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VOL S I AND II: llPRACTICAL USES M: Tm: STI’EL 5w ARI.“ \"nL's I AND 11; "COMMON SENSE STAIN m‘nanwn," “ARCHI’l‘ECTl‘KAI. DRAWING JELI’ '1 An.u1',“ “Mt‘DI-‘lx‘N Ics'lmATmc .-\.\D I‘IINTRA(“I‘HK.S m‘nm.“ Hr. SEND ALL ORDERS FOR PLANS T() FREDERICK J. DRAKE & COMPANY ARCHITECTI'RAL DEPARTMENT 350—352 \VABASH AVENUE 2: CHICAGO, U. S. A. BMRCN, DESEGN LIBRARY Copyriuht‘ HM}, In FREDFNH K ]. 1mm” .\ (‘HMpAHy Chiczlgn W‘ W, 15?? -~ ' N N ;>_. mgAéfiL _0.UNCIL’ I‘ \ » ‘ r lama/”W PREFACE The more one becomes familiar with the buildings which have been erected in-California of late years, the more one comes to appreciate the architectural value for its own purpose of the California bungalow. It is not too much to say that these bungalows are on the whole the best type of cheap frame house which has been erected in large numbers in this country since the old New England farmhouse went out of fashion. It is, as a rule, a. 1011!); low, one or two-story building, with a conspicuous roof, over-hanging eaves and an in- , closed porch. It fits snugly on the ground, it is gen-' . erally well sealed with the surrounding shrubbery and trees, and its lines and the distribution of its'openings are for the most part agreeable to the eye. The outer shell is usually covered either with shingles of the same size as those used in the East or with the larger shingles which Californians call “shakes”; but the redwood shingles and shakes used'on the coast have a pleasanter and warmer coloring than cedar shingles, Whether stained or not. Sometimes clap-boarding is used, and often with considerable success; the wide spacing of the elap— boards which one sees sand likes on the old California ranch houses has been frequently transferred to the modern bungalows. There is nothing either affected or insincere about these little houses. They are neither consciously artistic nor consciously 3 4 PREFACE. rustic. They are the simple and unconscious expres- sion of the needs of their owners, and as such they can be credited with the best kind of architectural pro- priety. ‘ Nothing, indeed, could be more flimsy than their method of construction. Their owners rarely indulge 'in the luxury of a foundation, and when a foundation is provided the stones are as often as not laid directly upon the grass. Generally, however, it is the Sills, and not the stones, which are placed 'with mathematical precision on the turf, and throughout the structure the timbers are made as light as possible for a. one or two-story building. Higher than two stories they do not soar. Whether or not a bungalow is plastered on the inside will depend upon the purpose for which the particular house is used. If it is situated in a suburb and is the permanent residence of its owner, it will generally be plastered; whereas, if it is situated in the country and is only occasionally occupied, a sheathing of redwood is usually considered sufficient. On the whole, these little houses often look light enough to be blown away and fragile enough to be demolished by a few stout blows of a club: but it must be remembered that such flimsy methods of construction have the prac- tical merit of being very cheap. A California bunga low will cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. and there is no economic reason why any California family. save those who are actually poverty-stricken, should not be able to own some kind of good-looking little “shack.” PREFACE. 5 The cheapness of these houses is, of course, the direct result of their flimsiness of construction, and both are conditioned on the mildness and for the greater part of the year the dryness of the California climate. In the East even the cheapest house, except when it is'occupied only for a couple of months in the summer time, requires a cellar and a comparatively substantial foundation and as, this foundation is one of the chief sources of expense the tendency is to make it cover as small an area as possible and to build over it a comparatively high square box of a house. The necessity also of providing a roof with a slope sharp enough to shed the snow r‘adily tends to make our cheaper Eastern and Middle \Vestern house a stiff, angular little building. which is rather perched upon the site than fitted tightly to it. One sees plenty of such houses in California, too. but they are not typical. \Vhen foundations and cellars are not indispensable. it is as cheap to build a low as it is to build a high house. and such houses in the dry California climate. will have at least as long a life as the more sub- stantiall}r constructed houses in the East. It is cus- tomary also in California to dispense with much of the interior finish which in other parts of the country is considered necessary to the adornment of the house even of a mechanic. If the California bungalow is plastered. the millwork which is added is of the sim- plest character, and generally follows the straight. lines of the Mission furniture: while. if the house is not plastered, still cheaper and even better results are 6 . PREFACE. frequently obtained by the use of redwood sheathing. In short, the Californian has the advantage over the residents of many other parts of the country, both of happier climatic conditions and of a less sophisticated architectural tradition. With San Francisco and some of the other cities in mind, it may sound extravagant to say that Cali- fornians have any advantage of any kind in the way of an architectural t'adition. Assuredly, the old wooden dwelling in San Francisco was the worst type of residence ever built in large numbers in any city in the world. It possessed, we believe, every known and conceivable architectural demerit, and the city in which these sinful disorders were committed can never be completely reformed save by a sort. of architectural vigilance committee. But it must be remembered that the economic conditions which work in favor of coun- try houses that are cheap and good have tended "to produce city houses which are cheap and bad. Cali— fornia is only beginning to reach a condition of econ- omic stability which prompts its inhabitants to under- take serious architectural and building enterprises. Under the 'apidly fluctuating industrial conditions which pre railed for a longer time and to a greater de- gree in California than anywhere else in the country, the inhabitants of a large city like San Francisco were disad 'antageously situated, compared to their neigh- bors in the country. Urban life was under such cir- cumstances more than usually artificial. Life in the country was the real thing. Californians undoubtedly PREFACE. 7 enjoy country life more thoroughly, more simply and more continuously than do the inhabitants of any other State in the American Union, and it is not strange, consequently, that their country houses unconsciously perpetuated some of the better elements in the tra- ditional California method of building country houses. For, of course, California started on its architec- tural career with a compa‘atively good tradition of domestic design. And by this good tradition we do not, of course, mean the forms which were embodied in the 01d Missions, which, for the. most part, are not adapted to dwellings at all. \Ve mean, in general, the tradition embodied in the old adobe buildings, with their long, low, pleasant lines, their overhanging eaves, their inclosed porches and their restful expanses of plastered wall. It was this sort of house which the early Californian constructed, and the tradition that this is a good kind of house to build has fortunately never been stifled. The early American rancher would not, of course, use anything so expensive as plaste ‘ as long as lumber was cheap, but he usually followed the lines of the earlier California. house, and his successor has continued to do much the same until the present day. Sometimes, indeed, one comes across the houses of richer ranchers, whose owners have been able to afford something architecturally striking, and who have consequently succeeded only in getting the same tedious, restless sort of frame house to which we are accustomed in the East; but fortunately such cases are rare. The Californian. when left to himself, does not 8 PREFACE. know any better than to want something which hap- pens to be good. It is only recently that Californians have been building country houses for pleasure aswell as for use. These pleasure houses, when they are expensive and designed by the better architects, do not differ essentially in their good and bad traits from the houses which are being erected under similar conditions else- where in the country. But the little bungalows of which we are speaking are rarely designed by archi— tects at all. They are too inexpei’isive for that. They are the expression of what the ordinary Californian seems instinctively to like in the way of a house, and they are the sort of thing that the ordinary California. country carpenter knows how to build. They are not the result of architectural instruction and selective taste; they are the result of a popular tradition which has not yet become sophistizated and which is aided by certain fortunate economic traditions. That Cali- fornians are building such a. house in such a way is, we believe, a fortunate thing for them, because it means that these little bungalows are a genuine‘ex- pression of popular and wholesome habits of country life and habits of country building, and the architects who design more costly and pretentious buildings, should do their best to reinforce "ather than to destroy this tradition and practice. INDEX Blue Pgints Blue Péints COSt Spgcghza- No. CD“ Spggifica- uons txons $ 700.00 $ 5.00 2044 1,750.00 7.00 1,205.00 8.00 2045 1,800.00 8.00 850.00 5.00 2046 1,750.00 8.00 650.00 5.00 2047 1,800.00 8.00 900.00 5.00 2048 1,900.00 8.00 1,100.00 6.00 2049 2,000.00 10.00 925.00 5.00 2050 1,700.00 7.00 1,900.00 8.00 2051 2,500.00 15.00 900 00 5.00 2052 700.00 5.00 1,000.00 5.00 2053 1 250.00 7.00 1,000.00 7.00 2054 2 800.00 15.00 900 . 