‘ ‘—v--.‘—.;-5/ W. / A r9por’I On th9 grotection and restoration chime Nation s Iand and water resourcés under Titles IV and V Of th9 Surfdfie Mmmg Control and RQcIamailon \4 Act of 1977 z _ ,7 _ 7 ,. , a“ A “#3 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Manuel Lu jan, Jr., Secretary OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING RECLAMATION AND ENFORCEMENT Harry M. Snyder, Director C0 VER PHOTO: Reclamation of this ZOO-acre steep-slope contour mine in Eastern Kentucky exemplifies the intent of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. With proper planning and effective site management, both economical mining and successful reclamation can be achieved. EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY SURFACE COAL MINING RECLAMATION: 15 YEARS OF PROGRESS, 1977-1992 A report on the protection and restoration of the Nation's land and water resources under Titles IV and V of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 Part 1 United States Department of the Interior Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Washington, DC. August 3, 1992 For sale by the US. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 1 SEN 0—16-037977-6 FOREWORD ' In 1977, Congress passed the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (Public Law 95-87) and the Interior Department began the task of regulating surface coal mining and reclamation operations and reclaiming abandoned coal mines on a national scale. Today, 15 years after Congress passed the surface mining law, land reclamation and environmental protection have become a successful and routine part of the coal mining process. In its final form, after years of con gressional debate, the Act was thought by many to be unworkable. Further, some feared that the Act would be an economic disaster for the coal industry because of the increased operational costs of environmental safeguards and of reclaiming surface mined lands. Those fears were mistaken. Instead, the coal industry has met the challenge, using ingenuity and state-of-the-art technology to operate successfully and responsibly within the law. The result is clear, and it is a real American success story: surface coal mining has truly become just a temporary use of the land. Even before surface coal mining ends in an area, reclamation is begirming, so that the land is either returned to its original appearance and use or is improved for new uses that benefit both landowners and communities. Successful implementation 0 f the surface mining law by State and federal agencies hasn’t come easily. The technical problems of reclaimin g surface mined land are complex, and the law enacted to protect the environment during mining covers every aspect of mine operations. Not every operator has complied. During the past 15 years, and especially during the early part of that period, the problems created by a small number of irresponsible mining operators have generated disproportionate publicity, while there has been comparatively little recognition for the majority of operators, who are achieving excellent reclamation and are complying with the law. Although violations still occur, there tend to be fewer each year as compliance becomes more widespread. In reviewing the results of reclamation on hundreds of mine sites, it is clear that the surface mining law is working. Many photographs of reclaimed mine sites in this report show no indication that surface mining ever occurred. The pictures show landscapes typical of rural areas throughout the country-~the clearest evidence that the basic intent of the law has been achieved without compromising coal production. In fact, since 1977, the annual production of coal in the US. has increased approximately 50 percent. In the l 5 years since enactment of the surface mining law, more than 34,000 permits formining and reclamation operations have been issued throughout the United States. These permits have regulated mining operations onmore than 4 million acres, an area larger than the combined states of Connecticut and Rhode Island , and have resulted in extraction of approximately 12.5 billion tons of coal. If it were all gathered together in one place, 12.5 billion tons ofcoal would result in a pile ofcoal 1.2 miles high covering more than 8 square miles at its base. The amount of earth and rock material removed and replaced during mining and reclamation is estimated to be approximately the size of Oregon’s Mount Hood. The reclamation of lands adversely affected by coal mining activities prior to August 3, 1977, is another notable accomplishment realized through the Act. Nearly 10,000 problem sites containing abandoned mine problems have been identified anddescribed in the Office of Surface Mining National Inventory of Abandoned Mine Land Problems. Currently almost 4,000 of these sites have been partially or fully reclaimed. The examples contained in this report represent only a small sample of the advances in stande mining practices and the extent of successful reclamation that have taken place during the past 15 years. Overall, the reclamation of surface-mined land is an achievement that should make Americans proud. The pictures of mining and reclamation shown here should help reassure the residents of the coal-producing states that they can enjoy the economic benefits of mining without sacrificing long—terrn environmental quality and land productivity. ii CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................... .r ........... 1 The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act V_ / The Regulatory Program: Title V ............................................................................. '. ................. 2 Performance Standards Permits Performance Bonds Inspection and Enforcement Lands Unsuitable for Mining’ The Abandoned Mine Land Program: Title IV ........................................................................... 3 Emergency Projects High-Priority Projects Subsidence Insurance Program Program Implementation ......................................................................................................................... 4 Interim and Permanent Regulatory Programs ............................................................................. 4 State Regulatory Programs ......................................................................................................... 4 Federal Regulatory Programs ..................................................................................................... 4 Federal Lands Programs ............................................................................................................. 4 State and Indian Land Reclamation Programs ............................................................................ 5 Federal Reclamation Program .................................................................................................... 5 Mining and Reclamation Today ............................................................................................................... 6 Area Mining Contour Mining Mountaintop Removal Mining Improved Environmental Protection: A national milestone achieved Regulatory Program: Title V Erosion and sedimentation control ............................................................................. 10 Surface and ground water protection .......................................................................... 12 Acid and toxic drainage prevention and treatment ...................................................... 14 Topsoil ....................................................................................................................... 16 Excess spoil disposal .................................................................................................. l8 Highwall elimination and return to approximate original contour ............................... 20 Post—mining land use .................................................................................................. 22 Revegetation .............................................................................................................. 24 Blasting and explosives .............................................................................................. 26 Wildlife restoration and enhancement ........................................................................ 28 Mine waste disposal ................................................................................................... 30 Protecting historic and cultural resources ................................................................... 31 Roads ......................................................................................................................... 32 Remining ................................................................................................................... 33 Abandoned Mine Land Program: Title IV Mine openings ............................................................................................................ 34 Mine fires ................................................................................................................... 36 Subsidence ................................................................................................................. 38 Highwalls ................................................................................................................... 40 Mine drainage and water problems ............................................................................. 42 Landslides .................................................................................................................. 44 Coal refuse, waste piles and impoundments ............................................................... 46 Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 48 Chronology of SMCRA Implementation ................................................................................................ 50 References, endnotes, and credits .......................................................................................................... 52 An Illinois mining company assumed reclamation and water treatment responsi bility for past min ing problems when it purchased this 8, 000- acre mine in l 96 7. The mine was often referred to as the nation ’s worst example of pre-SM CRA acid soil and water problems associated with surface coal mining. To meet EPA discharge standards, a plant was constructed to treat 3. 5 million gallons of acid mine drainage each day. However, without reclamation to eliminate the sources of acid runoff costly treatment would be a continuing problem. In the early 1980 ’s, reclamation of this abandoned mine began as the nation 's largest mined-land wetland reclamation eflort. Today, the result is often described as the nation 's best example of wetland and wildlife development on surfllce-mined land. iv INTRODUCTION Surface mining of coal involves removing soil and rock that overlay coal beds in order to expose the coal. Compared to underground coal mining, surface mining generally costs less, is safer for miners, and usually results in more complete recovery of the coal. However, it also results in much more extensive, though temporary, disturbance of the land surface, which can cause serious environmental problems unless the mined land is carefully reclaimed. The earliest commercial U.S. coal production was in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania. Beginning in 1807, mining became impor- tant enough for the federal government to begin keeping statistics on annual production. During those early years of coal mining, recla- mation of mine sites and support facilities was not required by law; however, in the 1930’s, as surface mining became more widespread, the idea of mandatory environmental protection and reclamation started to grow. In 1939 West Virginia enacted the first law to regulate the coal mining industry. Similar laws were enacted by Indiana in 1941, Illinois in 1943, and Pennsylvania in 1945. During that period, coal production accelerated greatly and the surface mining of coal became much more prevalent. During World War II, the demand for coal took priority over environmental concerns, with little consideration for reclaiming the land after mining. Mining pits were not backfilled. Dangerous highwalls were left exposed. Trees and other vegetation were buried by waste material that was simply dumped down the slopes below mines. Topsoil was buried or allowed to wash away. Landslides formed on unstable hillsides. Slopes eroded rapidly because ofthe lack of vegetation. Polluted water collected in mine pits. Streams became clogged with sedi- ment. Streams and rivers were frequently polluted by acid mine drainage. This vivid image of surface coal mining remains indelible in the minds of most Americans, who remain unfamiliarwith modern surface coal mining methods and the changes brought about by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. After 1945, more coal-producing states instituted regulatory pro- grams. Many required permits for mining. Some included inspec- tions. A few made operators post performance bonds to guarantee reclamation when mining was completed. However, due to the variations in those individual programs, it cost less to produce coal in states with less stringent reclamation requirements, giving opera- tors in those states an economic advantage, generally at the expense of environmental quality. With the 1970’s came a surge in the demand for coal resulting from the nation’s need for increasing electric power generation and the uncertain supply and increased cost of imported petroleum-based fuels. The resulting increased coal production prompted a series of state laws, primarily in the West, aimed at controlling the environ- mental effects of surface mining. During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana passed laws to regulate mining and reclamation. The continuing lack of uniformity among the state surface mining programs and the increase in unreclaimed land and associated pollution of water and other resources caused a growing demand for nationwide regulation of surface coal mining, both to remove the economic inequities and to assure an acceptable standard of reclama- tion. After many years of debate, Congress passed the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA), which was signed into law August 3, 1977. The Act established a coordinated effort between the states and the federal government to prevent the abuses that had characterized surface coal mining in the past. The law also applied to surface disturbances created by underground coal mining. Two major programs were created by SMCRA: I An environmental protection program to establish standards and procedures for approving permits and inspecting active surface and underground coal mining and reclamation operations; and I A reclamation program for abandoned mine lands, funded by fees that operators pay on each ton of coal mined, to reclaim land and water resources adversely affected by pre—1977 coal mining. In 1990 Congress expanded the law to include reclamation of mines abandoned during the early years of the program. The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (known as the O ffice o f Surface Mining or OSM), was created by the SMCRA as a new federal agency within the Department of the Interior. The Office of Surface Mining was charged with the responsibility for preparing the regulations for both programs and for assisting the States financially and technically. In addition, the Office of Surface Mining strives to maintain consistency among State programs and ensure compliance with the law and regulations through regular oversight of State programs. This report, which updates and supersedes the Office of Surface Mining’s 10-year progress report‘, deals with the accomplishments of the regulatory and abandoned mine land reclamation programs during the first 15 years of the law. Part 1 is a description of on-the- ground accomplishments and Part 2 is statistical information for the 15-year period. Questions about these accomplishments or informa- tion on the availability of the reports can be obtained from the: Public Affairs Office Office of Surface Mining 1951 Constitution Ave., NW. Washington, DC. 20240 (202) 208-2719 Important terms which describe mining and reclamation conditions or techniques appear in boldface type in the text the first time they are used and are explained in the glossary. In 1991 United States coal production was over one billion tons. More than 75 percent was used by electric utilities to generate power. At this Missouri power plant in 1991, 2.5 million tons of coal were used to generate over 5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity. This is enough electricity to supply about a million cansumersfor one year. THE SURFACE MINING CONTROL AND RECLAMATION ACT Mining occurred within 20 feet of this wooded area around the la nd- owner ’s residence. Here the upper coal seam has been exposed and is being removed. Following reclamation, the land was Immediately put back into agricultural production. Today, grain and corn crop yields have continually exceeded targets. 