(‘ 5/72,ij 4 'f’ifxfj 233; ), 5/39/5747 THE RULES OF THE OXFORD SOCIETY PROMOTING THE STUDY @Mibm filmmfimmm: A LIST OE THE MEMBERS, CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS, &c. PROCEEDINGS FOR THE YEAR 1840. THE OXFORD SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE STUDY OF GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. —— GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE is a subject which has of late years excited at considerable degree of public interest, and the labours of many eminent individuals have been directed to the recovery of its Principles. From the scarcity of records, existing monua ments are the safest guides in this research: but as they are widely separated, the labour of examination and comparison is so great, that, without some more systematic plan of operation than has hitherto been adopted, we can scarcely expect that the task will be satisfactorily accomplished. It has been suggested that this inconvenience may be best t by the formation of Local Associations, having for their principal aim the collecting of Drawings, and descriptions of the Edifices in their immediate neighbourhood, which would thus form so many sources, whence the inquirers into the Gothic Antiquities of any prrticular district might derive information. In furtherance of this object, a “ The Oxford Society for Pro- moting the Study of Gothic Architecture” has been established. The number of Churches now fast rising in every part of the country, renders it of the highest importance to provide for the cultivation of correct Architectural Taste; the circumstances of this place seem to point it out as peculiarly well suited for the purpose; because many of its residents are, or soon will be, Clergymen, the constituted guardians of our Ecclesiastical Edifices, while the City itself, and its neighbourhood, abound in specimens of every period of the Art. A 2 RULES. The following Rules have been agreed upon for the manage— ment of the Society. I. That a Society be instituted, under the title of “The Oxford Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Archi- tecture.” .. II. That the objects of this Society be to collect Books, Prints, and Drawings; Models of the Forms of Arches, Vaults, &c.; Casts of Mouldings, and Details ; and such other Archi- tectural Specimens, as the Funds of the Society will admit. III. That the attention of the Society be also directed to the Sepulchral Monuments of the Middle Ages. IV. That Historical Notices of Founders, Architects, Dates of Erection, and the like, be collected. V. The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, four Vice-Presidents, two Secretaries, and a Treasurer, to be elected annually. VI. The business of the Society shall be transacted by a Committee, consisting of the Officers, and sixteen other Members; five to constitute a quorum; one hali' to retire annually by rotation. VII. That new Members shall be proposed and seconded by Members of the Society at one of their Meetings, and balloted for at the next; one black ball in five to exclude; and that Honorary Members shall be elected in the same manner. VIII. On the Election of a Member, the Secretaries shall send him notice of his Election, and with it the Rules of the Society, and a Catalogue of their Books, &c. IX. That a Subscription of £1 ls. per annum be required from each Ordinary Member. But that Members who have RULES. paid a Subscription of Five Guineas, shall be considered as Members for life. N.B. Subscriptions to be paid to the Treasurer at the Old Bank. X. On each evening of Meeting, the President, or some Member of the Committee, shall take the Chair at Eight o’clock, and shall regulate the proceedings, which shall be in the fol- lowing order: lst. That the Minutes of the last Meeting be read, and any matters of business, as Elections, Communications of Presents, &c. &c. be brought forward. 