00 5 . 00 2055 1,500 . 00 7 . 00 1,700.00 7.00 2056 1,250.00 8.00 2,000 .00 10 . 00 2057 900 . 00 5 . 00 1,750.00 8.00 2058 3,000.00 15 00 2,000 . 00 10 . 00 2059 1,600.00 8 . 00 1,750 . 00 8. 00 2060 520 . 00 5 . 00 1,850.00 8.00 2061 1,320.00 7.00 1,700.00 ‘ 8.00 2062 2,600.00 15.00 1,800.00 8.00 2063 1,100.00 6.00 1,900.09 8 . 00 2064 725.00 5 . 00 2,000.00 8.00 2065 2,300.00 10.00 1,800.00 8.00 2066 1,150.00 6.00 1,700 . 00 8. 00 2067 1,050.00 6 . 00 2,000. 00 10. 00 2068 .350 . 00 5 .300 1,700.00 8.00 2069 2,110.00 10.00 1,800.00 8.00 2070 420.00 5.00 1,700.00 7.00 2071 3,800.00 25.00 2, 000 . 00 10 . 00 2072 4,500.00 30 . 00 2,050.00 10.00 2073 1,100.00 6.00 1,800.00 8.00 2074 2,250.00 10 00 1,675.00 7.00 2075 1,720.00 7 . 00 1,800 . 00 8 . 00 2076 900. 00 5 . 00 1,750.00 8.00 207’? 2,200.00 10.00 1,700.00 8.00 2078 675.00 5.00 1,800.00 8.00 2079 1,910.00 10.00 1 900.00 8.00 2080 1,585.00 7 .00 1,800.00 8.00 2081 750.00 5.00 2,000.00 10.00 2082 1,100.00 6.00 1, 750. 00 8 .00 2083 475 . 00 5 . 00 1,800.00 8.00 2084 725.00 5.00 1,750.00 8.00 2085 700.00 5.00 1,700.00 8.00 2086 750.00 5.00 INDEX Blue Prints Blue Prints No. Go“ Spgéligca- NO‘ COSt Spggifica- tions tions 2087 510.00 5.00 2102 1,650.00 7.00 2088 450.00 5.00 2103 1,800.00 8.00 2089 1,500.00 7.00 2104 1,800.00 8.00 2090 1,250.00 6.00 2105 1,800.00 8.00 2091 1,100.00 5.00 2106 1,750.00 8.00 2092 2,400.00 15.00 2107 1,850.00 8.00 2093 1,800.00 8.00 2108 1,750.00 8.00 2094 1,700.00 1 8.00 2109 1,850.00 8.00 2095 1,700.00 1 7.00 2110 1,900.00 8.00 2096 1,700.00 1 7.00 2111 1,750.00 8.00 2097 1,800.00 , 8.00 2112 1,800.00 8.00 2098 1,700.00 7.00 2113 1,700.00 7.00 2099 1,900.00 10.00 2114 2,000.00 10.00 2100 1,800.00 8.00 2115 1,700.00 7.00 2101 1,700.00 7.00 ’ A.....~,_4A. . V1 ,- THE" PLANBOK Bungalow Design No. 2001 Price of Plans and $5 00 Specifications Full and complete Working plans and specifiCations will be furnished for $5.00. . Cost of this bungalow is about $700, according to the locality in which it is built. - Floor Plan of No. 2001 .3. E ' E ‘—— , ( (is) V' n_‘_. . [ - 7 ' ,l , ‘H/JAHI'IV ; a‘ :,:x-‘I"-x‘ I' l } I n . | v: \ V1,: - ; ~ \ r: «a - . .t . 3 \ ,/ E ayAT \ V lelxlz raga,“ if; r, , u. .; Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plan; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. . 9 9 P' f PI d Bungalow Demgn No. -00-: E rice gpeciggzfiigs $8.00 Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $8.00. _ Cost of this bungalow is about $1,250. according to the locality in which it is built. l’loor Plans of No. 2002 ,_-_._._._._._.-._i-l_-.-V-- .._-.-.._. ' fl , . I l Cva V “I Bhrm rm 9 a . t. \y A , l v I I STDN’AGE l I UL. {II 1 I I HALL r‘nzwxpu-w q . .,., fl _\- E LivaQ PM |G, c‘ - m n' Ci-SAMFI‘ER' no a . \c o VJJAi-x \ , 4 v " fl , , . I I. _ - — ....... _ .. _. H )x:r/r | ‘Jx rush/.04 ‘ r a H o l t 'ei an O ’ 1,. t t—__ l Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Specifications Bungalow Design N o. 2003 Price of Plans and $5 00 Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $5.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $850, according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plan of N0. 2003 KiTI‘Inrvl «hm ( ‘nrnqarw mh.“u ‘Jl. K‘f.YLl'f.)i an ._ - -. o Blue prints consist of floor plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Bungalow Design No. 2004- Price of Plans and $5 00 Specifications _. 7‘ V _,.r Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for £3.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $650. according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plan of No. 2004 PANTRY 4 ti \- A d r'u litrflBrh' 't 0 v 't n V.’)»\).r4‘la.x n- 't i, - ’c o‘ Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plan; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Bungalow Design No. 2005 Price Of Plans and $500 Specifications Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $5.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $900, according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plan of No. 2005 -ll (”HAM-Ix: '~ _ Rh In.“ HI1'(“HV H mm o l r—‘* I" PAH) ry flu . 4 0', _\. i 1,7}1/2P4F‘1h’ u. t. . ,‘ a LIVnir' why q 2; . ‘1 t; , j . U fl . r ”I r u / 7. / '21 -. 1pm,]. (7} iAMr-ly v: V m n. \x o l'mK-r n "Yd-Bu L J Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plan; roof plan; front and side elevations '1? '\1 u / \— Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Bungalow Design No. 2006 Price Of Plans and $600 Specifications Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $6.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $1,100, according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plans of No. 2006 Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifics: tions with each set of plans. Bungalow Design No. 2007 . Price of Plans and $5.00 Specifications Full and complete plans and specifications will be furnished for $5.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $925, according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plans of No. 2007 lilTC‘H! H ‘I " - 't o ' l‘l/.l4t-t "- ,‘H P—‘_“_“'—‘_"7 I , Blue prints consist of cel‘ar avi foundation plans: roof plan: floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Bungalow Design No. 2008 Price of Plans and Specifications \. Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $8.00, Cost of this bungalow is about $1,900, according to the locality in which it is built. $8.00 Floor Plans of No. 2008 Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Bungalow Design No. 2009 Price J‘ "fans and $500 Specifications A” " “can”. t" V, ,- - / Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $5.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $900, according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plan of No. 2009 II I urn-urn " m“, “ii—d" . n t. ”AMY—l k‘ m n . .n VLR'ANVrJ—i |‘vl.v'l’J Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: flOOX’ plans; roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans Bungalow Design No; 2010 Price Of Plans and $5.00 Specifications Full and complete working plans and‘ specifications will be furnished for $5.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $1,000, according to the locality in which it is built, Floor Plans of No. 2010 ’Z’DII‘JIRFW KITI‘HI II 3 n . '\ o ,0 ,r‘ g l /” / ”l , V ’3 ‘1; .1 ; v FAH"-A(\l J Ill .\1 ,—..n~ -l WA“II R‘M M- 1') fl LAVIH"? 0 Kuhn .‘, no a v on .' 1\ finannl re m o . q 1/ VLF. Ian AN Blue prints consist of floor plans: roof plan: front and Side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Bungalow Design No. 2011 Price “Plans and $700 Specifications Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $7.00. Cost of th1s bungalow is about $1,000, according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plan of No. 2011 In .._.-....-...._....._._....._._..... _- _- ' t —.‘ | I ., ~ . V I [ CHAMnrfi- | , nnyiaz. i I I . ‘7 KITCHV N l J ’) o - u‘ 0' , a a . 1.1'1'131' i i l tn r. . t I r I l ‘h '\ l I . -_, I | ~. l . CHAvnrr ‘1 M | v0 0 V ‘ F l"1,F: i I It/ ‘ '> ' ' l ’ ‘. l l l t | I I L. -._J Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; from and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Specifications Bungalow Design No. 2012 I Price of Plans and $5 00 Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $5.00. Cost of this bungalow is about $900, according to the locality in which it is built. Floor Plans of No. 2012 ('HAVtF-I "‘ - \\ f'll!»¥r‘l‘l v 5 ° ' In t .h |,|‘/ll!. r-nvym q". n . Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. roof plan: front and side elevations. . .1 1» -- _.’*"":V House Design No. 2013 Floor Plans of No. 2013 ————«--¢ ’ NWT: #1:! ‘l ’01:» to' SIZE: \Vidth. 24 feet 4 inches Length. 30 feet l0 inches 30,0 ‘ SITTW; H trim-i1; JUl'l k—-————————-—— CHAMbED F: I 15'! lb ' 6 it DODC H '9 l i“ lt— -——v @21de (1 W rm ;3 i‘ FLOOD 'OECOND FLOOD' Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2014 Dram: lit 10m 5 f. ll wt, ,j ‘ .00ch I ‘ 41?..l .Lax. ‘ V Floor Plans of No. SIZE: Width. 