2 The Regulatory Program SMCRA contains five principal regulatory provisions that form the basis for its implementation: Performance Standards Performance standards are intended to ensure that all surface mining is conducted in a way that protects the environment and the public and ensures that the mined land is restored to productive use following mining. Permits Before developing a surface or underground coal mine, an operator must have a permit issued under SMCRA. An application for a permit to conduct a surface coal mining operation is a detailed document that consists of text and numeric data describing the propo sed mining and reclamation. Information must be furnished on pre-mining environmental conditions, existing land use, proposed mining and reclamation, how the performance standards will be met, and the post-mining land use. This provides the regulatory author- ity with the information necessary to determine that the operation can be conducted in accordance with the regulations. Performance Bonds Before a permit can be granted, an operator must post a performance bond sufficient to cover the cost of reclaiming the site in the event the operator fails to complete reclamation. The bond is not fully released until all performance standards have been met and reclamation of the site has been determined to be successful -- after five years in the East and Midwest, and after 10 years in the arid West. However, the bond can be partially released as various phases of reclamation are completed. Inspection and Enforcement If a violation of SMCRA or of a state surface mining and reclamation law is observed, an inspector issues a notice of violation to the operator. The violation must be corrected within a specific time, and the operator may also have to pay a fine based on the severity of the violation. If the violation isnot corrected, a cessation order is issued to immediately stop active coal mining, and the operator must pay a fine. If a violation is especially serious (for example, creates an imminent danger to public health or safety or causes significant damage to land, air, or water resources) the inspector immediately issues a cessation order. An operator must correct all violations in order to obtain permits for new mines. Lands Unsuitable For Mining Congress recognized that certain coal deposits cannot be mined without permanent damage to unique cultural or natural resources. As a result, SMCRA protects these resources in two ways: I It prohibits miningwithinthe boundaries of national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, trails, wild and scenic rivers, wilderness and recreation areas; in areas which will adversely affect sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places; and within a restricted distance of occupied dwellings, public roads, buildings, parks, schools, churches, and cemeteries; and I Provides a process that allows anyone whose interests may be adversely affected by proposed mining to petition to have specific lands designated unsuitable for mining. TheAbandoned Mine Land Program The Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program provides for the resto- ration of eligible lands mined and abandoned or left inadequately restored. Fees of 35 cents perton of surface mined coal, 15 cents per ton of coal mined underground, and 10 cents per ton of lignite mined are collected on all active coal mining operations. The fees are deposited in the interest-bearing Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund, which is used to pay reclamation costs of AML projects. Expenditures from the fund are authorized through the regular congressional budgetary and appropriations process. SMCRA specifies that 50 percent of the reclamation fees collected in each state with an approved reclama- tion program, and within Indian lands where the tribe has an approved reclamation program, are to be allocated to that state or tribe foruse in its reclamation program. The remaining 5 0 percent is used by OSM to fund emergency projects and high-priority projects in states without approved AML programs; to fund the Rural Abandoned Mine Program2 (RAMP), administered by the US. Department of Agriculture; to fund the Small Operator Assistance Program3 (SOAP); and to fund reclamation of abandoned mine problems directly through state reclamation programs. In some states, particularly in the West, problems stemming from abandoned non-coal mines are more severe than those caused by coal mines. OSM may approve the expenditure of AML funds to abate hazards on those lands where the states certify that threats to public health and safety exist from non-coal sources and that all abandoned coal sites have been addressed. Emergency Projects Emergency projects are those involving abandoned coal mine lands that present an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or general welfare. Typically, emergencies include landslides near homes and across roads, subsidence occurring under houses and public buildings, mine and coal waste fires, and open shafts discov- ered near populated areas. Because public health, safety, and property can be seriously threatened by abandoned mine emergen- cies, the capability for rapid response is critical. Reported emergen- cies are usually investigated within 24 hours and abated within 35 days. Emergencies are addressed through the Office of Surface Mining’s two support centers (in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Denver, Colorado) and by states which have established their own emergency reclamation programs. High-Priority Projects The Act sets out six priorities of eligibility for reclamation funding. The highest-priority projects protect public health, safety, general welfare, and property from the potential danger (as opposed to imminent danger, which categorizes them as emergency projects) and adverse effects of abandoned coal mining problems. The Act requires that these priorities be reflected when reclamation is under- taken. Subsidence Insurance Program The Act authorizes states and tribes with an approved reclamation program to use abandoned mine land funds to establish self-sustain- ing, individually administered programs to insure private property against damage caused by land subsidence resulting from abandoned underground coal mines. Such programs are in operation in Colo- rado, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, and Wyoming. wu-wwfl‘wm g-nvn w «r.- E '- This abandoned mine entrance, located in the borough of Moosic, Pennsylvania, was identified by a local citizen. The Oflice ofSurflzce Mining declared it an emergency project because it was located near a IOU—unit mobile home park and evidence indicated that children were playing near the mine opening. Following the grading and spreading of soil, the closure of this mine entrance was completed in less than two days at a cost of $2, 500. 3 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION A primary objective of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act is to establish uniform national regulatory standards to protect the environment during mining and for reclaiming land after it is disturbed by current and future surface coal mining. In recognition of the wide range of climatic and geologic conditions in coal- producing areas, Congress provided that individual states may establish their own programs for regulating surface andunderground coal mining and reclamation on private land. The standards for state programs must be at least as effective as the federal standards. Initial and Permanent Regulatory Programs Congress recognized the importance of establishing regulations to implement the Act as quickly as possible, while recognizing that the preparation of such complex regulations would be a lengthy process. Consequently, a two-phase schedule was established. An abbrevi- ated initial program was put in place immediately, followed by a more extensive and detailed permanent regulatory program. The initial program regulations were published in December 1977, and mine permits issued by states after February 1978 were required to conform with those regulations. Regulatory provisions contained in the initial program included 12 basic performance standards, con- tinuation of existing state permitting, bonding, and enforcement processes (although if those features did not already exist, they did not have to be added), a federal inspection frequency of once every six months, joint state and federal inspection and enforcement in states that had existing programs, and the prohibition of mining in the specific areas listed in the Act. Permanent program regulations were published in March 1979, following extensive review and comment from the public, including the coal industry and organized environmental groups. The regula- tory provisions in the permanent program expanded those in the interim program by including the implementation of all performance standards contained in SMCRA, anew permitting process, arequire- ment for performance bonds, an increased inspection frequency (one per month), a new enforcement process, and a process for designat- ing lands unsuitable for surface mining. The regulations for the permanent program have been revised several times since 1979; more revisions can be made as new mining and reclamation tech- niques are developed. Such changes were anticipated by Congress; in fact, aprovision in SMCRA for experimental practices encourages advances in mining and reclamation techniques. I States with Regulatory Authority I States wlth Regulatory Authovlty and Cooperative agreements D Federal Programs - Coal Reserves STATE PROGRAM STATUS: 1992 State Regulatory Programs States have the principal role in implementing the Act. For a state to have authority to regulate coal mining operations within its borders (primacy), it must enact a program that demonstrates its capability to carry out the provision of the Act. Specifically, states are required to: I Establish laws that are no less stringent than those standards contained in the Act and which regulate all critical aspects of surface coal mining and reclamation operations; I Provide penalties for violations of the laws, regulations, or permit conditions; I Create an agency with sufficient administrative and technical personnel and adequate funding to operate the program; and I Establish a process for the effective implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of a permit system for all coal mining operations. Once a state’s program is approved by the Secretary of the Interior, the state has primacy—-that is, the state becomes the regulatory authority for surface and underground mining of coal on private (non-federal and non-Indian) lands within its borders. From Febru- ary 1980 to March 1983, 25 states passed legislation and developed regulations consistent with the federal requirement and thus attained primacy. The expenses primacy states incur in operating their approved regulatory programs are shared by OSM on a 50-50 basis. Federal Regulatory Programs The Act encourages state authority over mining and reclamation. However, if a state chooses not to develop its own program, the Office of Surface Mining is required to regulate all surface and underground coal mining and reclamation operations within that state. The Office of Surface Mining is also required to regulate all such operations if the state does not implement, enforce, or maintain its program adequately. Nine states with coal reserves initially elected not to establish their own regulatory programs. Of these, only Washington and California have active surface coal mining. Tennessee repealed its regulatory program in 1984. Therefore, 10 states have federal programs in effect. 