H V 51.32 L6 1989 " “W: No. 89-16 ©URRENT WELE©GHHES EN MEDHCCENE Alcoholism and the Family .‘a. National Library January 1988 of Medicine through July 1989 292 Citations U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Ugs’ DEPOSW Health Service 0 National Institutes of Health MAR 2:; 1990 ‘ 91:21.: 1 I"! ‘\ “Bl“ ‘- ’37 I “4'1“: ‘ .3 - V? ‘ CBM No. 89-16 Alcoholism and the Family January 1988 through July 1989 292 Citations Prepared by Cynthia B. Love, M.L.S. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 G.P.O. Stock No. 817-005-00016—1 debEHH FUEL SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine’s Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE, AVLINE, BIOETHICSLINE, CANCERLIT, CATLINE, HEALTH, POPLINE, AND TOXLINE. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias, Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 301/496-6097 Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 20402. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1989 (20 bibliographies), send $47.00 ($58.75 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM89. To subscribe for 1990, send $52.00 ($65.00 foreign) citing GPO List ID: CBM90. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($2.50, $3.00 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title and the GPO Stock No. printed on the title page. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30, 1990. H ii :i l 2/ A r a, L c ! .5} {’6'} Past. ALCOHOLISM AND THE FAMILY There has been a growing popular interest in the impact of alcoholism on family members, especially on the children and adult children of alcoholics. Self-help groups such as Al-Anon and groups modeled on Al-Anon have proliferated. Magazine cover stories, television talk shows and special programs, and newspaper articles have led to an increasing awareness of alcoholism as a disease that affects every family member. As health professionals have become more interested in meeting the needs of families with alcoholics, there has been a corresponding increase in the number of articles published in professional journals on this topic. This bibliography lists citations to journal articles from January 1988 through July 1989 published in the fields of medicine, social work, psychology, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, and education. These articles cover the psychological, developmental, and social impact of alcoholism on the family. Those dealing with the biological, medical, or genetic impact of family alcoholism (including the search for biological markers, genetic studies, and fetal alcohol syndrome in the perinatal period) have been excluded. Foreign language material is included, although most of the articles are in English. The bibliography is arranged by subject; citations are listed in one subject category only. At the end of the bibliography is an Appendix containing a list of national organizations currently serving family members of alcoholics through information and referral services, self-help groups, educational initiatives, and publications. These organizations can assist in identifying local resources. