Aug. 22, 1867. 39712— HENRY,8 b. April 20, 1826, died 1847. 39713—LOUISA F.,8 b. March 28, 1828, m. en Spenlock, Sept. 26, 1844. A : . John Litzenburg; 39714—WILLMOTH,8 b, Feb. 21, 1831, m. 5 ly Mola ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 5994 — KATIE McCLAIN.9 39715—MORNING,8 b. Dec. 30, 1832, m. Obadiah Clarke. They live at Ferguson, Col. ISSUE. 5995 — WiLLiAM M. CLARKE,9 b. Dec. 13, 1851, died March 1, 1853. 5996 — JAMES WALTER CLARKE,9 b. Feb. 22, 1854, m. Augusta Ann Creed, April 5, 1883. ISSUE. 7220 — Colby Obadiah Clarke,10 b. April 5, 188s. 7221 — Edwin Austin Clarke,10 b. Nov. 17, 1886. 5997 — MARY SALINA CLARKE,9 b. Feb. 6, 1856, m. William O. Huston, Nov. 4, 1875. ISSUE. 7222 — Maud Meredith Huston,10 b. Jan. 11, 1879. 7223 — Elmer Clark Huston,10 b. Jan. 3, 1884. 5998 — JoHN MARSHALL CLARKE,9 b. Sept. 27, 1859. 29%716—NANCY,8 m. James Marshall Minter, May, 1853. ISSUE. 5999 — LAURA BELLE MINTER,9 b. Feb. 25, 1854, m. Charles Pilkey, Oct. 1, 1876. They live in Roswell, New Mexico. 266 Eighth Generation ; Henry Abraham Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke. ISSUE. 7224 — Nancy Pilkey,10 b. Sept. 19, 1877. 7225 — Jennie Pilkey,10 b. June 19, 1879. 7226 — John Pilkey,10 b. Nov. 24, 1881. 6000 — ORELLA FRANCES MINTER,9 b. Nov. 12, 1855, married first, Mat. Gordon, November, 1878; and again, Tom Marshall Pilkey, April, 1886. They live in Roswell, New Mexico. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 7227 — Marshall Gordon,10 b. 1879. 7228 — Emma Gordon,10 b. Sept. 12, 1881. 7229 — William Gordon,10 b. Oct., 188s. 6001 —SALLIE JOSEPHINE MINTER,? b. Sept. 25, 1857, m. George Harris, Jan. 4, 1876. 6002 — JAMES MARSHALL MINTER, Jr.,9 b. Nov. 26, 1859. 6003 —McDOWELL MINTER,9 b. Sept. 25, 1861, m. Minnie Lea, Jan. 15, 1887. 6004 — PERRY MINTER,9 b. Aug., 1863, died June, 1864. 6005 — MATTIE MINTER,9 b. Sept. 7, 1865, m. Albert Stennett, July, 1886. 89717—AMANDA,8 b. May 26, 1837, m. John D. Clarke, May, 1855. They live in Fergu- son, Colorado. : ISSUE. 6006— W. J. CLARKE,9 b. March 10, 1856. 6007 —NANNIE B. CLARKE, b. May 5, 1859, m. Philip Evans, Dec. 24, 1874. They live at Ferguson, Colorado. ISSUE. 7230 —W. D. Evans,10 b. Jan. 13, 1876. 7281 — Walter Evans, 10 b. March 9, 1878. 7232 — Alfred Evans, 10 b. July 8, 1880. 7883 — Ernest C. Evans, 10 b. March 7, 1882. 7234 — Ruth Evans,10 b. Feb. 28, 1886. 6008 —MOLLIE CLARKE,9 b. Sept. 26, 1862, m. Wallace Wright, Oct. 20, 1883. ISSUE. 7235 — Odessa Wright, 10 b. Aug. 31, 1884. 7286 — Homer Wright, 10 b. Feb. 17, 1886. 6009 —RuTH CLARKE,9 b. Nov. g, 1865, m. Morgan Moore, Oct. 5, 1887. 89718—MALINDA,8 b. Jan. 24, 1839, m. Wayne Stobaugh, Sept. 16, 1857. He died, and 9 y g she married George Ferguson, April 26, 1877. They went to Ferguson, Colorado, in 1882, and claim to have the finest ranch in the county. They own five ranches in Garfield County. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6010 — WILLIAM HENRY STOBAUGH,9 b. 1858, m. Martha Drake, Jan. 30, 1887. ISSUE. Lois Virginia Stobaugh,10 b. 1888. 6011 — CHESTER HARDING STOBAUGH,9 b. 1865, m. Clara Weidinger, Nov. 25, 1885. ISSUE. Henrietta Yelgen Stobaugh,10 b. 1888. 6012 — FRANCIS MARION STOBAUGH,? b. 1866. 6013 —ANNETTA STOBAUGH,9 b. 1868, m. Charles Van Brandis, March 4, 1886. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6014—PreT M. FERGUSON,9 b. 1878. Eighth Generation; Henry Abraham’ Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 267 3971 9— JULIET GRANVILLE,8 b. Feb. 1841, died Oct. 8, 1841. 397110 ARTEMISIA,S b. Aug. 1, 1843, in. H. P. Epperson, May 1, 1860. He is proprietor of the Queen City Poultry Farm, Denver, Colorado. 2511. HENRY? BANTA, born in Madison County, Ky., married Fannie Don Carlos, who was born in Tennessee, July 25, 1810. He was a farmer and removed about 1833, from Kentucky to Cole County, Mo. ISSUE. 3972 —ELIZABETH,S b. Sept. 18, 1828, m. Edward Loftus. They live at Ashland, Oregon. 8973 — ELBERT,S b. Sept. 22, 1830, m. Mary Foster, Sept. 15, 1860. In 1890 they lived at Elkhorn, Montana, where he is engaged in mining. ISSUE. 6015—CLAUDIUS,? b. Feb. 17, 1862. Is a miner in Elkhorn, Montana. 6016 — WILLIAM HENRY,9 b. March 29, 1864. He was a ‘‘ Free Thought Lecturer "’; died Dec. 26, 1888. 6017 — ROBERT LEE,9 b. Dec. 29, 1867. He is a stock raiser. 6018 —JAMES,9 b. Feb. 17, 1869. He is a miner. 6019 —LANNIUS,9 b. Feb. 15, 1872, died Jan. 15, 1879. 6020—LuLU JANE,? b. Feb. 15, 1872. 8974 — CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS,8 b. Jan. 1, 1833, m. Mary Smith, June 28, 1859 She was born in Cooper County, Mo., Jan. 28, 1832. They live in Clinton, Mo. ISSUE. 6021 — THOMAS HENRY,? b. July 20, 1860, died May 8, 1863. 6022 — ELBERT WILLIAM, b. Aug. 9, 1861, died Oct. 2, 1864. 6023 — ELIZABETH MARGARET,? b. March 5, 1863, died May 14, 1864. 6024 — COLUMBUS SEWARD,9 b. March 2, 1865. 6025 — WILLIAM SHERMAN,9 b. Nov. 16, 1866. 6026 — CARTER,? b. March 12, 1869, died March 22, 1869. 6027 — MARY FRANCES,9 b. April 12, 1870. 6028 —ArTA CUSTER,? b. June 25, 1876. 3975— WILLIAM H.,8 b. Dec. 12, 1834, m. Mary Cooffer Snider. He is a physician in Calistoga, Napa County, Cal. ’ ISSUE. 6029 — ADA,9 m. —— Miller. 6030— DoN,9 b. 1861. 3976 — WILLMOTH,8 b. Aug. 31, 1839, m. Floyd Farrar. They live in Linkville, Kalamath County, Oregon. ISSUE. 6031 —OCTAVIA FARRAR.Y 6032 — TRUMAN FARRAR.9 3977 —TALITHA J.8 b. Sept. 19, 1840, m. Thomas Jackson. She died Feb. 16, 1873; he lives in Pleasant Grove, Cal. ISSUE. 6033 — DORA JACKSON,? m. — Stephenson. 6034 — HARVEY JACKSON.9 6035 —ALTA JACKSON,9 m. — Comstock. 6036— DON JACKSON.9 6037 — FRANKLIN JACKSON,? died in infancy. 6038 — LEE JACKSON,? died in infancy. 3978 —LOUISA,8 b. Nov. 9, 1843, m. Kinsey Hardesty, July 16, 1861. In April, 1889, they lived in Mayfield, Santa Clara County, Cal. 268 Eighth Generation; Henry® Abraham Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! ISSUE. 6039 — HENRY HARDESTY,? b. Aug. 31, 1862, died Nov. 26, 1866. 6040 — ELLA F. HARDESTY,? b. Feb. 19, 1864, m. Hamlinton Gans, Aug. 17, 1882. ISSUE. 7287 —Kinsea E. Gans,10 b. June 21, 1883. 7238 —Irene M. Gans,10 b. May 30, 1885. 6041 —MARANTHA HARDESTY, b. Sept. 17, 1866. 6042 — FRANKLIN E. HARDESTY,9 b. Dec. 8, 1869, died May 29, 1880. 6043 — ALICE HARDESTY,? b. April 7, 1872, died April 22, 1873. 6044 — EDWARD C. HARDESTY,9 b. Aug. 24, 1875. 6045 — NETTIE B. HARDESTY,9 b. Sept. 17, 1879. 6046 — CorA M. HARDESTY,9 b. March 17, 1885. 3979 —MIRANDA,8 b. May 30, 1844, m. Clayton Glenn. She died Dec. 16, 1873. ISSUE. 6047 — CHARLES GLENN.9 6048 — ROBERT GLENN.9 6049 —ERBA GLENN.9 83980 — OCTAVIA,S b. July 29, 1847, m. July, 1866, Convus Lorenus Crabtree. He was born in McHenry County, Ill., Dec. 27, 1840. She died Oct. 1, 1869. In 1889 he was Assistant General Baggage Agent of the Southern Pacific R. R. Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal. ISSUE. 6050 —ANNA BELLE CRABTREE,? b. May 8, 1867, m. Vernon Van Buskirk, March 13, 1889. 6051 —IrRA BENJAMIN CRABTREE,9 b. August, 1869, died Oct. 8, 1869. 3981 — JAMES ERASTUS,8 b. Dec. 20, 1848, m. Melissa Snyder, Dec. 7, 1870. He was originally a farmer, but is now a missionary of the ‘Seventh Day Adventists.” They resided in Sacramento, Cal., in 18go. ISSUE. 6052 —OcTAvIA F. 9b. July 7, 1872. 6053 — Eva F.,9 b. March 28, 1874. 6054 — CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS DON,9 b. Jan. 24, 1876. 6055— WILLIAM E. 9 b. Jan. 5, 1878, died Nov. 24, 1879. 6056 —ERMIE M.,9 b. June 20, 1880. 83982 — CARTER DON,8 b. Jan. 17, 1852, m. Mary Gardner, Jan. 28, 1875. They are living in Pleasant Grove, Cal. ISSUE. 6057 — HENRY LEE,? b. Oct. 30, 1875. 2514. WILMUTH7 BANTA, born in Madison County, Ky., married Madison Boulware, Sept. 7, 1837. He was born March 9, 1813, and died March 12, 1874. His widow resides in Wheatland, Cal. ISSUE. 3983 — WILLIAM HENRY BOULWARE,S b. Sept. 1, 1839. 3984— JOHN TYLER BOULWARE,S b. Feb. 3, 1841, m. Jennie Lawson in 1864. ISSUE. 6058 — CHARLES LUTHER BOULWARE,9 b. 1866. 6059 — MARY BELLE BOULWARE,9 b. 1869. 6060 — LILLIE BOULWARE,9 b. 1873, died 1882. 6061 —JoBN BOULWARE,9 b. 1882, died 1884. Eighth Generation ; Henry® Abraham’ Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 269 83985 —PERTHANA TERRILL BOULWARE,S8 b. Dec. 17, 1842, died Nov. 28, 1857. 3986 — LUTHER BOULWARE,8 b. March 1, 1845, died July 5, 1856. 8987 —-LUCY WALKER BOULWARE,$ b. Jan. 9, 1847, m. Dr. I. T. Hamilton, Jan. 1, 1873. ISSUE. 6062 — GEORGE HAMILTON,9 b. March, 1874. 6063 — JosepH HAMILTON,9 b. Dec., 1876. 6064 — THANA H. HAMILTON,9 b. 1878. 3988 — MARY BOULWARE,8 b. March 1, 1849, died Aug. 7, 1851. 8989 —BETTIE BOULWARE,8 b. Jan. 29, 1851, died Aug. 21, 1856. 3990 —DANIEL BOONE BOULWARE,S b. Dec. 25, 1852, m. Nellie Viles, Oct., 1876. ISSUE. 6065— WILMOTH BOULWARE,? b. 1877. 6066 — Lucy MAY BOULWARE,? b. 1880, died in infancy. 6067 — CHESTER BOULWARE,9 b. Aug., 1884. 3991 — JAMES MADISON BOULWARE 8 b. Feb. 15, 1859. 2515. MINERVA? BANTA married Daniel Boone Goode. They lived in How- ard County, Missouri, in 1839. She died April 8, 1887. ISSUE. 3992 — JAMES MADISON GOODE,S b. Nov. 5, 1839, m. Susan Hays McPhetridge, April 21, 1867. They live in Santa Maria, Cal. ISSUE. 6068 —MINERVA LEE GOODE, b. Aug. 14, 1868. 6069 — OLIVER PERRY GOODE,9 b. July 18, 1870. 6070 — NELLIE GOODE,9 b. Sept. 30, 1872. 6071 —LuLA GOODE,? b. Dec. 23, 1874. 6072 — ALBERT GOODE,9 b. Jan. 26, 1879. 6073 — DANIEL GOODE, b. Jan. 9, 1882. 6074— JAMES CLARENCE GOODE,9 b. Nov. 23, 1886. 3998 — WILLIAM ADDISON GOODE,8 b. Oct. 15, 1841, m. Kittie McRae. 3994 —WILMOTH EUGENIA GOODE,8 b. June 7, 1848, m. James Marion Wood. Peter’ Abraham?’ Hendrick* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2518. ABRAHAM? BANTA married Emma Ransdall. He was a farmer, and removed from Kentucky to Johnson County, Indiana, about 1830. He died August 14, 1873. ISSUE. 89941 — WILLIAM RANSDALL,Sb. Sept. 15, 1832, m. Nancy Overstreet. He was a farmer in Greenwood, Johnson County, Ind. Served three years in Company I, 7oth Indiana Regiment. He died Sept. 8, 1889. ISSUE. 60741 —OREN O.,9 b. May 24, 1877. 39942 — JAMES HENRY,8 b. Jan. 8, 1835, married first, Mary Avarilla Brooks, March 4, 1868; and again, Mary Mangan, Oct. 19, 1874. He is a farmer in Greenwood, Johnson County, Ind. He served in Company F, 18th Indiana Regiment. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 60742— CARL EDGAR,9 b. Dec. 14, 1870. 270 Eighth Generation ; Peter Abraham’ Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 60743 — MINNIE MAY,9 b. Jan. 26, 1876, died May 1, 1877. 60744 — ARTHUR MANGAN,? b. Dec. 31, 1877. 60745— EMMA JANE,9 b. Jan. 2, 1881, died Aug. 21, 1881. 60746 —WILLIAM ABRAHAM,9 b. April 16, 1882. 60747— MARY CECIL,9 b. Aug. 30, 1884, died May 4, 1886. 60748—EDITH,9 b. Oct. 30, 1885. 39943 — MARGARET HANNAH,8 b. May 4, 1837, died March 25, 1834. 89944¢— CATHERINE ELIZABETH,8 b. Nov. 23, 1839, died Jan. 2, 1842. 39945— MARY JANE,8 b. Jan. 1, 1843, m. Daniel W. Allison, Sept. 14, 1866. He has a fruit farm at Nordhoff, Cal. ISSUE. 6074 9— ERNEST ALLISON,9 b. Nov. 25, 1867. 607410 — HERBERT M. ALLISON,9 b. Nov. 6, 1872. 607411 —EvVA ALLISON,9 b. Dec. 6, 1877. 607412— CLARA ALLISON,9 b. July 9, 1881. 89946 —SUSAN,8 b. April 8, 1848, m. John R. Aten, Feb. 19, 1880. They live at Tecumseh, Nebraska. 89947 MARTHA,S b. April 8, 1848, m. Oliver H. Draper, Jan. 27, 1871. They live at Macon, 111. 2519. ALBERT7 BANTA married Martha Vooris. He died August 17, 1845. ISSUE. 3995 — LYDIA ANN,8 m. James T. Gilchrist, June 22, 1852. They live in Vinton, Iowa. ISSUE. 6075 — JAMES ALBERT GILCHRIST,? b. Jan. 23, 1856. 6076 —MARTHA BELLE GILCHRIST, b. May 28, 1863. 3996 —REBECCA SUSAN,8 m. William Gilchrist, Sept. 8, 1853. They live in Vinton, Iowa. ISSUE. 6077 —ELLA MARGARET GILCHRIST, b. June 15, 1859, m. James Mansur, Jan. 18, 1881. ISSUE. Roy Mansur,10 b. Aug. 5, 1885. 3997 — WILLIAM HENRY.8 He was in Company F, 39th Indiana Regiment, and was killed at the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. 3998 —MARY C,,8 m. Thomas Burk. She died in 1854. 3999 — MARGARET JANE,8 m. George Burk. She died in 1859. ISSUE. 6083 — MCKINNEY BURK.9 6084 — ALBERT BURK.Y fy N § 1. George Denman; 4000—AMANDAS m. 35" 151, Gilchrist. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6085 — WILLIAM EVERETT DENMAN,9 b. Oct. 27, 1861. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6086 — MARTHA ALICE GILCHRIST,9 b. Oct. 20, 1865, m. Leslie Jameson, Dec: 31, 1884. ISSUE. Clifford Jameson,10 b. 1885. 2524. WILLIAM? BANTA was born in Henry County, Ky. He married Eleanor Copeland, who was born in Belmont County, Ohio, March 9, 1835. They live at Wise, Allen County, Kansas. Eighth Generation ; Peter Abraham Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epked 271 ISSUE. 4001 — LEAH, or ‘““Leoto,” b. Jan. 10, 1859, m. Jasper N. Thompson, Feb. 15, 1880. 4002 —BYRON,8 b. Oct. 18, 1860. ‘4003 —ELMER,8 b. Nov. 2, 1862, died Aug. 9, 1863. 4004— RHODA, 8 b. June 12, 1865. 4005—ALBIN,8 b. March 2, 1868. 4006 —ALICE,8 b. March 2, 1868, m. Leander S. Jones, April 1, 1886. 4007 —ELIJAH,8 b. Dec. 10, 1870. 4008 — CARL,8 b. Aug. 18, 1873, died April 7, 188s. 4009 — PEARIL,8 b. March 14, 1876. 2526. ELIJAH? BANTA married Emeline Campbell, Oct. 6, 1846. She died May 14, 1876. He married again, Dec. 27, 1877, Hattie E. Crosby. From 1839 to 1863 he was Auditor of Johnson County, Indiana. He enlisted in Co. G, 132d Indiana Volunteers, May 3, 1864, for 100 days, and was honorably discharged on the termina- tion of his service. He was the first president and manager of the Colonization Society, formed in 1871 to found a colony of Latter Day Saints, and with two or three associates purchased 3,300 acres of land in Decatur County, Iowa, for the purpose. In 1876 he was elected Supervisor of Decatur County. In 1883 he was elected to the Iowa Legis- lature. In the church of his choice —the Latter Day Saints— he held at the time of his death the position of Elder and Bishop’s Counsellor. He died March 19, 1889. He owned 1,000 acres of land in Decatur County, besides a residence in the town of Lamoni, where he resided. He is described as a man of sterling worth. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4010 — WILLIAM ELIJAH,8 b. Oct. 7, 1878, died July 10, 1870. 4011 — MARY CROSBY,8 b. Dec. 2, 1879. 4012 — ETHEL MAY,8 b. March 24, 1882. 4013 — ALBERT JEFFERDS,8 b. Jan. 27, 1885. Peter® Albert Hendrick? Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2529. ALBERT? BANTA was born in Miamisburgh, Ohio. He married Mary Jane Brower, Dec. 24, 1824. She was born April 24, 1803, and died Dec. 23, 1870. For his second wife, he married Mrs. Mary Jane Gilkison Parks, Oct. 3, 1871. He died August 12, 1886. An obituary notice in a local paper gives the following account of his life: In Ligonier, August 12, 1886, ALBERT BANTA, Sr., aged 81 years, 5 months and 6 days. Another of our fathers has passed away after an illness of nearly ten months, during which he suffered greatly. Deceased was born in Miami County, Ohio, and was the oldest of ten children, three of whom are still living. His first marriage was to Mary J. Brower, and to them were given nine children, four of whom with the mother having preceded him to the home above. Mr. Banta came to Indiana in 1837 and located in Benton, Elkhart county, where he entered into the dry goods business. While he was at Benton he was elected a Justice of the Peace and served for some time as postmaster. In 1840 he was elected sheriff of the county and served in that capacity for two terms. In 1862 he took an active part at Bluffton in recruiting men for the War of the Rebellion, for which service he was commissioned as First Lieutenant. In 1866 he returned to Kendallville, but two years later he again went to Bluffton where he remained until the death of his wife in 1870, after which he came to Ligonier and made his home with his daughter, Mrs. D. W. Green, until his marriage with Mrs. Mary J. Parks, October 3, 1871, who survives him. Deceased was a charter member and was elected first treas- 272 Eighth Generation ; Peler® Albert> Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke. urer of the Masonic Order in this place, having joined the fraternity at Goshen in 1844. He was an earnest worker in the temperance cause, for which he delivered several able lectures— but most of all, he was a devoted Christian. Beginning his religious life in 1848 he retained his integrity to the end. As said above, during. the last ten months he suffered greatly, but during all that time he bore his pain with the fortitude of a child of God, while the loving heart and kind hands of a companion and children did all that mortals could do to alleviate his sufferings until the worn out body let go and the spirit was set free to be borne by angels to its final resting place in Paradise. A large number of the F. & A. M. fraternity assisting in the funeral rites of the Order with hundreds of others present, attested the esteem in which he was held by one and all. Truly a good man has gone to his final rest. Pastors of the M. E. and U. B. churches assisted in the funeral ceremonies, which were held on Sunday afternoon. ISSUE. 4014 —HENRY,8 b. Aug. 6, 1825, died Feb. 12, 1829. 4015—PETER,8 b. June 22, 1827, married first, Nancy Ann Fahl. She was born Oct. 21, 1833, and died March, 1871. His second wife was Emeline Butts. She was born Sept. 20, 1833. They live in Wawaka, Indiana. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 6087 — JAMES ALBERT,? b. Feb. 7, 1853, m. Josephine Long, Dec. 29, 1875. ISSUE. Edward De Forest, 10 b. Jan. 20, 1878. 6088 — DE Witt CLINTON,9 b. Feb. 5, 1855, m, Mary Zimmerman. 6089 — BENJAMIN F.,9 b. Nov. 25, 1856, died. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 6090 — WILLIAM EDWARD, b. Dec. 19, 1872. 6091 — CHARLES RILEY,? b. Nov. 29, 1874. 4016 — JOSEPH,3 b. Sept, 22, 1829, died April 27, 1830. 4017 —ELIZABETH,8 b. July 28, 1831, m. Nelson Sherwood. They reside at Ligonier, Ind. ISSUE. 6092 — MARY ELLA SHERWOOD,?b. Nov. 30, 1853, m. Isaac Wilkins, Jan. 8, 1874. ISSUE. 1 — Charles Wilkins,10 b. Feb. 11, 1878. 2— Lulu Wilkins, 10 b. Oct. 7, 1879. 6093 — ALICE MELISSA SHERWOOD, 9 b. Aug. 1, 1855, m. Samuel Butts, Nov. 8, 1873. ISSUE. Estella Butts,10 b. Nov. 20, 1877. 6094 — CHARLES SHERWOOD, b. June 24, 1858, m. Sarah Etta Butts, Jan. 1, 1880. ISSUE. 1— Lora E. Sherwood,10 b. March 6, 1881. 2— Carl Sherwood,10 b. May, 1885. 6095 — JOSIE SHERWOOD,9 b. Aug. 29, 1865. 6096 — JENNIE SHERWOOD,9 b. July 23, 1868. 4018 — MARY JANE, Sb. Oct. 6, 1833, m. Pearson Carmean. He isa farmer in Ligonier, Ind. ISSUE. 1— MELVILLE J. CARMEAN,9 b. April 25, 1852, died Dec. 13, 1870. 2— LINDA E. CARMEAN,? b. March 2, 1856. 3—ALBERT BANTA CARMEAN,9 b. April g, 1858. 4—LIBBIE N. CARMEAN,9 b. Oct. 25, 1859. 5— EDWIN CARMEAN,? b. Nov. 30, 1862. 6—NELLIE CARMEAN,9 b. March 8, 1868, Eighth Generation ; Peler® Albert> Henry Hendrick Hendrick? Epkel 273 4019 — ALBERT JAMES,S b. April 8, 1836, m. Amanda Smith. 4020 — GEORGE BROWER,8 b. April 15, 1838. Enlisted in Co. B, 88th Indiana Volun- teers, during the civil war, and never heard from. 4021 — JOHN DERLAND,8 m. Susan Blue, Dec. 13, 1866. They reside in Ormas, Ind. ISSUE. 6097 — ALBERT F.,9 b. Oct. 27, 1867. 6098 — MARY W.,9 b. Dec. 23, 1869. 6099 — Lucy G.,9 b. Aug. 27, 1872. 6100 — GEORGE F.,9 b. Jan. 2, 1875. 6101 — EMMA ].,9 b. Jan. 8, 1877. 6102 — JoHN B.,9 b. Sept. 1, 1880. 6103 —BrLLY,9 b. Oct. 12, 1883, died Sept. 25, 1885. 4022 —NANCY ELLEN,8b. Oct. 8, 1843, m. Daniel Green, Oct. 2, 1867. He is an attorney- at-law at Ligonier, Ind. She died April 10, 1872. ISSUE. 61031 —LouLu M. GREEN,Y b. April 13, 1870, m. William B. Inks. 2531. PETER? BANTA was born at Miamisburg, Ohio. He was a ‘‘New Light” Preacher, according to Littell’s Early Settlers of Passaic Valley, and married for his first wife, Keziah Bridge, May 15, 1828. She was born at Eaton, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1809, and died June 25, 1853. He married again, June 28, 1855, Elizabeth Kerns, who was born in Pequa, Ohio, Oct. 22, 1824. He is living in Troy, Ohio. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4023 — JEREMIAH,8 b. April 30, 25, n Caroline Bridge. 4024 —EFFIE,8 b. Feb. 14, 1832, m. William Tyler. 4025 —NANCY,8 b. July 24, 1834, m. John Mylor. 4026 — MARY,8 b. April 23, 1836, m. Oliver Carroll. 4027 — JOSEPHINE,S b. July 7, 1838, m. William Hill. 4028 —RACHEL,8 b. Nov. 24, 1840, m. Josiah Herbert. 4029 —CAROILINE,8 b. Jan. 18, 1843, died unmarried. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4030 — FRANK,8 b. May 10, 1856, m. Mary E. Johns, Feb. 21. No issue. 4031 — BERT, 8b. Oct. 22, 1858. Lives at Winfield, Kansas. 4032 —CHARLES,8 b. July 1, 1862. Lives at Lima, Ohio. 2535. ANNA7 BANTA married George Brubaker, August, 1838. He was born in Virginia, December, 1812. She died January, 188s. ISSUE. 4033 — BENJAMIN F. BRUBAKER.8 * 4034— ABRAHAM B. BRUBAKER, b. July 21, 1839, m. M. E. Atkins, Oct. 7, 1868. 4035 — ISAAC BRUBAKER.8 4036 — HENRY BRUBAKER.8 4037 — GEORGE W. BRUBAKER,S died 1863. 4038 —KEZIAH E. BRUBAKER,8 m. William Campbell, 1880. 4039 — MELISSA C. BRUBAKER, m. — Lane, 1880. 4040 —ANNA M. BRUBAKER,8 m. Daniel Dean, 1880. 4041 — CORA B. BRUBAKER.8 2538. HENRY 7 BANTA married Lydia Major, March 28, 1853. He married again, Leah Hartzog. He is a farmer at Wilshire, Ohio. 18 274 Eighth Generation ; Peter® Albert Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4042 — JAMES D.,8 b. Sept. 28, 1858, m. Mary A. Line. 4043 — ANNA, 8 b. Feb. 10, 1860, m. William F. Mills. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4044— JOHN H. 8b. Aug. 16, 1871. Albert’ Albert? Hendrick Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 2539. JACOB A.” BANTA married Mary Rohrer, May 30, 1832. During the Civil War he was in the 44th Indiana Regiment and was connected with the medical de- partment. He died in the service March 20, 1862. His widow married Mr. Stoler, and now resides at Pierceton, Ind. ISSUE. 40441 —MARY,8 b. April 24, 1833, deceased. 40442— SARAH ANN,8 b. Oct. 30, 1834, deceased. 40443 —RACHEL,8 b. Oct. 24, 1836, m. — Betts, of South Bend, Ind. 40444 —1LEWIS,S b. July 20, 1839, deceased. 40445— BARBARA ,8 b. Sept. 19, 1840, deceased. 40446— VALENTINE,S b. 1842, deceased. 40447 —AGNES,8 b. Aug. 9, 1845, m. —— Barbour, of Coffeyville, Kansas. 40448 — WALTER F.,8b. Jan. 5, 1848. Lives at Pierceton, Ind. 40449 —1.ORENA,8 b. June 5, 1850, m. —— Sleeper, of Warsaw, Ind. 2540. ALBERT MONFORT7 BANTA was born in Randolph County, Indiana. He married Amy Martin. After her death he married, July 20, 1848, Hannah Allen, who was born in Marion County, Ohio, December 18, 1831. During the Civil War he enlisted in an Ohio regiment. He is a carpenter, living in Lyndon, Osage County, Kansas. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4045 —MARY ANN,8 b. June 19, 1845, m. Hosea Blossom. They live in Middletown, Ohio. ISSUE. 1— WILLIAM EDGAR BLOSsOM,9 b. March 12, 1862. 2— IRVIN BrossoM,? b. July 1, 1870. 3—Ivy IRENE BLOSSOM,9 b. June 30, 1881. : ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4046 —ALLEN MORRIS,8 b. Aug. 10, 1849, m. Jane Gibson, October, 1873. He is a farmer, living in Quenemo, Osage County, Kansas. ISSUE. 1— HERBERT,? b. Nov. 17, 1875. 2— WILLIAM ALBERT,? b. Jan. 17, 1878. 3— CARL,9 b. Oct. 1, 1880. 4047 — DANIEL ACKERMAN,8 b. Sept. 9, 1851, m. Mabel Day, April 4, 1885. He is a lawyer in Great Bend, Kansas. He was a candidate for Lieutenant-Governor in 18go on the Democratic ticket. ISSUE. 1— DAN,9 b. Jan. 24, 1886. 2— ARTHUR,9 b. Oct. 20, 1888. 3— GEORGE,9 b. Sept. 4, 1890. 4048 — SARAH,8 b. Nov. 25, 1853, m. Rives R. Irvin, April 4, 1871. He is a painter and decorator in Topeka, Kansas. Eighth Generation ; Albert Albert Henry * Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 275 ISSUE. 1—BERT LEE IRVIN,? b. June 23, 1873. 2— LEONARD DANIEL IRVIN,? b. July 4, 1876. 3— CASSANDRA VERN IRVIN,? b. July 31, 1880. 4— BESSIE MAY IRVIN,? b. Dec. 26, 1883. 4049 — ALICE 8 b. June 14, 1858, m. William B. Wright. They live in Topeka, Kansas. 4050 —GEORGE WASHINGTON,8 b. Oct. 31, 1860. He is a painter, living in Topeka, Kansas. 2543. JOHN V.7” BANTA married Catherine Rohrer. She was born in Ohio, January 24, 1815, and died April 27, 1889. He was a cooper. During the Civil War he enlisted in Company E, 74th Indiana Regiment, and died in 1863. He was a member of the Christian Church. ISSUE. 4063 —DANIEL R.,8 b. May 7, 1832, m. Rhuannah Galentine. He is a cabinet maker in Leesburg, Indiana. ISSUE. 1—ALICE C.,9b. Feb. 2, 1856, m. Samuel T. Kirkpatrick. 2— ANIS E.,9 b. Sept. 23, 1857, died in 1865. 3—ATHEN A.,9 b. June 26, 1860, m. Elizabeth B. Sweeny. 4—ARTHUR C.,9 b. June 27, 1866. 5—ADDIE L.,9 b. Dec. 3, 1869. 4064—ISAAC,8 b. 1834, died in 1838. 4065 —ESTHER,8 b. 1840, m. Henry Sorter. They live at Goshen, Ind. ISSUE. I1—BERT SORTER.9 2— JOSEPH SORTER.9 3—LouisA WATTS SORTER.9 4066 —SUSANNAH,8 b. 1842, m. John K. Harris, Sept. 25, 1861. He is a farmer, living in Independence, Towa. He was in the 29th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, during the Civil War. ISSUE. 6112 — OLIVER J. HARRIS, b. Sept. 18, 1865, m. William Leigh, Dec. 22, 1886. He is a carpenter in Independence. Iowa. ISSUE. 1— Grace Leigh,10 b. Jan., 1888. 2— Lily Leigh,10 b. Sept., 1889. 6113 —WiLLiAM HARRIS? b. Aug. 30, 1867. 6114 — FRANK HARRIS,9 b. Jan. 7, 1870. 4067 —ELIZABETH,8 m. Charles T. Hollis. They live at Columbus City, Indiana. ISSUE. FRANK HoLLIS.9 4068 MARYS b. 184g, m. 3 Apron Drtepsine; ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 61142—RicHARD LOSEE.9 He lives at Gravelton, Ind. 61143 —HupsoN LOSEE.9 4069 —MAGDALENA,8 b. May 6, 1846, m. Thomas C. Losee. She died in 1869. 4070 —SARAH,8 b. Nov. 12, 1850, m. Hiram Abshire. They live in Park City, Montana. Th $ 1. — Garner; 4071 — ELIZA 8 b. Sept. 27, 1852, m. { 2. Sherman Johnson, Feb. 2, 1881. 276 Eighth Generation ; Alberts Albert Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6119 — CLAUD GARNER,9 b. Oct. 25, 1874. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6120 — HOMER JOHNSON,9 b. Oct. 1, 1832. 4072 —HELEN,8 b. 1855, m. Peter Shafer. They live at Goshen, Indiana. ISSUE. GEORGE SHAFER,9 b. July 5, 1880. 4073 — GEORGE W.,8 b. May 17, 1857, m. Emma Metz. They live at Goshen, Indiand 4074— CATHARINES b. Nov. 10, 1860, at New Paris, Indiana, m. Joseph Mowrer, March 4, 1879. He was born in New Madison, Ind., May 25, 1853. They reside at Goshen, Elkhart County, Ind. He is a carpenter. ISSUE. 1— EFFIE MABEL MOWRER,Y b. Nov. 7, 1880. 2—SADIE ETHEL MOWRER,? b. June 21, 1883. 3— IRWIN EARL MOWRER,? b. Sept. 7, 1885. 4—EDp1TH FLOY MOWRER,? b. Aug. 11, 1887. 5—JosEpPH BoyD MOWRER,¥ b. Sept. 19, 1890. Abraham® Albert’ Hendrickt Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 2548. SOLOMON? BANTA was born in Montgomery County, Ohio. He lived with his parents on the farm, and received a limited education in the log school-house of the period. When about twenty years of age a teacher from the East came there and taught the Classics; and Solomon Banta, under his directions, studied Greek and Latin and other branches — pursuing his studies at night after the farm work of the day was over, by the light of the fire of wood on the old-fashioned hearth. He studied law in the office of Thomas Corwin, Governor of Ohio, at Franklin, and was admitted to the Bar. He married December 25, 1828, Malinda Small, who was born in Preble County, Ohio, February 10, 1809, and moved to Danville, Illinois, where they resided three years. During the Black Hawk War he volunteered in the army and served in the ranks with Abraham Lincoln, and was in the battle of Bad Axe. In 1837, they removed to Eaton, Ohio, where he practiced law. He served two terms as Prosecuting Attorney of Preble County, and several times was elected Mayor of the City of Eaton, Ohio. He was for many years Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Insolvent Debtors. In politics he was a Democrat. He was social in his disposition and warm in his friendship. He was a Mason of high degree. After the death of his wife, which occurred Sept. 12, 1870, at Eaton, Ohio, he removed to Topeka, Kansas, and lived the rest of his days with his daughter, Mrs. Auter, dying April 29, 1879, in the 78th year of his age. ISSUE. 4075— ELVIRA JANE,® b. Aug. 18, 1830, m. Abram Voorhees Auter, Jan. 5, 1848. He was born in Reading, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1815. He is a capitalist, now residing in Topeka, Kansas. ISSUE. 6121 — FRANCIS MARION AUTER,? b. Nov. 12, 1849, died Nov. 14, 1849. 6122 — CHARLES VOORHEES AUTER,9 b. Sept. 23, 1851, died Aug. 28, 1855. 6123 — FRANK ALLISON AUTER,? b. Feb. 23, 1854, died July 17, 1860. 4076— ELIZABETH MARY,8 b. March 6, 1832, m. Allison Bownell Ferris, M. D., June 27, 1854. He is a physician living at New Paris, Ohio. Eighth Generation ; Abraham Alberts Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 277 ISSUE. 6124 — CHARLES EDGAR FERRIS,? b. April 15, 1855. He lives at Richmond, Ind. 4077 —JAMES SMALL,S b. Dec. 22, 1833, married first, Clara C. Rishling, June 22, 1856. She died Aug. 24, 1856; he married again, June 18, 1857, Hester Jane Rishling. She died Jan. 7, 1875. He married a third time, Jennie Bourassa, March 5, 1878. He was graduated at a business college in Cincinnati, Ohio, but became a farmer and lived near Maple Hill, Kansas, where his widow now resides with the younger children. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 6125 — ELVIRA JANE,9 b. May 14, 1858, m. Seymour Blyton, Aug. 28, 1878. Mrs. Blyton carries on a fruit ranch on Snake River, Colton, Washington. ISSUE. 1— Orlando Eugene Blyton,10 b. July 17, 1879. 2— James Seymour Blyton,10 b. July 3, 1881. 6126 —AMORY C.,9 b. May 14, 1858, m. , lives at Kingfisher, Washington. 6127 — MARY ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 15, 1860, m. Frank Baker. They live at Maple Hill, Kansas. 6128 — CHARLIE FRANCIS,Y b. Sept. 10, 1861, died Sept. 8, 1862. 6129 — CLARA LUCRETIA, b. Feb. 5, 1863, m. Bird Pate. They live at Staley, Washington. 6130 — FREDERICK SOLOMON,9 b. Feb. 22, 1865, m. Hattie Burns. He is a farmer near Maple Hill, Kansas. ISSUE. 1— James Lewis.10 2— Frederick Franklin.10 6131 — JAMES ELMER,9 b. May 14, 1868. He is a farmer at Maple Hill, Kansas. 61832 — MARGARET HENRIETTA,% b. May 14, 1868, died Aug. 19, 1868. 6133 — MELINDA EMMA,9 b. April 23, 1870, m. —— Stephenson. 6134 — ROSALIE? b. Aug. 10, 1872, died Nov. 28, 1872. ISSUE BY THIRD WIFE. 6135 — THEODORE JAMES,9 b. April 25, 1879. 6136 —ISABELLA SMALL, b. Nov. 18, 1881. 2549. CHRISTINA7 BANTA married David Van Winkle, son of Simeon Van Winkle, Nov. 9, 1823. He was born in Georgia, July 11, 1800, and died December 30, 1879. His wife died January 18, 1863. ISSUE. 4078 — CATHERINE VAN WINKLE,S b. Dec. 4, 1824, died Oct. 29, 1829. 4079 —SARAH VAN WINKLE,S b. March 1, 1826, m. John John, M. D., Nov. 8, 1848. They live in Kingston, Missouri, where he is a practicing physician. ISSUE. 6137 — WILLIAM JoHN,9 b. Oct. 25, 1849, m. Fannie Handy, April 18, 1877. ISSUE. 1— Morton John,10 b. 1878. 2— Allan John,10 b. Oct. 19, 1879. 3— Jesse John,10 b. Nov. 18, 1883. 6138 — JENNIE JOHN,Y b. March 8, 1853, m. Frank Smeltz, Nov. 29, 1880. ISSUE. 1— Ada Smeltz,10 b. Nov. 28, 1881. 2— Merla Smeltz,10 b. May 13, 1884. 278 Eighth Generation , Abraham Alberts Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 6139 — ELLA JOHN,9 b. Sept. 18, 1855, m. John Boret, Feb. 20, 1873. ISSUE. 1— Frank Boret,10 b. April 20, 1874. 2— Arthur Boret,10 b. 1880, died Sept., 1882. 6140 — FRANK JOHN,9 b. Oct. 26, 1859, died Oct. 24, 1860. 6141 — ANNIE JOHN,9 b. Nov. 20, 1861, m. William Wood, Jan. 4, 1880. ISSUE. ; 1— William Wood, Jr.,10 b. March 16, 1882. 2— Mary Wood,10 b. Nov. 1, 1884, died July, 1888. 6142 — BIRDIE JOHN,? b. Feb. 8, 1873. 4080 — LUCINDA VAN WINKLE,8 b. Nov. 24, 1827, m. David Newburn, Feb. 2, 1860. They live in Cosby, Missouri. ISSUE. 6148 — CHARLES B. NEWBURN,9 b. April 19, 1861, m. Flora M. Newton, Sept. 6, 1882. ISSUE. Percy Elmer Newburn,10 b. July 22, 1883. 6144 — WARNER L. NEWBURN,? b. Jan. 25, 1864. 6145 — SARAH BELLE NEWBURN,9 b. Aug. 5, 1866, m. Nason Addington, April 3, 1886. 4081 —HENRY VAN WINKLE, b. Jan. 7, 1830, died Sept. 22, 1830. 4082 —PHEBE ELIZABETH VAN WINKLE, b. Oct. 15, 1831, m. James E. Fenn, Sept. 11, 1856. He was born in Glenville, N. Y., April 2, 1833. ISSUE. 6146 — HowARD P. FENN,9 b. May 20, 1858, died April 23, 1861. 6147 — FRANK B. FENN,9 b. Jan. 14, 1861, m. Belle Edwards, May 4, 1883. ISSUE. Herbert Roy Fenn,10 b. June 15, 1885. 6148 —ELLA J. FENN,9 b. Oct. 8, 1863, m. Charles Boroff, Aug. 16, 1886. ISSUE. Adah L. Boroff,10 b. June 3, 1887. 6149 — PRATT FENN,9 b. Sept. 25, 1866. 6150 — HERBERT FENN,9 b. June 15, 1870. 6151 —CorA B. FENN,9 b. Nov. 25, 1873. 6152—EvA A. FENN,9 b. Oct. 3, 1876. 4083 —1L.OUISA ELLA VAN WINKLES b. Nov. 2, 1834, m. Everett F. Pomeroy, 1861. They live in Coffeyville, Mo. 4084 — SIMEON JOHN VAN WINKLE,$ b. July 28, 1839, died August 30, 1841. 4085 — HATTIE VAN WINKLE,8 b. July 29, 1842, m. Pinkerton Carman, Oct. 4, 1874. 2550. JOHN7 BANTA married Barbara Tanner in 1830. She was born August 11, 1809, and died July 11, 1858. He married Margaret Shepard in 1860. At the time of his first marriage he was living in Collamer, Indiana. He died October 30, 1864. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. f 4086 — MALINDA 8 b. Jan. 7, 1831, m. Joseph Myers, Nov. 27, 1851. He was born May 10, 1829. They live in Collamer, Indiana. Eighth Generation ; Abraham Albert> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick 2 Ephkel 279 ISSUE. 6153 —FraNCIS E. MYERS,9 b. Sept. 24, 1852, died March 22, 1853. 6154 — WINFIELD S. MYERS,9 b. Dec. 29, 1853, m. Alice Faulkner, April 9, 1875. 6155— MARY J. MYERS,? b. Sept. 6, 1855, m. Aaron Cory, Dec. 5, 1878. 6156 —ELDORAH MYERS,? b. Aug. 6, 1858, m. Frederick Fisher, Jan. 7, 1877. 6157 —EMMA J. MYERS,? b. July 3, 1860, m. George Foster, Feb. 5, 1881. 6158 — WARREN H. MYERS,? b. June 18, 1862. 6159 — JENNIE P. MYERS,9 b. Dec. 6, 1866. 4087 — WARREN H.,8 b. Aug. 28, 1832, m. Rebecca J. Robins, March 15, 1857. He wags killed at the battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862. ISSUE. 6160 — ABRAHAM.9 6161 —MALINDA,9 m. —— Faulkner. 4088 —EMILY,8 b. Dec. 6, 1834, died Feb. 18, 1849. 4089 — DAVID, b. May 11, 1837, died Aug. 16, 1840. 4090 — JOHN,8 b. Oct. 19, 1839, m. Sophia Rowe, July 4, 1866. 4091 — HENRY,8 b. March 14, 1841, m. Emily F. Henderson, Nov. 9, 1865. She was born in Indiana, Aug. 4, 1848. They are living in Fresno, Cal. ISSUE. 6162 — ELMER E. 9 b. Sept. 20, 1866, died Aug. 2, 1868. 6163 —ARTHUR C.,9 b. July 13, 1869. 6164 — HOMER,9 b. Sept. 29, 1871. 6165 — EDWIN, b. March 23, 1874. 6166 — WALTER,? b. March 23, 1874. 6167 —EMMA,9 b. Dec. 12, 1875. 6168 — ODEN,9 b. June 7, 1878. 6169 —OTA,9 b. June 7, 1878. 6170—MAY,9 b. May 28, 1885. 4092 — CHRISTINA, 8 b. July 30, 1844, m. Washington Droud, Feb. 20, 1863. 4093 —FREDERICK,8 b. Jan. 5, 1846, m. Martha J. Collins, Jan. 15, 1867. He was born in Bloomfield, Iowa, and resides in Fresno, Cal. ISSUE. 6171 —FERMER H.9 b. Sept. 15, 1867. 6172 —DoLLIE,9 b. Dec. 12, 1869. 6173 —WiLLiAM W.,9 b. Oct. 6, 1871. 4094 —ISAAC,8 b. Oct. 1, 1851, m. Minnie Williams, June 12, 1879. She was born in Placer County, Cal., Aug. 17, 1863. They are living in Fresno, Cal. ISSUE. 6174—Guy,9 b. May 13, 1881. 6175— EMMA ADELIA,Y b. July 15, 1883. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4095 — ALBERTS b. March 13, 1861. 4096 — BARBARA ALICE,8 b. April 16, 1864. 2554. HARRIET 7 BANTA married Edwin Parke in 1832. She died May 13, 1885. ISSUE. 4099 — JOHN PARKE,8 b. March 22, 1833, m. Mary Waterhouse, 1858. ISSUE. 6176 — JoHN PARKE,? b. July 20, 1860. 6177 —DoLLY PARKE,9 b. 1862. 6178 — CHRISTINA PARKE,? b. 1867. 6179 — WILLIAM PARKE,9 b. 1869. 6180 — JUNE PARKE,9 b. 1871. 6181 — JAMES PARKE,Y b. 1874. 280 Lighth Generation ; Abraham Albert> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.! 4100 —MARIA PARKE,8 b. Jan. 12, 1836, m. James G. Morris, 1856. ISSUE. 6182 — WILLIAM MORRIS? b. Nov. 12, 1856. 6183 —ISABELLA MORRIS,? b. Nov. 17, 1858, died in infancy. 6184—DAvID MORRIS? b. Jan. 12, 1860. 6185 —MARY ARBELA MORRIS,? b. July 20, 1863, died in infancy. 4101 — PRENTISS PARKE,S8 died in infancy. 4102 — CATHARINE PARKE,8 b. Dec. 1, 1837, m. Joseph Young, Dec. 2, 1855. 4103 —MARY ELLEN PARKE,8 b. Jan. 12, 1842, m. Ely Young, 1858. ISSUE. 6186 —1sAAc YOUNG.9 6187 — ALICE YOUNG.9 6188 — JOSEPHINE YOUNG. 4104— CHRISTINA PARKE,8 b. Oct. 8, 1846, m. John T. Mooney, Nov. 1, 1860. ISSUE. 1 — HATTIE MOONEY,9 b. Sept. 19, 1861. 2— JoHN B. MOONEY,% b. Nov. 12, 1866. 3—JAMES E. MOONEY,9 b. Feb. 20, 1869. 4—ALICE MOONEY,? b. Jan. 28, 1872. 5— WILLIAM FRANK MOONEY,? b. June 9, 1874. 6— GEORGE W. MOONEY,? b. July 14, 1876. 7—EMILY A. MOONEY,9 b. Nov. 23, 1878. 8 —HENRY ISAAC MOONEY,? b. Jan. 6, 1881. 9—JuLius MIKE MOONEY,? b. Sept. 5, 1833. 10— JoSEPH ENOs MOONEY,9 b. Sept. 9, 1887. 4105— MALINDA PARKE,S8 b. April 11, 1848, m. Joseph Rowan, July 24, 1867. 4106 — BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PARKE,S8 b. April 11, 1852. 2555. FREDERICK M.7 BANTA married, March 1, 1843, Sarah Gray, who was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., November 11, 1824, and died December 17, 1889. He was a farmer, and was an Elder in the Christian Church at Hanging Grove, Ind. He died June 11, 1868, at Rensselaer, Ind. Nearly all his children became teachers. ISSUE. 4107 —KATHERINE,8 b. Dec. 12, 1843, m. Charles W. Ocutt, Jan. 5, 1862. He was born February 14, 1840. During the Civil War he was in Company A, 87th Indiana Regiment, and died in the service, Nov. 21, 1862. She married for her second husband, Daniel B. Jenkins, March 28, 1875, who was born in Andrew County, Mo., July 19, 1847. He is a farmer, and lives in Chivington, Colorado. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6189 — EMILY C. W. OcuTT,? b. Dec. 30, 1862, m. Charles Frost Liggett, Oct. 4, 1888. He is a newspaper editor. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6190 — GERTRUDE ESTELLE JENKINS,9 b. April 7, 1876. 6191 — SARAH SALINA JENKINS,9 b. Dec. 29, 1877. 4108 -BARBARA,S8 b. July 26, 1845, m. Daniel Gordon, who was born Sept. 26, 1845. She died Oct. 4, 1877. He resides at Curveton, Ind. ISSUE. 61911— WILBUR GORDON,9 b. March 16, 1866, m. Edith McConnahan, Feb., 188g. 61912— ESTHER GORDON,9 b. March 25, 1867. Lives at Logansport, Ind. 61913 — EVERETT GORDON,? b. Dec. 2, 1870. 61914 —RuUFUs GORDON,9 b. Aug. 15, 1873. 61915—OscAR GORDON,9 died in infancy. 61916 — FREDRICK GORDON,9 died in infancy. Eighth Generation ; Abraham Albert> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel 281 4109 — CLARISSA,8 b. 1847, died in 1849. 4110 —HENRY ]J.,8 b. March 16, 1849, m. Maggie R. Dill, July 11, 1878. Is a physician. He resided in 1887 at Logansport, Ind.pand in 18go at Mescalero Indian Agency, New Mexico. ISSUE. 6192 — DE VEFA DUREE,9 b. 1880. 6193 — WELDON WADE, b. 1883. 4111 —MIRANDA,8 b. March 12, 1851, m. 4128 Job M. W. Moore, Oct. 5, 1877. Lives at Prescott, Arizona. 4112 — THEODORE P.8 b. Dec. 4, 1853, m. Carrie A. Lott, Dec. 25, 1884. Lives (1890) in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona. 4113 —MARGARET,8 b. Jan. 4, 1855. Lives at Prescott, Arizona. 4114— MARY A. 8b. April 4, 1859, m. Thomas McEnerny. Lives in Chicago, Ill. 4115— ROBERT G.,8 b. Feb. 3, 1862, m. Mary Anderson. Lives in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona. 4116—SALLIE8 b. Jan. 30, 1866. Lives at Prescott, Arizona. 2557. HENRY 7 BANTA married Mary Jane Robinson, who was born in Rush County, Indiana, November, 1831. He died January 10, 1334. : ISSUE. 4118 — FRANK LA RUE b. May 13, 1855, m. Mary Ella Benson, March 28, 1881. She was born in Cass County, Indiana, March 21, 1858. In 18go he was agent for the Traders’ Fire Insurance Company in Lafayette, Indiana. ISSUE. 6194 — ROBERT PAUL? b. Jan. 5, 1882. 6195— HENRY CARL,9 b. Feb. 10, 1884. 4119 — ALICE D.,8 b. April 30, 1857. Lives at Rensselaer, Ind. 4120 —BRUCE,S b. Sept. 4, 1859, m. Frances Gray, Dec. 30, 1883. They were living at Zard, Ind., 1890. ISSUE. 6196 — WILLIAM ERWIN,Y b. Dec. 28, 1884. 6197 — GRACIE MAY,9 b. Aug. 1, 1886. 4121 —REED,8 b. Nov. 28, 1861. 4122 — JENNIE,S b. Feb. 10, 1864, died March 1, 1864. 4123 —DANIEL,8 b. Jan. 26, 1865, died Sept. 22, 1866. 4124 — NATHANIEL MOORE,8b. Dec. 3, 1867. 4125—ALPHA,8 b. May 10, 1870. 4126—1.ULA,8 Db. Oct. 11, 1873, died Oct. 2, 1832. 2558. JULIA7 BANTA married Nathaniel Moore, Nov. 23, 1843. They reside in Winona, Ill. ISSUE. 4127 — GEORGE N. MOORE,8b. Nov. 27, 1844, m. Marie Nash, Nov. 15, 1885. He gradu- ated from Knox College, Galesburg, Ill. In 1869 he was at the Law College of Chicago, and in 1872 practiced law in that city. In 1884 he moved to Aspen, Colo- rado. 4128--JOB M. W. MOORES b. Nov. 6, 1846, m. 4111 Miranda$ Banta, Oct. 5, 1877. He was graduated at Knox College in the Class of 1872. He was a member of the Ari- zona Territorial Legislature. He is President and General Manager of the Arizona Ore Company at Prescott. ISSUE. 6198 — FREDERICK C. MOORE,? b. Dec. 31, 1878. 6199 —RarLrH B. MOORE,? b. Oct. 13, 1883. 282 Eighth Generation ; Abraham Albert> Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke. 4129 — CHARLES MOORE,S b. Sept. 23, 1848, died Jan. 23, 1853. 4130 —HENRY BANTA MOORE,8 b. Oct. 27, 1851, died Sept. 17, 1852. 4131 — JAMES C. MOORE,8 b. March 29, 1854. 4132 — EDWARD E. MOORE,8 b. Oct. 26, 1856, m. Minnie Ingham, May 14, 1884. Heis a physician in Hillsdale, Mich. ISSUE. 6200 — BLANCHE MOORE,? b. April 30, 1885. 6201 — MOORE,? b. June 14, 1887. 4133 — MARY E. MOORES b. Sept. 9, 1850. 4134 — FRANCES A. B. MOORE,8 b. Dec. 17, 1861. 4135— WILLIS MOORE,8 b. July 30, 1863. 2560. KATHARINE? BANTA married Emanuel Wierck, Feb. 24, 1846. He was born Feb. 6, 1823, and died Nov. 29, 1860. Her second husband was 2501 Beaufort? Banta, whom she married Jan. 13, 1863. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 4144—URSULA WIERCK,8 b. Dec. 25, 1846, died May 12, 1852. 4145— WINFIELD SCOTT WIERCK,S b. July 3, 1852, died March 5, 1861. 4146— EMMA WIERCK,8 b. Oct. 12, 1858, died Jan. 26, 1860. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4147 — CALEB BANTA,8 b. Dec. 4, 1863, m. Flora Jordan, Feb. 27, 1892. Living in Curveton, Indiana. (This name should appear also on page 263, following 3963.) Lambert® Samuel’ Hendrick! Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2586. JOHN GARRARD? BANTA married Nancy Williams England, May, 1841. She was born in Garrard County, Ky., Jan. 24, 1821. He lived in Boyle County, Ky., and died May 24, 1884. ISSUE. 4157 — JAMES WILLIAM,8 b. May 4, 1843, died Aug. 9, 1851. 4158 — MARY ELIZA,8b. Dec. 30, 1844. 4159 — JOHN, JR.,8b. Sept. 12, 1846. He is a grocer at Dansville, Ky. 4160 —LOU. J.,8b. Dec. 1, 1852, m. John I. King, Dec. 22, 1881. He was formerly a farmer, and is now a mason at Burgin, Ky. ISSUE. 1— ANNIE BRUCE KING,? b. Dec. 2, 1882. 2—BEsSSIE LEE KING,9 b. May 4, 1885. 4161 — BETTIE, b. Jan. 19, 1855. 4162 — OSCAR,8 b. Nov. 27, 1856. 4163 — MAGGIE, 8 b. Aug. 19, 1858. 4164—NANNIE 8 b. Feb. g, 1861, m. Giles Hawkins, Dec. 19, 1883. 4165—ELLA S$ b. Oct. 9, 1863. Peter® Peterius® Hendrick* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2603. PETER? BONTA married Martha Lodewick, Jan. 30, 1834. He was a farmer in Nevada, Mercer Co., Kentucky, and died Dec. 24, 1885. His widow, who was born Jan. 26, 1814, resides at Nevada. Eighth Generation ; PeterS Peterius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l = 283 ISSUE. 41921— JOHN, 8b. Oct. 28, 1834. He lives at Nevada, Ky. 41922 —SAMUEL,8 b. Jan. 2, 1837, m. Mary M. McGinnis, Jan. 2, 1868. She was born Dec. 1, 1842, and died March 9, 1869. He married again, Feb. 23, 1871, Sarah E. Tumey, who was born Jan. 6, 1843. He lives at Perryville, Boyle Co., Ky. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1 — LULIE,9 b. Sept. 20, 1868, m. Richard White, March 21, 18go. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2— WILLIAM,? b. Jan. 11, 1873, died Jan. 29, 1875. 3— JAMES,9 b. June 18, 1875. 4— DORINDA,? b. Nov. 1, 1877. 5—ARTHUR,? b. June 25, 1880. 6 — CHARLES,? b. May 3, 1884. 41923— CHARLES G.,8 b. Feb. 18, 1839, m. Mary F. Davis, Dec. 15, 1864. They live at Harrodsburg, Ky. They and their children are members of the Presbyterian Church. He and his sons are farmers. ISSUE. 1— BEVERLY M. 9b. April 8, 1866, m. Hadgie J. Phelps,9 Sept. 23, 1891. (See page 284.) 2— GEORGE E.,9 b. April 22, 1869. 3—SALLIE A.,9 b. Sept. 28, 1871. 4—MARTHA E. 9b. Aug. 24, 1875. 5— MARY AMELIA, b. Aug. 19, 1879. 41924 —SUSAN JANES b. Dec. 30, 1840, died Aug. 12, 1840. 41925— WILLIAM H.,8b. Nov. 18, 1844, m. Susan J. Brown, Jan. 13, 1870. He was a car- penter, and died Jan. 27, 1873. His widow lives at Harrodsburg. ISSUE. 1— RICHARD,? b. Nov. 10, 1870. 2— MATTIE A.,9 b. Feb. 7, 1873. 41926 — HENRY BUTLER,8 b. Nov. 9, 1846, m. Susan R. Semoner, 1871. Helis a farmer at Woodlawn, Nelson Co., Ky. Is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. His two eldest daughters belong to the Methodist Church. ISSUE. 1—MAUDE E.,9 b. April 6, 1872, m. Shen H. Bishop, Nov. 25, 1891. 2—ELLA,9 b. July 6, 1873. 3— MAGGIE M.,9 b. Oct. 2, 1876. 4—NORA A.,9b. Aug. 19, 1882. 5— BLANCHE B.,9 b. Feb. 15, 1885. 6— MARGIE W.,9 b. Sept. 6, 1888. 41927— GEORGE A.,8 b. July 8, 1849, m. Fronie Van Arsdall, Sept. 23, 1875. He died Jan. 23, 1891. His widow lives at Rose Hill, Ky. ISSUE. 1— JAMES H.,9 b. Sept. 21, 1876. 2—FLORA,9 b. Aug. 14, 1878. 3—ADA,9 b. Aug. 16, 1881, died July 30, 1884. 4—HENRY P.,9 b. May 7, 1885. 5— CLARENCE WHITE,9 b. July 29, 1887, died March 7, 1891. 6—LroyDp C.,2b. May 24, 1890. 41928— MARTHA ELIZABETH,8 b. Jan. 8, 1853, m. Sanford Van Arsdall, Franklin, John- son Co., Ind. 284 Eighth Generation ; Peter Peterius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2607. DAVID? BONTA married Elizabeth L. French, January 18, 1838. He was a farmer near Nevada, Mercer County, Ky., and for forty-one years was an Elder in the Church at that place. He died August 20, 1892, full of years and very highly esteemed. His widow yet lives in Nevada. ISSUE. 4192 8—MARY JANE,8 m. John Hiil. ISSUE. JaMmEs W. HILL. He lives at Nevada, Ky. 4192 9— WILLIAM,S died in infancy. 419210 —THEODORE,S m. Jennie Sevier. He died Sept., 1888. ISSUE. O. FAvY,9 resides in Harrodsburg. 419211 —PERDINA, 8 died in infancy. 419212 EMMA A.8 b. July 15, 1849, m. 4154 John Alexander Van Arsdale,8 Oct. 26, 1869. They reside at Nevada, Ky. ISSUE. 1— MAUD A. VAN ARSDALE,9 b. Oct. 17, 1870, died Dec. 23, 1871. 2— LEON G. VAN ARSDALE,? b. Dec. 19, 1874. 419213 — ALICE VICTORIA,8 b. ——, m. Sidney C. Williams. ISSUE. MELROSE ARTHUR WILLIAMS. (He is a laundryman at Lexington, Ky. 2608. CHARITY? BONTA married, February 16, 1837, George W. French, who is a farmer in Nevada, Ky. He was born February 22, 1816. His wife died April 10, 1854. ISSUE. 419214— ELIZA JANE FRENCH,8 b. Jan. 20, 1838, died May 16, 1854. 419215— GEORGIANA FRENCH,8 b. Nov. 28, 1839, died Nov. 27, 1840. 419216— AMANDA F. FRENCH,8 b. May 10, 1842, m. Dr. John A. Phelps, Feb. 5, 1861. He was born May 29, 1831; was graduated at the Louisville University School of Medicine, March, 1858. He lives at Burgin, Mercer County, Ky. ISSUE. 1— ROBERT BEAUREGARD PHELPS,9 b. Nov. 16, 1861, m. Emma Royalty, Oct. 9, 1889. 2— ALICE ATWo00D PHELPS,9 b. Oct. 22, 1863. 3— THOMAS CLEMENT PHELPS,9b. April 26, 1866, m. Mattie Nield, March 23, 18go. ISSUE. Lillie May Phelps,10 b. Aug. 4, 1891. 4—HADGIE JANE PHELPS,9b. Oct. 4, 1868, m. Beverly M.9 Bonta, Sept.23, 1891. (See page 283.) 5— MATTIE SHORT PHELPS,9 b. May 26, 1873. 6 —DANIEL BOONE PHELPS,9 b. Jan. 24, 1876. 419217 MARTHA ANN FRENCH,8 b. Aug. 30, 1844, m. James W. Hankla, who was born March 30, 1842. They live at Parksville, Ky. ISSUE. 1— WILLIAM HENRY HANKLA,9 b. March 19, 1865. 2— MARY ALICE HANKLA,9 b. July 22, 1867. 3— GEORGE ROBERT HANKLA,Y b. Dec. 12, 1869. 4— ADDIE LEE HANKLA,9 b. April 12, 1884. Eighth Generation ; PelerS Peterius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke! 285 419218— PERLINA AUGUSTA FRENCH, b. Feb. 22, 1847, m. James H. Prewitt. He is a grocer at High Bridge, Ky. ISSUE. 1— WILLIAM T. PREWITT,? b. Aug. 8, 1863. He is an engineer. 2— LAURA LEE PREWITT,? b. Dec. 2, 1865, died March 3, 1892. 3—JouN L. PREWITT,? b. Jan. 4, 1868. He is an engineer. 4 —GEORGE M. PREWITT,Y b. July 31, 1870. 5— LILLIE PREWITT,? b. Oct. 4, 1872. 6— CHARITY E. PREWITT,? b. April 15, 1875, died Sept. 14, 1887. 7—JAMES C. PREWITT,Y b. Aug. 12, 1877. 8 —MATTIE PREWITT,? b: Feb. 22, 1881. 9—HADGIE PREWITT,? b. March 12, 1886. 10— GERTIE PREWITT,? b. March 12, 1888. 419219 — RACHEL LORRA FRENCH,S$ b. July 16, 1849, died March 2, 1851. 419220 — MARY LEE FRENCH,8 b. Nov. 16, 1851, m. Francis Marion Rue, who was born July 20, 1842. They live at High Bridge, Ky. ISSUE. 1— CHARITY B. RUE? b. April 1, 1872. 2 HALE G. RUE,? b. Oct. 26, 1875. 3—MARY Y. RUE,9 b. March 5, 1878. 4—JouN L. RUE,9 b. March 30, 1883. 2611. HARVEY G.7 BONTA married Elizabeth Collier, Dec. 31, 1846. She was born Dec. 17, 1823, and died Feb. 12, 1886. He is a farmer at Harrodsburg, Ky. He was a soldier during the war with Mexico. ISSUE. 419221 — GEORGEANN,8 b. Oct. 23, 1847, m. Charles Thomas Penney, March 15, 1864. He was born in 1841. He is a farmer and stock raiser at Calispel Valley, Wash- ington. ISSUE. 1— MARY E. PENNEY,9 b. March 20, 1865, m. H. A. Bennett, March 15, 1882. He is a farmer in Missouri. ISSUE. 1 — Vester Bennett.10 2— Clarence Bennett.10 2— FANNIE L. PENNEY,9 b. Feb. g, 1867, m. E. D. Wilson, April 15, 1886. He is a farmer in Missouri. ISSUE. 1— Earle C. Wilson.10 2 — Willard N. Wilson.10 3—JamEs H. PENNEY,9 b. April 21, 1870. 4— WiLLIAM T. PENNEY,9 b. Feb. 4, 1873. s—ELLEN C. PENNEY,9 b. March 18, 1876. 6— NETTIE C. PENNEY,9 b. Oct. 6, 1878. 7— CARRIE G. PENNEY,9 b. Oct. 6, 1878, died Sept. 1, 1879. 8—JoHN P. PENNEY,9 b. Sept. 1, 1881. 9— OLLIE PEARL PENNEY,9 b. Sept. 25, 1885. 10— RUBY AGNES PENNEY,9 b. Nov. 19, 1888. 419222— MARY ELLEN,8 b. Dec. 9, 1849, m. Richard Gentry. They live near Burgin, Ky., and have four children. 419223 — ALICE CORDELIA, b. March 4, 1852, m. Byron Eastland, Oct. 21, 1873. 41922¢— JOHN CALVIN BRECKENRIDGE,8h. May 3,1854. He isa farmer in Burgin, Ky. 41922 — JAMES BUCHANAN 8 b. July 8, 1856, m. Paralee Tewmey, April 9, 1879. She was born April 6, 1860. He is a blacksmith in Lexington, Ky. 286 Eighth Generation; Peter Peterius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! ISSUE. 1— CLOTHILDE,?9 b. Feb. 28, 18381. 2— MAY WILLIE? b. Oct. 9, 1885. 419226— WILLIAM HENRY,8 b. Oct. 8, 1858. 419227 — THOMAS GORE,8 b. Nov. 235, 1866. 419228— HARVEY LEWIS,8 b. Nov. 25, 1866. They are farmers at Burgin, Ky., owning 130 acres of land, and renting about 1,000 more, at the same time running threshing machines, etc. 2612. JANE7 BONTA married Edward French, October 6, 1842, and after his death married Garrett Comingo. She lives in Nevada, Ky. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 419229— JOHN FRENCH,8 b. May 15, 1844, m. Susan Lodewick, Jan. 29, 1867. 419230— HARVEY FRENCH,8 b. Feb. 20, 1847, m. Larue Cox, Jan. 5, 1871. They live at Danville, Ky. ISSUE. 1— LILLIAN FRENCH,? b. Sept. 26, 1871. 2— EDWARD FRENCH,? b. March 5, 1874. 3—ONA FRENCH,? b. Nov. 25, 1875. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 419231 — WILLIAM COMINGO,8 b. May 10, 1852, m. Mary Lodewick, June 16, 1871. ISSUE. 1— FANNIE COMINGO,9 b. Nov. 2, 1872. 2— SUSAN COMINGO,9 b. Sept. 5, 1875, m. Joseph Settles, May 10, 1891. 3— HENRY COMINGO,?9 b. Aug. 10, 1876. 4—SAMUEL COMINGO,9 b. Feb. 13, 1879. 5— TAYLOR COMINGO,? b. Aug. 16, 1881. 6— CLARA COMINGO,9 b. June 22, 1384. 7—HADGIE COMINGO,? b. Jan. 21, 1887. 419232—JAMES COMINGO,8 b. June 24, 1854, m. Martha Meginnis, Sept. 23, 1875. ISSUE. 1— HENRY COMINGO,? b. Aug. 15, 1876, died Aug. 15, 1876. 2— MARY COMINGO,9 b. April 17, 1879, died Nov., 1880. 3—SusiE COMINGO,? b. April 15, 1881. 4— CARL COMINGO,9 b. April 15, 1888. 419233 — RACHEL COMINGO,8 b. Sept. 29, 1857, m. John Tenney, April 13, 1876. ISSUE. 1—OFFIE TENNEY,9 b. Nov., 1877, died Nov. 16, 1882. 2— MARY TENNEY,? b. July 22, 1881. 3— CHARLES TENNEY? b. Aug. 18, 1884. Garrett® Peterius® Hendrick? Hendrick 3 Hendrick? Epke.! 2621. HENRY LOUIS? BONTA married Diana E. Roberts, April 25, 1844. She was born in Louisiana. He was formerly a blacksmith, and is now a farmer in Harrodsburg, Ky. ISSUE. 