0 The Office of Surface Mining also regulates surface coal mining on Indian lands and will continue to do so in the absence of additional legislation authorizing Indian tribes to apply for primacy. Federal Lands Programs SMCRA requires the Secretary of the Interior to implement a program for all surface and underground coal mining and reclama- tion on federally owned land--a feature that is signi ficant because the federal government owns vast coal reserves. In the West, 60 percent of the 234 billion tons of identified coal reserves is federally owned. However, any state with an approved regulatory program may enter into a cooperative agreement with the Secretary of the Interior to regulate surface coal mining and reclamation on federal lands within the state. Currently twelve states have signed co operative agree- ments to regulate mining andreclamation operations on federal land. MINE LOCATIONS I977 MINE LOCATIONS I99I State & Indian Land Reclamation Programs As soon as states establish approved regulatory programs, they are eligible to submit Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) reclamation programs to the Secretary for approval. Beginning with Texas in 1980, OSM has approved state reclamation programs so that cur- rently all primacy states except Mississippi have approved AML reclamation programs. In addition, during 1988 and 1989 the Navajo, Hopi, and Crow Tribes received approval for their AML programs. Once states gain approval of their reclamation programs, funds are distributed through grants to correct abandoned mine problems through reclamation. By the end of 1991, more than $2.9 billion dollars had been collected for the Abandoned Mine Reclama- tion Fund, with more than $1.6 billion provided to the states for completion of high-priority reclamation projects. By the beginning of 1992, emergency programs for the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Montana, Virginia, and West Virginia also had been approved. In addition to reclaiming high- priority problems, these states also assume responsibility for emer- gency projects within their boundaries. Federal Reclamation Program Until states had approved AML reclamation programs, the Office of Surface Mining completed both hi gh-priority and emergency recla- mation projects. Work now done under the Federal Reclamation Program is principally high-priority reclamation projects in non- primacy states and tribes, and emergency problems in states and tribes that do not operate their own emergency programs. MillionsnITom . m u u m a) ‘4 en to 0 Thousands of Acrfl! Thousands of Minn U.S COAL PRODUCTION 1977-19915 in 4 u N SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND MINES 1977-1991I § § In 8 m 8 5‘3 ACREAGE PERMITTED 1977-19917 MINING AND RECLAMATION TODAY Mining and reclamation procedures that meet the requirements of SMCRA are illustrated on pages 8 and 9 for each of the three major surface coal mining methods -- area mining, contour mining, and mountaintop removal mining. The three methods involve the same basic steps: clearing the land of trees and other vegetation, removing topsoil and overburden, mining the coal, and reclaiming the land. Although all three methods would not usually occur on any single site, the illustration facilitates comparison of mining and reclama- tion methods and aids basic understanding of the reclamation pro- cesses that take place under SMCRA. Area Mining The area mining method is commonly used to mine coal in the flat to moderately rolling terrain found principally in the western and midwestem states. After the overburden is excavated down to a coal seam, the mining area is enlarged horizontally to expose more coal for removal. In the West, where coal seams are commonly 10 to 20 feet thick (and range up to 100 feet thick in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming), the life of some mines may be more than 50 years. In the Midwest, coal seams are typically 3 to 7 feet thick and 75 to 100 feet below the surface. Because of the large expanse of area mines and their relatively unrestricted sites, enormous equipment isused to remove overburden and reconstruct the land. The area mining operation in the illustration is on land that was formerly used for farming. The drawing shows that the agricultural use is being reestablished immediately following reclamation. Min- ing is proceeding across the land toward the left side of the site. The initial excavation was made far enough away from the stream along the right edge of the site to prevent damage to the water supply. The coal under most of the site has been removed, and reclamation has been completed on some of the land. For example, some of the cattle in the foreground and those in the feedlot behind the silo are grazing on reclaimed land that has been mined. At the far left of the illustration, topsoil from the unmined area is being removed by scrapers, transported across the area of active mining, and immediately spread on the land on the right, which is being reclaimed. (Reclamation of mined land as soon as practical, asrequired by the Act, is called contemporaneous reclamation.) A large stockpile of topsoil in the center background of the operation, which was removed from the initial mining cut, has a vegetative cover to prevent erosion and will be spread over the last mined area to be reclaimed. After it is blasted loose, overburden is removed by dragline and dumped into an adjoining previously mined area, all in one motion. In some mining operations, overburden is removed with power shovels, bulldozers, or scrapers instead of draglines. With overburden removed, the exposed coal seam is visible. Coal is removed with power shovels and loaded into large trucks, which carry the coal to the preparation plant (behind the dragline). After the coal is processed, it is loaded into railroad cars, possibly for transportation to an electric generating plant (more than 55 percent of the electricity used in the US. comes from coal-fueled genera- tion), or to a port loading facility for export. Ridges formed by the dragline as it dumps overburden are regraded with bulldozers. Topsoil is spread to provide a finished surface that appears similar to the pre—mining surface. The land is then tilled using traditional farming methods and, as shown, crop and pasture land are reestablished. After reclamation is complete, the productiv- ity of the land will be restored. Sometimes the land is even more productive after it is reclaimed than it was before it was mined. Contour Mining The contour mining method is typically used in the mountainous terrain of the eastern US, where coal seams are exposed in outcrops on hillsides and mountainsides. First, a cut is made in the hillside above a coal seam and the coal is further exposed as the overburden is removed. Then the mine is enlarged by successive cuts that follow the coal seam around the side of the hill. Mining extends into the hill to the point where the overburden is too thick to make further exposure of the coal cost-effective. Auger mining often is used at this stage of coal recovery. The contour mining operation in the illustration is removing mul- tiple seams of coal. Reclamation has been completed in the foreground. Active mining is proceeding around the hill in the middle foreground. A sedimentation pond for this operation was constructed adjacent to a natural drainage swale just below the mining area. As reclamation progresses, such ponds become unnec- essary and are usually removed as the entire site is reclaimed and planted. After the area has been cleared and blasted, the spoil in the active mining area is loaded into trucks and taken to the previously mined area, where it is spread. As coal is uncovered, it is loaded andtrucked to a coal preparation plant. Smaller pieces of equipment, such as front-end loaders, are generally used in contour mining because of the restricted working area. As can be seen in the right foreground of the cross section, a temporary highwall remains at each level of mining after the overburden and coal have been removed, because the mining opera- tion has cut into the hill. One of the principal reclamation require- ments for contour mining is that highwalls must be covered after mining is completed. Spoil is trucked from a working cut, dumped on the mined-out area, spread with bulldozers until it covers the highwall, and compacted as necessary to ensure the stability of the reclaimed hillside. The cross section shows that a ridge of undisturbed natural material 15 to 20 feet wide is intentionally lefi at the outer edge ofthe mined area. This barrier helps stabilize the reclaimed slope by preventing the spoil from slumping or sliding downhill into the stream. Following backfilling and grading of the spoil with bulldozers, the topsoil is spread and aseedbed is prepared. In steep slope conditions, such as in the middle foreground of the illustration, a slope disk may be used to prepare the topsoil for seeding to avoid the need for driving equipment on the steep slope. Hydroseeding may be used to aid in establishing vegetation and preventing soil erosion on steep terrain. Truck-mounted equipment makes it possible to seed the steeply sloping ground from the base or top of the reclaimed slope without disturbing the graded topsoil. In the completed reclamation area shown in the center foreground of the illustration, tree seedlings and shrubs were hand-planted to enhance the wildlife habitat, stabilize the soil, and provide a long- terrn economic return from the reclaimed land. Augermim'ng is oflen used in combination with contourmining. Here large auger bits drill into the exposed coal seam at the base of the highwall. This mining technique extracts less than half of the coal seam, making it one of the more wasteful methods of mining coal resources. Mountaintop Removal Mining The mountaintop removal method is used predominantly in the East to remove coal underlying the tops of mountains. Instead of mining along the contour around the perimeter of a mountain, the top of the mountain is area mined and either returned to its approximate original contour or removed entirely. Either procedure results in almost loo-percent removal of the coal seam. Removing the top of the mountain results in a unique opportunity to create relatively flat terrain that is suitable for residential, agricultural, and other devel- opment in areas where much of the natural terrain is too steep for any developed economic use. The flat or very gently rolling area on the right side of the illustration shows land reclaimed afleramountaintop removal operation was completed. Many new land uses can be established on reclaimed mountaintop removal mining sites. The illustration shows a mined area reclaimed for agricultural use in the foreground and as the site of a new village in the background. In the far background to the left of this reclaimed operation, another mountaintop removal operation is underway on an adjacent hilltop. To provide a flat surface for the operation of equipment, a first cut is made parallel to the top of the ridge after the vegetation and topsoil have been removed. Overburden is loosened by blasting, removed in a series of parallel cuts, and loaded into trucks in a procedure similar to contour mining. Once the coal seam is uncovered, the coal is removed and trucked to a preparation plant. If the entire top of the mountain is to be removed, the spoil created by mining is disposed of on an adjacent area. Because mountaintop removal operations are isolated from other mining areas where excess spoil can be disposed of, spoil is usually placed in a valley or head-of-hollow fill in a fashion similar to the other types of operations. In the illustration, such a fill is located in the valley immediately to the left of the active operation. Here, the spoil was placed at the head of the narrow, steep-sided valley or hollow. In preparation for filling this area, the vegetation and soil have been removed and a rock drain was constructed down the middle of the valley, where a natural drainage course existed previously. When the fill is completed, this underdrain will form a continuous water runoff system from the upper end of the valley to the lower end of the fill. Typical head-of- hollow fills are graded and terraced to create permanently stable slopes. Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING I951 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, N.W.. WASHINGTON, DC 20240 IMPROVED ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: A NATIONAL MILESTONE ACHIEVED REG ULA TORY PROGRAM Erosion and Sedimentation Control Because surface mining removes the original plant cover from the land and exposes the soil, special care is needed. Until the minedland is stabilized by revegetation, snowmelt and rainfall can pick up sediment and erode mined lands much faster than undisturbed areas. Sediment control is an important aspect of protecting the environ- ment during mining and reclamation because without it, large amounts of sediment can clog streams, increase the risk of flooding, damage irrigation systems, harm aquatic habitat, and limit the use of water for other purposes. Stream quality can be affected many miles downstream from the mine. Before SMCRA was implemented many streams were degraded by uncontrolled sediment from mining. Sediment is controlled through careful planning and a design that incorporates a variety of measures that work together to reduce soil erosion at the mine. Disturbed areas are graded, and some areas terraced, to achieve stable slopes, reduce runoff water velocity, increase infiltration, and divert runoff into drainage channels so that it flows away from unvegetated, erodible areas. Grading along the slope contour and scarifying unvegetated slopeswith bulldozer track marks help prevent erosion by slowing down the flow of water. Runoff from haul roads is controlled by culverts and roadside ditches. Sedimentation ponds or other forms of sediment control are required at all mines to minimize the amount of sediment leaving the site. —7— Pre-SMCRA mining practices did not always include proper grading and drainage practices to ensure adequate erosion and sedimenta- tion control. The results were large, dangerous gullies and the loss of va luable topsoil (above). Downstream impacts were also severe, in the form of choked, sediment-laden streams that flooded fre- quently and suflered a loss of diverse aquatic life. An OSM inspector checks the placement of riprap that was carefully placed in diversion channels at this Eastern Kentucky mine (top right). The operator has found that such careful rock placement, while more costly than construction by dumping, actually saves money over the long term by decreasing maintenance costs. Erosion of these channels has been negligible. To minimize the off-site sedimentation impacts of the mining process, sedimentation ponds are constructed to still sediment-laden water. Solids settle out before the clear water is allowed to flow from the mine site. Diversion channels are designed to direct the flow into these carefully engineered structures (flzr right). Riprap lining the diversion channels forestalls erosion of the channel slopes. In the arid mining areas of the West, rainfalls are brief but intense, spawning flash floods that fill the arroyos. To monitor sediment entrained in flood waters, operators install sediment sampling traps mounted high enough to sample thesuspended sediment load carried by these floods (bottom right). This two—stage sampler in New Mexico is high and dry until a significant storm occurs upstream. Erosion and sediment control at this Indiana mine (bottom left) is facilitated through the construction of a series of rock check dams that slow runofl and settle out fine sediment, thus robbing the water of much of its erosive effect. Fine sediment deposited from this practice is evident in the foreground. In the distance a series of check dams extends downstream. Alternative sediment control structures, such as this filter fabric baffle in a Maryland operator 's sedimentation pond (above left), provide additional sedimentation control in an area of relatively high rainfall. The darker, sediment-laden water to the right (up- stream) contrasts markedly with the clearer water at the outlet (downstream) end of the pond. These measures may be used temporarily early in the mining process when sediment loads tend to be greatest, or they may be used throughout the mining and reclama- tion process. Surface and Ground Water Protection Water is a valuable natural resource, particularly precious in arid and semi-arid regions. A reliable, high-quality water supply isvital for virtually every kind of domestic, agricultural, and industrial activity. Since the passage of SMCRA, surface coal mining is conducted so that the hydrologic balance of the mine and adjacent areas is maintained, and the approved post-mining land use for the reclaimed mine site is supported by an adequate water supply. Today, surface and ground water protection begins with planning for the proper handling and disposal of materials that could cause acid or toxic contamination. Mining and reclamation practices are designed and carried out to minimize water pollution and changes in flow. Surface water quality