2d. That the Paper for the evening he read. 3d. That any Member having remarks to offer on the Paper read, or any further communications to make, shall then be requested to bring them forward ; after which the Chairman shall dissolve the Meeting by quitting the Chair. XI. The Members of the Committee shall, at the beginning of each Term, fix the days of Meeting for that Term, which shall not be less than two. XII. Members shall be allowed to introduce Visitors to the Meetings. XIII. When the Committee shall consider any Paper worthy of being printed at the expense of the Society, they shall request the Author to furnish a copy, and shall decide upon the number of copies to be printed, provided always, that the number be sufficient to supply each Member with one copy, and the Author and Secretaries with twenty-five copies each ; the remaining copies may be sold at a price fixed upon by the COmmittee. All other questions relating to publishing Papers, and illustrating them with Engravings, shall be decided by the Committee. XIV. That all Books, Drawings, and Papers, shall be for the present in the custody of the Secretaries for the use of the Members: that Casts and Models shall be deposited in the Society’s Room. OFFICERS FOR 1841. PATRONS. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury The Lord Bishop of Oxford PRESIDENT. The Rev. The President of Magdalen College VICE-PRESIDENTS. *The Rev. The President of Trinity College The Rev. The Master of University College The Rev. The Rector of Exeter College The Rev. William Buckland, D.D. Canon of Christ Church COMMITTEE. Rev. R. W. Church, M.A. Oriel College Rev. T. T. Churton, M.A. Brasenose College M. J. Johnson, Esq. B.A. Radcliffe Observer Rev. H. Liddell, M.A. Christ Church Rev. P. Mules, M.A. Exeter College T. D. Ryder, Esq. M.A. Oriel College Rev. S. J. Rigaud, S.C.L. Exeter College Rev. C. Balston, M.A. C.C.C. Rev. C. Williams, B.D. Jesus College Rev. M. Pattison, M.A. Lincoln College Rev. H. Williams, M.A. New College Rev. J. E. Sewell, M.A. New College Rev. J. R. Bloxam, M.A. Magdalen College J. G. Lonsdale, Esq. B.A. Balliol College Rev. N. Pocock, M.A. Queen’s College E. S. Bathurst, Esq. M.A. Merton College f Mr. John Henry Parker SECRETARIES. 1 Mr Combe TREASURER.—J0hn Parsons, Esq. Old Bank RIODELLER.—-NII‘. Thomas Grimsley WOOD-ENGRA VER.——Mr. Orlando Jewitt - ’ HONORARY MEMBERS. 7 Edward Blore, Esq. Hon. D.C.L. Architect, Manchester-square, London The Chevalier Bunsen Sir Henry Ellis, British Museum Rev. G. S. Faber, B.D. Master of Sherborne Hospital, Durham B. Ferrey, Esq. Architect, Great Russel-street, Bloomsbury, London James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. F.R.S. F.A.S. etc. Jesus College, Cambridge Richard Charles Hussey, Esq. Architect, Birmingham Sir Francis Palgrave, Deputy Keeper of the Records Anthony Salvin, Esq. F.S.A. Architect, Somerset-street, Portman- square, London William Twopeny, Esq. Temple, London Rev. W. Whewell, M.A. Professor of Moral Philosophy, Cambridge Rev. R. Willis, M.A. Jacksonian