4206— EMMA L.,8 b. May 7, 1845, m. William M. Rue, April g, 1867. Heis a dealer in trotting horses, in Danville, Ky. His wife died Jan. 28, 1874. ISSUE. 6214—LouiE Evans RUE.? Eighth Generation ; Garrett Peterius® Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l 287 4207 —HENRY LOUIS, Jr.,8 m. Mary S. Rhoton. She died, June 13, 1883. He is a book- keeper in Harrodsburg, Ky. ISSUE. 6215—LEON R.,9 b. Jan. 6, 1871. 6216 — DE Witt E., 9b. Dec. 24, 1872. 6217 — HAL R.,9 b. August 16, 1875. 6218 — CLAUDE L.,9 b. June 15, 1877. 6219 — Roy O.,9 b. August 12, 1879. 6220 — VERA E.,9 b. August 25, 1881. 6221 — MARION S.,9 b. June 7, 1883, died April 5, 1886. 2622. RACHEL G.7” BANTA married William Pemberton, July 4, 1838. He was born May 10, 1817, and died Jan. 8, 1883. She died Feb. 28, 1873. ISSUE. 4208 —ANNA M. PEMBERTON,S b. Sept. 18, 1839, m. George C. Rue, May 15, 1860. He was born May 31, 1838. They live in Harrodsburg, Ky. ISSUE. 6222 — EDWARD MAGEE RUE,9 b. April 22, 1861, m. Issie Woods, Nov. 23, 1882. ISSUE. 1— Maud C. Rue,10 b. March 23, 1884. 2— Emma C. Rue,10 b. May 1, 1886. 6223 —EmMMA COWEN RUE,9 b. Nov. 18, 1865. 6224 — WILLIAM NELSON RUE,? b. Oct. 15, 1868. 6225 —OscAR HUNT RUE,? b. Jan. 28, 1870. 4209 — SARAH E. PEMBERTON,8 b. May 12, 1841, died Nov. 15, 1857. 4210— WILLIAM H. PEMBERTON,8 b. April 14, 1843, died Sept. 18, 1844. 4211 —ICTAMUS PEMBERTON,8b. June 11, 1845. 4212 — MARY C. PEMBERTON,8 b. Aug. 22, 1848, died Jan. 2, 1858. 2623. JACOB CASSATT7 BONTA married Sarah W. Bingham, Feb, 15, 1338. He removed from Kentucky to a farm in Indiana, where he died, Oct. 21, 1883. ISSUE. 4213 — SOPHIA JONES,8 b. Nov. 14, 1838, m. James Owens, April 23, 1857. 4214 — MARY LOUISA,8 b. Aug. 8, 1840, m. William T. Davis, Oct. 19, 1859. She died Aug. 8, 1875. 4215—SARAH FRANCES,S b. Aug. 21, 1842, m. Richard A. Watson, Dec. 2, 1863. 4216 —GARRET,8 b. Dec. 27, 1844, died Aug. 14, 1851. 4217 — JOSEPH H.,8 b. March 8, 1847, m. Lucinda Jane Watson, Nov. 5, 1882. She was born Oct. 2, 1851, and died Sept. 13, 1885, without issue. 4218 —LANY ELIZABETH, b. July 14, 1849, died May 24, 1850. 4219 — WILLIAM C.,8b. Aug. 27, 1853, m. Margaret Ann Payton, Feb. 9, 1881. 4220 — JOHN MELVIN,8 b. July 19, 1857, m. Amanda Jane Pitman, Dec. 25, 1878. They live in Hillsborough, Indiana. ISSUE. 6226 — CLAUDE,Y b. Oct. 16, 1879. 6227 —MAUDE,9 b. March 3, 1882. 6228 —WESLEY,9 b. Feb. 1, 1884. 6229 — FrRONA MAY,9 b. June 20, 1886. 4221 — CHARLES WESLEY ,8 b. Sept. 3, 1860. He lives in Harrodsburg, Ky., and is con- nected with the First National Bank. 288 Eighth Generation ; Garretts Pelerius’ Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.1 2624. WILLIAM ROBERTSON? BANTA married Hester Ann Budd, January 1, 1850. She is a daughter of Casper Budd and was born in Eaton, Ohio, January 25, 1832. He is a farmer in Dunlap, Grundy County, Missouri. As a curious illustration of variations in family names it may be mentioned that this gentleman spells his name Banta—as it is spelt in his father’s family Bible —while his brother and others in Kentucky spell it Bonta. ISSUE. 4222 — WINFIELD SCOTT,8 b. Nov. 6, 1850, m. Maria Dunlap, Sept. 27, 1873. She died Feb. 18, 1884. ISSUE. 6230 —LULIE,9 b. Oct. 4, 1874. 6231 — ELSIE,? b. Dec. 13, 1876. 6232 — FRANK EDISON,9 b. Sept. 28, 1878. 6233 —MaAvY,9 b. May 1, 1881. 4223 —NELLIE IRWIN,8 b. July 10, 1853, died July 21, 1880. 4224 — CHARLES EDWIN,8 b. Sept. 13, 1854, m. Mary Rosetta Metcalf, Sept. 16, 1875. ISSUE. 6234 — IDA ADELIA9 b. Aug. 27, 1876. 6235 — Eva MAY,9 b. Nov. 17, 1878. 6236 —FREDERIC IRWIN,9 b. March 27, 1881. 6237 —MAUDE ETHEL,9 b. Dec. 28, 1883. 6238 — RuBy FERN,9 b. July 10, 1886. 4225 — CORA,8 b. May 31, 1858, m. C. D. Axtell, Sept. 22, 1880. ISSUE. 62839 — STELLA AXTELL,9 b. Nov. 11, 1882. 6240 — WALTER HOWARD AXTELL,9 b. July 9, 1884. 6241 —DAvID GLENN AXTELL,9 b. Feb. 27, 1886. 4226 — ADA,8 b. April 21, 1860, m. W. A. Wade, Oct. 14, 1880. 4227 — CLARA,8 b. Nov. 27, 1865. 4228 —ARTHUR BUDD,8 b. June 8, 1871. He lives at Trenton, Mo., where he is in the sewing machine business. 2625. MARY ANN7 BONTA married James Clarke, Aug. 5, 1848. She died Aug. 3, 1857. He lives in Harrodsburg, Ky. 1SSUE. 4229 — MATTIE R. CLARKE,S b. Dec. 16, 1849, m. Frederick Harris, Nov. 19, 1879. 4230 —BETTIE F. CLARKE,Sb. July 4, 1854, m. John B. Mann, Oct. 12, 1874. ISSUE. 6242 — OWEN REED MANN,9 b. April 8, 1876. 6243 — HUGH JACKSON MANN,9 b. April 10, 1877. , 6244 — MATTIE MARIE MANN,9 b. June 12, 1882. 6245 — BETTIE CHISOLM MANN,9 b. Nov. 12, 1884. 2626. ABRAM BREWER? BONTA married Elizabeth Taylor McDonald, Nov. 19, 1863. She was born in Washington Co., Ky., Aug. 21, 1835. Mr. Bonta is a wealthy farmer in Mercer Co., Kentucky, owning an estate of one thousand acres. This includes the farm of his grandfather, Peterius Banta, three miles from Harrods- burg, which has been in the family for more than a century. The old log house built by the pioneer was yet standing a few years ago, and in the front yard of the modern dwelling which has taken its place lies a relic of ‘ye olden time.” His elder daughter ) He is sa Br in Dunlap, Grundy County, Missouri. As a curious s illustration of variations io fsnily pames it may be mentioned that this gentleman spells. his n Bapes ax & is spelt in his father’s ily Bible — while his. brother. and Others in Kenucky spell i Ponta. ; i “ . ISSUE. ed Bone 48828 WINFIELD SCOTT,8 b. Nov. 6 1850, m. Maria Dunlap, Sept. 27, 1873. She died Feb. 18, 188. : 3 ISSUE. 1 : . 8280 Liye) 9 b. Oct. 4, 1874. 6281 — ELSIE? b. Dec. 13, 1876. 8232 — FRANK EDISON,? b. Sept. 28, 1878. 6233 —May,% b. May 1, 1881. 4223 — NELLIE IRWIN, 8 b. july 10, 1853, died July 21, 1880. 4224 — CHARLES EDWIN, 8 b. Sept. 13, 1854, m. Mary Rosetta Metcalf, Sept. 16, 1875. ISSUE Fir ie 5 6284—IpA ADELIA? b. Aug. 27, 1876. : 6235—Eva MAv,9 b. Nov. 17, 1878. 6236 — FREDERIC IRWIN,9 b. March 27, 1881. 6237 —MAUDE ETHEL? b. Dec. 28, 1883. 6238 — Rusy FERN, b. July 10, 1886. 4225 CORA 8 b. May 3% 1858, m. C. D. Axtell, Sevh 22, 1880. ISSUE. 6289 — STELLA AXTELL, b. Nov. 11, 1882. 6240 — WALTER HOWARD AXTELL? b, July 9, 1884. 6241 —DavID GLENN AXTELL,9 b. Feb. 27, 1886. 49226 — ADAS b. April 21, 1860, m. W. A. Wade, Oct, 14, 1880. 4227 — CLARA 8 b. Nov. 27, 1865. : 4228 —ARTHUR BUDD # b. June 8, 1871. He lives at Trenton, Mo., where he is in the sewing machine business. i 2625. MARY ANN? BONTA married James Clarke, Aug. 5, 1848. She died Aug. 3, 1857. He lives i in Harrodsburg, Ky. : ISSUE. 4229 — MATT IE R. CLARKE? b. Dec. 16, 1849, m. Frederick Harris, Nov. 19, 1879. 4230 — ¥BETTIE F. CLARKE,8 b. July 4, 1854, m. Jour B B. Mans, Oct. 12, 374 ISSUE, 6242 —OwEN REED MANN,? b. April 8, 1876. 6243 — HUGH JACKSON, MANN,9 b. April 16, 1877. 6244 — MATTIE MARIE MANN,? b. June 12, 1882. 6245 —BETTIE CHISOLM MANN, b. Nov. 12, 1884. 2626. ABRAM BREWER? BONTA married Elizabeth Taylor McDonald, Nov. 19, 1863. She was born in Washington Co., Ky., Aug. 21, 1835. Mr. Bonta is a wealthy farmer in Mercer Co., Kentucky, owning an estate of one thousand acres. This includes the farm of his grandfather, Peterius Banta, three miles from Harrods- burg, which has been in the family for more than a century. The old log house built ~ by the pioneer was yet standing a few years ago, and in the front yard of the modern ~ dwelling which has taken its place lies a relic of ‘ye olden time.” His elder daughter - | . BONTA, B A HARRODSBURG Ke, Eighth Generation ; Garretts Peterius® Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 289 thus writes concerning it: ‘‘It is a large mill-stone which was used by my great grand- father, Peterius. It was doubtless placed there by him when our home was first settled. That which supplied my great grandfather’s table with bread has, in the fourth genera- tion, become only an ornament, as I always plant in the centre of it a bunch of flowers. This summer a clump of daisies has made it quite festive. How I do love everything that has come down to us from those days when our forefathers contended against all the hardships of the early times! The grand old clock which has been ticking away the moments in our family for more than a hundred years has the place of honor in our hall to-day, and is as faithful now as a century ago in its warnings that ‘Time and tide wait for no man.”” Mr. Bonta has been for nearly twenty years President of the First National Bank of Harrodsburg. He has been for forty years a devoted member of the Methodist Church, and has held the positions of Steward and Trustee for nearly all this period. ISSUE. 4231 —MARTHA DAVIESS,8 b. Oct. 21, 1865. 4232 —WALTER GARRETT,8 b. Dec. 27, 1867. He was graduated from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., with high honors. He received the fifty dollar gold medal for proficiency in Greek. He is now practicing law in San Francisco, Cal. 4233 — RUFUS McDONALD,8 b. April 25, 1870. 4234— LENA MERRITT,8 b. July 27, 1872. 4235 —MAURICE BUFORD,8 b. July 17, 1875. 4236 — LE ROY SPILLMAN,8 b. Aug. 5, 1878. John¢ John’ Hendrick Hendrick 3 Hendrick? Epke.! 262611, AMZI WARREN7 BANTA was born in Switzerland County, Indiana, and married Sarah Elizabeth Osborne, May 2, 1854. She was born in Shelby Co., Kentucky, Dec. 7, 1834. He is a carpenter in Pleasureville, Ky. ISSUE. 42361 — JOSEPHINE LOGAN,8 b. Feb. 8, 1855, m. Eugene Ferris Beard, Dec. 2, 1876. He is a physician in Pleasureville, Ky. They are members of the Baptist Church in that place. ISSUE. 1—ADA ELIZABETH BEARD.9 2— ROY ANSEL BEARD.9 3—SARAH PRYOR BEARD.9 4— WILLIAM BANTA BEARD.9 5— WARREN FORCE BEARD.9 Died March 10, 1889. 6— JosepH HENRY BEARD. / 1959 4236 2— MARY ELIZABETH,8 b. Feb. 22, 1857, died Jan. 27, 1864. 4236 3— WILLIAM CLARENCE, b. July 6,-#86% m. Carrie Thomas Nash, Jan. 18, 1881. He is in the lumber business in Pleasureville, Ky. Is a member of the Baptist Church at that place. 4236 + — KATIE EDMONIA,8b. Oct. 17, 1863, died June 16, 1865. 4236 5—SUDIE,8 b. July 25, 1868. 4236 6 —EDWARD BRYAN,8 b. April 29, 1870. He is a farmer; is a member of the Presbyterian Church. 4236 7— JOHN MINOR,8 b. May 29, 1872. 26261, MARY LUCINDA7 BANTA m. Jeoffrey Bondurant Radford. He is a painter, living in Leavenworth, Kansas. 19 290 Eighth Generation ; Fohn® Fohn5 Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l . ISSUE. 4236 8— ROBERT BURNS RADFORD,8 b. Dec. 16, 1865, m. Della Willson, Nov. 23 1890. He is a clerk in a dry goods store in Leavenworth. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church there. 4236 9— RICHARD SAMUEL RADFORD,8 b. Oct. 10, 1867. He is a painter in Chi- cago, Ill. 423610 —1.AVINIA BANTA RADFORD,8 b. April 16, 1869. She is a member of the Chris- tian Church in Leavenworth. 423611 — WILLIAM WALTER RADFORD,8 b. Jan. 4, 1871. He is a clerk; is a member of the Baptist Church at Leavenworth. 423612— PAUL MAURICE RADFORD,8 b. Nov. 21, 1872. He is a baker in Leaven- worth ; is a member of the Baptist Church there. 423613 — ALICE IVAN RADFORD,8 b. Feb. 1, 1875. 423614 —GRACE,8 b. Nov. 14, 1876, died Nov. 14, 1876. 423615 — DAISY HAMPTON RADFORD,8 b. Feb. 13, 1878, died Aug. 10, 1879. 423616 — ITASCA MAXWELL RADFORD,8 b. March 13, 1881. Peter 6 Cornelius’ Hendrick? Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l! 2632. HENDERSON G.7” BANTA was born at Pleasureville, Ky., his grand- father’s farm covering the site of the present village. He was for many years connected with the postal service at Frankfort, Ky., where he is now a house and sign painter. He married Eliza Hampton, Feb. 22, 1840. She was born in Frankfort, Ky., May 10, 1811, and died July 3, 1892. A Frankfort paper made this reference toher: ‘‘Earlyin life she joined the Methodist Church, and has always lived a consistent Christian life. In her case it can be truthfully said another sainted soul has been called to rest, for as wife, mother, neighbor and friend, she had no superior. The greater portion of her life has been spent in practicing the ‘Golden Rule,” and she never tired in doing for those around her. She possessed all the traits that make a perfect Christian lady, and seemed to live only to comfort her husband, children, grandchildren and neighbors. She died as she had lived, in the hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave. The writer of this has for more than a quarter of a century lived in, and been permitted to enjoy her love and the sunlight of her bright face and character.” ISSUE. 4238 — JOHN M.,8 b. Oct. 5, 1841, m. Katie Gault. He is a grocer in Frankfort, Ky. 4239 — HENDERSON SWIGERT.8 In postal service at Louisville, Ky. 4240 — EDWIN LILLY.8 In postal service at Frankfort, Ky. 4241 —LLEWELLYN.8 Is a paper-hanger. 4242 — KATHARINE JULIA, m. John B. Dryden, Oct. 5, 1865. John B. Dryden served in the Federal army during the war. At present he is an editor. ISSUE. 1— BILLER C. DRYDEN,9 b. July 5, 1866, died April 30, 1868. 2— LENA B. DRYDEN,9b. Feb. 7, 1868, died Feb. 16, 1869. 3—JARvis H. DRYDEN,9 b. Jan. 31, 1870. 4—MAY E. B. DRYDEN,9 b. July 31, 1872. 5—NILLA A. DRYDEN,9 b. Dec. 22, 1874, died April 24, 1875. 6—InpA WALKER DRYDEN,9 b. Feb. g, 1876. 7—JoHN B. DRYDEN, JR.,9 b. May 12, 1878. 8— EDWIN M. DRYDEN, b. Oct. 9, 1881. 9—KirTIE J. DRYDEN,? b. Oct. 26, 1883. 10— PRUETT B. DRYDEN,? b, Feb, 17, 1887, Eighth Generation ; PelerS Cornelius Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel 291 4243 — MARY DEBORAH,8 m. Llewellyn Marshall, a merchant. 42431— JOHN FRANKLIN CLAY;8 died in infancy. 42432—LOUISA TAYLOR ,8 died in infancy. 2633. HENRY GRAFTON? BANTA married Bettie Elizabeth Kelley. He died Dec. 23, 1377, ISSUE. 4244— WILLIAM HENRY,8 b. Oct. 10, 1843. 4245— GRIFFIN DRANE,S8 b. Oct. 31, 1846, m. Melissa Ann Tucker, Oct. 10, 1871. She was born in Shelby County, Ky., March 6, 1851. He is a mason in Newcastle, Ky. ISSUE. 6246 — Lewis ELMO,9 b. Aug. 11, 1872. 6247 — BETTIE LORA,9 b. Feb. 17, 1874. 6248 — WILLIAM LEONARD,? b. Jan. 17, 1876. 6249 — EDWIN MARSHALL,9 b. Nov. 2, 1877. 6250 — AsA GRAFTON,9 b. Oct. 24, 1879. 6251 —L.ovEy MYRTLE,? b. Oct. 27, 1881. 6252 —IrRA CURTIS? b. May 1, 1884. 4246 — ISAAC WASHINGTON,8 b. March 20, 1850, m. Belle Dooley, Dec. 25, 1872. 4247 — GEORGE HENDERSON,8 b. Nov. 11, 1852, m. Alice W. Tisdale, Jan. 16, 1883. 4248 —ELILLEN CORINTH,8 b. Nov. 1, 1854, m. Thomas H. Hancock, Oct. 31, 1873. 4249 — VIRGINIA HAMPTON,8 b. Feb. 4, 1857, m. Richard J. Moore, Oct. 26, 1881. 4250 — SARAH CASANDER,8 m. Milton Massie, Nov. 11, 1875. 4251 — LAVINIA ].8 4252 — LENA BEULAH,8 b. May 28, 1869. 4253 —MARTICIA LOU. m. Robert Bergen. Henry ¢ Cornelius’ Hendrick! Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2645. JOHN DEMAREE7 BANTA married Mary Jane Roberts, Sept. 9, 1855. She was born Oct. 9, 1820. He is a farmer, formerly living at Craig P. O., Switzerland Co., Indiana, and recently removed to New Richmond, in the same State. ISSUE. 4254— MILLARD FILLMORE,8 b. Aug. 22, 1856, m. Ellen Sheets, Dec. 4, 1878. She was born in West Virginia, Dec. 7, 1857. He is a carpenter in Canaan, Indiana. ISSUE. 1— MARY EL1zA,9 b. Sept. 21, 1879. 2— THOMAS WILSON,? b. Dec. 23, 1880. 3— JOHN WALTERS,? b. Oct. 15, 1882. 4—DORA BELLE,9 b. Oct. 14, 1884. 5—MINNIE ETTA,9 b. July 11, 1886. 6— CHARLES EDWARD,? b. Jan. 6, 1888. 7— BENJAMIN FREDERIC,? b. Feb. 26, 1890. 4255— CHARLES D.,8 b. April 4, 1858. 4256 — THOMAS W.,8 b. June 10, 1860, m. Florence Baxter. He is a farmer in New Rich= mond, Ind. ISSUE. THERON S.9 4257 —GEO. B. McCLELLAN,8 b. Aug. 8, 1862, m. Louisa Shennand, 1887. He is a merchant in New Richmond, Ind. 202 Eighth Generation ; Henry Cornelius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2646. HENRY HARRISON7 BANTA married, Feb. 5, 1845, 4371 Malinda Voiles.8 She died July 13, 1861. He married his second wife, Barbara Sharpe Cole, Dec. 30, 1862. She was born Nov. 27, 1824. They live at Vevay, Indiana. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4258 —ADMONIA,8 b. Aug. 2, 1846, died July 7, 1850. 4259 — CHARLES GRAY,8 b. Feb. 14, 1848, died July 28, 1850. 4260 — CARY EGGLESTON,8 b. Oct. 19, 1849. Enlisted in the 146th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. Drowned in the Ohio River, Feb. 17, 1866. 4261 —LOUISA,8 b. Nov. 2, 1851, m. Martin G. Keeney, Sept. 3, 1874. He was born in Switzerland County, Ind., Sept. 3, 1849. He is a civil engineer at Quercus Grove, Indiana. ISSUE. 6268 — MARY EpiTH KEENEY,9 b. March 25, 1876. 6269 — BEN. DALE KEENEY,9 b. March 21, 1879. 6270 — OcTAVIA KEENEY,9 b. Jan. 6, 1882. 4262 — WILLIAM WALLACE, b. Feb. 1, 1855, died Nov. 27, 1868. 4263 —ARABELLE,8 b. Feb. 10, 1857, died May 25, 1858. 4264 — ANNA MARIA,S b. May 2, 1859, m. Daniel Bowman. Live at Vevay, Ind. 4265 —MALINDA,8 b. July 7, 1861, m. James W. Tomer, Nov. 16, 1882. Live at Vevay, Indiana. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4266 — HARRY SHARP,3 b. Oct. 26, 1863. He lives at La Porte, Ind. 2647. PERMELIA7 BANTA married Harman Haskell, and subsequently she married John Lee. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4267 — CLARINDA LEE, b. Jan. 25, 1848, m. Robert Gray, March 11, 1866. ISSUE. 6253 — CHARLES W. GRAY.9 6254 — GEORGE GRAY. 4268 — WARREN LEE 8b. Nov. 15, 1849, died July 31, 1850. 4269 —SYLVANUS LEE,8 b. May 26, 1851, died July 1, 1851. 4270 —PHEBE ANN LEE,S8 b. June 15, 1853, died Aug. 20, 1853. 4271 —NATHAN LEE,S b. July 8, 1854, m. M. Belle Pierce, June 16, 188c. They live at Laramie City, Wyoming. 3 ISSUE. 6255—]. PAUL LEE.9 6256— OLIVE P. LEE.9 6257 —EDNA MAY LEE.9 4272 — JESSIE F. LEE 8 b. Sept. 9, 1856, m. James M. Russell, 1878. ISSUE. 6258 —MABEL RUSSELL.Y 6259 — MAUD RUSSELL.9Y 4273 — NANCY ANN LEE,8 b. March 17, 1859, m. Oscar Ruder. ISSUE. 6260 —DELLA RUDER.9 6261 — CLYDE RUDER.9 6262 — JAMES RUDER.9 6263 — EARLE RUDER.Y 4274— ALICE BELLE LEE,8b. Jan. 28, 1862, m. Oscar L. Chapman. ISSUE. 6234 — MAY CHAPMAN.? 6265 — LEE CHAPMAN.9 Eighth Generation ; Henry Cornelius® Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 293 4275 — FLORENCE SYLVIA,8 b. Oct. 22, 1864, m. Frank Cannon. ISSUE. 6266 — Roy CANNON.9 6267 — WALTER CANNON.9 4276—ZORA W. LEE,8 b. June 1, 1866, died July 15, 1866. Cornelius® Cornelius’ Hendrick Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 2651. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS? BANTA, born at Madison, Ind., married Sarah Evalyn Farrell, January, 1848. He was a physician, and during the Civil War was a surgeon in the United States Army. His wife was born in New York, January 31, 1823, and died June 8, 1868. He died April 21, 1388. ISSUE. 4277 —HELEN M.,8 b. Oct. 20, 1848, m. James M. Odell, April 8, 1868. He was born in Belleville, Ind., Oct. 29, 1841. Their residence is at Austin, Texas. He is an ac- countant in the United States Internal Revenue Office. ISSUE. 6271 —EVALYN WILDE ODELL,? b. Dec. 30, 1868, died July 5, 1870. 6272 — FRED. EVANS ODELL,9 b. Nov. 21, 1870. 6273 —SmyTH QUINCY ODELL,? b. Jan. 12, 1873, died Jan. 18, 1873. 6274 — ANNA GERTRUDE ODELL,9 b. June 6, 1874, died May 6, 1875. 62'75— JAMES M. ODELL,? b. Aug. 1, 1878. 6276 — HARRY DiMMITT ODELL,9 b. June 8, 1831. 6277 —MARY Louise ODELL,9 b. Jan. 7, 1886, died Nov. 22, 1888. 49278 — MARY GERTRUDE,8 b. Feb. 8, 1850, m. Thomas S. Odell, Feb. 1, 1876. She died Nov. 22, 1884. ISSUE. 6278 — HENRY BANTA ODELL,? b. Nov. 1, 1876. 6279 —BERTHA ELoisE ODELL,9 b. March 1, 1879. 6280 —HELEN KYLE ODELL,9 b. July 4, 1882. 2654. JEPTHA FOWLER?” BANTA, born at Belleville, Ind., married Eliza A. Ballard, who was born in Indianapolis, Ind., August 31, 1837. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church; was in mercantile business in New Winchester, Ind. During the Civil War he enlisted in the 7oth Indiana regiment and died of typhoid fever, May 14, 1863. ISSUE. 4288 — CORA AMELIA,8 b. March 15, 1859, m. Seneca G. Dorr, Sept. 9, 1885. He was born in Hillsdale, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1858. He is a money loaner at Lincoln, Neb. ISSUE. DoNALD GRISWOLD DORR,? b. Sept. 24, 1886. 2655. SAMUEL JEFFERSON? BANTA is a physician at Jamestown, Indiana. He was born in Belleville, Hendrick County, Indiana. At the age of sixteen years he commenced the study of medicine with his brother, Dr. J. Quincy Adams Banta, in Whitley County, and subsequently with Drs. More and Kennedy, at Belleville. He taught school in the Belleville Academy until 1858, when he entered mercantile business in partnership with his brother Jeptha F., at New Winchester, Indiana. Married at Sigourney, Iowa, August 12, 1860, to Miss Cynthia M. Richards, who was born June 24, 1839. In August, 1861, he enlisted and was made Captain of Co. H, 7th Regiment 204 Eighth Generation ; Cornelius® Cornelius® Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! Indiana Volunteers. In 1862 he resigned on account of ill health and spent one season in Minnesota; he then came home, and was made Major of 103d Regiment, Indiana Militia; afterwards raised a company for the 148th Indiana Volunteers, and went to the front in February, 1865; was detailed as Assistant Inspector of Eastern Tennessee, on Gen. McCoy’s Staff. Was mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., September, 1865, at close of the war. Since that date has practiced medicine at Eminence, Morgan County, Clayton, Terre Haute, Danville, and for the past sixteen years at Jamestown, Indiana. His first wife having died he married Rhoda A. Mason, Dec. 23, 1876. She was born March 8, 1853, and died April 11, 1889. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— WILLIAM CYRUS,8 b. Sept. 13, 1362. 2— LEW WALLACE, b. Nov. 20, 1864. 3—EVA,8 b. May 3, 1867. 4—SUSAN REBECCA,8 b. Jan. 21, 1869. 5— JOHN G.,8 b. Dec. 27, 1872. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 6— ULYSSES SAMUEL,8 b. Aug. 6, 1880. 7—FRED. MASON,8 b. June 4, 1882. 2656. WILLIAM CYRUS7 BANTA is a physician at Martinsville, Indiana. He served three years and three months during the Civil War in the army. Was private, Captain, Major and Lieut.-Col., of the 7th Regiment Indiana Volunteers. In 1892 he was Auditor of Morgan County, Indiana. He married Lizzie M. May, Aug. 25, 1861. : ISSUE. 1— EFFIE MAY,8 b. Nov. 17, 1864, m. Claude Nicholas, Sept. 3, 1882. ISSUE. 1— MAGGIE NICHOLAS,? b. Aug. 22, 1883. 2— BESSIE NICHOLAS,9 b. Sept. 23, 1885. 2— FANNIE LAURA,8b. Nov. 13, 1866. 3— THADDEUS S.,8 b. Aug. 2, 1868. 4— BETTIE LULU,8b. June 6, 1873. 5—WILLIAM ATLEY,8b. Jan. 18, 1875. 6—MAY ELILA,8b. March 27, 1877. 7— GRACE LEONORA,8 b. Nov. 27, 1880. 8— ALBERT ARTHUR,8 b. Sept. 21, 1883. 9— KATE BULA,8 b. July 22, 188s. Jacob ® Cornelius® Hendrick* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! : 2662. ISAAC 7 BANTA, born in Henry Co., Ky., married, Nov. 5, 1833, Jane Welch, who was born in Kentucky, Aug. 19, 1809, and died Sept. 14, 1884. He is living at Forest Lake, Minn. ISSUE. 4304 —SARAH,8 b. June 10, 1835, married first, George S. Curtis, Nov. 2, 1857; and again, Willian Nicholson. They live at Little Falls, Minn. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6285 — MARTHA JANE NICHOLSON,? b. Dec. 29, 1870, m. John Williamson, Dec. 19, 1884. ISSUE. Isaac Williamson, 10 b. April, 1886. ¢ Eighth Generation ; FacobS Cornelius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel 295 4305 —REBECCA,8 b. April 12, 1837, died Sept 19, 1844. 4306 — MARY,8Db. Feb. 11, 1839, died Sept. 19, 1844. 4307 —MARTHA,8 b. Feb. 19, 1841, died Sept. 19, 1844. 4308 — JAMES EDWARD,8 b. June 11, 1843, m. Lucy Angelia Gray, Oct. 1, 1874. They live at Basin City, Montana. ISSUE. 6286 — MABEL ANGELIA,9 b.: July 19, 1879. 4309 — JOHNS b. Sept. 27, 1845. Helives in Denver, Col. 4310—JENNETTE,S b. Aug. 12, 1847, m. James B. Flack, Oct. 25, 1874. They live in Wyoming City, Minn. ISSUE. 6287 —LuciNDA JANE FLACK,? b. Oct. 15, 1876, died Sept. 9, 1877. 6288 — Isaac MARION FLACK,9 b. July 5, 1878. 6289 — RUTH JENNETTE FLACK,9 b. Feb. 21, 1880. 6290 — HERMAN JAMES FLACK,9 b. May 19, 18871, died Sept. 2, 1882. 6291 — SARAH BoyD FLACK,9 b. Jan. 22, 1884. 6292 — MARGARET SOPHIA FLACK,9 b. June 11, 1887, died April 9, 1888. 4311 —DAVID,8b. Oct. 8, 1849. He lives in Wickes, Montana. 4312 —MARGARET,8 b. Sept. 24, 1851, married first, James Whiteley, Aug. 1, 1873; and again, James R. Wood. They live in Wyoming City, Minn. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6293 — FRANK EARL WHITELEY,9 b. Oct. 24, 1877. 4313 — ISAAC MARION,8 b. Dec. 26, 1853, m. Carrie C. Noreen, Nov. 5, 1885. They live at Forest Lake, Minn. ISSUE. 6294 — MARY MADELINE,Y b. Nov. 8, 1886. 6295 — DAVID WILLIAM,9 b. Dec. 8, 1887. 2665. ELISHA7 BANTA married Mary Bradley. They live near Logansport, Ind. He has been blind since 1880. ISSUE. 4322 — SARAH JANE, b. May 24, 1838, m. William Watson. She died February, 1879. ISSUE. 1— ELISHA K. WATSON,9 b. Dec. 6, 1868. 2— NANCY JANE WATSON,9 b. Dec. 14, 1871. 3—JoHN HENRY WATSON,9 b. Feb. 7, 1874. 4—JosiAH THoMAs WATSON,9 b. Dec. 4, 1876. 4323 — JOHN HENRY,S b. July 18, 1839, m. Mary Margaret Watson. They live in Logans- port, Ind. ISSUE. 6296 — MARTHA J.,9 b. Feb. 11, 1863, m. Albert R. Cates. He was born Nov. 22, 1861. ISSUE. 1 — Walter C. Cates,10 b. Feb. 13, 1885. 2— Elma L. Cates, 10 b. Aug. 5, 1887. 6297 — KATY A.,9 b. Sept. 23, 1865, m. Zachariah Rice. ISSUE. 1— Carrie J. Rice,10 b. Oct. 15, 1884. 2— Frederic Rice,10 b. Nov. 5, 1887. 6298 — EL1zAN F.,9 b. Feb. 26, 1868. 6299 — ELISHA F.,9b. Sept. 13, 1871. 6300 — CHARLES M.,9 b. Aug. 22, 1873. 6301 — SARAH A.,9 b. Sept. 17, 1876. 6302 — BERTIE A.,9b. Jan. 1, 1880. 6303 —JoHN C.,9 b. July 29, 1882. 6304 — CorRA A. 9b. July 5, 1887. 296 Eighth Generation, Facob® Cornelius® Henry* Hendrick 3 Hendrick? Epke. 4324 —NANCY,8 b. Oct. 14, 1841, m. Martin Kirkpatrick, March 13, 1862. They live in Carroll, Ind. ISSUE. 6305 —ILUELLA AGNES KIRKPATRICK,? b. March 30, 1863, died Aug. 31, 1865. 6206 — WILLIAM HowArD KIRKPATRICK,9 b. June 12, 1864, died Sept. 6, 1865. 6307 —ALoNzo ELLIOTT KIRKPATRICK,Y b. Sept. 30, 1866. 6308 — SAMUEL A. KIRKPATRICK,9 b. March 15, 1868, died April 24, 1868. 6309 — OLIVER BERNARD KIRKPATRICK,9 b. April 7, 1869. 6310 —MARY JANE KIRKPATRICK,9 b. Oct. 5, 1871. 6311 — JAMES FRANKLIN KIRKPATRICK,9 b. Oct. 23, 1873, died Feb. 18, 1877. 6312 — JoHN R. KIRKPATRICK,? b. Nov. 4, 1875, died March 10, 1876. 6313 — CARRIE BEATRICE KIRKPATRICK,9 b. July 7, 1877, died Dec. 20, 1879. 6314— ROLLIE KIRKPATRICK,? b. Dec. 7, 1879. 6315 — CorA BELLE KIRKPATRICK,9 b. Oct. 13, 1882. 6316 — BERTON MITCHELL KIRKPATRICK,? b. Dec. 25, 1884. 4325 — JAMES WILLIAM,8 b. Oct. 11, 1843, m. Catharine Isely, 1874. 4326—JACOB,8 b. July 17, 1845, married first, Margaret E. Wilder, Aug. 1, 1867; and again, Mary Parker, May 16, 1878. They reside in Logansport, Ind. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— JAMES WILLIAM,? b. June 19, 1868. 2— MARY ANN,9 b. May 14, 1870, died Aug. 1, 1870. 3— ELISHA JOHN,9 b. June 12, 1871. 4— MARTIN HENRY,9 b. Feb. 3, 1876. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 1— CHARLES M.,9 b. Aug. 24, 1879. 2—IsAAc N.,9b. Aug. 24, 1879. 3— MARY ELIZABETH,? b. July 9, 1881, died Oct. 9, 1882. 4— SARAH M.,9 b. July 3, 1884. 4327 — SAMUEL,8 b. Nov. 28, 1850, m. Louisa Shaw, Sept. 9, 1869. She was born Sept. 4, 1849. They live in Frankfort, Clinton County, Ind. ISSUE. 6318 —ALLIE CORDELIA,? b. May 27, 1872. 6319 — WILLIAM ARTA,9 b. June 6, 1882. 2667. CORNELIUS? BANTA married Marilla Isbell. His second wife was Adaline Hall. She was born in New York, April 15, 1831, and died February 22, 1857. He died April 21, 1858. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4338 —ALTA ZARAH,8 b. March 15, 1842, m. Thomas Waters. 4339 —LEONORA ELIZABETH,8 b. Nov. 27, 1844, m. John Van Buren Copeland, Jan. 26, 1862. He was born April 27, 1840, and died March 10, 1872. His widow resides in Williamsville, Wayne County, Ind. ISSUE. 6320 — SARAH MARILLAH COPELAND,? b. Nov. 1, 1862, married first, Ruthphin Orinthus Davis, April 6, 1879; and again, James Wiley McReynolds, Nov. 20, 1883. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. Seaph McReynolds,10 b. Oct. 20, 1884. 6321 — ALICE COPELAND,? b. Sept. 4, 1864, died Nov. 3, 1864. 6322 —SAMUEL CARY COPELAND,? b. April 5, 1867, died Oct. 16, 1867. 6323 — GREEN PERRY COPELAND,? b. Nov. 14, 1870, died Nov. 25, 1870. 6324 — JouHN VAN BUREN COPELAND,9 b. March 7, 1872, died Aug. 17, 1872. Eighth Generation ; Facob® Cornelius® Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 297 4340 — JAMES MADISON, 8 b. Jan. 12, 1846, died March 10, 1849. 4341 —HENRY CLAY,8 b. Jan. 4, 1848, died April 24, 1849. 4342 — SARAH MARGARET,8 b. March 7, 1849, died Aug. 21, 1852. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4343 — ORA ANNA,S b. June 26, 1854, m. Ephraim Roberts, Sept. 7, 1873. They live at Sabula, Iron County, Mo. ISSUE. 6325 — ORVILLE ANDERSON ROBERTS,9 b. 1876. 4344 ORVILLE ADOLPH,8 b. March 18, 1856, m. Mary Caroline Gibson, July 16, 1882. She was born Oct. 10, 1864. They live at Fredericktown, Madison County, Mo. ISSUE. 6326 — WILLIAM ORVILLE,? b. May 5, 1883. 6327 — WALTER CORNELIUS 9 b. March 29, 1885, died Aug. 21, 1886. 2669. SARAH7 BANTA was born in Ripley County, Ind., and married George M. Gordon, June 16, 1844. He was born in Henry County, Ky., February 5, 1303. They live at Long Run, Switzerland County, Ind. ISSUE. 4345 — GEORGE MARION GORDON,8 b. Aug. 1, 1845, m. Sarah J. McKay, Aug. 4, 1867. 4346 — THOMAS JOHN GORDON,8 b. March 20, 1847, m. Susie A. Rochat. ISSUE. 1 — ROBERT CARROLL GORDON.? 2— CLARA B. GORDON.9 4347 — CORNELIUS LAFAYETTE GORDON,8 b. April 24, 1849, m. Mary A. Roberts. ISSUE. 1— FREDERICK GORDON.9 2— EVA MAY GORDON.9 3— ELMER GORDON.9 4348 —MARY ELIZABETH GORDON,8b. July 11, 1851. 4349 —TIBERIUS CAFALOR GORDON,8 b. March 27, 1855, married first, Julia Alice Zanderbaugh, Aug. 30, 1879; and again, Arminta Belle Plunkett, Oct. 5, 1884. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— CONRAD OMER GORDON.9 2— ERNEST EMERY GORDON.9 ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 3— CORDELIA C. GORDON.9 4— HARRY GORDON.9 4350— HIRAM CLEMPSON GORDON,8 b. Oct. 23, 1857, m. Alice Bagley, Sept. 5, 1886. 4351 — SARAH MAUDELIA GORDON 8 b. Jan. 17, 1863. 4352 — CITHA HELEN GORDON 8 b. Sept. 18, 1865. 2671. REBECCA FRANCES? BANTA was born in Canaan, Indiana, and mar- ried William Saunders, March 9, 1845. They live in New Waverly, Indiana. ISSUE. 4353 — RUTH SAUNDERS,8 b. 1846, m. John Pollock. 4354 — PETER SAUNDERS,S b. 1848, m. Julia Griffith. 4355— JAMES SAUNDERS, 8 b. 1850, m. Ada Smith. 4356— JOHN SAUNDERS,8 b. 1852, m. Eliza Critser. 4357 — JACOB SAUNDERS,8 b. 1855, m. Sarah Cottle. 4358 — EUGENE SAUNDERS,8 b. 1858. 4359 — MARY SAUNDERS,8 b. 1862. 298 Eighth Generation ; Facob® Cornelius® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.) 2673. ROSANNAT7 BANTA, born in Jefferson Co., Ind., married William S. Miller, Nov. 16, 1851. They live at 116% West New York St., Indianapolis, Ind. ISSUE. 4360 —SAMUEL H. MILLER,8 b. July 11, 1852, m. Jennie Lee, Aug. 19, 1882. 4361 — JAMES F. MILLER,8 b. Jan. 2, 1854, m. Eliza B. Kounitz, April 8, 1878. 4362 — JENNIE E. MILLER,8 b. Aug. 16, 1857, m. Samuel Lonergan, July 8, 1878. 4363 — ANNA MILLER,8 b. June 18, 1861, m. Louis E. Barnett, Jan. 20, 1883. 4364 — GEORGE M. MILLER,S b. Aug. 26, 1863, m. Cornelia Buthroy, Dec. 20, 1884. 4365— JOHN N. MILLER,8 b. Jan. 19, 1865, m. Cora Harrison, March 5, 1885. 4366 — CHARLES G. MILLER,8 b. Dec. 14, 1866. 4367 — LAURA E. MILLER,8 b. May 8, 1868, m. William Bagley, Sept. 19, 1887. Henry Daniel Hendrick4 Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2677. DANIEL H.7” BANTA married Eliza Roberts, who was born April 17, 1811, and died Jan. 31, 1864. He was a Universalist minister in Indiana. He died Aug. 2, 188s. ISSUE. 43671 —MERIDA ]J.,8b. Jan. 14, 1833, m. Eliza Weld, April 30, 1854. She was born Apri] 17, 1811, and died Nov. 26, 1857. He enlisted May 24, 1864, in the 134th Indiana Regiment, in which he was a sergeant. He was afterwards a merchant. Died Jan. 10, 1881. ISSUE. 1— FRANCIS M.,9 b. March 21, 1855, m. Kate R. Osborn, Dec. 27, 1876. He is a salesman in a clothing house at Rushville, Indiana. Is a member of the Chris- tian Church. ISSUE. Clarence Earl, 10 b. Sept. 26, 1880. 2— ALMON W.,9 b. Nov. 23, 1857, married first, Lulu Beeson, who died Sept. 3, 1888; and again, Fannie D. Garrison, June 1, 18go. He is a steam and gas fitter at Kokomo, Ind. : ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. Glen I.,10 b. May 27, 1891. 43672— ERASTUS L.,8 died March 15, 1835. 436'73— JOHN R.,8 m. Martha Snyder. 43674—HENRY D.,8 m. Charlotte Franklin. He was Captain of Co. I, 8gth Indiana Regi- ment during the Civil War, and resigned Jan. 28, 1863. He was accidentally killed at Helena. ISSUE. OLI1VE,9 m. Robert Clifford. 43675—SARAH ELLEN,S died July 4, 1837. 43676— NANCY JANE,8 m. Michael Earlywine. 2678. ISAAC7 BANTA married Elizabeth Roberts. He was a farmer in Switzer- land County, Indiana, and died September 19, 1863. His widow was living in 13892, at Craig, Switzerland County. ISSUE. 4372 —MERRIT,8 b. Oct. 7, 1835, m. Electa E. Pealman, March 20, 1856. During the Civil War he served in the 146th Indiana Regiment. He is a stone mason in Vevay, Ind. Eighth Generation ; Henry® Daniel> Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l 299 ISSUE. 1— THOMAS W.9 2—IsAAc V.,9 m. Carrie Shepherd. 3—ANNA,? m. Thomas Cotton. 4 — JENNIE,? m. John Webb. §—BRUCE,? b. Oct. 1, 1864. 6— SAMUEL,? died Feb. 15, 1875. 7—RHODA.9 4373 —IRA M.,8 m. Angelina Leclerc, Sept. 11, 1856. He is a farmer in Vevay, Indiana. ISSUE. 1— ALBERT L.,9 b. July 29, 1857, m. Bettie Cooper, Jan. 1, 1885. They live at Brooksburg, Indiana. ISSUE. 1— Edna.10 2— Beatrice.10 2— OLIVER A.,9 b. May 7, 1859, m. Jessie Teats, Sept. 22, 1884. They live at Vevay, Indiana. ISSUE. 1— George.10 2—1Ira.10 3— Justi T.,9 b. Jan. 3, 1861. 4—ETTA,9 b. March 4, 1864. 5—EMMA,9 b. April 4, 1867. 6—TESSA,9 b. April 29, 1873. 7— CLARA,9 b. Jan. 1, 1875. 4374 —LAFAYETTE.8 Lives at Long Run, Ind. 4375— JAMES BUCHANAN.8 Lives on the old homestead farm at Craig, Ind. 4376 — WILLIAM H.,8 m. Mahala Jane Wakefield. Lives at Mount Vernon, Ind. Was Corporal in 93d Indiana Regiment during the war. 4377 — GEORGE WASHINGTON,3 deceased. 4378 — JOHN FRANCIS,8 died. Was in 146th Indiana Volunteers. 43781 — ANDREW BAKER,8 b. Nov. 22, 1841, m. Melissa Jane Leclerc, April 25, 1864. He is in the furniture business in Carrolton, Kentucky. Was for three years in Co. D, 93d Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. ISSUE. 1— ALFRED VORIS,? b. Sept. 2, 1866, m. Minnie Holler, May 2, 1885. ISSUE. Charles Holler.10 2— EUGENE MELVIN,9 b. Dec. 11, 1867. 3—MAGGIE,? b. Oct. 19, 1870. 4— MARION,9 b. April 4, 1873. 5— CLARENCE,? b. Jan. 6, 1875. 6— MARY EL1zA,9 b. Jan. 9, 1877. 7— BENJAMIN,9 b. Jan. 31, 1880. 8—EDNA,9 b. June 6, 1884. 9— ROBERT STANLEY,9 b. May 17, 1886, died June 1, 1887. 10— ELIZABETH,? b. March 11, 1890. 43782 —ELIZA,83 m. — Ronkle. 43783— MARTHA ELLEN,8 married first, William Anderson, July 4, 1852; and again, William Adams, Nov. 29, 1873. They live at Carrolton, Ky. 43784— JULIA ANN,8 b. Oct. 19, 1851, m. Peter N. Ramseyer, Sept. 13, 1874. Live at Long Run, Ind. 300 Eighth Generation ; Henry Danield> Henryt Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.! ISSUE. 1—OMER D. RAMSEYER,9 b. July 19, 1875. 2— JESSIE P. RAMSEYER,9 b. Aug. 27, 1880. 3—JosiE L. RAMSEYER,? b. October, 1884. 4—Li1zziIE M. RAMSEYER,9 b. Sept. 4, 188g. 5—EDGAR P. RAMSEYER,9 b. Dec. 18, 1890. 43785—JANE,8 m. —— Wakefield. 43786—MARY,8 m. — McCoy. 2679. JACOB? BANTA married, August 29, 1833, Sarah Ferris. She was born May 12, 1814. He was a farmer in Switzerland County, Ind. Was an Elder in the Christian Church at Craig, Ind. He died January 14, 1888. ISSUE. 4379 — ISAAC F. 8b. Sept. 15, 1834, m. Evelyn Wakefield, Aug. 4, 1853. During the Civil War he was First Lieutenant 139th Regiment Indiana Volunteers, and also First Lieutenant of the Craig Township Guards. He is a carpenter, living at Brooks- burg, Indiana. ISSUE. 63361 — JAMES? m. Estella Shady, Aug. 18, 1880. 63362— JAcoB,? m. Elizabeth Wakefield, Dec. 29, 1880. 63363 —WALTON,9 m. Eva Orem, Oct. 5, 1881. 4380 —MARY JANE,8 b. Oct. 7, 1836, m. Peter Sibenthall, Aug. 24, 1854. They live at Riverside, Cal. ISSUE. 6337 —SARAH ELIZABETH SIBENTHALL,9 b. Dec. 12, 1855, m. Chas. Edgar Harvey. 6338 —EUGENE CONSTINE SIBENTHALL,? b. Aug. 5, 1857. Rancher at River- side, Cal. 6339 —IsaAc FLEMMING SIBENTHALL,9 b. Feb. 2, 1859, m. Adaline Wilkins. He is a miller at Manville, Jefferson County, Iowa. 6340 — BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SIBENTHALL,9 b. May 30, 1860, m. Euphemia Row- linson. He is a farmer at Haigler, Dundy County, Neb. 6341 — MARY ELLEN SIBENTHALL,9 b. May 3, 1862. 6342 — JACOB FRANCIS SIBENTHALL,9 b. May 25, 1869. 4381 —SUSANNAH H.,8 b. March 24, 1840, m. Jacob Wakefield, March 26, 1857. During the Civil War he served in an Indiana regiment. He was a farmer in Switzer- land County, Indiana, and all the sons and sons-in-law are farmers at Craig, Ind. He and his wife were members of the Christian Church at Braytown. He died Dec. 23, 1869. ISSUE. 6343 —SARAH ELIZA WAKEFIELD,9 b. April 27, 1858, m. James M. Sample, Oct. st, 1377. 6344 — REBECCA ANN WAKEFIELD,9 b. July 17, 1859, m. Bartholomew Haskell, Feb. 7, 1877. 6345 — Isaac F. WAKEFIELD,9 b. July 7, 1861, m. Emma Means, Dec. 27, 1882. 6346 — SERENA WAKEFIELD,9 b. Sept. 29, 1864, m. Millard Fillmore Temple, Sept. 12, 1883. 6347 —ELLEANOR WAKEFIELD,9 b. Jan. 21, 1867, m. Smith Turner, Dec. 23, 1885. 6348 — JAMES I. WAKEFIELD,9 b. March 22, 1869. 4382 —ELEANOR,8 b. March 27, 1842, m. Wilham J. Detraz, March 18, 1862. He is a minister of the Christian Church, formerly living at Brooksburgh, Ind., and now (1890) at Craig, Ind. Eighth Generation; Henry$ Daniel> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel 301 ISSUE. 6349 — SARAH M. DETRAZ,9 b. April 29, 1863, died June 10, 1863. 6350 — JOSEPHINE DETRAZ,9 b. Dec. 10, 1864, died Aug. 11, 1874. 6351 —SUSAN J. DETRAZ,9 b. July 14, 1867. 6352 — MARTIN DETRAZ,9 b. March 16, 1870, died Sept. 27, 1879. 6353 — BENJAMIN F. DETRAZ,9 b. May 1, 1871. 6354 — MITCHELL DETRAZ9 b. July 11, 1873. 6355 — CLARA DETRAZ,9 b. Aug. 14, 1878. 4383 — SARAH OLIVE, b. April 28, 1847, m. James Detraz, March 15, 1866. 43831 — ELIZA 8b. Jan. 27, 1849, m. Julius Detraz, March 14, 1869. 4384 —EMMA,Sb. Oct. 21, 1850, m. Thomas Haskell, Dec. 26, 1869. He is a blacksmith at Craig, Ind. She is a member of the Christian Church. ISSUE. 6356 — HATTIE HASKELL,9 b. Nov. 13, 1870. She is a member of the Christian Church. 6357 — WILLIAM HASKELL,? b. July 25, 1872. He is a farmer. 6358 — HENRY HASKELL, b. Feb. 20, 1874. He is a member of the Christian Church. 6359 — ALBERT HASKELL,9 b. Dec. 17, 1875, died Aug. 30, 1876. 6360 — MiTCHELL HASKELL,9 b. Nov. 28, 1879. 4385 —HENRY,8 b. Oct. 7, 1853, m. Sarah Brown, Aug. 13, 1873. 4386— MITCHELLS b. Dec. 21, 1857, m. Emma Sample, Feb. 13, 1878. He is a farmer at Craig, Ind. ISSUE. 6361 — BERNARD F.,9 b. May 19, 1886. 2681. JANE7 BANTA married Robert T. Weaver, Dec. 7, 1837. She died January 18, 1877. He died September 15, 1890. ISSUE. 43861 — ERASTUS L. WEAVER,8b. June 5, 1839. Drowned in Ohio River, July 6, 1861. 43862 — RACHEL M. WEAVER,8b. Jan. 30, 1841. Is railroad station agent at Foltz, Ind. 43863— AUGUSTUS C. WEAVER,8 b. Dec. 29, 1842, m. Emma Weales, May 6, 1868. She was born in London, England, Dec. 18, 1848. He entered the Union service, Feb. 22, 1862, in the 3d Indiana Cavalry, and was in 129 engagements during the war. Was ten months in Andersonville Prison, and was discharged May 6, 1865. He learned the blacksmith and wagon making trades, in which he was engaged for fifteen years, but is now a merchant at Greenwood, Indiana. He is President of the Board of Councilmen of that city. ISSUE. 63611 — ANNA WEAVER,9 b. June 14, 1870, m. Herbert Kuhns, merchant, of Poston, Ind., Feb. 19, 1890. 43864 — HENRY B. WEAVER,8 b. Aug. 21, 1844, m., Feb. 13, 1868. He served in an Indiana Regiment during the war. Now lives in Logansport, Ind. ISSUE. 63612— CLARENCE C. WEAVER, lives in Logansport. 43865— SARAH ELLEN WEAVER,8b. April 8, 1846, m. — Cole. She died Aug. 1, 1869. ISSUE. 63613—CARL E. CoLE,9 lives in Foltz, Ind. 43866 — MARY JANE WEAVER,$ b. Jan. 7, 1848, m. William Grover, Feb. 9, 1876. He was born in London, Eng., March g, 1851, and is a carriage painter in Indianap- olis, Ind. He served five years in Co. A, 22d Regiment, United States Infantry. He is an Elder in the Christian Church, in Indianapolis. 302 Eighth Generation; Henry® Daniel> Henry Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 63614 — ROBERT FREDERICK GROVER,9 b. Nov. 27, 1877. 43867 — ROBERT W. WEAVER,8 b. Dec. 1, 1849, m. Caroline M. Courtney, Sept. 5, 1878. She was born in Hendricks County, Ind., Aug. 9, 1854. He is a wholesale merchant in fruits and vegetables at Marion, Ind. Is Elder of the First Christian Church and Superintendent of the Sunday-School. ISSUE. 63615— CLEO E. WEAVER,9 b. Dec. 22, 1881. 63616 — NELLIE R. WEAVER,9 b. Nov. 11, 1884. 43868— DANIEL H. WEAVER,8 b. Aug. 29, 1854, m. Mary A. Haskell, Oct. 7, 1875. He is a blacksmith at Marion, Ind. ISSUE. 6361 7—MINNIE C. WEAVER,? b. April 25, 1877. 6361 8— HOMER WEAVER,9 b. June 28, 1878. 6361 9— CLIFFORD WEAVER,9 b. July 2, 1880, died Nov. 11, 1881. 636110— EpwARD C. WEAVER,9 b. Aug. 12, 1882. 636111 —MAYBELL WEAVER,9 b. Jan. 23, 1886, died July 15, 1887. 43869 — JOHN L. WEAVER,8 b. May 26, 1856, m. Ida M. Jayne, Feb. 4, 1880. She was born in North Vernon, Ind., Feb. 16, 1860. He is a minister of the Church of Christ at Hartford City, Ind. Is ‘ Brigadier-General, Commanding Department of Indiana Patriarchs Militant.” His wife is ‘* Supreme Chief-Pythian Sisters of the World.” ISSUE. 636112—LuciLE L. WEAVER,9 b. Feb. 28, 1881. 636113 —MAUD G. WEAVER,9 b. Oct. 23, 1883, died Sept. 2, 1884. 636114¢—LoTTA J. WEAVER,9 b. April 15, 1888. 438610 — JACOB WEAVERS b. Oct. 31, 1859. He married his first wife Oct. 15, 1872. He married again, Oct. 31, 1880, Belle E. Clarkson, who was born Sept. 2, 1856. He died at North Vernon, Ind., Sept. 28, 1888, where his widow now lives. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 636115 — LAWRENCE WEAVER,9 b. Dec. 24, 1873. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 636116 — PEARL WEAVER,9 b. June 22, 1882. 2682. ABRAHAM? BANTA married Cynthia Garner, Nov. 22, 1838. She was born May 20, 1820. He was a farmer living in Switzerland Co., Indiana. In Sept., 1854, he removed to Marion Co., Iowa, and thence in 1867 to Bates Co., Missouri. His death occurred July 10, 1879. ISSUE. 4387 —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,8 b. Nov. 26, 1839, m. Tabitha Jane Horton in 1367. She was born April 9, 1843. He is a farmer at Gosport, Iowa; has a farm of 200 acres. He enlisted Sept. 4, 1861, in Company E, 8th Iowa Infantry, and served 4 years, 8 months and 24 days. He was wounded at the Battle of Shiloh. ISSUE. 6362 — GEDDES CLARK,9 b. Oct. 27, 1867. 6363 —NEOMETTA,? b. Feb. 24, 1869. 6364 — ERNEST AMASA,9 b. Dec. 15, 1870. 4388 —EMILY JENNIE,8 m. John W. Elder, April 14, 1864. He is a physician in Kansas City, Mo. ISSUE. 6367 —EMMA ZERELLA ELDER,? b. 1867. Eighth Generation ; Henry Daniels Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel 303 4389 —SMITH.8 Was a soldier during the Civil War, and was killed in battle April 30, 1864. 4390 — HENRY TAYLOR,8 b. July 7, 1847, m. Lucy Summers, Dec. 9, 1874. He is a farmer in Rossville, Kansas. ISSUE. 1—ELMER,9 b. Nov. 22, 1875. 2— VIOLA, b. Sept. 26, 1877. 3—FLoyD,9 b. March 14, 1879. 4— THURMAN,? b. March 19, 1881. 5—ALVA,9 b. Jan. 26, 1883, died June 21, 1883. 6—ALTA,9 b. Jan. 26, 1883, died June 27, 1883. 7— EARL,9 b. Nov. 27, 1885. 8—GuyY,9 b. Aug. 28, 1888. 9— RossIE,? b. Feb. 22, 18go. 4391 — JOHN WILLIAM.8 Is a carpenter in Lebanon, Oregon. 4392 —NARCISSUS ELLA,8 m. Branch Le Poston. 4393 — BENNETT ROY,8 b. March 13, 1855, m. Lillie D. Sheppard, July 24, 1879. He was born in Knoxville, Towa. She was born at Ravenswood, West Virginia, Oct. 17, 1857. He isa farmer at Blue Mounds, Kansas. ISSUE. 6365 — CHARLES RoY,9 b. May 31, 1880. 6366 — ROBERT CLYDE,9 b. Feb. 24, 1886. 2684. JOHN W.7 BANTA married Nancy Ferris, who died in 1846. For his second wife he married Martha Vance. They live in Vevay, Switzerland Co., Ind., where he is an agent of a fire insurance company. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4394 — HENRY D.,8 b. 1842, m. Hattie A. Gilson. He was a Captain in the 146th Indiana Regiment during the war, and served from July 22, 1861, to Aug. 31, 1865. Was wounded five times with the sabre, and had right ankle badly mashed in a charge. Had three horses shot under him —one of these occasions being at Gettysburg. He is a farmer, living at Lamb, Switzerland County, Ind. Is a member of a Christian (Campbellite) Church. ISSUE. 1—MAY,9 b. Aug. 24, 1866, m. Cornelius Schnaitter, Dec. 24, 1885. She died Nov. 12, 1886. 2— ALICE,? b. March 31, 1869. 3—NANNIE,? b. July 26, 1870. 4— HARRY G.,9 b. Oct. 21, 1872. 5—JAcoB G.,? b. May 4, 1876. 6—THOMAS ].,2b. Feb. 7, 1878. 7—BENJAMIN H.,9 b. Nov. 8, 1879. 8—MARY ].,2 b. Oct. 27, 1881. 9— SADIE M.,9 b. May 1, 1883. 4395— DALLAS F.,8b. Aug. 28, 1844, m. Sallie F. Taylor, June 27, 1876. She was born in Cincinnati, O., Aug. 16, 1857. He served in the 146th Indiana Regiment during the Civil War. He is a carpenter, residing in Indianapolis, Ind. ISSUE. 6368 —EUGENE.9 6369 —ERNEST.9 6370 — LEONARD. 6371 —ALLIE.Y 6372 —HANNAH.9 6373 —LuLu.9 6374 —ALICE.9 6375 —FRANK.9 304 Eighth Generation ; Henry Daniel Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4396 —ALICE,8 b. Oct. 11, 1848, m. John D. Works, Nov. 8, 1868. He was born in Ohio County, Indiana, March 29, 1847, and is a lawyer. He served one term as a member of the Legislature of Indiana. Was Judge. of the Superior Court of San Diego County, California, for one year, and resigned. Practiced his profession one year, and was elected one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of California. Declined a renomination, and is now practicing his profession in San Diego with his son, Lewis R., under the firm name of Works & Works. ISSUE. 1— LEWIS R. WORKS,9 b. Dec. 28, 1869. 2— THOMAS L. WORKS,? b. Nov. 21, 1871. 3— JOSEPHINE I. WORKS,? b. Jan. 11, 1874, died March 25, 1875. 4— IDA E. WORKS,? b. Oct. 15, 1876. 5— LAURA WORKS,9 b. Sept. 14, 1879. 6— ETHEL WORKS,?9 b. Nov. 12, 1881. 7— ISABEL WORKS,9 b. May 12, 1886. 4397 — THOMAS S.,8 b. Jan. 27, 1852, m. Adelia Baker. He is a steamboat captain and pilot, living at Vevay, Ind. 4398 —IDA,8 b. Oct. 23, 1855, m. Lewis F. Golay. They live at San Diego, Cal. ISSUE. 1— WALTER V. GOLAY,? b. June 3, 1879. 2— HERBERT GOLAY,9 b. Dec. 7, 1883. 3— GERTRUDE GOLAY,9 b. Jan. 9, 1891. 4399 —LULU,8 b. Feb. 27, 1859, m. Francis M. Dalmazzo. He is a printer in San Diego, Cal. ISSUE. MARIAN DALMAZZ0,9 b. Oct. 25, 1883. 2686. ELEANOR? BANTA married Dennis Beach, March 9, 1848. He was born in Belmont County, Ohio, January 17, 1825. They live in Rexville, Indiana. ISSUE. 4400 — INDIANA BEACH,8 b. Nov. 22, 1848, m. Jonathan Gordon, Sept. 15, 1866. ISSUE. 6376 — EDWARD GORDON,? b. Feb. 3, 1869. 6377 —MARY ELLEN GORDON,9 b. Sept., 1871. 6378 —VioLA GORDON,? b. Oct., 1875. 6379 —EFFA FLORENCE GORDON,9 b. June, 1878. 4401 — CHARLOTTE BEACH,8 b. March 17, 1850, m. William Hinds, March 16, 1871. ISSUE. 6380 — EMMA HINDS,9 b. Feb., 1872. 6381 —ALTTRA HINDS,9 b. Oct., 1874. 6382 —ORrissA BELLE HINDS,9 b. June, 1876. 6383 — DENNIS HINDS,9 b. Aug. 27, 1881. 4402 — JOSEPHINE BEACH,8 b. Dec. 18, 1851, m. William Demaree, Dec. 3, 1871. » ISSUE. 6384 — CHARLES ELMER DEMAREE,? b. Aug. 1, 1874. 6385 — MARY ELIZABETH DEMAREE,? b. Aug. 1, 1874. . 6386 — RosA PEARL DEMAREE,? b. Sept., 1876. 6387 —LEWELLA BELLE DEMAREE,? b. Aug., 1878. 4403 — WILLIAM SPENCER BEACH,8 b. Dec. 3, 1853, m. Drusilla Tague, Dec. 29, 1876. Eighth Generation ; Henry® Daniel Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 305 ISSUE. 6388 — OLIVER DENNIS BEACH,9 b. Feb., 1878. 6389 — WALTER DARIUS BEACH,9 b. Nov., 1880. 4404— ELLA TAMAR BEACH,8 b. Nov. 10, 1855, m. Joseph Watts, June 3, 1880. 4405— JAMES HENRY BEACH,8 b. Aug. 5, 1858, m. Maggie Cole, Sept. 30, 1830. ISSUE. 6390 —MABEL MAY BEACH,9 b. Aug., 1881. 6391 —BEessIE CLYDE BEACH,9 b. June, 1883. 6392 — Iowa BEACH,9 b. Sept., 1885. 6393 —AMos BoswELL BEACH,9 b. April 17, 1887. 4406 — ANDREW ROLLIN BEACH,8 b. Sept. 9, 1860, m. Ida Whitmore, May 5, 1886. ISSUE. GLEN ARTHUR BEACH,? b. Jan. 24, 1887. 4407 — LIZZIE JANE BEACH,8 b. Sept. 22, 1862, m. Gilbert Alfrey, April 3, 1881. ISSUE. 6394 — ETHEL FLOSS ALFREY,9 b. April, 1882. 6395—VIirA RAY ALFREY,Y b. Oct., 1883. 6396 — EMMA JANE ALFREY,? b. Sept., 1885. 4408 —NANNIE Louise BEACH,8 b. Sept. 25, 1865. 4409 — MARY ANN BEACH,8 b. Aug. 25, 1869. Daniel® Daniel? Hendrick¢ Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 2690. JORDAN? BANTA was born in Franklin County, Ky., and married Ellena M. Shuck, March 18, 1840. She was a daughter of Henry Shuck. He married again, Nov. 28, 1867, Lieuvesta Upton Jones. He is a farmer in Round Grove, Law- rence County, Mo. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4411— JOHN HENRY, b. April 13, 1842, m. Hattie Oliver. 4412 —MARY F..8b. Jan. 31, 1845, m. Adam Schlumb. 4413 —LAFAYETTE,8 b. March 5, 1848. He is a stone engraver. 4414 —SYLVESTER,8 b. Jan. 2, 1854, m. Eurah Jones, March 4, 1874. She was born Sept. 23, 1859. He is a miner in Alma, Col. ISSUE. 6397 —ANDREW KRETZENGER,9 b. Feb. 1, 1875, died in infancy. 6398 — MARY ELIZABETH,Y b. Jan. 19, 1877, died Nov. 20, 1877. 6399 — JoHN ADAMS,9 b. Sept., 18, 1878. 4415— COMMODORE PERRY,8b. June 13, 1855, died June 14, 1888. 4416— LAURA ELLEN,S b. Oct. 1, 1858, m. ; 5 ips +6. 120 ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 4417 FLORA ANN 8 b. Sept. 23, 1868. 4418 —RICHARD,8 b. Dec. 11, 1870. 4419 — JAMES ELMORE,8 b. Nov. 8, 1873. 2691. WILLIAM RICE7 BANTA was born in Henry County, Kentucky. He married Eliza Ware, July 23, 1846. He was a farmer in De Witt County, Illinois, in 1847, and removed to Eagleville, Harrison County, Mo., in 1856, and died there April 13, 1861. 20 306 Eighth Generation ; Daniel Daniel Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 44191 — ELIAS LE COMPTE, b. May 16, 1847, m. — — Wilson, Oct. 14, 1883. He is a farmer, living in Shenandoah, Iowa. 44192— DANIEL MARION,8 b. May 5, 1855, m. Emma Carrie Rindquist, March 14, 1880. She was born in Minnesota Nov. 15, 1856. He is a farmer in Eagleville, Mo. ISSUE. 1— ETHEL GERTRUDE,9 b. Feb. 14, 1881, died March 11, 1882. 2—NELLIE PEARL,? b. Jan. 30, 1883, died May 29, 1883. 3—LEROY,? b. Dec. 2, 1884. 4— CORA MAY,? b. July 15, 1886. 44193 — CORNELIUS,8 b. May 5, 1855. Lives at Lyon, Nebraska. 4419+ —SARAH ANN,8 b. Aug. 10, 1857, m. Francis Albert Deputy, Aug. 10, 1879. They live at Woodbine, Iowa. ISSUE. 1— IRVING CARL DEPUTY,? b. July 5, 1881. 2— JoHN HowARD DEPUTY? b. May 29, 1890. 44195— MARY FRANCES,8 b. Feb. 13, 1859, m. — Hart. They live at Eagleville, Mo. 44196 — CHARLES WESLEY,S b. Oct. 5, 1860, m. Jennie Wernitsch, Dec. 2, 1888. They live at Eagleville, Mo. 2693. ISAAC” BANTA married Margaret M. Pitner, who was born August 9, 1828, and died December 3, 1883. He lived in Morgan County, Ill., in 1860, and removed subsequently to Missouri, where he died December 17, 1886. ISSUE. 44197 — FRANCIS M.8 Lives in Farmer City, Ill 44198—SARAH EMELINE,8 m. George Logan Bowman, Oct. 11, 1868. He was born in Indiana, Dec. 25, 1846. They live at Horton, Kansas. He is a stone mason. ISSUE. 1— CHARLES BOowWMAN,9 b. Sept. 6, 1869. 2— THOMAS BOWMAN,9 b. April 7, 1871. 3—SUSANNAH BowMAN,9 b. Feb. 18, 1873. 4—MARY ELLEN BOowMAN,9 b. March 31, 1875. 5— GEORGE EDWARD BowMAN,9 b. March 5, 1877. 6— RENA BELL BOwWMAN,9 b. Jan. 16, 1879. 7— ANNA EL1zA BowMAN,9 b. Jan. 15, 1881. 8— ROBERT LEE BowMAN,9 b. Dec. 27, 1884. 9— WILLIAM FRANKLIN BOWMAN, b. March 29, 1889. 44199 — CHARLES LEROY,8 m. Sarah Jane Harley. They live in Bolivar, Tenn. ISSUE. LuLu MAUD,? b. March 16, 1879. 441910 —ISAAC MARION.8 Lives at Jacksonville, 11. 441911 — LIZZIE JANE,S m. Cowperthwaite. They live at New Holland, TIL. 441912 MATTIE BELL,S m. — Rice. They live at Trenton, Mo. 441913— HARVEY OWEN,8 b. March 15, 1860, m. Sarah F. Stanley, March 20, 1879. He is a farmer in Eagleville, Mo. ISSUE. 1— OLIVER RICHARD,? b. April 19, 1880. 2— MARGARET PEARL,9 b. July 26, 1883. 3—IsoLA EMMA,9 b. Jan. 16, 1886. 