Libris Q Q Q Q _ Q BEA'I‘RIX ’ g r 5 Q \I JONES REEF POINT GAR DIiNS LIBRARY 7735 (M! of Ih‘atrix FarranJ m 11.x“ (iunural Library L'uiu'rm) or (fa/itumia. lic‘rl‘tlc} , . PO \ R E B 0 OK ES J13“; [’ 1g, :31)th 4 (f' "-1 -9' a 1‘ I“ }95é::1l. Of 1h; mec )r Manfiion H011fc,0ffices audaccom— Ti! 111odz1 cions otEa1ablego11nd,Paflmc and Mcdowé. 3TH. ()t (3:1d111s Orcha1ds, andVVoods. ”32> III. ()fB1ccdinrz:Iccding and Curingof allmanncr of ’3: _ “'59 0111611. {’32 ll II.OIP1»11I 1i:,IowIc I‘1lh,andBccs, withtlwwhole 55* iii-j :11 1cco1 ding to thcle lafi timfs ) ofBrccclingand :4 4,251 dyetingtl1c1l1k'l1ting1 Cackandthc11rtofA11gl1ng5 1?} 5:51;“ F1rl‘1 1111mm by Conrad: Here/Euc/J, a learned NobIcman, than C ' . g; 1 «5. tranflatcd by 31:” 417 Geog: Efquirc and now Rene“ cd,C01- W I [a I 1 11:1? 611 Rargcd and adorncd 11 1111 all the expcrxmuns and I“ _-: (($31- 1‘ 331111301“ 0.11 E11 31111-1 N111on, v I: ch were wanting in tl1c.- Ital}; 1c: mcr Editions. Q”? «‘1' ~ 9 B Cap: 3111: Germ/’6 12131311111. IU l wnhzms“. {gal Cmmm 0pm z/fgncalu. (ya? I 0 N D o N, 5 1 ‘ I Printed by T C for Ric/2041110", and are robe fould at In: Shep m 5. fl“ Dunflzncs Church- )ardm Fleetflrrca. l 6 3 l. u3333333333t. 333 -. :1 /1: ,’1 WI .3" ., €1.12! A.. the nfyv Additionuol shall find to bogh with 1M; mark: if? andto end I .1 H1 ' ' Igf I I I THERIGHT HONORABLE WILLIAM icel/ Earle ofExceter, Baron of Burlcy,Knight ufthc noble Order of the Gartcgfgn}, of his Maicflics mofi Honor c prflfic Counfiilc,and Lord Licvtcnant of the Pro- vince of Northamton. I Name, "9 flirt/2, m} Self}, ' ‘ are not rvtterflrancgers to your HonorJOr tbefirfly oufiquort; tbefecondjou did (We, and the 14/? you did once write your Sermmt. ] now (Io/Ire ‘ to kyfl: your band in t/yia dedication. Tire work: 1046 firflgatkered by 4 Noble Comfiller to tine Duke ofClcvgand taught to fireake Englifl) by alearned Gentlcman Mafler Googc, who Mafia fiitlzfufl to tbcfirfl Author that it became an rater A z flran‘ger 9’7?) 1 H / - . '54 Augg‘of‘. Lafl'fiq 1 ‘ “i [‘1 ‘ . _ .. ‘ -$‘ ‘ ' " Arm. “ " ‘U’ W '3‘ flrjaééf‘fa ofir‘flifiatézand Mm lama; I Spaine, Rome,,and Naplesgotfrom it "ml: per- feftiongeqxpur colder ere mi; not c4pableoftbe (we. fit}: gWia'iifb ~"t'o mafia? 5412‘: Mani/ken 'ihgftbzk ' wake to infertmzixe and reconcile together tho/e For- raine knowledge: with our own; praEZiflE: and expe- riments, whereby it {my bfimde Ht}; tea? an}! to tbem equal/yfi'hitfufl. " Hi5] defiri maj Rifle your: Noble bandgzot d4 lringingflie matter b’idfrbmj our knowled‘geJut a: a fitnefleofngy Semice and an imbleficiteforjzzfely inyourproteflionmyicbgran- {dd/”4119*? "/1 . ' ’ V ' ' - _ w." u ‘ 0., e ., . 11"“- _, ugh“ f;;i?;*r‘*‘ ?": Rm;- ' . ‘ v 1 Your Editors bumble/Ema”; Gsazafc Markham ' An Aiphabetical Table of all tbe princiga 1] thing: contained in this Booke. A.i; Bricot. ' . >194: Almond tree. -' 1 80. Amber. 209. Angelica. . . ' I .1 :83 Anife. 105. Am home the hermite: 5 Apples and the ufe.16 8. to I72. Artichokes. .I 14‘ Afl'es and their ufc; , Angling the whole art from 3 49m 354- Bailife his @5527. lee. his wife 7 and her charge. . 26. Barberie the {micfiiilmfiu Barleythenfe. A '. . 53. Bame how to build. 7 5. Bay-tree. “0-. Butt. 1 05. Brae-foam. . : . - 108. Bugiofl‘e. ' - a: y; L. .111; Bu fies their ufe. . ' 2 60. Birdlime. ' ’ 207. Bees their vertues. 35;. to 362. fignes of thcitdeparture. 367. their (Lupe. 3“. their hate to theeiies.;69. theinge. 372. to revive dead Bees. H373 .theitfick- weaved W:- m. C"- Qapbns and their ufe. . , . 309.- Cmets. "107. (‘3th and their keepingfind the antiquity. 2 1 2. Cats. ', 299. Chemiif. 1 05 . Cheinuts. .- 1 82; Chicken their prefiruationo- 31 8. theit dubbing. 3n! Cocke for fight, thcit nature ,ehoifc coloui', courage, and bleeding- 3 [’4 to 3 16. his peateh. .329. his diet. ibid, of Scowring. 3: z.‘ matcbfliet, aduaiitages, the bah taiie. .3 22.cure ofinfirmities 3 2 3 Colwom. ', no: Cumin. ~ . lo 5 Coriander. 1 o 5 Creffes. i 06 Cucumbers. ,, *1 I 3 Curfew the feeding . 346 Cooi'nbes when to take, 3 6 8. to faihion. , , 37o Date-tree; - : 1 86 Dill., {:05 Doggfludtheirufe493 .theit ve- xall kuides :94. fit names for 53 7 P088!" ~ ' A ‘Ddggs.2§8.fliddedogs. ibid. "Ducks mdtheir ufe 32.8. the wilde Dueke ; 29.thc Coy-ducke.3 go. Dung for groundngz .the forts of mags. ' ibid. ’ Drone their hurt. 3 6 8. ‘ \. mama » Garlike.‘ ' . m: Gamers the are. 76. Germanic the fruitfuiineil'e.‘ 2; 2 . Gilliflowerm z z .the wal-giiifiower I 2440 preferue gilliflowers. Goats: their ordering: 76. their profit. :78. E Goofe the choice 324. their bree- ding 325'. theirfatting. 325, Egg: their preferuation. 3 1 I (BuddinsS- 1 2 I - Elioompaine. n8 (““4" I I4- Endive. 102 H Expofirion oi'words in Husbandry Hurow and harrowing. . 6. Hamel} for all kiude of graine. F 72.7g. HalTel-nut.‘ x 82. Fame houfe the building. ro. I I . Hay the making. 81 . theOfficer. r 1.1 to Iet.84.. chhoui‘e. 31 2_ Pencil. to; . Henne of kinde, her choyce, and Filbertsi - t 83 . time of breeding. 3 i 6. her ncii; Fiflaponds. 3 4‘6. and number of eggs. 317. Fiaxe. 6,. Hcmpr. 7o. Flowergentill. i r 9. Hot“ his flupe, his colour, his ufe, Flowers to plant and trani‘plaat his age. 2 I 3 . to 220. crdrring, ' "131. kceping,&cding,azz. to:27.all Kidder of all kinds. 64. to 68. Fruit: their hurt and being. 190 G Gercns the ufe 87.whcn to water. 9!. how to incloil‘c. ibid. the choyce 94.the ordering.95.Sea- fans to few: in. 69. Gardenfecds. 97. namre offerds. kill vermin: that ofi‘ende the garden. 1 3 3 .to r 3 6. Colours for gardens. :3 6 .the Imp: gar- den. ' I 47. his difeafes and the cures.227. . to z 3 3. Hiifop. r 1 8. Hearne the Feeding. 347. Husbandman his duties 1 . 2. 3 ,3“, Husbandry the praife and antiquity 6.7.8“. Honey the bell. 371. thrce forts of honey. 3 7?. L 1‘ Lamb: their ordering 265- Lavendar. z 20. Lavendimtton. nhdazcétwn; no. » P Leekes. 1 08. Lettuce. . 10“ Parfnips: 1073' quUUlmo 1 12‘ Pinkie. 6‘ M Paflure ground ,78. Sheepe pang: 2 .‘ Mark. 35 .54. Pimpemell. ' ' 1 x 8. Mallowes. 1 10. Plowes 3nd plowing, .3 §.Times of Marietom. I 19- plowing. 39 -75. Medow. 78.10 82. Peaclmree. 184. Medler _ I 7 g. PeaCOckc 3 3 o. Milka the profit. 279. to 2 82. Pigeons. 33;. their prefcruation, Minus. ! 1 8- ' 339. Mink. 1 20. Pearcs, and their ufe. 17230 1 75 Moyleg. 2 3; . plants how to keepe; 14,7: Mulberie. I78. Phlmc tree, . 184.1 88. Musk-r012. I :6. Poppie. 10$. Muflard-feede. 105. Poultrieingencrall, the choice of Cockes,‘ and Hermes, ordering N braciing, feeding and curing, _ p . d eh 1331040309. . 10? nor: an e in es. I 6. Narcxfl'm. 13o: Palfl'efgtafl kinds, 62.6 . ‘4“. Navens. 107 M . 3 Nedarine. 185.. “m“ 1 "- 0_ Q mECert. 92. 81?: the “{c' ’35: 03‘?“ and the ufc. 1 2 5. Onions. I 08.109. (Quin ' ’ 343‘ Orchard: how to make. 1 3 7.191311- ting,gnftilg,!4o.thc colouring R ‘- offruite. 1 41 . 03: his ufe, breeding , feed' 5 , Radiflxes. . 105.: workc, and cure of alldifeafcs Raifins. l 12. 238.30 269. Rafpis. . z 12. _ pets: ufei 'c; fiogmgg. ‘ _ ‘ 60 me ‘hc are. . +52- Rife the ufe. ‘ . j 60 ' Reaping when and how. . 74. lewe. . 100. S Saffron. Ir‘. 'Sage. , 118. ‘Savorie. 118- 'Savine. ‘ I 28. Seede end the divetfities. 43 . Seede notto be fame, 4.4. {owing ‘ feededhid. 4.6 H47 - ~Sefl'amun the uk. - . 6 r, Setvife end the nfe. ' ' r76. Sheepe their ufe, ordt'tiqlg. Choice.- 864.. their h‘orll'es 267. their bearing, :69. their cures, 2 70. to 2 75 precepts For (hep- beards. . 27 g Smihfe. 1 o 5. ' Sorrel ‘ 104. Spinage. I 04. Stable the befi modell. 2 0.2 a 2 . Strawberies. I x r Swans. Swine their ordering. :82- illegir knowledge, 18;. their erneltie, :87. theirdifetfes, 288 their feeding. 29:. . 1 36 who’s ' : 4-6: ; . ... , ,0 .’[" . ‘.."-D , O" Tillage of come grounds, 27.‘ to know the geo‘ddeife, 2 8. altera- tioa of grounds. 30. Time. v.‘ I 9. Tree and all their feverall Brides, 1 93. to 2 07. the ufe of barke. . 207. Turkies. 3 3 3 . Turtle. 2 341. V . Vine the firfl planter, 7. of the vine, 149.164.. Violets. _ x :8. Yam'ifh. . . . [99. ’W Walinut-tree the kinds ,theufea 8 I Wheate theltinds the ,ufe, .38 49. 8‘ . _ Wonde. 72. Woods the ufe and planting. 192 . VVormwoode. 1 a. 8. Waxe the making. 37: . Z Z“ the 1113:. '55. Ziziphus. . J 79 . . v1.1 ~ VJ' "In; The 511’: Books of Husbandry '. ”’ Entreating (if Earablcmround, Tillage, and Pafiurc. R330. Cono_ . s ,i . "b d R I c 0.. ‘ — ?" SimCooo. a taught 31m: . i" fount goufik m mint of m 7 . 1’ muearmszwcmmma ‘ ' mt: man, that mung m .. \ felt“: my: mummuua, . *" ”if: ' can th'cwtlhqnictalifeyzdfih ng Mall, marmalade ' binih 692 Want «mama fedngasin them umuw ~ tout may»: am m m of the common 19281:. C o x o. mmazmmmvm 3 but WNW: bum a theft gums mummy murutecmtwm my bapptncffe. R I Go. Eenmeibefmbgou, mm mm m tummuupinznu are menautyenar; to; a: team but you mumcyasinwu [my twfpmntuemm fitablg as in m. C o N o a autumn“, am mtm'flmfle, {rm mm gunman beating: mtnbtgm, 381'”? W” . i. The firfl Booke, cum-eating mum 1306?, tmh’in ether mzitt tea: , Mamet in this {peaking my grate ‘anb mire?” ‘ ‘2 ‘10.. 3?, 1 Fiefl {tendon italics tbeMajc divine, ' " ‘ My @311“ ncx’tei‘g'nd r9011 'foverlopkc' a . To eyery'man bistable“ ' oe afigne, A" . ~ _ When this is dandy: me to my bubke. 3 are tummonlp to tire 111! of all in): (We, [penalty in “ 539mb WE: lmfe the heatthfnllett annftneetett time with muggilhne . Ariflorlc aeconnteth catty tiling the heir, both to; heatthfinealthant flung. 3n the winter if 3 be loath to rife,if either the nnfeafonablenen‘e of the 1neathec,o: ficko neu’c taufe me to tape my b211,] tommit all to mp btemato, mhefe faith anti Diligenee 5 am rare of,tnhon131 habe to melt jnttrnaen,that ] map rarely make him mp neputie : 3 habe all‘o Euriclia my maimfo shilfull m huflsiferp, that the: map me" be my mines fufl‘tagan, there twaine me appoint to rap, dent ptaeee : but ifthemeathc: ann time (ewe, 3 ptaig the Mahatma: in: felte. fine though 3 babe 8 Baylit‘e as skilfnll as may he, get amazing the 010 raving, that the v u,” » ‘li Thebefi me m to; the dell! isthe waters fat, anb the belt pew doung f9: henna fflltbe ”my spacers eye, 3 play the obecfiier my mam time» What it is holefome to tire eaele, 3 am pecmiaoen butt: eonnfell of the met! grab: whilofnphees, am: by mine otnne experience. when my reenants ate all retto Wm eherie man as bufie as may be, 3 get me into my (midterm «Samarium teane tbt bub! btnptnreexm this meet 3 almapea keepe, to appoint my felfe em nap mp taste; in maniac tame paucity: of the ole maament a; If the nein : )thatntmefl miter): eeao {nth things as 3 thinke molt neeofuu, oi birpatth tnhat bnfinen‘e fo ehet 3 habe in mg Mina; with {ntoze alumna little befoge pinnei: 3 malleea, Mitt: be faitc ,eithec in mg gamma; in the fielus ; in: Whammy gallem'e :~lnhen 3 come in, a fine an east, a thithe,a piece or time; a pm ofbeale‘ fia), butteguann fueh likamnwfqluwmu 2am, ea my name ann times will I“! rfiWma a fa ‘ wrath fruits as the‘satUen 03 9;: Mb beats : tvhit New without an: ehargemtfg ”w? aw?" V ' "" th 3- 3." - 'ofEat‘abIc. gonad-and Tillagm 3 mpan,Ww-a mentmemmumt. g g hoothe oatntiea all m m : .3 none: lightly~ (station r one houte atmemeate :aftetotnneci Wthe tune totthtat: “hing with my bite. my recbants, 0; ti 3 hate any, with my ghetto : 3 cite ano matte about my gtamo, where 3 men) mg moekemmmg institutes my optimum. me tune, ano m2 Cattcll. When i am In the Column; 3 go: ebetp omit the , _' weather be gamma another great bufinettmhoutme growing 2; if not entry oag,at the lealt mm in thong thgee haves :a's often _ as 3 come to the «Cutie from the Gountne, 3 one the like, to un, . 4 oetttano hon: mg gtonno [B husbanoegano mhat ts none, what unotne :neither no 3 cute goe aboutttwnt tome gmotommeth of nu: ttabatle. 3n the meane tnhtle 5 behslo the monoaruu . . - mtreoame of 52 amre,ano the incompzehenfibte making of “)8 A333 “- mutt mighty (Bob in his matures, tuhith, as Cicero truly at; q ' ' ' firmeth,is the mutatett fch of the foule,ano the thing that may keth us come ne'ecett unto (2503. were tnat'gh 3 with mgretfe, the benefits an!) monketfilllloozkes offlob, mho bgimeth fozth grant to; the. Eatteufinn gttene hecbe fozthe are of man, that he my being ram out my: earth, mom tathe gram. 95’1on 3792 what mozkman is there in the 1110.410, that tandem frame 0; tountetfeitfuth heabenlg £110;ka - Who main of a timber gtafl‘e make ca heat o; 1522a!» am of a tenoet tinigge hing forth to notable a limo: as wine :' but one!!! the mighty. itqzo that treateo all things fifibte ano inhiabte: With there fightsoo 3 terreate my mince, anogthe thanhsuntotvoo the create; ano tonfetoer of all things,foz his great ann‘eree'eoing gaoonetreg ting the fongflo thee,£D 1L o:o,betongeth pzaireo in hinges. 13 latte thou the itozn 3) my {when betterhing won “9 “we the etftqtbatbe hath when as; tbsoueb bivbounteous libetahty,to entith the 5mm, ant: to morpet the «Someone the atafleanothat he mundane the were my his W; onrnettethattoe may eniogthe fruits of the earth with theatre gwmg,to thehonout othtm, one the pzofitotput neighbours. zzhen returning M2,] on to baiting o; waning, oz fad) other buttnette as 3 have: buttnith “any,” intention, anther mew ole tnthgee houm um 3 have bimodjnppetottha {mutt pib 2_ - tame, . "3;"...17 wwv~—.W-W ' 1-.“ . .-_.\......‘_,. 5 g . ‘Theffifi Bbokc; 49nt , It?“ 3% flelmishmmum, ‘ jig é'ktnt'e ' ' 32“!» ‘mneMe'fmm 3H mm W m massing 90mm Plum Whitman: cumin uhclm'ng the plmi‘ant W‘s (may fmelling a: hut mphhdre, am my hum sf canal lowing had: by me .- magnum“: to m memos: atom W; rumetim'e up: “the We at!!!“ itfihé insane time pattethbg me the plea, mmbfi, tbt mums falling from the {wings mm) :1 tom: ”mmmflkgo; are walking by the imam me, oz in my gar, Demo; Maren? pastimes, 3 mm with my mm: a; ferbantsof Whamwmnting what a min meson: 2 if my Bailiff: ml anything» ray, if anything be to be Insight a: rum: to: A ”a . 83in!) huebannms Cato faith, mutt rather bee a ram than 21 ha ’ mefimesabmaup in winter) after rapper, 3 make fif‘ffi‘rm sumac: to tell l'nmething out of the holy bertpture, a; then a We rum mint anagram it in“ honett ana gosh}, ann ruth . hm. ' 88M cum. than a; that homes after rapper 3 get me to W «Mummy as 3 rain befozt, the lat! in the honfe, ex: ”my Chmbcruim am my btemarn. R x. c v. gage meme-time being Pam (tom the (thurrh, with: mm: mm Was, an; be: pm mm; your mile momma! at imbue : mm 0mm pert, though gem mm: the matter bit!) renamed your mute gnu yam TM “marque. , ‘- ' (2 UN 0. NWW'(W bauntbe ttfpohmg 3 habe Min mum-at mm1qmthu,m pgea rhea; m MQ'WWJV QMkfiBIfilChry foflome, Na- zianzm, C7iiI,Cypri'm, Ambrofc,Auflen, annother melgent mqu 3 mummlheare with man pmwm yr 10'!” have m it Ioh‘n’ tammemw ran my fellows m mthuuhci. $9 mm all'o being gibento‘rtmng,reaneth upmum certame {Brahmslmflaten tutu our ohms tongue,- tCWe be w'thhvgm barb is bathe m hm} make hcttwm m it: beam;- the hathpztm meets ofhernjunt’hat um»: may mam time 3 me one, that warm “I. (fifth: Marlyn 01mm” 1)!“th as that? at $08 Whaling the w, manta the thmr, m jug-1 mini) offinhbklfimundmd Tn . c: _ ’5‘ m G: W {when time mutt”: butin'the 9mm tune, ifthe bathe: benutimearonablefinagec almee wenthehnnuges ann fettiuau whence 13mm church, when we heate on: mutate, anu meme the bullet: ~~ communion : as to; my honreholn, 3 being them tothie other, that they afinapes rerue Gen heroes: their going to mks, am: at their ramming to nteales. it Is lumen of Anthonic the Thefqing Gtmzte, that being nemanmom tettaine.13hilof0phtthom figs; heteulutn therolttan'e unicecnetre lnithout- am? baskemttupie " htmfelfe tn the (tunic of Eininttt'ezhe anftneren, that the whole main {twee hint to: bakes, asalnell furnithen Libeatp‘: tn mht’th he almahes rennthe teanbetfullmezkemanflnpof men. \nhz‘rh in men; plate ltmn befnee his eyes. in the like fog: haue 5 my houfeholn retuants well influence in the thiefe growths of tune Religion, who leaning totheit notation ant innocence of their life, not tam'en away tm'th the baine en; urentents ano pleafnres of cuties, no beholn the gamete of Goa tn his “10.28”, am: home the cteatnuc. in hiadtteatutee. not and» upon bunny", but eatery onetnthetzeete, where they magma heave the little bias, ant other tteaturesin their 1: tubes, fetttng out the glow ant spat elite of 4503. R x c 0. you rm: to tetlme stub hole ermitn'm'tp,c not of n Manamans enttagexz this has , hem .030.“ ofthe, patriarhes, any the monafieries in the {initiating fihutth. Cg u o. Janene Cblylbflomc Mule hm au‘chzifit’ans, Homi1.g 6. marct‘en routes am, unmarrieuo leanetheituuee lemming 33‘;th to the rule mum 9f weaken: but of RM $0M"! MIME.) ache;- a in there Bares, mtfnehgmstsuotnes 45. out: be new : fa: they'acee. Wofel‘fion ‘of «W thatgge, Emmott)” hat the “feet : the purett ano petfeaefi cwflm, whith hinoe of Math: olnethttnches, as the beam es one mammoth leave. But Eatemwmammmeflué. 9.; m2 iamwwm firmefimmmwwmawemw 3 tanntltnbme We thmMupeotwmqummen balsam . the tubgemenhs‘ theholtea: c intrelt memtheretemthingr wee henett net better: , netthet in them W5 any true of lift mmmeet mu Wmm- n3 trwle my nmptalg to . - 3 on, '. - ....~_ ' " Um s .sm‘smmm 1;) 32m; «mm a at filling .r the mm. :9: m was. ate, of Hm- mm as Can), umm ofgtcat minim, nun flatworm. dry. mmum) no oft as M‘milgiwamamye aunt of an gonna man, they mural! him a gun Wm, 2 mmfimintbat name unmd) (mmmnation, as they .5533": W“ 9“" him 2 beam. molt migbtie Bimmlempcrozs Wren-onsog-Me no Wt “banner: to pgofelte tbistranc, as Xenophon m Husbandry mutt; cram: am: ztbe unmimy Qginms CuniusofAba. dopminuc. Num the Bing of the Romans ham angular at, (mum to bufbanuzp, fa; that bee thought there 1mm no hint! of life re at to maintain: cube: peat: oz tomes, om: tbcpzo: m ofamans life, being rather a giuer of scan life,tl;en 11m. @KSROMC, HICTO, P hilometor. Attalus , Atchilausgym agttatnumbec of 132mm mozwcligbtea with the pzoferfion of mrbannggz this huommgt is alto highly tommenneobg Moment!” berg huntat'ne in his time armimomcmlpteas be 3 ”(£11 my Alcinus fishing oftbc Phcxcsbbofe “flight in the Planting mplen'um arm mm m warm. am: berm fibula man, that but; 91': "Minoan urn-mung prams ,mm, b3“!!! 9“ min) betttt tn heart the alien": of but r an. ‘ Hefiodusin bi! Inuit: #597»th im'ew gimtbmatpuife to Mm, that ,m ,bllflficifl)! city, gent bunu'tlfc to the fife my tonic 2'2“, t5: firm but; beflm tum binfillen by tbs “Holman; $2M intbe mam timc, "€037; hunt» to tune with: bidemstbatmnn to it plottbtnitbtbc ban! of a WM tonqmm , cityctktaurt they Dealt m myth“!!! refit!) in that tab,“ intbvigmu,» Warmly a= urgent: m 890 tome was, ”Miriam mote": bu” all flying. mom “it; bone! Won: lugets mm nip“ the utter, being man “when! to. Serranus Wu 9: my talk!) to buyout, w mum mum Miami):- Dflaou office has haughty the W to Cincintur, mums mo WWDWNI. gas pm m but out fly"! moaning mum. meat at to: comm: tugs our. myumm M-fifi fl. VFtiiygfoMfit Cmmvtwfibe Cutout, QtPiqungni, In. 'mmnt Within: tab ‘ A , China's of EarabIc-groundand Txllagc. '7 ”,9“de m but: man $8“me gal W (asylum: mmmmhutthc hanlthathathbmnz fifth to the W Matty oflm of mm beau: mthe 3:19; Home: math 8 great ultandc in Vmet bl! atatsbeqtb, I?! the (laughter of that: human that mouth ham mutthon has an : Hm»;- Me. $0! attaine- it is, that a great mambo: offimpetwrs :3ng W rpm from the plum. sum to lztothcts gee, It a mum: pm... that tbtempmgsGalcrius Q Maximinut tame Mt!) team page {autumn tothe imprtiall Bigm’tit. the like in matter: of In, k'mc, Conflantianus, Probus, c Autcliwus. El): 30.21% @9336 that M. Curius the (lemma: mas fauna in his hour; mum of a rape tmtz, tohtn he cefufcu thc attat [m5 M8913 bgought 1!? the bammts Embamox. What mouth 3 [peaks of the anti: The Apric quitte ofit :' thc holy baiptatcs (mum: hufbanbzn to 1?? tbt an: fimam, dmtca oral! tunes ; unutn begin with the. hen: bemnmm of man. t that mithu: Ofitis, no; Dionifi usAmrc the (Mt founbcts otthiq mmum, as the minim ram, mutant-the, mot mtghtxe Lam himfclfc NIMIMM itzfo; Ad'am am but!” The” um all Women. Noe um minute: of mm, Abraham, lutcrd" 191M lawman nephcwsSmlfmm his an“ David (mu inc. bu (banter: mile! to the mmElizcus LAmos of (6m mm maupgophmoziuumc magmas: Wanna the ram: ofSyrach comm Wm abuts the nfilaith, he rationality urea himfclftto hotnthe plum,“ any: the rapt. a to have tathtuzbut what min in: momma humour Glbzlt htmfclfc glozirth to he the {on of a W, C ftamth bi! pariah!“ «planting of um,“ luau lhmpheatu : momma as It as in Luke, out in» famth to h: a teathet ofhufbmnm, ‘09"! be tbchtth, that tries are to be big» about t bung», that they may pzbfpet thc better. fa; nth thts mung: u; of “110%“ mot! amount, ann lmthnut inhtth 1t is mptt pliant he must shit to hue : the heft men ham always Imhuttu 1M #9: ob 3WD“! babe cm muntea it bet: «Zorwsaetmau 1&me. Cimo aueth it the within“ fluaimuhgente , I tbzlftimiom others all it the maths: m mute ofau othgc Husbandry ms. 103W“: me mag um magma» whemttyput tbw 331%; we at: not (M: t. («am wakinbtlimthcgmncbtwauam ' 4 etc Am. ‘ ‘ {I ~ ' “a” "'7‘“ "a ' WW1 , V k . . 3‘ The firlt Books, enuemng heteofmtifefljns molt gable, an! leafifubierttoenw,w it- hdh'fié-Dtdle with the earth, that teaogeth mm, gains (my, things at: committee hnto hen, fpteiallg if it be Afarttfim mlthithc ble'tfing arm; mhe onelg gentlemanlp may oten- treating the heu'e, is the tune of hnfbanazp : mm to; this raufe . y theg were alhtages artonnten the perfenett Gentlemen,that, . Thum- tonimttnith the lining their finntetl'ots left them,.linen in the umm of Cormtne at their itanbs, not mowing with timing, W119, )1 ushndrq ehaingingmo: rakingthett lining byhannicratte. M. Varto m his time,l'ayth,there tons great tmnplaint'mabenhat'the fa; there fograking the plough anb the bitltlemegan to err'rpc inta thematmte, anb bnneb themrelhee rather with pageants am wintertime: games, then truth the tangerine of the fitelb, whereas the Gpitetnonrs of Rome to nemben the were, as they arugnen onelh the ninth nap fez bufinelte of the ¢ittie,t the rett ofthe time fez the tillage of the «countriemhereb‘g being har; lamb with laboz in peareJhep might the better be able to abine ; the travail: oftvatttes. Which mnttie people teeteallnages pnfemn befnze the people ofthe «titan 310325391)!th thought to be in them that till the groanu among, then in there that It. «in; inelg within the inattement their ti mi atee,. minke , Sporia , aim futh other, are remain thebpging time. 233"?“ Sn Afia ano Greece they [sine all , as they ray, at the letting of . ° the reanen’ttamee. 330m, although there be eertaine pzeeepte of the time etroim'ng‘, ann hem much lane is me’ete fez ebery quantity of grown: , fucely , they might as 3 haue rain tefoge, fa; their einne counttey ann nature of their grounn , giue a hinne of guelte , but tn Determine any thing herein eettaim ly , there is no man that ean one it, but the grounn ann enety mane atone manure is herein the belt gentler. fiDne anti: em generall rule efhnfbanney there is, inhuman: inamen A general! in role Cmmteiee to (nine -late,in temperate iee fm new Fulco in our h'nte Regions fmnett efall.Eraioflhenes faitmthat India 15 rubiea tomneh cainee in bummer; thalthen they rein jflar, Scfamumfifiittfi Milleizann in winter, Wheat, ”Barley, pen; maize,anu ntherfruits that be have not.Hefiodus,the iaeinre in his time ofhiflianbgy ,inils us to (cm ateogning to'the tuiteme cf Gteecghis natural! Countryy.VirgiIECaio,Varro,Columc11a ann Plinymaint theie sales to; I:aly,inhore minnes if you mm hate follower: in all etherplaeemou that Michele toner euea I2 Win-ate. 4.8. The firfl‘Baolte, mutating , . re pt ioith one eoneMBut to :ometo the tfiatter, lit; the [dance ol'nmoig natures require runner: tinies ofloising, c, an.“ [.35 otoeoerinm that herein may tonntteh hath his suite, a mu here(ohferuing furh enitomes as are innit general! to then: all) fetter allh them you of may feeoe b2 himfelfe,ano to name unto you the ogoer of theirfoming. fine firit, amongttlall the fruits e ‘ graine that the earth ooth gala to; our [naenanre , the thiefeit plate is rightly giuen unto wheat,ralleo in weeks we; in 31m Iran Grano,in bpanilh Trigo , in MD chis , in item!) Foarmem,as a graine molt ne'enfull foe man ,e therefoge malt fruitfull, hetaul‘e Goo hath ogoaineo it to nourith man mithal. at is inonoerfull what win it hath be’ene of in route Coimtries. Augufius his Deputy tent him frfi Bifaicc in Africa of one grains ofioheat feure hnnoteo beanrhes. ans Plinic toitneu'etmat in a???” plate , w buthell hath haloeo a heaven ano fiftic e s. R 1 c o. Ebert are that holo opinion,that this tohieh the com . mon people call Wheatahe dbermaines \y dawn the lbollan. oers Term-J's not the true Wheat . but a lame of Rte, ano that the true Wheat With the italians tall Giana, growth early in ital}; ano in bpaine. Como. zhat lohith atoms in Italy ano bitill at this bag, oilfereth not from ours in fathion,tolour,no_2 untrue, though the graine there be rometohat great, am the home 111038 rlammh, ‘ tnhirhmakethit that it cannot be long kept,fpetlallh about Rome. flan whereas our unheate is either bearoen o; pollaro, theirs is altogether polo : the all it polo o3 pollaro that hath no Slants bpon the earss. Elna that toe tall the flangmhith groin: eth out of the ea 'ke a long pzitit o; a mart whereby the care is nefenoen fro hanger of lairos. mith Virg.the Sane is bfeo to; the come. as the parlte fo; the is the hurt: ofthe tozne,inhore top is the flanel‘rit istht fmall graine, ler’ ferthen the some that grows in thetop of the ripe earmfio rea turne to’the toheat, 3 araunt there are tome that'ooubt of'this bbwt ofonrsfiith hathbe’en the ininth of the tinie(asal things almott totaottenfine rural! knoto hole to namethefmo that toe nail: fan ours: in? part , 3 mill follotn wanton ure , asa 0W (peathmhe olo lantern haue batten eflunogh (sets‘ 9 ail; 3V Bffiatéflhlt‘ ground andelagé} '49 offlheatfiuheteofm hauethmht that mail 1&0qu to be m, With m eauen Rnbus, as the taitgtt ano maighnea, ache recent eauei Siligo , thee Men in their limit cheate. Eb: thieo, thee taller: Trimcltrc, betaufe it tnoulo be ripe in thee: monethe afterthe fotm'ng. Ehough Columclla altotu no rueh kinoeqettnae it mutt ancient with the firemen, ano tallen Trimcuon, geoming onele‘jn the toll: eounttiee. 3n Thracia, they haue a kinoe that is ripe in two monethe,ann in coma web a number ofhusks, againtt the eetreame role of the coun, ‘- trte. 3n our countries atiotne habe Wheat .ano Rte, that me (on) tnith our bummer graine, as toe .tiketutfe hoe Rape (oboe, but to no great commooitie: to; the winter teens on farce eree'm them ; am being noutilheo in the eauth all winter, they pemuc as Thcophx-aflns faith, of none rubaante ano pzofit. Bmongtt all there roets, Ptinic temunteth the tnheat of ital}: to be belt, both to; beautie an!) insight. we: are \mth us onelg ttno fogte. Dtfitttng in this, that the on: hath fmmth cares without any beams, the othe: with long beams 0; Sauce, berg touno ano thatpe , not muth unliheto Winter Early: in all other pen» petties they are both alike. Eat to make a tetontitement of there looms ann ooubtfuu eepofitions, 3 toil! them the ancient ans pgefentpeattin‘e of the emlifhfinho ace matters ofas mush anoas many feberau fozts oftnheat as any) fiati on tnhatroeber, therefoze out to; that mheate which the aneiente talleb Robus, the (Englith ea ft taotelttatu tnheat, becaufe theee is no ' hol- lomnette in the in, but a time Pi“) ”bub mnnee thgohgh from hunt to knot, this is of all (titheat the tttongett, the toaightielt ant: heilneth the mall flomae , get it is but bgotnne am: Bathe eolloueeo: it peerpeeeth onetp in nth grommerpeei; all? a (title blaeke clap , at the thin: plowing it mutt be rmime unset furrow: the gteatec the elotts that sober it,the heb m sttno Batiste t apeehe hill (on) an filter at the tacgett me. Ehat which out .flntie'nts tall Siliga, the wgfim‘mlt gob taro oz pagebheatgbeeaufe it hath no‘flane's ogteaeh at all; the (tramie houehuhe algae in; taege ann tueightie ann of a bu’ghtee we hate: , ' then the fogmemt is ufuallg roam unoet fnteom m ' ‘ T ' dag atthegico ettinmnoreme- timestponthea “ j peate, hat the): them-mun mac be rich ano (tungjfloo‘ m lei eh: peeke‘bnttfuam «3:23;; 4 J : m l A . ,8 i (‘43. evuiryr.‘ ‘ -' ; 5‘11"“ ‘3‘“ Im,‘ ; T“ 56. -i, Thfirfi Bdokc, efitgdafing , that which tee-aim Trimming Tfifiacfige the tnglt'lhjea’ll ograv‘c o; fieoamheat, it is futoll anti tleaner then either of the fogiimenb geiloeth a tohiter ano pure: meale, it Mmeth m any mu min haltell earth,ano is fomne immeoi arch; after the finite are reopen, bpon the fame grouno, ano at the firtt ploto- ing,ano is rotune nboue the'turrotomo reafonablg harrotoeo at: ter; ttoo buihels-are fuflirient to; any alter. ' gpolo ober ano aboue all there the @nglith’ habe oibers other wheates which farce eree’eo am: of the fogmer both in onttoaro beautie ano inibaro purenell‘e of epeale, the firfi whereof they roll flaren wheate,being outmarolg moge white then the whi; telt jflar, nno inlnarolg full of the whitelt nobne , to that it utklncth little o; no beanne, this wheat (as the fogmer) is folune on the inname after {More ano abobe furrow, one though the geilo be not to great as the fozmemet be reafon of the puritie t lohitenelte it peilos an equall pzofit. , {whee haue alto another wheat mhirh they tall (by an allure, on to thggrouno toh'e‘reon it is intone) Chilter o; Chilttrnc wheat; foeitpzofpereth onelp 'on hilo ant: high places, being ltong,eho.lhie, grmllg, nno hauing many times not aboue a fate of true earth to rmte in: it is equall, o: inoe'eo beyono any of the runner to; purity one finenetl'e, one not much interim in 'ge'eloin : it is femur in bepteinber nno EDaeber abone fur; rob), a r the thiro plowing, ano tloo bulhele is a fuffttient ‘ quantity: footing alter; Ehue much be rpokelfoz the e nglith mitome ; nob) to; the generall mature of other Jannonsn ' an fit? isfolnne in beytembenthe feafon being faire, the groinno. ‘ re plohieo ano toell taken oz harmlneo,although ecu may rote it hit? well; after onte plowing, upon grouno where ”$3“: Earn, -,03 Bathe hath bane newly hat: on“, "I a gene for eu‘lflime anb Colu‘ciicllamoulo haue you role of Wheat an!) ape, .. l'helg been an acre; but as 1min before, this urea: {we is to, ‘meafnr‘jeo mith gear 0112} me at thlb bah me: not to much Wheat bpon'an titre,“ Ream: To mtfi'hfii'bflfi W11“ fit is mafia: wife be like‘to be tolo, tofotn thefooner: i met" eatw' ,t inuleuell;ai‘th,1uarme We“ DMD. i d A,. Bit”: menswrm” , v t , was .- " - . . Bffiagfle-ground and-Tillage; 3}. .wmatfioz'efiftor itis (omit puttethont a great company: Mall rmtsm‘uhappearethntthe {fame 0.2 btao'e :. ithagg macaw tath asmnnotbzanchau , lemmas other winter comet's, it is nourithen inblahé : henthe bpzing warmth on, it beginneth to ipinbte: upon the than oz fourth iognt thereof, tommeth outtheare, which firth appeareth in; olden in the blane,it tummy the fourth o; fift one after, : if .‘t groin to: ranke at the firthit is eaten botnne Inith rattan, oz tn tome place motneo : it is after breath : it flomges about the r O.‘ of Sunelmner oz latter,asthe were fats out, men at one time _ almoit inith the mine :tmo noble Ho gesfinith comfoztable fan aour flourithing at onte. Varro aflirmeth, that the wheat lgeth 15. Dates in the blaoe, uouritheth :5. ant: ripeth 15. Sifter it hath 502an it month greater, am: as Thcophrofins faith, is within foetie cages after full ripe, inheretnith the latett thee reape in the eight moneth. £Dther fag in fire ant: thirty haves, annreapen in the ninth month. at neber eares , till althis ioynts 0; knots be grow. Ehere are foure ioynts in wheat, as Plinic faith, ano eight in burly: but in our rountrg ano our hopes, both wheat, me, warty, annfiDatts, bambutfoute, anu notthat allows. Befoee the full number of the tenants, there isno appearing of the eare : inhitb when it tommethbe: 31th to define within foure o; flue barges, ant to mom}, o2 lit; tle maze, it faoeth. Whenthe dome is gone, the graine be: gins tofweli,annin foure ozfibe haves after, to ripe. Ehe blane of the mheatis rometimes like a booze, but narrower then the battery: the fpinole, flame, 0; train thereof, is (mm; “)2! am: gentler, ann notfo baittle as may. at is elofeo in many toates. Ehe collie thatbeareth the care is higher then that of the barley : the ears gromeih mote upzight, ano farther from the blaoe , the ehafie is [after , tweeter , one more full of mm, the ear: or Wat is out of ozoer ano bnenen, as melt at the mellow, as sf the bearoeo, whereas Earle? hath his sure of nut number, am: in perfea uglier. Samaria, it is fail: .a Qrame of tnheatis equal! in quantitie to an care of our wheat. 3" Babylon, fl)? blanes both Dfmbzatm barley, asHerodo- tus repoieth, are r inthes lagoon. Wheat, as Columclla thbfifter the ' foisingpthaugefh to me, which :31”: 2 e, , ,1, ‘_'\ _ I: - V _ u: “'val‘fii. ":5“ tr" ’ F.“ : rF'flg-v-h... ..-,fl'.‘ " "‘ = ‘2 m3 animate; rcmréEhng 1° mue'fn'fietmamfi rage hegfiaein my places: RVC. ’ ‘3‘ t (‘3: $1 . ‘mmi Amy" ti» m‘mmwm’z‘mo ann ‘ - qt .; theta. aftec mutate midi ”flfiisijIhm . . lemma it to bethat Whthetbziekes «delighting; ii r take meg-r, to; a kinne of fan to; hozl'es, but that tan: ' be, fog there is no gtaine inhatfoeuee {a nninhall’ome fix; an flattens We, having thatputgatibe qualitie in it, that it ma- Beth aboafe We taneath ’- Quinn ntherst’alte it fog a hinue oflnbeat,‘Hcrodotusfaytb, bgean was main: efit.‘ 9f Lauren- this it is taller: Far. 9D!“ Gal‘s, Siligo- Diners leamen men eat! it Scale, ann take it f0; Plinics farago. Che fitenehmen tall it‘chlc. EheEutehmen Rock. nthe italians, almolt asthe mam, 533313: the grains is remethmg blacke , ano maheth blaeliifl) b.2980. Eat to palre ohet all tonteobetfieefl follow the «Country rpm), ann take SiYigo to; one eonm'ion file, which is (omen inimebiatlg after wheatfibont the mi: of beptember, o: in the beginning of maobernn gain mount): in fanny q gratellu manna,“ is fatnen in fiebguaig, aim tallen bummer wheat: it tequiteth the bettgtounnfinatmet fart, anti refufeth not light mount an!) gtanelly, in it be We with bung: it leuethinct mount: as ill'aslnheat,both require to be folnenin niepe motile : plains (eagle : but five is lament: little aftec lnheat, in the ruin; my; luheteofmu mutt setup? a thin: part maze than of can heat: it mfpemthlightlijinang grounb, ann many times within: melanin hunngeu fog one. at mutt bee [omen after the thin) glowing,“ wheatgann hatteliieb mueh after the fame fo;t,thc mike ,0; fieale thetenf,is fmallei than the m heat lhilhe, tal‘ firemenhis can: hangeth Damnelnaius, anti therefoge maze l'ubiett to blalting,beeaiire it reeeiueth 3 limpet!) the water that falslnhile it flomgeth, aim fiifl’etth the tiolente of mitts :1 V {nous : the (tram theteof is gentle zine flerible, fl‘tbmg to; I} — xiimimpmuetings of houfes. Elms ninth to; the opinion of ,theflntienfis e antient eultomes : but in (mm: to the pzerent ‘pzaqlfe of @nglminemhere miirh ofthis gram: is fomne; then H {true to r a’lnit abent the latter mi: of beptembem rather be- ! " '[lnheat th aftermeeaufe it beliteth the fairer (mt? rl‘d' wheat lebeth a {boluses altitking insult-jut five is to ' mt they ramnm'u bzotnne intithwpemai (mallet: mine kils it inthe rowing. fie: is to be (omen ’ in 5% BfEarablc. ground ana TillagE'.‘ 5; inhat fanny arm. at the thirn'plotning , ,ann pzofpetetb finnpou mlight hatrelleatth inhuhlgeth Inc. an!) bowie. erer the opinion of the ancients aun fame moneme Utterly name aim niralom itrog am: tlah gram, pet the. engua, thine an! Imam that it will floutith um um: nth map the main is mane ( bpsft plowing) 339 am mellow; am they finne that our Site: of 0&ng mu hamlet is may tine am stun? Whanuephatfoebetfipe mutt he {ohms in an insiflerent furrow, am well harmlurn, ruin the mouth thzoughlg broken: ttuo )Bulhells isa futiiamt quantitieot' bane to; am: reafomble fitter '. . A 330th follotncth Bath: , arrouutcn in the alt generations “PM; among the mnzthira rozt of grains, ann not of {malt eth'mati. on at this bag. Ehe stalians tall it Beadc o; Beauc, a; 0:23; the bpantatbs Ccuad; :the Dutch men Getfl : the French men Org: : the Grecians ”sf-mun though it be urchin (Deters an arm», anuturh marme am: fruitful! (:nuiitriss fog carries finhns Hem-a at? o mimeu‘ethmet in the janxheme (mommies itrupplirs the plate both of bzean arm mine. Ehere areofit than fats, eraflic hon anti F olyRichum, whore cares are that, fnurm rometimes fire {quarmnn nibers eares rpginging from one grainr, curry ears contaming abcue foureftoze grant”, to monoerfull are the gifts ant: Writings affirm. Ehe other fogt is much Diflichov, halting in the rare buttlno makes a; ushers melgagaimfiheteisnue him: of it tube {atone in tninter,am other to: fummrr. tithe im'nter Barley is of better gala, but it is from hurt, rpetially Inith much met anb frotts following. fibers is nothing maze hurtfullto winter aoznelperiaug wars igliape Riemann Nether: the met of winter , nippeo truth of; tm fruits; aim after a towns that”, to be pgefeutlg frogen a, g at us : both the ['9th of 15m? require growth that is berg rich. fainter Barlgmftetttmo; thzde ptotm’ugs, ists be romeo in September : bummer 15ng in watch 0;: fipzill, after tmire plowing; nun mam: times netea’itv fazting,after ante plowing: in the remingmumuuorrum maze fienbehalfeihenin {owing armheatezit requiteth a mello‘m arm a fat grammann therefoae is bett (omen, tithecethe growth is met marmrgn. the winter (woe anmztth in vamannisgpe in June atthe fut-themm ' 3 i ‘ ,. V a ‘ ‘ ‘54. tThegfirfiBooke, entrcatm’g Mummy betehnne’nthefeplam ybut great mum ”gm listen in new unmlemule mmretetbegreatgaines mmherummuusades item-any (shuttles is ripe ‘ ' tea, we‘tathue’nimehs after'the tubing. 3n Aragon, as lime WG},-itmakethnouble haruefis euety were. the reuenth m after it is amine, ittemmeth hp , mane can of warm tunneth noteneimrotezvthe other,the tanner (winged), ann rem; aethnp tn the lane : the greater run of the marine maketh the mute, nnn the flennerer the flown. In other graine thermte am the blane fpzing both from one pntt,the hlaoee of both kins are tough. 3 t mutt be gatherea with maze fpe'en then other names, to; the (train of it is new b.2ittle. 29f Earle}: is mane, 38 Diofcoridcs Inzittth. both 159m: nnn fllt’. R x c o. i like your Barre you haue ereellently well, 3 pm? _ route" me in what [tut you make it e @- Co u o. J lnill not hibe my running in this matter, ann herein 3 will follow the tultome ann other of the (Englia) who u: the great matters of all «Ehziaennome in this art; am: M'Jfrnunee, the loin mommies anti other flattens are but them. their smitatnurs; 1hr? fittt turns their )Bnrlg into 99:11: in mfg"? this manner. tithe? take a son quantity of Early anb put it in; ' watchmen: flaunt: to tape it in water the {pace ofthzc nighchen maine it fromthe mater ann let it map a nay, then m iten a fair: (lane in a great thielee heape n; tentre, ane . letit to lie the: nights mate, in which [pure it tnill rpgout at me no (to: itmultmtl’pzout at hotly) then they (wear) it berg thine“ our the Sage, ant: either with a thobell o; the ham it mn’ltbe tarnee ann tom ttniee ezthn'te and», foe the (pare «mum: nape; maze , fetto make perfect walte itmult babe fullthzee makes fiat ano dune; then they ntie 0t upon the time mitha gentle lite. of mate tram, fanny ether fuel! withstooltrenge a {mom anti gives the @alt an Ill tatte: am the @alt in Men, melee , tubben,eleane 331:6:an e; Ininnetnen, then it is {eaten the mu ann groans attesting to thepzopoztion ofthe meeting, lnhith it it be eminent hauls unaware , then they mane of chew quarter ot’alt, finer Means of them ; but if it be to; erueozunaru ttteng Whitmthmto cum: heathen!) you than-allele enequau It! offiarableg‘ounfl'and Tillage: 55 m’offiuulm puke equate, halteareelteof Wheate, an halfe a peeked mates. fioto fozthe bzetotag lot'thts mine, tie Beatsafmtheouttsgtmno) thevput tt Into amen). fat,onotheltquo3tnthe lean being team: to boule, pntttto the voltmmoth altogether, letttro ttano an homey, then ’ mm the liquoz team the Walt, t put itin the leal assume an to it to; ebetg qgaetet or you a homo e an halfe ofhopu boule \ them mm! to; the [pace of an houre, then more the ltquoz oz moat team the hopethgough a trait blue into the Cooler, tnht’eh (tanning mate the omllfat, you that! let the inner tuzme these. into : then put to) your barme, am often they have Waugh: then beats them together, one one this to; otbeto tunes tone, ther,then ttmnegoutminto hoggtheaos, letit pmge well am aftee dotte themup. zhis Bare maybe Innate at I foztm'ghto age, one is oflong lacing. in this mannet you ma? Inch) thong th 15m , alteu'ng onelg the quantitie of ”alt, alto alto tron; file with abatewulof looms '. Eheee is mane ot' mum Mica, a teafonahle moo meet, one Ptifan. than: they muttbe maoemou may teonem Zea: Plinic: 33m to wheat ano barley, follometh Zea, 10th the eommon people, both in 3mm, bpaine, one jflaunete, tall Swim, the ftemh all it Efpclm; with Homer to static eommememfdfi'er'wmm, thefieloothat heateththe Zoom, beingasGalcn faith, the meme betwixt toheat anobatlg, to: hehaththe qualitieoof eaehof them , aunts ofttno tests, the one in ttalltefiognt, auo eare, like to Wheatmnn mnoth in them hmke than riches , an!) therefoze is sullen mums the other having both “the one eace thoztet , ano butane goatne in every haste, gaungmeamkee, attain the top totembling 15am with his “new Genes. in static, rpeeiallg about Mivaudula anoConcordia, ttisureo in pmeuoet to; 1902!“. it to nottnthefe inmates in are. 3 tooulo fomtt here, .ith the growth bill fem foztt,anothat both bientoztnke might be lmaoeot tt WWW that it to fo'methtug teoublefome to Qtlno, beeafieof theooublehushe. at oetleethamotfi mull, etehono goon, ltiot’otoeoottecthe tame manneethat WM“ to rotoeom We: mom: tt flohzeth to June, on! "with lulemtemr mega: comma , betafe wags: q . Rtph ., 5’6 _ ' Thcffiraeookégéaaeaadg -. , 1111mm nun flames. Eh: net: is Far, tnhtthbaea gene: . mammal! tone,“ wheat Fanfiatl}: Fananb mist, am: m mils bets not get neutfen , the}: nine beat their come in mommuheteof tame,that the meals mas talleb Farinohget at. mm: the name of Far and}: gtbeu to Adoxcumghough Colu- mus much it albums Far Adorcun~,nraking route runny (ogts ot‘tt. Eh: finenthmteu call it Brancc,the atalians 5audala,the Meantime liftandmtht met} people of out aieuntw tall it Far- m, the mutth Kcsl-omc, tnhot'e gratne is berg like tuheat, but that it is [hotter am: tbttkt’tflnb where wheat hath a thft,thete hath its tiling. it is heabtct then batlmnn lighter then uheat, t'tgilneth maze meale then any other «teem. Ehc people of name as Plinie faitthhen with this come at the tint! there hum Been hates; it gtotneth in mm without flame, with a greater care am a maightiec: it hath m the ttalke feauen tognta , am: cannot be ttenfea ercept it be patchen. firante hath tine nuts thereof, one of atebotth tolouc,\nhtth the people all ten wheat, - the ether tvhitec, mht th the}; (allmhtte Wheat ; the care is thgee — [quatemot unlike tofpelt. :(n stalte they malel pottage of it to; their labeurees. Far 0; Adorcum, Virgilmoulh have [atone heme the fetttng of the feaben times, after the Acquinaahu of Alumnae: butin met ann cola batten gramme, it is belt to rain it about the antenna of ahaobmthat it may take nape cmt befoge the {waging am: tolb in the winter. it is (omen m loin scummfinatriflmmn thalkvzafter it tsfotnen it man be bdt‘tolv; eh,raken,ann match :the raking lmfeth in the rpgmg,the hm; mthaaes oftm'ntet. in taking a; harrowing, you mutt take him, as are“ befoze, that you hurt not the antes: teething bhen itt'e knottenlcuereththe (£03m from a! annomnreeflhe 3ftenrh men ruin it in hellgm tuttotnes. hetaufe it is beep rub: mt to blattmg,thinhtng thereby to peeferue it both from blatt can mtluln. to remit in hie grounn tantrtommenneb, though it pznfper there melt awughmtaufe tattle tannot away with it, “fee the thatpncs am: cough.zzetl’e of the eaten , am: beware ttte: mn'teth great [about in getti :1; off the hunts, which tfét he not titan unis neithe r {I we f 0‘;- man no; beat'tzthe nucleate tang: Mhhnt lm'th'the Cough, the-figttles Mug . me macaw, Rape (acne oath tbaueaze 919mg? Wigs: : t. 'of. £5an gtOundan'd Tillage? 57 numbetheiéeooithe Hope, inhieh Plioie maketh to; his thico kinoe. anomiloe , whore taste, like the mania), tunneth in length,the leaues being wife, like the other kineemano the , willie bull)? ano full of liganehm : the teote of it is gmo to; no, thing,bnt is cnelg :‘oloeo to; the rotoemiheteof they make £13k, [timing to; pom mens Bitehins, r nits, one lights, [penalty in éetmanie, where they hunt the £922.: of £Dlibee, wherein: arireth great gaines to the hufbanoman. 3n the hot (totintties where they hone other the enei:gh,this is of no u'e, but in fee: mug of Bitos: it is femeoin the eno of Ragtime: in beptem, bee : hombeitfiometime it is romne in marth among the hammer idiots, butto nothing to gteat a peofit :itis (alt into both ti eh gtonno, o; loell nianuteo , thgiee plomeo aim toell til; leo; it mutt be romeo hex): thin: to: being abenzfmalll‘tee, it innit not beromeo iniththe full hano. aslohcat is, but onelg with these fingecs. ,Stpeofpeteth alto ereoeoing well inthore a genome which are nelnlu toonne from the hexane both taheth fioin them their onetmnth faltnetl’e, ano beingeth them Unto fett:llutie,ano therefo;eitiseuee thefictt him that ieto bie (alone hpan (nth earth .'- 5t aomzeth in @areh, o; theteabonte, lathe rate is foglnaw, ano continueth his (ionizing along time: the flame is yellow, ano berg met, wherein llBées one mueh oelight: as fame as it hath left flomging, it is pzefentlp ripe: it gmtneth tloo tulyits in height, bea- ting aplentifull {em in little {mall tools, it renoerethv to; one buthell, ahnnoeeo buthelsoftiszoe. gels of ttno hinos, a male ano female, the one hath alonge caste , the other a teunoflno of both the husbanoman malteth a berg gmo woe *. Ehe bummet reeoes ace almott all {nth as are ripe within thzee moneths, o: route attheuttermoit after they ate (clone, ano fomeof them toner, if the grouno anothemeathel: bee gmo. Hmong the Summer team We will fitit talks of graine, anonttec of pulfe. 9f the geaine, EDatez are the om, flit! that see tomeq, though Vigil! eount them batten ano Plinie tonnteth them rather méeoeethen toene, attir- ming, that Laotlglohtn itpzofpeteth not, will many times tutne , into Dates : get the} jftenthm'en ano the Germain“ taunt (it at this one) the bea‘pmngei: . o, Buck. . ' .. ‘-~*.‘~.’ -’¢ ~ '. 58 The firfiBookc, entreatmg fa: Wes, m (on fez cattéll. Plinic alro him may; mamas am to make pm: of mm. film Dlofcoridcs musty .mtntion of 9am: postage, w‘mcéwcz’w 7mm, pottage ofgmell is mm of watts, installer! oftye «Brae; @5513» in italian Vent, in Mania) AucnafiflfttfltbAueinc’ 11! match Haucxgmyicbtngyit gram not commonlgin 3‘312. wt upon Monte Flcclto, mm in ti): kiugnomc affiaples about Siponto it in (mm. mm babe amongabs tum ktnoes oftbem. one full am: mlgbttc, lmu'ngin bare gates, tamake [may any Mints of, fpmallp If lt lat mtnleu may a little Barley, any tlus tinne pzarpctctlg in Cid) am: new woken up groan!) mag. muslin Eb: otbtt 8mm: in lightenmbltbtbccommpeoplg call amen an: Ifigumbabcr, ttvts hm? ligbtmnnealnetbbut little name no; rmnzu grams“) upon r may ana barren groumg, ann (crusty incll fog utattcll an: fog 190;!”th the Mann but: bulb}: tops, fcom mature balzgctbtbc (an, in lthelm're rerun; ”math: grafielbowecztbc flame ofit l9 walkway mm m grains, tyne Ming“; mum flaunts : hnty Diofgoridu , Bro- mos,“ a'hlnnc of 9mm: refmblttb What In the mug; 3“th blamann gtolnttb like W108 wheat. Thcophnflus must; it ‘3va 7:2. Eye flDatvt's not numerous in the mom ofljlsgtoann, butgrouwtb like a gmnnfcllom in chew plate, tuba: no [me I“? will gcoln. 9f the like nlfpofittun is £31311; 0: fiétbwncatmnknowne to on: elu mama: is auto :1; an 3- ' Bétbhlbeatm; .uaMiu wow mlatlflwbtut, tbmgh uncanny figulfielb another gtaim. 3 [ma rather tall it 15ml); “Deaf, beware the grains thereoftn flpd'tomnb, not unlike the mama boll) in (clout am: fummxfl‘zcmg only intbe final: mn‘t. Eye calke is buy great, anu urahtultke to tbs gtcattr ' teams : it bath mam bmncbcs, with a bump top a greatl‘o:t of finite mm in a knop, like the flowers of (Blue: .- it unmet]; long together, 6 after appearetb the grammfim white man grim mum (balm tbzizwzmm: aftct tun; be tips the :olouc M5 st!) to black: or bgoumllb, like a «Indium. minis stains bath uo’tlong can bent bzougljt tram Kama am the 903mm parts .luwztmam'c: not» it is become common, am am to: farting offingmnu {swath the dam pcopls in brace (emu make Wmmnltelnttbal. atmav be [ohm infirm“: F of sesame-ground and T1 Hagc. 59 is“ in «antithwan. anniniunmfietthe reaping of 33qu (an. you mutt fame leIIe of it ripen an Here by a fourth part then of antheat oz. itiie : it ieniurhufentn heromennponthc grounn tnhete wipes grommherebg the gram both new a unable empin one were. Whemt iernmen, it ennuneth up it it be innit weather, within four: 0; (montages after, having this leaves” at the lid! appearing, not much unlike to {emanate bomeagain pgeferre thenther Miucmalleninitathdelium, Mm“, in @rceke nay/3w, in italidn Millo, o; Miglio, habing as it were, a thenfano grantee in a care, as Fcfius (ameth to uncle; in bpanilh Mij0,lll firenrh Millenannin Enteh Hycrs, Where they make pottane of it ant: been. zhe militants ant: 991nm, niane are rheifli: nonriiheb With this hints of puttagefiuhirh they make with the (hinge niinglen with milke, ann the him that they let from their hostess. Zhe men of Indygas Plinic raytl , knnln no other graine but Barley ant {Eifietmflfitb grew in his time plentifulltfi in Campania, it is tbs bet 188mm that may be male, neither isthere any grains eoniparahle to it fez lnaight, that maze incrcafeth iii-baking“; of one bathe“ hath bin heathen imam»: poem of DMD, anna lanthell of {amen meat, metre of theannartee met an: union. at is {omen atthie hay in every place, though hen: little in the 19m «Countries : it month with a (tame full ofiognte, a-enbithigh, a leafe like a time, a tomb e a {mall rm hanging canine in long riinnies with many topszitgrometh fnmtime tenenfmte highh‘t Delight; eth in a matrith mean: growth, annin graneu, ro it be note an: then ebetaotnne, it hateth. n29 ann rhalkie gramme. home give ronnfell to [cite itfirfi in a rain ann met grounn, ann then in a hot gromzhefozt the filling you innit notfome it,fo_2 iteelt'ght; eth ninth in warmth. £1 littlefe'ene of itis (nfiieient to: a great neale ofgtcnnn : ifit be {amen thieke, it cements naught : a great hannfnll will feme a inhale am, mheretoze in raking, you mull rake ant what is maze then neenfullzan acre beareth fonrtie bathele. if it be tnell mammary teen gaineth about a W8"- 33 is feebiuen to be (state ameng mines a; fruit W. ant: mull continually be tomb aunt-alien. When the eare is full 11mm it innit be gatheren with thehann, ann liven inche butane” the hot weather thatter the (Mafia: BE“ ’ 5a main Boskcgasuanng i Panhide. Rife. mine may berg long be garments; beinghieu loin up lohets the Wino cannot come, it bill mell'lait anhnnueo gates.- theteis anothec like graine that then talllnoian millet,- bith‘a steal: graine; am: a blacke ano'big tang italke. which basin! bgought into ital}; in the taigne of Nero, whieh (as Plinie faith) was calls-n tuba, Whereas Lobz are \tathet the ¢ooe of all {Bull}, ano Lobz, the manes ann toppes of fiillet, as it RPPBdtttb b2 Thc0phraflus . P anicu m is (81180 ofthe wgaks “numb of the mute Pfennich, oz Heidengtcifis, of the stalls ans Pannacho,the paniatos Panizo, the frenthnien F aniz,ro tallen of the little 1;) .mnitles, wherein the rain lieth. it com- meth by like millet, with mam: leanes,ano llippes, glittering with ateonifl) buihie top, full of rants, like @uantnfeeoe, fame yellow, purplc,blatbe,ano white: it mutt be ozbeteo in all _ thing almoit as willet: being romeo in bummer , itis ripe in foatie bares after“: in othec plates l’oiuen in spa» in wet grouno,itisto be gathereo in Deptembec. mhe hatueu, ano the are of it, is almoit all onebgith millet, neither tan it, as @illet, be fineo without patthing:mhen it beginnes to nimble, it mutt bemell inane!) leait the lanes onergtoin it: being well beet? with mean an flailke, it inaketh inoia‘ecent gmo meat: in Incas it is not to much area as qaillet, to: the bzean isben: ngie, ano trumbleth like bane oz athes, being altoge; the: without moiiture oz tleauing : but the common people re, morning that with lame o2 :Dple , no make a ihift with it as flit". as they can. [hep that nine“ about Pontus , are rain to eite'eme it aboue all other fame, as the people of Nauarre see at this say. inmanp countries itis bfeo oneli) to feeoe pigeons inithall. , 9f the number of outlanuiib graine, is Hire. in ibape as Thcophnflusfaith, like Darnell, having a bnlhie toppe like @illetonaannitle, but no me: his amine is like the kinoe of Entity, taller: Zea, the leaues are thithe like the leanes ofiLe'ehesmut b.2oaner.the Mike .1 rubit high,the acute pimple. Ehis amine is but gearon in frannee ano aermanie, but in atalie ano ii nmbaroie common, where itis ealleo El- rifo, ans Mcncfiro Dclrifo, the jam!) men leaving the (I'd; 1M , oo callitRifqn , the batches Wis the bpaniarns call it Artoft. at amict'gisaaa aaa Tillage? 3:, Lists. Pliny fmdeth it to be summer: of the water beam. ‘ there is mane of it 5furmentie,is Horace ealles it, mire stur’ mentiegt is (omen in @arehuas @illetann iamnirle is. mhe anoians (they fay) hoe heure it hefoze they tome it,to make it the lighter of bigeaiou. fine as Sttabo tepozteth, they make minke ofit. fiert is S cfamum name!) with the 05mm“ minim, the italians Scfamo, the Spaniarns Aionioli, the frenthmeu lugiolin, an times pait, it hath heme moge men one greatly tommenoen, both of Columella emu Pliny. fit this bag it is known: to anew fell), as a great root ofre'eoes ell'e are,iu to much as the ten: tome that me Daily teen office [merely know what it 13.901“! retkon it in the number of @mine, anti tome of {mar e : the ltalke thereof is not like @illet o; {Munirlefiull of ioignte, but plaine anormoth, like a re’eoe,the leabes thereof ruooy,the reeoe inhite, not to bigge as Muriel, am is eontaimn in little lumps like poppie : it is {omen befoge the tiling of the feauen itarree,after the manner of statue Columclla ragth, that he hath time it in Cilicia am: Syria {omen in suite aun Sulwmn mm: in Auiumne. at requires‘amelloln blatke moulmthough it luill groin upon gmngroimnlaung groimoflnn fogten growth, raiue is hurtfull unto it after it is romeo, whereas it both gain to all other amine : no great «kitten no; cae rmine mill men» ole with it, it hurteth growth berg much, beeaur e of the great quantitie anti thithcuette or the talke, am: the number of the motes? liny mziteth,that it was [nought out of i noia, auo ufeo both to: mate am) agile. But to returns to ruehgraine as one are acquainteotm'th. amongtt the fommer reeoes is @ifreliu o; maflliue to be rerkoneo. Ehe hufbannmeu Doe fometime make a "1?le of r uunzh rogts of runes, aim {cine them partly to: Gluttell, auo partly to: hope that though tome of them faile, vet rome inill groin. But here mutt you beware left you mingle not winter come anoiommer come together, foe that more a greatoberfight, am one of them mutt ne'eoes perm). home barley may well he mingle!) with gates 03 )iEurk,as well to; bgeining. as to; feeling of crattell : ann flares o2 rtherlike 130“? mav be minglen with EDats, as here gmo to; hearts. Ether: are to bee [omen in. time one places as, 3 have mine befoze ,- in ”‘9 " general! sweating “E I will? a Sefamum. _ 03' ‘ OfPull'e. 6&- - The fiffiBooke, cnugatmg ‘ - , . ; $me ano flue mag‘bell he mingl‘eo. together any Wufogth anereellent watfltnenoheteofie mane bet}; gm Mon zeao. . _ ‘ .‘R ; oh. you hane mu fatirfieo me to; dptaine ano come, you m note (it it pleafe eon) one as much in aanlre. Co N o. pulfe oeiaeoloate, talleo of the makes 275914, the other parts ofthe twice: ofthe grouno: ofthere them are (anon: roetem eon hane to'ene of (tome: tome potafiillegpam niele,ano Scfamum to this Blithe, betanfe Columclla fomefimes puts them in the number of wraine,ano fometime of faulfewut 3 following P linic hetein , ooe put them amongttthe kinoes of O'taine, accounting thofe to be innlfe, lnhofe fteoesate contaia neo in tonnes, as iBean es, 13:80:, Lentileo, States, ahgthes, jfitthes, ano fnth like, which all are to be intone in the (wing. 9f all hinne of finite , the gteatett honont l5 one to the Beam, as Plinie tnitnea'eth, as to a Rolfe that is molt tommooiuus to: man anb beak. an than: it is talleo Ku’wn in atalian ano latine Faba , in bpanith Haua, in french Fcuc, in Dutch Bonen. SLhis among& all othet ioulfe geometh in height with: out any Italy, it hath athicke leafe, a treat!) Home of others tolotttstotteo Inhite ano blatheAnhitl) Varro talls the lamem table letters: it hath a long move, his fruit within man, like the nayle ofa ma , of nieces colours , it appeareth at the an: 'mith mam: leane liken 13cm, ano not with one alone, like Wheat. at is romeo firlt of all other {Mlle in the Ming time, as Virgin-mill habe it, anotimely, betanrc of Fabalza, lnhith is the ofiall ofthe )Beainee, to: both the tone am the flalke. is a fate that tattle much Delights in. Columclla tepogteth hon: heheatoatkilfnll hurbannman tap, that he hao rather bane the otl‘allor Beams timely romeo, then the crop of that inhieh is ripe in thzo’e moncthes; you mutt foln them in the encteal'e of the game, ano aftet one: plowing. Stislaio, thatifthep he entlofeo in Weeoonng anototoeo , they: will peelo gmat entteal'e, ano the parts that are eaten 0; guanine, in the in, create ofthe 99mm mill fill up againe. at they be romeo no’ere to the tmtee ofthe Ettemheg 1in kill them. Whom opi, I aim, thatif they be Wain (Capone him, they in!“ he Me {com allhuttfulllneeoesmnothatlaeeo in m a one nation 92: 'a "1 {F'- ., I - . . of gamble—ground and Tillage. 6; we: thee be (elven, the}: mill gminthel’conec. Elle llfieane oelighteth in rich ano inell onngeo geonno, as all other armlre ooth : met one loin game it oath not refute, thoth all the eeft o:l'n'e oeie gtonno; it huieth notme'eoing, being able to ohm groin them. fit all othee 1,5"ch it onelp fpeingethloith an up- right (lathe full—of ltnote, ano holloln. Slno whereas all other jaulre are long in aolme, this flomzeth longelt, {ionizing foftie hopes together, one itallze beginning Inhen others eno,ano not. all atone time as wheat; th e13 too in failing oaheelhe longefi part of the. italke flotilging firtt; anoro uplnaro [till in oeoer. ho fruitinll are they in ionic plates, as you (hall fine one italke to bean: ahunogeu beanes. Ehe Beatles flicks date to their (tens : the blaelie in, their tops ,the alatines tall Hilum, the tons Valuuli, the imagines that em in them, Mida. Lomcnmm is the meale which the people in the olhe time bill are to; the rmmthiug oftheil: l'kins.Frcfa Fab: was the beane that was but {maul} bgolten ann hulleo in the will. Refringi mas that lvhl eh they area to otter in rattifite to; gain lathe with theiezdioene. at :5 goal: to amps your )lBeanee, in the water of baltpeetega nah beings you roln them .' you [hall heepe them from camels, as ( Palladius faith) if you gather them in thetnane otthe 99mm, ant: eheeith themano lay them up befoee the entteal’eAlBeanee, one all othet iznlfe one went: thegrouno that they are {omen in . Ehe met to beanes in mozthines ano rowing, is 1mm, mum in 451-339 ref-:9}, in stalian Pifc,ann Pifclle, in bpanla) Pure. Aruera, ill fitenrl) Pcfc,in Entth Errcitcm,a {Bulls that groin: eth with hollow (talks ans full of bzanrhes, lying upon the genuine, mam: leahes ano long, the eons tounn eontainingin them tennn re’etaes ano inhite : though P linlc mgite, that they be eogneto as chpeh ,oftnhieh rozt toe habe fome at this Day blew; 1th with names in lhape like the llSutterflie,purple eolouren to, warn the miolt. ghee: ate lino {nets of peare,the one r ozt eo’cet to elimbe aloft; ano tnnn'eth npupon niches, inhith with little thinners he binoeth‘htnii’elfeeanois fog the molt part only r omen in garnens : the other foet gtoloeth loin. ant etéepeth upon the grounn : both kinoee archery gmn to beheaten, fpeciallh when the? be eating any imagtm mutt he mum in loatme grouno, it); the? all in no we atoll"! filthtoln, they atel'oteeo 223;; I - ~ ""“‘. ".'0*‘“ 64 The firfi Bookegentreatmg mullet)», oz cathetin rich ano merely bearing gtonnn' mplomeo, ants as all other pull’e, in a gentle ano amelloto moulo, the [eaten being matme ann mogtt. Columella tam, that gcounb is mane beer: nth with them, if thegbe ptefentlg plotueo, ano the eoultee turne in, t eoberthattnhith the flame hath newly left. mheg are romeo among fummec «tome, eommonlg miththe ficfl. 3?er meanest, iaeafe, ano lentiles, then mates an!) flutes, asis faio befoge. ibeafe anti mares mutt be fotoen in «Earth ano apzill, ano in the tunneot the 990m, lelt they groin to: ranke,ano Home out ofogbet, where, asthe belt rowing fog all other pulfe e graine is in the entteare ofthe @mne. Ehete are that count wear: to be the wulre that the (meshes tall 9,23“. the ilatinsEx-uum, the italians Etuo, the bpaniacos Ycruo,the Eutth men Erucn, of mhith there are two Rimless, the one white, the other ten. Ehe latter istuilne, ano gtotneth in hengeo anb aognehelos : it ioafmall plant, honing his leabes narrow ano flenoe r, his Home euthet white, 0; menleo with purple, gtobing nette togethec like lactate, there is no great butineu’e about it : it oelighteth in a leane batten gtouno, not mow, foe it will be'fpilt with too ninth tanchenea’e : it mutt be romeo brfoize eBateh, with whirl) moneth it agreeth not, beeaufe it is then hurtful unto (fatten. Emilia is a pair: like (mall bennes, tome. white, rome bldtkit‘, othets I'peettlen, it hath a aalke like prafe, anu rlitneth like .1 We, the cows are fmmth like weakens. 23h: leaves longer then the leabes of IBeaneo e the flower is a pleafnnt {woe to uses. in finance nnn lLtnnboroie it is eallro DOr-JJZ; Dorclla. Phafcolm in Latine, in dbrttlte Jams “mix, gatoen bmalarfiome tallit Faciolum,nnb Dolichium,among the 3m, lians fame call it Fagiuoli, tome Smilacc,dcghhorti:, others FaginoloTurchcfcs, othets Lafanio, the bpaniatos talllt Fri- folcs,-the ficcntbmsn Fafiolcs,£lllb Falcsl’inccos, the match; men Focclcn, o; milne bonen. an!) in englano it is calico the hung: benne, ano being young ant tennet it is an emllent fullet,ano is eaten altogether too anu nll‘. at in kinoe of Us, whereof there are bhite, tenoe, any yellow, anorome tile!) with blatke rpots, the lenbes are lineal" leabembut ‘ m flint Momentum is ammum mt; signer . ,. on ofE'arable: ground and‘-'.'l','1jllage;~,r . ‘2! ‘ \ await ruthvplam as are met him, runner!) up to high, as you may make 21th mm him nth: mm are longer than yemgcéeke, the «Statues firithin’oihecre colouren; ann faayicn. to like nimgemttpgofpeteth in afat (8 mm hearing gtnunb, tn wamms,‘ogmhere youim‘ll: annbecaurett climeth aloft, there mutt be (at bgthem poles as flames; fcom the chiming to the tops, itrlimbeth upon two, taming melt~ ‘fozthe {banning mg of arbomsqun ’anmmcc how'ea. 3t is rnmne of other; from the 30:3 of anbe: to the Balenbes of fiobembec in fume plates. ant: mm; as in swatch; it flomaeth in bummer, ‘themeat’e of themis buttnmfietent. themes not berg gum, the tons mm the grains are eaten together, ”like ‘hpecage; She Selves felt them at name, pgefer‘oen , to beeaten came. Lms ano Lmticulagn Grate 3““ am Wit": in 3141!}!!! -Lch' Lynda. i2 bon azaaflrc, tn Qpam'th Lenten, in fMtb Lcngilla, in Dutch Lidfcn, is a vulfe berg thiehe an!) hawk, with leabea him the mama; amen: fume berg (luau; gfiamamebe’m rob, of all {bulfes the leak, they: are (oft emu flat. the lnh'tte ones to; that pleafdntnes are the banana fuehus ate aptea . to ran) an (Mfume much water in their homing. ‘ at is rum bith as I'll Wmnie, in Caarph any in am", the 99mm weanling. mmeliomgtouno, being n‘ch, am; pm ‘;i yet Him: mouth tathee heme the grown leanethen eiclmnn the {caron ngie: it unmet!) in July, at mhéeh tune I) .nueemueh tankemlte am mll'fiure, it fmne coztapteth. IE refuge to taure ttqm’cklgto {ping mum tovpgofpec, it mutt be miny lcn mm; nip noimg behaitbe mime, am: when it-hath lgen fa minglen route ozfiue ham, it mull be at into the growth. it growth high (anthegfag) when it is met in marine mater ann raltpeter , hefoaeitbe (name, am will neuec mzrupt being fpzl'nkl'cnh‘itbmm W “intact. Varro 13111263 ,' that you romitfrom the fine am We bag of the moneys the thirtieth. f0 than Me (at: ream hamlet. Columena afiir: meth, that ifit be minglen with alhes, it bill be {are fcnm all annoyance. Cjcm'n iatine , in @céeheipéswsog, in stalk!!! CcckCiauc Réfl'o',ann:Crarc_ blame, in main; Garqangos, in Ciche or mu) Chichc, s mthicemhs,isa halhie him of 191MB: (“‘1"- habing a mum: 6mm theeeiu a'touple of that mama teens», GB inhereot' 62 “ Thcfirfi Bookc, cut-gating ‘ , 7 wane ate that New himpfitmmm black, _ 'rinsx melgiu tbe':olou:ol'tbeit doings: the. heft inane bath a flickie fialkc,:rmken, little leaves interim , a inbiee, a pm, plegoz ablackc flown. 331D inbmas aim pulls babe tum 41an long mm Moan, attaining to tbzil: {cums bearetb them mantra mligbtetbina black I a tic!) modut in great r poglz: If lam, aimmmnagommm biotin up gmunnat may mm: at any time in @attbfi'fl caim'e inseam, anoin hem rich gtounb: the {den muabe ite’zpeuin mater anal; being: it hefolmic, momma it may fpging the (must: it flomzetb in am am! agilfifiilmitbcnvfalletb tome :. it aomzetb aim W159?!” Mammy: taut; new, bansnpetnam 1502i m2: mitisin flown, nfallctbccpuL'z it czceiactb ‘ ~ yum-b}: mine: when itis ripe it mutt be gatljtccnwt of bannfimitrcafteretb berg fume , am [my bin when it is fab big. as mature new: Macbeth”: magma, contrary (”11156 'clfman‘l Inmate“ unity amt fiaucyillets, Ciccrcnh, it is (“NEW goal: to be (I?! in K Qatbtflfi‘. (Hand; in iatine, ' in ‘ @w‘zkc - Wanner, in stalian Ciccrfc, in Mania) Cizcrchc, it uia‘mtb from the (Ibiza, only in that it is fame; ‘ , mitigwcy phi: alumna)" babe. unseen (tuners, 'gg’l’c atye'minfiime ahuitusytbepufc tbcmiu Q l"- ealb; cu’écming them (an: about pcafon: fa; they boll) mm min: fining: then pears, sun is. lights: of nigcaion, animal’s ("him to woman. Comm-111mm it rather intye Tan: and Wt? offbbhetfogafaucll, tmorpua‘n in: man , in lublrb MM!" What'atetbdetbai follow. flab fitmN‘rciM'fl “fine, in Cantu. 61?!” 55mm, inmutcl) VVycken, in $1!!!th Vcfiac, f0 calleu, uVarm thinks. of winning, buaufc it bail) ttnbzels 0), Mp6,” the mine bath, mummy it climb") up on rutb llalks as gush am it: it growetbbufw mam, lcamn like mn- tarc,l'aning that they be [numbing amount ,‘ the name like tbtuom;cof15carc,babinglittlc blacks rancsincm, natal, tombs: room, but bzoap like tint. iiintcll: it militia; ' {p.22 mun, thumb itmill gnaw mtll enough. in than, “W2 glare“; in an: amt, mill) fmalllalmr, being 'nbtttunblcmie‘to the Woman“: itnquimb bureau-c ' can hurt m, mummy m owing managing, but ' cumbcti) .. , -‘ of Earflflc: and and Tillage. 6%; sum the [met it felfe, fpeciallg if the growth be globe! when the aegis of, to thatthe flatten than beturnen in: re; otheunifethe tmtee ant (tame: temaiumg, no rueke outthc gmnnefle of the gimme : get Cato with have it {stone in (swine manhunt mama), am: in new beokenaup grown, at, / ter the new be gone am the mniarute mien up with the bunne am the trainee. 29w mutt bemawe that you robe no men, then you may men cover the fame nagmgthe lean new in the mom both [peels it. fitifljt’t mutt goufom them befozc the 9pm be tinentie route eaves oln, othetim'l'e the Emile will nemte it: his time orienting is,“ Pfidymgitethfitthefetting efthe cam, eallen the Bcrward that it may [swatches in Detemhet tithe teeonn r outing in in gamutiewhe [alt In @atthdliflaunie they are to row them in Qarth 0.1 amt", thici’elflfoz fem fez their éatteu. Ea rein Eateefinn as Mini: faith 25“an not bzotzen up stoma without latte , is agteat peace of hutbmze F they active in 3am, atmhieh timethe'p at: berg-gene mam Bares: it in gun? to my than-qmtheeommmtdpe th'euite {ewe cattellmithatlxaeeetm mate man maximum together. Lupinusin JLatmeJn Gee'eke 599416; 3mm: in simian Lapin”; . min frenchfilmefi as in-Iatinefin bpam'fl) Alttamugin EDuteh Roomi‘che Bhomn,“ a aaulfe habimmmlgtalhnthe bar: iaggeninfiueliuiflm like‘am, theme: white, the cow taggenmnnmmntenaboutbahing hithimhemttuengiee fans ham,b:oan,anb ten, the leaues theunm fall. Cathie. ibulie tea quiuth leait‘tteubie annis ofrmau pgice ,mit molt helgeth the groan! of any thing, that inflame: faztheeeean Ilene 17w tee mutingfoz bacrmminegmam Wemthenthit. which eithecupnn bmengtnutmpze'tpeuthmtept ‘inthz‘aac- net rantiteth a waterfall While: being fonneu'ann lain is man tee, it feebeth £Dren in minim at! mell; ambit! that am (asColtnmclla raithxemcthmenxomm immune» fperethm (am mama: W. iuthvhozfi laun'that may be: mlthetlhueth‘ it tnhat‘e :01me Min zen uponit, mmmbetb mammal: gram. be fruitful! mm; if the tail among militant) -fifiziecs , yet will It tinteano pzofpet: ittemfeth bath W mutating, miexnet gammy Whathflethath‘e William}. Aim”: 2 64.; - The firft Booke; entrcatmg _ gt halting to menu the 5mm mlthalLthte term the turtle as 0D all Ethnic; being (out, am lumen in may the plum, it [truth the tumetn {lean of Bulging it is {omen timeliett of all lathermb reapen left: it te‘rolnen heme allnthet palms little aftetwatuett ; tone: lthotn aennecly goulm'lm tateth mum emllent gmn lane. f0; an eblll hushanu) wet Duluth it the . mamth pf Autumn: , that it may be well tmten heron winter . eonmfunthetlnifethetolntshuttfulluntoitJtflemgtthlhzlrr, Saugxook firm}; Guam agatne in 3mm, am) [aft in 3:112: after eucng {10an it beateth his ten. isefoge it flowzeth,they ut'e to put at catteu: fa; whereas they lm'll fiche upon all .othet graffe 0;. {anemic this to; the htttemcs theceof labile it is greenexhcp. Imam Being with, it recbtth fa: futtenance both at: Imam healtgto eattell it is given menlen lm'th (belie, ann fog. Emu fa: malls ale, it is minglen with wheat flange, a; burly moment tum: gmn toheepe it in fmokg loft,fo; lfl’t lye any. thimmnifi,ltte eaten of little memes. nun thereby (pouch- Eb! lure keratin attain contra & tumzth hath the blame, whetcbg it themeth eke: to the hulbaulmxi, enema (loan? Inca; met-phat time orthe bag it (5.. Fcnum grccum minimize 5;:th chgrcs,c Fenipentjn Julian anigrzco,l'n bpam'th. AMoam'nEchb {onetime by the latine namm tmnmnnlg Bnhorne,ann Lockdnrne: unmet!) up lm'tl) “mall aalhgthe [cafe like a thzbleabennuuentts telnet melll'u a (leaner bar- tengtlannmumnfl: tall: ban you plow itthtthc, am: not berg up, foe if the fan be-tnbmn about route fingers tblfllt’.“ tmll my pawl; mmammmm strum mutt be tllo lmthrmall rhm‘auube (cupmfenflp tuberen with “weather: are tine rests ofit; the one callen ofthe tommun people Slllgua o; «Eumhith they fem foz 10min beptembenthe other at 3a: magnate beginning of febzuaw: when they (oh; 1t fa; fern, it flofimtb in unity» Bahama alfo it beateth ha 600, but thefmisnotu’pe nu Whit in wells!) to‘be nun aftettbe nine: of Mpinsmith vines», matec, c talc, fume put to a lrttl: - ”It: it is um both f0; when! billets nthec ares. fiatthecmm “Metallennfccuius, Legamcma, lne have thel'e general! mum all bears can t bl”! tingle WIS 9W? 0"" m Wm. m. CWEWM Deepeth Eh: (Mtge! bFEamblagroundand Tillage} » . ‘55 theheane an the lupinetsalfo finglgthe others are all full at“ We an!) Wipe, ant all hollow. an finlfe to: the tuna patt,ate tn he lumen tn the (pans, , ant: tequtte been tith Vgtommeeeqatthe aluptngthat men not when he ltee, they) ate all fatten tn the mature of the spmnegttept ‘ eal'e ; if they be lnateeen heme thetu'etutng. they peofpet the ttet :thec are (wally tube ghtheveo when they be ripe, fo; the): runnenlg ' filmmufienmlongelt, being gatheteb tnthe change of the same. at is much to be cegarneo tnhethec you will Rape nefell themlez theth in the inmate of the wmne‘oo'e mate gm : there ate thatpgefetne them in eetthen pellets, teem athemuetthenmmpnnltlm thnntmth manager: tome are abunlmothets are to fpnnthle them filth merge; lntne binegeme 3 hate fate of the lentill.@e;eohet,the'®ueks hahelntlleatonnngletniththem allttle raltpetet when you (on: thenglnhetebtz then lhall the Bette: rieth e be the tennetec, anntftheg be notpetentlg warm bill to tail“ tntothe pot a little spultamfammhtth mill make them infighting melt. Thcoplw.anoes hitter: things bettbefinhithhme tto long to tell. R x c o. as it ne'enfull foe ebeqz hmbanntnan to felt: all. there Guinean 13w: tnht'sgwmm g . ' ; 4 Co at 0. go: but” 3 {age befezenn {peaking ofgtonnn ant mien mutt thiefelp rein fnthas belt agree hn'th the nature of mgmtuzhembee’t, theteacefeme otthem that te‘fn‘fe no gtmazhece ate cedatne utthennas Van'o faith,that ate not (one: to; m netea'tynt fouthecaftettntnesfinn others again‘ethataee etnetettttytobefetnen. as some to; men a fun. he: to; Cattellznfmhtthmultrpetiall cute be hamthatthete be no tnant of them, without which tnee cannot libe : as Elie, mum m. {lemma-attains waltz elre,foz tanner, refute no W!) the new: to batten. Bennesfinhenas the hm'banwnan mutt net onel'g habe a care at moaning ruth asfetbe to; the futtenante of man, but alto fez ruthae Fodder'fo! letbe f0} ")2 fleeing 0f pone 6' t?" 5 bit W“) the Cute“- gtennb cannot hie Wheat: therefoze he rein pulls tozthenre ofman ans healt, an! fauna in Inoze abtmnwnce to; the faltenante efbeate. Simon-git all "Lts offinnner, that [8 mantel! to; the chick m the belt, mbltb the people ofolne if: 3 ' time; Media. 66 ThcfirflBookc, entrancing as; ‘m the. atatiane at thismealt momma: rattit Mite, the mothmen call it Grandtrtfle, the bpaniara‘e Alfatfmthers eat! it Bntgutmiegtaue, be'caute it was Dwight inbpthe Burgunbians, it isnolo alto comeinto dfietmanie, anb’ there tatteo Wcli'holken. Plinte ibziteth, that it ions bought by the Romans, out of Media into Italy oittecing atmott nothing ftom Etifotty, o; thzbleaueb game. that it is grea- tee,highet, anotanbet, to; in ttaltxe, leaie,‘ am Mime,“ is all one _: it groineth altogether bathing in teams. in the top or the ttalke it pntteth fogth iho;t contemzithen like homes inoenteo about, anb hauing as it were, little ptiektee, wherein is the fab ihapeo like a tame, annsrming to the otobin bigneoae the lentitt, inhith being thalmmattethtike Eeafe : eiierp cob . hath his teen,“ requireth a fatgtmino without (tones, fulloi' "12w c tirh:in mam: ptaxeeit rometh not up,in others itrpging, eth berg thitkm Varro gibeth thatge , that it be not foioeo in ti!) on a groan!) ozticktc, but in gun anomtlteatoneo. P hm: mouth hate the groom: be D3}? one hetgtich. Columclla binneth, that the aetmmhete this Modica thatt be toiletthoutn be bgohen up about umber, ant: to to lie meltolning all the winter, ano en to titre it in erbguatg , an! the (tones at out, to hattoin belt, out after in ”dub-to one: it gamut-mire, calling it into boos, enetg beb ten tmte bioab , ano artie in length, to that the? may be eatttiz momma bfebety line melt ine'ebeo : then laying on goon all: young, let it tie till apeilt, am: at the enb of. an“! Mnitinfutb ”spam, auberi: hanofutl of ran my oeenpie fine fmt in bzeoth, anb ten in length,- ann tone: the fitb out Ifhanuatting them inith mom takes , to: the bunne lbfllfmne borne them. after it is intone, that it come up an 111th in height. you mat behave you touch not the geounb with . am mniiiitmment , butegthet inith gout ltugecs , oz with animatinmb; intent it luell from all other noyfome things, 'utbcthii‘e it mitt groin inilbe anb tntne to within. iLetthe {ii-a be long beterteb, to the‘eno he may romelnhat the: his tea: at other times mmap mom it as rain: as you lmtl, matte item: «tattle. but!) as are shittutt in Mahatma ,that ifyoumingte Dateshith the {ten of Media, am: into thevlvit! saute themto aim bet: tutti itis (agents ,3! «oFEarabIesgeoundand'zTilhge; 8% 'lLflzluteniuwz, camp: the, tests, annthe wells (at! in ’te feet as Wheat ts. Whemt begumeth to bzaneh, all othet mes neat he mm away, can hang thus heme. 1’0" meg m It in times aveete. it flownth five tunes, 0;. at the lealtfiue tltImJo it he not eat- When cot: hates mine!) it, inateett well, am: as it fpgingeth, mane It mute. fine chases} (age, you may mom xt are tl'mesageetgann tt (hall lhustuuttnue ten genes together, it smelled) the gaunt, all pmee ann feeble Cattell are fame beeught up with it, it like: We healeth «tattle that ate bifeafeb, but when it fitlt rpging. eth. all cattle be atquamten with it, you mutt git: them bltt httle at ante, leatt the hangenefle of the two hurt them. to; tt maketh them to (well, am heaeth‘ scent abumanee of blush. Columcfla meiteth,that one “It 0“: will “)2". film! the: We fee a were. in fame Countries this hearbenoth gain In great plentte in ehetg staunch), euthet of the mm of the We: thumb the ntrpol’ltinnof the Beabenu fometimes theteltehes ottbat which hath heme long ago: rem both saute rpm at the!” that ralleth, e 0!»qu Inith was: mum. an? change unto spasms use meaufe butthatt't may wait relfe,hutthat perhaps rueh plants asate bzought out “team gmmmwmcmzauw to be when when a Mimthtoaebgeneit mutt not he Intern to feeoanheeehn the inner the“ be the bettet’: which being Snell lath hp, mu eontuuxe Inmate thea gates‘ to the mat [unfit {of the gm lienfozas 3 have (are befoze,thete can be no bettec foam nee btftn f0: Cattell,mhetebith the: will better fe’ene , ann (mm are. the nut lugmuneste this Mellow Cyufus,mwecfullg asl’l'micbzitemmaenef Aegflomachus , am: as Vir ill Cyrms.‘ fat“), . 990 tom fusibmlmheiue mic, ”flight all {mute m :ttmg he memenrunnm ttmesin theatre, to “It Eastman-tattle tithe hnthanman : altttle mheeofnoth {was fate up tattle, neltheels .the‘teang ethee grace that Ethel!) m}: _ , h H e a; better fillke, mat (0- mens mm the aware of, 013M! F ma? h? : Wm 15h! ., pzemtfe ,that flies hall uehet' falle mmthwmm ne'eee them :rthetefoze ll .ts. {tel mum m mg mm me la “the ”£3 4 3m. .._' .“ »\ a . v ,....)._._.. L-) .gv-” ‘ .. 68 ' . Hefimtfibofie; mutating that” fetbeth toe {Boulttie m Cattell't the lanes ant rm ateto be given to leane ano lumping inulleu :fm tall‘ it Tclhncn. rome Etefoile; tome meat Q'elilot , the imam: call'it Trifolumiuggreat tcal‘aefit is a plant all haéey ano-luhb till),asRhamnus is , hating beanehes haltea yam-long ano' mozemhereupon grolueth leaueo like unto jeuigtoehe oz 61a: bee, butromething lelte, hauing a tiling melt in the mioft of them. _ this plant was lira founo in the alano Cythno, any from thence {meal theoughout the Cy-hds, anhfo to Greece, whetehytheltoze of chiefe came to be great: neither is there my countrie at this nay, where they may not habe great plen; It (as Columclla faith) of this thoub. an may it geometh about the entlofiers ofbineyatm, it thzinlteth neither fog heat, tolo, trot! no; mom: it tequiteth gmo grouno, if the weather be fiery hey, it mutt be matteo,ano when it flat r wings inoll hattomeo : after that! y'oteo, you may cut it oomne, ann gibe it your or at , telL'Varro loonlo hobo it folnne in loell nonzeo grouno, as the (contaminate lhoulo be, ann after eemobeu ano fetafmt mahlhafnnut, oJell'e to hotel of the flips. the timeof tolling of Cytifos 1'82th in- Mtumne, will the flying, in Mine“ plomeo ano layeoont in hens : ifyou want the (do, you may take the (lips, to that youl'et them fonte fmt a runner, ma banhef'eutt about them bitheacth loell bungeo; you may ell'o fet them befoze'beptembet,lohen they mm bety melt gobantrabioe the Mo in mintee, it lalteth but that: yo’eres. _ olumellahathttmkl'tlotl of Cytifus, one luiloe the other of the athen. ,Ehe loilne both with his tlal’pets rem bety loell : itlo noel!) aboutano kilo is neighbours asthe auie both: it fauna in Come nelno , . tially antenna may, the tonne fin like the Romeo! inure; the lute, ifitbe'heuifeo,‘ Witty liketoehet am being champeo in the-month, ittafieth like (hiehem theafe. gheee is another hint: of imam theplantomntnomnetothe olb' mi beey'gmoto (no Cattell alto oulttie. ilmolnnot- ithe W in It!“ (So e‘sbeliue Gemiauie, theeomm people all it 3M. Ozspcrie: ithatha (talkeafmtein heigu alto ntoge, W“ fogth in many Manchu, it hath alohite Home with” m lento: the hmemdhill little Buoys nflflbfltzam W 69’ “attainment: little fin? like italic 05,60- We ate- ”gunmen but!!!“ tt f” Cynfm,Wn that (88 Diofcori. dcs teeth) Minutes like Wise, maths“ auogetbec m’tbmleaues: nettbetutyetpne mutants like, myth: tie be emit one. £3: belt mlee am butter tn dbecmam'e, mum omits facing: wherefoze u is eltefemen almoa as, mus Batter, ngntoecgmine : .tye train is bettet then‘ane $91? : fixebafle tautbumellasang gtainesztbefe'en fe’etgety pigeons anb Jammie minim: patting melt: ttie (ambit: fannie sun light 5mm alltbe bummer long, anatome rot) it in {pang time my matesfn; the ran rake : in Aummnc ann garnet time it is {omen tn feebe tattell : m’a mofitable to; Wannmen tbatntneu in fanny ant-graham countries, meme they (beam nebet be without gm: aqze ofit, fez games, Seesaaatesfllmpe, Erect , an!) all time of «tat: tell Delight here my in itznntn remametb tye refining of flats am: 1mm. R100. llmleflzl't. _ .-‘ Co x 0. We ultbmgb tbegbe not Me teeeifien it: (ye mmbec of comm; petite. gonna: no; {Burbs , "get is. there great account to be nuns of them may the Manamans twigs, meta-at maid) no We can he fumitben, me man Ineu: ‘ appacrelleumyiebbaugheatmto statutes, legbetb to; mean oflimenannmtm'txgof Com; anamogegftbts folittleafe‘en mfpzine tut, macaw flinicfaltb)cametb them mun hither am with": . that ninety amt!) italp, at!!! mttietb net‘mm WtoOfliain 7.m.Limmtnlatme: m 0362132, N'n', in 3mm mM,Lmozm~fitengb paw-tum aluminum; Wm autbe my; flan the, plant ’of P23361673" " - ' HaxqfiaWEwmmmbzmtbth m‘iefefJFhm lawsuit amt Italic, mtmaebmlt’kemSpu-y, but W‘Jm memmmwwtm“ long mm , a _ .. _ mu them liflmmaahbnm. hummingmfen mm rMWfiWngmim romammmmmm m, “15%!”bi framwemmfwme Mama W: m mu Miners“; mmwéabgg‘ Hempt. 75 Thtfieflooke; entieifing ning o! 9:12 : there are again: that obfethe thufe (anions to; rowing of it, as the month“ ‘thatl fall out, to; it requireth taine an: niomtnre : the ripenetteot ittspetteibea b2 the tone. immune {melting of the know thatholo the tune, being then placket: up, ano inane in little humus, it is begeoin the bunne, the routes ttanoing newsmthat the [the may fall out. home ute againe to cats oflthe Bnopa with an mon eombe (ab tea a fiiplerombemno tagging them in the fanne to gather the fan. the bunnles attenuatos ate lain in water beaten with the fame, with tome tnaightupoo them to keepe them Bonnie, the tinoe mating lmfe, themeth when they have bane tte'epeo enough. Ehenthe hnnules unlmi’eo an! when in the fame, are fittt hmkeo upon moonoen means, then hetteleo upon the heekterom bs,till that lobith is moa {me be fepaeaten from that which is molt toutfe ‘ :the moee mzong it fuffeteth, the better Both it peeve : the tome isrebeteo from the flare, ano appoints!) to; his are, to are they tebetallg f pun upon the oittatte,maoe up in bottomee,ann rent tothe weavers, wheceof ate boben webs, toth'e gent eommooitie of all men. Lott total, the web is lain out in the hot bonnie, ano [pewtleo with maternohetebp it is bgought to a patting whiteneae. it may be remembgeo, that not long time the momenlof wetmanie knew no toaliu attgge. mhe bea film that is at “313W. i9 bzoueht from WMLivonia,aflbtW¢ Countries, fat excelling ours in height mgmhnea'e. Hempe, in lattne is Canmbis,in Qfizuzkc xcvanfimgot, in italian, Canabc, in bpflflifi Cannamo, it! ftenth Chamura, tub in mutth Haveph; is a plant of the me. hit!) hinoe, hating am mongrahoz : it geometh with a an. gletaltiemmnmtimu to fuel) a height, that it niattheth with innitl‘ettnt mantis ofgtut meeEItie to: the are of man, ano fetbeth both to: mahtng of «Emmy, ano (taming of ropes : the (take hath mung lmote,out of which peotaeeth benches with narrow lenbee imam m mtpeDiofcorflcsBdaibeth both thetm’lne vempemlthe {mama to hone, leashes like the who, hollow sunbeam (abounanhmmo. m are the tine: HWQfloxhat to umwze, we tenth; fieuofrunuyeolonts tuna the female, Mto t.” my Mach "think a mute Met. 3g; 0F Earabfiae’gmnnd aid Tillage? 7; anemia tam 93W. autumn my (a Plinia unln have warm amcumaouywa a mum daemon!“ mum unmet my U3. mam: mm: the rim oftbefiat,ga!leltbenemd. ambient than": fiebmflzm- begmm’ng of $arcyz-itlovefl) my sauna. well men annmatermnnwmzitis mutt: faint m cm in camie luatber,tbe tbtehagcu (swam: it will henna thewfoae man! fillies it (3: than My my fume time be that appoint to em mt rqum are raw. the female, o; itble iaempe is int pallet. up,- aftetmme the @alm: the rattle, mum his {the a ripe; is placket: up, arm mane up m mum» in them foetbzie a; route tapes, ann after m cat immature, mm, weight lathe upen him fog exgbt a; m: cages, till be be futh'dentlg matereo, an: as glam}! the me Insulate :tbentaken out, it is men with the home, «an after beaten in the bake, anbtyeneom, hen nan Wbrozmu mu 80pm SDf 19mm, fiaee'muc cablenfioznsgmmmuesm Wagmem m in» homes. bum, am: 99am :tbe [bales 02 men tether-e. beating of whens,” binding of then. R 1 c o. in them of attache, awn fame partes of frame, 3 member an padre plumb of the common pee... ple bitygreat oiligeueemmb as tyegfag to: mien. ' C o n 0. gm ray true,tl)at bathe, (2:29: in his amen; tauesnftge ham of finance,— talleb Ghflum, in dbzéke \ ind-n; imp“, in imam Gnado, in mm“) Path-3, in WIND Woadc GudummGucfde, in ma; ch1 :tbeoiamuoeure it, an!) ' will; theme} “gmzcmmwngrm game awed) tyne; ornate the people of weinetlaumiulm aun Wayne Dim Mannie: citatbe {eaves as Ph'nic mxmym like unto mam Remembiofcoridcsmiuty ammo imam halo c the (Batten moane,fa9mg,tbe ammuwcb Dioe'sufujabe tubes like mammal remaking Meanubefiflne mature itnn'llmaitb mmm :mitl) this mm Cedar faith, the people of (Raglan, fine mom: to paint their Fates ann bouiee, mtfcmemoze mettle btbeic enemiesutmairetblite rab- tngmrmle as “heating : but it is a filmmaker of the want, no mam :amu bate 8””? my a": ‘(I ”the 73‘ The Bell: :Bookc, entneumg .. a “Mamba! limefoube gmmhettetto be museums thenhtb plmsfoztbe tubing of (big Mm ve'tmuithc new “inane... at is remain Met; 1mm span. nun aftettbe mummies rule, in can” win attbem fallomumtpeynmtetye gtammafmromc it :20. mutt be new woeful! time meeting of it. mam it is M. wuemgbemmttmtoflm‘ahut itttb “WWWNWi W “3‘ “PM“? thumbnail; it, anneaamt tn the will, unflattering 1t togmm amine, they eat We Intense times, we (I leahe it to face. 54:9: gram mum: grate (u tbtlles like apple was; peering am they get entail the twee there-f, then mule they it upmtty mic hm inxeunn batten, anemic»: mm mm flmgesto be hm . 3.: 00. you babe steam: neligptea me,t'n nefm'bing unto me the me: of fuming offence, methane: mean, not may the min! the Comm, but am) the towns: mutant ace not abletoltmeeeaeeiemmaunecttmtbe me: other. nemtbe Comm m long Iceland‘s; tune, am: the tenant: of all his toele. . Co N0. 3 mill ”Cain the mmltmiug of your tee queit. uwmmum helm unread” Mtge mutant-(the Mummy“. mutt extrema at the effing oftbelefletuog) itt'sto be tut mmoutof bane: fozoelag mu mam. grim, beeaufe that buns. whether her: mine mu: nebaueiteann again, both theweame am: the Cute, thetoppeauutbefltab hem; bzxttleannober my, will (mfdiutbegrm :t'f theme 0; tempett theme to arm, {tumult part been! mm to the gtounu, nun therefoge it Medium but bbm it both lmhe yellow in ebcrg ghee,” befuetbat (teammate tummy”, magnum minimise mouth, you ma tbenbahe ttm. thatttmag mum the lame, (twin the hem. wepenemeteaeb. “tantalum attachme in we time, the (spinal! gum in Mutant!) in tbebame: to: the anemeeeailm the MM~mterm the am .900 mm! m nub ‘00 Push-alumna hem rune. var-oratbmattyz mmmwnmwmm mtg? 5: of Enable ground and Tillagé? 737 M?” : to: the tome they for, both tee in the blaoe fifteene mics, nomeeth fifteene have}, one ttpeth tn fifton‘e name. amongtt gcainemo italt‘ewhefittt thatte to he gatheeeo, is nopefeeoe. an!) beware the (one, when the eon begl.nneth to Rape H m- mm "unto, oedaeeth n‘penetre, it mutt be gatheteo out of“ ham: ann fith the fe‘eoe mill eaulg r eattee, tt mutt be late eh. the: in plain: fmmth places in the 3mm, 0; upon «EanbaEe : one if it be pgefentln to be “men, the Wayne e; (mart mutt he linen with the‘etes, leatt tm'th gagging one trotting ofthe eac- rtage, the {wee fallthoznm. you mutt take gosh have as men herein, as mother matte, that you peenent the cagne, fogthe tame falling, the cons Doe open. Ste fmne as you: Rape reeoe is oft,“ the grotmbbe plolneo, you mapl'om )Eneke, oz maniac, as they eat!1t:fothat of one were of grown: in one here, you may make two iaaebetts. 3am unto Rape hatbett in there Cmntcieefiollometh the hatbett of Winter B3dep,tnhith is to Ha men- he otrpateheo befoze the [echo (the Gimme being obeesoggea) hoe for Mr; . falhfo; they habe not hufkes to eontaine them as Wheat hath, "' B “1"” non the eaten being battle. mill (one fallmet tome thinhe it belt to let the mule? lie a luhitejn the fish, whereby they. thinke the {mains mil! more the greater. Eben follotneth the.H h ”We. _ mtfidtaus 3min befoze) the 5ftmble o; the VJ?" "" {mange pullen. fine is to he ceapeo iniune o; 3ng after Mm, that ,mbtat-Jafl better rule, then heme the rdfizaine- be em Mm bar-- when ithath ehangeoeoleuc. an 013 Embeebe (as Plinie faith)_"fl" it is better tnabe tn haebeu two bagee to none-,then thee'e-w'ee entertain at: there is not fmhfeace in [tottering as in wheat, which asfmne as it is ripe,lnitl (hen faith ebecg minoe. Where; foze gm) have mutt he t1keu,that you lingec not with Wheat after a is ripe : although .Plinic affirmed), that Wheate'wiu hane greater 9an when it themes long :- but (men? oefereing of It is bangeeouefis melt to; the neboueing of him: ants neemine, as foz thatten'ng ann falling of the fame thzongh [tonne ano meatheuae the psze mae'fe'ene in the geeattninos that were in the were ofont cenemptionel s67-Ebwf01i8mctbtb2 baceea or lfi‘fi‘fii gaeatefifieaneelareu henttle, meaning “that? ate'timelg other «Zme Mnemwhetein you ntufi‘tahe bane, as 3 We you befoze in and suite. nape (Mat theme. mt abzoapjn WW“? to; ittheg as; Divers forts of raping, 94* maiseookcgmaang V mun: open annlnl'e their l'e’eodtait of all rommeth the £9“: he: otthe other bummer faunas of BarkMBannirlewillet, ano £Dates. at is tonne hi3 erperienre,‘ that raine is com to; 9am after they: be oolone :fo; it ranteth them to floell arm to be thllernmo to that eno they are left in the fitlo many times than o; thzo‘e inr'elres after they be oomne. R 1 c o. m hit one: habe you in your reaping e C o N o. mhere are others fogts of reaping, arrozning to the manner of eberg mountreh. Some lnith bpthes, which nine: alto as the tnozhe requires. in this ¢euntreg we are their tests of mgne bithesn‘oz either ire have a bithe like a Sirklefinhirh holnen in the right hanotheh cut the Erato rlol‘c b2 the grouno, ano habe inthe left hano a long broke, tehereinith they pull together that they habe rut, am: lap it in heapes : am: in this tort Wheat ano isle. ano rurh «Drains as hath the ambient {tramis reapen. in other platesas in lulis, where the grounn being berg rich, the ¢ozne groincth higher anu canker, there they holo their lefthano full or come, ane with therighthanu with tmthe'o birkles they cut it, lilting the train nnner their: hanos long,to helpe the grouno mithall. an other places they , ate a greater bithe with a long amathfino feneeo with a tram, lien frame of ltiekesnnherelmth with both their harms they cut as the 602m, ano with thatthq’ mot!) the higherfogts of Co: :' Varro ans Columellafittb other,ooe tell otfunbgg other fortsofreaping. Palladiustearheth,befioesthe labour of men, a ihozter loahto be bone with an Ere, that (hall a thozt time ent bonnie allthat grotveth, which teas wont to bee urea in flaunts. mhe bebil’e loam loln kinoe of diarre mm; a maple ofmhdles, am: the jfrunt armeo with (harp: arkles, which (agree bhthe heal! thzongh the dtomem’u rut oomne all befoze it. mhie trirke might be are!) in lebell anb champion 6mm. tries: but with us it moulo make but ill‘faoomen mogke. 3n reaping, you mutt regaro togoe loith the tninbe: to; if you tooeke againtt the lvinne, it will be hurtfull, aschophon taith,bcth to your eyes annpout hanan the train be but lbozt, mmult goe nearer the gronno. it itbe long, you may put your birhles'to'the mio‘efl to bi'patsh it rhesfanet. anon makeit thzsth the betterzanssthe ltubble WSW i731! . - or e: . . , - - ‘0 .» . ‘ y-.. , . of Earablc—ground‘ and. Tillage. 7g: “Momma; to Virgilsrnlebe brunt,» rot upon the grown, to; the bettering of the lane. home peeferbe that tohieh to, melt, to thateh mums, btables, an!) countrey ¢ottagee tm'thall. anbmhere they is (rant, it ferbeth to; rooming ot‘ cane)! : to: Barley main is a two that fiulmtkes lobe me", am befioe,allnino offieatu togmn‘ to litter totthall. When the come isootvne, it is peereutly to be bouno in fheabee: al: though Bothy,£Dates,.oano other come «no pulreio mane up in cops ano flakes, but not without hurt ano hagaro. mhe Come being cut, is not to be hao into the Borne peerently but to be let my, aeeogotnn to the nature of ebety amine ano wt: :foe it it be (mien in befo;e it be theough my,“ eozrup— teth anb rotteth. 0am ano 15mm, are longett left abgoao, as alto iLentitee, wear: ano Jaulre, beeaufe they are longett inmying. Wheat may I’mnett be tareieo, tfit it be not min- glen unthtm many wavegthat hinUet the ogying of a.When 33am to in, ‘the grouno mutt out of ham: beplomen, both to Plowing kill the intents, an to make it the meeter fog the next rowing. after Ham - mhe «Come out oobne am: one, is to be lain either in flames, Vt“. 19obels,ozbtaeke: ano after in winter, to be trooe out with means,” theetheo out with flatten, ant: to be eleanfeu with fmmo ' R r c o.~ 3 {9’2 you babe bery large Barnes, tohat owe: ob; rerbe you in the banning of them 6 Co N o. flou mutt fo fet your 15m, that the (Items may The Farm. betnell beoughtt‘nto inane fee it be bery elol'e onebery cue, lea; ntng open arpaee fog monomers, a foze ooze,ano a bathe W32, butro, as neitheeof them open to the welt, but rather ghoul; anu Eat}, ano at both noesof the time beltom youc (tome in feberall tall‘es ano mmtne, to that you may eaflly'eome to ebecy one at your pleat’uee;~ ant though. the statue be layn upon batteetuthe flmzee, yet .let a (pace beleftm the nn'ott, that may be epentotheberytop, that you may fetch what foztyou no to bethzetheb. 3n tome places they habe Manny in the mint, tnhetebtth they hoyre upthe ¢oznextothe bery (after: of the houfe. an {autism they habe fem Minutes. but all finitely one btathxo platooxtdthhxnging rules upoupottee, thatunth pinneo at. him they may heighten it, o; lettt ., mneaetheytitt. R1 00.. Gamers. '76 ' Thé‘fiffl'Bodke,‘entnsting .R r o o; Ehol’e kinoe of Barnesthey fay, are not to l'nbfeet‘to’i aife ann Mano; to chargeable as the other.’ ‘ C o u- o. igninfoener the shame be, you mutt place it as high as you may , lealt the d; ozne bee rpoyleo with moylhnze o; bumps : tome thinhe it better to; them to be thatcheo then trdeo, the lergenetle mutt be aecogmng to the greatnelte of your oeeu‘; pying. some, to the em: flats ano Midgels may the better come by, they ooe bault the mute with bgiekes, ano laying “if! tersthereon,uoe lay on their (£02m. mhe flueze mull be fame ano {mirth maoeJo as the «tome-may be tnell thzethen oz tron: nén out. Columcll: tronlo heme the aunt faire panel with-flint o; ltone,htherehy the dome mill the fosner be thgeiben, an!) the dam not hurt with heating ano trampling of fiDren, one when it is fan’o oz minnomeo,it mill not be full ofgtabell ant: Dumas the earthen {limes ye’elo. llfiut toe content our felbes with our earthen flmzeslnell mane,ann of gun earth, miren with a little (Ehattemno the grounos of £0er 3 f oz this pee’erbetb “)1 tome {mm wire anu emetsavou mutt make it reryeben anolebeu, ano afterit is minng with ethane, let it be well tronen, a to Suffereo to oeyafiou mutt heepe alto from it iEeaas, ann youl; me, which with trampling ano [reaping [mu make it mg“. ano uneven. when the flmge is ninth: Come laio on it,ie hem ten outwith filaylemano eleanfeo with fians, though in tome place they rather like to treat) it out with firm, ant: to minnow it after the ole falhiomlnith the lninoe. R x G 0.. Wu birfinhen you have thus thetlheo your tome, whattnaics habe you to tape it from mibtls .2 C o N o. the G arncrsm come 1’. ofts,lnhetein your ¢02lic thus thzetben anb tlenfeo thall be layo, mutt ltano high, that theymay be-bloinne thzongh with the «Beltane ano jaogthernc minngto whieh no moyfiure from the plates aotoyning mutt te (utteren to egme :fo; the quarters of the heaven that are eoloelte nzyel't,ooe b- th pgererte come the longea. in maine anu Apn- liybeing hot otountriesthe mine isnot only let in on the tines, bymimobes,but alto at the bottome by grates. boner againe melerbe it in baults unite: the grouno, where the my earth nth theriw'rueh fruites as“)! bath bgought fogthareo as Varro ' {titlinn bpaine ano carthage : ano in our team late :1": to “P?- offinbhgmu-ndand Titla§331 7; 36}: both mine any Maine in rush haults. in. Countries thatate met ann mama»: isbettet to matte them tn (battens, as high” may he, habinggtoneegacn that it be mell‘malteo 'anb nmm- was: . whereas We wiggles to nations aim alumina, extent itheheee rarely lain up,;tt tmlt rmne' be continual : thetefoee eon muu make with allay , nunglen in iteao offitatn, with ham then must ittm'tbtn mfmithnn: bith tnhite {Bottom flag: latt of all, tteep e‘the' totes anb' leaves of milne Chambers in mate: tluo nages, ann with that mater, ans time, anb bane. make platter, ane math theteinithallthe malles within: albeitl’linlc taunts iLime as hurtful! athing as may he fez Come , Some mingle with tune the mtine of atattell, as a thing that will be they mtnels, oz the leaves of igwftlteke, o; Wozmen main, o: 190mm: but fpettallp if you have it, there is nothing to gain to beam) all {nth merinine, as the ngegg'es ann hottoine offlDele : tonne ate in the (teeotheteof, the pie-‘ kle of taming» waning in this feat oznereo their faz- lings, ann their times being one, they I'nppofe that no hurtful! 