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM’s MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1: EXP C21.613.53 SS 2= EXP DRINKING BEHAVIOR OR ALL ALCOHOL: (TW) SS 3=SELF CONCEPT OR DEPENDENCY (PSYCHOLOGY) OR PERSONAL SATISFACTION SS 4=EXP SOCML BEHAVIOR DISORDERS OR SOCIAL DESIRABILITY SS 5 =EXP CHILD BEHAVIOR DISORDERS OR CHILD BEHAVIOR OR ADOLESCENT BEHAVIOR SS 6= MARITAL THERAPY OR INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS OR SEXUAL PARTNERS OR PREGNANCY SS 7= EXP F1.829.263 OR FAMILY THERAPY OR FAMILY HEALTH SS 8 = (TW) ALL CODEPEND: OR ALL DYSFUNCTION: OR ALL DEFEND: OR ALL ENABL: OR ALL INTERDEPEND: OR ALL COALCOHOL: SS 9 = (TW) AL AND ANON OR ACOA SS 10 = 1 OR 2 SS 11=1O AND 3 OR 10 AND 4 OR 10 AND 5 OR 10 AND 6 SS 12= 10 AND 7 OR 10 AND 8 OR 10 AND9 SS 13 = 11 OR 12 SS 14 = 13 AND NOT ANIMAL GRATEF UL MED To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. SAMPLE CITATION Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus. A sample journal citation appears below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets and the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (2) may appear within an author’s name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title .\ / Miller NS ; Gold MS. Cocaine and alcoholism: Distinct or part of a spectrum? Psychiatr Ann 1988 Sep;18(9):538-9 / / 4/ \ Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title TABLE OF CONTENTS The Family Co-Dependency Alcoholics as Parents Children and Adolescents of Alcoholics Adolescent Alcoholism and the Family Adult Children of Alcoholics Intimacy and Alcoholism Domestic Violence and Neglect; Sexual Abuse Appendix page 11 12 14 16 The Family Acuda SW. Drug dependence: health and socio- economic consequences. Kenya Nurs J 1988 Dec; 16(2):11-23 Alcoholism. Healthfacts 1988 Jun;13(109):1-6 Alterman AI. Patterns of familial alcoholism, alcoholism severity, and psychopathology. J Nerv Ment Dis 1988 Mar;176(3):167-75 Alterman AI ; Searles JS. Failure to find differences in drinking behavior as a function of familial risk for alcoholism: a replication. J Abnorm Psychol 1989; 98(1):50-3 Amann G ; Baumann U ; Lexel GS. [Social support and social networks of alcoholics]. Suchtgefahren 1988;34(5):369-78 [Ger] Asmundsson G. [Alcohol problems and their consequences among Icelandic fishermen]. Alkoholpolitik1988;5(3):168-75 [Fin] Bailhache F. [Systematic approach and family therapy of alcoholism]. Soins Psychiatr 1988 Apr;90:24 [Fre] Bartek JK ; Lindeman M ; Newton M ; Fitzgerald AP ; Hawks JH. Nurse-identified problems in the management of alcoholic patients. J Stud Alcohol 1988 J an;49(1):62-70 Bennett LA. Family, alcohol, and culture. Recent Dev Alcohol 1989;7z111-27 Bennun I. Treating the system or symptom: Investigating family therapy for alcohol problems. Behav Psychother 1988;16(3):165-76 Bohman M ; Cloninger R ; Sigvardsson S ; VonKnorring AL. The genetics of alcoholism and related disorders. J Psychiatr Res 1988;21(4):316 Boyer PA. A guide to therapy with families with a chemically dependent parent. Psychotherapy 1989; 26(1):88-95 Bratton M ; Galvin C. Inside the house of mirrors: Blurred boundaries & identity confusion in the alcoholic family. Focus 1988;11(4):24-5 Brown RH ; Hyer L ; Harrison W. Distance from mother and father among alcoholics. Adv Alcohol Subst Abuse 1989;8(1):75-91 Brown S ; Creamer V. Implications for intervention of family history of alcohol abuse. Alcohol Health Res World 1987-88 Winter;12(2):120-3 Burke TR. The economic impact of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Public Health Rep 1988 Nov-Dec; 103(6):564-8 1 Captain C. Family recovery from alcoholism. Mediating family factors. Nurs Clin North Am 1989 j Mar;24(1):55-67 1' Casarrubios Sagastibelza E ; Lareo de la Cierva J ; Arribas Blanco JM ; Frieyro Segui JE. [Use of the family APGAR index in family medicine: a measurement of family dysfunction caused by alcohol. Initial experience in 201 patients]. Med Clin (Barc) 1988 Dec 3;91(19):732-5 [Spa] Cermak TL. Al-Anon and recovery. Recent Dev Alcohol 1989;7z91-104 Coleman S. Plan the plans, not the outcome. Alcohol Addict 1988 Oct;9(1):18-9 Daikuhara H. [Support of self care by an alcoholic patient who suffers from a sense of helplessness due to previous failures--with special reference to family interactions]. Kango Gijutsu 1988 Dec;34(16):1916- 9 [Jpn] DeFoe JR ; Breed W. Response to the alcoholic by "the other" on prime time television. Contemp Drug Probl 1988;15(2):205-28 Endo Y. [Self care and guidance of patients: nursing of alcoholic patients. Role changes within families of alcoholic patients]. Kango Gijutsu 1988 Dec;34(16): 1896-9 [Jpn] Firearm-associated homicides among family members, relatives, or friends--Ohio. MMWR 1989 Apr 21; 38(15):253-6 Florenzano Urzua R. [Dysfunction in the family life cycle: alcohol abuse and its consequences on the family]. Acta Psiquiatr Psicol Am Lat 1988 Sep; 34(3):223-9 [Spa] Friedler G. Effects on future generations of paternal exposure to alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol Health Res World 1987-88 Winter;12(2):126-9 Gilligan SB; Reich T; Cloninger CR. Alcohol-related symptoms in heterogeneous families of hospitalized alcoholics. Alcoholism (NY) 1988 Oct;12(5):671-8 Glenn SW ; Parsons OA. Alcohol abuse and familial alcoholism: psychosocial correlates in men and women. J Stud Alcohol 1989 Mar;50(2):116-27 Greenberg JS ; Becker M. Aging parents as family resources. Gerontologist 1988 Dec;28(6):786-91 Hanna ME ; Clark R. The differing requirements of collateral clients and primary alcohol users in outpatient treatment. Int J Addict 1988 May; 23(5):509-16 Harford TC ; Haack MR ; Spiegler DL Positive family history for alcoholism. Alcohol Health Res World 1987-88 Winter;12(2):138-43 Hasin DS ; Grant BF ; Endicott J. Severity of alcohol dependence and social/occupational problems: relationship to clinical and familial history. Alcoholism (NY) 1988 Oct;12(5):660-4 Heath AW ; Atkinson BJ. Systemic treatment of substance abuse: A graduate course. J Marital Fam Ther 1988;14(4):411-8 Heller J ; Anderson HR ; Bland JM ; Brooke 00 ; Peacock JL ; Stewart CM. Alcohol in pregnancy: patterns and association with socio-economic, psychological and behavioural factors. Br J Addict 1988 May;83(5):541-51 Hosin D ; Grant B ; Endicott J. Severity of alcohol dependence and social/occupational problems: Relationship to child and familial history. Alcoholism (NY) 1988 Sep-Oct;12(5)z660-4 Ichikawa M. [Family therapy for alcoholics]. Kango Gijutsu 1988 Dec;34(16):1943—7 [Jpn] Iwasaki M ; Endo S ; Matsumoto F ; Koni K ; Takahashi K ; Edakubo T. [On the effectiveness of a group meeting for alcoholics and their families--an introduction of a community care program held by a public health center]. Arukoru Kenkyuto Yakubutsu Ison 1988 Jun;23(2):130-6 [Jpn] Jacob T; Seilhamer RA. Alcoholism and family interaction. Recent Dev Alcohol 1989;72129-45 I Jacob T ; Seilhamer RA ; Rushe RH. Alcoholism and family interaction: An experimental paradigm. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1989;15(1):73—91 Jarford TC ; Haack MR ; Spiegler DL. Epidemiologic bulletin No. 18: Positive family history for alcoholism. Alcohol Health Res World 1987-88 Winter;12(2):138-43 Kearney L. But we always looked so normal: A mother’s reflections on the great American dream. Focus 1988;11(3):26-7, 46 Khvoschev VE. [A longitudinal survey of hard drinking and alcoholism]. Sotsiologicheskie Issled 1988 Jul-Aug;15(4):84-6 [Rus] Leerhsen C ; Namuth T; Monmaney T ; Springen K ; Hager M. Alcohol and the family. Newsweek 1988 Jan 18;111(3):62—8 Liepman MR ; Nirenberg TD ; Begin AM. Evaluation of a program designed to help family and significant others to motivate resistant alcoholics into recovery. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1989;15(2):209-21 Liepman MR ; Silvia LY ; Nirenberg TD. The use of family behavior loop mapping for substance abuse. Fam Relat 1989;38(3):282-7 Logue CM ; Crowe RR ; Bean JA. A family study of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Compr Psychiatry 1989 Mar-Apr;30(2):179-88 Lorch BD ; Dukes RL. Factors related to youths’ perceptions of needing help for an alcohol or drug problem. J Alcohol Drug Educ 1989;34(3):38-47 Maddux J ; Desmond D. Family and environment in the choice of opioid dependence or alcoholism. Am J Drug Alcohol Depend 1989;15(2):117-34 Maloney LI. Post traumatic stresses on women partners of Vietnam veterans. Smith Coll Stud Soc Work 1988 Mar;58(2):122-43 Mbugua CM. Role of the nurse in assessment and prevention of alcohol and drug abuse in individuals and families. Kenya Nurs J 1988 Dec;16(2):26-7 McCrady BS. Outcomes of family-involved alcoholism treatment. Recent Dev Alcohol 1989;7z165-82 McKearn J. Post traumatic stress disorder: Implications for the treatment of family members of alcoholics. Alcohol Treat Q 1988;5(1-2):141-4 Michaely N ; Eldar P. The Israeli residential center for alcoholics 1982-1987. J Subst Abuse Treat 1989; 6(1):59-65 Middleton FK. The 1980’s dominant theory of alcohol problems - Genetic predisposition to alcoholism: Where is it leading us? Drugs Soc 1988;2(3-4):69-87 Miller NS ; Gold MS. Cocaine and alcoholism: Distinct or part of a spectrum. Psychiatr Ann 1988 Sep;18(9):538-9 Miller NS ; Millman RB. A common cause of alcoholism. J Subst Abuse Treat 1989;6(1):41-3 Naegle MA. Theoretical perspectives on the etiology of substance abuse. Holist Nurs Pract 1988 Aug; 2(4):1-13 Patterson BW ; Parsons OA ; Schaeffer KW ; Errico AL. Interpersonal problem solving in alcoholics. J Nerv Ment Dis 1988 Dec;176( 12):707-13 Perusse L ; Leblanc C ; Bouchard C. Familial resemblance in lifestyle components: results from the Canada Fitness Survey. Can J Public Health 1988 May-Jun;79(3):201-5 5rPreli R ; Protinsky H. Aspects of family structures in alcoholic, recovered, and nonalcoholic families. J Marital Fam Ther 1988;14(3):311-4 Rathbone ME. Promoting help-seeking behavior among elders with chemical dependencies. Generations 1988 Summer;12(4):37-40 Rathbone ME ; Hedlund J. Older families and issues of alcohol misuse: A neglected problem in psychotherapy. J Psychother Fam 1989;5(1-2):173- 84 Roehrich H ; Gold MS. Familial addiction in cocaine abusers [letter]. J Clin Psychiatry 1988 Aug;49(8): 326 Schroeder E. Therapy for the chemically dependent family. J Chem Depend Treat 1988-89;2(1):95-129 Schulz JE ; Mersy DJ. Chemical dependency. What to do once you suspect it. Postgrad Med 1989 Apr; 85(5):89-91, 96 ' Sinha R ; Parsons OA ; Glenn SW. Drinking variables, affective measures and neuropsychological performance: Familial alcoholism and gender correlates. Alcohol 1989 Jan-Feb;6(1):77-85 \, Smeraldi E ; Orsini A ; Gasperini M ; Sciuto G ; Battaglia M ; Cassano GB ; Perugi G ; Migani W ; Faravelli C ; Pallanti S, et al. Familial analysis of panic disorder and