4— LESLIE OWEN,% b. Aug. 14, 1889. Eighth Generation; Daniel® Daniel® Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 307 2696. DANIEL MARION? BANTA was born in Henry County, Ky., and moved with his parents to Illinois when a boy. He married, August 1, 1855, Clarissa Jane Webb. He was a farmer in Cass County, Mo., and removed to Kansas in 1859, where he died, June 3, 1873. ISSUE. 4420 — JAMES CUTHBERT, b. July 14, 1856, m. Margaret Morrison, Oct. 8, 1880. For a number of years he was Superintendent of schools for Douglas County, Kansas. He is now proprietor of the California Fruit Farm, located on the south side of the old California road, two and a half miles west of Lawrence, Kansas. ISSUE. 1— DENNIS RAYMOND,? b. Jan. 18, 1882. 2— WILLIAM,? b. Oct. 16, 1883. 3— LINDLEY,? b. Nov. 29, 1885. 4— CARL.9 ¥ 5— BERT. 6— FANNY MAUD.9 4421 — ALBERT,8 b. Dec. 25, 1858. He is a lawyer in Wyoming. 44922 SUSAN, 8 b. Feb. 20, 1860, m. Chalmers A. Pearis, Oct. 3, 1879. He is a grain buyer in Garfield, Washington. ISSUE. 1— CLARA PEARIS,? b. Sept. 8, 1884. 2— LEONARD PEARIS,? b. June 4, 1886. 3— HARRISON PEARIS,? b. May 18, 1889. 4423 — ANNA,8 b. Feb. 16, 1862, died Oct. 3, 1864. 4424 —FANNY,8 b. May 23, 1866, died May 29, 1885. 4425 —ISAAC,8 b. April 28, 1868, m. Carrie A. Deming, Sept. 16, 18go. He is a fruit farmer at Leavenworth, Kansas. ISSUE. LESTER A.,9 b. July 12, 1891. John Daniel’ Hendrick Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2704. JOHN A.7 BANTA married Mary Helen Willson, who was born June 11, 1851. They live at Macon, Missouri. ISSUE. 4426 —JOSEPH,8 b. Aug. 28, 1875. 4427 —ABBIE,8 b. Aug. 8, 1877. 4428 — VIRGINIA,8 b. Oct. 6, 1881. Jacob® David? Hendrick Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2740. LUCINDA? BANTA married in 1847, Wm. Griffing. He died in 1852. In 1854 she married Corydon Day. They live in Abingdon, Knox County, Illinois. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 4482 — ROBERT MARION GRIFFING,8 b. 1849, m. Sarah Sampson, 1882. 4483 — LORENA GRIFFING,8 b. 1851, died in infancy. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4484 — MARY CYLLINDA DAY,8 b. 1855, m. Edward Sampson, 1875. ISSUE. 6403 — CorA ESTELLA SAMPSON,9 b. 1875. 6404 — JouN EUGENE SAMPSON,9 b. 1878. 308 Eighth Generation; Facob® Davids Henry* Hendrick3 Hendrick? Eple. 4485 — LUCINDA EMELINE DAY,8 b. 1859, m. Peter Frank Butler. They live at Peters- burg, Nebraska. ISSUE. 6405— Guy BUTLER,? b. 1886. 6406 — EFFiE MAY BUTLER,9 b. 1886. 4486 — JASON DAY,8 b. 1862. 4487 — SILAS DAY,8 b. 1865. 4488 -SARAH DAY,8 b. 1865, m. William Stillman, 1886. 4489 — STEPHEN DAY,8 b. 1868. 4490 —SOPHRONIA LUCRETIA DAY,8 b. 1870. 2741. ISAAC JACKSON? BANTA married Aylsiana Keel, September 10, 1860. They lived at Margaret, Hardeman County, Texas. He died the day his youngest son was born, in 1869. His widow subsequently married Mr. Goble. ’ ISSUE. 4491 — JEFFERSON DAVIS, b. 1861, m. Mary Avant. He died June 21, 1887. ISSUE. JESSE,9 b. May 17, 1885. 4492 —MARY,8 b. 1863, m. Jasper Croff. 4493 —FANNY,8 b. 1865, m. Simon Weathersby. 4494 —ISAAC,8 b. 1869. 2742. DANIEL JEFFERSON? BANTA married Nancy Gibson, January 3, 1858. She was born in Arkansas, January 8, 1840, and died November 11, 1886. They formerly lived in Monroe County, Indiana, and removed to Hoover's Valley, Burnet County, Texas, where he now lives. ISSUE. 4495— JACOB E. 8b. Jan. 29, 1859, m. Elizabeth Duckwood, Oct. 27, 1881. ISSUE. 6407 —MYRTLE E.,9 b. 1882. 6408 — JAMES A.,9 b. Oct., 1885. 4496 — ELLEN LURANEY,8 b. Aug. 5, 1861, m. Elbert Ogle, Nov. 26, 1878. They live in Burnet, Texas. - ISSUE. 6409 —EpwArD H. OGLE,9 b. Sept. 26, 1879. 6410 —NoAH J. OGLE,? b. May 24, 1881. 4497 —SAMUEL I.,8 b. Oct. 5, 1865. 4498 — DAVID ROBERT,8 b. June 17, 1868. 4499 — BELLE LENA,8 b. April 17, 1871. 4500— ELIZABETH JANES b. July 4, 1874. 4501 —LULU ANN,8b. April 12, 1877. 2744. MARY JANE7 BANTA married Samuel Gray, December 4, 1851. He was born in Pennsylvania, February 3, 1832. They now live in Ottawa, Kansas. ISSUE. 4502 — JOSEPH ALEXANDER GRAY,$ b. Oct. 7, 1856. 4503 — CHARLES HAMMEL GRAY,8 b. June 8, 1859, m. Mary E. Ritchey, April 10, 1887. They live in Hotchkiss, Delta County, Col. 4504 — SAMUEL HOUSTON GRAY,8 b. Aug. 2, 1861. 4505— LILLY JANE GRAY,8 b. March 10, 1863, m. William Woods, Feb. 25, 1883. 4506 — MARTHA ANN GRAY,8 b. Nov. 30, 1866, m. George L. Hoberecht, June 24, 1885. ISSUE. GEORGE OWEN HOBERECHT,? b. Feb. 23, 1887. Eighth Generation ; Jacob David® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.t 309 2745. BENONI STINSON7 BANTA married Caroline Fairchild, June 1, 1857. He died October 10, 1860, and her death occurred the same year. ISSUE. 4507 — JOHN,8 b. Feb. 28, 1858, died Nov. 16, 1850. 4508 — JASPER NEWTON,8 b. April 15, 1860, m. Emma Plunkett, Feb. 1, 1885. She was born at Novelty, Mo., Nov. 18, 1861. They live at Little River, Rice Co., Kansas. ISSUE. 6412 — CHARLES WESLEY,9 b. April 10, 1886. 2747. SARAH ANN7 BANTA married Josiah Wills, March 20, 1855. He was born August, 1820, and died July 29, 1882. The widow now resides in Burnett County, Texas. ISSUE. 4509 — MARY JANE WILLS,8 b. May 28, 1857. 4510 — ALEXANDER V. WILLS,8 b. Aug. 16, 1859. 4511 —CILLINDA ANN WILLS,8 b. July 29, 1861. 4512 — CICERO WILLS,8 b. Oct. 16, 1863, died Sept. 17, 1864. 4518 — JOSEPHINE FLORENCE WILLS,8 b. March 5, 1867, died May 7, 1873. 4514 —1.OUISA S. WILLS,8 b. Oct. 30, 1868. 4515— DANIEL JESSE WILLS,8b. July 6, 1871. 4516— ROBERT LEE WILLS,8 b. Sept. 15, 1874, died Feb. 15, 1876. 4517 — ALBERT SIDNEY WILLS,S b. Aug. 28, 1876. 4518 — VIRGIL VITRINGA WILLS,8 b. Sept. 5, 1878. 4519— JACOB HENRY WILLS,8 b. Nov. 21, 1880. Isaac® David® Hendrick? Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2753. HENRY7 BANTA was born in Warwick County, Indiana, and migrated to Texas with his father in 1839. At the age of eighteen he joined the Texas Rangers, and served six years. Subsequently he was Deputy Sheriff, Tax Collector and Assessor, also owning a farm. He united with the Baptist Church in May, 1846, and was licensed to preach August 14, 1868. He was ordained October 12, 1870, as pastor of the South Sulphur Springs Church, Texas. Subsequently he was pastor of the church at Carroll's Prairie. He died January 17, 1887. ISSUE. 4536 — MARTHA ANN,8 b. March 2, 1850, m. Thomas Alexander, Jan. 28, 1866. They live at Black Jack Grove, Hopkins County, Texas. ISSUE. 6433 — WILLIAM HENRY ALEXANDER, b. Jan. 10, 1867. 6434— JoHN THOMAS ALEXANDER,? b. Oct. 13, 1868. 6435 — AMANDA ELLEN ALEXANDER,9 b. April 10, 1870, m. Douglass Alcorn, Nov. 15, 1885. 6436 — GEORGIA BELLE ALEXANDER,? b. Aug. 19, 1872, m. A. F. Coker. ISSUE. Joseph Herman Coker,10 b. April 14, 1892. 6437 — OSCAR WINFIELD ALEXANDER,9 b. July 4, 1874. 6438 — GEORGE ELMER ALEXANDER,9 b. April 10, 1878. 6439 — BERTIE MAY ALEXANDER, b. May 1, 1880. 6440 — SUSAN BEATRICE ALEXANDER,9 b. Aug. 2, 1882. 6441 — JESSE ALEXANDER,% b. May 24, 1885. 6442 — KYLE ALEXANDER,9 b. May 9g, 1887. 310 Eighth Generation ; Isaac David> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 4537 —1L1ZZ1E BELLE,8 b. Feb. 29, 1852, m. Nathaniel Miller, July 27, 1876. 4538 — WILLIE D.,8 b. April 28, 1854, died Jan. 4, 1858. 4539 — WINFIELD WINNIFORD,8 b. Dec. 21, 1855, m. Mary E. Liner, Nov. 15, 1877. He is a farmer, living at Yantes, Texas. ISSUE. 6443 — LILLIE, b. Sept., 1879. 6444 — Lizzie BELLE,? b. Dec. 25, 1886. 4540 — SUSAN JANE,8 b. Jan. 27, 1858, m. Hamilton Seawright, Sept. 15, 1878. They live at Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas. ISSUE. 6445 — HENRY SEAWRIGHT,? b. Nov. 7, 1880. 6446 —DESSIE SEAWRIGHT,? b. July 3, 1885. 6447 — BEULAH SEAWRIGHT,? b. Jan. 9, 1887. 4541 — ELLEN ELISSIE,8 b. Jan. 18, 1860, m. William Lewis Nichols, Feb. 25, 1880. They live at Yantes, Texas. ISSUE. 6448 — FRANK NICHOLS? b. May 31, 1881. 6449 — LESLIE NICHOLS,9 b. — 1884. 6450 —MAUDE NICHOLS,? b. Jan. 1, 1887. ; 64501 — JEssIE MAUDE NICHOLS,? b. April 5, 1892. 4542 —HENRY WILSON,8 b. Jan. 28, 1862, m. Martha Elizabeth Coker, April 15, 1886. She was born in Wood Co., Texas, Jan. 28, 1872. He is a mason at Yantes, Texas. ISSUE. 6451 —RUBIE,9 b. May 29, 1887. 64511 —ODESSA,9 b. June 21, 1891, died April 14, 1892. 4543 — CALVIN WHEELER,8 b. Feb. 5, 1865, m. Mary Coker, Dec. 30, 1886. He lives in Yantes, Texas, and is a farmer. ISSUE. 64512—IRA JOHNSON,? b. June 14, 1891. 4544 — JOHN FRANKLIN,8 b. Dec. 22, 1866, m. Mary Britton, Dec. 24, 1891. She was born Nov. 20, 1875. He is a stock dealer and general trader at Yantes, Texas. 4545 —JOSEPHUS,8 b. Feb. 26, 1869, died Oct. 11, 1871. 4546 — LAWRENCE W.,8b. Sept. 22, 1871. 2754. MARY ANN? BANTA married Milton H. Langford, June 22, 1843. She died June 27, 1870. ISSUE. 45461. —MARTHA EVELINE LANGFORD,8 b. Nov. 22, 1845, m. Charles D. Fenley, April 13, 1865. ISSUE. 6413 — JAMES FRANKLIN FENLEY,? b. March 21, 1866, died March 18, 1867. 6414—Rox1E EMELINE FENLEY,9 b. Aug. 30, 1870, m. William C. Davenport. 6415— JouN HAZLETON FENLEY,? b. Aug. 3, 1874. 6416 —HULET MONROE FENLEY,? b. Nov. 1, 1877. 6417 —DeELLA Ker FENLEY,9 b. May 25, 1881. 45462— BENJAMIN F. LANGFORD,S8 b. Sept. 10, 1847, m. Arantha J. Chipman, Dec. 23, 1869, who was born Dec. 1, 1852. They reside in Bandera, Texas. Eighth Generation ; Isaac David Henry Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 311 ISSUE. 6418 — MARY ANN LANGFORD,? b. Jan. g, 1871, died Sept. 25, 1875. 6419 — ELLEN MARION LANGFORD,? b. July 2, 1873. 6420 — NORA LEE LANGFORD,? b. July 31, 1875. 6421 — JAMES MILTON LANGFORD,9 b. Dec. 22, 1877. 6422 — EDWIN PEARL LANGFORD,? b. May 26, 1880. 6423 — ALVIN PRESTON LANGFORD,9 b. Oct. 25, 1882. 6424 — GEORGE HEMAN LANGFORD,? b. July 3, 1885. 45463— JOHN DAVID LANGFORD,S b. Aug. 8, 1849. 45464—ISAAC BERRY LANGFORD,8 b. June 1,1851, m. Elizabeth Jane Bird, March 14, 1872. ISSUE. 6425 — SAMUEL MILTON LANGFORD,9 b. Jan. 16, 1873, died Feb. 14, 1873 6426 — WILLIAM LEE LANGFORD,9 b. June 17, 1874. 6427 — BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LANGFORD,9 b. May 2, 1876. 6428 — CLARENCE BYRON LANGFORD, b. June 8, 1878. 6429 —ALLIE LANGFORD,9 b. Feb. 12, 1880. 6430 — SARAH MAY LANGFORD,9 b. May 18, 1882. 6431 — Ivy LANGFORD,9 b. Feb. 27, 1886. 45465—SINATI W. LANGFORD,8 b. Feb. 10, 1854, died July 2, 1863. 45466— ALFRED W. LANGFORD,8 b. March 29, 1856, died Aug. 27, 1863. 45467 ANDREW E. LANGFORD,8 b. April 8, 1858, died July 15, 1863. 45468— ELIZA JANE LANGFORD,8 b. June 3, 1860, m. James W. Townes, Jan. 13, 1884. ISSUE. RoBIN L. TOWNES,? b. Jan. 12, 1885. 45469— LEE WILLIAM LANGFORD,8 b. Aug. 5, 1863, m. Laura J. Davenport, Sept. 21, 1886. 454610— JAMES M. LANGFORD,8 b. Dec. 19, 1865, m. Laura Anna Fenley, Nov. 25, 1886. 2755. WILLIAM7 BANTA was born in Indiana, and removed with his parents at an early age to Texas, before it was admitted into the Union. He held a commission from Governor Sam. Houston, and served on the frontier four months. Subsequently he received a commission from Governor Clark, and served for a year in Indian warfare. Was also in the Confederate service during the whole war. He is now a farmer and lecturer at Lampasas, Texas. Has written a book, which he expects soon to publish, on frontier life among the early Texan settlers. He married, March 4, 1850, Lucinda Hairston. ISSUE. : 4547 — ELIZA JANE,8 b. March 1, 1851, married first, Daniel Caldwell, Feb. 20, 1867. Subsequently she married, March 28, 1872, John McGown. They live in Oak Alley, Burnet County, Texas. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6452 — WiLLiAM CALDWELL,? b. Oct. 15, 1867, died Nov. 7, 1867. 6453 — ELIZABETH CALDWELL,9 b. Nov. 8, 1868, m. James C. Kincaid. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6454 — ALICE McGOWN,9 b. Nov. 28, 1872. 6455 — SAMUEL McGOWN,9 b. June 15, 1875, died in infancy. 6456 — WILLIAM McGowN,9 b. June 15, 1875, died in infancy. 6457 — ANN MARY McGOWN,9 b. Jan. 6, 1877. 6458 — KATE LEE McGOwN,9 b. Nov. 1, 1879. 6459 — ADELINE McGoOWN,9 b. Dec. 6, 1881, died Nov. 12, 1882. 6460 —LANTA TABITHA MCGOWN,9 b. April 30, 1884. 6461 — FRANK McGowN,9 b. Feb. 19, 1886. 312 Eighth Generation ; Isaac David> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 4548 — ISAAC HENRY, 8b. Jan. 11, 1853, ge Aug. 11, 1867. 4549—MARY ANN,2 b. Nov. 15, 1854, m os Ei i ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6462 — JoHN THOMAS MITCHELL,? b. June 18, 1874. 6463 —LuciNDA CAROLINE MITCHELL,? b. May 30, 1876. 6464 — MARGARET ELLEN MITCHELL,? b. Jan. 14, 1878, died Oct. 10, 1881. 6465 — SAMUEL EDWARD MITCHELL,9 b. Jan. 30, 1881. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 6466 — JAMES GREER,? b. Sept. 28, 1885. 6467 —BEULAH GREER,9 b. Feb. 28, 1887. 4550 — WILLIAM MILTON,8 b. July 25, 1856, m. Emres Jane Smith, July 27, 1879. Their residence is at Star P. O., Hamilton Co., Texas. ISSUE. 6468 —SEBA,9 b. April 30, 1880. 6469 — SARAH ELIZABETH? b. May 30, 1882. 6470 — NANCY CHRISTINA,9 b. March 23, 1887. 4551 — MAGGIE 8 b. Jan. 29, 1859, m. William Wolfe, April 10, 1877. They live at Thrifty, Brown Co., Texas. ISSUE. 6471 — SAMUEL SEXTON WOLFE,? b. Sept. 3, 1880. 6472 — MARY ALICE WOLFE, b. Sept. 10, 1882. 6473 —GrLAsco WOLFE,9 b. Dec. 30, 1884. 6474—OrMA ALMA WOLFE,? b. Dec. 19, 1886. 4552 — ELLEN S b. Sept. 24, 1860, m. John Wesley Thomas, Aug. 20, 1879. Their residence is at Star, Texas. ISSUE. 6475 — MAGGIE LEONORA THOMAS,? b. Jan. 3, 1883. 6476 — FANNIE CORDELIA THOMAS,9 b. April 5, 1886. 4553 — WILSON PICKINS,S b. July 25, 1862, m. Alice Neele, July, 1835. They live at Star, Texas. 4554 —KITTIE,8 b. March 17, 1864, m. Robert T. A. Park, Sept. 10, 1879. They live in Star, Hamilton Co., Texas. ISSUE. 6477 — GEORGE WILSON PARK,9 b. Oct. 9, 1880. 6478 — Jesse COLMAN PARK,9 b. July 28, 1882. 6479 — LESLIE GARLAND PARK,9 b. March 15, 1884. 6480 — CLEVELAND HENRY PARK,9 b. Nov. 5, 1885. 4555 —DIXIE,8 b. Dec. 27, 1865, died Sept. 13, 1868. 4556—SUSAN,8 b. Dec. 16, 1867, m. Howard Morris, April 19, 1886. They live at Lam- pasas, Texas. 4557 — LAURA CADWELL,8 b. Oct. 6, 1870. 4558 —FANNY,8 b. Aug. 31, 1873, died Nov. 28, 1874. 4559 — JOHN DAVID,8 b. Oct. 9, 1874. 4560 — NORA, 8 b. April 17, 1878, died July 17, 1878. 2756. DAVID RILEY? BANTA married Margaret J. Keith, who was born June 28, 1832. He is a Universalist preacher in Lampasas, Texas. ISSUE. - 4561 — FRANKLIN PIERCE,8 b. Nov. 23, 1852, m. Mollie Greenhow. He died June 15, 1876. His widow lives in Belcher, Montague County, Texas. ISSUE. 6481 — EUGENE MORDELL,? b. June 30, 1875. - Eighth Generation ; Isaac David Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick® Epke.! 313 4562 —ROXEY ELLEN,8 b. Nov. 24, 1855, m. Louis Wylie Jackson. ISSUE. 6482 — WILLIAM HARVEY JACKSON,9 b. Oct. 19, 1876. 6483 — GEORGE OLIVER JACKSON,9 b. Sept. 12, 1878. 6484 —1.ELIA BELLE JACKSON,% b. March 18, 1880. 6485 — ANDREW C. JACKSON,9 b. Sept. 28, 1883. 6486 — ALICE C. JACKSON? b. Sept. 28, 1883. 4563 — GEORGE WASHINGTON,8 b. Oct. 13, 1857, m. Mary Ann Ogle. They live in Voca, McCullough County, Texas. ISSUE. 6487 — TANY,9 b. 1875. 6488 — ANDERSON, 9 b. 1881. 6489 —ETTIE,9 b. Jan. 25, 1883. 6490 — JAMES? b. 1885. 4564 — ISAAC BURDEN 8 b. Aug. 16, 1859, died July 25, 1878. 4565 — WILLIAM ELLIS,8b. May 25, 1861. 4566 — OLIVER WILSON,8 b. June 16, 1863, m. Rose Ogle. They live in Belcher, Texas. 4567 —LYDIA 8b. Oct. 12, 1866, m. John Davis. 4568 —ALICE,8 b. March 22, 1868. 4569 —BELLE,S b. Feb. 6, 1870. 4570 — CHARLES DAVID,8 b. Dec. 25, 1872, died July 7, 1878. 4571 —MARGARET ELIZA,8 b. Dec. 25, 1872. 2757. CELESTINA7 BANTA married Robert Alexander Gibson in 1856. They reside in Uvalde, Texas. ISSUE. 4579 — JAMES BANTA GIBSON,8 b. Dec. 22, 1856, lives in Pecos City, Texas. 4573 —ISAAC CONN GIBSON,8 b. April 11, 1859, m. Elizabeth Cory, April, 1875. They formerly lived in Uvalde, Texas, and removed to Pecos City, Texas. ISSUE. 6492 — JULIAN VicTOR GIBSON,9 b. March 4, 1879. 6493 — LILLIAN ROXANA GIBSON,9 b. Aug. 8, 1882. 6494 — MABEL JOSEPHINE GIBSON,9 b. Feb. 20, 1884. 6495 — LEONORA GULNAIR GIBSON,9 b. Aug. 8, 1885. 6496 — JAMES RICHARD BYRON GIBSON,? b. Dec. 25, 1886. 4574—ROXANA DAVIS GIBSON,8 b. May 1, 1863. 4575—MARY LOUISA GIBSON,8b. Nov. 4, 1865. 2758. JOHN7 BANTA was born in Warwick County, Indiana. He married Angelina McDonald, December 22, 1860. She was born in Illinois, February 7, 1844. They reside at Centre Point, Kerr County, Texas, where he has a farm of 230 acres. He has engaged for many years in lecturing upon the Scriptures. ISSUE. 4576 —MARY ALICE,8 b. Jan. 18, 1861, m. Samuel M. Magill, April 15, 1877. They live at Centre Point, Texas. ISSUE. 6497 —HuGH H. MAGILL.? 6498 — MARGARET A. MAGILL.Y 6499 — LINDSAY V. MAGILL.9 6500 — MABEL E. MAGILL.9 45771 —ISAAC T.,8b. March 16, 1862, m. Nannie J. Tanner. ISSUE. 6501 — DORA KATE.? 314 Eighth Generation ; Isaac® David® Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke. 4578 — WILLIAM L.,8b. July 11, 1863. 4579 — CLARA,8 b. Sept. 28, 1865, m. Sheppard H. Oatman. ISSUE. 6502 — JouN H. OATMAN.9 6503 — DENNIS C. OATMAN.9 6504 — WiLLIAM A. OATMAN.9 4580 — HENRY WILSON,8 b. Jan. 3, 1867. 4581 — MARTHA JANE, b. Feb. 20, 1869, died March 6, 1869. 4582 — JOHN OSCAR,8 b. Feb. 18, 1870. 4583 — IRA,8 b. May 14, 1872, died June 7, 1872. 4584 — RACHEL,8 b. Sept. 11, 1874. 4585 — EPKE SETH,8 b. Sept. 14, 1877. 4586 — OLIVER C.,8b. April 28, 1879. 2759. JACOB RHINIERSON7 BANTA married Clara McDonald in 1859. He was a farmer, ranger gnd ‘‘ Nimrod hunter.” He died October, 1866. ISSUE. 4587 —ELIZA,8 b. Jan. 5, 1861, m. Matthew Taylor, 1876. 4588 —PERMELIA 8b. Jan. 5, 1863, m. John W. Taylor, 1877. 4589 —ANGELINA,8 b. Oct. 5, 1865, m. James Silvers, 1883. 2760. ABIA LOUISA7 BANTA married James M. Fish in 1856. Subsequently she married James Carter Stokes, who was born June 22, 1841, and died August 24, 1885. She died July, 1867. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE: 4590 —MARY M. FISH,8 b. March 23, 1857, m. William Basford, 1873. He was born April 15, 1848. They live in Westbrook, Texas. ISSUE. 6505 — WILLIAM O. BASFORD,9 b. June 8, 1875. 6506 — CHARLES E. BASFORD,? b. Oct. 11, 1877. 6507 — LILLIE R. BASFORD,9 b. March 2, 1880. 6508 — ANDY J. BASFORD,9 b. March 23, 1883. 6509 — OLLIE BASFORD,? b. Sept. 19, 1886. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4591 — FANNY CELESTINA STOKES,8b. May 6, 1860, m. Charles Lackey, Nov. 7, 1880. ISSUE. 1— LiLLie LUCRETIA LACKEY,9 b. 1881. 2—DORA JANE LACKEY,? b. Aug. 30, 1884. 4592 — EMMA VICTORIA STOKES,8 b. Aug. 23, 1861, m. Benj. H. McGahue, Nov. 19, 1878. They live at Rough Rock P. O., Blanco Co., Texas. ISSUE. 1— LULA GENORA MCGAHUE,? b. Nov. 30, 1879. 2— CHARLES B. MCGAHUE,? b. Oct., 1880. 3— JAMES ANDREW MCGAHUE,9 b. Aug. 3, 1882. 4— MARGARET MURTELE MCGAHUE,? b. June 19, 1885. 5— JESSIE MAY MCGAHUE,? b. Sept. 3, 1887. 4593 — LORETTA STOKES,8 b. Aug. 8, 1866, m. John P. Johannessen, Dec. 12, 1886. They live at Round Mountain, Blanco Co., Texas. ISSUE. JAMES CHARLES JOHANNESSEN,9 b. Oct. 15, 1887. Eighth Generation ; Isaac’ David> Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epkel 315 2762. GEORGE GORDON WILSON7 BANTA was born in Clarksville, Texas. He married Susan Melissa Rippy, March 15, 1865. She was born in Hunt Co., Texas, March 18, 1848. He is a Christadelphian preacher. They reside at Hye, Blanco Co., Texas. ISSUE. 4594— ELIZABETH JANE, b. Aug, 15, 1866, m. Joseph Greer, April 6, 1880. They live in Blanco Co., Texas. ISSUE. 6511 — CLARA GREER,9 b. Jan. 12, 1881. 6512 — ROBERT GREER,? b. Sept. 6, 1882, died Sept. 6, 1883. 6513 —ELGIA GREER,9 b. Oct. 16, 1884. 4595 —DORA MENA Sb. Jan. 28, 1868, m. Edward Miles Gipson, Dec. 30, 1885. 1SSUE. 6514 — ANNA LEAH GIPSON,9 b. Jan. 12, 1887. 4596 — GEORGE WILSON,8 b. Nov. 22, 1869, died Feb. 24, 1872. 4597 — CHARLES WILLIAM,8 b. Aug. s, 1871. 4598 —ROXEY ANN,8 b. Sept. 19, 1873, died Dec. 16, 1874. 4599 — MARY FRANCES,S b. Aug. 4, 1875. 4600— EMMA ALMEDA 8b. Aug. 29, 1877. 4601 —BERTHA LENORA,8b. Oct. 2, 1879, died Jan. 15, 1880. 4602 — ERNEST JOHN, 8 b. April 20, 1883. 4603 —EUNICE ELLA,8 b. March 19, 1885. 2763. PERMELIA VICTORIA? BANTA was born in Hunt Co., Texas. She married Edward Carroll Holden, Oct. 25, 1860. He was born at Black Creek, Florida, Dec. 28, 1841. They reside at Westbrook, Texas. ISSUE. 4604 — DANIEL JEFFERSON HOLDEN,8 b. Feb. 20, 1863. 4605— MARY ELIZABETH HOLDEN,8 b. Aug. 23, 1865, m. John Albert Gates, Feb. 25 1886. ISSUE. 6515 — EDWARD LEE GATES? b. Nov. 29, 1886. 4606—SARAH ELVINA HOLDEN,S b. March 17, 1867, m. Isaac Knisey, Dec. 23, 1886. 4607 —EDWARD EMANUEL HOLDEN,8 b. Jan. 30, 1869. 4608 — CHARLES JOSEPHUS HOLDEN,8 b. Nov. 15, 1870. 4609 — ANNIE VICTORIA HOLDEN,8 b. Aug. 1, 1872. 4610 — JOHN MONGURRY HOLDEN,8 b. March 22, 1874. 4611 — LILLIE R. HOLDEN,8 b. May 21, 1876. 4612 — HENRY LEVI HOLDEN,8 b. Jan. 21, 1878. 4613 — GEORGE HOLDEN,8 b. May 4, 1880. 4614— BEULAH HOLDEN,8 b. Oct. 20, 1882. 4615 — ALICE HOLDEN,8 b. Dec. 6, 1883. 4616 — JAMES HOLDEN,8 b. March 10, 1885. 2764. ELIZABETH PERLINA7 BANTA, born in Hunt County, Texas, March 5, 1844, married Zachariah McDonald, June 10, 1860. Subsequently she married Allen Sellars, October 10, 1871; he was born December 9, 1842. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 4617 — WILLIAM WILSON McDONALD,8 b. Aug. 3, 1861, m. Elizabeth Bures, May 17, 1883. lo E. 6516 —I.1zziE McDONALD,? b. Feb. 11, 1884. 6517 — GERTRUDE McDONALD,9 b. Feb. 19, 1887. 316 Lighth Generation y Isaac Davids Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 4618 —HENRY DAVID McDONALD, b. July 16, 1863, died Jan. 30, 1875. 4619 — ANNIE VICTORIA McDONALD,8 b. June 9, 1865, m. John Linewber, March 16, 1887. 4620 JAMES EDWARD McDONALD,S b. June 4, 1867. 4621 — ELIZABETH JANE McDONALD,8b. June 24, 1869. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4622 — EVA WELTHENIA SELLARS,S b. Sept. 16, 1872. 4623 — MARY ELIZA SELLARSS b. Feb. 10, 1875. 4624 FELIX SELLARS,S b. Nov. 7, 1877. 4625 CATHERINE SELLARS,S b. July 23, 1880. 4626 — ROSA LEE SELLARS,S b. May 25, 1883. 2765. ISAAC FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS7 BANTA, born in Hunt County, Texas, married Martha Helen Simms, August 13, 1870. She was born in Lavaca County, Texas. They live in Fagan, Texas. ISSUE. 4627 —ESTELLE,S b. March 21, 1872, died Jan. 1, 1875. 4628 —ALICE,S8 b. Jan. 21, 1874. 4629 —DAVID,8 b. Feb. 28, 1876. 4630 —LOULA VICTORIA,8 b. Oct. 13, 1879. 4631 — JOHN LYNDERSS b. Aug. 3, 1882. 4632 1VY LEE b. Dec. 30, 1885. Albert® Henry? Albert! Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2771. HENRY 7 BANTA married Susan M. Neff, July 13, 1854. She was born December 15, 1835. He was formerly a farmer, and now lives at Tuscola, IIL ISSUE. 4639 — MINNIE, b. July 16, 1857, m. 46504 Joseph 8 Banta, Oct., 1883. 4640 — ROBERT, 8b. Oct. 2, 1858, m. Anna Reed, Dec. 1881. They live in Galton, Illinois. 4641 — ALBERT,S b. Feb. 8, 1860. He is in the drug business in St. Louis, Mo. 4642 —ABRAM,8 b. Oct. 6, 1861. 4643 — JOHN M.,8 b. April 8, 1863, m. 46506 Mattie8 Banta. They live in Eldora, Kansas. ISSUE. 1— VIVIAN.9 2— MABEL.? 4644 — CHARLES E. 8b. Feb. 12, 1866. 4645— WILLIAM H.8 b. Feb. 16, 1867, m. Maude Bain, June 21, 1891. 4646— BETA A. 8b. Sept. 4, 1868. 4647 —FL.ORA,8 b. March 21, 1870, m. Ira C. Curtis, Dec. 7, 1887. ISSUE. 1—MONTELLE CURTIS? b. Sept. 8, 1889. 2— FERN CURTIS,? b. May 22, 1891. 4648 —IDA,8 b. Feb. 24, 1872. 4649 —SILVANA R.,8 b. Sept. 22, 1873. 4650 — ORA E.,8 b. March 21, 1875. 2773. ABRAM? BANTA married Martha Randolph, April 4, 1867. She was born in Waveland, Indiana. During the Civil War he enlisted, July 27, 1861, in Company H, of the 25th Illinois Regiment, and was mustered out September 1, 1864. He is a farmer at Garret, Ill. Eighth Generation ; Alberts Henry Alberts Hendrick Hendrick? Epkel 317 ISSUE. 46501 — EVA MAY,8 b. April 26, 1868, m. Leroy G. Rideout, Dec. 12, 1888. ISSUE. RAY RALPH RIDEOUT,9 b. June 24, 1890. 46502— MARY FRANCES,S b. Sept. 2, 1870, died April 21, 1884. 46503— CORA PRISCILILA,8 b. Nov. 19, 1872. 2774. JAMEST BANTA married Mary J. Crane. They live in Orleans, Ind. ISSUE. 46504 —JOSEPH,8 b. March 13, 1855, m. 4639 Minnie8 Banta, Oct., 1883. with the Electric Railway in Decatur, Ill. He is connected ISSUE. 1— EARL M.,9 b. Oct. 2, 1885. 2— ALFRED B.,9 b. Nov. 19, 1886. 3—FRAE,? b. Nov. 26, 1888. 4—JAY,9 b. Jan. 24, 1891. 46505—LIZZIE,8 b. March 29, 1857, m. —— Warren. 46506— MATTIE, b. Oct., 1860, m. 4643 John M.S Banta. 46507—SARAH,8 b. Jan. 1, 1862. 46508—ELLASb. — Albert Peter? Albert! Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.l 2780. JACOB” BANTA married Jane Shields, January 21, 1830. He was a wheelwright. ISSUE. 46509 — CHRISTINA, b. Oct. 2, 1833, m. Jacob Wolfe, Nov. 2, 1854. He is a farmer. She died Feb. 20, 1856. ISSUE. FRANCIS M. WOLFE,? b. Aug. 25, 1855, m. Charlotte Price, Aug. 22, 1878. She was born Nov. 4, 1860. He is a carpenter, living at Clarke, Randolph Co., Ind. ISSUE. 1— William O. Wolfe, 10 b. Feb. 13, 1880. 2— John F. Wolfe,10 b. July 20, 1882. 3— Cora D. Wolfe, 10 b. Nov. 9, 1884. 4— Allen W. Wolfe,10 b. Dec. 24, 1886. 5— Marion O. Wolfe, 10 b. July 31, 1889. 465010 —RACHEL,8 b. Dec. 19, 1836, m. Jacob Wolfe, Aug. 7, 1856. ISSUE. 1—JoHN W. WOLFE,? b. May 24, 1857. 2— WILLIAM P. WOLFE,9 b. April 29, 1859. 3— CORA M. WOLFE,9 b. June 19, 1864, m. Ernest Hassler, June 23, 1888. ISSUE. Rachel C. L. Hassler,10 b. Dec. 20, 1889. 465011 —MARY,8 m. Ensly Henderson. 465012— DANIEL JACOB,8 b. Oct. 11, 1841, m. Elizabeth Ann Rundel, Jan. 16, 1866. She was born Dec. 21, 1844, and died Feb. 2, 1876. He is a farmer in Mercer, Mercer County, Ohio. ISSUE. 1— CLARA JANE,9 b. March 31, 1867, m. Albert Singer, July 4, 188s. 318 Eighth Generation ; AlbertS Peter Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 1 — Walter Singer,10 b. Feb. 20, 1887. 2— Anna Singer,10 b. Oct. 20, 1889. 3— Alice Singer,10 b. Aug. 3, 1891. 2— JoHN WESLEY,9 b. July 20, 1870, is a farmer in Mercer, Ohio. 3— WILLIAM FRANCIS,9 b. March 14, 1873, lives at Fort Wayne, Ind. 465013 —ELIZABETH,8 m. William Price. She died May 10, 1878, and her husband died Aug. 10, 1883. 2782. PETER VOORHIS7 BANTA was born in Warren County, Ohio. When about nine years old his parents moved to Darke County, Ohio, and he was brought up on a farm. He married Sarah Cassart, daughter of Peter Cassart, of Warren County, January 28, 1837. She died January 20, 1857. He married again, March 14, 1853, Parmelia Rynierson, daughter of Nicholas Rynierson. He lived at Brown's Station and was in the grain business. In 1844 he was a merchant in Castine, Ohio. He was Justice of the Peace for twenty years. In 1851 he was elected to the Ohio Assembly from Darke County, being re-elected the following year. In 1870 he moved to Green- ville, Ohio, and was elected County Treasurer, serving during the years 1870-72. ‘‘He was considered a gentleman of genial social manners, generous impulses and excel- lent good sense, possessed an enterprising public spirit, cautious in actions and decided in his opinions.” He died at Castine, Ohio, January 22, 1839. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 4651 — MARTIN VAN BUREN,8 b. Oct. 11, 1838, died Feb. 11, 1839. 4652 — MARY JANE,S b. June 28, 1840, died Aug. 22, 1840. 4653 — ALBERT C.,8b. Aug. 17, 1841, died Feb. 7, 1846. 4654— PETER P.,8b. June 1, 1843, died Dec. 10, 1848. 4655 — DANIEL ]J.,8 b. April 22, 1846, died April 29, 1846. 4656 —LAVINIA,S b. Sept. 16, 1847, m. Henry Aydelett, March 1, 1865. ISSUE. 6518 —SARAH ADELINE AYDELETT,9 b. Sept. 13, 1869, died March 25, 1873. 6519 — CHARLES PETER AYDELETT,? b. Nov. 17, 1871, died March 27, 1873. 6520 — ARTHUR VIRGIL AYDELETT,9 b. July 15, 1875. 6521 — CLARENCE VOORHEES AYDELETT,9 b. Feb. 22, 18go. 4657 —MARGARET,8 b. Dec. 8, 1851, m. Michael Kettring, Jan. 21, 1883. ISSUE. 6522 — CLARA PEARL KETTRING,9 b. Jan. 24, 1885. 6523 — SARAH HASEL KETTRING,? b. Feb. 8, 1887. 4658 —ARILDA,8 b. May 6, 1854. 4659 — JAMES B.,8 b. Jan. 28, 1856, died Oct. 26, 1856. 2783. JOHN C.7 BANTA married Catherine Robertson, Sept. 22, 1836. She was born Dec. 11, 1820. He died Dec. 12, 1881. ISSUE. 4660 — WILLIAM LANE, b. Aug. 1, 1837, m. Elmira Reisen, Dec. 26, 1861. They live in Buchanan, Berrian Co., Michigan. ISSUE. 6524 — CYNTHIA ANN,9 b. Nov. 30, 1862, died June 5, 1886. 6525 — MARTHA CATHERINE,? b. Jan. 30, 1864. 6526 — EMMA L.,9 b. Dec. 28, 1866, m. Emory B. Nash, April 8, 1885. She died Sept. 19, 1887. 6527 — WILLIAM,9 b. Aug. 1, 1871, died Aug. 7, 1871. 6528 — MAXWELL R.,9 b. April 10, 1875, died Sept. 5, 1876. Eighth Generation ; Alberts Peter’ Albert Hendrick? Hendrick? Eplke.1 319 4661 —MARY ELEANOR,8 b. June 5, 1839, died July, 1853. 4662 — ISAAC R.,8 b. Feb. 6, 1841, died July 27, 1858. 4663 — DAVID REEDER,8 b. Feb. 7, 1843, m. Elizabeth McClamer, Dec. 28, 1866. They live in West Manchester, Preble Co., Ohio. ISSUE. 6529 —RANsoM LEONARD,9 b. Nov. 19, 1867, m. Orpha May Judge, Dec. 21, 1889. 6530 — CLARA EMMA,9 b. March 11, 1869. 6531 — ESTHER MAY,9 b. July 12, 1871. 6532 — IRA WILLIAM,? b. Aug. 1, 1878. 65383 — ALBERT JAMES,9 b. Nov. 25, 1882. 4664 —DANIEL,S b. Jan. 4, 1845, m. Catherine Roller, Oct. 18, 1866. They live in West Manchester, Ohio. ISSUE. 6584 — MARY E.,9 b. July 29, 1867. 6535 —FLORA,9 b. Sept. 6, 1868. 6536— CORA,9 b. Sept. 6, 1868. 6537 — GEORGE F.,9 b. Jan. 22, 1871. 6538 — WILLIAM ].,9 b. Feb. 9, 1873. 6539 — ANNA C.,9 b. Feb. g, 1873. 6540 — Joun C.,9 b. April 6, 1876. 6541 — ELMER D.,9 b. Aug. 30, 1880. 6542 — NELLIE R. D.,9 b. Jan. 8, 188s. 4865 — JOHN ALBERTS b. Sept. 10, 1847, m. Mary Hepner, Dec., 1871. He died March 4, 1872. 4666 — JESSE PALMER,8 b, Oct. 22, 1849, m. Jerusha J. Brown, Jan. 25, 1872. They live in Castine, Darke Co., Ohio. ISSUE. 6543 —BERTHA MAY,9 b. June 7, 1873. 4667 — JAMES DUNWOODY,8 b. Sept. 11, 1851, died March 31, 1853. 4668 —RACHEL ANN,8 b. May 12, 1854, died Dec., 1854. 4669 — SARAH MARGARET,S b. Sept. 10, 1855, died Nov., 1855. 4670 —PETER,8 b. Nov. 11, 1857, m. Sarah Ann Arnold, Feb. 11, 1878. They live in Cas- tine, Ohio. ISSUE. 6544 — LEWIS ALBERT, b. April 14, 1879, died Oct. 2, 1883. 6545 —JoHN WESLEY,? b. Sept. 8, 1880, died Sept. 25, 1883. 6546 — HARMER JESSE,9 b. March 25, 1882. 4671 —GEORGE ANDERSON,8 b. Dec. 9, 1860, m. Susan Trump, Jan. 22, 1881. They live in Castine, Darke Co., Ohio. ISSUE. 6547 —ETHEL,9 b. Nov. 14, 1882. John¢ Peter? Albertt Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2791. BENJAMIN N.7 BANTA married Mary Schnorf, who was born in Warren County, Ohio, August 20, 1820. ISSUE. 4673 —GEORGE W.,8 b. Jan. 7, 1837, m. Dudawin Davis. . 4674— JOHN E.S8 b. April 26, 1841, m. Ellen Gustin, April 27, 1867. She was born in Madison County, Ind., Oct. 4, 1850. They live in Muncie, Ind., where he is a merchant. He was postmaster there during President Cleveland's administration, 320 Eighth Generation; Fohn® Peters Albertt Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 6548 — MARY ALMERTON,? b. April 3, 1868, died April 10, 1868. 6549 — HARRY RICHARDS,9 b. Feb. 22, 1869. 6550 —DEeo LEE, b. July 22, 1872. 6551 —SusiE MAY,9 b. June 15, 1876. 6552 —JoHN,9 b. March 3, 1883. Peter Peter’ Albert! Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 27912. JOSEPH L.”" BANTA married Jane Gard, April 3, 1851. She was born in Preble Co., Ohio, December 27, 1833. During the Civil War he enlisted in Com- pany B, 34th Regiment Indiana Volunteers, and served for one year. He was a Trustee of his township, and in 1870 was elected County Treasurer, Jay County, Indiana, holding the office for four years. He died January 21, 1892. His widow lives at Greene, Jay County, Ind. ISSUE. 46741 —ARDILIA, 8b. March 18, 1852, m. Lewis M. Evilsizer, March 1, 1874. He is a musician in Portland, Ind. His wife died Feb. 19, 1875. ISSUE. ARDILLA F. EVILSIZER,9 b. Feb. 12, 1875. 46742—WILLIAM RILEY,8 b. Aug. 15, 1854, m. Jennie L.. Hildreth. Helives at Greene, Ind. 46743—MARY ELIZABETH,8 b. June 28, 1857, m. William P. Hiatt, of Pennville, Ind., Sept. 14, 1879. She died May 29, 1889. ISSUE. 1—NAoM1 HIATT,? b. Jan. 2, 1886. 2— EDGAR RAYMOND HiATT,? b. Dec. 10, 1887. 46'744—ELIS b. Jan. 26, 1868, m. Martha E. Cranor, Sept. 15, 1888. Henry ® Peter® Albert* Hendrick Hendrick? Epke.! 2792. BENJAMIN A.7 BANTA was born in Warren County, Ohio. He married Catherine J. Yowell, February 14, 1856, who was born September 10, 1837. He isa farmer, living at West Manchester, Ohio. ISSUE. 4675— ARAMANTHA C.,8b. Nov. 18, 1856, m. Clinton De Witt Parks, Dec. 30, 1875. He is a farmer. 4676 —SARAH ALICE,8 b. April 12, 1858. 4677 —MARQUIS L.,8 b. April 11, 1860, m. Martha Brown, Feb. 13, 1887. 46'78 — EVA M.,8b. Nov. 16, 1861. 4679 —BERRILDA BELLE,8 b. Jan. 20, 1864, m. William A. Foose, March 1, 1883. He is a farmer. 4680 — WILLIAM H.,8 b. Nov. 7, 1872. 4681 —MABEL M.,8 b. Jan. 16, 1877. 2793. MARY ELIZABETH? BANTA married, December 23, 1855, Michael Tanner. Her second husband was William Esterbrook, whom she married in 1878. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 4681 1-— WILSON GUSTON TANNER,8 b. April 7, 1857, m. Emma Miller, April 20, 1882- 4681 2— FLORA AGNES TANNER, b. Dec. 1, 1860, died July 10, 1869. 4681 3— WILLIAM HENRY TANNER,8b. March 5, 1862, m. Agnes Fellows, June, 1888. Eighth Generation ; Henry® Peterd Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 321 ISSUE. GRACE TANNER,9 b. 1889. 4681 +— CHARLES FESTIUS TANNER,S b. June 28, 1869. ISSUE BY SECOND MARRIAGE. 4681 5— GEORGE ESTERBROOK,S b. Nov. 25, 1879. 2794. SARAH? BANTA married John Brown, February 4, 1847. She died December 18, 1857. ISSUE. 4681 6— GEORGE WILSON BROWN,8 b. Jan. 1, 1848, died Nov. 1, 1849. 4681 7— HENRY BROWN,8 b. March 10, 1850, m. Eliza McClure, Oct. 12, 1876. ISSUE. 1— HARLEY EDGAR BROWN,9 b. April 26, 1879. 2— ORVILLE GUSTON BROWN,9 b. March g, 1881. 3—GLENDALE BROWN,9 b. Oct. 31, 1886. 4— SAM BROWN,9 b. Aug. 12, 1890. 4681 8— MARY ADENA BROWN,8 b. Dec. 14, 1852, m. Charles Barnes, Oct. 3, 1888. 4681 9— WILLIAM GUSTON BROWN,8 b. Feb. 3, 1855, m. Maud Tinney, Feb. 12, 1890. He is a physician in Lewisburg, Preble County, Ohio. 468110— ELMER C. BROWN,8 b. Oct. 28, 1857, died Feb., 1858. 2795. ROBERT WILSON? BANTA married, June 25, 1863, Lydia Ann Rogers. He subsequently married Amanda M. Shelley, March 23, 1873. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1i— EMMA MARY,8b. July 17, 1866, m. John Miller, 1885. ISSUE. HARRISON MILLER,9 b. 1888. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2— JAMES EBEN,8 b. Jan. 22, 1874. 2796. JAMES DUNHAM 7 BANTA, born in Warren Co., Ohio, married Emily Crisler. She was born in Preble Co., Ohio. He was a farmer in Preble Co., Ohio, and died Aug., 1872. 3 ISSUE. 4682 — WILLIAM HENRY,8 b. Sept. 13, 1846, m. Rhoda Bates, Dec. 22, 1871. She was born in Porter Co., Indiana, March 4, 1845, and died Dec. 11, 1885. He is Super- intendent of Public Schools in Valparaiso, Ind. ISSUE. 6558 — MABEL BATES,9 b. Jan. 20, 1874. 6559 — ALICE Louisg,9 b. Feb. 25, 1880. 6560 — WILLIAM HAIL,9 b. Nov. 28, 1885. 4683 — SARAH ]J.,8 m. William Conwell. 4684 — MABEL E.,8 m. Elwood Hockett. 4685 — ADAM C.,8 m. Mary Kelley. 4686 — ELIZA J.,8 m. Lewis C. Sellers. 4687 — MARY ELIZABETH,8 died in infancy. 4688 — LEENA MARY,8 died in infancy. 4689 —LURELDA,S died in infancy. 21 322 Eighth Generation ; Daniel® Danield Alberts Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epkel Daniel® Daniel? Albert? Hendrick 3? Hendrick? Epke.l 2809. HENRY 7 BANTA married Mary Bean, Oct. 10, 1850. She was born Oct. 24, 1820. He is a farmer, living on his grandfather’s old homestead, near Leba- non, Ohio. All his sons are farmers, and are church members. ISSUE. 47181 — THOMAS L. HARMER,8 b. Sept. 4, 1854, m. Laura Monroe, Oct. 9, 1878. ISSUE. 1— EARL,9 b. April, 1880. 2— MONROE,? b. Jan., 1883. 3—ALBERT,? b. Dec., 1887. 47182— JOHN FRANKLIN,8 b. Sept. 13, 1857, m. Luella Johnston, Oct. 10, 1887. ISSUE. 1— MARY, b. Feb. 14, 1889. 2— VEDA,?9 b. June, 1891. 47183 — JAMES ALBERT,8 b. Aug. 2, 1860, died Aug. 10, 1860. 47184— LEWIS VOORHIS,8 b. Oct. 24, 1861, m. Edith Wilson, Oct. 10, 1888. ISSUE. 1— PEARL MAY,9 b. Nov. 23, 188g. 2— MARY EvaA,9 b. Sept. 20, 1891. 2813. SARAH7 BANTA married Jacob Potter Halsey, Dec. 2, 1845. She died in 1867. Her children removed to Topeka, Kansas. ISSUE. 47185— JOHN RUSSELL HALSEY.S 47186— WILLIAM HENRY HALSEY.S 47187 MELISSA HALSEY.$ 47183— JAMES HALSEY.8 47189 ROBERT HALSEY.$ 2815. DANIEL C.7” BANTA married Isabel Gosnell, Sept. 22, 1857. She was born in Ohio, July 10, 1838. They reside at 721 Crawford St., Fort Scott, Kan. ISSUE. 4719 — MARY CATHERINE, b. Aug. 9, 1858, m. G. Wesley Wharton, Oct. 26, 1880. & ISSUE. 6561 — ARCHIE WHARTON, b. Aug. 1, 1881. 6562 —ALTHEA B. WHARTON,9 b. Sept. 22, 1882. 2816. MATILDA? BANTA married Henry J. Greathouse, May 27, 1849, who was born Sept. 1, 1822. They live in Lebanon, Ohio. ISSUE. 4722 —MYRA ANN GREATHOUSE,S b. July 18, 1850, m. Orlando Bradley, May 25, 1870. ISSUE. 6563 —DAIsy BRADLEY,? b. Jan. 2, 1872. 6564 — GRACE BRADLEY,? b. Dec. 28, 1873. 6565 — HARRY BRADLEY,? b. July 7, 1875. 6566 — BLACK BRADLEY,? b. Aug. 21, 1877. 6567 — FLORENCE BRADLEY,9 b. Jan. 22, 188c. 6568 — Kitty BRADLEY,9 b. July 6, 1883. 6569 — LARA BRADLEY,? b. March 27, 1886. Eighth Generation; Daniel Danield Alberts Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epkel 323 4723 — MARY E. GREATHOUSE,S b. May 2, 1852. 4724 — DANIEL H. GREATHOUSE, b. May 7, 1854, m. Dora Didrickson, Aug. 22, 1875. ISSUE. 6570 — IRWIN GREATHOUSE,9 b. Sept. 16, 1877. 6571 — MAMIE GREATHOUSE,? b. Feb. 21, 1880. 4725— LEVI H. GREATHOUSE,8 b. Nov. 2, 1856, m. Elizabeth Newton, Sept. 20, 1885. ISSUE. 6572 — LELIA GREATHOUSE,? b. June 28, 1886. 4726 — PETER D. GREATHOUSE,8 b. March 26, 1859. 4727 — FRANK M. GREATHOUSE,8 b. June 27, 1861. 4728 —SYLVAN T. GREATHOUSE,8 b. Sept. 12, 1864, m. Julia Bowman, Jan. 4, 1887. 4729 — WILLIAM E. GREATHOUSE,8 b. Sept. 2, 1366. 4730— JOHN E. GREATHOUSE,S b. Jan. 24, 1860. 4731 —IDA M. GREATHOUSE,S b. Nov. 3, 1871. Henry ¢ Daniel’ Albert! Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 2825. DANIEL H.” BANTA married Kitty B. Nebb in Dec., 1851. Subsequently he married Miss Moore. He was born in Johnson County, Indiana, and in 1854 he removed to Kansas, and five years later to Gilpin County, Colorado, where he engaged in mining. He is now in the real estate business in Denver, Colorado. : ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— KATE A.8h. 135. 2 ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 2— MAGGIE JOSEPHINE,S b. 1868. 3—EDITH MAYS b. 1872. 4—MARY GERTRUDE,S b. 1876. 5— JESSIE BELLE,S b. 1878. 6— CLIFFORD DANIEL, b. 1884. 2826. DAVID7 BANTA married Ellen Jane Brewer. She died July 28, 1855s. He died the following year, July 13, 1856. ISSUE. 4768 — JOHN ]J.,8 married first, Laura E. Ribble, Nov. 14, 1874. She died Aug. 24, 1879. He married again, Jan. 8, 1882, Martha A. McLean. They live in Centreville, Oregon. 4769 — PERMELIA 8 died in infancy. 4770 —LEMMA FRANCES,S8 m. Nelson McKee. They live in White Lick, Indiana. ISSUE. 6584 —1.AURA MAY MCKEE,9 b. Aug. 6, 1874. 6585 —OscARrR OTis McKEE,? b. April 5, 1876. 6586 — NELLIE B. MCKEE,Y b. June 1, 1880. 6587 — CHARLES PRESTON MCKEE,Y b. June 26, 1882. 6588 — Lipa ELLEN MCKEE,9 b. Aug. 13, 1885. 2827. LAWRENCE? BANTA married Mary Ann Ross. He is a stock dealer at Newton, Ill. He was commissioned as Second Lieutenant of Company I, of the g8th Regiment Illinois Volunteers, September 3, 1862, promoted to First Lieutenant, March 23, 1863, and appointed Captain, February 23, 1865. 324 Eighth Generation; Henry Danield Albert* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 4771 — ROBERT HENRY 8 b. Jan. 6, 1857, died Jan. 7, 1861. 4772 —THOMAS,8 b. Sept. 25, 1862, died Dec. 29, 1868. 4773 — WILLIAM,8 b. May 31, 1864, m. Ella Mitchell, April, 1892. He is a farmer in New- ton, Ill. 4774 —ELLA,8 b. Nov. 25, 1867, died Oct., 1891. 4775 —DANIEL,8 b. Dec. 30, 1869, died Nov. 19, 1872. 4776—RUAGA, 3 b. Feb. 25, 1872, died June 7, 279. 47717 —LOLA,8 b. Oct. 17, 1875. 2828. JOHN T.7 BANTA was born December 25, 1834. He married Caroline Maxwell, March 12, 1868. He is a plasterer at Newton, Ill. 1SSUE. 4778 —BURNIE,S8 b. Jan. 1, 1869. 4779 —EDDIE,8 b. April 12, 1871. 4780— FREDERICK,8 b. Feb. 26, 1877, died April 5, 1877. 4781 —MAUDE,S b. July 18, 1878. CHAPTER XXIII. EIGHTH GENERATION. John ® Thomas’ Wiert* Wiert? Wiert? Epke.! 2868. GARRETT? BANTA married Harriet Terhune. He was a physician in Bergen County, New Jersey. He died September 10, 1832. His widow lived to the age of 93 years, and died in 1889. ISSUE. 4829 —CATHARINE,8 b. Feb. 27, 1814, m. James Lackey. She was a member of the Church at Paramus in 1859, and was still living, a widow, in 1880. ISSUE. 6590 — GARRET BANTA LACKEY,9 b. May 7, 1847. 4830 —HENRY G.,8 b. Oct. 13, 1815, m. Elizabeth M. Zabriskie, July 30, 1851. He was a physician in Bergen County, New Jersey. Died at Paramus, N. J., Jan. 21, 1876. His widow married Garret D. Voorhees, of Paterson, N. J., Dec. 6, 1833, and died in 1888. ISSUE. 6591 — GARRET HENRY,9 b. Aug. 15, 1852, died Oct. 7, 1853. 4831 — JOHN G.,8 b. Nov. 22, 1817, m. Sarah Ann Blauvelt, Apel 19, 1845. He died Aug. Ba ISSUE 6592 — JouN HENRY,9 b. March 7, 1847, died Nov. 13, 1876. 4832 — GARRET G.,8 b. March 1, 1820, m. Charlotte Ackerman. He died at Paramus, March 24, 1885. ISSUE. 6593 — JoHN,9 b. June 29, 1856. Lives in Nyack, N. Y. 6594 — JANETTA,9 b. July 19, 1859, m. Jared Ferguson, April 30, 1884. She died June 20, 1883. 6595 — CHARLOTTE,Y b. Jan. 11, 1865, died Jan. 16, 1887. 6596 — AMANDA,9 m. John E. Zabriskie. Live at Nyack, N. Y. 4833 —RACHEL ANN,8 b. Aug. 23, 1821, m. Charles Morse, April 16, 1837, at Paramus. ISSUE, 6597 — ASHER B. MORSE.9 Eighth Generation ; John Thomas® Wiert* Wiert® Wiert? Epke.l 325 4834— THOMAS G.,8 b. Dec. 25, 1823, m. Maria Tallman. Both deceased prior to 1889. 4835— JACOB TERHUNE,S b. Jan. 29, 1826, m. Rachel Ann Zabriskie. They live in Paterson, N. J. (1889). * ISSUE. 6598 — LORENZO ].,9 b. Jan. 7, 1858. Is an insurance agent in Paterson, N. J. 6599 — CHARLES HENRY,9 b. Aug., 1863, m. Jennie Boyle. 4836 — CHARITY,8 b. Jan. 29, 1826, died in infancy. 4837 —ANGENETTA,8 b. May 19, 1828, m. Jasper Terhune, June 13, 1850. They live at Ridgewood, N. J. ISSUE. 6600 — GARRET H. TERHUNE.9 2869. TYNIE7 BANTA married 2127Peter M. Bogert,” at Schraalenburgh, De- cember 21, 1811. They became members of the church at Schraalenburgh, February, 1816. He died before 1846, and she died July 14, 1881. The numbers below are con- secutive in the Bogert line, which explains the variation. ISSUE. 4838 — JOHN BANTA BOGERT,8 b. Sept. 13, 1813, m. June 15, 1837, Jane Vreeland Houghwout, who died April 27, 1849. He married again, June 12, 1851, Elizabeth C. Bissell, who died May 9, 1872. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5305 — JOHN VREELAND BOGERT,9 b. April 6, 1839. 5306 —EDWARD HYER BOGERT,? b. May 15, 1840, died Nov. 23, 1885. 5307 — AUGUSTA BOGERT,? b. Jan. 4, 1843, m. Charles A. Place, June 15, 1857. ISSUE. 1— Vreeland Bogert Place,10 b. 1863. 2— Josephine Bogert Place, 10 b. 1867. 5308 — ELIZABETH ANN BOGERT,? b. Jan. 8, 1848. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5309 — KATE BISSELL BOGERT,? b. Sept. 16, 1852, m. Charles T. Roe, 1875. ISSUE. 1 — Stephen Bogert Roe,10 b. 1876. 2— Josephine Bogert Roe,10 b. 1878. 5310 — VICTORINE BISSELL BOGERT,9 b. Dec. 5, 1854, died March 23, 1858. 4839 — JAMES BOGERT,8 b. July 24, 1815, m. Maria Doremus, Dec. 13, 1837. ISSUE. 5311 — CHRISTINA BOGERT,9 b. Oct. 7, 1838. 5312 — PETER BOGERT,9 b. Feb. 24, 1840. 5313 — MARGARET JANE BOGERT,? b. July 12, 1842, m. Samuel Demarest, M. D. 5314 — ANNA MARIA BOGERT,9 b. Dec. 31, 1844, m. Charles H. Wessells. 5315 — RICHARD D. BOGERT,9 b. July 30, 1847. 5316 — CORNELIA BOGERT,9 b. Aug. 8, 1849, m. Nelson H. Drake, M. D. He is a Surgeon in the United States Army. 5317 —EL1ZzABETH CAROLINE BOGERT,9 b. Dec. 18, 1851, m. Christian H. Tieljen. 5318 — MARY EMMA BOGERT,? b. Jan. 7, 1854. 5319 — JAMES BOGERT,? b. May 29, 1857. 4840 — CORNELIA BOGERT,8 b. Dec. 7, 1820, m. Jonas Sparks, Dec. 24, 1839. He was in the coal and wood business in New York. She died April 2, 1887. ISSUE. 5320 — CHARLES J. SPARKS, b. Oct. 6, 1840, m. Elizabeth McL. Dye, Jan. 2, 1862. He died April 17, 1873. 326 Eighth Generation ; Fohn® Thomas® Wiert* Wiert> Wiert? Epke.! ISSUE. Ida Belle Sparks,10 b. Oct. 17, 1865. 5321 — CHRISTINA SPARKS,9 b. July 12, 1842, m. George W. Ferguson, Dec. 25, 1861. ISSUE. George W. Ferguson, Jr.,10 b. Nov. 21, 1862. 5322 — JONAS SPARKS, Jr.,9 b. Oct. 26, 1844, m. Charity L. Sloat, June 7, 1866. ISSUE. Harry Bartlett Sparks,10 b. Nov. 15, 1868. 5323 — ELIZABETH SPARKS,? b. Aug. 14, 1846, died Nov. 8, 1857. 5324 — JoHN DOWLING SPARKS, b. Feb. 18, 1850, died in infancy. 5325 — PETER SPARKS,? b. Feb. 25, 1851, m. Sarah A. Ashton, Aug. 20, 1873. ISSUE. 1— Clarence A. Sparks,10 b. Feb. 15, 1877. 2— Estelle A. Sparks,10 b. July 22, 1882. 5326 — CORNELIA SPARKS,9 b. Oct. 2, 1854, m. William T'. Esterbrook, Oct. 14, 1886. 5327 — MARY Louisa SPARKS,9 b. Sept. 23, 1856, died m infancy. 5328 — MARY ELIZABETH SPARKS,% b. June 10, 1858, m. Edward L. Clarke, Oct. 8, 1879. ISSUE. Ethel May Clarke,10 b. Feb. 11, 1882. 5329 — EMMA SPARKS,? b. April 11, 1860, died in infancy. 5330 — LINCOLN WINGFIELD,? b. July 3, 1861, died in infancy. 4841 —MATTHEW P. BOGERT,S8 b. Jan. 9, 1823, m. Matilda Cheethen, Dec. 19, 1843. ISSUE. 5331 — JAMES BOGERT,? b. Jan. 7, 1854, m. Ida M. Marshall, Oct. 11, 1876. ISSUE. Clarence M. Bogert, 10 b. July 7, 1877. 5332 — MATTHEW BOGERT,9 b. April 7, 1862, m. Ella Anderson, April 18, 1881. 4842 ELIZABETH ANN BOGERT,8 b. June 14, 1830, married first, Jacob Cholwell, May 15, 1850. He died April 19, 1862. She married again, Oct. 27, 1870, Stephen Stymets. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 5333 —JouN B. CHOLWELL,? b. March 22, 1851, died April 4, 1853. 5334 — WILLIAM H. CHOLWELL,9 b. Dec. 9, 1852, m. Amy M. Traphagen, July 23, 1873. 5335 — EDWIN VICTOR CHOLWELL,? b. April g, 1858, died in infancy. 2870. ANNA7 BANTA married Dower J. Westervelt, at Schraalenburgh, New Jersey, December 28, 1816. He was born December 28, 1795, and died February 13, 1872. His wife was a member of the King Street (New York) Reformed Dutch Church, December 31, 1824. She died April 27, 1862. ISSUE. 4843 — ELIZABETH WESTERVELT,8 b. Nov. 7, 1817, m. Dower R. Christie, Dec. 27, 1834. : ISSUE. 6601 — JANE ANN CHRISTIE? b. Jan. 18, 1838, m. John T. Ker, April 30, 1856. ISSUE. 1— Mary Taylor Ker,10 b. Feb. 19, 1857. m. Charles L. Lapham, Oct. 6, 1875. Eighth Generation ; John Thomas® Wiert* Wiert® Wiert? Epke.l 327 ISSUE. 1— Dessia Abraham Lapham,11 b. April 21, 1880. 2— Linda C. Lapham,11 b. Sept. 23, 1886. 2—D. Christie Ker,10 b. May 16, 1859. 3— Elizabeth W. Ker,10 b. Oct. 12, 1861. 4— Jennie L. Ker,10 b. Jan. 25, 1864, m. George B. Miranda, Oct. 12, 1886. 6602 — CHRISTINA CHRISTIE,9 b. Jan. g, 1840, m. Albert D. Bogert, Nov. 23, 1859. ISSUE. 1— Eva Bogert, 10 b. Aug. 29, 1863, m. D. Clark Bogert, Oct. 14, 1885. 2— Cornelia Bogert,10 b. April 21, 1866. 3— Anna Bogert, 10 b. Dec. 21, 1874. 4— Bessie Bogert,10 b. April 12, 1882. 6603 — BELINDA CHRISTIE,Y b. Dec. 5, 1842, died April 12, 1855. 6604 — CORNELIA CHRISTIE,9 b. March 8, 1847, m. Henry P. Terhune, Dec. 28, 1871. ISSUE. 1—Anna L. Terhune,10 b. May 11, 1880. 2— Westervelt Terhune,10 b. Feb. 26, 1883. 6605 — HELENA CHRISTIE,? b. Aug. 31, 1855, m. 5155 Lucas V.8 Banta, Jan. 20, 1880. 4844 — JOHN WESTERVELT,8 b. Sept. 2, 1821, m. Catherine Christie, Nov. 13, 1841. ISSUE. 6606 — SIMEON WESTERVELT,9 b. Nov. 1, 1842, m. Sarah Maria Bogert, Nov. 7, 1866. ISSUE. 1— Arthur Westervelt,10 b. Aug. 22, 1867. 2— Nettie Westervelt,10 b. April 26, 1875. 3— Alice Westervelt,10-b. March g, 1877. 6607 —WiLLIAM HENRY WESTERVELT,? b. Oct. 19, 1844, m. Catherine E. Bogert, Sept. 13, 1870. ISSUE. 1— Annie Westervelt,10 b. Aug. 2, 1871. 2— Almira Westervelt,10 b. Nov. 30, 1872. 3— Raymond Westervelt,10 b. Aug. 1, 1874. 4— William W. Westervelt,10 b. Sept. 16, 1876. 5— Irving Westervelt,10 b. Oct. 1, 1881. 6— John Westervelt,10 b. July 12, 1883. 6608 — ANNIE WESTERVELT,9 b. April 24, 1851, m. John Lozier, May 16, 1872. ISSUE. 1— Minnie Lozier,10 b. May 1, 1874. 2— Raymond Lozier,10 b. May 10, 1879. 3— Charles Lozier,10 b. Nov. 25, 1881. 6609 — CHRISTIE WESTERVELT,9 b. Nov. 2, 1854, m. Minnie Hopper, May 3, 1882. 6610 — LEWIS WESTERVELT,?9 b. May 15, 1857. 4845 — CORNELIA ANN WESTERVELT,8 b. May 18, 1830, m. Daniel Westervelt, Oct. 9, 1847. ISSUE. 6611 — JouN HENRY WESTERVELT,? b. Aug. 17, 1853. 6612 — LuNDY WESTERVELT,? b. Nov. 6, 1857. 6613 — ANNA WESTERVELT,9 b. May 19, 1859. 6614 — RACHEL WESTERVELT,9 b. Jan. 5, 1866. 328 Eighth Generation ; Peter® Wiert® David* Wiert? Wiert® Epke.! Peter® Wiert® David! Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.! 2890. WEART7 BANTA married at the English Neighborhood, Oct. 19, 1819, Mary Carr, who was born Feb. 14, 1799, and died Dec. 24, 1875. They were mem- bers of the King Street Reformed Church, New York, at its organization, September, 1823. He was a carman in New York, and resided for many years at 56 Gansevort St., that city, where he died January 28, 1883, in the 86th year of his age. ISSUE. 4875 —SARAH ANN,8 b. Feb. 28, 1821, m. Cortland Mallory, Sept. 3, 1839. They were living, in 1888, in New York City. ISSUE. 6625— WILLIAM MALLORY,Y b. Aug. 31, 1840, m. Rose Bracken. She died Feb. 13, 1886. 6626 — ALVIN MALLORY,9 b. 1842, m. Anna Murray. 1. William Tully; 6627 — MARY MALLORY, b. 1844, m. : 2. Henry Johnston. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. William Tully,10 b. 1864, died May 10, 1873. 4876 — MARY ELIZABETH,S b. Feb. 27, 1824, m. William Perry, Feb. 13, 1843. She died June 1, 1857. : ISSUE. 6628 — PETER PERRY.9 6629 — MARY FRANCES PERRY.9 6630 — WILLIAM A. PERRY.Y 6631 — AMANDA PERRY.9 4877 — PETER W.,8 b. Jan. 29, 1830, m., Dec. 30, 1849, 5336 Ann Cooper, daughter of Teunis Cooper. Both were members of the King Street Reformed Church in 1858. ISSUE. 6632 — SARAH ANN,9 b. Oct. 22, 1850, m. Alfred Van Saun, Nov. 17, 1869. ISSUE. 1— Wesley Van Saun,10 b. Aug. 11, 1875. 2— Weart Banta Van Saun,10b. Jan., 1879. 6633 —HELEN MATILDA,? b. Aug. 17, 1852, m. Charles O. Westervelt. She died Nov. 29, 1881. ISSUE. 1— Oscar Westervelt,10 b. Sept. 7, 1872. 2— Georgiana Westervelt,10 b. Dec. 10, 1877. 3— Sarah Westervelt,10 b. Feb. 29, 1880. 4878 —HELEN MATILDA,8 b. Oct. 17, 1836, died Feb. 29, 1838. 2891. SOLOMON FROELIGH7 BANTA married Maria Romer. They were members of the King Street Reformed Church in 1833. He was a prominent mason and builder of New York. Was Alderman of the Ninth Ward in 1857. He died August 6, 1868. ISSUE. 4879 — RACHEL ANN,8 b. Jan. 27, 1823, died in infancy. . 4880 —SARAH FROELIGH,8 b. Sept. 1, 1824, died April 7, 1834. 4881 — MATTHIAS,8 b. Oct. 3, 1826, m. Eliza Ann Gedney, Nov. 30, 1848. He was grad- uated from Public School No. 3 in the Ninth Ward of New York City, and at the age of sixteen entered the University of the City of New York, from which he was graduated in 1848. He then entered the law office of David E. Wheeler, with whom Eighth Generation ; Peter’ Wiert® David* Wiert? Wiert® Epke. 329 he remained till the death of Mr. Wheeler in 1869, when he continued the law prac- tice in his own name, chiefly confining himself to real estate matters, in which he has been very successful. In 1870 he removed to Mamaroneck, Westchester County, N.Y. In 1877 he was elected by the Democratic party Supervisor of the town, and has been re-elected ever since. In 1885 he was chosen by a large majority of the voters as Surrogate of the County, to supply a supposed vacancy in the office. The courts, however, having decided that no vacancy existed, he never assumed the duties of the office. ISSUE. 6634 — ANNA MARIA,9 b. Dec. 25, 1849, m. M. A. Turner, Oct. 28, 1869. 6635 —EVERETTA FRANCES,9 b. April 2, 1853, m. F. L. Sheldon, Oct. 28, 1869. 6636 — JENNIE,? b. June 2, 1856, died in infancy. 6637 —ADELINE,? b. Nov. 24, 1859, died in infancy. 6638 — ELOISE JENARLINE,9 b. Nov. 24, 1866. 4882 — ANN MARIA, b. Oct. 12, 1831, m. Phillip J. Denenfoille, June 13, 1850. 4883 —PETER,8 b. Oct. 8, 1833, died Aug. 19, 1834. 4884 — SARAH FROELIGH,8 b. May 13, 1835, m. Henry Berry Welcher, May 17, 1854. 4885 — SOLOMON FROELIGH,8 b. Oct. 3, 1837, died March 9, 1838. 4886 — ELIZA JANE,8 b. Jan. g, 1839, m. William H. Gray, Nov. 19, 1856. He is a dealer in carriages in New York City. 4887 — WIERT,8 b. May 30, 1841, died in infancy. 2892. PETER DE GROOT? BANTA was born in Hackensack, N. J. He mar- ried Mary De Kline, August, 1830. She was born at Fort Lee, N. J., and died August 6, 1873. He was an oyster dealer in New York, and died November 5, 1834. ISSUE. 