and quantity are monitored to assure that impacts on the hydrologic balance are minimal. When necessary, impacts on watercourses are avoided by temporary stream diversion. An existing stream may be routed around the area to be mined after a detailed design study is performed to ensure that the new stream course will be stable, will provide protection against flooding, and will prevent additional turbidity or sedimentation in streams outside the mining area. Prior to SM CRA, coal mining frequently caused surface waters to be polluted with sediment and acid drainage (right). On occasion, mining operations cross a stream. SMCRA requires careful planning to prevent loss or degradation of downstream water supplies. At this Texas mine, a small stream was rerouted during the mining operation (below). This kept the stream flow away from the active mining operation and ensured continuous off-siteflows. To monitor the flow of surface water on a mine site, a weir was constructed to facilitate measurements (below). The flow of this small stream is easily determined by simply measuring the height of the water in the “vee” notch. As part of the inspection of m in in g and reclamation operations un- der SM CRA, fiederal and state in- spectors take samples of water discharged from sedimentation ponds (top right). Point source effluent limitations established by EPA must be met. Here, an OSM inspector is taking water samples during an early spring rainstorm when excessive siltation would occur if the operator had not de- signed and constructed an ad- equate drainage system. In some areas, monitoring wells are required to measure the im- pacts of mining and reclamation on the groundwater. This well drilled into reclaimed land at a Gillette, Wyoming, mine is used to monitor the level of the ground water following reclamation (right). Acid and Toxic Drainage Prevention and Treatment Toxic elements and sulfur-bearing compounds, especially pyrite, may be present in certain coal beds, overburden, and soils. These materials can pollute water and kill vegetation if not handled and disposed ofproperly. The sulfur inpyrite can oxidize to form sulfuric acid when exposed to air and moisture, and, if present in sufficient quantity, will result in acid mine drainage. Acid mine drainage kills fish and vegetation and can create high concentrations of toxic elements that make surface and ground water generally unusable for livestock, domestic purposes, or irrigation. Selective handling and placement of potentially acid-forming mate- rials limit contact with air and water, thereby preventing formation of acid drainage or extremely acid mine soils. The mine operator analyzes overburden and soil samples ahead of time to identify potentially acid- and toxic-formin g materials. The analysis is included in the permit application, along with a plan for handling and disposing of the toxic-forming material. If the analysis and mining plan do not demonstrate that acid or toxic drainage can be prevented, the regulatory authority may deny the permit. * The regulations require exposed coal beds and acid- and toxic- forming materials to be covered with nontoxic materials or treated to eliminate their impact on water quality and revegetation. Under- ground mine entries, auger holes, boreholes, wells, and other ex- posed underground openings must be cased, sealed, or otherwise controlled to prevent acid generation and drainage. Water treatment is necessary when water flowing from the mine does not meet the Environmental Protection A gency‘ standards for levels of acidity, iron, or manganese. Prior to SMCRA, acid seeps from abandoned underground workings and surface mines would often flow untreated into nearby streams (center right). In many areas of Appalachia, miles of "dead ”streams with little or no aquatic life are the legacy of such unmitigated flows. During surface excavation, aflow of acid water was encountered in a Pennsylvania highwall. Since SMCRA, such acid drainage is treated and neutralized before being released from the mine permit area. The computer has become an important tool in surfizce mining and reclamation problem-solving, both for industry and for government regulators. Through its Technical Information Processing System (TIPS), OSM uses three-dimensional graphic analysis to pinpoint levels of toxic— or acid-producing materials in overburden (below). This graphic reveals relationships between topography, depth, and selenium concentrations in a presentation that is meaningful to both laymen and technicians. Top of Coal . a“ ' Before SMCRA, the sludge of iron sulfides and hydroxides known as "yellowboy " was a com- mon sight in degraded streams (left). T hechemi- cal reactions associated with acid mine drainage deplete oxygen in the water, making the envi- ronment unsuitable for aquatic life. This Wyoming mine segregates toxic selenium spoil using a sophis- ticated analysis of the selenium concentrations in the overburden. After this toxic material is excavated, it is trucked to a disposal area in an area mine pit where it is dumped at a depth where revegtation will not be aflbcted (above). In West Virginia, an operator excavates an acid-producing rock material from the active pit and hauls it to a point high in the highwall backfill (right). This ”high-and—dry" approach seeks to minimize acid drainage production by keeping the material out of the water- accumulating part of the back/ill near the pit floor. Without water, acid drainage is prevented. Topsoil On reclaimed surface mines, topsoil is essential for reestablishing native vegetation and crop, forage, and timber production. Subsoil and weathered rock overburden beneath the topsoil supply additional nutrients and moisture for plant growth. The removal and replace- ment of all topsoil is required by SMCRA unless it is demonstrated that selected subsoil or spoil is better suited for growing plants. Topsoil is removed as a separate layer before mining and is either spread on nearby regraded areas or, if necessary, temporarily stock- piled. Topsoil is spread to the appropriate depths for the approved post-mining land use. Prime farmland topsoil and sub-soil may be handled with special care by using spreading techniques that mini- mize compaction that would hinder root penetration and water absorption by new seedlings. The success of topsoil handling is measured by the land ’s crop productivity after reclamation. Although mining at this Amish farm in southern Indiana went right up to the barnyard, agricultural production was interrupted for only one growing season (top right). After the topsoil has been removed by scrapers, the sub-soil is removed using hydraulic shovels and haul trucks at an Indiana mine (bottom right). The sub-soil is immediately hauled back to the reclamation area, dumped, and graded. This equipment, combined with direct haul-back methods, reduces compaction, a serious prob- lem in valuable prime fiIrmland soil. Prior to 1977 it was com- mon practice to remove the topsoil and the overburden in one operation, resulting in exposed overburden. The loss of valuable topsoil made vegetation difficult to reestablish (lefl). When stored under proper conditions, topsoil retains much of its value. This Illinois prime farmland topsoil being inspected by an OSM reclamation specialist has been carefully separated and marked for reclamation use when mining is completed (bottom center). Today, topsoil is removed by scrapers and placed in “windrow ” piles across regraded areas where subsoil has been replaced (bottom left). The windrows of topsoil are then leveled to the prescribed depth usingsmall bulldozers. The entire operation ofremoving, transport- ing, and spreading the topsoil is completed in a few hours. Rapid handling of the topsoil minimizes loss of important soil bacteria. Excess Spoil Disposal Mining operations, in removing overburden from above the coalbed, blast or break up the layered rock into angular, broken fragments. The volume taken up by the spoil is generally greater than that occupied by the rock before mining. In steep slope areas with hard sandstone or limestone overburden, the volume of spoil is much greater than is needed to return the site to its approximate original contour. Excess spoil must be disposed of in a safe and environmen- tally sound manner. Before 1977, excess spoil was often pushed or dumped from the mining bench onto undisturbed steep slopes below, resulting in hazardous and environmentally damaging slides. Excess spoil is now disposed of in valley fills in the upper reaches of valleys adjacent to the mined area. The fills are carefully engineered and constructed for stability. Terraces and diversion ditches on the fill surface control runoff to prevent erosion. Ground water that seeps into the fill is channeled through internal drains that follow the original drainage pattern. In addition, excess spoil is used to reclaim abandoned mines when they are included in the permit of an active mining operation. Althougth only feasible where mining is in very close proximity to an abandoned mine, this practice results in positive benefits by using the excess spoil that is usually costly to dispose of properly. Before SMCRA, this was a common scene in steep-sloped areas of Appalachia (above). Now excess spoil from initial mining cuts is permanently stored in engineered excess-spoil fills. This environ- mentally sound practice minimizes downslope and oflisite distur- bances and reduces the hazard to people living down the valley from such structures. Completed excess spoil fills are reclaimed using terraces along a contour to minimize infiltration of surface water into the fill mass (right). Terrace and off/ill drainage flows into riprapped diversion ditches that minimize erosion from the fill. Rock on the fill surface is covered with topsoil and revegetated. The presence of sufficient volumes of hard, durable rock on some mine sites can make end-dumping of this hard spoil into valleys adjacent to mining an economical way of placing excess spoil in fills (below). Gravity segregation ensures that large rocks reach the bottom of the fill to form a layer of freely draining rock similar to a French drain. F ine-grained, poorly draining rock and soil are trapped at the top of the slope where they are unlikely to affect the fill ‘s stability. Highwall Elimination and Return to Appro As overburden and coal are removed, a cliff—like hi ghwall is formed, with a flat working bench at its base. Highwalls can bemore than 100 feet high and can extend for thousands of feet. Exposed highwalls may be a safety hazard, and may leave coal beds and acid- and toxic- forming material open to weathering and consequent formation of acid drainage. Hi ghwalls also can be a barrier to movement across the area for people and wildlife. Some of the most widespread and visually dramatic problems before SMCRA were the highwalls left exposed when a mining operation was completed. Unreclaimed pre-SMCRA surface mines lefi a variety of conditions involving exposed highwalls and overburden that was simply pushed downhill or piled in unstable, unsightly ridges. Over the past 1 5 years, operators have improved overburden handling techniques that result in effective regrading. Even under steep slope conditions, reclamation has resulted in stable slopes that cover the highwall and provide a finished grade that approximates the pre-mining appearance of the land. SMCRA requires that operators cover all highwalls created by current mining. Generally this is accomplished by placing spoil against the highwall and grading it so that after the highwall is covered the contour of the land, approximates the pre-mining contours. The Act also requires that backfilling and grading, followed by topsoiling and revegetation, are to be coordinated with mining and completed as quickly as possible. mate Original Contour Before 1977, mile upon mile of bare highwalls scarred the Appala- chian skyline, as shown in this scene from Tennessee (above). In addition, spoil that was pushed downslope from the highwalls was a safety hazard and a threat to the environment. The coordination of post-SMCRA mining and reclamation, termed contemporaneous reclamation, ensures that reclamation is a ful- filled promise to the landowner. Mining pits are now baclqilled in a timely fashion, and vegetation is reestablished promptly to mini- mize the effects of erosion. This Powder RiverBasin scene (top right) encompasses the full range of this process, from area mining in the background to revegeta- tion in the foreground. Current reclamation practice i n— cludes bacldilling the bench or pit to eliminate the highwall. Soil and rockformerly "spoiled ” over the downslope is nowsaved for reclamation and revegeta- tion. The bulldozer at this Ohio contour mine (right) pushes earth materials back up against the highwall to return the land to its approximate original con- tour. This reclaimed contour-mined slope in Eastern Kentucky (left) is steep-Slope reclamation un- der SMCRA. Afler mining, the land is returned to its approxi- mate original contour and reveg- elated. Post-mining Land Use With proper reclamation, mined land can be retumed to its pre- mining use or to a valuable new use. The Act provides several ways that coal mining operators, working with landowners, can take full advantage of post—mining land use opportunities while meeting all regulatory requirements. A variance from the requirement for regrading to approximate original contours is available when the operator reclaims the site to a form and condition more suitable for an improved use that is better for the landowner or the local community. For example, steep pre-minin g conditions of unimproved forest can be reclaimed, under a variance, to provide flat land that can be developed into valuable real estate. ./e’ a “ When the permit for this mine site (left) near Hazard, Kentucky, was obtained in 1981, the land was heavily impacted by pre-1977 abandoned mine problems. Landslides were common, rain on exposed high-sulfur coal pits produced acid dra inage, and unsightly exposed highwalls were a safety hazard. The flat terrain that resulted from a mountaintop removal operation was prized in this mountainous area; in 1983 the reclaimed site was selected for the new Eastern Kentucky Regional Airport. A terminal building and a 3, 500-foot runway, constructed by the mining company, have made the airport an outstanding example of a unique and practical post- mining land use. Heavy plastic liners were spread over this graded mine site near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to create a pollution barrier for a large landfill (top left). Reclamation for this land use required careful grading to provide even slopes and a clean surface. Multiple barriers of plastic and soil prevent leakage and provide drainage to the bottom of the fill for collection and treatment. In the future, the entire valley of this former mine will be filled with refuse and covered with earth. Following reclamation at this southern Indiana coal mine, the land- owner is farming his land just as he hassince the 1930’s (bottom left). After reclamation to prime farmland standards, the land has main- tained its high crop production yields. In 1990 and 1991 the trees used for the National Christmas Pageant ofPeace tree-lighting ceremony on TheEllipse in Washington, D. C., were grown on a tree farm located