29 feet 6 inches Length. 29 feet 6 inches Blue prints cone sist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: ro of plan; front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica- tions with each set of plans. 2014 axon D FLOOD 1,, “Cm ‘§ ‘me-n House Design No. 2015 Floor Plans of No. 2015 SIZE: Width, 39 feet 6 inches. Length, 27 feet 6 inches. — --;.11ir , ’ v/rltnw ‘ ' ) lrnju" ‘; HITCHEH n l /»’,/ L‘hl' Cl _ I m ll , \JC‘Cr-l l l 1 ‘ V, N} l l}—-‘ 52;", -l Ami ,2ng JLORVOS‘ lliDIm‘mc'Doom LIVING goofy, t CHAMDE'D 'l 12-346 25-9”xle 12 fine book ‘i lynclvet \ l \ l \‘(\_._ Fiwtzwr FLOOF? Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. e I 5 House Design No. 2016 ; Floor Plans of No. 2016 SIZE: Width, 33 feet Length, 51 feet 6 inches ‘LMNHGFQOOVW I i 15'». 15' IO brlC ‘ xiv fl ‘ ~Dmmaipom‘ ,M 1 ‘ ie'xZo w ”111 Cumi 15‘ / b/.\/ I , l ‘ FmsT FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewrittan specifications with each so: of plans. ‘ .' . I , mm: 4%: , . House Design N0; 2017 Floor Plans of No. 2017 ;: D T"‘*“'“""‘-’ -, v77 \ I l i . ' ll \ / i1 i—c .I x / . —‘ , .— > '1 .———I ' _‘l I I I H _ III r' ~ w «pm I ~; - CHAMbED lib-‘3'“ ""9" l "W b, 1 firming; LAQQM) l ‘3'6 “0'6 I #l r. I I3 and i; l l f" l :1 '- b»: SIZE: :l l "l ‘h I q . l I l ‘ ; t T‘" : I. I , Wm“ [ 3 . c l l I I “i ‘3 ‘1'? T I CHAMEEQ 7 7 n I- W” ... .. \Vldtl‘l, 27 feet WI- 91:34; , .I . .4 g; 6 inches l t____ ' , l l .. I Length, 27 feet . . I l ' \ L 1J l .er'rmc: Qoom I Z 6 inches CHAMbe I__I- 1 _ I [91.25 l VIII?) ’ {4'05 I: a; i I ~. Ll L. J l_ H, , A_l l _ “e—I __.—H i , , ' l , - '2/-(q IL , W , , . '0 bAacor‘v 0 i l I it»; ,H.,._-_v_ - A— , ~,~ ~~¢~5Iw¢ 3,, s / _ ‘T’ E LOOQ JEZCQNC' .r'"__OOTQ Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. a”; ,__i..;.y-m-__. ..¢——..,.~w..,,- _ “#1-. u . 4-- , House Design No. 2018 Floor Plans of No. 2018 SIZE: ii Width. 28 feet 10inches Length, 33 feet 4 inches \ V 1l at 1/1,“ 'Ililtrjiii/lfl ' Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewrit- ten specifications with each set of plans. ‘ ‘ ._ ‘t,,___.l l (s MW lCr’iAMPJEP sod 12 XiO "a III | Lg— J CMAMbEQ I ‘ / 126x10 I \ CL, lll “CL 7‘ ,- *—* l. Cmnmgfip I6AIO is EAL-CORY H l ]/ OECOHD FLOOD h, House Design No. 2019 Floor Plans of No. 2019 O wr _ RDDCH C Jd 3; ° \ klvanr-t DINING Doom Ic-o’xIZ-o‘ lj-e‘x l’l'—o' no 4 <10 J <3 uymcDoom 16-9'x 16'0' OGDCH iowmoc - FES‘T'ELtsaa' -— — -— 47:6— _._,_._.__. .——___.._.._. SIZE: Width, 45 feet Length, 47 feet 6inches t HAr-vom CHAMDEQ CHAMDCQ moxie—o lZ—D'xlO—o mam—0' l Al ’ HALL / ‘7 6—6VlDE‘. OATH :43 C$ / 07-614.‘ \ L [52’ CHAMDEQ l CHANGED "Levee 0°” IIV'9'XIT-6. I POOP OHDFLOOQ? Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. ‘ ,gwwfflw Q“ v Maw WW. ,m- an ' «NW ,M- House Design No. 2020 Floor WdhSIZE: ‘ i t ,38 feet Plans of \ . 6 inches N o. 2020 Length, 45 feet ‘ d Olav-K; DH 3TooAc: Doom 1 l'—6x 17—6 : CHAMDER lb—o‘xlé'vo' CL é I’T‘TIHG poor-1 IO—o’xiblo' 9————39‘€————————a DODCH 066'— ~— \JIOE Do WC H Door JECOHD FLOOL Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; roof plan; floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No.2021 Fioor IWnns of 3J0. 2021 SIZE: Width, 27 feet 9 inches Length, 32 feet 4 inches i SECOND FLOOQ ——E——EL‘T ’_ fl__737- .7 , ‘ Flt—€51 FLOOD t‘w ":Afjf 1 Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. -. arr-n... House Design No. 2022 Floor Plans of No. 2022 l l HIWHEH CHAMDED l,7¥d*'l_’D—o l ' 9-03: 15-6 Clo: DINING OM l ll'vb‘X lQ—O cl». l 1% SIZE. CHAMDED ‘ lO—©'*IQ~O ‘0 Width, 30 feet 6 inches 93‘ Length, 32 feet 6 inches I Ji't‘Tmc, Doom 1 Cloqu 19-0vm-o l ‘ CHANGED l “O. r I 8 —6 _‘ k OALCor-w D00? uECOf‘lD FLOOD FlQST FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: first and second floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2023 Floor Plans of No. 2023 tacDVAN‘r‘, D Ii l|~Q. x PVC. CH AM BEE? I2-'o'x I 250" F MTCHU « H tom, . to 0' Dr-umz.‘ :2. ([Al\ SIZE: Width, 29 feet 6 inches Length, 41 feet 6 inches ___________.4)$(5'_._._____.___.__J T‘ SECOND FLOOQ Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. , ,v . », u, .. House Design No. 2024 Floor Plans of No. 2024 *W PORCH ' ’/ tilt—R: / KITCHEN nro'xH-O" ;‘ CHAMBER M‘OXM'O DlNiNG ROOM . ISO-XIJ‘O' RECEPTROOM Iz-ox IJ-O’ PARLOR «.5-‘0'x I7'-c‘ Width, 43 fee SIZE: t6 inches Length, 36 feet 6 inches CHAMpEtZ 1410M l-‘j' STORAGE g/ /‘ \ HALL ‘ 7 pith-"‘12) '615-6 L_ Jfl_gl , l \\ cHAmbtg IO Ole-G CHAMDEB l4ZCxli‘G SECOND FM Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. r77“ 97 ‘“ » {fig} .- J... House Design N o. 2025 Floor Plans of No. 2025 \ W NICHEI’j — ‘ sen-mms noon 0619'.) .t ' aura-0' SIZE: ‘»| Width, 33 feet 6 inches | Length, 48 feet 6 inches CHAMBER 1 7 DINING RUOM . :2 OXIJ 0' Am 17-01015 - I cwwec R' 120'): :3 0' CHAMBE R to" o’x L320 i I it | l l L 5:91:35?" Blue prints consist ‘ - CHAMBER of cellar and foundation WWW) plans; floor plans; roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewrit- BALCOM: =1» , ten speCIfications With El]. each set of plans. House Design No. 2026 Floor Plans of No. 2026 A/OODJ/ftp //-0'x 9-5 SIZE : I ”Wat/7.1”; . Width, 30 feet (fill/7513 4010/40 ,5 , Length, 30 feet ”7'05“”- '_ D/N/Né Goo/v ‘ _cl u l /4 c'x //'-6' cal-”54"? at l P Max/44' w 7/{Y6 200/7 l7- 0 x /d -6 (YA/[7 mu , 601/l6 P421 02 /o - o'x (/6 name. ii-a X/O‘é' ¢_.__._._;oro'___..____._.\ HER/7 fame Iii/YD HUGE, Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. .95 . Vm—u—m ”w -nmmyuwfi.” House Design No. 2027‘ J . ; W . .. t f“ l KITCHEN DINiNo POOM . imam-o m-om-o ‘ t _ l . siTTINo zoom 3 i‘i-OMi-O {r HLCOVE loom—o / , \ / FtleT FL. OF“‘::Q/ Floor Plans of No. 2027 SIZE: Width, 30 feet Length, 34 feet r—.~.a—V_VV .—H~—_V'—__ (Loxsv 1 “out CHAMbEE CHAMBER - nit-amp l [awn-o l \ / Blue prints consist (f cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set. of plans. House Design No. 2028 Floor Plans of N0. 2028 SIZE: Width, 31 feet 6 inches Length, 51 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevation. Complete typewritten specifica- tions with each set of plans. r————n D'Nmow m (L06 \ CHAMBER l IJXlL-e CHAMBER eoxxLo’ PAQLOR mom-o m AT TIC 59AM. Ib'ikDO" ATTIC JMCE CHAMBLR IwXIJO .A. . m, M“ I .0. ll ( b ' u, 1 n {35925325 If. Hodée Design No. 2029 Floor Plans of No. 2029 CHAMBER wows-0' ‘ HlTCHFH ‘ 7&0 X 1;! ( I .‘I :7 ,; T‘7 Mi, ‘1: 1 "Eal—‘J‘Wr -\1d/ 4, r~j1:;,l / ,' :yg CAwrhv ‘ Cr‘ N \ CHAMBIE R 13-0 x 0-4 SIZE: Width. 28 feet 6 inches Length. 45 feet CHAMBER l40fl/2’J D N'N} ROOM I'M' x12 0' 43:0" CHAMBER F‘ARL (‘fr ' ' IJ' Mia-0 L5 0 MA 6 _ "7., 4' I ll H/ VF 21m « Hoof fl‘ll Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2030 ' Floor ffians ‘ ammo ROOM 1 7' , 1 nous-c ] KITCHEN [4-61 1 r-o PARLOR '1-4'115-0 leRARY lli IMMs-o ) lg l L__.—-c‘_-.—«— '. ’2 ° PORCH a FlRéT FLOOR E555 of Flog 2030 SIZE: ‘Nidth, 32 feet. I‘m LI 1 CHAT’NSER I ll-Cx lfi-C' > ,_ 'J ‘/‘ l \ Fv/‘tTH JEfOND FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. A: LA A, -70-..- Length, 32 feet. MM.» "WA-I..an 1mm“ House Design No. 2031 Oim~n QOUM ‘, 4 n v‘ U aAoLon I‘O‘lbb L———~—-———LJ: C*——— ———. i PORCH l0 WIDE T=a=-‘KT. - Efi FIPsT FLOOR SIZE: Width, 33 feet 6 inches Length. 38 feet o'an~ J.” / mo; \ \ I m.“ c as CNAMBCW \ IZOlix-O' .~~ ‘70— W K > ( CHAMBE‘? ‘7 6 1 I)“ l L_‘vséALCOn' ROOF SECOND FLOOR CnAMBfiO I40Ahfi Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. “mm x House Design No. 2032 Floor Plans of No. 2032 SIZE: Width, 42 feet. Length, 29 feet 6 inches ROG' . CLOOC‘I 51W“: t 63:3 mm. <3 I camacsz “m l l cmusm nzaxu‘ Izone‘ \ LMNG HALL Chi/MW2 ‘I“0|26‘ IZOIILO' CHAMBER AL‘O‘J [0’0 CLOXT CLNCT ROOF 5ECOND FLOOD. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; roof plan; floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Floor Plans of No. 2033 sweep SIZE: Width, 29 feet Length, 30 feet KtTCH‘EN 10-5x12—o‘ N0 . lO-OXW‘O CHAMQEB . Id-o'x H-O ,CI-OS. CLOS. CHAMBER oo . - ' CHAMBER BEDR M cameo ,5;6'?(,3_6‘ Io'-e'2< :a-a' LIVING R99M 19—on 16-6 r— —— — —- —.30’»o'-——a— —— «l PORCH '<. FIRST FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2034 Floor Plans of No. 2034 09/7/7560 «1-67 ”‘6' (7297/7560 AB"- ? 'l 946 0/1/7650 flak/246 ‘ SIZE: JIII' _______._‘ Width, 20 feet ammo/700,9 Length, 57 feet 6 inches -- -———/8'-0~— -— -1 ”fa/A77 ‘,/m)*;-'¢ ”MW" meme #‘6‘ 3170-7 ' Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewrit— ten specifications with each set of plans. «fl #114 mew-'0 3/07/76900/7 /J~ ? 1/0 L3 ' 49209 47-0750- }..__ , _____ 57; F/A’Jf/YOOP ’—‘l House Design No. 2035 V I»? *fmgmrr/ 2M ~ H x mm —J Floor Plans of No. 2035 SIZE: Width, 19 feet Length, 44 feet 6447/37"? ‘ mil/rc' / ”Min (7’ ’ n i fr’ /d’ (7)71" 'a ' F'JZZ’EWPPM/t’ Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans. floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2036 Floor Plan of No. 2036 KITCHm 512' Ox ‘1' o VlNlNG 1200M 151031514, . .. LIY‘NF PM v CHAMBEQ SIZE- l4-Oxl2—O l5-OxI5-O mono-c ' Width, 28 feel 9 inches Length, 49 feet 6 inches Blue prints consist of floor plan; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewrmen specifications with each set of plans. ,.,,u;s.1x+,x._,;,~ Floor Plans of No. 2037 v— —i—‘er’:l 1* _ l ' —* 7:; Ft.