4888 — GEORGE DECKER,8 b. Aug. 11, 1831, m. Emily M. Van Der Western. She was born in Elberfelt, Germany, Oct. 15, 1837, and died Dec. 31, 1892. He was an oyster dealer in New York, and removed to Jersey City, where he died August 30, 1873. His tombstone in Greenwood Cemetery bears the epitaph, ‘He sleeps in Jesus.” ISSUE. 6639 — GEORGE R.,9 b. March 17, 1854, died May 8, 1856. 6640 — ALEXANDER W.,9 b. Oct. 2, 1855, died May 18, 1856. 6641 — GEORGE R.,9 b. April 12, 1857, m. Virginia Fields, Oct. 23, 1882. ISSUE. 1— Oscar Wilbur,10 b. April 15, 1884. 2 — Genevieve Maud,10 b. Sept. 23, 1888, died July 9, 188g. 3— Florence Estelle,10 b. March 28, 1891. 6642 — HENRIETTA E.,9 b. Dec. 10, 1858, died Nov. 16, 1859. 6643 — OscArR W.,9b. Oct. 7, 1860, died May 17, 1872. 6644 — CORNELIA H.,9 b. Jan. 21, 1863, m. Thomas J. Stewart, Feb. 12, 1885. They live in Jersey City, N. J. ISSUE. Thomas James Stewart,10 b. Nov. 24, 1885. 6645 — HENRIETTA W.,9 b. June 28, 1865. 6646 — EMILY M.,9 b. June 28, 1865. 6647 —IsABELLE R.,9 b. Oct. 5, 1867. 6648 — GRACE CLARA,9 b. Sept. 4, 1870. 4889 — SARAH ELIZABETH,8 b. April 11, 1834, m. Daniel Roberts, June, 1852. They live in Jersey City, N.. J. ISSUE. 6649 — MARY ROBERTS,9 b. May 28, 1853, m. William Adams, Nov. 6, 1872. 330 Eighth Generation ; PeterS Wiert> David* Wiert® Wiert? Epke.! 4890 — PETER D.,8 b. 1841, died unmarried in Jersey City, Dec. 10, 1887. 4891 — MARY, 8b. June, 1852, m. Abraham Newkirk, 1870. They live in Jersey City. ISSUE. 6650 — LILLIAN NEWKIRK. 6651 —FREDERICK NEWKIRK. David® Wiert? David! Wiert3? Wiert2 Epke.! 2900. ISAAC VAN GIESEN 7 BANTA married Hannah Matilda Rudyard, Oct. 27, 1839. He was a whitesmith, and afterwards a dealer in iron railings in New York City. He was a member of the First Baptist Church, New York, and afterwards of the Baptist Church in Harlem. He died July 7, 13389. ISSUE. 4905— PHEBE ANNS (or Annie Phebe), b. March 28, 1844, m. Charles W. F. Meinecke, Sept. 1, 1864. He was born in Germany, Oct. 31, 1838. They lived in New York, where she died April 26, 1887. ISSUE. 6652 — ADA R. MEINECKE,? died in 1865. 6653 —EvA M. MEINECKE,? b. June 5, 1866. 6654— REGINA L. MEINECKE,9 b, Dec. 15, 1868. 6655 — CHARLES F. MEINECKE,? b. April 6, 1872, died Jan. 15, 1873. 6656 — WILLIAM F. MEINECKE,9 b. Nov. 5, 1874. 6657 — LoulsA J. MEINECKE,9 b. Oct. 23; 1876. 6658 — FRANKLIN S. MEINECKE,9 b. July 21, 1878, died June 23, 1881. 4906 — DAVID B.,8 b. Feb. 6, 1850. 4907 — GEORGE W.,8 b. Oct. 10, 1853. 4908 — HELEN M.,8 b. Feb. 18, 1856, m. James Harvey Wilson, May 18, 1879. ISSUE. 6659 — JAMES HARVEY WILSON, ]Jr.,9 b. July 15, 1880. 4909 — SPENCER ].,8b. Aug. 28, 1858. 4910— WILLIAM H.,8 b. Oct. 10, 1860. John® Wiert5 David4 Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.! 2901. ANN7 BANTA married at English Neighborhood, May 26, 1824, The- ophilus Bolton, who was born in Ireland, April 20, 1800. He was a member of the Reformed Church at English Neighborhood, and one of the principal parties in the legal complications in that church growing out of the ‘“seceders’” movement in 1827-31. He died Jan. 5, 1861. His widow was living, in 1889, at Corry, Penn. ISSUE. 4911 — SOPHIA BOLTON,8 b. Feb. 12, 1825, m. Peter J. Terhune, May 5, 1842. He was born in Hackensack, Feb. g, 1821, and died Sept. 28, 1873. In 188g his widow lived in New York City. ISSUE. 6660 — JAcoB TERHUNE,? b. Aug. 29, 1843, died July 6, 1844. 6661 — ABRAM B. TERHUNE,9 b. July 1, 1845, m. Charlotte M. Dingley, May g, 1877. 6662 — PETER P. TERHUNE,? b. July 19, 1848. 6663 — ALBERT D. TERHUNE,? b. Nov. 27, 1853. 6664 —M. CorRA TERHUNE,9 b. Sept. 26, 1866, died Oct. 24, 1874. 331 Eighth Generation ; John Wiert® David* Wiert> Wiert? Epke.l 4912 — ELIZA BOLTON,8 b. April 1, 1827, m. William Demarest, Sept., 1844. 4913 — THEOPHILUS BOLTON,8 b. Sept. 14, 1828, m. Rachel A. Hammond, March, 1855. 4914 — JOHN BOLTON,8 b. April 20, 1832, m. Louisa Hillilser, Sept. 28, 1854. 4915— SARAH A. BOLTON,8 b. May 12, 1834, m. Hiram D. Francis, April 5, 1866. 4916— JANE W. BOLTON,8 b. June 18, 1836, m. John C. Blauvelt, Dec. 28, 1854. 2903. LEAH7 BANTA married John Van Horn. In 1892 she was living at 473 Hudson St., New York City, with her grandson, Dr. Romaine. ISSUE. 4917 — CATHERINE VAN HORN,8 b. May 28, 1829, m. Peter Romaine, Oct. 3, 1850. He was a merchant in New York City. ISSUE. 1—JAcoB MNASON ROMAINE,? b. April 25, 1854. 2— DE WITT CLINTON ROMAINE,? b. Oct. 22, 1856. He is a physician in New York. 3— ROLLIN ROMAINE,? b. May 2, 1858; deceased. 4— ARTHUR ROMAINE,? b. Aug. 7, 1859; deceased. 5—IRA DELOS ROMAINE? b. Feb. 24, 1862. 6— CLARA EVARETTA ROMAINE,? b. July 26, 1868. 4918 SOPHIA VAN HORN,8 b. Aug. 31, 1833, m. ! is 4919 — ELLEN VAN HORN,8 b. June 28, 1835, m. Charles Wygant. 4920 — CORNELIUS VAN HORN,8 b. Feb. 4, 1839, m. Carrie Terhune. 2904. JACOB WESTERVELT7 BANTA married Augusta Letitia Stewart. He was a ship builder in Buffalo, N. Y., where he died July 10, 1863. ISSUE. 4921 — WILLIAM STEWART,8 b. Nov. 11, 1841, m. Jennie Elizabeth Potter, Dec. 13, 1886. He is a milk dealer in Buffalo, N. Y. 4922 — ROLLIN LADUE,8 b. Nov. 13, 1846, m. Sarah Moody Ayer, Oct. 27, 1875. She was born July 22, 1856. He is a physician in Buffalo, N.Y. He was graduated from the Medical Department of the University of Buffalo. He is Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the University of Niagara. ISSUE. 6665 — GEORGE JACOB,9 b. Aug. 12, 1876. 6666 — CHARLES WOODBURY,? b. Sept. 29, 1877. 6667 — TrHoMAS AMBROSE CASEY,9 b. June 15, 1834. 4923 — MARY AUGUSTA,8 b. March 4, 1848, died July 3, 1848. 4924— JACOB WESTERVELT,B8 b. Jan. 7, 1851, m. Amelia Mary Mayer, Aug. 13, 1890. He is a physician in Buffalo. He was graduated in 1888 from the Medical Department of the University of Niagara. 4925 — MARY AUGUSTA,8 b. May 1, 1854, died Feb., 1860. 4926— JOHN ROBY, b. Nov. 10, 1858, m. Frances Sophia Squires, April 21, 1880. She was born Jan. 13, 1860. They live in Bradford, Penn. ISSUE. 6668 — FLORENCE LOUISE,9 b. Feb. 21, 1881. 2906. JANE? BANTA married John Walling, February 22, 1834. He was born September 9, 1809. They live in Paterson, N. J. ISSUE. 4927 — CAROLINE WALLING,8 b. July 24, 1835, m. James Remsen, Nov. 8, 1851. She died Aug. 12, 1868. ISSUE. 6669 — MARY JANE REMSEN.9 6670 —SOPHIA REMSEN.9 66'71 —IsAAC REMSEN.9 332 Eighth Generation ; Fohn® Wiert> David* Wiert® Wiert? Eple.! 4928 —WEART BANTA WALLING,8 b. Aug. 2, 1837, m. Mary E. Cady, Dec., 1859. He died August, 1879. ISSUE. 6672 — JouN EE. WALLING.? 6673 — WILLIAM M. WALLING.9 4929 — GIDEON VERVALEN WALLING,8 b. Sept. 18, 1839, m. Adelaide Makepeace, June 14, 1860. ISSUE. 6674 — JENNIE ANDERSON WALLING.9 6675 — HARRIET F. WALLING.9 2908. DOWER? BANTA married Gitty Westervelt, October 20, 1838. She was born November 15, 1814. In 1886 they were living in Cresskill, N. J. ISSUE. 4933 —SOPHIA A.,8b. Sept. 16, 1839, m. 3501 Henry Ferdon,8 Sept. 12, 1858. 4934—ELIZABETH,8 b. Aug. 5, 1843, m. 3196 Abraham Demarest,8 Dec. 30, 1865. 4935 — HENRY,8 b. April 14, 1849, m. Sarah Durie. ISSUE. 6676 — HARVEY DURIE,? b. Jan. 30, 1873. 6677 —DEMAREST,? b. Nov. 11, 1874. 4936 — JOHN JACOB,8 b. Aug. 23, 1850, died in infancy. 4937 — JOHN JACOB,8 b. Sept. 26, 1853, died in infancy. 4938 — MARY ]J.,8 b. Dec. 30, 1855, m. Richard B. Haring, Nov. 26, 1879. He was born Jan. 24, 1856. They live at Closter, N. J. ISSUE. 6678 —LiLA RAY HARING, b. Sept. 2, 1881. 6679 — CHARLES BANTA HARING,? b. July 14, 1883. 6680 — ABRAHAM DEMAREST HARING,9 b. March 20, 1885. 6681 — J. EUGENE HARING,? b. Aug. 10, 1886. 4939 — SARAH,8 b. Sept. 26, 1858. Arie® Wiert> David * Wiert? Wiert? Epke.! 2914. ABRAHAM A.7 BANTA married Esther Van Saun, December 27, 1338. She was born December 17, 1821, and died May 15, 1856. He subsequently married Harriet Bogert, May 28, 1857. He lived at East Hackensack, N. J., and died January 29, 1888. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 49411 —EILIZA,8 b. July 11, 1840, m. Hubert Hopper, Dec. 22, 1858. 49412 —1.YDIA 8b. Aug. 8, 1843, m. Robert Tate Hill, Jan. 5, 1861. They live in Newark, New Jersey. ISSUE. 6'758 — FRANK HILL,9 b. Sept. 15, 1861, m. Sadie T. Christie, Oct. 29, 1884. 6'754— EssiE HiLL,9 b. Aug. 7, 1863, m. Wm. R. Slingerland, Dec. 20, 1882. Jacob ® Henry > Jacob* Wiert? Wiert? Epke.! 2986. HENRY 7 BANTA married, September 4, 1841, Sarah Angle, who was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, March 4, 1823. He was a farmer in Newfound- land, New Jersey. Eighth Generation ; Facob Henrys Facobt Wiertd Wiert2 Ephke.l 333 ISSUE. "4991 — JOHN JACOB,8 b. Oct. 11, 1842, m. Eliza Ann Vanderhoof, Aug. 7, 1862. She was born Sept. 4, 1839, and died Dec. 11, 1885. He served during the Civil War in Company K, First New Jersey Cavalry, and was at Lee's surrender at Appomatox Court House. He lives in Luzerne, Pennsylvania. ISSUE. 6'706 — SARAH,9 b. Jan. 1, 1864, m. James Tresona, Jan. 1, 1886. ISSUE. James Tresona, Jr.,10 b. Sept. 8, 1887. 6707 — JOSEPHINE,9 b. Nov. 7, 1864. 6708 — THEODORE,Y b. Jan. 12, 1867. 4992 — CHARLES G.,8 b. Jan. 28, 1844, m. Mary A. Green, Feb. 14, 1870. He served two terms in the army during the Civil War; was in Company E, 25th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers; also in Company E, gth New Jersey three-year men. He was in Libby Prison; was a Sergeant when discharged. He removed to Pennsylvania in 1868. He is now proprietor of the ‘American House,” Brodricks, near Luzerne, Pa. ISSUE. 6709 — VICTORIA A.,9 b. July 13, 1871, died Sept. 30, 1871. 6710 — LAURA E.,9 b. June 8, 1873. 6'711 — WILLARD C.,9 b. May 7, 1876. 4993 — SARAH MARGARET,S b. Dec. 22, 1845, m. William Vanderhoof, Sept. 7, 1862. ISSUE. 6'712— JOANNA VANDERHOOF,9 b. Dec. 27, 1863, m. John Paddock, April 26, 1881 ISSUE. 1— May Paddock,10 b. July 25, 1882. 2— William Paddock,10 b. Oct. 22, 1884. 3— Harry Paddock,10 b. July 26, 1887. 6713 — WILLIAM VANDERHOOF,? b. Aug. 27, 1865. 6714— JoHN VANDERHOOF,9 b. Nov. 28, 1867. 6'715— SARAH JANE VANDERHOOF,? b. Dec. 1, 1869, m. Frank Mac Loud, Dec. 18, 1886. They live at Franklin, Sussex County, N. J. 6'716— ELIZABETH VANDERHOOF,9 b. Sept. 15, 1884. 6717 — MARGARET VANDERHOOF,9 b. May 15, 1886. 6718 —MosSEsS VANDERHOOF,9 b. Feb. 27, 1888. 4994 —SAMUEL,8 b. April 3, 1849, m. Rebecca Lozan, April 26, 1873. ISSUE. 6'719 — LEONARD,9 b. Nov. 15, 1874. 6'720 — MARTHA,9 b. Feb. 16, 1876. 6721 —NETTIE,9 b. Nov. 12, 1878. 6722 —EvVA,9 b. Feb. 18, 1882. 6728 —NELLIE,9 b. Feb. 21, 1884. 6724 —NORA,9b. Dec. 2, 1887. 4995 —ELIZABETH,8 b. May 5, 1851, m. William Shepard, Jan. 1, 1875. * She died March 4, 1884. ISSUE. 6725 — HENRY SHEPARD,9 b. Sept. 10, 1876. 6726 — AMBER SHEPARD,9 b. Aug. 8, 1880, died Aug. 10, 1882. 4996 —HENRY,8 b. July 1, 1851, m. Helena Green, Sept. 14, 1873. She was born Feb. 2, 1854. He is in the dry goods and grocery business at Brodricks, a suburb of Luzerne, Pa, 334 Eighth Generation ; Facob® Henry 5 Facobt Wiert3 Wiert? Epke.l ISSUE. 6727 — ELMER E.,9b. July 2, 1874. 6728 — ANNA M.,9 b. April 22, 1876, died Jan. 18, 1879. 6'729 —NELLIE,? b. Feb. 1, 1881. 6730 —LEwrs C.,9 b. Nov. 8, 1882, died Dec. 15, 1884. 6731 —LizziE,9 b. Oct. 9, 1884, died May 3, 1887. 6732 — CHARLES G.,9 b. Aug. 23, 1887, died May 16, 1888. 67383 —JoHN ]J.,9 b. Aug. 23, 1887, died Nov. 27, 1887. 4997 — MARIA,S b. April 19, 1856, m. Sylvester Utter, Oct. 13, 1877. She died Jan. 29, 1888. ISSUE. 6'734— ANNA M. UTTER,9 b. Aug. 8, 1880. 4998 — JOSEPH,8 b. April 23, 1860, m. Catherine Degraw, Nov. 13, 1882. 4999 — ANNA MARY,8 b. Oct. 14, 1862, m. Thomas Midner, Dec. 14, 1883. She died Jan. 22, 1885. ISSUE. 6735 — ARTHUR E. MIDNER,9 b. Sept. 11, 1884. 5000 —EDWARD,8 b. May 13, 1865. 2987. SARAH7 BANTA married William Van Blarcom. Their residence is at Dover, N. J. ISSUE. 5001 — JACOB VAN BLARCOM,8 b. Sept. 24, 1844, m. Susan J. Billings, Jan. 1, 1882. 5002 — JOHN W. VAN BLARCOM,8 b. May 4, 1846, m. Sarah H. Davenport, Nov. 17, 1869. She was born Dec. 6, 1844. They live at Dover, N. J. ISSUE. 6736 — GEORGE A. VAN BLARCOM,? b. Sept. 21, 1870. 6'787 —SARAH J. VAN BLARCOM,9 b. June 3, 1872. 6'738 —ANNA MAY VAN BLARCOM,? b. Aug. 10, 1874. 6739 — ALBERT A. VAN BLARCOM,9 b. March 2, 1880. 6'740 — CHRISTIANA VAN BLARCOM,? b. Nov. 16, 1886. 5003 — LEVI VAN BLARCOM,8 b. March 4, 1848. 5004 — EMANUEL VAN BLARCOM,8 b. June 15, 1849. 5005 — HARRISON VAN BLARCOM,8 b. Aug. 11, 1854, m. Emma A. Mick, March 30, 1880. They live at the Mountain Home, Monroe County, Pa. ISSUE. 6741 — CHARLES VAN BLARCOM,9 b. Feb. 22, 1884. 6742 —IpA VAN BLARCOM,? b. March 30, 1887. 5006 — CHRISTIANA VAN BLARCOM,8 b. Nov. 9g, 1856. 5007 — JAMES VAN BLARCOM,8 b. Aug. 18, 1859, m. Janet Weston, May 12, 1882. They live in Binghamton, N. Y. = ISSUE. 6743 — WILLIAM VAN BLARCOM,9 b. April, 1883. 6744 — Lewis VAN BLArcoM,? b. Nov. 11, 1884. 5008 — MARY ELLA VAN BLARCOM,8 b. Nov. 28, 1861. 2988. JACOB7 BANTA married Arminda Perry, January 17, 1850. She was born in Vernon, Sussex County, N. J., May 15, 1830. They are living at Corbettsville, Broome County, N. Y. ISSUE. 5009 — ANNA MARY,8b. Nov. 13, 1850, m. Charles E. Fuller, April 5, 1870. Rev. |. H. C. BONTE. academy of Dr. Colton. institution that secon perished, — but . any class elsewhere. Under private § study of courses unusually broad Sw Story, of Cincinnati, passing one yesr a Sapreste Court of Ohio sm nA 1 Rev. J. H. C. BONTE. Eighth Generation ; Facob® Henry Facobt Wiert3 Wiert? Eplke.l 335 ISSUE. 6745 — ARCHIE EDWARD FULLER,9 b. March 5, 1872. 6746 — GRACE MAY FULLER,9 b. June 20, 1874. 6747 — NETTIE ALICE FULLER,9b. Aug. 7, 1882. 5010 —SOPHIA AMELIA,8 b. Jan. 10, 1853, m. Julius Knapp, March, 18go. They live in Corbettsville, N. Y. 5011 — JOSEPH EDWARD,8 b. Feb. 21, 1855, m. Clara A. Hyde, July 15, 1890. He was graduated at Amherst College in 1880. Was Class President 1877 to 1880. He was principal of the High School at Rockville, Conn., 1880; Superintendent of Schools there in 1887; and was afterward Principal of the academy at Hiawatha, Kansas. He is now (1892) in business at Greenwich, Conn., under the firm name of Banta Brothers & Co. 5012 — CHRISTOPHER JACOB,8 b. Jan. 18, 1857, m. Carrie E. Tamkins, July 2, 1881. ISSUE. ° 6748 —NETTIE MAY,9 b. March 31, 1884. 6749 — CHARLES EDWARD,9 b. May 29, 1886. 5013 — NETTIE ARMINDA,8 b. Oct. 24, 1858, m. Edwin L. Campbell, Oct. 24, 1877. ISSUE. 6750 —JouN HAMILTON CAMPBELL,9 b. Jan. 29, 1880. 6751 —EDWARD BANTA CAMPBELL,9 b. Nov. 13, 1884. 5014 — EMMA CECELIA,8 b. Nov. 16, 1860, died March 29, 1862. 5015— CORA ERMINNIE,8 b. Feb. 2, 1863, m. James J. Glann, Nov. 23, 1886. He is. a merchant in Greenwich, Conn., in partnership with his brothers-in-law, under firm name of Banta Brothers & Co. ISSUE. 6752 — MARY JANE GLANN,9 b. March 26, 1888. 5016 — FANNY MYRTLE, b. July 26, 1865. 5017 — WILLIAM ERNEST,8 b. March 15, 1869, m. Abbie M. Fuller, July 23, 1890. He is in business at Greenwich, Conn., under firm name of Banta Brothers & Co. ISSUE. Victor LUTHER,9 b. May 29, 1892. CHAPTER XXIV, NINTH GENERATION. John? Peter® John’ John Johannes? Seba? Epke.! 3686. JOHN HARMON C.8 BONTE was born in Circleville, Ohio, but grew up and was educated mainly in Cincinnati. He was prepared for college in the classical academy of Dr. Colton. He studied one year in St. John College, Cincinnati—an institution that soon perished,—but he was not strong enough in health to continue in any class elsewhere. Under private instructors, however, he pursued successfully the study of courses unusually broad for that day. He studied law with Judge Bellamy Story, of Cincinnati, passing one year in an Eastern law college, and was admitted in the Supreme Court of Ohio as ‘Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery,” before he was twenty-one years of age. He practiced law in Cincinnati three years, reaping large pecuniary returns, continuing at the same time the study of history, phi- losophy, and the Hebrew language and literature. He then passed three years at Kenyon College in the study of Divinity and other subjects, and received the degree of 336 Ninth Generation ; Fohn' Peter® John Fohn* Johannes? Seba? Epke. A. M. in 1857, and subsequently the degree of Doctor in Divinity. He was admitted to the Diaconate in the Episcopal Church in July, 1856, and to the Priesthood in July, 1857. He was subsequently elected one of the Trustees of Kenyon College. During the Civil War he served for nine months as Chaplain of the 43d Ohio Regiment, under General Pope. : Thereafter, Dr. Bonté continued in the active duties of the ministry, and in June, 1870, he became Rector of the Episcopal Church in Sacramento, Cal., where he re- mained until his voice failed him; during this period he officiated for four years as Chaplain of the State Senate. August 1, 1881, he became Secretary of the University of California, at Berkeley, Alameda County, and shortly after was elected Professor of Legal Ethics in its Law De- partment, positions still filled by him. Dr. Bonté is widely known on the Pacific Coast as a writer on religious, literary and scientific subjects. ISSUE. 5550 — FRANCES STORER,9 b. July 15, 1855. 5551 — CHARLES COLIGNIE,9 b. June 14, 1857, m. Anna Hull Nichols, June 30, 1881. They are living in Sacramento, Cal. ISSUE. 6854 — HARMON STORER,10 b. April 10, 1882. 5552 — ELIZA LYTLE, b. Nov. 21, 1858, m. George Whitney Reed, Aug. 3, 1882. ISSUE. 6855 — EMELIE GERALDINE REED,10 b. Oct. 2, 1833. 5558 — MARY WOODBURY,9 b. Feb. 17, 1861, m. James Henry Parkinson, July 7, 1886. ISSUE. 6856 — FENTON MADDEN PARKINSON,10 b. April 10, 1887. 68561 — JOHN BONTE PARKINSON,10 b. March 26, 1890. CHAPTER XXV, NINTH GENERATION. Henry’ Henry ® Henry’ Hendrick! Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 8894. JOHN FULTONS® BANTA married Fidelia Ann Fugary in 1842. She was born January 12, 1828. They lived in Bad Axe County, Wisconsin, in 1542. She died August 10, 1860. Subsequently he married Nancy E. Cooley Kelly, in 1860. She died in 1882. He died February 4, 1880. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5618 — ALBERT FRANKLIN,? b. Dec. 18, 1843. He was one of the early pioneers ot Arizona, having removed to Holbrook, in that Territory, about 1864. He has been Prosecuting Attorney, Probate Judge, Magistrate, and is now in the exchange brokerage and insurance business at St. Johns, Arizona. 5619 —ZILPHA JANE,9 b. Jan. 13, 1846, m. Jonathan Riley, March 1, 1860. He died April 21, 1873. All the family live at Brunswick, Mo. ISSUE. 6864 — ARRA PHIDELIA RILEY,10 b. July 14, 1863, m. Edwin Knight, Nov. 8, 1888. 6865 — BETSEY ANN RILEY,10 b. Sept. 13, 1865, m. Frank Jenkins, Oct. 20, 1882. Ninth Generation; Henry Henry Henry Henry t Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke) 337 * ISSUE. 1— May Jenkins,11 b. Dec. 25, 1883. 2— Clarence Melvin Jenkins,11 b. Jan. 17, 1886. 6866 — JESSIE MELVINA RILEY,10 b. Nov. 1, 1868, m. Charles Musick, Jan. 19, 1888. ISSUE. Charles Albert Musick,11 b. Oct. 19, 1888. 6867 — JOHN ALBERT RILEY,10 b. Sept. 19, 1871. 5620 — JOHN FRANCIS, b. Sept. 8, 1849, m. Amanda E. Nuckolls, Aug. 17, 1869. She was born in Illinois, Jan. 30, 1852. He is a farmer at Brunswick, Mo. ISSUE. 6868 — CHARLES WILLIAM,10 b. March 13, 1873. 6869 — ALFRED FRANKLIN,10 b. Sept. 25, 1874. 6870 — CoRrRA LEE,10 b. Sept. 15, 1877. 6871 —ROSETTA,10 b. Jan. 10, 1880. 6872 — LILLIE PEARL,10 b. Aug. 1, 1882, died Aug. 27, 1883. 6878 — JoHN HENRY,10 b. Nov. 27, 1886. 5621 —HENRY FERDINAND,9 b. Feb. 28, 1853. He lives in Holbrook, Arizona. 5622 — CHARLES FLAVIUS,9 b. April 8, 1855, m., Nov. 7, 1875, Elizabeth Ann Cooley. She was born in Missouri, Jan. 29, 1854. They live in Jacksonville, Mo. ISSUE. 6874 — WILLIAM IVAN,10 b. Aug. 13, 1876. 6875— WILLARD IRA,10 b. Aug. 13, 1876, died Nov. 29, 1876. 6876 — ALFRED EDWARD,10 b. June 24, 1878. 6877 — ALBERT EDWIN,10 b. June 24, 1878. 6878 — CHARLES FLAVIUS,10 b. Nov. 7, 1880, died Nov. 7, 1880. 6879 — MINNIE ALICE,10 b. Oct. 21, 1881. 5628 —MARY FIDELIA,% b. May, 1858, m. William Bogard. ISSUE. 68791 —ARTHUR BOGARD,10 b. 1882. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5624 — WILLIAM THOMAS, b. Aug. 27, 1861. He lives at Kimball, Nebraska. 5625 — NANCY EVELINE,9 b. April 11, 1863, m. Chas. Henry Powell, Nov. 29, 1883. ISSUE. 6880 — MABEL JANE POWELL.10 6881 —IpA EVELINE POWELL.10 5626 — ANDREW JACKSON,9 b. Sept. 25, 1865. 5627 — AMANDA TALBOT,9 b. June 10, 1867. 5628 — JOSEPH LEE,9 b. Feb. 10, 1869. 3896. ABRAHAM® BANTA married, October 2, 1845, Eliza Ann Stephens, who was born May 10, 1830, and whose death occurred on the 25th of May, 1887. He resides in Montgomery, Daviess County, Ind. 22 ISSUE. 5629 — WILLIAM WASHINGTON, b. Oct. 8, 1849, m. Sarah Spear. 5630 — SUSAN DELL,9 b. Sept. 27, 1851, m. Francis Marion Wurch. 5631 — MARTHA ANN,9 b. Dec. 14, 1853, m. George Reith. 5632 — GLEN DORY,9 b. March 27, 1856, m. William Davis. 5633 — MARY ELIZA,9 b. May 19, 1859, m. John Green. 5634 — HENRY DAVID,9 b. Oct. 21, 1862, m, Effie McConnel. 5635 — SARAH ETTA,9 b. May 22, 1865. 5636 — CHARLES ANDREW ,9 b. Feb. 29, 1868. 5637 — THOMAS STEPHENS,? b. March 25, 1871. 338 Ninth Generation ; Abram Henry® Henrys Henry* Hendrick Hendrick? Epke.l Abram’ Henry Henry > Hendrick¢ Hendricks Hendrick? Epke.! 3920. JAMES HENRY #8 BANTA was born at Flat Rock, Bourbon County, Ky. He married Mary Russell, April 22, 1852. She was born at St. Louis, May 20, 1832. Since 1870 they have lived at Ridge Farm, Ill., where he has a grain mill. ISSUE. 5665 — JAMES A.,9 b. Feb. 9g, 1853, m. Barbara Ellen Coppock, Dec. 23, 1874. ISSUE. . 6916 — WILLIAM FRANKLIN.10 6917 —NETTIE.10 6918 —ANNA.10 6919 —FRrED.10 5666 —NANCY ELIZABETH,9 b. Aug. 25, 1855, m. W. A. Barkley, Sept. 5, 1875. ISSUE. 6920 — HARRY COOPER BARKLEY,10 b. July, 1876. 6921 — ETHEL MARIE BARKLEY,10 b. March 6, 1878. 6922 — GEORGIE BARKLEY,10 b. June, 1884. 5667 — WILLIAM FRANKLIN,9 b. Dec. 9, 1857. 5668 —SARAH ANN,9 b. Aug. 15, 1860, m. Charles McFarland, April 30, 1881. ISSUE. 6923 — EDWARD MCFARLAND,10 b. Nov. 7, 1882. 6924 — JESSE NATHAN MCFARLAND,10 b. Oct., 1884. 5669 — MARGARET ELLEN,9b. June 8, 1863, m. John Con, Dec. 25, 1885. s ISSUE. 6925 —OseE LEE CoON,10 b. Sept. 13, 1886. 5670 — AMY DORCAS,9 b. Dec. 22, 1866. 5671 —ANDREW JACKSON,9b. Aug. 25, 1870. 5672 — JOHN HARLEY,9 b. March 8, 1872. Henry? Peter® Hendrick? Hendrick ¢ Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 3928. WILLIAM M.8 BANTA was born in Henry County, Ky. He married Elizabeth Crowder, March 27, 1840. She was born September, 1819. They lived in Switzerland County, Indiana, and in 1853 they moved to Des Moines, Iowa. They now live in Pacific, Franklin Co., Missouri, where he is a farmer. ISSUE. 5682 — LOUISIANA, 9 b. 1842, m. Thomas Wilkie. He is a farmer, living at Huron, Iowa. ISSUE. 6926 -— ELIZABETH ELLEN WILKIE,10 b. Sept. 10, 1861, m. William Smith Hall, April 18, 1881. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 1— Mamie E. Hall, 11 b. Feb. 13, 1883. 2 — Wildah Agnes Hall,11 b, June, 1888, Ninth Generation ; Henry Peter’ Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 339 6927 — FRANK WESLEY WILKIE,10 b. Jan. 9, 1863. He is a brick maker. 6928 — ANNA MARY WILKIE,10 b. Aug. 6, 1864, m. Thomas William Sheridan, Jan. 31, 18go. He is a stock raiser. 6929 — AGNES ISADORE WILKIE,10 b. Nov. 2, 1865. She is a school teacher. 6930 — ANsoN EMMET WILKIE,10 b. May 31, 1868, died June 3, 1885. 6931 — JEANETTE WILKIE,10 b. April 13, 1870, died Oct. 4, 1871. 6932 — LURENIA WILKIE,10 b. Jan. 21, 1872. 6933 — HENRY WILKIE,10 b. May 18, 1874. 6934 — ETTA ETHEL WILKIE,10 b. Dec. 9, 1876. 6935 — GEORGE NEWTON WILKIE,10 b. March 11, 1879. 5683 —MARTHA,9 b. Sept. 8, 1844, m. James W. Wright, March 22, 1866. He was born in Simpson County, Ky. He is a clerk in Berryman, Crawford County, Mo., and also Postmaster. ISSUE. 6936 — ULYSSES S. G. WRIGHT,10 b. Jan. 12, 1867. 69387 — WILLIAM MITCHELL WRIGHT,10 b. April 7, 1869. He is studying for the ministry at William Jewell College, 18go. 6938 — JoHN JAMES WRIGHT,10 b. June 27, 1870, died July 4, 1870. 6939 — SARAH ELIZABETH WRIGHT,10 b. July 22, 1871, died Feb. 3, 1873. 6940 — NEWTON FRANKLIN WRIGHT,10 b. Sept. 22, 1872, died Feb. 11, 1873. 6941 — MARTHA FRANCES WRIGHT,10 b. March 12, 1875. 6942 — WALTER CLARKE WRIGHT,10 b. June 25, 1876. 6943 — LILLIAN GRIZELLA WRIGHT,10 b. Feb. 17, 1878. 6944 — FLORENCE JANE WRIGHT,10 b. Oct. 6, 1880. 6945 — HENRY MILTON WRIGHT,10 b. April 26, 1882. 5684 — MARY E. 9b. 1849, m. Adam Walker. 5685— CYRUS N.,9 b. Dec. 7, 1850, m. Susan Learned, Sept. 18, 1889. She was born in Washington County, Mo., Aug. 5, 1862. He is a merchant in Berryman, Crawford County, Mo. ISSUE. 69451 — MARY IRENE,10 b. June 22, 18go. 69452— PARKE MUNROE,10 b. Nov. 21, 1891. 5686 — JOHN JACOB,? b. April 22, 1853, m. Elizabeth Clifton, 1878. She was born in Mis- souri, April 12, 1861. He is a teacher in House's Springs, Mo. ISSUE. 6946 — VioLA,10 b. March 24, 1879. 6947 — Jurius E.,10 b. Sept. 30, 1880. 6948 — FERDINAND J.,10 b. June 12, 1882. 6949 —IsIiDORE,10 b. Dec. 8, 1883. 6950 — PAUL S.,10 b. April 23, 1885. 6951 — CORTA,10 b. Sept. 24, 1889. 5687 —SARAH,9 b. April 13, 1855, m. John Mangan. He is a farmer in Bismark, Nebraska. ISSUE. 1—IDA E. MANGAN,10 b. Oct. 13, 1876. 2— MAUD M. MANGAN,10 b. Oct. 2, 1879, died Jan. 8, 1880. 3— ROBERT J. MANGAN,10 b. Dec. 14, 1881. 4— ELIZABETH M. MANGAN,10 b. Sept. 18, 1885. 5— WILLIAM T. MANGAN,10 b, Sept. 19, 1889. 3929. ABRAHAMSB BANTA married Rachel Van Osdoll (Van Arsdale) Sept. 1 1833. She was born October, 1811, and died November 7, 1862. He is a farmer living in Holdridge, Nebraska, having formerly lived near Des Moines, Iowa, / 340 Ninth Generation ; Henry PeterS Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l ISSUE. 5688 — HENRY M.,9 b. May 25, 1834, m. Mary Egbert. He is a physician in Cherryville, Kansas. They have a daughter, who married Dr. C. H. Bennett. 5689 — MARY JANE, b. Oct. 25, 1835, m. William Hill, Sept. 24, 1856. He was born in Indiana. He is a school teacher at Messina P. O., San Bernardine County, Cal. ISSUE. 6953 — WILLIAM RiLEY HILL,10 b. Oct. 2, 1857, m. Sarah Elizabeth Price, May 6, 1881. ISSUE. 1— Mary Louisa Hill.11 2— Claudina Leonard Hill.11 3— Elmer Price Hill.11 4— Della Lavinia Hill.11 6954— CrLAUDIUS MILTON HILL,10 b. May 17, 1859, m. Ella Jane Crawford, March 29, 1882. ISSUE. Mary Hill. 11 6955 —LURISSA ANNA HILL,10 b. May 30, 1861, m. Frank Jordan. He is a farmer. ISSUE. 1— Elmo Mina Jordan.11 2— Mary Alice Jordan.11 3— Leonora Jordan.11 4— Frankie Jordan.11 5— May Jordan.11 6956 — FRANK EDMOND HILL,10 b. July 13, 1864, m. Lily Beverton, Jan., 1889. He is a clergyman. ISSUE. Hiram Howard Hill.11 6957 — RALEIGH LEONARD HiLL,10 b. May 25, 1867, died Jan. 15, 1883. 6958 — ELSIE ROXELLA HiLL,10 b. Nov. 26, 1869. . 6959 — MINA ELviA HILL,10 b. June 2, 1874, died Jan. 19, 1879. 6960 — PEARL MAY HiILL,10 b. March 31, 1879. 5690 —MALINDA SLAWSON,9 b. Nov. 15, 1837, died Nov. 18, 1841. 5691 — MILTON FRALEY,9 b. Nov. 15, 1839. During the Civil War he enlisted in the First Missouri Light Artillery, and was at the battle of Shiloh. He lives in Oxford County, Nebraska. Is a member of the M. E. Church. 5692 —MELISSA,9 b. Jan. 1, 1842, m. William H. Ball. They live at Mead Centre, Kansas. 5693 —JOSEPHUS,9 b. Jan. 19, 1844, died March 9, 1861. 5694 — LAFAYETTE, b. April 25, 1846, married first, Roxanna Van Nice, Jan. 4, 1872; and again, Mary F. Wilkens, March 2, 18go. They live at Holdridge, Phelps Co., Nebraska. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— GRACE,10 b. Oct. 23, 1873. 2— ALBERT ABRAHAM,10 b. May 3, 1875. 3— MINNIE MYRTLE,10 b. Dec. 10, 1876. 4— NELLIE BLANCHE,10 b. Oct. 26, 1879. 5—ANNIE KATE,10 b. Nov. 27, 1881. 6 —ALTA MAY,10 b. Sept. 14, 1886. 5695 — MINERVA ANN,9 b. July 16, 1849, married first, John Elder Crowder, Jan. 25, 1865, and again, Collins Lovejoy Daggett, June 18, 1884. They live at Burlington, Iowa. Ninth Generation ; Henry PeterS Henry Henry* Hendricks Hendrick? Epke.l 341 ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. 6961 — CLARENCE ALPHONSO CROWDER,10 b. Dec. 30, 1865. 6962 —VioLA IsorA CROWDER,10 b. Nov. 2, 1867. 6963 —ROSELLA ELLEN CROWDER,10 b. April 9, 1869. 6964 — HORACE EDMUND CROWDER,10 b. March 4, 1870, died April 24, 1870. 6965 — ALPHARETTA ISADORA CROWDER,10 b. Jan. 22, 1872. 6966 — ORVILLE ALVA CROWDER,10 b. May 14, 1875. 6967 —JoHN ABRAHAM CROWDER,10 b. May 5, 1878. 5696 — MARTHA ELLEN, b. March 13, 1851, m. — Bowker. They live in Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, Mo. 3931. JAMES MONROES® BANTA married Nancy Van Osdoll, December, 1835. He was a farmer, and was drowned July 4, 1852. His widow died March 7, 1859. ISSUE. 1—MARTHA ANN,9 m. John A. McKnight. She died Jan. 1, 1863. Her husband and children are all dead. ISSUE. 1— MARTHA MCcKNIGHT.10 2— JANE MCcKNIGHT,10 m. — Martin. 3— WILLIAM McKNIGHT.10 2—JANE,9 b. Oct. 19, 1837, married first, Aaron Hallgarth, Oct. 13, 1859. He was a farmer. He died in the service of his country during the Civil War, Oct. 10, 1861, at Georgetown, Mo. She married again, May 2, 1865, David B. Peak. He is a gardener. Both are members of the Christian Church. They reside at Clay Centre, Nebraska. ISSUE BY FIRST MARRIAGE. JAMES WILLIAM HALLGARTH,10 b. Jan. 17, 1861, m. Myra K. Simpson, May 7, 1884. He was formerly County Commissioner of Harlan County, Nebraska, and is now a book-keeper, living at Summerville, Oregon. 3—DAVID,9 died in infancy. 4— WILLIAM VAN OSDALL,9 b. Sept. 26, 1841, m. Jan. 22, 1864, Melissa Morris, who died Feb., 1872. He married again, Dec. 4, 1872, Luceneth Robertson. He is a farmer, residing in Oxford, Nebraska. During the Civil War he enlisted in the 13th Indiana Volunteers, Company I, in May, 1861, and was discharged June 23, 1865, at Raleigh, N. C. He was wounded, near Richmond, Va., May 10, 1864, and was captured, and spent five months in Southern prisons; escaped several times and was re-captured, but made a final escape and reached the Northern lines at Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1864. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— THOMAS SHERMAN,10 b. Sept. 22, 1865, died Aug., 1866. 2— MARTHA ANN,10 b. Aug. 9, 1867, m. Carlos J. Bird, Dec. 4, 1886. 3—HARRY,10 b. Aug. 17, 1869, m. Amanda Star Grant, Dec. 28, 1892. He is a tele- graph operator. 4—ELIZABETH JANE,10 b. Sept. 27, 1871, died March, 1872. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5— ROBERT BENJAMIN,10 b. May 22, 1874. 6— JAMES,10 b. Nov. 2, 1875. 7— WILLIAM MILO,10 b. May 18, 1877. 8 —LETTIE JANE,10 b. May 4, 1879. 9— RICHARD LEROY,10 b. Dec. 27, 1880. 10— NANCY GERTRUDE,10 b. April 22, 1882. 5— CAROLINE, b. March 16, 1843, m. Tomlinson Simpson. He was born Dec. 4, 1833. Is a carpenter and boat builder in Oquawka, Illinois. 342 Ninth Generation; Henry Peter® Henry Henry * Hendricks Hendrick? Epke.! ISSUE. 1— JENNIE SIMPSON,10 b. Sept. 16, 1860, m. John W. Moore, Nov., 1888. She taught school for a number of years before her marriage. Mr. Moore is a banker in Seattle, Washington. ISSUE. Clyde Moore,11 b. Aug. 18, 18q0. 2— MYRA SIMPSON,10 b. Oct. 8, 1862, m. J. W. Hallgarth, May 7, 1884. He lives in Clay Centre, Neb. ISSUE. Lee Hallgarth,11 b. April 2, 1885. 3—SAREPTA SIMPSON,10 b. Nov. 8, 1864, died in infancy. 4— GEORGE SIMPSON,10 b. Nov. 13, 1866. Is a fisherman. 5— LEWIS SIMPSON,10 b. Sept. 23, 1869. Is a printer. : 6— WILLIAM SIMPSON,10 b. March 21, 1872. Is a painter and paper hanger. 7— JESSIE SIMPSON,10 b. March 21, 1877. 2 8 —IDA SIMPSON,10 b. March 21, 1879. 6—ISABELLA,9 m. William Brinson Johnson, July 31, 1861. He was a farmer in Nebraska, and died April 20, 1892. She lives at Oxford, in that State. 7— MARY ALICE,9 b. Oct. 12, 1844, m., Feb. 26, 1863, Samuel Darius Williams, who was born in Crawford County, Pa., Aug. 14, 1837. He is a fisherman, living in Oquawka, Ill. During the Civil War he enlisted in the army and continued in the service until wounded. He has served four years as Police Magistrate of Oquawka. ISSUE. 1—LORAH ALICE WILLIAMS,10 b. Jan. 23, 1864, died Feb. 23, 1882. She was a school teacher. 2—ALPHEUS SILVANUS WILLIAMS,10 b. Sept. 8, 1868, died Oct. 10, 1870. 3—HOWARD SILVESTER WILLIAMS,10 b. March 1, 1871, m. Emma Wood, Feb. 6, 1893. He is a printer. 4— LILLIAN ELIZABETH WILLIAMS,10 b. April 28, 1876. 5—MYRTLE ETHA WILLIAMS,10 b. April 29, 1880. 6— EMMA WILLIAMS,10 b. June 23, 1887. 8— JOSEPH THOMAS,9 b. Sept. 11, 1848, m. Parthena Ping, Aug., 1875. He is a farmer, living in Trumbull, Clay County, Neb. ISSUE. 1— JAMES W.,10 b. 1880. 2— THOMAS SIMPSON,10 b. 1886. 3— CLARENCE C.,10 b. 1887. 4— HARRY E.,10 b. 1889. 5—ELLA ISOLA,10 b. 1892. 9— GEORGE,? died in infancy. 10—ABRAHAM NEWTON,9 b. Feb. 4, 1852, married first, June 1, 1879, Clarissa Louisa Ewell, who was born in Brentville, Va., June 28, 1859, and died Aug. 5, 1891. He married again, Oct. 25, 1892, Edith Mathews Thompson, who was born in Fenbury, Worcestershire, England, Aug. 28, 1854. He is manager of the Oregon State Fair Grounds, and resides at Salem, Marion Co., Oregon. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 1— HERBERT HUME,10 b. July 28, 1880. 2— EDGAR POE,10 b. Feb. 5, 1883. 3— EDNA,10 b. Oct. 9, 1885. 4— WILLIAM,10 b. May 23, 1889. 5— HARRY,10 b. April 24, 1891, died Aug. 10, 1891. Ninth Generation ; Henry Peter® Henry Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 343 3932. HANNAH 8 BANTA, born in Henry County, Kentucky, married William- son Van Osdol, October 13, 1836. He was born March 17, 1816, and died October 31, 1868. He was a farmer at Mediapolis, Iowa, where his widow resides, and also her children whose residences are not otherwise designated. ISSUE. 5697 —MAHALA VAN OSDOL,9 b. Jan. 18, 1838, m. John W. McDonald, March 26, 1857. 5698 — MELISSA VAN OSDOL,? b. March 19, 1840, m. James W. King, Dec. 14, 1856. 5699 — MARTHA VAN OSDOL,9b. Feb. 10, 1842. She is a school teacher. 5700 — JOHN W. VAN OSDOIL,9 b. Jan. 20, 1844, m. Lydia A. Pool, Oct. 13, 1867. He is a farmer at Latty, Iowa. 5701 —MALINDA VAN OSDOL,9 b. July 28, 1846, m. Rev. Thomas S. Pool, Oct. 29, 1867. He is a minister of the M. E. Church. 5702 — MARY M. VAN OSDOL,9 b. Aug. 6, 1849, m. Nicholas H. Boyce, June 14, 1868. They are both blind. 5703 —MITCHELL W. VAN OSDOL,9 b. Nov. 10, 1851, died May 20, 1863. 5704— MARIAH J. VAN OSDOL,9 b. Aug. 4, 1854, m. Henry M. Walker, Nov., 1871. They lived at Swedesburgh, Iowa. 5705—MANETTA VAN OSDOL,9 b. Dec., 1857, died Oct., 1858. 5706 — INDIANA VAN OSDOL,9 b. Dec. 25, 1860, m. Frank P. Corder, Jan., 1880. They live at Plattsville, Iowa. : 5707 — MINNIE VAN OSDOL,9 b. Nov. 10, 1862, m. Albert D. Hollinger, June 14, 1888. They live at Oronogo, Mo. 5708 —BIRDIE M. VAN OSDOL,9 b. May 10, 1864, m. John Piper, Dec. 12, 1889. 3937. JOHN CALVINS® BANTA, born in Switzerland County, Indiana, married Martha Jane Roberts, November 13, 1856. She died January 2, 1871. Subsequently he married Elizabeth Anderson, widow of Moses Stewart. He is a farmer, formerly living at Oquawka, Illinois, but now at El Salem, Wis. During the Civil War he served in the 14th Iowa Infantry. ISSUE BY FIRST WIFE. 5709 — EMMA LUELLA,? b. Feb. 15, 1859, m. Elmer E. Lesh, Oct. 4, 1880. He was born in Newport, Pa., July 9, 1861. He is a printer. Is City Clerk of Fairmount, Neb. ISSUE. 6968 — WILLIAM WALKER LESH,10 b. June 6, 1882. 6969 — LLuNA MAY LESH,10 b. Oct. 1, 1883, died Oct. 17, 1887. 6970 — CLARENCE BANTA LESH,10 b. Oct. 7, 1885. 6971 — CHARLES HERBERT LESH,10 b. March 28, 1889. 5710 — CHARLES WALTER,? b. March 28, 1860, m. May Schaeffer, Jan. 1, 1880. He is a railroad conductor and lives in St. Paul, Minn. . ISSUE. 69711 — HERBERT L.,10 b. Aug. 18, 1882. 69712— HARRY R.,10 b. Feb. 19, 1884. 5711 — ORLANDO SANFORD,9 b. Dec. 29, 1863, m. Amelia Smith, Nov. 28, 1889. He is a farmer at Oquawka, Ill. 5712 — ROBERT RAYMOND,9 b. Oct. 12, 1867. He is a school teacher at Fairmount, Neb. 5713 — WILLIAM? b. Oct. g, 1870. Lives at Sac City, Iowa. ISSUE BY SECOND WIFE. 5714— BERTHA L.,9b. July 9, 1874. 5715— NORMAN M.,9 b. May 14, 1877. 5716 —SAMUEL S.,9 b. July 30, 1882. 344 Ninth Generation ; Abraham’ PelerS Henry® Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.- Abraham? Peter® Hendrick? Hendrick Hendrick3 Hendrick? Epke.! 39381, PETER DEMAREES BANTA married Hannah Voris, Aug. 16, 1832. She was born Sept. 18, 1812. He was a farmer, and shortly after his marriage he moved to Johnson Co., Ind. He died Sept. 1, 1844. His widow lives at Vinton, Iowa. ISSUE. 5727 —MARY JANE,9 b. June 13, 1833, m. Robert M. Covert. He is a farmer, formerly of Johnson Co., Ind., now residing in Benton Co., Iowa. ISSUE. 6972 — ANGELINE COVERT.10 6973 — PETER COVERT,10 died in infancy. 6974 — ALBERT M. COVERT.10 6975 —ISABELLE COVERT.10 6976 — JuLiA ANN COVERT.10 6977 —DosiA J. COVERT.10 6978 —InpA M. COVERT.10 6979 — WILLIAM COVERT,10 died in infancy. 6980 — JouN K. COVERT.10 6981 — MARGARET COVERT.10 6982 — MARY COVERT.10 5728 — JULIA ANN,9 b. Oct. 17, 1834, m. A. N. Covert. ISSUE. 6983 — MABEL COVERT.10 6984 — HAYMER COVERT.10 5729 — ABRAM FRANKLIN,9 b. May 22, 1836, died unmarried, Jan. 13, 1865. 5730 —ALBERT WILSON,? b. June 19, 1838. Is a farmer. 5731 —ELIZABETH,9 b. Nov. 19, 1839. 5732 — JOHN VAN BUREN,9 b. Jan. 13, 1841, m. Lydia Gilpin. Is a lawyer at Osceola, Towa. ISSUE. 6985 — EDWARD GILPIN.10 6986 —MEADE.10 5733 — HENRY,9 b. Jan. 31, 1843, died in infancy. 5784 — NANCY AMANDA,9 b. Dec. 26, 1843, m. Joe M. Fisher. They live in Vinton, Iowa. ISSUE. 6987 — ANNA GERTRUDE FISHER,10 b. July 2, 1869. 6988 —BESSIE MAUD FISHER,10 b. March 31, 1875, died Aug. 14, 1879. 6989 —LoLA GRACE FISHER,10 b Dec. 16, 1880. 39382. NANCY8 BANTA married Andrew Carmine, Feb. 21, 1828. He is a wagon maker in Johnson Co., Indiana. She died July 25, 1853. ISSUE. 5735— ABRAHAM NELSON CARMINE, m. Lucinda Compton, July 30, 1856. She was born Oct. 15, 1829. He was a carriage maker in Franklin, Ind., where he died April 4, 1890. ISSUE. 6990 — JuLiA CARMINE,10 m. William Voris. 6991 — ADpDA CARMINE,10 m. Luther Frady. 6992 — OBIE ANDREW CARMINE.10 6993 — WILLIAM CARMINE.10 5736 — LYDIA ANN CARMINE? b. Jan. 14, 1831, m. William H. Demaree, Oct. 21, 1852. He is a farmer in Franklin, Ind. Ninth Generation ; Abraham’ Peter Henry Henry* Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 345 ISSUE. 6994 — LAURA ISABEL DEMAREE,10 b. Aug. 7, 1853, died Feb. 13, 1856. 6995 — DE WiTT CLINTON DEMAREE,10 b. July 17, 1855, died Oct. 18, 1855. 6996 — CLARA JOSEPHINE DEMAREE,10b. Nov. 22, 1856. 6997 — ELECTA AGNES DEMAREE,10 b. July 22, 1858, m. William Thelkald, Sept. 25, 1879. He is a farmer near Whiteland, Indiana. ISSUE. 1 — Chester Daniel Thelkald,11 b. Feb. 28, 1881. 2 — Carl Cecil Thelkald,11 b. Aug. 4, 1883. 3— William Clifton Thelkald,11 b. Oct. 5, 1885. 4-— Myrtle Mary Thelkald,11 b. Sept. 20, 1888. 6998 — MATTIE CHARLTON DEMAREE,10 b. Nov. 11, 1859, m. Isaac Smith, Sept. 25, 1879. He is a farmer near Whiteland, Indiana. ISSUE. 1— William Franklin Smith,11 b. Feb. 7, 1880. 2— Ezra Allen Smith,11 b. Jan. 8, 1886. 3— Ada Ellen Smith,11 b. Nov. 15, 1889. 7000 — WILLIAM LyoN DEMAREE 10 b. Nov. 18, 1861, m. Araminta Crawford, Nov. 1, 1883. He is a farmer at Whiteland, Indiana. ISSUE. 1— Lydia Marian Demaree,11 b. Jan. 13, 1886. 2— Lucy Lee Demaree,11 b. Sept. 24, 1887. 7001 — IRA MEADE DEMAREE,10 b. Sept. 13, 1863, m. Elizabeth Ann Alexander, Dec. 17, 1885. He is a farmer at Whiteland, Indiana. : ISSUE. 1— Harry Ilith Demaree,11 b. Nov. 5, 1887. 2— Mary Demaree,11 b. May 7, 1890. 7002 —VIicTOR BARR DEMAREE.10 7003 —EpiTH ALMA DEMAREE.10 7004 — MARY ESTHER DEMAREE.10 7005 — ANNA OLIVE DEMAREE.10 7006 — GEORGE WHITFIELD DEMAREE.10 5737— MARY MARGARET CARMINE, b. Sept. 4, 1833, m. Isaac Brown, April 28, 1856. He is a farmer in Johnson County, Indiana; now living at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 7007 — ROBERT ALLEN BROWN,10 b. Nov. 27, 1857, m. Anna Jane Smith, June 19, 18go. He was graduated at Franklin College in 1885. 7008 — CHARLES BROWN,10 b. April 17, 1859, m. Etta Lowe, Nov. 22, 1883. ISSUE. Iliff Brown,11 b. Feb. 16, 1886. 7009 — EDWARD SMITH BROWN,10 b. March 15, 1863, died Jan. 19, 1887. 7010 —IsaAc NEWTON BROWN,10 b. Sept. 28, 1865, m. Edith Lagrange, Oct. 29, 1889. He is a farmer in Franklin, Ind. 7011 —ANDREW CAMERON BROWN,10 b. July 25, 1868, died March 29, 1869. 7012 — MARY LiLLY BROWN,10 b. Sept. 5, 1872. 5738 — PETER MARION CARMINE,9 m. Mary Susan Luyster, Feb. 22, 1862. He is a farmer at Carlyle, Kansas. Is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, and was a Delegate to the General Assembly in 1888. 346 Ninth Generation; Abraham Peter$ Henry Henry Hendricks Hendrick? Epke.! ISSUE. 7013 — MARY IDA CARMINE,10 b. Jan. 7, 1865. 7014 — WiLLIAM CARMINE,10 b. June 10, 1867. 7015 — HATTIE CARMINE,10 b. Aug. 14, 1869. 7016 —LiLLy DELL CARMINE,10 b. Jan. 14, 1872. 7017 — JoHN NEWTON CARMINE,10 b. June 22, 1874. 7018 — HARRY CARMINE,10 b. April 4, 1876. 7019 — CHARLES CAMERON CARMINE,10 b. June 26, 1879. 7020 — GEORGE EDWIN CARMINE,10 b. Aug. 9, 1884. 5739 — DAVID DEMAREE CARMINE, b. Dec. 4, 1836, died Aug. 18, 183—. 5740 — SARAH BRUNNER CARMINE,9 b. Nov. 21, 1839, m. David Demaree Bergen, March 22, 1871. He is a carpenter, and owner of a planing mill. ISSUE. 7021 — MARY BERGEN,10 b. March 11, 1872, died Dec. 29, 1878. 7022 — JouN CARMINE BERGEN,10 b. Dec. 21, 1874. 5741 —ALMA SICKLES CARMINE? b. Sept. g, 1842, m. John H. Magill, Feb. 3, 1860. He is a farmer at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 7023 —HESTER MAGILL,10 b. Jan. 27, 1873. 7024 — SAMUEL B. MAGILL,10 b. July 31, 1874. 5742 ANDREW CAMERON CARMINE? b. Feb. 2, 1845. died in 1865. 5743 — NANCY JANE CARMINE,Y b. Sept. 30, 1848, m. Joseph Handley, Dec. 10, 1868. ISSUE. 7025 — SARAH ALMA HANDLEY,10 b. Oct. 10, 1869. 7026 — JAMES EDWARD HANDLEY,10 b. June 3, 1873. 7027 — WiLLIAM H. HANDLEY,10 b. Aug. 7, 1875, died Oct. 30, 1875. 7028 — MARY ANNA HANDLEY,10 b. Dec. 19, 1879. 7029 — LORIN ANDREW HANDLEY,10 b. Feb. 12, 1881. 5744 — JOHN WRIGHT CARMINE? b. Oct. 17, 1849, m. Mary Belle Small. 5745 — RACHEL CLARISSA CARMINE,Y b. Aug. 11, 1852, m. Daniel Helms, April 25, 1872. He is a farmer at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 70830 — NANCY JANE HELMS,10 b. Oct. 25, 1873. 70381 —CoLLIE RoscoE HELMs,10 b. Feb. 19, 1876. 7032 — CLAUDIA A. HELMS,10 b. Dec. 27, 1877. 7033 — ANNA MARY HELMS,10 b. Nov. 3, 1883. 7034 —EDp1TH HELMS,10 b. June 22, 1889. Albert? Peter® Hendrick? Hendrick¢ Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.! 3938.3 CATHERINE® BANTA married Aaron Legrange, December, 1334. He is a farmer in Johnson County, Indiana. ISSUE. 5746 — MARY ELLEN LEGRANGE,9 m. George W. Covert, M. D., Feb. 2, 1854. He is a physician in Franklin, Indiana. ISSUE. 7035 — EPHRAIM LYNN COVERT,10 b. Nov. 11, 1854. 7086 — CLARA CATHERINE COVERT,10 b. Feb. 19, 1857. 7087 — MARGARET ELECTA COVERT,10 b. May 20, 1860. 7038 — ANNA JOSEPHINE COVERT,10 b. Feb. 2, 1863, died Feb. 17, 1864. 7039 — MoLLIE COVERT,10 b. Aug. 5, 1866. 7040 — AURA THEODORE COVERT,10 b. July 8, 1870. Ninth Generation ; Albert™ Peter® Henry Henry * Hendrick Hendrick? Epke.l 347 5747 — ALBERT BANTA LEGRANGE,9 b. Aug. 18, 1842, m. Fannie Butler. He is a grocer in Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 7041 — Guy LEGRANGE,19 b. Aug. 1, 1875. 5748 — ISAAC NEWTON LEGRANGE,? b. May 3, 1845, m. Ida D. Moore. He is a grocer in Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 7042 — EVA MAY LEGRANGE,10 b. April 29, 1879. 7043 — BERTHA ELIZA LEGRANGE,10 b. Nov. 18, 1880. 7044 — NELLIE CATHERINE LEGRANGE,10 b. Oct. 18, 1886. 5749 — PETER DENMAN LEGRANGE,9b. Sept. 15, 1849, m. Maggie Brewer, May 6, 1874. ISSUE. 7045--1.ELIA LEOTA LEGRANGE,10 b. March 6, 1875. 7046 — EDGAR ADONIS LEGRANGE,10 b. Sept. 30, 1877. 7047 — WiLL Roy LEGRANGE,10 b. April 30, 1884. 3938.5 MARGARETS BANTA married John R. Covert, October 4, 1838. He is a farmer in Johnson County, Indiana. Was an Elder in the Hopewell Presbyterian Church, and now holds the same office in the Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Indiana. She died August 25, 1875. ISSUE. 5750— GEORGE KING COVERT,9 b. Dec. 26, 1839, m. Susan Angeline Legrange. He is a grocer at Garrison, Iowa. Was a soldier in the late war. Was at Winchester, Va.; taken prisoner at the battle of the Wilderness in May, 1864, and was held as such at Andersonville, and at Florence, S. C., till March, 1865. Is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Garrison, Iowa. No issue. 5751 — MARY JANE COVERT, b. Nov. 13, 1842, m. William S. Young, May 9, 1864. He was a Union soldier, and lost a foot at the battle of Slaughter Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862; taken prisoner Aug. 13, 1862, and sent to Libby Prison, and remained there till Nov. 10, 1862. He has filled various offices connected with the Internal Revenue Department, from 1866 to 1870. . Was in the Postal Service from 1873 to 1882. Served as Township Trustee of Franklin, Johnson County, Ind., from April, 1882 to April, 1884. Isa Justice of the Peace. Isa merchant tailor in Franklin, Indiana. ISSUE. 7048 — GEORGE L. YOUNG,10 b. Dec. 17, 1864, m. Elsie M. Israel, Jan. 30, 1838. Is a brick mason. 7049 — BERTHA YOUNG,10 b. Feb. 20, 1868, died Aug. 4, 1871. 7050 — VINNIE YOUNG,10 b. March 1, 1874. 7051 — JAMES YOUNG,10 b. March 29, 1876, died March 29, 1876. 7052 — OPAL YOUNG,19 b. Feb. 8, 1881. 7053 — CLARA YOUNG,10 b. March 26, 1886. 5752 — ALBERT BANTA COVERT,9 b. June 14, 1845, died Sept. 6, 1851. 5758 — RACHEL A. COVERT,9 b. Feb. 19, 1848, m. Peter Remsdell, Aug. 16, 1866. He is a carpenter in Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 7054 — FRANK E. REMSDELL,10 b. Oct. 11, 1867. 7055 — MAGGIE REMSDELL,10 b. Feb. 26, 1870. 7056 — MATTIE V. REMSDELL,10 b. Oct. 18, 1872. 7057 — MARY M. REMSDELL,10 b. Jan. 18, 1875. 7058 — OMER REMSDELL,10 b. Jan. 22, 1878. 7059 — UBER REMSDELL,10 b. Sept. 22, 1880, died Dec. 21, 1836. 7060 — BENTA N. REMSDELL,10 b. Feb. 6, 1883. 7061 — CHARLES REMSDELL,10 b. May 22, 1885, died the same day. 7062 — JouN R. REVMSDELL,10 b. July 15, 1887. 7063 — WILLIE C. REMSDELL,10 b. May 18, 18go, dicd May 29, 18go. 348 Ninth Generation; Albert™ Peter Henry> Henry * Hendrick? Hendrick? Epke.l 5§754—SARAH C. COVERT,9 b. Dec. 16, 1850, m. Robert P. Hamilton. Jan. 31,1882. He served from 1862 to 1865 in the Union Army. Is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Shiloh. Is a farmer in Johnson Co., Ind. ISSUE. 7064 — Roxy HAMILTON,10 b. Dec. 23, 1882. 5755— JOSEPH E. COVERT,9 b. Sept. 2, 1853, m. Lucy A. Ransdell, Sept. 25, 1878. He is a farmer at Franklin, Ind. ISSUE. 7065—LEOTA COVERT,10 b. July 27, 1879. 7066 — BASIL COVERT,10 b. Aug. 13, 1881. 7067 —LELA COVERT,10 b. Sept. 26, 1883. 7068 —HAzEL COVERT,10 b. Sept. 19, 1885. 7069 — Ceci. COVERT,10 b. June 21, 1887. 5756 — CLARA ROSETTE COVERT,9 b. Nov. 2, 1856, m. Lewis E. Clark, Sept. 23, 1875. He is a merchant. ISSUE. 7070 — WINFRED CLARK,10 b. Sept. 14, 1876, died May 26, 1886. 7071 —EDNA CLARK,10 b. Jan. 18, 1880. 7072 — WILBUR CLARK,10 b. Aug. 18, 1888. 5757 — ARTHUR COVERT,9 b. Oct. 7, 1859, m. Elizabeth E. Hopper, May 18, 1882. ISSUE. 7073 — ELLEN V. COVERT,10 b. Feb. 12, 1883. 7074— Otis G. COVERT,10 b. March 4, 18go. 5758 — ELLEN COVERT,? b. Jan. 12, 1863. m. Henry Rice Demaree, Dec. 29, 1886. He is a farmer in Johnson Co., Ind. ISSUE. 7075 —MARY DEMAREE,10 b. April 15, 1889. 5759 —ELMER E. COVERT,? b. Jan. 12, 1863. He is a grocer. ERRATA AND ADDENDA. ON PAGE 41. Add to issue of Hendrick Van Gieson and Hendrickje Banta: 3111—ISAAC VAN GIESON,5 b. June 10, 1791, m. Maria Vanderbeek, who was born Dec. 11, 1791, and died March 2, 1827. He died May 28, 1838. ISSUE. 1— HENRY VAN GIESON, b. Nov. 1, 1812, m. Jane Williams. He is living in Paterson, N. J. 2— AUGUSTUS VAN GIESON,$ b. 1815, m. Elizabeth —. 3—ANNA MARIA VAN GIESON,6 b. 1818, m. John Van Saun, of Cherry Hill, N. J. 4— JoHN ROMAINE VAN GIESON,6 b. Dec. 1, 1820, m. 2910 Ellen V.7 Banta. PAGE 48: 4481 — JACOB BOGERT,5 m. Sarah Van Voorhees. ISSUE. 1— MARIA BOGERT,6 b. Dec. 7, 1757. 2— ALBERT BOGERT,$ b. July 29, 1765, m. 1422 Sophia Westervelt,6 Aug. 9, 1787. PAGE 76: 867.—Simon® Banta should be Simon? Banta. PAGE 87. Insert: 38791— Albert Gilliam Bogert,8 oldest child of 2471 Gilliam Bogert? and Maria Demarest, born Dec. 21, 1817. PAGE 168: 2612 — JOHNT BONTA, insert: Widow is living at Rose Hill, Ky. ISSUE. SAMUEL,8 m. Nannie Duncan, who was born Jan. 30, 1855. They live at Rose Hill, Ky. ISSUE. Ellen,9 b. Sept. 30, 1879. PAGE 188: Insert Ludington as surname of Nos. 4826, 4827, 4828. PAGE 263: 3959 — BENJAMIN, 9 should be BENJAMIN.8 83964 — Insert: CALEB,8 b. Dec. 4, 1863, m. Flora Jordan. Son of Beaufort Banta by second wife. PAGE 293: 42'75 should be FLORENCE SYLVIA LEE. Some of the Dutch Baptismal Names appearing in this volume are here given with their equivalents in English. It may be mentioned that there is no uniformity of spelling of most of these names in the ancient Dutch Church records, the first one given, for example, being spelt indifferently, Aeltie, Aaltje, Aaltie, etc. DUTCH. Aeltie, Angenitie, Annaetje, Antie, Arie, Beliiie, . Breysche, . Catrintie, Derrick, Dirck, Divertjen, Elsje, Engeltie, Epke, Franscyntie, Fytie, Geertruyd, Gere, Geesie, . Gerretie, ENGLISH. Adeline, Alice. Agnes. Ann. Aaron. Isabella. Bridget. Catherine. Richard. Deborah. Alice, Elsie. Angelica. Egbert. Frances, Fanny. Sophia. Gertrude. Grace. Charity. DUTCH. Giiliam, Grietie, Hendrick, Hendrickje, Hans, Jan, Johannes, Jannetie, Jacobus or Kobus, Katrintie, . Klaes, Claes, Machtelt, Maria, Marretie, Maruits) Neeltje, Roelof, Teunis, Tryntie, Willemptie, Wryntie, ENGLISH. William. Margaret. Henry. Harriet, Henrietta. John. Jane. James. Catherine. Nicholas. Matilda. Mary. Cornelia, Nelly. Ralph. Anthony. Catherine. Wilhelmina. Lavina. INDEX. EXPLANATION. a it was quite unusual to give to a child more than one baptismal name, and as the variety of names in most families was quite limited it was common, to distinguish between two persons of similar name, to affix the father’s cognomen to that of the child — For instance: the son of Jacob Banta who was christened simply as John, would frequently be described as John Jacob, to distinguish him from John, the son of Henry, who would be designated as John Henry. Similarly, Mary, the daughter of Aaron, would be referred to as Mary Aaron. As so many persons of similar names are mentioned in this volume, it has been deemed expedient in preparing the Index to Banta surnames to add the father’s name also, where only a single name would otherwise appear, and in general, a comma has been inserted to indicate that the father’s name has been so affixed. Thus, John, the son of Henry, has been indexed as John, Henry; and Mary, the daughter of Aaron, as Mary, Aaron. In the Records of the Hackensack Reformed Dutch Church, which were prepared by the present writer for publication as the first volume of Collections of The Holland Society of New York, he called attention to the great variety of spelling of proper names current among the early settlers in this country, and gave a page or two of illus- trations of such variations. One of the names which appears in the Hackensack Records as Cammega, Kamga, Kammegaer, Kammiga, etc., will be found in this volume as Commingore, Comingo, etc., and this example will serve to illustrate the difficulty of attempting to decide as to correct spelling of any name. In indexing surnames other than Banta, the rule has usually been followed in this book of including families of well-known common origin under one heading instead of under the various spellings adopted by different persons. Thus, the Demarees are indexed among the Demarests, the Bogarts with the Bogerts, the Van Osdolls with the Van Arsdales, etc. The names of persons included in this volume who were nrarried and had issue are usually mentioned on two different pages; the first, where they appear in the ac- count of their parents’ family, and the second time as the head of a new family. The paging in this index refers to the latter notice, the former can readily be found by refer- ence to the numbers affixed to the names, which are consecutive. For example: Aaron, son of George Banta, will be found on page 145, numbered 1313. By turning back- ward this number will be found on page 80, where George Banta’s family is recorded. A * affixed to a number of a page indicates that two or more similar names will be found on that page. The names to which a double star ** is affixed will be found on the chart show- ing the compilers ancestry inserted in the Preface. INDEX TO BANTA SURNAMES. Aaron, see Arie ..coc cin suisse Aaron, Avie. oh cci ip ieiailio 82 Aaron Elverton ................c00..n 134 Aaron, George... svi ca. snissenesessinn, 145 Aaron, John... o.oo demmvvst sacs ni 81 Aaron, Samuel...... ............. 