agoraphobia] Affective Disord 1989;17(1):1-8 Stanton MD. Coursework and self-study in the family treatment of alcohol and drug abuse: Expanding Heath and Atkinson's curriculum. J Marital Fam Ther 1988;14(4):419-27 Swegan W. Anatomy of a drinking problem: In search of solution factors. Focus 1988;11(4):28-9, 36-8 Thaut P. Recovery: The double-edged sword: Inside the family’s circular process. Focus 1988;11(4):26-7, 34-5 Thomas E] ; Yoshioka MR. Spouse interventive confrontations in unilateral family therapy for alcohol abuse. Special Issue: Treating the alcoholic: A social work challenge. Soc Casework 1989 Jun; 70(6):340—7 Tislenko L ; Steinglass P. The relationship between sex of the alcoholic and patterns of interaction in the home. Special Issue. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1988 Jun;14(2):247-62 Tokunaga M. [Promotion of self care by alcoholic patients and their families and formation of a regional network]. Kango Gijutsu 1988 Dec;34(16): 1912-5 [Jpn] Trama JA ; Newman BM. A comparison of the impact of an alcohol education program with Al-Anon on knowledge and attitudes about alcoholism. J Alcohol Drug Educ 1988 Fall;34(1):1-16 Vaglum S ; Vaglum P ; Larsen 0. Family risk factors of alcoholism and drinking patterns among non alcoholic women: an inverse relationship? An exploratory study of female employees. Scand J Soc Med 1988;16(4):277-82 Verdon JJ Jr. Chemical dependency and the family. N J Med 1988 Jun;85(6):531-2 Vrasti R ; Olteanu I. The difference between biological heredity and cultural heredity. Preliminary findings in assessment of parental rearing practice by EMBU-inventory in primary alcoholism. Neurol Psychiatr (Bucur) 1988 Jul-Sep;26(3):171-8 Wagner GS ; Parsons OA. Alcohol abuse and familial alcoholism: Psychosocial correlates in men and women. J Stud Alcohol 1989;50(2):116-27 Wells PE ; Cosby PJ. Behavioral and employment consequences of driver’s license suspension for drinking driving offenders. J Safety Res 1988; 19(1):S-20 Winokur G. Anxiety disorders. Relationships to other psychiatric illness. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1988 Jun;11(2):287-93 Winokur G ; Black DW ; Nasrallah A. Depressions secondary to other psychiatric disorders and medical illnesses. Am J Psychiatry 1988 Feb;145(2):233—7 Yach D ;Joubert G. Determinants and consequences of alcohol abuse and cigarette consumption in Mamre. S Afr Med J 1988;74(7):348-51 Zelvin E. Dependence and denial in coalcoholic women. Alcohol Treat Q 1988;5(3-4):97-115 Ziter MLP. Treating alcoholic families: The resolution of boundary ambiguity. Alcohol Treat Q 1988;S (3-4):221-33 Co-Dependency Asher R ; Brissett D. Codependency: a view from women married to alcoholics. Int J Addict 1988 Apr;23(4):331-50 Cruse JR ; Wegscheider-Cruse S. Co-dependency: Uncovering the hidden disease: Clinical findings & treatment outcomes. Focus 1988;11(3):18-9, 28-31, 33-4 Fausel DF. Helping the helper heal: Co-dependency in helping professionals. J Indep Soc Work 1988;3(2): 35-45 Kijek JC. Codependency--what is it? Fla Nurse 1989 Feb;37(2):11 Martin D. Review of the popular literature on co- dependency. Contemp Drug Probl 1988;15(3):383- 98 Miller ME. Co-dependency: The nature of the beast. Focus 1988;11(3):4 Shulman G. Co-dependency: An endangered conceptzr Creating coherence from chaos & confusion. Focus 1988;11(4):22-3, 32-3 Thanepohn S. Co-dependency slowly filters into treatment. U S J Drug Alcohol Depend 1988 Jan; 12(1):13 Unger KB. Chemical dependency in women: Meeting