Comprehensive Bibliography On Health Maintenance Organizations: 1970 - 1973 Medical Group Management Association '' $ 3.00 MGMA Members and Government Agencies $ 6.00 Non-members oo '' Comprehensive Bibliography On Health Maintenance Organizations: Assistance in producing this publication was provided by the Library Reference Service staff. Carolyn C. Korkmas, Assistant Director Claudia Strobel, Secretary Financial assistance for the Project upon which this publication is based was provided through Contract No. HSM 110-72-235 with the Health Services and Mental Helath Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Copyright 1974 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 (303) 753-1111 1970-1973 Compiled by Patricia N. Pinel Director Library Reference Service Medical Group Management Association ''PUBLIC HEALTH ''LIBRARY INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Comprehensive Bibliography on Health Maintenance Organizations, 1970 - 1973, is to assist anyone interested in studying the management aspects of health maintenance organizations and prepaid group practices and to present an overview of the development of the health maintenance organization movement during the three years prior to the passage of Public Law 93-222, the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973. While the Bibliography attempts to be comprehensive, it makes no pretense at being complete. It is purposefully incomplete in the following two areas. 1) No attempt has been made to gather all of the articles or brochures available on the various individual plans. Those items which have been included will present only a general picture of the information available. The indexes listed or the Plan itself should be consulted for further information. 2) No attempt has been made to include all newspaper items of potential interest to one who is studying the development of the health maintenance organization movement. Rather the suggestion is here made that the individual should consult the various newspaper indexes listed later in this publications, particularly the New York Times Index and the Washington Post Index. In addition to these two areas in which no attempt was made to obtain complete information, human error and an inability to locate all reports, unpublished papers and pamphlets must account for a certain lack of completeness. Since the Bibliography has grown out of the first two years development of the MGMA Library Reference Service, the Library staff would greatly appreciate the user’s presenting any references which may have been overlooked and omitted. The compiler hopes that the subject breakdowns will provide sufficient direction to the user so that the lack of annotations will not be seriously missed. Additionally, the compiler accepts responsibility for blind leads and incorrect citations. Hopefully, these errors have been kept to a minimum. Any suggestions for improvement and for alterations in future editions or updates will be most welcome. Patricia N. Pinel ''ABBREVIATIONS Apply — Contact publisher for price and ordering information Apply to author — Contact author for a copy “Asterisk — Available from the MGMA Library Reference Service (Ed) — Editorial HDR — Available from the Documents Room, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515 NTIS — Available from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22151 SDR — Available from the Documents Room, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 (Supp!) — Supplement Unpublished Paper — Contact author for a copy X.U.M. — Available from Xerox University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 ''TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Health Care Systems Health Care Costs 2. 0. 1 Health Care Delivery 2.00. 0 1 National Health Insurance... 3 National Health Policy 2.0. ee 4 Grants and Contracts .. 1. cee ee 5 Administration General 2. 0 cc cc 7 Construction and Design 2. 2 2 1 ee 8 Consumerism, including Consumer Education «2 2. 6 1 ee 8 Financial Planning and Management... . - 2 2 2 0 et 9 Information and Data Systems . 2... 10 Legal Problems . 2... 0 10 Marketing, including Enrollment, Demographic Studies and Site Selection ... 2... -.. ee ee ees 11 Planning and Development ... 2... ee 11 Research 2 0. oc 13 Risk Management and Insurance...) 13 Standards and Quality Assurance . 2... 14 Legislation and Laws State . occ ce ee Re ee Ew YE EE Eee 15 Federal 2 00. cc cc 15 Organizational Structure General and Comparative Studies . 2... ee 18 Group Practice 2... 18 Prepaid Group Practice . 2 0 0. 19 Health Maintenance Organizations... 2. 2) 21 Foundations for Medical Care. ww. 26 Neighborhood Health Centers... 27 Case Studies Columbia Medical Plan... 2 0 27 Greater Marshfield Community Health Plan 2. 2 6 6 ee ee 28 Harvard Community Health Plan 2 1 2. 2 28 Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York . 2. 1 6 ee ee 28 Intergroup 6. 28 lowa Foundation for Medical Care . 2... ee 28 Kaiser-PPermanente .. 0... ee ee 29 Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care. 2 6 6 30 Pennsylvania Foundation for Medical Care. 2 6 6 6 ee 30 San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care . 2 6 6. ee 30 Other Plans. 2 0. ce 30 Other Foundations for Medical Care... 2 1 32 ''Medical Services and Staff Physicians . 2. 6. 33 Nurses and Nursing Services. 6 ww we 34 Dentists and Dental Services 2. ww 34 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Services 2... 1 2. 36 Pharmacists and Prescription Services . . 2. 1 6 2 ee 36 Nutrition ........ (FRAUD RHE we EET EERE EEE we Ew Ew 37 Other Services 2 1 1 1. 38 Services to Medically Underserved, including Aged, Poor and Rural. . 2. 2 6 ee ee 39 Health Manpower . 2. 1 1 ww 40 Utilization of Medical Services 2... 1. 1. 40 Interrelationships, Affiliations and Sponsorships Hospitals 2 6. 43 Hospitals-Based Plans . 2. 1 1 1 ee 43 University Medical Centers . 2... 1 we 44 University-Based Plans 2. 1 1 6. 44 Health Associations and Professions «2. 1. 6. 45 Industry and Labor . 2. 1 1 6 we 46 Insurance Industry 2... 46 Blue Cross and Blue Shield 2... 2. 47 Medical Education . 2. 1 1. 48 Bibliographies ©... 49 AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY .. 2... 2... 49 SERIALS Journalsand Annuals «<4 2 sc ss 8 FRR RRR HH HOH Hw Ewe Ee ee 91 Abstracts, Indexes and Newspaper Indexes 2... 1 1. 91 PUBLISHERS’ AND AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES ..... 2... 1 2 93 ''SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS HEALTH CARE COSTS Anderson, D. O. What Price Group Practice? A Study of Charges and Expenditures for Medical Care in Saskatche- wan, Canada. Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia, 1972. 346 pp. $3.00 (see a/so Crichton) Can “Health Maintenance Plan” Brake Runaway Medi-costs? Hospital Practice 5:19, May 1970. Community Profile Data Center: Technical Report; The Cost of Standard Medical Services Under Alternative Delivery Systems. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, October 1972. various paging. Apply. Crichton, A. O. J. Group Practice in the System: Volume II of a Study of Economics of Group Practice in Saskatche- wan. Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Columbia, November 29, 1972. 316 pp. $3.25 Foulkes, R. G. Economic Advantages of Prepaid Group Practice. Canadian Doctor 37:63+, June 1971. Fuchs, V. R., editor. Essays in the Economics of Health and Medical Care. New York: Columbia University Press, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1972. 239 pp. $8.00 Gerber, A. Economic Effects of Personal Health Services. American Journal of Public Health 61:901-903, May 1971. Goldman, M. B. The Economics of Prepaid Medical Care — A Capital Theoretical Approach Recognizing Uncer- tainty. Los Angeles: University of California, Doctorate Thesis, 1972. 251 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. Robertson, R. L. Economic Effects of Personal Health Services: Work Loss in a Public School Teacher Popula- tion — Prepayment Group Practice. American Journal of Public Health 61:30-45, January 1971. Roemer, M. |. and D. M. Dubois. Medical Costs in Relation to the Organization of Ambulatory Care. New England Journal of Medicine 280:988-993, May 1, 1969. HEALTH CARE DELIVERY Ainsworth, T. H., Jr. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s: American Hospital Association Views. Illinois Medi- cal Journal 139:60-61, January 1971. Anonsen, R. E. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s: Hennepin County’s Program. INinois Medical Journal 139:58-59, January 1971. Battistella, R. M. Rationalization of Health Services: Political and Social Assumption. International Journal of Health Services 2(3):331-348, 1972. Beck, L. C. Changes Predicted — Like It or Not. Pennsy!- vania Medicine 75:21-22, June 1972. Bodenheimer, T. S. Patterns of Ambulatory Care. Inquiry 7:26-37, September 1970. Brown, D. R. Community Health Planning or Who Will Control the Health Care System. American Journal of Public Health 62:1336-1339, October 1972. Chacko, G. K., editor. Alternative Approaches to National Delivery of Health Care. Baltimore: Operations Research Society of America, 1972. 201 pp. $10.50. Apply. Chisholm, S. The Search for a Quality Life. Hospital Progress 53:58-61+, October 1972. Cohen, W. J. Current Problems in Health Care. New England Journal of Medicine 281:193-197, July 24, 1969. Connors, E. J. Delivery and Financing of Health Care. Hospitals 46:71-74, April 1, 1972. Cornely, P. B. Community Concern for Total Health Care. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:105-111, February 1972. Daniels, R. S. Changing Human Service Delivery Systems: Their Influences on Psychiatric Training. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:1232-1236, November 1973. . The Future of Medical Care Delivery Systems. Social Service Review 45:259-271, September 1971. '', J. W. Wagner and L. A. Ferguson. An Example of Sub-regional Health Planning: A Further Report. Inquiry 9:57-63, September 1972. Davies, S. D. The Future of the Private Practice of Medicine. Rhode Island Medical Journal 51:387-388+, June 1968. De Hoff, J. B. Health Care Consortiums — New Roles for Local Health Departments. American Journal of Public Health 63:672-674, August 1973. Donabedian, A. Models for Organizing the Delivery of Personal Health Services and Criteria for Evaluating Them. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50 (4):103-154, October 1972 (Pt 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care) Duval, M. K. The Challenge Ahead. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:13-16, January 1972. Examining Possible Approaches to Reorganizing Delivery System: National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs. Hospital Topics 49:37-39, August 1971. Fein, R. On Achieving Access and Equity in Health Care. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):157-190, October 1972 (Pt 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care) Fifer, W. R. The Health Care Delivery System of Tomor- row. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Associa- tion 12:13-14, January 1972. Garfield, S. R. Free Care Concept May Overload U. S. Health Service. Geriatrics 26:41+, April 1971. Goldman, B. A Study of the Financial Mechanisms of Payment for Medical Care in the Bridgeport Model Cities Neighborhood. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1973. 69 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Granoff, M. A. Change in the Method of Delivering Medical Care Urged by Many. Connecticut Medicine 34:415-416, June 1970. Havighurst, C. C., editor. Health Care. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publication, 1972. 452 pp. $16.50 (originally published Law and Contemporary Problems 35(2,4), Spring, Autumn, 1970). Health Care for Everybody: How Various Plans Would Work. U. S. News and World Report 70:36-38, May 3, 1971. Health Forum at Duke University Studies Realignment of Delivery System. Hospital Progress 52:34-36, July 1971. Health Maintenance. Journal of the American Medical Association 221:502-503, July 31, 1972. Health Maintenance: No Place to Economize. Fortune 88:162, September 1973. Health ‘Reforms’: Consumer Beware. (Ed) Health/PAC Bulletin 1-3, November 1970. Health Services for All. Current 152:32-46, June 1973. Henderson, H. D., Jr. Tax Financed Health Programs: What Now, and What Next? (Ed) Texas Medicine 68:47-50, June 1972. Heyssel, R. M. The Health Services Delivery System. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:166-172, January 1972. Himler, G. Shattuck Lecture — The Anatomy of Our Melancholy. New England Journal of Medicine 284: 1406-1413, June 24, 1971. Hodgson, G. Politics of American Health Care. The Atlantic 232:45-61, October 1973. Discussion 232:47-49, December 1973. Johnson, E. A. An Organizational Strategy for Private Medical Care. Hospital Administration 18(4):16-26, Fall 1973. Johnson, R. L. Health Care Myths. Hospital Progress 54:55-58, October 1973. . If the Patient Can’t Walk into a Hospital, Where Will He Walk? Modern Hospital 119:107-109, October 1972. Kamiem, M. |. and N. L. Schwartz. Payment Plans and the Efficient Delivery of Health Care Services. Journal of Risk and Insurance 40:427-436, September 1973. Kennedy, E. M. Health Care in the Seventies. Journal of Medical Education 47:15-22, January 1972. Kisch, A. |. Planning for a Sensible Health Care System. Nursing Outlook 20:640-642, October 1972. Knox, G. M. Family Health: How to get More Health Coverage for Less. Better Homes and Gardens 51(12):8+, December 1973. Korcok, M. and O. Linton. Washington sees Changes on Way in U. S. Health Care: But Does Change Necessitate Revolution? Canadian Medical Association Journal 108:905-909, April 7, 1973. Madison, D. L. Medical Practice and the Community: The Organizational Challenge. Journal of the National Med- ical Association 62:102-105, March 1970. ''Magnuson, W. G. How We Can Guard Our Children’s Health. Parent's Magazine 48:10, June 1973. Miller, M. D. Health Care — Expectations and Realities. Industrial Medicine and Surgery 37:439-445, June 1968. Moore, G. E. Health-care Plans in the U.S.A. Lancet 2:483-484, August 28, 1971. Morris, S. M. The President-elect of the American Hospital Association Discusses Some of the Trends that He Sees in the Delivery of Health Care. Hospitals 45:40-45, January 1, 1971. Parrott, M. H. Health Care in the U.S.A. British Medical Journal 4:680-681, December 11, 1971. Prepaid Group Practice: A Manual. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, June 1972. Looseleaf inserts. Apply. Prussin, J. A. et al. Network Analysis: An Innovative Approach to Health Care Delivery System and Facilities Planning, 1974. Unpublished Paper. 18 pp. Reuther, W. P. The Health Care Dilemma: New Directions. Journal of Medical Education 45:96-103, February 1970. Saward, E. W. Organization of Medical Care. Scientific American 229:169-175, September 1973. Scoville, A. B. Where To? Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 65:358-360, April 1972. Shuler, C. O. Trends in Health Delivery. Hospitals 45:33-36, January 1, 1971. Slaughter, F. G. Functional Model for Improving the Medical Care System with comments by C. H. Plimpton. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 49:361-378, May 1973. Somers, A. R. How Does Comprehensive Health Care Relate to the Health Care Industry? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 50:556-562, October 1969. Thomas, A. E. Problems Confronting Organized Medicine. Journal of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama 41:4-5, July 1971. Thomas, L. Your Very Good Health. New England Journal of Medicine 287:761-762, October 12, 1972. Waldie, J. R. Directions in Health Care Services. Canadian Nurse 69:4-5+, May 1973. Where Are We Going? New Zealand Medical Journal 66:545-546, August 1967. Willson, J. R. HMOs: Implications for Medical Education and Practice. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 10:24-27, January 1973. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE ASHP Statement on National Health Insurance. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:157-160, February 1972. Blendon, R. J. AMA’s Medicredit Proposal: Its Relevance for HMO Development, Alternative Approaches to National Delivery of Health Care, edited by G. K. Chacko, pp. 155-171. Baltimore: Operations Research Society of America, 1972. 201 pp. Apply. Bodenheimer, T. S. The Hoax of National Health Insurance. American Journal of Public Health 62:1324-1327, October 1972. Eilers, R. D. and S. S. Moyerman, editors. National Health Insurance: Proceedings of the Conference on National Health. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1972. 362 pp. $8.00 Emminizer, L. National Health Insurance Proposals and Effects. Alumnae Magazine (Baltimore) 71:2-4, July 1972. Fein, R. National Health Insurance. American Journal of Public Health 61:1072-1074, June 1971. Gorman, M. The Impact of National Health Insurance on Delivery of Health Care. American Journal of Public Health 61:962-971, May 1971. Health Maintenance Organization Roots Traced to National Health Insurance Proposals. American Medical News 15:14, August 7, 1972. Hiscoe, H. B. and C. B. Hiscoe. National Health Insurance: Thorns on the Rose. Michigan Medicine 72:703-706, October 1973. Horty, J. F. National Health Insurance Proposals: Leverage for Change? Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:130-136, January 1972. Kennedy, E. M. National Health Insurance Proposals: Lev- erage for Change? Bulletin New York Academy of Medi- cine 18:146-156, January 1972. . National Health Security. Tufts Health Science Re- view 2:8-11, Fall 1971. ''Liggett, D. S. Healthcare — An Explanation of the National Health Insurance Proposal of the Health Insurance Asso- ciation of America. Hospital Progress 52:66-68, Decem- ber 1971. McClure, W. National Health Insurance and HMOs. Nursing Outlook 21:44-48, January 1973. MacColl, W. A. Thoughts on National Health Insurance. Washington State Journal of Nursing 44:10-14, Summer 1972. Muller, C. National Health Insurance. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 47:403-410, April 1971. Nadel, G. The Ideal National Health Insurance Program; Special Report: Jerome Pollack. Medical Economics 48:31-42, October 25, 1971. National Health Insurance. Journal of the American Med- ical Association 220:721, May 1, 1972. National Health Insurance Proposal Puts Emphasis on Group Practice. Group Health and Welfare News 11:1+, July 1970. Olson, S. W. Health Insurance for the Nation. New England Journal of Medicine 284:525-533, March 11, 1971. Patricelli, R. E. National Health Insurance Proposals: Lever- age for Change? Bulletin New York Academy of Medi- cine 18:120-129, January 1972. Pollack, J. Raising the Curtain and the Sights of National Health Insurance. Hospital Management 110:32-38, August 1970. Robins, L. National Health Insurance and Health Services Delivery Reform — A Question of Priorities? American Journal of Public Health 61:897-900, May 1971. Roemer, M. |. Health Insurance Effects: Services, Expendi- tures, and Attitudes Under Three Types of Plans. Ann Arbor, Ml: University of Michigan, School of Public Health, 1972. 70 pp. $2.00. . Social Insurance as Leverage for Changing Health Care Systems: International Experience. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:93-107, January 1972. . Testimony on “Health Insurance Plans” to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, June 7, 1972. Unpublished paper. Rosoff, J. 1. National Health Insurance and Family Plan- ning. Family Planning Perspectives 3:50-55, July 1971. Somers, H. M. National Health Insurance: Strategy and Standards. Medical Care 10:81-87, January/February 1972. Testimony: National Health Insurance and Health Mainte- nance Organizations. FAH (Federation of American Hospitals) Review 5:36-38, Winter 1972. Walsh, J. Medical Schools: Portents of National Health In- surance. Science 169:267-268, July 17, 1970. Walworth, J. National Health Insurance and Hospital Administration. Hospital Progress 52:54-60, December 1971. Woodcock, L. Mental Health Services Through National Health Insurance. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:137-145, January 1972. NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY American Public Health Association Urges Promotion of HMO Concept in Stressing Need for National Health Plan. Hospitals 45:120+, November 16, 1971. Buzzell, H. O. A New National Strategy to Make Health Services Flexible and Responsible. Health Services Re- ports 83(10):894-897, December 1973. Cutting, C. C. Group Practice Prepayment in the National Setting: To Hail It as the Single Solution is intellectually Dishonest. Group Practice 20:16-18, February 1971. Doherty, J. F. Role of Government in Group Practice. Med- ical Group Management 19:10-11, November 1971. Falk, L. A. Functional Group Practice in a National Health Program. Yale Journal of Biological Medicine 44:153-159, August 1971. Feldman, L. L. Government Interest and Funding of Group Practice. New York State Dental Journal 37:95-101, February 1971. Glasgow, J. M. Prepaid Group Practice as a National Health Policy: Problems and Perspectives. Inquiry 9:3-15, March 1972. Health Care Delivery in the United States. Michigan Med- icine 70:1033-1034+, November 1971. HMO’s: A Federal Response. Group Practice 12:23-24, October 1970. ''Howard, R. E. Medical Care USA and the Trojan Horse of 1970: Prepaid Group Practice, Ohio State Medical Journal 66:546+, June 1970. Iglehart, J. K. Democrats Cool to Nixon’s Proposal, Offer their Own Alternatives. National Journal 3:2310-2318, November 20, 1971. ___. Health Report: Prepaid Group Medical Practice Emerges as Likely Federal Approach to Health Care. National Journal 3:1443-1452, July 10, 1971. Larson, R. G. Reactions to Social Pressure. Hospitals 46:181-186, April 1, 1972. Proposal for a National Health Care Plan: The Medical Committee for Human Rights. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:242-244, March 1974. Proposal for a National Health System: The Physicians Forum. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:238-241, March 1972. Roy, W. R. The National Health Scene. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:23-26, October 1972. Saward, E. W. National Considerations (Medical Education and Medical Care). Journal of Medical Education 48(12):105-110, December 1973 (Pt. 2). and M. R. Greenlick. Health Policy and the Health Maintenance Organization. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50:147-176, April 1972 (Pt. 1). Secretary DuVal Reports on National Health Policy: Health Maintenance Organization Uber Alles. Modern Hospital 117:45-49, November 1971. Somers, A. R. Who's in Charge Here? — Or Alice Searches for a King in Mediland. New England Journal of Medi- cine 287:849-855, October 26, 1972. Task Force on National Health Programs. (Ed) Journal of the American Dental Association 81:809, October 1970. Thompson, J. D. Organization and Administration for Health Affairs — Comment: State Versus Federal Health Policy. Inquiry 10(1):78-83, March 1973 (Suppl). Thompson, T. Health and Social Policy Issues of Signifi- cance to Blacks in the ‘“‘New Federalism.”’ Journal of the National Medical Association 65:422-425+, September 1973. Ullman, A. A Legislator’s View of National Health Care. Hospitals 46:47-50+, February 16, 1972. . The Ranking Democratic Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Discusses the Contents of His Newly Proposed Plan for National Health Care. Hospitals 46:51-55, May 16, 1972. U. S. Clinics Plan Gains on Rivals Amid Debate. Medical Group News 4:1+, June 1971. U. S. DHEW Modifies HMO Support. American Medical News 16:1+, March 12, 1973. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. To- wards a Comprehensive Health Policy for the 1970's: A White Paper. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, May 1971. 52 pp. Apply. Weinerman, E. R. Organization and Quality of Service ina National Health Program. Yale Journal of Biological Medicine 44: 133-152, August 1971. Whaley, R. Planning for National Health Care Delivery. Alaska Medicine 13:114-115, October 1971. White, K. L. Health Care Arrangements in the United States: A.D. 1972. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):17-40, October 1972 (Pt. 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care). Will Finch Flinch: Prepayment Plan. New Republic 162-10-11, May 2, 1970. GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Callan, D. and A. Lawrence. Maintaining the Organization’s Health (List of Grant Recipients for Development of HMO’s). Health/Pac Bulletin 36:12-15, December 1971. Contract Awarded for Health Maintenance Organization Training: Johns Hopkins University. Hospitals 46:93, December 16, 1972. Grant of $500,000 Designed to Speed Development of Pre- paid Group Practice. Hospitals 45:25, July 16, 1971. Health, Education and Welfare Awards 13 Grants for Health Maintenance Organization Planning. Hospitals 45:188, July 16, 1971. ‘ Health, Education and Welfare Modifies Health Mainte- nance Organization Support. American Medical News 16:1+, March 12, 1973. Health Maintenance Organization Planning Grants. HSMHA (Health Services and Mental Health Administration) Health Reports 86:971-972, November 1971. ''National Conference for Developing Title XIX — HMO Con- tracts, September 18-20, 1973, Miami, Florida, Pro- ceedings. Rockville, MD: Health Services Administra- tion, 1974. various paging. Apply. Office of Economic Opportunity Awards Grants for the Development of Two Prepaid Group Practices. American Medical News 13:11, July 13, 1970. Office of Economic Opportunity Awards Grants for Pre- paid Health Plans for the Poor. Hospitals 44:19, July 16, 1970 Six Medical Societies Among ‘72 Organization Grantees. American February 14, 1972. Health Maintenance Medical News 15:7, ''er ADMINISTRATION GENERAL Ainsworth, T. H., Jr. Patient Incentives and Hospital Insur- ance: A Physician's Perspective. Health Services Re- search 6:305-308, Winter 1971. Burke, R. T. Community Health Center, Two Harbors, Min- nesota. Minneapolis: InterStudy, July 1972. various pag- ing. Apply. ___. A Review of the Experience of Two Small HMOS. Minneapolis: InterStudy, 1972. 20 pp. —_—.. Tri-county Hospital and Health Care Association, Deer Park, Washington. Minneapolis: Institute for Inter- disciplinary Studies, July 1972. various paging. Apply. Carey, S. C. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Intro- duction and Survey of Recent Developments. Wash- ington, D. C.: Lawyers’ Commission for Civil Rights Under Law, October 1972. Apply. Cotton, H. Medical Group Practice. Oradell, NJ: Medical Economics, 1965. 133 pp. $9.95. Daitz, B. D. and W. A. Spencer. Patient Incentives and Hos- pital Insurance: A Rehabilitation Perspective. Health Services Research 6:313-315, Winter 1971. Delaware Foundation for Medical Care: By-laws. Delaware Medical Journal 45:240-245, August 1973. Donabedian, A. A Review of Some Experiences with Pre- paid Group Practice. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Mich- igan, School of Public Health, 1965. 74 pp. $2.00 Falk, L. A., G. J. Mushrush and M. E. Skrwanek. Adminis- trative Aspects of Prepaid Group Practice: An Anno- tated Bibliography, 1950-1962. Pittsburgh, PA: Univer- sity of Pittsburgh Press, 1964. 99 pp. Ginsburg, P. B. and H. M. Manheim. Insurance, Copayment and Health Services Utilization: A Critical Review. Journal of Economics and Business 25:142-153, 1972/1973. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Reconfiguration of the Health Services System. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Hospital Affairs. Chicago: Administration Studies, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Ad- ministration and Center for Health, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50. Jaeger, B. J. Patient Incentives and Hospital Insurance: A Political Science Perspective. Health Services Research 6:309-313, Winter 1971. Jennings, P. H. Experience with Prepayment Financing in a Private Pediatric Practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16:885-890, November 1969. McNerney, W. J. The Health Administration Establishment: Underachiever. American Journal of Public Health 59:1799-1808, October 1969. . Improving the Effectiveness of Health Insurance and Prepayment. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, 1967. 33 pp. Medical Group Management Association. Clinic Manager's Manual. Denver: Medical Group Management Associa- tion, 1958-1973. 1 volume loose-leaf. Nathanson, C. A. Peer Surveillance and Patient Orientation in a Pediatric Out-patient Clinic. Human Organization 30:255-265, Fall 1971. National Association of Blue Shield Plans. Selected Studies in Medical Care and Medical Economics, Annual Report. Chicago: National Association of Blue Shield Plans, 1969, 1972. 2 volumes. Apply. Neumann, H. H. Capitation Prepayment: Without Formal Group Practice. Medical Care 8:159-160, March/April 1970. Pelton, W. J., et al. Demonstration of an Incentive Compensation Plan for Publicly Funded Group Dental Practices. Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences 10:26-31, January 1973. Phelps, C. E. and J. P. Newhouse. Effect of Coinsurance: A Multivariate Analysis. Social Security Bulletin 35:20-28, June 1972. Scitovsky, A. A. and N. M. Snyder. Effect of Coinsurance on Use of Physician Services. Social Security Bulletin 35:3-19, June 1972. Shalowitz, M. “‘Intergroup’’ — One Alternative: Part II, Benefits, Rates and Marketing. Medical Group Manage- ment 21(1):26-28, November/December 1973. ____and S. A. Trotter. ‘Intergroup’ — One Alternative: Part Il, Management. Medical Group Management 21(2):21-22, January/February 1974. ''U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13011. Some Information Descriptive of a Successfully Operating HMO. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1972. 40 pp. Apply. Vayda, E. Stability of the Medical Group in a New Prepaid Medical Care Program: Cleveland, Ohio. Medical Care 8:161-168, March/April 1970. Williams, G. Kaiser Delivery System: Less Utilization, More Productivity. Modern Hospital 116:81-85+, February 1971. . Kaiser Plan: Planned Surplus Gives Doctors Incen- tives, Keeps Facilities Up to Date. Modern Hospital 116: 91-93, February 1971. CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN Bobrow, M. L. Space Utilization in a Health Maintenance Organization. Hospital Forum (California) 14:10-12, February 1972. Carpenter, D. C., Jr. HMOs Pose Financial and Space Allo- cation Problems. Hospital Progress 53:49, April 1972. The Design of a Health Maintenance Organization. Hempstead, NY: Hofstra University, 1973. 747 pp. $12.00 Frech, H. E. Ill and P. B. Ginsburgh. Optimal Scale in Group Medical Practice: A Survivor Analysis. Lansing, Ml: State University Econometrics Workshop Paper #7207, January 1973. 23 pp. (To be published in Journal of Business, 1974). U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Group Practice Facilities, April 1973: A HUD Hand- book. Washington, D.C.: Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1973. 1 volume. Apply. CONSUMERISM, INCLUDING CONSUMER EDUCATION Bibliography on Consumerism, Prepared by the Office of Consumer Education and Information, U. S. Health Maintenance Organization Service. Rockville, MD: U.S. Health Maintenance Organization Service, March 1973. 29 pp. Apply. Birnbaum, H. Functions of Health Educators in a Health Maintenance Organization. Health Education Mono- graphs No. 31:85-89, 1972. Boothe, W. Consumer Participation in Comprehensive Health Planning: CPL Exchange Bibliography #72. Monticello, IL: Council of Planning Librarians, March 1969. 7 pp. $1.50 Cihlar, C. Consumer Views. Hospitals 46:67-70, April 1, 1972. Citizen Participation: A Bibliography of Theory and Prac- tice, with Special Emphasis on Comprehensive Health Planning. Camp Hill, PA: Pennsylvania Health Research Institute, n.d. Apply. Development of a Consumer Program in Health Mainte- nance Organizations, A Position Paper. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, September 1972. 46 pp. Apply. Housewives form Consumer Group and Make Plans to Begin a Health Maintenance Organization: Evanston, Illinois. Modern Hospital 120:45, May 1973. Jaworski, S. Consumer Participation in Health, a Curricu- lum: Volume 1 - 1A Guidebook; Volume 2 - Source- book. Washington, D.C.: Institute for the Study of Health and Society, April 1972. 2 volumes. Apply. McLaughlin, M. C. Transmutation Into Protector of Con- sumer Health Services. American Journal of Public Health 61:1996-2004, October 1971. McNeal, J. U. An Introduction to Consumer Behavior. New York: Wiley, 1973. 328 pp. $10.95. Meisner, L. A Training Program for Consumers in Policy- making Roles in Health Care Projects. Berkeley, CA: University of California, School of Public Health, n.d. 40 pp. Apply. Metsch, J. M. and J. E. Veney. Measuring the Outcome of Consumer Participation. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 14(4):368-374, December 1973. National HMO Consumer Program Development Workshop, Proceedings, San Diego, March 1973. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1973. 85 pp. Apply. New York Consumers Press Clinics to Sign Patients’ Bill of Rights. Hospitals 47:17, September 1, 1973. Sheps, C. G. The Influence of Consumer Sponsorship on Medical Services. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):41-69, October 1972 (Pt. 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care). Sherman, H. S. A Pilot Study of the Differential Percep- tions of the Structure and Function of a Governing Board with Consumer Representation. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University, Department of Health Care Administration, December 1971. 125 pp. Apply. ''Strauss, M.D., editor Consumer Participation in Health Planning. San Francisco: Society for Public Health Education, 1972. 90 pp. $2.25. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13010. The Role of the HMO Consumer Program Consultant. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, November 1972. 23 pp. Apply. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13012. Selected Papers on Consumerism in the HMO Movement. Rock- ville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Adminis- tration, July 1973. 109 pp. Apply. Vayda, E. The Potential of Prepaid Group Practice in Community Medicine Teaching Programs. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 48:129-143, April 1970. FINANCIAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT “Brier, R. Reaching the Operational Stage: A Study of HMO Financial Planning. Great Neck, NY: Hofstra University, Masters Thesis, January 13, 1972. 143 pp. Carpenter, D. C., Jr. HMOs Pose Financial and Space Allocation Problems. Hospital Progress 53:49, April 1972. EMSCO. HMO Cost Forecasting and Financing. Woodland Hills, CA: Engineering and Management Sciences Cor- poration, 1972. Estimated Cost of Three HMO Proposals. AMA Update 2:various paging, July/August 1972. Falk, |. S. Financing for the Reorganization of Medical Services and Their Delivery. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):191-221, October 1972 (Pt 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care) Group Health Association of America, Inc. Paper on Relative Costs of Prepaid Group Practice and Insured Health Services Benefits; and Savings Resulting from Preventive Services. Washington, D.C.: Group Health Association of America, Inc., n.d. 25 pp. Apply. Harvey, J. D. Financial Management. Hospitals 46:87-91, April 1, 1972. Health Maintenance Organization Cost Under-estimated, Say Prepaid Plan Officials. American Medical News 15:6, April 24, 1972. Henning, C. R. Financing: Annual Administrative Review. Hospitals 45:69+, April 1, 1971. Hennington, H. H. Financing Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. Best’s Review (Life, Health Insurance Ed) 72:10+, July 1971. Herbert, M. E. A Financial Guide for HMO Planners. Minneapolis: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, September 1972. 30 pp. Apply. Kappa Systems, Inc. An Evaluation of Private Sector Interest in the Development of HMOs: Final Report. Arlington, VA: Kappa Systems, Inc., October 31, 1973. various paging. Apply. Krufka, E. R. Reverse Economics of Prepaid Group Practice: Fact or Fiction? Durham, NC: Duke Univer- sity, 1973. 54 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Macro Systems. Financial Management Information System for Health Maintenance Organizations, Vol. 1-4. Rock- ville, MD: Macro Systems/Health Maintenance Organiza- tions Service, April 1973. 4 volumes. Apply to Author. . Presentation of the Financial Management Informa- tion System for Health Maintenance Organizations. Silver Spring, MD: Macro Systems, December 1972. 1 volume. Apply. The Organization and Financing of Personal Health Care Services: Report of a Symposium. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):225-239, October 1972 (Pt. 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care) Palmer, W. K. Projecting Capital and Manpower Needs as Related to Enrollment Projections, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp 42-48. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Prussin, J. A. Health Maintenance Organizations: Some Organizational and Financial Models: Parts | - III. Hospital Progress (To be Published, April, May, June 1974). Private Sector Financing and Development of Health Maintenance Organizations: A Guide to the Techniques and Requirements for Attracting Private Equity ang Debt Investment to Develop Health Maintenance Organ); zations. Prepared by A, T. Kearney, Inc. New York: A T. Kearney, Inc., December 1973. 67 pp. Apply. Public, Private Effort Urged in HMO Development, National Underwriter (Life ed) 75:8, December 1], 1971; National Underwriter (Property ed) 75:18, December 17, 1971. Rosenberg, C. L. Health Maintenance Organization Mode| Collects $49.51 Per Patient Per Year: Rhode Island, Medical Economics 48;120-121, October 11, 1971. Somers, A. R. and H. M. Somers. The Organization and Financing of Health Care: Issues and Directions for the Future. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:119-136, January 1972. ''Sparer, G. and A. Anderson. Cost of Services at Neighbor- hood Health Centers: A Comparative Analysis. New England Journal of Medicine 286:1241-1245, June 8, 1972. . Utilization and Cost Experience of Low-income Families in Four Prepaid Group-Practice Plans. New England Journal of Medicine 289:67-72, July 12, 1973. Thomas, D. L. An Assessment of HMO Financing and Investment by the Private Sector: Report for Health Maintenance Organization Services. Rockville, MD: GEOMET, 1973. various paging. Apply to Health Maintenance Organization Service. Thompson, T. D. Forming a Group Dental Practice: Emphasis — Organization. Dental Clinics of North America 16(2):291-306, April 1972. Towle, W. F. Innovations in Health Care Delivery, Capital Financing. Fund Raising Management 4:15+, July/ August 1972. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13008. Accounting Manual for Health Maintenance Organizations. Rock- ville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, March 1972. 78 pp. Apply. U. S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration. Health Maintenance Organization Service: Financial Planning Manual. Rockville, MD: U.S. Health Service and Mental Health Administration, n.d. 37 pp. Apply. Wolfe, S., et al. Problems of Financing Prepaid Group Practice in the University. Journal of Medical Education 48:93-99, April 1973 (Suppl). INFORMATION AND DATA SYSTEMS Bloom, A. Prepaid Group Practice Data: Some Parametric Considerations, Health Maintenance Organizations, Pro- ceedings of a Conference, pp. 27-29. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Gaus, C. R. Information Requirements for Management of New Health Care Organizations. Medical Care 11:51-60, March/April 1973 (Pt. 2). Macro Systems. Financial Management Information System for Health Maintenance Organizations, Vol. 1-4. Rock- ville, MD: Macro Systems/Health Maintenance Organiza- tions Service, April 1973. 4 volumes. Apply to Author. ____.. Presentation of the Financial Management Informa- tion System for Health Maintenance Organizations. Silver Spring, MD: Macro Systems, December 1972. 1 volume. Apply. 10 Perrott, G. S. Basic Statistics for HMO Monitoring, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Confer- ence, pp 30-37. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Shapiro, S. Production of Uniform Data for Health-care Plans. New England Journal of Medicine 288: 1407-1408, June 28, 1973. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-6202. Ambulatory Health Care Information System: Overall System Description, by Bio-Dynamics, March 1, 1972. Rock- ville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Adminis- tration, 1972. various paging. Apply. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-6203. Ambulatory Health Care Information System: Training and Proce- dures Manual, by Bio-Dynamics, March 1972. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1972. various paging. Apply. U. S. DHEW Publication # 72-6204. Ambulatory Health Care Information System: Computer Operations Manual, by Bio-Dynamics, March 1, 1972. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1972. vari- ous paging. Apply. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-3005. Guidelines for Producing Uniform Data for Health Care Plans. Rock- ville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Adminis- tration, July 1972. 113 pp. Apply. LEGAL PROBLEMS Coleman, A. H. and J. R. Abernathy. Legal Issues Confront- ing Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the National Medical Association 64:293-294, May 1972. De Marco, C. T. Some Legal Considerations in the Formation of a Group Practice. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:168-171, February 1972. Edelman, S. Legal Concerns of HMOs, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 38-41. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Holley, R. and Rick J. Carlson. The Legal Context for the Development of Health Maintenance Organizations, Minneapolis: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, De- cember 1971.48 pp. Apply. Key, M. M. The Occupational Safety and Health Act: The Future of Occupational Medicine. Journal of Occupa- tional Medicine 14:387-389, May 1972. ''Rubsamen, D. S. The Experience of Binding Arbitration in the Ross-Loos Medical Group, U. S. DHEW Publication #(OS) 73-89, Appendix, Medical Malpractice, Report of the Secretary’s Commission on Medical Malpractice, pp. 424-449, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, January 16, 1973. 870 pp. $9.40 Schroeder, O. C., Jr. Delivering Health: A New Legal System for a New Medical Practice. Postgraduate Medi- cine 51:53-55, April 1972. U. S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Health Maintenance Organization Service. HMOS: Lawyers Manual on Health Maintenance Organizations. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1973. 279 pp. Apply. MARKETING, INCLUDING ENROLLMENT, DEMOGRAPHIC STUDIES AND SITE SELECTION Burke, R. T. Guidelines for HMO Marketing. Minneapolis: InterStudy, 1973. 44 pp. Apply. Case Studies and Analysis of Five HMO’s. Washington, D. C.: Health Resources Associates, Inc., April 10, 1973. various paging. Apply. Convincing Consumers Held Key to Successful Health Maintenance Organization Programs. U.S. Medicine 8:6, July 1, 1972. Gaus, C. R. Who Enrolls in a Prepaid Group Practice: The Columbia Experience. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:9-14, January 1971. German, P. S. Factors in Enrollment in a Prepaid Group Health Plan. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, Doctor of Science Thesis, February 1972. 173 pp. Apply. Knight, J. L. Towards a Marketing Strategy for Health Maintenance Organizations. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama, 1972. 78 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.20; Film Reel $4.00. Lawton, T.S., Jr. The Feasibility of Marketing a Package of Prepaid Health Benefits to the Employees and Residents of the Delray Area of South-West Detroit. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Hospital Administration, 1973. 123 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $6.00; Film Reel $4.00. Nitschke, W. P. Marketing: The Experience of Wisconsin Blue Shield with the Northpoint Medical Group and the Marshfield Clinic, Health Maintenance Organization, Proceedings of a Conference, pp 53-55. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. 11 Over 5,000 Enrolled in New Health Program of Connecticut General. National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:8, December 23, 1972. Prussin, J. A. Factors to be Considered in HMO Site Selec- tions. 1973. Unpublished Outline. 24 pp. Schubert, J. J. “Who Does What, Where, When and How ..”: Marketing a Prepaid Health Plan. Unpublished paper. Shuman, L. J. and others. Location of Ambulatory Care Centers in a Metropolitan Area. Health Services Research 8:121-138, Summer 1973. Sources of Secondary Data for Marketing Research: An Annotated, Selected Bibliography to Serve as a Starting Point for Literature Searches. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Management Library, 1973. 16 pp. Apply. Sprague, L. M. Factors Affecting Target Area Penetration and Outreach in a Comprehensive Care Program. Minneapolis, MN: Systems Development Project, Univer- sity of Minnesota, School of Public Health, 1970. 26 pp. U. S. Bureau of the Census. The Methods and Materials of Demography, by Henry S. Shryock, Jacob S. Siegel and Associates. 2nd Printing (Revised). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1973. 2 volumes. $9.40 prepaid. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-100A-C. Marketing of Health Maintenance Organization Services, prepared by Health Systems Research Program, Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1972. 6 volumes in 3. Apply. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-6207. Marketing Prepaid Health Care Plans: A Collection of Approaches with the Principal Paper by Robert L. Biblo. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1972. 92 pp. Apply. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ABT Associates. A Model to Project Characteristics of Health Maintenance Organizations for Management Plan- ning and Evaluation Purposes. Cambridge, MA: Octobe: 15, 1972 and February 1973. 3 volumes. Apply. Beck, L. C. Plan in Advance — Don’t Hire Headache. Pennsylvania Medicine 75:19-20, December 1972. . Practice Management: Considerations in Forming a Group Practice. Delaware Medical Journal 45:80-83, March 1973. ''. Practice Management: Forming a Group Practice. Delaware Medical Journal 45:112-115, April 1973. . Preliminary Planning Pays Off. Pennsylvania Medi- cine 75:19-21, October 1972. Bloom, A. How to Plan for Development of a Health Maintenance Organization. Urban Health 2:19+, June 1973. Buckingham, G. A. The Health Maintenance Organization Concept: Essential Element and Potential Impact. Uni- versity of Alabama, M.S., 1972. 54 pp X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Bush, A. S. Group Practice: Planning and Implementing a Community-wide Prepayment Plan for Health Services. New York: New York State Health Planning Commis- sion, 1971. 89 pp. Apply. Carson, D. C. Satellite HMO: Development of a Prepaid Nonprofit Group Medical Practice in the Small City. Seattle: Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, July 1972.78 pp. Apply. A Catholic Hospital Studies HMO Plan. Hospital Progress 53:100-101+, July 1972. Developing HMO’s Within Existing Group Practices: A Symposium Jointly Sponsored by the American Associ- ation of Medical Clinics and the Medical Group Manage- ment Association, Alexandria, VA: American Associa- tion of Medical Clinics, 1973. 134 pp. $9.00 Engelberg, J., et al. Community Preparation for the Development of a Health Maintenance Organization Network. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 71:182-187, March 1973. Fee-for-service Conversion to Prepayment, Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the American Association of Medical Clinics, Jackson Hole, WY, March 14-16, 1973. Arlington, VA: American Association of Medical Clinics, 1973. $9.00 Feldman, L. L. Group Practice Development: A Service of the Department of Health, New York City. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 46:113-123, February 1970. Hamann, H. R. Highlights from AAMC/MGMA HMO Symposium. Medical Group Management 21(1):22-25, November/December 1973. Heyssel, R. M. Causes of Retarded Growth in Prepayment Plans. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:4-8, January 1971. Johnson, H. D. A Study to Develop a Prototype Health Maintenance Organization for the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Health Planning Region. Waco, TX: Baylor University, 1973. 178 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $8.20; Film Reel $4.00. Kahn, L., et al. A Developmental Experience in Prepaid Group Practice. Journal of Medical Education 48:28-33, April 1973 (Suppl). Laur, R. J. Four Requisites for Developing HMOs. Hospital Progress 53:63-65+, January 1972. Lavin, J. H. Health Maintenance Organization-minded: Here’‘s What it Takes to Succeed. Medical Economics 49:87, February 28, 1972. Leahy, J. H. Guidelines for Formation of a Health Maintenance Organizations, Health Maintenance Organi- zation, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 25-26. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Lyon, E. K. Aspects of Group Medical Practice: Basic Considerations in the Formation of a Group Practice. Canadian Medical Association Journal 98:799-803, April 27, 1968. McNeill, H. M. Planning a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion. Hospital Forum (California) 14:13-14, February 1972. Neely, J. R. Health Maintenance Organizations: Guidelines for Implementation. Hospitals 45:79-81, March 16, 1971. Nelson, J. Organizing the Prepaid Closed Panel. Medical Group Management 17:13+, March 1970. Ottensmeyer, D. J. Lessons from an HMO Launching. Group Practice 22(10):16-17, October 1973. Peters, J. P. Planning. Hospitals 46: 163-168, April 1, 1972. The Potential for Establishing and Operating a Primary Care Center at the Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Clinic, July 1972. 157 pp. NTIS — $6.00. Prescription for an HMO: Muscle, Doctors and Millions of Bodies. Modern Hospital 117:5-16, November 1971. Prussin, J. A. U.S.A.—Exercise en Groupe aver Paiement Prealable: Composantes et Inter-relations. Le Concours Medical 95(41)5921-5924, October 13, 1973. Rowe, D. S. Aspects of an Effective HMO. New England Journal of Medicine 288:1130, May 24, 1973. ''Rexrode, R. W. A Study of the Health Maintenance Organization Concept for the New Mexico Hospital Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Waco, TX: Baylor University, August 1973. 101 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $5.20; Film Reel $4.00. Shannon, G. W. Spatial Diffusion of an Innovative Health Care Plan. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 1970. 166 pp. Apply. —__., R. L. Bashshur and C. A. Metzner. The Spatial Diffusion of an Innovative Health Care Plan. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 12:216-226. September 1971. Shearer, M. W. A Place to Start. Medical Group Manage- ment 19(4):16-18, May 1972. . A Place to Start, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp 5-6. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Skarstad, J. Report on Developing Health Maintenance Organizations. Medical Group Management 19:22, July 1972. Starting a Health Maintenance Organization: Fallon Goes with a Carrier. Group Practice 22:29-30, September 1973. Starting a Health Maintenance Organization: Wichita Goes It Alone. Group Practice 22:25+, September 1973. Tilly J. W. Making an HMO Work: A Continuing Process. Presented to the National Association of Neighborhood Health Centers, New Orleans, LA, October 18-12, 1972. Unpublished Paper. 14 pp. Apply to NANHC. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-101. Development of an Implementation Plan for the Establishment of a Health Maintenance Organization, prepared by Texas Instruments Inc., December 30, 1971. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1972. 1 volume. Apply. U. S. Public Health Service Publication #1664-3. Planning and Implementation of the Community Health Founda- tion of Cleveland, Ohio. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1968. 109 pp. Apply. Valiante, J. D. Start-up Problems of Health Maintenance Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations: A Reconfiguration of the Health Service System, pp. 39-68, Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Pro- gram in Hospital Administration, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50. 13 RESEARCH Feldstein, P. J. Prepaid Group Practice: An Analysis and Review. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Pro- gram in Hospital Administration, June 1971. 141 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $7.00; Film Reel $4.00. Friedson, E. Behavioral Research Opportunities. Journal of Medical Education 48:110-113, April 1973 (Suppl). Kass, E. H. Biomedical Research Opportunities in the HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:103-109, April 1973 (Suppl). McGuire, C. H. Educational Program Research and Develop- ment. Journal of Medical Education 48:137-143, April 1973 (Suppl). Speas, R. D., Jr. Some Priorities for Health Services Research. Health Services Research 7:187-190, Fall 1972. RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE Annis, J. W. Physician as an Insurer — Though a Health Maintenance Organization or Any Similar Organizational Nightmare. Group Practice 20:14-15, February 1971. Burke, R. T. with George Strumpf. Sharing the Risk: A Guide for the Young HMO. Minneapolis: InterStudy, 1973.74 pp. Apply. Grundy, P. F. A Rational Approach to the “At Risk” Concept. Lancet 4(7844):1489, December 20, 1973. Health Management Group, Inc. Are HMO’s Insurance Companies: A Comparison of Health Maintenance Organizations with Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plans. Atlanta: The Health Management Group, Inc., December 1972. 11 pp. Apply. Health Management Group, Inc. Risk Assumption in Health Maintenance Organization. Atlanta: The Health Manage- ment Group, Inc., December 1972. 12 pp. Apply. Kosco, P. and A. Bloom. Risk Sharing in Health Mainte- nance Organizations. Unpublished paper. 9 pp. Medical Group Management Association. Manual on Insur- ance Written to Assist Both the Fee-for-service and Prepaid Group Practice Administrator. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1973. 97 pp. $6.00. Vesey, P. Basic Insurance Requirements of a Prepaid Medical Group. Unpublished paper. ''_ Insurance Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations. Unpublished Paper. Yedidia, A. Types of Health Risk Bearers: Group Practice Prepayment Plans, Group /nsurance Handbook, by Robert D. Eilers and Robert M. Crowe, Chapter 15. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1965. 23 pp. $16.00. STANDARDS AND QUALITY ASSURANCE American Dental Association, Council on Dental Care Programs. Standards for Dental Prepayment Programs. Journal of the American Dental Association 87:1132-1134, November 1973. Barr, D. M. and C. R. Gaus. A Population-based Approach to Quality Assessment in Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. Medical Care 11:523-528, November/December 1973. Brook, R. H. Critical Issues in the Assessment of Quality of Care and Their Relationship to HMOs. Journal of Medical Education 48:114-134, April 1973 (Suppl). Butler, A. M. Positive Incentives for Quality Care. New England Journal of Medicine 285:862, October 7, 1971. Chun, H. H. Performance Specifications of an HMO: Socioeconomic Intelligence. Hawaii Medical Journal 30:472-473, November/December 1971. Ellwood, P. M., Jr., et al. Assuring the Quality of Health Care. Minneapolis: InterStudy, 1973. 212 pp. Apply. 14 Follmann, J. F., Jr. Regulation of Health Maintenance Organizations. Best’s Review (Life, Health Insurance Ed) 74:14+, August 1973. Foulkes, R. G. Higher Quality of Health Care Possible with Group Practice. Canadian Doctor 37:25+, July 1971. McGee, R. R. Way Your Office Practice May be Monitored: Accreditation Program of the American Association of Medical Clinics. Medical Economics 50:82-92, August 6, 1973. Morehead, M. A. Evaluating Quality of Medical Care in the Neighborhood Health Center Program of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Medical Care 8(2):118-131, March/April 1970. . The Medical Audit as an Operational Tool. American Journal of Public Health 57:1643-1656, September 1967. Reynolds, J. A. New Quality Test: Are Your Patients Cured? Medical Economics 49:197+, October 9, 1972. Secret Ingredient in Health Maintenance Organizations. Group Practice 21:6, June 1972. Smith, D. B. and C. A. Metzner. Differential Perceptions of Health Care Quality in a Prepaid Group Practice: Community Health Association of Detroit. Medical Care 8:264-275, July/August 1970. Standards for GHAA Member Plans. Group Health and Wel- fare News 14(11):Supplement, November 1973. ''LEGISLATION AND LAWS STATE California Assembly Health Committee. Interim Hearing on Health Maintenace Organizations. San Francisco: Calli- fornia Assembly Health Committee, October 5, 1972. 150 pp. Apply. Carlson, R. Specifications for a State Health Maintenance Organization Enabling Act. Minneapolis: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, May 1972. 33 pp. Apply. A Digest of State Laws Affecting the Payment of Medical Care, Group Practice and HMO’s. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems, 1973. 396 pp. $24.75. A Digest of State Laws Affecting the Payment of Medical Care, Group Practice and HMO’‘s. 1973 edition. Rock- ville, MD: Aspen Systems. looseleaf with up-date. Apply. Epstein, S. B. Health Maintenance Organizations and the Law: How to Avoid Problems with State Statutes. Group Practice 22:8-15, August 1973. (ed p. 1). Health Maintenance Organization not Considered to be Insurance Business: Kansas. Newsletter (American Society of Hospital Attorneys) 5:2, July 1972 (Pt. 1). HMOs — Health Maintenance Organizations: Now Autho- rized in New York State. New York Medicine 28:229-230, June 1972. High Priority for HMOs; Texas Court Ends Double Repre- sentation. National Underwriter (Property ed) 77:4, July 6, 1973; National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:16, July 7, 1973. Kocolowski, L. Speakers Call for State HMO Laws (NAIC Zone I! Meeting). National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:20-21, May 26, 1973; National Underwriter (Property ed) 77:22-23, June 1, 1973. New lowa Legislation Paves Way for Health Maintenance Organizations. Hospitals 47:19, July 1, 1973. Prepaid Medical Plans Regulated by Arizona Law. National Underwriter (Property ed) 77:12, July 27, 1973; National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:8, July 28, 1973. Prepaid Programs Get Boost from New York Legislation. Hospitals 45:102, June 16, 1971. 15 Sammons, J. H. Sickness of Government. Nebraska Medical Journal 57:449-454, November 1972. State Laws Affecting the Establishment of HMO’s. Min- neapolis, MN: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1971. 16 pp. Apply. Suit Challenges Texas Law That Allows Only Doctors to Control Health Maintenance Organizations. Modern Hos- pital 120:43-44, May 1973. University of Texas Regents Set Guidelines for Involvement with Health Maintenance Organizations. Texas Medicine 68:9, January 1972. FEDERAL Battle Over HMO Legislation Begins Anew with Introduc- tion of Kennedy, Roy Bills. Group Health and Welfare News 14:1+, January 1973. Blamphin, J. Health Maintenance Organization Proposal Challenges Care System: Senator Kennedy’s Bill. Medical World News 13:15-16, March 24, 1972. (ed p. 9) Bryan, J. E. View From the Hill. Physician 8:144-145, December 1973. American Family Changing the System of Health Care (Possibility of the Passage in 1973 of HMO Legislation). Morgan Guaranty Survey 7-14, December 1972. Ellwood, P. M., Jr. Implications of Recent Health Legisla- tion. American Journal of Public Health 62:20-23, January 1972. ‘ . Models for Organizing Health Services and Implica- tions of Legislative Problems. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):73-101, October 1972 (Pt 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care) Feldman, L. L. Legislation and Prepayment for Group Practice. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 47:411-422, April 1971. Frederick, L. D. Health Maintenance Organization Law Coming Up. Medical World News 14:17-19, July 6, 1973. (ed p.13). ''Gruppenhoff, J. T. Health Maintenance Organization Legis- lation in 1972. Washington, D.C.: Science and Health Publications, 1973. 59 pp. $3.50 HMO Law Coming Up. Medical World News 14:17-19, July 6, 1973. HMO Proposal Challenges Care System. Medical World News 13:15-16, March 24, 1972. Health Proposals, 1970. Social Service Review 44:325-327, September 1970. Holleran, C. The HMO from the Legislative Viewpoint. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session: 19-22, 1972. Kirkpatrick, L. W. Health Maintenance Organizations and the 93rd Congress. Urban Health 1:13+, December 1972. Klarman, H. E. Analysis of the HMO Proposal — Its Assumptions, Implications and Prospects, Health Mainte- nance Organizations: A Reconfiguration of the Health Services System, pp. 24-38. Chicago: University of ' Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50. MacLeod, G. K. The Federal Role in Health Maintenance Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations, Pro- ceedings of a Conference, pp. 2-4. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. . HMO ‘Legislation: What It Offers Group Practice. Presented at AAMC-MGMA Symposium on HMOs, Bloomington, MN, July 11-13. Unpublished Paper. Medical Inflation Goes Under the Knife: Nixon Proposal Would Permit Medicare and Medicaid Patients to Sign Up for Prepaid Group Practice Health Plans. Business Week #2118:26-27, April 4, 1970. Morton, T. J. Legislative Update, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 7-9. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Myers, R. J. Prospects for National Health Legislation. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 40:1-7, July 1972. National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Model Health Maintenance Organization Act, Adopted December 5, 1972. NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) Proceedings 1:202-222, 1973. Nixon Administration Changes HMO Approach. U. S. Medicine 9:26, April 1973. 16 The Nixon-Congress Syndrome (Washington Dateline). Group Practice 22(5):25-26, May 1973. Nixon Yearend Bill-signings Make HMOs Mandatory. Busi- ness Insurance 8:2, January 7, 1974. Prussin, J. A. Health Maintenance Organization Legislation in 1973-1974. Washington, D. C.: Science and Health Publications, 1974. 94 pp. $6.00. . Legislation Sur l’Aide a la “Health Maintenance Organization” et a l’Assurance Maladie Nationale. Le Concours Medical 95(44):6571-6577, November 3, 1973. Roy, W. R. The Proposed Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1972. Washington, D.C.: Science and Health Pub- lications, 1972. 285 pp. Senate Passes Bill Providing Millions to Encourage HMOs. National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:2, May 19, 1973. Support for Health Maintenance Organizations (United States). Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report 30:731-734, April 1, 1972. Tiernan, R. O. Delivery of Health Care from the Washing- ton Vantage Point. Rhode Island Medical Journal 54:407-408, August 1971. Tuck, J. N. HMO Legislation: All Is Confusion (Dateline Washington). Group Practice 21(5):26, September 1972. . HMO Legislation in Limbo (Dateline Washington). Group Practice 21(8):11, December 1973. $240 Million Voted by House to Back HMO Development. National Underwriter (Property ed/Life ed) 77:1+, September 21-22, 1973. U. S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee #2. Hearings, September 13 and 20, 1973, on HR 7480 (and other bills) to amend Title 10, U. S. Code to Authorize the Use of Health Maintenance Organizations in Providing Health Care, 1973. 176 pp. HDR U. S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, Report by the Committee, 1973. 73 pp. HDR U. S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations — 1973, Hearings before the Subcommittee, 1973. 368 pp. HDR ''U. S. House (92nd/2nd), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations: Com- parisons of Major Health Maintenance Organization Legislative Proposals Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Together with Test of HR 11728 and HR 5615 and Questions and Answers about HMOs, 1972. 127 pp. HDR . S. House (92nd/2nd), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations: Hear- ings: Pt. 1-4, April 11-May 18, 1972, on HR 5615 and HR 11728 (and All Identical Bills) Bills to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide Assistance and Encouragement for the Establishment and Expansion of Health Maintenance Organizations, and for Other Pur- poses, 1972. 4 pp. (1521 pp). HDR . S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations, 1973: Hearings, March 6-7, 1973, on HR 51 and HR 4871, Bills to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide Assistance and Encouragement for the Establishment and Expansion of Health Maintenance Organizations, and for Other Purposes, 1973. 368 pp. HDR 17 U. S. Senate (92nd), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Health Maintenance Organizations and Resources Development Act of 1972; Report to Accompany S 3327, July 21, 1972. 171 pp. SDR U. S. Senate (92nd/2nd), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health. Health Maintenance Organizations and Resources Development Act of 1972, S 3327; Bill Text, Section-by-section Analysis and Background Material, 1972. 144 pp. SDR U. S. Senate (92nd/1st), Finance Committee. Health Maintenance Organizations, Staff Questions with Responses of Department of Health, Education and Welfare; September 27, 1971. 23 pp. SDR U. S. Senate (92nd/1st), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health Physicians Training Facilities and Health Maintenance Organizations: Hear- ings: Pt. 1, July 20-21, 1971, on S 9351 (and Other Bills) to Amend the Public Health Service Act and to Increase and Expand Physician Training, Health Care Generally, and Health Maintenance Organizations, 1971. 458 pp. SDR Ward, P. D. Health Care Regulation. Hospitals 46:101-105, April 1, 1972. Yedidia, A. Federal Support for HMOs. Journal of Medical Education 48:83-92, April 1973 (Suppl). ''ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES Bartholomew, R. E. The Case for Solo Practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16:939-944, November 1969. Camalier, C. W., Jr. HMO’s and Other Delivery Systems. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia 41:453-456, July 1972. Carson, D. C. Satellite HMO: Development of a Prepaid Nonprofit Group Medical Practice in the Samll City. Seattle: Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, July 1972.78 pp. Apply. Cavanaugh, J. H. Proposed HMO and FHIP Program Can Improve System. Hospital Progress 52:26-29+, January 1971. Corporate Delivery of Medical Care. (Ed) Northwest Medi- cine 71:603, August 1972. Doody, M. F. Organizing Health Care Delivery — Will It be Health Care Corporations or Health Maintenance Organi- zations? Volunteer Leader 14:3-8, January 1973. Edison, G. R. Prepayment vs Fee-for-service. Journal of the American College Health Association 18(5):325-329, 1970. Ellwood, P. M., Jr. Coming: Regional Health-care Monop- olies? (Interview). Medical Economics 50:199-214, February 5, 1973. ——. If We Turn Our Backs on HMOs. Prism 1(11):26-29+, November 1973. ——. Public Utility or Health Maintenance Organization: That’s Your Choice. Group Practice 22:22-24, Septem- ber 1973. (ed p. 2). Glasgow, J. M. Prepaid Group Practice and HMOs: Separat- ing the Rhetoric From the Reality. Connecticut Medi- cine 37:584-590, November 1973. Goldsmith, L. S. Survival of the Private Practice Concept of the Face of Prepaid Health Care. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 69:767-769, September 1972. Graham, F. E. Il. Group Versus Solo Practice: Arguments and Evidence. Inquiry 9:49-60, June 1972. 18 Hahn Cites Similarities, Differences in Health Care Corpor- ations, Health Maintenance Organizations. Hospitals 46:118, January 16, 1972. Lotharius, J. HMO or FMC: Drastic Changes Ahead in Medical Care. IIlinois Medical Journal 139:50-52, Janu- ary 1971. Shocket, E. Group vs Solo Practice. Journal of the American Medical Association 219:1067, February 21, 1972. Solo Practice Will Be Replaced by Group Practice within Fifteen Years States Physician. American Medical News 13:7, October 5, 1970. Welch, C. E. What’s in an Acronym: HMO or FMC? New England Journal of Medicine 288:519-520, March 8, 1973. White, K. L. Kerr White Compares those Middle-way Health Plans: Special Report. Medical Economics 48:33-55, June 21, 1971. GROUP PRACTICE Abram, S. E. Group Practice in Other Professions. Dental Clinics of North America 16:389-393, April 1972. Annis, J. W. How Fast Will Group Practice Grow? Medical Economics 47:136-146, April 13, 1970. Beck, L. C. Be Practical About Group Practice. Pennsy|- vania Medicine 75:45-47, September 1972. . Practice Management: Dividing a Group Practice’s Income. Delaware Medical Journal 45:146-149, May 1973. Clark, V. V, editor. Outpatient Services Journal Articles: A Collection of Current Published Articles Related to Outpatient Services. Flushing, NY: Medical Examination Publishing Company, 1970. 317 pp. $8.00 Egeberg, R. O. Multi-specialty Group Practice and the Future of Medicine. Group Practice 19:5+, May 1970. ''Esselstyn, C. B. The Outlook for Group Practice — Payment, Direct Service Plans During the Next 20 Years. Michigan Medicine 66:829-845, July 1967. Foulkes, R. G. Fundamental Issues of Group Practice. Canadian Doctor 37:84-87, September 1971. (ed p. 5). . Group Practice: Let’s Put It All Together. Canadian Doctor 38:30+, March 1972; 96+, April 1972; 50+, May 1972; 66-69, June 1972. ____.. Higher Quality of Health Care Possible with Group Practice. Canadian Doctor 37:25+, July 1971. . What is the Future of Group Practice? An Evalua- tion of Delivery Systems. Canadian Doctor 37:41+, April 1971. Friedson, E., et al. Organizational Dimensions of Large- scale Group Medical Practice. American Journal of Public Health 61:786-795, April 1971. Group Practice — Can It Provide the Solutions? Pennsy!- vania Medicine 73:47-52, July 1970. Guidelines for Group Practice. New York State Dental Journal 37:33, January 1971. Health Corporations: A New Approach for Health Man- power, Cooperation and Care. Maryland State Medical Journal 20:16-17, November 1971. Leaverton, L. E. Group Practice Trends. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:473, August 1971. . Professional Journal of the March 1973. Corporations lowa Medical Increasingly Popular. Society 63:122-123, . Pros and Cons of Group Practice. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 59:760-761, August 1969. Levin, P. J. Encouraging Group Practice: With Gun and Net Through the Health Establishment. American Journal of Public Health 61:949-956, May 1971. McMillan, J. A. Canadian Views Group Practice. Medical Group Management 19:14-15, September 1972. McNamara, M. E., et al. A Survey of Group Practice in the United States, 1969. American Journal of Public Health 60:1303-1313, July 1970. Morris, S. M. Health Care Corporations. Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 70:43-46, June 1973. 19 Schoen, M. H. External Forces Encouraging Group Practice. Dental Clinics of North America 16:265-274, April 1972. Sidall, A. C., et al. The Private Clinic and Its Trusteeship for Health. Group Practice 19:15-17, September 1970. Swan, L. F. Group Approach to Medical Care. Nursing Outlook 18:56-57, January 1970. Todd, C. The Growth of Group Practice: Implications for HMO Development. July 30, 1973. 23 pp. Wyatt, R. Trends in Group Medical and Hospital Care Plans: Kaiser Health Plan. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13(3):118-119, 1971. Zubkoff, M, et al. Group Practice in Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 65:113-117, Feb- ruary 1972. PREPAID GROUP PRACTICE Baehr, G. Prepaid Group Practice: Its Strength and Weak- nesses, and Its Future. American Journal of Public Health 56: 1898-1903, November 1966. Bakken, J. A. There’s a Prepaid Health Plan in Your Future, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 21-24. Denver: Medical Group Manage- ment Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Barr, R. Big Vote of Confidence in Prepaid Groups. Medical Economics 47:172, November 23, 1970. Bilheimer, L. Prepaid Medical Group Practice: A Discus- sion. Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 67 :426-430, May 1971. Brindle, J. Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice. American Journal of Public Health 59:37-45, January 1969 (Suppl). . What’s Ahead in the Delivery of Health Care: Prepaid Group Practice Plans. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:845-847, November 1972. and M. H. Wolman. The Prepaid Group Practice Point of View. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 11:68-70, February 1971. CNA Explains New Prepaid Health Program to Chicago Area Doctors. National Underwriter (Life ed) 75:29, December 4, 1971. ''California Medical Association, Bureau of Research and Planning. Study of Selected Prepaid Group Practice Arrangements in California. San Francisco: California Medical Association, 1971.55 pp. Apply. California Questions: Can Prepaid Plans Save Medicaid Funds? Are They Health Maintenance Organizations? Can They Ensure Quality? Modern Hospital 121:31-32, July 1973. Coates, E. D. Prepaid Group Practice. New York State Journal of Medicine 73:2492-2494, October 15, 1973. Cutting, C. C. The What, Why and How of Group Practice Prepayment for Medical Care. Southern Medical Bulletin 58(5):23-28, 1970. Dearing, W. P. Developments and Accomplishments of Comprehensive Group Practice Prepayment Programs. Washington, D. C.: Group Health Association of America, Inc., 1963 (revised 1972). —_—.. Prepaid Group Practice: A Health Services Delivery System, New Horizons in Health Care, Proceedings, First International Congress on Group Medicine, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, April 26-30, 1970, pp 293-303. Winnipeg: Congress Secretariat, 1970. 357 pp. $4.50. Donabedian, A. An Evaluation of Prepaid Group Practice. Inquiry 6(3):3-27. September 1969. Eisenberg, H. New Boom in Prepaid Groups. Medical Economics 47:29+, September 28, 1970. Falk, |. S. Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice: Response. American Journal of Public Health 59:53-58, January 1969 (Suppl). Faltermayer, E. K. Better Care at Less Cost without Miracles. Fortune 81:80-83+, January 1970. Fein, O. Prepaid Group Practice: Panacea Put-on. Health/ PAC Bulletin 9-14, November 1970. Feldstein, P. J. Prepaid Group Practice: An Analysis and Review. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Pro- gram in Hospital Administration, June 1971. 141 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $7.00; Film Reel $4.00. Gintzig, L. and R. L. Shouldice. Prepaid Group Practice: An Analysis as a Delivery System. The Reports and Comparisons of Selected Aspects of Several Prepaid Group Practice Plans. Washington, D.C.: George Wash- ington University, November 1971. 223 pp. Apply to author. 20 Goldman, M. B. The Economics of Prepaid Medical Care — A Capital Theoretical Approach Recognizing Uncer- tainty. Los Angeles: University of California, Doctorate Thesis, 1972. 251 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. Greenberg, |. G. and M. L. Rodburg. The Role of Prepaid Group Practice in Relieving the Medical Care Crisis. Harvard Law Review 84:887-1001, February 1971. Greenlick, M. R. The Impact of Prepaid Group Practice on American Medical Care: A Critical Evaluation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 399:100-113, January 1972. Heyssel, R. M. Causes of Retarded Growth in Prepayment Plans. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:4-8, January 1971. “Humphries, E. R. A History of Prepaid Medical Plans in British Columbia. Denver: American College of Clinic Managers (Professional Paper), January 31, 1963. 17 pp. Jeffers, W. N. Big New Swing Toward Panel Practice. Medical Economics 47:129+, February 2, 1970. Jennings, P. H. Experience with Prepayment Financing in a Private Pediatric Practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16:885-890, November 1969. Karabian, W. The Case for Prepaid Medical Insurance. Flightime 8(9):4-6, September 1973. Kolasky, D. J., Prepaid Group Practice Represents One Possible Answer to Our Health Care Crisis. (Ed) Medical Record News 43:14, February 1972. MacColl, W. A. Group Practice and Prepayment of Medical Care. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1966. 257 pp. McConnell, J. E. Issues in Health and Prepayment. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 70:395-399, May 1972. McElrath, D. C. Prepaid Group Medical Practice: A Com- parative Analysis of Organizations and Perspectives. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1958. 232 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. MacLeod, G. K. Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice: Summary of General Discussion. American Journal of Public Health 59:52-53, January 1969 (Suppl). Phelan, J., et al. Group Practice Prepayment: An Approach to Delivering Organized Health Services. Law and Con- temporary Problems 35:796-816, Autumn 1970. ''ve Prepaid, Capitation, Group Practice Plans of Health Care Including Health Maintenance Organizations. New York State Journal of Medicine 71:2204-2213, September 15, 1971. Prepaid Group Practice: A Manual. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, June 1972. Looseleaf inserts. Apply. Prepaid Group Practice Health Plans, Proceedings of a Seminar Conducted by the Center for Labor Education and Research (CLEAR), University of Colorado, March 20-21, 1968, Denver, Colorado. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press, August 1968. 85 pp. $2.00. Prepaid Health Care: The Way It Works, What’s Being Planned. U. S. News and World Report 70:76-77, March 29, 1971. Prepaid Medical Care For All. U. S. News and World Report 69:26-29, August 10, 1970. Prescott, M. L. The Case for Closed Panels. Management 7:85-86+, December 1967. Dental Prussin, J. A. Prepaid Group Practice: Its Components and Their Interrelationships. Unpublished Paper. 8 pp. . Prepaid Group Practice in the United States: Some Organizational Models for Enrollee and Physician Partici- pation. Unpublished Paper. 27 pp. . This is Prepaid Group Practice Medical Care, Health Maintenance Organization, Proceedings of a Confer- ence, pp. 10-15, Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. *Richter, R. E. Prepayment Plans. Denver: American College of Clinic Managers Professional Paper, 1962 (?). 12 pp. The Role of Prepaid Group Practice in Relieving the Medical Care Crisis. Harvard Law Review 84:887-1001, February 1971. Ross, D. E. How Prepayment Got Its Start. Group Practice 22(12):17-19, December 1973. Saward, E. W. The Relevance of Prepaid Group Practice to the Effective Delivery of Health Services. New Physician 18:39-43, January 1969. Seiter, J. H. Case for Prepaid Medical Group Practice Health Plans. Group Practice 20:19-21, February 1971. Shearer, M. W. Medical Group Prepayment Plans, Including Health Maintenance Organization. Medical Group Management 19:16-18, May 1972. 21 Sonken, S. Group Practice: A Case for Prepayment. Physicians Management 10:54+, October 1970. Stroud, H. H. Prepaid Group Practice? Delaware Medical Journal 42:247, September 1970. Tulchinsky, T. H. Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice: Commentary. American Journal of Public Health 59:49-51, January 1969 (Suppl). HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS American Nursing Home Association. Definition of HMO. Newsletter (American Nursing Home Association): 5-6, March 15, 1971. Aronow, R. Health Maintenance Organization: The Way to Go? Journal of the American Podiatry Association 36:203-206, May 1973. Barrows, K. Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 62:5+, January 1972. Beck, L. C. What is a Health Maintenance Organization? Pennsylvania Medicine 75:36-37, January 1972. Berman, R. A. Health Maintenance Organization: The Concept Versus the Reality. Hospital Management 111:13-16, February/March 1971. Blanton, P. J. Examination of the Health Maintenance Organization as an Acceptable Health Care Delivery Mechanism. lowa City: University of lowa, M.A., July 1972. 164 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $7.60; Film Reel $4.00. Boltin, E. HMO — It’s Time to Embrace a Fact of Life. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:3+, May 19, 1972; (Life ed) 76:14-17, June 3, 1972. Bracht, N. F. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Analysis. Washington, D. C.: National Association of Social Workers, September 1972. 30 pp. Apply. Brooks, T. A. Health Maintenance Organizations—An Over- view. Osteopathic Hospital 16:5-10, August 1972. Brown, R. E., et al. Implications of the Health Maintenance Organization Concept, Health Maintenance Organiza- tions: Reconfiguration of the Health Services Systems, pp. 69-90. Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50. ''Buckingham, G. A. The Health Maintenance Organization Concept: Essential Element and Potential Impact. Uni- versity of Alabama, M.S., 1972. 54 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Bullis, E. G. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s; HEW’s Rx: HMO. Illinois Medical Journal 139:55-56, January 1971. . Health Maintenance Organizations: A Broad and Imaginative Concept. Insurance 72:104+, Fall 1971. California, Los Angeles County Health Delivery Systems Task Force. Report on Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. Los Angeles: University of California, School of Public Health, 1972. 