on reclaimed mine land. Here (top center), Jack Cox, past president of the coal company that mined and reclaimed the land, andJohn F eisley, owner of the tree farm that was the source of trees for 1991, watch as the trees are dug for use at the pageant. Following the month-long pageant, the trees were trans- planted to permanent locations in parks throughout the Washington, D. C., area. Regrading the land’s surface is a major part of the surface mine reclamation process. And because golf course construction also requires extensive surface grading, golf courses are a logical post- mining land use. As a result, golf courses are found on many reclaimed mine sites throughout the country (top right). A cemetery adjacent to an active coal mining operation in Davis, West Virginia, needed room to expand. Extra blasting in this area reduced the size of the rocks in the baclgi ll so that this reclaimed m ine site could become a level, well-drained cemetery (center right). Because surface mines are usually located in remote locations, the potential for residential post-mining land uses is limited. However, at a mine in Colstrip, Montana, the company reclaimed land near the town 's center to facilitate home construction. Today, this reclaimed land contains a large number of the community ’s single-family houses (bottom right). Revegetation SMCRA requires the establishment of a healthy, permanent vegeta- tive cover on all land affected by coal mining, once mining is completed. Stabilizing the soil with permanent vegetation is one of the principal means of minimizing erosion and reducing stream siltation and is often critical to the post-mining land use. The plant species used are usually native to the area and capable of self- regeneration on the site. Introduced species are often used in the East for specific post-mining uses. The types of vegetation specified in the permit are based on the pro-mining vegetation and the post- mining land use. Straw or hay mulch or chemical soil stabilizers frequently are applied during or after seeding to prevent erosion and retain moisture. Operators are responsible for maintaining new vegetation until it is determined to be successful -- for a minimum of five years in the East and Midwest and a minimum often years in the semiarid West. Prior to SM CRA, topsoil could be discarded along with spoil, making it difl‘icult to establish a vegetative cover over the reclaimed area (right). Now, topsoil is carefully salvaged and replaced over a graded surface, as a medium for plant growth. Given a suitable layer of growth medium, plant species not in the reclamation seed mix will "volunteer" even in the arid West. Flowering groundcover provides usefitl erosion control at this mine in Colorado (bottom right). Successful tree growth has been achieved on many eastern U.S. mine sites. Zhis mixed tree stand on a reclaimed West Virginia mine site began as a tree planting alonga ridge (below). Additional trees have since “volunteered ” into the favorable growing conditions created by the reclamation and now cover the entire hillside. 24 A North Dakota Public Service Commission mine inspector examines a native silver buflalo berry shrub that has been transplanted in advance of mining from a thicket to a reclaimed area (right). This species has high value as a source of food and shelter for wildlife. This “recycling” of a valuable native shrub preserves a pre-existing mine site resource and quickly reesta b- Iishes the reclamation vegetation. Seed mixes for revegetation are carefully selected in the arid West to ensure that both warm- and cool- season species are represented (far right). This practice accelerates the slow process of establishing a viable stand of vegetation under harsh conditions. Native species, which are pre-adaptedfor local con- ditions, are included as an aid to successful revegeta- tion. Blasting and Explosives Mining requires the use of explosives to break up rock layers in the overburden and sometimes the coal itself. To prevent damage to nearby dwellings and other structures, blasting must be carefully planned and carried out by qualified blasters. Before SMCRA, blasting was sometimes performed by untrained personnel and occasionally damaged nearby dwellings. Now blasters must be state- certified. A pre-blastin g survey of dwellings within ahalf—mile of the mine is performed to identify any conditions that may require special procedures. Signs and audible warnings are provided before blast- ing, and access within the blasting area by unauthorized persons is restricted. Prior to SM CRA, blasting at surface coal mines was unregulated and a comon problem was overloaded blasts (above). This resulted in flyrock frequently causing damage to nearby structures and adjoin- ing properties. By using carefully controlled amounts of explosives and time-delay blasting, mining at this Indiana site successfully mined within 63 feet of a residence and within 20 feet of the barn (right). T o facil itate mining ofa coal seam in Gillette, Wyoming, blasting was used to loosen the coal after the overburden was removed (below). Approximately half a million tons of coal in a seam 80 feet thickwas loosened by this blast. Mining companies are required to monitor the ground vibration eflects of blasting on residences near active mines. Seismographs are used to measure the frequency of blast vibrations. Comparing this measurement with a regulatory base-line gives the allowable vibration level for the distance from the seismograph to the blast site (left)- Wildlife Restoration and Enhancement Wildlife does not usually come to mind when people think of the landscape that results from surface coal mining reclamation. How- ever, wildlife habitat is actually one of the more common post- mining landuses. Many mining operations use accepted reclamation techniques to reestablish or even improve wildlife habitats. Among the techniques used are: I Contouring the land to better suit desirable species of wildlife, including game species; I Introducing adapted and selected species of plants to support browsing and foraging; I Creating impoundments with safe, clean water that will attract and support a variety of aquatic and terrestrial animals; and I Stocking fish in impoundments to provide recreation opportunities for the public. Such achievements reflect SMCRA’s intent to minimize the adverse impacts of coal mining on fish and wildlife habitats and to enhance those environmental values where possible. The creation of ecological niches that ofi’er shelter and denning or nesting opportunities leads to a greater diversity of wildli e on a reclaimed site. This rockcairn in arid Wyoming is an example of this practice that provides rodent habitat (above). Species that prey on rodents are then likely to frequent the site. Reesta bl ishment of rangeland after reclamation has provided forage flJr wild grazin g animals, including these antelope on a North Dakota mine site (right). Wetland habitat has a particularly rich and diverse ecology. Cre- ation or reestablishment of wetlands on reclaimed mined land is a high priority in areas of the country where this post-mining use is suitable. Here Canada geese forage on a wetland that was a former mine site in Grant County, West Virginia (left). Water surrounding the nesting islands discourages predators. For bird species that require certain specific nesting structures, nesting boxes are constructed to attract and retain a breeding population on the reclaimed area. This bluebird box (top left) was constructed by a mine operator in Ohio on a recla imed contour mine site as part of a regional effort to sustain a species whose population had been declining. Mine Waste Disposal Mine waste includes the rock and clay that must be removed from underground mines during development and mining as well as the processing reject from coal cleaning. Such waste, particularly the coal cleaning reject, often contains a large amount of pyrite or other toxic material which must be carefully disposed of to prevent pollution of surface or ground water. Tremendous progress has been achieved over the past 15 years in developing and applying environ- mentally safe disposal practices. Two of these practices are: I Performing extensive pre—mining surveys to select disposal sites that minimize infiltration into ground water; and I Sealing the waste material with clay barriers to further eliminate infiltration. This mine refuse pile adjacent to a small town in western Pennsyl- vania is the waste product of a pre-SM CRA coal cleaning operation (above). This pre-SM CRA coal cleaning waste was transported to the refuse site in a water slurry. Due to the high content of coal in the slurry pond, solid material is beingremined with a dredge and transported to a newly constructed coal cleaning plant through a large pipe (below). This unusual mining method, regulated underSMCRA just as a traditional mine would be, prevents adverse environmental impacts during mining. The site will be reclaimed when the dredging operation is complete. Surface mine pits are used for disposal of combustion waste from electric-generating power stations. At this Wyoming mine (left), bottom ash from a coal-fired power plant is dumped by haul trucks to bacljill an area mine pit. The material will ultimately be buried under suflicient cover to reestablish vegetation. Protecting Historical and Cultural Resources Before mining can begin, the state regulatory authority must consult with the state, federal, and local agencies that have historic preser- vation responsibilities. If it is determined that the proposed mining would adversely affect an historic property, a treatment plan is developed to avoid or mitigate impacts to the property. This petroglyph was salvaged by a Montana mine in an area that was subsequently surface mined (above). Here, the company ’s environ- mental coordinator directs the painstaking extraction of the petroglyphjrom the soft sandstone ofEIlison ’s Rock. T he petroglyph is on display at the Montana Historical Society museum in Helena. Rock ledges and outcroppings on areas permitted for mining have protected temporary or permanent habitation sites for indigenous Early in this century, the history of the American West was still being peoples. Archaeologists from Southern Illinois University have written. T heDoc Taylor Cabin, a historic settlement structure dating excavated this site in Arizona to document such prehistoric activity from 1913, is shown being moved onto reclaimed land in Montana (below). In this way thearcheological record is enhanced as sitesare (above). investigated prior to being disturbed. Roads Haul roads to mines constitute a significant percentage of the land used for surface coal mining. These roads are usually well-engi- neered, designed for heavy-equipment use in all types of weather. Precautions must be taken during their design and construction to ensure adequate drainage of surface water from the road surface and right-of-way and to minimize erosion and water drainage to the road base. Regulations describe the specific standards for locating, grading, surfacing, and maintaining mine roads and associated structures, such as drainage ditches and culverts. The parts of the mine road system that can be converted to permanent roads to serve the post-mining land use can represent a significant benefit. Roads that are not left in place for the post-mining use are reclaimed. Road reclamation entails regrading, topsoil replacement, and revegetation so that the former roads blend into adjacent reclaimed areas. When haul roads are not kept for use after mining, they must be reclaimed. On this reclaimed mine site in New Mexico (right), the haul road has been seeded with native plants. The location of the former road is revealed by the blooming orange globe mallow that was included in the road reclamation seed mix. Existing roads and highways are sometimes in the path of a surface mining operation. Since the roads are public property, the mine operator must negotiate with the local road commission or highway authority to determine if mining can occur under the road. At this reclaimed mine in Alabama (bottom right), a county road was rerouted and improved at no cost to the taxpayers to facilitate extraction of coal. 32 This newly constructed haul road is located on a mine with high rainfall conditions and easily eroded soils (bottom left). T o prevent erosion of the road and adjacent areas, water has been routed by closely spaced check dams to a riprap-lined ditch. Nae area adjacent to the road has been mulched and seeded to establish a grass cover. Remining As aresult of pre-SMCRA coal mining -- when goodreclamation was the exception rather than the rule -- millions of surface-mined acres were left in a condition that continues to adversely affect the environment. If the environmental impact of an abandoned mine site is extreme, or if the site constitutes a health or safety hazard, it is considered a high priority for reclamation through the Abandoned Mine Lands program. Unfortunately, many sites causing environ- mental degradation do not meet this priority standard, and it is questionable whether there ever will be sufficient AML funds to provide for restoration of all abandoned sites. A partial solution to the problem has been remining, which entails the reopening of an abandoned mine by extending either the length or the width of the out, then incorporating reclamation of the abandoned mine lands into the active-mine reclamation process. Remining also may involve aban- doned underground mines, through a process called daylighting. Unreclaimed abandoned underground workings can generate a sig- nificant volume of acid mine drainage. Remining abandoned under- ground mines can result in a major environmental benefit because as reclamation follows reminin g, old sources of acid mine drainage are eliminated. Coalmining companies have voluntarily reclaimed many abandoned mine lands while mining adjacent properties. Potentially, many additional sites could be reclaimed through remining. Recognizing that economic conditions may limit opportunities for reclamation through remining, the Office of Surface Mining is advancing several initiatives designed to encourage industry to apply remining tech- niques and to extend the voluntary reclamation of abandoned coal mines. Pre-SMCRA abandoned surface mines such as this one in Ohio (above right) are remined to extract the remaining coal. Efficient modern equipment and mining methods make mining this resource more economical than it was in the 1940's and -50 's when mining first took place. Remining or "daylighting" an abandoned underground mine re- quires removal of the overburden that remains above the former underground workings (bottom left). Remining at this operation in Pennsylvania (below) reduced mine drainage into a nearby creekby over 26, 000 lbs. of acid and 8,000 lbs. of iron per day. 33 ABANDONED MINE LAND PROGRAM Mine Openings To mine coal by underground methods, vertical shafts, sloping tunnels, or horizontal entries (adits) into the coal seam are needed, depending on the overlying topography. Vertical openings are usually subdivided into compartments approximately 8' x 10' each. They provide access through solid rock to coal deposits that may be several hundred feet below the surface. The dimensions of an adit vary greatly, depending on the thickness of the