the challenges of accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. West J Med 1988;149(6):746-50 Wegscheider-Cruse S. Co—dependency: The hidden disease: Determining an appropriate level of care: Assessing the stage & severity of the illness. Focus 1988;11(4):17 Alcoholics as Parents Anderson SC. Alcoholic women on skid row. Soc Work 1989 Jul-Aug;32(4):362-5 Anderson SC ; Boe T ; Smith S. Homeless women. Affilia 1988 Summer;3(2):62-70 Bassuk EL; Rosenberg L. Why does family homelessness occur? A case-control study. Am J Public Health 1988 Jul;78(7):783-8 Bernardi E ;Jones M ; Tennant C. Quality of parenting in alcoholics and narcotic addicts. Br J Psychiatry 1989 May;154:677-82 Cersonsky J. Cocaine abusers as mothers [letter]. Pediatrics 1988 Jul;82(1):136-7 Chasnoff IJ. Drug use in pregnancy: parameters of risk. Pediatr Clin North Am 1988 Dec;35(6):1403-12 De La Barrera J ; Masterson D. Support group helps troubled fathers learn parenting skills. Child Today 1988 Mar-Apr;17(2):10-3 Ferrari L ; Pelafigue A ; Salbreux R. Early and continuous action to prevent breakdown in the care of infants and their families after serious neonatal episodes. Infant Ment Health J 1988 Spring;9(1):82- 92 Pease BB ; Hurlbert DF. A comparative study of the attitudes of alcoholic veterans and nonalcoholic veterans toward child rearing practices and family life. J Drug Educ 1988;18(2):125-34 Children and Adolescents of Alcoholics Abel EL Fetal alcohol syndrome in families. Neurotoxicol Teratol 1988 J an-Feb;10(1):1-2 Bagedahl SM ; Rosencrantz LL ; Wilkner SP. Children of mentally ill mothers: Social situation and psychometric testing of mental development. Scand J Soc Med 1989;17(2):171-9 Beattie J. Alcohol and the child. Proc Nutr Soc 1988 Jul;47(2):121-7 Begleiter H ; Porjesz B. Potential biological markers in individuals at high risk for developing alcoholism. Alcoholism (NY) 1988;12(4):488-93 Bennett LA ; Wolin SJ ; Reiss D. Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional problems among school- age children of alcoholic parents. Am J Psychiatry 1988 Feb;145(2):185-90 Bennett LA ;Wolin SJ ; Reiss D. Deliberate family process: a strategy for protecting children of alcoholics. Br J Addict 1988 Jul;83(7):821-9 Berlin R ; Davis RB ; Orenstein A. Adaptive and reactive distancing among adolescents from alcoholic families. Adolescence 1988 Fall;23(91): 577-84 Bezrukov LA ; Dolzhenko OG ; Kalancha RI ; Korneva W ; Selizar VP. [Effect of paternal drunkenness and smoking on child development]. Pediatriia1988;(11):67-71 [Rus] Billing L ; Eriksson M ; Steneroth G ; Zetterstrom R. Predictive indicators for adjustment in 4-year-old children whose mothers used amphetamine during pregnancy. Child Abuse Neg] 1988;12(4):503-7 Blane HT. Prevention issues with children of alcoholics. Br J Addict 1988 Jul;83(7):793-8 Brake KJ. Counseling young children of alcoholics. Special Issue: Drug abuse prevention. Elem Sch Guid Couns 1988 Dec;23(2):106-11 Brown SA. Life events of adolescents in relation to personal and parental substance abuse. Am J Psychiatry 1989 Apr;146(4):484-9 Burk JP ; Sher KJ. The "forgotten children" revisited: Neglected areas of COA research. Clin Psychol Rev 1988;8(3):285-302 Buwick A ; Martin D ; Martin M. Helping children deal with alcoholism in their families. Special Issue: Drug abuse prevention. Elem Sch Guid Couns 1988 Dec;23(2):112-7 Campbell JD. Children of alcoholics. The silent victims. Learning 1988 Mar;16(7):44-8 Chassin L; Mann LM ; Sher