53 pp. Apply. California Medical Association. The Health Maintenance Organization — Some Information for Physicians: A Report of the Bureau of Research and Planning. Califor- nia Medicine 116:100-103, March 1972. Carey, S. C. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Intro- duction and Survey of Recent Developments. Wash- ington, D. C.: Lawyers’ Commission for Civil Rights Under Law, October 1972. Apply. Cobb, J. B. The Cloudy Future of HMOs. Group Practice 22(8):1, August 1973. Collins, C. M. Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 58:49, October 1971. Dunne, J. B. Here’s What HMO is All About. Medical Times 100:79+, December 1972. Eilers, R. D. How the New HMOs will Affect Your Practice. Medical Opinion 7:42-45, September 1971. Ellwood, P. M. Concept, Organization and Strategies of Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of Nursing Administration 3:29-34, September/October 1973. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Approach (Ed) Hospital Practice ...Mastly to be Preferred. 7:11-12, October 1972. . Health Maintenance Organizations: Concept and Strategy. Hospitals 45:53-56, March 16, 1971. ___.. Health Maintenance Strategy. Medical Care 9:291-298, May/June 1971. . Optimistic About the Future of HMOs. Modern Medicine 41:33-36, December 24, 1973. 22 . Restructuring the Health Delivery System — Will the Health Maintenance Strategy Work, Health Mainte- nance Organizations: A Reconfiguration of the Health Services System, pp. 2-23. Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50. Evidence Mounts that HMOs are a Viable Supplement. National Health Insurance Reports 3(21):7-10, October 22, 1973. Feeser, C. Our 71 Billion Dollar Failure. Imprint 18:8-10+, November/December 1971. Fireison, L. HMO — A New Strategy: Characteristics, Evolution, Legislation. Trial 9:22-26, March/April 1973. Fleming, S. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Inter- view. FAH (Federation of American Hospitals) Review 5:18+, October 1972. Forbes, O. Z. American College December 1972. In the Urban Setting. Journal of the Health Association 21:108-109, Frederiksen, G. HMOs: New Horizons or Organizational Nightmares? Hospital Progress 53:42-48+, April 1972. . A Look to the Future of HMOs, Health Mainte- nance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 67-72. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Gerber, A. The ‘‘Medical Crises’: Is Prepayment a ‘‘Cure”’ — Critical Evaluation. Los Angeles County Medical Association Bulletin 103:8-12, February 1, 1973. Gintzig, L. and R. L. Shouldice. Health Maintenance Organization: Yes or No? (Interview) Hospital World 1:16+, March 1972. Go Slow with Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association 65:117, February 1972. Gossett, J. W. Medicine’s Capital City Faces an Influx of Health Maintenance Organizations. Medical Economics 48:200, November 22, 1971. Green, D. HMO’s: Fight’em or Join’em. Physicians Manage- ment 13:15-34, December 1973. Griffenhagen, G. B. Health Maintenance Organizations — Concept or Reality? (Ed) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 12:7, January 7, 1972. Handelman, M. HMOs: Corporate Cures? Health/PAC Bulle- tin 5:8-10, July/August 1972. ''Hard Evidence that Health Maintenance Organizations Really Work. Medical Economics 48:222+, June 1971. Hard Sell for Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Journal of the American Medical Association 216:1637, June 7, 1971. Hardaway, E. II. Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of Dental Education 36:19-23, February 1972. Havighurst, C. C. Health Maintenance Organizations and the Market for Health Services. Minneapolis, MN: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1971.35 pp. Apply. Health Insurance Association of America to Aid: Health Maintenance Organizations. American Medical News 15:16, April 17, 1972. Health Maintenance Organization. Hospital Administration Currents 16:1-4, March 1972. Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of the American Dental Association 83:202-204, August 1971. (ed p. 215). Health Maintenance Organization Experiments must be Evaluated. American Medical News 15:4, August 21, 1972. Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the American Dental Association 83:215, August 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations. MLN Bulletin 14:3-8, April 1972. HMO (Health Maintenance Organizations). Nebraska Nurse 4:4-6, September 1971. HMO’s. New England Journal of Medicine 288:1130-1133, May 24, 1973. HMO’s. West Virginia Medical Journal 67:278, September 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations: Conference Analysis, the Following is a Summary of the Conclusions Drawn by the Participants in the discussion on Health Mainte- nance Organizations at the AHA Conference on HMOs. Hospitals 45:73-76+, March 16, 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations: The Key Experimental Unit in Health Plans. American Medical News 14:10-11, June 7, 1971. HMO’s: Panaceas, Palliatives, or Political Ploys? Hospital Practice 6:149+, September 1971. 23 HMOs: Promise or Problem. Our Health 1:1-4, October 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Reconfiguration of the Health Services System. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Hospital Affairs, Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration and Center for Health Administration Studies, Graduate School of Business, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50. HMOs — Health Maintenance Organizations: What are They? How do They Operate? ... Washington, D.C.: Chamber of Commerce, July 1973. 14 pp. Apply. Health Maintenance Organizations’ Stormy Tryout in Los Angeles Area. Medical World News 14:17-19, July 15, 1973. , HMOs, Organization and Reorganization (Dateline Wash- ington). Group Practice 22(9):31-32, September 1973. Hendrickson, R. M. There’s a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion in Your Future. Physicians Management 11:63-67, May 1971. Hotchkiss, W. S. Health Maintenance Organizations. Virginia Medical Monthly 99:385-390, April 1972. Hume, W. I., Jr. One Answer to the “Doctor Shortage.” (Ed) Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 69:520, July 1971. Hunter, E. L., et al. Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about HMOs and have been Afraid to Ask. Journal of the American Optometric Association 43(10): 1028-1032, 1972. , Hurt, F. K. The Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 59:5, January 1972. Winois Governor Outlines Program to Encourage Develop- ment of Health Maintenance Organizations. Hospitals 45:114, May 1, 1971. Ilinois Health Message Emphasizes Health Maintenance Organizations. Modern Hospital 116:46-47, May 1971. Ingraham, H. S. New Road for Preventive Medicine: Health Maintenance Organizations. Preventive Medicine 1:21-22, March 1972. Is It Doctors’ ‘‘Last Chance to Carry the Ball’’: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) to Provide Medicare Services at a Fixed Cost Now Under Consideration. Medical World News 11:13, June 19, 1970. ''Is the HMO Just What You Ordered for the Doctor? Nation’s Business 60:54-57, December 1972. Is There a Health Maintenance Organization in Your Future? Forbes 111:28-29, March 15, 1973. Jarett, |. M. Health Maintenance Organization = People + Organization + Financing + Risk. Hospital Financial Management 27:6+, January 1973. Kobler, J. Health Maintenance Organization: New Hope for Doctors and Insurers. Bests Review (Life, Health Insur- ance Ed) 72:16+, June 1971. MacLeod, G. K. Medical Care of the Future: The Practi- tioner and the Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of the American Podiatry Association 63:297-303, July 1973. . Status Report on Health Maintenance Organiza- tions, June 28, 1972, Presented at the Third National Health Maintenance Organization Training Conference, Seattle, WA, June 27-29, 1972. Unpublished Paper. 11 pp. and J. A. Prussin. Continuing Evolution of Health Maintenance Organizations. New England Journal of Medicine 288:439-443, March 1, 1973. Margolis, R. J. Group Therapy for Runaway Medical Bills: Health Maintenance Organizations Offer a Proven Way of Buying High-quality Care for a Moderate Yearly Fee. Money 2:22-26, May 1973. Matthews, H. A. The Health Maintenance Organization: Editorial. North Carolina Medical Journal 32:429-431, October 1971. Mayle, F. C. Congressman Roy Speaks on Health Mainte- nance Organizations. Maryland State Medical Journal 21:17, June 1972. Meet the Health Maintenance Organization — A New Way to Buy Health Care. Changing Times 26:7-9, February 1972. Moore, W. E., editor. Health Maintenance Organizations: Impact on Health and Health Professions; 19th Annual Stephen Wilson Pharmacy Seminar, February 22, 1972. Detroit: Wayne State University, College of Pharmacy, 1972. 82 pp. Apply. Mulligan, J. E. There’s a Health Maintenance Organization in Your Future. Journal of Nursing Administration 3:35-38, September/October 1973. 24 Myers, B. A. Health Maintenance Organizations. Presented at the State Comprehensive Health Planning Agencies Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., April 7, 1971. Unpublished Paper. 15 pp. . Health Maintenance Organizations: Objectives and Issues. HSMHA (Health Services and Mental Health Administration) Health Reports 86:585-591. July 1971. One-stop Health Care. U. S. News and World Report 74:52-54, May 21, 1973. O'Neal, L. W. HMO Revisited. 68:902-904, December 1971. Missouri Medicine Pang, H. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) — A Challenge. Medical Journal of Australia 1:961, May 12, 1973. Pascucci, L. M. Concept of a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 64:440, November 1971. Price Decision Favors Health Maintenance Organizations. American Medical News 15:1, May 1, 1972. Pros and Cons of HMO’s: Bulletin of the Greene County Medical Society 32:13-14+, February 1973. Prussin, J. A. HMO ... to Your Health. 1.U.E. (Inter- national Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers) News. Washington, D.C.: International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, June 1972. Apply to author. Rafkind, F. B. Health Maintenance Organizations: Some Perspectives. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, 1972. 219 pp. Apply. Regarding Health Maintenance Organizations: lowa. Jour- nal of the lowa Medical Society 61:602A-602B, October 1971. Regional Medical Programs Branches Help Establish Health Maintenance Organization Services. U.S. Medicine 7:20, September 1, 1971. A Revolutionary Plan to Keep People Healthy (Social Issues, the HMO Means Near-total Medical Care for a Fixed Monthly Fee). Business Week (n.v.):58-60, Jan- uary 12, 1974. Reynolds, J. A. How Will the Health Maintenance Organiza- tion Controversy Come out? Medical Economics 49:29+, May 8, 1972. '' Rhein, R. W. Panelists Skeptical of Health Maintenance Organizations’ Benefits. U. S. Medicine 7:1+, June 15, 1971. Riddick, F. A., Jr. HMO — Boon or Boondoggle? Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society 123:422-428, December 1971. . Health Maintenance Organizations: “But Will They Maintain Health?” (Ed) Hospital Practice 7:12-13, October 1972. . HMO — Hope or Hoax? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 65:194-199, May 1972. Roemer, M. |. and W. Shonick. HMO Performance: The Recent Evidence. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 51(3):271-317, Summer 1973. Rothfeld, M. B. Sensible Surgery for Swelling Medical Costs: Health Maintenance Organizations. Fortune 87:110+, April 1973. Rowe, D. S. Aspects of an Effective HMO. New England Journal of Medicine 288:1130, May 24, 1973. Roy, W. R. The HMO in Health Care. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 12:365-367, July 1972. Sammons, J. H. Mutual Understanding Needed on Health Maintenance Organizations. Texas Medicine 68:79, March 1972. Schoen, M. H. An Appraisal of Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 32:83-89, Spring 1972. Sehnert, K. W. ABC‘s of Health Maintenance Organizations . . Are They A-OK or SOB's? (Ed) Virginia Medical Monthly 99:1271-1272, December 1972. ———.. What's In a Name? (Ed) Virginia Medical Monthly 100:464-465, May 1973. Simonetti, G., Jr. What's a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion? The Journal of Accountancy 135:28-29, May 1973. Smith, J. H. Health Maintenance Organizations: The Con- cept and Its Importance. Best’s Review (Life/Health Insurance Ed) 73:18+, October 1972. Social Security Administration Official Says Health Mainte- nance Organizations Will Lead to New Care System. Modern Hospital 117:41, July 1971. 25 Sonken, S. Health Maintenance Organizations. New York State Dental Journal 38:145-150, March 1972. Steinle, J. G. What is HMO? Hospital Topics 49:52, April 1971. Stevens, E. B. What Is New About HMO’s? Medical Group Management 18:17+, May 1971. Symposium Hears Criticism, Defense of Health Mainte- nance Organization Concept. Modern Hospital 116:40-41, June 1971. U. S. Senate (92nd/2nd), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health. Health Maintenance Organizations: Questions and Answers Relating to Sub- committee Questionnaire, 1972. 462 pp. SDR Unproved Optimism and Theories on Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 12:543-544, October 1971. Vohs, J. A., R. V. Anderson and R. Straus. Critical Issues in HMO Strategy. New England Journal of Medicine 286: 1082-1086, May 18, 1972. Waiting for HMOs to Grow Flesh (Washington Newsletter). Modern Medicine 39:35-39, September 6, 1971. Waldman, H. B. HMOs: How Much Oratory or Help Mankind Out? New York State Dental Journal 39:529-531, November 1973. Watters, F. C. Health Maintenance Organizations. Medical Group Management 19(2):7-8+, January 1972. What About the Health Maintenance Organization? (Ed) Southern Hospitals 41:4+, February 1973. What’s an HMO? Journal of Accountancy 135:28-29, May 1973. Wilbur, D. L. HMO — Health Maintenance Organization. (Ed) Postgraduate Medicine 50:177-178, July 1971. Wilson, V. E. HMOs: Hopes and Aspirations. Journal of Medical Education 48:7-10, April 1973 (Suppl). . Health Maintenance Organizations — A Sound Concept That Needs to Be Tested (interview). American Medical News 14:12-13, June 21, 1971. . Health Maintenance Organizations and Medical Practice. North Carolina Medical Journal 32:419-423. October 1971. ''Woods, W. E. HMO’s Won't Necessarily Improve Health Care System. American Druggist Merchandising 167:32, March 15, 1973. Zimmerman, J. P. New Approach to Health Care — The Health Maintenance Organization. Physical Therapy 52:775-777, July 1972. FOUNDATIONS FOR MEDICAL CARE Becker, R. J. Medical Foundations — Grass Roots Planning (Seeding, Fertilizing, Weeding and the Crab Grass Prob- lem). West Virginia Medical Journal 68:127-133, May 1972. Bid for Independence for Doctors: Foundation for Medical Care. Medical World News 13:47+, October 20, 1972. Bloom, A. and P. Kosco. Foundations for Medical Care as Health Maintenance Organizations. Unpublished paper. 10 pp. Brierly, C. Medical Foundations: Antidote for National Health Insurance? Physicians Management 11:31-37, October 1971; 42-45, November 1971. Definition of a Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 58:63, May 1971 (ed p. 60-61) Dickinson, L. Are Medical Foundations the Answer? Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 69:165, March 1971 (ed p. 196). Egdahl, R. H. Foundations for Medical Care. New England Journal of Medicine 288:491-498, March 8, 1973. (ed p. 519-520). Eisenberg, H. There’s a Medical Foundation in Your Future. Medical Economics 48:88-98, September 27, 1971. Farrington, J. F. Is There a Foundation in Your Future? Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 66:622-626, July 1973. 6 Foundation Functioning as Prepaid Health Plan. American Medical News 16:14, April 9, 1973. Foundation Gains Seen. American Medical News 14:1+, July 12, 1971. Foundations Bid for Bigger Role. American Medical News 15:1+, September 11, 1972. 26 Foundations’ Cost Savings Described to Congress. American Medical News 15:9, May 22, 1972. Foundations Urged to Mend Fences, Build National Base. American Medical News 15:7, September 4, 1972. Harrington, D. C. Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 60:138-140, May 1971. ——_—. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s: FMO — “A Better Cure’’. Illinois Medical Journal 139:57-58, January 1971. . Medical Foundation as a Health Maintenance Organi- zation. Hospital Forum (California) 14:6+, February 1972. Howard, R. and others. Concepts of a State ‘Foundation Plan’: A Method of Health Care Delivery. Ohio State Medical Journal 67:346-348, April 1971. Jarett, |. M. and R. C. Comer. Foundations for Medical Care: Managerial, Organizational and System Develop- ment Aspects: A Statement of Observations and Recom- mendations. Springfield: !L: South Illinois University, School of Medicine, March 1972. 72 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Kennedy, R. B. Medical Care Foundations: Private Prac- tice’s Answer. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 12:586-592, November 1971. (ed p. 597-598). Kenney, J. M. Innovations in Medical Care: The Founda- tion Concept. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 73:10-13+, January 1972. Leavey, H. H. Foundations for Medical Care from a Lawyer’s Viewpoint. Paper presented at seminar of the Group Practice and Health Lawyers Association in Dallas, Texas, October 20-22, 1972. Apply to author. MDs Debate Role of Medical Care Foundations. American Medical News 14:12, April 12, 1971. Meadors, J. Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association 67:482-484, December 1971. Medical Foundation Concept in the Delivery of Health Care. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 58:65, May 1971. Medical Foundations: One in Every Hospital's Future. Modern Hospital 118:46-47, April 1972. ''Miller, J. D. Medical Foundation Concept. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 70:797-798, October 1972. National Association of Blue Shied Plans. Foundations for Medical Care. Chicago: National Association of Blue Shield Plans, 1972. looseleaf. $4.00 Prepayment No Panacea, Writer Tells Foundations. Ameri- can Medical News 15:10, September 11, 1972. Steinwald, C. An Introduction to Foundations for Medical Care. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, September 1971. 131 pp. Apply. . Foundations for Medical Care. Blue Cross Reports (Research Series) No. 7:1-8, August 1971. Thompson, B. Comprehensive Explanation of Foundations for Medical Care. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 60:134-137, May 1971. (ed p. 156). NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH CENTERS Birnbaum, R. W. Prepayment and Neighborhood Health Centers: Guidelines for the Planning of or Conversion to a Health Maintenance Organization. Washington, D.C.: Office of Economic Affairs, 1972. Apply. Bryant, T. E. Goals and Potential of the Neighborhood Health Centers. Medical Care 8(2):93-94, March/April 1970. Colombo, T. J., E. W. Saward and M. R. Greenlick. The Integration of an OEO Health Program into a Prepaid Comprehensive Group Practice Plan. American Journal of Public Health 59:641-650, April 1969. Connor, A. F., Jr. Neighborhood Health Centers and Prepaid Group Practice as a Method of Improving Systems for Delivery of Care in the Urban Core. Journal of the National Medical Association 63:486-487, November 1971. Elinson, J. and C. E. A. Herr. A Sociomedical View of Neighborhood Health Centers. Medical Care 8(2):97-103, March/April 1970. Fein, R. An Economist's View of the Neighborhood Health Center as a Social Institution. Medical Care 8(2): 104-107, March/April 1970. Flynn, K. Neigborhood Health Care Clinics. Hospitals 45:81-84, February 1, 1971. Geiger, H. J. The Neighborhood Health Center. Archives of Environmental Health 14:912-916, June 1967. 27 Gerberding, S. S. Medical Nurse Practitioner in a Neighbor- hood Center. American Journal of Nursing 72:1416-1419, August 1972. Morehead, M. A. Evaluating Quality of Medical Care in the Neighborhood Health Center Program of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Medical Care 8(2):118-131, March/April 1970. Pang, H. Community Health Centres and the Health Maintenance Organization Concept. Hospital Health Care Administration (Australia) 3:15+, May 1973. Torrens, P. R. Administrative Problems of Neighborhood Health Centers. Medical Care 9:487-497, November/ December 1971. CASE STUDIES Columbia Medical Plan Consumers Give Opinions on Columbia Medical Plan. Modern Hospital 117:43, August 1971. Gaus, C. R. Who Enrolls in a Prepaid Group Practice: The Columbia Experience. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:9-14, January 1971. Heyssel, R. M. Health Maintenance Organizations — Proto- types: Maryland — The Columbia Medical Plan and the East Baltimore Medical Plan. Hospitals 45:69-71, March 16, 1971. . Johns Hopkins — Columbia Medical Plan. Medical Opinion and Review 6:30-37, January 1970. Peterson, M. L. The First Year in Columbia: Assessments of Low Hospitalization Rate and High Office Use. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:15-23, January 1971. Rourke, A. J. Medical School Provides Group Practice for Planned City: Columbia, MD. Modern Hospital 115:120, August 1970. Seidel, H. M. Medical Partnership, Columbia, Maryland. Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 70:47-52, June 1973. Thurlow, R. M. City With Prepaid Group Practice and Nothing But: Columbia, Maryland. Medical Economics 48:31+, November 8, 1971. Towle, W. F. Columbia Medical Plan. Journal of Reproduc- tive Medicine 10:24-27, January 1973. . New City, New Hospital — Columbia, Maryland. Hospitals 46:46+, January 16, 1972. ''Greater Marshfield Community Health Plan Jaye, D. R., Jr. Pioneer in the Health Maintenance Organization Concept: Marshfield, Wisconsin. Hospitals 47:57-62, April 16, 1973. Lewis, R. F. Greater Marshfield Community Health Plan — A Community Experiment. Wisconsin Medical Journal 72:17-23, June 1973. . The Physician’s Viewpoint: Greater Marshfield Community Health Plan, Health Maintenance Organiza- tions, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 16-20. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Harvard Community Health Plan Birnbaum, R. W. Harvard Community Health Plan: To Provide Broad Access to Quality, Comprehensive Health Care. Public Welfare 29:42-46, January 1971. Dorsey, J. L. Harvard Community Health Plan. Mas- sachusetts Physician 31:50-54, March 1972. Harvard Community Health Plan Describes Growth. Amer- ican Medical News 13:3, December 28, 1970. Harvard Community Health Plan Operators Call Program a Success. American Family Physician 3:165-166, May 1971. Harvard Experiment: To Provide Prepaid Diagnostic, Pre- ventive Group Practice Care. American Hospital Profes- sional 6:8+, January 1970. Harvard Medical School’s New Community Health Plan. Insurance 70:41, November 15, 1969. Kiester, E. Jr. Ounce of Prevention and a Pound of Cure: Harvard Community Health Plan. Family Health 3:34-38, September 1971. New Prepaid Group Practice System: Harvard Medical School. (Ed) Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association 63:446-447, May 1970. Sifton, D. W. New Onslaught from the Prepaid Groups: Harvard Community Health Plan. Medical Economics 47:172-173, June 22, 1970. Wagner, D. L. The Harvard Community Health Plan. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session 23-30, 1972. . Issues in the Provision of Health Care For All: Harvard Community Health Plan and the Nursing Pro- gram. American Journal of Public Health 63:481-485, June 1973. Waitzkin, H. and A. S. Cohen. HMOs: A Critical Appraisal of Harvard Community Health Plan. Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin 47:12-18, September/October 1972 (Commentary by J. L. Dorsey, pp. 19-21). Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York Bates, L. E. Health Maintenance Organizations. A Proto- type: New York — Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York. Hospitals 45:58-60, March 16, 1971. HIP Statistical Report: 1970 Enrollment and Utilization Statistics: 1971 Research Project Results. New York: Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, n.d. Apply. Martin, S. HIP Incentive Reimbursement Experiment: How a Nurse Makes the Difference. American Journal of Nursing 72:278-280, February 1972. Intergroup Shalowitz, M. “‘Intergroup’’ — One Alternative: Part II, Benefits, Rates and Marketing. Medical Group Manage- ment 21(1):26-28, November/December 1973. . Intergroup: Prepaid Health Services Plan. Illinois Medical Journal 141:43-45, January 1972. and S. A. Trotter. “Intergroup” — One Alternative: Part 111, Management. Medical Group Management 21(2):21-22, January/February 1974. Trotter, S. A. “Intergroup” Prepaid Health Services Plan — One Alternative. Medical Group Management 20:18+, September/October 1973. lowa Foundation for Medical Care lowa Foundation for Medical Care: Proposed Articles of Incorporation. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:195+, April 1971. Lister, K. E. Basics of a Foundation: lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:136-137, March 1971. ''. lowa Medical Society and Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 63:124-125, March 1973. On the lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 62:641-642, December 1972. Sunderbruch, J. H. lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:133+, March 1971. . lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 62:416-417, August 1972. Kaiser-Permanente Carnoy, J. Kaiser: You Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chances. Ramparts 27-32, October 1970. , et al. Corporate Medicine: The Kaiser Health Plan. Health/PAC Bulletin (55):4-18, November 1973. Cook, W. H. Kaiser-Permanente Program: Experience with a Comprehensive Prepaid Medical Plan and Its Implication for Future Medical Practice. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 70:379-383, September 1969. Fleming, S. Health Maintenance Organizations — A Proto- type: California — Kaiser Foundation-Permanente Pro- gram. Hospitals 45:56-57, March 16, 1971. Hallatt, J. G. How the Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Complex Enhances Medical Care and Education. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 6:163-166, April 1971. McCune, D. J. The Kaiser-Permanente Plan in Child Health Care. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16(4):875-883, November 1969. Marshall, T. Kaiser Plan: The Patients’ View — What They Like and What They Don’t Like. Modern Hospital 116:86-87, February 1971. Morton, G. How Does Kaiser Do It? Hospital Administra- tion in Canada 13:46+, November 1971. O’Carroll, M. F. Kaiser Health Care. Journal of the Irish Medical Association 64:649-654, December 16, 1971. Oleinick, A. Does Comprehensive Care Make a Difference: Pediatric Utilization in the Kaiser Health Plan of Oregon. American Journal of Diseases of Children 122:478-480, December 1971. 29 Prepaid Group Practice That Works (Kaiser-Permanente). Forbes 111:29, March 15, 1973. Ratcliff, J. D. Way Out of Our Health-Care Crisis: Kaiser Medical Program. Reader’s Digest 100:231-232+, April 1972. Roberts, B. L. Optometry in the Southern California Permanente Medical Group. Journal of the American Optometric Association 41:458-462, May 1970. Saward, E. W. The Relevance of the Kaiser-Permanente Experience to the Health Services of the Eastern United States. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 46:707-717, September 1970. , et al. Documentation of Twenty Years of Operation and Growth of a Prepaid Group Practice Plan: Kaiser Foundation Medical Care Plan. Medical Care 6:231-244, May/June 1968. Tunley, R. Better Medical Care at Less Cost Is Possible: A Look into a Health Plan Long Enjoyed by Some Ameri- cans that Could Benefit All of Us (The Kaiser Health Plan: How It Compares with Other Prepaid Group Plans). American Legion Magazine 89:8-13, August 1970. Underlying Idea Shows Promise: Kaiser’s View of the HMO Concept. Modern Hospital 115:107-108, August 1971. Williams, G. Kaiser Delivery System: Less Utilization, More Productivity. Modern Hospital 116:81-85+, February 1971. . Kaiser Plan: Planned Surplus Gives Doctors Incen- tives, Keeps Facilities Up to Date. Modern Hospital 116:91-93, February 1971. Kaiser: What Is It? How Does It Work? Why Does It Work? Modern Hospital 116:67-69, February 1971. . Kaiser-Permanente Health Plan: Why It Works. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Foundation, 1971, 92 pp. Apply. . Kaiser Plan: The Logic is Irresistible, But the Logistics are Imposing. Modern Hospital 116:93-95, February 1971. . Kaiser Plan: The Prepaid Group Practice Model and How It Grew. Modern Hospital 116:69-80, February 1971. Wyatt, R. Trends in Group Medical and Hospital Care Plans: Kaiser Health Plan. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13(3): 118-119, 1971. ''Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care By-laws of the Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 12:593-595, November 1971. Davis, J. T. Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 13:322-324, August 1972. . Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 14:159-160, April 1973. Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care is Organized. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 12:557-558, October 1971. Pennsylvania Foundation for Medical Care Limberger, W. A. Some Thoughts on the Pennsylvania Medical Society Medical Care Foundation. Pennsylvania Medicine 74:15-18, September 1971. Marshall, M., Jr. Pennsylvania Medical Care Foundation: Progress Report. Pennsylvania Medicine 74:15-16, June 1971. Medical Care Foundation Activated in Pennsylvania. Ameri- can Medical News 15:10, December 18, 1972. Pennsylvania Medical Care Foundation: Summary. Pennsy!- vania Medicine 74:78, November 1971. San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care Gartside, F. E. and D. M. Proctor. Medicaid Services in California Under Different Organizational Modes: Physician Participation in the San Joaquin Prepayment Project. Los Angeles: University of California, School of Public Health, Report #1, January 1970. 53 pp. Apply. Harrington, D. C. Foundation Approach to Medical Care: San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care. Hospital Progress 53:50-52, April 1972. . Health Maintenance Organizations: A Prototype — California-San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care. Hospitals 45:67-68, March 16, 1971. . San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care. Dela- ware Medical Journal 43:216-219, August 1971. 30 Other Plans Ackerman, F. K., Jr. Developing a Health Maintenance Organization — in Danville, Pennsylvania. Medical Group Management 20:11-12, May/June 1973. Adler, M. W. 15 Health Maintenance Organizations in IWlinois: How Will They Affect Your Practice? The Carbondale “Experiment.” {Illinois Medical Journal 141:41-43, January 1972. Amundsen, J. M. and M. W. Jones. Prepaid Health Plans in California — 1973. Socioeconomic Report (California Medical Association) 13(9):1-7, November/December 1973. Anonsen, R. E. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s: Hennepin County’s Program. Illinois Medical Journal 139:58-59, January 1971. Barnes, P. Health Care in Seattle. New Republic 165:12-13, December 18, 1971. Blumstein, R. W. Comprehensive Medical Associates. Iinois Medical Journal 141:55, January 1972. Buchert, W. |. The Geisinger Story: Hope in the Hills. Pennsylvania Medicine 73:45-46, July 1970. Burke, R. T. A Review of the Experience of Two Small HMOS. Minneapolis: InterStudy, 1972. 20 pp. Apply. . Tri-county Hospital and Health Care Association, Deer Park, Washington. Minneapolis: Institute for Inter- disciplinary Studies, July 1972. various paging. Apply. Citywide Health Maintenance Organization Offers Services to District of Columbia Residents. Hospitals 46:143-144, August 1, 1972. Clinic Puts it All Together for HMO: Kelsey-Seybold Clinic. Group Practice 21(5):17-20, September 1972. Community-operated Health Maintenance Organization Established in Chicago Area. Hospitals 47:119, Septem- ber 16, 1973. Consortium to Form 5-county Health Network: Group Health Planning of Greater Philadelphia, Inc. Hospitals 45:100, June 16, 1971. Cronkhite, L. W., Jr. Health Maintenance Organizations — A Prototype: Health, Inc., Boston. Hospitals 45:70-72, March 16, 1971. Eshelman, J. C. Maryland Health Maintenance Organiza- tions at the Crossroads. Maryland State Medical Journal 21:34-35, October 1972. ~“ '' First Maryland Health Care Corporation Funded Through U. S. Office of Economic Opportunity. Maryland State Medical Journal 20:41, December 1971. Florida to Have Prepaid Health Services: Care Maintenance Systems, Inc. Nursing Homes 21:6, September 1972. Florida’s First Health Maintenance Organization Based in New Hospital. Hospital World 1:19, November/ December 1972. Four Clinics on the San Francisco Peninsula Combine for Prepaid Plan. Group Practice 21:5, June 1972. Giddings, P. M. Health Maintenance Organization that Private Practice is Building. Medical Economics 50:170+, August 6, 1973. Group Practices, Insurers Offer Prepaid Care Plan in Metropolitan Chicago and Northern Indiana. American Medical News 14:19, October 18, 1971. Haley, T. W. Health Maintenance Organizations — a Prototype: Oregon — Physicians Association of Clackamas County. Hospitals 45:63-64, March 16, 1971. Hastings, J. E. F. and others. Prepaid Group Practice in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario: Analysis of Utilization Records. Medical Care 11:91-103, March/April 1973; Evidence from the household survey. 173-188, May/ June 1973. Holton, F. These Doctors choose Prepaid Group Practice: Compcare. Physicians Management 11:46-53, September 1972. (ed p. 19). Kauffman, M. C. The Philadelphia Story. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session:30-34, 1972. Korcok, M. After Ten Years a Pioneer Health Centre Feels the Pinch: Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. Canadian Medical Association Journal 107:897+, November 4, 1972. Kramer, L. A. Developing a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion in Livingston County, New York. Medical Group Management 20: 13-15, May/June 1973. Mason, P. B. Wisconsin Health Care Review, Inc.: A Landmark for State Health Professions. Wisconsin Medi- cal Journal 71:3-13, January 1972. Materials on Prepaid Health Plans (PHP‘s). San Francisco: Health/PAC, 1974. $1.00. Apply. Mehler, H. Can a Quasi-Public Corporation Control Michi- gan Health Care Programs? Michigan Medicine 69:1023-1024, November 1970. 31 . Health Maintenance Organization in Your Future: Terms of First State Contract to Provide Medical Services. Michigan Medicine 71:219-221, March 1972. . How Six Special Programs Deliver Health Care in Michigan. Michigan Medicine 71:359-360, April 1972. Michigan Governor Proposes Health Maintenance Organiza- tions, Planning Legislation. Hospitals 45:102, June 16, 1971. Mott, F. D., et al. Prepaid Group Practice in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario 11: Evidence from the Household Survey. Medical Care 11:173-188, May/June 1973. Neuman, H. F. Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp 56-57. Denver: Medical Group Manage- ment Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. New Group Practice Plan Slated for Rochester, New York, Under Federal Grant. American Journal of Nursing 71:1670+, September 1971. Newgarden, A. HMO: A Visit to Northeast Valley Health Corporation. Arthur Young Journal 72:11-16, Winter 1972. Pennsylvania Medical Society to Develop Group Practice Program. Hospitals 44:19, November 16. 1970. Pierce, R. O. Health Care in Indianapolis: Moving Toward a Health Maintenance Organization. Urban Health 2:6+, February 1973. Prepaid Health Plan Proposed by San Diego County Group. Hospitals 45:125, November 1, 1971. Riesenfeld, S. A. Prepaid Health Care Plans in Hawaii. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii, 1971. 97 pp. $1.00 Rochester Plans Will Develop Group Practice Center. Hospitals 44:37, November 1, 1970. Rosenberg, C. L. A Functioning HMO. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:103-104, December 1972. San Diego County Medical Society Eyes Prepaid Hospital Plan. American Medical News 14:11, August 9, 1971. San Francisco MDs to Start Citywide Prepaid Health Plan. Hospitals 46:212-213, April 1, 1972. in Lincoln and a Health Illinois Medical Journal Stalhut, E. Group Practice Maintenance Organization. 141:45-47, January 1972. ''U. S. Public Health Service Publication #1664-3. Planning and Implementation of the Community Health Founda- tion of Cleveland, Ohio. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1968. 109 pp. Apply. Walker, M. Mound Bayou — Meharry Medical College's Neighbor. Journal of the National Medical Association 65:309-312, July 1973. Vayda, E. Prepaid Group Practice Combines Personal Health Care Services, Good Organization: Sault Experi- ment. Canadian Medical Association Journal 109:72+, July 7, 1973. Vitali, J. J. One Clinic’s Experience with Prepayment: East Range Clinics, Ltd., Virginia, Minnesota. Group Practice 19:7-9, June 1970. Other Foundations for Medical Care Benoit, H. W., Jr. Health Care Foundation of Missouri. Missouri Medicine 69:596-599, August 1971. Delaware Foundation for Medical Care: By-laws. Delaware Medical Journal 45:240-245, August 1973. Dowda, F. W. Georgia Medical Care Foundation. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 60:131-133, May 1971 (ed p. 156) 32 Georgia Medical Care Foundation: Minimum Standards; Articles of Incorporation; By-laws. Journal of the Medi- cal Association of Georgia 60:141-155, May 1971. (ed p. 156). Hoffman, L. S. Medical Care Foundations: The California Experience. Hospital Practice 7:127+, June 1972. Hull, D. A. Kentucky Foundation for Medical Care: Status Report. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 71:142-143, March 1973. Lawson, T. Oregon Foundation for Medical Care — Progress Report. Northwest Medicine 71:624-626, August 1972. Martin, N. Surprise: An HMO that Pleases Almost Every- body. Medical Economics 50(21):180+, October 15, 1973. Masters, B. L. Why Does Michigan Need a Foundation? Michigan Medicine 71:75-76, January 1972. Medical Care Foundation of Sacramento, California, Develops New Prepaid Plan. American Medical News 15:13, August 14, 1972. North Fulton Medical Plan: Development of a Medical Care Foundation-based “Prototype HMO” for a Semi-rural Population. Atlanta, GA: Metropolitan Atlanta Founda- tion for Medical Care, Inc., 1973. 47 pp. Apply. South Carolina Foundation for Medical Care: Guidelines, Purpose, Bylaws. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association 67:463-468, November 1971. '' MEDICAL SERVICES AND STAFF PHYSICIANS Altman, R. F. HMO‘’s are not the Answer: A Rebuttal — Reasons for Opposition to HMOs as Defined by the Social Security Administration’s Preliminary Proposals. Bulletin of the Orange County Medical Association (California) 40:15-16, May 1971. Bahn, R. Where Doctors Stand on Prepaid Group Medicine. Hospital Physician 6:66+, November 1970. Becker, L. E. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Black Physician’s Comments. Journal of the National Medical Association 63:488-491, November 1971. Blamphin, J. Health Maintenance Organizations: What They Will Mean to Doctors in Quality, Hours, Dollars. Medical World News 12:38+, October 29, 1971. (ed p. 11) Freidson, E. and B. Rhea. Physicians in Large Medical Groups, a Preliminary Report. Journal of Chronic Diseases 17:827-836, September 1964. Group Care Prepayment Situation: Would It Affect the Physician-patient Relationship? (Symposium) Michigan Medicine 70:1033+, November 1971. Gumbiner, R. Doctors Can Do Well with Capitation Payments. Medical Economics 47:148+, November 9, 1970. Harrison, T. R. If Moses Could Speak. Chest 62:78-82, July 1972. The HMOs — What Shape? How Soon? (Physicians’ Attitude Survey). Medical Opinion 1:66-68, October 1972. Huebscher, J. No Extra Golf for HMO Doctors. New England Journal of Medicine 285: 1383-1384, December 9, 1971. Klevit, H. Do we need more Pediatricians: Effect of Group Practice. Pediatrics 51:754-755, April 1973. Lefever, R., et al. Doctor-Patient Relationships. British Medical Journal 2:230-231, April 22, 1972. Mahoney, A. R. Factors Affecting Physicians’ Choice of Group or Independent Practice. Inquiry 10:9-18, June 1973. 33 Merrill, M. J. and F. T. Finnegan Jr. Maine’s Physicians Look to the 1970's: An Analysis of Physician Attitudes Regarding Prepaid Group Practice, Utilization and Peer Review, and the Performance of Maine’s Health Care System. Journal of the Maine Medical Association 62:74-77, April 1971. Moses, G. Transport to the Surgery. British Medical Journal 1:114, January 8, 1972. Newman, M. A., editor. The Medical Director in Prepaid Group Practice, Health Maintenance Organizations, Pro- ceedings of a Conference, Denver, April 1973. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1973. 