“ —i —T': d r flaw/V6 [won ' mm ‘ /70A//O —. 5/0/7457 INK! J/fl; MM! #7! i ”(.70 i _,,_, ~,,-Vc_- J j/ff/A/c.‘ FCC/'7 2/ o - ISO an-—-—— / / law/M9557 ( | vow}; ! t l l l SIZE 37 feet 6 inches P472057 /50-/?0 Length. 39 feet Width. ‘ fact fi/Pj‘f' f2 0097 SIC-0.4a? FZOO/F' Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: first and second floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2038 H — - - -—-- —-w-o~—-— —>— 4 (Ar/waif . /2-6 «/7 6 " ”P57 l2 OOfiD Floor Plans of No. 2038 SIZE: Width. 35 feet 6 inches Length, 48 feet Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plans; roof plan; floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica- tions with each set of plans. \ l l I CHi/VIBZ‘IP ' M. /4 (105 l {— . (105 ! (H/IMBE/P I40 Ir4 6 I] me: Ill CLOS C/WMBE/P I40'/3‘6 Sffd/VD 2200/9 — ‘ r‘w’ WY ' W" ,44, House Design No. 2039 Floor Plans of No. 2039 F—«w —- -£-’5‘-6"—- ~—— —~ - F —. I CL 0 6 __ . CHEN/550 LLM‘“: t l l /E"-'O“/+’/ /-'6' QLO; S3 (‘2 SIZE: l 4501 . ~:- 31-" Width, 25 feet. CHDO/HCE J 6 inches cooler—w ~ 4/ V/NC.‘ poo/w ‘ ‘ Length, 33 feet I /B‘ 07/91 0' ll /O‘Ql.b{/QC v—;;liiu_4h C HE E ,Q ll /5’- OX/GO' F/QSTFZ. OOQ SECOND Fl. OO/Q Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. §¥£§2€$~” ; - , gm . ' ’ ”“75 ,v w 3.3mm mum» mam-n . ”w. ,..w.,.. uer‘mma-thx Aimmha‘ \. fl . . ‘ ‘ Floor Plans of No. 2040 “.7“ ' V "T ‘ 5‘11 | } CHAMBER " - ‘ ! CHH'MBEP /2"6:3:5~ i l //’-0& /4~'6" ' | 9 SIZE: l ‘53 '_“,. A 1 ‘ Width, 30 feet 5 lacs ‘ _ I Length, 42 feet , ‘ Pd ”IL , ,. . . 1 my: To (/3370; M O 1 ‘ CHF/MBER- 1 N p NI ; - 1 A401 /06 i i CLos 1 _L J l 1 7 - 21x 7 ; ,;—»'—,;;,g W $22.05;? SECOND FLOOF? F/RST L44 . Blue prints consist of floor plans; roof plan: from and side elevations. Complete typewritien specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2041 Floor Plans of No. 2041 DOQCH 5 'W/EE ~27-‘51— - D/N/MS‘ DOOM /6=O'x a? 16 " /1// TCHEN i ”3-63/ #0” ‘ aao’—-———. D/‘IQLOQ 13:0; MET-6' H/ML " m6 late A DODCH 9' W/w F/DS T FLOOD CHflMBE/D l 946 ’i #396" SIZE: Width, 27 feet 6 inches Length, 30 feet CAM/WEED /.?‘-0'x IFO" DEN IOL-J'i l3'6' 000/: SECOND FLOOD Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. 24 2:, ‘4‘ ,U‘Iflifflflfl ‘ / , . z,,-~;,w 1' » :1 / ' w V W». '- w ~ v House Design No. 2042 Floor -O _ 24 —1 fi/N/M: WM ”ff/VIN //-6 '- Io -0 // :0 '1 // ‘6 5313‘——-——-—' ——‘- SIZE: Width, 24 feet Length, 30 feet birmvc W/l //;0'- I7-O‘ W/Mow air l _________.. ”1757' #200? Blue prints consist of cell Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Plans of No. 2042 he! (”fl/1554’ // ‘-6 '. e -o' a fh’ if.” (hi/75:}? //16 'r 712' CHI/155’? //'0'x//- 6 0,1,? ME: I? //-0'l/J-' 7 57/1007 Ely ar and foundation plans: first and second floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. u ."m-hnam» Mmmwfiflmwww .wféifi',. 21m Floor Plans of No. 2043 (71/7/7557? (405 540'- 816' fl/fl/A/C WM // 03/2 6‘ 4/4r rv SIZE: Width, 25 feet l C/flV/‘ffif/P l/flll ll Length, 28 feet /7’\0'x ?—0' W S/If/NG W/‘I [30‘ /40‘ Cflfl/IBZVP aos 910'! /0: 6' l... —— —‘—2a-o‘——A——-————4 Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; roof plan; floor plans: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2044 Floor Plans of No. 2044 I T SIZE: Width, 34 feet Length, 38 feet 6 inches , I DOWN 01/4/7559 I will i I” l 3-515";i .___._ > . Mm J DADL OP /4 . 14' 5/ 7' TING DOOM \‘v’ CHI/VIBE? Is . //‘3' L________ ,-.-_ __] g_ F/QST FLOOQ SECOND FL 000 Blue prints consist of foundation plan: floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 204 I — ~r. ~— " HKV’N' il’vigr—‘w’ 4‘ T L: KITCHEN 5/5/71" /4’0'- /0'0' __\\; w 7-— \ m- mnror‘ . ,7: ll . . tx . - i / ‘__ ‘ (43 / \ 9 (film/:18; 1?“ D/N/NG 000M (\1 /g-o .Ios /416‘./(7‘6" ' ‘1’ I c __,, - l [l :11" in] i CLD¢ ,,___ “in“ i k l ——‘lH/h' L [JIDLOD i — 14-0". IJ‘O‘ 1 4‘ i.»- l J F s L —r-i— Jet i t___ ———28-0'~~ : DOQCH I Evil/Ill." L 5r T E! 3‘ F/QS 7' FL 000 Floor Plans of N0. 2045 SIZE: Width, 28 feet Length, 42 feet CLOSIY - CHAMBEP l4‘0”./0'6 " CHAMBER 14:0". 1316 ' B/VL CON Y SECOND FL 000 Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. L 7 ,7: my “WWW ‘A/anmr M m, , ' . V, ‘ My, 'V ‘ .7 ln ‘ w , -v W ‘ , , I ‘ " u‘rmwmm House Design No. 2046 r—_. 22 ___ T r“:- _ l -” (AV/NH 1 fr/ TC‘HE I h‘ l /o'-6'x /a' D/M/m 900M 'IOXMQ- ‘05 03 l- — HH'L z 1. 6-3 x 9 8/777/70 POO/‘7 /.5 >- House Design No. 2048 Floor Plans of No. 20-18 SIZE: Width. 30 feet Length, 32 feet CHE/”SEW ‘ —— " v £10557 (,1 gfisptr ’0 - ‘7 , ‘ won/25: spicy D/W/VG GOO/‘1 /g‘.//6 CHE/V1559 : . . 4.0-0 ,; Blue prints con- sist of *cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: front GWLCOW’ " > and side elevations. Complete type- written Specifica- , ~—- ~ ticns with each set F/ADS'f‘ x’i’. 0O? QH/Y SfCO’YD F4009 «DA/WY of plans. House Design No. 2049 fl/NWC ROOM 4702 215" 5 / 7 77/76 1700M /8076'0‘ Pfl/Y E ,- /0’0://-’5 " ”(‘96 f/ [NI/Iv mm K/ ffflf/Y Ewen/26 ' 0 UP DIN Floor 1 I I l l I fl 2 I l | l l SIZE: Width, 28 feet Length, 35 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten speci— f/gjf '17 009 ficaticns with each set of plans. Plans of No. 2049 (. . a 0 [A 0.5 — l CH/i/7Bf/7 (”/7757 wax/215 " 3-6: 8'5” 8'0 H51 1. m “.0! EHL (any l J ' r CH/7/‘7BER' . ”M 7 /2~'0 I /6 30' (74:55 ma xmo/v 9’0 L x41 6 " fl ‘ r E0 OF— JfCO/r’fl FA 00/7 -“.wm..,gwfl”abwwmgy-maiwnr ' “MN-4111A: . unvwammm'v WWW, ' . MM: 1' House Design No. 2050 - Floor Plans of No. 2050 r—--——-~-—-JJU ——-———._f E fine-- if V 3|)le 3*. 31353 3! 33 3 3 j #17 wry ——v/:: /7 1 I g 333 I 3 X x6 350 a '33‘ K) 3 3 “ (H/f/ngf fl/fi/D’G . 3 it :3 Liv/MO (405‘ FOO/7 .. i I no; [/0040 ‘ 3 _ I "Q 3 paw” R 3 51$, 3 3 E 4/14/75 flop/7 ' 3 1 0/ng477 ta; 20"91/3'0' ‘ ,__3 /‘301/2‘61 ‘ .351 3 3 __ 3 (401' 3 p u 3 3 (205 I I L ':-— fl, 3 _-__ 3 ——_l n _ ' [70/709 A9002” 8x7 W/flf E mm mm 3230/75 a 00/? t o SIZE Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: first floor and attic plan; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Length, 28 f eet Width, 33 feet House Design No. 2051 Floor Plans of No. 2051 SIZE: 1 Width, 42 feet 'I ‘ Length, 48 feet I l V? K) V? l l l 1 Orr'nnc :M Hint; ° Dwmc Doom * “1-6an I .x. < #0 m‘exflo I; , . l L ,, I V 7 ‘ Blue prints consist of cellar .5 l _.. L _:1 a ._ _ __ - __ a and foundation plans; floor '1 Damp, l pla's: roof plan; front and th.flrli~ - _ ' \ 4/ 7 , '1 side elevations. ,, r't‘wv’ffi H GOD Complete typewritten speci~ Li fications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2052 Floor Plans of N0. 2052 E>ED POOM I5 awe; EbED loin :- DINIHGDMl POOMlFL 5' Noon 5. r~ L _; 14va DOOM \\\ \§\ l EDED POOM IC) 6Xl2 6' SIZE: Width, 32 feet 6 inches Length, 29 feet 6 inches 7 l l '0 11x56 1 in l (a; 6X12 :.1 li DOQCI‘“ l -+ \9’ 52 "6 I DECOND FLOOD ,_. _,— __Ix_.¥ 777— ._ - :.______“" F’DéTFLCDl—e Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set Of plans. Floor Plans of N0. 2053 SIZE: Width, 28 feet 6 inches Length, 27 feet 6 inches DINING PM KITCHEN 12 xii. 91631!‘ Livrmc. DOOM f7—o ~15 CHAN-bi: ‘ CHAMEED \Orle lbéflg ____. (28 '6' _ _____ DODCH FiDST fiLOOD SECOND FLOOD Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2054 Cr-gAMbclz "want we; ; CHAMBEQ ll I!" Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Plans of N0. 2054 (—— T3 PAR LOQ sumo LIVING. $200M HALL bull-o 17'6‘l7 LIDRAQY :41 20‘ II l “'6 KITCHEN u-g: mus Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. SIZE: Width. 40 feet Length, 45 feet House Design No. 2055 Floor Plans ' mmc Doom: H‘o'xls 6' / 1:2” SITTING DOOM " M-é' X 1530' t_..-7f{,'_. SIZE: Width. 23 feet Length, 39 feet 6 inches Blue prints con— sist of cellar and foundation p 1 an s: first and second floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete tybe- written specifica- tions with each set of plans. of No. 2055 ..a A--._.-: CHAMDEQ l0' 6X 4’0" Ct-tflMDEQ ll" o'x 13-0“ SECOND F'L OOP DLAH Golf Club Design No. 2056 Price of P131153“ $10.00 I ,_ ‘4 I] , Specificati ms Full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished for $10.00 A golf club design—estimated cost about $1,250. Floor Plans of No. PORCH 4» ‘ "ya: l:::—__:V/P57 F100? Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; SIZE: Width, 40 feet Length, 40 feet Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. 2056 ' 5/74 CONY 1 {3/44 CO/‘r’ V t \ \ .SA'COND FL 00/? roof plan; from and side elevations. ;/ If; «.1; ‘v‘él‘.‘ ':., 'y m ~,wWwWfir4#’/7«. M House Design No. 2057 8 If ”/05 1/[AQI/Yfl/ Floor Plans of No. 4 “0/75 ma” /J-’0;/7-6 ” ii 1 6/107”!!! 5 04/00 f/PJ/ fzflflf SIZE: Width, 26 feet 6 inches Length, 26 feet 6 inches Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica— tions with each set of plans. + W 'Q 67/4/7517 l /a-’ 0.70- 0 m9; 4 C Iii/751' P 8- 6 1/2 0 u/YE 7 hi J CHI/75:4? /A.J‘gl A10 ’ (71/7/75sz /2- 6I9‘6 J[({7/vn ['nnf' House Design No. 2058 Floor Plans of No. 2058 Jlfafifl ’105’ J I ‘ fill] arse all!” (/I'g’ 1-1! h ‘ 0”?!