10(0sz that! annoy mhatfoebee come they lay in them. Eat beeaul’e the flatness: {gutth is the melt efpeeiall thing to; the pgel’etbation of gtaine , you thallunoetttann that the belt Garner is mane of plate: of pacts niiren toithtilethzebano othet fmall ltone to raife the toallsupagmn height, annto fmmthjthem both tuithin'ann tuithout tuith platter, to as no (tone map hepe’reeibeb, am: the bottome being of the fame fuhttanee tube fnnnthe’b alfo;if you teattet ehatte amonglt the graine it is a greate member, others eobee the geaine with hmmetnmmann it not onelg De: MB toeahellgbut kéepes atuagboth Rattse witet'home lag unbectheit 6mm, flatnogt: others thinke it an an’uren re- meop, ifthep he often fannen ann luinnotueo , ano thereby co)- lee: but Columclla thinkes it untrue, an'o thathgthis meanes the aeeniine that! not onelg he not when out, but they thall‘he eifperreo thzoughout alltbe $931.18, tnhiehiftheg othecmife be left alsne,tnill nuonle tnithno ntoze then the outtnato parts, to: ahannbeenth Depth Within, there nehec mam any meme, ano thecetoze he think; tthettet to let that alga; ‘ i .- W W»: "m M“ gm W 9 than M& , ‘ 'aéeitg'nw Lymamlaattsmianta 138%“ z . fa . ’ gummaww emanatuumuwemm, mm'wh «momma W mama tin 9mg, mgflo' mm, the}: who: mule-'MCImez but 3 near: you _ JV ng youth much am; mitt: pleare maMehflWe ome. ‘ - r I; 2‘ . R 1 G. o. 31"“ be fog-gouted’e‘ fa tn no: W13: tVere tau be no greater pl'eafure to me , then walking alumni to bear: you of hummus nfbusbanozu. metVefetVata rte gamma. inbece and Med- dDWo mt fat meta, am you 91mm“: your colts gee leaping: C o N 0.2129813 xterm] lav all my paint“ febetaujo; em time ofCatteil to be by btmfelfe : m the Vitbermott that you we, are my: cattell that 3 fat: intVe next are my $01115, my mum. am: my: watts : in the next are mg mg bane, 19am, lime, am Emmlings. SDI): midwives tVat you rain mule: mallegfige all to be women. flame nett'to mg Venture my butkiings, thatarebgougbt to their Dams Musketmtrc a mmnbtbetefoze oughtto be'na'ete: bombtit‘, fuel) as feeoe hate ”ca, mutt nilimtlp ann Daily be lmlm to, fa; fear: of weafes. . ‘ R I 'c o; a pm) you then we: the patnesto nefmbc me the ”firing of (mates an!) weumtuesmlnn astbcte I'mmctt) to beer great initie betwixt them ann «Come gmunn, am he, eaufetbeiate femetimes altoto be plobeo, me tbmketb this- at pattte etbto be rpnkm of. , cowo. mitt) amny'ljeatt, 3 mm fat-(we pout nears at ”W a‘anram : emu Malamute a have all thus mbtle (My: of'Come steam, itis hit out of om: to tcuvou mg mi , "j nfpaflute :tmb ultbmugVCnco in (omeputes hot!) glue the minemcmtye utnepm: get ether nln inmate one mtg‘fiau pgefctrc refiners, at we'grounb tVatmqenreth trance about“: amtbeeefmebefimere rattan, p Varro ,Prata, beraufetbeg babe Faun, anon? inmate. anu neither great (barge WWW, no: dream Danger of . memes, as an: mums gvounn w, cusp: {an “ 1. panels Winn» ilk In; It“ 031:“:er whens» -W€=¢WmWM-tbétmz _ oF Eamble-groundmd Tillage )9 muaelieuitee Rtbeteaae ileum}? bob atenroutetmm Mannie , that Mm - peneemamé maethat‘the'matet bentebmnett we; eurttheththe aroma, an: makeett thebe'tter telu mean. 1,15 geatueetthoeut batture ”Who aftutea unity us .9; mutual}: retbe both tea 39a tee) WREDW byeu mutt, rpétiaue m huh ohm Wait . rim! Bgte, tuhtti) thee bahcathette magnate fiattueegh‘e teeth magma of €31.12", ttmety “WWW “tut, byeteag math to: ttuuall bearingot hag, tthath atobeue to be mayte annuaught: hut whetethe m (a; We met 'tpg: ma, there tt is better to tetttltetoe mtg; $.03}th keth tum him; of We growth, hysteet‘ (meta atbageg my theother obstaebeeb. Eye gem aunrieh ateuua hathua mane of obecaobn'ng, the {aim being tutuhbettet that 'arotneth ofthe relte gametleof thearouub, then that which tefozeeu be meters: hhteh {onetime uottptthttauntug is Wall“; the betterment of the geouun requireth: to; in ban amt naughty growth, gene thnolb may be mane. lttt lteto he abet donate: but then mutt the grouun neither lte hal} , loin, no; he has, teat! theoneot them kapethe batters m tttm long, an; theother patently let tttoath agatue, gherefozelpeththegrouun belt, which lieth lebellett, WC! tuflereth not the hater to eemtue berg lougmoz abotneth tt ta) fume 3ftn futygrot‘mn ttehauuee teltauh outdone,“ may be abotuen teeth hater “mum at your Mute: foe both obotplue, auntye bigot hater ateulthte yuctfutl Hutu ”fitm- 3th ber'g hauntome, bhere but am: battaute geouneltetytobgthe Ktber. asthe baterutag be let in by trenches hheu you lttt: tuflue, the efpattute granule requttee tatethtu ttubathe at, that bit rate: not m%em, at; great way“. to oboe} mum, but to iettre'e' tome 9!: ,ae 15mm; 15;tecs,iBultuthee, aun W in an at Met. am the other that be bummer totem,- ae ll, «Danette We: iatbehmu, ee- mutt law ofbbu'ue, that modem tumeup W rea- lg, eat all ethe: cattetléfmegt it he taught”? ea. néfieaiedoké; aafiéaaag‘i ‘ , 3313er wetsuit “Emmett: steam with the . _ gotthgtc feetmeamt'n the Outta-ant making.— a flatten the but am: barren mum are to be helm. with hung in the Winter, fpeeiallg in febzuatg , the wane eating, annthe times , (tithes,- ann ruth baggage as lge l'_ . etet‘abgoan ggtete be thzotnne manner, 0; later nethe- storm: is. Em até TQM! ”£5391”! that with [Dug lginggzre intrastate?!” with 93962,: which the all: humans here man: to amen: im'th affluent certain (tease abzeab , with [aging muetpgmg,.fpeetall9pigeme Bung :-but nothing is to gun: fa; min-pate, as oftento tatt an)» upon it, to; that nearogcth W out bf ham. Wthflanntng there ate but trouble, fame temnieet ghebett mo tettar’nefi is toplolni t: to; the 5mm after his long rea , will beare gmnlg atoms. flat after panhabe plotorn tt, tttm'll r tatfe terobet his sin e- E'ate-agaim to: patture : mebnotu in thge'e o; foure term. m 05 you meme to let your grounn lie-againe to: mennotn o; palture, can: bet! is to {nine it with fiDItcSfil‘ID to tantrum the granny mumlebell, ann to hutle out all the firms anb I'urh things as may hurt the Whe : to; water; is a great beaver efgratre. home use tat {Bagfe'elm gatheten from the 3samploft o; the , Rattles, one: the growth betozetheg hurrah: tt.£Dthere againe, luhen their wennotnes habe lien longintn Beams upon them, ”Kaye fiche, 0,: will“, am the were after m heat: : arm the thin: here let them lie agatne to; mountain o; teatime. pou mi Ware that tnhile the mount: is lml’e an’b r of t, you let not in themater,togthe tom of the water bill math may the earth from the dates 9! the azure. am: millnot (use: them to groin together: neither mutt 21mm; the like Dangerfi’ utter cattell to some ; it,ertept in the {trout were anatesm bhe‘epe e2 ruth it 2911mm .ementtmnlthut llthefearon be berg m. V , . engine you an put em greater feet or «Cartel! a, m-hmtrthe growth he hilly anubamr'nemu may nungthe ti ; ' Ht‘ottttnfeb‘zuqus 3 l'aibbefogr,tattingm itromc {9.2 the higher pact hetng munch, the mine (a; water A ‘ w, rill cart? We tome pact-of the «timll’e to j M efiateva befdéhhhtu 3 rpahe ofthe minurr'ng of . .. fieMstm um W! In in new gromoto; mucus - u . . '7 ' a“ . Bfl‘arabie- ground and Tillage? 8 1‘ mthat you may have your thoile, take filth as is rieh , being, tehell, oz alittle hanging, oz thmfe fntha battery, where [’93 Date: am neither the long, no; mane away ten falt: neither is the ranke wealth alluahes .a figne of gmb gronnn: fez what 3 nutter «State is thereJahth Prime, then is in Germanic, any yetynuihall there have (an!) within a little of the upper part. fieither is it almay a mate}: gronnn inhere the (Ibralle gmmes high, to; the berg @nuntaines in Sychcrland geeks great ann high graite to; cattell. Ehe pauures that lives tip the flakes of Damon: in Auflry ann Hungatic are but flenber, nag about the Rhine, fperiallt: at his falling into the Sea about -Holland, as likelm'i‘e in freeman!) ans filantermcmhr Vopilcus.g:hc fielns or Romus were the pzintipall otitatpfinhere theaseaire mouth be re fame groinne, as it mouth hine a trade in a bag : 399:: may make gmn specular efanh grounuJo it may be tea: tree. your wennslnes are to be purgeu in ertember an @an; bee, ant: to be rin of all bathes , bianibles , ann great fouls (amass at things elfe that annoy them:then after that it hath aften bane (humane with many times plowing mane fine,the cones (alt away, ans the clans in every place bzohenmou mat sung itmell with teeth hung, the immune entreafing. iLet them. be kept from gutting ann trampling efcattell. fiche mento-: hits ann hanging of hozre anb bullnekes, mutt with your [pane be tatt abzoan, which if they remaine, inouln rather he hath:- rozs of ants ann (nth like merminem elfe bzeeaers of hurtful! ano nnpznfitable memes; your Sheenomes mutt be lain in to. - mares watch, an kept from «Cattell ann mane berg rteane: if the? be not rich, they mutt be mennen inith hung, which mutt be lain on,the amine entrealtng, annihe neluer the bang be,the better it is, an the maze grace itmakes: inhieh mutt be lain upon the top of the highefi of the grounn, that the gmbnes mag runne to the bottome. Ehe belt hearbe fez ”acute o; 99ers; noln , is the Erefoile a; «lane: : the next isfme'et Giraffe : the mm as Mini: raith,is authes, fearne, anti Eozfetaile. R I o 3. {Bole thall 3 tannin when the Matte is ripe,ann tea, by to he cat .> C o N o. Ehe time of cutting of it, is when the merit begin; my to fans a ham We. MB 270.28 it hither. Cato bias not: 3 mo The ma. king of Hq. 82 The-firfiBooke, cntrcatmg ' mam (mate with the lobe, but term the fe’eoe be ripe; its belt tut oomne befoze tt hither, loheeebp ponlhall have both mozefino better 92;: oftt. home, where they man over, {lolnltpo water it a nag befoee they tut tt,t't tutteth better me: anetoie ebem'ng. R 1 c o. moepon tntgran’einthe likel'oet ”mootfioznee C o N 0. almolt tn the [the lot, tome one of: thozt blthee, making it lotthonehnno : but me hete Doe are the common great btthmwlmng with both our bonus,” 3 rain home, that fiat“, ano Barley, ano {nth other like aloene mas motoen, tnhith bithes be are to thawe with Whetttones, oztnltcu; mente ofmmo ozetteo tm'th rano. Ehe mane being eat, you ire to routine: of what natuce the matte ts, whethet bet? matte ano fultof (trons wanes, thicae leaves out: great time of migrant, 02 site ertu'eotng (me am been of am: thing which aflteth math withering ; at it be of the“ hints, then lift»: the mowing you that! fittt teolt, then tatrett into little stafle cum all btgge as (mall $olehills, aftet tumethent onn make them up agatne, then {pecan them; ano aftet full taping put them into minute", to into gteatet cotton, then WW: open, out: after they hate tetet'neo the tttength ot' the tonne, then put th:e'e o2 toutecotlm into one, one lattlg hawthorn into the 15am: ; int he ofthe latte: Rina, then you lball onety arm the molntng,firtt ten it, then tnrne tt,after put it tntotninlnotnes nno take it into great (Inches, where after tthathnneate twelve oz fonte anotlnentte homers, you may tnt'thrattte may it into the Borne ; to: any other mite which tnameane hettntrt there floo‘ , it mutt be lnell teooeo ann tatneo in the hammer, am not when till it be my : nnn if It thameto belnet with came, it muanotboturneu, h" the up: mpartbe when. Ehete tea menfuce to be urea in making of it, that it be not hat: in tan o;te,noztan scene. the one fogt, if thltuyte be ocpeo up, fetbeth onelv fog litter : the owe: (tar serene .mo mega int he tatrieo into the loft, eotteth,onnthe upon: being onerxhenteo, falleth on fire ano bumeth. aunt! l’o hethe tame (home to fall upon the grain that I: along mutt» not than it takes notro much home : hut tftt hem tomeomunmtttttuhe (tinting «murmurs it all bMarablc-ground and Tillage. _ 33 at, Wham uppecmnti part heme it be numb, mutt be wellnztebmuththe Mann the mace ruhsu at is mun , we lay it in \ntnmwss,aunthen mkhc ttup in (um-.1 um; :1;ng in am mes, mht'th mull be thgxps mu ptckco m :9: £09,733: 3;; s, , tax to mtcnnitfmmthc mine, whithaf 1t but «at {c-zi. “gun's ttgul‘o to ace, that they man that m the Mo 5p... rum, (mo ugett mhwosner mutant: is in tt. anathema: gab hm“. banns one mt l. y it uptn their lattes nit Jud; tune 8.: 1t hath (Neat in the fists. walls is ccmnzonh1 “mutant a tune, in flag 0; guns, am again: arm 13:21:: at . thc hut man mg iscowttn the bzfl. 33 fans as th. flat-421's off afterthe [mt mowing, it tomato be shallower: ( tfgw may mnbmieutly ) to the 8110 tht 8“!!be may be motnen tn Autumm , “with they (all in 1mm Cordurrn. 3.1 fl): Nd)? OfSpoktth is fatb they mom: route than a germ, lm'ngm groan. ant mm nth-cc plates that: arm. R 1 c 0. at a man mouth buy a farm: oz atpannoyin hahat mt that! he but no: it e to; 3 Doubt not butenu babe gozn {hill in fad; mam. C o N o. ladwomachus in Xenophon, tanttb, thitbis father taught him that he manta mint bag a pm: afgmunmthat-hah bane wilfully oz racially human heron, but cathccfuth grammar: by tn flothfulmuzann pouette of the mace», hath [2m mtt'uza am: neglntcfl, we eat (am: to be buy my arm: mitts hcttsr to Multan: 9021's, fnthaflmé be not 013, arm that he hath the tokcnsnfa goon {9031's, thcn a tattc 1903’s, am: one that is wtionag kept. a knell 033mb gem of main hells Mm, $1022in «0 greatmaeare, any thsretozc is neithu fa ptcaraut, no: {- ”nimble, as that which by gmn husbanbzz may ha mane better. Cato manta him two thingu to but cbfccuentu having of lamb : Eh: gamma «the grown, am thc nhclc’omemte of th: am : «which “no, if either be lacking, worms: Bath bug tt, h: tungsth him manne,am mists to bc {wt to Baum. to; nonethat is Incl! in his mum bttl beam mttupmbatcatne momma imam himtelfe to: a ltttiz rid) momma: be alts-dies fubt'ett tnpdt’lmtt'allnif- cafes : f0: tuba: amaa mutt nests miththemtbslhthm is not melt bu Mic, but 9151!“: Wall. ”Whiz; .. , _ 4 Al I 84. The firfi Books, entree-ring '- bie Death then his gaine eertaine. arm thefe'ttoo p.2ineipalt notes, as Columclla faith, Cato anneb of like tneight their three that follow to be regaroeo: the was. the Water , arm the fieighbour. gzhe goooneu'e of the margin great matter, fog it makes the waiter habe a Delight to gee aboutit , anoitis tommobioue to; tarriage, which bzingeth great gaine, ano lit; tle charges. wt the tommobitie of water who boubtethjnithtitt whore are no man is able to line a fibf a mans neighbour , he 100310 habeantan habe {ptgiall regard. Hcfiodus faith, 7%”. 1.110;):175 u, an ebill neighbour is a great mifehiefe. g babe knoinne oibers,thar to; the. troubiel’omenelre of their neighbour, habe foetaken gmo Dwellings, ano thangeb gain to; (Upper, up; eaufe they habe hab falre itnabee to their neighbours, anb quac, rel!ere,that l' uttering their tattel to run at large,in ebetp mans gtounb,tofpoile their «tome ano their firms, mania alro rut Domne methane take inhatfoeber they ftnb, alloapee bzabiing abontthe bounbe of their grounb, that a man tonlb neber be in quiet to: theinzoz elre hobo binelt biztome diatterpillerfiutfian, oz rioathbnehler, that moulb leabe no kinb of mirehiefe imam fimongtf allinhieh commonly there is not to m a neighbour, as the new upaartjhat takes ripen him the name of a (smug, mammho though you we him neber to well, will at one time o; other gibe you to nnoeraanb from whence he tomes, mm make you ting with Chadian: . “(pm)” ni/Ji/tfl bani/i e10» fungi: in 41mm. Alcwdcr wretch there lives not under skic, Then Clownc that dimes from bai‘c cflatc to hie. as the Weberbe intenglanbie, rat a innate on hozfebadie, anti-yon thalll'oe hint wouloer a knight: fog- an ape will be an Bpefihongh you tloathe hiin iii-purple. mien» 99. Portius bottle babe 5: man fhunne the neighbourhtob of {nth , as the pettilenee. 31 to: my part am happy in this point, that 3 hub: np neighbour that 3 nieb to fence. ~ « - if fibutfinte Death ano other tartiaitiee ties at ni'anfefthem', the Dwelling is not to be ieft, if- ithabe other gooo‘toinnro, lattice, ertept it be plates in‘the isomers of- r -¢onn; tries ‘that- be tubiett to great- fltkneifee. borne _ nmtenb ‘mMnhhaOhathfaite team about ‘-it',-’ “was? ’ ’ 'i- ' a ‘ I t of Baublegtou‘nd hndTillageif“ 13.5 mm; you market, wherein: timon may eateie hissiaeev . manoiye with least charges. mhe olo feliomeo motile none: habe a man plaeehimfelfe more the high way, to; pilferiiig of ruth as pout, -ano troublefomeuette ofguefiszas 31 min befoze in (peaking oi the placing of an houre. anhthe letting of it ’r 1 game, there things are to be obfeweothat 1mm of befoge, “£025; in oefmhing ofa maiiifl‘e of {awfbanogie ano his labour : that Ear‘me. you let it to {lltbfibbofe ttanaite ano gmo behabiout homing be airmen of, win that you tegatoiume theic gcoo ogoetinggt‘, the limo thenthe tent, tohiehis leaithuttfiiu, one molt game; full. grog inhereas the ammo is well hufbanoeo, you their tommonlg habegaineuneber. lottef,ertepi bniiiiteafonable: mm of the mattermnith thewmllwmeemifib mouth. not be any oamane oftbeifimant;netheinnafi‘onpffthe en‘e‘; mie, tohete theEenant tanntt belpe it.t‘5efloes,the 11/03;le ' not oeaie with his tenant to haightlg-iii chem pang, ; g; by Iain he mightJozhiI tent oagesmatgainso of meomuittent i; futh,the rigoiu: mhetein is mozgt‘tgu‘hlefqmgnhen ”(133:1 neither night hoe-to takeebeez-aonantage, to; 8311 'm times is tight piaineiuzong: neither me fine; baggage.” the other (toe, fog to) math gentlenea’e mangtiines'ma'fiee‘h man the inogfeélun therefoge itie gone if the farmer be (lathe in his paiments, to make hint to knob: it : but in no wife to tea tail'ei: ozenhaunfer oftents, to; thatoii’eomfogts,o many times unooeth the tenant. 99ozeobet, you mutt notiighthg change the nine grommet, both betqufe of his oez’ettm that he is better atqnainteo toithfithe gtouno then.a1§w.‘iL. Volufius inoulo alinages famthat he {1155‘ in belt" rare’r misitanos that hon almahes his Zennnts home ( b_;eooe upin them, whereby the long familiaritie thoulo make them moze lovingly to ufe thcmfeloeszfoz (ate it is an ebiu are often to change Eenants, : therefoze 5 use like well that ozoet, inhete the lam: is let foe the line; of the Zenant, his toife am: his thiloe, paying it here, igtent. to thxt as long as he pages his tent o tapes the eepa: wins, it [hall not be lainfull to neteibe him : foz hereby the Zenant that! be piobokeo to ozoet the grouno with moge oili- gence, to tepsite the houa'e, ano tolnke to it in all points as to his oiime , bellowing mmg times as much as he hath upon it. fihis may of teoting lane me reemes is beit, ' ' inhete saw-e 4 . . . . _:w 86 ‘ ThcflrR'Bookc,cumanng&c: mm manna l‘ubicc my: bed netye inner, tum Met, that the menant be sweet with maintenance of tt. an! that be late that you tatbec let ttto one of babtltte, tyen to anuntbetftt‘e man, that tenet able to heave tt , when” you my late botl) you: lane nub gout rent. in (net) plate aellee m the now, be may etcnpmt up his Beeline. ozto Dal: - hes: but when it is far 03, It is better to let lt cut to; a petelg tent upon the fo:el‘aln covenants. fee if you maple it with mfetbanti, they: will "the: lmke lumgwc tattell, oz eon: gamut, a; fairer things to be (talkie, o; lteale tbemfelhes , 0: make you be at zuoge thaws teen neeoety, am: he eatelelte in were thing. in letting ofgtounn tommenlg it is cobenantcn tbattye tenant lball not letnu) fell without tbeleabeol'tye 31.033, an!) that be null not bzeake any We a; melanin lane, an! bunt, ann bum mntb be (ball mm of cheep kinne of gtat’ne, ' 90m mncl) be lball babe to; 134mm, bob) much he (ball let lie. ant: you) much he (ball menu. ism babe gen elm as much u i am able to (as; in Mammy; ottbe statute. l! x a o. '3 thanke you, embebe gteatly uliabtenmetvith the mum arm guttineegmnb m «tumble. The end of the firfl Bookc.~ The 0fGardcns,Orchards, andWoodsi V I ~Tnn‘asvsv1vs. Manxvs. IVLIA. «tenure of (D: alliance betwixt {3&ch Etamnn come,ann be: tunic their manual, is almoa one, it is team that am the ictt boats, mitten crumble gtnunnanb 1' 1'!- “ammonia follow the Maiptt’on of Ezthatuwatnm ann their fruits. Vn'gili in uniting of Winning, , leftthts pact untmittcu of : bombs; ‘ it , him others both oln am new tnzt'tm have not Wanna Diligence mitten of this part, but pct by matches (as it tom) sum not thmhlp : tnhafe apt: aim tower: with mine alone emanate, tthcmcth guznto me tnthis hmkz to Declare. 3m film the are of fluharu mn‘lff Guinean is great ann ancient, am: that Home! waiteth , ham 3;“, 3'; hem: thcnIOman. mas bout mithhis trabaile in his £D2v greatanti: charm, to 02th: ftom his minn the {mom he tmhc f0; the ab; quit“- fame of 1185mm. am Xnophon upozteth,that hing Cyrus, as greata mime ”he was, [main plant with his ohm: hams, mm M trees in his anthem, in rad; mm, as it [much an 2§cthlp patabife. mouths mittth of Abdolominus that to; b!“ amt 13mm!“ a pom gunner, mm: to be king of the Sidoo mansuann M212: not moathilg is this putt sfhd‘naam 211*»- men, SQ‘S The fccond Booke,entrearing men, thing it both not alonelmbring gteat pleafute,but alto to me ‘ editable to; the maintenance-otheufeholoe, ano the a [pa *iteharges, minittrmg to thshurbano oaile tonne, ann rufiitient futtenante without tot!7 fine when (as Columella faith‘ ) in the nine time the people libeo moze ftemperatelp, ano the page at mogelibertie ten of tleih ann milkeflnn ruth things as the grounn a‘nfi‘foloes- peeloeo, but intheilatter age when n: at ano oaintiee began ,to come in, anothe wealthier fogt to eltécme no face but toulp, an'o tarre fetcheo, not content with meane oiet, but toueting futh things as were of greatefi pzite, the page people as not able to beare the th atgee, mere banilh; en from the tottliet rates, ano oziben to toutent themfelhee with the bafelt fmoe. flan hereof fpzang at the nut the plant, ing of Dgeharoz, e making of waroenmnhetetuith the permit treature that was, might {loge his within, ano have his bit; trials almayee at hano, the fithharn ano @aroen [erbing to; his bhambleo, with a great oeale moze cornmenoable 1! hurt; Anovill lelte oiet. therein were the clue hnfbanos betg carefull, ano Gardcnro' ul’eo altoagee to iuege, that tnhere they founo the gatoen out $353: of 02381313: tuife of the houfe ( to; unto her belengeo the charge thereof) was no goon hnflnife, foe they (honlo be touch to have theit biduale from the lhamblee o; the wicket, not me: king to great atroant of etoltnogte then, as then one note, ton; nemning them for the tharges that were aboutthem. as to; new, ittnao rather lothebthen bfeo amonga them. :Enlp ; . (ham ano warnene hit: them}? pleaf e them, beranfe the fruits thattheg heelo, nl'xoeo no fire to: the Inciting ofthem, but {pa- reo mmo,being almapes ofthemrelbee reaog lumen, eafie of oi. gettion, ano nothing burnentome to the ltomarlee : ano fome of them fenn‘ng alf o to pouoer oz pzeferbe mithall, as goo mar, thanoiys at home,as P l'my faith,not mining men to recite pepper asfarreaoinoie. 9f Lucrin, 31 the miter not regaro,ae the “ iaoet fagth. Slno therefm to make them of moze mogthinea‘e, I that foe their rommon pzofite, they lhoulo not b: the hue re r o. mm. game!) :there were oibers noble men of the houfe anakrius, am. that take their furnamee oftettufe, ano were not athameo to henameb itettil'men. Ehe olo people hao in great ettimatlon the Queens of the WWW“ of M!“ ant of the hinge Adq- HES ofihc order of. Gardening? - '89“ '53, umAlcinoi, of whom Homer to much fpeatteth, as alto the Witch Qatunenythet built by Semiramio, o; by Cyrus m king of AKiria. Epicure l8 eepozteo (0 be the an: that ebec mhireo gatoen in athenghefoze his time it was not r e’ene, thug the pleafuree of the ttlountrie mete hat: in the citieaaoto when Thrafybulus tcabaiung in the way»: of his 132inee,ehaneeo to some tothe houfe ofMaiius,ano cameo by him into a 45mm thathe hen, tohith teas hazy beautiruu, being ten about a, mong thefmeet [melting flomzes, ann unite: the pteal’ant ac. hours, What a gmoly fight(quoth‘lhrafybu1us) is gm 1 hob) ,muenug ham: you garnitheo this patauire of yours toith all hinoe of plearuces -.' youtfiaelemano your banketting houfee both mithin one «without , as all henetlseo with piaucee of beautifulti-‘totozes ano Erase , that you may not onely feeoe your eyes with the beholbing of the true ano lively jflotner, but alto oelight your (elfe with the eountettait in the mint of loin, tee, (sizing in the one,the painteo globe: to content: in beautie miththe hem gimme: : in the other, the hmnnerfull moghe ot‘ fiatutmnb in both, the patting gmonette ot won. wombat, your pleafant arboute to matte in, whore thanooinee he'epe oi: the heate of the bunnegmo it it foetune to raine. the eloyfiecs are hato by. 15m fpetially this little miner, with mott date bategeneompaiting the garben, Both toonoert’uuy let it fozth, _ one heeehn'thall the seine ano gmolv quickeret hengee, no thacgeahte him of enelofuresmitteteth it both feom man ano Beat}. 3 [peake nothing ofthe melt ozoeceo :qnattere, where. as the {heathen anti mm are febecen ebety mat in their one plate,the iaoteheacbesbythemfelbee, the flowers in another plate,the tries ann 3mm in another quartemll in iutt {quate one peopogtionjnith alleis ann toalkes among them . among there gouty my way you temenibec accogning to your pm, mire (fozfo the time tequiceth) to them me tome part of your great knowleoge in gamen mattece, fith you habe upon this eonniti on heart: me hetetofoee gcablingm rather beaming you with the oectaiming ofmy pmge (hit! in the tilting of the tieto. Sun are, as youbegan with the shooting ofa place(me‘etto {ct your houfe upon.) to mutt '5' with the ehoyfe of a plot me’ete to; a amen. Eh: owning or 65mm ieoibete, to; tome 8178' go Thé SecondBookgenn-caung are mm by“): Quinn; homo. tonetu the Webs, rm inthe Wit, wheretoeber they: be, tttho place mtlltnttor, they: emit bemuasm'er'eto thehoateas maul): : mm, “the? beastar from the names as you tan, foetheChatfeoanua blotting into them. ano enthet tubjea toth. W DEW, ~ whereby it may be mane rich, o3 eltem totmoetggmo grouan that hath tome tmall Broke running be it, o; it it hath none rueh,tome Well o; 45th, tohetebg it may hennatem. an ertellent plot to: the purpotet’s , that which oetltneth a little, ano hath tettame gutters of mater cunning thzough other; ttsthereot' : to; gather!!! mufi almat'eo he to he eafilg mater“, tt not with tome running areameJome pumpe to be mane, oz tettleflptllm tuth like, as man term: the turn of anatnealt Them. theame£olumclla moulo habeyon make your teatch to; ma: 0mm}.- unlohenthc bums is in the latter part ofVlrgo, mhteh to in ins for m- beptembet, befoze his entrance into the winter A-quu'ooaisll, “'3‘ fozthenmar youbett unnerttano the ttrength 935mm of the tpglngofivhen afierthe great burning heat: otthe banner, thg mhath a long while motion» with” raw. gfyou ran. notthus haoe mategpou mat make tome turning m at the lolnetpartot the guano. that may retetbe arm oontatae tuch mater as fals from abobe,tnheretotth 9t may hate: your gar. Benin the ertreame heat of hammer :but hbete netther thc nature of the forte, no; eonberante by tonnult 03 13mm, or running Rteamels to be hao, you have no other htlpo butthc tattoo water in winter, tohirh it you alto hate not, then mu: gouache ano lagyour (Emmi that: on route fmte oaepe: tnhteh betng to o;oereo,tm'll hell be able to abtoe tohattoeber {nought hoe happen. this is alto to be regaroeo, that in garleno that are oeth'tute ofmammou to ozoer them into teberall parts, that bhat part you will ottapie in winter, may he tomaros the Nthano that which than rem you to: bommctmtae lie to- mamthe fiozth. an 3 «Sam, as in the rhoyte of tour: momentum look: whetherthe mantle of the ml): not hinoereo by the untkt'lfullmte othlm that hath acumen it. you mutt alto make elmte of your waters, of bhuhthe but (as Pliaie faith) are the toloett, ano tenth ashetlodtto with: thetooett that comes Willows,» w Mutual it! mm“ C eofrhc‘ordcr ofGardcmng: ' 9 1‘. new theyhzing loith them the ram of grain ann loe’enes : but the gtonmnothmolt nelight in rain: heater, mhirh killeth tonnes ann baggage that beans in itibut to: fame herbes, {alt water is nénefull, as the nannilh, m, xemfiaurell, to mhirh all {altlnater they fay, is a [petiall helper, making thembothpleafant ann fruitfull: to all others, float water is mlyto beaten .3» beranfe 3 hone begun to entreat of route: The me Mamet gibethis note ,thatthe times of matting is notin ur watc- the heat of the nay but early in the moaningfinn at nightfiealt anti!“ themater be heaten with the bonito: onely 15am! you mutt ‘ "" water at nrone,the {tens fomething milltome the toner up, it they be fpzinrklen at the firfi tutti) hot water. 39w habe here hearn, thatthefirtt mental! thing foza ©arnen, is mater. the netttothisisenrlol’urethat it he mu inrloren.bothftom unru- E I n ly folks a gamma liketnil’e from healts: left lying in matte 0&3; ”5 ' to; your herbes ann your fruits, they may both bereane you of dens your paineofinn your pleature. to: if either they be bitten with mealtime too often hannlen with men,it hinnzeth them both of their growth ann (doing : ano therefoee itis of neutrity to ban: ~ the @aenen ioell inrloi'en. fioio to; inrlofures, there are run- my limos, tome making earth in monln noe rounterfeit 152i tkv male :mthets make them of lime ann mines :fome others of itoneslayn one upon another in heapes, railing aiDitrh foe tnaterronnnabont them, tohirh kinne Palladius fozbins to fola loin, beraufe it will neatn out moyttare from the Garnen, er; tept it he in maria) swimmers make their fenre with the tunes ans fetsnf thome; tome makethem of munne malice, toberen with tram o; heath. Varro malteth mention of foure hinnes of entloture : the firth naturall, theferonn toilne, the than roalnierly,the fourth,of tarpeiiters moths. the titit ann naturall is the quirkefet henae, being M of young thoenes, whirl; once melt grotnen, regarneth neither fite no; other hurt. the reronnisthe rommon henge mane ofnean town, will aa; ken arm tht'dse violin, oz railoe. thethirn the {cutaneous fogs tifying,is aniepenitrh toith a rampier: but the nitrh mutt be to mane , as it may receive all the motathatromes from a: bongo; tats into itfinheooin the name innit heiotte'epe, that it mamafitmerlima thisltinneoffence istobeggmez CI '. The-mac king of: quick—fut hedge. Another , 9, ‘ 'Theléeéfid'_Bdbké;'éEti-éiti@ . J' v “”"_*r F'fi L _...»c where the gronno lies nare the htetnaem buts upon the River; otmhirh fort 3| thall have oreatton to theatre «we hermit»,- Ehe fourth fence mane In: the «carpenter o; be the game, is rommonlg hnotone : whereof there is fouee foets; either of fitment withers,” Eur fem! earth,ann little cones frame. in mouloe. Columeua following the ancientett authozs, p22: ferreth the quithfetheoge befoge the bean, both beraul'e itis lelte thargeable,‘ ann alto enoureth the longer, rontinuing a long time: which heoge of gong thoznee, he tearheth to make in this feet. Ehe plate that you Determine to enrlol’e, mufi afa ter the beginngng of september, when the' grouno hath heme mellfoken with raine,be trenrheb about with two turromes, 11 earn oittant one from the other,the Depth ano beeanth of every; one of them mutt be two fmte, whieh you mutt [utter to lye empty all luinter,p_zohioing in the nieane time the {trees that you meane to row in theni,mhirh mutt the the berries of tharpe thomembgierghollmann miloe ctglantine, which the «mags rallb’ogbzier. Ehe berries otthere you mutt gather as ripe as you may ano mingle them with the flame oz (genie ottares, which tnhen it isfpzinrklee toith mater, mutt be put upon oln ropes oflhipsm any other ropes, the ropes being thus hanoleo ano ogieemiutt be late up_ in tome booeneo timer. aftermath when winter is oone,tnithtn fogtie wages after, about the com. ming of the bmallolnnf there be any water in the jrnrromes, it mutt be let out:auo the mellotnen earth, whith [one rail out of the turrolneo in the enoe of banana, mutt nolu be eatt in againe, till you babe frlleo them up to the nn’ott : then mutt you hnnbfomelh unfoloe the ropes , ano lap them in length tbzounh both the fnrromes, min to roberthem,taking hater von theoln not tm much earth upon them to; hinozing the (wing, lnhirh roinmonlhureth to appeare mtthiu thirtle owes after, anurmhentheg be gromne to be of rome height, they mutt hoe mane to incline to the (pace betmittthe tmo furroines:in tnhirh {pare hon mutt have a little mallet: huge, to teach the Miners mm, and of other terminate rlinibe by, tnhirh mill he a iollg tag ane better way , a romfoet to them .But 3 babe another ann a moze mater may of making u quick-Rt hcdzfi ofmalu'ng ofthem, which 3 firtt pmaifing in thieetonntrie, fibers others have touomm alto one make moraine 9mg; . a . . , ‘ cord): order of Gardening; ' 9}” . m gathering mthfinmttbeeounefpunefi of,tbe;ncs.cutung stimuli“: 3 let themon the banke ofthe witchJo that they am halte a fat out of the grouno; plucking up all the [greens (fpeeiallp the llrlt bummecfihat gcom about themganu ruck: an may the yupcethat comfogts the (ct. Ehe tmtes being thus tip, 1 whee all the encth ahout them with Erato, whereby both the new ofthe nightts let into the cmtee, ano the pmgehl;int is he, fenoen teem the bucmng of the Sunne. Ehe piece after, 1 mane alittle tlenoec cacle of plants, tnheaunto slag up the twinge, meaning them in fuch fozt as 3 will have them to _ gmtngnhirh 3 20¢le make highemccogoing to the height that 3 mouln hapeahaeogetotpzing. might, e; at the uttetmott nine fmtc,ls a futficient heinhbano lohafl‘oehet {wings above, mutt be plalheo of one fine 0; the other, to make the fence the manger. when 3 habethue tones mat it'thicket ann thick. er cheep pdece, filling up the places where 3| tie it thinne, with fuel; bgmhs as ate: gcotn out of oeoeczano thus it is Inoben fo thicke with pe’etelp binningsnhat not to muth as a {mall bin: is ableto pails thunk: it, no; any man to lmke thzeugh it. mhenitis thickeenough ano bigge enough, the fupettluoue twinge mufl (2me be cut. Ehis henge can nebec be he- men, except it be pluckeo up by the castes : neither feareth itthe hurt of fire,but mill grow the better to; it. fine thiets my map of encloaug a @acnen,aethe pleurantett, molt pgotltable, ann ofleaa charges. there is anothet may of making of a quickerct {9mm Mather which cut fingers in the ¢ountcep one ute, which is romezgjg’figg, thing the manger. 3m fetting the mung bets, as you babe 3 ’ rain befoee, when they be We to tome gteatnea‘e, they rut the £5an note to the meme, anobeing halfe cut an!) b when album they bout it along the Bebg'e, e plan) it. from there cuts l’px’ng up new plants, which till 33 they gtotn to anp‘ ‘ highneae theeeut them, ann plath them againezfa oaing com tinuallpnillthe {Beoge‘be come to his full height. Ehls may the thenge is mane re thong, that nepthec vegge no; othec bean, is able to bzeake thmgh it : butthe othecieagreat oeale moze pleafanttothe epe. iBut if a hnfienot bets enough mecoema ”immature engine otthetcteeoe :T a, H ‘ A: i .9 - w ‘ _. u~—‘—n~..t..: j 94 \ Thc’fccond Sonic, entreatmg ' ~ . 1f 3 n . have nohfpoken arm wmdorneefim mfifim a 65m: at nobmnatn‘eth to rpeahc , «the mount mo’ete to; a watmmthe new orbzzltine it, :‘_ " Manx v s. @tthefnmggfozte ofgeounn,‘ anoottheoi. ‘. ’ ’ (tuning of them, became you in m humming of «rogue ‘ ‘ ‘ gtonno befoee have rnaidentlyrpohenaooe nottln'nke ttne’em full to; meta eepeate it. Rgatnc, it is enough to me to aooe onelg thiea'hat thegro‘nn'tr Ought not to be tm mum to: leane, but fat ano mellow, which bzingethmth a (mall klnoe of - Gzatl'e like hateee : rnth gconno requires leatt labour , the ttitfe one the rich mount: ataeth greater paiuee about it, but noth retompente tt againe, with his ftultet’ulnea‘e. mhe we, leane,ano tolo groom, is not to be meoleo with, as Columclla ton'teth in appointing gmo gronno fog «Jerome. What to _ Elna thne mnth of the (bacon: gtonno, which as 3 rage, is bupnfide- mambo; may be tnatreoazno in entlofeoetthet truth a wall, a gym; helm-,0; tonne other We enelofnre. aftecthio, ttt'e neeofuutt 6.3m lle tnell to the hnnne, ano toaeme : to: in groan!) that is berg ground. tolne, the warmth ofthe bunne trill not much abailet't. ano $1.:- contrary,“ it be a hot burning fano,the benefit of the Datab‘ens ‘ m “‘ can little helpe it. yonmutt pet lmlte, that it lie not rotten to ill trainees, that are my ano reaching, q being ftottoano mate. 0&- mhuofarte,tf3! toulb hates my (flatten lie as a tnoulo may, , but in as math as every man oefiteo a mathemano ebem man tannot babe eborp tfimebltl].t0 him then that tnants there bene; fits an!) hath only bartennen‘e to mozne upon, let me aobire him to take moge patnee inteonn'nn his geonno unto gmonette, as are to b‘zealte up his earth in beptembet anolap the moulo lore tleane from tnteoee ants fioneomno to as all weathers whatlhebec may peitte ano feafon it, ano to let it lie till after shaman alltnht'th (pate, tram? mines or ebtll gtotnth tip: peategvlntke thent uh by the routes. ano Imps the eacthae cleane as at the (aft ogen‘ingan 130mm bet tuene npthe ammo agatne ,‘ano trenchit atlealt route tmte ooepe, ano filtthofc tqmches toithgtoo nieannce, the o; Tangle; . the rooming of zmmbetthes ,. @arle oz one thing that» mantawto the .. wevw ,. _ x , ,V V‘ t A . ~ w 59' $.81: gonlaboutano as gon'fltthe tmnehex Wang? ningbfitth “the earth that “thallium mutt!!! ' J .Mtheorder ofGardcnfiag-' , ’ 35 both“ Watetogethec gt'o tetthe gtouno lye tilt the min: (attainment. .Wtb -M3fifl?¢°dt°§¢t new, but notm oa’epeas heme, Inn mutton he , then ran ttintoa lengthann this thaumahe the batten eat h new, pable ofgtototh no the heft, at the minute of mutth following, whiehto me molt convenient time foe any amon tn the 015m:- mi. fut notn'to the nesting of your women. guy, you ‘ muttbernre that the grouno which you meant to row in the “ma.- bpzing, be tnellm’ggeoin the fall of the leafe. about the to, ring of loans of @aobet : any that which you garoen in the tall ofthe Gardens. teafe,mntt be times tn $ay, thatetthet by the mine arm in; tet oz the heat of bumntetfitoth the clot: maybe ntellotoeo,ann the motes ofthe moms oefiroyeo, no; much befoze this time mutt you bung it. fine when the time of routing is at henna fine oayes betoze,the mm ntufi be got out, ano the bong lay- eo on, non to often anb otttgentty muu it be niggeo, as the mount: may be thzonahly meoleo with the mouth. Ethttefoze the pants of a; Queens mutt be to ogoeteo, as that whith they meane to tote tn the eno othununet, may he ntggeo in the bpging :anothe part thatyon tntllfotntnthe bpn’ng. mat be bigger: in the one of bummet : to that! both your fallotnes he reafonen by the;benefit of the toll: nun the ‘ bunne. Ihe hens ave to be mm narrow nun long, as vibrant 3°53”. inlengthfinn in in bgeaoth, that they may be the eafiettoe'ea och: theyntutt tie in wet ano tnattt'e gtonnn ttno foote highh'n my grouno a fat is (nutrient. if your bebo lye to hey, no they mu rumor no water to tarry upon thmn,you mutt; :mhe the (pa, tee bettrirt highet, thatthe mate: may he foeteu to he: shoppe . 7 when you mill Hthhe ktnoes ano (nets of hanging being tutti: Q‘Jfi‘d cientty anteater: of by yong. mm fay nothing :onetg, aching 535g“ of thio,that the bang ofafleotsthe tethbetante “Math tenaett Gardcnh toaoee:the next to catteio onnwnn bhépeo mug. if it haoe hen n were. Ehe gtonnbao 3 rain mhith me meanetofolnetn the bpztngfine mutt after the enn of bummer let lye fattotuo be rearonen totth the froft one the totozfozao the heat of bunv mar“ both'thetnlnof the mom bakemttfeafonthegtonnm When tm'ntec mmmm mama : us about ‘92 fmicufl) new of 3am, mmnttotgttaoame, _ ‘ ,. i. ‘3‘ _ , , . ~ , _ . . Me . an-..” W.-- Q r 96 The fwondBookgemnafing x whining ittu quanta: anti hens. flea mat the inane”; platen upmtutifes of bmaiue minis mat be tam: in eh: Silencfinhith being hell Wen btth lattes, ant fatten up: omthat the grafts be tnozne away, to that it ream appeate, it mill after l’pging up as fine as little haves, am well: a pteal’ant tight-to the eye, tnhith mm be- her: beautiful. When. you babe reveren your lumen bythemfetbesm iahifielie Deaths! bptheml’eibes, anthem mtheacbs ann balletsin another plaeezthe bees am: the bozbees mull be to can,“ the wane“ hanns may) teach to the mint: of them, to [hall-they not ne'ebe intheic labour to treab upon the bebbesmoz to hurt the hearbes. gnu this 3 thinhe ruifieient to; the pgepaeing of your grounb pfSow- befoze the mining. 3110mm“ 3! fpeake of towing, ann inhat wS- that! be [elven in even: reafon. IE0 I’peake of all fegts of baeaebs an! gnomes, mete an eneletfe labour, onelg orthore that are v molt nabfiill, a meanetaintceat. . flnbfictt of hearbs, fame ~ ate fee the potxeme to; the fight, fame to: plearure am: [meet ‘ rammin fame f0; {Bhgfiekefim againe, tome are fog mun, Th f _ tee-Junie“; bummer, ann fame betwixt both. Ehe firtttime r093: “ of towing after w inter, is the moneths of guacehfipzil, aim row 13. flawfinhecem me? are to ruin animogtsditauimfiape, an!) arm ”Maj,ettul’eJozelfiBtuflaeMe’ebe,¢ogiannee,£bitl,anb war; hen mummy feeenb rearon to; fuming , is in the beginning, at 'Edoberfinhereiii they ret )Beetes, aim row {manage in Ni— , gella ( Arl‘ccbc. Ehe thitn reaton, mhirh thep call the hammer reafon,infome plate the diameters begin in I anuarp, Inherent thegfetammbetsmwcnsfipimmrhdfiafill, piirflaine, anti battling? 9am: things may be [omen betwixt there rearons, am get use being well: an warnen hearbs are tommonlg fotnen befoze the tenth of June, rueh things as youtvout’o babe {area may r min after this time: bamethiuge are {amen mtgtmotimee a mtcfin the Staging; in the em of bummer. checs againe at funbgig times,as let: tufe,itolmm2te,btoeket,i£auilbflrettesfiaziannec, «Sheetilt, anti withflthere are (omen about apaerhm about beptembet, rm Columclla faith,uoe tome 813th“ nt‘the feebe, oz of the flip ; {one of the emtefimie of the uplheJome of the leame of the (Man: nfthe iBeanJmm Ifbdhmthers ofthe ”$382019?“ ”9“!!an both of the (an amp: aim“ mm, tmtoe ‘Mflflmflz . fifth: order ofGardenmES» '9? W. MI, this they tntot, inhen iteomee to be a all“! high : :flhae groin both of thetr'ene arm the rate, as “mammalian fueh like, fine aithough all things tom groin of their rm, get thiethen rag, mmu not one: to; it hem reloome linings, therefoge thegrather fet the alps. Ehere that are M of the mane commonly latt longer, any bearish better, putting fogth young hippest from his lines, as the @nion arm with. Ehe italke being out, they all (me (pm amine to; the molt part, ereept fueh as hate {petrall fialkee, earlier: by TheophraflusqnchM, that is, truth as when'the aalke is- tnt groin manage : Gaza interpzets it Secaulle. Ehe Rape ann the Rania), their leabes being pulleoaloah ano tobereo with earth, one both groin ano eontrnne till hummer. Ihe fruits . of rome is in the earth. Tome ~lnithout, an!) tome both within Officdcs- ; ano without , fame lie ano groin, as the dturmnber anb the (home, ano rometimee hang, though 0f 5‘9““ weight by much then the fruits of Erees : tome reqrntes Raves ano helpes to dime by, as mops, itupinee, ano iaeare : tome feeoe nroineth better,the newer then be, as aLe'ehes,Nigclla Romana, cumin bere,ano «immune therefogerome are to tape their. Gntum here in milke o; beatento carafe them to groin the man. lier. £Dnthe other tine, orolo {woe better groteeth the IBe’ete, (barnen metres, peniriall, great geariewmmnn cogianner. 3n the 25m thisis onelh obferbeo,that the {niche tommeth not all up in one were, but part the femno he'ere,ann tome the thiro: ano therefoee of a great neale of teen, rpzmgeth but a little. mouthing {Semthie is to beinellfeene to, that they be nottm olo anb neathattherz be not mingleo, 9.: taken one foe another; olo fees in tome is of rash fozee, as it changeth the nature: to; of olo animoiztreeoe rpgingeth the Rape, ano likemife of taupe reene aolioozts. alto that he gather not your (ether: to: I'm ne,no; too latezhe berytime,as'l‘beophraflus mgiteth,“ atthe l’pgt'ng, the fallof the leafe, ane the rifing otthe meg : but not in all places ano Rinses alike. flDt‘ beeoefihe fwnett that fpeing are thefefiafill, arath,jaaben,mrket,that commeth up the thirn whatseed nah after the foieingdLettnfe the fourth hamthe cucumber ant:r rmgs- a the dborrro,the 6ft m,15nrain, longer ere it come, mill, the 3135?” Earth We: antenna $uttarnfeene the fit: nag,- names in newly. GD 3 trimmer The wen the! fo : Sowing. Tho? Moonc. 93c Mm aédkgahaewfig - W'ehtmhm, lam fljgtuthmtkmlflhlém - . gaming, fomcttmc IbtlLCnW lam: ‘hhlch ifit biz mlmhncpt (imam! myth“) lt Mt!) notat.Ill._19¢ni, V dullanu great Wm, come . , ans: m.bam.. gang, in It all nthec'the MS“ "(039 W M W8 the With m amt. 0; mm: m the Iltivtb- ?on mutt alto mum, that the. math“ in fuming is of great tom: mathel’gatonhe'mg magnum, they tun: Ipthtt'mncr. mmwtfitem 2m, am: new: arm cmnwpu'mne a; gaimsmflmsparflabmnllwgt, 1am, fiigelln, that hang once [memento up than gins. bath as continue but aemmgctmtlg upon thtic tithing biz :othecs {pains again: at: tn the loan of their llalht,‘ an new, jaigella, minis, mu Catfish: ann tommonlg all “who: put out fmn th: {the :_ alt all that: again banging an. Whitman mining beans mm thinlimon nine ham mm to the ”many to ram ant! ftttn the enctearmnn not in tht banmbomc again: thinks it bet from that the is fence bans oln,till figithtcightmu :l’ome anathothiw, othomfrom th: tenth, tillthetlnentivthzmin batman Mall We ) the moaning alnfunhnut fet: Snnths belt tinieu begin togamn is at the can of jchgnatg; hit abillnoln Delano to the most than: heathen, mail! 31 biltlbcats of Afparagus', which was toont to gram tnilns,but ml» is thought into the warm", it is call» in (Micki: , karma/QM Julian, fipanin, ano mend), it is almoa all one; the one call itAlpaiago, the all)“ Afpctgc, t9: Dutch: men all it Spengca ann Spirazus,maufe it comes up nfitfclfe: to: the Mann bpetage they than not acquaintsnlnithqpnlu Maze 1 pastime to the planting of this 0; any other, let me oil): nnto chew neurons anthem: this one not matting sublimation, which a min have him tarry tortinnallg in his memozy, which is, thatnll 130mm!” mutt be [than thicke, ann but thinly tobmn, as namely nut alum thm fingers ;that all plant» whirl) Cabbage, mat E: ram thick“, ant: I!” ma, as a ftill W at as tall , tut when you mote them , then not than: ”an” them well into thn tatthc. all Int-s mac Wmoupumnm, mung- , *3? 31: Order offiudemuge 3'; “film eeelfe {tattecent'u thew W big”. 1111011123 upmtbuwwdq» 111M112 Warm [the 111111! melt 1:11:21: 131111, fee if m habenttallm to [am but a (mall quantitie, then 131111 may fet them one he one at 211111 leafme 11; pleatute, but it 20111: quantitie at fiche hie great, then (as befaze a (11311) tumwp 1311111: earth lute nape rimmmne 111th. bettome theteotrcattet 1111111111: 111 th1'1a1e 10111115111111 aftet take there 11111112311111 armath lebell, 3110 thus 11011111 21111 wall both rate labeut mgatne wait, but a tetume agalne to Afpatagus“. at is W 111 tine feats, egthet nfthereene, o; the rate: they take of the fe’ene 113 much" 2111111112 takeuptm'ththz'c lingers, 1111! becoming 1't1'11l1'ttlehelee, every are I: thté fines halfeafa‘te arena 111:1 : thegfet then; in rich 51111111111, 1'11 febznatg, am 1:11» becthegtommtnah m1 1139111111111 thugmmmmt bee bell placket 11111113. 111111 the foum'eth any they me up usit m to one tate,a1tnta115len togethet: thetates hate [111111113 3mg W, 1111,1111 they tell the meme. 311 3111111111 thatlenege, the [mute to me let have. em bell tempecen 111119 011113. in wet 5111111111, 1111 the lithe: line, they ante beret thalloto 111 the top of hem, left the mogttureeellmthan. Ehe lltlt were you met weekend the aalkee that 11111111: foe (£21111 .pluekethemupbgthe rates, the inhale fete bill fellow, which ate te bee 111111111211 fez thagmulm‘th hanging m mung. alltheemafo mama nagathee $111111 theaaute, hutpullthem from the rate, that the rate: being hymen, 111112 the Mt“ (pang, 11111111 except PM nee, 11-11 W 11291111111. 191111 thatmmeme 11111121111212 ,mmulttn nubile mettle withall. 51%, [1111311111er Mes, 11111111111111. tec toughen thetatuflthmannuhee; they are plant 1211 all"! the tales filth we: the cam 12111 mutt m mobeiute' a “mm-11111113111111 Ehettemhu inhetc 911111111111 to fettheut, 1111111 Rana [ate 11 (met, m alheftfluluttehth, wherein 11111111111 false you: Mega («mmuwm make @1111: but 1 Wlnghwwwmmmmfefh 21111111111111 little 1111134111011 mmerwnss 303' The (Rant! Booke,entrcatmg mb‘maltethe -t0t¢8 the greater. . Cato inanimate gents an magma, as gonhuttnetthe tots ”rant: gfietto pull the lent-Mmthe rent; in; itgou ntheelnite bgeake it, the an: Sgt Die, ant mm to' nothing. But you may r a long mp it. ttll you tie it beginne to grow to rm: in which ye’ece fag the Winter time, you may aeiozning tn Catocs mince, cover it with team 02 rush like, left the cult: no hill them,ann in the blazing open it againe, an: nungit well. Some thinke, that the flea piece is ne'ebleu’e to use any thing to the plant, but nnelg to tniene it.. from the tmts,mhith they call the bpengemhete :tngeth 6dr cectaine bubstnith erumplen knotsmerngmnann pleafant foe ballets : which than [after to groin,“ lttaighttnap butheth fozthin hunches like jfennell , am: at length groin to he peiehlg: after it hath aomzennt beareth a 152m}, Eta gténe, am: when it is tipe,ren. 3WD“ 11101110 have ballets of Afpatagus all the ge’ete theough: mhen you habe gatheteu the bertiee,upen the mites that wane aloft by the grounn‘mith Digging, am: you dull babe the rates fenn teeth, new buns out of hann. it is thought, that item: bzealte to 110th the home of aRam, am: {out it, matting it tnell, it will tome tube gmu bpecage. 5n the bpging time they make a new gun ballet,being {on in tea: teem fatte Beuzthfill they be tennet : to; irgou teeth them tm much,‘theglnillmafie amt). When thegbefon, they Metre them with minegar, mete, 13mm: ann batman!) fo eate them :‘ ceasing {cienn V‘Vxlllam Prat. bet? fhilfnll in theremattete, tel. leth me, thegeutthem in [mall pe’etes like witeganb after they babepathoglen them,- hutterthem with Mt matter, a little minegatannlbepper. ' mm. which the @113:st 75W”, the. latices Ruram, \ theataliaus Rutachc , the bpaniaths Ruda,.the jftenthmen Rude dc gardin,“ plantenat the em: ofjebguaw, 02m Qfiattb, worming mun nzie «an beatnik sewn», itaatbpzteth both Wrmwng ,. tnhieh‘ nit thumb! mainltght in; _it «not nelighteth'in atheist: . anu tubes-all other: plants, will Ming of the I‘e’ene,‘this‘ then M t'nill neiex me it.'- athe- been: being mu m, m retm;the,bp;ing,;piu m mu . . ‘,-hhtif!gou amen: theclb wet, it Died) ; Mghghtethfie mum 3195 me. am being am (a theztazg t ‘ ~ 6f the order of Gardening? ‘ "12¢? A reththebettetdtiorotueo mithtumngmedtumming others otheeo,ann cannot abine the pzerente of an undeane mo, ' man. mm: is sauce in may Lauich,in french Laiauc, in‘ wheelie Matti-fin ataxian Laauca, e. to in iLatine, in bpania) Lame; Lechugafinhereof befioes the with, there me then: kinoee, one Implemanothec heaooeoathico tounoflt the one of febwa- mine are to tote it,that it man be temobeo about flpzil o; Way. in hot ¢ountties they fem itin ganuatm: in Eeeembemoith intent to remobe it in fiebzuanz : but you may tofu it at any time of the peace,fo the growth be gmofinrll Bungee, e loatreo. When you cemobe them,the roots mutt be porno ano rubben o, be: mith onngnno (nth as be alreaog planteo, theic tints mutt he pateo e oungcozthee lobe a goon grounmmo'ett 0 well nungoo, they fpeeao the better( if you M by them the nape»; when they begin to aalkeJhe flolke being tenoeeh: eloben, you lay upon it a eloo oza Eilethatoztheiz will be white e tenoem'fpou fpginkle the m often with most tine Dates befozefl)?! be gathereo,theic tops be tpeo up,theg mill be tonne ano abbeogen'. 3f the route being eemmbeo when it is groinne a hanb bzoao in heigth, be patch one frame with teeth Com oungmno earth eatt about it, be well inatteo,ano tnhen it geometh.high,the top be out, apot: than: loin upon it,the {mam alto they will bezthe moge you re; amine the fialhe from (heating up, which mutt has 3 rain, be kept ootnne with tome Rout oz baeighhthat they: may rpzean the better. at the itettufe chaunee be tearon or the bannen'e of the tome, the focus, 0: the feafon, to more horn, the comma hing ofittoiu'b .ing it ugaine to his tenoetnea'e : itmill habe run 2122 am oibeto touts, if takingaztenole of hhoéepe, o; @oatee Dung, nun bellowing it cunninglg tnith an amlmgou thmlt into. it the {done of gettufe ,. «recites, xenon, Rocket, bmallage', fiercely, ano moose), one after mapping it in Dungeon put itintofomgqih gtouno one matet it trelt. Ehe 132mm , - uibmauaoe: oath to route, throwers exam in height, “limit“ the take of ebeth one. Contiaotinc afflfa moth itettufeu be aniogtt am: mlohe’firbm quenthet ofthira‘, one cantor of W zone that being bogleo‘, it nofitiflietb mum abated) “Mitt, f0; mbitljfbéfythago'fians (all it gunmen. 6919! metre the em at: emfitiwgc‘aggjg I ‘E-din. ColworuS 'p‘ a, l E ThéSdEKfldBéokéffiFrear“ in}; Mammmu, lohoiahisgeuthliaaltnmutetoerte , itwa. ano afterin his eloer were! borleo , Inherelm helrept ‘ Wong in ma temperature. Endivc,iu native, Imubam. o; Inrubugnot unlike the lettufe, tome call it Garner: butane, the Dutchmen, ano drummer! fort, Endivianytbe italians am the french, Cicoriamfibt bpam'aros, Endibia: it is [0mm as other warren hearbs in warrh, it lobeth moiiture am gun earth, butlzou mutt make your bees mhmgoaroioitthe flat: ter, leit the earth falling abag,the routes be barenzmhen it hath put forth leaner, you mutt remmue it into inell hunger aroma; ‘ that which is (ohm befo;e the kalenns of aalmoth come to fan: but thattnhirh is fomne afterl'eeeeth not. you man l’o’m that bhithyou wouln habeto ferbe you in winter, in SDrtober, in marine ttonie places for ballets in ininter : they are atthr’e Bag when his leabes be out, to tolr them up together, am: tie them rouno in the toplm'th tome rmall thing, robering them with fame little earthen beEell, the routes mu remaining to maria) themhrithall : than being they will grain to be white m rennet; - arm to late a great part of their bitterneafe. at is tail, that they will be white , ifther: be rpginklen a tem. hairs madmamlpinguponfano, be barber with the taint.- Sun thus in canine with his enrreafe preterm: al wrumg‘m there be, that contentingthemfelm with letl'e W ann la. hour, one onelu tuber them with earth, others againe with Bram: this Inner of wintering ofit. is note in eberg plate genuine to be common. T a! A. 3 re all'o in this pleafant diatom Colwoorrs, that be Comm folkesbefo knell arquainteb with. Mn 1 v s. at iemr'etemg Gama thoulo usttoant that, tohtrh as you knob Cato preferreth before all other hearher, in nefrribim the loonnert'nll properties arm urea thereof: am: this plate 3 onelp appoint to; truth common warheads, as Col- woomwieree, mite, animmapee. mum? m concealment), warlike am: W: the WWW a place by themrelhee, mas themture ofebergone warmth. waists commonly alien in latiae Bramca, ”(7:013an W69, in french Dark, in Italian cure, in pp» mygxza‘, in Nth Ken. the ole tom mate as; o I oft'he order ofGardcmng: ' (oi-g mutt, as attain m theta be. me»: with suntan... wannabes, abtgfiatle ant abet}; mutftul. this that t. tenement? humane, which being the pleafantet in Winter, when it is bitten bath the frets, isl’onmith Eaten, ann ufen in W. Ebe tennet pan: ofthe top being a little bomb, “(mm ballets, batten with 0212 annfalt. the retonb feat Im'thtbe ttuntplen leafs, of the cefemblante that it bath to haulage,“ tulle! Seiinoeie 93 Apiariafiffl}: common MIG eunnplen Cell, 03 bzintklen «Soil. El): thitn feet which in papal? GIMCtambc,batb a (matte: nalke ant: teamfmmth, tennet, an» net berg full of time. mhe fourth feet is the great Cabbenge, mith‘ bzean leaves ann a gteat hean, canon in mutth Rappcs,t'n french Chou: ‘Cebuz, of the olnmzitets Tritiana Brafl‘xa, annthie binne is uncle mot]? fetbg; an Germanic there is one time ofthem that they tell Wham: tanning a; babe}; convent , tweeter then the other; ann not able to en; hate the winter: ann another with berg bzoan leabes tunn- plen, ann fulleftnztnhlembnt a great neatehlatket; bhieh its: {tans tall Nigrecaulcs , am: the iLattnes N13“ Buflica, oftyc number of that that then eat! ammonia: ten coll , of the nine matters Mamcina Bramca. where are befines other feats, tag ting their names of the Counttep where they gum), as Aricim ann Curmna. Ehe belt time fez rettl'ng ann raining of any beetsfisa the anes e! Spent. in rain anb cagnie than; tries, the it is mmgeb ann taken, the bettet a great Beale will the Connogts be: tome ute to rain them about the antenna «mama: the thiefeit of it goeth entin leafe, arm when it is once cut, makcth no gmo ttalke fee the Winter after: pet magmttuife remoue gone gteatett (tell, ant: if you to bee , mtball hate both meet rate ann better gain: to; Me a. bummeth with reeee, asit isfotaen with no late amantage then nape ran. #03 the making staple, anthem maybe (omen all the gate long,bnt thiefelg in With aflet itis (omen, It appeateth within ten eaves erecptpeut rem be eln am my, in; ole fame mill gtnmmmapes, as on aw: feene bit! to (ob innate. mine rag itpeefpeteu) belt in Fault grennb , ants them they stein eatnponme gtm-fiaitbeetet o; athes, Momma: millet; in! meat» m5 1 t . 2i- 59111139. 76?.- . Thefida'nd Bastaefiafemng eMbhen it hath =put teeth useleaoeo , one that lnhen the booths: to ratnie, fo thatgou‘tobet thetgte hefoee with little m hung, ano togap it in btabdbt, one to let it. 99022 hilt: gents to to be urea about the £abbebge,; it mutt be Mom in match in the full of the 919mm, that tt may remaine in the grouno than mmnes, ano In @512 you mufi take them up, any t'et them agatne ttno toote arunnec. ‘Ehe grounn mutt omen niggen tohece you let them, am: as fafi as they gun), the catch mutt be calfeu up about them do that there appeatenomoze than the hero tops of them : to; to route them to gcotn fatre ans gteat , you mutt as oft as you temo‘oe them, hanks them up with earth aboutthem, that nothing but the leabes appetite. ant thus you mutt often one to all the ktnoes of them, the hoate ftotts makethem habe a mentor r tnietnetl’e. Ehe mine; cam (they fag) where ctollnozts goon), Doe yo’elb the leaflet minesgno the otolleoetupteththe wine. . 39m [to hereby bplnage, ro teatmeo (as you may know) of the potting (senesnalleo tn aLattne Spinacia, ano events in amumhpanith, frond), ano mutthzttisl'otnne asthol’e be; fogea’n Qatd),3pzlll,aflbffl till beptembet :if it may be well toatreont tfimeth up in Feaben oagos alter the romlnmou than not nane to tenuobe it. ache rem mutt pgerently after the {owing be coheren, ans aftermath well tuteoeo : it re ful‘eth no klnoe of gtouno,but pmrpetethilt every plate : you mutt often out it, to; “continually: gtolneth: it is to be bopleb without a. my water, where in 1the bovltng it both well: great tinge of tugte,ano toutenting it relfe with his otune liqueur, it aquiceth none othet. anemmmm beaten ano fhrreu tmth the la- ole,tl'll the dammlnetle be gonen't is moot. up in little balles, the tuite ficaineo suganbbogleo upon a othafonuuh with fiDple oz lButtu, fomo auoetheteunto mettutre, o; the take ofromge ampesno makethe tafl‘e moze tart. 3 them you in ogoer as you fee, all my kitthiu health“: not» follolneth Sorrcll, taller: in Wine, Acccel‘a, in italian likelm'l’e, in “apamth, Roman, in french, Oxclla, in match Surick, of the rowerneu'e thereof. Ehete are runozg rozts of it : toe habe at this bag ttoo klnos, thegatoen bozrell ano thehu'loe, tnhtth are pleafant both in Mwmueto, ano ofthlo heatbe. the tome M at? 1;? ' l ' D e j _ a! the order ofGardeninE.‘ 39; main tat,- Mfmlltt intents: it totem.“ allothu’ patiently: are; anolt grotoeth of it telte in Women uni.- Omens. Cumin nno Coriander teqnito inellozozeo gtounn ; they are row in the bpzinmno mat he inell tween. awn; Cummin minis ealleo in iLatine, Cuminum, anti almolt Illicit! all other ""d ' mm: it is (nine: belt (as they thinke) with cutting ano ereeration,thnt it may pzol’per the better. 1: to, talleo Coriander; in Katine Coriandum, am: is almott be the in tune in all other tongues: it both belt pzofpei: when it is romeo offe'eoe that is 011123.: Smaflcdgc ano Patfly, talleo ltt iLatine, Apium Fenofclinumfiflh A pium botanic, in italian, Apto domeflico, Smudge aflb'Pctrofcllo, inbpanilh, Pctcrfillic, gFetctlln : it is romeo»: Patflca. at the Acquinoétiollfit the bpzing time,the r e‘en beaten 8 little, ano mane upineoiinn pelletszloe call it Acquinoaiall when the night ann the have: are of equal! length obet all the mozln : that is, when the 911mm, the «laptaine ano anthem of the other lights, the berg route of the “angle, both enter into the lignes of Aries ant: Libra. at is thoughttn mother the better the other the rim is, ant: to ~fpzing the l'mnec : iteommeth up the fiftieth oat], o: at the rmnett the. fogtieth has: after that it is cute {chine : inhen it ieonee loinne, it abioeth a long time, it re; ioyeeth in water 0; met.Fcncll,in Stalian Fcnocbio,in bpam'a; F mu Hiaozo, in freneh Fcnoil, in EWCD Fenchcl, is romeointhe ' beginning or the bpeingnn hot funny plates, ltong groaning a; n2 gtonno: being once fomne, it fptings ever}? we. Annifc, in Mm latine Anifum, to knoinne in molt tongues, as cummin am Cmianner : tequiteth a grown: inell ozuzeo anti beaten, D yll,in Latine Antillum,lfl french, ann italian almolt re,in bpanith E'acldo= in Dutch Dyll, enouteth ano abineth all hinoe of then. D) u. there, butnelighte melt in marine gtounbzif it he not inelllnm tree, it mutt be romeo thinner. home new: eobec the feeoes when they loin them l’uppofing that no faith tnitl meoble with _ it : it mmmethup alto of it telfe- as fiennell Both. Chcrvill, in Chemlb latine Ccrofolium,iu mutt!) Kcrbdl, in ataliau Gingidia, "1 french Cerfueil. oetieeth agmn gtonnomoilu melloungen: {fits folwl miththe tea in toll: pluesanthistame moneth the!) a to tow Bcctcs, though you may tote them when you will at a- 3.5:“, at? “be! timeof the here” Spinagefit is a common (Evening? - ea "Ir-w l‘ ‘5; ' h 8 , Garden CI‘KC‘O ‘ I . i w- h - _.,. ..... 2.”. i: '3: ‘.:. . .104" ‘ Thes’feconflBoofte,enmmg , e, "1 9&3“ch tall tt in italian Beitola, in- firm Acclgzfim Mb Beet. 08 Mangclt. 330 .qBacocn bathe but! Stcateg’ tubes, to that with one owing, tt geometh like a 90!"! “a; ‘ at is alleo Beta, betaul'e when it (tenth, “is ( as Columella ' minnow) like the mike letter- .a. where be two roete of them the but: am: the blacke, the ozoztng oftheni is nttet one rozti it to romeo (meets, boztell, one Rabbit!) ate, in 99mm, 3pm,! , o; . home thinke. the bet! timefoz raining it is white the pomegranate ooth Rowe: it may be romeo nebetthe; letl'e as‘letture, ctole, ano oibete others, atone time of the bummer. Ehe (oboe, the other it is, the better it is to be . foinne,ae are the r cones of hmallageflnataeywatnen «Intros, 981mg, tniloe watlewm, any ttoeianoec, thoth in all othet the netoett be bett. t eommeth up in Summer the on nap, in Inintet the tenth 3 er the towing : it lobeth a mom}, a rich, anoa mellow grouno: you may remove “ when it hath put fmzth fiue leabeo. tryout grouno like well to be ma‘xeo: tf it In Dzie grouno, it mutt be fet in the mo of the fianmmec , as 3 have fainqtolmmztethough it make no meat matter attohat other time you ooe it. When you remove it,gou mutt rub oboe the note with new bung. minis ie peoper to the Bette , that his (due come not all up together , but tome the gate after , fame the thitope'ece : ano therefoze of a great oeale of reeoe , there is at the firtt but a little them; it gtolneth the beoaoet an] the whiter, if when it is fomething gtobne, you lay uponit lite ttonee,o; {nth like,to taure it to rpgeao , as 3 [poke befoge of inflate. slfiatom C rcfl‘u; in thltan Nalluitio, (mu Agrcu to, in ”with Mcflucizn,in {french Crcfics dc jardin, tn mutth Kcrfsme romeo both in the towing, mm at the fallof the leafe, it commeth up the nut nah aftec it is fotone, ano Qllllkttb a; map the moitture from ruth hearts as groin no’ece him : minty leo mith other hearbs, he tateth not mhnotneathet tome, ano thetetoze pgofpereth bothas melt in Winter asin bummet: if it be fobme with itettufe; it commeth up erce’eoinglp, itoe; tighteth in moittute, which it' it tnant,it mill ooe mama: tn watt-9 plane it growth ofit ohme attozo: as about Padcl- bor, “atone in Wcflphalil, it gtotneth in event abunoance in Win, uno therefoze totalleo ot tome Water “on”; . A, _.. “.5; . N ‘, '__‘ mic beck: ofGachnmg: . in“; wallet: intheo‘lb time Sifimbrium. the panther: um} ‘ mam olo, are tents»: toovtbct with mbtte ham tines. Gluten Poppy, much "I lattne Papanee i'atiuum, is thought GM“ m to gtobbthete all: items habe hm bntnt : it Mom in ”F“ We platembith other {Bot-heathen Muflard-fccde, in 1a. Mama. tine Sinapi, in Dutch Sencff, I'n Stalian Scmpe, in Mania) refit. Moflaza, in fireflth Sencvc , there are tint) W8 ,- white ano blaeke .- it is bell to be romeo in the eno ofbnmmemno againe in $attl). when: it is once intone, it is hair: to tin the mount ofit againe, betaure the [ebb ooth ttill groin as it falleth. it lo; ‘ teeth to mom npon bungahile, ano tau bankes. T n n A. 3 to: you babe beep fame RabbiIhes here. M A n 1 v s. flothingro faite as 3 habe haothem, foeibhete Raddifln. as they oelightin the bane, an in marine geouno, my «Bat- benets habe here let them in the thaoooib. Ehe other of them is to be l'et in berg goon guano, ano lying upon the bunne : tome rm; , it both not greatly care to; bung,fo it may habe ehatl'e firemen upon it : inhen it is come to tome gtointh thee innit be eobereo with earth, foe if it aoibgeth onee abobe the grown, the rmteo will neber be gm 0, but hate ano full of pith. at is al- leo hiaomth, bemufeit ette'eoeth all other routes in gteatnll‘e. Plinic mziteth, that he rain at Erford in Germane, Rabbit!) as hinge asthe bong of an infant. at is roteeo thire in the gate, in fehguarg 9; watch, the 99mm being in the inane, left it groin too ninth in leabes, 4 fingers oiflant one from the other : ano againe in guano, which isthe belt [eaten tozvthem. Ehore that you fat aftet the tenth of 3nne,ibill nebec fo'eothe like is to benbl’etbeo in all other fe’eoes : it commeth up tommonlg the thin nah after it isfolnne: in hot ano boutheclp countries, the ioeathec being faite, it gtoteeth (cone to aalke: ano quiche: iv mommy: leabes as they gtolnanufl fiill be trampleo oo‘srn ano trooen upon, whereby the route than groin the greatet: o’ thermir e it unmet!) ibith leabea anb gibeth increafe to the leafe am: not to the tmte : ‘the lette anbthe (mother the leafe is, the miloer ano the mm is the mite : eolo as [me (my, ooth fut, thetthe gmonefle oftlyent; the? fag they initl be beth pleafant, ifthe [an be aéepebfitwe'ebthmz in the ingte‘ofifiaigine : the}! mate Wtheowwthe wipe oath, mtheie bitternetgg t5 ' ' en V. awvwl -\ mfyg‘W-kwv—tr 1 3,"; , r“ a w.‘ a ’ i A . ‘ \ lap. .. _, ." mifr‘ :- H 1," '_ W1“ A ___. ’ g» 'i 56 . .1 Thefico‘iid Bookie, eEtneaein' W’My with mine, anotheretoze tome monlu hm Ba: film lnatrenano nourithen with l’alt haters: being (other: they come to be nary {meet , warm the turne of map»: gt. lien falting,they peoboke bomite,they are hurtful! to the heme; anoto .thetath. maooilh eaten alert}, is a goal pgererbatiuea: gainlt poyl'onzeaten befoee meate,it bzeaheth minoe,ano mono; heth wine .: anhmflet meat it lmreth the belly; it is talleo in 1mm Raphanns, in italian Raphano,in Spatial) Ravano, in firenrh Rave, in IDutth RctiCh. T a n A. where is another kinoe ofthene, that the Euteh men tall Mcrtmiohj take it to be that which the fiomans rah It!) Atmaracia, much commonly in italg Ramaracia, the firm letter mirplaceo. M A a 1 v sgeon ray methbut thieie neonatal! otbeaunehcs, materiel leabee,thinne in bony : the leaves are not unlike to the fozmet mom), but that they are a little thinner anb longer, ‘ am the note flenotrer, ann therefoze there are fome that nenie it to be Armaracia : but here let the iahil’itions conteno. Them Prams: maketh mention of funozy fozts of fiannilh : {his hint: of Rabbit!) hath a bonnetfnll biting taite, a great Beale maze then muttarofe’ea, ano fettheth teams from the eyes of them that eate it: it is let ann planten in this fogt. Ehe we: is tut in a great number ofpws, whereof ebery peete peofpe: reth : fog if you plutke upthie hino of fiaooilh by the rmtte,you may eat off a goon quantitie of the rmte,ano oinining them into {mall pieces, letting the oln tote againe by hiinl'elfe, am: they will all groin ano mofper been well. T n a A. aaaea: hone you gotten the asap: 9 hailherto 31 thought he hat: onely belongeb unto us, fo; the are to loin them after the bunne hath beene at the highett. ana immeoiatcly after our other atoene, to: the fulsfianee both of man ano bean“. M A n 1 v s. manor knell, aniline routitnoln in way, an in watery gronno (miter, an!) in rome platesin July. there ave Diners feats of them, fame of them rouno, tome grow all in length, anti are mott pleal'antin talte, as at Binge, am: in thedioinitry of Bavar. borne againe' of the pantitie ofa Wheat, ano ota hunozeo pouno height; but. the mug: ~.»_ *rygy-a-twyr'nwv-xgwfi fifth-order ofGardcning? = 3;; Mia thew. Ehetet'e anothet him of Rape that the? "a to ram, whiehtatrteth his fine at uttte stone, om: te chiefly planteo tame fozto make mulmfthe mhtth you , the “be; my [puke of, the pallet: in make my; a. m sheath n Buns Rave, m Julian Rapo,‘ at 991mm) Nabo, mwutth Ruben. R ° there is alto anothet 1min keno :th Rapunculmibat gtohaeth half: were high. runoff”, an! team tomb Mt: they gathet in the. Maine hm, harm the cause he mane “b an!) mum; it up by the wtemoo are tt In ballets , fuppofing u: to be a mum ktnoe of lope.” whens alto talleo m Wk: Nave-u; ”Maw, tn Wm Nagus, in match Navct, m Jtauau Naop, in mama, Nabicas, in my Stockrubcn, may be match in the number of Rupee, to; nape: m reme mo change into fiaoene, nun in rome ammo, gnome mto Noyes, Ebere alto lobe to groin in a melt towel, mellow, am aneh stoma : though (nth as groin in fannte mo batten steam, {lube often the (matetttneating. mm are to (on: them m @acch, am (ohm ‘ tome plates heme, as alto in game. {aadneppe in Mite 9“ my». rm, in mm Paflimca, mother tongues llama an]! lathe,“ berg pleatant to be eaten , any requiteth a fat on. rich guano, an! woe oil!!!“ . when» ”be mitt ”8295198 wmceuaugh to gum) in :it is rm: mm in the Ming, auto intheenoofbwnmet. . , .. TH RA. youhaoehecealcointhie Momentum _, M A x 1 v 's. 3 bone to. yellow 681332“ is taller: in {brigad- tine Sifer,in french Chirvillc, in Stalin: Snfcro, in hpaaifb ow. “a Chiriviasfi'n match thrlin, a thinke you knob it. Plinic but; teth,that Tiberius waste in late with this cate, that he eaufeo Canteen to be heard}; bzoaght him out offietmam'e, from the Cattell ochlduba (tanning upon the ahine. at oelighteth in eolo plates, am is romeo befoae the Means of march, am of fame in September: but the thin (mo the bet kinoe arrow; mg as {me thinke, isin 3mm. there is alto mane carat, a hint: of Wflntp. in latine Daucus, in Eula" Dance, to 37am!) Carotc huge, in Dutth Woottzcl, that; are that (up; pore it to be the gellalo taste, that is to mum in wemanie, the? pee to be room in web. at is general! to Rupee, matinee, Wm (accents,9 9mm. amp lakes, 2:; a. .- ~ .:,.~.~ -- :—-++o—— «as WnJEOdREEERMmg . W mum; eghept mt, Wthteflnflj Ithefgwatee. Quake} there acetammtl, theme tal- (3&9:QO anbthe other Bcaiuumi-chmufumws y_ . . [flawe- groqhhr Ihehefimbiioznt lecithin“; .4 r :t oh ' shiegtumnu atalum Forth eapicaw, in bplnib Pucrro {WCwmi‘th matey ~L‘hbehéinrfreneh'l’ormu, the other '[flkg‘ (31:31, . Ieémé’w ch Schnidedch htfihe the often taking 't‘ ., . nude he" ,. mine sites {gunmen minus. Waite m eceuflttiee,‘MDmebtifimatie n; Menus rte, m in' collie: plates, ingbmzth f to taste it to gmine the em: gum the better. mm are to knit up a goon Beale street to; gem: m thinne iLtnnen cloathee, am to to lag them in the W :' but tn make them greater heathen, when it hath mell men cmmthep are toplttthe it up by the blanes,anntatre it to, that as it were hanging am) home up by the earth, it is (man to ill the empty place that lles unbet it, the blanes aunthe ‘ totes tut oft , thee-we to fet the hease, unnetlauing them tm’th at Eilethatn, that as they are not able to mime hymn; tn lengthfihev maul! enttben to grain in bignete arm bmnth. Me lathe Delighteth in goon gtounn, ant hateth {natty Wdhmntu the inning, it mutt be remehen ozretagaine cm: Wt}, that they man,, be the greater. the earth mutt be tmttnmllaqueq about it, any they mutt bemtteo am: taylcu 41p, as S fatu‘befpge‘fiflnhmvou remote them, you mate in the ante! every one a little hole with a pttte of acne. o; ang ”ugeecept Jenn, amthzutt therein a «Cucumber rm, they mitigate tn 5 Emmetfull greatnelte :rome are in (team offlin- aitnbet-fébesto pm: in Rat rene. Es babe beeplauge ans 5% iLeeltes,gonmutt a! a Eteatle of Goats batman!) fillit full of leekeft'ene, fogth'e little (peout at the 6st! telltmm embiumnne altogether in otthunn {0 mm fezth of the gtnunb: ("In this I}; Htcmnnnus Cardin'us mgtfttl), hath be'menlten tn}- ento betrtte. mheg [hall notflttet of Makes 9; melons, that ”beaten Cmnmin aftet. attemmcth up the tenth nay after the towing, unb lafieth two were : the tint were It eontemth tt Wendy with hearing ofleabee, then-m yeemtarethm a 7 f ’ WWW within, the topgamtum mthmmn lamps he Onion: inlltttte Ccpa, e: Cantu atgltan A . Clem! mum chollm' 1m .Oi Mbmmc your“ thcit'tb : is muffins Manna~ % onetime tat . Capimmt'wmbflm mptbtwffik, mt him: an! bean mic mmetbm mymntftenswm as 1. team: am: therefozc mtg Momma nettet us {than c a; thatch in fair: magnum in the Martha @m: undighttthimith grown, . Mammy W ,W, . , J fogs (.olumclla W! hat): the gtwnb mu» unchanging“ map be mellow with the mints: fronts, an!) aftetnnagcg after Incl! nugget agatm, annthe tunes am: wanes tatt out, lain out in hens an (own: tttstallen Emit, hctaufe‘it (apart: Fume; an ant: nt'm'nen below, to; in the mintct it-js left W9 histpp nakw : in tht 9W that the Mann ate pallet 03, anntthtm tam: up in that: plates. Ehc heans at: regatta ifgou plutke a’a may the tales math: nutgtomtngs mm gnu fat than, the; will gang to be new gmatEiqmty Danes byte): m (at them, name the mauve“ math: :15 m. «In thalltbetmflmfik b; tter. 213118 hcanes are (ct m Autuame, tutu whats (anger the: plants unfit gunman: togathet the {mgmhentht {talk is $011312,me mat pmpttnp mithlittlcfiitheuhattht him; making of the talks, [hatter not thg (does, up; bag/kc! talks : which Managua mutt gather heron it be all flatly-g the blacknefic intm Eggs .ofthc [all mm: “1390‘, Pt not have itfaécn but bean, plutke of! theblanz till tlofcbh growth, tothall all thc maintenam got to thcwte. nmnng all othet hcatbmndztht mum is not rubieato .2 mt: fifth: onion; . 99mm,but hatha contrary punt, fog imam ”them at the 9am, an! unearth in the tartar: oftt : pet mate that hath apiuim, that if you fem than inthc matte. th'm' will In the (mafia, annfoinm ; an in thematic, thcggmtu h: the gram, gun the mauve. Eh: tehflflmts mute {big that thcmhtthhQ ate htfi pzefmatb in WMJW: t if . ‘ you nip than in but want, am: arm nth’% ")8 WW: nu the? ht mm ultimate “mammal! thletbvugbi to [alt m*rgct,bctug hangtn up in thy W, to: the Ktunzen ' “bathllmth thtDmn. 3 pzote'tnetotpeglgt,ncfiqugdkfigGufidsg satummumgwim tn gamma. by, 93 $149305!" Nib Knoblaxch, m jtmth Aux, a; grain: to th ”flag: 1 u- *M G 1T3 The’feconcIBooke,’cntreatmg _ Illa: (heathen, hut not haunts, the cause me. am the Wamthe top ma routmtutt wherethetaelmmuuag gubeth both :1th heanann thefeele, asthewngonq gm of thtahlnn ”that is eommonlz folnebmjehm a; 99mm; , enemas to the ntfpontion of the weather, as the wagon is. 3: finale he let in the uppermost part of little narrow tingee, the sashes lein‘g attant route 0; fine inthee one from the other, 9 fit berg nape. arm when the dilebes have pnefogth the um; firing“: when their hlane ate some mytheg mutt be lnell ta. heme: the eftnet he the greater the: ma bezbut (than will hate the heans the geeatec, befeze it grain to (talhe, you than him 0 meath the gréme hlanes togethec, c treat: them to the mute: that tonfinuall- tteaetng upon them mil make them the greater. 3.1 Quebec the Clones mutt he pluehen stunner; let in ten) upon high bothers, that they may {tape the hanger of the totatet ltozmee. they tag the [tent of them tutu tear e if meateafterthemthemte ofjfie'ete tolten at the fire: thus faith 9 tiny M of Menandcr. , T a a A. What heatbe tsthatgonnet, that tommeth upro hieae a many make a ltafie of the aalke, the testes large at} me, the name in thape tiemmg to compare. with the . 'M. A R' IV satislpalieke, oz (Darnell mum, in llatine “'u‘m“ Malua homnfis,tu match Pcppcm’n Juliane jfteneh almoa «in lattm. flan itts the fame thatHomc takethtobe fn Inhalefome to; the bong , mm which of Hcfiodus 6 Martial is re highly mmtuennem ' . flue attemhieh is maze lumberftlllgm ttthe [eaten tame about my the Dunne, to that it may l’erhe tuieae or a Mall, oedas ting.» the turning of his team that tune out): bag it is, though the blame boast thine, which the {Bhelufophets’thmke to he m, by the naming ufhls manta. an Rama, as rPliny “If”. it tommeth- m ream manethe to be like .“ immgtte'emnn rerues melt tea a walking Italhe. at is rutpen at W, data the can of bummer, as alre atjthet tunes, that“ he the Cmflmlltg on of me, it may be tettcamen of ”human: u meat! at my mum mug; J ..‘ 9£ehcmdcr of Gardening I“! i anonmtbe remobeo when it rommeth to hate fonre oefihe team, itguotneth belt tohenitis young: when it romeoto. begreater , itliee in the removing. me life it both fo; the pot an!) to; fallen. the tatte is better when it is not remoneo: you mnitfotn itbut thinne foggrolning too ranke, ano inthe mioaerrhem, yon innit lap little eloos ”tones, it requi; rethcntttinnilll raking, ano maueth better: the steam) where it when. " . fleet there 3 place ibnrnaine inhirh is an ortellent ballet hearhe ano loheth a fertill fogle, ano though it may be romne almoit in any monthmt the marmelt is the he&,as apeimpag, June oz September. landmines are an ettellentineanuve to; them 02 to; an? other ballet hearbe, but abobe all the): lobe o_:ie Butt ann houre r weeping: ; they are apt to then their reeoe, inhenre it mines that agwuno onre pellet of them millfel- oome inant them, thegmag alto be remmbeo, arm will pen; (per much the better‘. it!” Latines call it Pormiacammtth the italiansit hath the Putflaine. tame name,in bpam'ib V crdolaga,in grenrh ano match P or- chcllc, it ieiomeo in aaroens , am: well ozogeo ooth groin the better,ano fpzencth the farther,it hath a blarhe fe’eoe groinlng‘in little greene raps. Bugloz‘c is at this bag with the {Bothiraries rallen 1503852, Blsrofi‘ though they oiifer fomething in the flame, ano in berg om ihegace tino rnnozg Iaearbes: to; fame call the common image, the letter Buglore, ano the greater fiuglore is thought to bctbat which Dioi‘coridcs talleth Circium, tbt true Euglofe: the flames of both roots are Web in Qallets am in mine, beranfe it maketh the heart merry, ano therefo2e is ralleo in Greene Evcrcmfi, that isto fag, element: 'the leaues are all'o ufen in nestling of meates . it is [omen about £19areh,ano onee mime it will neber amplbere is alto a toiloe kinoe of it. 33m are Embariesfinhofe leafles atean errellent pota hearbe ano the fruit the mott holerome berrie,‘ this hearbe of all other moulo be (at of the plant ano not romne;fo; the oft chang, ing ano remobing of it raufeth it to groin bigger ann bigger, whence it comes that 102' oge are to being mites out gt 3 r 't e a, Serabcrm. o- _ . . . "it z The {econd Boeke;cmeating. (befits, wwngret'mfl‘p in the flatten, worm mum: mtm‘efimtmt. tam ammuetbe: Minty: ‘ ‘ WWW-rm lemmas, ozfztthelmlue » tntbm‘p am z'annfobmtvge than mzamtyelmua finite in are! inthehpmig, aqnmthe can of hummer. flan at, it ninety nfltt Item mannemgmmnsin gteatplentp, 1 fit {MMWWR mmfimmw being bgtughtinta thwacnem-um‘ltebtetb'm runny plates, ,ann gmn mining, gammy; amatnealc maze annbettet ftuit: it cre’npeth upon the‘gg‘nunn without a italhe mm) rmall firings tom ming from tote, inith a white deluge, ann aleafe like a Etteteile, in; fltenabout. the berries, hlbltb isthe fruit, are ten, am tatte new pleafantlg: the Watch mm tall them Erdbern, the firembmen'Frcfi-s. there is another fruitthnt gtntneth tome: thing higherfinhore berry is alto like the strawberry, Diofco- MP“, rides (emanate (all it Rubus mm, a): mm of Ida, be: . i i {It {1th ingteat abunnaute upon the gamutaine Ida. ” ‘3} full pzithles, astheothct bgainbles are, butfnft aim tennet. full inf bzanthes ann whitifl) leaves, it beateth canoe berries, toluething paler thanthe btrambetrg, aim hen: plea: iéntigglh. Elbe Datthmen tall“ Imbercn, the frendjmm y n - m 3. y ‘ . " f "‘thi‘B ‘! place Liquetire o; Lima: to much of the .¢, jib who ( to; the {mall quantitie they hate growing) 'Tie'thebettot‘allnatiom '; gnlatim DulcisRadlx in arm at} Regolifiajfi bpam'a Regaliza,tn3fttntbRediflcfinmutth atits, 03 Susfilolts. '. 3t grometh hen: plentiful! about the weine, 3t isretefpoimg tpzings ofthe tmte: asthe fioppe i9, in min: tight grounn anu funnie. Gert this 3! plate fmal measinsgallen in mum: Ribt‘s, mums (all at this nag Ribcs, am: the Watchmen Saint Small Rea- Iohns 13:33:16, beeaure abwt @ibfllmmcc itis gamilhtn with 2"“ an ant: nth berries. having atacte taut, quenching thira, thiefl'y , the raging ann extreame thirtt of tenets, an!) rolling the ltmttmkthuh the apathecaties in bugs: a; teeny he's; e the were: its thought it was unknown: to the all: mgitcrs: - ‘ 1.3mm a rommon bath ufcb to; winning of (Earl hesitant: making of Embers ann Sweats: itlmll eafilp ' grout, Liquuifco .gofedjgcmdgr'of fiandcmngm :1; grain, battbatflb l‘mzlbing Manhunt,“ mfanafbta warp: mutilate}: but about mutant-buttress -M A n x v s. melanaunbitb fame, want: then an famt. amt: uh: mama“ about“) an aflth: hint; nfdtucumb’cra, am In anthfitpancs, which the £251:an talHBnmpcnns. mo (mums m tallebin mane Cucumcr, in 3mm Cu. 5 cumcxe a; chmolo, in french inn mam; Cocumbrc. Elfin than: to pomamnwntkmuinm, from habit!) than atte- lg aim: in than an!) manuals : when they mean In mamas, they 0mm: pomuns,ana 1»th Bram mean, than arc @elanpomptons : all that: Rinses are tall» by ram Imam («Mamba (Santana calm! the (am, as mu Cucumbers as zesloupomnoas, by tbs m of 130mm an autumn. though there an [mtbat make a “32mm “than: 190mm can an: 99:10:13. mitt»: no: the lamb rattlmngblg agré upon that: namumaz tautthe tcttatuelp fate tuba! ham than!!! mztms meant by pampuuamno Mmmpwua. {Bumpeg on: no: twp: alang upon the guano with tonal) Icahn am: ”How commas an Mutant to ht :atcu mm: a thug ant/lg. 230: (that!!! (on attbcm “up all Succrino, oz Muskpmilfions. Eb: fielcnyompnna amnppat‘cn ta fpzmg an: in Campania, being falbmnea like a Quinn. [this kinbe banned) not, but aromctb taannlgtng upon the manual: being “mm mm the Mitt. , . , a bum Grammars are calm (linings! their We: ”at “)0? be n’paanb Ilia Cindi,” Ciueolt, they grab I“ in 1&8“), ann arerpattzn as the titans are : tame bum Marin, am he «Inn in italiaa Cucuflz Marina: the (an: Went ts to be a- ten bemzotbn be ripe: they are tut in pawl, m Pattaatmanc at tuna”: mud; abut: tn mum to thaws”. film: is alto auntljat kin"! Catawba nfa huge compass, dmott as big as a human: 0.0mm I» ma (01ch stab, at: to catty great pm a! M to theidabttb than than” tint: tbt‘tfi. you mufi fatafltbcrchtnumgattb. fl]! (6200! m be: at mummy.» am another,“ Wuhan mu Danna gun aun niggcompadam (may gen-no : guinea lay them tn wake, in: mater’ammu‘et, wait have“ an afteraztc them auutow'memo maxim babe-tazmbmlutaut. mm mm ' $34. ' bl" ucum: era. Gourd. . 1r . THE-EcondBookcgt-ifircatmg. h fiery float intuit; iftheir te'eaes be kept many aayes as . mans unreleabea.;9aiir fiutnmbera Qallhe long e tenaer,it you fat nnner them mater in a beam befall-Jinn hanafula uncer them. mhey Delight in mater r a math as if they be mt air, they mil yet bena tamara 190 if they hang a; hafie any any,they tail! gram rrmheam alfa if you‘ret ayle by them, which they great- ' ly abhazre. Eh: flamers being rattetea ta gratain pipes, on grain-a mannerfnll length. Ehey lobe not the Winter na maze then Both the (bomb, laheteunta they are almatt like in nature : fa: the Weighs leanea,ana the rlarpers, are like at them bath: but the (blunt is maze bufiz in tlimhing, ra that with halty grainth, it rpgeaaeth quickly abet the heathen ana ,bammer-haufeemtnning up by the malls, ann mounting up to the bety Eilee at the haurea, habing a great fruit of a man; arena bignen‘e : hanging byarmall talke, in fathian like a years, ann gre’ene in talanr, although When it hath flaw- tea, it will grain in what falbian you will habe it : they fay , there hath bane fame of them nine faate in length. Ehe ranna anee alfa grate to be area to: great bettela : the rinae at the new anea,ie rattana tenaegbat afthe ala aneshare, whemfmhen the meate is ant, trabailere make great battels tatarty azinke in. the mourns that are later: to be eaten in bummemre funazy in thape, fame are raana, fame lang, fame hgaaazana thaugh the fathian be others, yet the natureis all enee'fazitisinau by an to grain in what 'lhape you mill, as inthe faeme'at‘ a creeping-menu, a; mhat yau lift: they mallet in 3min)! Zuma, in bpanilh Calabaz, in 9911th Kuirbifch,‘ in fund; Vnc course. the [ether that the (Damn beareth netttatheialheue Fdladiusl‘aith) are langelt, they ill the mimefl maria that's that lie on the the, meet, hgaaae, ann ilatzifyau fat the thatpe cm: at the lane mmmara, as Column: faith, yan thall’habe them both greatewauraeana £nmmbera.3t Delighteth in a maylt, mhfiaell antigen, e well marten wnnarhat whitheemeth without mater, between ‘fledanm Emit; am that Web bath water enough, at!» the lefe linking tmmhe Rainer: where they be fee, must heiiggra a tcatee a halfe beepeJhe thirn part “thereof math Ellen mltb talnmmthenlaith gran rith maula: it innit be txllea'ta t3: . nulae , of the order of Gardening." " I t 5' mimflnhen tr fines being l’et, mutt be lumen, till they be (pungent: aftegeatth lain to them out nether grew, ttll the fatten) be anon. Ehtg mutt he ftt thinnefino ftnt Manner, tt tt mmeth up in fire 0; (eaten have: after the fetttng. I: here that are re: in taste gmunnmmfi he hem melt munnghetefoze thwart tnfet by them earthen pots fuller water, with tenses oz ekutstnthtm to water themmahen then healtttlememen, they mutt have helpts fet In: them to tltmbe upon, the lung": they be,the better the mate is. you mutt beware theee come no woman me there gen fet them, to; their pgerenee oath greatly hurt them. Ehnfe that ecu kt’epe to; fe’ene, you mutt rutferto rematne upon the (lathe till Winter, ann then gm thee them , am: one them, eythet in the bunne oz tn the fmeake, to: othettntre the {due mm rot ann petith. I heemll long be weather), anb eontt'nue freth, if after they be gatheteo, the? be put into a dare refit" mu) the a1. es of white mine, a; hanger: In a heflell of aintgado. that they) tenth net the mine; . gar. 33m there 3 plate the iBattithd), a; Sttiehnthh- It is a kinne offihiflellmg the ntltgenee of the warnnemeught to be “Mac” a goat: @arhen iaeathemnn tn greatettimatt'nn at jpoblemens tables: It is as mt fee, frame!) truth a tonne pgt’tklg heab, ha~ hing a greatl’ozt of gluten fet in Inner fiapletm're. mhe ate: ttnestal! itstrobilum, betaufe the fruit of it remetht'ng t2: {embleththe {Dineapplm Ehe aftenthmen tall it. Akicocalum er the Atsbickt attttle ALann Cocalos a pineapple, luheeeeft’t is tagtupttg tauen Artichault, in 3 talian ann bpam’th Cardo, in EntthJemettme by the fiend) name, femettme strobrin. 3tt's tallen of Columclla Cinare, hetaufein his growing, he thiefely eelighteth in mommy rim betrouen in watch, am: the fete in finhtmbet :1! gen hail! hat): it {36210 mat in the bpzinwm mutt-beam much athesnpen it at will halal}? hearethe fut! yt’ete that it is (amen. mutate that yen fetnotthel’t’ene with the Wong enn ammo, fog In that! gene aaitherh pm: my ltttle an: will fammen : 3t lnbeth gmn gmunb ann trell tantra, anupzofpeteth belt in fatgtnunn. Palladius mtuln hate gen mozteber, te retthe {tents in teen menu hm; In, the mutate of the, mane , hatfe arfmte gr um ,. Safiron. ms mmnamogmnsmg r k "duo‘wtm'epegoutm ' gthnn‘tnthzéeotyontfingeta, 59m hem oomnnnll‘tho eat h come tothefictt llyuts of your . ngetsfihen sober thtm tenoeflyfinomatet them often, (put; ally tomato bummenfotbnll you hats: the hinge: fmlt.:mhen they groin np,they molt be continuolly him nno omen, no 3 l'nlo,mith ameeflbey fny,they null lcofe then: p._zickles,ifthe tops ofthe feeoe be mane blunt upon :1 Cone hefoze they be fet: nno flocktthey mill be," the fetus he lain tn willie.“ you malt keep: them from 90ml“ ono Shiite, with tints oztame mac- relegate Racllius teacheth you. Athenzus talleth the Enlke of the attt'choch,m “m: , th 1t licth upon the gcouno,nnothat which finnoeth uptight, naviu. all may be romne tn febgnarg o; finah the 99mm tnttenlfng, the {oboe mutt not be fomne to. .gcthec,hut let one by one no afo‘zel'nio, yet if you can pgocnce them} rather mm, you to rot them from nippeo ozyoung plane; then fobthem from I’e‘eo, to; they one to naturally lone the earth, that you can hatoly flippe ro mate a leaf: “mill not take cmten’t‘ you {om them from the {lemon mutt bee [are to tea mane them after their on: twinning, to; to thefmtthu‘ll bee mnth 1mm bettet'. T H 1 A. Well. what betcha is ymocc fame that com; meth up no it were hntm,tnlth n blelm'th flame: nun pale, bd- him in the mind! otthe belles, as it (new, time yellow row I! MA 11 I v s. it is button. in 036” "4'5"“, in lotine Cw: ms, in Jtnlinn nno foenehJo in bpaniu; Acufi-an. T u x A . what noeoe toe cure any mm to: eythet Coricum, Sicill, o; Gym, feont bhence we fetch it mtthrogrent that; gen 9 . ‘M u r v s. pen, thcce goobeth great plentle ofit in wet. 'munlaabout Spires, an! others othet ptnceo, which may com patent gmonea’e mithnny othet place. at Met in search, of thehea’lothntit hath rouno, nnoin dzlobes as the lLyllt’e, the whennothe éoca mm. Conflmine nt'tlcmeth. thntttmoy he fet oNhe cmte,‘ as tonne no the anther is on. mhe votes 0; at heaos own: more are unurthe gconno, that ofone ofthem Come yoere fhn’nneth eight o; ntne others. 3n sunny places they are mnobeo enacy Month to; eight ye’ete tnto better - '- grouno, phhe order ofiGardenmg.~~ i 17 man, thereby thepmmeagaineto be as gene as atthe firth 3am (nannies lying atcut the Rhine, thee pluelie them up emptbltbtim, aim lay them it begins in the flame tillgiu. gut}, nun then pulling sit the eutetrhin, they let them again: halre a rim one item the ethic: the he! heals ate there that are fattelhe hate little hasten, the mom lmlie tottenliz are ill fammeely, me have an I'lll'abmlt:3t aelightethtegmp be high tray-es ann titre rpgiiigmnnte he‘ttnan ant tramplen on, warming as it were by “leflm : it gmtueth game all the m inter, it is gatheren in autumn, when it iseeme to his talent, by: plntliing out the little yellow Names from the bill, which are methane azienthga': o; inure Dates tegetheyane lnell mien uni purgeuiinro time up in more: :feme thmhe it belt tomgitin the ‘Ihamm. at is traftile twntetfeiten b2 the apotheeau'ee, heaving itinrtn Stine, trhiththeiz befmeate, arming theteto the remit of mm a; lean to entteate the height, the (raft is petteiben be the autumn thereof, am by the fa, tour at” the fab mine. Ehe were of the main,“ it aatkle be- twerne the hams as a bgittle thing, whirhthe mantetfait both . net,ez i tin putting it to peat mouth,“ ea ufe gene eyes to water. w heretoze,the bet is that which is new, am: hath a pleurant tmell,m eeltae like tn mu, inn bieth thefingecs in teething it. an watch you melt purge the gtcaan tthete it gtnieeth, anti theme: he plueke it up 0; notmetinithfianbing, ether hearbee may my bell groin there until! Bugattabutaeine, aaatfley, . s: («eh likehearbs nee belt groin there. flnnbheii the button beginneth tb atmz‘emtu mutt tin may the ether heaths : to; in . Emit-{u time abeut September 02 mm itllemzeth. K Efthe meeting of morematie. 3 inilll’peake a littellfihere Rofemary. are whithfuppofe it to he the {me Irhith the 152$ he; tall, . ; Macém- hemateit fattuieth like frantmeenfe, t'fl iatine It is taHBBRofmeeinlts,ahb in 8110“)!!! t0m5fl.hfip¢tb the m. me, it recheth both fez pleafute aim pzcfit. Theophraflus nae teth tine hintee ct it , a beeraine, ante-Ii ftm’tfnll, can is let nftnzallflipsin fipzill: itis retfetbp ‘irtmeu to; their plea; mime gitin in ranting pit-rogtims, as in the'fallim of a cart, 8 peteike, ezfuth like things asthep fanfi'e. 3t Delighteth in : .. flenieo: mug!) game, an in the tnpsie the [in encterieniln .. itt e . Sage. Mints. Pimperncl. H nyP a Sava lie. ‘ In)”. 1 1'8 Thechond Bookc,entrcating littlehnfkee lohit‘e ano menu. at aomnth tlnit'e a géete,iu a): gluing, an!) in the one of bummer: it to gatheteo {tom spay tell beptenthee , nno ttteg'oo to pluehe oathe aolme often , that it may not floloze to math. 3 n the higher parts of fame it geometh tmloe in fuch plenttee that theme"; almolt no other felnell: ltlstn eolo Countneem winter rettn tellers {Inn hot hou'eo 9 anon 52MB? 358W 1“ the Swing into the (1530 ' oen. wheceew mac heme. that when you [no lm’ngtt out, you kapett team the 99ml) butane, letting it in the an a. new, neonainttng it belittle ano little with the agree : tome are to houfeit with btealo one Boereeonng , sun to leabe it in the 65mm Sogo,ialattne Salvia, ano like inothet languages, is an {acute common tn 2th Queen : itto planteohoth of the fe’eoe, ann ofthe dip, in patch, in an! kinoe of gtounu, it maketh no matter when: the gunmen are to lag bucking albee about it, tnhetebgtt pzofpeteth the hotter. 33m to .159, 13 Mint, in lattne Memo, in Dutch M yntz, ("Julian ann freneh, after the utine,in bpmilh ch bucna : it to planten ann ogoeeoin allthinge as begets: it pmfpeteth both in 1129 ann met gtounoe, nno gtolneth lnell be meters. 5! you lathe (tampon may take the {tone of'the nn'loe yint, ano fet them with the tops oomnmatb, whereby they lhall leabe theic tanknea’e; nan being onte (alone oz l’et,gcolneth ebetg pm. Pimpemcll, tnlLatine Pimpinella, teul’eo both tn the Bttthin, nnotn {Bhlflckez one being onteromne, gtotneth magnate, both in runnle places am in (name: it gtotneth in mail pm. tea mane. Hylbpe,t'n latine H lfibpus, anofo calleo in molt mongneein Nope: neommon lambe. ltnolnne toeberp wacoenet :it neuteth,though no funny grounomet gmo ano rid) grouno, it to planteo both of the flea. ann of the flippe : when it hathonce taken eat, it enteth not to; the (harpneae ofloin, hr: Savoric,ln EatineSnurcla,oz,ae Columellal'aitl), Cunila, in Station Coniclh. Savorcggia, Thymbre, in frenchsavorcie, in butch Kuuclzwibclhifop, gromelbin Immune places, an toretanot'omeo aethe plants befoec. Ehe nettie that which totnmonlg to tallen Bafyll, in latine Ocymumn‘n {tentthas lien, nno watch, Bofilico: an hecbe that to urea to be l'etm the mint! otkmano inbinoolnee, to} the excellent fauouc the: l Oftbt‘order of Gardening? 1, 1; (thug: itteall'o gm'fozfl)‘ 90¢: itte row in Garth any. mu, ann neltghteth m fume swam, pen mutt put tine {tenet till together. Bafill ts belt matter: atnmne, whereas all other heatbs ateto be batten in the mowing am: in the ebem’ng, it may he nmben in they. Thcophraaus faith,that itpzorpeceth bet, when it tsroben mitt) entree. Matierum, in Latin: Ama: runs, anD-Maiorana, is We in like fozt ul'en: the Eutehanu Madman the flattens call it aftet the natme, the bpaniaxus Amorc— ' dux,the french. Mariolaicnc arm Thyn, in flrahe nstofcori. degann Paulus Ezgineu emu-nu" ; this alto fog the pleafant fa: hour it hath is fet (a pate annimibaraens: it is romenin watch these 0; route r sens together, annhalfe a flute a furnace, in .9939 inhem't geometh to fame height as ”are", it is renumbeb.. Time, mete ofkinneen to there..m french. italianfinu match 11m. like the itatine,in bpantfl) Tomiuo,nelightethin finnieJight, an: {unnie gamma: it fpztngeth otthe runes ann ofthe aim, ann alrontthe unmet, as Thenphraflus fatthe Ehefe thee ten. net anb'nelltate (names are to be {omen with gteathfcne , tie the: in eattheu pots,” in (Earnen hens. {hitherto have a be: rather: unto you‘ruch {Barbs as [ewe to; the Ritehm : mum taufethe later feet ace atfo ettaemenfcz the favoured millnoe mm with the nerttiption of the tea that are ret in was. lens fogthepl‘eatute ofthem, am to; the {about one gammy the rain (bathenefinn retbe alto to; ether parpofee. QDf more, made 3 [puke befoee, 3 will note pzate'ene with thefe that grow berm my fat. Lavender (auto. in Mme. Lavanda, a; L am" Lavendulafijat gromefl) in Where about the 11295, ~ anbtttpeth °' the iatinemme-inothu tongues, both groin m tm’lue. plates am (tome: itis fet of the (lips, anb. temmeen. :itgretneth to Spike m gunmen in sale is gatheteb c then in tumbles to: the {amatezit is nittilleu fez (meet materefbwrc- gendefinlatine Emu Amaranthas, though it habe no [about at all : get hath it a be; semic- h’ghtfnll beautietothe eye 2 the frenchmen,_fo.2 the fattenette of the colours, trailing both arinn‘on ann purple in graine, one call it Pafl'cvcllcurthe-fltalians FiOrVClutO, bazaar; it (an; tenneth in toiout with crimron in gtaine : ttlnbeth to he often gather» ann plutkeb, Inhecebg it rpztngeth the better: the mm W the! be Nam, with, a little mate: tangle ‘ agams Lavender. cottcn. Myfleu. no The "fecond Bookc,bntrcdnng . . ‘ fillet-their colon? : ttls calico Amtrmthue. beware it I» o r 4 La vendcr-cottenzl'ome call it Santoala,uno female heathen}, Enron,in match it is talleo Cyprcllen,in {tenth Cy prezn'tgeois- eth commonly: in dBmmerzinging elven; were. Myncll, in iiatine Myrtus, in 3mm!” Myrto, in bpsm’ih Arabian, in ftemb Mcurtc, in butch Wclichudclber, the leaves are “at much unlike the leaves of the @libe tree, fomething (mallet, with flenoer bunches ann leaves gto ring in once one by an- other, as you (‘8, loith blacks berries, ano leafeo like the pomegranate. at geometh altoages meme: it is let ans rm: both ofthe fseoe ann flippe. sun the melee : but nonhnnlf ‘ a “I ‘ . on: taife up the earth about it: till it be thmhly rotten. been: ruin“ the betties being a little beaten , ans tobeteo in fur, comes ofearth: it oelighteth in continual! loathing: to grab» eth it to a hanbfome height, mate to wallets maths : it looeth to bee mutton inith the mine of men, 0.2 of then. this onelg is to be loonozesst, that otthe liquont thereotnlone, may he titan: all [sets of mine ano Mic: Cato teacheth to make Wine of the betties,being mes , one pntin luster ant hang roooen together: if the): be not when, they come to @912 : holn the mine efthem is mane, Diolcondcs (uitieientlg netlaceth: Plinic tepoeteth that Cato mane thm foets of sayztels, white, ‘ blackemo athito kins, that he talleth connigale : it oelight- ethtogtolubythe Des banhes, as SCIViuS faith, it gromethat this nag commonly in 3taly,along by the hen malts. , a i" 2 notin this place foeget unite, where r an isro pzetious mmnitinablgit is hot ans my,“ niitolueth humus ans ob. mittensfino is ten: tonit'oztable to; locate (tomatks, it he: lighteth in goon ans [sate mouluns isto be [ohms in the height ' fifths bpzing onelzn . 