140 pp. Apply. O’Brinsky, W. The Role of Voluntary and Governmental Group of Physicians. American Journal of Diseases of Children 116:472-478, November 1968. Prepaid Plans Proliferate, But Doubts Still Linger: Cali- fornia. American Medical News 16:12-14, April 9, 1973. Reimers, W. L. Doctor-Patient Relationship in Panel Prac- tice. Rocky Mountain Medical Journal 67:33-34, February 1970. Reynolds, J. A. They’re not Getting Aboard the Health Maintenance Organization Bandwagon. Medical Eco- nomics 48:33-42, August 2, 1971. Robbins, M. B., D. B. Bershtein and G. F. Person. ! Protest: The Case Against Closed Panels. Dental Management 8:32-45, July 1968. Rosenberg, C. L. Local MDs Versus Health Maintenance Organizations: The Battle Is Joined in Nashua, N. H. Medical Economics 50:132-149, January 22, 1973. Rourke, A. J. Doctors Who Practice Together Earn These Advantages. Modern Hospital 116:128, June 1971. . Group Practice Affects MD Hours, Standards, Rela- tionships, Finances. Modern Hospital 116:120, May 1971. Sheridan, B. Will a Health Maintenance Organization Grab Your Patients? Medical Economics 50:220+, September 17, 1973. ''Siegel, S. C., et al. Pediatric Subspecialty Group Practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16:963-970, November 1969. Stevens, C. M. Physician Supply and National Health Care Goals. Industrial Relations 10(2):119-144, May 1971. Taylor, R. B. 1976: The Year We Lost Our Independence. Medical Economics 48:188+, November 22, 1971. Tsalikis, G. Doctors in Confusion: Impressions from the First International Congress on Group Medicine. Social Science and Medicine 6:269-273, April 1972. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13009. Questions Physicians Are Asking about HMOs and the Answers. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, December 1972. 19 pp. Apply. Vayda, E. and P. Kopplin. Characteristics of Internists in Three Prepaid Group Practices. Health Services Report 88:541-549, June/July 1973. . Internists in a Consumer Sponsored Prepaid Group Practice Program. Canadian Journal of Public Health 63:35-44, January/February 1972. White, R. R. Ill. A Surgeon Looks at Group Practice. Archives of Surgery 104:393-396, April 1972. Who Is It That Prevents Prevention? Modern Hospital 115:61+, December 1970. Withers, D. T. HMO: Blow to Private Practice. Physicians’ World 1:39-41, July 1973. Wolfe, S. and R. F. Badgley The Family Doctor. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50:1-201, April 1972. NURSES AND NURSING SERVICES Bates, B. Nursing in a Health Maintenance Organization: Report on the Harvard Community Health Plan. Ameri- can Journal of Public Health 62:991-994, July 1972. Callow, B. M. RN’s View of the Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of Nursing Administration 3:39-41, September/October 1973. Community Health Nurses Issue HMO Statement. American Journal of Nursing 73:1925, November 1973. Gerberding, S. S. Medical Nurse Practitioner in a Neighbor- hood Center. American Journal of Nursing 72:1416-1419, August 1972. 34 Greenberg, S. M. and R. Galton. Nurses are Key in HIP Experiment to Cut Health Care Costs. American Journal of Nursing 72:272-276, February 1972. Harris, M. The Work of a “Nurse Practitioner’: Experience of Two Years in a West Midlands Group Practice. Nursing Times 66:1402-1403, October 29, 1970. Martin, S. HIP Incentive Reimbursement Experiment: How a Nurse Makes the Difference. American Journal of Nursing 72:278-280, February 1972. Morgan, C. A. How OB Nurse-Specialist Functions. Hospital Topics 50:71-74, March 1972. Partridge, K. B. and C. A. Mahr. Nursing: A Neglected Dimension of the Health Maintenance Organization Challenge. Medical Care 11:162-167, March/April 1973. Wagner, D. L. The Harvard Community Health Plan. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session 23-30, 1972. DENTISTS AND DENTAL SERVICES Abram, S. E. Group Practice in Other Professions. Dental Clinics of North America 16:389-393, April 1972. American Dental Association, Council on Dental Care Programs. Standards for Dental Prepayment Programs. Journal of the American Dental Association 87:1132-1134, November 1973. ADA Task Force on National Health Programs. (Ed) Journal of the American Dental Association 83:15, July 1971. Bock, W. B. Directory of Prepaid Dental Care Plans, 1967. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1968, 309 pp. Apply. Ebersold, L. A. The HMO Bandwagon. Journal of the American Dental Association 84:910-912, May 1972. Elliott, D. J. Prepaid Dental Care for Air Force Dependents. St. Louis, MO: Washington University School of Medi- cine, June 1971. X.U.M. — Xerox $5.20; Film Reel $4.00. Fincher, J. C., Jr. A Study of the Willingness of Air Force Members to Purchase Prepaid Dental Insurance for Their Dependents’ Use. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pitts- burgh, June 1972. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. ''Guidelines for Dental Aspects of Health Maintenance Organizations: American Dental Association. Journal of the American Dental Association 85:1217, December 1972. Guidelines for Dentistry’s Position in a National Health Program. Journal of the American Dental Association 83:1226-1233, December 1971. Halperin, A. A., et al. The Changing Complexion of Dentistry. New York Journal of Dentistry 40:326-330, November 1970. Health Maintenance Organizations — Where Does Dentistry Fit? Journal of the American Dental Association 86:760-761, April 1973. HMOs by Any Name — Where’s the Dental Care? Council on Dental Care Programs. Journal of the American Dental Association 85:226-227, August 1972. Hoffman, R. H. Health Maintenance Organization Develop- ment: The Dental Component. New York State Dental Journal 38: 150-154, March 1972. Koerper, J. E. The Concept of Prepaid Dental Care: An Exploratory Study. lowa City, IA: University of lowa, M. A., July 1972. 186 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $8.60; Film Reel $4.00. Laughlin, C. A. National Health Issues and Dentistry. New York State Dental Journal 38:137-141, March 1972. Meyer, D. Will You Accept the Challenge? Bulletin of the Bronx Dental Society 23:2+, March 1968. More on the Health Maintenance Organization Program: Council on Dental Care Programs. Journal of the American Dental Association 84:291, February 1972. New Dimensions of Dental Care Delivery Reported at National Dental Health Conference. Journal of the American Dental Association 84:1260-1261, June 1972. Observation of Selected Dental Services Under Two Prepay- ment Mechanisms. Los Angeles: University of California, 1969, X.U.M. (Document #70-14, 325) — Xerox $10.00. Palmiere, D. Dentists and the Future — A Challenge and a Promise. Journal of the Michigan Dental Association 49:346-351, December 1967. Pelton, W. J., et al. Demonstration of an Incentive Compensation Plan for Publicly Funded Group Dental Practices. Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences 10:26-31, January 1973. 35 Salzmann, J. A. Editorial — Bystanders vs Activists in Shaping the Future of Dentistry. New York Journal of Dentistry 40:355-356, December 1970. Schoen, M. H. Group Practice and Poor Communities: Dental Care. American Journal of Public Health 60:1125-1132, June 1970. . Observation of Selected Dental Services Under Two Prepayment Mechanisms. American Journal of Public Health 63:727-731, August 1973. Simons, J. H. Prepaid Dentistry: A Case Study. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Center for Labor Research and Education, 1967. 50 pp. $1.00. Sparks, J. E. Dental Care and Prepayment as Viewed by a Consultant of a Major Labor Union. Northwest Den- tistry 47:12-17, January/February 1967. Survey of Dental Practice 1968 II: Income of Dentists by Location, Age, and Other Factors — Bureau of Eco- nomic Research and Statistics. Journal of the American Dental Association 78:342-346, February 1969. Tillis, B. P. Systems for the Delivery of Dental Care: Health Maintenance Organizations. New York State Dental Journal 39:424-427, August/September 1973. Tumelty, R. E. A Comparison of Utilization and Direct Personal Expenditure for Dental Care Under Three Types of Insurance. Berkeley, CA: University of Cali- fornia, 1969. X.U.M. — Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. U. S. DHEW Publication # (NIH) 66-22. Prepaid Dental Care: A Glossary. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, Bureau of Health Manpower and Education, 1971. Apply. U. S. DHEW Publication # (NIH) 72-189. Group Dental Practice in the United States, 1971: A Survey. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, Bureau of Health Manpower and Education, 1972. Apply. Waldman, H. B. Women Dentists at a Health Maintenance Center. Journal of the American Dental Association 84:143-145, January 1972. Weiss, C. Group Plan of Dental Care by a Labor Sponsored Organization. Northwest Dentistry 46:7-11, January/ February 1967. Workshop on Dental Manpower — Meeting Dental Needs in the 1970s: The Development and Administration of Dental Programs, Report of Study Group 3. Journal of the American College of Dentistry 35:211-221, April 1968. ''PSYCHIATRISTS AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Burnell, G. M. Financing Mental Health Care: An Appraisal of Various Models. Archives of General Psychiatry 25:49-55, July 1971. Cohen, J. and H. Hunter. Mental Health Insurance: A Comparison of a Fee-for-service Indemnity Plan and a Comprehensive Mental Health Center. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:146-153, January 1972. Crawford, J. W., et al. Psychiatry and Group Medical Practice: The Diagnostic Process, Referral Patterns, and Utilization of Services. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:637-642, June 1973. Follman, J. F., Jr. Insurance Coverage for Mental IlIness. New York: American Management Association, 1970. $5.00 Garber, N. Pediatric — Child Psychiatry Collaboration in a Health Maintenance Organization. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:1227-1231, November 1973. Gibson, R. W. Can Mental Health be Included in the Health Maintenance Organization? American Journal of Psy- chiatry 128:919-926, February 1972. ____.. The Effect of Financing on Psychiatric Care. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:299-301, March 1973. . Mental Health and the Health Maintenance Organi- zation. Journal (National Association of Private Psychi- atric Hospitals) 3:5-7, Fall 1971. Goldberg, |. D. et al. Effect of a Short-term Outpatient Psychiatric Therapy Benefit on the Utilization of Medi- cal Services in a Prepaid Group Practice Medical Program. Medical Care 8:419-428, September/October 1970. Goldensohn, S. S. A Prepaid Group-Practice Mental Health Service as Part of a Health Maintenance Organization. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:154-158, January 1972. , R. Fink and S. Shapiro. The Delivery of Mental Health Services to Children in a Prepaid Medical Care Program. American Journal of Psychiatry 127:1357-1362, April 1971. Sachs, B. C. An Experience in Providing Mental Health Care in a Comprehensive Prepaid Group Practice Plan. Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association 27(4):186-187+, April 1972. 36 Spoerl, O. H. Treatment Patterns in Prepaid Psychiatric Care. American Journal of Psychiatry 131:56-59, January 1974. Stone, J. L. and V. Crowthers. Innovations in Program and Funding of Mental Health Services for Blue-collar Families. American Journal of Psychiatry 23:200-203, July 1972. Thomas, C. S. and R. M. Vidaver. Mental Health Services in the Total Health System. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 23:200-203, July 1972. Transference in Health Maintenance Organizations — Prob- lem for the Poor? Psychiatric News 8:27, July 4, 1973. Trouble Ahead for Community Mental Health Centers: Health Maintenance Organizations Proposed as Salva- tion. Psychiatric News 6:3, September 1, 1971. Weiss, J., et al. Utilization of Mental Health Services by Poverty and Non-poverty Members of a Comprehensive Group Practice Prepayment Plan. Health Services Reports 88(7):653-662, August/September 1972. Woodcock, L. Mental Health Services Through National Health Insurance. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:137-145, January 1972. PHARMACISTS AND PRESCRIPTION SERVICES Barr, M. The College of Pharmacy and the Urban Com- munity. American Journal of Pharmacy 114:41-53, March/April 1972. CHAMPUS Rx Benefits Under-used. American Druggist 163:30, May 17, 1976. Development of Alternatives for an Evaluation of the Cost and Effectiveness of Inclusion of Mental, Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits in Health Mantenance Organiza- tions or Related Organizations: Final Report for Phar- maceutical Component. New York: American Public Health Association, 1973. 146 pp. Apply. Guthrie, P. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Growing Threat to Local Pharmacy. Drug Topics 116:16-18, July 3, 1972. HMO — A Riddle Wrapped in Enigma, but It Could Be Vital in| Pharmacy’s Future. American Druggist 165:19+, March 20, 1972. Health Maintenance Organizations: New Territory for the Pharmacist. Drug Topics 116:35, May 22, 1972. ''HMOs Should Include Rx Services on a Mandatory Basis. American Druggist 165:47-48, June 12, 1972. HMOs Will Challenge Pharmacy to Give Efficient Service, State Secretaries Told. American Druggist 164:22-23, November 1, 1971. Hiner, W. O., Jr. and S. H. Paul. Third Party Sponsorship of Pharmaceutical Services and Its Effects on Physician’s Prescribing Patterns (Unpublished paper). X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. How HMOs Will Mold Pharmacy’s Future. American Drug- gist 166:14-20+, August 7, 1972. Huck, J. L. Dimensions of Change in the Drug Industry. American Journal of Pharmacy 143:81-88, May/June 1971. If You Want in on HMO Business, You'll Have to Adapt to Their Needs. American Druggist 166:26, October 30, 1972. In-house Pharmacy isn’t Necessarily Best for HMO, Wayne Seminar Told. American Druggist 165:31, March 20, 1972. Johnson, R. E. Present and Projected Drug System Services in a Highly Developed HMO Structure. Health Services Reports 88(9):873-877, November 1973. , and W. H. Campbell. Drug Services and Costs in Health Maintenance Organization Prototypes. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 30:405-421, May 1973. Kaiser-Permanente Pharmacies: Pioneers on the Threshold of New Frontiers. American Druggist Merchandising 167:32-34+, June 1, 1973. Kidder, W. S. and A. G. Isack. Health Maintenance Organizations and Pharmaceutical Services. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 12:8-12+, January 1972. Kralewski, J. E. The Administrator's Expectations of the Pharmacist in a Large-scale Health Care Organization. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 30:226-228, March 1973. Lyons, C. D. On “Free Choice” of Pharmacy. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:295, April 1972. McCaffree, K. M. and H. F. Newman. Prepayment of Drug Costs Under a Group Practice Prepayment Plan. Ameri- can Journal of Public Health 58:1212-1218, July 1968. 37 Murray, R. D. Is Pharmacy Gearing to Accept the Chal- lenges of Health Maintenance Organizations? Pharmacy Times 37:27-30, December 1971. Non-profit Foundations May Be Only Way for Retailers to Work with HMOs. American Druggist 166:30, December 11, 1972. Prepaid Prescriptions: Pills for the Swallowing. Sales Management 105:32-34, August 1, 1970. Provost, G. P. Hospital-Based Pharmacy Service for Ambu- latory Patients. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:393, May 1972. __. On the Concept of Free Choice of Pharmacy. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:33, January 1972. Retail Pharmacies Are Isolated from Mainstream of Health Care, ASHP Says. American Druggist 166:16+, July 24, 1972. Rxmen Won’t Let MDs Control Them. American Druggist 164:31, November 1, 1971. Sattler, R. L. Pharmacists, Drugs, and Health Maintenance Organizations. American Journal of Pharmacy 144:146- 150. September/October 1972. Source Options in HMO Pharmacy Service. 47(24):75-77, December 16, 1973. Hospitals They’Il Rate Rx Prepay Plans. American Druggist Merchan- dising 167:60, June 1, 1973. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-3006. Pharmacy Services in a Group Medical Practice, by Paul W. Lofholm. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, December 1972. 43 pp. NTIS — $3.00 prepaid. Will HMO Offer Rxs: It Depends on Competition. Ameri- can Druggist Merchandising 167:23+, March 15, 1973. NUTRITION The American Dietetic Association. Position Paper on Nutrition Services in Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:317-320, April 1972. Dahl, T. The Nutritional Functional Area in Comprehensive Health Care Delivery. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 61(5):497-504, 1972. ''Egan, M. C. Nutrition Services in Child Health Programs. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 59:555-558, December 1971. —__ and B. J. Hallstrom. Building Nutrition Services in Comprehensive Health Care. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 61(5):491-496, 1972. Kocher, R. E. New Dimensions for Dietetics in Today’s Health Care. Journal of the American Dietetic Associ- ation 60:17-20, January 1972. Spodnik, J. P. Nutrition in the Health Maintenance Organi- zation. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 61:163-165, August 1972. OTHER SERVICES Care of Dependents Under Health Maintenance Organiza- tions Proposed by Department of Defense. U. S. Medicine 8:3+, August 15, 1972. Crawford, S. Health Sciences Libraries in Outpatient Group Practice Clinics and in Business and Industrial Organiza- tions. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 60(2):46-49, April 1972 (Suppl). Cuneo, L. Health Maintenance Organization as It Relates to the Commercial Ambulance Service. Review (National Ambulance and Medical Services Association) 5:8-9, Fall, 1972. Cutting, C. C. Organization of Medical Services Under Group Practice with Prepayment. American Journal of Surgery 118:546-549, October 1969. Daily, E. F., L. E. Bellin and V. Scardino. Centralized Laboratory Service Benefits Affiliated Medical Groups. Hospitals 43:61-64, April 16, 1969. Fowler, W. M., Jr. Relationship of Rehabilitation Medicine to Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 54:145-147, March 1973. Gee, D. A. Health Maintenance Organization Breathes Life into Home Care. Hospitals 46:39-43, June 16, 1972. Ghan, L. et al. Social Work in a Mixed Group Medical Practice. Canadian Journal of Public Health 61:488-496, November/December 1970. Hurtado, A. V., et al. Home Care and Extended Care in a Comprehensive Prepayment Plan. Chicago: Hospital Research and Education Trust, 1972. 127 pp. $3.95 38 , M. R. Greenlick, M. McCabe, et al. The Utilization and Cost of Home Care and Extended Care Facility Services in a Comprehensive, Prepaid Group Practice Program. Medical Care 10:8-16, January/February 1972. Lahser, C. |. After Hours Pediatric Practice. North Carolina Medical Journal 33:530-531, June 1972. Lee, R. K. Preventive Medicine in a Private Group Practice Setting: A New Department — Community Medicine. Archives of Environmental Health 23:226-229, Septem- ber 1971. McCune, D. J. The Kaiser-Permanente Plan in Child Health Care. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16(4):875-883, November 1969. McKillip, J. B. and D. W. Wortley. What Will Be the Role of the Physical Therapist in the Health Maintenance Organi- zation? (Q&A). Physical Therapy 52:1212-1214, November 1972. Miles, A. and L. J. Goodman. After-hours Service in a Prepaid Group Practice. Health Services Reports 88:868-872, November 1973. Pennington, J. Optometric Participation in the HMO. American Journal of Optometry and Archives of the American Academy of Optometry 49:764-768, Septem- ber 1972. Prescription for Health Maintenance Organization Planners: Nursing Home Benefits. Modern Nursing Home 30:29, June 1973. Primary Care: Who'll Do It in a Multispeciality Group? Group Practice 22(11):26-29, November 1973. Record, J. C. and H. R. Cohen The Introduction of Midwifery in a Prepaid Group Practice. American Jour- nal of Public Health 62:354-360, March 1972. Reese, E. M. Health Legislation — Its Effect on Home Health Services. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session:35-36, 1972. Rieke, F. E. Industrial Clinic Services to Small Industries. American Journal of Public Health 62:69-72, January 1972. Roberts, B. L. Optometry in the Southern California Permanente Medical Group. Journal of the American Optometric Association 41:458-462. May 1970. Singer, L. R. A Study of the Desirability of Adding the Prepaid Practice Option to the Benefits Provided by CHAMPUS. Waco, TX: Baylor University, August 1972. 64 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00 Film Reel $4.00. ''Spaander, J. Development of Health Protection Program; Theory and Praxis. Israel Journal of Medical Science 4:711-723, May/June 1968. Wagner, M. G., A. McNowell and T. M. Batchelor. A Comprehensive Health Care Program in the Community. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:112-113, February 1972. Wang, M. K. and R. G. Brayton. Health Maintenance Service for the High Risk Chronically Il: A Demonstra- tion of Physician and Nurse. Nursing Clinics of North America 5:199-210, June 1970. Weber, F. C., Jr. How Does the Health Maintenance Organization Prevent an Illness? Connecticut Medicine 36:134, March 1972. Wilson, V. E. New Initiatives in Prevention. (Ed) Preventive Medicine 1:288-291, August 1972. Woods, D. Two Epidemiologists Discuss the Myths, and Realities of Health Maintenance. Canadian Medical Association Journal 109:1146-1148+, December 1, 1973. Yohey, J. L. Developing a “Benefits’’ Package, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Confer- ence, pp. 49-52. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. SERVICES TO MEDICALLY UNDERSERVED, INCLUDING AGED, POOR AND RURAL Aged Brody, S. J. Prepayment of Medical Services for the Aged: An Analysis. Gerontologist 11:152-157, Summer 1971. Bullough, B. The Medicare-Medicaid Amendments. Ameri- can Journal of Nursing 73:1926-1929, November 1973. Cheaper Medicare — Latest Official Plan. U. S. News and World Report 68:62, April 13, 1970. Goldstein, D. N. Decade of Frustration: Medicare, Medicaid and Kenosha County. (Ed) Wisconsin Medical Journal 70:28-29, April 1971. Robins, E. G. Understanding the Health Needs of the Elderly. Journal of Practical Nursing 22:16-17+, June 1972. 39 West, H. Group Practice Plans in Governmental Medical Care in Programs: Group Practice Prepayment Plans in the Medicare Program. American Journal of Public Health 59:624-629, April 1969. Poor Blendon, R. J. and C. R. Gaus. Problems in Developing Health Services in Poverty Areas: The Johns Hopkins Experience. Journal of Medical Education 46:477-484, June 1971. Coburn, A. S. Health Maintenance Organizations: Implica- tions for Public Assistance Recipients. Public Welfare 31:28-33, Spring 1973. Lassiter, H.HMOs and the Inner City Practice. Urban Health 2:18+, June 1973. New Program Initiated to Help Seattie’s Medically Indigent. Hospitals 45:123-124, March 16, 1971. Patterson, W. B., et al. A Report on One Year’s Experience with an Experimental Inner-city Group Practice. Ameri- can Journal of Surgery 123:494-498, April 1972. Rural Andrus, L. H. California Rural Health Program Succeeds. Medical Group Management 17:7-8, January 1970. Cogan, J. Rural Health Maintenance Organizations: A Model Public Relations Program. Boston: Blue Cross Association, May 1973. Apply. Dixon, D. C. Franklin County Up To Date: Rural Health Associates. Journal of the Maine Medical Association 62:278-279, November 1971. Hair, J. E. The Relationship of the HMO to the College and University Health Service in the Rural Setting. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:105-107, December 1972. How and How Not to Start a Rural Health Maintenance Organization. Medical World News 14:94, August 10, 1973. North Fulton Medical Pian: Development of a Medical Care Foundation-based “Prototype HMO” for a semi-rural Population. Atlanta, GA: Metropolitan Atlanta Founda- tion for Medical Care, Inc., 1973. 47 pp. Apply. Phillips D. F. Reaching Out to Rural Communities. Hospitals 46:53-57, June 1, 1972. ''Ross, M. H. Community-Based HMO Development: Rural Needs Based on Appalachian Experience. Presented to the National Association of Neighborhood Health Centers, New Orleans, LA, October 19-20, 1972. Unpub- lished Paper. 6 pp. Apply to NANHC. Rural-area Health Maintenance Organization Seen as Im- practical. U.S. Medicine 7:34, October 15, 1971. Weil, T. P. The Nonurban Hospital in Missouri: Present Program Problems and Possible Alternatives. Missouri Medicine 69:717-721, September 1972. Wilson, V. E. Rural Health Care Systems. Journal of the American Medical Association 216:1623-1626, June 7, 1971. (ed p. 1635-1637). HEALTH MANPOWER Bloom, A. and P. Kosco. Availability of Physician Man- power. Medical Group Management 19:9-11, September 1972. Dorsey, J. L. Manpower Problems in the Delivery of Primary Medical Care. New England Journal of Medicine 282:871-872, April 9, 1970. Field, M. G. and J. Gershon-Cohen. The Manpower Crisis: Analysis and Proposed Remedy. American Family Physi- cian 5:193-199, March 1972. Golden, A. S. and others. Non-physician Family Health Teams for Health Maintenance Organizations. American Journal of Public Health 63:732-736, August 1973. Kentucky Health Maintenance Organization to Utilize Unique Health Team Approach. Hospitals 47:113, Janu- ary 1, 1973. MacLeod, G. K. and J. A. Prussin. Manpower Training in Prepaid Health Plans in the United States of America. Proceedings, First International Conference on Educa- tion in the Health Sciences. The Hague, The Nether- lands: International Society for Education in the Health Sciences, 1973. Apply to J. A. Prussin. Mason, H. R. Manpower Needs by Speciality. Journal of the American Medical Association 219(12):1621-1626, March 20, 1972. Palmer, W. K. Projecting Capital and Manpower Needs as Related to Enrollment Projections, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp 42-48. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. 40 Stevens, C. M. and G. D. Brown. Market Structure Ap- proach to Health-manpower ‘’Planning.’” American Jour- nal of Public Health 61(10): 1988-1995, October 1971. Workshop on Dental Manpower — Meeting Dental Needs in the 1970s: The Development and Administration of Dental Programs, Report of Study Group 3. Journal of the American College of Dentistry 35:211-221, April 1968. Yett, D. E., L. Drabek and M. D. Intriligator, et al. Health Manpower Planning: An Econometric Approach. Health Services Research 7:134-147, Summer 1972. UTILIZATION OF MEDICAL SERVICES Anderson, J. G. and D. E. Bartkus. Choice of Medical Care: A Behavioral Model of Health and Illness Behavior. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 14(4):348-362, December 1973. Auger, R. C. and V. P. Goldberg. Prepaid Health Plans and Moral Hazard. Davis, CA: University of California, Institute of Governmental Affairs, August 1973. 62 pp. $3.00 Fincher, J. C., Jr. A Study of the Willingness of Air Force Members to Purchase Prepaid Dental Insurance for Their Dependents’ Use. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pitts- burgh, June 1972. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Foulkes, R. G. Does Group Practice Cut Hospital Use? Hospital Administration in Canada 14:46+, June 1972. Freeborn, D. K., et al. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: Physicians’ Use of Laboratory Services. American Journal of Public Health 62(6):846-853, June 1972. German, P. S. Prepaid Group Health Practice in a New Community. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 14(4):362-368, December 1973. Ginsburg, P. B. and H. M. Manheim. Insurance, Copayment and Health Services Utilization: A Critical Review. Journal of Economics and Business 25:142-153, 1972/1973. Goldberg, |. D. et al. Effect of a Short-term Outpatient Psychiatric Therapy Benefit on the Utilization of Medi- cal Services in a Prepaid Group Practice Medical Pro- gram. Medical Care 8:419-428, September/October 1970. '' Greenlick, M. R., et al. Comparing the Use of Medical Care Services by a Medically Indigent and a General Member- ship Population in a Comprehensive Prepaid Group Practice Program. Medical Care 10:187-200, May/June 1972. . Determinants of Medical Care Utilization— Health Services Research 3:296-315, Winter 1968. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: The Role of the Telephone in Total Medical Care. Medical Care 11:121-134, March/April 1973. Hastings, J. E. F. and others. Prepaid Group Practice in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario: Analysis of Utilization Records. Medical Care 11:91-103, March/April 1973; Evidence from the household survey. 173-188, May/ June 1973. HIP Statistical Report: 1970 Enrollment and Utilization Statistics: 1971 Research Project Results. New York: Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, n.d. Apply. Hurtado, A. V., M. R. Greenlick, M. McCabe, et al. The Utilization and Cost of Home Care and Extended Care Facility Services in a Comprehensive, Prepaid Group Practice Program. Medical Care 10:8-16, January/ February 1972. Leyhe, D. L. and D. M. Procter. Medi-Cal Patient Satisfac- tion under a Prepaid Group Practice and Individual Fee-for-service Practice. Los Angeles: University of California, School of Public Health, Medi-Cal Project Report #3, June 1971. 62 pp. Apply. Low Hospital Utilization in Columbia Medical Plan. Hos- pitals 46:190, September 1, 1972. Metzner, C. A. and R. L. Bashshur. Factors Associated with Choice of Health Care Plans. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 8:291-299, December 1967. , R. L. Bashshur and G. W. Shannon. Differential Public Acceptance of Group Medical Practice. Medical Care 10:279-287, July/August 1972. Mott, F. D., et al. Prepaid Group Practice in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario II: Evidence from the Household Survey. Medical Care 11:173-188, May/June 1973. Oleinick, A. Does Comprehensive Care Make a Difference: Pediatric Utilization in the Kaiser Health Plan of Oregon. American Journal of Diseases of Children 122:478-480, December 1971. Penchansky, R. and D. Fox. Frequency of Referral and Patient Characteristics in Group Practice. Medical Care 8:368-385, September/October 1970. 41 Peterson, M. L. The First Year in Columbia: Assessments of Low Hospitalization Rate and High Office Use. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:15-23, January 1971. Pope, C. R. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: The Use of the Telephone for Reporting Symptons. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 12:155-162, June 1971. Public Acceptance of Prepaid Group Practice: General Population Survey of Greater Cleveland, Ohio. Ann Arbor, Ml: University of Michigan, School of Public Health, July 1968, 175 pp. Apply. Public Acceptance of Prepaid Group Practice: A Study of Choice of Health Care Plans — Percentage Distributions for Single Variables by Choice Groups. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, School of Public Health, June 1969. 216 pp. Apply. Robertson, R. L. Comparative Medical Care Use Under Prepaid Group Practice and Free Choice Plans: A Case Study. Inquiry 9:70-76, September 1972. Rosett, R. N. and L. F. Huang. Effect of Health Insurance on the Demand for Medical Care. Journal of Political Economy 81:281-305, March 1973. Rourke, A. J. Patient May Find Group Practice More Convenient But Less Personal. Modern Hospital 117:108, July 1971. . Study Indicates Group Practice Lowers Hos- pitalization Rates. Modern Hospital 113:120, August 1969. Shragg, H., et al. Low-income Families in a Large Scale Prepaid Group Practice. Inquiry 10:52-60, June 1973. Sparer, G. and A. Anderson. Cost of Services at Neighbor- hood Health Centers: A Comparative Analysis. New England Journal of Medicine 286:1241-1245, June 8, 1972. Utilization and Cost Experience of Low-income Families in Four Prepaid Group-Practice Plans. New England Journal of Medicine 289:67-72, July 12, 1973. Telephone Employees Slow to Answer HMO Call. Business Insurance 7(25):72, December 3, 1973. Tumelty, R. E. A Comparison of Utilization and Direct Personal Expenditure for Dental Care Under Three Types of Insurance. Berkeley, CA: University of Cali- fornia, 1969. X.U.M. — Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. ''Weiss, J. E. and M. R. Greenlick. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: The Effects of Social Class and Distance on Contacts with the Medical Care System. Medical Care 8(6):456-462, November/December 1970. , et al. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: The Impact of Spatial Factors. Inquiry 8(4):50-57, Decem- ber 1971. 42 . Utilization of Mental Health Services by Poverty and Non-poverty Members of a Comprehensive Group Practice Prepayment Plan. Health Services Reports 88(7):653-662, August/September 1973. ''INTERRELATIONSHIPS, AFFILIATIONS AND SPONSORSHIPS HOSPITALS Denenberg, H. S. Why is Herbert Denenberg Saying Those Awful Things About Hospitals? Modern Hospital 119:76-79, August 1972. Gee, D. A. Ambulatory Care. Hospitals 44:73, August 16, 1970. Helping to Meet the Health Care Needs of the Nation: The Potential Role of the Veterans Administration’s Health Care System. Journal of the American Medical Associ- ation 220: 1334-1337, June 5, 1972. Johnson, E. A. Why Hospital Medical Staffs Can Do What Health Maintenance Organizations and Foundations Can’‘t. Modern Hospital 120:75+, January 1973. Killenberg, G. A. Health Maintenance Organization Versus Outpatient Service by Paid Staff: What are the Financial Implications to the Hospital? Hospital Topics 50:30+, July 1972. Lee, R. V. Hospital Group Practice. Hospitals 44:43-45, January 16, 1970. McCarthy, T. Hospital and the Health Maintenance Organi- zation. Hospital Topics 51:23+, June 1973. Prepaid Group Practice, Non-profit Medical Corporations, Health Maintenance Organizations — Some Answers to What These Mean to the Voluntary Hospital. Hospital Forum (New York) 39:16-18, September 1971. Rourke, R. R. National Insurance, Group Practice Point to Hospital-Located Offices. Modern Hospital 116:130-131, April 1971. Shapiro, S. Role of Hospitals in the Changing Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 47:374-381, April 1971. Somers, A. R. Ameriplan/Health Care Corporation/Health Maintenance Organization: Call It Anything, But the Hospital Is the System. Modern Hospital 116:110-116, June 1971. . Only the Hospital Can Do It All: Now. Modern Hospital 119(1):95-100, January 1972. University Hospital: Future Role. 45:41-42+, November 16, 1971. Hospitals 43 Starkweather, D. B. Beyond the Semantics of Multihospital Aggregations. Health Services Research 7:58-61, Spring 1972. HOSPITAL-BASED PLANS Agreement Establishes Health Care Systems: Southern Pacific Memorial Hospitals, Inc. and Health Mainte- nance, Inc. Hospital Forum of the Hospital Association of California State 13:22, September 1970. Annan, H. O. Third-party Payor Activities in Baltimore Health Maintenance Organizations. Maryland State Medi- cal Journal 21:54-56, October 1972. Bloomberg, R. Group Practice Hospital: How Seattle Plan Works, How Doctors are Paid. Modern Hospital 112:113-115, May 1969. Chicago Hospital to Establish Health Maintenance Organiza- tion, Health Care Network: Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center. Hospitals 45:108, August 16, 1971. Chicago Hospitals Begin Operating Community-oriented Group Plans. Modern Hospital 119:24, August 1972; and reply, 119:76, November 1972. East Baltimore Medical Program. Maryland State Medical Journal 21:13, March 1972. Group Practice Programs Set by Three Baltimore Hospital. Hospitals 45:134, April 16, 1971. Group Practice Warms Up City Clinic: Bellevue Hospital Center. Medical World News 14:40B-40C, June 22, 1973. Mead, J. A., Jr. Baltimore Hospital — Based Group Practice. Maryland State Medical Journal 21:48-49, October 1972. Rural Massachusetts Hospital to Establish Health Mainte- nance Organization. Hospitals 47:23, September 16, 1973. Sister Celestia. St. Joseph Hospital, Albuquerque, and the New Mexico Health Care Corporation. Hospital Progress 54:30-42, January 1973. Systems Should Accommodate One Another, VA Might be Thought of as a Health Maintenance Organization. Modern Hospital 119:7+, November 1972. ''Two Chicago Hospitals Start Group Practice Programs. Hospitals 46:140, August 1, 1972. Watson, C. L. Catholic Hospital Studies Health Maintenance Organization Plan: Vicskburg, Mississippi. Hospital Prog- ress 53:100+, July 1972. UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTERS Bloom, A. The HMO and College Health Services. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:115-116, December 1972. Braverman, J. Group Practice Prepayment Plans: Univer- sities Give New Impetus to Old Concept. Journal of the American Pharmeceutical Association 9:563-567+, November 1969. Densen, P. M., Medical Schools and the Delivery of Medical Care to the Community. (Ed) New England Journal of Medicine 284:1156-1157, May 20, 1971. Falk, |. S. Academic Medical Center-HMO Relationship: Sponsorship or Affiliation? Journal of Medical Educa- tion 48:53-59, April 1973 (Suppl). Hair, J. E. The Relationship of the HMO to the College and University Health Service in the Rural Setting. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:105-107, December 1972. Louden, T. L. The Role of College Health in Planning for Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the Amer- ican College Health Association 21:209-212, February 1973. Lyon, J. G., et al. Problems and Issues in the Academic Medical Center’s Relationship to HMO Projects. Journal of Medical Education 48:21-27, April 1973 (Suppl). MacLeod, G. K. Linkage of a Teaching Medical Center to a Multispecialty Group Practice. Journal of Medical Edu- cation 45:225-231, April 1970. Perkoff, G. T. Should an HMO Be an Integral Part of the University Medical Center? Journal of Medical Educa- tion 48:67-72, April 1973 (Suppl). Piemme, T. E., et al. Issues of Governance of University- Sponsored HMOs. (Interview) Journal of Medical Educa- tion 48:43-52, April 1973 (Suppl). Prepayment Plans Get Old School Ties. Medical World News 11:20-22, January 9, 1970. Schiller, R. P. and others. New Concept in Pediatric Practice: The University-Affiliated Group Practice. Jour- nal of Pediatrics 83:143-145, July 1973. 44 Sheps, C. G. Faculty Tradition and the HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:34-40, April 1973 (Suppl). Silver, G. A. Challenge to the Academic Leopards: Or HO, HO, HMO! Connecticut Medicine 36:417-420, July 1972. Somers, A. R. University Hospital: Future Role. Hospitals 45:41-42+, November 16, 1971. Thompson, J. D. Alternative Patterns in Relationships Between an Academic Medical Center and an HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:60-66, April 1973 (Suppl). Willard, W. R. Ideals and Realities of Academic Medical Center Involvement with HMOs. Journal of Medical Education 48:13-20, April 1973 (Suppl). Wolfe, S. et al. Problems of Financing Prepaid Group Practice in the University. Journal of Medical Education 48:93-99, April 1973 (Suppl). Wright, H. K., et al. Is HMO Surgical Practice Appropriate for Academic Surgeons? Surgery 74:41-45, July 1973. UNIVERSITY-BASED PLANS Brown, D. C. Dalhousie’s Family Medicine Centre. Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 51:171-173, December 1972. Cole, J. W. The Town and Gown Problem and Solutions. Surgery 74:479-482, October 1973. George Washington University Medical Center Developing Prepaid Group Practice Plan. Hospitals 45:113-114, January 16, 1971. George Washington University School of Medicine, “Blues” Agree on Health Maintenance Organization Terms. U.S. Medicine 8:13, June 1, 1972. Granoff, M. A. Medical Care in New Haven — 1971. Connecticut Medicine 35:715-716, November 1971. Medical School and Union Successful in Therapy Contract: St. Louis. Psychiatric News 7:20, November 15, 1972. Perkoff, G. T. The Medical Care Group of Washington University: A Health Care Experiment. Missouri Medi- cine 68:392-394, June 1971. Rowe, D. S. The Yale Health Plan: A ‘University Family” HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:73-80, April 1973. School Prepaid Plan Grows: Medical Care Group of the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis. Group Practice 22:7, September 1973. ''HEALTH ASSOCIATIONS AND PROFESSIONS American Association of Medical Clinics’ Statement in Support of Proposed Health Maintenance Organizations. Group Practice 21:20, October 1970. American Association of Medical Clinics Voices Concern for Its Role in Shaping Health Care Policy. Hospitals 45:118-119, October 16, 1971. AHA Consumer Conference: Consumers Told About Health Maintenance Organizations But Don’t Like What They Hear. Modern Hospital 117:38-39, July 1971. AHA President Testifies at Health Maintenance Organiza- tion Hearings. Hospitals 46:26, May 16, 1972. AMA and National Medical Association Criticize Proposed Health Maintenance Organization Assistance Act. U.S. Medicine 23:6-7, December 1, 1971. AMA Bops Health Maintenance Organizations; Health, Education and Welfare Doesn’t Say Boo. Medical World News 13:14-16, September 15, 1972. AMA Calls for Caution on Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. American Medical News 14:1+, November 22, 1971. AMA Gives Ground but Fights On. Medical World News 13:18-19, December 15, 1972. American Nurses’ Association Supports Health Maintenance Organizations but Asks Safeguards Against Domination by any One Group. American Journal of Nursing 72:1199-1201, July 1972. Dorsey, J. L. The American Urological Association and the Private Practice of Urology. Journal of Urology 108:1-3, July 1972. Health Maintenance Organization Caution Urged: AMA Asks Halt in Funding, Study of Existing Plans. American Medical News 15:1+, April 17, 1972. (ed p. 4). Health Maintenance Organizations: A Policy Paper of the American Public Health Association. American Journal of Public Health 61:2528-2536, December 1971. HMO’s as seen by the AMA — An Analysis. Chicago: American Medical Association, Division of Medical Practice, 1972. 