“ WM uww‘ (out/aw “-1 D! mil? rg m H R our 'JJ - ’0 O h 4 / V/fld flan/v I (cu. , v .a Mlfl’g‘f III/7’13" I ”6:016" [(IIP/{fl/v M11 U‘Jq’d I L———-—-——aa'—————-J POIYH .o r/ 411M 1 g n Ee—j _ SIZE: Width, 41 feet Length, 40 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; rOOf plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten Specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2059 ,,.‘.‘..H Floor Plans of N0. 2059 élcoflfl /'/.00/P man nook —J.’ 0‘—— —— — ='E SIZE: N d’oyp'o (”i/7!!! ' o‘./ ' W1dth, 32 feet 1.; z u Length, 45 feet (lad fl #1“ 27;” nu (10.5 (IV/”[1,? /r"0.'/?56' (”I/VIZ! 1i47, 66' Way 4 IW/rc' POO/‘1 a/lma' 2f 0 L 26 «J " (AW/71!! (5 U ; I / ‘0 ' L——-—-————————— 45<‘0‘——-——————-J , (flirt/[fl ' duh/0' Blue prints consist of cellar I — ’_ and foundation plans; roof plan; / ”3“”), L_._ . [,0er floor plans; front and side ele— [// l vations. J Complete typewritten specifi- .____ ‘ cations with each set of plans. «w‘r‘ ‘m , mm“ 1; mu,- 37:: xi House Design No. 2060 a Floor Plan of No. 2060 35 ‘0" II H/ TCHEN \ A350,} 9‘0" (0 MC am: (-0 I (\2 CLG’ Cfi/fl/VUED L/V/NO DOOM CHHMDEQ won/6:0" 13:0'; /e'-o" /Oéo"x/6'-O" —- ‘15” Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor ' . , # SIZE /g:co)€5CT-5i" plan; roof plan: front and Width. 35 feet side elevations. Length. 26 feet “Z V _...___ 7 A Complete typewritten speci— 6 lilCheS _‘_' fications with each set of plans. m: , .v m—,«,, I _, . x ‘ >1" ‘ . x ; '- DV' 1 E 1 ‘ \ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ l Floor Plans of N0. 2061 _ \ ( / IflM/JL-LI /. 4‘9'K"6"6"" (/ ARM/JED IJ-Q'IB-fi' ( /1 1N: 01"" PM £44mu wo‘ ( HflM/M’D IU-J'. méo’ 151’:le H I399'n/2'47' (TH/M70513 l’l D W/DE :___:___:,_..._7-A,_,.17 “m"? F7557 FLOOD :: W Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. of“ SECOND FL 000 199} 62 'HIPIM saqoug 9 199} 09 ‘LDBUS'I :13le a”. ,x “unit, ». .V an House Design No. 2062 Floor l’lans of N0. 306'.) r . 7 - ~—.—r,. ‘ I I " u Ff." IF ' 1 ‘64-! ' 9 ll ‘ :_ ,7 ll 1““? i t ’l l ‘ 7/7717 ‘ / I/ ’L') m l E l ’ "—7 ' (”fl/“2}?" “I 9. a T. A} “Ind-0‘ I .4 .: g / \ l m ‘ Lu 8 tr - l '1; N “‘ [:3 l I (/7 tr) ’ ,c I I E ‘50 l l 32 z ‘ (D C l B ._l l C r-MV/WZIIP ‘ l " Bow; _. J . .— I 27:] 77' wan/MW) iii-12% til/COMO FL GOA> Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans. floor plans, roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2063 A’r’F/Hf/V // 0'. /g 0‘ Z/V/NG flay/W M 0": We " PORCH 6 Fr wzoc ..—... _, 2:67.67; 'I/RJT F1001? Pym Floor Plans of No. SlZE: Width. 26 feet Length, 29 feet Blue prints con— sist of cellar and foundation p l a n s: first and second floor p lan 5: root plan; front and side elevations. Complete type-4 written specifica- tions with each set of plans. 13.502900”; 8% u /2ia’ am MOM ”‘0 ‘ ”'0 ammo/v1 ha'o'r/l'o” ‘J‘fC‘O/YO Hoop/Gum House Design N o. 2064 Floor Plan of No. 2064 ___._.__27—'6”—————————+ ll POPC/V i /)//" (1.05, I .-- (403V /6§/:?’ \ A /V//V6‘ POO/‘7' ~M4757 /—z 00/? l C/r/sz—‘P /x/~; A5" » u .6165- 6’10" J SIZE: I Width, 27 feet l l 6 inches Length, 46 feet Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plan: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete type- written specifica- tions with each set of plans. House Design No. 2065 Floor Plans of No. 2065 (HI/VHF}? 1/07? ’6' K/fl’HE/‘Y ‘ 'l-G m-J' ‘ ‘ I D/N/IVC POO/‘1 M 6 m5 -0' [HI/1554' /J ’vo'I/z‘ <7 ‘ SIZE: Width, 27 feet Length, 44 feet NIL i. iii J27. NJ (Vii/7157f? /?-' C‘Iw' CHI/715E! IJ ‘0)?00' L/Vl/YO POO/‘7 A) 19'! 90 0’ PORCH If- 6‘ 1.406 scat/912 00! ’/ roof plan: front and side elevations. f/RJ/fLOO/P Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. HUBHR J." "21:21.7" #3 rt mrway‘ and/mum”. 7‘" "V " tww: . ' House Design N 0 2066 Fioor [Hans of P§o. 2066 DOPCH "WK Blue prints con- my sist of ceilar and CHAMDE? foundation plans; Iii-{IMF- II' floor pians: roof plan: front and KITCHEN I : sideeievations. Lo,“ w CHAMBER H16} tilb' CHAMbEF? H-‘t'l m _. '.' '.' ‘ 5 1 Complete type- J ' ——7 IO 4‘11 q, (Loss writtenspecifica~ "M" L tions with each set of plans. I§;§?IHAILD " CHAMbeg ”'4' I‘— Binary? pegyi L‘lxthz iclagm M. o GI‘jAI’IbEB ll- 1~ 5- GM .1’1—6xl5-0 CLOSET [V loo? SIZE: Width, 30 feet 6 inches FiP5T FLOOR oacoND FLOOR Length, 36 feet 6 inches W; w ,5}; t. vmm ., .M {r House Design No. 2067 Floor Plans of No. 2067 _ JTOOPV l ,_ __ _ _ ———.\1-0—— — 0 A e 5 PA CHAMBER '°"' ITCF’EN. . I ir-u'nil CHAMbE? WM mu l ll-l x lb- G CLOéET (v on» .n, ..._ l CHI-WM“? . . . I _ '1 ”‘llkfi'oz1 lo-lfild', l a v, 000' "P i E 8 i DlNlNCx 2M .. £3 “‘ ‘ LiviNgx NC.”l Io-o'ualc' [ Lu NR1 ‘ 15-6 “5- 'L [\j "if L. ‘ CHAMBER (HAM-bl?- . I (n 45 a} w-lohnlo' w-gohn-o 5 (min '9 53) “ CLO! ~' A 3 .—J l (A? Dozen FIRST FLOOQ l.._. Blueprints consist of cellar and foundation plans; roof plan: floor plans: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. C House Design N 0. 2068 Floor Plans of No. 2068 SIZE: Width, 18 feet 7T Length. 22 feet l CHHMBLER I I'll ox 5—4" l LIVING POOM :l‘ iok'fx i4! 0' l ‘0 p ‘m' CLOJET g: I” HALL— l N ‘ CLOJET / Blue prints consist 3??* ‘ of cellar and foundation ‘ plans; floor plans: roof CHANDE? PORCH: l plan: . front and side ”‘0 )4 $4: elevations. l Complete typewrit— c—~L»— i ten specifications with FIRST-ZELOOQ “7’ each set of plans. SECON D FLOOR rum/H w , mmw " Tur- J'MW (M 1 m/r/ H WNW/W [)1 ”"n ,I “My .5...” WVLmy/Mfllw-ydn 5 *f! '\x, 14%; mm m. ”mom-cm W...” w - ‘anwrmw~muww1 ~ m mm 17": WNW/Wm ‘ . ~ . ‘ ., 1.41m House Design No. 2069 Floor Plans of No. 2069 ._*_Q— V ‘T . _ t CLOSEY CHAMBER I2-o'XJO-O KITCHEN/N . f. (fl lOOmQ [ ammo ROOM 1 12-ox17-o' SIZE: Width, 30 feet 6 inches Length, 39 feet l Lil/{NC Coon . | yo-qm'o icmmasp IZ'O'X/l-O' .srwuo Ftoog- Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. ...‘ Dun-1mm unba‘iril-Wrwxm 14mm , mm: L‘hafl—«m‘WJWWWWMg House Design No. 2070 Floor l _ bohil’fifl 3 mac \ POPC 1:" ‘ SEAY J. u @/ ' HALL, , l 'Ll“¢'xl5'0 ms ‘ | ‘1.— ::_:I::_:Ip . "’m‘” ‘ l\ (NINA (LG! {l PADLOQ 01?th Egoom 1" X1 L3 ‘ 0'01 ' 99201 H a: 7 ts-wmr ] ”‘1 -'__—_~——=—— — um F'IQST FLOOR l SIZE: Width, 50 feet Length, 35 feet R00? u u l a r n x “ v CHAMEE? 15-03! ”—0 r anMbEg n-‘I'xlfi'é etcoun r1092. , Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. __ W., m W me,m~mmm House Design No. 2073 Floor Plans of No. 2073 SIZE: Width, 28 feet ___..' Length, 36 feet 6 inches 0311; I KITCHEN CHAMQEE it-o'xiolo' ii—bxio-o o ._ J t ' . manure ' I 5', | Homo-o ‘ loan , (L05! C 05!? 1.“!!th Room rALcouv HALL bALcom 14-6 mole I lNlh-IG‘QOQM l l mom-o “AWE? cHAMbER | “'5XH" “WHO-O- I ‘ I CLOJI’. I -r I 4»— —- —-—- —-— zo-o— —— -— 4- PORCH (pop j t ‘ T FLOOR E Em ‘ JECOND FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2074 [:77 l y W ~«4 Pt._T_ l , , ‘ Q t """ “77mm HALL .‘ Ik‘u x L) o l‘l \q .{ P) ’ m l , / H J 7 —Id Floor Plans of N0. 2074 \\ um: / ‘ / / \\ / wrwg "ML 0 ‘ 1 AS U ,\ a t) 1 11 ~— ———————40¢1—— ”am “a .1 ‘ ‘ 1t *4 f'nfu‘H , :zé‘wmc, l: ‘ KlTCHEH 1t ‘ IU'ON-SU ‘ \ CHAMBER wax/.510 t OIMHC ROOM vz-ox «H; TERRACE .dflwibl l / SITTING POOM wnmam ‘ l4 cxzo- a /t CfiQMBER, _ _ ‘ :2 O'x x2-q ‘ ' VERANDA M x H; q Home: l '1 5’ W'Di srormc: ‘ I . . ‘ t _ __w__ , l , I pSY FLOOR \WE SECOND rLoun l l c_.;;;_ H s__.__‘, Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. SIZE Width, 40 feet 6 inches Length, 35 feet fl “5‘”? EU 1y , ‘ , - k: , yr"? 7v. fa“ pro ,u wwu‘mw w‘nmrwv-I- m’méfi Mnemusmmm House Design No. 2075 3;! i . M WW1~-/->"‘-‘ ‘l 7 was“ ‘ m My, 7 3757 ’1' « m'w‘w‘ Exam. I 4 Floor Plans CHAMBER 1101120 CHAMBER :20] It 0 Blue pVints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. —J7‘———_———J of No. 2075 ROG 0.00:1 um I (no Mu. Q _(,HAM5CR “m 12 a l M " CHAMBE Q Ian'- :00 CLOQCT ROOF Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. 51W“ l CHAMECR :2 0; m 6 (L061?! DELOND FLOOR. SIZE Width, 42 feet Length, 29 feet 6 inches House Design N 0. 2076 Floor Plan of No. 2076 SIZE: Width, 42 feet Length, 27 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plan: front and side elevations, Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. Mimic: s: ~ “mm 9‘ >: I u...“ ms: Al: new” . ‘ 1 House Design No. 2077 l “ mi; 1 CHAMQER ..i« i ne'in-t, ,_M x m w 4 _ EXEC-.0131 PEER: \ Ll'J‘NC. ROOM l7 ( XML 0 Haor Plans of No. 2077 UPPCQ PART OF" LIVING RCCMi SIZE: Width, 44 feet Length, 55 feet 6 inches Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: roof plan; floor plans; front and side ele— vations. Complete typewritten specifi- cations with each set of plans. Floor Plans of No. 2078 4 / Mt"i_‘v4l’l Io‘r to L‘IVINC‘. RCL: M 266 C CH/KMBER lay. IO CHAN” R m to x m N .2 9 Length. 27 feet 6) inches “.V i :itli. SECOND “00“ FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations, Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2079 4. i _- . 