KJ. Self-awareness theory, family history of alcoholism, and adolescent alcohol involvement. J Abnorm Psychol 1988 May; 97(2):206-17 Cloninger CR ; Sigvardsson S ;von Knorring A ; Bohman M. The Swedish studies of the adopted children of alcoholics: A reply to Littrell. J Stud Alcohol 1988 Nov;49(6):500-9 Dinning WD ; Berk LA. The Children of Alcoholics Screening Test: Relationship to sex, family environment, and social adjustment in adolescents. J Clin Psychol 1989 Mar;45(2):335-9 Drake RE ; Vaillant GE. Predicting alcoholism and personality disorder in a 33-year longitudinal study of children of alcoholics. Br J Addict 1988 Jul; 83(7):799-807 Drobyshev W. [Prognosis of the risk of early alcohol dependence among male adolescents]. Sov Med 1988;(10):76-9 [Rus] Earls F; Reich W ; Jung KG ; Cloninger CR. Psychopathology in children of alcoholic and antisocial parents. Alcoholism (NY) 1988 Aug; 12(4):481-7 Edwards G. Children of alcoholics: An important symposium. Br J Addict 1988;83(7):783-4 Fisher GL. Counseling strategies for children based on rules and roles in alcoholic families. Sch Couns 1989 . Jan;36(3):173-8 Forney PD ; Forney MA ; Ripley WK. Profile of an adolescent problem drinker. J Fam Pract 1988 Jul; 27(1):65-70 Fredisdorf M. Alcohol and drug abuse prevention in Wisconsin public schools. J Sch Health 1989;59(1): 21-4 Gaines LS ; Brooks PH ; Maisto S ; Dietrich M, et al. The development of children’s knowledge of alcohol and the role of drinking. J Appl Dev Psychol 1988; 9(4):441-57 Giunta CT ; Streissguth AP. Patients with fetal alcohol syndrome and their caretakers. Soc Casework 1988; 69(7):4S3-9 ‘Gnatenko OZ ; Grishchenko EM ; Sivenko EV ; Lisnyi EP ; Kens NS. [Effect of bad habits of parents on the health status of younger schoolchildren]. Pediatriia 1988;(7):106-7 [Rus] Gress JR. Alcoholism’s hidden curriculum. Educ Leadersh 1988 Mar;45(6):18-9 Gress JR. Alcoholism’s hidden curriculum. Stud Assist J 1988;1(3):45-6 Hetherington SE. Children of alcoholics: an emerging mental health issue. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 1988 Aug; 2(4):251-5 Holden MG ; Brown SA ; Mott MA. Social support network of adolescents: relation to family alcohol abuse. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 1988;14(4):487-98 Johnson JL ; Rolf JE. Cognitive functioning in children from alcoholic and non-alcoholic families. Br J Addict 1988 Jul;83(7):849-57 Kapitonov VF ; Tarasov 1118. [Effects of alcoholism of the parents on the arterial pressure of children and adolescents]. Pediatriia 1988;(9):102-3 [Rus] Kiehne A. Children in the addicted family: an overview. Holist Nurs Pract 1988 Aug;2(4):14-9 Killeen MR. Self-concept of children of alcoholics. Part I. Family influences. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs 1988 Jul-Sep;1(1):25-30 Killeen MR. Self-concept of children of alcoholics. Part II. Developmental considerations. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs 1988 Oct-Dec; 1(2):77-81 Koll LT. Meeting special needs: A holistic approach to chemical abuse. Stud Assist J 1988;1(3):25-9 Marston AR ;Jacobs DF ; Singer RD ;Widaman KF ; Little TD. Adolescents who apparently are invulnerable to drug, alcohol, and nicotine use. Adolescence 1988 Fall;23(91):593—8 Marston AR ;Jacobs DF ; Singer RD ; Widaman KF ; Little TD. Characteristics of adolescents at risk for compulsive overeating on a brief screening test. Adolescence 1988 Spring;23(89):59-65 McCord J. Identifying developmental paradigms leading to alcoholism. J