39m this 3 place mgganiemlfi'th hallo but an!) seem. m tellent againtt any helmet: or the litter; the groan]: in which 'it molt togeth, moulo be a little ttonie am: full of Rabbit!» pet in no ntennes unnnngeo: the woneth fittet to: the totem; tilt is watch ans Mptembet,the meme being mm o; In: other mitt fine; it innit be tontfiumllp it!” till it were “the the eatth but am: fathom , to}; hem; ante . bell Emit is the: attains. WWI? \ . Wit ordér' Omhaefilh‘g.‘ ‘ . 11?: {Bowie is come, sun mow, nun much momhetb ,it mull: heroism ina cichtmme-gteunb in the m ‘ W3 of wanhfieptember ant jaowmben - Manner is hot c me am: etcellentagainlt the Itingsebill, Emulsions ofthe meme, ann hatnnelte of mine. it is an _ ham DOW aim mill worm in an: growth, it is to be rum Win the blazing a; fall of the leare, but ifgou In the lli-ppe almifheth the better, aim itis molt comely to; the fetting {02th of knots in wartime. maletizm is hot am: my, ann pzebentethinfettion, ithelpeth flitthes emu other gtiefes preaching from mining (sures, it In; beth to gum) in main ans lam places, the grounn being inell manutea, unn till it be lhott-at lead! an hanbfull high, it mutt be keptlnith continual! matting ; Eb: moiltelt time inthe have is the lieu torch) it in.. aseppeemozt is hot am any, yet of the than mueh maze hot, it is gone againlt all time of atches an! other paine in the legume? semen»; 3t nelighteth in a tithblatke buglefiat ann lmfe,it insult: be reuse in jfebzuatie,mn temohen in beptemr bet. {Bhilipennula is here hot am mic, anb isgmn againl't abs}; fine Bidhesfitomfitmngutpm any greefe worsening from mln mares ; it may he [013m in am: barren, unm'e oz mbelly (Main the methes of £932, Sipzill a; September; it neithet neireth ninth waning no; much batting, but being me mitten to the gtsunn appeaceth renainlg. ”filmmmhieh is not interwar, but rather fupetioz to any befoze geiug, 3 plate the hleu‘en fihiltell, which the italians tall CatduseBcncdiaus,“ is hot ans neg ans bet-1: fobeteigne a: gainlt molt inmate liekneltesfipeeiall fevers anniinfeaionsit fianmheth Maximum: is a gteat tomfoztet of the bmgne, it Dr; lighteth in a rich gamma an a {safe melt tempera mnnln, it mutt be tolmeiiew lhalloin am: not eobeceb abobe than inches page ;thc lick queue: of the mmne is the belt time to rain it nuns in the Msofmauh, 99.12 oz beptember; if you l‘slv alittle fine Bum Wheat with it , molt allutenlt it will 930?!“ much bettet *. - h I In a, £31) whim am stably Gdiflowcrs are by Gcfiflomu out :22 ‘ Thcfccbhd Bookexa‘mdn’g' ‘* f“ I!!! trnelh (up, tblt Salotnon in a" N9 {Minnie pm”; hummer able to attains to this helm ; tome at them gum: [with Ipetfea tttmfou hue, (am with! up: purple. am [late Utth a patting beautiful! gunman :3 mediate the do better! knew nothtng at there In then time. M A n x v 5. film: at: foée thatt’nppofe tt to be «than museum Betontefihieh the warmer tetthtng out at the fielu, an! thawing ditches into the mm of them, tatth ntltgent plantinghabe bzought to thte ettetlemg : other: :htuke u to be tulle! Yceonica ofthebpantam, who flea flaunt: it. home thiuke It to be Ocnamhc, became tt 69mm tntth the mm ; t: utshmb tn 1mm Innate groans : it in My» mum u (blunt commonly tetertbe atppe, as 3 tat» of nutmeg. mhe «Barnum tn the can of humans, can take the mm any tet themtn 13:”, than,” {Bethune when the man came, the: em themtntothett «tellers, anntn tam tonne have. being themabzoen again, am fatter the. to he not» oz then meter» with thetatneat hathbt'me often tune, that tn {my matte ”tellers they hate aubzeaaltthe winter lengtbmagh fitment: of the plamfomeret hen ghe about than. ant: to: in than with than nub {ante-09mm puree” the»: metal! the alt: it often happened) that one toote heareth one yam white flames an: ammo the thtra {petktel o: «mutton. Elms math to; the opinion If the autumn: but beware the $11qu are at this up the euelg emllent @taete ot this muff ettellent flamed Infill therefaze rely enely upon their opt. atone sent! the? “time that militants»; are of other. kiuuee; (omettugteas wakes, Walls-gillmemee. ant: it (cats at 691mm“ that are romne from the teen: ; tome athletes the catastiauthe Qtammellthe cilobe-gilttaotner,the mobeuhe flattenthe manneezgtutaomet . the Benettett‘ the chains- limue a min-tethere.mhich an: of at! other ueuere ma. Meet: new Delicate. an but the Wallmt'llt'unlvet lube no fertile catths,anb may he [obnecithrt it! @auhflnly, e: au- nt. they are better to be planters of fltppee than totem, pet latit. mfllpzetpee Elm; archery tenner, me the mate to plea- (Intthetthe magmas mummy than. me theme it tents. gmtmm: them it; earthen pots m0 balk tum, burg: 2 , , mefif‘thc order ofGardcmng? ”-375; Magnum! mohefrom therl'unne to the (me; any can: themnghmfle ofbtoentee toplaasoflheltet :thep gram ”Wham aenoee ttalheo, mhteh you mac oefeno am rappogtm'th rqnace eraoles main of fphnteo tome, loath the tomb: anlthe tonight of the flowers been!" them.Ehe tohite gunmen you may make ofm cotton: you plate,“ tfgon my“; them 0‘ ”WP“: “but. then F989 lanthe T503211}! up: in the let: of ten totnegnno after then: momma: them (pith the fame lees; ‘tf you tm'll habe'them of afcatlet ten, you thallputmmnilion betmoene thennoe ano the [mall heau growing about the note; if you tooulo hate them bletn, gen thall oiltolne agate oz tibiae bethn’ene the annotate the heao 5 lfgellom, then oiaolue flDgpment‘, tfgteene, ottl‘olne anemia greafemnn thus of other- colouts. * £29m if it pleal'e you to habe them ofmt'pt tolonts, you may alto by gtafttng of tontrat'g colours one into another, attatne you: oefice, ano you may tm’th as great eare gtaftthe dBtllttlolnze as any fiotnee what- roebet, by togm'ng the knots one into anothee o3 floating the notes one into anothegano then mapping them about mitha little fort, fleaneo alke of the fame tolout you inonlo have the dfitlltflomefim eobetmg the place clone with altttlefoft reo mate bell tempeteo ; ano you thall unoetttano that the grafting of williaomes, maketh them etee’eln'ng great, nouhle ano molt onent of colour. mm if you will habe your nun,- fiobaets of where oomiaerouo [mellsmoa may ooe it in this manner, take ttoo 0.: thick great dilutes ano dome them (one: ano ttoentie homes in oamaeke tore mater, then take them out one bgutfe them,ann putthem into a fine tamhgittte caggemnb (o btno them about the not of the «Billtflologe ne'ere to theret; ting on ofthe name, am to plant itin a fine {oft 'ano fettt'll moulo,ano mate: it with the tofe‘tnatet bhecein the «lobes mete Rapeo, mm the aotnze tnht'th fpgingjeth from the fame tmll hafse to indicate a mint fmell of the tlohe one the‘ more toatet , that t mill bza'eoe both oelt'ght annnmonaec, aflin we ramema'nnot you take a tithe offitnamon ammo 1t Wetnatenanothenbzuife it a 'noihaoafoeem 3811‘ the names will fmell mangele o inanton.3f you take. WW '2 the“ mm! (m goo mist tt one Montana. ogoppg ~ ' I I .‘md-I-—'.L . ___' * ‘ 2334 ThafmJ-‘Bookc, entreaung m Rim tore 01mm “no: “at arozeraio: flame”!!! [melt Ml! firm, Efl‘fl‘ W but a; Mu by union ottp amnion!!! the not: ”at“; an htthis roe: you may one with amtcrscdzre, with he", mm, mama»; 0.: any man mu moses whats. ”it. fine iftn any of that: tonfediono harm nameo , you adopt the taboos ofm atluflotmea, tout: ano theme humus home. you fotn than, they mitt tam the fame Mtluinmhlthmaécpe them, onelg thcg mill not be to game o; usable as thore which are ceplantco o; grafa ofzheWal- Kyoto to: Pour mmlmlliflomct, it noughteth in ham siflifiower- mum, time ano aom'e grouno, whence it comcth that the: cobet molt to grow upon molten, movements ann rush like battaine plam; “may be {alone tn any moneth ox: futon, fozittsa {zone of that hamnette , that it makes no Inferente betwixt summon: ano mintetmut loin flaunt!) m both cqnaltyano be’aceth his flomm allthe loom. mbeme if times that the husbannman‘ 92mm 1t mat in his Magnum, fa; it is tnonoerons unset: ano aaoaweth mach ham: it mouth be town: in out: {mall quantitie, Manet“ habooncetaktn cats,“ in“! natutallp of arms ‘ . o much grommano baton; cost after no cmteo out: mutants offs meaning‘aatona fmou ano mrmamhac it Wot be fomnflo take moth”, ant thctefoge is com: pge; Win itsolnnz nature. -- fog tho punctuation ant inmate oral! other Gilly, W (M22 [button of) tohnh aroof atcnm ano cum m- nus nature, any botanfe the fans atno tint: bzingeth fogth uh): than a tingle 13mm, thereto}: 1th; goon that you oh. machothinthz Emmy, an. atthc fall orthe leafs, a; at mmm when the flomge is richer: ,inits bzaunthzs, to WWW? as tonhem'onttg you ran unthout hut; anov M'fimm aben him» to; the .putpm’e in tome We «pm the bm-muneth as httleas manhunt: was thick: _ H «not: together as may it, to; Women): one in .m which you to giant» iMKIDcMQonm\mmmhem «no m To pnf’ctvc Gflhflow- - ‘ It; ‘~ fifitfieorder ofGnddniag? - hi; ”lam Wfimmz am: pm: mwm~ ”guano thol‘epon planteo (n the {new you ma vemobe at the falls mutt any of gone elm totes one 3 mm as _ islanng‘eeonopenlm nntothem, then ponmag at any ’neefoom thts fiozeof young 3mm fnppltethe place, motépe your women enee flozeiwtng. - ' the 'Wltmpion o2 flowers of the Dunne is in na- ture ano eolonr like other @nglta) @muos,_onel2 lttsers eéeotng huge in compaae, to; mum} of them will be tlnentte ano fouee ano ttoentie inches in tompalte, acxogoing to the ferttllnelte ofthe bogle ’t‘n lohiehtheg groin, ano theoft re; planting of their routes, they are erteemng‘ gamble to lake on, an plearant to fmell'; they open their tlolnzes at thettftng of the Meant: tlofe them againe at the blame letting; itoelighteth in am: fogle thatts fertile etthec imitate oz na. Meant: maybe foionein any @oneth from jfebeuartettll fitmembec. ' ache oft planting ano replanting ofthe not after it is {mung ahanhfnll from the mole , maketh it grow to the uttennolt hignelle : it monlo hone the me am: Meat openuponttmtea lg romgfmall penthonfe to tape the lhntpnelleof the loinoe fromi '. T u an. aloe, ‘ponoer are Roles gtoloing- ,in fingers; uno mane in a maze: one they grow of the feeoe, o; ofthe let: M A n 1 v s . Korea, ealleoiu latine B 013; anoin all other Rom. languages as in alanine, are olbewg planteoJmnettme of the ecotes, femetlme ofthe bunches, being entin Mantels, ant planteo a foote afnnoer. home breathe them in @atlanomno To let them to hafle them fmell the pleafantet. mhe nfe offotng ingot them is hell ; holnheit, they will new loell geoln of the léeoe, though ttf’be long ete they fpztng, ano therefoze they retthem of lets a {tote in length; it neither oelighteth in rich 0; mow wombat is loell eontenteo to goon) a: mongfimbblm nanmmalleefiheplateemhetethegmulfi stole muabeot’ ‘ be’epeethan WWfiflDm ro oa’epe as the mineem me floreiséathet whoznethen' avian“: ' 2 fl. Nuke “or“ o 33" The. new, Bookéfiiittéithig ’ , ,. V , With! W bumble: : it commeth in? out iii a , f_ not anntong thatpe beacmmhiehnftec they» openen, . intftlofeth itfelfe mn (pecaneth ammo, with a ytllom heath 'uthe mint. Pliny maketh mention offunngy r tsot‘ ' 'theiiizoue fozthe mueth Milcfia, honing an £D..icntan ety ‘tolout,anothet Alabandica,mith white leaneo, nun SpermOnia, the bafeiti’ozt of all :the Damatke sun the w hite, are urea fog .floe’eto hiatus : ,they time: in toughneo‘, pgitklen, colour ann fmttLEheceate that have but only [me leases“ others unthan hininzen tzaneo, neither mo in beauty no. in (m . u; the tough. nee of the tinne ( as Pnny myth .> is a aging of the femur. .Ehete are tome little pale ones, when aeration one We. biutdts, there no inonnecfuily groin where they once nee plant; en,'ann hone a moit excellent (anew. notes are ufen to be :et in febguaty, tohirh is either none with the fan, og the M planteo «in' title futcotnee. Ehe (tones (as vallanus rayth) are not the little yellow thugs in the mintt‘of the no'e,nutthe guinea that grained within the ten tipen worry : the upenes wheaofis nt‘emen by the fmacthinefie ann the foftnelre of the b‘ocrthcrg they once an planten,they continue tonguitin after they bathe: fenn out new buns ano (pings. if you lathe fete, ann mom ofa fem hone a great numbet, take the Manchu; that begin as it tone, to them their buns, nun tuttmg them in rminey rots, {me 0; fine fingers in length, ret them in awn grouno men bungen ann toatcen : ann when they be of n ymtee growth, take them up annfet them a Rate arunner, penine them anotiimme them with often nigging about them. mores mutt an: be tut, fozthe mote you tut them, the thicker mm the nonbier the)? gum, othecnn're they mill more tingle anniaitne, itbeillalro one them goon fometime to humzthem .- bring temoncn, it ithseth nery fame ann melt, being fat of rots route fingers om; nun moze, after the {etti ng of the feauen btattesgmn after temobenin a meaetly minne, e fet adhere dunner, among. niggen. who oln Rangers unit have the earth Luten abut them in fiebnuarmnn the neanttoigges tut omann W" they m thinne, they mutt be repamn inith the young Tying“. .Mh‘ghe Mes ot tine mum talents "potions woman & ”b When . ohhc order of Gardening. ‘ '1 27 a hen they begin to huugen, a tine hole beneath‘ln the (tsetse uuoet the ioymano fillit with we colour mane oMIBzafell fee in water, anothzutt it in with a death, ano inthe ltke rogt putim to angther part of the ttorke greene colour, t in another ye lloto, anti ‘0th tolours yen mill, anti rober the holes toell with zl‘vre noun; ano louse, o; beiy gmo earth. at you lotll habe your itofes heare hetimes, make a little trenrh of ttrohano- bgeoths rouno about it, ano poteee in hot water nm'r e a bay, we thus oeing,(as Democritus pgomifeth) you thall have noresin 3anuary. you may pgeferue mm befoge they open, it making- a aitm a mete, you enelofe the bloaome , t luhenyou moulo ha‘oe teeth norm. take them out of the Kitties: otherspm then: ' in (Earthen pate elofe eeuereo, ano fetthem abgoao : the notes eontinue outrages freth that are orptin the mzegges ot‘ £Dyle. at you millhate them at all times, you mutt let them every moneth, ann hung them, anofo ( as Didymus fayth) you thall . habe them continually. Eo raufe them, ogany other tlotnges to- grom oouble,put ttno ozthzoée of we foeoes in :1 Wheat (train, c r o lay them in the gtouub. if yeu fet dbarliehe by your notes, they will be the (were: : the oeyet the grouno is luhere they grout, the flre‘eter they mm be,asitappeareth bythe feafon ot the yeere, fog tome yo’eres they are tweeter then others : the flare hull be lthite, that is fmtaleeb lrith flfigimfione,‘ when it heginneth to open :amengft all iiofes,thore are molt to be commenoeo, thatthey eall fizarnations ano {Dzobinrialm Ehe £7:er omet'es was greatly hat: in ettimatien eben in Ho; am his time, am: at this oaythe minegar offiofes is great- ly ufeo. fleet unto the note in toogthineu'e, fee his fa; uourano beautyt’ull whitenetre is the itilly. fihe (Ere’elres holo opinion: that it t'pzang firtt oqunos smilke fpzinehlen up; on the genome. 3 n fiebzuary me begin to let iillies, o; ifthey grew befoge, to let e the earth about them toith a rake, taking- goon heeoe that the young teuoerthmtes about the route be not hurt , no; the little heao,tohirh taken from the ole rmte, hef let to: nets iillies: . as the acres are; to are the itib lies, the (meter, the ozterthe (trounois where theygroln: lillies auo more: being me ret, eontinue both berylons» 3 3 were LiIIicz. Violeu. B cal-afoot: ,0: Screen . wort. Angelica. Helicm‘ pane. Wanna - Savine. 3: 1-8 The {sand Booke ,eureating. thueate' illies mentally Bet, totthzy tatethe tallies an! tntee Lillie, ant hang them inthe {mute till they [nethet ,8» when the knots begin ta amber, they are layu in watth mthe its: of new blue, till they lie coneteu, then fetin the“ granite, with the “upstate! about them, in bu l they come to be pimple . ann innieue as you alter the colour at the figiilomer, in you may thange the eeinplertion of any I y. when ate fumey l'o eta of Hamlets, both of kinne ann calm, hatthe nineties of them ie in a manner all one. yeti: 3 plate meatet‘mte e; hettetinuet, anothete are tine - times of it, the blaelte am: the white. Ehe rate of the Beare, tote they thtutl . wash the me, a: into the heat! at the beait, that is either we I: in his lung“; hath the sputum. Columcls la [death to all it Configilio: it stoineth not in Garnene, er; eept it be rebel, it centinaeth long, ann loheth tell ant bmnuy grounn. where itanuee, not facts fcom that,anothee bety noble heathe in {Dhiilclse :altee Angelica. hats cmte,hecaufeitiea (chemigne tesnehy againit the plague, ann hath eibets othec gain opecatiens, it is thetiihen in out flattens, ane being once (since, it tummeth up ehecy yeece : it 'grobeth alfo tattle in the mountaine (tummy, ann not!) eth' in July ann angina. were is alto Helicampana, this aim [5 M in out «Malena to; meei, tines rake, ann lee maize much orit to; the rate, it gtohaeth inilne in the hilly annuities, am: my thinnelay places. an hammer the rate is taken out ofthe gtounb, ann cut in [mall pita, am: is mien : at this nay itia calleu Enula campana: it hath a yellele name, a leafe like spullin, but luhite ann hearie at the one the. Women) nb,thoughit geoln in ebecy place, yeti is that you re here is fienune ozlaenficke Worms—- ; this kinbe is M in nut Gimme, ann thought to be the belt. Savinc which tee habe here alroin out flatnene, to; ni: betehifeal'es er cattcll, hath leaves like gunipel: e; «:pr always! grime, there are tine kinnes ofit, one like the Tama- riske, the other like dtypzeu iii: a bath rather [meaning in bmuth,then staining in height :the Berries which he beareth, may be gathecee in the can “bummer , out any other were _ ofithc‘erdcr of Gardening. a; 9 item is alto maintain hhieh is hot ano bate , ,ano p32. halteth intention, it helpeth btiteheo ano other grates pgo, earning from tottote mares,“ lotethto groin in moytt ano loin plates, (thegrouuo being hrell mannuteo,)ano till it be thot at lean an hanofnll high,“ mutt beliept toith toutinuall lune triumthe moitletl time inthe yére is the betttofoln it in. I his quarter 3 keepe foe outlanoith flolrerafiohieh although they are moee to; beauty I: glogie then ure o; (well, yet are they rueh an oznament toafhe gatoen, ano r o pleating to the eye hrfioes the raritie ano firangenefle, that the waroen is helo» imperfeu tohirh is oep,im:o of them, the number of them is like their tolours haroly to be numbzeo, therefoze 3 mill trouble yeur eares but with the rehearrall ofroine fetu of the melt pgiu: expau tohirh 3 amount the Crowne-eniperiall,the moathietlmf. allaoluzee both fograine ano homebzeon‘t is the oelitatelt ano trangett; 3t hath the thape of an euipetiall rtromne ano lnill- he of others cellours meeting to the art of the @aronern'n the melt of the tlotoze you wall We a rouuo pearle (tano, inpgor pogtion, eolour ano szientneae like ablem natural! pearle, euely it is of a fort liquio rubnante. Ehis pearle if you wake the flolr-er neber to hiolently will not fall off , neither it you let it routinue neber to longfim’ll it eyther inmate o; oimi. nitl) in the bignetIe, but remaineth all one, yet it with your finger, you take ano wipe it away, in lette then an houre after you thall habe another arif e in the fame plate ano of the fame bignetl‘e; this peatle if you tatt it upon your tongue,“ pleat ant t fluent like honiemzhis flotrer lohen the ban arifeth you (hall tie it looke oirealy to the tafibith the Balke benoeoloto there; unto,ano as the hunne arireth higherano higher, to the home bill liaeim‘fe arire,ano when the flaunt to route into the we» rioian o; jhmne point iohith to oirealy» ooer it, then mm it taut: might upon the Rallte ano lmhe Directly uptuaro, am as the E urn: oeeuneth to toil! itliheloire oeelt'ne, new at the hue: fettinglmke oirenly tothe melt onely‘. aha-fines of this flow 2e are my tenoer, ano theretbze mutate tatefnlly [him in a bery nth ano tettillcarth , trelt beaten ana mannureo. Ehe Feat'ono molt mm mthe fame is the latter one ofqyacth’. Byztll, oz @ay, to: the lobmo figural) moatn spay, guise31 at}: ~ 4. n g. The Du -.‘ lippo. The N4:- cifl‘ut «36 , The oconaoookcgmr'eatmgg JulyMonm itto 1'9;ng an hmofuu evoke the earth, you thall rem site It into a tceeth moulo,ouo that tutu make it flan: all) the bzabec : the rate of this flibectoltke an apple, oz great flat mayomuo therefme in the replanting of it you omit be totefull to make an homage ant fit fozthe famemno to tire themoulo gently auto tlolI-e about the fame : an the tuintertt thainlteth tutothe earth, aunts notatall to bee oircetneo, by meanesmheteof 3 h.-1‘oel'e2 ac othetoO‘uppoling it to be bean/Wu binge up the eucthmuo negligently moyle the note; but bee not you otthztopiuiomnolu the meta; you fhallfou’t an’fe duo lflourta; bravely. . jam tothis 3 pl 1C6 the BDJltpp-J o: E'tllppo, which is but a little (hozt ofthe aomnemmpetiall tu pledfantuea'e, beauty, am careuetl’c. to; Bou mJy hobo them of all colours luhatfo; ebet,lnfuch foztas nus [henna you to; the «Dillyflomersfltil- lie3,ano other rates ;th :y ace team at the fittt,fpzlngtng fcom th: fo’eoe,auo therefoze mutt b: fo’me in a fin: rich moulo m the warmth orthz bume,eithet in amethapelllm 53.1mm: aftec they ace once fpeuog abobe the gtou uo,they use tearonoble human!) willoefeuo themrelbeo agoin& molt weathers. mhe note of this mum is thipeo like u [Beatefinith the biggelt cuo ooiuuetuato, ano many {mall them: at the bottom, therefoge you mutt be {are inheu you rent not 0: ceplaut tt,to tobet all the ante tn fret!) moulo,ano let not any port of the white thereof be uutoheteo. Ehlo flame: by Gomthly replantlumou may hone to floutith in all the mute; auo bummer wouthes tn the mice; to; in the oego otmiute: it lhziuketh into the gtouuo,ano tonotatoll tobe pertetoeo. the (talks of there flamers are beake,thetefoee to ruppwt auo oeteun them room the makings ofthe toluoo, you mut make little moles of {mall ticks in tooth Knife as you oto to; the «Sunflowers. mhe fiucclttusis a berg curious t ootuty flo‘memuo theough his much hatiety t .altetatiou tu gcomim, they are rapporeo to be outliers-hints, but it is not to; to; in as much as they are I'm to he otoibero coloutsthat to but the act or the w'aroener, «to befoze etpeelt in othet flower” toh eceao tome groin an, slalom ooublm l'ome Double upon oouble, you tho! uuoetlta no tut lush l“. 5th anglelgtob amply from the me ouelfitgor; ' ‘ u oéthé order of Gardening. 1 13‘; minute oouble e no mozefice fuch' oohabe hiene planteo lino, equateofihe fmollthzios of the routes being. clipt afloat}, o no: thing being leftabout it that is l'uperfluouo ; c thoi'e which are unable upon oouhle, are the oouble plants grafteo one into an other.l3his flame: lobeth a rich marine roelgthe moulo being cafie anolight: it may he (alone in any wonth of the hazing, e mill flourilh all the bummer after : Home itappeare abobe growth,“ tnoulo be oft matreo, but after it skills not hate little, to: it will oefeno itfelfe fufiicicntlh. got unlike unto this are gourSDaifaoills ofallkinns ano colours, o in the fame earths o Searono oelighteth either to be [alone o; planteo, 1 mill in the fame manner oouble ano teoouble his leabes. wan}: other fog; raigne: firange Homers there are,but the ozoer of their plan, ting ozneceth nothing from thefe which 3 habe alceaoh oeclo; reo, being the molt tenoer an: curious of all other; onele 1 tail 1‘ nubile energ skilfull fiaconer , that when he (hall receihe any figrnfivm. torn from any fozcaigne fiationto learne as new as he can the natux orthe fogle tum lnhence it commeth,ao hot, magmrolo, oz Kimono then comparing it with his otuneJotoe it as ne'ere no he can in the earth: in the feafono that areno'erelt to the fogle from whence it contents thus for: erample. if it came from a clgme much hottecthan his alone, then to tow it in a fanny moulooe other moulo mane [name by the ltrength of 993mm, in the marmelt time orthe Dam in there eponths ofthe bpging which are marmeft,“ 3me o; 934;; : you that! let it hobo the bonnie freely all the nap, ( at night loith muttmenthour e, o; other oefence, lhieloit from iharpe minus, trolls; ano colo oelnes. l3 habe fo‘ene oiberfe fiohlemen, z <52ntlemen (which hobo A new beue berg anions in there outing Gainers)that babe mane large mm!" °f frames of mmhith homo otttuentg inches no'epe, tanning 53:33. upon little rounoinhofeleo of man, which being mane long, porting rquarem rouno,acco_zoing to the spacers fancy ; the! habe fila fioyvres and let: with chogce earthJuch aoio mot: pmper to the flower thee “W“ moulo have groin, m than In them tome their focus oz fire their plante, in lath foot as hxth heene before oefcribeo, am to placing thencin l'uch open places of the «Sateen , where they may . hate the fireugth m violence of the ' ' balm: I; z ' Thefocond Booke,en~treatmg maturemmeye emfottlof furb monetate worm asfall latthout blotenee oeertm‘ozmnarg beating. an at 59 ighe maintbem lnto tome lulu baultzn Gallerie tanning upon the dbamn, where they may llann warm anpfafe from fiazmes, lm'nnee, trolls, nemes,blafitn59, an!) other mlfthetbee whirl} seer happen in the banner abfente. anoln this manner you may not onelg habe all fozte of natntie fozraine aolneee, but alto all fozte of the molt Delicatelt fruitee thatman he , as the flange, iLemon, pomegranate, titheran. cinnamon, an, mono,flDlgne,oz any other from luhat elime foeber it be nertoeo, obfemt'ng uncle but to make your frames of lmone (which ton; taines your earth) beeper ano larger, amusing to the frm'te you , plantin it, arm that your fillem thzongh lnhirh you man) your Erato inhemgou houfethengbe fmmth ano lebell, leatt being rough ans nneben, you wage ano (bake the rmtee with the knight of the trees whirl; (5 Dangerous. alfoln there frames of lame! habe lmomne inhale mar; Dene of fren'tee an!) nomeeis tonnage: bepono the Seas, as from fibnglano into Ebenmarloe, from atalg ann gran-tee into, Englanomofo to other Jthan one. may fog fnth Selene o; fruits as than be bgonght from a eoloero; mo 2e batrat'ne gromnthen your one, there nreoeth not much earioft'tie in the planting of them, beeaufe a better eber beingetb fourth a bettertnereafe; onelyaluoulo totth you to obt'erbe te-gt'be all rnth fruttee ann tloloer the nttermott lzoer» tie of ti): heather, ano rather to none .emlenell‘e, be manhole, @mt'ncreal‘e any warmth by reflettton. as alto to augment bholmee by artificial! marriage, rather then to let the rate egg mum of eontinnall moltnw'. -.'l’ a A a. But many times were «5mm be hemog- mm looemes ann hennlne, lohat remap have you to; t to e 9M A a 1 v s. may: faultaof the gronno, anothe rennet thereof,” the amenm'na ofeithee tm math motfl‘nte oxen” note: 3 fpake inthe beginning, tonthmg lemma, fines. ant! other bermine that ann on the Gamma, hhtth'foe the molt Pittarethele, Caterpillero, hurdles, @oles, 9m, (Innate, mama. Elm! ate'that far, that lfronmtngle latthegur es en ofst'he order ofGardeniné- ' 3'3 teem-cute, o; the Juice ot'ihonalejeke, oz mm the , amazes will not meonle Inith thehet'be that rpzmgeth of glint" , {tub me: ano thatthep miltooe noharmem gent Krebs, if ‘ "P’ “ youfpgintkle them With the heater mhereinthe ethos of mines hath bane lain : mozeotier the ileum ofmarlittae mane in hunnles, ano burnt in methanol: 1:: wartime, netteogeth the Caterpillers. ghee will not beset: (as they fag) tfhou burne about the routes of your herbs 0; Ernie; , quiche hzimttone ano time :the fame thee repogt oratie mane of the gigtree. flute will not annoy your rogue oz beams, if you encompaa‘e it roan! with ethane, oz put into their hile’,the alhes of burnt bnafles, am: if tome of them be taken 3 burnt, the wit will not some noere the favour : if Affa‘fczida be lain in @2113, an!) poluzeo upon their hills, ituttetlg oefiroyeth them; they tnill not toueh the trees no: the hearts, if you mm the t'tatheo with hitter itupines, o; lime lain with ogle. 3m mutt lhake oi! the die; terpillere in the mowing, 0: late in the ebeninu when they be numbeo : alto loater wherein mitt hath bée‘ne foboen, raft a. bout the 9mm tohen it is «too, oettropeth them. it is melt- ten, that it you fet ¢bitbts about your mason, caterpittere loilll not lamb, anti iftheh be alreaop been, you mutt fe’eth the Juite of mogmemmofinn tat! among them. the nuns; ofifiula Guts. . tothee burnt upon the routes, oet'ttoheth aunts: the lite alro noth hgimfione: arpunge toot with vinegar am hanger: up, omineth alto ftoarmee of wnats unto it: alto the minnow théepe nem kitten, not toutheo no; inane (leane, it it he lain in the plate lohere wothe, o2 other ruth bermine ooe ure, ano to; been a little the upper part, you than afterttoooage fiuoe all the nogtomemertnine treptintoit: thus mufl youooe tioife oz theire, tilluou thinke hon ha‘oe oettroeen them all. @fkt'la M I“ . ling ants bathing abuzz wotee, Sodon the «meets loziteth, ° " that you mutt take a finger one like 't,e making it hollotn within, an it up leith athalte, no; . ano fizimttone : after- toaro ttoppe thebent holes that the @ole hath in every place, that the rmoake matte not out, onelp leaving one open, where you lhalllagthe ”at, infueh feet as it may reteibethe minoe on the bathe part, that may netbe the (make into the chines; there are alto traps to immune, to; the W of ghetto :a _ , came 134 Thtfecond Booke ,entreating new: to beret uponthe Mn villa, with a piee of lamb fa am frame, that it may melt): ( as it were in a heath) another pine of lean mane in falhion lihea hm’fe, to this is iogneb another little ltithe that lieth in the hole, an is mum to a Catthlnitheut,that as [one as the spate touch eth the (tide withinfihe'e is taken pgefentlp, as it were, with a M ife. payee of bheareeail’e are taken,it‘ge’e palm: into a platter, the thickett mother of Wale, ant fet in the honre a night, as many as name at ttare taken: alto the crate oriBearefmt minglen withdihr'efe, (fizean, acme, eglgreare, hilleth them. Earte ‘33:?“ ann‘bery thar‘pe minegar minglen with the juire engenbane, ‘ ann rpginhleb upon the lgearbs; killeth the fleas, 02 little blarke beams that be in them. go ltinne ef berm1ne will an; my your 19earbee, ifizou take a gmuozt of Crefithee, ane eat them in an earthen beltel with water ,fufieting them to mozhe abgoah in the bunne to; the [pace at" ten nagee. ann after with Thunder their liqueur fpzinrhle pour iaearbee. fleet there a; rathee and light- greater then any befoze going, isthe otfeme of mhunne: ann “"92 lighting which H! a woment killeth all {one effloberaplante, ann Eras ebenin the height oftheir mine anti floerilhing , which to peebentit hath heme the p2aain‘e of all the anti .2-nt (barniners to plant againlt the heals or their Gamma; m the minltnftheir Quarters where their rhoizfelt flowers groin, the laurell 0215a}: me Which is eher heloa nefeme againlt thofe lttiltinge. ‘ Tod and fleet 3 plate anus anti fireggehinhith are erreemng poi?- {mgff {mane great bettrevets of young plants. thieflie lll their ‘ “appearing about the game; we the anrient trimmers hate area to heart? thmbp burning the r at of a atagge in fame part otthe warren Bebe, from inhith QEarth all (tea; tures that babe pogfon in them will flee with all biolenre other @arneners millwatch re the. ngte peareheth on nights,ann gathering up her hung r: r it upenthe beans eyther fimplie, o2 mitt with the {habinge ofanolflharts hoene,ann no heme mane thing lnill tome ne'ere it. The green: .3599 gre‘ene flee at all films is heln the moat, anti is molt ti» gte'ehie to hurt berets anu plantetherefme ronelrnp him take Wham leaves, lgnafelielte allb airman. beat thematia tens vr tur- '- » ‘ 6f the order of Gardening T5 gMn ftentete teeth the twee am) none thereto as mush meant as was of all the celt ,ann theeelplth twinkle [out 15805 all once, ant th: stream the millnenec sentencing than: home holneptnionghat lfhon pleat the heathe Rtet in you: finnenghat :t to a lull! peefecnattne agatntt there greene am , to; :t ts molt reet sine th t the nerve [as ell thereof unll kill there ant mutt {nets of all othec filheo what oeter, ae hath been: fonnn by eppzoeen exponents am: the {gates of ole ancient £1th adamant hleh a man thallfeloome ante without this heatbe planter: m them. weatheeo; weaghts are new pernitions in a mathemfoz Moelm. they nettcog both feenee ant plante, am: there is no better oz moge tettalne man to kill them, then be taking oath hozfe hnfes ann beaming them, lm'ththe fmoake thereof to petfnme all the plates lehete they ab. new lt will m an sultan: lull them. «Ia utters are a ht n o. filthie memes which behemoth huh cm“- the great ann (mall leaneeofall fogts of fmeete plants, el’pen'y ally lettuce, «Sabbangefinleflolnets ann fnth like, ann the 1mg to neutoh them to to fatten amongtt your plants than bung,” to fp. mkle the "npee theteef truth a mifpe of fine the: all the benneezano though ome tmth acuth‘e knife, ureter them team the leinee , ant to kill them on a tileflJeatmet fog.- mg part 3 hole this the new: heaven both mu eettnine any moze eafie. Ehus 3 have themeo you the prefeaion pf my «Sateen which male petfecten with n. nth labentJong' etpente of tune am: not a little toft 3 mill not!) neltner hona little ttaittt on @ethonhotu to: the enteetainement of any great patron at any 941: ‘te a; other place of pleafnte,to make a templeat 6621:: ten ln two 02 time tapes. 1‘ n A e. Gnu at: panteeee. M A n 1 v s. Ifgou (hall entertainer any nogepetfonag Inhomeyon mouth nine the alight of alttcange’ ntentme w the: m puke a; other temoteplaee efplecl' $2,an 19011“ ‘ tine: e; othet waters of elemesaenaftet you Wane W 0 Summer Wrote feaft in,the fathton weakens to efimon that chem labour tan make themmonmql then mat latent you: Ga ten ptot, bettoming‘fmhfletght fente theteen' aghpnfhell tbinhefimheneattfezthw fimanonemethemfmmthe , - I be paring afisae “the heme (than with a parents; to . I g 6 The recent! Bo’ok' ,entmtmg lblelneleano eben In; "inn line, then hablns mg! Human” quartets , then hunting the neon u an. Melting mam make tanthecavtb allinenhenuponpm name spot: [hall blah: teeth etthet knots, ”memo; W m Mitre @11th wall be hell pleating to you: fantte, as eg: the: knots tenth angle o; oonble Etaglu oz any othec emble; mteall oehu'e, as film , Beans ano fuel) likemno halting “W‘bcbthofe nehéfeo peettl'e ne'epe, then in than of heaebs to f.“ Wheat, take gte'ene tons of tlenne than gunman tntting ltlpeopoetlonablg to the knot, lag thenttnto the trench ano jog: mug-foo to too tlolre an!) artificiallgmou (hall (et fogth your whole knot o; the pogtratlne of pout atmee oz othet nebtfe;ann then taking a cleane become that hath not fogmeclg beene {inept Wyn", goutball benfh all uncleanen‘e ftom the Ocatte',ann 19m zen (hall beholu none knots as tontpleat am: as comely “m! habbeene let lm'th heather: mane 2am befoge. 53mg mm permeate of unwitting thinmou (hall cut it founth Wfilfl unto (00,: then afeectlato plate t'tin the earthznatn In this plot ofgrouno (which you make you: (Datum) there he whet natural! o; attificiallgpounts oz ”antes, then upon thenwnutnagt’n the l’elfel'ame~ rozttm'th greene foes l’et fogth gt flight enthet at the fieln o; Ktber, o; the tnannel: of hunttng m than‘e, o 2 any hittogt'e of other white that you pleare, ontlg initiating {againa mounts ano banhes you mutt obretne to five many {mall pinnee to trap pone melee am: keeps your fans '_ m flipping one from the other till rnth tune as you have inane ebety thing fat with earthAnhieh you mutt catnme em; flow annhntn. fistoztlolaees ozfnth like aooznemmts,pou may ( ifthetime ofthe were fetue) the moaning befogt remove , with their earth, fromrome othet warnen, nnn plant fist c pleat'm'e, o; othefim're you may anozne it with “ 'afl‘t‘l‘omees mane of home one {nth like llul’fe ano ufuall 'tihthoughtt‘nmany plateaas alto artlntall feuitee mane "of ”Mgpapet o; pane an! colonteo unto thelife. gob «you 32!- W this 45mm gth :bbieteneolm' ghee to m " aunts, kndp en tfe e, 9‘." '3‘; 3‘5in ntm;m% ltl'e egthee 'ntaoeof to mm, mm: ghetto be ban m at emulate, ”twig: afthc order ofGardemngi‘: " :37 “mm, 0: to; Intuit othoth ofeom: manners trite tnhieh‘ unbemhtofebere flowering”, o; Chaunoter , ano any ofthefmou mnaieat to butt; tnhite zen Thail- make at fine Chalke beatento puma; of be“ burnt Walter , o; to; retreat, tie of t tnhitett itime , but that toil! fame .oetae; NBtaehe is in ofgour bett an‘o purett eharrotconutoett elelfeo ano fifteb. momma» ofbgoken ntetette mu burnt Batches bea— tento humane melt rtent‘eo fromrpote; tickets to be inaneot white Chanlhe ant biarke tun mitt mire!) together,;titl the fitarke hath bgought the tohite to a perfert Blettmea‘e. Mitt: are'ene; both fogthe natural! peopertte belonging to the wars Demos alto foe. better continuance ano tonglatting, you that! make of grime bone, or camomite melt planteo where an;1 rurh rolour is to be urea : as to: the rec of the colours you that! lift them one fotn them in their parapet places,the_n with a flat beating hostel! you thallfire it tau upon the fare ofthe earth. . Ehere be other images of beautifying @aroens, as to .oittin, guith the knots either with Eitethearos, inith the thankhono; of Riemann other {man rattetunith great draggelttoneo, one a 100316 of other things like unto there“. flBnt 3 h-e'epe you tong inthieiuafaboureo women,“ it pleafe you toe mill tenure into the metharo aaiopning. - 350th the «autism one the QDJrharo as you {re are indol'eb may or 0,. (eberall heogee ano oirrhee, whereby. they are oetenlen from chard» hurtlull brats ano unruly fathom 3 tolo you at the firminhrn 3 began to tpeahe ofihe enacting of 63mm ano Earhart”. home one grow an: rpztngottbemrettieszo number of 0 *re ogoine are to be (came. Ehote that groin toiloetoithonti e lag tour of man, one beare their (toes earh one areozoing to his krone: but that: thataret'er ano ozett, Doe pale greater enrreate. m ere are others agatne that are almaies grime am one neber [are their Irate, which are (as Conflantinc upozteth) there, the Bate, Irefibzeooetbe itemsnn~ e outrun, the fiaefibfiflblite, the G: ppzeae, the tame. the tan :3, the more, emzn'u, queer, one Sumner. flsfoz orange mete, anotbote that toil! grains no tobere but athome; toe will not menote with“ zinc toil! therefore begin on! his. there that new “(WW3 “gate, 1 s.» How so make an Ordued. ‘73“: name Bookfia‘aatin‘g" _ (sultan. there molotm lnto thatlozte : to: dtlm otthe bets em gone to he Eras as mu, o; one than” as m Mate,” neither Eta taunt,“ the lame. - .T a u. a oellee to hours you: opinion at eoetn rm, to: 3 thlnke it no (mall (all! to plant [nth tatee canons, metham, one mineyaru.$omi you'haoe em a monoettnll gun on oet,thatamongllgone autumn haoeenteetnenleo spllhetu’te. ftggettbe, almmu sweets, emu that non-babe tenet-en pent 1mm min your @flbm, «your climate from them both, inlth tatte bounce anu‘ptttheo. M A n 1 v 5 .mt mas ndeoetull to to boe,lealt n12 tolke [show ring ln tome of them thoulotometnto thetett, conttatp to my plealute. you, it you lull, 3 mill l'pealte of there that lazing no ttnlt,ano then otthe lm'loe,ann the ma- otretttng ano planting of Wales. altitlt (as Columclla faith) that mount: that retneth to: an tlthhatIMtltle’tbe to: amineeaemo you to: it ooth here; use it the ammo be blue, tuggeo,anonneben,tt to mote mate to: o minepato than to; an fibzchato. at therefoze pan lotll mane anmzthato, non multthole [nth a gtonno as is matte to; it :a ttth gtonnuehell, anb lying upon the bunnntnhlth when you hate fonno,poa malt tnellentlore tt : as 3 taught you befoze tn the enclornee ottlfiaroenenhat it may lg out of Danger of tatteil Inn ltnabes: to; although that the teampft'ng, auo hanging of Weluenot nnpzontable to the Ete’ee,get “they be either bgu. teo oz molten tohtlee they be young, they will (me come to nought. When you mum to ozetle your walnut: plate thus feneeo, nonmallntalto gluefnn'olnee a note hefoge you plant theatg'fo (hall they be lnell leafonen with the bunne 9 the tatne: ann'lbhatfeehet you plant, (hall the leaner take. tant it you toil! . hale: plant the tame here that you make pctttfun'olfleedct the Minutes be mane at Ital! ttno moncths helm : atttt fill them tnllot'tteam out let it on are. Who bzoauet one mine: that you 'makecaummm, thetalter ants moze fruitful tell! your rm befitththel‘wlt the better 380m tuttolnes mutt be mane lllte an when”: turnate,tnt0er at the bottoms then ahobe,thalthe toot. mgrpaeao the humane thotoloe tn maintenano the heato t'n hummer. map the better We hoptftom it, one alto tn (liege mayhem mallnmo eaalg be loath» cumin mung, o_ ' {mmdaingbfmchaecfsi‘ 039' at mum mum hie mifl’plhathemtno‘tnen’eg- the: etheekemttem M which naetultmee et tetttng, is not nuele mammal»: emitting the agmhutelto berg bean- tt’tull lo theeretlnhen as which maytubetmlmke, gnu that! [at them (tannin tanke, anb tnht'th elma‘lete’wupurpole, to; the Erie- that! equally tetet'he their magnateltom the 9mm. 3 have ul’en tine foztes ofthie eeteeb ozbee,etle mhete'l'n my mete ttann toure tquaeellke the @heqnee "In autumn: the other not in tquare as the hell but mammal» o; misman— tnttethe the glatte minnow“ 92 gets. peanut: (mm tt it‘- eoznlng to the nature of the trachea the lolnee [ext heezotettet eftbt higher. you mutt alto tet them a amhv ntaante afunber, that thete bzanehee may theme atplearute, to; it you tet them tun thieke, you than be ablete fob nothing hettett‘tthem, ant: tbl? will ”the latte ft‘utflufl. Ebucfozc P allediue luau“) babe D topping thel'pate hetlntet them, thtttp fmte at the teal! :t teenage of ms. meat In the genera" ntt‘potlng et them, entetmeblt g the mea- ter lnt'ththeleuet, to as the great ones use not neuter their utt‘ hetltnge, etthee tntth their match e; bmmi to; that theh grew not than“ to them in mength oz btgt‘tele39b'ttteguieti sun when“ mutt be [eaten meter together, as little (note a- .l tanner, apples utter then they, am {Beam «are: then‘them both :butet them there are (anon fezte. filmeeenn {when men alto he re: naeee. fine Mare there is e «mutt-tatte- new» ipp lhtplme lehe betwixt attain Etienne mfifetthem the M’- amongth ee togethet,u the We new the New. pmfgtamteihn Tm» the Oeztellmn theothee tieewnumutttettmedumerreeh‘ej hehe mete-ell hatte- melts them, up the mute the 1am nun the Dan. then erel‘euflotthmfihatpefite to $60de e the mm. as the Chemist : the m’vpttml'dfie ea 9W but at elltozte, but tpeelallh the napping; et mates. Wetteeemno etheuhelmeewemmfihe than» of Others otthem are hurt; Shadow: tall, as of the welmtttte'e, 'mhetelhaebm ts finbhelemme of Trees. to; men, we the Wgthatitfiethwmg (e :, yet they both tetlttthe um; WWW” misfit» et‘etltt‘the on‘tec t(inert gt the egehme, ngnagaereggtgggm W! m time e no: er, pt: nugget ,83 ,b . _ , , menu‘lmke that Ejflzogllmmteeo Wfimg'flm “wetting. ‘ ' 1. . . .e/ ‘ an. 34.6 The‘fécoitd ngké,'éniééatin§3 ' ' ‘Wano themthe thtetett timeotflaattngm Florentine , . talthfie‘ the eat of banana fozthen nature molt oceupteo Sim; about thetmtegastnthelbpzthg about the upper putts: anu therefoze mafttng to meetelt In the [9pm, ano retttng in-the enn ofbummenz. fozthe plants are matte!) all the Winter, 1 thetefoze it to bet: .fetttng oz planting, from the rotting of the Timcfor l‘eabenttacemnttllthettoeltth of metember. in the bpging grafing. gimme“ magnetthotethingsthatpoufozgat befoze: at what fearonl'oebet it bench: that you fetthem 1n the aftemmne,in a fate metterlpytntnhe, anotn the wane of the 99mm. Pliny (althtthatthtanotewof great unpogtante to; the encreareot‘ {:23}; the Ece'e,anngmnnetle of the fantaf the me be planteo tn the ofthe enttcal'c otthe $9031th grometh to be betggreat : butt! it be Moonc. tn the mane,“ lulu be [mallemet a greatoealc moee latttng. Thwina.‘ Mlle plant heather b2 weaning, rettmg of the heme”, 9?th o; the (tone, letting the tastes, ltotkeo, o: flips, grafting “fig”: batmtptthe albatke ano the fitter: route ate plantco in route Ewen. of there lotto, othectn all. in fiabllon (,ao they: rah) onelg leafefehtmuea. mange: tut! 3qu rpeake of Gears Three ‘ g, anothen'oft tell: Ehete ate thztappotnt but thzaz kiwi”? hinos stamina-beam“ the bake am the intone, in the “MW" fioeke, anntmplatteu'ng, e; tnotulatt'mt. Elbe firtt fozt they What “1.1 mghtg‘ M fctonottnbzanehtng, the tbll‘b tnoruiation, ‘ ccurc . t 1195?“, mhgneeagmye thicket batheomnoozam balm be ‘ pe . . hegtouno, ace-hut gtafleo betlmttthehacke 53:35? 81:5 t ' ”551..”th glue ,the (thermanothe @ltoe: there bark: and that oath; 'tinneo,ano eontent themrelbes mltl) lea‘e mot; tbcwood. my; agi fame teams-the bathe thoulo gathecttrelfe ' wot toth‘e ., a “Whit-flute; tie, the apple m. the time. mun- annbi flflbflemthere tttebett toopen the tltotke,‘ ano 533:. we the lamb. home nieces ate alto belt Matteo upon o, thetfotne, the'fiiggethat peofpeteth bett upon the epulberrp fiockemnh the Blane tree : the wulbemz upon the @hefinut. an the flBi‘eeh, the apple,the m the afilme, anothe tnhtte Mlau'nhetetn tfhou We, non lhabegout Wnes whitezupon the fame Rook; ace guano the Warmth Quince, thtweblet, ann the berm: thelpeate upon the iaomegta- nate , the mutate, .the Qflbeutegnothe We. a; 12;: , ‘ ta .olthe o‘rdcrmgofOrchards? 141 My» mum momma“ thallium M {Beacon . the amngrmo upon at peate Caches, ‘ m Crab rm}: 2.3.: willow, anofeoplac : being 62am! upon the flame, that Applet. bungeth foeth theftuit mhtththe @téehee tau Melimclla : it is atro Wonpon the filomtce‘e ,. but being malenupon the Mane tree,“ bztngeth foethteh flpples. .Ehe genie: being matter: upon the Ehozne,’ the matte uroloeth to great big- neu‘e , butthe ftoeke continues (mall: upon the 19mm, It bgtngeth a (meet ftut't , but not lacing. Ehe {Death gratin in the Ehoene o;the Bathmoiuethto be here faice,ano great: the tumour: ano the {heath being toyneotogcther, ano graftea " Pm“ m the Wumtre'e, emu beare a Death with an almono in the $33; ttone. Ehe fitlbert millonthz be gratfeo in the waning, note" it. agreeing with any othet. Ehe pomegranate oelightethtn at; here ttoekes, as in the mum, the may, the tithe, the Eanu ton, the mom, am: the almono, upon alLtohith he pzofpeteth melt. ghe 23am!!!" growth hem melt upon an)? tine efmiloe- {Beatcfllufimtfim apple :the ¢heflnut ltketh met! the mm- nut, ano the Bath. Ehe «theme tefufeth not the companie et‘the peach, no; the Eurpcntine , no; they his: the Quince let 11 well be gtau‘eo upon the iBatbert'e : the ahethfe upon the Salton: : the {atom uponthe EDamfon: the-atmonoupon the ftlbett :the ettmn, betaufe ofhie tenoec Erie, ano thinne- unoe, mm feateelp beate any othetgtatte , ano therefoze ton; tents himrelfe with his etune beanth. She mine that is grate ten upon the ethem'e tree ( Florentinus peomifeth) mill beare Ozapes, c gram: upon the mine, which beingeth fezth a fruit that beatingthe name of both his parents, is when Elzofla- philos. antinefillgoung Iteeethat hate tap in the bathe, mahonve be gratfeo : tft't be greater, the bet gmffing were the th2,grapc. mhere both the bathe anathemmomthe tear on of the ne'etenes of the growth are fullnfrappe. 392mm that man graft either in the anthem betwixt the aotke anothe tinoe ,' let him gather his gram ftomafruttfuilztenoee ttee,ano fuu ofropnts, ano out of the nebfpziflgmmpt he meane to mzattetan ole rte, when fl '15 .~ as, the name: «mace be. , the bettettheg ace, othermire the n‘fgfiag’“ tau mmtee orruehtc‘csaehabe tatelgbognemtll he the “0.39:“ ting, mutt 33‘9“ them on that a“ “I2 m" W“ 192th. upon the a 2. 903th : The knots. a“ ~Thmcisoghuchc‘eeadng‘; ' . .- 33W: 1mm thwdttz'tét then-the tum. V3?» : gimth‘gbrthst grown onthe top, thinning them- lpttwthmwioes out Of the flier In I: HIM, hour graces mflhsfullot boos , Intel: white out, flnmthe, therinoe Immune, auo reaoie to groin: their tuna be of the tatt gag“ geometh, whiehis knoime by the knots oz iognts, that nerlare ebtuzmsres grointh. mammals“ of all trees are not to be gathereo alike : 3ft): mines anh figne tree are onset in the minute parts. ano take belt ofthe top , anh therefooe from thence houmutt gather your (matters. mum are fullett of "rappe in the minit, ano the outer parts omit. whore belt agree The time of g’arfxng The man- nerof grafting. together, who‘re rinoes are :1th of nature. ano hoe blottome, anh hears both about a time. you mutt gather the gtattes in the wane of the :B one , tenne napesbefoze you (matte them. Conflantinc aooeth this reafsu. Ehat it is name the was: one a little thithernhst he may the better he teeeiheo of the ttoek e. §ou mutt appoint your grafting time in the fpzinghom ”my, when as the buosooe begin to burgen, but not come out( :1, though you man grace the wears. when hisleahes be out ) um till 9932 : to; weaning in rains is peotttahle , but not fosim; launching. 'Ehe :Dlihe,,inhu'e bpeings no longett buo , ano hahe mwhroppe unoer thebarke, the abunoanre whereof both hattthe we, mutt b2 Wife!) ( as Florentine rahth) from magtiu Junne‘ColumeUI mouth hahe the muse (beaten from the tinelfe of QarthJill the tint, on the an of apeill, sun the time of matting to hethe atone intreatlugnn the afternmne, when there blometh no bouthininoe. When you hahe founo a goon «intimate your knife( being new (harps) ano pare it a . bout then fingers from the ionnt homemaro, to much as (ball be mate to be let in ihe fiorke : that part that is either the iognt (not petiihing the pith)”: mutt cut with your knife, as ifgou thonlh make a pen Is as the lomo inith the barn, ano the barke biththe harkennah iopne together,“ iutt as may be. Which being hone,ifpou meane to matte in the Rotter, eon multirtt rm it l'nfwtbn then rleahe itin the mini! with athatpe knife, abort um: fingers : ant to the run you may hanoi’ontelg put in goat Geatfemou mutt babe a little mean: of lame o: iron. (Pliny thinltes it better of bone) which ineoge (when you log! gra e , :gwfithemma'bmhudfl if; “new the «nutmeg: M ) mutt be main flaw: “mm-Wm on the othet, anothe wealte mutt be matte mathatfioethat mad: man!!!” mono, taking pumice em, 'tbatfbe- pub be not men : the atbec hart Mmlthabetht mane pullen olt, mhtehattetlyou mutt m mehe'ileft, '03-de the hacke,tlllyoufeeall putts agree Mather. bomeooeeut the point ofthett 45er them’quaxe, ro natluo finesaee bate, ano the other eobeteo lotth hes bathe : uni tuthut l'ogt they :13 to ISM tn 3: Roche one agatnlt ano. thee : but lt is thoughtbefl: tomealte no moze but one. When you heathen fetl’n your 0mm the aoeke, plueke out the image : but here is a great tatefullnetre 5 ano heeo to be ufeo : ano' erefoze goon 63mm, thinke it heft to holo the Gimme epe 'th both home , lealt in the binning ano pulltng outot’ the mange, the dime be hurt, oz tram: uneven. grog ahoyoing of which, tome ufe to; to binoe the ltoeke about, ano aftet to put the meage,the banoe keeping it from opening tm mine. Eh: hatoer they be fet in, the longer millthey be ere they beare, but an ll inuure the bettet : you mutt take heene thetefoze, that the: cleft be not he [lathe no: to) firefight. When you habe thus 631mb , binoe the ltocke [with a mtg, ano abet it With loam e, well tempzeo with chase, tine fingers thicknea‘e , am (putting mou’e couno about it) tye it up to, that there come no. mine at it,noz be hurt with the bunne 92 the {pinnamhis is the- ozoec both in the olo time, out: at this nay urea: though in Co-. lumclhsttme (as it appeateth) they were not wont to matte, but oner betwixt the bathe ano themmo: fo; the olo people (as Plinic mzlteth) outlt notas yetmeonle with eleaeing the Roche: at length they peel'umeo to make holes,ano @eatte in the pith, ano to at lalt mate!) bolo to eleabe the ttoeke. Cato moulo habe the l'toeke eoeeteo may elay ano thalkeuningleo with fano ano Dee—oung,ann to mane in mogteefiometime they 62am mm; the top ofthe @raft ootnnemro, am they hoe it to make a lit, tle gene (men in meaothdt to belt @cafiingnert the grouno, if the lsnotsanothe ltoeke mm (utter: ano Plinie moulo habe the‘dfitatfe geomtcpzth not above flee fingemafyoutoill wzaa‘e T. he 3 mm film, tut It nice the grown, to as it be a fate ann a-your P: kalfe hint. at eon mouth, age your 63am ram , 1959‘ Gnfii.‘ 3 - m l ..- “1 ~ v‘ -~-». . - gfle— ~ fiefiaflfifiyflm mfeaun g balm tape wetmfimmm mmemg anamz-amtmuhm mill he pecan», tfthnrlpe betlnin “I. ma: guts, cunning out momma: 03 Eli) pone, am: be hell esteem with earth. 31mm Millennium implanting bhieh in no new matinee uranium, he lune thatit masts}. tithe latines, an! the seminal}!!! MC 6 leaf: 9.: litue him, with tome pan of the tinne with him. be craft it into an. othet‘lmnth, teem luhiehtne hahetaken as much bathe. El)“ new (Columclla faith) the hul'ba‘meiu his have: teen teen: to call Jmflufietingm anoewlation: ant heme. Columcllas was Theophrafius in his M De caufis Pianurum , (I fieb the eeafnn of anetwlatiunmlinic hath tag it luaufutt lean net «Dawes, hlning offébe in came an!) holes of trees. [his kinle at «Staffing, as Columella both lugite,ann our war; Wthemfelhea context, is belt to be urenin bummembout the tbelfe of June zyet Didymus faith he hath (mallet) in this mammann hath han goon intteafe with it in the bpzing time. Inn lith it is the naintielt hinue of (Deming, it is to be Web in all lines, butcnelg in (nth as have a (hang, a mega, ann a . rappte time, as the £Dlibe, the peath, the figgefihe fipple,the Want, the themegm nibece others trees mhith ate full ntfmilhe, ann habe a big bathe. a): that true that you meaue to acute, thank the houngett am: the faitett bzauehee you run, ‘ an! in them take the hub that is likellelt to gunman} matke it , man about tlno inthee (quate, to as the but ltanu eben in the millt, anutheu lmth a lharpe ltnife tut it want: about,ane aaln - OR the time, taking gmu have you hurt not the bun, ano take out the pine. firmwares, gee to the me: you mum to Gtatl‘e ethane thml’e likelnire the faitelt luaunth, anu pare away the tinne a little (pace , ane iopne inhout bun re lult , as thean may agree together to date, as ueitheir mater no; mum may enter in. you mutt looks that you hurt not the main, line that the time: be of one thicknea‘e._ when you habe that acute. binUe it up , to as you hurt not the bun; when duh it one: all, leaning libertie enough to; the but. Cut on" the tying that geomes about it, that there be nothing left him amp the bappe, but that it may onelp tube the State: Statement ttuentle payee, unque than. take as you: _ 3 StthcwdennngOrcI-iard5 ‘ “iii; ”Mung“ ball ['6 none but: ineoapozatet in $0 manthof a manage me. Columcna rpeaheth of another (set . uf0gafiing, to huge a hole in a mm my an angle , eithet to game , the page, ”the uttetmott nuns , going romething aspehn're "5"" Megan! getting out all the chips cleane,talte a mine,” an amie etthebett minemot tut from hiseln mother, e pacing away the one): tinbe, thzufl it fun into the hole-,bet'ug all motif Inn full of bappe, leaning a bun oz this onelh upon it : arm. mace, Item the hole melltnith $05.9 an Clay, ano commit “to the earth. 3n this feet you may wtaa‘e mines upon elmeeJo that! the hanth libe, being both nontit'heh with the ole mother am: the new father. who gates aftet, you [ball an elf the new gtatten bgalltb, one the (torts wherein eon gratin, you [hall fame otf a little above the blazing, to [hall the static become the gee am! part pf the plant. the like one on: asunttiemen, takinga beamhof a Bitch a fmte thithe: an! when they habe eat it, ant: bozen it, thee in in it the hzanthes of the belt 192m at apple that they can get, rotting the fame in a berg trtt mount: in ”dub: am in the fame moneth the were attec‘ taking up the Bath, they eat it afuneet with a fab) bee tinirt the holes am: the launches : ann eheth pe'zte of take with his math, they fet in berg rich ano frnitefull grown. mhere are tome that bzag of another hint: ofgtatting, not ninth unlike to the tuner, inhetecfnottnithflanoing,Afiicm in Com Another flannncmaketh mention , asttieo ina ieeaeh. Ehey will a manner at man to take the branch of a willow as higasgour acme, 6'3“":- an: this «habits in length, n: maze : this they mouln habe yen to huge thoughthe miofi‘. am: after nipping at! the trenches ot apeath as he ltanns, leaning onely the top untouchen, they Insult: have you to make the peach pairs thzongh the m illoln hatte,ann that none}: both the w illotn like a homretti ng both his enos into the eattha into him the hole up with mctfemoz; tee ano banos. Ehe were after when as the heat: ntthe math hath ioynen hitnfelfe miththe hith ofthe Willolnthxt both the hotter: ate become one. you (hall wt the Eta beneath ann ten intone inann raife npthe eatth,fo as you to‘ etthe millom bob ‘1’!me 0f“?! 199w!!! this thall lazing pen weathes with; entitones. Ehts kittnothatfms mutt be none in mot P1: ' fl 4 “ a \ .33 'm‘eaahaaookf am ‘ mag ‘ m thwtllomnmfibe AMQJMWMQ propagazi- that nature of the Ice may be affpm. Ehe hinnsgmam ‘30 2mm! his new sfpenpagation, ate beelatea by Pliny, who telleth ortm binnes: the am, wherein a beam-hot the 1m; newsman ‘ mlnne,ann batten in a little fmrmfinuaftee magmas an as, ann the plant in thethitn pe’ete renmben': which it you intennta ‘tatrie any tax ntltante off, it is belt to; man to hutie pout bgan, the: in XEashets, a: eatthen bettels, in which you may aptlgett. eateie them. any, another maze nelitate may he I‘peaheth of, whichtategetthe tmte outnfthe berg Erie, laying the luau; ehes in Baahetaof earth, ant by that meanembtaimng tastes Witt the berg fruit am: the tops, (to; by this meanes the rest. is fettheb from the hen: top, to fame they Mfume) ant from thence feteh them,nfing it as befme : in wheh nut you may alfa neale with tiofemarie ann Sabine. Columdh (helneth a hug, hobs flippes otall manner at Ewes may he grace!) in what Eta'espou lia. . . T a n A. am: fume ate alto fet~ of the (119910: timings: my l'elfe habe plntken a bzanth , {cont awulbeme me, am: bwfinss the' em: a little with the Qpallet, hub: tet it in the grounn, ann it hath genuine to beafaite me. Ehe like hath he'ene ttizen ( as thre tag) in apples anb 3am”. M u r v s. gm: tap tnell, f0: .flature hath lhetnen us, that the young aentes, plucken from thetmtee of the trust will gtom : the youngett are belt to be planteu; anni‘e to be pul- leb up, asthep may being with them fome- pattof theitmo. Jnthis fogtpon mavplant {anegtanatn filbetts, apples, Serbifles,$ehlara,]bloms, fines, butfpetiallp Claimant» {ninetimes themes, ann 9912mm. Qt the come am: the bzanehesate alto planten the alumna, the petite, the Gaul: hermthe zenge, the 9mm, the mutate, the am, an» (1)211:th 3910mm whichtha-oftnet you remote themthe Better they move. Phny ragth, the bzanches tut fmm the (tee, Matthe fittt onelp enter: to; themes; tEluer, maimha , ant 31m mementoaethee: aftetmam tenure, asthe ianplg; ‘ rfl‘m‘éfldcritjgbfim‘e'h’aelsl’ m ”hmmwmmtttu ugwrctmflh’crm ”like. Mina! be-takbtt,thatmmunthefetshoa" I we Wqumhen;knottte,noz «>3an nennererthm‘ than! um” metlgrtpe with his humus: leak them tote: « r a a A. at ré‘matm murtbatyo‘u rpeaaeotthetetttuent‘, the («fit It: kemell. 'j M A a 1 v 5. 33am: («Pliny faith) hath twghtus tote? the kernel“: the (a be: «beaten of firm, an: metttuen tmth‘ the mama ofthttr enthzalei, am: after "tannin the boughetr anotiree offire’etthfih‘mhg be time manpttmes 3 {Blame Ernie grammgoatefa large, a 255p out ota cherry, an!) a Cherrpoutota eminent. spam, Ewes aretrtofthefmtt, ker~ mu, 0: none, mhtch gram teeth} of thrmfelbes,hr numb! the talltng ofthetmitzas Eheknuts, Earelnuts, m malnutsg Cctumella myth. they are the fruitfuller Ernie: that (:2th or thetrtmtte,then there thatare tet atthe Kathe, 02 the bzanrh; bouts naught to beret in mm, am not in the growth ': what the have no ram ntthetromnefiheg In): in manger; abut): (rattan kerntll,o: planter: 33am, Simon”, 15:11am, mm nutmmmronafiatnmeaaineapptes,abatemdtppztaezxsagee, apples, wear“, @aplesdft’rtrém Cherries, aararhem amt—t rotten: but [rt 02 planteb theppaohe to be the intranet-home at thete one grout tn (Buffing anh other mares: expettrnre tea- rhetb,'that the taut ana the Eerebtnth are «batten; ano Denna. grron mttneaeth as math : nettherare atmnttn, kernels, am: none: retin ltkefozt,” hereafter thaube fr’ene. home are lath tn materbefoze , other: ant : fame lpethzeée bans in how am: mater, am at the fa" of the Irate are batten tn the grannn till ayarrh : am then frt 52m are onelp lava in mow hung a nap Them. heron. can of {meta mater amt hang onelp a night, lean theme of (barpeneae ot the hm 0:11:02 thefpzout. bum are fetmith 9‘3"“- thetr topper (tanning uptuarh, “the diheflnuttntb‘ers Damne— harm as the’ Simona, though this (5 not greatly to he regeweo, tithe me: (a the traits that faltes from the Elgar, e: is Is: (all. by ”trues, limb pzkl'per belt of arm. at er. gem, the, catering: It an . 31mm: warren may not be Oflmpe ‘ ' ' " “tr-r.” I. -_ .. ' , . ‘~' ‘ pgugb Garden». m The ménggkelmcmg mm at“ Wilt. mmhfl “'3 "We album We the anaetomeum . ' ’tto beheoer. e We than the .mthem mate general no he rhofen to; the ween; that 15.8 ammo n32. fat, an“ “991.1 mm with the wauoekemheretn the ttranger maybe the! r 'lheo,ano mg lute unto the rogleg‘nto uhtrhgou mane to more thermmhc kernels,» (tonesnnntt not be altogether nation, but a ltttle to. hereo north tome part of the truttJo thalltheg afterwaro enwre the longerfiheg mutt be let a fete, o. theregnbouto nfunoer: fitter two goeres they mutt be remoobeo it beware thetr room one tunne berg oozpe mto the growth, they mntthe fonxelnhat hentm fume!) in, to the eno they may fpzeao abmo, one not tonne nomnemaro. above all thugs, ycunmtt fee rt be free from transom rubbileell feneeo agatntt poultry, am: not full ofehtnkegano tufts, that the bnnne burne not the tenoer tmteoztheg mutt be feta {tote e a halfe a runner, that they hurt not one the other with their ne'ere grotrtng- among other etn’le they will be full of mozmemno therefozr mat be'mell rake. ono meeoeo ; hettoggrolm’ng rankeghee mutt he trunmeo ant Pmb£aro moulo habe them eobereosober tenth Wee up on fozkeego letin the bronze, anoto keepe out the roll: :mm are the kernels otweareo,winesapplee,fiuts,¢ypeeae, e rush others rheritheomzheg mutt be gentlp matreo to; the firfi thzee 06295,“ the going oolnne of the bunne , that they equrllg reret'btng the waterway open the (toner. szlrha. 0: turkey glumbe, .11) ute,malnuto e «i hettnntMBapesnIherleo, {:4 its. a regflppleemateefieareo,@aples,jflrres, ialtlmbe, ano oi. berfe othere,ore retofthe (tone 0; kernels. {tn remmtn’ng of them,habe fpert'all regaro,that the? be let tn the like toggles; in bettermot from hot ano fogtnaro grown, into eolo e barkloaro, no: contrary from tho' e to the other. you mull make your jinn routes to long befosen'f you can, that they be obergrotnne with gmhmoulD.Mago moulo hone them mane agate befoge, that may be luell reafoneo with the Dunne, arm the weather : 1 if you eannct ro, you man ln'nole fires in theml'ooett e! two months afoze,ano mm M them. but afteralholnze. I! myth of thet' rfettr'ng neat he in ltl'tfe day no horn groom), tbzoecttbttee : ant: to: talennb tum hanofult mote tube for. Who wrote fimrelr’lmttalshtmne, «no Wt: Madgdownds’? » m. r (winemaker), the (mm m a me . up, being TWflmm miter beeper than than feete arm a file, no; home then fine tote bmee,.noz neber eflea‘ee mph, then m anea halte, which nr 21 the: mount lm'lt mm m 1w mater. my as Might tn the myth of the game, are tn be (at the beeper, aetheathemnbtheflmue: : thetemfnth litmmt't be m fence fnete eetpe , the otheee it Mathttthey awthze'e fcete oeepe. home nteto tet name: ml: amtee me little (tones, both ts tontalne, ann eonnay . away the beater : other: lay grabell uneerneath them. my. greater Ewes are to be (It tomato the ”02th ann the memthe [mallet tomato the heath anb the Eat}. home will have no Etc temoben nnber ttno ya'zre. eln, e; ebobe them. : ane others when they be ofayletee greleth.Caro refilteth Virgtls authen'ty that it is to great purpere to matte the (tanning of the Erie, an it grew at the firltmnb to place it temaros the fame quarters of the heabenagalne. SDthere obfeebe the eontrary in the mine, am: the filgge tree, being of opinion that the leabeelhall there. - by be the thielzemnb better nefene the fruit, e not to fame {all : belioe. the ftgge tree will bee the better to be tlt'mbcb upon. @meobetmou mutt beware that by long tarrytng,the tmtee bee .. not lmthereo, no; the infinite in the fioeth when you remeebe. themnnhereby manytimee they eye, the huebanb not knowing the eanfe. Cato embemneth utterly all manner of tetnnee oz tte:mee,tn the removingof make, an theretozeitt'e logteat Ban putpofeto take them up with the earth about them, anb to (over the rmtestnlth a Earth, ant: to; this were Cato mettle habe them to be cattyen in meets fillen with earth up to the topye : the ma malt to be felt, as it may item: in the mteeea “the firemh, anb to great heene mutt bee taken of the rmtee, that they be not b.2oken,noz mennlee. among unmet; anbzelante, the mine by me tight that; The Vine. lengeth the rebrrat'gm'ty, reeing there is no plant nfee in her, banozy mege fruitful! ane maze wmmcm’oue than it, not onely ,. fezthe heantt'fnlnetl'e, Inbgmbltnelle otthetwit, but alto to; the eafmeEe he hath in growingjnhcreby hee retuteth not ab molt any htnee of Country in the lehele teem, eeteyt (net, as are m mmmly «amenity the burning heete of the farm: o; . , .. r - a».- M "F—e“ ' 'm “‘ a ' .. . A. _ 159 The Puma: 80ng man; ' no: at”. Met! miebiththe manuals ;. peeled!!! “lemma the pioine one champion country, go it Dothup. on the hill; on mountaine mummy elikemite as mu in the eta: annotate with,“ intros tote nonunion monument- tmtimee in the looms; unison; mutants! the futon! tog- gie, one in the 0219,83 inthemotit on! ”We; no; one in man: places,in the here Roche; it growth moflohnnoantlg an!) moi! traitfntip, as is to be (fine e pZoheo at this log about the nihee ot mhinein wermante. anothe Ether of Mofell in sift-ones : one above all this,“ bet! ahioeth one heareth theeontranz oifpoiin'on otthe heaheno. The inven- at Mo Era tonne ontbg the wateiotke Noahjnnneoiotly at. R',‘,-’,',‘c‘.’f‘h° terthe outlining of the tangle : at man be, the mine tons hetoze thattime, though the planting one the uretherottuae not then knomne- Ehe weather: both mot! falap anu berg tannin, as m mung other things, one nine the innention otthel‘ame unto the office Bacchus. taut Noah linen many here hetoze either Bacchus, Satumus, oz Vranius mete oozne. Ehere boots not great one learneo men, that attirme the! mine to be molt goinefau : one oerlareth that nine truitefuhietre The Vinc- my; mnemmentionea‘bg Caro,Varro,( Columclla,lnbt't0 upon grim“ eberg acre pe’eioeo teahen hnnnzeo wallonos of mine, one the minnows ofScncca,tnhcrein be hot: pa’eeip upon one acre Ioc 0. (banana: when as in (tome gconno,1eanore, o; woo lane,“ a nun one not upon one titre re. s. a pare, it to tho tight at great mother. Ehe steering ot the Wine-bearing Ctineo,'ae the {nets of mines are fnnozy, neither can then he rontoineo in rertaine numbers. toztbere to 351mm} (oats, as there is ofgrouno. Ho: met giheth the thiefett movie to the w ine of Maronia, eno Ptamnium. Virgill mofitommenneth Rhenith mine : others the biucofAminia, Lomcnrana, Candy, one Coricga, but 3 means to fpeake or thote that are commonly in onroapee. 3n atatp at £3“ 082 they make mutt mount ottnine oi Coriega, Romani, Q Meyfiman booinetheg bell weenie the tnine othaninc, or Ribodari, one Gibrakcr. an french the motel! more is Qihen at“ mine of Orlcons, Anion, I Groves : @ermanie began but ottate to mole tenth planting of mines, to; Y9“? Ioeitethngt l ofitfic ordering g‘Orcha‘rds. r; i the frenchmcu ant fiermatnts hat: in his time both mines one 981123 : but; ilt this nay the Rhine, the Necker, the Mcne, Mo(c1,ana Dmammay rampart with any we ountties, fez giro, » net of their rattles. , Zhe mine may be planteo fibe rannzy may“ : to; either his hzanchesare fattereo to runne in lafety upon the gramme; elre tntthatt any Ray groin uptightm habing a Ray 03 92°F M f0: them,they tlimhe up by it3o3 elfe name up by a couple of flitte peeps,calleo ofLivie a yoke,” elte fufioineo tnith four-e of thofe yoaltesmhi’th of the refemblance that they hate tm'ththe hols lo'm gutters ofa houre, are raioto be guttereo : others agatne fatteren to came upon frames like arhonrs,ferbing to fit unoer, one are calleo arbour mines : others twine tap the malles ot' houree. wombeqthe when names, are tyeo together, ano toyneo with thee oz (attempt, on if they were yoakeu :fome one let them rnnneupon was,“ commonly in Lumbardy, they T15 are fatteren to climbe upon ailment, millomes, nun gang which be where they greatly ptofpet : neither one they like all manner of Eggg‘fgg; treesJe; they hate the fluttm‘the Bay. the fianith, arm the Vine. cell : .35 agatmthey lobethe poplorfihe mine, the Willem, the figgmnn the filth: trSc. She mines that are yoaken, a; ttayeo tip with peopexecetbe maze ayge, ann beare their fruit the highcm ripe the bettenbut al'ke mm trouble in the leaking mans there are to oznzeofihat they may heplotneo,tnherebythey are the maze fruitfull , becaut’e they may the ottner , ano h‘ttb the lette change be tilleo. the mines that creep upon the growth, make much Game, hutnot ( as Columclla faith) to gum. . TH n A. 130th teyour oznzing otthem. M A n x v s. firth 3 miltfpealtc of the gem, ano otthe Digging of it,ano after otthe plantingano cutting ofthem. fine The orde- fitfi '90" muff take to; at'pect'all note, that every min: mm not ripg of agraz with ebery place, no; yeelu his Wine inlt’ke gmonelte, V‘““° attach {ogre l5 the qualitte of the 81222, neither millallkinoe otgrouno rerbe : go; Columrlla ooth comrfatieto ret the mine W m d . m mane growth, rather then bhere atom a: bathe: have him,” atom : to: as to; ole mineyaros, it tsmott certar'ne, they are the Vine. the toogtt plates otaltothertoret neth'in , becaure the growth l5 v. ‘-> I 51, Therecend Booke, entreatmg , «mum arit tneee netteo with the temeines ofthe ole totes : neithet hpth it lofi the button of the rotten one olo aim hing motes , wheremith the foile ( glutteo as it were mith benime)is benummeo: anothecefoze the Sniloe ann untilleo geounn is chiefelhto be choren,mhich though it be obecegzoiune with meubbes anotem, may get eerily be ciooe. if ruch miloe gtouno be not to)» hau , the belt is the plaine champion lane withouttcees: ifneithet l’uch ageoqnb, then the light-anothin bulhie geouno, oz'fiDlibe gcouno. Ehe lalt ano mozlt (as 3 rain) isthezoln rotten mincpacn , which if neceifitie compel! you to take, you mutt ficit rio th: gteunh of alltheolo rotten notes,- ano then cube: it either with oloc bung, oz with “)8 neivelt of any other kinoe of mannuting: the riots: being thus biggeo Immutt be lain up together, ant bucieo. fitter mutt the granule beconfioeteo, whether it be mellow anu gentle : it is thought tobe gmo,that is fomething grietie ant gtabellg . one full of [mall pebbles; to that it be mingleo with fat motile mithall , which if it be not, is uttetlh bifalomeo. Dame Care: joycs in heavy ground, and ‘thrcbta in the light. you fhall peceibe it to be mall’ie ano thicke,if being oiggeo, ann caitinto the hole againe, it rireth obec: if it reaccely fill the hole, it is a figne that it is light ano thinnc. Ehe flint , b2 the genetall content of huebannmen,io counteo n friene to the minereciallg whereitis well cobecen .dnith gmo inoulo: foe being colo am: a keeper of moiftute,it {uttereth not the routes to be [when with the heate of Summer : to much that Colu. men. both ufe to lag ccttaine ttonce about the fine of the Mine tce'eeJothatthesz etceco notthe tonight of fine pouno apo’ece: which as Virgill hath notemixpes «may the mater in Winter, ant the heat in bummee. Hutlc in the chic-Ric Home, or therein threw the nafiie fhelks. been we fit the bunkeofthemhine being full ofthere cones, to [file an ctcellent gmu mine : but the [tones that-lee a, babe grown, are to be cat alua'y ; for. in the bummer, being heaten with the Dunne, they bume the wine, ant inthe mm, tee they hurt them with their colonell‘e, contmtie to thofe that 'lgeinthe bottome. But the belt at all is the fcote of an hill. bhith receibeth the falling male. from the toppee, 0'51 3:: _ a , -~ , us-‘n. _ of the ordcrmg of Orcha'rds. - r5; mug, that tuith obetflotoing omibers hath be’ene mane rich. either is dihalltie grouno to be‘teful’eo , thoth the chalke no or‘it felfe that gamers ufe, is hurtful! to the tame. Ehe bunglg fanny grouno , the falt,_bittee, ano thirttie grouno, is not mietefo; the mine: get the blaehe anu rebuilh fanoe, "which with tome mogit earth is offome allotoen toelleuough. womb”, neither grouno tm hotte, o; to tolue, tm (up, not too monthtm fleuoer, no; to th'tfe, that will not {utter the rains tofmke, is to be ufeo to: mines ; to; it will eaulp gape one open, whereby the bunne commiug in at the etaiuefl‘es, ooeth burne the motes; Ehat agaiue mhieh is overthinne, letting inas ittvsere hebents, the Kaine, the bunne, ann the winoe, ooth one up the mopiture of the rates: the thitbe anu ttitfe grounb is hamlg to be laboureo, the fat groans rubies totm much ranlienetl'e, the leans geounuto barrennelte; toherefoze there mutt be an eben temperature amongtt thefe ertreamities, as is requireu in our bobies , mhofe health is peelerben b9 the squall meolie of heats anb‘ roloe, Myth unu mogtture, fulnetIe anb emptinetl‘e, ozthiehe. netIe anu thinnelIe: neither pet is this temperature in grouno foz mines fozultlg to be ebenen, but that thece ism quireo amore enrlining to the one part, as that the earth be mo;e hot then come, moze one then mega, moge fubtill then grotte , (penalty if the (rate of the theabens agree. a, gaunt tohat quarter thereof the atnehato ought to lye , it is What anoloeeontroberfie, tome likebettthe rifingof the flannefluammr fomethe methrme the jaogth: Virgin miaiheth the Well: the heaven others againe thinke the bet! lying tobe upon the hon $51; 3‘; Eat in generall, it is thought belt in roloe drountries , towm,‘ habe it [he tomarothe bouth, intuarme (Emmtries upon the (£3!!th bet burning (Countries, as Egypt RRD'B arbaric, upon the finzth. Pl'mic monks habe the Mine himl’elfe (tune to; learns the oath, anu his (wings, o; thmtes tobatbs the 909‘? a tgrouno-anb Inelllhing, being foun'o out, mutt be'orltgentlh mgueo,ooungeb, ano memo: all unprofitable mans mutt be pollen-up, ano thzotnen may, letttheiz thoulo toting againen either tom the 20mg plants,” hinner thelaa , linear. She mute ts planteo attaching to Vitgils oule,in the fool: The time 154 bmfécoficl Booke ,‘entrcatipg tor anting nttheleete, but Better in the bpztngflthe Matherbe rainy; 03m. 1 Crafi'ing ot‘ .im's. \Vllat (‘ to Le chufcn. MD,” the grantee he fat,champton, n; a mattflh ”they: 3 bet! m the tall or the lent: , rfthe weather be am e met-nee, the mouth «but am light, a harm, a: n euggen httt. Eh: time nfplantlng, tn the bpgtngfi as Columclla teeth) enburcth teary cages, 1‘ out the ante of 5‘ e watt]. untlll the fiquinoéllal; em) tn the fell of the tea 8, from the 3 see of flDttobcmo the 13:1!ch efEDetem: her. Caffim in Conflanrlnc, being taught by erperlence, fat:h,t'n matey geounbs you (battle tether plantln Aatumnr, when :9. teams are (nine, am the plants afteeth: atnetage Deiluerelot the heathen el’ thetr cluttereJnrmh enh the nu hefeze they be nip. pen with the {refle,toz then the: hetf agree with the grammar» tare applying he: tells lethally te the nourr’l‘hing of the rate. Ehe tiara. of gutting, Columelta rarth, re ottame'emnheo from the‘fielt effiohemher, to the fit!) of 33m, ttll lnhr'eh timethe that: a; gem may he pzerernee : but it is not melllr'hee or him, who tether month have it to he tune in manner lnea‘hee. when the Winter le pattfinhen both but: we rtnne is naturally mo- heunnt's (are recur mlh, that ought smog er’thee the avenue, o; the btorhe :uet he sunteth (when hem teqnleeth) it my be nenet‘nthe tall otthe leatemrheu as the temperature orthe me, tn net nrneh unlike to the tuning: to; which pnepol‘e, gen mutt share a mature hag, nnn no tm'nn alertne- Ehe aratfe neat! be ronnn nun tonne, not fall at pith, hat album, I thiche allocate, thefienm luheeeetnrult not mane that lnthee. enh tmmth, e when mm: the fluke ann the cleft man be the" clutch Int h clap anu rustle. Whore that grow “been the South, tuna he mark, . n {she like tetohe heneblrh all other term. 9t planting at mines, there in two mm»: one etthe mute, the other otrhe hzenrh, ez Emmy : are: Note became a great nettle better: then the beach a; tet, by zeaten of the tulnarnneu'e, e hantagethat tt berth, in lh:.t l: hath menu! fallen rote. Eh: Rmteis fee in fit!mmunu,tuett btggee ann laboureun a trench at thee: rate, there: a: {pm} tn a gentle we mellow steam : in hzygrarmnm't re neithemmh to {at he mote, no: the fizanrh' m a my (eaten: rt ' theme plant in the {all of theleele la a hot (nine, e in a role: want, we sextant! much lee: pannidfllrtthemrhtw ner, YR , .' ;_ 2; .“ brimmg’gflfimharas 155 unlmmogumthir—kcr : in What foztizou (hall make a lion , V ‘ Mitoz‘mm Palladius tearhethnou. mhefet requireth a- nme‘tormtegtlietngremobeomill bearethebetter fruit. ahe rates one be‘atfiruit the lemma yeere,‘o3frorter: the 93ers, oe. 15mm“, rtearfe in the thiro oz forethtdere, though in tome plates (dinerDidymus in Conthminc teaeheth an eerie mm a reaoieinar: of plantingthe miiirlti'et, whirh is, to Me of a (troug ano mare name, the longett ano faireu branch, that grometh lohmtfifmte from the aroma, ann lazing it long in fat Erenth ofa tinte oepth,to toner itlm'th earththe {pare of foure iomts : ano ifthe beanrh be to long,ae it millferue to; tino bur— ningemou may make thereof tlno mites. you mutt not fatter rates to name up upon one itaz, but allow ehern rmte his (up, ozter. ’ ' P Ehe manrhes, oz bet that you meaneto plant, you mutt eat from a imp fruitful! arm flourilhing mine, that hath bozne ripe e perfea son furit,tull otiotnto, e not am? may tainteo,but whole it tomroADf rurh you mutt ehcnre your Sets; not ofpoung camethat are locales ano feeble, butrurh as are in their rhiefe ' Hate. spoeeouer you mutt gather your betmot of the highefl, no: the lolneit, but fromthe mum of the mine : the but man be rounn,immth,full of knots ano inmate, a many little barge; maximums you have rutit ”Jake that you fet it: to; better ooth it agree with the growth, ano toner gromaf you are ozi. uen toke’epethzm, burie them in the grouno either More, 0; lmfely bomb man if the time be long that you meane to keepe them, gourmet! lay them in emptie barrels, [framing earth unoer them, out uponthem, thatthe earth may lie rouno a- boutthem: min the hermit you mutt [lop rlofelp with clauthat there enter neither tomoenoe aire, to (hell you peererue them than moneths in their gmonea‘e. birth as at; ouer ogie, vou mat! lay them In mater foure ano tinentte houree a. ' {022 you fetthem, arm you mutt fet tmo bets together, that though the one mile, the other may take: ano if they both grommet: may take up the letter of them : you mutt not make a menleg of runner toztoneriallg inhite anti blark together : but as Columclla faith, mm! l’ozt them ieuerallp. gamma be; ware that the bets haue 11;: patent their twinge, arm that ' you l 56 _ The fecpna Booke,qntreat1ng mu fetnot amitheeen bet, Connaneinc moulo habe the bet romethtng ermkenmtl’tpninsthat it will the r tenet take rmte. ’ 39> uiuttlagaboutthemthefc oz mute amen, an. then rairee t earth, that it may equally with them b when belong: tithe ttoues keepeth the. earthticiuenas a fat befo‘ze,etoleth ‘ the’ Route. )lfioththe e..o‘o ofthe bet you mutt nnnoint tmth 51M. minor {93th killing 0! the "39.233198 :88 to; the length, it'itbe full ottogzits,itinafibe the thogtérjt it habe fem inputs, you mutt malteit the longer,a.‘;o yet not ereeefiing nfbte in length, no; a that'eman in thoetnetl‘e, the one to; being burnt with obee oghnetl‘e in bummer : the othee, lealt being let t nape, it be with great hatonea'e taken up,butthis is fog th: leue.l grouao: to: upon htls, where the earth [till falleth, yen may haue them a hot one a hano bzeoth in length. Flown iw woulonothabe the trench lea‘e then foure fwtetn Depth: to being fat mallow, they rennet needy, both fozthe Thdmg'h mmtof fallen-ante, ano greatihent of the auntie, lnhiehis ofthcfcts. thought to pieree feure feete into the grouno: though tome there bee that thi zbe then to: te futtirient in: the plant. Ethe Erenrheo fog minesfllrgnll month not have bet? nape; but ooeper a great beale fog Ems. bueh minesashou mean (hall runne upon trees, you mutt plant thze’e rubits bittant from the Ernie : aftermaros, when they be tuell gromen, ann men to be iohneo truth the Eric (mhirh you (hall peceeibe by his thieh, nes ) you [hall lax) it outline in length. a .o bury it, till it eome within a to t of the Ermfumring the renmine to goe at liber: tiesnipping off all the bun: with your nailes, ertept one o; two, th.:titmag the better pzofpermihieh when it is grolune upmou muttiopne by little 3 little to the item, that it may ielt upon it: whith part of the Erie mutt be Diligently pzopneo, nno the l'pzingg anb frienresthat groin out or the m te,mutt arrogoing to Florentinus,” ruteleane aluap. i: he tt'oes,as.muth as may be, mult‘b‘e togzeo to the (totem: w ethane both the Erie an!) the minelinutt have the earth well nigger), nun bungee about them. 3:: rich grounomou may {utter the Ewes to grain in. height, but in barren grown the» mutt be; pulleb atl‘eben oz; eight foate, leatt tell the {ublttanee of the (Earth be foalzeo hp otthe Etienne: your plantiugmou mint oigge the oregano ‘ ' 7 > c err 1.- $—' 3mm ordering of Orchards? ’157 c Whanlméene t't , fpeet'nllh from the (felt at than, The om, till the fitttot‘ Globes: teeth thu-tteth bag 20" mutt bygge rirgot“ about the M plants, ann pluck: _up the names, (penalty X] If “1‘2; the grall'e ,‘ which ereept it be eleane plu'tk‘t up anti tatt away, ting. 1’, - thwghitbe ether to lrellenbeeee , will [pang agatne, am: to burne the plants, as the}: well make them both foule ane mltheten : the oftenet pen bigge them , the maze am you nee themmhen the (353118 begtnnes to alter , you mull t'n'hane or digging lmth hem than Digging , am: when it 1'5 tipe , befoge name & dwsins when It trareth hat, a: me am name when the heate netteafeth pen élsll‘l bigge lt , an!) mute the Butt, which being Defenneth thec‘ézape both from the bunne unto the Elaine. Running to Vu §_llr« mummthe tame mutt be big-gen ant: me’enen elem) £33m neth: tome mculn hate them niggea all the Summer long, after even: 02am: ethers agalne will not hate them niggen as lung as they bun o; bu'vtgen, to; heating the l’pJnge I taping, that It Is eneugh to big them thgt'eet'n the ne‘e‘te, from” the eu- tn’ng orthe Sunne into Aliceflll the effing or the {even meme ann the Wage. heme againe 'Jttaonln habe it-none from the aintage befoze w mteeann fwm theieee of fipzt’ll befngeit take, ant: then agat’ e beroge it Home, ant: likeun'l'e befege the burnt g homes of the bay. in fame places when they hails lu'ggen them, they nee not llraight-u'aieetobet them,butfutfee the tren‘ehes to the upen all the Winter: in wet e tapm'e places they meet them fmner,elottng upthe cmts with earth an!) itch. ping Itltbe Manges ofthe water. home make the ttenthes new nape; fume net patting a mate napemnn when they have lone, they canecth'em alert-mitt; gatewan'gfiha pes mm, a; flange ammo: of‘othzc (tattell: Imagine bung is the'hottett, wen d n; c futhfiae canfeth the mine faueft to gmmbut malaeth the {no ‘4 :s M for m Mine. fiche gang mutt not be lava the ter- themine, but a " ’m'" ‘ littleeltlnt Item tgmhetelw the t3 tee thatfpz'ean 5b man map , , hanemme helpe of it, anu the hunt! Matthieu!) the e : tee, 3:177:13}; fez bzeaktug o‘fthem :tfthete be ‘nnm‘mga‘t bulimthe (fame; I f at. la) de, iBedne.“ ant: othet 13am, null m; ll tune the fume, which both Defenneth‘the mines frem fret! annieolbe, ant lw’epre them lileemtfem mgfmnz 1mm”: 3the kernels, an!) the l‘talltes ofthe @mnmt'ktmfopfietbflpm «new? ' i, 2 C .__q ‘ (- . :58 WW Booke,entrcanng , , pm, at. thehetfl‘alldulu tale W. ~Wnts uterine,” tic. “dung. W, annfn teach, ullfibeejetes, m wete‘eup gig, human Outlaw-actuating tothett flats: t aunt: gm,the Th d ”belt wnglafifflmpe embwoates: anntn lush fo,t you man mtg-J; him the atom, that the are» that 122th 9mm, be tattto «(lurking thehatteme, annthat tnhtthtmsat the bottoms, be lawn a, “It sroundo. loft ; to thallthat that has 022 , bnthe 'mngfiute mithm , he helpen,ann that mhtth has mogfi anb mtte, b9 the heats abate be latency. foumult alrorcthatthete be no holes no; pits in ' the mne‘gato, but that it lte enemas hen you hahe thus m’ggee it, am: that the Games babe taken rate the fin! 95¢“, the ante: that gram about mutt be eat any with a page kmfe : to; the mine. it it be {memo to note eherp may , It htnneteth thene'epe mnegtebu'tm of the note. the mines that are main oftm first growth, we mutt night out trench about two fate nape, c thze‘efot bmufittmtns to the tale'ofSocion.“ theft mines that elimhe upon methane: mat lthebtre tut alt thel’pzinga .thatmneamfithetomottbc lien, ltlt the tmallemte t angling with the greater»): Wanna therefoze you mail leabe tome little {pate betmttttbe mute am: the Eta. my" Digging eaufeth great fem'tt'ullneh’e : gm heat mutt be taken, - that the plants be not butt tn the unsung : alto ttmua be big, no befozehts flourtthtug . oz [hating eat of hte leaflet: to; as tmmem’ately thmlm’thall he beginueth to thmtt tut his fruit, to he that niggeth after the (emitting togth thereof, lmfeth math fruit with the hident making , anb thereto” malt light the washer. Cutting an» tzetltng of the rates, manna begin in hunt: letth at the ante of maths: : to that they may he trimmen mo smatthen afoze winter. arm puffing matter nigge about the emtes that you hate antes: anu dVinu. thefts the flame eaten: the AiquinoéliumJehell the tmtee that m have tu'mmen. "a ftet the goes of ”all. rate ”the em amen: mine: inhuman: let the mount.» oftentimes tat-comets. after the 3b" of 29mm ( an 3 hate (an) bee litethe min-enme in, put mun nettle the tastes Of that Mmmbitblabeut law on"! the Somme: mnpbttb thnh'uthm tutteth. m :luth hut mute: to: tf gen Ilium m, themattsmwmm mu peg. ‘biée-otdcfing OFOrchan-dt" 1;) am m teas in state, my tom - firm“ both taint heat? ans theretnee tn hatfotebtetie - . mithia a tent halte, istsbe «:un manna hunt nstthe handgun. gamma}! muse this cinema 0th emtes at etety "an «the leare, fee the Grit an: grates, till the Mine be mum; memoir mutt metre them ewtvfnutthgeere. ° rueh mines as see man with Ms, from-the unhansfmea mite, cannot be thus hamlet. Mines ass tram-the rmnee'theie Rates he thusnzetten, the avenger ant weightiee they 1nd! be: but rathae groin upon the fineehfhiis, mutt he {0 mm, at the upper rmtes neare to the cache may (wean iargeimue um nemeath tomatnethe feats ofthe hill the eatth man be beam to keeps the hunter arm the meals the better the ole mine mutt not hate his tmte menlen mithail to; withering, as; he - plume», to: Meshing of them, but the earth alittle lmfee with a $attotke, minhen you hate thunzeft the rate . la! am: about it. after this timing ofths totes , then follow“) “‘Qfl’eoy- pzopninu. at cutting, whereby the We amt ts 113.0me twinge, am that alts tut within this imits of the earth: tnhith flitting mutt nethe in the i t, but betwixt the “PM ”“5 I flepe cunts: aboising oflnat : neithetmutt the art be on that; use that thehmmmesout 9!, beaten the antrade. 1m his Meeting hehiu the but. Columeun appsinteth mummies fo; the cutting ofaimsthe fining, am the ratio! the tester imaging in role (mtrieethe antttuginthe Maine to hem am in hsttmtriesbhete the Winter: teatime, the (allot theleak: athhithttmehuh teammates, Bethe tibiae ant emailing mum: of m we uptheic fruit ant theirleateaetmuttnotmmmmlv summit!!! he means: bathefiruvarethegbetettheg mubehslpeu with one" timing; enthralling atmmundhtg, {while the! hem, that they've? m the me. Pfiyhflisiu Con- fiannne ,letlaw the tfinmmmvm to begin in flebmate, swatch, anthem mu! m ti" the twentieth ”WW atthmugmtn aitthm im- menistrlgaftu’the Wharmvm, It! by W inner mg eh lb rues-1am: hetnn tut inthet {thmmfimnugw mm. 3 I 60 Tin {econd Bookgenfimemg momma effect happento tome, tttefpovleu. Ehetefoze Walt Whitman better“ emf 'tue, then to cut. it movable. that is, tofutte: the pztnet'pa 'ngee hunches ' mflntn-flgaineg’t is berg electron: to eat em in the bpzt'ug : the texts mutt be mane with a new marpe knife: that they may befmmtht that the beater may not (tam: in them,to the engen, ”tug of moms“ mtuptim of the mine : you mutt eat them touno, to hull the out be (met seamen out ogm'ne ; but Plinic mouth haue them nope-mire,to; the better abohomg of the ma, ter-Ehe beaueheo that be b;oao,oln,eemheo, o; loghthen, cut a: Wm fet young one better in their plaeeaaon mutt make an m snout cutting with as much [peeoe as you may :feom the 3m ofmecember, till the fines of January. you mutt not Myth gout mines with a knife : to; Columclla tottnelreth, that flutes, m mintet may not be eutean eutttng,remember toe" to eutttbettmtt two tohntsxoztfpou tut ittn the taunt, you rpm inlet the cut be almages nomnmatnjo an“ it be rare both from We emu weather. you mutt not mt them new eacebz, but when the ban hath ozunhe hp the frofim the beam, 0 matmen the haunthzthe twinge of the fete t e fittt he’ecemeult be euttm’th goo ntteretimmotl’ufeeeo to ten make, no: eat to: mate, but making theon fetus mtfeta fpztng o; tmo to gut» out. memo euttingJouolneththe mopping, ozfnppezttng of the mute: am it is hell to; the gong e term: (time not to be aorta up with any hung “£12,th with fome {mall thing at the fitfl’, m while it is young, e't mat be batman the!) to the the with {null tints: of thcblmefizmmMumesm 9mm: this latter binning, ltathought to hebelt, to; the twigs when they: inane tete ooe met" one hurt the :inoe. the bet! tom to; mineuel’lmic raithme mane «willow 913:3!» fluntpetfimtz I albetflnn tn another plate,he peetetmh the chellnutfo: this purpofe,obobe at the cettJIhe bet to: the'minm the Keen, tnht'eh well enmth fine pe‘eree. Oehtng lithe leauem cutting the mine» almott in one may. net: the gaging of the teams,” bmthee. mutt bebone mare am.” the can that thetwemm f ms t team may he admofiflhe (mt (as Pliny matteth mott hem imthm tam emmamoem, £83m: Dante not": ‘dflte ordering ofOrchasz: ”16.: to; we thetenth etanne. toth the mine 9 the w heate, the tunable frni flotozefif the menu tune,the eptnitne are «negate: tom 2 it belt to plnrke tit the [eaten e lean- thee asfmneas it hath left tloteztngeothets, Inhenthe finite l8 full ripe.l:he fupeflutns rpzings being tons ":3 tenoer, are to be taken mamthat the mine may he mote at liberty. t thzough blotnen with the minoemhie geloing, o3 tutting at at the In: perauous beanehes ano teams is as mental! as the peopptng: foz both the fruit both pzorper the bettem the mapping the next, hare tnii be the hannfonnnem the Mme mt be the We full of gatteszfog that mhith is out being gran c tenoermcth the rennet: e the founotier retober himrelfe, e the 03898 HIM-b the WW :«Ien naiee beroze the mine heginnes to flame, fee that you geln it in this fast : amt otall the [upettluoul bunches, ”0’59 011 the toppe,ano on the fioeedmt meoote not where the flutters grow, (trike eff the tops of the beanthes fog growing tm ran he : (nth (Dupes as groin tomato: the heath,” the wett,teahe them thu r bzantheeh tefeno them from the heats ofthc bun :mt atnap molt from the young mine, to; obervbnrhening hint. arm the heate ofthejbunne beginneth to fabe,a1natz with the leabeen‘o; hinteing the azapes of their riping : ants while the €5.2ape is a flowing, bufie your relfe trith oiggmg aboutit. bath nines,“ with thirtnes of their leabee rosrnpteth their fmit,are to be rio of their fuperfluowe beanrhes ano leahee‘a {@oneth hefoze the gathering of your 62am, that the tninne mat? blotnthe better; thgough them: but the teatee that groin aloftin the here topnnutt not, be meoten truth. hut left as a Defense; (hunch) agatntt the heat of the bunzbut tfl'o be,the eno of bummer he ginen to much came, ano that the dbzapee (gel! in geeatnelre, then barely please o! the team from 8 top alto. T u A mom thing 3 pm hamlet me heare mozethe agnee ann tokens ofthe'ripenette : to; as 3 betterment» mag notbe ‘ tan knife in gathering them too [memos ufe any lingrmg after 13M! be rtpguithoutgreat hanne. . . . » ' M A R x v systematic :fne beinggatheren heme theebe upe,they will make battmall Miami": not omble.§tno a: gaineflfyoa (”than to: but. you (bill not onehz hurt the it, 4. mime hi5; Th’qt‘doBoHqukemtmfing‘. ' flrnflydth the mainstream: otherjgnoenkntntro it ham; or m happen to tome, can put we more emt banner. Demoakusmntahtbat we, may: . ¥ n his tipenette 'net abobe are New theaters theflneemtntof bis demos, tenet all onelh tohegine'n upon the fight, but upon his tatte, though Columclla thrnketh then can!» no certaine tubgement mnen of the tattedbntt’f the (tones one change their colour,ano be no longer gre’ene, hutbe alrnott l-larke, it is afigne the weapetertpehome again: oopgtn'e the may: betnntt their fingers, nnott'therzte‘ethe tone to flip out (month, without any thmg deeming to It, they thinkethem mo’ete to be gathereo;tut tt'thep come out mtth'ronre part of the agape cleaning to them, ‘thep count them notto be ripe. flbthers peeve them in this fogt: 0d of a beep thttke Met they take a agape, ano as they be: ,bollthe duffel: mu, inheretntheh fee no change, they take it to: atoten of ripeneu'e. you mutt gather your Gfignpee, the 9m beingtn Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpius, Capricornr, o; Aquarintno mlerneath the earth. a than math to; the mine in genera“, notn to; partirular er- pectntente, as to hane it tafie more plenfant then the true nature of the agape, one to [mell in the mouth ooogiaerouure one it were perfumeuon than use it in this manner; maize Matte Kore mater ant hohte therein the pouoer of Cloaucs, pinamonfihzo’e gratnee of Amber. ano one of flame, ano when at to come to be rometehat thtdxe, take a rouno dbouoge ano Mean hole on the marine btorke otthe minmfull as oeepe as the heart, an then put therein the warrant, then (topping the hole Intth cipzelre o; Snniper, laygre’ene mate thereupon ano hinted Wu death strontium: the nut weaves mhith that! am out If the mine tutu tale as if they were perfetneo o; petfnmeo. 3%.:th have weaves without limestone your plants are ploutthe [mall em oohmetnato. . Ehe mine natntane flhthte, nothnot being fozth twttrlltt habe berm-thee: p ' tee planteo: m‘Brn ifehem'ng e mozmne to; the aroma 2:119“th his mate with «Dome. muse 0; com tnflhe, “Wm (wit the flame otite plantrng. ‘ - ‘ffonnugttgoupkfl'e, mm on: om Iron Maggi? m nanmwmchum m muffithe‘ W x ”the Quanta? 03m; 02 (Make an e ‘ Wamthe bpamth oz alum weape on thefial’mpne " eflDzleameupm mentallzannth‘el’e mm petitions ate‘tjebelt m min; teeth baththe‘geeamtann plea: fantelt weaves. ' _ ‘ 3mm: mine gram ton canteen!) thleke of benefits that gurgfor thefappenoth me it felfe in them, ann pen thereby tore the ° "’°* pzoftt of the {witemnu thaltthen hate all the motes ptthe mine anb salt map the earth, filling up the place agatne lnlth an)" ant: rant: nn’nglen together. Mirthe mine be naturally of it relre barraine,then with a @ounge, pen {hall make one hole halfe map thgoughthe maine bong ofthe mine, ann ngibe lute the hole a tonne pibltltone,tnhlrh although“ gee mettle tn, pet it may not fill up the hole, but that the licke hhmoz of the mine map patfe thozmtne theeeatzthen tube: the mate with cith earth man are bung mitt: togethemnn cure a nap fog a moneth mattett tnlth nln mine,annitlnill make the mine fruitfnll {if the mine he traublen mtthmozmeshnaples antteflatelniggs a; mu; like,peu than mowing ant: euenlng, l’pn‘nkell it onet- lm'th «tomes pill'e annin'negac mite together anb it will helpe' 1t ‘. - . ' T a A n. 315 there no man to make the (map: cipe rpe’enilp! M A a 1 v s. Plinie teath:th,te rubbe cue: the News hn'th tart Uinegat, ann been all: minefinn thus to he often Dime, anb tobeteb. , T u a A.mhat omen habepou to; pgefeml‘ng'efpcut «Seams- bhen they be gatheren e ; M A e x v s. mmexéepe them hangee up at the tote of gangrenem fouein eacthmpamtwcm ”WNW!!!”- Buttt pen heme (libingt'n, a tame (camp that is humbly '55 capable otthe minntnhane «Snipes in that net ans tun nines, mn'fi early ' met lafiine, WM! m the niott convenient pad of amen, table!) is eflet‘the center‘s; mipble pointt ' ‘ ‘a taunnhonfe ln'the falhien er a tonne Ewetoate,hnt 3nd lowerzthe Wm!” WM lhall “WW arm ,0; time fiBfitks'zflfielmette, upon one WWW! eon walliptace-ae‘rmmrcu, ant thmnn ante pet tong, The Oliue. '1 64 Theficond Booke, coin-eating MW lehieh may reach to the route; ,thete anus lhalt beware! better then fonce tote one from another. with little" (inurehnrree or loose, tnoh umbietndhlnite binnoiomttro betwixt every two anon. Ehe recite mining make 'in what peopoztien hon inill ; to; this honfe- may (em to; a Delicate 15nnqnetinghonl'e.ano non mageither toner it with leave, Nate 0; £59k. 530m from the gronnoto the top betbeene the Moons you (hall glatte it with her: mung dblaltennaee in an erre'eoing large {quote pone, bell leaoeb one €iinenteo ; this honre that maoemou (hall obfeone that thzough the midweek there he mane,betin.-ene ebergtlno fluooe,rqnnre holes rleane theough into the honl’e. Ehen on the out fine appetite ogainlt there holemon thall plant the mate of your mine honing beene hem earefull in the elenion nno ehovte thereof; mhieh Donne,“ cont mine groinethJo you (hall brain it thzough thol'e holee,ano demure toplatb a mine againlt amalle, to you [hall plath this Igninlt the dNall‘ininoolu on the inane, one to (none as it (hull begin to beare (hopes, you (hall be rare to tame Eben; Bntho thatitmag lie elolre to the glatte, that the refleaion of the bunne heating the glaa’e,that hoote may batten on the ripenning anninrteafe the geoluth of pour with“, as nlfo the hours oeifenoing of all manner ofeuill weather, there ®2dp€5 um hang ripe bnrotteo oz loithereo eben till ¢htittmae£ his erperiment hath beene appgoneo in CBnglano nno fonno molt trtellent *.- T a n A.‘ 3 pay you motions with the other fruit Erica of gene moharo. ' M A n 1 v s. among other fruit trees next bnto the mine ( no Colo-acne l‘aitb ) the thiefe plate is ginen to the a‘Dlibe, in iLntine Clea. 9f all other plants it requireth leait trannile ant: eharges, where as the mine tequireth molt: ano thong it beare not every hare, but ebem other were, Pet is he be home inithnll, beeaule he otheth neither to!) no; latmrmnoifhon beltoln any bponhim, he re .4 teth it thzonghlp,inith the abounnanee of his fruite. no (nee thereis to great pzotite ann eommooitie in this no. In! thatthe tires of it are to many, ant: to mulbitie no eaten to be oiligrnt one totem" about it : he loath a ~ _ y‘ifthcotdermg ofOrchardé? 355 a m neithettm. may. no: ten W— wrath" the lise .