4 ._~LN....N» ; «.m, thHEN uéxww CHAMBER Izdnso UWNURWM ITOVde PORCH Floor Plans of No. 2079 SIZE: Width, 33 feet 6 inches Length, 48 feet 6 inches Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation p la n 5: floor plans: r o of plan; front and side elevations. Complete t yp e— written specifica— tions with each set of plans. t lJ‘él I0- i t l CHAMBER wdnso CI. 05 CRANBER l'f‘O'X H'O BALCONY o'EFh/N‘fl’ S ROOM“ 0' ‘ CHAMBER rswiuw K ——_;.1a 1"" House Design No. 2080 Floor Plans of No. 2080 _ 7—, 7'— , 1 F . . i . ‘ l l 0A1?" ‘ 4? oxa-o ‘ T H TFHEH ‘ A ' l 1‘ CHéy‘SbE‘D i Y j g, , A; ‘TOx ‘6 CHAMBER ‘7 7‘ MLJ 00x30 : ‘ i l '5_O.xmi_o, r | l L l 'i . is, - i "' ’D'WNC. HOOP! ., ,1; SIZE' ,_,_ O , IS'rO‘ML' O" i *1- C'HA,MQCP [ i Width, 25 feet \ "°“"° | : 6 inches » i l — ' '" l l Length, 42 feet ,, HAL cm . CLQS ”‘ 0.0.5 I 6 inches l l I‘ADK‘OP _ l ‘ 1 H vb‘O'NJ'O ‘CHvLD'é BM CHAMbEn a! 3:15:30 I l q-o'va-o' Ib-o'sz-o' by {0.0 l ‘ L \ I —-—3'V_V I "N V ' "T'RE __J -r—w~ »as-L~‘i—-'L——4 [ ("SUCH I6 '9 .l ' .l 2— 't— -l *1 -—:' _;;‘_._ 'occcro FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: roof plan; floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. _ w: mm «3m, House Floor Plans of No. 2081 l Hl‘rcnzn .4 SO’II‘L—o‘ pom: [— _~ I r r ’_ / . 15 a SM, .| ) I v Cnmoco F‘ ‘9 Diem-o” ‘21' SIZE: LIVINGDDOM ! Wldlh, 21 feet 1°‘°’16‘° | Length. 41 feet i 6 inches (”more lb-s'lfllo' i _L Clo Clo. Death CHAr-‘eze 1o-o'rlllé‘ FIDSTFU JECOHD FLOOR Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. :._,l __ __ _ 23101.. _. _ _> {MU/[N 03631313” [7» Na Fad/4. * Ufa X //—'o * PA/C’LOP midi/250" 6—— —— —23'—J‘— -———- ————-——-—~—~—) l'; Al F/PST FA GOP/DA AN .. _...‘, Floor Plans of D§o. SIZE: Width. 23 feet Length. 29 feet 3 inches Blue prints con— sist of cellar and foundation pl an 5; floor plans; r o of plan: front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica— tions with each set of plans. 2082 01-03445pr ’ 1410 ans—3’ c‘Z CHAMEEP /o$6 Sta-'6 CHAMaz P M50 "1/01 5 BALCONY SECOND X'ZOOF‘ House Design No. 2083 Floor Plan of N0. 2083 ltapab .J (fig/V5512 do 3r 5- a ‘ ._|__ _. l l l , 4 /////V6‘ POO/‘7 (HQ/7495? /€-0k/4—0 ' 5-cx/4o' Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: roof plan; floor plan: front and side ele— SlZE: . ‘ vaticns. Width, 28 feet , A, -—'—:'—~ " Complete typewritten specifi- Length. 26 feet E nesrx-TLOOPDAQM cations with each set of plans. ' mm W. 9mm ’r by, Mfr-*5 ' House Design No. 2084 Floor Plans of N0. Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plans; first and second floor plans; roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica- tions with each set 2084 SIZE: Width, 25 feet Length, 36 feet 6 inches 5: | CHAMBER 10-6 l: 14 ~b‘ it)“ / lelZ Door DECOI‘ID FLOOD l of plans. l l l o _. l l I L- ' ’ 2.5 _\._ _ .4 PCDCH FWST : FLOOD - L T ' l- n L_:_; _“ fl: . House Design No.2085 Floor Plans of No. 2085 LIVING DM- .5'xzo' 6' ' ‘ I bEDPOOM l t4'x15 Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specificatiors with each set of plans. SIZE: Width, 39 feet Length, 34 feet 6 inches House Design No. 2086 ' l:)llilllG:«‘Y’t l..l\/ll‘l(:lv0{_ll’l 12x13, t9 x 22-6 C’ClDQl’l " .‘)[A'7' t K; , t Ear-x; _H _- _. . A/ ”l '5‘ Nit/L _» c __:':': FIN 51' FLOOD Floor Plans of No. 2086 SIZE: Width, 29 feet 6 inches Length, 36 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten speci- fications with each set of plans. ‘ '''' / bED Poem I'D fixlfi' 6'. House Design of No. 2087 1 Floor Plans of No. 2087 t—-—— — 340—» ——~--— -—~t l ENT l LIVING-DOOM HITCMEH all DED DOG I4-6xio‘ - ‘9 6X‘OM e 1e x13) 6 Q ' ' Cv-‘-. - | CL. I—-~ T'eflac """ -- — l I .2" 11.“:de c a DQPCM- bEPEOOM ,22~6'>»l lgl .r ‘ ' .»;:;;:_1__:,«; ; g2: -- ~. \\\ l /f: : ATTIC _ V _ L-———————-' Put Pt Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. SIZE: Width, 27 feet 6 inches Length, 21 feet 6 inches 2:11:51? £3.15 House Design No. 2089 , . 'M A(Ar~ Floor Plans of No. 2081) DIHH‘XCI Poor"! ‘ 7‘ , ‘r CHAMDEQ textile I " 7 ‘ ' '76” F;:_j_l SlZE: ll ; 3, Width. 32 feet 1' p “ Length, 35 feet LIX/1PM; POOH it t 6inches CHAmeED Z’z'x like; ‘ l lztéflg “l I / . In a l .a_ "f- . '—‘., — I - 4“,,— ”__.-l _ _, 7 1710:, __' -_ _K‘ a Pope-1 ll flfr+ _ fl - _, VA V. J W. V7 7 7 ,, ,,,,_, _, _. _:‘_' ,VIIFIPQ'T E‘Loop X _(I _7 3: LI,“ _,—, 7W4 \ uELCOI‘lD FLOOF? Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2090 . Floor Plans of No. 2090 ‘ I \rf‘x, 7‘? ‘panlrl M SIZE: Poor 3l’l’chr—1Et‘tl’wfi‘r l Width. 27 feet ? ma ale-Xméfimlilf? .‘ ‘ Length, 38 feet \ ‘ 6 inches ____ ,_ J C o C 03 cl [ “ DINING Poor/i m “0”" . l lblxl5' \9 l CHAMbEP 3') " l’Z'XS' r") _ _ l CHAMBER ~ [2-6345 '7 "" [3'6 Blue prints con- 0 n _ HALL. I sist of cellar and foundation plan 5; IE P [j l floor plans: r o of HALL - gal—bio I plan: fr 0 n t an d l pOPCH l side elevations. l l Complete t yp e— STORAGE I _ 1 written specifica— . l tions with each set P°°I . L_.____27:o-_.fE5T_ :LQQFJ of plans. _._.....___ _ _ econo FLOOR e u House Design No. 2091 x V , , ‘ ., D/N/NG Rom // 0" 1 NW” Pfl/x’wR H/iu /2'0’~ M’é‘ flfr‘JT F1000 Floor Plans of No. 2091 SIZE: Width, 22 feet 4 inches Length. 29 feet 6 inches (HflMBE/P 41'0". /o’o' (“If/U785)? l3 9' - /4'o‘ \ Jim/VD new? Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. w m ,5, ,/ I JMUerr-"J m ”1,, WW” L W m, ' mum/"Mm House Design No. 2092 Floor Plans of No. 2092 Fll’l CHEN I-Lb'u9 DODCH '9 ‘t’—————’-F.ic;sT FLO op DLAN SECOND FLOOP DLAN SIZE: Width, 33 feet 6 inches Length. 31 feet Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plans; roof plan; floor p‘ans: front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica— tions with each set of plans. House Design N o. 2093 - , ”awaynr -_‘._.« ,fiw«flfl4fi , Floor Plans of N0. 2093 r———__ .950 J70; __ "W l 'gl M l 5 n lTCflf/Y Mg I [17/1 51/71/76 #00” Ioolo'a' cam | /2'-a“.//-’o' ’ '4, l ‘ ll ., A“ a0, ‘9 a t 'l‘ a0 9" (La k t_‘ SlZE. It warn/are 5 § , ‘ WlCl l1, 28 fee Fifijfv. 3. L t h 24 f t , (xv/”rat! (WI/VIZ! ’ *3 ””44 en t , eet . - '. - . " ' §i /J»‘5"./o'-o' I g // 6’” a 470: n 5 at h 1 3:17 —— nrsr r; 00,? Pair” JA'tO/YJ I /0:0'4I° o 400’ Ill (0/77 ' LEO: Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. s._._— . House Design No. 2094 Floor Plans of No. 2094 J/IIJ V65 (/7! 10.5 wax/r6“ too/v (HY/f!” U Me; xJ-a' A26; A25 SIZE: Width, 29 feet Length, 29 feet / (mag, Jun/n: pop/v I/driv‘ ,):6;/fa“ l |.-___ ....—. ———- ——29-‘o-‘——— —- —*l f/ldf I" 00’ J1 psi/N6 9’0? 50’ (NI/VIII} //- 6} 0-0" III N’. (//:g’{1=0 era~a f1 (70’ Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. w , m”, House Design No. 2095. Floor Plans of No. 2095 SIZE: Width, 29 feet Length, 29 feet I , , . "M 1/41‘ I A" , VA: ‘ ‘A If? .1 “ALJ 1‘ t / ‘ 4 xx/x’r/rr/y ‘ / 1 .qu fl/M/Ylf; 2200/7 l ‘ /4»’0}a:/0 , (217g; 5“ /\j"01/a‘0 ‘ ‘ I ‘ — tag/46 1200/7 , 316-0 1 /4 30 ” I Jiflf L————————320“~———— fl - B E {h _ it y a ‘ J-r x that H ‘ V __ ,._ I CHfl/Vif/P I“ ,, _ KCll / . /d?-'6J/J-'6" [IV/”6% ‘, . pom. § l /. [04770, 8-9136 \ J I 1[ /06 / J I . Lula} I l ' J‘ l ' Blue prints consist of cel- ' lar and foundation plan; floor EIZCfl/V)’ plans; front and side eleva— . tions. _‘——_::'—J Complete typewritten spe- L fl cifications with each set of f/FJf f1 00/? Jé‘CO/Yfl x7 001’ plans. N o. 2096 House Design 47/07/76 Mm .{ /210; /2 ; 0 ”5:74 0/?" I/‘6x/J'6 PQ/PCH 62’ ‘ VV/flf K/TC /0-’6}/2'6" ————— 32'0’4— -—— ”1757 F190? Floor Plans of No. awe/7507 m - 5x /4 I Q” CLO.) CLO (”Maze /0-0x U '6 JfCfl/YI F400;? (”fl/v54? /2-'0 3r 9' 6 2096 SIZE: Width, 24 feet Length, 32 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten speci- fications with each set of plans. W»... Mflrnp‘wWA-M l'. , House Desigfi No. 2097 1 3| ‘ l l l l 10701177 Af'OA/WO ” fl/fll/YK 4700/7 /¢ 0. /4 -fl (”xx/7.9:? ‘ /4 0 /4- '0 l l A/V/fl’f 1/00” A; 0.4)- -0 _ __ _ __AVA._ __42‘O:_i_.%_ _ —‘i F/AVJf a 09,? Floor Plans of N0. SIZE: Width. 28 feet Length, 42 feet 6 inches 2097 \ l l l (Hi/YEA”? I //- 5.766 I I l (AW/viz? l 42- '6;//- 6" ““1 z 0 #27 4 41/1 5W" I Q ‘ , If 1\ ’ (xvi/V5472 —: /6' 61/2‘ 0" ”Ila! [%~ l-“— Tl l l 5/71 Cd/Y)’ Lb:::—‘_“ H. 3::t:f ' ==‘J Java/y; x2 00,? Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. ,W WW" House Design No. 2098 SIZE: Width. 24 feet Length, 36 feet m/T/Mw ”bi/450' Floor Plans of N0. 2098 ‘f I/fl/flé‘ 0'7 //—‘0 }/4 ’0 ' air/476 A’Qd/Y /J-0 ,4: o PQIC/f 8 /" 1‘ W/flf flfJf/‘AOGA’ l —aa~'ov—— ~—— —— ._.1 a 06‘ (fl/flifzfi /40}9=a 19/11. (AI/x7559 , ”fa/2:0” _ Ill ~ am I (xvi/175:4" ”3011330 ' fl/flt 0/7)’ [00/ JA’CO/Yfl /Z 00/? Blue prints con- sist of floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica- tions with each set of plans. , ' , ,r A ‘ , , ., , , V ' .1 n'l'f‘fifirflx‘hv MM , ~ , 1- ,, . ‘1‘ 19*» ,M ’3.AV..A.J1'.?,§;M.H ' K \ 1“”! 'r I ha L.‘ l w Hounse Design No. 2099 Floor Plans of No. 2099 —] SIZE: I Width. 31 feet Length, 48 feet (VI/f”!!! ‘ xi 1 "a A: 'a ‘ ‘ (XII/VIII? A"! '1 /( ‘a ' (Afr/VIII? 472a!" ' M”? 1m” zt-a '44: a ‘ nt’~~’ 0"? raw/7:11? xx ’a ere- a ' ”fir/PI _.. 1:55" 15 ”ff/‘9”. l flax/ta (/V/(Xr' lav/V Ar air /N “ JIMfll/zM'M/x Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2100 T—_— ——.22v=-— —— —-; l l I ‘ {Ill/71917? I ; moi/929' L_ r - Iaw F3" PI/I/A’)’ l 1 » 9/7/wa \ :I mm»- ‘ ”(6’12” 1 E «wad J/rrm’c Ava/v 41-8; >0 '0 ' ”(Bluff 2016'” 7/7' ”/01. ”fluff/2 001’ ———+ Flaor Plans of N0. 