16 pp. Apply. Hold Off on HMO’s until there’s Proof They Make Sense: NARD to Democrats and GOP. American Druggist 166:30, July 10, 1972. 45 Howard, E. B. AMA States HMO Concept is Detrimental to Fee-for-service. Medical World News 12:25, December 3, 1971. . Reactions to the Nixon Health Message — AMA: A Positive Program, but too much Emphasis on HMOs. New Physician 20:376-378, June 1971. Kernodle, J. R. and R. B. Roth. Health Maintenance Organizations — The Pros and Cons: Statement of the American Medical Association. New York Medicine 28:268-273, July 1972. Lister, K. E. Basics of a Foundation: lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:136-137, March 1971. Moore, W. E., editor. Health Maintenance Organizations: Impact on Health and Health Professions; 19th Annual Stephen Wilson Pharmacy Seminar, February 22, 1972. Detroit: Wayne State University, College of Pharmacy, 1972. 82 pp. Apply. New Doctors and Health Maintenance Organization Are Greeted by Opposition: Nashua, New Hampshire. Modern Hospital 117:43-44, October 1971. Peterson, D. M. The AMA Views HMOs, Health Mainte- nance Organization, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 59-62. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Regan, W. A. HMOs: Implications for Catholic Hospitals. Hospital Progress 53:64-67, September 1972. A Report of the Catholic Health Assembly. Hospital Progress 53:41-58+, August 1972. Sass, R. W. and M. E. Yordy. Espanola Hospital Staff Opposes HMOs. New Mexico Dental Journal 22:12-13, February 1972. Statement of the National Medical Association before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on HEW on HMO’s, Novem- ber 17, 1971. Journal of the National Medical Associa- tion 64:284-287, May 1972. Student American Medical Association Testifies on Health Maintenance Organizations. New Physician 21:416-418, July 1972. Students Support Health Maintenance Organizations — Cautiously. American Medical News 15:13-14, May 15, 1972. Trover, L. C. Our Health Maintenance Organization Recom- mendations: American Association of Medical Clinics. Group Practice 21:2, August 1972. ''Wurzel, E. M. The AAMC Views HMOs, Health Mainte- nance Organization, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 58. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. INDUSTRY AND LABOR California Unions Propose Their Own Prepaid Group Plan. Modern Hospital 115:105-106, August 1970. Cutting, C. C. A Comprehensive Medical Care Delivery System Born in Industry. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:411-414, September 1971. Donahue, R. J. 30,000 Illinois Bell Employees Invited to Join Prepaid Health (HMO) Plan. National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:14-15, January 13, 1973. Donnelly, W. J., 11. A Survey of Health Information and Attitudes Toward Prepaid Group Practice Plans Among Labor Unions in Bridgeport, CT. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1973. X.U.M. — Xerox $5.80; Film Reel $4.00. Ellwood, P.M. Jr. Health Care: Should Your Company Buy It or Sell It? Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:667-672, September 1972. and M. E. Herbert. Health Care: Should Industry Buy It or Sell It? Harvard Business Review 51:99-107, July/August 1973. Employers of Wausau to Test Prepaid Health Care Program with Employees. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:4, January 21, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:7, January 22, 1972. Health Maintenance, Inc. of Northern California to Care for Railroad Employees. Hospital Forum (California) 14:16, January 1972. Illinois Bell Employees Offered Prepaid Health Plan. Hos- pitals 47:111, February 16, 1973. Kerr, L. E. Desire, Expectation and Reality in a Union Health Program. New England Journal of Medicine 278: 1149-1153, May 23, 1968. . Medical Care Innovations of the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund. Public Health Reports 83:611-616, July 1968. King, S. L., Jr. Industry’s Role in the Delivery of Health Care. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:415-417, September 1971. 46 Moore, T. J., Jr. The Expectations of Labor in the Field of Medical Care Delivery and Financing. Delaware Medical Journal 43:271-272, October 1971. National Accommodations Plans Health Maintenance Organization. Nursing Homes 21:5, September 1972. Pollock, S. Prepaid Health Services — Labor's Point of View, New Horizons in Health Care, Proceedings, First International Congress on Group Medicine, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, April 26-30, 1970, pp. 304-313. Winnipeg: Congress Secretariat, 1970. 357 pp. $4.50 Rosenberg, C. L. Prepaid Groups Get a New Push from Labor. Medical Economics 47:231, November 9, 1970. Seiter, J. H. Role of Private Enterprise in Changing the Health Care Delivery System. Arizona Medicine 28:446-449, June 1971. Sparks, J. E. Dental Care and Prepayment as Viewed by a Consultant of a Major Labor Union. Northwest Den- tistry 47:12-17, January/February 1967. Unions Sponsor Health Center for the Capital Area: Ottawa. Canadian Nurse 67:14, February 1971. United Auto Workers Official Calls for Development of 2,000 Prepaid Group Practices. Modern Hospital 114:38, April 1970. Weinerman, E. R. Report of a Survey of the Group Medical Clinics Serving Beneficiaries of the United Mine Workers Welfare and Retirement Fund in the Pittsburgh Area. Yale Journal of Biological Medicine 44:116-132, August 1971. Weiss, C. Group Plan of Dental Care by a Labor Sponsored Organization. Northwest Dentistry 46:7-11, January/ February 1967. INSURANCE INDUSTRY Aetna L & C Helping to set up Prepaid Health Care Program (Minneapolis — St. Paul Area). National Underwriter (Property edition) 76:38, March 17, 1972; National Underwriter (Life edition) 76:5, March 18, 1972. Aetna Backs Prepaid Plan in Minneapolis — St. Paul. Modern Hospital 118:62, April 1972. Annan, H. O. Third-party Payor Activities in Baltimore Health Maintenance Organizations. Maryland State Medi- cal Journal 21:54-56, October 1972. Burns, E. M. Health Insurance: Not If, or When, but What Kind? American Journal of Public Health 61:2164-2175, November 1971. ''CNA Backs Formation of Non-profit, Prepaid Health Corporation. Insurance 72:18, November 1, 1971. Companies Advised to Expand Their Health Care Roles (HMOs). Insurance 73:31, June 1972. Connecticut General and a Group Practice Offer Health- care Plan. Modern Hospital 120:42, June 1973. Connecticut General to Expand Prepaid Health Care to Phoenix. Insurance 71:23, July, 1, 1970. Connecticut General Plans Prepaid Group Health Plan in New York This Fall. National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:8, May 12, 1973. Corrado, J. HMO — Savior of Health Insurers. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:1+, September 15, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:1+, September 16, 1972. Dolinsky, E. M. Third Party Payment: A Catalyst for Change, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 63-66, Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Edwards, A. B. and W. L. Horton: Health Maintenance Organizations: The Strategic Issue Facing Insurance Companies. Best’s Review (Life, Health Ed) 74:24+, May 1973. Eilers, R. D. Implications of Health Maintenance Organiza- tions for Private Insurers. Inquiry 10:59-63, March 1973. Follman, J. F., Jr. HMO’s and Private Health Insurance. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:110-114, December 1972. . Insurance and Health Maintenance Organizations. Best’s Review (Life, Health Insurance Ed) 72:30+, January 1972; (Property ed) 72:32+, March 1972. . Insurance Industry Backing HMO’s. Insurance 73:24, December 1972. Health Insurance Association of America Conference on Health Maintenance Organizations, Chicago. Insurance 73:26, October 1972. HIA Says it will Help Member Companies in Development of HMOs. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:39, April 14, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:5, April 15, 1972. 47 HIA Takes Over as Central Agency for HMO Development. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:42-43, October 6, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:28-30, October 7, 1972. Health Maintenance Organizations and the Insurance Indus- try. Medical World News 14:71, July 6, 1973. Holmes, V. H. Sentry President Tells of Company's Experiment in HMO. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:7, December 1, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:29, December 2, 1972. Horace Mann starts Prepaid Health Plan. National Under- writer (Life ed) 77:33, February 17, 1973. Hunt, J. H. Voluntary Health Insurance Industry: Way to Go? Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 73:5-9+, January 1972. Insurance Industry Entry in HMO Field Seen as Oppor- tunity Knocking. National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:18, November 4, 1972. Lutnicki, V. A. A Program for Health Care in the 1970's: The Point of View of the Insurance Company. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:137-145, January 1972. Pettengill, D. W. HMO Legislation Is of Vital Interest to Health Insurers. National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:1+, September 23, 1972; National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:23-24, September 29, 1972. Simpson, H. N. Emerging Medical Concepts and Their Impact on Health Insurance. Best’s Review (Life ed) 74:20+, October 1973. Turner, J. G. Insurance Companies Involvement in Health Maintenance Organizations. Presented at Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association’s 1973 Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 20-23, 1973. Unpublished Paper. 9 pp. Apply to [ASA. Wheatley, G. M. Involvement of Metropolitan Life Insur- ance Company in New Forms of Health Care Delivery: Prepaid Group Practice. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 49:52-61, January 1973. Wisconsin Plans Offer Prepaid Group Alternative. Hospitals 45:129-130, February 16, 1971. BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD Arizona Blue Cross Plan Starts Health Maintenance Organi- zation, Concentrates on Elderly. Hospitals 47:99, Janu- ary 16, 1973. ''h Blue Cross Health Maintenance Organization Policy. Jour- nal of the Maine Medical Association 63:57, March 1972. Ensign, J. M. National Blue Cross Views Alternatives. Illinois Medical Journal 139:63-64, January 1971. Gossett, J. W. Look Who’s Pushing Prepaid Practice Now: Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Medical Economics 49:171+, September 11, 1972. McNerney, W. J. Blue Cross Is Moving, Not Just Talking. Modern Hospital 119:109-116, July 1972. Maryland Blue Cross Has Alternative Health Plan for Subscribers. National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:8, Sep- tember 9, 1972. : New Jersey Plans Sponsor Health Maintenance Organiza- tion. Hospitals 47:19, July 1, 1973. Program Designed to Qualify Blue Shield Plan as Health Maintenance Organization: Rhode Island. Hospitals 45:182, April 1, 1971. Rosenberg, C. L. Blues Are Rolling Out Their Own Health Maintenance Organization Bandwagon. Medical Eco- nomics 48:267, November 8, 1971. MEDICAL EDUCATION Bosch, S. J. and H. D. Banta. Medical Education in Prepaid Group Practice. Journal of the American Medical Associ- ation 212:2101-2104, June 22, 1970. 48 Bosch, S. J., et al. Medical Student Roles in Prepaid Group Practice. Journal of Medical Education 48:144-153, April 1973 (Suppl). Dorsey, J. L. The Prepaid Group Practice Plan in the Education of Future Physicians: Initial Efforts at the Harvard Community Health Plan. Medical Care 11:12-20, January/February 1973. Haggerty, R. J. Teaching Ambulatory Care in an HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:154-157, April 1973 (Suppl). Heyssel, R. M., et al. Training for Primary Care. Journal of Medical Education 48:158-165, April 1973 (Suppl). Hodes, C. Education of Nurses and Health Visitors in Group Practice. Nursing Times 69:149-150, February 1, 1973. MacLeod, G. K. and J. A. Prussin. Manpower Training in Prepaid Health Plans in the United States of America. Proceedings, First International Conference on Educa- tion in the Health Sciences. The Hague, The Nether- lands: International Society for Education in the Health Sciences, 1973. Apply to J. A. Prussin. Perry J. W. Allied Health: Dimensions, Dilemmas, and Decisions: Educating for Change. Journal of the Ameri- can Dietetic Association 61:26-29, July 1972. Willson, J. R. HMOs: Implications for Medical Education and Practice. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 10:24-27, January 1973. ''BIBLIOGRAPHIES *An Annotated Bibliography of Group Practice, 1927-1950, Prepared by the Bureau of Medical Eco- nomic Research. Chicago: American Medical Associa- tion, 1951. 72 pp. (Out-of-print) Bibliography on Consumerism, Prepared by the Office of Consumer Education and Information, U. S. Health Maintenance Organization Service. Rockville, MD: U. S. Health Maintenance Organization Service, March 1973. 29 pp. Apply. Boothe, W. Consumer Participation in Comprehensive Health Planning: CPL Exchange Bibliography #72. Monticello, IL: Council of Planning Librarians, March 1969. 7 pp. $1.50 Citizen Participation: A Bibliography of Theory and Prac- tice, with Special Emphasis on Comprehensive Health Planning. Camp Hill, PA: Pennsylvania Health Research Institute, n.d. Apply. Falk, L. A., G. J. Mushrush and M. E. Skrwanek. Administrative Aspects of Prepaid Group Practice: An Annotated Bibliography, 1950-1962. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1964. 99 pp. Harrison, F. P. Ambulatory Care: CPL Exchange Bibli- ography #386. Monticello, IL: Council of Planning Librarians, April 1973. 17 pp. $1.50. Jaworski, S. Consumer Participation in Health, A Curricu- lum: Volume 1 - 1A Guidebook; Volume 2 - Source- book. Washington, D.C.: Institute for the Study of Health and Society, April 1972. 2 volumes. Apply. 49 Kenton, C. Health Maintenance Organizations: Prepaid Group Health Services in the United States, January 1969 - January 1973. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, 1973. Medlars Literature Search #73-5. 13 pp. Apply. National Association of Blue Shield Plans. Selected Studies in Medical Care and Medical Economics,Annual Report. Chicago: National Association of Blue Shield Plans, 1969, 1972. 2 volumes. Apply. Rosenberg, K. and G. Schiff, editors. The Politics of Health Care: A Bibliography. New England Free Press, 1973. 24 pp. $.40. Sources of Secondary Data for Marketing Research: An Annotated, Selected Bibliography to Serve as a Starting Point for Literature Searches. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Management Library, 1973. 16 pp. Apply. U. S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-6303. Selected Notated Bibliography on Prepaid Organized Health Care Systems (POHCS) with Special Reference to Health Maintenance Organizations, Prepaid Group Practice and Financing and Reimbursing Systems. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, November 1971. 46 pp. Apply. U. S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Community Health Service. Selected References on Group Practice, Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1969. 29 pp. Apply. ''AUTHOR BIBLIOGRAPHY Abram, S. E. Group Practice in Other Professions. Dental Clinics of North America 16:389-393, April 1972. ABT Associates. A Model to Project Characteristics of Health Maintenance Organizations for Management Plan- ning and Evaluation Purposes. Cambridge, MA: October 15, 1972 and February 1973. 3 volumes. Apply. Ackerman, F. K., Jr. Developing a Health Maintenance Organization — in Danville, Pennsylvania. Medical Group Management 20:11-12, May/June 1973. Adler, M. W. 15 Health Maintenance Organizations in Illinois: How Will They Affect Your Practice? The Carbondale “Experiment.” Illinois Medical Journal 141:41-43, January 1972. Aetna Backs Prepaid Plan in Minneapolis — St. Paul. Modern Hospital 118:62, April 1972. Aetna L & C Helping to set up Prepaid Health Care Program (Minneapolis — St. Paul Area). National Underwriter (Property edition)76:38, March 17, 1972; National Underwriter (Life edition) 76:5, March 18, 1972. Agreement Establishes Health Care Systems: Southern Pacific Memorial Hospitals, Inc. and Health Mainte- nance, Inc. Hospital Forum of the Hospital Association of California State 13:22, September 1970. Ainsworth, T. H., Jr. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s: American Hospital Association Views. IIlinois Medi- cal Journal 139:60-61, January 1971. . Patient Incentives and Hospital Insurance: A Physi- cian’s Perspective. Health Services Research 6:305-308, Winter 1971. Altman, R. F. HMO’‘s are not the Answer: A Rebuttal — Reasons for Opposition to HMOs as Defined by the Social Security Administration's Preliminary Proposals. Bulletin of the Orange County Medical Association (California) 40:15-16, May 1971. American Association of Medical Clinics’ Statement in Support of Proposed Health Maintenance Organizations. Group Practice 21:20, October 1970. American Association of Medical Clinics Voices Concern for Its Role in Shaping Health Care Policy. Hospitals 45:118-119, October 16, 1971. 50 American Dental Association, Council on Dental Care Programs. Standards for Dental Prepayment Programs. Journal of the American Dental Association 87:1132-1134, November 1973. ADA Task Force on National Health Programs. (Ed) Journal of the American Dental Association 83:15, July 1971. The American Dietetic Association. Position Paper on Nutrition Services in Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:317-320, April 1972. AHA Consumer Conference: Consumers Told About Health Maintenance Organizations But Don’t Like What They Hear. Modern Hospital 117:38-39, July 1971. AHA President Testifies at Health Maintenance Organiza- tion Hearings. Hospitals 46:26, May 16, 1972. AMA and National Medical Association Criticize Proposed Health Maintenance Organization Assistance Act. U.S. Medicine 23:6-7, December 1, 1971. AMA Bops Health Maintenance Organizations; Health, Education and Welfare Doesn’t Say Boo. Medical World News 13:14-16, September 15, 1972. AMA Calls for Caution on Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. American Medical News 14:1+, November 22, 1971. AMA Gives Ground but Fights On. Medical World News 13:18-19, December 15, 1972. American Nurses’ Association Supports Health Maintenance Organizations but Asks Safeguards Against Domination by any One Group. American Journal of Nursing 72:1199-1201, July 1972. American Nursing Home Association. Definition of HMO. Newsletter (American Nursing Home Association): 5-6, March 15, 1971. American Public Health Association Urges Promotion of HMO Concept in Stressing Need for National Health Plan. Hospitals 45:120+, November 16, 1971. ASHP Statement on National Health Insurance. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:157-160, February 1972. ''Amundsen, J. M. and M. W. Jones. Prepaid Health Plans in California — 1973. Socioeconomic Report (California Medical Association) 13(9):1-7, November/December 1973. Anderson, D. O. What Price Group Practice? A Study of Charges and Expenditures for Medical Care in Sas- katchewan, Canada. Vancouver, British Columbia: Uni- versity of British Columbia, 1972. 346 pp. $3.00 (see also Crichton) Anderson, J. G. and D. E. Bartkus. Choice of Medical Care: A Behavioral Model of Health and Illness Behavior. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 14(4):348-362, December 1973. Andrus, L. H. California Rural Health Program Succeeds. Medical Group Management 17:7-8, January 1970. Annan, H. O. Third-party Payor Activities in Baltimore Health Maintenance Organizations. Maryland State Medi- cal Journal 21:54-56, October 1972. Annis, J. W. How Fast Will Group Practice Grow? Medical Economics 47:136-146, April 13, 1970. . Physician as an Insurer — Through a Health Maintenance Organization or Any Similar Organizational Nightmare. Group Practice 20:14-15, February 1971. *An Annotated Bibliography of Group Practice, 1927-1950, Prepared by the Bureau of Medical Eco- nomic Research. Chicago: American Medical Associa- tion, 1951. 72 pp. (Out-of-print) Anonsen, R. E. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s: Hennepin County’s Program. Illinois Medical Journal 139:58-59, January 1971. Arizona Blue Cross Plan Starts Health Maintenance Organi- zation, Concentrates on Elderly. Hospitals 47:99, Janu- ary 16, 1973. Aronow, R. Health Maintenance Organization: The Way to Go? Journal of the American Podiatry Association 36:203-206, May 1973. Auger, R. C. and V. P. Goldberg. Prepaid Health Plans and Moral Hazard. Davis, CA: University of California, Institute of Governmental Affairs, August 1973. 62 pp. $3.00 Baehr, G. Prepaid Group Practice: Its Strength and Weak- nesses, and Its Future. American Journal of Public Health 56: 1898-1903, November 1966. Bahn, R. Where Doctors Stand on Prepaid Group Medicine. Hospital Physician 6:66+, November 1970. 51 Bakken, J. A. There’s a Prepaid Health Plan in Your Future, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 21-24. Denver: Medical Group Manage- ment Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Barnes, P. Health Care in Seattle. New Republic 165:12-13, December 18, 1971. Barr, D. M. and C. R. Gaus. A Population-based Approach to Quality Assessment in Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. Medical Care 11:523-528, November/December 1973. Barr, M. The College of Pharmacy and the Urban Commun- ity. American Journal of Pharmacy 114:41-53, March/ April 1972. Barr, R. Big Vote of Confidence in Prepaid Groups. Medical Economics 47:172, November 23, 1970. Barrows, K. Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 62:5+, January 1972. Bartholomew, R. E. The Case for Solo Practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16:939-944, November 1969. Bates, B. Nursing in a Health Maintenance Organization: Report on the Harvard Community Health Plan. Ameri- can Journal of Public Health 62:991-994, July 1972. Bates, L. E. Health Maintenance Organizations. A Proto- type: New York — Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York. Hospitals 45:58-60, March 16, 1971. Battistella, R. M. Rationalization of Health Services: Political and Social Assumption. International Journal of Health Services 2(3):331-348, 1972. Battle Over HMO Legislation Begins Anew with Introduc- tion of Kennedy, Roy Bills. Group Health and Welfare News 14:1+, January 1973. Beck, L. C. Be Practical About Group Practice. Pennsy|- vania Medicine 75:45-47, September 1972. . Changes Predicted — Like It or Not. Pennsylvania Medicine 75:21-22, June 1972. . Plan in Advance — Don’t Hire Headache. Pennsy!- vania Medicine 75:19-20, December 1972. . Practice Management: Considerations in Forming a Group Practice. Delaware Medical Journal 45:80-83, March 1973. . Practice Management: Dividing a Group Practice’s Income. Delaware Medical Journal 45:146-149, May 1973. ''. Practice Management: Forming a Group Practice. Delaware Medical Journal 45:112-115, April 1973. . Preliminary Planning Pays Off. Pennsylvania Medi- cine 75:19-21, October 1972. . What is a. Health \Maintenance Organization? Pennsylvania Medicine 75:36-37, January 1972. Becker, L. E. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Black Physician’s Comments. Journal of the National Medical Association 63:488-491, November 1971. Becker, R. J. Medical Foundations — Grass Roots Planning (Seeding, Fertilizing, Weeding and the Crab Grass Prob- lem). West Virginia Medical Journal 68:127-133, May 1972. Benoit, H. W., Jr. Health Care Foundation of Missouri. Missouri Medicine 68:596-599, August 1971. Berman, R. A. Health Maintenance Organization: The Concept Versus the Reality. Hospital Management 111:13-16, February/March 1971. Bibliography on Consumerism, Prepared by the Office of Consumer Education and Information, U. S. Health Maintenance Organization Service. Rockville, MD: U.S. Health Maintenance Organization Service, March 1973. 29 pp. Apply. Bid for Independence for Doctors: Foundation for Medical Care. Medical World News 13:47+, October 20, 1972. Bilheimer, L. Prepaid Medical Group Practice: A Discus- sion. Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 67:426-430, May 1971. Birnbaum, H. Functions of Health Educators in a Health Maintenance Organization. Health Education Mono- graphs No. 31:85-89, 1972. Birnbaum, R. W. Harvard Community Health Plan: To Provide Broad Access to Quality, Comprehensive Health Care. Public Welfare 29:42-46, January 1971. . Prepayment and Neighborhood Health Centers: Guidelines for the Planning of or Conversion to a Health Maintenance Organization. Washington, D.C.: Office of Economic Affairs, 1972. Apply. Blamphin, J. Health Maintenance Organization Proposal Challenges Care System: Senator Kennedy’s Bill. Medical World News 13:15-16, March 24, 1972 (ed p. 9) . Health Maintenance Organizations: What They Will Mean to Doctors in Quality, Hours, Dollars. Medical World News 12:38+, October 29, 1971 (ed p. 11) 52 Blanton, P. J. Examination of the Health Maintenance Organization as an Acceptable Health Care Delivery Mechanism. lowa City: University of lowa, M.A., July 1972. 164 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $7.60; Film Reel $4.00. Blendon, R. J. AMA’s Medicredit Proposal: Its Relevance for HMO Development, Alternative Approaches to National Delivery of Health Care, edited by G. K. Chacko, pp. 155-171. Baltimore: Operations Research Society of America, 1972. 201 pp. Apply. and C. R. Gaus. Problems in Developing Health Services in Poverty Areas: The Johns Hopkins Exper- ience. Journal of Medical Education 46:477-484, June 1971. Bloom, A. The HMO and College Health Services. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:115-1 16, December 1972. . How to Plan for Development of a Health Mainte- nance Organization. Urban Health 2:19+, June 1973. . Prepaid Group Practice Data: Some Parametric Considerations, Health Maintenance Organizations, Pro- ceedings of a Conference, pp. 27-29. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 and P. Kosco. Availability of Physician Manpower. Medical Group Management 19:9-11, September 1972. . Foundations for Medical Care as Health Mainte- nance Organizations. Unpublished paper. 10 pp. Bloomberg, R. Group Practice Hospital: How Seattle Plan Works, How Doctors are Paid. Modern Hospital 112:113-115, May 1969. Blue Cross Health Maintenance Organization Policy. Jour- nal of the Maine Medical Association 63:57, March 1972. Blumstein, R. W. Comprehensive Medical Associates. Illinois Medical Journal 141:55, January 1972. Bobrow, M. L. Space Utilization in a Health Maintenance Organization. Hospital Forum (California) 14:10-12, February 1972. Bock, W. B. Directory of Prepaid Dental Care Plans, 1967. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1968. 309 pp. Apply. Bodenheimer, T. S. The Hoax of National Health Insurance. American Journal of Public Health 62:1324-1327, October 1972. '' . Patterns of Ambulatory Care. Inquiry 7:26-37, September 1970. Boltin, E. HMO — It’s Time to Embrace a Fact of Life. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:3+, May 19, 1972; (Life ed) 76:14-17, June 3, 1972. Boothe, W. Consumer Participation in Comprehensive Health Planning: CPL Exchange Bibliography #72. Monticello, IL: Council of Planning Librarians, March 1969. 7 pp. $1.50 Bosch, S. J. and H. D. Banta. Medical Education in Prepaid Group Practice. Journal of the American Medical Associ- ation 212:2101-2104, June 22, 1970. Bosch, S. J. et al. Medical Student Roles in Prepaid Group Practice. Journal of Medical Education 48:144-153, April 1973 (Suppl). Bracht, N. F. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Analysis. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Workers, September 1972. 30 pp. Apply. Braverman, J. Group Practice Prepayment Plans: Univer- sities Give New Impetus to Old Concept. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 9:563-567+, November 1969. *Brier, R. Reaching the Operational Stage: A Study of HMO Financial Planning. Great Neck, NY: Hofstra University, Masters Thesis, January 13, 1972. 143 pp. Brierly, C. Medical Foundations: Antitode for National Health Insurance? Physicians Management 11:31-37, October 1971; 42-45, November 1971. Brindle, J. Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice. American Journal of Public Health 59:37-45, January 1969 (Suppl). . What’s Ahead in the Delivery of Health Care: Prepaid Group Practice Plans. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:845-847, November 1972. and M. H. Wolman. The Prepaid Group Practice Point of View. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 11:68-70, February 1971. Brody, S. J. Prepayment of Medical Services for the Aged: An Analysis. Gerontologist 11:152-157, Summer 1971. Brook, R. H. Critical Issues in the Assessment of Quality of Care and Their Relationship to HMOs. Journal of Medical Education 48:114-134, April 1973 (Suppl). Brooks, T. A. Health Maintenance Organizations — An Overview. Osteopathic Hospital 16:5-10, August 1972. 53 Brown, D. C. Dalhousie’s Family Medicine Centre. Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 51:171-173, December 1972. Brown, D. R. Community Health Planning or Who Will Control the Health Care System. American Journal of Public Health 62:1336-1339, October 1972. Brown, R. E., et al. Implications of the Health Maintenance Organization Concept, Health Maintenance Organiza- tions: Reconfiguration of the Health Services Systems, pp. 69-90. Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50 Bryan, J. E. View From the Hill. American Family Physician 8:144-145, December 1973. Bryant, T. E. Goals and Potential of the Neighborhood Health Centers. Medical Care 8(2):93-94, March/April 1970. Buchert, W. |. The Geisinger Story: Hope in the Hills. Pennsylvania Medicine 73:45-46, July 1970. Buckingham, G. A. The Health Maintenance Organization Concept: Essential Element and Potential Impact. Uni- versity of Alabama, M.S., 1972. 54 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Bullis, E. G. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s; HEW’s Rx: HMO. Illinois Medical Journal 139:55-56, January 1971. ——_—. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Broad and Imaginative Concept. Insurance 72:104+, Fall 1971. Bullough, B. The Medicare-Medicaid Amendments. Ameri- can Journal of Nursing 73:1926-1929, November 1973. Burke, R. T. Community Health Center, Two Harbors, Minnesota. Minneapolis: InterStudy, July 1972. various paging. Apply. . Guidelines for HMO Marketing. Minneapolis: Inter- Study, 1973. 44 pp. Apply. ____. A Review of the Experience of Two Small HMOS. Minneapolis: InterStudy, 1972. 20 pp. Apply. . Tri-county Hospital and Health Care Association, Deer Park, Washington. Minneapolis: Institute for Inter- disciplinary Studies, July 1972. various paging. Apply. with George Strumpf. Sharing the Risk: A Guide for the Young HMO. Minneapolis: InterStudy, 1973. 74 pp. Apply. Burnell, G. M. Financing Mental Health Care: An Appraisal of Various Models. Archives of General Psychiatry 25:49-55, July 1971. ''Burns, E. M. Health Insurance: Not If, or When, but What Kind? American Journal of Public Health 61:2164-2175, November 1971. Bush, A. S. Group Practice: Planning and Implementing a Community-wide Prepayment Plan for Health Services. New York: New York State Health Planning Commis- sion, 1971. 89 pp. Apply. Butler, A. M. Positive Incentives for Quality Care. New England Journal of Medicine 285:862, October 7, 1971. Buzzell, H. O. A New National Strategy to Make Health Services Flexible and Responsible. Health Services Reports 88(10):894-897, December 1973. By-laws of the Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 12:593-595, November 1971. CNA Backs Formation of Non-profit, Prepaid Health Corporation. Insurance 72:18, November 1, 1971. CNA Explains New Prepaid Health Program to Chicago Area Doctors. National Underwriter (Life ed) 75:29, December 4, 1971. California Assembly Health Committee. Interim Hearing on Health Maintenance Organizations. San Francisco: Cali- fornia Assembly Health Committee, October 5, 1972. 150 pp. Apply. California, Los Angeles County Health Delivery Systems Task Force. Report on Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. Los Angeles: University of California, School of Public Health, 1972. 53 pp. Apply. California Medical Association. The Health Maintenance Organization — Some Information for Physicians: A Report of the Bureau of Research and Planning. California Medicine 116:100-103, March 1972. California Medical Association, Bureau of Research and Planning. Study of Selected Prepaid Group Practice Arrangements in California. San Francisco: California Medical Association, 1971.55 pp. Apply. California Questions: Can Prepaid Plans Save Medicaid Funds? Are They Health Maintenance Organizations? Can They Ensure Quality? Modern Hospital 121:31-32, July 1973. California Unions Propose Their Own Prepaid Group Plan. Modern Hospital 115:105-106, August 1970. Callan, D. and A. Lawrence. Maintaining the Organization’s Health (List of Grant Recipients for Development of HMO’s). Health/PAC Bulletin 36:12-15, December 1971. 54 Callow, B. M. RN’s View of the Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of Nursing Administration 3:39-41, September/October 1973. Camalier, C. W., Jr. HMO’s and Other Delivery Systems. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia 41:453-456, July 1972. Can “Health Maintenance Plan” Brake Runaway Medi- costs? Hospital Practice 5:19, May 1970. Care of Dependents Under Health Maintenance Organiza- tions Proposed by Department of Defense. U. S. Medicine 8:3+, August 15, 1972. Carey, S. C. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Intro- duction and Survey of Recent Developments. Washing- ton, D.C.: Lawyers’ Commission for Civil Rights Under Law, October 1972. Apply. Carlson, R. Specifications for a State Health Maintenance Organization Enabling Act. Minneapolis: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, May 1972. 33 pp. Apply. Carnoy, J. Kaiser: You Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chances. Ramparts 27-32, October 1970 , et al. Corporate Medicine: The Kaiser Health Plan. Health/PAC Bulletin (55):4-18, November 1973. Carpenter, D. C., Jr. HMOs Pose Financial and Space Allocation Problems. Hospital Progress 53:49, April 1972. Carson, D. C. Satellite HMO: Development of a Prepaid Nonprofit Group Medical Practice in the Small City. Seattle: Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, July 1972. 78 pp. Apply. Case Studies and Analysis of Five HMO’s. Washington, D.C.: Health Resources Associates, Inc., April 10, 1973. various paging . Apply. A Catholic Hospital Studies HMO Plan. Hospital Progress 53:100-101+, July 1972. Cavanaugh, J. H. Proposed HMO and FHIP Program Can Improve System. Hospital Progress 52:26-29+, January 1971. Chacko, G. K., editor. Alternative Approaches to National Delivery of Health Care. Baltimore: Operations Research Society of America, 1972. 201 pp. $10.50 Apply. CHAMPUS Rx Benefits Under-used. American Druggist 163:30, May 17, 1971. ''Changing the System of Health Care (Possibility of the Passage in 1973 of HMO Legislation). Morgan Guaranty Survey 7-14, December 1972. Cheaper Medicare — Latest Official Plan. U.S. News and World Report 68:62, April 13, 1970. Chicago Hospital to Establish Health Maintenance Organiza- tion, Health Care Network: Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center. Hospitals 45:108, August 16, 1971. Chicago Hospitals Begin Operating Community-oriented Group Plans. Modern Hospital 119:24, August 1972; and reply. 119:76, November 1972. Chisholm. S. The Search for a Quality Life. Hospital Progress 53:58-61+, October 1972. Chun, H. H. Performance Specifications of an HMO: Socioeconomic Intelligence. Hawaii Medical Journal 30:472-473, November/December 1971. Cihlar, C. Consumer Views. Hospitals 46:67-70, April 1, 1972. Citizen Participation: A Bibliography of Theory and Prac- tice, with Special Emphasis on Comprehensive Health Planning. Camp Hill, PA: Pennsylvania Health Research institute, n.d. Apply. Citywide Health Maintenance Organization Offers Services to District of Columbia Residents. Hospitals 46:143-144, August 1, 1972. Clark, V. V, editor. Outpatient Services Journal Articles: A Collection of Current Published Articles Related to Outpatient Services. Flushing, NY: Medical Examination Publishing Company, 1970. 317 pp. $8.00 Clinic Puts It All Together for HMO: Kelsey-Seybold Clinic. Group Practice 21(5):17-20, September 1972. Coates, E. D. Prepaid Group Practice. New York State Journal of Medicine 73:2492-2494, October 15, 1973. Cobb, J. B. The Cloudy Future of HMOs. Group Practice 22(8):1, August 1973. Coburn, A. S. Health Maintenance Organizations: Implica- tions for Public Assistance Recipients. Public Welfare 31:28-33, Spring 1973. Cogan, J. Rural Health Maintenance Organizations: A Model Public Relations Program. Boston: Blue Cross Association, May 1973. Apply. 55 Cohen, J. and H. Hunter. Mental Health Insurance: A Comparison of a Fee-for-service Indemnity Plan and a Comprehensive Mental Health Center. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:146-153, January 1972. Cohen, W. J. Current Problems in Health Care. New England Journal of Medicine 281:193-197, July 24, 1969. Cole, J. W. The Town and Gown Problem and Solutions. Surgery 74:479-482, October 1973. Coleman, A. H. and J. R. Abernathy. Legal Issues Con- fronting Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the National Medical Association 64:293-294, May 1972. Collins, C. M. Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 58:49, October 1971. Colombo, T. J., E. W. Saward and M. R. Greenlick. The Integration of an OEO Health Program into a Prepaid Comprehensive Group Practice Plan. American Journal of Public Health 59:641-650, April 1969. Community Health Nurses Issue HMO Statement. American Journal of Nursing 73:1925, November 1973. Community-operated Health Maintenance Organization Established in Chicago Area. Hospitals 47:119, Septem- ber 16, 1973. Community Profile Data Center: Technical Report; The Cost of Standard Medical Services Under Alternative Delivery Systems. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, October 1972. various paging. Apply. Companies Advised to Expand Their Health Care Roles (HMOs). Insurance 73:31, June 1972. Connecticut General and a Group Practice Offer Health- care Plan. Modern Hospital 120:42, June 1973. Connecticut General to Expand Prepaid Health Care to Phoenix. Insurance 71:23, July 1, 1970. Connecticut General Plans Prepaid Group Health Plan in New York This Fall. National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:8, May 12, 1973. Connor, A. F., Jr. Neighborhood Health Centers and Prepaid Group Practice as a Method of Improving Systems for Delivery of Care in the Urban Core. Journal of the National Medical Association 63:486-487, November 1971. ''Connors, E. J. Delivery and Financing of Health Care. Hospitals 46:71-74, April 1, 1972. Consortium to Form 5-county Health Network: Group Health Planning of Greater Philadelphia, Inc. Hospitals 45:100, June 16, 1971. Consumers Give Opinions on Columbia Medical Plan. Modern Hospital 117:43, August 1971. Contract Awarded for Health Maintenance Organization Training: Johns Hopkins University. Hospitals 46:93, December 16, 1972. Convincing Consumers Held Key to Successful Health Maintenance Organization Programs. U.S. Medicine 8:6, July 1, 1972. Cook, W. H. Kaiser-Permanente Program: Experience with a Comprehensive Prepaid Medical Plan and Its Implication for Future Medical Practice. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 70:379-383, September 1969. Cornely, P. B. Community Concern for Total Health Care. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:105-111, February 1972. Corporate Delivery of Medical Care. (Ed) Northwest Medi- cine 71:603, August 1972. Corrado, J. HMO — Savior of Health Insurers. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:1+, September 15, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:1+, September 16, 1972. Cotton, H. Medical Group Practice. Oradell, NJ: Medical Economics, 1965. 133 pp. $9.95 Crawford, J. W., et al. Psychiatry and Group Medical Practice: The Diagnostic Process, Referral Patterns, and Utilization of Services. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:637-642, June 1973. Crawford, S. Health Sciences Libraries in Outpatient Group Practice Clinics and in Business and Industrial Organiza- tions. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 60(2):46-49, April 1972 (Suppl). Crichton, A. O. J. Group Practice in the System: Volume II of a Study of Economics of Group Practice in Saskatche- wan. Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Columbia, November 29, 1972. 316 pp. $3.25 Cronkhite, L. W., Jr. Health Maintenance Organizations — A Prototype: Health, Inc., Boston. Hospitals 45:70-72, March 16, 1971. 56 Cuneo, L. Health Maintenance Organization as It Relates to the Commercial Ambulance Service. Review (National Ambulance and Medical Services Association) 5:8-9, Fall, 1972. Cutting, C. C. A Comprehensive Medical Care Delivery System Born in Industry. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:411-414, September 1971. . Group Practice Prepayment in the National Setting: To Hail It as the Single Solution is Intellectually Dishonest. Group Practice 20:16-18, February 1971. . Organization of Medical Services Under Group Practice with Prepayment. American Journal of Surgery 118:546-549, October 1969. . The What, Why and How of Group Practice Prepayment for Medical Care. Southern Medical Bulletin 58(5):23-28, 1970. Dahl, T. The Nutritional Functional Area in Comprehensive Health Care Delivery. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 61(5):497-504, 1972. Daily, E. F., L. E. Bellin and V. Scardino. Centralized Laboratory Service Benefits Affiliated Medical Groups. Hospitals 43:61-64, April 16, 1969. Daitz, B. D. and W. A. Spencer. Patient Incentives and Hospital Insurance: A Rehabilitation Perspective. Health Services Research 6:313-315, Winter 1971. Daniels, R. S. Changing Human Service Delivery Systems: Their Influences on Psychiatric Training. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:1232-1236, November 1973. . The Future of Medical Care Delivery Systems. Social Service Review 45:259-271, September 1971. , J. W. Wagner and L. A. Ferguson. An Example of Sub-regional Health Planning: A Further Report. Inquiry 9:57-63, September 1972. Davies S. D. The Future of the Private Practice of Medicine. Rhode Island Medical Journal 51:387-388+, June 1968. Davis, J. T. Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 13:322-324, August 1972. . Mississippi Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 14:159-160, April 1973. ''Dearing, W. P. Developments and Accomplishments of Comprehensive Group Practice Prepayment Programs. Washington, D.C.: Group Health Association of Ameri- ca, Inc., 1963 (revised 1972). . Prepaid Group Practice: A Health Services Delivery System, New Horizons in Health Care, Proceedings, First International Congress on Group Medicine, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, April 26-30, 1970, pp 293-303. Winnipeg: Congress Secretariat, 1970. 357 pp. $4.50 Definition of a Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 58:63, May 1971 (ed p. 60-61) De Hoff, J. B. Health Care Consortiums — New Roles for Local Health Departments. American Journal of Public Health 63:672-674, August 1973. Delaware Foundation for Medical Care: By-laws. Delaware Medical Journal 45:240-245, August 1973. De Marco, C. T. Some Legal Considerations in the Formation of a Group Practice. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:168-171, February 1972. Denenberg, H. S. Why is Herbert Denenberg Saying Those Awful Things About Hospitals? Modern Hospital 119:76-79, August 1972. Densen, P. M. Medical Schools and the Delivery of Medical Care to the Community. (Ed) New England Journal of Medicine 284:1156-1157, May 20, 1971. The Design of a Health Maintenance Organization. Hempstead, NY: Hofstra University, 1973. 747 pp. $12.00. Developing HMO’s Within Existing Group Practices: A Symposium Jointly Sponsored by the American Associa- tion of Medical Clinics and the Medical Group Manage- ment Association. Alexandria, VA: American Associa- tion of Medical Clinics, 1973. 134 pp. $9.00. Development of Alternatives for an Evaluation of the Cost and Effectiveness of Inclusion of Mental, Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits in Health Maintenance Organi- zations or Related Organizations: Final Report for Pharmaceutical Component. New York: American Pub- lic Health Association, 1973. 146 pp. Apply. Development of a Consumer Program in Health Mainte- nance Organizations, A Position Paper. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, September 1972. 46 pp. Apply. 57 Dickinson, L. Are Medical Foundations the Answer? Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 69:165, March 1971 (ed p. 196). A Digest of State Laws Affecting the Payment of Medical Care, Group Practice and HMO’s. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems, 1973. 396 pp. $24.75 A Digest of State Laws Affecting the Prepayment of Medical Care, Group Practice and HMO’s. 1973 edition. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems. looseleaf with up-date. Apply. Dixon, D. C. Franklin County Up To Date: Rural Health Associates. Journal of the Maine Medical Association 62:278-279, November 1971. Doherty, J. F. Role of Government in Group Practice. Medical Group Management 19:10-11, November 1971. Dolinsky, E. M. Third Party Payment: A Catalyst for Change, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 63-66. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Donabedian, A. An Evaluation of Prepaid Group Practice. Inquiry 6(3):3-27, September 1969. . 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Harvard Community Health Plan. Massachusetts Physician 31:50-54, March 1972. '' . Manpower Problems in the Delivery of Primary Medical Care. New England Journal of Medicine 282:871-872, April 9, 1970. . The Prepaid Group Practice Plan in the Education of Future Physicians: Initial Efforts at the Harvard Community Health Plan. Medical Care 11:12-20, January/February 1973. Dowda, F. W. Georgia Medical Care Foundatioon. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 60:131-133, May 1971 (ed p. 156) Dunne, J. B. Here’s What HMO is All About. Medical Times 100:79+, December 1972. Duval, M. K. The Challenge Ahead. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:13-16, January 1972. East Baltimore Medical Program. Maryland State Medical Journal 21:13, March 1972. Ebersold, L. A. The HMO Bandwagon. Journal of the American Dental Association 84:910-912, May 1972. Edelman, S. Legal Concerns of HMOs, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 38-41. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Edison, G. R. Prepayment vs Fee-for-service. Journal of the American College Health Association 18(5):325-329, 1970. Edwards, A. B. and W. L. Horton. Health Maintenance Organizations: The Strategic Issue Facing Insurance Companies. Best’s Review (Life, Health Ed) 74:24+, May 1973. Egan, M. C. Nutrition Services in Child Health Programs. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 59:555-558, December 1971. and B. J. Hallstrom. Building Nutrition Services in Comprehensive Health Care. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 61(5):491-496, 1972. Egdah!, R. H. Foundations for Medical Care. New England Journal of Medicine 288:491498, March 8, 1973. (ed p. 519-520). Egeberg, R. O. Multi-specialty Group Practice and the Future of Medicine. Group Practice 19:5+, May 1970. Eilers, R. D. How the New HMOs will Affect Your Practice. Medical Opinion 7:42-45, September 1971. 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Journal of Nursing Adminis- tration 3:29-34, September/October 1973. . Health Care: Should Your Company Buy It or Sell It?) Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:667-672, September 1972. ———. Health Maintenance Organizations: Concept and Strategy. Hospitals 45:53-56, March 16, 1971. ——_—. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Approach ... Vastly to be Preferred. (Ed) Hospital Practice 7:11-12, October 1972. —__.. If We Turn Our Backs on HMOs. Prism 1(11):26-29+, November 1973. . Implications of Recent Health Legislations. Ameri- can Journal of Public Health 62:20-23, January 1972. . Models for Organizing Health Services and Impli- cations of Legislative Problems. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):73-101, October 1972 (Pt 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care) . Optimistic About the Future of HMOs. Modern Medicine 41:33-36, December 24, 1973. '' . Public Utility or Health Maintenance Organization: That’s Your Choice. Group Practice 22:22-24, Sep- tember 1973. (ed p. 2). and M. E. Herbert. 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Examining Possible Approaches to Reorganizing Delivery System: National Forum on Hospital and Health Affairs. Hospital Topics 49:37-39, August 1971. Falk, |. S. Academic Medical Center-HMO Relationship: Sponsorship or Affiliation? Journal of Medical Educa- tion 48:53-59, April 1973 (Suppl). . Financing for the Reorganization of Medical Ser- vices and Their Delivery. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):191-221, October 1972 (Pt 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care) ____. Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice: Response. American Journal of Public Health 59:53-58, January 1969 (Suppl). Falk, L. A. Functional Group Practice in a National Health Program. Yale Journal of Biological Medicine 44:153-159, August 1971. , G. J. Mushrush and M. E. Skrwanek. Administrative Aspects of Prepaid Group Practice: An Annotated © Bibliography, 1950-1962. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1964, 99 pp. Faltermayer, E. K. Better Care at Less Cost without Miracles. 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Government Interest and Funding of Group Practice. New York State Dental Journal 37:95-101, February 1971. . Group Practice Development: A Service of the Department of Health, New York City. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 46:113-123, February 1970. . Legislation and Prepayment for Group Practice. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 47:411-422, April 1971. Feldstein, P. J. Prepaid Group Practice: An Analysis and Review. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Pro- gram in Hospital Administration, June 1971. 141 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $7.00; Film Reel $4.00. Field, M. G. and J. Gershon-Cohen. The Manpower Crisis: Analysis and Proposed Remedy. American Family Physi- cian 5:193-199, March 1972. Fifer, W. R. The Health Care Delivery System of Tomor- row. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Associ- ation 12:13-14, January 1972. Fincher, J. C., Jr. A Study of the Willingness of Air Force Members to Purchase Prepaid Dental Insurance for Their Dependents’ Use. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pitts- burgh, June 1972. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Fireison, L. HMO — A New Strategy: Characteristics, Evolution, Legislation. Trial 9:22-26, March/April 1973. First Maryland Health Care Corporation Funded Through U. S. Office of Economic Opportunity. Maryland State Medical Journal 20:41, December 1971. Fleming, S. Health Maintenance Organizations: An Inter- view. FAH (Federation of American Hospitals) Review 5:18+, October 1972. . Health Maintenance Organizations — A Prototype: California — Kaiser Foundation-Permanente Program. Hospitals 45:56-57, March 16, 1971. Florida to Have Prepaid Health Services: Care Maintenance Systems, Inc. Nursing Homes 21:6, September 1972. Florida’s First Health Maintenance Organization Based in New Hospital. Hospital World 1:19, November/ December 1972. 60 Flynn, K. Neighborhood Health Care Clinics. Hospitals 45:81-84, February 1, 1971. Follman, J. F., Jr. HMO’s and Private Health Insurance. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:110-114, December 1972. . Insurance and Health Maintenance Organizations. Best’s Review (Life, Health Insurance Ed) 72:30+, January 1972; (Property ed) 72:32+, March 1972. . Insurance Coverage for Mental Illness. New York: American Management Association, 1970. $5.00 . Insurance Industry Backing HMO’s. Insurance 73:24, December 1972. . Regulation of Health Maintenance Organizations. Best’s Review (Life, Health Insurance Ed) 74:14+, August 1973. Forbes, O. Z. American College December 1972. In the Urban Setting. Journal of the Health Association 21:108-109, Foulkes, R. G. Does Group Practice Cut Hospital Use? Hospital Administration in Canada 14:46+, June 1972. Economic Advantages of Prepaid Group Practice. Canadian Doctor 37:63+, June 1971. . Fundamental Issues of Group Practice. Canadian Doctor 37:84-87, September 1971. (ed p.5). . Group Practice: Let’s Put It All Together. Canadian Doctor 38:30+, March 1972; 96+, April 1972; 50+, May 1972; 66-69, June 1972. . Higher Quality of Health Care Possible with Group Practice. Canadian Docto; 37:25+, July 1971. . What is the Future of Group Practice? An Evalua- tion of Delivery Systems. Canadian Doctor 37:41+, April 1971. Foundation Functioning as Prepaid Health Plan. American Medical News 16:14, April 9, 1973. Foundation Gains Seen. American Medical News 14:1+, July 12, 1971. Foundations Bid for Bigger Role. American Medical News 15:1+, September 11, 1972. Foundations’ Cost Savings Described to Congress. American Medical News 15:9, May 22, 1972. ''Foundations Urged to Mend Fences, Build National Base. American Medical News 15:7, September 4, 1972. Four Clinics on the San Francisco Peninsula Combine for Prepaid Plan. Group Practice 21:5, June 1972. Fowler, W. M., Jr. Relationship of Rehabilitation Medicine to Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 54:145-147, March 1973. Frech, H. E. Ill and P. B. Ginsburgh. Optimal Scale in Group Medical Practice: A Survivor Analysis. Lansing, Ml: State University Econometrics Workshop Paper #7207, January 1973. 23 pp. (To be published in Journal of Business, 1974). Frederick, L. D. Health Maintenance Organization Law Coming Up. Medical World News 14:17-19, July 6, 1973. (ed p. 13). Frederiksen, G. HMOs: New Horizons or Organizational Nightmares? Hospital Progress 53:42-48+, April 1972. . A Look to the Future of HMOs, Health Mainte- nance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 67-72. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Freeborn, D. K., et al. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: Physicians’ Use of Laboratory Services. American Journal of Public Health 62(6):846-853, June 1972. Freidson, E. Behavioral Research Opportunities. Journal of Medical Education 48:110-113, April 1973 (Suppl). and B. Rhea. Physicians in Large Medical Groups, a Preliminary Report. Journal of Chronic Diseases 17:827-836, September 1964. , et al. Organizational Dimensions of Large-scale Group Medical Practice. American Journal of Public Health 61:786-795, April 1971. Fuchs, V. R., editor. Essays in the Economics of Health and Medical Care. New York: Columbia University Press, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1972. 239 pp. $8.00 Garber, N. Pediatric — Child Psychiatry Collaboration in a Health Maintenance Organization. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:1227-1231, November 1973. Garfield, S. R. Free Care Concept May Overload U. S. Health Service. Geriatrics 26:41+, April 1971. 61 Gartside, F. E. and D. M. Proctor. Medicaid Services in California Under Different Organizational Modes: Physi- cian Participation in the San Joaquin Prepayment Project. Los Angeles: University of California, School of Public Health, Report #1, January 1970. 53 pp. Apply. Gaus, C. R. Information Requirements for Management of New Health Care Organizations. Medical Care 11:51-60, March/April 1973 (Pt. 2). . Who Enrolls in a Prepaid Group Practice: The Columbia Experience. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:9-14, January 1971. Gee, D. A. Ambulatory Care. Hospitals 44:73, August 16, 1970. - Health Maintenance Organization Breathes Life into Home Care. Hospitals 46:39-43, June 16, 1972. Geiger, H. J. The Neighborhood Health Center. Archives of Environmental Health 14:912-916, June 1967. George Washington University Medical Center Developing Prepaid Group Practice Plan. Hospitals 45:113-114, January 16, 1971. George Washington University School of Medicine, ‘’Blues”’ Agree on Health Maintenance Organization Terms. U.S: Medicine 8:13, June 1, 1972. Georgia Medical Care Foundation: Minimum Standards; Articles of Incorporation; By-laws. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 60:141-155, May 1971. (ed p. 156). Gerber, A. Economic Effects of Personal Health Services. American Journal of Public Health 61:901-903, May 1971. . The ‘‘Medical Crises’’: Is Prepayment a ‘‘Cure’’ — Critical Evaluation. Los Angeles County Medical Associ- ation Bulletin 103:8-12, February 1, 1973. Gerberding, S. S. Medical Nurse Practitioner in a Neighbor- hood Center. American Journal of Nursing 72:1416-1419, August 1972. German, P. S. Factors in Enrollment in a Prepaid Group Health Plan. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, Doc- tor of Science Thesis, February 1972. 173 pp. Apply. . Prepaid Group Health Practice in a New Commun. ity. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 14(4):362-368, December 1973. ''Ghan, L. et al. Social Work in a Mixed Group Medical Practice. Canadian Journal of Public Health 61:488-496, November/December 1970. Gibson, R. W. Can Mental Health Be Included in the Health Maintenance Organization? American Journal of Psychi- atry 128:919-926, February 1972. ____. The Effect of Financing on Psychiatric Care. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:299-301, March 1973. . Mental Health and the Health Maintenance Organi- zation. Journal (National Association of Private Psychi- atric Hospitals) 3:5-7, Fall 1971. Giddings, P. M. Health Maintenance Organization that Private Practice is Building. Medical Economics 50:170+, August 6, 1973. Ginsburg, P. B. and H. M. Manheim. Insurance, Copayment and Health Services Utilization: A Critical Review. Journal of Economics and Business 25:142-153, 1972/1973. : Gintzig, L and R. L. Shouldice. Health Maintenance Organization: Yes or No? (Interview) Hospital World 1:16+, March 1972. .. Prepaid Group Practice: An Analysis as a Delivery -System. The Reports and Comparisons of Selected Aspects of Several Prepaid Group Practice Plans. Wash- ington, D. C.: George Washington University, November 1971. 223 pp. Apply to author. Glasgow, J. M. Prepaid Group Practice and HMOs: Separat- ing the Rhetoric From the Reality. Connecticut Medi- cine 37:584-590, November 1973. Prepaid Group Practice as a National Health Policy: Problems and Perspectives. Inquiry 9:3-15, March 1972. Go Slow with Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association 65:117, February 1972. Goldberg, |. D. et al. Effect of a Short-term Outpatient Psychiatric Therapy Benefit on the Utilization of Medi- cal Services in a Prepaid Group Practice Medical Pro- gram. Medical Care 8:419-428, September/October 1970. Golden, A. S. and others. Non-physician Family Health Teams for Health Maintenance Organizations. American Journal of Public Health 63:732-736, August 1973. 62 Goldensohn, S. S. A Prepaid Group-Practice Mental Health Service as Part of a Health Maintenance Organization. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:154-158, Janu- ary 1972. , R. Fink and S. Shapiro. The Delivery of Mental Health Services to Children in a Prepaid Medical Care Program. American Journal of Psychiatry 127:1357-1362, April 1971. Goldman, B. A Study of the Financial Mechanisms of Payment for Medical Care in the Bridgeport Model Cities Neighborhood. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1973. 69 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Goldman, M. B. The Economics of Prepaid Medical Care — A Capital Theoretical Approach Recognizing Uncer- tainty. Los Angeles: University of California, Doctorate Thesis, 1972. 251 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. Goldsmith, L. S. Survival of the Private Practice Concept of the Face of Prepaid Health Care. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey 69:767-769, September 1972. Goldstein, D. N. Decade of Frustration: Medicare, Medicaid and Kenosha County. (Ed) Wisconsin Medical Journal 70:28-29, April 1971. Gorman, M. The Impact of National Health Insurance on Delivery of Health Care. American Journal of Public Health 61:962-971, May 1971. Gossett, J. W. Look Who’s Pushing Prepaid Practice Now: Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Medical Economics 49:171+, September 11, 1972. . 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The Impact of Prepaid Group Practice on American Medical Care: A Critical Evaluation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 399: 100-113, January 1972. , et al. Comparing the Use of Medical Care Services by a Medically Indigent and a General Membership Popula- tion in a Comprehensive Prepaid Group Practice Pro- gram. Medical Care 10:187-200, May/June 1972. . Determinants of Medical Care Utilization. Health Services Research 3:296-315, Winter 1968. . Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: The Role of the Telephone in Total Medical Care. Medical Care 11:121-134, March/April 1973. Griffenhagen, G. B. Health Maintenance Organizations — Concept or Reality? (Ed) Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 12:7, January 7, 1972. Group Care Prepayment Situation: Would It Affect the Physician-patient Relationship? (Symposium) Michigan Medicine 70:1033+, November 1971. Group Health Association of America, Inc. Paper on Relative Costs of Prepaid Group Practice and Insured Health Services Benefits; and Savings Resulting from Preventive Services. Washington, D.C.: Group Health Association of America, Inc., n.d. 25 pp. Apply. Group Practice — Can It Provide the Solutions? Pennsyl- vania Medicine 73:47-52, July 1970. Group Practice Programs Set by Three Baltimore Hospital. Hospitals 45:134, April 16, 1971. Group Practice Warms Up City Clinic: Bellevue Hospital Center. Medical World News 14:40B-40C, June 22, 1973. Group Practices, Insurers Offer Prepaid Care Plan in Metropolitan Chicago and Northern Indiana. American Medical News 14:19, October 18, 1971. Grundy, P. F. A Rational Approach to the “At Risk’ Concept. Lancet 4(7844):1489, December 20, 1973. 63 Gruppenhoff, J. T. Health Maintenance Organization Legis- lation in 1972. Washington, D.C.: Science and Health Publications, 1973. 59 pp. $3.50 Guidelines for Dental Aspects of Health Maintenance Orga- nizations: American Dental Association. Journal of the American Dental Association 85:1217, December 1972. Guidelines for Dentistry’s Position in a National Health Program. Journal of the American Dental Association 83:1226-1233, December 1971. Guidelines for Group Practice. New York State Dental Journal 37:33, January 1971. Gumbiner, R. Doctors Can Do Well with Capitation Payments. Medical Economics 47:148+, November 9, 1970. Guthrie, P. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Growing Threat to Local Pharmacy. Drug Topics 116:16-18, July 3, 1972. Haggerty, R. J. Teaching Ambulatory Care in an HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:154-157, April 1973 (Suppl). Hahn Cites Similarities, Differences in Health Care Corpora- tions, Health Maintenance Organizations. Hospitals 46:118, January 16, 1972, Hair, J. E. The Relationship of the HMO to the College and University Health Service in the Rural Setting. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:105-107, December 1972. Haley, T. W. Health Maintenance Organizations - a Proto- type: Oregon — Physicians Association of Clackamas County. Hospitals 45:63-64, March 16, 1971. Hallatt, J. G. How the Kaiser-Permanente Medical Care Complex Enhances Medical Care and Education. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 6: 163-166, April 1971. Halperin, A. A., et al. The Changing Complexion of Dentistry. New York Journal of Dentistry 40:326-330, November 1970. Hamann, H. R. Highlights from AAMC/MGMA HMO Symposium. Medical Group Management 21(1):22-25, November/December 1973. Handelman, M. HMOs: Corporate Cures? Health/PAC Bulle- tin 5:8-10, July/August 1972. Hard Evidence that Health Maintenance Organizations Really Work. Medical Economics 48:222+, June 1: 1971. '' Hard Sell for Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Journal of the American Medical Association 216: 1637, June 7, 1971. Hardaway, E. Il. Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of Dental Education 36:19-23, February 1972. Harrington, D. C. Foundation Approach to Medical Care: San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care. Hospital Progress 53:50-52, April 1972. . Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the Medi- cal Association of Georgia 60:138-140, May 1971. —_.. Health Care Delivery Changes in the 70s: FMO — “A Better Cure’’. Illinois Medical Journal 139:57-58, Jan- uary 1971. . Health Maintenance Organizations: A Prototype — California-San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care. Hospitals 45:67-68, March 16, 1971. . Medical Foundation as a Health Maintenance Organization. Hospital Forum (California) 14:6+, Febru- ary 1972. . San Joaquin Foundation for Medical Care. Dela- ware Medical Journal 43:216-219, August 1971. Harris, M. The Work of a “Nurse Practitioner’: Experience of Two Years in a West Midlands Group Practice. Nursing Times 66:1402-1403, October 29, 1970. Harrison, F. P. Ambulatory Care: CPL Exchange Bibli- ography #386. Monticello, IL: Council of Planning Librarians, April 1973. 17 pp. $1.50. Harrison, T. R. If Moses Could Speak. Chest 62:78-82, July 1972. Harvard Community Health Plan Describes Growth. Ameri- can Medical News 13:3, December 28, 1970. Harvard Community Health Plan Operators Call Program a Success. American Family Physician 3:165-166, May 1971. Harvard Experiment: To Provide Prepaid Diagnostic, Pre- ventive Group Practice Care. American Hospital Profes- sional 6:8+, January 1970. Harvard Medical School’s New Community Health Plan. Insurance 70:41, November 15, 1969. Harvey, J. D. Financial Management. Hospitals 46:87-91, April 1, 1972. 64 Hastings, J. E. F. and others. Prepaid Group Practice in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario: Analysis of Utilization Records. Medical Care 11:91-103, March/April 1973; Evidence from the household survey. 173-188, May/ June 1973. Havighurst, C. C., editor. Health Care. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publication, 1972. 452 pp. $16.50 (originally published Law and Contemporary Problems 35(2,4), Spring, Autumn, 1970. . Health Maintenance Organizations and the Market for Health Services. Minneapolis, MN: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1971. 35 pp. Apply. Health Care Delivery in the United States. Medicine 70: 1033-1034+, November 1971. Michigan Health Care for Everybody: How Various Plans Would Work. U. S. News and World Report 70:36-38, May 3, 1971. Health Corporations: A New Approach for Health Man- power, Cooperation and Care. Maryland State Medical Journal 20:16-17, November 1971. Health, Education and Welfare Awards 13 Grants for Health Maintenance Organization Planning. Hospitals 45:188, July 16, 1971. Health, Education and Welfare Modifies Health Mainte- nance Organization Support. American Medical News 16:1+, March 12, 1973. Health Forum at Duke University Studies Realignment of Delivery System. Hospital Progress 52:34-36, July 1971. Health Insurance Association of America Conference on Health Maintenance Organizations, Chicago. Insurance 73:26, October 1972. Health Insurance Association of America to Aid Health Maintenance Organizations. American Medical News 15:16, April 17, 1972. HIA Says it will Help Member Companies in Development of HMOs. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:39, April 14, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:5, April 15, 1972. HIA Takes Over as Central Agency for HMO Development. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:42-43, October 6, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:28-30, October 7, 1972. HIP Statistical Report: 1970 Enrollment and Utilization Statistics: 1971 Research Project Results. New York: Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, n.d. Apply. ''Health Maintenance. Journal of the American Medical Association 221:502-503, July 31, 1972. Health Maintenance: No Place to Economize. Fortune 88:162, September 1973. Health Maintenance, Inc. of Northern California to Care for Railroad Employees. Hospital Forum (California) 14:16, January 1972. Health Maintenance Organization. Hospital Administration Currents 16:1-4, March 1972. Health Maintenance Organization. Journal of the American Dental Association 83:202-204, August 1971. (ed p. 215). HMO — A Riddle Wrapped in Enigma, but It Could Be Vital in Pharmacy’s Future. American Druggist 165:19+, March 20, 1972. Health Maintenance Organization Cost Under-estimated, Say Prepaid Plan Officials. American Medical News 15:6, April 24, 1972. Health Maintenance Organization Caution Urged: AMA Asks Halt in Funding, Study of Existing Plans. American Medical News 14:1+, April 17, 1972. (ed p. 4). Health Maintenance Organization Experiments must be Evaluated. American Medical News 15:4, August 21, 1972. HMO Law Coming Up. Medical World News 14:17-19, July 6, 1973. Health Maintenance Organization not Considered to be Insurance Business: Kansas. Newsletter (American Society of Hospital Attorneys) 5:2, July 1972 (Pt. 1). Health Maintenance Organization Planning Grants. HSMHA (Health Services and Mental Health Administration) Health Reports 86:971-972, November 1971. HMO Proposal Challenges Care System. Medical World News 13:15-16, March 24, 1972. Health Maintenance Organization Roots Traced to National Health Insurance Proposals. American Medical News 15:14, August 7, 1972. Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the American Dental Association 83:215, August 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations. MLN Bulletin 14:3-8, April 1972. 65 HMO (Health Maintenance Organizations). Nebraska Nurse 4:4-6, September 1971. HMO’s. New England Journal of Medicine 288: 1130-1133, May 24, 1973. HMO’s. West Virginia Medical Journal 67:278, September 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations: Conference Analysis, the Following is a Summary of the Conclusions Drawn by the Participants in the discussion on Health Mainte- nance Organizations at the AHA Conference on HMOs. Hospitals 45:73-76+, March 16, 1971. HMO’s: A Federal Response. Group Practice 21:23-24, October 1970. Health Maintenance Organizations: The Key Experimental Unit in Health Plans. American Medical News 14:10-11, June 7, 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations: New Territory for the Pharmacist. Drug Topics 116:35, May 22, 1972. HMOs — Health Maintenance Organizations: Now Author- ized in New York State. New York Medicine 28:229-230, June 1972. HMO’s: Panaceas, Palliatives, or Political Ploys? Hospital Practice 6:149+, September 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Policy Paper of the American Public Health Association. American Journal of Public Health 61:2528-2536, December 1971. HMOs: Promise or Problem. Our Health 1:1-4, October 1971. Health Maintenance Organizations: A Reconfiguration of the Health Services System. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Hospital Affairs. Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration and Center for Health Administration Studies, Graduate School of Business, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50 HMOs — Health Maintenance Organizations: What are They? How do They Operate?... Washington, D.C.: Chamber of Commerce, July 1973. 14 pp. The HMOs — What Shape? How Soon? (Physicians’ Attitude Survey). Medical Opinion 1:66-68, October 1972. Health Maintenance Organizations — Where Does Dentistry Fit? Journal of the American Dental Association 86:760-761, April 1973. aid ''Health Maintenance Organizations and the Insurance Industry. Medical World News 14:71, July 6, 1973. Health Maintenance Organizations’ Stormy Tryout in Los Angeles Area. Medical World News 14:17-19, July 15, 1973. HMO’s as seen by the AMA — An Analysis. Chicago: American Medical Association, Division of Medical Practice, 1972. 16 pp. Apply. HMOs by Any Name — Where’s the Dental. Care? Council on Dental Care Programs. Journal of the American Dental Association 85:226-227, August 1972. ‘HMOs in 1973: A National Survey, by Robert E. Schlenker and others. Minneapolis: InterStudy, February 1974. 97 pp. Apply. HMOs, Organization and Reorganization (Dateline Washing- ton). Group Practice 22(9):31-32, September 1973. HMOs Should Include Rx Services on a Mandatory Basis. American Druggist 165:47-48, June 12, 1972. HMOs Will Challenge Pharmacy to Give Efficient Service, State Secretaries Told. American Druggist 164:22-23, November 1, 1971. Health Management Group, Inc. Are HMO’s Insurance Companies: A Comparison of Health Maintenance Organizations with Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plans. Atlanta: The Health Management Group, Inc., December 1972.11 pp. Apply. Health Management Group, Inc. Risk Assumption in Health Maintenance Organization. Atlanta: The Health Manage- ment Group, Inc., December 1972. 12 pp. Apply Health Proposals, 1970. Social Service Review 44:325-327, September 1970. Health ‘‘Reforms’’: Consumer Beware. (Ed) Health/PAC Bulletin 1-3, November 1970. Health Services for All. Current 152:32-46, June 1973. Helping to Meet the Health Care Needs of the Nation: The Potential Role of the Veterans Administration’s Health Care System. Journal of the American Medical Associ- ation 220: 1334-1337, June 5, 1972. Henderson, H. D., Jr. Tax Financed Health Programs: What Now, and What Next? (Ed) Texas Medicine 68:47-50, June 1972. 66 Hendrickson, R. M. There’s a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion in Your Future. Physicians Management 11:63-67, May 1971. , Henning, C. R. Financing: Annual Administrative Review. Hospitals 45:69+, April 1, 1971. Hennington, H. H. Financing Health Maintenance Organiza- tions. Best’s Review (Life, Health Insurance Ed) 72:10+, July 1971. Herbert, M. E. A Financial Guide for HMO Planners. Minneapolis: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, September 1972. 30 pp. Apply. Heyssel, R. M. Causes of Retarded Growth in Prepayment Plans. Johns Hopkins Medical Journal 128:4-8, January 1971. . Health Maintenance Organizations — Prototypes: Maryland - The Columbia Medical Plan and the East Baltimore Medical Plan. Hospitals 45:69-71, March 16, 1971. . The Health Services Delivery System. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:166-172, January 1972. . Johns Hopkins — Columbia Medical Plan. Medical Opinion and Review 6:30-37, January 1970. , et al. Training for Primary Care. Journal of Medical Education 48: 158-165, April 1973 (Suppl). High Priority for HMOs; Texas Court Ends Double Repre- sentation. National Underwriter (Property ed) 77:4, July 6, 1973; National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:16, July 7, 1973. Himler, G. Shattuck Lecture — The Anatomy of Our Melancholy. New England Journal of Medicine 284: 1406-1413, June 24, 1971. Hiner, W. O., Jr. and S. H. Paul. Third Party Sponsorship of Pharmaceutical Services and Its Effects on Physician's Prescribing Patterns (Unpublished paper). X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Hiscoe, H. B. and C. B. Hiscoe. National Health Insurance: Thorns on the Rose. Michigan Medicine 72:703-706, October 1973. Hodes, C. Education of Nurses and Health Visitors in Group Practice. Nursing Times 69:149-150, Feburary 1, 1973. Hodgson, G. Politics of American Health Care. The Atlantic 232:45-61, October 1973. (Discussion 232:47-49, December 1973) ''Hoffman, L. S. Medical Care Foundations: The California Experience. Hospital Practice 7:127+, June 1972. Hoffman, R. H. Health Maintenance Organization Develop- ment: The Dental Component. New York State Dental Journal 38:150-154, March 1972. Hold Off on HMO’s until there’s Proof They Make Sense: NARD to Democrats and GOP. American Druggist 166:30, July 10, 1972. Holleran, C. The HMO from the Legislative Viewpoint. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session: 19-22, 1972. Holley, R. and Rick J. Carlson. The Legal Context for the Development of Health Maintenance Organizations, Min- neapolis: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, December 1971. 48 pp. Apply. Holmes, V. H. Sentry President Tells of Company’s Experiment in HMO. National Underwriter (Property ed) 76:7, December 1, 1972; National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:29, December 2, 1972. Holton, F. These Doctors choose Prepaid Group Practice: Compcare. Physicians Management 11:46-53, September 1972. (ed p. 19). Horace Mann starts Prepaid Health Plan. National Under- writer (Life ed) 77:33, February 17, 1973. Horty, J. F. National Health Insurance Proposals: Leverage for Change? Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:130-136, January 1972. Hotchkiss, W. S. Health Maintenance Organizations. Vir- ginia Medical Monthly 99:385-390, April 1972. Housewives form Consumer Group and Make Plans to Begin a Health Maintenance Organization: Evanston, Illinois. Modern Hospital.120:45, May 1973. How and How Not to Start a Rural Health Maintenance Organization. Medical World News 14:94, August 10, 1973. How HMOs Will Mold Pharmacy’s Future. American Drug- gist 166:14-20+, August 7, 1972. Howard, E. B. AMA States HMO Concept is Detrimental to Fee-for-service. Medical World News 12:25, December 3, 1971. . Reactions to the Nixon Health Message — AMA: A Positive Program, but too much Emphasis on HMOs. New Physician 20:376-378, June 1971. 67 Howard, R. E. Medical Care USA and the Trojan Horse of 1970: Prepaid Group Practice. Ohio State Medical Journal 66:546+, June 1970. , et al. Concepts of a State “Foundation Plan’: A Method of Health Care Delivery. Ohio State Medical Journal 67:346-348, April 1971. Huck, J. L. Dimensions of Change in the Drug Industry. American Journal of Pharmacy 143:81-88, May/June 1971. Huebscher, J. No Extra Golf for HMO Doctors. New England Journal of Medicine 285: 1383-1384, December 9, 1971. Hull, D. A. Kentucky Foundation for Medical Care: Status Report. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 71:142-143, March 1973. Hume, W. I., Jr. One Answer to the “Doctor Shortage’’. (Ed) Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 69:520, July 1971. *Humphries, E. R. A History of Prepaid Medical Plans in British Columbia. Denver: American College of Clinic Managers (Professional Paper), January 31, 1963. 17 pp. Hunt, J. H. Voluntary Health Insurance Industry: Way to Go? Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 73:5-9+, January 1972. Hunter, E. L., et al. Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about HMOs and have been Afraid to Ask. Journal of the American Optometric Association 43(10);1028-1032, 1972. Hurt, F. K. Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 59:5, January 1972. Hurtado, A. V., et al. Home Care and Extended Care in a Comprehensive Prepayment Plan. Chicago: Hospital Research and Education Trust, 1972. 127 pp. $3.95 _, M. R. Greenlick. M. McCabe, et al. The Utilization and Cost of Home Care and Extended Care Facility Services in a Comprehensive, Prepaid Group Practice Program. Medical Care 10:8-16, January/February 1972. If You Want in on HMO Business, You'll Have to Adapt to Their Needs. American Druggist 166:26, October 30, 1972. Iglehart, J. K. Democrats Cool to Nixon’s Proposal, Offer their Own Alternatives. National Journal 3:2310-2318, November 20, 1971. '', Health Report: Prepaid Group Medical Practice Emerges as Likely Federal Approach to Health Care. National Journal 3:1443-1452, July 10, 1971. Iinois Bell Employees Offered Prepaid Health Plan. Hos- pitals 47:111, February 16, 1973. Ilinois Health Message Emphasizes Health Maintenance Organizations. Modern Hospital 116:46-47, May 1971. Illinois Governor Outlines Program to Encourage Develop- ment of Health Maintenance Organizations. Hospitals 45:114, May 1, 1971. Ingraham, H. S. New Road for Preventive Medicine: Health Maintenance Organizations. Preventive Medicine 1:21-22, March 1972. In-house Pharmacy isn’t Necessarily Best for HMO, Wayne Seminar Told. American Druggist 165:31, March 20, 1972. Insurance Industry Entry in HMO Field Seen as Oppor- tunity Knocking. National Underwriter (Life ed) 76:18, November 4, 1972. lowa Foundation for Medical Care: Proposed Articles of Incorporation. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:195+, April 1971. Is It Doctors’ ‘‘Last Chance to Carry the Ball’: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) to Provide Medicare Services at a Fixed Cost Now Under Consideration. Medical World News 11:13, June 19, 1970. Is the HMO Just What You Ordered for the Doctor? Nation’s Business 60:54-57, December 1972. Is There a Health Maintenance Organization in Your Future? Forbes 111:28-29, March 15, 1973. Jaeger, B. J. Patient Incentives and Hospital Insurance: A Political Science Perspective. Health Services Research 6:309-313, Winter 1971. Jarett, |. M. and R. C. Comer. Foundations for Medical Care: Managerial, Organizational and System Develop- ment Aspects: A Statement of Observations and Recom- mendations. Springfield: IL: South Illinois University, School of Medicine, March 1972. 