‘f (hill, inch _ as is the ma pad of atalie ans bpaine: - ‘foz' in fneh groans the estreaine heats of the bums, is tome. thing mollifies with the min blafts of the muse ml; in mlibe trees ( as Plinic faith ) the fools ans the slime is of gceat ini- poztanee :it selighteth in a marine, aas szie awe ; ans thee. . :e in Baibary, Sicil, Andalufia, runs» patts of stalir, the- . tiallg Campauia; it pgofpeceth monsetfullp: it liketh not to) great heat, no; too ninth eols. fins therefoee in hot drountn'es, it iorneth upsnthe jaozth fise of thelhilles, ans in eels,upsn the houth list. at is thought, that if it (tans aboue thee’e, froze miles from the heath” it either sheth, o; peoseth not fruitfull. [he belt moans is the. gtabellg gtonns, having aloft a little ehalke minutes bith fans : it is alto gms groans where the fans oz gtaiiell is meslen ,mith eith meals: pea,the ltiife geonns,ifit becieh ans linelp, both here mell agesemith this use. chalkie groans is Utterly to be relay fes,anslnatt'g ans main; attains fist! of all. the like is a batraine l’ans, ans hungry fans: but you may fet it mu in ¢szne gtonnsfinheee either the musing oz waflhelme hath gromne : but betwixt the flDake ans it there is great hattes; fez if the make grained) m, it ayeth away, ans thzinheth to: marss the earth : ans though you entsolnne the flake, get the berg emtes pohfsneth ans killeth the pane @libe. Ehe like tome aticme of thetta'zs talles Cerrusfi Efculus:foz where they be pullesnpa'fhouret the fiblibe,he sieth : rs soth it ( as Pl‘mie raithfifittha‘nee to be bzuires of the «Seats. film the other fise, betnn‘rtthc Eliseo the-minetheee is great friensthip a lone: ans it is rais,thatif you geatfe the was; upon the Gingitlm'l lease a fcuite that thallbe halt'e maps, ans halfe £Dll'be, cal, les Vuolca,an Olive-Grape. achete are runszp bales of planting of £Dlibeszfmne take the biggeahzanehes item the fines, ans bah» no as the gmeflplants of tins . mbits in. length, then fttfbem szsetlginthe gamma; tome fete the inhale meats- “that : tome againe sawing sit the tops,ans all the bzanehes, re: the useheahoaflhe siting of the more Arcturus. warn; {Hm Wm 3mm in gain gromm mellom,€ueh as u “eommlg the-masks mm: m then Eet thbz 1203185 gas 5 1 66 Thefebond Boob, éntteatmg '1th but! the fayzemtmo mute tneheo tn thicknee; - t mtmwhieh they sothernofl'rom e boneotthe tree,bu't from the netnefi anal it muss “they eat tuto yzetty hetteeota tone am: a alte tnlengrh, tahtng moo him that they hurt notthe rtnoemb paringthe enoshery fmmth with a thorpe knife, an: marking them totth refine filter, that th:y may knotn mhtehmay they ttooo afoee,ano {o l’etttng the lotuett part into the 3mm 3 the highett tomatoothe heauen, they put themin the grown, anofo they grab the fatter, nno beate the better: font you thordofet them with the lower eno uplnaro, they mouth eytherharoly grow ,o; peoone bnfrnitfuu : ano thee- fose they hence regaro of the fetting of them. you Inna heave, temee you tetthemnhbe one: both the toppe anothe tmte with Dung mingle!) with afiesfim fo l'et them nape tn the groom, tottering themtonre fingers thirhe tm'th rotten moulo. 39w may ehoefe whether you tm'll fet them all nnoer the ammo, o; l'etl’ome partmtthin the mo, one (utter the. tea to appeace abohethe grouno : thore fit be rette all tmthtn the grown), naoe not to be marten ,. but (nth as the" (tuna tmth one part moo the grouno. Dydimus tnoulo habe them to l'et as they may appears fonre fingers above the mo, c then to matter! little trenrh- the the teething of the water: am: this manner otplantina with the honghens of Dydimus hett liken. Where you meane to ptantmon mutt purge the gronno ofa I! e, the: plantgbnthee an!) wanes : e the trenches mutt to be meme, :3 tm'th the minuthe (term I mine,“ may be melloteent mane twinkling, thatthe plants may the [toner take roote. at your em require haflemonmnu a moneth oetloobefoee, bnme tn the tremheo'et'ther (titles or mom: (nth things as mm eatir. lytalteare- .- «no this you muttooe m’uere oayeetogethergvoue trenches mutt bethzo’e white. or thereabeutt'n Depth, ant: 40. “mm, 10991591)? (be it?“ WW W 82.38 {W : the MgmMothe thiro ye’eoene earth mutt be tmnmen with. omen Mnhe aeattno yeeee you mutt not meoole wnhm: fingzthe thtrb yore, you mail leahewrn ebery one 8 eagle at Ma often rake younampegoeoennhe @th the! etthe than luaneheo rut anathema": hummus mmmmmum mutt-Immune! :thehthethatu u um a maneannenehefi to be tentmbenztet it tune but“ was annnethe game» than tt pmfpet the bettemusefoge‘mn gramme tt, mute the patt that than bath With a pe'ere at whenthatghnmagtet t'ttn [the mane: agatne. 191m mutt an: big the when nmnnn tnt'th 99mm“ after tame in acne. plumeneatth, ann {out tt tntth Batten :t‘fthete be any mate; Renting in themgcn tntilt let tt out, ‘ann wit in a tem {mall Wfinb l'e tett'tng gout Emmett tn a little bung. arm the tenth of Sane, when the arcane {tapes .mt'th the heate of the bungee: mutt take he'ene that the ban ptetee net thmugh €59 elefte to the tcote. mom the entn'ng of the ban tnto Libra, gnu mutt time the rates etalt («petunia [mince : ant it the firm gram upon the emeflf a M: m mat With little were nznm along them W.E Minna he tatten at the fall of the leufe,that being mtnnle tn'mntet imththe moulnn't may tape the antes of the tales meme. Ehe mother of male mutt be pounce upon the mat onee.t‘the metre malt hunt on with an seen aetnmunt, welt: it ill heelohnu no rant. £13: at, tee cectatne ytereemu mat ant: to?!” your Eliaette’ee: fog it is an oln pzohetbefi who “I plometh his £Dlt'beeDatnen, embed) fruit :19!!!) tune _ it. mometh taut :. who tutteth the tre’esjogeeth fan't. Sutht mute Erie you lballfomettme hahe one hzaneh maze gallant then his fellotheefinhieh tfgen tut not abandon entourage all the much: mun: ts alto gutter: tn the tntlne flbltbereet'aug betwixt the dune ann the 1mm, anu by implanting : othecs gtatfe t'tt'n the taste, uno bhen t't hath takenflmz pull up a panel! :3er mete when, ans temmbe it as the): one ethet plants. Ettore £Dltbee that hane the thicket! heels; are flatten in the bathe.n:he timeif weaning them, is team the entttng of the bum t'nto Aries, an!) IBM) fame from the mi. of may, till theflflnfinnemzhe time efgathect'nn of Summit tnhen the greater mo; halfe thefrnlttnareth blank,- ann in tune heather : the ripe: the 2mm te,the tattet tm’ll be the £34712. 3n gathering offlDlt‘hes, thete t'e maze tanning in maln’ng aplenhen insulting mine : the late: amines revue fag fibgle,the gceatee fez meate. fihece t’e [mm fezts of £1)er mane ntan EDlihe: the M of all tame, e pleurantett in tuft. : , the flea (meme thattomes from the pzefle is being r0411 oznet. H R A e ‘ »J‘fltcor&cnngdf Orchatd‘s. 1‘7 1 -..v“,‘.—?.: W"? 1‘31‘7 .1 ‘1'68 The rewnd Booke,enti'eating' ‘ ‘ T ”at: a. am on then, ano let be heate lohat you can raga! ~£pple nae: lohoie ule t3» mote commonly Bnolrne onto no. * M a’ in v s. mheteaee ruth lunomiozte ofapplemilfeting both in lbape ano I'auouc, ao ace {cartel}: to be numbgco. We habe at this Day: that ate ehzefe In pgiee,the gmppen,tyg momet, the pomecopallfihe svatigoloamth a guru: number of others that were tax long to: l'peake of. apple tte'eoace let either in jfehzuatie, o; in Spare!) o; if the counttep be hot ano my, in wuobec ano jgobember. 9151;: all ‘hinoes of apples one better pzofpec by matting, a lncmlJtlfln, n02 imbuobingats 3 rain befo;e,about swatch oz Bpull, o; 1th: ' time In etc: the lap betn the mine. Ehep ate all'o gratfeo by -~tmplalttim,about the tenth of June: though {ome(asthep rap.) babe hao gmfuetem in hows it after the entrance of the bun into Artemis] haue l'aio befozofinhrce 3 fpake ofimplattung ano weaningmhe apple to commonly 015 mm upon the acah one”; upon the Bumble, being ficlt platen, ano the pace aftet cut off within a tote unhe- eatth: upon thls {totae you may (matte ( as 3 rain ) the tenne: young entree of any appleal’alladius faith, you may gtafl‘e the Apple upon the ”eerie, the {pamthozna it‘lumh tree became the 10 each, ' {Blane tcee,1aoplat.amllotn,ano mate: but In furl) o a . come of atountriemne tan rot omne no (ermine one: to: them ~ll; ann therefoze as farm as mine alone etpetiente, ano the know: leoge that 3 bane learneo of others will [ti-etch, 1 anll gl long them you. there are that actozoing to the oloc ozaecmoe gram: the apple eithytupon' amilue {Germ oz upon a {Dunne y wherof they hauea molt ertellent unite, must: of the clue cu :iters Mclimcla. argon (152(er upon the lDlane trat, you 11). ll haue a ten fruitezpou map al ’o well matte pour flpplc upon the Dam, (on temano if you (Beam upon the amon pou [hall habe them beau,“ e iophmcs faithfi uz‘te almoa all the more long. NBut aboue allto geaftthe apple upon thr apple is the belt, .‘fog the belt l'totke ebet beingeth teeth the bell finite '. " tithe apple lcueth a fat, am: a neon greening. well matron mum hp nature,then hp inoufirle. In mountains diou tries :thep mutt almapee be let tolmcb the do outh : it peo'pereth well enoushfio itbe tomcthmg holpen with the buune, neitjutgoe offie ordenng of Orchards; 169} they centre either thngh o3 nnam'th grounns. a teene an!) a hat. mine (opt: bztngeth out mogmmaten, anti fathng fruit: the ngytome calogmes ate nettroyeb with {homes 11mg, mingten; my nuns mine, ann potnzen upon the contest fine if the teat . he hety tullotflaogmes, being fetapeb nomne mm a beaten {I‘Bjflg terapee, they nebee tome againe, if the ptaeetuhente you feta: $133“. pen them,be tubben onec tm'th IBu‘ltoehe hung : tome anne bntn mine dinette rung, ant: potme upon the rates the {Lies of oln mine. Ehe ttoe that is fiekem pgofpeteth not, is holpen being matten nnth we nungfi mam fire haves : they mutt be eftetl' materen at the fetttng of the hunne, tilttbe Swing be tome. Dahphny mgtteth, that the mate: tnhetetn iuptnes hath he'ene {on potnzeo upon the tree, both the fruit gem. Ehey fay, if. the tree be. mueh matter) with mine, the finite mm be ten. EDthete againe ret unnec theie trees Botes,thinktng thetby to have the it apples remappte treee(ae 3 rate befoze) mutt be fet ebety feet by themfeluesgts Columcna htnneth,leatt the 1' ma! tce’es be hurt of the great, betaul’e they be notalt of one growth, 03 tttength. 15:fine,yeu mutt fet them becy thin, that they may habe teams to a; '1 t rut their bunches : grog ifyon fet them thiek,they mill- neuer beaee wellfinb therefoze you mutt ret them famoz at the teatt thuty feet a runner .- E he a ppte neetateth his ttpenes b2; the blacknes ofht's kernels. 5ft; theirgathettngmou than hnoerttann thatnthe hammer. a fruit is on: to be gatheteom‘ here typenee you may partly knob by the thange of the eotour, pattly by the peeking of N5iros,_. but thelfly by the hsznetlzh hen they ate type you that! tathec gathet them teeth the hann then beate them nomne mtth poles. Elm; Le Tome that gee up into the Ewe, oz have a tall tanoec. truth a bake a ay , that the tanner may not hurt the ten: net I‘Emnehee, nun h..ttng a market with a long line fattenen tbt‘l‘t‘ulltc am: ; c ’45 It is fillebJet 1t ootnne to be emptieb gent, tr mt: the 9: eatex to: trell: 3 in this gathering ecu nu he not re; rpm the am of the @imee oz futh like tetemonies. 31? nt {rhea Nut: 1- e to gather you: mintet fwz’ t 11*hith are L? epptnsfibear; meme i-zv;u‘etting_..r,'.he black finnat 3 fit eh tike,you that! in any any mile 9 athet them in the mane of the {prone e in a my tea; tome tr it be to thatyoutfioze be to eteat‘that uougtannot gathfie a 3 l 170' THe mend Becki!J mutating" ', WNWRW; 22913011 M get to ntnehot your paintimlt tndte,them1gett, ano tame!!! aetewfiihle to begotten, amt menaetharroztheutt mhttb eon-turmerthertoren; oz to them. inhere be othertohirh gather their'applee intoa gathe, ring amount) “79‘" it re filleo, then they emptie it into their larger hettelsfihie gathering gluon to a throng prire of can, natre at leatt an elle chew they, whith hating the upper enhe ' ‘ mane fat! about the mane neelte,t the neathet cube with there Offillinge. lopes, that is one at earh comer anu one in the minoett, toughlvhith yon (hall put a String ano hinoe it about your teaminfomneh that both the lines of your anon being openmou may put your ferrite therein with lohith harm you pleare ; jaotn you than tarefnlly obferue in emptying your ftntte from one hettell to anether,thatgou hoe it to gentlgae may be, lean in pointing them out too rubella the ttaleee of the ferrite one with one another. tnhirh alt ongh it hoe appeare little or nothing at the firtyet it isthe gtonnn anh rattle of Rottennetle, anh therefon you lhall togont otterntott homer gather your apples with as l'mullttallaas may be fotheg hahe any at all, lohith they innit um habe,beranfe that as too big colts no tuithe' ‘ nno bznire the ftur'teJoto habe noneat all makes the ferrite rot Grit in the plate tohere the talks thenlo be: you (ball alto tape tout apples eleane from leaner, to; the! being grene am: full of Wemhen by teafon ofthet'r lying rlotIe together, they begin to thither, they tttiltefnrh an heate into the apples that they vellum anh rotinfiantly. . ~ as tonehr'ng pone failings which are there apples bbltb (all horn your Ems, either thzongh too ninth repenen‘e o; elfe thgwgh the biolenre of minor or Immune, you thall by no nieaneo mire them with your gathereo fruite,toz they ran by no meanelatt o; inonre l'o longJoz the latter mhi eh falleth by: {ogre oflnt’nne,laanttng the true nonrifhment of the earth: the kitty lp ripenning hpon the antennas neeell'arilg thankehtthenmt ant come to naught, to that your belt tonrre re to fpeno them (peehilh ; 10.2 the other which hath too much npenele, though it be ninth better then the other , get it rannot be lmg laning, both betaute it is in the falling braille-n ano alfohath too murh anotoo early ripenetre, which is the firtt are to rottennetl'r: r »v-w-.g .r 4-. \I n , ~ >. L! “6&1“: orderingpfcrcharde: 7171 r. Mmmumneeermrmnhail append-warm aoekeptinfaire laughanlfs,‘ 93 toll plates with minoolnee opening- toloatothe apogth, which in fairs weather mutt be tet loioe open :, t thereto. Varro monlo hear all apple lofts hate their minoolpes jaogth‘ that they may rer'eibe the spozth airs : thebonthlninns mutt be that out : lithe blatts of the fioeth mino,ooth make them twinkle t tuggeoztheh mutt be lain thin upon btcalvflhalfem 99mg hao an apple bgought me out of kaollano, that enonreo there gearee : 3 habe a tree of them here in this eagcharo ofhis colour, tallen aGrccning. 39w mutt la! “my (net by themfeluemlett fnnogp fogts lying together, they {inner rot. home nfe to lay them in jpnt leaves, which both gineth them goon rolour,e gum fmell. Ethel} arealfo kept from mttlngjftyev be It!!!) in lBarleg Dz mheate. Palladius mouth hate them kept in earthen belrels rloretoppeonn aetternem; To me: in italics: Apulciusin Confiantinc, loonlo babe every apple APP!“- mzappeo in gentleabeemnn l’o Iago up: a great root of loaves , bel'me of keeping them ,pon lhal rent in oineee authoarsfiome to'auoioe the hurt of the trot, are to enter them lnith met lumen tloth, which being froeen,the fruite that lgrth bnoer it, IS perferueo. pour apples mnlt be to logo up as the ttalkee ltano oohmlnnrn : neither mutt you tonrh any, 'but I'nth ashon ne’roe. apples are hurtfullto beating tattell, to as the tenant {aufeth them to true, as Lucian in his Site loitnetlteth : the like is lmitten of peares : the remelngfiheg fame to let them eat: tome of the frnite afo;e.9.>f apples, with tertaine mile to; the Purpofe, they make a azinke ralleo €ioer, ana a {mall minke helioe with mategano the refute of the apples lttaineb, a gain ozinke to rmle the thitfi of the pane labourer. ' , $01 the making of «liner itis in this mannergafter your fruit ‘9 ll gotten you thall take eberx: apple by it lelfefino looking upon - them, pzitke them tleane from allmannerof filthpnette, as mailings, lkottennetl‘e, mogmea’eating ano {nth like,neg- ther leave upon them anp‘btalkes o; the blarke Butane whith groin on the top of the fruit;lphi ch none mafia“ put them into tome tarry? rleane beltell, o; trough o2 (if you have it )into the. Chou: will, am: either loith )lfie'etles e; the @ildtonenrulh oz grime the apples as (mail as may bee, ano then remote 919 then! \ The Peace. _ r"‘ . .. z" "‘W“ .. ~3. t7: . Thecfecond Booke,cntreatmg. them u then are beuifeointonother cleans fiellele, ti ll all your fmite be bzuifeo; Ehen take a bag of hairecloa‘th mane at leal! a garb oz thge’e quarters {quate,ano filling it full of the erutht. finite. put it in a peell‘eof lnooo mane to he purpo'e ano p;e_lIe out all the iupce ano mohlture, turning otolling the bag un, till therebe no moze anytime to Deep whom to bagtull after: bagfull Oceal’e not untill you habe peel! all, nherein you are efpeciallg to obl'erue that your bellcle .into which you ftraine your truite be exceeoing neate, line'ete e cleanen let there be no place ofillfauoe o3 anohance neare tht,fozthe liquoz is molt apt to take any infeaiomlcone no your liquour is peel} fo‘ztha bath: {tone to rettle about twelue houres o; moeeyou lhall then tunne itup into llocet Bogfheaozme thofe which habe hao in them lac. either white luine o; Marten-.15 fo: the bathe beltell it is tol; lerable but not ereellent,all others reful‘e mou niahalfo if you pleal'e make a {mall long bag offine ltnncn cloth,ano filling it full of the pohaoer of atlobeefihaceflinamon, winger ano ll” uion pills,hang it loith a firing at the bunghole oomne into the hate" ano it mill give the (toner an excellent filabomno this beingbmnenlah up the )lBunghole with clay ano {alt mirt to; gether to clotIe as is, pollible, then are it at pleafure *. Eh: peace, in iatine Pirus, challengeth the next place, am: is one of the chiefefi beauties of the Qgcharofiwe apple treei’pgeaoeth in bgoao beanchee: the peare tree rireth in height. ano Delighteth in a rich arm a inoill grouno: it ooth groin of the inernell, arm of the pippen, but is agreat while befo‘ze it come to goon: ano inhen it is gromne, it Degenerateth from his, olBegoon fiature, ano therefoge it is better to take the loilpe plantemno to let than in their grounoin 530mm. bet, ano when they bee well rooteo, you may gratfe upon them. it is [aim-that it to pzorpereth loith often Digging, am: much niohlturefis it neuer lnfeth his 'lloluze. you (hall one great goon unto it, if were other Were you bellow tome hung upon it. fibre bung is thought. to make great we mallie {Bearee : fome put too a little allies to make their take pleafanter. Eheg are notalonelh planteh of thermtes, butalfo the here little tlm'ge, being plucoeo fcpnt the route, bill growtaltnou will let young plants, let them be thee: ‘ peers r. - ~-" o ~r' ' ‘ rur- afthqo'rdermg of’Orchards? 375 genial, neat-thele‘att ttoo hieres olo befoze you ret them. we againetake thefahzelt beanthes their time upon the! fires, ano ret them as they one the- mine. mhe time of awaiting the 192a:e,is sheareh ano ngillmli‘ny tenth, you may well grafts it when the bloa’ome is on it, whith 3 murelfe hear trizeo to be true. at is grafteo upon the fininre, the almonotre'r, the womegranate, the apple, arm the Saul, berie true :if you giraffe upon the @ulberie, your peers thall be reooe. Virgin teathtth to gratte it upon an tithe, inhere- ‘ as inoane it toill agree with any ltocke: the (matte mutt be the growth of a paste, ano afoge it be grafieonli'ereo of all {rates ano tenoer parts; flno it“ you isouln hubs the fruits pleurant, anothe tree fruitefull,gou (hall boare a hole thgough the Route date by the grouno, ano mining in an flDk’en oz a Eathen pin,tober it up with earth: if the tree pgofper not, math the rates, ano mater them with the lies of oloe Wine fifteen: oaies, to thall it beam the better ano pleatanter fruits. 3t (hall neuer be hurt with mozmes, iftnhen garlalant it, you one annointit with the finale of an @rezifthe trte(tohore rmtes have bane tut,l'eeme not to pzofper,Palladius bifi ”mm? ‘5, 1‘0 pierte the route thozom, ano to ogibe in a pin, mate either of Sake o2 {alumtre'eaf hour iaeares be flonien chunks iBeares Big up the earth from the rmtes, tleam’e them of ftones,ano rift in gmo netu molo againe in the placezlet your peace trees ttano thirtie route afunoer, o; little leiIe : your apple trees further, as 3 habe faio. _ Qt {Braces is inane the minke taller: perrie, tuhirh in taue both reremble ficnith twine ;ann is inane in all poentsas you make cyber. fiozthe gathering of mares betaure it isa quainte fruite s a much tontealeth the rypeningmou (hall obferue the tolour of 77“ 9““ your peace from time to time.ano if you Me tie it alter either ”"3' in part 0.2 allmou (hell he lure the fruite is neare rhpening, foe Wares ooe neber thaunge their colours but when they not oefire to he's taken from the tre’e: sun of all fruite the iBeare may be gathereo the haroea, betaufe his stone natural! heate ano petuliar quallite will when him heft with lying; get to bee mote trough: foetifieo in the knomteoge of the . , 99 2 ‘ ripenes 174.; L , Thor-fecond Booke;entrcatnng.~~ ripenen'ofym fruite, ano beraul'e it ilbettertoget a only too late thenanholoer to: (none, you thallhefoze you gather your 13am, whether they be hammer fruite in Winter fruite, o; whether you meane to l’peno them [cone oz ,pzeferue them long, take one from the Erie, which is neitherthe rypelt no; the MIME, but betlnirt both,a,in rut it thzough the mionelt luith your knifemot lo .gmil'e but ouerthmart ; ano then lmbe into the otoare where the kyrnels ly, c if it be hollotn,i'o as the 112E! nellslie as it more holloui therein ;the neather enos thereof being turnen. either blarlxe oeblarhifl), albeit the ¢om¢ pleaion of the genre be little 0; not at all altereo, the . ageares habe their full grometh one may bery toell be gag t 'eren. ‘ 13m: to; their keeping ( to bianeh at all unneeen‘arie experiu ‘ ments)the belt mayie to lay them upon a Yen of yerne, btrahi oz ¢hafle one upon another in great thiebnell'e. ano their obone naturall heat bill in fhoet (pare ripen them,\nhieh you [hall perreibe both by the rpeeny changing of their rolour, ano the arength of their fmell,lahieh willbe erreening futfo; rating which altmne as you pereeibe, you mall then rpeeao them thinner ann thinner untill they be all ripe, ano then lay them one byone, in rueh feet as they may not touch one another, ano then they will lat! murh the longer ; you (ball al- to .( after they bee ripe,)neither (utter them to habe Steam no; jferne unoer them,butlay them either upon tome fmmth Sable, tome, alsoaroe o; fileako of manoe,ano they hull Inc the longer. afyou be to taste oztcanfpozt weareo farre, you (hall then gather them to math the (inner, an!) notrutfer any ripe one to be amougtt them ;ano then lynuig great wither mathets (furl: “will houlo ( at lealt) Quarters aprete) finely within with niheateltralndill them up blith wearer, anothen rober gem with Strain, ano 6oz!) them abobe. ano you may either ranfpogt them by lano 9; ma luhether you pleafefloz they ~ Inillrypen in their rariage ;)iButlnhen you come to-youvplate of Reubenre, then you mutt neeoee unpoob them 0 fyzeab ‘ them thinner, o; elfe they mm rot ano toufuuie ’m a Maine. *. ‘ ' , ‘ 3am «Ofthemdénng ofOrchards.‘ 3] 75 jest in omeuafter apples 1 warez, commeth the maimed-1.. 04;“. they ate planteo. after the fame mannet that mares ano Chimes ate : fame affirm, that the fettes that have home ret inzfpatth. o: in febzuarp, habe taken rueh note, as they have home fmttthe have after. Eheh groin melt in tow ann mew chantties, in plain: ano hilly: grounos. an hot om tountues, eon mutt fet them in member. 9am: fet them with the tops anu the fet,butneithet of them both is new geomann being fet ofthe: teienmtheg tonne Degenerate. ghee ate hetter graffeo in the ttoike then in the bathe,ano that in febeuaeg o; @ateh. Ehep receibe into then: ltocheahe wgaifes (in a manna: ) of all man- ner oftte'ee,the {bomegtanateheruilrmu the [nets of apples, anomake the fruit the better. Ehe Quince tree mutt be fet in that ogoec, that in the thakiug of the minne,theh ozop not one upon the mathemmhen it is young a; newly planteb, it is helpeo with bung, o; better with Elana : they mutt be tnateebae often as the feafon is berg um. um oiggeo about nationally : in hot Glountrtefi in member, 0: flouembet: in tow dimmtcies, in febeuan'e, o; @atth : to: if you one not often big about them, they will either be ban-aim,” heave naughtie fruit : they mutt be pgogneo, tut, ano rinoe orauentombeances. if the true he aeke, oz peofpec not melt, the note mutt be matteo with the mothet efmte, mtngleo with the like quantitie of water, as ' Dydimusin Conflantinc faithm; bnfleckt time minglen with thalke, o3 Rogen, ano matte mutt be pomeeo upon the notes : you that aathet them in a tame oambeiag r ouno ano unfpotteo, ano ten} npe,ano in in thematic ofthe$mnm ‘ 3 mm mm the‘hwou ofthe mm: : Ehie me is alfo of-thelff‘" Mcd‘ number grapple trees, ann iaeate tests: it is planteo in like ' matinee as themuinee is : it Delighteth in hot plaeee,-but melt matereo, thoughit hoe melt enough in onto. me habe reene it peofpec berg mellamong flbkee, ano Manes: foe me habe fame gteat moo: ofthem evolving among £Dkee, thathabe ye’erelg trainee a great Beale of money; Some remit i5 planters of the r cienee,in Qfltb o; gammberfin amel'boungevgrouno ano mellow,“ that both the enoe be cubbeo me with ooungfi t is alfalfet ofthe ttone,bn'tthen it is bemlong befoze it come to any thing at tstmlknflg well flatten in the fizamble, the W 3 13m": “176 The fecbndBooke,entrcatmg n pittinozthe applemhe emulate that you mean to 36mm he. ‘ be gatheteo berm they be ripe nnn being (unite! to groin upon the Erie, they lait agteat patt of the Winter : fleet unto the TheScrui‘re managing neighbcnthcob {alien-emu (peak of the beware, a high‘ttaz withn tcuno berth, fafhieneolibe an (Mtge. at be: lighteth in role plates; it‘pen plant it in hot ¢enntties,it built mare. barrainejt hath no pzitliles as the throttle hath,it gen 1 s eth of the ftone,the fet,the tmtem the Bienee, e pgolpeteth in a ‘ roll: e wet fogle'npen hilleszit is plemteb mfebguatp c spam, in tolo dionntciesn hot,in flbttobet a ghonembec. at is guinea either upon his own: Roche, e; on the Quince o; hastnthmnc, either in the [took no the batheqaett 3 place the pomegranate. mhis first only as the fig 1 the minethe baby being elouen, bieth notzthe beanthes are full of pziekles as the «Sega is : it lobeth both a hot grounlm a hot «Ennntcimnn libeth not matcie platesanfome hot countries,“ geometh willie in the buthes : , it is planter: in the bpzing time, the notes being mateceo with wags bung ann ttale. at is gtatfeo upon his alone ttoelte, calls upon other trees, o libetoife of the feienees that grain from the e nts of the ole imam: though itinah be planteo funnel) inaies, . yet the bell may ie-the beamhes of a tubit in length, ‘fmmtheo with your knife at boththe enns, e fet flopemife in the geonno, may both his ennes loell r meaeeo mm) manages bung ano ltale. Ehe Chtconnnnet which is efipzehenbeo fonre febetal fcnits, as that‘s inhith are yellow, as noloen;the flDzenge ; there whith- are of a greenith pale gellotojhe mirnle,thofe which are long t - famioneo like an (Esme being pelloln,the dirtron anb if they be ’ gn’eneJhen limen *: the me both "almaies beate fruit, tome ripen rome [winging : natnte t'heloing in them a monuetfull rectilitie,as in the tries that Hooter oerttibeth in the :Ithhoros bf Alcinons Ehe [cafe is lihe'the 25a? leafe. faningthatthete groin peitltles amongtt thézthe fruit is vellolubuintbleb with}. ontflne'etin labeling (blaze in tattzthe kernels (as of 8 19:33:08 great leaflet of polffills.§Lbe tree is planteo( as Palhd ins faith) fonre niannet of mniesfifthe hernell,the beieneethe Blanch, t the btotbeiif you iml fethkernelmu mutt big theeatth they met then: teamnn mingle itinith Gages :igon mutt matte [beet bees, thattheu may: be matteb with gutters on ebeth Slimmin- e ”fifth! ordering of Orchard 3.- '~ ‘3 77 there mum it open the earth tnith gone hanos a hano two-he fet theee emelstogethemmth the tops oomneinoro, 0 being commutator them euecg name when the; (ping, lcabe no wanes mete theni :thep mill fpging the (tuner, if you mater them with that: e mater : others {up it is bet! the grains being - takenoutin the paingno fet them mligentlg in gmhmellomeo ,_ racemes, e to water them ebony fourth a; fifteen): : t when they begin to grown rename them againe in the bpgingno a gen. the an!) to a mega: gtounmfoz it Delighteth in math met : it'uou in the branch, you mutt not fet it abobe a fmt am: a halfe in the ammo, let: it rmte.££he r rienee e the flockeyauadius thinbeth it better to be plantelu themeth which may. afany man mean to them!) this tew,tet htm oefienb it the! from the 330.51) t'l'et it to each the With! the fumin the Winteenn frailes t b selects: luh:eefoge,fome tha: are tuneful! e aiiigent in the tenoen’ng of this tteée,oo make little baults tomatn the booth ,elof e eobeceo: ano Within themmeece the mall,thepplant the SDJengeJutfeting the baulte allhnmmee to lie open to the fun, g to have the heat thwofznno as (zone as winter eomes,theg eobec them lttaight with ammo; mattestpeeiallg with the italbs ofgoueowzhée tree Bcilgb’ictb to be continually niggeo about : they are geatfeo in hot places in fipgil. in eolo inuntnesin Spay, not unbee the barbe,but eleabing to thefiotk ham by the mate 5 they may be grafteo both on the meme teem the Faulberpzhat when they are geafiemnutt be feneeo either inith a wicket basket, 0; tome earthen nellellEChe fruit mil be r mm the kernelsbe tte’ep . o in water foo may honey, oimhich is bettec,in Qhe’epee milke. South as you mean to ke‘epe,‘ mutt be gathereb in the night, the @mne being ootmume gatheteo with bganehes ano aims they hangwhete the fruit tueoneth the true you mutt pull them otf o leave but fetnonitdnhioh mil bethe pleaiantem the kinoliee tmitfltie at this one noueitheo both in werenanie 1 frame, or is planteo in beflfels full of earth: in hot weather is M abzoan m the fiunnezin eolo weathet fetin Eellacs, og'in hot houfee. 3 habe ia’enein @etmanie, tertaine het-houfee,of putpoi'e mane affine boznes,that in wintet habe matinee all the amen, an!) in bummecthe frames taken away, habe given place to - the Dim-3t while they be none; e-littletheg be put into earthen @ 4 12217915, The Mul: hery tree. 1"): C0!“ use I 73 The. record Booke,cntreatm g hotels,» glatte,theeistom aeeozoing tothe pzopoztion thereof: “New may hate them talhionee etthet like a man oz like a mo, attozoing to your tantie : but you mat! to me: you; moulnms'the aite may tome to themdbat [sit a keeps my too long: with there outlaneilh Ewes mill {peak fomething of one omne tre‘ee,\nhetemith we ate better atqtaaintemflmong which toe habe the Qaulbetr. Ehts is ateountee of all other tries the mirettmetaaie he neuet blon‘ometh til all cell: meathet be quite ‘pattzl'o that tnhenfeeuectzou fee the mum begin to [mine you may berm that Winter is at an eno : he is ripe with the firth; buloeth out to hatttly, as in one night with a notfe he theatreth out his leaves : they oie the hummus Pliny faythfioith the mice otthe ripe herein: math itotf with the [statue beetle : he than, goth his colour theifefittt white,then tee, one lamp blackmhe loueth hot plates, am) gtauellg, ano Delights in aiming o bung, i ng,but not in watering : his totes mutt be openeo about moo: hot, one the ides of mine potmen upon them: it is fet of the finneebut thin : it often mbeth to be mime: the be? planting is the reieneegmn the tops; tent one a halte lengxmmthat both enemano rubber: one: with hung. Ehe plate tnhetein you r et 120m: bete,thep toeet truth a then: mingleo mith earth,but ate: it not ahote touts fingete thieke. Palladius bios gouto retitiu mauhmm to remove it in flDttobet,_o; jitobemberperitius tel, leth,that the @ulbetie may be p'anteo in the fall of the {maybe thzufiing into the grown: the bunches, after the other of the. 5ft]; tre'e,tnhith 3 mp felfe habe pzobeol pectallw’f the tab that is tut be mu bzwfeo,that it may the quickner take route-emu to when you habe mane pout hole with a cake, thmit it in: it is beit gtatteo-on the theeeheno the white aboplamither by era 0 fine in the Roam: by tnorulationzefothal the berries he white. ‘3 t is gtafi'en alto in the 5’ng the (ElmeJnhith in ole time then mount notl'ufl‘u‘,foz feate ofmtuptififlf the @ulbeepismaoe a bore noble‘meoitine fez the “make; to; the gouhthegmiu tongea inoute(a5 it is feio)kept in glafl'eem‘the leaneano few: to teens hitheztnotmes mithall, whereof tome mate a bet}: great game; (it them ratheefo; thatpurpofe then fog the that. Ehe Con-ell trams thought nebet toette'eo tutelueenbtts m height :the bet}; iota one 6 thithtfiiko hemmthe lent: 1531353 . n ' ofthcbr‘d'crm'g of Orchards. I73 ammo hate,” fatteczthe flame r the trait is like the muse, with mam: bodes hanging upon one Ealke, lira white, c after no : the japudrh‘c‘ripe heater,ts ofablouoeyotourzrt lourth both @mtatnese ' lollies. Pt memo bothetmow groom ann one : ttgcobeth both of the aimno ofthe (near. you mutt, hetnare-eoaplant it not mere to your fibres, to; the am: both hillasmanyofthemaetatethtt. ~ , _ ,3! -. Elli! mt. Era in ' llro leiphlf, ‘53 becries’tuhereofgam Ziziphu.‘ ’, like the magnet berries, the-ankle like the £Dh'be domge,hut ‘ ‘ more MMfiolmhefla rpeaketh oftmo hinoeo thereof, the one _ reo,the other white : they are Tet of the Romain hot climates. ‘f in apzmmn in eolo plates in 9:2, or elre-in inner you; may frt both the tennis» the Woman mm: to Wing : tfyoa fer the plantmu that! was: in @are’h-mfot‘t grounozbut . tryout retry: (tune, you mat ‘fet them tutu little treachofa hano ‘ momma tones together, with their a points nobnemaro. 3 t lohrth not to etch: mount, but gather a tight mount), am a mom: place. in Winter (as‘Palladifiatait‘h )it to goon tom: . was about the bong my: rca'z.‘ me am are atalian‘ Fabem, 11:33:; , thrleafeisnamtn ano‘ bzotme‘: for upmthe brancheshangthe ‘ JautsJike the jputo of the gamma” tree it-is thoughtthe're is both male an» remake,- anotheterm'e‘ grow reiumonlg together,the male hatingmnwfleatflirifle rm grandam; [tones : 3: is gralteo about the autumn,” upon his ohm ttorkmnn upon the floating, am thefiltrtoho firearm; ate alto rotate PalladiusmitneMfltr the fat hfthe‘le‘ate‘ in @aobec both attuuipma megagenmyiuaqgtanq a mdett remottiemuuioge'oifimmatrimfiz --“ k , a T u a A. mama rmepon‘tom me before, that or Wants ano Etéesfi'ome hoe mofithefe‘eo-ozfiait. 8!?“ tome are mam taut humayafieheatothdifitaaing ofmott of them, rgmmmwmmgfre gmmwgo‘t’m’h may as grain onetyxofmelonegoz‘ tit; ‘3": . "-‘ ': _ ’. ' M A a x v r}; gash? ‘rem'erfibzanro 1an (0:- though 1 they ' commonly) gram better mm tbeg’be‘gtfidfies, et Pom: there be ' that pzorpec the better being totem, animat- tatr'e groin any other tawny rower tye'rommmisgtot,’ m In ell mama: ‘ ,thz' mammary“? «bi? vet . ome mes _ A . {T , ,a 8.07 Tbe'ficond Bookawtreating’ "Wm: the: more mane,'h-§re tong heron they come In . eaton. . , , , AW humming it to {chm-”fiat; home ofthem a— ;ga'iu,homroeuee they be (other: as tet, umt‘oegcuecate o; groin out of kinne,as the fianfihe Sate, the ¢2pgetre,the Beam”; flbzitomhc ZDamftho {Btflatmhe it: Ems the tithem‘e: .ano betaufetheh be not all of one mm, 3 will tell you (metal. [)3 0“ch fibfififtfi of them. Eoplantmws Bftbc (the, fiatum ‘ .( 'as 3 repudiate ) taught men at the fitf‘ :the (an: hangar; match of tsunami with the mug let fall in the deftsofttas, mbetflbepaftet rpgung ant; gram. 9 < , The Bay. 1 . Ehe‘Bay, in man; Lauryn I'm molt grateful! mm to the Murcia vmtrtfawrmm Blasts. which church? oar, WWI the hmfgmfimmflmtes at the entrte.Caro maheth ‘ttno kinoeethoreof,_tha dehick ann Cypu {re : the Delphick, ‘cq'ttallh‘toflzmeo mismanamith gteat berries, in colour be, “mitt Whammy g; mm the wonqueoonm at Delphos mere momma datum»: athethtfle 15“.? bath Minuet » Rafe,ah6a wee: gto’enegutteteogastt mete)touno ghout the tang“, inhumane ( ”Mini; [42th ) l‘appofelto be a {mine kino: .itgtohetjauoayes Maegan beateth bemee, he (hmtcth out bishmheafwmgpfiwzmotherefmc (math {mm olo mm totfieu “hoot; pint mtg” may (nth cola gratin, hung hot “nature at to plants. momma. the bums brute 03290 113i") ‘98 anagtbmtnmfite Mom .132? 892°.“ ‘1“? "We let! the): tinker together, anemia“: bung met tmth armathey 4t; {gt tg‘fumqahaqlfau Megnommete together: m than!) they be alto plantcboftbe mp, anolthe (tame. i f you ret . them oftheatpmoumlhret them not pawns; lune fmt a runner: .bqtfotbeggtotn outof Nun.- Mnotbmlttg that thee me be ‘ who one infamthenaa airman basalts; an!) the 9 the : the Waste,“ mgmabguttht hummer mmug mm to‘fie fet in thc begmm'nmfi manhuw Mm tour-e $1; m“ month plantco of the Jam: 6st?” 9th“ a)?" "5m“ 3". @t‘atl CM' - ' t t tea thepatefetm mend m. .fiutafibgéjpgond gammy tobtthc U02 9 . , fitbguaty 3 peofper in a diet: @310 W Elfwnbtm if?!" 8 "1°93 .Mothemwmom batten : they thiefett,m.«:mtb at are .amhefim roams putts: M MMWI‘W 151‘?!” ate, ‘ i 2’3 ‘ ~ - . 7%: t‘ 57' ' 7' aftficordermg ofOtchards.‘ 18} mm” the mine“. Ehe‘ hats that you inteno to rtt,mnm be [aim a no: home in r oft bung : others utopia them in mater, (on with ham, letting them the therein but only one night, lent the Want the home rmetetb'e 1mm; . ant bunt than ”men, Columcllo myth, they will be both the pleafanter, oulg‘totothebetoerfihe topsuno thewacpe tnto you innit let oobnematoe to; from thente tomingt ' endow Ms W Cm tomato the'jaozt‘h :~2oygnnifl'lfe.t_ wit} _ in}! u; angina hannfnl! onemom bangs: :tlgt}: fibt‘hratt‘en their; ten-Danes, ti [1 they: groin to be great} $5511mean with the bianthcs, taken from the mum ofthe trio. ‘Ehe momma grant-11 not more to the top of the (tonne, but about the'miott, upon the homes that groin out. zhisttéc both fmne heart fruit, ano flom‘mth hefozo all othetsjn zannarm; jebguaryfiugiu grooms it to; a {agognotitatout of the plentifullnea'e of ' ogne. ' ' Wnen thick: the Nut Tgcc flown! amiddc the Wood, '1 hat all the branthcs laden bend withgll: _ ' _ And that they profpct welland come to good, _' That ytcrc be furs, ofCotncfliall plenty fall. ' , . fiche bitter ones (which are the inhole'to’inetmo‘ inane rater, if rouno about the Etoexonte fingerst the tone, you 21133;; a littlettenchnnz mhith haunt! W outfig’bi; incite; '9'; elfoifgon open the routes, ano poinze'thmon etttttj [ting oz thugs oungt'o; that the cane otthe me: ,,.uou‘.tmini;a fat meoge of ibitth Eros. 1512 this mean“ " 'as‘hamlrahth‘); f 2 will [are theitbittetnetlt : hutno Eta”: gameth (mm: o - . in'noe, ann thatetoge you mutt ottgn‘centooe it, oz. graa‘e tighen itisgteat. ’ "j . ' walnutsfihtn awfet in the grouno( ' as prune fagth) the‘Wflnum reame oomnemawflbout the, beginning oftvatth : fame think, that then mill'gmlo asthe fitlhet’t Mbszitbttpffbe, flip, a: the note .- it gtototth (pt’epiigmm liketh’a mic any tolh place bet; , ttt then a hot. Ehe fiat that you meant mm, min groin the better, if you {utter it to {Be fence 0; fine'oages befoze in the ma, ter ofa bop , anntnill gorpet the maze, ifit he often te’nioneo : ' thofefiuts as it is ’_ ht )' worm belt; that are 1et (all by .€totres,a other . ’ rmpime the flute ‘thz'o'ugh with an . '1 8; - Th; fgcpnd Bookc,icntrcating in; flow, ann fill uptbz place again: my a pin snowman): ttqwall lore bis knqttte’ hummus, neither mill yr lore has ftmt ttw'bang In tttbzt 93W?“ piste of bkaflet from a hundbuuw (bandit) Ingregt, aunmmbtterqme. 1922 racket; "It amat heals of gun. mm mm the 5mm; fog asgnu a, they an. m might“ m mamas, to as fame of m at:'th2_u._ 2A .tbgp fanning ahgnt: £929 pttupie a great ."a‘? " gaunt; h’ tint-Eghiéfiifid? .bmiler the; 9am Ems 01,193“: ii'a'tttt': ‘. f ; tick? It; téctiu'n; treks they mutant f ' ll, inn, ‘mfnz‘e babe 3 [at them on rye outline of mu @ztbm, as traumas to Menu that fellow from tempcfr arm weather. ”figl’f‘mfl 'among ants, is alto to b: cemuntzn the {Baku jautsm 5‘ “"° ltmnebbcmf is tbejfilbetn‘tbez are plant» aftettbe man; an of the 31mm: : it beligbtetb in day ann mama; growing, annuptm Einsteins Snell able to abiaetbe coin, Chettmm. among the gunman“: shalom“) tb‘ 43$th his place, tboug) but be rather to be mtontb ampng watts, 1092:ch bets calls. this 33m ogipattc of Iupttcr, It [ninth to grow on QBmmtainzs; an!) in colic commas: ttbatztb Mahayana neficztyatleam, mgu‘mouln: it'mlfllkttb not a magi: gtm‘teu grown, an: that; in a minim? gnu gangtbctlp bantk, (that: amigcjmh‘tcn tum gmnn; tt m planter: both arty: nan: t"; .isbetttt puntinfi mmnftbcm. nftbefiut. not, far, mifstberafcclmav WW. '03 I“, “19% it! tinny-7m: 6t ‘ftnttafls plant» when the bums :5 in the _‘ ‘j oaiall,botb_grtyc‘rtimce,tbc my: bmncbmnbtbe tmt, as ‘ @lihc'ié, El}: cmtnutstbat gunman: to fobgmufi bc‘ ten: mm m ripen: minectm be the better‘ they groin. you mutt not fat tbcmfm that Mt that 90" {ct mummies, a: jfilbsttsmntmttljtbc warps cube upmtb,annafmtafun- m :tbc furrow mutt be a [batman tampon mm batman: . 3 {ugh _ a make your mum: of the 33% than 0r “2M8“. my“; _ be ma’mto '1': mm foz gages in team gore. commena bzitztb,tbatt§e‘ dtbtfinfltMat to: the runways of tunes, «yes he {ninth in mu nigger: atom. Mb quickie wing, am being fellcb arm. has mwtpwfm like the “niobium being tut 9:;th It QM Ml $53"? W the ordering 0P Orchards. ‘ 183' tellifims mall be emeo hereafterhheuine {peak brewers. whey mill ali'o ha the slihettuut to be grotto on the ma!“ out .the 153th, one the make: it hath bane fame, that where they groin time one than tor'ether,they psofper the better Ehe pine is planteo not much unlike to the almono, the "n“ “”9 ‘ itemls of the heite :rloeltes being fet as the almouo is: they "'° oregathereo in auly, befose the Canicular minoes, auo ere the gate, the hunt: being b;oken,fall outfihe lieu time of towing them Palladius rerironrt h to he flDrr'eber, auo fiemmber: this fire is thought to be an rurilher of all that is (omen boner it. the if herry tree is eatie to be planteo, ifthe tones be but rat! The Che. ab oao, they will groin tuith great enrreare: rueh istheir fog: me. maroneu‘e in growing, that the llayes oz fuppogters of mines, being mane of aherrie tre'es,are tommouly [true to groin 'to be Eraslhey are graffiti upon the {Monte first, upon his oinne fiorke, upon the Wane Erie, t on the )lfieamble, but be& upon the boiler Cherrien'tioyeth in being grammar“ beareth better it: ire: ifpou graffe them upon the mine, your Ere: (hall brace . in the bpziug: the time of graflrng, is either tnhen there is no , CDumme upon them, oz tnhen the Gimme hath left running. Ehev remobe the iniloe plaut,either in member oz fieberuber, . that the firlt of annuary o2 jfebguary iohen it hath taken route, It may be graa‘en uponMarrial! moulo have your grate it in the ltorke: but iuoe'eo it pzofpereth better,being nratfeo betioi rt the barlre an!) the torso it Delighteth to be let tn oe’epe trenches, to habe rmme enough,auo to he often nigger: about. St loueth to habe the inithereo bots continually rut ainay. itgrotoeth belt in mine plates, anofo hateth bung as if it be layo about them they groin to be iniloe: it is at! o planter: of the flips, one will beare his fruit inithout Itones: if in the fetting of the fet you tame the upper euo oohmeioaro. @thers mill th t the tree being young g , two foot high,oe uit oomne to the rmte,ano the pith t: :ken out of both lineman loyneo together, the frames rlofe bouuo about, ano robereo with Bung: tnhirh within ayare after, when it is hell groioen,the young grates ( tohirh hitherto haee bogne no (mite) if you gratfe them, mill beare flheties without ashes. 1 Ethere are unozy kinos of otheries. We reoeer then the reit; a, , tome toleblatke ;fo‘me bettm'rt black ano reoJome greeuenhgu' e ., . :84 » ThefbtonflBookepntrcatmg- . the Where: grafteo on the maynhe (mall (inhumane the huloe (Sherrie *. ' ' ThePlome Ehe {Blame tre'eis planteo from the notable of Minna-”till tr“. , the fines of flehzuaryzbut if you let the {tones at the fall of the leate,let it be none in gouemberfin a goon ano mellow grouno tine hanofule nape: they may be ltketuife fet in febzuary, but then they mutt be Ite'epen in ly thze'e oayes,that they may fmnec rpeing : they are We plauteb of the young fete that gram from the bony of the tree. either in January, of. in the beginning of fiebguary, the routes bemg met cohereo mth bung: they pgol’per bet in a rich am: a moya grouno,ano in a coloe ¢ountreyzthep are gratfeo tomato the mo of S‘Dfltb, an!) better in the tloum fiocke,then in the barke, o; eli‘e in January, befoze the mum begin to map out : it is @rafifil upon his otune aock2,the {Beach am: the almono.fihere are funoey [oete of plomethereof the SDaml‘nn is the painttpal,toying in a my grounlu in a hot roan, trey,ano is graders as the other memes are. Ehere are muerz b tolouren 1Blomee,mhtte,blacb, purplemun teozotuers [nets of Elumbesm the @mperiall,the mamafine, the meteoric, the wears plumbe of all (nets, the pzune plumbe, the lemon; plume,the wheale {Blumbethe Bay plumbe,the 190;feplun1be, the gingar plumbe.ano many others ' . ' £Df the {Death traythere are foure ln'nbee: but the thlefeft are Th‘m‘h the Duracins, ano the abgleotszln Jpobember in hot ¢ountues, am: in others in 3anuary, the (tones are tobe fet two fwt alum In: in mu memo grouuo,thnt when the young trees are [prong up, they may be remoueo : but in the fettmg you mutt fet the tharpe eno nonaneluaro, ano let them fiano ttnooz thgoe fingers in the grouno : mhereroeuer they grow, they rexoyte molt in luatry gtonehemhirh grouno tfyou mant, [note that you was . terthem abunoantly,fo [hell you hnbe great [loge of fruitbome moulo hate them let in hot countrieo,anb fanny grouno:mhezby they fay,thelr fruite mill longer enoure : the better tuill alto the fruit be, if aernmc as you habe eaten them, you fet the cone, luith tome part of the knit eleauingto it : It ts grafteo either on himfelfe,the alumnae: the holometrfidlihe apple “Armenia, Th. Abri- oz abeteot, oath far errell the peach, area as a great oamty ‘°" among finblemmano moth aim of the fake: they artist? gt D , aithe brdcrmg ofOrchards7 ? i9; graminthe plume, aethe iteath inthe almonn ttie : the; taiteu gtafiesthatgtoio met the bony of the tm are to be than ten ane grafl‘eo m aanuatyoz fiebzuact’eJn tolo tountries,ann in floombet in hot : to; ifyou take there that atom in the top,- they mill either not groin, o; ifthey grommet long enhute. you, [hall inoanlate,ozimbuothem in apuu o; thiamthe aoeke be, lug tut aloft, emany yong mum in : neither mutt you fatter them to ttannbety farce one from the other, that they may the better oefeno themrelueo from the heat of the bunfihejftenth men,anoout @arnnete alto, aftet the italiana oeoemo gvatfe. the abgitot,taking a graft( not fulla finger long ) o; the bun ‘ that is well that out,lnith a little of the tint: cut off, ano flitting. the nno of a young flame me ttotl‘etnife they let them in,. binning them tnell about with 152mm 0; Rome. C that in the . euoe of sane oz in 3nly,ano augutt. home thiuke they will be. ten, ifthey be eithet gtafieo in the {Elaine tree, as haue mores fet anoecueath themzthey mil alto be figutemoz mitten in,if feuen . nayes after that you habe M the Ilene, tohenitbesinneth to. openai‘flu take out the lbitnellfino with metmilionm any othet. talent you may tountecfeit what youtuilJfattet the [tone elofeo up about the covers!) with «Elam; tango bung, you fet it in the grouno. flgain,you [hall hate them without fionesfif you pierce the flue thozom, ano fill it uptnith a pin eliminate, o2 ¢ognel tree, the pith being hat: out : the motes of the tree mutt be cut 1 . mum: in the fall of the leafe, e noting eo moth his ohm leabeo: yeuthall alto at this time pzoyne them, ann tiooe them of all, rotten ann bean homes. if the Ete’e pgorpet not, potme upon . the rates the toes of ole wine mingleo with water. againw . the heate of the Same, heape up the eatth about them, ma, tet it in the evening, ann thanom them as mellae you may. figaintt the feot'te, lay onouug enough. 0; the iLa'ze of mine meoleo with matet, o2 mam tnherein We hate beene . roooen :if it be huttfioith mozmesm [nth baggage,-zpowge on . it the mine of m meoleo with a thito pact of minegat. a » Ethete is alto gtatteo uponthz a bzitot anotheeiatumbe moze'lfhc Nee.- . excellent then it felfeJehithis talleo the fieflaeinemeing lette‘mm then the fibgitoutut fat excelling in taut, yet in all other natu 5' tall quallities it , Metethnothiug . from the abgieot. 53.0? 0, ., \\.' x 1 86‘ - Thefocond Booke,entreaung to meme eitherthie, the fllnieotm an: innate! curioue'outx tannin; tone fruit, ; ant to make them heave plentifullg, be the bpeing o; begining of'bonimer ueber to bitter, you amt after you hahe planten hour ahzicot a; other (mite in the fareof the bun riitngn platht him up ano [pecan him againlt the male of pour dbaroen o2 houfe ;upon the top of the trail ano ahote the tops ofthe trees all along the toall,huil.o alarge pentehoufe of at leaa are o2 feuen fate in oepth,tuhirh ouer lhaoetniug the trees, will ( as experience hath founo out ) ro oetteno them that they will eber bearein as plentifull manner as they hahe ozone any particular were befoge. Ebere be many that lnill biotic, 0; at leatt giue no unit to this experiment, betaure it eatieth with it no moze diuriofi'tie, but 3 tan aa’ure you there is nothing mote tertaine, fo; 3 hate fo’ene in one of the greatea noble: mens dbaroene in this hingoome, where futh a [Benthoufe mas mane,that to tarre as the wenthoure ment, to farre the Erase oin pzol'per tuith all fruitfulnetlenmo luhere the {Benthoure en, hen, not one Ernie bare; the ageing being molt bitter c unfca. fonable. 5313103 haue reeue others ( tnhofe purll‘ee may buy their pleafuree )lohich hate in there wenthoures fireo oiuers thong hooks of iron, out: then mane a «Eauuare of the hell we. lenahie luith (trong lmppee of [mall £020, luhith being hung I ' upon the gran hooke,habe reachen-t‘rom the wenthoufe to the The Date ttec. grounb, anti relate!) with Gnome an!) [mall pullice, that like the bugle of abhip it might be trutfeorup anu let ooluue at plea- fure. Ehie «manuare thue peeparen, ie all the szing 1 latte: eun of Winter, to be let 501me at the [siting of the Qunuey‘mo to be ngamue up at the riftug of the buuneuun both teafon anu emrienee finoeth it‘to be mutt pzofitable ‘ . . the mate tree grotueth in a milo graiellp month, an or; Ielighteth in a team? (0912 : ano though it oefireeto hate mate: all the were long, her in a m were it bearee the better: there, foze tome thinks that [mug is hurtfull unto it. 3min to; the gathering ano pgeferuing of all manner of acne fruite,'you thalllnith futh alaooer aeal fogmerlg [pulse of to; theapple, gather futh fruite as you finoe ripe by that colour, nottaking the fruite from the ftalke, but nippingthe'aallteaun thefruitfrom the Etiefinnzou wall hanolethe fruite as [We , x ‘f_, o *9" ‘ “ ‘_ A . 'V 463Mh'e ordonag offinhards? 3137 u fiififlffie of tbs Mite-M mt- nfem'tcacb, that ”mailman aliue gatheting halt: nun Whit again the bunches gentlie unto gnome oifb‘utthm them into a tonne ifialaet mane with a bgue bottom: , hobtng an hanoie tmactethe toppe,to which a (mall home being faitneomou than my thethtoke hang the market, b5 you on tome tonbenient Boughfinn as you fill this Bafaet (a you malloifthatge it into greater Barkers mane alto mith bgue bottomes, a mioetthem aofie‘latheo oz bplinteu at lean; thze'e fingers bgoao to oefeno the bottome from bgeaking;but item be to carve your fruit far, as fcom (tauntry to (touting, o; wacket to @arhefithen you that! path: them into iaampecs o; {Mangers mane with faire bottomes like byuemnn lynch. on each fine one the top with gre‘ene fame. Elms math fog theaenecau- gathering of the ogoiuatte btouwftuite; @om‘fonhegathering ofthe ahead: tine, the sabgicot, the {Beach of aflkinn‘eo,;the Wiumbe ano inneeoe am: nations marten 191mm, you that! ouch; tmboet when they ate perfedliz'wpe, which you that! not gauge by their mopping from the Em, ' whith. i311 time. o! one: much wpenea’e, tenning to tottennen‘et but-.hethg tum mixture of their talent memoir-change From their 313 (templegion ; To; when you that! pencil!!! that there Lem «stamens no; hatnueite in theit outraoesmo not {a math as at the rating on of the Stalks, you magmatme that they are item to be gothmauofoz o petreaet Rial! there- of'you map( if you pie-are) take one whichuou thinketipea from the mm mm openm'ngit, if you {56 the (tone tome5 cleane anuei'e :1QO not any of the. import of the finite deeming admit,~thenmmag;afiut'e 2011mm thotthefwitis uawto be gathetewhith you that! with gnatm’ligente one we gathewotbg anemone laying one 19mm», upon anathec, but 83d) febejraue be anothemn there tenoet plmbsfite natu. calm to teteibe huttfiotthe teal! touch (thigh of them, (clues. bfiethem mummfiyio when you babe Wertfhet gen have. men [can them any imam as inmmion to you: Menus oz to; othet pziuate mem eoafleutake fmne-cloltfixmtblfiotefinfmw m with; time- new gene; gem; one fiat 113;“ '- I, . i m Ofbard Plumb" and tunic rypcmng, 588 Thorfoobnd Bookefinmaung Willem Nth white raver. theme you plumbe one 3g on; Wine: the bottome of the mote, then ttnnecing' them all one: with white poppet,an as man: moe upon the top of them, an! tobec them likemii‘e with papet, c to lag Mom upon flow, uith pupets between thent,bntil the more be inil‘i ticntly filleo, e then eluding it up, feno it mhithee non plenl'e, e they will take the leatt hnttnoheteae ifgon lhoulo line the more either with 19:19 oz bttaln, the tech bkpns are to tame: that the titans motile punt tntothein'e bnnfe‘themctceeoinglp; ant to lay any other fot‘tthins abontthentm mmll,15umbait,¢haife,lfienn oz the likens loom ofall, to; they heate the (wit je make them anemthzongh tohith they both lmfe their tolout i tot rpeeoilh. as touching the gathering of {Blnmheo tohen they ate hatoe Inn to typen them aftermath,” laying them upon jaettells, to which contenteth the niofi of the ionoon 3ftnitetets,get 3. ant httetln mint! the fiDpinioMmante a both know nntnte to be we pateaeamkme Woe the is abzioseo of he: poniec there eat: to follow Idiom t unpetfeaiongns alfothet when {nth things are none, no it were thzongh an one: hattieeon- atnint, theee cannotpme’eom thing but abogtinenee anon oittattfull tellil); from whence a thinke it tomes to pate that in itenoon a man melting feloInt tell a Belieate oz tpel celitht 15lombe,bnlen'e it be from {nth as hating fenite oftheit atone, make no comm-nine theteof mm then their one pleafuoes; pet thus mocha woulopetfioaoe enetie om,thnt tithep hate mm tip: fame then they ten are o; fpeno them, that then aftec they ate gathltel to (pecan them thinly Upon nettelo o; binetee’e leaves, ant it will pgetetue thenironnn ano tnell colouteo. But tfpotittoze hero l’npetubununtthatin noteafomtble time you tan rpeno them,then bhat you no lotpaefme oz make Omani, nialte o3 wntmalaoe of, the at you hall tatmno l'pzinkling then: one: mithrmeet With them one by one (gotta no the: map nottonth one another. )upon Untolee o; 3mm m at mummthemnitunmmec fimfllw lime oeelone antenna We om them, aim mill monel'eletbnt tote ploal‘mtlp authe nee Menu in ”when my nfenllitinu of plmnbesoe ”cesium }~*3W-3Memommaeumnmm 9m _ Tana. ;>fidmordemgbf0ochmk§ “9“ mm mmmfktf tohttefi {Wm )iatlgitte- my mnhemcathem, plenum; an: buttons ofthete from; mnoln Mthat in keno of a to'ntluttott to your tgukc, you oetlave‘the ozoet of pzefeau'ng them, to thateno (penalty. that mum that ate appointee MIWKWE not Dusty. ou'utime amateur», he not cathet a butt )thenahelpe. M A n I v mm motion is gmo : jfittt therefoaefittogenea Myfiunging alto matting t's no’znftzt to; fruit Eto'ttm bety feta empteo: ans herein he'toe mane taken, that you hoe t't fiott'tt the heate «the bums, e that it be neither to new, no; to: olo: neither mutt it be lathe date to the ttote of the Ett'ejut a little oittante of,that the fatnette of the bong may be awake in of the tooteqaigeons ottoman images hung one elm heate the hurts o; bamboo! Ewes. Ehe team: wherewith the toatet them, mutt not be fountains mater, It; We" toatemf other may be hats, but [28W from tome muonte lake, o2 tanning pale. woman, youmutt take heeoeasa alto tolo you befoge( tnhett toe began to talk: of planting of aniDzehaeo ) that your Ems ltano a goon ottanoe a (most, that hohen they ate gmtnne up, they may hate mute enough to (wean; that the [mall ano tem oer be not huct of the gteatetmet‘thet by Mano; mopping. home tooulo haoe pomegranate Ewes, auto mettle, ano Bayes, at an thttte together as maybe, not patting nine fwta rennet : m liketm't‘e chewy trees, plumb m, Quintet, apple trees; 13cm ttaemtfie fmte ano moze a ruuoembety fozt mull m by themtelaegthaqae 3 {atonhe {beaker he not hurt of the gteatenzhe nature of the boyle, fishetet'n mott to he regatoen : to; the 19m mainth to have that than um togetherjn my places you mot fet them the thicker. mhe mine ’as Cato faith)tooulo have tine t tieenty fat oiaance at theleaa. poutuutt tetycut wants to futh {net as the tops be uothuttoz hztttl'emozthe hark,” time name otffoz the back being taken may totmoabout, htueth any kt'uoeofzte’e. 39m: S-‘uiow ”‘3“ MWW‘WMIB 01'be meant», “that from helpeth, anfi °f me" ‘39th “Wt-Emanuel“? ttéefihe seinettéejhe izytth tea, ano the first tree, bhatfoehet they Wow, they poyz‘on. Eh: Monomofthe walnut tte'e, anothe make is hattfull to , Cflmfit modem? mm alto, t5 hoctfull t2. , . a men ‘ ,. h , -w _ ago 5% __ ,-~.... N". _- D trapping of Trees. Proyning, maximum “laymen the We uwmhkemre netteogeth'g‘onng plante,bnt then m" mom mu therefoee gun to enelol'e Wmatoojihe «Gwyn thaoom tenet}; [manual (Wt) not fartemhe flmoio ofthe fugue tee: legentlenhongh 'itlpzeao fatten thee, fame may rafelp enoughgeom ‘amongfi wines. ELhe tilme might: lhanobe ts alfamilomoueithtng lehatfoebee lt eobereth. fiche {Blane tree though it be thicke ann molten; plenfant. zhe aboplac hath‘none, by the neuron of the teetering of his leabee. sphe alnet ttte hath a thttlte lhaoom,_, but nourtt'm'ng to his n'et‘ghhoue'efihe milnee tefua‘lttent foe htmtelfe, e the mohlng ghee leafe,ann often ChattingJempeteth the heate of the gun, . nln great ealfle melt tobeceth it felmzhe thanom of all there to commonly mile: ant gentle that have long Itnlhemhe 030p; ping of all trees is naught,but mom of all thofe,tuhofe bgnmhes mom to as the 'inatetrannot reaoile pane thzough: fogthe mops ofthe pinata mahefinu the wafiholmeme molt hurtfull,tn whore comparm 12911 map altotalse the Walnutztheflpeeaetas Pliny. taithfinthth nonsgaoteobenmning nan wttxng,ts here (can: newton foztetee, loheeb): the neon e totthereo toughen me out methane the’hnpzofitable beanehes taken ofi : but to pzolne them ehetgne’eee tsnanght, though the lame eequlreth cutting em were : e every other were, the $23ttll,the {90mm mtmnuthe $lihe,\vhetebg they mill the r mnet beare fruit: the others mna him the feleomet memo. £Dlwe tte'ee mutt he magnetite the fall of theleafe, after the felting of the I’enen (tame: arlb mum mutt be mu bungee, no a helpe a; gatnltthelt haste. 39m mutt tut ulna): all the ole rotten bean, eh“ thatgtolo tn the m’inbett, ano hath us grow thicke,ann are tanglentogether, an: all the water bungheo, ano hnpzofitable hunches about them : the oloe ones are to bee tut (lore to the smirying. fiockeJeom whence the nelo fpelnge hull artfebtarlfging alfo. a: laminate berg Inholrome fo; the tree s,tohen they ate feret'; en with their leanee,e ozinette oftheie trachea: atmhuh tune in are to lante the baeke with a maepe knifextnttuu lt ‘ firefight mum in many platesmahitthat gum itnoth, apnea: nth b2 the opening an!) gaping ofthe tinne, which is (“fight- mtee filleubg mttb the bone Whammy “mung ‘ ' a .derangefcrchardfi tip! mum the motes ofyout Warm this rose: you mutt up“: the gcouuooouna about them,that they may be tantrum with the maymth ofthe bunue,aun the came, cutting away all the notes that mane uploacmlthe trees that you temoue, mutt be marten which may they (two at the fictt. _ alto you mutt touftoet well the natute of the boyle, that yea temobe out of a one growth, into a moytt, am: from abattaine hzll, to a mottt lemme, aun rather fatte, then othetmtfe.-Ehe young plants being thus temoben, mutt in the femur: 33 than ymre be pgoyueo, leaning (till-about their oz. route beanches un- touthcojo thall they the better gto‘m : thus malt you ufua lly one every other yeete. ' Ehe olo tce’e tnee temobe with the toppee cut otf, e the notes unpertthemmhith mutt be helpeo totth often Dung, tug ano watering. apple-trees that blon‘ome aun beate no fruit, o; if It beare,they fooaiuly fall atnay, you than temeot’e by flit, «tug of the coote,auo thguatng in of a cone,” a mmooeu meage. fllr o If you mate: youc Emcee with mine that is oloeu’t greatly auaileth ( as they fay ) both fog the fruitfulneffefi Pleafantnelfe of the fruit. at the Ewe necayhy teafon of the gent heat of the ‘baume,ybu mutt came the earth about it, aun water the notes em y night, rotting up rome Defence agatntt the Santiago eauz’e thew fruit to be quickly tipe,you mutt tnet the little notes mm) atnegat, ano mine it hat is olne, tobett’ug th em a; gauze with eatth,aun oft Digging about them. Ehe Meme of meant it be kept thzee o; foure mouetho, both monnetfhll much 33: n to plantatnhtrh if you are about mines, oz fipyledce’es, it hath not ouzly bgtuggceat entteafemutalrogiueth an ertellent tall auo mammoth to the fruit ano the wine: you may atro are the methet ofoyleJuth as is without (alt, totherante putyol'e, lthuh both mutt (peem'ly be ul’en in Winter. agatufi from; ano mute, you mutt lay up taunt: about youe 9 than), ltttle faggots main: of ttalbes, rotten homes, o; a rain, which tnheu then the fcottem mitts attfe, may be him Menu-he fmoake tnheceof auoyoeth the hanger. 39m mutt habe alfo me ouug amougtt yeuc mines, hibitb when the-{cm} is gteahyou maytet aficeuhe tmoake tuheteofntfpetfeth the trait. ' JR 3 , When ’ ; ‘ t, V . ,1. , 79: a-Thc feconal Booke, awaiting ‘ Wthe tree hath any utknelte, they are to potoze'upon the .~ rates the ile’es of Wine mingleo mithmaterfi to rob lupines team about themflhe mater atfo wherein ilupines habe been monomer: rouno about, is berg gun (as F linie faith) to; apple, treesdbnt perhaps 31 trouble you lnith this minus, 03 long air, e of lhearhMBlantM trees, anotherefoze though there be much maze to be (gotten of3leaft 3 thoulo fame to ouwmea: e;- rie pen, 3 will make an eno of the flthharo ano onelg rpeahe a a tvozo o; than of other minus ; jpotu * astonthing wmufimcus Martius(as Perms Crinirus hm} “WM" teth)tnas the fittt in nome that met oealt in themztheolo jfa- gféhao almaiea a fpetiall regato of Moms, .mhetefoze Virgil , ‘Q h If that of Woods I Game my Song, Woods vnto Princes doc belong: If that ofWoods I lifi to fing, Woods may full well bcfccmc a King. atmas ogoaineo hp the mommies, that the «Sonfuls thouio . habe the charge of the mums, that there lhonlo no ’Eimher be wanting fozbuilning of ignores, anD Phil’s, t other mgmber; tmgkglmth publiquea pziuatefihe Rate of Venice atthz'g nag, obfetueth the fame oeomappointing a pgibate Miter fo: their “when”: hath in tharge as well to [a to the geereln planting ofthem,as to let that there be wanting no Ember, foz their netea‘arie uremzzhe Wmo that you fee is of @akesdbe’ethes, c thet watt trees : fome part feming to: firmher, ano other fox febel.£l>fthefe therefoze mill 3 fittt begin to fpeake, a then of Elite «Beatlemania Millomes. @- fiotn fo: the generall planting of ammo it was a rultome a: {233:5 “mu the antient,that tnhen they founo anp ham 3 barraine ' earth (nth as was unapt fez azaa‘e. o2 at lealt furh as bare but grotto that molo keepe life not rfifo;t life, they: patently plotneo it up (- [omen thereon akomsfiflykegesflvapleknotmBeeehmp’ plea, flamesblomesdputsmbullegs a all other fans oftras in innumerable quétitm then this there is no bettermo maze carp no; maze fafer may of plantation,almaies mobioeothe forle lie Memo matter hotn mountanousfio: loin @arlhes, ballies ano M at ave rabiea to animations reloomemoutith moose mail: a r affix: starring off Woods : 19 5 Wteeoeiplaeofyfe in thew. than before to fence (trafely about either with mmmtthmileee the like nihirh may kéepe outall'manner of fourefmteo Matte, foe ramming mithin the fame to; at lealt the (pure of ten yeereo,after which time it will when: it felfe ; that which is flBeoufeo oz Bitten befoee,hn‘ll neber peofper oel'peing to any gmoneo. fioln as the bannye weabeu earth (whirh is urally the mot 15arraine) mill beare hameJo mill alto the clay gronno,ano it is founn by eryerience that one mike growing upon the clay grouno, is mozth any {me which groin upon the Santa, to; it is moze hare, muse tough e of much longer inouramemot {o apt to teare,rybe o; ronfume either mith nymefinubbiaa o; any¢afual moylture ; hahenre it comes that ener your bhiplmighte, oz millioziahte neare the dzlay flake fog their ure,ano the soyner the bane; wake to; I’mmthneo ano Maynfcotfioln ' antenna the $5M: more, ann furh as rerue to; Eymher, The om. the (1'th place of right belongeth to the flake: he that will then plant an make «hone, niutt pmioe him of the ripe Graeme, not oueroozieo, no; faultre, oz any may eogrupten :_the[e mutt he role in gene nrouno mell tilleofiaith as greatrarefulneae as he plants hiewerharo, ann inell enrlofe it, that there tome no dzattell in it : lnhirh ( when they be fomething gromne) you mutt aboutjfebguarie remobe to the plate where you entene to plant your came : if you out ans peoyne them, it is thought they hill pzol’per the better fog épaft: but if you referue them to: Eimber,yon mutt not touch the tops, that it may runne up the ltraighter ano higher. in removing them, you mutt make your trenches a fate one a halfe néepgabering the inmates mel nnthearth, taking gmo héeoe you neither bzuil'e them, no; bzeake them: fog better you were to eutthem: E'he make a- greeth loell enough with all manner of grouno, it groineth al- mcain allgrounos,yea euen in grabell ano fano, it liketh 111ml! 1: fat grouno, neither refufeth itthe @9untaine.We have at this nay on make in W cflpbalia, not farre from the amine of Alzcnanmihieh is from the flute to the ne'erelt humane hunteo ano thirty foote,ano thzee ellee in thieknelre : am: am; ther in another ylaee,that being out outmane a hunoeenWaina loaoeznqt farrefwn this In? there seem another @aket‘ot 4 n - t 94. ,» Theifdcond Bookegunvcatmg - tenm Wiles-3 muwumthemmm my . monikbmemont to ute to I that sumo» luminhees. olfil‘omfiei as Pliny faith) beoulk tattinthittie men; lithe nert Beech amongst! the 99m ttees is IBe’eth, mantel, almoit aftzxthe wood. fame manner thatthe flakes be. tithe manholme it geometh high,if it babe a guano meete to; it .- it pgoiheuth upenhillesg‘ lilies not theiblatneiit beateth ficognee letter then the aeoznes of the SDake,a leafe like afiemno is continually greenefljhe like hath the ¢o,k_e.tte’e,bzhith is counteo amongtt. there. that . beace @altfihe bathe mheteofme ottupie to; the antes of out: tithing fietm .18 antofels fez inintetmll othei: trees (fauing on; lg the diozkefifheu fpohle then: of their batke no bye. finethet @aQbeating @ke there ie,talleo in itatin Qlcrcus filncflrum, a kinbe whereof tome thinke the dime tree to be, allele in iLatine Cerrus, growing in miloe ano batten places. Rhee: ma. are l’omethatboe numbec the ahelmut tree amonga the 99am bearers: but of this 3 habe fpoken befoeelthe belt flaw is the fiDke wait, the nettthe 158d) an!) the otheilnutnhen the milne when. Sill bet]! goon ann meet to; the fatting of «flatten, fpetiull; flanges. Ehe flDke wait, 0; theme, malteth thick: 15am, on .o flelhano long laaing, iftt be well falten t mien: on the other fine,¢heltnute ano lifie'eth £19m : make that ano belitate flelh,light of oigettion,but not to long momma next is the ¢erre Enhthat maketh berg founn ann gosh lleth : tithe Qaaholme maketh pleafant Baton, faire ano m8lgbtte.Pllny 3 faith,thatit mas oeoaineo be the lain of the tinelue tables, that it theulb be latnfull to; any man to gathe; his oinne wait, falling upon the grouno of his neighbour, whirh the @Ditt of the thiefe incite ooththne intermete : that it [hall be lawful! the hint to use it thgéc hates togethec. with this pgobifo, that he: [hall onelh gather the amines, am: one no harm to his neigh; bout, ”VI ianus mitiltlIetl).ilnb thus of fut!) E51325 as beate 99m. 330 lmll 3 iohne inithall the peintipalleit of the other mines, to make up you: women. amongit. which an The Elmo. the ablme , am: the (bulletin: the (time, in the planting Meteor, betaure it is to great nfe , anu , eafilp, motors , . u". may not let palte: tittt, betaufe-it geometh melt ion!) the 130m! miniltereth goon two; to «tattle : retenele ( mtg! 31)! _ ea \ MWmifugfimWawm eitheym “magnum. ’62: tutmufimmgheeapm animal: fittfimmlng ottywhremm tslhehlfiitmtng the kammtherel’oae it islhbught fl: beam tithe- lemmas Columdlidfinflcth. )a t that [hill plant a Walltfinee; mmamrm, mmmtwmmuwcy, menu heuinnethfihwe ”Rainmaker that? it hath mm in the lhanno‘m tum Bates,(oln it beep thiekmanuafi fine fiften nmuln upon it, an if thete mine not gum time at mine, matet it well : after a were henmeig remake it to 13mm film: (mate, letting them ted-dune fml‘e a runner, {We the out that theywte not ta; napeput may be taken up againe,there mutt be betwixt them attain: little trenchem’ fate am: a half: niftante: am: on the note you mufi knit a kmt, s; it‘theg be berg lougtlm’lt them (the a Guiana, am heinglnetlnoint‘eb mm) ‘esulloekes hung, fetthe‘m, ann’tteanin the earth want about them. Ehe female elmes are better to he planten in Aummnc. be nature they babe no {tent : at this bag in many places, tuttiug 93 here from the fatten @lmestheh ret them in trenches,from whence when they area little genuine, they gather: like bets, am: by this healing make a great gatne of themflhis Etmbet of all " mgfflfk fiveo-dst‘ egg others :5 excellent to; water mozksfinz lying batten in the earth, ‘ fa; iltelltteemfiolneemlanks am: other ufes *. xnthe like {mt ate planten «inches of tithes. Ehe an; Delightcth in rich ant: motlt grounn, annin platne ¢cuntties, though it gram Lyell enough ulfo in my flouting, he {pecaneth out his notes very far, emu therefoze is not ts be l’et about tome gaunt, it may be fel; In every thin a; fourth were, foe to make Rages fog mines. Elbe 21th gtntneth berg fair, ant («ch as ate fazmnws are et in fwzuatp; with futh young plants as tome'ef them, in g .-, n banurome oznet tanning mom : others fet fuzh tithes as they mean: [hall make fuppoztets to: marten mines, in trenehes of a were olu,about the Calenns offipatth : ant hefoze the thirty firth moneth they teach them not with um: knife, fee the pet: retutng of the bzanches : afiec even; other were it is: magnets, annm the an have tognen faith the Mine : if you ufe to rut a« tone the beaneheuheg will grain to a beep gosblg height, with a taunt bow, fmzoth, plaine, ant mung : Pl‘mic mgtteth of , e p A11: groan. .196 The'fccon‘d Bookc,cntrcatinag} _ ,tbatth ”mined: f0 aware the at», a ecu militate m him with the hunches, he twill mag," 9:? intothe‘lim then no thzough the hobemmhen you Mean to plant when to; alfpoeote mailman (ball not actoeotng to the oloe eultomeehoofe the l'tntoth, (mall, long plantsmzhteh ham, lg an that inchee'tn eompatfemnojaoe patent hatolg any bunches, ano ace fuel) as groin from the routes of SDloec aches out oomne Mom-which our auneten: Mommas have area to tape; eleaue from thofe motesmo, thete ate the melt feet of {htantszalsut you lhalltahe the true groan: M12 whicbfpu'noth ,fcem bis ohm onpet momma fmmth , eben founo ano Rteightmithont bzutl’e,¢anket o; other inn niment ; Eblfi you [hall nigge up by the Rate; being entie t'nehes in tornpatre, ano having elenreo the iamte you fhall leave each [may not abobe halte a flute o; eight inches in length; but to; the (mall thwoos o; Eaaels of the mote, thore you (hall eut eleane away ttofe b2 the moooe, ant to plant it in eoecg Fopnt as mas thetoeo you to; the planting of the (Mme, onelu the toppe theceof you thall by no meanest tut off, betaufe it is a Ernie of ppth, tnhteh to nebtoe 0; lap bate were new Dangerous. Elno the belt rearon to; the planting of this Eta: is Bbl’t tn the increare of the aamne at the fall of the leafe, which is from the begxm ning of fi'ttflbct tillmpooe fiovembec am: at no othecttme, fog it moulo eoet habe alohole Winter to fatten tns lies-re ano to gather arength that itlmap buoqe togtl) his leafe tn the hammer follototng”. TheByrch‘ Bgzeh, as Thcophratlus mzitethtn his fourth Bulimia a mere bew-méete to; llamas: it pzofpereth tn coloe arouna tries,ftottte.fnobte ano grapellmno in any bacratne grouno, tohecefoee they are in battatne grounoathat tune to; no othes pncpofe toplant 21523“). pine Wooosdmre means, iattch ngmlarlh, are common in stale about intent. lithe {Bins at,“ planteoof his kernels, front EDKobet toga. matte, tn hot ann up arountnes: ano tn eoloe ann loet plates, in febzaacteoz $arth: the kernels mnfi be gatheteo in lane, befoee the domes one open, two inhete you lift to (on) them, either upon htlles o; elfe wheremw mutt he: p o _ The Pine. offlmordenngflf Woods. 32'? WWW annuainyoutfleoe, asya’eooeinretntng st ammo reherthent gently with a light lharroto as a make, not tottering them absbe a hano beoao: you (hall ooe hell, it you lay the lieutels in Water thzo'e oayes befoze. Ehe jfirte Fineme- “(2,1th notes habe any great aooe mane about it: if you be to: rations in planting of it, it mill groin ( as they ray ) the meagre, it statues of his omne hernell in mtloe sponntatnes, {Blainesm any inhere. mhe {attrh tree, is atree of the hint) of The my, ibines, ano nety like to the wine fineating out his Rogen astm he both: to: there are are hinos of there Regen trees, the ibine, the pitch tree,the iniloe 19ine,the 3firre,the ital-11),! the Earre tree, the planting of them all is alike. mhe film, a tree alto Thunder meete to; Moons, it growth in ptaine ano marrith places neete to Hibers. Thcophraflus faith, it ys'eloeth a fruitfult reeoe in the mo of bummer ' many places are communioutly planteo with {aoylan whereof there are two fozts, the White ano Poplar, matter ,the White is planteo of the manrhes ant: bets, any White and nelxghteth in inattie plates, or any other growth,“ pembeth leery ”"kc'i (alt: the blarke hath the ruggeooer bathe,- his leahes rouno lohtle he is young, ano manner: in his age,iohite unoemeath, ano greene above. Ehe Eymbet hereof ts gain fog buttoings, ‘ [penalty within omens: his (noon ts tohitith inithin, am: the time blarkith, inhenre he hath his name. fibough Homer rallthe wtllois afrtn'tleate tre'e,beranfe his The wu~ fruite turneth into robtoebs befoze they be ripe: yet is the to: low. beraignty gtben him amongtt minus that are u natty felo. Cato gioeth the thirn plate of hushanoz y grounos to the mile loin,p2eferring it either befoze the £91le @gohe,¢oene. gronno zsheooomfoz tt' ts oftner to be cut, an grometh the thither: neytheris there to great gaine with to little rharge in any thing. it oelighteth in tnatrie gronnosnzarke anothaoootnie, anothmlfoze is planteoabout miners ano atakes, hotnbeitit grometh tn «Champion, ano other groans. at is planteo of young bettes, fonre fmte anoa halfelong, ano wetlrobereo with earth: 1 met groans reqniteth a greater oittanre be- ttnirt them,tohetein you thallooe melltofet them fine facts at tanner, tn ozoer like the cinhe upon a Eye: in the bets grouno they may be fette thicket together, yet Columelllan won Ofiar; @- Thc plan: ting ofehe Willow _‘.. .n""~ \V‘W 'pH—V-V— :yu : , I Theaaahaoqaagmfiac Wihmft hemmmmnthem. m arenootoetont (limes, 'ouetdet mung router, tame Sitar, forbingfoz'making of Baskets, Charges, iamnpere, an other otountreg ltutfe: the other: time grototng truth great ans hlgh bzanehes, {owing to; tapes roam, oz to; thatch, fete, o; flakes of 19eoges, ano in canal: btalte Mellow. film they ferue to; fen te ,t‘og fieloell, to make harromemtart. moles ano ho; 'zehames now to; the fetftug o; planting of the lelow you are firflf to tefpeu the plate mhteh morale eoer be late one mow, the mater romettmee htalhtng thenyfomett'mes dialing them,ana eber gibir gthem comfozt, it insults be planter: upon monks where it may ttano moee ozie then toett; foe fueh pee; [per belt ano enoure longelt, as tmelue, fiftauemah one am thoentte geareem‘hcreas there which are fet tlotte by the water, mtll harolh enoure {wombat notabobe m’ue atthe mommmh. ing them planting they be fettmo manner of wages, but whit!) is the bett is not get agre’en on amongtt humannmeu. mhe hut in to take a great augure, full as large in eotnpalte ( though muth the ten) as that tohe'ret'm’th you Boats mumpesano teeth it boare an hole' at the earth, tzno fmte auo an halfe nape, tl en hating heaoeo tome of the ehohtett millomeo,talte the farm: ano firstghtefi of the e lops,ano then cutting them aoapltufe at both enus,l:atzta.g no ruperauous tmtggs about them, putthe bigger eno ootone berg haro into the earth ano then mm; mou: 'D that tame to. th,ramme the earth eloa’e ano haco about the seat, to as no reatonable arength may thahe t’t; jpomtherebe oth re which ru (lean ofau zugure take only an ibaken o; when Rake of the bignetl‘e ofanuluall betmno truth a mtell ogtt‘e tt into the grouno ttoo fmte am a halfe ano then he [halting an 1: eye a g the earth pull itoutagat'ne, then put in the aet as befoze gem», ano beate anotcean the earth elol‘e thereunto,ana there is no oouhte of the mu p ofpert’ng thereof, this labour may: be new eithet bpelng oz fall am one gab loo; heme. u may m ' :00 betotnone nae. 330m foe the moezlng anu gcuernment Ordering of the Willem after their plantingmou than after every n on “the wu— fee ifthe Water have when any of them awe, t immeo my low. menu them irony :attle thallptll 021153 the theta, you (hall pull up my betmno plate min in their momegcuntay heat figuesmderragfifvvoodsi My o y Mm wuoloes once in these rates oz ' fibe at the Wolf, anolohen you w the Boom mare holloln you may oigge themnp to; the lite, ano are no. betts in then: £85 *. ' WtSlihe Olin oommonlg grometh ofhis omne felteg'ano is alto per plan? plaut‘eo ofhis Koooesa‘n matrie ano maria) grounos, the earth ting of wifeo mono logo in furtoloes : it is pla nteo, ano fpzinas molt 0““- ? plentifullpfiohere the earth is beaten up with the rage ano. otter—nominee of the matsc :it rerueth as a fare oefente foe mas king ofllfiankes ano Wallets in tharlhesmno that chiefelp in @arehahe a3mne entreafingzthe Ofiaranag be cut men: he: te, o; ebecg tlno pesto if you mill. . . ‘ jaom 3 millptotaoe with «toppinte Wows, thatare ton: tinualligto be felo._. . ‘ film‘s stoppill‘e, o; tale Manama fitlt bzought up ( as Plinic faith) bQ,C)\I‘1.Martius.Ebi5 kinoe ofwm geometh com- , monllz of his name accozo in foeretts,-ano mattie plates :but all moons arenot to; this putpote, to; tonne, mates there are lohith if you cut any poule often, mill faoe ano ohms the glue, the junipetnhe dihertie, the fine the applaano the fitme- ano tome again: if they be not tut, will petilh: in cutting of them ( as they are Diners fin is their ogoer : fog the £Dake,as hee growth tloiolp, to is he not to he. sat, heron he be of team, 0; eight gates grotuthu the niece: the grouno you, cut him,the bet, tot he ambesjhongh he may be pollen {even o .2 eight foot abate mount : Ehe like is ofthe’ llfia'ech,faoing that he may fame: be ammhe great Willow, am the poplar, ate cut after one feet, as 3 lhelneo a little hetoge : thoughthe Ofiar may be not eberg tlno niece,” ehenl were. Ehe otheltnut may be felo every fea- benthgo’etaboth to; feloell, o; to; mine Eaves. mats are cut of polo funoziz tomato: either they are felotlofe by the grounume the hoop is polo, when it comes to be of thehignelte of a mans arme o; mozms the-millomis.¢oppitfeo moons are (among lg feoereo into fomamz parcels,asmaiz fetue foe yételg felling, tome [till growing lohi ls othets are a felling, t; becanfe tonne of them groin falter then other fome,eberg rozt hath'his plate/g his real?) appointentgome ace fello ebetp fogthgéeteJome every filt WW)” tbs Willamfi humanism the thhdomemnrce in _ ‘ men. I zoo; The {hand Beakefimreatmga ‘ - {even uteoefiethe (Mausemrmietu magnet» make.“ . it flatware to «autumn that item: 41me oz mam. Igmo‘eenliu ofmukefithfieethfibne,99aple,l93rell,mhic. t oziiamlaththome ano futh like, that theuthe eloet mm; in, the geeatet is hour wait: flannel! belies better then fem, fifteene bettecthencleauett,m one one tlwntie hell of all. gem in cutting there unoecmmos you than nine oieeaion to your fielletsthatmheutheg [hall miete with an: fame am: maight bellgcohme baplingfiakefilmefiunmthelike, to pgel’etue them, uni let them (loan, being offueh fitfiifiamg one from anothet, thattheg may not hint: at trouble each o; 1het,iii theit growingmno when you ihall finle upon a tlttltee mm faice plants oz baplinge of one hinoe,iftheh he ofequau height you may pzel'etuc others, allowing them mafonable oiaanteJiut it‘they be ofuncqoal height then tube none batthe ehiefettflnb fueh as ate forthea afunoec. alto if you Rube any failie mun [teatime fruitentte'es, as chettmts, ”one, been mitten mthelike. M mall let them tam alto tleare them team the napping: ofthe tallet m5 ; fink) to; the 'genetall cutting tip of the Wmomoa thall eat it about fire who: a; bone the grown, min mowing your (make opium, eat the tnmofloapednit’e fee that is belt to hafteu on the new bpzing, flnn thore beam: which you pzererne am ruttet to groin am, you thall peopne ant ttimme as you pate bzthem, cutting a. may all {operations ”south”, wmfimfil ano 90mm fleeces which thall groin neate unto thetmtenz upon any hart of the ‘Booie which isttt to he pzeferueo fog member, an!) ifhou than (no that the eauhhabe by any tumultie fozrahen the last one left it here; you thall lay teeth earth unto it {momma It hm am: talk about it ‘. at temaineth,that3l min then) mthe manner of telling of tintbet. ano lohat timber tsmfitelt fez wet? Mlle. Ehe l'eafonof felling, no ooubt istogteut more, mhethee it be to; timber oz femell : foz futh Eric: as ate Mo eithet in the Dyeingmin hummer, though they {Some be? without, ace nottnithaanoingfoll «martingale-1112mm within, which in the burning, will must make goon are :m thetefoae toppitle one tiesdoaomoutm felling itiu mint»: ago 3 Webrécrmgrof Woods; ‘ ‘ -, . a i to; Wag; itiséhelft Hitting? «mines iumeeembem 34a. nuatiethem bring in the inane. fmmthe tinentie, to the ' thirty “233““: there tome thatl’auheh heme team: by em, fielltezthat‘flm be: an eat in iaiwatg, are full othap : ann therefm thinke it better eithet to cut them hefozem aftet.Caio faith,the heft time is about the twelfth of metembet; to; the limbet man that beateth ituit,is belt in featoa when his (ten. ietipe,ano that ithith hath no (masher: it p:llos,it is time to eutbuth as are flatneo,fetuiag to; iaillete of w: hatches o; m, theuoanomozkesmnfi Be tut whentheh {pungzbhinglemann (what the' {Batehet mutt am am to . be tut betmitt mione mintenaaothe beginning” é): WeaemeWinoesmlmy at} fitmeththe belt feal'oti to; telling of timber, to bee while the Queue iein tom‘umim miththe banneNmuvius an excellent fellomin bathing, both tnill you to tell you: timber from the heginnin’g of Autumnc,till the time that the manna minoee begin to blobythe uhith minoee hoginto blotn ( as Pliny faith ) aboutthe fitt goes of febzuatp : toxin the bpging, all green are as it mete with ehiln,ano heno all their taste to the putting out of their leafed tbtit fwitbiate then they be 9 , e not tonne. b2 the neeettitie of the Wflmfibct ate mane be e team: oftheit lmrenea’e fieble,ann ofno foete :‘euenae the babies of lilo-rafter they habe eoaeeibeo,ftom their eoneeption,til the time, 'toeliuetame, ate not inbgento be retina. oz petfit. 3n like oat the trees in Autumnc, when the, fwit arm leabee he; sin to fall, the Weataingftnm the earth their fufl‘ieimt fulemeefite atom againe to their :5er ettate: befioe, tl e fozte of the aite in Winter oath faaen am: make roam the ”Mano therefoze it‘ie then thoughtthe bett time to fell pom: timbenflthe unmet shutting of itthie, ant to eat it till you come tothemioole otthe pithefiito to to let it Mo, that the tap that is in imatz oeieeao anoo.:opmt:ro thallnot the mogfiute within pittilieme wat the timbetJmt paa’e tleatelg away. when gouhlhealtitfi 20a (“twin thgtitwb left Deming. M my mama.“ to than you be time it wall bett (ewe maimexheteatefomefipa‘tteteinhuiloinmhatthiahe it belt aftet you hate rm out your timhet in Inmate lat? them $610M Wflmt oemoagemiitha heotflfiiethfiozalone; S . , h ' .- ‘ -, a‘ ‘ "WW1 . “£82 .- Thcficond Bopkgentr‘eatmg gettifiimi‘ght og'hine oayesmnn being names in this thin thew) ~.ll neither { they lay )bet'otten, "o1: mogme eaten. * Eheteare' others .ano rnnonemfeo oftimber :l'urh asacg ' 'batraine, are better then the fwitfull, ertepttng there fogts where the male beateth, ae‘the cipzelte, am: the «tognell: in all trees the pattethat grow tomato the 33o,2th,are hatoer, ano ronnoet, which are almott tobereo with motl‘e,as with a rloake againlt the tolbe: the more are thore that groin in thanotoie ano mama; plates, the mettle: ano better Ml ring, are they that groin againtt the 51mm :ann therefoge Thcophra'flus oebioeth all inimbec into that fogte, into an, Item fqnareo, ano tomb, of mhuh the tlohen no neber am: no; roame : fo; the pith being baren. ogieth up any birth; they alfo enbute long, Demure they habe little moyIIm-e. Ehe'l'quareo, am: the count), 0.: the whole timber, Both counter-anti gape, lpetially the touno, berau'e it is fuller of pith, ano therefore renteth ann roameth in ebety place. an!) {nth high hurries as they nfe to; pillers ano maine pours, theyfirtt tub one: with )lBullorbeo hung to fearon them, any to lathe put the rappe : to; the moytture ooth alloayes toame fmnct then the‘b;y,ano my better to be {alone then the green, ettept the Wake, am the marathon One more fill the teeth of the home, an!) refill it. home againe refute to' lneo either with themfelues, o; any other,ao the ma . hirh rleabeth as [zone to a ttone, as any 10am, neither line they mell tleabe, but to [ash as are of like nature: to be botreo, the 'gte’ene is mogl’et then the my: the light am the hey, are hornet tobe rat: to; L'Banoes ano Emithes, the Willow, the figmmeJhellByzthhe (filme, the 15oplnr,the mine, the tie: ben Beebe; the alfigambte are belt: the {Barell mill alto fetue, but thefirltisthe Willomzthey habe alto a rectaiae harb- neae ano fairenelreme'ete to be uleoin graben moekoefimong there that term to; timberme mat in are the firemthe Shake, the mine,the 3L mantles Gltle,the Elmv,millom,¢eut,»tye p:ettc,the15or,l:5y;th, {Blane tto'e,albet,atl;e,inflot£Dake, , ‘ mate trmnfioerhmlne £Dlibe,t®afiholme,mwmt; maplm g _ iaolly, anu oibers othetomfep aetogbing to their nature, ano “Rflrm‘themannet of the stoontut whmtheegroto. marge: ~’ w, l *lfimrdmngofVVoods. ‘10," 3'. W‘ 3 hatefpeken heroes, giueth out ween, am i; smite: ismiet to; bibece meekemanb greatly eteemeb fog 3;" height I him Wmf m mane wt 99!? $8”, t 19am; to; haulage; itis bet): cream able to ahibe gteat'fngee. at is area all: in taming-2 great ®atee,¢ Em}: potent: Enema fez mhuilbing mithia,bnt not“: incl emitting mithmt 003225 e berg fmne rel: afiwfiheg urea ( as Thcophraflus faith )in the elbe time to make their (values e long Beates of fitters; the lightneae take: their bhips foe hmben,of {zine trees macs habe fpeken a little hefnee,the timber lbheteof is hell, hath fez inmate hailningeg fo; the toeathem alto bJell enbming in the mater: Hcfiodus monlb habe zoakes make of @ke. Ehe lbilne we: fecneth all‘o bell in mate: themes,- to it bee not aim the feazfoz there it enuneth not,» ceal’on ofthe faltnell’e:it mm not he pieeeeb with any Sugar, except it be met befaze : neither re will it (extrema; P liny faith)an2 fiatle wibenin it,to he plutk; eb out againe. Ehe @lme is urea fa; baeathee beams, anb matersmogkee to a make planks fog lam mega baultejoe hgtchin Enables oz fiat; The ui'e of there Malls-Jo; fiance ofibheeles anb apeltce'es a: any are 119‘" 5"“- toughnell‘m .Ehe Ellhe ( as T bcop'hraflus faith ) is of than (nets, the one tall, arena, white, anb without knots, the other maze fall of hagwggenner anb harber. am the onelg Eimher of all other fogialonghegfoz mi, .9 natie aveltce’ee, the mines of Whales, {gamma finllsfina- 1f; “the then annthelike, alfn the * awe, helibee his manifolb urea. “°° the: leaves, maketh the hell am: faieett hozremene tiabes an. fittesnnhereoflbas mane the fiafle of Achiucs,mhich Homer to greatly eemmenbeth : it is alfe eat out in thinne bazbee. Z‘ Ehe 15ieeh,tnhetenf 3! habe (poken befoze, although it be The Beech; hzittle anb tennee,'ann may he fa wt in thin bozbee,anb bent, as he tiemeth to l’eene enehz fa; caskets, W, am at era: hie mien: being betg fairemt is he {nee anb We in he ring of meight,as in flmltre'ee, fnzfliartuz'wm Eye batke If the 1:52 :h,lbaenfeb in aloe time fee bedeletagathel: (Dupes in, anb othet fmite, anb alfe fez «tenets, anb beaels to see raecifiee mithall: anb therefoee Curius than, that 1J2 bgcugbt nothing albag of all the [pile of his enemies, but one page SD , Eathen ov-awzié‘wr‘w. w 's x . -‘ v 7.43 94' ' Thefot‘oad Booke,cntie”eemg " ,0 'Eeeehen ¢rnet,lohetein hie might tactillee to his goes. \ . The Alder, the ittoec is a tune with lteetght home, aloft Vano rennin; ; helmgizoming commonly in the matey places,“ is chiefly ettaz- ;meotoe tonnestions, sun in water wogkes, betaufe it nebec totteth lying in the matetzano thetefoee itis greatly accounteo ofainong the meneltiansJoz the fonnoations ottheit palates, e how’eszfo; being oziben thiehe is piles, it enonteth foe once one fufiaineth a loonlertull weight. mhe tinoe is pulleo ofi in the hpgingano fetueththe mm in his oeeupation; it hath like knots to the Cesar .to be cut ano in.ought in. The. plane. $92 iotane tree is but a itcanget,ano a nein come to 31talie, ““o bzought thither only fo; the commooitie of the tbaooin, keeping ofithe home in bemmemno letting it in,in Winter. Where are tome in Athens (as Pliny faith) whore beanehes are 36. cw bits in b,eoth : in Licya there is one to: greatnen‘e like a houre, the thaooio plate tmoecneath containing 8 u . flute in bignette: the timber tnith his roftnette hath his are but in water, as the :lbtcfilit oziee then the Qfilme, the athe, the @olbecg ano the _ heap. The Lieder . Ehe iinoee Theophraflus eounteth bet to: the lenglxman, b2 ceafon of histoftnen‘e : it bzozoeth no mozmes, ano hath bet -. iet the maths aim the minoxunoze little tinheshhetofthve loei‘e \ loont in Plinics time to matte Ropes ano Withes. 1'bcfijrch. ‘ E99 flBwhis been beautifull ano faite: the inner time of the mo, alien in itatine Libcr, was nice in olo time in then of 35am to unite upon, one was bout :o bp in boluinnes whereof intakes hao fittt the name or len' :the twigs e bomes be finall, aiio benbingw'eo to be eatcieo befoze the @agiutate among the Roman‘esgt thisoaz tetcible to p age boxes in bthmles. I“: ma“, Ehe @loet tea, both of all other trees fwnelt ano eariliett ' groin, as erpeeienee teatheth twine though it bee new full of pith,p:t the tomb is tttong ano gmo : it is hollolneh to Diners ‘ures,ano both light itabes ate mane of ittit is thong an! tough Liohen’it is ozve,ano’bei'ng lain-in leatec,the tinoe tommeth oif as {one ashe is beigeJLhe (Emotion!) is been hato ano fimng, ano chierele nice to; mate rpeaces. the route ( as Blink faith) inapbe mane in thin boozoes. ‘ _ ' The risen: ,_ w fipge tl’ifi tea “am mu WW2" mmwmukfl; 1i '1. U n 1'" ‘ ' c f '7’ ' a} ‘ .‘ = . 13"” ' , ,, ‘ ‘ [4 7- ‘1‘ x V ‘ '. fife-braiding oFWoods." _ 263- ’ www.mrmenbattbicke(astmpphmausraity)name ,, 4 in auntie. the semen: is mew “9!“:th We? ‘ ano ath it is (ethane holoeth falt‘mhatioefictfitthes in it; ‘3 l5 ' greatly ufeo‘ in gamete. _ , ‘ More tree, is an excellent Etienne foe his long lacing, to 3m, bee pgefeeteo befoee others : it is of erpeeiall are, amongtt ‘ Engine, atombesmakere, ano @athematieall attachment. ma ts. ' l annipei: ozibeth aim? betmine : to; with his fabour,ianes-I““‘P°" anti Emilee, an!) ruth like, are ogiben away: it is berg like to ceoar, but that it is mi in large, no; to high, thong!) in many places it geometh to a great height: the Eimbet whereof well i moureth a hunogeth grins. Elna thetet’oze Hannibal common: ’, on: that the Eemple OfDiana thoulo be. built [pith rafters ano heames of innipemo the eno it might continueat alfo mpeth fire along time, in to much as it is rain, the coales of sunipec kinoleo, habe kept ate a were together : the dbum whereof out. painters are. ‘ Ehe heat tre’e,the hatoneeor thietinibee is only pzaireoi that The Cedar it mi ll never romeo; be mozme eaten,but tfitimie ebet.Saiomon hnilt that noble meniple of (1500, at aewfalem, of dieoat: 3!: in beer mét to: the builoing of {Ballaeese (males: the «tenor, the when“ the filibe tra’e,oo nebet ehinhe no; enameamagee ot’woose paints mete alloayes mane of temabeeaufe it eber 9&1“an moiltuems though it fluent. ! hcophraflus mgiteth of T1 C few; in Syria,oft‘eiite ellee e moge in tfipaile Elbe (329’ en‘prelfefc. y‘ the lame,» enonte along time without eithet moem o2 rotting. F Imy tomenoeth (gates ot4oo.olo.zhe izizzeaaitthcephra—Thc Pine. Ruins of a gteat aoe'gthg berg meet to; the amightnee e hone, “much, to bee employee in builoing. Ehe Walnutttee is a meet tree .1 commonly knobme, whore mimbet is ninth men in Th‘ WI“ fwlmesx tableeTbex-phraflus muteththatthewalnut me be; “""m' foze it ralleth,maketh a eettaine hinoe ofnoefe, which it once happeneo in Aniandto, the people being greatly attain, fleo {on . Dannie out ofthe leathemhe man mine, ofhis mo is mm 3253“!“ {ahafts t hanoele ofinimbles e augmmpomem {Dougie a tree The Holly} whore lenbee are full of pgithlesaouno about the leafeano the , bathe,being both continuallgflgteeneJhe bem’es like the Mar? 2 of t V“ 206 The fecond Bookc,enrrcarmg Bf therinoe any rmtesthe: make ibirfliure :the More is been c , : bunches will melt minoean'o bobe,ano therefore fer. _ e talent the“ to; quirhfet hebges. The Maple Ehe spaplejo; the beautie otthe torso is nert to the tenor, batting a berg fame ano pleafant graine, of the refemblanre taller: {Bearorkes taileimith this two gables are robereo molt goegeous to the eyes, ano other fine tooekes meme. :2: We r ftflif'he mate tr’c,tohereofioe hate fpoken heroes, bath a berg ' 0 mo. The Come 35hr ¢oeke,his timber is toughaf you toil! ehufe Eimber _‘ I? foz Emotes, (themes, dihetts, Desks ano the like, then you we ochar- than chute the belt {Beare tric, to; it is mott fmmthfiooete ano ""- oeiirate,ano though it be a heretoft tomb, get in angof there frames it is an erréoing long latter ano the heart thereof will never bge'eo meme, no.2 mill it in any time lmre the colour. if you will chute mimber to; Erenthers, minus, Boulles, :5 ff ‘1‘“ Erahes oz an: Iurners mare, or to; any snlaging mozkehzou ME}, :md (ball then make thoizre of the fairett ano founoefl: 99am being poplar. {month one bnknotteoJo; it is the plainett graine e the tohiteit of all other; ano although either the Beech o; the hooplar mill reafonablg melterue to; ther e purpofes,get the wapis is rhiet'eie to be preferreo ‘ztoe imam) light,are aim the fine, the ifilttb tree, ano the pine. Ehe belt males are mane of the fatea tomb, ano the make, arm the mime wake : but the liners rather oel'ire the males thatare mane of pine tré, beraure they better abihe the bioming, ano oie not ro fat! as the other. Eh: titerretroe, though the Ehmber be of no great bfemet l’erueth it tool! to make Coale of to; the motto joggeo,beranre as [cone as the Selloioes leabes, the fire reafeth, ano there is little wait in it: but to; builoing, the mimher thereof is altogether unpeob table, Ieranfe it both eafile hgeake, ano mouloeraloap : bit being inpottes unheioeo,it rerueth toell enough within booze. Ehe aptett to take fire, is the jig tree, on the mime tree. ' Ehe fig tree beraufe it is [oft ano open : the “the tree, for the faflnete one the fatnette. Eb: hart!) tree ( as Viirnvrus faith) refiifeth the are, though morphs (as; (airtime) 902th abouttomfpme it. this For Coa- Bag 9 J n _ «hindering of Woo d3? ‘ ‘ any we bmfltheflamw its inlet»! was a mains W. Elie mamas m panama m 1:58 may a: ballot: the Mitzi hunting ‘Baufish to; has: final! (male, the tinigges of the Butt makes that which kinnles fmuelt, sun the {shite theme that which insures the mm; am: the roots an: hats knotflfm #3ng awoken smashes the heft mas nit: allthe babiesnf mamas. of libtlg matures, there is thin, amines, blmn, flew, mines, bones, c muttoln :theit {kin is that hackmfgxeat ure'amsng » (Swain: peopls:the masts that themuthetthcit mines, c ether fruits imtheiz makest the bathe of lime tcdz,3fiure._walolo. 15¢ch albermihe £033 hath mthimeamrkemubtbmb r how he lml’e,he biethnst. mm benefitiall hath nature be’eneto him, - " that betanfe he is minimal}: fpeilcn of his backeJhe hath giuett him tins bathes.£Df his batman mane abantofles fl Slippers, s flutes in; tithing 3mm angles :i-f the hatkebepulhmfi,‘ the mono flakes : butthe bathe almsuestmimnethfihe next ts the rinse in molt trees, is the fat, theftil‘teit am: the inwltpact of the Remnant! l'ubiect to maznwmthetefsge it is minimum tut atoag.ill:he [apps ofthe tce’e,isthe blmbmahiehismt-alilxe in all trees, to; in the jfigge fit it is milkie, which {crusty as d Renaet fog chateau diherie trees,“ is gummzzin Qt’lmeslah tithzin apple trees,clammie sans fat:iu minesmnnabeate trees loattilhztheg commonly {wing the belt, inhale bane is clam» met. Ehe juice of the @ulberiejs fought fez ( as Pliaic faith) ofthe militias. 31mm the tastes the aelh,.mmttothat the bone,the tea pattofthe timbetzall tte’es have not any great quantitie sfthis fat unwell)!” the isotuheasmell, am: the mlibe, have neither fat, as; flea), no; marrow, aim her: little blmn: as neithetthebetbia'e, ans alter, babe any bone, but my ofthein full of mattslndiliznss feathemtt putt him no sea; at all: in new oftta'esfijete ace bothfietm uni aunties, the wines ate bzoanemnnfaitetzthe atteties, are only infuth :2 trees as mill deem messes of which adeties it tommetlg to pau’eJhatthe mean sf a long beanie lam to weave, ifgouno but filliplnithm finger mathem enuhe taunt is thought foathbtth to 20m: eats Wit ishnaionefiigg , 3 ' ens The'recafia‘nookgemeating‘ thetthe ptetehe Insight ano ehen or not. an tome tr'e’es there methots'on the Butane,” the wane,” the hernell in the fleth Ittitonnn the‘mhith there is neither heine, no; arterie, a horn tnopofflelh being tlong,ano tolleo up intt telfe : there anemott ofpziee in the dl:eoar,ano the maple. in form, the fleth is quite Imthont heineshabing only tettaine [mall trlngmno futh are thought to'tleabe belt : others,thothohe nottheir things,” or: teriee, trill rathec bzeake then tleabe : as the mine, ano the finite, will rather bzealie then cleave. Eh: whole bong of the fig re aethie :as the bony or the flpafiholmenhe cornea. the tmloeflDaliefihe @nlhetmno l’neh others as have no pith,is all bong. fiche graine that runneth shorthtoart in the flinch, mas - ~_ .