2100 .0____.________J L______3g. SIZE Width, 29 feet Length. 39 feet Ma r “ l l O l I «M ‘ awry/4;?“ ‘ 532”“ mi”: l /‘75«/7"0 am, 75,7927 ”(MI/200’? Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2101 Floor Plans of No. 2101 ———_—) he _________ t. 1‘. i 5; I”?! JFK! F477! fl/ (ff/l” | 7 / MOM/0 _____ ' SIZE: WW ’ Width. 41 feet ' L__J | 3 inches Ill/(6M! (Iii/751;? ”ZS/75.2027 Length, 29 feet 260,2/0-‘6‘ y/r/{rcfcm 6 inches L /J 6‘. A16" [ff/f fifflflf I’AI/f Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2102 Pli/ 0,? Mei/o '0‘ r—-—- a; '6—'—— —— POPC/‘f r’OW/fll ‘___._ f/l’ff f1 00/? Floor Plans of No. SIZE: Width, 20 feet Length, 45 feet Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewrit- ten specifications with each set of plans. 4’00," (Ml/Vii»? (,MMS- -"o [4700/— dA'CO/YI li/OOP House Design No. 2103 Floor Plans of No. 2103 , Yea“— —— ~i 5:71 \ ‘ / - , ‘3 _ ~ ‘ I , ‘ '3 512:: ‘ px/g/{yc/ng , u ‘ 9| // 0,0 .9 ‘ I‘: Width, 22 feet 6 inches A ”war/,7 ‘ ‘ l , l Length,33 feet ‘1 /&0}/r'kj,'_\_‘ 3 ‘ j 1‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ '[f/‘di E75932? __ 9 90mm; ‘ x: l) ,, l :3 E 4 i '1 l ¥ 5 7"‘1 " l‘ 3 ”Hal id J/ff/Wé‘A’OO/V } __4 ___ l /£~’Q;/656" II I y/r/ ‘ 'li ,Zé’fgw if: V f .7 j A’ Q‘, Blue prints consist m, 4' f - . _ l J K /6Lj,/,,flj of cellar and foundation V "‘ E ‘3 plans; floor plans; roof y) 3 plan: front and side I u elevations. . ‘ £3; / Complete typewrit— lg'mfi _ ”' "" " '_1_‘;\ ten specifications with r/IPJr /2 cap \JEKO/Yfl iz 00/? each set of plans. House Design No. 2104 Floor Plans of No. 2104 SlZE: Width, 29 feet Length. 44 feet 6 inches CAK‘F’ATEf/P /!45 'I/J‘Jé' l / 2737/ t t flap/- H l l ‘l I ___ VJ , v 7 J , ,, , 7 I :' 5550/7: Fléc/F fifl/r s,:”fi _’ //‘,‘flj/ ffaj/V #247 l: ' Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2105 Floor Plans of No. 2105 4 7’7 9’6 fflng/ 17/? 61/6 L7 mrz/«r/r A ‘6,” 6 ,i Ava/+7 A i 1/1/01; xf’KK/‘f l6 6 1/3} 6 6772 (”F // 1?} /¥ "O ' i- —— -——87'0'— _ _ J/ '6' Mi!” 9 ‘0 "I V/flf fl/Jf/Zflflf SIZE: Width. 31 feet Length, 27 feet Blue prints con— sist of cellar and foundation plans; roof plan; floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica- tions with each set of plans. F7 ""91”--.“ w (16/. J 64/5/77 51” 6” l- A'WLOIJLO‘ ' (fl’i/V/Zi’l WW "—4 55:57 ////z/ gr) . m '7 , _, , ,j I .,__ I ' Tia ' 61.21 (Inf l : r ~_ ___ 7- 6.. [flf‘c’iffl’ //6//J’6 67/6/4527? :’ /’/6/// 6 — 64v Fat/— l Ji66flfl /Z 06,? mummy": . House Design No. 2106 Floor Plans of No. 2106 SIZE: Length, 30 feet Width, 32 feet 0/4/7551: :3 0%17030' ‘ (”may 6/74/7559 C‘ 0/07/76 ADM/v /3{"X/J-'0" /ffl"X(}V' ¥ ’- o'v'X/J-‘d‘ ‘ l- _, J , {MT/y 0‘ Il- n Will-4" (LI/5 16105 L 11.“: ”FM :43; l' ll L /V//76‘ pan/7 0/4/7550 :' 29-12- X “W. //-’6"X/J-W" 074/755? 4‘: WM" {3 . . I C Blue prints 00mm! of 7 « -_ 7 cellar and foundation plan; f/psr ram 545mg new floor plans; roof plan; front 0590/ // :a ' rm: and side elevations. Gofiaplete typewritten specifications with each _ .../Set of plans. Pflflf‘ House Design No. 2107 Floor Plans of No. 2107 SIZE: Width, 36 feet Length, 24 feet III 'III‘ ' swig!“ l [73?] [2’1 Cl-M/‘IBER C HAP/BE R ”34' x /3‘- 4' 510'): ”ii urmc man 27:0 z__.__. 7355' er-o' fl/lY/IYC IP00” CHAMBER CH/MBM 126A mic" «if; /216' 6/716'0/1! \ kéifizfé 0220‘ ZEN Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plans: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. \ mm ,"'Ww;_._..r< ‘1 WEWE House Design No. 2108 Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans; roof plan; front and side elevations. fl//{‘/‘// W //()/a a" ‘ t ,I’IJ/A’K V // (r 1 ‘1 ‘ Floor Plans ,ruu J« 777/76 I750” flak/.134" pfl/uofi /V ‘a "x l.) '0" —J‘ L 0“ SIZE: Width, 24 feet Length, 36 feet £72.: 2' f7 00/? Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. of No. 2108 fflfl/ffif I? /?-b",r/J-'o" {2 DJ 4/71 (0/7: JIC'O/YO Army 3% my House Design No. 2109 h. M.» 41 “fa - ‘ ' * may a Floor Plans of No. 2109 T l was new u E l l l 3 i ; Width. 25 feet 3 inches 1‘.___u ——-~ ~, __:7, new Length, 44 feet "I l U , 'MJMM ””711 Jfl l! F7/JJ " z (x c t 3. mnwnv ll‘ r ”fig!” (woe/70:» W3, ‘ ” /)-l'l?6 ‘ 117>9 ) /.1‘ 0 l V I Wu own/v: POO/1 l 3 7A 4),) ' l 1J0 11.10 :I SlZE' 5 l .~__. l ' "F 5 ‘5 l Ia’ l l t _ ((17.1 i 19,9010)? 1‘ J, ‘ t i, C” .«o- 9’; 41" ”/71: {‘51 s s~ I ' v t , r/I/IMEIF t y, C /J(;/c¢ t u ‘ r-—- t i 11 ‘J 3 /201/lv 9 t i l_ a t o i q | ‘ .u a) t b .:_. 7 < c. u h I — _ - 1 l I T , ——~ —.-2; 1‘ W __.4 PO/Pr‘)’ 1 0/71’0/7’ , a 0 Wu]; Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: roof plan; floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. g‘fikf' ' m M, _ ‘93 House Design No. 2110 Floor Plans of No. 2110 SIZE: Width, 34 feet 6 inches Length, 34 feet 6 inches IMF“? l i (/r/V/‘nfil/P /2-0 A IJ'O V: Show: 70 :- 7-4: ll / ‘ ‘ ("Ii/454‘»; /0-‘ l I? 0 Q” . ”i " 1.“ 7 A r ‘ V1 gnr~ [Jay/v , i -— . J ‘SUA'SOI‘ I‘A/J-O ‘17}, l i I .- as l t ”/0," l ‘ ,_ A, ‘ l c ‘ . i 1 -, i , ‘ l C‘ 1 pwnor? 3, ‘ wfl;z , l ii ‘ V ”Mn/76 M00” l' y ‘l t l ‘ 3‘ xe-c A /7-0' ‘9 —- l a " l _ k , u WWH ,_______ v 3‘1 IP-t A are lit ‘ , (”fl/1"“)? ’ l (”fl/VB: l \q l “' l ‘ ‘ l ‘ , ( //-c l 1:0 l , //-0 A Ali-0 . l -;.:' 1-, .1 '——"—‘—7:‘_" A”, "7” _. ' 7*.ch ""0/70 ’100/f Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2111 Floor Plans of No. 2111 ‘T I SIZE: ' 6%” if? 75%? Width, 32 feet ,/g;_,6. Length, 29 feet fl/Wfl’é‘fm 6 inches /J 017/ ’0' .1 flfl’z 0/? ”vi/J40 ' 67/44:!fo //'€/ZU:0' Blue prints con- . tfl/f/if/P 5151 of cellar and /.9’6‘}U"0" foundation pl an s; first and second floor plan 5: roof plan; front and side elevations. Complete type— written specifica- tions with each set of plans. z/W/ram ”30; /J-'o ' fl/Zl <90; //"0 ' ————29"a————— I; (or; J[// —-—— -————.22-'o- M/FK/i’ /0"€ W79! i/zt'fl/V)’ fiff/flofl? . HAW , . max. ._ Floor Plans of No. 2112 ______# m1 ; ”a ._ SIZE: l : ‘ Width, 35 feet ,_ “J?!“ ,l 1 l i , ”WLR'J4‘T lug, Length, 30 feet 6 inches i """ llumil “(“71 J Li/Yflgyl ‘ m 7 47/ 014w « j m (“.- //- s ' l J/i////?[J/Y 7-?) Mil arm/c fire/Y 7:» ‘_J (ii/V667? (f/I/‘IBI/P i l n1 o“; Ir'o' i wig”; 4440' I , xria'z u-‘a' \K‘k ///7é 1. (697/7517 x‘? A ////r'(‘ .ImflO/‘l xr'o‘: aria" }| (xx/mar»? ‘ l‘l mic} /a-5' ‘ //-.'/ ,"r /7—/' ‘ zen/2r // I' t ”/0? Ei_:";‘jp ,. 77 7.ll' I l , _ ‘ ///rj/ /('<‘(‘/? _ 7-7, , ”1 Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: roof plan: front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. House Design No. 2113 Floor Plans of No. 2113 re *fi j l ‘ /a (fir/c. l ,_, V .. ..._ t l mum/01 ’7 i . ‘ Mr/n "s \\ L , ‘ Inn 3’ __,, 1"." Q7 ‘1 .s" 1, H, , i , . 7 , q i ,_l_f__ i,» t e. ! Pl J (/n W/z/z x? I “MN/M” j l'l I : cam/J2: I Maw/ff l w :l ~ ‘I W l t - ‘ 1, [ Rh?” —- d~ ,- 3”” fl 1 l ; l c 1/ «31/ l l - u . :‘ l Tl I; fiflZCO/YY' l‘ }l t ‘ l t 1 ll ‘ ii ; . _ l l ‘ ‘l t§_~_.0 .,,,#s_,‘ Q 3:; "10“, l ‘- fl , - w a 7A-“ —:—-- ‘ \ , ,_- V, l ///r_v;r 54ch LL » :AAA 77‘, W —:~F A ___T—JJ W V W V .{f‘fO/YI/LCOW Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; floor plans; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. SIZE: Width. 32 feet Length. 32 feet House Design No, 2114 Floor Plans of No. 2114 guy/fig I700” ' ' i ll f/V/Vfidf/V (‘03 /go 1 ”-6 SIZE: Width, 30 feet Length, 38 feet Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plans; floor plans; ro of plan; front and side elevations. Complete type- 'wri t t e n specifica— tions with each set of plans. House Design No. 2115 ‘ Floor Plans of N0. 2115 l ‘. l .l SIZE: Width, 43 feet Length, 30 feet 6 inches J raw/(4' l L” l dire/VJ A/aa»? : t t . __------__..J Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plans: floor plans: rocf plan; front and side elevations. Complete typewritten specifications with each set of plans. ABOUT REVERSAL OF PLANS We frequently receive letters from builders who would like a certain plan if it could be furnished reversed. This is a matter very easily handled by any contractor who understands his business. If you so desire we can furnish a reversed blue print at the regu- lar price showing the figures reversed, which might be confusing to the carpenter. To overcome this difficulty, however, it would be better to order an extra set of blue prints printed correctly at an extra cost of $2.50. ABOUT ALTERATIONS It is seldom a builder finds a design and floor plans that do not require slight changes. When the- general exterior dimensions are undisturbed this can be arranged with your contractor by attaching an agreement to your original contract with him, stating the changes to be made. ' This can be done without impairing your contract in the least. $5.00 SKETCH OFFER To accommodate those of our patrons who are unable to make a selection from our large list of stock designs, for $5.00 we will make a study in rough to consist of floor plans drawn to scale and perspective illustrating how the house will look when built. However, to do this it will be necessary for us to know the character of house you intend building, by asking you to answer the questions required *and make a rough pencil sketch of floor plans, giving dimensions of rooms. etc. After your sketch is completed we will inform you as to the additional cost of complete working plans, specifications, etc. Our main object in making this slight charge is to convince us you mean business and only includes actual time expended. Which Design suits you best ? ........... - ......................... Which Floor Plan ? . . .. . . ........................... ‘ ......... What Size is Lot ? ............................................. WillHousebe BrickorFrame?............................; What Adjoins Lot 9 ............................................ How Many Rooms are Wanted? ................................ How will you Heat ? ............................................ tn _. M: —« mews. Oneor Two Stories, and what Height? ...... .. W‘hat Height is Lot Above Street ? ........ . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . GiveApproximate Limit of Cost ...... Do you want Tank in Attic .................................... Do you want Attic Floored? ................ . .................. Do'you want Cellar. and where? ............................. Do you want Laundry and where ? ............................. Plain or Oranamental Design? ................................... What Interior Finish? ................................ . ........ Is Lot High, Low or Sloping P ...................... . ........... Are Outside Walls to be Sheathed and Papered ? ...... . . . . ..... Do you like Stained-Shingle eflects ?. . . ......................... When do you intend to build P. . . ............................ How Large is Cellar to be ? .................................... Do you have Sewers ? ............ - .............................. How many fire-places are wanted. and in what rooms ? ........... . Do you want Brick or Stone Foundation ? ................. Do you want L ellar Bottom Cemented ?. . . . . ................... Do you want Cistern? ........................................ Do you want Cess I’ool ?. . . . . . ............................... Do you want any rooms finished in Attic ?.. . . .. . ................ Do you want Shingle, Tin or Slate Roof? ....................... Do you want Inside 0r Outside Blinds? ......................... Do you want Transoms over Second Story Doors? .......... Ha1e you City \Vater supply ........... . _ . .............. Do you want full Plumbing in B:1th- Room? ...................... Do you want House I’iped for Gas ....................... Do you want House \Vired for Electricity? ...................... Do you want Paintingr Two or Three Coats ? ................. \Vhich way will House Face ? .............................. Is it a Corner or Center Lot ? .......................... . . Do you want Double 1 loors; if so, do you want Deafening Felt put between same? . . . . . . ............................ Do you want any Hardwood F;loors if so, what r: m ns :1 .1d what kinds of woods? .................................................. Have you any objections to shingling second story, side walls or gables ? ~ \Vhat kind of woods do you want rooms finished in .3 ........... modem (tarpentrv AD’VIXNCED SERIES Z 5139 fired at. modgson =2 This is a continuation of Mr. Hodgson’s first volume on Modern Carpentry and is intended to carry the student to a higher plane than is reached by the first volume. The first volume of this series may be considered as the al- MODERN ‘ RPEN T- a ADVAN§ED SERIES 'l phabet of the science of car- . , pentry and joinery, while the present volume leads the stu- dent into the intricacies of the art and shows how certain difficult problems may be solved with a minimum of labor. Every progressive workman e and especially those who have purchased the first volume of this series cannot afford to be without this volume, as it con- tains so many things necessary the advanced workman should know, and that is likely to crop up at any time during his daily labors. The work is well illustrated with over 100 diagrams, sketches and scale drawings which are fully described and explained in the text. Many puzzling working problems are shown, described and solved. This is truly a valuable aid and assrstant for the progressive workman. 300 pages, fully illustrated. 12mo, cloth, price, $1.50 Sold by Booksellers generally or sent postpaid to any address upon receipt of price by the Publishers FREDERICK J. DRAKE & CO. 350-352 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, U. S. A. [-10 D G SO N’S low Bust American Homes Arranged and Edited by FRED T. HODGSON Architect This book contains perspective views and floor plans of one hundred houses, churches. school houses and barns. and is without a doubt the most practical Work ever issued. The plans shown have been built from. and many of them duplicated many times over. All are practical, the creation of the well-known author. including many other architects through- out the United States and Canada, and are alike valuable to builders and any one who has in view the erection of a house, etc. The plans are susceptible of slight. changes that will adapt them to any taste. The carpenter, remote from the city. needs just such a book to refer to. or to exhibit to his customer so that the latter can give his orders in an intelligible manner. The much desired economy on these structures is not, however, obtained at the expense of beauty’every one of the designs. even the very cheapest. is pleas- ing to theeye. Following the ideas laid down. the builder is sure to obtain apretty result. Another result aimed at by Mr. Hodgson is the convenience of internal arrangements. Many a good house has been spoiled by having the much needed closet room omitted. All this has been carefully studied by the practical and experienced architects who have compiled this book. so the owner or working builder who selectsadesign from this Work will be sure to secure all the elegance. convenience and economy possible in the erection of the house. The publishers furnish perfect blue prints. including a book of specifications at the printed prices shown in the book. The average price of blue prints and specifications is $5.00 per set. and they are just the same as plans which. if prepared especially by an architect. would cost from $50.00 to $75.00. The book contains over 225 pages, nearly 300 illustrations. printed on a superior quality of machine finished paper, durably bound in English cloth with unique designs in two colors of ink= Price 0 o o o a $1.00 FREDERICK J. DfiAfiE & co, Publishers 350-352 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. Elli? Tfiuilhpr ‘anh anntrttrtnr’fi @nthp TO CORRECT MEASUREMENTS of areas and cubic contents in all matters relating to buildings of any kind. Illustrated with numerous diagrams, sketches and examples showing how various and intricate measure- ments should be taken :: :: :: :: z: :: z: :2 " By Fred T. Hodgson, Architect, and W. M. Brown, C.E. and Quantity Surveyor .- GHIS is a real practical book. showing how all kinds of odd, crooked and difficult meas— urements may be taken to BU] , secure correct results. This LDER AND , work in no way conflicts with , ; any work on estimatintr as it CONIWIORS GUIDE ‘ does not give prices. neither 1 does it attempt to deal with ‘: questions of labor or estimate FOR connscr l how intich the execution of cer- MEASUREMENTS‘ ‘ ' tain works will Cost. It simply ‘i deals with the questions of areas and cubic contents of any given work and shows how their areas and contents may readily be Obtained. and fur" nishes for the regular estimator the data upon which he can base 1115 prices. In fact, the work is a great aid and assist— ant to the regular estimator and of inestimable value to the general builder and contractor. ’x—Tnn'I-i' ‘7. .w‘.._.. - -_ :\‘“ i i I 12mo, cloth, 300 pages, fully illustrated, price - $1.50 Sold by Booksellers generally or sent postpaid to any address upon receipt if price by the Publishers FREDERICK J. DRAKE 8: CO. 350-352 WABASH AVE. 53: CHICAGO. U.S. A. Concretes. Cements. Mortars. Pl aste rs and Stuccos How to Make and How to Use Them 1er 1. Hodgson flrchitect ' I ‘1118 i~'. 111111111111 of 311', 11011115011’8 practical works that appeal; 11i111'111'11) 1111: \\'1~1111111111\\'11usc 11115111135511 i< [11 111:111'1- and apply the 1111111‘111'11511111111111 111 1111: title. As 1911' :15 11 111' 111:1:11 11115511113 [1| 11\'11i11 1‘111'1111C111 111,51'11111111111'» 11f1i111rs. (“1111114115 111111 1111111 1111111:1'i;11>. 111111 11111111115 of 111: \‘z1111e 111 the \1'11111'1111111..\111'11 1111<111~1411 11111111, 111111 111111111111 11115. been admitted into 1111: pages 011111: 1111111 111111 (10c: 11111 111x1>1~s a t1111y1>111c1117111C11111'111'1c1'. (‘111111111 5 211111 (111111115 11:1\1:11-'1‘ci\1':r1 <111-1‘11111111111111111. 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