Professor, Cambridge Thomas Willement, Esq. F.S.A. Green-street, Grosvenor-square, London ORDINARY MEMBERS. Acland, Henry W. Esq. BA. All Souls’ College Anderdon, W. H. Esq. B.A. University College Anson, A. H. Esq. Balliol College Anson, G. H. Esq. Exeter College Audland, Rev. W. F. M.A. Queen’s College Athlone, The Earl of, Christ Church Austin, The Venerable William Piercy, M.A. Exeter College; Archdeacon of Demerara Balston, Rev. Charles, M.A. C.C.C. *Barker, F. Raymond, Esq. Oriel College Barrow, Rev. John, M.A. Queen’s College Bartholomew, Alfred, Esq. Architect, Warwick House, Gray’s Inn, London Bathurst, Stuart Eyre Esq. Merton College Bathurst, Rev. W. A. M.A. Ludham, Norwich *Bayly, Rev. Francis T. J. M.A. Brookthorp, Gloucester Bellasis, Edward, Esq. 17, Bedford—square, London Bennett, F. Esq. Wadham College Bigge, Rev. E. T. M.A. Merton College Blandy, Charles, Esq. Reading *Bliss, Rev. James, M.A. Oriel College; Holt, Melksham, Wilts 8 ORDINARY MEMBERS. Bliss, Rev. Philip, D.C.L. Registrar of the University Bloxam, Rev. J. R. M.A. Magdalen College Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche, Esq. Rugby Bowles, F. S. Esq. Exeter College Bowyer, George, Esq. M.A. Temple, London Bowyer, Rev. H. M.A. Sunningwell Brewster, Rev. W. Trinity College: Buckland Newton, Cerne Abbas, Dorsetshire Bridges, Rev. B. E. M.A. Merton College Bridges, Rev. Thomas Edward, D.D. President of Corpus Christi College Buckland, Rev. William, D.D. Canon of Christ Church, Vice- President Bulley, Rev. F. M.A. Magdalen College Burgess, B. Esq. Exeter College Burrows, Rev. H. W. B.A. St. John’s College; Rawmarsh, near Rotherham, Yorkshire Butterworth, Thomas Stock, Esq. Westbury on Trym, near Bristol *Capes, Rev. John Moore, M.A. Balliol College ; Shipton-le- Moine, Tetbury, Gloucestershire _ Carline, John, Esq. Architect, Shrewsbury Carpenter, Cromwell, Esq. Guildford-street, Russell-square, London Champernowne, R. Esq. B.A. Brasenose College Chretien, C. P. Esq. B.A. Christ Church Christie, A. J. Esq. Oriel College Church, Rev. R. W. M.A. Oriel College Churton, Rev. H. B. W. M.A. Brasenose College Churton, Rev. T. T. M.A. Brasenose College Clayton, Edward, Esq. B.A. Christ Church *Clayton, Rev. George Clements, J. Esq. Oriel College Clerke, The Venerable C. C. M.A. Christ Church, Archdeacon of Oxford Coffin, R. A. Esq. Christ Church Collis, Rev. J. D. B.A. Worcester College Combe, Mr. T. University Printing House, Oxford, Secretary Copeland, Rev. W. J. M.A. Trinity College Cornish, Rev. C. L. M.A. Exeter College *Cornish, Rev. H. K. M.A. Exeter College; Bakewell, Dcrbyshire Cotton, Rev. W. C. M.A. Christ Church ; Windsor FVKWWTWT 7' > . Ii ! 3 ORDINARY MEMBERS. 9 Courtenay, Lord. Powderham Castle, Devon Courtenay, F. Esq. B.A. Exeter College Crosse, T. F. Esq. Exeter College Dasent, G. W. Esq. Magdalen Hall *Dawnay, Hon. W. H. M.A. Christ Church Dawson, Rev. George, M.A. Exeter College Dayman, Rev. E. A. M.A. Exeter College Derick, Mr. J. M. Architect, Oxford De Teissier, G. Esq. C. C. C. *Dryden, Sir H. Bart. Canon’s Ashby, Northamptonshire *Dungannon, Viscount, Brynkynalt, Chirk, North Wales Dunraven, The Earl of, Adare Mawr, Ireland Eden, Rev. C. P. M.A. Oriel College Edwards, Rev. A. M.A. Magdalen College Ellacombe, H. N. Esq. Oriel College Estcourt, T. G. B. Esq. Burgess of the University, Estcourt, Glou- cestershire ' Estcourt, Rev. E. E. B.A. Exeter College; Newnton, Tetbury Estcourt, M. H. Esq. Exeter College Evans, Lewis, Esq. B.A. Wadham