coal seam and the complexity of the mining operation. Since enactment of SMCRA, underground coal mines that finish operating close off their shafls, slopes, and adits, and permanently reclaim the ground. Before SMCRA, however, many openings were left unreclaimed. Some are still there. They are all dangerous. Abandoned mine openings are generally categorized into the follow- ing three broad groups: I Shafts: Large vertical openings used for ventilation, hoisting coal to the surface, transporting materials underground, and allowing miners access to the mine. Open vertical mine shafts may be easy to see if they are exposed and located in areas without much dense vegetation. However, openings covered by underbrush or rotten boards are extremely treacherous, because the cover can collapse under the slightest weight, giving way to a shafi that may be hundreds of feet deep. I Adits: Horizontal or gently sloping mine entryways directly into the coal seam are also referred to as “adits.” These openings may seem like interesting places to explore, tempting curious children, adventurous teenagers, or unwary adults who are oblivious to the danger. Unfortunately, besides their own hazards, the openings often lead to tunnels that may contain rotten roof supports, deadly gases, unexpected vertical shafis, and flooded sections. As a result, several people each year are killed or seriously injured in abandoned mine opening accidents. I Boreholes: Small-diameter (usually 6 to 12 inches) vertical holes used to pump water from a mine to the surface, or to provide electrical and communication cables to the mine. Some may be artesian drains foramine. Boreholes are usually difficult to locate in the field since they are often covered by debris. They are normally found by reviewing mine maps or after the water level in the mine has risen enough to cause the hole to discharge water. The actual dimension of a borehole may expand to a much larger opening afier a mine is abandoned or closed, depending on the nature of the rock and depth to the mine. These openings are extremely dangerous to both humans and wildlife. In the past, mine openings were usually filled with rock material or covered with boards or a concrete coverwhen mining was completed, although sometimes they were simply abandoned without being closed or covered. Openings that were filled or capped and then reopened due to weathering or vandalism can become serious hazards. Since 1977, AML funds have been used to fill or close over 14,000 mine openings. Although abandoned mine openings are one of the highest-priority AML projects, they are a constant problem, because all openings were not properly mapped and additional openings are often discovered wherever underground coal mining has taken place. 34 Abandoned mine openings such as this one in Kentucky (above) are extremely dangerous. Partially caved in at the entrance, this example is typical of a bandoned mine openings found throughout the country in areas were underground coal mining has taken place. The first state AML project to use a grant from the AML Fund was approved in August 1981. This project included the closure of a dangerous abandoned underground mine opening located in a Benwood, West Virginia, city park. Although fenced, the opening was readily accessible to children playing in the park (below). Reclamation work included clearing the area around the mine opening, demolishing an old fence and metal steps leading into the mine, sealing the opening with concrete blocks, filling in the opening with rock and soil, and revegetating the site. Today the site is free of AML dangers and the only reminder of this problem is a marker located on the hillside behind the swing (bottom center). A sloping mine entry located close to a picnic area in Pennsylvania was especially dangerous because the area around the opening had eroded, leaving a large, almost vertical, funnel-shaped hole more than 1 00 feet deep (above). Emergency reclamation work included filling the entire depth of the opening with rockmaterial and grading the surface to prevent water from draining into the fill. With reclamation complete (top right), another dangerous AML problem was eliminated. This mine entrance on an Indian reservation in Colorado was closed by building a concrete wall faced with natural stone (right). Abandoned mine openings that drain water are closed using a "wet seal " (bottom right). A wet seal incorporates a drain located at the bottom of the fill material that covers the mine opening. The drain prevents a build-up of water in the mine and eliminates the possibility that water pressure inside the mine will break the seal. Mine Fires Fires in abandoned coal mines are some of the most serious coal- mining-related problems. As early as 1766, avisitorto Fort Pitt (now Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) noted in his diary that a fire in a coal mine near the top of Mt. Washington “has now been burning almost 12 months entirely underground.” Another visitor also referred to this fire six years later, in an entry dated October 14, 1772. As coal mining increased during the nation’s industrial growth, the problem of abandoned mine fires also increased. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed into law a program that provided funds to control and/or extinguish outcrop and underground fires in coal formations. This was the earliest federal abandoned mine land reclamation program. In most cases, fires begin when trash is burned near coal exposed at the surface or when forest fires ignite exposed coal. On occasion, underground mine fires are believed to be the result of a fire that was never completely extinguished in the workings of an active mine. Fire in an abandoned mine is not usually detected until long after it is ignited. Mine fires present a danger to the public because fires may spread to homes and wooded areas, fumes rise through ground fissures and into buildings, carbon monoxide and smoke can asphyxiate residents or cause long-term respiratory problems, and land subsidence may result from the void that remains after an underground fire has burned the coal. Underground mine fires are among the most challenging and com- plex of all abandoned mine problems. It is often difficult to detect an underground fire until it has spread out of control. Complete identification of the full extent of a fire area is virtually impossible because the fire spreads in irregular patterns and forms isolated pockets of combustion. In addition, the two commonly used methods of extinguishing the fire - excavation and water quenching -- are expensive and not always entirely successful. One other method of extinguishment is fire-fighting foam, which has been successfully used to extinguish or control the spread of fires in populated areas. Coal mine fires can be grouped into one of three broad categories: underground mine fires, coal outcrop fires, and coal refuse pile fires. Fire control techniques include complete excavation, the digging of a trench barrier (or the installation of an incombustible barrier) to prevent the spread of fire, flushing mine voids with solid material in a water slurry to prevent the flow of air to the burning coal, surface scaling to eliminate ventilation of the fire, and floodingthe mine with water to extinguish the fire. Since 1977, 385 sites have been identified as having fires, and over 200 have been funded for reclamation. Although many mine fires have been eliminated with Abandoned Mine Land funding, new fires start each year. During the fall of 1991, in West Virginia alone, it is estimated that forest fires started more than 25 coal mine and coal refuse fires. 36 In the anthracite coal region of eastern Pennsylvania, coal seam fires are common. This fire, located under a Pennsylvania town, periodi- cally burns to the surface, emitting smoke and noxious fumes (top left). Here, smoke and fumes had killed all vegetation; emergency action to remove the burning coal was required (above). Left in place, the burning coal could have started a forest fire and further endangered nearby residents. A Pennsylvania mine refuse fire started when burning trash ignited coal in a refuse pile. The immediate concern was to prevent a forest fire and keep the fire fiom spreading into a nearby coal seam. Reclamation of this two-acre site included first constructing a firebreak around the perimeter of the fire to control its spread, then excavating and water-quenching the burning refuse, and finally grading the area, covering it with non-combustible material, and planting it with grasses (top right). The first OSM/state cooperative agreement project started under SM CRA was the abatement of the Peach Creek refuse fire in Logan County, West Virginia. The project contained 38 acres of burning refuse that was excavated and quenched using water fi'om a ten-acre pond constructed on the project site. Ten years after the project ’5; completion, the area was covered by a wide variety of vegetation (bottom right). Water is hosed on a small fire in a coal refuse pile in Tennessee (above). This technique is reflective where adequate quantities of water are available and the fire is located near the surface. Subsidence Mine subsidence is identified by the ground surface depressions and cracks that develop above an underground mine afier coal is mined and the mine roof and overlying rock material sag or collapse. Subsidence phenomena above abandoned mines are commonly categorized as: I Pit subsidence: small diameter depressions at the surface that extend varying depths towards the mine. I Room subsidence: occurs when the overburden across the width of the mine room fails and a shallow depression develops on the surface. I Sag subsidence: develops where the pillars are failing in conjunc- tion with roof failure of themine. Substantial damage to structures is common, especially when the structure is at the edge of the subsiding area. Subsidence may occur during mining or may not develop until many years after mining is completed. A US. Bureau of Mines study8 estimates that over 7 million acres in the United States are underlain by abandoned coal mines. Approximately two million acres have been affected by subsidence. The remaining five million acres are susceptible to future subsidence. About 10 percent of the five million acres is located in urban areas. Subsidence problems have the potential to affect more land than any other abandoned mine problem. In addition, because subsidence causes direct damage to property, this problem receives a large amount of public attention. In subsidence-prone urban areas, electric and gas service, water and sewer lines, and roads and sidewalks may require flexible couplings, hinged joints, and other special provisions to permit a measure of flexibility and prevent the need for frequent repair. Subsidence that occurs within residential neighborhoods and highly developed commercial areas is usually stabilized by filling the mine voids to prevent additional ground movement. This is commonly done by drilling holes both into the soil and rock above the collapsed mine voids and into the mine voids themselves. Open fractures within the collapsed bedrock above the mine are grouted by pumping a cement material into the voids. Larger mine voids are filled by flushing loose material such as sand, flyash, and mine refuse material into them. Because subsidence can be serious, many subsidence incidents have been addressed through the AML Emergency Program. To date, over 2,000 subsidence problems have been corrected as emergency proj ects. However, because it may take subsidence many years to cause surface damage, it is expected that subsidence problems will con- tinue to occur wherever abandoned underground mines exist. 38 The degree to which the surface eflects of subsidence can be seen depends on the depth of the mines, the strength of the overlying rocks, and the amount of coal that was removed. Sinkholes and troughs are the most obvious indications of subsidence. Sinkholes like these in North Dakota (above) open up unexpectedly, posing a serious danger. According to the homeowner, rumbling sounds began to emanate fiom the basement one September evening and continued for several hours. Investigation revealed that the home was shifting on its foundation. The noise was rockmaterial under the basement falling into the subsidence void. The residents were immediately evacuated fiom the house and emergency work began (below). The eflects of subsidence split the house in half: making it uninhabitable. The total area affected by subsidence was about 1 20 feet in diameter and was ringed by surface tension cracks up to three feet deep and 40 feet long. In addition to this house, four other houses were afirected. Reclamation consisted of flushing more than 100,000 cubic yards of rock material into 25 boreholes drilled into the abandoned mine workings located about 90 feet under the house. In addition, the project required replacement of the road and sewer lines located nearby. Subsidence frequently damages man-made structures. This chimney was destroyed by the twisting and shifting action resulting from subsidence (right). The chimney separated as ground movement caused the building ’s foundation to shift to the right approximately six inches. Surface subsidence resulted when the roof collapsed in an aban- doned underground mine 1 50 feet below a residential area adjacent to a high school in Fairmont, West Virginia. After a drill rig drilled 320 boreholes (below), 2, 000 cubic yards of concrete was pumped into the boreholes. The resulting concrete pillars support the mine 's roof and will prevent future subsidence. L m. w Highwalls Before 1977, surface coal mine operators ofien abandoned the final cut of a mine operation without backfilling or left only a minimal amount of strip spoil covering the exposed coal seam. The result was the creation of a sheer wall of rock, up to 150 feet high. These sheer cuts, known as highwalls, are subject to natural weathering. As they weather, highwalls become unstable and prone to collapse if dis- turbed. The danger of injury or death from falling rock makes highwalls serious threats to public safety when they occur adjacent to public roads and near populated or public use areas. In addition, highwalls present a special hazard to off-road vehicles, whose drivers may accidentally drive over the edge. In some cases isolated “islands” or “apple cores” were formed, preventing access to the land above. To date, more than 200 miles of dangerous highwalls have been eliminated. Prior to SMCRA, surface mines often were not baclyilled. Pools of water impounded in the pits and exposed rock highwalls are typical reminders of past surface mining (above right). Reclamation at this West Virginia AML site eliminated 6, 000 linear feet of highwall and sealed four mine openings. To prevent future damage, an under-drain was placed along the length of the highwall to collect drainage from auger holes. Since no topsoil was available, the spoil was direct-seeded with a special seed mix. Today this landscape bears little resemblance to its appearance before the abandoned highwalls and spoil were reclaimed (right). This Pennsylvania highwall project was one of the largest to receive a grant from the Abandoned Mine Land Fund. The problem was extensive and particularly dangerous. The highwall was1.25 miles long and over 4 00 feet deep; a residential area was located less than 1 00 yards from the top. In 1978, a 12-year-old boy died after he fell over the edge. This view shows the abandoned highwall project as it neared completion (below). The highwall in the foreground has been eliminated, while in the distance work continues. 