72 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. _____. Health Maintenance Organization = People + Orga- nization + Financing + Risk. Hospital Financial Manage- ment 27:6+, January 1973. 68 Jaworski, S. Consumer Participation in Health, a Curricu- lum: Volume 1 - 1A Guidebook; Volume 2 - Source- book. Washington, D.C.: Institute for the Study of Health and Society, April 1972. 2 volumes. Apply. Jaye, D. R., Jr. Pioneer in the Health Maintenance Organization Concept: Marshfield, Wisconsin. Hospitals 47:57-62, April 16, 1973. Jeffers, W. N. Big New Swing Toward Panel Practice. Medical Economics 47:129+, February 2, 1970. Jennings, P. H. Experience with Prepayment Financing in a Private Pediatric Practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16:885-890, November 1969. Johnson, E. A. An Organizational Strategy for Private Medical Care. Hospital Administration 18(4):16-26, Fall 1973. . Why Hospital Medical Staffs Can Do What Health Maintenance Organizations and Foundations Can't. Modern Hospital 120:75+, January 1973. Johnson, H. D. A Study to Develop a Prototype Health Maintenance Organization for the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Health Planning Region. Waco, TX: Baylor University, 1973. 178 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $8.20; Film Reel $4.00. Johnson, R. E. Present and Projected Drug System Services in a Highly Developed HMO Structure. Health Services Reports 88(9):873-877, November 1973. , and W. H. Campbell. Drug Services and Costs in Health Maintenance Organization Prototypes. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 30:405-421, May 1973. Johnson, R. L. Health Care Myths. Hospital Progress 54:55-58, October 1973. —___—.. If the Patient Can’t Walk into a Hospital, Where Will He Walk? Modern Hospital 119:107-109, October 1972. Kahn, L., et al. A Developmental Experience in Prepaid Group Practice. Journal of Medical Education 48:28-33, April 1973 (Suppl). Kaiser-Permanente Pharmacies: Pioneers on the Threshold of New Frontiers. American Druggist Merchandising 167:32-34+, June 1, 1973. Kamiem, M. |. and N. L. Schwartz. Payment Plans and the Efficient Delivery of Health Care Services. Journal of Risk and Insurance 40:427-436, September 1973. ''Kappa Systems, Inc. An Evaluation of Private Sector Interest in the Development of HMOs: Final Report. Arlington, VA: Kappa Systems, Inc., October 31, 1973. various paging. Apply. Karabian, W. The Case for Prepaid Medical Flightime 8(9):4-6, September 1973. Insurance. Kass, E. H. Biomedical Research Opportunities in the HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:103-109, April 1973 (Suppl). Kauffman, M. C. The Philadelphia Story. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session:30-34, 1972. Kennedy, E. M. Health Care in the Seventies. Journal of Medical Education 47:15-22, January 1972. . National Health Insurance Proposals: Leverage for Change? Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:146-156, January 1972. . National Health Security. Tufts Health Science Review 2:8-11, Fall 1971. Kennedy, J. M. Innovations in Medical Care: The Founda- tion Concept. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 73:10-13+, January 1972. Kennedy, R. B. Medical Care Foundations: Private Prac- tice’s Answer. Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 12:586-592, November 1971. (ed pp. 597-598). Kenney, J. M. Innovations in Medical Care: The Founda- tion Concept. Journal of the Kansas Medical Society 73:10-13+, January 1972. Kenton, C. Health Maintenance Organizations: Prepaid Group Health Services in the United States, January 1969 - January 1973. Bethesda, MD: National Library of Medicine, 1973. Medlars Literature Search #73-5, 13 pp. Apply. Kentucky Health Maintenance Organization to Utilize Unique Health Team Approach. Hospitals 47:113, Janu- ary 1, 1973. Kernodle, J. R. and R. B. Roth. Health Maintenance Organizations — The Pros and Cons: Statement of the American Medical Association. New York Medicine 28:268-273, July 1972. Kerr, L. E. Desire, Expectation and Reality in a Union Health Program. New England Journal of Medicine 278:1149-1153, May 23, 1968. 69 . Medical Care Innovations of the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund. Public Health Reports 83:611-616, July 1968. Key, M. M. The Occupational Safety and Health Act: The Future of Occupational Medicine. Journal of Occupa- tional Medicine 14:387-389, May 1972. Kidder, W. S. and A. G. Isack. Health Maintenance Organizations and Pharmaceutical Services. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 12:8-12+, January 1972. Kiester, E., Jr. Ounce of Prevention and a Pound of Cure: Harvard Community Health Plan. Family Health 3:34-38, September 1971. Killenberg, G. A. Health Maintenance Organization Versus Outpatient Service by Paid Staff: What are the Financial Implications to the Hospital? Hospital Topics 50:30+ July 1972. , King, S. L., Jr. Industry’s Role in the Delivery of Health Care. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:415-417 September 1971. ' Kirkpatrick, L. W. Health Maintenance Organizations and the 93rd Congress. Urban Health 1:13+, December 1972. Kisch, A. |. Planning for a Sensible Health Care System. Nursing Outlook 20:640-642, October 1972. Klarman, H. E. Analysis of the HMO Proposal — Its Assumptions, Implications and Prospects, Health Mainte- nance Organizations: a Reconfiguration of the Health Services System, pp. 24-38. Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Program in Hospital Administration, May 1971.90 pp. $5.50. Klevit, H. Do we need more Pediatricians: Effect of Group Practice. Pediatrics 51:754-755, April 1973. Knight, J. L. Towards a Marketing Strategy for Health Maintenance Organizations. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama, 1972. 78 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.20; Film Reel $4.00. Knox, G. M. Family Health: How to get More Health Coverage for Less. Better Homes and Gardens 51(12):8+, December 1973. Kobler, J. Health Maintenance Organization: New Hope for i Doctors and Insurers. Bests Review (Life, Health Insur- ance Ed) 72:16+, June 1971. Kocher, R. E. New Dimensions for Dietetics in Today's Health Care. Journal of the American Dietetic Associa- tion 60:17-20, January 1972. 2 z ''Kocolowski, L. Speakers Call for State HMO Laws (NAIC Zone Ii Meeting). National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:20-21, May 26, 1973; National Underwriter (Prop- erty ed) 77:22-23, June 1, 1973. Koerper, J. E. The Concept of Prepaid Dental Care: An Exploratory Study. lowa City, IA: University of lowa, M.A., July 1972. 186 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $8.60; Film Reel $4.00. Kolasky, D. J. Prepaid Group Practice Represents One Possible Answer to Our Health Care Crisis. (Ed) Medical Record News 43:14, February 1972. Korcok, M. After Ten Years a Pioneer Health Centre Feels the Pinch: Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. Canadian Medical Association Journal 107:897+, November 4, 1972. and QO. Linton. Washington sees Changes on Way in U.S. Health Care: But Does Change Necessitate Revolu- tion? Canadian Medical Association Journal 108:905-909, April 7, 1973. Kosco, P. and A. Bloom. Risk Sharing in Health Mainte- nance Organizations. Unpublished paper. 9 pp. Kralewski, J, E. The Administrator’s Expectations of the Pharmacist in a Large-scale Health Care Organization. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 30:226-228, March 1973. Kramer, L. A. Developing a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion in Livingston County, New York. Medical Group Management 20:13-15, May/June 1973. Krufka, E. R. Reverse Economics of Prepaid Group Practice: Fact or Fiction? Durham, NC: Duke Univer- sity, 1973. 54 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Lahser, C. |. After Hours Pediatric Practice. North Carolina Medical Journal 33:530-531, June 1972. Larson, R. G. Reactions to Social Pressure. Hospitals 46:181-186, April 1, 1972. : Lassiter, H. HMOs and the Inner City Practice. Urban Health 2:18+, June 1973. Laur, R. J. Four Requisites for Developing HMOs. Hospital Progress 53:63-65+, January 1972. Laughlin, C. A. National Health Issues and Dentistry. New York State Dental Journal 38:137-141, March 1972. Lawton, T.S., Jr. The Feasibility of Marketing a Package of Prepaid Health Benefits to the Employees and Residents of the Delray Area of South-West Detroit. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Hospital Administration, 1973. 123 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $6.00; Film Reel $4.00. Lavin, J. H. Health Maintenance Organization-minded: Here’s What it Takes to Succeed. Medical Economics 49:87, February 28, 1972. Lawson, T. Oregon Foundation for Medical Care — Progress Report. Northwest Medicine 71:624-626, August 1972. Leahy, J. H. Guidelines for Formation of a Health Maintenance Organizations, Health Maintenance Organi- zation, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 25-26. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00 Leaverton, L. E. Group Practice Trends. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:473, August 1971. . Professional Corporations Increasingly Popular. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 63:122-123, March 1973. . Pros and Cons of Group Practice. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 59:760-761, August 1969. Leavey, H. H. Foundations for Medical Care from a Lawyer’s Viewpoint. Paper presented at seminar of the Group Practice and Health Lawyers Association in Dallas, Texas, October 20-22, 1972. Apply to author. , Lee, R. K. Preventive Medicine in a Private Group Practice 70 Setting: A New Department — Community Medicine. Archives of Environmental Health 23:226-229, Septem- ber 1971. : Lee, R. V. Hospital Group Practice. Hospitals 44:43-45 January 16, 1970. ‘ Lefever, R., et al. Doctor-Patient Relationships. British Medical Journal 2:230-231, April 22, 1972. Levin, P. J. Encouraging Group Practice: With Gun and Net Through the Health Establishment. American Journal of Public Health 61:949-956, May 1971. Lewis, R. F. Greater Marshfield Community Health Plan — A Community Experiment. Wisconsin Medical Journal 72:17-23, June 1973. . The Physician’s Viewpoint: Greater Marshfield _ Community Health Plan, Health Maintenance Organiza- tions, Proceedings of a Conference, pp..16-20. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. ''Leyhe, D. L. and D. M. Procter. Medi-Cal Patient Satisfac- tion under a Prepaid Group Practice and Individual Fee-for-service Practice. Los Angeles: University of California, School of Public Health, Medi-Cal Project Report #3, June 1971.62 pp. Apply. Liggett, D. S. Healthcare — An Explanation of the National Health {nsurance Proposal of the Health Insurance Association of America. Hospital Progress 52:66-68, December 1971. Limberger, W. A. Some Thoughts on the Pennsylvania Medical Society Medical Care Foundation. Pennsylvania Medicine 74:15-18, September 1971. Lister, K. E. Basics of a Foundation: lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:136-137, March 1971. . lowa Medical Society and Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 63:124-125, March 1973. Lotharius, J. HMO or FMC: Drastic Changes Ahead in Medical Care. IIlinois Medical Journal 139:50-52, Janu- ary 1971. Louden, T. L. The Role of College Health in Planning for Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of the Amer- ican College Health Association 21:209-212, February 1973. Low Hospital Utilization in Columbia Medical Plan. Hos- pitals 46:190, September 1, 1972. Lutnicki, V. A. A Program for Health Care in the 1970's: The Point of View of the Insurance Company. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:137-145, January 1972. Lyon, E. K. Aspects of Group Medical Practice: Basic Considerations in the Formation of a Group Practice. Canadian Medical Association Journal 98:799-803, April 27, 1968. Lyon, J. G., et al. Problems and Issues in the Academic Medical Center’s Relationship to HMO Projects. Journal of Medical Education 48:21-27, April 1973 (Suppl). Lyons, C. D. On ‘Free Choice’ of Pharmacy. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:295, April 1972. McCaffree, K. M. and H. F. Newman. Prepayment of Drug Costs Under a Group Practice Prepayment Plan. Ameri- can Journal of Public Health 58:1212-1218, July 1968. McCarthy, T. Hospital and the Health Maintenance Organi- zation. Hospital Topics 51:23+, June 1973. 71 McClure, W. National Health Insurance and HMOs. Nursing Outlook 21:44-48, January 1973. MacColl, W. A. Group Practice and Prepayment of Medical Care. Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1966. 257 pp. . Thoughts on National Health Insurance. Washing- ton State Journal of Nursing 44:10-14, Summer 1972. McConnell, J. E. Issues in Health and Prepayment. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association 70:395-399, May 1972. McCune, D. J. The Kaiser-Permanente Plan in Child Health Care. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16(4):875-883, November 1969. McElrath, D. C. Prepaid Group Medical Practice: A Com- parative Analysis of Organizations and Perspectives. New Haven, CT: Yale University, 1958. 232 pp. X.U.M. - Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. McGee, R. R. Way Your Office Practice May Be Monitored: Accreditation Program of the American Association of Medical Clinics. Medical Economics 50:83-92, August 6, 1973. McGuire, C. H. Educational Program Research and Develop- ment. Journal of Medica! Education 48:137-143, April 1973 (Suppl). McKillip, J. B. and D. W. Wortley. What Will Be the Role of the Physical Therapist in the Health Maintenance Organi- zation? (Q&A). Physical Therapy 52:1212-1214, November 1972. McLaughlin, M. C. Transmutation Into Protector of Con- sumer Health Services. American Journal of Public Health 61:1996-2004, October 1971. MacLeod, G. K. The Federal Role in Health Maintenance Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations, Pro- ceedings of a Conference, pp. 2-4. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. . HMO Legislation: What It Offers Group Practice. Presented at AAMC-MGMA Symposium on HMOs Bloomington, MN, July 11-13, 1973. Unpublished Paper. . Linkage of a Teaching Medical Center to a Multi- specialty Group Practice. Journal of Medical Education 45:225-231, April 1970. . Medical Care of the Future: The Practitioner and the Health Maintenance Organization. Journal! of the American Podiatry Association 63:297-303, July 1973. '': E I Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice: Summary of General Discussion. American Journal of Public Health 59:52-53, January 1969 (Suppl). . Status Report on Health Maintenance Organiza- tions, June 28, 1972, Presented at the Third National Health Maintenance Organization Training Conference, Seattle, WA, June 27-29, 1972. Unpublished Paper. 11 pp. and J. A. Prussin. Continuing Evolution of Health Maintenance Organizations. New England Journal of Medicine 288:439-443, March 1, 1973. . Manpower Training in Prepaid Health Plans in the United States of America. Proceedings, First Inter- national Conference on Education in the Health Sciences. The Hague, The Netherlands: International Society for Education in the Health Sciences, 1973. Apply to J. A. Prussin. McMillan, J. A. Canadian Views Group Practice. Medical Group Management 19:14-15, September 1972. McNamara, M. E., et al. A Survey of Group Practice in the United States, 1969. American Journal of Public Health 60: 1303-1313, July 1970. McNeal, J. U. An Introduction to Consumer Behavior. New York: Wiley, 1973. 328 pp. $10.95 McNeill, H. M. Planning a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion. Hospital Forum (California) 14:13-14, February 1972. McNerney, W. J. Blue Cross Is Moving, Not Just Talking. Modern Hospital 119:109-116, July 1972. . The Health Administration Establishment: Under- achiever. American Journal of Public Health 59:1799-1808, October 1969. . Improving the Effectiveness of Health Insurance and Prepayment. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, 1967. 33 pp. Macro Systems. Financial Management Information System for Health Maintenance Organizations, Vol. 1-4. Rock- ville, MD: Macro Systems/Health Maintenance Organiza- tions Service, April 1973. 4 volumes. Apply to Author. . Presentation of the Financial Management Informa- tion System for Health Maintenance Organizations. Silver Spring, MD: Macro Systems, December 1972. 1 volume. Apply. 72 Madison, D. L. Medical Practice and the Community: The Organizational Challenge. Journal of the National Medi- cal Association 62: 102-105, March 1970. Magnuson, W. G. 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Hospitals 45:125, November 1, 1971. Prepaid Medical Care For All. U.S. News and World Report 69:26-29, August 10, 1970. 77 Prepaid Medical Plans Regulated by Arizona Law. National Underwriter (Property ed) 77:12, July 27, 1973; National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:8, July 28, 1973. Prepaid Plans Proliferate, But Doubts Still Linger: Cali- fornia. American Medical News 16:12-14, April 9, 1973. Prepaid Prescriptions: Pills for the Swallowing. Sales Management 105:32-34, August 1, 1970. Prepaid Programs Get Boost from New York Legislation. Hospitals 45:102, June 16, 1971. Prepayment No Panacea, Writer Tells Foundations. Ameri- can Medical News 15:10, September 11, 1972. Prepayment Plans Get Old School Ties. Medical World News 11:20-22, January 9, 1970. Prescott, M. L. The Case for Closed Panels. Dental Management 7:85-86+, December 1967. Prescription for an HMO: Muscle, Doctors and Millions of Bodies. Modern Hospital 117:5-16, November 1971. Prescription for Health Maintenance Organization Planners: Nursing Home Benefits. Modern Nursing Home 30:29, June 1973. Price Decision Favors Health Maintenance Organizations. American Medical News 15:1, May 1, 1972. Primary Care: Who'll Do It in a Multispeciality Group? Group Practice 22(11):26-29, November 1973. Private Sector Financing and Development of Health Maintenance Organizations: A Guide to the Techniques and Requirements for Attracting Private Equity and Debt Investment to Develop Health Maintenance Organi- zations, Prepared by A. T. Kearney, Inc. New York: A. T. Kearney, Inc., December 1973. 67 pp. Apply. Program Designed to Qualify Blue Shield Plan as Health Maintenance Organization: Rhode Island. Hospitals 45:182, April 1, 1971. Proposal for a National Health Care Plan: The Medical Committee for Human Rights. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:242-244, March 1972. Proposal for a National Health System: The Physicians Forum. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:238-241, March 1972. Pros and Cons of HMO’s. Bulletin of the Greene County Medical Society 32:13-14+, February 1973. ''Provost, G. P. Hospital-Based Pharmacy Service for Ambulatory Patients. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:393, May 1972. ——_—.. On the Concept of Free Choice of Pharmacy. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 29:33, January 1972. Prussin, J. A. Factors to be Considered in HMO Site Selection, 1973. Unpublished Outline. 24 pp. . Your Health. 1.U.E. (International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers) News. Washington, D.C.: International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, June 1972. ___.. Health Maintenance Organization Legislation in 1973-1974. Washington, D.C.: Science and Health Publi- cations, 1974. 92(?) pp. $6.00 . Health Maintenance Organizations: Some Organiza- tional and Financial Models: Parts | - Ill. Hospital Progress (To be Published, April, May, June 1974). . Legislation Sur l’Aide a la “Health Maintenance Organization” et a l’Assurance Maladie Nationale. Le Concours Medical 95(44):6571-6577, November 3, 1973. . Prepaid Group Practice: Its Components and Their Interrelationships. Unpublished Paper. 8 pp. Prepaid Group Practice in the United States: Some Organizational Models for Enrollee and Physician Partici- pation. Unpublished Paper. 27 pp. _____.. This is Prepaid Group Practice Medical Care, Health Maintenance Organization, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 10-15. Denver: Medical Group Management, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. . U.S.A. — Exercise en Groupe aver Paiement Prealable: Composantes et Inter-relations. Le Concours Medical 95(41):5921-5924, October 13, 1973. , et al. Network Analysis: An Innovative Approach to Health Care Delivery System and Facilities Planning, 1974. Unpublished Paper. 18 pp. Public Acceptance of Prepaid Group Practice: General Population Survey of Greater Cleveland, Ohio. Ann Arbor, Ml: University of Michigan, School of Public Health, July 1968, 175 pp. Apply. 78 Public Acceptance of Prepaid Group Practice: A Study of Choice of Health Care Plans — Percentage Distributions for Single Variables by Choice Groups. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, School of Public Health, June 1969. 216 pp. Apply. Public, Private Effort Urged in HMO Development. National Underwriter (Life ed) 75:8, December 11, 1971; National Underwriter (Property ed) 75:18, December 17, 1971. “ Rafkind, F. B. Health Maintenance Organizations: Some Perspectives. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, 1972. 219 pp. Apply. Ratcliff, J. D. Way Out of Our Health-Care Crisis: Kaiser Medical Program. Reader’s Digest 100:231-232+, April 1972. Record, J. C. and H. R. Cohen. The Introduction of Midwifery in a Prepaid Group Practice. American Jour- nal of Public Health 62:354-360, March 1972. Reese, E. M. Health Legislation — Its Effect on Home Health Services. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session: 35-36, 1972. Regan, W. A. HMOs: Implications for Catholic Hospitals. Hospital Progress 53:64-67, September 1972. Regarding Health Maintenance Organizations: lowa. Jour- nal of the lowa Medical Society 61:602A-602B, October 1971. Regional Medical Programs Branches Help Establish Health Maintenance Organization Services. U.S. Medicine 7:20, September 1, 1971. Reimers, W. L. Doctor-Patient Relationship in Panel Prac- tice. Rocky Mountain Medical Journal 67:33-34, Febru- ary 1970. A Report of the Catholic Health Assembly. Hospital Progress 53:41-58+, August 1972. Retail Pharmacies Are Isolated from Mainstream of Health Care, ASHP Says. American Druggist 166:16+, July 24, 1972. Reuther, W. P. The Health Care Dilemma: New Directions. Journal of Medical Education 45:96-103, February 1970. ''A Revolutionary Plan to Keep People Healthy (Social Issues, the HMO Means Near-total Medical Care for a Fixed Monthly Fee). Business Week: 58-60, January 12, 1974. Rexrode, R. W. A Study of the Health Maintenance Organization Concept for the New Mexico Hospital Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Waco, TX: Baylor University, August 1973. 101 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $5.20; Film Reel $4.00. Reynolds, J. A. How Will the Health Maintenance Organiza- tion Controversy Come Out? Medical Economics 49:29+, May 8, 1972. . New Quality Test: Are Your Patients Cured? Medical Economics 49:197+, October 9, 1972. . They’re not Getting Aboard the Health Mainte- nance Organization Bandwagon. Medical Economics 48:33-42, August 2, 1971. Rhein, R. W. Panelists Skeptical of Health Maintenance Organizations’ Benefits. U.S. Medicine 7:1+, June 15, 1971. *Richter, R. E. Prepayment Plans. Denver: American College of Clinic Managers Professional Paper, 1962 (?). 12 pp. Riddick, F. A., Jr. HMO — Boon or Boondoggle? Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society 123:422-428, December 1971. . Health Maintenance Organizations: “But Will They Maintain Health?’’ (Ed) Hospital Practice 7:12-13, October 1972. . HMO — Hope or Hoax? Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association 65:194-199, May 1972. Rieke, F. E. Industrial Clinic Services to Small Industries. American Journal of Public Health 62:69-72, January 1972. Riesenfeld, S. A. Prepaid ‘Health Care Plans in Hawaii. Honolulu, Hl: University of Hawaii, 1971. 97 pp. $1.00 Robbins, M. B., D. B. Bershtein and G. F. Person. | Protest: The Case Against Closed Panels. Dental Management 8:32-45, July 1968. Roberts, B. L. Optometry in the Southern California Permanente Medical Group. Journal of the American Optometric Association 41:458-462, May 1970. 79 Robertson, R. L. Comparative Medical Care Use Under Prepaid Group Practice and Free Choice Plans: A Case Study. Inquiry 9:70-76, September 1972. . Economic Effects of Personal Health Services: Work Loss in a Public School Teacher Population — Prepayment Group Practice. American Journal of Public Health 61:30-45, January 1971. Robins, E. G. Understanding the Health Needs of the Elderly. Journal of Practical Nursing 22:16-17+, June 1972. Robins, L. National Health Insurance and Health Services Delivery Reform — A Question of Priorities? American Journal of Public Health 61:897-900, May 1971. Rochester Plans Will Develop Group Practice Center. Hospitals 44:37, November 1, 1970. Roemer, M. |. Health Insurance Effects: Services, Expendi- tures, and Attitudes Under Three Types of Plans. Ann Arbor, Ml: University of Michigan, School of Public Health, 1972. 70 pp. $2.00 . Social Insurance as Leverage for Changing Health Care Systems: International Experience. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 18:93-107, January 1972. Testimony on “‘Health Insurance Plans” to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly, June 7, 1972. Unpublished paper. and D. M. Dubois. Medical Costs in Relation to the Organization of Ambulatory Care. New England Journal of Medicine 280:988-993, May 1, 1969. and W. Shonick. HMO Performance: The Recent Evidence. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 51(3):271-317, Summer 1973. The Role of Prepaid Group Practice in Relieving the Medical Care Crisis. Harvard Law Review 84:887-1001, February 1971. Rosenberg, C. L. Blues Are Rolling Out Their Own Health Maintenance Organization Bandwagon. Medical Eco- nomics 48:267, November 8, 1971. . A Functioning HMO. Journal of the American College Health Association 21:103-104, December 1972. —_. Health Maintenance Organization Model Collects $49.51 Per Patient Per Year: Rhode Island. Medical Economics 48:120-121, October 11, 1971. ''. Local MDs Versus Health Maintenance Organiza- tions: The Battle Is Joined in Nashua, N. H. Medical Economics 50:132-149, January 22, 1973. . Prepaid Groups Get a New Push from Labor. Medical Economics 47:231, November 9, 1970. Rosenberg, K. and G. Schiff, editors. The Politics of Health Care: A Bibliography. New England Free Press, 1973. 24 pp. $.40. Rosett, R. N. and L. F. Huang. Effect of Health Insurance on the Demand for Medical Care. Journal of Political Economy 81:281-305, March 1973. Rosoff, J. 1. National Health Insurance and Family Plan- ning. Family Planning Perspectives 3:50-55, July 1971. Ross, D. E. How Prepayment Got Its Start. Group Practice 22(12):17-19, December 1973. Ross, M. H. Community-Based HMO Development: Rural Needs Based on Appalachian Experience. Presented to the National Association of Neighborhood Health Cen- ters, New Orleans, LA, October 19-20, 1972. Unpub- lished Paper. 6 pp. Apply to NANHC. Rothfeld, M. B. Sensible Surgery for Swelling Medical Costs: Health Maintenance Organizations. Fortune 87:110+, April 1973. Rourke, A. J. Doctors Who Practice Together Earn These Advantages. Modern Hospital 116:128, June 1971. . Group Practice Affects MD Hours, Standards, Rela- tionships, Finances. Modern Hospital 116:120, May 1971. ——_—. Medical School Provides Group Practice for Planned City: Columbia, MD. Modern Hospital 115:120, August 1970. . Patient May Find Group Practice More Convenient but Less Personal. Modern Hospital 117:108, July 1971. . Study Indicates Group Practice Lowers Hospitaliza- tion Rates. Modern Hospital 113:120, August 1969. Rourke, R. R. National Insurance, Group Practice Point to Hospital-Located Offices. Modern Hospital 116:130-131, April 1971. Rowe, D. S. Aspects of an Effective HMO. New England Journal of Medicine 288:1130, May 24, 1973. 80 ——. The Yale Health Plan: A “University Family” HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:73-80, April 1973. Roy, W. R. The HMO in Health Care. Journal of thé American Pharmaceutical Association 12:365-367, July 1972. . The National Health Scene. Journal of the Ameri- can College Health Association 21:23-26, October 1972. . The Proposed Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1972. Science and Health Communications Group, 1972. 285 pp. Rubsamen, D. S. The Experience of Binding Arbitration in the Ross-Loos Medical Group, U.S. DHEW Publication #(OS)73-89, Appendix, Medical Malpractice, Report of the Secretary’s Commission on Medical Malpractice, pp. 424-449, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, January 16, 1973. 870 pp. $9.40 Rural-area Health Maintenance Organization Seen as Impractical. U.S. Medicine 7:34, October 15, 1971. Rural Massachusetts Hospital to Establish Health Mainte- nance Organization. Hospitals 47:23, September 16, 1973. Rxmen Won’t Let MDs Control Them. American Druggist 164:31, November 1, 1971. Sachs, B. C. An Experience in Providing Mental Health Care in a Comprehensive Prepaid Group Practice Plan. Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association 27(4):186-187+, April 1972. Salzmann, J. A. Editorial — Bystanders vs Activists in Shaping the Future of Dentistry. New York Journal of Dentistry 40:355-356, December 1970. Sammons, J. H. Mutual Understanding Needed on Health Maintenance Organizations. Texas Medicine 68:79, March 1972. —_. Sickness of Government. Nebraska Medical Journal 57:449-454, November 1972. San Diego County Medical Society Eyes Prepaid Hospital Plan. American Medical News 14:11, August 9, 1971. San Francisco MDs to Start Citywide Prepaid Health Plan. Hospitals 46:212-213, April 1, 1972. Sass, R. W. and M. E. Yordy. Espanola Hospital Staff Opposes HMOs. New Mexico Dental Journal 22:12-13, February 1972. ''Sattler, R. L. Pharmacists, Drugs, and Health Maintenance Organizations. American Journal of Pharmacy 144: 146-150, September/October 1972. Saward, E. W. National Considerations (Medical Education and Medical Care). Journal of Medical Education 48(12):105-110, December 1973 (Pt. 2 ). ——_—. Organization of Medical Care. Scientific American 229: 169-175, September 1973. . The Relevance of the Kaiser-Permanente Exper- ience to the Health Services of the Eastern United States. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 46:707-717, September 1970. ____. The Relevance of Prepaid Group Practice to the Effective Delivery of Health Services. New Physician 18:39-43, January 1969. and M. R. Greenlick. Health Policy and the Health Maintenance Organization. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50:147-176, April 1972 (Pt. 1). , et al. Documentation of Twenty Years of Operation and Growth of a Prepaid Group Practice Plan: Kaiser Foundation Medical Care Plan. Medical Care 6:231-244, May/June 1968. Schiller, R. P. and others. New Concept in Pediatric Practice: The University-Affiliated Group Practice. Jour- nal of Pediatrics 83:143-145, July 1973. Schoen, M. H. An Appraisal of Health Maintenance Organizations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 32:83-89, Spring 1972. . Group Practice and Poor Communities: Dental Care. American Journal of Public Health 60:1125-1132, June 1970. . External Forces Encouraging Group Practice. Dental Clinics of North America 16:265-274, April 1972. —___.. Observation of Selected Dental Services Under Two Prepayment Mechanisms. American Journal of Public Health 63:727-731, August 1973. School Prepaid Plan Grows: Medical Care Group of the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis. Group Practice 22:7, September 1973. Schroeder, O. C., Jr. Delivering Health: A New Legal Sys- tem for a New Medical Practice. Postgraduate Medicine 51:53-55, April 1972. 81 Schubert, J. J. “Who Does What, Where, When and How ..’: Marketing a Prepaid Health Plan. Unpublished paper. Scitovsky, A. A. and N. M. Snyder. Effect of Coinsurance on Use of Physician Services. Social Security Bulletin 35:3-19, June 1972. Scoville, A. B. Where To? Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 65:358-360, April 1972. Secret Ingredient in Health Maintenance Organizations. Group Practice 21:6, June 1972. Secretary DuVal Reports on National Health Policy: Health Maintenance Organization Uber Alles. Modern Hospital 117:45-49, November 1971. Sehnert, K. W. ABC’s of Health Maintenance Organizations . Are They A-OK or SOB’s? (Ed) Virginia Medical Monthly 99:1271-1272, December 1972. _____.. What’s in a Name? (Ed) Virginia Medical Monthly 100:464-465, May 1973. Seidel, H. M. Medical Partnership, Columbia, Maryland. Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society 70:47-52, June 1973. Seiter, J. H. Case for Prepaid Medical Group Practice Health Plans. Group Practice 20:19-21, February 1971. . Role of Private Enterprise in Changing the Health Care Delivery System. Arizona Medicine 28:446-449, June 1971. Senate Passes Bill Providing Millions to Encourage HMOs. National Underwriter (Life ed) 77:2, May 19, 1973. Shalowitz, M. “Intergroup’” — One Alternative: Part II, Benefits, Rates and Marketing. Medical Group Manage- ment 21(1):26-28, November/December 1973. . Intergroup: Prepaid Health Services Plan. Illinois Medical Journal 141:43-45, January 1972. and S. A. Trotter. “Intergroup’”” — One Alternative: Part Il, Management. Medical Group Management 21(2):21-22, January/February 1974. Shannon, G. W. Spatial Diffusion of an Innovative Health Care Plan. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 1970. 166 pp. Apply. —___, R. L. Bashshur and C. A. Metzner. The Spatial Diffusion of an Innovative Health Care Plan. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 12:216-226, September 1971. ''Shapiro, S. Production of Uniform Data for Health-care Plans. New England Journal of Medicine 288: 1407-1408, June 28, 1973. . Role of Hospitals in the Changing Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 47:374-381, April 1971. Shearer, M. W. Medical Group Prepayment Plans, Including Health Maintenance Organization. Medical Group Management 19:16-18, May 1972. ——. A Place to Start. Medical Group Management 19(4):16-18, May 1972. . A Place to Start, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Conference, pp 5-6. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Sheps, C. G. Faculty Tradition and the HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:34-40, April 1973 (Suppl). . The Influence of Consumer Sponsorship on Medical Services. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):41-69, October 1972 (Pt. 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care). Sheridan, B. Will a Health Maintenance Organization Grab Your Patients? Medical Economics 50:220+, September 17, 1973. Sherman, H. S. A Pilot Study of the Differential Per- ceptions of the Structure and Function of a Governing Board with Consumer Representation. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University, Department of Health Care Administration, December 1971. 125 pp. Apply. Shocket, E. Group vs Solo Practice. Journal of the American Medical Association 219:1067, February 21, 1972. Shragg, H., et al. Low-income Families in a Large Scale Prepaid Group Practice. Inquiry 10:52-60, June 1973. Shuler, C. O. Trends in Health Delivery. Hospitals 45:33-36, January 1, 1971. Shuman, L. J. and others. Location of Ambulatory Care Centers in a Metropolitan Area. Health Services Research 8:121-138, Summer 1973. Sidall, A. C., et al. The Private Clinic and Its Trusteeship for Health. Group Practice 19:15-17, September 1970. 82 Siegel, S. C., et al. Pediatric Subspecialty Group Practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America 16:963-970, November 1969. Sifton, D. W. New Onslaught from the Prepaid Groups: Harvard Community Health Plan. Medical Economics 47:172-173, June 22, 1970. Silver, G. A. Challenge to the Academic Leopards: Or HO, HO, HMO! Connecticut Medicine 36:417-420, July 1972. Simonetti, G., Jr. What’s a Health Maintenance Organiza- tion? The Journal of Accountancy 135:28-29, May 1973. Simons, J. H. Prepaid Dentistry: A Case Study. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Center for Labor Research and Education, 1967. 50 pp. $1.00. Simpson, H. N. Emerging Medical Concepts and Their Impact on Health Insurance. Best’s Review (Life ed) 74:20+, October 1973. Singer, L. R. A Study of the Desirability of Adding the Prepaid Practice Option to the Benefits Provided by CHAMPUS. Waco, TX: Baylor University, August 1972. 64 pp. X.U.M. — Xerox $4.00; Film Reel $4.00. Sister Celestia. St. Joseph Hospital, Albuquerque, and the New Mexico Health Care Corporation. Hospital Progress 54:30-42, January 1973. Six Medical Societies Among ‘72 Health Maintenance Organization Grantees. American Medical News 15:7, February 14, 1972. Skarstad, J. Report on Developing Health Maintenance Organizations. Medical Group Management 19:22, July 1972. Slaughter, F. G. Functional Model for Improving the Medical Care System with comments by C. H. Plimpton. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 49:361-378, May 1973. Smith, D. B. and C. A. Metzner. Differential Perceptions of Health Care Quality in a Prepaid Group Practice: Community Health Association of Detroit. Medical Care 8:264-275, July/August 1970. Smith, J. H. Health Maintenance Organizations: The Con- cept and Its Importance. Best’s Review (Life/Health Insurance Ed) 73:18+, October 1972. ''Social Security Administration Official Says Health Mainte- nance Organizations Will Lead to New Care System. Modern Hospital 117:41, July 1971. Solo Practice Will be Replaced by Group Practice within Fifteen Years States Physician. American Medical News 13:7, October 5, 1970. Somers, A. R. Ameriplan/Health Care Corporation/Health Maintenance Organization: Call It Anything, But the Hospital Is the System. Modern Hospital 116:110-116, June 1971. . How Does Comprehensive Health Care Relate to the Health Care Industry? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 50:556-562, October 1969. . Only the Hospital Can Do It All: Now. Modern Hospital 119(1):95-100, January 1972. —___.._ University Hospital: Future Role. Hospitals 45:41-42+, November 16, 1971. . Who’s in Charge Here? — Or Alice Searches for a King in Mediland. New England Journal of Medicine 287:849-855, October 26, 1972. and H. M. Somers. The Organization and Financing of Health Care: Issues and Directions for the Future. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:119-136, Janu- ary 1972. Somers, H. M. National Health Insurance: Strategy and Standards. Medical Care 10:81-87, January/February 1972. Sonken, S. Group Practice: A Case for Prepayment. Physicians Management 10:54+, October 1970. . Health Maintenance Organizations. New York State Dental Journal 38:145-150, March 1972. Source Options in HMO Pharmacy Service. Hospitals 47(24):75-77, December 16, 1973. Sources of Secondary Data for Marketing Research: An Annotated, Selected Bibliography to Serve as a Starting Point for Literature Searches. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Management Library, 1973. 16 pp. Apply. South Carolina Foundation for Medical Care: Guidelines, Purpose, Bylaws. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association 67:463-468, November 1971. Spaander, J. Development of Health Protection Program; Theory and Praxis. Israel Journal of Medical Science 4:711-723, May/June 1968. Sparer, G. and A. Anderson. Cost of Services at Neighbor- hood Health Centers: A Comparative Analysis. New England Journal of Medicine 286:1241-1245, June 8, 1972. . Utilization and Cost Experience of Low-income Families in Four Prepaid Group-Practice Plans. New England Journal of Medicine 289:67-72, July 12, 1973. Sparks, J. E. Dental Care and Prepayment as Viewed by a Consultant of a Major Labor Union. Northwest Den- tistry 47:12-17, January/Feburary 1967. Speas, R. D., Jr. Some Priorities for Health Services Research. Health Services Research 7:187-190, Fall 1972. Spodnik, J. P. Nutrition in the Health Maintenance Organi- zation. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 61:163-165, August 1972. Spoerl, O. H. Treatment Patterns in Prepaid Psychiatric Care. American Journal of Psychiatry 131:56-59, Janu- ary 1974. Sprague, L. M. Factors Affecting Target Area Penetration and Outreach in a Comprehensive Care Program. Min- neapolis, MN: Systems Development Project, University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, 1970. 26 pp. Stahlhut, E. Group Practice in Lincoln and a Health Mainte- nance Organization. IIlinois Medical Journal 141:45-47, January 1972. Standards for GHAA Member Plans. Group Health and Welfare News 14(11):Supplement, November 1973. Starkweather, D. B. Beyond the Semantics of Multihospital Aggregations. Health Services Research 7:58-61, Spring 1972. Starting a Health Maintenance Organization: Fallon Goes with a Carrier. Group Practice 22:29-30, September 1973. Starting a Health Maintenance Organization: Wichita Goes It Alone. Group Practice 22:25+, September 1973. State Laws Affecting the Establishment of HMO’s. Min- neapolis, MN: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, 1971. 