> We ‘Plio y Tayth ) in the ole time to; his arteries. T H n A. :lthere are other communities befioe the timber tobe gathereo of there tries. . M A ll 1 v sfaery true :(fozas 3 foio before ) of the @eolar, the Wfihe Mutant”: ibinemnl the Eachnhere trees that ththo m3 communes their timber, beare fruit alto goon ans mate to be eaten. 9o of the fittregthe {Bitch trees,ano the pinesfine gather Koeen ano iaitehno our great eommonitie e galne : as of the £kathe llBeeth,the ¢heannt,the wenlar sun the game, he hobe ferrite both mat to; man, ano alto goon foe filming orthogsfino other etattle. in time ofoeatth, both our fogefothermnb lae,habetrieo the gum feruite that atoenes in mean hath honweam Pliny 5 others hate m‘zitten, they} were inmtto‘be ferneo in amongtt fruit atmens tables. fieithcr is it unknowns lnhot great gaines r ome tountries get by laments mm anh ibitth : Ehe (Doll alto grometh '1le1 there atom; ‘ hearing Erasmhcreof 3 hohe fpoken befoge. among! all the trees out sfmhirh rnnneth Regen, the genre me, a hum: of iBine', isfnlltl‘t of {ammo {otter then the aaitrh, both inlet for Stem night, whore bozoes mettle to burne in ace!) of eanoels. Eb: Cesar flneateth out fiogen ano iBitrh. tallen Ccdn'a. moreover, officers, is )lBirolime male, the belt of theiwerre ttfi, the manholme, amthe cheflnnt, fpetialln in the flames abont_Scne,ano nirrethe hen line, where they are carefully plitteoiflgteatplcntie, by the IBirnlimeemalsers: is: they Qttbttthe berries from the «monotone theintilxthee begins; ofthe ordermg ofVVoods. , Q95 ml gum; they hate trumpet Wham them in mama “up; my (all my. Pliny witmethsthat ttgtoipeth Annex! upon @Wfihotme,bmibMeum 1mm». lime is album: of the tastes oftettainc Ems, Wallis“ the manure motes an!) 5813308 whammy “thumbing them up in breathes, town with teams in than new 3mm: ( fame nee itin nungMnn there they let . them 1mm they cut, then take they them autumn beate themtill they mare tlammtegun after may them tntnacme matet, 0 make them up in balles with theit hannsdt is :1er ( bean: ether purpores) to; the taking of mans. memes all this, there (meateth out of was a cectaine dbumme hmtnne to an moment thcttherrg tree, the {Blame me, the aunt'pec, the mm, the IBlatkthozne, the smegma almoun. m ofthe Simmer, tommeth betm'thzrvcmm autofthe spitthe, btozat mat of the white iaaplat. ambett Am Plinic metteth, that amber commeth out nfcertat'ne pine trees in the fat, as a 61mm hath team the «theme tree. annthus there things that 3 habe héere at you: me netluceuoathtng .the one): of {alumina ant routing, 3 mm; you take in 509 hmtb. ‘ Sol-i Dcolaus &gloria,pc1j' .,, L ’7 Chriflum Icfam'. . . Mcudoftbefmd Bake. , ”04. ' , gm. 0f Feeding,Brecding,and Curing; ‘ ofCATTELL. I V préc'ONVs.Evl>nonvs.Hnoto.EvuA2v s. ‘mthe beautum thing at (eaten input «momma» m gem in ktnbzeo to the tilture If the guano, ': not only appeareth by Virgill,the :inee » “poets, who bath in his «Deozotckes («EB , thzoughlg let-fozth the cam thereof, but 1/4?" a” to by the lmtnea‘e o! the maze anetent , , '- , " . e47; philafapyata, Xenophon, ann Ariflotlc. Ehe lik not ouftm‘mon etpec‘imee at hame oatlg teach be : to; albeit the traoe ermillase ant keeping ofCattell to others. aunt gmggnec ogoecy to moan times contrary the one to 1m :asfih’ere‘ the ca et t Bzéeoee, ceqm‘reth a grouno fa! prams: ano institute, the Manama" on the other (toe, TU} without Grate; womenzget tn thefethett others Iefiusthece appeareth a eertaine fellololht'p one mutual! com: Mmfliw 1h! “921;“ ' Fundavins in Varro,noth fame by auapttompanron to mounts in a couple orbhalmeom Reeozoeeexatth he, the oneot'fiereth in mm! from the othet,thouh the mufieke ans tough be all one (the one roaming the Sable“: other the We )tn ltke mom net me we. term the mom ttqoe the tceblmno the Egg“ , new on , cartooning ofCatteII. fee 1:. WMWfllmmmdmg themtetma. aethebeginnmg, ‘ men like onelejz Inching annotating of tattellmotjating aszet thel'liill of plotoinganl tilting ' the gronnotmplanting of tries. ammo: in the loloet mm, was foonb ontthe mannee of tilting of the‘gronno, one there; {age heateth the bare to the fieoer, in that it is letter 3 as in a eoupleof Recozoeronhe bare to the treble. be this rating to leap tattellfoz plowing, eariage, ounging of our gronno ano other :ommooitiemno on the other fine,to till the groom: to: timing ano maintenance ofoin: eattell, it comes to quite. that though the manner ofoetuning in tillage, ano keeping of eattell be others, get one of them to ferneth the tnene of the other, that as it ftmeth, they eannot well be a runner: to: Without the fer,- hice orwogreano 913m, toe tan neither ploto no; hung out gronno. chatieflrato, ano other ottall of eoene is mister to be {pent upon theggrouno, then to be folo, both foe the farmers behofe,anothe loam better befiotoe’o upon the houlholn rattell, then upon the WmodBefiMthe hang of the eattell, ~ enricheth the groungano beingeth gte at enereafezano whereas there is no plate ( as Columclla faith) but in the tillage of the _ groom, they hate no much nieoe of eattell,ae men : the eattell remenotonelg to: tilting of the grouno, but alto to being in eozne,to beare bmoenenartg bung to; the grouno e alto to; beam aneinereat'e of the Stocks: toherelng theighatie their name lumema, or helping,beeanf e they helpe ano feather atheithet in our la burrs,” plowing o; bearingfieitherie it only inst cient to nonrilh'ano being “P this hinoe of great eattell ralleo Iu- mm, but alto the other letter fogt of fiscal Res, as thepe, amine, 60am : am: of mimics, Gfioefe. fiearorhs, Bushes, igionefihenneefihiekins, ano other iboultrie, ano things longing to Wanamltthetetniththe gmoihnebanmbenoe his otone mitenaneeenaketh great gai ne : ano ifthe gronno he fez it, there atireth oftentimes no great peofit, asin foining of €o2ne,onothattvith [mallet charges. 5m a pewtethat for- oing to gainefnll,thetoozos Pccuniagntmt! ano Pcculium‘, rub fiance, o2 tieh‘eojei‘ng both Beeiheo from the-3L atine name of eauemmwbethinell ferne : to; in theolotime they nfeo their eattell inteao «momma» their common penalties e {with a en. \ E: I z, \ Thethlrd Bookc, takeniimttetuhe mutations thtttiemm auo theme"; wees me: bulueb nun enetg bhn’epe at bi.n. Ehe fmalleltmas abheepe : the her? like is yet ohtetben with the noblettetnatlikea people, whore fubttante teeth altogetheein cattetl. Cato being once when beinhatpatt of husbauogp a man might l’conefl: bemaoe rich: mane anfmet, 1152 Gearing: Thcwor- one heme when attains. with We be miobt get fuftieient thincfrc and [insighmo a he altimetembg meaue «Dzafing. wageeuee, that antiquiéic of keeping ofCattcH the inogthhnette ano fitft ogiginalt of keeping of Cattell is of greatelt antiquitie, an!) that the. train theceof hath atmagee, from the - time of the ibattiotho hitherto, boeneeounteo molt honelt,ao melt the Scriptures, as peophane {hifiozieo nae wit- nefl‘e, whith kime of life, hotn acceptable it hath altnapee ban to £500,533 thore that-linen in the tint motto, ooth plainelh up, peate. fiat omitting futther tfiuieno .itione which are ne’eotea’e info goon a taufeazhahe heere thought gmo ,aftec the entteating of millageMatoeningfinn fiDgehatos,to Befttibe as bgiefelh as 3: can, the ozoet ano manner of keeping ofaattell : which shin though Varro oebioeth onelg into thze'e parts, ] habe nebinen into route. in the fitfi part 3 put the great «lattell fog butoen, as theme, attest, SDuteo, anti Mela: in the reeono part, the teae rozt, as bho’epe, dBoateo, ano blame : in the thiro, rueh things as are belonging to the keeping ann fafegaro of «him, not to; the pgofit they heeto ofthemfeluesbut to; their necemmg ul'e, as bhepheatos E3055, ant: ¢atezof ther e thze'e patte,in this thin!) mmke, 31 entteat of : the fourth 3 referee to the fourth OAS-mite. Ehetefoge goon Hippoconm. finte bothtime ano place tequieeth it, tetme heare [phat you ran fag touching the (£50: bernmentmfe ano ofizoeting of the theflefinhieh magmogthug challenoge the rhiefett place, being the noblen‘, the amine, the netettariett ano twttiett flBeafi me are in our (centre, anti fittt gibe me the [ignes of an excellent 11)o;re,then his ogoeu ins; ant Whining *. p . firitmou (ha-ll knomthathaozfesremefoz runozh putpol'ee. home, foe the plain, the (termite the piaekfaoolmthets, to; tight 1;)ogfee,¢oui Resume Wee offeruiee, others againefo; fitallionemio bgmoets : ant: thetefote they mutt be thofen at: toning to theit fetuieefiouloieto, an!) men of matteoegte a ere: ‘ _ : cntrcmn‘g of- Cartell. 2;! 9;. item ante, contagious, Mitt, ano tnell ooloaeep. Ehe- {hub human mom hate his lawn gentle large mien, ano meet - to; trabellano unnen. fiottoithaanoing, the listening ano bringing npofthem,ie almou one : toe in their beating, me hope to being them allto the fianole. ‘ ' 19¢ thathath-a faneietobgt'ebe lgogre, mantra peotn’ne him, felfe of a gun Ramano then of gmo grounn, anu plentie ofiba- lture,mhith in other Cattel ought not to be to greatly obferuem but in {genes there mutt be rpe‘tialltare thereof. a ntrtherefoee, you mutt fiat re that your btallion be of a gun rare, melt pgom poztioneofino frameo in euery point,ann in like. fogt,the 99am home reckon their gmoneae by their countriesmethnsgif your a; millbzo’eoe to; spaniallano Warreamployments, then the NcapolitaOPtbe Sardinian, the Allmainr, the French are belt, 0:. any or the fiatarnifeo in themrelnes, oz with a faite mell‘ thapeo ano mell mettallo @nglifl) Share. at you will elect fozt’miftneltz annferuice,then the Arabian,‘ the Barbaric,the Spanirmhe Grecke, o3 any of there flBattaroigen. inthemfelues o; with the belt (Emma) 99am; at you boil!» bza be to: long trabell ano ferbite,then the Englifll, the Hunga— rm,the Swealhland the Poland, the Milk. at you will thuf’e to: azaught burthen anb feruite, then any ofthe heuente’ene {Bam- binres,either mafiaroigeointhemfelues 02 with our «Englilh rates. inert " ' Elbe lhape ano pyzopoztion of the 3Bangle, ought heebily to be ronfinereoJog-thz bery lake ano countenance oftentimes oe; clareth the gmonelte of his nature. Eherefoze you mutt oili, gently tontioer his making, from the hale to the heao, e firth you mut thiefely regarn his fo’etezfoz as in bteming of a hou’e, it is in baine to regaro the beautie of the upper monies, if the founoation be ruinous : fo the that: that is not founn of his feet, mm neither ferue the Bunloiontbe {husbanomamnoz the Era: bailcrfin your lurking upon him therefoze you mutt firit cow liner his hates, that they be not tenoer ano (oft, but haro ano Tthoofu rounoaounmno holiom,that the hollotnnette may keepe his feet from the grouno, ant: (cunning like a crimball (as Xenophon tayth) may oerlarethefounnnewe orthe fioten'o; the hzofe that '5 “311 ano $121112, 15 gotta be liken, am: the {genes that has; , u: ’ 2‘1 4‘ _ fl‘hc thud Brooke, tech m elfilehalt, mm mm mm a We : like hmfeefan sure, the We hereto the hate, not tax WNW flat ha“), fez warms 05, but Wham mining of lutnegfllmoe ta: them; belng hurt tnfimuareuno. Eye legs .anlthe thhesfieh they are the tanner“ ofthe bone, they ought to be eben,aralght,anbronnn, not bmlhuth much llelh any betnesxez (nth as habe their legs clan truth math flea; e betnes they with great inurneeee are!» fat of lutnbgalsmnb (matings, Th 1 which mm tattle them to halt,mhith legs at the itlt tollnggrg ‘ ‘ ‘3" as longasebet they bull be, burearen whereof you may gene The knm. what htght the {angle will be of, being get a smelt. Ehe hugs _ malt be rewm,fierlble, anb rmall, am not bowing Manama; Theéhlg- (flee, the thee: large an well bzalnnen, . hrs bzeall great any 31‘; fifth; beeaa, his nerke loft anb bzoan, not hangmg ltke a abatement The mane. upzight like a «belies, am well refining, hw mu: thicke, a" h d falling on the right l't‘befinne like 1t better on. the left, hrs heat: ’3‘ “ ’ {mall aneleane, to; a great an: heaete heap w a (tune of a null iabahle mongell lbw. his mouth mine, tenth large tunnekles, lfillplauing with the man. . ' , r The mom Ehe {angle that hath a 929 month :5 naught; hm theke bones Of? a; 3 nines nebula be thznne,anb knee berth a great terminate; a narroln flamethemeea Eran trainee ant: and! earthen beam: '“w ciao his eyes great, anb fiery, anb tannins out nfht'e heabfilvbich is , a nge of quirkenea‘e, anb libeltnelte: hell-lb ann ltttte eyes are'nanght, ann blatke. 0: Pale ltarein the eyes are to be air. mailer : theIZe faults are belt {plea in the night by rannle light. Columella mmmenbeth blarhe eyes. a mall we re berg goon, ‘ ‘ filth as they ran Alexanders Buccphalus hub. Ehe cares malt be “mm ‘ meetfianbtng mtghtgnb ltlrrtng, fee the eater be the tokens of a 190m aomarbe, whirh lfthey be great anu hanging, are The nofi- figure eta innemhe ghoahuls mat be lmne. the hetter to re; M"- teibe aminhtch alto nerlareth allbellg courage : hm thoulbers a". large am ttratght, the fines turning inmate: the [Mtsbflm The chine. abet the (heathen: being fmnethtng htuhmbes theieozreman a better feate, anb the thenlbers, e the relt of the bong ls ttrenger The fidcs. knit together,“ it be unable :hte (the; amps, lnell lunt behtnbe, . e {amething bowing up, which beth re better fozthe hafeman, '1“ “mm: a Gene eta great arength mammary: must meg; chanting of Cane".- ~ 3 l 5 the better he may his fwefétgaamlloloeth bath the him». my: pauneh mall the leqe appeam, mhtth both .btfgtaeeth. him,ann butueneth hint : has belly mutt he gaunt, hm buttocks 11.. my.» latge,ann full offleth, antmecable to his beets, ann hteanee : T he but: ft); 1: he he hgnan hanthen, ann men rpm hehtnne, ann geeth ml“- tm'ue, his pacenn'll be the {utentnhtth we may petteihe in out relaee,tt'h2e mile to take up a thing from the gmann awning, am: not with your legs togethemne take ttup with maze care e mengthfite tayle mettle he long,hztttly,ann tntlen, the length The n 1.. mheteerts not onelyaheantie, but alto agteat tnmmonitie to ’ heat: away flieszyet tome Delight to habe them mttaylenjpett; ally tfthey be but Inttocht. an fine,the tehole bony insult be r e framers,“ it he large,ht’gh,ltbely fpgtghten, am: well mitten. home {Beefemen We habe theit hozre to be limmen after the pzopoztten embers beans,“ to habe the heat class of a Stag, the earee ann tayle ofa gramme maze of a binanthe beett of a Momthe buttocks nfu Woman; the feet of an HamflDthet t5- ntttons there he, fez which they be ltkenfinhen they be pleafant, firtt libely, gentle, ann ttattable : are; l’ath, as Columclla faith, will both better be taught, ann better away with trahell.cho- phon accounteth it a figne afa gmn theatentaftec the marines ofhts tourney he féeme to labont luth’ly : agatne,the better the 190.29? te,the beeper he thzutts his heat into the hate: when he n:i:1keth,ann that ( betng a «Jolt ) ltriheth to out came his fel, tomes tn the patture,aun as Virgil! faith,leape am into the ma; :3: arnb paaeth hztagesmt tartytng to; any uthetmoz fearing 3 t. Enuthtng the talents, there are alum eptniene, ann at all Mutts, lightly yau lhallttnno hath gmn ann ban : to that the talent is netfo greatly to be tegatnehfl he have other tnkene of a gem honemet fezheantiefinn many times foggmonette, We make We of relaunfihe but talents, as hitters fuppafe, are thefefihe EDaplegtas ffla math: methane-Bay fez reruite, 45 the mathe with film: hams to; «Imageman the ityacbe oz ttne mutt mane to; mnttnaanceme to; the baseline lfilatlse tmthout mhitz,annthe Unehangeable amngtay, they ate tsp!!! tegi €holletitke,the Bfightshayahe fleabytten an nthe blatk ”my matte matches at: banguym’tte, the blanhewhttefitih: ye o The Stal- lion. v- , A :‘X ‘, o '1‘", .216 ‘ fiethlrclBookeg‘ ,, ‘-->~"',xv. Bellow Dunne, the alteglem ant the {Baseball} are deg; matitlte, am: the cheanut, the shortihimne, the magma); anathe blew gramme @elanrholliemheh are the better that hate a ltarre in the foeeheau, ano the fmte fpotteb a little loith lnhite. Ehe Jfleazbitten £39m pgobeth almapes goo ano notable in trauell : the gellolmlh ant thefkueo, oz pies ignores, are an, eommenoen almolt-of all men, notinithfiannins either of them (ifthep be hell market: ) pzobe oftentimes laell enough, (pg- riallg the hellohn’lh, if he habe a blacks tilt oolnne his bathe from the nerlte to the taile. 15hr btallion therefsze motile be of one rolour, (trons bonien, well limmen,arto.zningtothe peopog; The Marts. tion afozemhe Qhares lnoulh likeloife have the rain peopogtisn Age. ofthe btallioaneeiallg to habe large booies, faire ans beauti, full. of one roloug great hellish, with large ano l’qnare beeatt in“ buttickw. 5 E v r JWhat age eonnt you bet foe beiene e H I P .mhe btallion may gee mith the wares inhen his iognts anti limbs be well knit ant come to their growth, to; if they ha: to youngnhep get but meake anb lnearilh coltszfome are to let them gee together at tino yo’eres ola, but that hares olbe is the better : the atallionlnill ferue you from that time till twentie gem,“ hath bimrezne that they have gotten «3qu till fogtg,be- ing helpeo a little in their bufinell‘eJoe itie not hares but fkill that abateth lama: Aritloilc afoee Plinic mzote.?et fome think them not meets fog bze’eoe hefoze the fourth o; lift harem: whirh {pare they fr‘ene them lultilh, to make them moee contagious, to; the latter they be,the better Coltstheh beingmeitherlsoulo the): habe timer firtt‘ene $ares,noz abnbe tinentmfo; one btat. lion. Hcmdotus lmiteth, that one tangle mill rulftte ttuentie 9am, but the number ought not almapes to be obferuen, but tunetimes moge, rometimes lette, arrogaingto the fiate of the $30.21!, that he may: the longer where ‘F pong flaogfe thonlo not have abobe fifteene oz firténe ”ares with him: the hogfesmult he fometime feberen foe banger ann hurting of themfelaes, ha- nm; in the in eaneti me soon regarn to the irate of his baby, to; (true be weaker an» fainter then others- E v r a. — a. .» . _. , -e,ur m” y y . \4 ~ ‘ ‘ l. w . - fQ‘eatmg of-Cattell.‘ \ - . ‘ 7 avg a. ”what age poem think; belt to; the 99m to go; tom 190m: 7 ' . H 1 e o o.Eb¢ spares mill conteibe at tho ycres olo,but a take itthe better not totnifet them till they be thzeegi‘eres oloe, anb libetm'fe 3 thinbethem not me’ete foatmolts after tenne,foz an oloetaare mil alivaieslbzing a on! ano heabie heaoeb Jane : they goe with finale an eleauen moneths, ano jfoale in the twelfth. E v o u. {how can mimic their age when you be Doubt: full ofit :' ' _ H 1 r. Ehat mgy you knob) oibers tnayes, but fpetiall‘y by the teeth. Ariflotlr attirmeth, that a ihozl’e hath fogtie tath, of tnhith he taaeth the thirtieth moneth attet his ioaling fonre, lino abobe, anb tino beneath :againe in the beginning of his fourth yoere he taflethlibemife toure,tbio abobea tine beneath; being full toure,ano going upon his fift,he rafieth the reit, both abobe ano beneath: (nth te‘eth'as tome up againe be hollow: when he beginneth to be (ere yeeres oloe,the hollotbnrtle of his but totth is fun upzinthe ienenth yiete all his teeth are filleo up, ano no holloinnttie any longer to be reene : after lbhith time, no iuogement of his age,by his teeth,is any mote to be hao : there are fame that take upon them to tell his age by the ioynts of his taile, after the marke is out of his mBufl).Palladius memes,that a Eozfe when he begins to be oloe,histeinpleo mare holloin,his eyesbzies gray ano his teeth long. Arifloile faith. that the age of all fonreefooteb beaits may be knotnne by the sbinne of their Entries : tozititbe value up ano pzel’ently let fallagaine, if it fall fmmth, it betlares a young beatt, if it lie in mzinkles, it lhetneth he is oloe. St {hone libeth commonly twenty yeeres, tome thirtie,og togtientno alfoto fittie,as Axifiorlc ‘i'aithn'lr he be of a goon bifpotition,anb knell oieteo : it is {aio there habe beam: iéeefesthat-habe libeo 75 eyeeres,the 99am libeth not 1‘ o long as the {actremoz the Stallion, to long as the ihogfe that is r meter: to runne amongtt mares : the 93am leabeth growing at fibe were olo, am the hone atteuen. ' E v p mulhat time thinke you bet! fog. tobering of mares a H I P-Zn the fining, afterthe twelfth of @atth, i take to bethe belt; after the‘byeing in the tea or whence then are 5: I . I ‘ fit a 1 s - The third Boeing? bekeptm the were. feehattmg «the mere: to; the gym attee the bath mneeiben, taffeta the lame no image, but beam, anti a'cikee him with her heeleeivet tn melt places, they may; their btallians to came with theit $333 all the Mme: leug,ann takeittn be the belt may to; nurturing the 9am neate, fogmamztimes the 9m mill net. abiee the iaoere ti'u hummer time, n; Mailman the Small Colt pzobee tom. manly berg faite, although the «Salts that are toalen in the 99mg, are net to be beaten, hetaeil'e the: time all the gem lmth their nammes in gun: feature, anti theeefoze it is belt at that time to put the 99am to the {annexes there creatures rpetie allg,ifgou relttaine them,are molt enragea with lull, inherent same at the fitttthe name of that beauty mien Hippomanes, Manfeit ttirreth upa fleflylg atfettt'tm, attozlt'ttg to the but. nt'ug befire of beattefinhith geometh in the foeeheae orthectolt of the quantitie of a jig, anti blacks, which the bamme both (Might, as fame as the hath foaleh,bite at: e if the be pzcben. ten the neithetlobes the «Salt, no; rm him to incite. E v p a. What ifthe were mill nottake the We,“ there no meanes to make her P . H x p 'e 0. fiber: atethat tub het tailelnith bea News, apettlesm @annetmnn (a peoholte he: to Mfumetime a trap uie am is put to her,tuho when he hath gotten het gm: mill, is ttraight cemeben,ann a bettet nature put in place. at“ the We be tax (lolnfall, his courage is time up by wiping he: taile lnith abptmge, ane mbbing it about his jpofe. arm: maul!) hate u 90sz atolt, lute knit the left (lane of the langfe with a (02118: aim to; a 919m the tightflhe like is to be obrera use almelt in all other beatte. E v p H o n .weln often mat the be meter: befoze the take a H 1 r .Ehev take not alikefime ate [pen at oneeJome tmife, tome mum] t iefaima ”are mil not refer abebe llftien times in the ratezbeing oftentimes fatitfieb with telnet. EM? mat be put to the 190 ere at times,tim'fe a main the nmminganeat _ night : when they are fpen, itappeateth by tefufing, ant trek, tug at the were. Ethep ray, that theee is amongu there healts agreat regatn of kinneen, ann thatyou tan hatelg taste the Colt to “abate the Eamme 3f” piste lohtteetthee tepotgghtfl: e Err-eating 6fC'attell. - ”9' tha‘twhm. as 8‘ rertaine isometric”: oio make his Ewe, by smug his eyee,to cover his Earning, the tloath being pnlo ~ ammmhen he rain What he hao oone,he‘e ran upon his keeper, alto lletn him. as fmne asthe is eohereo,the Que mutt out of hano be beaten,ano {02:21) to runne,lea& the late that the hath receieenburely 3 99am of all other beafie after her tottering, ooth rnnne either heath earn, 0; fiogthmaro, attozoing as the hath tonreiheo either {angle «£91502 were colt: her colour alto both change 3 become heighterfinhirh when they perreibe,they otter her the {angle no moee. home after a few oayee if they noubt her, otter the lhosfe againe, ann if the refute ano arike ( as 3 rain befoze) they image the hath conteifieo. E v r n o n.@u1 theyhe roberen ebery yéere e H 1 p p oburh ieonrrebetoufnea’e,as tee [like to hahet brace ebery ye’ere : but if you Will habe gain cults, let at ”area goeto tangle but every other yeere, to than they well an, (were your oeure,houybeit the common are is ebery ye'ere . tar fee fitter fomettmes to roller 93am: commonly,ano £03135 of is engenozeo the $otle,ann foaleo in the rij.moneth,ae that be fair: hereafter. home fay it is belt to rut the mane of the shame that lhall be rebereo of the aa‘e,though others hole epini- on that it thallabate herlna. Ehe 99am that he with foale, mutt be knell lumen nntq,e put in glen paanre. fine if thzough the mine winter, paanre be Wanting, they mutt be kept in the houte, e neither laboureo no; tatIeo up ano ootnne, nee fatterro to take any column; to be kept tm-manyin a firaight rm me,fe; rating their,j?oahe,fog all thefeinronnenientee mill hagaro their jfoaleegyetto trahell them mooeratelyfiuil on them rather noun then harmejoztm long rel! will route them to be re (title, annto tyer (cotter. Ariflotlc mgiteth, that the Scythians air we to trabell their shares great with foale, after the timetheg be; gun to itirre, fuppofing their toaling thoulo be the eafier, but gm he'eoe mnu be taken,that their bellies he npt hurt inith any thing while weyare with foale:butifro he the game be i" oan: ger,either in racing her finale,” in foalinwhe remeoyie F o- _lipody itampennninglen with marine mateefinb gi‘een with a home: it is (ail thgtthe imell gt a Cannelungifenaufeth them to taathet'r foaleqeygnmufteigerhgm [overlie 29m? teams . an izo ' The thirdBooke, ' me my as te-unpzofitable,’ e; battainepnnlt be put along, raj from’theit fittt feeling the): are not tote kept abobe ten game, at lbhieh time they are [nag enoughmn may be met folb,but to tail they not be often-Ehe pong foleeare not to be hanbteblm'tl, the hanofog they ate hunt with the lighteit touch that may be. at mutt be Rene nnto,that if the spare be honiemtherebe mm; enough to; bet 3 he: finale, e that the plate be marine enough, that neither the totb harm it, no; the mamme ebetzlie inane therefoge the plate mna be tnell thofen,th at to, neither tw hoe, no; to) tolbe,e aftetlnaroe by littlmou mutt being up the quilt: when it growethto be fonithing thong,“ mot! be put to patture with the @acefleatt the were teteiue hnct by the abfenee of it: to: thiefelp this heat of all othetsmoit ette’emeth hot pong: it ‘ kept team it, taketh home. [She finale that ladies hio ED me,is often btought up, or other warmth“ habe Colts : the mate mutt go in berg goon pafinte, that the Colt mag hate floge of mtlbe. ”ting fibe monethe olb,tnhen you being then: into honrengon mutt fo’ebe them with burly flotme c beanneiat a tiuelue moneth olenzou mufi either put them into gain pattute, a; ftroe them with flame, Chairman bang. Varro tum not hobo you to tneane them, till they be tine géecee ole : an: though 3 like not tin fame meaning, vet bee ate tomnionlg to lueane them at fibe o; fire moneths olb,e to let then! can in gene: paltni'e, inhith tultome piobeth not entitle. zeobemo long as they run with the Eammemu thatlbae me I to hanete them noln e thonJeatt when they be put from the DammeJhey bare milee : they midi he taught to be gentle, no not only to abibe a man, but to enbet his eompanie, anb not to be attain at ebetg flange light, not at ebeng noife, but to come toit. Xenophon faithzbe mutt(ae men)pzobioe hthmlemaaetefo: out thiloeen {e libelnil’e teachers to; out but", an! appoint halo lute bill ‘ babe them beaten : to; as their fetnite in others; to unit! be their: bzeahing. mat hereof mic wall [petite mm mm when he entteateeflsozfmanthip, ann health; of Wes: onelg note we will neale bith there that inclement few In the «91mm: make them gentlemhe linoleum other were her- netl‘ee mic be hanger: by themmt thee magthebettet be haev anwbthmttoth “wmwimmwueom annexing JCatocII. . z; x ”womb belltamenmnb hill futerta be hamleb, Vane, mule hare can to a Boy groheling mi the»: finite,” theil'e an! after to We them, mthishe mum bane, when they be the: were eta, foe then they grab) mot, anu begin to be great Wb.fl:hrre be that thinke a tangle mtg begintb be hanoiebata were am: a halfe all), ann Varro, three were nib, when their pzobenber is gibrn them :-but me e commonly af: ter tum gates to labour themgentlgfirt in harrowing at new plomrn law. which is gum both fee their fmte, ann their pace, nnb alto with plotoing,ann {nth like erectile :mherebp mee ale to acquaint them with mine annheate, in beaming togther. at ‘ mutt be Keene to,that they at then matcheb, leatt the arranger fpoxle the weaker, irhile he bozeabeth the rating’arsb Whipping. theories take rare ham: with beaming then with bear-ix . Ehus mull they be nieb to reafonable trabell, by region where: of the will be they barber, am not is lightly take harme : but herein mutt be great birrretion. E v p 1-. . ca: hatiap route (Belbings: £03 inthefe parts we ate Gelbings mail. ' H x p e 0.25m? rerne fnzrome purpofe:buthe thatlnill babe orcucz. a gun @elbingmwfi gelb(as they lama gmb lacerathey are rut dines- at a were all: anb elber : 5 my felfe habe eat them at (the were nlo,ann are pa’ere all) :in cutting the}: lore their itomarhe: you mutt take that they be in gmn plight when gamut them; for as “)9? are at their tinting, they commonly continueflhe 99am alto lite tobeipagrbfiutnnt often,ann with great banger. ‘ E v p mulhatmannerofbtable ivoulb you habe,foz 3 ham: fornetimes henna! the Stable israf great i mpoetanee a H 1 e. pour Stable innit be built in me placate: inciting The Stable the mien hmfe, which you ihall above if you plantar it with gab @kenplunbspthirh Xenophon mouln rather habe you buefinith ronnbpabing itone, keeping it alloapee eleane from Dung s (trauma after laying freih litterJo as they ttanb hare, min lie fort. Xenophon maul!) habethe Wable in platen, as it may allnagee be in the waiters eie, e to be lightrome, lealt the Eagle being ul'eb to the make, his eie basell at the light. 90ml: thinbe they} will be the gentler, if they be ufeb to the light, e the fairer, tithe): hanethe Sun at the tiling in faummer time : let {a *2 a: Cufl'ying. Diet. :2: » ' The third Bookc,’ as much aire come to them both nay an) night as you ran. 3. mum your Stable l'houlo rather be marme, then hot, anb thereto» your liable mutt ltann tomarb the bouthamt to as the minnows may open tomato the apozth, tohirh being kept [but in minterauay be marine, ano openen in bummer, you may let in the roole aire. E v p a. mhe like tee ufe in our fibre (falls. . H I p p o. meanesfibhereas the bobies of eattell, habe mm of rubbing, as inell as mens bobies, to; many times it both the mogfe as murh gene to be ltrokeb Damn the bathe with your hanb, as to teen him. Eh: laugh is to be routinnally rurrieb, in the morning, at night, ano after‘his labour. 3n wrrying of them tee mua begin at the heab, am: the neeke : to; it is a 'ne thing to make rleane the lolner parts, anb leaue the o, the foule. 31 t is gone alto to obferue one times foe his facing, hiobaateringfinb his trabell. Ehus mueh of his ererrire. 1;) otu folloibeth to rpeake of his biet : anb beraute tbe habe [po- llen befoee of his pature, lee mull all'o fay romeluhat of his o. ther foebiiig.;flLhe better a man moulo habe his {safe to pembe, the better mutt he lmhe to his meat to; that grab freeing ( the flountry people fay)is a great helpe to the gmbneile of the hoere, 3f the {angle be young ( as 3 Iain before of acne) he mutt be fee with grade, thafie,anb hay : if he be elber annineete to tea; baile, his twee mutt be the ester, as @aflefleanesfieafle, matesgmo liaaymhatleboth notl'o mellnourilhmy reafon of the beinelte,but it letters the bony in grab plight :anb beraufe harb meate isharoelt of oigeltion,it is therefore to be giben to their that labour. Ehe flora o; ltubgnult be palm-rob in large pafiurs amp marlhes,as alfo uponmouutaines, a hilly grounb, but that X0011 matreb, not Dmmther rhampionthen mmnm rather (of: {meet gralfe,then high anb flaggyzif the pafliire be to) mogtghey i'mnrr meare thew foeeairtb, t are tmthlelle befege their age. fine whereas ebery liinbe of creature is naturally moilt,a heere ought rhiefly (whether he be youngm olb)to be fen tnith moilt patture,foe the better ronferuation of his-natural! temperature. Some moulb habe you in no mire to giue your {Bone grall'e in the bpzingtime,but in suneio; the fallofthe leafezthey inouln haueyou gibe them grail: with the oetue upon it, t in thernigbf , , ‘ ea on. educating bf'CatteII. ‘ Iii . learnt, Wesmnb 19ay. wombat, in the eoloer tountriee, in many, frame, (Englann, where the pattureis bery gm, they ooubt not tofroinee their hoeres with griene grace e tue'em Scowxing.’ ofthe mebbflnes : ann in the hotter «bunnies, they no the like with greene blabes of Wheat,” Barryheme ute to gibe them apples lharea in pieces, ¢otemoete (talks, €ababgedeabes, €arrets,greene Rye ano furh like,to fromee them mithall, ann thus much of framing of hogres. tfienerally, mhofoeber mill ham: his hogfe healthy,anb able to enoure trabell,let him feel) his hozfe inith @atesminglen with rhafl'e or. main, to (hall he be temperately anb well fee, am: if to hee labour murh, give him the moze @ates . this meate mutt be giben him as tome thinhe belt, in a loin SpangeMet l’o loin,as they are (agree to rate their meat with tome Difficulty oz trabell, whirh theyfay is te make them benb their necks: by mhirh ererrire both the bean am) the ner‘ae groineth bigger, am: they will be the eafier to be bzibleo : befibes,th:y will be the ltronger,by reafon of the ham retting of the foze- feetedhoinbeit, in tome places, they ate high {tanning ayangrrs : after inhat tozt toeber they be, they mutt almayes be kept rleane, ane 1132" {inept befoge you ratt in their meate. Eheir {Beebenoemhough Diners hnzfeerourfers mama,“ that line by tale of heat e, ooe fezoe them inith robben iaie, o; Bean-meals: foo, pampering them up; that they may be the fairer tothe eye-yet is it not gone to labour toith.2:he belt 3123:): benoer that is, is @ates,ano to; Default of themmaeanes ogyeo e: weanes (pellet, o; i‘aeafe ngien ane mireb with flbates, ehaife oz ©arhaoge, which is Wheate ann btram there [mall togetherflheir pennenoer mutt be given them rather often,anb little, then once o; tinire a bay in great pogtionsJeac you glut them therewith 2 they are ufeo to be fen rommonly fibe times a eaanhen they fianb in the btablefirkping an equall number of houres betiuéene the times : when they trabell, you may gihe them meate {elbomer,but in greater quantity, am: if their iournies be long, they mutt babe iagouenuer befibes in the night, altoayes remembzing ( as] rain )thatyeu glut them not. Ehe better a {genre fe’eoeth the better mm he labour. you mutt alto beware that you gibe him no? zouennermeither mates no; warty, after any great labour, till hee be thozom 13 3 ., eolb: -' \ . 2-24- , The thll’d‘B'bOke, rolo:n¢loithltanoing you may nine him a little hag to tote Warmth. fiche hag mutt bermeet o well mane, uno tbozolnlg flatten, befoze it be colt into the turkezano [petiollh [aim to, thatthete be no feathew alarm folnle amonga it. it" the hozl'e be berghot after his laboln,let him be mell-tobereb, ano fofthg walker: till he be tolo,befoee yon l‘et him up: lnhen be is t’et up, litter him tuelhlealt the rolonell‘e of the grounn (trike into him: in any lnife tooth him not when bee is hot, but when hee is thzmgh rolo, mate: him,ano malt) him, wiping him on; inhen hon being him in. if the laogfefogfake his meat, tome ale to ltampe wailitke nnolbeppec, nno to give ithim, rubbing his teeth well, till his ltomnrke tome to him :fome moulo babe 8 clout met in {alt water, then upon n ltirlre, nno thgult into his James. in luatringwon mutt lmlse lvell unto b m,fo:(ae Ari- fioilc faith)bealts ooe freon, ann are nonrilheo the better,iftheg be lnell matceo. tangles emu smnme ls, boe lobe bett to oginhe n thiehe mater,in ro murh as if the water he rleare, they will trouble it with their feete : fo; the molt part mainllorke againe Define nfaire eleare mater, ano running. Ebe fame Ariflotlc alto aaiemetb, that a thoel’e may l’nffer thictt feure ranges with, out minke. Varromile you to water your tangles t‘mife a Day, Inhieh ozoerlne obferbe,tbnt is cure in the moaning, ano a, mine in the al'te'rnwne : but in an inter, if thee Mink but once a bag, it fnfiieetbzbefoze you water him,he mutt be loell rubbeo, ano then leointo the team up to the knees, fperinllg if he be fat, he may goe the oe’rper. jaotloithltanoing there are tome that both opinion, they ought not to ace r o orepe, as their ftonee tomb the mater, fperiallp ifrhe lgogfe honoring. arm thatch, unto the bpiing, itis berpfgcoo to title them up ano oolune in l'onie Killer, lohirh lnill operate their leggeuogthe mater ogi- eth the legges, ano reftraineth the humoes from falling oolime. ano hiepeth them from minogals : as (none as they rome from the luatengon mutt with a little (tram wipe them rlenne, to; the bampe of the liable taufetbintlnmation in the lbogfeslegs that be 1mg mbe warm accoeoing to chctim his mime ) W10 be eleare, ano twinning, other like it a little running anbttoubleo in a rlnp grouno : to: this lumenbutearon of the thitknea‘enno 'fntnetre,ooth better nourifb ann‘fttoe the lug? n ,..‘.- .......-_ t ' ...-,. , ifntfeitmg! ofCatteIl . _ ‘. - n; emthe Witt Wing canine : uetthete hozree that are are. cathetmift an. cleare ribers, are eonunonlg the arongetfnmn 'I’ea trabellermno therfoze it morale be toe! tonfibereo hour the {Bone hath béene atrnttomenzthe toloer the meters armhe MIC they neuriw, the Mper a {hone o;inkee,the fatter hee pgmbeo : g thezefoge tome {hogreetourrers are to met!) their hatfee months, flat with watermn after to rub then: with tau,“ Eibe then: an appetite to their meate ann their minke. . zhus ninth concerning the glomshogfe, the {eatkechozfe am: the camshwe: flow to; the haczfe to: marreelike (cruise, to; the gobtemane Reamhozfe, to; the @mn inane Erabtuim hogfenno other inene hoefee fez plea'nre, as {hunting a; Run. rang, they are of greater pgite, of higher tonmtionmfmoge be. More fiatnte, ann mutt have a maze rations hano hetn abet them both in their gobernmentann facing; therfozetnhofoetet [5 owner of one of thefe thogre beefee, hee mutt ohfetue mute anamthot ie,eatlh in the mozning by the fpzing of bag, am: at the beginning of the evening, at thze’e oz fence at ttoeke (dreaming to the reafon of the wire ,) to fee him melt melt no (album to the ozner of goat: hozrrnnanlhip: Ehat ie,after he hath rlenreo his btable of all bung ano fitthinette, put up hie iitterJet things in ogoer that are oeberlea'e, put his lagers open the finale, ann bewgbt tleane water into the Stable. Ehen to untloa‘h his hogre ant) to neetfe him in this oeoer, firth turn; him over with the «Entriearombe beginntng at the fete ting on otthe hean,ann to oefeenoing ootvne to were outtaarn part of the buoy ant: 19m be, the teggee onelh ereepteo from the knees an the «Zambzeus oomnemato ; thenbeate amen rteane the butt whirh the «Entrieatombe hath raifeo, then rnm’e him all otter toith the french new), beginning With his fate ann thiekee, ant: to oefrenning butane into eheth other part pub like ano pzibote,legges am: all, then butt atria? cleane tohat the 1.5qu hath regrets, then itabbe all his beaie otter with you: tnet hanns, ano tnhat pent metrnbbe neg againe; then rnbbe him ober with a eleane ozie mmtlendoathnfter with a cleane iynnentloath, then aubbe his legs from the knees ann (mama bzells ootnnetnaro berg hare inith horn ton’then Wfpcfififtet pyrite ano deanfe all ferret ano oht'tnre plates, as hheath, ' 12 4 Elm“: t. . ‘. :26. ’ The third Booke} , Eutflappuhpgheofletme. thentoinbe omnflupane; mam {weep with a one eammmhmnn lwlheloatho bgmnpano mifpe ronnoe :then mateevhim one thflttehima nun after his water ; halre an home after give him a pottellof flDates one a pinte of {pelt )Beanes,then a (mall hottel of Gay : after nmne tabbe the {hone oohme With a bgpe (loath turning up his (loathes ann thatfe his [eggs well with hatoe mirpes, then gibe him a pottell of @ntee one than if he want it. at foam :1 clothe at evening 0; fmnett aeeogoingto the tea; How m f on of the were ) metre "as in the inoening, water one race. en wa:erand nine atloeke at nighttnbbe oomne as at the afternmne an!) ““1“. fine in the like manner mite 19a}? to; all nightmut nohtne his Mttet anu make the 152:: (oft, obfetuing to keepe the itittee as fogtnatb as you ean,fo; the £90m out of his ohme jpature mm put it Domne ; anothue one Day by Day in his ominatp keeping. Order in ifintif you Ernbeitfihen beiure to give him his pgouenoer to mucu- earlie inthe 9992mm, that hee map fiano two homes on the figioellfafting befoge goutake his Bathe, anogibe himthe. noublequnntitie of pgonenocrthot you Doe inhis tea ; in your Etauell ure mooecation the [alt houre, that the figure may emptie himl'elfe,then after was as you ho‘oe creation; in tcobell to light atan mum" be your alone eai'e,ano pout hoezes health,“ foe gunman. both pure your feife anoinlhge your hozfe to mine alto.¢bethtime you iight,lmke to none hozl‘es bhmes both to; feat! of latte-,ano ma he thouw get either beanie, 315mm,. 0; fiaple into them: enetie time you ghount mto the bubble ,thgutt hour hano bettnienethe haunts borne one the babble, both befoge amt, behino,fo;fedi'oitll)oulo ut Donnie. atmhen you mount 0; in you: Kennel! your hoga‘e {hate his been 0.: pitke one can fogiuato nno tlnppe the other done to his neihm; ufe other feouilling geftnres,thenthe babble Iuounns him at the poynto one you mutt Luise fog peenen‘ tion; nnn upon fine which ho: dapper, bonnie his care, on that fine of the tenants: it hurtwpon mutt give your Gd“ mu waste irate! befoge you come to your Shine, ano tpacme him Tum“. Well after it; when you tometo your shine neithex math Immune, but tubbe cleane,eloathe crowning maeinenno mifpe'eou.1oe.-.flftechalfe on homes (tanning may: 1153ti gim‘ipamut one not nnbgiole to; on home: afte't,bt&9£ n 3 5,! ‘ '—“ ’5 f“ ‘7 7.3», ‘ jur- ‘x .._ -~. mmgaftfianell. ‘ ~. ‘ 15g; 'W§‘nlbbe at: my am leggegioeeghaeunn men not. ban mirpeséthen turnenp ht: tlohthegm tnbhehts boot: «no necke with!“ 331me a!!! filament!!! 911p. Elbe hm: hts pzonenberyke his focte, ano ltoppe them whatth¢omea ounge; arm: Supper, bneloathetano ozen‘e htm unthall patnefullnetl‘e ( as befoge ayelmn ) then [loathe marine (nabs. fo2e )then lfgou finoe your hogl‘e ts erttogotnatllg minimums him a littellmater lukeematme ano gibe ithim; then who him moge pgobenoat ann {any to; all flight; tall fog moge freth Litter ant: to let him take histett. Ehen mhatroebet ts anntre either in bhzoesfiaooleo o3 fintnltncefiake rush other: that it may be antenna againlt the next" mowing, anothus 3 thinke} have given you ratisfaetionfo; there ehogter‘ann panttpall figures; 3 mill nolo oercenn ann {peake of lush guntmities as by ottozoet, mitthante, ebill wet,‘ eozmpt at}? The mm o; (nth like hoe happen unto laozfesfino fielt 1 millfpeake emirates. of inmato mountains in generallmnbet which Emil! “WEEK“- peeheno all rzonrfaltsr. ano- oeueinpemmte‘s, all onetngoings, 1‘ C “' wellotnes, buggers, {managing in the 150mm; an): tma perfrmon, that taketh along the theatefull countenance of an ljozre ann malteth him ogmpe, fozfake his meate o; are any other langutlhment; any of which a’u’mne as non—man perreibe,p:efentlp let the thogre blmoin the'jgetke wine, LCurq." ano tn the month; then if the bttknelte be not eree’ebtng “ contagious let him tell till the next moaning, but if tt loathe with any violence upon him, then that: homes after tahe tlno gmo bpmnetull of ilonoonmreakle ‘ano otttolne tt m neat-ea pinto of either Wagon—mam; zaacoums e- fltblnnszmatet, ann marine it am: with an {home glbe it to the lBozre; then if hre be ablem’ne him a little aftetit, o2 othetlonfe malke him up ano notvne in fame ‘bannie ano manne' a'te fozhalfe'nn 'houte,then let him up new marine ant! let 'm tatt at'le‘éza mo hontésrmoz'eg‘th‘en ‘gioe h‘im'a little r mate 19333, otga‘feme (mate mamas: at fimn’e gt’be hunt a betie flne'ete shalhe oftBafiltanbwaterMhz’th If he refute to take, then vnga-gne the «Rate: from the Spanltmnb meaning l'qtrazge the @anlttoelmno to give Dim “)9 Watetmlth an"i902ne,‘ mom?!“ that! ooe to; " thgt'a 2218. e ' Thethin‘lBooke, . that mwgenmt in any lnil'ebemtt "metal! that you line an entire ,till he: have that ltrength at the hang that to“ ma: tine him functh tolnatsrmnnthatgon may chain any nature him after he hath mankefihis is a reanie, rertaineiate anti eatie Cure. ' 3min betani'e the nireares in lhozres are as many ans as ninth herlea‘e as thofe of Span, : hecauie 3 neither nel'ire ta rlog the mmamnoz Oppzelre the 5 ungement; 3 mill tenure ann main there inanets into as ten) beans as is pattiblemet not“: few but 3 mm give a full fatiffartinn to; all; Eherefnge 3 menu: hahe ran unnerltann that al nifeal’es in hazres are either inlnarn oz nuttnaw; inlnaw as ofienningthe titall parts, ‘0; outsmart) as troubling the @emhewthe inmain fitkneifes 3 alto nebiae in: totlno Saganches. that is, at either onenns th: heart a; the hzaine ; at it oifenus the heart, they be then the infirmities 1 lalt fpalte of, an!) to; which 3 habe giben you alreabg an dppyz: hen dim. 3ftheiz man the Beeline, then mix tallthem Apoplcxics, Palfl‘m, «talus of all limbs, dteughes tretann begemlancers, warming of the a hpne, mohenlfiinne, mgrims, £335; neuc 1.Cure. an!) any thing that is like unto theta-anti the €ut€ is to take a mute of bathe anti halfe a nut oftmi'et swim” into them mu together, then acne to then: a quarter of a prints of the bgcmppe of minegatmnb when all is intozpozate will tog-:g theglnarme it on the males e in gibe it to the hosfe, part athis month, but the greateit part at his jpolthzils ,~ then lime anti thaws him after it, let him falt tlno houres, (true as at other timesm let him minke no talus water but when he may have erereifeafter it, ant: be (nice to ke’epe him lnarme. ' - 3ft): all manner of Wazmesfihellwakedbellibnnnbfilures 3.0," a: the like, take the {mall hahges inbltl) atom in an thingies ' cares anu are cutaway whenhou tnulle humanb the [mall thozthahzes that grain sinner his fogetoppe, an!) abaut his ears fimtesfinn nipre them luith a rein aiDates ant: to gihe them to the hate to eate, ann Doe thus tlvire o: thgite, annit is a wait attains attire. . 390m fa; wtlvarn nifeafes, they are either fiaturall a: lttinentallsat they be 53atucall,the2 either grain from the weneratwn entre‘atmg oF'Cattell. ‘ a, satiation oz meme from whenee the hozfe to hereon: nee,‘ oz elfe (tom eozruption of moo oz other untohole, tome keeping; it” they groin from the , men: one come. cation of the awe, then too tall them the fifties, menus, innate, kimono ano amellingo, o; annauimatt‘ono about the 4_cuu‘. thzoate. fog any of whieh tittt elip away the ham have, then to: a Day o2 tine apply unto it moylt rotten litter, then after elappe on a thiehe plane: of bhoemalteto mamtpzeao upon allome 1L eathem remobe it not till the Melting either bzeake g tonrume away. , 3f they pzotoeoe from togtuption of Blame; fmoe,og any 0- g.cun, ther untvholfome fe’eoing, o; keeping, then tote tall them 31m, pottumatione}yleoflfioteheedfiflulaogeole~ebil am: the like. fine the €ure is a thieke planer ofbhoemaketo war“ as be- ?928 themtbfitll they ate molten}: withVngucntum Egiptiacum (inhith is to be bought of ebety Apothecarie,ano to lay a platter of hhoemakerezmare oboe it alto; to make the Sthifiee in the lotncit part that the tozruption may oefeeno notonmatn, alfo ( if the plate be mithout banger) ifyou thgutta Jamel! of hayge thzough If, we anuoynt the Retell once o2 ttoite a nay with the oyntment latt fpolzen of, it will heale—muth the rumor. Ehere be alfo other oifeal’es luhith pzote‘eoe from naughtie fmoe, ano maall them fiatdeefieabbo, ahaungie, itepzofie, berattheefieainee, $uleo, wallauoec, bellanoec ano all of, fueh like nature ,- fine the crate is to hope firfl’matt t )iBzmh, 6'0"“ lime in 010 bzine ttuo o; thgee nighto,then boyle it til the heacbe he foftg one then tuith this matetreafonable hot math any gene; call bkurtfe o: slaaungiefino fog any particular some apply the ' heatbe ano the bzyne hot unto it,’ one it mill hill the ebill hug "10;,ano heale the gtiefe,onely you mutt not forget to take gmo note of blow from the 19m at the beginning of the nifeare. gum ifhie oifeareo pgoeoeoe from arcioentall taufee5ae froui7.cure. . mounoemfizuiregbtraineemallmaurto in the afiyeefi met: fionejo; 15mm tbonee, then you that! to etety one of there, take there {overall meoirines which follow, as firtl,if they bee mounoe in tohat root foebet taken oz receioeomou (hall if it be Eteat ann tn 3 aethie act, 02 any other part where eonbenient» 3!? run many, flat on: it up with?! gable ano teooe alke,then : taynte . 8 .Cure. 9.Cuf€v menu. :39 ' The third Book, tapatettioiih Wnuue, more, t clarinet: Woeegreare of. each likequantitie, ano halte to much miniature as an: m of tk other ample; being molten all well together, ano applgthio halite ( if the wouno hegreat ) marine, if otherlnife apply it toloe being {pecan upon hauls. ‘ attheiz bee beauties whether gotten be awake, naughtie baubles,” other Meafrom whence putaoeth many times olo {nineteen uno molt «tuberous filters, you (ball out if the Mo; be finely fuelleo, ano not beoken no; likely: to b: can; bathe it oioers times in the on! with cells loafer; but if you {mo by. the haroneo ano foeeneae, that there is inflamation ano it inlll bzeakefihen tut ulna): the heme, ano apply either rotten iltter oz a planet of bhooemaliecsd mare,ann when you lines the mum-2 foft,lanth it,ano tnynte it with Regen ano Eerpem tine molten togetherzbut if it be an open olo cannerono alter, then take ggaaitkefilooemnene coupons ano mgimfl one, of each alike quantitie,of $irhe unable to math as of any one of the otheubeate all to a fine polooer, then burne it on a that, fingeoilb ano «Coulee, but let it not flame, then as the fmoalze a; rifeth, take. a neon hanofull of tint o2 jflare huros 0; some, : houloit ober the flllDClliCJD that it may receive all the perfume thereof into it, then when it hath reteibeo all, put it into a bony tloll'e more, ano luhen you have notation to bro itfirll 111th the foge with marine minuthen ogie it, o with: lap on tome of this lgnt o: Emilie, ano thus no: twice a oamno it is a (titanic «Care. if they be btragnes either of inputs o2 bpnemes, in what part oz weather foeber it be, olo o2 new, take )lBoares greare, Wienemorfiaehulfilacheioape ano fierucmyle, of end; a like quantitie, bogle them inell together, ano then apply it hot to the gtiefexubbing ano thaffing it in erteeoinglo, ano alto heating it in berg well, either with an hot )5. itkhat o; hot fire mobell, no on hot barre of iron, aim thus ooe mm a banana it inillnot onelg ture the btraine but mill keepe the member from groin; ing foule, lmotteo o; gouroeo, one will alto take away all noel ~ lingooz paines of the limhee luhatl’oeber. . arthep be malls o; ethaagingo off of the blame. of what kinoe oznature (other they be,lohether in the “38, . oz w 4 ~' L ~ mug‘of Cattcll. ‘ 233-; o momma of the bong; you lhulltdieom Wine 32mm harm ano thetehuth but!) the (Ball. :Ehen mine o; W upon it the pouoet of unfietulunem the pounce of {903139 mimemam tn thiomwtzmot ignnee hatfe a pmtm with the putelt pounce ofontleakt teammate lit "‘1’ to a ttifie putt; then upon a Eels, cone ohec the moaBate It as home as may be, then beate it into fine Butt, am: To Reeve it in a‘flfitaooet o; more, ano‘caathio upon the woman: the u mott tettainc an!) appgouen Cute. . i ” ‘ '- . g 3 it they be am} hurts in the chemo btcoaks, inflamatione, 153mm, webbe, tanker, Epmnesete o; any other mirthiefe mhatfoetoemou lhalltake a pinte of Snow mater ano mite mm) It ttno oz these mam e5 oftnhite moppozamno therewith, at! man; the eye spouting one evening, am it to a t'ettain-e time. 3 f they be QEtttelIions of fienes, as bplents, bpafieno, mean. «Inches -, Ringboneo. apnoea no rush likeu'n inhat part 03 mem‘; bet l’oebec they began ball then take the Roots of wttmpane‘ melt clenfeo, «no laptt up in a Beomneapapet. then mettt nun roll It (in hot glowing dimmers) as you tooulo tott a .Waroen, an it. be etteeotng {oft : then taktugit out one opening- it, eben as hot as the hogfe tan futtet tt ( fog you mutt not realoe) after you hate tubheo ano thaa‘te the Girttem'omlap this their; unto ano binoe it on home, one thus one .oiw Bayes till you r eethe @metl’ion is tonrumeo. - . - at ihen be bzoken tissues, at moueo out of sonnte, you that! I 3 Cum after you haue platen them in their one ano peoper plate, firtt ‘ ' anognt them with the note ofbtnallohsesm with poetemar e berg warme,ano then clap about them this plafiec ‘oz @etrot: Eake of witch a quartet of a pouuo, mas mush attain Ware, ermogen halfe a pouno, of the tugteof atop halfe an ounce, of @athanum halfe an ounce ; of‘QEithe fetotmatte halfe a want, of moeliumsarabttum halfe an nun re, of EDeares-fuet,halfe a pouno, of {oopuleon hatte an ounce; of the mops of btogay: halfe em, ounce ; Boyle all there together intan earthen pot,ano after It to tolo,take of Bitumen halfe-a ponno,ot acmoniake an ounce am: an halfe, one of coitus as much: flBeate there into fine 98%:th then tummgate them with the othetmo bgeu - t em:- __r~~—‘ I LCures' 14.04“. 1;.Curc. 16,,Cuflo g3: ‘ .Thct’mrdBooke, m ‘MW mama; mh'tob MM; m mm «to tutu. ans theu'fiolle It tuto {emu biggc mmafiuibtfewttot fpieao this plain upon leather, any Minot limit the-semen monies, than with raft am not Wot mm, to bpleut the member as it may notorious, am to letit tea fullie oat tinentie nave: etc you ogeil’e it again; anoin am: safe to filing the hozfe that but may not by any mean-(wring that time} put his membe: to the gcouammhith a little billigente ano paine bulleafilg not. anyone hozre habe any inficmitie in his haves,“ Quilter, bonnmbrtteathdbzicke,€rotbnevftabbe,mtteu fruflho; any {nth bltetons oifeafe, you thall fitlt {earth it ano lay it Open, then take young 33am: ano rhop them {mall ann mire them with boape ambalt, till you habe bmught them to a Eitfe baluo,then mathing the rage full with bzpne ano bait marine, «hinoeonthis balms lot it lye full (cure ano tlnentie homes. anb thus one ( if the me be great) fog thu’e oz fouce have; togc; tbfl, Eben halting am out all the benome(ao this balm mu quit-lib! one )then take a Moment" mttbo of Ezraymmm, nun an muth ¢etufe o; white’leao as will bztng it to a thick Salesman one mm: them tut! weatherman Wear: it upon the fox mooning ano ebening till it be luhole, which will be .emeo fooainlg, to; nothing both [wean fmnet. nozis mom Manly ann natural to; the waning Ira new hmbe then this. But if the houe be jounbeten, frettigeooeelfe heater: in his féete, then you mall fictt pare him as thpnno as may be, to that you may bitterne the quielte all oboe, then let him olcoo at the toes, my take matron of blmo from him, but in any tare out not the beine in runner. after you babe [tantht the blowing in clapping mole: an! Eallolb upon the beine, then tacke on hollow bhmes ; ana (top them full oflaogbgtoare ano manna boyleo to a ibultus. eben ro bowling hot asmag'be, aun reneln it not abobe tlbil'e in [wen we, auo it in!" lazing his fate to their full perfenionagaine, without any great lode a; tenable. 3 f you: hogfe habe either hmkenhmbesp; barbell hibbes o; ithio hmbes be beake,tenoet t imperfea, o; if he mane nite, I: am: not boulolmut traps o tumbles upon ebetp acne, take if (swans heals mien ounce”! fitment-W8 than harmui u entrean ng of Cute“. 2;; mm): “an: mom top-mm [men out“. ‘ at mm“. man do tum mi, ant a great mutt of agmbunuym byte ant mingle tyem almgetbcmnu mtgtbu mung t3: 19mm fate,” We went the Cabinets m th bilingual it will human batman” mutton; 9mm. . . as roztbemmmn 33mm“ in an 9.2m pm parts; madman bmllinuanaammatimanmm'ng an) my tilts you that! but awlgtmimo pout Eat: in zeta: but» running anb cunning, am it is a what bclpe ; Ibis alfo math flinch mm the 92mm ltggsmb 921mb many bitten magnet ano annotations, to; many can: nau'c flutters tannot site any account. thus you m M! fem mutants mill run an: in: firmitt’ct'n an buzfthitbaw wallow mutants m tam: withouthutyen, tbsrtfngc I): that returns warmth, it (kt!!! nottbougbbc bepnnitbtbn'ti) a lame 3mm: 3 Rate abate belt mum long mitytbe baths minnobpmiw m mm of the fill: antigen ; - ‘ aces at: «mum mm nottu belittle rating, W!“ of their fans»: cmnmoltti'csfinn the banncttmt’tbetr timing; to: this page beau contents bimfelfz my inbat mat ft 21m: you nine him, Emmi“, 152% W £3332, ( ”and chew (mutt? bath Itoze) in gain Whit; bins mm»). mgbctt am: the ‘ill toting ta: nfa'mh'atut fishnet, an able tefnfiaine “manhunt, Wants (Inuktitut (than: a; mint tan : ant tbmfeze of at! atyet meninges: 3mm tetb; fa: lm'lga heal! nothing tbargeahlz, bee Mfma number cram-tam ares :‘ tn (3621'!ng uneasy: is mm parabktntbc 3%,!» the ¢M(fnfl,mloanhc me undeniable) z grinning in am trauma“ otbccs: tbmton in the Country the at: is mot na'zntnltm carrying oftbtngs mac 9mm, m Come to flat gaifl‘ in bgw 3 Bath“! ( bbm tbt sum in my me ) the! we film that pr: in playing: an: t1): In: 1% of, t9: country we not upon at” n'tblp may» : m flinch: berg w to it taught, to as attbistn Alcayrc,gon Mllmtbemutmte Mt! manner”: an: Wmarm mm»: gunman; Vazro 1»an «$103.28:ch mummy“ Irma mantra m : MW at: tame», are. 514. The thud Bodkc, are m gmupeeially to; bzéebea they are eaaty bzoRend-he “be: u tameat'lehleh 3! mean to rpeaaeazhe belt are bought out of 'Atcadia,( although Varro, rams tl eemntenathe b33133 etltaly' fl: gmnnetl'e.)lpe that will habe a bzeene of alumna hahe the @ate ann ermale both efteal‘onable ageJacge bony, “lawman of a gen ln'nbeztbe Quiz mutt be at the teat the; were all: :foz team th;e’e,tt'll theytbe ten, they be tit to; meaning: they filial: fmzth theie colts tometlmee at that: ye‘ecee a a halfe, but tam genesis the belt age :the female goeth as long with he: batten as the ”are, ann bilthatgeth in all tefpeae as the Bath :bnt the hull net bevy melt retaine, except thee be regret: tmntem'ately aftee the; hegfing to wane about : the felnme ”New fmzth than. when an foaleth, the sets het mto tome W38 plate, ann'ke'epee her felfe from being reene. ghey mm heave allthet'c life time,tnhieh(as Atiflotle faith)te thttty yérs: they ate putts the hoete a little befote the tenth of lune, ano .. beat-e ebery othet ye’ete : they bung fweth thetc finale at the - ' " tine!» meth. While they be with finale, they mutt not be greatly labemea, foe hagatnina their finale :the male mutt uebec kettle, fa; he ts as letchemus as the Rubella by eel: tmll bate Whhmhedinlt is futfeten to run tm'th the man the tint Mathew“ gently tyeb up tmth hey, nnely tn the mght umuhethtee ye’erethey are bxohenmtomnsto thetrutaxhe mam both mnnbeefnlly lube her young, to mneh,ae the null not tithe teams thatch: the live to it :bnt the beater thee bare ,m uamtte came thermometteuehit with he: tmte, netthec mu “minke in any mange babewnt where the es urepte be tea. tceb,aal (3 WM gee anu itanb my tmte. Ehgy naught to be teem in mine tmmes, an! are tronblen myth fearefull mam in their; tliepea, whereat they to pub: tenth thew legs that ifthey lye niece any hate thing, tbs: buttthttt fate: m Bulkinggthey [satiety teach the. mate; mth tbfltllppés, (has it taught) fog teaeeof wetting thew gepbly eases, More mammatheyraem emanating :no- heart an Insets lamb with tale then this. 31' goat aces halt at any tune, you than thus cement: them,teath all the flute math inattne mater, an; Mamet: than than! Keith at “Mtge knit aha-then can hang manhole-mu: twat Mama! : “922:? entrancing .oFGatteIl. jg; 5, _ mm mate; rust :oz ifyou hobo not that, my: talloln, auo’ amount all tho fat till they be inhale. alto or the wamano the utloe ante. being bzokemare hm “on.” lecs thatcun patting i miftly c are bouncct’ull hato hoofco, but much oftheu: bony, t uui'chzcuous aomachco, yet oafic to be hamlet-the spaces to; walnut“ not he uuocc route yams; no; abonc touzthcy ace foalco in the twelfth mousth, as Eagles 3 data ”2,115 A: Mode with : but Columclia faith, their milling time is not befozc the thirteenth monoth. Ehe female couccu: bcth \as ccpeci‘cucc teachcth) aEuceMy after the aebcuth oayzthe that ooth none: better ho ;f c, then when he is molt tyzco. She that conccancthuot hcfozc that hath catt he: colts tmth,i5 takcu to be batten, a; the ltkcmite that takes not at the flat hozi'iug. fihofc that are gotten beflmrt an thozfe am an alto in olue time, nuts cullco jacyacns, auo fuch as mere b..-ought fozth hctmict an am: an!) a zaacc, they calleo smiles. Ehe @Jilcs thcmfclucs (thsy fay ) hoe ucbcc iugcnoec : auo if at any time they mo, it muaiakeufo; moultcous, accountingthc caufe of their bacceuucil'c,thc coutcactctic of their hiuacsmhich mattcc u long time tcoublca both Ariflotlc, an!) the cell of the {Bhilofo’ phccsfllhough Arillotl: hath othccmhccc mgitten, that woiles no both lufitflbfl'fi bziug focthzauo lmth him agto’cth Thcophra. fiusfifirnnmgjhut m Capadoma they no commonly bziug fozth, auniugcnoec ot'thcmfclues. Ehz like both Varro, auo befoge him Dronn'iwfiuo Mag» afiicme, that the bgo'coiug of smiles in the amtcics of amidst. is neither mouflcouomoz geagou, but as common as out lm’cac ofbozi’cz : but the walls is both,auo Wm: ftomacheo, that is begotten of an Zfl'e am: a than. Ethe Stallion that you means to ha’oc to. youc race of ghoucsmtuit betas fay» as you can get,habiug only this smart: that ho be large of booy,biggc ucckcn,bzoao, aub thong c: bbco, lacgc,auo bgamuc bzcucn,his thighcs full of ftnciues,‘u.=.o the leggos incll kuit,ofcolout blacks arm fpottcn: to; aflodthough they be commonly ouuue)yet that colour agréeth not incl! inith a QBoilc : route fay, that whit colcuc you moulo habc ysuc 99oilc to be, with that colouccn cloaks you mutt cobcc you: fine. Ehe fine to pzopoztiouen '( as 1 hub: neliborco)that you mcaucto appoint to; youc mung, you mua Eraight to??? a c I 236 & Thé thirdBookc take from his oammea put him to tome @are that hath a dtolt fucking of her: you [hall earth: oeteioe the 99am by fetung her in a oarke plate,remeebingher ohm «Colt from her,a;in putti ng to her in (teen thereof the fines dtolt,iuhith the lmll nurfe as her alone. attenuates, tnhen the than hath beene n co to it a ten phagesnhee mill continually after that time gibe itruehe. Ehe Ellie being in this Dzber b :ought 3p. mil better acquaint himrelf with the Share: iometimes thourih he be ruthleo only tenth his ohm oamme ,being bzought up mhe he is gong amonglt Qtaares mi ll incl enough keep eompanp with them(ae Columcnaiaith: ) but our Elites are of theml’elues oefi’rous enough ofthe Shares, that they new not to be trc. ineo to the matter:foz it is a tum. oer, ful eoltilh beam: unreafonablh ireaponeo the mutt not be leite then three hares olo when he eobereth your maresmwhieh mull be in the bpging time,lnhen you may are! fine him with grain: ano gmo ltoge of swam, ano )lBarlg : neither mutt you put him to'a young Sparefi'o; ifihe have not bin hoefen befoze,the mil to beat her timer, that the mar make him like the inozie as long as he libethzfoz remeoglnhereof, you mutt at the 3:02 put to the $are a miloer fine, that may tum her befoge, but not l'uttteo to hate hem when you pereeibe that the is ho;fing,aluah with the raohall, e putto your Stallion. fl platefzt to; this purpore,the illiountrv people (as Columclla faith) mere [vent to habe,luhieh they ralleo a firameoz a llfizake,lnith tlno railee on both fioee, ano a little oiitante betlniene,that the ahare cannot (tribe, no; turne from the bgoere, the lolner part enelofeo, ano the mjaare tanning lolnfo the Elite may the better leape her, having the upper grouno to; his helpe;iuhieh when [he hath eoneeiheo, ano at the tmelue moneths eno bgought fozth, the pe‘tre after the mutt be futfereo to run emptie, that the map the better being up her COILEIJC the 9h)oile(being atioelue moneth nlo)muit be taken from the {Dammm let run upon mountaineer oz wiloe plates, to; the haroening of her hmfee, ethe better enouring of labour,t‘oz the male is the better fog buroen,ano the female the quicker e Iibelier: both the hinos ooe trabell methane till the grouno, ifthe plolnman be not mirearonable, o; the grouno re u‘ifie, as it requiteth a neamht offlDrenm; 19m. whey will have llritiing ano aiming, iteou ute to gibe them wine (as ‘u Pllnic cntreatingstattcH,‘ “33-; Plinie Moth.) inho likebil'e sziteth, that a waile mill litre ‘ fours (me yo’eres. fiert the smile 3! place the stamell which is thiefely mo in the (Bait parts, which rome fuppofe to be the rernteeablefi eattell to; man that is,e as it tnere thereunto one; 19 framebfiiz he is bnmbatt upon the bathe to; befitting of but: oens.all’o,he hath foure kne‘esfivhereas the {Bougthe see, ano futh others, habe but t‘mo : fog his hinner legs bow foginaros as a mans knee ooth,l.oheremith he bureleth to rereihe his buroen. Ehere are tlno kinoes of them,the Bafirian, g the Arabian : the But. no habe ttno bunches upon their barkes, ‘ ans the Arabian but one,ann the other on their bgefi toleane upon,both rogtes of .them lathe their teeth abohe,as the bullorke both : they all r erue in there Countries fog burnen,ano to tarry men in the marres : they are as {mitt as hogl‘es, but tome a great orale moge then o- thers: neither mil they b zeal: their p.1re,no: tarry mote burst-us then they are ufeo to : they beare a naturall hatre’o to the hogfe am: can foebeare ozinke fog foure bayes: hoe ozinkes when hee may, both for th 1t is patt, am: to come, troubling the mater befo;e with his trot, othertnife he'e Delighteth not in it : he is from befioe his femurs. ano furh things as ho: gets in the m mo, with Qates 0; 135a: lgyano Salt : hoe engenogeth bark; learn as the elephants, Eygars, 1Lyons, «tonnies, ano rurh other, tnhofe inltruments grombarketnarn: when the y means to goe to rut, they (seize the ferretett auo nefertelt places that may be : neither may a man at any time some na’ere them, without great oanger. Ehey goe with young a ttnelue moneth,ano are meete fog bzeeoe atthza ye’eres olo, am: after a ye’ere they eonoeabe againethey bears but one at onre,as $12: phants, ano other great heat! ooe : they gibe milke till they be great. againe,(as Arifiorlc faith)Dydimns in his bookes of huz', banozy mziteththat the €amell hath a regaro to his b12120, as the nature hatbrt lieth neither with mother, no; fitter. am) the , female (tame! otBaéldaJéebing upfi the aaountaines amonglf the aim flouresg'isoftentimes bgeameo of the isoare, tron; _ teabeth. @f the floats arm the the tamell, is engenozeo the tamell tnithtme lumpes upon the bathe, as the smile is of the Scenario the @are,aun in oibers things refembleth his fire. act in brittleo hearewrengtthfirgnot fainting in the myze but - _ . 2 . , go; Cities on 3‘; 8 The third Bookc, going lafiilg thzough, one in carrying Double to much as other dtamelms the fame anthonr rarth. Ehe females ofthem are lysine,“ ferne the better to: the warm : they libe (as Ariflmic (8“?) fiflie mm 3 others fa? a hannzelgeeres, ann are fubied to mannrlre, (as P Inm. rahth) there are a hmne of them ralleo. Camcll ()Pul’dr, that habe the refeniblante of tine timers beafis, the hiss ano hinier legges like an flee, his fozelegs am: his heat: like the diamell, the nerke like a 1902f e, being at their white am reo. St: abo laith,he is colouren like a f..!lom Eeare, ttraight newsman!) hierhe an soaringe, his heat: fame thing higher then a «tamels. )lhut now leaning there} mill {peaks of the fire am: his inane. is? the mogthineae of this beammony great things rereiben their names of them ; fog of the number beantmno fertilitie of 19mins, bin stair: ( as they fay )fiia take his name, becan'e Hard 5 purine!) the noble manurallea lulu: .mhis is the thiefe companion of man in his labours, am: the truth ternant of the dboouelle ' .‘cn sziu many great things,foz the roialty of the fire, thee seribeb their names from the fibre, as in rolling alto the flaps bumammamzin fine, lupucr himfelre thsught goon to tonneet into this fhape his {mat Darling Europa . 9903mm! a rotten Steer-e are ingennzen thel'ineet mesvam makes route Degrees intheir age:the fira odealnes,the reruns of peerlings, the thin: btmes,the fourth @renJEhe Sens t in the (Mt, the ”finality. the ¢namcalfezthe femnb,the mamas the bteere: in the thirn c fourth,the mm the Comerthe birraine atom he ealleth Taurm:,tht melth autos Hordnm from whence tame {a feats talleb Hordica fir-Imbetaute the melrhahlnelrere then (a. erifiren. i‘he gmsneu'e of this heat! is Dinersaerozningto the bibertith of the Country the belt mere rounten in the ole timets he Bftbt bzeeoe of Aibama,Csmpama, C Tnicm 2 at this 331‘ in! tahe'the belt time to he in mangermlfinrgnnbmfiri um Ben- msrke,anb in re nglanMDf Bullorksfome are to; the than; ht, tome for the flaulm roine fo: the paile :to what pnrpe'efoem they rerue,mhether it be fez labour,fo2 milking, to: fusing,“ is lieu altnaies to eh nre rnth as are hong,of lath age, rather then there that are oh: 3 barrainezh tombs of eonenantin the olotime (as Varro faithfin telling of ibulloeltsneere themes you as}? e I, .s w \ ~- fir.) -. a "r untreatmgbeattcll. ‘ 2'35; there mite, oz States; that you fell to be retina, of a form yearn, e mithott' fanlteghe watchers that bug to; aanghtem Inch as but: mfwificeo, are no room ottoarrantire: 0 though tome mm are choren by their firengthJonie b2 the great, mile of their bongmet the belt commonly hahe thefe pzopertieo: large. well knit, ano tonne limbs, ’a long,a large, ant a oeehe fineo bong,tnhite hogneo,bgoao fogeheaoeo,great even a blacbe, his eares rough anti hairy, his iatnes to be large ano bioe, his lips blackith,his necke mell‘bgauneo ann thiciae,hio oetolappe large,hanging oo'mne from his neclte to his hne’ee,his ihonlhers bgoao, his hihe not ham 0; itubbogne in feeling, his belly nape. his legs mellregfull of finelneaano ltraight,rather ihoet then long, the better to fnltaine the weight of his bonie, his liners Itcaight ana great, his fcete one farce from the other, not hgoaomo; turning in, but eafiltz (meaning, the hayge of all his boog thicke ano ihogt,his tahle long, ann big hatzzeo. Palladius thiuheth the belt time fog buying of beanght 2Dren, to be in gear-chanhen being bare,the9 cannot ealilh him: their faults” the flame of the hellermoz by reai'on of their weakeneu'e be tin fiubbozne to be hanoleo. at is belt to buy them of your neigh« hour, left the change of ayge ano rople hurt them : fo; the 115m; incite that is [sought up ne'ere home,is better then the manger, becaufe he is neither tronbleo with change of awe, water, no; pa flurezif you cannot have them nine hombnh them from tome like Country,” rather from a haroerzano be tnell allureo that you buy them ehen matcheo, left in their labour the aronger rpohle the weaker. imhe befioes that they be gentle,l' their labour,fearefull of the goaoe,ano the o;iber,not ozeaoing any mater o2 beioge : great fo’eoero, but foftlg, am: not otter-ha, ttilie,foz tuch no bea oigett their meatefln chmfing of 315m les o: itine, the berg like fignes are to be requireo, that the 1511" Biifetetl) from the fibre, in that he hath a maze twinning ano fierce lookeflyoeter hognee,greater,ano thicker neckeJo big as it {antes the greatelt part of his bone, his belly tomething gannteganb nie'eter foe Bailing of istne. Ehe lEull, befoge he be ruffereo to gee with the Bine, mutt be toell fee with grat'te, chatte,oz ham kept feheralltz bl: himfelfe, {neither mutt he goe to the ¢ome,till the tenthotaune. Vatro motile not fatter him a: 3 ' ' befozo I 24a The third Booke, bet-1e limiting ofthe Lira-hut Ariflotlc mule hate-him all the musing time,“ go in paltnte with the» tint. Eh: We like. little motile be high of ltatuee,ane long boniee,habing meat no; Regimen fozeheaofiaite hognes,ann Math; all other tokens almott that is teqaiieo in the IBullJpeeiallyto he yonngezinhen they palt'e twelue yo‘etes olu,they are not gone to; be fo_o,bnt they live many times faae longer iftheiepalture be g-nb, ano they kept fcom Dilemmzzhe ole {tome giueth moge nu’llte then the mllnfittogblng to the itountty peoplea peonetbemln mine moze nnlkemong thennee moge eggesflgalnefinbec th .teyoetes oln you may not toffee them to gee to asunar they ehanee to be with Calfe befoze, yon mutt put the Calfe from them, aim nnllte them to; them bayee aftet,lcatt theic boom be roge,altettnatoo fozbeate milking. Plinic mgiteth, that at a yoeie nice they be fpuitmlwutthe bzeeoe mill be little. as it happenethin all tin timely ingenbginngBon mutt entry were in there beaasi as in altotherfiozt you: aortic, that the 010 that be batcaine, ogun, mate to; beating, may be put amay,lelb, o3 teninbebto the plomzfoztohen they be barcaine(ae Columdla l’aith‘they mill taken: as well as :Dren,by cearon they are {nice up, but lue nfe tommonly to fat them:theie age is knolnn by the knots ano at: den of their homes, which Mini: marketh lilielnil'e in «mates. Ehe time fee going to NEnll, tome take to be bet! in the miott of the bpzing: Palladius month have it in inlyJo; to in the ninth moneth the that! talue,fo; to long the goeth tenth «Zaire ( as the common people fay)a «Solve anla anneal: hath both one time. Sn many places they oet'ice to have their Comes goo to that! a thiety oz fozty Dates after the tenth of 3mte,that they may raise in finch,” fipzillzthat they (hunt: have much nulhe, lo oznec the matter,” their thine go to Janll team the flamingo min, Why they almaies mtlhelome : at once butting the ten. tetheth, tithe chance to little. the north to 15ml againe within finenteoayea after : fome ray, iro be the Bulltome ool'nne on the left tine otthe coinentwill be a colestalfe. if on the tight the a Wllimlfe. Ehe (15mm afticme,that ifyou mill babe a Mamam mutt knit the right 11me the Bull, an! fee a - meufuthe left:Vm-rofuith, thatif you putt-ho 6th) to the mmmmiy after getting»?! tmceibethsohmena-afii‘rg; me 1 cumming of‘Cattell. 54!- mmmu be enough (ozone we: thinlie he lolll hell enough retue twenty 15 ine,it he be ruoh a Bull as 3 oercri- mnryou hub; gmo uoze orpaltuteyou may letthem go toflBul ebety yceeghut you mutt beware your. film he not tco fat, that kill him: their being inith €alfe£he stoma lhoulo lohen the is teoozing,habe but thogt pollute, ano the Bull his belly full‘: to lhall neither the be tm fat,nog he unlullty. at the atom tui‘ll not tahethe Eull, you mutt ltampe {ea @niono in mater, ano tub he: unoee the taile with it: if the Bull be not luuy enough about his bulinelle,take the page“ of a htagge, burne it, ano maize itin polooer, ano with a little mine arm the pomoet,bath his liones,ano his pagell mithall, which will retue ' foe thelilie purpot‘e in all othei: healts(ns Qginnlianfaith.)£l JlBul ought not to leap the «tow above ttuiI'e in a bay as tome think,butlne lino by experience,that he may oftner. an tome platen they habe (6- mon Bullesg common fioares to ebety momma : a Bull trill more furious at the light of any ten thing ,as the mileyhat o the 1yon,tuhieh can in no mire abioe the fight of any lohite thingfi CZ one will gi’oe futke to a (Range é: alfe, but let not the tnlueo lye with them in the nightJog feate of oberelaying themhome meant them at the fitlt,¢fuckleth-them with trauma; whay, having a little ”game it it. oe filolneenuhetelnith they being them up, till they be able to recommhethec you meane to reate them f0: bge'eoeJabout, o: fe’eoing, you mutt letthem want no (loge of grub paltute : fez though they be of never l’o gteat a bzwoemet if their palture be frantie, they will when come to their full geoluth : to; pamne makes the ma ( as the (tonne trey peoplefay. ) Magn, am the do lguebanos, moulo habe you to geloe them lnhiletheybe bery young, luhieh ozoet wee likeloife obferue in rotting of them: ano in the hazing, oz . at the fall of the leafe, when they be thzée monetho oloe, o; there about, We me to geloe the mull alum, ano {pay the (tome calneeJoming up the mounomno annotating it with teeth )lButtet. Columclla mouln not halve them tut,but theit ' tones heaten by little : little with an inlttumentnrhich kinoe of geloing he belt liheth, becauf e in the littleyong ones, it is oonetmthout hle’eoing : fog lohen they be fomething genuine up. it is better to out went attloo ears oloe, then at a vine aloe, ‘ so 4 mm "5‘23 Théthiid Becki; ~. \ magma be none in the bpzingm ntthe fall-Itthe leafe,thei 99mm beinginthe inane : gen mutt lye up the cult'e to a; \ ~ (tame,c befoge you eat himmeu‘mua fattennbeut the Itneieee, The brcaa kingof )ong cattell Inheeebp the Rome hangfi couple offmall ttieke like a petite at tongs; am: taking hole therewith, ent amt! tbelaonee, to as a little of the upper parts of them may temaine with the feeefain. finelnes : to; big this meanee pen that! not hagatn the bean in: obetmnth ble’eeing, neither is his ltumaelie quitetaken Emmy, , but hath femething of the father remaining, an!) hetlefeth his abilitie efingeneeing. Jaetinithltanning if youfnflet him im, meniatelg upon his new cutting to gee in the coin, it is ten taine he may get a (Italic. but let him not In one, to; feare or likening to Death. Ehe manna mutt be annointen with the. whee of mine“ lLythatgemnta he mutt not be fufieree the fittt nagto Dginkefimt nonrithee with a little meats: there Dimes at. tee he mutt be nve‘ten,atto;nin g to his feeblenefl‘e, with grime homes ann finiete gentle tut fee him,ann lmken to,that he mink not tin much : am: if you mill, you may annognt the (age to; their. eahee‘mith Eattt, am: a little tithes, ann fume, tn heale him the (inner, mm to keepe the plate from tires. 38ml mutt ate them while the}: be yetheung to tufiee to be hmnlee, ane ltmken, ann then up to the 996mg“, that inhen they [hall tome to be beeken,th'eg may beehannlen with maze care, an!) letl'e banger : but Columclh tozbies you to meenle with the bgeaking, e; labouring of them, befeze thzee mete alumni: at} te‘r fine: fee the one is tn fame, am: the other tax late. Ethnic that you have taken up willie, am: be well trainee, ann peopoga tienenfittozningte nnz patternemeu thall hanule ann intake in this feet : jfitil efall, fa; that you have a large twine, where. the bzeaket map eerily gee up man neuznmnn out at his plea. l'ntemiitheutany Danger. mm: the Famine you mail hate u fait‘e fiele,th:2t the fa‘tmes may have libertie enough, ann not be fearebm; hizliten with trim a; buthes. 3n the Etablemen mutt babe ‘tei'tai ne l‘tallea e; bregbee, yelieamifc fet up, a team fmte fremthe manna to which the bte‘eiee may he tyre: this unne,th11re you ll fume has: to; the purpel'e, am taking them up being them into the fiable : ane iftheh be uneeafnnnblefimlee, me tacit, let them . Emu then a new am: a night without any ’ " _ . ' ' * ’ meme, . entrancing ofibattcfl. ~ - Ali “.8 tame them inithall : Mates lethim'th'at keep“ themjlfiet them a little magnet autumn; behinne,but be: meaning them all the inhuman [peaking gently to themfirn. king their batkesann their mmrelssant‘ fpzinklingthem initha littleriuatminegaking gain heene,that thegmilse him neither with hean,neg lm'th he'ele : to; if he once get that tricke, he mi ll neher leabe it Ehus being a little acquaint“ with him, hen (hall rubbe his mouth with balsam let nonine into his thzoat eettaine lumpes of falttalloin, ans pointing after a quart of ' gain mine,mhith will make him in thee Bayes as gain a felloln as you maul!) miChhim to befiome life to goalie them tegether. an!) lzt theni main tome light thirg, a; plain ina lightplemen grounn, that their labour hurt net their neekes. - ‘ mhe reanz’er may of bgeaking them,is to nuke them lnith an A “it“ all: @reJhat may eafilig inarua thermif he happen to lye nelnne way’ ' in the furrohme neither beat himnn; fears him, but binue his te'ete together,ann let him 112e,. that he may neither lturre, no; terse : which being well punilhen with hunger,ann thirit, mill tearh him to [raise that fallen trickemzhe feening of this hints . of Cattcll is Diners, meaning is the niuerfitie qt «mantras: am: the purpol‘es to; inhieh you ke’epe them, to; there inhirhhon e9 herpe ann tall weanlings o; rearings,ann are of one, than a; affix?“ thze'e heares of age, anu are onelh to maintaine ans upheuln the Catrell. . Store, are to be kept npen gear harneit growths 'ann earthes that heels the lealt profit, whether they be mamas; iearlis oz pafimesineloaeao; laeathesfitaegesfibeirnes ans other mils wilimiten plates unineloll‘en; both m inter ans bummer, till they tome either to be beaten to the 12mm, to be .mpnea to the prams; to be. fault: in the @arketmfiut itfntb momma mil not maintaine them'allwmexfihen you thallfuaaine amt main; taine them at the (tann marks eelaetiss bothmt'th white [train ann puliitrain, anti befiee the reliefe to the catteil itis an era rellent may to; the bzeeainsnf @eanme inheteit is wanting. 530111 fee you: ozauebtmw,‘ rear wartime: thure which man ,. [value you anhnailh peofigtheh menlnherkeptitisrennna attain; the might what better jfertillitie where they may have a reaper {mo a and milch Mi“ bitimbetber it'be maitnr'e inrlell'enm difmmns kept and CW”- meferuem mWssrafle WWmmftm in? firm!“ .4 p ea are. :44. .iThddnrdBmke, gleam-he eenmmwwtwieh will micientle tense re; eh; humanism m in the eeteemitie of Winter non ME Wynn: mmbt mattell new tune them When they labeuc 2i; :theenn'th tleane lane, a; at the meet! mtthblenelteneet which is me 9 Strain mm mammal ”heathen lee sunbeam it felfeie fntfitient. fa; you: milthe tine, there which glee niilke moulnlikemife be beaten ann fen lnith wag ( itpou line in a bleake «Ehnmpion aonnteie where is [catlmte both of «Static nnb iheltet; butif you live Inhetethete is macme blast, tec ann [knee of Winter fume, there your inine may linen. behave all the Winter, ano onelxz be telieben in lying weather anti ne'epe 9min“ with a little 19:12. 535 fngthofe {tine which are we nnn yieln no pmfit,theg will thift well enough either a. mean a; at the item: Kat its with bttaln. mm to; there Cattell tuhieh pen intent; to ran: nno make of Parting tat either to; puttIe 0:. your pgibate pzobifien, there mutt be fee °‘ 0““ upon your belt an! molt jettillea grwnno,ann in the meeting efthefe gmnnns there are Diners things to be obfetben,as tut! that they be knell fenten ; then well (roger: of mater that is (meet,ano toholfomefioe helnfeebec the Students heuln Opinion that there ¢attell Delight in teenblen meters, get erpecicnte themes us,that pnttefien waters hgeene moztall nifeafes: then that they lye f tee from summations, then that thefe institute mhith you lay ann nine teit unto from the beginning on}: onein, heaven may {stage at mantlemau’e folloining,lnith honloing ifieafis n2 Isenlts beginning to teen, but with your fat cattell not till our 1'. nice nag ; Ehofe finances which you lay a; gin: rel! to at tannlemafleyou may dbcage at $31) followingthofe tnhieh you gibe tea to at may you map (Erase at winrommer, there pen in at spiel‘ommec you may Grass at lemmas, ann thofegen lap at iLammae you map are.” in member e gene- ulln all the Winter following maul? you thallobfetnc, that thde pauutee which lye melt in hanger of mate: a; an? other , amen,» act! eaten, leafl by the long Delaying an nnfeafon. able time tome,ann to gun he ptenenten both of your hope nnn t. "gem in the eating ofpotn: paltute' «Breanne there are alfe um them to he ehtetnem m in the team If extents: . a ’ entf‘eati'ng' OPCItteII. . :4; ¢attell yen mutt by all memes pzohintha’t they have tn! bite, _, . . 11 hit!) is to fan , length ermine Cauelttubore tnungee ate the p‘ztntipall g'itthettts up or theit tube, neithet can no: will bite neatethegtcunn, untrue ettteaine hunge‘ttunpellthem,e then theytakelittle icy intheic font 53m manna“ any attestation will gm yen leave) cement aim lht'tt them into teeth granite «,anb not erred that theythoulb eateyont amines bohme to the bottmne,but onely as it new st. tin me amtah the tippermelt anb theytelt part thereof; ann in they mm tau both [miftly anb th: onghly ana fog that @ralle whi rh they that! leabe hehi ate them, you, {hall eate it llp attet them with yout labouring @311: ll, an!) lattly with yam: EMPCJI is between 23er amonglt yen: fat “Beams elect to hate tame (the lean lhoefesJoz yont fat 152305 take the might to feene with them, e rometimes to bite after them, there being as it were a timer, effympathie o; lilting of eath otheeslls eathee. fitter yam: (Dram: is fully knit a hath retetben his luhole fitengthmihich mill be at gainfommet, then you may (utter your fat malt to rate a little man: unto the gcounmtil after lammambetanfe there is an erttaeeninatie ftefitnee therein. Ehere fem nbfet, natirns tnell kept,thete is no nonbte but yea» ¢attell will fe‘ene mel to your own mntentinent. Ehen when you Yet they are fat} intently fen meaning to the aime of yout pntpnfe, whether it be to; the ufe of your heatheuln a; the are of the @acket, you [hall fogthtvith imploy them accogninglyioz it is bath the latte of time annt’gmieynetto put them off by bale e; othetlm‘re au’mne as they ate tome to the enne of your team. 3ft; there tith grounbs mill fmnetimes make tine returnees in the yette, {emetimes there, luhith is a great yeofit, am 3 habe heath femetim es of fonte,hnt itis fiery rate ,antthe Cattell re tetmu nen mutt be hety well fitirken with fled; befozethey he put me to greening. msatifynm @tmmhlfilfltetutne leane We fatt with: theeth the yeeie,it ie acmmonitie Infidtnt - 120m beraafe it is. not fnfi‘ttient to lay bellcz‘itill yout diat- HOW to tell when they ate fattmnlen‘e yen ha’ae the am 8310 WI tDImow a m knew fl)" 'ame {animal ehfewethefe fetecttlu taunting; fltuficafi when you (at your W inthe Wefll'lflihahe m wentpofuw 0‘ his When: mistake anathema oath mam: bettllg name 2 346 - . :.F111c'thardBooke, .melgm each Bone comm in rush feat as a petfect map; math,“ no egotio tollupio as cannot tell when a beat! lio- both bell o; ill fahouteolmoa thall then guetl'e the heat to be hell fen, efpetiallg when you it: his hutkell'hones tonne c not flame, his Ktbhs l'mmth am not tough, hwjflanhs full, his Mhe thidte am: his «Zoo tonnn;thi_s when you that! peteeibe, then you thallhanole him,ano acoptng him upon the neather, mambo, ifizou fe‘ele the bkinne lootl‘e ano the fubllancc {oft tanner you: hanoazou mag be hell ammo that the Beau is, rounolh fen ontluatalh, that is, upon the 150nm; you [ball then in): you: .:hanos upon his tonne ‘h‘ueliellgboneo, am if that title more semi ham,tofm,tounn e plumpmou that! be airmen that theaiBeafi is well fen both outloatolh ano inloaeolp, that is both in new ano Ealloloe: then you than hanole him at the letting on of his Earmano if that hanole big, thieke, full any foft,it is a true ligne that the await is new well feo outtuacolg; then hanole his Jpaehmonea which ate on both tines the rating on of his Eagleamo if the): foele fott ann lma‘e,it is a lignc um heio loell femboth outmatolg anb inloawle; ilaftlh paintball vhanole histtooo ano 33am", if it be an £3:e,ano the 333mm ronelh if it be a aome, «no if thCl? bauble, thitke, rouno, (oft, _ great ano plumpe,it is a melt all’uteo figne that the 15mg is herie mellEallalmo within. Lino thus lohenang ofthefe part5 .oz agembees that! hanole in tonteaue mannemon (hall then gauge of the eontratie etfeets *. your metals, mutt ltano my :ano be the" amen, cithet with ttone, grabell, o2 fan! : the ttone min fuller no loatec to ahine upon it, the other will from make it up, ano on it : both fozto mutt be lageo t1ope,that the loatet niah tunne alnag to; vetting the grounofelo, ann matting their houfeo. iletthem open toloarothe bouthJo thallthep bonnet, ann the banner: ‘aotloithltanoing, let pout loinoolnes open 539:“) ano @att, lohith being that in mintenano openin bummer : may give a healthful! awe. in fine, aoneete as tan be let the houreo be neithec to) hot,nog too eolbe,ano as net! as may be. 2' Ihe Stale tooulo be eight t'mte tome, that they may have came enough to lye in, that the lune great with calfe hurt “Dilemma", no; the (“onset 912 103095 the Wakes :tgn: ‘ a entreatmgaf Cattcll. 347. gm may he came toe their {were to tome about them; an to; peaking them. , 9030326,“ us to no purpole to fan: them lueLercept you alro [cake to to the taping of them in hwltbmfmsw‘tbmfoze whethertheyhe in hou.‘e, o; almao, you mull allpalee habe a [pen all regaro unto them, an to emulate them in the night, fpeciallh .if there be any 1mm ammglt them with dtalfe. stun though it be neeoeful at all times to oberfuz them,both magma; ann ebeemug ,het molt tuneful! is it of all other times, to {a to them in the bpging, when you tirlt put them to panure: foe atthattlme,bp realm of their change orniet, bath Siren, itiue, ant: l9apfare, are molt in Danger of ft‘clmelle :' in winter a— gaine to lmke to them, th lt they be not, foe (paring of charges, keptl’o pane. astheg be utterly fpoilen. Bun therefcze you mutt [pare no littec, fpeciallg when they come from labour, to rubbe them,aub new them,ltrokiug the mam'th pour hauos,aun railing the hine from the llelhthich lmllno them great gmnau com; mung from minke,” out of the pattutemou mutt math their fat , Snell lmth luater,befo;e you b in; them into the houfe, that ‘93 butt 3 filth cleaning to thenmbzeeoe uo nireales, no; {often their h .ntesdfielnare of t a: much caln,oe heate,foe to much of either, , alleth them mithnifeafee; you mutt take habe they be not chaceo, no: church up 3 nounafperiallpm hot weathering that beingeth them in a fieaxr, o; cauteth them to habe a flue: flake heene info that there come ueithet blame no: iaoultrie were their RallesJoe both orthem with their banging pogl‘oua eth the beat. mhe hanging of a lithe blame ooth hereoe the aaellileucep: tantrum amengfl «tattell. 1:301: mull away with all manner of curious; butpiug them heel fog infecting your Cattell. if to he the {humane chance to come amougll them, I’m: mutt pzefeutlp change the a932,: (else: your ¢attell forte a: r in her in hibers‘ p; antes, keeping the fauna from the lute, that they be not infeaen, no; [uttering them either to teene tr; gethewz Deidre together. . - “if “U?" Eh: weltileureoz Gyurraiue,~ie a common name: but there $23233: are others kinnee of it : in Tome warraiues, the cattell ozi‘cell, nudes. anu mime both at the note ano mauuth : in others a. gaine the}? be by, auo fall alum? more am maze 2 ‘ometimes it comes in the jnnntmnn caufeth them to halt below 0; behiuee. : fometime‘iu their Setter- Woort. 5'48 mih‘ierzoéok-ef ~ ' their Rioniesfino appeareth by the whistle of their hinoee its, tsherinthey fametohabe great pains in theit loynes. nother kinoe there is, that rifeth like a jfarrine, inith pint; plea otter all the bony, note appearing, an» zefently banilhiug, ano eomming out in a nelo plateanothet ozt,betmirt the hine aim the flelh,loherein the humour [meateth out in otters parts ‘ of the booybonietinie it is lisea lepgofie. when allthe Jun is full of little pimples,ano I'ometinie a kinoe of maonell‘ennhccc- in they neither heare, no; fee r o well as they were loont, though they lmke fayge ano fat,ano lullie enough Chery one ofthefe hinoes, are contagious ano infeaibezanotherefoge as f tone as you pereeibe theniinfeoeo, you mutt pgefently put them afun; (net, for inferting the whole florke, lelt you impute that to the wrath of moo ( as many fmles ooe )lohieh happeneth through your ohme healtlinelre, ano negligence. Ehe common to: 'meoy ( as Columclla faith )t'sthe roots of Angtlhca, ann bra Ehiltle mingleo toith fienell foeoe, am: with nelo boylen mine, no heat Some, ano hot water to lie l‘pgineltleo upon them. Ehs common people, when they perceive either their ignefe o; )Bullorke fiche, o; any other cattell elfe, they ale to take the rate of blatke-wlleboz, talleo of tome Confiligo, of others Bearefmte: am for a Balloons, to thzua it in the Eels, lapgfoz a l9o;l’e,in the hzelf ; to; bionic oz Shape, tbzouob fDE earennaking a hole with a maritime thzniting the riot pzefently thzeugh,lnhtth the new mount) holoeth fair that it eanot fal out, inhereunto all the whole force ofthe poyfon ooth [traightzloayes gather, ann runneth out in filthy mater. perfumes in this ear e (as chciius teacheth) ho ninth growls )lBflmitoneNnfletlnb ilime,®arliek,lnilne @ariogunm Cozianoer rate, laioupon the toales,ano the firm to helo as they may reteine the [moire bl? their mouth 3 nofe,that it may fill the bgaine, a then nahole hooy with a healthfull ayge. at is goon all‘o thusto perfume the whole bony, both to: the health of the fieke,ano pgel‘eruing ofthe h‘DBIeJBefoze _; pzerm any farther} mill fet you oolone what hinoe of apieesmno mhat quantitie you ought alloayes to hate in a reaoines {0? your eatteléiiou tuna habe one pump of firm": gro’rkghalr‘e a plume eflliqueretlenne penno ofmamtshfiiura meridiahalfe a ponno o; a unattems of- :lfiaysberies, 0118510112: l ’ ‘ mtggatifigwaattcH. M9 ' organs aaeppetmlfe a person at Etiarle et'wean, a pounn at finiu't'enc, halts apouno of «tritium, half: a pouno of spanner“, figment, halfe a pounn. Ehe hearts "39?“ tmte 20" map are (as 31 rain hefogemrotoeth in many plates to the mooszit was once bgonghtrmto me by thante from Damdall in Sufl‘ex,hg one Richard Androwc s, a gmn painefull [earths t out offlltb things; are; heme his pgel'ent remeogmg oraattell he rerueth againtt others oil'eafes in a manfperiallg fee the anartauefis the lean neo Mathiolw hath in his oefrription offlmds mentioneo. ‘ moreturneto mg «Lattell: iftheig Smut their oigeltion,oz Fpgcm thou-e not runnemohirh oifear e is perteiben by often belching, ‘3‘“- arm noyfe in the belly, mith fcgbearing of their meate, oulnelre of their epes,ano not licking ofthemi’elues. mike a hanofull of pellitozie of bpsine, as much gearbegrare, as much of fethert‘em, beige, iBogehormn, am: £5.39 bolt, thge‘e pintes of item thong nets minke : feethe them all together these 0; foare toalloppesanb gt we it him blouesinarme in the meaning, not [uttering him to beinke till the aftetnmne : if you neglert. this oii'eai‘e, to that he be papneo in the bellman full of griefe, her: will grime, ann neher ltano itill in one plate. fin: remeoie whereomjou (hall binoe his taple store by the Rumpe, as ltraite as may bee, arm gibe him aquort of mine, with a pirate of the pureit Qple: am after ogibe him spate fo; the {pace of a mile t a halfe : annoint hour hann 3 ith greafeano rake him: aftermarnsmalre him more againe : [sure are to let him blow in the taile,mithiu a harmful! of the rumpe. Ehere isa nifeafe tnhirh they all the Wolfe, others the The Taiko , momma; is perteibeo by the lrol'enea‘e, o: foftneu‘e betwixt ‘ the ingots: take the Eaile arm feele betinirt euerg iopnt, V aim where the iorznt feemeth-to be a funnemzis left am not date as the other johnts,there,take auo [lit him the longelt may unoer the Earle, about than inches long, arm lag in the tnowno bolt, bate, sno ©arlirke,c binne it faft with a eloutahoutit. Elbe ¢holirke,oz paine in the bellg,is put away in the beholoing of Ge’efe in the water, fperially Bitches, (as you {ago befoge of bores : ) to; the fight of the Brahms ch'ctius ano Columclla tag, is a peereot remote to this beatt. - , 3‘63 the film, 03th: lathe, Which in femeplares there ttabll T he F 11x:- e.- r“, H / i ' I I I I. ‘ 1":7 “w 350 'I'fiethm! Booke, ' the “(make blues an!) B2! them in homer, ann gihe itthelu to minke : if it be the hlmoh filwgthe olu fellomee were went in awe it in this foetzzheh i‘ufleren netthe heat! to neinhiu that humane kept him failing the tint tag, t gave him the am ef'fieasiumz dbzapee, when am: mane in pemner this patina, with a quart of (bathe tart wine, ann'ufieren them to minke no. other nginhm mane them eate the beaming of mile: willie treemaun @afiire teas: an!) it they menneu not with this, they burnt them in the fozeheao to the berg bzaine pan, c tut 0E his eermflzhe mmnnefill they were u-hale they loathe]: with em pta'e : but the rut parts were to be health with Mic ant: pitch. Lake in ‘ Ethane dialues habe the llag a; lathe, take meet matte, e Calm. pnttherein the mutiet er a diam, make it no thither but as the italfe may well minke it,anagthe it him lukeemamte. gummy. amour )Bulletbe habe the (wish, ans it it be but begin: ning, give him a pinte of Barley meale with the polke of an (fine, fieaeins hauler! in (that mime am: trainer), a pinte; mingle them together,ann gihe it him flitting. ali’o «Statues beaten ans minglen with filamerlrieb Beams, am: meale or itentitmll ftirreb togethem given him i.~ a math. Cclumclla lnoulu heme you gibe them (Dr. ire ehnpt, ann minglen with 15mm; that are but a little bgoBen in the will, ann lentils [mall grounmann mingle!) with water. Ehe oln stough they eaten lmth two pounn of Wepsfieepen in thza pintes of water the minglen with flower, which they mane him to (mallow, am: aftermarne power) into him the mater inherin thympe hat bfcne foibenmlfo weafonfimth )lBarlp mater ann fanned thong, when the}? hat) the «Brigham: Confumption of the flange. Ea he‘epe them alibe,theg aim to harm the r ate at a lasfellmnb to thzul? it thzough their eareegibi ng them to minke a pint of the iaire of locksmith the like meafure ntfiDple anb wine. 5n; the @11th of the flange, 3 are to glue them longgpcppcc, amines, fenegrerke, Bayes, guarantee, mnnentmallu, mirmeritlie, aim teacher, beating them all together, am) teething them in gm! file gramme. if PW! €811!“ mile the «Smash. take «tentegie, anh beate it to pemnerfino glue it theme . . ‘l‘hcfioam at the}! 93138 [’98 Ravens) 39", 2°" ball pettetut gabtgghe . n B 1.“ u, e {‘7' .