College Eyton, Henry N. Esq. Shropshire Faber, Rev. F. A. B.D. Magdalen College Faber, Rev. F. W. M.A. University College Falkner, T. A. Esq. St. John’s College ' Forbes, John, Esq. Exeter College Fortescue, Rev. W. F. M.A. New College Frith, M. K. S. Esq. Exeter College Garnett, W. J. Esq. Christ Church Gill, W. Esq. Magdalen Hall Gordon, Rev. Osborne, M.A. Christ Church Gray, R. H. Esq. B.A. Christ Church Green, Rev. M. J. M.A. Lincoln College Greenall, Rev. R. Brasenose College; Stretton, near VVarrington Gregory, W. Esq. C. C. C. Gresley, J. M. Esq. B.A. St. Mary Hall Grey, William, Esq. Magdalen Hall Griffiths, Rev. John, M.A. Wadham College Guillemard, Rev. H. P. M.A. Trinity College Guise, F. E. Esq. Balliol College Hall, Rev. Henry, M.A. Christ Church Hannah, J. Esq. C. C. C. 10 ORDINARY MEMBERS. Harding, Joseph L. Esq. Exeter College Harrison, Rev. Benjamin, M.A. Christ Church; Domestic Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury Harrison, James P. Esq. B.A. Christ Church ; 70, Cambridge- terrace, Hyde-park Harrison, W. Esq. Q. C.; 45, Lincoln’s-inn Fields Hawkins, H. S. Esq. Jesus College Hawkins, Rev. E. M.A. Pembroke College Heathcote, Rev. W. B. B.C.L. New College Hereford, The Very Rev. the Dean of Hessey, Rev. J. A. M.A. St. John’s College Hill, Rev. E. M.A. Christ Church Hill, Rev. R. B.A. Balliol College Holditch, Rev. T. P. Dingley Rectory, Market Harborough Holmes, Rev. P. Grammar School, Plymouth Hope, A. B. Esq. Trinity College, Cambridge Hugo, Thomas, Esq. Worcester College *Hulme, Rev. George, sen., Shinfield, Berks Hussey, Rev. W. L. M.A. Christ Church *Ingram, Rev. James, D.D. President of Trinity College, Vice- President Janvrin, James H. Esq. Oriel College Jenkins, W. J. Esq. Balliol College Johnson, M. J. Esq. M.A. Radcliffe Observer Joy, Mr. William, Oxford *Keen, Rev. E. Swincombe House, Oxon Key, Harry Cooper, Esq. Christ Church King, R. J. Esq. Exeter College Kitson, J. F. Esq. Exeter College Landon, J. T. B. Esq. Worcester College Laprimaudaye, Rev. C. M.A. St. John’s College ; Layton, Essex Le Mesurier, J. Esq. Christ Church Lethbridge, Ambrose G. Esq. M.A. All Souls College Lewthwaite, G. Esq. University College Ley, Rev. John, M.A. Exeter College Liddell, Rev. H. M.A. Christ Church Littlehales, H. Esq. New College Lockhart, W. Esq. Exeter College Lonsdale, J. G. Esq. B.A. Balliol College Lumsdaine, E. L. S. Esq. Oriel College Mackenzie, L. M. Esq. Exeter College ORDINARY MEMBERS. 11 Maitland, John F. Esq. St. Mary Hall *Markland, J. H. Esq. Great Malvern Marriott, Rev. C. M.A. Oriel College; Chichester *Marriott, Rev. J. M.A. Oriel College; Bradfield, Pangbourn Marshall, Rev. Edward, B.A. C. C. C. ; Somerton, Oxon. *Maude, Rev. J. B. M.A. Queen’s College Meyrick, T. Esq. C. C. C. Michell, Rev. Richard, B.D. Lincoln College Mitchell, H. Esq. Lincoln College Morrell, F. Esq. St. Giles’s, Oxford Morrell, Rev. G. K. M.A.-St. John’s College Morton, M. C. Esq. Exeter College Mozley, Rev. J. B. M.A. Magdalen College Mules, Rev. P. M.A. Exeter College Murray, F. H. Esq. Christ Church Murray, C. R. Scott, Esq. Christ Church Nelson, John, Esq. St. Mary Hall ‘Nevile, Rev. C. B.A. Trinity College *Newman, Rev. W. J. B.A. Oriel College ; Tankersley, Yorkshire Newton, C. T. Esq. M.A. Christ Church *Northampton, the Marquis of, Castle Ashby, Northampton Oswell, E. W. Esq. Christ Church Padley, C. Esq. Exeter College *Paget, Rev. F. E. M.A. Christ Church, Chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford; Elford, Lichfield *Palmer, Rev. W. M.A. Magdalen College Parker, Mr. John Henry, Oxford, Secretary *Parsons, John, Esq. Old Bank, Oxford, Treasurer Pattison, Rev. M. M.A. Lincoln College Pearson, Rev. Hugh, B.A. Balliol College ; Guildford Penrose, Rev. J. M.A. Lincoln College *Philipps, H. Esq. M.A. Queen’s College Phillipps, Sir Thomas, Bart. M.A. Middle Hill, Worcestershire *Phillott, Rev. H. W. B.A. Christ Church ; Charter House, London *Plowman, Mr. J. Architect, Merton-street, Oxford Plumptre, Rev. F. Charles, D.D. Master of University College, Vice- President Pocock, Charles James, Esq. Pocock, Rev. N. M.A. Queen’s College Portal, Melville, Esq. Christ Church Poyndcr, E. S. Esq. Brasenosc College 12 ORDINARY MEMBERS. Poynder, T. H. A. M.A. Brasenose College Prior, H. L. Esq. Trinity College Randolph, J. J. Esq. M.A. Merton College Rashleigh, J. Esq. Balliol College *Richards, John, jun. Esq. Reading ’ Richards, Rev. Joseph Luscombe, D.D. Rector of Exeter College, Vice-President Richards, Rev. Henry, M.A. Exeter College Ridley, Rev. S. W. M.A. Christ Church Rigaud, Rev. H. J. S.C.L. Exeter College Robinson, Thomas, Esq. Begbroke Robson, J. U. Esq. Magdalen Hall Rogers, F. Esq. M.A. Oriel College Rolph, J. M. Esq. Oriel College *Routh, Rev. Martin J. D.D. President of Magdalen College, President ' Ruskin, J. Esq. Christ Church Russell, J. Watts, Esq. Ilam Hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire Russell, D. W. Watts, Esq. Biggin Hall, Oundle Ryder, T. D. Esq. M.A. Oriel College Sewell, Rev. W. M.A. Exeter College Sewell, Rev. J. E. M.A. New College ,7 Sibthorp, Rev. R. W. B.D. Magdalen College ; Ryde, Isle of Wight Simpson, R. Esq. Oriel College Smythe, Rev. Graham, Trinity College Sneyd, Rev, Lewis, M.A. Warden of All Souls’ College Spranger, Rev. R. J. M.A. Exeter College Stafford, Rev. J. B.D. Magdalen College ; Chacombe, Banbury Stanton, R. Esq. Brasenose College Stephenson, J. H. Esq. Queen’s College Strange, R. A. Esq. Christ Church Sumner, J. H. Robertson, Esq. Balliol College Symonds, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Horfield, near Bristol Tate, Frank, Esq. BA. University College Tawke, Arthur, Esq. S.M. Trinity College Tireman, Rev. Walter, M.A. Magdalen College Toms, H. W. Esq. Exeter College Townend, J. Esq. Oriel College; Ardwick, Manchester Tudor, Thomas, Esq. Wycsham, Monmouthshire Underwood, Mr. W. J. Arcihtect, Holywcll, Oxford Vaux,"Rcv. W. B.D. Prebcndary of Winchester ORDINARY MEMBERS. l3 Vaux, W. S. W. Esq. B.A. Balliol College Walcot, Mackenzie, Esq. Exeter College Walter, J. Esq. B.A. Exeter College *Warburton, R. E. E. Esq. Arley Hall, Northwick, Cheshire Ward, Rev. John, M.A. Great Bedwin, Wiltshire Watson, Rev. J. Trinity College, Cambridge Weare, Rev. T. W. M.A. Christ Church West, Hon. Reginald, M.A. Balliol College; Buckhurst, Sevenoaks, Kent Whatman, W. G. Esq. Christ Church White, Rev. R. M. B.D. Magdalen College ' Whytehead, Rev. Thomas, B.A. Fellow of St. John’s College, Cam- bridge ; Freshwater, Isle of Wight Wildbore, R. Esq. Brasenose College Williams, Rev. George, M.A. King’s College, Cambridge Williams, Rev. H. M.A. New College Williams, Rev.rJohn, M.A. Jesus College *Williams, Robert, jun. Esq. M.A. Oriel College, M.P. for Dor- chester Wilson, Rev. J. P. M.A. Magdalen College Wood, A. Esq. Christ Church Woolcombe, Rev. W. W. M.A. Exeter College Woolley, Rev. John, M.A. University College. Those Marked * are Members for life, according to Rule IX. LIBRARY OF THE SOCIETY. Architectural Ornaments of the Middle Ages. Part 1. 