100, 221 Aaron, SIMON... coos cov dun nieen 133 Aaron Vanderbeck .................... 130 Aaron, Wiert......covei iene naioea.e sh 104 Aaron William........................ 134 Abbie, John. .....»....c000 0000s 178, 307 Abbie, Samuel ....c...... Lio ee 128 Abin Louisa. cvvictiensinnisiinarcinnss ann, 314 Ablech ....... cai dic ai aes te 12 Abner Acct irre vies res ee 240 Abraham, 219 Abraham, ADram....... .c ee. ones 128 Abraham Ackerman ................... 131 Abraham, Albert..............cccc.0s *164 Abraham, Arle.........00n 000000 85, 332 Abraham B. .... ccc... a ee 194 Abraham, Corneliusi.................... 249 Abraham, Henry ..... 88, 165, 263, 302, 337 Abraham Hildebrant ...... .......... *151 Abraham Hopper ................. 206, 207 Abraham, Jacob ...45, 74, 129, 131, 196, 213 Abraham, John'..................:.. 193 Abraham Linceln ....... .... eeiesn.s 187 Abraham Newton ...........vecvecoinys 342 Abraham, Peter.......... 192, 204, 248, 269 Abraham, Thomas... ... ce... 128, 130, 190 Abraham, Warren. .........cc0 sven. 279 Abraham, William..................... 264 Abraham, Willlam M.................. 339 Abram............-0 sr evebennconas 53 Abram, Abraham... .c. oie tun. ouio ss, 219 Abram, AlBerl. oo... ceicviis sin dies vislnviein ois 316 Abram B., Jr.............. aes 199 Abram Partholf. vein ot. 199 Abram Brewer. «cassie. outs 288 Abram, Cornelius... cen iis donning, 20 Abram, David. .........h.....0.. 0.000, 103 Abram De Witt... ...... .. 0... oy 194 23 Abram Franklin... ....».eveeeccacnnise. 344 Abram, Henry...............L.... 247, 316 Abram, John..................... 170, 264 Abram, Samuel............5..... dd. v3 Abram, William............v.... 04s, 219 Ada T.iviins suoiteinsisle dinisisisai int sis dias 167 Ada, WHllIany, oe. sic cee osiveieoniminie 267, 288 Adaline A... evi vniasii ie srsisinie 234 Adam C.....0 theives oda sis iisih 321 Adam, Peter... ..........cco. ib eleles 205 Addie, George... .. cv ssnisiss sss sasicaiss 153 Addie Lo. sient sven ciioyoil oul; 275 Adelaide, Gilbert... .. 0... Lod conic, 146 Adelnide, John.......... 5... cies re 132 Adelia, Cornelius... .. eccivcusconinn, 119 Adelina, Peter, cv. oor avis vovveissimmwvines 206 Adeline, Benjamin..........c00 e0nen.. 182 Adella Lucilla..v.....coeaenevisen ini. 185 AdMOWI + sve sicis ly sieivinisioins is sive sivivnion 202 Aegie, ATIe. ..uesvesisssanisoiionisierisses 45 CII. ia caies lain viv aiinlalon niin nina vinis Sin win s 29 Aclfie, Abram... ... voi ive ds voit cnisaton 42 Acltie, Hendrick .... .vvv's vo ves sis eisiian 25 Acltie, Jaf... cnecisnves.vsoivaisesisanaisine 44 Agnes, George....- +... ce.necussinn, 239 Agnes, Hendrick......... ....vceeen.s 82 Agnes, Jacob ce cs arsene 274 Albert A Li... civic cvs oe 186 Albert Abraham...... ................ 340 Albert, Albert........-............ 162, 163 Albert Arthur... cc. ovssevaaniisness 294 Albert, Dandel. ... 0... ohhh, an 99, 307 Albert, David. .... ccs conse ciiinrsieaain, 261 Albert Dickson. .v.. sivas raises oleivy 250 Albert Edwin, ............. 00000000 337 Albert BF. .oiie venetian uativa doles 273 Albert Franklin.............. «vc e000. 336 Albert, Hendrick................... 61, 180 Albert, Henry ....52, 57, 88, 162, *234, 316 Albert I. .o nessa sie, 214 Albert, Jacob. ...... a... bel, 130, 185 Albert, James... ....siveninvarsioiencos 273, 310 Albert Jefferds........................ 271 354 Index lo Banta Surnames. Albert, John -...........u. 0.0 148, 149, 279 Albert lL. cn. a ra ae 129, 299 Albert Monfort.. .... ........ 0000... 274 Albert, Peter. ....... 180, 248, 249, 270, 271 Albert, Samuel... C0 Lr 220 Albert, Thomas. .......v.urvonene Se Albert, William... .cceen vein in. 210, 271 Albert Wilson... ...cse.s ovsas-vs.en: 344 Albert Zabriskie ......00utivsvine- 126, 213 Alexander Stewart.................... *234 Mifced tlre ee 178 Aired BD... hs 317 Alfred Charles’... ....i.....L 0h. 0h 0 205 Aired Wdward..... oon 337 Alfved Branldin',................. ..i.. 337 Alfred John... coo dio lone 178 Alfred Peler (.... ...... 000. 205 Alfred Voris... cc. vee Woe, 299 Alice, Alpert........;................ 275 AliceBedellto 0. il de SE 207 Alice C............ 275 Alice @ordelin orc. iv dud LSE 285 Adee BD. a esa LL RL 281 Alice, Dallas... ode d iLL 303 Alice, David........... ....... ... 313 Alice Eugenie... .......... 00... 00, 197 Alice Fredericks................... .... 205 Alice, Henry... ..... 0. LLL 303 Alice Tamme atonal 316 Alice, James... +... LLL. 244 Alice, John..... rhe GR Sh 304 AllceTinvinia vie od 215 Alice Tonise.. ......... oho. Ls, 321 AlicedRy, oan ea 188 Alfce Rachel... oo adil dn. 172 Alice, Simon... ........... ob... 76 Alice Victoria, + 0 vailiditde eva eld 284 Alice Willlam. ooo snl id ad 271 Aida Catherine... ..... Loe. LL 238 Allen, Jesse... ................. on 242 Allen Morslg. ts aii ai as, 274 Allen, Weart.......................... 209 Allle Cordelia... i... . ohio 296 Allie, Prallns.. ... dle LG 303 Awa dra, LL 188 Almira Lydia ........................ 229 AMmenW. LLnL va ae, 298 Alonzo, James.............0.0L LLL 163 Alphas Henry... 00h ol. e 281 Allpheust@.n.o 0h LLh 00 Ln, 186 Min Henry J... ons nolL LS 303 Aa May, .. ion. ae il... ..340 Alta Zarah,.......0 0.00. as 296 Ava, Henry Lovie aie a 303 Alvin Ira.t.i 0 acini ania 188 AMAT ER 152 Amanda, Albert... .. lh. viel 270 Amanda, Gavret....................... 324 Amanda Me... 0. oraals 149 Amanda Talbet............ ............ 337 Amanda, Willlang hh vat caert stain ss 266 Amasa De Long....................... 170 Amelia, Cornelius............... .... 203 Amelia Glass.... .. ................... 216 Amelia, Jaceb............ ............ 179 Amery C.......................... L. 277 Amy Doreas............ oi. 338 Amy Bo hain ina 238 Amy Maria.......................... 247 Amy, William ..... 000 Ded 247 Amz] Warren... on aati a 289 Anderson, George...................., 313 Anderson, Henry ..................... 244 Andrew Alexander.................... 250 Andrew Baker... ........ ...t LoL 299 Andrew Cornelius.................... 173 Andrew, Henry.................., 156, 243 Andrew |., Andrew ................... 244 Andrew |., David. ...........h........ 185 Andrew J., James. ........... al 220 Andrew J., Peter...................... 245 Andrew Jackson, Aaron'............... 134 Andrew Jackson, Abram. .....c........ 247 Andrew Jackson, Henry............... 241 Andrew Jackson, James........... 132, 338 Andrew Jackson, John....... ........, 337 Andrew, John......................... 145 Andvew, Lott. o.oo cy 244 Andrew Bo inicio Leal. 245 Angelica, Arie... ibe ss shone, 149 Angelica, John........................ 84 Angelina, Jacob....................... 314 Angenetta, Garret..................... 325 Angenitie, Hendrick................... 28 Angenitie, Henry..............c.cvn.... 60 Angenitie, Seba .................... 2%, 32 Anis EL aaa 275 Ann, Albert... . ee. LLL 180 Aun, Cornelins........................ 70 Ann, Divek.s.ove verbs. 33, 37 Ann Blizn......., 134, 154, 237 Ann, George............. .eceivee den 80 Ann, Henry.....-.......... 25, 06, 157, 171 Ann, Jacob ............ 28, 47, 75, 113, 196 Amn, John............. strc, 102, 330 Ann Maria....o.oocvinniiiniinrnncres .+329 Index to Banta Surnames. 355 Ann, Peter inn lo fen ony 118 Ann, Peferiug.i--.-. Se, 167 Ann Ridgway...... .................. 75 Ann, Samuel... kh... 74, 78, 91 Ann, Seba... ci ea 25 Ann, Thomas... whee Soha, 9 Anna, Abram........ La... L LL 195 Ama C..0.0 en ae 319 Anna Celima. ........................ 238 Annas Danijel, on, 0 ne, 177,175 Anna, David... ...... 0... 97, 191 Anna Eliza. i. oot eas. o a 148, 207 Anna Eliza Haring. ..... ...... ccc... 155 Anna Elizabeth. x .......... cea... 130 Anna, Henry....... 70... 157, 177, 274 Anna, James.......... LL Sean 338 Anna Jane. ne. Ls LL LL. 85 Anng, John......... 0... LoL 218 Anna Louisa... ..... nah tL 0, 211 Amma ME. eee 222 Anna Maria... ......... 5... 200, 292, 329 Amma Mary ..............0 00 217, “334 Anna, Merrit... ..... .................. 299 Anma, Pefer...................h 5... 273 Anng, Richard... nd. eerily 81 Anna, Samuel.....................-... 138 Anna, Wiert..... ................. 65, 122 Anma, William... 00 arate oe ve 134 Annaetje, Gerret.....................5.. 46 Anncetje, Seba... . cae va. 44, 45 Annfel Bditht.. --... a. onan, 220, 225 Annie Elizabeth. ......... ..........0 ." 218 Annie, John ...................... 5. 81 Annie late ........................... 340 Annie May............................ 253 Annfe Phebe...............L..n0.0.. 330 Annie, Thomas. ...... eh 130 Amnie; William... 0. ooo Lc... 247 Anife, Direk.......:................, 45 Aromantha €.......... 0... 320 Archibald Robert..... ..............5.. 209 Archie Demaree....................... 187 Ardila, Joseph. .ln, uh niin sini. 320 Avelee, Theodore... ins eas 219 Arintie, Jacob.i hehe onl 197 Avie, see Aaron... Cron anna Arie, Arle....00 00 000. Slo *85 Arle, Hendrick. ..... di, ta inton al, 46 Arie, Hildebrant ............5.i....... 150 Arle, Johannes. ....................... 45 Avie; John... th an 149 Arle Peter i a ee 85 Arie, Samuel... .......... Sr nA 138 Arie; Seba. hn... sienn ennui 24, 75 Arilda, Peter i. 0... eins 318 Arta Cussler... ...... LLL Lo LL 267 Artemisia, Henry..... ...... LEE 162 Artemisia, William ................... 26% Arthar Budd... LLG. 11088 Avthur CLs ie i toi t 275, 270 Avthur, Daniel... ............ a. oe 274 Arthur, Henryl... +. see eicalnh tis. eee 263 Arthur Knox... «vi cesses oblimiaatatl etal 231 Arthor Mangan ............L.. cave 2%70 Arthur, Samuel... LLL 283 Arthur Spencer................LL.L LL, 134 Arthur, Thomas ............... 0... 185 Arthur Winfeld.......5....... 0... 206 Asa Grafion... «hve veil det ill nate 291 Asa, John... ..0. 0h die. 132 Athem A... Le aa 275 Augusta Wilks......cevnvivvnen cunnnn 202 B. Barbara Alice. .......... . Lie e270 Barbara, Frederick ...........:.....L 280 Barbara, Jacob........................ 274 Barney Abraham............. .... co Ch 130 Barney, John colt dieubve 200 Beatrice, "Albert. ... coh dd ide. 209 Bemnfort A... hh ia so ried 264 Beaufort, Albert... ho aL, 262 Beaufort, Henry.............-........, 263 Beaufort, John........................ 262 Belinda, Gerrit... «vs vreau. ot, Iaei22] Belitje, Jacob.t............00 hh. oe 47 Belitje, Samuel.........-......h, LLL 138 Bella Celena.. ....: oe ndon lL oF 264 Belle, Andrew... ... i. iain, 244 Belle B.....-............. Loe 89 Belle, David... oihin ion oss 313 Belle Lena... ..............0 Wl ei 308 Benjamin A... coe aun Ln 320 Benjamin, Andrew............. ShLat 299 Benjamin, Beaufort.................... 263 Benjamin, Dirck ...................... 87 Benjamin Franklin .................... 302 Benjamin Franklin Cooper ...... ...... 222 Benjamin Frederic.........evt ethene. 291 Benjamin H................. hlsyniat 303 Benjamin, Henry........... cert iu... 215 Benjamin Lewis ............c.ceevin, 254 Benjamin N...........,..-.c0.0t. 180, 319 Benjamin V...............00. 0h ee 181 Bennett Roy... vuln bien ilies 303 Benoni Stinson...,........ Sonik ae’ «300 356 Index to Banta Surnames. Bernard Bw ves ea vin dane 301 Berrilda Belle. oho. von donnie shat. 320 Bers, James. . hv. cai bens viii mites 307 Bert Pater oo. [ei nina ae 273 Bente Williams. oon. cin oe aise svn 134 Bertha Bi, i... aired 127 Berthall ni. ......0n veins ees 343 Bertha May. ............. .shi.o0ness 319 BerthalOlive.. ccccvee online ivnininvens 155 Bertle A. oieo ssi Sains edi duis 205 Bessie Frances... ...v..u shen to dia 202 Bessie Stanley .i....c. chon vine aise. 134 Beta Av... ei. 316 Bettie Bllen;... 000 ov yn, .. 253 Bettie, Jon «. ove rvscninhnniosinnees 282 Bettie Lory... vs coin iviin. cision 291 Bettie Tulfo». -..c. heise vinnsintaconns 294 Bettie, William. ... co. oc cova cove 247 Beulah May. .......................... 185 Beverly M.................... Bra 283 Beverly Vo... uo... oni sh 171 Beverly William....................... 180 Blanche! B... .......n. ou cea. oan 283 Blanche B................00 ce % snes 219 Bonnie Philos... ........ 50 00hie ues 131 Breckenridge, Lott.......... AON 244 Breyche, Thomas ..................... 190 Bridget, Thomas................... 190 Bruee, Henry.............v........... 281 Bruce, Merrit... ............. uv 299 Byron............................... 271 C. Caleb, Beaufort... .... heidi oiinnsi 282 Calvin Wheeler. ...................... 310 Candace; AIBETE ov via vine oo suiting ion 261 Carl, Allen cc... ov chess a 274 Carl Fdear........c.0h, oan, 269 Carl, James...............L...... c.. 307 Caroline, Henry...........-........... 203 Caroline, James Monroe........-....... 341 Caroline, John.......................c 251 Caroline ...ovnnn. noes 85 Caroline Permilla....... ....0.......... 238 Carolyn Rathbone. .................... 228 Arie As oobi to nice is shies a laiale 234 Carrie Louisa. cc. -hie.vsven casas nn, 207 Canter DON... coe cn os ol eins 268 Cary Eggleston. ......................« 202 Cassy Reta «..cinciersuviivovanannn 253 Cassandra. ............c0av.y oil 93 Cassandra Ellen .......... AR 254 Cassie Belle........o00v..cenarvs valores 253 Catharine, see Catrintie, Tryntjeand Katharine Catharine, Aarol.iv. i v.n svinensieniiness 100 Catharine, Abraham........ ....... 74, 164 Catharine, Albert................. 164, 346 Catharine Amelia. .................... 144 Catharine, Andrew... oie, 244 Catharine, Arje..............o...0h.., 138 Catharine Augusta... ....... oo... 238 Catharine Barr. uri oii ons Siiiien 117 Catharine; Davide... ......v. chino, 117 Catharine, Dirck. ......c. von, 87 Catharine B.c:one von Note ton, 129 Catharine Jane....................... 189 Catharine, John.......... 112, 132, 143, 270 Catharine Maria................... 129, 132 Catharine P............. Sm ee Se 184 Catharine, Paulus... :tccoicnooanie.. 114 Catharine, Peter... ........ccnieveiey 08, 163 Catharine, Simon...................... 76 Catharine Wessels...................., 74 Catherine Ann. ...cvccte. vous sales 177, 215 Catherine, Charles. .................... 252 Catherine, Garreit............ oni. 00 324 Catherine, Henry: .................... 211 Catherine, Samuel.... .... &. selva us 139 Catherine Teall... ...icavecinecss atone 140 Catrintle, Jan... ........o.. .. L000 44 Celesting, lsanc-....0..vovrnoe saaivie si: 313 Celia, John... 2d. cio rivivs vs mnastoleisic ais 206 Charity, see Gerretie...................... Charity, Henry........ ... \..--...... 98 Charity, John: ....c.o0rs ce acoielan ce 189 Charity Maria .....0ov0. 20a neon, 199 Charity, Pefer............... ..... 98, 284 Charity, Thomas.-.................... 191 Charles A... ony ooh baste 152 Charles Aaron. -.. cao bec oa. 82 Charles Andrew ............ ........5 337 Charles Clement...................... 183 Charles CHRON ese. -: ov ssa ivlie aiais visi 146 Charles Colignie. 5... ......0000 0 «ive olen 336 Charles BJ oii in ov i hs ste a 291 Charles, David. cess... vuiivsise ovsssis, 252 Charles Delavan. «vives cs sinis esuioaioisa 186 Charles E.......c00e. o.oo vee e ne 205, 316 Charles Edgar .........cectceerinnnn.. 144 Charles Edward.............. 211, 201, 335 Charlest Edwin. , vr ccs ssvienssiosisinnnie se 288 Charles F .....c..c.cvi-vvreeniions 185, 234 Charles Flavias veveseesss:osne ai Sa 337 Caples Gu... ec eenso divs sionstuie an 283, 333 Charles Henry......-..-- 133, 152,263, 325 Charles. Holler. occ: v. veicsnvainnrrsine: 209 Index to Banta Surnames. 357 Charles Joseph... eat ioe 8 218 Charles L....0 tov. oo coin, 150, 204 Chatles Leroy .... 00. nsdn 263, 306 Charles Linville... Jo sata Silas 0, 227 Charles M.....c ors 182, 204, 295, 296 Charles Othe............. 00. 00h 4 253 Charles, Peter..........>......... 205, 273 Charles Reneawx...... inal 239 Charles Riley... ......... rl i See 272 Charles Roy........... 0.0... 303 Charles, /Sammels. ee. ooo ini 283 Charles Walter... o.oo. 343 Charles Warren... .... vn ii, ely, 264 Charles Wesley. ........ 205, 287%, 306, 309 Charles William... ................ 315, 337 Charles Woodbury ......-............... 331 Charlotte Bartlett... ov. .ode. oooh) 140 Chester Vo... 000. 0 a, 131 Christian, Abraham... =ad.0de, oa Ly 130 Christian, Arie! .0r corals ves fs ils 46, 85 Christian, Hendrick................... 83 Christian, Hildebrani.................. 84 Christian, Peter. vaivinlie odivan, 85 Christiana, Peter. ........ ui... .. Asie Td Christina, Abraham... ............ 158, 277 Chrigtina, Alberti. bet lan 89 Christing, Annle .-...... cL 129 - Christing, Jacob. ...... 0... debe, 317 Christing, Jolm................... 251, 279 Christina, Peter.......00......... ... *163 Christing, Samuel. oi... 00 0 Si 77 Christopher. Columbus... .......... 267, 268 Christopher Harrls.................... 264 Christopher Jacob... ......5..... 000 0, 335 Citha Edwards... .ioc i chine nvnocan: 175 Clara A... imi hs 153 Clara Boma ao. Dow. aes oy sas ass 319 Clare, Trae. va. coves ddan teins 299 Clava Jane. Love. nino. 0, 317 Clara, Johnie... anti codon 262, 314 Clara Lueretin. co. sah oa 277 Clara, Samuel... . 7... ..... 00... 0. 209 Cloves, Vasvler. .. 5 vemasitt neni ob 250 Clava, William... coos nani mn ns 288 Clare, David. ......o uc aio Jo 217 Clarence, Andrew. ..... se vuuica oui. 299 Clarence C.... 0. iii uienio sii ci lito, 342 Clarence Barl.. 05 ease min 208 Clarinda FH. V. A.C. C...........0.0: 131 Clande, Fdwin.......c.c toate a 149 Claude, John,.............lcatic s Le, 287 Clnde: 1.00 os a 287 Claudius, Elbert... .... wn... dae. 267 Clementine, Simon .................... 76 Cleon Albert cn shies ivvianies 253 Clifford Daniel... ......... 5... cen 323 Clifford Demarest .......... tains eies 156 Clifford, Henry................. 0... 263 Clothilde, James ...............5... re 286 Clyde, William... ...,..:-.........0. ... 134 Collie. cv srrinee dnd diniiaiccn tol ies 187 Collina Fatima...» ~.octoni. cutee, 264 Columbus Seward. ....... cL... LL, 267 Commodore Perry.......-. .......... 305 Cora Ais. ne ci onsite oats 295 Cora: Amelia... ........vs.a cis, 293 Cora; Danfel+. ...... 00 .n. on iil, 319 Cora: Erminnie........................ 335 Cora, Jacob... .vs vinta Ls 191 Cora Lee. naive eosin. fins 337 Cora May ........00.. 00s hh di 306 Cora, Peteric:i..i...00 cuban tl, 237 Cora Priscilla..............%.. ...... 317 Corn, Ralph: .;... coon. coil 0i at... 213 Cora, William, 15.5 00 cos ers ens dedi 288 Cornelia, Cornelius:.....-.......%. 67, 203 Cornelia B....,....... 0. ev ve. 205 Cornelia H......... .............1210,/320 Cornelia, Jacob. ................... 49, 185 Cornelin, Peter.. : ..c hee coi. uc 237 Cornelius, Abram ........W LLL Ld 42 Cornelius B........................... 235 Cornelius, Cornelius. .............. 155, 171 Cornelius, David. ............... 235 Cornelius Demarest............ «-.156, 103 Cornelius, Fpke..... aero oece.coulene. 10 Cornelius, Frederick,.................. 203 Cornelius, Gerret.................% 86, 155 Cornelius, Hendrick... ............ 120, 156 Cornelius, Henry.................. 94, 209 Cornelius, Jacob... .39, 75, 123, 186, 187, 296 Cornelius, Jan....... ...oe aun sul *3v, 113 Cornelius, Joannes....... ............ 100 Cornelius, Peter.................., 119, 163 Cornelius, Peterius.................... 92 Cornelins Roscoe... ............... LL... 200 Cornelius Terhune........ ..... ...... 200 Corneling V.. rood cdo, Duan 89 Cornelius Vreeland................... *155 Cornelius, William. .............c00 0, 306 Corta John... . ev vn viesiisnie srs rao 0h 339 Corwin, Peter. . vis isvidsnisuinisie sieieniziataiale 237 Cyllinda, Jacob........ ......... 0... 179 Cynthia, Albert ....................... 186 353 Index to Banta Surnames. Cynthig Ann...................« 247, 318 Deborah, Abram. .... 5... onde. Sided 73 Cymthia, Peter... ... .. casio. oie. 171 Debora Ann dee oni nn 150 Cyrus N .........:...0.... a's sre misleisi ne 339 Debora Ellen... ................ .... 152 Deborah, Hildebrant.............. .... 8&4 D. Deborah, Samuel... .........c..... 0... 128 Dallas BP... 0 ns nh ans 176, 303 Deborah, Stephen... ..-............... 151 Ban, Danijel. ........ 0. ein Liahnb 274 Deborah, Thomas..................... 129 Daniel Ackerman. ........... cos. sus 274 Delia Imogene............-.hb Loh tL 234 Danijel Albert... ..........: ne 98, 180 Dell, George... o.oo cn snvioobiin ose. 186 Daniel Brewer... oii. civil voi dung 250 Wall lena nd a a rs St, 188 Daniel C.....i 00... on ve ticvaes sisson, 322 Dell, James. ........c...0 oon sn oo 220 Daniel, Daniel. ou auc ves 177,132 Dells Gerlrwde........ .....vcuieii oso ois 131 Daniel, Gerrit) ........c0vetcssivey uses 222 Demarest, Henry... ..... coeur v iL 332 Daniell. o.oo in i saa 323 Dennis, Raymond. ...........-...c-.-: 307 Daniel, Henry... .....-:.0. 52, 05, 122, 20% Dea Lee .urict. oii ovis nh font, 320 Daniel Jacob. ........ccn. einen, 317 Derrick Dean........... codons. 225 Daniel Jefferson... . eo onniis nities 308 Derrick Halbert... 231 Banfel, John . oo. oui covees aie oy 214, 319 De Vera Duree.. ov... coho inn. 281 Danijel Marion... ... -............ 306, 307 De Witt Clinton. ..«.... o.oo .- 245, 272 Damel BR... civics nioien ie 275 De Wit B.. ..i coos veal 287 Daniel We oo a ans 154 Diana Dovlond...-.. . eo... 50 ve 167 David Adelbert ............ Lrrereeee 227 DNA Liss os Dnioisie eis abo iniais tt sie liked ois 204 Bavid Alexander... oo... oinliiase on, 261 Dinah, Samuel.........-....d.c..h ened 92 David ATIe esse eh Se a dae 76 Dinck, EpKe. ooo iv: vn shicanin cous. 16 David B............ 00... oon 204, 330 Dirck, Hendrick ................ ....... 87 David Civ. vo vovs aio 169 Dirck, Jacobs... ......ocnol tLe 62 HE Ee IE Se Ln 205 Dirck, John io... ova. oie et 79 Magid David o.oo oein att ani vs 205 Tires, Seba. ies ss vs nants 24,2578 David Demarest ........ .......... 217, 252 Diverijen Jacob. ..................... 49 David, Direk........ suave dian, 140 Dollie, Henry. a... ....o-.. coat 279 David H...... 0. tds ass os 178 Don, Willlam................0..c- ccc 267 David Hendrick... .-..u ives an. 67 Dora Belle... haat cio, Mas ays 291 David, Henry..... cose. 97, 244, 323 Dora Kate. ..... oo sr. iad ob 313 David, Isaac... econ, cnive con ile stn 295 Dora Mena .......... o.oo ah els 315 David, leagc... «iis cia. as odie. 316 Dorinda, Samuel... v0. daa a, 283 David, Jacob ...........bwssiiain-.s 185, 196 Dower, John. cc... sisracicenn saan. 332 David, John... ........ 107, 141, 200, 227 David, Joseph....................c.... 73 E. David O.... ..v- ccna eis /shvnidonaisists 186 Earl, Henry .....c vo .c0ievess Saar 303 Bavid, Peter... viv ceived dove unten 284 Bar, fra. ceeeconve nse. insite dec, 188 David Reeder.......-................. 319 Earl M............... 2itieinir yp ohiieins ote 317 David Rilev..s............ 4.00. regio Barl, (Thomas... vues canoaah ioe 322 Dayid Robert... ......... ccs ani 00 ves 308 Earle Justus sec. cate siiie ss aioe 152 David Schuyler... vv vae. voi suinsis 239 Bdear O..c.vvv.r nar icici seine 139 David, Thomas. dac.csasiosve vasa. 191 Bdanr POE, .v.ove.snivaninzens: dooedoi 342 avid Todd. ah a tae 261 Bdear 8. vovicv:er oscil oc. rise eae 150 DavidV.........:................ 1-208 Edith Agnes........................ 0 155 DavidiW feet eae 52 Edith, James..........cccc0ene ys 270 David Wesley. ....... 0.0. 000 cu. 250 Edith, Lucas... ivo..oveneani lieben 210 David, Wert ve; cccicioiininme. *63, “112, 192 Bath Mon) coc vaain ind di wer din 152 Bavid William... cca sens siohes 205 Edith May.......... 0000 hella sees 323 Davis, Samuel... ico. veavieisinaioe 166 Bdia Aves fo cisniesamhidet, 202 Deborah, 128 Edna, Abraham... cove: vorsvseurat. nh 342 Index fo Banta Surnames. Edna, Alberti... vie ou. oes ondin ee 299 Edna, Andrew de. od. 299 Fdna, Walter...............,.. 2... ..219 Edward, Andrew. ........ soos tnslss 244 Edward Bryan........................ 289 Edward Calvin............ Blois cnn iviuns ®215 Edward Champion................:.... 146 Edward De Forest... ci oy aie vin 272 Edward BE. .............. coho onan 200 Edward Gilpin... .................0.. 344 Edward, Henry... ... ............ 21%, 334 Edward, John. ........................ 238 Edward Leshe........................ 225 Edward Witthaus........ cv... oie 226 Edward Woodruft...................... 202 Edwin, Albert... cen Stine ses 261 Edwin Cornelius .....co00c0ivneireenes 237 Edwin, Edwin .......c.ce hone n 149 Edwin Henry..................... 231, 279 Edwin John. ... coon. vn eo oe, 149 Bdwin Lilly..................0...7.. .290 Edwin Marshall....................., 291 Bdwin Perry. ... ............ Sonia 206 Edwin Bass................ cc, 00, 0 134 Effie May............ ...... .......... 294 Effie, Peter...........c.c.a....... 163, 273 Effie, Samuel.......................... 137 Effie, Theodore M. .................... 219 Bie, Thomas. .- «ee vss cnsinvrinanil,, 190 Elbert, Henry......................... 267% Elena, Henry...............5-........ 64 Eleanor, Cornelius ..... he a, 155 Eleanor, George... cence ou. 8o Fleanor, Gertit....cvevniinvan ohio conins 239 Eleanor, Henry. ................00 119, 304 Eleanor, Jacebh............. ccc. 0 300 Bl, Joseph... ...... na 320 Elias Le Compte...........5s.....0. 306 Elihy, Edwand..... .................. 211 Elijgh, John .............c.. 00h a oie 177 Elijah, Peter...... ......cocrvscc canbe. 271 Elijah, William........................ 271 Elisha ¥............ consents esas 295 Elisha, Henry... ac... vicecnanis i, 244 Flisha, Jaecob.....0......... 0c, 174, 295 Elisha John... ch. ohio oui dole a: 296 Eliza, Aaron... ccovaa ein dione, 194 Bliza, Abraham... ................ 123, 332 Bliza, Albert. ...c.lh ia icin oa. 164 Eliza Ann, Abraham... ... .cchniviinene. 191 Eliza Ann, Hendrick... ... ...........%, 106 Fliza Ann, cu. 253 Eliza Ann, John....... .. ........ 204, 235 359 Rliza Ann, Peteri.... cen cin aaiiiss 168 Hhzn, Daniel... foi. oo. ann, 213 Eliza Demarest... i ceecis vine eisisinsivnieisy 214 Eliza Bllen.........-.......0......ov. 243 Eliza, George... vrs srnnvsisviove oui 80 Eliza, Henry..... .. ah. ci.00.0... 122, 213 Eliza, Isaac... c..e Jina. hobs. 299 Eliza J....c...... 00.0 ee coon sn, 321 Eliza, Jacob. survive avoir seis 197, 301, 314 Eliza, Jomes. cove ssssvivions sisnninod suisse 244 Eliza Jane .............. 167, 215, 261, 329 Eliza Jane, William. .................. 311 Bliza, John ............ ... 82, 174, 275 Eliza Lytle... ...... 8. ovcoaiches oe o 0s 336 Eliza Margaret... ..ccs. vsocvrsnsensines 228 Rliza, Peter... i. ui vee reanssnso, 171 Eliza, Samuel. .. occ ie cnissaninionnaeisisisen 128 Flizabetlh A... ones ineson sername. 184 Elizabeth, Aaron. . -«. +» -cscse vss, on 82 Elizabeth, Abram.............. 73, 104, 170 Elizabeth, Albert ....:...c.c.00c0s 164, 272 Flizabeth, Andrew. . ....... cee 299 Flizabeth ARN... veer aes’ ve vies 92 Elizabeth, Arie. .... sven v0 rhiceerss 85 Elizabeth Cassady.... ......... ean. 75 Elizabeth Catharine.................... 196 Tlizabeth, Charles..................... 252 Elizabeth, Cornelius........ 24, 71, 120, 187 Elizabeth, Daniel. ................. 99, 183 Elizabeth, Dirck... oc cine canvas sisniio. oe 87 Elizabeth, Dower...... pied sil ole ies 332 Elizabeth, George..................... 202 Elizabeth, Gilbert...... ...c..v 0s ioe 121 Elizabeth Helen............s..... 000, 151 Elizabeth, Hendrick................ 49, 148 Elizabeth, Henry ....98, 160, 162, 171, 211 241, 244, 207, 333 Elizabeth, Hildebrant.................. 84 Elizabeth, Jacob...... 62, 153, 154, 174, 318 Elizabeth Jane......... ec... 247, 308, 315 Elizabeth, John......... 102, 121, 147, 102 213, 234, 264, 275 Elizabeth Ml. - cv noe iinin ences 205 Elizabeth Mary...................0.... 276 Elizabeth Perlina.............c.ccv.eas 315 Elizabeth, Peter................ 85, 98, 245 Elizabeth, Peter Demaree.............. 344 Elizabeth Rutan..... 200 Elizabeth, Samuel............. 42, 166, 222 Elizabeth, Thomasi............ 5... .. 74 Elizabeth, Weart............, 119, 122, 208 Elizabeth, William'................ 264, 265 Bhzan Bo... vvieoesativeianeinhs vo valiant 295 360 : Index to Banta Surnames. BUA es aa 240 Bla Franees.. . feed ocaicvida iil de, 197 Ella, Henry ......0. uve deeidicnmmansn 283 Bla lsoln of 0 0. aa ohn 342 Ella, John. coi aie. oho vans 262, 282 Ello, Joseph. ..\.v.ccneii vey vn naaiils, 317 Ella May: .... 0. eine cease ses vas 226 Bla SS. cto 240 Ella Warren........ ioe. ooie all, 238 Ellen, Beaufort ........ov. uueees nein 263 Ellen, Corinth’... ..... 0... 00.00 291 Ellen, Cornelius................... ... 209 Ellen E..........................;.. 150 Elien Elissiei.........c..c.0..... 0... 310 Ellen Eliza... Jive. siensiet oil vasa. 81 Bllen, Gerrit ...... coche ial an din 155 Ellen, Henry.....»...... 0... e.. ale 244 Ellen Luraney v.....ooiiie iano ton 308 Ellen Margaret.............. Sanaa 145 Ellen, Samuel... ccs crcnsseneecneai,, 349 Ellen Van Buskirk veo... 156 Ellen Van Waggener................... 193 Ellen, William........................ 312 Ellenor, Henry .......icc v0. vi... 105 Ellis, Peter................. co oes aainl 237 Elmer D.............. 319 Blmer B......... ise 334 Elmer Elsworth. oi... 0.0 non 218 Elmer, (Henry ........ 0.000. a. 303 lose Jenarline..... 0... 0... ........, 329 Blele Hopper... o.oo eens 2s 122 Bisie, Simon... «ioe toni, eal 7 Blole, Weart.. .... oii. deviate vans 36 Elsie, Winfield...:...... annie 288 Elvira Jane <.......coeneisea ions. 296, 277 Emeline Clanssa i... ono. oa, 229 Emeline, John........................ 251 Emily, 220 Emily Jennie ...... poinsettia bss bi ieee 302 Emily, John ..on...v0 chai. 178, 234 Emily Mc. oii cis esis aan 329 Bolly Mania... c....cne coe inns 126 Emma A. Se 284 Emma, Abraham........ 0 wo... 219 Emma Adelia..... hee se 279 Emma Almeda............. 0. J. oy 315 Emma. Lee da a 150 Emma, Henry... o.oo. 205, 279 Emma, dra ..............c.c00 0 . 299 Emma Irenetia...............0cn oe 134 Bama he... en 273 Emma, Jacob. ...ceccvo veal ln, 301 Emma Jane... chino ne 220 Emma, John... ove niece. se ions 238 Emma... ane daa.. 286, 318 Boma Louisa. ....cconvnn ionic ticntns 215 Emma Luella...... aisiclsinte siuininivinis wivinsio 343 Emma Mavy.......................... 321 Emma, Samuel............c0.e.e. one 209 Bama VV... . hol ve ae 150 Emory Brench......... 238 Epke, Cornelius =... .n... 0c oie. 17 Epke, Jacob .... wer medion... 3 Epke Seth ....... Tinta le 314 Erasmus Brent...................... 5 253 Erastus James. ...........L........... 268 Ermie Mi. ooh eve 268 Ernest Amasa............ 0... 302 Bvnest, Dallag......0h. 0. ove cae 303 Ernest, Flenry.......................¢ 263 Ernesillohn.....c......0.0. 0h cal Je, 315 {ry To Ds eb a Es 194 Estella May........c0..0n. 2 eseees. ors 134 Estelle... ...h..c00. coon ah 145 Esther, John .......J........0. 84, 275 Esther May....o.lo. noi coe ane ou on 319 Ethel, George ........................ 319 Ethel May........... cvs bss, 249, 271 Etienne Alexander....... SE ER, 239 Beta eal le en Re el 299 Bittle, George dices. ius dod oui ihe 313 Eugene, Dallas. ...................... 303 Eugene, Jacob....................... 217 Eugene Melvin. ...................... 209 Fugene Mordell ....................., 312 Buna Rove. loci, ovale 186 Eunice Ella .......................... 315 Banijee, Jom... o...00i each del 177 Euphemia Maria .....c.. hernia, 208 Eval. io ode ias oli 268 Eva, Jalt............ i. ....00L LL... 38 Bva M. o.oo ese sd, 320 EyaiMag. iene seo nsenic sss tai don 288, 317 Eva, Samuel..................... 294, 333 Eva, Thomas. .concaiiesioen vena s 130 ovarenn, Palor.. hhh iain day 204 Evereit, Benjamin... ...... 4... 0... 263 Everett R. . cc caivisiicinicvio sieiviniisine wioisiciots 219 Everetia Frances.... ................. 329 Barn, Albert. Lidl ae beies dtiniaiod 261 F. Fannie, John. . iv: ieee vnisiaievanenns 216 Fannie Tauras. i. abil ae st avvilie 204 Panny Adela.............. ...o.0. 00, 231 Fanny, Isaac.............. vieniestlih eat 308 Index to Banta Surnames. 361 Panny Maud.......................... 307 Fanny Myrtle.................... .... 335 Fanny, Paulus ...... Fan re ey 116 Fanny, Samuel....... 0.0. foe... 0 225 Ferdinand J... ....,....o........0.. 0, 339 Bermer Bl. 0 aecou sr ciedia na dah 279 Blo Annan. Sanaa 305 Flora, Daniel... 0. 00 dG) 319 Flora, George... 0. iio ani oui, 283 Flora, Hennig .+. ...c.0 00 0. ah. 316 Blorencer At. cae dodo iv salina a adios 204 Ylovence Capitola... ...........0 J... 151 Porence Isabelle, ................... .... 197 Plorence Louige......................4 331 Plorence Siluin. bv dion inn 0 209 Blorinda Mahala... 00 aL, 264 Bloyd, George ................ LL. 217 Floyd, Henry.........c... 00000. 0 303 Bloyd, Teaac............0..., 00 0, 242 Prae; Joseph: .t Joc. ci... LL 317 Brances A... ron. i re 150 Frances Augusin........ ho... 226 Pranees Storer........0... Jinn. 00 4 336 Brancie B: Heo. 0.00 sano ane, ol oinins 131 Brancig Bod dl viii a soo, 206 Prancis HH... ....0 co viia aL a 240 Prancis Jacob... uv. .Lh aaa 131 Francis John... .. lo. coco i Sends 150 Fronclg Ma....0iinon oni in 298, 300 Francis Marviont.......... 0.0 Lo, 220 Pranecis Wense........................ 132 Prancyntie, Epke...................... 37 Praneyntie, Jan... .......cvooi ii oo, 39 Prancyntje, Poulus:...... nie. 20 oo 116 Vraneyntje, Wiert......... ........... 65 Frank C....0 in colds Lain on 154 Prank Caldwello.. coi. conve eas ls 250 Brank, Dallas. .............0. 00 oo. 303 Prank De WitL,, 0. 0 ha, ae 227 Pranks Edison. to. ono nL 0 288 Prank G.......c.0.. iv 153 rank, John... ob iar or 200, 242 Prank la Rue......... ............ 281 Frank Manley... .h........ coal, 226 Prank No. oo eal, a 211 Frank Poo. dn shia Bnntoa loo 196 Prank, Peter... iti oon. 273 Prank Seward... .. x... hie. 155 Franklin Haven. .............. ...%... 187 Franklin Newman ..................... 206 Beonklin P.. co. ced bral san 219 BranklinPlerce...................... 312 Pred, James ........0. 0... .0 0.0... 338 Fred Masonihe ico Jason ba dna, 204 Frederick B.. J. oe ide didi sa lvoe, 204 Frederick Bruce... .... 00... Jou, 203 Frederick, Cornelius......... ......... 203 Prederick EB,» ov saiiinei sania s 204 Frederick Franklin. i... il... d 0 277 Frederick Heckman .................., 250 Frederick Trwin. . 00. a0. veh uy 288 Frederick, Johun............... 200, 240, 279 Frederick Mi. ou viias aii o, 280 Frederick Solomon. ............... 277 Frona May .....0 0 00 LLG. hs, 287 Fyile Seba............ 0. ..... LL 44 G. Gabriel, James...................5.... 132 Garret, Hendrick ................. 46, 146 Garret Garret.............. 0... .... 5%, 324 Garret, Jacob..........h. L000. 129 Garret, John... ................... 221, 324 Garret Lonsing............ tc... 0.0.0 71 Garret Lydecker ....................., 215 Garret, Peterius.....0 cov iLL, 169 Garret, Thomas... ...... 0 voive rive 74 Garrity Cornelius. ....-c...5, cenen.. 155 Garrit Henry ........ ..... Lc... 0 239 Garrit, Samuel... ... 0 oe Ce 221 Geddes Clark ....c. /. vc ouni ssn us 1302 Geertje, Thomas. ...../....0..0. so. io. 189 Geesle, Peter’. ........, ENT 45 Geesle, Thomas. oi. vee dees bon 101 Genevieve ......vovrun. LI 151 George A... ... i ae. 283 George Aaron... veers nv iinet Joo. 238 George Abner... ......vvee.s hh 0h, 239 George Alonzo... ............0L LLL, 220 George Anderson..................... 319 George Arlington................. .... 238 George B. McClellan... ............ 291 George Brainerd ..................... 228 George Brower... Lin lL 273 George Caldwell......... Sa pay 250 George Chadsey........... .. nL... 0 155 George, Cornelius. ...........:......., 187 George, Daniel......................., 274 George, David...................6.... 252 George Decker.............. dL. LL, 329 George Delbert ..... conv. .00i. 00, 134 George K......... vc. sec idsy oss 211, 283 George Elmer .............L......L.. 215% " George Erasmus ........ Dee eh Ce i 254 George BF .....% 000... oe 273, 319 George Gordon Wilson ......... ...... 315 362 Index to Banta Surnames. George Henderson .................. 291 George Irving... .. ...... .... coven an 155 George, Isaac. .................. 00.0, 153 George Jacob ..... oi... taco iti, 331 George, John... -.......... 80, 145, 200, 276 George Llewellyn ..................... 226 George Marion. ...... «coves il sonnets 170 George, OlIVEL. ... occ cinviionn, 209 George Ra... ovis ee 329 George ROBEY. vo one’ 50hanlaanh Lo 186 @Geongeadl on. ee 152 George, Thomas .«..ccc.ivvsinanit. 167 Georoe W............ 136, 219, 235, 319, 330 Geenge Waldemar. ...... cov aoa nL 197 George Washington.......... 200, 217, 233 275, 299, 313 Geonce Weant.................. EI pn #206 George Wills... ..v..c.ciue ovina 202 George, Willard... «... coc. oa. Lil 144 Georgeann, Harvey... oo. voii 285 Georgianna, Andrew................... 134 Creretn, Cornelins..s...c. +: veeanin, von 93 Gerome, (GEOTC. rv. «sc: sc vivuriinien os re 186 Genrit, see Garret. 7h lu vais sie nats Gerretie, see Charity. ............... eiiiaiaiie Gerrelle, Albert... .0 kuna ses a 165 Gertrude, Abram... vole vivss 104, 194 Gertrude, Henry...................... 89 Gilbert, Hendrick. ....-... sic somiiasin. 121 Gilbert, Henry.......................0 213 Gilbert, JacoB..... veronica, 213 (Bitty, GOONER. c 1 iin ss on sunieivs soimsins 145 Glen: Dory... vnnenciss hencn as 337 Glen | on. hese eainin a 298 Goodwin. i. ee .209 Grace vs ivnceninnnean, 329 Grace, Jacob....... .... v0nnese een 153 Grace, Lafayette ........... coer... 340 Grace LEONG. « o ve ves isivani viuicinin coir 204 Gracle Mag... vv. oni dasha 281 Gracle, William. .............. Bales a 247 Grifin Diane. -........... coin iain: 291 Grilith N......-.... a ee re 214 Grover Cleveland... moive. ies enon ens 264 Guy, Henpy............v..0.... 2.0 303 Guy, Yease uid ii.. sie ies 279 Guy, Willlam......................... 134 : H. Blal Rive: iinet vinnie a ss 287 Hannah, see also Anna and Johanna........ Hannah, Albert............p.--...... 89 Hanuwah Elizabeth............a........ 226 Hannah Fidelin....c. 0.000 ois iiiad 140 Hannah, Hendrick ...........c.... ou 83 Hannah, Henry.............. 119,213, 343 Hannah, Jacob..... eve... enn. 153 Elannah, John -- ...c..c0ooe ov le, 141 Hannah, Joseph....................... 73 Hannah Louisa ...............J....... 151 Hannah Melissa ..................%. 5 206 Hannah, Peter... ............ 113,163, 237 Hannah Rebecea...................... 143 Hannah, SIMon:. .. 0. css vidorsie etna 133 Hanlon ae. 186 Harmanusg. o.oo one ha Sub a 148 Harmer Jesse. ............. coco cco, 319 Harmon Storer.......... ..... 000. Ll 336 Harriet, Abraham. ... ................ 279 Harriet C............... cn... 216 Harslets Charles... ....u.... ohne, 144 Harriet Ne vob coriolis 85 lorriet Thorp... -.--c.ooovs0enns.., 202 Harrietts Hannah. .................... 203 Harrison, Arie... ...v. 00.0 colennine ons 151 Harry 0 00ne ennai .342 Harry G............ 5... cceceviridee 303 Hamy Bl.................00.. 000s. ee 150 Harry Jacob.........0...c-cceceiievuse 197 Hamylee...........--c..c...cis es. 320 Harry R.............................. 343 Harry S......... .................... 154 Harry Sharp......ceo000. 00 cnoseeiaiies 292 Harry Van Cott. ... +... .....-. 00... 220 Hawry, William ........................ 341 Harvey Durie.....--......+..0. 00s... 332 Harvey G......... 0... cones cee 285 Harvey Lewis... ...s u0uansccessossvas 286 Harvey Owen... ......0..-c000ciseiiens 306 Harvey Smith ........................ 139 Hable Ba. ...o.cconnroninnrnsons seen 211 Hattie Shelby... .c...vveane-vouaierison, 154 Hayden, Henry................ccv..s. 244 Helen, Harvey. cc. ccoco ov ovine Seaniainae. 139 Helen, Hildebrant..................... 84 Helen, John..........-. 0. ceeeenaes 276 Helen M....:... sce ecnanineias 293, 330 Helen Maria........ .......o cones 230 Helen Matilda ............... “iis oie 328 Helena, Henry....... Rl 64 Helena, James... :.oive 2oaoecenien rae 183 Helena, Samuel....................... 78 Hendersomw G. cco. ivan vmsninmssnas 290 Henderson Swigert......ceeeeeeeers..n 290 Hendrick, see Index to Banta Surnames. 363 Hendrick, Corneling................... 70 Hendrick, Dirclt o..cconenec tna dali no 87 Hendrick, Epke...................0.0 15 Hendrick, Gilbert. .............di. 213 Hendrick, Hendrick. ..........:. 28, 47, 49 Hendrick, Jaceb.............. sbi isle 49 Hendrick, Seba. 1: verdes cinoneis. 2% Hendrick, Weart.. .................. 35, 63 Hendrickie, Divek. ooo. oh. dis ai, 100 Hendrickie, Tacob...i.........c..... 0 41 Henrietta, George... ...............1. 329 Henrietta, Jamest.......... 0... .. 4 264 Henrietta, John, ..... edie eas onicn 5. 132 Henrictta Leighton... -............... 201 Henrietta S......... fete a 152 Henry, see also Hendrick. >. oo... oie oe 00s Henry, Abraham............. 162, 264, 281 Henry, Albere............. 39, 98, 162, 316 Henry, Andrew:............ tin oie 244 Henry, Arie. ....................ou.v, 83 Henry, Beaufort..........c....... 0h 263 Henry Brevoort.... ............ idle iy 130 Henry Butler................ sca vy. 283 Henny €.....o.. oie os os 264 Henry Carl... .con cons vr oo ovniss 281 Henry, Cornelius............. 171, 209, 210 Henry Di.................... 244, 298, 303 Henry Daniel................ 175, 134, 322 Henry, Dayid................. 67, 205, 337 Henry, Dower. ....................... 332 Henry Edward. ..............0....... #231 Henry Perdinand...................... 337 Henry Floyd.......................... 152 Henry Frederick.:.................... 216 Henry CG... .o.onv.. co. s year, 239 Henry Garrett ............ coco veins: 324 Henry Gerrit... ...../. 0. cial ancl 239 Henry Gough......................... 215 Henry Grafton. +... cccevi. sions vvrivass 291 Henry MH. c.o.. .li. on BN 148 Henry Harnis........................ 202 Henry Harrison.....................,. 202 Henry, Hendrick......... 53, 57, 58, 60, 86 122, 146, 148, 156 Henry, Hemy....... 52, 37, 177,211, 213 214, “241,267, 133 Henry, Isaac..... ..................., 309 Henny J. onc china 281 Henry, Jacob............. 66, 105, 301, 332 Henry, Jon............ 0000 ea. 119 Henry, Jobm............. 82, 113, 169, 199 207, 210, 242, 279 Henrys Kendis.......... ............. 188 Henry L ........... .....-.c sees 264 Henry Lawrence...................... 131 Henry Lee...... ....0.zn-. coe shenes 268 Henry Louis.................u. ou. 286 Henry Louis, Jr. ...........c.- cette 287 Henry M.......0nnnc0eese eis 182, 340 Henry Pou onvoi ei ioiens isa siees 283 Henry, Paulus................ ..-.... 67 Henry, Peter... .. 92, 163, 168, 181, 247, 273 Henry B............. s...0. oho 264 Henry Raymond .......... atti 200 Henry, Samuel... .... .....00.00e ices, 165 Henry Schuyler. ...................... 215 Henry Smith.............0..c0hhh eee 211 Henry Taylor. .......... ........c.0 th 303 Henry W.................. .....: 199, 240 Henry, Weart............c....00, 65, 106 Henry Weller......v.................. 183 Henry Wilson. .......... vs... 310, 314 Herbert, Allen... viens dive sos vein. 274 Herbert Day. ... vs cavsosnnion ines. 205 Herbert Dean ..... oa. o.oo ues 225 Herbert, Edward. . .....veeeones sons 215% Herbert Hume.................. 0. 342 Herbert, John ove: cocina ions. 218 Herbert Lee oer. odaa. seat in 343 Hester, David. .... ic -cov onsen. cn .192 Hester, Hendrick...............,..... 105 Hester, Jacob.......... o.oo eects 32 Hildebrant, Arie. ..... .. ees de voni tn 84 Hiram Benner............. J. .eou... 226 Hiram, Jacob. .u..vs vista. oeeitie cay 250 Homer, Henry....... cos... bees 279 Homer, Robert .«. overran oss rvenn, 174 Hope Ann............................ 140 Horace Clinton... ...cvee sain v. ois 225 Howard Gough ....................... 215% Hubert Aldus. oc. vvvernssevnnnnneene, 239 Hugh Miichell........................ 148 Hulbert Aldrich.......... ...........5 231 Hyla, Paulus... «....cccniiiniennannsen 67 I. Ida Adelin. coo ins vod ioe alent, 288 Ida, Charles... . venus iinaontibne,e 187 Ida, Henry. ......... ae Sale eT, 215, 316 Ida, John. .coenesvet ons eens nuiaee 304 Ida Lounige.. ..... hain lobe «157 Ida May Juliette ..................... 134 dn 8... 00 een siah onl tee oiled) 185 Imogene Augusta. ..veeeeesereasesnnns. 237 Tra Curtis... cases ironies yaivieitin inicio, 291 Ira Elvin... ceo nee dun sa oes te. .203 364 Index to Banta Surnames. Ira Jolmson.....................:..... 310 Joeob E..............0.C... Lo. 308 Tr... a 299 Jacob, Elisha ..... ....... ........... 296 Ira, Oliver... .......................... 299 Jacob G........ Seth een nh eet 303 Ira Swan....................... ..... 154 Jacob, Gilbert...........>....c.-...." 213 Tra, Willan. 5 2.00 ena iiaien o 188, 319 Jacob, Hendrick........ 27, 46, 65, 146, 148 lwene Camille. ....... ci. oie. ooh 145 Jacob, Henry.......... 52, 60, 198, 213, 300 ving W.................. os a0 aoa 199 Jacob, Isage .............-...... 0. ., 300 lsane, Albert... ohhh oh Sy 89 Joeob l................0.. LL ee. . 130 Isase, Danfel..................... 306, 307 Jacob, Jacob ...114, *153, 187,197, 216, 334 Isane, David.......................... 179 Jacob, Jan............................ 83 Isaac F...... chee onas des veel 300 Jucob, Johannes. ...................... 45 Isaac Flavius Jlosephus................. 316 Jacob, Jobm............... 81, 100, 132, 150 isaac Hamilton... .... 0.0L, 148 Jacob, Peter...................... 250, 252 Isaac, Henry,.................... .... 208 Jacob Rhinierson...................... 314 Isaac, Hildebrant...................... 153 Jacob, Seba.......... SRS 25 Isaac, Isaac, ..c. evens nvecnecnsss.. 308 Jacob T.....-.......0. cee cbs 129 15990 IACKSON vse ccna svnes icin 308 Jacob Terhune. ................. cu... 325 Isaac, Jaceb................ ..... 153, 204 Jacob, Thomas .................. *62, "120 Haae, JON. «seers te ve aia 279 Jacob Vreeland.............. ........ 156 Isaac Marion ..................... 295, 306 Joecob Wesley........................ *166 gage Mitchell............0 0. one os 242 Jacob Westervelt............c. uu... #337 Isaac NL... 0c coc Siac 296 Jacob, Wiert.....covvneinennnninnnn. 64 Isaac Newtons, voice iceai anne, 253 Jacob, William.........cciteieeevnnnn. 202 snae,; Pejer. =. ....0%. 0. 154, 163, 249, 253 Jacomyntie, Hendrick.................. 82 ¥sane, Robert. ..... a... iin ns 250 James A o.oo. 149, 178, 308, 338 Er RG a ea 313 James Aaron... .h.. cocoa eatin, 146 lsageV,. «oe ie a ees, 299 James, Abraham. ................. 128, 132 Isaac Van Giesen ........ J... .... 192, 330 James, 104, 247 Tsane Van Saunt ov. de dei 00a 211 James, Albert c.ov.cueivureiennnn. 272,317 Isaac Washington ..................... 291 James, Andrew ........co00 ciiniaann.. 244 Isaac Willlamlg.... chee, iLL 253 James Buchanan.................. 285, 299 Isabella Small... i... ea. 297 James C...ocvuvevnmrnves manseinnsanas 244 Isabella, James Monroe....... ........ 342 James Cuthbert vv. .ssvnseseit sernades 307 Msabelle BR. ve. he vei an biil ideas is 329 James D............ ....eceoeleLL 274 Isidore, John. ............ 0. nies 339 James Daniel .....convnnvinrininnnnnn. 183 Isoln Bama... eve tea 306 James Dunham .........coiiuiiinannnn. 321 Byany Tuas. iis sis saiehiass ives satan 188 James Eben...... ....cceruerennsennn 321 yg lee......c.....n. 00h, LL 316 James BAward. oor. vision ness 295 James, Elbert. .....ccooovinunninnnnn. 267 J. James Elmer......ocouviuinniiiinne. 277 Jacobi A........... ....... LLL 191 James Elmore... ...ouveniinennennnne. 305 Jacob, Abraham.............. 128,130, 131 | James Erastus ........ccoivininnnnnn 268 Jocob, Abram. ............... Jo... 42 | James E.......--.... coo alors, 220 Tacob, Albert... .................. 274,317 | James Franklin..............cc0vn.e.. 264 Izcob; Arie...................... 85 | James, (GEOLC- ns +: isiu nvrisrizsirinz vision 313 acolo. cold 152 | JomesH......................... 264, 283 Jocob iC fl tn ae 185 James Harvey ...............ceee. ah 173 Jacob Calvin... ..............0. 0... 213 | James Heaton............cceciuren ins 217 JacobiCassatt............. a rt 287% | James Henry....... *202, 205, 247, 269, 338 Jacob, Cornelius... .... ... 18, 71,123, 174 | James, Isage....... EE a 300 Taceh, Danijel... ce. nai su, 96,99 | James, Jacob..........iiiiiiiiiiinnnn. 96 Jacob, David......... .... 104, 178, 192, 261 | James, James... ............ ..... 132, 219 Jacob, Direk....................... 31, %62 | James, John..........eiiiinaieinnn 79 Index to Banta Surnames. 365 Jomes Lewis. .................. enh 277 James, Lott................ 0. sense 244 James M...............c0. donb dh ee 175 James Monroe................ oun 341 James, Peter......... cc... nee 163 James, Samuel.................00vu.., 283 James, Simon............0000nen.,., 132 Jomes Small. ...... ....s.0neinnesien, 277 James Steward................ 0h ee 241 James Vreeland. .cnre rest siinnnabihg 131 Jes W. ssi nase mis 342 James Wilkes. .............. cc... .... 202 James, William. ........ 183, 187, 231, 2096 James, William V...........-..cc0enne 341 Jan, see also John and Johannes............ Jan, Cornelius... ......... A nee: 68 Jan, Hendrick -........ 0... 0. ccs oes 46 Jan, Ian ...................c..c0 0 83 Jan, Johannes. :............. 00... 44 Jane, see Jannetie...............000eiuenn. Jone A. ..........................5... 240 Jane, Alfred........................... 178 Jane Amn................00.. 00 es 153, 216 Jane Campbell........................ 126 Jane, David........................... 101 Jane E..........................-..., 152 Jane Bliza............................ 143 Jane Elizabeth.................... 129, 199 Jane, Hendrick................... 86, 120 lane, Henry............. 100, 147, 211, 301 Jane, Isaac............0........... ce 300 Jane, Jacob ...... -...00, 104, 114, 197, 19% Jane, James Monree................... 341 Jane, John.......... 103, 113, 132, 211, 331 Jane Maretta............0. .00nn nso 183 Jane Moaria........... 000... 214, 233, 235 Jane, Peter 98, 286 Jane Rebecca... ccvnino niin vienvnhos 156 Jane, Samuel .......................... 128 Janetta, Garret. ....... cola 324 Jonnetie, Cornelins.................... 21 Jannetie, BEpke.....................0.0, 36 Jonnetie, Gerret ...................... 46 Jannetle, Jacob..................... 32, 49 Jonnetle, Jan....................... 23 Jasper Newton.................. 0... 309 Jefferson Dayis.......... ........ ou 308 Jemima, John ........................ 103 Jemima, Peter........................ 85 Jemima, Wiert......................., 112 Tennette, Isaac. ..............00 000... 295 Jennie, Andrew ..................00 244 Jennie De Golyer -...............5...L.. 225 Jennie, Isanc... ....... cen oico nis es 153 Jennie Ek ..vouiinn onan a, 231 Jennie, Merrit -...-.... -...0i.. Lh 299 Jennie, Samuel............0iuiinnnnn, 166 Jennie, Thomas...........c. seenunnnn, 130 Jeptha Fowler ......cvviiunniennnnns 293 Jeptha, John... ..cooueiiinnnrennnnn.. 177 Jeremiah, Henry....... seeeeive inane, 211 Jeremiah, Peter.....oe.ivciiiiinn.n.. 273 Jerome George.........c.ctitenianrnnn 186 Jesse Andrew .......ccciieneniiensn, 173 Jesse Biuovee snes dss sain sar sain os 242 Jesse Chase ..................«.c00hene 207 Jesse De Graff....................c.0 242 Jesse, Jeol vx ovo ns aii ayan tach cote 178 Jesse, Jefferson ............ 00. een, 308 Jesse, John.......ovvie.. censnnaenvninn 240 Jesse Palmer............ 0seenn cena. 319 Jessie Anderson......... cet orev. 226 Jessie Belle.......:.. encase naisvona, 323 Jessie Ethel.ov...ioveeiennniiene. ness 209 Jessie, Justus........cocecenrieeavvon, 152 Jessie Boon vos cs he lee le oi 240 Jessie Wright......cvi-.neenenin annie, 151 Johanna, see also Hannah................. Johanna, Abraham ...........c..... ... 88 Johanna, Seba ....................... 45 Johannes, see also Jan and John............ Johannes, Direk.................... 2s, 32 Johannes, Jacob...............cs.cbnn 62 Johannes, Seba ....................... 24 John, see also Jan and Johannes............ John A.................. 150, 151, 178, 307 John Aaron «isi. soni ssssesivvesinisisis os 238 John, Abraham. ..%............... 132, 278 John, Abram ........c.... ences 42 John Adams...............:c.0h shee 305 John Adams Prickett ................. 253 John, Albert............. 162, 180, 234, 319 John Alva... .........00esvnsvtienienne 132 John, Arie coviieaiive veo oiunhn 83, 149 John B................. 0 cee ale, 152, 273 John Bartholf......... ............... 214 John, Beaufort...:..... ..... ocean. 262 John Belen........................05, 178 John C.................. 156, 295, 318, 319 John Calvin, ....-...........0. ats 343 John Calvin Breckenridge.............. 