— "lmtclmmeit etee,the heabtnetl’e osthett been, the-Minding,- _ uttheicmouth, heating the nemesmuhheateefthe whole boom“ let them {alt one bag, the next one letlj them lilmo a little be-. times in the mains in the taple, after: an houte give them athttthltttleltalkes of coltomzts too in male, ‘matelt, ano (alt, whithmutt be pomgeo falling in thetnfibe haves toge; thee. wane, you may sine them the tops of mum mes, iLentlls,o; any team benttngs,o; beanches of mnemono wipe . their months with a Spungegtoing them who mater thztfe a oag. Eh: blmo falling ooiune into the legs, taufeth them ( as Vtg(UUS falth ,to halt,lnht'th as foene as you perceive, you Hams. mull ttraightwaues lzoke upon the holes, the heate inheceof will oetlace bib' griefe,heftoe, he tm'llftan’e l'utl'ec you to touth it. fiButt't' to be the blow he get abobe the hmfe in the legs, you thallotll‘olue tttm’th gmo cubbingm if not with that,lm'th ftarifgi'ngm pounttng the ektnne. if it be in the foote, open it a llttlc with a knife bet'me’ene the two flames, ano lag to the rage, tloutes nippeo tn vinegar ano falt,maktng, him a then: of 152mm, ano be mellvtnate he: tome not into any mater, but ltano my. Ehie blmo, if it be not let out, will bgo'eo to matter, which will belong ere it heale :t’f itbe openeo , at the tint with aknife ano mane tleane, am: after cloute Dipper! tnlmtet, {alt ano Bhle lain to it, at the lat! annotnteo with oloe Queues greafe, ano aoates fuet hohleo tone, then, it will quitkelp be tnhole. fichts oifeafe,as a’tahett, the countmz people call the granule, o; the Milk, luhixh they romettme cute with outwith; a rope entrain. oz heme, thzough the Gloefenill it ble'ehe,oe by {easing of it withiah‘ot wonflf the blaze be in the lotnec part of the $mfe,th‘e uttermot‘pact of the (Else is poem to the quickenno to the blooo let out, one after the foot lugappeo intth cloutee,ano them: with )15mme,gou mutt open the {a ofe in the mtooett,ettept the matterfie 11'9le hee he lt by melon of the ¢eampe,o; paine of the amines, you that! tubbe hie kue’ee,thtghee,ano legefim’th {album melefill he be inhale. thts hum,» iognts be fluoléfihoh null! be batheo with marine mnegenano iLiul’eeoe, o; $92M beaten ano Iago :iitth 6.41." ~ ‘ o 5;? Mam; 1&8“!!!me alto Mamba tnho‘t mater, aw Mahala, C‘aunoynten totth 19mg, ate hem men to be Iago" tithe knee: if annex thetmeuing there bung humour-,Maben, nI‘letlQ'medtefon inmate: ann bony, ”a; fmtet meme, mutt be [32! to it: an! when it is ripe,it’mu8. be opener: mitha knife m beaten as befoze. ' ' $11 gti'e‘fes generallpthhep be not bzakenmmtt be nin‘olbee bahlltfl they an: nem,mith bathe“ fumentationszann if they be old, they mutt he bumawno the burning annotaten with )Buttet,o: «mates fuet. if he habehutt his hale, 03 his hmfe, item Iaitth,flfi;tm£tone,anngceafie walkmufl be burnt upon theroate hitha hot man. Ehe like mutt be none when it is hurt with a htubbe, a gimme, 0; a game, being fittt pluckeo out,» if it me berg neepe, it mutt bee openeu mine with a Nféfifln rn .hanblen : to; when halemahe anu tatt him, ann binne hits [29585 fat! together,then take pout hnifemnn cut it out as me as get: tan, am let him b12802 tnell : then take a pengmmgth of memegteare, am: the hoalke of an @gge, am: temper themmell togethetmtn him: them dare to the ptaceme he that! heale. at the mine: nfyout him use finellmeu that! bathe them with anarchism in tale 1mm, a; an, ant: [make them with than)? names, ann azamomell. if the walloekes fate be niece mome, ano furbateufinafl; them in W pia'e mar: mum: hinting a few twinge”; rpgagemthen the name is mature him to East]: upon the hot imbers, anu amingnt his mum Eam,am mm, ”905ch treats. Elm: hull ”that [W12 bait, if after they babe heme labourebn their fate in mum hell with rainwatemnn aftermarket that patterns, an!) at1!” putts batman: the @1628 be mbbel with oln btm'nes ‘20 ex ' . Eh: {tabbemz mangenetfeds gotten atnag tnith rubbing tum th ltampw warlitkefinhith aim tuteth the biting eta may ygge : beflbesfiummiaumm miniamemeaten ant: - mutton Mlefilinegecfina Water, an! after inhiiett it is mtg: ' e atom mane in pamnemnb taaintaitm mire "tea 'e,being mutant in fluulhinefl'othets are teennnmt ‘13: bit!) Butternut mullahs pic: : ann rm again: take en,n:atre,ann minmun are it as a {Batten , at“ ”we 5" . ~ , W“. ” View: ' Wig; .-mum t meaty“ cow new.“ We: gum takeitnpft then'bbehwtb gammy berua‘ecmd‘ ring him to take min after his (meat, :2 ifaftet his labonthe he met with taint,” bznnght lab with fitkenefle :mhlth, betaufe it is new bangetsusgou mutt lmke that tnhen they come from their lawman are hot, you fpginehle them bith mine, ann sine them tome pieces of fat, a; fact. iBat if then he alteang hine:heunn,it is gmnhnn my: fame 22582 leaves. ano with the marine nemaion theteof,to bathe his bathe, aha to tnhbe him all one: u ith Elaine ann mle minglen togethegann to lift an!) plntke up the shin tounn about,annthat alienate white the tuna: thmeth. at his bleeningftenth notattet the cutting efthe beine, the temenig is, to lag his stone outing to the plate. a common man” tine fa; all nireafes(ae‘vcgciius repogtethfis thie:the tote ofa been flDnienxhe cote of a 191mm, anti the‘tommon bait, of each a fufiitientqnantitiefiah them in mater, ant gitie ithent emu to minke till they be inhale :mhith alto being given in the beginning of the blazing“; the (pace of fontete’ene haves, pgefetneth them from all fitknette. 3mm that you habe heart: in what (net the alt: husbanbs bin remem'e the nifeafee in their iiattellfl that! bgiefelg Declare unto youthe temebies that are obretnen in funnzh mfeafes at this matchmof ghabe thnpt in tome amonglt the menicinee befoge. ' \ ache atheneireef the image“ petm'heo, if the metnlap For the he‘ hath tinfeb togethet berg farce up: alto in haw faling the Lungs. hibenpon the bathe, it etaeheth, a; Mappeth math : alien ihogt hashing. anothzuaing eat the tongue mtthall: if it be much perithen onthe'lett tine,he is nntntable, bhith you that! per; tethe be the mine, tnhith min fittte fat! on that fine, ann likeinife the Eehlap: if he be farce ' gone,he biugtaane much. mhetemelm fez this nireafe, isto take long iBeppet a pang; mozth,counn 33mm aemaeh, of 015mm tine henwhangth, of 3am as mueh,¢lobee apenpbozthpfanima pengwnzth, of 29am: tine mg’boxhefitiatle offlmflbe utter tinne or Walnuts 132990, ann me in pom; annipec berries 123mm, my: arungmioz‘t , fiethetfelue' , fieaebegcaee, minus, hone mates, 15;? bemee W), a ”Imam“ ' ‘2 . , , WP“ 254“" . Theflnrd Booke} of Mama quattfif Chamtertg, pate of halt, a quantitie - offim better himibefoeegoz‘inauoiwe after this meet; ‘ . tine . ' , ‘ 33:3}? °f ' Ehe ozoer of bettring a monetize is this : take. betteriomat, othertnil’e ralleo mearwtmtefino dbarlirhglike quantitiemeele ano itampe the warlickmo parethe betterment tleane, one mappe th‘em toot! inlfiutter; then eutthefiDeinlap two inches behino the (ticking plate, to the mo math. e rut it alongttmu‘e about tieo oz thfle inches, .ano pull the Jibelotap with the? finger, o2 mith a ttiehexouno about,one fine from. theotheme mueh as pal tanpotihlie; Ehen put, the. bettermmgt, (fathom, dnn Mteqhe math as thaueantt writ put in,ano thus ooe on both lines the memlap, then roiole him 2' o tth the tiring may goe though both holes on both fines the £Deiolap,olmaves remem; _ beingto cut the {Demlap ahono honor, oz aboee the bottom mo in am: mire to rent him to the bottome,befo,ve you put in the meoieine. Ehe‘thiro oar: after the bettring, looke to the ope. ning the wounmano let out the eogruption(if itbe tome ooionfit not,put in moze of the meoirine, anoturne the rotate : am if it bemuth [mollemano harmnb will not rot,take a hot iron, ano take up part ofthefoaemhe okinne,‘ ano the 32th, in fnrh plate as thou [alt molt ronuenient, to as it come not to the bone, ano thgutt the iron thgough on the one fine, am: on the other, 92 once right nnoer,ifthe neeuing be right beneath,ano Elam hgn incl ifthe. flies hebufie. -Whirh flies, ifthee chance to get into the [mutate a rlotbmz tomeu,ano lappe it about a (tithe, ano put it into chaining hot Earrmno to among the wagoteJearthing were comer melt. fitter you babe pearreo him with the hot iron,remember to take a little‘ttirkmno mommno nipping it inpxllet Erie,” molleflbgte’to rubbe the hole where the non PM». . :h‘fvfuflv’" mhe ficknen‘e ofthe mugs hnoinne by the running mm; ' if he hahe much yellow eareziuart : it is atfo oilretneo by the bzomne genomes sinner the upper iippe; the {Lure is this : Stake «SheimberliAgmo atearounosm warezgrounesmto bate in mon,®alltnmzt,beaas lunginoztfihlanten teases,«$earbe- magempfeeo, or. theme toppes, wartime trampeo,e penp, “92th of, Aqua vitae 5ft); a great mullotkex take almott a quart ,,~ ,j- :- .- , .. "“x‘. g _ meanngSFCattell. Ks; . Wuueieinmo; afmall Mbtmleuethhen hit ' ' ‘ ”W,W«MQIIW of the ham leabenen bgean, matte inellhistongne, ant allthe tote of. his mouthzthen 19th his ham there it mellmith «hambetlimiike marine; gather all there wealth» in bummer, ant kept theme make themin Weenzhie meoitineretneth liketnife foethelunge. \ are. Bullotke be oifeafeo in the linenhe complaineth flat in For the the legges,mhith millfo grieve him, that he ihallnot be Well liver. able to aanmthough he be in gmo liking : the remebie is this: make a quart ofgmo fille( ifit may be gotten )if not take new, put therein itibeciumgt a gain haunfull, Wozmemmn as much, a penpatoozth of Garlitke, halfe a penyluozth of spanner, a pengemoeth of count 1132me as much long {Dep- pet, a penyamozth ofclobee unaware, a pengrmozth of Erie: ele, mingle them together, the {Bearbs being poluoeeo, ano gibe the wean a ogin‘ee luheemarme. Ehe figues of the e _ 125mm: ate there, bmelliug about the fate 'ano the egefine “"81““ romemhat in the bong :if it bee in the bong, it twelleth much there :the onelp remelie is: make ant feateh him in the mouth, it you perceive butters unoet the rates of the tongue, mothet plate thermbouts, thentutthem to the bottome, ano let them outfno rub the plate with baltn’eareh him alfo in the tonic at the unoament, by the acme oz hum: of fame young tripling : ”whenhis urine is in as farte as he tan;let him tame his arme npinato, ano fa’ele foe the )15!ainee,it3litters,ano bzeuke them with his naylee,pulling them quite out: [at that he annoint his hann lnell with «Entire o2 hope. there in . nifeafe tallen the bp2engee, whetein he’e mill [mite his heao The badilnatn to his bellman ttampe with his legges : you mutt Sue's“: put your hana into hiefunoament, aefat atehon tan, ano pull out the onng,then thallhon finoe blouo, pull the blunt! quite out, anotake a gene hanofull of may halt, ano put it in at finite, as far as hon can : if he have this oil’eare,hejpill ftoell in the hoop, ann tenet math to bang} f he have the braggetehe mill lmke The berg rec about the eyes, aflB catt his heao haektnato : take the gen. fourth part of an ’ounte gotieeppet, beuii'e it, ano take halfe a pinte oftharpe mineger, warmer: blouo marine, ano pemzeit Into his jaofihzils, an!) halo h’i: heat mu upteaco, unablet 3 - un Steg~ — :56, -7 JMCthlrdflooke,’ . ‘ .' Theéuaie himm ”the guide; input Wane, gnu °‘ ”‘5“ has" the Enlighten that! take him " the hean, an! feele up! ' . .gn his foeehean, new you thallt‘eele it with goat thumbe= tut-the 98mm: trollelm’te right! mthe plate, ann wipe may the blorm as it myth entreale teeth a tleut,_un_n binne a cloth Pifsilg of one: his bean, an: tape it luarme. at your firm pure bloua, blond. lfe'epe them foure am: twenty houree team mater, anu then give to eberg one a little ntlhfull of rennet turns in a quart of mlllte, let them not ngtnhetn feure houree after. Ehere (onetime runneth a blunt upon the brake of a flBullItke, which will make him again his legs after himmb go as ifhc mete Maine in the chtneztutoff a {sent 0; than of his taglenmn ’ let him ble'ene: if he bleeee tm math, lmtt his tggle, 9; {care rt. panda. at he have the panties, he millpnnt much, am: thahet'n the flanke, am: fom‘ett’me thalte nahme :gt’be hi m a little rennet, Tnint. with bmte e «Ehamberlhe. Elf he (haul of the Estate; bttnge mugme , gtbe him h;ine,falt,ann trpatle to minke; if he chance to have a (trolte in the eyen’ake the mute afbmallebgedtenel, Gargyl". an!) the white of an my. Ehe wargpre is a ltnellt’ng be, fine the eye upon the boane,lr‘lse a north, 0; a 15m : ifgenr ”alludes habe rt, tutufi rowan about it peetee of skinne as Monte: then cut alto rounn about there peetee one narrow lappe of the skinne , and; mm keepe the ntfefire from his lippee,fazif r‘teometohielippee, itts bneurah ° Eben take «thamberlg ann halt, ann l’eethe them tbg'ether, a ball) the places where the skin in tutoff, emu math it tbttehllfl) evening nun mognmgfill the running be gone, “raping off the frabs, nun othet filth at every melting to the quake, I!" the [melting be gonemot {paring it {0 long as it matereth ann runneth: when theflnelling is tleane somtake fiatuor’le ana flanneMoglen ether bloub marine, an! annngnt all the lain plates, which For .11 di{- lmll both heale the rattle the ham to tame agalne. We have cafe-u eertainemeltttnes befibes,that me are generally fez all aired. teem thtenuhx' th is berg feueralgnezfiake a hannl'ull of hearts lungmmztfi hannfull If otherltungmmzt that lerueth to; the pet, a hannfull ofinmarn rinbe of Other. a harmful! of Reine, thap them fmall,anb put them tntqa pottle organ: aleJet them (tethett'll the}: be (oththen mere them , we put in the Mutant a peulzsluflb - , » eiltrcrtmg-BF Cattell. 3‘57 MM othng 1mm“ pengbozth ot- gtainee’, a petty» bath of awe, a malnuth of-fllnittéle, a halfeapeug; length of column penuetnozth of quneritke, all wellhea; ten, ant put into the liquoh hith aquatter of a palm of $9.wa :gnn whim all there one teeth-taken great bole way; an put-them" 8; hamfull of Isag ralt, half: a hauntuu of warlirk, route neln lava eases, well; an: all, tlno hallsot‘ 9_.tment,gtinne all there things lm'tha etlle’,‘ in the bolole: then take the liqueur atoeelaio from the 're, till it be halfe tolo, ann put the marine liqueur into the holule, loith the 6. r» lithe, halt, (Eugen, .ano Eminent, been! it Snell together, . ano gibe the 235an to nzinke blouo-fiaartnefiga little nioge.~ ‘ Another of the fame feet is this : Elna penplnozth of atoinw, - a peng-uao_:th offlfigaino, two penhmoeth of flatworm-a penge length of magaberries, a pengamozth of jenetrike, a penp looeth of Eurmeritke, one ball of figment, apenhelnozth of Erlflde,03 rather to; the ilungefihm o; toure fpmnefuls of: 59mm, beate them all together; auo put them in theta quarts 1 of ozinkeJet them onthe fire,til the): be blounsmarme, gire the bean, no ozinke in the moming befoze, no.2 till nmne after,in the you bummer, am in the Winter till night :32 if you but", may gibe them this meoitine follolving: Sake flint fmte, that to harn omen upon a golf o2 rmfe, ano beate it into poiuoer with (alt, then take running‘mater, ano lathe it, ranlte auie, tuith the Fate ano ralt, ano whenthe auie is loft, take ano tnzing out the iupte, ano traine alltogethor thzougha linnen eloth,- anogiheityour tattell to minke blouoatuartne, in the inning, an: at the fall of the leafe‘ Difeafes of arm fibres nerke ,he galleo, bguirel a; ftnolne with “)8 thcnecke. goakemzifhee habe the olofh,talze Eraine ogle ano grinoeit with mhite‘lego till it some to a Qalue annthereluith aunognt the foge,ano it will notonelp heal: the griefe, but alto fo haroen the akinne that it toill neber gall after: , emir- at a meat fall into any bnnaturall miaihe o; leaneneafe, ““ing~ which you lhallkuotu both In; hislhape anathe'oil'tolouring of his hart,“ let hint blmo, then take 9! olo brine a quart, an: mire it loith a'gono hanofull of laminating, ano to give it the beau—to minke. ' ‘ K 4 at . 459. me clued Booke, Momma 3mm be tribune ' encampmem 150th tab ltllie note, an bople m tn w Motmilke till they befofuo that you may make them liken», then realoing hot flap them to the grelfe, ano when the impotame amines (oft, lance it with an hot Jmnano let out the filth, thenheale it up ' with matte, Eetpentine ano Evie mitt together. Grief: ihthe if you: name habe any gtiefein his 99mm, oz that they finewes. be make, @3351“ 0} “"3813, ‘98" (8‘18 wallolneeanu Cbitka meeoezano bohle‘the'm in the 1132ng of ale o; in minegac with Bgtching fie, ano berg hot apply it to the ouenbeo part. Bistérg argon: bealt be betten with a man bogs! at any other Dene. 355-4 m“ moms Wait, take plantaine, ano beate it in a moztet loilh - )Bolearnionie, banging mzaconie, Barley meale ano the inhites of eggaano ablattemn're lap it unto the I'm, renewing it once in fence ano tloentie hooves. Li“ Tick“ malts that are been in «limbo, none; the Mappings of fines, oz in Bantams ano nnlnholefnme places, are much tablet! to iLice ann Hitches ano other betmine; to cute lohith math all their homes met with ltcong all: mine iohetein hath bane bopleb gmo [loze of Eobaccoano one it berg toacme. worm. zhcre is nothing killeth mogniesjn the Game of a malt r- fconc as Esabcn chopt (mall, ano mitt with flneete Megan!) ro gibe the Beau, than”: 0.: four: pgettie big )Balle thereofano to . keepe him felting tino o; thzafe homes after. The Court. Kfpour mealt be troubleo with the abate, which you lhall ' know by the fooaine finelling of the iopnts,ano falling againey poo thalltake (Eatingal ano bugle it in the {news of file with mate Wt, auo pnltusinire, lay it hot to the otfenbeo pact. Oman-"g. slanting is, when a fiscal! bill oft fall, ano oft cite as he no at his labour ano cannot innate to ltano any while together;‘it pzoceebeth from tome lttoake o; bguife, either by those" 0; o. the: blunt weapon, ano the cure is not to rapre him rooainely, but to gibe him in aquact of ale marine, halfe an ounce of ' Stone ibitch inpouoemno as much bpecmacaetae . Whetherd. a «come that is whetheteo,is when after he: «:alamg the cannot eat her cleaning, ano therefoge to compel! hetto calt it, take the im'ce of wettoniefiaugtooogte, ano @alloioee of each that: fpmnefulls, ann mire it with a quactotale ano 9",: _ x ,‘V ryw» -/ \ _ ‘7‘ » . entrancing ofiCatte-H. " (cwunilibemammaltbnibe gem eutet‘eoetehgo pallets, anoitutll taste he: toabogne her bacthen rooainlg. at your mac either in Who; othectnil'e habe ceceibeb To am; any mount either with Ehnane a; but“), an the mhozne o3 out thornu 9mm: maineth am in the ham: fie boob: them out ‘3‘" take matte bnaylls anb matte We, ano beate them to a - galnmnn apply it to the [elegant it lnill beam them out. . 3f any meal! habea iBone woken oz mifplaeebmftet you OfBOnes. habe let it tight an in his true place man [hall Lump a platter about itmane of ibucgunnievpitehflalloln ann Madden-able; ' then fplent it ant robe: it abet with a tenseloath, anb letit not be ltitcen o; eenebeb (’03 the {pace of tinentie Bares in which time it lmll knit. fibers is nothing both men mean? fa gamma}: an the Purging of , greeneolne'ebesgeaue which gtobeth in Ezthaws ember mews; B“ ~ 59.0.2 any wenieine both methane betteetheu Emefiuttee, lamegfilittle [mate boape nan bugatecannie, ann giben in ISallsasbiggeasan \Benne fligge. _ 3 fa acme after he: @aluing, cannot let bobsne he: «an», Ofbrcoding you mall gibe her a quatte oflteong aboflet file mitt with ant, Min“- (woman!) @olianoerefo'ebefieaten to pounce, to bzinbe cbeey @azningfiinb it bill not onelg make hec spake fpging,but we ("create it mannecfului. ' 3 f your malt be rubieit to the fluff, oz kottennea'e,tuhirh Ohm-Rot. you may knob: by his leanenelfe, millibe, am eontinnallftolne ring,peu (hall take maybetrieMeaten to pombexfipitrhe, Eui, leabes,¢-loepleabee, ano 3f eathecfue,m a gmb lumps ofozge clay anb fingd'alte ; mire there together in lteong mine, ann being home gibe the )‘zBeall' apinte theceof to minke fa; fun. one inogningsfinn it will knit him. , a bhtebnmoute which is a afienfe with lhozt uneben legge or the' ano a long heat: [the a hm,“ a benetnous thing, ann if it Stews-runs bite at meaa,the foge toilltbzell anntaneltle,anopntthe fifieal‘t in banger;bnt if itoneliz tunneober a bealt, itfeebl'eth his hing be: parts anb maketh him unable to gee: the ¢flt2 then to: bee mg lhzehzeabittenie the fame which is funnel-h: neelateon'oe the hitting efa mom oz benemous means. albufrfheehe 9929199de 2mm" then like out a Win: oz Mange: ' a v also , mama strike; 4 f ‘ Wmet'mb me. mm it mm mm finish the (time, then eat up the humble ant beate the Jew therewith arm it it a patient remenie. Ehere The Rafts. ”132mm are restrain the Starr-Ines tnhete Come grantee *. 33m to there cattell 3 plate the Bub-k, rallen of the common people Buttes, Pliuic Bifonte, are tommenin italg, beyonnthe-Appcnin :8 milne ant: [wage emu, that to; their ierreneile, are helmet with rings of gran in their notes: of relentblarke, their babies large ann mighttmheir [eggs hell let, an!) knit berg (tron: : arm in tel'pert of their home, (heat. their heznes large, trainee, am blathe, their hapge (mall am that, their tayles little: they are in there parts nice to; carriage, neamght, am: like nice, as the fire. 9: the millte orthie heal! are mane «theme, that abnut Rome motherplates are-greatly eta’emen. Columclla counts them to befimng‘meatmnt hearts of eigettien. get: next unto the greater feet of Cattell, the thietelt plate is to be flight!) to bht’epe : $293, If you (“litter the great remittoeitie the pzofit, they are to be perferren befom them: to; a 9m: retire to; the titling ef‘grouun, amt ne, rettarie are of magic is te this pmee heal! atrtihetthe fatte- narl ofthe bug; for the Shape Both both bith'hie arm apparrellbe, ant withhis milhe an! lahelefnttte tlelh neural) ~tts(asthe [Beet hithea‘eth') . P90“. beefi,rhat for defence ofman, at fitfl created wafi, And in thy {Welling udder bear’fi,the iuycc ot‘dainty tafl:(fai]c That with thy fleece keepit off the cold,tbat mania our linbsall- And rather with thy lifc,thcn \Nith thy death, docfl us availc. 0f bhe’epe there are funny hzienee. Ehe rich am :1 them, pint tummy hzietetha lacunae a great there: the bar, - ret't unethe flatten untenable tature : the milee ant the mounttittegtounn, urinal! tuna meetith lha‘tpe. Eheele hurt haneeeit greatly (Dmmfllb the hzeeae ef Miler, Appulimm Callbtic, we wait If all,the Mile of Taranto, net of Patina, ant Moicna. a: this up, fee the anemic of their meagre”: treat of burthtnfiargeneae sf mm teatime 0f patina? . 2 l? 3., ... - - cfitremflg; ofCatth. ‘26; ‘ cab-flag aremotin pair: the: than of. Mala». van. malleth all {nth as mumbling meant- hat): their ehiefe maceratioumheir use, that than he more“: oln, meta young : the me of them not at come to tt, thuther alreang pat pgofit : but. better, is that age , thereof thtte to fame hope, then bhete there follobeth nothing but a new car: tune. your belt is thmfoge to but then”: at than was The chpifc aloe, ano net to mettle loithl'nth as are patt thzfi : their “Em" age is to be knobne by then teeth: foe the tath of theme ones are loogne along z-nett malt non lmke, that your «than have alarge bang, oeepe Mullen, ano thirhe obet all tha boot}, (peanut: about the nethe am the heao,ano gmo ltoge upon the belly: - to; fetch as mere bare nuke. ana bellgeofihe olo husbanos albaies refufeo. Eh: nerke mnfi be long, the bellglarge, the legges fl)03t,thoanh thelhr'epe of llEnglanD be long leggeojn fonfe particular plates,” in the syarlhlanos ano fnrhlihe,but not otherlnife. Elbe tagle in tome «tonnage (hot. in other: berylonngozinArabia l'ome ham: tayles a white long; butmonoerfull bzoaozothere,( aoboth Herodo- [Us ano rhlxanus afiirme ) thaw tubits long , to that 1‘58 bhepheacos are fogceato the them np,fo3being hartlm'th trap; ling upon the guano. 3n Egypt a Earns tahle hath beene formo to weigh twentie piano ano mogefihe mmm'e mull Rammcs. habe his home great,‘loinoing inluara, ano henotng to the fare,thongh in tome plates they babe no hognes at all,ano get no better nammes : the homes molt rather: rrmhle inmate then grow amighnpan tome «Stuntries that are met 3 Many, «59am nno fiannnes are to h 'thofen that habe the greatest at largelt homes, whereby th mag ortenatheir heaos from tonne anotempelt: an: therefoze in roll anofiozmie «roan. triegthe hozneo Rants are belt : tn miloe ano gentle rlgmates, the pollfiefioefihere is this intonueniente, when hee knobs himrelte to be armen, hee mill almaies be fightingfina unruly among his films, am! @9951) B? be notable toterne the turne himl’elfemet will he falter no other Ramme iii “the filorhe, till he be ehen tlo'éeoann lameo with letthemfih'e iaollato on the other lioefinoingh' elfe unarmeo,is miloer ano quieter by math: wherein}: , phepham, to reuraine the rage at tlbg .' ' ' mm! 1’: Tog “WC. :6: j The thiréBnoke,' automatons hang betoze his ho’eneoa h’tfie hem firm. momma: inmatomhtth teem him from hit nooneae, bhtlehe‘pettetbeth hitttfelfeto hurt my his omue Noun: «Metamthattfgou ptettehts mutt” humble, nettte tbteexeuwhcce thee intone mum, in ml leaoe his mating. in rome plates alrothe fitmeem Menzbut to the momma, late eyes mutt be walnut“, his eaten mutt be great, his beet}, thouloeco, ano buttotheo bison, his (tones great, his tame beoan, anolong : you muclmhebefioefihat his tongue be not Matte, nozpetkleo, toztommonlu futh mu: gethlatke an! MD iLambes, as Virgil! "mtg: And though the Kama: in fight be white as (now, Ifblacke within his iawcs his tongue be wrought, Refizfc him quithefi if he leapc thy Ewg,‘ He doc infcfl thy Fold with colour nought. When you goe about to bug bhe’epe to; the flocking of an: gtounn, be rute to lazing the bheepe you but: from n mogfec roileto a bettet nun not from a better to a were. fiche leate which is the earth on which the hhi’tpe lzeth am: gibeth him his tolout,ie math to be terpetten; the neastente to hell) the bet, the nueiu’fliintliuingto alittle teouea'e is hell: tolletn. ble ; but the white .oe buttiegleoce is Cattle naught: tn the ([30ng thetefoze of your bhe’epe thul'e there hihith habe Inhale games, ten inuetslippe nun height eyes ; let them be big bench, any ne'epe mouth, the btaple being tlon'e nno thitkeJoft, greatie, hell tutleo, ant the on than have muth aooe to part it tm'th his fingers; Ehe e bheepe belioe the bearing of the belt bucthen ace outrages the bet fiutthetemategfoeoe the ' fatteft one fell the neatett *. 152 rate then: were onte,to make you: muttonann {apply the pluteeoffuth as are neat), o; fiche, with a new am: a (nun!) number. to that the wetter be not new teibeohn‘th an olo unpmfitable flooke. mhe hamnen‘e ano crueltt'e oftht tolb an inter, oo‘th oftentimes begutlethe the’ep. heath, ann neatoyeth mum? of his aottte : Inherent (peemmt'ng of their tttength in the mo of the bumutet ) hi'e hon inane no (apply, auo thecefoze Columcnais-ot opinion, thatthe an: to; gee »,"v -—‘_w«n wvw‘ agitating brown. ‘ at; _ magnum nottobe letfeth'en theaters, no: abobe einhgbotfi ' beanie that neither otthe ages is mate to be. kept : ano alto that tnhatroeber oommeth ofan olo flock,hath lightly a mi ache ofhis olo patents imperfection, ano pgobeth either to be bar~ mine 0; make. . Ehe i'clfe fame Calumena mouth habe the mines to bepiitto the aamme after they hao patleo tine pares olo,anb the Ram‘me to be of {the gems olo, fog after feben they becapfin mam: places at this baththen fufier both the hints to beta from thin hare olb,till nine : but ‘befoze tluo pceres, it is not men to puteither the Kamme oz the thine to b;eeb,although in mot! places they {utter the Give at were olo. Ehe Ramme is put by his purpoi e, by the micbers,og walruthes, tigeo to the , Gmcs taple,but moge commooiouflh, by going in feberall pa- aures : hombeit, they are not commonly feberemet fuaereb to goe togetherfihe Rammes that you” moulo habe to fetbe your (Elves, mutt afoze their rpoiugJae kept in goat: patture, fog ttbo moneths, wherebptheg man be the better able to use their bum ncu’e : but in our (mountrg me commonlg (after them to feebe to, gether. EEo increase their bills, you thall gibe them in their pumice the blaoes of fibmons, o; knot cDralIe : Ehep rather covet the ole ewes then the young, becaur e they be eafier to be entreateo, am: the fiammes themfelues in age be the better. Biz knitting of the right ftone, you [hall habe (1131112 1am bes, am of the lettdfiamme iambes : alfo their blottoming in the fiozthdnimegetteth Kamme ltambes, am: in a South mines, (tine bambes;oneifiamme( as Didymus aflirmeth) fufliceth to; fiftie clues :inhen th; 2 habe all conceibeo, the fiammes mafiagame be banitheo, to; oangering ano harming the ' (macs.~ During the time of their blotteming, they are to be mattenin one place ( as both val'l’O am: Plinic atticme)becaufe the change of water both aircoloureth the mmll,aiib bangereth the lambe. Ehe policie of lamb the matriarch, in pzocuring ofpartie coloureo iambesfis well enough buobme'. Ehe belt time to; blsa'oming, isfrem thefetting efthe, Beacmaro, to theietting of the- (file : (as Vario ans Colamcfla habe tbzitten) which is( as Pliny intecpgets itJfrom the thiro fines of 59am" the thirtiene iaalenbs of angina :others thinks it gone all the were long, may peeferre the be: inter itmbe befoze thofe thatl ' - _ a .t «w 9m _ ' Thelma-30916; § ‘ ‘ tail in the ”ting, as a teem theta all othete bet been“; his mintet bath. 15st hobfoebet than the minions ofthe w}, 0:: Sneients,get this is an infallible tale knolnne in out peerem nrolfllebrviyn: etpenienee,thatthebelt time of the-sebum bang (oath the“; fourth. lambs,“ ( ittheg be paltute thape,)alelait the lattet enne at flpzill, ano lo untill the beginning ofaunmut ifthep beefiele theepe, that is fueh aslihe on the summon an on the fiallom fielmthen ftom the beginning of ianuatg till the en ofsBatth, that their: iambes may be lteong ans able hefoee may nag, (which is the time of. opening the mum fielo )to fellotn their BDammea one: the lanes am: the mate: tmduesfinhieh meahe riLambes aternot able to toe. Elna although to heme thus early, when theteis no grall'e {winging be Dangerous, get the agar, ban!) man malt pzobioe Shelter anti {mate (other a; elfe gm mime: fog, ann the Mepheatu tnith great vigilance mull bre flitting at all homes to patient mills; ant: though the q; we at ‘ the lid! he feante of milltmet as the toacme weather eneteareth ana the @galte beginneth to (ping .fo will he: milke fpging » alfo. Ehe thunset, if the chives goe alone makes them ealt their liambee, ann therefoze it :93ng to let them go with wmpang to; aboibing that perillztheg goe lm'th llambe one himnecth ang fittie oaies,o_z fibe moneths Web as are aftermath lambeo, are :fScble ano mealtmno fuch were of the all: matters talleo Cord i; to; the molt part they; being Butane ilambe a pace, pet often. times tlno. anu if they be lnell fen, tire at a time. at hath bin l'e'zm in fielbetlann, that fihe titties hat): hall in one were {the ant tlnentie aLambes: it may: [acme petaOUentute to many in, ecenible. ann get no great matuaile, time the}: habe tloire a gate molt times tlno, ann {emetime the at a time. Ehe bhepheacn mutt he as careful! as a ”white in the ’geaaing time, to; this pmze creature ( though the be but a bheepefis as ninehtoementen in her nelibery, as a theein,annis oftimes the mote nangecoutlg beten an!) painen in he: laboutgn that die is altogether without reafonzano thetefoee it behmbeththe bhep- heart to he skilful in menieining of his dbattell,ano to planning a Qinlnife toithalhas it niche requite he may help: his film, bhateanget (octet happen. the lame as (one egg: , ! A mating oiCettell. - 2‘»; “new” be reton fmtemnoputto'the momma other, container mines hismenth heloopenfihe attire mutt be mum in, Lab“ gathe meylmne matte,- but heron you nee ie,yon mine he fare to with: out the lira milke talleo Colo ta, whereof-3 millrpealte hereafter .- to; this, empt tome quantitie be beam myth hnrtthe iLambe. at the immune oie, you innit rnrkle it with a home :if the Mmbe toilinet of himl’elfe futke,he mutt he puttoit, one his lips annointeotoith {mete Butter, ano . étoinee gteai’e. an!) (winner: a little with [meet milke. as [tone as they are lambeo, they mutt be that up together with their mama: ee,toheteby both the Eamme may therit‘h them one they tenure to knob their Eammee. fiftertoarnfinhen they liegin to mate tnanton,they mutt be febereo with warmles: m as Varro miteth) after ten hates theyfmutt be tiea to little takeetm'thl’ome gentle any, to; hurting of their ioynte, one mating leane with ten math play. Ehe weaker mutt be refit: Ieb from the firongegfoz hurting of them: am: in the @ozning betimes, befoze the flute gee to mature, ano in the Queuing when they be full, the itemize man be put to their Emirates : am: when they were thong they mutt be fen in the houfe, with (Eisner, anol’we'rte graffe, oz etfe with flfimnne, ana flower. am: when they habe gotten greater urength, they mutt be let out tmth their Dammes about name, into fome funny ant toarme clef e neere aoioyning. 3n themeane time,you mutt not oeale with themtlking of (fitness, to (hall you habe them to heare the maze Emu. one being the maze iLambes. When the it ambes are taken from their Eammemmo he’eo mutt be hao, that they pine not atoay : one therefoze they mutt be toeu‘ rherilhen intheirtneaning time with men patture, am: well kept, both from rota, ant ertreame heat. goth after thatthey hone fozgottea the never, that they rarenot to; their hammer, . then than you let them fe’eoe toith the florke : hoinheit in moi! plates the iLambea are rufiereo to ten: in the doehe together with their hammer, ant: to {arise till ham time, till the ' @ammee themfetaesooe ineauethem. Vatro tnoulo‘ have you not to gelo your iamhes unoer fine moneth an, ano that in a rearon neither tm'hotgnoztao rein :hut experienre tearheth be, thatthebefi gelntng'tennoer themhhen theyhegma get! ; fozmthe ether (as in another beats )it is Dangerous. ' , fihofe : \ 566 .‘éu‘heihirdudakefi; f Mu- wart; ‘ Shore that’goubillkdepe to; minutes, you muft'take m l'urh'clnu as are to have two at one time. ‘ Ehe ant were a male atambe is call» a Weatherhomm "the temall iLambe is talleo an cinema; the fauna gate the am isa weather, ano’ the femalla Eheabe. an!) the thie- may be put to the nainm'e, But if you let her gee-o oer that pure all'o,theniheeis talleoa Doubledlzheahe, auo will both her relfc be the waiter shape, an alro wing fozth the gmoiier aLambe,luhente it comes that the belt bhtepeamaiters matte mote account of the HDoubledEheahe then of am: other b mutt. Ehe hett patture to; fhiepe, is the grate that is turneb up with the 19mm, ano groweth upon fallowes: the nert is that, that groinethin 0:? gfieboomes: the marifhg grouno is to he refufeo,ano that iohich groweth more unto 1L akes ano forums: the plaine ano the champion fielos ano EDoiunes, are belt to; the oelieatett ano {melt lumlleu bhe‘epe. E0 be thoet,the tho; ter ano finer the (matte is, the matter it is to; bljoepe: one get is there no paiture to goon, oz feline, but with rontmuall ufe pour bhmpe inill be weary of it,ercept the bhepheam remenij this fault with giving them halallihich (asai’auce to their fmoe ) he mutt fet teaoie in Summer tnhentheir come from pattutt, in little troughs of wow, by licking whereof they get them an appetitp both to their nieate ano their ozmke. ( minorlcatfirmeth ) pouuiuftin bummer euerp flit oar) let them haoe halt, a pecketo entry hunozeo :ro [hall your limp: he almaies healthpMare fat, ano notice you plenty of utilise.- watcher, againit the tainter rot,o: hunger tour, you mutt pgohioe to feeoe them at home in dtratches. Whey are belt fee in the warmer countries, with the leabes ano bzoufings of Mme ano au;,anothe wait that is inane after lparuelt in the out: of bumnierfiecaufe it is (often, ano there we floater than the other. pd“. for giant» to; the general! peeretuation of bhiepe, tin arm: to fin 91390de to preferuc .thcm. them as much as you can upon high grounos which are one one fruitfull, the grafle flotetemet re thozt that it mutt be not with much labour ( iftheg be holoing Sheen, but it‘theg he ibafiure o; fatbhe'epemo matter hob: goon the gentle be.) - tut itw mutt tezte pertoiee tieoe upon loin 0' me grow with cnrneaungthatrcll. 167 were intestate, you than not mine mampetrom the fadomtiuthemberitemanothat theifieames beginto out! the new from the earth, then hating let them fozth oeihe them to tyir plate of to’eoe,e there with your Em, thare them up one mtill they be meme, ano thenlet them either feeoe oz take their ret, which they pleafe ; this chatting firtt beateth away weloebes, ano all other oelnes from the earth, as alto thofe mews, hells ans websaakes, which lying on the eahth ano a bheepe lithin em upmoe lime rotten: nette. alto this thatnng ltirreth up their naturall heate mhirh ozinketh up ano loattethy‘the abunbanre of moyllare, which elfe luoulo turnero rottennesfielloesm Sharpe being thus ehatl’eo e wearieb mm fall to his (woe moze oeliberatlyfi not with {rich graoinesas othermife he mouloano alro make ehoyre of that mea re which is belt fog his health: this rule is no imaginarie thing 0; pltt‘tpt of the ancientsmut a rertaine appeobeo erperio ment; area by an Gugliih bhephearofinho in a rot yare hating but these hunoeeo lhe'epe,(by this rourfeflolt not one iohen thon- lanos also both with him ano rouno about him . chamber the bbephcdrbfis alto the keeper of all rattell,mutt oeale gently e lobingly with their dorm romfoztiflw théring them with ringing, ano inhilllinngo; the Arabians (as Aliaaus meitethmo tinne,that this Rinoe of diattell taketh great Delight in @nfirkemno that it ooththem asmurh goon as their patture. mommy mutt be well mare in the mining of them, t ruling of themahat they guioe them with their boire, an! lhaking of their (latte, not hurting, no; hurling any thing at them , no; that they be at any time farre at! from them, ano that they neither lye no: at z to; if they go not foalsaro, they mutt Kano: foe it isthe bhephearos ottire' to ltano almayes as high as he'e mthat he may plainely e eafily oifrerne, that neither the ash: no; the great bellyeo in lambing time, no; the quiche, no; the libely,lnhile they roame,be reberes from their folloloes: ano leafi tome thiefe,oz miloe heart beguilethe negligent bhep hearoof his ra‘ttelwf their abatturingd thinke] habe (pokes Sheep: futietenlyzano therefore 3 meane note to theln you of their hou- ‘0‘“. Fee, o2 bhaproats, inherent there ought to be afperiall regaro, that they be ronuemently platen, not fubiea to minute, no: 9 comes. Q68 {fict‘hlrd Booby mfwmmuamwm M the" b4 ‘ mam. Columembflflfbem builtlflb» am rather'long thenheoan, thatthep mmmrme in the mm, m, antiw- the matebmxmfluwe but: not‘the m... anthem»; he: locals ham ttann comma» ”the to; this. heat“ though hrs garments bee marine) cannot away with rain meathzr, neither get lm'th the great heate of the bummer. we fe’enefnme {beepehouree ro frameb, as they habeh their gates tomato the {south m tomatn theefltaluhat they might anfmec to the (Barons of the gene; sColumclta meiiln heme the $0!ch ret totvarns the South, am an the barkezfine a (late immune, where they may fafelg take the awe . 39w mutt lmke braves, that where they} (tam; the greann be mane fame am even, femething hanging, that it may be rleane mm, am: that the wine may: be lurll bognen away: to; the mrtnrfleherc; of 30th not enelp hurt, min coerupt their fe'ete, but am: (pay. leth their mate-mane maketh them mite ann ill fauoure‘h. aLet there but no mince therefoee, but almagee mell firemen with we ferne, 02 11mm, that the films thatbe'e with young may lige the mm mm cleaner. net their bens be new rleane; to; the cleaner they lpe, the bettet they mu: letthem inamj lnife be mel ten, to; a {mall numeam 3 (at! heme ) mellten, peelbe maze pzofit to their mafiajheu a great florke barely kept. you mutt alto hihefeherall path,- tinnslto hiepe the weaker mm the arise, from the flrong mm Wu 3. - ‘ until-thus much of hasten thiepclbatare even} use lmught mum in fame plareetheg are kept absence tatre from either totem ot‘houre, in humus, am: epen miloe tielneane mama there plates "the bhepheaeh rarrpeth with him ”unite. am: his fleets, am: other nerraarieeto his (lathe mithalltfln gt netart flelne,lnhm as the Winter 38mm“. ”we .Wet’ iaaitures. are nittant rettaine - mil“ a: 2 dimer ( as Vane faith) hi moulb hate the florks thathabe ‘ film! in Apul'u, to be kept in bummer ripen the'theum mun-"arm." am Virgil! that lvziteth at the nephew: «2%,... 3. m » “z 1 H . ; ~ e ,Jnivgoli \ i2 ' What cnmmgofCatrcH. NP ‘Whatfliouid I here on)“ Shpheatds rely“- ‘ ' ' 9 0r ofiheirPaflutcs Writcfind dwellings poorc,“ ' That night and day on Downer, and Define dwell, W hcte wanders flill thee—Flock: withoit “redder: : i And on the ground dorh If: the Shéfhcnrii‘l'ktt‘; -- - W hjlc he removes with him continually ‘ ' I , His houfc,and all his haufchold goods doth beau, ‘ His Gaffe, his doggc, and all his armory ? ' ' ' ghe like hahe 3mg {rite Heiie'in’ hmhtgerlanby anb other plares crewman, where the'bhe'phea'rb, lying ail! abgo'no' with his flor‘be, toms his theepe in the night'inith 19am“; thing their oogges about them to; watchmen : the bhephe'aro himrelfe in a littte honre npon wheelers, herpes ha‘rh'bh his th atgafibc “71'8an Greccefifiafiflh Torantofinb than? which they tall, «Soberebiheepe, are tommonlg area to be kept in houfes, rather then abgouo,fo; the creellentie ano finenea'e~ of their musll. * ‘ El)? times ofihearingfire in atlplates one, but barie, are Sharing of [Uzbmg to the oirpotition of the urge, the rotten, one the town Shape. trey : the heft long is to habe goon regaro to the breather,“ the threpe be not hurt by {hearing in the role, no.2 harmeo bfibza bearing in the heate. an fome places they have ttno tedious in the pine to; thearing of their tha’rpe : the firtt fe‘al’on (02 their lhearingfis either with the beginning of may, oz elfe with the enoing of apzill : the femur: feafon or their (hearing, is about the beginning of ertember. both as ooe n.” e to thence their thi'epe but onre in the geerenioe efimonliz appoint to; their region the tenthof the @meth'of aunetabont mhirh time alto {rich as one theatre tmire a hmjpoemeatetheirlambes; . mm the belt thie‘pemrafiers one not allow the {hearing of 3; ambs till they be a fun hare olo an!) be ralleo ,iBoggs. E9253 haves befoge you aware themgon mutt math them well, emu when they be than; mourn/gig flieare them : the? Doe not in all plates “leave their “five, butin tome plate“ as Plimc faith )puuthem. Eye oto husbanos nil account to; the heft . ' ’ Q ’2 ’ than)", 17o ‘ The third Booke, . mums Weill of Puglia,»ann that which in Eagle tone tulle the fizéhlfliete: the nertin goooudtc they tmheto be the Wall ofitalg :in the thin: place the: etteoineo the Milcfian grim : the wall of Paglia is but that, one mm to be looms onele in tioing cloakesmzhe tool! about Tmmo,ano Cannas, is thought to be patting gm 7 butthe bet! at this oag is the tnmll of ctnglanojfihe finer your ibaiture io,the finer (as it is thought ) you than hobo your tonlLyzhe wool! oftuth (beep: as are flaine by the matte, am: the garments maoe thereof, ( as Arif’tode faith )are aptett to beo'eoe itire. at you happen in theflxaring to dip the skinoemou mutt foogthinith annoint it with 958cm : when you hobe lhozne them, tome thiniie it goon you anognt them Ruth the iugce of {oooen iupineo, it its of oio Winemno the meggee of file maoe in an ogntment : 3 after theé have: to man; them( if it be ne'er: pou)in the homo; if the baa be farce off ,tnith mine water, (oooen with bait. {Inn be, ing thus oeoereo, you [hell not habe them to into their menu all she piste, but to be healthie. auo to earth a niche ano a fine eete . Ehere he tome again, that troulo hate you to annoint them thzte oaies in the garmthe oagee being roone after you haoe’wa; then then: toith 29212,: mine mingieo together. Signinit fer; penbghat many times lie hio unoet their crihmou mutt buine ceoar,Galbanum,o; womans we,” warts home: in the mo of bummer is your time fog on ins c r ehering of them ( as 5 (01! non befozemhen you mutt fell your (beepenhat thgough fee. blenestheg fails not in the binter. Befioe, killing one o; tioo ofthenmou mutt [mite melt upon their momma if the {Liver he not founo( to; thereby, is fozei’oene the hanger) then either tell them, 0; fat them, ano kill them : to; berg horn it ie to {one them their itiners being perimeo. 3infetteo Ssheepe are moze tubiea to brabbee ano Spangineae then any other flatten, ED; ifgou was; not off the Meat of the bummer with feitioa: terzozotherlnife, if inhen thegbe thogne, you fatter them to be hurt with hwnhlee, o; thoznes: o; if you put them into houfeedohere either isozFes, cpuieemz Elites hahe amoe : but [penalty inch: of goon fo‘eoing, whereof pzotéeoeth poozeneoe, ' ‘ one 0.1. cumming-of Cattcll. ' i7 i‘ any: ofpmzenelle fcabbes ans mansinel‘e. Ehe lhe'epe that is infeaenis thm'knomne. if he eitheel’ctatthaflampe with his fate,” beats himl‘elfe with his homo: cub htmfelfe againlt a, me : which pecceibing him foto hoe, eon mall take him, ano opening his mailman lhall finoe the skinne wife, uno as it taste techie. miners men hate oibets remain to; ibis s malanie. Confiantinc out of Dydimus afiitmeththat the fcabbes of lhe’ep ate healer: bu loathing them with mine, ano after annointing them with mzimltone ano SDizle. Eh: common bhepheatns, lohen they perceibe a [beep to fall a rubbingtheh lttaightlnai es take humane [tracing the hahzemo feate the place with iarce: others one teach other cemeoies, moze ham to come by, lr-hich are not foe ebenzbhepheatnms: every countcey to me. fine if the whole flocks be infeaeo,it both many times {a continue,as it that! be ne'eofull to change houfes,ano ( which in all other air, eares beh cobeth)both ermintmz ans awe. jgom befoze 3 penceeo any further into theic infirmities, 3 mill them you the fignes ham to know a taunt: hhéepe from an unfouno,as thus} f a thiepe be fonnne ant: pecfit,his eyes mil be height ann cheacefull, the white pure without rpots, anothe Strings ten, his efiummes alfo will be ten, his @3ch {shite ans eben, his skinne on his alszisket o; Weft mill he ten, ant: to tmlleaeh fine; betlnirt his 1500:} am: his bhonloet inhece the winll gromes not, his skinne in generall mm be knife ; his mmll falt, his lifizenth long,ann his fi'etenot hot. alButif he be nnfounn,‘ then there fignes bill habe tontcarie faces, his times will be heain’e,pale ano rpotteo, his )ifizeait anu @nms mhite, his Eieth pellots ans foule,his mmll when it is sullen min eaalg part from his manic: ano (as hefoze mas raga ) when he is neat: open him, am: you lhall time his XBellp full of matec,his buethellom, his iibei: 'pntcefien, 1 his flea; moilt ano materiih; 3min foztheit pzefebation*. , ’Ehis one alonelg' meoicine hahe 3] alloages pzobeo fee the keeping in health of this cattellto be molt patient e fobemigne: snake the berries of 3minec,l1eate them (mall, ans rpginckle them with miss an; ifault, mingle them all together, sign . - _ 3 _ , :3; c H ow to know 1 found weep. To prcfcme }1531Ch‘ FurLice. 1 he Fever. 'lheFGwlc Womein the F oott. M after Flrgfitr‘"! for curing ofoheepe. '17: . - - The third Bboke, gibe it will! bhéepe thee: oz mirettmee in the We: foe though they rehi’eto eate the lnnipsfietries of theniteluee, .Qetfoz the oefire of the Mt am the Dates, they will entity take them all together. if the! be lomae, oz fullot Eitklestheg ore-to beate the rates of maple, ano teething them in water, ano opening the mall with their fingers, they pomze the liqueur, to as from the tinge of the Duke, it run steer the bony. thhers ate the 1‘me of @anozahe,being toelt mare that they [after them not to tatte it. if they have the fetter, you mutt let them blmoin the he'ele, bettoirt the two €1me,tuhith the inset teacheth, raging : It cnfcth {ii-night the flaming fcovers paine, Ifm the {can you (hike the (pinning veine. home let them bleoo unoer the eies, ano tome hehino the cares. Ehe fomle, a oiieafe betmirt the (sites, is taken a; may with fierce, allome, meimaone, an! Itineger, min, glen together: oz palette: of meroigreal‘e put it. Ithei'ioel, ling betmirt the tlno ¢lees,mutt be tut with great marinea'e, leatt you hap to eat the mozme that lieth in it, to; ifgou no, there tommeth from here hurtful! matter, that mfoneth the mount), anti maketh it uneareahle. spatter Fiizhcxbm, a Gentlemen of fioethamtonthire, who has the fittt that at. tempteeto meite of lgusbanozg in (fiznglano, appointeth this tnre:hislnozos be there. Where he rome bhirpe that habe a home in his fmte, that niaketh him to halt,tahe that threpe, ano Luke betioirt his client, am: there von mall finnea little hole, as much as agreat pine heao, Where-in grolneth {the 0: fire blache have“, like an inch long, 0; mom-take a thntpe pointeo knife, ano flit the ehinne a quarter of an inch long abobethe hole, am as much beneath, ano put the one hano in the hollow of the fmte, enter the hin- oer flee, ano ret thythumbe abobemlnioit at the flit, ano thzutt the finger untierneath tomato, am: mm; your other hunt), take the blneke haieeo he the em; with the timber: point, one pulling the helm at little anti alittleflhzatt at; teem other hano, with the Want: the thumb: , (1:2: ‘ enuemogofCattclh ‘13 ‘ than hill tenant alsmmnlilma poet: or leth, nae. «W as attttle finger-:mhontt ts out,put a littlemac, m the hole, no it will ogtly mum. at the? happen by .i the ertreame heatot the . unneto fall oohmemuo to foeiake Contagion their meahgiue them the mm of the toiloe 159m, ano caure gmm'“ ' them hello: to eate the fleets. if they haroly again their “"‘h“'°‘ ’ bgeezth. Bit their eares,ano let them blteo. 31f they be ttou; bleo with the cough, almonos beaten with mine, ( pomco Thecough. a pgettie quantitte into their nouhgila, temeoieth them. a (shape, o; amine. that hazh the fiaarraine of the itunge, Them" you lhall helpe by thmmug thgough their eate, the rmte of aim-mm bettetmogt : this firkenelte both tommouly fpgiug of tuant Lung:- auo ftarfttie of letter, am therefoge ( in bummer time l‘peaally)you mufl fua‘er no hiuoe of dZattell to want tra. ter. Eheir legges, if they happen to ‘be molten, are to bee 3’0““ eaten in like {net as meus be, being lozappeo firlt in tuxll °“°" nippeo in leemno mine, an!) aftetlnaro l'pleuteo. mm mm“ young lambes, auo other Shape, alto while they gee a: ‘ bzoao, are troubleo Inith (tabs ano manginelte about their tippeo, mhith they get by fe’eoing upon oetoie gralre: the remeoie is 19in ano balgot eath a like quantitie beaten together. ano their mouthes, their pallats, ano their tippes tuhbeo lnithall: the cancerous plates mutt bee annointeo with aineget, Earrenno aminesegteafe. if theythance to [melt with eating of any income, o; benemoue area‘s, Eating you lball let them blouo in the beines about the lippe5,ano W°°"“ ' unoer the tayle, am: after poinge into them «thamberlye. 23:13:15“ if they happen to [mallow a Eagfeleerh, pomge into them atong ano tart mineger toarme, oz £Dyle. Shaina the ce'Qurrion, o; the not , 3 babe foene given them, tertaiue fpaelletulle of amine, ano after a little matte: this meoi, tine mas tieo by waiter Iehu Franklmc of (Chart in hint, Map“, who has in his life timea skilfull husbano, auo a goon Mn Fm-‘c hout’ehe’eper. in like (all habe 31 fame this meoitine : make“ to: ehery (see, one penyelooeth of Ettatle, ano likemire one little harmful! of wane, grouuo flute, nfiloerleabesano 5featherfeto,ae math as a meniehall of iLoame, an: as much may (alt, put thereto chambetlie,ano a lifie bmte, b 4. make 9 a? The Red water. The Wild: fire. Sou ties. 0 Of Taggd at 8:11;. ’l‘hePoxc. 259,4 ' , ,lgzhcthirdfiogkg,‘ . ‘ V» .‘ 1 make. tun lukednatn‘te, anhgibe toetechone that: rm. fulssmo, anmatterebere one a littlem, betoz'eoheggg outofhanoan tome plates the: are to take-the ozieo flolnzes of , Wozmelnmo, ano mingling them with balhthep give them to their theiepe, as a generallmenirtne again! all olfearesfihis ment'rine is rommenoeo b2 Hicronimus Tragus, hothfo; 3mm. ging of am: paine, ano wining aluah any hurtfull nifeafe from Cattcll. _ She Reboaluater. is a molt pohl'onons oireafe in Shape. of, fencing the heart,ano is inoeeo as the aheailenee amonglt o. thrr matte"; therefoge when you finoe any of you: bhr’epein, feato therewith, you thall fitlt let him blmo in the foote betmoene the atlas ano alto mow the tale, ano then lay on the loge places item: ano Wozmelumo beaten luith 15a): (alt, am: it helpeth. Ehis oifeale lnhiih is taller) the miloefire is a beric infeuious fielinel'fe, ant mill inoanger the whole fioelte; but hotnfoeuer incurable it is helo,it is rectaine that if you take chenille ano ltampingit loith olu ale, makea sealue there. of ano annornt the rose theretpith,it luillltillthe fire ano let the lhszpe fafe. lino though fame to; this oifeare, bury the firlt infeueo Ships alme tnith his he'elesuplnaro befoze-the bho’rpefroate ooze, yet this meoin'ne hath be‘ene eber fouuo moze effeuuall ann mom agreeing lnith Keaton. at your Qhoepe ham: any imperfeuion in his eies, you (hall mopthe ‘3uirc of hellauine into them, o; ell'e take a leafe of (menu: zuie, ano thawing it in pout mouth lpttthe Suit: into the 9ho’epes eye,ano it is a peerent mineoie. El bhupois [ago to be mango 0; tom, when bpa ronti: nuall flure ozrunuing out of his ogoure,he brrapeth his tayle in l’urh luire that thzough the heate of his bung it tralbeth ano bgéeoeth the frabbe therein; Elbe cureis, lira lnith a payee of bheares to rut away the Eaagsmm to lag the loze bare, ano raln,ano then to throln earth omen upon it, anl' after that matte ann dbmfeagreare mirt luell together, then lamp to thgom on moee earth, ano it is a pzefent helps. a . EWinlhéepe arcrmallreo pimplcsfiilie gutplesrifing in l7 _ t ‘ ‘ at” ‘ z, ‘ .:- J—Q'VN". ‘ - r.- but. _ enfieatmg design: . "j in Megannth‘en arehetgintettilui; them isto take name an! [uncle the leaks in Mac, «WM-the rozes :theoetuithg itbitl heale‘them: change “W is goon to; this oirearemgou thall alfo regatate the fiche from the tonne. afan flue grow unnaturall ano null not take her iambe o _ after thehath mo item: thall take alittle Ifthe Cleans of “mg” the «be, which is the bee in which the 1am!» lay, anwfizee ‘ the Else to eate it o; at lean to then: it‘in her mouth, anhlho'e hull fall to lobe it naturally. But if an aim hate can he? 3}. ambe,ano you tuoulo hahe her take to another (limes 3L anthe, you animate the {mm is me, am Nth it rubb ao'o bauhe the like summit Wuh‘ro‘pnt‘ittb thefitlefihnlhe mill take as naturalteto it asitiflle‘se‘ he: smite. ‘ ' Ehus having themeo you there (Ema bill note giue tome precept, go, efpeeiall pzeeepts fitfoe euetg bhepheam‘ano re pzotéeeoe to the ShePhtards. Goate; knob then it is méete to; ebetg bhepheato ' to tanner; (tano what two: is gone to; mere. ano luhat bottom, that follobing the one ano efeheiuing the othet,he mag ehec keepe‘ his cattell in health. Ehe dfitatte whith [is molt ioholerome to; fibho’epe is that which hath growing in it goon note of 9921i. lot, 6 taberpelfeehealefiinquefoilemfieoomedaeinpemell ano white lgenhanemhe grace which is unbholefome fezthe'epe is that which hath growing amougtt it bpeateetuozte,’ 133"?! gratte anb any mane that monies frominunaations 03 over, domes of mateualfo Bnotgcaa‘e any @ellnetuo gtail‘e. 9f all notts the bungee «at is the tooglt, to; it both puttifi; eth the Seth anb shinne, ano is molt incinent to fielo than, to; to Jeanine Shape it nebet h‘apneth ; Ehe neet rot is the spelt- cot which cometh bhgreat'aoge of afiaine immeoiatlg after the Shearingmshith' QEellbeming the skin toztupteth the flelb;ano this alto is mott intioent tofielo the’epe Which want Eyeltec. zhece be little tnhite Snailsmithout ihellsytuhioh a theepe mill lithe up,ano they quickly tot them. Ehece thitl’geom upon an Gives teates little ogp {tabbs which will top their: milke when the it ambes intke,the Shepheato mutt haue‘taie to pull them atoaizfi tho’epe toill have a, mlaooec of water unoei: his (Shhnfinhith the fibepb'cae‘a mutt be careful! to tet out e lame, o; the thezpe mill u’et’pzofper. .. ’ t (if . ‘ Gems. $376 I ’mnhirdrlook ,‘ ' , 3N"! WSW” m kfoao-Qiofommu;u the mm 1|!me Wmlhtb! batters» mm hiatus it is. “ . amoeba! mthc age efahhaho imiee in his mouth, s we be men: that: be hell mom wean teeth mm 3 mhen he is two “new mu heme ions hioao math befoge, whui he is then hem!!! hails are, ans tnhen he is touts theate he mu hammers» s arts: this um his mouth in!“ basin to makes-m touching them of enemas ant nanometre of the monthat inunmtaine sun faileth upon many oxcafions. (beams have mane them tommen with bheep: in; they go to m at one taxman! go as long with 2ong,asihaepe 903ng late We teeth t 'cfleflhtheic miikaheiochsere that mine, ano their tame waits is peofiiable to make Ropes of, an! 198$me others tine mitmments belonging to fleas mum team that it neithet tote with institute, no; is eafiig burnt hithieeNmo maketh mention of the feats of them. a meg mu a (mothaneh as hone mums,» marksman their thinnesmc tshento be met frmtfalhtheie mes m1. he steauheir milks that; the quantity muthflhc he floats mule be fefm harms WM Jame Wine mhzoatsoii wetsuit! mm: We, 918 Wm sadism Wows : it is thought better to Ruth: bhebitoeke tonthegthen to bu? them (ebecailg. s: the Chinne ofehech one of them hangsth a long heath,» whithafang man main one of them onto! the floehe, the inhale flocks ( as amageo ) itano sagmgupon 91311.35!” ha: dboatgbecaufe of his beaten as ( Aliens: ragih) be a attains initina or flammmefeccing the male befoze the female,goeth aunties befoze his inoman. Ehe hathaimng fog this Catteii, is not after the manner of hatgainmg foe Shape: foe no ioil’e man mu pgomirethat the); be rm from i'ickenea‘e,heing as they bomber without the aguezbut he names them that they he met toleMeaa neiabmibae thing is to he hon-gee at in this beau, thathe mineth not his minus as allothet heafts boat his fists hut athis @amEhe boa kinos of them, are there that filing foeth tioife a humane rush you mutt fake fee you: been. Ehe Goals is able to whom at fehen moneths out being ehen as tuberous as may be: minhiie he is get melting, he will be upon the backs of his oamme: ane thmt‘ose he teamh feebleas unable -~,-,\ V- 8’ ‘2'er v :1”! -..2 , amen-g women; ~ ' ‘ 'zfir g: nnahleiefoze heh flee hematite, Mm foisebanh eonru, uncouth hisotetmnelp tattn‘efletthtnwth : in! thereto” after he mutate fine mete slop tune lager; to fem: mm: tame to; w. Emmy: WNW Wtflfimtezoe to magistnmltumhualltfle “the What, thatat the commit!!! Offbt heme, m“ WEMM“ “)9 teen, the wig may be bright truth. $99 45% smb with 2mm: ( a! 3 fate )fihemoneths,'asthebhapeaeth:thebetngofuth tom. month tine, an! [emetime flee ( as Plimc tmtnea’eth. ) bath ‘ asbeaoe ttm‘t’emon mutt keep‘e to: your mete, to: the rennin; thereof,ano the entteare. as touching then: bgdhinmoumutt in the one: of Autumn: tent nut 91'! «hates. E99 931mg wean: of a were nine, ann than rates, hung teeth nines: but( as Columclla faith)the2 are not to be futtereo to being them up, they be the?» were olo : ana therefozeeeu mutt amagmith young, that the «Buttes of the itfi were many bzeene: ant: (utter the him of it than go’eees Eamme, to I'neke no longer then it is meete to bee foloe. when the wanes nee bzonght tooth, they mutt bebzonght up in like foot as 3 tolo you of the lamina: rating that the lean, tonnette of the inane (smog: to be tettttu'neh ano he'eoliee to be kept in, ant mat bee feoee befioe their milhe, mgr; young homes. Plinic attirmeth,that theebe tenets gmb‘ze'ebe at thge'e pines clue, but if they pace tonne, they befiar’he naught, am: that they begin at reben monethe, even while they be unset the mothets bzeatt. Ehe itt cim’ng ptof- peteth not, theretenn 1's fometnhat-to the purpofe,the thiro fpe’ebelh, thee bzt'nge fozth, till theebe eight 9mg oloe,ano thetefoze the am Goats, when they be abate et’ght ye’eres, is not to be kept: to: thee then becommeth Moraine. Ehore whirl; tnant homes, ( as in the male times )of at! others be the bet : to; the hoznea, by ceafon- of wet: treapono are hurt, full one unruly. abetting, the female eftnth as lackehognee, one give atteat'eo gteatee plentie of milkenhnt Columcna (as he tontmmneth the genomes in a-tempetaee am miloe aountteg )to tn :1 mamas an“ Inmate Region he mule heme themhozneohneh as wee hozneowoe them their 3881,9198 times of M‘mzflfithought, gs: , BY e. .378 r ‘ ) ' - thirdiaqpkc)‘ f‘ - , fiber {trawl he my be nae. on? that thee mimics lee Memes turner: one fromthe othe ‘ ,in that new all’o fe’eoe. “Man it to {dilute Wfllp ghtnoe offlattell, r peg wile tetbofetbatbe anaemwstikew the extreme heat. Eye bit ot‘thie beat Numnu; repeatethge onte hao erperienee or, whereas a couple of them chanteo to mate upon a fiery long ano narrate meiogemno the ataightneilfe motile not miter them to tame, ano to go baehloaro blinnfoloin fneh a (knight, eon; filtering the finittnefte of the arenme unoer them, was moge "nPDEibinthe one of them lying ooinmthe other yaaeoooer his bony. Van-o both comment funozy little fiorltes kept reberall, rather then great flocks togethermling to; erample one Gabcri- ins, beanie a great iloeke is l'mner rubien to the warraine, thinking fiftie to be enough for, one aotBe.Columella alto attir, meth,that there ought not to goe abobe one hunoeeo of them to. gether, whereas oflheepe he allomethathonl‘ano in one aorhe. Ehe biting oz {uniting of margin poyton to all hinoe of Ereeo. e therefoze were they in oloe time (orrifieeo to Bacchus, beeanf e they were to hortfull to minesfiheir cables Columella motile babe to (tune upon a aonie g'ronno, :elfe to be when, fog this heat noeoeth nothing antler him but a ten: boughes.mhen he lieth abzoao, the @oatrhearo mutt often {meepe ano make eleane their honree, not {uttering any Bung, o2 moyfiure to eemaine in them, that may be hnrtfull to the aoelie : to; as 3 rain befoee, they are reloome without fieabero, am: much rubies to the abemlence. ano whereas other ¢attell,tnhen they habe the spurraine amonglt them, as fame as they be infeaeo, begin to languid), ano pine abay : only there initiates as fame as they be taken, though they be neber to luttie to Luke npon,(nooenly fall oobne together, ano oie as thirlte as mile : whirl; oifenfe ooth thiefely happen,by tm muth ranke; nette of paanre. ano therefoze as fooneae you pereeibe one nation of them fall ootnne, let the inhole flothe him with as math l'pe'eb as you may, ano inter them not to teen all themy, but that them up the route mibole houres of the pay. if they be oifeareo with any other tlrltnette, you mutt. gripe them the Notes of knee, onto! the creatinhite ghlfile, camping firmware mum» Mm Dub rains Wterletn'then; entreaemg of Cattcll. 17‘9 , minke it : mm mm this examine built them not .pour bee mill he toretl them, oz to kill them, anti pointer them : out when you but} netmbzine them not home to: haltilg, till the air. petition oftheaizze be altereo. fifth": fall rebetallg tithe, rate then: in fueh {eat as you one your Shape. Horentinusraith,if you Ramps with mater the gnifaio ofthe btozlt, anb gihe them to minke a fpmnefull a peers,“ p3et'etueth both hheepe C (Boats ftom all inurraine one pefiilenee. _ gazebo feeing that of this flattellmheteof 3 have entteateb, the pzofit of the shake is not (mall, it is no great tearon me thoulo ooetpafle the ushering of the fame : to; shake ( as Vano faith) ofallliquinthinge mhecemith me feeoe, is the ‘gteateft nourilhewailke oitteceth in goaonea’e aeeogoing to the nature of‘the booiesthot gihe it : aethe eailke atmomen, of thine, Qheepe, climates, flaes,%atee, ano cammele : the gteatei! noutither is Women geilke, the next (Mates $ilh,tuhetebg the poets faine,that their (1150!: luyitcr himfelfe 1088 mitten ml“) about" {Billie : the tweetelt nert womano amuse,“ the C ainmels wilkmhe mholefomelt is fines @ilke, the Elite as fame as [he is with ¢olt,gibeth millte : the atomnebec till the hath ealueozmoit tomfogtable to the ltomatlte is (float-3 milke, betaure he rather fo'eneth on wwte nun memes, than upon dinette. coin qaillie is molt meoitinable,ano molt of all lcofeth the bellybhe’epes flailke is tweeter, ano nourilheth mote, but is not to goal: to; the uomaelze, by nation it is fattet ano molten Sill shake that is milkenin Swing time,is matcifhet then the milke of bummet, as likelnife is the millie ot'gnng clattell . fill milk: generall2( as Diorcoridcs mum) ) is of my nou- rilhinent, but filleih the ltomaehe am: the belly mith1Winoe : that mhith is milkeo in the Ewing, is thinneit but lim'eth the belly molt. Ehe ninetente of milke, is taken (as Varro taith) of the pafiutes,the nature of the (iattell, aim the milking. star the paitutmnhen the tattellis fee with Batlgsfitain, ano all other,hato ano egg meatee, one this greatly uouritheth. 5ft): purging of the bellmthe geatte paftureslpeeiallp inhete the wt: tell idea of purging heathes,ae Cardanus in hiebmke dc Plantis tecicheth,that ifpou mill pucge @elaneholg, you mutt fe’eoegout nitlth antes; attefieithpolipodimno fez all other humoure Sent, ’ 180 - ‘Hhefliirflooke, Selma)!» ”In?” bitb SPurgeflz Iridium Chilling fifth: meth 'xmnitozem {hoppeszm (you will but-ouch; tor; the bellmmith wartime: wallomm farre Cardamn. m countrymen ooe thietely tomnteno to; millte, the gauge“ where geometh bperg, ano Maberagrafle, I tlint ie all beoerkt my yellow flamers. go; the d:attell,the bitterenre is betmirt the fiche ano the healthre, the young, ano theoloe : ano for the milke, that is belt that is not long lzept after the milking, no; that is milkeo immeointelp upon the mowing. a grotte an: mhoIel‘ome kinoe of opilkemio trie whether $91132 be mingle!) o; not,pou (hall take a fharpe null). I putting itinto the 981138, let it ozop from thence upon your 333m, ano if the ogop runnc abzoaofi is a ugne there is water in it : if it kmpe together, it * Butt". themes it to be pure a~zo gmo. flDf willie is mane mittenwhore ul'e(though it be thiefelp at this bag among the filennnge ) to gate goon ano pmfitable rose in other Countries» ano much mo of our aloe fathermea ehen otthe berg patriarch“ ( as the brtiptures mitnelteth.) fiche eommomtie thereof, benoes many other, isthe whinging of hunger, nno the peelerning of firength ': it is niaoe in this rogt. Ehe Shhtlke, as from: as it is milneo, in put out ofthe {mile into )Bolnles, o: panties, the belt are earthen pannemno thofe rather bzoao then ompenhis lone,the fecono. o; the thiro bag, the rrennie that fininnnes a. loft is fie‘eteb all?! put into a belrell rather oeepe then big, roam; ann ¢ilinoer falhionzalthough in l’onre places, the}? have other kinoe of ¢hnrmee,lolu ano latdnherein with often beating ( rushing up ano oomne,theg to [hate the {make as they fever the thinnea part oft from the thirke, tohirh at the lira, gathers to. sether in little rrombleemno after with the rontinuante of the biolent mobingnommeth to alnhole inebgem take : thus it 1‘5 taken out, ano either eaten (tell). 0; barrelleo with (alt. Lrhe Buttermilkethatremainethofthe Butter, is epther kept to; . the family, or given to dtalnee nno thongs, as a Dainty fmo. Chute. «thief e is alfo motto of the QBilke ode'attell, the wilke being pomeeo into a meaellofeanhputting into it a little minet‘the quantity ofa Malnutnn a greetbeaell of agilke, whereby it runneth into ¢nros. Varro both better like the flennet of the 1mm, oath: 33in, then the Mame: hotnbett,loe ruminant? u g . “Ema. . n1; . . _. entreatmg of; Eat-1H]. 33’; museum. Moot : other: nfefuwle othet meanest onelz mayhem, manning it in mane nettle, genome: nipping tfle mom in solo matetmhithis Want an! deanlmt matinee : others putin the reeoeof Inflammation being to timuhe Whey oath gteatly page fleme : othets again: are the aailae ofthe jfig tte'e, ano then both the Whey purge both chalet ano flea’me Home page it with EDtimell, oz ryztope of alimgemnbiehie of all other loayes the wholeromelt; tome befioee, ufe the little oln'une of with; GDnil'atos,ano othete,the floluzes of mitoe Ehillleo. o; lbattttholtes. Ehe newer out better the agilke is,the better mill be the or hoefe : foe mate of two [sets of @ilke,oz willie that is to) nine flatten, it tonne folneeth, ano month how one naught, uno is not to culture any inhumagaine, lacing mane offat am: new wake, it mm bety long enoute,ano long oontinueth in his fatneu‘e'ano foftnelte :. about a than 0: there homes after you habe put in you: Renuet, the Stjilke tomnieth to a autoAnhieh is (knight mayeoput in. to jogmesm fithsefefats, auopgelleo: oeifthey be but fmall,. they in e onely pzetreo with the beam. at they be ofany quantity, they have great tonight upon themzit is fiery néeofull you metre out the (.11 haymithas mutht'pa'zn as you can, anb to tenet it from the «Euro, am: not to letitlye llomly oeayning of it fell’et zhofe that make gceat ahcefes, have niouloe fo: the putpofe, ano Knights auo pgeu‘ee anf::emble. mm this, they take them cut of the petite, ano lay them upon l9etoels, 0; (nice fmmth gables, in a fhaooloie am: a toll: plaza, am: am from all minoes, fpzinekling them all obec with falt, that they may fhseate out all their (animate, laying them to, as they touch notone the other. When they be nolo toell hatoneoano thick, nee, they are taken up,ano peelreo againe,1nithuteat weights, ano rubbeo obet with patcheo (alt, ano after law in Wife in gainemherebyitis thought they millneithee have eyes, no; be one: ozyezlnbith faults hapnetl) to tome when the? be either not incl! pzeaeo, o2 too much falteo. Some are to put into the bottome of theft iaailes, the grime hemele otthe wine apple, ano milkingintothnuooe ewl’e itfo to tame. Eon may alto eanfe yont chiefe toteiith of inhatfoehecyeu will, as afiewet mane m;§pita:'h¢. Column: tom chum tallest . e2 2', Melt“. Swine. ‘ V ‘ l' . ”F“ I as; ’ ThethirdBooké; (there, that hath leait mittnte' in it. the license! «:he’ete, anlhatoelt of maetion, ate thore that are mane of Buttes utillte : the nest ace fnth as are maneot the milke oftEInesfiut the miloett,ano lighten of oiaettionme thofe that are mate of dboatee milke: the there that is mane of waves unite, in or the fame qualitie that the )Butl'ee Chafe' is. Ehece is dihe’el'e alfo mane of ¢anunels milke,ano of Bites milke: the ¢heeres that ate mane of Bates milke,ate at Rome,“ all other tattell in gteatelt efl’imation. bath as are toucheo both abobe ano heneath,ann heme maze then route than)“, you can make no €he’efc oftheit millte, fozit millnehct (turban out oaiee, the belt (theeres ace tounteothe warniafinesmaoe about the Kine: of Payment“ foe theitaeeatnea'e, ano naintinelle, of whith you [hall habe bgought into other countries that weigh abohe thzoertoge pountnfiett are tommenoenthe Wellano £he’efe,the there of fioemanlie, am: the ot‘nglit'h ethane. 3n clinglano the belt there is the atheflbite, ano the bhzoplhicefihen the fianbuty mhe'efe, next the buttolke, ann the that; ¢ hare, ano the bety motif the lsentifh than}. fiDf the whey which tommeth from the fiheel’e is mane tee, taine cums mhith are talleo Whey «turns ,e are mane in this manner. Ehey put the Whey into a 115mm Bettie o; pan ano ret it obeta fot‘t fire,heating it till the fatneae of the cheere (minutiae aloft,then with a mu; they put new nnllte into the Whamann peerentlie you (hall fee the «turns [mini aloft upon the Whay, which with a bkimmec yon [hall take ano put into a deane bellell, ano to one as long as you fee the «turns atire, then when they teafe,put in moge neb willie ano moge Cures mill atire, we thus no till the firenath of the Whey be rpenv. Ehe elo meitete oo teach the matting of a hinne of white meat, not much nnli he (OWBItum5,\UDi£b they talleo MclcaM mane it in this foztflhty put into a new earthen bettell ninegemnn fntfeten it to hoyle roftly upon the tire.till the bea‘el han ognnke up the minegemno into that hell!" they pomgeoin spake, an M it where it might aann aeofatt, inbeteby they hao within a inhile theit notice. )But me thinketh 31 habe fpoaen enough of this l'ahieafl mil note women to the nature ( oznering or Elaine habith that it is a notable cteatute belonging to maggot? em en y ‘f‘m' . 7.: _ ‘ , _‘ eat: g of Carroll. ‘ 3,85 ' gum appeaoe is thetagimoté ancient haebanoenounein: him a mean ( anhnthziftie husbanothat hath his Eaton ta- thet'feom the Whenthen ftfi his ohm mean; there ariteth aagreat pzotit manhtimes to as otout‘otm blouse,- as oath to you that be “pots of greateft eattel of your flotkozfoz if Baton be ainap,the thiefett fuppogtet of the {Busbanomane kitthin is toantingfinomheteao shines Seth foemeth abhominable to {g t'mliih semeea beleeue eerily they never taiteo the dbamonos ‘ot jr'rane'eJo highly tomenoeo by Vatto,Strabo,Athencus ano o; ‘ thee learneo mgiteco : which a fuppofe were none other but the ditches of caeitphawo greatly ette‘emeo at this nagnot onelh ‘in (Eermanefiut Ill Momma that they mgte tattoo by the names of Eeititk Gatiifiosbetaufe the nth meiter5,efpetiall2 é mocks tattoo all (Countries on this fine the alpes, both mend; ano Dutch” the name of ¢eltitk. : urelp there is no beaft Defines that makes moee oaintp niihesahete is in him neete fiftie bitten tent tattes,\nhece ebetg othet beau hath but one, a hereof was at the nut the ihaepe lam of the $en§oge,fo;biooing it to he ufeo at fupprte,the nonemihe Stones, the Eripea, am: the fogepatt of the heaos of bmine, (as Phnie mitnefl’eth. ) Etna molt appa; rant it tenthat not only the french, e the Eutch in thol'e baits, but alto the staliano,ano the dfireehsmoueiihel great hearoa of gunnefimong thewreehsfiomcr ntaheth mention of one,that hao tmelne {hoganeen enecg line containing fiftie izoehlinge, 1: P01) bias mgitethpfmoze then a thoufano to be ceaog at a time among the ancient 3italiane,§:nokana,c fretharto ateonna teth a hnnozeo but afmal heato.mho to tutu nontith hogamaft hahe regato both to the faitenetteg the age.Vmo aooeth befioe the nature,the hint: o the country. a no becaure the pong on com, month rerembleo their parentahe moalo habe eon ehmre {nth as are faite,e latge hooieo, ano whith makes moa to the matter, as fruitful! as may hezinhieh Vorto,noth chiefetg tomeno there that be of one coloat,theit bottles month he thickest a blacks,“ it be in a coin tonntteg : if in a ten“:- etate,gou map nouciih the rmmthxheir peopoztion tooqu be long, largeauoeo, o bellieo, Some buttotkeofimt logger»: fmteo,big netted»: inel'beatnneo thozt geomeon turning upmato, his taile hazinkleo. Ehe kinoe to molt tommenoeo,that beingeth many who, the country that , E bzeeoeth ! 394a ' \ zifl'he dfideOch,., , lemme-m steamy no mete; the-15mm,“ a 24m mm at hill!“ new claim mum to rem a bemfone W is enough to; ten Megawamhe bum ts fuflt’et’ent to beta: pigs at a were ole, e to to; feuen {were after; thereutt; fullet we te,thermnet the Wyeth olmt the irtt tattotetng, you (hall earth: l’e’e what number the mill bgt'ng (oath : the mill net much bidet tn the othetJJhe befl time of homes habe twelue pappegthe common fatten,” not to many. ether! 1m gge both V knew his cum {Bap that he was home tm,ann fueketh only that, e none other : lfhou take away the pimthe pap nztethm bath Pliniu erpett'enee theiseth. Eheg there wont to be bought ann Mgatnen to; in this new" gnu warrant that there bmine ate rounn,that 5 (hall mell em'og them,that you will anftnet the laults,t that they be are: healthy hwtneefl met mmgtth graunn, ie‘mt'etea to; this ¢attell,foe he neltghteth not in lmteglmt in out! an! mezeafo mums Varro mgttethJ that the Wolfe, as (one as he hath taught a home, azaggeth he: to the matewm eaufe his teeth are not able to abiue the heat of he: (iguana al~ though this beau lm'll ulna? lutth any growth, ( fez he feeneth both in mountainee,thampion,t n1actfl;,)pethiethiefentltght is in the means that is full of quagmiree, where theee grelneth tnee of fiDlte, (make, Beech, caaflholme, inilnewlibee, tm'lne mites, 3llaall'eluuts, (Zeal: trees, {blame trees, nun dihett'e trees : to; thefe beare fruit at others timesfimn m the yearns almolt lll the inhale geete.whemf a 99mm; is tn he peefetten befoze up)! gtouumthat the;1 may moufel in the marfh,nig up memes, ballot!) in the mhgeg tumble in the puonles at matetfimhtth in Mamie molt ment'ulmzhey alfo hunt after tmtesteeiallg {can rate“ the testes of Bulruthelmqthem beams, heave nun gtalle tnel fceneth a bbtum Ezeharns or chenee, lume apple" fiat“ netteithfiannlng allthie,thelBacne, 0; you not! me them often by hann, inheu meate fayles abznan : am: We you mutt peereme time of firmness, in t efiaznes in the butane; when upon 011th “new!“ meaneefihearm Eaves not! hem'heu them, am) not to math as fiadcrfpateurfo: this time at fleeing Both makethm talcum: not onelg fats them “ninth the at“) a plearant tafie. alto the meme am: the 15M memo unto halting Maine we me of fun gm! com ”we-*3... 4—1:” :rv": ' - ‘ ‘emremngof Carter-II. . ‘ mm,mnomm,mmmcharemem v- milkebo'llen we; other f minimum the other, weainee anh , ozaa’e,mfl)ino¢°f19°5fl)cabs, Wesm'nnming oettell, fieannfihyaeu ano (nth like”. When they are yet yonMrutkemoth they 5 their Earns mutt be mu feo,they mutt be put to false early in the morningafoee the heat of the boom after kept in thanotoy plates, tnhere there is goon itoge of water. afoze they gee to paflnre, they mufi he m:oyrineo,lelt the grime (tome: them tm math, by which they will be greatly weakneo. in Winter they mutt not be put {- b;oao.tiu the frott be oil? the groom), one the 31cc thatoeo. fine though the Swine mil runne at the known home of the Shrine: hearo, yet V arm will hone them brought both to pdtture, ano homemarodnith the tonne of a hogneztheir meate mutt be given them fractereo thin,:’o that! both lette fnfi‘iee, e the greater that! not harme the [mallerzas fame as they heare the lbomeflough they he never to far off in the Wmnsthey come running with a! hatte.volybius telleth,that the atalians are not to folloin their bedroom the (memes ano others one, but going a mettie may heroic thrm,they blow their hognes,their hear‘oo being atquaina too with the blatt,oo follotnthem in great ogoer.fl:hey onto me! know one okay the call of the @minehearo (tfme may belteiie A wondw Alian us,)that when eertaine moberofianoing upon the Coat of mu know; muekanfino taking great numbers of them out of their btiee, ledge i n rarrieo them abmzo,the thee'oes having weigheoup their 21 nker 5““ one being unoer fayie, the amine upon the hearing of their keepers ooiee, fuonenly ran to the one fine ofthe lbiM obertnr, ' neo,hermherhy(theaairatee ozomneo,) the amine came {are to lane to their spotters. as 3 have here tell: you of the eonoitions' or the £50m amo the banana of their keeping ; l'o toil! 31 note there you the manner of their teething :‘ Ehe meming time is retkoneo to be from mutter, till the twelfth of QQarrh‘, to [ball you habe them to farm!» in bummer: fee the We going foure @oneths with page, farrotoeth in the fit“ t. bhe'e is with pigge atthe tint! bgemingfiut they are 'to let them one often to fioarefieraure, there (one mifeorryfe ifyou will hate ttno tarrotoeein one am, you mutt put your botn to mom in jfebeuariem 31 enumefihatag may mm'apztu o; 93:25 , 2 en 58d; , , - Thetlnrd Bookc} Magma goo yam album spillae is in his ehiete Wu when theybe meaneo,theymay the! fish: upfi treats, ”rotten“: aftenthe Dom ma! fatten again in the ens of Au- tumme : to; Yam) faith, het fattolmng times are re oim'nen to; the.nonee,as the may tattotu tton‘ e a ye’ete,mhile the hath fcute figmeths to beate them, Q tho to time them. as fame as theyjbe with piggeayou mull Rape the )Boare from them : to; with his untulinette, he maketh them to eat}. 39mg amine foz bgeeoe, mutt not be lette then a ye’ete olo,as Vatto moulo habe itzholnhe- it they begin at eight moneths, ano continue {even yestesfithe isoare beginneth at eight moneths, oz fire, ano continueth loell route ye’eres,ano aftet,at thze'e oz foure ya’cces olo you may gelo them, ano fat them. home tuoulo not have you keepe up above eight, others not abohe lite : not that the bots is able to heepe no moge, but that this that lteepeth mo;e , r cane faylety. Varto tepozteth, thatthe §ome of knees Lavinus,fata when at one time thittie lnhite ibigges : but itis monfltous tnhen the fattobeth moge then the hath pays. Every home mutt habe hec btiebyhet felfe when the hath-tattolueo, am: not (name to goe with the whole {hearth as othet tattell are, but little c otes to be mane to; them,tnhetein they'may be kept either fattominnm with tattomzfo; blame,“ they lyetogether. in any numbet,being commonly ill mannereuoe lye one upon andherfinhereby they hurt futh as are toith pig. anti therefoge you mutt habe febetall bties where they my female, 0 mane high,that the bots cannot get out ; to; wheat they inufi not be by any meanes,that the bloineheasn may take that the hole o, uetlay none of thenu to tie what they mantahat he may make them tleane,ano as oft as he cleanrethithe mutt (Item fano,o:, futh liken ozie up the moyttute : to; though the be but aftmnith monumet lobeth that to habe het chamber tleanMIElhen the DI fattolpeojhe tequieeth greater quantitie of meatemaheteo Iy e-may gibe the moze milk,rpetially Barley Iteepeo in ma’ (the: stamina itinpeteo with Water. Sino if you habe not goo Gaze ofmeate,youc bett is to fell the fiiggeszro (hall the want. being oeliheteo of her bummbe [tenet with fattom agatn.bueh as are famineo in minter,ate tomonlypmze e lo;ettheo,both betaiile st'the eolwthat theie mama no not like them to: has"! ‘éntrcaung ofCattclL ”$87 . ting oftnillu biting their mapped“!!! hob ate bet pigflt is no insecure; bmine mu othee batman boil! amnpmith Bungecnnhieh when it peomkethgheu eate not only theii: olnne. , but gong chilozen, which not long ante happenebt'n butter, to A child. the pittiful nifcifozt ofthe patent. Ehey [utter netthe born to new by a go abzoao in ten sages after her fa’rroniingxrtept it be to oet'nh: 5“"- ac‘ter,they fufier her to go: about the houfe,that the may Q better gm: militamhen the pigs mare great,theg oefxce to go abioab with their Eamofittohichtime they are fee by themtelues a. part, to the eno they may the toner fozget their mother, which they will to in ten oaiesat behmbethfi bbinehearo to be care, ful ano Diligent about his chargeghut he hate in‘melnozp every one ofthem,both «sin e pong, that he cfifioer were fmomt that up there that be great with pig, "9 they may {mom in their ape. iae innit habe l’pecial regarb of ebecg pong pig ,thateberg one of them be bzonght up nnoer his own oamzfo; if they get out of the tie,the2 heightmaies mingle one, cfipany inith anothermsherq by the pose home is fozceo to gibe milke many times to maze pigs then her oinnzt therefozeh bmimhearb mutt that up cheep own with her alone pigs. am: if his memo»: rerne not to knob: them all, let him pitch every bum ant her pigs bith a feberall marke:foz in a great number it thal behmbe him To to no,foz cfi; {cunning his inem‘ogp ache oln husbanoe obferuen almaies tine times in the were fez cutting of them ,Q fixing: the fall of the leafe,inhetbn they aboineo the tiger both of the heat C calmfllbe moan pigs they cut when they, were fie @weths ole t again at {sure were oln,to make them fabricating two bounces! taki ng out the (tone of were unezoielfe when you habetaken out one {toneJJon mutt thzutt your knife again into the mount), anti cut», ting a runner the shinne betwixt the tones, 2am out with your fingers the other,ro (ball you make but one fcarwbnt this kinbe of cutting is fomemhat moze bangeraneJEhefiomes are {pain by burning the 99am: mm, an arm, am the {carre health up, whereby they mill both haue no image pigs, 'anb be the fatter. Arifioile, ano follobing him PliniC. mont- babe thebob after thio Danes felting. bangeo up be the foze legges, ant: to cut, whereby aye bill,» the tamer fat : bntiinbge it better to cut them when the: be youngmzttm Quiet!» ole, o: younger, for: . 3 ' Ofdifcafcs in‘Sw Inc, and the cute. The O~ujno fey. Kernells. chzt. Splene. Chalet. -38 . . , The third BOOYQCQ £ _ - - ' 4 . .e. at amiihlealt teopaegie. after they be rut, you mutt keeps them; .. i J . Matte, any give them butlittle nteate : the mount: mun he annoynteo tuith. freth Butter, - one romeo up.: as the meittung‘ann turning; up of the taile is a figne of a tonne thug, to be there certaine ann aaureo lignea of their firkneu‘e: foe if you plurke oi! the beiltles .from the bathe, auo tinoe that their rmteehahe blouo in themnttheiuee the Swine is not mouse, fines,“ your \aogges be fiche,” taken with a fever, they hang their heaos at one tine,ano funoenly as they runne abzoao, they (tay,ann being taken with a turning ginbineile they fall hotnn: e therefore you mutt marke tuell on tuhith line they hang their hmwhatym may rut the eare of the tontrarie [toe to let them hlouo : ano unoer the tayle betioe, tluo inches from the rmnpe, you thallttrike the beingmhirh there is eai'tly to he {enemy the kinetic of it : you multtirtt beate it with a little (tithe, ano after it (fiielleth with the beating, open it tuith your knife, an. having hleo tutttriently,binoe itap with the rim: statue!» o; chime : after this,lu'epe them up in the houte a lay oz than, an: the them maeme mater, tenth a goon quantitie of Barley. by. girth: Qiiufcy o; Vuula, (to which nifeal‘e this beatt is tnonberous lubiet) chance to take them, Didymus man: have you let them blouo hehinne aboue the thouloers, other: unoer their tonguezfome againe rate them tuith lettering. 3fthe ker- nelsftuell in the throat, you mutt let, them blouo nnoer the tongue, c when they habe bleo, rub their moathes within with. ' (alt, finely beaten,ann toheate tlotnge : Democtitus moulo habe you sine to euery bow, thee poem) maight of the beaten route of Eaaaoillaf they bomihano loath their mate, it is noon to give them befoze they goe abnan, the thabings of jhozie, fryer: with (alt, ann groan! fleanesbhnne while they feebe abgoan, by eeal'on ofthetr great oeuouting( to; it is an unfatiable beatt) hoe unnerouify labour tnith the abunuanre of the byleene :fog remenie whereof, you (hall gibe them water as oft as they thirt,in Eroughes mane of .Eamarirefihe tuyte oftnhith been is fiery holel'ome to; them. Dcmoatitm tearheth to gihe unto flames that hate the bplo’ene, the water bherein the finale: of$eath hath beene quenrheo. ‘Ehie heat! hath fomettme an admin tohetein he pines abaymno foetalteth his mate : an: I catrezrrng‘ofCateefl. \ ' £815; .. trgou hm bimto the fielmh’cluonenlz falléth humane lz'ifif as it were in than fleepe :mhirh aetmne as you pereerhe, gnu . (hall that up themhole {Beach in tome heul'e, ann make them to fat one azimuth from mater ann meate : the ntrthamthe route of the melee @nrumbe’r itampeb, ann mute! hath-mater, is when themto ounke : inhirh as [none as they habe taken, the; fall a nomrtrngfiao to purge themfeluee. When the! habe thus expense their rholer, you [hall give them harb Beams, trainee rmth mine. an excellent meoirine againlt all ibeitilenre of Poitilence. blunt, both Hierommus I‘ragus teacb,mhi£bi5 , when you {58 theminfertcn, to gibe them the motes of Pohpodi, 0.2 Else ' ferne bugle!) in wine, whereby they [hall purge mhatl‘oener is ebill fromthem, ann moi! of all rholer, wherewithblnine (a, are met troublee. Whereas thirtt infinmmer in hurtful! any “M. ‘ Dangerous to all kinne of ¢attei,to_ this heat it is molt hurtful: ano therefoze pon mutt not mater themes you one bha‘epe ann ©oates, but t1nife,o2thzil’e anae : but if you tampon mutt Rape them by the Water (the, that they may gee thereto at pieal‘ure : in; the bmine is not content with linking, but hee mutt often . roolc e plunge his filthy panrh in the mater, neither Delighteth he in any thing in ninth, as to mallow in the hurt. fine if you hane no rurh place ne'ere, you me ozam tome mater from the Well, ano give it them in Enough; abunnantlp: to; enept they minke their till, they mm fall tithe of the iuugsz tuhirh Lu," bifeare is ruren ( as Columclla tuziteth ) by thzuaing the eerie ° ° orbetterlnmzth through their cares : Pliny affirmeth the mane to be a prefent renteoie to; the firkeneu'e orbinine. bomefag, that if a home late one of her eyes, the ngeth rmne after : other, wife the libeth fifteene peeres. Ehere is-a kinae of nifeafe a, mongtt bluiue ( though otherluife they be healthie ant: fat ) wherein their flea) is all infe nee inith little grainee, as big as Speafon : the @ziekes call them calms, annlnee at this Day W21“! Epeaslen bluine, whirh you [hall l'mne perceine by the fight of 5 Mn" the tongue,anb the hoarl’enelte of their payee: this nireal‘e then tag. is natural! unto themfiom which pourhall pzeferue them, if gen naple rertaine plates of lean in the bottome of their mroughyou [hall alfo ke’epe them from this nifeafejf you give them to minke the Katenf mm: the senerail ano common E 4 , rem'en: Q90 -' Tbcthideooke, temeby isgfillomefizimfionmnb Bayibettiemfeath a like. abbe themnte a hanbfull of hate beate them all togethee,anb put them in a Bagge, which Bagge you thall tafl into theit hate: when they minke, anu eenem it twire in the ymre. WE; if you {tune in you: binyne any {chains 0; hinben l‘ieknea'e,the fickncfl'c, anely genetall, men eertaine e u nall helpe in; the fame, is nut to let him blmn unnee hie tayle, ann unnet his eates, am: if they blew not fcellfiy enough, you mall beate them with aimall .. fliekeana that will being teeth the bl an; then meap abent the {0.25 the baelte of a young Etienne then keep him marine an: gine himto minke macme éuheymnllmitt tenth marley, meale anb Renaoaket in petunia. 1h: Ga“ II: he wall is a bireare amenglt bluine,betaufe that eholee is potnetmll in them, bhith you lball know by a finelling which .9 will acil’e unnee their iatvem the Cure in to ltampe Celmozte anb baitwn,anl mite it with tanney any tnatee,ano then iteai. ning it gibe it the bmyne to reunite by a pinte at a time. mac.” bbyne are much inbieit te the bleepingebill' in the hammer. evil! t meg yen (hall knob: it by their continual beeping e negleaing their meate. Eh: Cute iete henie them ap,annltcpe them felting tents anti tlnentie homes, then in the waning inhen hunger hintheth them, te gibe them to unite (billings marine, in tohith is itampt gain ltoze of btonetupp, which aa'mne as he hath mantle ht mu bomit any talt, any it is a pzefent temeby. TM," E99 abate ie an infeaione bireafein Mayne, anb pzeeeeneth / from teeeupt blmb ingenb en by poneetie,met lying, 1L eufinelre anti futh like, an the Wayne can nebee pzofpec which hath the’mflihe mite is to gibe him fitlt te minke two fpmnefnls at" meeaekle, in a pint of Bonyen water, which will crpell the in, fettl'tm eutmarbly,then to aneynt the foxes ,lnith mundane ann moates gtealle, boylen together 3 to reparate the tithe from the mat. fonnn'.menehing the timing of blnineyeu ayal eailly (though swans menus be mantiugfinbe is tnes ,iaatlhemnn u. a; ne- fielbs to tan: bluyne in. Ehey mill be fat (as P Ii m fuppofethfin thet— rteze Bayes l'petially if they bekept from meat th. eie baits being; you fiebe them: they are fatten with Barley, £Datee, oz other Cunt,» {bulremithet giben wholemegtennmbut otall ethanec e corn-eating of Cattcll. ' 191 no one but : anothet use, is better, uno of mm rubaanee that to foo with aeoznee, then that tehieh is tattoo with either mach matt,oz ~ihellnut. Ehis heatfbiu in time be to fat, as he will he abieneither to goo, no; ttano you Varro tezle that there was {min Arcana a bob to fat, that the ma: not onely unable to rife, hut fna'reoa 99cm to make a nelt in her bony, anoro lay her young thermfi. he fame Varro repozteth,that there tune {out to Votumtus a Sonata; in Rome, a piete. of wozke of tmo ribs. that toeigheo there ano tmenty home: the thithnetfe of which Rotor from the flame to the ribbe, was one for to an. thgee inthesjaour bet! is to put to fatting your Meme of tloo a: there yettes olo .- to; it they be youngeritheir growing toil! him not their testing. ‘ a Ehefe are the opinions of the antients, but to come to the The My true a.» o perfea ozoer of turning ofbminent mull he arrnzoing way of to the diountry bherein you line, as if you “be in the country “din:- mhieh is tannin tohere toe draw is, then the mutt is a {nutrient feeoing, mo tmll make them fat in tire oz reuen teaches : then hating got firth one fattneae bring them home . ano fog ten oayeo o; a fogtnight,tafeoe them with my aerate oz t eanee,ano mm: of better, am it mill to haroen their net!) ano fat that it mitt not eonfume when it comes to boyltng. at you lib" in a thumpaine countrey tohieh is farre from tombs,then fly up your fathngs e let them not manage abzoao but hate their fmoe e tnater bzought unto them till they be fat: min the firtt ttoo oaies after their putting up, give the nothing, the than my early in the morning gire them a meme quantity of my peafe e theatres, at nmne give them asniuth moze, at fence a dork as much moeefitnhen you go tobeo as much maze, but all that buy no {ostenfihe next buy you than furor them a, gaine at the fame houres anofet mater by them that they may minke at their atone pieafureeze finite or theire a make as your zobitfion tmllferue you, it iegoeo to fill! their Eellies tnith {mate w hay, muttermilte 0.: {name math ,but by no meanee frant their peopoztton or {More ano fiennes,aazothus you may féeoe a 9mm: fat enough to; naughter, in a moneth or {the leeches. ‘ ghere is another may “timing in «thumpion countries 6 that ' is atthe nuke o3 ttaeke etioeafe e fiennesfiohith necks mutt)! - e .393 y The third Becks, _ be platen tohsthst at home oz in the fislomsate to tome loatet, no matter hole muooie o3 filthy roster, one there “he ass to he tut onions-by (mall Degrees, ano the sisapss Spogning, goons ano night salt amonge ths bioine; Ehis mannst of fishing is belt to; young 3,30 lists, but gsnstally foe all rogts of bluine, you may amongitt si's bhsins teens bhaspe alro, am: it is an steellent husbanoey, foe to you [hall not Itol'e a pears, , the eating of the blame gathering lohatiosbst the ihseps r (at! ttseth. fibers is another mannx of (seeing of amine, to; rush as libs in great watkst moieties, am about «Eities tohece chains ano {Butte is (sates ;ane thoughthe mason be not the beit,yst it is tolletabls, the manner the teof is thus. zihey fist: lty up their binine, ann then take ¢hanolets @tuin'ss ( lshith are the ogsggs ano oitall of ammo mallow ‘. as hato skinnes, Relies, ans aelhie lumps which mill~not melt, ano miring it faith inatms math gins it the amine to sate, thee o; routs times a hay, am: it bill iobainsly putts him up inith fatneas; thsn beasts upon ebsry Home a buihell of ozye wears any fieanssto hatlen his flea), ano then you may kill them at you: plsafure. latly,“ you bill fébs a mains foe iLatoe. oz a Boats foe ”salons, you ihallthe it! meets gihsthsm only roooen 15am ley with plentis or water, whey, oz Buttermilk. at rush times as was foemetlie lbslveuhsn after you (hall foeoe them with tabs @ault from the ileozs heroes it be ozyeo, till you fines them of fufiieient fatnells, then to: a make after gifle them mye years an Beanss to hatoen their fatnslre. at is gmn to gibs them rometimss to Izinke the inalhings oflhagr. heans ano ale watts!“ at alltihss to let them have lines of mater. 53m to; their lease, o; longing , let the mzamne lye Sitankeo on the bare flBoacos oz pabso blonesxano the {hogge namely littertco. Ehis manner of fishing makes the inhitea fatteu ans belt usih that may be '. Eo leaps your Eaton any long time you mua are great oiligsnts in.the ralting ano lays ing of it, whereby you ihall b“? it both the mholsromsr, ano floater, ans befioes to continue meets yarss to r sees the turns, (fitarfitis happen; manhunt being in this (oat fattemon multlhut maggot - st , entreann'g'ofCattclI. / 293 meet him to oainkethe nah befoze you kill him, whereby the \ flea) mill be the Deter. When you habe thus after‘htsthica hilleo him, you thall either shale him tmth mater, oe with a flame mine with mango; flickestnoge him : fogthe matinee of rueh as any him, alike not. after that, hanging him up by the hates, you (hall plutke out his bowels, auo put them to ozetringzhis new being roloe ano hate, you than lag upon a table, ano rut him into jfloetrhes, pouoer them with (alt, than, (ting great (toae thereof in even: plate, fpetiallh where the bones be :that none, put it into your pouoging tuhbe,ltretning [alt enough unoer it : fome moulo hate you felt it in the tonne of the SB :ene. Befoge you pouoet it,pou mutt pzetl‘e ano on: out- all the blouo, ago the water. home befog’e they felt it, one- plutlte out the bones, thinking it the heft may to; pzeferuing it, ano to ko’epe it longea (meet. where againe ooe not tttaight magesput it into the pouozing tubbe, but one leahe it upon a Eable to: ten haves atter,ano then hang it upin a pure am, to one in the laromflno when it hath beene ozgeuin the lutnoe eertaine barges, in: little ano little, they let the fmoake-eome to it, ano attertunros moge abuneantlg. Eh: flfiaton will be the tweeter, if beune the (make, the toinbe may come to it : if you hang it in great fmeake at the fire, it will be tuttie. leaning thus {poken fufiitientliz, of all the aattell that are ul’efull an! familiar with man ano ferue to fufiaine both him '9 ano his famine, 3 will nomrpeake fomething of EDoggo ano ‘, their nice to farre as they are peofitable to were gmo huebanon; "133*. ' V' my: mm though the Jumper allotneth him not in the ! number of¢attell ) ano though he gains of himl‘elfe no pgoftt, , ”53"“ petis he as the thephearo, (to; histrufiinelte, ano loatrhing of the flock: ) to be eatemeo ano let b2 :foz' they habe be’ene fe’ere to fight in the octente anoquarrell of their eBaaer.39ea,oibere of them habe beene knotone after their (shatters oeath, upon great atfeition ano lobe,,to familh themfelues, whereupon the wire of gun moggee gretn to be berg great. 3t is mzitten,that Alcibiades gave to; one Eogge eightrcoze pounoee. where is not a moze neeetlarg mature then the EDog about t9uebanoze = to; heme his fingnlar faithfulnetl‘e ano matching in the night time!!- 66 We a quarter matter in keeping ot «flatten, ano berg nieofull The Ban: D°8 for the houfo. .194. ' Thchthird Baokc; - . ncofuil for the Defence ofthenineciallulh iepe o slates,lohich boufo be from oeitroeeo ht manifesjoreswragesfino other firrnrine,i_f oogs ioere not fet to be their keepers. bmim feeoing in heatos, if the tailor beatts inuaoe themnnak‘ing as it were a lawn: with their grunting, ano crying, attemble themfelues,in their stone oefence. Ehe greater «tattell oefeno themfelues i’ome with their he'eles, tome with their Boznespnely the pa: :e thape hath no Iouloier but the image. SDIHDDMS that term to; per-fitthen are but their foets:fo.z the fourth (which are tut for pleafute) 3 make no account fine of the {oil's is Inch, as he (rent, ozrioiftneile, ferue to: the chair, ano killing at mile: traits: there, what manner of ones the? ihoulo be, ano hon: they lbouln be ozoereo. Xenophon ant Oppianus, in their Cyni- sctickes haue taught, ano 3 in my latt bloke, tohere 3 than [brake of hunting,toill oeclate. But noio J mill onelg l’peake of EDogges for the husbanos, ano keep ers both of the houfe ano Cattell : ano we the 99am: thatke’epeth the houfe :to; this purpol’e you mutt pzooioe you fuch a one, as hath a large ano amlgbm boot, a great ano a thgillbohce, that both torch his barking he may oifco‘oer, ano with his fight oirmap the whim, Irea, being not feene, inith the horroz of his boire put him to night: {his fiature mu? nei- ther be long no; thozt, but inell let, his heat: great, hiseges tharpe, ano here, either b_:o\nne oz Brag, his lippes blaclnlh, neither turning up, no: hanging to much ooinne, his mouth blatke ano mine, his neather-iaive fat,ano comming out or it on either line a fang, appearing inoze outmaro then his other tath; his upper teetheben with his neatbcrmot banning to: much ober,tharpe,ano hiooen with his lippes: his rountenan 3 like a lion, his bzctt great,ano lbsghaygohis thouloera broao, his legges hinge, his tagle than, his feet We greatabis oii'pofi- tionmutt neither berm gentle, no; its curl}, that he neither fahne upon a theefe, no (lie upon'his frienos, berg making, no gaooer abzoaomoe labia) of bl! mouth, barking without caul’e, neither maketh it any matter thoughhe be not fioift: to; he is but taught at honie,ano to nine warning or the enemie. The step: Elie Donne that is fo; the foloemaa neither be to gauntmo; hratdo do; to thrift asthe @raghounmoz f0 fatnoz wheat!” $afietg entteatmgofCattcll. 295 thehonre, bnt‘ bery thong, am: able to finhtann follow the ehare, thathe may be able to beate away the Wolfe 03 other bealte. ano to folleln the the’et‘e ano rerober the 932mm: there, tore his bony woulo rather be long then lhoet ano thirbe : in all other points he mutt agree with the flBanoog. mouth!