Stud Alcohol 1988 Jul; 49(4):357-62 \z Merikangas KR ; Prusoff BA ; Weissman MM. Parental concordance for affective disorders: psychopathology in offspring. J Affective Disord 1988 Nov-Dec;15(3):279-90 Merikangas KR ; Weissman MM ; Prusoff BA ;John K. Assortative mating and affective disorders: psychopathology in offspring. Psychiatry 1988 Feb; 51(1):48-57 Mitchell J ; McCauley E ; Burke P ; Calderon R ; Schloredt K. Psychopathology in parents of depressed children and adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1989;28(3):352-7 Moss N ; Hensleigh PA. Substance use by Hispanic and White non-Hispanic pregnant adolescents: A preliminary study. J Youth Adolesc 1988 Dec;17(6): 531-41 Murray JB. Psychologists and children of alcoholic parents. Psychol Rep 1989;64(3I):859-79 Mutzell S. Alcohol consumption, clinical findings and retrospective psycho social data in a random sample of men in suburban Stockholm. Scand J Prim Health Care 1988 Sep;6(3):185-92 Myeni M. Is alcohol to blame? The story of Hluphekile. Nurs RSA 1988 Sep;3(9):27, 33-5 Newcomb MD ; Bentler PM. The impact of family . context, deviant attitudes, and emotional distress on adolescent drug use: Longitudinal latent-variable analyses of mothers and their children. J Res Person 1988;22(2):154-76 02 S ; Fine M. 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Alcohol Health Res World 1987-88 Winter;12(2): 110-3, 124 Robinson BE. Wearing mommy’s apron, filling daddy’s shoes: COA’s - latchkey children by default. Focus 1988;11(3):22-3, 39-40 Rolf JE ; Johnson JL ; Israel E ; Baldwin J ; Chandra A. Depressive affect in school-aged children of alcoholics. Br J Addict 1988 Jul;83(7):841-8 Roosa MW ; Gensheimer LK ; Short JL, et al. A preventive intervention for children in alcoholic families: Results of a pilot study. Fam Relat 1989; 38(3):295-300 Roosa MW ; Sandler IN ; Beals J ; Short JL. Risk status of adolescent children of problem-drinking parents. Am J Community Psychol 1988 Apr;16(2): 225-39 Roosa MW ; Sandler IN ; Gehring M ; Beals J ; Cappo L. The children of alcoholics life-events schedule: a stress scale for children of alcohol-abusing parents. J Stud Alcohol 1988 Sep;49(5):422-9 Rosen TS ;Johnson HL. Drug-addicted mothers, their infants, and SIDS. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1988;533:89- 95 Russell M. Growing up with fetal alcohol syndrome. 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Box 3216 Torrence, CA 90505 213/534-1815 Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1372 Broadway New York, NY 10018-0862 800/356-9996 212/245-3151 Alateen 1372 Broadway New York, NY 10018-0862 800/356-9996 212/245-3151 Children of Alcoholics Foundation 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 212/351-2680 National Association for Children of Alcoholics 31706 Coast Highway, Suite 201 South Laguna, CA 92677 714/499-3889 GRATEFUL MED® Software For Macintosh & IBM Please send me copies of GRATEFU L MED for the Macintosh. Order No. PB89- 196083/GBB at $29.95 each. Please send me copies of GRATEFU L MED for IBM and compatibles. Order No. PB86— 158482/GBB at $29.95 each. Total Mac versions Handling $3.00 + Billing Fee* P.O. #: + Total IBM versions + * Add $7.50 Billing Fee if using a Purchase Order. Please attach this form to any purchase order you use. = Total Enclosed is check / money order payable to NTIS for $ %. Charge to (check one): American Express [3 VISA '3 MasterCardD Card Number Exp. 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