285 John Chester.........h i ces viaisnes.e 149 John Clarke, coun. cvs sev vanivnnis 225 John Cole............................ 131 John, Cornelius........... 40, 188, 193, 216 John D........... cont 0s 129, 185 366 Index to Banta Surnames. John, Daniel...............:.......... 177 John, David. ........ 102, 234, 201, 312, 313 John Demaree. ...../................. 201 Jom Berlama........o.i a 273 John Dickey.......... ............... 132 John Dill. cee. lene ca cose nui, 206 ohn, Dirck... cv. oonnen ian, 139 Toh Bi............ 0. ns 152, 319 John Edward...................... 183, 250 John Francis... ................ ... 299, 337 John Feomllin....... 0h. ass, 310, 322 John Fulton .......................0.. 336 Tohn Gr... se cise cs aice soy sisal vee 204 Tohn Garrard, ..... [oositsc nn 0, 282 John Garrett.........\........... 221, ¥324 John, George.......... Cena. aL, 144 lohn Geiffith......................... 214 Jom H....................... .. 230, 273 John Harley... ohhh oni io, 338 John Harmen............ ......0.. 0 235 John Harmon €................L,. .. .. 335 John, Hendrick ................ 65, 32, 121 John, Henry........ 52, 03, 113, 145, 145 173, 187, *199, 200, 207 211, 244, 205, 395, 337 John Henry 7... ...... oa... LL 50. Ls 240 John Hill Williamson... ................ 220 John, Isase.. 7... chloe e ols, 295 Jom J.......................... *204, 323 John, Jaeobh............ *64, 31, 126, 153 *196, 217, 333, 339 Hohn; Jan..c.. oi. ii san on 68, 147 John, Jeannes.....o:.. .c.cnnade i Fauuiin 100 John, Johm.......... 80, 100, 143, 146, 149 *200, 242, 232, 320 John Lambert.........:..0... 0.00. CG 166 John Lewis. ...... .....0.00hn ee i, 170 John Logam.......................t.... 170 eesti ss 187 Tohn-Lynder......:. Lavin. snil ion. 316 TohnaM tv. ea 183, 240, 290, 316 Yohn Martin................. 0 118, 205 Tohn Melvini. ..fevecal Jona oan 287 John Miner. ....................LL LG 289 John Moore .-»/. avons 210 John. wens vos nda ies as 188 Hl aE ON re i I DER 264 John Olmstead. .........0...00 0000 140 John @secar.t..n.i hi onc ion iis 314 John, Beter........... ... 180, 204, 283, 245, 250 John Bulis: tvs. cniene stunt iivennLl 133 John Quincy Adams............. vee-.-203 John Ralph........................... 213 John Raymond.....:......-........... 199 John, Richard .. ...............c....5, 145 John Reby............................ 331 Tohn, Samuel... ...........h..e oJ: 225 John, Seba... ...... ..ccvoeh sna 79 John Sebastian. .............. oo... 238 Jom Sidney ......................... 202 John FB. i...v. 0s vial Pree 324 John Theodore. .........s- Lh... .L, 238 John Thomas. ....................... 189 JohneV. iota oes es 275 John Van Burenm...................... 344 John Vorhis.......:.... 00... 0 211 John Vreeland... ......... *........... 1560 Tehn WW ie. viii io onl 177, 178, 303 John Waliers.....................0. 291 Jom Washington... .................... 170 John, Weart........ 120, 193, ¥196, 200, 208 John Wesley ....................... 251, 318 Tohn Wilbur.» ...7 0.0. oh. 131 Tohn William ................ 220, 238, 303 Jonathan Edwards......................., 253 Jordan, Daniel................... ....0 305 Joseph Albert... ....... 5. SL 180 Joseph, Andrew........5........ .....0 244 Joseph Auagustus...................... 253 Joseph, Cornelius.....................¢ 72 Joseph Edward................. ...nsh 335 Joseph H.:........................... 287 Joseph, Henry........................ 334 Joseph, Jamesi............ ............ 317 Joseph, John .........o........... 178, 307 Joseph, Joseph..................... LG 127 Joseph lL cc. cial. oe i si 320 Joseph Lee... .... ht... 337 Toseph' Thomas ........................ 342 Joseph Wo. in. cn... iio 180 Joseph Washington.................... 170 Josephine Hicks... ................;... 146 Josephine, Johm..... i......=..0...... 333 Josephine Logan....................... 289 Josephine, Peter .......:..... 1 a... 273 Josephine Sirang....................%, 146 Josephus, Abraham... .een-oae.hh il 340 Joshua, Cornelius. ................... 235 Judie Wns ateanne cs vob olan bon oy 245 Inia Adan aa a 240 Julia, Abraham’... hone 281 Julia Ann ............. 000. 299, 344 Julia; Barney -...... coi. 0 ond. LL 201 Julia, James................ corde. 132 Julia Smith.......... Miho tee tere 7% Index to Banta Surnames. 367 Julius E........................... .., 239 Jus Bi... a EL 209 (rd Be ie es 152 K. Kate Ai...h...c..... oss e de 323 Kate Bula..............c..-... 0.00.0 204 Kote, Jacob... ....... ...-..--. 0... 153 Katharine, see Catharine. ................. Katharine, Abraham... ........... 262, 282 Katharine Julia ......... .-..0....... 290 Katherine, Frederick .............. 2.0, 280 Batic ]......v conn ee 196 Katie, Jusing..ccvcnvrvs seaciscnes. tv, 152 Katy A..cene. ini neee oan erica 295 Kezioh, Henry............5.......... 170 Kittie, William. ...............c....... 312 kL. Lafayette, Abraham.................... 340 Lafayette, Isaac. ..... cere r te civne, 299 Lafayeite, Jordan................ Ah ger Lafayette, Washington......c.......... 170 Lambert Dorland...................... 166 Lambert, Henry ..........----../..... 165 Landon Vc... eee rioreedentan. oun 186 Laura Amelia. --................. iL. 173 aura B. . . . e a e 167 Laura Cadwell ................. ..... 312 awa B................ ve... 188, 333 Lonra Ellen.............. ............ 305 Laura Estella. ........................ 197 Lana Jane................ 06 ue vs 264 Lavina, Jacob. ............cceeeneen... 126 Lavina Maria ....... ers edn 123 Lavinia, Barney....................... 201 Lavinia J...... rs 291 Lavinia Jone.. ......... vo cece iieer. 170 Lavinia Matilda .......... ............ 126 Lavinia, Peter ..... .................. 318 Lawrence, Henry .................-... 323 Lawrence W......... .--'..........0. 310 Leah, Aaron... cv ht, 100 Leah Ann... 0.0 ec: oie vaio ho 129 Leah Arie... 0. 0 Lledo os 138 Leah, Cornelius. ............ Seles htt, 23 leah, David............L.....%.. a 192 Yeah, Gerrit. ......-..ccvou.. onl. 221 Leah, Henry. ................. 88, 159, 213 Leah, Jacob...........-............... 187 Leah, ulti, 331 Leah, Peter... crv dhean hoo 249 Leah, Samuel, .........cocc.cve- rv. is 220 Leah, William... 1... 5... oh 271 Lemma Frances: ...........h 0.0L. 0. 323 eng, Avon... coe vii dibivas danisha 81 Lena, Albert... ... cient, 186 Lenn, Arle... .. ao nicn LL LL 45 Tena Beuloh................0. 0.00.0. 201 Lena, George. ......................%. 80 Lena Merritt ..... veneers. 289 Leon Bis i isan davies oh ir 287 Leonard, Dallas. ........c.c..... 0. .. 303 Leonard Barl. ............o0000 ut. 182 Leonard, Samuel............5o......-.. 333 Leonidas Fulton.................... .. 245 Leonora Elizabeth.......-............. 296 Leroy, Daniel......................... 306 Le Roy Spillman..... ..:........ 0... 289 Leslie Owen ........ Jeno. ines 306 Tester Al oe lias val oni stn hs 307 Lettie Jane... nnn aben tn ainel ob, 341 Levi, Jacob... .......... 0.00 LoL 198 Levi Stimpson .............. 35.0.0. 0. 155 Lew Wallace... ...i. call er Ls 204 Lewis Elmo... co iiaiv poisons oon 201 Yewis, Jacob. hier vi ann casos 274 Lewis Voorhig......c....0 0... 00.0 322 Lida W.. on cn aeiiiing uhh inten 194 Tia, Waller -. iu .nae.otioone ah unig 217 Idle. chic es in ibe st anni 199 Lillian Viola on bcos vidbn innit Soto 221 Lillie, Henry o-oo... 5.h a sane LES 244 Lillie, Jacob ..... Lue tn sda iea .213 Tillie, William’ 2. sonata yn, ne 219 Tillle, Winfield, . J. vec v.dn son suiiis 310 Lindley, James... v.00 0 vn. ne oie 307 Lazio Avs sod sian Sedan de, 204 Lizzie Belle: . 00h Jo cea de inset: *310 Lizzie, Cornelius..... CAR Re 187 Lizzie Tane............ cis 00-00) 306 Lizzie, John ............ oan al, 192 Lizzie, Peter .........-o.usce aati, 237 Llewellyn, Henderson............. ... 200 Lloyd Chins. vn oslo Oa, 283 Lola, LAWIEnee. . rvs sivaivviosinninnsvs. 324 Lora Jane sian, 185 Lorena, Jacob. ........0hues den 000 0, 274 Lorenzo J i... vivesaiion sient sion dle 325 Tonnda lic inion. ivn vi onan, oh e264 Toth, Andrew. iii. thoes itaining iL, 244 Lottie May. i. .on iene lon, Feu en 216 You Bln voc bh incitinni seattle bh 254 Lon, J - ion init ni isn Lut, 282 Lonis Alvan ..... tiie... ade ay 238 Louis George. ........ Sia 170, 186, 238 368 Index to Banta Surnames. Louisa, Abraham. .......c. eanies vs 164 LLonisa Cornelia... cv. ieinicitiiivii,. 140 Louisa, Henry........................ 292 Touisa, John. ent cies tio issn sinatalanis 170 Louisa Mareellite.. ........ vues. oniiis 194 lomisa, Weatt :.......vcvornsdosani, 209 Lowisx, William vives os Fides 265, 267 Louisiana, Willlam......... 5000 338 Toula Victoria .. «iv viernes saivsneias sates 316 Lovey Myrtle...................-..... 291 meas iV. onion ales oie 327 Lucas Voorhees... ...c...0cnuvn hoes 210 Lucinda, Jaeab...... coh csieninn.ian- 307 Lucinda, James. ....... .......:0..0.. 244 Lucy, Abraham ............ elss0eninas 164 Lucy, ANATEW .... .c.s cvs sim sense icin 244 Lucy Ann..............0.0hths 151, 153 Lucy Chrisiima................ ....... 183 Lucy Ethel........................... 151 Lucy G........:.........c.6000 ch 0 273 Luey J............ Ceisls uv visia se iaininte isis bain 167 Lucy Lee Pleasant .................... 252 Lalie, Samrel....... 0... va Gales 283 Lulie, Winfield........................ 288 aly ALi hn oa ant coh, 264 Lal AR, oa ie vs cy SE ain 308 Lala, Ballas: coi ere vii nivnah. 303 Lalu Jane............................ 267 Laln, John. ....... co 00000 iene ees 304 Lalo Mand. ..............i...0.L000, 306 dmrettnl iss ee sess vienna ei 264 Lydia, Abraham..................... +332 Lydia Amn..........-..... cco. eee... 270 Lydia, Cornelius ...................... 210 Lydia, David ......................... 313 LydiaG...................... chen, 139 Lydia, Gerrit ................0.c0..... 221 Lydia, Jacob.....-.....c.cccoe.vanine. 40 Lydia, Johni.................. J..e0en 121 Lydia Van Saun....................... 210 Lydia, Wiert.............000 cout. 64 M. Mabel Angelia.......c0ccveeenniensen, 295 Mabel Bates.......................... 321 Mabel, Benjamin. ..................... 182 Mabel, David. .................s-5..., 253 Mabel E..... ... RR Srinath 321 Mabel, Jobn......................L... 316 Mabel M..............c..0.0 000-0 320 Magdalena, Abram................. 42 Magdalena, Daniel .................... 99 Magdalena, Hendrick.................. 169 Magdalena, Henry..................... 165 Magdalena, Jacob ............... 28, 41, 75 Magdalena, John...................... 275 Magdalena, Peter...................... 98 Magdalena, Samuel........ Atinan St 78 Magdalena, Wiert...................... 112 Maggie, Andrew...................... 299 Maggie, John. .............o.......... 282 Maggie Josephine..................... 323 Maggie Lounise............J............ 194 Massie M......................... ues 233 Maggie, William...................... 312 Mahala, Abraham..................... 263 Malena Della... .. cv oie i nei, 264 Malinda, Andrew...................... 174 Malinda Emma................ ....... 277 Malinda, Henry ....:..........5. 162, 292 Malinda, John.......... Sdn hn ati, 278 Malinda, Warren... ...ocosne. io iveai., 279 Malinda, William ............c.oe 0.0 266 Malvina Maria....... anne 144 Malvina, Permenas....... so eve. Se and ZT Marcus, Henry ....................... 148 Margaret, Abraham.................... 88 Margaret, Abram .........c::veeeee oo 73 Margaret Adela... .................... 227 Margaret, Albert.............. cleiiei suis 347 Margaret ANN .eveeeneeereceeeses 129, 222 Margaret, Arje............-. ec aube 45 Margaret, Cornelius. ................ 70, 94 Margaret, Daniel...................... 99 Margaret, David .................... .. 07 Margaret, Dirck........coev.nnn... 32, 140 Margaret Dutilla.............cconennen. 206 Margaret, Elijah ...........c0 coonan.. 177 Margaret Eliza. ...c..covovniieeinnnn.... 313 Margaret Ellen............... 130, 237, 338 Margaret, Frederick .........coouenenns 281 Margaret, George........coveueennnen. 145 Margaret, Hendrick....... 27,23, 21, 32, 36 Margaret, Henry ....147, 162, 170, 213, 241 Margaret, Isaac. .....cccvueinnannn.n. 295 Margaret, Jacob. ...32, 48, 83, 123, 146, 174 Margaret, Jan ......-..--. cecevsn 39, 68 Margaret Jane.......cooooinnnnn.. 241, 270 Margaret, John.......... *79, 147, 193, 264 Margaret K........cenicnsinnannnnnnns 245 Margaret Lawrence. .........ooonuenn.. 153 Margaret, Lott..........cccc0invannnn.. 244 Margaret Louisa .....covviiiinianannn. 200 Margaret Lucinda. ........ooovennnn.. 247 Margaret Maria. .......cooeenenann.n.. 140 Margaret Pearl. ....ooovinvininin.n 306 Index fo Banta Surnames. 369 Margaret, Peter... .... .... 113, 163, 259, 313 Margaret R.. ool iieivuinivinnine Jlidultiday 139 Margaret; Samuel... ..........c.c is I35, 13S Margaret, Seba... visi osioivaiv. Jie 24, 26 Margaret, Thomas... cv aveeeesd 128, 130 Margaret, Wiert..... . .. han 101, 112 Margaretta, Abraham... iumisieicias sivas 213 Margaretta, ANArew.......ic ois ceinia slsoiote’s 244 Mavgic Wein ooo cecivniianisishiniisitisisindtels 283 Margrite JLudore. cons sic ioniin ieiindels 238 Maria, see:also Mary... ......e ud. odlis, Maria, Abraham... ..«....0cc. aha. 74, 128 Marin ANNE. coin vicni nnn stdsile ni 122 Morin Caroline... divin so sobsiriereion sn Jes 201 Maria Catharine... van dn i 196 Maria, Cornelius ...... Sneliie ME 68 Marian Elizabeth... ca. cue tins Un 124 Maria, Hendrick... . sos. bbib 83, 87, 105 Maria, Hengy............. 00 0 241, 334 Maria, Hildebrant. ........... bee 84 Marin, Jogoh : oh. vauoecitinc soniiinis 75, 130 Maria, Jam. ..v.iecseindmsmmosoes. ns 39, 68 Mari John... ov hein iioias 84, 107, 193 Maria LowiSa. is. vivivisiein otinsintieh ls o aonb 170 Maria, Samuel... orien rll os 78, 139 Maria, Seba .ocicl cc iiimivn sos uniiishie din 78 Manin, Wier. iii sian di ae 112 Marian Beatrice. .... SERN 225 Marie, James. au ic eiciicte doris me bhdis 244 Marion, ABFA. iw dive iin viiins Sassen 199 Marion, ANAreW «voi inno nn ddbe ors 2099 Marion Matilda .... ciciviniviciei vine oe 34000 dala 220 Mark, George. oie ceinivivivvisin sie sieidinie si 252 Marquis Jun wosien nin sive vnve vc onssnifitds, 320 Martha, Abraham: i... 0 een vissis ovine 270 Martha, Abram. cco. vei 15 wiles ith 289 Martha, Alfred... oo limita h i. 50 178 Martha Ann... cenooneiioie 137,300, 337, * Martha C.... vive uiaisins avandia, di 181 Martha Catherine . -... ..eicieie rathlaiatety unt otal 318 Martha, Daniel... fii. oa 177 Martha, ‘David, ..... on. otis vile 261 Mavtha Biante vinoie vias viens 127, 185, 283 Martha Blizabeth...eoivinn ivan, 4s od 283 Mortha Ellen... cocoon .oin, S50, 299, 341 Martha, Henry .«....xsvn. os alatores 161, 170 Martha J... oun eniine iio amin 182, 295 Martha Jones: vv vcaniiine. cos 194, 253 Martha, Joseph... 00 fai. ean, 73 Martha M.......ivaeiiinioning, RE 188 Martha, Peter.....oo viv oninnibminid. 0G 171 Maitha Putnam... emieiamasiodss vies 209 Martha, Samuel............... 42, 209, 333 24 Martha W. ich iivieiainsls tlieistiomi store atostes 152 Martha, William... nies vicenlo daliioiiods 339 Moarticla Tot... ccoiv cate vives anita en 291 Martin Henny. ..ecov vive vvoisisiniois siminivaiain 296 Martinl.. oi. dese inncnide Join. SO 264 Mary, seealso Maria... ... -...vaivis a 00000 Mary. A ond satin de 281 Mary, Abraham........c..00a0. 00 74, 128 Mary Adell............s6 hh. 0 ahh 225 Mary Adema.. ...c.oncunicimalimvncninnl. 4 234 Mary A. Elizabeth ...... 000i omicuinies 172 Mary Agnes... .. ..coeenitiaabon 167, 202 Mary, Albert, vor eseoo. dooiidde a 162, 164 Mary Alice....c..0vnivens o sidetihialents 313, 342 Mary Amelia oi anion sanlniifin), Sarid 283 Mary Ann, Albert......... ui... 248, 274 Mary Ann, Garrett. ii. is vivisst oi oe histo oe 288 Mary Ann, Henry ...... 0. oadat Ly 310 Mary Ann, JON vay ois msieineisieestiitintl da 234 Mary Ann, Peter... ...-.. 85, 149, 163, 245 Mary Amn, Willlam............o0. 00... 312 Mary AnLOIMEILR iv vic x cinioiementrisirisieielelleinta 3 207 Mary C.voii ills neon aninanin Jol 74, 270 Mary Caroline ......o.s iva inieivio shams ese iolotes 219 Mary Catharine. . ........... doce 197, 322 Mary, Cornelius +... x eeevsisienish isos, 22 Mary Croshy.. cin soni alin. Savas, 271 Mary, Daniel... vusine-iciiieisshh Joi 178, 182 Mary, David co. bis, 97, 99, 185, 205 Mary. Deborali....... 0.0. fo eeeeti sic 291 Mary Derland..... coe coum sis uisissisnise os 250 Mary E........ 152, 181, 188, 216, 319, 339 Mary Eleanor... ......0 .. . «isis veisieisnisioioes 156 Mary Bliza.... vesicles ot. 282, 291, 260, 337 Mary Elizabeth, Andrew............... 220 Mary Elizabeth, James... ............_. 277 Mary Elizabeth, John....... silo sate 207, 220 Mary Elizabeth, Joseph................ 320 Mary Elizabeth, Lambert .............. 166 Mary Elizabeih, Peter........ t.... J. 128 Maury Elizabeth, Weart..... ............. 328 Mary BUen. cuits ohms whi 285 Mary Elsie .....convoduen fining ia. 204 Mary Ema... cic ie «inonieieiaivisiomoins siege dla oh 183 Mary EVA . ovine sicieisirinsioiibimeie saiuia os 322 Mary Bos. iiuannsninsnnan nitty 305 Mary Fidelia......... J WL oLR wes abe epee egt 337 Mary Frances.......... Sane 267, 306, 315 Mary, Brederick. uv ves vein vais sul oie 204 Mary Gertrude .................%. 203, 323 Many TLElem oui iinimnc ii saints ater 151 Mary, Hendrick... canis viva iil egy Mary, Henry. .60, 106, sri5E 157, 170,177 370 Index to Banta Surnames. Mary Ida... oc. ianlavn mainte cic niniaals 206 Mary Trene.................c.... Lous 339 Mary, Isanc................ceieeivs 300, 308 Magy J............c.00 ones 184, 303, 332 Mary, Jacob. ..47, 48, 99, 153, 187, 274, 317 Mary, James. ............0oenieseaie ven. 132 Mary, Jan ........0.. ccc ctiionisininais cine 44 Mary Jane, Aaron. .........cooeeersnnns 134 Mary Jane, Abraham.............. 270, 340 Mary Jane, 272 Mary Jane, Andrew ..........c.coennnn. 243 Mary Jane, Beaufort.......... ......... 262 Mary Jane, David..................... 284 Mary Jane, Jacob................. 300, 308 Mary Jane, John... ....... cee bud 251 Mary Jane, Peter on 201, 344 Mary, John. ...ooi: aie cnnhihionio., saleuien 275 Mary, John Franklin .... ............. 322 Mary, Joseph... us ivivainiviraisisis sian sicinns. 72 Mary Ladora)........+- 0 aviv vinetienn 238 Mary Louisa........ 151, 173, 213, 264, 287 Mary Lucinda..............0.h0eee us 289 Mary Lydia..............cccu vena 226 Mary M........c...ccrncnicivnetiest, 185 Mary Madeline.........cooveeviivnnn.. 295 Mary Magdalene.........coeuvnnn. 171, 174 Mary, Peter...... 98, 163, 168, 250, 257, 273 Mary, Peter De Groot................. 330 IE St TR Be SR 177 Mary, Samuel.......... +++ 735 165, 166, 261 Mary, Seba...o.eevnoiiiomie aise slsive 25 Mary Sheldon..... ...... 0c 140 Mary, SIMON... ivosisivns sinininininsiontaisie on 76 Mary W............cci0nnnnneae, 171, 273 Mary, Wiert........500. 00 ele oe *63 Mary Wilkins. ..coevnvenninneinnnnnn. 75 Mary Woodbury ......covivunniinnnn.. 336 Maryathe, David .....cvvnivvennee on. 63 Matilda, Cornelius.............. hc... 123 Matilda, Daniel... ceiniveneiainsiisieleine 322 Matilda, Jacob........ a0. .canntn 124 Matilda, Samuel... .....0... coh. 138 Matthias, Solomon..........c..coveennns 328 Maile A. -coiicinnnennvarnphisiihs 283 Mattie Bell ............ aialelule to tuninsi ia 4 tars 306 Mattie Ellen ....covvevnininiiininen.... 253 Mande TB. voce ininisivioi sions wainiisie batie 283 Maude Ethel............. Ways BEARERS 288 Maude, JOD... cv. onverecreansenrvnany 287 Mande Merritt -«.ccovevvr sriiernianne. 254 Mande maisiainiv » 210 Maurice Buford... .oseviseisnnish ohiin.t 289 May Ella. ... 0.0... cach pe 204 May, George....... clot ites 153 May, Henry..........-..c..v..... 279, 303 May, James. .......... cco seni. uie 244 May, Lot .ceevsrrenerrrnscniserasisiong 244 May, Theodore M.....vcoervnsviochie: 219 May, William........... 00h. neo 219 May Willie......otiis sisiivinainnionisns sas eins 286 May, Winfield ...onvtoenr:ononirs.aceehs 288 Mazela. . ou iaiivain ree sensitised niin 264 Meade, John... ...oevvansiionsonension or 344 Meda B ..... .......c0n. oui ois 174 Melissa, Abraham.............. 2.000 340 Merida J. eis eisiaioinicinieieid Rei vinios Sets 298 Merle Wayne. .....ovsvvvancsssisnaonas 186 Merrit, Isanc.. cc... .cvisviivinvsatetiob se 298 Michael, Peter... .i- ii vnmiiioidish visto aie 181 Michael Vreeland........c.00veeninnee, 86 Millard Fillmore ........... +... 291 Milton Fraley.....cecevvviinnnannnnnns 340 Milton Luke... vosisveessrinencin, Ce RIES MinmiG.. sical soni sien sninie silos le 149 Minerva ARN. .ccove eo vrvy viriveisieniasaicis sis 340 Minerva, Henry... .cecueesrnveivnnnas 269 Minerva, Jacob.....ccueeurerutriainnnn 178 Minnie Alice... .vcceena ins coe neiad 239, 337 Minnie, Henry... o. ceerenraeencnnse 316 Minnie, John. ...cvvviinnieeininnninnn 250 Mininie Mo. crc ciianinniosisnmuaierisio nie vie 222 Mirinie Mabel... a... sieves nisnnmaionons 264 Minnie May.oe.nenrvnin eae ntisiestiosisn. 129 Minnie Myrtle... cooneennnnniinianna.n. 340 Minnie TREY. cules nwsisianisisisisistiinsitiniese 183 Mira, Daniel. .........oovss inci cine voy 183 Miranda, Frederick...........c.0vve.s. 281 Miranda, Henry. ...... cunriinenvionnn, 162 Miranda, William ...... bv inie a maa el 268 Miriam Alice... ce. vnisrcte scene oh 206 Mitchell, Henry. ...... covvvneernnnnns 248 Mitchell, Jacob... oon vnriereninannnn. 301 Monroe, Thomas.......c.vinveesesnces 322 Morning, William........v.ccu0ttn 265, 266 Masses BM. aa. viv iviivitinii siainisisie sins 170 MOSET TL... 5 isis ivintinia nines dln Be fin lelie in 165 Moses Washington ..........ooeveei.n. 170 Myndert Pooeeiinneiniininiinenenne, 152 Myrtle E..........ctc0s0vn0rannarsaen 308 N. Nancy Amanda... ..ooevueenee coven. 344 Nancy ADDN. .ceuenvnveesessnneeansene. 241 Nancy Christina, .... ...covrveeneenen. 312 Nancy, Elisha...... slain usin eieisin Walateln » sins 206 Naney Elizabeth... ...... veal 244, 338 Nancy Ben.’ ve sso ov: inidndass von 273 Nancy Bveline..............v: ones ER Nancy Gertrude... oo oo vs ib sons 341 Nancy, Henry ...--. .... 170, 177, 244, 334 Nancy Jane. ........ 22. iow 172, 248, 298 Nancy, [65epl ses cianon sodas: suey 127 Nancy, Peter........:0....coanedi eins 273 Nancy, Peter Demaree. ...... suisse sinus 344 Nancy, WIHam so. vn. eine vosmas bss 266 Nannje Elizabeth... o.oo abv ih. 264 Nannie, Henry.....vv. 0... rar sink 303 Nagnie, John... sai ooo aaade a 282 Naomi Christina... co ocr or sinned ais 156 Naomi Christine... ...... tua i5 vals 46 Narcissus Ella ....0..... igs saiviehs novi 303 Nathaniel Moore ..... os nissan ovis 281 Nellie Blanche... ..vo.e vais meu ss vise 340 Nellie, Charles... ever cssasinnic: sions 187 NelieiE a0. cone vieriasn eid als sve 185 Nellic, George. oui o ren dosisbinnt oie, 153 Nellie, Henry, .. von onvvinssyssitmnsis soins 71 Nellie, John...... rises sa 84, 133 Nellie BR. DLs aininidi ion 319 Nellie, Samuel. ..i. ou. ovindnsnsing, se 333 Nelson BL... 0 iid liaisons 155 Nelson, WIert.........c. i. avenicii: ses 201 Neometia... +: vs. neive vin ansansisiatony 302 Nettie Arminda... cc. vas oui vdoneits as 335 Nettie, James... 000 05.0 3% vais 338 Nettie May ......coo0 50 onan; 5s 335 Nettle, Samuel... cc. on. ihe h vs 333 Newell Mav... ...... 0.0... ... 0nd 231 Nicholas, Seba... ve cuiv stall vat des 45 Noble Earl... «vias incess Se 250 Nora A. te etn nr hon leh nen 283 Nora, Samuel........i conv eissnnnvsen soy 333 NOtmMan. J... vd eveonnis es bavath des 206 Norman M.................co0e.050 05 343 1 Octavia B. ovo. wouter sn bd 268 Qctavin, WIllIam ci ies os bile 268 Octavius Newton.......«.ciroe- rare 253 Oden, Henry... ......cos. 500k aaa 279 Bay, Theodore. . viii yt wes annanss 284 Olive Henrletta vi... cheno oeniene. aks 145 Olive, Flenry. ..... ov. ovvve ov boateidels nists 208 Dliver visiting 299 Oliver C...... . co iiiidbns stor ysnn-d 314 @liver Richard... ......ouonlyois- a1 nas 309 Oliver Teall. . .........0... otis dde its 231 Oliver WHlSON. ss vvonecunnsis din bond 313 Index to Banta Surnames. 371 Omer Hoos lid issn 182 OBA sh sisihstin nisin s oa dinia binaries Hoy 182 Dea ANG. ocr anes insanely 297 Ora Bovnvirsniisnsnrtesoitvs ashes 316 Oren Ouvssyeusvoss ts aisy sme ps dil 269 Orlando Sanford. oo: coos note ithon 343 Orville Adolph. co. vec ovssaevruois: vate 297 Sear Mh ec sovtiiv inns Susanne van maine ns 186 Oscar Tevoe.. i ayes ares sr methine: 217 Oueor Tevnsrsvonsesnsaniitoss stradvms 234 Oscar, TOU, oh iia t sins ve vent amie sl 282 Oscar Washingion. s,s. sess srszssiess 131 Oscar Wilbur. ....0s.. votes oo sallive 329 hn, Henry ns sn yes sins oe rt vitae ouite 279 P. Parke Monroe... cc. cvozeevricec ons onivs 339 Paul Arneous....... 0 0. ig-uta ii oo 239 Paul John ive aines vatiis vis vesatiivaas 174 Paul 8... isis vies sainns iia va vnstt 339 Pawlus, Hendrick... .vecet onsen maionasy 66 Pearl May. viv: oiiistnesidonsantige 322 Pearl, William ........ .ciesssiesnion, 271 Beguy Rit oivinsetvicssssndtivedd, von 92 Perey Aoi sve sss iray uae tinh 131 Permelia, Henry... ...roca-rovusinsos.s 292 Permelia, Jacob... cose zssmasiyntiene.s 314 Permelia Victorin.. .. uv axesnes vissss 315 Permenas, John... ....... cos rieses ilies 177 Peter, AATON.. sco nsvites puninsiioe tide, 194 Peter, Abraham ...... 1s .50% 128, 163, 204 Peter, Adam... po. sues soeionnnioinvdde cay 205 Peter, AlDert «vv roan sicans. 98, 163, 272 Rater, Arle so. vo. i dlios, J o, denaiinas, 83 Peter C.ieiivavnn vin ene inne: post foi 168 Peter Cornelius ..... ive p ily oe eins amos 236 Peter.D),,.ia:nssssnssnr ors sassionnes 330 Beter, Danijel... ois nos iain: 96, 177, 183 Peter, David. vo... ven uite noes satio. 205 Peter De Groot... . n-ne cnatin 192, 329 Peter DIemaree.... vu vie .ssliusst tani, 344 Peter, DIBCR.. veo. ii ies vation 79 Peter Gisvins ines dunmnsusodia sie 169 Peter, Hendrick i. vive sain: cos daivininin, 148 Peter, Henrys. ssesrons 52, 85, 02, 157 162, 185, 244, 248 Peter, Jacob... ivi on eainioemnti, a 114 Peters Tam. icon vin niiadl Td dey 118 Peter Jefferson. nis. on svnni Ju saiacsns 245 Peter, Johanmes....... 0.5 heise ain, 45 Peter, John... .... 0.0. 143, 204, 250, 319 Peter Lodiviel,, ins vve 12s vuansisinss as 206 Peter, Peter . ..159, 180, *206, 243, 273, 282 372 Index to Banta Surnames. Peter:Nelson. .............c.27. 2x0... 154 Peter, Thomas. .: orc ncdcvidisiiveia 128 Peter Voorhis......................0.. 318 Peter W. .:....(. 0.0.00. 135, 171, 328 Peter Waggoner... .. eee divine Suis A 175 Better, Weart.. . vin daoeiyeidvas svat 2060 Peterius, Henry...................«... 92 Phebe Ann «cen ccii nica iaii a 330 Phebe, Henry. ................ a... 171 Phebe Ja... . 000 0.00 seasonal 235 Phebe, Jacob... ..cviieaieneic ole 99 Philip S:..:c:a..c00:..0. 0 Geen 151 Polly, Henry..:...:2:. vs. 2:7 ceunn. 156 Priscilla, Danijel. 0c. 0. 0e 20d. 177 Priscilla, Henry. ..........8........... 106 R. Rachel, Abraham............0..... 74, 157 Rachel, Albert...... 162, 164, 168, *180, 261 Rachel Ann-......... pe TST, 204,221,324 Rachel Ann Van Ryper............... 145 Rachel, Arie... ./ ce. fie. 005%, one 76 Rachel Benson. ...-............... 00s 146 Rachel,:Cornelius :. i. 2... c.05... 23, 71,94 Rachel, Danijel :..:.:........... 96, 99, 183 Rachel,-Dirck:......... J... cova. oi, 33 Rachel Blizabeth........:;-.........., 216 Rachel G.. x: a0. vison biibn bial, 287 Rachel, Gilbert... -sc.iv.vern. eles, 121 Rachel H..........oo. 0. Le. 261 Rachel, Hendrick..:.-::...0... 0. oon 105 Rachel, Henry. ..... 0... 88, ‘39, 157, 177 211, 213, 244, 248 Rachel, Jacob.............::::00, 274, 317 Rachel, Jan ..... Lo... aL... ey 68 Rachel Jane.......... ons... veh 130, 145 Rachel, Jolm.....:..:... SEE ak 103, 314 Rachel 0c i acini. 4, 190 Rachel Marijan......... ne 220 Rachel Matilda ...... sn RE ea 217 Rachel Mildred .-................. ...s 211 Rachel Parks. co. v.vviis JeeninnLh iv, 123 Rachel, Peter-c.c.v..... 08, 163, 168, 180 : : 192, 249, 254, 273 Rachel, Samuel................. 77, 02, 128 Rachel, Sebai. v0. c cen. aone eine v6, 232 Rachel, Thomas.......... 2. DR 130 Rachel, Wiert............ snail 37: 70 Raettmd cis. oi. ior0 0. Yoee lial 205 Ralph Brinckerhoff. .....coooovvnennn.. 213 Randall-......... CERRO Le 127 Ransom Leonard...... i... ... ++... 319 Rasselas Adelbert. ,...... deh ien0 Raymond Robert. ..................... 343 Raymond Vanderbeek ........-... ...., 213 Rebeecea Ann. ..... vv.ovaen Luv, o 226 Reberea Biv. .sinn. oondne sinihiysinlosl 104 Rebecea, Dirck .. io.v. ovivivn. coos seen 0) Rebecca Francesi............. .....0.. 297 Rebecca, Jacob... .. .....ivo vo ouinnle LL 114 Rebecea, Peter... i... ov vce wir oie Slat wate 170 Rebecca Susan... c..ovr idhivn. shnniva .270 Reed, Henry ...... cco ouvb ie oii, oo 281 Rena Myrile..........00vanhho neh a 263 Rhoda -M.......v.coivevc,iveo.vonte 211 Rhoda Maria ....... ove. os A ih 227 Rhoda, Merrit... .......... 5... ... 299 Rhoda, William... ove soli, 271 Richard, Abraham ........... 0... 0. 145 Richard, ANArew. ce oc vec vninisisiain,ian 244 Richard, Hendrick............... a... 87 Richard Hovell ........ oq .000 un. 206 Richard, John. -.............. 79, 81, 145 Richard, Jordan. -..0oo ves vai doetiie soe 305 Richard Leroy......sovvvievenshvite. oni 341 Richard, William. .... vveiss wine niathise aes 283 Robert, 130 Robert Alexander..................... 182 Robert Anderson. ....v.vv sxe RT 174 Robert Benjamin... ccov.v.tue. on. 341 Robert Clyde ...vuvv vv nvaoa none 303 Robert, Frederick. ........-vhbiee. noi 204 RODErt vr vivvisivieivinsinivaisuialaisnaie s ints 281 Robert, Henry... .. crv vvaicivivisivaicinninns 316 RODert Jus eve ciiniay totais ctnivisisiin sinisisls «ints 240 Robert Lee iv se seins vine viuinstriniyinhly sais 267 Robert Le Roy «........... nahh seni 205% ROBEEE ML, isis 41sainis sie win wi wiviv vo viakatabaiaiai she 250 Robert Paul ...... i... miei eels 281 Robert Raymond. .......... raisto mately 343 Robert Royal..........ccovvvv.uanuen, 202 Robert Wilson.....oonnnennnn ii 321 Rollin Adelbert....... oc... choc ou 226 Rollin Ladue ...... era .331 Ronald FE. cic. cicionsivnisinnnivinie iatamsineisivioty 220 Rosa May... 183 Rosamond Bo. -«.. coves Jinisie sia init 151 Rosanna, Jacob. ce. vaisioiv inisisiseiaivivinie sos 208 Boge Bivvy. ovvninioiis ininis nileisteiildith v ojos 205 Rosetta, John..... ........c0cnnn 237 Rossie, Henry «cs. 0. ic ecvocnnnisionny 303 Roxey Ellen.......coovvviniiininnnnn. 313 ROY Diaiv nnvsinivssssnismossyo sais mvmaisiis 287 ROZEIA ia +.» civ vivin sinin 2viein ois sin niutateichinte vio 186 Ruaga, Lawrence ...........ooovenen.. 324 Ruble, Henry. .ovvvovv: sernssvesisv,..310 Index to Banta Surnames. 373 Ruby Feri ....e-vir. ivivninansisisscnie.. 288 Bufus- McDonald... vce o suelo 289 Russell Vincent. i. woe cdl 104 Ruth, Albert... co viesccniine doin siinennt, 162 Ruth, David icc viene iis sind nila 261 S. SadieM il nor sh db nas des seals 303 Salle A. iii oni fon se, Ld 283 Sallie; Frederic . ccc ds dnd olen 281 Sallie Helen... icc fieicsiviciomivis cintibie: 151 Salieri. ii ier nein ab en BR ae 245 Sally, Davida. o.oo ve ve si ieissislc 97, 179 Sally, Henry. .cc..vonne vince ai- otk 157 Sally, JOON viele cv vote ninvivn o siwivat s1aiutainiend 100 Sally Zabriskie. ....w sso rveinentnnilL satel 74 Salome, John... cenit ntl. olin 145 Samuel A vices iciciininisinSsiabiallolsisisioliuts 129 Samuel, Abrahams. sis dnieipia: 130, 138 Samuel; AYA... daisies siti 42, 128 Samuel: ANNINGION. «coer cots esis sis wisiuisis 170 Samuel, Dingle... ohh aos vve hich sill 138 Samuel, THsha. oo. veieiidis coin dali ini 2096 Samuel Gerrit... al se 221 Samuel, Henry......\.. 52, 63; 90, 165, 333 SEC] Diicinsi iibavmsmisin sii: sith 308 Samuel Jefferson........... ca... ....., 293 Samuel, John ...... .......5, 132, 226, 349 Samuel I.......cvi.ioonionsinnhion sabi. 152 Samuel Nicholas... icine cen idendes .249 Samuel PaHon. . ous so snms venmnuinh 166 Samuel, Peter ....... iv veaissn0000 250, 283 Samuel BR. «i. coin is vsismisaieioiahiv hh 261 Samuel S..... ivininietuin shel lpi sre teiapatuininthly 343 Samuel, Sammel.. cvs vin avia 137, 220 Samuel, Seba... :....... kt Te 77, 226 Samuel, Thomash... cans virs inertia on #129 Samuel, Weart, vena viiivaisais de 208 Sara Jane... tie doiienn iis ih 222 Sarah, see also Sallie... ...i a. dali aiean hin bs Sarali. A.c deren ehh. 295 Sarah, Albert .......- 164, 180, 248, 261, 274 Sarah Alice... ve vesninivmsiviis abil 320 Sarah’ Amn.......... 144, 162, 233, 243, 274 306, 309, *328, 338 Saran iia ER 75, 181 Sarah, Barney... «isis nivirvisic diate 201 Sarah Bell... ...covi cena. uh 250 SHANG li hls sera ree 2 SA 219 SarahiCasander........ coinimnicvnin de. 291 Sarah. Cornelin. ..o.iinsiniiiecnmpin iiss 219 Sarah, Cornelius ............. ch un 23 Sarah, Daniel. -..............o00 183, 322 Sargh, David... ........... 67, 185, 200, 261 Sarah, DOWEL: «cris sivirsserisrats isiutais ibieis 332 Sarah Elizabeth...... 182, 210, 234, 312, 329 Sarah Fen: i... leis crtonsismaiaieivsnia isialeinielsie 167 Sarah Emeline . c..cvrivis iss sianianitialaia isi oiets 306 Saraly TE. c cies visiaisisnsisisiial sfnloin s olvioin vie 337 Sarah Fanny... .cevs caine s seieanvhinieiis 166 Sarah Frances. i.e viesissssine races 247, 287 Sarah Froeligh. .. cous» sssisnissisisineiansis 329 Sarah Georgiana.....evsseeersesioeeses 238 Sorah, Gerrit. ....ivsuisivis sieinisiomin itsisiely 155 Sarah, Henry... .....+:-.:. 63, 98, 241, 321 Sarah, TSaaC.. eis div smivaanisbiainien on 204 Sarah fi. wii. nbn. se Bie wiih 321 Sarah, Jacob ........0 0 euti 46, 297, 334 Sarah Jane... ....c:e0enr onan 126, 152, 295 Sarah, John....... 80, 81, 147, 226, 275, 333 Sonal. Mishnsrees Bo atom oiisnilis os nsiatd 230, 296 Sarah Margaret . ...ivviveionmmisens siise «ois 333 Sarah Maria...... ...00. tin irenieirs o9 sluld 152 Saraly Olive... . oss «vive eisisisivish 2g niniaie 301 Sarah, Peteri.... act teans dthsiionii. 184 Sarah Rebecca... ... conv onoontile van 173 Sarah, Samuel .. .... cos dune ss sions, 209 Sarah Tophaml.........ceruieesrbitinien 203 Saraly, Wierh oi» sessn ove titind aon 70, 208 Sarah, William M........... wi nlisataia iat 339 Seaton Alfred... .. nein cnensniclioh oe 253 Seba, Arle... nisin enna nihil hhaliis, 43 Seba, Dirck cance sev: niv snr sniitiales 44, 139 Seba, Epke.............. 00h. eoeie, 14 Seba, Hendrick... -. oct auise. tii 45 Seba, Johannes... .......o0i a siannisisies 44 Seba, John. iowa, dessins ioininsis ss 140, 155 Seba, William: is iver aiviessanaissiv: tleet 312 Sietsie, Henry ...... cvvescnascinscisviiste 106 Silva Anpa......... siecle Sih 4 Ye vate 32 Svan R.....cnisiu eisiviviiiveimm sinie vi oleinisie 316 Simon, ATIC oh. suisse mse cmtiniseah Juidiy 76 Simon, Seba... ce vrveanviahisid lid, 76 Simpson Hendricks......... sn, ihe, 171 Sitske, IDIFCK. «cc cieie vn ann vb seisaatls wile 33 Sitske, Hendrick... .. ... iui aids 31 Sitske, Sebi iieive vin sivivusie ai Bey 27 Smith, ADTAhAM. «ices sis ivivesiniehiv an ovals 303 Solomon, Abraham. ....... «ec. 276 Solomon Frederick. ..... Je wii Vili 277 Solomon Froeligh.............. 00, 328 sal iliahints aniniinsists idols sales 332 Sophia, AIDE... + si sivivisislslsnivisiemioniainiy 162 Sophia Amelia............. co. wel 335 Sophin ANN. vvseieivinvvsinissalsnio ais gloss 138 Sophin, Gerrit «.bivvsisr oie stills Yield 221 374 Index to Banta Surnames. SophidiJonds......... clon ha 287 Sophia, Samuelie. i. ovis vives oui. 220 Spencer J.u:.0t.. ho... Lh St is 330 Stanley A. wicca ios sent hs 149 Stephen Chesten..... i... «caiman 151 Stephen Cromwell... cc. couiviharivid 151 Stephen Goetehins,.. o.oo vez ss vii 192 Stepllen Si... hoch cin in die dle 214 Styntie, Samuel... ... oui. aabinniog, 91 Sudle, Amalie... voeivvisrsmmiiinlibaa 289 Sasan A.c..veininn. I 216 Susan; ABFA. «aco er nes tintin Jain 270 Susan, Andrew... co. Jv saness adi Ja 244 SUSAN ANN ve Crave veined 113, 199 Susan; Danilel...oviv cnet paiva suitititio ewe 307 Susan Dell...... al vierirei chaos wt AVR AE 337 Susan Bobert wo. ino ls ini 133 Susan Ellen........ ven, Sd A 264 Susan. Jane cee. Jian BR RE RL 0s 310 Susan M oo oon veninh cL A AG 235 Susan: Melissa. cove. vinevecninininiiahbhisis 202 SusaniRebecca. «cain uma on 204 Susan, Willlam... . ces conv mnnniilngs 312 Susanna, Corneling.c.... oc izihinie tie 68 Susannah coolant. 300 Susannah, JohR cee. coo. sins pemmb bith 275 Susie Lueln. oo. venison. bid ails 228 Susie May i. v.onc.ii. vis onnbiniiioih 320 Sylvester, Jordan... ....i vival. Justia os 305 Syntiej Henry..........c. 0 canis oe 106 T, Talitha, Henry: ....... 162 Talitha d ......o.... ania ataida 267 Tany, George... ...»«»sssonsimaiiha. 0 313 Bessa, Ira.e cc... vmineeosintitn, unl 299 Teunis, Henry... ccc.cviovmcviniisosiath 147 Thaddeus S. vers ctvncisninnoasicessiish 204 Theodore Alonzo... ..... «vos. 203 Theodore, Davids... .sniia corms in 284 Theodore James... ... oo htonmi ui 277 Theodore, John, .... +... av. ohnihi ies 333 Theodore Melvin. «........cistsli 0 *218 Theodore Pac... censicnoivivebmneitcn uy 281 Theodore Stewart ......... tise, 00 203 Theodosia A..c.-c..vvoairnanhnh J ivans 220 Theodosia Aurelia..........: Sibi pe vet 132 Theodosia, Willlam....... css canoe vee. 134 Theresa Veneto... i cidiivnicchindie tii 140 Theron\ Sense mel Can 291 Thomas, Abraham........... ii. 128, 130 Thomas, ADTAM ous oieeinsis ive es @nthia tin 128 Thomas Ambrose Casey............. 4: 331 Thomas Ch. cenivnasiomsssiven sm iiubat 177 Thomas D. . cnc nil neve shiv iinnnh 73 Thomas. Franklin... .e.« iv. cennii loi 151 Thomas Garret. . ... ons steivnin server 325 Thomas Gore . .o. «ivi covivivionivauiiinfis svat 286 Thamas BH... lee iio eta, 264 Thomas J........ Jat. ........0.. 185, 303 Thomas, Jacob... iiss cinisinisieiri 62, 130, 166 Thomas 1. Harmer... ........0.-. 5.58 322 Thomas McClanhan .........:5505.0. .180 Thoms S..cic cc chmenniniant file ut 304 Thomas SIMPSON. is cesivisssiaeveir onniee 3h 342 Thomas Stephens.... .........85...0 337 Thomas, Thomas... .....» 129, 130, 190, I9I Thomas 291, 299 THOMAS, WICH... iaisis sis vic minis diioniita tines 101 Thomas WIlson. ...c..coetomeniion ath 291 Thurman, Henrys... ovens veeisinni- 33 303 Tilda Margaret... oo... banana oi. 08 132 Tillie, Thomas. ...... .....shkie 000 130 Wryntie, JohN.... cv... bittong.. 76, 189 Trynile, Wiert...o....c..0 need... 65, 112 Tynie, Joh... .....v0v. vo afatni bh. ait 325 U. Ulysses Samuel .......c.. 00.0000. 200 204 V. Valentine, Jacob... ..............0 L006 274 Veda, JON. cvvericrivnsse vo thniisaids ith 322 Vera Bo iceiine dase SHR LEO 287 Verdi dene. sss vane sn cov Bain: ite 154 Victor Luther.........-.. wieisieleiniviart wl tite 335 VANCENt. as ceva vine asinmanitatith 127 VINNIE Ls sas cons ae nar oun ait) 247 Viola; Henny. ........ ...... 50008-0500 303 Viola, John......... creat. dwt 339 Viola Matilda ............. 0.00000. eu 145 Violette, Henry...... ..........c080. 171 Virgil Ambrose.......:ss:2.0u..000.0. 253 Virginia Hampton.............. se cimetl 291 Virginia, John.:...i0... .... 000. 178, 307 Vivian, John... .csvroenssesane.eatist. bt 316 Vroutiey Seba. Ghats ie eave itll 44 W. Walter AugustuS...icees hmeninaiien wat 238 Walter, Edward... .:. coves sanisbiniaint 211 VALE Eis coe tains rien mina e 518 274 Walter Garrett... cece rns taliantioh 289 Wilter Tl... vi visa Bint nis 186 Walter, Henty......eov.. ak omnis uit 279 Walter Scott... cc covsneo.shiitnihionts 217 Index to Banta Surnames. : 375 Waltey Wiles: iiovtia..othanioi.iivie 202 Walton; 15a8C: ++i eversivreiasinaniihin, 300 Warren Hl: ii: icvve cain daigi, Jin, 279 Washington A ......oceveveeteinheena. 170 Weart; see Wier. «. ....vevsnviahlh davis as Weldon Wade. ........v. abate saiieasy Wesley, Gilbert.........ccc00n vvnnnn. 132 Wesley H.........oct ceveitacurinnny 194 Wesley, John.....cceevreceenniensss 287 Wesley, Joseph...........c.ovivnnsn. 127 Wesley, Robert M.........c.ouivnntn. 250 Wiarton Bo. cies enicaiiasinaad Lenn iB2 Whitfield... coi iiinsaaaiin sunt 127 Wiert, Bamney.....cccuaa tanec in. 201 Wiert Cleveland... .......co0veanrennen 209 Wiert, Cornelius «.. cc. cvouineee.n abe, 68 Wiert, David. cc: inven Sonnininoi, 102 Wiert, Epke........ cot. cnervinnen. 16 Wiert, Hendrick ............. Re 122 Wiert, Henry... .........ccuieecanen. 64 Wier, Jacob .. oar nn convene te 64, 196 Wiert, John........... conic 111, 193, 208 Wiert, Peter... v..ihvonosioeie nasi 206, 328 Wiert, Samuel ....... n-ne ceca de, 209 Wiert, Wiert............... 34, 62, %63, 209 Wilhelmine. ...... a 213 Willard C ..ioceesseneiinn vss snicicieninsines 333 Willempiie vv. nveeenceiarennsvane 25 William, Abraham............ 207,210, 270 William, Abraham Newton............. 342 William Albert. «cc oriscncsvnvsivuvnia 274 William Alpheus 225 William, Andrew... .... ..c.ovuviain, 244 William Arta... ...vac-ooisviensenseaatin. 296 William Arthur. ......000ecoenncidane 202 Williamn Atley. nels ois cnninssisisisi 2ainsvivivs 204 William Agustus... ..«.csis-o.iicnnt 217 William B..«..c.ccvinohcnnvissiannanis 204 William, Barney ..... >. cervenceca.e. 201 William, Beaufort... see cevsvenns oo. 263 William Benton.......c......c vo. 245 William C.................. eo 219, 287 William 253 William Canldwell.................v.0.0 206 William Clarence...» ..cesviatonaent,n 289 William Crane. «.v-aeeteen io hii 134 William Cyrus........... .....0.0h. *204 William, David. ......0c.c.a cules one, 261 William Demaree’..........vs.cneunsien 253 William E...... cocina vn os oe 185 William Edgar........... -e.-er.. un 150 William Edward... ..................L 272 William Edwin... ...c.0:.curnnien. 134, 139 William Bis... vevees sara tit edtinns 313 William Ephraim ......ccooicvvuinnnnn. 264 William Ernest «..oovveveninnnnn, 335 William Erwin... vevdsscdatntie suvidas 281 William FB. ii. «cee shivanln dale bain obibis 204 William Francis. .c..c vee iininiin, vest 318 William Franklin...... ARR, 247, *338 William Garrett... .co.oveeveeiaansnnin 170 William George... «...oceveereeaneenes 227 William H...... 267, 283, 299, 316, 320, 333 William Hail ..... vahahcebbsichtis, 321 William Harold... .......s..000. 00. ed, 264 William, Henry.............. am un 265 William Henry, Albert ................ 270 William Henry, Cornelius .. ......... 235 William Henry, Harvey .. ............ 286 William Henry, Henry............ 267, 291 William Henry, Isaac ........coovennnn. 154 William Henry, Jacob ................. 131 William Henry, James................. 321 William Henry, John............. e .. .216 William Henry, Lambert .............. 167 Williarn Henry, William. .............. 247 William, IS38C vues evs evis ris enicceisnins, 311 William Ivan. ......ccvis sais vase veins 337 William J..eenvssesreoneiceaiians 263, 319 William, Jacob.........cccunn.. 123, 188 William, James .c....o0ccuoeccsnrenss: 307 William Jesse ...ces cevesrvvecnnaans %*193 William, John.....veveieeacvenen 238, 240 William, John Calvin.................. 343 WiHlam Lois iin ee vonialals ois ole sialeivie 314 William Lane. . ....cevesevrivnsiodeviesn, 318 William, Lawrence......... cc. .c0nie, 324 William Leonard.............. sc. ees 291 William M.......0nnnaictesainrinaebiaiv 338 William Milo -.v.h odes voce cess 341 William Milton ................ ca... 312 William Orville ............cce0eeen et 297 William, Panlus..................ceea 117 William, Peter...... cc. viuinoe. 181, 270 William Rice «veces inisisisicansinniceh 305 William Riley... .....00veve.svonnie., 320 William Robertson......vesssasa-sanns 288 William, Samuel ..... ..eoe.cvaicns cue 166 William Sayre .......see:ceeessecnsss *218 William Sherman ....ccceunianiaiin,n, 267 William, Sickles . ccieenvsivevaissaiteeic nine 239 William Stanley... caves nice a niet, 134 William Stewart ...... coors. ofan sinle 331 William Thomas ......ceeerreeneennnn. 337 William Vie eves vais cieninisninig dis saints 186 William Van Osdall .......o.vviinnnnn. 341 376 Index fo Banta Surnames. William Verne... .io...o co ddbii nda 254 William Wo... ... 0 cana 279 William Washington.......... 170, 239, 337 William, Weart ........c.chiiniiad ives 206 William, William... iconic on vais vaiens ¥202 Willlam Williams. ......... cen h dead 217 Willmeth, William... ......c os Sai 267 Wilmoth, Henry .........uobisens devils 266 Wilmuth Evaline.......... 000 on nie, 264 Wilmuath, Henny. ooiiues. ool. ivan 268 Willson Picking. ioeiouioist iniimninle shh drneld 312 Wilson Thompson. :....»ss- saber ees 182 Winfield Scott... .. i.e aidiiig. Jal 288 Winfield Winniford ........... 00... 310 Winnie A. oi eel ne bos en pninaieis 3 seen 264 Winnle Ellen... cr. oicisnine co sbsisinnte 264 Wyntie, Jacob .... oc: neoviiisinssiicns 126 Wyntje, Hendrick .......cccceevnse.ns 61 Wynije, sree eeisisinevoioinne 112 Zz. Zachariah TT cob svnevn coe si eh isidistels are hs 264 Zilphba Jane... osx 2 sssrissensiivncen .336 Clos Tens coi i sv nn snicin sininin soi sreinisies 188 IER; DOLBY hu sonic sis mao in iraniat 249 INDEX TO SURNAMES OTHER THAN BANTA. Abshire, Fliram. . .... «cite os deicitc imal 275 Achey fimily.... ccc nn viv ce siviv eins 181 Ackenbach, Thomas. ....c.eissass tennis. 122 Acker, Catharine..........vs..ocuotieh, 73 Elizabeth BIauvelt. «.c.uvainssion soon 42 Manisa. nih ndaih dodo 128, Ce seat Ese 114 Ackerman family, 106, 121, 124, 125, 190, 237 Ann Johannes..........c... onus. 63 ANNA Maria... ...c.couriossvivec duet tx Catharine... ives ves ci niiond 47, 100 Charlotte... vais ov sivisieldsmenisivs 324 Davids. z teiee nice ionic mmtimtive mattis 24 David. t,o eaves c eet cnn chit Ae Elizabeth. sve ree codes oie ich 29 Jamel. oho. co. ce aR 37 Jannetie.. ... acai dn 37 Johanwes... c.count soicniuisenet 63 John A cee vncoiie Jb dice nn steictel 128 Johnwll ..........c.0evv ould, 64 enn. ce eh a Ta 64 Margaret............ .....cci0 un 24 Mary... coseoois nine nens 27, 163, 214 Morse ...............c0nne0evaisn 196 Saraly dia theas e e 107 Williamse ..............c........0. 213 Ackley, AUGUSIUS ........ - cov nev ininiss 221 Minnles coo. hice dite ds vr Vadis 109 Adams, Arwood....................... 163 Clelloni. o.oo. ci ie iin nti, 163 Eliza Raymond.........csoscsev itn, 236 Elizabeth... ov. vhireencnninisis soisizlots 168 Ella Horton»... ..v-»vvisscitiessi ans 235 George Boho. on encoun 235 Imogene.............. J... 0 234 Willlama or. .ivinn th cable, 299, 329 Addington, Nason...............0..... 278 Adriance, GOZEL ..v: i -iv: vivabisinindnciien 25 Aikman, James oo... ht. el 241 Alberts, Hezekiah. ....civ vas foadid 214 Alcom family ..........0. cone duos. 258 Alcorn filly. .......o 00... bn 309 Alexander family... viv. sn nna 309 Alexander, Elizabeth Anan.............. 345 Sally Aussies iis ali dents 0 243 Alexandria, Ruth... ..... cove. ould, 162 Alfrey family... .. ..sissivvisve voit oceaie 305 Allen, Armilda... ...... .. . ous diene sic obi 180 David sis i ocuiinils sare nibicioioin isles siaihiatels 89 Fljah. tas vensan eed tea 89 Hannahe..coecn re oaonivh sisionn sivas, 274 LCONOTR cc oi sins ins lonitinin dino vie nin sais 72 Robert Hi... caie ne nicionishivatintes 119 SYlvift..viv ein icnsiieivs oicuiniint ic coins 208 Allington, JOM ... css vionissinzis os nainies “65 Allison family. ....c.ccvvnan iho ole 270 Algdorf, James... .ccevseove. canons, 149 Alyen family.a. ve. sesu ois vennisiiites on 75 Alyea, Elizabeth ...........-...00 hte 41 Jone... .o.oueivn nine es 145 Amerman family ..... ...uh... cohisiiees 233 Ames family... oes cio. Le, 138 Catherine. ...... oes don sin avn 130 Teal vais sins sin bins in sas tat eS cog fot 196 Anderson family ............ LLL. 137 ARdrew «o.oo se aitialies 99 Dora Lane .... 0. ceies icine. 229 Elizabeth. .... .cvr..oi. aio. 343 Bla... i aha 00 Sano i ot 326 John H..... 0... c.onesnsv uo oheiion 229 Mary ...c.vninvi conn iivbish ise 281 Mary B...........00- sere vv010 i226 Sallie os. iron sinininis in niv vow pias sin iwinies 258 Sar cecil a Tee 79 William. oe vcineinid ivan seis 182, 299 Angevine family........ ecru en anes 144 Angle, Sarah ...0 econo inn basin 332 Anshutz, David P. .............. oes 161 Elwood... ieee svetinalion.y v: 161 Archer, Samuel ........ 0. hie Jeans 138 Armitage, Lizzie .......... coir. ieee 233 ATMSITONG eves viv ivnrsrnrive ros nsession, 166 ANN. ass ven isles slaisiainte tn sisiaiels 127 (GEOTGR. +. se visvssnrioiroinieniss susieinins 105 MANNAC, +o soins sinis vin 6 Sisiuieisl sasiainietiotais 215 Arnold, AmDrose...... coon: esissstls os 244 378 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Arnold, Henry......................... 243 Saal Ann. LL... Lao 319 Arte, Noah. .... 0... von oan ol 223 Williamhiie.os. 8. .0500 its saints 223 Asher, Mary:..¢...c..000 000.0 96 Ashton, Sarah A ...................... 326 Aten, Jom R............... -........ 270 Akins, ML. F..........00000. 000. 273 Atkinson, Lucy .. ..h....0h arn 246 Atiy, Erank................0 00.00. 224 Auchbeabuy, Killop S. B............... 75 AiG LAr raya an ea, 141 Ausburn, Davide... coding 89 Auter, Abram Voerhees.......i. 1.5... 276 Avant, Mary... .. cco nid. cin iat 308 Axtell family... =o. 0. coves riiin ss 288 Ayddleti.c.. ov soca sv 180 Avdelett family... o.. Jodo AWEL LEY, 318 Ayer, Sarah Moody. ..............h 0000, 331 B. Babcock, Catharine: «2:6 viii ian 42, 74 BavleyseAliern coo, oie, vis len 297 William ..o. con 2 da 208 Bain, Maude. .................L000 0 316 Baird, Martha CG... 00 aad on 186 Balter family: .;aiasnsinc in. ine 181, 253 Adelina... rand an reine 304 Prank. ou canoe iaialeran idiom 27% JohnEVE ns san Som nn wo uamidninttes, 206 Baldwin, Bellen... oun sandman, 142 Colvinir. ian cere Jia siting 22 Rhoda... oeaa dui nin kn, 21 Byler nnn. onhnnn.n nth, 93 Ball, William H...... nbn vedas, 340 Ballard, Fliza A... cnn innit oh, 293 Balzer fmily.nni. vos. vnc ine, 209 Bamper, Margaret «+... ..5%000 0 von, 73 Bandt or Bante vs issnvianmnaniai oon 2,3 Banker, Lottiev... vivant iat, 242 Bannister, Alice. .. x nnnvnnnn bani 244 Bahe family zecrss corsa. isranasiin. in, 78 Barbayy Agnes. cxsnen vin tidie 050 238 Charles B ... conniniinaidedbinellh 238 BAO: 5 a hnh ants wansis Joni, aii 274 Bakker; Eliza ccna. sonnne isis. 179 Barkley family. vi coer sna sn tania sin 338 Barnes; Charles ...... wheeler Fatih SRR A 321 FrAREEs «ves vs yuan viv vn ania nies 180 Barnett; Alonzos:vstin.iansvisiiiovi. 257 Louis Bue tiarisntiiniahshak hil 298 Barnum, Edmund... «1 saa sana alii, 109 Batr, Fanny »nsin. vu anitaining Ji 115 Barr, John.........ccn... 00 114, 116 Barron, Anne... .........00h 00... 158 Jane.......... LL L..L LLL 177 Bartholf, see Bertholfs. .o.sne ra .in.ih, Barrell: 0... 0 se 331 Jom A.........n.. Lh nn 122 Lydia. ..oi.0. nih ose e 194, 199 Margaret vu... -o0o ooo sees even. 122 Bartlett, Jane Ann......... ........... 150 Barton, William E..................... 231 Bartow, William J.............00eeeen. 201 Basford family ....... oo... td 314 Bassett, Cora Anna. nevi ates, a22s vs ois satin, 155 Bastian, Annie... tri dati, 171 Bateman; Rosina................. 0c. oe 229 Bates; Rhoda... (o...uLnaasinia,, 321 Baxeb hanes ttt aing.cuiasni navn 178 Florence... novels iit Shanon, 291 Bayard, Mary Ellen ...............c0.0. 238 Beach family... ........ 00.0. we 304, 305 Anna Maria. ....... a 211 Marianne: i... - «vaivsnana lees chic avs, 205 Beal, Davig.n... ces siivniri oni Set. 233 Beam family... aa ten aL 103 Bean, Mary......................c. oo 322 Beard family............ coe ie Le, 289 Becker, Daniel Collins. .............c.. 153 Beckley, Cynthia Ann.................. 170 John Wesley. ...covvnuinivnnnennn. 170 Bedell family :2cuuniiii oii... 113; 133 Beers, Joan. ..ov.aeeeeiiierriiianiinn, 214 Beeson; Lilt: i coiaaiids 00000, 298 Begon, Johanna.........ooouviinnnn. 37 Bell family. ........... cooled, 230 Annie. ..... nnnsan tn Ts ee, 158 Carrie 1. Se eae Ra Tannin sah 215 Harriet Amelia... ....L.. Len. taaide, 217 Persis. oi. os nih sian ada to frais 140 Bemis family... 222; 323, 224 Benedict, Sarah... ..a..0 00 tat eve, 113 Benner, Laura §.5.. 0... aan atin, 226 Bennet; Ga Hl. 25 susunsnsa binning fang, 118 Bennett; C.-H «on onvin.anasaie. inna, 340 Ho Ann sh aan iieimiong niin ea a, 285 Mary Ai.iaiiiianiaiiiaiaaia.,... 173 Benney, Margaretta ...........civennin 206 Benson; Elizabeth... us. 000000 00000 78 mnunnnni. ith anes 147 John Jrezsnani-nin.uit iia ven 192 Mary Flo. caunstansninit ine ooh 281 Rachel ho isan inn anti #8 Gena Berdan family .......... 49, 68, 77, 192, 195 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 379 Berdan, Geesie .....c voc oiinii nai. 37 Blackman family .«:...a0. nana, 133 John RB. ivevasic vii vid Nit ah sng ii8e Blair, Mary Eveline. ............ 5.5. 255 Rachel .cosivis vines v vosanae ohn 193 Blake family... esis dais dale als, 238 Bergen family. ...... 