“ the kinoe, the mange is thought better then the IBitth, betaufe of the trouble the beingeth when the is famte : hombeit, the fpayn Bitches one bite the fozett, ann are more making. are; their age ,they mutt neither bemhelpee, no; tm oloe: for the whelpe ran neithernefenn himrelfe, no; the thukefinhereas yetthe oll . hath rome bf e about a houl‘e. afyou habe a lohelpe (which age is better to be trainee, either to; the houfe o; the folb) you that! perceive by the fat whether he mm be great o; no. liars heao mutt be great, fmmth, ann full of beines, his eares great, ano hanging,his Inynts longhie fozelegs (hogter then his hinner,but' ry (freight ano great,his claims mine,his nailee hare, his hale. neither flethy no; too haro, the rioge ofhie bathe not too much appearingmez trmkeohis ribs rouno ano mell knit, his wont». on points melt oiltant, his buttorbee fat, ano bzoao, ano in all. other parts (as a rain) of the manoogge befoze. jfog him» I our it maketh no great matter, though Varro moulo habe him white, arm (a moulDColum'clla the £130; fee the tielo, as he ‘ month have the iaourmog to be blarke : but the pyeo rolour ie juogen naught in them both. Ehe white they rommenb, bea raur e he may be bitterneo from the Wolfe in the nightfinhetea by they (hall not [trike the Eogge in Scan of the malfe. Ehe blacke againe, to; the houfe is belt commenoeo, beraut’e of his terrour to the théefe in the bay, auo the hurt that he may aoe by night, by reafon of his not being l'e'ene : the Dunne, the beinoen, ano the name not mitlike me, to they be well markeb befioe. TLhus mutt you tuoging him as a ityon by the elatnheyther buy one,o2 b;ing up one fee your purpofe. 19010 murh teaching or ' winging up pzebaileth, appeareth by Lycurgus his example in Xenophon. Eo make them fierce ano writ, you mutt plurke them by the eareefet them together with your hanoee,ano keeps them from being hurt, to (hall you have them the boloer ano the fierrer, ano fur’h as will, gibe it abet. you mutt ufe him firfi to the theme, be m m to arteggnletting him orator: : , t . :196 The third Bookc,‘ . . Ruthibbyhilmhe, m mhen whom a little (hm one list in tut-mum me 239 meet have him a; tee him: it is bit to tape them . teen in the Daytime, to makethenithe nutter, am: to let them lml'e in the night tiine : to than they in . the night time match, an: in the bag Rape. mo acme them a: gaintt the Wolfe,” other Inilne beaten, you may put bgoane . eolloeo about their fierhes offiailee, anti gran nuance, lining it mithfott leothecpithin. you mutt Imbe thathont Eoggeo be of a gain tine, any ( if you ran) all at one binoe , to that! , they niche the We togethetzthmfe them that hate the turret! imamesmnbfurh as habe their fiappes eben. iheg begin . to litter at a were ole, anti continue nine haematite: tenne thee . be mozth nothing. gmhe Dome (as Columelh faith) getteo whelpeo luailg,till he be tenno pares blue: the mhelpes of the olbe ¢urres are . [loin ann naught. Homer fameth to make the life ofa mogge , abobe twenty retreamhere he fpeaketh of the ramming home of Vlifles, anti the buotnlebge of his flange: fine 3 mi: felfe habe fame Domes that were rain to be to much, but altogethec unpzofitable. Ehcir age may be knomen by their teeth, the young habing (as A riliorlc faith) inhitc teeth anti tharpe : the nine blarlte ann blunt. inthe aiming they begin to bre fair-tr, emu gee with Ktheipc (as Ariflotlc an: X'nophon faith) than froze bares, 0: at the niaathziefroee ant their. Varro mzircth, that they gee there mensthe with young: the Ergo of I.a:cdc- . mon ingenber at eight nmnethe aloe, am: all other memes am; at halte were :theu are with mhelpe with onre liming : they ‘litter about inneztbhen the;‘ be litteren,they are blinbr,ann the maze milke they habethe longer it is befogc they’re, but nebei: longer then one one ttbeiitie ham, no; rennet then beaben Dates. borne holue opinion, that if there be but on ata litter r it bill [to the ninth any,“ tmo,the tenth bar, nnb to snap annex: to; as many as be,anb that there that be otthefirfi litter, nee (onett fie : the heft of the iitter isthat tuhirh latt (teeth, 0:. ‘bhith the ibitrh firtt rarrieth to her Bennett. film no they be mhelpemrat Imp fuel; as you miaikemt {MW than a; fmirezorthzie :bnhile thezbe young,“ the are they mutt be fattest tepid! them,that the mo: gto pw...-— .-.-'- j »- .v_ _ -_ ”x amt-ng.«ofCattcll.' - 397-, mg: m; Math, letthemhe “5551!!!! my (13.. gm m) tyingthem inthe nag, allettmgthem lmrein the nighmne tubumhmb to be afgan humane moat: have them ”antennae them nottoruehe a flange mate : to; the milke m blmb of the mothet is ofgteat “3‘? to the gun. uette min hawthofthe unhelpe. an!) if to be the mitth lathe milheJntkle them with themilke eta tboate,tillthe2 be route moueths nln'e. he unnemeath them in their kennels 9mm ant: ahatfe that they may lee marine :foz they tannet-mell a, may with cola. 391mm the tailes of the thlpee when they: be fire leeches olo, i is mannee: there is a finemethat tunnes team the tinge of the hate, to the tip of the taile, Inhith being hele tau tnith a piutet,ann a little mime out, you lhall wt arunner, whereby nepthet the taiie thall seam to am: foule ‘ length, nee the Same (hall at any time after ( as they rah) be man. Ehep are thought to liftup the legge when the}? pine, at ‘ (ire monethe clue, whit-his a llgne of the pertettneute of their mength. fiche facing of both kinnsis all one, they maybe -' fen tnith bonee,pozrenge, ant futh likezin any tm'l'e letthem want no meate, foeiftheeboe, they mill to; hunger when a. lame, aim foztake bath the home ann the duke. Xenophon 100qu be you give them milke all the ye’ere long, ant [nth . {one as hey (hall fine with all their lifetime, am: another . thing : it you feel: them tm fall, it will heme (as he faith) bi- l’earee in their leggee, an! cut them within. fizeanistheic common meate, but Varto motile habe it giben egthet with Qilke 0; mm, hybfe tnhweof, theytm'll nebet fezrake their fiattell. you may give them beune, bzean, with the heath et’ fonoen bones, am the bones themfelbes beaten,- hahith ill make their teeth the retainer, am their mouthee aim tatees '9 bet, am: they will be theke'mec, b! cearen of the ftndtneife of the antenna. 38w mutt beware they eate no Deal the’epe, lea by, reaton of the tune, they fall to the like ones. While the witch hath whelpee, gnu mua fe’ebe he: rather with xfiatlee hzean then Wheaten been: to; they point better with it, ann intakes them give maze milke. mum-fine them theife a 3832,!!! the mowing tehengou We (be!!! amt amnesia againe ‘ , at night,iohen you letthem lml'e. Eheit names that poutgbibe \ 2m 2 r it names 3’98 ' ' The third Brooke; themtt home, thattheg may time heare ibhen theé‘bee album makes ano the Launeggobe them names oftbso oi mum-“liablmhe dbermainee lightly but one lillable, as fiathblut, . 19m,®rim,enmhe oiteatee ano griebanree of ED oggeo, are . the biting of fliesfltirkemno manginelre. againtt this you mot mail) them when they bee Whelpee, with bitter a1, manna, ttampeo ano tiraineo with mater,baatl)ing them both about their earee,ano betmifltheir domes, that neither flies .airke to them ano blitier them, no; Eiders, o3 lire molett them : ano iftheg be alreaog man 'e, you mutt annoint them with Earre, ano. {hoggetgreate : flicker; alto, if you tonrh them with this meoirinmnill pgetentlp fall otf,to2 yon mutt not plurke them off by fogre. 3t your mugge be full of fileaefihe re; menu quummin beaten, with a like quantity of netting point -oer,ano mingleo inithioater, rub him ober llllfb it, o; the do ‘meggeo of oplerubbeo ober all his bong. it he be trabbp, take Cyrhitus,ann Ccl‘amum,beate them together, a mingling them with marrefinnoint the toze : this meoirine mill alto remeoy a ¢b3iitian creatureEIJeg tap alto, that if honthgult the skinne thzongh with an iron, it toill heale the manginelle, o; if you fmeare them ober with Wunpouoer, o; rait them into a fian- ners fatte. . ' Atiflotle mziteih, that mogges are rhietelh troubleo with their oiteatesfitaaonetl'emuintep, ano the (flout, ano luhatto. eber he biteth in his mannelte,berommeth alto mao ,ano opeth thereof: the maoneil‘e is molt ertreame in the mogge eaves : inhattoeber is bitten bhthem, falleth tiraightmaeeemto a loav thing,ano feare of water. mo preterbe them from ingot: mutt mingle loith their meate to; thirty oagee together,o3itthep be alreaoe inteneo, gibe them netting pointer to eate. ley ion} teth,tbat there is in the tongue of BDoggeo a little mozmegalleo otthe (Strikes Lynn, inhirhif it bee taken out h‘bllc they bee tohelpeuhey will neither be mao,noz gramme rabenone. at the Wage be mature, he refuteth both meate ano ozinke, ano ozibleth ill taboureo tonne matter, both from his note, e month, he lroketh loith a loath tome roantenanrehis born is leane,ano Ned 9°!" W dong together than it loan wont to babe beareth his taile betwixt hie lessee, t bitetb without an: barkiue whattoeog enfiarmgbrcamn; , 5;; he Maximum-as met! upon enemas beafiemaktng no biflee rente bettnirt his frienos, c (hangers. as the EDog is a match, mi?!" an!) niche: of the honfe ann the W0 the (Eat is a how!) halo fetuant to be therilhen. , ‘ ' mhe «Egyptians to; their pgofitableneaefiin tummy foe their woo agotnen «ratio; whereas flats ano smile, as heel! in on” ties,” in ©rangeo,are greatly hurtfulhme [tape up flatten fo; the awning of the mifrhiefe, neither is there afpéeoier reme. 02.25!» c at is a beatt of nature enemie to the apatite, matrh: ing in the night, ann aching in the bay, [tealing funnenly ano l’tniftly upon‘the @onfe: the fath better by night then by Day (as Alexander Aparodit‘cus mziteth) her eyes thine ano glitter in the narkeflhey goe a Cattertnnlling about febzuary, o; o, ther times in the yare ( fog they often ingenher) am: being fozth their yang ones blinoe,as the Bitch noth.Hcrodotus faith, that after the diatte hath kitneo, thee ronimeth no more at the finckefinhith when he perceibethano rannot hane his purpor e, he killeth the young , mhereoflnhen the teeth her felfe bereft, fog bery nefire of young ( tohereofthie Itinoe is mot oefirons) thee oommeth fiaight to the a‘fiurkedroemy part, 3 month rather rounfell you to oeamy your Kate ano ewe with Erapsmanee 02 models : foe [refines the auttithnea’e ann loathfomnea'e of the (finite (you imam inhat the layer in the @alt heape) the is mott oangerono one pernitiousamsng thimtu, as 3 m2 felfe habe hat: goon emrimceg Soli Dee bone} (‘7 glorid: 1113394 9311c: thisé 3:958? 35 ' Thé Caters; Entrcating ofPoulm'c, Fowlc, Fifh, and Bccs. pVLLARIVS. MaLLxsuvs. Pv 1. x. A. haying an! betting of diattell, ' noggalnmtuaumeu'tie mu m to the W to the . . -' manning an memes. of- \ ‘ A» Mandamus, B' awful), i (if. the Sonata: beam: authentic» manly atifem. hum “Wage, whereby both the :etenue is gteatlp, enereal’en, am the. table nail}: hilt!) unintte, am no ehargeable babes fumimewaees, auu mums; mimwmm were kept all manner am: {one of fable, were fica centre!) by game: Lcnus Strabo at Brundifium,frnm which time (thus flea put in ul'e,to pen up (nth matures, “W113 mete lawn to die at their liberty m the 331mm which time alto began to be bgough: in mange am outlanm'th jfomles, the keeping arm bzeem'ng whereof, ge’elbeth to the husbannman both pleafuee ann pgofit. m e rhiefe place [8 Due to the ache arm 19mm, that are beam: n man, as the panel! minnow in the smnumieis able to tape them. in this With there are thzee points of nutter?" hf: cams mmmgofl’oulme. 3.? teoion thieaytobe bonnet” at; my: age, themat mm!- W that theyhabe hating the time If their Nowhere“: to; nelice “hatching their youngtheymite to be tatelette of the: meat": minke. beeenuy, thattheybeate [nth lobe to themthat thtyltitke not to hagacn their om bbes in the ne; fmee of them. an! thirnlyahat in the tome, Maine, oz. am, they peeretne m nonrilh them annet their bungee, not making to; the while any account oftheic otme rem: ann a to there 3 anne a fourth bertne, ann that is their balianmeite, ann hatninette in which they mane all tenable Creatures bhatl‘oebet, fighting their Ifiattaillefo faithfully ann truly to the enne,thatthere is nothing but eminent neath( ifthey be left to theit Imus) tnhzeh tan feyatate them ‘. ~ an) therefozefinte there automaton to; ebay man to hate, an that they alwayes fate about the hours, 3 thinhe it belt to begin with them, ann to tell you which ate belt to be liken, which to be bluish! mu! mhith to be fatten. firththe belts be bomht fnz Intimate the nunne, the ten, The Mic. the yelloln,annthe blatbe;the white ate notto be menlen with, qucnnes betaule they are commonly tenner,ann yzofper not, neither are “" b‘°°“' they befine fruitfull, ann are alwayeo the fatten matte in a bamke,” a meme eye. let therefoee your theatre be of a son telwahabing a lathe bony,ann me, a great hean, with a ficaight,ren,ann nnbble tombe, white eaten ann great, her tat. lumbenfihe bea ktnne ( as Columcna faith) aterurh an hate The 0m" fibe dameeIo that they be free from r pnrtes: foe fnrh as lneare humcén'é. thofe Cotkith heavens are not goo fog bzmne, ann nifnaine the company/of the teem lay but felnome,ann when they at, with their unrulyfpnttes they beeake their hinges. Ehe little pallet”; {hennmthongh the ole age,both to; theit nnfruitful , Immune other caures nil'alomen tum, yet in many plates they ”one to be ammann lay many mesa n England, at this nay, they are areas as-a naintie nilh at menotable's. an the ehoyre of yont €oekes,you mm rurh as mm The chart: treane lutily,of minute, as 3 tell: youfozthe fiennee, ann the 3:32:32; like number oftallone, ann like in many othet points. but of hm, °‘ statute they mac be higher, earryiag their heane might try. their Comm mat be runny on him hangtngmo; {aligns} a 2 no ne go: - 1‘ The fourthBooke swam: blaeke ano ih'aepe, ’thetl: Bils that C ttmlteo; thzic "eases gtea’t ano white,theie inattels ment, haning bnoet them as it lo‘eee,a hinoe of gragilh beamthe means feathers of tolones oibec‘sgeithee a pale,goloen,oe a glittering gre’en,ir.hich malt hang railing from his 31ml: to his membersgtheir bgeaus mutt be lacge,ano loell beamneoaheie Wings lozll feather en ano large, their fiatles oubbleo anotlagging,theie cumpes ano thighs full of feathettheit legs fisngfioel armeo lbith (harps ano oeaolg bpnctes lichen oirpoittion ( foe you lhall not mine to habe them gceatfighteesfinoulo be gentle,quiobe, ano libe’ lg, anofpeeialle gins makers, ano boomers: to; it is a 11522:: that well appoetisneth both the night ano the ham ( as Pruden- eiuslmtnea‘eth ) erhozteth to repentance. fieithee innit you on the other lioe,habe him a Ctanoonxoz he Inna rometime ltano in the oetenee of his Knife,ano his ehilozen,fano habe aomaebe to kill o: beat away a Snake, oz any fneh hurtfullbetmine: but if he be quateellousmon lhal habe no rule with him to: fighting ano beating his fellolnes, not (uttering them to treaoe, though he habe moge then his hanos full himfelfe. Ehis mirehiefe you may ealllg pzeuent with waehling him with a thme r ole: foe although fuehlattyfighters are been up ano ehetiiheo to; the game, hetace they not to term the husbanomans turns at home. a aoebe framers ano paopoztioneu after this (not, lhall habe fibe ozfixe igmnes going with him. . mm to; the choire of the ihen, which is as material! in the Ibze'eoe as the «:oekerc’e ought notes nill‘et much from hts er- eellene2,both in baluremigilantn, I about foe he: felfe,anb he: «thiebinsxoz he: lbape,§ biggelt are i: bemeberi} pzopoztion an; [hosting that: foemerlp oercribeomnlg to; the tombe let her have a tntit of feathers like a dreamiwzto habe many claims is geoo, butto want the hinoecclaln is no hnct fog the I'afetp ofthe @gs. an a9m that erometh is neither goon )lbze’eoee no; lager, the Sn perfettion of ibzieoing ano hittinggthe eloer flame ate-the beu, inthe pecfenion of JLaging the gonget themes are molt able, but to: neither purpofe, chute a fat- $enne , foe thee is lloathfull,eatelea’e ano no paines taker. . M an. L I s s I v s .3 may you let me hnnerfiantinhat time ortheys'ece is belt to; hanging fozth of «Chiehine e P v L L A R I v svinrome places,rpetialle the hotteit (than! ties, earl-eating of Poulrrie. go; triegthe W beginneto lag in January, in roloer countries: ertbtt in febm. oz at the latter enn of January: hon innit alfofnrtherthelt laying bhgihmtbu mm?!” W, as Barley halfefon, inhith maketh both them“ the fewer, an: eanfeth them to lag the oftner. borne thinbe it gmo to mingle Wt!) the leabee, oz the times of Cuyfus, which both are thought to hegreatlg of four in making than fruitful. 3fthis be not to be han, you may fupplgthe haunt bith Spent, 03 (as Cardanus faith)le Emma which mill tanfe them to lag all the Winter. Whentheh lamon mutt fie that their netts be cleane, e kept kill with teeth tleane (train : foe otherhn‘fe they will be full of tleae,ano other bermine, luhith will not {utter the {Ben to bee qnietjnherebz the diggers noe not hatch eben together, oz many times mare noble ant rottenEhe cg: that you fet nnher them, mutt be new laymhoinbeit, l'o theg be not abobe tennages olbe, it maketh no great matter : ifgon lmke not to them they will [traight wages fit after their belt laying, which you mail not (utter, to; the young {Bullets are better foe laying then fitting: the better of fitting is refirainen b2 thzutting a featherthzough their note. Ehe ole {Bennes innit rather be fnflereh to fit their the goungerfireeaute of their etperienre.$erein mutt you hate a r petiau regaro to hnoin Inhirh be belt to at, to; fame be better to being up chirkine then to fit.£Dthers againe. mm bzeahe oz eate up both their oinne 02131325,:an their felloloee Egge'ezfuth you mutt put afioe,anoir their fiailes am: will“ be tharpe rather implog them in benching then in fitting. Dcmecriiuc telleth,that ahitkene may be bzought foozth without fetting unset the theme, if to be the boring of {Bennee fiften berg fine, bee put in little bagges, batten abent with {oft tea; there, upon which the fliggee mutt be lain ltraightnpeight mith the tharpe enn whiten: npon there agatne mutt the like quantitie of h9ennes noting be lainJo that they be ofeberg fine elofelp robereb. Ehis none, you mail fatter them to lie fog the me e; that: flea bazesgnb after, ebetg nay turnetheni, taking gum hien,that2on knerke them not one againfi the other in the turningafterttnentg lawman lhall finite the mgges woken: ano therefoze the Methane, plucking may the fieMgaa 3 "5 gag. , - Thcfourth Book c, hing on MWQQMIQE‘CMQEM tothe Janine. 3t umwamm,mmn b! theftmtinnnil W W hafnium: hilt, with bone the that K353! «dieing mom an m Intimate place, oo'oeuo militia: (team WthIMBE elude are befionnno anetotinzne then: We, hate nun» nno beaten at Sci: new. time. Mode united; that toga put in marine belie”, no mm with nouns, mill hateh of them; (nines. Ehe nnnihet of the We that zone {amine than (it nponJome' woulo hahe to be oboe, ano no maze, in @atxh nine, teene, am no late: inhieh number you an“ continue all the hammer, tilt beptemhet, oz Eastman: whiehtinie it is to no putpol‘e to bze’eoe any longer : to; the Chitkine, b2 tenfon of the solo ineathor,ano nireares, never pzoi'pet. yea, tome be of o. pinion, that after the tentlmz twelfth ofinne, you that! never habe faite bnoemthat the bet reoron to; letting, beginneth at the tenth «madam hetein you mutt omens he fate to habe the sauna meafim, ttoiiithat tie betenne have: ole, tiii fittiene : fozthatiethe belt time tofetin. anofo innit you again: offpofe the tiniefisthe hatehing may fell out in the an more ofthe emine :fo; the int time or hatching,thete are im- ozg mummifiecht they ate hatchet) in ninto’ene havesflanom): €fickins) one ano theme ”in, 03 “White nageszfog mammal: custom anti fluent! Dates: {ome- tinieo moge : ann Ween): the like (pace to the 19m, (pedal. tgif they fit-night ano nag, allowingthein onelg the mowing, anothe Gbeninn to fame : Inhith times they mun of neeeufitg Dam. l ’ if to be you mil! tet more your Esme peacetime C-gges may her atone, you mutt tot he: upon the ' aetotheo cggee tenoaizee heroes the hate he: omne @gm teby they that! T“ *f‘" behnteheo aunt onee, neithet unit you (at above the {Dean 3252“,, mm (finite @meeunhei: a 199mm 3 f you month have at! or thncz mtkmtb'ukinsxon mat ehooi'e {nth cages as be tonget ano- Chkkm Sharpen,” agnine (to: We: ) the tomoeu, (as both Pliny any Column: mzite )thongh Admits-Mme notefttut opini. am «when which mm'm- 1995:?me mutt (a memo )oatflym mm; am my as be "aim? , . i mutating “Pauline. g8; mill-M albft; m thegmt'goe height be the bqttpme. 21D, thewue holothetu'np mamas! canteen: It the}; [a thzoug‘y them,the2 imam light amnaughb {element in no will: that: themmmm them-,lealtieeu matte the flying; oflife, that uremia-Mg begun at m have ram; thatblgmakmg of the Gauge Chtrkins haue bane hatchet: tame. me man bcfine petteibe luhethee the eggshell! penile well a; miffoute mes aftet‘lhe 19mm linemen hole them up lathe buff,“ 0: Matt lightannit you l a tha‘t‘theg heela'ere,ta& them away}! an: put nthet in their mammal: thnnuet,that many times Again“ matteth the cggee, [cannot at about them the Manes, o; hurtcf Wthesnfmmz Rum.mue,nthete ( againe) the thunder. henna of catfish, min Quilts fireman theateat heat ofthe Wynn memo theflpimtle the «Eugen a little with mater,e_metthem, leak In: the extreme heat: tbtl! man: we aunanleipeelallg the age of Entities ants acme-When. foebet pen meant-to make cleane theit nets, you mat! take up the Emma lauthem tuned: in I'm little new, alarm; lag them {pally agaiueinlhe tlefifle‘liefmiete tn the pligte'. lnhere the 19m Emma maltfetlnatet am) meatgthat they may the better kept their nets, am that by: their long abfente the ' egg“ mandala. any althengh the venue oath album. tame hen: men, get it behaawbm W)?" (heismmjthg 1 o ileum tumethem rattle mithm‘hmus, that by waiting it" like Witheymaythermuee be ceabie. fine if the babe happemn to hunt any of them with her fa’etemu malt peefent, ' ”lg temwe them. fitthe nineteenth Day, you mail lmke bill's gently mhdha the mains.” iobbethe thell with that: bales, min heathen whethet meg Mira-mam; times-Kg realm ofthe hammlte at the lhell they'tamot come teeth, anathetefoze you mutt helpe them out lmth pout hams, am: put themtnthe 19m, am this you malt not no lungs: then thzéenaiee : tseth'ellzege‘e, thata‘fte'eme- authentic 8111385." make a unife,habemthing~iu themm therewegou malt call} them amagnatthe haeme lmfe nether lammpon the title“; my me, If M Wattle Eastman-(ball hem the within; from thatttme beginthe ifeathemthe 61W lying to, aqthe ‘; mmflummtbeutfitfltgv were debt may my if: ' 4. '- aninfi the PT?" 396 . Thcfomth-Booii'é on the heab the holite humming belittle one little. anon mutt notta Chielu’noahae nether he hatehhbuttnier them to rename one lohole 0821mm the theme in the fietbithout meate o3 leinbtill (nth timeasthen he olthateheo. at is non; Derfnllfi get the experience [aneJhat befoee they be futfeteu to eate,the2take noharme, though they fall from a great height. ' Ehe nert bag, when all the floehe is come teeth, Columcfla nonlo habe you to put. them rather a bibesno to perfume them with the (melee of 192m“, 0,: to hang them in a Basket in the (mote, mhirh paeferbeth them ( as it is thought ) from the pippe, which many times oelttogeth the pane: Chirhins: then mutt you put them into a tape with the WWII fe’eoe them atthe firi‘t loith Barlehomealelooben in matermnn rpeinrkleb with a little Wine. 91mm, when they see abeoao, you mutt title eberie one of them tohether there remaine any of the meate they reeeiheo the bag befoze :fo; if their rroppee be not emptie, it betolteneth bunt of bigefiion, ano therefoge you mu! keepe at taking ‘ till all be Disturb?“ mutt nottntfer them togoe me from we venue, but to Rape them about the trope, ano to fo‘eoe them till they more (from; with beufeb iBarley, ano Barty meale : you mat alto take gm! he'eoe, that they be not beeatheo upon, by either moaohnake, o; motto; the awe attach is to patient,“ it by e be nearoeeth them all: hthi‘rh ‘mifehiefe it aboioeb by burning of varto'hosne, Galba- hum, 0: on omane haire, the {moalte of all which peebenteth this peflilenre. you mutt fee hefibe that they lie marme : to; they neither can {utter commute; much heatzthe feathers about theirtailee mutt be pulleoatooe, leatt nnth the harming of their Dung,the pan'ago be floppenfihith if It Demon mutt open toftlg with a little quill : you mutt ke‘epe them with the theme foz‘a moneths (pate, anb after {utter them to hoe at liberty. isoth the olb, anb young, are of all other otteal’ee mofitrouhleb toith the pippe, tpeeialln about {Barrett time, tohlth 15.8 little inhité‘skin, rowing thetippe of their tongue, bhith is to 'be plhtlieb airway with the nailemo the plate to be poubzeo with album dbarlik’pouoeeb e tpzintleleo upon it.5from this plague you al pzetetue them, by fajningthent in cleane belelo t is}: hing alluaiesthe m“ flannel! water; tapingotgreer; up entreatingeof Poultric. _ 3.07 lites albaiec deanmanb (maker), 32 be I'moaking them, as m fitfinitb the tinoake thieflh at 15am. mbanin. Ehe mines ofthe commie oo commonly enre‘theni, he tbmiting a ‘ feather thoughtherr note, ano flirting it 2W9. artheir Sotuym‘. eies befmmu may heale them lmtb the true otihnrrehne, ano momans mtllee,annohnting on the onttinemtmth drum. minflaonpfino halt armoniathe. you ihallriotheni name, with parcheo cummind btane: Lice. Tacre, alike quantitie of earh beaten together, ana potmen‘on with mine: alto the mater wherein mtlne lupinen habe bo‘eno tonnenafhonr {Bernie fallto eating other otggeatabing Baring Egs. out the tohitenzon mutt potnee in platter, offonie liqnin thing, that may come to a barmtle in the ihell. mo have them from Batting eating of weaves, hon ihall tribe them the merry ottomo 1-31. Grapes. leo themiloemunegathereo from the heoge befoze it be ripe, c foooen tenth Wheat (lower, the chill tatte whereof mill tante them to loath ammunic attirmeth,that ifpon gibe them the floinzeo of the mine with their nieat,theh milnot touch (escapes. {ta Mere is another oil'eafe which there table are ninth fnbiea The Roupe unto, whith is talleo the flame, arm is a filthy 215m 0; imply, animation on the Rumpednhirh in a (boat rpare mill roernpt the Inhale bong : it is to be knotnne by an unnaturall ruining ann timing bathe of the feathersgano the time into bare the rage ans lag it open, then launre it ano take out the image, then math the plate lnith fillome water anti [alt mingleo together. at your poultry be bitten 0; thing mith any benemons thing, Biting bhirh you that eafiliz knob: by their [storing a 1'0an “Belling, with “‘2? ' pzetentln take the leabes of the tonal: Arifiolochcfino (hopping m°‘" “”9 them ann miring themtm'th @ahgbutter anonnt the (age there , may anti it helpeth; ' Ehe itashe oz Jflure in 120n1trie is an nnnatnrall 9mm, ring am) aborzoing of errrement in moze then an ogoinari’e manner, banging the simple-to that meme that it is not able to fubi’iit; anothe azure isto take :‘seane-meale ano mirs ing it mith 'fiBolearmonie, train it in milhe ano to making final! pellets gibe it the grown to eat arm it will knit thermann 0:? them, for this oiteate is gotten onelh by eating tron math mow meate. ' - , . , » ' Tibet? The Flute. ”a , maximum, St Pius i" ,mmfl-W Dim WWW Mb“, ' “mil"- 15.311”,an at walnuts; men joint: In “2%.”: Wm WM: amatmi‘mzfe Mfume. rm mammal thhzu We; hello totththc m; o! W gthe them than attests petty {queue bits of the helium tute'tlcaue mauht WWW tht imp: of acres am it helptth. ’ erommr when ts {I nflmmt mum, bhtth ts tauen Cram; den. With” a men in am htth a Carina that», make wiquithapmth new 0“) 0 “in lifeare to peat- lenttha: ttts hell: mantle; the figues them! are the liming up ntthe jfeathctsfinn aback: turning like there of the «Binnie Quantum hanging new of he: mtms’anu nthtt metal! {Wm the skttfuu halftime too than male take the Icahn of'cumu Arifioloche c the leaflet of German, m boils them in 021mm then anoint the Esme all ohetthemnithann ital mummmmmmn kill the Beans. Hem that at m 3m chm to ambhithta amuu am unnatural me- , infirm mm, you than romtypuu mm: gun he: wheat: fwzrhen t mitt with them: of matte; Rape her as time asispam'hle mom the compute-fall other ibullt’ne *; as in all othec eattell of tht mum's, to in there times that! $533“ ateto he mumps moat! etthet tohe rm; to bettlleh in the u ' ' hhufefinb thetefoge ehetg vim about the fall oftheleafenhen they (care to Manama that letter: their "anthem put may the an unembuch as ate am that gm._e_fuch as m etthec an: fruitful,” not goon hunger: up of thteamsfint rpeuallg there heat: up either that: stun aghast the" “UM, 0; I'm!) asafr let the «50min; manner either won: at ttean = to Mach number you (hall alro anne,fuch as mete hatthcu after the tenth of guns, uhtehmbet pzmhc to he fame : but the «Cache, among as be is able totteabmau may he'epczfoz gun that! f eluome matte may a M . of gum Cottage: fattt’ng, the [but are thofethat hub: the skins" mm ' afthttt necks thithe annramumzhc mare wagon meaneta ' tat them mu! be berg 111mm, 6 othttle ltght, betaure. a, both Vanosmh our Dime experience ihetneth,the light, ans their of. ten. WIS. hapeth them from heat; tat : thug mutt they be kept foxfiheanntmentte nmmbflflfl @6910!" how. a t t engaging ofP'ouIrricL ' 399 amt then: begin» mummzibtnm mane suntan.” mmith mm fozlnatex any mutant meleanej neatly kept, amen roam themmtbpmas. pull may wines theirt‘eathers from theirlheaummm, ann their museum; fa; antenna at Smut!» mm mitigated: mimfihmatethatewmetbmymwnmgm which gniuglen with water, until: he manezl'n little-pliers, wherebith they will berfat (as (cute think: ) in {mus nayes: but tie that you gihe it them butmnnetatelyattheidt, all they bell nigett it,atter sine itthemin quantitiwcezliug asthey nigett it: arm in any knife gihe them no nem, till you perceine , by feeling of their flopped; that the nine be en; semen. Ether: nae {pginehle their speak with honey tun; ten in matermutting to that parts of mater, one of finney, ann ouenfzmine, aun wetting herein laheaten hzeab, they therelnithallue eramme them. Ether: ray, that if youput hereunto a little willie, theylnill he mimetfull fat. fiche cockrels are 52qu Atiflotlc taith)in the hinnet partjnhith Making or- when they treati, talleth out : this part, if you hurne than a; Capons. these times, they will be aapnnsfiim if they be right fiapeus, their «tombs beeommeth pale, neither training, unetreaning any maze. m mines ofthe~¢nun¢ey, cutting themzhetlm'rt the leggesmke out their items, ,ann fuming up the momma unint it with Butter; luhith Bone, they that them up ina Gaye, not {uttering them ta nzinkein a any n; tine. from the beginning of Mafia, annzall mantel: long, the wall» of the (inane, am: the Bameeuazeheth feeue them tutti, riently: tnhere they plant mines, {paring other maze entity fmnes,they fatnethemluith the kernels Inf thedb’zayesmut: tnherethere isneither the ma of acute. no; (252211325, they mull be fen inith matesfiiperymtmhltkeem wife them to "lay in winter, you mat-give themf as a tale yaiflaempe; idenezann as you tram anb fennecapensfeyon may fat,rramme o: {acne them alro am: in a flyozter {media mu may tramme {,1} - c hirhens (inner then eitherafthé‘bm Mam rtt take them attmne as their aammee restate WWe abletwe- fenn theml'eules, ann putthem inmamawfi lent (unite); '“9‘9‘1011'0 with “smile“ tam malemunnnau to. mmng‘it with new milkennake a ltitfe new thereon: out ofét ma 2 . gm ' flcfonrrh Bookc; ' ‘ make mfiramnieeghen aeeping them in milke,rramme the €Wmtbfimiugdfimm «team have great rare tomalie neat trammee bery [mat in (em ofrhoakingzit with yonrtnheat meale yon mire a little tine abatemeale flower, the «tram trill be thebettern the chickens mill term: the (inner, hofleeber in fometane bayes they will be as fat as they ran bailout: there beothewthat fe’ebe them with antts that are taken out ofitrong file or fi’cre,others feeoe them with wheat Elan fralben ; but then they mutt habe great (loge thereof in (each wire as it may lie continually befoee them, neither mutt they tnant water at any time. . The c. on film; whereas befoge 3 (pane of imports, their earning, are, to My P cramming; benefit in h oith,yet here you [hall nnbertano that Chickens. they are errelent for another pnrpofe alro,that is to leao,to heme, to gouerne e befenmboth athirkenam‘ urklingemznrkieefiea. hensflbheafantmh artrigem inbeeo any 5fotnle of their nature, mhirh he hit bee (being aplyeb therennto)“ naturally,“ kinou ly a more tufliriently then any then whettoeber ; the greatneife e largeneil‘e of his boby,being much better able to rober theme hie itrength of greater force to befenn them,fo that you (hall fee thefe diapons leanethirtie, nay foztie of the reberail kinu of fables formerly (pollen ohneither after he hath onretaiien an. to thennbare either kyte oz elfe Banner: ail‘anlt him. flow the may to being him to this natural atfertion(befoze (poken of)you ihaltake a goon IBnnrh of firtl‘matte e swaying it! little,alroone aeyon {a the {Britten begin to go to their nominate {Hitapon e baring his bzwnnb it all otter with the firtl'mart bery harmthé in the narlie put him to Rent! 0 My peibatly fleale 0 place the thickens miner him, whore warmth will take away the r mart which yhearbe hab catren, iniomnrh ypgefently he inill fall in late tuith them,yet it at any time you tune he beginneth to neg; lenthenuthen peerently that night rub him againe, c then be, leene it he will neber foerahe them;therebe tome honftoinea that rinlteao oiaramarttake ghettels ann fiettle hint, others take‘ bpearegralte e nib him with it,othets mil neither at e firtmart We; bpearegragghnt only take a fine yong Sayer anb therhith beate e pn’rke all his ma chem there is none'ofthrfe but toileaeit the batman“? tbfl animate is the belt e rang; entrcafing'oiPouItri-c. 3 {i- . armioonlohooe great em Looneus leashed) to beats cram; - into polooet 15mm alumna, anointnglmg lt may Chefill ano wineao make ttin mom. 9th! st to non: 19mm, . she wages of immune, weefeglletntb; -w'h.fims5b‘ all white : the tunes of Water jfomle he uteemth, ano pale : the finale annex «Egges be like the.iBehenoes m allthmgo, raving thattheh be fpeekleo as the marine ihene. Eb: {hhem rants. annthe Rattan @gges, ateteom'lh. Ehe tit-gnu of all grantee ( as Plinic fatth) are ottmo eolonrs,mherein, the mad tee fables ®s$ha§ing a great oeale maze halite then mhgteg that moee blaeke then otheco. Ehe 023525 of jittheo, are all of one eolonnham'ng no white in themmche Wages of Buns late by realm: of theta: heate, bzittlee' ano. hetpents me, by teafon oftheieeolonete, taught! stifling, .bg meanest of; then: 11109!!me tnlaging, the realm pattof the fine totnmeth art! out, the Shell being refit, am-peefintlu after hate: what tome foebet they hamsthe long are mot! ammo, 18 In“: nelteth the poet: mhe @ggein tathtonftameo longfiotthem (as 3 rain befoeefis bunght fmgththe mete ahleken, as of the room: ones the {BenneJhongh Ariflodc be againlh't; home igene Doe lag berg great $ggee,annthofe moat times mtthfloo golkes,habmg the thell neln'neo wit mewmith uittlmhleh both An‘flodc meiteth, annou- etpeeiente appeobethz : 319m one lag Double, anohatth notable :l’ameatem Mitten, Fae they lay great numbete at once, tome every nag, Tome tmife a. nap: tome are“ ftuitfnll a! they klllthemfeloee with'la'gt'ngan the mionett of all Ewes, there. lgethaait were, a D201)?! of blono, mhlch 15 fuppofeatohe thebeart atheist“, :lnhithit‘e'the flat in all the bony frameo :theboog tenam- Wght’ot the white: the fultenance ts the polite: the heao, lohile it to inthe (hell, is bigger then allthe how, the eyes that on maze then the bean. while the chtelnn inereal’eth, the white 'goeth to. the mint, ano the golke tompaa'ethtounn about: . -. 7::- . . ; V - (Eggee are 9.3mm!) iflmmflfm Wthem in Matte, Prcfiming Stratoe, omeabeo : anotn Mom-git yen-tenet them may offisgcs. 15mm, 02 Wheat; Edme one when themhefogein fine bea, ml balm: ")8 fence of 131790“!th after man) them ano ‘39 W1" £9132: Straw, 03 mantle? flthew agalne toilet ‘ v them 3 it The fourth Booke; :2” {a ”magnum: in team: lame, t tonne in heap“ mum haltu ttrufl’tuthmt thc @ucsto mpgfi; u: The ch- W1“! “nut.“ th‘ militants a the" .9005 at" $0M.“ 110ch. M beniau in that m ofthe Qantmrlmh in the Winter mm the citing Iftht WI min: a more as may be to 0m mu, WM: Chimney,” to the attththo as the {make may come amnugt thcmao; fmoakc ts net: wholfome to; this than of 1mm. film thtt mu ( 3 think) the that: that the all: people man: chow: in that quit-nuts affmake themes, as of the m,” it appeared) In; all Wiles. let the front of you: 19mm houre cant: “mm “mm the Watt, 3 to that coat lat thc wze open. let tht tune: can!” be hell fumtupen mtth lawman inhuman! [mull .mt'numnes openingsmatmau, It mitt) 2w 9mm mat at out int): mommy, m come tntuthc limit at night. link: that you make them date at aim letth: minutes. heboll lettsifeu to; feate of My mtuplztm W an! WWW to; was 01' hmmng as Matt: m than! that? lull nun matting ptace,ptm lemnnn haunt! to come up by; making than as tough as make,wmwmn take $0!de mm am, to W not by that: Wmathtma‘c, he town to Gutter, ant use that cuts at that! not be antics, 't'fm mt the bout: hath htthé- ant hithoutlntth can immutmhmbv net, the: “asthma 0th“ buttfull amine may enttt "1.8m my flmzts am not fez joint: to to! upmfihtrh atmna all ktnac “Mandate, beware of the hurt that they meme by then; m, which if it cleave tothct't fataliwneth thz (flout. any thaw town: Wynn mutt make them Watchesfinhi ch Colonic“: boulmflyoull banana {autumn : but it is better to hate them count,“ that they be nut to: fmmthc to; them to takc halt 52.1mm {Barthes math from one (in: of the luau “another, to as thQ can! from the film: a fist: in height, ammo fmtc m niflantt omtmm the other: anothus have Pin the ruminant m We bouft- I: Court WEMEDB. mutt be clean: from mm hurt: , not hmng water in it, rating in one platgann that mu! be bar raga: am deans: to; if it be punch,” hurtimt bzauth ( as a fag! Defeat) t3; again». no Bap: tbttt mater time, m may bgfgn r m enmatmg ofPonltnc. 3 1 at em a mums, oz We! mam ,uberen an 3!): min NW” mutt uremslgwm Wm the Worth: gamma: cattle entet : £ Want km W mg mg. the issuance: team tn that making Male ans pagan um; then mfibettmm m beniben them . bettmea tutu momma (agitating “mu. m a little heme mamtbat they may come the timelier to tbewrefi. Ebofe that he mtbe Cups. nut (weamwm) be ten expire in the m2 : the others mat is den-to magma home, that the: may tome at the calling. flbe number mull be men marten: to; they {one beteme their metfiefinemnu mutt have rouno abut by the haallesmmn plexus: of unthmbemn they may bath an: pmmt themrelnn mg as the but": Delightetb to mallow In mromtbtbt’s flaunts bathe ann tumble in the butt. an! tym MW tbeDuugbtu Coekeflnnneflapm, (Shaken am (fines. A a t 3 will not: pm to a mature, ofa much maze. excellent ofthcfigfh MI ”CUM! W, 639be a“ m ”the filaments [02 his ting Cockc height of Spirit museum ofminnem the only com. pam'on of the ml at We, sun than"): fighting Come, oz (ache (02 Mile. auntie mm 3 mutant: thislahout, beasts 3. re the great 9:191)!me this Wm- 93 a. creation afaunetb, the many Malawian! expectknnm. [caged-bug are frequent. Mall the mam“ museum the Sim, an! batman 3 page the Mail! that are latent of the (ammonium. lam": with greater fema’e, bu {mung mall usbtszmum'mtaleasemn W thesaurus patyes annobrtmmes my: financial fine: no mamf but: skill mu nthflktfi am bonintu W the EM, flap fomethi ng of tmwwm-m tau mm. mu fag withing; ann {Wt-3' has not Imam Ruleshat minimum tmienlmesfinu tfat any-tune hummus. ham goneamm this flute, 3 291:: mm to Eula taut the trim; 21:th retail miitaa - Inge. , , _ 3mm {mkefmetbmg eftbe nature. mm sigma” “)9 Thom: 13(39th «WISH: Samara Plinir, Cdumdhyam c utters 33'2”“! ammethatnmumauz warmum mcbemmuat, 3 f“°' cube. mmrmutmw,mtmwmnttolafle i? _ a l _. t - ‘ - ‘ gm . 'mfourth Eadie, ‘ ‘ all their atone. foe their baton: it into infinite that they at their Wienmlh incettaine neathmo though the disagree: roarronno mu triumph in clapping his wings , 0 training, getthe 'aonqne'reo events the lat gape mill them all the characters of refiltaneedhehing that homl'oeber his thong may be tnh'recc to foMty-Qetbts’ minoe can arknotalenge no inch m. .. . 53:313\1; _.....,.._;. ‘3- ‘ Height of : go; their heightrrxbpitit they are mature the pmoett at Spint. all Bimini their pet» abateth at no nbiea. mhe Beacocke ‘ pulls ootnne his {Blames at his blatke fc'ete, but the fighting ¢oclte aobanceth his 'crett ano themes himfelfe molt glogions ehen in the face of the Lyon, infomuch that it is raw the 1mm trembleth at his pretence: they are r 0 great letters of (1131039 that they make thenn‘elnes their name Joelle, ano habe fuch a na: tnrall unsecitanoing of «Blaze that they both appeeheno ano oc-_ light in mcns pgaires. conftgncie so; the conltancle of their anionsaheg are to nnalterable in “‘ Mm“ alltheir incomes, that they fame to compare mith the hnnne ano 99mm to; perreoerance. Eheh are rain to oehibe the night ( by their dimming )frmutheie honres to their honres, ano are (nth natural! autonomers, that by one action oz other they air. cm the @otions ana influences of the fieahens; Eh‘eg are callen the bentinels ofthe flight, the beeakers'ofmens aecpes, ano be mint Gregoric himfelfe they are calleo the welrengers _ _ stunthe retainers of heureuno the miners ofthe jaysbto gt: Dagm- mouthing the oignitie of this ”use, thee were be!» In futb " flagrant {tepntatisn amongtt all the gaugiltrates ano bena; tozsin flmfihat they reteiheu all their Omens, Augnrizmcs . ano peophenes ofgmo o; ebill faemneanelg from this creature. M the emperonrsthemreloes sin to farce zoolatrige t anoge this flirts, that they insult take no action in hann either of m a; civil! gobernment, they meals neither gee tozmaro to any enterpeil’e, no; reroute from anpoanger, batonelg as the actions of this fiomle gate them Directions, tntomnch that the {met antrails of this {mail thing teas helae in Sacrifice of greater baletn then the inhale may of the greatefl fibre. “and. gate to; the antiquitie otthis palms oz recreation ( to; a um can aiheit no greater epithetoa )tsme innate hate itas anew; . 3‘9 5 ‘ Win at there m at M 039m: . mm in ' new: the ant «mu: plugginI Rite! tt‘te not unlikely, to; than nuances that eIec mm m, meningihe netite at their nature, to that the tonnes of Noah eonlI not ehnfe but make “earthen enmity: but leaning Centenntee 3 finIe both be Pliniea'nI others that in the infantie' If the mm mm menieeaiththeteinas heatelgheio at Pcrgamus a folemnettb nmph ogme'eting anew to IeholI «Bettiefight, which tentinneh fa; Diners Iageehabing the terogt et‘ all the fiatiene that Imeb lee about them, anI hente it came to be Iirpett'eI farce m «were into other «bunnies; anI fog my Ilene part Since not name (in this kingmnne of cure) any monument of pteafure inhatfoebe‘t maze auntient then thedtetkepit. gain to; the thoyte of the «Indie to; matte", there are It: The choyco nets npiniene, anI great Iit’tetentee in there nptnionefo; fame enelp thuie him be his lhape anI pmpnztinn, ceIeting neythet Shape. the «Want no; the EtnatfeJut Alexandtrtfige, ameane a: , mongit men, anI this is men but not ubiqlnte, to; a large Codie that is contagious anI iharpe edema“! tommanI can. queit,anI the Itnnrfe mitt iheinfinep at) am give Ietight to the ' behatoets; am: am: fiatnte taming t9 Iefl'enI anI fuppnzte tneahenefl’e. Embers thnfetm the talent as (Brat, 392mm fieI,12peI,C°‘°'“’- white, Dunnefit. fleif Iertne tnetein feathers, butthie is tnriefiti}, fa: there areng «inches stat! talents. fine as in Rome the belt Eetkemaftece IiI net arke you ‘ tnhat ea 9 tour is your each, but If tnhat «Senntte was he been, tnhethec at Rhodes 02 at Tcnagta, to; thetemas the heft became, an!“ at Melee o; Quick, to; thefe were inIifetent, Inn aetainngle they gabe them emanation, {I one bet Cotbnaitete queltion netro mneh the plume an the plate of Bziene, Inn thettue nee tente anI peIegw from aIaiiant anti [gm @enecatien. when chute theit «indies onelg by 1 ye, em Courage. anI impatience,” by their high teokesmzine an]: inateftieflut there ate all Ietegbablefez none is to impatient as the Innghill tilihennaetmz teem with maze maizfiefe wnnaehe Mikes not out “hummmge. g £ '0 1 better be b01112 1n the 4:91:11; 11 he have a gmnheelexhentntnthe 19211.- foz othet out; with haeeutere thete 15 teqnt'teo 111 the $111111 a theme {1111111 bnéhe heeo,tnh11h 11111111111111.“ nature, as that! be taught hereafter; a matetttthe pate 111111 tauntennute, 11 acong 111111111 Bones full Ehighga big itegge 111111 lacggmell benneo {barge es. $0111 $111111 111111! he 111111111111 b1 21 aerate 1112111112, tau} thing het Wanna 111 £01011: 1't ! h1lenot,het heat month he (mat, 1 heteee new theatefull annhee ottomne aemeo with a Double toppellogctomnet; he: have 11101110 be la1ge,!01!o the: 13111 time: he: 1351mm the bettet,ann the feathers on he: beet} 1111111111 Wong ann 11111111111111; that“ 1110a tomtozt to the anthem 1: he bent hee htnnet elameeme 11111111112 offence hee @ggee, tt We be acme!) {01th bputres 1t themes eoutage;1! the ham n9 bpumsit 1's bettec to: her 1151mm am) no impeachment to he: 111111112. iattlmmhe that that be a patne!ultlaeee,11 21111, 11113 bitter; not about all things, toning 111111 htnne to hem 382 me when thee ate bzought fogth mama Enuthing the belt t1'1neso! 1351111111111; there truths of [nuns to: hes-dc. o; clothe ofthe theme, there is amongtt ttoehmattete great liberate of amnionefiome attaining onele (10111 the inmate or the 99111112 111 5M1 mate to the inmate o! the theme 111 swatch; Winning that one swath ”true 1': mogththme of ane other ‘ bean: an !111:e a no not much htfallotn the teafon, 1f the fee: ton ofthe eeaee, the plate of b1an1ng,ano all other aeeomomv. timnoe eonmtre ano aged: with the teneernette of the things Deanne . But fnenthet ¢oehmafttte, the 1111th ufabtltte Ifthe!e1e to great, their naturaupmnenette to robatne athe- nets, theitunapt 11111111111111: fot the receiving of the {111111; let mtolee 111111 mane othee neceoente mhtth happen unto ‘ he (to1111es,111111 tempette 111111 geeate Xmmthat 11111311111. 1's helb 1mm too 23112, 111111 thee tether ab am the increafe ot the venue 111‘ 99397911 \to the 1'11» 11! the theme 1'11 Spam, fiat m the 1111;: 1111i Chayce of 1 the Hen-c. mmiflukhfl " _ §Yj 13W“ «MWrmhg W~Wwa that m In!!! Mb: thd'wfiwns at an: timemm ”firth till—3mm, Wetting (as Wanna can) Isa} fitinth'e' mmafe 0f the apmnenattmmae be niftlofen in them-um or the swarm - alfo. ' r ‘ * pan mu plare'thc— jam wherein you ' a hate the OftheNeR' theme lit,t'n fometnarme backs comer mare to tnhith the are 13f the tier may come, get in futh mil“: as no nthtripnlm‘m n; inhale tnhatrorber may habc rerourfe thereunta, 03 that that may ran her 2332 upon any thing of her ohm kinne ;7 fa; there are angry (remarks ann any thing metres them to air. pleafure, am) makes them fozget their was. jogthe mam net of making her 53232, you that! firtt lay a New! thirkz btbofbgicfanne higher mefierpfine than-inthe mint, than nbcritagmnthirte lame of taurre (hallmarks o: hauls the" main am much, then abouc it a gmnthirke 1152b of-btrab, pantie!) nun foulnen dare tegcther ann mane hollow in the, mtnnrlrmet to as it may herather flat then heuoln-in-fthe but; tcmc here you (hall place your (ages dare togethtrfo asi'the; 192nm may at rate tuber thcmhfoz to lag mm is nbt ouch: latte; Number or but alto hurtful! untothofe that 30th coherfihe number ofegs Egg“. malt be mopogtiontn damning to your «on; as if 96:: heme many can may l’et many, ifgou have felt: you mutt Ietfelm! he! armnmgtathehnnremthesrule enumnmmm arrows fig, as Whahen,thtrtane oz fiftémednhirh homfceher fame "nae it after afnperlh'tt’ous manner; pet'there is a thong any nettlfarg rule to; the fame, to; racing the my“ malt 1132 main am) 'rlare together; {him this. me «we inhith mahzth an!) fluethl up the Cutter. it «is I'm‘poatia 1:12 by an chm number to lay them in to “gen rower. gain than hair tome which after the Emma is- thus (at, will not truth to her painfamea’c mm: in Ih‘zhiein‘ mg ann nm at them; hut murmurs tn the themes m tame 'thefwgge's. ”macaw "W be’z perretben, [fits 31 heath-a mike nr’bflptmogati'm, am: may barbell his (patch; to; rmre is a 991; finite that“ ME My innate «t' . ,1 no; bin 3 emwm‘m mowetha Which norm“; i 2 . _ . . -. _ _ . _ 1 wamflfiw 35'! 9-“ * - mammal“; ‘dhmwmomt-fim mummhu ”that“; name. one mm, tennis be: may W12 (a mayhem” mam-mm :mufyhalgftm. Wt. rmm,m_m, {mall «Staten 2 ‘ to . ‘ ' “then her time of Fireman taunts“), then you tannol be ten tactful! no; ta cations, begaure her late to her mum n senerall,- may makehec neglect he: nutie to that's [Dblcb are fit& niftlefen in particular, than: [age it’gou fee any fnch neglelr, Thepnfiu then take aluag thnfe inhtth are (tilt niftlereu,-ann.habinga vation of Mt Bore lgnen ann cabana abet muhwinibec (titre. put them week: theteinto anb let them within the agze of thefietyann it will Ch‘d‘mx mum them as inell an! as naturally as if the lemme via he: let Duty unto them;ann thus you may Rape them {are till the Mt hate oil'clol’en all he: chimes, ann then put them unset , We mains: noln if you have not examine: furre,thcn the next but things to pzefecbe them in is g bmmfkime, am: the innit is built, get .mhen extremity tompelsgon mutt make are of it. whale chickens mutt be kept in a slate marine Mm. mine. till they beat halt (ire lpe’ehes “(game not rune, .z cantons about: in the awe, unn' Dating that time you (ball ‘ fable them hell with final! matemeale unbznirea, am fine v» Chute: {titanium heutlenmu than let them ham both 119a. / tee tunnel! mute, annin the plum tum their meat: am: we: is, you lhnllhabe fmallpins mane falt tn the bonus, Which you will'binoe mettle his bumhes of green: patcelh ambithtjep may pick: gnu Mt at their plcarutes, am: there I'd-Mil; that isthmus match: them from the Hake fa; ‘ W ithletgtolnhich there creatures ace lnonmfull imp; min lb mad; that you mall nae: than (to me imagination) ”ant am hulthtqll an! full tuning, in the mening,ann be, ' they willow mne any hit, man nothing tn be per. mm then an magnum hlaehmflnntthehew, mum about! but!) mud: to unbthcmmemMu ”autumn: you mmdtuatim a; ball! offlatlmefl‘c , paleutlvtn perfume than meuilnith Multan n; the match W503 with, {make m: 0311! am Mm“ them B3181“ :nm marsh: mag: enmgof-Poflme.‘ 3mg [comm wee-on 91181le this infirmity. ‘. aftertheg loin ammonium mag tame them abeoaoe toiththe memento tome new We, 1mm I: tome other WW mete More than at Mott. you mallnotinagne there Chickens, till you tie the haenne begintoneglea them ans that they neglen the 19mm, which 2011 that! perceibebn thetr tiragling from het:~ one h! timing matte fogtheml'elbes without her company. - {ozefentlg upon their fograking the {Benne (o; heme) Dubbing or ifpon perceine( as necea'arilg you mutt) thategther the @0111!» “mm" a; marten: our, appeore , werentlg heate an oloe knife ten hot in the are, one with that pact of the bathe thereof tohich is no bzoaoer thenthe «Zombe, feare outline the ¢ombe one mattels mannoynt them with arrankenfence e W: hen- ten together to agentle halve: then tohen the career a; more (which mascaufeo by the fearing) ooth arife or fall ntoamthen 11.29119 the bozo with a little {Bottetsearth mane into pouoer, anoontten thereon; one this will make them have extraozoinarp fine {mallono tleanc‘heaoe. - Sit t1: moneths oloe you may rent: mt ttoclteschicttms to their reberall themes,” to iwges in ”arises o2 Martens, to gtaungrzhoufes oz hout’es remote from neighbours, to. buggies o; thpecoates where bha'Zpe are nfnallg 9911M), to chilies ‘oz other places which are remote ano fete from the annoyance of other caches a; the refegt of ebil! bermine, efpeciallh (as more as you can) let their malkes be frat from itinlting muons bitches, hints one common Sewers, to; nothing is moze nnmholefome. an ancient times they mouth allow a @oche but their W at the molt, but be time by experience that are arenomoee butn competent number. :21 «echo woulo not be put to IBatteLnoe heln from ‘ifiattell by the number of genres oz haves ofhis age, but by the fufiia’emg of his ttrengthJength ano tompleate perfettion of his weapons: 1 although on: forefathers toonlo allots none tozfight unoerttuo genres ole ,hetme [61mm in there haves that tome cocks mill be fullyarmeb than allthe perfertmmofnatnoe much {memo toil “cht more: White treategnntemozemmhé £351; 3 it ' ‘L is ’ i, 3:: a; I» Tfle folmh flanks, ‘ f tohich Monger m the! come to the ttiall ofthelcbettcie; therefoaeletithegoutmle that as fans-as you rm: ¢0c3e~ tufliclentln atmeo, ano that thece is no zfntthec hope othettep :oeaplns, then boulolp .totumt him into the lit! to try hisfoe- nne. ' ‘ . . * 8r Q“ Ehece hath be’ene great oifpntationamongk one cocknaftets p33? ¢oncecning the stockwecchtnheteon he is to (it, tome aflir, ining that it abaileth much to tho bettering ofthe cocks: 3 am or the fame opinion ; yet altogcthec without the litt ofcniiofitp, onely woulo habe you obfetbethat the wcacch mlgeccon your: ~ cockej’ittcth when he isin his malke among his {hensgvonlo beot‘ a rouno thickenetIe, as thge'e inches. o2th;c’e inches anti balfe in compofle,tnhich is conbenient bothfo; hint ano his 19:11:3ng the length moulo be fuch that it might ceceibe him i - his {Bans to [it about : But to; his peacchm his pzihate prune: (when he is infmoe lo: a IBattaill) that month be more inches am a halfe o; ne'ece five inches incompan‘e, in length betmirta {canon ano.eight.inches,ano in height ten, a it moulo be 1' o mane— that it might be mobeo from comet to come: inthe wen, accept . hing as you finae the cache heft ammo, ano penne platen. Livery“! 330m after your cache isthus b:co ano bgonght up: if you 3,3235; inteno to babe him peepareo fo; battell (tnhichis a Ken-cation rug. which con‘inueth all the fall, winter am) the bpeinzfiwu mar.» at your hett convenient. leafuretalte up your «Socke 0; «inches to mam: as you inteno foe the (poet, ano put ' them into I‘encralh 15mins, ano though awoneth, are, feahen o; eight makesfiie _ atime futficient fozthe peepating ofanp dtockc; get if he be ‘ intcue anogooo kirpe, the longer he is ten the better is his-per, fogmance: amone as you babe beought him to his pen you (hall to; thee’e. a; route oages o2 abacelse,ifpou pleafe,faeoe the diaries both $ozning, 33 eone,ano (Evening, (to: there onelg are your. tiehingtimes am no other) with any coucle. Wheat: mean (anothe touril’et , the bettet, m it be not mitt. hm!) any other mine) to; it is ltcong ,ano clenfeth. Eben whensgou finer. (as his ozoure mill them unto poinmhichnnll be than so both Qoiouc ano fubttance,) that all the fonle fiooe . ich ha: got all his tnalke, is thgoughly [colossus out of his booie, m..'§qll the“. ta moms: ham ‘92 “Wilma“; mg . -.‘ _ V‘. ’ pa .- 'cnucatmgnfloultrre. . y r mmhwu: ann lumber We (inhith hon Doe. not eareme sun that“ not fully his match) nun. putting lBotts on their bales," lohtth‘ are armour: ‘ o; o'etenres to lre'epe that Emma trombonnoing them,ano are maoefometimes ofiLea; the: anti Emmott,” other thong ltutfe anti )lBumbatt; pet the bell of allother are thol‘e which are mane of beluet 0 pure, fine t(totten tomll; mmith thefe laottes let them-fight, bpurre nno entfe one another a goon pzettie fpacetill the}? beginne to groin meme anti fall to tathing; then part them ano ta king the Glacite(mhidj isin oget) into your armes,gibe hima tmple of . bigge Koulls ozlumpslilre to capture «teams, of 1881112ng Queue, Butter am bugamanoie beaten together in a moeter to a pail, one then pgefentlh put him into a (lone ifiasket, with attain both abobe ano unnerneath him,ano to let him brownie ano him: till the ebeningio; as the bparring arm erertife 7"“ 5‘.“ bzeatheth ano melting the «smarter, Fo this {towering aboioes 5‘°"""’3° it from the BONBfinD keepesthe (toelie (from min healthfnll. Sit coming when you rm your other antitank: there lohirh you fparreoin the morning out of their btcnbes , c habing on, ten their henna over with a fine loft r arrenet rag mohllneb with the ople of bitter alnmnos,pnt them againe into their pens,then having tut them a fufixrient quantity of the firtt tonrre 15.22311, take their Ezeao troughes nno put into the bottome of them a little (we (halite beaten to warmer, ano abobe it the memo anofo let them feeoe at pleafnre; others are toput with their 352cm the new marine mine of a £509, one it is goon, but the thalee is a great oeale the better. lfiabing than ten ano erereiren hour Giotlre foe-a melee, you (hall aftermath outing all the whole time of mar fe’ening, let him eate nothing but the fineu oulo wanthet that you ran buy, one tutting away. all the trait both abobe ano below, arm as at this timeJo at all times elfe tohatfoeber,be {are that your clothe toant not toategano let it be out of the tlear‘etl fonntaine you can finoe, to; nothing is to nntoholefome as cozmpt ano unplea; rant mater ; at ina great quantity of mm you oiil'olbe a little of the bell suite of itiroras arm to give it your cache, it is a great pzefertier ano foztifrer of theloinoe, alto to let bettoe'ene their Etonghes little bunoels of hearbe o! grate, ' £ 4 ‘ tvbemn g 22» The fourth Booke, mhmtheginan gamma fillln'zpe‘them trait Catarres anoiheum .. hetehefmue that maltefiiedall ”Mean in the inane. netoftlatCakemfmheathealeaolner, olo an, _ mm at item apt! butter; but mum this no; one any: 15m_mhafl'oehex.isbottet then thepuoeoln right wanihet. arm a foztnight befoze your battell,you lhall obtain your Splitting oahesthntea make,” oftmgbtcohing ano toning aslnaa heroic them; but inhen the time, oealoeth to more . gnu [halt no mine bparre him, but onelp thafe ano couti'e him Ofmu'ch: Eng. Ofadvan- age. eithehb sell. up ano oolnne in tome grime ano eben fielo by lheloing him a ¢_oelte,ann then running along from him, then theloing him againe ano running away againe,ano noln ano then tutoring huntohaheahloro oztlno at him : thus you [hall keeps your dinette in lueath ano nimblenca‘e, ano neither make him lithe o; [omit this you that not one abobc tloitein the block at molt. when gouhabethus got hour «Bock ttrengih by faoing,ttninoe be nettifemout next tare mutt be the matching of him , to; to gihe to his enemy aobétage, you give fro him halfe his tourage. _ aobantages comm in length ano (trength,that ie,in mane, nelle ano Ehirkeneae : - it his aooetrarie be . too high to; him, holn lhall he teath his heao: if he be to) itng to; him, halo thall heheare his blames: thereioee in neither of there gibe 0085.2”: tirlt ofthcre you may luoge by your eye, the. other by the gripe ofgout ham,- but if you be ooabtfull o: unfhiltull in anther, then rely upon theiuogement of thofe which are both taithfull ano Skilfull, Whonmut ¢otke is equally matehen,“ is thengour part to gibe him anthenaturall t lawful! oobantages, iohieh may: a, bailetozhiotmquelt; as are to oil‘buroen him ofallthinge ru, pertinent,“ ettrabagant feathers about his heao, the long tea; rhea othio 99am, eben from the bean tothe bhouloecsn t ' mutt hem as date to the neclie as may be ,to: the teat! fea hie mean with houlo on,is a taboo; bgmhirh heloi‘ll riteto nether; him the {mall feathers about his rumpe o others or like uatuce. 35 thus he. takes alone things ruperamro you mot none to than: which habe any thing loanting, as if his malts he tom. ecu mutt tmooth it but not weaken i; if his panes mngoffoukne. 31g 9 www.meu mmmmmate ohmmpetmnn .thlnn‘the WM‘ theemap tones oothe new tend «the 125:! $03 ”Magnum mateth like the bum tamzagon, em: feathet lute ”math, flab, hing anumnt'ug mhetefoebet they tenth: this hone tub his bean ommmom mitten e fo leave him comm 530m beware thtfe batta'elee are ehee fozthe mot pact metal The cure of am ennin heath-,3 mm gibe goathore cures tehteh-mangttmeo Wounds- may pzehent beathm-at all times gtbehelpe fog thofe mama‘s which are mahtefinofielt ahhiubegtn with the eye, hetaute “3"" in“ it ts-ebec in the greatett hanger-t theoftett blemitheuthecefoze 2"“ bhen gout coda: hath ceeeiben any (nth blemithfittt with your mouth mete away the Malena tithe the @rze eleane that you . may we the moztt ofthe mount, then take than fpmnefult-ofbite [billings Bette that is oath an! acute, ano halfe to math life lawman!) hating mirtthem melt togethee, marme it on the firearm therelotthmath the Cocks egettotee o; thzite a naettlL it be whole. it 1‘1 or (Indicate it is a common mifchanmhappen to beam orvmng. ’_ himrelfe,ann r o by the flue ofblmn taint am to [sure the ma, pzermtlp take him up,anb honing tonne eat the beane ogep a lit: tle hare more thereupon 1 it is a pgerent ture,but beep not on the. mar burning hot,!mt onetg to when that it may (tick e‘no m'oze. foz am: a cum) whatfoeber in general! tnht'th-a (Eadie than Wounds in meme egthet in fiattaite o: othettoifefittt {ache outthe htmn 5°“°‘a“" men, then rquiet into the hole matme white thine ; alter nzge the mount: ants flopnp the hollomnefle with frankenfence anb ». mm muttecbeatentogethee to a hen: gentle game, as was befoze {haven untogm. ‘ / caches after wattagle ace tnomecfumz mum to 3mmttu: 2:92:35“ mationwattlg by theceepe houomnen‘e of the mounne they re; (ewe, patttg by the fmaltnete of the ozifite mane by the Spur” which (lofeth hefoge the bottome be feotozen, ant partly by: the onethaftinette ol' theieke'epets which will not take ieafute in then wees; steam to Room thefe hate impofiumatione ( to; finches hahe not am: that are fort) whenuou‘ [mite arm {earth the cache, if you finbe about his heat) as othet parts any "0“!” 93 bath: ftnellings mirth are e! a donate tebtgttf; t . 3:4 ' Amazing; Beam-tr IW‘Sum #1;de (cubism apitinWflhWM a aflmmoflmfem’uanQMoutgtheJeme min; ‘3' "1!. thick: nun Wtathen (amt! to tube no comma be. kimono tattle!“ up thoholetoith tho-Miner fathovofijfmm ;.Wmce ‘; no returns Woman. - , 99m othei: affinities tun barren taming «Zoom, but .thetoguggo Wiretallrafeo ,. , t . : 3 will mm (nuke offlbfcfimo Butts which are of the name .boc of thofe that on couch Amphibia,heeoare they-lib: as weu )upon’tholanh,“ the water. alto beware the keeping of (Beef: faunas no meat laboat, it is a thing not animate to; the {gun .I anhman,fozthot( it hot hobo piate commooious to; it») It is .oone toithout any thatgeo, v mo. haloeth gum amatugc both ._mith their home ano feathers. 4 - gamoouegthee are a bet-(Moon oil]; to: the £3th :224, being mote Wthfultt en the Bones, they gibe morning when you nape. anothete to they more with the Romanian in grmt honour, btmufc they with their gagg‘lmg betnzatjoo thememp, that othexjmife m the nighttime haotaken the thme. Plimc msitoth oia (boat: that mouln new: be from tho philofophet mic choyce'lancsAflouc thoito amt be ofthofe that be of the fatten hum: I} ,Van-o likcth bolt the lohttc ones, mhizh tolouc mas molt t‘fl'd‘: mob in tho oloe tune, as appeateth bythe [newts that were gt . non : the ram: Vorro accounted) the gray to: a {mine kino. {ch-:9 are keptin sporting, fenneth akemnbo‘thmzifl; commons : fo; to com: gmunoflfimooturowun momma, it is a ‘rew hurt: full 3fotniozthe. bitcth what’oebcr young 9!;ng the map tearh, .ann that the OMB hath bitteumillnemr lightly p :ofpcc againt: hefibmtho fitticheth tho grouno tnhirh is unpzofitable,o: rather molthnttfull hanging : mherofoze. (as! rain} it is hot} to Rape themin fienneml akeo «no SBacihcs. It you habc ooze ofruch stouno, you that! one well to keepo theme: to; you eannot tutu 'Bicpe them without goon (togc of water ano paituce.whm you make thopcc of trout «Banner, let him (as more as you can) be kuafiifl) t uttbflppP; foothogmill belt htfcnn their woflings: '33“; his colour white at gray are the Imagine are hatinoifl‘c, Their mes. ‘ o blatke are naught'. Ehe waft oolightcth in rueh meat .oo lo. autumn}; moitt any polite (bismuth mm"? inch things as ,,. . \.-.__ .\,_'; cnfleafittgoffigiflmct . gig 3“ as are hurtfull {02 Mo as the mo: of the‘jsap, uno (as Aliants much (the Olcaodct-z the be!“ match time fog them to hgnienn m,io from the Menus of Shard), tothe tenth organic. . fihep Their hm: treat mot! min in the baternnhilc the! (mm m the my dingum gasp; filpm. Columella. mouln haueitonkeepe fog tutti} Oanoctfibzflx thefihinhing W, reafon of thein‘httmlbima‘e, this number to main: within your ¢outtmoumut make them to; whet: better fafetg,reuetall,anofeeret penueo,infunnzv Putts thereof, tohere they may fit ano bzteoe. home mouth haue the @mfesrmme frames in (ash 9.2021338 curry (Dmfe may hau'ea‘ plate to her felfe :inhith,if any, man think: tm troubl efommfhe may make onefuifieientmioe room to I'erue thé 311.35!» plates where they that! lagmut! be o;ie,ann melt firemen with Itram, o; futhIoft matterfino well nefennenfrom aluminafllbt more mutt not be [alienate layout other nethhut W you the“ pets eeibe thetzfe'eke it,gou mutt game than, am if thegbe with egge, iohith pothau earthy feele, then (hut them up in their netts, .mhith poi: thallnot men: to hoe aboheonemztinife :foe where [ha hath malaria, lhee miualmaies of beefeite fiche to homing billlfl! (as tome hoto opinion) theife inthe em, if they be notfutfeeeo to fit. . Ethe (Egges of CBe'eI'e,ano Mounties, . mete itfeo (as Alianus iminefl'eth) as a. molt naintie bit!) at 15 nkets, among the hinge ano 123mg of the armies. Arifiod'c affirmeth,thatthe dfimfe almaiep ureth to {mono never the wait; mantra“! to the ogoer of many other fables, toutinm'ngal‘: mates till the . habe hatrheo. Sitter the [alt laying, you than [after them to fit, anomarke every ones times with afebetalt marke. that they maybe fet now: their name (more; to; it is thought they will neber hatch a-(trangers «mes. inithout thee have her om annex her. 25f Genre times; asaof: pehennes times, you mamas 33 {no befoze) never. felt umber a theme abeue Enema: mince thza : but ember the 0mm 20:: Emil fet at the teat feoen, anoat themott fltetéine. you mutt tape-to , lag unnetxontcggesfifl Immwf fizflksfiflththey tap pm: feitcth them: agaimt the flinging of jaetflet, '. which When; We many times hifleththe «5951mm they ting theme. Ehe times will not be hatthzo if- the meatbet; he solo, :befoze. the imitatmzitit “Win wwgmmgt to: them“: -' - If , ' par ' Q. 3:6 ~ Thefouefifibokg , math: angling to hatcheo'the quietly on: amt-mum“. hemebee are tofetbuthetupearfiaueg adepgeinmatet, oz mutilate” the wombat! at. human tell: any white .ahrentfcom het 05523.63»! gall: mogul!” acetome fozth, tmhfltfoothefitfitmm fiche themhnth the Gate in the get. 2112mm the mathentsfaiee, you may {utter them to goo abeoan, taken: one hieoe that they be not Itingen tenth fiettleomoz that hamlet them one an hungeeo into the pa; flutes: but togtbe them aftec they goe ahmo the leahes of en: mnemiLettnfe ehopt, to afl'tnage their hunger; fostf mpnt then: an Wm’nto thefieln, they Raine 8 bzeahe’theic omne necks, mm; pulling at thetough an! mm m,» reafon or the {mom (farting bathe againe of the mine. Ehe wasting: of Dibeto lumen mutt not goe together, no; be but up together, hm‘ foe hunting one anothec. When thephe fnute gunnetho otn, oz “‘3" ¢ fnmehhut befozefl belt timefo; letting themzthe woungettate {anemone eateliefl fattenflt you nine them omnno 99.1mm!) Chute home, you no‘eee nine them nothing ell'e, to 9mm them hahenzmhe enough, ans ko'epe themfcont guingaheoan. Eh: makes oio ufe topnt totmo parts at gmnno gamut, tome parts of flame, tentpging itmith motec, letting them 0 . minke theire a bag, mm at nnnm'ght. petthie manner of fat, néngisbettet to; the nuns (more which toe callthe means, were, then to; the clue: feet of (Bare which me hill at 991', ehnelmae ano Chzitfmas. Ehegreenewoyae may he put to (the at a moneth 015, Q mm be thoeoln fatt tn an other moneth efpeeiaup ifhon face them than: a bang mm; hoplo iDates, ans site themgao Rage thereohann intent: of mate: gibe than; milke “in! milke cineteemttt together. 330m fa; the fat, tingoflhe other common the bubble "items are (pent, you that! (anthem up in store mks we (done then: mowing nun, one night with goon aoze ofuniot ozie mates m otwno Deana,» are with Rab matte ano (taller; hem: to; their minke letthem habe bate: mane white but!) Barley meals, .enn them! let them we goo aw; nun thus notng you me hate; a «score Miami}; ram tn one am twenty Igor 3f eon month have their um fort nun tennet, MW naught}! slim, bi! beaten human: :31: m “Mme. . 3&7" mumfimumugamy tempera. ~ Wumm. matinee: the! tee. been: the (waMutbeJeemummfltthe rem. efthempmng the @mfe it: a item 3mm hang her ' up in a each: place, flopping: he: ems tm'th 33mm, e; tome , other thing,that be neither hearingme; fang of am: thte‘zg, the be not (em to ttenggle, no: my : after the): gibe her pellets of grown: watt, 0; Barley [ticpem'n mater, theife a bay, fette'ng be} them team we gtabetl, b2 tehieh manner of tuning the: , make then: re fatte, as the meet many times eemmeth to be fine poem in weight. whim 3 was at the (Samuel! of \Narmcsibftc teas a lube: of a «More hzought me be a gem. thattfieighee route poune. Plinic teall’ea tettnetl’e of the meats nette of the itt'heee of fat «beefefiffitemng, that the): mm grate after they beeut of the babies, being fpzineltlen tm'th milke'. Ehe tommot: 0:;th of fatting with out ateunttee people, :‘eto; . that them uptn a eatkefine a narrate plate, am to (st heme _ them Earlene; math mheate, giving them matet, with a “tr tte mums; grave“ in that: Ewaghee : ane tetth‘thte ezbet they hate them fattztfeucetétne whee. aftetharbett, the}: tm'llbe , _ rat with the @zottenm Stubble. agate teething the pgetit at <93 their feathece, whithm efgteat are both fez the betteenate, . the aftetthee ann many other puepefee; heinfeebee the aunei; , eats perfume you to pull, clip, oz eat them mites peace, get let me aebife 20:: to the tantrum both beeaufe the reafens at the heave (tehieh are 3pm! emu £Dctehee) aunfinete net the tne:ke,asalfebeeanfe you birable the flight of the omre emu matte he: fatten to all he: feee,'asthe fore, an!) othex bet, mine: ane befieee be undeathingbee in the mintet {trike the , mine into her bong which {site he: foeaiuelmthetefoze to my bentthere mtfehetbee, ttaptill the mutating time, tehen nag tare both that tinemtehiehyeu tewleeeeunktnete, oz till he: . neathmhen thk gates watheflieibuteef all fleet hath, men then you me: take hee feathete am: we themet gamma; ate. « ' fink: fez the mares lnht'eh mintteent tethefe‘flule. they ' MWWWW¢§¢ ewe! any mete:et:t, am that is the mmhmwmmuwmmt eiteare, (tap: ' PMS . Duck”. gee ' , A, gmfoaagaaokeze .mrmo‘m mmamtebu mmm they fall'bo'he “was. wheoure is to take that: oz Marlow otoarlieke anb mmmmwmm themlbith the finefeartt yew her of clitamyane ano tummy“ I?) make them into me“? big longxoules lilie‘craneym' to give them to the more in the moaning fatttngmno then thut her up into a rlofe {hen for ttuo houres afleuano this is enough to; a @mfe' .' Eur!“ ann Eeales ave to be oznereb inlike manner almolt .as the mommy that they oelight maze in waters ano :Bar, thus: one therefoeeyou mutt fogte tome Waters, flakes, o; foibles, to; them, inhereuuto they may eaaly goe ano fluim me, anboibe attheirpleafure. Columellamoulb habe a «Court to; the notice foe them, where no «tattell ul‘e, ano mere 'to the houfe,’ tounb about the luhich you (hall builo fog them little hanofome flames, thze‘e fmte fquare.lnith pzettyo mes to ebe, ty one of them : tuhich when they beeeoe, you thall kirpe thut. 35am by, you_mutt .habe eyther tome we, 0; lather, wherein (as a rain) they may l‘luimme : to; tuithout the helpe ofthe may ter they ran as ebi_lllibe, as luithoutthelanb. at is goal: we to habe niece unto them, fame gmo Battlers, 0; 99200010, ozto fet about the poms ozittibersJurh lararbs as they belt like; asdfilaber, fienegrs'eke, (mummietture, ano rurh other as they molt Delight in,ano tuherelnith their young one well teens: better, you muttgibeth‘em mates, 15mm, auo othrraoene in water. fich'ere. is nothing that they maze lobe then monies, no; that better fatteth them. more beliebtmonocrfuue to be amonglt Runes auo beoges, wherein they may lye {are from rabeuous bites, but to, as three groin no great Italian tones, that may hiuoet their l‘tnimmiug : f0: they Delight great. ly to play themrelnes in the water, ano. to tribe luho ean’ (lutmme faltett, when the tneathee is tune out marine: to: as they lobe rurh places where they may Wt pm "an the ereatutesof the matenl'o are they much ottenoeo if they be re: araynebof their liberty influimming. 3n mtmtbbmfbt water is froeen , you mutt ply them l'ometimes tuith _meate. Ehey nelight to make their ghetto-in tome ferret @obett. bot-"theme you mutt meant them . ~8m~mke their mu in their stuns tannins, some»; Mantegna Email gothiitfief g3; emnmmnbmmmmm rm nut: -- , “megawatt“ eon- meflm bar was tn mam anomeate. m mee mnltbe‘ (pirate) mates, Barley, genre, {Danielawillen ano W12, if you hate any uoze. Ehey My great ltoze of @ggemmheoemitm-ae with «more (Egges, you may melt fteoe your familiafihe nges of maths ano (355cm, are kept in like 1’th as 3 tolo you of themes eggee: ano bathe, in 1:5:anne, wheate, o; Eithes. Ehey bzéeoe in the famefeafon that were, ano other flomles ooe, about 99am) ano apzill. ano therefoge where you keepe them, you mail? theme ttiekes ano trainee fog them tomake their ghetto with; ' all. Eheit G'ggeo mutt he. fnfl'eteo to ‘be hatchet: by them; felines, oz etfe temoheo ano ret mince fome 192nm : fo; the Dneklings that the igenne hateheth, are thought to be gentle: anntamer. you mutttafigmo home, that the Qngeo tnhieh they lay, be not eaten ano fpoyleo by «ironies ano {byesfihile' the {Damme is taking abgoao to; mate. 3H9 be you hate where one iLaltes to: the purpofeJt is beit to let the mammes hang them up : to; tohen they be hateheb, they will libe berg melt upon the water with their Eammesa without any change at all : oner take gmo hieoe, that they be oefenoeo from 115w sates, Bites, flames, ano other like mennine : but To you ate them, as they will ebery night tome home to the heart : to; it' ‘ is notng to let them be abgoao in the night, fog hanger of lo, ting them, am: making them miloe. yet it hath béene Rene,- that ruch as habe hattheo abgoao,hate attenuates tome homey ano bzought with them a gteat number at their tailes. w hen 3 was amhaaaoonrin (Englano, it was toto me by men of gene aeoite, that there was in beotlattn um oer-the Eco eer; taine tre'es,that yearely bzought teeth a that, that falling into= the bembeeame a kinoe of mites matte, oz rather mania; tlesfiohith though it fe’emeo ftange to me,yet tonne} Artfiotlc a tnitne tIe of the like, who mziteth, that them'het ‘Hypanus in , Scythia, bzingeth {92th M9, Ubof e leabee being fummbfl' larger then @aple leaves, theteofeommethatinn offonrefm: mjfiiroes. . ‘ , V, ' a Matthew tamemnehsfif you will pzeferbe toiloemuehs, The Wildc- whxehaee math 5 Werner two t'ofsmterettimatton mahlvm - a, . "'f, t : , V . 2.3“. _, 'mi“ mas; tum mm “3 _ _ gE'Mm-tma madame); " '_ “MMWCWmEuemnuecat m 13¢“:me station; get: mailman in route hannfome - mate espeeceetttbet, actuating the top open, co: mitmith at Mega. mm Wthe mankee great tufts efwgiets, mm an: mm; then cut pzettie tutti, Celt? blues Whales in the flutes whece the mute may hine themfelhea at theic pled'u’eee, to; that—mete will make them fans am faggot their amputenmentzbelim they are er, tellent nethete Inching, to; the mtweswcke when Ihcelagg, eth millaeale tromthc Duke ann conceale he: gemmhm this hath hatchet) thee is met! careful! ann tennec over her meme, an!) required: no alreaarxee but he: meate, which that mutt-ham batman ftelh, am at unfit twice a: thzice a nap ; amthettmeate maulnbethe hinnec can: of )‘Batley 02 Wheat, (calm: lime, fetches, mates,bkegeann fuchhke.§zhc hnufe henne will fit annhatchthe mane mutke @ggee, arm the meatet's ete‘emen the better, but the mucklmgs ace in greater name: of the kite when thergeemtnthe water; he, caufe the We cannot befenn them. Ehc’ee is a bzwoenf mun: muckesin the Lomzcntmtdes which ace calico 60m 17,. Coy: anthem» ace knobme bgthe greatnen’e an anthem of their duckc, 35119,thefe after gnu habe acquainten azm [batten to am} plate, am that they habeente men. you may let them gee abzoan at their pleafute, fa; thece :5 nothing but Death can keep: them fmmtheie emcee home; «mu it ts rectai no. that what weeks fee. her they camet'n company with-all, they are ruch lntltets that the» bill being them heme With them be the numbers neber to Mhhence it comes that theeeteuutn in England gm: toe ntthemmet theie fitfl: beginning was from the fieather; 'lmmhefe Ducks ate kept mtthaquactec of the charge that W “(the mm ate,becaufe they have liberty to goes; Menu. tht'ft to; themfelbes. anon: thus manner as you tape an wane Me eon mm W motherlmlbc . fame of their: htnne, as Eagles, planets, miegem, abet, . Manna): u .. . rm . ”mmmgocumm Wheels maturing; criticizing 8f Pasha? 3'5: “Wigwam: to behpt of mile-men than of pom We: out: (5%“wa Varso minty. that M. ME- dius Lurco, an fitlt began the flitting of this you)! Vina» 25813219“. hispeaeotks fonee hannm points, Inhoie stample numbers rationing, the use at peatoelts {stein to be meagre With.“ their figges me e fflb‘l’ez halfe a tromne a " pate, the ksthentfelue 3, at route fitness péete. ' - my fleih ismnheegaouetecate iioz’mh'o'kfiini‘bntonelh a nith foe Rate ans them, being‘i’u‘ehjt‘itbe new nehet m age; get in fence ann tinen‘tie hoineesit mitigate againe, man be ss rain as aim-it at the fitlt toatting,‘ no other news: being to be giben thereto» but the unluhelel’omnetfe ottheit taming, bsing a bin: that Delighhte eats 33ehtes,annes, frogs, 2113mm as buakesmhente it comes that he is taller: the beabengec of the husbannntans yarn, ann moge then his beautie to [3338 upon, e the cement of his feathers to; auntie? pueporesa harsh} imam any other nertucin him ‘. Honenfius they mm)“ the fin! that ebet Billet: peacetke fez the Enable inflame,“ anew biih at the 13 zielts feathmo this bite, is afeciben both unnetttanning, ano glow: to; being pzaifeo, he rets up [traight his taile, ann ( as leic eloquently befetibes it) ehiefelp againlt the bums, whereby the beautie may: maze be time. wis taiie failing eberg were with the fall of the leafe,he moutn'eth anti cre'epeth in eoznecstiu his taple be fpgpng againe.‘ Elbe? gee abzaan as haennes ans chichins-soemithout a keeper, anb gettheic oinne libings,theh be belt kept in little Slams: to; they flie neither hie, no; fatte oft. ben’tethinhe it tube a fpitefnil anb ennious Bitmas the Quote to be thamefalt, am: that he henna; teth his omne bung, beeaufe he means hane no man teeeibe benefit by him. eje libeth ( as Arif’totlc faith) {the ant: tinem tie géeres : he bzabeth at these gates eibe, the cache having his feathers Diners minutes : he ha‘teheth in thirtie sages, as the (Bette neth,ane laeeth these times in a pest-earthe @gges betahen away, ans fet unoeta Eenne, gau'mutt lmhe that‘ there thathoutet unset a haenne, he neinlain, am: that the lhenne from the fitaof the 93mm, be fet uponnine (limes, fine of the {seatethsgnn fence other name. Ehe tenth nay attain hath at, takeaway $2 192nm ngefiamb putunlget , he V-fl g 3 3 I 'Hn {Garth Booker; the like munhet of (tea; venues mummhey mufi be which, one theafozl WE” upon one tine. Suite”; that you share the greatett uneJoeitthe Engine be ugly, you melt take the Mama at .. Julius WWW amnion: eoeuofimhm the Daub»: an." was» run one with the WJet them'alone the 5mm am being them out, anb puttbem h'tmhenmmI . .4 Pen, w (m them at the inn teeth wavy ootpagrpunhleo with mates, no. pap mane of any othee tmrm tmleo, 3 fan! Wes aftet, gihe them befimbwboepen MW... Ctmuzfrtfi were, the Whey luell mung out: fozu-‘lheyiethought tohebery hurtful! to; the Chichins. arm they be a moneth olo, you may let them hoe tn the fielo, ano follow the flacnne, tying fbHBen tuithalong line, thatlhe goe nottcofatte ahmo but that the ¢hickin may come hometn time. fifteethellrtmomth,yuu may gibe them flBdtley, ano 152m : ano after the re moneth, you may put them to coat! in the home with the othec. notfufleting them to (it upon the guano, but upon iaeatthes fox taking of to"). Sun although when they may: gteat, they thietely Delight to (it upon the taupe: of heufes, one he as the (more is, luhith ate the bet watchmen, nno alto the belt tuaeuingigibete in the nighttime: yetis it belt to; you to ure them to. fitupouiaeatthes in We: mane put: purely foe them. Columdla thinkee it not gmo to [utter runny {Bennett tniththeic «within to tan: together, he, route the ipenne utter the teeth a bigger then he: owns, maketh the lure account of he: olme (thirkme, ano many times by that creation fozrakeththem. Ehe Cocke,by the great lull that he hath to man, Makes a runner the Gigs that be mine: the then, an!) therefoge it is bet! to have the wens to tit unfettetly as may be : they alto ufe to beat ano (hate that olnne Chiehiusniu they roe them trench uponthe haunting them tillthe‘n, to be none ottheit otuaeflne tome fufiiteth to; fine We, who by ta: oft teaming, both many times taufe that the mgges new: tome to mo; in tunme countries they begin to treao in fiebzunty, when fettuig uphis taile rotuio about hinutaking hiuu'elfe to; normall petiole, he begin, ueth to has; thett‘oze at this time both than“: one the then are Mungnfl’mflmc. 35% are to lie thttiihee my mum to; thew‘qiofe to inoreafe theit we, as W lofleo wattle” Quite. one given them Mme emit Dom mmmmymetmous ano troublefomtma heieheteb teem theit fellomeo, to; hurting theuaher, am keeping otheteftom weaning. me ml“ he kept to; as they may lapoalp intheie houfee, ano emu? stops! fozhee cgpmh‘coiuzlmheo to,tntth {on mountain montheie {Beams "anytime they tag tie the}: We upon the abeatthl 2‘ y oifeareo of this Difcafeso your, anothe temeoiee, are aimoit one with the oifeafesot‘ the haematite anothe theme [palm of heroes, thatio, the WW?) mill oigem‘oei. Eheit greatetoaugetiuuhen their comes mmhtfinlt, toi'theu‘ate thegpaineo, euchiineen are in bztmngoftl'eth. . v the Oinnie Commme coekmhoughit lieu hunger in othet atanttiesmetis berg melt Malone in @nglann. ' home hate We!) then tofie a time of the Eitoe', titty _ lento all: time Mckugridcc,'hecattieortheit bletniih game-g, Turin: but there binoeo we mcoamewut mtg InattelmflDthet” C“ “' agatne reckon them to; a time of intimates, beware that they one in treaoing time after therame fothpzeao mm M up their toilet, hugging min venting themfelm‘u: habitual: they neithec tefembte there in all points. 15m beware this kinoe of fointe, both to; theit tateiteu'e, nun alto thegeeat- metre oftheitbooie, is at this Day kept in great (locket, it {hall not be much amiae tofpeake of them etc; in attained? ano gmonete ot meate, the We may toiuplce‘letthang fable, am the ‘Com’fat‘t'c emu them; the! fallout of their feathets, is to: the m pattihihe, blacks, oz pieo inhite ann Hattie, tome Hem mo lanthanum fate ate like unto the mamckesxheit “new; but (viewing; mo bozne up armmumcm gaifefiietiallg Wellies anon. em heals e the necked offlfimatenakeowwtethetewvem. witha tritium skin, in mum eta .Me, oz a mm, which huugiugm their Whom out!) wfimt fattat th-tit pleating.” «totiehath themeatetmtuel meet his chin, ammhie hzeaaw‘efhaire. 95,9” salami that minutiae skim about when“ which hmgeth‘oiret hiabillmno 8110;: 39 z I - 53.4. :Thefourth Book: hum, nu finelliug‘ae tt mete uth little Mathew) he» With Mimic to timelt'he tszmzlionJO-aumloucs of She mm,mm’mm (onetime: tea, Matures hlvaem’etimu yellemhtth alumnae: altering-the 15m , appear-1h as fitmete amtcaele «of.- 333m“ ache mung am: ,kcping ofthem. is in at] thmgsltnntcarg to the {encumbe- lt'ghttug in nothingthflmyt Mate, deanlte annmholerome, as the W Wang , fpzmeiae "9W8,mmes, young bustle an! h the : thebtnbhle thins hull fat them as it noth the «Safe, am: tftheh may hahe tibettie arm a large methane: will thiftfoz themfeluea lmthout medakinmnlpfi men is. a team 2mm he cannot am with :01an met. at is a ”(abundant mm to heiemnmem Cache man as — the 182m:ke,hahe route 02 fire wennee with him: they are maze {02mm in banning than the iameke,hegtnntng :9th the fidt were,” at the {when at tips m olnztheg begin to lag in @mhmlmtdqhot Wm the la! great numbers n: @geg‘fthez he'totutmllu taken nonethem. am M can: fiennemnn iro be he you take them not amag,the9 begin te fit at the fin! :foe the}: be of allothets melt given to fitting,ann ro mueh, thatmzou take am: all them 0239th will fit upon a flung-a; meantime: the bare flea. mu mutt thetefoee re, amine them efthts Mite, tithe: thzam'nga feather theeugh thett Meme a tow you heron)» be wetting their bellies tm‘th eoln water, you wait (ct ember their wages as ( a taught you hefmeh’n the iieaeoehezfoz M have both me time of hatehtng. W WE Murat» them Elle .'of the Eggee, ann ab bate: harm thtnbrpeithltne themnetn nnn then gently with faice that". an!) take he! the (tech: eome notat them, fa; he mill make them .aswoll as the pegtethe : fa: the (tasks of, thin lame, ta. «:1 ‘frnmam qnn 'mlfcblmus mime. zzhe wine being thattheu innate~ am, 0; mm the cum Me. me he bptrwltb'eltbu. am. in!!! MM: mania well, minnow mnltkcpethem in r we mallet: mulch grime 0mm mam e: @MWJutheuce great thaws any berg muthfuhtmto he lea. with: Em mutatelelte, that ti Wham“: fallen he: that @93th the aim he& {can b. mil) them .mithall; ts taint. 1:me dense. pact. . a; ontrcanng of Poultric. ’ ”5 o; gem than tuinfmall hits,lettheic minke be ueln ware in one mum!) 99mm aim matetin annthec mirth; you mutt feene them many times in the nay, alto attribute the fan Inith you: owe hanns,feemg everyone habe their nae, to; the game henue loill notlike the haulhetme, tall ann clothe het «thickins togethet to feene them5aftet they are come to tttength ann maturity,you may then mlarge their mail: euro; they will eate any thing: BBllgbt in «Sexuaweenswgabehe banana becaufe they taunot away lnith toln, no; met, you mutt Reeve them in Wintcmu the hermit e neiett places you have. my: peatthes mhetenn they are to lit, mutt not be high, but an eight 0; ten foot from the gtnwmmeithet be they able to the any great height, anotheterqee mutt be holpeu with lathete, oz lteppes. Ehe gteatett mfeal‘ethatthey are {abject unto, is the iatppcfiflb the aquatic, tnhtth mutt be halpen in like fogt as the themes, am the @gges kept after the fame manner. 3n l'ome plates they ate to make aaptms of them when they be young, which are (exact: as a oaintie nifh to the gable. 530m fee the generall fe'ening ann fatting of the elnet met, hies,efpettally againfi atheifimasyoa [hall fitlt gibe them all the helpe that the btubble fieln can yeelne, 03 the flame omen; then (inning them melltttitkeu in flea), houfe them,ann to; the fitlt fogtnight feene them with mm malte a; runner: @atee ann aftet cramme them with fiatley meale, ann mt‘lke mane into palt asyou tramme atapone, am: it is iuttenible to what fatnelte they milltnmeuanb this 3 thinke futfitient fee the Emma} lnill fpeake of the pigeon mhith *: whomever hee hee, that gibee himfelfe to the trace of Wbanozie, it be; hmheth him (petially to hate a care to; bze'euing of iBige; one, as lnell to; the the great tommonitie they ye’elo to the Bitthiu, as to: the pznfit anb ymcely teueneln that they ye’elo (if there be geob (rage of¢oeue fielne ) in the Watket. Vmo m;iteth,that in his time a payee of {Btgeons were felt: fee I ooo. H. S. gun that Lucius Axius, a ilemght of flame, befoge the tibill marten betwixt Czlnr ann Pompey. foln his {Bigeone at teme pm the payee : to much was that time gihen to . p 3 ‘ ”manner“, a P igeons. 3‘ 3 6 The Fourth? Booke, mantonnmemno glutiony;yea,at thlsoay in our tiace, hath bin rim aim to; a Mom pigeons tonne pounll mania). ano thereto» the Dohehoufes are commonly built lmth great coir, ano heantie, in the toppes of turrets ano houfes, from whence by users!» grates minooloes they die abzoaoto their fusing. [Pigeons ( ifthe conntrey he to; them) are teo ano maintaineo lnith little colt,feeoin'g theml'elues all the yare long with inch meate as they tinoe abzoao, ercept at fuch time as the grouno is cohereo with buommhen as you mutt of necell‘iti’e help them with a little mcatedlchere is two [sets of them,one toiloe Rina, that is beought upin monzehoiiies‘auo of colour,either blowilh white, rpecaleo, o; Dunne: hombeit, the white is not gain to he kept, becauie they lie fmnelt oeflroyeo with bermine. in italy there are of this rozt, as bigge againeas ours,ano are noin common in Jflaunoecs. another (on is moze familiar ano tame, ann tome thing moze large of hooyMith rough fo’ete,ano commonly of colour tnhite,o rometime tpeckleo ano yellomith: this kinoe is commonly kept in «Zities anti momm93mbne the others cannot be Rept,ano is tea with meate at home, ans becaure they are eber in Danger of hermine,ano rationing him, they are (till kept loithin oozesfino alioayes M: at homemhis tinne the common people call tame pigeons, oz moneth pigeons, becani e they bzl’eoe ehery moneth . moth there roots are {nonporous fruitfull. bzo'eoing commonly eight times a yeere ( if the hinoe bee goo )' yea fometimes tonne, ano eleben times : fog in «Egypt ( as Arinoile telleth ) they booeoe all the Winter long. fins though venues are moee fruitful! in laying of obliges, yet fligeons are moze pzofitable hy ‘ofleu winging tooth young : ano therefom you mutt pooliioe you [rich bzhnerglnhofe boaies be great ano faire, not tm olo, no; too youngnfa goon ano perfect colour, ano a fruitfull kinoe. at be; Mouth him that will begin a EDobeehonfemot to begin with the young ano little ones,hut loith the bzscoers, ans to buy to ma: my codes, as he both venues, arm to tape them if he can, matches together of one fiel’t : to; if they he to matches, thee mill wave a great Beale betterfihey being tooth commonly a «com arm a' venue together (as Ariitotlc imiteth )pm our era perietttetheloeth it. in march they beginto bgeeoenf the pig; t entrcatmg ofPoulme. thet be haunt, beratet mm is no 15in fwitfnllet then the 39mm in (We Dal“ the (MM, tenth. unwary, e bu‘ngenpm that to; the melt pan: all the hate. bhe laheth tmo cenmmbhen the hath lag!) the fitnnnhith is a cache, the next the lageth, which is a theme, the thin nebet lightly mmmeth to gain. Boththe ltinnes nae amazes fit,the Gecke in the 83!:be amine inthe night, they hatch in tinentie bones, they lay after (the tceaningsan bummectheiz tomtimes being teeth in ttno moneths than: paice : are; upon the nineteenth new they hatthn pzefentliz tonteibe againefinn therefoze hon lhall often finne among the gang aaigeonsflgs tome waste to hatch, anniome aging : ifthece be no tastes, the themes tnill tceao one another, but the egg“ never come to gum, but are tninne nges: Anaodc ann 'l‘bcodoms ealleth them mater @gges, whetecfthete nebet tommeth an): thing;ann betaufe the young men tnill mane at fine moneths aloe, me fatter the {tea flight to flie,to intteate the brine : as being hatthcb in watch , twill bzazne againe in Zulhm augutt. Ethnic that 162 meane to take to; the hitching; the Epatket, are bett to be neatnne at the lat; in tune of the 2m, when they are tnogtt able to Defenn theme [clues from the (010M513 from iBug;acnz,ann amines : the belt to; heme among all flatulemsthe watch bzmbe. ID?! that mean to fat pigeons to rel them the heater,“ febec them when they be newly feathecen. 1 fan: them with that?» tnhite bzeab We a bag in maintenann theire in immune: : ant {nth as be not!) ham penn,theh leabe in the 31m, plucking the feathece of their tninggann beeaking their lege,that they temnbenot from their places gibing the whines gmn plenty ofmeate,that they max,1 better fe’ene themfelnes,anu their ponngbamehts Genius mnteth ) nae rottlg the their legato; it they theuln bzeake them they thinke the paine month true them fem flitting ; but this thing Both little gem, to; bhile the! “toggle to get them; r clues lmi’e, the labaut millképe them twin being fat: but then: legs beingbeolten, the paine will not cemaine abobe tine hates, a; the at the nttetmott, ana mu km them that they thal nehet (tea! {com their mammare only to pinifi them, but to fall the: many times out, mkewme a pm! to ‘Cteminezann thetetoze it is gmn to beingthem to the Bittbifl: 39 4 Defoe: 333 The fourthBooke hefoze they be full ripedlbhe unfruitfdl ano naughtie eoloureo, e the othermil'e faultie, ought thiefelyto he fatteo,ano mutt be ecammeo in tueh tozt, as you rramme Cuponsflbobeehoufes o; plates to; heinous, to builoe in, are mane after oiuers man, nets: to: thetsme pigeons, anofurh as are ten at home, they make in the highett parts of their ipoutes lying tomato the bouth, eertainehollolo flames, ano «Belles to; them, ano if the place one not to term, oeibing in eertaine amines into the mall, they lay upon them frames of limbs, tuith partitionsin them,oz earthen pots to berth in, letting attains iLeDges runne from hole to hole,that they may the better come to their gens, ans toallee up ano ootone in the bunne. that the houtes fo; the other tuiloerhinoe,beeaute they rontaine great numbers, are built after a more hanofomer ozoer,although unoer the tithes of houres, am in tte’eples of uthurrhes, you than habe thouranbs heapingNai-ro appoints the EDobeehoute to be built in this that: a momeie aoioyning to the hours, ano bell lofteo ano (seleo abobe, loith one little omze in it, ann route tninooines, antloer. ing the foure quarters of the lBeaben, which loinoolnes mutt be tnell grateo, r o as they may gibe light enough,ano keeps out bermineflll the tnalles within mutt be faire mhite limes, to; luith this colour is the pigeon toonoertully oelighteo : befioes it mutt be inell pargetteo ano plaittreo tnithout, tperially a- bout the tninbolnes, teas neither gamete, were", no; other “ermine may enter .- the toinootoesmutt be to plareo, as they may let in the bunne all the mintermabing a hole. of tuttieient minenetl’e ober againa themmiell netteeano tunnelleb, lll firth foot as the pigeons may eatily die out ann in at, ano yet not (utter any hatefull flBiro to enter : to: the wigeon taketh great Delight in flying note ano then abzoao, where after the bath rematch her telfe, thee eommeth with ioy to her net} againe : as on the other line the mourneth, if the be rettraineo other "1 bertiexouno about the inals tnithin you mutt habe little rouno {flesfiom the top to the bottoms, loherein they bgeeo. Vmo oulo halve them their hanofuls in length,ano leogeo from hole tohole for them to loalke upon. home thinks it bell to make your-holes of lommo; ltime one not offlbgirke ano blonew‘ mutants of the warmth. sphere be tome that busts: e r animating-9f Fowle. “339 etc heuhm on pillers in the mint of romeibont, oz gunfight, lath b'e'gaure they oelight in hater, ann became - they win hahethem rate from bermine. the meat tbdtfibcu molt Delight inns maresfiniloe jfetrhfiaeafgmheahwillet: where thefe be not,you may gibe them bpemfi’ettally in Wm; tetfiapefdbfino eoclrle : to; by gather"!!! t 9“th "P the“! little teensahey get themrelues a heat in roll heather. When you aim: them meat,you mutt thzoin it hath be the loallea : f0; that part is commonly deanett from bung. Elna though Vorto bins you to flneepe ano make cleane your Eobesbnflrefi “HQ!!!” ally; that the bung is gob ann yzofitable to; the fiellwet fame this time of fame both naught in places l’pgiukleo with their alone Dungeon (hall not news to be rarefull in tlenung of it. Ehere is nothing better to; the peererbatlmi 0f 19mm!!! their a is the baltoat ; which is agreat rouno flBall 0; Stone of halts The sum: bought either at the Whitehes, oz frfi the bfiltpwtermanfiut 1; bet of thofe is that which is button from the baltapeeterfi thee; toge at no time let the mobehoufe be unfurnilheo of one of there. 3f your EDobeehoufe be either neln begun,og weakneo by mif- ThéDogse thante,o_z unprofitable foe mant of €ompanie,you thall take the named. fattelt mouse you an get,ann inhen he is flayeo ano 1150mm, en, ttop his mote as full as it can houlo with Gimminl’e'eoo, a to roait it ozy,batting it with (meet mine e {honey mirt toge; ther,ano then plate it in the Eobeshoure: this toil! not only pee, r erue thofe that are in the aoahbut mil intire as many as (hall toeoe in the fielos loith them to follow them it come home alfo". ilcoke tnell that they be not train, 0.: oirquieteb loith Chunnee, o; noife of people, o; other like,fpetially when they [it : if you habe notation to goe into the home, fee that you one it about noone time,tnhen they be abzoao a fo’zoing,ano be lure to knotke tnell befoze you tome in. home ray, that it will caure them to lobe the houfe,ano allure others to come thither, if you rpginkle them with atommin befoze they goe to timing, oz perfume the. houfe my bagegnn firanhenfenrefiome have another erpe; rience fozthis purpofe,ano that is {Bottheroa beaten l'mall ano fearreominglen with the hearbe «wait, an goon olo mine, a; giiien unto them. Ethere take warty floluze, loonen with me $1539, am: a part of laony. Cardan teacheth thts, as the beflt , g3 g4o The Fourth-Booke, fascism. new; at Quletwtmmin, «m, a Aswan“ Walton Mmetgmn wheel, Wall When enemies Meofthem to be m in the m of a hattefl‘ngue te atheth to take the rates niche Wfim to belle them lulth the pickle of fittings. fleets a ktnbe of minke, that naturally ta terrible to a: the: vellum, any ptefetneththe {Macon : the common peeplc call it diatanolumeua attirmeth, that if you take the gang «cactus, an!) peefetne them even: one in earthen heals incl eobeten unn plalteven all ohemno hang them in the comers ot the thehoufe, it makes the pigeons babe (nth a lobe to the honl'e,ae the}: mill nebee fozfake it. Eheh hate many other at» uetfaries,¢mmee, inhumane mmle‘e, which all heme}; the abigemeipetiallg when they bzleo. 