40 Mine Drainage and Water Problems Abandoned surface and underground mines cause a variety of water problems that endanger the health and safety of people who live nearby. The principal types of problems include flooding, im- pounded bodies of water, and acid mine drainage. I Flooding results from clogged streams. The erosion commonly associated with abandoned coal mine sites results in stream sedimentation. Erosion occurs when rainfall, runoff, and melting snow loosen soil and rock particles from unprotected spoil banks, processing waste, haul roads, orunvegetated mine lands, and wash the particles into nearby streams. As the water velocity of the stream slows down, the particles settle into the streambed as sediment. Accumulation of sediment reduces the stream’s capac- ity to carry water and can result in many costly problems: flooding can increase, culverts and bridges can clog, additional water treatment is required, and the habitat of aquatic life is destroyed. I Impounded water trapped in abandoned mine pits and sediment basins becomes a potential hazard because of possible darn failures. Many impoundments have steep or unstable banks, ledges or sharp rocks hidden underwater, or debris on the bottom. I Acid mine drainage is acidic water that flows from abandoned underground mines and mine refuse and spoil areas. Acid mine drainage lowers pH and increases the chemical content of sub- stances such as iron, manganese, and other metals. Concentrations can reach toxic levels and, along with the acidic conditions, can reduce or eliminate life in nearby streams, creeks, and lakes. Repeated fish kills may occur whenever heavy rains flush toxic water from mine areas into rivers or lakes. In worst cases, entire stream systems continuously receive toxic runoff that kills plant and animal life. Acid mine drainage may also pollute water used for irrigation or livestock, diminishing the value of affected agricultural land. I Alkaline mine drainage occurs primarily in mid-western and western coal fields and results from either the leaching of soluble sulfate and carbonate or saline minerals or the neutralization of acid mine drainage by carbonate present in natural waters. Be- cause of these varied sources of alkaline mine drainage, the water quality and resulting effects on surface and ground water are also quite varied. Typically, though, the effects of alkaline drainage are not as severe as acid mine drainage and are not as easy to see. To date, nearly 1,500 sites throughout the country have been identi- fied as having abandoned mine land water problems. Of these sites, almost 500 have been reclaimed or have received funding to begin reclamation. Acid mine drainage pollution occurs when pyrite in coal (and in the rock associated with the coal seam) is oxidized and the soluble oxidation products are transported by water that flows through the mine to nearby streams. Although not all mines produce acid drainage, it is a problem in Ohio, Maryland Pennsylvania and northern West Virginia and can be recognized by the orange color of iron precipitates in the streams and rivers (top left). Although not as common as the iron precipitates associated with acid drainage, mine drainage occasionally contains a high concentration of aluminum, which precipitates as a white coating on thestream bed. This precipitation occurs when alkaline mine water containing high concentrations of aluminum is oxidized by turbulence at the point it is discharged from the underground mine (bottom left). 42 A variety of measures are used to control the acid mine drainage from abandoned mines: grading and covering acid-forming materials to promote water runoff and eliminate pyrite oxidation; eliminating surface subsidence sinkholes that divert surface runofir into under- ground mines; and sealing underground mines to reduce the oxygen content in the air and minimize the flow of water from the mine. This acid pond (top center) was eliminated by baclqilling with clean material, then grading and revegetating the reclaimed site (top right). This stream flowing through an extensive area of abandoned mine refuse flooded frequently, causing damage to downstream residen- tial areas. T o eliminate the problem, the refuse was graded and revegetated, and the stream was reconstructed. In areas of steep grade it was necessary to grout the rock in place to maintain the stability of the stream bed and prevent erosion of the underlying material (right). When completed, this project eliminated flooding; mine refuse no longer caused pollution downstream. Landslides Landslides are potentially hazardous problems associated with aban- doned mines, especially in the steep-terrain, hi gh-rainfall areas of the eastern United States. Landslides occur when rainfall and storm runoff cause mine spoil dumped on the outslope (downslope) below a contour surface mine to become unstable. Landslides also happen when water flowing out of underground mine openings saturates soil below the opening. As these areas are saturated with rain or with water draining from an abandoned mine, the whole mass suddenly moves downhill. Landslides may also result from mine subsidence that destabilizes the bottom of a marginally stable hillside covered with mine spoil. Landslides may cover many acres. When homes, roads, and streams lie in the path of a landslide, its destructive force creates an extremely dangerous threat. Landslides m y damage or destroy property. They can block roads, leaving local residents stranded and cut off from essential or emergency services. Floods may result from streams that are dammed with landslide debris. Most landslide reclamation methods include the elimination of surface and ground water flow into unstable spoil material, the removal of the sliding material, and the construction of retaining structures to stabilize the slopes. Since 1977, OSM and state abandoned mine land programs have reclaimed almost 800 dangerous landslides. This Tennessee landslide (above) occurred when spoil material from a pre-SMCRA strip mine located near the top of the hill became unstable and slid down the hillside. The principal cause of this and most other mine-related landslides is saturation of slopes by mine water. Signs are used by both OSM and the states to identify Abandoned Mine Land project sites and advise the public that the funds used for reclamation have been made available flom fees paid by the coal industry (left). A landslide above this Kentucky house (bottom right) required emergency workta prevent further damage. Surface and subsurface drains at the top of the hill divert water around the house. The concrete wall will provide a solid base at the bottom of the hill and prevent future sliding. The large pipe covered with gravel behind the wall will prevent water build-up and keep added pressure off the wall. As the last step in the reclamation process, the entire site will be graded and revegetated. Repairing roads damaged from landslides in steep-sloped A ppala- chia often involves construction of concrete retaining walls (bottom center). In this example, water draining from an abandoned mine above the road had saturated the side of the hill below the road. The water acted as a lubricant, causing the hillside under the road to slide down the hill. Rerouting the drainage has prevented a recurrence of the problem. Once the slumped material was excavated from this West Virginia landslide (right), extensive surface drains were constructed, and the aflected area was covered with rock riprap to stabilize the surface and prevent future erosion. Mine Refuse Waste Piles and Impoundments Under some mining conditions, large quantities of waste products accumulate from coal cleaning. During mining, rocky material from above and below the coal seam is extracted with the coal, along with thin rock layers that are sometimes found within the coal bed. Historically (before enactment of SMCRA), the disposal of this waste material consisted of simply dumping it in piles from trucks, conveyors, or tramways, creating literally mountains of refuse. As the material was dumped, the larger lumps of rock rolled to the bottom of the pile and the fine particles stayed on top. The result was piles which air and water moved freely through the cumbustible material making them a significant fire hazard. Because little or nothing grew on them, they were subject to erosion. Some also impounded water. Reclamation of coal refuse problems includes controlling surface drainage and runoff, controlling the level of impounded water, lowering the height of the refuse pile to reduce the potential for slides, regrading and stabilizing slopes, and buttressing fill to prevent slides. Prior to 1977, coal mining produced piles of m inc and cleaning plant wastes, known as refuse or gob piles, that dotted the hillsides and valleys of the coal regions (right). These refuse piles often caught fire, created landslides, produced acid mine drainage, or allowed fine material to wash into adjacent streams, clogging them with sediment and causing floods. Before reclamation, this 5 0—acre area adjacent to an active Indiana mine (bottom left) consisted of a very large abandoned gob pile and a slurry pond. The site was the principal source of acid mine drainage that was polluting the local watershed. The area was graded and covered with approximately two feet of shale and unconsolidated subsoil materials, then revegetated in pasture and hay fields. Costs to complete this reclamation project were shared by the mining company and the landowner, saving the public over $200,000 in AML funds. Refuse from an old mine continually washed into a West Virginia stream, causing downstream flooding of homes and an adjacent highway. The refuse was graded and the dump was covered with eight inches of topsoil. In addition, a stream running through the site was riprapped and the entire area was revegetated to prevent further erosion and flooding (right). Prior to reclamation, this West Virginia site (below) contained 30 acres of coal refuse. Today, this reclaimed AML site shows few traces of this former problem. GLOSSARY Acid- and toxic-forming materials. Rock or coal layers containing significant amounts of pyrite or other minerals which, if exposed by coal mining, will cause acid or toxic drainage to occur when acted upon by air and water. Acid mine drainage. Any water with a pH less than 6.0 draining from a coal mine. Water is often orange-colored because of the presence of oxidized iron. Adit. An underground mine entry at sites where coal seams are exposed at ground level. Apple core. A complete hilltop (360°) left exposed by not backfilling the highwall. Approximate original contour. The surface configuration achieved by backfilling and grading the mined area so that the reclaimed land closely resembles the general pre-mining surface configuration and blends into and complements the drainage pattern of the surrounding terrain. Area mining. A surface mining method that is carried on in level to gently rolling topography on relatively large tracts of land. Active area mine pits may be several miles long. Arid and semiarid regions. Lands, generally west of the 100th meridian, where water use by native vegetation equals or exceeds that supplied by natural precipitation, and rainfall is insufficient to support agriculture. Annual precipitation is normally 20 inches or less. Auger mining. A mining technique often used by surface mine operators when the overburden becomes too thick for the coal to be mined economically using traditional surface mining methods. Large-diameter (usually 2'-4') horizontal holes are drilled as much as 300 feet into the vertical face of the coal bed by an auger. Like a bit used for boring holes in wood, coal augers consist of a cutting head with a screw-like extension. As the auger turns, the head breaks up the coal and the screw carries it back into a conveyor that loads it directly into a truck. Backfilling. The operation of refilling an excavation using material removed during the mining process. Bench. The level or flat working area at the base of the hi ghwall that is excavated between the exposed coal seam and the original surface of the ground. A Bucket wheel excavator. A continuous-digging machine that uses a rotating vertical wheel with buckets for large-scale stripping and excavating. Cessation Order. Order to cease mining issued to a coal operator by the regulatory authority due to severity of violations. Contemporaneous reclamation. Restoration of mined land that occurs as soon as practical afier coal removal. Contour mining. A mining method commonly used in eastern mountainous topography where coal is removed in a narrow strip around the hillside. The extent of the cut into the hillside is determined by the depth of overburden at the highwall compared with the thickness of the coal seam. Daylighting. A term used to describe a surface mining procedure that exposes abandoned underground coal mine workings to enable removal of the remaining coal. Daylighting is followed by land reclamation. Dragline. An excavating machine, usually used in large, flat areas, that drags a bucket (which holds up to 220 cubic yards of material) toward the machine by cables, loads it with spoil, and then hoists it with a boom up to 350 feet long, allowing the machine to excavate wide benches by depositing the spoil hundreds of feet away from the highwall. Grading. The process of smoothing the disturbed areas of the mine site, after the coal is removed, to closely approximate the pre- mining terrain. Haul road. Any road constructed, improved, maintained, or used by mine operators and located within the permit area. Head-of-hollow fill. See “valley fill.” Highwall. The cliff-like excavated face of exposed overburden and coal in a surface mine. Hydroseedlng. Planting of seed mixed in a water medium. Water, mulch, lime, fertilizer, and seed are blended and sprayed onto regraded soil. 48 Hydrologic Balance. The relationship among precipitation, surface runoff, evaporation, and ground- and surface-water storage. Impoundment. A pond or other water-holdin g structure or depression, formed naturally or artificially built. Landslide. Unconsolidated material that becomes unstable due to overloading or water saturation and slides downslope. Legumes. A group of plants, valuable for both food and forage, that are used in reclamation planting because of their nitrogen-fixing characteristics. Commonly used reclamation legumes include clover, alfalfa, lespedeza, and vetch. Mountaintop removal mining. A mining method commonly associated with the mountainous conditions of Appalachia. The overburden covering 100 percent of a coal seam is removed to allow complete recovery of the coal, and excess spoil is hauled to a nearby valley and deposited in valley fills. The reclaimed mine site resembles a mesa or highland plateau. Multiple seams. Locations where the vertical separation between coal beds is close enough to allow mining of more than one seam. Notice of Violation. Notice presented to coal mine operators by inspectors when performance