255, 257, 258, 259, 346 John BR... .vvecveemaniaaiiiioi aight, 75 Christopher. ..sssces bins tii 59, 91 Blakemore, Louis Bonte......... .. 50. 237 Bliza Joost ivip aio danne isn. 201 Lontsalliio. «iain ii d5he 237 George... vs ne srkh ativan. 48, 53 Blanch; Isaacs Jr... » os sain bust bliss 40 Laura Belle... Jes dail ods 253 Marta. cov iiapmeinives vents dhbmaias. 41 Robert. v.iviv vv unm aa LH 291 Blanchard family.....vvuae oven. Ls 224 Sarah. .uee sce nL AL RS 256 Imogene A.........0.... lL. 236 Betlow; George .. iv. os winiantitionn, Jus 29 Blauvelt family... ...svuevena.. 74, 147, 212 Johnie. ine voddons west tn 29 Abraham. coeds by vhivtiian, 128 Magdalena. ....vuviceo, ttt didn 30 AlOnEB.. ivr anitiivnsn treat, 137 POO. ovis iv vie end A LR 29 ATTIC anions sini nlsiniini nivinisiaisib ion, : 32 Berry family. cc ov canens vans vinniang 76, 106 Catharine... « viisisia sniniars sib ibRTstrin 41 Elizabeth... duninaannnak, 123 Cornelis... vivsis sant ttitiohls Salen ls 147 Jane Annie. rennnadinasi inti. 239 BHzabethis vo vivnv 5sfere waisiate sini 82 Lattin, « von vavivn vss ARERS WCHL, 125 Hendrick. .........ooouenininnns 82 John Wi. ...i.wniv. vivian s Bian sia 183 Jacebi Tu. cavemen itl slidiinis, 137 Paul o.oo vniei vo vinden poh 144 Johnie sivas sosvie mesial bit, 212 Ralphaicvoiican vn pndlmlni om 144 John C..vvvaninnnninnnr os avsen, 331 Samuel P... wii BERGE Sn 224 Leah C.....ccvnnvvinnnvninenivnns 213 William. Heney.......oul ainthnh Js agi 144 Margaret Ann... cvs osivenbiniinnii, 121 Bertholf, see Bartholf............ 0. cian Matilda. ih civ aden va thiti nas, 82 Guillaume ...ous conn midilnbina sl x Sarah Ann........- Ciialemianren de bos 324 Hendrick. iiarsicnn isin ah. Si 3 Blind, Catharine P... ..... vo nuside Jhie, 236 Martynile il u.....oou dnd Lop 39 Bliss voioioisiviniisivinividioiny ohitioteine III Martyntie........ CAL te ®% Horace L.....ccor i imeenise sais 233 I LR SE 0 274 John Horace...............ooounn. 111 BATON oobi isos on waite babi ie AEE 45 Blood, Mary J «ove cian visisnn. Jaleidiii. 230 rT Re Sr nl 195 Minnie Fo. .... aiviieiisins oh iwinitieimitiniezere 153 Charles... i. ives vw wale, 195 Blossom family. ........ Gaeini weathitues 274 William. cd sisenni tena iin nnitinte 195 Blue, Susan. ci -iiiveni ei ninsidh wl inrisiv. 273 Beverton, Lily. con iii diggin, 340 Blunle, Agnes... cess nmivoinnmie vvsetishite 160 Bevier, Jacomyntie. ..... ua ivi site. 29 Blyton family... ...e. 0 senate cit ob 277 Jostaheal si nmenionisnimnnan tio ition . 29 Board, Lenn «uc «ic iisisisieisiniei meiaioisiliaiaieiniiy 44 Rachel.a.c. cin sdo. i. cb b a ni, 20, 30 Boardman, William.................... 157 Bicker, Gerrit spost recut bins iahh nani ®% Bobinnyn, Priscilla. ..........0 oti. 230 Bidleman, Edith L ...... Tura. 229 Bockus, Sarah ADD... oo. ers vsikis vies 86 Eugene B /.c.-ec..a.viiiiniht on 229 Bodent, John «ean vasnioanih lo sinen ales 29 Billings, Susan Ji. .oiovie, contin 334 Bogard, Arthur...........5000 sein ot 337 Bingham, Sarah W.......... 40h. 08 287 William. .o vo ves crinennsn tint sg 337 Bird, Carlos J.ccocncinoe cones cistnng: 341 Bogart, see Bogert .............iiii.L, Elizabeth Janeis..,.. i its. 0s55. 311 Bogert family...... 47, 45, 72, 76, 77; 36, 87 Bikey, William J. A ....v 0a ianii.. 22 102, 105, 135; 136, 138 Bishop family..... .........cauts000 232 192, 193, 325, 326 Eliza Barcom......tinsms0.000 0, 254 AIDert Dac cisiransrevssaerainthing2y John Soast............ 50.0000, 232 Albert Gilliam............s 5: 194; 349 Shen IH ....0cc. nants aaann., 283 Albert J. vovrvsrsnnamsssnais titi, 349 Biznett, Erank ............. osu visa, 220 Angenjetje....... 330s 0000. nti. 39 Black family.....cnavn.nn. aiid. 265 Belinda vie cintn snininiinoininta iti 220 David... ..eun.voich, ctthinnents; 165 Catherine... ois ssn in. cans 32% Blackledge, Sarah....v.... 00. 00000, 77 Cornelia. «sores or tiaubitnes 189 380 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Bogert, Cornelius. .........cooennn 44, 52 ‘Bourassa, Jennie.....c..oiieiiiinnnnn. 277 David]... ..ccnnee aaleacaanadeioasn, 137 Bouton, Mary ........ecve creesnnenns 113 De Clarke... ol hei itinies sli wishin ines 327 BOWKEL ic 2 iniei0ins rimmecs eins nie vivinis baie le aie « 341 BRC LL oh sein nis sine ties 200 Bowman family ...vvniniiiiiiiannn, 306 Elizabeth, . cs cvineie soi vais rs fini aboioie 12 Daniel, coin. cists ainee el 202 Ella Jane.........0 ccc lose ciniaivinais 204 Julia. ..ovsvivsrinsirisicisisimincienhinini ns. 323 GAN. coor «oie sities iainiats 349 Boyce, Nicholas H..........c.ouannnn. 343 GHRAI A. i ive icisioimsisivivisie aii inioies 136 Boyd, Eliza Ann .......coo0 veneinennn. 196 BUD ice nisin isin stele aisle wi 247 SPENCET Eirias isisis in vin minimis vin aisivine w2A5 Harriet Louise... ..ohnionviaisiriniiess 155 Boylan, Ann Emelia...........c..oon.. 238 Elenry «vv. -vnesii osc iiivhc daisos 37 Boyle, Jenfiie. .... ov erri-uiriniannns 325 LSANE Tico nie vio ois 5 miriam vistas liistsio 213 Bracken, Rosge.... oncom: helen 328 Jacob.....h. he. res cies 107, 121, 349 Braden, Emma . ...-cvec.s iticbicnce. 182 JANE ceases sa nae ~.112, 189 Bradford, Cynthia.........ccoovvvn nnn. 261 Johannes. ii. once ivisivisivieisoiin inieiozeds 35 Bradley family..........oooiniininnn 322 John Cornelius... ......-.....hicen 15 JAMES. eis siaivis s sisieeicivie sivisieinis lon 257 John J . ..cconvionivaisinioeioin culeinteini else 123 MOLY cere veronins rr sienibicnis. 174, 295 John Jacobi... ....coeivieieiivulain ies 125 Robert Edmund................... 111 John Ralph..........- soi sieaeht 8o Bradshaw, Lewis .................-:. 166 John 0. 32 Bradt, BIS. oti onsen inssinssimiaiofonts 139 Hoealici, ineioisinieeiousinitin sonic tunes a SoTols os 121 Brady, John. cece ssvroinronsasseivsisnns, 117 VARTA. Lids fs tis Sis Ah 105 Mary ADR. ..vcoerescnsiosssaninens 75 Martyntie.....v.ccoveemrines ann, 29 Brainerd, Esther €........eic0nos oe 131 MABE rs oe vie winiainini so iviskoss ala imine 198 Bramblett, Fannie............... Io ha 244 Bel. onic hitieios keiths wists Wikhate 112 Brand, Reason... . «cs sss. sobs, 157 PeteriR i ine sins sins ssh bata a sa els 71 Brenner, Albert... .c.. vv initio eineia.. 181 Ralph... ciochsivivniaicviniivi soins sis 8o Breveort, Rachel... ..........0ebraie tine. 130 Roelof... cciceliiitnnirimnnhist iit os 12 Brewer, Abraham............... 52, 57, 58 Roelof Peter... «wien iiiunbdiidiii oo 101 CIArINAA . + ois sins vivas ie isisioinre jesnio etesoie 251 Roeloft Roeloff.. i... «inion vein lay 101 Daniel. iio cis sniein ists iin mislaiaticbeine 251 Sarah Maria ...... Hate soba hleleit ls. 327 IDaVId: ois eis sinisit swe wins cinieioinss elwaias 167 Sophia, Gilliam .........-.......... 136 BUCH. cc dceicvicn ison riniein= nities 323 SOPNLONI cis on oss ninivismisinidinwiainins 195 Jobmn....... ecco n an oie hel 167 WAI oa sn as Ra ated 337 MAGLIC. cesses vvnsmsninstisensionns 347 iBohanan, William. .......ceve fain 158 Mary Ann... ...-.0 celtics oan 250 Boise, Kate... vc: viosis Duis dinivrisieminie he fo 5a OT Brickell family... .c.cenveianeaiiin. 48 Bolton family ......... ZS... LL Sil 331 Thomas D............. ecto, 136 SOPH ee oioivn nis imimivs sina livia Saber 330 Brickers, Gerrit; also, Wyntge.......... a iCheophilus............. ... 005 0, 330 MABGATEE. ses sore orc nir oninisivishoiial 62 Bonin, SCE Banta... .cues vais assis, Bridge, Caroline ...........coeinvnnnn. 273 Bonte, see Banta. .v. vee. cnn. G LL Keslah..... ...xi Ses ATi a Ha 273 Booth, John .............. cuit y 141 Briggs, Green.....--....c..cote avin 263 Lyman. cto vie ionis sintin sipmiato boicae aly 141 SH asa ns ewe tin ins wats Shen Be tare 85 Ralphi.iiiee ov vote innicoinivin vin aisiin eine 141 Brinkerhoff family. ... 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 4I Bordetifamilyn . ost ciel sia nsonicn ai cies 23 ATIVE. « 20 sis 0 nino wins wims lalla isioinsuinty 110 Stephen... on ccc, 23 Christiana ..... vens sinensis ssn saloieds +. 213 Boret family...... asm pad 278 Dirck Hendrick. .... ..i- 0. fbi. 26 Boroffm Adal Li... cos. orsibiahais sivas, 278 Emma Kate... ..ccen. obs Sa ates 200 Charles... oh. seisvan soni 278 Hannah Maria.............. ..... 110 Bosgkerk, see Buskirk. -..... inna iol, Henny «ne ccnvrivsisissnraiiinatls chinks 138 Boswell ion. ire iviemies snail 97 Henny J..oooiosrnsnein oral oh 213 Botefuhr, Sarah Matilda.......... i... 249 Henry JOriS - cove: vannrseeeeinsniva, 15 Boulware family ....... ERA 268, 269 Jacob C... vrei rnis ih se aie 213 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Brinkerhoff, Jacobus........c..co0tnn. 28 John H ..... cece onsen ini, 156 Lavina... cub ovo te SLR 121 Maria... cues cuisivviainetai visions slenies 196 Sallie... «viv uivainisBainianaisisie ies asin 221 SALT. «ve ciate vs wiv wis loie vats fs lla 138 SAPAR . cic ve dea a ain de sri a ee 193 William Henry......... foruinie sidan lala 210 Brison, Elizabeth ................. LL 136 Britenstine, Aaron.........+.... heen 275 Britt family. ov v. ie saeinbanaivet thi 231 Britton, Careline... ....c. vada. 205 Hate. vsti suite salut slit ol 221 Mary. coves rv vaivvv vanish alia ies 310 Bromley, George H............. ..... 119 Brooks, Bell... uv, vainn ial. G ue 224 Mary Avarilla,.»....... Joo... oe 269 Matle ce cic von ita iGi Luin ls 224 William... 0s. voi svaiea as subn 167 Bross, Jessie... . 0... lean bh a 109 William ....... roti ae 109 Brouwer, Sar. .co fovea veining 36 SUSANNA. eves atone rhb slain 8 252 Brower, Abraham... .......... 0.000 102 Davide cise eavesi vie hh 45 Hester. ic con vntenisaniniviainisis 37,102 ¥omes Harlan. .................... 182 Leal. cose eatin innit sie 37 Mary A.......00.. 0... 0000, 182 Mary Jane......coveuuennneennnes 271 Peter, -.-cc0.v cid nas A GL 102 Phebe... 0 c.icer vaca aah oon 107 Rachel 2. tv. rss arenas... aig 49 William H..-..-....0.0000. 000 0 182 Brown family...... «149, 168, 216, 321, 345 Bliza BD zi-0:. re. .n dna iniin, 202 Elizabeth... oiled, 120, 180 Jerusharf:....-:-...::............ 319 Lowisn T.i..i. FR eh en eee 194 Martha... ........ .... 00d 320 Robert.» oti bn entifebinn Lo 120 Saraly.......t.i000. 0 vided 301 Susie |: sac. sui drei as 283 Broyles family ........cooivinniin.n. 255 Brubaker family... icine, 273 Bruce, Catharine -.:..i.iz... 00.0. 0h 118 Bruner, Calvin: ec.ccom bio et biel 91 Jacob... et nn of, 252 Brunn, Eleanor Sarah................ +. 119 Brush, Frances May... .iccoeunnnnnn... 223 Newell... ..covocsinvinnsloeatd uh 223 Brusnahan, Anna...c...o ives eevee 238 Bryan, James C..c..oovviuniineniinnnn 157 381 Bryant family. ............coi0iiinnn 222 Ante. ce.iaivdie live Su ttaaidaetl, 28 Buchanan family....eevaniioeetonns 164, 181 Bucon, Mary J... ..c cas afi vieicss one 118 Budd, Casper... ....s.u0 ic. ieisivlieces 288 Hester Ann....... 0. deviicih eels. 288 Buhre, Henry. .......s i... ion. b ain, 234 Bull, James... ....00 isaac, 219 Bundurat. cesta dic di so ndis ule loll ial 171 Bunnil, Laura. i... echt ie 220 Burdett, Benjamin R................... 113 Bures family. «ov. aise se sinieisisisini vinnie ies 315 Burgett, Clara........... ein 182 Burgher, Frankie........-............ 154 Burk family. .....vevos nase ences 270 Burnam, Julia Lucinda................. 265 BANGLE. «cian Sais siaivinicl shops oe tele Stall 100 Burney, Mary J..............c..ueilu., 152 Burns: Hattie. ».v. ve cia dai slide deus 277 John. ce.veovs a tl ss eee 90 Burr, Charles Gustave... .......... vv... 201 Horatio L ....civib dancin ds uo 228 Kittie May... .c..e.sdvsuiiin aii 201 Marietta. ...inee nevis isdnisceietin 222 Thaddeus... ... i. A ovsaiii. 6 3.222 Burton, Francis Eugene................ 205 Lali, esse cide meine doo aiiiot Ll, 205 Burvis, Mary J........... a. eecancn 259 Bush, Elizabeth Larue ................, 121 Buskirk, see Van Buskirk ................. ily... vu sven riven aes 23 Abraham Thomas .................. 23 Butcher, Robert. . .... cove. ioe vanish 116 Buthroy, Cornelia.............. chain. 298 Butler family. .....5....0 0 Loh ceonbL Le 308 TARNIC tse ve iain od niniain slilaiih alot mid 347 Butterfield, Mary E..............,..... 144 Butts family... on etic ies eshntonhn *272 Byer family... ...awi dati ici sis sininiels 259, 260 C. Cadmus family..................L... .-. 210 Mary Ann........... 00.000 cen 145 William H..........c.vaces, teeth ll 216 Cady, Mary E.........0...c.0eriovanee 332 Caesar AMY vs ve vives tv viv vaninvihi tine 208 Caile, Daniell. 6 coi Soh etni ili ils, 180 Caldwell family ...... occas feevnn ores 311 Call, James, vss vs sive vin vio viaaivinis waleisls 244 Camerer, Annie M ...... a a SR 94 CHET VER RS 183 Cameron, Maggie ......... LL... .500, 190 Cammergaar, see Comingo ................ 382 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Cammergaar, John ............ 0000 0 35 Campbell family... ......ccone oes. sli 335 ANNALS selon von vivian boa, 154 Catherine: ....u.. vivvvn nud 000 a0 136 Bligabetly. .vuivivcivnm cio vvininaittionms Vos 126 Emeline. noi. ai aiitthanigm 271 MMA. iii dennis 30 ed 246 Ln Mi sonics visi sional sti 247 Hr RS a EI 21 Saal vss anieine denen a BER E daa 27 Thomas M....i...onfiuos simi, ind, 247 IVALLIAMI iuici si vivir conti isn sin inl Si 273 Cannon. Bumily, .. co voeivie. eisivslivnion 2350 293 Canterbury, Sarah. .........euii, duly 240 Carley family ........ivisiveivuivinio writen 152 Carlock family... .v. civ sii, 198, 215 Jeremiah cues vinnie. sins 214 WalteriVo.. .i.nvianiah vas ane 194 Cirlos, Carter DON .....ovuisivivsnitin aii ois 162 Carlosle, INANE... co cinieiiinieinioiaimimsioilatdis 162 Garlough, David... nila hg 128 Johnie ooo. Rntanait 128 Carman, Pinkerton.......... 50 0500, 278 Carmean family -....cnnvsnoiiaitnaaih 272 Carminefamily............... 344, 345, 346 Maroaret Jane... opt isis. Ba 249 Mary EB....c.cvveinninevsaraesnihn 246 Carney, Jacobs oiic vv vim ws vv fot nl a cals 168 Sarah F..oov.... sun. dnaianiiil 260 Carpenter, Anderson......i.. sous. on ins 263 @avy, Blzabethe. oon. o i innit Tey Matin. han. oiminshis siidana ly 124 NAEYoaviais vniu itinin vie vo Juitiahe ls oleic 328 Carroll,JOlver . . .... oo noon a 273 Garton, Elizabeth ........... 00nd is 261 Gaptwricht, Jane vc... ov.vv ee. cians 29 Caruther, Robert........ J. i.60d.00000 204 Cassant family. .... coon nidens. tioning, 61 Francis aun. onalivhas aL aitninty 52 RBeler.e unin. vay ivi vine dsanasn va 318 Baral an. aed ct ea 318 Cassatt amily... 0. odin daa 169 Albert, i... rvs veeun sr vinininditai, 97 (HEE SR I LE 168 Tdnodinuse ss ued ii vn oiey Sich 30 Margaret. ....occnnrennsssininionaioiy 30 EH SS LR IT 97 Cateniamily...v.. or vroni oe ilitiideiio ie 228 Cates Tomily... ovo asivein i vais ssa Bhs, 205 Gattenham, John. 20.0 h Sige isi 243 Chalmers family... vers o0n ook inihs 263 Margaret Dorothea... asi. env 264 Chambers family. ote deine nieve: 143 Champion, WilllamW.......... cc0see: 82 Chapman family... .... 0 292 Charlton family... 00 icv eile d 246 THCNTY iv dure win divi nines eta heeily 245 Br a ee 160 Chase, Almira Griffin... .-.-. 2000s 207 Mary... ieee 132 Salmon PB... eve vs coding nnn 109 Cheethen, Maillda........- 1135s rset 326 Chesebro, George.» «es rv nics ss sree 233 Chilcott family ....olv ie vieis ieee ion sais 262 Childs family. »vivuiiiinio sve sisieins sain de gen 197 Chinn family. ...... cess eess onsnien ss 259 John B.vussviioneh i cuits nuns vans 258 Chipman, Arantha J. .c. on. sonia fa avis 310 Cholwell family... ..... concise ns tvnia soins 326 Chrisfield, Martha J... .. coc vsiveio civ os 196 Christianson, Cornelius... .. vs ~s11: 8 Hans... oc nsviniassnnt drives 58 8 Christie family. .30, 78, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 130, 136, 156, 221, 326, 327 Catherine ves. vice snus vanes 327 David oe eievvesicninssonnsvie saison 31,103 David nie hs sedans ids en 128 Garret Tivoes -sanivasns veer axbisnat 156 George. ......... rama sels oh 103 George Henry «ov. sets ssvens 103 Helena. .......coo oon deee ot 46, 210 Jocomyntie ... ss r1ont yay cost eiviohi 111 James... cs. se 99, 107 James Dhnnennssnsns viontinsrsiniiis 135 James P.. ovr ninsussr inne 136 Johnie cnivanis vein siiznssineiny 30, 74, 189 John B. ves usnvnnanrri liane ints 156 John Flic. tescs one. ovo vnvisunn, 213 Margaret James. .»y.s.:.:--: . 47 Martha... 0.0. dootee ithas bon 196 Sarah...» 0210 t101 estes 138 Church, Michael S. vc saris cedranioy: 132 William. ...vo brian vsstsz artes: 132 Clappifamily .................... 114, 201 Clark family ,. + vi:s1s20122272 156, 170, 348 Carol iNe tsa sansa tar dra ens 245 Coraline Helen... v. cout sone seneiayh 227 Frankie B.... 1111001010 inens nash 154 Irving ll. occ vivinennsnnis itso ms 140 James Pyler i sine varrtsiitr ant 151 JE IR ER Lr 170 J- Wesley :..:.: 18:vutensnnidin.., 156 Kingsley ois urvs avr dena onic solr 124 Clarke family «ss sensvetnrrre: 265, 266, 288 Edward Tivo: ovocinessanniconena 326 Ethel Mav... :0ivizr :ssrrsanies 326 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 383 Clarke, Lucy Ann ....... 00 aveeanan ie 257 Clarkson, Belle E.........:....0s00a0. 302 John €.. 3... .... ious ne nia inns 170 Clements, Elmer BE... ic..0.. ooh ae 142 Clenkerbeard, Susan ................s0 244 Cleveland family .. . cvozenisie cavities sons 103 James B...................0 oe 102 Tuey J ..con-von. vain iinaisoinleninininis 223 Clifford, Robert. 298 Clifton, Elizabeth ...... ci vlnoh«siinsnsh 339 Cloos, Rachel ...cic vie vinnie ddan 4d Cluss, Ann Elizabeth... ov vets sie evans 198 Cogn, Clarinda. ....... cov. condi. ve 263 Cobb, Elsa Lonlsa. cc cu-iv-asinin viosseins 203 Thomas, Jr. vevvsnstionsinnsvssine sis 203 Cochran family...... Bonnin ddoding #262 Rate, sont ces ilin. on? en Hou! 168 Codman, Frank... .c.--eah- imiivypres 158 Coe, Benjamilic. . vs. onneininsadinse sisi, 5 Coffey, Catharine. 1 vs +n ns sms 5 von is 108 Coffin, John Ev. concn ecinnsas asprin 172 Coker, Ae But ne. cittvarinsvnsvvitniise 309 Joseph H.... ......c.... ir.0iich 309 Martha Elizabeth... ..ovst lsu 310 Mary. oo -cvcniso nscale seit smb 310 COLE. io ininieie i oloieis nis vinin odin vim inion ni eine 301 Abraham... vi nanan sessrn ins 75 ADNG. vies esis viaieinin visio ninisieinin siwaisinls 43 Barbara SHOrpe vce -cio-v cs usin snide 202 ChrlSHnT coe soins voinine sr alsinivisla 38 Carneling: .. «. x « ti chssievicsairvnminsisls 75 David... eic coon bic oieiv elo bimn ies wren 43 Elizabeth... «ceiver soitigile woe 43 Flsle Ani ooo ie tn on shi iibt sion 130 Frank. is vei de iisis ns vive cin sy 255 Jane ne damien a ay 188 Macgle...... 0 occa sv 305 Marcellusi]...................0c v0, 100 Maria... ........................ 30 Rachel... oc LL 75 oe a 131 Goleman, Janes .ai vive. aan niiian 220 Coles, Charles... ns iii sn Voruht 157 William cece este 117 Coliver, Mariaf:q..oi.h ovina nse sin 244 Collier, Elizabeth... coi ive ciivh one's 285 Collins, Algernon Sidney... ... siewisi ox ot 208 Emin ie nie cir cision iniominig vine ims *247 HE lS eH 131 Martha J............. .....0h 00. 279 Colonery, Emma C ........:. ..L...., 229 Colston, Ella .... uve vivvnivo ve Saati 167 Comingo family ..... ...... vo tele 286 Comingore family... veo vuevrnnnns so 167 John. uncon sss nine lis nisin 52 Rachel B...:.ocvivicanionsaodny 185 Commingo, ANN. sss vss ssn cxisis vishisizins 166 Compton, Lucinda. ..........-...c0ui00 344 Comstock... .... Saha rr ial te 267 Con, JOR, sv. ciceionvinr seria si esiny 338 Osea lea. o.our.v i oiens nails diva 338 Conklin, Clara J .........cosveviinsisashs 229 Davida. seis tosis saiieutbiiis 42 Ellen ....cosueve one hs nd ron 214 Yanny.....veevneis snnns:onvnsns.i 212 Tohmecen evasion aimminsalsiin tsi 75 Sophitt.. sue. ves ivns lis hic icy 41 Contant, Adelaide B.........vtsuss uss 238 Conwell, Willlam ...........c... 0. 0000 321 Cool Tamily. sv eeicisis coe i sinnnisshinininis stn 172 Naney...o. unnszsnnassativiensssian 180 Cooke, Ella, oc. i. acai sr ssiaicnvitless 22 Cooley, Elizabeth Am... vs veoresaanh 337 Coombs, Wilmuth.:.......... nix aie fala 162 Coon, John............. 5.04 Civ fr pine 85 Cooper family... ........ ~132, 135, 136, 137 ABEL. ewasin sn livisishia syne vine 83 Ann, Teuanis,.. cv. sven cast vassal 328 Annie Eliza... ... ..cusdios anit of, 221 Benjamin Franklin................. 221 Bettie... cv viee vivre vivivasinivaivh svi 299 Catharine, Albert. .......... ses es 214 Elizabeth. . .. vs aie esis snsinnion 83, 213 John. van os dale dunn untae. 112 Richard. ....cceroses ons vesinaniiths 38 Copeland family... . ..c 2. cee cnniansinnis 296 BACANOT « « v.oisossin vine ais sie @Ysinaee ani 270 Coppock, Barbara Ellen. .............., 338 Corder, Frank P .v..c.ciiven yeh vanities 343 Cornelius, John..................... 10, 11 Cornell family....... .................% 219 Sarah Elizabeth... ..........i.c. 108 COrS0ME viens ts and idl eld esl iN iN 100 Cory, AQTON . «ven vovsvvvvvas alsin biidid 279 Elizabeth... .coouevnec ois vouiitoiiiies 313 Cosiin, see Cozine..,... ix sve dine glalreltigty shes Elizabeth... ......:. Side tie 92 (GEOTEC, 1 ss nis s/s svsdnins ubinainsigsn 98 Cotsinger, Mary L ..................., 256 Cottle, Sarl, sco ids vinicsy sets 297 Cotton, Christina... ........00.. couissss 173 THOMAS seve ovat tne vies adi 299 Zachorialy ... fv an vill sds 176 Courtney, Caroline M.................. 302 Covert family....... 150, 344, 346, 347, 348 Archibald Allen. .....ovurvriesnsiniss 256 384 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Covert, Isang... oo. avoided dean 256 Carts, George S. .ov.vs suit ih 204 Tameside sind inis dinnttatetab its LLB 74 Nathan S.. cei latin. chi 00, 226 Jernshal.. ec... oe ues ts 256 Custer, Kate... .. rained 160 Lurany C.o.i. oi case nde de 255 Rachel. .tve.n. on Lbil LLL ln 132 D. Cowan, Elizabeth... i... 0.0 ceive .202 Daggett, Collins Lovejoy. ..v...--.. ... 340 Cowell; Cora Ellen .........ocv vito uy 140 LS hn 218 Enos BR ...00 0. lias Wine 140 Dally family... oo.csote vaistalssioisir foi a sie 119 Cowperthwaite.......... vo. ool o0 bh ve 306 Balmazzoe, Francis M.... ..... vo... v. oe 304 Cox, Frances... vs iv. inti viehiallal 231 MIBEIAN. ie chiens oioluietuioials tie a eiulaie ots welly 304 Earner. cod daisies dest auido 286 Dannentold, Anna......... vis Bh 144 Mary.. ....u ai ee es 173 Darrow, Fannie GG... cvuecvinve. oh sas 1006 Cozine, see Coslin «ccs vac vurishiiiln oe Dates, Baltng. cin vs oh eniennnion nih iy, 124 Cornelius. 5. ui sniniiiehivanieiins 52, 90 Daunler, Myriam... ... vo vo. oi anna 180 Crabtree family... ..........- ah. 268 Davenport, Laura J............. oh 311 Cracrolt; Trank . oe Wl Joni 243 Sarah H.. onviens PRE SE LE 334 Cram, Johnson....... ..... ..oieennn. 232 WAHAIN: Calaiatais aia etataiaberaintarats ihelemints 310 Grane, Cornelia. ...... i. viii. 218 Davies family. ceiveivvainisa divin. ani 182 John....... ia 22 Daviess, ANN... vec vnsii dbl. 166 Mary J.....0.0.0 0 heed cee eo 317 Peter... dv. iva. vues hw a dw wat 166 Phebe .uineei. innit bin aia 22 Samuel. iv. vii vais and ibs 92 Cranor; Martha B.........-t.... 0... 320 Davis family... ...... 119, 120, 224, 225, 261 Crasto, Adelaide A ...... vn vee oi 119 AIDErt. nh atts id aniiai steretite ainie ww ale 144 Crawford, Ella Jane................... 340 Alice Hagson:. ou ves on ivan ntl 144 Martha B............ 0.0, 258 DARWIN assis anit da SS, 319 Creed, Augusta Ann... .vvvh oie bes 265 John... ....cou a 313 Creen, Lucy Ann..................L... 96 Mary Fi... coviovisis vaio vanessa: 283 Cresson, Pierre ...... . vsti nt Llois a OLVIR: sve siaislyiivisie sh star aia wiaiete 132 Rachelle. nnn inside te enn da thins. ji Rhoda. ions. Raa 140 Crisler, Emily... x. .nveni-ivnadiiainen 321 Richard... due re et iia ete 75 Critser, Eliza... 0. coe viv soiinvivni 0 297 Ruthphin Orinthus................ 276 Croft, Mary... cue cae, 261 William i.e ersaiorais ciate nia disthintins 337 Grolins family......o con 201 Willian Fre. orisio sii anisisas nibs y 287 Crosby, Hattie E..........:...... .... 271 Davison, Rachel ...................... 143 Cross amily ....oe.. 000 vrae nh ceutenny 154 Day, see Dey ....ccineiiineisiecevans, . Rohanna Adams................... 143 family. ................. 112, 113, 308 Crouch, Mary... ..... ov. cove tvticeis 243 Charles A .....o.h.. oo. ce 22 Crouter, €. P.........: noire csce re 123 Cordelia.......... lnc, 205 Cornelia. ......ovveorossain anes conn 128 Corydon. . +o sv-o srr eisinrs nis enciness 307 Crowder family........cec0.0eenvnnnn, 341 TENTY «conv: oon vive sininie wistole cle iisinie 107 Elizabeth. so sieiv + sieivainoisivivsleiniainia ive 338 Jacobs veins cision sin saienicinie. Sune 32 John Elder. .......... Jooetavoiion 340 Mabel oo... oven mr rosbbivist as 274 Sarah'............ cae 170 Mary Cyllinda .......eovveninnnn. 307 Crump, Esther Ann ............cc0vt.. 250 William --......00. 00 es dean uy 32 Culbertson, Mary Ann........ecevvenn. 246 Dean, Daniel... ..... 0... cae cuales 273 Culvert, Ida M...........0..-...ecn. 211 Hannah -..h..5.... 0 0 ethene. 225 Cummings family...................... 199 Maria C.......o...vsasne aaah ose 118 Cunningham, James................... 73 | DeBall, I. M.........00eu.onibnnnep 94 INORG ens vis viv vsivsi2lt sii sinin vis shu pioinlaly 97 | De Baun family.....c rete nen. 47, 61, 210 Curtisfamily. . cco hei sea, 208, 316 Christina... vn esisinnnis sins sik sles nists 46 Clara... cevseiciih bil iets 139 EHZADEtR rv nv ns ov smnsissni choise siesny 43 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 38s De Baun, Elizabeth Ackerman......... 45 Jacob ........ o/otaininisiv dinininie adios iaatate 101 Joost... .ocveie ccna inne santas 16 De Castro, Lewis... .. Ju. evi. aiden 129 Decker, Gussie: cu. cvvsvis obit ssid yarn 222 John... ........o.a. a 29 Iydia......s00esesecraeninianninn,. 122 Milest.....dveoee vis nena saiion, 132 Dedrick, Eater... c..s.ivdaciaen wa 16 Hans... . .. ....... inh. 16 Dedricks, Aeltie.......... vena... 45 Deem;, Sarah: ANN, coo cvsce vv diladaniia, 164 Deer family: .. ov cvnvevs snail ios 261 Tames iV... cu... conse heciin LL b, 254 Lewis C.......:.. e's tidieisivivinini tivininie 254 De Golyer, Ezekiel ..............t...... 139 James..............c0 nL 139 De Granw, Belitje........... ... ...... 26 Comneliny: von sniuhae co ive. ohh 28 De Graw, Catherine. ..........:...i..%. 334 De Groot family............ Livi saieluis 22 Anna Janse... ..c..0 00... Lu L 25 Charity... 00.000. uh en 31 Cornelia; Pieterse...............4. 25 Jacob... ..n..c0e0 nb, 63 JoostiStaets: tv... acon bull 22 Leal. .oo iv encieiiciome cn cvivoshivan, 102 Benge. core iiniiniiass nailmnait 64 Margaret... ....s..c.ivuaniae on vielals 24 Mary.....v0ervsisnsivisni shasialon., 105 Peter A ..........c0.cveunsenies,, 102 Rachel... ....occvno in diie. ible 24 WHllamM eo vve vin dnvrintiovosshniennin 163 De Hort, Lena. .;cnciniinic cons siete 211 Susan. ovis dee 216 DeHays........o.....i0venn. sens 233 De Kline, Mary. «.o.viveccnescess leita ie 329 De 1a Bonte, Demarest... ...- .c..uu 236 De Lane, Hattie ...................... 158 Demaree, see Demarest. .....cconveivenan, Demarest family, 27, 47, 73, 78, 80, 108 109, 113, 122, 137, 193, 211 212, 213, 246, 304, 345 ARTO. cies vnivisini vinnie oioin init tointeiele 122 Abraham. ........ cau pvc i 332 Abraham J... ...0.... miki be 121 ANN ie sie oisieis cn vine oe slilslet den biti 68 Ann, Samuel........ Swiss ae ty 49 Anna Maria. ..... icici baat 126 ANNE vt vie Minti sik deen td Wilviv 20 Belitie.. cc... aries odo tolh aisles» 20) Benjamins cu. cvicnvin vis aisnhn. 0 ve W120 Caroline. ...... i.uiniits wh 222 25 Demarest, Cassander. ................0., 253 Catalyntie ../v...c ci. nL hh a 1881 Catelyntie...... . divin. 24, 107 Catelyntie, Simon... ...:.... .....0.. 43 Catharine cos veissivieinisiioiials 100, 246 Cloangin. oi vvisve vain cries safe ba, 156 COPNELNS 7 oxi visit ninieiorsiskatorsinieinialy 107, 110 Cornelius A............ co. Lio, 122 Cornelius. Henry.................. 110 Cornelius Tues. vue sienicion veizeruidile 107 Davide hil convient, 35 Davide civsicin vies soiine sienieiaie iti itis 5 David, Jr. von. conse viivelomotls visas 12 David Di. cova vaivnin sie ies amine Johiviels 126 David Jo. ..oesveecv.ssuvdohLnokid. 213 David, Samuel... ..... eee 252 BARE vies vnmnniis vin waimiata al Wise fabele os 78 Bliza.c..c.cnnuv. ssvescens nro 220 Elizabeth... .. vue exci sie voisin ond 37, 161 Ble. visser ainnnin i olivhis fois 100 Prank. co vais crisdeinecnieioiviiesion os 136 George Wivs ve vueiaivienvsitiaemiie 2 de 51 GUDETE . avn surnames sisshMntaiot s 42 Henry Rice... oveecvinansi.invLhs 348 Jacobi... in. oni nade Sinan 122 Jacob DD. covariant sles. 136 Tames Auris: vols siinaent eneehl 8 137 James. I ..... onsen alice it 146 Tames J... coke iva ii fel anh 196 James P. i... ovevmesniceed folios, 199 Jane Ali... ove vce ie. 72 TORN 2s or eis sinitineicile sini 65, 111, 214 Josephine. uv. oilsvonn sani obi 213, 214 Tadiek « «ov sivvin's oi aninie intel sles lists ines 61 LAVINA wus in ons itisie's sinie ieisislelainie finials 221 Joealteniinice cniniaie ieleisi tiarate cle 49, 96, 137 Leentje. oo os cues niinfele seine 38 Lydecker L....... 00... Jd tens 106 Lydia, David ......./. oisiele/teiala/u init a Magdalena... ..oivesiovnon omnes 11, 107 Margaret... couinie foes 82,121, 122 Margaretta ....oc00v oe. oadnin, 217 Margriete, Samuel... .....iu......, 44 Maria........... 42, 76, 86, 87, 239, 349 Mary. ................... 34, 248, 348 Minnie. sc. voc uh tada , 149 Naneye oui venescs nih. 43, 171 Peter... cs ea ee a ar Set Sw 77 Peter, James... .u. a. ue diniii hb, 196 Peter P.... cu i diidve dei ets 79 Rachelo..oninnunn vv. tals 23 Samuel. iv... ie ad 30; 52, 325 Samuel, Tr. usin. viillitde dis dy 12 386 Index lo Surnames other than Banta. Demarest, Samuel, David ...... ....... 27 Samuel, David... ........ dvb 5 Samuel, Samuel .........0.h. 24, 47 SATA is bins on isle a alata hi eal 38 Sara, David . .. ;..ooieivwiaisinisideisi 44 Sarah, David... -............ 00 252 SUSAN +ioie i sheisieininininis rrmivesia win/oiwhsisiniain 158 SUSANNA. « oi einis visions visinio tains ieino 23 TEENIE sos ove mietiialaiale wien a aleithone 65 WALA. ove cic oki naiain bslein minis lainials 331 William H...c....covnveoeanin iis 344 William L..--.......0ricbo0tacisin,, 213 Deming family.......ceeieuiinniannn.. 251 Clara A --..coovrvvena ob aie 307 Dard Lone. oe snevniosliviinitlel 250 De Mott family ..... ...oviiinnnnenn. 209 AnnaMaria........ .....c.. cabal 195 Dorothy «cs. vesivisois vies seivainnsiiniaak 184 ISAC Lon eenao orn cnisinin isisitivinitiviniaie 88 James Blauvelt.......cooonininn... 104 Juli. ceeeeinon.cnvonns nc asions 190 TLAWEERCE ov ses » sisi vininisisinioisls a luiete 58, 99 SE EE Ef 97 NANCY.» cee cs sasha se snhiinantisiai, 169 Sarai. . cose sss rnin sme deidiai 185 Dempsey, Margaret .........oooeeene.. 42 Denenfoille, Phillip J.....ceeeiieeann. 329 Denholm, Mamie E ................... 72 Denman, GEOrge ........oevveeeannens 270 William Everett. ......ccveveunenn. 270 Dennie, Eugene.............ccc0even.n. 224 Denny family.........ccooviieennen 166, 167 De Pré, Jan. .........esves isaivel abl. 10 Jannetie. ................ 000k, i. 10 Deputy family. .....ccooiiniiineinn.. 306 Deronda, John W.........cooinnnenn.. 137 Lydia Jane........cvvvennsncnnns 137 Derrick family evvoveiveinivneiieinn, 187 De Ruine, Jannetie........cooonennnn.. 10 Maria ..... cerns crisis slniniee 11 Marie. casas id abe rt a SIMON. rire e= ss vicivir vs visi Rai visl a Detraz family................ denn 301 James...ooeiiiiiiiiiiiianiene. 301 JUS. coma vriaisisisisnmwivn ven oliiniviais 30I WAlLIaNY Jo - iecicneeinissica ents cbsii. 300 Detterling, William. ..........ooonennn. 209 Deuce, Margaret. ....ccooeeeveennnnnns 223 Deuel, Maria «c.ovvevinennennnnennnn. 195 Devoe family. e.ooeinnenreiiineneinnnn. 116 Rebeccall...: cccxecss seve sninnnid 217 Thomas O.. .- ove oni cubliondel 115 De Witt, Wallace ...........«-.ccuuesh III Dey, see Day .c.vereeeniienenininnennen. THA A EE 24 IIrCk as caine stn rns sh sin esis rises 64 Jacob William... e.vevnnenneninne. 24 Dezer, John Jacob...... ....coeennn.nn. 100 Nathaniel... .....sevcce-atioonivs. 100 Dickerson, John ......covpeeeiennenn.. a MALY. cneonvr isons nn Jannah 126 1 Er Se x Philemon... vous ssonsnnirainae 126 Philemon... svnsvs- site ane 2 Rosamond... ....ssvesinh.ocnci. L153 Dickey, Mary......::c resvsevrenvrae: 132 Dickie, James, Jr 203 Dickinson, SUSAN. - .- ccs: 2s: sr:-venenien 161 Dickson, Mary 249 Didrickson, Dora...... +.eecvreeinnne. 323 Diedricks, Margaret. .......eeue-nue.-. 47 Dieling, Mary E .................. L171 Dingley, Charlotte M.................. 330 Disher, JON. css vse ane nienveisninivn 181 Ditmas family ..occve cnc voncivivn 251 Peter. .on. selves snnsosr: eimuncy 251 Ditsell, Frederic... ..c.s2nncceasssvraon 75 Dizon, Marif..ees soe tires verve 233 Dobbins family........cnneeriniennnn. 249 Dockweiler, Mary J......oovereena. in 142 Dodd, James. ...oesvereeirseiraneannn 170 Dodge, Hetty Maria. ..........oonennne 136 Joseph envi 206 Martha. i.cie setae stvh ant 118 Dollery, Marintha A.......ooovenienn.. 165 Dollins, Catherine.........c.evvven. 254 Sarah J. oco.ooesrve: cies cnviunh shin) 255 Donaldson, William .........ccennu.nn.. 141 Don Carlos, Carter.......... +s: :ecsiees 162 BANNIC uses ne nn rsaniive shinies 267 Dooley, Belle co v.ovuve ceveniannnnn.n. 291 Doolittle, IS99C. « «csv v ss veaivieiriaiien sishies 114 Doremus family.....ocovneeeeiienninnns 237 ABET A on: vives satiation eeiiaision 331 ANATEW Sse 57 is isd sniehtsismsinsnninee 128 Eliza Jane.....:v:oevecesesencennns 212 Helen Matilda .......c0aene-nnenn. 200 Maria... ....c..osniinic sae sicmien 325 Mary. evevsvsntesescrnosnannens 31 Dorland, Dyna. .....coevivennernnnnnn. 90 GALLGE « « «cnn s wis vin eeu loivioateis 57, 58, 90 Dorman family......oeeeeerienaiannnn 235 George. vo svrnversnsenss SE 152 Dorr, Donald Griswold ........... .... 203 Seneen Geec vrs vases ncptiveh. 293 Doty family «oovenrinniniininn enna. "2.73 Index to Surnames other than Bania. 387 Doty, John vino ivve vss cuibiiitnen 227 Personette. i. co .cciiioon inh nisnns. 221 Dougherty, AMY... ....ccisvivoh vs eitivivt ». 238 Dow, Jane La... ccc vmmisesonisteniny 152 Drake family. cece civ oiniveis testes hice, 184 Marthaois cine vom is cnmilaeiioni. 266 Nelson H ................ ........64 325 Susan MeliSSa .ieiseiv.ion sisi: vis iisivals 202 Draper, Oliver FH ..............sian0 00 270 Droud, Washington .........:....aa0s 279 Dryden family... - oc cc civminvisiss’s vonsiiacies 290 Duck, Robert... ... ui visedtosnim 143 Ducltwood, Elizabeth... ..vicesi- 420% 3s, 308 Duffey family... . occ vice coienionioisils 262 Duncan, Nannje....... Loads ATER AN Jie 349 Over. ames vii i mise aid 158 Dunham, Allee... .«..cantsidatenili vn 124 Dunlap, Marla... .».......... 560s. 00h 283 Dunning, Stella ............5. 00 0000 145 Dupree, William M ......... w=: 000 233 Durand, Asher 22 John....... cout vn csssicsice 22 Durie family ......oncvnnn ovens. vat 61 Ann Elizabeth ..........c.a.c00.t. 221 A FR SR OE 239 Margaret... .......c.....050 Loris 78 Petar. ose viciciois sininis vine Ee 95, 136 Samuel... .eic eTa es 57 Sarah... oemicicics tise isto Wa a Say 332 BLYNIIC. viele sioieisiv sinter minisins oie isda 53 189 Du Rye, Jannetie ........w..5..... ous 17 Duryea, Charles Edward.........:..... 214 Jon, Pleter. cc coie vain hitoisie owt 23 Margaret Jobn.......... Ta. haa 46 Peter, Jr... cana v 214 Duryee family... ...........oc 0000 soto. 23 SATAY se oiisnibiietininh deidte ares nh ipie 107 Dusenberry, Rachel E..........c.cva. 220 Delle; ADNET.. ....oiovivinieisoiv. situ ieivian 150 Dwelly, George....... .......L...0, 0... 156 OVC, cnet sc ennui ors een as aE 181 Elizabeth Mel... .......... .u... 325 E. Earhart, James Albert............,.... 183 Marist ees ees 183 Yarle, Bdward.. ........ sci. venlew, 37 Franscyntie ......... el LoL 17 Nathaniel ccs: soieivsssineinvnni, 17, 37 Earlywine, Michael............... .... 298 Eastland, Byron, .....-vv 0isnis dooms. 285 Baton, BAith G .rev-cvepviiins dali idves 228 Ebling, Joseph.............. ..... +h iv 33 Eckels, Rebecca... ..evivis seen i aiaiib 171 Ecker, Elizabeth Blauvelt.............. 42 Eckerson, Comnelit.......nss iu: bissnvs. 190 EET ie I SR a 65 ETY yo IE a 147 GREETIES via sive ois male esi at Sil 146 JODM oo iid se intensive ssh 25 John Jc sive iviv iin iti Bue Soil 82 John Tu.ivcevui inthis duis 190 Margaret... oii .n LL, 146 Maria. cece dude endo. duit 128 Bdsall familyee...ivo diene tene os 221 Cornelius. .... .....o Gann. 0 0 105 Richardiv. ol idvsnt rs toi an Sih) 12 Edwards, Belle... i 00 a cL 00 Lh 278 liga. cov ool ys Some es 171 Egan, James. ......... 000. 0 94 Egbert, Catharine............ a.) 133 Mary... hn a oe 340 Elder, Emma Zerella.................¢.. 302 John W........... a0. 302 Elliott, Edmond O..........s...... 0 244 Ellis family..........0 cL .oio LLL 2306, 252 Catherines... ahi Lalhnn Siete 251 Joseph... Joon LLL Sn, 170 William B.S 251 Elston, Elizabeth... ..... J a0 dre 162 Wiy family... aa 137, 197, 198 William... duvet ots 182 Embury, Louisa.......... LL... LL 264 Emerick, Edith... ..... 0 Linh Enderly, Amos................LL LLL, 245 Engdale, Minnie’ M................... 139 England, James Dorland............... 167 Mary... \.. 0 0 nha, 167 Nancy Williams. ................5.. 282 William veh Aiea LS, 167 Engle, Martha.................. LLL, 86 Ensign, Emily L.....ouniuut ions, 227 Eoff, Margaret Jane... ......0h. 4.000, 258 Epperson, H. P........o.........00 LL, 267 Brewin, Lizzie. «ood, cove insu By 126 Hsley, A.M... ... ccc 0h aan, 118 Esterbrook, George. .................., 321 WHAM pr one ivisintis siviaieis dunia iinet 320 William T.e...ve0hi. eae ie vnacs s 326 Eulass, Emily Jane... ....... ........ 183 Byang fnlly ..0..o tenn nll 0 182, 266 Bla Ataris nl ra Ree, Lr 197 TENE vais vai vuinio viv sisraratatsisiets leliniata ulus 244 Lydin: Bouin olsianiinini oninimslti diol 184 Martha... ioc. .unie soil cn duit ots 181 388 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Everhard, George W. C................ 97 “Pisher family... .cccevrrs-revevees 229, 344 BVerlys. ooo loi hina sn ie os 168 Frederick... nn vsivanisiivicuis 279 Margazet............0 0 eee 166 Prederick Ji. .cuensvaanhinss cee onic 228 Every family... ve vrvsivoatle vn ainainiavine 227 John... chivas eases ss. - &4 Robert: oe ie wale iraa ihe Sa 226 Michael... ........onn aco, 86 Evilsizer, Ardila B... ........c. oie, 320 Stymets'............ om a ta 114 Eewis M.........0.cann oti ies 320 Fiske, L. W........-..... Si owen Wain 118 Ewell, Clara Louisa ...... ...... .... 342 Fitzgerald, John ....eonvineiiinnnnn. 132 Flack family.......:..... hh anual lal nei 205 Flandrau, Ettie A... ....c.vvveinn... 105 F. Flearborn, Eliza ........... wa BRS Anh 145 Fleming, Martha A........covvivnnenn. 259 Fabria, Mary Angelina................. 206 Polley, Adam... usa biles vavibaids 74 Fagan family .......ceeveiiinnnnn.nnn, 197 BAIN 5s vorrei hae 128 Fahl, Nancy Ann ...e.c.ovaeins:neree.272 Fonda, Marcus 224 Fahrenberg, Lena................c..0. 108 Foote, William A vena cuss cn 320 Fairbairn, John............ raimalis x aus 23 Poole, Daniel Wisi iws cuisine vation 233 Fairchild, Caroline..........covv vrens 399 Forbes, Belle, uoevinistainiioae 28 non h 181 Bales, William... vi ovaries 162 Forseurfamillye. os ovis es syed 42, 43 Fallis, Phebe ..............c.. .oueas 174 Fosdick family Sle Rl 126, 127 Falvy, Jenmie.......ccvvieveinnnnnnn. 224 Foshay family. ..... ene Lat 42 Fanning, Mary ........-:cccceee 2osan 131 Bootes doi bent sda 128 Farrar family ..........- cece. coeninvi 267 TOStEr, CIo0IEe. «vos 2 nos sn nathl gent 279 Barrell, Blsie.......c....ccocb0:ionisa. 172 MALY. thin aaa I ny 267 Sarah Evalyn .......e0visservurns. 293 Foutz, Martin. ..c csc vvvesseraninveeev, 163 Faught family bees sre snr snite seni, 178 Fowler, Mary.... ec. oesvn nse aH 211 Baulkner...« ca. acres ssiinisiss bisa 279 Bos, James Loti us i benitiods. 128 Alicel. av ori sen 279 Frady, Lather ovis .a ele 344 Fellow, Helle. ovsorrroronrrcs ssn 70 Francis, Hiram D...........cce vues. 331 Fellows, Agnes..o-vvsss.onrrsnernons 320 Francisco, Jolt. cas vss vesssansinsinees 179 Felter family... c.cnsvevocacioneins cans 191 Franklin, Charlotte. uv. vs vos 298 David. .....-........... Sense. 190 MARY alls iin Sar ia 132, 220 Fenley family......oovvvineeinninnn... 310 Frazee, John L .....t... Leal een237 Laura Anna.........coeeeveeeenees 311 Frederick, Blizabetlic. uu dus oitivinas, 26 Fenn family ois etulsis'e wis se mine 0 feeeeaenas 278 TlizabetB Al. is iam s, 223 Ferdon family................. 40, 137, 138 Rachel Ann...s. ans vsnlosivoeenst 216 BIENEY wei cine vas snare tne mnenieune 332 Freeland, George Lincoln. ......... .... 125 Maria. ...........-.. essai: 136 Gootge Woauisiadsirtinl, avin 125 Ferguson, George..............ocuvee. 266 French family... sve rvrreve 284, 285, 286 George W.... uve vesnvivn msidaniio ini, 326 Elizabeth Te vice. thnshnin hots, 284 I8anc cect nt sya ts 169 John... ... oni -in eine nny 180 Jared... ......... vo. nndaL, SL, 324 Frink, Charlotte -.......c....0. ih, 154 Pet.....-...-.:.c.ucinnine. 266 ritz, Sarah Las c. = fevevnrinsvavnsinzes 131 Ferris, Allison Bownell................ 276 Froeligh family .....covvvneivneinnnnn. 191 Charles Edgar .................... 277 Hannzh Catharine... ccevvee snes 216 Nancy .......ccconiienvnnnane..s 303 Sarah Durie coos carieneraenes 192 Sarah .........ooiiiiiiiiiis oe 300 Fugary, Fidelia Ann.......coooenennnn. 336 Fields, Virginia...........cc00 2v.nnnn 329 Fuller family... oe ssesnserrazeimnsisen. 333 Finch, THOMAS... cscs sien sin stivnes 186 Abbie M .........- Lenina 335 William... - cic cioniosisisivmmismnaisiint sn 206 Charles Ei. ohn vnnisninibis aia. 334 Fish, James M...................... 0. 314 Fulton family............ 241, 242, 24%, 247 Mary M......ooovninnnns vannnnn ..314 Jennie... in. 0rn a ees 241 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 389 Fulton, Samuel ....... 0. one. 241 Gillett Tamilyes ohn. vecahnisen iL ah 154 Furman, Mary Ellen ............ 5... 212 Gilliam, William... ............0.....00, 232 Gillispie, Nancy Ann ..........1......, 244 G. Gilmore, James ....... cc. his Ls 158 Gaines, Ferdinand... ..... . d-vvevinl oii 232 Gilpin, Lydin: Je... vhc uu. hons ba 344 Richard. i... oiineoiinatinin uralcn 232 Gilson, Hattie A 0. viens oh Sale 303 Galentine, Rhuannah.................. 275 Joseph. wv. velennaia, nt Hn 245 Gallup, John... Lica eeii cvdseh bin fait, 225 Gipson, Anna Leah.................... 315 Cans family... ave die ce, 268 Edward Mo. o.coini.cnisnn.tnn dl 315 Catharine Neff. ........ co... 000, 141 Glan, James J... coca conanhiaa nt. 335 Gavabrant, Neelije...: cc: teint. usu oioten 46 Glass family ....:..... ch dieu. 81 Gard, Jane... ... c.c o. iL aaR aL 320 Glaze, John Ha....c.a.n. 0.00006 245 Gardenier family sec vecs ve volando ye 43 Glenn family. ............0 ill Loess 268 Gardinier, Johm.i..couut ith seiahien 208 MLA Gh i ai nie deli dT ai 245 Simon... J. Too nin dele an, 208 Goble... ih deel aE 308 Gardner, Mary. ........-.coeounic ce otie. 268 Goetschius, Henry J..eoonieeneiveennn. IGI William Me. coos vised finns 248 Jacol cv. soma vehi tints 80 GATACE. « saivie ih ait ou Satin wali i i 1, 275 James........cou iva seslehivhbeininsie se 128 Chuo ois nT ee a a 276 Joseph.........: a Re a ee ay eat 80 Cynthia... ..ovninca ne, 302 SATAN coe sev vas incieinaisinininssiseinirsinie 81 Gare, Many... coun ou cov ania 254 Goettel, Christian H.........i0 cao 227 Garrabrant, Margaret.................. 192 Goff, Margaret C.... vce rv. 0s cer eeans 263 Garrett, Angle i. cali . veie Sbtoilhs 171 Golay family... esses veiseccnnannnses 304 Garrison, Fannie D..................... 298 Goldie family ..... coc ccs enisnve ve vn 116 Gerretie......... slat Stl 129 Goode family... coc vvnvn.nnt.n hoe, 269 Gates, Edward 1 ee.................... 315 Goodrich, Henry Wickes............. 109 John Albert. ..... ...... 0. 0beeklh 315 Goodwin, Abigail on 138 Gatlield, John... ..... conus 206 Henrietta C..... coun vrs sive iualilee 209 Gaunlt,i Bolle... soi sinensis con ciiaiiil, 290 Gookins, Lydia... cs vsiviv vasamaisiiecieinls 154 Gaw family. ...... co ivi civil, 256 Gordon family.........5% 266, 280, 297, 304 Gedney, Eliza Ann..................... 328 WHllTam sh coviiviois snl eitisieinieins niete's “60 Geldermann amily ..... viet 200 Gordonier family .......%.............. 43 Gentry, Richard. ............- .......L 285 Gore family. ......coveisainine revises 242 George, De Witt. :...... cn... hls 259 Gosnell, Isabel... ..c...oee ceo von. 322 Gerger, Emma... oni. seie atic 150 Gould, Martha V.........c ved emis. 199 Gerhardt, Sallie. ciiieln vis iv vias 109 Sarah Ai. evi vais oilaiviale Sater .200 Gibbs, David Whur... ..... cou... 179 Graff; EHza. «sv ivnisivelinvisioaivinshi iis 164 Jerome Pemple........... 4d. 2... .... 178 Graham, Martha Evelyn................ 252 Gibsorfamily.. ....ckicc ive cnisisienies 164, 313 Mary Efta.............n0neesieisciers 251 Jane...............00 00.00 274 Mary Jane...............cocuieainn, 165 Mary Caroline ......... ..i.W...0 297 Minnie Rebecea...............-... 251 INONICY le tinio vi mein nlninteiniain isIE 00 he 308 Grannis, Minnie....... co. ahh, 105 Sarah ARN. shies dain ces 206 Grant, Amanda Star... ....envi.vouveael 341 Gifford, Lizzie J..o. voc vio scans 243 Graves family......vo vs sade 243 Gilbert, Amos...............c-.0000 0 174 Harrison... oven ainiasioinns sisieisivis 244 Mary C................ iota, 146 Gray family ........ccnvvinnnnnt, 292, 308 Gilbraith family ................. ..... 235 Corydon L.......c0caicaeerehicesnt 233 Gilchrist family... ....e. chats cunitnl, #270 TIances ec. cvs woivsaisaanetivoiclsls 281 Giles, Ann Elizabeth. ......... i. coh... 198 Lucy Angelia...........h.0eeeuven 295 Gilkison, Mary Jame........... ....... 271 Sara... senna le ae ol 280 Gillespie, Agnes............ .... 00.00. 110 William H............ssi.. 00000 329 Bamiel.. anh iin dnb, 162 Greathouse family... ........ 7... 322, 323 William. ci a id an 243 Green family... ... even dais diana, 241 390 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Green, Daniel... vec iii 273 Hamilton, Maretia:.., ....0..... =... oll 260 Bdgell..... 0. den ae 255 Mary. co vues sd dnd sols daiaiaaiets 225 Eobeti.......... 0 Loa, 255 Robert P........s.:......v..-%. 2, 348 George H............ col ctl 240 Roxy.....c. .....0. 0... 0.0 oe 348 Helena. .......-i.. vuliaiihis ouch 333 Hammon, Rebeecea..............L.... 104 John, on i a 337 Hammond, Jerusha...............c.00, 246 Low M ...cncviin enn dics 273 Rachel A....c.....i oun, vaio 331 Mary A... nama a 333 Hampton, Eliza................. 0h. 290 ROE vote dein inti emia tenis 39 Hancock, Thomas H................... 291 Greenhow, Mollic..................... 312 Handley family......... ............ 346 Greenwell, Naney ........ on. dediiidon 170 Haney, Euphemia...................., 206 Greenwood, Frederick...... . use 216 Eankla family.....c.. cc... cou inbinics oe 284 Rachel. cud vue sion a oid, 241 Hanna family. ........... ocho delete 262 Greer. family......... .......... Heuarens 311, 315 William....:..ovv os simran dani 259 Grifingfamily ...... on. ooo... 307 Hardcastle, Elizabeth.................. 232 Griffith, Julia... ..............0.0 297 Hardenbergh, John S.................. 29 Grim mily.........nneieni. ae 257, 258 Hardenburgh, Mary C................. 193 Grimstead, Thomas:H................. 127 Hardesty family. ....e000uveneeo ni. 268 Grover, Robert Frederick. ............. 302 Kingsey....:... cc cvino vinnie 267 William................. coniuha, 301 Haring family......... 30, 48, 189, 212, 332 Grow, Stephen. ...... ....... LLL bs 241 Bridget,........ convo anh 155 Guild, Josie A................ 0. 0h, 119 Cornelin. .--.. 0. coo abhi LLL, 31 William H............. ou. 000s a, 119 Daniel. orc oui ves a 30 Guion family ..cesvnine esis cnn uli, 141, 142 Elizabeth. s hoes vneidiSuinin chine 190 Henty woo... cosnauis us J cininieinle 119 Hannah Augusta.......-.......0.. 131 Burnett, Bellile....................0.. 238 Hendrick... ........0aeandeinith. 25 Gustin, Ellen. -=. ...covicuis Sits hth 319 FIORBY: so sss mn oH beatiity 220 Mabel. ...o...oove canal indinia, 181 Jacob. coo... .. oh. aio 25 Gwin, Emily S. ons 259 Jone. .oieoiennian nition lk: 196 Gwyer, Christopher... .................. 113 Margaret Adaline... .... .....--.... 217 Martyntie........... ce etic ducts 40 H. Samuel c.. eee onl Bhan L GGL 138 Eladen, Elizabeth. ............."...... 156 Vroutie Cornelise.................. 43 Hagadorn, Ida May.................... 223 William Post. .........-.c een 217 Hagaman, Esther..................... 149 Harley, Sarah Jane.................... 306 Hagar, Cora... ...vvsio iene 227 Harper, Chester Westervelt............ 195 Hlaioht, Elisha B...............5:.0000 117 William E..........c... ana 0a 195 Hairston, Lucinda. ...... ht vate. 311 Harris family.............h 0. 0G ade ee 275 Hall milly... ..........0. .., 106, 174, 338 ACE oo oe icici isial slats 123 Adaline... ...... coil. en nA 296 Catherine Sophia... .... ssw. aaichls 202 Edward ........... 00.0.0 105 Edward .........-....celieL ul 123 Hannah................ 0. ...0, 97 Brederick....oovnvun. valaii ll 288 Joel ...ooe nit aS 177 (BEOBTE.- seein s viaivis sr vrai sidenisf ide 266 Halloarth family... .0..... LoL Sok 248 Hannah... ...crue eesaiilooln. o, 85 ANTON ire sini vn bein aia Bh 341 Mazal. cic os vn vin vie sini sabe, 261 JTW... aaa SL 342 Jemima ............... cose, 85 James Wen... coun. noni, 341 Jesse. ...contvonine is cio toiieudales 261 bE Se 342 Nancy Caroline ................nt. 206 Halliday, 1da Antoinette. ...........5.. 222 Harrison, Coorg... .. veoh csieicin lon ol 208 Halsey family... .......-. ono 0 olin 322 Daniel. cue. vv ve sinvshitdia fo eens 124 Jacob Potter....................5. 183 Harrower family............ oleic ile 85 Hamilton family. .............. 000, 269 Waller. =e csv ioivnnisies htm tablels ole 84 @ornelit...... oo. onus, 184 Hat. oul ee nL Ln 306 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 391 Flarte, Hatile.)......... 200 2a ene 173 Harty family. .....:.................0s 36 Hartzog, Leah........... 0... cov hes 273 Harvey family.............ceoihete, 216 Charles Edgar ..... RETR aL 300 Haskell family ..0.......00 0000. 301 Bartholomew ..................... 300 Harman... ii 000 nL. onl oa 292 Henry LB. S...................-... 185 Mary Ae............ 0.0.0... ee, 302 Hassler; Ernest.............. 0... .. 0. 317 BachelC. L.......2...... 0. LL, 317 Hasson family... ........ LLL GL 144 Jane ............... .......... LL 141 Willi: Heo oon ne seas santos, 141 Hastings, Delight................-.c.... 97 Richard... coo asa indo 97 Hatheld family........ 5.0... 155, 184 John... cL 97 Lowisat I snr iden ron, Jo as, 183 Hawes, Lucinda Lakey ................ 134 Hawking, Giles J. i dais dvs dba 282 Moses. 512s vnnennun nl Sadie, 241 Hay, Norman W...................... 193 Hayden; Elizabeth .................. 243 Jacobi... aL LL 171 Bays, George...... ..........n50 00... 160 Hedley, Samuel........................ 163 Heard family. ...... oun oa 224 Heaston, Agnes S..................... 160 Heath family. .................c co. 0, 76 Heatherly, Thomas... ................. 162 Heavin, Angie... ... ueeinaiicu on veils 158 Heckman, Mary ...............0L.-.... 250 Hedden, Elzora Jane .... ..0. «eicele ein oo 250 Hedges, Dorcas... oss eniscsosnbiiien: 247 Helling, Christian..............L........ 38 Helm, Christion. - -.vo.u iis iomabinils 65 Cornelis. . . oc .cviecvainv a oniioncn nl, 38 Helms family.......c...o0vnthe inte. 346 BN ev i a i as 191 Henderson ..................c.cuiv. ois, 249 Emily B....................c-0- 279 Ensly. oi. hones, Sais 317 Mary 0s, 158 Sarah. lel nn ee, 258 Willlamyi... oes cine io 182 Hendricks, Angenitie.................. 15 DHCVEE vo ciaivs vt nisin bn win sinks la ninhbunets 2% Hendrickse, Gertle. +... auc diana AR Henry, Catherine ot, 206 Elizabeth.........- CaS 160 Henry, Jone... v.......... eR Na 132 Jermie 0 ian ss ee 243 Katharine: oss Du Bae 244 Hepner, Mary .....c.covieevveneinnnnn 319 Herbert, Josiah.............cvoveinnans 273 Herden, Sarabl.. o.oo vee ou 63 Hering, James... ....ccveiiunnn conn 78 Herrick, Clara Bell.................... 227 Ebenezer... shia sidan don, 227 Willimm L-.. vie si oes 145 Herring, see also Haring.................. fimily..a eae ae 214 Jacob .... uit eee 135 Willian 22 vei ven dah shee 136 Hessels, Metie......... 00 Jvc uieeny 32 Hiatt family... ai. eed bn, LL 320 Hickman, Joseph...........cc00 nuns. 164 Hickox, Elisha P..........4.. LLL. 94 Hicks, Amand Melvina ................ 