1 tonne of late in mine ohm momhwfe, on £Dmle fitting (olemnlg in the flea upon he: We: in the mienea of all the pigeonganu ham by the hourc on an olv hollow teiefl foilzzn paces creating {eigeonmhat the moles hm bzousht to teens their gem with: em: though the finale fame to be greater then the anthem, by tearon or the thieltnelte ofhet feathew, get will the! etcpe in at as little a plate as the Wheel: mill : to (mull ann little to their hopes, though they be bombafee hath featheto. Shaina wierele, btotemnn {nth llke,Pelladius tneuln babe you heme thelDobe, houre about with [harp Plttkle bunehe both mum,“ 00gb 15.1mm futh like,” they have not pate thmneh fee pzt’eking. Dydimus ano othermo big you hang mat bunches of fine all ahontthe hatieretiallh at the entranee of the booze, oz to put toilbe little antler their things, oz to rpztntkle them with sue : to; this heathe (astheh ray ) hath a fpttltlll fozte againa furh Wall newline. bottle fay, that if a Molten heae he hangcn tn the moueshoufent mill Dzibe aloe}: all huttfull hermine. m a will now leave the pigeon“!!! fpealte romething of the iiheafanmno of thett ettelleneetPalladius leatheth,that you mutt whine filth as be gang e tattle, that were of the lalt {ares winging fozth : fez the ole ones he never fwttfull. mm: “he is futieient fog tlno lame :theg hemp once it veered lap to themnbetof twenty @gges,hegiming tn fipztllmn fame; when agatehfimt they ate bettem be bzouaht up ligoct a . ' enne: " “'7" enteeatmg ofFowle. - g4;- Wdou mat meet one 9mm 55m thrm. ammumamemmmnm «themes, as a tote you meant the Mb 338 Wed) than the! come fem) ; fog the felt flftane eaves you malt teen them with 35o:- lggfiom’e marksman talcum which ecu mmtnckle a littlemine. one: you well zine them Whats. (bungee, you; one antes egg“: let them noteonle notes the Water on tattblm the m. which lftbee than: to bathe, em and! ml: thcie hellteomh Wheflompee togethet we Eons. $3:th are fatten in thirty eaves, unit are: heatmoutem flatly. acute mane in {genome ,iaellets innit be fpzintklee a little - mm) ople,aue to put into their th;oats : you mail take haee you put it not meet their tongues, to: if you one, you kill them: neither muugougihe them any meate till you petteibethe out be eigeflel. ’ am on thus you ozeec thephei'ant, to gen may alto ozeet the <50 (bondage, to; thefe ate teeotuces offo mete allponte o Delight to one with anothecm you may keep bothin one mme,habing in the toznets thereof little elofe bores, mheceinte they may runne one hiee thunreluesfiez tug eelite to lie clone 1 mitten. blcenn the mint! of this flame you (hall plate (meg inheate; theoeesJome bith the eaves more, one tome with the cares mmme more untothem wallow tube mithtme'ete baton: ifunito this meme Doe aeievne my fate moat plot when they may mouse at their plearmtheiz mill pzefpet with the better; tune a great heals the [canoe agate nert untothefe 3 plate the Euttlthobt, 0‘ “with Columdla afiiemeth, that games Tum- mill new law, not mine tooth in the Mufti uoz; wanting”: ane thetefezt they nfeetotake them mime when theylnete full tipe,ane to {owe one fat them in little bathe memes like pigs, ens holes: theole onesee not to gmmasneithet the wgeon is. an winter you than hotels; have than fat, .in bummer they imll fat of themfelualothq mag hobo-plenty“ Who-ate one come: thematec neat be very elem and M that you sine themJlEheg hole opmtonxhottheanctleoftet hehathlelt his ntate,tetmuethehaofietfolm.£henemfimofthem mfl'znglanu elpodollg mmmfl‘tfiwe mm one thatehe male (Mole may “whom menu’s! inmate? impgironment “42‘ ‘ I The fofirrh Booker; 2W,anoare «lit to bekeptin Cageguanghlroe‘ Wmnoif marriages belargsenonghas commonly - ‘ glam? (ages «are, you may tape thentie payee in one gs . - - .. But heranfe there is greater uses of Ehzalhes c Blarkhiros. lactate the lelIe foe k'cing‘ol’ Emilee. Ehough mhzulhes ano Slackebiros he kept in Diners places :yetas Plinle faith, there is in no place greater rompanie, then is taken in the Winter time in @erman. that they here area for great oaintiee, ap- peares hp Horace : ‘ No daimicr dim then is the rhrufl: . . Eheg are rommonlp o;ea‘eo inhole, ano notoeainnexo; their inbaro partes may toell bee eaten. [a they be new: their ¢rops are commonly full of Juniper Berries .Varro Ipziteth, that Ehguihrs were in his time at tioelue pence a pe’ere. Where they nfe to tape them, thee alto put as many as they take miloe among the others that momehr up hefoze, by whole company ano felloinlhip thee palle away therogrom of their pzifomnent, ans fall to their fcoing : to: you mutt al, loam haoe olo fellomes forth! purport,» whore trample they may learne both to rate ano minke. they mutt habe marine houfes, as your pigeons habe, troaeo through loith [mall aberrheszfoe after they habe floloen about,» have ten . they oe; fireto rett. Ehe aserrhe mua be no higher then a mans height, [0 88 :30" mar ealilg reach them {tanning upon your (arrange 'meate mutt he rat in fnrh plates of the houfe, as he not unoer the 13earrhes, to; filing of it. Columella ano Pglhdiustozite, that unripe figges beaten ano mingleo with wheate. gunfire mnttbe giben them, that they may eate thereof their 1:. But in finglanog other countriesfiheg place in their Cages ammughesormhi‘chromermnumith W, themes mothgflinter Berries, tome bith Qempfco, torn: loith iLinfieoeJm mith itapel’hoeiome with flea) rhopt (mall, ano tomsloith batten Ariflotle maketh mm kmoes of theme. M thalfopuuethrhe wmomnflfcuinpfi,mges. fitment: can: maths molt Mm 3mm berries, mubmflm brim ml (at; New web. mice are ,éntre‘ahng of FOWle. '34; are alro in many plates to keepe mantles,__ which is rather. a Biro of the Earth then of the 3222018 Puma faith) but berarife they («be upon El lebom nenemons {mane befioe are hem With the falling tirlsnettemang ooe maturtle ( as Athcnzus imiteth ) tbhp they be to greatly ettetmro. ache? rag their young innit be ten mith antes,ano emmets wages, as the partringe. 3t isthonght, that he flieth ober into other «term. ; tries in the Winter time, as the flame, am: the btoghe both, following to; the guitar their olbett £9,naile,ralleo.the mother Quaile. But hotnroeber this be the opinion . of the 9n:ients,pet lne finoe by early experience,efperiallp inthere countries where no The Swan. {nth poifonons a nnioholefome tomes grotn,that the mantle is a molt etrellent a oaintie firm,both,in the hit!) at great fealfs ann in the flelb to; rpozt,ano plearnre, either with the fettinge home,” her flight befoge the ahaullte, oginthe taking them with the pipe oz rall,to inhiththexz are inonrmns apt to be in, tireo. Inhis mitt: it you meane to time it to any ertraozoi, nary fatnettemn thallpnt them into little loin, flatmet large €ages,hobing the one fine open like a grate,ano befoze itlittle tronghes, into one of which you (hall put {me ¢hilter inheate ano into the other deare beater, ano gibe them a little at sure but be eber ann anone fanning them; ano to the war the! may be the better obrerneo, non thall place their images in truth a plate as you 0; tome others may habe aeration continually to pa its by thematic thus in a fogtnight or these makes they toil! be monbzons fat. . . . fiat before 3 pm further in this oifroarfe, 3 mnit’not fogget tofpeak romething of the binanne tohieh is a principal jfomle of ette’eme ‘ anb is brought up inthe 3L010:£0nnttl85,§ heptin great numbers in itinrolneethire, a trountreg replenitheo with Gentlemen of mo honiesngmn honie-kéepers.flno Arhcnceus allebging the anthoaitie of Ayiflorlc, arrounteth-this fininle to be berg frnitfull, ano of great fiomarke, to much, as it. is thoughtthep bare gibe battaileto the (Eagle. Eheg are been am: kept in lakes, WUBISJ fiimeponosnoithoutanerharge Qailes.‘ atalt, am no great you in. the Where he plucking xup the . - v . Vans). $ » ”K ‘ ' .’ m , The burthBooke, , was, ano othec ammo“: to; the mellencu at his totem, one We ofhiofleth, he is matte eczema: Ehecein . one excellent hint: of them, that taketh ht. name of the gag batch that hit keepeth, ano to amaze! therttheo ant: kept in the Ditch of Cities, ano foetteflea, fez bum: fatthfulnetl’e in Mn}; teaming. they be kept atmott tnttkemannet as We are, but that the? are to at longer, fitting atohole moneth o; there about: they being fo_;th returns above eight, am: to matting manna bu‘ng' me, anofometime (the. they make their fleas hato by the water. of homesmcwmnu like ttutte : their young ones they carry ataight into the tubers. at the lakes ano btreamte be from in mtmmpou mutt houfe them. this 15th is counter: among futhao [the tmgetm‘ozealhmim her alone heath, as Plato am Martian mu. nell'mtnithafln’at anb lamentable tong. mm to) the feeling ant fatnng of the blownntvhith is a W nohte am mime oilhat any great ("menu ate to unbeaten!) that the; he the Ctgnete Which are to be feo,ano not the olive bloom, hotntoebet tome are ofopt‘tn'on that the do one tea oith am-atluayeo;hutretting thatmellence apatt,tohen you mg. m gong moans, you thau putthem mto a. date ponee out o hieh thehamuotgem habing onelg {om ltttte org gram, plot tofitin one to pmne themx'etnes, more tothe outage of this ponoe you than plate thzae mm, m the one you then put goon olo om mates, in another tome 9.1mm; or as: been one Barleemtttetogethct,anbftoimming m mater,ano m the thitol‘ome olo ozteo maltemnthere let the bmanns more: pted’nre, ano one o: ttoiee a matte can upon the water, tome hot Mte dogma which but both froth“ am race, ano thze'e bake”; a moneth in thw manner to a rummm time to fat any binanm tbozouoble am tltanelmhcre as to re» them in houreo arm 7 on; plates as many Doe , the 15in: being a math beaten creature, Knuth her one mm", am: being naturally (without the helpe of Water) berg leanelh, they can neither fine no; pulpergno aoke Double Dante tol'mallputpofe. _ F ceding of mm hauingfpokm thus of the bbanne eat: her Innings “we“ 5‘ mum at mm a; ttoo ofthe retain; or othec fewefinhxth others although I . '\ V ‘3. r.entreat~rng of Fowlc. 34i' mm they line not uqturallnann continually in the mm, pet theebllbe not trout the beater, am of there 3. areoum the game one ofthe thefell, beraut'e the: announthen foetlno pzinripall‘raufes,” to; the tirght moterutre tn the ammfiotn to fpeahe of their nourithment ( to; of their betebe 3 am not to meoelemeearte they are statutes of that bbertmanb ptenttegnb [’0'th to; any tame arromnronatton, that it is lotte of to. bone to beetle with them ) you (hall unberttanb that ifeou toiu goe to the trait rhargemou than take them o: 1502 them from their firms in their firtt pendenthere, ano then put them into a rlofe houfe, which the larger it is, the better it is, ann the moze Barnelilte to the better purpofe; to; thee mun hater many Grotto maulhsfiemnee ano other artifiriall places to {hearth upon; at the botteme of the Itmme , you mutt habe‘ runoeg moons of a large compute tnith Rings nub Eenterephereto to binne the meats lnhetetnith you teeoe them, ann amongtt there momen- mnng thatlotn Eubbe or heater, luhereon to minke anb bath at pleafure, am about there tubbe ( a little re, mote )gmb (loge otbanb nub {mall thrabell. no the other 0,29 momma thalltpe the new on tnhirh they feebe,tnhirh tueuln be the libete mflethe intrails of ollfozte of Butchers (tattel, alto all manner of Eugene“) o2 anggurbage that iel‘tne’et lnhat: turner,“ laeummmteimfigaemee, tights anothelihe. Que this mutt be non rtbire a one at the leathbut if thziee it is inurh the better.Ehie fretting houl’e mutt be to opener: at the top that what mine falleth map light therin,foe tm'theutmurh moytture they rant-t p:ofper;befinstzeu mutt habe great rare to the rleane ant: neate keeping of the houfe. fog although the'e fiotule be of them'eluee nuttrth enouglmet they .oelight in rleanlinee when they ate in impztl'onment. £20m there is from thefe creatures a be able i mploetnentthe one to; the entering of the (fierfalron, fiakfi oz other mutter; bpthe loan,1 of Etaineeozmane flight ;; the other to; the teptrhtng at rolemne areal}: nun entertain: mente. ifpwmul habethetn {oz-the (light, you mutt habe at the top of the houte,at one enoe a rlote lobee 0; hole tohirhpou Ma'ri ‘g a may open am: that at pour pleature, cut of that holes a; atober 3 8“" {cu that! lure one ofthe Eearnee, ant: bpfrarinnher, forte her mm the open fielne where you thal marhe heme; where the ma lights I I i , ‘ 17W?" “"1- . ‘ - 7 , . ' 34,6 . The {mirth 3601a, . eligbtc, lbeloillbarbly aray farre from {bat place; eiauy . “there be any Beunell, plagues, o: fiber furrotne lbitb mater. Eben a: tbe @oeamg 9; any otber time you may make your fligbt at your pleaiurejbbuj as you hang up,feebe I make fattbefe lgearneein tbelike manner you may being by]: fat,botb puets,®ulls,beametb5 oz Butters,yet y Butter is belt to be fen byy bano,beraur e loben tbey babe reb,yon may tye up their beambeiug a feline tbat naturally ibil tau up bis gage after be batb fee, if be be not peebenteb. - 1: «ding of Ebere are anotber Rank of foibles tubirb are mutb mozenaim the Curlew ty 0 of greater pzicc tbeu any y batb bin foemerly nameb e tbat and Other "Powlc. amm- ponds. my «tummy @nat o: anontbe webmipe t y @raydblober ;c tbefe you may take frfi tbeir ueite inben tbey are yong,o; elie at inoulting times being we up e feebe tbem as fat o; fatter tben any otber fololmitber by cramming tbem,us you no eramme otbirkins mitb [mall crannies mane of lobrat meale : milke, oz otbermife lbitb fine rbiltermbeatzt being fen plentiouay tber. of tbzeetimee a Dam twpozuingn game e fiigbtn be (me to let tbe babe great aoee of materze obferuing tbis one: you tball betnre to babeth fat in a foztninbts {pare aty utmolt ; Ebus 3 babe [poken(ae 3 rappore) fufiieiently of all manner of lame c mater growl: mbicb are bebebefull foe tbe buebanbman eitber foe bis family oz otgemife foe bis ertraoebinary entertainméte‘ flow it falletb out in grab o_2ber,tbat from talking of Winter foibles me lboulo come to entreat effiibponbmno 1f iib.§:be befimaking of wanna,“ eitber by tbebtazo; site to babe tbem from tome great ltreame o; Riber, that may being in botb ma; ter tifl;,tbbitb by floub oz blufe may let in almayes freib ma, ter,not {uttering tbe olo to togrupt,but albaay refrelbing it, anb banging moee an). Ebe next in gmbnefl'e,are tbol’e tbat are feb baitb p’pee o2 fecret pall‘agee bnber tbe grounb, auo may be let out againe by Sluice. fine tberefoze tbe beater ( as 3 faib ) mutt be ibcll inclofen loitb grab flfiayes, wankers, anb Walleeabat they may beable to abibe tbe rage of tbe none, 1er mama): moelt anblafi ln'n‘be,ie [urbas are mane in lMfianbing ibmlego; raine inatersfibefe binoe {bonus tbougb tbey be tbe mo; it, by reaton of tbeir uneleane inking ano rezrupt mater, yer bobere tbere is no better, are to be mane attount of ; fog tbongb tbey be not tbe lnbolel‘ogieit’foz ‘ ' $91“? 39"“ entrpahngbfflfllePonds.' ' 3-4" W!!! flW tithtome: manna uremia Magenta ,thot Cattle", hie- more-re "Mes, am hanging, no other like urea. ~ Mifroheyoummakethemeytheehythemnéete tome greatitihee ,masthetnateemay heletin uno out youcpleaa tute. Sine lohenl‘oehet you open the blufee, to let then”: ter, he (ate that you babe them bell grateo, thatthe fith can by no meanee palte thzough, am: let the pattage. if the place will (utter it. be mane on ehety line of the 190m: to; the ole mater mill bet! boio, tnhenfoebetthe ateame henna, it the eunant lye again& it. mhere blufee o; {Battageg you mutt make at the bottome of the nouns,“ the place mill to fecbe,that laying your lehell with the hottome of the pm, you may nit: term the beat, o: mixer, to lye reauen fmte higher: foe this Columella thinkes, will be a fufiitient lebell fog youtaaonn, auo mater enough to: your shirt). lgombeit, thete is no Doubt, the beeper the water comes from the bea,the tmlclt it is ,mhete; inthe iiihes mutt Delight 21m: if to betheplate lnhereyou meane to make your 13min lye leuell with the beim of the bea, ' oz the River, you mutt nigge it nine fmte oe’epe, anolay your Gul‘timt within two fmt erthe toppe, am: To enter it as them, tee come in abunoantly : fo; the ole mater lying matter the le- bell of the Sea, mill not out againe, except a gteatet rage tome in : but in: the {arena that is fubtea to the dean emu ebbe. . it is enough if it be but two fmte Deepe. 3n the. balms ano fines of there iamosmu mutt have tsulhes anti direekesholes to; the grith to hiee them in from the heatot‘ thebunnetbefinefia olo hollomtcats, ano mites of'tties,ate plearaut ano Delight» full harbours to; fiifl). Slno if you can hanuromely tonhey them, it ishettto being from the bea, little Rocket, with the means am: all upon them, ano to place them in the min: belt ofyout poms, ant: to make a young bed of them, that the filth may {tatfely know of theic impeifonment. about Euchaauiu fiance, anoin other places, you thall tune in igbhee ano Kaine water, even in the Wiloecuette am i?) mat abunoante of fill!) an oibeteylac'ee of thelotn €Mflh‘i28, toheee theyhabe theie 15mins feo with the wee, tohiehthey may lhuttut at their pleafut'e, they to meet them, 3-4.3 ; '51:: Fourth Egokc, a they. be eothet autumn, oz . e no mitboapeenitehgg, M W flaw” “P“MDB timezanothe tea at them Wthe Wthe hate: being batten ann kept out by mares am flank“) istotneo with bummer itoiznemnn after alpiiruetuhe mater let in againe, whereby the gamut: be: ing tnonozouflh enricheuoth halo great ¢roppes of Bath: azzo bummer come ; ano ( as the poet faith) fo; the lane, to may be fail) f0} the matetNot any ground for every feed,but regain mutt be hammhat fozebetp one is meet. Ehe Romans keepe in their {bones lampzieo. writers, laces, gamete, lampzons, (Englthécnnes, ( all other grit!) befines, that are bfeb to he kept intreih waters. {bonus to; matters, merefitlt oeuu'eo by Sct- gins Onto, at the albumen, about the time ofL. Clafl‘us the 91), ratoz, befoze the albattaile or Marfic, not to much to; oelicnfie, at to; the tommonith anu gaine. (tackles ano nannies, mere keptin 13mins b2 Fuluius lepcnus. Gannon“. hitters ftlbrs Delight in niuere plates. the heft 1m ties e lute: were thought to be in 1? iiiuer of Tybcr,bet1nirt the two bzibgeozthe mutants at Ralcnmttbe temp; pee in Sycill : to niueremahememles, ano been, infome plates haue better fill; then in others. 15m to teturne to my fiim’ponuo from lube-meal tamemepthet may :11 (om of jibes be kept in euerh one, foe fome fogts are gen» uelletg, oelighting onelz in @rauellh, btonm bonny waters, at weanotnes, wuoginl, NBulheaoeMuffeo,Emmiberches Stuntman, (whines, fiarbils, ano dihebine. Ethero nelight Maine. in 99am»: plates, rocking eber to lie hit in the saw, as ti}: lend), the cm, the Became, the cache, anofnch othets. home againe, Delight in bothm the pikenhc iLuee,the carpe, the Became,the ibieake,ano the aoathmhe (Erwin: fithzs, [petiallg the caenomeo , are ingenueo of my” bung, is"; in [mall markets in, , the bottome. o! a dbranelle t. - Eh: Lute, oz abikemome (as likemife Both the ¢atpe)to be great in a rhozt time, as in thee: o; foure harem therefore in Inch pence as habe nehther the beam: mine; cumming be me me euerg fourth o; thiro were, teozabe the nimmto oze them with young. am: in there parts we thiefelg tinge them baititliurpe, hauing rural! pone: nnn Memes to; the .putpotre or entrcating OfAnglingI I ' g4§ to but them inJoalm may oome-bp them at eon: pleal'uu.‘ ' a mu not men have into me tw‘tnmmtmbmg theatre otthisattofflnglingatlha‘llfulhtemethat all men inoio it,thatfeio gmo men butlobe it, am: a ioozlo of page men .libe hp it ; neithet mill 3 Rant: upon the me ano bettue them of,beeaufe it isepthet foz pgollt o; eeaeatiomnoz upon the antis quitie. betaul'e no man lining kneln the beginning; nozupon any thing that is linkeo unto it be the «nations. 3 lmll onelp ceft m2 l’elfe uponthe an it ielfe ann full! as the l'hnztnell'e ol the time ano the llolnnelte of my fpieeh mill give me leabe, Be: line: unto you what 3 knob therein. _ . Ehe art of angling o; the art of'oeteibing 5ft“), eonfilteth in there fem pziueiples. ma the man, the anatuments, the ESahtsfino the bearons go: 1: oz ill fog the putpof e. Iouthing the man, hotnroebei: fome moulo fire upon him Ofthcnm. tioelbe bettuesJome tinentm fome moge,fome lette,yet i mutt eontraathem ano raw he be Tullics honelt man,he is then the anglers [unitient mamthere is require!) in him muth’patiente ano conltantp, the one will take from him anguilh, the other mo; ; he mull lobe the {pozt eatneitlmfo; No Love, no Locke; he mull habe'humble Ehoughts ano humble @eltures,fo.2 he mutt not oifoaine to kiioele, to-lge grobeling, to llama bateheab, nah to Doc any humble anion to attaine his purpof e: he muft be of a thong mnltitutionJoehe is like to unnergoe the mom ten [025 of Eem pelts. italtlg fog his appareell it mutt be marine ano luhollomemot garilh oz glittering,the oneis mholel'ome to; ' his Bong, the other is much offenfibe to his fpozt. fog as the fill) is of a melt pure fight, to they are or a molt niee toneeit, ano inherethep once take offence, no flatterie can reeontile themzthetefoze his apparell multbe (an ano oe’epe toloueeo like the b1atet,plaine ano elofe to his isooie,ano inoieoe to like a bhaoom that it mill gibe no thallium. fog his inlteuments they ate finfileroosflineefiozksbmks Oflnfim: - ano other. pocket anutuments that belong to oneoz all of them. ”’“b angle icons are of oiuecs kinos as tome or one peete,as thoi'e OfRods. lo'hith ate to; the iaibe auo othet great oeboueing m, ano thote ace commonly mane ol goon gtounofiarell, being of an equall bignelte at both enos. Mheesot tboo pines, Z a the b “es-6 -, meantime» them: outlaw mummy»: ”We, gm the can! emu mm mm tint. Mfonel, ‘flaight mm mm: ottbo,thzee I; note about; me there mowing are male “cones one amt: lete t at mther,aue to let in onetutoanothet tuto thong e clot'etn lruuoereo ”atheism the \ top of a aronngtnth e plgnnt whalebouei'eiubeeoe there Runs in the molt Yuma?!“ f0: one estimate angling whatroeoer, g betaul'e therein to great thoizte of them to be bought almofl: in ebety {substantiate bhop, 3 will not trouble you toith any futthee celatiou ofthem, but leabe them to you: bet! election. ‘ Oflinu. fiert the Singlecoooe one Lines, tome of home one tom of billtefiuo both of havze aflo bilkmuo there lines are batious ‘ as any thing tnhatfoebec belonging to the angleri home (as thofe which are to: the (mullet! filth) being ttoiften of that - ‘ haugem‘ome of fibeJome or feabeu, tome orm'ne, am the big; salt are but of elebenfiothe line at thzoe homes you may once one filheuo that of {the you may oboe tboou to the gteatett nunu bee of allmou lhall none but these bill“; at the uttetmottzfoz the length ofpout lines, though the ogoinaeie She be betwixt that am tout: fabonimet mu mutt peopoetion them,atto_zoing to the Depth anti bzeabth of the 16th wherein you Single, ano acme, hing to your plate of tanning when you angle. fiche white home am: the stay home on the leaf! oirtetueoin the water, e to the bett,the blacke geilo to) much motion: one to one both the fluttet aim Eamnie, get is the greens ente'eoing goon in tome haters, efpeeiollg where there are many loo’eos ano flowers. ‘ or Cork“ , fleet to the itines are the ¢oglteo o; morningsgibets when ' the fin) hntethmm thefe baet'e little in their bhapemut mutt; _ intheieugueuhe teat dzogke belonging tothe leuttltneg the higgetlnthofe of biggeequuntitmthe fathifi or the Make in gee new in like a peace with a quill cunning-theough the miott,i'n whiththe Line pafiethfino 'ofaftueo by a mongeniaoe of am: the: whit is to be let high I: o; lotuet at you: plearucezthere be «immune or. other famionuome-lhaepe at both enos, route ; --w, tin-apple, butnone are better then that hhithfilm M of alloel‘tcihen. . of HM“, flaw altthere 3| plate thehmkembhith neethe mofimoterml mm or another; one are or the gtcatefl‘ mega; of : - 3 es, --E'n’&azidgarAngnn‘g: 33} 9W5” they are‘a‘lmntt “Mm"; as the rebetall rnzts at - ytthes, get all etme matteeant fnbttante, that ietn ran, at arena Steele tum infill [3813!"th tenth here enter into a large nerm’pn'on at the manner, tonne ann tumor: of making them, ants hum buth‘tn temper them 2 to fault them ; but betaure they are to generally a be bought in ebery thnp, 3 mill fate that la: lacunam reterrerenu to the maker; ant tellersmtm to: are pence 02 a willing mm ,t'ntm‘th you to; many 25cm, anb them you teht'th is to; the [mall fitmmahith fee the great,tnhith fozthefe of mtnnle fife. “ ' 215 thus you may but there hare hmltee, (a you map all’nbug 0mm. all mannec of flees to; entry month tn the were, ann tn; eberg ' firth that biteth at there hatte,efpetiallh the EwutJhe «thebin, am: the Barbell. mm it you will be to innuttrtoua to make there things your felte,then having pgobibcn whethtlkgwmll feathers, ann the like, lap but the examples berm you ann nu: toe meant: gnu {hall nune it molt eafg te make an hunneen. 3‘; can lattlg meet the name of there which 3 tall putket an» urumentsa tompzehenn all other neteu’ary antunne, as a 15m: fa: your files“ mean: to; your Lines, anbialumbe to taunt: ‘ the math of mam, a tame 35mg to’unfatten the hmke inthe water when it is intanglen, a bag of renrlcth to; women, a haunt re: Qfiaggets ann Bans of that nature, a «Zane to; line flees; cafe to; jammfizhtmhlefiilke ant: Ehzemfog mare mu lame harzee,a pouch with many panes ann tutteus fiakrt’p hhem’n to sweat! your gettiugs. ghe next thing new which rntte'eoeth tnplate are wapte ant: the general! urea cfthem,ann arthere there are an infintt num: beneath sixth in a marmeetaktng Delight to fe’ebe on {ebetall meates, 3 mm bu’eflu therefoae runne ober the names of mutt at them am: onele tenth ann pttth'upnn thefe tnhirh are mutt. materiall; the firit battes then are tnozmea of all time, the d: enttlththe isohxhe mateJhe heatrabjmgge, fitathoppet,’ the Separate nfmarpem i9oznete,the young bzmn If meerimall bnat 125,3neheefiyenotnesfiptlletthnmbe t the lttse;then there are beau ham-,as palte, tlotteren blmn, Beau: liners, Come €héefeparinge,152amhle berm“. ann everyone ofthere have theirfeberallreafnnstreberalljimeafisthemeamefiheweb, , Z3 , me Offlafix. / 3 5 2 “Growth Booke, an inmate gunning (manila) e tninble fish 3m in may, the baton: flies in game, the spagnt in Juli}, Smiles in an. M @tathoppec in beptetnbemnnl'o liltelnife Dial! the tea new mftnne out be etpetienee. , But nd.‘ to page“ we felt? a; you nemm with many mill, tiplititiee any tonfnllonsmcn (hall then nnnerilanu, that if you angle foznelight ann to; the commit. of the tanning fiitbee lnhith are not the. greatelt.then if you angle in a [mall 15min: ann agentle meanie, then gout onely excellent flame is the ten mozme ; but it you angle in a great bgoan mteanie ann b e’epe thannell, then there is no Bagte tompatahle to the 99a; . gntann the flabmozme : afgou angle to; greater meg o; fill) _ O of higher eitimationfinhethn it be in (mall 0: great Streams, in Running lakes 03 (till waters, there is no 15am compare: ble to ranhe ann thong wile: charm; elfe Glitter cheefe beaten with fine luhite hieab twins to a gentle pail, to: there is not any fit!) that Wmmetb .mhith mill centre to bite whiz; if itlge in he: leallte. o: ”a fish aftet all thei'e knniplengce it isméete that entangle: “.de r... be tnell experience!) in knowing which redone be gene, which . rum m- mrozthepzaaife ofihis flirt; to; to mnne blinnt‘onln intoa 3“,“. hufineltw; to Doe things out offeafon, isto obecthtnin that you melt went,” like fully, to cut nomne thehongh en tnhieh you Cane. wherefozeyou thall nnuetltann that itie not gone to an. gle in the brunet time (which 3 aceonnt from flpgill to man. bet) in the eptteatne heate of the bunne, as from nine :1 clocke in the fogenmne till time in the anemone, no; hp any meanest after live in the ebeningfiu in there beaten the fill; are huge V an! billmtbite; all 0th! Donates are peopet‘tnz the «new madam begin net math heme hundrenmontinein lug utter bunne I’et ; a bath mime is mane, gogth ann “ataxia; inmthet'tholee. El bathe tlntebaiz isgmnta ungleian is insane 822mm: names mgentle Miners. 7 at is can angling after lane amine ant: overflows of water, the mm being nzabne againe within their alone mm: c . the tnatet nehalv putsen twin uncleanelteann laltlg in all your. bane: angling abreche abet to chute the calm homers ann them beam» . 3p. in . n entreatmg ofAnghng. 353 M touchingym: realm to; the tointet summon; {I aemunteo from heptembet to @argma are to one all things contrary to your bummer anglingahat to to apply your em. tire in the lttength anti heate ot'the nay,“ at highnmne, o; tcom nine in the mailing. tillthzo’e in the aftetnmnentno to let palte bath the oatlte trottie mooning ano the come nnpleafant eve. ningstoz allmanner of fill) are orafubtle‘quality- chill hathly bite but inhere they may oil’rerne,ano that makes them to too. heare when by the too math bzightnelte ofthebnnne they lit} eerne than ninth, as in thebomer, c by the loant of the blame ano nay they oifeernetm little as in the mintermno therefoee obl'erbe you a meane bettm'tt there ttuo, ann yon thall harbly erre. 130m you [hall heere alto unneettano that as this winter angling at highnoone (tohirh J reckon from elealien a clothe to tlno) is generally gmnin molt plates ; yet it is molt gun: in ponne ano ltanoing waters that are ne'epe, thitke ann angle at the bottomefothatinthebett of the bay, neyther 93am moo, aLine no; hioke are tranfparent. againen'f you angle in mom amnion Milli-:4 thatebbe ano tloln,as our mhamee, Erent, beaberne ano the * like; if it be tuhere the mine runnee high ano llrong. then the belt reafon foz angling is in the ebbe o; tailing of the mater; but if it be where the mine istrant ano hath no moge but being the Kiber to a glow, there the belt angling is at the float), foe (halloln ann tranfparent water's, like locate 31nogemente,lay open thetc intentions aim to are pzebenteu; tnh'en’oo'epe henna; like oe’epe anogemenitsnonreale their purpofee ano to make their pzeyllahes‘to their intentions. Lattly, (ant: there is no; thing mo :e authentitke ano rettaine) when you fe'e any fill) play upon the top ofth‘e loater,to catch at filyegano to fmaeke ano rucke upon the am, oz inhen you lhallperceibe the pike to thootann meme the [mallet fryemthatthe Kath, the mate, the dbnog‘en one the 99mm are oharen from thetl: haunts o; little pits of their aboa’o, then 3 allure you is a molt excellent time to; angling; ano when you lie any thing contrary to thefe things hefoze Declare!) , then lte’epo [up you: angle, ano bottom your time in othet nema- none. Z a m Oil-71th:: Hunts. \WO 3354 Thefofirth Bookc} . ghenett thing note that faileth in me We is to (petite fonrethingot the haunts of Stithee am where they line one make their abomlztoz to take (as the pioherbe is) it finale in a_bottle.of 1932 is a pleafnre-fo. nnpieatnrabte, that no man mill purine it: therefoze tryou be a fehoilametn entren into the .fehmle of angling, nnn monlobegin with the—{mallet fogt of jfit'h,an0 truth as are both mutt fthnertt, ann fwn'ett teteibeo, ins arethe @ungeon, the Roth, the mate , the cahitling, the loath am: the Without» thengon (hall imam that their haunts is (to; themott pattfln (bottom fireamee, whithate height ano tranrpatent, where the ‘pebbte anbrann may he bitterneo; get full of little pits anti obfcnritiee where they may oibeoojnue aim lye'hio from nebourets, to; Quote ano ougie places they care not, anti though they ooe ann bill line in ponns ano megtesmet it is tonttraint ano nerem'tp, not me will, nepthett'e their filh l’mt’ete o; plearzmt (nethere in the minor) but, bank: the tat! of the (crate where they libe [lanes ano not free neutrons, ,_ 3! you biltaugle foz- Ghetto, the bett’angting to; that {page isnpontheheoos of will», tnithin the Emmet, date an. to beaten,” upon opera btayee, an) {itch like plates, am: as were as you can immeoiatiz utter tome intimation o; obecaom or. water; ozintfantte after Ehnnoer o3 Eempen: foe up. on there oteafiou they bmke their heumeannge abeoan, an! then they are to eager they, tutu bite at any; thing; on) in this union you mutt hangout line beep, arong, as reben hams ans one Elke, vet theretwithall fiery (hoot as not above eight note at the melt; it mutt be plumb with gun fioze of Man,“ as it may rather finite into the 929mm, then flute any thing abobe the. wane; the hmke mutt be ptettp ano rouno,_ but in any rate no «Cooke at all, toe an mutt unoerttan thatm- mat in no mire ttrilie till palpabiie you feels: he em to pluthe: no; mntt‘poa one that action tatblh ne'pthet, but with great niretetion houlo the line onelp tine ans no maze, an: to {infer the 1m to plug heifelfe momma tnith patience mm mm» tinge heath the pity unto rm.‘fih¢ only 15am intnhigh ‘. . t e enueatlhg achcs: 355‘ fig ¢ele talus MW", 11mm We; all mt it lit. :12 pm“ at bhinpes outs, anthem of twee-n ranlm cmmht‘efehatheno fellow. fibula {up beefelnogos as 31 . (an 3 hone helium! unto you theflde Inbltanee of this , am, a bull noln peoeoeoe ,ano fpeih-lflflefbmgof the fiamtemfeanollenefitofSSees. , 3- v hi 3' ;m- _._. . v ' 262m amtllnot haue out: olftontfe of hnfiaahfimmu Bum ' ano mameoot futha peofitable membemnhofe are maein all plates,be they nebet to nefett,og batten, be hang thinkett mm as a concluaon to the tohole; to them Ben the manner of leaping, ano morning of Bosnia; the stub humobh thetl'lht'ng of them, pulseth out many times a gem poeee of his living, hell, the pom foule. of the .dlnunttcl? that hath "sermon: ample, may ratre hereof am that mtthout thousesfi great comment, lit. Mcrularepotts, tbltVarro haogoercle f0) the-.Mtofhts 15ers,athonz‘ano gallons of {gunman that in a heater in bpalne, hablng not pall’tng one acre of amount: to lt, hath pe’etelg Mn: mane of the )5ees,touterco3e pounyamozth “more ant: {90119. fibls llttle pmze treatnte the We, hath not .onelu may he: , bout peels unto us her oeluate ano molt-healthy 199», but a ndnfin’g with the 300 example 0‘ their WWI!" m’llgm my 0 3m" ttaoatle, entontanethman to labour ano take pains: do toning to his calling : tn (nth rozt, as it fe’emeth the m, mightgano molt etteuent waleltie. hath of all other rpm; all? tceateo this little pooze eteatnte, to: the benefit anb community Italian; b2 mhm bellies the wmmom'tg of. the laoneg ann “are that theymake, toe might take both example to (peanut life in bettuons ano tommenoable en entree, ano alto to hollow: one rehetente the tuonoerfull bounty ano gmnnefle of the molt gracious logo thetmm tomatoous. in the .maflflfl- 9‘ W5. (mall 8"“ 93.0381“? wogme. 1 w- ,_ EWuveontimlallg-bnfiep tn labouring, the: them-great tanning ant Weizmann tn; get; trahatlestztheg habe ab matesanlongfi them the lt’nelmamage ofa pet-tea dtommona Beesthezr wealth, they noel! obeolente to their mince, not lilting the at?“ government of fonbzgheaos, but lobe to he tuleo b2 onezeath c" one ofthem labmeth alto ttabahletht'n hts thatge,in to much, ' $5 n: Bids ofthc More. 356 1:11:me Booke; ”3%de o Mallets intotnmontnealee, gramme Wt)” {anthem in chafing ofpzinm, Bittibuting of 0“ Mn; of bettues, alto pnniihing malefattozs. ~Vu‘i." situates call them the Sins of the wafeszanowegilltsith mama talus, ooth eloquently let fozth e Matheit Common isealefisalates, musings, lanes, m,mams, ano granules, [uppoflng them to be pattalms of automation thattheg hate tome initimt from abobe, in that they to nine tel'em ble the minoes of men, yea, many times eteell them. at the Iingbe taken. the inhale bmanne ishao :ithe be gmtheg oifperfe themfeloes abzoao, m M tannot libe without a king, ' hating as hell the bean; tea‘e gobemmentm the fableaion to many heaosfl f the Ring, oz (as toe teatme him) the emitter 15a oie,the inhole finatme umpeth, ano monmeth, they itraight mat es tear e from gathe. ting of flanneg, they (titre not abzoao, but onelg inith a heavy ano l'oxotnfnll humming, the: Mame ano elufiet together about his (boon. Ehe nature facet: of this pone creature is greatly to be bottom at. - mheit as zintes pallaeeis fnmptno’uflg built,in tome febetall : patt‘ofm lattes, being mounteo above the self, inhieh ifyou - happen to bnnfmon oeituog the bemo. ghee line all as it were in a Campnano onelg Rape theitioateh ano mam,isozking to. gothet,ano oftentimes fenoing abzoao their column, they are "teams attheit captaines agpoinmiaig- asit were one!) the founo of a mmmpet, bgmhiehtheg'knobhoththeir times at =mattes,ano truce :theg tum all the say time at that gatesin toatlike mannemno habe great tilenee in the night, till one of ? them in the mozning humming out the oifehatge of the inateh, the: get them abeoaoto then: bounen’ezt when the flame time of the night comes imthep make letle ano lelte nogie, till one . otthem goeth about with the like foam: that he gaoe inthe mop ninmttingas itmetethe match, ano siting then-em togoe toteft: atmhith time theg' all Ibooenlgholo their peace. in the mowing (ass faio) st‘the oileharge of the batch, they eoame tttaight to the gates, but five notabzoae. emptthegrt the menace mu befaicedvbnmmm MW PM“ inflating office“: ' ”'7‘ ageing tenemthee ate with theminoeafan: tempett truncate ‘ ante, M remiterpoil'e themtelbes may little (tones, aging in the mine as neare the grouno ”.may be: their labour, both at home; abgoamio rertatnelp appointee ,Ehep labour at the firm within the rmnpatte of thseet’roee pares about the Eileen tohen the tlolnzeo there habe berm tuttirientlh meought, then [one aa‘ bgoae their nitroberers to finne out maze ftobe. fine when they fall all together to their bufinefle, tome meek-e the flamers may their faete, others ram) water with their mouthes, ano egoppes in their little flo’efee : the young luttie fellolveo labour abeoab, the other at homeflhote that gee abzoao,» with their fozelegs lane all their Ehighee, mhigh nature to; the name hath inane x rough : thus being loaoendt egsfiaean ,IBarke,ano all,” mnrh as they may beare,the2 returne home,lphere there teaiteth com. manly three o2 route. at the page to unloaothemmm ithin,allthie tuhile are tome laying in ogner, tome builning, tome making eleane,anu tome making realm their meat: for they [done rebea rally, to; feare of beguiling one the other. they frame their heuree atrhluir e within the igibesgpith tlno pattagemfo as then .- map enter one mamann goe out another. Eheir roams that they make are lnzought fun of holeefinhirh holes(as Varro faith) are their GEelleo oz looginggmane eberg one fire-{quare , arrog; oing to the number of their feet: there ¢ellee they we fill loith ; iaonpfilling etetp one in a ban oz numfihete roamee are fair. - nee to the upper part of the {given hang little upon the tinesmot ' eleabingtothe t9ibe,being note roguereomomrounmaerozning. ‘ to the fathton of the {Bibezas both Plinic repnztethfli “)8! there. after them you tnhen 3 tpeabe otthe.‘framing of the rombaflhe Combs are kept up. from falling,tnith fmallpillersano peoppes below, to built are they may goe rounn aboutto repaire themo mhe thze'e firtt lofts of their «tales beneath; at e leftetnptg foe feare or the fitheflhe uppermott are as full as, may beburh 11.. Pun-g, as are logterers ann inle bagabonna ammgttthem, are noun,qu of am} Ml.” WW“)- lemme. Ariflodc mabeth mam: forts ant: binoe of them, whereof-n1e “.5, heeounteththe lhozt I'perkleM tnell knit to be the bettzano next oches. tntbmthe long onealike Warpeszthe thirn,the kinoe that you $2; all the Sheets ,- we a hate large. We: the mg, the . / zone, The Proud Breeders: fierce fortsof Bees. The (hep: 0! their King. What to he eonfi: dered in buying of Ice», 35%: .. \Thefourth'BookeJ _ Wthgerthmau the tic, bunting ‘ ' memg’eto labourzano theretoze they are 3231::ng flatten! their lather {mall went“, wherein the We may enter, “teammate. amen. (we, Ariflotle, inthe thapt. bthzgtarth, thatthece are'tmbhuoeeo‘tlt'nge o; spatter e, the one or a guinea mm, which“ totmteo the bet}: the other blaeke,atto partte talcum :‘theg be finite as bt’gge as the other meet, the tame of them as long atone ano a hatfe ofthe other, they ate tenet) of tome, the apother of 15m, as the thiet‘e beteners,beraute-the young of the memes are b reooe lotthoutaning‘, but the other 1539 when-Virgin following herein Arifiotlc, both man comment; the littlettongxmmthfino fatrmtb, am; making mentionof ttoo [nets of kings, he be: (tribes the moerer, where» bcfball mm harms- ‘Defltoy (faith he) ahd let the other live, ‘ Whore golden hcw doth like in the Eye : Hod dcck’tfvvitliglittctih {calesfiire thew dethgive, ‘ offarre more grace; and fate: more Majellic. With loathfome look: the other deth appeare, And dugling draWes hie tayle with hmvic cheate. Sub as there to ttool‘ozte of Bingo is there orthe othcrues Some uglie feeme,and lomcagaine doc thine, Bedafht with-drop ofgoldea colour fine; iBe’ing miloe the gentle :to: the 256:, the greaterhe is, the mozfe he is, am if he be angry, anb fierce, ant: return, he: iemoett of all. fine Demure (as 31 fato berm) the but are oneleto be meblen with. fxth the gab am: the ban are alike e ,uble, anorequt’telx‘ke tenbante, an!) fpett'all have to,~ ‘be' that you mingle not the ban tntththe gmo :fog [we will} the etttreate or your 190mg be, ifrome ofgour Warm: be it! ' mattheb. you may ltoee your relte truth Bree that manner ortnatemhther be buying them,tahtng the melee binarmts, ozmakins thembp arts. Such as you buy, let them be at the‘lttnoe amthape that 3 tolu you of, ant: before heroes m: mthent, ‘that'the motivates the whole «no fight]; ‘ tt ”rt-"4 i'” ,-- *r' '1 .,. ... .,-,.,,_ ,V, we V . #15,... \ x - ( taunting offices. 3‘5 ~ wmmtm» looking intothe Spite.” if!!!" taming ‘ hetnfiemfommy‘lnmay gnete it by othet tokens; as iffi byontiegteat tinnitus emitting atthe wee. It the fireman it‘you have a mat hugging ano humming mltbln: oz or they be all at to!) voting your lippes to the mouth of the Emmano blaming therein, you. thall eatily perceive by then anllneting founo,lnhethettheit number be great o; no. in buying them, hefioe,you mutt lmke whethet they befouno, oz fitkmhe fignes ortheirbeing in health (aslhall be thelneo when 3] {peaks of their oil‘eares) is,if their bmarmts be greatghemfelbeo faile, anomell toloutto ano‘mozke luttily. againe a token of theit not being tnell : as if they be hayzie,lmlte loathfomely, ano one (my, ertept at {nth time asthey labour : to; then theymate leans ano rough,toith extremne ttabell. you mutt make you: some ante liltemil’e by their age, futh as are not about a We aloe, lake faite ano fmmth, ano thine, as if they were £Dylto: the all: ones are both in fight am: feeling, tough an!) mggeo, am: by rearon of agenminkleo : mhith nehetthelette, to; tan; mug in making their combs, experiente, inouttrie, ann flail; . fulneae in the meathemoe farce pairs the otheta. 3n any mire Tmfimx' fee that you buy them rather from your next neighbont, then ting of from a arange (Counttey, oz fatte off, to; they many times he; Bus. till) by (thange of ayge, o; thaking in the carriage. Elna if you .- he oziben to ramp them farte,take heeoe hounegthet iogge, no; tumble them : the bett may to ram: them is upon a mans thonl; - nets, am: that in the night time, {fining them to teflin the oay,ano poluzing in to them {uth [meet things as they Delight in, keeping them date. it is bettettemmhing them in the hazing; then in mm: :fozthey ooe notfo. tnell agree with winter. Sfyou catty them from a gmoplate, to a Maine, they mill ataight images bio you farewell, ant fozfalze their lattice. When you hone brought them totheplate lohece you meane theythall ttann,if it be nay time,youmuttneythet open them, no; plate them tillfiit be night,to thegmthey-mayaftec If.“ t“; the quiet tel! ofthe night, goeehe'etefully to theititoekethe "at 3:20 mowing. me fate tomatlte them toell hefiuo to: ttoo oz thzét hayemftet, whethet they goe all out 02 no :fog if they one, it 15 attach» figne-theytm’u away. Mme, ifthe plaeehe - gmo 1360 ’ _ , Thefourth Books, 1m. mfiall am to note your felte toith him this: fez althoughlheiseeem Plinict’aith) cannot be tisbfle tearmea eythet Milne, o; tame, yet Varroealleth them toiloe that beam in We places, an! tame, futh as tee Ba‘eye at home :ano affirmeth the manner of leaping them to beoibere. fithete is great [loge of the miloe font in Sarmatia. the greatett token of 1585 am: {honey ne'ere, ie tnhere they be in great number: about the waters: to: if you fee the number but l'mall, it isallgne itis no gmo plate to: fibres, ano if to be you fie they come in great numbers, you may Tofinde fume leatne where the ttoekea be: in this rogt, as Columclla .outtheBm. ano others habe taught :pou lhall carry with you ina banter, o; rush like thing, fome teooetolour, o; painting, ano [tam otng nécre to twinge, oe matere thereabouts, as fatt as they come, touch them upon the backes tnhile they are a winking, with rome little [train oippeo in the colour :ano tarry you there till futh time as you tie them teturne. at the Bees thatyou market: boo quickly returne, it is a token their houres be not (am on, if it be long ere they come, it themes they omell far; the: othtnhetefoze you may moge by the time. if they be nate,you [hall eafily tinbe them, if they be tarre off, you [hall tome to (tune them in this feet: Stake a puree of :1 Rome. o; a net, tnith his knots ano ioynto, ano making a {manhole m the fioe,pom2e into it eyther ihoney, ogfomefmeet thing, ant: layitby the water: ano tnhen you lie the Bees bane fouuoit, ano entree the hole foe thgahonr of the flanney, ttoppe you the hole may your thumbe,ano let but one goe out at onte, whole centre you (hall follow, as farre as you ran foe him, am: this thallbzingyoupart of the may: when you can no longer roe him,let out another. ano folloto him, ano to another, ano after anotheutill you tome to the plate. wthers are to let tome little betel: with hony by the mater : tohith when tome one 150'»: o; other hathhapneo to tatte,tl)e gibeth tlraight knowleoge to her fellobesfinhereby by their flying in number, they tome to finoe ”their ofiaellingsafyou finoe the binarme to be in rome rush hole,ae youeannot tome at them,you (hall mine them out with fmoke, am when they be out, being them oomne with the timingofa lattin flfiarona'o as they may rettle upon fomeftroe, tom ‘ ~"’”,““ a *’ “-1 ' .— tr _ entroatmgpf Bees. i '36,: fambhente m Ml wake'them iutmgout iaibe. ‘ arty:- tmaeme be in tome hole am in the hamhee, uoumau ram eathe beauth hannfemely, ano tottering rttnlth a Inhtte doth, place it among& your iaibes. artheg be m the bony ofthe tree, then may you fottlg fame to the tree aboue the 15:33, am: after, maro:,eloie mnemeath them : one being tobereo as befogegae, r9 them home, (topping well the think; anniits, if there be 31119.19: that {echeth the 15:25, mutt begin in the mozningghat he may habe the whole bag befoze him to marlre their labou, ringfihus farre of the ltiuos of Banana getting of themmolo mill 3 them you of the plating otthempgoeringmno keeping of Standing themfihe plate fog your Bees am: your lather; mutt be, to tho for Ben. ' terms they may Kano quietly am: l'ettet, fiauomg (petialln in futh place,ae the): may habe the buune in Winter, arm in the hazing time alloap at the citing, one inch as is uegther tm hot, no; to: col!) : to: the ertelte of tether oath hurt them, but rather temperate,that both in bummer ano Minter, they may habe mooerate marmth,ano mholeiome am, being farce temmbeo from the eompanp otepther man,ozbeatt. 7 fog they molt of all Delight in quietnelte : beware befioe,that What Vm there be no huttfnll creature nears them,“ the nonethathn'th 33:32; his bzeath both both pogfon the 15¢, am: alio beameth them to Bea. himtthe wmopeeker,the bballom, the Sparrow, the “031325 bpioers,laagnets,).'5utteraluesfictpentsfino 990thes. . Drive From thy Hives the hurtful] Lyra“ gtecnt, Keep: Throfiles,Hennes,and other Birds unttew : And F rogne,on whofe btefl as yet is fern: The bloody make of hands that Itys flew. All thefe deflroy thy Bees,and to their neRs doe beare Such as they takein flight,to make their youngones chrare. Qiruth things as huttgout 35mg 1in hereafter {peak-mote, The v :11. y where 3 (ball them you of their otfeafes t Damminthe meant betterfor tame 3 mill goe regimen with the plating ofthem. Widest the Bees. thete they woulo‘ttanofixmlntather be iathetballeg, then we; 33;: the t! htgh: butro as the rebouno ofno Ecco,ooe-hutttbetit, which ’ fountisbery‘ uoyfomemto them etc “Wither It: with mg}. 2 e , ‘: faire wa- ter neccf: fary for Bus . Hearbi that Bees delight in ~ 3‘ ’ Manama; - smwwmmmmmrcmmmu, satire “metre meatleatthereatatthe Maximum“, ,uugutdhatemfimmmmrhoufe.mtobeeng idoteobtthahengepz apale : ”antennae asthegbenot an, Whith the rent of inaugurate,” marshal. Ehe belt can, lung, istmthm the fight. of the matter, he inhote peefenre they are fafett kept. fog their better fafetrz (if you feare them) you may ret them apart: Damage from the grouno, metering them with little grates lett open agatnfi ebony flame, o; to letttreo with tone, as a 1552mm} cattle come out am in, arm efeape ' both Biron ann Water: oz if you lift, you may make a little home by to; the keeper, wherein you may lay pour {gives to; pour bmarmee, ano other matter!“ me’ete to; your Bees, fetttng mere to the lattice tome thaooomtng was to; them to flmrnw upon. _ art: may be,tet them habe tome faire bpzing ne’erethem,o,z ell’e tome mater eonbepeo ina'pipe : to: withoutmatcrtheg tan negther make mommanmoz been up their young. lacuna about the Bfiepawfilm were to the lather! fet hearfis, plants, ano flames, both to: their health, ano pgotit : I’periallg theh as are of the fm‘eetett ano oelieatettrauour: as Ciihyfue, mime,Camamofemarehaberpfimallage,uioletsbagefiaa benberfihmrhebilbe QBarierumAnilue mime, Balmefitia‘te €9arierum ,battron,1lfieanes,%uttarafeeMBoppeh, FBellilot, g “ores. Gnu if there lie @rounomere it to: the purport, folu it with Rape I‘a‘oe,ano Bierhmheat : to: they tnonoerfullh Delight in the flotnzeehereof. Plinic hmfttb, that wees Delight greatly to-habe Became. doings ne'ere them : ottrms the}, moft Delight in thefe.‘Ehe {Btflcfibe willomthe fiirre tre'e,the almonuhc 13earh,the them from the £1pple,anoruchae the demise there, of be not hittenflDf the mile: fozte,the fimbinth, the itentil'e, theaLinovtramhe ¢eoar,ano the Spattholme.mhe belt honwae Palladius faith) is mane of time : the nest of wiloe Eime : the thtrmot' “warrant: mutt remoobe ftom your weather yeti) new; the enamel : Plinic moat! alto habe the mun: away. Mt!) am all the tines of Sporgc: fozmitl) that,” altoanth h tomes ofthe coenellthee fall into a flire ano oiedbeuoe pea matinee n o w oamebeno, no: toiloe matter to groin ‘ mete ;‘ gentile-gyms: - '35; wwwmmmmm mmutbem.‘,t,m aeihheeaufe the We, oi fruit of We: hoth I'peeiallh hartnmm theme there‘foaeinfuehpartoofatalythhere plenty of filme‘toBu. grom,the no. he not long Mm.mtbmfi Bout béhesfibeg are maoe otoitiers~ whims, aeooehlng to the manner of the eountrh. home are mahe routhome fquare, romethzoée fmt in height, anh one in hzeaoth, mane hertz nartotn tomato the top, ten“ the Bees (houlo oherlabour themfelues in filling of them. home make their hit)» oftenteme hozne,oe mutate-the can (as Pliny faith) thatthehmah biein the manner, . of their bog. kingNano maketh mention of earthen hiues lpill‘ plaittereh: within anh without with auto menung, to as the roughnes c we geones cannot hifpleal’e them : but foe all that, the earthen hibcs he the mom that may he,betuure in Summer thetgbe tm hot,ano in w inter to) tolo. mhe belt hibee, are'thofethat are mane oftozkgmideerm rinhes of trees,beeaufe they he'epe out both eolo ano heat : the nert are fueh as are mane of attain anh, 15mm matteh together,ttno tent in bzeoth,anh f o much oz maze, ateoeoing tothe number otpour 15min heightfin fomeplaees- they make them of one pence of town, rut ano hello‘meo fo: the, nonre, oz of iotjneo hinges, are e; fire fat in height, ano thrfe neither are to) hot in bummer, noetm toll: in an inter. 2D: there tomohen hibesnhe belt are there that are mane of the mg: miaimfitbem Mainumflucb length ma to“ you) am: a whit in beneath. iBefihes, thee tooulo he eohereh with either time, oz fire hung: to; to (faith Florentine) M than keepe them long withoutrotttng. you mutt alro hoee them thmb hopetnii’emhecebgthetninoe gentle entring .mag ozie up all eohtnehs, o; futh like nohanees: you mutt almaies hahe gmo (loge ofhihes lying In: m,thatinat2 he remobeo,ano . eafiltz earrieh where you lit! :foz the firemoz flaming hihes, he oirrommooim which you cannettherrehno; remobezthough O {the hive Celfus fe’eme to eonunenh theganhing hihes, beeaure they are H neither fumed to mungmmneug, being mane of mmfiiflfl‘éc oz {earnest is enough to habe that ranhes of them,one 811088 70m hum. the other e foethe hiepeuhall hahe enough,“ one to oherlmke , theuppetmotf. Ehe part where the .m oath enter, mutt mautflelohiet then the. ether; ,1“,st the raine can not dilme'in', anh the loafer (at there ‘ an?) may cattle home. a fine W’hcn the Bee reflcth. The be- ginning and order ofhis tra- Vile: I x ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ' .. ' . 3‘4; .‘ thakhuukz, -§ .ammnulwymhm tut-In. m: "m mmmumnwmmwm mum. nudity gnzth him, «use 06”» mm mummy mummy! 1mm. an: mum-m Mm a mate- thc hth some tit mica-gm: mummthat t!” Mite Mitfostbs mm: of!» W! foz awning man, an [$61220de that!“ m, Butterflies, Bats, Ms, am my aim human beam, that mm 0; mm» new the tomb” :mhtsfoae atumguu have am a: the mm: untimely" in m Wm; the mummy tie of the womb attain: the anemia. - ‘ Eh” ham "(lam unto you hem: thcil: wile, thcicbtli‘ alumna amt «their nutmeg will not. mums flntnyou what time thezhcgia N [shaman the mum timfmm the mangof therein" 9mm thc heginmng orthe bpginmeg tape flyir hoarse, nan came not abzul, b2 warm «the nth : in the fining, they come (knight ahmb, c tram that time fog, mamfif the maths: let them not) the: new: no unfit! of alumname their Combsmm warm: is,th22 make thtir he'um an: thumbmfihmfthcg mix: to mamas they think themfelms able to filtthen (‘1!!!th ta bzfcningfinn lat of all, to making of horny. shaft mm, Mm!" If thz acmm, trim; piantsithti; 9011th gum; nub dammiucite oftras chit 3::wamummmmamauimmummc, ann wwmamry,mmm their combs o! anions, thei: 2,07 @nmmcs,ann their my! the new of the awn-u $1M!) igffly at riaqg of ammmwthatthmt's nn ’ b m ‘ hem: fungi! ’ mien 0mg thttt rumba mmnnthat . mm not at thmftl’uts malt: the We,” mclygatht the ham'cu newthnt fauceh, Inmate the ' Methecdmtobcfllhb inflame one,” than haves: c ' ‘ ’_b0‘m't beingtakma in the mo! hummet, th: hifiiau‘ foam to In (and W ; them tgm he mm: “in“? m. J“, m "imimoze, jam: (with Ari v ) hm~9lini¢M , aflifim .om'a unworthy fimmfiofalhat th: (mm the _, a, thickly the ”man: flame?! mmm: , m (on mqfiflamm @Mns beams, thwart n :3: " "T17. “7 7"" mmmwfimwmw Wmumfiem «(Whamwm gums map was Comma mutt“ tt Mann-,0; my. mm; . , maniac-tn: mullet!» mmammuu mm mm utter «Imam». mm; urbane (mt: ”meat oftbc mutual" mmmaftyz‘ bummatmtbattyz am mtg. fmtu WM’W» / Inherit he, 3 month to was; hm: futbas tt‘ in! can form: abobsmu not “momm’capnm am (W at the math. 18mm. hangfndmnnp frown): tutu by ll}: mmugetcnénm @mufmtbey thuppt amp Inmates ) ann um Wra- may. tbs {cut my: Home»!!! Menu: in up mm, sulfa often altwn am minimum“; Icing muthnf his immune, bflbw a Want am new (pedal! mttaiitmmzte m It. my last mm: time Honey of ( as 1 man his» )mnmiihzm’rcnfamiflus, of the-rm“- figs: we buy mint: Vatto {£394ch take not their l’ullznana. am that be»! bptb from one. a guat part of their momma. match mutt not he farts from tgzmzana mull be but maximums math} tn purpnrc in making of not lawman bunt“: thergrw’m (uttered) ttcm mt to be‘Bees,thcir '1. abgoan; they mutt atfmb times be fat, but they lboalo then “ hm" befozcebtolthe all upontbe {901129, at to leave the um‘°°d=- emptie. bane minimum mater nun $031213, ram ta: gethcin attic 11$th into it [ample mu, twanghtbe' manna” fucks tt,fo_z fence at“ winking ta mud), oz been» m’ug tbcmfcm : ntbmmzp figgeuitber tamper: by them, (clams: caught: with matzrwztbc mm of amp“, 0; Red; fins mtnglen Inttbfint'm Want tots mane tymmity, 0:. with Wm : 9a,; babel“: rum: tidbit in my and: tutti). out radium git): than flag ball; Quanta, at the was re- quice gnat lmhtug mmhmauvanntbeit aim Magi}: atten, Mama mot nfau they can litigant ma, when they at: about to 913mm, mum if m bate mta great-gen ' gmmmufinyw newsman ”cinema. fit; my Going p 1“ch aim tbatlnitb than: pm,“ lama 459m- gay ofd mantel»; m as (one as the: m ableto matte on £35“ asttmm autumn: the gem/3mm an: fellomfbippe of the thcrcof, ’ a z . cln .G . 36 6 The fourthBooke; g2. _ ' " on um “WMW8MW * at ‘m o B 1%.. ”WW thathe olo Ware eirpll’eoto [memotheie aha-thr- ¢olonieeeanotherefmyon that! lay-Wm rpeeially linen: ' Inhenrheneinaseimes with their people toilinbzoaomhelirlt, mhmaoaoay o: tmo befoee they elutterano hang ( rpeeially in the ehening)abont the month of the hibe, ano rm to them by. their romming omagreatoeiire to begonem to hebe a king. home ano Count“? be theml'elnee : inhirhn'fyon piepare them at home ,they content theml’elnes bery melllmith it. Inuit the keeper pzobioe not to; them, taking theml'elnes to be greatly iniuremthey oepart,ano “eke anew. ninelling. mopzebent this «mirrhiefefiolumclla milieu you to lake biligentlyto them in the Swing time about eight of the eloeke, o; atxnmne: after With houreo they eommoniy goe not ainaymuto matke inel- thrir going outano eomming in. Ehe other ligne is,that when they are reaoie to dye, o3 going, they make a great humming ano noyfe, as Milieu reaoy to remmbe their Campe. at their on: ramming out , they aye aloft , playing up ano~ nomne, as it were tarrying to: their fellolnee till all their company come. 3m, many times the ole inhabitants, being wearie otthei: Dwellings. ooe team there hibes, bohieh is per. reibeb inhen they come to out, as none eemaine behinm, anb EMERIIQ mount into the ayie; then mutt you fall to ringing of pans ann Barons, to feare, 02 hzing mime the runaway“, who being amageb with the great ano fnooaine noyfemo either paelentlyrepaire to their olo hibe, oz elre knit themfelnee in “came upon the bznnrh of lame tree to the place: then mutt the limpet out of ham: be reaby with a new hibe peeparen to; the pntpol’e,anb rnbbeb inith l'nrhhearbs as the 15w Delights in, o; l'peinckleo with little heaps of home( 3 hebe rm in l'ome plates are!) areame )ann in [baking them into the hibe, anu d, h eobering them inith athe’ete, let him leaue them till the mug: 51°23, ‘5 ‘ ning, antithen let them in their plaee.19e muit( as} tulo yon mm. befoze)habe.bibers nemhibes in a reabtnelte to rerne the tame mithau. Sub if lobe you babe no tritium bathe: growing ne'ere the hibee, you mutt thenit into the grouno rertaine 50mm mm to; thcmdc, mum the may kmt ann coalescing o'F/Bee.‘ \ - 3‘67 nnofettle WNW mmnemgmmnhmimm furhplenfant mm when the («a far ). knit am tome. ' parting unnerthe hihe, aria computing the!!! bith tome little fntoltemou mag (ante them to fall into a new country : to; they will rather-goe into a neto hibe, then intoan ob :zea, it you otter them the hihe that they came fromtheg mill Make it to; a mam: ofthem mm fuooenlp leabe the hibe without any g uddaina eparting, tarrgingnnhich the keeper may petreibeg'f he lift: to lag his care d in the night time to the hibes : to; about there bares befoze they and um. ignooof noe,the9 mahea great noare, like bouloiers rent: to retire their 4*“- €ampe . Qno therefoze inhen [nth nohfe is heamthee mun be here be! watcher: .mhether they come out to fight,o2 to amthe keeper mutt he at bane: their tightsxihether it be among themfeluesm one hive with another,are eerily airkleo: ‘ A lztdc dufl cafi up on high; . Dotb end the quartet“ prefently. . - m thonieb utterance inineJBzoath of Beeline, or any plea, rant liquoiirmherein they oelight, ralt ano fpzinrklel amongtt them both ttraightinaies partthem. Ehe‘t‘elfeafame remeoies makes two pzinresofthemfieing fallen out,to be quickly gmo Divers frienos againe : to: when there hapneth manna times to be taxing?" one hiberunoze itingsm tnhofe oitIention the whole number i f °“‘ "°' the hub iras,in the 13 ginres quarrele,goetogether by the eares, you mutt by all means nee: to remebie it, lent hy'tibilloifl‘en; tion,the pone people be neuroyeoflno therefoze it'houpetrelhe them often toightmour heft is to Bil the heaooiett otthe nia‘en; ti omens to appeafe the ring or the fighters, be that e nieanes that ? role you boron-.ano when the @attial {mature is fetleo upon eme bzanrh ofa trez,lmh it they hang all together like a rlulter at azapeginhirh is a figne,that there is either but one thing); if there be moe,thei2 be agreeing then you thalnot trouble them, but take them into the hibezbutif r o be they hang in than c; thze’e rlutters, like the {zaps oz where otaheatt, ritioemm’ are oibers matter fires that agree not togep-t’thof e that ufe‘n. thallreareh teh'ere mine the uses to dumbing inel arguair; ‘ unnotntinggour hams with the Maritime he tlno finarmes in that the: may abibe eon, thznttain mummy. ano manner 3‘ 4 0f r-rqf g6! .Tbefounhbooke, . - Kama“ ”@mfltfllwflm mm The 0m ethylene: the mum m take mew hat .‘ m @9131)”:me min when an»: tolornua mus '\ "5- . magma teMthfliE-W fbfin m thee Bees, mm mm . mingewa ralee mi gnawing column); without fling. lammfome of them le waghmomlulll Memmhieh are neughm M 58 filletlcht the but“! be ffltbflvtarc tthtown‘c: who mutt htfielealto be oepzlheo athtemmgo,trhe be too bane To My: heao‘eofino mill inmates be taming hle people abzoaozro than the lung at vommth the lotto of his (axles, have him at home fptght of hls ’ 5°!“- ‘te’eth,lnhtle e hate not to; want of his wings venture out ofthe lime“ to am he Ra’pe hto people at home. Dydimus much, thotthe magnum neuet go away, ifpou rub the mouth of your wine with them ofa new cameo Calfe. m the fame enb recbeth't't,t'f you aampe the leaves oftm'lao £Dlibes,ano machete SDltbes together, ano annoint the flames in the evening there. mitgallzo; ifyou lnaththe 19612 e themalleo with honegroubm wit watet; When an olo Roche is mm to a [mall number“ that theee he not 15625 enough to fu‘thifl) the unmet: mutt (up, plethe want lnith a new bmatme, neutering the Mug ofth‘e fttt Mame Mthe bpn‘ntJo mailbotht rmacm: Dwell toge’ the: l‘h amttie with the 01019”!an al be mimenyou here: afler, where 3 mum to rpealte ottepagzing the ttoche. Ehe hammer beta .patt,’ enrueth the time fog taking offioneg, to which hatncia ttahaile ofthe whole tenoeth. Ehe ttme to; g Btlflgfljfil’if,Colum{-llo teath'cth to be then when the per- . the names eh oe omen Ohm!“ hammer: be the 15mm; 1’” Dm‘" Mtg flpQDrive‘thc droufie Drone away. El)“ Dione is an “mug-births» an mpetfett museum berg like Unto the my, me that he is bigger booiemlging almayee this m the hibe, not In ‘ " htheMtfe’etlflg liken lubbet onthe Meatofhio fellefloi , retite'th he to; the owning one winging up of the young! ch when he hath none, the? them! hm: out of " thfimfin mointeth thee: foafons to; the tahmg out the a " - “ailing of the (men (female reteno in hunt, ‘ 253,3: :mfmygwg ofthe fe’hen wants me u when memos bouble fulntlheuyou may “was, lbheh they mat glea‘tnnoge . ‘* it 'u -mgmfnces. \ 369 WWW ”(it then! ”Wismmm-a‘ that ”temple. If 1M moment no mam the mouthes of WI!!! to MMAMflm e. pydia mus thinks!” tombs mum atmtflbwfiube urine of the (ebeu Memo; the begunuug of 5932198 team, the be; gaming “We : the thttuhe fettmgofthe [emu Entree, which is about maobec : hotubet't. there tunes beuot attoates gummy to be obietueuutueemotm to the renaissance of the fearouzfoztt to be you take the mvbefozethe «stubs be many, they take it th [intently leabe Minglihe time fog getotng oz oztm'ug you: mteeattgmthe mowingtt‘oz you mutt not at none trouble pout hibeojozthte ktube of gaining of your htbeaGuctdx' "31" you mutt habe two tnttatmeuta to; the uoute,a fmtaub a halfe £12323 ‘ tong auo mozezthe one of them mutt be a long knife ofa gum bzeoth,habtng atthe em: a bennt'ug auntie to (escape tutthattzthe othec mutt be ptatnemem thatpe,thatmtth the one you may cut the (Combs,aub with the other (nape them; team out tohatio. thee megs n; filth poufinoe in them._ am: it mhtbeebe not en behtnee, you that! matte a fumketntth Galbgattum, a; bite ,tetng put into an eatthen pan mane to; the purpofeJmalt a one eno {tom whence the {make that! some, auo bzoao at the othegftom which you (ha ll blotn up the [make from the fire, _ tn futh reggae Columcllo themeth eou. mhts put you mutt rum f at the firtt,to {make into the htbm attenuate mum: about with out; to that! you netbe themdae that menteth tn this cafe with the 23m, mutt fpeetaltg ke’epe htmfelt‘e from leteheeg, : mum Bf.” km a henmamnnmath himfelt‘e eleaue:foztheg lobe to habe futh as 55:3“ came about that to be as pure auo cteaue as may beflzheg be; pcrlom. tight in cleanlinea’e to much, as they themfetuee one remwue from them at! fitthtneaegufl‘ertug no filth to tematne amougtt their 1mm, taking up an heaps uoethetthe amements of their ohm mummy m we came balwfinbmtheg {name not abeoatstheg temmbe auo thzotu outof theht'be. afgou M «Date tithe by them they mm tttng all thatmme We them; Ebeit auger ts ehtefehg autumn by the pzeteuteof thofe that ufe to them,lat where cumming theg’tuare mttoer,betng [net arquain: ten with We thatatetbeir Rummafthm be ttbo ftnacmes in mumm agwttqsetherrtgfe hahattuotozts am: manner a 4 of u ‘1 E73; " 2Tfielfvurth5800ke . «(1mm (Minimum ohm -oelet, tut-ell the : W [a hanghgthe tuftutthehtm e lines. as they touch not themelnhete the fits ufe thiefelr to lnellte, as 31 rain ramming. mmeathehm'lningottheit 0mm. the fathion of their cfzhc Comb“. «tomb», is almaies' attaining to' the falhion ofthelr hives, fometimee fquaee, fometimee count), l'ometimee long asthc bib“ 8min “with “)9? are fathtoneu as it} a mule. Pl inic Inst. teth,thetthete mete tannegsitombee tomb in elietmame, of eightfcete in lensthflmthotnl’oebet they be, mumhtt not take them all out,but mun ul’e attention in taking of them. amongu out people tn the firtt 15o; hawett( if 3 may rotearme it) they ate with that: amheoknitgto pate away no mm but hemptie tellesgill they come to thofe that be full,taking he'en that they hurt them notze this they no in the fpzing an the lattet hatuel}, thatio, at the can of bummer, theptake the comm fuller 1903mm fueh to;t,(ae 3 tolo homburm'ng the ole merge alum» “PMS 3.9.22!“an the. pong (matmeeau the fittt telling, tnhé the wemlme are full of names, they leahe the fit t patt of the ¢ombee behinnezin the latter haruettmahen winter GPPmt they leave a thin: of their combee to; the frame" themem‘fietthis quantity ramiot tettainlg be peefttiben to: all ¢ounttiee;but mutt be meafuceu attozoing to the abunnantem mant offlolnzeebydimus That'cus, thinketh goal) to leabe them a tenth of their atombee in the bummec time, if the {pines he berg full,othetlnife,atto;bing to the peopoztion : ano ifthep be emptiemot to meuole with them. Plinic mouth not have the {honey of the bpzing time ( which hoe ralleth flotme genie) to be menleo lnithatl,but to be rpareb. chere leabe no {Lannie atallfo; them, became of the almnbanre of halogen that are then fpzingingfinhith is the thiefe {animation of their ¢onibee., bur-hash eliilfullett eoe leave the Bees a tlnelfth pact of theie labour: line this they one about thirty haves am: the finamJnhith they make an ego ottommonlh in- they. Eh: all: can the togwpt commute to: the mom part at this time taken along: am: the I‘eununn {nth as are Ellen lm'th genie, left. in taking of the game at the latettime of the poemthen are to match the oloett notkee, to tube the themes of far hing of them. mhie mining eno new; of leibem not can; . mu" . . \ month one tnthe team, batth‘eg rather. mooning tethete. mltome,atthe no of them home them, “lensing fog than ‘ authentic” olo englith {Baoberhe of then: shine . Dtive Bees,and Me Bees : burn: Beéuad have Bees. fine infonte platuthep ozobme them. Whenm habe that [humanize vibes, you thall 5am; all your aunties into {tonne hanufome plate, lohere you meane to make horn: 3Igoneh, t Hop up all the holes ano deviates ofthe malles ano loinnotnee, as tlofe ashouinap. ~ foz the )Bo'es toil! be berg We to teeobee the pmflJhenfoeber you take your ¢0mh28, late that you train out the honey the fame oap,1bhile they are hot 1 mind: he honie that you take at the fullof the game (as Plinic faith) goel'oeth momano the fapzet the bag bathe thither it is. Ehe «I ombeo being taken ont,let them rather be toarme,then heateo, lealt by obereheating themmou ltraine out the Ware with the 190nm : aftamampnt them into a gen thong baggaano with a {metre oz othet anltruinent mane fee the purpofe, o; lnith a Wicket Basket, psoue out the Bertie ; bat fee that befoze you pzetfe it, .pou feber from it f ueh otombee, as habe in them young was, ralleo nnth tome, @mbbes, 02 any reo oz tutti: ozolte : foe there with [hilt ebilliuizre rogrnpt the taonie. When the flannie is thus {trainee out,itis putinto earthen bettelmcfufl‘erw to tank untobereo a few oagesnil it habe lbzoieghtg raft up aloft all his Dzegs, lohirh you mutt often feum bit with a little niche: out in many places the:7 are not fo curious, but tumble all together, 5 fo rel it grotlfeas itis.Ehe belt lhomz is alwaiee in the bottome, aethe belt £9912 aloftanothe bell Wine in the mibtt. Ehe heft {genie was in the oloe time thought to lie in Athens Th be“ arm in Sin“: it is non thought bets: gain that eommeth Honie from \tofcouia, ano the 330; th eaft fiegions. Khe lbonep at the beginning is thin as water, ano after the (training, it mozketh like neln wtne, ano pncgeth: at the twentieth bag, it mareth thicke,ano aftermaros is eobereo lbith a thin tine, oz filmennhere the froth of the purging is gathereo together. Ehe ' belt agony, ano lealt infeaeo, the 18ers ooe gather from the leabes of the was, the aunt: tree, ano the Keen. Eheteis that fem of 190m, the Mt Rina is that which is ealleo Authim, 9: flow}? 5 enriching bf Bees? :97; . Three'fom d ”0". B rad cor: lupteth Hony. The Ina- hag of Wan. The age of 3m. .37: ' I‘ Thefoht’t’hfiookc, ' hummus; “PM mm :Jtu mt. (abutment www.mmw mm; “endgame tentbnf sane when the m. beams totometa mew ts Wm Nahum of hnnmun not ammo, being gatheten aftet the flttt We of Meanwhile the heath “Wm therefoee Multichannghoxw. Eh: belt W39 (:5 DiOPhanct may) is date, geflntmth. fmmthltnltmchtng, nae ine,tqiug,tfit be mm tn lemthn long mm Metwumme, 0 bath to be not I“: thehonp that w afthe ma melamine be better. ”any Mac when tn tt,both caught tozcnpt tt nun thenfoze take been m put ttnet when wean hath heme. the ftagméts of the gimme that hath ante bin pzettetweing taken Wheaten c Emmet: methane make a fetnuu 19m. tuhithm mutt put ammo Rape by 1: relfe,f02 (porting ofthe other. nghttefim: auntetfett flaunt: it mrtemen be the human, to; :u honphut. teeth not deuce.” the rate Diophancshimtb.mbe was that temutnethflftet the meatmfte: that you hahe u‘ttgentlg ma, them tnfine'et mammal! be patinah‘éatte 63103931,:me slime Wethetetn meltea npoathe fice,kzht’th when you hahe m,2oumuttttcatnethe Wmthzeugh abibe. attach like ' thing manenf basin,” flames : am: artet my tt againe, ann panning it tutu fame bettell with batetxenm whence gnu may eafilptakettmahettnpincaW tnhat which mute. Pliny mama the cumumufim be bathenmeu. am after. than men tuthe‘ nachefo; the (pate ofthze’e W. t the fourth secret upon the fire in a ueto earthen Well. to as the flames he enheeen tnt'th tnatemnb then ttw’nen thumb a tithe: lat! of all,bnglen canine in the fame bettell, am: the fame mater, ann ”Winn bettels mith tolne matenhahing theit fines uninten may honmfllhe Ware Will be berg tnhtte aftet it hath amn in thebme, ann beeue tmtre fonnen : you that! make it Make my the We: of mammal: being mingleu with mermilu'en, it militiamen!) l‘o otherluife talcum: as you at}. mheieage (they ran )may thus be knotnen. bush as are not W a were clue, Doe thine, e unite as the: were newly omen: ta ale mesh: mbhagbagmmtnchlen, loathtmne am ill khan! minke mmhflnbeitjnz making pf £mue1,thefe are" the bettwiflotlct'n his bake heme menttnnen, attunethitahat "tea enduring-offices. g7; mute lee when emu at tram teatime nine? a; ten roommate «tum mm mete. leyrmzx’mg,‘ that madam new: tune to antinne abate ten emcee, nuttgmgymmpflg the plates of m lean ebenz wee my new : fez commonly in me am; more after them mung, tyaT . tubule m oietb. an!) mm: to mm the were ”£333.? being man ”my to gun to «may: numbeuf tome and, vines out; new am even! pe‘etefino tfl'o hem Bu,- tbznugb fawn tome, memo: cola, lie bean upon them you not gather them togetbec into a putter,” a bzoan M an [on them in your your: tomato one my, rpea'aflgu' the weather he goo; enema antenna them when of gig m mmn,bungfotnetylng moee yogtben women“: tbemgenfl?‘ up 6 momma you touentbem not with you: Danna; to mung the into tyebu um mm as Varro rem Mencken again.“ mm Columeua fabrui ,ametbnbat fueb Meson you fino neon unut m pines, it you lay tom: nptn a on; place all the an intent wing them out into one ban in the bpzinganyen the weather” mice, am {poinckle them with the foeefain all)", they will rennet within a My home. Eben that mt, may pzmoe it. 3; babe not bttaerta teten I'LMarcus Varro bomb Opt; niomtbat was areingenozeo fomen'me ofotyet 15m, 3 tome, Makingofa‘ nines oftbe bone of a young mlloeke puttiuen, ceciting this Bees. ' @pt’gtamme of Archclaus. 08 Steer: that firmglcd is are children (irmgely bred, Offloxlc ingead‘rcd is the Wafpemnd Bcc' ofBullockc dead. The Horfcs btccd the VVafpcs, the Bullocks breed the Bees. fog a young Me,” matching wrangler), cogrupteb, am) call into fame fad) plate, Mme the pntn'ften bapout cannot meaty out, ano uoze ofyeatbeano unmet, agreeing man the natureof the we (bent into the bong, “We, Camuann {nob like, mbecefintb the vapour maybe (ammo; you ball- .bereof 'dfly bane listener: as you may my: boogof a more new e ”wannabe Warp“ on!) women. ‘ Eye manner you: Eden ate ingennmof I ”attache, Virgina.fl mg. bolt) lamelg WM: out ofMagqann Writes. you mat! of: Stem. {tame a um: Wfontefquarmboat hen white in Meaty, g t I mumn beigb, mttbfomemtmmesfleberg (toe one. a eons: a F"? v ‘ — \ — "e . . , 37" ‘ TthOllfih WC, . faehttreking beomhtuy Wheeling“ hie cmonoall “‘9!“an meme“ mm with linnen oippeo in path, mutt be beaten lmth numbers at tlnhhee to neIthJo u bah the bones one the flea; .may be molten loithontaiy hlmo: to; of the hlooo einuth the Emitteeuvamthe honi'e being oeepe firemen , VMG‘E‘IM e the finite the tail: nponhio beeke,the oozes one the minoonics nmtthe note (hut am to ploitleeeo, u there can maize enter. ihue wakes after, the minnow mntthe opev lien on may (loe,i’ahe where the aim hloioeth ammo; the lieu one the nice let in: when it hath bin inel colon e tefteiheo, wemnwtno mutt he. that up again, i inane as elol'eno befoie: an: hing openeo the elebenth nay aftet,yon ball fine the hoiite full of teen, ann nothing left of the m, tube the homes, the hayze,onn the bones: they holo opinion hetloee,ehat the kings are engenozeo ofthe bzainemno the other Bozo ofthe bony. 553m of the figneo one token! of theit health, to it they be lively, Gamma quickenno manyin numbee: ittheit mozlimanihip he neatly "“- one equally mzoughe : if they gee about their hnfinette ehe‘m, fully, nno it they lake faice ano tmmthmzhe it‘gneo or their not being in health,ie.if they [who loathfomelywe tough e hayeie, empt in the time orthcitlahoue, when they commonly looke like laboucengo; he ozomfte, oz if you tie them eatrying out of neat euthaaesmo following the eozi'eo after the mourners, oz thatyou heare no noyfe, no; flitting among! theni. Ehefe figneo lohen you ta, Columclla imlleih you to mine them meate in little ttonghee of Raoeoneeially iBonie roooen, ano grown; with calla, o: mores. you innit alto to heal: them, perfume them hiltb Galbanum, Sioux ano Ben'lom'me, fieallne, 0; nine triggee offinpee. it‘the Bins happen to math? common people loatleano moutne with great heatineae, neither will they matte any pzohifion to; their atone intienanee : anothete. Me if [deface them not,they mill fnnulh theml'elnes. . Thedif Ehey are many times infeaeo lmththe penilenee, againlt r“ 0,1,2: inhieh youhahe no other remeoie, then to rebec the 9“”? farte ' “a at. ' eminentheir ehiefett 3 only lithnee, ie in the beginning of media. therwingfinhen the bpnrge one the 131331290 Nb 30W : to: as upon new frniteo, to at their Era eommtng ahzoao, entireo with thete nelo uolom, being almott hunger item with the finite: W? 7": > 'v- cntrcaung afBees. 3 5 winter mmeaMo gently as the: tall lnt‘oa £10,333"; of iftheg be notqnttklr retieoteo, the: me. go; mung: both late the hellteoof all other treatum,hnt the flotozes otclmo beneath onletmure to the 25mm: Mfozetn my team mesmhm there to great plentie of there trees,the has gamma, But a some. Columella teacheth you againtt this fireare, to gm them Mematp [town with water out mute :. route. a. game ute to sine them the tale of men, uluuoths : as alto the gtatnesot the pomegranate beaten, ano fpzinekleo with mine oz fiafimlm’th the ukequantltte ot wanna kneaoeo together,ano given them to lhatpe unne, bogleo in an earthen bettelu polmeotnto little ninesyx'rgill oel'tttheth an hear»; talleo Aumclluofinl'tb a yellow ltalke, anna purple flown. the lugee of whore route being [cum in olo Wine,ano lltat'neo out is here-gall to be git-m than; Colman”: But of Higimus, teaeheth to temeoe theminthts rozt ‘: sue, to take out all the rotten ano tom (omhemo to glue them frethmeate ago after to perfume them mithfmolteatw gmo alto topatto am when htbe, a new fmatme, as J fathbefon. wing times (909 ale of: weare WED they (all, The gear devouring, which hapmth when thee have mate to mneh more,“ they think they thall be able to till,ano aftettnatoe, by ltozme a tempelt; many of them be neuropeoJo that the remaine rultteth not to fill the €ombu,lnherebg the emptie parts of the «tombes betommeth rotten,anohp little annlittlet'nfeneth both the honl'e am: the 15.25: afo: tohtoh the onelg remote to, etthetto put in a new [home to all upthe tells, oz ifgou hahe no ruth‘rloatmes, to eat amap part ofthe combeshefoze-theg name to be naught; mhithm mull no with a berg (bathe hnife,fo; feace of airpla. ting the tea of the (tombs. Stature heave mangtimesof the Death of the 15(2st their ta much pzorpetitie, as lohm there are others pares gteatalnmoanee of flolnzeo, ano the me: to hufxe in their fteoing,thatthep fozget their beating, mho obey meaning themfelneo with ttabat'le, they me, not leabing any hemoe behtnoe them. act's talleB'Blapfigonia,.lnhen etthet be fidnefiefiothfulnesm bamelte, they leabe no fruit boht'nbe thermal temetg this: at is gmo chem thito bag, to that up the hives tloleJeam'ng bothers: (malholtmutotmhith they canot nape, 376 The fourth‘Bookc,~ nip; aunmumnmnwehmu, klhenu the: canned othetlntl'e Wuhan. lame times Defines they It: the ante of then: ulna anathema patelblng that than”; to so alumtheu teen: tngmtlg Ehelcolnm honp lath alto mum helm? themro; hem; umchcu with it on the but, thezarefoltnmn,» um unmet 11mm“: 2091: both nntonlg hill he, but alto all other let: (rectum, flue“ memes. the: hate all filthy (am. am mug lath as {null nfefiynt; mentazthet are men beluga Ulth Warm, ballets; gteat Gamma: gull” not; oftentimes angle thenlzthe glam» pulmuth lmth hulum thent tutu thehme, lldtup that hcnu: : I other: otha 15m“ an 3 have fun W)W thumizhe mum than, nnn leuketh them up at their than wees,th tantalum no hurt by that flinging. khan: ace all'nhnttfullauntmmee to ”in, in inhale mates the? meMMMmmlwdmh , , Concerning inwfmmmt' WW ”mt 0W3 5" find: him- foe: but atthts mum till the tbelfthof Wattage htbm mat heopmen chem we; team (when. the blues being than (molten, gun mat cefeel; fl): m min; fpn'nehltng e an magnum: entptt'e parts at that him, has feethann tale m : ans “any thing :2th lualheu away, you meet rump: it out mttha (mule fining. ”thumb: and)“, tfthcg meant, am! he I'm-Swen m, am the Wales lnllen, mljeh Dwelling lathe hibeuce commonly a bane tn the Bees: no they both Bate up the mammal) with their nuns Doe lamb: To demoy nklnne of flame thattheg tall uncllmthesmihefe fiutter. Mum“. am,” Column: teathethmu may when thwallou flown!) (at mum; time there is greatelt number of them ) wimp tn thisl'oztpw mufi habe a hellsllaf halite,th hull t fleaxght, numb necken am mouthen, lathe bottom wheat gnu mutt haw: lighmnn let it in the mm are mm: magma ”was all the males ltm'ghthmes fallto the lxght, mhhtlztheg plav about the name, then m thenn‘elm, bhtle (ham netthct get up, by man utthc mam“, no: Inn: the £3,139 means of the wrenmallcs. Wet the nfiug «the name, annofthe taxman, mhid) mwnottfifm tales. gamma” him an: M be #0325: o s ,w‘ 1v 'err» it \ « .‘ ,) theitomlom. aftettboeim ottpenenmoro, about: twelfth, oz fmnte'entb of beptember, t8 the team panel! of zoo: WMMfimB, timbetetttngottyefehmttm byte; to “tune Danube 13m no pohubztbem mine tet mommy: flames otfieWkegannlotbn bathe: ano (masturbate; mention gonna“! take notbtng, no you ozfeonuoetbmnnnuhetbem abomftomtbefetungof the (then summon; (about the entrance of mnemhet ) the he- “ m '. sum bnéuwmucm m m acumen at. We (me: my beam pnmqomimrnyem not. all Not flur- ting office: we winter 1mg nponfutb we arm «the» W18“ up : mwmm, at tbiettmmye gem mutt he openen ant: deanreo or mantra ebet filtbistn themmm'h'gentiy oelgeoJozBm'ng tyelm'nter timeout fittesmnu neitbn: be openeo no; lumen, ann tym- foze in tbe ennotbnmmeembiletbe weather ioget mtlne nun temperatqouc Dim being mane eleane in rome runny bay, (5: thatmtbznfl ante: them attaine tlofe toners that may reaeb to the been bottome ottbe (immanent leaning any twine rpmnnyetbg ty: bite on he thematmet.w1)en you babe this oone,dofenp eberg rift c open piece with Clan, ano wedlock“ hung minglentogetyet, numbing itau obec without, [eating onelg a little hole teams in out out at. you mutt acme teem alto againt up cola tempettMitb goon conettum of Wane macaw are topnt in the bites {mail listens heing ozatnemmuebbttbtbeir featheeo keep the mo Ivonne all the winter“ tbenetnitbnftlyep happen to lock: to», they teen tbemfelmWenflg.?ea,it bath be’ene {Meme}; have re fen upon WflMMe left nothing battbe hate lame: :‘botm- beitne long «their ymmnmmm ache: menole natty the Wheat ism ganant nonfat“ as 3 tall: gnu befeee) to M them meat tnkttte Ecmtgbs 0213mm, tandem tbemfeluee asotntt famine. myenmtmatopaafin tbefpaee or foztg bones, tbegmake an modal! their gong, empttyu’e Bapec neaietbe moze fiberollglnttb them. at bath often alto bane am, that theft comics being emptiereg the continnen “WM“! Mlmdfiebznatimnn cleaning the (Jombee, as it the; humane, get have tunnel: (belt life : but-lean: 1991’ M! lofe’it limpet, it tenant to W them in tome . , a I: u. Jami-‘1 h ‘ .373 , T efourtthokc, mmlmm In! mu pimmmnm magnum theirltnesfill the bteallom my her appearmmpmutea tnel. tuner ream. ‘ , alter tnhirh tinierhenthe heather will flatter them, they be: sin totem abzoan to; thszelneszfoz alter the bunne is in the Equi-oamll. they neber relt but tranell painetully every nag can gather fisherman nerettaries to; their waning. Seance, beraare ten: places are re fruitful.“ to gate aotnzes both bummer ant ‘thterztherefeze in finch places, where af. ter the bpzing ann hummer (at which times, both mean“, mpes, willows, an other plants ano hearbs, in enerr place no llolnze)the flames toe fagle, they are rarrien of Diners ( any that in the night,aa 3 teln you heroes ) into l'ueh platesnnhere. as there is gm maze of late tlolming hearba,as mime, w ilne 99mkrmn,anl baneanheretaith they may be fen,ann gather {we at their plearnre: am as Columella tnziteth, that was in the clue time, were hmbt from the fielns of Aghaia, to the paltures of Amman]: in tranfpezteo in others other places. he may me with us tarry them from places where the aolnzes be eonfumen in the bpzing, to the bummer datum,“ «Blane: ann furh othenann after that, about the run of the hammer, to places furnithen with 19‘8“), Eamarishe, ann (nth ether late hearth: lumen)?” the snowing of this inmnaenienee man tying team plate to placed nail! them you in what feet 3 tube meet my Beware at home. sane becaufe waiter Hersbach hath lhelnen you lactose in his dbarnen many new heartes, ann petnetbhereto they tube, a tnillthets yea it tetn plants,that 3 have fet about my matching both to; their eomnroutie, aun the healthofmg houtholn : 3 hane rhoren at a great number, furh as be melt nerettarimnn of greatett bertuemhofe fpeeialt hernia, ana tomberfull meetings, green onelg be the not gtarinus ant bountifull frame: of the motto. am: being as it {were mm an!) walnut out be the rarefall toggle ant ailigenee of the 15¢, mutt nieces am a greater perfeaion to their home I their team! hate firtt enrlofenthe garb tnhere my has tans, bith a anitkfetehenge mane of filarklhwte all!) honeysuckle, the one freeing the fits inith his tlolmes at the nurturing of trains e the other at the latter can flblmmerdflc first. the iblarhflm Mai. - . z » W 'w hwv‘xm “V r ruyfl‘l-h; ..- ;,;Wm . - A. \ l entrancing. ofrBecs. 379 mack-thaw heartth apleafant lohite aoloze,l'o much the met: comm the mamas it is the bee: farewell of the lmntel: : to; Blackc- he eommonlg acmeeth not til the lointec be pathfihefe flatness ‘h°”‘°' newly gatheten ann caper: all a night in the be& ann ltrongelf loinemno aftermatos mailleo in Balnco Matias, being Demise. helpeth an! paine-in the lines, as hath beene pertain!!! 1mm. Tragmthefimmne eonfelfeth, that‘nn’th this onele team he hath eaten allinaner of paines about the aomatke, heart,” lines. mine mate of the bloe, ann pzefetuen unttlliuliem: Susan, when thehlonng fill": molt taigneth, is a fobetaigne » menieine agalnl't nah: other, the iannglueklem the mama. Woodbine. hine,it hegiuneth to dome in 3am, one tontinueth with a para ting {matfamxillthenetvlattenenh offummec.Ehe mates thereof oittillenalio ozunhe. two oz these mice together at timesmgeth the heateof the aomaeke,helpeth the trough, anti (hoetnesofhgeathdltaas of linnen Bipplu therein,ano applio eo,ooe heale any heats of the mes, oz liner. 39m unto my hibesfl hahe planten the [meet heache Melitta o; Apiaflmm,_cab Bah-ac. let in fluid). 331M imith'a {queue ltalke, a leafe like a (moth MW 3 yellow flolnze. ( gtotneth almoa in even: henge,an heathe met knotme to the ole women in the €0llfltt13. anb gteatlu beaten of the )‘Bie.Ehis Mclnlfam; Balchoootn in white Mme; anathema 92 their momings togethec, purgeth the been, helps the lhoztilmnoen, comfozteth the heart, Delbeth away the the wmpith heauinelte’,that peoedeoeth of §pelanchm lg,helpeth the falllflgsfidmtfltfinb almowall other oifeafes : being choppeo (gnaw: aapen a night ingmo lnhite mine, ann aftecmaros maulen, is greatly commenaeo. not onelgin Dell} betins z{altonien fcoin their pangs anti gciefes or the geother, being minke to the quantitie of thze’e o2 fonre bpmefulls, but alto ninth the paines oz fainting of the heart, taller: common; 19, The paffion of the heart. Catdanus greatly commenoeth this heatheJozthe committing ana rennin; of a heaven memoegze aaimieth, thatit is a center 9mm ano pleafant l'le'epes. 33m unto this hob: 3 growing that {mate anu pgeeions heath An- “gem“ gcllicnambts heatbe is in domze,re'eo,leafe,ttalh,t labourio like nntolonagms theg may haulg be nifternea the one (com the othetfihe leafwoth tn a gunnetb ttfemble the fig leafe,l'auing that f _ ”‘tgww TF‘."""}“‘ 7 .7 ,- 3‘80 ‘ ' 'Tmfihhwke, '""" fhatttQ’Mt'e: ' QB, WWW!) touno about. ifanhnian . b: (month)! atomith the petitence,5febec,o.z immooetate 1~' pr ‘mnt meatdet htmtake of the not of this Angcuica in pounce, halfe :33?“ alum, anop ittihg to it a oznmme of Eteatle, mingle them take eh: together gimkthfibj route fwnet‘ulo‘of the mater oiaiuee; of whole thefdih't team) aftet he hath ozunke‘ it:let him lie at infmeat, ““9““. racing to: the than of that houces eat the lealt : this ooing,b2 the help: otaomhe (haileroape the onngec : the more [lamb in minegat, ano {melt onto; our: the fame amend: fometimes ogunke fairing, ooth peererne a man from the pettilente : to be thozt,the tmtano the inatet theteof,to {onetaigne againtt all in, mm oitbatésjt rcotogethamay. the eouettioneof. a: ialencifie bminninghetpethwoeeeo ano'togunpten Mugs, emote gran againft the collit‘he, btmngutie, ano teamint of Moments ibmgationmno to; am} intoatonneut'ns flzinflammotionzthe ingte thzntt into a holtom tath, autoageth the paine, the mate: ozoppebintothe eate,noth the like: the fail: iuigte ano mate: put into the emquitkeneth the tight. ano taketh stony the thin skinnes anti tines that tomaeththe egefieflheefi mot peerent mum: in all adept aim rotten fines, is the mute; .the mate: a; the polooeri to; it ctenfeth then» ano tobeeeth the bone ~toith gmhfleflpit mas tatteoin the olotime Panaccofiz Healcal.33nt (NM unto this Angcllica, heme 3. growing in meat plenty, Cardus Buigdiflns. Benedic‘tusp; blen‘eo Ehitflefinhtth nu phgfitionooo tonieno foefnnmij nno great bertuemtfitming thotit mama rent out of India,“ Frederick: the amperage}: the great bettue‘t’t han ’ againa the {mound}, o; £19m:ime.-being eaten o; ogunken. It ihelnife,theg ran, it helpeth ngaintt the onging, oz giooinetre of the heao, maketh a goon niemogimno teaoeeth the hearing. jfo; the pemfe of his great fozte angina popfon,they hung foeth a young maiocn of Palsy, that having bntnnteseaten of a page (one!) apple, ano‘thetemithallfo (molten, nsno mantle,- o; meoitine cools tare het, was at thelat tetozcbto health, by the oiailleo mm of this Ehittle: an! [meiotic that a boy. into lohofemouthao he nept in the tielh, hapmneo nn Boost to traps, mas fatten hi: the igniting of the water, the Stone: weeping out hehinoe, without any hint to . the chiloc. in fine the}: marine, that the team, mate, (motel: ‘ a cntreatifng of-Beési 3-81 nun Wuhtmtb all him” 0" mfmmnn thatthe hater hath yalenamomamhhofe been mos'eaten tuitho «monkey to the mnbbesfl have alto fet mto thwttttle'poeee of gtmnmgcegt . _ itoze oftbc Deaths can» Namulariam immaz. momma. ”"3"“ peth date by the gtonuuabing upon a long trim-little mono leanesfiannino hirsute museum the ntbemuo a-oplloin automate the «nearest. at is ‘a l‘obetaigne hearbe fog heaa linger tnouune, not ,onelh autumn ano gco'eue bounce, but alto inmatorozee ann blcctslpennuh ofthe tongs, whereof thete hatbbm own 92mm Tmeus animal». that he, hath foene hummus ant DefPeW tom euteo miththiplhqaobe, mine who with 19mm m W nan. maniac.“ some“; endtecattons of the 15:28.1! anh Mugs, ano, map-homeghgthen to thofethat ¢wgh,ano are monhgeathemno tolt'ttle thttwen wearer) with the one (tough, who by teafon of their tenoer age may take nofleongec menictne. a hane ram goo . utie of it gtotntngb'e the manomte bitches, about grew». , .tn 359m! 3 baht mm (but whims, scabiomi an be?“ be. C‘bqt Scabious. 4 growth tommonlp m Greenean :1 taggers leafe, lying-memo uponthegtonnuno thzutting out in bummeca tong, fiatkc, mtth [mom hzanthes, the flame growing in Help knobs, oz Magnum (undies. Ehts heatbe being [omen tm'th Minnow: ozunke. both helpe the immune, agatntt which otfeafes, the women of the oonntte'g,that many times tgke upon them to be great Doé‘hcflts in iahificke, one out the matertheteoft’n 99mg. ano give it to be oxnnhen ateaeh time, ttnooz ohm fponefntsmetonelg agatnttthe aateun'fie, buta’ gaintt inborn tmpofinmes, aonghes, ano atloifeafes of the bgeatt. figaintt impottumes, others ( as Tragusmnteth) one make this competition, they take a hannfuuof Scabious, the heacbe unemofluqnetttte tntl'matl an ounce, theme fumes, fieneu (”an ounce, nation as much, mas halfe. an ounce; there thepiag a mght in matter: the next nap they both: thermal a thin) part 'be confumeo, am: after making it [mozt tm’th Quest, oziaono'of notes, they gibe it [name in the 290.24 nmg ano @bemng :tnhetetmth they tap, the tmpottume is “98"?!) , mane foft, ant: toughen our. 3t ts (alien of fame Peggrigumfi Veronicmsit is fuppot'en of Veronica 2 a 3'8": The'l'ourth Booke, o teetalue freneh 3mg loho loan thought he the fave: theteof, to be ween of a great ilepzotie, it is eallen in englt'th filaellln : it treepeth .leln be the grown; as penigraaa lath, t beateth a leafe like the Nathathozne with a bletm‘th rpeeltleo . flamemalth alien inelafeo ln’ little pouches, like a wepheatoe [methane g‘toln‘eth tommonlg unoeeiDltee. D. Hieton mnteth, that the fogee thereof,“ mameiloao mm the pettllentemnn tontagt’one as :es,ano that he hlmfelfe hath oftentimes pzebeo. 23hr, water of the heatbe llaéepeo in white mine ano oim'lleo, theretoithall he hath eaten mum timeshot healing ano petti- lmt flames; ”bell in young been.” tn, Glue. Hieron‘ Tran- {chwcggxomenbeo it to be angular gene the all olreal'ee otthe bple’ene: the thephea‘t'm of (Dermam'e glue it with great pgofit mane in pomegano mtngleo with balt,to their ¢attell ot'rea’ fen with the «tough : bdelng tram in mine ano olttilleo,“ is d mot! {heme remote in all pettleut feaheca: being nlhen mommotheeeot with a little fireman!) after lain name when, ano‘ mu eobeten, ltothelleth’the poll'on he (beat; ann whethtt team the heart. mh'e bate: ortht'e heath taken tit: talhe'oale'e' logetheefioo names at a time,helpeththe turn-Eek gtnbinefl'e of the heao, bolueth fieame, purgeth blouo, mannethv the tremathppeneth Mapping of the libec, healeth the urea, res ofthe [011(36an bpleenemurgeth the 1138'ka wander, a’nblthe Manner, it nelbeth out l'lneat ano hemmemelpeth the admire, the «none of the veinee, am other gcteuous micelles. ' ‘ _ _ Carie‘ “M 3590:: than alfo habe amongft theft plants otmine,the gmu [mitt hearbe (‘ax-iphilm‘ o; offome chacdiaazotothet533113< Imnda, talleo in Ginghfh Avcm, mhofe rmte lnhethee it be game. e; oloe, refembleth the alone in (about: the leafe is taggeo, cough, of a Imelda) grime, am not much bnltte to Aerimony : the floluze is yellow, ano after the falling them 'or, leabeth a pzieklv knoppe like avengeibogge: the ante the longer it hath arolnemthe fluttttl: it is : the fpetiall we of this cmte in (me countries, is to be put in amine in the bpalngstime: to; i t maheth the Wine to late one favour beep pleafantlh: whi thifltne, as many holo opinion,ooth glan the heart,openeth the obtltuttlon of the IL thee, auo heglrth the tuna: ‘e entratingochéé." " gifwmw llomarkethatie'ohetharoeneobith roll ano attachments: this cute mm in mine 0 meet! meme, hothaare the grim orthe ttomarkmzthe bellgmmoingofeither rolo, oz minoe. . Eat-o by this head», ham 3 plants!) the great mater Bctony, w ralleo offome Otlmaftrum; of Mathiolus, Scrophularia Maior : '01)?" Be: it hath a greatfquare calls. aim big leate inoeitteo rotate about: ' the donuts in rolour heutplmno in fathion like the thell of a made: it flohgeth tn aune ano Zulu, arm groweth molt by: tnatere in (haootoie plate. Tragus tearheth to make a (petiall therofJewing agaiult all brahbee apof . _ ,lnhereg . with he faith,he hath rm people (ll-mam “beg? rameo ebeu iepergto he eureohio optimum-is this, ta the heathe, testament all,gathereo in $a2,tnatheo am well rleanfeo from all filth, ltampe inane ttraine out the iuzte, e keepe it in a nae; tom moutheo Matte tnell ltoppeb, loheretnhou may keepe it a whole were; anti luhenfnetm you litt to make your ogntment, take ot‘ohe tame iugce,of.matc,ann flight each a like quaiu tit“ boile them together upon a «Zhafiuoilh ofeoale'e, ilitrlug them mell,tillthep he ineozpoeateofinnto are it,Maihi91us tea; eheth to make'a (insular ohntmeut themf agaiua kernels, the kings ebil,auo the lgemeroneszhzs ogoer is thie.?ou mutt gay , ther the rates in the can of Summer, am after that you have mane them berg deanefiamp them Qgethet with teeth ilButter e putting them into an eatthen belrell elofe wheremfet them bp in rome mega ano nampith platejufi’etiug itthere to remaine to; the {pare offittame oa'geo: aflermarogletthefame‘ flatten be melteo loith atoft tire, an: being inell ttraiuen, lay it up fog peanut e. E hei e hate 3 alto another excellent hearhe, ealleo in flatiue Cardiacsfl know no name to: it in (Englilh, errepthou mill call it @etheremoet :evinoe'eo it is the berg true $otherem;t;it grometh by high maiemno neete to (tone male, it hath a leafe r omething like a fiettle, but moee incenteo, the leaves met to the rate being tagger: like the laureate : it geometh bathing withmanh fialkesg hahe time it plentifullp in fianemano tome [£022 of it about qaainttone, in 1x ent: it is of great foere againfi am} firknelre of the heart, whereof it taketh his name : it helpeth (Crampee, auo walling; it rleanfeth the lueafifrom fleame, it killeth Weenies inthe beep, opeueth 25 b 3 obttrufltone, 384. The Fourth Bookc, Wenonah banana: mamas toutfes. being mm inmrmno n l’pmnetull or it gibenin Wine, it Ivonnetfnllg helpeth the hat!) labours of Women. . ' who own is troubles with making of toinoe, ant mealw netfe omen: atkmno thofe whore Melee retains not that: meate, o; whomever tales fotoze belching ftemtheic (tentacles ant: is thetetmth often troubt‘eo, let them continually ufe Be. tony, either the heatbe oz astute batten in Wine, 0; the water oiltilleo, o; the Confetue (as they call it) of :the 59mm. Stunt to be you lathe theconl’eme, oz the matemou may nfe thfnjieheitebe in politeneithec In: it fettem with hang: Women that are tronhleo with the anthet, may at: - this heatbe to; their cements En be thott, the linkage, leafs, am note of Betony foooen ano nznnke, oz holofoenec poutm'l, in cfilectnarie, «Confetuefiicop, potion, o; women,” you till to taheit, is fimlat goon in the oirearee of the btomaeke, liner, mane,- monies, ano Blenheim: tween the «amine from obfitntionfinbmtneth thence all hurtfull Institutes. 3ft); tonl’nmptims ot the lungs, 6033988, Ezopiies, (Butt; nnall ano pnttifleo generapzocaoing from the totomacke, bugle the leaves ann aotozes of chnyin honieo mater, ann non thallhabe pzefent helpe. mhae have 3 thetneo you tohat kinne otheaebes] have planteo about mg was, to the me they month babe tone at hank ofthe mama, ano the whole- romelt: 3 habe them you alto the Mines of the heatbe, the Home, one the water, that you may ate it foe gout ohm (ammonitie: one}: this teaming a gine you, that you one not oiflill them, as the unetilfull hoe, in titles of itean, Einne, anb BzaaeJohieh poifoneth ano rpoileth the water, bntin (Matte btile;fetin_l’ome belrell of mate: upon the fire, whereby your water thallbe molt perfea ano loholel’ome. Ehe oiftetenee ofthefe ttno oiltillingmppeaceth plaine:fo; example in mozmemmo,mhith ifhon oiltil in your tamon btillataries the mate: tfimeth out (mat, hating gotten a cogrnpt quality b the nature ano toztuption of the @ettall: whereas, ifgon one i?- in btile mane of®lalle,lcoking that the Glaftes be tool! clofco couno abontgouc water that! have the new tattc, (about, t pgo: petty attentfljeibmufib. . .,. "' ‘-' "' .'magmiut ‘M the ‘ ~‘ bpitihflvlmnn halt to the acid: comfo’zt 66 Walnut“: fen patrons. 3 fetbefinesgtcat plenty of 9mm. Mb, mu man'ske, an!) mtbnattbc mayb, IBIOWJRWe W323 the Be much beltflbtety. . 1‘ ’ ‘ .1: F 1 N1 S; ‘ Soli beg. [9330). ”3&4! 5, r. 9 V .4 M I J '4' . _ i. ‘I ‘4' ' 3 l , , ‘ . , I A ‘ l‘ ‘ (A. I . . 1 , , » - , .. a mu.;m;¢t‘m : . g1 »‘ - ‘ A: ‘ may: . ; .. , ,-‘r~ ~ A. . , r . 3 ~ -, F t_ .3 . , “"' . . . n 5" . t I ’4 . 1 | s, for ' «1113 Wbofiwillkugfiiiprdaflag, Le: thee-filer thefé Pam: 1.2mm. .\ ,3 1‘ . '9 ‘ rfifccthauheLand beclcare, 2, 4" 1w» ‘1" . ' Ifitidzbfthc feller. ‘ And thzchflagdindang'ee ‘. , Of no wMDane. . . ‘ Segwfiéfficr the Tenure be (mad or free, :3 a ; , And relegfe ofeveryfeofi‘ee. ‘ See due the filler be of age, “ _ -. , Andthatit lie not in morgage. ' ' ' Whether a «tile be. thereof found , \I ~ 5 And whether it Rand in Feature bound. “3'; ' Cbnfidefwhat {cruicc longeth thereto, v - ‘ And wlhtquitzent thereout mufi goe. fi ' ~ ‘ And'ifiegc com; 0E9. wedded w oman , Thinkeaho'u thohofi covert baron. : And’ifchou may in any wife, '5 " 3 Make thy Charter with warrantife, To fliqt‘hiie h‘eyres, afl‘xgncs alfo, .( ‘ ‘3‘» _ "Thuflhould a'Wichurchafer doe. \ ._ . . 3, . " p INIS. GI 3 . lb 1» a] 0 q 3 D C w- fi‘. -- ’Ag‘r