standards or permit conditions are not being met. Outcrop. The natural surface exposure of a coal bed or identifiable rock layer. Overburden. Rock material overlying the coal deposit, but excluding soil. Soil is generally removed separately for use in reclamation. Perform ance bond. A financial guarantee posted by a mine operator to ensure faithful performance of the reclamation requirements of the Surface Mining Act. Bonds are returned to the operator upon successful completion of reclamation. If the operator does not complete the required reclamation, the bond is forfeited and the money is used to reclaim the site. Permit. A document issued by the regulatory authority that gives approval for the operation of a surface coal mine under conditions set forth in SMCRA and the implementing regulations. Permit area. The area of land and water within the boundaries specified in the mining and reclamation permit. At a minimum, this includes all areas that will be directly affected by the surface coal mining operation during the term of the permit. Preparation plant. A facility at which coal is cleaned or processed before being shipped or used. Prime farmland. A special category of highly productive cropland that is recognized and described by the US. Department of Agriculture’s Soil Conservation Service and receives special protection under SMCRA. Priority. Eligibility of AML projects for fund expenditures based on the degree of adverse effects on health and safety. Pyrite. A yellowish mineral, iron disulfide (FeSz), commonly found in coal beds and associated rocks, that results in acid drainage when it comes into contact with air and water. , Regulatory authority. The state agency, or OSM, which has responsibility for administering the Act in a given geographic area. Riprap. Large pieces of broken or crushed durable rock or concrete placed on earth dams and in drainage channels for protection against erosion. Sedimentation pond. An impoundment constructed on the mine site to remove suspended solids from surface water before the water leaves the permit area. Spoil. The overburden, not including the soil layers, that has been removed in surface mining to gain access to the coal seam. Steep slope. Areas with slopes greater than 20 degrees. Steep slopes commonly require special mining and reclamation techniques due to the difficulty of stabilizing reclaimed land and preventing erosion. Stream diversion. The temporary or permanent rerouting of a stream. Acceptable diversion requires the reconstruction of existing streambed features such as riffles, falls, and meanders. Terrace. A depression across the face of a steep hillside that slows the flow of surface water and minimizes soil erosion. Topsoil. The dark, fertile uppermost layer of the soil. Valley fill. A stable, planned disposal area for spoil not needed for reclamation, which is placed in the uppermost part of a valley. No significant area of natural drainage occurs above the fill. 49 CHRONOLOGY OF SMCRA HVIPLEMENTATION Prior to SMCRA 25 states regulated surface coal mining; no program met requirements established by SMCRA. August 3, 1977. Public Law 95-87 (SMCRA) signed into law by President Carter; OSM established by the Secretary of the Interior; Headquarters, five regional offices, 14 district offices, and 28 field offices planned. September 7, 1977. Proposed initial program rules published; 300 written comments received in response. December 13, 1977. Initial program regulations published containing 12 performance standards and regulations governing assessment and collection of reclamation fees. January 30, 1978. First AML fees due for the fourth quarter of 1977. February 3, 1978. Mining and reclamation operations with permits issued after this date required to comply with initial program regulations. May 3, 1978. All coal mining and reclamation operations required to comply with initial program regulations. July 3-12, 1978. Proposed draft permanent program regulations distributed; nearly 2,000 pages of public comments received on these advance copies of rules. August 3-11, 1978. Public meetings on proposed regulation held in Washington, DC; Charleston, WV; Knoxville, TN; Indianapolis, IN; Kansas City, MO; and Denver, CO; nearly 2,000 pages of comments received; 173 witnesses testified. September 18, 1978. Proposed permanent program regulations published; more than 15,000 pages of cements received from approximately 600 sources. Oct. 25, 1978. Final rules for administration of AML fund promulgated. January 7, 1979. Wyoming signed cooperative agreement with the Department of the Interior covering regulation of coal mine reclamation on federal lands; Montana and Utah signed agreements in the following months. March 1979. Abandoned Mine Land Inventory began with 25 states and one Indian tribe submitting information. July 20, 1979. Texas submitted proposed state program; Mississippi submitted plan on Aug. 2, 1979; followed by Montana on Aug. 3 and Wyoming on Aug. 15. February 27, 1980. First state primacy program approved (Texas); Montana followed on April 1, 1980. March 30, 1980. Deadline for state program submission, 24 state programs submitted. (Georgia and Washington did not submit programs.) June 23, 1980. First Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Plan approved (Texas); Montana followed in October 1980. August 19804anuary 1981. Fifteen additional states received primacy. December 16, 1980. First designation of lands as unsuitable for coal mining, an area adjacent to Bryce Canyon National Park. May 21, 1981. OSM reorganized to reflect role change from direct regulation to oversight; Technical Centers established in Pittsburgh and Denver, 13 Field Offices and 6 Area Offices created; number of field locations reduced from 42 to 22. September 30, 1981. First Indian tribe cooperative agreement signed between Navajo Tribe and OSM (Crow and Hopi Tribes followed in May 1982). January 1982. Regulatory reform task force established; during next 9-month period 91 percent of all regulations were rewritten. February 1, 1982. Three US. Bureau of Mines AMI. programs transferred to OSM (PL. 738, Extinguishment of Outcrop and Underground Fires; PL. 162, Anthracite Mine Drainage Act; and P.L. 89-4, Appalachian Regional Development Act, Section 205). May-August 1982. Remaining 6 state regulatory programs approved; all 24 major coal-producing states have primacy. June 25, 1982. Comment period began on revised regulations; more than 6,100 specific comments received. September-December 1982. Three federal regulatory programs established for non-primacy states (Georgia, Michigan, and Oregon). February 16, 1983. Federal lands program promulgated. March 23, 1983. Alaska regulatory program approved; 25 states have primacy. May 2, 1983. Arkansas assumes emergency project responsibility; followed by Montana on Aug 18, 1983 and Illinois on June 11, 1984. May-October 1983. Six more federal programs established in non-primacy states (Idaho, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Washington). December 23, 1983. Alaska AML Reclamation Plan approved; 22 states have approved reclamation plans. 50 Aprll 30, 1984. Deficiencies in Oklahoma and Tennessee programs resulted in direct federal enforcement of inspection portion of programs. October 1, 1984. Full federal program instituted in Tennessee afier state repealed program; 24 states have primacy. October 12, 1984. Public Law 98-473 authorized states and tribes vsn'th approved reclamation plans to use AML funds for establishing self-sustaining, individually administered subsidence insurance programs. February 1, 1985. Court order (known as “Revised Parker Order") required computerized permit applicant/violator/debtor matching system to prevent violators from receiving new permits. November 5, 1985. Two-acre task force established to enforce violations and collect unreported fees in Virginia and Kentucky. December 10, 1986. Louisiana AML Reclamation Plan approved; 23 states now have approved reclamation plans. May 7, 1987. Public Law 100-34 amended Section 402(g) authorizing states to set aside up to 10 percent of the state-share portion of their annual AML grants for use after Aug. 3, 1992. June 6, 1987. Public Law 100-34 eliminated the two-acre exemptions for newly permitted operations and set Nov. 8, 1987, as final day for exemptions. June 22, 1987. First annual Excellence in Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Awards presented to nine operators. July 11, 1987. Public Law 100-71 authorized Navajo, Hopi, and Crow Tribes to administer AML programs without approved regulatory programs. (Navajo and Hopi AML plans approved May 16 and June 28, 1988.) October 1987. Applicant Violator System (AVS) operational. November 1987. First prototype Technical Information Processing workstations (TIPS) installed in states of Montana, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. November 13, 1987. Virginia assumes responsibility for AML emergency projects; followed by West Virginia on Aug. 1, 1988, and Kansas on Jan. 10, 1989. December 22, 1987. Public Law 100-202 authorized civil penalties collected under Section 518 ofSMCRA to be used to reclaim land mined and abandoned afier Aug. 3, 1977. February 23, 1988. Cooperative Agreement signed between OSM and Kentucky to implement Settlement Agreement between the National Wildlife Federation and Kentucky; agreement dealt with added financial support from OSM. May 16, 1988. Navajo Tribe Reclamation Plan approved; followed by the Hopi and Crow Tribes in June 1988 and January 1989. July 13, 1988. Federal regulatory program for California promulgated. January 9, 1990. New OSM emblem adopted; symbolizes balance between the country’s need for coal to supply energy and the need for environmental protection. January 24, 1990. Settlement agreement with environmental groups signed, ending 10 years of controversy and litigation over the “two-acre exemption,” which was repealed in 1987. March 15, 1990. Federal grand jury indicted of two mine operators for alleged scheme to defraud mine reclamation fund. September 5, 1990. Federal court approved settlement agreement ending eight-year legal dispute between environmental groups over the Applicant Violator System. August 20, 1990. Sliding fee scale for federal coal mine permits adopted; new fee includes a schedule of fixed charges, plus a per-acre fee. January 23, 1991. Alabama assumes responsibility for AML emergency projects; seven states have emergency project authority. August 15, 1991. Non-reporting of coal output and non-payment of AML fees results added to pennit-blocking criteria of Applicant Violator System. October 1, 1991. Public Law 101-508 revised Title IV: Collection offees extended until Sept. 30, 1995; interest \w'll accrue on the Fund’s unappropriated balance; small operatortonnage definition increased from 100,000 to 300,000 tons; funds may be used to reclaim interim-program sites; and states may establish a trust fund for an acid mine drainage program. November 8, 1991. West Virginia strengthens regulatory program in response to OSM oversight report identifying a decline in performance. May 22, 1992. Federal appeals court dismissed environmental lawsuit over AVS performance on jurisdictional grounds; OSM affirmed role of AVS in permit processing and kept AVS operational. May 29, 1992. OSM received special national award for management excellence from the President’s Council for Management Improvement. The award honored OSM for improvements in AVS operation since 1990, plus the outstanding record achieved in getting overdue fees and fines paid. 51 REFERENCES AND FOOTNOTES 1. 6. 7. 8. US. Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining. Surface Coal Mining Reclamation: 10 Years of Progress: 1977-1987. Washington, D.C. August 3, 1987. 48 pp. (For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC. 20402.) . The Rural Abandoned Mine Program (RAMP), authorized by Section 406 of SMCRA, provides for the control and prevention of erosion and sediment damages from unreclaimed abandoned mine lands. . The Small Operator Assistance Program (SOAP), authorized by Section 401(b)(l) and 507(c) of SMCRA authorizes up to 10 percent of the fees collected for the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund to be used for technical assistance to help qualified small mine operators obtain techincal data needed for permit applications. Operators who produce fewer than 300,000 tons of coal per year are eligible for assistance. . OSM regulations 30 CFR 81 6.42 and 817.42 require water from areas distrubed by mining activities be in compliance with all applicable state and federal water-quality laws and effluent limitations for coal mining established by the US. Environmental Protection Agency. . Sourse: Abandoned Mine Lands Fee Collection System, Data from OSM—1 form. Sourse: Abandoned Mine Lands Fee Collection System, Data from OSM-1 form. Source: OSM Field Office Annual Reports. Johnson, W. and G.C. Miller, Abandoned Coal-Mine Lands: nature, extent, and cost of reclamation. U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1979, 29 pp. PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDITS Front cover, pp. i, l, 2 bottom, 7 right, 10 bottom left, 11 top, 11 bottom right, 12 top, 13 bottom, 14 bottom right, 15, 16 bottom, 17 top, 17 bottom right, 18 bottom, 19, 20 bottom, 21 top, 22, 23, 24 bottom, 25 bottom, 26 bottom left, 26 bottom right, 27, 28, 29 top, 30 bottom, 32 bottom right, 33 top, 34 top, 35 top left, 35 bottom left, 35 bottom right, 36 top, 37, top right, 37 bottom, 38 bottom, 39, 41, 42 top, 43 bottom, 44 bottom left, 44 bottom right, 45, 46, 47, and 53: Chuck Meyers, OSM. Page 2 top and center: Tony Fuhs. Page 3: John Sharkowicz, OSM. Page 6 left: North American Coal Corp. Pages 6 right, 7 left, 11 bottom left, 13 top left, 13 top right, 17 bottom left, 21 bottom, 25 top left, 25 top right, 29 bottom, 30 center, 32 top, 32 bottom left, and 38 top: Bob Welch, OSM. Page 10 top left: Donald Stump, OSM. Pages 10 right, 14 top right, 14 center right, 18 top, and 44 top: Ron Hill, EPA. Page 12 bottom: Texas Utilities Co. Pages 16 top, 20 top, 24 top: Tennessee Valley Authority. Page 26 top right and 26 center left: Richard Dick, US. Bureau of Mines. Pages 30 top, 33 bottom left, 33 bottom right, 35 top right, 36 bottom, 37 top left, 40 top, 40 bottom, 42 bottom, 43 top left, and 43 top right: Jim Boyer, OSM. Page 31 top left, and 31 top right: Bruce Waage, Western Energy Co. Page 31 bottom: Rex Wilson, OSM. Page 34 bottom: West Virginia Division of Abandoned Mine Lands. Page 35 center: William Weist, Jr., OSM. 52 Abandoned mine land sites frequently contain a variety of environmental problems. At this 45-acre West Virginia site adjacent to a small town, 11 abandoned underground mine openings were discharging acid water, mountains of exposed coal refuse from an abandoned coal cleaning plant covered the valley floor, and 6, 500 linear feet of dangerous highwallsfiom an abandoned pre-SM CRA surface mine were present. A fler reclamation, it is difficult to find any traces of past mining or the associated abandoned mine problems. Here, as the architects of the SM CRA envisioned, use of Abandoned Mine Land funds has resulted in permanently removing the health and safety hazards, leaving the land essentially as it was before mining took place. 53 a) g, g ‘ ‘t 53% g E ' a; (D 151% flnniversary 3 197 7—1992