148 TEA RR nL 131 William Wo. oo ea tt es sales 146 Higgins, Ella.........ccvveienn.n 207, 227 TLV is sis tate a i ale le 164 High, Sarah W... .........4. WL, 206 Hildebrand, Sarah ..... ..«. .... dee, 262 Hildreth, Jennie L ............a./\..h 320 Hill family............0... 138, 332, 340 Alva cd dati TL ee 139 Pla, tdi aiatate ta iets ete 229 Tda Belle... ue. visiaininonn niin hiss 141 James W...u 0. vasa vy 284 John..........on6h, Seid sina 284 Mattie Ji... «vv iniavintiat ha 96 William... sete tii Chl 273 Hillilser, Louisa v. viuieivieansviestceioinies 331 Hillman, William S......... oe LG, 221 Hillyer, Mary Elizabeth ............... 130 Hinds family... .ovniisunin caida ot 304 Hobbs family....0..0enhen sited 179 Hoberecht, George L.................. 308 George Owen....v....: eee 0nnnny 308 Hoburn, Henrietta.....»....... Jove 212 Hockett; Elwood... .... sccm eceriioh, 321 Hogencamp, John............... At 105 Holeroft family .......sou-vistoneett-, 178 Holden family .......cvissnniennio niin 315 Holder family. ........c...000iubeLho 197 Hole, Effie... cocaine onion, 163 Holland, J.:S... con) vanish libs 265 Holler, Minnie. ..... ons vvaianivanioe, of 299 Hollinger, Albert D............. ..... 343 Hollis, Charles Tt ...... coi ial, 275 Frank... c.vnn sors caidnovbaatee: 275 392 Index lo Surnames other than Banta. Hollister, Mary... .c.c.nnivesvinivieh sinnie 85 Hull family..........v... cco eisnnnnnd Sarah... too i 85 Huffman, William. ...... co ccvtienieer, Holmes, George. ax « « viele vis eisivinivinisivivicrs 138 Hughes, Dora». coe sco in sicntincinenvnius Holroyd, Caroline Bell................. 116 Elizabeth Fallon v..vvivscotivntsn os Holtzinger family ........cciesoive. 2isviis 141 Jennie EB ...v. vv enieic cides binisis ss Homan, Theresa........... tied sios. 132 Tolliver............. ols a miata ensteto ote 243 Homer, Fannie ........ ......o.v.c000. 169 Hughson, Phebe....................... Hoeogland family. ........0. 0.00. 000s 39 Huidekoper family..................... Hooper, Mary G ........:....h0.0 ts, 153 Hukill, Indiana. ..........c. conn) Hopper mily..................000:0., 190 Huldie, Ellen E....................... IADEANAMY ov cis iro nisinit isle vines 106, 112 Haulin, Hannah... cc. cis oeiiiaielen Adam... J ais aan, 210 Hungate, Eliza.....................cL Andries... ce. See 2 Hungerford bmily................ Catherine Louise...» sss emisisisisise 156 Hunt, Eliza Ann... 2 cies en shanna Charity id he, 199 Hiram A......................... Cornelius 112 Mary.. ve vsv ccs cs envinhniaitis canny Bana B........ ..... + pla insakeiaa siesmivisia 210 Hunter, Elizabeth. ....c... cosines Elisabeth BE... .. 0c: ohh idiive aon 348 William La cu io. cn noo cd mnmehlte al 74 Emma. .......bvekiiviid ss. son vas 217 Huntley family........................ Garrett A.......... 0... ae 121 Hurd, Sarah Jane..................... Geertje i. ..... oe vai xe Huston family. ..........0hococ.. hh oy 265 Hester.........;0.0 0.00000 0 33 Hutchins, Ella A...............0..000, TNBerh. eel vive Civ Gs 332 Huyler family ....................: Oli se ios see 189 Cornelia....:........ ions onnil is John N.............. nk. oui 83 Be ve oiiin sniihon inte ans demise aise Lida Cadmus .........c........0..% 210 Euphiemia ...u 0... 200s salons, Mavitee. vii secant sti ind 41 John.e.ooiiuiiiiiniiniinnnnnnnn., Mana EB... con arn, 72 Sarah th Mary Ann................... 126 Hyatt, John N....... ...... to rhaisoaicles Minnie. cic voice ive iosh adil ik 327 Hyde, Clara A..........c0iuuvnnn.nnn. NethHe sonic eas siniani.ah Leni 237 Hyney family ............... 0.0... cui, Rachel... ....... 00 on. aes 98 : Sarah. ce nhs 109 Sarah ANNesveie ve sass cosines Je 218 Tnghem, Minnleiis ovine saie. sili, Florey, Clarence M. oo. es npansds sie se 234 Toke, William Bisson in th v0 000, | ean ? Rives Bc. sunny adi nh madi. Tabitha J ane et Em ae 302 Robert in sort ads Sida fia ue is Holaling, Martin :: v..ccc.ho. onesies 208 Tohell, Marilln o.oo sida: lat milan ony Houchton, Jonas A... sw vusainshsebsns 103 Isely, Catharine... coi con. oval Honghuwout, Jane Viestsndiy seu tirns 325 | Dee Wise M.....cuniiiisoniiinsnens House family erie tae aes eines ital a sai 71 Towel, Porry co. tsihuininisinsinsinssy Maria. ........ evesreeneeeaeaiaen, 191 Ting, Amos sivas naif Hovell, Martha Melissa ................, 206 Warren 8. vi hs i aii tea Howard, James BK... .,..... .ocouiientis 119 Howell, Bllen.. ........... onda veny 79 Horace vo ..ohveoiisnesmaivunnds 79 Malinda. . .........rcsrcenseicitioe er 249 Jackson family........s00ee-vun.., Howland family. .....ove ves aniiahisnnio: 224 Elizabeth: icercernris sees Serials Hoyt family. ce...oiveien nines 228, 230, 231 Jacobs, Epke.........c.conuive- nines Hubbard, Joseph... ..... -:. ale sinter 317 Samal B...evncoorh.uis,, Selvin miv, 340 William... ... ....... # miaitie siete aie 318 Prim, Joseph -..cotcrtcvonesnrnizie sony 32 “Proctor family. .... ce. cov innithssnney 167 Louisa... ieee res cnisalrim rnin 166 Provoost, Samuel... ... i: sve isrinsna ve 21 Pryer, Nicholas.........:cc.vueonrine.n 32 Pudney, Mary ........--cc-revnsnecens 179 Puett, Lon C..ssie ce vs vloninsiniciansis sain men 172 Pugh, Benjamin...........ccovvennnnn. 99 Sarah .......... ties sR eres als 183 Bulis, John .....ccccvibiisanicsoiveicnes 76 Pulisfelt, Conrad... ....svissnsncimesie. 38 David... ..c oh ceo ninvihinnh sans 68 Purdy, Mary Jane...........cconnennnns 201 Pursell family... ..vvevrive sven enitoe 242 Putnam, Israel..... .... Sa hate etal a nn 208 Pymm family ...........c.c0iiiivnnnnnn 32 Hessel... cocci iavrsiencnsinaviie ns 32 Q. Quackenbush, Catherine............... 204 Catrina. cas sais it viv sweats vistas 42 Quail, James T....... cee ueviensn.n 234 Quill, Thomas F......oovveninnnaa.nn. 182 Quisenberry, Lucy Jane........ walaisie ins 254 Tandy... coronas ssesinsivsisnsne 96 R. Radford family.........coonveeiinnnnn 200 Jeofftey B.o..ov vo rcvr.nneivnnaa, 289 Ragsdell...........0. ..ccccpannennn, 256 Ramseyer family s..ooviinniiiniinenn, 300 Peter Ni. oiessninininn ssinisivesisiainiehals 299 Randolph, Martha...........c..c0vntne. 316 Nathaniel. cine oes sic sates sieele oirie 168 Sarah. se da 142 Range, Susan........ RE EI 30 Ransdall, Abraham..............c..v.. 269 Ransdell family «oc. venrevre.rne nn, 347 LCY Ass vanrrnnsievrsscensiveisinn 348 Rathbone, Alice E...... ...........0.0- 228 Raven), Joseph....... 0000 0000nnnvens 243 INONCY. vv 20s es: vesasisneoiianniesiton 241 RAY, Goorge.: siveeinses ss densbode annie 190 Raymond family ............o..... 235, 236 Samuel... eieinien din vasa da ve 113 Reed, Anna.....v.....0....0 cen. 163, 316 Emelie Geraldine......cccnnnn.nn. 336 George Whitney ........coovnen.n. 336 Hannah..." . ........c00 cor 123 Regan, Lizzie®A........ 0 videne. vot 155 Reid family. cee.svusosoinsre isnsivseaian, 94 Reith, George: .ccesvssverssnecessans. 337 Remington, Frederick ................. 228 Remsdell family. ...ooeeennennnnnnn.... 347 Remsen family......oooeiiiinnniinnnn. 331 Aron Bo cee es. io neinities sv eisisioiais 204 Renfro family. ......o0ove connie. 263 Retan family.cce.vnnneessaursnsanis, 70 Abraham. .... cs: oes a stents 64 Reynierson family. .........coovenenn. 96, 97 Reynolds, Celia V.....oooviiennnennn. 205 Elizabeth. ocr ce vsivesrisivnivistoinisisiess 170 Rhodabeck family ...covevnveeeeiannnn. 257 Rhoton, Mary S...oonvnevniiinnenn nn. 287 Ribble, Laura E.........cec0vverentnn. 323 Riga. vas cisions cis cnn inate lsieininieints 306 FAMILY. . ces sin sonics sininisioinls vnisizizioio, 295 OUHVE soiveiiisninie vss winisisaisie sisisioinie 260 Richards, Cynthia M .....coee connnn 203 Richardson, Aury ........oveeenuennens 74 John. ...eonnvenatenes nannies 74 Richey, William H ...o..oviniennnn.. *245 Richmond, Alice H.......cccvvvinen... 149 Rideout, Leroy G .evovvvvviinnninnenn. 316 Ray Ralph....cooviiineniannennnes 316 Rigg, Alexander ..... ...ooeeeeeeeenn. 243 Nancy Boevovivinrnniennneananenn. 242 Riggs family..... cocovivinininnannns 255 SArall cca cress sameness wsivies 22 Rigley, Mattie ....coveenenenneneenn. 186 Riker family oo voveneevereennennnnnene. 166 Charles... cciniconisnisnsspsisinsisisinia 165 Mary. eesescocesecosessasnassenns. 93 Riley family «.oovveeeineneenennnennn.. 336 Jessie Melvina .........oov.nee ewe v337 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 401 Riley, John Albert, .............. 0. 337 Rindquist, Emma Carrie............... 306 Rippy, Susan Melissa.................. 315 Rishling, Clara €..................... avg Hester Jane... .. .c:.. ... Loon. 277 Ritchey, Mary E...................... 308 Robbins, Rebecca J.............. ...... 279 Robert, Eloise €...... on. 02000, 238 Roberis family. . cc oii. 0 0, 179 Daniel ........................... 329 Bisa Bc. aircon ond S300 286 Elza... vivid ann aad bo Boule ows 298 Elizabeth. . viv voe va toaaadil 30.5 208 Bphraime iia ohana dat 297 Isadee.. ocr dion do vo anil 163 John... die. fede. ood vd a 171 Lonisa Jane...............n LLL 169 Martha Jane...................... 343 Marys. esau Sb ol, 329 Mary A........................... 297 Mary Jane...............4........ 291 Orville A... ooo. oh a, 297 Willlam'S .. cn ves oN 97 Robertson, Abbie J.................... 251 Catherine... «ou. 0. oo veh) 318 David vo vie vines bain pun ding 97 Luceneth.. cach. Lo. ..c,. 00 341 Robinson, Mary Jane................ 281 Epsajane.......c....ovooiin ian, 241 Rochat, Susie A... cc... /...l iis iin 297 Rodgers, Naney......................, 249 Rodwell, Della. . .oove. inane. vada, 108 Roe family. ............. nist alaite slyly 325 Roeger, Conrad. ........ coool iid, 36 Jacobus... cn 36 Roelofsen family ................. 5... 31 Roff, Be Dlvevicavannas sown, iivady i 204 Rogers, Caroline L...... ............. 141 Louisa Au. cane is S00 ois uh 123 Yydia Amn........ voi 0G, 321 Rohrer, Catherine... ......:.. 00k. 275 Mary... convn vues ode ven os 274 Roller, Catherine. ....... ............. 319 Romaine family. .................. 117, 331 John Ro ..vvivvninii an oii dn 104, 198 Nicholas: Ti... J... uv ,av i. abn 110 Rome, Johanna ....................... 114 Romer, Maria.............c.ovene iv 328 Sophia. ...uuiivie ei iil AL, 198 Romeyn, Geesjean...................... 61 Ronkle... .. icv ovo dialogs 299 Root family... cv. .co ivi vio ns didi 228 AUPOTR S.civa die diliuvie die aly 22% Root, Ervin Benson -. ........... ...... 227 Teel... nuevas Sonus, oo ot, 164 Ropes, Mary Jane..................... 201 Rose, Alexander M........... oa. 50, 149 Elizabeth... iar oo di dee hinio 166 Katie. . ure did ann LL 200 Ross, Mary Ann......................, 323 Rosseau, Emma V................ .... 155 Rountree, Eliza.....................\. 165 Rouse family.............J............ 86 Rowan, Joseph................. ...... 280 Rowe, John S......................... 219 Mary............ 0... 75 Peter Henry....................... 143 Sophia ..............L00L LLL 279 Rowland, Evaline V.................... 234 Rowlinson, Euphemia.................. 300 Royalty, Emma............... 0... 284 Rucker, Sepleton:..................... 159 Rude, James Madison ................., 140 Ruder family...................LL.... 0, 292 Rudyard, Hannah Matilda ............. 330 Rue family... neh io G0 285, 287 Lonfe Evang. <2... adssve iced. lb. 286 William Ma: cohen. iv cob, 286 Ruger, Adella Si....... coun. cain oe 185 Rundel, Elizabeth Ann................. 317 Rusling, Miriam .:.....0........ J. fi 108 Russell family. ......00 0.0... us, 2092 Mary ..............0 0. 247, 338 Rust, Raymond Van Nuys............. 160 Thomas M.. ...:...... 00:0 LLL 160 Rutherford, Morris... .... :-.. 8... 107 Ryerson, Elizabeth A................. 125 By TA ls 103 John Ricainican nei iid oh, 117 Roginav.« oi 0s duit idee nhl. Al 145 Rynierson, Elmira... ......-. ho, 318 S. Safin family ... ii. 2. deere nic cu is 142 Salesfamily....... i... 008. Led 84 Sallee, Elizabeth... i. .i. vec cieea:hle 167 Salmon, Euniee..... i... 0. .... 0... 241 Salter, Frances BE. M ................... 217 Polly. ..... theo bes cn. is ntl 92 Sample, Emma. ... oo, 000% cae ait 301 James Mi... co... sido Jon 300 Sampson family.......... 000000) 307 Samuels family... ......... .... .... Vr 209 Sanders, Lizzie... ..... 0d cv. no 180 Sanford family....... J... Lh 0G, LL 150 Hugh S..iaoinian id ond i 150 402 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Saunders family. ........... 00... l as 207. | Shafer, George......+v une orsnronnns 276 Hattie, rie anata ia as 133 | Peter... ove ncaitisn se tnoti: tiinens 276 Simeon... ie ed Wee 142 Sharp, Bettie... cs suit csininens yaa; 244 Sanvy, Maude A 0. 230 Sharpstein, Mary Helena:........ “bie ot 22 Sawyer, Matthew S.................... 164 Shaw. ooh oh i i Ss a hE 159 Walter Barle...................... 108 Emeline Be... hve in nag, 231 Sayre, Calvin ....... cc. he: senna. ne 126 George B...:......:..os00.t.. 0 0, 216 Calvin... eats ens makin i Grace Greenwood ....... Sista 217 Daniele. . vise ahaa o me Lonlsa oie aunt 206 Joseph........... cc csraenienis Te Maude M........................ 217 Sarah ANN... cones ventsnvinning einai 126 Shean, Elizabeth ................. :... 75 Sarah ANNs... eiedensnistnss vine ty Sheets, Ellen. ... i dacs crc. ion aintey 291 Thomas... s.ooovvniiiiiiniiinnn, 126 Sheffer family .............c...civesss 134 Rhomas.. esc. :civecvichive. it, a Shelby, Mary Elizabeth.:....«......... 154 Schermerhorn, Engeltie Jacob.......... 83 Sheldon family... cere onnivninis voisn ns 227 Schlomb, Adam. .......... 000s sans 305 Bede hed ne rs 329 Schnaitter, Cornelius +...oovssnsssrionsss 303 Shelley, Amanda M ................... 321 Schnorf, Mary......coss ann ocncrrias 319 Shelp, Roswell.............. i .0ee-le 154 Schriver, David. ... ..i..c.c.un ih hd 30 Shennand, Loulsa..........c... cess, 291 Schuyler... .c.sse. seonsans. nie siviv sais 144 Shepard family.......... .. ........0. 333 Scott thmily. ves cnceerscnsos:ivnaina in 217 Margaret ......... en sides dein y 278 ANNE... cents cnt dissin vninsns 136 Mary Amn...............5.5....0 30 Jomne...... ...........:........:: 243 Shepherd. family ................. 232, 233 John V.........................0. 153 Carrie, os cin nencacnn iris roti nnn sivinine 299 Robert] ...:.c.i..c.0 con nre-cs 152 William To... oe ose 171 Scrivier, Elizabeth, ... :..v.cvs ones nin. 75 Sheppard, Lillie D..................... 303 Scudder family... ... veces on ite tals 113 Sheridan, Thomas William............. 339 Scull, Alfred C...............0.0%. 2.6, 257 Sherwood family .......0..0ee ne raevhe, 272 Seabury family...................... «15% Shields, Jane............c.s.0e0 thu. 317 Seawright family ...... cop nevivaioh 310 Shively, Henry....................... 60 Sebern family... . ess svn feevriioeinss.s. 159 Shoemaker, Alexina.........:.... -.«.-. 133 Abram........ Ce ei Cet le where iO 159 Jom H...............00.00 Ln 133 Martha... 0 cis Heian avn oil 249 Shreves, Lucetfd ... scorers onissisne 202 Seaver, Antle.. .. veaibineat vin. 61 Shuart, AMOS. ooh ose daisinanss siete 128 Sellars family. .....c.c fo inn. dalsnies 316 Shuck fomily ......... co. dee, 158, 159 Allen... ies. oeiid iin at 315 AGNER Le ovis sais vives sivislsnisisio sins bine 94 Sellers, Lewis C................c00.s0s 321 Andrew ...........h0.. ye hl 52 Selmser, Margaret... c....coiine viene. 148 Amma..........h.. sh hil wna 95 Selover, Peter................ cc 00a 29 Bllena M..............coeoaiisisn.. 305 Semoner, Susan R .................... 283 Magdalena.....coveenenrnnnnn. 94, 156 Sentle, Mary Ann..............00.0000 186 Richard .......c..... ose sie st ainias 53 Sergeant, Johm H.................-. .. 206 Sally. eco a ede ney 156 Serven, William. verve scsi ioneis soi 128 William .......... vees000000 52, 94, I57 William M ........iovinndd-s nny 128 Shunte, Hannah Maria.......eevnuvutns 73 Service, Lawrence C.. cc ves vivivss is ses 120 Shuster, Mary A..........:--:00.0esn. 185 Serviss, Marin J... ....coovev vianna.. 152 Shute family... ...eeaesrecceronsencs on. 203 Settles, Joseph... .os vss rsrmnnsh-nn is. 286 Sibenthall family... 5... viens eens 300 Sevier, Jennie... . va. iin dense 284 Sickels, John. soe evo vivasnvniiess- ras 118 Seward, Mary F..........00n0000nren., 214 John Barron.......c.cciveeenrnnnns 118 Sewards, Charlotte Ann................ 131 Sickles, Jane.........ccositncens cana 146 Sexton, John... x bv cvenssrorinni fonenide 245 Silcox, NANCY ..cvuvv ian anissese vs esids 97 Shade, Margaretta.....:.... tb. - eoafaal 22 Sill family. ...vve th secre 126 Shady, Estella ...............c. hie 300 Sills family ........... 00. i sees dee 131 Index to Surnames other than Banta. : 403 Silvers, James......................... 314 Simms, Martha Helen................. 316 Simpson family ..veevvaeiiietiie ine, 342 Alfred... .c. ol... coda nia Cl 203 Frances Bl. hn cited 184 MyraR.. ............5....0h.. 341 Nellie Augusta.............-...... 203 Tomlinsen...................000 00, 341 Singer family ......... 0 ah LG 318 EE LE Ae 317 Sip, Mary Arian... .................... 14 Sitcher, Rachel... ov. io. oven, 81 Skaats, Bartholomew: -.. cis ceiai vale. 126 Mary... .. onan, 155 Mary Ann.....svv.hhheahaeh in 126 Skidgell, Tsanc.........«... vos. .h. 0, 116 Skinner, Ephraim Jom... .............. 178 Sledd, Benjamin... -.. va... 00000. 244 Sleeper. csi veniam snus. on LL 274 Sloat, Charity LL. cv... . 500000 LL, 326 Slot, Pieter Jansen ............... cu. II Small, Malinda. ...:........." en 276 Small, Mary Belle... ........\s....0.. 346 Smedley, Martha... .................... 166 Smeltzetmmily.... cies. oh hin 277 Smith family. ..........0. 134, 174, 187, 345 Ada eal enlace a 297 Albert M....... ui... 188 Amanda ....... abe. iia, 273 Amelia............... sie Leal 343 Anna Jane. .......0... ne. 345 Charles... Lr ados, oni Soa, 139 Christine’... o.oo hi. oh iis LL, 251 Daniel. nh ails. 192 Elizabetly. ..... oc. ou dove sven, 43 Emres Jane... dino) 312 George L.....50. 000. oven ous, 134 Harry. ...oie cnn. hse, 85 Blast. co donno sine lou ite i 188 Henry .......:........... 0... 166 Huldah Jane...... ....c00.0n 0, 143 John. iio. on nh an, 261 Joseph C........ ia. Loe 0 251 Rate B.......0u.. ua isa, 215 Linnie Li... ovodav cuense ineess 230 Louise... hie 211 Lucinda ..ooadve aa nadasini hl, 139 Mary.............. aia. 267 Mary Alida. ....................... 108 Nafley. doa. et sonia nL Wi, 162 Nannle............ . cc dounn. on, 189 Sadie: co ih a ee 246 Smith, Thieuniss i ttn tl a ae 23 William Blackwood................ 228 Smock family. ......e.v L000 LL se, , . 167 Elizabeth... 0 hcaani 167 Jacab: sine. neice Sota 52, 167 John cies disease 57, 58 Sneeden family........couvabLL LL 197 Snell, Abraham,....... Yamal wea 143 Snider, Mary Cooffer................., 267 Snyder, Martha....................... 298 Melissa... iin eee a 208 Sohier, Francois « ces tiiioninhndainae ik Marfei. vil vous vasa, re Soper, Kegin........... coo GL. 244 Sorter family............iu LL LL Los 275 Sossard... ... die GG i 120 Sowise, Sally Maria................0L0 224 Spader, Benjamin, ..........L LLG. 52 Sparks family...................." 325, 326 Jonali...oi vi yvnns inieviscihinnitnioh 244 Spear, Sarah............. lec aL 337 Spenlock, Hiram..................... 265 Sperritt, Minnie..............\ 205 Spinning family....................... 119 Sprague, Lodica 131 Wealthy ............aL0. 0 142 Spraker; Joseph.............. ay ale 148 Squires, Frances Sophia ............... 331 James......... i.e eda 244 Stagg family ................ Lo... 7 ADramm is Joe dais aie el Sl LE 98 Anna De Peyster.................. 147 Cornelius... .. vv... doin. toh 79 Georgie .. ovis vse oul 170 Henry Banta...................... 147 1. De Peyster........0ub0us one ee 147 James... oii sie 97 Margaret. .« .vveniivn cies einen 26 Stam, Mary M........ ..ccoiiihanens, 153 Stanford, James N..................... 265 Stanley, Henrietta. ......o.viaeeie vn, 133 Sarah hhc dando ho 306 Stapleton, Thomas. ............00vuiiis 132 Steenburg, Ann Eliza.................. 224 Steinbach, Anthony..................,. 39 Steinle, Sasanna C............. a 240 Stennett, Albert... ..... 000 cok 266 Stephens, Eliza Ann.................0. 337 Stephenson........2ch. rien nil. 26%, 277 Sarah EB... oval hn 245 Stevens family... .. vv... 0h all, 111, 234 NANCY... vsvaonaiva assem eunsn 174 Samuel. viii lh dS aay 174 404 Index lo Surnames other than Banta. Stevenson, Florence.......... ......... 248 Stewart family .......c.oeenoi an unn 188 Augusta Letitia...... ............ 331 Moses... ..................0..0.0 343 Thomas f,--..o.....0 Loh, 329 St.George... ......... LL a 144 Stiekler, Sally. ................ 0000 0 83 Stille, Grietfe .................c...5... 64 Stillman family... ....o0cn un nas. Ls 308 Stillwell, Mary Rebecea..............., 119 Stimus, Rachel.............. ceed 214 Sting, Elizabeth... 0 iin esis ma 186 Jom.................. .......e0 99 Stobaugh family....................... 266 Stogdale, Mary... ................c.. 0. 241 Stokes family ......................... 314 Stolbrand family. ..... ....c....0..... 233 Stone family......................... 211 Rrancis B........ ..... ..ohcdi vs 169 Horace MM... ci iooabon oldie 140 Thomas J.........................., 169 Storer, Emily Woodbury............... 235 Storm, SUSANNA. . o.oo viioicanions vies 23 Starms, Maria... ...... ove ie, 198 Stowe, Albert............ i........... 224 Frederick 225 Wiles... ie ei 224 Straat, John T....... cones ee uns 73 Sirawser, Elizabeth... oo ui vens. 186 Stryker, Maria............ ........... 87 Smits Telith,.. oo. 0 er 217 Sturm, Charles L..'v. iii i Shas 205 Stymeis, Casper.............. Stim ne 14, 66 Stephen... ... ... oul ihe 326 Sutheld, Jacob............0.coiidh 166 Swart, Naney..........h0 000. eon... 149 Swartwout, Helen. ............. SENG 154 Saralis.. LL... 29 Sweeny, Elizabeth B.................5 275 Sweet, Bryan... ..... ahi es 3 Swobe family................ co... 00 223 Symers, Hannal............0 00.00 106 Symessen, Maria... ... cdi 0 a... 38 T. Toby, Charles. ........ cocina Ll 248 Taff, Amelia................. =. ...... 235 Mary............................ 234 Tague, Drusilla, on... cove. i.a. 0. 304 Talbot, Sarah Bo... dita 140 Talcott, Lucima Hl... nies 118 Tallman, John Garret..... ............ 1 Tallman, Marla... i. 0. coe 60, 325 Mary... ...... o.oo, 98 Tamkins, Carrie E.......... 5... ..... 33% Tonner family ..................L. 320, 321 Barbar. «. daisies ens 278 Nannie J.......c.n.... oh Los, 313 Tappan, 127 Taylor... ii. vid Tr 166 Aletta, . i. saree 231 Jane... vd eda ts 201 Jom W............ 0 eke a oes 314 Matthew ...................0n 0. 314 NANCY. sc ves sts nina nmi salssaisio cia 75 RuthAnn..................... 0, 84 Sallie F...............0...0. 0s 303 Teats, Jessie... .............0. ho. .299 Temple, Millard Fillmore.............. 300 Tenney family -........... cosa sfs nen 286 Terhune family. ...74, 97, 112, 130, 327, 330 Abmham.... care 147 Abram John...................c.. 199 Albert Albert...... .... 0000s. xs Caprle 0... cae els 331 Catherine, ..... cus vs ois weil nniinion 209 Charity.................. -cossise ols 101 Blizabeth......... o.vevevnisene. a0 123 Engene......... ...h.000e toon. 166 Garret H................hh... ook 325 Georgian... ..v...csses Losesess. 166 Horrlet,. o-oo vss se rate nes 324 Hendrickse Albert.......c 000 eee. 31 Josper...... co. oneal Le 325 Johannes......................-.. 101 John V. B............... . ...... 215 arse ces ce ess stdin sss 215 Maggie Anpa..................... 199 Maritie Albert ...........c.z- ol =. x Rachel Stephen ................... xx Richard A............. ce. ..0.003 123 Stephen Albert...........-........ x Wyntle......o...0. 0. nothin 71 Wyntie Albert.................... A Terrill, Martha Amn.......... ......:. 178 Teumey, Paralee....................... 285 Thelkald milly ....................-. 345 Thieband, Justi.............scronie-n. 177 Thomas family.:...................... 312 Beisy .............h.. ih eee 92 Bate... coon cidiin alae, 168 William...:....................c. 113 Thompson family...................... 254 Edith Mathews. .................. 342 Fredo Ao. rior bv ndash 140 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 405 Thompson, Frederick C................ 125 Jasper N........................ 271 Nancy Catherine ................... 255 Sadie Frances... ....... .......... 134 Seaton inv: ove sis sium sei rrr 254 Thorp, Annie... ............-.......... 212 Elizabeth... ...c.veiias co innsinn 263 Mahala. ...................... 6. 265 Thurman, William...................... 96 Tieljen, Christian H......... ......... 325 Tillman, Mary Ann..........-.. ...... 218 Timpson, Sally............. ........... 209 Tinker, Ransom. .-..... ou anism, 248 Tinney, Maud.......................... 321 Tisdale, Alice W....................... 291 Titus, Clara... ...........J.. 00h. aa cs 254 Todd, Harriet: vicina vec cant 177 Foers family. ........ cov on uebionins > 39 Tomer, James®V............. a0. 292 "Tomlinson fomily...................... 151 David P............... ......0.0. 150 Nellie M.......................0.. 222 ffompkins family... .....0cco..0. 0000, 117 Danjel D. -v. votive ns Se 60ST Torbett, Mary Jane..................... 218 Tonrs, Elfen.......................... 130 Towle, Elizabeth. .......cccvscni non, 242 Townes, James W...... .............-. 3I1 Robin LL... ovo. veces oe inaaoni oils 311 Townsend, Emma Jane ................ 169 Tragertamily....... ......... ........ 181 Jacobo... cr .nr nine cn 180 Craphagen, Amy M ...... ois vneen. 326 Tresona, James............0...... 00. 333 Triplett amily ........v.. coils 186 Troax, Samah Ann... 00.00. 148 Truett, Winnie Louisa................. 264 Trump, Susan................. 0. 319 Tucker, Eliza... 0... ...o00 oven oes, 143 Mary... ooo ohn 143 Melissa Anne. lia. Ltn, 291 VIO, en se a 253 Tally, Willlom.. loo. ooeuinbian.. (aid, 328 Tumey, Sarah E.................0....., 283 Tupper, Lorena................../...¢ 129 Turner, Wh Ad oii. sini hiininisaiehe 329 Smith... .......... ai ah 300 Tuttle, Jom ovis ie icine iit, 22 Twineham, John ..........s......o.... 248 Tyler, Tou J.......... ch. 256 Whitson... i=... ves nliiidte nos 166 Willlam. oo. vive vivre svisinnisinsios,, 273 Tyngfamily.............0h. cL. 108 Tyrrell, William ........... 0... oo. 150 U. Underhill, Edward .................... 234 Utley, Mary... .............0..... 5.00 166 Utter, Amma M.. ............- Jc... 334 Sylvester... ... lowes tient. 334 V. Vail family... .....0.. 00 hes 222, 223 Vilentine family............. Calan nae 101 tevin hn Janis a. 219 Margaret. vv... ids a 128 Sarah A... oc v a , 129 Von Allen family.............. Preface, 234 Van Anglen, John..... elas a 166 Van Arsdale family........ 90, 99, 164, 165 166, 168, 284, 343 Cornelius A........ ........ .... 57, 58 Fleanor ...........«: ol itadidnt oie 175 Elizabeth. ......o..svessnsnanns 97, 161 Erminia Isabelle .................. 249 Tsome Loni dino, anda ti, 58 John weiihn einen sui vided, hie. 165 Loca ooo alan RE 52, 58 Mary ..........c.i. e000. 89, 97 Molly... ... o.oo cuc. vba, ss 60 INANCY svivieis oo visiniv ot ciaiuiaini isin iakoiaietons 341 Peter... vei vitesvnivnisine entre oo 97 Rachel. ....... hc. cous 59, 339 Sanford... .. he 0aih oe 283 Saraly... ..c. ii eed ir cea 30 SIMON... os ries esas 52, 53, 59, 89 Van Arsdall, Fronie.................... 283 Van Ausdall, see Van Arsdale ............. Van Blarcom family .................. 0. 334 David. voi vale sive nso vis sirsaiait, 105 GAYTCL, & + viii intel siey sa sidietess indviacely 191 Jan Lubbertse +... ve vue. tL ul, he Rachel... cision metas, cobs 47 Van Brandis, Charles. .........0. cho. 266 Van Brestede, Johannis Jansen ......... re TryNtiC. es ovine drives asin vmsinivivs *2 “Non Brant, Lydia... ..0eenoh. sdnenats 150 Van Bryck, Mary Ann................. 194 Van Buren, Ann Eliza ,.....:.......... 148 Pranels. «oii, dais ses ise a ie 83 John... .\. oe ae 83 Van Buskirk, see Buskirk..........c 0... family... aL 155 406 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Van Buskirk, Ann ....... 00... cou. len 133 David...... .............0........ 75 Edgar B........:................. 105 BdgarB................0........0 105 Elizabeth... ve. os, 198 Fyile............ ee. 24 Gertrude Thomas. ................. 62 Jacobus... chs... cou. ries 44 John A........................... 105 Roosevelt: ..... cue vihes veins ies on: 145 Bheodosin.. . -- hecho ane vas 76 THOMAS oi aan 62 WErnon,. ».... 0: enon. Jey 268 William 1... ...........0... te 105 Vance, Martha............-.....cccon 303 iWaniCleel .... ..ccccvnriivaia anes 233 Van Clefe, Rachel... ................... 98 Van Dalsem, Theodosia J.............. 26 Vanderbeck family. .... 68, 71, 102,121, 120 Gathering ..-:..v-.evvn sven sss 40 IBlizabetly, 0. 0 eri 130 Geesjen ..........oh.. 0... 0s. 22 Hermanus. ....-...>....0... oon. 120 Joeobh............................ 112 Jan..................... ccc... 106 Mary €............-............. 213 Sarah. cae 106, 135 Vanderbilt family......... ............ 208 Martha... 0 eee 191 Wanderholl, ANN 5 ss ve revn senile 62 iVanderhoof family..................... 333 Eliza Ann.................... 198, 333 iVanderlinda, Kate..................... 156 Vanderlinde family .................... 77 Joost. -.......-..........0..-.... pr a Peter hte a 0 Ralph!...........................5. 8 Vanderpool, David. ................... 105 Jomes............................ 125 Vanderstraaten, Magdalena............. me Van Der Western, Emily M..... Sinha 329 Vandeveer, Coleman................... 166 Van Dien, Albert... ... o.oo... 28 Catharine... .................... 129 Bengt... vs ee a a 28 Jacob... ..... ai a. 76 Rachel... ahi vo ess sate 129 ee 219 Vandiver family, .......... ....... 260, 261 ATO, oie ise 257 BIMOLE, «ve vinrsestiois snot inna 260 sane Bl... cree. sory n es 260 Van Dusen, Harry ........ 0c... Ls 139 Van Duyne family... ....:............. 211 Van Epps, Abigail............... Section 148 Abraham a ra se 84 Catharine, Abraham................ 85 Deborah... i... cei icone, 84 Van Etften, Anna..... -...........-. 30 Vanfleet, Nancy..............5........ 166 Van Gelder, Fytie.-...-.......... Loa _ Van Giesen family....... .... 41, 193, 349 Anje.......... 0... 0000 NE, 62 Rachel in. sah tan seit ah, 192 Van Harlingen, Maria................. 30 Van Hoesen, Jan ................. tees 30 Van Horn family......... ...c.... 27, 331 Annaetjen ................. ...... 20 ANNANE 1 cress tes ites 24 Cornelius John........ yr 64 Cornfling. .. -o-.. Ci. X Lon 197 Daniel... coves LLL a 25 Elizabeth... ............... .c.hs. 130 George W.........--...-......... 191 Jannetie Cornelius.... ............ 28 John... .. cL ss eee 64 LCase tinier ves’ saisteis ocivnsinue 27 Margaret: ............... chee 219 Rachel... csi ve ian re, 102 Sarah tries eee 211 Van Houghton, Jacob.................. 68 James... o.adn t,o un ben 68 Maplin. ion and. oie ae 68 Van Hyning..........: SRE 85 Van Idenstyne family.......... ....... 81 Elizabeth. -.................hL 8o Van Taer, Adrian .................0. Ro Aelfie. conn is Van Middlesworth, Catherine........... 29 Van Nice, see Van Nuys............e00tee family...0... 0h ae, 256 NANCY was sins svn iv visinsoin oivien es 94 ROXANNGD ceive nvvrsonananss seams 340 Van Nostrand, Hattie.................. 203 Van Nuys, see Van Nice......ccoevunnnnn family............. .. 159, 160, 161, 162 245, 246, 247 Henry. ...vv2r20r111102snsnvvssnss 157 ISAC. . sree nena sass ielirione 57, 58 Vronchie. - csc cess veosnssnissc enue 248 Van Nyse, Tunis... ..ccovvvneiinnnnn.. 53 Nan Orden .....csveesvivisssinsesionsins 67 BAmily .. ce. eerie ea 40 Ablech Slot... cecveiiinnsscrecin. 11 Adam. :. di: iin. i soe ie Index to Surnames other than Banta. 407 Van Orden, Andrew. ................... 14 Dorothea....... ....... tein nim vo TIS Jaeebi ovr fan a, 25 Jame. te. . es Ae, Ph 25 Wouthens...... ............ 0. 25 Van Osdal, see Van Arsdale............... Van Reipen, Geesie Thomas............. 31 Van Reyper, Catharina ..... rer ah 125 Van Riper family..........:...... 0...) 210 Helen A...... .i..choonh oon 215 Van Rypen, Jan.................. 0... 32 Van Ryper family. ....::............ 81, 82 Rachel. Joa a vai Bail iia, 145 Stephen ........0o.n aL. 145 Van Saan family...................0L 68 Van Saen family ........2 00000. 36, 37 Van Saun, see Van Zaen.. x. on fii. family... coe. 8o, 123, 328 Aoness....... nde aL 120 Elizabeth M ....................... 31 Batherp. 00. 0 ordi orn, 332 Taceb Foevae sri onan on 104 Jamnetic ........ cL LL LG, 121 Johnti oon Abn, 349 Yom J-.....00 00. oie iin 122 Lydia... .... 0 ai Sonn on 120 Van Siclen, Cornelia... ooo. 00, 17 Ferdinand: can. sis iapiady, 17 Van Sys, Hyla..... reese 103 Van Tassel, Joshua...:......- .......... 76 Van Valen, Rachel ...................... 191 Van Vleck, Angeline....... AE 240 Nancy Ale. inuados ls Lunn 148 iVan Voorhees, Daniel. ................0 98 David sie cidiziiabicn laebioan io, 87 Blsie..c..o. oc. Ae 114 Hendrickye......... da a Jacobus... .... Si ie ct aly Sd ns 17 Magdalena Peter.............i.... 61 Mary... c-cd aL a 98 Sarah. vl. eld. aL ade tL 349 Stephen Courte ..................... ik Van Vranken family................ 84, 140 Johm..... ddan lh 84 Manley..o............c.. LL 85 Van Wavoner, Rachel ..............:.. 239 Van Winkle family. ............ 31,277, 278 Charles Francis... ....: RSS 264 Claerle. Vive. 5a lt Bo of 65 Van Wormer, Naney................... 150 Van Wyck, Elizabeth. ................. 120 Samuel... oo. nie aint in on 120 Yan Zaen, Jacob... i. tivicrs oa 17 Van Zaen, Jannetie. .................. 17 Van Zaun, see Van Saun, etc...... ........ Van Zile,' Jane Peter...... ............ 80 Varder, Abloail. 000 a 75 Vawter, Irene... ri iin AL 250 Vedder, Engeltie Albert................ 83 James. civ Sud La, .. 149 Veeder family. ... n.d. 84 Verberg fomily............5........ 0. 67 Verbryck family... 0.0L. on on 92 Lawrence... ...... 0. oa d.uth 91 Vermeule, Martina Hendrickse......... oe Verplanck, Abigail .................... i Abraham Isaacsen........ ........ 2 Verveelen family. .................. 87, 105 Tanmetier.......0 0... 0. oth 40 Vervelen, Cornelius. ................... 65 Vigne, Maria.... 20... 00h. oh. Ly Viles, Nellie... oc. cc0. de. cae e. 269 Vincent, Charles R.................... 205 Voiles family................... 00... 177 Malinda... 2. oon oi on Aen, 202 William... 20. done toenail, 170 Voorhees family. ................5....5 121 Catharine Daniel ......... 2. ...... 60 Catrintle. .. icon. tale thy 29 Daniel. oo. iced dos did sds ay, 52 Garret: Dr, Ji. . 0nd nL 324 Jom Lueas:......... oer. iLn le, 120 Lucas Tov. viv lies dene, a Ui, 120 Mary.....................o....., 163 Mary, John......................., 180 Voorhes, Henry H.......... ....L..... 138 Voorhis family ........o.0L.. ca, CL 122 Amanda coo ane, and 147 Honmah Co. dons oi. ad aid Go 26 James... vii. ua. id tle a 136 Kezia Albert. ...00s hove ish ues 31 Leas. de sv vier Ba, 200 Maria... La, 135, 200 Voorls; Martha... «nv. ool) 270 NVores, ‘Albert. ...:ua. 0. vei AL Gl, 52 Sophia ..-....... 000. ch 52 Vorhis, David... iv... Le 121 Voris family... 0.0. LL LLL 157, 246 Albert. a ul ins ah i 160, 170 Corneling A. ev aro, 247 Blizabetlvi i. Ji vv. tis Ju adr sles, 170 Hanmah..............: 0.0.0... 344 Tohn....... wen snin nfl 52, 159 Leah... coves 157, 159 Martha FH... c0ci es van vii, 259 Rachel C.... uiiane Biles, 258 408 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Norris, William... ......ccininiii vats 344 Vosburgh, Hester Jobn................ 148 Vowiter, TAlinn, . 0.0 init 252 Vredenburgh, Joost.................. 35 Vreeland family. ..33, 47, 71, 72, 73, 74, 125 Catherine... oh. divans nah bins 205 Dirck Hartman ............ 5.0... 32 Dirck Johannes ..........cs.0.000. 33 Dora... ...i vernon 211 Elsie... vhs vs liuinn vines 37 Erank D....5.. cians sadist 237 Garrel.. ccs ceeds naa 81 James. ....................0.. 138 James B........ 0... acne. 79 Janel... i. iii ee 86 eal, io. vei eae 63 Mary Matilda... ................. 193 Naomi Jacob....-....c... .-vs..0es 156 Ralph Doremus....v. +5. crests. 237 Richard... vars sie vnncivioie sis aivinninn 46 UE SSI 81 Sarah Jane............ 00000000. 211 Teunis. ...... ccs cuss vrsneeense, 79 W. Wacksmuth, Amelia E................. 264 Wade, W. A..............cceshin en 288 Wake, Bliza.. .......o0iusneiirsivnices 112 Wakefield ...............chec0nrrices. 300 family... ...scc. oasis scenes 300 Elizabeth. ..........00. 0s eceeni, 300 EVEIYN. oovevsvs sanrisrnnssnnsanss, 300 Mahala Jane.........ccceninninnn, 299 Walbridge, Alice Chase......c.c........ 109 Waldron, Hannah Jane .......... foeioinlss 141 Isaac... oe Juni oid ihe see 141 Walker, Adame ---..-..0nonivhiinsnnisies 339 ANNA cha oleae sisislels siafivelsie 149 Henry M.............. t%¢consoi. 343 Wallace family.....eoviiiereiinierssnn 242 Walling family.............c0cuen. 331, 332 Henrietta. ceiver vo nivsinas sbishisie ecm 193 Walser, Oliver........7....... sauces 109 Walsh, Hadley Horton ................ 226 Henry Fitch... .arvovvrocriens. a, 226 Huch M .........c...-0 cee oas 226 Walter, Mary Struthers................ 220 Walters .....c. eve ches ovasianda anil. 165 Waltman, Sarah Fine.................. 250 Wannamaker family... ............. 70, 112 Cornelius ce ive. ct vveonvinsis caine sie, 120 James........00nean ie diudia hes 132 Ward family .........cco henna an 118 Ware, Bliza.. oo... secon sis 305 Warner, Fanny K......... ............ 258 Helen. ia. iiihres ahem tioen. 224 Warren fimily .....................0.. 145 Waterhouse, Mary .. /............0-- 279 Waters, Charles................ 0.» .158 THOMAS. aes. airs nisin fete vias winialein mats 296 Watson family... ............ 116, 117, 205 Charles Lewis..............:..L.u0. 236 Charles Po... oi.ivnninn cove aciinnieit .235 George Adams............. ein 236 Lucinda Jane. .................... 287 Mary Margaret.........-.:.cccoeres 295 Richard A... +... ceeesioeiLli, 287 Watts, Joseph... coesnsvv. veonareennises 305 Weales, Emma............... iia desiciere ly 301 Weathershy, Simon............0 nce. 308 Weaver family ............... 245, 301, 302 Webb, Clarissa Jane. .................. 307 John.............. occ een Ln 299 Mary........ coo ieee ee 72 MereyYe on ve cn aianarivsioscic sinensis 72 Webber family... oes vn-cn noone 64 Helligond ..............c.0..nceh. 67 VOICE: «cassis ss visser ini ninist Boss los 64 Weber, Samuel D...:.....c.... 00.00 259 Weeks, AMY... ... .....0 cron enlenoss 154 Sarah Jane:s.o. vee ronan non. 188 Weidinger, Clara...................... 266 Weigand, Frederick ................... 211 Weir, Chapman....................... 108 Mary Alida .............coreicuens. 107 Welch, Jane............covvvnnne.....204 Welcher, Henry Berry................. 329 Weld, Eliza. ...........50000:0. cession. 208 Welles, Russell........ «ivveeeineeen. 107 Salyer. ties seinen ieee srs ste 107 Wells, Cora Div:.cvninhnnesy sisisiiz enn 253 Napoleon B.............coivvenn. 253 Thomas Sir ce. nee cones iirioens 163 Wernitsch, Jennie... ......coienvinnn.. 306 Werse family........ocovieeenninnn.e. 75 Wessells, Charles H.......... ......... 325 West, Charles. ....ovvreeereetasaannens 74 Westervelt family. . 36, 105, 112, 124, 125, 189 194, 195, 198, 326, 327, 328 AGNES. anesranrncs sicuciivenvnnsion, 213 Benjamin Johannes.......... ..... 32 CASPOL = +: sr sve sivncnessinnansmolites 122 Casper Ni. ov. os vvsios vical s salseivnlois 197 Charity =. .s sss: esis vanans sis ioc. 190 Clarissa ..v. s+ Vaid eh ees 193 Index to Surnames other than Banta. 409 Westervelt, Dower R...... .... ...... 135 Biffes... oti etd a 38 Elizabeth... vss aibid inl, 156 Gertrude... ...................i.. 104 Gertrude L....0..ooviaini ve on 194 Gilliam Stephen. i... .............. 47 GI Ld ves is wl vei ed i 332 Helena....... hs onan 45 lester: . cosh on ins wih adit) 155 Jacob vi ee vi don a el 121, 136 Jacob John cnn ie aL 86 Johannes... .. deanna ii LL 32 John A: onv.. nmai riod oiin G0 212 Jom F..:eeeiinns on niin il, 79 FavIng ins ve cuibiin viens dated i 147 Margaret. t.. ous vii vidi, k Martha... on. vacant veal 188 Mary... ............ 0.0... 26, 200 Mary Lubbertse......... 0... 0 15 Matilda................e. 00 .129 Nicholagi@i.. coi conus vidos 197 Dsgelehy uo, ni doin sendin 26 Peter C....c 0 vi a 194 Rachel A......0....v.o.c.iuian 72 Rebecca vii. iainian iin 199 Ruliphy. . coh one callow hie os 10, II Sallle io. anns ih tha a 155 Salvo vue. on hbn obi 140 Sophia... iio aan 349 Sophia Jacob... .. oc. suai iis 86, 193 Steplientc. vs vaio 0 ar 47 Vroutie,... v.00. oh ha ea Ses 46 Weston, Janet. ov. voa cava, 0 334 Wharton family ..evie.oi voici aren 322 Wheeler, Charlotte... ..0.oovibisens on: 208 Bdward....i.. 0 dae 119 Lydia. oii fers ds aes 208 Whipple, John M -...... 00. 00 0. 118 White familys. tonite do Bg 228 Hannsh Adela... ......00.. cos 140 Helen T...........vo.....; Weieluin uid 225 A Ee Ee Sp a 283 William BU, onc einai 140 Whiteley, Frank Bayl.................. 295 Jammer. o.oo hl ea ea 295 Whitlock family. ............... 0... 225 George... ii. an se 123 Whitmore, Ida. ...... o.oo ui. denn 305 Whitney, William............... ..... 75 Wiekvelt, Maria... .................... 63 Wierck family... ...... ho GL 282 Emanuel. .co......oue ii nad, h 164 Wigoing, VielaB. C................... 171 Wigham, Mary, .......0e. even iin -+-180 Wilcox, Belle, oni sav. sail 224 Bllen Mao. ints 117 Nathaniel H..... ai tits 126 Oi Wasi vile snsinbioniiahe cabin 140 Wilder, Cillinda....c.. ch. cones och 178 Margaret o.oo oaini ive innit 296 Wilhite, Rebecca A. .iicvv le ce eeldcaidii sale 171 Wilkens, Mary F....................%. 340 Wilkes, James... ..... vee crvaisainnaisont, 117 SAPARD «ou civive nies ssinivhinis Jiniuiahelsiiaiete 117 Wilkie family. .....c. one eundobnlnis 338, 339 Wilkins family... .. veces veaseaeniiiie: 272 Adaline.......... 0... hu evadane,. 300 Sarah.... ............00 Goce 75 Wilks family. .........o...... 0. cease 260 Williams family............... 159, 234, 342 Anna Marin, ....... 00 ve ceive oh 214 Anne... ae LL aT 96 Benjamin P.........c0cueounaonn.. 159 Caroline... ..... La ae seine ie Sg ety 160 Call, ove viinio deninia stich eivioiie ty siois 206 Edmund. ....i. i 0 ovine sone: 145 BV. ives mien none sito vies 256 Jane conan din Sa a ss 349 Maria.......cco..s. vrisbessiees ss 123 Melrose Arthur................... 284 MINNIE. +s i oasis doin sitsiniaiainiz nitions 279 Sidney C........>......., elke 284 Williamson, George H................. 118 Hannah........os reso cenaeisaset 132 Hannah Westwood ................ 219 Henry V.............. 0c cesbieioein, 110 TBAAC ¢ snl iinuivis a's wniiivie sla oaiuisias 294 John....oeooraaismrrainnie ool eiaisins nie 204 Maria... .. i oadcien ceria indi. 89 Matthias. oo. dada. inl aiid cin 118 Theodore. s.vssverv dese vaniaive 89 Wills family oo seed dunn 309 Willson, Della........................ 290 Mary Helen.................. 178, 307 WAISON: viv vive sninain smn vsinviaisy sniakiialo sites 306 Bmily evecare. sess 164, 285 LR ER 253 Edith ..oieieie covnsnnvnstnichsi.. 322 Elvira... i ia aaa 263 Prank... iii oseativsnasiiasats 243 James... .........co0coccieesicies 243 James Harvey...........ccccunieieen 330 Mary......... oo sess sine oy 231 Mary Jane... ..............cue.V. 244 Mary L....... Woieinieinivi sis siaia liens 246 Wingfield family ...................... 218 410 Index to Surnames other than Banta. Winks, Bebecen..i..o..cociaiia us 257 Winne, Alida. .......0.. oo... ien, 154 Catherine o.oo ihe vino, 154 Johannes... ni. daa dan on 45 Martine... ic. oonecinievcn eins 45 Winneford, Susan. «....1.. cece. 0vs 179 Winslow, Robert 227 Winter family... ................ 73 74, 131 Peter... ci. .iiii. ven nun 21 Peter Hun vvrniinnsivinsrnn civ, 130 Rachel... . uueiiviiiioan. tio onan 129 Winterble, Emily...................... 205 Wirick, Eliza A.......cctesnsn.nninaien 262 Wis, Catharine... ...................} 158 Wiseman, Bliza..... 0. . ova oiain, 82 Wisner, Della, o.... occ iii aiis coon 160 Withington, Lothrop... ..csceceenvnnn,. 109 Wolf; Victoria... i. ilar inasrinae: 186 Wolte family... .... cco. ional, 312, 317 Rachel E.............. o.oo . 235 Wollkill, Ann Eliza........c..cco. es 214 Wolford, George... vv vrrvsenosse 263 Wood family ..................... 230, 278 Blzabeth. «onc viis.vnaons caiasivs 114 1TTin EMA i pl a 342 Jemes Marion... ion i 269 Maria V..o....ocoiv io aii on 211 Woodland, Thomas W................. 22 Waods, Isle... 0... ici d 287 Jackson cio iii ans 179 Leander. .... cic. boa viianinany, 179 IRebecen, oni fol hid ada 158 William ia oenn ene doc ir si SL 308 Works family. ........................ 304 Weortendyke family.................... 106 Cornelius ................. 00h. 121 Deborah. .............. 0... LL 73 Prederick P....................... 105 JohnH von h eile eee, 129 Rynier........... cc. cine cen nnnt 43 Worth, Doreas. ........oe sada ad, 150 Wright banily........o.cine ine 266, 339 Benjamin Fl...............4..d...0 141 Bliza8... cei Te? BHM ye ea, 142 Martha J... ......0co coin 0d, 177 Minnjes: olan. cai 158 Rebecca Maria.............ocn.e. el 151 William B......... 0.00. on... 275 Wyzant, Charles...................... 331 George W............... 4 faa 193 Wymeore, James....::........s....0... 181 Matt. ovis eh ide 181 Vales, J. Hin ev. tic ecanion vooy ven al32 Veakley, M...........0.0v.icnn vnc. 305 Yeury, Catherine Lavinia .............. 215 Margaret... .....onrie nein oboe. 199 Yorson, Hendrick... eno... vv. sunnn 10, IY Young mily cei. ev vicn i niee rein 280, 347 James Franklin ........000:0-:--- 258 Mary ©... sevens. toss 129 Samuel.v. coils ciao, 75 WA Ham. sis svsins done trate neni 244 Yount... conicios ova islonaeieilss 171 Yowell, Catherine J .......: 00en 00h. 320 Zz. Zabriskie family ..... 125, 135, 156, 189, 198 Abraham Il..............c 00 one. 121 Adelig..cen cv. di onal LLL 239 delle... coli i. th 111 Albert. ......... 0... vn Ee ANME. ried eine aS a, 147 Casper... vise sssnic sa dacien ennai 147 Blizabeth, . .cccrivucenneissrves 109, 146 Elizabeth M....................... 324 Bytje. ee coronene sscanneninas 33 Guilliam J. G..................... 129 Hendrick Albert...........ccc.... a Isaac Bios vesicle vans 147 Jacob Hendrick. .................. 71 Jacob Hendrick... ........ cc. .n. As John........c00eeaenneincnvaenne, 33 John C..........0.cccinn avo 37 John E.... .............c.... 324 Josiah A ............c0. hues ss 193 Maria. .... viens tei he 136 Rachel Ann.........canvahnnan.... 325 Sarah W .........uc.0a hee ealiviey 239 Wyntie............. osc... 00 cine 71 Wayntie Henry ...........:%....... 122 Zachary, Judie A........ TL RE 244 Zanderbaugh, Julia Alice............... 297 Zell, Laura Bell... ......00 0h so aiea os, 142 Zimmerman, Mary...................., 272 Zinn, Magmie D.............sccore cues 263 KINSHIP. NASMUCH as the inquiry may arise in the minds of some who find their names in this volume as to the relationship they bear to others mentioned herein, it may be well to state a simple formula by which some of the inquiries may be answered. Persons are first cousins who have a common ancestor in the second preceding generation ; they are second cousins when they have a common ancestor in the third preceding generation ; they are third cousins when they have a common ancestor in the fourth preceding generation, etc. Bearing in mind this fact, it will not be difficult to determine the relationship between two persons of the same generation —reckoning from Epke—by using the following formula: Take for example, 2024 on page 128 and 2037 on the same page, both of the seventh generation, and whose lines of descent are as follows : 2024 — Samuel Abram? Samuel Abram3 Cornelius? Epke.! 2037— Thomas® Abram? Samuel Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! These persons have a common ancestor, Abram,” in the second preceding genera- tion, and they are first cousins. Take 1865 on page 118 and 1906 on page 122; their lines of descent are as follows: 1865 — Petrus Jan5 Cornelius¢ Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.1 1906 — Wiert® Hendrick? Cornelius# Jan? Cornelius? Epke.! These persons have a common ancestor, Cornelius, * in the third preceding genera- tion, and they are second cousins. Take 2014 on page 127 and 2024 on page 128: 2014 — Joseph® Joseph? Cornelius# Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! 2024 — Samuel Abram’ Samuel4 Abram? Cornelius? Epke.! These persons have a common ancestor in Abram,?of the fourth preceding genera- tion, and they are third cousins. Take 1865 on page 118 and 1956 on page 126: 1865 — Petrus® Jan? Cornelius# Jan3 Cornelius? Epke.l 1956 — Albert® Jacob? Cornelius# Jacob? Cornelius? Epke.! These persons have a common ancestor in Cornelius,? of the fifth preceding gen- eration, and they are fourth cousins. Chapter II1., page 14, gives the names of the children of Cornelius? Epkel; these of course, are first cousins of the children of Seba,? Hendrick, Dirck? and Wiert,2 on pages 15 and 16. 412 Kinship. In chapter IV., all the persons mentioned of the fourth generation in the line of Cornelius, pages 17 to 24, are second cousins of all the persons of the same generation in the lines of Seba,2 Hendrick,? Dirck? and Wiert,2 on pages 24 to 36. In chapter V., all the persons mentioned in the fifth generation are third cousins of all the persons in the same generation in chapters VI., VII., VIII. and IX. In chapter X., all the persons mentioned in the sixth generation are fourth cousins of all the persons in the same generation in chapters XI., XII., XIII. and XIV. In chapter XV., all the persons mentioned in the seventh generation are fifth cousins of all the persons in the same generation in chapters XVI., XVII., XVIII. and XIX. In chapter XX., all the persons mentioned in the eighth generation are sixth cousins of all the persons mentioned in the same generation in chapters XXI., XXII. and XXIII. For example: 1959 on page 126 of the seventh generation, in the line of Cornelius? Epke, is fifth cousin of 2626, on page 169, of the line of Hendrick? Epke. Their fathers, Albert6 and Garret,5 were fourth cousins; their grandfathers, Jacob® and Peterius,5 were third cousins; their great grandfathers, Cornelius and Hendrick,? were second cousins; their great-great grandfathers, Jacob? and Hendrick,? were first cousins, and their great-great-great grandfathers, Cornelius? and Hendrick,? were brothers. These observations may be helpful to those who may be curious to trace other degrees of relationship between different persons mentioned in this work. 16 3632 412 Kinship. In chapter IV., all the persons mentioned of the fourth generation in the line of Cornelius,? pages 17 to 24, are second cousins of all the persons of the same generation in the lines of Seba,2 Hendrick,2 Dirck? and Wiert,2 on pages 24 to 36. In chapter V., all the persons mentioned in the fifth generation are third cousins of all the persons in the same generation in chapters VI., VIIL., VIII. and IX. In chapter X., all the persons mentioned in the sixth generation are fourth cousins of all the persons in the same generation in chapters XI., XII., XIII. and XIV. In chapter XV., all the persons mentioned in the seventh generation are fifth cousins of all the persons in the same generation in chapters XVI., XVII, XVIII and XIX. In chapter XX., all the persons mentioned in the eighth generation are sixth cousins of all the persons mentioned in the same generation in chapters XXI., XXII. and XXIII. For example: 1959 on page 126 of the seventh generation, in the line of Cornelius 2 Epke, is fifth cousin of 2626, on page 169, of the line of Hendrick? Epke. Their fathers, Albert6 and Garret,6 were fourth cousins; their grandfathers, Jacobs and Peterius,? were third cousins; their great grandfathers, Cornelius* and Hendrick,® were second cousins; their great-great grandfathers, Jacob? and Hendrick,3 were first cousins, and their great-great-great grandfathers, Cornelius? and Hendrick? were brothers. These observations may be helpful to those who may be curious to trace other degrees of relationship between different persons mentioned in this work. 6 3632 RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ; 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 | 2 3 Home Use 4 | 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Books may be renewed online: DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. U.C. BERKELEY 88 © ERER TANT-3-2813 3 MONTHS LOAN FORM NO. DD 6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 50M 3-10 Berkeley, California 94720-6000 il) BERKELEY LIBRARIES