4to. Nurnberg, 1838. Bildwerke Niirnbergischer Kiinstler, als Beitrag zur deutschen Bildhauer—Kunst des Mittelalters. Heft 1, 2. 4to. Niirnberg. Bloxam, M. H. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture elucidated. Third Edition. 12mo. London, 1838. A Glimpse at the Monumental Architec- ture and Sculpture of Great Britain. 12mo. London, 1834. BOISSEREE, S. VUEs COUPES ET DETAILES DE LA CATHE— DRALE DE COLOGNE. Imperial folio. Stuttgard, 1823. Britton, J. Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. 5 vols. 4&0. London, 1805—30. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of England. 14 vols. 4to. London, 1817—32. CANTERBURY. NORWICH. YORK. OXFORD. BRISTOL. PETERBOROUGH. EXETER. SALISBURY. GLOUCESTER. WELLS. HEREFORD. WINCHESTER. LICHFIELD. WORCESTER. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. 4~to. London, 1837. Canova, A. Works, by Moses. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo. London, 1824. Carter, J. Specimens of Ancient Architecture in England, with Descriptions by Britton. Royal folio. London, 1838. LIBRARY or THE socmrv.‘ 15 Carter, J. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting in England, with Descriptions by Sir S. Meyrick. Royal folio. London, 1838. Account of St. Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster. Plans, Elevations, Sections, &c. Royal folio. London, 1795. -—————— ExeterC athedral. Royal foli01797. Abbey Church of Bath. 1798. —————— Durham Cathedral. 1801. Gloucester Cathedral. 1809. Abbey Church of St. Alban. 1813. Coney, J. Engravings of Ancient Cathedrals, Hotels de Ville, &c. in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy; with Descriptions by C. H. Tatliam, Esq. Imperial folio. London, 1829. Cotman and Turner. Architectural Antiquities of Nor- mandy. 2vols. Folio. London, 1822. Davis, E. Gothic Ornaments,,illustrative of Prior Bird’s Oratory in the Abbey Church, Bath. Royal folio, 4parts. 1834. De Caumont, M. Histoire Sommaire de l’Architecture au Moyen Age. 8vo. Avec Atlas in 4to. Caen, 1837. Desroches, L’Abbé. Histoire du Mont Sainte Michel et de l’Ancien Diocese d’Avranches. 2 vols. 8vo. Avec Atlas 4to. Caen, 1838. Deville, A. Tombeaux de la Cathédrale de Rouen. 8vo. Rouen, 1833. Ferrey, B. Antiquities of the Priory of Christ Church, Hants. 4to. London, 1834. Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. 2 vols. 8vo. Third Edition. Oxford, 1840. Hall, Rev. Peter. Picturesque Memorials of Salisbury. 4to. Salisbury, 1834. 16 LIBRARY or THE SOCIETY. Hall, Rev. Peter. Historical and Descriptive Guide to the Town of Wimborne-Minster. 12mo. London, 1830. Letter to the Society of the Dilettanti on the Works in progress at Windsor. 12mo. London, 1827. Halfpenny, J. Gothic Ornaments of York Cathedral. 4to. York, 1831. Heidelofl“, C. Niirnbergs Baudenkmale der Vorzeit; oder Musterbach der alt-deutschen Baukunst fiir Architekten, &c. Heft I. II. 4to. .Niirnberg, 1839. Historical Society of Science ; a Collection of Letters, illus- trative of the Progress of Science in England. 8vo. London, 1841. Hope', T. Historical Essay on Architecture, with the Index, by E. Cresy. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. London, 1835, 36. Hopkins, J. H. (Bishop of Vermont.) Essay on Gothic Architecture, for the use of the Clergy of his Diocese, 4to. Burlington, U. S. 1836. Illustration of Monumental Brasses. Nos. 1, 2. 4