16 pp. Apply. Statement of the National Medical Association before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on HEW on''HMO’s, November 17, 1971. Journal of the Nationa! Medical Association 64:284-287, May 1972. '' Steinle, J. G. What is HMO? Hospital Topics 49:52, April 1971. Steinwald, C. An Introduction to Foundations for Medical Care. Chicago: Blue Cross Association, September 1971. 131 pp. Apply. . Foundations for Medical Care. Blue Cross Reports (Research Series) No. 7:1-8, August 1971. Stevens, C. M. Physician Supply and National Health Care Goals. Industrial Relations 10(2):119-144, May 1971. and G. D. Brown. Market Structure Approach to Health-manpower ‘Planning’. American Journal of Public Health 61(10):1988-1995, October 1971. Stevens, E. B. What Is New About HMO’s? Medical Group Management 18:17+, May 1971. Stone, J. L. and V. Crowthers. Innovations in Program and Funding of Mental Health Services for Blue-collar Families. American Journal of Psychiatry 128:1375-1380, May 1972. Strauss, M. D., editor. Consumer Participation in Health Planning. San Francisco: Society for Public Health Edu- cation, 1972. 90 pp. $2.25 Stroud, H. H. Prepaid Group Practice? Delaware Medical Journal 42:247, September 1970. Student American Medical Association Testifies on Health Maintenance Organizations. New Physician 21:416-418, July 1972. Students Support Health Maintenance Organizations — Cautiously. American Medical News 15:13-14, May 15, 1972. Suit Challenges Texas Law That Allows Only Doctors to Control Health Maintenance Organizations. Modern Hos- pital 120:43-44, May 1973. Sunderbruch, J. H. lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 61:133+, March 1971. . lowa Foundation for Medical Care. Journal of the lowa Medical Society 62:416-417, August 1972. Support for Health Maintenance Organizations (United States). Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report 30:731-734, April 1, 1972. Survey of Dental Practice, 1968, Il: Income of Dentists by Location, Age, and Other Factors — Bureau of Economic Research and Statistics. Journal of the American Dental Association 78:342-346, February 1969. Swan, L. F. Group Approach to Medical Care. Nursing Outlook 18:56-57, January 1970. Symposium Hears Criticism, Defense of Health Mainte- nance Organization Concept. Modern Hospital 116:40-41, June 1971. Systems Should Accommodate One Another: VA Might be Thought of as a Health Maintenance Organization. Modern Hospital 119:7+, November 1972. Task Force on National Health Programs. (Ed) Journal of the American Dental Association 81:809, October 1970. Taylor, R. B. 1976: The Year We Lost Our Independence. Medical Economics 48:188+, November 22, 1971. Telephone Employees Slow to Answer HMO Call. Business Insurance 7(25):72, December 3, 1973. Testimony: National Health Insurance and Health Mainte- nance Organizations. FAH (Federation of American Hospitals) Review 5:36-38, Winter 1972. They'll Rate Rx Prepay Plans. American Druggist Mer- chandising 167:60, June 1, 1973. Thomas, A. E. Problems Confronting Organized Medicine. Journal of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama 41:4-5, July 1971. Thomas, C. S. and R. M. Vidaver. Mental Health Services in the Total Health System. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 23:200-203, July 1972. Thomas, D. L. An Assessment of HMO Financing and Investment by the Private Sector: Report for Health Maintenance Organization Services. Rockville, MD: GEOMET, 1973. various paging. Apply to Health Main- tenance Organization Service. Thomas, L. Your Very Good Health. New England Journal of Medicine 287:761-762, October 12, 1972. Thompson, B. Comprehensive Explanation of Foundations for Medical Care. Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 60:134-137, May 1971. (ed p. 156). Thompson, J. D. Alternative Patterns in Relationships Between an Academic Medical Center and an HMO. Journal of Medical Education 48:60-66, April 1973 (Suppl). ''_____. Organization and Administration for Health Affairs — Comment: State Versus Federal Health Policy. Inquiry 10(1):78-83, March 1973 (Suppl). Thompson, T. Health and Social Policy Issues of Signifi- cance to Blacks in the ‘‘New Federalism”. Journal of the National Medical Association 65:422-425+, September 1973. Thompson, T. D. Forming a Group Dental Practice: Emphasis — Organization. Dental Clinics of North America 16(2):291-306, April 1972. Thurlow, R. M. City With Prepaid Group Practice and Nothing But: Columbia, Maryland. Medical Economics 48:31+, November 8, 1971. Tiernan, R. O. Delivery of Health Care from the Washing- ton Vantage Point. Rhode Island Medical Journal 54:407-408, August 1971. Tillis, B. P. Systems for the Delivery of Dental Care: Health Maintenance Organizations. New York State Dental Journal 39:424-427, August/September 1973. Tilly, J. W. Making an HMO Work: A Continuing Process. Presented to the National Association of Neighborhood Health Centers, New Orleans, LA, October 18-12, 1972. Unpublished Paper. 14 pp. Apply to NANHC. Todd, C. The Growth of Group Practice: Implications for HMO Development. July 30, 1973. 23 pp. Torrens, P. R. Administrative Problems of Neighborhood Health Centers. Medical Care 9:487-497, November/ December 1971. Towle, W. F. Columbia Medical Plan. Journal of Reproduc- tive Medicine 10:24-27, January 1973. . Innovations in Health Care Delivery, Capital Financing. Fund Raising Management 4:15+, July/ August 1972. . New City, New Hospital — Columbia, Maryland. Hospitals 46:46+, January 16, 1972. Transference in Health Maintenance Organizations — Prob- lem for the Poor? Psychiatric News 8:27, July 4, 1973. Trotter, S. A. “Intergroup” Prepaid Health Services Plan — One Alternative. Medical Group Management 20:18+, September/October 1973. Trouble Ahead for Community Mental Health Centers: Health Maintenance Organizations Proposed as Salva- tion. Psychiatric News 6:3, September 1, 1971. Trover, L. C. Our Health Maintenance Organization Recom- mendations: American Association of Medical Clinics. Group Practice 21:2, August 1972. Tsalikis, G. Doctors in Confusion: Impressions from the First International Congress on Group Medicine. Social Science and Medicine 6:269-273, April 1972. Tuck, J. N. HMO Legislation: All Is Confusion (Dateline Washington). Group Practice 21(5):26, September 1972. . HMO Legislation in Limbo (Dateline Washington). Group Practice 21(8):11, December 1973. Tulchinsky, T. H. Prospects for Prepaid Group Practice: Commentary. American Journal of Public Health 59:49-51, January 1969 (Suppl). Tumelty, R. E. A Comparison of Utilization and Direct Personal Expenditure for Dental Care Under Three Types of Insurance. Berkeley, CA: University of Cali- fornia, 1969. X.U.M. — Xerox $10.00; Film Reel $4.00. Tunley, R. Better Medical Care at Less Cost Is Possible: A Look into a Health Plan Long Enjoyed by Some Americans that Could Benefit All of Us (The Kaiser Health Plan: How It Compares with Other Prepaid Group Plans). American Legion Magazine 89:8-13, August 1970. Turner, J. G. Insurance Companies Involvement In Health Maintenance Organizations. Presented at Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association’s 1973 Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 20-23, 1973. Unpublished Paper. 9 pp. Apply to |[ASA. Two Chicago Hospitals Start Group Practice Programs. Hospitals 46:140, August 1, 1972. $240 Million Voted by House to Back HMO Development. National Underwriter (Property ed/Life ed) 77:1+, September 21-22, 1973. Ullman, A. A Legislator’s View of National Health Care. Hospitals 46:47-50+, February 16, 1972. . The Ranking Democratic Member of the House Ways and Means Committee Discussses the Contents of His Newly Proposed Plan for National Health Care. Hospitals 46:51-55, May 16, 1972. Underlying Idea Shows Promise: Kaiser’s View of the HMO Concept. Modern Hospital 115:107-108, August 1971. Unions Sponsor Health Center for the Capital Area: Ottawa. Canadian Nurse 67:14, February 1971. ''United Auto Workers Official Calls for Development of 2,000 Prepaid Group Practices. Modern Hospital 114:38, April 1970. U.S. Bureau of the Census. The Methods and Materials of Demography, by Henry S. Shryock, Jacob S. Siegel and Associates. 2nd Printing (Revised). Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1973. 2 volumes. $9.40 prepaid. U.S. Congress (93rd). Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973. Public Law 93-222, December 29, 1973. SDR U.S. DHEW Modifies HMO Support. American Medical News 16:1+, March 12, 1973. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Towards a Comprehensive Health Policy for the 1970's: A White Paper. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, May 1971. 52 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-100A-C. Marketing of Health Maintenance Organization Services, prepared by Health Systems Research Program, Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1972. 6 volumes in 3. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-101. Development of an Implementation Plan for the Establishment of a Health Maintenance Organization, prepared by Texas Instruments Inc., December 30, 1971. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1972. 1 volume. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-6202. Ambulatory Health Care Information System: Overall System Description, by Bio-Dynamics, March 1, 1972. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1972. various paging. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-6203. Ambulatory Health Care Information System: Training and Pro- cedures Manual, by Bio-Dynamics, March 1972. Rock- ville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Adminis- tration, 1972. various paging. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-6204. Ambulatory Health Care Information System: Computer Operations Manual, by Bio-Dynamics, March 1, 1972. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1972. various paging. Apply. 86 U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 72-6303. Selected Notated Bibliography on Prepaid Organized Health Care Systems (POHCS) with Special Reference to Health Maintenance Organizations, Prepaid Group Practice and Financing and Reimbursing Systems. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, November 1971. 46 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-3005. Guidelines for Producing Uniform Data for Health Care Plans. Rock- ville, MD: Health Services and Menta! Health Adminis- tration, July 1972. 113 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-3006. Pharmacy Services in a Group Medical Practice, by Paul W. Lofholm. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, December 1972. 43 pp. NTIS — $3.00 prepaid. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-6207. Marketing Prepaid Health Care Plans: A Collection of Approaches with the Principal Paper by Robert L. Biblo. Rockville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, 1972. 92 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13008. Accounting Manual for Health Maintenance Organizations. Rock- ville, MD: Health Maintenance Organization Service, March 1972. 78 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13009. Questions Physicians Are Asking about HMOs and the Answers. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, December 1972. 19 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13010. The Role of the HMO Consumer Program Consultant. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, November 1972. 23 pp. Applv: U.S. DHEW Publication # {HSM) 73-13011. Some Informa- tion Descriptive of a Successfully Operating HMO. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1972. 40 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (HSM) 73-13012. Selected Papers on Consumerism in the HMO Movement. Rock- ville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Adminis- tration, July 1973. 109 pp. Apply. U.S. DHEW Publication # (NIH) 66-22. Prepaid Dental Care: A Glossary. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, Bureau of Health Manpower and Education, 1971. Apply. ''U.S. DHEW Publication # (NIH) 72-189. Group Dental Practice in the United States, 1971: A Survey. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, Bureau of Health Manpower and Education, 1972. Apply. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Group Practice Facilities, April 1973: A HUD Hand- book. Washington, D.C.: Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1973. 1 volume. Apply. U.S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration. Health Maintenance Organization Service. Financial Planning Manual. Rockville, MD: U.S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration, n.d. 37 pp. Apply. U.S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Community Health Service. Selected References on Group Practice. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1969. 29 pp. Apply. U.S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Health Maintenance Organization Services. HMOS: Lawyers Manual on Health Maintenance Organizations. Rockville, MD: Health Services and Mental Health Administration, 1973. 279 pp. Apply. U.S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee #2. Hearings, September 13 and 20, 1973, on HR 7480 (and other bills) to amend Title 10, U.S. Code to Authorize the Use of Health Maintenance Organizations in Providing Health Care, 1973. 176 pp. HDR U.S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, Report by the Committee, 1973. 73 pp. HDR U.S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations — 1973, Hearings before the Subcommittee, 1973. 368 pp. HDR U.S. House (92nd/2nd), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations: Com- parisons of Major Health Maintenance Organization Legislative Proposals Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Together with Test of HR 11728 and HR 5615 and Questions and Answers about HMOs, 1972. 127 pp. HDR 87 U.S. House (92nd/2nd), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations: Hear- ings: Pt. 1-4, April 11-May 18, 1972, on HR 5615 and HR 11728 (and All Identical Bills) Bills to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide Assistance and Encouragement for the Establishment and Expansion of Health Maintenance Organizations, and for Other Pur- poses, 1972. 4 pp. (1521 pp). HDR U.S. House (93rd/1st), Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. Health Maintenance Organizations, 1973; Hearings, March 6-7, 1973, on HR 51 and HR 4871, Bills to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Provide Assistance and Encouragement for the Establishment and Expansion of Health Maintenance Organizations, and for Other Purposes, 1973. 368 pp. HDR. U.S. Public Health Service Publication #1664-3. Planning and Implementation of the Community Health Founda- tion of Cleveland, Ohio. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1968. 109 pp. Apply. U.S. Senate (92nd/2nd), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health. Health Maintenance Organizations: Questions and Answers Relating to Sub- committee Questionnaire, 1972. 462 pp. SDR U.S. Senate (92nd), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Health Maintenance Organizations and Resources Development Act of 1972; Report to Accom- pany S 3327, July 21, 1972. 171 pp. SDR U.S. Senate (92nd/2nd), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health. Health Maintenance Organizations and Resources Development Act of 1972. S 3327: Bill Text, Section-by-section Analysis and Background Material, 1972. 144 pp. SDR U.S. Senate (92nd/1st), Finance Committee. Health Mainte- nance Organizations, Staff Questions with Responses of Department of Health, Education and Welfare; Septem- ber 27, 1971. 23 pp. SDR U.S. Senate (92nd/1st), Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health. Physicians Training Facilities and Health Maintenance Organizations: Hear- ings: Pt. 1, July 20-21, 1971, on S 9351 (and Other Bills) to Amend the Public Health Service Act and to Increase and Expand Physician Training, Health Care Generally, and Health Maintenance Orgnizations, 1971. 458 pp. SDR U.S. Clinics Plan Gains on Rivals Amid Debate. Medical Group News 4:1+, June 1971. ''at. Ye University of Texas Regents Set Guidelines for Involvement with Health Maintenance Organizations. Texas Medicine 68:9, January 1972. Unproved Optimism and Theories on Health Maintenance Organizations. (Ed) Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association 12:543-544, October 1971. Valiante, J. D. Start-up Problems of Health Maintenance Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations: A Reconfiguration of the Health Services System, pp. 39-68. Chicago: University of Chicago, Graduate Pro- gram in Hospital Administration, May 1971. 90 pp. $5.50. Vayda, E. The Potential of Prepaid Group Practice in Community Medicine Teaching Programs. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 48:129-143, April 1970. . Prepaid Group Practice Combines Personal Health Care Services, Good Organization: Sault Experiment. Canadian Medical Association Journal 109:72+, July 7, 1973. . Stability of the Medical Group in a New Prepaid Medical Care Program: Cleveland, Ohio. Medical Care 8:161-168, March/April 1970. and P. Kopplin. Characteristics of Internists in Three Prepaid Group Practices. Health Services Report 88:541-549, June/July 1973. —____.. Internists in a Consumer Sponsored Prepaid Group Practice Program. Canadian Journal of Public Health 63:35-44, January/February 1972. Vesey, P. Basic Insurance Requirements of a Prepaid Medical Group. Unpublished Paper. . Insurance Requirements for Health Maintenance Organizations. Unpublished Paper. Vitali, J. J. One Clinic’s Experience with Prepayment: East Range Clinics, Ltd., Virginia, Minnesota. Group Practice 19:7-9, June 1970. Vohs, J. A., R. V. Anderson and R. Straus. Critical Issues in HMO Strategy. New England Journal of Medicine 286: 1082-1086, May 18, 1972. Wagner, D. L. The Harvard Community Health Plan. ANA (American Nursing Association) Clinical Session 23-30, 1972. . Issues in the Provision of Health Care For All: Harvard Community Health Plan and the Nursing Pro- gram. American Journal of Public Health 63:481-485, June 1973. 88 Wagner, M. G., A McNowell and T. M. Batchelor. A Comprehensive Health Care Program in the Community. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 60:112-113, February 1972. Waitzkin, H. and A. S. Cohen. HMOs: A Critical Appraisal of Harvard Community Health Plan. Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin 47:12-18, September/October 1972 (Commentary by J. L. Dorsey, pp. 19-21). Waiting for HMOs to Grow Flesh (Washington Newsletter). Modern Medicine 39:35-39, September 6, 1971. Waldie, J. R. Directions in Health Care Services. Canadian Nurse 69:4-5+, May 1973. Waldman, H. B. HMOs: How Much Oratory or Help Mankind Out? New York State Dental Journal 39:529-531, November 1973. . Women Dentists at a Health Maintenance Center. Journal of the American Dental Association 84:143-145, January 1972. Walker, M. Mound Bayou — Meharry Medical College’s Neighbor. Journal of the National Medical Association 65:309-312, July 1973. Walsh, J. Medical Schools: Portents of National Health Insurance. Science 169:267-268, July 17, 1970. Walworth, J. National Health Insurance and Hospital Administration. Hospital Progress 52:54-60, December 1971. Wang, M. K. and R. G. Brayton. Health Maintenance Service for the High Risk Chronically Il: A Demonstra- tion of Physician and Nurse. Nursing Clinics of North America 5:199-210, June 1970. Ward, P. D. Health Care Regulation. Hospitals 46:101-105, April 1, 1972. Watson, C. L. Catholic Hospital Studies Health Maintenance Organization Plan: Vicksburg Mississippi. Hospital Progress 53:100+, July 1972. Watters, F. C. Health Maintenance Organizations. Medical Group Management 19(2):7-8+, January 1972. Weber, F. C., Jr. How Does the Health Maintenance Organization Prevent an Illness? Connecticut Medicine 36:134, March 1972. Weil, T. P. The Nonurban Hospital in Missiouri: Present Program Problems and Possible Alternatives. Missouri Medicine 69:717-721, September 1972. ''Weinerman, E. R. Organization and Quality of Service ina National Health Program. Yale Journal of Biological Medicine 44: 133-152, August 1971. . Report of a Survey of the Group Medical Clinics Serving Beneficiaries of the United Mine Workers Wel- fare and Retirement Fund in the Pittsburgh Area. Yale Journal of Biological Medicine 44:116-132, August 1971. Weiss, C. Group Plan of Dental Care by a Labor Sponsored Organization. Northwest Dentistry 46:7-11, January/ February 1967. Weiss, J. E. and M. R. Greenlick. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: The Effects of Social Class and Distance on Contacts with the Medical Care System. Medical Care 8(6):456-462, November/December 1970. ,et al. Determinants of Medical Care Utilization: The Impact of Spatial Factors. Inquiry 8(4):50-57, December 1971. . Utilization of Mental Health Services by Poverty and Non-poverty Members of a Comprehensive Group Practice Prepayment Plan. Health Services Reports 88(7):653-662, August/September 1973. Welch, C. E. What’s in an Acronym: HMO or FMC? New England Journal of Medicine 288:519-520, March 8, 1973. West, H. Group Practice Plans in Governmental Medical Care in Programs: Group Practice Prepayment Plans in the Medicare Program. American Journal of Public Health 59:624-629, April 1969. What About the Health Maintenance Organization? (Ed) Southern Hospitals 41:4+, February 1973. What’s an HMO? Journal of Accountancy 135:28-29, May 1973. Whaley, R. Planning for National Health Care Delivery. Alaska Medicine 13:114-115, October 1971. Wheatley, G. M. Involvement of Metropolitan Life Insur- ance Company in New Forms of Health Care Delivery: Prepaid Group Practice. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 49:52-61, January 1973. Where Are We Going? New Zealand Medical Journal 66:545-546, August 1967. White, K. L. Health Care Arrangements in the United States: A.D. 1972. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50(4):17-40, October 1972 (Pt. 2, Medical Cure and Medical Care). 89 . Kerr White Compares Those Middle-way Health Plans: Special Report. Medical Economics 48:33-55, June 21, 1971. White R. R. Ill. A Surgeon Looks at Group Practice. Archives of Surgery 104:393-396, April 1972. Who Is It That Prevents Prevention? Modern Hospital 115:61+, December 1970. Wilbur, D. L. HMO — Health Maintenance Organization. (Ed) Postgraduate Medicine 50: 177-178, July 1971. Will Finch Flinch: Prepayment Plan. New Republic 162:10-11, May 2, 1970. Will HMO Offer Rxs: It Depends on Competition. Ameri- can Druggist Merchandising 167:23+, March 15, 1973. Willard, W. R. Ideals and Realities of Academic Medical Center Involvement with HMOs. Journal of Medical Education 48:13-20, April 1973 (Suppl). Williams, G. Kaiser Delivery System: Less Utilization, More Productivity. Modern Hospital 116:81-85+, February 1971. . Kaiser Plan: Planned Surplus Gives Doctors Incen- tives, Keeps Facilities Up to Date. Modern Hospital 116:91-93, February 1971. . Kaiser: What Is It? How Does It Work? Why Does It Work? Modern Hospital 116:67-69, February 1971. _____. Kaiser-Permanente Health Plan: Why It Works. Oakland, CA: Kaiser Foundation, 1971. 92 pp. Apply. ____. Kaiser Plan: The Logic is Irresistible, But the ‘Logistics are Imposing. Modern Hospital 116:93-95, February 1971. _ Kaiser Plan: The Prepaid Group Practice Model and How It Grew. Modern Hospital 116:69-80, February 1971. Willson, J. R. HMOs: Implications for Medical Education and Practice. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 10:24-27, January 1973. Wilson, V. E. HMOs: Hopes and Aspirations. Journal of Medical Education 48:7-10, April 1973 (Suppl). . Health Maintenance Organizations — A Sound Concept That Needs to Be Tested (interview). American Medical News 14:12-13, June 21, 1971. . Health Maintenance Organizations and Medical Practice. North Carolina Medical Journal 32:419-423, October 1971. '', editor. New Initiatives in Prevention. Preventive Medicine 1:288-291, August 1972. . Rural Health Care Systems. Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association 216:1623-1626, June 7, 1971. (ed p. 1635-1637). Wisconsin Plans Offer Prepaid Group Alternative. Hospitals 45:129-130, February 16, 1971. Withers, D. T. HMO: Blow to Private Practice. Physicians’ World 1:39-41, July 1973. Wolfe, S. and R. F. Badgley. The Family Doctor. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 50:1-201, April 1972. , et al. Problems of Financing Prepaid Group Practice in the University. Journal of Medical Education 48:93-99, April 1973 (Suppl). Woodcock, L. Mental Health Services Through National Health Insurance. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 42:137-145, January 1972. Woods, D. Two Epidemiologists Discuss the Myths, and Realities of Health Maintenance. Canadian Medical Association Journal 109:1146-1148+, December 1, 1973. Woods, W. E. HMO’s Won't Necessarily Improve Health Care System. American Druggist Merchandising 167:32, March 15, 1973. Workshop on Dental Manpower — Meeting Dental Needs in the 1970s: The Development and Administration of Dental Programs, Report of Study Group 3. Journal of the American College of Dentistry 35:211-221, April 1968. Wright, H. K., et al. ls HMO Surgical Practice Appropriate for Academic Surgeons? Surgery 74:41-45, July 1973. Wurzel, E. M. The AAMC Views HMOs, Health Mainte- nance Organization, Proceedings of a Conference, pp. 58. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Wyatt, R. Trends in Group Medical and Hospital Care Plans: Kaiser Health Plan. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13(3):118-119, 1971. Yedidia, A. Federal Support for HMOs. Journal of Medicine Education 48:83-92, April 1973 (Suppl). . Types of Health Risk Bearers: Group Practice Prepayment Plans, Group /nsurance Handbook, by Robert D. Eilers and Robert M. Crowe, Chapter 15. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1965. 23 pp. $16.00 Yett, D. E., L. Drabek and M. D. Intriligator, et al. Health Manpower Planning: An Econometric Approach. Health Services Research 7:134-147, Summer 1972. Yohey, J. L. Developing a “Benefits’’ Package, Health Maintenance Organizations, Proceedings of a Confer- ence, pp. 49-52. Denver: Medical Group Management Association, 1972. 72 pp. $3.00. Zimmerman, J. P. New Approach to Health Care — The Health Maintenance Organization. Physical Therapy 52:775-777, July 1972. Zubkoff, M, et al. Group Practice in Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association 65:113-117, February 1972. ''SERIALS JOURNALS AND ANNUALS American Journal of Public Health. Washington, D.C.: American Public Health Association. Monthly. $20/year. American Medical News. Chicago: American Medical Association. Weekly. $5/year. Group Health and Welfare News. Washington, D.C.: Group Health Association of America. Monthly. $6.00. Group Health. Institute, Proceedings. Washington, D.C: Group Health Association of America. Annual. Apply. Group Practice, Journal of the American Association of Medical Clinics. New York: Group Medicine Publica- tions. Ceased publication Feburary 1974. Back issues valuable for HMO information. HMO and Health Services Reports, edited by Jeffrey A. Prussin. Mt. Arlington, NJ: Girard Associates. Monthly. $40/year. Inquiry, a Journal of Medical Care Organization, Provision and Financing. Chicago: Blue Cross Association. Quarterly. $4/year. : List of Worthwhile Life and Health Insurance Books. New York: Institute of Life Insurance. Annual. Apply. Medical Care. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott. Monthly. $30/year. Medical Care Review. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Bureau of Public Health Economics. Monthly. $15/year. Medical Economics. Oradell, NJ: Company. Biweekly. $27/year. Medical Economics Medical Group Management, Journal of the MGMA. Den- ver: Medical Group Management Association. Bi- monthly. $12/year. Medical Group News. Washington, D.C.: Global Medical Press. Monthly. $18/year. Milbank Memorial Fung Quarterly, Health and Society. New York: PRODIST. Quarterly. $15/year. National Journal. Washington, D.C.: The Government Research Company. Weekly. $200/year. 91 Physician’s Management. New York: Harcourt, Jovanovich Publications. Monthly. $18/year. Brace, Prism. Chicago: American Medical Association. Monthly. $10/year. Reference Data on Profile of Medical Practice and on Socioeconomic Issues of Health, 2 volumes. Chicago: American Medical Association. Annual $3.00/2 volumes. Selected Studies in Medical Care and Medical Economics, Annual Report. Chicago: National Association of Blue Shield Plans. Annual. Apply. Washington Report on Medicine and Health. Washington, D.C.: McGraw-Hill. Weekly. $75/vyear. ABSTRACTS, INDEXES AND NEWSPAPER INDEXES Abstracts of Hospital Management Studies. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan. Quarterly. $35/year. See Insurance and Prepayment; also check subject index. AMA Index to American Medical News. Chicago: American Medical Association. Annual. Apply. Business Periodicals Index. Bronx, NY: H. W. Wilson. Monthly. Apply, price varies. See Medical Care, Prepaid. Cumulative Index to Medical Group Management, vol. 1, No. 1- vol. 19, No. 6, October, 1953 - September, 1972. Denver: MGMA. Annual updates. $3.00. See Group Practice; Health Maintenance Organiza- tions, Prepaid Group Practice. Excerpta Medica: Section 36 - Health Economics. Amster- dam: Excerpta Medica Foundation. Monthly. $50/year. Check subject index. Hospital Literature Index. Chicago: American Hospital Association. Quarterly. $10/year. See Health Insurance, Voluntary — Group Practice; Group Practice. ''Index Medicus (and Cumulated Index Medicus). Washing- ton, D.C.: Government Printing Office. Index Medicus — Monthly, $155/year; Cumulated Index Medicus — Annual, $84. See Group Practice; Health Maintenance Organization (As of 1974). Medical Socio Economic Research Sources. Chicago: Amer- ican Medical Association. Monthly. $20/year. See Health Maintenance Organizations. Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications. Wash- ington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. Monthly. $19.35/year. Check subject index. National Journal Cumulative Index. Washington, D.C.: The Government Research Company. Quarterly. $200. The New York Times Index — A Book of Record. New York: New York Times Company. Semimonthly and an annual cumulation. $75/year each. See Health Insurance, Specific Plans by Name; Health Maintenance Organizations; Medicine and Health — United States. Public Affairs Information Service, Bulletin. New York: Public Affairs Information Service Weekly. $100/year. See Medical Care, Prepaid; Medical Profession — Group Practice; Medical Service Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. Bronx, NY: H.W. Wilson Company. Semimonthly. $35/year. See Insurance, Health — United States. Social Science and Humanities Index. Bronx, NY: H. W. Wilson Company. Quarterly. Apply, price varies. See Clinics; Group Medical Practice; Insurance, Health; Medical Care; Medicine. Newspaper Index: Washington Post. Wooster, OH: Bell and Howell Company, Newspaper Indexing Center. Apply. See Insurance — Health. U.S. Congress, Congressional Record. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. Daily, frequent indexes and a final index at end of each session. $45/year. For a history of the various bills and resolutions check part two of the index to the Congressional Record. Bills and Resolutions are arranged by number. Wall Street Journal Index. Princeton, NJ: Dow Jones Books. Apply. See General News Section; Insurance; Medicine. '' PUBLISHERS’ AND AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES The addresses of publishers and authors who must be contacted directly are included below. The addresses of other pub- lishers are available in Books-In-Print, although generally their publications may be ordered through any book dealer. ABT Associates 55 Wheeler Street Cambridge, MA 02138 American Association of Medical Clinics PO Box 949 20 S. Quaker Lane Alexandria, VA 22313 American College of Clinic Managers 4101 E. Louisiana Avenue Denver, CO 80222 American Hospital Association 840 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 American Management Association 135 West 50th Street New York, NY 10020 American Medical Association 535 North Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60610 American Public Health Association 1015 18th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Aspen Systems Corporation 11600 Nebel Street Rockville, MD 20852 Bloom, A Office of Organization and Development Bureau of Community Health Services, DHEW Parklawn Building 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20852 Blue Cross Association 133 Federal Street Boston, MA 02106 Blue Cross Association 840 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 93 California Assembly Health Committee State Capital Sacramento, CA 95814 California Medical Association 693 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Chamber of Commerce of the United States 1615 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Cleveland Clinic Foundation 2020 East 93rd Street Cleveland, OH 44106 Congress Secretariat First International Congress on Group Medicine 425 St. Mary Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Council of Planning Librarians PO Box 220 Monticello, IL 61856 Dow Jones Books PO Box 300 Princeton, NJ 08540 EMSCO (Engineering and Management Sciences Corporation) 21044 Ventura Blvd., Suite 214 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 George Washington University Department of Health Care Administration School of Government and Business Administration Washington, D.C. 20006 Gintzig L., Director Department of Health Care Administration School of Government and Business Administration George Washington University Washington, D.C. 20006 ''Girard Associates, Inc. 399 Howard Blvd. Mt. Arlington, NY 07856 Global Medical Press Medical Group News 7304 Broxburn Washington, D.C. 20034 Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 The Government Research Company 1730 ‘‘M”’ Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Group Health Association of America, Inc. 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound 200 15th Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York 625 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Health Maintenance Organization Service Publications Contact A. Bloom Office of Organization and Development Bureau of Community Health Services, DHEW Parklawn Bldg. 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20852 The Health Management Group, Inc. 6600 Powers Ferry Road Atlanta, GA 30339 Health/PAC 558 Capp Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Health Resources Associates, Inc. 1917 Eye Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Health Services Administration Contact A. Bloom Office of Organization and Development Bureau of Community Health Services, DHEW Parklawn Bldg. 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20852 Health Services and Mental Health Administration Publications Contact A. Bloom Office of Organization and Development Bureau of Community Health Services, DHEW Parklawn Blvd. 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20852 Hospital Research and Education Trust 840 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60611 Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies See InterStudy Institute for the Study of Health and Society 1050 Potomac Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20007 Institute of Life Insurance Health Insurance Institute 277 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association 406 West 34th Street Kansas City, MO 64111 InterStudy 123 East Grant Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health 615 North Wolfe Baltimore, MD 21205 Kaiser Foundation 300 Lakeside Drive Oakland, CA 94604 Kappa Systems, Inc. 1815 North Ft. Myer Drive Arlington, VA 22209 A.T. Kearney, Inc. 437 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Kosco, P. See Bloom, Alan Lawyers’ Commission for Civil Rights Under Law 733 Fifteenth Street, NW, Suite 520 Washington, D.C. 20005 ''Leavey, H. H. American Association of Foundations for Medical Care 215 Market Street, Suite 765 San Francisco, CA 94105 Macro Systems Twin Towers 1110 Fidler Lane Silver Spring, MD 20910 Medical Economics Company Book Division PO Box 48 Oradell, NJ 07649 Medical Group Management Association 4101 East Louisiana Avenue Denver, CO 802222 Metropolitan Atlanta Foundation for Medical Care, Inc. 875 West Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30309 National Association of Blue Shield Plans 2111 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 633 West Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1015 Milwaukee, WI 53203 National Association of Neighborhood Health Centers 1145 19th Street, NW, Suite 709 Washington, D.C. 20036 National Association of Social Workers Publications Department Southern Building 15th and ‘’H” Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 National Library of Medicine Literature Search Program Reference Section, Reference Service Division 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20014 New York State Health Planning Commission 355 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 New York Times Company 229 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 Operations Research Society of America 428 East Preston Street , Baltimore, MD 21202 95 Pennsylvania Health Research Institute 919 Kranzel Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011 PRODIST Room 502 156 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Prussin, J. A. 9908 Hillridge Drive Kensington, MD 20795 Public Affairs Information Service 11 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018 Roemer, M. |. University of California School of Public Health Los Angeles, CA 90024 Schubert, J. J., M.D., President Medical Care Foundation of Sacramento 5301 ‘’F’’ Street Sacramento, CA 95819 Science and Health Publications 1740 “‘N” Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Society for Public Health Education, Inc. 655 Sutter Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Systems Development Project Program in Hospital and Health Care Administration School of Public Health University of Minnesota 2408 University Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 554 14 University of British Columbia Health Services Centér Office of Coordinator Division of Health Services Vancouver, British Columbia University of California Institute for Governmental Affairs Davis, CA 95616 University of California School of Public Health 412 Earl Warren Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 ''CR FE I ETE UCLA School of Public Health University of California Los Angeles, CA 90024 University of Chicago Graduate Program in Hospital Administration Center for Health Administration Studies Graduate School of Business 5720 S. Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, |L 60637 University of Colorado Press Boulder, CO 80302 University of Hawaii Legislation Reference Bureau Honolulu, HI 96822 University of Michigan School of Public Health 109 Observatory Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 University of Rochester Library Management Library Rochester, NY 14627 Wii 96 Vesey, P. Yorkville Medical Group 158 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028 Washington Report on Medicine and Health 437 National Press Building Washington, D.C. 20004 Wayne State University College of Pharmacy 4841 Cass Detroit, MI 48202 Wilson, H.W. 950 University Avenue Bronx, NY 10452 Xerox University Microfilms, Inc. 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, M! 48106 '' '' '' OTHER MGMA PUBLICATIONS BOOKLETS AND MONOGRAPHS HMOs—Proceedings of a 1972 Conference $2/members—$3/non-members Digest of Medical Group Employment Contracts and Income Distribution Plans $10/members—$25/non-members Medical Credit and Collections $7/members-$15/non-members Manual on Insurance $3/members—$6/non-members Group Practice: Guidelines to Joining or Forming a Medical Group N/C The Medical Group Manager N/C MGMA/ACCM Officers, Committees, Constitution and Bylaws N/C ACCM Guide for Preparing Professional Papers and Case Reports N/C Personnel Policies for Medical Groups $2/members—$5/non-members REPORTS Cost Survey $5/members $30/non-members (restricted) $20/non-members abridged edition Production Survey $5/members $20/non-members (restricted) Clinic Managers’ Compensation and Fringe Benefit Report $5/members $10/non-members (restricted) The Occupational Safety and Health Act $1/members—$2/non-members SERIES PUBLICATIONS Medical Group Management, Journal of the MGMA $12/non-member annual subscription MGMA Newsletter members only MGMA International Directory $10/members—$50/non-members Clinic Managers Manual $10/members—$50/non-members '' - - 8 ''U. 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